B 405567 ! 3. 1 24. ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UNUM SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOE NAM CIRCUMSPICE 10 Τ 223 Τα E24 11035-4 CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY. IN EQUITY. No. 20. THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY VS. WESTINGHOUSE, CHURCH, KERR & COMPANY. On Letters Patent No. 264,642. Vol. IV. COMPLAINANT'S REBUTTAL. EXHIBITS. FREDERIC H. BETTS, S. B. EATON, EATON & LEWIS, Complainant's Solicitors. Of Counsel. KERR & CURTIS, Defendants' Solicitors. G. BURGOYNE, WALKER AND CENTRE STREET, N. Y. INDEX TO VOL. IV. 49234 Complainant's Exhibits. PAGE. DEFENDANT'S PLANT: Defendant's Plant at Trenton, N. J., Chart of...... (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) 2734 ELECTRICAL PERIODICALS: Central Electric Lighting Station of Milan, The- The Electrician and Electrical Engineer, Au- gust, 1885........... (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Electric Lighting-- 2163 Telegraphic Journal, London, Apr. 15, 1878……….. 2807 (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Electric Lighting Act of 1882, The- The Electrician, London, July 5, 1884...... (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Gas vs. Electric Lighting- 2891 The Telegraphic Journal, London, Oct. 15, 1878. 2803 (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Geraldy's La Lumiere Electrique Article- La Lumiere Electrique, Paris, 1881 (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) Geraldy's La Lumiere Electrique Article, Translation of- La Lumiere Electrique, Paris, 1881..... (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) Preece, W. H., Extract from Lecture by- The Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review, 2611 2618 London, Feb. 15, 1879...... (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Progress of the Electric Light- 1878. • • 2911 The Telegraphic Journal, London, Nov. 1, (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Siemens' Presidential Address- ... 2810 The Electrician, London, Nov. 18, 1882... (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) 2915 II PAGE ELECTRICAL PERIODICALS-(CONTINUED) : Sprague's Electrician Article- The Electrician, London, Sept. 9, 1882............. 2372 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Stayton's Report, The Electric Light". The Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review, London, Sept. 1, 1878...... (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) FOREIGN PATENTS: ..... 2607 Edison French Patent No. 130,910, and the English Translation thereof...... 2387 (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) Edison British Patent No. 2402 of 1879 2475 (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) Edison British Patent No. 602 of 1880..... 2323 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Gravier, M., French Patent and Certificates of Addi- tion thereto........ 2502 (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) 2561 ... ........ 2495 Gravier, M., French Patent and Certificates of Addi- tion thereto, Official Translation of....... (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) King's British Patent No. 10,919 of 1845…………….. (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.)· MISCELLANEOUS : Edison Caveat, filed August 19, 1879, Certified Copy of. 2585 (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) Edison Caveat, filed April 21, 1879, Certified Copy of.... 2724 (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) Electric Lighting in New York- Harper's Weekly, July 27, 1889..... 2244 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Gas Lighting Extract- Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia, Vol. II., New York, 1876....... 2595 (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) • (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) Official Certificate of Transfer of U. S. Patents from "The Edison Electric Light Co." to "Edison Elec- tric Light Co." Parliamentary Committee on Electric Lighting, 1879, 2597 Extracts from Report of.. 2256 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Trenton Map .... 2385 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) III PAGE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE : Comparative Economy of Electric and Gas Light— American Gas Light Journal, Jan. 2, 1879...... 2291 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) .... (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Crystal Palace Report. F. J. Sprague. Divisibility of the Electric Light, The— Jan. 11, 1879. ... 2119 Scientific American Supplement, New York, (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Electric and Gas Illumination— 2229 Popular Science Monthly, September, 1882 2182 • (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III). Electric Lighting— Scientific American Supplement, New York, Electric Lighting by Incandescence- Nos. 264 and 265, Jan. 22 and 29, 1881 ...... 2198 (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Scientific American Supplement, New York, No. 307, Nov. 19, 1881...... 2219 .... (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Electric Light, The. (By W. H. Preece)— The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophi- cal Magazine and Journal of Science 2234 (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) 'Electricity as a Motive Power”— By Count Du Moncel and F. Geraldy. (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) 2874 "Electric Lighting," by Robert Briggs- Engineering, London, Oct. 18, 1878 …………. (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Engineer Article of February 13, 1880- Engineer, London • (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) 2156 ..... 2721 2655 Fontaine's Electric Lighting, Extract from (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) Fontaine, Higgs' Translation, Preface First Edition of….. 2673 Fontaine, Higgs' Translation, Chapters XI. and XII., First Edition of....... ..... (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) Fontaine, Preface Second Edition of 2679 2713 D (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) Fontaine, Chapter XIII., Second Edition, Extracts from. 2718 Fontaine, Extracts from Third Edition of.. 2722 (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) Forbes' Cantor Lectures..... 2337 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) IV PAGE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE-(CONTINUED) : Gatehouse Nature Article- Nature, Nov. 14, 1878........ (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) 2377 General Incandescent Electric Lighting in New York- Scientific American, Sept. 16, 1882.........……………………. 2241 (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Incandescent Electric Lights— Nature, December 2, 1880...... (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Morton's, Prof., Lecture-- 2858 American Gas Light Journal, Jan. 2, 1879....... 2295 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) On the Present State of Electric Lighting- Report of the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Meeting of Aug. 20, 1878...... (Offered on page 1818, Vol. III.) Preece, W. H., Editorial by- Nature, Jan. 23, 1879. (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) President's Inaugural Address- 2153 2847 The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Nov. 1, 1877.. ... ..... (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Some Electrical Measurements of one of Mr. Edison's Horseshoe Lamps- 2813 Scientific American, New York, Apr. 17, 1880... 2852 (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Thompson's Engineering Article of Oct. 25, 1878- Engineering, Vol. 26, London........ (Offered on page 1821, Vol. III.) Thomson, Sir William, Address of— Report of the 51st Meeting of the British Associa- 2707 tion for the Advancement of Science...... 2861 (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Tyndall's Address, "The Electric Light”— The Fortnighly Review, Toronto, Feb., 1879.... 2625 (Offered on page 1820, Vol. III.) UNITED STATES PATENTS: Andrews, W. S. and Spencer, T... No. 318,157. 2968 Bergmann, S.... Bradley, C. S. 398,121.... 2976 .... 287.501..... 2960 ... 66 Byllesby, H. M….... Doubleday, H. M………….. Edison, T. A...... (6 " 353,915...... 2964 329,621.... 2988 335,060....... 2993 223,898.... 2320 "" 230,255........ 2317 ..... 239,374........ 2313 PAGE UNITED STATES PATENTS—(CONTINUED) : Edison, T. A…………. (" ..No. 248,421....... .......... 2735 251,550...... 2738 (6 (6 (( "" " (6 " (" เ • (3 251,555...... 2740 ..... " 251,556..... 2743 ..... "( 263,134 2746 (6 263,136..... 2749 (( 264,658....... 2754 CC 264,659...... 2757 • 264,660 .. 2760 (C 264,661.... 2763 264,662..... 2769 264,663 264,664 .. 2771 2773 " 264,665...... 2776 A " 264,666... 2779 66 ... 264,667.... ..... 2782 264,668.... ..... 2785 ( " 264,669.... 2787 " 264,670............ 2791 " " 264,671.... .... 2794 264,672............ 2797 " 264,673..... 2801 " 266,793............ 2922 274,290............ 2926 " 280,727.... 2943 283,983........ 2932 and C. L. Clarke.. 287,525...... 2938 " 339,279 2947 (6 365,978... 2951 " 438,308 ... 2957 Howell, J. W……... Rice, E. W., Jr. Shallenberger, O. B. "" (6 Spencer, T...…………………. Stillwell, L. B, …….. "" ..... Thomson, E...... " 342,748....... 2984 352,691 2979 (6 372,330..... 3028 (( 337,628...... 3001 66 380,942. 3006 378,738...... 2998 399,218............ 3009 399,219...... 3014 349,912..... 3025 ( Waddell, M..……………….. 425,470..... 3019 374,381 2972 .... (Offered on pp. 1819 and 1821 and 1996, Vol. III.) WITNESSES' DIAGRAMS AND CALCULATIONS: Brevoort's Gas Pressure Diagram...... 2379 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Clarke's Calculations No. 1...... 2380 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) VI PAGE WITNESSES' DIAGRAMS AND CALCULATIONS (CONTINUED); Clarke's Calculations No. 2 ………….. 2381 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Clarke's Calculations No. 3…………………………. 2382 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Clarke's Calculations No. 4……….... 2383 ...... (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Clarke's Calculations No. 5 ..... 2384 (Offered on page 1819, Vol. III.) Diagram of Illustrative Model of Feeder System...... 2909 (Offered on page 1822, Vol. III.) Feeder System Diagram No. 3......... 2920 (Offered on page 1972, Vol. III.) Feeder System Diagram No. 4 2921 (Offered on page 1972, Vol. III.) Tree System Diagram No. 1……….. 2918 (Offered on page 1972, Vol. III.) Tree System Diagram No. 2............ (Offered on page 1972, Vol. III.) 2919 Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2119 Complainant's Exhibit Crystal Palace Re- port. F. J. Sprague. REPORT ON THE EXHIBITS AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE ELECTRICAL EXHIBITION, 1882. BY ENSIGN FRANK J. SPRAGUE, United States Navy. · Published by the Navy Department, Bureau of Navi- gation, 1884, pages 110-136. KINDS OF CIRCUITS. Considering lamps and conductors in simple circuits, there are several arrangements possible : 1st. Series (Fig. 8).—In this method the lamps are arranged so that the same current passes through each. The potential at the terminals of the circuit must be the sum of the differences of potentials existing at the lamps, and the current should have the same strength, whether one or a hundred lamps are in operation. 2d. Multiple (Fig. 1).—In this the two conductors are run out side by side, and the lamps branched across from one to the other. The potential at the lamp terminals in about that existing at the machine termi- nals. With the arrangement shown, where both lamp 2120 Crystal Palace Report-1882. terminals are at like relative distances from the machine terminals, there is a drop of the potential as the dis- tance from the machine increases. By the reverse arrangement shown in Figs. 2 and 6, where the lamp nearest the machine has one terminal nearest and the other farthest from the machine terminals, an unsuccess- ful attempt has been made to overcome this difficulty. The currents in the lamps are nearly proportional to their resistances, and the sum of the currents in all the lamps flows through the machine. 3d. Multiple series (Fig. 4).-Equal numbers of lamps are arranged in series, and the terminals of the series are connected. 4th. Series multiple (Figs. 3 and 5).-Consists of a series of sets of lamps, the lamps of each set being arranged in multiple circuit. Classes 1 and 2 are the only ones of any real import- ance, the others being make-shifts for using a dynamo not properly constructed for this purpose for incan- descent lighting without too great loss of efficiency. * X X * * * 2121 DO Fig. L. • OL 70 70 Fig. 2. Electrical Exhibition. 0 0 70 70 Fig. 3. M M M Fig. 4. 010 о M Fig. نی Fig. 6. N 0 70 M' D 호 ​M ठु M D B о M® D D M M mmmm D لم M' Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2123 INCANDESCENT LAMPS AND SYSTEMS OF LIGHTING. I will first describe the lamp in detail: Lane Fox.-Fig. 12 (section): 7 is an ellipsoidal globe, with a long neck, n, made either of clear or opalescent glass. The ends of the carbon filament a are held in place, and electrical connection made by means of the carbon cylinders, hh, which enclose plat- inum electrodes, bb, the main parts of which are em- bedded in lead glass dd. These platinum wires are quite short, and the connection to the copper-leading wire, cc, is made by means of little mercury-filled re- sceptacles, ee, the mercury being held in place with a cotton wad, o, and stopper of plaster of Paris. A luting of India ink, kk, tapers off the end of the carbon fer- rules. The filament is made from natural grass fibers, that known as French whisk or bass broom being pre- ferred. It is the same as is used in certain kind of car- pet brushes. It is first cleaned by being boiled in a strong solution of caustic soda, and the skin is removed. The remnants of the soda are then expelled by boiling, and a number of the fibers, which are now quite pliable, are stretched around a plumbago mold, being then baked in a crucible at a white heat out of contact with the air. The carbon filaments thus formed are more or less irregular and uneven in quality. They are then suspended in globes filled with benzole or coal gas, and a current through them to raise them to incandescence. The gas is decomposed, and a very fine deposit of carbon takes place, being most abundant where the temperature is greatest, that is, at the points of greatest resistance, which would ordinarily, though not neces- sarily, be at the points of smallest cross-section. The filaments are thus covered with an exceedingly hard, brilliant skin of carbon; they are made more even in surface and section, and capable of sustaining higher temperatures. This is what is generally known as the Berthollet process, and is adopted by some other makers. While producing an exceeding durable car- 2124 Crystal Palace Report-1882. bon, it has the disadvantage of increasing the diameter of the carbon and thus reducing its resistance. After the carbons are mounted in the globe, 7, the air is exhausted through a tube at p by means of a mercury pump. After a good vacuum is obtained a current of gradually increasing strength is sent through the filament to the filament to drive out all contained gases, the exhaust being maintained to a high degree. This is continued for some time, the degree of incandescence to which the filament is raised being much higher at the end of the process than it is in- tended to run the lamp at ordinarily. This process being complete, the tube is melted off, and the hole sealed by fusion of the glass. Considering.the progress which has been made in the manufacture of lamps, I must think this lamp has some very objectionable features. As regards the carbon it- self, it is circular in section, presenting much less sur- face than should be for its bulk. It is of course of a very low resistance, there being, when run at the normal power of twenty candles, only about 18-20 ohms. With such a low resistance, a large current, compara- tively speaking, must be used, which means great loss in conductors and very limited economical distribution. The ferrules, hh, because of their greater diameter, can- not be raised to at all the same temperature as the fila- . ment, and, consequently, in exhausting the globe, all the contained gases and air cannot be driven out, but are left to finally help reduce the vacuum. I cannot approve of the use of mercury for making connection in a lamp when simpler methods are more readily available. The heat developed in conductors and fila- ment is detrimental to this kind of connection. It would be better for the looks of the lamp if the exhaust tube were out of sight when the globe is mounted in its socket. This socket encloses the neck of the globe, and the connection to the circuit is made by the hooks, cc. These small connections are liable to oxidization by arcing when the lamp is removed, and I have noticed Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2125 frequent examples of poor contact or broken circuit in the use of these lamps. At the Crystal Palace the multiple arc system was adopted. About 300 to 400 lamps were supplied by Brush dynamos or the Sellon-Volckmar accumulators. Some were on independent circuits, and two or three machines were also joined in parallel circuit to supply a number of lamps. The effect in the Alhambra Court, supplied by the dynamo machines, and in well-furnished rooms, where the accumulators were used, was very fine. The arrangement of the latter was good, but, looking at that of the lamps and dynamos as a system, it was sadly deficient. In fact, it was not a system, for the simple coupling together of a machine which will give a current of electricity, of a maze of wires, and of lamps which are kept at a state of incandescence by the passage through them of a current, without regard to safety, economy and reliability, cannot be properly so dignified. I will not enter into any detailed criti- cism, for I scarcely think it necessary. As a test of the quality of manufacture, the current was reduced by lowering the speed of the dynamos until the incandes- cence was just generally apparent. The degree of redness was very uneven, and the test by no means satisfactory. Mr. Lane Fox has not only invented some incan- descent lamps, but he has proposed one or two systems for distribution of light, heat, and power by means of electricity. Fig. 17 shows one plan proposed. One set of mains C C', is used, to which are coupled the like poles of the dynamos A A A. The mains, sub- mains and branches C" C", ramify in various direc- tions, supplying the lamps directly, or accumulators S, which in turn feed the lamps. Each house and the dynamos are connected to earth by earth conductors and plates E E E, making thus one system of conduct- ors answer the purpose of distribution. It is proposed to maintain the difference of potential at 100 volts, and to do this by a regulator R, of ingen- 2126 Crystal Palace Report-1882. ious design, in which a shunted current controls a lever armature playing between contact pins, which by its movement one way or other throws resistance into or out of the field magnet circuit F F. The current sup- plied either to lamps or accumulators is to be measured by one of the several kinds of motor-meters devised. I cannot express my approval of this arrangement. A system of domestic lighting which proposes the use of earth conductors, with all the known attendant perils and inconveniences, cannot be too severelly condemned as lacking in every real essential of practicability or efficiency, economy or reliability, and of the commonest safety. BRITISH LAMP (Fig. 13). The filament, a, of this lamp is, like the Lane-Fox, a natural fiber carbonized at a very high heat. It is joined to coarse copper wires, bb, by small carbon cylin- ders, or more recently by small spirals, cc. To these copper wires are joined short pieces of platinum wire, pp, which are sealed at the base of the neck, n, in a hot- pressed joint, e. To the platinum pieces are joined other pieces of copper wire, ff, to make connections to the mains through the socket. The exhaust, which is made while the carbon is in a state of incandescence, is through a tube at the base of the neck, at the point t. This leaves the surface of the globe, l, perfectly smooth, and is an improvement. The carbon is of much smaller section than that of the lamp just described, and its resistance is much higher, being about 80 ohms when at 20 candle-power. The carbons are quite elastic, but the use of long copper wires is apt to render the lamp less capable of withstanding shocks. It would seem that such large wires would injure the vacuum also be- cause of the contained gases, but I have no real evi- dence that is the case. At the Crystal Palace the lamps were generally, if not always, coupled in multiple arc, and the current was > Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2127 supplied by Gramme dynamo machines. The fixtures were used as a part of the return circuit; but this is a most objectionable feature, and in any general distri- bution cannot be tolerated. The whole arrangement, although showy, was not a good specimen of electrical engineering. No plan of a real system was shown. As a test of the quality of the manufacture the dyname speed was lowered till the lights were at a low incan- descence. They stood the test much better than the Lane-Fox lamps, but quite a number of variations were noticed. GATEHOUSE LAMP. This inventor proposes to combine platinum and carbon to make a lamp which will not break, or change incandescence materially when the main potential changes. The resistance of platinum increases with heat; that of carbon is diminished. Two methods are proposed of utilizing these oppo- site qualities. One is by shunting a platinum wire with a carbon loop, one or both being in a vacuum; as the potential at the lamp terminals increases, an in- creased current flows over both paths; but because of the opposite changes in resistance the greater part of the increased current flows over the carbon path, at least so it is claimed. This carbon may or may not be in sight. A second method is to prolong the platinum connections at the ends of the carbon filament into spirals, to introduce into the circuit a resistance which increases with an increase of current. The most that can be said of any such combination is that it is ingeni- ous, hardly that. In the first place, in any properly designed system there will be no great changes of potential. Then again, to constantly throw away en- ergy, in view of a most improbable and entirely unnec- essary fluctuation of potentials, is very poor economy. In short, the lamp as designed shows a lack of com- prehension of the demands of incandescent lighting. 2128 Crystal Palace Report-1882. MAXIM LAMP (Fig. 14). The filament a is made of cardboard. It is first cut out with a die from a very fine hard quality of board and then carbonized at a white heat. After carboniza- tion several filaments are mounted on loose clips, which project above a rubber cap, and complete, with the car- bons, branch circuits from two mains. In the branch circuits are also included electro-magnets, whose arma- tures hold in place trip levers, which, on being released by the movement of armatures, fall and break the con- tinuity of the individual circuits. Glass receivers or cups are inverted over the carbons, the mouths being closed by the rubber caps. Besides the wires in the caps there are small tubes, all connected to one main tube. Through these the air is pumped out, replaced by gasoline and the current sent over the mains. The carbonized papers being of different resistances, are differently heated, and the resistance of all are lowered as the carbon set free by the decomposition of the gas- oline is deposited on the incandescent filament. As soon as the current in any branch becomes sufficiently strong, that is, the resistance reduced to a certain limit, the magnet in that circuit draws down the armature, frees the lever and breaks its own circuit, the current in the others being unaffected. At first the fall of the levers is very irregular, but two or three exhausts and refillings of gasoline, with the passing of the current for the proper length of time, makes the fall of the levers practically simultaneous, and the carbons are then ready for mounting. This process has made the carbons very homogeneous, and reduced them to one uniform standard of resistance. They are covered with a very hard skin and their durability much in- creased. The platinum leading wires de de are embedded a short distance apart in a rod of soft glass, f. The upper ends are flattened and crooked, and to these ends are secured the widened ends of the carbons by small Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2129 platinum clamps, or nuts and bolts cc. The lower end of the rod f terminates in the apex of a reantrant cone, g, which closes the neck of the globe. The exhaust is by mercury pumps, while the carbons are gradually brought to a high incandescence. The lamps are well made, but the cost of manufacture can be somewhat reduced by using shorter lengths of plantinum and other fastening than plantinum clamps. The lamps can be run at as high, if not higher, power than any other made. If the exhaust were made at the neck, instead of at the top, of the globe it would be better. The normal power of the lamp is 20 candles, and the resistance 44 ohms, which is too small for any widespread distribution. At the Crystal Palace there were 100 to 150 lamps, about 100 being maintained. These were supplied by a Maxim dynamo, the field magnets of which were excited by a second machine with movable commutator brushes. The lamps were run in the multiple arc system, with two lamps as a unit. The Maxim plan of distribution, whether with one or more lamps for units, is that of simple multiple arc of main and derived circuits, as in Fig. 18. No meters or general arrangement for distribution were shown. The lamps, when tested at low incandescence, were very satisfactory. SWAN LAMP (Fig. 16). We now come to a lamp which, although not to my mind without faults, is one of remarkable excellence of manufacture, and which in many things is not sur- passed. One of its most noticeable features is its apparent simplicity, a result attained, however, only after much experimenting. Unlike the carbons already described, this has a full turn in it, thus diminishing the space required. The filament is made of a loose cotton thread which is immersed in sulphuric acid, which entirely changes its character, making of it really a vegetable parchment. It is next run between rollers to flatten it, and thus increase its surface. It is then 2130 Crystal Palace Report-1882. fitted to a form, buried in powdered charcoal and car- bonized at a very high heat. The attachment of the carbon filament to the platinum leading wires, d d, is probably the best devised, being at once exceedingly neat and capable of standing every heat that the car- bons can, or, rather, the leading wires. The ends, c c, of the platinum wires are first flattened, then run into a die which forms little split tubes, into which are in- serted the ends of the carbons. The tubes are slightly compressed, a clip put in the carbons on the line o o just above the tubes, the parts immersed in a hydro- carbon liquid and a current sent through the leading wires, dd, and across the bridge, o o, sufficiently strong to heat to incandescence the tubular connections. The liquid is decomposed and a hard carbon deposit formed over the joint, making a through connection. The leading wires are sealed in a stem, e, which closes the neck of the globe; the exhaust is from the top in the usual manner, that is, during incandescence. The globe is smaller than in other makes of lamps, and is blown from a small glass ball. In later forms the stem e is replaced by a tube for the support of the wires and the exhaust of the globe-a much better arrangement: Lamps have been made of from one to one hundred and fifty candle-power, the standard being 20 candles, with a resistance of about 37 ohms. I do not think a sufficiently fine filament is used, and hence I believe the resistance of the lamp may be much increased. It is in this direction that I think the improvement is to be made, and the later form of lamps tend this way. There is one thing about the lamp that I do not think good, although it has met with much commendation, and this is the holder of the socket. This consists of a small ebonite base k, with a screw j, two small nuts ii, in connection with two small hooks hh, and a brass spring s. The circuit connec- tions are to the nuts ii, and then to the hooks hh. The neck of the globe is inverted in the spring this last pressed down, the eyes gg hooked, and the lamp re- Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2131 leased, when the spring s presses the lamp out to make contact. It is impossible to prevent a little arcing when this connection is made; this arcing takes place with small contact surfaces, and these contacts are always apt to be unequal. A jar may cause a break of contact if the spring is at all weak. The result of this arcing is to oxidize the metal and make a resistance. I have measured such a resistance of over 5,000 ohms, and used a file to reduce it. This formation of a high resistance coating, when the lamp is jarred, has frequently, ac- cording to my own observation, caused the lamp to go out or to flicker. Again, the connections are exposed and then liable to interference, and in the case of damp- ness to a short circuit and leakage. I cannot too strongly express my own conviction that all parts of the conductors of a circuit should be thoroughly pro- tected. At the Crystal Palace there were two or three hun- dred lamps in very satisfactory operation, the majority being run by a Siemens alternate current machine, sep- arately excited; but owing to the irregularity of the motive power, they were not always of the same brill- iancy. They stood the test of low incandescence re- markably well, the speed of the dynamo being lowered. A safety plug, that is, a weak spot of lead and tin foil, was used, but I do not think to any wide extent. Mr. Swan's lamps, much of whose excellence is due to Messrs. Stearne and Dillingham, are used on all sorts of machines, in all sorts of combinations of series and multiple arc. No particular system is insisted on, nor are the lamps made comparable with any standard of resistance when of different powers. That is, the production of a good lamp is looked upon desideratum, and it is not an integral part of a system. designed as a whole. As I have said, the tendency is towards lamps of high resistance, but as to Mr. Swan's idea of a system, I quote from his address to the Lit- erary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle : as the great 2132 Crystal Palace Report-1882. "As it is only necessary, in order to maintain a given current, to increase the force which pro- "duced it in the same proportion as you increase "the resistance to its flow, it follows that the cost "of raising to a certain degree of incandescence a "longer or shorter length of carbon, or of main- "taining a 10-candle light or 100-candle light, will "be exactly proportional to the light produced. "If you have an electric motive force sufficient to "drive such a current through 100 inches of my "carbon filament as will render it incandescent, "you may either have the 100 inches in one con- "tinuous length all in one lamp, or you may cut up the 100 inches into 100 pieces, and place each 66 (( piece in a separate lamp, and the 100 lamps in "100 different places, without any difference in "the aggregate amount of light from the one un- "divided light and from the 100 separate lights. "You may even contemplate on this principle the “economical production of an electric light as "small as a rush-light." Speaking of the multiple arc system, he says that it has the advantage of simplicity, but does not think it will answer for other than very short distances: "When a number of lamps are grouped together “in that manner, it is necessary that the individual lamps should offer a very high resistance to the current, for if each lamp does not offer an ex- "tremely high resistance to the passage of the "current there must be great waste, a large pro- portion of energy being in that case spent in "heating the conducting wires instead of the car- (( bon in the lamps. Mr. Edison accordingly pro- "poses to make his lamp of a very high resistance; "but if the carbon pure and simple is used, then "I submit it had better be in as stable and con- "densed a state as possible, because in process of Crystal Palace Report--1882. 2133 use it tends to consolidate, and it is undesirable "that any change should take place in the lamp during use. A filament of carbon in its best "state for incandescent lamps, as thin as it is "safe to use in a lamp, and of a length sufficient "to give a light equal, say, to one burner or ten "standard candles (a unit of light which I think we must not go beyond in planning an extensive system of town lighting) will not offer so high a "resistance as that which Mr. Edison has made "the basis of his scheme of distribution. With "" lamps of this resistance the result would be that "before many were bridged across from one main "to the other, as much or more work would be "done in the conducting wire as in the lamps. "The only way of avoiding this waste of energy, "without abandoning the idea of small units of light, would be either to employ enormously "thick conductors or have a very limited area supplied from one source. (C "I think the difficulty is capable of being sur- "mounted in this way: Instead of grouping the lamps, as Mr. Edison proposes, each lamp being "as it were a loop or bridge between two mains, "I propose to string them in series, 10, 50, or perhaps 100 lamps being all interposed in one "and the same line. (C "In this way every lamp would add to the re- "sistance of the line instead of, as in Mr. Edison's plan, diminishing its resistance. The waste of energy in the conducting wire would then be avoided. A copper wire less than one-eighth of "an inch thick would supply current for one such "series of, say, from 10 to 100 lamps at five miles "distance, with a very small percentage of loss; "while to supply at the same distance a corre- "sponding number of lamps on Mr. Edison's plan "would demand copper conductors of such thick- "ness as would certainly make the plan far 2134 Crystal Palace Report-1882. "too expensive; or, if such thick conductors (( (( (C (( (( (( were not used, there would be an impracticably "extravagant waste of energy in the wire. Even if fifty per cent. of the energy was expended in the "wire, the size of the conductor required to transmit "the current, say, even two miles, would be far too great. There is no way of escape I know of from "this dilemma, viz. : that either we must make our "unit of light larger than necessary for a very "great many purposes and so give up the idea of "extensive division, extensive distribution, or, in "order to gain these points, we must group the lamps in the manner I have proposed. There are, no doubt, difficulties in the carrying out of my plan, but none that are not easily surmount- "able. For example, if 20, 50, 100 lights were in "a series, a break in any part of the line would "extinguish all the lights. This danger can be "met in two ways. I would have only one lamp belonging to a given line in any one house, so "that the extinction of such a line of lights as we are contemplating would not be a very serious mishap; but I would make such a mishap ex- "tremely unlikely to occur by placing along with "each lamp an automatic circuit closer. This "would so act as to bridge over the gap made by "the accidental breaking or failure of a lamp, and so prevent the extinction of the rest of the lamps of "the series, while a fresh lamp was put in the place. "of the broken one- -a thing no more difficult, and (( (( (6 (( probably not more costly, than the replacement "of a broken gas burner, chimney or globe. There " is another difficulty occasioned by the variation "of the current in proportion to the number of lamps in action. What is required in this case "is to maintain a uniform current in the line of lamps, whether 1 or 100 arc a light. This can be accomplished by self-acting apparatus, somewhat "on the principle of the governor of the steam Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2135 " engine, and which would automatically raise or "lower the electro-motive force by steps of one- hundredths, according to the number of lamps in (( use. I have also considered the question of measuring the current, and, if time allowed, I "could show that that can be done as easily as "the measuring of gas. "Similarly, all other practical difficulties arising "out of this method of distribution can be met." This address was delivered in October, 1880, and in May, 1882, the revised copy was officially issued to myself and others; hence at this latter date it is rea- sonable to suppose Mr. Swan's opinion had not been changed. In August, at the meeting of the British As- sociation, in some remarks after a paper I had read on the Edison system, Mr. Swan, amongst other things, said: (( "The only escape from that limitation (extent of distribution) lay in having secondary batteries "at stations or in houses, and in these batteries being connected in series and fed by currents of higher tension; the principle still holding of "multiple arc, not from the central station, but "from the subsidiary ones at which the batteries. " are charged. Once imagine the possibility of "these secondary batteries being kept at a perfectly "constant condition of charge by some automatic "arrangement, and we might look to that as a means of escaping from the difficulties of wide distribution." (C He did not give the idea of supplying the lamps en- tirely in series. "It would not be necessary that each lamp "should be provided with an automatic arrange- "ment for maintaining continuity of circuit. 2136 Crystal Palace Report-1882. "The only condition necessary would be the "maintenance of the lamp in a condition of (( (( equality of light, that the current should be kept "constant, and that there should be automatic ar- "rangement for varying the electro-motive force "at the station in proportion to the number of lamps operating, whether one or a thousand. To "avoid the use of a high potential in such a sys- "tem of feeding in series the resistance might "be very considerably reduced by variation of the "internal sectional area of the carbon by using "short and flat carbons." More than two years have passed since the Newcastle address. The Swan has reached a point of high per- fection, yet we see no large system of lamps arranged in series, and the many practical difficulties foreseen by the inventor and by others still await solution. Had it not been for his recent utterances, and for the fact that the lamp is still used in multiple series combinations, I should look upon the project as practically aban- doned, and the place taken either by the multiple arc direct supply, or multiple arc from central accumulator station. I am not yet converted to the faith of accum- ulators in private houses. The plan proposed by Mr. Swan, of having several subsidiary central stations of accumulators which de- rive their charge from a distant station, supplying cur- rents of high tension, is a thoroughly practicable one; but accumulators must be first much improved, both in regard to space occupied and economy of conversion, and in this case I still claim the necessity of the abso- lute multiple arc system for both streets and houses in a sub-district. That is, the accumulators would simply take the place of the dynamos and engines, they being charged by these last, or by high tension currents from a distant station. Which method would be most eco- nomical would depend on circumstances. With regard to the series arrangement I have already Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2137 expressed my views at some length. I will not again enter into a discussion of the mechanical details; the difficulty of running, changing and repairing a multi- plicity of high tension circuits, of the dangers to life and property, the practical demands of insulation, the liability of leakage, the unsatisfactory character of any measuring arrangements, and the complex character of the electro-motive force regulators, and for securing continuity of circuit. But I wish to dwell for a mo- ment on the mistaken idea that, leaving out the many disadvantages which must be inherent to any series system, there will be a great gain in economy. It has been admitted that the very high tensions which would obtain when lamps are arranged in series, if each lamp was of considerable resistance, would be objectionable. It then becomes necessary to use lamps requiring a low potential at their terminals. We must not fall into the error of thinking that because a lamp of 100 ohms resistance, with a potential of 100 volts, and hence a current of 1 ampere, will give an illumina- tion, say, 15 candles, that the same effect would be pro- duced by 1 ampere in a lamp of 1 ohm resistance re- quiring 1 volt potential, for, if it were so, this latter lamp would be 100 times as economical as the former. We must remember that there is a perfectly definite law governing the relation of potential, current and resist- ance and the energy expended in a unit of time. Let us suppose the economy of lamps is increased so that but 1,000 foot-pounds per minute are used in a 15 candle lamp, a half or less of the present expenditure. We will note the required currents and resistances for different potentials at the lamp terminals. Let us suppose, further, that there are 500 of these lamps on a circuit, and that they are distributed over a distance, say, of only one mile from the central station. The length of wire necessary could not be less than six miles, the turnings and the return wire being consid- ered. Not over one-fifth of the lamps would be in operation on an average. This would give an average 2138 Crystal Palace Report-1882. of 317 per feet in actual operation. In practice we can- not admit that it is the same thing to run 1 lamp of 100 candle-power or 100 lamps of 1 candle-power in different places. We have then over 300 feet of wire through which the current which supplies the lamp must flow. Now, to reduce the aggregate potential, we must diminish the resistance of the lamp, increase the cur- rent, and, in order to keep the ratio of the resistance of lamp to that of the conductor, this last must be in- creased in weight and section at least as rapidly as the lamp diminishes. We have, however, the fact remain- ing that this conductor must ramify throughout our houses, and hence its size must be limited. No. 18 B. W. G. is sufficiently large to be everywhere admis- sible. The following table not only gives the relation of potentials, currents and resistances, but also the size of wire, allowing the liberal loss of 10 per cent. The formulæ : Work ce 44.24 = e² 44.24 r - c² r 44.24 are used, and the resistance of perfectly pure copper for 100 feet, and 1-100th in diameter as equal to 10 ohms. Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2139 E. M. F. of each Lamp. 500 Lamps. 100 Lamps. Amperes. Current Resist. of TOTAL E. M. F. WITH- Lamp. 20 10,000 2,000 1.13 17.7 1.77 .014 10 5,000 1,000 2.26 4.42 .442 .027 9 4,500 900 2.51 3.59 .359 .030 4,000 800 2.83 2.83 .283 .034 3,500 700 3.23 2.17 .217 .039 3,000 600 3.77 1.59 .159 .045 2,500 500 4 52 1.11 .111 .055 2,000 400 5.65 .11 .071 .068 1,500 300 7.53 .40 .040 .091 1,000 200 11.30 .18 .018 .136 1 500 100 22.60 .044 .0044 .272 It seems unnecessary to dwell longer on the series system and its disadvantages. If a large number of lamps are so run they must be of low resistance, need large currents and large conductors, or else have more than ten per cent. conductor loss, an allowance suf- ficiently liberal for a good multiple arc system in the limit proposed. EDISON LAMP (Fig. 15). There are three classes: The A, sixteen candles; B, eight candles; and C, ten candles. A and C are stand- ard lamps, that is, they require the normal difference of potentials at their terminals, while B is a lamp of half resistance of A, and intended to be used in two series. There are two forms of globes, a pear-shaped and a cylindrical, the latter of which is better adapted to the form of carbon used, that of the horseshoe. This car- bon, A, differs in one particular very much from all others. Mr. Edison has aimed at a lamp of very high resistance, this being an absolute essential to the system Resist. of 317 ft. of Wire 10%. Diam. of Pure Copper Wire. • 2140 Crystal Palace Report-1882. of distribution he has elaborated and in this aim he has been highly successful. Carbon, in a pure and simple form, except when in a filament so fine as to be impracticable for use, does not seem to present as high a resistance as desirable. Hence Mr. Edison sought to obtain a structural form, that is, a natural fiber, and to retain this after the carbonizing and exhausting process. In this he differs directly from Mr. Swan, who prefers an unstructural carbon, the material for forming which is in a very condensed form before carbonization. A very even-fibered species of bam- boo has been selected, which is cut into strips and shaved by machinery, after which they are cut into filaments, with widened ends ready for carbonization. These are then bent in nickel forms and subjected to intense heat, as with other makes, when they are ready for mounting. The platinum parts dd of the leading series are very short, and are sealed in the tube t, by a hot pressed joint, e. To both ends are united small copper wires, the lower gg leading to the brass or copper connection hi, and the upper being flattened and turned back upon themselves. These lips cc clasp the widened copper plate ends of the carbon filament ɑ, and the joints are plated in a bath to make a perfect joint. The tube t being sealed in the neck of the globe, the usual process of exhaustion from a tube at m takes place, the increase of current being gradual, and the incandescence being finally much higher than intended for normal work. It is this process which Mr. Edison applied with such remarkable success to the platinum lamp, and for which he and Mr. Swan deserve the highest credit. The neck of the globe is enclosed by plaster of paris, k, which supports a screw connection, h, and a butt connection, i. These engage corresponding connections in an exceedingly neat socket, which reduces arcing to a minimum, and well encloses and protect the leading wires. The Edison lamp is especially intended for low Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2141 powers. It cannot be run to the same intensity that a lamp made of a more condensed fiber, or by the de- position of carbon from a hydro-carbon gas, can be. Probably one reason, and it may be the chief one, is that with the ends of the carbon close together the potential that is necessary for high power is sufficient to cause a discharge, which of course wears away the structure. The carbon will, however, stand a stronger current than the copper connection. I do not think that lamps of high power will be made of bamboo fiber, but rather of a non-structural filament of lower resist- ance, and capable of withstanding higher temperatures. We must not lose sight, however, of the fact that high resistance and low power have been the objects, and the resistances obtained have been remarkable. When hot, that of the A is about 140 ohms, the B 70 ohms, the C 275 ohms, and I understand that recent advances which have been made will bring the standard A very much higher. It is probably impossible to make lamps of a natural fiber of equal resistances, while this can be done by a further treatment by the Berthollet process, the resistance will thereby be lessened, and it should not be resorted to, as the lamps are of sufficiently even quality for practical purposes. More care should be taken about the size of the globes and the exhaust should be from the tube t to avoid the projection m. The flange j is intended for handling in screwing on the lamp, but is really unnecessary for this purpose. If used in a damp place it would be well to have a small rubber ring under j to bear against the lip of the socket. The filament has a marvelous elas- ticity, freely vibrating from one side of the globe to the other. The lamp, as great an achievement as it is, is but one integral part of a thoroughly worked out and practical system; and, I may add, the only one which is in actual operation to-day. Mr. Edison early recognized the fact that the production of a lamp was not the only desideratum, but that the distribution of electricity for 2142 Crystal Palace Report-1882. the purposes of light and power as well would require the careful elaboration of a system of supply and de- mand; that all parts of such system must be mutually dependent, and that they must be designed with refer- ence to each other. Hence, he laid down certain princi- ples of guidance and has worked steadily with one end in view-to bring out a thoroughly practical, efficient, reliable and economical system. That he has done this, there is to me, after months of careful study, no doubt, and I cannot refrain from adding my testimony to the success of his labors. There was shown, at the Crystal Palace, a thoroughly good piece of engineering for the distribution of about 1,100 lights, standard and half standard, the equivalent of 800-850 A lamps. They were distributed over a wide extent and at considerable distance from the dynamos. There were several distinct circuits, but all derived the current from one pair of mains and one set of dynamos. Figs. 19 and 20 show the arrangement of these last, Fig. 19 giving the plan of dynamos and engines and Fig. 20 of the circuits. The plant was designed so that it should be com- posed of several independent parts, such that the break- ing down of one would not interfere with the rest. To this end, there twelve dynamos of the kind previously described nn, which were arranged in three sets. Each set derived its motion from a semi-fixed engine i, with double cylinders and fly wheels. Between the engines and dynamos was a short line of shafting, t, with driving pulleys, which could be thrown in or out of action by movable cone pulleys oo. By this arrangement the stoppage of one engine would stop four dynamos, and two could be thrown out by shifting the cone pulley. The mains dd' drew their current from two others, cc', which were each connected by leading wires ef to the commutator brushes, all the positive terminals being, of course, connected to one wire and the negative to the other. Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2143 From one of the leads on each machine e a branch circuit supplied the field magnets m, and the other ends of the field magnets were connected to three branches LL' L", four to each, and these branches were in turn joined by a plug connection, p, to the regular circuit, which was completed by joining to the other sub-main c´. By the plug connection p any of the fields correspond- ing to an engine could be cut out. The regulator » consisted of a series of open wire coils, one or more of which could be thrown into circuit with the field mag- nets by the lever a. Hence by a movement of the lever the fields could be made stronger or weaker, and the entire system of light regulated in intensity at will. 7 The whole arrangement worked perfectly, and such was the theoretical and practical efficiency of the whole that 140 A lamps were frequently thrown in and out of circuit without very appreciably effecting the remainder. Not only was it a most successful piece of lighting, but a thorough piece of electrical engineering, and many of the essential features of the Edison system were in operation. I will note some of these in detail. PARTS OF SYSTEM. Conductors. The main conductors are of a most sub- stantial character. The section is in the shape of a segment of a circle. Two of these conductors, with the flat sides facing each other and somewhat separated, are steadied apart by perforated wooden blocks and in- serted in iron pipes about 20 feet in length. The space between and around the conductors is then filled with asphaltum. These pipes are connected by junction blocks, and the house circuits make connections at these. The house conductors are run a short distance apart and covered with a molding, or run through the walls of the structures. Paraffine covered wires have been discarded, and a cotton covered wire which has been soaked in a fire-proof composition substituted. From observations made in testing dynamos, I think 2144 Crystal Palace Report -1882. this is apt to take up moisture, and thus cause leakage. Whether it is still in use I know not. Safety Arrangements. The widespread application of these in the Edison system is one of its most com- mendable features, and one of the most necessary in any and all systems. Should a wire become short cir- cuited, the current flowing is such as to almost instantly heat the wire to incandescence and destroy it; hence it becomes necessary to provide against this danger. For this purpose there is established in every main and in every derived circuit, as well as at individual switches, a weak point, consisting of a bit of wire of lead and tin alloy. This is mounted in a screw plug, which completes the circuit when in place, and breaks it on failure. If, for any reason, this is made to carry above a certain strength of current, whether by over- loading or by short circuiting, it is instantly fused, and no damage is done to a lamp or circuit otherwise. Switches. The circuit is completed by a turn of a handle pushing into place three or four, or less, split conical plugs, and thus bridging across two or three breaks in the switch. On turning still further, a cam allows a pin to be cleared, which frees all the cones at once and draws them back from the connection plates. Arcing is then prevented if the switch is properly turned, and, on closing circuit, a rubbing contact is provided for. Each is fitted with a safety wire, and they worked well. Meters. Several forms have been tried that has been adopted which depends on electrical disposition of metals. In a self-registering form two cylinders are hung from the two ends of a balance beam. These are im- mersed in a solution of zinc or copper sulphate, and in the containing vessels are larger zinc or copper cylinders, which enclose the first-mentioned. The arrangement of circuit is such that a shunted current flows so as to add to the weight of the lighter, and consequently uppermost cylinder, while taking away from the other. When suffi- cient inequality has been established to overcome the Crystal Palace Report-1882. 2145 • governor weight, the balance-arm tilts, the register is actuated, and the current is changed in the opposite direction. While exceedingly ingenious, I should think a change of resistances would take place to make it inaccurate; of this I have no knowledge, however. The meter which seems to be adopted is composed of two jars, each containing two small amalgamated zinc plates at fixed distances, and immersed in a satu- rated solution of zinc sulphate. The materials are very pure and the polarization very slight. The change of resistance for change of temperature is small, and, since it is in opposite direction for plates and liquids, compensation ensues. To prevent freezing a lamp is placed in a chamber in the lower part of the meter, the circuit being closed in time to prevent freezing, and in cool weather to maintain an almost perfect quality of temperature by an adjustable bimetallic spring. About one seven-hundreth part of the current flows through the solutions, and the amount is ascertained by careful weighing, after washing and drying. I think this meter is remarkably accurate, but the weighing of a large number of monthly and quarterly check plates is a mat- ter of no little labor, and the public will only be satis- fied by having a public supervisor of weighing who is unconnected with a company. CENTRAL STATION SYSTEM (Fig. 21). As already mentioned, the large "C" dynamos, each capable of supplying 1,000 standard full power lamps, are used, and the general arrangement is that of multi- ple arc, as at the Crystal Palace exhibit of smaller machines. Steam is supplied by "Babbock & Wilcox": tubular boilers, adapted for quick steam and high pres- sure. While the simple multiple arc system is perfectly practicable for house circuits, it is evident that some modification must be made for supplying a district. Suppose we have a huge plate of copper extending over a district, and that differences of potential exist 2146 Crystal Palace Report-1882. in its several parts. It is evident that if such differ- ences exist currents will be set up which will flow from the points of highest to those of lowest potential, tending to produce an equilibrum precisely as takes place in the earth. Let there be two such plates, and these in juxtaposition. If these two plates be at dif- ferent potentials and paths be opened between them, currents will flow from one to the other, depending on the difference of potentials existing and the number and resistances of the paths. Should the demand for current at one point be greater than at another-that is, the number of paths greater or their resistance less— the currents will flow towards this point to maintain the potential existing and supply the demand. If such plates are the terminals of a machine or, better still, of several machines, and the points of supply are at dif- ferent places, there will be a thoroughly efficient means of supplying the district, especially if the thickness of the plates is properly proportioned. Such plates are obviously impossible, but replace them by meshes or networks CC', and we have a perfectly practicable means of supply. All that is necessary is to lay the properly propor- tioned mains in the streets, and wherever they cross join like to like. The mains FF', from the station, would be joined at several places. The outlying branches of different stations should be joined together, so that even in the most improbable event of a total failure of one station its district could still be sup- plied. The theory advanced by certain "electricians" that such a system of conductors would act like a Leyden jar, or a condenser, is destitute of common sense, and entirely opposed to the clearest laws of electricity. Wires from different parts of the district can be brought to the central station, and thus a graphic rec- ord of the potentials at all times existing be kept. A regulator can be worked automatically by one of these circuits to maintain the potential. > Cryslal Palace Report-1882. 2147 The proper laying out of such a district is a matter of most careful engineering, involving the cost of land, property, labor, coal and copper, capital invested and interest required, depreciation of plant and life of lamps; in short, how much coal can be wasted and how much return to be sought for. But it is perfectly practicable, and already is being accomplished in New York. Since becoming thoroughly acquainted with the system I have had no doubt of its ultimate success, which recent developments show to be established. In the matter of making the trans- mission of light and power a practical success, in bring- ing it home to every-day domestic economy, Mr. Edi- son, without doubt, has done more than all others; and while his system is by no means yet perfect it is unquestionably far ahead of the work of any one else. CONCLUSION. Before giving the results of our experimental work I will repeat that it is my belief that incandescent lights will take the place of gas in all important central lighting. That there is a future for individual lights, but it is subordinate to the system of general distribu- tion, and it is to this latter I chiefly look forward. No lamp, machine or system is as yet perfect; all admit of improvement; and even while writing the news con- tinually comes of great and rapid advances. 2148 Fig. 12. Lane-Fox. Fig. 13. British. Fig. 14 Maxim. a k n ε A & C Ш Fig. 15 Edison. B a 7 a C លា A. x C. Fig. 16. Swan. Figh C old do h h и 2149 Fig. 17 Lane-Fox Distribution. - R R S ” r 9 2150 www K w 12 Fig. 18 Maxim Distribution. R 가 ​T I TI + M I G 7 2151 R Fig. 19 Edison Exhibit: Plon of Engines. N I H 3 N B E E Fig. 20 Edison Exhibit. Plon of Dynamo Circuits. 4 ПРА 2152 N Fig. 21 Edison Distribution ে رفح どん ​w Shoolbred-On Electric Lighting-1878. 2153 Complainant's Exhibit "On the Present State of Electric Lighting." BY JAMES N. SHOOLBRED, B.A., M. Inst. C. E. REPORT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE, MEETING OF AUGUST 20th, 1878; PAGE 706. Electric lighting has only attained to its present development by certain marked stages of progress. ་ Though the electric light was first produced at the commencement of the century as a chemical experi- ment, yet its first stage of practical application did not take place till towards 1849, when, on the recommenda- tion of Professor Nollet, of Brussels, the large cumbrous mageto-electric machines of Holmes, of London, and the Alliance Company of Paris were constructed to pro- duce a current alternating in direction for the supply of a single light of considerable intensity. Machines of this kind were erected at the South Foreland Light- house in this country, in France at those of Cape Grinez and of Cape La Heve, and at a few lighthouses in the north of Europe. With these exceptions, these machines may now be considered as obsolete. The next stage of progress in electric machines was the result of the important discovery, in 1867, almost simultaneously, by Sir Charles Wheatstone, Dr. Siemens and by Mr. S. R. Varley, of the principle of "reaction " between the currents created by the rotation of one electro-magnet in front of another fixed one, whereby these currents, on being passed backwards and forwards between them, are gradually augmented to a very con- siderable degree, the result being a small, economical and much more powerful machine, termed " dynamo- electric" (electro-magnets being used), than are the previously described "inagneto-electric" ones (where permanent magnets were employed). The best known machines of this class are the "Siemens and the "" 2154 Shoolbred-On Electric Lighting-1878. "Gramme" in this country, and in the United States the "Brush" and the "Wallace-Farmer." The third and present stage of electric lighting is that of the divisibility of the light-i. e., the production of a number of lights from one machine. This has been effected in practical use by Lontin with his double machine, and the double Gramme feeding the well- known Jablochkoff candles. With these last an Alliance machine was first used, but latterly M. Gramme devised his second machine, and which has the appearance of the already existing Lontin. << In the double machine (of Lontin, and also in that of Gramme) the current is created in a small one, termed the "generating " one, and passed on in one continuous direction current to the larger or dividing" one; on the outer envelope of which it is received divided into a number of distinct circuits, which may be coupled together at will. The Lontin machines, so far, have produced twelve circuits from such a machine with a maximum, in lengthened use, of thirty lights; while the Gramme generally works with four circuits and feeds sixteen Jablochkoff candles. Of the lamps or regulators, those most in use for single lights are the Serrin and the Siemens; while, where many lights are produced, the Jablochkoff "can- dles" and the divers forms of Lontin regulators are available. The Jablochkoff candle consists of the two carbons placed vertically side by side, with an insu- lating layer of plaster of paris between them; which is an attempt to dispense with the delicate mechanism of the regulating apparatus, and attended only with very moderate success. The arrangements of the Lon- tin regulators are very ingenious and very sensitive; some of the forms may be placed in any position what- ever and be used with currents, either continuous or alternating in direction. The very careful preparation of the carbon sticks be- tween which the electric light is produced is at present receiving attention, so as to render their composition as homogeneous as possible and thereby to reduce the flickerings in the light produced. Shoolbred-On Electric Lighting-1878. 2155 The motor power to cause the necessary rate of mo- tion to the revolving electro-magnet or induction coil-— generally between 400 and 1,000 revolutions per min- ute-may be either hydraulic power, in the form of a turbine or otherwise, or a gas engine or a steam engine. But whichever of the three is used, extreme regularity of motion is an absolute necessity; otherwise any want of steadiness in running is productive of flickering in the electric light. Therefore, where possible, the engine performing this duty should be special for the purpose, and not have other work to do at the same time. A most important consideration in connection with electric lighting is, apart from the prime cost of the machines, motor, lamp, &c., the amount of the working expenses thereof, and chiefly the proportion and coșt of the motor power to the amount of light produced. A rough estimate is given of this by the designers of these machines as one indicated horse-power for each light of 1,000 standard candles. Where the number of lights are considerable this may hold good, but for a few, or for single lights, a larger allowance for engine- power should be made, even when running ordinarily and without the sudden and severe strains to which they are exposed. Many manufacturers at and near Paris, at Rouen, and at other places in France, have made use of electric lighting in spinning and weaving sheds, in iron works, &c., for the last two years, and they generally consider that they have been supplied with a vastly augmented amount of illumination at con- siderably less than one-half the cost of the previous and much poorer one by means of gas. Though electricity may replace gas lighting to some extent in the illumination of large areas and in certain manufactures, yet it cannot pretend to trench upon the special and the most extensive field for the use of gas -the lighting of private houses-until some perma- nent, indestructible light-producing points very differ- ent from the present carbon sticks be discovered. Nor should the sanitary advantages of electric illu- mination in buildings over that by gas be overlooked. 2156 Briggs-Electric Lighting-1878. Complainant's Exhibit "Electric Light- ing," by Robert Briggs. ENGINEERING, LONDON, OCTOBER 18, 1878, AT PAGE 207. TO THE EDITOR OF ENGINEERING : SIR-The remarks made by me in the discussion of Mr. Shoolbred's paper on electric lighting, which he pre- sented at the recent meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, can be properly sup- plemented or extended by an inquiry into the relation of the expenditure of heat in the production of light by means of the burning of coal gas or by electrical force. These relations can be looked upon from several points of view. The first of these would be the purely theo- retic one, and is based on the absolute heat which would be evolved under the condition of perfect com- bustion and absolute absorption of heat of coal gas in producing a given light as compared with the heat which represents the same light as derived from the power expended in producing it. There is produced the light effect of one standard · candle by the combustion of one-third of a cubic foot of coal gas each hour. That is, this result is that of the tests for quality of coal gas as established by law, but in practice of gaslighting with the usual imperfect burners not much above (if so much as) one-half the quantity of light is obtained. Accepting this quantity it can be asserted that the heat effect of a cubic foot of coal gas is 690 heat units (pounds of water heated one degree Fahrenheit), and that a candle-power of light is repre- sented by 230 units. The Franklin Institute experiments did not give the light power claimed by most makers of dynamo-electric machines; they only gave as the result 380 candles of light as proceeding from one-horse power, while the general claim for at least two of the dynamo-electric machines is nearly five times this value (200 becs Carcel being claimed for the Lontin machine and lamps as given by one-horse power. As each Carcel burner Briggs-Electric Lighting-1878. 2157 equals 9.6 candles of the English standard, it follows that this claim is for 1,920 candles per horse-power). The Franklin Institute expériments alsó gave 31 to 38 per centum of the whole power as all that appeared in the resistance of the electric arc, which evolves the light, the remainder being expended in friction of machine and in the circuit, being dissipated as heat to the air probably. Taking the value of 380 candles from one-horse power, we have the force corresponding to one-horse power equals 1,980,000 lb. raised 1 ft. high per hour—a unit of heat=772 foot-pounds.. one-horse power=2565 units of heat per hour, and 2565÷380 gives 6 units of heat per candle. From which it appears that the theoretic expenditure of heat (or force) in producing gaslight is to that in producing electric light as 230 to 6, or as 34 to 1, while the theoretic expenditure of heat in producing gaslight is to that of the electric light in the arc alone is very nearly as 100 to 1. All these are based on the Franklin Institute values; if the figures of M. Lontin are accepted the ratios become five times more favor- able for electric lighting. But the heat which can be evolved by the burning of coal gas does not represent the heat which appertains to the coal that would have produced the same coal gas. Each pound of gas coal which has undergone the pro- cess of destructive distillation will have produced very nearly, on the average, 4 cubic feet of illuminating gas, and there will remain, as a residue of the process of gas making, about 0.85 lb. of gas coke, and some 0.04 lb. or 0.05 lb. of gas tar, both of which substances are combustible. The quantity of coke, however, is re- duced by the necessary use of coke in obtaining the heat for distillation until only 0.55lb. to 0.60lb. of un- consumed coke remains for each pound of coal origi- nally charged in the retorts. Again, much of this coke is in the condition of dust or very fine breeze, so that practically only about 0.35 to 0.40 of gas coke is derived 2158 Briggs--Electric Lighting--1878. in merchantable or usable shape for each pound of coal originally treated; while the coal tar, although it pos- sesses the constituents of a fuel, is not easily burned as such. Ordinary gas coal can be taken to have the value of 15,000 units of heat to each pound, and if it is sup- posed that from this quantity of heat there be deducted the heat value of, say, 0.6 lb. of coke, taken at 13,000 units to the pound=7,800 units, together with the heat value of 0.05 lb. of gas tar, taken at 20,000 units to the pound=1,000 units (total deduction 8,800), we have 6,200 units as the value of the fuel which yielded 4 cubic feet of gas. And, as before, taking each cubic foot of gas as evolving three candles of light, it follows that 517 units of heat will have been expended for each candle of light emitted, and this value should be taken as the expenditure of heat in lieu of the 230 units which the gas would produce after it is manufactured. This statement, compared with the theoretic heat of electric lighting, as before estimated at 6 units per candle-power, gives the heat in producing gaslight to that of producing electric light as 517 to 62, or as 76.6 to 1, while the theoretic expenditure of heat in producing gaslight is to that of the electric light in the arc itself as 230 to 1—with the publication of these ratios by five to follow, if M. Lontin's development of light per horse- power is taken in place of that of the Franklin Institute. Unfortunately for this statement, in a practical point of view, the production of the electric light by the dynamo-electric machines involves the employment of motive power in the form of the steam engine (I omit to consider the gas engine as the source of motive power, thinking that its adaptation to general use should precede a discussion of its economy in this special ap- lication). And in none of the utilisations of natural forces is quite so great waste of original force as in the combustion of fuel in the steam engine. The best of engines can scarcely be claimed to give out a horse- power with less than two pounds of coal per hour, while the average of good engines of such size as would be at Briggs--Electric Lighting--1878. 2159 all available for power to run dynamo-electric machines of supposable smallness, cannot be taken to average less than 6 lb. per horse-power per hour. The former of these weights of coal represents 30,000 units of heat per hour to produce 2,563 units of effect, or only 8.55 per centum of the expended fuel and the latter only 2.85 per centum (one thirty-fifth) of the same. Taking this latter value as the practical one, the 6 units of heat per candle, which were the theoretic result of the Franklin Institute experiments, becomes 235 units of heat, in fact, needful to produce each candle. Our previous figures have given 230 units of heat as what would proceed from the best consumption of coal gas capable of producing one candle's light, and con- sequently the comparison of the heat practically de- manded to produce electric light by the dynamo-electric machine actuated by the ordinary steam engine with the theoretic heat from coal gas is about two per centum against the electric system. But the previous figures also give 517 units of heat as what is expended in the making of coal gas for each candle's light, and this value compared with that for the dynamo-electric light with its motive (steam) power is 2.2 times less favorable for the system of gas lighting. There is another way to look at the practical question. One pound of coal will produce four cubic feet of illumi- nating gas, each foot of which will have three candles' power; then omitting the other products of coal, 0.083 lb. of coal represents the fuel expended in giving the light of one candle in the same time by coal gas- lighting. Following the previous assumption that 6 lb. of coal will, under the boiler of a steam engine, evolve one-horse power, and taking the Franklin Institute value of 380 candles per horse-power from the dynamo- electric machine, then 0.0158 lb. of coal represents the fuel in this case. This gives the practical relation of expenditure of coal (as fuel) in producing gaslight to that of the electric light under discussion equal 5.25 to 1. This last view of the case is practically not an un- 2160 Briggs-Electric Lighting-1878. fair one, for while the coke and the coal tar are not absolutely waste products in process of gas making, they are by no means profitable ones in themselves, and it is questionable if they pay much more than the cost of handling and disposing of them, especially at places where coal for fuel is relatively cheap. It must be noticed all through this paper that the assumption has been for the combustion of fuel by an ordinary steam engine and boiler at 6 lb. of coal per horse-power, while a moderately good engine with boiler ought and will give a horse-power for 3 lb. of fuel, and the best engines will only require under 2 lb. for the same result, so that all the practical ratios are two to three times less favorable towards the electric system than they might be. It remains, however, that the most unfavorable state- ment of the relative expenditures of heat and fuel practi- cally, of the electric system by the dynamo-electric ma- chines and steam engine, as compared to that of coal gas for equal quantities of light is, at present, 1 to 2.2; while in the processes there will have been burned as fuel 1 lb. of coal under a steam boiler, against 5 lb. of coal treated in the retort for the manufacture of coal gas. Whether the cost of manipulation of the fires or the retorts, the wear and tear of machinery and engines employed in either processes, the interest upon the prime cost of apparatus, from the fireplaces to the points of illumination may be in the same ratio as either the heat demanded or the coal used, is a ques- tion for further consideration and for future develop- ment. Coal gaslighting would seem to have attained nearly to its ultimate development and improvement. Minor advantages of cost of manufacture, and possibly in the direction of quantity of light evolved by a given con- sumption, can be confidently looked for. The public have been and are habituated to all the defects of the system, and from the beginning to the end they are grave and essential. On the other hand the electric Briggs-Electric Lighting-1878. 2161 light has the promise of the greatest improvement in methods of production, in its adaptation to defined wants, and in its relative cost, so that the unfavorable view of it which I have here presented should not be taken, and it is far within the limits of probability that the best statement I have presented underrates its possibilities. It may be proper to advert here to the low result in candle-power for the electric light found by the Franklin Institute experiments. The power of light emitted by the candle or the gas-burner usually tested by it is so small that the radiant light from the sides of a dark chamber may be neglected. The measurement of light is taken in all instances from the rays of a standard candle as emitted on the horizontal plane through the centre of the flame. It was found first that this radiant light upon the walls of a dark box from the electric light was very great, and the means shown in the report of the committee (where it will be seen that only a pencil of light of not over a single degree of aperture was directed into the box or tube carrying the photometer) were found effectual to give a highly satisfactory comparison of the greater with the lesser source of light under investigation. Next it was found in the carbon experiments that there was an apparent unsteadiness of light of great amount emitted from the carbons. As the experiments pro- ceeded it became evident that this unsteadiness was occasioned by the formation of an arc upon one side of the point (in place of a symmetrical brush, which traversed around the points as they wore away), emitting much the largest part of the light through a small arc of radiation in the horizontal plane, and pre- senting on one side of the points a brilliant reflection from them, and a corresponding obscuration on the opposite side. This difficulty was met and overcome by the adaptation of carbons of suitable sectional dimension for the current of electricity employed, until a uniform brush, emitting rays of very nearly equal value in all directions, was obtained. The Franklin Institute experiments consequently do not give the 2162 Briggs-Electric Lighting-1878. value of an apparent maximum of effect but the mean effect from the electric lamps experimented with. For a practical data it may be well to state in con- clusion that the result of 380 candles per horse-power is that 90 lb. weight falling one foot per minute repre- sents the power demanded to afford a light of the best spermaceti candle by means of the dynamo-electric system. A man ascending a flight of steps at very moderate rate will have exerted a force equal to three candles. And the results claimed by many makers of dynamo-electric machines are four to five times as good as these. The problem of electric lighting to-day is the pro- duction of small enough quantity of light with equal economy to that attained for large illuminating effects, and of the distribution into small sources of light of the great light capacity now obtained as a single point of emission. To these ends the intelligence of all elec- tricians is now directed, and the attainment of some measure of success can be confidently anticipated. I am, Sir, yours truly, ROBERT BRIGGS. Paris, September 23, 1878. Colombo --Milan Station-1885. 2163 Complainant's Exhibit “The Central Elec- tric Lighting Station of Milan.1 " THE ELECTRICIAN AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, AUGUST, 1885, p. 298. BY G. COLOMBO. We propose to offer our readers, after 18 months of regular operation, a description of the Milan central station, together with its plant, its system of wires, the results hitherto achieved and those that may be hoped. for in the future. The construction of this central station was decided on towards the latter end of 1882 by a committee selected to introduce the Edison system in Italy, who formed later the existing company, having a capital of $600,000, bearing the name of the Società generale ital- iana di elettricità Sistema Edison, with headquarters at Milan. The company, having purchased a building situated in the street Santa Radegonda, formerly used as a the- atre, began to demolish the theatre and to construct the new station in the month of October, 1882. The work was pushed so rapidly that the station with the first four machines was ready for work in June, 1883, the underground wires having been laid throughout the principal part of the territory to be covered during the winter. Toward the end of June, 1883, the station began to work regularly every night until 1 o'clock A. M., with an average of 1,100 lamps. In August, 1883, the lighting of the famous theatre de la Scala was undertaken, two machines being added to the existing four for that purpose; and in November, 1883, continu- ous service by day and night was begun, until by the end of December, 1884, the number of lamps had 1 La Lumière Electrique. 2164 Colombo-Milan Station-1885. reached 5,500, equivalent to 4,700 lamps of the normal standard of 16 c. p. We will divide our description of the Milanese instal- lation, for convenience sake, into the following sections: 1. The central station of Ste. Radegonda; 2. The system of conductors; 3. The principal installations; 4. The general working of the system. I. THE CENTRAL STATION OF STE. RADEGONDA. This is a rectangular two-story and basement build- ing of 147 x 42 feet, situated between the two parallel streets, Agnello and Santa Radegonda. The basement contains the machines, the next floor the boilers and the top floor the store room and laboratory. This is a different arrangement to that usually adopted, which is to place the boilers in the basement, and was dictated by considerations of stability in consequence of the great speed of the machines. The machine room. -This occupies the whole ground floor and contains at present six machines, with vacant spaces and foundations for four more, making a total of 10 for the station when it shall be worked to its fullest capacity. The machines now in use are of the type known as the "Edison C," of which the following are the data: 900 ampères Electro-motive force at the electrodes__110 to 120 volts Maximum current at 110 volts Resistance of armature... Resistance of field magnets... Diameter of armature (8 ft. 2 in.). Length of armature (5 ft. 2 in.) Number of field magnets. 1 0.0039 ohms 2.28 ohms 2 m. 737 1 m. 630 12 Each of these machines has its own independent steam engine, of which the shaft is the prolongation of Colombo-Milan Station-1885. 2165 the axis of the armature. The normal speed of the armature, therefore, of the engine shaft is 350 revolu- tions per minute. Of the engines two are of the Porter- Allen type and the other four of the Armington-Sims pattern. Each of these machines can develop, at a maximum pressure of eight atmospheres, a maximum force of 130 to 150 h. p., corresponding to the demand, of 1,200 lamps of 16 c. p. per dynamo. A small sepa- rate steam engine actuates a ventilator for the aeration of the dynamo armatures and a steam pump sends a current of cold water through the interior of the frames and foundations. These means of refrigeration are only needed when the machines are developing their maximum of work. 74 All the dynamos are coupled in quantity to two prin- cipal conductors of 1,700 square millimetres (2.6 sq. in.) section and connected by means of the necessary switches and flexible copper conductors to the regula- tors and to the indoor test circuit, and to the two ex- terior feeding conductors, which enter the building at the opposite corners of this room. A current regulator is provided for each machine. Each regulator is formed of 50 bobbins, coupled so as to interpose in the field circuit of each dynamo a resistance varying from 18 ohm to 7 ohms in all. The regulation is accomplished by hand, either for each dynamo singly or for all at once, by means of a common shaft which rotates all of the contact arms. These are movable over the six discs of the regulators, each having 57 connectors rep- resenting 57 degrees of strength of current. Two indi- cators of electro-motive force with electric bells and two dial voltmeters are used by the persons who have charge of the regulation of the current. These instru- ments are regulated by a standard voltmeter, graduated by means of a standard Daniell cell and by a Thomson reflecting galvanometer. By this means the current is promptly regulated without alteration in the quantity of light furnished, even when the greatest alterations are made—such, for instance, as the sudden lighting or 2166 Colombo-Milan Station-1885. extinction of hundreds of lights at a time, for scenic effect, in the theatre de la Scala. A local circuit, called the test circuit, is arranged so as to be traversed at the will of the attendant by the current from each of the dynamos. On this circuit are connected 1,000 lamps, or as many as should be operated by one machine at its maximum rate of work. These 1,000 lamps can be lit by groups of 50 at a time by the aid of a switch. At the junction of the two principal conductors with the feeding conductors of the system are interposed feed regulators, which will be explained later in our description of the system of conductors; their function is to equalize the electro-motive force, and consequently the intensity of the light at all points: In this room are also placed the ammeters used to indicate the quan- tity of current flowing through the system of conduct- ors, and therefore the number of lamps lighted in the territory supplied by the station. These ammeters are simple needles, deflected by the current which passes through the principal conductors placed beneath them, and can indicate up to 2,000 amperes with a trifling error; they are verified from time to time by standard lamps. Although it would be easy to furnish these ammeters with automatic registering devices, which may be done later, at present it is considered sufficient to read the indications once every quarter hour, as much for regulating the machines then working as for registering the course and amount of the daily work performed. Other apparatus, unnecessary to describe here, serves for diverse observations, such as the vari- ations in the electro-motive force at the ends of the feeding conductors of the system, indicators of leakage to earth on either pole of the system of conductors, measures of the corresponding electro-motive force, etc. Boiler room.--The boilers are installed in the first story and at present are five in number, of which one is isolated and the other four connected in groups or batteries of two boilers each. They are of the Babcock & Wilcox manufacture, perfected in many details by · Colombo-Milan Station-1885. 2167 Root. The choice of boilers was determined by the local conditions, which demanded boilers of a pattern at once light, small in comparison with the considerable force required and inexplosive. Each boiler is com- posed of a group of inclined tubes, connected at the two extremities to horizontal reservoirs of steel plates, from whence the steam is drawn. The interior extremity of the tubes is in communication with a drum, from whence the smoke passes to the chimney. The princi- pal data of each of these five boilers follow: Number of tubes... Number of collecting reservoirs. Length of tubes... Length of reservoirs Surface of grate……. Heating surface, nearly- Estimated h. p.--- Total weight. Surface occupied. 1 1 1 1 1 1 } } I 96 2 15 feet 15 12 sq. 510 " (C (( 160 42,944 lbs. 60 sq. feet Space has been left unoccupied for four more boilers, in case the wants of the service shall render them neces- sary. The boilers are fed by five Koerting injectors, two of which pump the water from the bottom of a well and empty it into reservoirs situated on the lower floor. There are also two direct-action steam pumps, of which one is ordinarily used for the refrigeration of the machines; but the piping is so arranged that either of these pumps, or both together, may be used for feeding the boilers. The steam pipes are so arranged that either machine can be detached from the others in case of accident or for repairs. The smoke from the boiler furnaces is carried to a chimney of 6 feet constant interior diameter and is 156 feet in height from the street pavement. Other apparatus is used for the hoisting and distribu- tion of the coal. The coal burned is the best Cardiff, which produces very little smoke when the furnaces are 2168 Colombo-Milan Station-1885. charged, and practically none during combustion. No smoke-consuming devices are used. Organization of the central office staff.-The direction of the service is confided to an electrician-in-chief, who has under his immediate orders: One or two engineers, according to the season, charged with the oversight of the work; one chief mechanician, one foreman elec- trician, one foreman mechanician, one foreman of fire- men, and the working electricians (for the commutators), steam engineers and firemen. The staff is divided into gangs for day and night service. During the summer season the number of lamps used in the district during the late hours of the night and during the day is only from 100 to 200; during the winter this number increases, and there are some days on which the lamps are in use by hundreds from day- break and in some places of public resort remain in use all night. During the hours when the lamps in use are only some hundreds a small 400-light dynamo is used. As soon as the ammeters indicate that the number of lamps in use approaches 400, one of the large dynamos is started and the small one stopped. A second C dy- namo is added when more than 900 lamps are indicated; for although the C dynamos will feed 1,000 lamps, and even more (with the maximum electro-motive force of 116 volts), it is preferred not to charge them in actual service with more than 900 or 950. The same proceed- ing is repeated in proportion as the number of lamps used in the district increases, until the full capacity of four dynamos is reached, and this has not been exceeded up to the present time. The remaining two machines are kept in reserve, one of them being run at a reduced speed on open circuit, ready for use in a few moments if the occasion arises. Experience has shown that the introduction of a new dynamo or the substitution of one for another can be made in a few seconds, and in such a manner that an accident to a machine, such as the breaking or the heating of a part, has no injurious effect on the regularity of the service. Colombo-Milan Station-1885. 2169 • The increase in the number of lamps takes place very rapidly from twilight to 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening. The process above described is reversed in removing dynamos one after another from the circuit, when at a later hour the number of lamps begin to decrease. Or- dinarily, one hour after the closing of the theatres the small dynamo is put in use. The normal electro-motive force of the station is shown by the indicators previously mentioned, whilst that at the end of the feeding conductors is regulated by means of the feed regulators according to the indi- cations of the ammeters. Thus the director of the station has completely under his hand the working of the lighting at all points of the system. All of the statistics relating to the work of the station, as well as the number of lamp hours, the consumption of coal and oil, etc., are registered daily and tabulated monthly for the information of the engineer-in-chief and for the administration. II. SYSTEM OF CONDUCTORS. The central station of Ste. Radegonda, which at pres- ent is eccentrically situated in respect to the district served by its conductors, will, on account of recent de- velopments of the system of conductors, soon be in a central position, with radii of 1,500 to 1,600 feet in all directions. The conductors are divided into two classes, called respectively conducteurs d'alimentation (feeders) and conducteurs distribution (mains), the distinctive uses of each being explained hereafter. Each line comprises two conductors, one going and the other returning; that is to say, each line is a tube containing two copper conducting bars separated by an insulating composition according to the well-known Edison system, which has 2170 Colombo--Milan Station-1885. been previously described in these columns (see page 95). The organization and manner of calculating the de- tails of such a system are quite different from those required for any other conduits, as for water, air or gas. In such cases we start with a certain initial pressure (in the reservoirs or in the gasometer), and the conduit is so designed as to lose a certain determined fraction of the initial pressure at the most distant points of the system. We have then at different points of the system a pressure, which is less and less in proportion as the distance from the origin of the conduit. The maximum loss of pressure may represent a considerable fraction of the initial pressure, since we can always proportion the delivery of the water, or gas, by appropriate orifices, whatever may be the pressure or rate of flow, and thus compensate for diminished pressure. For an electric lighting conduit the problem is en- tirely different. Admitting, as a general principle, that it is desirable to employ for the service throughout the whole of a system lamps of one standard form, which is equivalent to demanding the same electro-motive force to develop their normal luminous intensity, it is evident that the permissible falls of potential between the two conductors at any two points of the system must not vary much between themselves, without having lamps which would give a luminous intensity varying too much according to their positions relatively to the source of current. Then, recalling the fact that for the standard Edison 16 c. p. lamp a difference of one volt in the electro- motive force is equivalent, at the limits of the luminous intensity, to nearly one candle, one can easily compre- hend that the greatest available difference in electro- motive force at any two points of the system cannot without inconvenience exceed one and a half or two per cent. It is then necessary to design the system so that this condition may always be fulfilled; and this con- sideration forcibly excludes the application of the sys- Colombo-Milan Station-1885. 2171 tem in use for the distribution of water or gas. Strictly speaking, one could make up for a great variation in the available electro-motive force by using lamps giving the same luminous intensity with different electro-mo- tive forces (that is to say, having different resistances), but that would entail complications in the service which are entirely inadmissible. To satisfy the condition stated it is necessary to divide the system of conductors into two parts: first, a system of conductors called mains, forming a circuit entirely closed and isolated from the central station; and second, a system of conductors called feeders, which, starting from the central station, carry the cur- rent to conveniently chosen points on the mains. This might be compared to a distribution of water by a sys- tem of intercommunicating canals, into which the water would be carried by feeding trenches proceeding from the source of supply, so as to establish an equal level at all points of the system. The conductors forming the closed system of mains are those which run along the streets and serve directly for the distribution of the current to the houses of con- sumers. They are inter-connected by joint-boxes containing fusible lead safety-plugs, calculated so as to interrupt the circuit whenever from any cause the delivery be- comes abnormal and threatens to heat the conductors above the fixed limit. The feeding conductors all start from the central station and are all connected with the mains in joint- boxes of the same sort as those used for the mains. These joint-boxes have openings flush with the pave- ment for the purpose of examining the joints and of making galvanometer tests. The designing of a system of this sort can all be done with a battery and galvanometer in the laboratory. An artificial system, on a reduced scale, is constructed to represent the actual system; the current is passed from the battery by feeding conductors branching to 2172 Colombo-Milan Station-1885. different points and always of the same resistance; then by experiment it is determined which are the most convenient points at which to make the junctions be- tween the feeders and the mains, so that the difference of potential between any two points on the mains shall not exceed the fixed limit. Only, as it is impossible that a system thus planned shall not be subjected to subsequent changes by reason of the addition of new consumers, it becomes necessary to also arrange for the growth of the mains; this requires a somewhat labo- rious calculation to determine whether one or more feeders shall be supplied or whether the points of junc- tion between the feeders and the mains shall be dis- placed. It was in this fashion that the existing system, planned first in the laboratory for about 3,000 lamps and ex- tending only to la Scala theatre, about 1,380 ft. from the central station, has since been enlarged by the ad- dition of two feeders, the displacement of several junc- tion boxes and the lengthening of all of the mains, so as to suffice for the 5,500 lamps now served, with the possibility of serving 7,000 without any further alter- ation, at a maximum distance, by the conductors of 1,890 feet and 1,440 feet in a straight line. The mains generally run on both sides of each street in the district served by this station, and are buried at a depth varying from 20 to 30 inches beneath the pave- ment. The tubes containing the mains are of No. 4 size, having two bars of copper of 930 square millime- tres (1.44 sq. in.) each and 6 metres (19 feet) long. The joints are made on the well-known system, by arcs of copper in cast-iron boxes filled with the insulating composition. Twelve joint-boxes are used for the mains. The loops to the houses of consumers are made by boxes of a special shape, from which the conductors are carried either in smaller tubes (Nos. 5, 6 or 7) or by lead-covered cables, and are then subdivided into dis- tributing wires leading to the different places to be lighted. Colombo-Milan Station-1885. 2173 } The feeders are placed at the same depth, branching to the selected points on the mains by the shortest route and connected to the mains by six-joint boxes similar to those used on the mains. The feeders are large tubes of Nos. 1 and 2 size, containing bars of 589 and 443 square millimetres (0.91 to 0.68 sq. in.) section. The shortest is 118 metres (383 feet) long and the longest 504 metres (1,638 feet). Their resistance is from 0.0101 to 0.0393 ohm. The insulation resist- ance of all of the underground conductors connected together is 192,000 ohms. The maximum loss for which the conductors have been calculated is 12 volts when all of the lamps served by the station are in use. Adding the loss in the in- stallations in the consumers' premises, calculated to be from 2 to 2 volts for all of the installations, there is a maximum loss of electro-motive force between the dynamos and the lamps of 14 to 14 volts. • With the great variations in the consumption of the current caused by the addition of new consumers, the opening and closing of theatres, etc., it would not be possible to preserve a constant electro-motive force, even within the limits indicated, at different points of the system, without the use of the feed regulators at the ends of the feeders in the central station. By the aid of these the greatest variation in the available electro-motive force at any two points of the system never exceeds 2 volts, or less than two per cent. of the standard electro-motive force, adopted from the start, which is 102 volts. Thus all consumers of Milan are served by lamps of 101 to 103 volts, limits which are never passed. The theatre of la Scala being the most important. consumer of the system, has been the object of special precautions in designing the arrangements. Notwithstanding the doubts expressed by many elec- tricians, including Mr. Edison himself, the theatre has been connected directly with the system, although it uses an equivalent of 2,580 16 c. p. lamps, and that 2174 Colombo-Milan Station-1885. exhibitions take place there only during the first three or four months of the year. It has been arranged so that it can be operated by an isolated plant if necessary, but up to the present time it remains connected with the general system. We give below some data as to the extent of the system: Length of tubes for feeders and mains. Average distance from the centre of gravity of the lighting from the station, measured on the conductors_ Feet. 23,075 1,430 Distance from the station to the centre of the principal group of lamps (around the theatre of La Scala) measured on the conductors___ 1,625 Distance from the station to the most distant lamp (Banca generale) measured on the con- ductors. 2,047 Distance from the station to the most distant lamp in a straight line (Hotel Continental and Cercle des Artists) of maximum radius. 1,560 III. THE PRINCIPAL INSTALLATIONS OF THE SYSTEM. On January 1st the system comprised 5,530 lamps, equivalent to 4,745 of the standard 16 c. p. lamps, thus distributed: Theatre de la Scala_ Theatre Manzoni Hotel Continental__. Cercles (clubs) - - Cafes and restaurants_ Banks... Stores and dwellings. Total 1 1 1 1 I Lamps. 2,890 391 476 335 725 103 610 5,530 [ 1 Colombo-Milan Station-1885. 2175 Of these the most important is that of la Scala the- atre. This is the largest opera house in the world, so far as the dimensions of the stage and auditorium are concerned, although the spaces allotted to the necessary portions not used by the public are somewhat restricted owing to lack of ground. The stage is 147 feet deep by 121 feet wide. The auditorium is 81 by 71 feet and 65 feet in height. There are 194 boxes, distributed in five galleries, not counting the upper gallery. The theatre was first opened on August 3d, 1778. The municipal authorities insisted that the whole theatre should be lighted by electricity, to the entirə exclusion of gas, at a time when the central station had just begun operations, allowing only five months in which to complete the installation. Happily, the in- stallation of the Theatre Manzoni, just then completed, furnished an opportunity for the study of the apparatus for stage lighting which was to be used on a ten-fold greater scale at la Scala. Yet much special apparatus for the purpose had to be invented to fill the peculiar demands of a stage so vast and where so much luxury is displayed in the mounting of the operas. The gas was entirely displaced and the theatre wholly lighted by incandescent electric lamps in time for the season 1883-84. The following are some of the details of this important installation: The total number of lamps in the theatre and its annexes is 2,890, of 32, 16, 10 and 8 c. p., respectively, equivalent to 2,580 of the normal 16 c. p. standard lamps. The current is furnished to the theatre, as to all other consumers, night and day, and during one season the consumption has amounted, in round numbers, to 900,000 lamp hours. Not a single accident to or interruption in the service has occurred since its inauguration in November, 1883, up to the present time. A second and much smaller installation is that of the Theatre Manzoni-391 lamps-from whence gas is also excluded. Another installation, that of the Grand Hotel Conti- nental, is, we believe, unique. This hotel is entirely 2176 Colombo-Milan Station-1885. lighted by incandescence, to the absolute exclusion of gas, and even of candles, since every room is furnished with the electric light. Portable lamps with flexible conductors and circuit-closers similar to those used for electric bells, are used. There are 476 lamps here, 32 and 16 c. p. being used for the public halls and saloons and 10 c. p. for the chambers. Two or three other installations are now in course of construction and are rapidly approaching completion. As the gas company in this city has an unexpired monopoly, it is impossible to hope for a much greater extension of the system to streets and squares other than those now covered, although the public much de- sire it. The electric light has, however, brought about a reduction of 40 per cent. in the price of gas within the district served. IV. THE GENERAL WORKING OF THE SYSTEM. When this enterprise was undertaken there was only one other like it in the world, at New York, and even there the Pearl street station had only just started to furnish light. It follows, therefore, that its operations were conducted slowly, and often tentatively. Never- theless, it prospered so well that on December 31st last it had a number of consumers which represented an annual revenue of $40,000. At the present moment the capacity of the six ma- chines now installed at Ste. Radegonde is nearly reached. As the principle has been adopted of always keeping one in reserve, even in the times of greatest consumption (the month of February), and calculating the capacity of the C machine at 1,000 16 c. p. lamps, the present equipment will only supply 5,000 of 16 can- dles, or their equivalent in 32, 16, 10 and 8 c. p. lamps. The station can contain, however, and has fixtures ready for four more machines and all accessories capa- Colombo-Milan Station-1885. 2177 ble of supplying, omitting the reserve, 9,000 16 c. p. lamps, or about 11,000 of assorted sizes. This number will suffice for the probable extreme wants of the entire district. The new machines can be added at a less proportion- ate cost than the six original ones, on account of the preparation already made to receive them. The cost will be simply the purchase price of the machines and conductors and cost of laying them. In regard to the conductors, any additions to the number of consumers will result in allowing a more favorable arrangement of the junctions between the feeders and the mains, so that the cost of these will be, per lamp, about 40 francs ($8.00), as against 56 francs ($12.00) for the original outlay per lamp. It may therefore be concluded that the first year of working the Ste. Radegonde station does not represent exactly the results that may be ex- pected in 1885. So, if the first year of working has not only left the capital intact, but has produced a margin for renewal of the plant, it may be expected that the succeeding years will produce dividends. Not only will the diminution in the first cost of installation tend to this result, but also the greater economies which will be realized in the maintenance. In launching a new enterprise where it is imperative to succeed at any cost, notwithstanding obstacles, details receive little atten- tion; but when the business is once well under way, the staff have leisure to economize in the working. One example suffices to prove this: The consumption of coal, which was at .50 kilos (1.1 lbs.) per 16 c. p. lamp per hour, has been reduced to .35 kilos (.77 lbs.) at present, with a prospect of a still greater economy in this particular. All of the other factors in the cost of working have been diminished in like proportion. When the enterprise was started it was judged con- venient to adopt a mixed tariff, depending on the nature of the consumption, viz., a fixed tariff of so much per lamp per year for places like theatres, cafes, clubs, etc., where the average consumption per year varied little; 2178 Colombo-Milan Station—1885. and a tariff depending on the actual consumption, meas- ured by the Edison metre, for private houses, stores, banks, offices, etc. As to the tariff itself, the system adopted from the start was the most rational and the most convenient that could be adopted for an electric lighting enterprise, especially at its inception. Each lamp installed with a consumer represented a capital permanently invested for real estate, building, machinery and conductors. Even supposing that lamp to be used only one hour per year, the installation must provide for illuminating that lamp, since it might happen that all of the lamps in the system should be in use at the same time. This is especially true in Milan, because the lamps being chiefly in public places, it really happens that in winter, at a certain hour of the night, the greater portion of the lamps are in use. Each lamp installed ought, then, to pay the interest and the cost of renewal of its share of the capital invested, whether used during the whole year or not at all. This constitutes, in consequence, an annual constant that each lamp must pay, independent of its consumption. Then there remains to be fixed the tariff of consump- tion, representing the cost of coal, labor, maintenance and spare materials. As this cost is nearly propor- tional to the time the lamp is used, this tariff is so much per hour per lamp, or rather, so much per hour and per ampere consumed by the lamp. If the contract is by metre, the consumption is paid by the readings of the meter, which registers the quan- tity of current or the amperes consumed. If the con- tract is per lamp, the total hours per year are calculated; only, to check a consumption of light greater than that agreed on or foreseen, the consumer must pay, besides, for the renewal of the lamps. Up to the present time the latter form of contract prevails; but for stores and dwellings the tariff by metre is preferred and will be applied on a more extended scale hereafter. The following is the tariff adopted from the com- Colombo--Milan Station --1885. 2179 mencement, and having proved convenient by experience, is maintained integrally at present; it is based on the normal lamp of 16 c. p.: Francs. Dollars. Annual constant for the 16 c. p. lamp. 35.00 Tariff of consumption : Per ampere-hour.. Per lamp, normal-hour__ - (7.) 0.0533 (.01) 0.04 ( .008) For lamps of 100, 32, 10 and 8 c. p., the constant and tariff of consumption are varied proportionately to the quantity of current which they expend. It is evident that this tariff favors the largest con- sumers; not those who have the largest number of lamps, but those whose lamps are used during the greatest number of hours. Thus, for example, a con- sumer whose lamps burn during 3,500 hours per year (as in the case of street lighting), would pay annually for a normal lamp of 16 c. p. (equivalent to at least 180 litres of gas), a sum of 175 francs ($35), which amounts, per hour, to: 16 c. p. electric lamp- Corresponding price per cubic metre of gas.- Centimes. Cents. 5.0 1 27.8 5.5 Which demonstrates the possibility and even the convenience of applying the electric light to public lighting. Cafes, restaurants, clubs, etc., have an average con- sumption of 2,700 to 2,800 hours, which amounts to a tariff per hour of: 16 c. p. electric lamp…. Corresponding price per cubic metre of gas Centimes. Cents. 5.25 1.5 29.2 5.8 2180 Colombo-- Milan Station--1885. Stores closing at from 9:30 to 10 o'clock P. M., and having an average consumption of 1,400 hours, would pay per hour: Corresponding price per cubic metre of 16 c. p. electric lamp-- gas. - Centimes. Cents. 6.5 1.3 36.1 7.2 The price of gas is that of the monopoly accorded to the gas company of Milan, without counting 2 centimes ($.004) municipal tax. Lastly, the dwellings and offices closed in the eve- ning, counting the cost of the light on a basis of 700 hours per year, the tariff per hour would be: 16 c. p. electric light. Corresponding price per cubic metre of gas. Centimes. Cents. 9.0 1.8 50.0 10.0 The electric light is in this case dearer than gas, even at the price assured by monopoly, except in small towns, where gas costs, in Italy, 45 centimes (9c.), and even 50 centimes (10c.) per cubic metre. This is also the case with theatres having a small number of repre- sentations per year. In Italy, for example, all the large opera houses have a season of 40 to 60 representations. These figures will suffice to give an idea of the con- ditions in which an incandescent electric lighting enter- prise can be established and compete with gas. They certainly do not represent the last word that can be said of electric lighting. In the future we are sure that reductions will be made which will still further ex- tend this grand application of electricity, which is still in its infancy, since there are but two instances of its exploitation on a large and important scale, viz., in New York and Milan. As the cost of canalization increases rapidly as the distance between the central station and the furthest Columbo-Milan Station-1885. 2181 outlying lamp increases, it is most economical to estab- lish stations in thickly settled districts, so that this distance shall not much exceed 300 metres (975 feet). If this light is to be adopted generally, to the exclusion of gas, a cheaper system of canalization must be de- vised. There is more than one way in which a practi- cal solution of this problem may be sought; and although this solution may be reserved for the future, there is already one point gained in a fact whose im- portance surpasses that of all other accessory questions.- This fact is the complete and practical success of pub lic lighting by the incandescent lamp, together with the admirable system of distribution devised by Mr. Edison -a success which is hereafter assured by an experience of more than two years in New York and of nearly two years in Milan. 2182 Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. Complainant's Exhibit "Electric and Gas Illumination." By C. M. LUNGREN. [Popular Science Monthly, September, 1882, at page 577.] The period of contest and denial over the question of the possibility of producing a light of low intensity by means of electricity, that would be suitable for the general purposes of interior lighting, has about drawn to a close. It is now pretty generally conceded—what there has never been any reason for denying that the known laws of electric transmission interpose no bar to the successful solution of the problem, but that the difficulties in the way are solely of a practical kind. And it is, further, quite generally agreed that these practical difficulties have been for the most part re- solved, and the question reduced down to one of cost simply; and while a good deal of discussion has taken place upon this point, but little has been written that will enable the general public to form a judgment upon the subject, and arrive at a trustworthy opinion of the relative cost of it and gas under actual commercial conditions. In estimating the relative cost of the two illuminants, it has been common to compare simply the cost of the materials consumed in their production, or when the cost of the apparatus necessary to generate the elec- tricity has been taken into account this has usually been upon the basis of a limited production, and to this extent unfair to electricity. A comparison to be of any value should be between plants of a size sufficient to re- duce the cost to the lowest point at which it can be commercially maintained, and should include all of the items entering into it. The attempt has been made in the following pages to institute such a comparison, and present the facts in the case as they are, so far as they Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. 2183 can be obtained. The comparison is upon the basis of works capable of producing a million feet a day, as in such works gas can be made as cheaply as in any that are larger. The figures for the electric plant are based upon the work of Mr. Edison, as he is the only one who has so far made any attempt to put in an electric plant upon an industrial scale. And for that reason, further, only his system of distribution is considered, though it may be a question whether it is the one which will prove most satisfactory in practice. An objection to it of considerable force, in the opinion of some, is the difficulty of handling engines and boilers with sufficient rapidity to meet great and sudden variations of de- mand, such as not unfrequently occur during the sea- sons of the year in which the weather is changeable. The variation that experience has shown takes place at different periods of the day can be met readily enough. On this account and on acccount of the greater freedom secured in the matter of working various pieces of ap- paratus without interference, it would seem that the system of distribution which includes a storage battery would be preferable, and may, perhaps, become the final form adopted in electric installations. It cannot well enter into the present calculation, however, as there are no data with reference to the first cost and depreciation available, and because the present secondary batteries do not seem to have yet reached a satisfactory com- mercial form. The cost of such a plant for coal gas will vary in this country from $2,500 to $4,000 for each million feet of the yearly make, but $3,000 may be taken as a fair average. Owing to the great variability in the demand for light at different seasons of the year, a gas works of this size will be called upon to furnish but 200,000,000 instead of 365,000,000 feet a year. The plant will therefore cost $600,000. Of this $250,000 may be taken as the cost of the mains, which in average conditions will have for a works of this size a total length of fifty 2184 Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1883. miles, covering a district of about three square miles. To compare an electric with a gas plant, it is necessary to know the number of five-foot burners that will be maintained at the time of greatest consumption, as on this depend both the amount of horse-power required and the size of the mains to transmit the current. The variation in the demand for light from hour to hour as it would occur in average conditions on a bright December day is exhibited in the following table in percentages of the total make for the twenty-four hours: ג ' 7-8 A. M. 14 per cent. 8-9 9-10 ...... 10-11 (6 11-12 66 12- 1 P. M 1- 2 2- 3 3- 4 HA HA HA Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho 7-8 P. M. 8-9 12 per cent. 12 (( 9-10 " 10 (( ...... 10-11 6 11-12 5 12- 1 A. M...... ..... 1,700 (C 1- 2 110 པ 3 2- 3 11% << 3- 4 • ... 11% 4- 5 7호 ​(6 4- 5 10 5- 6 ....16 to 20" 5- 6 1,8% 6-7 << .14 6- 7 17% (C This shows the time of greatest consumption to be between the hours of five and six, and the demand as high as twenty per cent. of the entire daily make. In the case of the plant under consideration, the maximum number of burners that will have to be maintained at any one time is therefore 40,000. Before proceeding to estimate the cost of the plant to generate and distribute electricity sufficient to main- tain this number of burners, a few words descriptive of Mr. Edison's system will be desirable, especially as there appears to be considerable misapprehension on the subject. The distribution is what is known as in . multiple arc-that is, the lamps are placed upon cross- wires between the conductors. Imagine a ladder erected upon an ordinary railway, so that it stands across the track, each foot resting upon one of the rails. Then these rails will represent the outgoing and re- turning street conductors; the sidebars of the ladder, Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. 2185 the house conductors, and each rung a lamp. The dynamo machines generating the current are arranged in exactly the same way with regard to the circuit, all the positive poles being joined to one main conductor, and all the negative ones to the other. The arrange- ment is what is known, in the case of electric batteries, as coupling for quantity, as opposed to coupling for in- tensity, and is similar to that of a number of pumps discharging water into a common main. This disposi- tion of the electric-producing apparatus has the im- portant advantage that the reserve plant, to meet con- tingencies, needs to be but a fraction of the total one, while if each machine supplied an independent circuit the plant would have to be in duplicate. As is well known, the steam-engines driving the dynamos are coupled directly to the machines, without the interven- tion of belts or gearing, the combination being termed the steam dynamo. The street mains consist of wrought iron tubes about two inches in diameter, containing two half-round copper rods imbedded in an insulating resinous cement. A main of this kind is carried continuously around each city block. At the intersections of the streets the con- ductors are brought together and joined to a main somewhat larger, termed a feeder, which supplies the current to these four blocks. It will thus be seen that the system of mains and the mode of production of the electricity are as readily capable of expansion to meet increased business as in the case of gas. The mains can be tapped anywhere for new consumers, and to meet this increased demand it is only necessary to run a feeder to the place of enlarged consumption, and in- crease the producing plant sufficiently. What, then, will be the cost of such an electric plant to do the same amount of lighting as the above gas plant? If we take eight sixteen-candle lamps, main- tained throughout the whole system for each actual horse-power applied to the dynamo machine, engines with a normal capacity of five thousand horse-power 2186 Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. will be required to sustain the maximum number of burners. This will include the reserve plant, as engines of a normal capacity of forty-two hundred can readily be forced to five thousand horse, or twenty per cent., to meet this extreme demand, and, with the generators arranged after Mr. Edison's plan, this per cent. is an ample reserve. The maximum demand can, of course, be met either by forcing or by running the entire plant at its normal rate, and forcing only in case of accident. To cover a district of three square miles, two distribut- ing stations will be sufficient. The steam dynamos may be taken as of two hundred horse each, working nor- mally. The present steam dynamos are of but one hun- dred and twenty-five horse, but they can be made two hundred horse with but slight increase of cost, which Mr. Edison contemplates doing in future installations. This will give thirteen steam dynamos to one station and twelve to the other. These may each be placed at $8,000, making a total for the two stations of $200,000. That this is a sufficient allowance will be evident upon considering the machines in detail. two hundred horse-power engines. tion that these can be obtained by per horse-power, or $3,600 each.* This leaves $4,400 to cover the cost of the dynamo. The material in these, as now being constructed, is as follows: a There are first the No one will ques- large buyer at $18 Iron (wrought and cast) ..... 40,700 pounds at 33 cents = $1,425 00 Zinc (cast)..... Copper .... 680 3,440 44,820 6 28 40 80 963 20 $2,429 00 This leaves $2,071 for the cost of construction, which * Mr. Edison informs me that engines of 200 indicated horse- power are being purchased by him for $1,750 each, delivered in New York. This estimate is, therefore, much too high, but, as the comparison of plant in the text is based upon it, I have thought it best to let it stand and point out the needed correction here. Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. 2187 will be recognized as more than enough, when it is re- membered that the cost of the iron as above given in- cludes its shaping, and that the copper on the armature is in the form of bars and disks, which, with suitable tools, can be expeditiously constructed. Adding twenty-five per cent. to the cost of material for the 200-horse machine, there is still left $1,364 to be expended in construction. It seems to me, there- fore, that $8,000 is a safe estimate of the cost of such steam dynamos. Regarding the boilers, the sectional or water-tube boiler on account of its freedom from dangerous explosions, the smaller space occupied by it, its higher efficiency and less cost for repairs, is in every way the best suited for a purpose of this kind. Such a boiler set ready for use, including stack and apparatus for handling coal and firing, will cost $20 per horse- power. The total boilers would therefore cost $100,000, making the entire producing portion of the plant, ex- clusive of real estate, $300,000. As the Edison mains are now being laid, they will transmit a current sufficient to maintain from sixteen thousand to eighteen thousand sixteen-candle lamps. Taking the former figure, this is one and a quarter mile per 1,000 lamps. Basing the calculation for mains upon this mileage and the size of the present mains, the same number of miles of electric mains would be required as for gas. The present conductors are, as stated, in the form of half-round copper rods, of vary- ing sizes, diminishing, of course, as they proceed from the station. They are, however, equivalent to round rods with a uniform diameter of one-half inch. Such rods weigh 755 of a pound per foot, and 3986.4 pounds per mile, costing, at 28 cents per pound, $1,116 per mile. As there are two rods in each main, the cost per mile for copper would be $2,232. To this must be added $1,200 per mile for wrought-iron tubes, boxes at the joints and between the mains, and the house wires and insulating material, and $1,000 per mile for laying, making the total cost of the 1000 2188 Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. main per mile, laid ready for use, $4,432. Four- fifths of the mains would be of this size, the other fifth being feeders equivalent to round rod three-fourths of an inch in diameter. These latter weigh 1.69 pound per foot, and would therefore cost $2,340 per mile, and taking the cost of inclosing tube, insulation and laying the same as above, their total cost per mile would be $7,196. The total cost of the mains, forty miles at $4,432 per mile, and ten miles at $1,196 per mile, would therefore amount to the same as the gas mains, viz., $250,000. If real estate be added at $50,000, which in most cities requiring this size of plant would be ample, the total cost of the electric plant would be the same as one for gas. * The elements entering into the cost of the light to the company furnishing it are in each case the interest on the investment, depreciation, or the amount spent each year in keeping the property in good condition, the labor of all kinds-in the manufacture, distribution and management--and lastly, the cost of the materials used in its production. In the case of gas but a few of these items as they occur in American works are obtain- able, so that recourse must be had to the published re- ports of foreign companies, and the like items estimated for this country. Of these, the reports of the London companies as analyzed by Mr. Field will best serve for the purpose of the present comparison.t Taking first the item of depreciation, we find that for the four metropolitan companies this was, for the year 1880, on * While this estimate seems to me not far from the expenditure that would be actually required for this size of plant, it should be stated that it is lower than any of those given by the electrical ex- perts examined by the select committee of the House of Commons in its consideration of the Electric Lighting Bill. + Having been unable to obtain a copy of Mr. Field's "Annual,” I have taken the figures as quoted from this for the year 1880 by Mr. Dowson, in a recent lecture before the Society of Arts. Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. 2189 the producing portion of the plant 9.86, cents per 1,000 feet of gas sold, or about five and a half per cent. on the cost of this part of the plant as it has been taken in this paper. Calling this ten cents a thousand feet, we have $20,000 a year as the expenditure under this head, which is probably well within the actual figures of most American works. In the case of the electric plant four per cent. is a sufficient allowance for the same item, which gives a yearly charge of $12,000 and a cost of six cents per 1,000 feet. Depreciation of this part of the plant varies but little with different works, as the conditions upon which it depends are relatively constant, but that of the mains is, on the other hand, exceedingly variable. In a dry, open soil gas mains will last a great length of time, and even when they become entirely rusted through they will still continue efficient if undisturbed. They do not, however, remain undisturbed, so that in the most favorable conditions some expenditure is necessary to keep them in working condition. We shall probably not be far wrong if we take this at two per cent. of the entire cost of the mains, which includes, of course, that of laying them. This item then becomes in the case of our gas plant $5,000 per year, and 2 cents per 1,000 feet. In the case of the electric mains, this percentage must be reckoned only upon their cost, exclusive of the copper, as this latter is practically indestructible and can be used again and again. The amount upon which to reckon the two per cent. depreciation is, therefore, $2,200×50=$110,000, and the yearly charge $2,200, which gives 1.1 cent per 1,000 feet. The interest on the investment is the same in each case, and amounts to $24,000 a year at four per cent., and to 12 cents per 1,000 feet. These items include all that are properly chargeable to the expense account of the plant save taxes, which would be about the same in each case, and which may be neglected for the present. The plant account, then, stands in the two cases for each thousand feet or its equivalent: 2190 Lungren--Electricity and Gas-1882. Gas. Electricity. Interest 12. 12. Depreciation of producing works……… 10. 6. (( of mains. Total__ 2.5 1.1 24.5 19.1 19.1 5.4 Balance in favor of electricity.. The items entering into the cost of coal gas are, ex- clusive of management, rent and taxes, etc., the cost of coal, of manufacturing and of distribution. Taking the last first, we find 4.4 cents per 1,000 feet as the cost of this item for the four metropolitan companies. Putting this at 5 cents for American works, and deducting from this 2 cents for the depreciation of mains, which is in- cluded in this charge, there is left 2 cents for the cost of the labor of inspection of meters, etc., which consti- tutes the charge of distribution, and which would be about the same in both systems. As the depreciation of the mains is not given sepa- rately, this item is liable to error, due to a wrong esti- mate of such depreciation, but as it affects both systems similarly, it will not vitiate the results. Under manu- facturing, the English report includes purifying, salaries, the wages for carbonizing and wear and tear, which latter item has already been carried to the plant account. The first of these amounts to 1.82 cent, the second .82 of a cent, and the third to 7.16 cents; making a total of 9.8 cents per 1,000 feet. This is probably much be- low the actual amount paid for these items in American works, but I am assured, on excellent authority, that in works constructed after the best modern models, puri- fication should cost the gas company nothing, and that all labor in the manufacturing department should be covered by an outlay equivalent to one man's wages ($2.50 per day) for each 40,000 feet of gas made per day. As the same amount of labor would have to be paid for each day in the year as on the days of greatest Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. 2191 demand, this would amount, for a daily make of 1,000,000 feet, to 25 men whose wages at $65 per month (26×2) would be $19,500* a year, or 94 cents per 1,000 feet of the actual make. Including the cost of purifi- cation and calling the amount 12 cents, we shall not be far wrong, or at least shall not exceed the actual outlay in the average works of this size. In the case of elec- tricity the labor required at each station would be: One chief engineer. Three assistants (at $75). Five firemen (at $60) - Total.. រ 1 1 $125 per month. 225 300 . $650 (6 making $15,600 a year for the whole manufacturing plant, 7.8 cents per 1,000 feet. To this may be added 1 cents to cover salary of electrician and incidental labor, bring the item up to 9 cents. There remains to be considered the cost of the coal in the case of gas, and the expense of running the engines in the case of electricity. The cost of coal per 1,000 feet of gas made was, in the case of the London companies, 36% cents, corresponding to $3.51 per ton, the make of gas being for this amount of coal 9,529 feet. This was offset by the sale of residuals, as below: Coke and breeze. Tar and products. Ammonia and products- Total____ 1 1 1 1 11.16 cents. 7.18 5.72 24.06 (6 which leaves 12.8 cents as the net cost of the coal. * The engineer furnishing the information on which this state- ment is based informs me that this should be $12,500, or $2.50 per 40,000 feet of the actual yearly, instead of the maximum daily make. This would reduce the item 93 cents to 64 cents per 1,000 feet. 2192 Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. Compared with foreign companies both in England and on the Continent, but very little is done with the residual products in this country, and the amounts re- ceived vary greatly between different works. Reliable data on this point cannot be obtained, but under the most favorable conditions this item cannot be taken as amounting to more than one-half the cost of the coal, while with most works it is probably inconsiderable. The average price of the coal used may be placed at $4.50 a ton, and the amount of gas produced 10,000 feet, making the cost 45 cents per 1,000 feet. This make of gas can hardly be maintained with a produc- tion of residuals equal to one-half the cost of the coal, but assuming that it is, the cost of the coal becomes 22 cents per 1,000 feet. In the foregoing estimate of the electric plant, it has been assumed that eight lamps could be maintained throughout the entire distributive system for each actual horse-power expended upon the pulley of the dynamo machine. That this is entirely feasible has been proved by careful tests made by experts in no way interested in any of the lamps, and their results can therefore be accepted without question. For such a use as electric lighting the cost of a horse-power may safely be taken as not above the best results hitherto obtained in practice. In general manufacturing the item of power while important is not sufficiently so to demand that constant and great care necessary to obtain the very best results, and hence few engines and boilers yield in practice the same results as in special tests. With electric light companies this item, on the contrary, is vital, and we may confidently expect to see them in time obtaining their power at a considerably less cost than is now common. Mr. Edison finds, as a matter of of fact, confirmed by several months' test at Menlo Park, that he is able to maintain a horse-power an hour with five pounds of slack (one-third pea and two-thirds dust), costing $2.45 a ton. For the purpose of the present comparison, however, it is best to make a liberal Lungren--Electricity and Gas-1882. 2193 allowance, and take for a 200 horse-power engine a con- sumption of four pounds of coal an hour, the coal cost- ing $4.50 per ton of 2,240 pounds, delivered. A horse- power will then cost of a cent an hour, and we may rightly abate our liberality sufficiently to include in this the cost of the oil for lubricating the engine and dynamo. Τσ The maintenance for an hour of 200 electric burners, the equivalent of the 1,000 feet of gas, will therefore cents for the gas. cost 20 cents, as against 22 Summing up the results so far obtained the two ac- counts stand as follows: PLANT ACCOUNT. Interest Depreciation of producing works. 10. Depreciation of mains. Manufacturing expenses : Labor Coal.... Working expenses : Distribution. Total_.. 1 1 1 PER 1,000 FEET. Gas. Electricity. 12. 12. 6. 2.5 1.1 24.5 19.1 12. 9. 22.5 20. 34.5 29. 2.5 2.5 61.5 50.6 Under this last heading there should be added rent and taxes, management, law charges, bad debts and various incidentals. These cannot be separately arrived at with any closeness, but they may be taken in the lump as about the same part of the total charges as in the case of the London companies, which is 16 per cent., exclusive of the interest on investment. This in the present case would be 9.4 cents per 1,000, bringing the total cost per 1,000 up to 71 cents with gas and 60 cents with electricity. The promoters of the electric light would probably 2194 Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. demur to this statement, so far as rent and taxes are concerned, as they insist upon the much smaller real estate required with the electric than with a gas plant. This difference does not, however, seem to me sufficient to be of any practical moment, as the real estate in the case of electricity is in the district supplied, where the price of laud is relatively high, while the gas companies can readily place their works in such locality as to com- pensate in lowered land value for the greater amount required. Gas companies can, moreover, build within much smaller limits than usual when, for any reason, it is desirable, and closely approach the space requisite for an electric installation. An item of considerable amount which has been omitted from the estimate for electricity is the cost of the renewal of the lamps. With the general introduc- tion of incandescent electric lighting, this is a charge which would fall directly upon the consumer, but it is one which would steadily diminish with improvement in lamps. Assuming, however, that it is a legitimate charge upon the company supplying the light, the item amounts to 10 cents per 1,000, if the lamps have a life of 600* hours and cost 30 cents. This brings the elec- tric account up to 70 cents per 1,000. So far as coal gas is concerned, then, these figures show a slight advantage in favor of electricity, and while they are only approximative they are near enough to the truth, I think, to represent the actual relation of the two illuminants. While very much, doubtless, re- mains to be done in the improvement of coal gas manu- facture, it does not seem probable that this will affect its cost of production to the same extent as future im- provements of electric apparatus may be expected to decrease that of the electric light. Looking closely at the two accounts, it does not seem probable that the item relative to plant will be materially lessened in the *I am informed by Mr. Edison that the average life of the lamps is now 900 hours, including 3 per cent. breakage in handling. Lungren-Electricity and Gas--1882. 2195 future. The cost of the plant has already been taken at a figure very near the lower limit, so near that the substitution of this in its place would make a difference in the yearly plant account of but 2 cents per 1,000. We may, on the other hand, expect improvements to largely reduce the cost of the electric plant. On Mr. Edison's system of distribution, the size of the con- ductors varies inversely as the resistance of the lamps, so that they may be materially reduced if the resistance of these latter can be increased; while any improve- ments affecting the number of lamps per horse-power diminishes both the interest account by reducing the plant, and the actual cost of production. How far coal gas can go in a reduction of the cost of production it is difficult to say, but I think the lower limit may safely be taken at the point at which the sale of residuals pays for the coal. Both of these items— cost of coal and prices of residuals-are practically be- yond the control of a gas company. The coal is already purchased in the open market at the lowest figures at which it can be obtained, and the market for residuals depends chiefly upon the development of chemical industries, which can hardly be hastened by the action of a gas company. This market is a steadily growing one, and it is not impossible that the residuals will in time pay for the coal, though it is hardly prob- able. The items of labor and distribution cannot prob- ably undergo any considerable reduction. The limit, then, below which it does not appear that there is any probability of coal gas falling in this country is 46 cents per 1,000, which is a figure that may be reached by electricity without assuming anything less probable than the above supposition respecting gas. It is only necessary to get ten lamps per horse-power, and pro- duce the latter with three pounds of coal an hour, to bring the cost down to 47 cents, exclusive of the lamps. As a present competitor, however, what is known as water gas-gas produced by the decomposition of steam in the presence of coal or oil-appears to be the 2196 Lungren-- Electricity and Gas--1882. more formidable. This mode of gas manufacture has the advantage of coal gas in a lessened cost of the pro- ducing plant, a smaller labor account, and a decreased depreciation of the generating apparatus. Its success- ful competition with coal gas ultimately depends upon what the latter can make of its residuals, as there is no offset of this kind in its case, but with present condi- tions it can go below it. The producing portion of the plant costs but little more than half that for coal gas, while the labor is about a third, and depreciation but slightly more than this. A sixteen-candle gas will re- quire three gallons of oil per 1,000 feet, and can be made with oil at 5 cents a gallon and coal at $4.50 a ton, at an expenditure of 28 cents per 1,000 feet for materials. The total cost will not exceed 60 cents. Such, then, appears to be the relation of these two agents on the basis of illumination solely, but it must not be forgotten that the amount of light which each plant can furnish does not represent the actual relative capacity of the two. The electric plant can be run not only four hours a day for light, but any further num- ber of hours for power, without any increase of the machines. The gas plant, on the other hand, would have to be increased to furnish both power and light. That this advantage of electricity is liable to be a very important one will hardly be questioned, when the ex- tent of the field open to electro-motors is borne in mind. On these figures the cost of electricity is near enough to that of gas to enable it to offer a very substantial competition, and one which may be expected to grow stronger with increased experience and future improve- ments. That under the stimulus of this competition considerable improvement will be made in lighting by gas seems very probable. Already it has been shown that in the matter of burners there is a wide field for invention, and that the results now usually obtained are much under what are possible. With the high- power burners of Siemens the illumination obtained Lungren-Electricity and Gas-1882. 2197 from sixteen-candle gas has been more than doubled, and in others it has been carried up to from five to five and a half candles per foot. How suitable burners yielding such a great increase of light will be for the general purposes of lighting, and whether they can with advantage displace the simple flat tip, remains to be seen, but the present indications are that it is chiefly through the use of improved burners that gas must en- deavor to resist the assaults of the incandescent light. Competition on the basis of a gas of higher illuminat- ing power simply, without a resort to improved burners, does not seem very promising. The recently published report of the sub-commission appointed to test the in- candescent lamps at the Paris Exhibition, of which Mr. Crookes was a member, shows that a thirty-two candle lamp can be maintained with an increase of from 28 to 37 per cent. of the power required to sustain one of sixteen candles, while with gas such an increase of illumination will require an additional expense of fully 50 per cent. of the cost of one of the lower candle- power. This is so with the Lowe gas, with which three gallons of oil are sufficient to give sixteen candles, but six are required for thirty-two, and it is not probable that coal gas can be enriched any cheaper. Whether the limit to progress in gas lighting, both in the matter of improvement of manufacture and burners, is suffi- ciently far off to give gas unquestioned possession of the field of lighting or not, the result can alone deter- mine. But if the figures presented in this paper can be at all relied upon, they show that gas manufacturers and those interested in gas property will do well not to underrate the strength in their own domain of this rising industrial power. 2198 Swan-" Electric Lighting "--1880. Complainant's Exhibit "Electric Light- ing.* SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, NEW YORK, Nos. 264 AND 265, JANUARY 22 AND 29, 1881. ALMOST two years ago I had the honor of delivering a lecture in this place on electric light. To-night I have undertaken to report the progress which has been made since then in connection with the subject. At the time of my last lecture the public mind was greatly perturbed by the question whether or not gas lighting was about to be superseded by electric lighting. It was generally believed that a revolution-working discovery had been made, and you may remember, as a conse- quence, gas stock was much depressed in value. After a while, when the supposed wonderful discovery dwin- dled and paled in the daylight of scientific examina- tion, the panic subsided, and then the current of feel- ing drove the other way, and in place of the hasty credulity which at first took possession of the public mind, there is now, I think, an equally unreasonable unbelief in the possibilities of electric lighting-the idea now widely prevailing that electric light, as a sub- stitute for gas, is after all a delusion. [A brief résumé of the general principles was here given, and the development of the dynamo machine shown.] On the whole the cost of producing electricity by mechanical means has been diminished. It is practicable to develop 1-horse power by the combustion of 2 lbs. of coal per hour, and to produce with this amount of motive power a current of elec- tricity sufficient to give a light of over 1,000 standard candles; that is to say, we can maintain for one hour an electric light of more than equal to 1,000 standard candles, or 66 large gas burners, by the combustion * Abstract of a lecture delivered by J. W. Swan, at the Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne, October 20, 1880. Swan "Electric Lighting "--1880. 2199 of 2 lbs. of coal. That is a much more economical re- sult than can be obtained by the voltaic battery or any other means of generating an electric current at present known. [Reference was made to the voltaic cell, and the question of storage was discussed as exemplified in the secondary battery of M. Planté.] M. Planté was, I believe, the first to put the idea of a secondary battery into practice. The secondary battery of M. Planté consists of plates of lead placed opposite each other and very near together, but not touching. Here is a Planté cell. It consists simply of two pieces of sheet lead rolled up together, and separated by the space of about one-eighth of an inch. You observe that in this combination we have two plates of the same metal, viz., lead; and in this respect the combination differs from an ordinary voltaic battery, inasmuch as the very es- sence-so to speak-of the voltaic battery is the dis- similarity of the two plates which in part constitute it. It is zinc and copper, or zinc and platinum, or some dissimilar combination of that sort that we are all familiar with as characteristic of the voltaic battery. Here, in the secondary battery, the two plates are alike, therefore of themselves they cannot generate a current of electricity like the ordinary voltaic battery. But if these two lead plates are for a time connected by wires with a generator of electricity, no matter of what kind (it may be a dynamo-electric machine which supplies the primary current), one of the lead plates is changed on its surface-it becomes oxidized-and after under- going this change it is, when detached from the gener- ator, in such a condition as to be able to give out, at any future time, a current of electricity on its own ac- count; and when the charge has been expended the plates are, like an empty gasómeter, just in the same condition they were before receiving the charge, and ready to be charged afresh. The secondary battery is, therefore, an instrument of very great interest at the present moment, and it is much to be hoped that it may be improved, because, in the simple form which I have described, it does not quite do all that would be required of a secondary battery, applied as a store of 2200 Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. electricity on a large scale for extensive practical elec- tric lighting. I have here a modified form of a second- ary battery, which, if it does not give us all that could be desired, makes a very considerable contribution toward it. This battery was charged this morning; before being charged it was nearly inert. I will join the poles together by this platinum wire, and if the charge has been retained the wire will become hot. [The wire is, you see, white hot. The want of a means of storing electricity is a newly felt want; as yet it cannot be said to have been fully supplied, but, as I have shown you, it has been supplied to a certain ex- tent, and research is still busy at work seeking its com- plete fulfillment. There can be no doubt that what is wanted will be found, and with the perfecting of the secondary battery that great objection to electric light- ing that you cannot store the power which produces it as you can store gas-will be completely met. [The thermopile was here briefly referred to.] All the various means of producing light by electricity that can make any pretension to practicability are di- visible into two classes, namely: 1st. Lighting by the electric arc. 2d. Lighting by incandescence. In lighting by the electric arc there is a break or gap in the circuit which has to be bridged over by a sort of electric flame. In lighting by incandescence there is no break or gap at the point where light is produced, but a thin, highly infusible, and badly conducting solid substance is there interposed which becomes white hot, and emits a light, bright in proportion to the degree of heat produced in it. Now, to fix in your mind precisely what I am talking about, I will first show you what I mean by the elec- tric arc. This will enable you more easily to follow my remarks on the question of electric lighting by this method. Here is an enlarged view of the electric arc-here are the two carbon points, and here-between them- is formed the electric arc. Swan" Electric Lighting "-1880. 2201 A powerful electric current, produced by a gas en- gine and dynamo-electric machine, is supplied to these two pencils of carbon through thick copper conducting wires, and you see that a stream of flame is flowing or rushing between them. If the points are too much separated the light is lessened; by increasing the air space between the points resistance to the passage of the current is increased, and the current is consequently diminished, and when this diminution of current passes a certain limit the light is lessened. On the other hand, when the points are made to approach too closely to each other, the light becomes less for the opposite reason. A certain amount of difficulty or resistance must be offered to the passage of the current in order to pro- duce light, and to get the best effect the resistance must neither be too much nor too little. When the points are made to touch there is no longer the resistance of the air space to be struggled through, the light consequently goes out. Observe the alteration in the points; they burn away, and one faster than the other. Now, as the production of a steady light demands that the points should be maintained at a constant distance apart, it is evident that under the complicated conditions of the case a nice regulation of the distance of the points to each other is a matter of extreme difficulty. I will now ask for the current to be turned on to a lamp hung up aloft, in order that you may see how very nearly the difficulties of producing a steady arc light have been surmounted. The particular lamp I am using for the purpose of my illustration is Crompton's lamp, of which here is a diagram. Properly regulated it feeds the pencils to- gether almost continuously and with great precision. That, then, ladies and gentlemen, is par excellence the electric light. That is the form and style of electric light that inventors have for the last forty years strug- gled and battled with difficulty upon difficulty to render serviceable to the wants of man. From the nature of the electric arc light you will 2202 Swan-" Electric Lighting"-1880. readily perceive that it is a kind of light not suited to the lighting of dwelling houses, nor shops, nor streets. It does not lend itself kindly to division nor exten- sive distribution. It will give you either a great deal of light or none. For certain exceptional uses it is excellent. If you want a very brilliant illumination all centred in one focus, for a lighthouse, or signal, for example, or for a high-roofed railway station, or very large workshop, or open space, it is unquestionably the most economical and the best of all artificial lights. It has already found for itself in England over two hundred appropriate applications. Its use is continued and increased on the Thames Embankment. It is used in the reading room of the British Museum; in the Picton Library, Liverpool; in a portion of the South Kensington Museum; at the Liverpool Street Railway Station; the Barrow Shipbuilding Works; the St. Enoch Railway Station, Glasgow; on the Promenade at Blackpool; and at the new Albert Docks, where, by means of Siemens lamps, three miles of wharves and quays are made almost as light by night as by day, and at a very moderate cost. As an illustration of the economy of lighting by means of the electric arc under conditions suited to its use, I instance the case of the Alexandra Palace, where 2,000 gas lights, which consumed 26s. worth of gas per hour, are replaced by six of Mr. Crompton's lamps, giving a greater aggregate amount of light than the 2,000 gas burners, at a cost of 6s. per hour. In some instances the economy of the electric arc light is greater by half than in the case I have mentioned. Not only is it economical in such a case as that of the Alexandra Palace, but it produces an effect of general illumina- tion overhead as well as upon the ground not produci- ble by any other means. But the interest which attaches to electric arc light- ing is much lessened by the fact that the purposes to which that mode of lighting is suited are exceptional. We do not, as a rule, want the light of 1,000 candles Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. 2203 What we do generally want steady lights, spread about in or more all in one place. is a number of small and different rooms, and in different parts of those rooms. For electric light of this description we must search in another direction. I said that there is another way of producing elec- tric light, namely, by incandescence. Lighting by incandescence is a branch of the subject which has a special charm for me, because I have be- stowed upon it much thought and labor; and it is, I believe, the branch which will yield the largest crop of fruit. Electric lighting by incandescence is just as simple as arc lighting is difficult: all that is required is a material which is not a very good conductor of elec- tricity, highly infusible, and which can be formed into a wire or lamina, and is either non-combustible in air, or, if combustible, does not undergo change in a vacuum. There are, so far as I know, just two substances that possess, in any sufficient degree for the purpose in question, the qualities I have specified. These two substances are platinum, or an alloy of platinum with iridium and carbon. Platinum has the advantage over carbon that it is not combustible in air; it does not, like carbon, burn away if you make it white hot; but it is very inferior to carbon in the degree of heat it will bear without fusion; and for producing light by incandescence it is essential to economy that the incandescent material should be capable of endur- ing an extremely high temperature, because the amount of light emitted by an incandescent substance incrcases in a more rapid ratio than the temperature. When, for example, you have a piece of platinum wire or carbon red hot, it emits almost no light, but double its temperature by sending a double quantity of current through it, and it will yield much more than twice the light it did before. It is therefore evident that the hotter the incan- descent material can be made the less the light will cost per unit of power expended. Iridio-platinum, comparatively with other metals, 2204 Swan" Electric Lighting"-1880. may be called extremely infusible, but compared with carbon it is nowhere. Carbon has, in fact, resisted without fusion the very highest degree of heat brought to bear upon it, and what that degree of heat is I can hardly estimate, it is so enormous. But carbon has been found so difficult to deal with on account of its ready combustibility (and some other troublesome properties which I will mention afterward), that experimenters have bestowed much attention upon platinum and iridio-platinum as the incandescent ma- terial for electric lamps. Mr. Edison was, I think, the last who attempted to utilize platinum in an electric lamp, and I think there can be no doubt that he obtained better results with platinum, and came nearer making a useful platinum lamp than any experimenter in the same track who had gone before him. Here is a view of Edison's platinum lamp. This is the lamp of which so much was promised and expected in October, 1878, and which led, you remem- ber, to the panic in gas shares. This lamp did not realize the hopes of the inventor. (I will not rekindle Mr. Crompton's electric sun, be- cause I hope presently to show you some small lamps, whose light would be absolutely drowned in that fierce radiance, as stars are by the light of day.) While Mr. Edison was endeavoring to produce a useful incandescent lamp by means of platinum, I was endeavoring to obtain the same end by means of carbon. It had appeared to me for many years that if ever electric light was to become generally useful it would, most probably, be by means of the incandescence of carbon. I had, long before the time to which I am re- ferring, attempted to render this idea practicable. As a matter of history, I will briefly describe an ex- periment which I tried about twenty years ago. I had a number of pieces of paper and card of various forms and sizes buried in charcoal in a crucible. This crucible I sent to be heated white hot in one of the Swan-" Electric Lighting "--1880. 2205 pottery kilns belonging to Mr. Wallace, of Forth Banks. From the pieces of carbonized card which I thus ob- tained I selected a long spiral; the ends of this I clipped between small blocks of carbon carried by up- rights, and connected with conducting wires. A small glass shade was cemented over this mounted carbon spiral, and the air was exhausted by means of a very good air pump, lent to me for the purpose of this ex- periment by the Rev. Robert Green, of Longhorsley. A good vacuum (according to the ideas that then pre- vailed) having been produced, I applied the wires of my battery (consisting of ten cells of Callan's modifica- tion of Grove's battery) with great expectation of a brilliant result; instead of this there was the most absolute negative presented to me; not a vestige of heat or light appeared in my long ringlet of carbonized paper. It was evident, and I immediately recognized the fact, that the electric current of the strength I was using would not go in sufficient quantity through so long a piece of carbon as I had taken. I therefore re- peated the experiment with shorter carbon and a greater number of cells, and I obtained, under these altered circumstances, an extremely interesting result. My carbon was in the form of an arch (this diagram will help my explanation), about one inch high and a quarter of an inch wide. The ends of the arch were held in small clamps, with square blocks of carbon. The air pump having been worked, I had the pleas- ure of seeing that when contact with the battery of forty or fifty cells was completed my carbonized paper arch became red-hot, and it was evident that nothing more was wanted than a still stronger current to make it give out a brilliant light; but I had used up all the battery power at my disposal, and having reached this limit, I contented myself with watching the behavior of the arch, the engrossing question being: How long will it endure? I noticed that the inner part of the arch was hotter than the outer part, and that, perhaps in consequence of this, the arch became bent on one side. This bend- 2206 Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. ing gradually increased, until at last the arch had so far curled down that the top was on a level with the clamps, and on coming in contact with the sole of the lamp it broke in two, and the experiment collapsed. That, I confidently believe, was the very first instance in which carbonized paper was ever used in the con- struction of an incandescent electric lamp. I am now speaking of twenty years ago, and at that time the voltaic battery was the cheapest source of electricity known, and the means of producing high vacua were very much less perfect than they are now. I laid my electric light experiments aside until about three years ago, when two things concurred to lead me to pursue the subject afresh. The discovery of the dynamo-electric machine had entirely altered the position of the question of electric lighting, shifting it out of the region of things scientifi- cally interesting into that of things practically useful. The Sprengel air pump, too, had been invented, and with its invention we had been provided with a means. of producing much higher vacua than could be pro- duced by the old form of air pump. Mr. Crookes' radiometer experiments had shown us what a really high vacuum was and how to produce it. Mr. Stearn, of Birkenhead, an ardent scientific ama- teur, was so attracted by the extraordinary results Mr. Crookes had obtained by means of high vacua as to go with great enthusiasm into the same line of experiment, and he soon acquired such a knowledge of the Sprengel pump, and such expertness in its manipulation as per- haps was only equaled by Mr. Crookes himself. I had the good fortune to make Mr. Stearn's ac- quaintance, and that was the other one of the determin- ing causes of my second attempt to solve the problem of electric lighting by the incandescence of carbon. In the interval between the first and second periods I have mentioned many attempts had been made by various experimenters to render practicable incandes- cent carbon lamps, but none were entirely successful. Here is represented a variety of the most notable of Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. 2207 these attempts. Some are vacuum lamps, and some have air admitted. Sawyer and Man's lamp is filled with nitrogen. When the incandescent carbon is in air it burns away, and must consequently be renewed just as a candle must be renewed; it must also be thicker than would be necessary in a vacuum, and, being thicker, it requires a proportionally greater cur- rent to render it incandescent; both these circum- stances are obviously against economy. (To be continued.) 2208 Swan-" Electric Lighting"-1880. (Continued from Supplement No. 264, page 4207.) ELECTRIC LIGHTING.* In all the various attempts to utilize the principle of the incandescence of carbon in vacuo two great diffi- culties has stood in the way and baffled every attempt to overcome them. One was the rapid wearing away and consequent breaking of the incandescent carbon; and the other the obscuration of the lamp by a kind of black smoke. So uniformly did these phenomena pre- sent themselves that the idea was propounded and generally accepted that the blackening of the lamp globes was due to volatilization of the carbon under the action of the enormous heat to which it was sub- jected. In Fontaine's work on electric light this passage occurs at page 180: "Attentive examination of incandescent carbons through a strongly colored glass has shown that they are not uniformly brilliant. They present obscure spots indicative of non-homogeneity, and the position of cracks, which rapidly disintegrate the carbon. The vacuum never being perfect in the receivers the first carbon is in greater part consumed. It would appear that, consequently upon the little oxygen contained in the lamp being transformed into carbonic acid and car- bonic oxide, the carbon should be preserved indefi- nitely. But there is then produced a kind of evapora- tion which continues to slowly destroy the incandescent rods. This evaporation is, besides, clearly proved by a pulverulent deposit of sublimed carbon, that we have found on the interior surface of the bells, on the sev- eral interior parts, rods, contacts, hammers, etc." If this idea of the volatilization of carbon were founded in fact, any further attempt to render incan- descent carbon lamps durable by means of a vacuum * Abstract of a lecture delivered by J. W. Swan, at the Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne, October 20, 1880. Swan-"Electric Lighting "-1880. 2209' were mere waste of time, and durable they must be if they were to be of any practical value. Fortunately, I did not accept as conclusive the ex- periments which seemed to show that carbon was vola- tile, and that the blackening of globes of incandescent carbon lamps was an inevitable result of the carbon being very highly heated. I knew that the conditions under which, without exception, all previous experi- ments had been tried, were such as did not allow to be formed anything approaching a perfect vacuum within the lamp. Screw fittings had invariably been em- ployed to close the mouth of the lamp, and the ordinary air pump to exhaust the air. Under such circum- stances it was certain that a considerable residuum of air would be contained within it, and also that it would leak. Then, there had never been any thought given to the gas occluded in the carbon itself, and which, when the carbon became hot by the passage of the current through it, would be evolved; nor had sufficient care been taken to make the resistance, at the points of fixture of the carbon, less than in the carbon to be heated to incandescence. It was evident to me that before any definite con- clusion could be arrived at as to the question of the volatility of carbon, the cause of the blackening of the globes, and the wearing away of the incandescent rods, we must first try the experiment of heating the carbon to a state of extreme incandescence in a thoroughly good vacuum (such as Mr. Crookes had taught us how to procure), and under more favorable conditions as to the contact between the incandescent carbon and the conductors supporting it than had hitherto obtained. Accordingly, in October, 1877, I sent to Mr. Stearn a number of carbons, made from carbonized cardboard, with the request that he would get thein mounted for me in glass globes by a glass blower, and then exhaust the air as completely as possible. This delicate opera- tion Mr. Stearn very kindly undertook and very skill- fully carried out. In order to produce a good vacuum it was found nec- 2210 Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. · essary to heat the carbon to a very high degree by means of the electric current during the process of ex- haustion, so as to expel the gas occluded by the carbon in its cold state, for, otherwise, however good the vacuum was before the carbon was heated, immediately the current passed and made it white hot, the vacuum was destroyed by the outrush of the gas pent up in the carbon in its cold state. In order to make a good con- tact between the carbon and the clips supporting it, the ends of the carbon were thickened, and, in some of the early experiments, electrotyping and hard soldering of the ends of the carbons to platinum was resorted to. I will not weary you, however, with details, but simply say that the prescribed conditions having been rigorously complied with, it was found, after many troublesome experiments,, that when the vacuum within the lamp globe was good, and the contact between the carbon and the conductor which supported it sufficient, there was no blackening of the globes and no appreci- able wasting away of the carbons. Thus was swept away a pernicious error, which, like a lying finger post, proclaiming, "No road this way," tended to bar progress along a good thoroughfare. It only remained to perfect the details of the lamp, to find the best material from which to form the car- bon, and to fix this material in the lamp in the best manner. These points, I think, I have now satisfac- torily settled; and you see the result in the lamp before me on the table. It is a very modest looking affair, but its perform- ance goes beyond its appearance. The carbon is ex- tremely thin-a mere hair-and how wonderfully strong and elastic it is I will endeavor to show you by means of the lantern. · This carbon, unlike the carbon spoken of by Fon- taine in the extract I read to you, is quite homogene- ous and almost flinty in hardness, and it becomes harder by the use in the lamp; the longer and the hotter it is heated the harder it becomes. What Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. 2211 degree of hardness it will ultimately arrive at is an interesting question. Here is a magnified view of the carbon ring in a state of incandescence. Observe how absolutely uniform in brightness it is; that proves it to be homogeneous, and foretells its durability. Now I will show you how easily lamps of this kind are lighted, and how completely this form of electric light can be divided and distributed. Is it not a pleasant light? It is not so white as the arc light, but yet a whiter light than gas. Colors are correctly seen by it as this picture shows. But the great merit of this light consists in its not being in contact with air, and, therefore, there cannot possibly be the slightest air pollution caused by it. The rooms in which this light is used will be as pure by night as by day. It is essential to economy in lighting by incandes- cence that the incandescent carbon should be very thin. The carbon I use is not one-twentieth of the thickness of the thinnest of the carbons formerly employed, and, therefore, one-twentieth of the current, costing one- twentieth the price, will produce in my thin carbon the same degree of luminosity as twenty times more cur- rent will produce in such carbons as were used in those ancient lamps. You will notice that in my lamp leakage is very thor- oughly guarded against. The wire which passes through the glass not only having the glass fused around it where the wire and globe meet-but in addition to this, the wire is coated with glass almost up to the carbon. In this way the vacuum is preserved very effectually. You have, of course. all heard that after Mr. Edison abandoned his platinum lamp as impracticable, he in- vented a new lamp in which carbonized cardboard is used. Here is a diagram of Mr. Edison's carbon lamp, with its horseshoe of carbonized paper. It is in some respects like mine, but latterly I have given up the use 2212 Swan--" Electric Lighting "-1880. of carbonized cardboard, and am now using a material as much better than carbonized cardboard as carbonized cardboard was better than the material previously used. In an article which appeared in the February number of "Scribner's Magazine," authenticated by a letter from Mr. Edison in the same publication, it is stated that Mr. Edison was the first to use carbonized paper; that is incorrect. And this also occurs after a descrip- tion of the Sprengel pump used in exhausting these lamps: "Mr. Edison's use of carbon in such a vacuum is entirely new." Now, I daresay, there are many here who will remember this little lamp, which I showed here two years ago in action. This lamp has exactly the same simplicity as my present lamp, being composed entirely of three substances, namely, glass, platinum and carbon, and it was exhausted in precisely the same manner, and to the same degree, as that which Mr. Upton-no doubt in good faith but still in error- speaks of as "entirely new." I do not mention these things in any way to dis- parage Mr. Edison, for no one can esteem more highly his inventive genius than I do. I merely state these facts because I think it is right to do so in my own in- terest and in the interest of true history. The complete seclusion of the light in this lamp from contact with air suggests its adaptability to coal mine illumination, and I earnestly hope that this may prove to be one of its uses. But the great purpose to which a lamp of this kind is applicable is the lighting of your houses. In view of such an application two all-important questions present themselves—one as to distribution, another as to cost. Can this light be divided, distributed and measured as gas is divided, distributed and measured? And at what cost? It is quite impossible in a brief lecture to discuss these questions exhaustively, but as far as is possible, in a few words, I will answer them. First, then, as to division and distribution, it has been asserted on very high authority that great loss necessarily attends the division of the electric light. Swan--" Electric Lighting "--1880. 2213 To a certain extent this is true of lighting by the electric arc, but it is totally and absolutely erroneous of lighting by incandescence. There is no loss in dividing the electric light produced by this means. Faraday has stated the law of the case in these words: "An electric current which will heat one inch of wire white hot, will also heat to the same temperature 100 inches, or an infinite length of the same wire." There is no ques- tion of the truth of this. Now, as it is only necessary, in order to maintain a given current, to increase the force which produces it in the same proportion as you increase the resistance to its flow, it follows that the cost of raising to a certain degree of incandescence a longer or shorter length of carbon, or of maintaining a 10-candle light or 100-candle light, will be exactly pro- portional to the light produced. You may even con- template on this principle the economical production of an electric light as small as a rush light. A certain unit of light may be established in an indefinite num- ber of places, with no greater aggregate expenditure of power than that directly and simply proportional to the number of lights. With regard to distribution, I believe that it will prove to be practicable to light any large town-all Newcastle, for instance-by means of wires laid in the ground as gas pipes are laid, and all branching from one centre, and conveying the electric current to lamps like this. The lamps now lighted are supplied by a current coming from generators working at the far end of Mosley street (a quarter of a mile away), and it would be just as easy by using a more energetic current-a current as it were under higher pressure-to maintain these several miles away, and for this purpose the con- ductors need not be large, not so large certainly as to make the distribution of electric current more costly than the distribution of gas. For supplying large towns with electric light, Mr. Edison proposes to have a number of centres for the supply of electric power, perhaps a quarter of a mile 2214 Swan--" Electric Lighting "-1880. apart, whence wires would be sent out in every differ- ent direction, distributing the current to the houses round about. His plan of distribution is this. He proposes to send out bundles of main wires from each of the centres of supply, and from these main wires to branch as many small wires into the houses as there are lamps to be lighted, each branch wire proceeding from a main wire to the place where the lamp is situated, and from thence to a return main wire. Now, although this plan has the great merit of sim- plicity, I do not think it will answer, except for very short distances. When a number of lamps are grouped together in that manner, it is necessary that the individual lamps should offer a very high resistance to the current, for if each lamp does not offer an extremely high resistance · to the passage of the current there must be great waste, a large proportion of energy being in that case spent in heating the conducting wires, instead of the carbon in the lamps. Mr. Edison accordingly proposes to make his lamps of a very high resistance; he proposes to use for the incandescent material a form of carbon which offers a higher resistance than simple carbon in its compact state; but if carbon pure and simple is used, then I submit it had better be in as stable and condensed a state as possible, because in process of use it tends to consolidate, and it is undesirable that any change should take place in the lamp during use. The resistance offered by a filament of carbon in its best state for incandescent lamps, as thin as it is safe to use in a lamp, and of a length sufficient to give, say a light equal to one burner, or ten standard candles (a unit of light which I think we must not go beyond in planning an extensive system of town lighting) will not offer so high a resistance as that which Mr. Edison has made the basis of his scheme of distribution. With lamps of this resistance, the result would be that before many were bridged across from one main wire to another, as much or more work would be done Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. 2215 in the conducting wire as in the lamp. The only way of avoiding this waste of energy, without abandoning the idea of small units of light, would be either to em- ploy enormously thick conductors, or have a very lim- ited area supplied from one works. I think the difficulty is capable of being surmounted in this way: Instead of grouping the lamps as Mr. Edison proposes, each lamp being as it were a loop or bridge between two mains, I propose to string them in series—10, 50, or perhaps 100 lamps being all inter- posed in one and the same line. In this way every lamp would add to the resistance of the line instead of, as in Mr. Edison's plan, diminishing its resistance. The waste of energy in the conducting wire would thus be avoided. A copper wire, less than one eighth of an inch thick, would supply current for one such series of, say from 10 to 100 lamps, at five miles distance, with a very small percentage of loss; while to supply at the same distance a corresponding series on Mr. Edison's plan would demand copper conductors of such thickness as would certainly make the plan far too expensive, or, if such thick conductor was not used, there would be an impracticably extravagant waste of energy in the wire. If even 50 per cent. of the energy were expended in the wire, the size of the conductor required to transmit the current, say even two miles, would be far too great. There is no way of escape that I know of from this dilemma, viz.: that either we must make our unit of light larger than necessary for a very great many pur- poses, and so give up the idea of extensive division and extensive distribution, or, in order to gain these points, we must group the lamps in the manner I have pro- posed. There are, no doubt, difficulties in the carrying out of my plan, but none that are not easily surmountable. For example, if 20, 50, or 100 lights were in a series, a break in any part of the line would extinguish all the lights. This danger can be met in two ways: I would have only one lamp belonging to a given line 2216 Swan-" Electric Lighting"-1880. in one house, so that the extinction of such a line of lights as we are contemplating would not be a very serious mishap; but I would make such a mishap ex- tremely unlikely to occur, by placing along with each lamp an automatic circuit closer. This would so act as to bridge over the gap made by the accidental breaking or failure of a lamp, and so prevent the extinction of the rest of the lamps in the series, while a fresh lamp was put in the place of the broken one-a thing no more difficult, and probably not more costly, than the replacement of a broken gas chimney or globe. There is another difficulty occasioned by the varia- tion of the current in proportion to the number of lamps in action. What is required in this case is to maintain a uni- form current in the line of lamps, whether 1 or 100 are alight. This can be accomplished by self-acting ap- paratus somewhat on the principle of the governor of the steam engine, and which would automatically raise or lower the potential or pressure by steps of one-hun- dredths, according to the number of lamps in use. I have also considered the question of measuring the current, and, if time allowed, I could show you that that could be done as easily as the measuring of gas. Similarly, all other practical difficulties arising out of this method of distribution' can be met, and being met, we are at liberty to contemplate a great central works producing electricity by large steam engines, and distributing it by means of wires to a whole town, ex- actly as gas is now distributed by gasworks. I have already referred to the cost of electric light produced on the arc principle, and shown that when the circumstances are favorable to the employment of that method it is much more economical than gas- light. The economy of lighting by incandescence has not been exemplified by so many instances of actual practi cal use. One thing is, however, quite clear, and that is, that electric lighting by incandescence is an econom ical process—it will be less costly than gas lighting. Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. 2217 That is conclusively demonstrated by the fact that the 1,000 feet of gas employed in working a gas engine to develop an electric current, and used in my lamps, will yield more light than 1,000 feet of gas consumed in the ordinary way in gas burners. burners. This room is now lighted by twenty of my electric lamps, and to produce the current which feeds them 160 cubic feet of gas per hour are being burnt in a gas engine; before my lamps were kindled the room was lighted by 70 gas jets, con- suming, I am told on good authority, 280 feet per hour. It is very evident that we have got more light out of the gas through the medium of electricity than was got from the larger quantity of gas which those burners consumed. Our conditions here are somewhat unfa- vorable to my light for a fair comparison, but from measurements carefully made, both of light produced and current required to produce it, I am warranted in saying that at least twice as much light will be pro- duced by a certain quantity of gas used to generate an electric current employed in my lamps as would be ob- tained from this quantity of gas burnt in gas burners in the usual manner. If that is so, then it is evident that when, instead of the motive power of gas, that of steam produced in the most economical manner is employed, this method of electric lighting will be very much less costly than gas lighting. I reckon that 40 lb. of coal employed in raising steam to generate electricity is capable of pro- ducing in my lamps the effect of 1,000 feet of gas burnt in gas burners in the ordinary manner. The economical view of the question is therefore, in my opinion, very favorable to electric lighting, and I think fully warrants me in anticipating an extensive substitution of electric light for gas light. The great difficulty which till now has completely blocked the way to any general use of electric light was the difficulty of division. That difficulty is now com- pletely overcome, by the method of producing electric light by the incandescence of carbon in vacuo of which I have given you a practical demonstration to-night. 2218 Swan-" Electric Lighting "-1880. • Now, ladies and gentlemen, if I have not exhausted my subject I certainly have exhausted your patience. I will weary you no more. Eighty years ago science gave us enlarged means of turning night into day; since then not a little of our lifetime has been spent in gas-lit rooms, and it has been somewhat of a reproach to science that she has not provided us with this larger measure of light without at the same time imposing on us the necessity of breathing a vitiated atmosphere. To-day science vindicates herself; henceforth we may make the long nights of our northern winter bright without any such sacrifice. Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. 2219 Complainant's Exhibit “Electric Lighting by Incandescence.”* BY J. SWAN. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, NEW YORK, No. 307, NOVEMBER 19, 1881, p. 4891. EVER since Sir H. Davy showed that a brilliant and continuous light could be produced by causing the cur- rent from a voltaic battery to pass between two points. of charcoal, the application of electric light to useful purposes has been one of the chief aims of electrical experimentalists. But it is within the last twenty years, or since mechanicians and electricians combined to make it possible to produce electricity by mechan- ical means, that the idea of useful electric illumination has been brought within the scope of practicality. The difficulty of producing electric light with car- bon points was to make it steady and to moderate its excessive brilliance. By dint of improvements in the form and quality of charcoal points, and ingenious mechanism for maintaining the points of these pencils at a constant distance from each other, the first of these difficulties has to a very large extent been overcome. But the second one has remained, and from the very nature of the case must remain, as an insuperable obstacle to the application of this form of electric light to the general purposes of artificial illumination. I do not intend to convey the opinion that the form of electric light to which I am referring is not in some cases a useful form. It would be absurd to express such an opinion in the presence of those who have witnessed the splendid illumination of the railway sta- tions and streets of London, and by these means. * A paper read before the British Association, York meeting, 1881. 2220 Swan-Incandescent Lighting—1881. What I say is this, that that form of electric light is only exceptionally applicable; that it leaves the greater number and the more important of our wants in respect of artificial light unprovided for. It is, in my opinion, quite inapplicable to domestic lighting,. and it is there that we experience the most keenly the evils of the existing modes of artificial illumination by means of gas and oil lamps. In order to adapt electric light to house illumination it is necessary to entirely change the method of producing it. Starr was the first to conceive the idea that it might be possible to produce an electric light both small and steady by heating to a white heat a thin piece of car- bon. Starr's proposal was to put a thin plate of car- bon in the vacuum of a mercury barometer, and to keep it in a state of white heat by passing an electric current through it. The difference between the two systems I have men- tioned is this: In the first, iu which light is produced by a disruptive electric discharge between points of carbon, there is a break in the circuit, so far as solid material is concerned, at the place where the light occurs. In the other the solid conductor is quite continuous, but at the place where light is produced the con- ductor has a high degree of resistance. At that place the conductor is carbon, and as carbon is compara- tively with metals a bad conductor it happens that when an electric current is forced through this circuit a certain amount of electricity is converted into heat in the carbon. If the quantity which passes in a given time is large enough in proportion to the mass of car- bon it becomes white hot and emits light. Electric light produced on this principle of incan- descence has many good properties which electric light produced by the disruptive discharge between carbon points, commonly known as the "arc," has not. If the electric current which produces the incandes- cence is quite constant, the light emitted by the white Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. 2221 hot carbon is absolutely constant. There is not the slightest flicker or variation in it; it is, moreover, quite under control as to its brilliance, and may be made as yellow as gas-light or as white almost as sunlight. It communicates no noxious vapors to the air, and is not too costly. But the crowning merit of electric light produced on the principle of incandescence is that it is indefinitely divisible without sacrifice of economy. You may have a lamp so constructed as to give a light of ten candles, or you may construct it with larger conductors so as to obtain a light of 100 candles from your incandescent carbon, and the smaller lamp will be almost as econom- ical as the larger-light for light. That is, the ten- candle lamp will only use one-tenth of the power, and therefore cost one-tenth of the amount to maintain it that is required by the lamp which gives ten times the light. This property of divisibility into as many small centres of illumination as are required-which is in- herent to this method of electric lighting by incan- descence to fully the same extent as in gas light- combined with the steadiness of this species of light, its good color and its wholesomeness gives it a char- acter of general applicability which is not possessed by any other kind of electric light. It is forty years. since Starr, through his agent, King, took out his patent for producing light on this principle. It is only within the last two or three years that the many prac- tical difficulties that beset the utilization of this method have been surmounted. Nothing can well be simpler than the ideal incandescent lamp. A slip of carbon in a vacuum, that is all. To realize this idea much experimentation had to be gone through and much disappointment to be suffered. Starr did not make his lamp practical. Lodyguine, Konn and Sawyer and Mann tried long and patiently to render it practical, but they did not quite succeed. The first difficulty was with the vacuum. In the 2222 Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. vacuum lamps of earlier date it was neither possible to produce nor to maintain a perfect vacuum; there were always screws and washers about them, and these, and the carbon itself in a cold state, formed a reservoir of air quite sufficient to cause the disintegration and rup- ture of the carbon after a few hours' ignition. Besides this difficulty of the carbon soon breaking, there was a further difficulty in the blackening of the glass in- closed. From elaborate experiments made by M. Fontaine, and published in his work on electric lighting, the con- clusion was arrived at that the blackening of the lamp bells was due to the volatilization at C, and that the breakage was also a consequence of this action, objec- tions, if valid, quite final to the practicability of this method. In short, at the period of these experiments, four or five years ago, electric lighting by the incan- descence of C in vacuo was completely discredited by by the crudity of all the attempts that had been made to apply the principle, and by the fallacies which had grown out of these unsuccessful attempts, and which obtained general acceptance, so much so that in the report of the Select Committee of the House of Com- mons on Electric Lighting, issued June, 1879, and in connection with which evidence was given by all the highest electrical authorities of that time, there is no mention whatever even of the possibility of producing light in this way. I saw reason for doubting the soundness of M. Fontaine's conclusions with respect to the cause of the breakage of the carbons in incandescent lamps, and years ago I proceeded to test them by experiment. My main idea was to employ in a good Sprengel pump vacuum a form of carbon made by carbonizing paper at a high temperature, with which I had experimented many years before. By means of this form of carbon I hoped to obtain economy in the light, because, as it was very thin, a small current would make a strip of it white hot. Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. 2223 The carrying out of my idea was made easy by the assistance I received from Mr. Stearn. Mr. Stearn undertook to mount some of my paper carbons in a good vacuum, and after many failures from carbons breaking he at last succeeded in making some bulbs, very highly exhausted, contain my paper carbons attached by electrically deposited copper to platinized strips, which carried the current in and out of the lamp. I had the pleasure, in February, 1879, of showing to the president of this section (Sir W. Thomson) a lamp made in this way. In making these experiments I did not confine myself exclusively to the use of paper car- bon. The lamp, as constructed for me by Mr. Stearn, was extremely simple. It consisted merely of a highly exhausted glass bulb, into which were sealed, by fusion of the glass, two platinum conductors supporting the carbon. This simple form of lamp I showed lighted at a lecture which I delivered before the Philosophical Society of Newcastle in February, 1879. The final result of our experiments was that when the vacuum was good the carbon did not appreciably wear away, and that when the contact between the ends of the carbon and the metallic conductors was good the globes did not blacken. Henceforth it was possible to produce a durable electric lamp that emitted a steady light of moderate power. Very soon after this, and I am quite sure without knowing what I was doing, Mr. Edison produced a lamp identical with mine in all essential particulars. It, too, consisted of a simple bulb from which the air had been exhausted by the Sprengel pump, and which, like mine, had no screw-closed openings nor complica- tions of any kind, but contained simply the in-going and out-coming wires sealed into the glass with the carbon attached to them. Since then the manufacture of lamps on this prin- 2224 Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. • ciple, with slight modifications in the material out of which the carbon is made and the manner of making it, has been established on an extensive scale, both in England and America, and in the electrical exhibition now open in Paris, electric light produced by incan- descence occupies an important position. Already in this country the method has been put to actual use in house illumination and for lighting the saloons of pas- senger steamers. It has also been tried experiment- ally in coal mines. The success which has attended these applications is such as to render the subject one of great interest to mechanical engineers, for until that great discovery is made, of the possibility of which the President has spoken in his inaugural address, when electricity shall be produced by direct conversion of heat into elec- tricity with smaller loss of energy than it involved in its conversion into motive power through steam—until that revolutionary change is made we shall have to look, perhaps not entirely, but mainly, to motive power and to mechanical engineers for the apparatus where- with to produce the electricity required for electric lighting. REMARKABLE PROPERTIES OF PREPARED CARBON. Here is a view of one of my lamps. Here is a bulb of glass made as nearly as possible vacuous. Here are the wires which carry the current in and out of the lamp through the carbon, which is here. The carbon is made from cotton thread treated with sulphuric acid, and then carbonized at a high temperature out of contact with air. Here is a piece of paper which has been treated by the process I have mentioned, and here is a piece of the paper before treatment. You will observe that the treatment has welded the fiber together. The difference in the carbon produced from the treated and the untreated paper is as great as the difference in the paper before carbonization. Let fall Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. 2225 ou some hard surface, this carbonized parchment paper rings like metal, while the carbonized blotting paper is soft and porous. An additional advantage of this process of parchmentization is that it facilitates the thickening of the ends of the carbon filament, where good and extensive contact with the metal con- ductor is essential. Carbon made in this way is hard and elastic to a degree quite wonderful. Filaments 0.01 inch diameter and 2 or 3 inches long can be bent double, and on release spring back like steel. After being heated for some time to an extreme temperature by the electric current, the carbon develops qualities of hardness and incombustibility which place it in an altogether exceptional position and which give promise of great durability for incandescent lamps. The hardening process is accompanied by a change in conductivity, the carbon in its hardened condition offering less resistance to the passage of the electric current than before. This at first sight may seem to be a disadvantage, inasmuch as the intensity of light depends on the amount of heat developed in a given mass, and this reduction in the resistance of a given filament implies a lower temperature and less light for a given current passing, but this is compensated by the less electro-motive force required to overcome the resistance. To develop the same temperature and light in the extremely hard form of carbon which I have aimed at producing, more current and less E.M.F. are required, as the two are equivalent to each other. There is no loss of economy by this change of condition, and mechanically there is an advantage, for the harder C is less liable to rupture. It is, in fact, more nearly in a state of utmost consolidation and stability. The amount of light that can be obtained from one of my lamps obviously depends on the super- ficial area of the C and the temperature to which it is heated, but the amount of light emitted by a hot body increases in a greater degree than the temperature. Evidently, therefore, the hotter it can be made the better for economy. 2226 Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. By sending enough current through the carbon its temperature can be raised to such a point as produces a light rivaling in intensity the arc light. So much as 500-candle light has been obtained from one of my small lamps when pushed to its utmost limit of endur- ance, but the lamps are not durable at the enormously high temperature that produces this light. The lamp that would, if pressed with current to the breaking point, give a light of 500 candles, would be durable while giving a light of 50 candles. A very much larger return of light for power ex- pended can be obtained if the durability of the lamp is disregarded than if durability is considered. Sir W. Thomson and Mr. Bottomley have made careful measurements of the energy expended in the produc- tion of light in my lamps. Some of their results are shown in this table, from which it appears that with one of my small lamps, when rather less than 1-6th h.p. was expended on it, a light of 42 candles was emitted, or an aggregate of 270 candles per h.p. With a higher E.M.F., and therefore a larger current, 102-. candle light was obtained from the same lamp. This amount of light was produced by the expenditure of rather more than h.p., i. e., the h.p. under these cir- cumstances yielded 390 candles. By producing light in this manner and employing the gas engine as the motor to drive a dynamo-electric machine, the very interesting result is arrived at that more light is obtained from a given quantity of gas exploded in the gas engine than can be obtained in the usual way to produce the light directly. An important point in this method of illumination, and one of particular interest to engineers, is the neces- sity for regularity of speed in the motor, unless some regulating device, such as a secondary battery, inter- vene between the dynamo-machine and the lamps. Without such assistance the slightest irregularity in the speed of the dynamo makes itself apparent in the fluc- tuation in the light. The light is so sensitive to varia- Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. 2227 tions of speed that the overlap of a driving belt is quite sufficient to make the light wink at every passage of the joint over the pulley. But I do not apprehend a continuance of this slight difficulty, for it is quite certain that the secondary bat- tery, in which so great an improvement has recently been made by M. Faure, used in the manner described by Sir W. Thomson on Friday last, will come into use, to do away with it entirely, and at the same time do away with many other difficulties and inconveniences of supplying current to lamps directly from the dynamo- electric machine. The extremely rapid alterations of direction which occur when incandescent lamps are lighted by alternat- ing current machines do not produce any unsteadiness in the light. The lamps which have been kept lighted during several nights past in one of the picture galleries of the exhibition here, and which some of you have probably seen, are worked by Siemeus' alternating cur- rent machine. You would notice they have been per- fectly steady. It is a question which time alone can answer whether the lamps will prove more durable with an alternating or with a continuous current. There is, perhaps, some slight ground for surmise that they will last longer with the alternating current. Referring back for a moment to the use of my lamps in mines. So far the mine lamp, defended by a suit- able lantern, has been detached by flexible conducting wires to main conductors. The limited portability this arrangement allows is inconvenient, and the main con- ductors are expensive, and their retention does not per- mit the total elimination of the element of danger in connection with the accidental breakage of a wire. I have, therefore, thought that a completely self-con- tained and portable mining lamp would be an advantage, and I have here a specimen of such a lamp, for the construction of which I am indebted to the skill of M. Gimmingham. This lamp can be kept lighted for six hours by two cells of Faure's secondary battery, weigh- 2228 Swan-Incandescent Lighting-1881. ing ten pounds, and will give the light of one or two candles during that time. To charge the battery afresh it will only be necessary to place it for a time in con- nection with the wires of a dynamo near the pit's mouth. The lamp and its attached battery need never come out of the pit. Now that we can look to the method of electric light- ing by incandescence as a perfectly practicable method, and now that we have the means of combining the economy of the mechanical generation of electricity with the constancy and many conveniences of voltaic accumulation, it is clear that the time is now ripe for the almost unlimited application of electric light to general purposes, and that engineers may, with much advantage, give their immediate attention to the many details which fall within their province in connection with the mechanical production and distribution of electricity on a large scale. Trant--Divisibility--1879. 2229 Complainant's Exhibit “The Divisibility of the Electric Light.” BY WILLIAM TRANT. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, NEW YORK, January 11, 1879, p. 2514. The English and American periodicals devoted to electrical science now announce, "on authority," that the electric light discovered by Edison is a light by in- candescence. If this be true there is nothing new or startling either in the discovery of the light or of its divisibility. Lighting by incandescence has been studied for a long time; indeed, it has been studied much more thoroughly than any other kind of electric lighting. Thirty-three years ago a method of produc- ing and subdividing the light was patented in England by a Mr. King. The light was produced by heating to white heat in a vacuum, by means of the electric cur- rent, either platinum or carbons; and, the specification adds, "when the current is of sufficient intensity, two or a larger number of lights may be placed in the same circuit." For some years after this discovery several improvements on King's invention were patented in America, France and England; "but," says M. Fon- taine, "none of these appear more complete, more ex- plicit, and more practical than King's; it is, then, use- less to continue our nomenclature." The principle of lighting by incandescence, although not neglected or forgotten, seems to have made but little progress until 1871, when M. Lodyguine showed an experiment in the Admiralty Dockyard in St. Petersburg, when he di- vided the circuit into no less than two hundred lights. This naturally made a great sensation at the time-as great a sensation as that caused by Mr. Edison's tele- gram of Nov. 7th. The Academy of Science awarded to M. Lodyguine the large Lomonossow prize of 50,000 roubles. A company was formed in St. Petersburg 2230 Trant---Divisibility---1879. with a capital of 200,000 roubles, and the excitement in Europe was then almost as great as has been witnessed in England lately. It was soon found, however, that Lodyguine's discoveries, like those of his predecessors in the same field, were, after all, impracticable, and that his illumitable division of the light, however ingenious, was only a fanciful experiment. Every penny sub- scribed to the company referred to was lost, and Lody- guine's great discovery is now, where it was then-in his laboratory. It has, however, been urged that the early inventors of the electric light knew only of the galvanic battery as a generator of a powerful current, and that had they known of the Gramme machine, or other dynamo or magneto-electric machine, the results might have been different. The remark, however, only applies to King and the improvers who immediately succeeded him. The great division of the light by Lodyguine, to which reference has just been made, was in a circuit produced by two "Alliance" machines. Even, however, if such were not the case, there are at present before the world, in more or less detail, four recent inventions for the production of a divided light by incandescence. These are the inventions of M. Reynier, of M. Arnaud, of Mr. Edison, and most recent of all, M. Werdermann. From the way in which these discoveries-if they are dis- coveries have been ushered into the world, it is found that great claims are made on their behalf, and there are, therefore, naturally great expectations on the part of the public in regard to them. It cannot be urged now in mitigation of the shortcomings of the incandes- cent light, as it has been urged in the past, that it has not had a fair trial, on the ground that the lamps in ex- istence were imperfect in conception and ccmplex in construction. The lamp of M. Reynier seems admirable in its way, and if light by incandescence were to be the light of the future, the claims of this lamp would have to be very carefully considered, and, in any case, it will certainly hold an important place in all investigations Trant-Divisibility-1879. 2231 into the subject. The lamp of M. Werdermann appears to be identical in principle with, and only slightly different in detail from that of M. Reynier, and we may fully expect that these inventors will have to come to terms with each other-so much alike are their inven- tions. Of the details of Mr. Edison's inventions-if there are any, nothing is known beyond the fact stated in the "Scientific American," that it is a light produced from a spiral of incandescent platinum; while the re- ports in the American daily press show such an effer- vescent ignorance of the fundamental principles both of electricity and of dynamics, that no reliance whatever can be placed upon them. Experience, then, has shown that a light by incan- descence comes before us in a very questionable shape, and it is essentially a light which discourages the notion of its practical application. The question indeed may be very properly asked: How is it that light by incan- descences has always proved such an utter failure? It has had a period of thirty-three years in which to de- velop; it has been divided into various lesser lights, num- bering from two to two hundred; and it has arrested the attention and taxed the skill of the greatest electri- cians in the world. How is it that it is obliged to give way to light by the voltaic arc? The answer is at hand. The light by incandescence can only be obtained and divided by a great sacrifice of light and power. This is imperative from the fundamental principles of electrical science. The diminution, according to the "square, and not according to simple proportion, applies to electricity just as it applies to light, heat, sound, gravita- tion, and other physical phenomena. Thus, if a circuit be divided into two branches whose resistances are equal, a current of half the strength passes through each branch, producing at the point of resistance, not half the light, but only a quarter, because the effect fol- lows the square of the current strength. If the current had been divided into three equal branches, each "" 2232 Trant-Divisibility-1879. branch only one-ninth part of the original light would be obtained, and so on; so that if an electric light of 1,000 candles were divided into ten equal lights, the result would be ten lights of ten candles each, instead of 2,000 candles. When this law is borne in mind, and when it is also remembered that to produce the electric light by incandescence at least one-half of the current is lost, it will easily be imagined what a wasteful light it is. Recent experiments prove this. It was recently stated, in reference to M. Werdermann's incandescent light, that he produced two lights of 320 candles each (total, 640 candles), with a prime mover of 2 horse- power; and this was considered a great result-as in- deed it was for an incandescent light. But how this sinks into insignificance when compared with the re- sults of lighting by the voltaic arc. A few days ago M. Rapieff, with two of his regulators and a small Gramme machine known as the M machine, and which M. Gramme says requires only 1 horse-power, pro- duced two lights, which, when carefully measured by the photometer, were found to be each equal to 1,150 candles, or a total of 2,300 candles, while with one of M. Gramme's A machines, requiring 24 horse-power, a light of 6,000 candles can be obtained from one of M. Rapieff's regulators. Some experiments detailed in M. Fontaine's book on "Electric Lighting" gave a similar result. M. Fontaine's experiments with an incandes- cent light show that under the most favorable circum- stances, with a Bunsen battery of forty-eight cells, eight inches high, the diminution of the subdivided light was so great that, where he put five lights in one circuit, he only obtained a total illuminating power of a quarter of a burner, with four lamps only three-quarters of a burner, with two lamps six-and-a-half burners, and with one lamp fifty-four burners. These numbers give the following ratio: 1, 3, 8, 26, 216, thus showing how rapidly the light diminishes when divided. With the voltaic arc, however, and with the same battery, he was able, by a Serrin lamp, to obtain a light of 105 burners. Trant-Divisibility—1879. 2233 It will be seen, then, from what has been above stated, that the production and the divisibility of the light by incandescence is a very wasteful process—so wasteful, indeed, as to render its practical application impossible for general lighting. If, therefore, all Mr. Edison has to announce to the world is that he has suc- ceeded in dividing an incandescent light-and the an- nouncement that such is so is made on authority—his discovery amounts to very little. Both the light and divisibility were discovered long ago. It will easily be seen that it is not in that direction that any great prac- tical results can be obtained. The voltaic arc supplies the only divisible light of any utility and economy, and it is in its development that any real progress must be looked for.-WILLIAM TRANT, in "Nature." 2234 Preece-In Philosophical Magazine-1879. Complainant's Exhibit “The Light." BY Electric W. H. PREECE, Memb. Inst. C. E., V. P. Soc. T. E., Electrician General Post-Office, &c. LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN PHILO- SOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Vol. VII.-Fifth Series. January-June, 1879. 1. The theory of the electric light cannot be brought absolutely within the domain of quantitative mathe- matics, for the reason we do not yet know the exact rela- tion that exists between the production of heat and the emission of light with a given current; but we know sufficient to predicate that what is true for the produc- tion of heat is equally true for the production of light beyond certain limits. The work done in a battery, or any source of current electricity, is expended outside the battery in a closed circuit in the form of heat. When this heat acquires a certain temperature per unit mass, we have light. If the heat be confined to a mass of metal wire like platinum, we have light by incandescence; if it be expended in the transference of minute particles of incandescent matter like carbon across an air space we have the elec- tric arc. The exact relations between current, heat, temperature, mass, and light have yet to be determined by experiment. 2. The arc is thus a form of energy developed in one point of a circuit, which is the exact equivalent of another form of energy expended in another point of the circuit. Thus, if we produce light by galvanic battery, it is the equivalent of chemical work done in he battery. If it be produced by a dynamo machine Preece-In Philosophical Magazine-1879. 2235 driven by a steam engine, it is the equivalent of coal consumed in the furnace. The object to be obtained in any economical utilization of this energy is to convert the greatest possible portion of it into light. 3. Now the relations that exist between the work done, the current flowing, the resistances present, and the heat developed are easily demonstrated. The work done (W) in any circuits varies directly with the elec- tromotive force (E) in that circuit, and with the quan- tity of electricity (Q) that passes through it, or W=E Q; but by Ohm's law the electromotive force is equal to the product of the resistance (R) of the circuit into cur- rent (C) flowing, or E=CR; and by Faraday's law the quantity of electricity passing depends upon the strength of the current (C) and the time it flows (t), or Q=Ct. Therefore, substituting these two values in the above equation, we get W=C2 R t; in which we have what is known as Joule's law, which gives us the work done (W), or its equivalent, the heat generated (H) in any circuit. By regarding the time as constant, we can put the equation H:==C2R. (1) 4. Now let us take the case of a battery whose elec- tromotive force is E and whose internal resistance is p. Let the resistance of the connecting wires be r. Let us also have a particular resistance 7, which may be a wire to be heated to incandescence, or a lamp to be lit by the arc; then by Joule's law (1), but by Ohm's law H=C² (p+r+l); E C= p+r+1 E2 .. H= p+r+1 2236 Preece---In Philosophical Magazine-1879. 5. Confining our attention for the present to the heat generated (H), this will be distributed throughout the circuit; and that in the resistance (7) will be 1 E2 1 HX p+r+l (p+r+1)² 2 (2) Now, if we suppose n resistance in circuit joined up in series, then the total heat generated will be E2nl. H'= (p+r+nl)2 (3) · If we differentiate this fraction with respect to nl and put it equal to nothing, we can find when the heat generated in these resistances becomes a maximum; that is, dH' 1 ·[(p+r+nl)² E²—2E²nl(p+r+nl)]=0, dnl (p+r+nl) 4 whence p+r+nl=2nl ; that is, p+r=nl; or the greatest heat is generated in the resistances when the value of the latter equals the resistances of the rest of the circuit. 6. Let us now assume the n resistances to be con- nected up in multiple arc; then the joint resistance will become 1 n and the heat generated will be H"= 1 E2 - n 1 (p+r+-)² n (4) Preece-In Philosophical Magazine-1879. 2237 and the maximum amount of heat will occur, as before, when 1 p+r=-, 11 7. Now, in the first case, if the internal resistance of the battery and of the connecting wires be very small compared with nl, we may neglect them; so that by putting p+r=0, equation (3) becomes E2 H': nl or the total amount of heat generated in the resistances will vary inversely as the number of the latter in circuit. 8. In the second case we cannot neglect p+r, for here 1 the greater we make n the smaller becomes with - n 1 respect to p+r; so that if eventually becomes very n small, we may neglect it in the denominator of the frac- tion. Then 1 E2 E21 n H"= (p+r)² n(p+r)² (5) so that in this case also the total heat generated in the resistances will vary inversely as the number of the latter in circuit. 9. Now, it must be observed that in each one of these cases the total heat is distributed over n resistances; and, therefore, as compared with one resistance, the 1 heat generated in each is only - of that generated in n2 one. So that, joined up either in series or in multiple arc, the heat generated in each of a number of resistances varies inversely as the square of their number. 2238 Preece-In Philosophical Magazine-1883. 10. With respect to the light emitted, if the amount of heat generated represented exactly the amount of light emitted then the above equations would indicate the effects produced by multiplying the lights or sub- dividing the current when a constant battery is employed. But this is not so. The light obtained is not proportional to the heat generated. Below a cer- tain limit the production of heat is not accompanied by light at all. In the case of incandescence, if the heat be distributed over two wires instead of one, inas- much as the mass to be heated in the one case is double that in the other, the actual temperature to which each of the wires will be heated will be only one-quarter of that obtained with one wire, and the total light emitted will be half of what it was before. In the case of the arc a similar result probably takes place; the incan- descent matter, which is heated by the current and which gives out the light, is increased by the addition of each lamp, and therefore diminishes the actual tem- perature of each arc, and consequently diminishes the light given out in direct proportion to the number of lights. 11. Moreover, in the arc the actual disintegration of the carbons and the transference of matter across the air-space, represent an amount of work done which must be deducted from that converted into heat, and which again tends to diminish the amount of light emitted. If, therefore, the lamps be joined up in a series or in multiple arc, the light emitted by each lamp will vary inversely in a greater ratio than the square of the number in circuit. 12. We have assumed E to be constant; but if the current be produced by a magneto, or dynamo-machine worked by a steam-engine consuming a given amount of coal per unit time, E is no longer constant, for it varies with the resistances in the circuit. The constant in this case is the work done in the steam-engine in unit time. Calling this W₁, the total heat generated in the circuit when the lamps are joined up in series will be Preece-In Philosophical Magazine-1879. 2239 H₁=W₁xnl p+r+nl; (6) and since the light varies inversely as n (§ 10), the light emitted nl L₁=W₁X 1 (7) n (p+r+n) and when joined up in multiple are, 1 n L₂=W₁× (8) 1 n (p+r+—) n 1 Or by putting p+r=Olin equation (7) and—-0 in the denominator of equation (8), we get n and W₁ L₁ n W₁1 L₂ = 2 (p+r)n2 So that beyond certain limits, when the current is pro- duced by dynamo-machine, if n lamps be joined up in 1 series, the total light becomes diminished by —, and n the light emitted by each lamp becomes diminished by 1 n 2 If they are joined up in multiple arc, the total light 1 1 is diminished by — and the light emitted by each lamp—. n 2 n3 2240 Preece-In Philosophical Magazine-1879. In the latter case the rapid diminution in the light emitted is due to the fact that the heat is developed in the machine itself instead of in the resistances external to it. 13. We have assumed W, to be constant; but this is only the case when a certain limit is reached, and when the velocity of the rotating coils in the dynamo-machine has attained a maximum. This limit will vary with each dynamo-machine and each kind of lamp used. With the Wallace-Farmer machine the limit appears to be reached when six lamps are connected up in series. With the Gramme alternating machine and Jablochkoff candles the limit appears to be five lamps. Beyond these limits the above laws will be true. It is this partial success in multiplying the light that has led so many sanguine experimenters to anticipate the ultimate possibility of its extensive subdivision-a possibility which this demonstration shows to be hopeless, and which experiment has proved to be fallacious. Scientific American-1882. 2241 Complainant's Exhibit "General Incan- descent Electric Lighting in New York." Scientific American, September 16, 1882, p. 176. While the lighting of detached buildings by incan- descent electric lamps is a familiar sight in this city, the inauguration of a general system of incandescent electric lighting from a central station may fairly be regarded as marking the beginning of a new epoch in social economy. To those who had critically followed the development of the multiple arc system of Mr. Edison there was no apparent cause for doubting its entire practicability when applied to general public lighting. Still, to the multitude the final demonstration of actual service throughout a considerable area under the complex con- ditions encountered in a city district, covering many streets and blocks of houses, was necessary to give as- surance that the whole matter was not more or less speculative. The great steam dynamos at the central station of the first district were started in concert on the after- noon of Monday, September 4, and from that evening the new system of interior lighting has been one of the established institutions of the city. To a large extent gas light has been supplanted throughout the district, and there is no reason for doubting the extension of the new light to other districts as rapidly as the requisite central stations and systems of electric conductors, lamps, meters and other appliances can be produced. At any rate, the new system has passed three of the four essential stages of progress toward commercial permanence and success. When Mr. Edison first attacked the problem of in- candescent electric lighting he was met with the gen- eral objection of electrical authorities that a durable incandescent electric lamp could not be made. When 2242 Scientific American-1882. he proposed to subdivide the electric current, so as to multiply small lamps economically, he was warned on all sides that he was in pursuit of an impossibility; the thing could not be done. Having produced the desired lamp and subdivided the current experiment- ally, his critics not less confidently asserted that a lab- oratory experiment was one thing, the practical appli- cation of a theory to a complex system of public service was quite another, and he was bound to fail. It was a question of economy, and admitting that an incandes- cent electric lighting system could be furnished under the conditions required, it would not pay. On this point the company which have furnished the means for the inauguration of the system in the district now lighted by them are probably better qualified to judge than the opponents of the system. It is certainly to be hoped that their expectation of profit in supplying a better light than gas affords at the same or less cost will be amply justified. As the plan of the central station and the general application of the system in the first district have been so recently described in this paper (August 26, 1882), it will not be necessary to dwell upon them here. Assuming the new light to cost the same as gas light —and it is not reasonable to expect that those who have assumed the cost and risk attending the develop- ment and introduction of the new light will set the price of it below what competition with gas may make necessary—the question is, How are the public to be benefited ? The first and most obvious advantage arises from the quality of the light. It is more nearly like sunlight than any other artificial illuminant. It is free from flickering and unsteadiness-faults which make both the electric are light and the ordinary gas jet so pain- ful and injurious to the eyes. It does not vitiate the air, as gas does, by consuming oxygen and loading the air with products of combustion. Its heating effect is very much less than that of a gas jet of the same illu- Scientific American-1882. 2243 minating power. It is not a source of peril from fire, the lamp proper being incapable of firing the most com- bustible fabric; while the low tension of the current makes the formation of arcs and the overheating of con- ductors altogether unlikely. Fears as to the continuity of the service have been expressed, but the grounds for them are not apparent after an examination of the plant of the central station. It is true that no system of storage is provided, as in the case of gas. None is needed, since the electricity is supplied by a battery of steam dynamos, which de- liver their several currents into a circuit common to all, with a large surplus available, so that the stoppage of any of them by accident or for repairs would not dimin- ish the illumination of the district. Of course, a gen- eral fire about the central station might stop its opera- tion and leave the district in darkness, but the same risk obtains with gas; and after the establishment of two or more centres of distribution this hazard may be obviated by means of connecting mains to be used in such emergencies. The experience obtained in the running of Station No. 1 will no doubt lead to the introduction of consid- erable changes in the plan and engineering of subse- quent stations; the company are none the less to be congratulated for the wisdom with which they have brought into successful operation an enterprise involv- ing so much of magnitude, complexity and novelty. 2244 Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. Complainant's Exhibit "Electric Lighting in New York." BY SCHUYLER S. WHEELER, Sc. D., Electrical Expert of the Board of Electrical Control, New York. [Harper's Weekly, July 27, 1889; pages 586, 601 and 602. | A peculiarity of electricity, in which it differs from water and steam, when forced through pipes for giving power, is that it does not flow or act at all until it has a completed path in which to circulate. Such a path is therefore appropriately called a circuit. In this re- spect it is more like a moving belt, which comes to the wheel, passes around it and returns, and, like the cur- rent which, after passing through the lamps, returns without pressure, the belt has no pulling power on the side which is returning to the driven wheel. This peculiarity of electric circuits, though very important, is often overlooked, and is mentioned to explain, further on, how electric shocks are received. The series system is that upon which all are lights are operated. All of the wires from the Brush arc light station, shown in figures 2 and 4, are connected in this way to the arc lamps. The multiple arc system is used exclusively for sup- plying incandescent lights. Every light is connected directly to two main conductors, figure 13, and draws current from one and discharges it into the other, each lamp using a small portion of the whole quantity of current that is supplied to the upper conductor. The quantity of current in the main wires therefore varies, and must be increased in proportion to the number of lamps supplied, there being always in the conductor enough in quantity to supply the demand of every Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. 2245 lamp that is lighted. As each divided portion of the current has to pass through only one lamp, the pressure maintained on the main wire and from the dynamo is only that required for a single lamp, and therefore the whole electro-motive force in this system is equal only to as much as is required by one lamp in the series system-about forty volts or a little more. In this plan the pressure is kept constant at just enough to run a lamp, and it cannot, therefore, give a severe shock; but the quantity of current drawn through the main wire increases as lamps are connected to it; it is there- fore called the constant potential or pressure system, while on the same basis the other is called the constant current system, because with it the amount of current in the wire is invariably the same. The multiple arc system is used exclusively for incandescent lights, and, until the invention of the alternating system, was the only way of connecting them. As the supplying of many lamps requires current of great volume, the main wires are always very large. For this reason the Edi- son Company, who were the first to introduce incan- descent lights, constructed their lines underground, as they were too heavy to be hung overhead. They laid a large amount of copper rods, connected together simply in multiple arc, on the plan just described. This work, executed with a quality of workmanship which has been very creditable to them, was done several years before the invention of cheaper systems, but the plan is not adapted to long distances, because the conductors must be large enough to carry current for each lamp, instead of the same current being used again for the next lamp, as in the series system. There are two other plans which are important modifications of the multiple arc and of the series. systems respectively. One of these, the "three-wire system," is really two ordinary multiple arc circuits. with two of the conductors, one of each circuit, merged into one, so that there are only three conductors, which supply two full sets of lights as if the circuits were en- 2246 Wheeler--Harper's Weekly-1889. tirely separate. This arrangement permits a consid- erable saving of wire, but not as much as is saved by the method of the alternating current. It is now used by the Edison Company in place of the simple multiple arc circuit of two main wires. The multiple series system is a device for connecting incandescent lights into an arc light circuit. A num- ber of incandescent lamps, sufficient when combined to stand the strong current of the arc circuit, are con- nected to the wire at the required location, in place of one of the regular arc lamps. This arrangement has several disadvantages, of which one is that a single lamp cannot be turned off, because the remaining ones will not be able to carry the entire current. In the multiple arc system, the current of each lamp being entirely independent of the others, any number of lamps can be turned off and on at will without affecting the rest. This is one of the most important facts about the multiple arc method of connection. But the heavy wires required for running lamps in multiple arc are too costly to permit lights being sup- plied economically at long distances through them. If the lights could be connected to a short wire in a simple multiple arc, and this wire could be charged by the power of the arc circuit current without touching that circuit, we should have the advantage of the arc circuit for bringing the power to the place, and at the same time be able to turn each light off and on inde- pendently. This is precisely what is accomplished by the alternating system. In this system the power is carried on small wires by means of high pressure to the locality of the lights, and is there absorbed by an induction coil, which generates a low-pressure current in a separate wire, to which the lamps are connected in multiple arc, and from which they are supplied. As the only way of carrying the power long distances economically is by using high pressure, it was very desirable to have the lamps run by power from a high-pressure wire; at the Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. 2247 same time it was desirable to have them not connected to it, to avoid danger of shocks. Attention was there- fore given to the problem of obtaining from a high- pressure current another current which could be of low pressure in a separate wire, and by which the lights could be supplied without being connected with the main line, it was known that such a transfer or recrea- tion of a new current from an old one could be made with an ordinary induction coil by connecting the main line to one part of the coil and the local lamp wires of the house to its other part. The coil would then gen- erate the current required in the house-wiring; but the principle on which it generates the current required that the main line current be rapidly interrupted and reconnected. And though this interrupting could not be done without complicated machinery, a number of attempts were made to do it, on account of the desira- bility of operating incandescent lights cheaply from long circuits; finally the idea was hit upon of making the current itself intermittent before it was sent out on the wire, in order to do away with this machinery, and then the problem was solved. THE ALTERNATING CURRENT. To appreciate properly the importance of the alter- nating current and the inventions to which it is likely to lead, we must review the ways in which electricity produces its effects. A current passing through a wire may produce either heat or chemical decomposition, and at the moment of starting it shoots out into space invisible lines of force and energy which will generate a brief current in any neighboring conductors which they meet. But this effect, which we call induction, is only momentary, and the induced current ceases imme- diately. When the inducing current is stopped, a similar but reversed action takes place, the lines of force returning into the wire, and inducing in the neighboring conductor another momentary current 2248 Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. • flowing in the opposite direction. This induction is the means by which all currents are generated in a wire. As the currents so produced are only momentary, it is necessary to again start and stop the acting or inducing current to produce other momentary currents in the separate wire. When such interruptions are made to succeed each other with great rapidity, the momentary currents generated succeed each other with equal rapidity, and even become a constant vibratory flow of current in the second wire, without its being connected in any way with the inducing wire. The effect of the induction due to the interruptions of a primary current may be increased, in fact, exactly doubled, hy sending the current instantly in the oppo- site direction, and then reversing it, and so on, instead of simply stopping it at each pulsation, since the elec- trical changes in the wire will then be twice as great and sudden as if the current were simply interrupted and then restored without there being a reversed cur- rent in the interval. The power of the electricity transferred by this means to the second wire is proportional to the lengths of the first and second wires, which must be placed parallel, as that is the position required to produce the action. To get a suffinient length of the wires in proximity to each other, they are usually wound together in large coils, which are called induction coils. If in such a coil the secondary wire is wound many times around the other, the current produced in it will have great penetrating power with but little volume, while if it is wound only a few times around, and is made of large wire, its current will have correspondingly small pene- trating power, but great volume, in consequence of having a large wire through which to flow. The former winding for coils is common in medical batteries for converting the low current of the chemical cell into a high current which can be felt without having enough volume to do harm. When these coils are being used, the humming noise of part of the instrument is always Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. 2249 noticed. This noise is caused by a mechanism which interrupts the exciting current rapidly for the purpose of producing the induction. Electricians started with this device as a means of converting a high-pressure current, by which power could be carried a long dis- tance economically, into a current of low pressure, which would be safe and manageable for every-day use; but the vibrating mechanism accompanying the coil could not be left at every house to take care of itself. This difficulty was overcome by substituting for the continuous current, which required interrupters at each coil, a current which was itself vibratory, or "alternating," and constructing the dynamos so that the current generated would alternate as it came out of them. This invention permitted the interrupters to be dispensed with entirely. The induction coils thus simplified were also doubled in power by the substitu- tion of the current which alternated instead of merely stopping and starting. The number of alternations was increased to about 300 per second, an immense rate of vibration, by which the effects of the coils were made still greater. The two coils of wire in each in- duction instrument were then made to have more powerful effect upon each other by interlocking them with magnetic iron, by means of which a portion of the inductive influence of the main or exciting coil, which had always before been wasted, was concen- trated upon the other coil, thereby increasing the effect upon it. The principle of the whole device is shown in figure 14, which will serve to explain its construc- tion. A portion of the current from the main line flows from a branching connection through a coil wound around a bundle of iron, which becomes magnetic every time a current surrounds it. Upon this magnet is another coil of wire of larger size, connected to the lamps in the house, in multiple arc, in the usual manner, as explained in figure 13. The alternating current pass- ing from the main line through the first coil magnetizes and demagnetizes the bar at each alternation, and gen- $ 2250 Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. erates brief but powerful currents in the second or lamp coil, the magnet serving merely to carry the ex- citation from the primary coil into the centre of the secondary coil to add to the effect. The magnet is always made of very thin sheets of iron, separated by tissue-paper, for the reason that, were it not cut up, the alternations would induce currents in it instead of in the secondary coil, to prevent which it must be broken up or laminated, so that no current can circulate in it. The induction coil thus simplified and improved is known as a converter, because it serves to convert the electrical energy of one line into new energy in another line. An important feature of the converter is that its magnet reacts upon the primary coil, and prevents any currents being drawn from the main line except when the magnet is weakened by doing work in generating current in the secondary coil. A current can flow from the secondary coil only when lamps are connected to it, no current is drawn from the main line unless some is being actually used on the lamp circuit. When a small current is drawn it produces a corresponding effect upon the magnet, and a proportionate current is taken from the line. By using a very large wire having but few turns for the secondary coil, the current derived may be made. to have great volume, while its pressure or penetrating power depends upon the number of turns of wire that are used in the secondary coil. By selecting a suffi- ciently large size of wire the apparatus can be made to give any desired quantity of current, suitable, for in- stance, to run a large or small number of incandescent lights, while its pressure may be very low compared with that of the main line. The range of the converter is not limited to this, however, for by varying the size of wire used in the coils it may be built to produce a still lower pressure from a high one, or vice versa, as in changing a low-pressure current into one of very great pressure. This arrangement has been used for chang- Wheeler--Harper's Weekly--1889. 2251 ing the current of a dynamo into a more intense cur- rent, in order that it may be carried a long distance economically for special purposes. There seems to be no limit to the use which can be made of these simple coils when employed in conjunction with the alternating cur- rent, on account of the means which they furnish of exchanging any given kind of current for one of any other desired dimensions. The efficiency or perfection of converters is quite re- markable. It will be remembered that dynamo gene- rators produce in electricity ninety per cent. of the power they receive. The yield from the secondary coil of a converter has over ninety-five per cent. of the power of the current supplied to the primary coil. This transformation or exchange with almost no loss. is not equaled nor approached in any machinery used in the other arts. The converters are usually incased in cast-iron boxes. Figure 15 shows the appearance of one com- plete and ready to be fastened up in a building. The two ends of the two coils are seen projecting through the case at the top, ready to be connected to the main line and to the lamps in the building respectively. The introduction of the alternating method opens up an entirely new field in electricity, and presents a fresh supply of possibilities. As the most important trans- formations of electricity into useful products are facili- tated by its ready transfer into separate currents of dif- ferent volumes that are convenient for different pur- poses, and as this change can be made only by the use of constant interruptions to operate the transformer, the invention of a form of electricity in which the pul- sations are self-contained gives us practically a new force. It is owing to the fact that half of the uses which are made of electricity depend upon the effects which it produces only at the moments of its starting and stopping that the alternating current is of such im- portance. It contains in a condensed form all of the active powers of electricity, while the continuous cur- 2252 Wheeler--Harper's Weekly--1889. rent contains only half of them, namely, the power of heating and of effecting chemical action. Perhaps an illustration will explain this better. Motion and power are derived from electricity through its power of at- traction; but, after the electrified wire has attracted the moving part of the apparatus to it, the motion will con- tinue no further unless the attraction is stopped long enough for the moving part to be put back so that it. can be attracted again. This must be done during an interval in the attraction, which can be obtained only by interrupting or switching off the current, unless the current is of itself vibratory or alternating. With a current of this kind the part which had been attracted can move back when the current reverses, and be at- tracted again by the next current in the right direction. A continuous motion to and fro will then be kept up in the movable piece without any switch. The alternating current, which possesses the inter- vals and reversals required to produce additional ef- fects, may be looked upon, then, as a higher kind of electricity, possessing greater powers than those of the ordinary current. The original object of the introduction of this energy-radiating current was to generate currents for electric lighting in separate wires from one main line, by means of simple coils in each building, to which the local wires are connected without being connected to the main line. The main line might then be safely charged at high pressure, for the purpose of reaching long distances, without danger from the local wires. It might be interesting to mention here that the same thing is being done in Boston, for the same reasons, with steam, or rather superheated water, which is car- ried in strong pipes through the streets at very high pressure, and converted at the houses into low-pressure steam, which is easier to handle. The same object has now been completely accomplished with electricity, which affords a better means of generating the low pressure sought for, and lighting is now done on this Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. 2253 plan on a very large scale, while the examination of the properties of the new current possessing the new feature of a surrounding region of intense energy has led to remarkable inventions, and to discoveries as to the nature of electricity. It has been found, for ex- ample, that electricity, magnetism and light are very much alike, if not exactly the same thing. * In New York electric lights are supplied by alternat- ing currents over wires six and eight miles long by the Manhattan Electric Light Company, who, by means of this system, are enabled to establish their generating station at a distance on the outskirts of the city, where the operating expenses are a minimum. The ma- chinery used is known as the Slattery Induction System. The station is on the East River, at Eightieth street, where coal and supplies can be brought by barges at considerably less expense than if they had to be unloaded and carted across the city. The current is generated by a large number of dyna- mos, which are placed on strong foundations on the second floor of the building, and are driven by five powerful engines situated on the floor below, and simi- lar to those shown in the illustration of the Brush station. These dynamos are quite large, but are somewhat simpler than those used in generating continuous cur- rents. Fig. 16 gives a view of one of the kind used, * It should be stated that the claims urged on behalf of various patents for the alternating current system as applied to electric lighting are still under adjudication by the Courts. Judge Colt, of Boston, has already decided that the Gaulard & Gibbs patent, held by the Westinghouse Company, does not affect the use of the Slat- tery apparatus in the United States. A suit is now pending in the United States District Court of Indiana to test the question whether the Slattery patent does not cover all forms of the present alternat- ing current system for electric lighting. The plaintiff in the suit is the Fort Wayne Jenney Electric Light Company, and the defendant is the Evansville Gas and Electric Light Company, which uses the Westinghouse alternating current system.-Ed. " Harper's Weekly." 2254 Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. which supplies a thousand lights. It contains twelve powerful magnets, which are supported by its frame, and surround a central space which they keep highly magnetized. These magnets and the circular space be- tween them may be seen in the drawing. Within this space is a revolving drum or wheel, which has a great length of wires wound upon it in such a way that as the wheel rotates the wires are passed close to each magnet in succession. As the wires approach, a cur- rent is generated in them; and as they pass away from the magnets this current ceases and a current of the opposite direction is generated. One such alternation will be produced as each mag- net is passed. All that remains is to provide a con- nection from the wires on the wheel to the line outside. This is made by a stationary spring connected to the line and bearing on the wheel as it revolves. This part is much simpler than the corresponding part in continuous current machines. In these the generating operation is the same, and the current is alternating until it leaves the machine, but is made continuous as it passes out by a rapid automatic changing of the connections, which sends the currents to the right and to the left, in harmony with and cor- recting the alternations as fast as the armature re- volves. Fig. 17 gives a view of one room of the Man- hattan Company's station and shows how the machines are arranged. This building is the latest and largest that has been put up for electric light purposes. It has a capacity nearly double that of any other station, having accommodations for engines of 5000 horse- power and dynamos for 70,000 lights. It was built upon the most approved plan, with the aid of the ex- perience gained with former stations. It is fire-proof and very substantial, and is the best arranged station in the city. The wires from each machine are led to switches placed on the wall, which can be seen in the background of the picture, and above these are meters which show constantly the amount of current being Wheeler-Harper's Weekly-1889. 2255 supplied over each wire. All of the electricity gene- rated here is carried down to the centre of the city in comparatively small wires over a well-built line of poles five miles long. From this line, part of which is shown in Fig. 18, the wires are turned off at conven- ient corners and carried across town on other poles to the terminals of the subways, where they are con- nected to the corresponding cables underground, which in turn are connected by branches to numerous the- atres and stores. A great many public places are lighted from these wires, the current which can be car- ried by each one of them, when transformed by the converters into currents of low pressure, being suffi- cient to light a large number of lamps. 2256 Parliamentary Report-C. W. Siemens-1879. Complainant's Exhibit Extracts from Report of Parliamentary Committee on Electric Lighting, 1879. ORDERED BY THE HOUSE OF COMMONS TO BE PRINTED, 13TH JUNE, 1879, BLUE BOOK COPY. TESTIMONY OF MR. C. W. SIEMENS, P. 20. 150. I suppose it would generally follow from that, that not subdividing the electric light, but taking one elec- tric light which your experiments refer to, you would contend that the electric light is economical in regard to the amount of energy obtained from the fuel ?-It is a very economical mode of producing light. 151. It would be considerably more expensive if your light were subdivided into various lights ?—The con- sumption of energy increases in a very rapid ratio, in- versely as the concentration of the light. In dividing the light into two lights each will probably not give more than one-fourth of the effect. 152. Very nearly according to the squares or more than the squares ?—I think it is more than the squares. Exact experiments are wanting on this subject; but so far as observations have led me to come to a conclusion, I should say that it increases in a more rapid ratio than the squares. 190. What does your central light in the Albert Hall produce ?—Thirty thousand candles. There are five lights of 6,000 candles each, and those 30,000 candles are produced with a consumption of say 24-horse power, which would make the light in the Albert Hall still four times less expensive in power than the light on the Em- bankment. 191. Of course it is not applied yet I am only re- ferring to a letter which I have received to-day; then a subdivision of the light presents no insuperable diffi- Parliamentary Report-C. W. Siemens-1879. 2257 culty, but is a question of cost ?—It is a question of cost. 192. You have made an apparatus for subdivision, which I think you described at the Royal Society, if I remember rightly ?—I read a paper not long ago on an apparatus which subdivides a light perfectly well. There is no insuperable difficulty about it, and I believe that the time will come when, if the light is used in large centres, and sent into districts, it will be necessary to subdivide it; although that subdivision should, in my opinion, not be carried beyond the limit of absolute necessity. 193. With regard to the question of having central stations of electric energy, how would you think that this is likely to be brought into practice in the future? -I believe that if central dynamical stations were es- tablished in populous neighbourhoods, the current could be divided within a circle of, say two or three miles diameter without any serious loss of en- ergy. 194. Would you not require very large conductors ? -You would require large conductors, but these large conductors would be capable of transmitting very large amounts of electric energy. I may here mention, per- haps, that two years ago I suggested, as a mere thought, the possibility of carrying power from a large waterfall to a distance of some 20 or 30 miles for distribution and I then came to the conclusion that it would prob- ably require a conductor or copper rod of three inches in diameter to convey the energy of 1,000 horses. But further consideration has led me to the conclusion that a much smaller conductor would be sufficient for that purpose. In fact, the only limit to the transmitting power of a long conductor is its liability to become heated, for in transmitting an electric current through a conductor a portion of the dynamical effect of the en- ergy is lost and converted into heat, which heat accu- mulates in the conductor and has to be disposed of by radiation or conduction. If the resistance of the con- 2258 Parliamentary Report-C. W. Siemens-1879. ductor is made equal to that of the dynamo machine it- self, it follows from Dr. Hopkinson's recent experiments that the loss does not exceed the equivalent of 10 per cent. of the power employed. One-tenth of the total power employed at the central station would therefore go to heat the conductor, and if that conductor is ex- posed to the cooling action of the atmosphere, it will be capable of transmitting a vast amount of electrical energy before it would become heated to any consider- able extent; so that I now believe that a conductor of two inches would probably suffice to convey electric energy equal to 1,000-horse power to a distance of 30 miles. 195. You would only require, would you not, one radial conductor of that kind, and you might use the water pipes and the gas pipes for the return current?— Yes. 196. So that you would not require to have another wire for the return current ?-No; I think the gas and water pipes would be excellent return conductors, and if a number of central stations were to connect with these large masses of metal under the streets, the re- sistance of the return circuit would really become nil ; and they would not only be available, but they would be extremely economical, in an electric point of view, as return conductors. 197. You would require to convert the gas companies into amiable friends, would you not, before you would get permission to use those pipes for the return cur- rents? There would be the water companies to set-off against them. 198. Of course, your engine might work only at night to produce the electric light; but, supposing that your engine was working day and night, could you find any use for the electric energy during the day?—I be- lieve it could be used advantageously for the distribu- tion of power, and especially for the smaller uses of power in a populous district. 199. Going into a dressmaker's shop and turning the Parliamentary Report-C. W. Siemens-1879. 2259 sewing machines, and such things as that?-Turning sewing machines, turning lathes, and light machinery of various descriptions. I may here mention that, in consequence of a conversation that I had with Sir Will- iam Armstrong some time ago, he has made an appli- cation upon a small scale at his place at Craigside, of the power of a waterfall for lighting his library during the evenings, and working, I think, light tools, such as lathes or swing machinery during the day time. 200. Power transmitted in that way, I suppose, would sustain much less loss in its application to small ma- chinery than the ordinary transmitted power of a steam engine ?—I believe it would be the cheapest mode of transmitting power to à considerable distance. The ex- periments which we have made give a result of a loss of 50 per cent., that is to say, five-horse power applied to a dynamo-machine produces, roughly speaking, 24- horse power at a distant point. The results lately ob- tained in the experiments by Mr. Schwendler and Dr. Hopkinson would lead me to hope for better results than that; but still, taking the loss at 50 per cent., it would follow that, say 100-horse power engine at a cen- tral station, which could be worked with a consumption of 2 lbs. per horse power per hour, would produce at a number of points power at the rate of 5 lbs. per horse power per hour, which would still be an economical result for a small application of power. 201. For instance, our friends across the Atlantic might some day make use of the Falls of Niagara, and take the power 30 miles into the interior; is that what you mean ?-That could be done, but there are many cases not quite so imposing, but where natural forces might be used; in Scotland for in- stance. 220. Speaking of the question of the subdivision of the light, you said that there was no practical difficulty, except the cost; supposing that we had 10 lights in 2260 Parliamentary Report-C. W. Siemens--1879. series at work in different rooms say, and a certain num- ber of those lights were not required, there would have to be an interposition of an equivalent resistance for each light put out; would not that be the case, sup- posing that the remaining lights were not to be increased? -Yes, that would be so. 221. And, consequently, the lights which were put out would cost as much as though they were lighted? -That would be the case if several lights were put on the same electric circuit; but hitherto we have put central lights upon special circuits and the putting out of a light would mean the breaking of the circuit, or the stoppage of a machine. 222. But could that practically be done for domestic illumination; you would have your main conductor in the street would you take a special branch wire for each room off the main conductor ?-In making a large application of electric light, it would be necessary to put a succession of lights upon the same circuit; but those would probably branch off a main conductor, and each branch would be provided with a current regulation, so that each branch would work under all circumstances with a given amount of current. If the electro-motive force or the current increased in consequence of a di- minished resistance, through the stoppage of some of the branches, an extra resistance would have to be put into each branch circuit. 223. So that, in point of fact, a resistance equivalent to the action of the light is put in, whether it is burning or not, otherwise you have an increase of light in your other lights if they are on the same circuit ?—There would be a certain amount of electric energy lost. 224. And, therefore, the cost is the same, whether the light is burning or not? -Nearly the same. 258. Then, as to its application to dwellings, it would, I suppose, be a work requiring some further experiment and a work of some difficulty, before you could hazard an opinion as to its being used in dwellings generally Parliamentary Report.-C. W. Siemens-1879. 2261 instead of gas. For instance, the expense of keeping the carbons and all the machinery in order would al- most prohibit its being used generally in dwellings, would it not?-There would not be much machinery if central pumping or power stations were adopted. The consumer would only have his electric candle or his electric lamp to keep in order, and that would not in- volve any very serious difficulty. But if you subdivided the electric light, I think it perhaps would become an ex- pensive light. 259. Has your attention been called to some of the more recent experiments of Mr. Edison, and to the suc- cess which he is stated to have achieved in subdividing the light, and making it applicable for rooms and dwell- inge, and so on, with great ease and cheapness ?—I have, and I think Mr. Edison can, no doubt, produce by his means a very steady and possibly an agreeable light. 260. And a cheap light, he claims, I believe ?—Dy- namically speaking, I think, he has to prove his case as yet. Our experience, as far as I can judge from my own, leads me to an opposite conclusion. 261. That is, to a conclusion opposite to that which is said to have been the result of Mr. Edison's recent experiments ?—Yes. The dynamo-machine which Mr. Edisod proposes, I think, is not promising. * 276. Earl Percy.] You said that the electric light is cheaper the more it is concentrated; am I right in un- derstanding that the loss of power depends upon the sub-division of the light rather than upon the distance which the current has to travel?-Both of these con- ditions have their effect. The distance to which a cur- rent has to travel would only increase the resistance if the conductor was not increased; but if I had to increase my distance to, say, twice the distance originally exist- ing between the source of power and the electric light, and I made a long conductor of twice the area, then the electric resistance would be the same in both 2262 Parliamentary Report.-C. W. Siemens-1879. Distance does cases, and the loss would be the same. not a priori imply loss of power; it implies weight of conductors; but sub-division of the electric light im- plies a loss which cannot be obviated. In dividing the focus of light into two foci, each of these two foci would not give half the amount of light produced by the original focus. 277. They would give considerably less than half the amount of light, would they not?-Considerably less; probably one-fourth. 295. With reference to the application of the light to theatres, with regard to which one of the last questions was put to you, at the present moment, at any rate, there is a great difficulty in reducing the volume of the electric light, and suddenly turning it up or down, as you can in the case of gas; it would not be suitable, for instance, for such purposes as footlights and side- lights on the stage, which require constant changes ac- cording to the action of the piece ?-It would, at any rate, have to be differently managed. To a certain ex- tent the intensity of the current would modify the light, but it would not be so thoroughly under control as gas in that respect. It is very easy to put it out and to put it on again, but it is not so easy to modify its intensity. 296. It is not at present easy, whatever it may be in the course of future experiments, greatly to modify the brilliancy of the light ?—It does not offer the same fa- cilities as gas. 297. You would say that for such purposes as foot- lights and side lights, which require constant modifi- cation of the light, at present at any rate, whatever your experience may lead you to in the future, the electric light is hardly a suitable light ?—Such a light, for in- stance, as Mr. Edison proposes now, I think, would be much more controllable in that respect than the elec- tric arc. The electric arc cannot be varied in its in- tensity and brilliancy so readily as gas; but if the light Parliamentary Report-C. W. Cooke-1879. 2263 is produced by igniting a piece of irridium or platinum wire, then it is easy enough to modify the cur- rent so as to give only a small amount of radiated light. 298. But up to the present, at any rate, lighting with platinum and irridium has hardly gone beyond the ex- perimental stage ?-Certainly not. 299. And, as far as we know at present by practical experience, it has, for different reasons, proved unsuit- able. One reason is that it is too expensive; and I un- derstand that if you use two platinum points you would get the arc passing between them in the same way as you do between the carbon points; but as you would not get the particles of carbon passing between them you would not get anything like the same intensity of light. I do not know whether that is correct ?—I do not think metals could be used in that way for produc- ing the electric arc at all; they would waste away very rapidly. : 300. At any rate, shall I be justified in putting it as high as this that lighting with platinum and irridium, and such metals, has not got beyond the experimental stage ?-Certainly not. 301. And therefore this invention of Mr. Edison's may turn out to be perfectly satisfactory; but until we have seen it, it is difficult to judge from it whether a light has yet been found suitable for such things as the footlights and sidelights of a theatre ?-I think there are a great many applications remaining for gas; but for large applications I believe the electric light is quite ripe for practice. TESTIMONY OF CONRAD W. COOKE; PAGE 36. 338. I do not know whether, from your study of the question, you are prepared to give an opinion as to whether the application of these systems to the produc- tion of the electric light is in a sufficiently advanced state just now to bring it within practical and indus- 2264 Parliamentary Report-C. W. Cooke-1879. trial uses, either in ment to the use competition with, or as a supple- of gas ?-I think the electric light might be used as a supplement to gas in most cases, and also as a perfect substi- tute for gas in certain special cases, while in a third set of cases it cannot compete with gas at all, and gas must hold its own, without any opposition from elec- tricity. 339. Would you explain how ?-I think the electric light is applicable for the illumination of the interiors of large buildings, such as the Albert Hall; for such large passages as the lobbies of this House, or the House itself; for open spaces, such as Charing Cross, and large squares, such as the Place de l'Opera, in Paris, and similar places; and again for lighthouse illumina- tion; for any large space, in fact, that is not very much cut up with obstructions to give shadows; and even in cases where there are obstructions, of such a nature as a common factory, where there is no decoration, so that you could whitewash everything; even a factory full of driving belts and gearing of every sort. I have been in factories where, by whitewashing every part that could be whitewashed, hardly any shadows could be noticed. In those cases the electric light may be ap- plied. In other cases, where there is decorative work, the light may be thrown through a skylight or on to a white ceiling or a white screen. In those cases I think it cannot be met at all by gas. There are cases in which the electric light is supplementary to gas. Take the Albert Hall as a building; the inside of the hall is perfectly lighted by the electric light; and I will say more than that; it would be more perfectly lighted if the gas were put out in the hall, for reasons which I shall be prepared to give, if necessary. But for the rest of the building, for passages and for the corridors, I do not think that elec- tric illumination would be of much use; the passages are so curved and twisted and bent that the electric light would be very costly, and a great many separate lights would be required. Parliamentary Report-C. W. Cooke-1879. 2265 340. Whereas gas is very easy of application under such circumstances ?-Excessively easy, and it is more convenient. Then there is a third set of cases in which electric lighting could not be applied at all; that is to say, in the poor and narrow streets, and in small shops and buildings generally. When I say that it could not be applied, of course I mean in its present aspect, ac- cording to the systems at present in use. I cannot see that it can be applied to small houses, or to domestic purposes, except in libraries or palatial houses, or large rooms. But there must be an enormous number of places of small area which cannot be lighted by the present system of electric lighting. 341. Supposing that electric lighting became at all a general source of street illumination, have you consid- ered whether it might not interfere with the telegraphic communication of the country ?—I think that if some provision were not made for protecting telegraph lines from the effects of induction, it would have a very injuri- ous effect indeed if the lines carrying the electric cur- rents for the light ran at all in a parallel direction with the lines carrying the telegraphic circuits. In the first place, we have the induction going on between line and line on telegraph wires from the feeble currents pro- duced by telegraphic batteries, and if you were to carry the tremendously powerful currents for producing the electric light, they would have a proportionately greater effect upon the telegraph wires; but, at the same time, there are means for getting over that entirely by com- pensating it; one way would be to have a return wire for the electric light instead of using the earth. 342. Instead of gas pipes and water pipes ?— Instead of using the gas pipes and water pipes, unless the line for the electric light were carried round by another route; but if there is a return wire, and that wire be twisted with the other, either in the form of a cable, or simply twisted in its direction as it is hung on the in- sulators, it need not twist more than one turn in a mile, or one turn in half a mile, or one turn in a foot, or any- 2266 Parliamentary Report--C. W. Cooke--1879. thing you like, provided that it has as many portions of the return wire as there are those of the outgoing wire opposed to the main line of the telegraph, which would get over the difficulty; but even in those cases it would only affect those places where the electric circuit runs in a parallel direction to the other; it would not affect the telegraphy of the country which goes along the railways, because I do not take it that it is at present the idea to light the railways by electric light, having a central power station at one end of a great railway. If they lighted railways they would probably have their ma- chines at each station, or at every two stations; and in that case they must not carry the electric light wire parallel with the telegraph lines without compensat- ing it. 352. Have you any information in regard to the rela- tive cost of the two different systems of lighting ?-I have. The most accurate document that has yet ap- peared in connection with the cost of street illumination is the report of Monsieur Cernesson to the Municipal Council of Paris. Trials were made with the greatest possible care of the Jablochkoff system, extending over some months, and everything was taken into considera- tion that could possibly influence the result, and really a very magnificent report in a scientific sense has been produced. I have some of the particulars here. 353. Will you be kind enough to state those par- ticulars to the Committee ?-It has always been re- ported that the Jablochkoff system absorbed one horse power per light. The experiments at Paris show that it was 20 horse power for 16 electric candles. 354. What is the value of the electric candles ?—The photometric value of the electric candles as they stand with their globes on (and the globes absorb a very large amount of light, something like 60 per cent.) as meas- ured in a horizontal plane by Monsieur Allard, is 18 carcels, equal to 167-4 candles. A carcel is about 9.6 Parliamentary Report-C. W. Cooke-1879. 2267 candles. Of course the horizontal plane is the most brilliant, because there is no shadow at all from the tip of the carbon; but when the light was measured at the level of the pavement, it was reduced to 12.1 carcels, or 112.5 candles. That gives a total mean illumination for the 62 lights, of 6,975 candles, and the cost of that came out to be 1 l. 9 s. 9 d. per hour, distributed over 62 lights. The cost of the lights in the Avenue de l'Opera, including the Place de l'Opera and the Place du Theatre Francais, including wages, steam power, oil, and candles, at 50 centimes per light per hour, aver- ages 1 7. 19 s. 4 d. per hour, or 7½ d. per light per hour. At midnight the lights are put out, and then the streets are illuminated by 344 gas jets; each of which gives a light of 10-2 candles, producing an aggregate of illumination, equal to 3,519 candles as against 6,975, less than half. The cost of these 344 gas jets is 5 s. 9 d. per hour, or a little over one-fifth of a penny per light per hour. 355. As against 7 d. ?-As against 7 d.; so that the illumination of the Avenue de l'Opera to a given photometric degree costs for the two sets of lamps as there installed (because they are placed not at the best advantage) more than two and a half times more when effected by electricity than by gas. But the Jabloch- koff system is a costly one, because it is one of the di- viding systems; and although it is excessively conven- ient for certain purposes, there is an enormous loss in all systems of divisions. 356. In this case you have got very much the same as a single light in the Albert Hall divided into 62 dif- ferent lights?-Yes, you have. 357. That is to say you have a 6,000 or 7,000 light power, divided into 62 lights ?—Yes, and at the Albert Hall it is far cheaper than gas, because there you have a central light; and you are not losing the enormous amount which you do by all systems of division. It is the system of division which makes the Jablochkoff system a costly one; and I think that the same must 2268 Parliamentary Report-C. W. Cooke-1879. apply to all systems of division of which the Jabloch- koff is decidedly a convenient one. 358. Will you explain to the Committee what is the cause of the great diminution by the system of division? -It is the great resistance thrown into the circuit at each lamp by the arc itself. Of course the electric light is caused by placing a resistance at a small spot, and compelling the electricity to pass it, thereby being con- verted into heat and into light; and if you multiply those on a circuit you reduce your current, and you might go on multiplying them until your resistance brings your current down to nothing. With a given current you have only to go on multiplyfng your di- vided lights, and at last your current will not pass at all; you have reduced it to nothing. 359. The very essence of the light is the resistance to the current which it passes ?—I think that it is safe to say that the very essence of all electric lights is due to resistance at a certain spot. * 388. Have you given attention to the question of ob- taining light by means of incandescence, necessitating a closed circuit ?—I cannot speak with any practical experience of that. My view of it is that you would have a far greater loss; it could not be done so econom- ically, but it would probably be applicable in cases where economy was not so much an object, and where there was some special reason for dividing it. 389. Lord Lindsay.] Assuming a street to be worked on this method, the street being joined up in a series, and supposing that the occupier of one house wished to put out his lights, how would this be effected ?—In that case, if you throw out a lamp, or throw out a house, you must throw into the circuit a resistance exactly equal to what you cut out. If you do not do that you will affect every lamp in the series and the machine as well. If you put out your lights by breaking the circuit, you put out every light in the series, and the engine will run Parliamentary Report-C. W. Cooke-1879. away if it is not properly controlled; and if you put them out simply by short-circuiting them you will make the others brighter. 390. It would seem that the cost of a lamp working and one at rest would be the same, with the exception of the carbon which was not consumed ?- The cost to the supplier would be the same, certainly. It would not affect the main current. 391. Supposing that this were done, is there any means of learning the quantity of electricity which would be used in a given space of time by the occupier of a house?—I think that a contrivance might be made for the purpose, although it would be somewhat diffi- cult to meet all the peculiar circumstances, for instance, of a man shutting off the whole of his house, or shut- ting off one light, or shutting off two lights, and so on. You would probably have to have a meter at each light, I think, in a case of that sort, because you must, if you shut off one light, put in an equal resistance. It might be done by shunting in a certain variable resistance at each lamp. In that case you could diminish your light due to the amount of leakage through the variable re- sistance. Certainly a meter would be a very compli- cated thing to arrange; you would have, I suppose, to have some little electric motor. Then, again, I think it would be very difficult to arrange for a variation in the speed. 399. I suppose we may assume that the lighting of large areas can be done satisfactorily, and without ex- cessive cost, by means of the electric light ?--Yes, I think that the lighting of large areas, such as squares, and buildings, and large halls, by the electric light, would give a decidedly economical result. 400. But your answer would not be so decided with regard to small places, and with regard to domestic illumination?--No, not in the present state of the science. * * 2270 Parliamentary Report-C. W. Cooke---1879. 420. Dr. Siemens in his evidence, stated that the light should be centralised rather than subdivided; do you concur in that view ?-That is what I meant. 421. Is it not desirable that it should be subdivided? -It is very desirable for illuminating purposes that you should distribute your lights in a great many places, but the moment you divide your current, at each point of division you lose a certain amount. In fact, you might almost compare it to changing money where you have to pay commission at each change. 422. I suppose that the fact that it cannot be subdi- vided is one of the difficulties in its practical use now? -That is one of the great difficulties in street illumina- tion, and it is the insuperable difficulty at present as re- gards domestic illumination; but, for the illumination of large halls and large areas, I think that centralisation is better than subdivision. 423. Do you remember the experiments that they tried in Billingsgate Market ?—Yes. 424. What was the cause of the failure there ?-A great many causes were given. Those who were in favour of the gas said that it was an imperfect light; that it was unhealthy; that it made the fish look bad, and a great many other things. Those, again, who were in favour of the electric light, said that the Billingsgate people did not like their bad fish to be shown up. It is impossible to get at the real truth in a case of that sort where there were so many divided interests. 425. Dr. Siemens, in referring to Mr. Edison, who is credited with having recently invented a machine for subdividing the light, expressed some doubt on the sub- ject and stated that he thought that it was not as prom- ising as the reports indicated; do you know anything about that ?-We really know very little at all about it. A few newspaper paragraphs have appeared on the sub- lect, and I have been very much interested, as every- body has. His nephew told me, himself, that he has seen, I think, over 200 lights on one circuit. I must say I should like to see it myself, and that is all that I can say. Parliamentary Report-W. H. Preece-1879. 2271 TESTIMONY OF W. H. PREECE; PAGE 66: 510. I think you have both considered and made ex- periments upon the subdivision of the electric current for the production of various lights?—I have; I have examined the questions theoretically from a mathemat- ical point of view, and I have also examined it experi- mentally. 511. Did you not publish a Paper upon the subject in the January number of the "Philosophical Magazine?" -I did. 512. What was the result that you came to ?—In that Paper, I showed first of all, that there are two ways of subdividing the light. Supposing that this piece of string which I hold in my hands were a wire conveying the current, we might insert in that one string several lamps, or we might take these several lamps and join them up in what is called a parallel arc. You may have your wires arranged parallel with each other, with one lamp in each. The result of my inquiry was to show, that when lamps are joined up in series, the in- tensity of light in each lamp diminishes with the square of the number inserted; and when they are joined up in this parallel arc, the intensity of the light diminishes as the cube of the number, showing, that when you at- tempt to subdivide the light beyond two or three, the intensity of the light diminishes in a marvellous ratio. 513. In other words, that means, that the economy of the light diminishes in as great a ratio as the square in the one case and as the cube in the other; and that if econ- omy is important that is a very wasteful mode of pro- ducing the electric light ?-Certainly. I might give you an illustration of that, taken from the case on the Thames Embankment. From the experiments that have been made, one-horse power economically ap- plied, ought to give a light equivalent to about 1,250 candles. The lights on the Embankment are produced by what is called a Gramme alternating machine, which 2272 Parliamentary Report-W. H. Preece—1879. is practically four machines, using altogether 20 horse- power, each machine being worked by five horse-power. Now each of those machines ought to give 6,250 can- dles; but they are joined up in series, and in each wire there is a series of five candles. The square of five is 25, and if we divide 6,250, which ought to be the can- dle light, by 25, the result is 250, which ought to be the light per candle on the Embankment if it were naked. But it is obscured by a globe which diminishes the light about 40 per cent., the result is that by calculation the light on the Embankment ought to be 150 candles; and by the photometrical measurements of Professor Keates, it agrees very well with that figure, for it is about 160 candles. However, by calculation based on my investi- gation published in the "Philosophical Magazine," those lamps ought to give 150 candles. 514. What does the naked light give ?—I do not know the measurement, but by calculation it ought to give 250 candles, and I should say, judging by the eye, it is not far out. So that 20 horse-power on the Thames Embankment ought to give an illuminating power of 25,000 candles, and it only gives an illuminating power of 3,200 candles, showing a terrific waste. 515. Then, according to your view, the electric light is really very economical when it is used for giving cen- tral lights, but not when it is used in a subdivided form?—It is only economical when one machine is used to produce a single light. 516. And any departure from that means waste, economically speaking ?-Certainly. 517. What is your opinion as to the application of the electric light for general street lighting ?-I do not think that the electric light for street lighting is at all applicable; and for this reason, that if you have a long street with an electric light you may have it in the mid- dle; but we will say, for the sake of argument, that you have it at one end, and you have that light sufficiently powerful to light efficiently the extreme end. Then at the near end you must have an enormous waste of light; Parliamentary Report-Geo. F. Deacon -1879. 2273 because as the light diminishes with the square of the distance the amount at the one end of the street to give light at the other end must be largely in excess of the requirements at the near end. From that point of view, I am at the present moment occupied in preparing another paper on the subject, for the "Philosophical Magazine," in which I bring out such an extraordinary result that I am not inclined to believe it is true; but the result is this: that you can light a street of 1,000 feet with 40 lamps of 15-candle power better than if you use one single electric light of 6,000 candle power. 518. That is to say a long street ?-A long street; showing that the ordinary gas lamps of 15-candle power are better adapted for street lighting than a single electric light. 519. But supposing that you have symmetrical spaces. like squares, how would the electric light answer in such cases?—There the electric light comes out right. For symmetrical spaces for such a space, for instance, as the Albert Hall, for spheres, for square spaces, one single centralised light is the same in effect as a largely distributed light; and practically, for economical pur- poses, it is better. TESTIMONY OF GEO. F. DEACON, P. 99. 949. Have you considered the effect of the division of the electric current into various lights as occasioning a large loss in illuminating power?-I have; the loss is considerable; and, probably, so far as practice has gone up to date, the loss in each light is nearly as the square of the number of lights; but the exact deter- mination of the question is beset with practical difficul- ties of many kinds, and I do not think that the theoret- ical determinations which have been made will necessa- rily be exactly borne out in practice. Part of the loss attributed to sub-division is probably due to the alter- nate currents necessary in the only sub-divided system which has been largely used. 2274 Parliamentary Report-Geo. F. Deacon--1879. 950. Will you explain what are some of the occasions of the loss; I suppose the resistance of numerous car- bons instead of the resistance of two carbons would be one cause ?-Yes, the moment you begin to increase the points of resistance you must increase the electro-motive force; and that is an undesirable thing on many accounts. There would be greater loss through the insulators to begin with; and the machines, working at high tension, would, on many accounts, be more costly to maintain than machines working at low tension. 951. At the present moment, in the illumination for public purposes, the lights are divided into series, are they not?—Yes, in all cases, except one that I have seen. I believe that there is an American invention di- vided in multiple arc. 952. Lord Lindsay.] What system is that; the Brush system ?—No, I was speaking of Edison's. 953. Chairman.] There have not been many experi- ments, have there, in the sub-division into parallel cir- cuits ?--The only ones that I have seen are those of M. Werdermann; and I understand now that his lamp has been used in series with better effect, but I have not seen it so used. 954. From your experience as engineer to a large cor- poration, do you think that, whether you have a con- centrated system of light or a divided system, the elec- tric light is likely to be useful for public purposes, either in illuminating thoroughfares or in illuminating public buildings ?— Certainly for illuminating public buildings, and I think that for many public thoroughfares there is an indication that the cost will come very closely down to that of gas, if not a little lower. I think, for instance, that directly the gas companies begin to con- centrate their gaslights, to which there is a tendency at the present time, they will be beaten by electricity. I find by calculation that the 200-candle burners, for in- stance, if taken at the same rate of cost as the smaller burners, which perhaps is rather unfavourable to the gas, Parliamentary Report--Geo. F. Deacon--1879. 2275 and not quite fair, would be 31 d. per hour; but you may allow 14 d., and that still leaves 2 d. That comes very close to the cost of even a partially subdivided electric light of the same power. 992. Those lamps in the street, I suppose, would be in series, would they not?—I think that up to five or six lights on one circuit there is a possibility of divis- ion in series being accomplished with moderate econ- omy; and it may be that division in multiple arc will also be carried to somewhere about the same extent. But beyond that, I think either of them will be so costly as to put a stop to much further division on any system which has yet been tried. 993. Then, practically, it comes to this, that we can only use six lights in a series, and that would carry you over what distance of ground?—That depends upon the intensity of the light. 994. If you put the lights 100 yards apart, at the end of 600 yards you would require another engine and another generator, would you not ?—Quite so. I am speaking entirely in the light of practical results up to this time. I know that certain mathematicians have attempted to show that it is impracticable to go further theoretically, but that is certainly not an universal opin- ion; there are very high authorities for the belief that there are modes of overcoming the present difficulties of subdivision. 995. Do you know the length of the circuit that was used on the Embankment a little while ago ?—No, I do not know the length. 996. I think I have seen it stated that it was more than 3,000 yards?—If so it is very much longer than anything in the Avenue de l'Opera. 997. Chairman.] With a central station ?—Yes. 998. Lord Lindsay.] Have you considered at all the possibility of the electric light being applied to domestic, that is to say, to chamber lighting in houses ?-I think it is quite possible that it will be applied as a luxury; 2276 Parliamentary Report--Geo. F. Deacon--1879. but so far as I can see at present, again in the light of experience up to the present date, I do not think it is likely to be applied economically. 999. Then you think it would not damage the gas companies in any way ?-I do not think it will damage the gas companies, even if it is applied very largely for public lighting. 1000. Would the same remark apply to street light- ing ?-Quite so. 1001. Supposing that you had your lamps in a house in series, how would you effect the reduction of a single light without affecting the others?—Theoretically there is no difficulty in doing that as a matter of electricity; but, practically, so far as I can see at the present time, I fear that the difficulty would be considerably greater than the mere turning of a stopcock, or regulating it by a stopcock. 1002. You would interpose a resistance, in fact, would you not? Yes. 1003. And, therefore, that light would cost the same, whether it was burning or not, with the exception of the carbons ?-Yes, with the exception of the carbons. That is, of course, in the case of lights in series only. But those inventors who have attempted to go further in subdivision, have placed their light in multiple arc and then other conditions come in which render it less economical on other accounts. * 1029. You referred just now to Mr. Edison; have you had your attention called to the more recently reported inventions of Mr. Edison, by which he claims to have sub-divided the light so as to make it applicable for do- mestic purposes ?--Yes, I have, but there appears to be a doubt whether those reports contain the last patents of Mr. Edison, upon which he bases his statements and his hopes. 1030. I believe it was in contemplation some time ago by the Corporation of Liverpool to purchase the gas companies in Liverpool, was it not ?-It has been Parliamentary Report-Geo. F. Deacon-1879. 2277 talked about; and a committee of the Corporation did sit for some time for the purpose of investigating the whole subject. 1031. And then about that time a Bill was promoted to give the Corporation power to use the electric light? That was so. The Corporation thought that if the elec- tric light was at all likely to be used, they ought to have the power to use it themselves. 1032. That was notwithstanding your report ?—Yes, about the same time, if I remember right. 1033. Did that have the effect of seriously depreciat- ing the apparent value of the gas companies for the pur- pose of purchase ?-I do not think it had any effect on the gas companies' shares. 1034. Have you seen the new system of using gas in Regent-street and Queen Victoria-street?-In Waterloo- place I have, and in one or two places on the Embank- ment. I have already remarked that I think is is a mis- take to attempt to concentrate gas. Directly the gas companies begin to concentrate gas, they enter into di- rect competition with electricity, and they will be losers, I think. One of the great advantages of gas is, that it is so easily sub-divided with scarcely any loss; there is a slight loss, but it is so trifling as to be unimportant. I think also, with respect to these lamps of 200 candle power, that they are made for the production of a great effect on the pavement below; but neither the reflectors nor the jets are so arranged as to throw the light to a dis- tance, which is what you want. 1035. Did the Corporation of Liverpool, in promoting this Bill, contemplate the adoption of any system of electric lighting, supposing that they got their powers? -I think they would have made experiments in the open spaces opposite St. George's Hall. Of course they would have acted tentatively; and if it had been successful there, they might have tried it in other places. 1036. Mr. Arthur Moore.] Do you think, then, that the time has come when it would be wise to permit cor- 2278 Parliamentary Report-Geo. F. Deacon-1879. porations to light their own streets by electricity ?— Yes; I think there are many open spaces in large towns which might be illuminated by electricity with great ad- vantage, and that corporations should have the power to light such places. I do not think that it will be at present applied to streets. The Avenue de l'Opera in Paris is quite an exceptional street, and we are not likely to have many like it in our towns. 1037. Do you not think that if you had one or two of the wider streets lighted in this way, the shadows thrown on the side streets would be very great, and that they would be at least apparently in much greater dark- ness than they are at present ?--I am inclined to think that the electric light, if largely used, will have the ef- fect of making the public demand a higher standard of illumination; and for that reason, if for no other, the gas companies will profit by it. 1038. I think I understood you to say that you thought that the system of electric lighting was going on so rapidly, that probably in a short time there might be some better means of sub-dividing the light found? -I think there will be better means of sub-dividing the light; but I cannot see my way to any result approach- ing those that have been proposed from America, Mr. Edison's, for example. 1039. Has your attention been drawn to the evidence given by one of the French promoters, I think Monsieur Vivarez, who said that there was no additional cost in dividing the light ?—No, I have not seen that evi- dence. 1040. They said that they could divide the light simply and make two lights instead of one at half the cost of each ?—I have seen nothing in practice to bear that out, and, theoretically, I do not think it is pos- sible. 1050. With regard to the expense of the electric light, I suppose you would say that, in a general way, all the tendency of modern improvement and investiga- Parliamentiary Report--Sir William 2279 Thomson--1879. tion is to reduce that expense and to render the electric light cheaper?—I do not think that the concentrated lights will be very much reduced in cost, because I do not see where the diminution of cost is to come from. It cannot be in the machine, because we know that al- ready a very high efficiency of the machine has been obtained. It can scarcely be to a very great extent in the lamp; but in the sub-divided system I think there will be a very great increase of efficiency. * 1061. Have you any experience of the use of iridi- um ?—I cannot say that I have any practical expe- rience of the effect of iridium for incandescence. 1062. Is it not understood that most of Mr. Edison's patents and inventions have reference to the use of iridium ?-An alloy of platinum and iridium, I under- stand. 1063. Then no one in this country is justified in ex- pressing an opinion as to the possibility of dividing the light in opposition to Mr. Edison's statement until it has been tried; is not that so ?-No; but I think that if all that Mr. Edison had said, or rather all that has been said of Mr. Edison's inventions, had been literally correct, we should have heard a great deal more about it before now, because the time has passed when pat- ents would have been secured. 1064. Is it not the case that his last patent has only just been sealed ?-I do not know how many patents there are. I have seen one or two of his French pat- ents. "New 1065. Chairman.] Are you aware that the York Herald" of last week (which I have this morning received from Mr. Edison himself) describes fully, with drawings, Mr. Edison's inventions for which patents have been recently taken out ?—No, I have not seen it. TESTIMONY OF SIR WILLIAM THOMSON, P. 177. 1753. If, then, the electric light is such an economical producer of the waves that we call luminous rays, do 2280 Parliamentary Report--Sir William Thomson--1879. you consider that the electric light has a great future before it or not ?-A great future. In the immediate future I anticipate a great extension of the practical usefulness of the electric light. In a future somewhat less near, I anticipate the use of the electric light for every case of fixed lights, whether in large rooms or in small rooms, or in great public halls or in passages and staircases leading to them, and even in fixed lights in the lobbies and staircases of private houses. 1754. Then you think that the use of the electric light is not the dream of a savant, but a practical possibility in the future ?-Certainly. The electric light has been in dreamland for 60 years, and it has now come into the world of realities. 1755. And it is now rapidly progressing ?—It is now rapidly progressing, and in good hands. A great deal of good work is spent upon it at this time, and there is im- mense promise in the work that is now being carried on by practical men upon the electric light. 1756. Your reason for supposing so is, that there is now a prodigiously greater economy in the trans- formation of mechanical force or energy into light than there formerly was ?-That is my reason. * 1779. Would you allow me to ask you about the di- vision of the electric light into various small lights; scientifically do you agree with calculations the result of which have been put before us, that the effect of a division must be, in some cases, to decrease the light so divided, according to the squares, or according to the cubes of the distance ?-We have no scientific law of the economy of the electric light in different degrees of division and concentration; but practice and theoretical guesses seem to agree in making the economy much less when we spend the same quantity of energy, for example, in ten feebler lights than when we spent it in one strong light; when we do this we do not get nearly one-tenth part of the whole light by any of the plans hitherto in use. Parliamentary Report-Sir William 2281 Thomson-1879. 1780. But there is nothing in the mathematical dis- cussion of the question that should render that reduc- tion necessarily by the square or the cubes ?—No; it is quite possible that a plan of using electric energy for light might be found and may yet be found, in which teǹ feebler lights will give a sum of light equal to that obtainable by the same energy in one concentrated light. 1781. In one of the early answers that you gave, you seemed to look to electric lighting as suitable for the interior of houses and for domestic purposes; has in- vention progressed so far that it is at all fit for that just now ?—I think it is almost fit for it now. I believe that almost every drawing-room in London, in large houses at all events, might now be lighted economically, and in all respects advantageously, by the electric light. 1782. That is for the large rooms of a house?—Yes. 1783. But the ordinary methods, of which we have heard, of dividing the light, do not seem to be very much advanced, except in the case of the Jablochkoff can- dle ?—No ; I believe that is the most advanced sub- division of the electric light which we yet have. 1790. Then, so far as I gather your views, whilst you think that the electric light is now applicable to large halls or public rooms, such as drawing-rooms, it is not physically very economical by the processes just now used for general distribution throughout a house ?-I would not be prepared to say that it is not economical now. I think with proper mirrors, lenses, prisms, and screens, it could be economically used throughout a house at present. 1791. I mean in bedrooms and such places as that? -Not perhaps in bedrooms. Small movable lights may be preferred there. 1792. But even if it is not at present available for general domestic use, according to what you have told us about the wonderfully economical transformation of 2282 Parliamentary Report-Sir William Thomson-1879. energy into light, there is a large margin for future im- provement ?-A large margin. 1793. Have you taken into consideration what was suggested to us in evidence by Dr. Siemens, viz., that for a practical realisation of the electric light, it would be necessary, in cities, to associate it with the distribu- tion of power?—It would be advisable, certainly, to as- sociate it with the distribution of power, because the same means that are used for giving electric light would be perfectly available for the distribution of power. 1794. For example, in the daytime, you might distribute power by large engines, and you might turn your power into light at night ?-Quite so. 1795. That might be very advantageous, might it not, where there was a natural source of power, such as a river or a waterfall ?-Very advantageous. I look for- ward to the Falls of Niagara being extensively used for the production of light and mechanical power over a large area of North America. 1796. In fact the energy which is wasted in the Falls of Niagara might be conducted to a considerable distance, and make a manufacturing town ?-Certainly, it might be advantageously conducted hundreds of miles. 1797. But in such a case as that, how are you to con- duct your electricity, and how are you to conduct your power; supposing that you had a thousand horse power engine in a town, would you not require an immense conductor to conduct away its energy?-You would re- quire powerful copper or iron conductors. I have rec- ommended a tubular form with water flowing in the tube to keep it cool. [Subsequent consideration has shown this to be unnecessary; see deferred Answer, page 1931. 1798. Is that to carry off the heat, and keep off its conductive properties ?--Yes, and to prevent it from fusing. The heat so carried off is waste heat. Some waste is necessary, but the proportion of waste may be made practically very small. Parliamentary Report-Sir William 2283 Thomson-1879. 1799. Of course where you have such a tremendous waste of power, as at present in Niagara, one can con- ceive that being used for large manufacturing purposes; but would the power that you would send from a thou- sand horse power engine be more than you could use for slight things like lathes and sewing machines and such things?—Yes; there is no limit to the application of it on a great scale. It might drive great turning lathes in engineers' works. It might do all the work that can be done by steam engines. 1825. You speak as having great faith in the future of the electric light, so far as its application to domestic lighting and to street lighting goes ?—Yes. 1826. Do you consider that such an application of the electric light is calculated to do damage to gas com- panies in the depreciation of their stock, or do you think that the increased demand for gas, as a motive power, would counterbalance the loss for lighting power?—I think that is very probable in the present state of things; but, in the state of things that I look forward to, of great central engines working in the most econom- ical way possible, burning not more than 2 lbs. of coal per horse-power per hour, this function for gas would be superseded. Still there may be many other pur- poses for which gas can be advantageously used. Gas, as a direct heating means, will probably have many ap- plications, so that I do not think it probable that it will be ever found that less gas will be wanted than at pres- ent. 1827. But, in view of what you said about the heat- ing power of gas, the gas companies would gradually come to modify the present chemical constituents of their gas, in order to produce more hydrogen and less carbon, I suppose ?-No doubt an improvement may be made in that way; as, for instance, in a meteorological observatory, where gas is used for photographic regis- tration, it undergoes a process of naphthalising, I be- lieve, which I understand adds illuminating power to it. 2284 Parliamentary Report-Sir William Thomson-1879. 1828. I believes it adds nearly 30 per cent.; do you consider our means of producing electricity to be greatly in advance of our means of utilising it ?—I think they are. 1845. So that my objection would, of course, not hold good, if you had unconcentrated rays. With regard to street lights, supposing that you have a street lighted with a certain number of these high lights, would they be in series, or in multiple arc, according to your sug- gestion ?—I have not attempted to work that problem out. I see a way of doing it in series and also ways of doing it in multiple arc. I would rather leave it to prac- tical inventors to find out what was the best way. I have thought of the subject, but I have not thought of it as to its practical bearing. I think that probably having the lights in series would be the best way with proper means of preventing the current from being stopped when any one of the lights accidentally goes out for a moment. 1846. Leaving that and going to domestic lighting, you said that you considered it possible, with advan- tage and with economy, to light any rooms now in any houses, with the exception, say, of bedrooms, where small handlights are required; would you also say that that should be done in series ?-It would depend very much upon the mode of supply. I could scarcely an- swer that question, because there is so much to be done before it can really be made practicable; I think it would be too expensive at present in private houses, ordinarily, to have separate engines for the electric light, unless in a very large house. In large drawing rooms, perhaps, it might be advantageous even now. I look forward rather to a time when a block of houses may be lighted by a central engine; then I think it would be economical with only such electric lamps as we have at present, supposing that the lamps perfectly get over the difficulty about unsteadiness. I think prob- ably series would be the best arrangement. Parliamentary Report-Sir William 2285 Thomson-1879. 1847. Then supposing that we had a block of houses lighted from one station the current will enter that house, pass through the different lamps in that house, and go into the next house ?--Yes, it would not do to have very many in series, because the electro-motive force would rise too high. 1848. Supposing that we had a lamp in a dining-room, and that after dinner I did not want that lamp any more, how should I put it out ?—If there are other lamps in series you would do it by short-circuiting it. It may be short-circuited through a resistance, but then there will be a waste of light. 1849. Then there is the same cost for that lamp as when it was burning with the exception ot the carbon ? —Yes, but with proper regulators by inventions not yet made, the machine will have a governor according to which, when you short circuit without resistance any one of the lights, the machine will not give more cur- rent than you want for the other light or lights, whether in the same circuit or in parallel circuits. 1850. Such a machine as you mention is now being made, I believe, is it not ?—I have not heard. I have scarcely thought of this subject, myself, except in a very general way. 1851. As to the production of this electricity, you think it might be done by each person, if he desired individually, having an engine of his own ?-It might, certainly. 1896. Mr. Hardcastle.] I understood you to say that drawing-rooms might even now be economically lighted with the electric light; in saying that, do you mean that certain houses might be furnished with steam-en- gines and electrical apparatus, and that still the light would be economical ?-Yes, I think so. The first cost of a gas-engine, or a steam-engine, is considerable ; but the quantity of gas used in a gas-engine to get a certain amount of illumination by the electric light would be very moderate. On the other hand, if the power could 2286 Parliamentary Report-Sir William Thomson-1879. be supplied from a central steam-engine, the cost would be reduced almost to the expense of the carbons. Now, carbons more than powerful enough for a drawing- room, would be only 3 d. an hour at the most, and that would not be a large expense for a large drawing-room, or for a conversazione, where there were a large num- ber of guests. The expense of the carbons only goes on during the time that the illumination is wanted. Then I look at the expense of the carbons, which is at pres- ent the greater part of the expense of the electric light, as quite a transient phase of the economical question. The carbon itself is not thicker than two or three quills; and the value of the material is not more than a twen- tieth part of a farthing. I cannot but think that the cost of the carbons will be reduced to an exceedingly small fraction of the present amount, and that will re- duce the cost of the electric light immensely below what it is at present. 1897. But, in the case of the engine for the supply of a single house, you would be obliged to have an engineer, and all the appliances of that kind, would you not ?—If it be a gas-engine there is no diffi- culty. 1898. Is that automatic ?-Any man-servant, or even in a house where no man-servant is kept, the servants of the house could start the engine and stop it, and keep it going perfectly. 1899. Have you ever paid attention to the use of irid- ium instead of carbons ?-I have not. * 1903. You suggested a very grand scheme for utilis- ing the power of the falls of Niagara, or other water- power at a distance; without going into detail at all, was your idea to make use of that power to produce enormous magnetical force, and to convey that force to a distance by wires ?—Yes, to drive magneto-electric machines by water-power applied in the neighbourhood of the fall; and to use conductors to transmit the cur- rent produced by those machines to the places where Parliamentary Report-Sir William 2287 Thomson-1879. illumination is to be produced, or where the develop- ment of mechanical power is wanted. The light would be produced by the electric lamp wherever it is needed; the power would be produced by electro-magnetic en- gines driven by the current. 1904. Would there not be some danger from such a terrific power being engendered of those shocks which you described as being possible ?—I think not, because it would not be an alternating current; it must be a con- tinuous current. 1913. You spoke of the use of large copper tubes con- taining water, of what diameter would those tubes be? -I have not made an estimate; it would depend alto- gether upon the quantity of power to be transmitted and upon the distance. In the Report of the Institution of Civil Engineers, for February, 1878, a discussion upon the subject is reported, and some estimates as to quantities are there given; but I am afraid that I could not repeat any just now. 1914. In a general way, what size of tube have you thought of; would it be estimated by inches ?—By inches. It would be very moderate indeed in com- parison with water pipes, for instance. Perhaps the tubes might be three or four inches in diameter and of moderate thickness. A moderate amount of copper would certainly carry a great deal of electric energy. [See deferred Answer below.] 1915. Do you consider that there would be any practical difficulty in the insulation of those tubes under ground ?-I think there would be no dif- ficulty in giving them sufficient insulation for this pur- · pose. Deferred Answer to Questions regarding the Quantity of Metal required for the Electric trans- mission of Energy. The answer is best given by aid of a formula. Let A be the work done per unit of time by the prime 2288 Parliamentary Report-Sir William Thomson-1879. mover in maintaining the electric current through the circuit of the main conductor and receiving machines; p the proportion of work lost in transit, in virtue of the resistance of the main ; R the resistance of the main ; E the electro-motive force maintained by the prime mover between the sending end of the main, and the earth ; y the strength of current through the main. The elec- tro-motive force between the two ends of the main is p E. Hence y = pE R And, by the elementary formula for work done in main- tenance of electric current, we have Hence A = E y. p E2 R A = Ρ Let now d be the diameter of the main conductor, supposed to be solid copper of circular section, in 10ths of an inch, and L its length in British statute miles. Its resistance, in ohms, is (Clark and Sabine's Electrical Tables and Formula, ed. 1871, p. 105) 5.5 × L ; de Hence, in absolute centimetre-gramme-seconds measure; and therefore, 5.5 × L × 109 R = A = de p E2 d² 5.5 x L x 109 Parliamentary Report--Sir William 2289 Thomson-1879. The power transmitted is (1 - p) A, and this must be divided by 736 x 10" to reduce to horse power. Hence, if H denotes the horse power transmitted to the remote end, we have, E2 d² (1 - p) p E² de H = 4·05 × 1019 × L or approximately (1 - p) p E² de d² H= 4 × 1019 × L Take now, for example, L = 300, and d = 5, we have, (1 − p) p E2 H = 48 × 1019 Suppose, now, 20 per cent to be allowed to be lost in transit: we have p =. And suppose the whole electro- motive force E to be equal to that of about 71,000 Dan- iell cells, that is to say, E = 80,000 volts, or 80,000 × 108 absolute: we have. X 64 x 1024 H: 48 × 1019 21,000. That is to say, a copper wire of half an inch diameter suffices to transmit 21,000 horse power to a distance of 300 statute miles, with an expenditure of 26,250 horse power at the sending end. The 20 per cent. loss, being 5,250 horse power, is spent in generating heat all along the 300 miles of conductor, which is at the rate of 17.5 horse power per mile, or one horse power per 300 feet. The heat generated by one horse power is the equiva- lent of 736 × 1010 (centimetre-gramme-seconds) ab- •736 × 1010 solute units per second, or 980 or say, 75 × 107 gramme-centimetre gravitation units per second, or 75 × 107 42400 177 gramme-water-centigrade thermal units per second. Now the surface of 300 feet of wire of half an inch diameter is about 33,000 square centi- 2290 Parliamentary Report-Sir William Thomson-1879. metres. Hence the generation of heat in the main con- ductor is at the rate of about of a thermal unit per square centimetre of surface per second. The rate of loss of heat by radiation and convection from an unpol- ished surface of copper (or other solid material) is about 4000 per square centimetre per degree of excess of tem- perature above that of the surrounding medium. Hence if the main conductor is freely exposed in the air, its temperature will be raised only 20° centigrade by the heating effect of the current. Hence the complication, which I formerly suggested, of tubular form, with water flowing through it to carry off waste heat, is un- necessary. The weight of a statute mile of round copper wire of half an inch diameter is 4,000 lbs., of which the cost is about 200 7. Hence the cost of the copper required to transmit 80 per cent. of 26,250-horse power to a dis- tance of 300 statute miles (say from Niagara to Montreal, or Boston or New York, or Philadelphia) is 60,- 000 l., or less than 3 7. per horse power actually trans- mitted. : Briggs-Comparative Economy-1879. 2291 66 Complainant's Exhibit Comparative Economy of Electric and Gas Light." BY ROBERT BRIGGS. [American Gas Light Journal, January 2, 1879.] In the London Engineering of October 18 there is a communication relating to this question, where the results of the most recent developments of the electric light in comparison with gaslight, are fully presented. A summary of the paper, which is necessarily of much length, exhibits that for absolute economy in the force expended, taken on the basis of the converti- bility of heat into mechanical effect; the electric light is at least one hundred times more efficient than the gaslight. And this estimate is based on the light pro- duced per horse-power expended, as found by some experiments made at the Franklin Institute, in Phila- delphia, while all the European makers of dynamo- electric machines claim nearly five times the quantity of light per horse-power. Again, if the cost of producing the coal gas—that is, the heat which would proceed from the coal needed to make the coal gas-be taken in place of what the coal gas itself would evolve when burned, the above ratios are made over twice (2.3) more unfavorable for the efficiency of coal gas. From all of which it is evident that the possibility of electric lighting, as compared with the reality of gas lighting, is enormously in favor of the former. But as the source of electricity is found in the dy- namo-electric machine, which derives its motion from a steam engine, and as the steam engine is, even in its most approved form, probably the most wasteful utiliza- tion of natural force; the expenditure of heat, as de- rivable from the coal to be burned under the boiler of 2292 Briggs-Comparative Economy-1879. a steam engine (of such size as is suitable for driving dynamo-electric machines) when compared with that derivable from the coal demanded to make coal gas, is 2.2 times less for electric than for gas light, if the Franklin Institute values for electric light be taken, and 11 times less if Siemens' or Gramme's results for their machines be adopted. According to the Franklin Institute experiments, to produce a given quantity of light by the two systems, there must, for electric light, for each pound of coal burned under the boiler of a steam engine, be five and one-fourth pounds of gas coal distilled in a retort; and the question is whether the apparatus in either case is more or less expensive originally, or in repairs; and whether the operating of the same will demand greater or less skill or time of workmen ? It is stated that the result of 380 candles per horse- power, representing the power demanded to produce the light of the best spermaceti candle by the electric system, is that of ninety pounds weight falling one foot per minute. A man ascending a flight of stairs at a very moderate rate will have expended a force equal to three candles. The results claimed by the makers of electric machines are five times as good as this. The electric light, wherever it is desirable to illuminate from one point, either at considerable dis- tance or by great volume of light, therefore is greatly more economical than gas light at the present time, with a promise of yet higher relative efficiency. And the adaptability of the electric system to smaller, or even domestic uses, would seem to be only a question of time for research and ingenuity to mature. The enormous advantage of the electric light as re- gards comfort, health and safety, when compared with illumination by combustion of any substance whatever, are obvious, and the attainment of much less success than has been already reached would warrant the sub- stitution of the new light for the old. Briggs-Comparative Economy-1879. 2293 The complete absence from flickering, so objection- able in all gas light, being only partly relieved by the argand burner (an objection which causes many to resort to the student's lamp, using petroleum as a sub- stitute for gas light, when reading or sewing), consti- tutes a great superiority for the electric light. The blinking of some of the exhibited electric lights is a fault of the apparatus not incident to the system at all. An observation of particular electric lights for a long time showed that the light from a good apparatus did not vary to the eye oftener than once in a quarter hour at the most frequent, to even longer times at the less frequent, disturbances, while the effect of the instan- taneous cessation or aberration on a reader was less than that of a summer cloud which should obscure the sun for the same length of time only. In fact, readers cannot but rarely discern the diminution of light. Of course a perfect light for illuminating purposes would never vary, and the perfectibility of the electric system, and of any other will, and in the nature of things must, be relative. ROBERT BRIGGS. 2295 2 Complainant's Exhibit, Prof. Morton's Lecture. American Gas Light Journal. LECTURE UPON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. DELIVERED OCT. 17, 1878, BEFORE THE AMERICAN GAS-LIGHT ASSOCIATION, By Prof. HENRY MORTON, Ph.D., PRES. STEVENS INST, HOBOKEN, N. J. GENTLEMEN OF THE GAS-LIGHT ASSOCIATION:-I purpose this even- ing to show you what the electric light now is in the various forms in which it has been developed up to the present time, and also to give some account of its history, and to point out, from a study of the latter, what are the reasonable prospects of its future development. Jan. 2, 1879. from the positive to the negative pole, carrying with it particles of the carbon, as well as filling the space between with vapor of the same. The both the poles between which they fly, so that all becomes intensely lum- particles thus torn off are exceedingly heated by this action, as also are inous. The intensely hot and luminous poles constitute the "electric light" of this form. I now cause the image of the electric arc to be projected upon the screen, and you there see (Fig. 1) what I have described. If we place a piece of silver in a carbon cup, arranged as the positive pole, it is, as you see, in- stantly fused into a luminous white-hot globule, from which springs a tongue of emerald green flame, and also a cloud of silver smoke, or vapor- globule and negative pole of carbon. In the first place, evidently au electric ligut is some source of light de-ized silver, forming a swaying curtain or veil around the brightly luminous veloped by electricity, and as there are three distinct methods by which electricity may be caused to develop light, we have naturally three distinct sorts of electric light: Naming these in the order of their intensity, they are- The Electric Arc, Ignited Conductors, Incandescent Gases. These I will show you and explain in their order. THE ELECTRIC ARC. Beautiful and intense as is this electric arc, it is evident that, in order to become useful, it must be rendered constant and uniform in its action. Now, to render this electric arc in any degree constant and reliable, a va- riety of conditions must be provided for. Thus, in the first place, as I have already noticed, a part of the carbon is actually vaporized. This causes a wearing away of the poles. Again, the carrying of particles of carbon from one pole to another changes the form of each. If the action goes on in the air, there will also be an actual com- bustion of the carbon poles. To counteract these sources of irregularity regulators of various sorts, operated by clock-work or by gravity, and con- trolled by the current and the consumption of the carbons, have been devised by Duboscq, by Foucault, by Gaiffe, by Serrin, by Deleuil, and many others. The difficulty with all these, is that, however well they may reg- ulate everything else, they cannot regulate the minute accidental varia- tions in the structure of the carbon poles during their consumption, by rea- son of which these sometimes become very thin near their extremities, which 60000 K+ B Fig. 1. Fig. 2. The electric arc may be said to have made its first appearance on this diminishes the amount of light produced, and at others change their shape planet in the laboratory of the Royal Institution, in London, when Sir Humphrey Davy, in 1808, made his famous experiments with the galvanic battery of two thousand pairs of plates, with which he decomposed soda, potash, etc., and discovered their metallic bases. The experiments of Davy were repeated and extended by various conti- nental investigators, and in this country by the elder Silimán, of Yale, who first noticed and described many of the characteristic phenomena of this electric discharge, or "Voltaic arc," as it is called. Its image was first projected on a screen by Foucault, and "electric lamps" or regulators were, at an early period, devised by him, by Deleuil, by Duboscq, and by many others; and efforts to improve these in the way of rendering them more efficient in producing a reliable and steady light, have continued down to the present day, and are by no means at an end now. In order to understand these, it will be necessary to consider a little what this "electric light," "electric arc," or "electrio discharge," is, or con- sists in. When two pieces of dense charcoal, retort carbon, or the like, are con- nected each with one pole of a galvanic battery, consisting of fifty or more pairs of plates powerfully excited, and, after being brought into close con- tact, are slightly separated, a stream of electric fluid, as we call it, rushes so as to allow the main discharge to pass more to one side than another, so shifting the source of light from side to side of the poles, the side furthest from the discharge always emitting much less light, and being shaded by the pole itself from the greater light produced on the other side. Thus, for example, with an electric arc springing, as shown in the cut Fig. 2, from the left side of the poles, a b, many times as much light will be emitted towards the left as will come towards the right, and as the arc flies around, this direction of maximum of emission will, of course, change with it. So immense are the fluctuations produced in this way that, in the experi- ments which I have myself made, I found the same light, measured from a given direction, to change, within a few minutes, back and forth between 400 and 2,000 candles. The use of reflectors and shades tends to equalize these irregularities, but they are present to a marked degree in all arrangements which have ever come under the notice of the present writer, notwithstanding the con- trary assertions of all their respective inventors or promoters. Thus, only a few days after I had first noticed the electric lights used in the basement hall of the Equitable Building, and had remarked their exceptional irregu- larity, I saw in one of our mechanical journals a long article on the very 2296 Jan. 2, 1879. American Gas Light Journal. 3 regulator there used, describing it as the succesful solution of the problem same time, on the circuits being opened or closed. The light is as white of a perfectly steady electric light. Again, a few days since I was visited, and pure as Gillard's gas, with which it has one point in common, namely, within a few hours, by one of the prominent promoters of electric lights, its production by the incandescence of platinum. The gas pipes are replaced who described to me the universal satisfaction expressed by every one with by simple wires, and no explosions, bad smells, or fires can take place. his regulators; and by one of our largest mill owners, who was anxious to "The trials that have been hitherto made, with the object of producing introduce electric lights into his mills, but having examined this same light | an electric light by means of heated platinum, have failed on account of the in a place where a number were in constant use, found that that regulator, melting of the wires. This difficulty has been overcome by M. de Changy's at all events, was entirely too unsteady to answer, dividing regulator. The cost of the light is estimated to be half that of gas. A lamp placed at the mast head of a ship would form a permanent signal for about six months without the necessity of changing the platinum. With several such lights, placed in tubes of colored glass, it would be easy to telegraph by night, as they could be extinguished and relighted rapidly from the deck. All things, of course, have their degrees, and there are undoubtedly numberless places where the best regulators are quite steady enough to do all that is required. But certainly the problem of an electric light steady enough for all uses has not approached a solution in the direction of what are known as "electric light regulators." Many years ago elaborate experiments were made to overcome this diffi- "For lighthouse purposes considerable amplitude can be given to the culty by employing a stream of mercury, falling in successive drops from tight. I also saw a lamp so arranged, in a thick glass globe, that it could one reservoir to another, as the source of the electric light. This was be immersed to considerable depths without being extinguished by any move- known as the Way light, and extensive experiments, with massive and ment. This lamp has already been used in the taking of fish, which were costly apparatus, were carried on to test its efficiency. The volatilization attracted towards the light. | and oxidation of the mercury, the want of constancy in the light, and other like causes, however, led to the abandonment of these experiments, after a large sum had been expended. To dispense with the costly machinery of those mechanical regulators, M. Jablochkoff has recently carried out the ingenions plan of making a sort of electric candle, in which two parallel rods of carbon, separated by a narrow band of fusibie porcelain, are supported vertically and made the poles of an electric circuit. The current, leaping between their ends, melts down the barrier of porcelain as the rods are consumed, and thus the "candle" burns down. This arrangement has, without doubt, the merit of simplicity, but it has found little favor in this country, because it has proved to be less reliable than the "mechanical lamps" or "regulators," and to involve a great waste of power, expended in overcoming the resist ance of the interposed porcelain. In this department of electric lighting, the case stands, I believe, at the present day thus:-Improvements in electro-motors (that is, machines for producing electricity, of which we shall speak further on) have given us relatively cheap electricity, obtainable with convenience wherever steam power is at hand; but the electric light regulators of to-day are not essen tially different from, or much in advance of those of fifty years ago; and, while they will furnish a light reliable enough and steady enough for a vast number of uses, they are by no means fit for universal application, nor does the progress which they have made in the direction of improved steadiness hold out any strong encouragement to hope that much more can be done in this direction, unless some radically different method can be discovered. " The questions of economy, efficiency, and practical application of the "electric aro, as a source of illumination, as well as the proper basis of measurement by which to determine its actual performance, I will discuss further on after we have considered other departments of the subject which must be included in such consideration. We will turn now, therefore, to the next form of electric light-that mainly produced by INCANDESCENT CONDUCTORS. In some of the early experiments of Sir Humphrey Davy, we find mention of the henting to luminosity of wires of various metals, as tests of the com- parative power of different batteries; and, in 1858, so great an advance had been made in the practical utilization of this means of lighting, that M. Jobart, in a report to the Academy of Sciences in Paris, was able to speak as follows: “I hasten to aunouuce to the Academy the important discovery of the dividing of an electric current for lighting purposes. This current, from a single source, traverses as many wires as may be desired, and gives a series of light ranging from a night lamp to a lighthouse lamp. years, I saw "The above slight description will suffice to show to what a variety of applications this discovery can be put. The communication which I have had the honor of laying before the Academy is founded upon no illusion; a lamp was, to my astonishment, lit in the hollow of my hand, and remained alight after I had put it in my pocket with my handkerchief over it.” In looking the matter up in the Comptes Rendus, or minutes of the French Academy, I find that the communication of M. Jobart was received at the meeting held March 1st, 1858, and was referred to M. Bec- querel. At the meeting of April 5th, M. Becquerel reported that he did not find anything sufficiently definite to warrant the Academy to express an opinion as to the importance of this discovery. "All that was desirable at present was fuller information." At the meeting of April 19th M. Jobart rê- sponds to this request by stating that "he could not give more precise de- tails without exposing the author to see another profit by his discovery.” Familiar as is the fact that history repeats itself, we cannot but be struck by the many points of resemblance between the above and what we read in the newspapers of to-day, concerning the wonderful doings of Menlo Park, and must hope that Mr. Edison's inventions will escape that permanent ob- souration which seems to have finally shrouded M. de Changy's. It would appear as if this brilliant and complete success described by Mr. Jobart as achieved by M. de Changy in Paris, in February, 1858, was very rapidly followed up in this country, for I learn from a letter in the Salem Obscrver of Nov. 2, 1868, that Mr. Moses G. Farmer, or some friend of his in Salem, lit their parlor for every evening during July of 1859 with electric lamps operated on a like principle. It is true that nineteen years have not sufficed to render this admirable arrangement successful in practice, but what is that to the prophetic mind which, foreseeing what is to happen in the "near future," naturally over- leaps distinctions between past and future, theory and practice. For us, however, who only know the past and the present, it may be well to look a little closer at the means actually used, and the results obtained, in these and other experiments. In the first place, let me show you what this light by incandescence ac- tually is. There is a coil of platinum wire, through which I pass the current from a battery. It grows first red, then yellow, then white, and nɔw it gives out a beautiful soft, and steady light; but we must be cautious; if I allow the current to become a little stronger, the wire fuses and drops asunder, and our experiment is at an end. It is, as I understand, just here that Mr. Edison has made his much an- nonuced but carefully concealed iuvention. He has devised some simple and ingenious arrangement by which the solid conductor can be brongh up to the highest point of incandescence, without risk of fusion. ago. True, this achievement was claimed for M. de Changy, and seems to bo implied in Mr. Farmer's description; but somehow, as with the famons perpetual motion machine, "the little screw which makes it all go" does “The luminous arc between the carbons produces, as is well known, a not appear to have been forthcoming in either case; aud in this present very intense, flickering, and costly light. M. de Changy, who is a chemist, year of 1878 we still look to the "future, ," "near" or remote, for the mechanician, and physicist, is thoroughly conversant with the latest dis-"practical success" so confidently announced nineteen or twenty years coveries, and has just solved the problem of dividing the electric light. "In his laboratory, where le has worked alone for the past six a battery of twelve Bunsen elements producing a constant luminous arc be- tween two carbons, in a regulator of his own invention—this regulator be- ing the most simple and perfect I have ever seen. A dozen small miner's lamps were also in the circuit, and he could, at pleasure, light or extinguish cither one or the othor, or all together, without diminishing or increasing the intensity of the light through the extinction of the neighboring lamps. This apparatus consists of a glass vessel provided with a metal cap and The lamps, which are enclosed in hermetically-sealed glass tubes, are in-packing box below, by means of which it can be closed air-tight. tended for the lighting of miues in which there is fire damp, and for the A connector at K allows of the exhaustion of air from the interior, and street lamps, which would by this system be all lighted or put out at the the filling of the interior with any inactive gas, The first electric lamp operating by incandescence of which we have any actual record seems to be that invented by the American, Starr, a putent for which was taken out in England by his agent, King, in 1845, and which has thus come to be known as the King`lamp. This lamp has been modified in details until it has reached the form shown in Fig. 3, known as the Koun lamp. 2297 4 M Fig. 3. E American Gas Light Journal. B K Two upright metallic conductors, connected respectively with the two poles of the electric circuit, pass up through this glass vessel and at their upper ends support, as shown, two or more rods of carbon or other conduc. tors. The electric connection with these rods is made from C by means of the lever I, which communicates first with the longest rod, F, and when that is burned up, falls upon the next iongest, and so on. The light is pro- duced by the rod of carbon heated white hot by the current. Various slight modifications of this lamp have been made and elaborately experimented with; but they all show the same essential characteristics. The first of these is that, as long as any oxygen remains in the vessel, the carbon rods consume rapidly, the first one generally lasting only twenty minutes. The second carbon will, however, last two hours if the light does not exceed forty burners; but even when all active gas has been re- moved, the carbon suffers a sort of vaporization. The second characteristic of these incandescent lamps is that, with the same current, they develop much less light than is obtained from the elec- tric arc. Thus, a battery of 48 elements, with a Serrin lamp, gave an electric arc equal to 100 burners; but with one of these lamps gave a light equal only to 80 burners, and when divided between three lamps, gave only the light of 10 burners each. Jan. 2, 1879. In another case a given battery with one lamp gave the light of 9 burn- ers: with two lamps, 2 burners; and with three lamps, one-third of a burner each. Another battery with one lamp gave a light of 65 burners; with two lamps, 7 burners; with three lamps, 1 burners; with four lamps, three-fourths of a burner; and with five lamps, one-half burner each. In this connection it is curious to notice that the latest accounts from Mr. Edison show that he gets a light equal to about 18 candles, or three argand gas burners, per horse power with his new device, and with similar machines for producing the electric current and the electric arc, from 1,000 to 2,000 candles per horse power; thus showing remarkable agreement with these earlier experiments as to the loss of effect resulting from the subdivision of the light. Another modification of this Starr or Koun lamp is found in that which has been recently exhibited in New York as the Sawyer-Mann lamp. This differs from the former apparatus in no important feature except that the interior of the vessel is said to be filled with pure nitrogen at the ordinary pressure. The carbon rods are said not to waste away in these lamps. Without knowing anything positively on the subject, my opinion is that this is only because they have not been subjected to strong currents, but have only been heated to the extent of yielding the light of one or two burners. Under these circumstances, the carbons of the Koun lamp will last a long time, but on the other hand, the light so obtained is not economical, as we see above. When exhibited in New York recently, we understand that five lamps only were operated by a magneto machine of Arnoux & Hochhausen, driven by a three-horse power steam engine, said to be developing only one and one-half horse power. It is certain that none of these lamps have yet demonstrated anything like such practical success as can enable us to see that they can take the place of gas in ordinary illumination. They have, of course, many advan- tages in certain respects over the electric arc, but these are combined with compensating drawbacks on the part of economy; and it is only by turning our eyes to the as yet unrevealed possibilities of the future that we are able to see the electric light us a successful substitute for gas and other methods of illumination. Another method of electric illumination by ignition is that suggested by Jablockkoff some time since, but which seems to have been abandoned practically on account of the costliness of the apparatus, not to mention other difficulties. This consists in causing the main current to pass in a series of inter- cepted or reversed pulses through the primary circuits of numerous induc- tion coils, and then to pass the induced sparks, obtained from the secondary coils of these instruments, across or around little rods of porcelain, which thus become heated to whiteness. Fully to understand this it will, however, be necessary to explain the structure and operation of an "induction coil," and this comes naturally now in order in connection with the third method of obtaining light from electricity, namely, ELECTRIC LIGHT FROM INCANDESCENT GAS. In order to obtain electricity in such a state that it will pass through a gas and thus heat it to luminosity, we must, in practice, make use of an in- duction coil. One of these instruments is shown in Fig. 4, as seen outside, and in sec- A B I G C T E Fig. 4. D The third characteristic is the manner in which the light-producing power of the current diminishes as it is distributed between a number of lamps. Thus, the current from a given battery, acting on one lamp, produced a light between 4 and 5 burners; on two lamps, a light of 14 burners each; on three lamps, one-third to two-thirds of a burner each. From another tion in Fig 5; its structure and mode of operation may be described as battery, the current on a single lamp gave a light of 11 to 12 burners; with follows: two lamps, one-half burner each; and on three lamps, one-ninth of a burner each. Beginning from the interior of the structure we have in the first place a core A B, formed of a bundle of soft iron wires. This is surrounded by a 2298 Jan. 2, 1879. Fig. 5. American Gas Light Gas Light Journal. If the cross section of the vessel is smaller, the light is brighter, and thus, by the use of tubes with wire let into them, very brilliant effects can be produced. Such tubes are called, from their first manufacturer, a glass blower of Bonn, Geissler tubes, and some of the ordinary forms are shown in Fig. 8. By using different gases, and employing various flu- orescent substances, in the surrounding jackets, very beautiful combinations of colored lights are obtained. I now show you a number of these tubes arranged on a screen, and illuminated at once by the discharge from my large coil. Some of these tubes you will notice not only emit a bright light while the electric discharge is passing, but continue to glow for some minutes after it has coil of thick copper wire so arranged that an intermittent current of elec- ceased. This introduces us to a new phenomenon of tricity from a galvanic battery may be passed through it. This interrup-light. tion is effected as follows: The current from the battery enters at the bind- ing screw and passes by a brass strip to the column C and thence to the brass spring, which rests against the screw D, thence by the column D into the coil indicated in section around A B, and out again to the battery by the binding screw. When the current is to be interrupted, a hammer, omitted in the figure. falls upon the spring between C and D, so striking it away from the screw D. When the current passes, it powerfully magnetizes the core, and when it censes, the core rapidly (we may say instantly) loses its magnetic properties. Outside of this coil thus carrying the battery current, aud which is known as the "primary coil," or "primary circuit," is another coil, E F, usually of very fine copper wire of great length, varying from hundreds of feet to hundreds of miles in different instruments. This is known as the "second- ary coil," or "secondary circuit," and in it is produced, by magneto-dy- namic induction, a momentary current at the instant when the iron wires of the core become magnetic, and another momentary current in an opposite direction at the moment when the core loses its magnetism. This gaining and losing of magnetism is, of course, the result of the passing and stop- ping of the primary current, and thus, in this sense, the secondary or in- duced current is caused by the primary one. If in place of simply inter- rupting the primary current, as above, rapidly alternating currents, in op- posite directions, are sent through the primary coil, the practical result will be the same. These momentary induced or secondary currents have as we say, high intensity, being able to leap over distances and pass through re- sisting materials. Thus the coil shown in Fig. 6, constructed some years ago for the present writer, and which contains, in its outer or secondary coil, 50 miles of wire, will throw a spark 21 inches through air, or through a block of solid glass 5 When light falls upon certain bodies its vibrations cause changes in the relative positions of their parti- cles, somewhat like the changes which heat vibratious produce in solids when they cause them to melt; for example, ice melted by the sun's rays. When, how- ever, these vibrations cease to act, the changed sub- stance falls back into its previous condition (as when the melted ice again congeals), but in so doing, emits again vibrations like those expended in the former change, but of lower "pitch," or greater wave-length. Just as water in freezing emits heat, of low "pitch," and thus cold, compared with our bodies, but nevertheless heat compared with G E B GW E Fig. 7. H D Fig. 6. three inches thick. These instruments are, however, on account of the amount of wire used, and the careful insulation needed, very expensive. Thus the one shown in Fig. 4 cost $275, and that shown in Fig. 6 $1000. To employ one of them wherever a single gas burner was to be replaced would, therefore, be out of the question on this ground of cost, without considering any other objection. This same discharge from an induction coil may also be used as a source of light in another way. If an exhausted vessel, or one only containing highly rarefied gas, is ar- ranged with conductors running into it, as in Fig. 7, and these conductors are connected by wires with the ends of the secondary of an induction coil, then the electricity will pass through the rarefied gas, producing light which will be often arranged in strata, or layers, in the manner indicated in the drawing, Fig. 7. Fig. 8. a zero of temperature. So these phosphorescent bodies exposed to strong light suffer a change which, in reversing itself, causes the emission of light again, fainter, it is true, and lower in "pitch," that is, of a color nearer the red or lower end of the spectrum, than the exciting light, but neverthe- less very appreciable light. Thus violet light, by phosphorescence, becomes. blue, green, yellow, or red; blue light becomes green, yellow, or red, and 80 ou. Such gases as are contained in these tubes are, however, not alone in possessing this property. I have here several solid substances-sulphides of barium, strontium, and calcium-which behave in the same way. We illuminate them by an electric spark, and then they continue to glow in the dark. Superior to them all, however, I find the dial of this clock. I expose it for a moment to the electric light, and now you see it in the dark from the furthest corner of the hall. I have analyzed the material with which this clock dial is coated, and I find that it is a sulphide of calcium ("Canton's phosphorus," discovered in 1768), attached by some resinous medium or varnish. Though the sub- stance is therefore in composition, only the old and familiar one above mentioned, its present manufacturers have found out some method of wonderfully increasing its efficiency. One of these clocks exposed for a moment to direct sunlight glows so brightly as to be easily seen in a room which is darkened. This phosphorescence is, moreover, readily excited by lamp or gas light, and one of these clocks will continne to glow during an entire night with no other excitement than that which it gets by the dif fused light in a room during the day. Toward morning the glow is faint, but is still sufficient to show the position of the clock hands. The substances required to make this compound-i, e., lime and sul- 2299 6 American Gas Light Journal. phur-are very cheap, and the French savant, Becquerel, who has elabor ately investigated this subject, describes methode of preparing it so that it shall emit light of various colors-orange, green, blue, and violet. If a further advance in brilliancy and duration should be made at all equal to that shown by the clock dials as compared with all former specimens, it is not improbable that this may become a very important substance. If we could paint our walls with such a body it would, as it were, absorb light during the day and then emit it during the night, and it would only be necessary to have curtains to draw over our luminous walls at night to shut out their light when necessary, just as we now draw curtains over our win. dows in the daytime. In face of such an arrangement as this, even Mr. Edison's new "electric burner" would be costly and unnecessary. By painting the outside of houses with the same material, all need of street lamps would be avoided. It is true that "some practical difficulties remain to be overcome," but what are those in these days of intentive power? Should one of our great inventors take the matter in hand and organize a stock company, it will, of course, be merely a question of time and expense in preliminary experiments. Seriously however, this new form of phosphorescent sulphide of calcium is a wonderful substance, which may well suggest strange possibilities for the future. ELECTRO-MOTORS, OR INSTRUMENTS FOR PRODUCING ELECTRIC CURRENTS. In whatever way electricity is to be used as a source of light, there is, of course, no question that a cheap source must be found in order that it may compete with other sources of illumination. As long as the galvanic battery was the only source of electricity, we were met at the very start by the fol- lowing state of facts. Jan. 2, 1879. forces are distributed in certain dircotions, known as "lines of force," Some-notion of these is obtained if we place a plate of glass over a mag- net and then sprinkle iron filings on the former, when on tapping the glass the filings will arrange themselves in certain lines. A very beautiful method of arranging and permanently fixing such lines has been devised by Prof. A. M. Mayer, and from a plate so arranged by him Fig. 9 has been produced by a process of photographic engraving. Now it was discovered by Faraday, in effect, that whenever a condcuctor was so, moved in the vicinity of a magnet as to pass through or "cut" these lines of force, a current was developed it the conductor. The greatest effect was obtained when the lines were cut at right angles, and when the greatest number of lines are cut in the same time, either by passing through a denser "field of force" as near the poles of the magnet, or by moving more rapidly. When the conductor moved along the lines of force no current was produced. As the conductor passed into and through the "field" of one pole a current was developed in one direction, and as it passed out of the same field into and through the field of the other pole, a current in the opposite direction was developed. Between the two fields there would, of course, be a neutral point where no current was developed. Indeed, if we turn to Fig. 9 we will see that a conductor, while passing the centre of the magnet, would be moving along the lines of force, and ought, therefore to develop no current, while near the poles it would pass at right angles to the lines of force, and so give a maximum current. At other parts of its path the conductor develops currents of more or less intensity, according as it finds the lines of force more or less oblique to its path. While the above basis of explanation is very commonly employed in connection with our present subject, it does not seem to me as satisfactory, Fig. 9. The source of energy in the battery is practically the zinc consumed. Weight for weight, coal has almost six times the available energy of zinc; while, moreover, the price of zinc is about 25 times that of coal. In the race between the two, therefore, zinc starts with this enormous disadvantage that an equal amount of energy obtained from it will cost about 150 times as much as if obtained from coal. To make gas from coal, and burn it for light will then be cheaper than to obtain electricity from zine and turn it into light, unless the loss in the former case is 150 times greater than in the latter. nor as clear and direct in its relations to the entire subject of electrical in- duction, as another which I shall now proceed to state. In the first place, it will be desirable to state the relations between mag- nets and electric currents first pointed out by Ampere. According to this theory, a magnet owes its characteristic properties to the presence in the molecules of electric currents all circulating in the same direction. In other words, if Fig. 10 is supposed to represent a short magnetic bar with its south end toward us, the little arrows would represent the direc- Batteries, therefore, as sources of electric force for lighting purposes, are tion in which the currents of positive electricity were flowing in its molecules. out of the question from an economic standpoint. The possibility of economic lighting by electricity came first to exist when, in 1831, Faraday discovered that the motion of a magnet in relation to a conductor would develop a current of electricity in the latter, and thus that electricity might be developed by the expenditure of mere mechanical energy. Then, to the coal distilled in the retort was born as a rival (as yet help- less as an infant and unknown), the coal burned under the boiler of the steam engine. This child has grown slowly or rapidly ever since, and if the reign of the gas coal is to end, it will be only to its near relation, the steam coal, that it will yield its throne. It is therefore eminently proper that we should trace the progress of this development in the present connection. The first principle involved in this subject is this:- Magnets exert forces in all directions around them, but in such a way that they may be said to be surrounded by "felds of force," in which the Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. The general effect of such currents could evidently be expressed by single currents passing in the entire bar, as indicated in Fig. 11, and the practical effect of such a series of parallel currents would very evidently coincide with that of a current passing through a helix, as indicated in Fig. 12. As a matter of fact, we find that a helix of wire, through which an elec- tric current is flowing, will exhibit all the properties characteristic of a magnet. Thus, it will attract iron, if freely suspended point north and 2300 Jan. 2, 1879. American Gas Light Journal. 7 south, and if two of such helices are brought together their like ends will on the withdrawal of the same, this will be equivalent in effect to the sud- repel and their unlike ends attract each other. den insertion and withdrawal of a maguet. This attraction and repulsion, moreover, appears to come under a still wider law, for it may be readily shown that any parallel electric currents, if going the same way attract, and if going opposite ways repel. The first attempt which was made to utilize the above-described princi- ples in producing a current of electricity from a magnet by the expenditure of mechanical energy was that by Pixii, of Paris, who, in 1832, produced the apparatus shown in Fig. 16. B B' Fig. 13. Fig. 13 shows how this explains the attraction of unlike and repulsion of like poles in magnets. In A and B, the north and south poles being opposite, the magnetic or electrio currents flow parallel and in the same direction, and thus attract in A' and B', the two north poles being together, the currents flow in oppo- site directions, and thus repel. Another general law must next be stated, namely: Whenever a conduc- tor approaches a parallel current, a mometary flow of electricity is estab- lished in the said conductor, opposite in direction to that of the current to. wards which it is moving; as the same conductor recedes from the current a momentary flow in an opposite direction is produced. Fig. 16. Here two coils of wire, with soft iron cores, are supported at the upper Let us see how this applies in such a case as we have now to consider. Let NS, Fig. 14, represeut a magnet in which the magnetic currents are part of a frame, while below them a strong steel magnet is made to rotate flowing as indicated by the arrows on the bar; if, then, we bring a conduc- by appropriate machinery. As each pole of the magnet in turn comes op- tor, like the loop of wire to the right, towards the south end of this mag-posite the iron core of either coil, it renders it instantly magnetic, and thus net, a current will be developed in the loop opposite to the currents in the develops a current in the surrounding coil. These currents of course are N alternately in opposite directions, and to correct this a "cummunicator" is placed below on the moving shaft, which, by reversing the connections at the right moment, sends the currents always in the same direction through the exterior wire. Saxton, in Philadelphia, made, in 1833, a modified form in which the steel magnets were placed horizontally, and remained at rest while the coils with their soft iron cores were rotated opposite their ends. Various small modifications followed. Thus, in 1836, Clarke, in London, made a machino represented in Fig. 17, in which the steel magnet was made of several single Fig. 14. magnet, because the loop is approaching all of them. If now the loop con- tinues to be moved forward over the S end of the magnet, when it comes over, say the point n, it will still be approaching many of the magnetic cur- rents, but will be receding from a few, those, namely, which it has already passed. There will, therefore, be an interferenco between the opposite currents due to the approach to the magnetic currents to the left, and the recession from those to the right, and the resulting current will, therefore, be feeble, although still in the first direction. When, however, the loop comes over m the number of magnetic currents it is leaving is just equal to that of those it is approaching, and the two cur- rents will, therefore be exactly neutralized. Beyond m, towards N, however, the current due to the withdrawal from the magnetic currents will predominate and increase until the North end of the magnet is passed. The horizontal lines with vertical arrows, at the lower part of Fig. 14, represent the directions and relative intensities of the currents developed as the loop moves over the magnet from right to left. It will be readily understood that it is quite immaterial whether the con- ductor is moved over the magnet or the magnet is moved through the conductor. Fig, 451 Thus, if the conductor is wound into a coil, as in Fig. 15, and the magnet is pushed into or drawn out of it, we shall have a like production of currents. Or again, if the coil should have in its centre a bar of soft iron, and this should be magnatized by the Approach of a magnet, and then losh its maguatiam Fig. 17. magnets united, and the coils were rotated opposite the poles, but at right angles with the plane of the magnets. Again, Breton wound coils on the poles of the magnet, and then rotated an armature in front. This armature, by its approach and withdrawal, caused movements in the lines of force, or in the magnetic currents which developed momentary currents of electricity in the coils of wire. The re- lation of this action to Breguet's apparatus for exploding mines, and to the Bell telephone, is worthy of notice. Duchenne combined this last plan with the preceding one by winding coils both on the magnet and the armature, and using one or other of the circuits for his induced eurrent. To pa sentiased. 2301 Jan. 16, 1879. American Gas Light Journal LECTURE UPON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. DELIVERED OOT. 17, 1878, BEFORE THE AMERICAN GAS-LIGHT ASSOCIATION, By Prof. HENRY MORTON, Ph.D., PRES. STEVENS INST., HOBOKEN, N. J. [Continued from page 7.] The first attempt to make a magneto-electric machine of such a size as to be available for industrial purposes, was made in 1849, by M. Nollet, Pro- fessor of Physics at the Military School at Brussels. 27 limited their use to a very narrow field, and they could hardly be said to have carried the subject of electric lighting beyond the range of an interest ing scientific experiment on a large scale. The next important step in the development of the mag neto-electric machine consists in the application by Dr. Siemons of his peculiar armature to these instruments. This armature is shown in longitudinal section in Fig. 19, at E, and in cross section at F. The armature is in fact a rod or bar of soft iron, with deep grooves out lengthwise along it, reducing its section to an H form, as is shown in F. Insulated wire is then wound length- wise in these grooves, as shown in E. Such an armature as this, mounted with caps, as shown in Fig. 19, may then be rotated in a very narrow and dense magnetic field, and its reason of their rapidity of angular movement, being close to the axis of rotation. The original intention of those first engaged in developing this machine was not, however, to produce with it an electric light, but to employ it to decompose water in order that the hydrogen so liberated might be used as an agent of illumination. If we were in want of an illustration of the ex-wires will out many lines of magnetic force in a short time by travagance and irrationality of expectation which so often exhibits itself in enterprises entering upon new fields, we surely need go no further than this. M. Nollet died before his designs were entirely carried out; but they were elaborated by an intelligent workman who had assisted him in the construction of his machines, M. Joseph Van Malderen, who, under the auspices of a company composed of French and English capitalists, and named the "Alliance Company," developed the apparatus into an efficient generator of electric currents for the direct produétion of light by means of the electric arc. The apparatus, as thus constructed, was, in general principle, only an en- largement of the Clarke machine (already shown), and consisted of a large number of compound steel magnets, between the adjacent sides of which cores of soft iron, surrounded with coils of insulated wires, were made to revolve. An appropriate connection of these various coils with each other, and with commutators on the axis, enables the current to be taken off in a constant direction. When it was afterwards discovered that, for an electric light, the current need not be constant in direction, but was even more convenient when rapidly alternating, this was of course yet more easily pro- vided for. Fig. 18 shows one of these Alliance machines, which really This armature was first used in magneto-electric machines employed for telegraphing by Siemens, in 1857. The next advance, and this a very marked one, was made in 1866, by H. Wilde, of Manchester, who, on April 13, commu- nicated to the Royal Society the result of a series of experi- ments with magneto-electric machines, of which Fig. 20 is a good representative. Fig. 19. E In this machine a number of small horse-shoe magnets are so arranged that a Siemens' armature may be rotated between their poles. The coils on this armature have developed in them, by moving in this highly concentrated magnetic field, a very powerful current. This current is then passed through heavy coils of wire surrounding the sides of a large U magnet, made of massive plates of wrought iron. Between the poles of this rotates another Siemens' armature of larger size, from which a current of immense power is obtained. • While the electric current developed by this machine far exceeded any- thing which had ever been obtained before, it was only secured by a large expenditure of power-something between a five and a twenty-horse power engine being required to drive it. The important fact developed by Mr. Wilde in this machine was that a magneto-electric machine could develop a current whose magnetizing power C Fig. 18. Fig. 20. was vastly greater than that of the magnets from which it was derived. Thus, if the small magnets above would lift a weight of 50 pounds, the large electro-magnet below, when excited through their instrumentality, would lift 500 pounds or more. This possibility of a sort of magnetic accu- mulation or growth was a demonstration of immense value to the progress of magneto-electric science. A practical difficulty which first showed itself in a conspicuous degree in these very powerful machines was the heating of the armature. Foucault needs no further description, but is rendered perfectly clear in its structure had first shown, long before, that when a conductor was rotated or moved and operation by the cut. in a magnetic field it became strongly heated. "" Many of these "Alliance machines were made and used in different His apparatus to illustrate this is shown in Fig. 21, where a copper disc. places in France for lighting works of construction at night, such as the is rotated between the poles of a powerful magnet, and becomes very Cherbourg docks, and on some vessels as the Lafayette and the Jerome Na-hot. poleon, and in some lighthouses; and, as modified slightly in arrangement Tyndall, by similarly rotating a copper tube, melted the fusible metal of parts by Mr. Holmes, in England, notably in the South Foreland light-with which it had been filled. house. The heat developed in the armatures of Wilde's large machines was so The great cost of these machines, the large amount of power required to great as to cause serious inconvenience, and of course involved a great loss run them, and the cost and trouble of keeping them in repair, however, of effect or waste of power. • 2302 28 American Gas Light Journal. In 1867 Siemens proposed a very obvious modification of this machine of Wilde, by dispensing with the smaller machine and connecting the coils of the large one with its own armature through the commutator of the same. Jan. 16, 1879. that devised by Dr. Antonio Pacinotti, in 1860, and constructed by him for the physical and technological cabinet of the University of Pisa. A des- cription of it, however, did not appear till several years later in the June, 1864, number of the Italian scientific periodical, "Il Nuovo Cimento." This number, which was published during the month of March, 1865, con- tained an extended illustrated description of the machine. As a special feature of the apparatus he pointed out the peculiar form of the movable electro-magnet-a circular iron ring in which, contrary to the I Pig. 21. Fig. 23. The residual magnetism of the iron of the electro-magnet was found suffi- case with the armatures previously in use, the magnetic poles did not re- cient to start the action, which then increased by self-development. main stationary, but could be moved within the ring-that is, made to This, however, occasioned what was at first regarded as a serious diffi- assume in it successively all possible different positions. culty. If the magnetism of the electro-magnet was thus made to depend on the current of the machine itself, any interruption in the flow of the same in the exterior circuit at once cut down or destroyed this magnetism, and so reduced the whole action.- To obviate this, Lado, of London, first made a machine with an armature wound with two coils of wire, one being connected with the magnet of the machine, and the other with the exterior circuit. Afterward he made a machine in the form shown in Fig. 22, where two armatures were used-one connected with the coils of the machine itself, and thus supplying what is often called the "field of force," the other supplying the exterior circuit. Subsequent experiment has, however, shown that the arrangement is very far from economical in the conversion of energy, and all the machines now in use include the exterior circuit and the field of force in one continu- ous connection. This, of course, greatly complicates the relations, and makes the fluctua- ions during running greater and more numerous; but for the sake of This movable ring of iron had the shape of a spur wheel of 16 teeth, and was firmly secured to the axis of the machine by means of four strips of brass. Small wooden wedges were placed upon the teeth of the ring, and the space so formed between each two of the wedges filled up regularly with insulated copper wire. These spools were all wonnd in the same direction, and the terminal end of each was soldered to the beginning of the one succeeding it, so that the whole system of 16 spools virtually formed a single coil of wire surrounding the ring in a regular manner, and returning upon itself. Wires were soldered to the separate points of juncture and were led, parallel to the axis of rotation, to an equal number of insulated pieces of brass, mounted in two rows upon, and slightly projecting from, the surface of a disc firmly secured to the axis. The iron ring, with the bobbins wound upon it in the manner already described, was mounted in a horizontal position between the two legs of a powerful upright electro-magnet, the distance of which from the ring could be adjusted at pleasure by means of a set screw and a slot in the lower connecting cross-piece. Contact rollers, kk, were made to press, one on each side of the axis, against the lower wooden disc carrying the strips of brass, so that during the rotation of the ring all of the latter were brought successively into contact with them. When, therefore, the terminal posts, hh', are placed in connection with the poles of a galvanic battery, B 992 KO HON Fig. 22. Fig. 24. e ficiency or the economy of expended power, it has been found essential to the current will pass, supposing it to enter at h (+), by way of the binding a lopt this arrangement. PACINOTTI'S RING MACHINE, The first magneto-electric machine for the prouction of an electric cur- rent continuous in character and constant in direction and intensity, was post, 7, to the roller, k, and through the strip of brass on the diso against which the roller may happen to press at the time, up to the two wire coils of the armature whose point of juncture is in connection with this strip of brass. The current here divides, each portion passing in an opposite direction through the spools surrounding each half circumference of the ring, to 2303 Jan. 16, 1879. American Gas Light Journal. meet again to form one current at the left contact roller, k, from where the reunited current passes to the second binding post, l'. From here the cur- rent proceeds to the leg A of the electro-magnet, circulates around it, and, after acting similarly with regard to the other leg, B, passes back by way of the binding post h' to the negative pole of the battery. Magnetic poles thus became developed in the iron ring at the points NS, the position of the contact rollers having been so chosen as to bring about this effect, and the actions of attraction and repulsion taking place between them and the poles of the stationary electro-maguet gave rise to the rotation of the ring. In order to turn the action of the electro-magnet upon the magnetized iron ring to the greatest possible account, Pacinotti provided the two poles with armatures, AAA, BBB, of soft iron, which were made to surround the ring very closely for over two-thirds of its circumference. Strips of brass, EE, FF, attached, served to give them greater security. In the elevation of the machine here given these armature have been omitted in order not to conceal the ring and its surrounding spools. The foregoing description of the ring of Pacinotti and its action has more especial reference to its application in an electro-magnetic machine, but toward the end of his article Pacinotti clearly indicates in what way, by the use of the same annular armature, the electro-magnetic may be converted into a magneto-electric machine, capable of producing, by the proper use in connection with it of a permanent or electro-magnet, a continuous cur- rent of a constant direction. 29 drum through the magnetic field of the exterior magnets in the magneto- electric machine just described, these currents are not to be avoided, though they may be diminished to some extent by constructing the arma- ture of coils of iron wire instead of massive iron. In such machines, how- ever, which are built for the purpose of producing very large quantities of electricity, and which for this reason are constructed in accordance with the dynamo-electric principle, these Foucault currents would be attended by a considerable increase in the temperature of the machine, in addition to which considerable power would be required in order to rotate the iron armature, owing to its becoming so strongly polarized by the powerful electro-magnets developed, for which power there would be no equivalent return in useful effect. "These considerations must have determined the inventor to secure the iron armature inside the drum, and so prevent it from taking part in the motion of the latter in such dynamo-electric machines, like those to be used for illuminating purposes, for instance, as are intended for the pro- duction of large quantities of electricity. As a matter of course, this renders the construction and mode of arrangement of the drum much more complicated, and all the more so when it is considered that the long drum, with its surrounding coils of wire, has to be moved through the narrowest possible space between the pole armatures of the electro-magnets and the stationary inner core. "Figs. 25 and 26 represent the construction, in detail, of such a dynamo- electric machine on the v. Hefner-Alteneck system. A horizontal section of the drum and a side view of the complete machine are there given. abcd is a thin German silver drum upon which, in the manner already de- On substituting for the electro-magnet AB a permanent magnet, and on rotating the ring armature, the poles induced in the ring by the proximity of the magnet will always be found at the extremities of the diameter pass- ing, when produced, through the poles of this exterior magnet; so that we may come to consider the spools as alone partaking of the rotary motion, while the two semi-circular magnets produced by the induction remain at rest. The current induced in any particular spool will, in the motion of the latter from N to S, preserve the direction it has on leaving N until it c reaches a, a point midway between N and S. Here a reversal in direction of the current takes place, which new direction is preserved until the spool D₁ arrives at b, a point midway between S and N, where a reversal to its form- er direction of the current occurs, and so the action continues. The cur- rents developed in the different spools will therefors add to each other's effect, and are hence most properly collected at the points A and B, the collecting brushes coming thus to act upon the commutator at right angles to the magnetic axis of the rotating armature. Pacinotti did actually obtain an uninterrupted current of constant direc- tion on causing the opposite poles of permanent magnets to approach the ring during the rotation of the latter. He also obtained the same effect by magnetizing the stationary electro-magnet by means of a current, though he deemed the former method preferable. The claim of Pacinotti to priority in the invention and application in magneto-electric machines of the annular armature has already been fully established. and is daily becoming more generally recognized. SIEMENS-HALSKE MACHINE, The following description is translated from the admirable treatise en- titled "Die Magnet und Dynamo-elektrischen Maschinen," by Dr. H. Schellen, just published: Fig. 25. m1 We have already drawn attention to the fact that when metallic bodies are caused to move in a magnetic field, such motion develops in them in- duced, or so-called Foucault currents, which, if not conducted away, be- come transformed into heat, and thus, according to the circumstances of the case, give rise to a considerable heating of the metallic bodies in motion. As long, therefore, as the iron core revolves with the coiled Fig. 26. D₁ scribed, the wire is wound in many circumvolutions, and in eight separate coils. Each terminal face carries a short tube, which tubes form the trun- nions of the drum, and which lie in boxes, F, and F2, provided with oil cups. An iron shaft, CC, secured by means of screws in the pillars, D, and D,, passes through these tubes into the interior of the drum, where the core, nn, 881, held together by two discs bolted to each other, is fastened upon it. The drum is surrounded on the outside at two opposite places for about two thirds of its circumference, and over its entire length, by two curved iron armatures, NN, and SS,. These are placed as closely as possible to the wire drum, and form, with the stationary hollow interior core, nn, 881, a narrow annular space, the magnetic field, through which the drum abcd, with its surrounding wires, must be able to pass in its rotation with all possible freedom. "Inside of the front hollow truunion of the drum which rests in F, there passes another hollow tube, which is secured to the end face of the drum, and between which and the trunnion the ends ec, of the separate wire coils, are led through to the commutator, pp,, attached to its front end. "The two curved iron armatures, NN, and SS, terminate in flat plates, No Sm, and N101, Sim,, which constitute the cores of the electro-magnets, EE, E, E,, and through which the armatures are rendered magnetic. These cores are united at their ends by strong soft iron connecting pieces, om and o,m, which also serve the other purpose of forming the side portions of the cast iron framework of the machine. Here also the wires of the two horse- shoe-shaped electro-magnets, E and E, are wound in such way that the poles of the same name are opposite each other, so that all portions of the iron arch uniting each set of these poles exhibit the same kind of polarity. In this way the drum and the interior iron core are surrounded for about two-thirds of their circumference, and over their entire length, by the sta- tionary exterior magnetic poles, NN, and SS, and a very extended magnetic field formed by this means, the intensity of which will be the greater the more powerful the induced currents developed, and, in consequence, the poles of the electro-magnets, become. "In order to carry out the dynamo-electric principle, the coils of the two electro-magnets, EE, and E, E, are connected with the commutator brushes, or the contact rollers, in such a way that the current generated by the ma- chine traverses successively the wire surrounding the drum, the coils of the electro-magnets, and the electric lamps placed in the circuit. The two sys. 2304 30 American Gas Light Journal. Jan. 16, 1879. tems, the induced currents of the drum and the poles of the electro-mag- connected with each other and led to the radial pieces of the drum shaft in nets, exert, up to a certain maximum limit, a mutual strengthening action upon each other, which limit is determined by the wires upon the drum, the velocity of rotation of the latter, and the mass of iron in the cores of the electro-magnets. "In order to drive so powerful a machine, a steam engine, or other uniform source of power will be required. As long as the circuit remains unclosed, and the two binding screws are not in metallic connection with each other, the rotation of the drum may be effected by the expenditure of sufficient force to overcome merely the friction in the journal boxes, F,F,. If, how ever, the external circuit is closed, by the introduction of an electric lamp, for instance, the induced currents will at once be developed in the drum, if but a trace of magnetism exist in the armatures, NN, and SS.. These cur- rents, by adding to the strength of the electro-magnets, exert a strengthening action upon the armatures, and thereby become themselves strengthened. The quantity of electricity generated by the machine, as well as the mechanical power expended in running it, will thus rapidly become greater, since every increase in magnetism is attended by a corresponding increase in the inten- sity of the current. It is for this reason that, for certain purposes, for pro- ducing a steady electric light, for instance, a uniform action of the driving engine is absolutely necessary; and all the motors designed to be used in driving dynamo-electric machines must, on this account, be provided with reliable regulating contrivances, in order to secure such uniformity as much as possible. a somewhat similar manner to that obtaining in the Gramme machine, which has already been described. These radial pieces are insulated from each other by means of asbestos paper. Contact rollers are no longer em- ployed, their place being taken by flat elastic bands (brushes), made of silver-plated copper wires. "The smaller size of these machines is 698 mm. in length, 572 mm, wide, and 233 mm. high; the drum alone is 388 mm. long, and carries 28 wire coils and a commutator divided into 56 parts. Its weight amounts to 115 kilogrammes; the maximum velocity of the drum, 900 revolutions per min- ute; and the intensity of the light produced, 1,400 standard candles. One and a half horse power are required to run it. The medium size differs in construction but slightly from the one just de- scribed. It is 757 mm. in length, 700 mm. wide, and 284 mm. high; the drum has a length of 456 mm., and is also wound with 28 coils; the com- mutator is, therefore, also composed of 56 pieces against which wire brushes are made to press. The machine weighs 200 kilogrammes, and produces, with its maximum velocity of 700 revolutions per minute, a light of 4000 candles. It requires 3 horse power." To be continued.] [From the "Chemical News."] The Nature of the Elements. "In using the machine for the production of the electric light, it may happen that, through any external cause, impurities in the carbons, for in- stance, the arc becomes extinguished and the current interrupted. In such At a crowded meeting such as is seldom witnessed of the Royal Society, a case the consumption of power on the part of the machine suddenly falls on Thursday evening, December 12th, 1878, Mr. J. Norman Lockyer, almost to zero, and a considerable (even dangerous) increase in the velocity F.R.S., read a lengthy paper, in which he discussed the evidence derived of rotation of the drum would be the consequence thereof, were the driving from spectroscopic observation of the sun and stars and from laboratory ex- engine to continue working at the same rate without having a correspond-periments, which has led him to the conclusion that the so-called elements ing resistance to encounter. In order to meet any such danger Siemens of the chemist are in reality compound bodies. In order that the line of and Halske have provided their machine with an automatic switch, which Fig. 27. throws into the circuit an artificial resistance when, through any cause what- ever, the circuit is interrupted in the lamps. * * * "The machine represented in Figs. 25 and 26, has a length of about 10 centimetres, a height of 32, and a width of 461 centimetres, and yields, when the drum revolves at the rate of 450 per minute, for which six horse power are required, an electric light of 1400 standard candles. The current produced by it is capable of heating to redness a copper wire one metre long and one millimetre in thickness. In the machines of medium and smallest size, in order to secure the ne- cessary simplification in construction, the iron cylinder is firmly united with the wire coils, and rotates with them. The fixing of this inner armature, on the contrary, is rendered necessary in such cases in which there occurs a very frequent change of polarity, and in which the utmost utilization of the driving power is called for, which is usually only the case with the larger machines. "Fig. 27 represents in perspective a Siemens-Halske machine (system of v. Hefner Alterneck), of the latest construction. The electro-magnets have the flat shape of those nsed in Wilde's machine. The current is taken off by means of metallic brushes, and the large number of radial pieces in the commutator shows that the drum carries a larger number of separate coils. argument followed by Mr. Lockyer may be understood, it will be necessary briefly to refer to the results of previous researches. As a rule, in observ- ing spectra the substance to be examined is volatilized in a gas flame or by means of sparks from an induction coil, and the light is allowed to fall on the slit of the spectroscope; the spectrum is then generally one in which the lines run across the entire field, but by interposing a lens between the spark apparatus and the slit of the spectroscope, Mr. Lockyer was enabled to study the various regions of the heated vapor, and thus to establish the fact, already noted by some previous observers, but to which little attention has been paid, that all the lines in the spectrum of the substance volatilized did not extend to equal distances from the poles. He then showed by the aid of this method that in the case of alloys containing different proportions of two metals, if the one constituent were present in very small quantity its spectrum was reduced to its simplest form, the line or lines longest in the spectrum of the pure substances alone appearing, but that on increasing the amount of this constituent its other lines gradually appeared in the or- der of their lengths in the spectrum of the pure substance. Similar obser- vations were made with compound bodies. It was also noticed that the lines furnished by a particular substance varied, not only in length and number, but also in brightness and thickness according to the relative am- ount present. Armed with these facts and with the object of ultimately as- certaining more definitely than has hitherto been possible which of the ele- ments are present in the sun, Mr. Lockyer about four years ago commenced the preparation of a map of a particular region of the spectra of the metallic elements for comparison with the map of the same region of the solar spec- trum. For this purpose about 2000 photographs of spectra of all the various metallic elements have been taken, and, in addition, more than 100,000 eye observations have been made. As it is almost impossible to obtain pure substances, the photographs have been carefully compared in order to elim- inate the lines due to impurities; the absence of a particular element as impurity being regarded as proved if its longest and strongest line was ab- sent from the photograph of the element under examination. The result of all this labor, Mr. Lockyer states, is to show that the hypothesis that iden- tical lines in different spectra are due to impurities is not sufficient, for he finds short line coincidences between the spectra of many metals in which the freedom from mutual impurity has been demonstrated by the absence of the longest lines. He then adds that five years ago he pointed out that there are many facts and many trains of thought suggested by solar and stellar physics which point to another hypothesis-namely, that the ele- ments themselves, or, at all events, some of them, are compound bodies. Thus it would appear that the hotter a star the more simple is its spectrum; for the brightest, and therefore probably the hottest stars, sach as Sirius, furnish spectra showing only very thick hydrogen lines and a few very thin metallic lines, characteristic of elements of low atomic weight; while the "In the latest machine of this form the commutator disc is done away cooler stars, such as our sun, are shown by their spectra to contain a much with, and the ends of the separate wire coils surrounding the drum are larger number of metallic elements than stars such as Sirius, but no non- 2305 Feb. 3, 1879. American Gas Light Journal. LECTURE UPON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. DELIVERED OCT. 17, 1878, BEFORE THE AMERICAN GAS-LIGHT ASSOCIATION, By Prof. HENRY MORTON, Ph.D., PRES. STEVENS INST., HOBOKEN, N. J. [Continued from page 30.] In 1871 M. Z. T. Gramme, a cabinet maker, of Paris, presented to the French Academy the description of a new form of magneto-electric ma- chine, possessing several new and remarkable features. Its general structure can be well understood from the accompanying figure, which represents one of its simplest forms as constructed with permanent mag- nets, and to be driven simply by hand power. 51 Now let R indicate such a coil, and suppose it to move toward the right; it will evidently leave more magnetic currents in a given direction in the left hand semi-annulus than it approaches, and will therefore acquire a current in the direction shown by the arrow, to which will be added the effect due to approaching the opposite currents in the upper part of the Fig. 28. The large U magnets terminate in heavy end pieces, which constitute massive north and south poles, almost surrounding the armature, which constitutes the peculiar feature of this machine. This armature consists of a ring made of a coil or hank of soft iron wire, around which are wound a series of coils of copper wire, in the the manner shown in Fig. 29, which represents such an armature partially dissected. The ring made of a hank of iron wire is shown cut across and spread out to some extent, the cut ends appearing below B and at A. The several coils of wire are also represented partly in place above and spread apart in the lower part af the figure. The wire of these coils passes continuously from one to another, but between each makes a loop, which is hooked into a copper conductor, RR, constituting part of the commutator. The general principle on which this machine acts can best be explained by reference to the diagram (Fig. 30). Let S and N represent the poles of the permanent magnet, and the divided ring between them stand for the ring of iron wire. This ring, under the influence of the poles S and N, will always have a north pole at n and a south pole at 8, the parts p and p. being neutral, or, Fig. 30. right hand semi-annulus. At n, and also at s, this action will reach a max- imum, as the coil will be (at n, for example) approaching all currents of the right hand semi-annulus and leaving all those of the left, and vice versa at 8. At p and at pi, however, the effect will be nil, as the coil would there appoach and leave equal numbers of currents of like direction. Now if we consider a number of coils all moving around from left to right, on the upper part of the ring the currents in them will have the same direction; and if they are all connected together these currents wi aid each other, and may be taken off by conductors pressing on the com- mutators at p and p. Let us suppose that the current is such as to mak P, positive and p negative. As the coils pass p, the direction o 1the cur- rents in them is reversed, but so also is their relation to the conductor or commutator. Thus, a coil which was coming toward p, from above was sending its positive current forward toward p.; as it leaves p., going on- ward below, its current being reversed, it no longer sends its positive current forward, but sends it back to p₁, which it has passed. Thus pi gets not only the positive current from the coils on the upper half of the ring, but from those also on the lower half. first place no rapid reversal of magnetism in the iron core of the armature, By reason of the action which has thus been described, there is in the as in the Wilde machine, but only a continuous and progressive change as the ring rotates; and in the second place there is a continuous current of electricity in a constant direction, with only one reversal for each revolu- tion of the entire set of coils. B B R Fig. 29. Fig. 31. Of course the method of passing the current of one machine through the coils of an electro-magnet replacing the permanent magnets shown in Fig. 28, could be carried out with this machine just as with Wilde's; or the in other words, will correspond with two semi-annular magnets with their north poles together at n and their south poles together at . The magnetic currente in the various parts of this ring will then be represented by the arrows drawn on it. As the ring rotates these poles will always maintain machine itself, being made with electro-magnets, these could be excited by essentially the same position in space, and therefore, in relation to the coils wound on this ring, we might assume that this inner ring was at rest, and that the coils above were carried round-over it. its own current, as with the machines of Ladd and of Siemens, which we have already described. This lust plan was, in fact, at once adopted, and the standard Gramme machine was made in the form shown in Fig. 31, 2306 52 American Gas Light Journal. Feb. 3, 1879. Here the electro magnets consist of the large horizontal cylinders seen constituting a double series of coils. These armature coils (Figs. 33 and above and below, so wound with wire as to produce a combined north pole at the centre above, where the extension piece is attached, and a corre- sponding south pole below. Within and between these extension pieces is the armature or bobbin, consisting of the iron ring wound with its numerous flat coils. The con- nections in this case are carried out on both sides of the axis, and thus several pairs of brushes can be applied, and numerous currents taken off. With all these machines, however, the best effects are obtained by em- ploying only one circuit, or passing the whole current from the bobbin 34) being connected end to end, the loops so formed are connected in the same manner, and to a commutator of the same construction as that of the Gramme. As the armature rotates, the cores pass between the opposed north and south poles of the field magnets, and the current generated de- pends on the change of polarity of the cores. It will be seen that this constitutes a double machine, each series of coils, with its commutator, being capable of use quite independently of the other; but in practice the electrical connections are so made that the currents generated in the two series of armature coils pass through the field-magnet coils, and are joined in one external circuit. This form of armature also presents considerable uncovered surface of iron to the cooling effect of the air, but its external form, in its fan-like action on the air, like that of the Brush, presents con- siderable resistance to rotation. In the Wallace-Farmer machine there was 7000 Fig. 32. RRIS ENG Fig. 35. through the electro-magnet coils and the exterior circuit, where it is considerable heating of the armature, the temperature being sufficiently used. In 1873 Wilde described a new form of magneto-electric machine, in which he abandoned the use of the Siemens armature, and returned, in general structure, very much to the form of the old Alliance machine. Two sets of electro-magnets, 16 in each, were arranged in such a way that they formed two hollow cylinders opposite each other, with the poles of the magnets of each cylinder facing each other, but having space between for another cylinder of 16 electro-magnets, mounted parallel with the others, and carried by a disc of iron, from which they projected at each side. In fact, there were three cylinders of magnets, all having a common horizontal axis; the outer ones fixed and the inner ones radiating, so as to carry its magnets between the poles of the others. Good effects were obtained with this machine, and the heating of the armatures was avoided, but it was not found to equal the improved Siemens or the Gramme in efficiency or economy of power. In 1875 a patent was taken out in the United States by Mr. Moses G. Farmer for a machine essentially like that of Wilde, just described. This, with some modifications of details, is now manufactured by Wallace & Sons, of Ansonia, and has come into very general use. high to melt sealing-wax. Another machine made and used in this country to a considerable extent is that of Mr. Brush, manufactured by the Telegraph Supply Co., Cleve- land, O. This is shown in Fig. 35. The Brush machine has for its magnetic field two horseshoe electro-mag- nets, with their like poles facing each other, at a suitable distance apart, the circular armature rotating between them. In this machine the currents are generated in coils of copper wire wound upon an iron ring, constituting the armature. This ring is not entirely covered by the coils, as in the Gramme armature, but the alternate uncov- ered spaces between the coils is almost completely filled by iron extensions from the ring, thus exposing large surfaces of the armature ring for the dissipation of heat, due to its constantly changing magnetism, as in the Pacinotti machine. The ring revolves between the poles of two large field magnets, the two positive poles of which are at the same extremity of the diameter of the armature, and the two negative poles at the opposite extremity, each pair constituting practically extended poles of opposite character. The coils on the armature ring are eight in number, opposite ones being In the experiments made by the present writer, as well as those conduct-connected end to end, and the terminals carried out to the commutator. ed by the Franklin Institute, this machine seems to be inferior in "duty" Figs. 36 and 37 show this arrangement, only one pair of coils, however, to some others; but the conditions of such trials are so difficult to establish, in adapting the nature of the exterior circuit, including the lamp, to the Fig. 33. n Fig. 34. Fig. 36. Fig. 37. peculiarities of each machine, that I should not regard these conclusions as being shown in Fig. 36 as connected. In order to place the commutator in absolutely final. a convenient position, the terminal wires are carried through the centre of In the Wallace-Farmer machine (Fig. 32) the magnetic field is produced the shaft to a point outside the bearings. by two horseshoe electro-magnets, but with poles of opposite character The commutators are so arranged that at any instant three pairs of coils facing each other. Between the arms of the magnets, and passing through are interposed in the circuit of the machine, working, as it were, in multi- the uprights supporting them, is the shaft, carrying at its centre the rotat-ple arc, the remaining pair being cut out at the neutral point; while in the ing armature. Gramme machine, the numerous armature coils being connected end to end This consists of a disc of cast iron, near the periphery of which, and at throughout, and connections being made to the metal strips composing right angles to either face, are iron cores, wound with insulated wire, thus the commutator, two sets of coils in multiple arc are at one time inter- 2307 Feb. 3, 1879. American Gas Light Journal. posed in the circuit, each set constituting one-half of the coils on the armature. The commutator consists of segments of brass, secured to a ring of non conducting material, carried on the shaft. These segments are divided into two thicknesses, the inner being permanently secured to the non-con- ducting material, and the outer ones, which take all the wear, are fastened to the inner in such a manner that that they can be easily removed when required. The commutator brushes, which are composed of strips of hard brass, joined together at their onter ends, are inexpensive and easily renewed. The high speed at which these machines are run, together with the form of the armature, cause the rotation of the latter to be considerably resisted by the air, and producing a humming sound, but otherwise they run smoothly, the heating of the armature being inconsiderable-not exceeding 120° Fahr. after four and three-quarter hours run. 53 If all the coils marked a are connected together, it is evident that at any moment the currents in all of them will be in the same direction. Thus, suppose the electro-magnet spoke 2 to have a north pole at its outer end, and 3 to have a south pole similarly situated; then us 2 moves over a it will produce a current alike in direction to that produced by the oppo- site pole of 3 moving over the oppositely wound wire of the next coil marked a. Of course, as the magnet 2 leaves a and the oppositely polarized magnet 1 approaches, this current will be reversed in the first coil marked a, and also likewise in the second coil a, for a like reason. It has been stated that these machines worked one Jablochkoff candle for each horse power consumed, but several who watched their actual running say that very much more power was actually consumed. THE LONTIN MACHINES. When the Jablochkoff candle came into vogue it became highly impor- tant to go back in one of the directions in which improvement had been Among the machines for generating electricity that have commanded made in most of the recent machines, and produce a machine which should more or less of general attention, may be included the magneto and yield alternating or reversing currents, in place of those passing continu-dynamo-electric machines devised by Lontin. In their mode of construc- ously in one direction. This was necessary to equalize the consumption of tion and arrangement these machines possess features which recall the the two parallel carbons of the Jablochkoff, and also even with other lamps, Alliance and Holmes magneto machines on the one hand, and the Siemens for purposes which we will explain further on. and Gramme dynamo machines on the other. To meet this requirement Gramme has arranged a machine which not only produces alternating currents, but operates readily, at the same time, a number of separate circuits. It is these machines which were recently There are two styles of Lontin dynamo machines, the one yielding con- tinuous currents of one direction, and the other producing alternating currents. In the machine of the first form, a number of bar electro-magnets are disposed radially about a central shaft of soft iron, and the star-shaped wheel thus formed is made to revolve between the poles of an ordinary powerful U-shaped electro-magnet. The wire of the electro-magnet wheel R S Fig. 38. Fig. 39. used during the Exposition to light certain streets and public places in forms one complete circuit, and is connected at the several point of june- Paris. The general appearance of this machine is shown in Fig. 38. This machine, it will be observed, differs radically from the continuous current machine of Gramme. In the first place, it is, as it were, turned inside out. Thus there is a magnetic ring wound with successive coils, but this, in place of revolving within the field of fixed electro-magnets, is stationary on the outside, while a series of eight electro-magnets, excited by a separate machine, rotate in the interior of this fixed armature ring. The principle of the machine will be readily understood from the dia- gram (Fig. 39). ture of each two successive magnet coils, with the appropriate section of a commutator, placed upon the axis of the machine. On revolving the wheel between the poles of the stationary upright field magnet it will readily be seen that, considering any individual radial electro-magnet, there will be induced in the coil of the latter, during its motion away from one pole and its consequent approach to the opposite pole, a current which, though varying (first diminishing and then increasing) in intensity, will still maintain a constant direction until the coil has arrived at the opposite pole, where a reversal of the current will take place. The current will continue flowing in this new direction until the revolution of the wheel The interior system of electro-magnets is so wound that the polarity of brings the coil back to the pole from which we have considered it to start, each spoke is reverse to its neighbors. These magnets, therefore, by in- when and where the current will be restored to its former direction. At duction develop eight consecutive poles in the soft iron of the surrounding any moment, therefore, during the revolution of the wheel, all the electro- ring, and as they revolve the poles of this ring move with them. Thus, magnet coils in the upper half of the wheel will be traversed by a current while in the older Gramme machine the actually moving ring had poles flowing in one direction, and all those in the lower half by one in the oppo- stationary in space, over which the coils passed, in this case the actually site direction. Elastic strips, one on each side, bear against the commu- stationary ring has moving poles which pass through the stationary tator in the line where the reversal takes place, and lead away the currents coils. to the proper binding posts. The mode of generation and direction of the currents in this form of the Lontin machine is thus seen to be exactly sim- ilar to that obtaining in the Gramme machine. These coils are wound in eight sets, each alternate set being wound in an opposite direction, and each set is made up of several separate coils, to facilitate the making of all sorts of combinations, which are most easily arranged in this machine, as no commutators are used, and all the coils are fixed, The stationary electro-magnets are included in the main circuit, in accordance with the dynamo-electric principle. By mounting several of these wheels of electro-magnets, with separate commutators and field 2308 54 American Gas Light Journal. magnets, on the same central shaft, an equal number of independent our rents may be obtained, which by appropriate means may of course be combined in any desired mauner. By winding the alternate electro-maguots on each wheel in opposite directions, the machine may be made to produce currents constantly vary- ing in direction. The Lontiu machine proper, for alternating currents, has, however, a more elaborate form, bearing a rather close resemblance to the machine devised by Holmes. Feb. 3, 1879. this case must be constant in direction, a special commutator is provided to secure this result. The alternating currents obtained from the remaining coils are conducted away from the machine by means of collars and brushes in the ordinary manner. The great resemblance of this machine to a machine of the Brush form, in which eight sets of electro-magnets are employed, instead of the usual two, nced scarcely be pointed ont. Several forms of the machine above described are manufactured by Siemens and Halske, the details varying with the purposes to which it is intended to apply any particular machine. The larger machines possess one important distinctive feature, in that no iron is made use of in the con- struction of the revolving disc, the cores of the coils being formed of wood, or some other non-magnetic material. By this mode of arrangement tho hurtful inductive effects, the production of Foucault currents, the loss of power by conversion into heat, and the like, attendant upon the use of iron in this connection, come to be entirely avoided. This Lontin machine consists essentially of an electro-magnet wheel, like that in the first described form of the machine, only that the magnets are much more numerous, amounting in number to 24 and over, and are wound in the manner just referred to—that is, the alternate magnets are wound in opposite directions; and of a large stationary soft iron ring surrounding this wheel concentrically, to which ring there are secured, at equal dis- tances apart, a number of short electro-magnets, equal in point of number to the electro-magnets on the inner wheel. Tho electro-magnet coils of the revolving wheel are connected together, so as to form one circuit. The current necessary for the saturation of these magnets is obtained from an auxiliary machine (a Lontin machine of the first form, for instance), mounted upon the same axis, connections being so made, by means of brushes and collars, that the rotation of the large wheel does not interfere with the circulation of this current. The ends of the electro-magnets, during the rotation, pass very closely by the cores of the outer stationary magnets, and as the successive magnets on the wheel present opposite poles By THOMAS NESHAM KIRKHAM, M.I.C.E., & F.C.S., and THOMAS HERSEY, to these cores, constantly alternating currents are induced in these outer (To be continued.] GAS LIGHTING ». ELECTRIC LIGHTING. J LATE OF THE IMPERIAL gas-light COMPANY, LONDON. magnets. One series of terminals of the coils of these magnets is led to The gas scare continues, and is likely to do so, while day after day the one binding post, while the other passes to a set of circuit-closing devices, newspapers insert fresh pieces of news as to the progress of electric light- by means of which all of the currents, separately or together, or any indi-ing, each new thing, if only true and practicable, sufficient to considerably vidual one or ones, may be conducted away from the machine. injure the gas companies. The great merit of this second form of the Lontin machine lies in the facility with which currents varying in number and intensity may be de- rived from it, so that quite a number of electric lights may be produced at the same time, and also in. the fact that in the conducting away of these currents contact brushes are entirely dispensed with; so that the great loss in electricity attendant upon this mode of collection, besides the frequent attention required by its use, are entirely avoided. With a velocity of rotation of 320 turns per minute, the machine being arranged so as to yield 12 separate currents, the outer magnets being con- nected together two and two for this purpose, 12 lights were obtained, each equivalent to 740 candles. Three series of 8 magnets each gave 3 lights, cach having an intensity of 1,480 standard candles. It is said that to prevent any detriment to the machine arising from the conversion into beat of any currents that may not be required, while the remaining ones are being applied to some special purpose, these superflu- ous currents are made to pass through appropriate resistance coils, and thus become in a manner absorbed. A large Lontin machine of the kind last described was used at one time for lighting the railway depot at Lyons, where it fed 31 separate lamps, each giving out a light of about 340 candles. The power needed to run this machine is not stated. Another machine of this form, giving 24 lights of 1,480 candles, required from 20 to 22 horse power to drive it. Smaller machines, of from 2,000 to 3,000 candles, demand somewhat more than 5-horse power. SIEMENS' NEW MACHINE. Siemens and Halske have lately devised a new dynamo-electric machine, for the production of one or several independent currents, which may be made at pleasure either intermittently unidirectional or rapidly alter- nating in character. As, however, there is not at present much real data as to the cost and value of the electric light from experiments in England open to the public we, as experienced gas engineers, have investigated for ourselves the data furnished by M. Hippolyte Fontaine as to the results of using the electrio light in France, and we have personally examined the Jablochkoff system as shown at Messrs. Wells & Co. in Shoreditch, that of Mr. Werdermann in the Euston Road, the Rapieff system at the "Times" office, and the Lontin light at the "Gaiety" Theatre. But, before going into the cost and value of the electric light, we, as hav- ing a considerable knowledge of the management of the Metropolitan Gas Companies, desire to say that we are utterly at a loss to understand the reason for the cry raised against them by the newspapers, which, almost without exception, appear to have a grievance, and to represent that the public in general have great cause for complaint; and as we know this to be without adequate foundation, we think it right to say so, and to point out that it is almost impossible for any producers of an article for sale to be more stringently kept from going wrong-even if they desired to do so- than are the Metropolitan Gas Companies, and especially those of them that are under the more recent legislation, which represent share and sharo and loan capital amounting to £9,570,571 out of a total in the Metropolis of £11,845,749. The new legislation binds the companies under it to give au illuminating power of 16 candles, and that they do give this, and more, is proved by the official testing of the Metropolitan Board of Works and the Corporation of London, who would be ready enough to enforce the penalties if there had been default, as has been proved by the enforcement on two or three occa- sions of the severe penalties for slight excesses in the sulphur impurity which the companies are compelled to keep as low as the Referees appoint- ed by the Board of Trade can reasonably call upon them to do. As regards pressure, the Act of Parliament has prescribed a minimum, but it is very seldom that it is even approached, so desirous are the compa- nies that a full supply of gas should be afforded to all their customers; but with the enormous business of the companies there must necessarily arise defects from time to time, and all they can do is to have a sufficient staff of In one form of this machine the two sides of an upright iron frame carry each a series of 8 circularly disposed electro-magnets, the cores of which stand out at right angles to the sides, and carry at their ends, where they face the corresponding cores of the opposite series, large flat plates of soft inspectors and workmen ready to remedy them without unnecessary delay. iron. The plates of each set are alternately of opposite polarity, while those facing each other exhibit the same polarity; and as the space between them is made as small as the mode of construction will permit, magretic fields of high intensity and of alternately opposite polarity will come to be formed. It should, however, be understood that much the larger number of com- plaints arise from the defects in fittings or burners belonging to the consu- mers for which the companies are not in any way responsible. As regards the meters, the companies supply them at a rental to almost all their customers, although they are not compelled to do so except as to Upon a shaft running through the centre of the frame there is secured a the smaller sizes of meters; but the consumers of gas can, if they please, diso, carrying on its circumference an upright iron ring, oblong in section, purchase meters for themselves from any maker, and, so long as they are made either of wire or plates, sometimes also of massive iron. This ring is good enough to obtain the official stamp for correctness of registration, the "Correctness," however, means surrounded at eight (or more, in some forms of the machine) equidistant companies must allow them to be used. places by flat coils of insulated copper wire, which, with the ring, are that meters may be stamped as correct if they register three per cent. carried by the rotation of the shaft throngh the magnetic fields formed by against the companies, but they are not allowed to pass if they register So even in this the consu- the electro-magnets. Two of the coils on the rotating ring are devoted ex-more than two per cent. against the consumer. olnsively to the purpose of keeping the field magnets saturated, in accordance mer is favored at the expense of the companies. with the well-known dynamo-electric principle; and since the current in We are quite at a loss to understand what the sins of the companies are, 2309 74 American Gas Light Journal. LECTURE UPON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. DELIVERED Oor. 17, 1878, BEFORE THE AMERICAN GAS-LIGHT ASSOCIATION, By Prof. HENRY MORTON, Ph.D., PRES. STEVENS INST., HOBOKEN, N. J. [Concluded from page 54.] In addition to the other forms or modifications of magneto-electric ma- chines-by which name I intend to designate all that I have already described, as I do not think that the term dynamo-electric machines, to designate those in which electro-magnets, excited by the machine itself, are used as producers of the "field of force or magnetic field in which the revolving magnets move, as distinguished from the earlier sort, using per- manent magnets or the like, is at all necessary-there are some others which should not be passed over without notice. " In the first place, Mr. Edward Weston, of Newark, is manufacturing a machine resembling exactly in appearance, and, as far as I can see, in all essentials of construction, that which I have already described and shown as Siemens' later form. (See Fig. 27.) With several of these machines I have made numerous trials lately, and find them to ruu well for as much as ten hours at a time, and to give a higher efficiency in light per horse power than any of the other machines with which I have experimented. This result seems to agree with the general result of experiments made in Europe with the machines of Siemens, and with a general verbal statement which Feb. 17, 1879. 1849. Nollet-Van Malderen—Alliance machine. 1852. Holmes introduced electro-magnets. 1857. Siemens introduced peculiar armature. 1864. Pacinotti, the first continuous current machine. 1866. Wilde made his first form of machine. 1866. Siemens & Halske, same principle as Ladd. 1867. Ladd, self-exciting principle 1867. Wheatstone developed same principle. 1871. Gramme first described his continuous current machine. 1878. Wilde describes his second form. 1875. Siemens describes his machine. (Fig. 27.) 1873. Farmer patented machine like Wilde's second. 1874. Lontin machine, for many circuits. 1878. Gramme's alternating machine. In considering the practical application of the electric arc as a source of light, it becomes very important to notice with accuracy just what is the chief location of light in the ignited poles, and how this may be affected by various conditions. Thus, in the first place, if we are using a machine with a current of uni- form direction, we will find that the upper or positive pole, as they are generally arranged, soon acquires a cup-shaped form, as shown in Fig. 40, and that the most intensly luminous portion of the carbon is the interior of this positive cup. The edges of this cup will evidently cut off this light from spreading upward for a very considerable angle, while on the other hand all the light from this interior luminous area will pass freely down- ward. From this it will of course follow that very different results would be obtained if, with such machine and arrangement of the carbons, the lights were measured from below, or on a level, or from above. Fig. 40. was made to me as to the result of experiments at the U. S. Torpedo Sta- tion at Newport, R. I., where they have one of these Siemens machines. There is also a very efficient machine manufactured by Messrs. Arnoux & Hochhausen, of New York. Some of these were used very successfully last summer for lighting the bathing beach at Coney Island, and for lighting several points in New York during the holiday season.this winter, and the new State House at Albany during its inauguration. One of these was kindly loaned to me on the evening of the address here reported, but as it was soon afterward required for use by its manufacturers I have not had an opportunity to make any examination of, or experiments with it. It much resembles the second form of Wilde, or the Farmer ma- chine in general arrangement. · In describing the various forms and modifications of these machines I have not attempted in all cases to follow the chronological order of each step, as this would sometimes have involved the skipping about from one type of machine to another. I will now, therefore, give an abstract of the chronology of the subject, following Dr. Schellen's book as an authority for a part of the list: 1831. Faraday discovered magneto-electric induction. 1832. Pixii made first magneto-electric machine. 1833. Saxton made magneto-electric machine. 1836. Clarke made magneto-electric machine. Fig. 41. If the two carbon points are not placed truly in line with each other, then we have such a state of affairs as is shown in Fig. 41. Here, evidently, while the light from the hollow positive pole would radiate freely in front, it would be largely cut off behind, and escape only with a medium degree of facility at either side; in fact, measurements made with such arrangement show the following figures: Representing by 100 the light emited, in a horizontal position, when the points are in line, we have for the various directions, when they are dis- placed as shown in Fig. 41:-In front, 287; laterally, 116; backward, 38. In the report of experiments made by a committee of the Franklin Insti- tute (see Journal of that Society, vol. 75, p. 301) I find the record of a similar set of measurements, as follows: Front... Side... · •Back. 2,218 candles. 578 578 < C 111 3,485÷4=871 "The light produced by the machine, under the same conditions, except the carbons being adjusted in one vertical line, was 525 candles. This would seem to indicate that nearly 66 per cent, more light was produced by this adjustment of the carbons; but a close study of the conditions sat- 2310 Feb. 17, 1879. American Gas Light Journal. isfied us that such is not the case, and that there is no advantage to be de-it, by means of the lifting finger, will raise one edge rived from such adjustment, except when the light is intended to be used of the washer h, which, by its angular impingement in one direction only." against the rod, f, clamps and lifts it to a distance This shows us, among other things, how very great a difference of re-coutrolled by the adjustible stop, x, but separating sult in candle power may be obtained with the same apparatus, if a differ- ence occurs in the arrangement of the points; and it also explains why an are which gives a very high candle power when measured, may quite fail to exhibit anything like au equal degree of actual illnminating power when put to some practical use. Thus, in the case just cited, while the candle power, measured from the front, would be 287, the average for all directions would be only 189, or about one-half as great. In this connection a certain advantage is found in the use of machines with alternating currents. Here the carbons both burn away alike to pointed ends, and the light is thus much more equally distributed on all sides. (See Fig. 42.) the carbon points far enough to produce the light. As the carbons burn away, the increased length of the electric arc increases its resistance, and weakens the magnetism of the helix, and therefore the coil, rod, and carbon move downward by the force of grav- ity until, by the shortening of the arc, the magnetism of the helix is strengthened, and the downward movement arrested. When, however, the downward movement is sufficient to bring the clutch-washer, h, to the support, g, it will be released from the clamp- ing effect of the lifting finger, and the rod, f, will slip through until arrested by the upward move- ment of the core, due to the increased magnetism of the helix. In most of the machines now in use the current which produces the light is the same which passes around the coils of the stationary magnets, by which the field of force is developed; hence there is the most intimate re- The normal position of the clamp-washer is with lation between the machine and the lamp, and any fluctuation in the the edge under the adjustible stop, just touching the resistance offered at the latter is at once felt at the machine. To eliminate support, g, the office of the core being to regulate the this source of uncertainty and irregularity, in some experiments which I slipping of the rod through it. If, however, the rod, have lately conducted with various machines I have employed a simple, from any cause. falls too far, it will instantly and au- substantial holder for the carbons, with means of adjustment from time to tomatically be raised again, as at first, and the carbon time by band. This requires, of course, the frequent attention of an assist-points thus continued at the proper distance from ant during the experiments, but by this means I have obtained more each other. constant and favorable results, from all the machines tried, than with any of the automatic lamps. d K k 75 Fig. 43. In the lamps used in these experiments, the helix was composed of two separate insulated wires wound together, so that, by means of suitable pin Next to this I have found the Brush lamp to be most satisfactory, when contacts, shown at the top of Fig. 10, they could be connected either in used with its own machine. Fig. 42. Fig. 44. couples or end to end, thus varying the intensity of the magnetism of the helix. Thus, in connection with varying the weight to be lifted by the magnetism of the helix, either by loading the core or increasing the upward thrust of the springs, enabled us to adjust the lamp to suit the varying qualities of the currents dealt with. Several new methods of arranging the carbons, and rendering them more or less adjustable automatically, have been, recently suggested or put in practice. Thus, in Nature for Dec. 19th, 1878, I find a plan described by Wilde, which consists in placing two carbon rods beside each other, as in the Jab- lochkoff candle, but without any insulating material between them. Under As the structure of this lamp is very simple, I will give a description of it these circumstances the author states that the arc will keep to the extremi- here. This lamp is shown in Figs. 43 and 44, in which a is a helix of insulated copper wire, resting upon an insulated plate, b, upheld by the metallic post, c. Loosely fitted within the helix is the core d, partly supported by the adjustable springs e. The rod, f. passes freely through the centre of the core, d, and has as its lower end a clamp for holding the carbon pencil, A washer, h, of brass, surrounds the rod, f, just below the core, d, and has one edge resting on the lifting finger attached to the latter, while the other edge is overhung by the head of an adjustable screw stop, x. The metal post, r, is supported and guided by a tubular post, i, secured to a suitable base plate. Attached to the lower end of the post, c, and passing out through a slot in i, is the arm, y, supporting an insulated holder for the lower carbon. If now one conducting wire from the machine be connected to the base plute, and the other to the lower carbon holder, the current of electricity will pass up through the posts, i and c, through the helix a, rod, f, and the carbons, kk, thus completing the circuit. The axial magnetism produced in the helix will draw up the core, d, and. ties of the rods, or will run to them if established elsewhere. To provide against extinction, and secure automatic relighting, one of the holders is hinged so as to allow its carbon to fall against the other unless pulled away by an electro-magnet in circuit. This arrangement is certainly very simple, and free from many of the objections offered in connection with the Jablochkoff candle. It will be seen here, however, that the maxi- mum light will be developed between the two rods, or, in other words, on their respective inner surfaces where it will have the least facility for pro- ducing useful effect. A very curions modification of this candle has been made by Mr. Edward Weston, in which he places a strip of some relatively volatile matter on the backs or outer sides of the parallel carbon rods. The arc then forms across from these parts, and the incandescent vapor assumes much the appearance of a gas flame. Among the recent forms of lamp described in Dr. Schellen's recent work, "Die Magnet- und Dynamo-Elektrischen Maschinen," are several announc ed by the Siemens-Halske firm. In one of these, two carbons inclined towards each other, aro allowed 2311 76 American Gas Light Journal. Feb. 17, 1879. to descend, and thus bring their upper ends together by the with- Houston, of Philadelphia, which they have themselves described as fol- drawal downwards of a non-conducting interposed rod, whose motion is lows: controlled by an electro-magnet in the circuit. In another, which, however, looks like a suggestion rather than a practi-conductor of considerable length, is suddenly broken, a bright flash, called "As is well known, when an electrical current, which flows through a cable machine, the carbons are arranged so that the lower one is constantly the extra spark, appears at the point of separation. The extra spark will vibrating up and down, and the upper one simply rests upon it, except in so far as it is being constantly knocked away by the motion of the lower appear, although the current is not sufficient to sustain an arc of any ap- one, which motion is effected by an electro-magnet in the circuit. A much more complete apparatus, on the same general principle, we will describe presently. Among the latest developments in electric lamps may be reckoned the plan of Mr. Werdormann, which may be described as follows: C I Fig. 45. Mr. Werdermann makes one electrode to consist of a disc of carbon, ta- pering in thickness from the centre to the circumference on one side, and flat on the other. The other electrode is a very fine and thin rod of carbon, with one end pointed. The disc is placed horizontally with the rounded side downwards, and the thin rod vertically, and in contact with the disc, the current being supplied via the metal collar by which the rod is sur- rounded near the top. On passing the electricity the fine point of the car- bon rod above the collar becomes incandescent, and a very small electric arc is produced between the two carbons. Referring to the diagram (Fig. 45), the upper carbon is shown at o, and the rod carbon at c. The former is supported by means of an adjustable jointed bracket B, attached to the wood stand. The rod carbon is guided by the spring collar on the top of the stand, and to which the. connection is made, and is supported by the This cord is attached to the clasp D fine cord, running over the pulley P. at the bottom of the rod and to the balance weight w, by which the rod is maintained in constant, practical, though not absolute contact with the disc. Round the upper part of the disc is a metal band A, to which the cir- cnit wire is attached, and the current thus passed on to the next lamps. preciable length at the point of separation. "In our system, one or both of the electrodes, which may be the ordinary carbon electrodes, are caused to vibrate to and from each other. The electrodes are placed at such a distance apart that in their motion toward each other they touch, and afterward recede a distance apart, which can be regulated. These motions or vibrations are made to follow one another at such a rate that the effect of the light produced is continuous; for, as is well known, when flashes of light follow one another at a rate greater than 25 to 30 per second, the effect produced is that of a continuous light. The vibratory motions may be communicated to the electrodes by any suitable device, such, for example, as mechanism operated by a coiled spring, a weight, compressed air, etc.; but it is evident that the current itself fur- nishes the most direct method of obtaining such motion, as by the use of an automatic vibrator, or an electric engine. "In practice, instead of vibrating both electrodes, we have found it nec- essary to give motion to but one, and since the negative electrode may be made of such size as to waste very slowly, motion is imparted to it, in pre- ference to the positive. The carbon electrodes may be replaced by those of various subtrances of sufficient conducting power. In this system, when desired, an independent battery circuit is employed to control the extinction and lighting of each lamp. "The following is a description of one of the forms of electric lamp which we have devised, to be used in connection with our system of electrio lighting: "A flexible bar, b, of metal is firmly attached at one of its ends to a pil- lar, p, and bears at its other end an iron armature, a, placed opposite the ע TAI R D++ b 면 ​HOI "This lamp, (says the Ironmonger of Nov. 9), "was tried on October 28, and again on November 6, on the works of the British Telegraph Manufac- tory (Limited), Euston Road, London, the current being derived from a small Gramme machine of two-horse power. At the commencement two lights were maintained equal to 640 candles, and the light was perfectly steady. Subsequently the current was sent through a row of 20 lamps, the light of each being equal to 40 candles; still the light was steady. Mr. Werdermann asserted his ability to distribute the current from the small machine then at work so as to divide it among 60 lights. In that case the light would inevitably be small; but enough is apparent to prove that, so adjustable pole-piece of the electro-magnet, m. A metal collar, c, supports far as a current will bear division, Mr. Werdermann will be able to utilize the negative electrode, the positive electrode being supported by an arm, j, it." It will be noticed that here, as with all other lamps working by incandes- cence, there is great loss, which increases with the subdivision. A Gramme machine utilizing two-horse power should give, with an ordinary lamp, a light of from 1,000 to 1,500 candles, in place of the 640 here claimed from two lamps, or the 400 candles claimed for ten lamps. A yet more recent system is that developed, or, we might rather say, now in course of development, by Profs. Elihu Thomson and Edward Fig. 46, attached to the pillar, p. The pillar, p, is divided by insulation at i into two sections, the upper one of which conveys the current from the binding post, marked +, to the arm, j, and the rod, 7, supporting the positive electrode. “The magnet, m, is placed as shown by the dotted lines, in the circuit which produces the light. The pillar, p, is hollow, and has an insulated conducting wire inclosed, which connects the circuit closer, v, to the binding post, marked — The current is conveyed to the negative eleo- 2312 Feb. 17, 1879. American Gas Light Journal. trode through b and the coils of the magnet, m. When the electrodes are in contact, the current circulating through m renders it magnetic and at tracts the armature, a, thus separating the electrodes, when, on the weak ening of the current, the elasticity of the rod, b, again restores the contact., During the movement of the negative electrode, since it is caused to occur many times per second, the positive electrode, though partially free to fall, cannot follow the rapid motions of the negative, electrode, and therefore does not rest in permanent contact with it. The slow fall of the positive electrode may be insured either by properly proportioning its weight, or by partly counterpoising it. The positive electrode thus becomes self- feeding. "The rapidity of movement of the negative carbon may be controlled by means of the rigid bar, l, which acts, practically, to shorten and lengthen the part vibrating. In order to obtain an excellent but free contact of the arm, j, with the positive electrode, the rod, r, made of iron or other suitable metal, passes through a cavity filled with mercury, placed in electrical contact with the arm, j. Since the mercury does not wet the metal rod, r, or the sides of the opening through which it passes, free movement of the rod is allowed without any escape of the mecury. We believe that this feature could be introduced advantageously into other forms of electric lamps. "In order to prevent a break from occurring in the circuit when the elec- trodes are consimed, a button, v, is attached to the upper extremity of the rod, R, at such a distance that when the carbons are consumed as much as is deemed desirable, it comes into contact with a tripping lever, t, which then allows two conducting plugs, attached to the bar, v, to fall into their respective mercury cups, attached, respectively, to the positive and negative binding posts by a direct wire. This action practically cuts the lamp out of the circuit." “PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19, 1878." In a later publication (Journal of the Franklin Institute for January, 1879), the same inventors describe a further modification and extension of their system, as follows: "The following apparatus was devised by the authors for the purpose of obtaining induced reversed currents for use in electric illumination. These currents we use with a vibrating lamp, a de- scription of which has already been pub- lished. F L E Fig. 47. E ليا TRIBINA 77 With this notice of the newest, or, as we may say, youngest system of electric lighting, which has its birthday with the new year, I may well conclude this hastily prepared and imperfect notice of this very interesting subject, and if what I have here thrown together may supply at least ma terial for a fuller treatment, or a skeleton on which a completely organized structure may be constructed, I shall have accomplished all that I could hope. Before concluding this address I should draw attention, in a more direct manner, to something which has been developed indirectly in the course of my remarks; and that is that the loss of efficiency in the electric force as a means of producing light, when it is divided, is not a unique phenomenon, but is exactly paralleled in the case of ordinary combustion. If gas.is burned in very small flames we may get almost no light from it, and, on the other hand, if we burn it in very large flames, the amount of light developed will increase in a much higher ratio than will the amount of gas consumed. Thus I have here a new burner made by Sugg, of London, with three con- centric argand rings which burns 30 feet of gas, and yields a light equal to 1964 candles. The same amount of the same gas burned in six standard five foot burners yielded a light of 114 candles. Here is a gain of over 70 per cent. in the total light produced, by simply concentrating the combus- tion in one large flame in place of dividing it into six small ones. In the case of the ordinary lime-light we have another instance of yet fur- ther concentration. Here, with a consumption of about 71 feet of gas an hour, in a burner with three jets heating a cylinder of lime from all sides, we obtain a light equal to 260 candles in every direction. This shows very clearly the illogical character of the comparisons so often made between the concentrated light of the electric arc and the divided light of the ordinary gas burner. concentrated form, and it certainly has not yet been shown that, when di- Heretofore electric lights have only been practically developed in their vided there will be an enormous loss of efficiency. Gas, on the contrary, has heretofore only been practically used in its divided form, and there can be no doubt that its efficiency is capable of much increase when it is burned in a concentrated manner. It is here where the actual contest will come in, and the relative succEBS of the two sources of light in each field will depend upon what it will ac- complish in that field and not in some other. In other words, we must com- "Our method of operation is as follows: pare the divided electric lights (say Mr. Edison's, when they become visi- A reversed primary current is caused to in-ble) with ordinary burners, and the electric-arc light with the lime-light, or duce reversed secondary currents in second-some such concentrated form of gas burning. ary coils provided therefor. These secondary currents are caused to give vibrations to to carbon electrodes, and thereby at the same time produce a partial arc between them. With sufficient strength of primary current, a considerable number of secondary currents are obtained, each of which is able to operate one of our vibrating lamps. THE END, [From Translation in " Van Nostrand's Magazine,”] The Gas Engines at the Paris Exhibition. By M. Armengaud, Jr. ABSTRACT OF THE AUTHOR'S ADDRESS AT THE CONFERENCE DU TROCADERO. “The use of a vibrating lamp admits of a wide range in the size of the carbons em- The attention of most of those in attendance at this Conference has ployed. When a light of very moderate been drawn at the Exposition to certain machines, which, in their general intensity is desired, the carbons are made of appearance and mode of working, resemble steam engines. But upon very small size, and are placed in a closed approaching them it is readily seen that the similarity is only apparent; glass vessel for protection from the atmos- the movements of these motors are accompanied by a series of slight deton- phere. To moderate the brilliancy opales-ations, and a near inspection reveals the fact that attached to each is a cent glass is used. To obtain the highest efficiency of inductive action perforated chamber, within which burns a flame which seems to give life to from a set of primary coils, the following form of induction of coil was de- the machine. These are the gas motors. The motive power is derived vised: -the primary coil, P, surrounding the core, C, is provided with a from illuminating gas, not from steam. secondary coil, S, adjacent to it. The ends E and F of the bobbin are made of disks of iron concentric with the core, C, and slit from centre to circumference. The outer extremities of these disks are connected by wires or sheets of iron, L, to one another, forming in this manner an in- duction coil encased in iron, or one whose core has its north and south extremities magnetically conected. The strength of the current developed in the secondary coil is greatest when the core, C, which is movable, is inserted so that both of its extremities are in contact with E and F. By withdrawing this core, the currents in the secondary coil may be weakened to almost any desired extent. This coil is best adapted to the use of primary currents whose direction is constantly changing. All the wire being completely surrounded by iron, whose direction of magnetic polari- zation if rapidly changed, the highest inductive effect is thereby produced in the secondary coil. . "The variations in the intensity of the induced currents will, of course, be followed by variations in the intensity of the light emitted by the lamp. The movement of the core may therefore be made to increase or decrease the intensity of the light." It is proposed to present to the conference some explanations of the structure and mode of working of the different engines of this class exhib- ited at the Champ de Mars, and to consider the possible future achieve- ments of these engines if they continue the progress so clearly made manifest by this exposition. Such a progress would hardly seem to possess sufficient interest to hold the attention of an audience not composed exclusively of engineers. But it is proposed to relieve the subject of its technical character as far as pos- sible, and present the more general form of discussion. The task is rendered easy by the very happy circumstance that in the working of a gas engine we find a summary of the most beautiful applications of scientifio principles. A gas motor possesses the essential organs of the steam engine; the cylinder which receives the gaseous fluid; the piston which, by aid of a rod and crank, transmits the pressure to the shaft; the fly-wheel which regulates the motion; and the pulleys and belts by which the power is conveyed to the machines to be driven. The gaseous fluid is a mixture of gas and air, in such proportions as is 2313 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. Regulating the Generation of Electric Currents. No. 239,374. Fig. 1. Patented March 29, 1881. I 10 3 1 1 4 14 P 5 4. 3 ་ 8 α A" 8 α Fig. 2. A' 6 a a A 7 a a Attest= D. D. Mort M J. Hagelt. 2 3 N PETERS Photo Lithographer, Washington, DC 4 R P 10 9 A″ 9 A' 9 A 6 Inventer= Thos. A. Edison 2 Attys. 2314 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. Regulating the Generation of Electric Currents. No. 239,374. Fig. 5. R Patented March 29, 1881. 71 13 13 13 13 С P 13 Fig. Attest 10 Mother M. J. Hagelt 12 2 14 N PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 14 4. R 14 14 14 14 P 2 Inventor: Thos. A. Edison Attya 2315 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATING THE GENERATION OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 239,374, dated March 29, 1881. Application filed January 11, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Method and Means for Regulating the Generation of Electric Currents; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to Io the letters of reference marked thereon. • When a number of generators are used to furnish the current for a system of generation and translation-such, for instance, as shown and explained by me in a prior application for 15 a patent by me made-it is necessary to pro- vide some means for controlling the genera tion, so that it may be in accord with the de- mand of the translating devices, which, of course, must vary. Several methods and means 20 for accomplishing this I have shown in prior applications; and the present invention con- sists in another method and arrangement for accomplishing it. In the present case the invention consists 25 in combining, with a battery of generators and the main circuit thereof, an electric engine con- nected in the field-of-force circuit, and arranged to give a counter electro-motive force to that of the current energizing the fields. In such 30 arrangement, as the number of translating de- vices in circuit lessens, diminishing the work to be done, the generators tend to run at a higher speed. The engine, however, also runs at a higher speed, throwing an increased 35 counter electro-motive force into the field- circuit, weakening the current therein, which, in turn, lessens the magnetic intensity of the field - magnets, causing a diminution of the generated current. If the work to be done 40 increases, the contrary effect is produced. 45 In the drawings, Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 rep- resent diagrammatically different arrange- ments, all, however, containing the arrange- ment noted. In these drawings, P represents the engine. In Figs. 1 and 2 its field-coils are in a multiple- arc circuit 3 4 to the main circuit 1 2. A A'A" are the generators, with their arma- tures.connected to the main circuit in multiple 50 arcs by the conductors a a'. In Fig. 1 the engine P is connected by mul- tiple arcs 6 7 8 through the fields of the gen- erators. In Fig. 2 it is connected by 9 through them in series. In either case P is energized as an engine from the main circuit, and the 55 fields of the generators are energized from the same circuit, and the counter electro-motive force which P sends through the fields in op- position to the current therein from the main circuit will be proportioned to the rate of 60 speed given P, which will be proportionate to that of the generators, as all are energized from the same circuit, which is fed by the cur- rent from the generators. As the rate of speed of the generators depends upon the resistance 65 in the exterior circuit, as such resistance less- ens, the machines tend to run at a higher speed; but the engine P also tends to run at the same increase of speed, sending a greater electro- motive force back through the fields of the gen- 70 erators, thereby weakening the current around the fields and lessening the generation. By this method a perfect balancing of forces may be effected. If desired, the engine itself may be adjusted 75 by increasing or decreasing the work which is given it to do, one method thereof being shown in Fig. 1, where a friction-brake, L, with au adjustable weight, is shown. In Figs. 3 and 4 the same general arrange. 8 ment is shown, except that in Fig. 4 P is shown as a pure dynamo, its own current passing through its own field. In these latter arrange- ments adjustable resistances R are included in the field-circuit, to aid in the regulation when 85 desired. What I claim is— 1. The method of regulating the generative force of a battery of generators, by causing the current energizing the field-of-force magnets 90 to energize an electric engine whose counter electro-motive force regulates the strength of the current energizing the field-of-force mag- nets, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a battery of dy- 95 namo or magneto electric generators, of an electric engine arranged to throw a current of counter electro-motive force through the field-circuit of the generators, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. IOO 2316 2 239.374 3. The combination, with the engine ar- ranged to give the counter electro-motive force, as described, of a brake or other mechanism, giving the engine a definite but adjustable 5 work to perform, so that the electro-motive force may be regulated, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 16th day of December, 1880. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, ERNEST J. BERGGREN. 2317 A. Fig. 1. Attest: James A. Payne John C. Schmider THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. d. Fig.3. A. Fig. 4. b. e A. Fig. 2. B X O I. W. --C W. Inventor: I. A. Edison Joer Dyer & Wilber This Atty's. Fig. 5. T. A. EDISON. Method of Manufacturing Electric Lamps. No. 230,255. Patented July 20, 1880. 2- D. C. E. M * N 2318 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, METHOD OF MANUFACTURING ELECTRIC LAMPS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 230,255, dated July 20, 1880, Application filed February 5, 1880. To all whom it may concern: now complete, it is attached, by the neck before Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, a mentioned, to the air-exhausting pump. When citizen of the United States, resident at Menlo a proper vacuum has been attained the end of 55 Park, State of New Jersey, have made cer- the tube is softened and sealed, after which 5 tain new and useful Improvements in Elec- the lamp is removed from the pump. The tric Lamps and the Method of Manufacturing tube is then softened and sealed near its point them, of which the following is a specification. of juncture with the globe, as the neck was My electric lamp consists, essentially, (as before sealed at the tip. There is the same 60 shown in prior applications of mine for pat-degree of vacuum upon both sides of this last 10 ents,) of an incandescing conductor of high re- seal-i. e., within the globe and in the tube sistance hermetically sealed in a glass vacuum- between it and the tip. The vacuum in the chamber. neck is then destroyed by fracture of the neck, and the neck is again softened and sealed im- 65 mediately above the, seal which was formed at the juncture of the tube and globe, and the sur- plus portion of the tube removed, Great difficulty has always been experienced in so sealing a glass vacuum globe or chamber 15 that complete union of the parts was had and danger of opening or separation avoided, in order that a stable vacuum might be main- tained when the parts forming the seals were in vacuo when the sealing was done. In fact, 20 the maintenance of a stable vacuum has been pronounced impossible by many scientists. The object of my invention is to furnish a method of manufacturing electric lamps so that a stable vacuum may be maintained there- 25 in. In carrying out my method of manufacture, a glass bulb, of the size desired for the inclos- ing-globe of the lamp, is formed with a sup- porting-neck extending in, one direction, of a 30 diameter sufficient to permit the passage of the incandescing conductor through it. Pref- erably a piece of tubing, of the size of the neck, has the bulb blown in it. Upon a point on the bulb, preferably exactly opposite the cen- 35 ter of the neck, is formed a long tube for at- tachment of the bulb to the air-exhausting ap- paratus. Upon the end of a smaller piece of tubing a small bulb is formed, and the body of the tube, a little below the bulb, is enlarged 40 for a small space to about the size of the sup- porting - neck. This portion forms the arc- supporting part, wires, terminating in clamps for holding the conductor, being passed there- through and hermetically sealed therein. Af 45 ter the conductor has been secured on the sup- porting portion it is passed up through the neck of and into the bulb until the further passage of the supporting portion is stopped by the enlargement thereon taking against the 50 end of the neck of the bulb, when the two are sealed together at that point by fusion. The mechanical construction of the lamp being For a more particular description reference is to be had to the drawings accompanying and 70 forming part of this specification, in which— Figure 1 is a view of the globe, the neck, and the tube as first formed. Fig. 2 is a view of the same ready to receive the incandescent conductor and its support. Fig. 3 is a view 75 of the incandescent conductor and its support ready for union with the globe. Fig. 4 is a sectional view of the parts of the lamp joined together and sealed; and Fig. 5 is a view of the completed lamp. 80 A piece of tubing, the size of C, is taken, on which is blown or otherwise formed the bulb B, whose upper portion is drawn out into the tube A, curved so that several bulbs may be attached to one air-exhausting pump. The 85 part C is left unchanged, in order to form a supporting-neck for the lamp. In forming this tubing, however, the lower end is often drawn out, as shown in Fig. 1. This small end is removed on the line xx, leaving the globe, 90 neck, and tube as shown in Fig. 2. F is a piece of glass tubing of the size some- what less than C. Upon its upper end is formed the bulb D, on whose top are drawn out the two wire seals p p. Below D the en- 95 largement E is formed in the tube F, its exte rior diameter being the same as that of C. Platinum wires ww, joined to conductors 1 2, are passed through openings in the projections pp, which are then fused by heat around the 100 wires w w, so as to seal the wires hermeti- cally in the glass by seals extending around the wire above the general surface of the bulb D, as clearly shown in the drawings. Clamps ce • 2319 2 230,255 are then attached to the wires, and the incan- descing conductor fastened in the clamps. • It is to be here remarked that the clamps or wires within the globe must be of some mate- 5 rial not so affected by any influences existing within the globe, where the proper vacuum has been attained, as to interfere with the light or its proper dissemination. If iron be used, it is so acted on that it is gradually destroyed, 10 with an ensuing deposit on the glass, obscur ing the transparency of the globe, and, also acting on the carbon, uniting with it, and finally destroying it. In order to prevent this and to guard against any injurious influences what- 15 ever, the clamps c c and wires within the globe should be of platinum or some metal or-met- als of the platinum group, treated by the pro- cess described by.me in an application for a patent now pending. 20 The arc I and bulb D are inserted in the neck Cuntil the end x x of the neck C rests upon the enlargement E, when the two are securely and hermetically there joined by fusion of the glass at that point. The lamp is then attached, 25 by the tube A, to an exhaust-pump. When the proper degree of exhaustion has been reached the tube A is sealed by fusion of glass at il and removed from the pump, whereupon a seal, b, is made in the tube A, immediately 30 above the globe B. This last sealing is made entirely in vacuo, and the degree of vacuum in B and in A,between b and d, is the same. I have found, however, that a perfect seal cannot be made when all the portions of the glass 35 which unite to form the seal were in a vacuum when the seal was made. Hence the seal d of the tube A is now broken off, admitting air in ❤ A above b. A is now sealed by fusion at e, or A may be broken off at e, and a drop of molten glass placed thereon to form the seal. The 40 seal a, Fig. 5, is now the resultant of two seal- ings-one at b in vacuo and one at e in air. I have found that such a seal is lasting under all conditions, and that by the method here indicated a globe is so constructed and sealed 45 that a vacuum perfectly stable is maintained therein. The wires 1 2, for attachment to devices for completing the circuit, pass out of the end of the tube F, in order to prevent their accidental 50 crossing or displacement. A plug, G, of cork, plaster-of-paris, or other insulating material, is put in the end of F, securing the wires therein. What I claim is- 1. The method of forming electric lamps, 55 substantially as set forth, consisting in sepa- rately forming the inclosing- globe and the supporting-bulb for the incandescent conduct- or, attaching the wires and incandescent con- ductor thereto, and then hermetically uniting 60 the parts prior to the formation of the vacuum, substantially as herein described. 1 2. The method of hermetically sealing a vacuum-chamber, substantially as described, which consists in first sealing in vacuo and 65 then sealing in air, substantially as described. In testimony whereof I have hereunto af- fixed my signature this 28th day of January, A. D. 1880. Witnesses: C. P. MOTT, S. D. MOTT. THOS. A. EDISON. 2320 No. 223,898. Figh. T. A. EDISON. Electric-Lamp. Patented Jan. 27, 1880. Fig. 1. m. α. px d **** 96 C' Fig. 3. a C' d Witnesses Charst Smith Gto. Pickny eTTe Inventor Thomas A. Edison for Lemuel W. Serrell Burrell } THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. alty 2321 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. ELECTRIC LAMP. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 223,898, dated January 27, 1880. Application filed November 4, 1879. To all whom it may concern: · Be it known that I, THOMAS ALVA EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the State of New Jersey, United States of America, have invented an 5 Improvement in Electric Lamps, and in the method of manufacturing the same, (Case No. 186,) of which the following is a specification. The object of this invention is to produce electric lamps giving light by incandescence, 10 which lamps shall have high resistance, so as to allow of the practical subdivision of the electric light. ► The invention consists in a light-giving body of carbon wire or sheets coiled or arranged in 15 such a manner as to offer great resistance to the passage of the electric current, and at the same time present but a slight surface from which radiation can take place. The invention further consists in placing 20 such burner of great resistance in a nearly- perfect vacuum, to prevent oxidation and in- jury to the conductor by the atmosphere. The current is conducted into the vacuum-bulb through platina wires sealed into the glass. 25 The invention further consists in the method of manufacturing carbon conductors of high resistance, so as to be suitable for giving light hy incandescence, and in the manner of secur- ing perfect contact between the metallic con- 30 ductors or leading-wires and the carbon con- ductor. Heretofore light by incandescence has been obtained from rods of carbon of one to four ohms resistance, placed in closed vessels, in 35 which the atmospheric air has been replaced by gases that do not combine chemically with the carbon. The vessel holding the burner has been composed of glass cemented to a me- tallic base. The connection between the lead- 40 ing-wires and the carbon has been obtained by clamping the carbon to the metal. The lead- ing-wires have always been large, so that their resistance shall be many times less than the burner, and, in general, the attempts of pre- 45 vious persons have been to reduce the resistance of the carbon rod. The disadvantages of follow- ing this practice are, that a lamp having but one to four ohms resistance cannot be worked in great numbers in multiple arc without the em- 50 ployment of main conductors of enormous di- mensions; that, owing to the low resistance of the lamp, the leading-wires must be of large dimensions and good conductors, and a glass globe cannot be kept tight at the place where the wires pass in and are cemented; hence the 55 carbon is consumed, because there must be al- most a perfect vacuum to render the carbon stable, especially when such carbon is small in mass and high in electrical resistance. The use of a gas in the receiver at the at- 60 mospheric pressure, although not attacking the carbon, serves to destroy it in time by "air- washing," or the attrition produced by the rapid passage of the air over the slightly-co- herent highly-heated surface of the carbon. I 65 have reversed this practice. I have discovered that even a cotton thread properly carbonized and placed in a sealed glass bulb exhausted to one-millionth of an atmosphere offers from one hundred to five hundred ohms resistance to the 70 passage of the current, and that it is absolutely stable at very high temperatures; that if the thread be coiled as a spiral and carbonized, or if any fibrous vegetable substance which will leave a carbon residue after heating in a 75 closed chamber be so coiled, as much as two thousand ohms resistance may be obtained without presenting a radiating-surface greater than three-sixteenths of an inch; that if such fibrous material be rubbed with a plastic com- 80 posed of lamp - black and tar, its resistance may be made high or low, according to the amount of lamp-black placed upon it; that car- bon filaments may be made by a combination of tar and lamp-black, the latter being pre. 85 viously ignited in a closed crucible for several hours and afterward moistened and kneaded until it assumes the consistency of thick put- ty. Small pieces of this material may be rolled out in the form of wire as small as seven 90 one-thousandths of a inch in diameter and over a foot in length, and the same may be coated with a non-conducting non-carbonizing substance and wound on a bobbin, or as a spi- ral, and the tar carbonized in a closed cham- 95 ber by subjecting it to high heat, the spiral after carbonization retaining its form. All these forms are fragile and cannot be clamped to the leading-wires with sufficient force to insure good contact and prevent heat- 100 ing. I have discovered that if platinum wires are used and the plastic lamp-black and tar material be molded around it in the act of car- bonization there is an intimate union by com- 2322 2 223,898 bination and by pressure between the carbon and platina, and nearly perfect contact is ob- tained without the necessity of clamps; hence the burner and the leading-wires are connect- 5 ed to the carbon ready to be placed in the vac- uum-bulb. IO When fibrous material is used the plastic lamp-black and tar are used to secure it to the platina before carbonizing. By using the carbon wire of such high re- sistance I am enabled to use fine platinum wires for leading wires, as they will have a small resistance compared to the burner, and henee will not heat and crack the sealed vac- 15 uum-bulb. Platina can only be used, as its expansion is nearly the same as that of glass. By using a considerable length of carbon wire and coiling it the exterior, which is only a small portion of its entire surface, will forin 20 the principal radiating-surface; hence I am able to raise the specific heat of the whole of the carbon, and thus prevent the rapid recep- tion and disappearance of the light, which on a plain wire is prejudicial, as it shows the 25 least unsteadiness of the current by the flick- ering of the light; but if the current is steady the defect does not show. 35 I have carbonized and used cotton and linen thread, wood splints, papers coiled in various 30 ways, also lamp-black, plumbago, and carbon in various forms, mixed with tar and kneaded so that the same may be rolled out into wires of various lengths and diameters. Each wire, however, is to be uniform in size throughout. If the carbon thread is liable to be distorted during carbonization it is to be coiled between a helix of copper wire. The ends of the car- bon or filament are secured to the platina leading-wires by plastic carbonizable material, 40 and the whole placed in the carbonizing-cham- ber. The copper, which has served to prevent distortion of the carbon thread, is afterward eaten away by nitric acid, and the spiral soaked in water, and then dried and placed on the 45 glass holder, and a glass bulb blown over the whole, with a leading-tube for exhaustion by a mercury - pump. This tube, when a high vacuum has been reached, is hermetically sealed. - With substances which are not greatly dis- 50 torted in carbonizing, they may be coated with a non-conducting non-carbonizable substance, which allows one coil or turn of the carbon to rest upon and be supported by the other. In the drawings, Figure 1 shows the lamp 55 sectionally. sectionally. a is the carbon spiral or thread. cd are the thickened ends of the spiral, formed of the plastic compound of lamp-black and tar. d d' are the platina wires. h h are the clamps, which serve to connect the platina wires, ce- 60 mented in the carbon, with the leading-wires xx, sealed in the glass vacuum-bulb. copper wires, connected just outside the bulb to the wires x x. m is the tube (shown by dotted lines) leading to the vacuum-pump, 65 which, after exhaustion, is hermetically sealed and the surplus removed. e e are Fig. 2 represents the plastic material before being wound into a spiral. Fig. 3 shows the spiral after carbonization, 70 ready to have a bulb blown over it. I claim as my invention- 1. An electric lamp for giving light by in- candescence, consisting of a filament of carbon of high resistance, made as described, and se- 75 cured to metallic wires, as set forth. 2. The combination of carbon filaments with a receiver made entirely of glass and conduct- ors passing through the glass, and from which receiver the air is exhausted, for the purposes 80 set forth. 3. A carbon filament or strip coiled and connected to electric conductors so that only a portion of the surface of such carbon con- ductors shall be exposed for radiating light, 85 as set forth. 1 4. The method herein described of securing the platina contact-wires to the carbon fila- ment and carbonizing of the whole in a closed chamber, substantially as set forth. 90 Sigued by me this 1st day of November, A. D. 1879. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. S. L. GRIFFIN, JOHN F. RANDOLPH. l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l lllllllllllllllllll O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C [Second Edition." 1 DI ON DROIT A.D. 1880, 11th FEBRUARY. N° 602. SPECIFICATION OF THOMAS ALVA EDISON. UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT, HEAT, AND POWER. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. LONDON: PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS' SALE DEPARTMENT, 38, CURSITOR STREET, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. Price 8d. 1882. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O JO V ð ð O ð ðŸ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2324 [Second Edition.] A.D. 1880, 11th FEBRUARY. N° 602. Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. LETTERS PATENT to Thomas Alva Edison, of Menlo Park, in the State of New Jersey, United States of America, for an Invention of "IMPROVEMENTS IN THE UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT, HEAT, AND POWER, BEING AN IMPROVED SYSTEM AND MEANS FOR THE GENERATION, REGULATION, DISTRIBUTION, MEASUREMENT, AND TRANSLATION OF ELECTRICITY INTO LIGHT, HEAT, OR POWER." PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Thomas Alva Edison at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 11th February 1880. THOMAS ALVA Edison, of Menlo Park, in the State of New Jersey, United States of America. “IMPROVEMENTS IN THE UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT, 5 HEAT, AND POWER, BEING AN IMPROVED SYSTEM and MEANS FOR THE GENERATION, REGULATION, DISTRIBUTION, MEASUREMENT, AND TRANSLATION OF ELECTRICITY INTO LIGHT, HEAT, OR POWER." The object of this Invention is to so arrange a system for the generation, supply, and consumption for either light, heat, or power, or either or all, of electricity that 10 all the operations connected therewith requiring especial care, attention, or know- ledge of the art shall be performed for many consumers at stations, leaving the consumer only the work of turning off or on the supply, as may be desired; in other words to so contrive means and methods that electricity may be supplied for consumption in a manner analogous to the system for the supply of gas and water, 15 without requiring any greater care or technical knowledge on the part of the consumer than does the use of gas or water, in order that economy, reliability, and safety may be insured. In carrying the Invention into effect a city, town, village, or locality may form one district, or if the extent of territory makes it desirable may be divided into 20 several districts. In each district I provide a central station, at which are grouped a suitable prime motor or several motors, dependent upon the amount to be supplied, generators or means for converting the prime motive power into electricity, means for determining and regulating the amount of electricity generated and supplied, in 25 order that a constant pressure of electricity (so to speak) may be kept up. The prime motors are any suitable engines, steam or water, and one or a series of two or more are provided as may be necessary, each of which is provided with [Price 8d.] 2325. 2 A.D. 1880.-N° 602. Provisional Specification. Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. its own system of shafting and belting driving a number of magneto electric machines, the number actuated by one prime motor being hereinafter termed a battery. • • It is to be noted, as is also shown in previous applications for Patents made by me, that I make my field of force magnets exceedingly long, and of an extremely 5 large mass of metal in proportion to the mass of metal in the revolving armature carrying the generating coil. By this extra length, as the magnetic tension at the poles increases with their distance apart, there is secured at the polar extensions acting upon the coils in the field of force a much greater magnetic intensity, or so to speak, a greater motive force or pressure, causing consequently 10 the generation of a greater amount of energy in the coils operated on than would result from the use of shorter magnets, even though the same mass of metal were used therein. By this elongation of the cores I am enabled to dispense with numerous convolutions or layers, one layer of wire being sufficient, whereby the resistance of the machine is largely diminished. The large mass of metal in these 15 magnets is magnetically saturated by a weak current passing around them. It takes this weak current a long time to bring this mass of metal up to the point of practical maximum magnetic intensity, but once brought to that point the weak current readily keeps them there, while with a shorter magnet a stronger current would more speedily magnetically saturate them; this stronger current would still 20 be required to keep them so saturated. If the coils of the field of force magnets and the generating coils were included in one circuit, and all the currents generated were passed through the field magnet coils, a very much greater amount of current than necessary for the maintainance of a practical magnetic maximum in the field of force magnets would be passed 25 around them, and the coils acting as resistances to the energy in excess of that required to magnetise the magnet to its practical maximum would cause a great waste of electric energy; hence I prefer to keep the field of force magnets and the generating coils separate, and that one machine in each battery (which machine may be termed the battery field of force generator) be used to supply the requisite 30 energy to the field of force magnets of the other machines in such battery (which may be termed the supply generators). • The coils of the field of force magnets are connected as a series in a multiple arc in one circuit, while the generating coils of the supply generators of each battery are all connected in a multiple arc to the main conductors (though for special 35 purposes they may be connected as a series). This will give great economy, as the per cent. of the entire current generated in each battery absorbed in keeping up the magnetic maximum in the field of force magnets, when it is furnished by one special machine of the battery, the number given it to feed being properly calculated, being less than when a portion of the 40 current generated in each machine is absorbed in its own field of force magnets. Where a single battery of machines is used it is preferable, in view of what has been herein before stated, that the current for the coils of the field of force magnets of the field of force generators of the battery be supplied by a small galvanic battery, but if more than one battery of machines be used the field of force 45 generators of all the batteries are fed from one or more prime field of force generators connected in a multiple arc or in a series, the field of force magnets of the prime field of force generator or generators used being kept magnetically saturated by a weak galvanic battery current, as before set forth. For instance, a weak galvanic current supplies the field current necessary for one prime field of 50 force generator, which in turn feeds the field of force magnets of the field of force generators of ten batteries of twenty or thirty machines, the ultimate effect in the generation of currents depending upon (as one important factor) the tension of the galvanic current sent through the field of force coils of the prime field of force generators. This prime field of force generator may however be a dynamo electric machins 55 2326 Provisional Specification. A.D. 1880.-N° 602. 3 Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. instead of a magneto machine, its field of force being kept up by the current generated in the machine instead of by a galvanic current. At the central 'station. all the supply generating coils or batteries thereof are connected to conductors on the multiple arc system, and from these conductors at 5 the station main conductors (which for convenience may be called simply the mains), connected thereto on the multiple arc system, lead in any and all desired directions, conveying the energy to the points where work either by translation into light or motive power is to be done. In order to give a better understanding of the method of regulating what for 10 convenience may be called the pressure of the current through the entire system, I will here state that all the devices for transmission of electricity into work are arranged on the multiple arc system, each device being in its own derived circuit, the effect being in substance to give each a circuit from the generating source independent of the circuit of all the other devices; as a resultant it follows 15 that the greater the number of transmitting devices brought into circuit, the less the total resistance of the current. For instance, I prefer my lamps should be of about 100 ohms. resistance, then if one lamp only be in circuit there is a resistance of 100 ohms. ; if another lamp be put in circuit, two circuits of 100 ohms. are provided for the current, making the 20 net total resistance to the current 50 ohms. Although the resistance in each derived circuit remain unchanged, this effect is ordinarily opposite to the effect produced by the addition of lamps when they are connected in an ordinary straight circuit, each one then adding to the resistance of the circuit. The bringing into operation successively of numbers of the devices, 25 and thereby making more patlis or circuits for the currents, does not appreciably lessen the pressure or diminish the effect upon the devices in use, the active force at the central station, viz., prime field of force generators and motive power, remaining unchanged until the net resistance of the devices in circuit exterior to the battery of machines is so diminished as to approach in a degree the resistance 30 of the battery and main conductors, it being remembered that as the machines of a battery are connected in multiple arc the net internal resistance of a battery is as many times less than one as there are machines in the battery. í To avoid any appreciable variations and insure uniformity it is essential that any lessening of pressure be immediately indicated, in order that just sufficient 35 energy be generated and sent out to keep up an equal flow through the circuit of each translating device, that is, that the pressure be kept up uniform whether more or less translating devices be in circuit. This is obtained by providing at the central stations means for constantly indicating the pressure and for regulating the production of appreciable variation 40 be indicated at each station test lights are arranged, so that an approximate visual test of the effect of pressure upon the circuit of any translating devices in use may be shown. From what has been said it is evident that as more or less translating devices are brought into circuit the total resistance of the circuit, or all the circuits thereof, 45 to the flow of all the current generated varies. To indicate this electrodynamo- meters, galvanometers or electrometers are placed across the main conductors at the central station, or by return wire at any point in the circuit, with a zero mark placed to correspond with the deflection consequent upon the maintenance of the proper amount of pressure. 50 55 It may be advisable (and I have so done) to place at the central station a series of standard" Daniell's " batteries, connected by a switch circuit to the galvanometer or dynamo galvanometer, in order that they may be frequently tested for any inaccuracy occurring from any cause whatever. By these means any error what- ever therein is readily detected. To correct variations in the pressure various means may be employed. Each supply generator may be connected into the circuit through a switch, and each series may be likewise so connected, so that the current of one or more of a series, R 1664. Wt. 1145. : 2327 4 A.D. 1880.-Nº 602. Provisional Specification, Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. or one or more entire series, may be cut out or thrown into the circuit; or each machine may be arranged so as to be disconnected from the prime motor, or when needed the prime motor of an entire series may be disconnected. The plan I prefer however is to arrange in connection with the circuit of the battery feeding the field of force magnets of the prime field of force generator before 5 referred to a series of resistances so that the energy of the battery current may be varied, this variation causing in turn a variation in current induced in prime field of force generator, and in all the generators directly or indirectly controlled thereby. When a dynamo machine is used these resistances are to be used in same manner in connection with the circuit including the coils around the field magnets. For distributing the current thus generated and regulated at the central station, I prefer to use conductors within insulated pipes or tubing made water tight and buried in the earth, provision being made at suitable intervals for house or side connections. 10 While this plan is preferable for many reasons it is evident that conductors may 13 be carried in the air or over house tops. While only one pair of conductors may be laid on each street, I prefer, especially where streets are wide, to lay a pair of conductors along each side of the street near the curb. At proper intervals street lamps may be connected thereto by derived circuits. From main conductors on principal streets subsiduary main conductors are laid 20 through side streets; from the street conductors, wherever desired, derived circuits are led into the houses, one of the conductors passing through a suitable meter, preferably one which measures the amount of electricity passing through, as set forth in my Patent, No. 4226, of October 23, 1878. In the house each translating device is placed in a derived circuit, the entire 25 system of means for generation, conduction, and translation being one great multiple arc system. The translating device in each house may be either for light or power, or both. For light, the electric lamp consisting of an incandescing material hermetically sealed in glass is preferred. This lamp is made of high resistance in comparison with that of any electric 30 lamps which to my knowledge have been proposed. In lights heretofore proposed the endeavour seems to have been to lessen the resistance of the carbon, none having been suggested of higher resistance than, say, 10 ohms., but I have discovered a very much higher resistance, say, 100 ohms., must be used in order that a number may be economically and successfully used in a system. The motor used should be so constructed that each with a constant flow or pressure of current will give the exact power required. 35 This requires that each motor should be wound with finer or coarser wire, and with more or less convolutions which determine the maximum effect of the motor. In addition, as the motors may be run with variable loads or amount of work to 40 perform, and as irregularity of speed would be a consequent thereof, it is preferable to provide each motor with a governor, which on excessive speed would operate to break the circuit of the motor or otherwise control it. A preferable form of governor, therefore, will form the subject matter of an application for Patent to be filed by me. A system arranged as thus described provides for all the conditions precedent to an economical and reliable utilization of electricity as a lighting or motive power agent. 45 As within certain ascertainable limits the greater the horse power of an engine the less the proportionate cost per horse power, by consolidating at one station the 50 prime motive force necessary to the generation of a supply for many consumers, a great economy as to production occurs. As ordinarily proposed, each electric light requires its own regulator, which usually is either thermostatic or magnetic, breaking the circuit or bringing in resistances, in any case making a cumbrous lamp requiring delicate management 55 and constant attention. By regulating at the central station entirely I am enabled to use a small separate 2328 Specification. A.D. 1880.-N° 602. Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. 5 lamp, which may be used with the exercise of no more than ordinary care or attention. The distribution is so provided for that tampering therewith is guarded against, and that connections from the mains to localities of translation are readily made. 5 The means for measuring insures accurateness, and in furnishing a basis for equitable charges for the amount used by one particular consumer. 10 15 SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent filed by the said Thomas Alva Edison in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 11th August 1880. THOMAS ALVA EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the State of New York, United States of America. “IMPROVEMENTS IN THE UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICITY FOR Light, HEAT, AND POWER, BEING AN IMPROVED SYSTEM AND MEANS FOR THE GENERATION, REGULATION, DISTRIBUTION, MEASUREMENT, AND TRANSLATION OF ELECTRICITY INTO LIGHT, HEAT, OR POWER." The object of this Invention is to so arrange a system for the generation, supply, and consumption for either light or power, or both, of electricity that all the operations connected therewith requiring special care, attention, or knowledge of the art shall be performed for many consumers at central stations, leaving the consumer only the work of turning off or on the supply, as may be desired; in 20 other words, to so contrive means and methods that electricity may be supplied for consumption in a manner analogous to the system for the supply of gas and water, without requiring any greater care or technical knowledge on the part of the consumer than does the use of gas or water, in order that economy, reliability, and safety may be ensured. 25 In carrying the Invention into effect a city, town, village, or locality may form one district, or if the extent of territory makes it desirable may be divided into several districts. In each district I provide a central station, at which are grouped a suitable prime motor or several motors, dependent upon the amount to be supplied, generators or means for converting the prime motive force into electricity, means 30 for determining the amount of electricity generated and supplied, in order that a constant pressure of electricity (so to speak) may be kept up. The prime motors are any suitable engines, steam or water, and one or a series of two or more are provided as may be necessary, each of which is provided with its own system of shafting and belting driving a number of magneto electric machines, the number 35 actuated by one prime motor being hereinafter termed a battery. It is to be noted that I make my field of force magnets exceedingly long and of an extremely large mass of metal in proportion to the mass of metal in the revolving armature carrying the generating coil. By this extra length, as the magnetic tension at the poles increases with their distance apart, there is secured at the polar extensions acting 40 upon the coils in the revolving armature a much greater magnetic intensity, or so · 2329 6 A.D. 1880.-N° 602. Specification. Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. to speak a greater magneto motive force or pressure, causing consequently the generation of a greater amount of energy in the coils operated on than would result from the use of shorter magnets, even though the same mass of metal were used therein. By this elongation of the cores I am enabled to dispense with a number of layers of coils, as one layer of wire is usually sufficient, whereby the resistance of 5. the machine is largely diminished. The large mass of these magnet cores is magnetically saturated by a weak current passing around them. It takes this weak current a long time to bring this mass of metal up to the point of practical maximum magnetic intensity, but once brought to that point the weak current readily keeps them there, while with a shorter magnet a stronger current would 10 more speedily magnetically saturate them; this stronger current would still be required to keep them so saturated. If the coils of the field of force magnets and the generating coils were included in one circuit, and all the current generated was passed through the coils of the field magnet, a very much greater amount of current than necessary for the maintenance 15 of a practical magnetic maximum in the field of force magnets would be passed around them, and the coils acting as resistances to the energy in excess of that required to magnetize the magnet to its practical maximum would cause a great waste of electric energy; hence I prefer to keep the coils of the field of force magnets and the generating coils separate, and that one machine in each battery (which machine 20 may be termed the battery field of force generator) be used to supply the requisite energy to the field of force magnets of the other machines in such battery (which may be termed the supply generator.) The coils of the field of force magnets are connected as a series or in multiple arc in one circuit, while the generating coils of the supply generators of each battery 25 are each and all connected in a multiple arc to the main conductors (though for special purposes they may be connected as a series). This arrangement ensures great economy, as the per cent. of the entire current generated in each battery absorbed in keeping up the magnetic maximum in the field of force magnets when it is furnished by one special machine of the battery, the 30 number given it to feed being properly calculated, being less than when a portion of the current generated in each machine is absorbed in its own field of force magnets. Where a single battery of machines is used it is preferable, in view of what has been herein before stated, for the current to the coils of the field of force magnets 35 of the battery generators be supplied by a small galvanic battery, but if more than one battery of machines be used the field of force generators of all the batteries are fed from one or more prime field of force generators connected in a multiple arc or in a series, the field of force magnets of the prime field of force generator or generators used being kept magnetically saturated by a weak galvanic battery 40 current, as before set forth. For instance, a weak galvanic current supplies the field current necessary for one prime field of force generator, which in turn feeds the field of force magnets of the field of force generators of ten batteries of twenty or thirty machines, the ultimate effect in the generation of current depending upon (as one important factor) the tension of the galvanic current sent through the field 45 of force coils of the prime field of force generators. The prime field of force gene- rators may however be a dynamo electric machine instead of a magneto machine, its field of force being kept up by the current generated in the machine instead of by a galvanic current. At the central stations all the supply generating coils or batteries thereof are 50 connected to conductors on the multiple arc system, and from these conductors at the station main conductors (which for convenience may simply be called the mains), connected thereto also on the multiple arc system, lead in any and all desired directions for conveying the energy to the points where work either by translation into light or motive power is to be done. In order to give a better 55 understanding of the method of regulating what for convenience may be called the pressure of the current through the entire system, I will here state that all the 2330 Specification. A.D. 1880.-N° 602. Edison's Impts, in the Utilization of Electricity for Light Heat, and Power. 7 devices for translation of electricity are arranged on the multiple are system, each device being in its own derived circuit, the effect being in substance to give each a circuit from the generating source independent of the circuit of all the other devices. As a resultant it follows that the greater the number of translating 5 devices brought into circuit the less the total resistance of the circuit. For instance, I prefer that my lamps shall each be of about one hundred ohms. resistance, then if one lamp only be in circuit there is a resistance of one hundred ohms. ; if another lamp be put in circuit two circuits each of one hundred ohms. are provided for the current, making the net total resistance to the current fifty ohms. Although the 10 resistance in each derived circuit remains unchanged, this effect is the opposite of the effect produced by the addition of lamps when they are connected in an ordinary straight circuit, each one then adding to the resistance of the circuit. The bringing into operation successively of numbers of the devices, and thereby making more paths or circuits for the current, does not appreciably lessen the 15 pressure or diminish the effect upon the devices in use, the active force at the central station, viz., prime field of force generators and motive power, remaining unchanged until the net resistance of the devices in circuit exterior to the battery of machines is so diminished as to approach in a degree the resistance of the battery and main conductors, it being remembered that as the machines of a battery are 20 connected in multiple arc the net internal resistance of a battery is as many times less than one machine as there are machines in the battery. To avoid any appreciable variation and ensure uniformity it is essential that any lessening of the pressure be immediately indicated, in order that just sufficient energy be generated and sent out to keep up an equal flow through the circuit of 25 each transmitting device; that is, that the pressure be kept up uniform whether more or less translating devices be in circuit. This is attained by providing at the central station means for constantly indicating the pressure and for regulating the production. If appreciable variation be indicated at such station test lights are arranged, so that an approximate visual test of the 30 effect of pressure upon the circuit of any translating devices in use may be shown. From what has been said it is evident that as more or less translating devices are brought into circuit the total resistance of the circuit, or all the circuits thereof, to the flow of all the current generated varies. a To indicate this electro-dynamometers, galvanometers, or electrometers are placed 35 across the main conductor at the central station, or by return wire at any point in the circuit, with a zero mark placed to correspond with the deflection consequent upon the maintenance of the proper amount of pressure. It may be advisable (and I have so done) to place at the central station à series of standard Daniel batteries, connected by a switch circuit to the galvanometer or dynamo galvanometer, in order 40 that they may be frequently tested for any inaccuracy occurring from any cause whatever. By these means any error is readily detected. To correct variations in the pressure various means may be employed. Each supply generator may be connected into the circuit through a switch, and each series may be likewise so con- nected, so that the current of one or more of a series, or one or more entire series, 45 may be cut out or thrown into the circuit; or each machine may be arranged so as to be disconnected from the prime motor; or, when needed, the prime motor of an entire series may be disconnected. The plan I prefer however is to arrange in connection with the circuit of the battery feeding the field of force magnets of the prime field of force generator before 50 referred to, a series of resistances so that the energy of the battery current may be varied, this variation causing in turn a variation in current induced in the prime field of force generator, and in all the generators directly or indirectly controlled thereby; where a dynamo machine is used these resistances are to be used in the same manner in connection with the circuit including the 55 coils around the field magnets. For distributing the current thus generated and regulated at the central station, I prefer to use conductors within insulated pipes or tubing made water tight and buried beneath the earth, provision being made au 2331 8 A.D. 1880.-N° 602. Specification. Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. suitable intervals for house and side connections. While this plan is preferable for many reasons it is evident that a conductor may be carried in the air or over house tops. While only one pair of conductors may be laid on each street, I prefer, especially where streets are wide, to lay a pair of conductors along each side of the street near 5 the curb. At proper intervals street lamps may be connected thereto by derived circuits. From the main conductors on principal streets, subsidiary main conductors are laid through side streets. From the street conductors, wherever desired, derived circits are led into houses, one of the conductors passing through a suitable meter, preferably one which measures the amount of electricity passing through. In the 10 house each translating device is placed in a derived circuit, the entire system of means for generation, conduction, and translation being one great multiple arc system. The translating device in each house may be either for light or power, or both. For light, the electric lamp consisting of an incandescent material hermeti- cally sealed in glass is preferred. This lamp should be of a high resistance in 15 comparison with the resistance of any electric lamp which to my knowledge has hitherto been proposed. The endeavour seems to have been to lessen the resistance of the carbon, but I have discovered that a very high resistance, say, one hundred ohms., must be used in order that a number may be economically and successfully used in a system. The motor used should be so constructed that each with a constant flow or pressure of current will give the exact power required. This requires that each motor should be wound with finer or coarser wire, and with more or less convolutions which determine the maximum effect of the motor. 20 In addition, as the motor may be run with variable loads or amounts of work to 25 perform, and as irregularity of speed would be a consequent thereof, it is preferable to provide each motor with a governor which, on excessive speed, will operate to break the circuit of the motor or to otherwise control it. A system arranged as thus described provides for all the conditions precedent to an economical and reliable utilization of electricity as a lighting or motive power 30 agent.. Within certain ascertainable limits the greater the horse power of an engine the less the proportional cost per horse power; so in my system by consolidating at one station the prime motive force necessary to the generation of a supply for many consumers a great economy is attained. เ 35 As ordinarily proposed, each electric light requires its own regulation, which usually is either thermostatic or magnetic, breaking the circuit or bringing in resistances, in any case making a cumbrous lamp, requiring delicate management and frequent attention. By regulating at the central station entirely I am enabled to use a small separate lamp which may be managed with the exercise of no more than 40 ordinary care or attention. The distribution is so provided for that tampering therewith is guarded against, and that connections from the mains to the translating devices are readily made. The means for measuring ensure accuracy, and furnish a basis for equitable charges for the amount used by any particular consumer. In the Drawings accompanying and forming part of this Specification an arrange- 45 ment of means is shown for carrying my Invention into effect, although it is to be particularly noted that the Invention is not dependent upon the specific means and their arrangement described and shown, but that they may be varied without departing from the spirit of my Invention. In these Drawings Fig. 1 is a plan of a central station. Fig. 2 is a modification of Fig. 1. >> " 3 is a plan illustrating the street mains and house connections, with trans- lating devices properly introduced. 60 4 is a plan showing a locality divided into four districts. In Fig. 1 three batteries of generators C, Č¹, C², are shown, which may be increased or diminished 55. as circumstances may demand. One generator c of each battery is used to generate the current feeding the field of force magnets of the machines in its battery, the 2332 Specification. A.D. 1880.-N° 602. 9 Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. circuit from such field generator through the field of force coils in each battery being shown by the dotted lines 2, 2, 2. For actuating the rotary parts an engine D is used with each battery connecting by belt d to line of shafting E, from which belts e pass to each generator. The 5 coils of each magneto battery in which currents are generated are connected, as in C¹ and C², in multiple arc to conductors 3, 3, 3, 3, which in turn are connected in multiple arc to main conductors, 6, 6, from which lead in multiple are the street conductors or mains 7, 7, or, as is shown in part of battery c, each machine may be directly connected in multiple arc to the station conductor 6, 6. F is the prime 10 field of force generator supplying the battery field of force generators c, c, c, its circuit being shown in, dotted lines 1, 1. The field of force magnets of F are magnetized by a current from the galvanic battery G, in whose circuit is arranged the series of resistances H provided with the cut out K, by which more or less of the resistances are put in or out of the circuit feeding the field magnets of F. This 15 arrangement forms a very effective and simple method of regulating the production of electric current or the pressure at the central station, for the current generated by F being dependent upon the intensity of the magnetization of its field of force magnets which in turn depends upon the current transmitted around the magnets by the battery G. As the resistance varies such current, it follows that by varying 20 the resistance in the circuit of G the current generated by F varies, which in turn varies the current generated in c, c, c, which in turn varies the current generated in the supply machines of the batteries, proportionate increase of current and rise of pressure in the latter following increase of current around the magnets of F, and vice versa. One or more test lamps T L are placed at the central station in 25 derived circuits to serve as a photometric test of the pressure in the line. For more accurately indicating variations in the pressure one or more electrometers, galvanometers, or electro dynamometers E D are placed in derived circuits with scale marks indicating the deflection caused by the electric pressure so as to compare the same with the standard pressure to be maintained. By the proper use of these 30 indicating devices and the regulating devices described, a uniform pressure may be readily and easily maintained through all the mains. It is preferable to connect all circuits from the generating machines to the main conductors 6, 6, through switches I, I, I, so that an entire battery or any portion thereof may be thrown in or out of circuit as the demand upon the station may indicate. It is to be noted also 35 that the belt to the pulley of each machine is to be so arranged by any well known plans that it may be disconnected from the motor when desired, and in this manner the number of machines in operation may be controlled, and the effective force of each machine while in operation is regulated by the resistance in the circuit G. The engine may be of any desired pattern or power, the number of machines in any 40 one battery being limited by the power of the engine. 45 In Fig. 2 c, c, c, c, are the generators for the field of force magnets in batteries not shown, and o¹ is the field of force generator of a battery of which three supply generators c², c2, c², are shown connected to station conductors 6, 6, as before explained. > The prime field of force generator F is in this case a dynamo-electric machine instead of a magneto electric machine, as shown in Fig. 1, all its coils being included in one circuit 8, 8, which passes around the field of force magnets of the battery generators c, c, c, c, cl. The same principle of regulation is used however, the resistance H and cut out K therefore being arranged in connection with the circuit 50 through F1 so as to cause variation in the tension of the current therein, as and with the result before explained. In this Figure there is shown what may be used also in connection with the plan shown in Fig. 1, viz., means of testing the electro- dynamometer E D or other indicating instrument used. From a standard Daniel's battery, D B a circuit te may be formed through E D by means of the switch L 55 when moved to the position shown by dotted lines, so that the correctness of E D may be ascertained periodically, and any inaccuracies which might arise be guarded 2333 10 A.D. 1880.-Ѻ 602. Specification. Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. against; usually the switch L remains as shown in full lines, and E D is in a branch between the main conductors 6, 6. The main conductors 7, 7, Fig. 3, are to be connected with the corresponding wires at central stations (see Fig. 1), and lead down each side of the street M S. The conductors 7, 7, also branch off into intersecting streets I S. The small 5 circles o in this Figure indicate electric lamps. For street lighting they are placed as shown in derived circuits from the street mains. From the mains derived circuits 9, 9, lead into houses, in which are placed at suitable spots the meters M, through which one of the house conductors passes, and by which the amount of electricity supplied to the house is accurately determined. Upon these house 10 circuits are arranged lamps o, on the multiple arc system, in such number, position, and grouping, as may be desired. In these circuits I also propose to introduce electro-motors E M, wherever desired for furnishing light motive power. From the motor a belt i leads to a line of shafting h and pulleys a, a, for any needed dis- tribution of the power, or the belt i may pass directly to a sewing or other 15 machine, a separate motor being used for each power driven machine. Where motors are desired each preferably should be made of a power propor- tionate to the maximum work to be done. While the electrical tension in each machine is regulated at the central station, yet if the maximum load or work be diminished at any particular motor its speed would necessarily be increased; it 20 also might be desired at times to diminish the normal speed of the motor. In order, therefore, that some determinate speed may be maintained irrespective of load or work, each motor should be furnished with a governor to regulate the electric circuit and the speed. In Fig. 4 is shown a locality divided into four supply districts; each is provided 25 with its own central station marked CS', CS2, CSS, and CS4. From each station the mains 7, 7, lead out, as before described. At convenient points, however, say P, P, connections between the mains of the stations may be made, as shown in dotted lines, the effect then being to merge the entire locality into one large district with four supply stations, the pressure through all being uniform, and each station 30 doing its own quota toward maintaining the uniform pressure. The use of four stations and districts in this diagram is arbitrary, and for illustration only, as the number actually employed in any one locality depends upon the area of the district and the number of lights to be maintained What I claim as my Invention is,- First. A system for the generation and application of electricity consisting in the combination of means at a central station for generating the electricity and for indicating and regulating its pressure, means for distributing the electricity, and devices for translating it into light or motive power, substantially as set forth. Second. A system for the generation and application of electricity consisting in a combination of means at a central station for generating the electricity, and for indicating and regulating its pressure, means for distribution, means for translating, and means for measuring the amount used by each consumer, substantially as set forth. 35 40 45 Third. The method of regulating the electro motive force or pressure in the main conductors by regulating the strength of the field of force magnets of the main magneto electric machines, so that variation of pressure upon the connection or disconnection of translating devices may be prevented, substantially as set forth. Fourth. The method of regulating the amount of effect at the translating devices 50 by regulating the field of force current of the generators, substantially as set forth. Fifth. The method of regulating the generative capacity of one or a battery of magneto electric or dynamo electric machines by regulating the current passing through the field of force magnets; substantially as set forth. Sixth. The method of regulating the generative capacity of one or a battery of 55 2334 Specification. A.D. 1880.-N° 602. Edison's Impts. in the Utilization of Electricity for Light, Heat, and Power. 11 magneto electric or dynamo electric machines by varying the resistance of the circuit passing around the field of force magnets, substantially as set forth. Seventh. The method of operating a battery of magneto electric machines by using the entire current of one machine of the battery to supply the field of force 5 current of the remainder, and throwing the entire current of the latter into a circuit for use, substantially as set forth. Eighth. The combination with one electrical circuit of a number of separate translating devices, substantially as set forth. Ninth. The combination with one main electrical circuit of a number of separate 10 translating devices arranged therein upon the multiple arc system, substantially as set forth. Tenth The combination with a number of translating devices of one regulator placed at a central station and regulating all the said devices, substantially as set forth. 15 Eleventh. The combination with one or a battery of generators and a number of translating devices of means for constantly indicating the electric pressure upon the translating devices, substantially as set forth. Twelfth. The combination of a number of generators and a number of trans- lating devices, all arranged upon derived circuits or multiple arcs, substantially as 20 described. 25 Thirteenth. The combination with means for constantly indicating the electric pressure of a battery for testing the indicating means, substantially as described. In witness whereof, I, the said Thomas Alva Edison, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 29 day June, A.D. 1880. Witnesses, S. L. GRIFFIN. FRANK MCLAUGHLIN. THOMAS ALVA EDISON. (LS.) LONDON: Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [1145.-100.—4/82.] A.D.1880. FEB.11. No. 602. SHEET 1. 2335 EDISON'S SPECIFICATION. (2nd Edition.) 6 ? I 回回 ​C. FIG.I. 01 07 Dz D X f FIC. 2. HRD. E.C 7 RD. 810 गाठा. 8. C ૨ ठगाठ 101 ठिन R Он ठ te LONDON. Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty 1882 ED I DB O O 6 · (2 SHEETS) A.D.1880. FEB.11. Nº 602. 2. (2 SHEET ) 2336 EDISON'S SPECIFICATION. (2nd Edition.) 7 7 MS 7 7 ور 034 es' 7 7. .3. IS 171S FIC.4. MS 9 CS8 LONDON. Printed by GEORGE EDWARD FIRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE. Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty 1882. Cs2 ་་་་་་་་་་ནན་ SHEETS2337 Complainant's Exhibit, Forbes' Cantor Lectures. SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. } CANTOR LECTURES ON DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. BY PROFESSOR GEORGE FORBES. DELIVERED BEFORE THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 2, 9, AND 16, 1885. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. TROUNCE, 10, GOUGH SQUARE, FLEET STREET, E.C. . 1885. Price One Shöllina. 2338 SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. CANTOR LECTURES ON DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. BY PROFESSOR GEORGE FORBES. DELIVERED BEFORE THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 2, 9, AND 16, 1885. LONDON : PRINTED BY W. TROUNCE, 10, GOUGH SQUARE, FLEET STREET, E.C. 1885. Price One Shillina. 2339 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. BY PROFESSOR GEORGE FORBES. LECTURE I-DELIVERED FEBRUARY 2, 1885. INTRODUCTORY. When asked to give a course of lectures on the distribution of electricity, I was very pleased to accept the task, because I felt that such a work was much needed. Numbers of engineers have worked out very fully numerous problems in electrical distribution for their own wants, but no classification of systems has been attempted, and no work has been published to assist the engineer in drawing out specifications and selecting between systems. I also felt that a principal reason why public electric lighting had made so small progress was the difficulty of planning a system of dis- tribution, and the probability that an expen- sive system proposed to-day would be super- seded by a more economical system next year. The low pressure system called multiple arc distribution is enormously expensive, and necessitates the engine-house being in the centre of the populous district lighted, and this is seldom feasible. A high pressure system gets over this difficulty, but we can hardly say that any such system has yet been brought to practical perfection. This is what is wanted for large central station lighting, although much can be done even on the ex- pensive low pressure plan. At first I proposed to make these lectures extremely popular. But as I progressed, I found that I should sacrifice too much by avoiding technicalities, and I felt that the time I have spent on their preparation would have better fruit if I addressed myself more directly to brother engineers, but still in language clear enough to be understood by a non-technical audience. sure I shall use the Parliamentary term " pres- in these lectures, signifying difference of electric potential between the two con- ductors. Those who have had mcst to do with large practical installations know best what serious items are the cost of conductors and the purchase of a site. The latter would be enormously diminished if the works could be at a distance. It is my duty in these lectures to see how far in each system of dis- tribution the cost of conductors can be di- minished; and wherever economy clashes with other facts, and introduces new engineering difficulties, it will be my duty to show how these engineering difficulties may be removed. One thing I must insist upon. If the econo- mical considerations lead us to a large con- ductor, we must recommend that large con- ductor. No financial questions of a difficulty in raising the money may be allowed to in- fluence the engineer in recommending a smaller conductor than his calculations have proved to be the most economical in the end. You all know the different systems which have been proposed for lighting. You know how arc lights have been distributed in series, and how incandescent lamps have been put on multiple arc in large stations. More especially you are acquainted with what has been done in America in this matter. In some cases only has a special system been thoroughly worked out; and in very few cases, I fancy, 2340 have different systems been relatively com- pared and pursued so as to bring out the most economical conditions possible. Besides these different systems I have spoken of the series and multiple arc systems-you are aware that the latter, the multiple arc, is divided into a number of different modes of dis- tribution. You have all heard people talking about the network system, the system with three mains, and also of lines-of-centres distribution. These are different modes of multiple arc system. And so also we have another one, which is called the multiple series system, which has been used to a certain extent, and very successfully used, but which has very radical defects in it which have pre- vented its general adoption; at the same time, many distinguished engineers believe that, in the future, there may be a possibility of making this system efficacious, and of removing the defects which are in the way. The objection to the ordinary multiple system, where all the lamps are connected to two massive mains, or to a number of wires which are so connected together as to make two massive mains, is the enormous cost of the conductors. Besides the difficulty that the Electric Lighting Act is unworkable, as every unpre- judiced person must admit that it is, there is no doubt another fact which has largely hindered electric lighting, and that is the enormous cost of the mains. And not only that, but the multiple arc system introduces another serious expense. It becomes essential with such large mains to have our central station and our engines in the centre of the district which is being supplied. Now, in a thickly populated neighbourhood, such as it would be economical to light on the multiple arc system, it is very difficult to get a site for your engine and dynamos, and this has been acknowledged by those who have tried to under- take the system in London to be one of the most serious objections to the multiple arc system. Thus at every point we see that it is of the utmost importance that engineers should devote their attention to economy in the con- struction of their mains, to enable us to have a good supply after the most economical system of mains which is possible, whether that system be multiple arc or multiple series, or any other of the modifications which have been proposed. It is at present the earnest hope of thousands and thousands of the inhabitants of our great towns that they may have elec- tricity supplied to their houses from central stations, just as gas is at the present time. 4 They have been prevented hitherto from ob- taining such a supply, partly by the cost of production and supply, and partly by the jealousies of municipal authorities acting through Parliament, and who have undertaken gas speculations. The public who want the electric supply will not endure this much longer, and it becomes a matter of importance for electricians to see how far they are able to reduce the cost of production and supply. PRODUCTION. The question of production is one which has been very fully discussed. The dynamo machine affords the most economical means of production, and will probably continue to do so. If ever it be superseded, it can only be by a step in our knowledge entitled to the name of a great scientific discovery. Such discoveries do not come at our bidding. They are evolved in the laboratory of the patient scientific inquirer, and seldom in the workshop of the speculative inventor. In selecting our dynamo, cost of manufacture and maintenance, and cost of production of electrical energy, are the chief items to be considered. For a central station with 10,000 lamps, we want to have about 1,000 electrical horse-power in the circuit. We may use high-tension machines in parallel, or low-tension machines in series, until we get in the external circuit 7,500 ampères and 100 volts (if such be the class of lamp we are using), or we may use a single machine to produce the same effect. It is better to use a large number of machines, so that they may be each removable and able to be replaced by another when repairs are necessary. But it is a matter of indifference what class of machine we employ (high-tension in parallel, or low-tension in series), except so far as cost is concerned. We have simply to choose the machine which gives the greatest output of energy in the circuit at the least expense. I have drawn attention to this because it is important, and because few people have thought of combining low tension machines in series. And I have confidence that the sim- plicity of construction of these machines, their cheapness and economy of maintenance, and their infinitesimal internal resistance, will lead them to be generally adopted. The question of primary batteries must be laid on one side as being quite too costly. If a battery were made practical in which coke or charcoal should be consumed instead of zinc, we might discuss the matter. In 1880, I 2341 made a number of partially successful experi- ments in this line, but with no very definite result. If, on the other hand, the residual products of a battery were valuable, and there was unlimited demand for them, some progress might be made. As yet we have no reason for hope in this direction. Secondary batteries being dependent entirely upon the dynamo, are connected with the supply rather than with the production of the current. There are other systems, such as that which utilises alternate currents combined with the induced current distributors on the plan perfected by Messrs. Gaulard and Gibbs. This also is rather a question of supply and distribution, and will be left to a later stage for discussion. Leaving now the question of the production of electricity on one side, the next point to be considered is its distribution and supply. But before attacking this problem directly, I should like to make a comparison of it with the similar problem with respect to gas. COMPARISON WITH GAS DISTRIBUTION. The production of gas is a somewhat ex- tensive laboratory experiment enlarged to a commercial scale. The distillation of coal, and the subsequent treatment of the gas by condensers, scrubbers, and lime purifiers, previous to its admission through the regu- lator and station meter to the gas holder, is really a complicated process compared with the production of electricity. In its distribution through mains to the houses of individuals, the problem is very similar to the problem for electricity. A certain pressure is given to the gas at the central statica. With this pres- sure it must be forced through the mains, and must be delivered to the gas-jets of con- sumers at a definite pressure. The pressure must not vary seriously with the number of jets in use, nor with the position of a house in the district. There must be no leakage in the pipes, or as little as possible. In all these points electricity has its analogue. More- over, a difference of pressure will establish itself if the flow of gas and the resistance of the pipes to this flow are large; and the larger the pipes the less is this resistance. Hitherto, the analogies are very striking. There are, however, two points of difference. First, in gas-distribution the resistance to the flow of gas is not proportional inversely to the area of the pipe, so that while with electricity the resistance of 100 parallel wires is the same as that of one wire 109 times the section, this 5 is not the case with gas, where the hundred pipes have much more resistance than the simple pipe of 100-fold section. Secondly, the cost of gas mains is not proportional to their sectional area, and still less is it proportional to the current of gas it has to carry. With electricity, on the one hand, the cost of mains always increases at least in proportion to the current. The consequence of these facts is, that the cost of mains is an incomparably more important matter in the case of electricity than in that of gas. This is what renders the dis- tribution of electricity so important and worthy of study by the electrician. Upon the arrange- ments made under this head depends very largely the question whether or not electricity is as cheap a means of lighting as gas. While comparing gas and electricity, it is surprising to see how great difficulty has been met in introducing the latter. When gas was introduced, the public had no experience of, nor occasion for confidence in, a general supply, and the laying of pipes was a leap in the dark. There was no knowledge of the size of pipes required, there was little means of even guessing at the probable consump- tion. At the present time a public supply of light is well understood and appreciated, and we know well what currents our wires will carry. Moreover, from the known gas con- sumption, we can form a more accurate esti- mate of the probable demand for electricity. Then, at the same time when gas was intro- duced, the burners were infamous (merely a hole in the top of a closed tube), and the flame was smoky and sulphurous, consumed the oxygen, poisoned the air, and blackened sur- rounding objects, while its smell was odious and unwholesome. It was not known how to prevent leaks, and leaks meant explosions. The inexperience of the public was certain to leave cocks turned on-hence explosions again, and deaths from suffocation by gas. Gas gave a naked flame which is a constant source of danger, while to-day the incan- descent light cannot set light to anything. Yet, in spite of all these advantages, the diffi- culty of introducing electricity has been far greater than was that of introducing gas. The electric light must contend against a mono- poly. Gas had a fair and open field. Our Legislature has favoured the monopolists; the legislators for gas encouraged its develop- ment. Gas met with financial speculators just as electricity has done. The monopolists who have sprung into existence are the one deterrent cause. 2342 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. Passing now to the subject of these lectures, it will be well if we give a general survey to- day of the various points with which we have to deal, and of the different plans of distribu- tion, which must afterwards be considered in detail. 6 0'0024 of an ohm. Now, the energy which is used up is given you by the calculation R divided by 746. That is equal to 3·2 horse. power used up in every 100 yards of our con- ductor for every 1,000 ampères. Now, what is the cost of this electrical horse-power per annum? It is usually considered safe to say a horse-power costs £10 per annum, but, owing to the period in which electricity would be used, this is not a safe figure. Let me begin by considering £20 as the cost of horse- power. £64 is the cost of the total horse- power. We have wasted in four years in every hundred yards £256; in twenty years £1,280 is wasted in that conductor. Now, if I double the size of my conductor, I have the quantity of power wasting reduced to £640. The The first thing to be noticed is that, in order to give electricity a fair chance in competing with, or supplementing, the gas supply, the cost of one of its most expensive parts, i. e., the conducting mains, must be reduced as low as possible. Various schemes have been pro- posed with one advantage or another. Some systems have been devised whose speciality is that they do not allow the potential to vary much. Other systems have specially in view the avoidance of total darkness if an accident.question comes to me, would it cost more than should occur at any point. At present it is essential that these considerations should be second to economy. Let us first get the most economical system, and all things else shall be added hereafter. Now, in attempting to reduce the size of our conductors, we meet with three difficulties:- 1. With small con- ductors, energy is wasted in heating them, and this may become very considerable. Thus, while capital outlay on copper is saved by small conductors, the annual consumption of coal is increased, and large engines and dynamos are required. 2. With large currents this heat may be sufficient to injure the insula- tion. It also increases the resistance of the conductors; and if the conductors be under- ground, the heat may become unpleasant to foot-passengers. Clearly, the conductors must be large enough to prevent such troubles. 3. There is a loss of potential in the mains, which is greater where these are smaller. This loss is also greater in proportion to the number of lamps fed by the main. The fall of potential with one lamp might be one-tenth of a volt, and with 100 lamps it would be ten volts. So large a variation under varying conditions of consumption cannot be permitted, and the conductors must be large enough to prevent any such variations. I propose now to say a, few words on each of these heads, in order to prepare the way for criticising different systems of conducting mains. Now, let us first look at the problem with a few figures before us, to see on what scale we are dealing. Suppose that we are using a conductor of a square inch section to carry 1,000 ampères. The resistance of 100 yards of that conductor of pure copper would be £640 of capital to lay down an extra hundred yards of a similar section? No, it would not; and, therefore, it is economical to double my conductor. And so we go, step by step, until we find that the gain is just equal to the extra expenditure of capital in the laying down of conductors, and then we have arrived at a satisfactory arrangement. You will easily see if you work this out. Now this is an important point, in fact one of primary importance. It was first approached by Sir William Thomson in an address to the British Association, in 1881, in which he read a paper on Economy of Metal Conductors of Electricity," and, in that most interesting paper, he arrived at the conclusion that the interest spent upon the capital of the conductors should be equal to the value of the energy which is wasted annually in these conductors. "The The first question which becomes a trouble is, what are we to consider the cost of elec- trical horse-power? There are two ways of looking at this problem, and we will just glance at them independently. First, let us take the case of an installation which has been carefully estimated for; and let us see there, after the whole of the buildings, distributing and supply plant, and everything has been laid down, what is the cost of each horse-power of electricity, if you like to call it so. To give you a perfectly unbiased example, I have taken the figures, kindly furnished me by Mr. Crompton, of a large installation for which he carefully prepared estimates. I find, on looking into this, that in this case the cost of electrical horse-power- of course depending on the number of hours used during the year-if it was for 1,000 hours, the cost of horse-power came to about 5d.; • 2343 ས for 2,000 hours in the year, 3'5d.; and for 3,000 hours only 3d.; and that means for the year in these three cases, it would be 5,000 pence, 7,000 pence, and 9,000 pence. Now, the next question that comes before us is, what is the number of hours we are supposed to use our electricity? There is very little doubt that about 1,000 hours is probably a fair average consumption for people in a town; but I think it very likely that, at any rate in the first installation set up, a certain selection will be possible, which will raise the average a little higher. For my own purposes at present, I am going to assume 1,500 hours; if you prefer another value, you can work it out yourselves to suit it. That will be the average cost of those two, which comes almost exactly to £25 a year. Now, if you work out the cost of the energy wasted in a 1,000 yards con- ductor, you will find, I think, that the follow- ing figures are energy wasted in the conductor for 3 in., 4 in., 41 in., 5 in., 5§ in., 6 in., and 6 in.; the amount is £228, £20, £17·8, £16, £145, £132, and £12. Therefore, the gain in passing from any one to the next is 2·8, 2'2, 1·8, 1°5, 1*3, and 1'2. These are the gains which there are in increasing the size of the conductor. Up to this point it is all plain sailing, a matter of plain calculation. The next thing is, What is the interest on the capital which is expended? This, of course, depends on the way in which the mains are laid, and different people have different ideas about how they should be laid. Many people lay mains at present with stranded cables. For my own part, I cannot see what is the object of doing this; it is the most expensive form in which you can produce your copper, and really nothing is to be gained. It seems to me simply to arise from the fact that cables we used previously were submarine cables, and certainly they are of great advantage there; but why they should be used on land, where there is no strain, I see no earthly reason. Others think they should be laid in massive bars of semicircular shape, covered with bituminous compound: others, in flat sheets laid in troughs. At any rate, every person differs from every other, and consequently every person must have a different value for his cost of copper. But I have taken it as an example, simply, and you need not take the value I use. Take the £100 a ton as the cost of adding an additional amount of copper to our mains, after the troughs and so on have been laid. In that case the interest 7 | upon it depends upon the per-centage which we allow. Now, what are we to allow? Ought it to be 5, 7, or 10? That, again, is a ques. tion for the engineer to determine for himself, But allow me to point this out, that when we are increasing the size of our mains, really we ought to be diminishing the per-centage allowed for maintenance. The wear and tear is less, heating is less, the danger to insulation is less; everything leads us to believe there is a less cost of maintenance with a large conductor than with a small one. This is a very important point. Each one must judge for himself whether to take 5, 7, or 10 per cent. He will find with 5 per cent. the annual cost is £127, at 7 per cent. £1.91, at 10 per cent. £2'55; so that what we have to do is to find that size of conductor which should equal the interest which we happen to consider the right interest. Supposing 5 per cent., then we have £127 settled, which gives 6 inches; 7 per cent., £1'91, about 4 or 4 inches; and 10 per cent., £2.55; between 3.5 and 4 inches for a thousand ampères, I have gone through this example carefully just to give you a clear conception of the way in which the problem is to be worked out, but I think you may very safely say that the consumption I have taken is too large. It is perfectly true that this estimate to which I have alluded includes the cost of buildings, dynamos, boilers, and other machinery, the mains, and also the annual cost of coals at 18s. per ton. Well, all these points do come in, therefore it is a question for each one to consider for himself how far these things are to be divided in this way. It may be said by some, however, that it is desirable only to look upon our plant as being fixed, and sup- posing we want to carry extra current on the same size of conductor, would it be wise to do so or not? We may ask, "With a working station, what would be the extra cost for energy wasted if we increased the current for the same section of wires?" The answer might be given that everything is in place and paid for, except an extra engine and dynamo, and the cost of coal, oil, waste, and petty stores for the extra energy. The cost of a mechanical horse-power so reckoned is, say, o'75d. per hour with coal at 21s. the ton, say I'ood. for an electrical horse- power per hour, including loss of trans- formation, besides the cost of the dynamo, i.e., 1500d., or £6.250 per horse-power per annum of 1,500 hours. The cost of dynamos is £20 per 1,000 watts of maximum output, or £7 18s per horse-power, which, at 15 per cent., is 2344 £1 2s. 6d. per annum. Thus the whole annual charge per horse-power, in this way of looking at it, is :- Power.. Dynamo Total charge.... £6.250 I'125 7'375 Now, we have seen above that when a con- ductor of one square inch section carries a current of 1,000 ampères, the loss of energy per 100 yards is 3.2 electrical horse-power, which is £23.599 per annum. Our Table now becomes the following:- Section in Cost of waste Gain for 1-10 sq. in. inch increase. energy. Extra cost of mains at 5 per cent. 0.635 0·635 £ £ £ 2.50 9 440 0.863 2.75 8.577 0.711 3:00 7·866 0.605 } 3'25 7.261 3.50 6'743 0518 0.635 0.635 It is not fair to allow more than 5 per cent. on the extra copper, as there is no extra atten- tion required, in fact probably less attention, owing to the smaller development of heat. This gives the maximum economy at 3 to 3°25 inches the 1,000 ampères. Where the cost of an electrical horse-power is 0.8d. in place of a penny (exclusive of interest and depreciation in the dynamo) the economical size comes out 2.5 square inches to the 1,000 ampères. I have now gone very fully into the question of the most economical size of conductors. But it is one of prime importance in the whole of our problem; and in conclusion, I will furnish you with a Table which I find to be of great use. The engineer can choose his facts for him- self absolutely, can choose what he considers to be the right value of the electrical horse- power every year for the number of hours he proposes to run. He can also choose the cost of copper which he thinks it will suit him to lay. Having done that, he proceeds in this manner : I will take as an example copper costing £100 a ton; take 7 as the rate of interest; I look along the column of Table IIb. (p. 13) until I find £100, look down until I come to 7, and find the figure 316. I then look to the top of the Table IIa. (p. 13), and I have £8 a year, say, for my electrical horse-power. I look along the column of £8 a year until I find the figure 8 nearest to 386, and I find that it comes to a place beneath the number 2'7; in that case 2.7 would be the square inches which are re- quired for the main on those conditions imposed by the engineer himself. I have given another Table (p. 12) for continual reference, showing the resistance of 100 yards and various other facts, also the current which will heat the wire. Before leaving the subject of the cost, allow me once more to impress upon you that I con- sider this matter of primary importance, and no consideration must ever lead the engineer to deviate from the strict rules which regulate the cost. It may be in some special cases not always practicable to regulate our wires to carry the current exactly at this rate. It may be because it is easy to get a stock of con- ductors at slightly different size, or it may be inconvenient to be always varying the estimate in the size. But these principles must be gone into for every part of the scheme, and in our practical application we must stick as closely to our results arrived at there as we possibly can. It is no use for the engineer to say that financial people will not bring forward the money for these costly mains. The engineer, in my way of looking at it, has no right to look at what the financiers want to do. He must tell them honestly what is the most economical thing to do. If the financier wants to lay out capital in a particular direction, knowing that he will be causing a waste of energy, the engineer ought to have nothing to do with such matters. He ought honestly to give the value of the current which is most economical. I have dealt now fully enough with the first cause that prevents us from diminishing the thickness of our conductors. The second cause why we should not reduce too much, is the heating of the conductors. There are, in this, three injurious facts; in the first place, it spoils the insulation; the insulating power of the material diminishes by being heated, and the material itself becomes injured; more- over, when it is hot, it usually becomes soft, and the conductors can sink into it, and thus become decentralised. And in the second place, the conductors themselves are injured, because their resistance is in- creased by the increase of temperature, and these increases of temperature, mark you, are very considerable. And in the third place, the increase of temperature may be very serious, and may actually be objectionable along the streets. I have here a small piece of cable which shows the decentralising action along the streets. 2345 of bituminous compound. This has been lying for six or eight months in a cool part of a cool room, always lying in the same position. I believe when I got it it was perfect, but in a cool place it gradually sunk, and now it is very decidedly out of centre. An old experiment which I used to show when I held my chair at Glasgow, illustrates the viscosity of objects. It was first suggested to me, and I first saw it done, by Sir William Thomson in his labora. tory. A block of hard brittle pitch-or shoe-makers' wax would serve the same purpose is set with a bullet on the top and corks underneath; in six months the bullet will have sunk into the pitch, and the corks will have risen several inches up through it. This simply shows you how such bituminous compounds must be carefully watched, and how very objectionable is any viscous material in the way of decentralising the conductor. Now, as to the question of heating con ductors, I will not take up much of your time this evening, because I have already, in'a paper which I read at the Society of Tele- graph Engineers last year, gone into the ques- tion very fully. It used to be supposed by some that if the currents in different wires were proportional to the section of the wire, the heating would be the same in all. This is not so, and when we look into the matter we could not expect it to be so. Heat is gene- rated in a wire at a steady rate, and, if the temperature of the wire has reached a stationary condition, the same quantity of heat is carried off from the surface of the wire. I showed by experiment, in 1882,* that to give the same heating in different wires (when these wires are small) the diameters of the wires should be nearly proportioned to the currents they have to carry. I will show you by a simple experiment that if the currents should be proportional to the section, the thicker wire would get hottest. Here I have two wires of the same length; one is ten times the thickness of the other. I unite their ends in parallel and send a current through. The current splits up into two parts proportioned to the section of the wires. Both wires get hot, but the thick one hottest, as you see by its white incandescence, whilst the other is not luminous. I only draw your attention to the question now, because there is an important point which, I am glad to say, needs correction. A discovery has been made of an error near the end of the paper which might be mislead- British Association Report. 9 ing, and which probably has misled some. I will give you a corrected edition of it. Here is the Table to which I have referred. It gives you underground conductors. I have recommended sheets of copper for under- ground conductors, because the temperature is far less raised when you have a thin con- ductor. Width in inches, of copper conductor, x cmr. thick. Cross-section in square inches. Current to raise surface temperature 10° C. ampères. 3.2 O'25 250 12.7 0.98 1,000 ·38.1 2.95 3,000 63.5 4'92 5,000. 127.0 9.84 10,000 889.1 68.88 70,000 This is a most important point. We have absolute control over the temperature; by widening out our sheet we have diminished temperature, and can make the heat of con- ductors subservient to economy. It is not essential that copper sheet should be used. The same mass of copper put into rods, or wires side by side, would produce the same effect if the average thickness of copper con- tinues to be one centimetre, and these rods might be insulated in any way, or put in pipes. The depth at which these are laid does not affect the heat of the surface of the pavement so long as the depth does not exceed two feet, but the temperature of the conductor itself is greater at the greater depth. It is satisfactory to find that the considera- tions of heating the insulation and heating the surface of the pavement, lead to the same result as that of economy, viz., that we should have 1 square inches per 1,000 ampères of current. I pointed out that if you do not bury your conductors more than about two feet, the sur- face temperature is not affected; only the temperature of the conductor. If you go two feet deeper, you will affect the surface tempe- rature also. I have thought that up to 10° C. is the limit endurable by foot-passengers. In the summer the rising temperature of the pave- ment is most objectionable; fortunately, this is the time when the current is the least used. Moreover, the temperature does not imme- diately pass through the ground. The daily variations of surface temperature differ as the diurnal change of position of the sun; it does 2346 not penetrate very deep down -is very slightly perceptible at two feet depth. If we have 500 ampères flowing for 24 hours, the effect would be almost exactly the same as if 1,000 ampères were flowing for six hours. Another point- instead of laying a sheet one centimetre thick, you might lay cables with the same result, provided the average thickness was one centimetre. In speaking of the economical size of con- ductors, I arrived at the conclusion that I might use 2.7 inches, or say three inches for 1,000 ampères; but mark you, though 1,000 ampères is the average current, it is not the maximum current to pass through that con- ductor. The maximum is a very different thing indeed to that. When we have an aver- age of 1,000 ampères, it does not in the least mean that that is the average quantity of current which is flowing through it, because the wasted energy depends upon the square of the current. This leads to a very different law, and a very important one, about which I have a word or two to say. Suppose n, is the number of hours during which a quarter of the lamps are burning, n₂ one-half, n, three- quarters, and 4 the number of hours during which all the lamps are burning; then the ratio of average current to maximnm current is- √ 2 (4)² n, + (})² n₂ + (†)° n¸ + n, n₁ + n₂ + n¸ + n₂ 3 = a. The following Table gives a for different values of n₁, n₂, n¸ and n¸. 3 RATIO OF AVERAGE MAXIMUM CURRENT. "1 112 123 24 a O 10 a, and hence 1'5 square inches to the maxi- mum current of 1;000 ampères. It seems to me, for a working hypothesis-which no one need adopt-a good enough value. The third reason why we cannot reduce the size of the conductors too much is, that the potential falls, and the thinner the conductor, the greater the fall of potential between the dynamo and the lamps. With a large current there is a great fall of potential (experiment shown), thus showing that in a central light- ing station the fall of pressure, and, therefore, the brightening of the lamps in the district, depends upon the number of the lamps in use at the time. This is a serious thing, and the most difficult engineering problem with which we have to deal. We have arrived at the con- sideration that a square inch and a-half for 1,000 ampères is the size we must use, which means a fall of potential of 16 volts for each conductor in every 100 yards, that is to say, a fall of nearly 3 volts, with the double con- ductor, for a distance of 100 yards; and whether you like it or not you must have it. It may be met by making distant consumers use lamps requiring a different pressure to those nearer. This is the thing which has given the most trouble, and the point will be considered in the next lectures. I had hoped to have gone a little into a description of systems of laying mains which have been already adopted, but time is press- ing too much. I will just say a few words abcut some of the systems I saw at the Phila- delphia Exhibition last year. People seemed to have missed altogether the point that is to be aimed at in underground conductors. There was an invention shown, simply consisting of tiles with holes through them, the cables to go through the holes. EDISON'S CONDUCTORS. O O I I'000 O I O I 0*790 I 2 2 I 0.744 I I I I 0.685 2 2 I I 0.604 Outside in inches. Area of one conductor in circular mils. Maximum current in ampères. 2 I 0.500 Thus the average quantity can be got from the maximum quantity by multiplying by the correct value of a. If half the lamps are burning two-thirds of the time, and the rest of the time all the lamps are burning, we get ů == 5. Therefore, instead of having 2'7, we only have 1 35 as the actual area of for 1,000 ampères. As a matter of fact, I shall select for the rest of the lectures 5 as the value for 3.5 1,639,890 1,400 3:0 862,976 760 2.25 262,951 370 1°31 107,289 220 1.05 33,000 100 These are laid in bituminous compounds in iron pipes, and seem to work pretty well for low potential work, but every electrical · 2347 engineer thinks we shall be able to introduce high potentials some time or other, and reduce the cost of these mains. What is it that makes it so difficult to insulate these mains properly? It is very difficult to say.. It may be that there is a faint leak, and a spark passes to the iron pipe in which the conductors are encased, and that gives rise to an increasing leak. It may be that where there is the faintest leakage there is a partial decomposition of the water that comes into contact with it, and that brings electrolytic action into contact with the insu- lating material, which we know it generally destroys, and so the leak becomes worse, and very bad indeed. Through the kindness of the Brush Company, I have here a specimen of a fault in one of their underground City conductors showing where it is eaten into. In Philadelphia, there were some systems shown in which there was a very wide trough and glass plates introduced here and there, in which was a large number of holes. Glass is a very bad substance to use: it gets moisture upon it, and, besides, there is a tremendous wasting of space for small wire. In another, copper rods were carried through pipes made as water-tight as possible, sup- ported on rings of glazed porcelain, so that there is a very small surface of leakage possible. With the rings here and there, of • II course, dampness was a serious obstacle.; and in this system it was proposed to blow dry air through the pipes so as to keep the moisture continually out of them. I can only say of this that it is only a pro- position; the thing has never been done." I had hoped to speak to you of what has been done in underground conductors, but really there is very little to tell you, and that can be said in very few words. In Philadelphia, there was a system of underground conductors. put down by the Excelsior Company, and they worked pretty well. They used large troughs, and where there are large troughs, there is no difficulty about it. But these large troughs had very serious inconveniences that one hardly expected from electricity. Three times during the time I was at Philadelphia the troughs in Chestnut-street blew up, a most un- expected result from an electric conductor, but it was a positive fact, and the secret was they were too near the gas mains, which leaked and positively filled the troughs, and, consequently, they blew up when a light came near them. However, these were accidents that might have been prevented with care. I have an illustration here of the installation at Colchester, which illustrates the way in which very large troughs are laid with con- ductors cut along them. CURBING S PAVEMENT HOUSE WOOD TROUGHING SERVICE MAINS SECTION OF CHANNELLING SERVICE POLES CHANNELLING SHOWING CHARGING AND SUPPLY CABLES. The Jablochkoff Company on the Thames- embankment has had a lengthened experience, extending since 1878, and with a small 7-16 strand wire, covered with gutta-percha and tape, and put in troughs underground, where it has given very little trouble. Then, again, in the City, the Brush Company has had these conductors underground since April, 1889, and they have had a great deal of trouble. They 'tell me that they were put in first very loosely, and covered with sand for some reason or other, and in drawing the cables through the pipes, the sand wore them away, and the con- sequence was the insulation went. Among the most successful underground cables which I have seen are those used by 2348 B.W.G. the Indiarubber Company at Silvertown. The cables are numerous, and all made of copper coated with indiarubber, with a protecting cover of cold-drawn lead. These are laid in troughs underground, with frequent man-holes 12 to assist in the insertion of new cables. Parts of these troughs are always full of water; other parts are always dry; elsewhere there are variations of wetness and dryness. An electromotive force up to 550 volts has been Diameter in Inches. Section in square inches. lbs. Copper per roo yards. TABLE I. Resistance per 100 yards at 15°5º C., or 60° Fah. Wire heated to 9º | Wire heated to 25° above tempera- ture of air. above tomperature of air. B. A. Legal Units. Ohms. Current. Loss in Volts. Current. Loss in Volts. Diameter in Inches. B.W.G. per per 100 yds. 100 yds. 2'26 4'0 4608. *000634 *00062.7 1514' *998 2490° 1'730 2'26 2'11 3'5 4032' '000724 *000716 1384' 1'042 2246' 1'783 2'II I'95 3'0 3456. *000845 *000835 1228° 1'079 1995' 1'47 1'95 1.78 2'5 2880' '00101 *000999 1072' 1*125 1739° I'931 1*78 1'60 2'0 2304° '00127 *00126 913' 1'205 1482* 2'059 1'60 1'38 1'5 1728* 00163 '00161 732' I'288 1188. 2*187 I 38 I'13 1'0000 1152' '00253 '00250 542°1 1*426 880'0 2°446 I'13 1'00 *7854 904'78 *00326 '00324 451'5 1'513 732'7 2*586 ΤΟ *75 *44178 508'93 *00584 *00578 293'0 1'746 475'5 2'991 *75 *707 *39250 452'16 *00653 *00651. 268'0 I 800 435'2 3°081 *707 *500 *19635 226'18 *01307 *01292 159'4 2'139 258.6 3*659 '500 oooo '454 *1618 000 *425 *1419 00 *380 *1134 130'64 *354 *09842 о *340 *09079 186 39 *01567 163'47 *01786 *01766 *02236 '02211 105'7 113°37 *02605 *02576 104'60 *02824 '02793 '01550 138'1 2'248 224°1 3'854 *45+ 0000 125'1 2'323 203'0 3'977 '425 000 2'456 171'4 4°201 *380 00 95'I 2°546 154'3 4'357 *354 89'4 2'594 145°1 4'442 *340 I *300 •*07068 2 *284 *06334 3 *259 *05268 81'42 '03637 *03597 73'00 *04048 *04003 68.68 *04867 *04823 74'0 2*755 120'I 4'722 *300 I 6863 2.850 III 4 4'880 *284 59 60 2'981 96'7 5'102 *259 3 4 *238 *04448 51.61 05764 5 *220 *03801 43.78 *06740 '05700 *06665 52°37 3'102 85°0 5°315 *238 4 46'5 3°213 75'5 5'521 *220 5 6 *203 *03236 7 •180 '02544 8 *165 9 *148 *02138 *01720 · 10 *134 '014102 37°27 *07937 *07849 29°3 *1006 *08943 34°31 24'62 '1199 *11857 30°25 19.81 *1492 *14643 25°28 3.878 16'25 *1812 *17919 41'27 3'360 63.97 5*762 •203 6 3'553 55'69 6'084 •180 7 3°728 49'09 6°384 *165 8 41'03 6.630 *148 9 22.12 4°133 35'90 7'075 '134 10 11 *120 '011309 13'00 *2267 *22418 18.74 4°366 30'41 7'473 '120 II 12 *109 *009331 10*74 *2748 *27175 16:25 4'589 26'38 7.857 *109 12 13 *095 *007088 8:16 *3617 *35769 13'09 4'866 21.25 8°332 *095 13 14 *083 *005410 623 *4739 *47064 10'84 5*280 17:58 9'031 *083 14 IS *072 '004071 4'68 •6 98 '62281 8.723 5'646 14'14 9'652 '072 15 16 065 *003318 17 *058 *002642 3.82 '7727 3'04 *9711 *76412 7'481 5'931 12'14 10*169 *065 15 *96032 6.371 6'354 10*24 10'771 *058 17 18 *049 *001885 19 20 *035 2'07 I'3598 I'3447 *042 *0013854 1'60 1'8502 1'8297 '0009621 1108 2.6650 2'6354 4'876 6·813 7'95 11.691 *049 18 3°883 7',85 6'31 12 658 *042 19 2'953 8.087 4.80 13'866 *035 20 Legal volts. 96 per caut. conductivity copper. Heating of bare copper wire, emissivity00025 C.G.S. units, 2349 Anaval Cost OF ELLCIRICAL HORSE-LOWER. TABLE IIa. Section per Thousand AMPERES IN Inches. 221 206* 192180 170 160 150 *255237 22: *305284,265247230 216 203* 192* 180° 170 356331*309 288 269 252 237° 224*210* 199* 188 *458426397*370* 346324 305288 270 256 242 229217 *509473441411*384*360* 339*320*300* 284 269 254 241 229 473° 442 I I'I 1'2 1'3 1'4 1'5 1.6 1'7 1-8 1'9 2 2'I 2'2 2'3 2'4 2'5 2'6 2°7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 44°55'05°56'0 £ 5 1628 1*356| 1*147 61954 1627 | 1*377 *980❘ *857 1*176 1*028 72°279 1898 1606 1°372 1*199 1'044 8 | 2'605, 2'169 | 1·836 1.568 | 1°370 | 1°194 | 1°053 92°930 2'441 | 2°065 | 1*764 | 1°542 | 1°343 | 1*185 | 1°053 *942 ·848 *746 658 585 *523 471 *426 386 *386 355 *324 *298 *895 *790 *702 *628 *565 *463 426 '511 *389 *358 *331 *921 *819 *733 •660 *596 *540 *498 *454 *417 *936 | 838 *754 ⚫682 *618 569 518 *477 *442 695 *695 640 583 *583 536 276 255 |* 237,* *386 *407 *378, *353*329307288*271 256 240 227 215 203 767 *497 ⚫852 '772 *711 *648 *596 *552 AI 12 13 14 15 *849 *782 *712 656 607 *715 *662 *718 *773 *828 17 38 19 20 •883 *938 *994 · · 1450 6 7 8 9 ΤΟ II 12 ཱ སྠ 8 9 s 14 10 3'256 2712 2'295 1960 1713 1°492 1*316 1*170 1'047 *942 | | | 2°983 2°524 2'156 | 1*885 | 1'641 1°448 1°287 1*152 1037 937 560*520 485 452 422396*373° 352330312 296° 279° 265 * 252° 240 | | | | | 2*754 2°352 2°056 | 1°790 | 1°580 1°404 1256 1131 1'022 *926 853 *853 *778 *611*568*529* 493 461 432 407* 384 * 360*341*323* 305*289* 275 262 206 2'548 2227 1'940 | 1°711 1'521 1*361 1°225 1°108 1'004 *924 *842 *775 662615 573534 499468*440*416 390 369 350 330313298 283° 224181 | | 2°398 20891-843 | 1°638 | 1°466 | 1°319 | 1*193 1'081 *995 *907 ⚫834 713 ·662 617 575 538 504 475 448 420 398 379 356 337 321 305 241195*162 2'238 1975 1755 | 1°570 | 1°414| 1°278 | 1°158 1*066 *972 *894 *764710*662617576540*509 480 450 426 404381 362 344 327 258 209174 147 15 2*106 1.872 1675 1°508 1*363 1°235 1*137 1037 *954 814757 706 658 614576542*512*480*454 430 406 386 366 349,* 275 223 186 156 16 1*990 1780 1'602 1'448 1*312 1208 1*102 1013 750-699-653-612-576 432-410 •865804 750 699 653 612 576 544 510 483 457 432 410 389371 292237 199 166 17 1.884 1696 1534 1*390 1°279 1*166 1073 *916 •851*794740, 691 648 610576 540511484457° 434412 392 310 251209 176|18 1*790 1.619 1°467 1°351 1°231 1'132 1'049 * *967 *899*838781, 730684644 608570540511 483 458435414° 327265 220*18619 | | | | · · 678|·640¦• 1°704 | 1°544 | 1°413 | 1°296 1192 | 1*104 | 1018946 882 822 768720678 · 640 600 · 568|·538)· 508 · 482|· 458*436·344·279•232196/20 | • Per-centage allowed for interest and depreciation per annum. TABLE IIb. Cost of Laying one additional Ton of Copper. £60 £65 £70 £75 £80 £85 £90 £95 £100 £110 £120 £130 £140 £150 £200 £250 £300 £350 £400 £450 £500 5 '231 *154 *167 •180 *251 *193 *206 *219 *23x *244 *257 *283 *309 *334 *360 *385 '514 *643 *772 10 270 *289 *308 *334 *360 *386 *411 *328 *309 *347 *366 *386 '424 *463 *501 *540 *579 *771 *964 1*157 1*029 *900 I'350 1*543 1*157 1'286 5 1*736 I'929 7 *462 *437 *488 '514 *565 ⚫617 *668 *720 *770 I'029 1'286 I'543 1.800 2*315 2'057 2'571 10 221 *385 *418 *450 *482 *515 *546 *$78 •610 ⚫643 *707 •772 *835 *900 *964 1*285 1*607 I'929 2*250 2'572 2.893 3*205 12 15 *720 25 *463 *501 *540 *578 •617 *656 *694 *733 '6x6 *668 *771 ⚫824 *875 *976 *925 *771 •835 '900 *964 1*156 1'093 "771 ⚫849 *926 1'003 1'080 1*155 1*543 1'928 2°314 2*700 3'086 3°471 3*857· 15 1'028 1'221 1*285 I'029 1*131 1'415 I*543 1*235 1*336 I'440 1'540 2'056 2'571 3*089 3'600 4'115 4*629 5*144 20 1*671 1.800 1*925 2'572 3*125 3*857 4'500 5°143 5'786 6'430 25 Per-centage allowed for interest and depreciation per annum. 13 2350 constantly used on most of these cables for several years, and although the insulation has varied with the weather, it has not in a single case been permanently injured, and I am informed that no repairs to the underground cables have been in any case necessary, nor have the man-holes been opened, except to lay down new cables. With respect to the printed Tables included In this paper, the following rules apply to the second one. RULES FOR FINDING FROM ANY GIVEN DATA THE SIZE OF THE MAINS REQUIRED. Data required :-Annual cost of electrical horse- power and per-centage for interest and depreciation 14 per annum, and cost of laying one additional ton of copper, the approximate size having been assumed. Rule 1.-In Table IIb. look down the column of cost for additional ton until you reach the given per-centage allowed. Take out the number there indicated. Rule 2.-In Table IIa. look along the line with the given cost of horse-power until this number is found. The number at the head of that column is the section per 1,000 ampères in inches. Rule 3.—If this section be largely at variance with the approximate one selected, use now this value for a second calculation. 2351 13 LECTURE II-DELIVERED FEBRUARY 9, 1885. În my last lecture, I introduced to your attention the elementary principles which must guide the engineer in the selection of the right size of mains to use. These principles main- tain whether it be a private installation of the electric light or a large supply from a central station. But, in the future, I shall confine my remarks chiefly to the latter class. In whatever manner the mains be laid down, the mass of copper contained in them is very large, and their establishment constitutes a large portion of the prime cost of laying down a system of central station lighting. For 100,000 Edison lamps we require over a ton of copper per yard run, and everyone knows how rapidly the number of miles of mains mounts up, even in a small district, owing to the large number of side streets. Now, when a bridge like the Forth or the Tay bridge, or the Brooklyn bridge at New York, is designed, the engineer spares neither time, labour, nor expense, in his preliminary calcu- lations of the weight of metal required in the several parts to combine strength with economy. In such bridges the mass of metal is enormous, and the reduction of cost in this item is very important, independently of the fact that, within a certain limit, the less metal there is in it the more efficient is the bridge. Consequently, the proportions of the different parts must be most carefully calculated by the ablest mathematicians. Now, I maintain that exactly the same care should be taken in the estimation of the pro- portions of different parts of our electric mains. It is a point which has been sadly overlooked in the past, even by some of the most advanced and far-seeing of electricians. But when we consider the enormous amount of capital which must be sunk in mains, I hope that engineers will see how intensely important it is to spare neither trouble nor expense in preliminary cal- culation in order to ensure the best result. Now, in the present state of electric lighting, economy is of primary importance. Judging by the experience of the New York central station for electric lighting, we should be pre- pared to deny the possibility of economically furnishing the electric light to the British public. I, however, do not hold this view. I see several defects in that example of electrical distribution. The dynamos are of an expen- sive kind, and the outlay in this matter has been excessive. Moreover, the mains are laid on unsound principles, and are both expensive and, I believe, unsatisfactory. The general scheme for an installation is not to be written down casually on a few sheets of paper; it requires weeks, or even months, to prepare the estimates, and to calculate the requirement of any such central station. I have no doubt the defects that I have alluded to are due largely to the early period at which that station was designed. But even in later estimates, and in our own country, I have seen the want of that detailed calculation which can alone lead to economy. In any system, at the present time, economy. is the main thing to be considered in design- ing a system of distribution. Other difficulties, such as equalisation of potential, must be looked upon as difficulties to be faced and conquered by the engineer. • In my previous lecture I have given you three reasons why we must not try to econo- mise too much by laying very thin conductors. Ist. It is not economy, on account of the wasted energy in heating the conductors. 2nd. The conductors may become so hot as to injure insulation, increase the resistance excessively, and even be uncomfortable to the foot passenger. 3rd. The fall of potential over a district, and the variation of the potential at each point of a district, are both increased by thin- ning the wires. 2352 1 showed that, by due selection of the method of laying mains, the second can be reconciled with the first, which thus becomes paramount, leaving the third to be overcome by the en- gineer as best he can. I showed you the general principles which must guide us in the economical selection of the size of mains, and I gave you some tables which, I trust, will be found of great value to the engineer. Nothing is there chosen for him. He may put his own price on the cost of an electrical horse-power and on the cost of laying mains. In any special case, and in all parts of the scheme he is designing, these tables give him, almost at a glance, the economical size of main he must employ. He can then, by the aid of my formulæ, determine approximately the rise of temperature under different systems of laying, and he will see whether these mains may be laid in a single conductor of circular section, a flat sheet of definite thickness, or a series of cables side by side. Then comes the question of equalisation of potentials, which we shall have to deal with very fully in this and the following lecture. I shall now, by way of introduction to what follows, lay before you the principal diverse systems which have been proposed, and shall afterwards examine each in detail. These are five in number, varying either in the way the lamps are connected with the main, or in the introduction of some special appliance. They are as follows :- 1. Multiple arc. 2. Series. 3. Multiple series. 4. Accumulators. 5. Secondary generators. Some of these have a large number of sub- heads. I shall confine myself to-day to the first class, as being at present the most im- portant. It will be convenient to subdivide this system into several classes, which I venture to name as follows:-1. Parallel line. 2. Reversed parallel line. 3. Network mains. 4. Tree mains. 5. Multiple tree mains. Independent wire mains. LAMPS IN SERIES. 6. The oldest propositions for electric lighting had no reference to multiple arc. It was pro- posed to put all the lamps in series. This method economises largely in the cost of mains, but the number of lamps which can be supplied is very limited. The pressure required for 16 lamps in series is greater than for lamps in quantity or multiple arc, in proportion to their number. The hydraulic analogy to electricity is always instructive. Now a lamp is repre- sented by a water-engine or turbine giving off a certain amount of energy; a certain differ- ence of pressure between the inlet and outlet of the water-engines is required to give off this energy. If, now, the outflow goes into a second water main, which again feeds a second water-engine, these engines are in series, and the pressure which must be supplied is exactly proportional to the number of engines placed in series. If the water-engines were all put upon the same main, the pressure required would be the same as for one, but the volume of water required would be greater than for one, exactly in proportion to the number of water-engines. Moreover, the size of pipe must be increased to allow this larger volume to pass without too much resistance from friction of the pipes. These hydraulic facts, so simple and self- evident, are the exact analogues to facts in electric lighting. If lamps are in series, the electric pressure must be increased in propor- tion to their number. The electric mains supplying many lamps in multiple arc require the same pressure as for one lamp, but the size of the mains must be increased to prevent waste of energy by their resistance to the electric current. Thus, if we have ten lamps in series, the current is one-tenth of what is required for ten lamps in multiple arc, and hence, on the economical considerations, the copper mains be about one-tenth of the sectional area. may But the number of lamps which can so be put in series is limited. The highest potential which has been used hitherto, so far as I am aware, is 5,000 volts, and some people will say that even this is dangerous. I do not hold this view at all. If, as in America, a line be properly insulated, and if it be tested once or twice a day at the dynamo-house, there is no real danger to consumers; and if, as in America, the workmen at the dynamos wear india-rubber gloves or the homely golosh, there is no danger for them. I have no hesitation in asserting that the dangers from high potential electricity are far less than those from gas. Hardly a week passes but we read of dreadful explosions of gas. Suffocation is not un common, and in the first days of gas, when ignorant people often blew out their light, it was a dreadfully common occurrence. If, now, we have 5,000 'volts, and consume 2353 100 volts in each lamp, we can only put 50 lamps in series. But, on the other hand, if such a system were to be adopted, it would be desirable to use lamps of much lower potential. When talking of the multiple arc system, I said it was desirable to use lamps of as high a potential as possible to economise the mains; so here I say, in a series system, we must use lamps of as low a potential as possible, so as to economise pressure. If we could have 20- candle lamps of 2 voits, we could work 2,500 lamps off a single wire with 5,000 volts (neg- lecting the resistance of leads). Assuming 3 watts per candle-power, this would mean a current of 30 ampères. In many cases this would be a highly economical system of distribution. There are, however, two ob- jections to this plan which I look upon as fatal. If one lamp is put out of circuit, it puts out all the other lamps. Consequently, the switch for a lamp must be one which will short circuit it, just as the plugs of a resistance box cut out resistances by short circuiting them. Then the engine-driver must regulate his dynamos so that the current is constant.. Automatic adjustments have been made for this purpose with arc lamps, and their action is excellent. These are to be found in all American arc systems, and are a great point in their favour. If, however, the filament of a lamp breaks, all the other lamps in the series go out also. It would be necessary to have an automatic arrangement to short-circuit a lamp when its filament broke. This is no easy matter, and could hardly be done without a local battery, or a second wire from the dynamo. In any case, the introduction of any such apparatus into each lamp would add to its cost and liability to get out of order. It may be said, however, that with the thick low-resistance lamps of 2 volts (1's ohm), they would not break, but would be changed long before they got thin enough to break. In this case, however, the second objection is fatal. The second objection is that with such thick filaments for lamps, it would be impossible to get anything like a candle for three watts. I think it was in 1874, when the Russian Logodine showed his incandesent lamps of thick carbon, that I tried some experiments at Anderson's College, Glasgow, where I was then Professor of Natural Philosophy. These experi- ments convinced me that incandescent lamps of that kind could never be economical. The heat carried away by the terminals was so great 17 as to waste a large part of the energy put into the lamp. This is the objection which I have to the Bernstein lamp. I shall never forget the astonishment with which I first saw one of Mr. Swan's lamps with a thin filament. My astonishment was at seeing the filament glow- ing white up to the terminal. This can only be done to perfection by a lamp of very high resistance. I remeniber seeing an able man of science showing some of the small fairy lamps to a scientific audience, and he asserted that its efficiency was doubtless the same as the 20-candle lamps, "because it is made of the same material." This was à serious mis- statement. I think enough has been said to convince you that, although in some cases, this system may be worthy of consideration, it is not generally applicable. If the lamps are of low resistance they are not cconomical. If of high resistance we have few in series, and require a special device to short circuit a lamp when the filament breaks. It would not be well, however, to leave this system without pointing out to inventors that it has one more advantage as compared with the multiple arc system. Our present lamps. (designed for multiple arc) have a serious drawback compared with gas. You cannot lower them to give less light. Even if there were a means of reducing the current through them you would not get economy because of the lowered temperature. Now with the series arrangement it is conceivable that the filament might by some means be lengthened and shortened, and since the current is constant, the brightness would depend on the length, and all lengths would be equally economical except for the absorption of heat at the terminals. I do not wish to invent, so I will say no more. In America, arc lights are seen in series, sometimes to the number of 100. One cannot help feeling pleasure either in secing the dozens of dynamos at work in the central station, or in admiring the graceful curves of overhead wires, well insulated, and supported on well-shaped steel poles, as in Philadelphia, and in seeing the bright light which they are spreading over seventy miles of street, and with which they are gladdening the hearts of thousands. In some systems, with ten ampères flowing, an arc lamp is replaced by ten in- candescent lamps in parallel, each using an ampère, and with switches to substitute resist- ançes for lamps, B 2354 MAINS WITH LAMPS IN MULTIPLE ARC. I think it may be fairly assumed that a 16 or 20 candle-power lamp is what is most likely to be generally adopted. It is found that we can get one candle-power for an expenditure of three watts of work. Now this three watts is the product of the current and the pressure, and may be made up in a variety of ways. We may increase the ampères of current, and diminish the volts of pressure, or vice-versa. So far, however, as economy of mains is con- cerned, there is no doubt what is the best course to follow. The smaller the current, the smaller are the mains. Hence it is clearly desirable to use lamps of a high potential- 100 volts is at present about the limit that is used-but I am informed by Mr. Swan that equally good lamps could be made of 400 volts if there were a demand for them. There is at present an absurd regulation of the Board of Trade limiting the pressure in houses to 200 volts; but, I think, we may take it for granted that more enlightened views will ultimately prevail. If such lamps were used, the cost of mains would be reduced to about one quarter, which is, of course, a very great step. • Here, then, is a step which, according to the information before us, can be taken at once. Why it is not taken I am at a loss to understand. If lamps of 20 candle-power can be made with a long life, using 400 volts and '15 ampère, the question of central station- lighting on economical principles is advanced enormously. The inventors and manufacturers are alone to blame if, by delaying to take this step, they hinder the adoption of this system of lighting. These remarks apply, more or less, to nearly all the systems of distribution, but especially to the multiple arc system, where the mass of copper in the mains is so great. Now let us look at the simplest distribution, where we lead mains along a single street, and take off the current at various points, using each such point as a source of supply to a house, or it may be to a whole district. The diagrams below show different systems of laying the mains. In the single parallel line it will be noticed that the potential falls off as we go farther from the station. If the size of conductor is proportioned to the current with 1 square inches per 1,000 ampères of maxi- mum current, the fall of potential is regular, and amounts to 322 volts per 100 yards of double conductor when the maximum number of lamps are in use, $ This is a good opportunity to draw attention to a point which meets us in studying nearly every system of distribution. Since the size of conductors is proportioned to the current, they are abruptly diminished in section at each point of consumption. It follows that, so far as weight of copper is concerned, this system is equivalent to one in which separate wires all of the same size go from the central station to each point of consumption. The difference between these two plans- (1) the massive main system and (2) the inde-. pendent wire system-consists in this, that SERIES + PARALLEL IRE REVERSED PARALLEL LINE C+C Ꭺ + 오오​오오오 ​Α' T B' C+C MULTIPLE SERIES 2 3 द द ၄ } } } 5 while their action is identical in reducing the pressure when all the lamps are lighted, their action is different when some lamps are ex- tinguished. With the independent wire system, the conductors leading to points of consump- tion not in use lie idle. In the massive mair system the equivalent mass of metal is used, under the same conditions, to diminish the resistance of conductors to the points of con- sumption which are in use. This would seem at first sight to be all in favour of the massive main system; this, however, is by no means sure. If only the nearest and most distant points of consumption were in use, and R be the resistance of mains between these points, V the pressure at the'near point, and the resistance 2355 The current is of lamps at the far end, the energy used up by the distant lamps and the mains to them is V³ V R is greater for R+r R+ r the independent wire system than for the massive system. Hence the Current and energy used are less with the former than the latter system. Moreover, since the current is less, is greater. Hence, à fortiori, the energy used with an independent wire system is less. In fact, with the massive mains, the distant lamps will be far too bright. If, how- ever, the fall of potential with the maximum current is only a few volts, this would not be important. The system of independent wires takes away from the inconvenience of varying pressure at definite points of consumption.' It seems at first sight to be ridiculous to think of having a separate wire to each lamp from the central station. But it is by no manner of means ridiculous. In fact, it is well worthy of serious consideration. In a previous part of the lecture I have shown what loss of energy we must allow in the leads and other conductors. Now this loss of energy shows itself by a fall of potential. If V be the difference of potential between two points of a main, R the resistance between these points, and C the current, then & V = CR. Now, I have resolved to assume in these lectures a section of 1 square inches per 1,000 ampères. The resistance of 100 yards of a copper conductor of this section is 00161 ohm, and 8V = 1,000 X 00161 = 1.61 volt. That is, we have, with such a conductor, a fall of 1'61 volts in every 100 yards of single conductor, and a fall of 3'22 volts per 100 yards of double conductor. This takes place when the maximum current is being used. With a smaller current the loss is less. With 500 ampères to the 1-inch conductor, it is only 1.61 volt, and with 100 ampères or less it is nearly inappreciable. Now, while it is very satisfactory to the engineer to find that with small currents there is so little waste of energy, still there is a counterbalancing disadvantage of serious im- portance, I may say the most serious import- ance, in considering the question of laying mains. [In the following remarks I will assume that the engine is perfectly governed.] Suppose there is a distance of 500 yards between the engine-house and the farthest lamps, and that lamps are being supplied all the way along, and that the conductor is properly proportioned to the current, on 19 economical considerations, at every point. Then while the maximum number of lamps are in use, those nearest to the engine-house have an electrical pressure 161 volts higher than · those farthest from the engine. Well, this might be counteracted by causing the con- sumers at a distance to use lamps of 16.1 volts lower potential. That is all very well while the maximum current is flowing. But when the number of lamps is reduced one-tenth, the difference of pressure to the two consumers is only 1.6 volts. Thus, if the nearest consumer has a constant pressure, the distant one has his pressure varying by 14:49 volts. It is true that in this case we might vary the pressure at the engine-house, so that the near consumer was 7.25 volts below, and the distant one 7·25 volts above his normal pressure; but even these variations are very serious. A variation of 7.25 volts in the potential of lamps is a most serious matter, even if we look at this variation as being only 3.62 volts above and below the pressure for which the lamp is constructed. To illustrate this, I will give vou three curves on a diagram. The first shows how the candle- power is affected by the pressure; the second. how the life is affected by the candle-power; and the third, how the life is affected by the pressure. The first is Mr. Edison's table of 1883; the second is from the experiments of Mr. J. Zacharias; and the third I have de- duced from the tests of Woodhouse and Rawson lamps at the Vienna Exhibition. Generally, in 100 volt 16-candle lamps, a volt makes a difference of a candle. I will now show you, experimentally, the fall of potential along a main. I have three lamps of equal brightness; when I connect the two at opposite ends of my main, the distant one is much feebler than the near one. If I insert a third half way, the distant one falls still more, because the main has to take more current. [Experiment.] This is one of the most serious problems which have to be considered in engineering the mains of a central station, and a large portion of this course of lectures will be devoted to the devices which have been proposed for getting over the difficulty. I have next to describe to you the different systems of connecting the lamps of consumers with the engine-house. In the remarks which have gone before, I have confined my illustra- tions mainly to a multiple arc system; but there are several others, each of which has certain advantages. With the massive main system it has some- 2356 times been proposed to equalise the pressure for lamps over a district by putting in pro- portionate resistances at the points of con- sumption. It has also been proposed to prevent variation of pressure when the con- sumption varies, by making these resistances adjustable automatically. This, however, must not for a moment be thought of. I pass over the fact that automatic adjustable resistances have generally been a failure, because the designers are alone to blame for this; but I do insist that an economical system of work- ing is incompatible with the free use of resist- ances in the working circuit, which use up a large quantity of energy. It is better to use lamps of different qualities in different parts of a district than to introduce such resistances, and the engineer must find some other means of dealing with the variations of pressure with varying consumption. The remarks I have made about the inde- pendent wire system must be looked upon as parenthetical. We shall recur to the subject. We have now examined the single parallel line, and have seen that, so far as weight of copper is concerned, it is equivalent to a separate wire to each lamp. We have also seen how the pressure falls off as we go from the station. The reversed parallel line (Fig. p. 18) was devised to prevent this fall of pressure. Two wires run side by side; one end of one wire is attached to the + pole, and the other end of the other wire is attached to the pole. Thus the current supplying each lamp goes around the whole circuit, and so there is a ten- dency to equalise the pressure for all lamps. In the diagram the wires are shown of taper form, but they have been generally taken to be of uniform thickness. It has been shown by Professor Ayrton that, in this case, the pres- sures are not equalised if a larger current is taken off at one point than another. Suppose at point A a large number of lamps is supplied, and at B a small number, so that a current C passes through the lamps at A, and a current c through those at B. Let R be the resistance of A B or A' B'. The fall of potential from A to B is cR, and from A' to B' it is CR. Hence the pressure at B is greater than at A by the quantity (C − c) R ; e.g., with 500 lamps · at A and 10 lamps at B, and 0.75 ampères per lamp, and with A B 200 yards, and resistance = .0032, the fall of pressure is 1.17 volts. Mr. Kapp (Electrician, May, 1883) has gone further, and shown that with lamps equally distributed over the whole line the middle 20 ones have less pressure than those at the two ends. But it must be noticed that if at each point the section of conductors is made proportional to the current, then the quantity CR' = cR, and the fall of potential to both terminals of a lamp is the same, where R R' are the re- sistances of A B and A' B' respectively. If the size of conductors be properly proportioned, the pressure is constant at all points of the line. Now what does it mean to make the section of conductor proportional to the current? It means that, so far as weight of copper is concerned, it is equivalent to having a sepa rate wire for each lamp going round the whole circuit. Here is the weak point of the whole system. Equalisation of pressure is attained by putting in useless resistance. The wire might go up to the lamp, and then back to the dynamo, without making the whole circuit, and equalisation of pressure attained by putting in a resistance at the lamp equivalent to the copper wire which has been cut out. Such a resistance could be made of much cheaper material than copper. Thus the reversed parallel system, beautiful at the first glance, is the same in efficiency as, and inferior in economy to, the direct parallel system, with resistances in the lamps to equalise pressure. It seems to me that this consideration is absolutely condemnatory of the reversed parallel system for application to mains. It is worse than the direct parallel system with resistances introduced, and we have already condemned the latter. It becomes then hardly necessary to speak of it further but a some. what similar arrangement may be used with multiple series systems. I cannot refrain from pointing out to you a device by means of which the equalisation of pressures might be main- tained, even when the maximum number of lamps is not in action. In this case the pro- portion of the + and conductors should be altered in some parts. Suppose the conductors to be made up of a number of insulated wires in sections, and that at each end of a section each wire is attached to the + bundle, or the bundle of wires. It would be easy to design an arrangement by which these terminals could be changed from the + to the bundle, or vice versa. It would also be easy to design an automatic switch by which, when the size of the + and mains was not proportioned to the currents in them, the two terminals of one or more wires should be so transferred from the bundle which is too great to the one which is too small, 2357 We have now reached the most important and difficult part of the problem. Leaving behind the case of a single street, we come to a district. In the choice of districts to light, care should be taken in the selection of those which will give the best return for outlay of inoney and cost of maintenance. It is need- less to say that a district with many theatres and restaurants is favourable, and that many storeyed houses have a larger consumption for a given area than a district of low houses. The first thing to be done is to estimate as well as possible (and it is not possible to be exact) the number of lights to be supplied in each part of the district. The only alterna- tive to this method would be to lay mains large enough to supplant gas entirely. This would involve a great outlay in mains which for years would generally be lying useless, or at most diminishing in a feeble degree the cost of wasted energy. It is quite right that the engineer should calculate the cost of mains on these lines, but in general it could not be recommended to spend so much money on laying them. It is generally better to trust to laying additional mains as required. Tree Main.-First let us suppose that we have all the mains connected in parallel with all the dynamos. This is a case which I find has been well discussed by Mr. Kapp in The Electrician, August 4, 1883, but it is a system which we shall soon find reason to condemn. The reason why I object to this system is that the size of mains is not made dependent on considerations of economy, but on that of variations of pressure allowed by the Board of Trade. This must be the case with the above mode of working, if the district is large. The difference of potential between the near and distant lamps is insensible when there are few lamps burning. The difference when the maximum number of lamps are burn- ing is considerable. Hence, if the near lamps are kept at constant pressure, the far lamps will vary at different times by the amount of the difference between the near and far lamps, when all are on. Now, the Board of Trade forbid a greater variation than 10 per cent. (5 per cent. up and down). Hence the maxi- mum difference of pressure between near and far lamps must not exceed 10 per cent. Here I may say that 10 per cent. is a far greater variation than is permissible. Two or three per cent. up and down is quite as much as can be allowed. Now, Mr. Kapp assumes the size of conductors to be limited by these considera- tions. He assumes the maximum difference 2 t of pressure between the nearest and the farthest lamp to be the maximum which can. be allowed. On this view notice the following facts: 1. If we have two similar areas, with equal number of lamps to light, one larger than the other, the mains in the former must be so increased as to make the fall of pressure to the most distant lamps the same in both. Hence the section of mains is proportional to R, this maximum distance, other things being equal, and their length varies as R, so the cost varies as R². • 2. The section of mains varies as 7, the number of lamps. 3. The section of mains depends in two ways on the pressure required for a lamp; (a) the current and section of mains are less in proportion to the pressure; (8) the variation in pressure allowable (being a per-centage) is proportional to the pressure. Hence, on the whole, the section is inversed, as the square of E, the electric pressure of a lamp. 4. The section of mains varies inversely as p, the per-centage variation of pressure allowed. On the whole, the section of mains, and the cost of mains (assumed proportional) vary as follows-- Section varies as n R PE2 7 R2 Cost varies as —— ÞE² Cost in pounds = 0.9 X 72 R2 Mr. Kapp has deduced a coefficient from actual estimates and finds- n R2 or 1.2 X PE2 PE2 where R is given in 100 yards, and E in 100 volts, according as the most favourable or the lcast favourable of likely distributions is adopted. [The co-efficient 12 is used for equal distribution of lamps, and o'g when the number of lamps at distance varies as .] To take an example where = 60,000 lamps, R = 7 (hundred yards), E= (hundred 4 10 5 1'00 1'40 and I r volts), p= (2 per cent. up and dow..). £661,500 £882,000. ... Cost is between £135,000 £180,000. If we used lamps of 420 volts, the cost would lie between £15,000 and £20,000, instead of the lower pair of figures. But these figures are of no value; first, because 10 per cent. is too great a variation of pressure ; and, secondly, because the economical size of mains is the primary consideration, ard 2358 22 we must find a way out of the difficulty of engineer in designing mains must fix on these variations of pressure. We must now consider to what distance we may use the method of connecting all the mains, and charging them all with the same dynamos. I think we may say that 2 per cent. variation of pressure up and down is per- missible. This gives à variation of four candles in an Edison 16-candle lamp. Now, by atten- tion to the dynamos, this allows a range of 4 per cent., all lamps in the district requiring the same pressure. If telegraph wires came from the most distant and nearest lamps to the engine-house to indicate on voltmeters the pressure at those points, the engineer would have his instructions to keep the near lamps as much above the normal pressure as the distant ones are below. Suppose that 100 volts is the normal pressure. When very few lamps are on, both near and distant mains. would indicate 100 volts. This is the case where metal is laid for a large number of lamps, even at the distant points, and in any actual installation it may be taken to be approximately accurate. When the maximum number of lamps are on, there will be 4 per cent. difference. The engineer keeps the near lamps at 102 volts, and the distant ones at 93. volts, and we have only a 2 per cent. varia- tion. If, however, the near lamps be supplied with 102 volt lamps, and the far ones with 98 volt lamps, it will be seen that we can double the distance, with of course double the fall of pressure, giving 8 per cent. variation, with only 2 per cent. variation up or down in any lamp. For when few lamps are on, the near and far lamps have the same pressure. The engineer makes this 100 volts, which is 2 per cent. for near lamps, and + 2 per cent. for far lamps. When all the lamps are on, the engineer makes the near lamps 104 volts, or + 2 per cent., and the far lamps 96 volts or -2 per cent., giving a difference of 8 per cent., and doubling the distance which can be sup- plied. This method has the advantage of not always using the near lamps above, and the far lamps below, their normal pressure; but I must confess I do not like the idea of supply- ing different consumers with lamps of different pressure, if it can be avoided without loss of economy. We have now to consider at what distance from the central station we may supply lamps, so that the fall of potential does not exceed 4 per cent. or 8 per cent. This depends on the pressure required for lamps, and on the size of conductors chosen per 1,000 ampères. Every points for himself, but in order to fix our ideas, I will take the case of 100-volt lamps, and 1 sq. in. per 1,000 ampères. With that size of conductor the loss of pres- sure with the maximum number of lamps is 3.22 volts per 100 yards of double conductor; 4 per cent. is lost in a distance of 124 yards, and 8 per cent. in a distance of 248 yards; so. that this is the greatest distance of a lamp from the central station (according as we supply lamps of the same or different normal pressure's to different districts) which is con- sistent at the same time with economical size of conductors, and with a maximum variation of 2 per cent., up and down, in the pressure supplied to any lamp. • From what has been said, it will be seen that in this way of working, the pressure at the station must be constantly regulated, either by the speed of the engines, or by introducing resistance into the field magnet coils. I prefer the latter method, unless the newly invented., electrical governors (such as Willans') prove a success. The above considerations apply to what' I call the tree system of laying mains. The trunk of the tree starts from the engine-house, and throws off branches, from which twigs spring, and leaf stalks from these, and the lamps are represented by leaves. The above considerations do not apply to cases where feeder mains go from different dynamos, or generally where the pressure in different mains at the station is different. It appears, then, that the tree system is of limited application under the conditions which I assumed, the maximum distance being 248 yards. If, however, we had lamps of 400 volts, the maximum distance (measured, of course, along the line of leads) would be 992 yards. In the tree system we must lead our con- ductors along the shortest route from each lamp to the central station, and then count the number of lamps supplied, and so determine the section of copper required by each point of the mains. If we connect the ends of the positive twigs and the ends of the negative twigs, we do not alter the flow of current when the maximum number of lamps are on, if the size of mains is chosen for this maximum distribution; but when the consumption is limited, we consume a little more energy in proportion, and the distant lamps are a little brighter. But, considering the uncertainty of estimating the relative consumption in • 2359 different parts of a district, the distant lamps will probably be better served if the + twigs are joined together, and so with the twigs. I wish to repeat the statement that, in the tree system, the amount of copper in all parts of the mains is the same as if a separate wire came from every lamp to the station. As a consequence, the engineer must notice that if a plant has been laid down for a certain number of lamps, and it be afterwards desired to extend the boundary of the district, the conductors already laid down are of no use in leading current to the beginning of the ex- tended district. The conductors must be en- larged, or else new mains must be led to supply the newly-added district. The engineer must also use his influence strongly to prevent the natural tendency to take a larger number of lamps in a district of supply than that for which the conductors have been calculated. It must be acknowledged that the simple tree system, where all the dynamos are con- nected in parallel with the mains, presents a very serious obstacle in the rapid fall of potential, the maximum distance of a lamp from the station along the line of conductors, I consistent with the economical considerations, being 124 yards, if the pressure required for all lamps is the same. In the year 1880, Mr. Edison took out a patent in England (No. 3,880), besides other countries, in which he gets over the difficulty by using what he calls feeder mains. It is a result which would certainly have been arrived at by any one who thoroughly and intelligently worked out the problem. But, so far as I can discover, he was the first, by a long time, to hit upon this cure for the evil; and I must say that it is interesting to find how thoroughly he had gone into the problem at that early stage of electric lighting, although, in a patent of slightly earlier date, he describes the tree system as being all that is required for electric lighting, and does not notice the fact of fall of potentials as affecting the problem. In the patent cited above, Mr. Edison gives, among other irrelevant matter, two solutions of the theory which I may call the multiple tree system and the network system of laying conductors. I will not follow him in his method of using these systems in practice, because he does not use them to the best advantage. In this case, as heretofore, I will advance with you, by common-sense arguments, to the more perfect types. Multiple Tree System.-I will assume that 23 all lamps are of the same pressure. In this case, the size of conductor per 1,000 ampères being fixed, 124 yards is the limiting length of conductor. Now notice that this is not neces- sarily the limiting length of conductor from the station, because it does not much matter what the fall of potential from the station to a lamp is; but it is the limiting length of con- ductor between the farthest and the nearest lamp, or the difference in length of conductor to the station from the farthest and nearest lamps; for here the injurious variation of potential comes into play. If the nearest lamp were 124 yards from the central station, there would be a loss of potential of 4 volts in that distance, in order to comply with economi- cal considerations, but that loss of potential would not affect the potential between different lamps, if the engine driver regulates the près- sure by telegraphic indications of the potential at the nearest and farthest lamps. Compen- sated galvanometers may be, introduced in the engine-house to indicate the potential of distributing boxes, when variable currents are flowing. Our first tree system extends to a distance of 124 yards; beyond that we must have a sccond tree system with feeder mains to a dis- tributing box, from which branches go out to supply a district, no part of which is more than 124 yards from the distributing box, or less than 124 yards from the station. From these distributing boxes a pair of thin wires might go to a voltmeter in the engine-house, an end of each wire being attached to the mains in the distributing box. With a similar tell-tale coming from the most distant lamp of the system, the engineer knows exactly what pres- sure is required. This second district, with feeder mains losing 4 volts, is generally larger than the first, and will generally require a number of feeder mairs, or roots, feeding separate trees. It will be noticed that each root is connected to a separate dynamo. If we extend the distance still further, we must put on a new set of roots or feeder mains, each losing 8 volts; and so on up to any dis- tance. The further we go, the greater is the cost of mains, but this cost is more nearly in proportion to the distance than to the fourth power of the distance, as in Mr. Kapp's paper (which is not founded on the economical con- siderations). I must here put in a warning, necessary from what I have seen of the practice of this system here and abroad. The distributing box of a feeder must not be in the centre of the district 2360 supplied by that feeder, or you waste all the extra copper going to the lamps nearer to the station than the distributing box. The point of distribution must be the point of the district rearest to the central station, in order that we may have a maximum economy of copper. Suppose we are lighting a town like Phila- delphia or Chicago, which is built in square 24 blocks, and suppose two sides of each square are 124 yards long, we should have a fed centre for each block on the diagram below where I is the central station. Within the square indicated by the figure I no feeder mains are required. The dis- tance of all the points 2 from the station is the same if measured along the streets. There ما 4 4 IIS. 4 NE …… 3 3 PINK BLUE PINK LIGHT DARK LIGHT DARK BLUE BLUE BROWN BROWN BROWN 4 no L. are four squares and eight half squares thus supplied, equivalent to eight squares. The first feeder main supplies the district between the squares marked 2 and 3 respectively, equivalent to twenty-four squares; the second set of feeders supply forty squares, the third fifty-six, and so on. The copper in the service of a block is one-half of the copper in 124 yards of the feeder main for a block, since some supply conductors are short, and others 124 yards long. Thus, to supply twenty-four squares with the first feeder, the latter must have the copper of supply conductors for forty- eight squares. In this way we find the cost of supplying the districts up to 1, 2 3, &c. Let I. be the cost of copper for one square :< 2361 Cost for district i is between 1 and 2 (supply).. Cost of district 2 .... " 25 8L for 8 squares. (feeders) 24L 481. 80L for 32 squares. between 2 and 3 (supply).... 40L 19 "" (feeders up to 2) (from 2 to 3) 80L 80L. · Cost of district 3 280L for 72 squares. between 3 and 4 (supply) 56L 18 " (feeders up to 2).. II2L (2 to 3) II2L (3 to 4) 112L 99 Cost of district 4 The cost of lighting a square up to distance. "" "" 672L for 128 squares. 124 yards is L per square. 2 X 124 19 2.5L • 3 X 124 4 X 124 "" 3.8L 5:25L It will be seen, then, that the cost does not, in this system, vary in a proportion even ap- proaching the fourth power of the distance, but is much more nearly proportioned to the distance, especially when we go to great dis- tances. The following Table compares the cost of lighting districts of various sizes with and without feeders and distributing centres:- No. of lamps. No. of Cost with squares. feeders. Cost with- out feeders. z district ..... 8 2 districts.... 32 3 districts...... 72 4 districts...... 128 8,000 90,000 280,000 672,000 8,000 128,000 648,000 2,048,000 1,600 6,400 14,400 25,600 The system which I have now described is nearly the same as that which was proposed (in an imperfect form) by Mr. Edison in 1880. In 1883, Mr. R. E. Crompton proposed a somewhat similar arrangement for the Victoria provisional orders (also imperfect). As shown before, telegraph wires from distributing boxes (proposed by Mr. Edison) are unnecessary; a compound-wound galvanometer attached to the mains in the engine-house serves the same purpose. I would draw attention to the fact that the ends of the twigs, or the branch conductors, in parts of a district fed by different roots or feeders, may be connected when they are close together, thus making a network of the whole district, the proportions of conductors remain- ing the same as when not connected. This is a distinction from the network proposed by Mr. Edison, and a distinction necessary for economy. In this case there is more difficulty in managing the potentials, but it has this advantage, that if an accident happens to one feeder main, its fed district will, in some cases, be not quite in the dark. Considering the comparatively small chance of accident to feeders, as shown by our experience of gas, I would waive this, and in some cases I might even prefer that each block should be supplied from its distributing box by independent wires to each lamp. The potentials of all lamps are then absolutely constant, and, as shown before, there is less waste of energy in the distant lamps. At Paddington, Mr. Gordon uses a modifi- cation of the independent wire system by lead- ing a group of wires for a main, and cutting out more or less of them automatically, or by signals from the engine-house, according to the proportionate consumption in different parts. This is one example of many devices which the engineer may resort to in special cases, but which are not satisfactory as a general system. The different potentials may be given to the mains in a variety of ways. Edison puts re- sistances in the feeders. Gordon does the same by cutting out some conductors of the main feeders. I prefer, after getting 100 volts, to add to the pressure by a number of dy- namos of large quantity and only two volts pressure. Terminals come to studs, along which feeder contacts slide till the right pressure is attained. I have not time in three lectures to go into 2362 all these details. I must stick to the main questions. NETWORK MAINS. I now come to the network system, and after the care we have bestowed upon the multiple arc system generally, there is not much to say. In the form proposed and carried out by Mr. Edison, it is not econo- mical, and I shall show you why. He leads his conductors along the face of each block of buildings, and wherever the conductors in- tersect, the and conductors are connected together respectively. Distributing centres are provided with feeders supplying them, and with wires to the engine-house to indicate the potential. Resistances are introduced into the feeder circuits to equalise the potentials. This is a beautiful idea carried out without calculation, and consequently not economical. It is verbally identical with what I have called the tree system, with the branches of separately fed districts. connected. The chief practical difference is that Mr. Edison lays his conductors of the same size for a long way. In the tree system the economical size of conductor is chosen in every part. Secondly, Mr. Edison equalises potential by resistances in the mains which is hostile to economy. The importance of having a large number of feed- ing boxes and feeders is very great, for two reasons:-(1.) Repairs are more easily exe- cuted with less interference to many people. (2.) The equalisation of potentials may be made practically perfect. The advantages of independent wires from lamps to distributing boxes are enormously increased by the fact that repairs do not affect 26 other lamps. The only consideration to weigh against its advantages is the extra cost of thin insulated wires. This is a matter which it is impossible to touch in a general statement of the problem, but which the engineer must calculate for every special case before finally deciding. The only advantage of connecting separately- fed districts is the prevention of darkness in case of accident to a feeder. I prefer to guard. against this by splitting each feeder into two. It would rarely happen that both were damaged together, if laid separately. Notice, in all systems of laying mains, the size of conductors in different parts is propor- tionate to what it would be if a wire came from each lamp by the shortest 1ɔute. On the wall is a diagram to show you the arrangement proposed by Mr. Edison, where you see separate dynamos connected with separate feeders, going to separate distributing boxes, which are connected to the whole network system. My object in these lectures is to lay methods before you, not to give opinions, but it may be right that I should state to you my belief that the most satisfactory multiple arc system pro- posed is as follows:-1. A large number of distributing boxes as follows (the number depending on the type of dynamo, or vice versa). 2. Each box fed by a different feeder. 3. Each distributing box must be nearer to the central station than any lamp fed from it. 4. Small groups of lamps to be fed from the distributing box by separate wires. 5. The relative section of conductor at every point of a street to be the same as if every lamp had a separate wire going by the shortest - street route to the central station. 2363 27 LECTURE III.-Delivered FEBRUARY 16711, 1885. In the last lecture, I was engaged in describ- ing the different methods which have been used to apply what is called the multiple arc system of electric lighting. The multiple arc system is a system in which there are one positive and one negative lead between which the lamps are placed. I think that we succeeded in arriving at several very general conclusions which simplify the consideration of the manner of laying mains a great deal. I think I am right in saying that in the past the practice of designing mains has been to a certain extent haphazard; the mains have been selected a little at random, and then perhaps afterwards adjusted to a slight extent; but there has not been that thorough estimating of the effects which could be arrived at by calcula- tion, and in consequence of that there have been some grievous failures in electric lighting on the multiple arc system. I think we arrived at one or two important generalisations which must be accepted as necessary for economy, and in such a system-the multiple arc system -the amount of copper used in our mains is so enormous that everyone must admit that economy is the first consideration, and that all such engineering difficulties as there may be must be met by the engineer as difficulties which can be conquered. The most important results which we arrived at were, I think, pretty clearly shown by illustration by the diagram of the city of Chicago, as we chose to call it (Fig. p. 24), in which it was shown that, in order to have good distribution, there must be no great variation of pressure in the mains, electric pressure in the mains corresponding, as you will remember, exactly with hydraulic pressure if it were a service of water; and in order to prevent our having too great a variation of pressure in different parts of the district, or in the same district at different periods of the night, when the consumption over the district varies, it is necessary, as I showed by means of the dia. gram, to have a large number of distributing boxes with mains, trunk lines of conductors coming to these distributing boxes and feeding them, and each one of these distributing boxes then serving to light up a certain space, which in the diagram is essentially a triangular space. And I also gave you the rules for determining what is the size of the district which may be lighted up by such a distributing box, and I think everyone here will agree with me that the limit was very confined indeed, compared with the general ideas which have prevailed as to the number of distributing boxes which are required; that is to say, that upon the assumption upon which we have been working of the size of con- ductor required to carry a certain current, we concluded it would be necessary to have the distributing boxes so close that no lamp should be at a greater distance than 124 yards from the distributing box. Another important point which has been, I think I may safely say, altogether neglected in all schemes which have been hitherto issued for distribution of electricity from central stations is this, that the distributing box, the point from which the distribution takes place, must be closer to the central station than any of the lamps which are fed by that distributing box. As a general rule, the distributing box has been put in the centre of the district which it feeds, and that is a mistake; it ought to be nearer the central station than any of the lamps which it feeds. I gave you also in the last lecture some account of the relative cost of different systems of lighting in the multiple arc way, and it was found that by introducing a large number of distributing boxes in this way the cost was very materially reduced; but, at the same time, the cost was very great, even with these distributing boxes. And the cost may be divided into two parts; first, the cost of the supply wires, the conductors which are sup• 2364 28. plying the electricity from each distributing box to the houses, which are represented by the square lines round each block of buildings (Fig. p. 24); and secondly, there is the expense of the feeders, the conductors going up to the distributing boxes. Now when we increase the size of our district to any con- siderable extent, the cost of these feeders, these trunks which carry the electricity to the distributing boxes, is far greater than the cost of the supply system of conductors. If there be a means of reducing the cost in this way, that is to say, any way of cutting out these feeding conductors, that will be a very great economy indeed. This evening I will leave altogether apart the system of multiple arc lighting, which is the system which has been almost universally adopted in the past, and I shall speak this evening about the different systems which have been proposed and carried into effect for. using higher pressure in the mains. The work which is done by a certain number of lamps is a perfectly definite amount of work, and it is measured by the product of the pressure of the electricity into the quantity of the electricity which flows. If we increase the pressure, we diminish the quantity of electricity that flows; that is to say, we diminish the current, and if we diminish the current, we can diminish the size of our conductors. Now a great deal has been talked about the danger of introducing high pressures in electric distribution. I think that I shall find general agreement, among competent people when I say that a great deal of what has been talked in this way is pure nonsense, and that high pressures are not in the least more dangerous than our present systems of illumination; that if we have to bring high pressures of electricity through a district, those pressures are confined to the wires, and it is only in the case where there is disgraceful negligence of duty, and a dis- graceful leakage towards the earth in some part of the system, that it is possible for any- body to receive a dangerous shock from the wires of such a system. The wires which conduct the electricity into a house of any of these high potential schemes can never have a greater difference of pressure between them than what is required for the lamp; that is, in the present state of affairs, something like 100 volts. We will say that is the highest pressure there can exist between the two wires, and it seems almost incredible that there should ever be allowed to be a leak in the system so great that when a person touches one of the wires he should have a high current flowing through his person which would be dangerous. If we are to abolish the idea of using high potentials simply because of this vague notion that some time a shock might be experienced, we might as well abolish the whole system of gas lighting because it is possible that people can go into rooms where there is a leakage of gas with a lighted candle. The danger from gas is infinitely greater than that which can ever come from high potential electricity, and the difficulty of detecting a leakage of gas is likewise .infinitely greater than the difficulty of detecting a leakage of electricity. A properly organised system of distribution of electricity at high potential would render a severe shock to any person absolutely impossible, and that is the point which needs to be dealt on very strongly at present, because so much has been talked- and so much nonsense has been talked-about the dangers of high potentials. · I have often found a great convenience in describing the effects of electricity and the systems of distribution by reverting to the analogy of water pressure, and, I think, those of you here who are not deeply conversant with the subject of electrical engineering will perhaps be assisted by a few words of refer- ence to the analogy of water pressures. At present we see through different parts of London pipes being laid for supplying power by means of water at high pressure. This water is utilised in motors or turbines, through which the water passes. The water pressure is remarkably analogous to the pressure of the electricity in our mains; the turbines or other motors which are used to develop the power have remarkable analogy to the incandescent lamps or the arc lamps, or the electric motors which may be used with a system of distribu- tion. Now, in the manner of laying pipes for water-power which we have all observed in the streets in London, all these turbines or water engines are connected directly on to the same set of pipes; in other words, they are all con- nected in multiple arc, as we would say in electric language. But it would be quite possible to conceive of two turbines connected together in series; that is to say, with a very high pressure. in the mains first driving through one of these turbines, and then the outflow of water from that turbine still admitting of considerable high pressure to a second turbine, which it would work with the superabundant pressure which would exist. This is exactly analogous also to the electric system of distribution in 2365 series; and this will be clear by examination of the diagram (Fig. 1), where this circle represents the dynamo machine with the two leads coming from it, and here are a number of circuits, each circuit having two lamps in series. This is exactly equivalent to a main to come along here, split into a number of -- FIG. 1.-MULTIPLE SERIES. water pipes, with two turbines put in series. It follows that the pressure of water required to drive these two turbines is double the pres- sure required to drive the one. So it is exactly the same in electric distribution. We simply have to increase the pressure when we put a large number of lamps in series. Now, there are several different ways in which high potentials can be used effectively and with economy. I will begin with mention- ing the probable future which there may be in the application of secondary batteries. We often hear it remarked that the present systems of electric distribution are weak in some points, and that if only a system of secondary batteries were introduced, everything would be clear; and there is no doubt that by introducing secondary batteries a great deal of facility is given to the scheme. In the first place you can have a much smaller engine power, much smaller dynamo power, because your dynamos can be working the whole day charging these accumulators, and only used for supply when it is required. In the second place, you can put your secondary batteries all in series over a large district, and charge them all up in series, and then discharge them each to its local district, a small number at a time, and a small number at one place. In this way, by using high potentials, of course we should use small currents. In the hydraulic analogy, by using high pressures we require a smaller volume to flow, and therefore we should require smaller conductors, and, consequently, there would be a saving in laying down our copper. This is perfectly true, and there is not the slightest doubt a secondary bat- tery system is of the utmost value, and . would help us enormously. But at the present 29 moment there are several difficulties in the way of introducing secondary batteries like this, and the first is perhaps the most fatal one, and that is that we have no secondary battery. I do not mean to say that much has not been done in the last four years in improving secondary batteries; but at the present time we have not suficient con- fidence in the length of life and economy of secondary batteries to justify any en- gineer in depending upon them in design- ing a scheme of distribution. But I must say that there is a great probability of some- thing being done in this direction, because there is such a vast amount of intellect in the whole world being devoted to this particular, line, trying to perfect it, and already I have. seen such enormous improvements in secondary batteries of late, that I cannot help thinking that very likely soon we shall arrive at some- thing much more near perfection; and for this very reason I consider it is of the utmost im- portance that engineers should consider all such schemes which enable them to use high potentials, because, even though at the present time such a scheme as that intro- duced is imperfect to a certain extent, those schemes which lay down small wires for using with high potentials are the very schemes which will become applicable when the secondary battery is really a commercial thing in our possession; and, therefore, any person who has at the present moment to lay down a large system of lighting with the multiple arc system, would perhaps find, in the course of a year or two, that the whole of this enormous cost of copper he had laid down would be utterly wasted, because some dis- covery which had been made would enable him to use smaller conductors. For this reason. I consider in designing a scheme of electrical distribution an engineer.should consider the great importance of a probable discovery in the way of secondary batteries. · There has been one large experiment in the way of secondary batteries made at Colchester, and I have got diagrams here showing schemes of electrical distribution: With respect to the diagram at the other end of the room, which was referred to in the first lecture (Fig. p. 11), I would simply say, if you have troughs, or good-sized channels in which your con- ductors are laid, there is very little difficulty about your insulation; with a good trench and plenty of room, the engineering difficulties are comparatively trivial, so long as you will remember the facts which I pointed out in my 2366 first lecture, that you are not to trust to your insulating material as the support for the con- ductor. Your conductor must be supported by a substance capable of supporting it, not by a bituminous compound through which the conductor will sink in the course of years. But there are no engineering difficulties if you are able to have a dry trough for conducting your wires, and I am perfectly of opinion that if you have the mains laid down in that way you can use your 5,000 volts with perfect facility, and there will be no danger; and with proper tests regularly made, such a system would not only be possible, but perfectly safe. The diagram (Fig. 2) shows the arrangements which are 30 made at Colchester by the South Eastern Brush Company for distributing their electricity. The dynamos with the charging mains act through what is called a rocking switch into the secondary batteries. Now in this supply system, first we have charging mains coming to the secondary batteries situated in different districts through the town, and then from the secondary batteries we have service mains going away to different houses which are to be supplied, and this rocking switch is controlled by what is called a master cell, which is simply a cell with a diaphragm, so that when the ebullition of gas becomes too great, the diaphragm is raised and the contact is CHARGING MAINS ROCKING SWITCH A Bla ле FIG. 2. ma TC SUCCESSIVE SETS SERVICE MAINS MASTER CELL STORACE BATTERIES TO END OF SET måde, which switches over this rocking switch, and the cells then being considered to be thoroughly charged, are transferred from the charging system of mains to the service system of mains. That is the arrangement which was adopted there. One of these cells which aré used there is shown here, one of the Consoli- dated Company's cells, which I have lately had the opportunity of testing very carefully, and which seem to give fair results; and I have upon the tables below two plates, a positive and a negative plate, and you can examine them and see how they are constructed. Let me put in a word here in parenthesis. I do hope that those who are electricians will not allow the term negative to be applied to what ought to be positive, and the term positive to what ought to be negative. I cannot under- stand why, since secondary batteries have been introduced, the whole language which elec- tricians have been accustomed and got ha- bituated to should be utterly reversed, and if certain companies who make these batteries persist in calling the plates in that way, I don't see why electricians should adopt them, and why they should not stick to the terms they 2367 31 have been accustomed to use. I only hope a word said in season here and there will lead to electricians insisting on proper terms being given to these plates. Here also I have some plates well worthy of examination kindly lent me by the Electrical Power Storage Company. I may say that I had the good fortune to look through the work they have been doing of late, and I have been very much struck by the enormous progress they seem to have made in the practice of the construction of cells, and the maintenance of them in good order, and the prevention of the sulphating of these plates, which has been a source of very great trouble; and one of the chief things I was shown was the way in which these negative plates are kept in good condition, and how it is apparently impossible to injure them by overcharging. I believe I am right in pointing to this one [in- dicating a cell on the table] as one which has been persistently overcharged with the idea. of trying to damage it, trying to make it worse, and if you look at it you will see as good a plate as you ever saw in your life in any secondary battery, the material perfectly sound and excellent. It really seems to show that one of the chief difficulties that has been met with is charging with too weak a current, and allowing the battery to de- generate, and not keeping it thoroughly charged up. Next, I wish to draw your attention to a system of supply with high potentials which has been introduced by means of secondary induction currents. It is a very old idea to use induction currents in order to use a high potential current in the mains, and a low potential current in the supply service. I believe that the first patent which I have come across taken out in connection with this, was by Mr. Harrison, in the year 1857, and since then it has been patented over and over again, and here, is a general idea of it shown in this diagram (Fig. 3), where there are supposed to be rods of iron sur- rounded by coils of the main wire; here is the main wire coiling around one end of these iron bars. The lamps, then, have their terminals connected by a wire which coils around the iron bar also, an alternate current is used to pass through these main coils, and it sets up alternate magnetisation in opposite directions by these iron bars, and the magnetisation in- duces electric currents in this wire which is connected with the lamp, and, consequently, we are able to magnetise this bar by the main wires with any potential that we please, and we are able to draw off, by these induced cur- rents, a current of any potential that we please. In this way different lamps in different parts of the circuit can be fed with a current of what- ever pressure you please, although the main exciting current is of very high pressure indeed; but, mark this, there is absolutely no danger in this system, because the charging current is in a closed circuit which never goes near the rooms where the lamps are actually at work; a lamp thus never has over the potential which is required for that lamp, and the high pressures which are used in the mains are confined simply to a closed circuit of wire; therefore there is absolutely no danger in such a system so far as the conduction of electricity to any person is concerned. I may say that, owing to the construction of such apparatus, it acts as a condenser, and so might give a severe shock. But this danger can be reduced to iff FIG. 3. limits of safety, and tested for safety by ordinary electrical methods. I have said that this is a very old system. The idea is very old; but it is only in the last few years that it has been worked out practically and with confidence, with a confidence that docs honour to M. Gaulard, I may say, for the way in which he has attacked this problem; he was confident from the very first. I think it was three or four years ago when we first saw his ap- paratus in the Westminster Aquarium; since then he has been improving it, and has brought it to a practical issue. Since then I have not myself had the opportunity of experimenting upon the apparatus, but I simply draw my conclusions from the reports, in the first place, made by Dr. Hopkin- son and others; and I have not the slightest doubt that from these secondary generators it is possible to get a return of 90 per cent. in This is a result which is the lamp circuits. very remarkable, and is worthy of far more 2368 serious consideration than it has received up to the present time from most people, though of course many advanced electricians have been looking with eager interest at the result of these experiments. During the course of the last summer experiments were being made, as most of you are aware, at the Electrical Exhi- bition at Turin, and I have on the wall a plan of the scheme which was used there, and of the way in which the wires were used. Altogether the circuit had a length of about fifty miles; and we have evidence of the large number of different kinds of lamps used upon that circuit--a large number of Bernstein, Swan, Siemens, and Edison lamps, arc lamps and glow lamps--a large number of different lamps of different pressures, all worked from that central station over that great distance, so that the matter of distance is apparently over- come; these distances were of course much greater than they need be in any town distri- bution. I don't think I will say anything more about the system just now, except this, that if there is no difficulty about the expense, it is well worthy of far more attention than has been given to it up to the present. I had the pleasure of looking at the installation which is being commenced at the Grosvenor Gallery the other day, and I see there is no doubt we shall have an opportunity very soon of seeing a very large installation there, and at the Inventions Exhibition there is going to be a considerable amount of work done by the same system. After those two experiments we shall be in a position to judge whether economically it is good. In every other point, except per- haps the induced currents which the alternate current machines may create in telegraph wires and other circuits, there really seems to be no objection to the system. It is true there is a great objection to alternate current machines, but when we come to examine it, there is very little ground for these objections; if the leading and return wires are brought very close together, induction in neighbouring telegraph wires is small, and I really think that we ought to look - all electrical engineers ought to look-very closely into these experi- ments which are being made just now, for they really promise well. Now let us go on to the other systems, and which are more analogous to those which we have been describing previously; and first, let us speak of the multiple series system. Here is a system, which I have alluded to, of multiple series on which there are two lamps on every series (Fig. 1, p. 29). Now the trouble - 32 After of that was, when it was first introduced, that if one of those lamps went out, the other in the series went out. In order to prevent that, it was suggested to bring a wire connecting the intermediate position to all the lamps in the circuit. Then if one goes out, the other does not, because it is fed by the current coming from the other lamps. The sketch shows that very well by the dotted line. Another example shows it in a different manner. There we go through successive pairs of lamps, the pressure gradually falling as we go along, and pass through the nine different series connected up. I do not know when this system was first prc- posed; it is very old, I believe. The first time that it was practically seen in action was, ' I believe, at the Paris Exhibition of 1881, when Mr. Edmunds lighted the Congress Salon by Swan lamps, the lamps all being fitted in multiple series in this manner. that the most important experiments madė were those by Mr. Preece, at Wimbledon, last year, when, in some experiments he made for the Commissioners of Sewers, he lighted up a large part of Wimbledon with incandescent lamps, all on the multiple series system; and quite lately we have had brought before our notice by Mr. Kierzkowski-Steuart an ad- mirable account of the lighting of Temesvar, in Hungary, by means of a multiple series. system like this, in a very remarkable article which appeared in a recent number of Engineering, giving a detailed description of the arrangements there, which had up- doubtedly been worked out with very great care before laying down the installation. Now, the multiple series system is one which is admirably adapted to Temesvar, in Hungary, because it is only used there for street lighting, and the lights are always all required at the same time. But it is not suitable for house-to- house distribution, simply for the reason that if some of the lamps are put out, then the other lamps on the circuit have too much current. [Experiment to show this effect.] Now it would be intolerable, in a general supply of electricity, that when one house in a block of buildings was using rather less current than usual, othei persons in that block should get far too much current; and that the next block of houses should receive so little current as was shown by these lamps (in the experi- ment) would also be intolerable. Various devices have been proposed for getting over these difficulties. I will deal with one or two The first system which I shall speak of is one • 2369 which has already been put into practice, and it is undoubtedly a most ingenious principle. That is what is called the three-wire system, which Dr. Hopkinson originated. There we have two dynamos at the central station work- ing in series, working through each other; that is to say, in the hydraulic analogy two pumps working in series, so as to send the water from the pumps at a very high pressure, if such a thing could be introduced into hydraulic engineering. The supply mains come from the extremities of two wires, but there is a third supply main which comes from the intermediate point and connected between the two dynamos, and the lamps are attached to branches which may come from the first main to the intermediate, or, as it has been called, the compensating main, and some of the lamps are attached to branches which are connected with the last main and the com- pensating main in the middle. We are able to use twice the pressure by using the dynamos in this way. Of course a great difficulty, as I have mentioned, would occur were it not for this central connection of the compensating wire; if there are more lamps in use in the first series than in the second series, then it would be necessary to drive the first dynamo so as to give a greater current than the second dynamo is giving, and then by adjusting the pressure of the two dynamos we are able to give a constant supply to both seis of lamps, and at the same time to work them in series. This line on the diagram is supposed to re- present a point of very large consumption, such as a theatre, when the wires come, some from the first main and the compensating con- ductor, and some from the second main and the compensating conductor, but in about an equal number, so that if the lights of the theatre be put out of a sudden, the disturbance in one series of mains will be the same as in the other, and there will not be that change in the light shown you just now. Now, as to the economy of this system. In the first place you will notice that, as I have arranged it here, which is the manner in which Edison has used it, the fall of potential is at the same rate as it is with the ordinary multiple arc distribution, therefore, according to this way, in which lamps are led off from two pairs of mains at every part, the distance to which these mains can extend is still limited, as it was in the multiple arc system, to 124 yards. But it would be equally possible to use only the first main and the compensating main, up to a distance of 124 yards, and then to use the 33 compensating main and the second, the lower potential main for another 124 yards. Now as to the economy. A great deal of exaggera- tion has been introduced in America into the accounts of economy in this system. It has been said that since you are using only half the current when you double the number of dynamos, therefore you half the size of mains ; but then you have three mains instead of four, therefore, they say, you have a gain of 25 per cent. for that reason; but then, they also say, you have got twice the pres- sure you had before, and, again, you may halve your mains, and, altogether, they tell you, you can make a saving of copper of 62 per cent. Now this may suit American financiers, but it is not electrical engineering. As a matter of fact, in the two cases, with an equal number of lamps, in place of having one dynamo and one pair of mains, I introduce two dynamos and three mains. I have half the current passing through that wire, and, therefore, I may have half the section of it, but there is no further reduction possible. I assume that I may take it for granted that the axiom which we worked out in the first lecture must be accepted as an axiom in all future time, that is, that to get economy in our mains we must use the most economical size of conductor possible. In that case the size of conductor is. approximately proportionate to the current it has to carry; therefore, the total amount of copper you have to lay down is simply three- fourths of the mass of copper which would be laid down in an ordinary multiple arc system. At a meeting of gentlemen interested in. electricity lately, this subject was broached,. and I ventured to mention this point then, simply because the originator was present, and. I may say that Dr. Hopkinson thoroughly coincided with me in the views I have given. you, so that the erroneous notion is evidently- purely an American idea. If we increase the number of wires from. three to a larger number, then we increase the economy, but if all the wires are of the same size, then the limit of economy, the maximum economy would be to reduce the copper by one-half; but it is possible to reduce the com- pensating wire, and I should think it might be reduced to one-half, and in that case the limit will be one-fourth; that is to say, when you put a large number of series you will have about one-fourth of the copper which you have otherwise in a multiple arc system. However, if we wanted to be absolutely certain that our lamps would be in perfect working order, and C 2370 that our conductors would be of suitable size, perhaps it would be right that all these three conductors should be of the same size, because such a consumption might arise. I am not of this opinion; but suppose we say that then would come the question whether it is not possible to devise some other means of re- ducing the thickness of these intermediate wires-these compensating wires. And this is what Mr. Edison has accomplished, on paper at least. In a very interesting patent which he took out in 1883, he has described a means of switching over the lamps from one pair of mains to the other. Now I believe there is a great deal in this, and I believe it is possible in this way to make the householders them- selves regulate their supply to a great extent. Just think what you do with your own gas. When you first light your gas, if your burners are as bad as burners usually are, your light flares, and you have to turn it down; after a time, when everybody else is using the gas, you have to turn it up again; then, late át night, when everybody has gone to bed and you are hard at work, you require again to lower it. If every householder had a switch, so that he could switch his own lamps on to one pair of mains or the other when he found his light dull, he would fiddle away with his switch, and in that case he would not only make his own light better but everybody's else, and every person in the district would be helping, the others to acquire the right poten- tial. No knowledge of electricity is required; no householder has to know what he is doing; he has simply to follow the natural instinct which a householder has of fiddling with his gas-jet until he gets it to work the best way possible and thus it is just possible that to some extent that may be of use. Mr. Edison proposed to use this system of switches with the three-wire system in combination with it, so that he will not get a perfect compensation by either the one or the other; by the combination of the two, he will get a perfect system and a perfect compensation. He has also proposed, in the same patent, to introduce automatic switches, switches which may be influenced by the pressure of these mains locally, or switches which may be influenced by the person in charge at the engine-house, so that wherever there is a deficiency of potential, lamps may be switched over. It is very probable that some development on this line may lead to important results. I have myself tried to extend the system a little, not in connection with the three-wire system, 34 but in onnection with the simple two-wire system. I feel pretty certain that the lighting of a town from a central station must be done on some multiple series system until secondary batteries are so economical as to permit the general introduction of such a system as that in use at Colchester, The chief difficulty lies in the fact that each section receives the same current whatever be the number of lamps in use. To obviate the excess of current, we might introduce conductors in those sections where it is required to carry off the excess of current. Thus we should save the lamps at the expense of energy. These conductors might be in the form of adjustible resistances acting automa- tically. This system is wasteful, but there are many cases where, at the present time, it is the most economical. Another plan is to introduce in each section a secondary battery of low resistance, which shall act as a regulator. But secondary batteries are still rather expensive. I have shown a diagram of multiple series. arrangement, in which two wires go round the circuit with breaks occurring alternately in the two wires: If we alter the position of these breaks we can always have the same number of lamps on each section, and so avoid all excess of current, and all waste of energy. [Experiment shown.] Now the time has come when we must con- clude this course of lectures, and, in conclu- sion, I have only to say that I think you will all agree with me that when we attack the problem of electrical distribution in a serious vein, we find that it is rather simpler than it seems at the first blush. It has been well said by one of our most distinguished electricians that in the past the distribution of electricity has been the crux of electric lighting; it has been there that the difficulty has been. Un“. doubtedly the Electric Lighting Act has done an enormous deal to hinder electric lighting, but every electrician must admit that there has been a difficulty in the question of distribution ; and I think you will all agree that the further we go into it, the simpler are the rules which guide us, and it is only that when schemes have generally been commenced in a slightly haphazard fashion, that difficulties of a serious character have seemed to present themselves. In every special district the engineer must use his discretion as to the kind of distribution which he is going to employ. But even in large districts, I think you will all agree that 2371 the consideration we have given to it shows that it is a possibility to lay mains on eco- nomical principles which shall suffice for lighting large districts, if no undue hindrance is put in the way of enterprising undertakers by the authorities that are in power. The past History of electric lighting has chiefly dealt with the system which I first spoke of in my last lecture, the multiple arc system, but I do not hesitate to say that the future of electric lighting, on a large scale, will deal al- most entirely with the systems which have been touched upon to-day. And especially I would draw attention to these different schemes and their value for the reason which I have already mentioned, that in the future we may have inventions in secondary batteries, or we may have other inventions, but whatever invention there is favouring electric lighting, it will be of a nature suitable for using the thinner conductors which we should naturally lay down with any high potential system which I have spoken of this evening. Therefore, the engi- neer, in designing a system of mains, would have a natural bias towards such thin con- ductors, such high potential mains: for that reason he would advise it, as well as for other reasons. When we are able to use, as I con- fidently believe we shall, a pressure of 5,000 volts, we can diminish the thickness of our conductors to one-fiftieth part, and for a district of 50,000 lights we should only require a conductor of about an inch section of copper.. When we are leaving the idea of masses of copper of the size of a man's body, and coming down to masses of copper an inch or even two 35 inches in diameter, I think we are really coming to the question of practical electric lighting.. And all this has been done—is not merely theoretical; it has been done to a con- siderable extent already, and that is the direction in which progress is being made at the present time. I can only say that I hope the Parliamentary difficulties which have partly stood in the way of electric lighting in the past will soon be entirely removed, and that others will prose- cute the question of electric distribution, so that we may be all thoroughly ready for it when we have greater facilities for electric lighting in the future, because there is not the slightest doubt that the question of distribu- tion had not been sufficiently developed when the Electric Lighting Act was passed; and if we are ready in the future, when those great concessions which must be granted by this or a succeeding Government-because it is simple justice—when those concessions have been granted, let us trust that engineers will be ready, and be able to supply a scheme which is perfectly satisfactory. The CHAIRMAN (Mr. W. H. Preece, F.R.S.), in proposing a vote of thanks to Professor Forbes, expressed his agreement with what the lecturer had said with reference to the danger of high potentials. He was quite sure that electricians were far more able to protect the public from even 50,000 volts, than gas engineers were to protect the public from explosions, or ordinary steam engineers from bursting boilers. • LONDON: PRINTED BY W. TKOunce, 10, gough-square, flpFET-STREET, E.C 2372 Complainant's Exhibit, Sprague's Electrician Article. THE ELECTRICIAN, SEPTEMBER 9, 1882. 403 there is only a disengagement of hydrogen at the negative THE EDISON SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. electrode without a deposit of iron.] Chlorite of potassium (negative electrode - hydrogen and base. Positive electrode little or no dis- engagement of oxygen).... 92* [The liquid of the positive, branch of the voltameter is yellow in colour, reddens at first, and afterwards discolours litmus blue.]. ■ 80* 54* Bromide of potassium (negative electrode - hydrogen and base. Positive electrode bromium) [The yellow colouration of the positive branch of the voltameter is due either to oxides of bromium or to per- bromide, as has been observed by M. Berthelot.] Iodide of potassium (negative electrode - hydrogen. and base. Positive electrode - iodine) [A zinc-carbon element decomposes quickly the iodide of potassium with deposit of iodine at the positive electrode, and disengagement of hydrogen at the negative electrode. A zinc platinum element with dilute sulphuric acid also decomposes, although more feebly, the iodide of potassium. After M. Berthelot a zinc platinum couple will not decom- pose iodide of potassium. It is probable that M. Berthelot operated on a solution of iodide of potassium too extended, and in this case his electrolysis ought to produce itself less easily. In fact, the iodide of potassium absorbs, in order to be decomposed, fewer calories than water, and, conse- quently, the more concentrated the solution the easier to. decompose it.] BY F. J. SPRAGUE, U.S. NAVY. I do not propose to enter into any discussion as to the priority of the claims of this inventor as compared with any other, but to speak of Mr. Edison's system as it has appeared to me after a thorough investigation and study of the same, extending over several months, and with great facilities at my command'; and my conclusions are based, not on Mr. Edison's claims, or the claims of his friends, but are the result of a candid examination. Mr. Edi- son's ambition has been far reaching, and he designs to establish a system of distribution, not alone for lighting, but for almost every purpose to which the electric current can be put, and he recognises the all-important principles, that all parts of such a system are mutually dependent; that thorough mathematical and engineering talent must be used; that no detail is so unim- portant, no real objection so trivial, but that it requires patient districts laid out, capital invested, and energy wasted, must all consideration; that dynamos, meters, lamps, motors, conductors, be calculated with reference to each other-in short, that economy and reliability are the great ends to be attained. The result is, that he comes now before the world, after three years of hard work and patient experimenting, feeling fully equipped and able to establish thoroughly reliable and extensive installa- tions. I have stated some of the requirements of a system of general distribution, and will consider that with Mr. Edison in detail and as a whole. I shall not give a full description of all the parts, but intend rather to consider it from a practical and economic view. In the first place, let me speak of the Dynamos. • These generators, which have armatures wound or connected on a modification of the Hefner-Alteneck system, may be divided into three classes :- ¿ In offering some criticism on M. Tommasi's results, M. Berthelot, the distinguished chemist, expressed the opinion that a zinc-carbon couple cannot be regarded as the equiva- lent of a zinc-platinum couple in the calculation of the quantities of heat developed by reactions which give birth to the voltaic couple. In fact, the heat disengaged by the attact of the zinc and acid is not the total with carbon, which exercises reactions proper and peculiar to itself. It absorbs hydrogen, oxygen, and these bodies interfere with the pure action of the carbon, as has been demonstrated by the researches of M. Ed. Becquerel (Ann. de Chimie et de Physique, 3rd series, Vol. 48, p. 256) on the electromotive force of such couples. He also points out that the thermic values which express the electrolytic reaction are only estab-case with the same weight of metal and a shorter length. On lished for dilute liquids, and that the effects due to the separation of a trace of acid from the base in saturated saline solutions cannot be rigorously calculated because of the changes of concentration and secondary reactions. The principles of the calculation are the same, but the data fail. In reply to M. Berthelot, M. Tommasi points out that he has shown that with two zinc carbon couples and dilute sul. phuric acid, it is possible to decompose a solution of sul- phate of potassium when that decomposition cannot be effected by two zinc platinum couples and water accidulated by SO H². This experiment has been repeated by him with solutions of sulphate of potassium of strengt varying from 1 per cent. to saturation, but no appreciable difference was observed in the electrolysis of these solutions. He also points out that even if there were metallic impurities in the carbon they would only serve to increase the difference of potential between the two extremities of the circuit. As to the substitution of pure carbon for platinum in a zinc-pla- tinum couple with water accidulated by SO* H2, M. Ed. Becquerel has already observed, in 1856 (Ann. de Chimie et de Physique, 3rd series, Vol. 48), that the electromo- tive force of this couple diminishes instead of increasing. M. Tommasi further thinks that the increase in E.M.F or carbon couples is not due to the absorption of hydrogen or oxygen by the carbon, for, as he has already observed, to obtain good results with these couples it is necessary that the car- bons should enclose in their pores a gas, carbonic acid, for example, which, by its presence, forbids, or, at least, retards, the polarisation of the positive electrode of the battery. At the same time, he does not deny that the absorption of cer- tain gases by the carbon is not the cause of the increase of energy of carbon couples, but he does not consider such a supposition justified by experiment. * Calories or Electrolysis after M. Berthelot. 1st. Those having wire-wound armatures, the coils being wound on a wooden cylinder wrapped with a soft iron wire. These armatures are driven by belting, and rotate between the faces of long, vertical magnets at a speed of from 800 to 1,200 revolutions per minute, according to the size of machine and the number of lamps. By using a large mass of metal a powerful magnet may be created, rendering necessary a less number of convolutions of wire, and, consequently, less heat and waste in the armature for a given electromotive force. By using long magnets the mean resultant of the convolutions of wire is brought much nearer the centre of the core than would be the account of this a more active magnetic field is produced; one with a greater projective power, and less current may be used in the field coils. This can be exemplified in a striking manner by reforging the cores with the same amount of iron, but making them shorter, and rewinding with the same amount of wire as is now used. With the same speed of armature and the same number of convolutions, the E.M.F. of the machine will fall very appreciably, and this lower E.M.F. can be obtained by using the longer magnets with the faces at a much greater dis- tance from the surface of the armature. The commutator is long; its life, or time of running without repair, is thus increased, and should a movable commutator be fitted the trouble of taking care of a machine may be reduced to a minimum. There are four varieties, or classes, with capacities of 70, 150, 250, and 500 lamps, and the number of magnets depends upon the size of the machine. Each pair of cores is in series; if two or more pairs are used the pairs are thrown in parallel circuit. Roughly speaking, the resistance of the field coils may be expressed by the fraction 3,000, where L is the full number of lamps. In the 70 lighter this resistance is 404 ohms cold, and 415 warm, and the field is in parallel circuit with the external circuit. The machine generates an E.M.F. of about 110 volts, and runs very quietly. Ordinarily 60 lamps would be the proper load if running for a long time, but do can be readily carried for a shorter period. The only limit to the power of a machine, ordinarily speaking, is the heating of the armature, which depends upon the total volume of current flowing. The arma- ture has a resistance of 16 ohm, cold, and 20 warm. With a difference of potential of 100 volts at the terminals, the field coils would require 10,650 foot-pounds of electrical energy expended per minute, or 32 horse-power, represented by about a pound of coal per hour. The energy lost in the armature would be C2 8848, C being the total current in amperes. With a circuit of 70 140-ohm lamps, the external resistance, includ- ing the field coils, but not the conductors, which are very low, would be 2 ohms, over 9.5 times the internal. Reference to the curve shows it to be very flat at this point, and the change in E.M.F. of the machine for a large reduction of lamps would be • L 2373 404 THE ELECTRICIAN, SEPTEMBER 9, 1882. small. If the number be cut down to half, the drop in the E.M.F. would be but about 4 per cent. My experience with the larger capacity machines of this type does not warrant me in comment- ing on their performance, but from the knowledge of their con- struction I should judge their efficiency to be about the same. I should have said that about 9 or 10 horse-power should be delivered to the pulley of the 70-light machine. magnets, 2nd. The second class comprises machines with long magnets, as in the first, which may be coupled in series, or in parallel circuit making their resistance about one-fourth, and enabling a given E.M.F. to be obtained with a lower speed. The armature is built up of iron discs, and has a sheathing of copper bars con- nected across the ends by copper discs. One pair of bars and one pair of discs form a complete coil. This armature is of very low resistance; in the ordinary size it is one-tenth that of the armature of the 70-lighter. It is run at about the same speed, develops a lower locomotive force, and is suitable for lamps of lower resistance. One of these machines was very carefully tested by Mr. J. A. Howell, at Stephen's Institute, and no better idea can be formed of its efficiency than by reference to the fol- lowing table, which is compiled from Van Nostrand's January magazine. Three tests were made, and all sources of error were eliminated as far as possible. The first was by means of the voltameter, the second by calorimeter, and the third by the E.M.F. and resistance method. By "efficiency" is meant the ratio of the total electrical energy developed to the power required to turn the armature in the magnetic field. By commercial efficiency "is meant the ratio of energy appearing in the external circuit to the power required to drive the machine, including friction. " Data. Time of duration Speed of dynamometer Resistance of armature... Total resistance of circuit E.M.F.... C. Efficiency Commercial efficiency 1st ex. 2nd ex. 3rd ex. Average. 15... 16... 400.5... 394... 355... •016... ·016... ⚫016... 773... ⚫696... .658... 64.74... 55·10... 53.00... 83 75... 79-17... 80-55... ·955... •967... .935... .861... •901... ·87... Foot-pounds of electrical energy Appearing in armature... 4965... 5604... 5026... Field coils.. 4646... 4216... 3347... External circuit .230268...233940...198301... Per centage of same appearing : In armature. Field coils.. Both External circuit ⚫951 887 2.07... 2:30... 2:43... 2.27 1.94... 1.73... 1·62... 1·73 4.01... 4.03... 4.05... 4·03· 95.99... 95 97... 95 95... 95.97 Little comment need be made on these results. With a simi- lar machine, the field magnets in parallel circuit, 240 8-candle lamps of about 65 ohms resistance have been run. These arma- These arma- tures are somewhat difficult of construction, but it seems to me that their efficiency is so remarkable that the extra expense is warrantable, and I should like to see more machines constructed on this rather than on the wire principle. · experiments, we find that one lamp of 140.5 ohms resistance required, for an illuminating power of 16 candles, a potential of 99 volts, and used 3,107 41 foot-pounds of energy per minute. The potential and resistance give a current of 7046 ampere. This is about the average of five lamps, and we may base some calculations on this. 1320 lamps would require 930 072 amperes, and the external resistance, that of the lamps, would be 1064 obm, or 28 times the internal. Call the resistance of obm, leading wires 01 ohm, i.e., one-tenth of the lamp resist- ance, which will give a lamp circuit resistance of 1164 The resistance of the field coils, cold, is 6.73 ohm. ohms, which, in parallel circuit with the lamps, gives an external resistance of 11425 ohm, and a total circuit resis- tance of 11839 ohm, allowing an increase of 5 per cent. for the resistance of the field coils, and 10 per cent. for the armatures. For convenience, I regard the leading wire resis- tance as entirely entering between the commutator brushes and the lamps. This will give a difference of potential at the brushes or terminals to the field coils of 108 05 ohms, and a field current of 15 29 amperes; whence we have a total current in the arma- ture of 945 36 amperes, and an E.M.F. of 111.67 volts. This gives an equivalent of 73,090 foot-pounds in the field coils, 387,200 in the leading wires, 163,690 in the armature, and 4,064,050 in the lamps, making a total of 4,688,030 foot-pounds of electrical energy per minute. In the absence of exact data, let us suppose the efficiency of this machine to be the same as, or rather let us say that it is 2 per cent. less than that of the small machine we were before considering, i.e., 93 per cent. There would then have been applied 5,040,892 foot-pounds per minute to the axis of the armature, or 152 75 horse-power, of which there was expended 123 15 in the lamp circuit, 11 73 in the external conductors, 2.22 in the field circuit, 4.96 in the armature, and 10-69 otherwise wasted; or, expressing it in per centages, 80'6, 7.6, 1.5, 3.3, and 7.0 per cent. respectively. Although 496 horse- power may seem in itself a large amount to be lost, in the armature, it is, we see, a very small per centage of the whole, yet a diminution of 0001 ohm would diminishi the loss by 3,916 foot-pounds per minute. We thus see how absolutely necessary it is to have the lowest possible resis- tance in the armature when dealing with large currents, the energy of which, expended in a circuit of given resistance, increases with the square of the current. Suppose, for a moment, an armature were built of the tenth of an ohm resist- ance, and the same current 945 36 amperes were to flow through it, there would be a loss of 118.6 h.-p., and with the resistance of an ohm the power of 1,186 horses, or 19,569 foot-tons per minute, would be lost; in fact, it would be practically impossible to build an armature of that resistance to sustain the current. • Another rather instructive calculation may be made by reducing an armature to a nominal equivalent foot conductor. In this it is not necessary, in order that we may compare with another machine, to consider the relative intensities of the field. All machines have certain parts of the conductors which are in- active, and the less this proportion the better for the machine and the higher efficiency will it show. In this generator there are 98 bars on the armature, the average length being 4ft. 9in., of which 4ft. 2in. are active. The circle of revolution is 27·5in. 3rd. This class comprises machines with armatures on the diameter. At each end are 49 circular plates, each of which I same plan as the last, but very much larger, of lower resistance, consider the equivalent of a conductor 27 5in. long, and having and of double the electromotive force. The field magnets are a velocity of a point at half distance from the centre. I think horizontal, have 12 cores, and their resistance is about one-seventh that the speed of the engine was about 320 revolutions, because that of the 60-lighter. The armature is connected directly to with a load of about 700 lamps its speed is 290 to 300 revolutions. the engine, this being a well-powered, high speed, non-conden- I feel quite certain that it was not above that. With this data, sing engine, known as the Porter-Allen. The governor controls I find the active part of the armature to be equivalent to a con- the throw of the valve by shifting the position of the link. The ductor one foot in length, moving with a velocity of 15,682ft. armature has a speed of from 280 to 340 revolutions per minute, per second, and the inactive part, comprising the ends of the the ordinary speed being about 300 There are in Europe three bars and the discs, equal to a foot conductor with a second velocity only of these machines, the first being in Paris, the second and of 6,507ft., or the whole equivalent to a foot conductor with a third at the central station at Holborn-viaduct. These are not velocity of 22,189ft. per second. With an E.M.F. of 111 67 volts, of the same size, No. 3 being the largest, and having capacity this gives a foot conductor a second velocity of 1987ft. per normally of about 1,000 lights. I think six others have been volt developed, and with 5,040,892 foot-pounds per minute an constructed, part of which have already been tested for the New absorption of 378 foot-pounds in a foot conductor per foot per York lighting station. The resistance of the armature of No. 3 second, of which 93 per cent. is developed into electrical energy. when cold is 0038 ohm, this low resistance being obtained by This is an admirable showing, and affords some data on which the use of a few large conductors. The connections are plated to build a still larger machine. I am inclined to think that, were with gold to prevent oxydisation. Although the normal capacity the armature built up of rings instead of discs, even less power of No. 3 is about 1,000 lights, it can be readily run up to 1,200 would be wasted, and the machine be in every way probably as or 1,300, and by coupling the field magnets so that their resist-efficient. But there is a limit to the size of machines to be built, ance is about 4-9ths that of the Holborn-viaduct machine, Mr. which limit is reached when we determine how much waste can Edison very recently ran 1,630 lamps at 20 candle-power. Of be afforded, and how much must, of necessity, be lost in the course, on account of a certain amount of loss in conductors armature. of a general system, a. generator must be able to develop an E.M.E.. of from 10 to 20 volts more than difference of potentials existing at the lamp terminals. I have been informed, on re- liable authority, that the No. 3 machine was tested before leaving New York with 1,320 lamps for fifteen consecutive hours. suppose this was at 16 candles. Referring again to Howell's oue The current generated is taken off by four pairs of inde- pendent brushes, the surface of the commutator being slightly amalgamated. The sectional area of the brushes on side is about four square inches. Unless adjusted carefully there is a good deal of sparking, and consequent loss in wear. but experience, in a little while, enables one to set these brushes 2374 THE ELECTRICIAN, SEPTEMBER 9, 1882. sufficiently far ahead to make this almost entirely disappear. The scoring of the commutator in a four mouths' run, which has been, to a great extent, experimental, is about fin. The com- mutator blocks should be movable, and I understand that all large machines are now so constructed. I have seen the largest machine here run one lamp at about 16 candles, and at other times 800 to 1,000 at from 20 to 25 candles. Of course there is no economy with a few lamps on a machine of this size. The potential is such that the commutator brushes can be readily grasped, but there is a peculiar sensation of heat experienced in the wrists and forearm. The armature beats moderately, the radiation being hindered by a thorough insulation, but a blower forces air around it to prevent undue rise of temperature. As interesting experiments, the two machines at Holborn-viaduct have been joined in parallel circuit, although of unequal capa- cities, and a sixty light machine could be just as readily coupled to the same circuit. One machine has been stopped, the circuit broken, and the load taken by the other generator, all in about twenty seconus, One machine has been stopped, and the load thrown on the other without extinction of the lamps; and once the engineer, by a mistake, kept throttling one machine down, because he thought it was running too fast, to find that this machine was being run as a motor by the other. The engine scems to me to be an excellent one, and now that opposition in some quarters to large dynamo machines has been hushed, the engine becomes the moot point. The general ex- perience has been that high speed engines, on variable work and long runs, have given a great deal of trouble with lost action, back lash, loosening nuts, and wear of piston, cylinder, valves, and guide bars. In a large system of distribution, the variation of load is not the same as in a tool shop or factory. It will be generally much more gradual, and consequently the work is better adapted for a high speed engine than many other kinds might be. On behalf of large engines there may be urged less wear and tear, fewer individual parts to look after, less liability to a break down, a greater number of good engines to choose from, and higher economy. On the other hand, there is, in favour of the higher speed engine, less boiler space required, the size engine for a given power being so much less, the individuality of each engine, the less inertia, and in case of a break down the disabling of a much smaller part of the plant. I confess to have had a prejudice against high speed engines, but this has mostly disappeared, and an inspection of one of the engines in use at Holborn-viaduct shows it to be in th be in thoroughly good condition. I believe that Mr. Edison has another engine under trial, and that he is not committed to the present one. Why the change will be made, if such there is, I do not know, unless because of greater regularity. The boilers are the Babcock and Wilcox patent, adapted for quick steam and high pressure. They need to be well taken care of, but are widely and favourably enough known to engineers to need no comment on my part. Lamps. On account of the need of having the external resistance high compared with the internal--and this ratio necessarily increases with the volume of current required; the resistance entering into a part of the lamps, and not into others; the necessity for allow ing but a small variation of illumination in different lamps; and from the fact that a given illuminating power can be obtained from a fine filament with a less loss of energy in cond"tors than from a coarse one, Mr. Edison has aimed at carbons of a very high resistance. There have been difficulties in the way by no means easy to surmount, a fact with which all inventors of incandescent lamps are probably conversant. One is that carbon One is that carbon diminishes its resistance when hot, another that strength, elas- ticity, and life are wanted. A third is that lamps of like illumi. nating power should have the same resistance, and the certainty of a reasonable life. Remarkable advance has been made, and 16 candle-power lamps are now made of 240 ohms resistance cold, dropping to 135 to 145 hot, and 10-candle lamps of about 475 ohms cold, and 275 hot, exceedingly strong and elastic, and of long average life when used at the proper power. This life is still quite variable, and it cannot be foretold. They may not last 300 hours, they may last 2,000. About 1,100 hours is their average life at present. Made of the finest bamboo, they are fibrous, of very even texture, and very fine; yet I have split, acci- dentally, the carbon of a ten-candle lamp. There is another variety, the eight-candle lamp, which is called the " B;" this is of the same cross section, and one half the length of the "A" lamp, but its use is limited, because in a general system, absolute individuality of all lamps is a requisite. The carbons are joined to the copper terminals of platinum wires in the glass, the copper clamps and ends of the carbons being plated in a solution. The platinum wires are sealed in a hot pressed joint, at the inner end of a tube sealed in the neck of the globe, whence copper wires lead to brass connections, which are brought into contact 405 with the similar connections in the socket. One contact is made before the other can be, and this last is by firm pressure. The carbons are so elastic that they will vibrate from one side of the globe to the other, and keep up a rapid vibration for a long time. When hot they are less elastic. To get lamps of higher illumi- nating power, the width of the carbon is increased, while the thickness remains about the same. Two or more carbous have been used, but this is not a practical arrangement. This gives about double the illuminating surface, half the resistance, and requires double the energy. There is room for great improve- ment in the matter of lamps of high power, for I have no doubt in the near future that incandescent lamps of 200. or 300 or 300 candle. power, and even higher, will be perfectly practicable. It has been said that lamps should have the highest possible resistance. This is not so. The carbons have been reduced about as far as possible in width. It is possible that they may be made thinner, and in this way a step made to lighter weight, higher resistance, and greater eco- nomy. But the real limit is the potential which can be used. The resistance of a carbon of given illuminating power must depend upon the foot-pounds of energy expended, and the poten- tial at the terminals. I append the following table, which will give the required lamp resistance at different potentials, and with varying degrees of economy, in the case of a 16-candle lamp, which candle-power we will suppose remains the same. I will begin with the economy already obtained, about 3,000 foot-pounds per minute per lamp. Foot-pounds of E.E. used in lamp per minute. 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 No. of lamp per E.H.-P. ..... ...... ...... 11 13.2 16.5 22 ...... Candles per E.H.-P 176 211.2 264 352. Resistance of lamps in ohms when the E.M.F. is (volts). 100 125 150 175 200 147 246 332 452 590 177 293 398 542 708 221 367 498 677 885 295 489 664 903 1,180 Already there has been produced about 12 lamps per E.H.-P., and, although I hope to see it reduced, I think that 2.000 foot- pounds of energy is as low as can be hoped for, and I do not feel we should go above 150 volts potential at the lamp terminals. If this end can be obtained, the carbons must have a resistance of 498 ohmas, hot, and there will be produced over 260 candles per H.-P. of electrical energy. I am confining these computations and statements to the case of lamps not giving over 16 candles each-about the standard of which a long use of gas has led to the adoption. Of course, with higher illumination per unit of area, a greater given power per coal expenditure can be had, but is attended with a shorter life. The difference in work for a 140 ohm lamp at 15 and 16 candle- power is about 84 foot-pounds. Referring to the lamp already considered, and the equation of work, we find that at 15 candle- power there can be an additional circuit resistance of two ohms in one of two lamps, which is about one mile of No. 8, or 1,000 feet of No. 15 copper wire. With a higher resistance lamp this circuit resistance can be increased. Neither a high resistance nor a high potential is necessary to get a certain candle-power with a certain expenditure of energy in a lamp of given mass, but a greater current is necessary with the lamp of low resist- ance. This means a greater loss in the conductors, a less effi- ciency of generator, and a much more limited distribution. Let me illustrate by a particular instance. Suppose a system in which about 500 lamps is supplied from the central station by a cable an inch in diameter. If this con- ductor is not insulated, but is open to the air, the current is sufficiently strong to raise the temperature very appreciably, say 15 deg. Centigrade. Now, what are the conditions under which the main supply cables of a large system of distribution are laid down? One condition is that they must be thoroughly insulated, and, if so, then the free radiation of heat, although surrounded by moist earth, is prevented; consequently, the rise of tem- perature will be fully as great as in a cable open to the air. Suppose with the same number of lamps double the current is used. Now, if the resistance of the cable remains the same, four times the work will be done, four times the number of heat units will appear, and, since the heat radiated must be equal to the heat generated, the temperature will rise until the difference of temperature between the cable and the earth is four times that which existed in the first instance. But what are the conditions now? Copper increases its resistance with the rise in tempera- ture, this increase being about 4 per cent. for each degree Centi- grade, and if our rise in the first instance was 15 degrees, the re- sistance now has increased some 30 or 40 per cent. Therefore,. instead of four times the work being lost on the conductors, there is something more than that, say five or six times, and furthermore, the temperature of the cable is now dangerous y high for the insulation. 2375 406 THE ELECTRICIAN, SEPTEMBER 9, 1882. Meters. After many trials of various kinds of meters or registers, Mr. Edison has adopted that which depends on electrical deposition, and has selected pure zinc for his plates, a strong solution of sulphate of zinc for the liquid, and places the register in a shunt circuit, allowing about 1-800th of the current to pass through it. The weight of zinc deposited in one hour by one ampere of cur rent is 1,198.8 milligrammes.. This, of course, gives a means of determining the amount of current used, with little loss in the registering apparatus. Polarisation is remarkably weak, and there is very little variation when a large number of them are tested together. Very careful weighing is necessary, and, pro- bably, the popular desire to see for one's self what current one is using, and thus have a check on the readings of the company, could only be met with this meter by having a competent super- visor of the weighing who was in no way connected with the But in the meter economy and accuracy seem to have been the objects. Error from a change of temperature is almost entirely eliminated by a proper proportioning of plates and solu- tion, the resistances of which change in opposite directions. company. Safety Arrangements. Much has been said about the dangers of fire from the intro- duction of electricity, but if the wires are properly laid, and means be taken to cut out a circuit when for any reason a short circuit takes place, causing, of course, an instant increase of current, there is no reason for apprehension. All wires, besides being insulated, should either be run through the brick or stone of a structure, or run along the walls, and should be covered by a moulding to prevent acidental joining of the two wires. Mr. Edison has adopted this plan. The switches have large bearing surfaces, and the contacts are broken sharply to prevent arcing. But, aside from these arrangements, he has introduced a feature which is an absolute necessity, which is now recognised essential to any and all systems of distribution for domestic purposes. This is a weak point in every main, derived, and sub-derived circuit. This weak point is a bit of wire of lead and tin alloy, which is mounted in a plug, and can be readily replaced when destroyed. In the event of a short circuit, the sudden increase of current fuses this wire before it can possibly heat the copper conductors. The wide-spread application of these safety plugs and their reliability, is, I think, one of the most admirable features in this system. • The use the lights could thus be regulated in intensity. The eye is a very poor judge, and to indicate an abnormal potential a magnet was bridged across the mains, just as the lamp is done, and the tension of the armature spring regulated so that when the potential increased, the increase of current caused the armature to move and a bell to ring. Such an arrangement, however, shows only the fact that the current is too strong, that is, the potential too high, and in a large system a much more delicate arrangement is used, the deflection of a spot of light on a graduated arc of large radius. The manual labour now used could be easily dispensed with, for the current in the galvanometer circuit could control a delicately adjusted armature, which, being moved one way or the other, would throw into action mechanism to operate the lever, or could close or reverse the current of a small motor to do the same. of the regulator should be as limited as possible, because a resistance which has no other function than diminishing a current is not to be commended; therefore, but very few coils should be in circuit for any length of time, and the regulator should find its office principally in meeting any sudden changes in the external resistance. With a resistance of one-fourth of the field magnets 12 70-light machines would absorb for regula- tion less than one third of a horse-power electrically-that is, about the energy used in four lamps. This is so small an amount that, considering the object that is attained, it cannot be objected to. In a large system the change of E.M.F. will be much smaller than would be necessary in a small one for the same numerical change, and any marked changes will be met by suitable changes in the number and speed of the generators; and it is just when machines are added or taken away that the regulator will be most in demand. Were the lights at the Crystal Palace furnished by one machine having an armature resistance equal to that of one of the arma- tures of the small machines, there would be a loss of over ninety- two horse-power, enough to drive nine machines. When the machines are joined there is the same immunity from harm in case of contact as in a single machine. At Holborn-viaduct there are, as many of you know, about 1,100 to 1,150 lamps furnished from the central station, distributed over a space extending from Holborn-circus to the Post Office. The system of distribution here is that of mutiple arc and branch circuits. Evidently, while simple circuits give perfectly satie- factory results in buildings, and on the street for short distances, they will not do for large districts. And it is this question of distribution over large areas to which Mr. Edison has given a great deal of thought, and has, I think, satisfactorily solved the problem. Whether the shunt system or the method of separate exciting for the field magnets will be found preferable will, probably, only be ascertained after a considerable experience. When there are but few machines in action I think, unquestionably, the shunt system, with comparatively high resistance of the field coils, is by far the best. These questions will be settled by trial, no doubt, when a large system is. in working order, and are mat- ters of relative economy and practice, not at all of the successful distribution of electricity, which is an assured fact. Just as small machines may be coupled in parallel circuit, so may large ones with satisfactory results. This coupling of machines of low resistance in parallel circuit is absolutely necessary, and the only way possible for a system of distribution to lamps direct With the exception of the main conductors, which are en-from the machine. When so joined the loss of energy in the closed in iron pipes and insulated by composition, I have con- armatures bears precisely the same ratio to the total energy ex; sidered the principal points of Mr. Edison's system in detail. Let expended as exists in a single generator. us look at it as a whole. I will first run hastily over the plant at the late Crystal Palace Exhibition, a piece, of such thorougbly satisfactory character that we may consider it with profit. There were about 1,075 mixed lamps distributed in the entertainment court, concert room, domestic exhibit, booths, and railway en- trance, all supplied by the same main conductors, and arranged in branch circuits with switches and safety plugs. These 1,075 lamps were the equivalent of about 840 standard lamps, and the current was supplied by twelve dynamos. In designing the plant, one object in view was to get an independence of power, such that the failure of any part would not cause extinction of the lumps. The motive power consisted of three Robey, non Robey, non condensing, double-cylinder engines, which are well enough known to all of you. Each fly wheel gave motion to a loose pulley, which, through the medium of a movable cone pulley, drove a section of shafting to which were belted the dynamos, In this way the breaking of an engine would stop four machines only, two could be stopped by shifting the cone pulley, and one, of course, by throwing off its belt. Aside from reliability, this arrangement steadied the current, and minimised the effect due any irregularity of an engine. With seventy standard lamps as the full work of a dynamo, one machine should be added for every seventy lamps added to the circuit, so that the relation of internal and external resistances should remain the same. The twelve machines being in parallel circuit, the internal resistance of the system was about 017 ohm. The twelve pairs of field coils were also in parallel circuit, making their resistance 3·46 ohms, and the external resistance, not including the main conductors, was about 17 ohm, the ratios remaining the same as exists in a single generator worked to its full capacity. The engines ran at 120 revolutions, driving the dynamos from 1,100 to 1,200. They did their work steadily, developing about 40 to 45 indicated. horse- power. The machines ran very quietly, and with very little parking. In the field circuit was placed the regulator, which consists of a series of open wire coils, joined to segments of a circle, around which travels an arm, which, by successive contact throws into circuit one or more coils, thus increasing the resistance of the field circuit, and changing the ratio of the resistance of this circuit to that of the lamp circuit without very materially changing the total resistance. By the movement of the level to Imagine two great sheets of copper in juxtaposition main- tained at a certain difference of potential. If in either of these plates there exists a difference of potential at any two points, there will be a general flow of electricity set up to restore the plate to a state of equilibrium, just as occurs in the earth's sur face, and this flow will continue as long as any inequality of con- dition exists. If these plates be. joined by conductors, cur- rents will flow proportional to the difference of potentials and the resistance of the conductor, just as if these plates were the terminals of a machine. Let such plates be the terminals of a machine, or better still, of several machines, and let the actual connections be made at several different points. There would now be a system of distribution, as far as regards the conductors, on the most perfect principles, and if the resist- ance of the connecting paths is less, that is, the number of paths greater at one point than at another, then there would be at that point, on account of the greater demand for current, a greater tendency to reduce its potential. and currents would flow to it from the surrounding parts. Such plates are evidently impossible; but perforate these plates, or in other words, replace them by notworks or meshes of cables, and we have a perfectly prac ticable method of providing a distribution, and I think the most satisfactory one. The way of laying down a district on this system is to lay the raain cables in each street, and wherever they cross : 2376 THE ELECTRICIAN, SEPTEMBER 9, 1882. join like to like. This is to be supplied by mains from the central station at several different points, which points are determined by the relation of the size of the conductors, and the resistance of and allowed variation in intensity of the lamps. A pecu- lir thing, at first sight, is that the direction of the current in the street conductors will not always be the same, but will change so that the maximum flow is towards the point where there is the greatest demand. The relative sizes of conductors are calcu- lated for the maximum currents they are to carry, and in order that the percentage of loss may be the same a double current would require a conductor of double cross section. The main conductors diminish in size as the distance from the several sources of supply increases, and the several districts in the city, each being primarily fed by a single system of gene- rators, are joined together. If one half of these conduc- tors were broken, the remainder could still surply the district. Small wires from every part of the city can be taken to one central office, so that the actual state of the poten- tial may be known at any instant at any point, and even an automatic graphic record kept. In this way, one man can keep constant supervision of the whole system, having thus a check on the local engineers, and, by telephonic communication, give the necessary directions to increase or lower the potential or supply. In every dynamo room, a dial can be placed in a shunt from the cable of each machine, which will indicate the number of lamps, or the amount of current which the machine is supplying. I have made no mention whatsoever of the application to power, which I will consider at another date, nor have I spoken of storage batteries in connection with this system, and I think with Mr. Edison that they are not a necessary adjunct. The varia- tion of light would be remarkably small, and the failure, as far as the street mains is concerned, is practically impossible. There then remains the question, what is the liability of breakdown at a central station? If there is but one central station, the only way in which it could be disabled would be the blowing up of the major part of its boilers, and this is not very probable; in fact, I do not see how it is possible for such thing to occur with good boilers properly arranged. The breakdown of a single engine, the failure of one or two armatures, is quite possible, ana we may say, probable. But such breakage would not seriously affect the supply, for aside from the fact that there would probably be a reserve dynamo, the machines can be easily run to over their normal power. In a city the entire destruc- tion of a central station would not put out the lights in its own district, for the mains would be supplied from those of the sur- rounding districts. The calculation of the size and number of the supply and distributing mains is a work of careful engineer- ing. It involves the cost of iron and copper, of coal and property, of labour, of capital invested and interest required-in short, how much of the energy of the current, of the coal, can be wasted, and in what part of the system. So each city must be the subject of special calculation,at it is perfectly practicable. Such is a brief résumé of Mr. Edison's system as it has appeared to me after long and thorough study system in the fullest sense of the word, one of supply, measurement, and consumption, elaborate in detail, broad in conception. When we consider the present uses of electricity, and the uses which will be developed when it is at every householder's command, we will be more able to appreciate the importance of Mr. Edison's work, and although there is improvement to be looked for, I think he can feel satis- fied that he has practically accomplished the work he set him- self to do. a 407 dially indeed, and the directors were in communication with persons for the purpose of installing the light there, provided they could come to terms. In the month of July there was a very extensive fancy fair hold in the city took place having been most successfully lighted up, and the Company had of Exeter, and the light was shown there, the hall in which the proceedings received payment for the three days, and there was the payment for one day to be received. There was a prospect of doing further business in Plymouth, and there was a probability of their lighting the dockyard. One or two shareholders had expressed the opinion that the directors might have done more business. Business could be done to any extent, but the directors wished to make a profitable return, and wero cautious not to go into matters which might not result profitably. They were carrying on negotiations for the introduction of their electric light at Penzance, the hoad-quarters of the mining interest of Cornwall. There was there a very large field for the introduction of the light into Cornish mines. yet the electric light would be of immense advantage to them. An exhibi- Although the Cornish mines were not in any danger from gas explosions, tion of the light would be made at Penzance on the footing that Penzance should cover all the expenses, and he thought that that would be a very good advertisement to the Company. This being the statutory meeting, he had no resolution to propose. Mr. J. S. TYLER said the Company issued a prospectus stating that the Company had the exclusive right to the Lane-Fox incandescent lamp, but he found on search that a general license had been granted to the British Electric Light Company for the use and sale of the lamp to Great Britain and Ireland. It seemed from the register that that license was granted in consequence of an agreement which Mr. Lane-Fox had previously entered into with the British Electric, and in consequence of proceedings which they took against him in the Court of Chancery. He searched the register carefully, and did not find that there had been any revocation of that license, and, even if the license were revoked, the non-registration of the revoca- tion was a serious matter for this Company, seeing that if the British Electric Company liquidated, and Mr. Lane-Fox become bankrupt, the trustee of his bankruptcy or the official liquidator of the British Electric Light Company might have very important rights, to the detriment of this Company, in consequence of the non-registration of the revocation. He also asked whether any fresh contracts had been entered into since his interview with the directors yesterday. The CHAIRMAN said the questions put by the last speaker resolved themselves into one, because it was the head and front of the thing. The question was, "Is it or is it not a fact that such and such a transfer was made? whether, in fact, they had the exclusive and legal use of that which had been guaranteed to them. Unless the directors had supposed that they had such a right, they certainly would not have issued such a statement in their prospectus. If the facts were not as stated, certainly Western Company, and the Great Western had its remedy against the this Company had a remedy against the parent company, the Great Anglo-American Brush. If the vendors had sold what they had no right to sell, it was pretty clear there was a remedy. Mr. TYLER did not consider the explanation satisfactory, and moved for a committee of shareholders to investigate the question. The motion was not seconded, and, after some furtl.er discussion, a vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings. COMPANIES' SHARE LIST. COMPANIES. Anglo-American Do. Preferred Do. Deferred Brazil Submarine Cuba Direct Spanish Do. Preference Do: Preference Direct United States Cable Eastern Telegraph TELEGRAPHS. Do. 6 per Cent. Preference.. CLOSING PRICKS 1111-16.. 101 131-16 114 10 3-16 - BUSINESS DONE WEEK ENDING SEPT. 6. SEPT. 6. 50%, 51 Highest. Lowest 511 501 81, 82 814 80 20, 21 21 20 114, 12 12 91, 101 103-16 16, 17 ― 6, 6 6 7-16 6 7-16 15, 16 11, 12 10%, 101 11 11-16 10 ..... 123, 13 123 105 111, 113 German Union 91, 101 118 10 11 3-16 10 Globe Telegraph and Trust Company. Do. Preference G2, 63 611-16..... 124, 13 13 12 12 124 124 12 29, 30 2, 2 21 21 81}, 9 9 9 121, 13) 121 12 255, 265 260 258 11, 21 81 91 2 1-16 D 1 15-16 91 82 7, 7 7 7 128 103 Do. 5 per Cent. Debentures, 1899... 100, Eastern Extension THE DEVON AND CORNWALL ELECTRIC LIGHT Great Northern AND POWER COMPANY. Indo-European Mediterranean Extension Do. Preference The first ordinary general meeting of this Company was held on Wednes. Renter's day, at the Caunon-street Hotel, Mr. W. H. Owen in the chair. Mr. F. B. LIDSTONE (the secretary) having read the notice convening the meeting, Submarine West India and Panama Do. 1st Preference.. Western Brazilian…………. West. Union 7 per Cent. 1st Mortgage 123, Do. 6 per Cent. Sterling Bonds...... 100, TELEPHONES. 11, . 10 10 Cousol. Telephone and Maintenance Griental... United Telephone.. Maxim-Weston Eastern Electric The CHAIRMAN said that this was what might be termed their statutory meeting. It was the meeting which was usually held according to the statute regulating joint stock companies' proceedings, which provided that the first general meeting should be held within four months of the time of registration of a company. Usually there was nothing to say at such meetings further than to give such information as the shareholders might desire to have, and that he would proceed to give as shortly as possible. The first thing he might say was that he rather regretted to see so few of the shareholders present, but no doubt the directors might take it as a com- pliment, because if they had wanted to find fault they would have attended. Anglo-American Brush The Company only having seen formed a short time, not much business had been done. The nature of the goods they had to offer to the public was not such as to admit of their simply being shown and a purchase made. The introduction of the electric light was a process which must be gone through cautiously, carefully, and quietly, as there was a very strong interest in the gas companies opposing it. People expected to have the electric light on the same terms as gas, but he argued that they ought not to expect to have a superior article at the same price as an inferior. Still, there was a prospect of doing something, particularly at Plymouth, a very enterprising place. Plymouth had received offers of the light very cor- 11 1} 15-16 11-16 111 91 ELECTRIC Light. .. 101. 11 21 (£4 paid) 9-16 12 10% 27 (£4 pd) ... 2 མྦྷས TRAFFIC RECEIPTS FOR AUGUST, 1882. June, 1882. June, 1881. Incrse. Decres COMPANIES. Cuba Submarine Company. Direct Spanish Telegraph Company Eastern Extension Telegraph Company Eastern Telegraph Company Great Northern Telegraph Company ......... 2,550 1,780 32,025 30,349 61,600 2,401 1,507 49 283 1,676 38,171 13,429 23,300 I 2377 Complainant's Exhibit, Gatehouse Nature Article. Nov. 14, 1878] NATURE larly on the whole than the maxima and minima of sun- spots. But why do we beat about the bush when all that is needed is half-a-dozen of Pouillet's pyrheliometers with skilled observers, who will seize every clear day to deter- mine directly the heating power of the sun? Why do we not go direct to the Great Luminary himself, and ask him plainly whether he varies or not? If he answers No! then some of us must reconsider our theories, and perhaps endure a little ridicule. But if, as is much more probable, he should answer Yes! then the time will come when the most important news in the Times will be the usual cablegram of the solar power. Solar observatories ought to be established on the table-lands of Quito or Cuzco, in Cashmere, in Piazzi Smyth's observatory on the Peak of Teneriffe, in Central Australia, or wherever else the sun can be observed most free from atmospheric opacity. An empire on which the sun never sets. and whose commerce pervades every port and creek of the sunny south, cannot wisely neglect to keep a watch on the great fountain of energy. From that sun, which is truly "of this great world both eye and soul," we derive our strength and our weakness, our success and our failure, our elation in commercial mania, and our despondency and ruin in commercial collapse. W. STANLEY JEVONS THE WERDERMANŃ ELECTRIC LIGHT WE are able this week to give some further details concerning Mr. Werdermann's method of dividing the electric light. The real difficulty was found in devising a form of light which could be divided into several, and still give enough illuminating power for practical use; and it is in this particular that Mr. Werdermann has apparently succeeded. It may be interesting here to state Mr. Werdermann's reasons for adopting this particular form of lighting. זן 37 negative electrode. The section of this deposit is about that of the positive carbon itself, and it is about } of an inch high. When in an electric lamp, electrodes having the same sectional area are used, the changes at the points between which the voltaic arc passes, take place in a manner which is well known, viz., a crater or hollow is formed in the positive electrode which emits the light, the crater itself being heated by the current to white heat, and the sur- rounding part to redness. The negative electrode which assumes the form of a cone, is only heated to redness, and emits scarcely any light. It was found that an increase in the sectional area of Mr. Werdermann was led to make these experiments by the idea that perhaps by altering the sectional area of the carbons a similar effect might be produced to that which is obtained in electrolysis when a plate used as one electrode and a small wire at the other, and from the the positive electrode diminishes the light emitted by that electrode, and if the increase is continued gradually, the light on that electrode finally disappears entirely, where- as the heating effect upon the negative electrode in con- nection therewith increases, until finally light is emitted by the same. Again, by increasing the sectional area of the negative electrode, the heating effect upon the same decreases proportionally to the increase of its area, until the area having been sufficiently increased the heat al ost entirely disappears, and consequently the con- sumption or wearing away of that electrode is scarcely ´appreciable. The light given out by the positive electrode in connec- tion therewith, on the contrary, increases in proportion to the difference existing between the sectional area of the two electrodes, and instead of a crater being formed in the positive carbon, the latter assumes the form of a cone as formerly was the case with the negative carbon. The greater the difference between the areas of the two carbons the shorter is the length of the voltaic arc which can be obtained between them, and when the area of the positive is gradually diminished and that of the negative increased, the light is produced by the carbons apparently in contact, and a small deposit of graphite is seen on the a FIG. 1. results obtained he devised his present system of electric lighting. His lamp is constructed in the following manner :- He places the negative carbon which is in the form of a disc 2 inches in diameter, and about 1 inch thick, uppermost. This carbon is clasped all round by a copper band which is prolonged to the terminal to which one of the leading cables is attached. The lower or positive electrode is a small pencil of carbon 3 millimetres in ୪୪୪ FIG. 2. ug 1990 diameter, and can be made of any suitable length. This slides up vertically in a tube placed directly underneath the disc. This tube guides the pencil and also forms a contact for it, the top of the tube being solid copper in two pieces, one being rigid and the other pressing against the carbon by means of a regulating spring. The carbon pencil protrudes above the tube about of an inch, and touches the negative disc, and this length when the current passes is made incandescent. 2378 38 NATURE The small carbon is pointed at its upper extremity and retains this point while burning. A small electric arc is formed round the points of junction, and to this is due the greater part of the light and not to incandescence alone. The carbons are kept in contact by chains attached to the lower end of the pencil passing over pulleys and down again to a weight of about 1 lbs., which is sufficient to keep the pencil pressing gently against the disc. The sketch, Fig. 1, shows the arrangement of the lamp; a is the negative carbon, connected by the semicircular piece of metal f to the conductor e on the right-hand side which forms part of the lamp-post. The metal fis hinged so that the top carbon may be moved back when a globe is put on. bis the pencil or positive carbon sliding in the tube c, this tube being con- nected to the conductor e on left-hand side. The pressure of the contact upon the small carbon is regulated by the spring d. The tube is shown in perspective for greater clearness. The arrangement and details of the lamp being thus shown, we will now describe the experiments which have recently been exhibited at the works of the British Telegraph Manufactory in the Euston Road. The display was mostly of an experimental character, the lamps being somewhat different in construction to those which will be made use of in actual pračce, but the principle remains the same. The chief object of the inventor was to demonstrate that a number of lights can be steadily maintained in one circuit. The first experi- ment tried was that of putting two large lamps such as will be used for street-lighting in circuit with a Gramme clectro-plating machine. It may be here remarked that this is probably the first time that such a machine was ever used for the purpose of producing an electric light. The two lamps were said to give a light equal to 360 candles each, but they gave to all appearance a conside- rably higher illuminating power. A pure white light was given out, perfectly steady, and showing none of the blue or purple rays observed so fre- quently in the ordinary form of electric arc. The wonder- ful steadiness of the light is one of its chief features. After burning for some considerable time the current was switched on to a row of ten smaller lamps arranged on a shelf. The light from each lamp was apparently of the same strength and the effect was very brilliant, but the total illuminating power was not nearly so great as in the case of the two larger ones. But it seemed to show that a form of light had been devised that could be split up into a considerable number of smaller ones, each of which could be made use of in a practical way. The ten lamps were estimated to have a lighting power of forty candles each, but this is probably somewhat above the mark. But the results obtained, both as regards the wonderful regularity of the lamps and the practical de- monstration of dividing the light, seem to have been satisfactory; and the more remarkable from the fact of the weak electro-motive force of the machine, which is only equal to that of four Daniell's cells. More lamps could have been lighted even from this machine had they been at Mr. Werdermann's command, but of course with a diminution of light. When suitable machines have been constructed Mr. Werderman is confident of being able to put 50 or 100 lights in circuit, but he does not believe in the indefinite division of the current for lighting purposes. - The lights were all connected parallel, as shown in diagram, Fig. 2. The thick wires + and connect the lamps with the machine, the nrst lamp on the + cable being last on the wire. The spirals a are extra resist- ances put in the circuit of each lamp, the object being to render the divided current less sensitive to any slight variation in the resistance of the lamps themselves, due to unequal pressure of contact, &c. The resistance of each lamp, including the wire a, is about 0 39 ohms. The [Nc. 14, 1878 resistance of the ten in parallel circuit about 0'037 ohms; The carbon pencil consumes: at the rate of from 1 to 2 inches per hour in the small lamps; the large ones taking 4 millimetre carbons, consume about 2 or 3 inches in 23 the same time. The pencils are made in Paris, costing about I franc per yard, which length will last for twelve hours. The discs are of ordinary carbon. However many lights may be in use, one, two, three, or any number can be put out without affecting the others, the regulation of the current being provided for by a switch attached to each lamp. But if necessary, the current which originally went through those that are ex- tinguished can be added to those kept alight, of course increasing their illuminating power. The lamps are set in action simultaneously, can be as easily put out, and again re-lighted. Returning again to the intensity of the light, it was stated that the large lamps were equal to 360 candles. Now the effect of this light upon the eyes is apparently not injurious, and it is Mr. Werdermann's intention to use only globes of ordinary glass, as in the present form of gas-lamps; by this means the loss of light will be very slight indeed as compared with other systems, where the loss is from 20 to 30 per cent., incurred by using opal or ground glass globes. Owing to the very small electromotive force of the machine the insulation of the cables can easily be pro- vided for, and Mr. Werdermann hopes, with sufficiently powerful machines, to be able to carry the current to a considerable distance without any appreciable loss. In conclusion, it may be worth while giving a few details in regard to the Gramme machine used. It is an electro-plating machine of the old pattern, having four upright electro-magnets and two bobbins, one for feeding the electro-magnets, the other for taking off the light- producing current. The bobbins are wound with thick copper bands. The electromotive force, as before stated, is only equal to four Daniell's cells, and the resistance of the taking-off bobbin is about o'008 ohms. The quantity of current produced is of course large. It may be mentioned that the large lamps were con- nected parallel, but having no extra resistances, as in the case of the 10; their resistance is also a trifle less. The resistances given are when the lamps are not alight; when burning it would be somewhat less. The power required to drive the machine described is about two horse-power. A curious fact about the light is that the top carbon is not consumed, or at any rate so slowly, that it is not noticeable; therefore, to all intent and purpose, the lower carbon only is wasted. T. E. GATEHOUSE DUPLEXING THE ATLANTIC CABLE THE simultaneous transmission of two telegraphic messages in opposite directions upon one wire, now known by the name of duplex telegraphy, dates bark from the year 1853. In that year Dr. Gintl, the director of state telegraphs in Austria, described a method by which this feat could be accomplished, and in July of the same year the method suggested by Gintl was tried between Prague and Vienna. An improvement on this method was suggested by a German electrician, Frischen, by Messrs. Siemens and Halske, of Berlin, and other workers at this subject. Nevertheless, owing to practical difficulties, the experiments were little more than interest- ing additions to our knowledge. So little hope, indeed, was there of the practical realisation of this important matter that, in a standard work on telegraphy, published in 1867, after describing the early methods of duplex telegraphy, the author remarks :-"Systems of telegraph- ing in opposite directions and of telegraphing in the same • FRIDAY 10 p.m.k. HIGHER 10 Weat Kir 1 a.m 12 5 6 7 8 G 2379 Complainant's Exhibit, Brevoort's Gas Pressure Diagram. SATURDAY .p.m. 10. 12 2 3 4 5 6 : NUT 6 "2 SUNDAY a.m 10 12 5 6 7 8 10 X- 12 pm 2 3 4 5 20 NASSAU CAS CO JAN 9 70 71 7891 01- 10 9 2380 for each lamp in unit distance Resistance of wire : 30 Lamps 100 0 ohms each-resistance 10 to 1. (2068×2=24136 10536×2=21072 8939,×2= 17878 7279×2=14558 5555×2–1/110 3767×2=7534 1916×2=3832 13537,×2=27074 30/91× 2–60382 30127×2–60254 30000×2–60000 29808×2=59616 29553+2=59106 29233×2=58466 28350×2–56700 27903 ×2=55806 27393×2=54786 26818×2-53636 26179×2=52358 25477×2-50954 24711×2-49422 23881×2=47762 22987×2=45974 22029×2=44058 21007×2=42014 (9922×2=39844 (8772×2=37544 17559×2=35118 16282×2-32564 14941 × 2=29882 10192|93|19|10|10|12|19|18|190 191 192 193 194 195 wires in space between each lamps Resistance of the aggreate 465 completely multiple-arad beyond each lamp when Resistance of circuit lamp alone to be in use. for each lamp supposing that Resistance of entire virant 1 10/10.10 77 98 19 20 21 22 23 10 - 10 I 1200; 10100 1800 29 o fect. 89. 439 10 16.8115+765 =16.8721 89. 118 20.1375+140=20.2089 10 100.7574 100.8288 簽 ​88 803 10 25.1275+14=25.2152 100,9165 88. 494 88 191 87. 894 33.4455+17=33.5604 101.0314 87 10 50.0832+1=50.2527 101.2009 10 100. +30-100.3333 101.5342 30 87. 601 100. 98. 235 97. 693 97. 167 100:. 99.40115 98.79397 Resistance of entire line multiple arc. in 3.5687+465– 3.5902 3.6792+ - 3.7008 3.7981 + = 3.8197 3.9262+ 4.0647+465-4.0867 100.0215 10 100.0431 10 100.0647 462 3.9480 10 4.50 4.2147+ = 4.2369 100.0865 100.1085 100.1307 10 459 10 455 10 450 10 96. 658 4.3777+ = 4.4002 444 100.1532 96. 164 95. 683 95. 215 94. 761 94. 318 93 467 93. 057 92 657 92. 268 91. 886 91 513 91. 148 791 90. 90.442 90 101 89. 767 · 93. 886 4.5552+437=4.5781 10 4.7493+129-4.7726 10 = 4.9623+420 4.9861 5.1970+4100 = 5.2214 10 5,9568+399 5.4819 10 5.7460 +387 5.7718 6.0696+374 = 6.0963 6.4340 + 360 6.4618 6.8475+35 6.8764 7.3205+329 7.3509 7.8666+ 312 7.8987 8.5043+29094 8.5383 9.8584+1275 = 9.2948 10.1638+2235=10.2030 10 234 10 100.1761 100.1994 100.2232 100.2476 410 100.2727 100.2985 100.3252 10 437 10 429 10 420 10 10 399 10 387 387 3974 10 100. 3530 360 10 100.3820 100.4124 100.4445 100.4785 312155 329 312 10 294 - 100.5149 115 100.5541 255 11.2710+ =11.3137 100.5968 缳 ​TO 12.6556+212 -12.7027 100.6439 2/2 14.4364+ 189 -14.4893 100.6968 189 12. 399 10 634 Edison Complainants Exhibits V. Clarke's calculations Westinghouse) N. 1. Rebry 18.1891 J.J. RA Sat до Weight of copper 440 th. 14.76. per lamp.. Number of circular, mils of copper wir L 100. Clarkes Calculations 96:2. 9340115 2381 60382 60z54 60000 59616 59106 58466) 56700 38.79597 198.255 197.699 97.167 February 18* 1891. 96.658 96/64 195.683 95.215 194764 Entrel 194.818 95.86 & 93467 93.05 92.65792.268 91.518 91.142 199.791 00.14200-101 89.767 189.- 1.400 89.116, 88.803 8.5687 3.6792 8.7981 3.0262. 4.0647 4.2147 4.3777 4.55523 4.7405, 4.9623 5.1970 5.4568 87601 Volks above Danum line of Curves 6" ¦ Vertical scale dvolks to 1 linch 3.6902 3.7008 3.8/97 3.9480 40867 4.2569, Datum Line of Curve DT Vertical | scale 40 ohms, to 0.2030 11.6 11.8187 12.7027 14.480 457814:7726 49861 5.2214 5.48/9 µ5.7 7/8 06.0965 646/806.8764 7.5609 7-8987 85 163.42738/84 87894 1 A inch 180 1 5.7460 6.06960 4.4840 6.8475 7.8205 9998% 9.2584 15.0721 Curve 20.208 D' 10.1638 11,2710 12.6556 14.4364 16.8115 20.1375 26.2152] 33.5609 25.1275 33.4455 50.0882 100 System of Thirky Lamps in Multiple Arc Resistance of Lamp when incandescent, 100 Ohms. Resistance of conductor for each lanji, Resistance of copper mil foot. 10.642 Ohms: conductor реч 10 Ohms. Curve a represents the resistance of the conductor for the lamp at that point for the unit distance of one hundred. and twenty feet, (60'x2) the resistance of entire conductor for each lange being so ohms. Curve B. represents the resistance of aggregate conductor for the corresponding space, (60'x2); Curve C: represents the resistance of entire circuit for each loung, when the resistance of lamp is included. Curve D represents the resistance of entire line beyond that point, all the lamps being in closed circuit. the values written virtical to the curve represent the resistance including the banny. at that joint. and the horizontal values give the resistance back to the next lamp without including Curve & represents the fall ing the conductor in circular mils. The aggregate com 240. 4. th. Curve Fo`represents the size of the conductor in circular mils. The circular mits. To this feet long, the weight 220.35tt's or for both Weight of circular mil. foot Edison Laboratory .00000 302705325 lbs it amount will be 1213250 1100.100 400.100/100.1002/0 1 Menlo Park June 1880. N.J. 1 Dakum line of Curve B. Vertical scale 100 chips to 1 inch 100 ohmus above datum line of curve C Vertical scale #ohnus to 1 inch " L 2 2 49 1 149 18 ohms 1 Datum line of curve "A" | Vertical 'scals 14 chins to ↑ such 55806 54786 53636| 39e79 50954 49442 60' Upplif 60d/48000 47762 45974 44058 42014 39844 37544 1 10 100.4174 100.5820 284 100.8530 100.82 100.2965 100.3727 10 .2222 490 | 189 10 1 594520 245 529 | 312! 204 245 1 387 1 et 12 .499 351:8 32564 29862 27074 24130 21072 Edison 17878 14558 01111 7532 2686 Curve 100.4541 100.6149. "C. 100.6065 100.6459 Complainants exhibit Westinghouse) Cloche Calculations the 2. Jebry.18. 1890. J. J. R. 2.J. Spe Spe. Par 100 8280 10 100.7674 100.6968 70 212! Curve™ 30 Romps. 100,9165 101.0814 67 101-2009 1101.09.42 385 87.601 VK: 2382 30 Lamps, 100 Ohms each. Resistance of conductor for each lamp, 3 ohms in distributing line. and 7 ohms in feeder, Total 10. ! Resistance of aggregate wires in unit distance on feeder 14 31×30-930 Resistance of wire for unit space per lamp on feeder 31 Resistance of wire for each lamp in unit distance. Resistance of the aggregate wires in space between each lamp. Resistance of entire circuit for each landp, supposing that lamp alone to be in use. The total resistance of feeder is 350 r .2335 Resistance of circuit beyond each lamp when completely multiple - arced. Juni1550 1880 C. L. Clarke 29 6 6 66 9 21 6 9 6 اه 20160000010000 29 56 81 104 125 144 161 176 189 200 209 216 221 224 225 237 Now if the left hand distributing branch be thrown into circuit the resistance of entire distributing system in multiple-arc will be diminished one half. therefore the resistance will be 6.8205 -3.41025 2 1. ! 62 42 7 2 2 % 4 % % % $ 5 3 x 616 6 ୧ 의 ​224 221 276 209 200 189 176161 194125104|81|562 8205 100.2467 100.2737 100.3006 7.3044 9.2/0.3+ 9.2390 = 8.4854 100.3284 100.3571 100.3871 100.4188 100.4529 100. 4904 =16.8035 194. 100.5314 =20.1371 100.5799 100.6376 -33.4786 =50.1603 100.7117 100.8188 100+ 2 =100.2069 100.9257 7.8217+7.8488 6.8072+130 7.2776+224 8.4576+ 10.1146 +200=10.1446 11.2211+189 −/1.2528 12.6053+7=12.6394 14.3861 +18=14.4234 16.7618+ ! 521+1680*07 25.0816+10=25.1393 33.4045+ 50.0532+ 3.41025 + .2333=3.64355 will be the resistance of entire circuit in multiple arc. Edison Complainants Exhibits Clarke calculations Westinghouse) N.3. Febuary 18. 1891 J. GR., Ap bar 106.84L. 100 volts. 001 47 888 47 675 47 036 45 972 44482 42 567 40.225 37 459 34 266 869 02 26 604 22 135 17 239 616 11 99.805 99.439 960'66 98.771 98.464 98.173 97.896 97.632 97.380 97.140 96.909 989'96 96.472 96.266 6172 96.068 2383 100.206D 1009257 /00.8/S8 106.841 Curve "E" for feeding Conductor Clarkes Calculations 9:4 February 18th 189). 96.068 VOLTS 94.266 100. 30.0632 Euroz 98.77/ C 984 98./79 07652 97.380 97.896 96.909 97.149 Curvz & | 99.605 109.459 of Curve & 09.096 98.77/ 1 ༽r.as 7.40% 7.550 07.140 96.808 96.686 9LATE, 06.266 volts to 1 much 96.968 Volts above datum line of curse & Vertical scale of 4 retical scale to ohms to the inch for feeding Conductor 3.44354 / Curve Di 324045 25.0816 20.0891 20.1371 $16.8038-14. 16,7618 /4.386/ 12.6053 12. /1.22/1 10.1146 10.1946 9.21 8.4676 -7.8488 7.8044 7.8217 7.2776 6.8072 6.8072 Datum time of Curve D. Vertical 40 7.3044 7.8486 8.4654 7.2776 7.8217 8.4576 390_10.1446 11.2628/8,6894 9.2/05 10.1146 11.2211 12.6063. 148861 40 16.8030 76.Bass Currie 20.1371 25.7303 15.7786 16.7618 20.089/ 26.08/6 50/603 38.4045 50.0632 100 • 2007/17 100LSTE Curve "@" |100.5791 100.53/$ 704 1804902 1 100 4520 100.41801008871 10 17421100 Curve B for feeding Conductor! B. Datum line of curve, Vertical scale 100 ohms to linịch 100.2737 haa887/ 100.25715 Curve 276 115 100.2467/0024674 21 270 209 200 189 176 I 1 ·100 ohms above Dalinn line of curve "C Vertical scale % ohmiko 1 inch | #to Voa 83/3 1904902 144 100.5771 125 1 姦 ​Curos a I 2 2 for feeding conductor / 60° 60' 1 Saturn line of dive o 60 scale 4 oblus xp 1 such 84830 M 402251 37459 34266 30648 26604 22185 17239 1/0 19 e.a/68 100 2068 100.92.57 60' 30 Lampix 6172 System of thirty Lamps in Multiple Orc. Resistance of Lamp when incandescent 100 ohms Resistance of Distelbuting Conductor for each lamfi 3 Ohmse Resistance of Feeding Conductor for each lampe 7 Ohmus. Resistance of copper Juar mil. foot 10.644 Ohms. Conductor Curve & represents the resistance of conductor for the lamp at that point for the corresponding double distance. Curve B. represents the resistence of aggregate conductor for the corresponding space Curve C: represents the resistence of entire circuit for each lamp, when the resistance of lamp is included Curve D. represents the resistance of entire line bey and that point, all the langs being in closed circuit. The values written vertical to the quire represent the resistance micluding the lamps at that front. coup and the horizontal values give the resistance back to the next comp -back to the next lomp without including it represents the fall in &.NE. force at each lamp represents the size of conductor in circular mills. The aggregate amount will be, 956686 urcular mills in distributing enductor: 60 feet long, and weighing 1.73.76 tbs, and in figeding conductor 1314865 mils weighing 238.81 tts. a total of 412.57 tbs for each line, or 825.14 for both. Total resistance of feeding conductor Resistance of each distributing branch. 6924 ohmus. Curve "&" Curve F Edison Laboratory 730 Ohm. Menlo Park June 1880. N.J. Edison ·Vs.- } Complainants Exhibit Westinghouse) Clarke Calculations N°4 February 18.1891 J.J. R. Sp. Exc • #6.068 VoLTS, 2384 نسل li Jun 15801 ་ y 30 Lamps, 100 Ohms. Resistance of conductor for each lamp, 3 ohms in distributing line, and 7 ohms in feeder, Total 10. Resistance of Wire for each lamp in unit distance Entire pesistance of fading conductor 0.35 } Entire resistance of feeding. ၃ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ conductor Resistance of aggregate Wire in unit space. Resistance of circuit beyond each lamp multiple arc . in Weight of feeding, conductor 1st System. Weight of feeding conductor 2nd System... Total weight of distributing conductors, Total weight 278.50 146. 154.24 578.74 106.804 6 In this system the resistance of each branch in multiple. multiple arc is 10.2886 and the resistance of both will be 10.2886 - 3.143 add to this the resistance of feeder (.35) we have total 3.4943 901'96 95.826 95.318 94.853 99.426 94.031 93.664 93.320 93.000 92.691 92.399 LOL'E 100 99.708 99.180 Total 14.405 6/3 6/2 6 웠음 ​15 17 18 응 ​6/3 6/2 છ 616 6 16 100.99.96 91 184 66 6 |8|75| $4,51 136 1 10.2586+7.00 = 10.2886 11.3707+9=11.4313 12.7670+96 14.5696+ 16.9830 + 84 12.8295 = 14, 6355 17.0544 20.3773+ 75–20.4572 25.4985+ 64 34.1078 +59 50.0788 + 25.5923 — 34. 2254 =50. 2455 ➡100. 3158 6 Add to the resistance of distributing conductor (10. 2886) that of feeder (.7) we have total 10.9886 · 98.697 98.252 97.841 97.459 97.102 96.768 96.447 96.143 3.857 Total 10.661 6/2 Edison Complainants Exhibit. V Clarke Calculations Westinghouse No5. Jebmory 18.18917. FR Splat LAWRENCE Miles TOW 2 WNSHIP English & Kulps Brick Yard NORTH TRENTON LAND ASSOCIATION EWING !! 11 二 ​11 Miles 19 T Peter Fells ன் Brick Yard CHERRY AVE AVE. MULBERRY PINE LST: Americ Providential ENTERPRISE AVE. Tile Wks. Harris Mfg. Co 2385 AVE AVE Church Crocker Co Fast Wanton S LAND AVE ST Pottery Moores Pottery AEnterprise Pottery A ST. ST Dowds Stillworks ETRENTON EAST TRENTON KLAG GIRARD UNION BREUNIO ST SHERMAN St. Josephs Mission AVE, SAVE MECHANICS AVE RD Star RubberCo How AVE YE MILLHAM LAWRENCE EAST ST. CASS ND H OW MEAD Hamilton Rubber ST. ST. 013) SCHEUTZEN ST ST. PARK School ST WEBSTER Rubber co. ST. DICKINSOON ILLMORE MAPLE TAYLOR H ST. ST Creek Olden Land Co. PENN. R. R. OLDEN CLINTON ΣΑ The East State Stand Association Greenwood Ave. Land ST Hamilton GARFIELD AVE City Land Co. COOK ST. ST. AV Gre en w LAKE MYRTLE ١٢ m AVE tery WARD AVE (Note) Greenwood Cemetery situated about Two Miles from City Hall AVE Wm G. Cook E'st. AVE AVE Hamilton Ave. Land Association David Quintins RACE COURSE ST MAPLE BRUT AVE. OSPRUCE INDIANA ENTERPRISE OHIO Fell & Heil's Brick Yard Geo E.Fells Brick Yardl PENNSYLVANIA Cook's Brick PAUL AVE ST Yard 11 NEW YORK AVE CLIN HART AVE African Cemeter WILLIAM ST BEHM ST ST KOSSUTH AVE ST Assanpink 7GRANT AV. School INCOLN AVE Clinton Ave Bapt Ch SUND Angel Model Sch SOUTHAR MODEL AVE Boarding Houses MONMOUTH Normal School HILL WALL ST AVE KIRKBRIDE WILEY QALHOUN ST. WILLOW ST. PRINCETON SEVENTH WARD BISMARK MAY Donohue & Nolens Brick Yard B.F. Waltons Brick Yard ROSSELL BEAKES LAND /Mile ST. MORGAN ASSN MONROE INGHAM TRENT ST RESER YOUR ST. ST. 'ST. ST. ST. Evans Estate EVANS AVE Building Lots ALMS HOUSE SOUTHARD Wainwrights BOND Nurser AVE Excelsior Pottery Eagle Trenton Tottery Lock& ardwar #co, Mercer Pottery TYRELL ST.. Clintons Pottery Union rura Pottery Pottery HERMAN PERRINE AVE Taylors Pucking Ho ST S ESHER ST EFFERSON SOUTHARD FRANKLIN श. Canal WING Station ST. ST ROSE BOSE ST School SANDFORD ST. O FOUNTAIN ST. BRUNSWICK MEYER ST Swan Tatter &Co Decorators AV Toll Gate a PENNINGTON PROSPECT ST. WMOGDENS EWING Maddeche SONS feltery CARROLL City Wottery Mile Pburth Glasgow Pottery C&ARRDER ARR.Depot Crescent Pottery N. STOCKTON эт WOODRUFF PERRY Freight ST ST Tremont House HAMPTON HAVE A M I L T ST STATE ST RAILROA ST YARD ST. CLINTON WALNUT LOCUST aRR Sti Mercer Cemetery Greenwood CANAL Pottery demy Empire W.STOCKTd Rubber ACADEMY CARTERS AL ST Central ST. COMMERGE Co-ST. TRENTON WA Grack Bakery Market ST. ST. Public Library Post Office S. MONTGOMERY Snaga Clant Quaker (change ليا International Machine Shop CASSAN PINK ST Guth an FRONT Hi perance ANY ST ASSANPINK ALEWIS ST. epot ད་ GREEN WOOD GREEN WO CHAMBERS TYLER ST MONMOUTH TYLER ST Al DWIGHT ST Trenton Watch Factory DAY ST St. Francis Hospital FRANKLIN FRON ST WASHINGTON K ST. M Deaf & Dumb Asylum CHESTNUT S Centennial PROSPECT Sch. KENT ST 2 ST ANDERSON ST.O B 153 DIVISION Germun College ST HUDSON ST. Church AV HUDSON ST. St.Mary's Cathedral Edison Cemetery Creating ruce ( Hedinghrace POND Homedell Land Association RUN ROAD N ST. ST. ST. Complainants Exhibit Trentore Mase January 6, 1571 GUIDE MAP OF F. R. Exr. Spr. TRENTON NG AND SUBURBS Published expressly for FITZGERALD'S TRENTON VROOM ST BROWN ST ANDJ- AND J. 2 MERCER CO. DIRECTORY T HOWELL ST EFFERSON WASHINGTON WOODLAND Academy Sch S WILLIAM BY E.ROBINSON NEW YORK: Scale:800 feet per inch 200 400 800 1600 ST. FRANKLIN ST. ST. Grounds MercerCounty Fair ADAMS ST 400 mile De Con Lots WHITE HORSE ROAD E Se School Ch UNCOLN ST. SWAN ST. ST School GOVE ST O ST ST ST. ST. ST. 87. ST. ST. ST. ST. ROEB LINC ANNIE EMORY WILLIAM ST CLINTON Ch. Baptist COLEMAN ST. HEWITT MORRIS CUMMINGS ASHMORE R の ​Chambersberg Hall HAMILTON ST. 14 HOUGHTON GRAND Bakery Cracker BRNUT D Ch. ME. ST. SPRUCE ST. BEATTY AVE AVE AVE Miles ST. ANDERSON B STO RUSLNG LINCOLN VISION ST. WASHINGTON ST. ST. CHESTNUT ST. ST. PINE ST ST JENNIE CANA ST HIGH ST TYLER ST HAMPTON ST. THAMILTON Match Fact Butterworth ST. Mach.Co BAYARD CLARK BUTLER ST. Union Iron Works CANAL Trenton Trot ELMER MOTT New Jersey Wire Clot Co Engine Robins Wire American Saw Works BASIN Works Works ST. DYE High School MERGER QuakerCh. JACKSON ST. Trenton Pottery ST. Hall's co BROAD Hotel COOPER MEST የኢ. House Dowlings Ch. HONCUS Hotel MARKET Dutch Ch Sch Ludh St Johns BCC Prison ST School St Francis SMITHS AV. Ch. LAMBERTON SMITHS,AL Tron Ponencty AVE. DARK N.FEEDER LANE ST N.MONTGOMERY Colored POINTS FALLEN ST. American Building ATE Hott Taylors Apperallo Sch Trinity First Pres. Ch Wpis Ch Ch. ting Ho City GREE fiche Academy Market Holl Trenton ST CH ST Ch House Not Big Tin ST. Epis Centon Ban mans Engton mower St N.GREENE BREN Pres Hotel Bank Cathedral CHANCERY BARNES ST ST. HUMBOLDT AVE, WILLOW ST. AVE MECh BARBARA GHAPEL ST Church GORDON ST FLVE ALEC Del & Bound Broo tat School Harmony WILLOW FOWEERE ST. AYE BELVIDERE ST. SUMMER ST ST. Engine CHANCERY Nones erold&Stats Jour SWEETS S Trenton Front Brick Works WILSON Fell & Roberts AVE. CALHOUN ST. FER CAMDEN ST. STERLING AL. Turnersz Wilsons Mile M DELAWARE Widows Ows Home K.C.Ch PEACE Washingt ST WASHINGTON ST. Saw Mil Woolens Peoples Market School Engine Ho ALLEY LORS LODG State Capitol Trenton Waterwhs W. W. Fell BrickYard Globe Rubber Co Prospect Hill Pottery D & B.B. R. R. AVE Standart China Works Delaware FRAZIER IS RESERVOIR Pottery STUYVESANT RUTHERFORD ST MARI ST. STUYVESANT DANIEL AVE CHRISTOPH AVE RUTHE AVE LAND HAYES Hutchinson& Brown Brick Yard RFORD AVE. Hillofest State Reform School for Girls M E BELLEVUE ST. PJ. Berrys Building Lots Horse Car Depot STATE B. D & T R R CHURCH H ching SPRING WHI PASSAIC ST ST. D M FALL Hotel SECOND First Bap TURPIN ST. Ch School School BRIDG stjohn's Catholic School FURMAN Epis Ch PEN FERRY R.R Pres COXE ST Thefion ToolWorks Sta POWER ASBURY A ST Eny RR Ho ST. House 100F Hall ST Toll House velanure ME Ch STEAMBOAT School ST. S.WARREN FAIR ST Soup Works SHE UNION DECATUR Marion Woolen Engl MATKA Golding Mill Fort Hotel S.WARREN Flour Mill Wilson WA Trenton Gas Kon Wks FAIR WAS MILL Phoeni Tronks rleansWoolen L W 11 R FEDERAL ST. AN ST ADELINE Go AVE ST HOWAR ST. HOME HANCOCK JERSEY AVE AVE. WOLVERTON AVE Home CLARK Lalors Building Lots & Manufacturing Sites Buckthorn Fence Co AND Broad St Station Rubberl 木 ​State THIRD Priscu State Arsenal UNION Mile GRANT New Jersey Iron Wes T. CASS HENRY S S 2 Miles H® POND RUN St John's R.C. Cemetery BUNTING DEUTZ ST DURAND HEWETT Works Brenton Ching ST ANY Mercer Wire to Rockingham Pottery INGLETON ST SCHENCK TEMPLE ㅏ ​の ​LANDING Trenton Terra Cotta Works DAVIES Baptist Church school 6 MAPLE ST. Stable SECON Riverview ST. Woolen ST COATES ST. ST RACE Beet R L V A NI A VIL L E E N N S P ORRI S I P ROAD Deutzville Jewelry Works AVE AVE. AVE. Cemetery SOUTH AVE. ST. VER Moon Island Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1881 by & Robinson in the Office of Librarian of Congress Edison French Patent--1879. 2387 Complainant's Exhibit Edison's French Patent No. 130,910, and the English Translation thereof. Copie du Mémoire Descriptif Annexé au Brevet d'Invention de 15 ans Pris le 28 Mai 1879, par MR. THOMAS ALVA EDISON, pour "Perfectionnements apportés dans la production de l'Electricité, dans la lumière électrique ainsi que dans les machines et appareils employés à ces "effets." Dans mon brevet d'invention du 8 Novembre 1878, j'ai décrit et indiqué des moyens pour développer les courants électriques et pour éclairer au moyen de l'électricité. Mes présents perfectionnements se rattachent à la dite invention et ils se rapportent à la construction du brûleur à l'ajustement automatique du brûleur, au système de circuits dans lesquels les lumières sont employés, aux moyens pour développer les courants électriques, au mesurage de la quantité d'électricité employé et à d'autres dispositions se rattachant à mon système d'éclairage électrique. J'ai reconnue que, lorsque des fils ou des feuilles de platine, iridium ou autres conducteurs d'électricité qui 2388 Edison French Patent--1879. fondent à une haute température sont exposés à une haute température, se rapprochant de leur point de fusion dans l'air, pendant plusieur heures, en y passant un courant d'électricité, et ensuite en les laissant refroidir, le métal est rompu, et sous le microscope on voit une myriade de fentes suivant différentes direc- tions, dont plusieurs atteignent presque le centre du fil. J'ai également réconnu que, contrairement à l'opinion émise, la platine, ou un alliage du platine et iridium perdent de leur poids quand ils sont exposés à la chaleur d'une chandelle, que même l'air chauffé leur fait subir une diminution de poids, que cette perte est si grande qu'elle donne une teinte verte à une flamme hydrogène et sous influence d'un courant électrique à une chaleur blanc-jaunâtre la perte est considérable. Après un certain temps le métal se désagrège d'où il résult que le platine ou alliage de platine et d'iridium, tels qu'ils existent actuellement dans le commerce, sont inutiles pour émettre une lumière par incandescence. Premièrement, parce que la perte du poids les rend dispendieux, détruit rapidement le brûleur et ne présente aucune garantie. Deuxièment, parce que leur résistance électrique change par suite de leur perte de poids et que leur émission de lumière, en égard à la surface totale, est considérablement diminuée, par suite de fentes et cre- vasses; le point de fusion étant déterminé par le point les plus faible où la plus grande différence de potentiel du courant électrique est présente, ce qui a pour effet d'appeler plus des chaleur en cet endroit que sur le restant du fil, encore pour l'obtention d'une lumière stable, il est essentiel de protéger le brûleur en platine contre le contact de l'air et lorsqu'il est ainsi protégé en étant placé dans un vase ou verre, les verre est rapi- dement revêtu d'une couche de noir provenant du pla- tine. Une spirale en platine amenée à l'incandescence dans ces circonstances peut être appelée à émettre une lumière égale à trois chandelles étalon, lorsqu'elle est près des son point de fusion et lorsque la surface rayon- Edison French Patent.--1879. 2389 nante est d'un peu plus d'un millimètre et demi, mais cette somme de lumière sera graduellement réduite comme il a été ci-dessus décrit. Grâce à mon invention ou découverte je puis empê- cher la détérioration du platine ou de ses alliages en détruisant ou interceptant l'action atmosphérique. Un fil de platine ou spirale ou toute autre forme placée dans un tube en verre avec le fil près de ses extrémités passé scellé dans le verre, l'air est épuisé du tube ou verre avec une pompe "Sprangel" jusqu'à ce que la décharge d'une bobine d'induction de soixante-quinze millimètres ne passera pas entre les extrémités de fils placés dans le tube à un écartement de 4 millimètres. Les fils de platine de la spirale sont alors reliés à une machine magnéto-électrique ou à une batterie dont le courant peut être contrôlé par l'addition d'une résis- tance. Un courant suffisant est passé dans les fils pour l'amener à une température d'environ 65 degrés centi- grades, on le laisse sous l'influence de cette température pendant 10 ou 15 minutes; pendant ce chauffage l'air et les gaz renfermés dans le métal en sont expulsés par la chaleur ou aspirés par l'effet du vacuum. Pendant que cet air ou ces gaz sortent du métal, laupompe à mercure doit fonctionner constamment. Après environ 15 minu- tes le courant dans le métal est augmenté de sorte que la température sera d'environ 150 degrés centigrades, et il reste exposé à cette température encore pendant 10 à 15 minutes. La pompe à mercure doit fonctionner et la température de la spirale doit être élevée par in- tervalles de 10 à 15 minutes jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive à une incandescence vivide et le verre est contracté où il est passé à la pompe et fondu de sorte que le fil est dans un vide parfait et dans un état inconnu jusqu'à ce jour, car la température peut être élevée jusqu'à l'incan- descence la plus éblouissante, émettant une lumière de 25 chandelles étalon tandis que, avant ce traitement le point de fusion moyen d'une série de spirales ayant la même longueur et dimensions de fil ainsi que la même surface rayonnante n'était que d'environ 3 chandelles.. 2390 Edison French Patent--1879. Les fils soumis à ce procédé d'élimination de l'air et de gaz ont un poli depassant celui de l'argent et qui ne peut être obtenu par aucun autre moyen; on ne peut apercevoir aucune fente, même après que la spirale a été élevée soudainement à l'incandescence plusieurs fois par le courant, et aucune volatilisation n'a lieu attendu qu'il ne se forme aucun dépôt sur le tube en verre; de plus, en se servant d'une balance délicate, on ne dé- couvre aucune diminution de poids dans le fil après qu'il a brûlé plusieurs heures consécutivement. J'ai de plus, découvert que si un alliage de platine et d'iridium ou un fil de platine seul est recouvert d'une couche d'oxyde de magnésium de la manière ci-après décrite et soumise au procédé du vide décrit, qu'une combinaison a lieu entre le métal et l'oxyde donnant à ce dernier des qualités remarquables. Avec une spirale ayant une surface d'un peu plus d'un millimétre et demi, une lumière égale à celle émise par 40 chandelles étalon peut être obtenue tandis que la même spirale non revêtue par mon procédé fondrait avant d'émettre une lumière de 4 chandelles. L'oxyde de magnésium durcit le fil d'un manière étonnante et le rend plus réfractaire. Une spirale faite avec ce fil est élastique et fait ressort, même quand elle est chauffée à une incandescence éblouissante. J'ai trouvé que le fer chimiquement pur et le nickel étirés en fils et soumis au procédé du vide émet une lumière égale à celle du platine dans l'air libre. Des crayons des carbone peuvent également être purgés d'air de cette manière et être amenés à une température telle que le carbone devient pâteux et si on le laisse alors refroidir, il est très homogène et dur. Des tiges et des plaques faites avec des mélanges de matières conductrices finement divisées peuvent ainsi être purgées d'air et des gaz. Je décrirai actuellement la forme de brûleur ou lampe que j'emploie. Afin de faire fonctionner pratiquement plusieurs centaines de lumières électriques, égales chacune à une bec de gaz ordinaire, sur un circuit, il est Edison French Patent--1879. 2391 essentiel pour plusieurs raisons, en ce qui regarde la facilité, l'économie et la sûreté des résultats, de les placer toutes en arc multiple, et enfin d'empêcher que la résistance de plusieurs centaines de lampes ne tombe si bas qu'il faille avoir recours à des conducteurs principaux de dimensions immenses avec une faible resistance et des machines à produire l'électricité de caractère correspondant, il est essentiel de renverser le système actuel des lampes qui n'ont une résitance que un ou deux ohms et de construire des lampes qui auront, quand elles émettent leur quantité de lumière voulue une résistance de plusieurs centaines d'ohms. Je me suis rendu compte par des expériences que la perte de l'énergie électrique est en proportion avec l'étendue de la surface qui émet la lumière et indépen- dante de la résistance des conducteurs, donc avec mille lampes ayant chacune une surface éclairante de 6 mill- mètres et chacune une résistance d'un ohm, la perte d'é- nergie électrique est égale à 1000 lampes ayant la même surface rayonnante, chacune ayant une résistance de 1000 ohms; la perte d'énergie pour chaque lampe dans chaque cas, lorsqu'elle émet une lumière de 15 chan- delles, sera la même, mais avec 1000 lampes chacune d'un ohm, la résistance combinée sera un millième d'ohm, d'où il résulte qu'il faudrait un conducteur principal énorme, tandis que les 1000 lampes de 1000 ohms cha- cune, lorsqu'elles sont combinées, n'auront une resis- tance que d'un ohm, et un conducteur de dimensions très modérées suffira. En pratique une résistance de deux à trois cents ohms sera suffisante dans le brûleur. Avec des lampes d'une faible résistance les connections et les fils principaux doivent être grands, afin d'empê- cher une grande perte d'énergie par la résistance, les fils conducteurs des conduites principales sont grands, dispendieux et volumineux à manoeuvrer. La faible résistance du brûleur ou conducteur incandescent exige de larges terminales pour conduire le courant, et ces dernières présentent par leur conduction, un véhicule pour la dissipation rapide de l'énergie sans produire 2392 Edison French Patent--1879. aucun effet, tandis qu'avec une lampe à haute résistance toutes ces objections disparaissent. Le fil pour le brûleur ou lampe, préparé comme il a été ci-dessus décrit, est enroulé sur une bobine indiquée en L, Fig. 1, composée d'un oxyde infusible, tel que l'oxyde de calcium, cerum, zirconium ou magnésium purgé de silica, formé au tour à l'aide de baguettes moulées par la pression hydraulique. Le brûleur com- plet est indiqué en a, Fig. 1, comme étant installé dans le tube à vacuum b, sur une tige b' composé du même matériel que la bobine. Le tube vacuum t est supporté par la caisse k et une caisse en verre i entoure ce tube; cette caisse i est scellée de manière à intercepter tout passage d'air dans un but ci-aprés décrit. La Fig. 2, représente un brûleur ou lampe a, fait comme il vient d'être dit, mais le fil pyro-insulé est enroulé sur une pièce de matière infusible de forme sphérique au lieu de sur une bobine. Je ferai remar- quer que j'appelle le fil pyro-insulé, quand il est revêtu de l'oxyde métallique ci-dessus mentionné; à la Fig. 3, la bobine de fil pyro-insulé est enroulé sur un mandrin dont elle est séparée et, des spires étant attachées par des fils métalliques, la bobine est alors attachée sur un disque de la matière infusible. Dans certaines formes de lampes, il est préférable de supporter le brûleur a dans le tube b par des fils de platine 1, 2, comme ils conduisent moins de chaleur du brûleur que s'il était supporté par une tige en chaux ou autre matiére infusible b', Fig. 1. A la Fig. 4, le brûleur a est représenté comme étant suspendu par les fils de platine 1, 2, dans le globe b. Dans les Figs. 5 et 6, la bobine de fil pyro-insulé a est enroulé sur un cylindre aplati. Dans la Fig. 7, la bobine de fil est faite en deux parties séparées par une bague centrale de matière infusible. Fig. 8, représente le brûleur a comme étant confec- tionné d'une bande plate de métal platina-iridium enroulée en spirale et soutenue par une tige de matière infusible b'; cette bande doit être pyro-insulée. Edison French Patent-1879. 2393 Fig. 9, illustre une manière de pyro-insulé un fil. Le fil est appelé d'une bobine et passé dans les flammes d'une ou plusieurs lampes ainsi que dans des éponges d contenant une dissolution de chaux ou de magnésie. Le fil à son passage dans les éponges est revêtu d'une couche de cette solution laquelle et décomposée et l'oxyde déposé sur le fil lors du passage du fil dans la flamme. A la Fig. 10, le fil après avoir reçu la dissolution pyro-insulante passe dans un tube qui est chauffé par des lampes et qui effectue la décomposition. Les Figs. 11, 12 et 13, illustrent une autre forme de brûleur pyro-insulé. Ce brûleur est confectionné avec un fil aplati de platine-iridium enroulé spiralement, et entre chaque tour de la spirale il est placé une couche de zircon-magnésium, calcium ou autres oxydes dont les point de fusion sont très élevés. Dans la Fig. 14, la lumière est produite par l'étincelle électrique qui rend incandescente de la chaux qui a été préparée en brûlant un acetate de chaux. La chaux préparée est placée dans un tube entre deux disques métalliques; comme la chaux préparée est très légère et poreuse, les plus petites étincelles l'amènent à l'état d'incandescence vivide. La Fig. 15, indique comment la chaux obtenue en brûlant un acétate de chaux peut être rendue incandes- cente par une flamme oxhydrogène. c est un vase à dé- composition contenant l'eau acidulée et deux électrodes séparés l'un de l'autre par un diaphragme poreux de manière à former deux cellules. Le vase est pourvu d'un couvercle et un tube conduit de chaque cellule. Lors du passage d'un courant électrique dans les cel- lules, de l'oxygène et de l'hydrogène sont émis et con- duits par des tubes à une chambre ou tuyau de mélange 7, et à l'extrémité de ce tube, le gaz est allumé et la flamme projetée sur la chaux préparée en a l'amène à l'incandescence, produisant une lumière brillante à l'aide d'une si petite quantité de gaz qu'on ne produirait difficilement aucun effet si on en fait usage avec de la chaux ordinaire. • 2394 Edison French Patent-1879. La disposition indiquée à la fig. 16, est semblable à celle qui vient d'être décrite, sauf que le brûleur est entouré de deux demi-cylindres en verre dans lesquels pénètrent les gaz des cellules à décomposition avant qu'ils ne passent dans le tube de mélange et au brûleur. Dans les figures 17, 18 et 19 le brûleur est confec- tionné avec du platine finement divisé, de l'iridium, du ruthinum ou autre métal de fusion difficile, incorporé avec une matière non conductrice. Le brûleur ou chandelle peut être de toute grandeur ou forme voulue, et les particules en deviennent incandescentes par le passage du courant et les matières non metalliques sont lumineuses et augmentent l'éclat. Je mélange avec ces conducteurs finement divisés des matières infusibles, telles que le magnésium ou zirconium, suivant différen- tes proportions afin d'obtenir le degré de conductibilité voulue; les matières sont mélangées ensemble et mou- lées à la forme voulue pour la bougie. Il est préférable de fair usage d'une bougie fendue comme celle repré- sentée dans les figs. 18 et 19, parce que le courant remonte par un côté et descend par l'autre. Les figs. 20, 22, 23 et 23ª représentent différentes formes de brûleurs faites avec cette matière finement divisée mentionnée en dernier lieu. Fig. 21 représente la matière du brûleur indiqué dans les figs. 22 et 23 couchée à plat. A la fig. 24, le brûleur a est fait avec une tube en verre cintré suivant la forme indiquée, est percé d'un très petit trou; l'air est épuisé de ce tube et la lumière est produite par le passage dans le tube d'une étincelle provenant d'une bobine d'induction. Les figs. 25 et 26 représentent le brûleur a comme étant composé de six spirales montées sur des baguet- tes en chaux, les spirales étant réunies ensemble de la manière indiquée à la fig. 26, et pyro-insulées. Je décrirai actuellement les moyens pour régler le courant aux brûleurs. Dans mon susdit brevet la réglementation du courant était effectuée par la chaleur du brûleur ou par l'inten- Edison French Patent-1879. 2395 sité des organes opérant le courant qui contrôlait le courant et maintient la ou les lumières à une éclat uniforme; j'ai encore recours à ces méthodes, mais j'ai modifié et perfectionné les organes employés. Dans la fig. 1, le brûleur a est situé à l'intérieur du tube scellé b comme il a été susdécrit et le tube best entouré d'un globe en verre i porté sur une socle k. Une chambre anéroïde flexible est moulée dans la partie supérieure de ce socle ou caisse; elle débouche dans la chambre formée par le globe i, de sorte que l'air, quand il est dilaté par la chaleur, peut passer dans ladite chambre anéroïde et transmettre un mouvement au diaphragme flexible et pièces y réunies. Quand le courant a l'intensité voulue, il entre dans le fil 3, passe dans le brûleur et par le fil 4, au ressort insulé 5, au massif 6 et au fil 7. Si le courant devient trop intense faisant émettre une trop grande chaleur au brûleur, l'eau dans le globe i est dilatée et déprime le diaph- ragme l, alors une broche montée sur le diaphragme déprime le ressort 5 et l'en sépare du massif 6, ce qui rompt le circuit au brûleur par 5 et 6. Cette ouverture et fermeture du circuit ne sont que momentanées, d'où l'éclat uniforme de la lumière n'en est pas atteint, et il n'y a pas de danger que le brûleur ne s'échauffe trop. Dans la fig. 25, l'air chauffé et dilaté à l'intérieur du globe i agit dans les chambres de l'anéroïde pour fermer un circuit d'embranchement entre 5 et 15 permettant à une partie du courant de passer par la résistance r, et si la chaleur se maintient, le mouvement du levier et de l'arrêt 15 sur 5 rompt le circuit à la lumière électrique en séparant 5 de 6; la résistance de r est égale à celle du brûleur. Dans la fig. 27, une spirale de fils platina-iridium est représentée à l'intérieur des chambres flexibles d'ané- roïdes, et cette spirale s'échauffe par le passage du courant et chauffe et dilate l'air à l'intérieur des chambres / pour actionner les leviers 15 et 5 comme il a été ci-dessus expliqué. 2396 Edison French Patent-1879. Dans la fig. 28, la spirale actionnée par la chaleur est représentée comme étant placée dans un petit globe a² en verre opaque, à l'intérieur du globe en verre i; ledit globe a² et la spirale pourraient être logés à l'intérieur de la caisse k, figure 25, de manière à ne pas être vus. Dans la fig. 29, l'air chauffé et dilaté provenant de la caisse transparente i passe dans une chambre conte- nant un diaphragme qui est mû par cet air pour ouvrir ou fermer le circuit en 5 et 6 et effectuer la réglementa- tion thermale du courant. Dans la fig. 30, l'air chauffé de la caisse i agit sur du mercure contenu dans un tube a³ pour le dilater et le contracter et à l'aide d'un flotteur sur le levier 5 ouvrir le circuit en 6, 15 au brûleur et le fermer par 15 et 5 et la résistance r. Dans la fig. 31, le courant lui-même passe dans le mercure pour le chauffer et le dilater suivant l'intensité du courant et effectue ainsi la réglementation du courant au brûleur par la dilatation du mercure qui actionne le flotteur et le levier 5. Fig. 32 représente un électro-aimant axial m établi dans la casse k et le noyau de cet électro-aimant est attaché à un ressort n. Le courant au brûleur a passe dans la bobine n et si l'intensité de ce courant në dépasse pas le point voulu par la lumière, le noyau n'est pas attiré avec une force suffisante pour être abaissé apparamment; si le courant excède le point maximum nécessaire pour la lumière, alors le noyau est attiré davantage et abaissé de sorte qu'une tige dont il est armé ouvre le circuit en 5 ou 6, et le courant dirigé sur le brûleur est momentanément interrompu comme il a été ci-dessus expliqué. Le ressort n servant à maintenir le noyou m élevé, pourrait consister en une spirale à l'intérieur d'un tube dans la bobine de m comme cela est indiqué à la fig. 34. L'aimant-axial pourrait être remplacé par l'électro-aimant m, fig. 33, avec ses noyaux adjacents au ressort n pour attirer ledit ressort 5 et rompre le courant lorsque le courant devient trop intense. Edison French Patent—1879. 2397 1 Dans les figs. 12 et 13, la réglementation du courant et par conséquent de la chaleur du brûleur, est effectuée par la dilatation et la contraction du brûleur lui-même qui fait mouvoir le levier 5. Lorsque le courant est de l'intensité voulue, il passe au brûleur par le fil 3, fig. 13, et par la tige et le levier 5 au fil 7; si le courant devient trop intense, le brûleur a se dilate en haut, mobilisant le levier 5 qui fait contact avec 6 et présente un trajet raccourci pour le courant par le fil 10. Le levier g est un organe de sûreté pour faire contact avec la vis stet offrir un autre parcours pour le courant dans les cas où 5 et 6 ne feraient pas un contact électrique. La disposition indiquée à la fig. 12 est matérielle- ment la même que celle dans la fig. 13, sauf qu'une ré- sistance rest placée dans le circuit d'embranchement. Les organes sont représentés dans la position qu'ils occupent lorsque le brûleur est dilaté et lorsque le cou- rant passe dans le circuit restreint et la résistance. A la fig. 17, le courant pass par la tige t et s'il est trop intense, cette tige se dilate et amène 5 en contact avec 6 et établit un circuit restreint entre 5 et 6 pour le courant. A la fig. 35, la dilatation du corps a qui émet la lu- mière ferme le circuit entre 5 et 6 et le courant passe par l'électro-aimant m qui attire le levier armature et amène plus ou moins de pression sur deux boutons de carbone en 12 par lesquels le courant passe au circuit restreint 10, interceptant ainsi le brûleur; ce circnit restreint offre plus ou moins de résistance suivant la pression du levier d'armature sur les boutons en carbone. Dans la fig. 36, la dilatation du corps a émettant la lumière, agit pour immerger plus ou moins d'un côté une bobine de fil dans un bain de mercure et ainsi augmenter ou diminuer la résistance dans un circuit restreint ou circuit d'embranchement passant dans le mercure pour diriger le courant si la chaleur devient excessive. La dilatation continue du corps a émettant la lumière, fig. 37, diminue graduellement la résistance 2398 Edison French Patent-1879. dans le circuit restreint entre 3 et 7 en amenant les ressorts 5 successivement en contact avec le massif 6 et en fournissant un circuit restreint à la résistance r. Dans la fig. 38, la dilatation et la contraction conti- nue du corps a émettant la lumière, mobilise le levier 5 et amène les résistance r successivement en circuit et la seconde résistance est plus grande que la première et ainsi de suite. A la fig. 39, 3 brûleurs a as a sont indiqués; le courant arrivant de 3 ne passera pas par a5 a® parce- que le parcours de la moindre résistance est pour 15, 14, 18, 17, 16 et 19 à 7. Lorsque a se dilate, son levier 5 sépare 14 de 15 et le circuit doit passer de a par a et par a¹ à 18; de là, par 17, 16 et 19 à 7. Si la lumière se dilate encore davantage, la broche insulée sur 14 pousse 16 le séparant d'avec 17 et le courant est contraint de passer de a5 par aº en 7. Fig. 40 illustre une disposition semblable à celle de la fig. 39, mais l'arrangement des circuits est légère- ment varié. Dans ladite fig. 40, le courant passe de 3 par le levier 5 et le ressort 14 à 7. Si a se dilate par l'effet de l'augmentation du courant, alors le levier 5 mobilise le ressort 14 et sa broche métallique 22 touche le ressort 16 et ouvre deux parcours pour le courant, l'un par a, 5, 14 à 17 et l'autre par a5 19, 16, 22, 14 à 7. La continuation du mouvement du levier 5 ferme 23 sur le ressort 18 ét un troisième parcours est ouvert au courant par le trajet a 24, 18, 23, 22 et 14 à 7. Dans la fig. 41, le courant venant de la ligne 3 passe par 16, 17, 14 et 15 au brûleur a, aimant axial m et la ligne 7; si le courant augmente, le levier 5 de m est attiré en bas en séparant 14 d'avec 15 et le courant passe actuellement par 3, 16, 17 et le fil 18 au brûleur að et a ce qui affaiblit le courant. Si l'intensité du courant augmente, alors l'aimant m attire le levier 5 encore plus bas en séparant 16 d'avec 17 et le courant passe par a a5 et a, ce qui augmente la résistance et empêche la fusion de la spirale. Edison French Patent-1879. 2399 • A la fig. 40ª la dilatation de la tige t par l'effet de la chaleur émise par un brûleur a mobilise le levier 5 et intercepte le circuit par le brûleur plat a et ferme le circuit par l'autre brûleur a5. A la fig. 42 la dilatation de la tige t par l'effet de la chaleur émise par le brûleur a actionne un levier qui amène la résistance r proportionnellement à l'intensité du courant. Dans les figs. 43 à 52 inclusivement, la somme du courant dirigé sur le brûleur du corps a qui émet la lu- mière et par contre la chaleur du dit brûleur, est réglée ou contrôlée par le courant passant par un électro- aimant, ou des électro-aimants m', les dits aimants dans chaque cas attirant son levier d'armature 5 et rompent le contact avec b, lorsque le courant excède l'intensité nécessaire pour maintenir la lumière au point voulu, interceptant ainsi momentanément le circuit au brûleur, contractant le courant et empêchant toute avarie au brûleur. Ces dispositions seront clairement comprises en se reportant aux diagrammes. Je ferai cependant remarquer que deux électro-aimants sont représentés dans la fig. 44, afinqu'il y ait deux endroits où le circuit est ouvert ou fermé simultanément pour réduire l'éticelle électrique. Dans les figs. 45 et 46, le circuit n'est ouvert ni fermé par l'action directe du levier d'armature 5 mais par un levier actionné par cet organe 5. Dans la fig. 47, l'électro-aimant m est posé dans un circuit d'embranchement. Dans la fig. 48, l'aimant m' est fait avec de fils en- roulés à travers lesquels le courant passé en sens op- posé et quand il est égal, il n'a pas d'effet sur le levier armature; la bobine m'est faite avec du gros fil et se trouve dans le circuit principal avec le brûleur, tandis que la bobine m² présente une grande résistance et se trouve dans le circuit d'embranchement qui ne passe ni par le brûleur ni par m'. L'inégalité de la résistance du brûleur produite par l'élévation de la température sert à varier le courant passant par les parcours d'embran- 2400 Edison French Patent-1879. chement et le noyau de m' m2 devient aimenté et attire le levier armature 5 et ouvre le circuit de 3 au brûleur. Fig. 49 représente l'électro-aimant m' comme étant ajustable. En variant la distance entre son noyau et le levier 5, l'intensité du courant nécessaire pour actionner 5 est déterminée. Fig. 50 représente une disposition pour obtenir le même résultat, en ajustant le ressort m² qui porte contre le levier 5 et qui empêche que ce levier ne soit attiré jusqu'à que ce que le courant passant par le brûleur et l'aimant ait acquis l'intensité voulue. Dans la fig. 52, le mouvement du levier 5 rompt le circuit par la lampe a et le ferme par la résistance r et le point 6. Dans la fig. 53, le levier m' comprime ensemble les enroulements de la spirale ou brûleur a lorsque l'aimant est actionné, amenant ainsi certaines des spires en contact et diminuant la résistance en établis- sant un circuit restreint pour une partie de la spirale. Dans la fig. 54, j'ai représenté une machine électro- magnétique miniature comme étant placée dans le circuit au brûleur a; cette machine est mise en rotation lorsque le courant excède le point voulu, elle place ainsi la résistance dans le circuit et rompt en même temps le circuit au brûleur. Dans la fig. 55, la machine est représentée comme étant pourvue d'un régulateur. Lorsque les boules du régulateur s'élèvent par suite de l'augmentation du courant au brûleur et à la machine, le levier 5 est soulevé et intercepte le circuit à 6. La fig. 56 représente une batterie thermo-électrique t2 en proximité intime avec le brûleur a; et dans le circuit à la pile t2, m' est l'aimant qui devient actif, quand la chaleur du brûleur excède le point voulu et à l'aide du levier 5 ouvre le circuit en 6. La fig. 57 représente un barre t faite avec deux métaux ou autres matières qui se dilatent inégalement, de sorte que la barre t sera cintrée vers le brûleur a quand la chaleur émise par cette dernière atteint le point voulu et interceptera le courant en 6. Edison French Patent-1879. 2401 La disposition indiquée à la fig. 58 est semblable à celle indiquée à la fig. 57, mais quand le contact entre t et 6 est rompu, le circuit n'est pas interrompu à la ligne, mais un nouveau parcours est ouvert par la résistance r' qui affaiblit le circuit au brûleur. La fig. 59 représente la barre à dilatation t comme étant reliée au levier 6, lequel à son tour est relié avec un levier composé t'. Lorsque la chaleur du brûleur devient excessive, la dilatation de la tige t fait balancer le levier ten proximité intime avec le brûleur a et il absorbera une partie de la chaleur et protégera le brûleur contre toute avarie. La fig. 60 représente une barre à ressort t confec- tionné avec des métaux ou matières qui se dilatent inégalement; elle est dirigée vers le brûleur a et en absorbe la chaleur, lorsque la chaleur de a excède un point prédéterminé. La fig. 61 représente la matière qui émet la lumière sous forme de deux carbones a à placés à une faible écartement l'un de l'autre à leurs extrémités. La tige à dilatation t se trouve dans le circuit par ces carbones e elle est reliée à l'un deux. Le ressort fin tend à séparer un carbone de l'autre, jusqu'à telle limite que la dilatation de la tige t le permet. La fig. 62 est semblable à celle 61, mais il s'y trouve deux tiges à la dilatation t et les deux pointes en carbone sont mobiles. Dans la fig. 63 est indiqué une tige ou cylindre en oxyde noir de fer qui est un non conducteur d'électricité lorsqu'il est froid, mais qui est bon conducteur lorsqu'il est chauffé au rouge. Les fils du circuit sont disposés de manière que quand le brûleur a accuse une certaine température, cette barre ne sera pas chauffée suffisamment pour que le courant puisse y passer comme circuit restreint, mais si la température est élevée, la barre w devient chauffée et le brûleur est inclus dans un circuit restreint par une portion du courant passant par w. La fig. 64 représente un brûleur dans lequel les deux 2402 Edison French Patent-1879. - poles sont dissemblables, l'un étant en carbone a affec- tant la forme d'une tige et l'autre fil mince a composé d'un alliage de platine iridium. Le carbone produit la lumière. L'infériorité de contact entre le métal et le carbone crée une résistance considérable et cette infé- riorité de contact est augmentée au fur et à mesure que ces pièces s'échauffent, d'où le carbone devient exces- sivement incandescent. J'ai représenté le carbone comme étant tenu vers la tige a en platine-iridium à l'aide de cordes, de poulies et d'un poids. La tige ou carbone a pouvant être ali- mentée en bas vers la tige a5 en platine-iridium à l'aide d'un poids attaché à la partie snpérieure du carbone, des guides 23, 23, étant établis pour passer dans des ouvertures pratiquées dans les poids comme cela est illustré à la fig. 65. Fig. 66 représente des moyens pour alimenter auto- matiquement les carbones a. Une caisse e5 d'uue lar- geur suffisante pour recevoir librement les tiges en car- bone, est soutenue au-dessus du globe i et le fond en est incliné avec une ouverture à sa partie la plus basse, d'une grandeur appropriée pour laisser passer une bou- gie en carbone se projettant partiellement dans le globe i. La poulie e à l'aide d'une corde et d'un poids maintient une légère friction sur le carbone et tend à l'alimenter en bas et à le maintenir en contact avec la tige at en platine-iridium. Lorsque la partie supé- rieure du carbone suivant avance pour occuper sa place, sa partie inférieure s'engage dans le tube et porte sur le dessus de celui-ci qui est en combustion. Une autre partie de cette invention a rapport à une disposition de fils conducteurs principaux, afin d'obte- nir un circuit métallique complet et en même temps, tirer partie de la conductibilité de la terre, de sorte que le masse de métal dans l'un des conducteurs puisse être réduite, la terre et le conducteur métallique servant en même temps comme une protection pour les conduc- teurs insulés. Fig. 67 est un diagramme illustrant les connexions. Edison French Patent-1879. 2403 fer; Les machines magnéto-électriques sont représentées en M. Elles peuvent être disposées entre les deux conduc- teurs principaux A B en rangées ou en arcs multiples de trois, quatre ou plus chacun, et les connexions doivent être faites pour l'intensité; on a représenté quatre machines magnéto-électriques M dans chaque rangée. A, est un tube couché dans le sol préférablement en il constitue avec la terre une moitié du circuit. Dans le tube est placé un conducteur insulé B, formé préférablement d'une série de torons en cuivre tordus ensemble sous forme de câble, un des torons du câble étant supprimé, soit à chaque trentaine de mètres, de sorte qu'à l'extrémité du circuit, il ne s'en présentera qu'un seul. Un tube d'embranchement A² contenant un seul toron détaché du câble doit pénétrer dans chaque maison ou bâtiment, et du rez-de-chaussée de plus petits fils sont dirigés vers les différentes parties de la maison où l'on désire établir de lumières. Chaque lampe a doit être pourvue d'un levier de contact 32, de manière à l'intercepter des fils conduc- teurs. Les générateurs d'électricité à la station centrale sont pourvus d'un champ constant d'aimants dont les bobines sont dans le circuit électrique; donc, si toutes les lampes alimentées par les conducteurs principaux en sont détachées ou séparées par leurs leviers de con- tact, le circuit sera rompu et il ne passe pas de courant par ces conducteurs de la station aux lumières, et la machine à vapeur fonctionne avec un effort amoindri et avec une moindre dépense de force. Si dans ces condi- tions le levier de contact d'une seule lampe est tourné, la lampe sera réunie aux fils d'embranchement par les conducteurs principaux, le circuit est fermé et il ne passe pas de la station centrale qu'un courant suffisant pour alimenter la lampe parceque la résistance externe détermine la quantité du courant. De cette manière le courant sera proportionné au nombre des lampes dans le circuit. Je préfère que chaque lampe contienne une résistance lorsqu'elle est incandescente d'environ 100 ohms. 2404 Edison French Patent-1879. Après que le levier a établi le contact de manière à relier la lumière aux conducteurs, le courant passera par une résistance r (voir fig. 68), égale à la lampe, mais si la vis régulatrice thermale 6 est tournée en bas, la lampe sera mise dans la circuit et le courant divisé suivant le quantité dont la vis régulatrice a été tournée comme cela a été ci-dessus expliqué. Comme cela a été ci-dessus mentionné, la connexion d'une ou plusieurs lampes fait développer une quantité de courant suffisante à la station centrale pour mainte- nir cette lampe incandescente; il s'ensuit que si des machines magnétiques M sont disposées expressément en tension et en quantité, plusieurs centaines de lampes peuvent être placées en avant entre les conducteurs principaux, la réduction de la résistance lors du place- ment de chaque lampe dans le circuit appelle la quantité voulue de courant des stations; donc, la plus grande économie possible est obtenue en faisant que toutes les résistances en dehors des conducteurs prin- cipaux soient des substances qui émettent la lumière. Fig. 69 représente une disposition de sûreté pour faire fonctionner des machines magnéto-électriques en arc multiple. Si une quelconque d'une série de machi- nes magnéto-électriques fonctionnent en arc multiple vénait à s'arrêter pour une cause quelconque et ainsi ne produire aucun effet utile, son fil agirait comme une seule résistance; donc, la puissance des autres machi- nes passerait par ce fil et tendrait à le détruire et en même temps à produire une réduction momentanée dans la quantité de lumière émise par les lampes; il est donc très important que de tels accidents ne puissent se produire. M M M sont des machines électro-magnétiques dis- posées en arc multiple et réunies aux conducteurs principaux. Entre un conducteur principal et chaque machine est placé un électro-aimant enroulé de très gros fil métallique, de manière à ne présenter qu'une faible résistance et empêcher une perte d'énergie par la chaleur. Chaque aimant est armé d'un levier et d'un ressort retratile. Edison French Patent-1879. 2405 Fig. 71 est un petit diagramme représentant plusieurs machines électro-magnétiques disposées en arc multi- ple et alimentant les conducteurs principaux avec le courant. A l'extrémité des conducteurs principaux, deux fils plus petits retournent à la station et une lampe est placée en travers ou comprise dans le circuit; par ce moyen l'état de toute le circuit est représenté à la station centrale. Fig. 72 illustre la méthode d'arrangement pour les lampes établies dans les rues en arc multiple entre deux conducteurs principaux. 2 Fig. 73 illustre une méthode pour mesurer la quan- tité d'électricité employée. BA est une boite dans la- quelle passent le fils 50, 51 provenant des conducteurs principaux. K² est une bobine de très gros fil métalli- que dont la résistance est proportionnée au nombre de brûleurs employés dans la maison. Cette résistance n'est qu'une portion de la résistance d'une seule lampe. Une cellule électrolytique P est employée pour le compteur. Cette cellule qui contient une dissolution neutre de sulfate de cuivre, a deux électrodes en cuivre dont l'un est très épais, tandis que l'autre est très mince. La petite portion du courant qui passe dans la cellule 、 transporte du cuivre et le dépose sur la plaque mince; une résistance considérable est ajoutée en R2 afin que celle de la cellule ne soit qu'un faible facteur. Si une lampe est placée en connection, elle appelle du courant du conducteur principal et la quantité proportionnée passant par la cellule effectue un dépôt sur la plaque mince, si une autre lampe est ajoutée, une quantité double est déposée et ainsi de suite; à la fin d'une période quelconque, soit un mois, la plaque est portée par l'inspecteur au bureau central où elle est pesée avec soin. Comme le dépôt de cuivre sur la plaque mince sera proportionné à la quantité totale d'énergie passant dans la maison, il présente nne mesure correcte pour établir le prix de l'électricité employée. Je suppose un électro-aimant à l'intérieur de la boîte B¹ pourvu d'un levier d'appel 5, de sorte que, si 2406 Edison French Patent-1879. par suite d'une cause quelconque, le couraut passant aux lampes dans la maison présentait un grand excé- dent, le levier sera appelé. A la fig. 73, j'ai représenté une lampe a ayant soit une résistance de 1000 ohms placée dans un embran- chement et dans un autre embranchement, j'ai repré- senté 4 brûleurs électriques a′ a² a³ a¹ formant une lampe; comme ces brûleurs sont placés en proximité et disposés dans deux circuits d'embranchements, la résis- tance de chaque branche étant de 2000 ohms, les deux branches présenteront conjointement une résistance de 1000 ohms la même que la résistance d'une lampe. A l'aide de cette disposition, diverses séries de lam- pes peuvent être placées dans des circuits d'embran- chement entre les mêmes conducteurs principaux et la résistance sera égale dans chaque embranchement, la surface rayonnante des brûleurs étant réduite. Fig. 74 démontre comment des batteries secondaires peuvent être employées pour emmagasiner l'électricité devant être employée pour faire brûler les lampes a. La ligne principale as est reliée avec une machine. électro-magnétique ou aux sources d'énergie électrique. 8 • b³ est le fil métallique de retour ou la connexion terrestre. La ligne principale a³ est reliée par les fils métalliques c8 aux batteries secondaires A3 B3 et les fils de retour d³ es passent par le levier de contact fo et le fil is b³. Les lampes électriques a sont représen- tées en circuit d'embranchement entre le fils 8 et k³. Le fil ho s'attache à une extrémité des batteries secon- daires A³ B³ et le fil 8 au levier de fs. Ce levier représenté isolé à la fig. 75 est cylindrique avec deux demi-cylindres isolés 34 et 35 contre lesquels portent les ressorts es et ds et cet organe peut être tourné périodiquement à la main, par un mouvement d'hor- logerie ou tous autres moyens mécaniques appropriés. Lorsque le levier f8 accuse une position, le circuit principal est fermé par as cs A³ d8 34 36 et is à b³ et le circuit secondaire est fermé de B³ par h³, des lampes a, le fil ks, le levier 35, 37 et le fil es à B³. Edison French Patent--1879. 2407 8 3 Lorsque le levier f occupe l'autre position, le circuit principal de a³ passe par c³ à B³ et par e³ 34, 36 et is à b³ tandis que le circuit secondaire venant de A³ est par h³, les lampes a, le fil k³, 37, 35 et le fil № 8 à A³ de sorte que quand le batterie secondaire B³ fournit l'électricité accumulée avec lampes a le courant prin- cipal charge la batterie secondaire A3 et vice-versa. 8 Quand une batterie secondaire est complètement chargée, la décomposition du liquide commence et des gaz sont développés. Je tire partie de ces effets pour actionner un régulateur de circuit et pour séparer le circuit principal. Les deux caisses fermées dans les- quelles les batteries secondaires sont placées, sont pour- vues de tuyaux g³ (voir fig. 76) passant à une chambre 78 en dessous d'un diaphragme flexible t8, et dans le circuit métallique cº il y a un levier u³ qui est actionné pour rompre le courant électrique aux batteries secon- daires entre u8 et une vis u quand les gaz se sont accumulés suffisamment pour mobiliser le diaphragme. Les gaz accumulés à l'intérieur de A3 et B3 combinent et se faisant maintiennent l'action électrique des bat- teries secondaires. Au fur et à mesure que la pression décroit, le circuit est de nouveau fermé par la levier u³. Une autre partie de cette invention a rapport à la construction des machines électro-magnétiques; dans cette machine, je fais usage d'un cylindre dont la surface est recouverte d'un fil enroulé dans le sens de sa longueur et parallèle à l'axe de rotation. Le courant électrique passant par le fil enroulé convertit le cylin- dre en un aimant; un côté du cylindre est de polarité nord et le côté opposé de polarité sud. Une coquille en fer est employée, à l'intérieur de laquelle ce cylindre magnétique est tourné et par induction la coquille de- vient aimantée, d'où les forces magnétiques dans la coquille tournent autour de cette dernière en harmonie avec le cylindre magnétique tournant. Il existe un es- pace entre le cylindre magnétique tournant et l'intérieur de la coquille, et dans cet espace il se trouve des fils `longitudinaux reliés d'une manière toute particulière à 2408 Edison French Patent--1879. un commutateur, et dans les fils il s'établit un courant d'induction par suite des forces magnétiques en rota- tion qui traversent et coupent ces fils pendant la rota- tion du cylindre magnétique à l'intérieur de la coquille et du commutateur le courant est dirigé sur les fils de la ligne. Dans le dessin, fig. 77, est un plan de la machine magnéto-électrique complète; fig. 76ª en est une coupe transversale suivant la ligne x x. Fig. 78 est un plan de l'aimant rotatif. Fig. 79 en est une vue en bout. Fig. 80, un plan de la coquille entourant cet aimant rotatif et la bobine d'induction. Fig. 81 en est une vue en bout. Fig. 81ª est une diagramme indiquant le mode d'enroulement de la bobine d'induction, et la fig. 81B un diagramme de connexions de circuit. L'arbre a est pourvu d'une cylindre en fer; il peut être ou massif ou creux et en fonte ou en fils métalli- ques enroulés; le fil passant en rayonnant de l'arbre, monte le long d'un côté du cylindre, en travers de l'autre extrémité de retour de nouveau sur l'autre côté et en travers l'extrémité et ainsi de suite jusqu'à ce que toute la surface du cylindre soit couverte de fils qui sont parallèles ou presque parallèles avec l'axe du cylindre. Une extrémité de ce fil insulé passe le long de l'arbre dans une entaille à la bague insulée a et l'autre extrémité est reliée au ressort du commutateur ou brossen qui est insulé sur un disque g fixe a' et tournant avec l'arbre a; l'autre commutateur et sont ressort x est relié à la bague d sur l'arbre a. Le ressort ď porte contre la bague d et le fil de la ligne 3 y est attaché et le ressort g' porte contre la barre a et le fil de retour 4, ou la terre, y est attachée ou vice-versa. Il doit être entendu que la machine magnéto-électrique peut être employée dans un circuit contenant des lumières électriques ou tout autre instrument ou disposition actionné par l'électricité auquel le courant engendré peut être adapté. Cet arbre a est monté dans des parties ou bâtis h et mis en rotation par une force motrice appropriée. L'enveloppe b est établie au moyen de fil de fer enroulé ou de Edison French Patent-1879. 2409 bagues en fer et attachées ensemble par des boulons 5; et entre les bagues il y a des feuilles de papier ou autre matière isolante afin de les séparer et d'empêcher que les courants magnétiques ne circulent dans la direction de l'axe de rotation; mais les bagues sont l'une et l'autre aimantées par induction du cylindre magnétique b et les lignes de force magnétique rayonnent du cylindre aux bagues et aux fur et à mesure de la rotation du cylindre à l'intérieur de la coquille, ces lignes de force magnétique se meuvent autour rapide- ment avec le cylindre magnétique. Dans les machines électro-magnétiques, les courants les plus potentiels ont lieu dans les fils qui sont passés en travers des lignes de la force magnétique. C'est pourquoi je place des fils longitudinaux dans l'espace existant entre le cylindre magnétique rotatif et sa coquille afin que ce fils soient traversés par les lignes de la force magnétique pendant sa rotation. La bobine d'induction est composée des fils parallèles s sur la surface du cylindre mince t; ces fils croisent l'extrémité du cylindre ; à l'extrémité opposée où se trouvent les leviers commutateurs u à l'endroit du commutateur des fils sont réunis à une rangée circulaire de barres qui sont isolées et sur lesquelles portent les ressorts. Le fil de la bobine à induction parallèle est de fait sans fin et il est enroulé en vue d'obtenir un courant continu. Le diagramme, fig. 81, représente le mode d'enroulement des fils; le nombre d'enroulement paral- lèles peut varier en plus ou moins, mais je trouve que le but désiré peut être obtenue de la meilleure manière, en faisant usage d'un nombre pair d'enroulements parallèles longitudinalement à la caisse et d'un nombre impair de plaques commutateurs. Le courant engendré dans les fils à l'intérieur du champ magnétique du pôle nord surtout suivent une direction et les courants engendrés dans les fils, dans le champ du pôle sud, seront tous dans l'autre direc- tion. J'enroule les fils de telle manière que tandis que le fil est continu et que le courant passe dans tout ce fil 2410 Edison French Patent-1879. le courant passera par 2 fils de la bobine d'induction à une plaque commutateur, ensuite en s'en écartant, passera par un plaque opposé de commutateur et passera par dans la bobine dans laquelle il enroulera à l'autre plaque commutateur. Supposons que les ressorts portent sur les plaques commutateurs a et e, le courant se dirigera vers a des fils 1 et 6 s'éloignant de e par les fils 12 et 7. En suivant les flèches, on verra que tout l'enroulement est un circuit complet dans lequel les portions parallèles des fils dans le champ sud de l'influence magnétique ont un courant développé suivant une direction et dans le champ nord dans une autre direction obtenant ainsi l'effet dynamique, et il ne produit aucune interruption ou pulsation du courant, les ressorts touchent au commutateur avant d'en abandonner un autre. Bien entendu que le courant est renversé dans les portions parallèles des fils succesivement, par exemple, le courant dans 7 et 14 est renversé pendant que les aimants et les brosses tournent autour d'eux ensemble, lorsque le ressort passe de d par 14 à 7 dans la direc- tion opposée et à 12 comme avant. Quand le ressort passe de n à g le courant dans 8 et 7 est renversé; il passe de 6 comme aupravant et en traversant, il est renversé en i et retournant en 8 suivant des directions opposées, il est enlevé par g. Les flèches ponctuées indiquent ces changements successifs de direction, d'où il résulte que les courants sont dirigés par deux fils à chaque commutateur successivement de tout le champ magnétique. Le courant passera du ressort g' par a'; de là, par les fils parallèles enroulés sur le cylindre b au commu- tateur n; de là, par la barre sur laquelle il porte le long de la bobine d'induction parallèle sur un côté du cylin- dre t retournont le long de l'autre côté, à la barre com- mutateur par le ressort z à la bague et au ressort d' à la ligne. On doit tenir compte que la bobine d'in- duction parralèle t et les barres commutateurs u restent stationnaires et que les ressorts n x tournant autour des barres u par l'intensité de l'arbre a et le ressorts Edison French Patent--1879. 2411 de commutateurs doivent être placés par rapport au cylindre magnéto-rotatif de manière à enlever le courant à l'endroit ou il présente sa plus grande énergie. Le courant sera continu ou presque continu et suivra une direction; il y aura cependant quelquefois une étin- celle entre les barres commutateurs quand le circuit de l'enroulement parallèle à induction est interrompu, mais ceci sera diminué en cintrant les ressorts de com- mutateur de manière à ce qu'ils portent sur plus d'une barre commutateur. Il sera évidemment que la caisse et l'enroulement parallèle à induction peuvent être mis en rotation, si le cylindre magnétique reste stationnaire, ou s'il tourne dans la direction opposée, et je fais observer que le cylindre supportant l'enroulement parallèle à induction s peut être construit avec des matériaux appropriés quelconques, mais je préfère et je fais usage des fibres vulcanisés. Les organes de cette machine ne sont pas sujets à s'échauffer dans des conditions de fonctionnement ordinaire parceque les fils ne sont pas enroulés les uns avec les autres et l'atmosphère peut circuler dans la masse. Cependant, dans certain cas, je fais usage d'un ventilateur sur l'arbre a monté dans une caisse com- muniquant avec le portions internes de la machine de manière à induire un courant d'air. Fig. 82 représente une nouvelle forme de machine dynamo-électrique dans laquelle le champ magnétique est concentré et les fils de la bobine coupent le champ avec une grande rapidité et la quantité de fil parcouru par le champ peut être augmentée jusqu'à toute limite voulue sans augmenter la vitesse de rotation de l'arbre. a10 est une bague composée de fil de fer; autour de cette bague est enroulé du fil métallique isolé par sec- tions dont il y a plusieurs centaines; les fils métalliques entre les sections sont réunis comme dans la machine Gramme au commutateur. 10 est l'aimant du champ p10 qui peut être actionné d'énergie par la bague a¹º ou par une source externe ; il sera pourvu de pôles p¹º p¹0 q¹º q¹º qui sont représentés en coupe; dans la machine actuelle ces pôles recouvrent entièrement la bague, sauf 10 10 1 10 2412 Edison French Patent--1879. une petite fente où les raies de la bague viennent s'y adapter. c10 est un ressort du commutateur lequel suivant toutes les positions de la bague établit la communication à la bobine entre l'aimant du champ; d10 et e10 sont aussi des ressorts réunis ensembles et réunis aussi par la roue du commutateur avec les bobines sur chaque côté des aimant du champ. Cette portion seulement du fil sur la bague en proximité de l'aimant du champ est employée ou ajoute une résis- tance au circuit, de sorte que la résistance du fil, la longueur de l'aimant et la concentration du champ sont indépendantes du diamètre de la bague qui peut avoir un diamètre de quelques métres. Il n'en est pas ainsi de la bague Gramme, car si l'on veut augmenter la vitesse avec laquelle le fil passe dans le champ, la bague doit être plus grande, mais ceci augmentera la résistance, et, comme la totalité du champ devrait être couverte par l'aimant du champ, il doit être réparti de telle sorte qu'il en résulte un affaiblissement du champ, empêche qu'on obtienne de grandes vitesses, sauf pour une rotation accélérée de l'arbre ce qui augmente le frottement. Quand la bague dans ma machine est mise en rota- tion dans le champ magnétique, un courant passe du fil enroulé sur chaque côté de l'aimant, l'un provenant de c10 et l'autre de d¹º, tous les deux dans la même direc- tion, et il se dirige de la machine à une lampe ou autre disposition électrique. Fig. 83 représente la même machine disposée avec le fil enroulé de l'aimant du champ dans le même circuit que le fils de la bague. Fig. 84 représente un aimant de champ double 10 avec une bague passant à travers les pièces du pôle à son centre; les 2 pôles nord de la machine sont réunis à une pièce et les 2 poles sud à une autre. Fig. 85 représente ce système disposé avec un méca- nisme à action réciproque, c10 est un arbre, 10 un ex- centrique, a¹º est un aimant recouvert de fil métallique qui reçoit une action alternative par l'excentrique et la tige /¹º. 71º est l'aimant du champ; S S sont les pôles 1 • Edison French Patent-1879. 2413' m10 α u sud et N N les pôles nord. Un fil métallique 10 est attaché au centre du fil sur a10; les deux autres extrémités de de a10 sont réunis ensemble et forment l'autre pôle. Des courants alternatifs sont engendrés dans la bobine a¹0 par son action alternative entre les α 10 pôles magnétiques et ceux-ci peuvent par l'emploi d'un commutateur être dirigés dans des courants continus. Fig. 86 représente ce principe appliqué à un télé- phone; m¹º en est le diaphragme; a10 l'enveloppe en fer et fil actionné dans le champ magnétique par le mouvement du diaphragme a¹º. SS sont les pôles sud et N N les pôles nord des aimants 10; les fils sont réunis comme dans la fig. 85. Bien entendu des aimants permanents peuvent remplacer les électro-aimants 10. J'ai représenté une batterie locale L B pour polariser d'une manière permanente les aimants, mais ces aimants peuvent être placés dans le circuit principal a1º et la batterie peut être installée sur la ligne. 10 Fig. 87 indique comment l'aimant additionnel du champ d'une machine Gramme peut être supprimé et la bague elle même faite au moyen d'un aimant de champ et d'un aimant le traversant en même temps. En admettant que T B soit une batterie thermale ou autre source d'énergie électrique, le courant passerait à la bague par les ressorts de commutateurs t¹º passant du dessus et du dessous de la bague en fer a10 N et S respectivement. 10 est une masse de fer seulement. v10 v10 sont les commutateurs usuels. Si ce derniers sont fermés et la bague mise en rotation, le courant engendré tend à faire un pôle nord à droite et un pôle sud à gauche, d'où la polarité de la bague est angulaire par rapport à la pièce en fer ¿10; de là l'attraction qui tend à retarder la rotation en ceci engendre des courants. Fig. 88 représente un disposition d'après laquelle des courants continus et alternatifs peuvent être obte- nus d'une machine Gramme ordinaire quelconque; les commutateurs v10 sont ou fermés ou disposés avec le fil sur l'aimant du chanıp, de sorte que le courant engendré dans la machine actionnera l'aimant du 2414 Edison French Patent-1879. champ à un point à angle droit avec les ressorts de commutateur, aussi bien sur le dessus que sur le dessous de la bague, ainsi la continuité est rompue et les deux extrémités des fils sont menées à des disques sur l'arbre sur lequel des ressorts frottent; à ces ressorts sont attachés des fils et si ces fils sont fermés, des courants continus seront enlevés par v10 et ils actionneront les aimants du champ, tandis que des courants alternatifs passeront par ces circuits 46, 47, 48 et 49 sont des circuits réunis à des pointes en carbone pour former une lampe à étincelle ou arc voltaïque. Fig. 89 représente seulement le dessus de la bobine annulaire a¹º coupée avec ses deux extrémités réunies à des disques ou bagues sur lesquels portent les ressorts n" m". Fig. 90 représente une machine dynamo-électrique à quantité. $10 est son arbre; m12 un aimant avec fils, les deux extrémités des fils sont reliées à des disques 50 et 51. s³ et s sont des coquilles en cuivre qui entourent l'aimant m¹2 au centre; les coquilles font une communication électrique avec le fer doux de l'aimant m12; sur les extrémités des coquilles se trouvent des poulies métalliques. Des câbles métalli- ques, flexibles servent à imprimer la rotation à ces coquilles et à diriger le courant; ce coquilles tournent en sens opposé. Les courants y dirigés passent par le noyau en fer de m12 et l'arbre devient une extrémité du circuit tandis que les poulies et les câbles métalli- ques en forment l'autre extrémité; une coquille alimente le courant à l'aimant du champ 10. Je mentionnerai que pour régler la force des courants dans une machine Gramme, les deux ressorts ou brosses de commutateur peuvent être reliés à un disque rotatif et si ce disque est placé à angle droit avec leur position appropriée, aucun courant n'est engendré ou sa puis- sance absorbée par la machine; mais si elle est tournée d'une très faible quantité vers la position voulue pour obtenir un courant maxinium, alors un courant est en- gendré proportionnellement à ce mouvement, d'où en tournant les commutateurs, on peut obtenir un courant Edison French Patent-1879. 2415 de toute force voulue sans arrêter la machine ou donner lieu à une plus grande absorption de puissance que celle nécessaire pour engendrer le courant. Fig. 91 représente un tuyau dans lequel il passe de l'eau chaude et toute sa circonférence doit être recou- verte de couples thermo-électriques sous forme de pla- ques rayonnantes. Il est reconnu qu'une grande portion de l'énergie théorique de la combustion du charbon dans une chaudière à vapeur est perdue par le fait de la condensation de l'eau chaude dans un bon conduc- teur. Comme une rivière coule avec une chute d'eau d'environ 2 millimètres par kilomètres, jė propose de disposer plusieurs mètres de tuyaux passant dans une chambre dans un sens et dans l'autre plusieurs fois et de faire passer de l'eau chaude du condenseur dans toute cette longueur de tuyaux à la citerne et je me pro- pose d'en extraire la chaleur en recouvrant la surface entière de ce tuyau de batteries thermo-électriques; les jonctions chaudes de la batterie thermale portent sur la surface du tuyau point non conductrice de l'électri- cité et si cela est nécessaire, afin d'obtenir une aug- mentation d'effet, les autres jonctions sont placées en contact avec une autre série de tuyaux dans laquelle il circule de l'eau froide. Ces couples thermales sont ré- unis ensemble de la manière appropriée pour que leur courant puisse être utilisé pour maintenir un aimant constant de champ pour machines magnéto-électriques que j'emploie dans mon système d'éclairage. Une cer- taine portion de tuyaux est réservée pour la batterie thermale de chaque aimant. 10, fig. 92, représente de ces aimants dans des machines magnéto-électriques. Les batteries thermales sont admirablement adaptées pour ce service particulier parce que le résistance des aimant du champ peut être très faible. Fig. 93 représente un dynamomètre pour mesurer la force motrice absorbée par les machines dynamométri- ques pendant qu'elles fournissent un courant. Ce sont des poulies moulées sur un arbre s; ces poulies sont commandées par une courroie 54, 55 et 56 sont les disques isolés montés sur l'arbre s¹6; des ressorts .. 2416 Edison French Patent-1879. portent sur ces disques d' est un disque réuni d'une manière permanente à l'arbre s; me est une électro- aimant également réuni d'une manière permanente au disque d'; il comporte une armature sur l'extrémité d'un bras qui est attaché à une poulie folle p* ou à un manchon attaché à ladite poulie également passée sur un arbre sº; de la poulie p' il part une curroie à la machine dynamique. Les ressorts de 55 et de 56 forment une liaison avec une batterie B¹º, une résis- tance R10 et un galvanomètre G10. 55 et 56 sont réunis à l'aimant me est 55 est réuni avec le disque dr et 54 avec la pointe arrière 68 qui établit un circuit quand le bras de p' porte contre le bras b8 dans lequel circuit sont montés un timbre et une batterie 58. La machine dynamique sera commandée par une courroie provenant de p' et quand on désire savoir la somme de force absorbée par la machine dynamique la batterie B10 est mise en circuit et m attire le bras de p' d'avec b8 au fer doux de l'aimant me et la force de l'aimant doit être suffisante pour maintenir le bras pendant que le rotation continue. L'opérateur surveille actuellement le galvanomètre et commence à insérer de la résistance dans le circuit jusqu'à ce que la puissance de l'aimant est tellement affaiblie que l'armature sur le bras p' cesse d'être tenue par les fer doux et le levier d'armature retombe en arrière sur ¿³; ceci forme le circuit du timbre et juste au moment où le timbre se fait entendre l'opérateur remarque la déflexion du galvanomètre que donne la force du courant provenant de B10 et ayant préalablement déterminé la quantité des poids qui appellerait le bras d'avec me avec des forces différentes de courants; il peut, en prenant la vitesse de rotation, calculer avec précision la force absorbée en kilogrammes-mètres. m Fig. 94 représente une disposition pour mesurer la somme du courant consommé dans un temps donné. m13 est un électro-aimant, 14 un levier relié à un pis- ton fonctionnant avec précision dans une cylindre m15. m¹º est de la glycérine ou de l'huile. Ce cylindre est relié avec un réservoir m17 par un tube ayant un très Edison French Patent-1879. 2417 petit trou à une extrémité. Ce mesurage est obtenu par la pression produite par l'aimant sur le piston qui re- foule l'huile très lentement dans le réservoir mais en proportion avec l'attraction de l'aimant qui est comme le carré de la force motrice électrique du courant. Je revendique comme de mon invention: Premièrement. Conjointement avec une chambre à vide scellée, faite en verre, un conducteur métallique incandescent continue comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit. · Deuxièmement. La méthode ci-avant décrite pour préparer les conducteurs électriques pour les lampes ou brûleurs électriques consistant à libérer les conducteurs métalliques des gaz dans le vide et après à sceller hermétiquement la caisse transparente étanche que l'on entoure comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Troisièmement. - Dans une lampe électrique la com- binaison avec une caisse à vide transparente et scellée d'une bobine de fil pyro-insulé enroulé sur une sub- stance infusible comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Quatrièmement.- La combinaison avec une caisse transparente à vacuum, d'un conducteur continu formant un brûleur ou une chandelle électrique et d'une seconde caisse transparente formant une cham- bre close dans les buts ci-dessus exposés. Cinquièmement. La combinaison du conducteur formant la lampe ou chandelle électrique avec la caisse transparente scellée i renfermant la caisse b et le régu- lateur thermostatique 1, 5, 6, comme cela a été ci- dessus spécifié. Sixièmement. Là méthod pyro-isolatrice du fil ou bande de métal pour le conducteur consistant à passer ce fil ou bande dans une dissolution de chaux ou de magnésie et ensuite dans une flamme ou un foyer, pour 1 2418 Edison French Patent-1879. effectuer la décomposition de la dissolution comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Septièmement. La combinaison dans une lumière électrique de couches de métal incandescent avec des pyro-isolateurs intermédiaires comme cela a été ci- dessus décrit. Huitièmement. Une spirale ou hélice de métal avec des pyro-isolateurs intermédiaires, solidement comprimés, conjointement avec le régulateur thermal de circuit comme cela est représenté aux figs. 12 et 13. Neuvièmement. Le combinaison avec un conduc- teur incandescent continu formant brûleur ou lampe, d'un rhéostat ou résistance et de connexion de circuit, comme cela est indiqué à la fig. 12, pour maintenir une résistance presque uniforme dans le circuit électrique comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Dixièmement. La combinaison avec la lumière électrique a et la disposition à dilatation thermale, figs. 12 et 13, des leviers 5 et 9 et des pointes de contact 6 et 8 et des connexions du circuit comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Onzièmement. La méthode de production d'une lu- mière électrique qui consiste à passer une étincelle d'in- duction dans la chaux contenue dans un tube à vacuum comme cela a été décrit par rapport à la fig. 14. Douzièmement. Le matériel produit en brûlant un acétate de chaux pour être utilisée dans l'éclairage électrique comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit. Treizièmement. Les dispositions indiquées dans les figs. 15 et 16 pour produire une lumière oxyhydro- gène comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Quatorzièmement. Dans l'éclairage électrique, un conducteur d'électricité formé de métal divisé finement Edison French Patent-1879. 2419 incorporé avec un non-conducteur d'électricité comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit par rapport aux figs. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 et 244. Quinzièmement. Un corps rigide a émettant la lu- mière électrique, figs. 17, 18 et 19 ayant une incision ou séparation longitudinale depuis la base jusqu'à près de son extrémité pour assurer la circulation du courant électrique dans tout le corps comme cela a été ci- dessus spécifié. Seizièmement. Conjointement avec un corps rigide a et servant à émettre la lumière et ayant une incision longitudinale, un régulateur thermal à dilatation pour le circuit afin de contrôler la force du courant par l'effet de la chaleur développée dans le brûleur comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Dix-septièmement. — Une spirale régulatrice thermale dans le même circuit que le brûleur, mais dans une caisse étanche séparé du dit brûleur et actionnant des organes réglant le circuit comme cela été décrit par rapport aux figs. 27 et 28. Dix-huitièmement. L'aimant axial m dans le circuit du corps a qui émet la lumière conjointement avec le ressort n auquel le noyau de l'aimant est attaché, le ressort 5, la pièce b et les connexions du circuit comme cela a été spécifié par rapport aux figs. 32, 34. Dix-neuvièmement. Les organes et circuits repré- sentés dans les figs. 35, 36, 37, 38 et 42 pour varier la résistance dans le circuit au brûleur suivant l'intensité du courant passant au dit brûleur. Vingtièmement. Les dispositions et circuits repré- sentés dans les figs. 39, 40, 40A et 41, à l'aide desquels un ou plusieurs corps émettant la lumière sont placés dans le circuit avec le brûleur principal, si le courant devient trop intense, ce qui a pour effet de réduire le 2420 Edison French Patent-1879. courant dans le dit brûleur principal comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Vingt-et-unièmement. La combinaison avec un corps métallique émettant la lumière d'un ou plusieurs aimants dans lesquels passe le courant au brûleur et les circuits électriques représentés, d'où la quantité de courant dirigé sur le brûleur est réglée par l'intensité du courant passant dans ledit aimant ou les dits aimants comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit et représenté dans les figs. 43 à 8. Vingt-deuxièmement. - La combinaison avec le corps a émettant la lumière d'une petite machine électro- magnétique dans le circuit au brûleur, comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit par rapport aux fig. 54 et 55. Vingt-troisièmement. - La combinaison avec le brû- leur a de l'électro-aimant m de la batterie thermale p² et des circuits disposés comme cela est indiqué à la fig. 56. Vingt-quatrièmement. - La combinaison avec le brû- leur a de la barre à dilatation t' et des circuits électri- ques disposés comme cela est indiqué dans les fig. 57 et 58. Vingt-cinquièmement. -- La combinaison avec le brû- leur a de la barre t out absorbant la chaleur, figs. 59 et 60. Vingt-sixièmement. - Le carbone a qui émet la lu- mière pivote à une de ses extrémités et à son autre ex- trémité contiguë à l'autre carbone conjointement avec la tige de dilatation t et le ressort comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié et représenté dans les figs. 61 ou 62. Vingt-septièmement. -- La combinaison avec le corps. a qui émet la lumière d'un levier u, fig. 63, qui est un non-conducteur d'électricité à froid et un conducteur à Edison French Patent-1879. 2421 chaud pour régler le courant ou brûleur comme il a été ci-dessus specifié. Vingt-huitièmement. La combinaison dans une lampe électrique d'un crayon en carbone et d'une tige métallique de fusion difficile et d'un poids pour main- tenir la pression nécessaire à la pointe de contact comme cela a été ci-dessus représenté. Vingt-neuvièmement. La caisse e5 à fond incliné adapté pour recevoir plusieurs crayons en carbone conjointement avec la tige métallique a5, fig. 66, et des moyens pour guider ces crayons et en maintenir la pression au point de contact comme cela a été ci- dessus décrit. Trentièmement. - Les conducteurs métalliques isolés B, fig. 67, à l'intérieur d'une caisse métallique qui constitute avec la terre le circuit de retour, comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit. Trente-et-unièmement. -- La disposition automatique de sûreté, figs. 69 ou 70, pour intercepter le courant à la machine électro-magnétique dans les cas dérange- ment de la dite machine. Trente-deuxièmement. La méthode spécifiée par rapport à la fig. 73 pour déterminer le courant électri- que, employé dans les lampes électriques qui consiste à faire déposer du métal par le courant qui passe, à peser ce métal déposé, et à estimer de cette manière la valeur du courant comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit. Trente-troisièmement. La disposition de 4 lampes électriques, fig. 78, dans un circuit d'embranchement divisé entre deux conducteurs principaux comme il a été ci-dessus décrit. Trente-quatrièmement. Un électro-aimant m', fig. 78, dans le circuit au brûleur dans un bâtiment qui fonctionne quand le courant excède un point prédéter- 2422 Edison French Patent-1879. miné pour attirer un levier d'armature et l'arrêter et interrompre le circuit aux tels brûleurs comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit. Trente-cinquièmement. La combinaison avec les lampes électriques a, fig. 74, et avec un circuit princi- pal de 2 batteries secondaires et connexions de circuit, pour changer alternativemet les circuits principal et secondaire, comme décrit. Trente-sixièmement. Le circuit secondaire conte- nant des lampes électriques, la batterie secondaire et la caisse conjointement avec le circuit principal par la batterie secondaire, un diaphragme actionné par l'accumulation des gaz dans la batterie secondaire avec un levier de contact dans le circuit principal comme cela a éte ci-dessus décrit. Trente-septièmement. Un cylindre magnétique b, figs. 76ª, 77, 78 et 79, composé d'un cylindre en fer dont la surface est recouverte d'un fil isolé disposé parallèlement à l'axe de rotation et en traverse les extrémités comme cela a été ci-dessus spécifié. Trente-huitièmement. La combinaison dans une machine dynamo-electrique et d'un cylindre magnéti- que rotatif b, d'une caisse ou coquille en fer l entourant ce cylindre et de fils enroulés et réunis au massif du commutateur, comme cela a été ci-dessous décrit formant un organe d'induction parallèle s qui occupe l'espace entre le cylindre magnétique et l'enveloppe comme spécifié. Trente-neuvièmement. -- La combinaison dans une machine magnéto-électrique d'un cylindre magnétique rotatif b portant des fils métalliques le long de sa surface, parralèles ou presque parallèles à l'axe, une coquille en métal 7, un bobine d'induction parallèle s, de barres commutateurs u, des ressorts n x, des bagues de et les connexions de circuit décrit. Edison French Patent-1879. 2423 Quarantièmement. -- Dans une machine électro-mag- nétique, une bobine d'induction parallèle dont le fils métalliques sont enroulés de la manière indiquée dans la fig. 814 et le connexions à commutateur à ces fils, d'où le courant est enlevé de la bobine d'induction parallèle sur deux points ou directions opposées, comme décrit. Quarante-et-unièmement. Les bobines d'induction rotatives, aimants stationnaires, commutateurs et cir- cuits représentés et décrits par rapport aux figs. 82, 83, 84, 87, 88 et 89. Quarante-deuxièmement. - - La bobine d'induction animé d'un mouvement dans la direction de sa longueur, les électro-aimants et les circuits décrits et représentés par rapport aux figs. 85 et 86. Quarante-troisièmement. - La disposition indiquée dans la fig. 93, pour déterminer la force consommée pour la commande des machines magnéto-électriques, comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit. Quarante-quatrièmement. La batterie thermale et les tuyaux de chauffe représentés dans les figs. 91 et 92 conjointement avec la machine électro-magnétique comme cela a été ci-dessus décrit. 2425 Edison. B. du 28 Mar 1879 Fig. 1 * 2 Fig.:2 Fog: 3 Fig: # 13 11 a 20 Fig:6 Fig: 5 ao 28 a Fig: f Fig: 8. fig:9. Fig:11 么 ​P Fig:10 2426 Fig:12 Fig:18 3' 10 10 a Fig: 1h h Fig:16 2427 Edison. B. du 28 Mzi 1879. ኢ Fig: 16. a Fig:18. Fig: 17 Fig: 19 Z a 3 Fig: 20 a Fig. 22. " Fig: 23. a 3 Fig: 21 www Fig: 231 a 2428 Fig: 24 α ¿ Fig:25 Fig: 28 a a Fig: 27 α ec 61 K G a Fig: 26 2429 Fig $2 18000207-1 m 6 Fig. 29. Fig: 34. m no 15 a Fig:33 K NAPOMNON nman Fig: 30 α T Fig: 31. 3 2430 3 Fig:39 18 14 16 19 α Fig:35 3 5 ·10 10 3 Fig:36 xx Fig: 37 Fig:38 a 3 Fig:42 a www er 3 ασ Fig:ha 14 16 8 22 que 3 que to 18 α سرو Fig:41. дий . 2431 43 a Fig: 43. Fig. 45. Fig: 46 Fig: 44. m' a α Fig:47. 95 Fig: 48: a Fig: 50 α Fig: 19 Fig: 52. elairee Fig: 51. a TA Fig $3 53. m' I'm 3 Fig:54 Fig:55, 2432 wwwwww a на Fig 50 2 Well lees a ベー ​ССП Fig:57 р Fig: $8. 3 Fig: 59 Fig:50 TAUNTO a лиши Fig:0! a Fig:62. Fig:64 a a Fig: 63 3 a 2433 Faison B du 28 Mar 1879- Fig:67 M M Fig. 65 23 128 M M 痴 ​B Fig:72 A 茗 ​Pig:66 Fig: 71 a 高 ​ig:76 13. 中​中​中​中​中 ​2434 di Fig:69 M ޑ M boo пр di 35 י !!! M M a Fig: Th e8 d8 B3 Fig to M M 68 as Fig.75 8 50 37 BA 52 נוו. וייל! R 17 Fig:68 DIO 08 H as か ​Fig: 79 a4 TH 32 1 2435 Lisen 6. du 28 Mai 1877. 76 Fig. 76 Fig.19 Fig. 81. a Fig. 77. Fig. 78 Fig. 80 x IEHIT Z THII n x L ď 2 a 00 2000 α 2436 13 1.4 11 10. น 70 Fig. 81 3 Fig.12. to 10 Сто a 70 Fig. 818. d" 10 2 ď d a S Figss 10 Fig. 84 7010 Fig. 85. 10 10 2 N N 910 S T 70 te a10 10 2437 Edison B. dhi 28 Mei 1879. zio 110 Fig: 87 Fig. 80. m 10 N N r10 заво LB 48 TB Fig: 88. 49 alo 10. dz 46 罚 ​Fig. 89. Fig: 90. 210 १० 50 لامی r 10 YA 12 * 10 $.4 310 2438 m 16 10 Big:91: Fig. 92 99.. a 10 alo 10° Fig. 93 58 Blo RIO มท W #9 Fig 94. .m 14 in 17 י חוויה ďt 13 m!3 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2439 COPY OF THE SPECIFICATION. Annexed to the Patent for Fifteen Years. Taken the 28th of May, 1879, BY MR. THOMAS A. EDISON, " FOR Improvements introduced in the production of electricity, in electric lighting, as well as in the "machines and apparatus employed for for those "purposes." In my patent of November 8, 1878, I have described and shown means for developing electric currents and for lighting by means of electririty. My present improvements are connected with the said invention and they relate to the construction of the burner to the automatic adjustment of the burner, to the system of circuits in which the lights are used, to means for developing electric currents, to the meas- uring of the quantity of electricity employed, and to other matters relating to my system of electric lighting. I have found that when wires or leaves of platinum, iridium or other conductors of electricity which melt at a high temperature, are exposed to a high temper- rature, approaching their point of fusion, in the air for several hours by passing through them a current of electricity, and then allowed to cool, the metal is ruptured, and under the microscope there appear a miriad of cracks in different directions of which some reach nearly to the centre of the wire. I have also found that, contrary to the opinion which has been expressed, platinum or an alloy of platinum and iridium lose weight when they are exposed to the heat of a candle, that even heated air causes them to undergo a diminution of weight, that this loss is so great that it gives a green tint to a hydrogen flame, 2440 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. and under an influence of an electric current to a yellowish white heat the loss is considerable. After a certain time the metal is disaggregated, from which it results that platinum or an alloy of platinum and iridium, such as are actually found in commerce, are useless for giving a light by incandescence. First, because the loss of weight renders them expensive, destroys the burner rapidly and gives no reliability. Secondly, because their electrical resistance changes on account of their loss of weight and because their emission of light, relatively to the total surface, is considerably diminished on account of the cracks and crevices; the point of fusion being determined by the feeblest point where the greatest difference of poten- tial of the electric current occurs, the effect of which is to create more heat at this point than upon the remainder of the wire; and furthermore for obtaining a stable light it is essential to protect the platinum burner from the contact of air, and when it is thus protected by being placed in a glass chamber, the glass is rapidly covered with a coating of black from the platinum. A platinum spiral brought to incandescence under these circumstances may be made to give a light equal to three standard candles when it is near its point of fusion and when the radiating surface is a little more than a millimetre and a half, but this amount of light will be gradually reduced as has been above described. By reason of my invention or discovery I am able to prevent the deterioration of the platinum or its alloys by destroying or intercepting the atmospheric action. A platinum wire in the form of a spiral or any other form being placed in a glass tube with the wire near its extremities passed through and sealed into the glass, the air is exhausted from the glass tube with a "Spran- gel" pump to such a point that the discharge of an in- duction coil of seventy-five millimetres will not pass between the extremities of wires placed in the tube at a separation of 4 millimetres. The platinum wires Translation of Edison French Patent--1879. 2441 of the spiral are then connected to a magneto-electric machine or a battery of which the current may be controlled by the addition of a resistance. A sufficient current is passed through the wire to bring it to a tem- perature of about 65 degrees centigrade, it is left under the influence of this temperature for ten or fifteen minutes; during this heating the air and the gases contained in the metal are expelled from it by the heat or drawn out by the effects of the vacuum. While this air or these gases are going out of the metal the mer- cury pump should be worked constantly. After about fifteen minutes the current in the metal is increased so that the temperature will be about 150 degrees centi- grade, and it is exposed to this temperature again for ten or fifteen minutes. The mercury pump should be worked constantly and the temperature of the spiral should be raised by intervals of ten to fifteen minutes until it reaches a vivid incandescence, and the glass is contracted where it is joined to the pump and melted in such a way that the wire is in a perfect vacuum and in a state hitherto unknown, for the temperature can be raised even to the most dazzling incandescence, giving a light of twenty-five standard candles, while before this treatment the average point of fusion of a series of spirals having the same length and dimensions of wire as well as the same radiating surface was only about three candles. The wires submitted to this process of elimination of the air and of gas have a polish surpassing that of silver, and one which cannot be obtained by any other means. No cracks can be perceived even after the spiral has been suddenly raised to incandescence several times by the current, and no volatilization takes place since no deposit is formed upon the glass tube; moreover, no diminution of weight is found in the wire by the use of delicate scales after it has burned several hours consecutively. I have further discovered that if an alloy of platinum and iridium or a wire of simple platinum is covered with a coating of oxide of magnesium in the manner 2442 Translation of Edison French Patent--1879. described below and submitted to the vacuum process described, a combination takes place between the metal and the oxide giving to this latter remarkable quali- ties. With a spiral having a surface of a little more than a millimeter and half, a light equal to that given by forty standard candles may be obtained, while the same spiral not coated by my process would fuse before giving a light of four candles. The oxide of magnesium hardens the wire in a surprising manner and renders it more refractory. A spiral made of this wire is elastic and forms a spring even when it is heated to a dazzling incandescence. I have found that chemically pure iron and nickel drawn into wires and submitted to the vacuum process give a light equal to that of platinum in the open air. Pencils of carbon can also be freed from air in this manner and be brought to such a temperature that the carbon becomes pasty, and if it is then allowed to cool it is very homogeneous and hard. Rods and plates made of mixtures of conducting materials finely divided can also be freed from air and of gases in this way. I will now describe the form of the burner or lamp which I employ. In order to operate practically sev- eral hundreds of electric lamps, each equal to an ordi- nary gas burner, upon a circuit, it is essential for sev- eral reasons, as regards convenience, economy and cer- tainty of results, to put them all in multiple arc, and in order to prevent the resistance of several hundreds of lamps from falling so low that it is necessary to make use of main conductors of immense dimensions, with a low resistance, and of machines for generating electric- ity of corresponding character, it is essential to reverse the present system of lamps which have a resistance of only one or two ohms, and to construct lamps which shall have, when they emit their desired quantity of light, a resistance of several hundreds of ohms. I have ascertained by experiment that the loss of electrical energy is in proportion to the extent of the surface which emits light, and is independent of the resistance of the conductors, therefore with a thousand Translation of Edison French Patent--1879. 2443 lamps having each a radiating surface of six millime- ters and each a resistance of one ohm, the loss of elec- trical energy is equal to one thousand lamps having the same radiating surface, each having a resistance of one thousand ohms; the loss of energy in each lamp in each case, when it emits a light of fifteen candles, will be the same, but with one thousand lamps, each of one ohm, the combined resistance will be a thousandth of an ohm, from which it results that an enormous main conductor would be required, while the one thousand lamps of one thousand ohms each, when they are combined, will have a resistance of but one ohm, and a conductor of very moderate dimensions will suffice. In practice, a resistance of two to three hundred ohms will be sufficient in the burner. With lamps of a low resistance the connections and the main wires should be large in order to prevent a great loss of energy by the resistance and the conducting wires of the main conduits are heavy, costly and large to handle. The low resistance of the burner or incandescent conductor requires large terminals for conducting the current, and these latter present by their conduction a vehicle for the rapid dissipation of energy without producing any effect, while with a lamp of high resistance all these objections disappear. The wire for the burner or lamp, prepared as has been above described, is wound upon a bobbin shown at L, Fig. 1, composed of an infusible oxide such as the oxide of calcium, cerum, zirconium or magnesium freed from silica, formed in a lathe from sticks moulded by hydraulic pressure. The burner complete is shown at a, Fig. 1, as being mounted in the vacuum tube b upon a rod composed of the same material as the bobbin. The vacuum tube t is supported by the chamber k, and a glass chamber i surrounds this tube. This chamber i is sealed in such a way as to intercept all passage of air for a purpose above described. Fig. 2 represents a burner or lamp a made as has just been stated, but the pyro-insulated wire is wound upon a piece of infusible material of spherical form 2444 Translation of Edison French Patent--1879. instead of upon a bobbin. I will state that I call the wire pyro-insulated when it is covered with the metallic oxide above mentioned. In Fig. 3 the bobbin. of pyro-insulated wire is wound upon a mandril from which it is taken off, and the spires being connected by metallic wires, the bobbin is then mounted upon a disc of the infusible material. In certain forms of lamps it is preferable to support the burner a in the tube b by platinum wires 1, 2, as they conduct less of the heat from the burner than if it was supported by a rod of lime or other infusible matter b', Fig. 1. In Fig. 4, the burner a is represnted as being sus- pended by the platinum wires 1, 2, in the globe b. In Figs. 5 and 6, the bobbin of pyro-insulated wire a is wound upon a flat cylinder. In Fig. 7 the bobbin of wire is made of two parts separated by a central ring of infusible material. Fig. 8 represents the burner a as being made of a flat band of metal, platina-iridium, wound into a spiral and supported by a rod of infusible material b', this band should be pyro-insulated. Fig. 9 illustrates a method of pyro-insulating a wire. The wire is drawn from a bobbin and passed into the flame of one or several lamps as well as through sponges containing a solution of lime or magnesium. The wire in its passage through the sponges is covered with a coating of this solution which is decomposed and the oxide deposited upon the wire at the time of the passage of the wire through the flame. In Fig. 10 the wire after having received the pyro- insulating solution passes through a tube which is heated by lamps and which effects the decomposition. Figs. 11, 12 and 13 illustrate another form of pyro- insulated burner. This burner is made of a flat wire of platinum-iridium wound spirally, and between each turn of the spiral there is placed a coating of zirconium- magnesium, lime or other oxides of which the fusing points are very high. In Fig. 14 the light is produced by the electric spark Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2445 which renders incandescent lime which has been pre- pared by burning an acetate of lime. The prepared lime is placed in a tube between two metallic discs; as the prepared lime is very light and porous, the smallest sparks bring it to the state of vivid incandescence. Fig. 15 indicates how the lime obtained by burning an acetate of lime may be rendered incandescent by an oxyhydrogen flame. c is a decomposing chamber con- taining acidulated water and two electrodes separated from each other by a porous diaphragm in such manner as to form two small cells. The chamber is provided with a cover, and a tube leads from each cell. When an electric current is passed through the cells oxygen and hydrogen are emitted and conducted by tubes to a chamber or mixing retort h, and at the end of this tube the gas is lighted and the flame projected upon the prepared lime at a brings it to incandescence, producing a brilliant light by so small a quantity of gas that it would be difficult to produce any effect if it were used with the ordinary lime. The arrangement shown in Fig. 16, is similar to that which has just been described, except that the burner is surrounded by two half cylinders of glass into which the gases of the decomposition cells enter before they pass into the mixing tube and to the burner. In Figs. 17, 18 and 19, the burner is made of finely divided platinum, iridium, ruthinium or other difficultly fusible metal, incorporated with a non-conducting material. The burner or candle may be of any size or form desired, and its particles become incandescent by the passage of the current and the non-metallic mate- rials are luminous and augment the brilliancy. I mix with these finely divided conductors infusible materials such as magnesium or zirconium in different propor- tions, in order to obtain the degree of conductivity desired; the materials are mixed together and molded to the form desired for the candle. It is preferable to make use of a split candle such as that shown in Figs. 18 and 19, since the current goes up on one side and descends on the other. 2446 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. Figs. 20, 22, 23 and 23ª, represent different forms of burners made from this finely divided material last mentioned. Fig. 21 represents the material of the burner, indi- cated in Figs. 22 and 23, laid flat. In Fig. 24 the burner a is made from a curved tube of glass of the form indicated, and is pierced with a very small hole; the air is exhausted from this tube and light is produced by the passage in the tube of a spark proceeding from an induction coil. Figs. 25 and 26 represent the burner a as being composed of six spirals mounted upon sticks of lime, the spirals being joined together in the manner indicated in Fig. 26 and pyro-insulated. I will now describe the means for regulating the current in the burners. In my above-mentioned patent the regulation of the current was effected by the heat of the burner or by the intensity of devices working the current which controlled the current and maintained the light or lights at a uniform intensity. I have still recourse to these methods, but I have modified and improved the devices employed. In Fig. 1 the burner a is situated in the interior of the sealed tube b, as has been described above, and the tube b is surrouded by a glass globe i, mounted upon a holder k. A flexible aneroid chamber is cast upon the upper part of this holder or chamber; it opens into the chamber formed by the globe i in such man- ner that the air when it is dilated by the heat may pass into the said aneroid chamber and transmit a movement to the flexible diaphragm and parts attached to it. When the current has the desired intensity it enters along the wire 3, passes to the burner, and by the wire 4 to the insulated spring 5 to the contact 6 and to the wire 7. If the current becomes too strong, causing too great heat to be emitted at the burner, the air in the globe i is dilated and depresses the dia- phragm 7, then a pin mounted on the diaphragm de- Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2447 presses the spring 5, and separates it from the contact 6 which breaks the circuit of the burner at 5 and 6. This opening and closing of the circuit is only momentary, and therefore the uniform intensity of the light is not interfered with, and there is no danger of the burner becoming too highly heated. In Fig. 25 the air heated and dilated inside the globe i acts in the chambers of the aneroid to close a branch circuit between 5 and 15, permitting a part of the current to pass through the resistance », and if the heat is maintained, the movement of the lever and the detend 15 upon 5 breaks the circuit of the electric light by separating 5 from 6. The resistance of is equal to that of the burner. In Fig. 27 a spiral of platinum-iridium wire is shown in the interior of the flexible aneroid chambers, and this spiral is heated by the passage of the current and heats and dilates the air in the interior of the chambers to set in operation the levers 15 and 5 as has been above explained. In Fig. 28 the spiral operated by the heat, is repre- sented as being placed in a small globe a² of opaque glass inside of the glass globe i. The said globe a² and the spiral may be placed inside the case k, Fig. 25, in such manner as not to be seen. In Fig. 29 the heated and dilated air proceeding from the transparent chamber i passes into a chamber containing a diaphragm which is moved by this air to open and close the circuit at 5 and 6 and effect the thermal regulation of the current. In Fig. 30 the heated air of the chamber i acts upon mercury contained in a tube a³, to dilate and contract it and by means of a float acting upon the lever 5 open the circuit at 6, 15 to the burner and close it by 15 and 5 and the resistance 1. In Fig. 31 the current itself passes through the mercury to heat it and dilate it according to the intensity of the current, and thus effect the regulation of the current to the burner by the dilation of the mercury which operates the float and lever 5. 2448 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. Fig. 32 represents an axial electro-magnet m, placed in the chamber k, and the core of this electro-magnet is attached to a spring n. The current of the burner a passes through the bobbin 12 and, if the strength of this current does not pass the point required by the light, the core is not attracted with a force sufficient to be lowered apparently. If the current exceeds the maximum point necessary for the light, then the core is attracted more and lowered in such manner that a rod attached to it breaks the circuit at 5 and 6 and the current sent to the burner is momentarily interrupted, as has already been explained. The spring n serving to keep the core m lifted might consist of a spiral inside of a tube within the coil of m, as, is shown in Fig. 34. The axial magnet might be replaced by the electro-magnet m, Fig. 33, with its cores adjacent to the spring n, to attract the said spring 5 and break the circuit when the current becomes too strong. In Figs. 12 and 13 the regulation of the current, and consequently of the heat of the burner, is affected by the dilation and contraction of the burner itself, which moves the lever 5. When the current is of the desired intensity it passes to the burner by the wire 3, Fig. 13, and by the rod and the lever 5 to the wire 7; if the current becomes too strong, the burner a expands upward, moving the lever 5, which makes contact with 6, and forms a short circuit for the current through the wire 10. The lever g is a safety device for making contact with the screw 8, and offers another path for the current in case that 5 and 6 do not make an electric contact. M The arrangement indicated in Fig. 12 is substantially the same as that in Fig. 13 except that a resistance, '', is placed in the branch circuit. The parts are repre- sented in the position which they occupy when the burner is expanded and when the current passes through the short circuit and the resistance. In Fig. 17 the current passes through the rod t, and if it is too strong, this rod expands and brings 5 into Translation of Edison French Pateut-1879. 2449 : contact with 6 and establishes a short circuit between 5 and 6 for the current. In Fig. 35 the expansion of the body a, which emits the light, closes the circuit between 5 and 6, and the current passes through the electro-magnet m, which attracts the armature lever, and brings more or less pressure upon the two carbon buttons at 12, through which the current passes to the short circuit 10, thus cutting out the burner; this short circuit offers more or less resistance according to the pressure of the armature lever upon the carbon buttons. In Fig. 36 the expansion of the body a emitting the light, acts to immerse more or less a coil of wire at one side in the bath of mercury, and thus augment or diminish the resistance in the short circuit or branch circuit passing through the mercury in order to divert the current if the heat becomes excessive. The continued expansion of the body a emitting the light, Fig. 37, di- minishes gradually the resistance in the short circuit between 3 and 7 by bringing the springs 5 successively into contact with the contact point 6, and by providing a short circuit to the resistance r. In Fig. 38 the continued expansion and contraction of the body a emitting the light, moves the lever 5 and brings the resistance successively into circuit, and the second resistance is greater than the first and so on. In Fig. 39, 3 burners a, ɑ5, a are shown; the cur- rent entering at 3 will not pass through a aº, because the path of the least resistance is by 15, 14, 18, 17, 16 and 19 to 7. 5 When a is expanded its lever 5 separates 14 from 15 and the circuit should pass from a through a and through a to 18; from there by 17, 16 and 19 to 7. If the light expands still further, the insulated pin upon 14 presses 16, separating it from contact with 17 and the current is forced to pass from a through a to 7. Fig. 40 illustrates an arrangement like that of Fig. 39, but the arrangement of circuits is slightly varied. B 2450 Translation of Edison French Paten-1879. In the said Fig. 40 the current passes from 3 through the lever 5, and the spring 14 to 7. If a expands from the effect of the increase of current, then the lever 5 moves the spring 14, and its metal pin 22 touches the spring 16, and opens two paths for the current, the one through a, 5, 14 to 17, and the other through a5, 19, 16, 22, 14 to 7. The continuation of the movement of the lever 5 closes 23 upon the spring 18, and a third path is opened for the current by the path aº, 24, 18, 23, 22 and 14 to 7. In Fig. 41 the current coming from the line 3, passes through 16, 17, 14 and 15 to the burner a, axial mag- net m, and the line 7; if the current increases, the lever 5 of m is attracted downward, separating 14 from 15, and the current now passes through 3, 16, 17 and the wire 18 to the burner a5 and a, which weakens the current. If the strength of the current increases, then the magnet m attracts the lever 5 still farther downward separating 16 from 17, and the current passes through a, a5 and a, which increases the resis- tance and prevents the fusion of the spiral. In Fig. 40ª the expansion of the rod t from the effect of the heat emitted by a burner a moves the lever 5 and intercepts the circuit through the flat burner ɑ and closes the circuit through the other burner a5. In Fig. 42 the expansion of the rod t by the effect of the heat emitted by a burner a, operates a lever which withdraws the resistance proportionally to the strength of the current. In Figs. 43 to 52 inclusive, the sum of the current directed to the burner of the body a, which emits the light, and consequently the heat of the said burner is regulated or controlled by the current passing through an electro-magnet or electro-magnets m', the said magnets in each case attract their armature lever 5, and break the contact with when the current exceeds the strength necessary for maintaining the light at the desired point, thus momentarily interrupting the circuit to the burner, diminishing the current and preventing Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2451 Ar 1 all injury to the burner. This arrangement will be clearly comprehended from an examination of the diagrams. I will, nevertheless, remark that two electro-magnets are represented in Fig. 44 in order that there may be two places where the circuit is opened and closed simultaneously so as to reduce the electric spark. In Figs. 45 and 46 the circuit is not opened or closed by the direct action of the armature lever 5, but by a lever operated by this part 5. In Fig. 47 the electro-magnet m' is placed in a branch circuit. In Fig. 48 the magnet m' is constructed with coils of wire through which the current passes in opposite directions, and when it is equal there is no effect upon the armature lever; the bobbin m' is made of coarse wire and is placed in the main circuit with the burner, while the bobbin m² offers a high resistance and is placed in the branch circuit which does not pass either through the burner or through m'. The inequality of the resistance of the burner produced by elevation of the temperature serves to vary the current passing through the branch path, and the core of m', m² becomes magnetized and attracts the armature lever 5 and opens the circuit to the burner at 3. Fig. 49 represents the electro-magnet m as being adjustable. By varying the distance between its core and the lever 5 the strength of the current necessary for operating 5 is determined. Fig. 50 represents an arrangement for obtaining the same result by adjusting the spring m2 which bears against the lever 5 and which prevents this lever from being attracted until the current passing through the burner and the maguet has acquired the strength desired. In Fig. 52 the movement of the lever 5 breaks the circuit through the lever a and closes it through the resistance r at the point 6. In Fig. 53 the lever m' compresses together the 2 2452 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. turns of the spiral or burner a when the magnet is excited, bringing thus certain of the turns into contact and diminishing the resistance and establishing a short circuit for a part of the spiral. In Fig. 54 I have represented a miniature electro- magnet machine as being placed in the circuit to the burner a; this machine is put in rotation when the current exceeds the desired point, and it thus places resistance in the circuit and at the same time breaks the circuit to the burner. In Fig. 55 the machine is represented as being pro- vided with a governor. When the balls of the gover- nor are raised on account of the increase of the current to the burner and to the machine, the lever 5 is raised and interrupts the circuit at 6. Fig. 56 represents a thermo-electric battery t2 in close proximity to the burner a, and in the circuit of the battery t², m' is the magnet which becomes active when the heat of the burner exceeds the desired point, and, by means of the lever 5, opens the circuit at 6. Fig. 57 represents a bar t made of two metals, or other materials which expand uneqally, in such manner that the bar t will be bent toward the burner a when the heat emitted by this latter attains the desired point and will interrupt the circuit at 6. The arrangement shown in Fig. 58 is like that shown in Fig. 57, but when the contact between t and 6 is broken, the circuit to the line is not interrupted, but a new path is opened through the resistance ' which weakens the circuit to the burner. Fig. 59 represents the expansion bar t as connected to the lever 6 which, in its turn, is connected to a com- pound lever t'. When the heat of the burner becomes ť. excessive the expansion of the rod t makes the lever ť move into close proximity with the burner a, and it will absorb a part of the heat and protect the burner against any injury. Fig. 60 represents a spring bar t made of two metals or materials which expand unequally; it is turned Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2453 toward the burner a and will absorb the heat from it when the heat of a exceeds a predetermined point. Fig. 61 represents the material which emits the light in the form of two carbons a a, placed with their ends slightly separated from each other. The expansion bar t is placed in circuit with these carbons and it is connected to one of them. The fine spring tends to separate the carbons from each other to such an extent as the expansion of the bar t permits. Fig. 62 is like Fig. 61, but there are two expansion bars t and both carbon points are movable. In Fig. 63 is shown a rod or cylinder of black oxide of iron which is non-conductor of electricity when it is cold but which is a good conductor when it is at a red heat. The wires of the circuit are arranged in such manner that when the burner a has a certain temper- ature this bar will not be heated sufficiently to allow the current to pass through it as a short circuit, but if the temperature is raised, the bar w becomes heated and the burner is included in a short circuit by a portion of the current passing through w. Fig. 64 represents a burner of which the two poles are dissimilar, the one being of carbon a in the form of rod and the other a fine wire a5 composed of an alloy of platinum-iridium. The carbon produces the light. The inferiority of contact between the metal and the carbon creates a considerable resistance, and this inferiority of contact is increased as these pieces. are heated, from which the carbon becomes excessively incandescent. I have represented the carbon as being held against the rod a of platinum-iridium by means of cords, pulleys and a weight. The rod of carbon a may be fed downward against the rod of platinum-iridium a5 by means of a weight attached to the upper part of the carbon, guides 23, 23 being arranged to pass through the openings made in the weights, as is shown in Fig. 65. Fig. 66 represents means for automatically feeding 2454 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. ! the carbons a. A case e, of a length sufficient for holding freely the rods of carbon is placed above the globe i and the floor of it is inclined with an opening in its lowest part of a size proper for allowing a rod of carbon to pass and extend partially into the globe i. The pulley cº, by means of a cord and weight, keeps a slight friction upon the carbon and tends to feed it downward and maintain it in contact with the platinum-iridium rod a5. When the upper part of the following carbon advances to take its place its lower end engages with the tube and bears upon the upper part of the one which is in combustion. Another part of this invention relates to an arrange- ment of the main conducting wires for the purpose of obtaining a complete metallic circuit and at the same time taking advantage of the conductivity of the earth in such a manner that the mass of metal in one of the conductors may be reduced, the earth and the metal conductor serving at the same time as a protection for the insulated conductors. Fig. 67 is a diagram illustrating the connections. The magneto-electric machines are shown at M. They may be arranged between the two main conductors A B, in groups or in multiple arc of 3, 4 or more each, and the connections should be made for intensity. I have shown four magneto-electric machines M in each group. A is a tube perfectly of iron, laid in the earth; it constitutes with the earth one-half of the circuit. In the tube is placed an insulated conductor B, formed preferably of a series of strands of copper twisted together in the form of a cable, one of the strands of the cables being suppressed, say at each thirty metres in such a manner that at the end of the circuit there will remain but one. A branch tube A² containing a single strand detached from the cable may enter each house or building, and from the ground floor smaller wires are carried to the different parts of the house where it is desired to place lights. 2 Each lamp a should be provided with a contact lever Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2455 32, in such a way as to disconnect it from the conduct- ing wires. The generators of electricity at the central station are provided with a constant magnetic field of which the coils are included in the circuit; therefore, if all the lamps fed by the principal conductors are dis- connected or separated from them by their contact levers, the circuit will be broken, and no current will pass through these conductors from the station to the lights, and the steam engine works with less power and with a less expenditure of energy. If under these con- ditions, the contact lever of a single lamp is turned, the lamp will be connected to the branch wires from the main conductors, the circuit is closed and there passes from the central station only a current sufficient for feeding the lamp because the external resistance determines the strength of the current. In this manner the current will be proportioned to the number of lamps in the circuit. I prefer that each lamp shall have a resistance, when it is incandescent, of about 100 ohms. After the lever has established contact in such manner as to conncect the light to the conductors, the current will pass through the resistance r (see Fig. 68), equal to the lamp, but if the thermal regulating screw 6 is turned downward, the lamp will be placed in the circuit and the current divided according to the amount the regulating screw has been turned, as has been explained above. As has been mentioned above, the connection of one or several lamps causes to be developed at the central station a quantity of current sufficient for maintaining this lamp incandescent; from which it follows that if magneto-electric machines M are arranged for the purpose in tension and in quantity, several hundreds of lamps may be put on between the main conductors, and the reduction of the resistance at the time of putting each lamp in circuit, draws the required quantity of current from the stations; therefore the greatest economy is attained by arranging that all the 2456 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. resistances outside of the main conductors shall be materials which emit light. Fig. 69 represents a safety device for enabling mag- neto-electric machines to be worked in multiple arc. If any one of a series of magneto-electric machines working in multiple arc should stop for any cause and thus produce no useful effect, its wire would act as a mere resistance, and, therefore, all the power of the other machines would pass through this wire and tend to destroy it and at the same time to produce a momentary reduction in the quantity of light emitted by the lamps; it is, therefore, very important that it should not be possible for such accidents to occur. M M M are electro-magnetic machines arranged in multiple arc and connected to the main conductors. Between one main conductor and each machine is placed an electro-magnet wound with very coarse met- allic wire in such a way as to offer but a feeble resist- ance and prevent a loss of energy by heating. Each magnet is provided with a lever and a retractile spring. Fig. 71 is a small diagram representing several magneto-electric machines arranged in multiple arc and feeding the main conductors with the current. From the extremity of the main conductors two smaller wires return to the station, and a lamp is placed across them or included in the circuit. By this means the condition of the whole circuit is represented at the central station. Fig. 72 illustrates the method of arrangement for the lamps placed in the streets in multiple arc between two main conductors. Fig. 73 illustrates a method for measuring the quan- tity of electricity employed. BA is a box into which pass the wires 50, 51 proceeding from the main con- ductors, K2 is a coil of very coarse metallic wire, of which the resistance is proportioned to the number of burners employed in the house. This resistance is but a part of the resistance of one single lamp. An electrolytic cell P is employed for the meter. This cell, which contains a neutral solution of sulphate. Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2457 of copper, has two copper electrodes, of which one is, very thick while the other is very thin. The small portion of the current which passes into the cell car- ries copper across and deposits it upon the thin plate; a consideralbe resistance is interposed at R2, in order that the resistance of the cell may be only a small factor. If a lamp is placed in circuit it draws current from the main conductor and the proportional quantity passing through the cell causes a deposit upon the thin plate, and if another lamp is added a double quantity is deposited, and so on. At the end of any period, say a month, the plate is taken by the inspector to the central office where it is weighed with care. the deposits of copper upon the thin plate will be proportional to the total quantity of energy passing into the house it will give a correct measure for establishing the price of the electricity used. As I put an electro-magnet m' inside of the box BA provided with a retractile lever 5 in such manner that if, for any reason, the current passing to the lamps in the house is greatly excessive, the lever will be re- tracted. 4 In Fig. 73 I have shown a lamp a having a resist- ance of say 1,000 ohms, placed in a branch circuit, and in another branch I have shown 4 electric burners a¹, a², a³ and a forming a lamp. As these burners are placed in proximity and arranged in two branch circuits, the resistance of each branch being 2,000 ohms, the two branches will have a joint resistance of 1,000 ohms, the same as the resistance of one lamp. By means of this arrangement, several series of lamps may be placed in branch circuits between the same main conductors, and the resistance will be equal in each branch, the radiating surface of the burners being reduced. Fig. 74 shows how secondary batteries may be em- ployed for storing the electricity before it is used for operating the lamps a. The main line as is connected with an electro-magnetic machine or to sources of electrical energy. 2458 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 8 68 is the return metallic wire or the ground connec- tion. The main line as is connected by the metallic wires co to secondary batteries A³, B³, and the return wires d³, es pass through the contact lever fs and the wire 18, b³. The electric lamps a are shown in branch circuits between the wires h8 and 8. The wire h8 is connected to one terminal of the secondary batteries A³, B³, and the wire ks to the lever f. This lever, shown as insulated in Fig. 75, is cylindrical, made of two insulated half cylinders 34 and 35, against which the springs e and do bear, and this instrument may be turned periodically by hand, by clockwork or any other proper mechanical means. When the lever fs takes one position the main circuit is closed through a³, c³, A³, d³, 34, 36 and is to bs, and the secondary circuit is closed from B³ through h8, the lamps a, the wire k³, the lever 35, 37, and the wire es to B³. When the lever få occupies the other position the main circuit from a passes by es to B3 and by es 34, 36 and is to b³, while the secondary circuit proceeding from A³ is through h³, the lamps a, the wire k8, 37, 35 and the wire 8 to A³, in such a manner that when the second- ary battery B³ supplies the accumulated electricity to the lamps a, the main current charges the secondary battery A³ and vice versa. 8 3 When the secondary battery is completely charged the decomposition of the liquid commences and gases are developed. I take advantage of these effects to operate a circuit regulator and to disconnect the main circuit. The two closed cases in which the secondary batteries are placed are provided with tubes gs (see Fig. 76), passing to a chamber 8 under a flexible diaphragm 18 and in the metallic circuit c8, there is a lever us, which is operated so as to interrupt. the electric circuit to the secondary batteries between us and a screw u, when the gases are accumulated sufficiently to move the diaphragm. The gases accumu- lated on the interior of A³ and B3 combine and in forming maintain the electric action of the secondary 9 Translation of Edison French Patent--1879. 2459 batteries. In proportion as the pressure decreases the circuit is closed anew the lever 8. Another part of this invention relates to the con- struction of electro-magnetic machines. In this ma- chine I make use of a cylinder of which the surface is covered with a wire wound in the direction of its length and parallel to the axis of rotation. The elec- tric current passing through the coiled wire converts the cylinder into a magnet, one side of the cylinder is of north polarity, and the opposite side of south polarity. An iron shell is employed, inside of which this magnetic cylinder is turned, and by induction the shell becomes magnetized, from which it results that the magnetic forces in the shell turn about this latter in harmony with the rotating magnetic cylinder. There is a space between the rotating magnetic cylinder and the interior of the shell, and in this space are placed longitudinal wires connected in a very peculiar man- ner to a commutator, and in these wires there is estab- lished a current of induction resulting from the mag- netic forces in rotation which traverse and cut these wires during the rotation of the magnetic cylinder on the interior of the shell, and by the commutator the current is directed upon the line wires. In the drawing, Fig. 77, is a plan of the complete magneto-electric machine. Fig. 76ª is a transverse section on the line x x. Fig. 78 is a plan of the rotat- ing magnet. Fig. 79 is an end view. Fig. 80 a plan of the shell surrounding the rotating magnet and the induction bobbin. Fig. 81 is an end view of it. Fig. 81ª is a diagram showing the method of winding the induction bobbin, and Fig. 81B is a diagram of the connections of the circuit. The shaft a is provided with a cylinder b of iron; it may be solid or hollow, and of cast iron or of coiled metallic wires; the wire passing radially from the shaft goes up along one side of the cylinder across the other end returns again on the other side, across the end and so on until all the surface of the cylinder is covered with wires which are parallel with the axis of 2460 Translation of Edison French Patent--1879. the cylinder. One extremity of this insulated wire passes along the shaft in a groove to the insulated ring a', and the other extremity is connected to the commutator spring or brush n which is insulated upon a disc g attached to a', and turning with the shaft a, the other commutator and its spring x is attached to the ring d upon the shaft a. The spring bears against the ring d, and the line wire 3 is attached to it, and the spring g' bears against the ring a, and the return wire 4, or the ground is attached to it, or vice versa. It should be understood that the magneto-electric machine may be employed in a circuit containing electric lamps or any other instru- ment or device operated by electricity to which the current generated may be adapted. The shaft a is mounted in parts or frames h and put in rotation by a proper motive power. The envelope b is built up of iron wire coiled, or of rings of iron held together by bolts 5, and between the rings there are leaves of paper or other insulating material in order to separate them and prevent magnetic currents from circulating in the direction of the axis of rotation, but the rings are each magnetized by induction from the magnetic cylinder b, and the lines of magnetic force radiate from the cylinder to the rings, and in proportion to the rotation of the cylinder inside of the shell these lines of magnetic force are moved around rapidly with the magnetic cylinder. In electro-magnetic machines the strongest currents are produced in the wires which are passed across the lines of magnetic force. This is why I place the longi- tudinal wires in the space between the rotating magnetic cylinder and its shell in order that these wires may be traversed by the lines of magnetic force during its rotation. The induction bobbin is composed of parallel wires s, upon the surface of the thin cylinder t. These wires cross the end of the cylinder t at the opposite end where the commutator bars u are placed at the commutator end; these wires are united Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2461 to a circular range of bars u, which are insulated and upon which bear the springs. The wire of the parallel induction bobbin is in effect endless, and it is coiled with a view to obtain a contin- uous current. The diagram, Fig. 81, represents the mode of winding the wires. The number of parallel windings may vary more or less, but I find that the desired object may be obtained in the best manner by making use of an even number of parallel windings longitudinally to the case and of an uneven number of commutator plates. The current generated in the wires on the interior of the magnetic field of the north pole will all follow one direction, and the currents generated in the wires in the field of the south pole will be all in the other direction. I wind the wires in such a manner that while the wire is continuous and the current passes in all the wire the current will pass by two wires of the induction bobbin to a commutator plate, then separating, will pass through an opposite plate of the commutator, and will pass through into the bobbin in which it will circulate to the other commutator plate. Suppose that the springs bear upon the commutator plates a and e, the current will be directed toward a from the wires 1 and 6, leaving from e by the wires 12 and 7. By following the arrows it will be seen that all the winding is a complete circuit in which the parallel portions of the wires in the south field of the magnetic influence have a current developed in one direction, and in the north field in another direction, obtaining thus the dynamic effect, and there is produced no interruption or pulsation of the current, the spring touching one commutator plate before leaving another. It should be understood that the current is reversed in the parallel portions of the wires successively; for example, the current in 7 and 14 is reversed while the magnets and the brushes turn around them together, when the spring passes from d by 14 to 7 in the oppo- site direction and to 12 as before. When the spring passes from n to g the current in 8 and 7 is reversed; it. 2462 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. passes from 6 as before, and in passing it is reversed in ¿, and returning in 8, following the opposite directions, it is taken off by g. The broken lines indicate the suc- cessive changes of direction, from which it results that the currents are sent by two wires to each commutator successively from the entire magnetic field. The current will pass from the spring g' through a'; from there by the parallel wires wound upon the cylin- der b to the commutator n; from there through the bar upon which it rests along the parallel induction bobbin upon one side of the cylinder t returning along the other side to the commutator bar, through the spring x to the ring d and to the spring d to the line. It should be observed that the parallel induction bobbin t and the commutator bars u remain stationary and that the springs n, x turn about the bars u by the movement of the shaft a and the commutator spring should be placed relatively to the rotary magneto cylinder in such a manner as to take off the current from the place where it has the greatest strength. The current will be continuous or nearly continuous and will follow one direction. There will nevertheless sometimes be a spark between the commutator bars when the circuit of the parallel induction winding is interrupted, but this will be diminished by curving the commutator springs in such a manner that they bear upon more than one commutator bar. It will be evi- dent that the case and the parallel induction winding may be put in rotation if the magnetic cylinder remains stationary or if it turns in the opposite direction, and I call attention to the fact that the cylinder supporting the parallel winding of induction s may be constructed of any proper material, but I prefer and I make use of vulcanized fibres. The parts of this machine are not subject to heating under the conditions of ordinary use because the wires are not wound one upon the other and the air can circulate in the mass. Nevertheless in certain cases I make use of a ventilator upon the shaft a mounted in a case communicating with the internal portions of the Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2463 machine in such a manner as to produce a current of air in them. 10 10 10 10 10 Fig. 82 represents a new form of dynamo-electric machine in which the magnetic field is concentrated and the wires of the bobbin cut the field with great rapidity and the quantity of wire passing through the field may be increased almost to any amount desired without increasing the speed of rotation of the shaft. a10 is a ring composed of iron wire; about this ring is wound insulated metallic wire in sections of which there are several hundred. The metallic wires between the sections are connected, as in the Gramme machine, to the commutatar. 10 is the field magnet which may be excited from the ring a¹0 or from an external source. It is provided with poles p¹º, p¹º, q¹º, q¹º, which are shown in section. In the actual machine these poles cover the ring entirely except a small slot into which the spokes of the ring are fitted. c10 is a commutator spring which, following all the positions of the ring, establishes communication to the bobbin through the field magnet. 10 and elo are also springs connected together and connected also by the commutator cylin- der with the coils upon each side of the field-magnets. That portion only of the wire upon the ring in proximity to the field-maguet is employed, or adds a resistance to the circuit, in such a manner that the resistance of the wire, the length of the magnet and the concentration of the field are independent of the diameter of the ring, which may have a diameter of some meters. This is not true of the Gramme ring, for it is desired to increase the speed with which the wire passes through the field the ring should be greater, but this will increase the resistance, and, as the whole of the field should be covered by the field-magnet, it should be distributed in such manner that there would result from it a weakening of the field, which prevents high speed except with an accelerated rotation of the shaft which increases friction. When the ring in my machine is put in rotation in the magnetic field, a current passes through the wire 2464 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 0 wound upon each side of the magnet, the one proceed- ing from c¹º and the other from d¹º, both of them in the same direction, and it is sent from the machine to a lamp or other electrical device. Fig. 83 represent the same machine arranged with the wire wound on the field magnet in the same circuit as the wires of the ring. Fig. 84 represents a double field magnet 10 with a ring passing across the pieces of the pole at its centre. The 2 north poles of the machines are connected to one piece and the 2 south poles to another. Fig. 85 represents this system arranged with mech- anism for reciprocating action. c10 is a shaft, h10 an eccentric, a¹º is a magnet cov- ered with wire which receives an alternate action from the eccentric and the rod 710. 10 is the field magnet, S S are the south poles and N N the north poles. A metallic wire u10 is attached to the centre of the wire upon a¹º. The two other extremities of a¹0 are united ɑ10 together and form the other pole. Alternating cur- rents are generated in the bobbin a10 by its reciprocat- ing action between the magnetic poles, and these may, by means of a commutator, be changed into continuous 1 currents. 0 Fig. 86 represents this principle applied to a tele- phone; m¹º is its diaphragm; a10 the iron envelope and wire excited in the magnetic field by the movement of the diaphragm a¹º. SS are the south poles and N N the north poles of the magnets 10; the wires are con- nected as in Fig. 85. It is well understood that perma- nent magnets may replace the electro-magnets I have shown a local battery L B for polarizing the magnets in a permanent manner, but these magnets may be placed in the main circuit with a10 and the battery may be connected in the line. 10. Fig. 87 indicates how the additional field magnet of a Gramme machine may be suppressed and the ring itself made a field magnet, and a magnet traversing it at the same time. Assuming T B to be a thermal bat- tery or other source of electrical energy, the current Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2465 would pass to the ring by the commutator springs t10, passing from above and below the iron ring a¹º, N and S respectively. 10 is a mass of iron merely. v10, v10 are the usual commutators. If these last are closed and the ring set in rotation, the current generated tends to make a north pole at the right and a south pole at the left from which the polarity of the ring is angular relatively to the iron piece i10, from which the attraction which tends to retard the rotation in this generates current. Fig. 88 represents an arrangement by which continu- ous currents and alternating currents may be obtained from an ordinary Gramme machine. The commutators v10 are either closed or arranged with the wire upon the field magnet in such a manner that the current generated in the machine will excite the field magnet in a direction at right angles with the commutator springs as well upon the upper side as upon the lower side of the ring; also the continuity is broken and the two extremities of the wire are carried to discs upon the shaft upon which springs bear, and these springs are attached to wires, and if these wires are closed, continuous currents are taken off from v10, and they will excite the field magnets while alternating currents. will pass from these circuits. 46, 47, 48 and 49 are circuits connected to carbon points forming a spark lamp or voltaic arc. Fig. 89 represents the upper side only of the annular bobbin a10 in section, with its two extremities. connected to discs or rings upon which bear the springs n" and m”. Fig. 90 represents a dynamo-electric machine for quantity; s10 is its shaft; m12 a magnet with wires, the two extremities of which are connected to discs 50 and 51; S³ and S4 are shells of copper which surround the magnet 12 at the centre; the shells make an electric connection with the soft iron of the magnet m12. On the end of the shells are metallic pulleys. Flexible metallic cable serve to communicate rotation to the shells and to convey the current; these shells 2466 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. turn in opposite directions. The currents conveyed by them pass through the iron core of m12, and the shaft becomes one terminal of the circuit while the pulleys and metallic cables form the other terminal of it. One shell supplies current to the field magnet r¹0 I will mention that to regulate the force of the currents in a Gramme machine, the two commutator springs or brushes may be attached to a rotary disc, and if this disc is placed at right angles with its proper position no current is generated or power absorbed for the machine, but if it is turned a very small amount toward the position desired for obtain- ing the maximum current, then a current is generated proportionately to this movement, and hence, by turning the commutator, a current of any force desired may be obtained without stopping the machine or causing a greater absorption of power than that necessary for generating the current. Fig. 91 represents a tube through which flows hot water, and its entire circumference is to be covered with thermo-electric couples in the form of radiating plates. It is recognized that a large part of the theoretical energy of the combustion of carbon in a steam boiler is lost from the fact of the condensation of the hot water in a good conductor. As a stream flows with a fall of water of about two millimeters to a kilometer, I propose to arrange several meters of pipe passing into a chamber in one direction and the other several times and to pass the hot water of the condenser through this length of pipe to the cistern, and I propose to extract the heat from it by covering the entire surface of the pipe with thermo-electric batteries. The hot junctions of the thermo-battery bear upon the surface of the pipe, which is a non- conductor of electricity, and if it is necessary, in order to obtain an increase of effect, the other junctions are placed in contact with another series of pipes in which there circulates cold water. These thermal couples are connected together in a proper manner so that their currents may be utilized for maintaining a constant Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2467 field magnet for magneto-electric machines which I employ in my system of lighting. A certain portion of pipe is reserved for the thermal battery of each magnet. r¹º, Fig. 92, represents these magnets in magneto- electric machines. The thermal batteries are admirably adapted for this particular service because the resist- ance of the field magnet may be very low. Fig. 93 represents a dynamometer for measuring the motive power absorbed by dynamometric machines while they furnish a current. C are pulleys mounted upon a shaft s". These pulleys are driven by a belt 54, 55 and 56 are insulated discs mounted upon the shaft s¹º, springs bear upon these discs. d' is a disc permanently attached to the shaft s; m is an electro- magnet also permanently attached to the disc dr. It carries an armature upon the extremity of an arm which is attached to an idle pulley p" or to a sleeve attached to the said pulley, which is also idle upon the shaft sº. From the pulley p there extends a belt to the dynamo machine. The springs 55 and 56 form a connection with a battery B10, a resistance R¹º and a galvanometer G10. 55 and 56 are connected to the magnet mⓇ and 55 is connected with the disc d and 54 with the back oontact 68 which establishes a circuit when the arm of p' bears against 68 in which circuit are mounted a bell and a battery 58. 0 The dynamo machine will be driven by a belt pro- ceeding from p", and, when it is desired to ascertain the amount of power absorbed by the dynamo machine, the battery B10 is put in circuit and m° attracts the arm of p from b8 to the soft iron of the magnet mº and the strength of the magnet should be sufficient to hold the arm while the rotation continues. The oper- ator now watches the galvanometer and commences to insert resistance in the circuit until the power of the magnet is weakened to such an extent that the arma- ture upon the arm p ceases to be held by the soft iron and the armature lever falls back upon 68. This closes the circuit of the bell and just at the moment when the bell is heard the operator notices the deflection of the 2468 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. galvanometer which gives the strength of current pro- ceeding from B10; having previously determined the amount of weight which would withdraw the arm con- tact with me with different strengths of current, he can, by taking the speed of rotation, calculate with precision the force absorbed in kilogramme-meters. Fig. 94 represents an arrangement for measuring the amount of current consumed in a given time. m¹³ is m13 an electro-magnet; m14 a lever attached to a piston working with precision in a cylinder m15. m¹0 is glycerine or oil. This cylinder is connected with the reservoir m¹7 by a tube having a very small hole at one end. The measurement is obtained by the pressure produced by the magnet upon the piston which forces the oil very slowly into the reservoir but in proportion to the attraction of the magnet which is as the square of the electro-motive force of the current. I claim as of my invention : First.-In combination with a sealed vacuum cham- ber made of glass, a continuous metallic incandescent conductor, as above described. Second. The method above described of preparing electric conductors for electric lamps or burners, con- sisting in freeing the metallic conductors from gases in a vacuum and afterwards in sealing hermetically the air-tight transparent chamber in which they are enclosed, as herein before specified. Third. In an electric lamp, the combination with a transparent sealed vacuum chamber of a bobbin of pyro-insulated wire wound upon an infusible material, as herein before specified. Fourth.--The combination with a transparent vacuum chamber of a continuous conductor forming an electric burner or candle and a second transparent case form- Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2469 ing a closed chamber for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. Fifth.--The combination of the conductor forming the electric lamp or candle, with the sealed transparent case i containing the case b and the thermostatic regu- lator / 5, 6, as herein before specified. Sixth.--The method of pyro-insulating the wire or strip of metal for the conductor consisting in passing the wire or strip through a solution of lime or magnesia and then through a flame or a fire for effecting the decomposition of the solution, as herein- before specified. Seventh--The combination in an electric light of layers of incandescent metal with intervening pyro- insulators, as hereinbefore described. Eighth.--A spiral or helix of metal with intervening pyro-insulators, solidly compressed, in combination with the thermal circuit regulator, as shown in Figs. 12 and 13. Ninth.--The combination with a continuous incan- descent conductor forming a burner or lamp, of a rheostat or resistance and circuit connections, as shown in Fig. 12, for maintaining a nearly uniform resistance in the electric circuit, as herein before specified. Tenth.--The combination with the electric light a and the thermal expansion device, Figs. 12 and 13, of the levers 5 and 9, and the contact points 6 and 8 and circuit connections, as herein before specified. Eleventh.---The method of producing an electric light which consists in passing an induction spark through lime contained in a vacuum tube, as described by reference to Fig. 14. Twelfth.--The material produced by burning an 2470 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. acetate of lime for utilization in electric lighting, as herein before described. Thirteenth.--The apparatus shown in Figs. 15 and 16 for producing an oxyhydrogen light, as herein before specified. Fourteenth.--In electric lighting, a conductor of electricity formed of finely divided metal incorporated with a non-conductor of electricity, as herein before described by reference to Figs. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 244. Fifteenth.--A rigid body for emitting electric light, Figs. 17, 18 and 19, having a cut or longitudinal separation from the base to nearly the extremity for securing the circulation of the electric current in the entire body, as herein before specified. Sixteenth.--In combination with a rigid body a emitting the electric light and having a longitudinal incision, a thermal expansion regulator for the circuit for controlling the strength of the current by the effect of the heat developed in the burner, as herein- before specified. Seventeenth.-A thermal regulating spiral in the same circuit as the burner, but in an air-tight case separated from the said burner, and operating appara- tus regulating the circuit, as described by reference to Figs. 27 and 28. Eighteenth. The axial magnet m in the circuit of the body a, which emits the light in combination with the spring n, to which the core of the magnet is attached, the spring 5, the piece b and the circuit connections, as hereinbefore specified by reference to Figs. 32 and 34. Nineteenth. The apparatus and circuits represented in Figs. 35, 36, 37, 38 and 42, for varying the resist- Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2471 ance in the circuit to the burner according to the intensity of the current passing to said burner. Twentieth. The apparatus and circuits represented in Figs. 39, 40, 40ª and 41 by means of which one or several bodies emitting light are placed in the circuit with the principal burner, if the burner becomes too intense, which has the effect of reducing the current in the said principal burner, as herein before specified. Twenty-first. The combination with a metallic body emitting light of one or several magnets through which the current passes to the burner, and the electric circuit shown, by which the quantity of current sent to the burner is regulated by the current passing through the said magnet or the said magnets, as herein before described and shown in 43 to 48. Twenty-second.—The combination with the body a emitting the light of a small electro-magnetic machine in the circuit of the burner, as hereinbefore described by reference to Figs. 54 and 55. Twenty-third.—The combination with the burner a, the electro-magnet m, the thermal battery r² and circuits arranged as shown in Fig. 56. Twenty-fourth.-The combination with the burner a of the expansion rod t and electric circuits arranged as shown in Figs. 57 and 58. Twenty-fifth. --- The combination with the burner a, of the bar t or ť absorbing the heat, Figs. 59 and 60. Twenty-sixth.—The carbon a which emits the light, pivoted at one of its ends and with its other end contiguous to the other carbon in combination with the expansion rod t and the spring r, as herein before specified and shown in Figs. 61 or 62. Twenty-seventh.--The combination with the body a · 2472 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. which emits the light, of a bar u, Fig. 63, which is a non-conductor of electricity when cold and a conductor when hot for regulating the current in the burner, as herein before specified. Twenty-eighth.—The combination with an electric lamp, of a pencil of carbon and a refractory metallic rod, and a weight for maintaining the necessary pres- sure at the point of contact, as herein before shown. Twenty-ninth.-The case e with an inclined floor adapted for receiving several carbon pencils, in com- bination with the metallic rod a", Fig. 66, and means for guiding these pencils and maintaining their pres- sure at the point of contact, as herein before described. Thirtieth.--The insulated metallic conductors B, Fig. 67, within a metallic case which constitutes, with the earth, the return circuit, as herein before described. Thirty-first.—The automatic safety device, Fig. 69 or 70, for interrupting the current to the electro- magnetic machine in case of derangement of the said machine. Thirty-second.—The method specified by reference to Fig. 73 for determining the electric current employed in the electric lamps, which consists in causing metal to be deposited by the current which passes, in weigh- ing this deposited metal and in estimating in this manner the value of the current employed, as herein- before described. Thirty-third. The arrangement of 4 electric lamps, Fig. 78, in a divided branch circuit between two main conductors, as herein before described. Thirty-fourth. An electro-magnet, m', Fig. 78, placed in the circuit of the burner in a building, which operates when the current exceeds a predetermined point to attract an armature lever and hold it and Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. 2473 interrupt the circuit to such burners, as herein before described. Thirty-fifth. The combination with the electric lamps a, Fig. 74, and with a main circuit of 2 secondary batteries and circuit connections for changing alternately the main and secondary circuits, as described. Thirty-sixth. -The secondary circuit containing electric lamps, the secondary battery and the case in combination with the main circuit through the second- ary battery, a diaphragm operated by the accumula- tion of gas in the secondary battery and a contact lever in the main circuit, as herein before described. Thirty-seventh.--A magnetic cylinder b, Fig. 76ª, 77, 78 and 79, composed of a cylinder of iron of which the surface is covered with an insulated wire arranged parallel to the axis of radiation and across the ends, as herein before specified. Thirty-eighth. The combination in a dynamo-electric machine a and with rotary magnetic cylinder b, of an iron casing or shell / surrounding the cylinder, and in- sulated wires wound and connected to the commutator, as herein before described, forming a parallel induction apparatus s which occupies the space between the magnetic cylinder and the envelope, as specified. Thirty-ninth.—The combination in a magneto-elec- tric machine of a rotary magnetic cylinder b carrying metallic wires along its surface parallel or nearly parallel to the axis, a metal shell 7, a parallel induction bobbin s, of commutator bars u, springs n x, rings de, and the circuit connections described. Fortieth. In an electro-magnetic machine a par- allel-induction bobbin, of which the metallic wires are wound in the manner shown in Fig. 814 and ! 2474 Translation of Edison French Patent-1879. commutator connections to these wires by which the current is taken of from the parallel-induction bobbin at two opposite points or directions, as described. Forty-first.-The rotary induction bobbins, station: ary magnets, commutators and circuits shown and described by references to Figs. 82, 83, 84, 87, 88 and 89. Forty-second. The induction bobbin having a move- ment in the direction of its length, the electro-mag- nets and the circuits described and shown by reference to Figs. 85 and 86. Forty-third.—The apparatus shown in Fig. 93 for determining the power consumed for the driving of magneto-electric machines, as hereinbefore described. Forty-fourth. The thermal battery and the heating pipe, shown in Figs. 91 and 92, in combination with the electro-magnetic machine, as herein before de- scribed. 2475 ♡ l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l X l l l l l l l O O l l l l l l l l l O [Fourth Edition.] DEUTET. SN ON DROIT Complainant's Exhibit Edison British Patent Pro. 2402 of 1879. A.D. 1879, 17th JUNE. N° 2402. SPECIFICATION ΟΙ THOMAS ALVA EDISON. · FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND APPARATUS DEVELOPING ELECTRIC CURRENTS, &c. LONDON: PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE PATENT OFFICE SALE BRANCH, 38, CURSITOR STREET, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. Price 18. Id. 1886. Z O O O O O O O O O O O O O oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOO GO 0 2476 [Fourth Edition.] A.D. 1879, 17th JUNE. N° 2402. Electric Lights and Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. LETTERS PATENT to Thomas Alva Edison of Menlo Park in the State of New Jersey United States of America, Electrician for an Invention of "IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND IN APPARATUS FOR DEVELOPING ELECTRIC CURRENTS AND REGULATING THE ACTION OF THE SAME PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Thomas Alva Edison at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 17th June 1879. THOMAS ALVA EDISON of Menlo Park in the State of New Jersey United States of America Electrician "IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND IN 5 APPARATUS FOR DEVELOPING ELECTRIC CURRENTS AND REGULATING THE ACTION OF THE SAME " I have ascertained that when wires or sheets of platina, iridium or other metallic conductors of electricity, which fuse at a high temperature are exposed to a high temperature, near their melting point in air for several hours by passing a 10 current of electricity through them and then are allowed to cool, the metal is found to be ruptured, and under the microscope there is revealed myriads of cracks in every direction, many of which are seen to reach nearly to the centre of the wire. I have also discovered that contrary to the received notion, platinum, and iridium alloy loses weight when exposed to the heat of a candle, that even heated air causes 15 it to lose weight, that the loss is so great that it tinges a hydrogen flame green, and under the influence of an electric current and at a yellow white heat the loss is very great. After a time the metal falls to pieces, hence wire or sheets of platinum, or platinum or iridium alloy as now known in commerce are useless for giving light by incandescence. 20 First: because its loss of weight makes it expensive and unreliable and causes the burner to be rapidly destroyed. Second: because its electrical resistance changes by loss in weight and its light giving power by the cracks, or ruptures, the melting point being determined by the weakest spot where the greatest difference of potential of the electric current 25 is present which causes this point to be brought to a higher heat than the rest of the surface of the wire; again as it is essential to obtain a steady light the [Price 18. 1d.] 22213-1. A 2477 2 A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Provisionál Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. platinum burner must be screened from the air, and when thus screened, by being placed in a glass vessel, the glass soon becomes coated with a black deposit of platinum. A platinum spiral brought to incandescence under these conditions may be made to give a light of three standard candles, when near its melting point, and when the 5 radiating surface is 3/16 of an inch, but this amount of light will be rapidly reduced as before described. From my researches and experiments I am led to believe that the cause of the rupturing of the metal when brought to incandescence, is due to the action of the gases contained in the pores of the metal. These gases are probably compressed 10 within the pores during the rolling or drawing of the sheet or wire. These gases, or air, when subjected to high heats are greatly expanded and rupture the metal and it cannot be driven out by slowly heating the metal. I have also discovered that the loss of weight and apparent volatalization of the metal is due to the action of the air or gases against the highly heated surface. 15 Having thus ascertained the cause of fracture and loss of weight I have conducted experiments to obviate these defects and have succeeded by the following method. A spiral of platinum wire is placed in a glass bulb, with its ends passing through and sealed in the glass, and the air exhausted from the bulb by a Sprengel pump, until the discharge from a three inch induction coil, will not pass between 20 two subsiduary wires in the bulb, the ends of which are four millimetres apart; the wires of the spiral are then connected to a magneto electric machine or battery whose current can be controlled by the addition of resistance. Sufficient current is allowed to pass through the wire, to bring it to about 150° Fahrenheit it is allowed to remain at this temperature for 10 or 15 minutes while thus heated, the air or 25 gases in the pores of the metal is expelled by the action of the heat and the expansion of the gases which tend to pass outward in consequence of the vacuum. While this air or gases is passing out of the metal, the mercury pump is kept con- tinuously working. After the expiration of about 15 minutes the current passing through the metal is to be augmented so that its temperature will be about 300 30 degrees Fahrenheit and it is allowed to remain at this temperature for another 10 or 15 minutes. If the mercury pump be worked continuously and the temperature of the spiral raised at intervals of 10 or 15 minutes, until it attains to vivid incan- descence, and the bulb be then sealed, the metallic wire is then in a state heretofore unknown for it may have its temperature raised, to the most dazzling incandescence 35 emitting a light of 25 standard candles. Whereas before the treatment, the same spiral would only emit a light equal to three candles, before attaining the melting point. The wires subjected to the process of freeing them from air and gases, are found after the process, to have a polish exceeding that of silver, and obtainable by no other means, no cracks can 40 be seen even after the spiral has been raised suddenly to incandescence many times by the current, and no volatalization takes place as there is no deposit upon the glass bulb, nor does a delicate balance show any loss of weight in the spiral after burning for many hours continuously, because the spiral is in a vacuum, that is so nearly perfect that the action of the gaseous molecules is reduced to the minimum 45 and were it possible to obtain an absolute vacuum, there would be no loss what- soever and the total loss after a years use, would scarcely be noticed. I have further discovered that if an alloy of platinum and iridium or even platinum be coated with the oxide of magnesium, in the manner hereafter stated, and subjected to the vacuum process described that combination takes place between the, metal, 50 and the oxide, giving the former remarkable properties. With a spiral having a radiating surface of 3/16 of an inch, light equal to that given by 40 standard candles may be obtained, whereas the same spiral not passed through my process, would melt before giving a light of 4 candles. The effect of the oxide of magnesia is to harden the wire to a surprising extent 5: and render it more refractory. A spiral spring made of the wire is as elastic and springy when at dazzling incandescence as when cold. 2478 Provisional Specification. A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. 3 Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. I have found that chemically pure iron and nickel, drawn in wires and subjected to the vacuum process may be made to give a light equal to that of platinum in the open air. Carbon sticks may be also freed from air, in this manner and be brought to a 5 temperature, that the carbon becomes pasty and if then allowed to cool is very homogeneous and hard rods or plates made of mixtures of finely divided con- ducting and non-conducting materials may thus be freed from air. It is also obvious that the metal might be heated by subjecting the containing bulb to a considerable temperature, but this only partially frees the wire from its air or 10 gases. I will now describe the form of burner or lamp which I employ. To operate several hundred electric lights practically each equal to an ordinary gas jet, upon one circuit, it is essential for many reasons both on the score of economy, facility and reliability to place them all in multiple arc, and to prevent 15 the combined resistance of several hundred lamps from falling to such a low point, as to require main conductors of immense dimensions, with low resistance, and generating machines of corresponding character, it is essential to reverse the present and almost universal practice of using lamps which have but one or two ohms resistance and construct lamps which shall have when giving their proper light a 20 resistanee of several hundred ohms, because the more lamps there are in circuit, the less will be the resistance. I have ascertained by experiment that the loss of energy is in proportion to the extent of the radiating surface, independent of the resistance of the conductor, bence we have 1000 lamps each of 1/4 of an inch radiating surface and each of 1 ohm resistance, or 1000 lamps having the same 25 radiating surface and 1000 ohms resistance each, the loss of energy from each lamp when giving each a light of 15 candles will be nearly the same, but the combined resistance of the 1 ohm lamps will be Too of an ohm requiring an enor- mous main conductor, whereas the combined resistance of the 1000 ohms lamp will be 1 ohm requiring a conductor of very moderate dimensions. In practice a 30 resistance of 200 to 300 ohms in the burner will be sufficient. Again with lamps of low resistance the lamp connections and leading wires must be large to prevent great loss of energy by resistance, the leading wires from the main conductors, are large, expensive, and bulky to handle, the low resistance of the burner, or incandescent conductor requires large terminals to convey the current 35 and these offer by their conduction a medium for the rapid dissipation of energy without producing any effect whereas with a lamp of high resistance all these objections are obviated. My burner consists of a bobbin composed of an infusible oxide, such as oxide of calcium, cerium, zirconium magnesium freed from silica and turned in a lathe from 40 sticks moulded by hydraulic pressure, in a manner hereinafter set forth. These wires serve to hold the bobbin in the centre of the sealed glass vacuum bulb, and at the same time serve as conductors of the electric current to the wire coiled upon the bobbin. The two platinum wires are first passed through small tubes of glass which are 45 melted around the wires. The burner is introduced into the bulb and the wires are passed out through the sides of the narrow neck leading from the bulb and the glass is melted around them to prevent leakage, the glass of the neck being melted to the small glass tube around the wires. Before the burner is permanently sealed at the neck, the air pump is connected 50 therewith and the wire upon the bobbin is subjected to the vacuum process hereto- fore described and the electric current is used to produce incandescence for about one hour to heat the bobbin and thereby expel the air and gases, after which the bulb is permanently sealed by melting the glass of the neck, and it is ready to be used as a lamp. 55 The method which I adopt for regulating the light radiated from the burner, consists in a small rotating magnet provided with a governor which serves to open the lamp circuit when the strength of the current is greater than is necessary to A 2 2479 4 A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Provisional Specification, Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. produce the proper light in the bobbin. This apparatus is very reliable and although the current supplied is not perfectly continuous, the total energy passing to the lamp in one hour is nearly the same, no matter what the strength of the current may be. The magnets are so arranged that the continuous metallic circuit cannot be broken by the commutator of the revolving magnet and the extra current 5 produced by the reversal of the current in the revolving magnet is short circuited by the fixed magnet, hence the sparks which would occur at the break points of the governor are prevented. - The rotating magnet is upon a vertical shaft supported in suitable bearings, and immediately over the rotating magnet is the fixed magnet, the cause of which are 10 in the path described by the rotating magnet. Upon the shaft is a reversing commutator formed of an-insulated ring, the periphery of which is faced with platina, and cut in two parts, one part being connected by a wire to one helix of the revolving magnet, and the other part to the other helix of said magnet, the two helices being connected. Rubbing on this ring are two contact springs which serve 15 to convey the currents to the revolving magnet The current passes through the fixed magnet thence through the revolving magnet, the rotation of the magnet being kept up by the reversal of the direction of flow of the currents through the revolving magnet. When the cores of the revolving magnet are nearest the cores of the fixed magnet 20 the direction of the flow of current is reversed by the action of the commutator springs and commutator and the polarity changed, hence the attraction ceases, but the momentum of the revolving magnet carries said magnet forward and mutual attraction again takes place as the revolving cores approach the stationary cores the current is reversed and the revolution continued. Connected to the revolving shaft is a governor which consists of two collars connected together by two springs: one collar is secured to the shaft while the other is free to slide thereon. 25 Upon each spring a weight is secured and the rotation of the shaft causes these to act centrifugally and bow outward the springs and raise the sliding collar 30 upward more or less in proportion to the speed of the shaft. The sliding collar is made with a groove to receive the end of the circuit opening lever which lever is moved by the rise and fall of the collar. The other end of the lever has an insulated cross bar which is in contact with two circuit breaking springs and serves to disconnect the springs simultaneously from their contact 35 points or blocks when the shaft has reached a certain velocity. The object of using two springs is to open the circuit at two places simultaneously and thus reduce the spark, which it does in the ratio of the number of simultaneous breaks. One of the two springs is connected by a wire to one of the commutator springs 40 and the other is connected to the wire leading from the main conductor, or a branch therefrom. This method of breaking the circuit simultaneously in many places is applicable to all kinds of electrical apparatus where large and powerful sparks occur, as for instance if it is desired to transfer electric energy from one point to another by Dynamo electric machines operating upon a magneto electric motor at a 45 distant station. If four springs are employed, and the circuit opened at the four places simultaneously the spark will be reduced to '/16 of what it would be if it was opened at but one place. The block to which the two circuit breaking springs are secured is connected to a screw so that said block and springs can be positioned or adjusted with reference 50 to the cross bar on the governor lever, By turning this screw to the right the block and springs are moved until the cross bar moves the springs away from their contact points or bars and disconnects the lamp from the circuit: the reverse movement places the lamp in circuit, and according to the proximity of the springs to the cross-bar of the governor lever so 55 the amount of current to the burner is regulated A stop is applied to the screw so that it can be turned only to a determined point which limits the amount of current- 2480 Provisional Specification. A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. 10 5 passing to the burner. I prefer that each burner shall give a light equal to 16 candles the burner being capable of giving 35 candle power without fusion As there may be a point where the revolving magnet after being at rest will not start when the current is put on. I use an automatic starter which consists of a light 5 lever and thin armature turned edgewise which is attracted by the fixed magnet at the moment the current is put-on. The movement of this lever which carries upon its end a click serves to give a sudden motion to the shaft of the revolving magnet by the click engaging in a racket or toothed wheel secured to the shaft. The click after making this movement pass beyond the ratchet and does not 10 come in contact again until the magnet is stopped and the current is broken In the specification of my British Patent No 5306 of 1878. I have described the manner of coating the wire with pyroinsulating material I employ that mode in coating the wire after which a coil of said wire is wound upon one or more line supports and placed in a sealed bulb that is connected to a spengel vacuum apparatus 15 and by gradually increasing the heat of the wire by the gradual rise in the strength of the current as described in the first part of this specification the wire is not only freed from air and rendered more refractory but the oxide is vitrified and shrinks upon the wire from which it cannot be detached. The coil after passing through this process may be wound upon the lime bobbin 20 of the lamp without breaking the pyroinsulation After the bobbin is wound and placed in the final bulb it has any air which may have passed into the oxides expelled by a gradual accession of current in the manner heretofore described and the bulb is then sealed. The oxides of the alkaline materials which are infusible attack the platina to a 25 slight extent and as here with greater tenacity to it than the oxides which do not attack it such as cerium or zirconium but the compound thus formed renders the wire more refractory. It is not essential that the oxide should be in the form of a soluble salt as it may be put on the wire directly by mechanically mixing the oxide with water, alcohol 30 or other liquids, but special devices are requisite to keep the mixture in constant agitation to prevent settling. 35 It has been found very difficult to mould slender sticks of the oxides enumerated on account of the bending and breaking of the plunger of the mould which owing to the pulverulent nature of most of the oxides must be long and slender. I have obviated this difficulty by devising a mould and plunger by which pressures to the crushing point of steel may be concentrated upon one quarter of an inch surface. This apparatus is applicable to the moulding of any substance. The block that receives the mould is of cast iron with a taper hole in the centre. 40 The mould is made of three pieces and has the same taper as the hole in the block. The object of the taper and split mould is to allow the pressed piece to be taken out without injury which it would receive were it forced out of the mould endwise. The plunger is upon the end of a sliding stock and said plunger is only about of an inch long and about 3/8 of an inch in diameter and it is adapted to pass 45 downwardly into the hole in the centre of the split mould. After the mould has been filled to the top with the pulverulent oxide, a steel washer or punch section is placed upon the oxide and forced into the mould by the plunger Afterward another punch section is placed upon the first one and forced into the mould in the same manner, thus sections may be added until the desired 50 pressure is obtained without any disarrangement of the apparatus. So powerful is the pressure which may be obtained by this means that cylinders of the oxide of magnesium are rendered semi-transparent. 55 The cylinder of oxide thus obtained is placed on a lathe and the bobbin turned with a cutting tool without fear of breaking. The electric generating machine which I propose to use consists of a powerful field magnet between the poles of which rotate an induction bobbin. The cores of the field magnet are each three feet in length and about six inches 2481 6. A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Provisional Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. in diameter and wound with a helix of insulated copper wire having a resistance of about one ohm. The number of coils and the resistance of the wire may of course be varied to meet various conditions. By the use of large masses of iron I am enabled to reduce the resistance of the magnetic circuit to a very low point and at the same time by 5 reason of this large mass of iron of great magnetic conductivity, the use of a, single layer of wire is possible thus obtaining the maximum economy. The back or bar that connects the two cores of the magnet is of iron and is greater in mass than in the same length of core The surface of both the back and the end of each core are ground together and are permanently secured by bolts 10 and nuts By thus employing a large mass of iron for the back and grinding the faces of contact to a point where air suction becomes powerful I reduce the resistance of this point to a minimum and prevent the appearance of free magnetic poles, There are iron poles bolted to the cores the surfaces being ground together. Between the two poles there is a circular aperture in which the induction 15 cylinder rotates. The cylinder may be of wood upon a shaft and at each end of the cylinder there is a wrought iron head. This cylinder or bobbin is wound with fine wire until the wire is flush with the edge of the iron heads. Over this cylinder is wound longitudinally the insulated induction wire the ends of which are connected to the commutator. The wire of the parallel induction helix is substantially endless and it is wound with reference to obtaining a con- tinuous current. 20 The number of parallel coils may be more or less in number but I find the 25 desired object can be obtained by using an even number of parallel coils longi- tudinally of the cylinder and an odd number of commutator plates There are two insulated disks upon the shaft of the field magnet and a metallic brush or spring is in contact with each disk, the line wires are connected to these disks. One end of the wire of the field magnet is connected to one disk and the 30 other end of the wire is connected with one of the commutator brushes, the other commutator brush is connected with the second insulated disk. The path of the current is through one insulated disk to the field magnet through it to one commutator block then through the induction coil to the opposite block on the commutator and by brush and wire the second insulated disk and thence 35 to the line. The current will be continuous or nearly so and ravėl in one direction there will however sometimes be a spark between the commutator bars when the circuit of the parallel induction coil is interrupted but this will be lessened by having the commutator springs bent to rest on more than one commutator bar. 40 It will be apparent that the shell and parallel induction coil may be revolved if the magnet cylinder remains stationary and I remark that the cylinder supporting the parallel induction coil may be of any suitable material but I prefer vulcanized fibre. The parts of this machine, are not liable to become heated under ordinary circum- 45 stances of use, because the wires are not wound one on the other and the atmo- sphere has an opportunity to circulate. I however apply a fan in some instances upon the shaft of the field magnet within a case communicating with the internal portions of the machine so as to induce a current of air through the same. As I have heretofore set forth the maximum economy of illuminating by elec- tricity when using a great number of light giving points is only obtainable by working the resistance in multiple arcs, hence it is also necessary that the gene- rating machines should also be worked in multiple arc. 50 To work a great number of machines in multiple arc with economy and reli- 55 ability it is essential that all should have the same electro motive force and that means must be devised to prevent the insulating covering of the induction bobbin 2482 Provisional Specification. A.D. 1879.-Nº 2402. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. 7 of any machine being burned should the same stop for any reason such as by the breaking of a belt, because if the wire of the bobbin cease to be the seat of an electro motive force the current from the other machines pass through it and tend to produce sufficient heat to destroy the insulation and at the same time cause a 5 loss of available energy. I prevent any such action by the use of a polarized magnet which prevents the electric circuit being opened by the direction of the flow of the current from the machine when in action tending to hold its tongue strongly against a contact point, but if the machine should stop and cease to be the seat of an electro motive force, a 10 current from the other machines passes through the machine in a contrary direction whereupon the tongue of the polarized magnet is attracted from its contact point and the circuit opened. 15 20 Each machine being provided with this apparatus, it is freed from the danger aforementioned An ordinary magnet with its armature lever provided with a retractile spring might replace the polarized magnet but the margin for adjustment would be very small. The resistance of the polarized magnet is made an exceedingly small fraction of the resistance of the machine to prevent loss of energy. The field magnets of the machine are energized by supplying their helices with electricity from thermo-electric piles. Compound condensing steam engines are employed at the large central stations to drive the magneto electric machines and the heat given off from the surface con- densers acts upon thermo electric piles to produce an electric current and the same 25 is passed through the field of force helices. The field magnets may all be connected in multiple are and the thermo electric piles arranged in the same manner with appliances whereby the strength of all the field may be increased or decreased at pleasure, thus increasing or decreasing the electro motive force of the induction bobbins thus making it easy and convenient 30 by the aid of electro meters at the central stations to counteract the rise and fall in the electro motive force on the main conductors when the maximum and minimum number of lamps may be working. I will mention that the electro motive force of the machines is analogous to the pressure in the system of gas lighting and at dusk when the lamps are being rapidly 35 connected to the circuit, the electro meter will show a slight drop on the electro motive force or pressure and this may be increased by increasing the speed of the prime mover or increasing the power of the field magnets, the later method is the one I prefer. The surface condensers which I employ consists of a great number of iron pipes 40 whose surfaces are painted with a thick coating of a non-conducting substance. The pipes after painting are about five inches in diameter. Over these pipes are slipped rings of the double sulphide of lead and copper. These rings are cast in a mould and both the inner and outer edges are either covered or plated with copper. 45 The inner copper ring of one disk connects with the outer copper ring of the adjourning disk throughout the entire series of disks. Owing to the exceedingly low resistance of these disks and the considerable electro motive force which they give between low range of temperature, very powerful currents are obtained and nearly as much energy is thus obtained in the 50 form of an electric current from the waste heat of the engine as can be obtained from the engine itself through the medium of the Faradic machines In British Letters Patent N° 4226 of 1878 granted to me, a method is described and shown for measuring the total energy passing into the house of the consumer during a given period of time, the same consisting of a depositing cell or cells in 55 which the weight of copper deposited by the current gives the indication. Instead of the cell or cells shown two cells connected by a syphon may be used. In one cell is a solution of cupric sulphite and a copper electrode and in thẹ 2483 A.D. 1879.-Nº 2402. Provisiona! Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. other cell sulphuric acid and a copper electrode. No polaziation takes place; the liquid of the syphon tube offers the requisite resistance. The cells are sealed from the air to prevent loss by evaporation. Any loss by this means may be made good by adding water, the results are nearly independant of the strength of the solution. 5 The central stations are intended to light an area of 1 of a mile in every direction. The method which I propose to adopt for conveying the current from the central station to various points consists in laying double wrought pipes lined with vulcanized rubber known as ebonite side by side under the flagging stones near the edge of the sidewalk. The pipes are to be in 20 feet lengths, the four 10 ends passing into a cast iron box. The pipes and box are water-tight. The top of the box which is detachable has its upper surface even or flush with the walk, from the same box small tubes serve to convey wires from the main conductors to the houses of the consumers. The wires forming the main conductors are small and may either be insulated and laid loosely together or insulated with a thin layer of cotton In this case each consumers wire will be independent, but the economy is greater when the wires are all in contact, as then when few lamps are in use the resistance of the main conductor is relatively small as compared to the lamps. 15 20 The practice of causing the total resistance of the circuit extraneous to the generator to be equal to that of the generator and by which the maximum effects is obtained from the machine, is very wasteful of energy, for by thus arranging the resistance fifty per cent of the energy is lost in the machine itself, whereas if the exterior resistance is four times greater than the machine, the capacity of the 25 machine to translate energy from one to the other is lessened, but of what is trans- lated owing to the changed conditions 80 per cent may be utilized. - For this reason I so arrange the resistance of the main conductors that they should be but 1/10 of the total resistance of all the lamps, and the resistance due to the the generating machines is kept down by keeping in multiple arc a greater 30 number of machines than is necessary to supply all, the lights which may happen to be in circuit at the time. 2484 Specification. A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. 9 SPECIFICATION in pursuance of the conditions of the Letters Patent filed by the said Thomas Alva Edison in the Great Seal Patent Office on the 17th December 1879. THOMAS ALVA EDISON, of Menlo Park in the State of New Jersey, United 5 States of America, Electrician IMPROVEMENTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND IN APPARATUS FOR DEVELOPING ELECTRIC CURRENTS AND REGULATING THE ACTION OF THE SAME. I have ascertained that when wires or sheets of platina, iridium or other metallic conductors of electricity which fuse at a high temperature are exposed to a 10 high temperature near their melting point in air for several hours by passing a current of electricity through them and then are allowed to cool, the metal is found to be ruptured and under the microscope there is revealed myriads of cracks in every direction many of which are seen to reach nearly to the center of the wire. I have also discovered that contrary to the received notion, platinum, or platinum 15 and iridium alloy loses weight when exposed to the heat of a candle, that even heated air causes it to lose weight, that the loss is so great that it tinges a hydrogen flame green, and under the influence of an electric current and at a yellow white heat, the loss is very great. After a time the metal falls to pieces, hence wire or sheets of platinum or platinum and iridium alloy as now known in commerce are 20 useless for giving light by incandescence, 1st because its loss of weight makes it expensive and unreliable and causes the burner to be rapidly destroyed. 2nd because its electrical resistance changes by loss in weight and its light giving power by the cracks or ruptures, the melting point being determined by the weakest spot where the greatest difference of potential of the electric current is 25 present which causes this point to be brought to a higher heat than the rest of the surface of the wire. Again as it is essential to obtain a steady light the platinum burner must be screened from the air and when thus screened by being placed in a glass vessel, the glass soon becomes coated with a black deposit of platinum. A platinum spiral brought to incandescence under these conditions may be made to 30 give a light of three standard candles when near its melting point and when the radiating surface is 3/16 of an inch, but this amount of light will be rapidly reduced as before described. From my researches and experiments I am led to believe that the cause of the rupturing of the metal when brought to incandescence is due to the action of the 35 gases contained in the pores of the metal. These gases are probably compressed within the pores during the rolling or drawing of the sheet or wire. These gases or air when subjected to high heat are greatly expanded and rupture the metal and it cannot be driven out by slowly heating the metal I have also discovered that the loss of weight and apparent volatilization of the 40 metal is due to the action of the air or gases against the highly heated surface.-- Having thus ascertained the cause of fracture and loss of weight I have conducted experiments to obviate these defects and have succeeded by the following method :- A spiral of platinum wire is placed in a glass bulb with its ends passing through and sealed in the glass and the air exhausted from the bulb by a Sprengel pump until 45 the discharge from a three inch induction coil will not pass between two subsiduary wires in the bulb the ends of which are four millimetres apart: the wires of the spiral are then connected to a magneto electric machine or battery whose current can be controlled by the addition of resistance. Sufficient current is allowed to pass through the wire to bring it to about 150° Fah: it is allowed to remain at this 50 temperature for 10 or 15 minutes. While thus heated the air or gases in the pores of the metal are expelled by the action of the heat and the expansion of the gases which tend to pass outward in consequence of the vacuum. While the air or the gases are passing out of the metal the mercury pump is 2485 10 A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. kept continuously working. After the expiration of about fifteen minutes the current passing through the metal is to be augmented so that its temperature will be about 300° Fahr. and it is allowed to remain at this temperature for another ten or fifteen minutes. If the mercury pump be worked continuously and the temperature of the spiral raised at intervals of ten or fifteen minutes until it attains 5 vivid incandescence and the bulb be then sealed the metallic wire is then in a state heretofore unknown for it may have its temperature raised to the most dazzling incandescence emitting a light of twenty five standard candles, whereas before treatment the same spiral would only emit a light equal to three candles before attaining the melting point. The wires subjected to the process of freeing 10 them from air and gases are found after the process to have a polish exceeding that of silver and attainable by no other means, no cracks can be seen even after the spiral has been raised suddenly to incandescence many times by the current and no volatilization takes place as there is no deposit upon the glass bulb, nor does a delicate balance shown any loss of weight in the spiral even after said spiral has 15 been burning for many hours continuously because the spiral is in a vacuum so nearly perfect that the action of the gaseous molecules is reduced to the minimum and were it possible to obtain an absolute vacuum there would be no loss whatever. I have further discovered that if an alloy of platinum and iridium or even 20 platinum be coated with the oxide of magnesium in the manner hereafter stated and subjected to the vacuum process described, that combination takes place between the metal and the oxide giving the former remarkable properties. With a spiral having a radiating surface of 3/16 of an inch, light equal to that given by forty standard candles may be obtained whereas the same spiral not passed through my process 25 would melt before giving a light of four candles. The effect of the oxide of magnesia is to harden the wire to a surprising extent and render it more refractory. A spiral spring made of the wire is as elastic and springy when at dazzling incandescence as when cold. I have found that chemically pure iron and nickel drawn in wires and subjected to the vacuum process may be made to give a light equal to that of platinum in the open air. 30 Carbon sticks may be also freed from air in this manner and be brought to a temperature that the carbon becomes pasty and if then allowed to cool is very 35 homogeneous and hard. Rods or plates made of mixtures of finely divided con- ducting and non conducting materials may thus be freed from air. It is also obvious that the metal might be heated by subjecting the containing bulb to a considerable temperature but this only partially frees the wire from its air or gases. 40 I will now describe the form of burner or lamp which I employ:-To operate several hundred electric lamps practically, each equal to an ordinary gas jet, upon one circuit, it is essential for many reasons both on the score of economy, facility and reliability, to place them all in multiple arc, and to prevent the combined resistance of several hundred lamps from falling to such a low point as to require 45 main conductors of immense dimensions with low resistance and generating machines of corresponding character, it is essential to reverse the present and almost universal practice of using lamps which shall have but one or two ohms resistance and construct lamps which shall have when giving their proper light, a resistance of several hundred ohms, because the more lamps there are in the circuit the less will be the 50 resistance. I have ascertained by experiment that the loss of energy is in propor- tion to the extent of the radiating surface independent of the resistance of the conductor, hence we have 1000 lamps each of 1/4 of an inch radiating surface, and each of one ohm resistance, or 1000 lamps having the same radiating surface and 1000 ohms resistance each, the loss of energy from each lamp when giving each a 55 light of 15 candles will be nearly the same, but the combined resistance of the one ohm lamps will be Too of an ohm, requiring an enormous main conductor, 2486 Specification. A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. 11 Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. whereas the combined resistance of the 1000 ohm lamps will be one ohm, requiring a conductor of very moderate dimensions-In practice a resistance of 200 to 300 ohms in the burner will be sufficient-Again with lamps of low resistance the lamp connections and leading wires must be large to prevent great loss of energy by 5 resistance, the leading wires from the main conductors are large expensive and bulky to handle, the low resistance of the burner or incandescent conductor requires large terminals to convey the current and these offer by their conduction a medium for the rapid dissipation of energy without producing any effect, whereas with a lamp of high resistance all these objections are obviated. 10 My burner b, consists of a bobbin composed of an infusible oxide such as oxide of calcium, cerium, zirconium, magnesium, freed from silica and turned in a lathe from sticks molded by hydraulic pressure in a manner hereinafter set forth, and upon this bobbin fine wire of platinum or platinum-iridium alloy is coiled. This bobbin is shown in fig. 1. It is secured to two platinum wires 1. 2. as in fig. 2. These wires 15 serve to hold the bobbin in the center of the sealed glass vacuum bulb and at the same time serve as conductors of the electric current to the wire coiled upon the bobbin.--Fig. 3. shows the manner of connecting the wire upon the bobbin to the platina supports. The two platina wires 1. 2. are first passed through a small tube a. of glass and the glass melted around the wires: the burner b is introduced into 20 the bulb c. and the wires 1. & 2. are passed out through the sides of the narrow neck leading from the bulb and the glass is melted around them to prevent leakage; the glass of the neck is melted to the small glass tube a. Before the burner is perma- nently sealed at the neck, the air pump is connected therewith and the wire upon the bobbin is subjected to the vacuum process heretofore described and the electric 25 current is used to produce incandescence for about one hour to heat the bobbin and thereby expell the air and gases after which the bulb is permanently sealed by melting the glass of the neck and it is ready to be used as a lamp as represented in fig. 4. The method which I adop for regulating the light radiated from the burner 30 consists in a small rotating inagnet provided with a governor which serves to open the lamp circuit when the strength of the current is greater than is necessary to produce the proper light in the bobbin. This apparatus is very reliable and although the current supplied is not perfectly continuous the total energy passing to the lamp in one hour is nearly the same, no matter what the current strength 35 may be, the magnets being so arranged that the continuous metallic circuit cannot be broken by the commutator of the revolving magnet and the extra current produced by the reversal of the current in the revolving magnet is short circuited by the fixed magnet hence the sparks which would occur at the break-points of the governor are prevented. Referring to fig. 4. b. is the bobbin with the platinum 40 iridium wire which forms the electric lamp. c is the sealed glass bulb. f. and g. are supports to hold the bulb in position; these are insulated from each other.-The platinum wires 1. and 2. from the bulb are connected to these supports. q. m. is a box for supporting the lamp and enclosing the governor. n. is the back of the fixed magnet consisting of the spools o. o¹. p. pl. are the spools of the revolving 45 magnet: r. is the back of the same which is secured permanently to the shaft upon which is a revolving commutator s. This commutator consists of a ring of insulating material whose periphery is faced with platina and cut in two parts, one part being connected by the wire 5. to the magnet pl. and the other part by the wire 4. to the magnet p. The wire 65. connects the two spools p. and p', 50 together. Rubbing on this ring are two contact springs s¹. t'. which serve to convey the currents to the revolving magnet The current passes through the fixed magnet o. o¹. see diagram fig. 5. thence by wires 4. 5. springs s¹. t'. through the revolving magnet p.p¹. The rotation of the magnet is kept up by the reversal of the direction 55 of the flow of the currents through the revolving magnet.-When the cores of the revolving magnet are nearest the cores of the fixed magnet, the direction of the current through the former is reversed by the action of the springs s¹, t', upon the 2487 12 A.D. 1879.—Nº 2402. Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c, commutator and the polarity changed hence the attraction ceases, but the momentum of the magnet p. pl carries it forward and mutual attraction again takes place as the revolving cores approach the stationary cores, the current is reversed and the revolution continued. Connected to the revolving shaft q. is the governor which consists of two collars 5 v. w. connected by springs 6 & 7: the collar v. is permanently secured to the shaft while the collar w. is free to slide up and down upon it.-Each spring is provided at its center with a weight and these weights act centrifugally to bow outwardly the springs and raise the collar w. upwardly more or less in proportion to the speed of revolution. Connected to w. by a sleeve is another collar 19. upon the surface of 10. which rests the end of the circuit opening lever l. which rises and falls by the action of the governor. A spiral spring . see fig. 5. on the axis of the lever l. serves to keep l. in contact with 19. Upon the extreme end of the lever l. is a block 18. in juxtaposition to circuit breaking springs 8 & 9. and serves to disconnect the springs simultaneously from the metallic block 10. when the governor and 15 shaft has reached a certain velocity.-The block 10. is insulated from the frame 11. and serves to keep the circuit closed between the springs. The current passes by wire 84, to the spring 8. thence across the block 10. to the spring 9. thence to the magnet and lamp by wire 85. The object of employing two springs is to open the circuit in two places simul- 20 taneously and thus reduce the spark which it does in the ratio of the square of the number of simultaneous breaks. This method of breaking the circuit simultaneously in many places is applicable to all kinds of electrical apparatus where large and powerful sparks occur as for instance if it is desired to transfer electric energy from one point to another by dynamo electric machines. The distant machine which serves 25 to give out the power for driving machinery may be provided with a governor the same as herein shown and the circuit may be opened in several places simultaneously by the action of the governor shown in fig. 6. 7. is the lever operated by the governor. 12 and 13. are contact springs which rest upon the bar 43. 14. and 15. are also contact springs which rest on the bar 44. The current passes by wire 84. 30 to spring 12. across the bar 43. to spring 13. thence by wire 45. to spring 14. across bar 44. to spring 15. to wire 85. When the governor reaches a certain velocity, the insulated piece 18. of the lever l. comes in contact with all the springs simultaneously and separates them from the bars 43. & 44. thus opeuing the circuit in four places simultaneously the spark is reduced to 1/10 of what it would be if a single break 35 was used. Having shown the importance of breaking the circuit simultaneously in many places, I will now describe how the illumination of the burner b. may be increased or decreased or stopped entirely. Referring to figs. 4. & 5. t. is the thumb nut for regulating the speed of the revolving magnet and consequently the amount of energy which passes to the 40 burner. The nut 22. is provided with a slot or groove containing a stationary pin p². aud into the nut 22. the screw 20. passes and by turning this screw the block 10. may be drawn inwardly or forced outwardly, said block running on two guide pins 23. 24. which prevent the block from turning, thus the block 10. may be made to approach or recede from the lever l. If it is desired to turn off the light and disconnect the lamp altogether from the circuit, the screw is turned to the right until the block 18. separates the springs 8. & 9. from the block 10. and opens the circuit. In this position the circuit is broken and the lamp and magnets are entirely disconnected from the circuit. 45 If it is desired to have the lamp give light the screw is turned to the left when 50 the springs 8 & 9. come in contact with the block 10. and close the circuit, the magnets immediately revolve and if the parts are left in such a position that the piece 18. is in close proximity to the springs, the rotation of the magnet will operate the governor and lessen the pressure of 8. and 9. on 10. and hence the speed will be comparatively slow and the electricity passing to the light will be very small and 55 but little light will be given out, but by causing the block 18. to further recede • 2488 Specification. A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. 13 Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. from 8 & 9. the speed of the magnet will increase and more energy will pass to the lamp in a given time. By continued turning of the screw 20. a point may be reached where the governor lever l. will not separate the springs 8 & 9. from 18; in this case the entire 5 electric energy passes through the bobbin b. but in practice limiting stops are applied so that when the screw has been turned a certain distance the further move- ment will be prevented by the action of the stops, thereby determining the maximum light which the consumer can obtain from the burner. In practice this will be about sixteen candle power, the burner being capable of giving thirty five 10 candle power without fusion. As there may be a point where the revolving magnet after being at rest will not start when the current is put on, I use an automatic starter which consists of a light lever and thin armature turned edgewise which is attracted by the fixed magnet at the moment the current is put on. The movement of this lever which carries upon 15 its end a click serves to give a sudden motion to the shaft q. by the click engaging in a ratchet or toothed wheel which is secured to it. The click after this move- ment passes beyond the ratchet and does not come in contact again until the magnet is stopped and the current is broken. In the specification of my British Patent No. 5306 of 1878, I have described 20 the manner of coating the wire with pyroinsulating material: I employ that mode in coating the wire after which a coil of said wire is wound upon one or more bobbins and placed in a sealed bulb and connected to a vacuum apparatus and by gradually increasing the heat of the wire by the gradual rise in the current strength as described in the first part of this specification, the wire is not only freed from 25 air and rendered more refractory but the oxide is vitrified and shrinks upon the wire from which it cannot be detached. The coil after passing through this process may be wound upon the lime bobbin of the lamp without fear of breaking the pyroinsulation. After the bobbin is wound and placed in the final bulb any air which may have passed into the oxides is expelled by a gradual accession of current 30 in the manner heretofore described and the bulb is then sealed The oxides of the alkaline materials which are infusible attack the platina to a slight extent and adhere with greater tenacity to it than the oxides which do not attack it, such as cerum or zirconium but the compound thus formed renders the wire more refractory. It is not essential that the oxide should be in the form of a soluble salt as it 35 may be put on the wire directly by mechanically mixing the oxide with water, alcohol or other liquids, but special devices are required to keep the mixture in constant agitation to prevent settling: It has been found very difficult to mold slender sticks of the oxides spoken of on account of the bending and breaking of the plunger of the mold which owing 40 to the pulverulent nature of most of the oxides, must be long and slender. • I have obviated this difficulty by devising a mold and plunger by which pressures to the crushing point of steel may be concentrated upon one quarter of an inch surface. This apparatus is applicable to the molding of any substance and it is shown by a vertical section in fig. 7. Fig. 8, is a plan of the divided mold. a². is 45 the plunger; upon the extreme end is the part d². which enters the die or mold. This is only about one quarter of an inch long and about three eighths of an inch in diameter and it is adapted to pass downwardly into the mold. e². is a solid block of cast iron with a taper hole in its center and into this the divided steel mold f². is forced: this mold is made of three pieces and has the same 50 taper as the hole in the block e². The object of the taper and divided mold is to allow the pressed piece to be taken out without the injury it would receive were it forced out of the mold endwise.-After the mold has been filled to the top with the pulverulent oxide, a steel washer or plunger section h². is placed upon the oxide and forced into the mold by the plunger; afterwards another plunger section is 55 placed upon the first one and forced into the mold in the same manner. Thus sections may be added until the requisite pressure is obtained without any 2489 14 A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. disarrangement of the apparatus. So powerful is the pressure which may be obtained by this means that cylinders of the oxide of magnesium are rendered semi- transparent.The cylinder of oxide thus obtained is placed in a lathe and the bobbin turned with a cutting tool without fear of breaking. The electric generating machine which I propose to use consists of a powerful 5 field magnet between the poles of which rotate an induction bobbin. This apparatus is shown by a vertical section in fig. 9. and sectional plan fig. 10. F. is the field magnet the cores of which are about three feet in length and the diameter about six inches wound with a helix of insulated copper wire having a resistance of about one ohm.-The number of coils and the resistance of 10 the wire may of course be varied to meet various conditions.-By the use of large masses of iron I am enabled to reduce the resistance of the magnetic circuit to a very low point and at the same time by reason of this large mass of iron of great magnetic conductivity, the use of a single layer of wire is possible, thus obtaining the maximum economy. a. is the back of the magnet and the mass of 15 iron is greater than in the same length of core. The surface of both the back and the end of each core are ground together and are permanently secured by bolts and nuts. By thus employing a large mass of iron for the back and grinding the faces of contact to a point where air suction becomes powerful, I reduce the resistance of this point to a maximum and prevent the appearance of free magnetic poles. 20 a¹. a. are iron poles bolted to the cores, the surfaces being ground together. Between the two poles there is a circular aperture in which the induction cylinder rotates The cylinder b³. is preferably of wood upon the shaft b, and has wrought iron heads 65. This cylinder is wound with fine iron wire b. until the wire is flush with the edge of the iron heads 65. Over this cylinder is wound longitudinally 25 the insulated induction wire in sections, the ends of which are connected to the commutator i. as in fig. 11. There are heads e³. of hard rubber, vulcanite fiber or equivalent material secured to the shaft b¹. see figs 16. and 17, outside the heads 65. and are of larger diameter so that the induction wires e. that are wound longi- tudinally may be kept from contact with the iron helix bº, or heads b'. so that the 30 current may not be short circuited even if the insulation of the induction wires e¹. is imperfect.-e. is a pulley for driving the machine. e. is a loose pulley upon which the belt from the driving shaft is thrown by a shifter when the machine is to be stopped. d. is a switch by means of which the circuit from the Faradic machine may be 35 opened-d¹ and d. are the commutator springs, h³. 3 a polarized magnet included in the circuit which serves automatically to open the circuit should a reverse current be sent through the machine. The connections are as follows:-From the post 23. to the commutator i thence through the induction helix e. to the opposite side of the commutator and by the brush d5, to the switch d3. thence to the tongue 40 of the magnet h³. if the switch lever is in contact with 25. thence through the tongue of h³. to the point 25. and through the magnet h³. to the post h. The wire upon the field magnet is connected to the clamping posts 13. and 74. I will now describe the method of winding the induction cylinder and the direction of the current relative to the commutator brushes.-The wire of the parallel induction 45 helix is substantially endess and it is wound with reference to obtaining a con- tinuous current: the diagram fig. 11. illustrates the manner of vinding the wires; the number of parallel coils may be more or less than that shown, but I find the object desired can be attained the best by using an even number of parallel coils longitudinally of the shaft and an odd number of commutator plates. 50 Starting say from the part b. of the commutator the wire passes to the space 4. on one head e³. to the same space on the other head, then across the head to the space 11. and to the same space on the other bead, theu across the head to the space 4. and so on until the spaces 4 and 11 are filled with the wire and when the last turn in 11. has been laid, the wire is led to the plate c. and then the spaces 55 2. and 9. are filled and the wire from 9. led to ; then 14, and 7. and a connection made. 2490 Specification. A.D. 1879.—Nº 2402. 15 Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. with e; then 12. and 5. connecting with f. then 10. aad 3. connecting with g. then 8. and 1. connecting with a. then 6 and 13. connecting with b. the place of beginning. I wind the wires in such a manner that while the current is continuous and the current flowing through the whole of it, the current will pass by two wires of the 5 induction coil to one commutator plate and then away and will enter by an opposite commutator plate and pass by two wires out into the coil and circulate through the same to the other commutator plate. Suppose the springs to rest upon commutator plates a. and e. the current will flow towards a. from wires 1. and 6. and away from e. by wires 12. and 7. By following the arrows it will be found that 10 the entire coil is a complete circuit in which the parallel portions of the wires in the south field of magnetic influence have a current energized in one direction and in the north field in the other direction, thus obtaining the dynamic effect, and there is no break or pulsation of the current, the springs touch one com- mutator before leaving another. 15 As I have heretofore set forth the maximum economy of illuminating by electricity when using a great number of light giving points is only obtainable by working the resistance in multiple arc, hence it is essential that the generating machines should also be worked in multiple arc. To work a great number of machines in multiple-arc with economy and reliability it is essential that all should 20 have the same electro motive force and that means must be devised to prevent injury, by burning, to the insulating covering of the induction coil of any machine, should said machine stop for any reason such as by the breaking of a belt, because if the wire of the induction coil ceases to be the seat of an electro-motive force, the current from the other machines pass through it and tend to produce sufficient beat 25 to destroy the insulation and at the same time cause a loss of available energy. I prevent any such action by the use of the magnet h³. fig. 10. which being polarized is prevented from opening the electric circuit by the direction of the flow of current from the machine when in action tending to hold its tongue strongly against the contact point i5. but if the machine should stop and cease to be the 30 seat of an electro-motive force, a current from the other machine tends to pass through the machine in a contrary direction, whereupon the tongue of h³. is detached from the point i. and the circuit opened.-Each machine being provided with this apparatus is thus freed from the danger described. An ordinary magnet might replace the polarized one and a retractile spring used but the margin for adjust- 35 ment would be very small. 40 The resistance of the magnet h³. is made an exceedingly small fraction of the resistance of the machine to prevent loss of energy. The field magnets of the machine are energized by supplying them with electricity from thermo electric piles. Compound condensing steam engines are employed at the large central stations to drive the magneto electric machines and the heat given off by the surface con- densers act upon the thermo electric piles to produce an electric current and the same is passed through the field of force helices. The field magnets may all be arranged in multiple arc and the thermo electric 45 piles arranged in the same manner with appliances whereby the strength of all the field magnets may be increased or decreased at pleasure, thus increasing or decreasing the electro motive force of the induction bobbins, thus making it easy and convenient by the aid of electrometers at the central stations to counteract the rise and fall in the electro motive force on the main conductors when the 50 maximum and minimum number of lamps may be working. I will mention that the electro-motive force is analogous to the pressure in the system of gas lighting and at dusk when the lainps are rapidly being connected to the circuit, the electrometer will show a slight drop on the electro motive force or pressure, and this may be increased either by increasing the speed of the prime 55 mover or an increase in the power of the field magnets; the latter method is the one I prefer. The surface condensers which I employ consist of a great number of iron pipes 2491 16 A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. whose surfaces are painted with a thick coating of a non-conducting substance. The pipes after painting are about five inches in diameter.-Over these are slipped rings of the double sulphide of lead and copper. These rings are cast in a mold and both the inner and outer edges are either covered or plated with copper. In figs. 12. and 13. m³. is the ring or disk of double sulphide m¹. the copper ring 5 fitted in the hole of m³. m³. is a copper ring which fits over the circumference of m³. to this ring a binding post and strip or wire me. is secured, the latter to connect to the next disk, m. represents one of the condensing pipes. m³. m³. m¹º & m¹¹ a series of disks arranged to give a current. The inner copper of m³, connects to the outer copper of m⁹ and in this manner to many hundreds of 10 disks. Owing to the exceedingly low resistance of these disks and the considerable electro motive force which they give between low ranges of temperature, very powerful currents are obtained and nearly as much energy obtained in the form of an electrical current from the waste heat of the engine as can be obtained from the engine itself through the medium of the Faradic machines. 15 The central stations are intended to light an area of 1/4 of a mile in every direction. The method which I have adopted for conveying the current from the central station to various points, consists in laying double wrought pipes lined with vulcanized rubber known as ebonite, side by side under the flagging stones near the edge of the sidewalk. The pipes are to be in twenty feet lengths, the four ends passing into a 20 cast iron box. The pipes and box are water tight Fig. 14. is a vertical section of one line of pipe and Fig. 15. is a perspective view representing the box and two lines of conductors. For electric lighting purposes I employ a main conductor M composed of many wires uninsulated from each other but insulated as a whole from the earth by the 25 ebonite coating of the pipe P. but for telegraphic purposes each of the small wires instead of acting as parts of one main conductor are to be insulated from each other by being coated with cotton and afterwards passed through an insulating substance such as resin, tar, paraffine or other non-conductor. · By first putting down pipes P. in sections of say twenty or twenty five 30 feet and boxes B. between the sections, wires may be introduced sufficient for the purpose at the time, and in the future the number of wires may be increased by drawing others through the pipes. The boxes B. allow for introducing or guiding the wires by hand. In practice it will be preferable to employ small pulleys in each box with a stout cord running backward and forward through 35 the line of pipe, for drawing the wire through each section. The box has a cover c. which is bolted to it, and soft rubber, or oiled leather washers are placed between the top and the box to prevent air or water leaking into the box. The inside of the box and cover is to be lined with ebonite or other non-conducting and water proof material. One end of the system of tubes passes into the central station 40 and if the other ends are closed a vacuum may be produced within the whole system of pipes: this will promote the evaporation of any moisture which may have passed into the pipes but the vacuum will only be required periodically. If the two ends pass into central stations warm dry air may be passed through occasionally to prevent dampness. In the system of electric lighting two lines of pipes are 45 employed on each side of the street but these may be separate and have independent boxes; I prefer that both lines of pipes on each side of the street should be con- nected to one range of boxes as illustrated in fig. 15. A small pipe s. insulated with rubber is connected at right angles to the main pipes and passes from one of the boxes into the house to be illuminated and carries the conductor which may be 50 made of one or more wires: from the other main conductor another small tube s. serves to carry the second wire to the house. These wires entering the house through the meter are carried into various rooms and the electric lamps connected iu multiple arc between the two. The wires forming the main conductors are small and as mentioned previously may be uninsulated and laid loosely together or 55 insulated with a thin layer of cotton. In the latter case each consumer's wire would be independent but the economy is greater when the wires are all in contact as 2492 Specification A.D. 1879.-N° 2402. 17 Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &c. then when few lamps are in use the resistance of the main conductor is relatively small as compared to the lamps. The practice of causing the total resistance of the circuit extraneous to the generator to be equal to that of the generator almost universally prevails, and by which the maximum effect is obtained is very wasteful 5. of energy, for by thus arranging the resistances fifty per cent of the energy is lost in the machine itself, whereas if the exterior resistance is four times greater than the machine the capacity of the machine to translate energy from one to the other is lessened, but of what is translated, owing to the changed conditions, eighty per cent may be utilized.-For this reason I so arrange the resistance of the main 10 conductors that they should be but one tenth of the total resistance of all the lamps, and the resistance due to the generating machines is kept down by keeping in multiple arc a greater number of machines than is necessary to supply all the lights which may happen to be in circuit at the time. 15 I claim as my Invention First. The combination with a sealed vacuum chamber made of a glass vessel, of a continuous incandescent conductor wound upon a bobbin of infusible material, substantially as set forth. Second. The method herein described of preparing metals and metallic conductors for electric lamps or burners, consisting in freeing the metallic conductors of gases 20 in a vacuum and then hermetically sealing the surrounding air tight transparent case, substantially as specified. 25 Third. In an electric lamp, the combination with a sealed transparent vacuum case of a bobbin of pyroinsulated wire wound upon an infusible substance substantially as specified. Fourth. In combination with an electric light and the circuits thereof, two electro- magnets one of which is caused to revolve, a governor operated by the speed, and a circuit regulator controlled by the governor, whereby the uniformnity of the current passing to the light is maintained, substantially as set forth. Fifth. In combination with an electric light, an adjustable circuit regulator 30 composed of the insulated springs connected with the circuit wires, a contact block upon which said springs rest, and a governor lever l. to regulate the pressure of the contact springs upon the contact block, substantially as set forth. Sixth. The process of molding sticks of pulverulent material consisting in filling the mold with the material to be compressed and then compressing the inass by 35 successive operations by means of a plunger and plunger sections, substantially as described. Seventh. The divided mold f². and block e². in combination with the plunger a². and plunger sections h2 substantially as and for the purposes set forth. Eighth. The combination in a magneto electric machine of the helix of wire bº. 40 and the wires e. wound and connected to the commutator blocks i. as described and forming a parallel induction coil that occupies the space and revolves between the poles of the field magnet, substantially as set forth. Ninth. The combination in a magneto electric machine of the magnetic cylinder composed of the helix 6º. surrounded by the parallel induction coil e¹. and revolving 45 between the poles of the field magnet, the commutator i. springs d. and d³. and circuit connections substantially as set forth. Tenth. In a magneto electric machine, a parallel induction coil the wires of which are wound substantially as shown in fig. 11. and commutator connections to the wires whereby the current is taken off from the parallel induction coil at two points 50 in opposite directions, substantially as set forth. 55 Eleventh The cylinder b³. of wood or similar material with the iron heads b. and intervening helix of wire b. in combination with the disks e³. of non- conducting material and the induction helix e¹. wound lengthwise and into notches in the edges of the insulating disks, substantially as set forth. Twelfth. A. polarized electro-magnet in the multiple arc circuit of the magneto electric machine for opening the circuit to the machine to which it is connected in case of deragement of said machine. B 2493 18 A.D. 1879.-Nº 2402. Specification. Edison's Improvements in Apparatus for Developing Electric Currents, &o. Thirteenth. The thermo-electric piles connected as set forth upon the condensing pipes of an engine in combination with the magneto electric machine substantially as set forth. Fourteenth. The combination with the electric conductors M. of metallic tubes lined with hard rubber or similar non conducting substance, substantially as set 5 forth. • Fifteenth. The metallic tubes lined with non-conducting material such as hard rubber, in combination with metallic boxes B lined with similar material, and uniting the tubes and the conductors passed through such tubes substantially as set forth. Sixteenth. An induction bobbin nearly surrounded by the poles of the field magnet and the combination therewith of an abnormally large field magnet which shall be in proportion to the size of the pole-pieces as described, for obtaining a powerful electro-motive force in the wires of the revolving bobbin without great loss of energy as set forth. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty fifth day of November A.D. 1879. Witnesses SL GRIFFIN of Menlo Park N.J. WM CARMAN of Menlo Park N.J. 10 15 THOMAS ALVA EDISON. (L.S.) 20 LONDON: Printed by EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [2867.-100.-5/86.] 2494 A.D. 1879. JUNE 17. N 2402. EDISON'S SPECIFICATION. (4th Edition) FIG. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. I FIG. 6. T FIG. 5. m m FIG. 7. FIG. 4. FIG. 9. 14 FIG. 8. n. FIG. 15. Ol Fill M FIG. 14. LONDON. Printed by EYRE and SPOTISWOODE. Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1886 M FIG. 10. C FIG. 12. FIG. 16. FIG. 17. FIC.II. FIG. 13. my (1 SHEET) 2495 100 l l l l l l l l Complainant's Exhibit King's British Patent No. 10,919 of 1845. vo o l l l l l l l l l l l l l lllllooolllllllllllllllllllllllll l l l l l l [Fourth Edition.] 000000000 2000000000 A.D. 1845. N° 10,919. SPECIFICATION OF EDWARD AUGUSTIN KING. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. LONDON: • PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE PATENT OFFICE SALE BRANCH, 4 38, CURSITOR STREET, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. Price 8d. 1888 l l l l l l l l E D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D T JJ D C D D D ðððððð öðð oððð öðdðððððððððəddəðod Z 2496 [Fourth Edition. A.D. 1845 N° 10,919. Electric Lights. KING'S SPECIFICATION. TO ALL. TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME I EDWARD Augustin King of Warwick Street in the County of Middlesex Gentle- man Send Greeting. WHEREAS Her present Most Fxcellent Majesty Queen Victoria by Her 5 Royal Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain bearing date at Westminster the fourth day of November in the ninth year of Her Reign did for Herself Her Heirs and Successors give and grant unto me the said Edward Augustin King my exors admors and assigns Her especial licence full power sole privilege and authority that I the said Edward Augustin 10 King my exors admors and assigns or such others as I the said Edward 19 Augustin King my exors admors or assigns should at any time agree with and no others from time to time and at all times during the term of years therein expressed should and lawfully might make use exercise and vend within England. Wales and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed the Islands 15 of Jersey Guernsey Alderney Sark and Man and also within all Her said Majesty's Colonies and Plantations abroad the "Invention of IMPROVEMENTS IN OBTAINING LIGHT BY ELECTRICITY communicated to me by a certain Foreigner residing abroad. In which said Letters Patent is contained a Pro- viso that I the said Edward Augustin King shall cause a particular descrip- 20 tion of the nature of the said Invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be inrolled in Her said Majesty's High Court of Chancery within six Calendar Months next and immediately after the date of the said in part recited Letters Patent as in and by the same reference being thereunto had will more fully and at large appear 25 NOW KNOW YE that in compliance with the said Proviso I the said Edward Augustin King do hereby declare that the nature of the said Inven- 2497 2 A.D. 1845.-N° 10,919. King's Improvements in Obtaining Light by Electricity. tion and the manner in which the same is to be performed are fully described and ascertained in and by the following description thereof reference being had to the Drawings hereunto annexed and to the figures and letters marked thereon (that is to say)- The nature of the Invention consists in the application of continuous 5 metallic and carbon conductors intensely heated by the passage of a current of electricity to the purposes of illumination. The metal found to be the most advantageous to use for the purpose, is that which, while it requires a very high temperature for its fusion, has but a feeble affinity for oxygen, and offers a great resistance to the passage of an electrical current. Platinum 10 though not so infusible as iridium, has but little affinity for oxygen, and offers a great resistance to the passage of the current, and as it is abundant and easily worked into the requisite form, it appears to be preferable to any other metal. The platinum should be worked into those exceedingly thin Sheets known as leaf platinum. This may be accomplished by the ordinary process 15 of the gold beater, but a more accurate method is to place a piece of plati- num foil between two thick plates of rolled Copper and reduce the whole to a thin sheet by rolling, when on separating the the Copper pieces the platinum leaf will be found of uniform thickness in every part. In this way it may be obtained so thin that on holding it before a printed page the letters can be 20 distinguished through it. A strip is to be cut from one of these Sheets of a width proportionate to the quantity of the current which with Grove's cells having the platinum plates three inches long and two inches wide, is about. one fourth of an inch and of a length proportionate to the intensity,which of course varies with the number of cells. Great care must be taken to cut 25 the platinum strips of an equal width throughout, and with a clean edge, as if this is not carefully attended to, the strip will be unequally heated and will be fused in one part before the other parts have obtained a sufficiently high temperature to produce a brilliant light. The platinum strip is now to be suspended between two forceps in an Instrument made for the purpose 30 one form of which is shewn in section in the Drawing hereunto annexed and marked No. 1, A is a square brass bar fixed into the wooden stand C having a binding screw F attached to its lower end. The two arms ED are attached to sockets which slide on this bar so as to admit of their being placed at different distances from each other. They are both 35 bent at right angles as seen in the Figure and terminated by broad forceps tipped with Platinum. These forceps are closed by the milled screws H. I the arm E has a rod N with a screw cut on it passing through it and by means of the two nuts B. B working on this rod, the arm may be adjusted to • J. 2498 A.D. 1845.-N° 10,919.. King's Improvements in Obtaining Light by Electricity. any required height and the distance between the forceps thus regulated. The rod passes through the stand and is attached to the binding screw G. The socket K is lined with Ivory or some other non conducting substance, so as to prevent any metallic communication between the arm E, and the bar; S is 5 the strip of platinum leaf which is first clamped in the upper forceps; the arm E is now adjusted to any required height, and the lower forceps are closed so as to clamp the lower end of the strip of platinum. It may now be included in the battery circuit by attaching one of the wires to the binding screw at F and the other to that at G. The current should be one of considerable intensity 10 and the distance between the forceps should be sufficient to prevent the platinum being fused. The distance may bc lessened by raising the arm E, and shorten- ing the strip of platinum until it attains the highest temperature it will bear without fusing or the same object may be attained by increasing the intensity of the current. The Glass Shade R which serves to screen the platinum from 15 currents of air, dust &c. may then be placed over the apparatus as seen in the Drawing annexed. When Carbon is used it becomes necessary on account of the affinity this substance has for oxygen at high temperature, to exclude from it air and moisture. To accomplish this in the most perfect manner it should be enclosed in a Tooricelieu vacuum. One form of the 20 apparatus for this purpose is shown in Section in the Drawing annexed and marked No. 2, a is a Glass Tube similar to those used for Barometers, except that it has its upper end enlarged into a cylindrical bulb, and a stout platinum wire sealed in ac the top. A binding screw is fixed on the top of the wire, whose lower end screws in the iron piece, d, to this piece the 25 forceps ƒ are attached, and it is connected with a similar piece at h by the porcelain rod i. The forceps g are attached to h, and clamp the lower end of the carbon piece c which has its upper end held by those at f. n is a copper wire which is fixed into the piece at h and extends to the bottom of the tube, the tube is filled with Mercury in the same manner as a Barometer, the usual 30 precautions being taken to expel the air; its length independent of the bulb, should be about thirty inches, so that when it is inserted in a Cup of Mercury, a vacuum will be formed in the bulb.-The Instrument is included in the electrical circuit, by connecting one of the wires from the Magnetic or Voltaic Battery with the binding screw fixed on the wire, e and the other with a wire 35 which passes into the Mercury in the Cup at the bottom of the tube The circuit is thus completed by the Column of Mercury, and when it is depressed in the tube by the formation of vapor of Mercury, the connection is preserved by the copper wire n; that form of Carbon found on the interior of Coal Gas Retorts which have long been used, is well suited for this purpose, and may be • 2499 4 A.D. 1845.-N° 10,919. King's Improvements in Obtaining Light by Electricity. worked into the form of either small pencils or thin plates by the aid of the Saw and File. As Carbon will bear a very high temperature without fusion or volatization it may be employed when a very intense light is required. When an intermitting light for the use of Light-Houses or for other purposes is required it may be obtained by breaking the Circuit at intervals by Clock work; to effect this, one of the wires from the magnetic or voltaic battery is con- nected with a spring which is made to press on the circumference of a metallic wheel fixed on one of the arbors of the Clock, having certain portions of its surface cut away so as to break and close the Circuit at any required intervals. When the apparatus is suitably sealed it may be applied to submarine lighting, 10 and also to the illumination of places where it is necessary to guard against the inflammation of highly combustible or explosive Compounds, as in powder magazines mines &. When a Current is of sufficient intensity two or more lights may be made in the same Circuit, care being taken to regulate the power by increasing or diminishing the number of armatures if a magneto- 15 electric machine is the source of electricity or the number of cells if a voltaic battery be used, so that the united resistance of the strips of platinum or carbon shall be sufficient to prevent the passage of such a quantity of elec- tricity as would destroy them. Claim- What is claimed as the Invention is the application of continous 20 metallic and carbon conductors intensely heated by the passage of a suitably regulated current of electricity to the purposes of illumination as herein- before mentioned In witness whereof I the said Edward Augustus King have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of May in the year of our 25 Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty six EDWARD A. (L.S.) KING. AND BE IT REMEMBERED that on the second day of May in the year of our Lord 1846 the aforesaid Edward Augustin King came before our said Lady the Queen in Her Chancery and acknowledged the Specification afore- 30 said and all and every thing therein contained and specified in form above written And also the Specification aforesaid was stamped according to the tenor of the Statute made for that purpose Enrolled the fourth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty six. LONDON: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, By DARLING AND SON. · [@ 169,-100-1/88.] A 35 DOWDESWELL. 1 2500 ? A.D. 1845. Nov. 4. No 10,919. KING'S SPECIFICATION. (4th Editinır) GARANTIINIMUM WAJAN QILINAD E 1 Lamoy Printed by Darso and Sos 10. Her Majesty » Kistnery Office B17 D 进 ​(2 SHEFTA) DIKET I GADACLATILUP FIG I. 2501 A.D. 1845. Nov. 4. №º 10,919, KING'S SPECIFICATION. (4th Edition) FIG. 2. a C LONDON. Printed by DARLING and Son for Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1087 (2 SHEETS ) SHEET 2 1 2502 Complainant's Exhibit French Patent to on. Gravier Bertificates of Addition thereto. and RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. MINISTÈRE DU COMMERCE, DE L'INDUSTRIE ET DES COLONIES. BREVETS D'INVENTION. · Mémoire deSCRIPTIF annexé au ето Série G bis, nº¸1.- M. C. I. et C. - ཟ brevet d'invention de Quinze le 1880 Gravier (oh, jiris par le sieur. ingenieur civil, rquésente par Arixiengand данд b a lui et qui аше Paris's 45 rue St Sebastian it délivré par a été arrêté du Ministre de et du Commerce août 1880, pour Agriculture endate du 24 un nouveau proade de distribution de l'électricite app cable à la production de la lumière électrique et à d'autres usages Brevet sinvention: N: 137.033. گے Description 'assimile la distribution.De. 2503 l'électricité à une Fistribution Je Jamme dans l'industrie. Die Comm a 12. Uone usine – usine à élec- gaz il to tricité qui, teé ра par une qui, réduite à sa plus simple expression, est représen - pile hydro_ élec= trique, thermo- électrique, machine dynamo-électri_ мне que. 2 = Une conduite d'émission. ur li que I appelle pour cas Je l'électricité. Conducteur d'émis- sion. 3: Des conduites de distribution que j'appelle conducteurs distric buteurs teurs. on. simplement : distribu 4r. Des récepteurs, appareils à lumières, s'il s'agit d'éclai_ sole diverous parties coventiel. les d'une distribution d'électr remplir cité dowent i plir les me ди дау, gaz une distri- savoir mes conditions bution de 2504 L' vaine à électricité doit pro- duire it émettre l'électricité an fur et à mesure des besoins de la consonimation imation La conduite d'émission doit fonctionner comme réservoir, c'est-à-dire avec une résis- tance aussi мой petite que possi - ble. Les conducteurs distributeurs dowent être établis de façon a ne laisser passer que la quantité nécessaire d'électri- cité servent appareils qu ди ils des Les récepteurs doivent fons - tionner indépendamment les но что des autres autres; c'est _ à _ dire De façon qu'on puisse allumer, un nombre quelconque éteindre des appareils de cet éclairage sand troubler le service des sutres appareils. Cortés ceo conditions out: été réalisées en -D partant des loi's de Joule et d'Ohm. : après Joule, la som _ d'énergie transformie. 2505 en une électricité (1) maine que pent fournin à électricité est W = IE I exprimant le nombre de- ant le nombre de exprimant Webers. E Wolts. produit Evidemment sur n pour Deviser je récepteurs, it suffit de faire que (2) WIE n d'où l'on tire (3) Won IE n Les lois d'Ohm donnent, pour I. et Es la relation suivante : (4) погло I - E R, Si dans l'équation. (1), remplaçons I par auror w一​覧 ​R sa va leur Ę пого R (5) par suite, les équations морес (2) et (3) deviennent 12 tivement (6) n W E n R (7) W # 2 On R des le courant représenter Fla résistances d'énergie IE at traverse que مهمه نسرو 2506 : 12. La résistance du du géné 22. La rateur que nous désignons pants La résistance du ducteur d'émission signons pas con que nous dé Re J = La résistance des conduc_ distributeurs que teuro signons par par. R d appareils à nous dés 42 La résistance, dans les himière des arcs voltaïques que рай да D apred nous désigno. cela, e équation L (6) qui représente la to partic 'énergie totale devient: de l (8) W. n އ E? n (RD) + R / FR FR ) "'il faut multiplier chacune des résistances et indique qu par & R & R R & R ², c'est _ à _ dire les rendre in fois plus grande. Il n'y ditions à pas remplis. d'autres con. Si elles cont remplies four chagire récepteur, la distribu_ tion est parfaite, danro pertes, et, de plus, chaque récep= teur fonctionne indépen Damment des autres. • 2507 L expérience m'a montre l'exe actitude de la théorie pour 1 2, 3, 4 régulateurs Serrin alimen tés suivant les conditions de la formule (8). par le couvant émis par rine chine Gramme type A 'empêche évidem_ unique Rien ment, de remplir tions pour ند condi des con ملك un nombre quel conque de récepteurs. Conditions matérielles d'exécution Cclairage d'vn atelier. ден moyen d'une machine Gram- me, par exemple, et de trois régulateurs Serrin. D'après la formule (8) les ар conditions I'une distribution à trois himières sont pour chacune W W 3 E² 3 {R$ /+_R®/+R&F+•R 3 (R+ + 3 R + 3 R 2 + 3 R = em E & a T pour your diviser qui signifie que trois parties égales le pro- 2 duit W on IE on t il faudrait . R 1 = que le circuit de l'inducteur soit are lien de un 3 Simé de 3 fils de même 2508 E unique longuem que le fil unig mais de section 3 fois plus petite de طلع 2 = que le circuit d'émission, reme е معسو le circuit de fils; distribution voit composé de 3 Chacin étant 3 tant qu I gue fois plus resis le conducteur uni_ its représentent lorsque - fonctionnent tous les trois que qu ils à la fois 3. Dans les lampes, que le charbon employé ait section 3. rene. fois plus petite que colle du charbon unique que brüderait le courant total. me Mexis toutes معنے sont pas peated réalisables conditions pas pratiquement On ne pent, ހއ effit torcher a la résistan_ Du générateur . On peut сет la faire plus ove moins ré sistente, voilà tout. est de même, général, du condustan d'émission Four les rendre aux is peu nuisibles, mixibles que possible; } 2509 il it fout les fore aussi pur. resistants que possible, shou e I on peut toujours que Le MIRMIRERAKR n (Rot Rex Rd, Ra xxxpression (8) W devient, puisqu'on ; ne Aorichar a R д () w n Fire. peish EL ma Re к Ro+ R ² + n Ron Re rapprochera d'an - tant plus de l'égalité que R2 Elle se et R Moris seront plus petito. Application avore ހއއތއއ Gramme qui sidérant que 0, 10 ohm Just; et qui fournit de 90. Webers et de 100 Wolte ހ machine en ne пе со le circunt m courant Nous avor pour EI d'après Yout l'expression de W= Surb. 80 urb. x 100 wolts 3000 si le urcuit total a Ri wilt 30 100 Web b ска 3,3.3 ohms Dr Raw dort. être R 1 لا R++. Ret Rd + Ra Nous aurons dans le cas qui نه noris occupe 2510 Ohms Résistance de la machine generatrices. R ... 0,10 // R... du conducteur d'émission Re-___-0,15 du conducteur distributeur Rd de l'arc 1,42 R = 3,334,66 Resistance totale. R = 3,33 Les conditions ci dessus sont les conditions de résistance d'une distribution qui aurait une alimentée par courant. total d'une lampe chine Gramm .4. Dans le cas ކއ le de dema lampes utilisant toute la source, vertai ame. ам en de la formule (9) 14 lampe. W <. lien 2. 1002 सन्न 0, 10 + 0,15 1,42) + (2 × 1,66 lien de 1500 24560 Dans le cas de trois lampes utilisant ensemble ватре la unt همه ам- source lampe W < W lien Dans noris али accrono 100€ 0, 10+ 0, 15 + 3 x ;,42) + (3×1,86 de 1000 le cas 7 41053 de quatre lampes utilisant ensemble toute la source nous s aurons 7/ ine lampe: : 2511 . 1002. W < 0, x 1,4e 0,40+0,3 ; 10+ 0, 15+ (4 × 1, 42 (+ (4×1,56. an lien de 750 سنه تالار 795 Diagramme indiquant -les dispositions matérielles prises pour une distribution à trois lampes BU COUMSAC - MINISTERE DIRE TIGN Korean. LA HIL 雅​昌 ​B: RY 75 CONGUE VEM LÖSEN. Cond. Jesên lu¿4¼4% : 4,46 D sones. dy Pributeur 4.46 A B. bornes de la machine. génératrice où R &= Ohm 10. A a B b Conducteurs d'émes- Re sion où R² = 0,15 ހ me D I distributeur formé d' planche isolatrice our -place lagnelle. 10 des bornes de prives de courant de istour- E lis lis первома un އ et les bornes interi interruptions pour chaque 2512 circuit distributeur. cd, cd, cd, conducteurs distributeurs, fixes d'une part drix borne's du distributeur D et airx lampes . d'autre part aira Chacun d'eux a, les trois lumières devant avoir la même intensité Ohm pour résistance- 4.26 Phms. 3 Rd on 3×1, e и 42 I, I, I". Lampes Serrin autres. La résistance de chacune, c'est à dire celle des est tré _ réglé à L'expérience е que. ага arcs 3 x 1,66 = 4.98 4.98 Ohms dano того ހ.އއދއ a mom lampe utilisant tout le courant, ре de 16 on pent brisker du charlon mm. de diamètre. (Ch. de la fab : de Mi Carré). En conséquence les troio. lampes qui font l'objet de cette distribution auront deo fois charbons de section ہے plus petite, c'est à _ dire charbons de 9 mm envi- des n އކބ on و Fonctionnement 2513 Voyons dans le سفے شبو de passe: fonctionnement La machine d'induction. tourne à goo torers par. minute je suppose Cous les circuité sont ou. vesta La machine ne produit pas d'électricité Fermono un des trois circuito distributeurd, chri 7 de la Патре To Cette lampe 'allume et brücke en dormant unex intensité lumineuse pro- portionnelle à l'énergie du courant fourni w 3 = 10.000 لف qui qui rest. 1008 lui est. 6, 10 + 0, 15+ (3 x. 1,42 / +(3 x 1, 66 1053 9,49 lien de ай Wi- 10.000 Fermons 9х9,95 = 1000 maintenant. les circunto de १ Let Le' ватрес sal_ nsemble et brulent Ces deux Campes lument ment en en donnant l'intensités lu_ жена proportionnelle 2514 à و 'énergie que levis est fournie respectivement qui ui est pour Les déma WY0000 0, 70 +0, 15+ (3 × 1,42)+(3 × 1, 66) 2053 sont fermés pes I., 'I', I". ¥ = au lien de W = 10.000 = 2000. 3x9,99 ढे Lorsque les trois circuits sur leurs lam 10.000 डै 0,70 +0, 15+ 942 + 1,66 3 g cette ap- = 9000 on a On voit dans plication; les conditions du ne réalisées. progest à dire Usine pro- -programm duisant et émettant l'élec- tricité en en proportion des be- de l'éclairage. Conducteur d'énrisaion soins fonctionnant à pes de chose ре comme réservoir près scaistance dano Conducteurs distributeurs. donnant l'électricité récepteurs que ila dera desservent evient les чарский les conditions pour lesquelles its ont été établis Recepteurs fonctionnant 2515 avec pendance parfaite indé - En effet, dans le cas le plus défavorable, sehn où sente lampe мне Bumie cette lampe est al an lien.. de donner le tiers de la lu_ ensemble, donne une _in_ mière produite par les trois. tensité qui de 5' àì eat ungimentic op % Cette varia tion est bien inférieure à celles qui produisent. journellement dans l'éclair падет pas arr ал sare jaz, où il n'est de trouver des variations de 90, 40 que faite et 50% off. On peut donc dise la distribution ainai est pratiquement tisfaisante. Ce sont ces dispositions extérieures, indépendantes des machines et avasi die du sys time de lampes que revendiquons invention et que.. nowro notre enten Lons breveter Eller n 'ont été 2516 avant prises par personne ava точно que la division puisque de la lumiere faite dans les conditions يسو avon's indiqués lisée nulle part. Svic les timis n a été réa courants la société des ma- chines Gramme déclaré ހ toujours imprimé dans prospectus " que une machine Gramme fois " ne pent alimenter qu'une seule lampe La société tation des emploie à la l'exploi_ pour e procédés Werderman comm مد محمد مبله circuito dérivés mais dans des conditions arbitraires. Chaque lampe est indépendante, mais c'est à la condition d'employer une seconde dési d'égale résistance. vation condition qui a pour résul tat de faire travailler ex machine dynamo- électri__ que, toujours pour la tota de l'éclairage qui lité 'il y 2517 ait une lumée Aorites. des mais ou ди le la lampe al- 'elles le soient 16. ^ Reynier emploie dispositions différentes, avec les mêmes sin.. convénients, I est-à-dire l'éclairage que soit ré duit à une senle to lamp or ди 'il soit. ar. complex la machine consomme tou_ jours le même travail. Avec les courants alterna tifs, la société générale met -plusieurs bougies même ime mais ceo circuit, އ en série bougies ont.. dans мне aboolie dépen_ Fance. Une seule extinction entraîne toutes les du même circuit. Centres Mr. M. Siemens et Hals pratiquant aussi ke division à la la mière de la Société générale table se soustrait à la dépen dance des apparcits les cons en employant. des autres 2518 cine dérivation analogue à celle de Mi= Reynier. On trouve dans dispositifs le même inconvenient la machine travaille teri venient Jours comm де était si l'éclaira- complet, quel- ан soit le nombré de allumies que Campes M = Loutin pratique si la division; il it emploie trouvent plusieurs circuits, mais les lampes dépendre les très qui me de mes des معبد Aucun de Buen معش کل sere ceo ayotimes sont les plies effectue la division com- elle doit être entendue comme nie. l'avons défi- Résume. En résumé mon vention conviste dans l in appli- cation absolument nouvelle des circuits dérivés calculés d'après les lors de Joule d" Ohmi et et disposés (formules 2519 I et دوند de en en pour distrit distribuer une sour quelconque d'électivité proportions déterminées dans une installation come ant un prenant certain nom bre d'appareils. pour conserver, as cha- que appareil, l'intensité qui lui est propre, ро pour assurer len in dépendance les uns des an _ tres, de manière qu puriase à tout instant, à volonté, allumes, éteindre un nombre quelconque : مو de Cremières sand troubles le que 2 régime ates autres et de manière. la manière encore production et l'é- mission de l'électricité soient toujours en гар rap- avec les besoins de port l'éclairage. Dano nous avon noo explications, toujours conci- déré l'éclairage со but de la distribution; mais. 2520 живо Deux mots raye's me il est bien entender que nous. noica plication de ca réservons l'ap- procidé de teurs distribution à tous récep- à utilisant l'electricité. Pari le Juin 1880 aris le z Tips A Gravier ſigns : abamengard any. Paris, to If ance ош 1391 "Fear expedition certifiée conforme. Leßef du dinireaude la Propriété Industricli's Bur A PROPRIETE INDUSTELLE¡ 2521 TRANSLATION. of letter from the MINISTER OF COMMERCE to MM BRANDON & FILS, Paris, dated April 29.91. Gentlemen, In answer to the letter which you wrote me on the 20th of this month, in order to ascertain the date on which was issued a certificate of addition annexed to the patent of invention (N° 137033) taken out by Mr. Gravier on June 3.1880, I have the honour to ir form you that the official date of issue of the said certificate is the 3.Jan.1881. Receive, Gentlemen, the assurance of my perfect con- sideration. THE MINISTER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY & COLONIES, The Chief of the Office for Industrial Property. signed: (illigible) 2522 ¿Ministère, du Cominerce de l'Industrie·· et des Coloniea. Direction Diz Commerce intérieur. Bineau the Ior Propriété Industrielle. Brevets d'invention Renseignencent. reg RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. Paris, le avril 1891 29 avril вы Messieurs, en réponse à l'ax lettre écrite, le 20 de ce mois, dans le but de connaître la date à laquelle a été délivré un se que vous m'a certificat & addition re ratto chant au brevet d'invention ( 112 137.033) pris pad the Gravier, le 3 Jinn 1890, j'ai l'honneur de vocis с cat remionte celle de la délivran Einformer que la date artificat Reevey Messieurs, l'assuran ce ducit curl faite considération ан 5 Janvier 1881. l'assurance de ma ce de ma par- finistre du Commerce, de l'Industrie et des Coluies. Se Ministre م antrisating Le Chef du Bineau de la Propriété Industrielle Messieurs Brandon et files, rue de Provence N°59 Paris. ぞ ​2523 ´M. C. I. et C. Série G bis, n' 1. RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. MINISTÈRE DU COMMERCE, DE L'INDUSTRIE ET DES COLONIES. BREVETS D'INVENTION. MÉMOIRE DESCRIPTIF annéwé au Corbilical d' addition prisle 9 novembro 1880, parle Sieir Язнанство Gravier, represents parle siir Paris, we Armenvand Ané, à haut qu 3 . Sébastien N. 45, et he ratta - breveted invention dee 15am prisle I Juin 1810, pour un nouveau procédé de distribu- tion de l'électricité, applicable à la production de la lumière électrique et à d'autres usages, т (eth for an Branch 1: n: 137.033 Description 137.0 Dans la distribution électrique que j'ai fait Crenter, j'ai défini les Conditions que chaque orgone doit remplir. 2524 Sa pratique m². m'ayout. montre leur insuffisance free the, amené à faire les mifications. Suivantes que je désire rattacher. Crevet du & à mon Crew од 3 Juin 1880. to Surle mode d'interruption Le bunde l'interrupteur ost Sumplement de former ou d'ouver le Circuit qu'il. de West four Donner pattage он au Courant l'interrompre. En pratiquo, Cela ne suffit pas. Il faut absolument quela of Son Circint tout enter socent Supprimit, de la distre bution. lau Campe b Voici pourquod, lorsqu'on le Circuit d'une Campe pour l'étendre, il Le produit ouve Dans ce Circuit in. כ in Courant indint que recarjet, momentane ment, Surte bite de lax, вае Distribution Sent Contraire ен du Courant de la Source slec trique. I on де on résulte de Sex. tictions Si la. Source n'est pas plus puissante qu'il ne faut } 2525 pour to Service de l' eclairage. Pour obvier à et inconven wit Supprime Completament dela distribution la lampe et Son Circuit tout enter. Bistr a Figure 1 minte ек Je 9 face, A montre in vue I montres on la Coupe Suivant le liepos 1-2, отвей grandeur naturette le Dispositif employé pour une Campe. I to Compose d'ave ア ​piece I prismatique in cylindri_ н ébonite on autre Substance solante, mobile autour duc que Са Centra ев о H porte dame Contact он сийче овные staudie suffisante pour que les deux Systemes de ressorts in fore nickelés a a, b.b. puissent) в в у trouver place et être distances pour quel'étincelle I'extra_ Courant ne puiste tra Vorter of expace. In resorts a db Sont assez in Communica т tion électrique avec les Corner A. x B où aboutikkent. Les Condrecteurs d'émission; les 2526 Ces deux autres avl sont fars. анх Cornes Fit NE. Les fugine's I et 2 mon. trent larament que dans la position indiquée du fritone P le Courant port Toader, дне не la Si aide Ja atter, th l'aide dela manette à l la m, on fait 1/4 de tour dans sent ou dans l'autre, Canitse et Son Circuit Sont mis bore de la distributiong De Cette façon, be ile. Courant indliché sur lui- dans to Circint, mit. л sueme hors de la distribution, Ансип restants. n'a effet surles appareils تمع trent quim ди figures Set 2 no mon топ Seal. disjoncteur disjons Ии Собочек Ue Certain nombre de Colorquined organes. reunis Sur une même table Constitue, Distributeur. ai maintenant, топ 20. Jurles Conductours distribuctours. Les Conducteurs distributeurs ont pour but parlent. résistances quey, a fixées, des mother une qujia "Campé dans une position Pokemine 盅 ​2527 d'urtensité, de Constance et d'in_ dépendancy Complete. La première de C Conditions est actory difficile à realiter on pratigue, Carlos fils du Commerce ou moins Compoſenes, diamètre plus Sont-plus I'ni вид де ed ou moins regulier. Si l'on Calcul la Groueur nécessaire pour мет und resistance et que Conqueur Domees, dans le but d'bletamis в вивелый des lumières d'égale intimité il arrive prexique toujours, qu'on est obligé d'allonger on de raccourcir le Circuit он час pour arriver à ୮ l'avalité deman Pour evite (as remanse = ments at (es tatoramento que tout le monde no peut faire, uets dans chaique Ercuit distributeur ни robinet. quis j'appelle niveleur et qui me crmet de domverplus on moins d'électricité, et de очень fixer le inveau dél intensite lumineuse dans chaque Compre. & dispositif te е 2528 Compote essentiellement d'une - Caisse de résistance, figures Set it, à l'intérieur de laquelle est fil de for stame disposé un millele on argenté", "Serpentant de Cád de cmà du R de dà C' de dr à En el aboutissant à la Corne L. nutia こ ​fol est. mit wi relation dres la sours par la Corne A, le Commutateur очие А C, mobile autour de Contre & et qui prend Contact Sur de on Cuivre C c', C "C" се, ста en petites pies apres latte des- во в же ар Cription, on voit le fonction- nement : le courante du distribu- kur, Corne N, arrive à la Come A du nivaleur, passe par to Commutateur C. par la Corne Len Suivant le Corine & не fil ен ане а to resistance, dans toutes Ces. Circonvolutions, depuis le Contact du Commutateur, a- boutit à la Campe et revient ay dishibuteur par la Corne L of à la Source par le par Conducteur d'émission B. 2529 Dans ces nouvelles Conditions, ainsi que jo l'ai annonce; So Source électrique fourint, intout par int tant, l'électricité nécessaire à chayque lampe et on proper tion du nombre de lampes a allumées. Le Kavail moteur est ortionnel au nombre proportionnel dé lampes allumes of leur intensité. haque Cunnière ext proportionnelle an foodint- Webert × Wolls qui traverse les électrodes, L'independance de Chaque appareil ett Complète. In де yo Résume: u résumé je revendique : To distributeur disposé de façon à Supprimer de la distribution haque Campe хоршо et Son Circuit tout enter. 20 Le nivaleur de lumière) 2530 Deux lettres ronyers unllery. C'est à dire l'appareil ofur Sous la forme décrite ou toute autre analoque permet de uivaler l'intentité lumineuse Get appareils à lumière. Paris, le 9 ngrambe 1880 p. For Gravier Signé : Armany and auré : Очей Paris, le 15 mil 1891 Tour expédition certifico conflrme Le Port du Bureau de la Proprieté Judjistrielle, DIRECTIO อน TOKSENCE 191ERV Brycat. A PEBBRIC → Lampe Q 2 B ® Fig.1. 1 2 A D to U Frg 2 Lampe Zampe D N H P W.W டாட் P п 2531 ୪୪ Grandeur d'Erication Distributeu d d Ө 2. 回 ​2 Fig. 8. Fig. 4 ७ Mueleur de Lamiere- Trevena an Contificat d'addition. prosle Of merele 1880 pa de Jr Grave L ul. 198 1371 ly m 2532 M. C. I. ct G. Série G bis, nº 1. RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. MINISTÈRE DU COMMERCE, DE L'INDUSTRIE ET DES COLONIES. BREVETS D'INVENTION. Mémoire · DESCRIPTIF annexé au certificat d'additions pris le دیتے mars 1881, par le sieur Gravier ( c ) ingénieur evil représenté par le Sinus denengand ainé, à Paris, que St. Sébastions, no us et serraller chant au bruit d'inventiones-pait le 3 quise 1880. pour un nouveau procédé de distribution de l'ébetricik applicables à for production De la lumière électriques et à d'autres usages. 1. le dit certificat été délivré par arrête d'addition. са In Ministe de l'agriculture et En en date dusty quien 1881 Cormieree Breet No.137.033 Dars notie brevet principal du 3 juin 1880, no 1 2533 } 137.033, nous avons considéré in sexlement de la distrubating. de l'électricité, celui qui corres くま ​pond à l'état Réservoir du réseau. De d'invision. Nous avons err އއއތއޔ avons fait. appuyant for des chriff- que l'état réservoir est la coridation. nécessaire et Luffisarites pour avoir une distrubution d'électricité aussi imple que celle die gaz mais plies approchie de la perfection Luving Fans i cas, produit et onnet u. émet l'électricité sous tension constante 2 من حمد އމއ. on quantités variants comme la consommiration. En pratique, севый фин D' was se préſente; c'est celuig to ques correspond à me Situationa torité différente de celle qui nous définie et caractériole avoris Tous le Je réservw.c: Celle situation com alors que, par suite d l'extension de la consomination de l'électricité, les corodrecteurs peuvent plus siiffire besoins de la common aur Creation 2534 *** in certaines points de la dister bution, Apres avow. ・fiam par & état réservoir, ces conducteurs &'étirt مده deviennent de véritables connus އ d'écoulement, dins lesquels, néces.. ſaiſenſent, l'énergie électrique disponible ext plus faible que en. amont... ax avial Si dans ces conditines, l'risive continue à predicire ſous ла дел aval insuffisamment Sersion co istarite; on: aura points in Jesservis à certaines heures de lo consommation et à déficits son d'autant plus accentuées que la consommation in accort Sera.. pilus grande. Dis gril cetter sitten. tion commence à se prodienne, l'rosine doit changer les albiered, modifier l'émission pour arriver à combler le déficit qui tend à se produire aux pairits les ples éloignés, all doit faire varies force électromotrice d'émissio De façon à faire arriver nich points les piles faible la somma d'énergie qive of marque. aix la.... 2535 Ce résultat part. itie atteint à la main où autora. Liquenient. ere faisant varier soit la vitesse des induits pour. un charips maqnitique cont. saist, ſoit behanep magréétique inducteur pour une vitesse wies. L'anté des induits : Mais, dans tous les cas, l'uvine, pour opérer sien ment, in temps apportione, it dans la mesure utile, doit être informée de l'instant même où la perturbation de produit: Saur cela rien. бали сева Si, à la sortie, et à la rentrée ou comant dans l'usine 024 pilace des qulvanomètres Désirez, à grees file et à fil fin. Lore дела aura bien l'état exact de la consommation à chaque instant- mais nove l'indication des besoins. Au contrairer, his an point le plus faible pratigne ment reconnu, de la distribution on fait для une prise do prise de courant I'on unine à l'usine an moyen d'un fil spécial es 2536 дли индив que t'on fait passer Faces un gal. vanometre Déprez à fil fine, нама accia. 04 chaque instant la véritatt silention in a point. Dis lord, le chef de l'assive porance agir eis tout commissar Je Naus appelous ee. courant spicial, сошиалов Эс de etle petaver, et le filé qui l'amine à l'usine, fil de retour. L'eipsic dice cxccrout L'emple sest le chose.. cxpritate de la distri bution, lorsque les couchert denissions ont cessé de fonctionner ccéscrvoert, lares leu, pas согемоде се V'imnission régulière possible. elle serait le désordre le plus conslet. En se contentant Des indications di gabranomike. fournies par le conant daretour, pour nr faire ravier la force Mitro- motrice de l'usine, on ama installation fort simple ие އއކ me apparcil, mais il faudia ine iurveillance des plus atterr- ހއއކ lives pour faire les correctiont Demandéco. --- 2537 Doux eviter cette atten- tion sorterane qui est humaine ment nupossible et sur bagrille ut on peut compter, consignement noris employout le dispositif trissant gue et .އއއއ allous décrire que nous appelons Régielatein м Dévision. Il de car expose: 1: I've clutro. ainiant #B. Met la bobine gunoie de fil five ext Araversée par le couvant de- retour; 20 dnu armatrine bas- cutante: &ß montée consume me fleau de balance series contion 26.1 އކއކ for qui est le prolongemist que pôle 4. Mi contre poids p Sert l'équilibrer lorsqu'un courant Déterminé arsime l'électro-aimant їдне Elle porte; de chaque côté des contacts c. l. i't' disposés, comme l'iri- Dique da fig. 2 Du Tragramime; lesquels out pour but de firmer un incuit local ſur la bobine relative bs, tantôt dans me teris, tantôt dans l'authe: 8: I une anature rotative b.s ите Carrie Siemens modifiée par 2538 + M. Crouvé on archie). Cette Cabine actionnée d'ame part, par l'ébitro aimant AB et d'autre part, par. un coxcravet local, tourne tantôt. à droite Fantôt à' gain the ſuivant: فة que l'amatua & ß bascule à Droite ou à qo • à gauche. Cette bobine est parte sur son are prolonge, Vitors, ince vis saus fine qui com. manide mi voire devetée et qui agit par cet inturnédiaire soit sur la machine à vapeur pour modifier sa vitesse, ſoit sur une. Série de résistarice pour modities l'intensité : Tu chianup magnétique. éonitionnement е Tarvis cas se présentent : 1º Le réseau forrétionne e réservoir; 2: Le réseau ayant cessé de fonctionner frar suite de l a އއ e réservoir l'angmentation de consommation, des points les plus éloignés sont faiblinient. disservis Zr. Le réseau fonction, consisse canal want to your con d'écoulement, les points les plies 2539 élvignies, par suite de la Immation de la consommation génériel, esiting un ixeis d'électricité: чи якой ай Dans le 14 cas, tout étant. te میاره normal au ponit le plus éloigné, l'inergic du courant de retocer ext constante, l'armature & ßreater C44. équilibre et l'usine, produit et insect l'électricité sous tension constante, mais une quantité's qui varient iune la consomma. со timelle nime. ſommatione. Dans le di cas, la co.. asey mentant, il arrive. en moment où les conducteurs Janission deviennent insuffisants. One voit alors l'energie du coivant. de retour. ''abaisser; l'arqnative : cessant d'être équilibrée, bascule sous l'influence du poids to, berrice à gauche auche le circuit local sear la bovine bs et la fait toumers Esans le sens convenable four faire tourner plus vite les nuits on bien pour diminuer la résis- Hance Marree Du ou des circuits inductees. La force électromotrice d'éssersin, J'éling се ди - voit bientôt for qu'or 2540 l'action du courant de reboier. qui rétablit l'équilibre de l'anniature aß jusqu'à un nouvel abaissement point le plus de l'interision au point élvigne Dans le 34 car, la consommatione Pinnimarit par duite d'extinctions on so lu cessation d'autres travaux, l'uroines travaillons. brar toujours sous la teusion qui lui été Jermandée l'émargie de retour Land à l'élever; alors l'action che. α геданный. tamagnétique devient, pre mirite à son tour, fait barcuter l'armature, & 3 à toiles, fear تم މއ le circuit towel. Je cc. côté et fait ረ. tourner la bobine droite frour Irmincer la vitesse des inducto augmenter la vition résistance des circuits inductuurt. La fore électiontre d'émission barisse et l'on voit bientôt l'active du courant de retour rétablir l'équi Libre de amature it I. Cela a & tieu jusqu'au les e ſiement. sint are conducteurs d'érmission rède. cement réservoirs. C Q'est alors que lusina. 2541 I que reprend son allure primitive face trommard Yousterssion велогон coustunle→ a la cessation de loude Jesqu'à la cessa eruation qu'indiquent parfai- tement les compteurs. capteurs d'éésergie. places, linn sur le cinquit d'émission. α sortie de lisesine, l'anche Lear le circuit. De retorer. Laroque a ibry plres de corivormisation en ville, مین رحمة އ = 21 que a pas de portet, leurs indi- cations seront identiques. އކމ etors venous de voir в ченак que lorsque le circuit ou le réseau. d'errissime ne me fonctionne pas come. me réservois, il est nécessaire Front l'ușine modifie sa force électro- motrice d'érmission dans le sirs indiqué par le conviant de retour pour faire arriver arr point le де plus éloigne la somme d'énergie quity mangue Mais cette correction. nécessitée par le point le plus éloigné n'apporte t. elle pas certain trouble dans les autres points de la Fiſtribution? A videmment, il n'en 1 peut être autrement, car se 2542 tion relive la forces électromotrice pour a point unique qui est te filus faible tous les autres subisset les conséquences de и fait. Four y obvies; chagin авойти анна. so avre à la dispositions pou rigler sa corisommation. u moyen. analogue à celui que l'risine enchlos pour régler sa force élicnornatrice. suivant les besoins de la consomm nination prour Nous emploieront bust l'appareil qui nous représenté fig, I et décrit- plus haut comme régulateur. d'émission. Nous d'upheleron's Régulateur d'énergie matin. le не лё анде сот on de consom: compose come. Enteur d'émission, des régulateur mirnes asgarre any s. Nr. électro aimant A B garni de fil fire, d'énie armiative - Casculante & Beb ime armisture, rotative bis (bobine Siemens, mo dificé par Trouve on anche). Sei il n pics de. courant de retour Le courses it car. comanit recteur est pris chez l'abormé 2543 чич 2 mence, Lorsque la tensions: tend. s'eliver, l'éssergie électronna quétique. de # B Tonsinera, fera Caseter i wi- nature & B, et par suite fermer circuit local you fera toumer la Cabine bs dans le seus voulu во pour introduire dans le circuit. distributeur la résistarice réécessaire. au rétablissement de l'équilibre de l'armature & B qui correspond régime de l'a consommation Au contraire, lorsque la turision tendance à baisser le contrepoids p deviendra piedoni. nant; fera Casculer l'avonture 2/3 à gauche et aure pour effet de faire toumir la bobine bs au олча a une en ſers invert pour enlever Du invenit distributeur la résistanc an rétablissement Fre siécessaire rigine de la li consormation? Coute la distribution est En résumé: Noni revendiquons. notie invertion 1½ l'emploi du fil et – Incoinant de retour quee Cond 2544 définis et distingues de retour give.. ral. Des courants à firome: a އ Qe courant de retour à pour buteniqu d'apporter à l'roine, in partant އ d'un point convenablement choivi les indications sans lequelles it sams in serait pas possible de donner 2. à l'énciosion unse a drection rigu верочно lière inbordoniée aux besoins de la consommation. ля sion que 20 Le régulateur d'éminis. nous avons décrit et qui pour but de régler automati- quement la force électroniatria De l'usine. Одв 20 ف сё 39. Lé régulateur d'énergie natim. он де сол course 22 Mais ce que nous vison tout particulièrement dans le présent artificat d'addition, nous le répétons, c'est le courant de retour, pastaus Dim све De plerocerend pornité- extrêmes, et aboutissarit à l'usine pour donner les indications néceſ_ daires ал réglage de l'einession suivant : les besoins, ſoit à la mami soit areto soit automatiquement au visagen Du dispositif. Décrit 2545 Trois moto varjes mulo et me renvoi d'un mot, filus haut Paris, le 19 Mars 1881 P. Gravier этой Signé : Annengard raine. le ا خبر میده Paris, to ffamil Pour axpedition certifice conferme hef du Burcaude la Propriété Industrielie Sycher SIMERCE INTERIEUR. Aureau A PROPRIÉTÉ INDSTR 2546 р رقی است و به Fig. 1 เมาก fois le 22 Amune Portifiento. 1881/v P.. A B 2. Courant local terceseenement Fig. ¡dxe de l'arm at um 2 courant local. 2547 M. C. I. ot G. — Série G bis, nº 1. RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE. MINISTÈRE DU COMMERCE, DE L'INDUSTRIE ET DES COLONIES. BREVETS D'INVENTION. Mémoire deSCRIPTIF annexé au تورد Certificat d'additions pris le 10 Joven 1871 par le tiene Gravier (A.), ingésimur, به если supr. surite pour le sieur Armengand am que At Sébastices et. te-catinchans سه کننده d'invention Paris, ریامی منن އ Gravels be quings and pris le & Juin 6. & Juin 1970, pour Jera céde distributions applicable " Le le de l'ébotricité la production de la lumière électrique 61 D'autres utages. Daddition e-t Cedis Certificat) a été Vélimé pa arrêtés du Ministre de l'Agriculture et du Commer in dobi der 28 acit 1987. こ ​2548 be f Durch no 187.838. Capose La proxiente devonde certificats d'addition a bustion the ruttneter. a mar: Crever. впрек ви primitif ou & Juris 1880 divers perpe tionners inli porter en que j'ai ap- گر en nie d'ebtenir mis homme, distribution et un meilleurs répartition. de l'électricity. RA. free sent lution et placié.. centre inima- ди You residin elles envoie autour d'elley qu'elles et dans toutes les Rications des courants électrs gover pain. les applications diverted auxquelles pent denner here: l'emplar de l'électricitie. Mais ils pout 2549 en stre autremerat à L'using peut avoir. satisfaire d'autres que rettes Les prin bis prix l'entrer exigentend de sa destination: au perrains An. charbers la sécurité publiqu et d'autres considérations ре la pourront influer sur rétermination de sa plan рвом an las fixer hars de villy ·la bela étan, pour recrpolir les conditions nécessaires Je distribution at attirer 'un réseau. ты Тенностей. la functions Волостя reservave, les défentes terart érdemoment plus grandes, I faudra des conducteurs de sections doubles. paur The dans les mêmes Cors.. ditions quos précédemment дляг c'est à dire lorsque l'uding ist centrale... П. венскогу все. difficult in faisait a 1. B. Girand a. 2550 appris à faire jour Jaz L ز Distribution, Ce recipient de vera mine." batter scceridaire. Plante 2.4.1.. Re M taeste austra словос avour l'importance you canvient: in ploisi surtoret plus enco пределен в Ce reciprinol On distributions an distributeur con Fisheri н massi métalliqu De la meilleur. conduétibilité : possible. حت Jen l'en ERIGE lim ou l'autre 3. recipient de distribution sina placé plusieurs points Suivant eri C-E- ден Eu reteau. Qu l'importauss: de Je n'ai pas ici l'éléiment- a décrire de M. Flanter Gille sccondaires est connue parlared_ Grant à la 2551 masti me metalliques) The forme ratiurmelkes calle En t phere О. лицу Дели первечко de toutes quant Igua L terest. autres figures. un point I sous les points. The نے ہے۔ سے کہتے surface extérieure, Eest cette forme que arce 'd-24-2 дей & muncimur, pourra exceplayer b De métal ellari dane commandé par mati. d'économiing tex Four finer les :: vidées sur l'enefoler es (Importance) de votre vier- pient de distribution, j'au ам еже Ex un dessin a prident miseri referédenlant plusieurs dispositifs Bescription. Dans la figur q. Que dessins suppose. تے any ville renference Laws -périmètres A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, 2552 1, J.K. L'usine a the places exterieusement in X. La masse métallique récipient de distributions Vens splacées in centrey de la distribution, it com réuning à l'usine par le calle conduction a е ei ac cible d'émissions ett tant fair indépendant de la distributions ent n'a d'autre севый service que celui récipient & pil de no tour де Bu De V, ju fais partir l'arigine sur le plais piiris سنت Ba I manque ހ en prointitle be ein même point V partent dans tailes te directions des conducteurs а agaut bi dimentions nécessaires poux. Jonctionner comme réservair Ces conducteurs tout retias par des conducteurs trans principaux vertaux. b l'électricité! tes directions ques partent daus tautas en Zant U 2553 toutes les must : Je places are ! l'arging du courant & retour et an vs. Je mor regulateur J'émer simus, je finis la teutic is a récipient. Enes la valeur t valeir quer дис l'expériences J'a labh l'éterminée mixit l'été mincé et que je veux maintenir. constant. dan's tait lig réseau On comprend sans peis. que Cas électrique to nevtra touts on VA camd l'usine lui invoice) dant ('unité de س tempt; in voluming d'électri cité précisément à celui que égal in sexti Le recipient. de distribations & remplace non seulement Insive gear нам serait placé là il met Dile point mmais point de départ unique de las distributions condition dans la 2. my seurey 2554 infinitable Faut rébillonce qui rezación de Cuding inplant pare instant la quantité d'érierques par la contaminaties. Decardie Le rôle princisual. appartient au récipient de distribution Clecting n'a plus qu lame rate eth dait obéin بافندگی penstuellement aux or curvoyés du récipient силазый выле Passej Eray der tour. Cats egiality par b pourra itre détruite le fait même mén avilammation, -inine gare. équititer suite کے نے کے ކއލކ the retire a lien fran exagerator ok. la dépointe) bernardin a un soul, convince tour магу unand ޙ Женские distributeur t ра a imrication & établies endre laves per drous a' révélhi l'équilibre, par les extrinski in même Clie 2555 дий . temps qui. d'émissions que Cative reque aniti are le урам de retour rétablis la tiutions t esl celle de l'émissions aug mesitut drus la proportions nécestave four. агре препе aminer en V. le volume Imande par là consommation. évident. canchicteur Mest bien dans chaque eten ен ск chaque point, par cela même を ​y a moureinent le пе = мину tension différente égale qu'il ди Sébit se fera fera sant دے سکتے ... représentant de la souve dans l la tension, le récip récipient V, ea ↑ la tention avi se el au ހ ек Project fair le sikis bette différences were très petites fair, étant admis conducteurs fenation- Coming reterisic que le neut te plies !а аксинес مصر importante au point de me du contourmateur, car, cean I fant > fant à cetur cé 2556 c'est my tension frute • au variant une. this pretite limites не cons. Dans une distributions plus importante. il serait Amenéreux difficile pour arriver. à bien desservir les extrémités du réseau, ons multiplierach, Ass Марокко terait les récipients v des a دسنس luraliter à cantonne aleir important leaquels seraient afors alimentei indipendiumrent : is uns des autres, sino par récipient central V, sat- directement = par l'using axinte que l'indiquent les dispositys, figures. 2 x2 Ат Esans chaque & cas qui sera Determiné а J'écono l'étude snie question Decidera Dans tous lai chaque récipient t mis n Convina micalico) les autres par a dor. fil de مروز arze tes extrauites, restaur 2557 same regulateur d'émission L'uting 'central. Stat..... in récipient. pient ...> ligen Je n ducteurt L'emploi du réca de distribution instal fair permeta employer de Gwly grat grat con- лич عم la QM faibles longueurs ende les placer toujour la sout le plus writes. 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[2—175a]. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, [Coat of Arms.] UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING : This is to Certify, That the annexed is a Translation made by the Official Translator from the Bound Vol- umes of the Library of this Office, of the Specification of the French Letters Patent granted to Mr. Gravier, June 3, 1880, No. 137,033, for a New Process of Dis- tribution of electricity, and also of the first, second and third Certificates of Addition to said Patent. Attached hereto is a Tracing of the Drawing (Fig. 1) of said Patent, and Tracings of the Drawings (Figs. 2 to 5) of said first Certificate of Addition; Tracings of Drawings (Figs. 6 and 7) of said second Certificate of Addition, and Tracings of Drawings (Figs. 8 to 10) of said third Certificate of Addition. [SEAL] In testimony whereof, I, C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the Seal of the Patent Office to be affixed this 5th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner. E. Sz. R. E. M. 2562 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. FRENCH PATENT 137,033, JUNE 3, 1880. To Mr. Gravier, for a new process of distribution of electricity, applicable to the production of electric light and other uses. Pl. VI., Fig. 1.. I assimilate the distribution of electricity to that of gas. As in gas works, there are: 1° A factory, factory of electricity which, reduced to its simples, is represented by a hydro-electric or thermo-electric battery or a dynamo-electric machine; 2º A conduit of emission which I call, for the case of electricity, emission conductor; 3° Distributing conduits which I call distributing conductors or simply conductors; 4º Receivers, light apparatus, if it is a question of lighting. These various essential parts of an electric distribu- tion must fulfil the same conditions as a gas distribu- tion, that is: The electric factory must produce and furnish the electricity in proportion to the needs of consumption. The emitting conduit must operate as a reservoir, that is, with as little resistance as possible. The distributing conductors should be so established as to allow to pass only the amount of electricity neces- sary for the apparatus served. The receivers should act independently of each other, that is, so that you could light or put out any number of lights without troubling the service of the others. All these conditions have been realized, starting from the laws of Joule and Ohm. According to Joule, the sum of energy transformed into electricity which can be furnished by an electric factory: (1) W=IE, I expressing the number of webers; E expressing the number of volts. Translation of Gravier French Patent--1880-1. 2563 Evidently, to divide these products by n receivers, it suffices to make W IE, (2) whence (3) n п IE W=n⋅ ጎ The laws of Ohm give for I and E the following re- lation: (4) I= E, R If, in equation (1), we replace I by its value shall have: (5) E2 W= R. E we R, Consequently, equations (2) and (3) become respect- ively: W E2 (6) (7) N n R E 2 W=n n R Now, R represents the sum of the resistances trav- ersed by the energy current IE, and which are : 1º The resistance of the generator Re; 2º The resistance of the emission conductor Re; 3° The resistance of the distributing conductors Ra; 4° The resistance of the voltaic arc in the lights Rª. 1 From this, equation (6), which represents the th part of the total energy, becomes n W E2 N n (R® + Rº + Rª + Rª) 2564 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. and indicates that we must multiply by n each of the resistances Rº, Re, Rª, Rª, that is, make them n times as great. There are no other conditions to fulfil. If they are filled for each receiver, the distribution is perfect, except for losses, and moreover each receiver operates independently of the others. Experience has shown me the accuracy of the theory for one, two, three or four Serrin regulators, fed, accord- ing to the conditions of formula (8), by a single current from a Gramme machine, type A. Nothing prevents these conditions from being ful- filled for any number of receivers. Natural conditions for execution.-Lighting a work- shop by means of a Gramme machine, for instance, and three Serrin regulators. According to formula (8) the conditions of distribu- tion with three lights are for each : W 3 E2 or E2 3(Rɛ+Re+Rª +Rª ) ˜¯¯3 kº +3Rª +3R® +3 Rº, which signifies that to divide into three equal parts the E2 R, product W or IE or it would be necessary: 1° That the circuit of the primary or inducing be made of three wires instead of one, three wires of the same length as the single wire, but of a cross-section of one-third. 2º That the circuit of emission, as well as the circuit of distribution, be composed of three wires, each having three times as much resistance as the single conductor it represents, when all three act at once. 3° In the lamps, that the carbon employed have a section three times as small as that of the single carbon to be burned by the total current. But all these conditions are not practicably realiz- able. In fact, we cannot touch the resistance of the generator; we can make it more or less resistant, that is all. Translation of Gravier French Patent--1880-1. 2565 It is the same, in general, with the emission con- ductor. To render them as innocuous as possible, they must be made as little resistant as possible, a thing that can always be done. The expression W (8) n E2 n (R² + R® + Ra + Rª) becomes, since we can touch neither R nor Re, (9) W n < E2 R® +R + n + nha This will approach equality in proportion as R and Re are made smaller. Application. We have a Gramme machine, which has, considering only the induced circuit, 0.10 ohm, and which furnishes a current of 30 webers and of 100 volts. We have, according to Joule, for the expression W = EI = 30 webers x 100 volts = 3,000, if the total circuit has 100 volts R= = 3.33 ohns. 30 webers Then, R must be : R = R +Re+ Rd + Rª. We shall have, in the case in question: 0.10 ohms Resistance of the generator Re.. Resistance of emission conductor Re.. Resistance of the distributing conductor Rd Resistance of the arc Rª, † 3.33. Total resistance R 0.15 1.42 1.66 (( (( 3.33 2566 Translation of Gravier French Patent--1880-1. The above conditions are those of the resistances of a distribution which would have a lamp fed by the total current of a Gramme machine. In the case of two lamps utilizing all the source, we shall have by formula (9), for one lamp: W 1002 2 0.10 +0.15+ (2 × 1.42) + (2 × 1.66) 1,560 instead of 1,500. In case of three lamps utilizing together all the source, we shall have for one lamp : W 1002 3 0.10 +0.15+ (3 × 1.42) + (3 × 1.66) < 1,053 instead of 1,000. In case of four lamps utilizing all the source, we have for one lamp : W 4 1002 0.10 +0.15+ (4 × 1.42) + (4 × 1.66) < 795 instead of 750. Fig. 1 represents the diagram of the material arrange- ments for a distribution with three lamps. A, B, clamp screws of the generator where R = 0.10 ohms. A a, Bb, emission conductors where R = 0.15. D, distributor formed of an insulating board on which is placed : 1° The clamp screws for the entry and exit of the current; 2° The interrupters, one for each distributing cir- cuit. c, d, distributing conductors fixed at one end of the clamp screws of the distributor D, and at the other to the lamps. Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. 2567 As the three lamps must each have the same in- tensity, each has for resistance: 3Rd or 3 × 1.42 ohms = 4.26 ohms. L, L¹, L', lamps, Serrin or otherwise. The resistance of each, that is, of the arcs, is regu- lated at: 3 x 1.66 4.98 ohms. = Experience has shown us that in a lamp utilizing all the current we can burn carbon 16 millimeters in diam- eter (Carre manufacture). Consequently the three lamps forming the object of this distribution will have carbons three times as small, that is, of about 9 mil- limeters. Operation. The induction machine makes 900 revo- lutions a minute, I shall suppose. All the circuits are open. The machine producing no electricity. Let us close one of the three distributing circuits, that of lamp L. This lamp will light and burn giving a luminous intensity proportionate to the intensity of the current furnished it, and which is: W 1002 3 0.10 +0.15+ (3 × 1.42) + (3 × 1.66) 1,053 instead of W 10,000 = 1,000. 3 3 x 3.33 10,000 9.49 Now, let us close the circuit of the two lamps, L, L¹. These two lamps light up together, and burn giving a luminous intensity proportional to the energy fur- nished them, and which is: 2568 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. W 10,000 3 0.10 +0.15+ (3 × 1.42) + (3 × 1.66) 2 2 2 instead of W 10,000 = 2,000 3 3 x 3.33 2 2 = 2,053, When the three circuits are closed on the lamps L, L¹, L², we have : W 10,000 3,000 3 0.10+ 0.15 + 1.42 + 1.66 3 3 3 3 10 3 We see in this application that the conditions of the programme are realized, that is: 1º Factory producing and emitting electricity in pro- portion to the requirements of lighting; 2º Emission conductor operating very nearly as a reservoir without resistance; 3° Distributing conductor giving electricity to the receivers which they serve, according to the conditions for which they were set up 4° Receivers operating with perfect independence. In fact, in the most favorable case, that where only one lamp is lighted, that lamp, instead of giving the third of the light produced by the three together, gives an intensity augmented by 5 to 6%; this variation is less than that produced every day by gas lighting, where we not infrequently find variations of 30, 40 or 50 %. We can say that the distribution so made is prac- tically satisfactory. It is these exterior arrangements, independent of the machines and also of the system of lamps, that we Translation of Gravier French Patent.-1880-1. 2569 claim in our invention and which we intend to patent; they have not been taken out by any one else before us, since the division of light indicated by us has never yet been realized. The "Société pour L'exploitation des procédés Wer- dermann" employs derived circuits just as we do, but with the condition of using a second derivation of equal resistance, a condition which has for result to make the dynamo always work for the total illumina- tion, whether one lamp or all are lighted. Mr. Reynier uses different arrangements, but with the same inconveniences; that is, that whether the light were reduced to a single lamp or were complete the machine always consumes the same work. "" With alternative currents, the "Société générale puts several candles on the same circuit or series, but these candles are absolutely independent. One single one going out carries along all the rest of the same cir- cuit (??????). Messrs. Siemens and Halske also practise the divi- sion in the manner of the " Société générale ; " it gets rid of the mutual independence by using a derived cur- rent like that of Mr. Reynier. We find in these ar- rangements the same inconveniences. The machine always works as if the illumination were complete, what- ever the number of lamps burning. Mr. Lontin also practices division; he uses several circuits, but the lamps are dependent on each other. None of these systems effect the division as it should be understood, as we have defined it. To resume, this invention consists in the application, absolutely novel, of derived circuits, calculated accord- ing to the laws of Joule and Ohm, and arranged as in formula 8 and 9: 1º To distribute any source of electricity in deter- mined proportions in an establishment containing a certain number of apparatus. 2° To preserve to each apparatus the intensity required. 3º To assure them their mutual independence, in 2570 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. such manner that we can, at any instant and at will, light or extinguish any without troubling the operation of the others, in such manner that the production and emission of electricity are always in proportion to the needs of the lighting. In our explanations we have always considered light- ng as the object of the distribution, but it is well un- derstood that we reserve the application of this to all receivers utilizing electricity. process FIRST CERTIFICATE, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1880. Plate VI., Figs. 2 to 5. In the electric distribution, object of the patent, I defined the conditions which each part must fulfil. Practice having shown me their insufficiency, I have been led to make the following modification : 1° Mode of Interruption.-The object of the inter- rupter is simply to close and open the circuit which it serves, to give passage to the current or to inter- rupt it. In practice this is not sufficient; it is absolutely necessary that the lamp and its entire circuit should be removed from the distribution; this is why: when you open the circuit of one lamp to put it out there is pro- duced in this circuit an induction current which reacts momentarily on the rest of the distribution in a con- trary direction to the current from the electric source; it results from this that several lamps will go out if the source is not more powerful than is necessary for the service of lighting. To obviate this inconvenience I entirely remove the lamp and its whole circuit from the distribution. Fig. 2, front view. Fig. 3, section on line I-2 of an arrangement applied for one lamp; it is composed of a piece P, prismatic or cylindric, of ebonite or other insulating substance, movable; about the centre o it carries two contacts, ca, Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. 2571 cb, of brass, of a such size that the two systems of nickel-plated iron springs a a, b b′ can find room upon them, and be sufficiently far apart for the spark of the extra current not to be able to traverse the space. The springs a, b are in electric communication with the clamp screws A, B, where the outgoing conductors end; the two other springs a', b' are fixed to the clamp screws N, L. Figs. 1, 2 and 3 show clearly that in the position indi- cated of the prism P the current may pass, and that if, by means of the handle m, we make a quarter of a turn in one direction or the other, the lamp and its circuit are placed out of the distribution. In this manner the current induced on itself in the circuit, being placed out of the distribution, has no effect on the remaining apparatus. Figs. 2 and 3 show only one cut-out. A certain num- ber of these united on a single table constitute my dis- tributor. 2° Distributing conductors.-The distributing con- ductors have for object, by their resistances, which I have fixed, to put a lamp in a determined position of intensity, constancy and complete independence. The first of the conditions is difficult to realize in practice, because commercial wires are more or less homogeneous, of more or less regular diameter. If you calculate the coarseness necessary for a given resistance in length so as to obtain lights of equal in- tensity, it almost always happens that we are obliged to lengthen or shorten the circuit to obtain the desired equality. To avoid the necessity for repeated experiments, which everybody is not in a condition to make, I place in each distributing circuit a thumb switch which I call a leveler, and which permits me to give more or less electricity and to fix the level of the luminous intensity in each lamp. This arrangement is composed essentially of a resist- ance box, Figs. 4 and 5, in the interior of which is ar- ranged an iron wire, inned, nickeled or silvered, ser- 2572 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. pentining from c to d, from d to c', . . . from cm to dº, from d" to c", and ending in the clamp screw L. This wire is placed in connection with the source by the clamp screw A, the switch C, movable around the center o, and which forms a contact on the small pieces of brass c, c', cm, ch. According to this description, we see the operation : the current from the distributor, clamp screw N, arrives at the clamp screw A of the leveler, passes through the switch c through the clamp screw L, following the re- sistance wire in all its circumvolutions, as far as the contact of the switch, goes into the lamp, and comes back to the distributor through the clamp screw L, and to the source by the outgoing conductor B. In these new conditions, as I have announced, the electric source furnishes at each instant the electricity necessary for each lamp, and in proportion to the num- ber of lamps lighted. The motive work done is in proportion to the num- ber of lamps lighted and to their intensity. Each light is proportional to the number of webers multiplied by the volts which traverses the electrodes. The independence of each apparatus is complete. To resume, I claim: 1° The distributor so arranged as to remove each lamp and its entire circuit from the distribution. 2° The light equalizer (leveler), that is to say, the apparatus which, under the form described or any other analogous one, allows of leveling the luminous intensity of the lighting apparatus. SECOND CERTIFICATE, MARCH 22D, 1881. Pl. VI., Figs. 6 and 7. In the patent we have considered only one case of the distribution of electricity, that which corresponds to the receiver state of the outgoing network. We have shown by mathematics that the receiver Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. 2573 state is the condition necessary and sufficient to have a distribution of electricity as simple as that of gas but more nearly perfect. The central station in this case produces and emits the electricity under a constant tension, but in quanti- ties varying with the consumption. In practice a second case presents itself; it is that which corresponds to an entirely different situation from that which we have defined and characterized under the name of receiver. This situation begins when, in consequence of the extension of the consumption of the electricity, the con- ductors no longer suffice for the needs of the consump- tion at certain points of the distribution. After having passed the receiver (reservoir) state, these conductors become veritable drainage canals, in which, necessarily, the disposable electric energy is more feeble down stream than up. If in these conditions the central station continues to produce under constant tension, there will be points down stream insufficiently served at certain hours of consumption, and this deficit will be the more accentu- ated as the consumption up stream is greater. As soon as this situation begins to subsist, the cen- tral station must change its conditions, modify the out- put to supply the deficit which tends to arise at the most remote points; it should vary the electro-motive force of the output so as to cause to arrive at the feeblest points the sum of energy which is wanting there. This result can be attained by hand or automatically by varying either the changes of the current for a con- stant magnetic field or the inducing magnetic fiefd for a constant rapidity of changes. But in all cases the central station, in order to oper- ate unfailingly at the proper time and to a useful de- gree, should be informed at the very instant that dis- turbance is produced; without this, nothing. If at the exit and re-entry of the current at the cen- tral station we place Deprez galvanometers with coarse 2574 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880–1. and fine wire, we shall have the exact state of con- sumption at each moment, but no indication of the re- quirements. On the contrary, if at the feeblest point as recognized in practice in the distribution we form a branch cur- rent which we take back to the central station by means of a special wire, and which we cause to pass into a Deprez fine wire galvanometer, we shall have at each instant the true situation at that point, hence the head of the central station can act with all knowledge of the case. We call this special current the return current, and the wire which brings it to the central station the re- turn wire. The employment of this current is the principal feature of the distribution; when the outgoing conduc- tors have ceased to act as reservoirs, without it emis- sion is no longer possible; there would be the most complete disorder. By being satisfied with the indications of the galvan- ometer furnished by the return current for varying the electro-motive force of the central station, we should have a plant very simple as an apparatus, but it would require the most attentive watching te make the cor- rections required. To avoid this sustained attention, which is impossible for human beings and which can therefore not be counted on, we employ the following arrangement which we are about to describe, and which we call emission regulator; is composed of: 1º An electro-magnet A B, whose bobbin, provided with fine wire, is traversed by the return current ; 2º A rocking armature a B, mounted like a balance beam on a knife edge forming a prolongation of the pole A. A counter weight p serves to balance it when a cur- rent of determined strength energizes the electro- magnet; it bears at each side contacts ct, c't', ar- ranged as shown in Fig. 2 of the diagram, whose object Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1, 2575 is to close a local circuit over the rotary bobbins b s, first in one direction and then in another. 3º A rotary armature bs (Siemens bobbins modified by Mr. Trouve or otherwise.) This bobbin, energized on one hand by the electro- magnet A B, and on the other hand by a local current, turns first to the right and then to the left, according as the armature a B rocks to the right or to the left. This bobbin bears upon its prolonged axis, on the outside, an endless screw driving a toothed wheel and acting by means of the same either on a steam engine to moderate its speed, or on a series of resistances to modify the intensity of the magnetic field. Operation.—Three cases are presented : 1° The network acts as a reservoir ; 2° The network having ceased to act as a reservoir, by reason of the increase of consumption, the remotest points are feebly served; 3º The network operating all the time as a drainage canal, the remotest points, by reason of the decrease in general consumption, receive an excess of elec- tricity. In the first case, everything being in a normal con- dition at the most remote point, the energy of the re- turn current is constant, the armature a B remains in equilibrium, and the central station produces and emits electricity under constant tension, but varying in quan- tity with the consumption itself. In the second case, the consumption increasing there comes a moment when the emission conductors become insufficient; we then see the energy of the return cur- rent decrease; the armature, no longer in equilibrium, rocks under the influence of the weight p, closes the local circuit on the left over the bobbin b s, and turns in a suitable direction to turn the changes of current more rapidly or to diminish the resistance of the in- ducing circuit or circuits. The electro-motive force of emission increases, and you will soon see the action of the return current re- establish the equilibrium of the armature a B; this 2576 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. takes place until the moment when the emission con- ductors become reservoirs again. In the third case, the consumption decreases in con- sequence of the extinctions or the cessation of the work; the factory working always under the tension required of it, the energy of return tends to rise; then the electro-magnetism becomes predominant in its turn, rocks the armature a B to the right, closes the local circuit on this side, and turns the bobbin to the right to diminish the rapidity of the changes of current or increase the resistance of the inducing circuits. The electro-motive force of emission lowers, and we soon see the action of the return current re-establish the equilibrium of the armature a B; this takes place till the moment when the conductors of emission again become reservoirs. It is then that the central station resumes its original conditions, operating under constant tension until the cessation of all consumption, as is perfectly indicated by registers of energy placed one on the outgoing cir- cuit, at the exit from the central station, the other on the return circuit. When there is no more consumption in the city, if there are no leaks the indications will be identical. We have just seen that, when the emission circuit or network does not operate as a reservoir, it is necessary that the central station shall modify its electro-motive force of emission in the direction indicated by the re- turn current, to cause the amount of energy required to reach the remotest point. But would not this correction, necessitated by the remotest point, introduce a certain amount of trouble into the other points of the distribution? Evidently it cannot be otherwise, because if we raise the electro- motive force for this single point which is the feeblest all the others are subjected to the consequences of this fact. To obviate this, each subscriber will have at his dis- posal, to regulate his consumption, a means analogous to that which the central station uses to regulate its Translation of Gravier French Patent--1880-1. 2577 electro-motive force according to the requirements of consumption. We shall use for this purpose the apparatus shown in Fig. 6, and described above as emission regulator. We shall call it energy or con- sumption regulator of the same parts: 1° An electro-magnet A B, furnished with fine wire; 2° A beam armature a B ; 3° A rotary armature bs (Siemens bobbin modified by Mr. Trouve, or otherwise). Here there is no return current; the correcting cur- rent is set up in the subscriber's own house. When the tension tends to rise, the electro-magnetic energy of A B will attain the upper hand, will make the armature a B rock and so close a local circuit which will turn the bobbin b s in the direction desired to in- troduce into the distributing circuit the resistance necessary for the re-establishment of the equilibrium of the armature a B, which corresponds to the rate of consumption. On the contrary, when the tension will have a ten- dency to drop, the counter weight p will become pre- dominant, will rock the armature a B to the left, and will turn the bobbin bs in the opposite direction, to take away from the distributing circuit the resistance. necessary for the re-establishment of the rate of con- sumption. All the distribution is in this. To resume, we claim : 1º The use of the return wire and current which we have defined and distinguished from the general return of currents to the central station; this return current has for single purpose to bring back to the central sta- tion, from a point suitably chosen, indications without which it will not be possible to give to the emissions a regular direction subordinated to the requirements of consumption. 2º The emission regulator which we have described, and which has for object to regulate automatically the electro-motive force of the central station; 3º The regulator of energy or consumption. 2578 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. But what we aim at particularly in the present addition, we repeat it, is the return current, starting at one or more extreme points and ending at the cen- tral station, to give the indications necessary for regu- lating the emission according to the requirements either by hand or automatically, by means of the ar- rangement described. THIRD CERTIFICATE, JUNE 10th, 1881. Pl. VI., Figs. 8 to 10. The present addition has for object various im- provements which I have introduced in view of ob- taining a good distribution and a better apportionment of electricity. I have supposed hitherto that the central station is placed at the very centre of the network, that it sends around it and in all directions electric currents for the various applications to which the use of electricity may give place. But it may be altogether otherwise. The central station may have to satisfy other exigencies than those of its destination; the price of ground, the price of coal, the tariff, public security and other con- siderations may have influence on the determination of its position and place it outside of the city. This being so, in order to fulfil the conditions necessary for a dis- tributing network for creating and assuring its functions as a reservoir, the expenses will evidently be greater; it will require conductors of double the section to reach the same conditions as before, that is, when the central station was central. I turn the difficulty by doing what Mr. H. Giroud has taught us to do with gas: we employ the distribu- ting receiver. This distributing receiver will be a secondary battery of Mr. Plante, or any other having the suitable im- portance. More simply, and, above all, more economically, the distributing receiver or distributer will consist of a mass of metal of the best possible conduction power. Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. 2579 Whichever is employed, this distributing receiver will be placed in one or more points of the network, according to the importance of the same. I do not have to describe here the secondary battery of Mr. Plante, which is universally known. As to the mass of metal, its shape is rationally that of half a sphere, or any other figures which have a point equally distant from all the points of the exterior surface. This shape allows the use of the minimum of metal; it is therefore recommended by motives of economy. To fix one's ideas on the use and importance of our distributing receiver, the drawing of the present addi- tion shows several arrangements thereof. In Fig. 8 I suppose a city enclosed in a circumfer- ence A B CDEFGHIJK. The central station has been placed outside at X; the mass of metal or distributing receiver V is placed at the centre of distri- bution, and connected with the factory (central station) by a conducting cable c; this outgoing cable is alto- gether independent of the distribution, has nothing else to serve but the receiver V. From V I start the return wire r, dotted in the draw- ing; then from this point V there start in all directions conductors a, having the dimensions necessary to act as reservoirs. These principal conductors a are connected by trans- verse conductors b, which carry electricity in all direc- tions and into all the streets. I place at V the starting of the return current, and by means of my emission regulator I fix the tension in the receiver at the value t, a value which experience shall have determined beforehand, and which I wish to remain constant in all the network. It is understood without difficulty that the electric tension t will remain constant in V if the factory sends to it in a unit of time a volume of electricity precisely equal to that which goes out. The distributing receiver V replaces not only the factory which would be placed there, but it places the 2580 Translation of Gravier French Patent-1880-1. point V, the sole point of departure of the distribution, in the condition of an inexhaustible source without re- sistance, which receives from the factory from one mo- ment to another the quantity of energy required by the consumption. The principal role belongs to the distributing re- ceiver; the factory has no longer anything but a passive role; it must at once obey the orders sent from the receiver by the return current. This quality might be destroyed by the very fact of the consumption; but even when this rupture takes place by reason of the increase of the expenditure required by a radiating conductor served by the dis- tributor V, the communications established among them. all will tend to re-establish the equilibrium by the ends of the network, at the same time that the emission regulator, warned by the return current, re-establishes the tension t by increasing that of the emission in the proportion necessary to send into V the volume required by the consumption. It is evident that in each conductor and at each point, by reason of the movement, the service will be made under a different tension, equal to t. t'. t, tension of the source in the receiver V. t', tension at the point where the service is ren- dered. This difference will be very small in fact, it being ad- mitted that the conductors act as reservoirs, and, more- over, is of no importance from the consumer's point of view, for what he requires is a tension constant or vary- ing within very small limits. In a more important distribution, where it would be difficult or onerous to serve the end of the networks well, we should multiply, we should bring together the receivers v of the localities of important consumption, which would then be fed independently of each other, either by a central receiver V or directly by the fac- tory, as shown in the arrangement of Figs. 9 and 10. In each case economy will decide. In all cases each receiver V placed in communication Translation of Gravier French Patent--1880-1. 2581 by the ends has its return wire and its emission regu- lator at the factory or central receiver. The intelligent use of the distributing receiver allows of the use of large conductors only on short lengths, and of placing them always where they are most useful. In one word, it assures a good apportionment of the electricity in the network with the minimum of ex- pense; it constitutes an important resource by placing the factory at the point of consumption. The use of the distributing receiver permits of dis- pensing of the return wires in very many cases, but there is no economical advantage in it. I mention it, however, to prevent infringement. I have said that at the point of V we must have con- stant tension; but in the evening current the factory must have a tension T, of varying magnitude, so that Tt, under which the service of the factory is operated, is variable. By means of the return wire and the emission regu- lator we obtain the variations at the factory. To dispense with the return wire without risking bad service, it would be necessary to maintain T t at its highest value, which would be not at all economical as regards production, as regards the losses by leakage or defects of insulation. To resume, according to the definition and sense that I have given to the distributing receiver, I claim the employment, for that special use, either of a Plante secondary battery or, more simply and economically, a mass of metal connected to the factory by the return wire which controls the emission regulator. 2583 Bocédé De Distribution, Far M. Gravier Serie J., Vol. 55, Bage 85, Plate 6. Frig. 1. Cond Dialedaleur joka i d Fry. Q Fig. 4. a 3' Fig. 5. s B 26 772 A Z Frig. 7 Courant isal TW 22 Frig. 6. Figs. Frig 9. Fig.10 a a A Fig. 5. Th Edison Caveat of August 19, 1879. 2585 [2–175. | Complainant's Exhibit Certified Copy of Edison Caveat, filed August 19, 1879. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, [Coat of Arms] UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: This is to certify that the annexed is a true copy from the Files of this Office of the Petition, Oath, Specification and Drawing, in the matter of the Caveat of Thomas A. Edison, filed August 19, 1879, for Im- provement in Conductors and Apparatus for Electric Lights. [SEAL.] In testimony whereof, I, C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the seal of the Patent Office to be affixed this 18th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. C. E. MITCHELL, Commissioner. 2586 Edison Caveat of August 19, 1879. TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS OF THE UNITED STATES: The petition of THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the State of New Jersey, respectfully represents that your petitioner has invented a certain new and useful improvement in conductors and apparatus for electric lights, and that he is now engaged in making experi- ments for the purpose of perfecting the same prepa- ratory to his application for letters patent therefor. He therefore prays that the annexed description of his said invention may be filed as a caveat in the con- fidential archives of the Patent Office, and he hereby requests that all correspondence in said case be directed to his agent, Lemuel W. Serrell, Box 4689, P. O. New York City. Respectfully yours, Menlo Park, N. J., Aug. 14th, 1879. THOMAS A. EDISON. Edison Caveat of August 19, 1879. 2587 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, State of New Jersey, SS. : On this fourteenth day of August in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, before the subscriber a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared the within named, Thomas A. Edison, and made solemn oath that he verily believes himself to be the original and first inventor of the within described Impt. in Conductors and apparatus for Electric Lights, and that he does not know and does not believe that the same was ever before known or used, and that he is a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Menlo Park, N. J. Sworn to before me the day and year above written. THOS. A. EDISON. Stockton L. Griffin. :Notary : Public • Menlo Park, N. J. : STOCKTON L. GRIFFIN, Notary. 2588 Edison Caveat of August 19, 1879. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON of Menlo Park, in the State of New Jersey, have invented an Improve- ment in Conductors, and apparatus for Electric Lights, of which the following is a specification: The object of this invention is to economically sub- divide the electric light. The invention consists in devices for producing an even or equal electromotive force in the circuit, to moderate the power of the light without the interposi- tion of devices wasteful of the electric energy. The method of arranging the conductors is peculiar : supposing that a section of a quarter of a mile is to be lighted, and 1000 electric lamps are to be used all ar- ranged in multiple arc. I first run two conductors the & distance from the central station of a certain size and electrical resistance, to this point I put no lamps across the two wires; the remaining distance I enlarge the conductor commencing very large and tapering down to the size of those from the station or below that size, on these conductors of increased size, I place say 250 lamps; again from the central station I run two other conductors to the distance or of a mile and there connect enlarged conductors until a point is reached where the large conductors commence on the first cir- cuit, on this conductor I put 250 more lamps then another circuit of a mile is run from the central station of full size, thus up to the points where the lamps are put on I am enabled to keep the pressure or electro- motive force constant, hence the difference of fall in electromotive between the lamps will not take place gradually from the first lamp to the last lamp of the 1000 lamps as it would if they were all on one circuit, but will only fall between 250 lamps in two cases of 500 lamps, in one case but if the circuit containing 500 lamps is split up into two circuits then the fall will be only between the extreme of 250 lamps. Figure 1 represents three circuits. Edison Caveat of August 19, 1879. 2589 Fig. 1. 1 and 2d represents the lamp wires of the longest circuit. N is the central station, c, c¹, are the smaller leading wires connecting at B B1 with the enlarged tapering conductors, x, x, x, are lamps, 3 and 4 the second circuit, and 5 and 6 the shortest circuit. The electromotive forces will be the same at B B¹, K K¹, M M¹ hence the difference in the amount of light given off by the lamp nearest the station and the one furtherest from the station will only be 12 per cent. under the most unfavorable condition. The drop in the electromotive force, between the circuits with no lamps upon them and when they are all on, is indepen- dent of the unavoidable drop between the lamps and may be controlled by hand, or by automatic devices. When controlled by hand a small wire should be con- nected to the end of every circuit and returned to the central station and there connected permanently with an electromotive by which any drop in the electro- motive force can be seen at once, and the rise in the electromotive force may be obtained either by increas- ing the speed of the engine, or of the Dynamo Machine or "Excitor" which serves to supply a permanent current to the field magnets of the inductor bobbins of the machines of the main conductors the rise may also to a certain extent be effected automatically. The field magnets being supplied with current from an excitor, and the induction bobbin connected to the line in multiple arc, the latter has one end disconnected therefrom and the field magnet wound with a separate coil, over the regular coil, and the bobbin wire con- nected to one end the other end being connected to the main conductor. This extra coil has but a fraction of the resistance of the induction bobbin, thus without this bobbin the current from the excitor, would, acting in the field magnet coils, give sufficient magnetism to cause the induction bobbin to show an electromotive force of 95 volts which is raised to 100 when the extra · 2590 Edison Caveat of August 19, 1879. coil is in circuit. If now lamps are placed on circuit they tend to cause a drop in the electromotive force of the induction bobbin, but, the amount of current taken from the machine being increased this reacts on the extra coil to create a stronger field magnet and the drop is prevented, this device is efficacious when the field magnets do not approach anywhere near their point of saturation. Another method consists in winding an extra coil on the field magnet of the excitor itself of very low resis- tance, and interpolate it in one of the main conductors, so that all the current which comes from the combined bobbins shall pass through this extra coil. Another plan consists in connecting all the extra coils of all the main machines in multiple arc and inter- polating the combined conductor in the main circuit so that the whole current shall pass through the extra coils. The method of increasing and decreasing the amount. of light from the lamp is as follows, and the device em- ployed is shown in Fig. 2. a is the burner, 6 c, the platina wire supports. X, is an electric engine having resistance 200 times less than the lamp when the latter is giving maximum light. K, is the armature, which is kept in rotation by having the magnet short circuited by break n. Spring m, and shaft every time the armature approaches the poles, the short circuit is by wire 22, and p (dotted line to repre- sent the base). Qis a break wheel on the revolving shaft, at the bottom of this wheel there is but little metal the most part of its circumference being insulating material the amount of metal on the periphery gradually grows greater until near its top when the whole circumference is metal; on this rests permanently a contact spring or roller h, connected to the lamps by wire 24, on the lower part rests a spring f which by means of an adjustant can be slid up or down Q, by the screw G, the current entering at 23, passes through the lamp Edison Caveat of August, 19, 1879. 2591 thence to h, through the metal of Q and if the engine is revolving passes to ƒ each time the metallic portion of Q comes in contact with f, thence by 20 through the magnet and to 23 while the engine is revolving the amount of metal on Q being 5 times less than the in- sulating substance the lamp only receives of the energy which it would receive were the surface of Q wholly metal and this amount of energy is wholly in- dependent of the speed with which Q revolves, this will cause the lamp to be brought only to say a dull red. If now the spring ƒ be raised the amount of total contact will be increased and more energy will pass to the lamp, and by this means the spring f may be raised until it is at a point where the surface of Q is wholly of metal. In practice, I arrange Q, so that f, when down to its lowest limit rests wholly in insulation and an extra appliance or lever is arranged with the screw G, whereby an initial motion or start is given the shaft of the engine when the lamp is to be turned on. It is obvious that any form of magnetic motor may be used to give a constant rotation to Q. Even a clock work would serve to give sufficient motion it being wound up in the act of turning on the lamps, or a hot air motor deriving its heat from the lamp might be used or a vibrating fork-lever, reed may be employed. My claims will probably hereafter be, FIRST. The system of electric conductors substantially as herein described. SECOND. The method herein described for regulating the electromotive force, in an electric lighting system. THIRD. In combination with an electric burner of a moving break wheel or analogous device of variable conducting service, so that the circuit may be closed for a greater or lesser period at each revolution or movement by moving a contact spring over its periphery whereby the total energy passing in a circuit may be regulated substantially as specified. 2592 Edison Caveat of August 19, 1879. FOURTH. The electric engine X, in combination with the revolving break wheel Q for the purpose set forth. Signed by me this 14th day of August, A. D. 1879. Witnesses- FRANK MCLAUGHLIN, S. L. GRIFFIN. M. P. H. THOS. A. EDISON. 1 E. D. A. 2593 r C Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 27 Ki K' み ​a J. A. Edisons Caveat nu.91. 3 B 23 24 222 旻 ​n そ ​a X 20 B Johnson's Cyclopedia-Gas Lighting--1876. 2595 Complainant's Exhibit-Gas Lighting Ex- tract. Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia. Vol. II., p. 456. New York, 1876. Pressure. As already stated, a certain amount of pressure is required to force the gas through the street mains, house meters, pipes and burners. The pressure is measured by the height of a column of water sup- ported by the gas in a U-shaped tube, one end of which is open to the air, while the other is connected with the gas supply. It is estimated that there should be a pressure of 1 inch at the entrance to the premises of every consumer, 0.2 inch being required to force the gas through the meter, 0.2 inch for the house pipes and 0.6 inch for the burners. This pressure is exerted by the weight of the great gas holders at the works. Were the consumption of gas uniform during the entire twenty-four hours, the holder could be properly bal- anced once for all, and a uniform pressure would be ex- erted at all times-four or five inches are found to be necessary for large districts-but when no gas is burned, no pressure is required; and, when little gas is burned, four or five inches would be excessive. Conse- quently, the pressure must be graduated according to the hourly consumption. For this purpose the gov- ernor, already mentioned, is employed at the works to regulate the flow, and consequently the pressure, of the gas from the holder to the street mains. The following table exhibits the variation in pressure caused by irregularities of consumption. The holders of the New York Gas Lighting Company are on East Twenty-first street; its district extends from Grand street to the lower end of the island at Whitehall street; Hester street is well within the district. PRESSURE OF THE GAS IN INCHES OF WATER. 3 P.M. 4 P.M. 5 P.M. 6 P.M. 7 P.M. 10 P.M. 12 P.M. Twenty-first street.. Hester street. Whitehall street. 1.7 2. 5.5 4.2 2.9 1.9 1.0 1.6 1.7 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.2 1.0 1. 0.6 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.8 • 2596 Johnson's Cyclopedia-Gas Lighting-1876. It is thus seen that a uniform pressure throughout the district supplied is absolutely impossible. In order to secure a sufficient pressure at the extremities of the district, an excessive pressure must be produced at the intermediate points; and as the pressure must be varied from hour to hour at the works, it will vary at the prem- ises of most of the consumers. The consumer must, therefore, regulate the pressure for himself: (1) by care- fully adjusting the main cock at the meter; (2) by ad- justing the cock at each burner; (3) by using check burners; (4) by attaching a regulator at the meter. It sometimes happens that the consumer cannot get suffi- cient pressure to supply his burners, when he, of course, fails to get the light he requires, and concludes that the gas is poor. This difficulty may be due to several causes: (1) insufficient pressure at the works; (2) the street mains are too small or are obstructed; (3) the service pipe is too small or obstructed; (4) the meter is too small or out of order; (5) the house pipes are too small or obstructed; (6) the fixtures are obstructed; (7) the burners are too small, defective, or obstructed. By comparing notes with neighboring consumers, and con- sulting an intelligent gas-fitter, the real cause of the de- ficient light can generally be ascertained. In large buildings there should be a separate cock and regulator on each floor to prevent irregularity of pressure. Regulators are constructed on the same principle as the governor at the works. They contain automatic valves, which partially close when the pressure in- creases, and open when it diminishes. They may be applied to the entire supply of gas at the meter or to each burner. Official Certificate of Transfer-1886. 2597 Complainant's Exhibit Official Certificate of Transfer of U. S. Patents from "The Edi- son Electric Light Co." to "Edison Electric Light Co." [2-175.] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, [Coat of Arms.] UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: This is to certify that the annexed is a true copy from the Records of this Office of an Instrument of Writing executed by The Edison Electric Light Com- pany, and Recorded in Liber I 39, page 210, of Trans- fers of Patents. Said Record has been carefully com- pared with the Original and is a correct transcript of the whole thereof. [SEAL.] In testimony whereof, I, Robert J. Fisher, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the Seal of the Patent Office to be affixed this 7" day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. ROBERT J. FISHER, Acting Commissioner. 2598 Official Certificate of Transfer-1886. Liber I 39, Page 210: WHEREAS, The Edison Electric Light Company and The Edison Company for Isolated Lighting, corpora- tions organized under the laws of the State of New York, and having their principal place of business in the City of New York, were on the 31st day of Decem- ber, 1886. pursuant to and in conformity with an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled "AN ACT to authorize the consolidation of manufacturing corporations," passed May 28th, 1884, and being Chap- ter 378 of the Laws of 1884, consolidated into a single corporation under the name of Edison Electric Light Company, the said Edison Electric Light Company being a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York; and WHEREAS, prior to such consolidation the Executive Committee of the said The Edison Electric Light Com- pany on the 30th day of December, 1886, at a meeting of the said Committee duly called and held, passed the following preamble and resolution. "WHEREAS, an agreement of consolidation" between this Company and the Edison Company for Isolated Lighting, into a new Company to be called Edison Electric Light Company has been entered into by the Directors of this Company and confirmed by its stock- holders. (C Now, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that to facilitate the transfer to said new Company of the assets of this Company the President and Secretary of this Company be and they hereby are authorized and directed to sign or endorse in blank to the said new Company all stocks, bonds, notes, checks, drafts or other evidences of value now held by or due to this Company, to execute under seal of this Company and deliver to said new Company all assignments of Patents and transfers of contracts and rights of every kind, and generally to do whatever may be necessary and may be deemed ex- pedient to facilitate the transfer to said new Company of all assets of this Company and all title to and in- terest therein." NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS: That The Edison Official Certificate of Transfer-1886. 2599 Electric Light Company, being on the date of the said resolution the owner of the several letters patent here- inafter mentioned, or of undivided interests therein, pursuant to and in accordance with the resolution here- inbefore quoted and in accordance with the Statute of the United States in such case made and provided, and in consideration of the premises and of the sum of One Dollar to it in hand paid by the said Edison Electric Light Company, does hereby sell, assign, transfer and set over unto the said Edison Electric Light Company, its successors and assigns, all its right, title and in- terests in and to each and every of the several letters patent hereinafter mentioned, and in and to the inven- tions covered thereby, to wit: Letters Patent of the United States granted upon the inventions of the per- sons hereinafter named and being dated and numbered as follows to wit: Inventor. H. Woodward. Number. Date. 181,613. August 29th, 1876. Thomas A. Edison... -214,636.April 22nd, 1879. (C (( (C (C (C (C (6 (C (C (C (C (( CC (( (( (" 1 1 __214,637__ 218,166. August 5th, 1879. __218,167__ (C ---_218,866__ August 26th, 1879. 219,393 September 9th, 1879. 219,628 September 16th, 1879. --222,881 December 23d, 1879. -- .223,998__January 27th, 1880. 1 } 1 1 I 224,329 February 10th, 1880. 227,226. May 4th, 1880. ..__227,227.. ___227,228. - 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 227,229__ 6. -228,617. June 8th, 1880. 230,255..July 20th, 1880. - _237,732_ _February 15th, 1881. 238,868. March 15th, 1881. 239,147. March 22nd, 1881. ____239,148_ _ 239,149__ 239,150. (C << 2600 Official Certificate of Transfer-1886. Inventor. Number. Date. Thomas A. Edison____239,151__March 22nd, 1881. (( 66 239,152__ __239,153__ Thomas A. Edison and Charles Batchelor___239,372__March 29th, 1881. Thomas A. Edison...239,373. March 29, 1881. (C 66 "( (( << << << 66 (C (C 66 1 I • 1 1 1 1 1 A __239,374.. - --239,745. April 5th, 1881. --240,678. April 26, 1881. 242,896. June 14th, 1881. 242,8 7.. .-242,898.. __242,899 _ _ 242,900.. 242,901.. "( 66 << ...248,416 October 18th, 1881. ____248,417__ 1 1 1 · រ 1 __248,418__ __248,419__ 248,420. _ .. 248,421 _ _ 248,422 248,423_ _ .__.248,424- ____248,425__ 248,426 _248,427__ 1 • ' 1 1 1 1 __248,428__ - __248,429 _248,433__ 248,434.. -248,435 __248,436.. 248,437. 248,565__ (C (( (( (" (( (C (( (( __251,536__December 27th, 1881. (c " __251,537_ _ - 251,538.. 251,539 --- .251,540.. Official Certificate of Transfer-1886. 2601 Inventor. Number. Date. Thomas A. Edison. 251,541. December 27th, 1881. CC (( (C (( "" (( (( (( (( (C 1 ...251,542.. 1 I 251,543__ ._251,544__ _251,545 ..251,546__ __251,547__ _251,548.- 251,549__ 251,550__ ..251,551.. __251,552. -251,553. 251,554- ___251,555__ _251,556 __251,557__ _251,558__ _251,559__ 12,631.. Edward H. Johnson_251,596_ _ (6 (( (( (( "C (C Sigmund Bergmann_-_257,276.. May 2nd, 1882. ..257,277.. (6 Edwin T. Greenfield_260,562.July 24th, 1882. Thomas A. Edison_-_-263,132..August 22nd, 1882. (C (C << (C (6 (C CC (( (C (C << 1 1 __263,133.. 263,134.. ___263,135__ ____263,136.. _263,137__ 263,138.. .__263,139__ __263,140__ 1 1 } _263,141__ _263,142__ ____263,143_ _ __263,144._ __263,145__ 263,146.. 1 1 1 1 1 .__263,147__ (C (( (< (6 (( Official Certificate of Transfer—1886. 2602 Inventor. Date. Edward H. Johnson_-_263,148. September 5th, 1882. (( Number. _263,149__ ___263,150__ __263,878__ (C "" CC 264,298 September 12th, 1882. __264,299_- "" Thomas A. Edison_-_-264,642_ _September 19th, 1882. (C ..264,643. -264,645__ "C ____264,646.. ____264,647_. "" ____264,648_. (( (( 6 "( (6 "" (( "( "" (( (( (( --.264,649_. ____264;650__ ____264,651__ 1 1 1 1 J I .__264,652__ ..264,653. __.264,654__ __264,655_ _ 264,656__ __264,657__ 264,658__ __264,659__ .264,660__ 264,661.. 264,662__ ____264,663__ -264,664. 264,665__ 1 __264,666__ ____264,667.. 264,668__ 264,669__ _264,670__ 1 1 1 1 ! ----264,671__ 264,672.. ___261,673__ 1 William Holzer. Samuel D. Mott... _264,698__ .__264,737__ 66 CC (( << 66 (( "" (( CC (C CC (C (( Official Certificate of Transfer-1886. 2608 Inventor. Number. Date. Thomas A. Edison....265,311 October 3rd, 1882. __265,774--October, 10th, 1882. 66 (6 (( CC "" (( " (( .___265,775__ 1 1 I .__265,776__ __265,777__ 265,778 September 19th, 1882. ----265,779-- ____265,780__ __265,781__ ..265,782 ___.265,783__ ____265,784__ 66 -265,785. __265,786__ (C John F. Ott___ _265,858__ -265,859__ (( Thomas A. Edison____266,447-October 24th, 1882. ---_266,588. 66 ____266,793__ October 31st, 1882. Edwin T. Greenfield__266,808__ Thomas A. Edison..-_-268,205__November 28th, 1882. _268,206__ (C -271,613 February 6th, 1883. __271,614__ " ____271,615__ (( _271,616__ << Alfred Haid. _271,628__ John F. Ott.. _271,654__ 66 Thomas A. Edison____273,485. March 6th, 1883. 273,486.. (C CC __273,487__ (( __273,488__ 66 273,489. (( __273,490__ (C 1 __273,491__ (C "" (( __273,492__ __273,493. ____273,494__ (( __273,828_ _March 13th, 1883. 2604 Official Certificate of Transfer-1886. Inventor. Number. Date. Thomas A. Edison..-_-274,290. March 20th, 1883. " CC (( T 274,291.. _274,292.- -274,293. __274,294__ 274,295 ..274,296.. CC (C << " 66 __275,612__April 10th, 1883. Sigmund Bergmann_-_275,749 -- Thomas A. Edison...276,232__April 24th, 1883. C (6 (( _276,233__ (6 ----278,413__May 29th, 1883. ____278,414.- "C "" (( 1 _278,415__ (( (( ____278,416__ ____278,417__ __278,418__ ____278,419. 13,940__ (C (( (( (( Edwin T. Greenfield__278,535. May 29th, 1883. Charles S. Bradley---280,563__July 3rd, 1883. Thomas A. Edison. 280,727__ (( 66 -_-281,349-July 17th, 1883. 1 __281,350__ 281,351. __281,352__ ___281,353_ _ Luther Stieringer. Samuel D. Mott __281,576__ - 283,270. August 14th, 1883. Thomas A. Edison...283,984__August 28th, 1883. (C (C .__283,985.. __283,986_ _ (( Charles S. Bradley... 287,501-October 30th, 1883. Thomas A. Edison____287,515__ "C "" (( (( 1 ___287,517__ __287,518__ ___287,519. ____287,520.. .___287,521 _ _ Official Certificate of Transfer. 2605 Inventor. Number. Date. Thomas A. Edison-287,522 October 30th, 1883. 287,523. (C __287,524. << Thomas A. Edison and Charles L. Clarke___287,525__ Calvin Goddard_ ...287,532. - 287,533.. (6 Thomas A. Edison....288,318_ _November 13th, 1883. (C ་ 288,318__November -293,433. February 12th, 1884. (C (6 ._293,434__ (6 __293,435__ << -297,580__April 29th, 1884. ._297,581__ Sigmund Bergmann-298,658. May 13th, 1884. Thomas A. Edison (C (C -298,679. 304,082 August 26th, 1884. ---307,029 October 21st, 1884. Edward H. Johnson_-_314,582 March 21st, 1885. William S. Andrews__317,610__ May 12th, 1885. Thomas A. Edison_-_317,631.. << __317,632 __317,633__ William S. Andrews 317,700.. Thomas A. Edison_-_334,853 January 26th, 1886. Frank J. Sprague.....335,045.- Schuyler S. Wheeler__335,048__ (6 __335,099__ (( Thomas A. Edison_-_339,278__ April 6th, 1886. Edward H. Johnson--339,298__ Thomas A. Edison....341,644. May 11th, 1886. William S. Andrews_-_348,371. August 31st, 1886. Thomas A. Edison_351,855. November 2nd, 1886. ....351,856 - Montgomery Waddell 353,649 November 30th, 1886. Thomas A. Edison_-_353,783 December 7th, 1886. Charles S. Bradley ----353,915. - - (C Thomas A. Edison....358,599__March 1st, 1887. (6 CC 1 1 __358,600__ (( ---365,465__June 28th, 1887. ___365,509 2606 Official Certificate of Transfer. Together with all claims for damages for infringe- ment of such letters patent and each of them with the right to sue for and recover such damages to its own use. The same and each thereof to be held, owned, pos- sessed and enjoyed by the said Edison Electric Light Company, in like manner as the same and each thereof were held, owned, enjoyed and possessed by the said The Edison Electric Light Company,. on the day of the passage of the said resolution. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said The Edison Electric Light Company by its President and Secretary has hereunto set its name and affixed its corporate seal, ast of the date of the said resolution. THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, By EDWD. H. JOHNSON, President. The Edison Electric Attest: Organized 1878. F. S. HASTINGS, Sec'y. Light Company. • Recorded Oct. 18, 1888. J. F. F. L. C. G. B Stayton-Report of 1878. 2607 Complainant's Exhibit Stayton's Report "The Electric Light"; Report by G. H. Stayton, C. E., to the Vestry Parish of Chelsea. TELEGRAPHIC JOURNAL AND ELECTRICAL REVIEW, LONDON SEPTEMBER 1ST., 1878: PAGE 3. Page 366. "Cost of Adoption. The distance between the lamps in Chelsea being much greater than in Paris, and there being only one lamp upon each col- umn, greatly increases the comparative cost of the systems. They are somewhat irregularly placed, but the distance apart on each side averages about 55 yards in Sloan street, 70 in Kings Road, 35 yards in Lowndes Square, 35 yards in Cadogan Place, 28 yards on the Chelsea Embankment. In Piccadilly the distance is 30 yards, and in Cromwell Road, South Kensington, 27 yards. "To adopt the electric light for Sloane street, which is 1,100 yards long and 20 yards wide, would necessi- tate two electric stations, each of which would require a 16 h. p. steam engine, including shafts, belts, &c., a 'Gramme' dynamo-electric machine, a shelter or other buildings for the machinery and apparatus, the alteration of 16 lamp columus, together with globes, stands, connectors, and the necessary conducting wires, the total expense of which would amount to the sum of £3,200. "The cost of lighting 32 electric candles, including coal, oil, waste, wages, &c., per hour would be 16s., and 3,250 hours' consumption per annum would be re- quired unless the lights were extinguished and gas substituted at midnight, as in Paris, in which case the annual cost would not be so great. "The present cost of a gas lamp in Chelsea burning 3,850 hours per annum is £3 6s. 7d., therefore the ex- pense of 40 lamps in Sloane street is 84d. per hour. "To light the Chelsea Embankment, which is about 1,530 yards long, and has 109 gas lamps (including 2608 Stayton-Report of 1878. those on the river wall belonging to the Metropolitan Board of Works), would require a first outlay of £4,800 for 48 lights of 3,250 hours per annum, with an hourly cost of £1 4s. The present cost of the gas lamps is 2s. 1 d. per hour for 3,850 hours per annum. "To adopt the system in Sloane Square (where there are but 17 lamps) would scarcely be practicable, even if the motive power could be obtained from the pump- ing engine of the Metropolitan District Railway Sta- tion, or from the engine of any manufactory in the locality after the close of the ordinary day's work. "In connection with the foregoing estimates, it must be remembered that in the case of Sloane street, the amount of light would be 31 times greater than at present, which might be considered an unnecessary expenditure; but the electric current is said to lose 40 per cent. of power beyond a radius of about 250 yards, consequently a 'station' for 16 lights has to be estab- lished at about every 500 yards, which greatly increases the expense. Probably half the above number of elec- tric lights would be found sufficient for effectually light- ing Sloane street, if the quantity of the current could be maintained at double the distance, by which means alone the cost would be reduced 50 per cent. "GENERAL CONCLUSIONS.-I have arrived at the fol- lowing conclusions, which may be thus stated briefly, viz.: That the present arrangements for electric light- ing are unsuitable for long distances (in this I am supported by the City Engineer of Paris), especially in London, where the lamps are so much farther apart than in Paris. The close proximity of the electric stations is a great drawback to the system, and their establishment in business streets would be a matter of considerable difficulty. These are the disadvantages of the system. The following are the advantages: "About 14 hours' daily consumption is saved in con- sequence of instantaneous lighting and extinguishing; the light is vastly superior to gas, and is not injurious; there is an absence of noxious smells both in the pro- duction and combustion; the heat in a room, so often Stayton-Report of 1878. 2609 unbearable in the case of gas, is scarcely felt; the most delicate colors are preserved; air is not consumed as in the case of gas; there is no chance whatever of ex- plosion, and although the light is so powerful in the streets no accidents to horses have occurred. ' "If the cost of producing the Gramme' machine (10,000f.) could be reduced, or a less expensive one be adopted; if hydraulic, or some other less expensive power, such as a petroleum engine, could be utilized as the motor in lieu of steam, or even a smaller amount of power than one horse-power per lamp be rendered sufficient; if the distance between the electric stations could be greatly increased, the arrangements made capable of minute subdivision, and by some simple method the current could be branched off for household or other requirements, I feel sure that the public would gladly welcome such a change, and it would compete with gas under highly advantageous conditions. "The question is now largely occupying the atten- tion of scientific men. At a recent meeting of the In- stitution of Civil Engineers, its discussion occupied three evenings. One speaker asserted that one of the greatest advantages he saw in its introduction, was the possiblity of its adding to the hygienic properties of buildings, as fresh air could be preserved, because the electric light consumes none, whereas gas consumes an enormous quantity.' Another speaker (Sir William Thomson) having made a suggestion as to the construc- tion of a copper tube for producing the electric light at a great distance, said that he believed it would be possible to carry the electric energy to a distance of several hundred miles. The theory appeared to be that towns henceforth would be lighted by coal burned at the pit's mouth, for which purpose the dross could could be used.' On the other hand, another speaker asserted, that in all probability, before the electric light was perfected, the cost of manufacture of gas would have been so far reduced as to lift it even fur- ther beyond the reach of competition, and that gas mak- ( 2610 Stayton---Report of 1878. ers' future promises in regard to improvement were as bright as those of the promoters of electric light.' "After a careful consideration of the whole question, I am of opinion that at present the electric light is not suitable for street lighting in the metropolis; that it is suitable and can be utilized with splendid effect in large quarters and places, such as Trafalgar Square or Parliament Square; but although in each of these places at the present time the lamps are numerous, the cost would be greater than gas. "I am also of opinion that so soon as the modifica- tions alluded to can be effected (particularly as to the electric current being carried to a much greater dis- tance, thereby reducing the cost) the electric light will very soon supersede gas to a considerable extent, the attendant advantages being so great." Geraldy--La Lumiere Electrique--1881. 2611 Complainant's Exhibit Geraldy's Lumiere Electrique" Article. LA LUMIÈRE ELECTRIQUE, PARIS, 1881. Vol. V., pp. 253-255. 66 "La NOTE SUR LA DISTRIBUTION DE L'ENERGIE PAR L'ELEC- TRICITÉ, BY F. GERALDY. "Nous l'avions prévu, et je m'honore d'avoir été des premiers à l'annoncer d'avance, l'Exposition d'Electricité, tout en étendant et en agrandissant les solutions déjà acquises nous apporte une solution nouvelle, celle de la question importante entre toutes, de la distribution de l'electricité. Il est aujourd'hui certain, après une ex- périence déjà prolongée et par l'examen de tous les hommes de science et de pratique, que la difficulté n'existe plus et que le système inventé et réalisé par M. Marcel Deprez permet absolument de la surmonter. Notre collaborateur se propose d'exposer lui-même très prochainement toute cette question; il donnera tout l'ensemble des principes et des théorèmes qui l'ont amené a la résoudre. Il a paru qu'avant ce travail com- plet il pourrait être utile déblayer un peu le terrain, et, qu'il aurait avantage, M. Marcel Deprez se chargeant de la théorie, à exposer d'avance les preliminaires et les antécédents: c'est ce que je vais faire aussi brièvement que possible. La question est double, elle comprend le transport de la force par l'électricité sans division, d'une part, et de l'autre la division ou distribution de cette force. L'idée de l'emploi des machines électriques comme moteurs est très ancienne, anisi que me l'écrivais M. Siemens dans une lettre que j'ai eu occasion de citer dans ce journal, elle remonte incontestablement au moins à Jacobi faisant marcher un petit bateau sur la Néva vers 1839. Mais on s'égara longtemps pour la construction des moteurs dans une voie qui n'était pas 2612 Geraldy--La Lumiere Electrique--1881. la bonne; on cherchait á aimanter et désaimenter suc, cessivement des electro-aimants d'une certaine masse- de façon à produire une serie d'attractions successives ayant chacune une intensité notable: dans cette voie il n'y avait rien à faire, les alternatives électriques dépensaient inutilement la plus grosse part de l'énergie ; aussi était-il passé en chose jugée que l'électricité ne pouvait fournir des quantités de travail sérieuses. La question changea avec l'invention des machines magneto et dynamo-électriques, elles apparurent bientôt, non seulement comme des producteurs avantageux, mais comme des moteurs capables de rendre beaucoup de travail; elles résolurent anisi en même temps la ques- tion dans les deux sens, donnant à la fois le moyen d'obtenir l'électricité que la pile ne fournissait qu'avec beaucoup de gêne et parcimonieusement, et le moyen de la transformer en travail mécanique. Il est inutile de faire remarquer à nos lecteurs pourquoi ces ma- chines sont de meilleurs moteurs que les anciens, ils savent bien qu'à une séries d'efforts distincts, procédé employé dans les anciens moteurs, les machines nouvelles substituent une succession d'attractions tellement rapides qu'elles se présentent comme un effort continue et régulier, ce qui évite les alternatives d'aimentation obligées dans les machines anciennes et d'où provenait leur grande perte d'énergie. Qui a employé le premier les machines comme mo- teurs, cella aussi est difficile à dire; il parait acquis que la première expérience publique fut celle que furent en 1873 M. M. Fontaine et Gramme à l'exposition de Vienne en 1873. Il y en avait eu d'autres avant, sans doute, mais elles ne sont pas, que je sache, authentique- ment constatées. Il est assez singulier même que ce fait ne se soit pas produit plus tôt ; il est curieux par ex- ample que M. Siemens, qui avait crée dès 1854 sa bobine a deux pôles, ne s'en soit pas servi comme moteur; M. Marcel Deprez a montré depuis que les bobines faites d'après ce principe fournissent des petits moteurs très avantageux. Peut-être M. Siemens l'a-t-il fait, mais sans que cette expérience ait éveillé l'attention. Il ? Geraldy--La Lumiere Electrique-1881. 2613 semble que l'esprit public, il y a une vingtaine d'années, ait refusé de s'intéresser à ce genre de recherches; la machine de Pacinotti en est une preuve bien frappante; elle a été crée en 1852, elle renferme tout l'ensemble des principes que M. Gramme a retrouvés et appliqués plus tard, et pendant près de vingt ans elle est resté ignorée; il a fallu l'exposition pour en révéler toute la valeur; que dire de la très curieuse machine d'Elias qui est exposée dans la section hollandaise, elle date de 1842 et a déjà les éléments d'un moteur; les enroule- ments, la commutation s'y trouvent en principe; per- sonne ne la connaissait. Que de temps perdu! Il est vrai qu'une fois lancé on s'est efforcé de le rattrapper; depuis sept ou huit ans les essais de transport de force par l'électricité n'ont cesser de se multiplier. On doit beaucoup à M. M. Chrétien et Félix en France, qui ont expérimenté avec persistance et crée des systèmes sus- ceptibles de résultats pratiques sérieux. M. M. Sie- mens, en Allemagne et en Angleterre, se sont surtout attachés à la question des tramways et des chemius de fer électriques et l'on sait les résultats qu'ils ont obtenus. Je n'insiste pas sur ces applications; elles ont été decrites trés complètement dans le journal, et d'ail- leurs on a pu les voir à l'Exposition d'electricité. Malgré ces efforts, la question restait embarrassée de quelques difficultés; d'une part, au point de vue de la perte entrainée par ce mode de transport de ce qu' on appelle le rendement; de l'autre, au point de vue de la dimension des organes nécessaires pour un grand trans- port, et principalement de celle des conducteurs. Ces points ont été éclaircis. En ce qui concerne le dernier, M. Marcel Deprez, par des calculs simples qu'il avait terminés vers le mois d'avril dernier, a montré dans quelles conditions on pouvait se placer pour réaliser, avec les moyens actuels, les résultats cherchés. Nous renvoyons nos lecteurs aux numéros 38 et 42 de cette année, où ils trouveront ces études, on plutôt, nous les invitons à vouloir bien attendre le numéro où ces questions, seront reprises et complétement élucidées par M. Deprez. On y trouvera également la solution 2614 Geraldy-La Lumiere Electrique-1881. On sait en quoi de la difficulté rélative au rendement. elle consiste; deux machines étant placées sur un même circuit, la première, mise en movement, produit de l'élec- tricité, la seconde reçoit l'électricité ainsi engendrée et produit du travail; on peut mesurer la valeur du tra- vail électrique engendré par la première machine ainsi que celle du travail utile rendu par la seconde, le rap- port de ces travaux est la proportion entre la dépense et le résultat, c'est le rendement. Comment varie-t-il, et de quoi depend-il? La théorie, d'accord avec cer- taines expériences, ayant fourni une proportion de 50 pour 100, on l'avait admise comme une proportion générale et nécessaire; on admettait que le transport électrique entrainait une perte de moitié. On vit bien- tôt que ce rendement était un minimum, et qu'on pouvait l'augmenter. Plusieurs savants, et particulière- ment M. Ayrton signalèrent ce fait. M. Deprez qui avait été un des premiers à le reconnaître, a démontré, non-seulement que le rendement était arbitraire et dé- pendait des dispositions adoptées, mais encore qu'il ne dépendait pas de la distance du transport. Je n'entre- prendrai pas ici la démonstration de ces vérités; on la trouvera aussi simple que complète dans le travail annoncé. Je n'ignore pas que beaucoup de bons esprits ne peuvent se faire à l'idée du rendement independant de la distance; cela tient, je pense à ce qu'on ne con- sidère pas la question dans son ensemble; ce qui frappe c'est que dans tout transport, il y a un travail perdu en chemin, et il semble qu'avec longeur du chemin, cette perte doit augmenter; elle varie, en effet, dans le transport électrique, et on a raison dans ce sens, mais il ne faut pas oublier que les travaux produits varient aussi; l'on démontre que toutes ces quantités, si on n'altère pas artificiellement leur mouvements, se modi- fient dans la même proportion, en sorte que les valeurs absolues peuvent changer sans que les rapports soient modifiés, ce qui est fort compréhensible; au reste, je le répéte, ces points trouveront bientôt un éclaircissement complet. La question du transport de la force doit donc être Geraldy—La Lumiere Electrique—1881. 2615 considérée à peu prés complétement résolue, elle l'était même avant l'exposition au moins expérimentalement, il n'en est pas de même de celle de la distribution dont la solution est plus récente et dont on a vu la première expérience sérieuse à l'Exposition même. La difficulté est ici d'un autre ordre, elle ne concerne plus le transport mais la répartition de l'énergie élec- trique suivant les appareils qui doivent l'utiliser. On voit immédiatement le point difficile, c'est que la quantité totale d'énergie à fournir est nécessairement variable, s'il y a peu d'appareils en service, il ne leur faudra qu'une faible quantité de travail; à mesure qu'on introduit de nouveaux, il faut augmenter la production de façon à satisfaire à leur besoins, sans diminuer le service déjà réclamé par les autres. De quelque façon qu'on s'y prenne, il faudra pour réussir employer un système régulateur qui produise les variations nécessaires. Le fait est même vrai pour les piles dont la force électromotrice est invariable; cela tient à ce que ces organes ont une résistance in- térieure qui leur est propre, il s'en suit que lorsqu'on attache des circuits aux deux bornes qui répresent les pôles de la pile, la force qui amène la production du courant dans ces circuits est la différence de potential aux bornes, laquelle n'est pas égale à la force électro- motrice et varie; en raison du rapport entre la résist- ance de la pile et celle du reste du circuit; on serait donc obligé de règler aussi avec ce genre de généra- teurs. Remarquez bien que c'est là un fait général; les piles secondaires ou accumulateurs sont dans ce cas, comme les autres appareils, puisque leur résistance intérieur n'est pas nulle. Il s'ensuit qu'en se servant des accu- mulateurs on serait également obligé de régler si l'on voulait faire une distribution. Donc, l'accumulateur ne résout pas la question; il peut en faciliter la solution en réduisant les'oscillations de l'appareil; mais il ne constitue pas un organe central suffisant. On ne saurait non plus songer à les employer comine moyen de transport; au moins dans l'état actuel leur 2616 Geraldy-La Lumiere Electrique-1881. poids s'y oppose absolument. Ils peuvent, en effet d'après les chriffres donnés, fournir pour 75 kilos de pile un travail de cheval-vapeur pendant une heure; il faudrait donc pour un travail de cheval pendant 10 heures faire un mouvement total de 1,500, ce qui est inadmissible. La difficulté est la même si, l'accumula- teur étant installé à domicile, on voulait l'y charger, il faudrait alors déplacer la machine génératrice. La solution serait de charger l'accumulateur avec un fil venant d'une usine centrale, mais alors il faut régler la dépense électrique du fil et on se trouve en présence du problème de la distribution qu'il faut absolument résoudre. Nous avous donc à nous demander, quelles conditions doit remplir une distribution pour qu'elle soit bonne, complète ? Une distribution pour être complète doit remplir trois conditions. 1º. Il faut qu'elle puisse desservir, selon leurs be- soins, des appareils quelconques, indépendamment les uns des autres; en d'autres termes, il faut qu'en pla- Sant sur le parcours de cette distribution, à un endroit et à un moment quelconque, des machines dépensant l'electricité, soit en lumière, soit sous forme de mouve- ment ou sous toute autre forme de dépense l'une d'elles puisse recevoir la quantité d'electricité qui lui est nécessaire, sans que les autres placées sur le même cir- cuit, en soient en aucune façon influencéss. 2º. If faut que ce résultat s'accomplisse automatique- ment. 3º. Enfin, il faut que la machine génératrice ne donne jamais que la quantité d'énergie qu'on lui demande et pas davantage. En effet, la distribution ne serait pas économique si, les machines produisant constamment un maximum, l'on se contentait d'en perdre une moitié, au moment où l'on n'aurait besoin que de l'autre moitié. Telles sout les conditions indispensables à toute dis- tribution pour qu'elle soit complète. Deux dispositions électriques distinctes peuveut con- duire à la solution; on peut placer les appareils en Geraldy-La Lumiere Electrique-1881. 2617 série, c'est-a-dire sur un même circuit, où en dérivation, c'est-à-dire sur des branchements opérés sur un circuit primaire. Dans la premiére disposition c'est l'intensité du cou- vant qui doit rester constante et la difference de poten- tial qui varie. Dans la seconde, c'est au contraire l'intensité qui varie et la différence de potentiel qui demeure con- stante. Cette deuxième disposition est généralement préférable; dans la disposition en série les appareils sont dans une dépendance trop étroite les unes des autres, un accident local entraine l'arrêt de tout le système. FRANK GERALDY. " 2618 Translation of Geraldy's Article-1881. of Complainant's Exhibit Translation Geraldy's "La Lumiere Electrique " Article. LA LUMIERE ELECTRIQUE, PARIS, 1881. VOLUME V., pp. 253–255. ARTICLE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY BY MEANS OF ELECTRICITY. BY FRANK GERALDY. "We had foreseen it, and I credit myself with hav- ing been among the first to announce it in advance, the Electrical Exposition, while extending and increasing the solutions already acquired brings us a new solution, that important one among all, the distribution of elec- tricity. It is to-day certain, after an experiment already prolonged, and by the examination of all scien- tific and practical men, that the difficulty no longer exists and that the system invented and brought to perfection by Mr. Marcel Deprez absolutely allows us to overcome it. "Our colleague proposes to set forth himself very shortly this whole question: he will give the summary of the principles and theorems which have led him to to the solution. It has seemed that before this com- plete work it would be useful to clear the field a little, and that it would be advantageous, since Mr. Marcel Deprez takes charge of the theoretical part, to set forth the preliminaries and antecedents; that is what I am going to do as briefly as possible. The question is a double one, it embraces the transmission of power by means of electricity without division, on the one hand, and on the other the division or distribution of this power. "The idea of employing electric machines as motors is very old, as Mr. Siemens wrote me in a letter which I have had occasion to cite in this journal, it unquestionably goes back at least to Jacobi's making a ! Translation of Geraldy's Article—1881. 2619 small boat travel on the Neva about 1839. But men have been for a long time misled for the construction of motors into a way that was not the good one; they sought to magnetize and demagnetize successively electro-magnets of a certain mass, so as to produce a series of successive attractions having each a consider- able intensity; in this way there was nothing to be ac- complished, the electrical alternations expended use- lessly the greater part of the energy; it had become an established fact that electricity could not furnish con- siderable quantities of work. The question changed with the invention of magneto and dynamo-electric machines, they soon appeared not only as advantageous producers, but as motors capable of doing much work; they thus solved the question in its two senses, giving at once the means of obtaining electricity which the battery could furnish only with much trouble and in small quantities, and the means of transforming it into mechanical work. It is useless to bring to the atten- tion of our readers why these machines are better motors than the old ones, they well know that for a series of distinct efforts, the process employed in the old motors, the new machines substitute a succession of attractions so rapid that they present themselves as a continuous and regular effort, a thing that avoids the alternations of magnetization necessary in the old ma- chines and from which arose their great loss of energy. "Who has first employed the machines as motors is difficult to say; it appears as accepted that the first public experiment was that which Messrs. Fontaine and Gramme made at the Vienna Exposition in 1873. There were others before, without doubt, but they are not, so far as I know, authentically verified. It is singular enough even that this matter was not produced earlier; it is strange, for example, that Mr. Siemens, who had produced in 1854 his armature with two poles, did not make use of it as a motor; Mr. Marcel Deprez has since shown that armatures made in accordance with this principle furnished very advantageous small motors. Perhaps Mr. Siemens has done it, without 2620 Translation of Geraldy's Article-1881. • this experiment arousing any attention. It seems that the public mind, a score of years ago, refused to inter- est itself in this class of researches; the machine of Pacinotti is a very striking proof of this fact; it was produced in 1862, it embraced the whole of the princi- ples that Mr. Gramme rediscovered and applied later, and during more than twenty years it remained ignored, the exposition was necessary in order to reveal all its worth; what is to be said of the very curious machine of Elias which is shown in the Dutch section, it dates from 1842 and has already the elements of a motor; the windings, the commutation are found in it in prin- ciple; nobody knew it. What time lost! It is true that once started men have tried to regain it; for seven or eight years attempts to transmit power by electricity have not ceased to multiply. Much is due to Messrs. Chretien and Felix, in France, who have perseveringly experimented and produced systems capa- ble of serious practical results. Messrs. Siemens, in Germany and in England, have especially attacked the question of tramways and electric railways and the re- sults that they have obtained are known. I do not dwell upon these applications, they have been described very completely in this journal, and, moreover, they can be seen at the Electrical Exposition. Notwithstanding these efforts the question re- mained hampered by some difficulties; on the one hand, in view of the loss of that which is called the output involved in this mode of transmission; on the other hand, in view of the dimensions of the parts necessary for a large transmission, and chiefly that of the conductors. These points have been cleared up. As regards the latter point, Mr. Marcel Deprez, by simple calculations that he has finished about the end of last April, has shown in what conditions one could be placed in order to attain, with the present means, the results sought for. We refer our readers to num- bers 38 and 42 of this year, where they will find these researches, or rather we invite them to be kind enough to await the number in which these questions will be Translation of Geraldy's Article - 1881. 2621 taken up again and completely elucidated by Mr. Deprez. They will also find there the solution of the difficulty relative to the output. It is known in what it consists, two machines being placed upon the same circuit, the first, set in motion, proluces electricity, the second receives the electricity thus produced and pro- duces work; the value of the work produced by the first machine can be measured as well as the useful work returned by the second, the relation of these amounts of work is the proportion between the expendi- ture and the result, that is the output. How does it vary and upon what does it depend? Theory, in accord with certain experiments, having given a proportion of 50%, it has been accepted as a general and necessary proportion; it was admitted that the electrical trans- mission involved a loss of a half. It was soon seen that this output was a minimum and that it could be increased Several scientists, and especially Mr. Ayr- ton, called attention to this fact. Mr. Deprez, who had been one of the first to recognize it, has shown, not only that the output was arbitrary and depended upon the arrangements adopted, but yet that it did not depend upon the distance of the transmission. I will not undertake here the demonstration of these truths; they will be found as simple as they are complete in the work mentioned. I am not ignorant that some good minds cannot get accustomed to the idea of the output being independent of the distance; that comes, I think, from the fact that they do not consider the question in its entirety; a striking fact is that in every transmission there is work lost on the way, and it seems that with the length of the route this loss should increase; it varies, in fact, in electrical transmission, they are right in this sense, but we must not forget that the work produced varies also; it is shown that all these quantities, if their movements are not artifi- cially altered, are modified in the same proportion so that the absolute values can change without the pro- portions being modified, a fact that is very compre- 2622 Translation of Geraldy's Article--1881. hensible; moreover, I repeat, these points will soon have a complete elucidation. "The question of the transmission of power should then be considered almost completely solved, it was even before the exposition, at least experimentally; it is not the same with that of the distribution whose solu- tion is more recent and of which we have seen the first serious experiment at the exposition itself. "The difficulty is here of another order, it has not to do with the transmission, but with the division of the electric energy according to the instruments which are to use it. "We see immediately the difficult point, which is that the total quantity of energy to be furnished is necessarily variable, if there are few machines in use, they need only a small quantity of work; in proportion as new ones are introduced, it is necessary to increase the production so as to satisfy their needs, without diminishing the service already demanded by the others. “Whatever method is adopted, it is necessary in order to succeed to employ a regulating system which produces the necessary variations. The fact is even true for batteries whose electro-motive force is invari- able, that is, because these parts have an internal re- sistance which is peculiar to them, it follows that if circuits are attached to the two terminals which represent the poles of the battery, the force which causes the production of the current in these circuits is the difference of potential at the terminals, which is not equal to the electro-motive force and varies on ac- count of the relation between the resistance of the bat- tery and that of the rest of the circuit; we should then be obliged to regulate also with this class of gener- ators. It "Notice well that that is a general fact; secondary batteries or accumulators are in this case like other ap- paratus, since their internal resistance is not nil. follows that in making use of accumulators we should be equally obliged to regulate if we wished to make a Translation of Geraldy's Article-1881. 2623 distribution. The accumulator does not solve the question; it can help to a solution of it by reducing the oscillations of the apparatus, but it does not con- stitute a sufficient central organism. "One could no longer think of using them as a means of transmission; at least in their present state their weight opposes it absolutely. They can really, accord- ing to the figures given, furnish for 75 kilos of battery, a work of one steam-horse power for one hour; 10 hours would be necessary to move a total of 1,500, which is inadmissible. The difference is the same if, the accumulator being placed at the dwelling, we wish to charge it, it would be necessary to move then the generating machine. The solution would be to charge the accumulator by a wire coming from a central sta- tion, but then it would be necessary to regulate the electrical waste of the wire and we should find our- selves in the presence of the problem of distribution which it is absolutely necessary to solve. "We have then to ask ourselves what conditions a system of distribution should fulfill in order that it may be good, complete? A system of distribution in order to be complete should fulfill three conditions: "1st. It is necessary that it be able to serve, accord- ing to their demands, any instruments whatever, inde- pendent one of the other, in other words, it is necessary that in placing in the circuit of this distribution, at any place and at any moment whatever, machines consum- ing electricity, whether in light or under the form of chemical action, or under the form of movement or under any other form of consumption, one of them may be able to receive the quantity of electricity necessary for it without that the others placed on the same cir- cuit at the same time should be inflenced in any man- ner. "2d. It is necessary that these results should be ac- complished automatically. "3d. Finally it is necessary that the generating ma- chine always produce only the quantity of energy that is demanded of it and no more. In fact the distribu- 2624 Translation of Geraldy's Article---1881. tion would not be economical if, the machines produc- ing constantly a maximum, we were satisfied to lose half of it, at the moment when we should only need the other half. 'Such are the conditions indispensable to every system of distribution in order that it may be com- plete. "Two distinct electrical arrangements can lead to the solution: we can place the instruments in series, that is to say, upon the same circuit, or in multiple arc, that is to say, upon the branches operated upon a primary circuit. "In the first arrangement it is the strength of the current which should remain constant and the differ- ence of potential which varies. "In the second it is on the contrary the current strength which varies and the difference of potential which remains constant. This second arrangement is generally preferable; in the series arrangement the in- struments are in a too strict dependence one upon the other, a local accident involves the stopping of the whole system." Tyndall--Address--1879. 2625 Complainant's Exhibit Tyndall's Address, “The Electric Light." A Discourse Deliv- ered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain on Friday, January 17, 1879. THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW, TORONTO, FEBRUARY, 1879, PAGE 197. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT.1 THE subject of this evening's discourse was proposed by our late honorary secretary. That word "late" has for me its own connotations. It implies, among other things, the loss of a comrade by whose side I have worked for thirteen years. On the other hand, regret is not without its opposite in the feeling with which I have seen him rise by sheer intrinsic merit, moral and intellectual, to the highest official position which it is in the power of English science to bestow. Well, he, whose constant desire and practice were to promote the interests and extend the usefulness of this institution, thought at a time when the electric light occupied so much of public attention, a few sound notions regard- ing it, on the more purely scientific side, might, to use his own pithy expression, be "planted" in the public mind. I am here to-night with the view of trying, to the best of my ability, to realise the idea of our friend. In the year 1800 Volta announced his immortal dis- covery of the pile. Whetted to eagerness by the pre- vious conflict between him and Galvani, the scientific men of the age flung themselves with ardour upon the new discovery, repeating Volta's experiments, and ex- tending them in many ways. The light and heat of the voltaic circuit attracted marked attention, and in the (1) A discourse delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain on Friday, January 17, 1879. (2) Mr. William Spottiswoode, now President of the Royal Society. 2626 Tyndall-Address-1879. innumerable tests and trials to which this question was subjected, the utility of platinum and charcoal as means of exalting the light was on all hands recognised. Mr. Children, with a battery surpassing in strength all its predecessors, fused platinum wires eighteen inches long, while "points of charcoal produced a light so vivid that the sunshine, compared with it, appeared feeble."3 Such effects reached their culmination when, in 1808, through the liberality of a few members. of the Royal Institution, Davy was enabled to con- struct a battery of two thousand pairs of plates, with which he afterwards obtained calorific and luminous effects far transcending anything previously observed. The arc of flame between the carbon terminals was four inches long, and by its heat quartz, sapphire, magnesia, and lime, were melted like wax in a candle flame while fragments of diamond and plumbago rapidly dis- appeared, as if reduced to vapour.4 The first condition to be fulfilled in the development of heat and light by the electric current is that it shall encounter and overcome resistance. Flowing through a perfect conductor, no matter what the strength of the current might be, neither heat nor light could be de- veloped. A rod of unresisting copper carries away un- injured and unwarmed an atmospheric discharge com- petent to shiver to splinters a resisting oak. I send the self-same current through a wire composed of alter- nate lengths of silver and platinum. The silver offers little resistrnce, the platinum offers much. The conse- quence is that the platinum is raised to a white heat, while the silver is not visibly warmed. The same holds (3) Davy, "Chemical Philosophy," p. 110. (4) In the concluding lecture at the Royal Institution in June, 1810, Davy showed the action of this battery. He then used iridium, the alloy of iridium and osmium, and other refractory substances. See Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxxv. p. 463. Quetelet assigns the first production of the spark between coal-points to Curtet in 1802. Davy certainly in that year showed the carbon light with a battery of 150 pairs of plates in the theatre of the Royal Institution (Jour. Roy. Inst. vol. i. p. 166). Tyndall-Address-1879. 2627 good with regard to the carbon terminals employed for the production of the electric light. The interval be- tween them offers a powerful resistance to the passage of the current, and it is by the gathering up of the force necessary to burst across this interval that the voltaic current is able to throw the carbon into that state of violent intestine commotion which we call heat, and to which its effulgence is due. The smallest interval of air usually suffices to stop the current. But when the carbon points are first brought together and then sep- arated, there occurs between them a discharge of in- candescent matter which carries, or may carry, the cur- rent over a considerable space. The light comes al- most wholly from the incandescent carbons. The space between them is filled with a blue flame which, being usually bent by the earth's magnetism, receives the name of the Voltaic Arc. For seventy years, then, we have been in possession of this transcendent light without applying it to the illumination of our streets and houses. Such applica- tions suggested themselves at the outset, but there were grave difficulties in their way. The first difficulty arose from the waste of the carbons, which are dissi- pated in part by ordinary combustion, and in part by the electric transfer of matter from the one carbon to the other. To keep the carbons at the proper distance asunder regulators were devised, the earliest, I believe, by Staite, and the most successful by Duboscq, Fou- cault, and Serrin, who have been succeeded by Holmes, Siemens, Browning, Carré, Gramme, Lontin, and others. By such arrangements the first difficulty was practically overcome; but the second, a graver one, is probably inseparable from the construction of the vol- taic battery. It arises from the operation of that in- exorable law which throughout the material universe demands an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, re- fusing to yield the faintest glow of heat or glimmer of light without the expenditure of an absolutely equal quantity of some other power. Hence, in practice, the desirability of any transformation must depend upon 2628 Tyndall-Address—1879. the value of the product in relation to that of the power expended. The metal zinc can be burnt like paper; it might be ignited in a flame, but it is possible to avoid the introduction of all foreign heat and to burn the zinc in air of the temperature of this room. This is done by placing zinc foil at the focus of a con- cave mirror, which concentrates to a point the diverg- ent electric beam, but which does not warm the air. The zinc burns at the focus with a violet flame, and we could readily determine the amount of heat generated by its combustion. But zinc can be burnt not only in air but in liquids. It is thus burnt when acidulated water is poured over it; it is also thus burnt in the voltaic battery. Here, however, to obtain the oxygen neces- sary for its combustion, the zinc has to dislodge the hydrogen with which the oxygen is combined. The consequence is that the heat due to the combustion of the metal in the liquid falls short of that developed by its combustion in air, by the exact quantity necessary to separate the oxygen from the hydrogen. Fully four- fifths of the total heat are used up in this molecular work, only one-fifth remaining to warm the battery. It is upon this residue that we must now fix our attention, for it is solely out of it that we manufacture our elec- tric light. Before you are two small voltaic batteries of ten cells each. The two ends of one of them are united by a thick copper wire, while into the circuit of the other a thin platinum wire is introduced. The platinum glows. with a white heat, while the copper wire is not sensibly warmed. Now an ounce of zinc, like an ounce of coal, produces by its complete combustion in air a constant quantity of heat. The total heat developed by an ounce of zinc through its union with oxygen in the battery is also absolutely invariable. Let our two batteries, then, continue in action until an ounce of zinc in each of them is consumed. In the one case the heat generated is purely domestic, being liberated on the hearth where the fuel is burnt, that is to say in the cells of the bat- tery itself. In the other case, the heat is in part • Tyndall—Address-1879. 2629 domestic and in part foreign-in part within the battery and in part outside. One of the fundamental truths to be borne in mind is that the sum of the foreign and domestic-of the external and internal-heats is fixed and invariable. Hence, to have heat outside, you must draw upon the heat within. These remarks apply to the electric light. By the intermediation of the electric current the moderate warmth of the battery is not only carried away but concentrated, so as to produce, at any distance from its origin, a heat next in order to that of the sun. The current might therefore be defined as the swift carrier of heat. Loading itself here with invisible power, by a process of transmutation which outstrips the dreams of the alchemist, it can discharge its load, in the fraction of a second, as light and heat, at the opposite side of the world. Thus, the light and heat produced outside the battery are derived from the metallic fuel burnt within the bat- tery; and, as zinc happens to be an expensive fuel, though we have possessed the electric light for more than seventy years, it has been too costly to come into general use. But within these walls, in the autumn of 1831, Faraday discovered a new source of electricity, which we have now to investigate. On the table before me lies a coil of covered copper wire, with its ends dis- united. I lift one side of the coil from the table, and in doing so exert the muscular effort necessary to overcome the simple weight of the coil. I unite its two ends and repeat the experiment. The effort now required, if ac- curately measured, would be found greater than before. In lifting the coil I cut the lines of the earth's magnetic force, such cutting, as proved by Faraday, being always accompanied, in a closed conductor, by the production of an "induced" electric current, which as long as the ends of the coil remained separate, had no circuit through which it could pass. The current here evoked subsides immediately as heat; this heat being the ex- act equivalent of the excess of effort just referred to as over and above that necessary to overcome the simple weight of the coil. When the coil is liberated it falls 2630 Tyndall--Address-1879. back to the table, and when its ends are united it en- counters a resistance over and above that of the air. It generates an electric current opposed in direction to the first, and reaches the table with a diminished shock. The amount of the diminution is accurately represented by the warmth which the momentary current developes in the coil. Various devices were employed to exalt these induced currents, among which the instruments of Pixii, Clarke, and Saxton were long conspicuous. Faraday, indeed, foresaw that such attempts were sure to be made; but he chose to leave them in the hands of the mechanician, while he himself pursued the deeper study of facts and principles. "I have rather," he writes in 1831, "been desirous of discovering new facts and new relations dependent on magneto-electric induction, than of exalting the force of those already obtained; being assured that the latter would find their full development hereafter." For more than twenty years magneto-electricity had subserved its first and noblest purpose of augmenting our knowledge of the powers of nature. It had been discovered and applied to intellectual ends, its applica- tion to practical ends being still unrealised. The Drummond light had raised thoughts and hopes of vast improvements in public illumination. Many inventors tried to obtain it cheaply; and in 1853 an attempt was made to organize a company in Paris for the purpose of procuring, through the decomposition of water by a powerful magneto-electric machine constructed by M. Nollet, the oxygen and hydrogen necessary for the lime light. The experiment failed, but the apparatus by which it was attempted suggested to Mr. Holmes other and more hopeful applications. Abandoning the at- tempt to produce the lime light, with persevering skill Holmes continued to improve the apparatus and to augment its power, until it was finally able to yield a magneto-electric light comparable to that of the voltaic battery. Judged by later knowledge, this first machine would be considered cumbrous and defective in the ex- 44 Tyndall-Address-1879. 2631 treme; but judged by the light of antecedent events, it marked a great step forward. Faraday was profoundly interested in the growth of his own discovery. The Elder Brethren of the Trinity House had bad the wisdom to make him their "Scientific Adviser;" and it is interesting to notice in his reports regarding the light, the mixture of enthu- siasm and caution which characterized him. Enthu- siasm was with him a motive power, guided and controlled by a disciplined judgment. He rode it as a charger, holding it in by a strong rein. While dealing with Holmes, he states the case of the light pro and con. He checks the ardour of the inventor, and, as regards cost, rejectiug sanguine estimates, he insists over and over again on the necessity of continued experiment for the solution of this important question. His matured opinion was, however, strongly in favour of the light. "I beg to state," he writes in his report to the Elder Brethren, "that, in my opinion, Professor Holmes has practically established the fitness and sufficiency of the magneto-electric light for lighthouse purposes, so far as its nature and management are concerned. The light produced is powerful beyond any other that I have yet seen so applied, and in principle may be accumulated to any degree; its regularity in the lantern is great; its management easy, and its care there may be confided to attentive keepers of the ordinary degree of intellect and knowledge." As regards the conduct of Professor Holmes during these memorable experiments, it is only fair to add the following remark with which Faraday closes the report submitted to the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House on the 29th of April, 1859 :— "I must bear my testimony," he says, "to the perfect openness, candour, and honour of Professor Holmes. He has answered every question, concealed no weak point, explained every applied principle, given every reason for a change either in this or that direction, during several periods of close questioning, in a manner that was very agreeable to me, whose duty it was to 2632 Tyndall-Address-1879. search for real faults or possible objections in respect both of the present time and the future."1 Soon afterwards the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House had the intelligent courage to establish the machines of Holmes permanently at Dungeness, where the magneto-electric light continued to shine for many years. 2 The magneto-electric machine of the Alliance Com- pany soon succeeded that of Holmes, and was in vari- ous ways a marked improvement on the latter. Its currents were stronger and its light brighter than those of its predecessor. In it, moreover, the commutator, the flashing and destruction of which were sources of irregularity and deterioration in the machine of Holmes, was, at the suggestion of M. Masson, entirely aban- doned; alternating currents instead of the direct cur- rent being employed. M. Serrin modified his excellent lamp with the express view of enabling it to cope with alternating currents. During the International Exhibi- tion of 1862, where the machine was shown, M. Berlioz offered to dispose of the invention to the Elder Breth- ren of the Trinity House. They referred the matter to Faraday, and he replied as follows :-" I am not aware that the Trinity House authorities have advanced so far as to be able to decide whether they will require more magneto-electric machines, or whether, if they should require them, they see reason to suppose the means of their supply in this country, from the source already open to them, would not be sufficient. There- fore I do not see that at present they want to purchase a machine." Faraday was obviously swayed by the de- sire to protect the interests of Holmes, who had borne the burden and heat which fell upon the pioneer. The Alliance machines were introduced with success at Cape la Héve, near Havre; and the Elder Brethren of (1) Holmes's first offer of his machine to the Trinity House bears the date February 2, 1857. (2) Du Moncel," l'Électricité," Aug. 1878, p. 150. Tyndall-Address-1879. 2633 the Trinity House, determined to have the best avail- able apparatus, decided, in 1868, on the introduction of machines on the Alliance principle into the lighthouses at Souter Point and the South Foreland. These ma- chines were constructed by Professor Holmes, and they still continue in operation. With regard, then, to the application of electricity to lighthouse purposes, the course of events was this: The Dungeness light was introduced on January 31, 1862; the light at La Héve on December 26, 1863, or nearly two years later. But Faraday's experimental trial at the South Foreland preceded the lighting of Dungeness by more than two years. The electric light was afterwards established at Cape Grisnez. The light was started at Souter Point on January 11, 1871, and at the South Foreland, Janu- ary 1, 1872. At the Lizard, which probably enjoys the newest and most powerful development of the electric light, it began to shine on January 1, 1878. I have now to revert to a point of apparently small moment, but which really constitutes an important step in the development of this subject. I refer to the form given in 1857 to the rotating armature by Dr. Werner Siemens, of Berlin. Instead of employing coils wound transversely round cores of iron, as in the machine of Saxton, Siemens, after giving a bar of iron the proper shape, wound his wire longitudinally round it, and ob- tained thereby greatly augmented effects between suit- ably placed magnetic poles. Such an armature is em- ployed in the small magneto-electric machine which I now introduce to your notice, and for which the insti- tution is indebted to Mr. Henry Wilde, of Manchester. There are here sixteen permanent horse-shoe magnets placed parallel to each other, and between their poles a Siemens armature. The two ends of the wire which surrounds the armature are now disconnected. In turn- ing the handle and causing the armature to rotate, I simply overcome ordinary mechanical friction. But the two ends of the armature coil can be united in a moment, and when this is done I immediately experi- 2634 Tyndall--Address-1879. ence a greatly increased resistance to rotation. Some- thing over and above the ordinary friction of the ma- chine is now to be overcome, and by the expenditure of an additional amount of muscular force I am able to overcome it. The excess of labour thus thrown upon my arm has its exact equivalent in the electric currents generated, and the heat produced by their subsidence in the coil of the armature. A portion of this heat may be rendered visible by connecting the two ends of the coil with a thin platinum wire. When the handle of the machine is rapidly turned the wire glows, first with a red heat, then with a white heat, and finally with the heat of fusion. The moment the wire melts, the circuit round the armature is broken, an instant relief from the labour thrown upon the arm being the consequence. Clearly realise the equivalent of the heat here devel- oped. During the period of turning the machine a cer- tain amount of combustible substance was oxidized or burnt in the muscles of my arm. Had it done no ex- ternal work, the matter consumed would have produced a definite amount of heat. Now, the muscular heat actually developed during the rotation of the machine fell short of this definite amount, the missing heat being reproduced to the last fraction in the glowing platinum wire and the other parts of the machine. Here, then, the electric current intervenes between my muscles and the generated heat, exactly as it did a moment ago be- tween the voltaic battery and its generated heat. The electric current is to all intents and purposes a vehicle which transports the heat both of muscle and battery to any distance from the hearth where the fuel is con- sumed. Not only is the current a messenger, but it is also an intensifier of magical power. The temperature of mny arm is, in round numbers, 100° Fahr., and it is by the intensification of this heat that one of the most re- fractory of metals, which requires a heat of 3,600° Fahr. to fuse it, has been reduced to the molten condi- tion. Zinc, as I have said, is a fuel far too expensive to permit of the electric light produced by its combustion being used for the common purposes of life, and you : Tyndall-Address-1879. 2635 will readily perceive that the human muscles, or even the muscles of a horse, would be more expensive still. Here, however we can employ the force of burning coal to turn our machine, and it is this employment of our cheapest fuel, rendered possible by Faraday's discovery, which opens out the prospect of our being able to ap- ply the electric light to public use. In 1866 a great step in the intensification of induced currents, and the consequent augmentction of the mag- neto-electric light, was taken by Mr. Henry Wilde. It fell to my lot to report upon them to the Royal Society, but before doing so I took the trouble of going to Man- chester to witness Mr. Wilde's experiments. He oper- ated in this way: starting from a small machine like that worked in your presence a moment ago, he em- ployed its current to excite an electro-magnet of a peculiar shape, between whose poles rotated a Siemens armature;¹ from this armature currents were obtained vastly stronger than those generated by the small magneto-electric machine. These currents might have been immediately employed to produce the electric light; but instead of this they were conducted round a second electro-magnet of vast size, between whose poles rotated a Siemens armature of corresponding dimen- sions. Three armatures therefore were involved in this series of operations; first, the armature of the small magneto-electric machine; secondly, the armature of the first electro-magnet, which was of considerable size; and, thirdly, the armature of the second electro- magnet, which was of vast dimensions. With the cur- rents drawn from this third armature, Mr. Wilde ob- tained effects, both as regards heat and light, enor- mously transcending those previously known. 2 (1) Page and Moigno had previously shown that the magneto- electric current could produce powerful electro-magnets. (2) Mr. Wilde's paper is published in the Philosophical Transac tions for 1867, p. 89. My opinion regarding Wilde's machine was briefly expressed in a report to the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House on the 17th of May, 1866: "It gives me pleasure to state that the machine is exceedingly effective, and that it far transcends in power all other apparatus of the kind." 2636 Tyndall-Address-1879. But the discovery which, above all others, brought the practical question to the front is now to be consid- ered. On the 4th of February, 1867, a paper was re- ceived by the Royal Society from Mr. William Siemens bearing the title, "On the conversion of Dynamic into Electric Force without the use of Permanent Mag- netism." On the 14th of February, a paper from Sir Charles Wheatstone was received, bearing the title, On the augmentation of the Power of a Magnet by thereaction thereon of Currents induced by the Magnet itself." Both papers, which dwelt with the same dis- covery, and which were illustrated by experiments, were read upon the same night, viz. the 14th of Feb- ruary. The whole field of science hardly furnishes a more beautiful example of the interaction of natural forces than that set forth in these two papers. You can hardly find a bit of iron-you can hardly pick up an old horse-shoe, for example-that does not possess a trace of permanent magnetism; and from such a small beginning Siemens and Wheatstone have taught us to rise by a series of interactions between magnet and armature to a magnetic intensity previously unap- proached. Conceive the Siemens armature placed be- tween the poles of a suitable electro-magnet. Suppose (3) A paper on the same subject, by Dr. Werner Siemens, was read on the 17th of January, 1867, before the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. In a letter to Engineering, No. 622, p. 45, Mr. Robert Sabine states that Professor Wheatstone's machines were constructed by Mr. Stroh in the months of July and August, 1866. I do not doubt Mr. Sabine's statement; still it would be dangerous in the highest degree to depart from the canon, in asserting which Faraday was specially strenuous, that the date of a discovery is the date of its publication. Towards the end of December, 1866, Mr. Alfred Varley also lodged a provisional specification (which, I believe, is a sealed document) embodying the principles of the dynamo-electric machine, but some years elapsed before he made anything pub- lic. His brother, Mr. Cromwell Varley, when writing on this sub- ject in 1867, does not mention him (Proc. Roy. Soc., March 14, 1867). It probably marks a national trait that sealed communica- tions, though allowed in France, have never been recognised by the scientific societies of England. Tyndall- Address-1879. 2637 this latter to possess at starting the faintest trace of magnetism; when the armature rotates, currents of in- finitesimal strength are generated in its coil. Let the ends of that coil be connected with the wire surround- ing the electro-magnet. The infinitesimal current gen- erated in the armature will then circulate round the magnet, augmenting its intensity by an infinitesimal amount. The strengthened magnet instantly reacts upon the coil which feeds it, producing a current of greater strength. This current again passes round the magnet, which immediately brings its enhanced power to bear upon the coil. By this play of mutual give and take between magnet and armature, the strength of the former is raised in a very brief interval from almost nothing to complete magnetic saturation. Such a mag- net and armature are able to produce currents of ex- traordinary power, and if an electric lamp be introduced into the common circuit of magnet and armature, we can readily obtain a most powerful light. By this dis- covery, then, we are enabled to avoid the trouble and expense involved in the employment of permanent mag- nets; we are also enabled to drop the exciting magneto- electric machine, and the duplication of the electro- magnets. By it, in short, the electric generator is so far simplified, and reduced in cost, as to enable elec- tricity to enter the lists as the rival of our present means of illumination. 1 Soon after the announcement of their discovery by Siemens and Wheatstone, Mr. Holmes, at the instance of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, endeav- oured to turn this discovery to account for lighthouse purposes. Already, in the spring of 1869, he had con- structed a machine which, though hampered with de- fects, exhibited extraordinary power. The light was developed in the focus of a dioptric apparatus placed on the Trinity Wharf at Blackwall, and witnessed by (1) In 1867 Mr. Ladd introduced the modification of dividing the armature into two separate coils, one of which fed the electro- magnets, while the other yielded the induced currents. 2638 Tyndall Address-1879. the Elder Brethren, Mr. Douglass, and myself, from an observatory at Charlton, on the opposite side of the Thames. Falling upon the suspended haze, the light illuminated the atmosphere for miles all round. Any- thing so sunlike in splendour had not, I imagine, been previously witnessed. The apparatus of Holmes, how- ever, was rapidly distanced by the safer and more pow- erful machines of Siemens and Gramme. As regards lighthouse illumination, the next step for- ward was taken by the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House in 1876–77. Having previously decided on the establishment of the electric light at the Lizard in Cornwall, they instituted, at the time referred to, an elaborate series of comparative experiments wherein the machinery of Holmes, of the Alliance Company, of Siemens, and of Gramme were pitted against each other. The Siemens and the Gramme machines de- livered direct currents, while those of Holmes and the Alliance Company delivered alternating currents. The light of the latter was of the same intensity in all azi- muths round the place of observation; that of the former was different in different azimuths, the discharge being so regulated as to yield a gush of light of special intensity in one direction. The following table gives in standard candles the performance of the respective machines:—1 Name of Machines. Holmes. Alliance Gramme (No. 1) Maximum. Minimum. 1,523 1,523 1,953 1,953 6,663 4,016 (1) Observations from the sea on the night of November 21, 1876, made the Gramme and small Siemens practically equal to the Alliance. But the photometric observations, in which the external resistance was abolished, and previous to which the light-keepers had become more skilled in the management of the direct current, showed the differences recorded in the table. A close inspection of these powerful lights at the South Foreland caused my face to peel, as if it had been irritated by an Alpine sun. Tyndall-Address-1879. 2639 Gramme (No. 2) Siemens (Large) Siemens (Small, No. 1) Siemens (Small, No. 2) Two Holmes's coupled.. Two Gramme's Two Siemens'. (Nos. 1 and 2) 1 1 6,663 4,016 14,818 8,932 5,539 3,339 6,864 4,138. 2,811 2,811 11,396 6,869 14,134 8,520 These determinations were made by Mr. Douglass the engineer-in-chief, and Mr. Ayres the assistant engineer of the Trinity House. After this contest, which was conducted throughout in the most amicable manner, Siemens machines of the smaller type were chosen for the Lizard. 2 We have machines capable of sustaining a single light, and also machines capable of sustaining several lights. The Gramme machine, for example, which ignites the Jablochkoff candles on the Thames Embank- ment and at the Holborn Viaduct, delivers four cur- rents, each passing through its own circuit. In each circuit are five lamps through which the current be- longing to the circuit passes in succession. The lights correspond to so many resisting spaces, over which, as already explained, the current has to leap; the force which accomplishes the leap being that which produces the light. Whether the current is to be competent to pass through five lamps in succession, or to sustain only a single lamp, depends entirely upon the will and skill of the maker of the machine. He has, to guide him, definite laws laid down by Ohm half a century ago, by which he must abide. Ohm has taught us how to arrange the elements of (2) As the result of a recent trial by Mr. Schwendler, they have been also chosen for India. 2640 Tyndall-Address-1879. our battery so as to augment indefinitely its electro- motive force that force, namely, which urges the cur- rent forward and enables it to surmount external obsta- cles. We have only to link the cells together so that the current generated by each cell shall pass through all the others, and add its electro-motive force to that of all the others. We increase, it is true, at the same time the resistance of the battery, diminishing thereby the quantity of the current from each cell, bnt we aug- ment the power of the integrated current to overcome external hindrances. The resistance of the battery it- self may, indeed, be rendered so great, that the external resistance shall vanish in comparison. What is here said regarding the voltaic battery is equally true of magneto-electric machines. If we wish our current to leap over five intervals, and produce five lights in suc- cession, we must invoke a sufficient electro-motive force. This is done through multiplying by the use of thin wires the convolutions of the rotating armature as, a moment ago, we augmented the cells of our voltaic battery. Each additional convolution, like each addi- tional cell, adds its electro-motive force to that of all the others; and though it also adds its resistance, thereby diminishing the quantity of current contributed by each convolution, integrated current becomes en- dowed with the power of leaping across the successive spaces necessary for the production of a series of lights in its course. The current is, as it were, rendered at once thinner and more piercing by the simultaneous addition of internal resistance and electro-motive power. The machines, on the other hand, which produce only a single light have a small internal resistance associ- ated with a small electro-motive force. In such ma- chines the wire of the rotating armature is compara- tively short and thick, copper riband instead of wire being commonly employed. Such machines deliver a large quantity of electricity of low tension-in other words, of low leaping power. Hence, though compe- tent with their power is converged upon a single inter- val, to produce one splendid light, their currents are Tyndall-Address-1879. 2641 unable to force a passage when the number of intervals is increased. Thus, by augmenting the convolutions of our machines we sacrifice quantity and gain electro- motive force; while by lessening the number of the convolutions, we sacrifice electro-motive force and gain quantity. Whether we ought to choose the one form of machines or the other depends entirely upon the ex- ternal work the machine has to perform. If the object be to obtain a single light of great splendour, machines of low resistance and large quantity must be employed. If we want to obtain in the same circuit several lights of moderate intensity, machines of high internal resist- tance and of correspondingly high electro-motive power must be invoked. When a coil of covered wire surrounds a bar of iron, the two ends of the coil being connected together, every alteration of the magnetism of the bar is accompanied by the development of an induced current in the coil. The current is only excited during the period of mag- netic change. No matter how strong or how weak the magnetism of the bar may be, as long as its condition remains permanent no current is developed. Conceive, then, the pole of a magnet placed near one end of the bar to be moved along it towards the other end. Dur- ing the time of the pole's motion there will be an in- cessant change in the magnetism of the bar, and accom- panying this change we shall have an induced current in the surrounding coil. If, instead of moving the magnet we move the bar and its surrounding coil past the magnetic pole, a similar alteration of the magnetism of the bar will occur, and a similar current will be induced in the coil. You have here the fundamental conception which led M. Gramme to the construction of his beautiful ma- chine. 1 He aimed at giving continuous motion to such a bar as we have here described; and for this purpose (1) Comptes Rendeus, 1871, p. 176. See also Gaugain on the Gramme machine, Ann. de Chem. et de Phys., vol. xxviii. p. 324. 2642 Tyndall--Address --1879. he bent it into a continuous ring, which, by a suitable mechanism, he caused to rotate rapidly close to the poles of a horse-shoe magnet. The direction of the current varied with motion and with the character of the influencing pole. The result was that the currents in the two semicircles of the coil surrounding the ring flowed in opposite directions. But it was easy, by the mechanical arrangement called a commutator, to gather up the currents and cause them to flow in the same direction. The first machines of Gramme, therefore, furnished direct currents, similar to those yielded by the voltaic pile. M. Gramme subsequently so modified his machine as to produce alternating currents. Such machines are employed to produce the lights now ex- hibited on the Holborn Viaduct and the Thames Em- bankment. Another machine of great alleged merit is that of M. Lontin. It resembles in shape a toothed iron wheel, the teeth being used as cores, round which are wound coils of copper wire. The wheel is caused to rotate between the opposite poles of powerful electro-magnets. On passing each pole the core or tooth is strongly mag- netised, and instantly evokes in the surrounding coil induced current of corresponding strength. The cur- rents excited in approaching and retreating, and in passing different poles, move in opposite directions, but by means of a commutator these conflicting electric streams are gathered up and caused to flow in a com- mon bed. The bobbins in which the currents are in- duced, can be so increased in number as to augment indefinitely the power of the machine. To excite his electro-magnets, M. Lontin applies the principle of Mr. A small machine furnishes a direct current, which is carried round the electro-magnets of a second and larger machine. Wilde's principle, it may be added, is also applied on the Thames Embankment and the Holborn Viaduct; a small Gramme machine being used in each case to excite the electro-magnets of the large one. Wilde. Tyndall--Address--1879. 2643 The Farmer-Wallace machine is also an apparatus of great power. It consists of a combination of bobbins for induced currents, and of inducing electro-magnets, the latter being excited by the method discovered by Siemens and Wheatstone. In the machines intended for the production of the electric light, the electro- motive force is so great as to permit of the introduc- tion of several lights in the same circuit. A peculiarly novel feature of the Farmer-Wallace system is the shape of the carbons. Instead of rods, two large plates of carbons with bevelled edges are employed, one above the other. The electric discharge passes from edge to edge, and shifts its position according as the carbon is dissipated. The duration of the light in this case far exceeds that obtainable with rods. I have myself seen four of these lights in the same circuit in Mr. Ladd's workshop in the City, and they are now, I believe, em- ployed at the Liverpool Street Station of the Metro- politan Railway. The Farmer-Wallace "quantity ma- chine" pours forth a flood of electricity of low tension. It is unable to cross the interval necessary for the pro- duction of the electric light, but it can fuse thick cop- per wires. When sent through a short bar of iridium, this refractory metal emits a light of extraordinary splendour. 1 The machine of M. de Méritens, which he has gener- ously brought over from Paris for our instruction, is the newest of all. In its construction he falls back upon the principle of the magneto-electric machine, employ- ing permanent magnets as the exciters of the induced currents. Using the magnets of the Alliance Company, by a skilful disposition of his bobbins, M. de Méritens produces with eight magnets a light equal to that pro- duced by forty magnets in the Alliance machines. While the space occupied is only one-fifth, the cost is little more than one-fourth that of the latter. In the de Méritens machine the commutator is abolished. The internal heat is hardly sensible, and the absorption of power, in relation to the effects produced, is small. 2644 Tyndall-Address-1879. With his larger machines M. de Méritens maintains a considerable number of lights in the same circuit.2 In relation to this subject, inventors fall into two classes, the contrivers of regulators and the constructors of machines. M. Rapieff has hitherto belonged to in- ventors of the first class, but I have reason to know that he is engaged on a machine which, when complete, will place him in the other class also. Instead of two single carbon rods, M. Rapieff employs two pairs of rods, each pair forming a V. The light is produced at the common junction of the four carbons. The device for regulating the light is of the simplest character. At the bottom of the stand which supports the carbons are two small electro-magnets. One of them, when the current passes, draws the carbons together, and in so doing throws itself out of circuit, leaving the control of the light to the other. The carbons are caused to ap- proach each other by a descending weight, which acts in conjunction with the electro-magnet. Through the liberality of the proprietors of the Times, every facility has been given to M. Rapieff to develope and simpify his invention at Printing House Square. The illumi- nation of the press-room, which I had the pleasure of witnessing, under the guidance of M. Rapieff himself, is extremely effectual and agreeable to the eye. There are, I believe, five lamps in the same circuit, and the regulators are so devised that the extinction of any lamp does not compromise the action of the others. M. Rapieff has lately improved his regulator. Many other inventors might here be named, and fresh ones are daily crowding in. Mr. Werdermann has been long known in connection with this subject. Em- ploying as negative carbon a disc, and as positive car- bon a rod, he has, I am assured, obtained very satis- (1) The iridium light was shown by Mr. Ladd. It brilliantly illuminated the theatre of the Royal Institution. (2) The small machine transforms one-and-a-quarter horse-power into heat and light, yielding about 1,900 candles; the large machine transforms five-horse power, yielding about 9,000 candles. Tyndall-Address—1879. 2645 factory results. The small resistances brought into play by his minute arcs enable Mr. Werdermann to in- troduce a number of lamps into a circuit traversed by a current of only moderate electro-motive power. M. Reynier is also the inventor of a very beautiful little lamp, in which the point of a thin carbon rod, properly adjusted, is caused to touch the circumference of a car- bon wheel which rotates underneath the point. The light is developed at the place of contact of rod and wheel. One of the last steps, though I am informed not quite the last, in the improvement of regulators is this: The positive carbon wastes more profusely than the negative, and this is alleged to be due to the greater heat of the former. It occurred to Mr. William Siemens to chill the negative artificially, with the view of diminishing or wholly preventing its waste. This he accomplishes by making the negative pole a hollow cone of copper, and by ingeniously discharging a small jet of cold water against the interior of the cone. His negative of copper is thus caused to remain fixed in space, for it is not dissipated, the positive carbon only needing control. I have seen this lamp in action, and can bear witness to its success. I might go on to other inventions, achieved or pro- jected. Indeed, there is something bewildering in the recent rush of constructive talent into this domain of applied electricity. The question and its prospects are modified from day to day, a steady advance being made towards the improvement both of machines and regu- lators. With regard to our public lighting, I strongly lean to the opinion that the electric light will at no distant day triumph over gas. I am not so sure that it will do so in our private houses. As, however, I am anxious to avoid dropping a word here that could in- fluence the share market in the slightest degree, I limit myself to this general statement of opinion. To one inventor in particular belongs the honour of the idea, and the realisation of the idea, of causing the carbon rods to burn away like a candle. It is needless for me to say that I here refer to the young Russian • 2646 Tyndall-Address-1879. officer, M. Jablochkoff. He sets two carbon rods up- right at a small distance apart, and fills the space be- tween them with an insulating substance like plaster of Paris. The carbon rods are fixed in metallic holders. A momentary contact is established between the two carbons by a little cross-piece of the same substance placed horizontally from top to top. This cross-piece is immediately dissipated or removed by the current, the passage of which once established is afterwards maintained. The carbons gradually waste, while the substance between them melts like the wax of a candle. The comparison, however, only holds good for the act of melting; for, as regards the current, the insulating plaster is practically inert. Indeed, as proved by M. Rapieff and Mr. Wilde, the plaster may be dispensed with altogether, the current passing from point to point between the naked carbons. M. de Méritens has re- cently brought out a new candle, in which the plaster is abandoned, while between the two principal carbons is placed a third insulated rod of the same material. With the small de Méritens machine two of these candles can be lighted before you; they produce a very brilliant light. In the Jablochkoff candle it is necessary that the carbons should be consumed at the same rate. Hence the necessity for alternating currents by which this equal consumption is secured. It will be seen that M. Jablochkoff has abolished regulators altogether, in- troducing the candle principle in their stead. In my judgment, the performance of the Jablochkoff candle on the Thames Embankment and the Holborn Viaduct is highly creditable, notwithstanding a considerable waste of light towards the sky. The Jablochkoff lamps, it may be added, would be more effective in a street, where their light would be scattered abroad by 1 (1) Both the machines of M. de Méritens and the Farmer-Wallace machine were worked by an excellent gas-engine, lent for the occa- sion by the Messrs. Crossley, of Manchester. The Siemens machine was worked by steam. Tyndall-Address—1879. 2647 the adjacent houses, than in the positions which they now occupy in London. It was my custom some years ago, whenever I needed a new and complicated instrument, to sit down besides its proposed constructor, and to talk the matter over with him. The study of the inventor's mind which this habit opened out was always of the highest interest to me. I particularly well remember the impression made upon me on such occasions by the late Mr. Darker, a philosophical instrument maker in Lambeth. This man's life was a struggle, and the reason of it was not far to seek. No matter how commercially lucrative the work upon which he was engaged might be, he would instantly turn aside from it to seize and realise the ideas of a scientific man. He had an inventor's power, and an inventor's delight in its exercise. The late Mr. Becker possessed the same power in a very considerable degree. On the Continent, Froment, Breguet, Sauerwald, and others might be mentioned as eminent instances of ability of this kind. Such minds resemble a liquid on the point of crystallization. Stirred by a hint, crystals of constructive thought im- mediately shoot through them. That Mr. Edison pos- sesses this intuitive power in no common measure, is proved by what he has already accomplished. He has the penetration to seize the relationship of facts and principles, and the art to reduce them to novel and concrete combinations. Hence, though he has thus far accomplished nothing that we can recognise as new in relation to the electric light, an adverse opinion as to his ability to solve the complicated problem on which he is engaged, would be unwarranted. I will endeavour to illustrate in a simple manner Mr. Edison's alleged mode of electric illumination, taking advantage of what Ohm has taught us regarding the laws of the current, and what Joule has taught us re- garding the relation of resistance to the development of light and heat. From one end of a voltaic battery a wire, dividing at a certain point into two runs 2648 Tyndall-Address-1879. ance. branches, which reunite in a single wire connected with with the other end of the battery. From the positive end of the battery the current passes first through the single wire to the point of junction, where it divides itself between the branches according to a well-known law. If the branches be equally resistant, the current divides itself equally between them. If one branch be less resistant than the other, more than half the current will choose the freer path. The strict law is that the quantity of current is inversely proportional to the resist- A clear image of the process is derived from the deportment of water. When a river meets an island it divides, passing right and left of the obstacle, and afterwards reuniting. If the two branch beds be equal in depth, width, and inclination, the water will divide itself equally between them. If they be unequal, the larger quantity of water will flow through the more open course. And, as in the case of the water, we may have an indefinite number of islands producing an in- definite subdivision of the trunk stream, so in the case of electricity we may have, instead of two branches, any number of branches, the current dividing itself among them, in accordance with the law which fixes the relation of flow to resistance. Let us apply this knowledge. Suppose an insulated copper rod, which we may call an "electric main," to be laid down along one of our streets, say along the Strand. Let this rod be connected with one end of a powerful voltaic battery, a good metallic connection being established between the other end of the battery and the gas-pipes under the street. As long as the electric main continues unconnected with the gas-pipes, the circuit is incomplete and no current will flow; but if any part of the main, however distant from the bat- tery, be connected with the adjacent gas-pipes, the cir- cuit will be completed and the current will flow. Sup- posing our battery to be at Charing Cross, and our rod of copper to be tapped opposite Somerset House, a branch wire can be carried from the rod into the build- ing, the current passing through which may be subdi- Tyndall-Address—1879. 2649 vided into any number of subordinate branches which reunite afterwards and return through the gas-pipes to the battery. The branch currents may be employed to raise to vivid incandescence a refractory metal like iridium or one of its alloys. Instead of being tapped at one point, our main may be tapped at one hundred points. The current will divide in strict accordance with law, its power to produce light being solely limited by its strength. The process of division closely re- sembles the circulation of the blood; the electric main carrying the outgoing current representing a great artery, the gas-pipes carrying the return current repre- senting a great vein, while the intermediate branches represent the various vessels by which the blood is distributed through the system. This, if I understand aright, is Mr. Edison's proposed mode of illumination. The electric force is at hand. Metals sufficiently re- fractory to bear being raised to vivid incandescence are also within reach. The principles which regulate the division of the current and the development of its light and heat are perfectly well known. There is no room for a "discovery," in the scientific sense of the term, but there is ample room for the exercise of that mechanical ingenuity which has given us the sewing machine and so many other useful inventions. Know- ing something of the intricacy of the practical problem, I should certainly prefer seeing it in Mr. Edison's hands to having it in mine.¹ 1 It is sometimes stated as a recommendation to the electric light, that it is light without heat; but to dis- prove this, it is only necessary to point to the experi- ments of Davy, which show that the heat of the voltaic arc transcends that of any other terrestrial source. The emission from the carbon points is capable of accurate analysis. To simplify the subject, we will take the case of a platinum wire at first slightly warmed by the (1) More than thirty years ago the radiation from incandescent platinum was admirably investigated by Dr. Draper of New York. 2650 Tyndall—Address—1879. current, and then, through the gradual augmentation of the latter, raised to a white heat. When first warmed, the wire sends forth rays which have no power on the optic nerve. They are what we call invisible rays; and not until the temperature of the wire has reached nearly 1,000° Fahr., does it begin to glow with a faint, red light. The rays which it emits prior to redness are all invisible rays, which can warm the hand but cannot excite vision. When the temperature of the wire is raised to whiteness, these dark rays not only per- sist, but they are enormously augmented in intensity. They constitute about 95 per cent. of the total radia- tion from the white-hot platinum wire. They make up nearly 90 per cent. of the emission from a brilliant electric light. You can by no means have the light of the carbons without this invisible emission as an ac- companiment. The visible radiation is, as it were, built upon the invisible as its necessary foundation. It is easy to illustrate the growth in intensity of these invisible rays as the visible ones enter the radia- tion and augment in power. The transparency of the simple gases and metalloids-of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine, iodine, bromine, sulphur, phos- phorus, and even of carbon, for the invisible heat rays is extraordinary. Dissolved in a proper vehicle, iodine cuts the visible radiation sharply off, but allows the invisible free transmission. By dissolving iodine in sulphur, Professor Dewar has recently added to the number of our effectual ray-filters. The mixture may be made as black as pitch for the visible, while remain- ing transparent for the invisible rays. By such filters. it is possible to detach the invisible rays from the total radiation, and to watch their augmentation as the light increases. Expressing the radiation from a platinum wire when it first feels warm to the touch-when, therefore, all its rays are invisible-by the number one, the invisible radiation from the same wire raised to a white heat may be five hundred or more. It is not, then, by the diminution or transformation of the non- luminous emission that we obtain the luminous; the Tyndall--Address-1879. 2651 heat rays maintain their ground as the necessary ante- cedents and companions of the light rays. When de- tached and concentrated, these powerful heat rays can produce all the effects ascribed to the mirrors of Archim- edes at the siege of Syracuse. While incompetent to produce the faintest glimmer of light, or to affect the most delicate air-thermometer, they will inflame paper, burn up wood, and even ignite combustible metals. When they impinge upon a metal refractory enough to bear their shock without fusion, they can raise it to a heat so white and luminous as to yield, when analysed, all the colours of the spectrum. In this way the dark rays emitted by the incandescent carbons are converted into light rays of all colours. Still, so powerless are these invisible rays to excite vision that the eye has been placed at a focus competent to raise platinum foil to bright redness, without experiencing any visual im- pression. Light for light, no doubt, the amount of heat imparted by the incandescent carbons to the air is far less than that imparted by gas flames. It is less because of the smaller size of the carbons, and of the comparative smallness of the quantity of fuel consumed in a given time. It is also less because the air cannot penetrate the carbons as it penetrates a flame. The tem- perature of the flame is lowered by the admixture of a gas which constitutes four-fifths of our atmosphere, and which, while it appropriates and diffuses the heat, does not aid in the combustion; and this lowering of the temperature by the inert atmospheric nitrogen, renders necessary the combustion of a greater amount of gas to produce the necessary light. In fact, though the statement may appear paradoxical, it is entirely because of its enormous actual temperature that the electric light seems so cool. It is this temperature that renders the proportion of luminous to non- luminous heat greater in the electric light than in our brightest flames. The electric light, morever, requires no air to sustain it. It glows in the most perfect air Its light and heat are therefore not purchased vacuum. 2652 Tyndall-Address-1879. at the expense of the vitalising constituent of the atmos- phere. It sheds its light without vitiating the air. Two orders of minds have been implicated in the development of this subject; first, the investigator and discoverer, whose object is purely scientific, and who cares little for practical ends; secondly, the practical mechanician, whose object is mainly industrial. It would be easy, and probably in many cases true, to say that the one wants to gain knowledge, while the other wants to make money; but I am persuaded that the mechanician not unfrequently merges the hope of profit in the love of his work. Members of each of these classes are sometimes scornful towards those of the other. There is, for example, something superb in the disdain with which Cuvier hands over the discov- eries of pure science to those who apply them: “Your grand practical achievements are only the easy appli- cation of truths not sought with a practical intent- truths which their discoverers pursued for their own. sake, impelled solely by an ardour for knowledge. Those who turned them into practice could not have discovered them, while those who discovered them had neither the time nor the inclination to pursue them to a practical result. Your rising workshops, your peopled colonies, your vessels which furrow the seas; this abundance, this luxury, this tumult "-"this com- motion," he would have added, were he now alive, "regarding the electric light "-" all come from discov- eries in Science, though all remain strange to them. The day that a discovery enters the market they abandon it; it concerns them no more." In writing thus Cuvier probably did not sufficiently to take in account the reaction of the applications of science upon science itself. The improvement of an old instrument or the invention of a new one is often tantamount to an enlargement and refinement of the senses of the scientific investigator. Beyond this, the amelioration of the community is also an object worthy Tyndall-Address-1879. 2653 of the best efforts of the human brain. Still, assuredly it is well and wise for a nation to bear in mind that those practical applications which strike the public eye, and excite public admiration, are the outgrowth of long antecedent labours begun, continued, and ended under the operation of a purely intellectual stimulus. Few," says Pasteur, "seem to comprehend the real origin of the marvels of industry and the wealth of nations. I need no other proof of this than the free quent employment in lectures, speeches, and official language of the erroneous expression, applied science.' A statesman of the greatest talent stated some time ago that in our day the reign of theoretic science had rightly yielded place to that of applied science. Noth- ing, I venture to say, could be more dangerous, even to practical life, than the consequences which might flow from these words. They show the imperious necessity of a reform in our higher education. There exists no category of sciences to which the name of applied science could be given. We have science and the applications of science which are united as tree and fruit." A final reflection is here suggested. We have amongst us a small cohort of social regenerators—men of high thoughts and aspirations-who would place the operations of the scientific mind under the control of a hierarchy which should dictate to the man of science the course that he ought to pursue. How this hier- archy is to get its wisdom they do not explain. They decry and denounce scientific theories; they scorn all reference to æther, and atoms, and molecules, as sub- jects lying apart from the world's needs; and yet such ultra-sensible conceptions are often the spur to the greatest discoveries. The source, in fact, from which the true natural philosopher derives inspiration and. unifying power is essentially ideal. Faraday lived in this ideal world. Nearly half a century ago, when he first obtained a spark from a magnet, an Oxford don expressed regret that such a discovery should have 2654 Tyndall-Address-1879. been made, as it placed a new and facile implement in the hands of the incendiary. To regret, a Comtist hier- archy would have probably added repression, sending Faraday back to his bookbinder's bench as a more dig- nified and practical sphere of action than peddling with a magnet. And yet it is Faraday's spark which now shines upon our coasts, and promises to illuminate our streets, halls, quays, squares, warehouses, and, perhaps, at no distant day, our homes. JOHN TYNDALL. Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. 2655 Complainant's Exhibit Extract from Fon- taine's Electric Lighting. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. A PRACTICAL TREATISE, BY HIPPOLYTE FONTAINE. Translated from the French by Paget Higgs. London. E. & F. N. Spon, 1878. Pages 38 to 52. CHAPTER III. ELECTRIC CARBONS. WOOD CARBON RODS--RETORT CARBON-ITS INCONVEN- IENCES--STAITE AND EDWARD'S CARBONS--LA MOLT'S CARBONS--LACASSAGNE AND THIERS' CAR- BONS--CURMER'S CARBONS-JACQUELAIN'S CAR- BONS--PEYRET'S CARBONS--ARCHEREAU'S CAR- BONS--CARRÉ'S EXPERIMENTS--HIS PROCESSES OF MANUFACTURE--GAUDOIN'S EXPERIMENTS--HIS PROCESSES OF MANUFACTURE--COMPARATIVE TRIALS OF SEVERAL KINDS OF CARBONS. In his experiments on the voltaic arc, Davy made use of rods of wood carbon extinguished in water or mer- cury. These rods burnt with great brilliancy, and in a ** Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. 2656 very regular manner, but they wore away so rapidly that their use was obliged to be reserved for laboratory experiments. In replacing the wood carbon by the deposits collected from the walls of gas retorts, Fou- cault really opened up to the voltaic arc the epoch of useful applications. Retort carbon is, in fact, much more dense, and resists for a long time the destructive action of the voltaic focus. But, as M. Le Roux has observed with reason, the last word has not been said upon this question, and retort carbon will still offer grave inconveniences. Its density is far from uniform, it sometimes splits, fre- quently works irregularly, and produces considerable variations in brilliancy. These variations chiefly depend upon the presence of foreign matters, such as alkaline or earthy salts, and also notable quantities of silica. These matters are much less refractory than the carbon; they pass into vapor, and form for a great part the flame which envelopes the arc. This flame is more conducting than the voltaic arc proper; more- over, as it has a much greater section, it is less heated, and besides, as it is a gaseous body, its power of radi- ation is less than that of the particles of carbon which constitute the arc. Let us hasten to say that, by suitably choosing the two rods which should furnish a regulator, retort car- bon gives satisfactory results in most of its applica- tions. When the voltaic arc is enclosed in a globe of frosted glass, the scintillations, intermittences, and va- riations in the intensity of the focus are much less felt; the shadows are much less marked, the light is softer, more homogeneous, more agreeable. But the globe causes a very considerable loss of light, and whenever the small irregularities, due to the imperfec- tion of the carbon, are supportable, the carbons should be burned without a globe. Moreover, one gets readily accustomed to the electric light; and the workmen now, instead of complaining, seek factories lighted in this manner. Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. 2657 Several inventors have endeavored to substitute for carbons cut directly from the deposits on the walls of retorts, similar agglomerates, but purer; others have merely purified retort carbons. Some have obtained products very remarkable in respects of luminosity, but practically inapplicable on account of their extreme cost. Among the processes proposed for the improvement of electric carbons, we will cite those of Messrs. Staite and Edwards, Le Molt, Lacassagne and Thiers, Cur- mer, Jacquelain, Peyret, Archereau, Carré and Gau- doin. STAITE AND EDWARDS' CARBON. In 1846, Messrs. Staite and Edwards patented a pro- cess for the manufacture of carbons for the electric light, which had for its base a mixture of pulverized coke and sugar. The coke is first reduced to a nearly impalpable powder, and a small quantity of syrup added, the mix- ture being purged, moulded, and strongly compressed, Then the carbon is subjected to a first heating, and plunged into a very concentrated solution of sugar and again subjected to a white heat. LE MOLT'S CARBON. M. Le Molt, in 1849, patented a composition for electric carbons, consisting of two parts of retort car- bon, two parts of wood--charcoal or coke, and one part of tar. The substances were in the first place pulverized, pounded, mixed, and by much trituration brought to the state of a stiff paste; then, by the aid of powerful mechanical means, subjected to great com- pression. The moulded pieces were covered with a coating of syrup, and placed beside each other in a vessel of re- tort carbon. They were then subjected to a high tem- 2658 Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. perature for a period of from twenty to thirty hours and purified if necessary, by immersion in acids. LACASSAGNE AND THIERS' CARBON. In 1875, Messrs. Lacassagne and Thiers gave atten- tion to the purification of retort carbons. They fused a certain quantity of caustic potash or soda. When this bath was at a red heat, they digested in it, for about a quarter of an hour, the carbon rods which had been previously cut from the walls of retorts. This operation was intended to change into a solu- ble silicate of potash or soda, the silica contained in the carbons, which is so pernicious to the constancy of the light. The carbon rods were then washed in boil- ing water, and subjected for several hours (in a red- hot tube of porcelain or fire-clay) to the action of a current of chlorine, which had the effect of converting the different earthy matters that the alkali had not at- tacked, into volatile chlorides, as of silica, calcium, po- tassium, iron, &c. Thus cleansed, these carbons gave a somewhat more regular light. CURMER'S CARBON. Curmer's process consists principally in the calcina- tion of lamp-black, benzine, and oil of turpentine, the whole mixed and moulded in the form of cylinders; the decomposition of these substances leaves a porous car- bon, which is soaked with resins or saccharine matters and again calcined. By repeating these operations, M. Curmer scuceeded in producing carbons of small den- sity, or conducting power, certainly, but extremely reg- ular and free from all impurities. JACQUELAIN'S CARBON. M. Jacquelain, late chemist at l'Ecole Centrale, has endeavored to imitate the circumstances which, during Fontaine--1878-Chapter III. 2659 the manufacture of gas, gave birth to retort carbon. These circumstances are the coming into contact with the white-hot walls of the retort of very dense hydro- carburetted matters, of which part is volatilized and the rest decomposed, leaving as residue a layer of car- bon. In retorts used in the manufacture of gas, these hydro-carburetted matters carry away with them a great number of the impurities that the coal contains. By taking the tars resulting from true distilation, cleared consequently of all the non-volatile impurities, and realizing, in special apparatus, these conditions of decomposition in contact with highly-heated walls, re- tort carbons ought to be reproduced possessing perfect purity. It is this that M. Jacquelain has done in operating with a tube of refractory earth 0·15 metre diameter, in an improvised furnace; and he has ob- tained some plates which, cut into the rods with a saw, have given a light perfectly steady, whiter, and of about 25 per cent. greater intensity, with an equal electric current, than that given by the ordinary carbons. The experiments made with these carbons, by the Paris Administration of Lighthouses, have been so conclusive that we had, about the commencement of 1876, the idea of putting the process in practice. But M. Jacquelain, being consulted, explained to us that it was impossible to calculate: 1st, the expenditure necessary for the establishment of a continuous manu- facture; 2nd, the approximate net cost price of the carbons obtained. As another process by M. Gaudoin has commenced to give good results, we had not con- tinued our idea. We have long ago learnt what is the cost of converting a very exact laboratory process into an industrial operation, and we do not wish to launch into an affair of this nature without some figures being given. The carbon of M. Jacquelain, once formed, has al- ways the inconvenience of requiring a considerable amount of manual labor before use can be made of it (because the material is so hard, that it can with diffi- 2660 Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. culty be cut by the saw), and of producing relatively considerable waste. PEYRET'S CARBON. M. Peyret, a physicist of Lourdes, has prepared carbons by soaking pieces of elder-tree pith or any other porous body with liquefied sugar, and afterwards decomposing the sugar by heat. By repeating the operation a sufficient number of times, he obtained very dense carbons, which he then submitted to a current of sulphide of carbon. We have had in our hands only very small fragments of these carbons, and it has been impossible for us to give an estimate of their worth; their high price is in every case a very serious obstacle to the development of an industrial manufacture. ARCHEREAU'S CARBON. M. Archereau, whose name frequently comes under the pen in questions relating to agglomerates of car- bon, or to electricity, has presented to the Academy of Sciences some new rods for electric regulators, com- posed of carbon mixed with magnesia, agglomerated and pressed; the magnesia has, according to the au- thor, the advantage of making the light more steady and of augmenting its lighting power. We have tried several samples of these carbons; some were of good quality, others inferior to retort carbons. Several carbons furnished a light of 150 burners, with a total consumption per hour of 0.03 metre. It is a manufacture that is capable of giving good results, but needs very careful revision. CARRÉ'S CARBON. M. Carré has made a great number of experiments for the electric light upon retort carbons impregnated with different salts, and has combined a new product Fontaine-1878—Chapter III. 2661 from the same usage. Some details of his labors are necessary to make their importance and merit under- stood. By impregnating porous carbons, and by a prolonged ebullition in concentrated solutions, M. Carré proves: 1st. That potash and soda at least double the length of the voltaic arc, render it more silent, com- bine themselves with the silica, and eliminate it from the carbons by making it flow to six or seven milli- meters from the points, in a state of vitreous globules, limpid and often colorless; that these substances aug- ment the light in the proportion of 1-25 to 1. 2d. That lime, magnesia, and strontia augment the light in the proportion of 1-40 to 1, by the coloring in different ways. 3d. That iron and antimony carry the augmentation to 1-60 or 1-70. 4th. That boracic acid augments the duration of the carbons by enveloping them with a vitreous layer which isolates the oxygen from them, but without aug- menting the light. 5th. That upon the whole the impregnation of pure and regular porous carbons, with the solutions of dif- ferent substances, is a convenient and economical means of producing their spectra, but that the mixing of the simple substances with the carbon compound is preferable. For the manufacture of carbons, M. Carré recom- mends a composition of powdered coke, calcined lamp- black, and a special syrup formed of 30 parts of cane- sugar and 12 quarts of gum. The following formula is recommended in the patent of the 15th January, 1876: Coke, very pure, in fine, nearly impalpable. powder Calcined lamp-black- Special syrup 15 parts. 5 (C -7 to 8 The whole is strongly triturated, and has added to 2662 Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. it from 1 to 3 parts of water, to compensate for the loss by evaporation, according to the degree of tough- ness to be given to the paste. The coke ought to be made with the best coals, pulverized and purified by washings. (The coal powder may be likewise purified by washings by decantation and maceration with heat in acid baths). The coke dust of gas retorts is gener- ally pure enough. The paste is now pressed and passed through a draw- plate, then the carbons are placed in tiers in crucibles, and are subjected during a given time to a high tem- perature. The cooking comprehends a series of operations. For the first, the carbons are placed horizontally in the crucible, resting upon a bed of coke dust; every layer is separated by a cover of paper to avoid any adherence. Between the last layer and the cover is put one centimetre of coke-sand, and one centimetre of silicous sand upon the joint of the cover. After the first operation, which ought to last from four to five hours, and attain a cherry-red heat, the car- bons should remain two or three hours in a very con- centrated and boiling syrup of cane-sugar or caramel, with two or three intervals of considerable cooling, in order that the atmospheric pressure may force the syrup into all the pores. The carbons are then left to drain by opening a cock placed at the bottom of the vessel, after which they are agitated for some instants in boiling water to dissolve the sugar remaining on the surface. After desiccation the carbons are submitted to a second cooking to the degree required; they are then stood up in the crucible by filling up their intersti- ces with sand. They are thus manipulated from stage to stage, until they have acquired the density and solidity requisite, and the manipulation is facilitated by the use of an oven having as many stages as there are cookings re- quired. The carbons are dried slowly. Their desiccation is Fontaine--1878--Chapter III. 2663 completed in a stove, the temperature of which at- tains gradually 80 degrees in twelve or fifteen hours. To prevent their becoming deformed in drying, the rods are placed on pieces of sheet iron having a V- form. The Carré carbons are more tenacious and are harder than those of retort carbon. They are remarkably ac- curate and regular. Rods of 0.01 metre diameter and of 0.05 metre length can be employed without fear of rupture. Their cylindrical form and their homogeneity make the cones maintain as perfect shape as if they were turned. They are also better con- ductors than retort carbons. The only inconvenience that we have remarked in their employment is a rapid disaggregation, the production of small sparks, and irregularity of the luminous brilliancy. GAUDOIN'S CARBONS. M. Gaudoin also has made numerous experiments upon carbons containing foreign substances. The following bodies have been introduced into the carbons: 1st, phosphate of lime from bones; 2d, chloride of calcium; 3d, borate of lime; 4th, silicate of lime; 5th, pure precipitated silica; 6th, magnesia; 7th, borate of magnesia; 8th, phosphate of magnesia; 9th, alumina ; 10th, silicate of alumina. The proportions were calculated in such a manner as to obtain five per cent. of oxide after the cooking of the carbons. These were submitted to the action of an electric current, always of the same direction, fur- nished by a Gramme machine powerful enough to maintain a voltaic arc of 10 to 15 Millimètres in length. The negative carbon being placed at the bottom, M. Gaudoin has observed the following results: 1st. The complete decomposition of the phosphate of lime under triple influence of electrolytic action, 2664 Fontaine--1878--Chapter III. The calorific action, and reducing action of the carbon. The reduced calcium goes to the negative carbon, and burns in contact with the air with a reddish flame. lime and phosphoric acid are diffused into the air, pro- ducing abundant fumes. The light, measured by a photometer, is double that which is produced by car- bons of the same section cut from the residue of gas retorts. 2d. Chloride of calcium, borate and silicate of lime are also decomposed, but the boracic and silicic acids appear to escape, by volatilization, from the electric ac- tion. These bodies give less light than the phosphate of lime. 3d. Silica introduced into the less conducting car- bons, melts and volatilizes without being decomposed. 4th. Magnesia, borate and phosphate of magnesia are decomposed; the magnesium in vapor goes to the negative carbon and burns, in contact with the air, with a white flame. The magnesia, boracic and phosphoric acids diffuse into the air in a state of va- por. The increase of light is less considerable than with the lime salts. 5th. Alumina and silicate of alumina are decomposed only with a very strong current and a very consider- able voltaic arc, but under these circumstances the de- composition of the alumina is well manifested, and the alumina in vapor, is seen to go off from the negative pole like a jet of gas, and burn with a blue flame of little lighting power. The flame and vapor which constantly accompany these electro-chemical lights having appeared to him a great obstacle to their utilization for illumination, M. Gaudoin has not pushed these experiments further. He has preferred to follow up his studies upon the agglomeration of carbon. Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. 2665 The products manufactured by M. Gaudoin being superior to all others, we will expatiate a little upon this mode of inanufacture. The patent is dated 12th July, 1876. As we have said above, the carbons intended for the production of the voltaic arc ought to be chemi- cally pure. Thus, the dust of retort carbon, though containing only a small proportion of foreign matters, is not sufficiently pure for this use, and its employ- ment presents some inconveniences. The washings in acids or alkalies to which the carbonaceous matters may be submitted, with the aim of extracting the im- purities they contain, are costly and insufficient. Lamp-black is pure enough, but its price is high and its management difficult. Owing to this, M. Gaudoin had to seek elsewhere a better source of carbon, and he has found a solution of the problem in decomposing, by heat in closed vessels, the dried pitches, fats or liquids, the tars, resins, bitumens, natural or artificial essences or oils, organic matters capable of leaving be- hind carbon sufficiently pure after their decomposition by heat. The apparatus employed to effect this decomposi- tion are closed retorts or crucibles of plumbago. These crucibles are placed in a furnace capable of be- ing heated to a bright red. The lower parts of the crucibles are furnished with two tubes, serving one for the disengagement of gas and volatile matters, the other for the introduction of the primary material. The volatile products of decomposition may be con- ducted under the hearth of the furnace and there burnt for heating the crucibles, but it is more advanta- geous to conduct them into a condensing chamber or into a copper still, and to recover, after condensation, the tars, oils, essences, aud hydro-carbons that are produced in this operation. M. Gaudoin utilizes these different sub-products also in the manufacture of his carbons; he takes great care to avoid for the worms and receivers the use of iron, zinc, or any substances susceptible of be- 2666 Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. ing attacked by these tars, because the whole value rests in purity. Whatever may be the primary material employed for the manufacture of this carbon, the decomposition by heat should be able to be conducted either slowly or quickly, according to the nature of the sub-products that it is proposed to obtain. For operating slowly it suffices to two-thirds fill the retort and to heat gradu- ally up to a clear red, avoiding as much as possible the boiling over of the substances. For operating quickly, the empty retort is heated to a deep red, and the primary material thrown into the bottom in small quantities, in a thin stream if it is liquid, and in small fragments if it is solid. The slow distillation gives most tars and heavy oils and little gas. The quick de- composition gives more light oils and gas. When the primary material has been properly chosen, there remains in the retort, carbon more or less compact. It is pulverized as finely as possible, and agglomerated alone or with a certain quantity of lamp- black by means of the carbides of hydrogen obtained as secondary products. Thus prepared, those carbides are completely free from iron, and are much preferable to those found in commerce, not only in the agglomeration of the carbon, but also in the impregnation or soaking of the manu- factured objects. (The last operation, by filling up the pores, introduces oxide of iron when affected with commercial products.) The objects made in agglomerated carbon are, for one variety of carbon, as much more combustible as they are porous, and as much more porous as they are moulded with less pressure. The inventor himself uses for his manuracture, steel moulds capable of re- sisting the highest pressure of a strong hydraulic press. Although the draw-plate or moulding apparatus, used long since in the manufacture of ordinary graph- ite carbons, may be used, without any modification, for the manufacture of carbons for the electric lamp, M. Gaudoin has added to this apparatus certain important Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. 2667 improvements. Thus, instead of causing the carbons to issue, from top to bottom, vertically, he places the orifice or orifices of the mould upon the side, and in such a manner that the issuing carbons form with the horizon a descending angle of 20 to 70 degrees. This arrangement allows of emptying the whole of the mat- ter contained in the mould without interrupting the work, and as the carbon is constantly supported it does not break under its own weight, which frequently hap- pens when issuing vertically. We have made, at different times, numerous trials with all kinds of carbons, and those of M. Gaudoin's manufacture gave the best results. It has necessitated much time and considerable expense to remove this manufacture from the merely scientific domain to that of the practical, but success has crowned the efforts of the inventor. (Table A.) 2668 Fontaine-1878--Chapter III. TABLE A. TABLE OF EXPERIMENTS MADE WITH SEVERAL ELECTRIC CARBONS, 6TH NOVEMBER, 1876. Consumption. Name of Carbon. Dimensions. Speed of Machine. Of negative carb. Of positive carb. Total per hour. Mean of two ex- periments. Regularity. Observation. m.m.m.m.m.m.m.m. Retort 9 m.m. square...! 800. 19 36 55 63 Irregular. 9 m.m. square... 920 23 48 71 Archereau .. 10 m.m. diam.. 800 20 ... 10 m.m. diam Sufficiently regular. Scintillating, eclipsed for a short time, a slight disag- gregation. 920 30 6880 80 90 88 Carré.. 10.4 m.m. diam. 800 10.4 m.m. diam 920 Gaudoin 11.3 m.m. diam 800 11.3 m.m. diam 920 38 50 88 88 ∞ ∞ 2008080 26 80 106 58 38 8888 82 18 60 78 92 Irregular. 73 Very regular. Very regular. 85 Sufficiently regular. A slight disaggregation; a few sparks. Cinders of Sufficiently regular. Oxide of Iron in rather large quantity. White light. Cones good. Regular enough. A slight disaggregation; a few sparks. More cinders than the preceding; reddened for a greater length. Neither disaggregation nor sparks; less cinders than the Carré and Archereau carbons. Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. 2669 The light produced with the retort carbons was equal to 103 burners, and that produced by the artificial car- bons varied between 120 and 180 burners for the Arch- ereau and Carré carbons, and between 200 and 210 for the Gaudoin carbons. The mean of 150 burners may be applied without appreciable error to the Archereau and Carré carbons, and that of 205 to the Gaudoin car- bons. Brought to a uniform section of 0.0001 square metre, the consumption of the carbon was respectively. For retort carbons- Archereau.. Gaudoin. Carré _51 millimetres. __66 "" 73 _77 "( In proportion to the light produced, this consump- tion was: For the Gaudoin carbons, 35 mills. per 100 burners. "( Archereau (C (( Carré Retort 44 51 (C 49 These experiments were made with a Gramme ma- chine constructed by M. Bréguet and a Carré lamp by the same maker. The carbons were taken at hazard from a lot of several metres for each series. At the request of one of the inventors we made some fresh experiments, with the co-operation of Messrs. Gramme and Lemonnier, with a more powerful Gramme machine and a Serrin lamp. The following table (B) contains the mean of three series of experiments made with the greatest precision. The electric lamp was placed, quite vertically, at the same level as the oil-lamp and photometer. Every precaution was taken that there should not be any sensible error in the measurements of the luminous in- tensity. Brought to a uniform section of 0.0001 square metre, 2670 Fontaine-1878-Chapter III. the consumption of the carbons was respectively in these new experiments: For the Carré carbons, Retort, Archereau (( 44 millimetres. 49 53 "( Gaudoin (wood carbon), 61 Gaudoin, No. 1, 78 (( In proportion to the light produced, the consumption was: For the Gaudoin (wood carbon) 32 mills. per 100 burners. "" Archereau 39 (( 66 Carré 40 (( Gaudoin, No. 1 40 (" "" (( Retort 50 The light given by the Gaudoin carbons was a little less regular than that observed 6th November, 1876. That given by the Carré carbons varied in less than a minute from 100 to 250 burners; the arc rotated posi- tively round the points, the same as if alternating cur- rents were being used. The Archereau carbons ap- peared to us less effective than at the first trial; they were consumed slowly, but they produced a light so variable that it was difficult to take photometric meas- urements. Only the retort carbons maintained their duration, luminous intensity, and, unfortunately, their irregularity. Fontaine--1878--Chapter III. 2671 TABLE B. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS UPON SEVERAL CARBONS, 4TH APRIL, 1887. Section in square millimetres. hour in milli- Total consumption per metres. Mean light in Car- Length of the arc Revolutions per in millimetres. cel burners. minute of the ma- chine. Name of Carbon. Form and dimensions. Regularity. Observations. Retort carbon Square. good quality. 9m.m. in the men. Carré's Carbons, new specimen. Round. 81 60 120 2.5 820 Passable. side. Archereau's car- Round. 78 68 173 3 820 Null. bons, new speci- 10 m. m. di- ameter. 64 69 175 3 820 Middling. 9 m. m. di- ameter. Gaudoin's type, No 1. Round. 98 80 203 3 820 Good. 11.2m.m. di- ameter. 78 240 3 820 Sufficiently good. Gaudoin's [Ag- glomeration of wood carbon]. Round. Splinters numerous. Separation of a small piece. Scintillation. Carbons were shaped very irregularly. Disaggregation. Sparks. Light very variable in in- tensity at periods. Shaping into small facets. Small sparks. Light running round. Very variable in intensity. Good shaping of the carbons. Neither sparks nor splinters. Light a little red, but pretty constant. Light very white. Less steady than with Gaudoin's carbons, No. 1. No sparks. Small variations. 2672 Fontaine -1878—Chapter III. We shall describe, in terminating this chapter, the improvements that M. Gaudoin has made in his process, and patented 7th April, 1877. Instead of carbonizing wood, reducing it to powder, and then submitting it to mixture, the inventor takes dried wood, properly chosen, to which he gives the defi- nite form of the carbon, then he converts it into hard carbon, and finally soaks it, as in the manufacture we have described. The distillation of the wood is effected slowly, in such manner as to drive out the volatile substances, and the the final desiccation is made in a reducing atmosphere, at a very high temperature. A previous washing in acids or alkalies, removes from the wood any impurities that it possessed. M. Gaudoin points out also the means of filling up the pores of the wood, by heating to redness, and sub- mitting it to the action of chloride of carbon and differ- ent carbides of hydrogen. He hopes thus to produce electric carbons of small consumption and giving an ab- solutely steady light. ! Pontaine-1877--Preface First Edition. 2673 Complainant's Exhibit Preface First Edi- tion of Fontaine, Higgs' Translation. PREFACE. Our purpose in publishing this work is to show what are, in the present state of science, the judicious appli- cations of electric lighting; as much as to record the services that this new light is capable of rendering a multitude of industries, as to combat false ideas founded on the possibility of its universal use. Few questions have at the present time the ad- vantage of exciting public attention to the extent of this one; trials have been made in France, England, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Spain, America; on vessels, quays and dock-yards; in work- shops, harbors, fortifications, railway stations, &c. It is of general interest. In this century, when progress is so rapid, many per- sons do not await the sanction of experience before ex- alting a new invention to the detriment of all others; these persons have scarcely had time to admire the marvelous effects of gas-lighting than they salute the dawn of electric lighting by proclaiming that it is a hundred times more econmical than the former, that we can employ it everywhere, distribute it indefinitely, and that its light is as beautiful and intense as that of the sun itself. Other persons, unfortunately more numerous than the former, wish no departure from routine, and hinder by their inertia the march of progress. For them, the elec- tric light has no industrial existence; it is a will-o'-the- wisp, dazzling those who regard it, and so fatiguing the eye that its use is materially impossible. We ignore surprises that the future may reserve for us; but our knowledge of the subject leads us to affirm that the rôle of electricity is far from its full develop- ment, especially from the point of view of the transfor- 2674 Fontaine-1877-Preface First Edition. mation of motion into light. It is not of so much im- portance to know what will be, as to know what is. And it is to this end that we present a study of the elements of electric lighting that have definitely en- tered the domain of practice, and of the best conditions for its use. Later, as perfections are more nearly at- tained, we shall put them so much better to profit that we can better appreciate the advantages; it appears to us irrational to neglect the use of what is already good, under the pretext that we shall one day arrive at something more nearly perfect. The electric light may be utilized in two ways, either by powerful foci illuminating or visible at great dis- tances or by less intense foci giving a light suitable to all kinds of night work. In the first case, nothing can equal the services rendered by electricity; in the sec- ond case there is no longer comparison, the advantage being sometimes in favor of gas, oil, petroleum, &c., sometimes in favor of electricity. Thus for lighthouse service, fortifications, maritime service, shores, armies and campaign, the electric light is superior to all others; for show-rooms and manufact- ories, for open air yards and large work shops it is equally suitable; for domestic household illumination, and for certain trades carried on under low roofs, where there are numerous local subdivisions, gas, oil or pe- troleum is preferable. In many establishments lighted by gas it has been advantageous to substitute elec- tricity. In any case, the number of applications would be very limited if we should continue to deprive ourselves of light, as it is the custom to do in the majority of manufactures, where during the night superintendence is impossible where the work produced during the night is much less than in the day. But we hasten to add, this statu quo is not to be feared; some intelligent manufacturers—and their number is great--will re- place their present system of lighting by a system of lighting four or five times more intense, and they will not hesitate to admit that their products are better, in Fontaine-1877-Preface First Edition. 2675 larger quantities, and consequently more economical; this example will not be lost, and to sustain competition their fellow-manufacturers will imitate them. In support of this opinion it is sufficient to recollect that the Gramme machine, with which the electric light is practically obtained, had not last year* more than a dozen applications, whereas to-day it numbers more than two hundred. However, this new machine has not failed to receive criticism. It has been said to become heated, difficult to work, clumsy, capricious, that it could not be worked ten hours without repairs. The truth is, it works perfectly, and, instead of deterio- rating, improves by use. The first Our work is divided into twelve chapters. six are devoted to the study of the voltaic arc, the car- bons, the lamps or regulators, and some magneto-elec- tric machines; the last six treat of realized applications, the comparative costs of several sources of illumination, of lighting by incandescence, and of the division of the electric light. Those persons simply seeking for information as to the possibility of utilizing the electric light for them- selves, should read Chapters VII., VIII. and IX., which contain all the necessary information for planning and appreciating the advantages to be gained by this sys- tem of illumination. We have dwelt somewhat on experiments made by scientific men to determine the nature and properties of the voltaic arc; this was the origin of the new method, and it is important to explain thoroughly the phenomena which have given birth to the remarkable applications that we subsequently cite, in order to ad- mit of the better exercise of judgment. The study of regulators or lamps could have been made the subject of a special work as regards the pro- posed and attempted types; but most of these appara- tus have numerous drawbacks, and we have preferred * M. Fontaine writes in 1877.-Trans. 2676 Fontaine-1877--Preface First Edition. to mention only those presenting originality, such as might serve as basis for a new invention, or warn seekers against combinations judged impracticable. M. Serrin's apparatus should have, and in effect has, the honors of our record, as being to the present time the only one susceptible of advantageous use in in- dustry. The manufacture of carbon rods, intended to supply the regulators and to become heated under the influence of the electric fluid, has an exceptional importance; upon this, perhaps, depends the success of electric light- ing. To this we have devoted a long chapter, and have minutely detailed the processes of Messrs. Carré and Gaudoin, which are the most perfect. Some exact ex- periments on the quantity of light produced by several carbons complete these descriptions. Before attempting the study of the Gramme machine, we have passed in review the principal magneto-electric machines that have preceded it, and, with the aid of nn- merous engravings, we hope to have made clear, even to those little initiated in modern physics, the principle of these marvellous machines that create such torrents of electricity without acid or consumption of metal- with nothing more than the influence of magnets and coils of copper in relative motion. The Gramme machine being applied only in con- structive workshops, it is useful to speak of it at length; to well distinguish its principle, its mode of construction, and its multiple effects. Here again it has been necessary to make use of drawings in order to explain the apparatus and show the several forms it has assumed. But it is especially in the part devoted to the appli- cations that we have entered into precise detail, by in- sisting particularly on the motive force expended, and on the true cost price of the electric light. To evalu- ate the motive force, we have at our disposal the reports of Messrs. Tresca, Member of the Institute (of France); Hagenbach, Professor at the University of Bâle; and Schneider, Professor of Physics at Mulhouse. For the Fontaine-1877-Preface First Edition. 2677 comparison of the cost prices of several lights, we have drawn upon some sources of authority, chiefly from persons who have for several years employed this new system of lighting. The applications to marine, artil- lery, or civil purposes have not been signalized by great development; for the several Governments who have experimented with the Gramme machine have kept secret all the results observed. Nevertheless, numer- ous and important orders, obtained after prolonged trials, authorise us in saying that success has been complete. Mechanical workshops have been the first to make use of the electric light; also dyers, who need a very white light; and sugar refineries, where steam is pro- duced very economically. Railway companies have adopted it for the illumination of their goods depots; contractors for public works, for the execution during the night of earthworks or mason-work; finally it has been introduced with success into spinning mills, smith- ies, foundries, &c. Three years ago much was said about a new system of electric lighting, the invention of a Russian professor, which consisted in causing the incandescence of a small rod of carbon. It was for some time believed that by the aid of this invention the light could be in some way indefinitely divided, and introduced everywhere for nearly nothing. Deeper study of this subject, and numerous directed experiments have enabled us to re- duce this system to its real value, which, if it be de- fective when we consider it as capable of causing a revolution in present lighting, is very remarkable, on the other hand, when we have in view only a small number of special applications. The Jablochkoff candles, about which also much was said, appear to us to merit the same appreciation. If they result in anything practical, which is very possi- ble, they will be useful in certain cases, but will be substitute for nothing absolutely. In spite or our sym- pathy for the inventor, we have to guard the reader against the exaggerations founded on some experiments 2678 Fontaine-1877-Preface First Edition. made in a Paris warehouse, and bring to their true value the consequences that may be logically deduced from these experiments. Finally, we conclude our analytic review with the de- scription of means attempted for the division of the light, and with some consideration of the present state of the question. We have consulted the following special works, and borrowed from them several interesting notes:-The physical treatises of Messrs. Jamin, Daguin, Ganot, Pouillet; the electrical treatises of Messrs. Becquerel, de la Rive, du Moncel, Jenkin, Guthrie; the treatises on light of Messrs. Tyndall, Becquerel, Moitessier; M. Cazin's 'L'Étincelle Electrique,' M. Niaudet-Breguet's 'Machines Gramme,' M. Figuier's Merveilles de la Scienc,' Abbé Moigno's Les Mondes,' M. Leroux 'Machines Magnéto-Electriques Françaises,' the col- lection of the 'Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences,' 'Les Bulletins de la Société d'Encourage- ment,' and the collections of French and English patents. Our searches in the collection of French patents have procured some very curious information; we have abstracted thence more than one hundred descriptions of apparatus, of which we have published only a very small part, giving, preferably, favor to practical appli- cations, as the principal object of our labor. Among these old inventions are a goodly number now represented under other names, and that we have believed to be new. It would be easy to cite more than one patent that is a rejuvenation of old combina- tions, and of which it may be said, in the words of a certain inventor, "The people of former times had lit- tle honesty; they have stolen all my ideas." Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2679 Complainant's Exhibit Chapters XI. and XII., First Edition of Fontaine, Higgs' Translation. CHAPTER XI. LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. Use of Geissler Tubes-Report presented to the Academy of Sciences by M. Coste, in the name of M. Gervais-King's Invention— Lodyguine's Lamp-Wild's Report to the St. Petersburg Academy-Konn's Lamp-Bouliguine's Lamp-Experiments by the Author on Lighting by Incandescence-Chérémeteff and Fontaine's Lamp. As we have said, the voltaic arc is eminently con- venient for the lighting of large uncovered spaces, or large halls without interior partitions, but when it is required to light small places or very subdivided locali- ties, it is much more advantageous to employ gas, pe- troleum, or even ordinary oil. There are numerous works on the construction of small electric foci, but to the present day none of the means devised have given practical results. It has been endeavored to use Geissler tubes, and small incandes- cent carbons, and if these two means have not been successful, they offer nevertheless sufficient interest that we should devote some pages to their descrip- tion. It is well known that Geissler, an artist at Bonn, constructed the first tubes blown in various forms, closed hermetically and containing only traces of vari- ous vapours. These tubes put into communication with a current, by means of platinum wires fused into the glass, from a Ruhmkorff coil, produce a stratified light, that is to say, composed of fine transverse layers. separated by dark layers continually agitated. At the same time the sides of the tubes present a brilliant appearance, to which the term fluorescence has been applied. On March 27, 1865, M. Coste presented to the Academy of Sciences, in the name of M. Gervais, the following report: 2680 Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. "The apparatus was constructed by M. Ruhmkorff, who has acquitted himself of his task with his usual care and ability. It is a case or box in bronze, mounted on four feet, and its cover or lid is hermetically closed by means of a press-screw, and between the two sur- faces thus brought into contact is a caoutchouc washer. To the cover is attached a ring, serving as a suspension. to the optical apparatus. The case contains two bi- chromate of potash elements closed in their turn by plates to which strips of copper are solidly screwed. The poles of the current furnished by these two elements may be put at will into communication with the bobbin, and the induced current is transmitted to a Geissler tube by two wires covered with india-rubber. This tube, of proper form and filled with carbonic acid, is enclosed in a glass cylinder with thick sides, furnished with cop- per armatures, and into which water cannot penetrate. This is the lighting part of the apparatus. With this in- strument a soft light is obtained, similar to that now em- ployed by miners. It resembles in certain respects that given by phosphorescent animals, but is more intense. It can be seen even when the apparatus is several mètres under water. It would doubtless serve to at- tract fish, as does the phosphorescence of certain species, and it would also serve to light limited spaces, situated beneath the surface of the water, or for float- ing signals. The captain of the 'Devoulx,' command- ing the southern coasts of France, employed this ap- paratus in the port of Cette, in September last. It re- mained immersed for nine hours, and it gave light for six hours, under these conditions, as well as when charged at Montpellier. The phosphorescence may be of longer duration. A second trial, made at Port Vendres, on board the 'Favori' (Captain Trotabas), was equally successful." The light obtained by the Geissler tube is so feeble, that it can never be utilized practically, and numerous trials made in mines and powder mills have been with- out result. Lighting by incandescence has been studied for a long time, but its application generally presents so Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2681 great difficulties, that at the present day it may be con- sidered as within a purely scientific domain, although a certain number of apparatus exist working moderately well. The first document on the question that we have found, is an English patent of the 4th November, 1845. Mr. King, the inventor, enters into some exact details of his idea, and presents some considerations which tend to prove that magneto-electric machines, powerful enough to produce light, already existed in 1845. The following are the principal passages from this patent: The invention has for its basis the use of metallic conductors, or of continuous carbons, heated to white- ness by the passage of an electric current. The best metal for this purpose is platinum, the best carbon is retort carbon. D C B FIG. 45. When carbon is employed, it is useful on account of its affinity for oxygen at high temperatures to cover it from air and moisture, as indicated in Fig. 45. The conductor C rests on a bath of mercury; the bar B is in porcelain, it serves to sup- port the conductor C; the conductor D is fixed on the bell by a hermetically sealed joint. The carbon rod A rests at top and bottom on conducting blocks and becomes incandescent by the passage of an electric current. A vacuum is previously established in the bell, and the apparatus veritably forms a barometer with one of the poles of the battery in communication with the column of mercury, and the other with the conductor D. In order to obtain an intermittent light, the circuit can be periodically interrupted by a clockwork movement. The apparatus properly closed may be KING'S LAMP. applied to submarine lighting, as well as 2682 Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. to the illumination of powder mills and of mines, especially where the danger of explosion is feared, or the rapid inflammation of very combustible substances. When the current is of sufficient intensity, two or a larger number of lights may be placed in the same cir- cuit, care being taken to regulate the power of the mag- neto-electric machines, or the elements of the battery producing the current. In 1846, Greener and Staite filed a patent for a lamp, analogous to King's, pointing out that they freed the carbon, before use, from impurities by treatment with nitro-muriatic acid. In 1849, Petrie concludes the description of a patent for a lamp with the following remark :-"A light may be produced by passing an electric current through a short and thin conductor, which heats and becomes luminous; but the majority of substances fuse and burn rapidly however, I obtain a good light by using iridium, or one of its alloys. Iridium may be fused so as to produce an ingot whilst it is submitted to the heat of the voltaic arc; afterwards it may be decarbon- ised and rendered more malleable. It can be cut into small pieces of 0·001 mètre diameter and 0·010 to 0·020 mètre length, that can be fixed upon two insulated me- tallic supports, which are in connection with the two wires of a proper galvanic battery. There is then ob- tained a beautiful light." Several other patents have been taken out in Am- erica, France, and England for the same kind of idea; but none of these appear more complete, more explicit, and more practicable than King's; it is then useless to continue our nomenclature. Lighting by incandescence, and the principle of its production, had for a long time fallen into oblivion, when in 1873 a Russian physicist, M. Lodyguine, re- suscitated both, and invented a new lamp, which has since been perfected by Messrs. Konn and Bouliguine. In 1874, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. awarded a high prize to M. Lodyguine. The following includes some extracts from the report presented on Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2683 the occasion by M. Wild, director of the Imperial Ob- servatory; this report, as we shall see, includes several capital errors: "It has long been known that we can employ the heating faculty of the electric current, even without the aid of gas, as in the luminous galvanic arc, to heat a solid body to whiteness. On this principle there are often thus heated thin platiuum wires, which are bad conductors, by causing them to be traversed by a pow- erful electric current. The light obtained by this pro- cess is much more feeble and more constant than the electric light from carbon; it can also be extended further, and may be increased or diminished at will; nevertheless it has never found practical use, because it is too feeble compared with its cost, and because when it is desired to give greater intensity, there re- sults fusion of the platinum wire, which in general is not homogeneous throughout. "M. Lodyguine was the first who had the idea of re- placing the platinum wire, in these combustion experi- ments, by small bars of carbon (coke) analogous to graphite, that is to say, a good conductor, and thus re- solved the problem of electric lighting. "The advantages of this substitution of the carbon for platinum are so obvious from a theoretical point of view, that it is astonishing, as is always the case with important inventions, that no one had the idea sooner. Carbon possesses at equal temperature much greater power of radiation than platinum; the capacity for heat of platinum is superior (nearly double) that of the carbon in question, so that the same quantity of caloric raises the temperature of a small bar of carbon to a de- gree nearly twice that attained by a platinum wire of the same volume. Besides the resistance of the carbon in question, as a conductor of electricity, is nearly 250 times greater than that of platinum; it results that the small rod of carbon may be fifteen times thicker than a platinum bar of the same length, and that the current traversing it will engender the same quantity of heat. Finally the carbon may be heated to the most extreme 2684 Fontaine-1878- Chapters XI and XII. white heat without fear of fusion, as is the case with platinum. It is to these important theoretical advant- tages that is evidently due the great success of the mode of electric lighting proposed by M. Lodyguine. "The sole inconvenience of the use of carbon instead of platinum consists in the fact that, in the combustion the carbon combines with the oxygen of the air, and is thus gradually consumed. M. Lodyguine has avoided this inconvenience by enclosing the carbon heated to whiteness by the electric current in a glass receiver hermetically sealed, and from the interior of which the oxygen is expelled by a most simple process. (( 'It is not within the province of the Academy of Sciences to give its judgment on the technical and other difficulties which will present them- selves in the extended application of M. Lodyguine's invention, nor on the other hand, upon the numerous practical advantages of this mode of lighting above all others; it will suffice to the Academy to state that, thanks to this invention, there is resolved in the sim- plest possible manner the great problem of subdivision. of the electric light, and of rendering it constant,* in order to recognise M. Lodyguine as worthy, in consid- eration of the numerous applications of his invention, to obtain the Lomonossow prize." In his lamp, M. Lodyguine employs carbon in a single piece by diminishing the section at the point of the luminus focus, and he places two carbons in the same apparatus with a small exterior commutator, in order to pass the current into the second carbon, when the first has been consumed. Nothing is less practical nor less studied than the apparatus of this inventor. M. Kosloff, of St. Petersburg, who went to France in the hope of working the Lodyguine patent, perfected his lamp slightly, without, however, bordering upon anything passable. *We shall see subsequently how the problem has been resolved by M. Lodyguine. Fontaine--1877--Chapters XI and XII. 2685 In 1875, M. Konn, also from St. Petersburg, pa- tented a more practicable lamp, represented in Fig. 46, which was constructed for the first time in Paris by M. Duboscq. This lamp consists of a base A in copper, on which are fixed two terminals N for fastening the conductors, two bars C, D in copper, and a small valve K opening only from within outwards. A globe B, widened at its upper part, is retained on the base by means of a bronze collar L pressing on an india-rubber ring exactly as occurs with the level-gauges of steam boilers. One of the vertical rods D is insulated electrically from the base, and communicates with a terminal also insulated. The other rod C is constructed in two parts: (1) of a tube fixed directly upon the base without insu- lation, and (2) of a copper rod split for a part of its length. This split gives elasticity, and admits of the rod sliding in the tube with only a small effort. The retort carbons E, to the number of five, are placed between two small plates which crown the rods. Each carbon is introduced into two small blocks, also of carbon, which receive the copper rods at their extremities. The rods also are equal in length at their lower ends, and of unequal length at their upper ends. A hammer I is hinged on the bar C, and rests only on a single rod of carbon at once. If this lamp is placed in circuit by attaching the two conductors from a bat- tery to the terminals N, N' (the terminal or binding screw N' is hidden by the terminal N; but it is identi- cal, and is not insulated from the base), the bar of car- bon E is traversed by the current which passes by the aid of the hammer I, from the copper bar F, the two carbon blocks O, O, the copper bar G, and the plate crowning the bar D. The vacuum has previously been made by putting the cock K in connection with an air-pump or other known pneumatic machine. The rod E reddens, whitens, and becomes luminous. Its light is colourless, steady, and constant; but grad- 2686 Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. ually the section diminishes, the rod breaks, and the light disappears. The hammer I then falls on another rod, and nearly instantaneously lighting is re-estab- lished. When all the carbons are consumed the hammer rests upon the copper rod H, and the current is not inter- rupted. In this manner when several lamps are fed by the same electric generator, extinction of one does not cause that of the others. To avoid the projection of small pieces of carbon and their blocks against the glass, M. Konn has placed at the lower part of his lamp a small copper tub M, which receives the débris until the plates are refurnished. Three of these lamps were introduced two years ago at the house of M. Florent, a merchant of St. Peters- burg, and put in action with an "Alliance" machine. Each carbon lasts about two hours, with the exception of the first, which is consumed nearly immediately; the light is very agreeable, but its cost considerably ex- ceeds that of gas. M. Florent, whom we have had oc- casion several times to see, has informed us that the great advantage he has found in the employment of electric lighting was its cleanliness. His store-rooms contain much white linen that gas rapidly impairs, and on which electricity exercises no injurious influence. The bleaching economised fully compensates the sup- plementary cost necessitated by an important introduc- tion, with but little regard to the light obtained.¸ M. Florent has not made any photometric measure- Fontaine--1877--Chapters XI and XII. 2687 H B M G D K FIG. 46. KONN'S LAMP. ment; but, by comparison with gas, each Konu lamp has been valued at about 20 Carcel burners. 2688 Fontaine--1877--Chapters XI and XII. The principal cause of the great expense that the use of the light from incandescence entails, rests in the diffi- culty of preparing small carbons, which cost, as fitted, more than 5 francs per mètre. A Russian officer, M. Bouliguine, has constructed a lamp (Fig. 47), which attains nearly the same end as that by M. Konn with a single carbon. It consists, like the preceding, of a copper base or socket, two ver- tical bars, two bars carrying the current, and an exhaust valve. One of the bars is pierced with a small hole from top to bottom, and has nearly throughout its length a slot admitting the passage of two small lateral lugs. The carbon is introduced into this bar like the lead of an ordinary pencil-case, and it is assisted to rise by a counterweight connected by two microscopic cables to lugs in the transverse support on which the carbon rests. The part of the carbon which is to become incandes- cent is held between the lips of two conical blocks of retort carbon. A screw placed on the base admits of increasing or diminishing the length of the bar which carries the upper conical block, and consequently of giving to the luminous part greater or less length. The closing of the globe is effected by the lateral pressure of several india-rubber washers. When the lamp is placed in circuit, the carbon rod reddens and illuminates until it is about to break. At this moment a small mechanism* commanded by an electro-magnet opens the lips of the carbon holders, the counterweight above drives out the fragments that would remain in the notch; and the counterweight be- low raises the carbon rod which penetrates the upper block, and re-establishes the current. The mechanism *The mechanism in question, which the scale of the engraving will not admit of showing, consists substantially of an iron arma- ture placed in the interior of the lamp, and of two metallic rods acting on two cross levers jointed on to the ring surrounding the carbon-holders. Fontaine--1877--Chapters XI and XII. 2689 again acts, but in contrary direction to its first man- œuvre, the carbon-holders contract, and the light is re- newed. FI JE. BOURDELIN FIG. 47. BOULIGUINE'S LAMP. 2690 Fontaine--1877--Chapters XI and XII. We have several times tried this lamp, but we have never obtained good results. It includes too many moving parts, and the least obstacle prevents the play of the mechanism. However, we have observed that when by chance it works regularly, the contacts being better and less numerous than those of Konn's lamp, it needs less intense currents for the production of a given light. With a Gramme machine of 100 burners we have obtained with a single lamp as much as 80 burners, whilst with a Konn lamp we could never exceed 60 burners. In order to realise the actual value of the system of lighting by incandescence, we have made a series of ex- periments with several Konn's lamps and a Bunsen bat- tery of 48 elements, of 0.20 mètre height. The first operation consisted in measuring the resist- ances of retort carbon of square section. The samples tested were 0.002 mètre in the side. The following re- sults are from eight experiments: Number of Experiment. Length of Samples. Resistance in Mètres of Telegraph Wire. mètre. 1234 LOZ∞ 0.100 0.100 16 14 0.100 15 0.100 14.50 5 0.100 6 0.050 19 77 0.050 9 8 0.050 7 Total 0.650 101.50 Whence it results that the mean linear resistance of the retort carbon of 0·002 mètre is about 172, that of a telegraph wire of 0.004 mètre being taken for unity. We subsequently rounded the carbons, so as to re- duce their diameter to 0.0016 mètre, and regulated the length in such a manner as to obtain 0.018 mètre in- candescent part. The vacuum was carried to about 0.70 mètre mercurial pressure. Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2691 Circuit. The following results represent the mean of more than twenty series of experiments: State of the Circuit. Methods of Coupling the Battery. 2 Series paral-3 Series parallel of 4 Series parallel of 121 Single Series of 48 lel of 24 Ele- Galvanometer] deflection. ments. Luminous Intensity of each Lamp. 16 Elements. Galvanometer deflection. Lumincus Intensity of each Lamp. Galvanometer denection. Elements. Luminous Intensity of each Lamp. Galvanometer Elements in deflection. Tension. Luminous 1ntensity of each Lamp. Circuit closed 47 70 70 50 on itself 5 lamps 28 Reddish- white 17 Cherry-red 10 or 11 Dull red 35 burner 4 lamps 29 burner 22 Reddish- white! 16 Orange red 38 2 burners 3 lamps 38 1 to 2 2 lamps 1 lamp burners 40 3 burners 41 to 42 2 to 3 43 4 to 5 38 burner 26 burner 41 3% burners burners 40 to 45 3 to 5 44 5 burners burners 49 11 to 12 Lurners 60 burners 40 burners 45 to 46 6 to 7 burners The lamps were grouped like the elements of a bat- tery in tension, then forming a single series. In the following table are given the results obtained with lamps arranged in batteries, that is to say, on dis- tinct circuits derived from the battery. Because of the considerable differences observed in the intensities of the light of each lamp during the same experiment, we give the total light instead of that produced by each lamp: Galvanometer| deflection. Total light State of the Methods of Coupling the Battery. 16 Elements. 12 Elements. 2 Series parallel of 3 Series parallel of 4 Series parallel of 8 Series parallel of 24 Elements. 6 Elements. emitted by the whole of the lamps. Galvan ometer] deflection. Total light emitted by the whole of the lamps. Galvanometer deflection. Total light emitted by the whole of the lamp. Galvadometer deflection. Total light emitted by the whole of the lamps. Circuit closed on itself 58 5 lamps 57 4 lamps 56 68 64% burner 69 632 burners 70 60 529 burners 633 burner 612 burners 606½ burners 57% 54 burners 63 3 burners 59 62 4 burners 58 34 burner 59 15 burners 55 1 burner 55 65 burners 3 lamps 56 1 burner 2 lamps 55 5 burners 1 lamp 46 8 burners Several important observations were made during these experiments. When the receivers are sealed and the contacts care- 2692 Fontaine--1877-Chapters XI and XII. fully put in line, the carbons last for a satisfactory period. The first carbon of a lamp never lasts for less time than a quarter of an hour; sometimes it breaks at the end of thirty to thirty-five minutes, but that is very rarely; its average duration is twenty-one min- utes. The succeeding carbons last upon an average for two hours, so long as the luminous intensity does not reach 40 burners, in which case the average dura- tion is only half an hour. In the experiment of four parallel series of 12 elements, the five lamps being col- lected in batteries and one only lighted, the carbon, which gave 65 burners, lasted only twenty-three min- utes as an average. Attentive examination of incandescent carbons, through a strongly coloured glass, has shown that they are not uniformly brilliant. They present obscure spots, indicative of non-homogeneity, and the position of cracks which rapidly disintegrate the carbon. The vacuum never being perfect in the receivers, the first carbon is in greater part consumed. It would ap- pear that consequently upon the little oxygen contained in the lamp being transformed into carbonic acid and carbonic oxide, the carbon should be preserved indefi- nitely. But there is then produced a kind of evapora- tion which continues to slowly destroy the incandes- cent rods. This evaporation is besides clearly proved by a pulverent deposit of sublimed carbon, that we have found on the interior surface of the bells, on the sev- eral interior parts: rods, contacts, hammers, &c. No bell has been cracked by heating or cooling dur- ing the whole of the experiments, extending over sev- eral months, but several of the necks have been broken by the two energetic closing of the joint. The delicate part of the lamp is in the series of con- tacts which precede the incandescent rod. The carbons are got into straight line, which is indispensable to their duration, only with minute and long precau- tious. After rupture, the contact does not always oc- cur automatically, and two or three times we have been obliged to shake the lamp to cause the lighting of the next carbon. Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2693 The maximum efficiency has occurred with a single lamp and with four elements in quantity; by employ- ing two lamps and descending to two elements in quan- tity, the results were considerably diminished. We have recently made similar trials with Gaudoin artificial carbons of the same section, and the results have been more satisfactory. Thus the total light pro- duced with 48 elements in four series and a single lamp, reached 80 burners, and that produced with the same battery and three lamps, attained 30 burners. The same battery coupled in tension and actuating a Serrin lamp gives a voltaic arc of 105 burners; but the light obtained by incandescence is much steadier and more agreeable to the eye. From what precedes, it appears to result that King and Lodyguine's system is much more favourable to large foci than to the divisibility of the electric light; however it is proper to remark that when 10 burners per lamp are not exceeded, the carbons have a very long duration, whilst they are consumed very quickly for an intensity of 60 to 80 burners. Only carbons of 0.0016 mètre diameter and 0·018 mètre luminous length were until theu those tried; these behave very well with a strong current, but give no light with 12 elements. It became interesting to learn what light could be obtained with 12 elements by diminishing the length of the carbons. This was the object of a new series of experiments. Five different combinations were attempted, by vary- ing in turn the coupling of the battery, the diameter of the carbon and its length. The best results were obtained with a single lamp furnished with Gaudoin carbons of 0·0016 mètre diam- eter, and of 0.015 mètre length, in the incandescent portion. The light varied betwees 2 and 8 burners, but it was often 5 burners. Each carbon lasted on average fifteen minutes. We were about to repeat all these experiments, sub- stituting for the battery a Gramme machine constructed to give the best useful effect; but the imperfections of 2694 Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. the lamps, the difficulty of obtaining good contacts, the too minute care to be taken at the commencement of each operation, led us to decide to previously design a lamp more commodious and slightly more practical than that of M. Konn. FIG. 48. FONTAINE'S LAMP. Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2695 This lamp, which we represent in Fig. 48, is at pres- ent under construction by M. Bréguet. It is character- ized by the following points: (1) the carbons are set in a groove at each of their extremities in rigid contacts and kept fixed, which admits of the lamp being placed in all positions; (2) the electric current passes auto- matically from one carbon to the other by the action of an electro-magnet interposed in the circuit. A description, even summary, would not be of great interest, since the lamp is not yet finished; the engrav- ing sufficiently indicates the arrangement we have adopted. CHAPTER XII. DIVISIBILITY OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. General Remarks on the Divisibility of the Electric Light-Impos- sibility of establishing very small Luminous Centres with the means actually known-De Changy's Invention-Report of M. Jobart — Lacassagne and Thiers' Dividing Regulator — M. le Roux' Experiments-M. de Mersanne's Apparatus-M. Jab- lochkoff's Experiments at the Magasius du Louvre-A Recent Communication made by M. Denayrouse to the Academy of Sciences. The remarkable effects of the voltaic arc were no sooner foreseen than the idea arose of dividing the electric light, and even before the existence of a good regulator for a single light, King took out a patent for a lamp on the divisible system. The steps, however, that were being taken to perfect the single luminous centre had advanced so rapidly, that with an expendi- ture of 10 horse-power an artificial sun of an intensity of 4000 burners was produced. This grand result was due to the carbons of Foucault, Carré, and Gaudoin ; to Serrin's lamps, Gramme's machines, and Sautter and Mangin's projectors. On the other hand, the plan of dividing the light made no advance, but remained still an object of experimental and speculative inquiry. 2696 Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. The merits of the system of King in 1845, and of Jablochkoff in 1877, are of an exceptional character, and it would be a matter of difficulty to decide which of them approaches nearest to the true solution of the difficult problem of dividing the electric light. It must not, however, be thought that in face of these obstacles the idea of replacing gas by electricity will have to be entirely renounced, for science is far from having at- tained the last of its conquests by means of this mysterious fluid, which has already annihilated dis- tance, and may also be said to have suppressed night; but despite the remarkable labours of M. Jablochkoff, and the no less remarkable initiative of M. Denayrouse, there exists at the present time no sufficiently practical system of so dividing the light as to render it generally available for the purposes for which gas is used. Each decade gives birth to a new idea, the importance of which is exaggerated by rumor until, after a few unsuc- cessful trials, public interest abates, and nothing more is heard of the matter. In 1847, King's discovery of incandescent carbons was announced in England; iu 1857, M. de Chaugy, in Belgium, substituted platinum for the carbon, and employed a regulator; in 1867, M. Le Roux published in France a method of passing a current alternately, and with great rapidity, through several ordinary regulators; and lastly, M. Jablochkoff, in 1877, caused sparks to pass through plates of kaolin, and by this means obtained a series of small lights. There is no doubt that each of the systems pro- posed is capable of rendering important service in spe- cial cases, but the error that inventors have fallen into has been the claiming of too great a scope for their ap- paratus as leading immediately to the supplanting of gas. The electric light has already a vast field of ap- plication open to it, and Chapters VII. and VIII. treat of the great advantages attaching to its employment in a number of cases, but that it will some day entirely take the place of gas is extremely improbable. It has, in fact, only been since the introduction of electric lighting that our admiration for the facility with which Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2697 gas can be divided and distributed has been fairly aroused. By the term " divisibility of the electric light" we do not mean the production of several intense lights by means of one machine or battery, but simply the main- taining of a few small luminous centres, each equal to 1 to 15 Carcel burners. It has been proved beyond a doubt that several lamps can be kept in action by one magneto-electric machine, but the question is, whether the first cost and maintenance of such apparatus is not greater than that of a series of small machines each in circuit with a lamp. We have always favoured the lat- ter method of lighting, although the other plan has re- ceived a large share of our attention, and there is a liklihood that M. Gramme will still have the honor of making it a practical success. At present, however, the means proposed for attaining this divisibility of the light have been practically without success*. We will now glance at the various systems devised for the solving of this problem. It has been shown that the invention of King, reinvented by M. Lodyguine, and improved by M. Konn, was better suited to a single light than to a divisible system. There are, however, some advantages connected with the burning of small carbons in a vacuum, inasmuch as the light is steady and the expense moderate. Before abandoning this method, some new experiments should be made. with shorter and thinner carbons of various qualities. Where a single lamp and great regularity of the light is needed, this system may come into use. The mode of operation adopted by M. de Changy have never been thoroughly known, but to judge from the following communication made by M. Jobart to the Academy of *This opinion must be taken to refer entirely to the present time, and in no way to prejudge the future; from time to time we have drawn attention to the experiments which have been made in this direction, with a view to the placing of a fair statement before every one who wishes for our opinion on the subject. 2698 Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. Sciences on the 27th of February, 1858, M. de Changy's laboratory experiments must have been perfect: "I hasten to announce to the Academy the import- ant discovery of the dividing of an electric current for lighting purposes. This current from a single source traverses as many wires as may be desired, and gives a series of lights ranging from a night lamp to a light- house lamp. The luminous arc between two carbons produces, as is well known, a very intense, flickering and costly light. M. de Changy, who is a chemist, mechanician and physicist, is thoroughly conversant with the latest discoveries, and has just solved the problem of divid- ing the electric light. "In his laboratory, where he has worked alone for the past six years, I saw a battery of twelve Bunsen elements producing a constant luminous are between two carbons in a regulator of his own invention, this regulator being the most simple and perfect I have ever seen. A dozen small miner's lamps were also in the circuit, and he could at pleasure light or extinguish either one oľ the other, or all together, without diminishing or increas- ing the intensity of the light through the extinction of the neighboring lamps. The lamps, which are enclosed in hermetically sealed glass tubes, are intended for the lighting of mines in which there is fire-damp, and for street lamps, which would by this system be all lighted or put out at the same time on the circuits being opened or closed. The light is as white and pure as Gillard's gas, with which it has one point in common, namely, its production by the incandescence of platinum. The gaspipes are replaced by simple wires, and no explos- sions, bad smells, or fires can take place. The trials that have been hitherto made with the object of producing an electric light by means of heated platinum, have failed on account of the melting of the wires. This difficulty has been overcome by M. de Changy's dividing regulator. The cost of the light is estimated to be half that of gas. A lamp placed at the Fontaine--1877--Chapters XI and XII. 2699 masthead of a ship, would form a permanent signal for about six months, without the necessity of changing the platium. With several such lights placed in tubes of colored glass, it would be easy to telegraph by night, as they could be extinguished and relighted rapidly from the deck. For lighthouse purposes considerable am- plitude can be given to the light. I also saw a lamp so arranged in a thick glass globe that it could be im- mersed to considerable depths without being overturned by any movement. This lamp had already been used in the taking of fish, which were attracted towards the light. "The above slight description will suffice to show to what a variety of applications this discovery can be put. The communication which I have the honour of laying before the Academy is founded upon no illusion, a lamp was to my astonishment lit in the hollow of my hand and remained alight after I had put it in my pocket with my handkerchief over it." It must be borne in mind that the above communica- tion was made by (M. Jobart*, of Brussels) a thor- oughly skilled man of science, and one not likely to be carried away by the enthusiasm of an inventor. We have not seen any drawings of the regulator in- vented by M. de Changy, but we have seen that of MM. Lacassagne and Thiers, patented by them in 1854. The theory of this apparatus is explained in the fol- lowing description taken from the patent: When in any part of the circuit the current has to pass through a liquid of less conductivity than that of the reophores, the intensity or quantity of electricity passing in a given time is inversely proportional to the * M. Jobart was born at Bourgogne. He was, at the time this communication was made, Director of the Royal Museum of Bel- gium Industry, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor and of the Order of Francis the First of Naples, President of the Society of French Inventors, President of the National Academy of Agricultural and Manufacturing Industry, besides being a Member of the Scientific Institutions of the United States, France, &c. 2700 Fontaine--1877-Chapters XI and XII. resistance of the interposed liquid. This resistance may be increased or diminished, either by an increase or decrease of the conducting power of the liquid or of the surface immersed. The magnetic force of an elec- tro-magnet varies with the intensity of the current. If the surfaces of the conductors immersed in the liquid are of an unchangeable metal, we obtain in a free state the gas arising from the decomposition of the liquid; the quantity of this gas in a given time being in a di- rect proportion to the intensity of the current. MM. Lacassagne and Thiers divided one of the con- ductors of a battery in action into two parts, attached a plate of platinum to each extremity, and suspended the plates in the interior of a glass gasometer contain- ing acidulated water. The bell of the gasometer was raised or lowered by the inlet or outlet of the gas, pro- duced by the current. The ascent of the bell produced of course a diminution of the galvanic intensity, whilst its descent produced the opposite effect. An electro- magnet, with an armature in the form of a lever and an opposing spring completed the arrangement. The ap- paratus worked in the following manner : • The spring was first adjusted to the strength of the current determined upon. As long as the magnetic at- traction was greater than the tension of the spring, the armature remained in contact, and as the gas which was developed had no outlet, the bell of the gasometer was raised, thereby diminishing the surface of the plati- num in contact with the liquid, and consequently the intensity of the current. There would occur a moment of equilibrium and also when the force of the spring exceeded that of the magnet; the armature receded, and in so doing opened a trap which allowed of the es- cape of a portion of the gas until the normal position of the bell was again obtained. When such a regulator was accurately adjusted, the tap remained.constantly partly open, and the armature very close to the electro-mag- net without touching it. This regulator, if applied to each of the small lamps of M. de Changy, would pre- vent the combustion of the platinum wires, but the Fontaine-1877--Chapters XI and XII. 2701 complication which would arise from this arrangement would render it inapplicable, even if no other practical defects had been found to arise from its use. MM. de la Rive and Elie Wartman, both physicists of Geneva, observed that with a very sensitive regula- tor, and a battery in good working order, a current could be interrupted for the thirtieth of a second with- out any variation of the arc; but with an interruption of longer duration the arc became enfeebled and van- ished altogether after the current had ceased for the tenth of a second. M. Le Roux, profiting by this ob- servation, has obtained some very beautiful results, which he has thus described in a communication to the Academy of Sciences, dated the 30th of December, 1867: The spark from an electric battery is in general ca- pable of passing between two separated conductors. (A battery of 3,500 elements insulated with the greatest care is necessary for the production of a spark having the length of only a fraction of a millimètre.) The in- duction currents from magneto-electric machines have a much higher tension, and this accounts for the light produced by alternate-current machines. I have ob- tained the same effects with a battery of fifty Bunsen elements, and with the current interrupted during the twenty-fifth part of a second, a spark leaped over an in- terval of about three millimètres. This fact led me to a solution of the problem of divisibility. When a cur- rent passes between two conductors, so as to produce a voltaic arc, it has hitherto appeared probable that this passage was due to the elevation of the temperature, and not to the arc itself. The conductibility of the in- terposed medium is perhaps only an extension of the fact noted by M. Edouard Becquerel in the case of heated gases, whose conductibility was considerably in- creased by the enormous elevation of the temperature. "The carbon electrodes form perhaps a vapor of con- siderable tension at this high tempurature, and this vapor tends to increase the conductibility of the arc." By means of a distributing wheel, revolving with great 1 2702 Fontaine--1877--Chapters XI and XII. rapidity, M. Le Roux sent the current of a Bunsen bat- tery alternately into two regulators, in such way that it traversed each of them during the same number of fractions of a second, and he thus succeeded in divid- ing the light. The lights were under these conditions perfectly equal. M. de Mersanne, in 1873, took out a patent for the dividing of electric currents on the same principle as that of Le Roux. The mechanical construction of the invention is of so elementary a nature and so little worth patenting that we should have made no mention of it had not M. de Mersanne in the following year made an addition to the patent, which, if not practical, is at least original. The distributing wheel of M. Le Roux he has replaced by a horizontal spindle carrying a ser- ies of cams. By means of these cams a reciprocating motion is given to some rollers jointed to vertical me- tallic arms which are plunged into and withdrawn from cups filled with mercury. When the spindle revolves at a high rate of speed several lamps are put succes- sively into contact with the electric current, whereby a single source of electricity is divided into equal or un- equal portions, according to the combination given to the interruptors. • Last year, when traveling through the principal towns of the United States, we endeavored to discover what progress had been made in America in the matter of electric lighting, but we were unable to see anything of a practical nature. Many physicists had been ex- perimenting with a view to the division of the light, but none of them were in a position to show us an appara- tus worthy of even being mentioned. We will only re- fer here to a patent taken out by Mr. Henry Wood- ward in 1876. This invention relates to the incandescence of a car- bon in a rarefied gas, having the property of not com- bining chemically with carbon heated to redness. We have already mentioned the arrangement of par- allel carbons forming the candles of M. Jablochkoff and will now give some account of the experiments ac- Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. 2703 tually made at the Grands Magasins of the Louvre, and also of the note presented by M. Denayrouse to the Academy of Sciences on the 17th of April, 1877. At the Magasins the object was to increase the light in the Marengo Hall, which was supplied with eleven lustres, and also received light from the halls surround- ing it. Around the Marengo Hall, at about two-thirds of the height, there is a gallery on which the electric lights were placed. Two "Alliance" machines worked six candles, and by an ingenious arrangement the can- dles when burned out were replaced by others, without causing a sensible diminution of the light. The can- dles were arranged in diffusing globes, and the light was projected forward by means of reflectors. Two sticks of Carré's carbons, 4 mm. in diameter and 12 cm. long, insulated with a thin plate of silicious matter, and fixed in two copper tubes, which were united by a plug of asbestos, formed the candles. A slip of carbon laid across the top of the two carbon sticks served to light them. It was difficult to judge of the intensity of the electric light, as the gas was not entirely extinguished, and the neighboring galleries added their light also, but with a pocket photometer each candle was found to give about 20 to 25 Carcel burners. The irregularities were not great, but of tolerable frequency. A slight and continual fiickering was perceptible in all the lights, arising from the nature of the carbons and changes of speed of the motor. An effect of a special kind, which was no doubt due to the ebullition of the silicious sub- stance interposed between the carbons, gave a singing sound to the diffusing globe. We were told that the candles would last three-quarters of an hour; at the Louvre they were renewed every half hour. The ad- vantages of this mode of lighting can only be decided by knowing the cost of machines, motor, &c., the ex- pense of erecting them, and the cost of maintenance per hour for each unit of light. then be made with the cost of other existing electric lights, such as those erected at M. Ménier's chocolate factory at Grenelle. A comparison could $1 2704 Fontaine--1877-Chapters XI and XII. The labors of M. Jablochkoff have, from a purely scientific point of view, an undoubted value, as he has demonstrated that these voltaic arcs can be maintained in the circuit of a single current, and that two parallel carbons separated by a silicious plate produce a light less intense, it is true, than that of a regulator with or- dinary retort carbons, but quite as regular and less in- termittent. The possibility of dividing the electric light experimentally, or for purposes of scientific demonstration, was proved by M. Florent at St. Peters- burg with Konu's lamp, but the novelty of the newer experiments is that the carbons are burned in the air, and not in a vacuum, as in M. Konn's arrangement. There is no doubt that M. Jablochkoff, with the ac- tive co-operation of M. Denayrouse, will succeed in making the light more economical, and in considerably reducing the large outlay which his system necessitates; but as far as the application of the light to industrial purposes is concerned, the experiment at the Magazine of the Louvre proves nothing whatever. In fact, the only inference to be drawn therefrom is that the cost of this new method of electric lighting is much higher than that of the old system. The two "Alliance" machines and the six standards for carrying the candles employed in the Jablochkoff arrangement cost at least as much as six Gramme ma- chines and six Serrin lamps. The six candles give 240 Carcel burners*, whereas six Gramme machines with Gaudoin's carbons give 3,000 Carcel burners. Taking, then, the first cost of plant as equal, the system with regulators gives twelve times more light than that with candles. *These figures must be taken as absolute. Our estimate was 20 to 25 Carcel burners, and observations made independently by two other persons gave 22 and 30 Carcel burners. But as it is difficult to take exact measurements, we will reckon 40 burners to one Jab- lochkoff candle. Even if we double this number, the result of our comparison will not be altered to any appreciable extent. Fontaine-1877- Chapters XI and XII. 2705 Taking the horse-power absorbed by the two "Al- liance" machines at a minimum, namely, 5 horse-power, two Gramme machines with the same power would pro- duce 1,000 Carcel burners, in place of the 240 burners given by the six Jablochkoff candles. In this respect. the advantage is again considerably in favor of lighting by means of regulators. The superiority of the old system is established in the most convincing manner by comparing the consumption of carbons. An electric candle, costing at least half a franc, lasts half an hour, being at the rate of 1 franc per hour for 40 burners and 12½ francs for 500 burners. With ordi- nary carbons, the same quantity of light is produced at M. Ménier's for a quarter of a franc; the cost of the candles is therefore fifty times greater than that of regu- lator carbons. We cannot repeat too often our opinion that M. Jablochkoff will soon succeed in reducing in a certain degree the heavy expenses to which we have just drawn attention. For instance, the "Alliance" machines are dear, but it is possible to manufacture them at a lower cost, and the candles can also be made more economically. The only fact which we insist upon is, that it is materially impossible to replace advantageously the regulators by candles. The experiment made at the Grand Magasins of the Louvre was very interesting; it attracted the public, and the journals spoke of it in terms of praise. If not absolutely practical, it yet deserves public attention as being the germ out of which in future a great success may grow. In a word, neither a favorable nor an un- favorable conclusion can be deduced from this experi- ment, which is perhaps a step towards the solution, but certainly does not satisfactorily solve the problem. The difference of color between the electric light and gas-light was plainly shown, but this difference was also observed some years ago on the Boulevard des Italiens, when M. Tessié du Motay made some experi- ments with the oxy-hydrogen light. 2706 Fontaine-1877-Chapters XI and XII. M. Denagrouse's note to the Academy related to the complete suppressing of the carbon in the production of the electric light. M. Jablochkoff conceived the idea of introducing into the circuit of a magneto-electric ma- chine the primary wire of a series of induction coils; in the secondary wire of each bobbin is placed a plate of kaolin, through which the induction sparks pass. The interposed plate of kaolin gets hot, reddens, and at last becomes luminous. Around the edge of the plate is placed a priming of a better conducting substance than the kaolin itself. By this arrangement M. Jablochkoff hoped to produce fifty lights with a single magneto- electric machine. The aspirations of MM. King, Lody- guine, Konn, Kosloff, and De Changy were of a like nature, and we wish M. Jablochkoff better success than his predecessors obtained. ! Thompson--Letter of 1878. 2707 Complainant's Exhibit Thompson's En- gineering Letter of Oct. 25, 1878. “ENGINEERING," VOL. 26, p. 341. LONDON, Oct. 25, 1878. DIVISIBILITY OF THE THE ELECTRIC LIGHT FROM A DYNAMICAL POINT OF VIEW. TO THE EDITOR OF ENGINEERING SIR-Much vagueness appears to exist in the minds of men upon the possibility of dividing the electric light indefinitely, and much has recently been said and written upon the question which, if tested by sober reasoning, and by the application of elementary dy- namical principles, will be found to be sheer nonsense. The idea that the electric current can be indefinitely subdivided and the number of small lights indefinitely multiplied, by the employment of a substance more suitable in its conducting properties than carbon, is one that has been freely indulged on many hands during the past fortnight. The reporter of the New York Sun, in his enthusiam to repeat the claims of Mr. Edison, puts into his mouth statements which ex- hibit the most airy ignorance of the fundamental prin- ciples both of electricity and of dynamics. If there be one truth more than another to which scientific credence must be given in the present day, that truth is the dynamical principle of the conservation of energy, which asserts that work cannot be done by a force ex- cept by the expenditure of a precise equivalent of some other form of energy, actual or potential. The work done by the steam engine necessitates the expenditure of fuel in the boiler; the light of the gas implies the use of chemical energies stored up in the coal beds; the motion of the telegraphic needle, or of the rotating wheel of the electric pen, involves the con- sumption of zinc in the battery where the electricity is generated. In a precisely similar manner the heat and light of the voltaic arc-the electric light, par excellence 2708 Thompson-Letter of 1878. -represents a certain equivalent of energy which is transformed into light and heat by the intermediate ac- tion of electricity. The battery, or the dynamo-electric machine, with its steam or gas motor, provides a source of energy. The electric current is the conven- ient method of transferring that energy from the source to the distant point of application. The "strength of the current is another expression for the rate of transference, and represents the quantity of energy conveyed in a given time. "" Let us consider an analogy between this transference of energy by electricity and the transference of energy by the motion of moving bodies. A ball shot from a cannon possesses a certain energy of motion, or "kin- etic" energy, by virtue of which it will, when it strikes an obstacle, do work, and that of a powerful kind. It has had work done upon it to set it in motion. The principle of the conservation of energy teaches us that just as much energy as must be spent upon it in set- ting it in motion, just so much will it be capable of exerting by virtue of its motion. The name "force " should accurately be assigned to the rate at which energy is transferred in the act of setting a body in mo- tion. Hence it is inaccurate to speak of the "force that must be spent upon a cannon ball to set it in mo- tion, we ought to speak of the energy that must be ex- pended. Now, it is one of the stubborn facts of dynamics (though one that hundreds of people refuse to see be- cause they have never examined the question experi- mentally, or thought it carefully out) that the velocity of a moving body is not proportional in any simple ratio to the work that can be done by it, or to the energy that must be imparted to it to give it that velocity. The energy which has been imparted to it, and by virtue of which it can do work, is proportional, not to the simple velocity, but to the square of the velocity. An example will illustrate our meaning. Sup- pose a cannon ball weighing 1 lb. to be shot out of a gun with the velocity of 100 feet per second. A certain Thompson-Letter of 1878. 2709 quantity of energy in the form of the explosive activities of the gunpowder must be expended on it to give it that velocity; and by virtue of its velocity and weight (which together we call its "momentum ") it is capable of doing a certain amount of destructive work. And it will obviously require the explosion of twice as much gunpowder to shoot two such cannon balls at the same rate of 100 ft. per second, and they will do twice as much damage. Now instead of sending two cannon balls with a velocity of 100 ft. per second, let us attempt to send one cannon ball at the rate of 200 ft. per second. Will the same quantity of gunpowder suffice? Will the effective work done be the same? Nothing of the kind. Experience shows that a mass of 1 lb. moving at the rate of 200 ft. per second will do more than twice as much damage as the same mass moving with a velocity of 100 ft. per second, double the weight and you double the destructive energy, exactly, it is true. But instead, double the velocity and you increase the destructive energy fourfold. Treble the velocity while the weight remains the same and you increase the destructive forces nine- fold; but then you will require a ninefold charge of powder to produce that trebled velocity. The effective work done by the moving mass and the energy that must be imparted to it, both increase, therefore, not as the ve- locity but as the square of the velocity. The necessity of having a clear idea of this quantity which we term energy, by virtue of which work can be done, has been tacitly recognized by physicists ever since Newton spoke of measuring the action of an agent " by the prod- uct of its force into its velocity;" where the word force is used for what we now term momentum (the prod- uct of mass into velocity) the "action of an agent " here expressing the capacity to do work, what has also been termed vis viva. Now in the electric current you have a transfer of energy from the battery to some other point of the cir- cuit. The real source of energy in the battery is the zinc that is oxidized, the energy of its chemical separa- tion being transformed into electricity. If the current 2710 Thompson-Letter of 1878. does no work on the external circuit, the energy of the current fritters itself away in heating the liquids and plates of the battery. If the external circuit contains a portion that conducts badly, say a short length of thin platinum wire, presenting a resistance (which we may look at as a species of friction in the movement of the current), then the energy of the current will be trans- muted at that point into heat and light instead of being transmuted into heat within the battery. The heat al- ways is developed at that point of the circuit where the resistance is greatest. In the production of the ordi- nary electric light between two carbon points special care is taken by using stout conductors to avoid all re- sistance to the circuit except just at the point where intense heat is required. And now, observe, the law of the production of heat from a current of electricity is a law similar to that which expresses the relation between the work done by a projectile and the velocity of the pro- jectile. The heat produced in a conductor of high re- sistance is proportional not to the simple strength of the current, but is proportional to the square of the strength of the current. This analogy goes even further. Suppose the current to be produced from a single cell whose in- ternal resistance is negligibly small as compared with the external resistance of the circuit. If we link on a second shell we shall double the strength of the current, and shall produce four times as much heat in our wire of high resistance. But mark this: we shall consume four times as much zinc in so doing; for we shall use up twice as much zinc in each of the two cells. Simi- larly, by linking three cells, we shall treble the current strength, and shall produce nine times as much heat; but we shall use up nine times as much zinc, three times as much in each of the three cells. Now the in- tensity of the electric light between the carbon points fol- lows precisely the same law. It is proportional, not to the strength of the current, but to the square of the strength of the current. This has been accurately determined by the photometric measurements of Masson, and is also a necessary consequence of dynamics, for the cur- Thompson-Letter of 1878. 2711 rent strength, as indicated by a galvanometer, repre- sents the rate of transfer of energy, and is therefore a fluxional quantity, of which the integral is the energy expended, or its equivalent where it reappears as heat, light, &c. Now apply these matters to the problem of subdivis- ion of the electric light. Suppose we have a current of a certain strength which we will reckon as unity. Let us divide that current into two equal parts by di- viding the resisting part of the circuit into two branches, whose resistances are equal. A current of half the strength passes through each branch, producing at the point of resistance an effect of heating and illumination. We shall not get in each branch half the light of the previous case; we shall only get a quarter, because the effect follows the square of the current strength. If we had divided the circuit into three branches, in each branch we shall get but one-ninth part of the original light. This diminution becomes serious when we con- sider a case of large subdivision. Suppose an electric light equal in luminosity to 1000 candles, and we want instead to divide that light into ten smaller lights. If we introduce ten equal branches, each will carry one-tenth part of the original current, and the intensity of light in each will be one one-hundredth part only of the original light, or 10 candles. We shall get 10 lights of 10 candles each, instead of 1 light of 1,000 candles. Clearly it might not pay to subdivide the light at this rate, though it might for particular cases pay to use the undivided current to mass the light in one bright spark of 1,0 0 candle brilliancy. Where in place of a battery a dynamo-electric or magneto-electric machine is used in connection with a steam engine or gas engine to generate a current of electricity, the case is a little more involved. It was recently stated by M. Boutemps, of Paris, as the result of his experiments with the Gramme machine, that the strength of current produced by that instrument was directly proportional to the velocity of rotation of the armature. The figures given in Fontaine's "Electric 2712 Thompson-Letter of 1878. Lighting," on the authority of M. Hagenback, bear out this statement. But as yet no statistics have been pre- sented on the amounts of fuel used in running the ma- chine at different velocities, and it is not hard to pre- dict that, other things being equal, this quantity will be proportional to the square of the number of revolutions. per minute. The arrangement of the dynamo-electric machines, whereby a part of the current is diverted to excite the electro-magnets, introduces an element of difficulty here, since the proportion so diverted varies with the nature of the external circuit, and depends upon its resistance. Whatever Mr. Edison's new dis- covery may prove to be, it is understood that it refers to a mode of procuring incandescence in a circuit of many branches, and that it does not refer to the ques- tion of the source of the current. Yet here, it would on a priori grounds appear, lies the most hopeful field for the discovery of a practicable method of distrib- uting the light. As yet we have not the data to en- able us to say whether the steam power which now gives us in the dynamo machine a current of great strength, might by any arrangement be as economically employed in giving us one hundred currents of one- tenth the strength each; yet this seems not an im- probable view. The recent improvements of M. Jablochkoff in the dynamo machines, whereby each machine generates electricty for four separate circuits, capable of working four "candles candles" on each circuit point to a solution in this direction. Happily the question is now in a fair way to be sifted in the most thorough manner, and even if Mr. Edison's al- leged discovery brings us no nearer to a solution of the problem than we had before been, the reckless state- ments attributed to him in the public press will have done the public the service of showing the true bases upon which the settlement of this great and absorbing scientific problem must depend. Bristol, October 23, 1878. SYLVANUS P. THOMPSON. Fontaine-1879-Preface Second Edition. 2713 Complainant's Exhibit Preface Second Edition of Fontaine. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. (Translation.) BY HIPPOLYTE-FONTAINE. 2d Edition-Paris, 1879. PREFACE. The first edition of this work was placed on sale in May, 1877, just two years ago. It has been translated into English and German, and all the impressions have been rapidly exhausted. This success, very rare in respect to technical works, is particularly due to the important character of the subject considered and to the practical information which we have succeeded in collecting together and in arranging in an orderly manner. To-day, as in 1877, the electric light is the order of the day. A considerable number of inventors are occu- pied in improving its operation and manufacturers are beginning to make a common use of it. Personally, we have made, in two years, several hundred installations and have collected a great number of notes concerning the labors of French and foreign electricians; thus en- abling us to considerably increase the size of this new edition and to embrace in it a large number of unpub- lished data. In a few words, the following is the present state of lighting by electricity: The invention by Mr. Gramme has brought about the large introduction of the electric light into factories and machine shops; Messrs. Sautter and Lemonnier have brilliantly started it in navigation and the art of war; 2714 Fontaine-1879--Preface Second Edition. Mr. Breguet has made it specially known in labarato- ries and in England; Mr. Jasper is occupied in promot- ing it in Belgium; Mr. Siemens in Prussia, Mr. Mercier in Austria, Mr. Konn in Russia, Mr. Dalman in Spain, etc.; and all at once the candle of Mr. Jablochkoff, aided by the Gramme machine, sheds its light in shops, in hotels and also upon the public ways. Has this development appeared to increase forever as electricians hope, or are the existing installations going soon to disappear as gas companies affirm? To this it is easy to reply. An industry is transient when its only foundation is fashion and when it does not meet a general want. On the other hand, when it is of real service and is based upon truly economic principles, it grows. Now, it is incontestable that when there is need of a very intense light at one point, as in the case in forts, to watch the enemy, in harbors to combat the destructive intent of torpedo boats, in lighthouses to guide mariners, the electric light is not only the most economical of all lights, but it is quite often the only light which is ap- plicable. It is equally certain that for a large dockyard like that of the outer port of Havre, or for a vast enclosure like that of the Hippodrome of Paris, where it is im- possible to suspend lighting apparatus and place lamp posts on the track, the electric light is alone possi- ble, the only light which can take the place of the absent sun. First of all it can be affirmed that lighting by electricity has a field which is peculiar to it and where it does not even fear the competition of other systems. This alone is sufficient to assure to it a great future, as also that it will not answer for many other applica- tions. For lighting private dwellings, gas offers the most desirable, the most convenient and the most economical means (solution). Electricity will indeed be able here and there to penetrate into some large drawing-rooms or into some costly mansions, but this will be an Fontaine--1879-Preface Second Edition. 2715 exception so rare that it is not necessary to take ac- count of it. For lighting public ways, gas also answers better. Still the large avenues and open squares are already able to avail of the Jablochkoff candles, and this in spite of the slight imperfections which are always en- countered at the beginning of a new enterprise and which will soon disappear. For large shops, large cafés, and in general for establishments which seek to attract custom by the fine appearance of the merchandise placed on sale or by the richness of their decorations, the electric light in part is a means for lighting (solution) which will force. itself upon them in all the important cities. For lighting factories, machine shops, forges, found- ries and mills, the electric light presents itself with its advantages and its inconveniences in competition with gas, oil and petroleum. Most frequently gas and elec- tricity are alone in competition. Gas possesses, as a luminous agent, some remarkable properties; it produces a very uniform lighting result- ing from its division into a large number of low power lights; its use is convenient and easy, because it is sufficient to open a cock for it to come to the burners; once lighted, it burns indefinitely without requiring attention; it can be lighted and extinguished as often as is necessary; its flame can be increased or diminished at will according to requirements and fade from the splendor of the most beautiful lamp to the glimmer of the most unpretending watch-light; finally, in almost all cities, it is always at the disposal of the consumer, night and day. Its inconveniences are particularly in the disagreeable odor given out by the least leakage, in the yellow color of its flames which alters the tint of objects lighted, in the considerable heat which accompanies its combustion, which renders it unhealthy in poorly ventilated and crowded habitations; and especially in fires and explo- sions which it frequently causes. The electric light possesses advantages likewise very 2716 Fontaine-1879--Preface Second Edition. remarkable; it gives out a feeble heat, and takes from the surrounding air only a small part of its oxygen, which renders its use very healthful; it preserves the tints of colors as they are in daylight, and permits the distinguishing of shades almost alike; it produces in factories a powerfully diffused (ambient) light which facilitates inspection, diminishes the chances of acci- dents and simplifies the labors of management; it can furnish foci of an extraordinary power to illuminate spaces far away from the place of their production, and to shed around it a splendid diffused light; it removes dangers of fire, and its cost is extremely small in pro- portion to its lighting power. Its inconveniences, which are especially the con- sequence of its recent introduction (mise en pratique), and which the experience of some years will certainly partly overcome, can be summed up as follows: It loses much of its intensity when it is divided into small foci, which renders it difficult of application to small apart- ments; it is liable to extinction for a short time it is true, but with a disagreeable effect upon public ways; it neces- sitates the use of an engine; its production causes a noise often very fatiguing, and it requires some hand- ling for renewing the carbons or candles. If the workshops are made up of comparatively small rooms, if the ceilings are low, the machine tools large (élevé) and crowded together, gas is generally preferable to electricity. If the rooms are large, the ceilings suf- ficiently high, the tools well apart, electricity is gener- ally preferable to gas. In each particular case condi- tions are to be taken into account which depend especially upon the price of gas in the locality, and upon the class of work to be done in the shops. But in spite of the rivalry which will be established in certain cases between lighting by electricity and lighting by gas, the gas industry will never be arrested in its development by the electrical industry. We have said at a meeting of the British Institute of Mechanical Engineers, and we cannot repeat it too often, that the electric light can neither injure gas nor Fontaine-1879-Preface Second Edition. 2717 oil lamps, nor candles, but on the contrary. It will not change, as certain financiers pretend, the question of lighting from foundation to roof, destroy that which ex- ists, monopolize to itself alone all the industrial appli- cations, domestic and public. The electric light has its place fixed by a multitude of circumstances, but far from causing the end of other lights it will develop the use of them by demonstrating the advantages of a more intense and more perfect lighting. The field for exploiting this new industry is immense, but it certainly does not represent the one hundredth part of the general lighting, and it may be predicted, without the least exaggeration, that general lighting will soon be increased. Electricians may, therefore, pursue their researches, because their labors will receive, without any doubt, their just reward; on the other hand, the managers of the gas companies can remain tranquil, their rights are most certainly sheltered from a fall. At least this is the humble opinion of the author. 2718 Fontaine-1879--Chapter XIII. Complainant's Exhibit Extracts from Chapter XIII., Second Edition of Fon- taine. (Translation.) ELECTRIC LIGHTING, BY HIPPOLYTE FONTAINE, 2d Edition, Paris, 1879. CHAPTER XIII. LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. While, thanks to the efforts of M. M. Gramme and Jablochkoff, lighting by the voltaic arc has received considerable development, lighting by incandescence has likewise made rapid progress, which has even recently caused a great disturbance in the investments of the gas industry, although it has not yet been de- veloped into anything practical. An American Jour- nal, having stated that Mr. Edison was going to light an entire section of New York by electricity, a large number of the share-holders of gas companies, of the Old World as well as of the New World, hastened to sell their holdings, and threw the market for these ex- cellent investments into a veritable panic. To-day tranquility is restored, the statement of the journal is justly considered as a hoax, and shares have returned to their old value. But the market remains very sensitive, and we would not be surprised to soon see it again agitated by reports also devoid of founda- tion. The truth is that the celebrated inventor of the phonograph has only re-edited a platinum wire lamp, which has already been experimented with, perfected Fontaine-1879-Chapter XIII. 2719 and finally confessed to be unsuited to industrial use by several electricians of great merit. We will rapidly examine the devices which have been proposed for producing the electric light by the use of a badly conducting body, raised, by the current, to a temperature near the point of fusion. These devices can be divided into three classes: 1st, metallic spiral lamps; 2d, lamps with carbons held in clamps or sockets (charbons encastres); 3d, semi-incandes- cent lamps (lamps a contact imparfait). We will men- tion, particularly in the 1st class, the lamps of De Mol- eyns, Petrie, de Changy and Edison; in the 2d class the lamps of King, Lodyguine, Konn, Bouliguine and Fontaine, and in the 3d class the lamps of Varley, Reynier, Werdermann and Ducretal. 1st. Lamps with metallic spirals. (Translator's note. Here follows a description of the lamps of de Moleyns, Petrie and de Changy.) Edison's lamp. The experiments in lighting by in- candescence of platinum continued after 1858, and several electricians attempted to render it practical; but none of them succeeded in advancing a single step in the matter. It was even believed that it had been aban- doned forever when this famous American note arose which attributed to Mr. Edison the honor of having solved completely the problem of the divisibility of the electric light by means of platinum spirals. (Translator's note. Here follows a short account of Edison's French patent for a platinum spiral lamp.) But all this does not constitute an invention suscepti- ble of immediate applications and, still more so, to in- fluence a market as important as that of gas invest- ments. 2d. Lamps with carbons held in clumps or sockets. Lighting with carbons held in clamps or sockets has been studied for a very long time; but its usual appli- 2720 Fontaine-1879-Chapter XIII. cation has met with such great difficulties that to-day they are still to be considered as in a purely scientific stage, although to-day a certain number of devices exist which work pretty well. (Translator's note. Here follows a description of the carbon lamps of King, Konn, Bouliguine and Fon- taine.) 3d. Semi-incandescent lamps. (Translator's note. Here follows a description of the lamps of Varley, Reynier and Werdermann.) Of all the physicists who have occupied themselves with incandescence, M. de Changy has made the best spiral lamp, M. Konn the best lamp with carbons held in clamps or sockets, and M. Reynier the best semi-in- candescent lamp. The last would, without doubt, ar- rive at a practical solution of the problem of lighting by small electrical foci, did it not present some difficul- ties almost insurmountable. In the actual state of affairs, with the electrical gen- erators in use and the lamps proposed for utilizing the electricity, we do not believe that lighting generally by electricity can be made to succeed. Circumstances may present themselves where its ap- plication will be interesting and even useful, but to de- velop them, it is necessary to invent a gas engine of moderate price or thermo-electric batteries must be- come really practical. In the meantime we can recom- mend incandescent lamps, particularly that of M. Reynier, in laboratories and in factories which already have electrical lamps for powerful foci, and which can, without inconvenience, interpolate one or several semi- incandescent lamps in the circuit. ! Engineering Editorial—1880. 2721 Complainant's Exhibit "Engineer" Article of February 13, 1880. Extracts from "The Engineer," February 13, 1880, p. 126. Under the heading : "MR. EDISON ON ELECTRIC LIGHT." * * * * X * Either, as we have said, Mr. Edison and Mr. Upton know little or nothing of electric lighting or else they have put forward statements which are in advance of facts, and that knowingly and of set purpose. "" * * * "But he understands so little the questions involved in the production of the electric light that he has failed to see the consequences which must ensue from the fact that if the resistance be increased, the power must be increased also." * C * * * * * "We have said nothing of Mr. Edison's schemes for lighting towns from central stations, as set forth by Mr. Upton. It is proposed,' he says, ' to establish ' such stations in the course of a few months in the heart of several of our large cities. These will supply houses for quite a distance around them; 1000 horse- power is thought to be sufficient amount for a unit, and the stations will be at such distances from one another that each district will require about this amount. The engines will be divided into four groups of 250 horse- power each, with a spare one in each station of the same power.' Seeing that five lights would require one-horse power indicated, and that twenty 16 can- dle burners per horse is certainly not a high aver- age, it is evident that engines of 1000 horse-power could not supply more than 200 houses, or say a single street of very moderate dimensions. Thus at every turn the moment Mr. Upton's statements are sub- mitted to the test of calculation they break down or ap- pear in the light of wild vaticinations, hardly deserving serious attention." * * -X- * * * 2722 Fontaine-1888-Chapter XIII. Complainant's Exhibit Extracts from Third Edition of Fontaine. (Translation.) ELECTRIC LIGHTING. BY HIPPOLYTE FONTAINE. 3d Edition, Paris, 1888, p. 396. Chapter XIII. INCANDESCENT LAMPS. INDUSTRIAL LAMPS. Although they have only been introduced into general use for a very few years, incandescent lamps have quickly attracted the attention of inventors, and the number of types of different makes is increasing without ceasing. For this reason, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for us to establish to-day a complete nomenclature of the types used in the industry, and also give the names of all the manufacturers. We have limited our inquiries to the lamps most val- ued, beginning of course with Mr. Edison; because we consider Mr. Edison, we cannot repeat it too often, as the true creator of incandescent lighting, and as one of the benefactors of mankind. Concerning several systems, we have only been able to obtain very incomplete information, because of the mystery which still surrounds their manufacture; but the description of the customary methods in the large factories will suffice to give to the reader a correct idea of this new and great industry. As far as possible we have completed our descrip- tion with a table of the lamps at present known in France * * * (pp. 404-405). Fontaine-1888-Chapter XIII. 2723 SWAN LAMPS. In England, Mr. Swan is considered to be the true inventor of the incandescent lamp. The fact is, that long before the Edison lamp had been heard of, he attempted the construction of a practical apparatus, and he had even shown, in a public meeting, lamps sealed with a blow pipe and containing a small incandescent carbon. But it is certain that these lamps were not yet suffi- ciently perfected to be utilized industrially when the Edison fibrous filament lamp appeared. It is after the glorious success of this lamp that Mr. Swan renewed his labors and brought them to a useful end by following the road marked out by the American inventor. * * * * * * 2724 Edison Caveat of April 21, 1879. Complainant's Exhibit, Certified Copy of Edison Caveat, Filed April 21st, 1879. [2-175.] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, | Coat of Arms.] UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. TO ALL PERSONS TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: This is to certify that the annexed is a true copy from the Records of this Office of the Petition, Oath, Specification and Drawing, in the matter of the Caveat, of Thomas A. Edison, Filed April 21, 1879, for Im- provement in Electric Lights. [SEAL.] In testimony whereof I, W. E. Simonds, Commissioner of Patents, have caused the Seal of the Patent office to be affixed this 18th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Ninety-one, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and six- teenth. W. E. SIMONDs, Commissioner. TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS OF THE UNITED STATES : The Petition of Thomas Alva Edison, of Menlo Park, New Jersey, Respectfully Represents That your peti- tioner has invented certain new and useful improve- Edison Caveat of April 21, 1879. 2725 ments in Electric Lights, and that he is now engaged in making experiments for the purpose of perfecting the same preparatory to his application for Letters Patent therefor. He therefore prays that the annexed description of his said invention may be filed as a caveat (No. 89) in the confidential archives of the Patent Office, and he hereby requests that all correspondence in said case be directed to his agent, Lemuel W. Serrell, Box 4689, P. O., New York City. Respectfully yours, Menlo Park, N. J.) April 16th, 1879. ) THOMAS A. EDISON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. MENLO PARK New Jersey } SS. On this sixteenth day of April in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy nine before the sub- scriber, a Notary Public in and for said State, person- ally appeared the within named Thomas Alva Edison and made solemn oath that he verily believes himself to be the original and first inventor of the within de- scribed Impt. in Electric Lights, and that he does not know and does not believe that the same was ever before known or used, and that he is a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Menlo Park, N. J. THOMAS A. EDISON. Sworn to before me, the day and year above written. STOCKTON L. GRIFFIN, [SEAL.] Notary. ! Edison Caveat of April 21, 1879. 2726 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Be it known that I, THOMAS ALVA EDISON of Menlo Park in the State of New Jersey, have invented an Im- provement in Electric Lights of which the following is a full clear and exact description of the same so far as perfected. The object of this invention is to economically and practically produce light by electricity. The invention consists in various devices which I propose to use in my system of electric lighting, and which devices I am now engaged in experimenting with. Fig. 1. shows a burner. a is a cylinder of lime, mag- nesia, zircon, or other infusible oxide. Upon this is wound platina-iridium wire B. coated with a pyro-in- sulation such as magnesia reduced by heat to an oxidė from an acid combination such as the acetate of mag- nesia. The two ends of the wire are connected to the two platina wires cd, which act both as conductors and as supports to the lime cylinder. By winding the wire round or in a spherical form, the total heat energy is concentrated to the greatest extent. In fig. 2 the bobbin of pyro insulated wire B is pre- viously wound upon a mandrel between heads and then removed therefrom: pyro insulated wires n. x. bend the bobbin of wires together; it is then laid upon a horizontal disk of lime a. supported by the wires c. d. to which the ends of the coil are attached. By this method the upper surface of the coil serves to give light and does not require to be brought to as high temperature as it would if it had to heat the lime and render that incandescent. In fig. 3. the bobbin is suspended in a sealed vacuum globe v. by the ends of the wires of the bobbin B: these ends are fastened to lugs n. m. projecting from the lime disk, the ends of these wires pass through a washer of lime x. The use of small wires prevents loss of heat by conduction to a greater extent than if Edison Caveat of April 21, 1879. 2727 large wires were used to support the bobbin, besides the saving in expense. Fig. 4. shows a flattened piece of lime over which the wire is coiled. Fig. 5. is a top view of the same. Fig. 6. shows a bobbin separated in the center by lime n. and placed horizontal. Fig. 7. shows a method of preventing the fusion of the bobbin when the current becomes too strong. B. is the coil. The current passes through the coil thence through the magnet c. thence through the magnet d. thence to the lever e. through the point . thence by wire k to the lever f. point g. and out. If now the levers f. and e. are provided with retractile springs and their tension is arranged so that the magnets will not attract the levers until the current has brought the bobbin B to the proper incandescence, the lever will start vibrating if the current is increased beyond that amount and thus weaken it. Two magnets are used, as the amount of spark at the point is reduced as the square of the number of breaks-i. e. the spark on the point will be of what it would if but one point was used and the current broken in but one place. The lamps of course are to be worked in multiple arc. Fig. 8. shows the arrangement with the single point. Fig. 9. shows an extra lever h. which has consider- able friction placed on its bearings: when the lever k. throws it against the point g. the circuit is closed and the magnet attracts the lever : when coming in con- tact with the bottom part of the prong of h. it separates from the point g and thus opens the circuit. When the current diminishes in intensity the lever returns to the upper prong g again closing the circuit to the burner. Fig. 10. shows an extra lever h. which serves to open the circuit quicker than if the lever k. was used direct and thus prevent a prolongation of the spark. Fig. 11. shows the burner shunted with the magnet which in this case has several thousand ohms resist- ance: it is adjusted so that when the lamp has a proper 2728 Edison Caveat of April 21, 1879. current it will not attract the lever, but if this is ex- ceeded, the lever is attracted and opens the circuit with great rapidity. Of course the devices of figs. 7. 9 & 10. may be used in this connection. Fig. 12. shows a magnet provided with two coils the current passing through in opposite directions. The coil a is of large wire and is in the main circuit with the burner, while the coil B. is of great resistance and shunts both the lamp and the coil a. The inequality of the resistance of the lamp produced by the rise of temperature serves to disturb the balance and the mag- net becoming magnetic, attracts the armature and opens the circuit by means of its lever and point. Fig. 13. shows a small electric engine which is wound with very coarse wire this is included in the circuit with the lamp: when the current becomes too strong the engine commences to rotate and thus puts in a counter-acting force as well as breaking the circuit. It is obvious that a small miniature engine might be kept running as long as the current passes and the shaft provided with a governor which would open the circuit when the engine obtained a certain velocity-this would produce a very even regulation. Such a device is shown in Fig. 14. The governor balls n. fly outwardly and raise a collar which in its turn raises a lever x from the contact point and opens the circuit. Fig. 15. shows several magnets machines arranged in multiple arc and supplying the main conductors 1 and 2. with current. At the extremity of the main conductors two smaller wires 3 & 4 return to the sta- tion and a lamp is placed across or included in the circuit, by this means the state of the circuit is shown at the central station. In Fig. 16. is shown a safety device for working ma- chines in multiple arc. If one of any number of mag- neto electric machines worked in multiple are should stop for any reason and thus produce no energy, its wire would act as a single resistance, hence the whole power of the other machines would pass through it and Edison Caveat of April 21, 1879. 2729 tend to destroy it as well as cause a momentary reduc- tion in the amount of light given by the lamps supplied by the machine hence it becomes very important that such accidents should be guarded against. a. a. a. are· magneto machines arranged in multiple arc and con- nected to the main conductors 1 & 2. Before the wires connect to the main conductor 1. they pass through electro magnets wound with very large wire so as to offer very slight resistances and prevent waste of energy in heat. These electro-mag- nets are provided with levers which are kept away from the magnets by retractile springs: the levers rest against points c c c. and thus preserve the continuity of the circuit. The tension on the springs is such that the lever will only be attracted when a current passes through the machine greater than it produces. When it is attracted the lever is attracted with great force and opens its own circuit but cannot return as it is provided with catches d. x. which locking, hold the lever against the magnet. In Fig. 17. is shown another device for accomplishing the same object. The current which in cases of acci- dent will tend to destroy the dynamo machine, will flow in an opposite direction to the current generated by the machine, hence I used polarized armatures a. a. a. between two electro magnets. If the current from the machine is passing, the levers remain in contact with the points c. c. c. and preserve the continuity of the circuit, but if a reverse current is attempted to be sent the levers will be attracted to the opposite point and open the circuit, but only in that machine which is out of order. Fig. 18. shows a method of opening the circuit when the current becomes stronger than it should be to work the lamp at its proper point. B. is the burner. A. a tube containing mercury: the mercury forms part of the circuit and becomes heated by the passage of the current through it. A lever a. having a float at its end is lifted or lowered as the 2730 Edison Caveat of April, 1879. ! mercury expands or contracts. The current passes from the mercury through a. to the point upon the lever d: when the mercury expands the lever a. is raised and the spiral spring of lever d. causes it to follow with it and preserve the continuity of the circuit, but when a. reaches a certain point, the lever d. is stopped from passing upwards by coming in contact with the point x hence the circuit opens. In Fig. 19. is shown a magnet for opening and closing the circuit with great rapidity and by which the strength of the current passing through the lamp may be regu- lated, without the use of resistance which consumes energy and is uneconomical. X. is an adjusting post; upon one extremity is a block n. which moves up and down as the screw is worked to the right or left. Upon the block is a flat spring c. which serves to lift the lever of the magnet against the back point and close the circuit. If the screw x. is turned so that the lever will just be lifted and placed in contact with the back point and no more, the vibrations will be slow and the circuit will only be closed 1/10 of the time: if x. is now adjusted so that the spring passes the lever with greater force upwards, the rapidity of the vibra- tions and time of closing will be increased and this ac- tion will take place in proportion to the pressure, hence the temperature of the burner can be increased and decreased. If it is so adjusted and the current is in- creased, this is immediately weakened in the same manner as it would be if the pressure on the spring c. was lessened. Fig. 20 shows how the lever may be made to vibrate slow or fast according to the distance which the adjust- able magnet is from the lever it gives motion to. Fig. 21. shows the thermal regulating spiral separate from the burner and within a case containing flexible aneroid chambers which latter are expanded by the heated air and operate the circuit controlling devices: this allows of the regulator being quite small and out of sight. A Edison Caveat of April, 1879. 2731 Fig. 22. shows a device for measuring the amount of current consumed in a given period m is an electro magnet-d a lever-g. a cylinder a. a piston head working tightly within said cylinder-x is glycerine or oil. This cylinder is connected with a reservoir n. by a tube with a capillary core at the end. The measure- ment is obtained by the pressure produced by the magnet upon the piston forcing oil into the reservoir very slowly but in proportion to the attraction of the mag- net which is as the square of the electro-motive force of the current. Fig. 23. shows a pipe through which hot water passes, and the whole of the circumference of the pipe is covered with thermo electric couples. It is known that one half of the theoretical energy of combustion of coal in a steam boiler furnace is wasted through the medium of the hot water condensed after passing through the best condensing engine. Now as a river will flow with a fall of 1/10 of an inch per mile, I propose to arrange many hundred feet of pipe passing over a room back and forth many times. and pass the hot water from the condenser through the entire length of this pipe to the cistern, and I propose to extract the heat energy from it by covering the entire surface of the pipe with thermo-electric batteries, the hot junctures to rest upon the painted non-electro- conducting surface, and if necessary to obtain an in- creased effect, to place the other junctures in contact with another set of pipes through which cold water is passing. These thermo couples are connected together in the proper manner so that their current can be used for maintaining a constant field magnet for magneto electric machines which I employed in my electric lighting system. A certain section of pipe is reserved for each magnet. x. x x. Fig. 24. are such field magnets. Thermo batteries are admirably adapted for this peculiar service as the resistance of the field magnet can be very slow. I am now engaged in a great number of experiments to de- 2732 Edison Caveat of April 21, 1879. termine the best metals or conducting substances to be used for this purpose: heretofore temperatures so low as that of hot water have not been used commercially with thermo batteries and it becomes very essential to discover some combination giving great electro motive force and low resistance which can be made cheaply. I shall probably claim hereafter as my invention FIRST. The burners for electric lights shown in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. SECOND. The thermal regulators shown in Figs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. THIRD. The device shown in Fig. 15 for showing the state of the current on the line at a central station. FOURTH. The devices shown in Figs. 16 and 17 for working magneto machines in multiple arc. FIFTH. The thermal regulators shown in Figs. 18, 19, 20 and 21. SIXTH. The device shown in Fig. 22 for measuring the amount of current consumed. SEVENTH. To the means for generating electric cur- rents, described in connection with Figs. 23 and 24. Signed by me this 16th day of April, A. D. 1879. THOMAS A. EDISON. Witnesses. J. F. RANDOLPH S. L. GRIFFIN. ! A. J. J. A. E. R. [ENDORSED:] Rec'd. & filed April 21, 1879. 19,651 D/91. Fig. 1. a B ll. Figh X B. dc. ď في Fig. 5. Fig. 6. r Caveat No. 89. Fig. 7. B Fig.3. Ө d X B Fig. n B Fig. 8 B. B Fig.9 B 0 TH Wetneam h е k. k Fig.10 h h KIMOJAT B. 00 MO a PA 12. Jeg. B 13. Fig. 14. a Fig. 17. Fig. 18 Fig. 24. Charst. Smilk GEO.T. Pinckney X A זיין.. a HERBATA X B 2 X UN BAL x Lf Ing. 19. B 阿 ​Z for k d LB Fig. 21, d OF B Fig. 11. R #ti Fig. 16. Fig. 15. 00 ــعمـ a Foo a 3 a B Feg. 20. Fig. 20 23 中间 ​X 2 Feg: a 22. n N الات LAMP 4 m Inventor Thos. A. Edison for Lemnel W. Jerrell Jalty 2733 X. 2. 6808 6/x. lol y 577 102.3 r x. א. x. x. 460 X. 3. ठु x. x. ठ x. 호 ​X. Hanover, St. 217 105.3 סא 오​x. 3x9 y. X.. x x x. tot א 4 א 4 3.10/ I R. 108 S. Green St. x. 3. x. 112 0 106.8 x. I Y. 호 ​y. 호 ​y 108 Drok in D feeder 1.7 Basis 4 Fenders. A 700 fut Mains B 770. C220. D.670.. Trenton N.J. Aug 18th 1886. Each composed of four S # 00 BT 3 copper wires in fearallel # / Brew & which has two composed of #1 copper wire. 1800 lamps distributed equally among the 106 translating deview shewn, : – 17 at each point. Each lampe 160. fr. 105 volto 0.65 ampe = 11 amfe, at each fioint, or 5:5 anfures for each point Balance assured between the tivo sides of on 3- wire. the eyelim. Uniform pressure of 108 volts (216 between + and -) assumed at the fuding points S.B. CrD. Minforme pressure of 111. / volts (222.) between + and -) assumed at central station, and feeder resistance inserted at plations to make the drop of 3.06 common to all. four feeders. W Hanover, St. 3. Y? B 108 Y. 호 ​Ix y.Z X x. द State St. 106.9 1.6 106.4 호​x Stirling x. x, Drok in fuder A 3.1 x. 오​~ ၇ 2734 Fig: 1. Y. & x. 10000000000 $x. 80. # C.S. Oc Drop in Cfeeder 1.0 x. 호 ​호 ​호​x. x. 2호 ​111-1 א 5 x 2.0 3.6 104.4 x.8 호​x. 1.9 106.1 Warren St y. 7x. 8x. E. Front. St. 106.2 1.8 y. ठु x. Drop in breder B1.6 Washington St. IN x X. x. B. 108 y.. x I Switch: Broad ctory ft. 4111 E x. St. A&R Ammeters. It' APAmneters Fig. 2. Switches. Livingston. St 1.6 106.4 Jersey M.S. C. C. Dist of New Jer Edison E. L. Co aget Westinghouse C. R Hes Compelto Plant Chart of d'efts Plant at Trenton marked by Mr. Rennelly (signed) J. Fr. R. She Ex 9. Break Down Switch. 9.0 نو B. A 9.0 b. 1g.o 9.5 9.6 G. D F 6666 8800 e. d. 6ooo a á aa á à 0000 O 9900 0000 QT DIT RESISTANCES 2 Dynamos in Series. (signed) A. E. Kennelly 2735 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. CURRENT REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 248,421. Patented Oot. 18, 1881. 3 G 4 3 C M 1 2 α 庭 ​3 2 : T 1 Attest: D.D. Mort M. J. Clagett. T 2 in 3 Inventor J. A. Edison per Dyer alither THE NORRIS-PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHÓ,, WASHINGTON, D. 0. attys. 2736 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. CURRENT-REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming- part of Letters Patent No. 248,421, dated October 18, 1881. Application filed March 5, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Current-Regulators for Dynamo-Electric Machines; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, and to the letters 10 of reference marked thereon. In a system for supplying electricity from one source for a number of trauslating devices it is desirable that there be such an arrange- ment as will insure the generation of the proper 15 amount of current, no matter how many devices be in circuit, so that the proper amount be supplied to each such device in circuit without regard to the increase or decrease of the total number in circuit, and the proper pressure or o electro-motive force be maintained constant in the circuit. The object of this invention is to attain such a result. In prior applications it has been shown how this object may be accomplished 5 by varying the current energizing the field-of- force magnets, either by shunting more or less of such current or by interposing in the field- circuit more or less resistance. I have discovered another method, which 30 consists in causing a greater or less electro- motive force from a magneto-machine used as an engine to traverse the field-circuit of the generator, the counter electro-motive force hav. ing the function of a resistance. This method 35 may be put into practice in the following way: An electro-motor of small or proportionately much less resistance and power than the gen- erator is included in the circuit of the field-of- force magnets of the generator. Upon the 40 shaft of the revolving armature of the electro- motor is mounted a copper disk, which rotates between the polar extensions of an electro- magnet included in the field-circuit, and also in the circuit leading to the translating devices 45 to be supplied, which are arranged upon mul- tiple-arc circuits. This electro-magnet is wound with coarse wire, so as to have but little re- sistance. When no translating devices are in circuit, the exterior circuit of the generator is only through the motor-engine and the mag. 50 net, and there is but little current therein, energizing but feebly the magnet, so that it offers little resistance to the rotation of the disk cutting the lines of forces between its po- lar extensions. This feeble retardation allows 55 the engine to ruu at high speed, giving a coun- ter electro motive in the field-circuit, weaken- ing the energizing-current. If, now, the cir cuit of translating devices be closed, so that the exterior circuit of the generator is through 60 them, the resistance of the exterior circuit is decreased, causing a greater flow of current therethrough, which intensifies the magnetiza- tion of the magnet referred to, which now of fers increased resistance to the rotation through 65 its lines of force of the disk, causing the elec- tro-motor to run at a less rate, diminishing the counter electro-motive force in the field-circuit, thereby strengthening the field, with the nec- essary resultant of increased generation. Up- 70 on devices being cut out of circuit, the reverse takes place. This is illustrated in the draw- ing, in which G is the generator, and 1 2 the conductors leading thence for the supply of translating devices, (represented by T T.) 75 While only one generator and two translating devices are indicated, it is evident that any number may be used. As shown, G is a dy- namo-electric machine, whose field-circuit 3 passes as a derived circuit from the commuta- 80 tor brushes or springs 4 5 around the field, and includes au electric motor, M, and a magnet, A, the latter being also included in one branch, 2, of the exterior or supply circuit. • Upon the shaft of M is a copper disk, C, which 85 rotates between the polar extensions a a of magnet A, its rotation being opposed by the magnetic field between a and a, whose lines of force it is obliged to cut, and opposed propor- tionately to the strength of that maguetic field. 90 If, now, no translating devices be in circuit, the entire resistance of the exterior circuit of the generator is only that of A and M, which is comparatively large. Consequently A has but a weak magnetization, offering but little re- 95 sistance to the rotation of C, allowing the mo- tor M to run at high speed, the result being that considerable counter electro-fmotive force 2737 2 248,421 therefrom is thrown into the field circuit of the generator. If, now, translating devices T be put in circuit, the resistance of the external circuit is decreased, resulting in greater flow 5 of current in the exterior circuit, a stronger megnetization of A, and a retardation of O, slowing the rate of the motor M, and dimin- ishing the counter electro-motive force thrown therefrom into the field - circuit, so that the 10 field-circuit is strongthened substantially, the essential result being that aimed at an in- crease in the generative capacity of the gene- rator G and a uniform pressure or electro-mo- tive force throughout the system. 15 By this arrangement the generators may be automatically controlled, so that the genera- tion of current is kept just adequate to the de- mand of the supply or consumption circuit, and the pressure or electro-motive force inain- 20 tained constant. While the generator herein shown is a dy- namo, it is evident that the method and means may be applied to magneto-machines, or to that class in which the field is energized from 25 an exterior source of energy. What I claim is- 1. The method of controlling or regulating the generative force of a dynamo or magneto electric machine consisting in throwing into 30 the field-magnet circuit a variable and con- | trollable counter electro-motive force, substan- tially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a generator, of an electro-motor included in and regulating the field-magnet circuit by its counter electro-mo- 35 tive force, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination of a generator, an elec- tro-motor included in the field-magnet circuit, and a magnet in the supply or consumption circuit controlling the rate of rotation of the 40 motor, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with a motor, of a disk driveu thereby, and a magnet, between whose poles or in whose field the disk rotates to vary and control the rate of rotation of the motor, 45 substantially as set forth. 5. The combination of a generator, an elec- tro-motor in the field-magnet circuit, carrying a disk upon its rotating shaft, and a magnet in the supply-circuit in whose field the disk 50 rotates, whereby the rate of the motor and the strength of the field-circuit are varied and con- trolled, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 25th day of February, 1881. Witnesses: S. D. MOTT, H. W. SEELY. THOS. A. EDISON. 2738 2 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. MAGNETO OR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINE. No. 251,550. 1 D 5 6 6 R C 5 5 B Attest Sam D. Mott Law Phyre A Patented Dec. 27, 1881. N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer. Washington, D. C. 3 כא 2 R Inventorz Thos. A. Edison. Dyenolither attys. 2739 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. MAGNETO OR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,550, dated December 27, 1881. Application filed March 3, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Faradic or Magneto or Dynamo Electric Machines; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, and to the let- IO ters of reference marked thereon. D, and consequently the generative capacity of those machines, may be readily controlled. Upon the first using of D C as generators their field-of-force coils are connected to any 50 suitable source of energy-for instance, a gal- vanic battery or to a dynamo or magneto ma- chine, the current from either serving to mag- netize their cores. After this first magnetiza- tion the cores retain enough residual magnet- 55 ism to start at least a weak initial current, which excites A, causing B to become active, its current passing through the field-circuit of DC and strengthening it, causing an increased current through 1 and 2 and through A, the 60 increased current in the latter reacting upon the generators themselves, this sequence con- tinuing until the maximum magnetization is attained. The object of this invention is to furnish an arrangement of means whereby the field-of- force magnets of a number of Faradic machines may be readily and controllably energized. To 15 this end, in a derived circuit from the main or consumption circuit of the Faradic machines or generators, is placed an electro-motor, which gives motion to a generator whose circuit is, by multiple arc, through all the field-of-force By A may be so controlled that its speed 65 20 circuits of the generators. In the circuit of is varied to cause B to generate current enough the motor is an adjustable resistance, so that only for the magnetization of the field to the its action may be varied, which, in turn, con- degree necessary for the production of current trols the generative capacity of the Faradic requisite for the demands of the circuit 1 2; machines. In the circuit leading around the or the circuit 3 4 may be left constant and the 70 25 field-of-force coils is an adjustable resistance, current through the field-circuit controlled by so that that circuit may be controlled inde-R to affect and regulate the generative capac- pendently, if desired, of the motor-circuit, but with the same ultimate result. This is illus- trated in the drawing, in which D C are the 30 Faradic machines or generators, with their bobbins connected in multiple arc to the main or supply or consumption circuit 1 2. These generators D C are driven by any suitable mo- tive power, and in a manner well understood 35 in the art. In a derived circuit, 34, is the motor A, which gives motion to the generator B. In this circuit 3 4 is an adjustable resistance, î', so that the amount of current energizing A 40 may be controlled. The motor A gives mo- tion to the Faradic machine or generator B, whose circuit 5 leads by multiple arcs 6 around the field-of-force magnets of C D, energizing them. In this circuit is an adjustable resist- 45 ance, R, so that, other things remaining equal, the force of the current around the field of C ity of C D. What I claim is— 1. The combination, with a battery of Far- 75 adic machines, of an electric motor in a de- rived circuit to the main circuit, and a genera- tor driven thereby and supplying the current for the fields of the battery of Faradic ma- chines, substantially as set forth. 80 2. The combination of a battery of Faradic generators, a separate generator for supplying the field-current thereto, and an independent motor for the latter, said independent motor being actuated by current from the battery of 85 Faradic generators, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 26th day of February, 1881. Witnesses: S. D. MOTT, H. W. SEELY. THOS. A. EDISON. 2740 • (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 251,555. 5. P. c. 2. L. Attest= D. D. Mott HOW. Howard .५ Patented Dec. 27, 1881. G. 6. M. M 6. www S. 6. 1. 5. per. 10 odo коова 3. 5. Inventor Thos. A. Edison Dyer Milber Attys. N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 2741 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,555, dated December 27, 1881. Application filed May 27, 1881. (No model.) Te all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Dynamo or Magneto Electric Machines; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact descrip- tion of the same, reference being had to the ac- companying drawings, and to the letters of 10 reference marked thereon. This invention relates to means for automati- cally controlling the generative force of a mag- neto or dynamo electric machine, so that the amount and only the amount of current needed 15 in the circuit may be supplied thereto, and the pressure or electro motive force maintained constant in the ciruuit. To accomplish this a resistance and switch or lever, by which the cir- cuit may be made independently of or through 20 more or less of the resistance, are included in | the circuit energizing the field-of-force mag- nets. The switch or lever is attached to a mag- net playing within a longitudinal opening in a helix, the magnet and helix preferably being 25 longitudinally the segment of a circle and form- ing an axial magnet, the interior magnet tend- ing, when both are at a maximum of intensity, to place itself so that its center and the center of the coil correspond, in which position it 30 places the switch or lever so that the field-cir- cuit is through all the resistance, while a spring attached to the switch serves, when unresist- ed, to hold the switch or lever so that it cuts the resistance out. Both coils of this axial 35 magnet are in a circuit derived from the main or consumption circuit. No translating devices being in circuit, the entire exterior circuit is through the coils of the axial magnet only, and it acquires a maximum magnetization, putting 40 all the resistance in the field-circuit, thereby keeping production or generation down to a given point. If, now, translating devices be put in circuit, more exterior circuits are closed and the amount of current flowing through the 45 axial-magnet circuit is lessened, weakening the force of the electro-magnet so that the spring causes the lever or switch to move so as to cut out a portion of the resistance, which is equiv- alent to strengthening the field-circuit, thus arresting the diminution of current due to put 50 ting on more lamps. This is illustrated in the drawings, in which one generator of the dy namo type is shown; but it is to be understood that the principle and means are equally ap plicable to any type of generator, and to them 55 used singly, or to a number used as a battery. G is a generator, from whose commutator brushes or springs 1 2 leads the main or con- sumption circuit 3 4, a derived circuit, 5, there- from being led around the field-magnets of the 60 generator, in which circuit are included a re- sistance, R, and switch or lever L. In a derived circuit, 6, is included the helix M, in which plays, forming the core thereof, the magnet m, attached to and moving in oné 65 direction the switch or lever L against the re- silience of the spring S. In derived circuits 7 lamps or other trans- lating devices are placed. If these latter cir- cuits be open, whatever current is generated 70 finds its only exterior circuit through 6 M m, magnetizing them strongly. Hence m is drawn up within M, causing L to contact with R at about a or b, so that all or nearly all of R is in- cluded in the field-circuit 5, so weakening it 75 that the generative force of G is kept at a given point. If 7 be closed, it takes a part of the current, lessening the amount through 6, weakening the force of M m, the spring pulls L to, say, c, cutting out part of the resistance, 80 strengthening the field-circuit, which results in a proportionate increase of generation of current. As more circuits are closed L is car- ried from contact to contact of R until finally all or nearly all or as much of R is cut out as is 85 necessary to compensate for the increased de- mand. Upon cutting out of 7 the reverse operation takes place. What I claim is- 90 1. The combination, with a generator, of a variable resistance in its field-circuit, a mag- net in a derived circuit to the main or supply circuit of the generator, and a movable con- tact-arm controlled by the magnet for effect- 95 ing an automatic regulation of the field of the generator, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination of a generator, a resist 2742 2 251,555 ance in its field-circuit, an axial magnet com- posed of a helix and an electro-magnet as a core thereto, both included in one circuit de- rived from the main or supply circuit, and a· 5 movable contact-arm controlled by the mag- net and contacting with the resistance, sub- stantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 26th day of February, 1881. Witnesses: H. W. SEELY, THOS. A: EDISON. RICHD. N. DYER. 2743 (No. Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR MAGNETO OR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. 7 No. 251,556. G Tig.". DIDU I B 8 7 6 R / R Fig. 2. R" RM vooo 5 Attesta §. 19. Most C. L. Clarke. 9 eeee Patented Dec. 27, 1881. 7 2 3 Leeen 14. 14. 10 A 0000 肉肉​肉肉 ​12 eeee Leeee coco vodo eeee eeee y!!! 13 R R' R" R!!! F Ъ 3 14. A 14. ev 3 14. All 14 ev 4 14. All 14. 2 A 3 14. 14 10 A' 14. vood 12 14. 13 2860 3 7 15 4 14. A!!! 14 Inventorz Thos. A. Edison per Byer and Wilber N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer. Washington. D. C. Olttys 2744 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. сл THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. REGULATOR FOR MAGNETO OR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 251,556, dated December 27, 1881. Application filed October 30, 1880. (No model.) To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Magneto or Dynamo Electric Machines, (Case No. 258;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the Io letters of reference marked thereon. As explained in a prior application for pat- ent by me made, the current used in my sys- tem is generated at and distributed from a central station to and through the district of 15 such station. At the central station is massed a number of generators sufficient to supply the wants of the entire district. As shown in the application referred to, these generators are connected in multiple arc, and the genera- 20 tive capacity of those in use is regulated and controlled by regulating and controlling the current passing through the coils of the field- of-force magnets by introducing into a circuit common to all the field-of-force coils more or 25 less resistance. In this instance the invention consists in arranging equal resistances in the circuit of each field-of-force coil and cutting in or out equal portions of each simultane- ously by hand or automatically, the result be- 30 ing accomplished in the latter case by the use of a special electric engine placed in a derived circuit to the main circuit, and provided with a governor which, on lessening or increase of speed, actuates a switch, cutting in or out a 35 portion or all of the resistances. In the drawings, which are mainly diagram- matic, Figure 1 is a view of the automatic ar- rangement, and Fig. 2 a view of the arrange- ment wherein the resistances are controlled by 40 hand. 1 2 represent the main-circuit conductors at and leading from a central station, where is shown a battery of four dynamo-electric ma- chines, A A' A" A", which number may be 45 greater or less, as desired. 14 14 are the connections from the armature of each generator to the main circuit 1 2, for throwing thereinto the current generated in the coil of the revolving armature. From 50 each field coil one conductor, 3, leads directly to main conductor 2. From conductor 1 a wire, 4, leads, in one instance to the hand- Switch S, in the other to the switch-lever L. Sets of resistances R R' R"R"" are used, one for each generator, a conductor leading from 55 each set of resistances to its appropriate gen- erator-for instance, 10 from R to A, 11 from R' to A', 12 from R″ to A", and 13 from R"" to A"". Each set of resistances may consist of as many resistance-boxes as desired. For illus- 60 tration, four only are shown, r'"'""', con- ductors being arranged, in connection with the hand-switch S or switch-lever L, to cut more or less out of circuit. If either be turned to 9, all the resistances are cut out of circuit; at 65 8, only is placed in circuit; at 7, and r'; at 6,, ', and ", while at 5 all are thrown into circuit. The path of the circuit to the field- coils then is from 1, via 4, to S or L, thence through one of the conductors 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, 70 when it divides and passes by 10, 11, 12, and 13 to A, A', A", and A"" to 2. By this arrange- ment the resistance of all the exterior field- circuits is always equally increased or dimin- ished, their relative resistances remaining un- 75 changed, while each field is rapidly, accu- rately, and delicately adjusted, correspond- ingly affecting the generative capacity of the machine. In Fig. 1, B is an electric engine in a derived 80 circuit, bb, to the main circuit. Upon the shaft of its armature is a governor, G, to which is connected the switch-lever L, pivoted at 7. The speed of the armature and of its attached governor depends upon the current passing 85 through bb. If an insufficient amount is gen- erated, the speed falls, the governor-balls drop, moving L, so that it contacts with 8 or 9, caus- ing an increased current through the field- coils, and a consequent increase of strength of 90 magnetic field and of generative capacity. If an excessive amount of current is generated, the reverse takes place. While the generators here shown are con- nected as dynamos, it is evident that the same 95 arrangement is equally applicable to and effi- cacious with magneto-electric generators, and that the wire 3 might lead to a special genera- tor set apart for the work of supplying cur- rent for the fields only, the wire 4 of course be- 100 ing led to the same machine. What I claim is- 2745 2 251,556 1. The combination, with each generator of a battery of magneto or dynamo electric ma- chines arranged in multiple arc, of a resistance in its field circuit and a switch controlling 5 equally and simultaneously all the resistances of the generators of the battery, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination of a battery of dynamo or magneto electric machines, a series of equal IO resistances, one series for each generator, a switch, a circuit to the switch, and resistances and special circuits, one for the field of each generator, from the resistances to the field-of- force coils of the generators, substantially as 15 set forth. 3. The combination of a battery of magneto or dynamo generators, a series of resistances in the field-circuits, one for each generator, and means for automatically controlling equal- ly and simultaneously the resistances of the 20 field-circuits of all the generators, substan- tially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 21st day of October, 1880. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. CHAS. BATCHELOR, WM. CARMAN. ¡ 2746 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO OR MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 263,134. 6. A: B Fig.1. b T Patented Aug. 22, 1882. C -d a. 3, A 1 2 D I f a. A A Fig. 2. B D 2. 7. B 11 e. H eeee Attest D. 19. Mott AW. Seely 4. e. 3. per Inventor: J. A. Edison Dyer & Wilber Attys. THE NORAIS PETERS CO, HOTO-LITHO.. WASHINGTON, D. C. 2747 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO OR MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 263,134, dated August 22, 1882. Application filed May 28, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON; of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Dynamo and Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 314;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the 10 letters of reference marked thereon. only within certain definite limits, the yoke al- so ways being complete to a greater or less ex- tent, independent of the position of the mova- ble piece. In the drawings, Figure 1 is an end elevation of a dynamo or magneto electric machine and 55 connectious, with the yoke partly broken away to disclose the magnetic-circuit regulator; and Fig. 2, a similar view, showing the magnetic. circuit regulator operated automatically by the electro-motive force of the main or consump- 60 tion circuit through an electro-magnet. Like letters denote corresponding parts in both figures. A A'are the helices of the field-of-force mag- net; B B', the pole ends of the same; C, the 65 yoke or bar connecting the helix-cores; D, the revolving armatures of the machine, and E the commutator-block. The commutator brushes or springs 1 2 lead from the block E to the main or consumption circuit 3 4. The field-of- 70 force magnet may be energized by the derived circuit 5 6 or by the main circuit of another generator. The yoke C has a central conical opening, F, passing vertically through it, in which plays the conical block G, forming the 75 magnetic-circuit regulator. This cone is sup- ported by bars a b, secured to the yoke, and separated therefrom by brass plates. The stem c of the conical block may be screw-threaded and receive above the bar a a hand-wheel, d, Ec having an internal screw - thread, by turning which hand-wheel the position of the cone with relation to the yoke can be adjusted. The object I have in view is to produce sim- ple and efficient means for regulating the gen- erative force of a dynamo or magneto electric machine, so that only the amount of current 15 needed in a circuit may be supplied thereto and the pressure or electro-motive force main tained constant in the circuit. For this pur pose I make use of the principle that the power of an electro-magnet can be weakened by di- 20 minishing the mass of the yoke connecting the cores, and that such power can be strength- ened by increasing the mass of said yoke un- til the maximum power is attained. In apply- ing this principle I provide the yoke of the 25 field-of-force magnet of a dynamo or magneto electric machine with a movable portion, the position of which can be varied so as to effect the mass aud conducting-power of such yoke, said movable portion acting as a magnetic-cir- 30 cuit regulator. This movable portion is pref- erably situated in the center of the yoke, and is of conical shape, being supported by a spin- dle which passes through bars connected with the top and bottom of the yoke, and separated 35 therefrom by plates of brass or other non-mag- The translating devices represented by e are netic material. The position of this movable in derived circuits, while an electro-dyuamom- 85 cone may be adjusted by meaus of a hand- eter, H, is also situated in a circuit derived wheel working on the screw-threaded stem of from the main circuit 3 4, and serves to guide the cone; or the cone may be drawn into the the attendant in his adjustment of the mag- 40 yoke by an electro-maguet (preferably an ax- netic-circuit regulator. When the electro-mo- ial magnet) the coils of which are in a shunt tive force increases beyond the desired inten- 90 or derived circuit from the main or consumpsity the attendant retracts the cone, and vice tion circuit, or directly in the main circuit. versa, and thereby diminishes or increases the This magnet forms means for adjusting the energy of the field-of-force magnet, and con- 45 cone automatically. Were the yoke entirely sequently the electro-motive force of the cur- cut through, the uniting piece or part varying ent induced in the bobbin of the revolving ar- 95 the mass might become entirely displaced, so mature. It is possible, therefore, by these that there would be no effect. The construc- meaus to maintain a nearly-constant pressure tion noted then varies the mass of this yoke or electro-motive force in the main circuit 3 4. 2748 ΙΟ 15 20 2 263,134 In Fig. 2 an axial magnet, I, is used to draw the cone into the yoke, the same being retracted by a spring, f, and by its own weight. The coil of this magnet is in the main or consump- 5 tion circuit. When the magnet I is used it is not necessary to employ an electro-dynamom- eter; but one may be used to check the oper- ation of the magnet. What I claim is- 1. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, the yoke of the field-magnet, having an open- ing through the same, in combination with a block adjustable in and out of said opening, substantially as set forth. 2. In adynamo or magneto electric machine, the combination, with the yoke of the field-mag- net, provided with a conical opening, of a coni- cal block adjustable in and out of said opening, substantially as set forth. 3. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, the field-of-force magnet, the yoke of which has an adjustable portion acting as a magnetic-cir- cuit regulator, in combination with means op- erated by the current generated for automati- cally adjusting said adjustable portion, sub- 25 stantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with the yoke of the field-magnet of a dynamo or magneto electric machine provided with an adjustable portion for regulating the generation of current, of au 30 electro-magnet placed in the main circuit from said machine for adjusting said adjustable por- tion according to variations in the current re- quired, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 35 19th day of May, 1881. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. RICHD. N. DYER, H. W. SEELY. 2749 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO OR MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 263,136. Patented Aug. 22, 1882. G D F F Fig 1 A C B E WITNESSES: Thomas E. Birch. Frank Ni Hall INVENTOR: ToA. BY A. Edrim заживет ATTORNEY. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 2750 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 2. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO OR MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 263,136. 7. D 3. 9 の ​B Attest; Fr. W. Howard JH Hall A. Fig. 2. M. M. Patented Aug. 22, 1882. c. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 8. 6. 4. 10 10 12. ·Inventor; ん ​J.st. Edison pr atay 2751 (No.Model.) T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 3. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO OR MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 263,136... 5. B. Fig.3. D Patented Aug. 22, 1882. ८. C. B. A. 7. 9. 9 Attest; B. W. Howard GH Hall a. تھی B. THE NORRIS PETERS.CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 6. 8. 10 Inventor; F.A. Edirne for Atty. 2752 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO OR MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 263,136, dated August 22, 1882. Application filed May 27, 1881. (No model.) Patented in England October 18, 1881, No. 4,552; in Canada November 20, 1881, No. 13,734, and in France December 7, 1881, No. 145,598. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Dynamo and Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 312;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the Io letters of reference marked thereon. The object of my invention is to produce sim- ple and efficient means, operating either auto- matically or by hand, for regulating the gen- eration of current by a dynamo or magneto 15 electric machine by increasing or diminishing at will the strength of the lines of force in the magnetic field in which the induction-bobbin rotates. This I accomplish by the use of le- vers or bars of iron adapted to be adjusted 20 close to or farther away from the pole ends and yoke of the maguet or the pole ends alone, which partially shunt the magnetic current or lines of force away from the field in which the armature revolves. These levers or bars I 25 may arrange in either of two ways. First. I may pivot to the outer sides of the pole ends of the magnet two vertical soft-iron levers rising above the ends of the yoke and making contact with such yoke when in line 30 therewith. The yoke supports two brass seg- ments, which are secured thereto and project some distance off from the same in the line of the play of the shunting-lever. To these seg- ments are connected the said levers by means 35 of suitable latches or clamps, so that such le- vers, at their upper ends, can be adjusted toward or away from the yoke or brought into con- tact with the ends of the same. Second. I may, in place of or in addition to 40 the first construction, pivot upon the base of the machine, close to one of the pole ends of the magnet, one or two horizontal soft-iron levers. The lever used extends across the pole ends of the magnet, being pivoted at one 45 end and adjustable back and forth at the other. In both constructions the effect of the le- vers depends upon their mass and their posi- • tion with relation to the magnet. In the first construction the vertical levers become mag- 50 netized, diminishing thereby the strength of the lines of force in the magnetic field, the free end of each lever having a polarity oppo- site to that of the end of the magnet to which it is attached. Consequent poles are thereby 55 established in the yoke of the maguet oppo- site the ends of the levers, which poles are increased in power by the approach of the le- vers to the yoke, from which it will be seen that the lines of force are shunted away from 60 the field in which the induction-bobbin rotates, more or less, according to the distance of the vertical levers from the yoke. In the second construction, supposing one lever only is used, the approach of this lever to the pole ends of 65 the magnet will have the effect of partially bridging or connecting (more or less) the poles of the magnet and shunting the lines of force or magnetic current around or away from the magnetic field. With two levers, one on each 70 side of the magnet, the effect would be in- creased. The proper size or mass of the le- vers having been determined to accomplish the effect desired, the adjustment of such le- vers will diminish or increase the strength of 75 the lines of force in the magnetic field, and in consequence thereof the current generated in the bobbiu. Either of these arrangements may be worked automatically by means of au electro-magnetic device actuated by the cur- 80 rent generated for moving the levers in the proper direction. For this purpose I use pref- erably an axial magnet whose core is attached to some portion of the pivoted lever in such way as to move said lever forward or back- 85 ward according to the degree of magnetiza- tion, the arm being provided with a spring or weight to assist its backward motion. In the drawings, Figure 1 is an elevation of a generator provided with that form of my 90 invention in which the pivoted bars connect the yoke and the polar extensions of the field- magnet; Fig. 2, a perspective view of the same, arranged to operate automatically; Fig. 3, a perspective view of the form in which a 95 pivoted bar crosses the polar extensions of the 2753 2 263,136 field-magnet, this also being so arranged as to operate automatically. Like letters denote corresponding parts in all three figures. 5 A is the base of the machine, B B' the pole BB' ends of the magnet, C C' the helices, D the yoke, and E the revolving armature, all of which are constructed in any suitable or usual way employed in dynamo or magneto electric to machines. In Fig. 1, F F' are two vertical soft-iron lev- Fare ers, which are pivoted to the outer sides of the pole ends B B' of the magnet and rise above the yoke D. Two brass segments, G, 15 are secured to the yoke at opposite ends thereof, (only one being shown,) with which the levers are locked by any suitable means, the segments being shown as toothed and the levers being provided with latches for 20 this purpose. In Fig. 2 the armature is omitted for con- venience of drawing. Main conductors 1 2 are, however, shown. The derived circuit 3 4 includes the arma- 25 ture, the circuit 5 6 the field-coils, and the cir- cuit 7 8 the coils of the axial magnet M. The movable core of this magnet is attached to the bar N, connecting the levers FF. In derived circuits 9 10 are placed electric lamps, or other 30 translating devices a a. When more of these are placed in circuit the current in the derived circuit 7 8 decreases and the magnet M weakens in power. The levers F are then drawn back by means of the spring b. Instead 35 of adjusting the spring b, a weight, c, sliding on an arm projecting from the lever, may be used, so that the force acting against the spring may be readily varied. The levers be- ing drawn back, the magnetic field is strength 40 ened and the generation of current propor. tionately strengthened. A reverse operation of course occurs as transitory devices are thrown out of circuit. In the modification shown in Fig. 3 the 45 horizontal soft-iron lever H is pivoted to the base A close to B', and extends across such base to the other side. A similar lever may be situated upon the opposite sides of the poles, if desired. The shunting effect of these levers, 50 the diminishing thereby of the strength of the lines of force in the magnetic field, and the con- sequent effect upon the current generated in- ductively in the bobbin will be understood from the foregoing description. The movement of the levers is automatically accomplished by 55 means of the magnet M, located in the desired circuit 7 8, its movable core being attached to the lever H and the latter being retracted by a spring, d. The operation in this case is simi- lar to that described with reference to Fig. 2. What I claim is- 60 1. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, the combination, with the field-magnet, of a bar or lever adapted to magnetically connect the polar and yoke ends of the magnet, being piv- 65 oted to or upon one end and adjustable to or from the other end, substantially as set forth. 2. In a dyuamo or magneto electric machine, a shunting lever or bar for shunting the lines of force away from or around the magnetic 70 field in which the induction-bobbin rotates, said bar or lever being automatically adjusta- ble to and from the magnet, substantially as set forth. 3. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, 75 a magnetic shunting lever or bar operating as described, pivoted at one end close to or upon a portion of the magnet and automati- cally adjustable from the other end to and from another portion of the magnet, substantially 80 as set forth. 4. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, the combination, with the field-magnet, of a magnetic shunting lever or bar operating as described, and an electro-magnet energized by 85 the current generated for automatically ad- justing said lever to and from the magnet, substantially as set forth. 5. In adyuamo or magneto electric machine, a bar or lever adapted to magnetically con- 90 nect the polar aud yoke ends of the field-mag- net, being pivoted to or upon one end and ad- justable to or from the other end, in combina- tion with an electro-magnet energized by the current generated for automatically accom- 95 plishing such adjustment, substantially as set forth. This specification sigued and witnessed this 17th day of May, 1881. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. WM. H. MEADOWCROFT, H. W. SEELY, 2754 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,658. 5 Patented Sept. 19, 1882. D A 3 G 13 a 11 14 6 4 oooooo H 10 E боб 12 F Тобо b 8 B 1 WITNESSES: о C a a 12 Edward CRowland Hitely INVENTOR: J. A. Edeim BY Rich & M. Dijer. ATTORNEY N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 2755 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,658, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882, (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in the Regulation of Dy- namo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 407;) and I do hereby declare that the follow- ing is a full and exact description of the same, reference being bad to the accompanying draw- 10 ing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. In an application for a patent of even date herewith I have set forth a means of regulat- ing the generation of current by dynamo or 15 magneto electric machines by the use of a vi- brating circuit-controller for regulating the eu- ergy of the field-magnet of the machine. reference to the drawing, which is a diagram illustrating the same. A is a dynamo-electric machine, from which 55 lead main conductors 1 2, the field-magnet be- ing energized by a derived circuit, 3 4. In the circuit 3 4 is placed a vibrating circuit-con- troller, b, actuated by the movement of the ar- mature-lever B of the electro-magnet C, the 60 latter being in a derived circuit, 5 6. In a shunt-circuit, 7 8, around the circuit-controller b are constant resistances DEF. Around re- sistance D is a shunt, 7 10, including the arma- ture-lever c of the magnet G, while a shunt, 10 65 12, around E includes armature-leverd of mag- net H. The magnets G H are in multiple arc to each other in the shunt-circuit 13 14. The operation of these devices is as follows: This invention relates to the same subject; Each of the resistances D E F is proportioned 70 and it consists in the use, in connection with for one-third of the lamps a a supplied by the 20 this vibrating circuit-controller, of resistances machine. As shown, only a few lamps are in | for reducing the spark, so arranged in the field- circuit, and the resistances D E F are all in circuit that when a certain definite proportion use for reducing the spark caused by the vi of the lamps or other translating devices sup-brations of the circuit-controller b, which reg- 75 plied by the plant are in circuit a certain con- ulates the machine, a suitable device, I, being 25 stant resistance for reducing the spark will be used to adjust the tension of the spring B, and in the field. To do this I place in the field-so regulate the candle-power of the lamps; circuit a vibrating circuit-controller, prefera- but when more than one-third of the entire bly one constructed so as to break circuit at number of lamps is placed in circuit the in- 80 several points simultaneously. This is prefer- crease of current in the shunt13 14 causes the 30 ably actuated by an electro-magnet placed in magnet G to attract its armature, which closes a multiple arç-circuit from the main line, and the shunt-circuit 7 10 and cuts out the resist- regulates the generation of current, as set forth auce D, for as more current must now flow in in the application above referred to. In a the field, it is desirable to decrease the resist- 85 shunt around the circuit-controller is placed a ance in the shunt so as to reduce the spark at 35 series of equal resistances, around which are the breaking-points. The magnet H and ar- formed shunts including the armatures of elec- matured are so arranged that a greater amount tro-magnets placed in a shunt or shunts from of current is required to attract the armature the main conductors. When only a few lamps than is the case with magnet G. When more go are in circuit and little current passes in the than two-thirds of all the lamps are placed in 40 main line the last-mentioned magnets are but circuit the armature 7 is attracted and the re- slightly energized, and the shunt circuits sistance E cut out of circuit, leaving in only around the resistances in the field are open; the resistance F for reducing the spark. The but when the certain predetermined number resistances, by reducing the spark at the break- 95 of lamps is exceeded and a greater current ing-poiuts, and thus preventing sudden fluctu- 45 flows in the main line one of the electro-mag- ations of current, prevent any sudden varyings nets attracts its armature and closes the shunt of candle-power or flickerings in the lamps around a portion of the spark-reducing resist- which might otherwise ensue. The throwing ance, for it is now unnecessary to have so in and out of these resistances has, however, 100 large a resistance in the circuit; and this op- no direct effect upon the lamps, but simply and 50 eration continues according to the number of solely affects the spark caused by the break- parts into which the resistance is divided. ing of circuit. The invention may be better understood by • Instead of using the maguet C to operate א: 264,2756 the circuit-controller directly, it, being wound to respond quickly to variations of current, could be used to open and close the circuit of another magnet which would do the work, this 5 magnet being placed in any convenient loca- tion, but preferably in a shunt around the re- sistance in the main line or around the resist- ance F in the field. It is evident that this invention is as well 10 adapted to magneto as to dynamo electric ma- chines, or to machines in which the main cur- rent energizes the field-magnet, in which case the circuit-controller b would be in a shunt around the field. 15 It is also evident that the number of spark- reducing resistances and of electro-magnets connected therewith and the proportion of lamps required to be in circuit in order that these magnets will operate might be varied in 20 any desired manner. I do not claim broadly the use of a vibrating circuit-controller for regulating the generation of current, or a spark-arresting shunt around such a circuit-controller, or providing such a 25 circuit-controller with an adjustable retractor, since such invention forms the subject-matter of claims in my application No. 68,627, of even date herewith. 30 What I claim is- 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of a vibrating circuit- controller for regulating the generation of cur- rent, and a shunt around said circuit-control- ler containing a series of constant resistances for reducing the spark, and means adapted to 35 cut each of such resistances into or out of cir- cuit by the removal or addition of a definite predetermined number of translating devices, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with the vibrating cir- 40 cuit-controller and spark-reducing resistances in a shunt around the circuit-controller, of the electro-maguets in a shunt from the main line, each adapted, upon the addition or removal of a certain number of translating devices, to cause 45 the throwing in or out of circuit of a portion of the spark-reducing resistances placed in a shunt around the vibrating circuit-controller, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination of the vibrating circuit- 50 controller placed in the field-circuit, the elec tro-magnet for operating the same, placed in a derived circuit from the main line, the series of constant spark-reducing resistances placed in a shunt around the circuit-controller, and 55 the series of electro-magnets in a shunt from the main line, for throwing said resistances out of circuit one after another, as desired, sub- stantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 60 28th day of February, 1882. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. II. W. SEELY, THOMAS JOHNSTON. 2757 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,659. Patented Sept. 19, 1882. Fig. 1. Fig. 3. A A 5 3 6 10 wood a a 4 8 B voooo sh Ko 3 7 4 B f 1% C C о a C C a 8/mo f a A a 2 E 9 Fig. 2. nn l Flowing F 3 4 7 10 1 2 8 5 B WITNESSES: Edward C. Rowland NuSeely. ед. 6 Oa Oa Оа a 1 બી E C d d d d d d d d d d d o 12 る ​INVENTOR: J. A. Edison BY Rich? At. Dyer, ATTORNEY N PETERS. Photo-Litographer, Washington, D. C. 2758 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 5 THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,659, dated September 19, 1882, Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and useful Improvement in the Regulation of Dy- namo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 406;) and I do hereby declare that the follow- ing is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying draw 10 ings, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. In multiple-are circuits 5 6 and 7 8 are placed respectively the electro-magnets B and C. The magnet B is provided with a pivoted arma- ture-lever, b, retracted by a spring, d, its free 55 end making and breaking contact at e, and thus opening and closing the shunt-circuit f around the magnet C, of which circuit the ar- mature-lever b forms a part. The maguet C has pivoted armature c, retracted by spring g. 60 The movement of this armature causes the vi- bration of the circuit-controller h, which, in The object of this invention is to produce order to reduce the spark, is made to break means for automatically regulating the genera circuit simultaneously at points i i, k being tion of current by a dynamo or magneto electric an insulating-pin. This circuit-controller reg. 65 15 machine supplying current to a mutiple-arc sys-ulates the machine as in the application above tem of electrical distribution, which shall not referred to. referred to. A shunt-circuit, 9 10, is formed vary the resistance of or the current flowing in around this circuit-controller, containing a the field-circuit of the machine, and shall be high resistance, preferably an incandescent exceedingly and unusually sensitive in their electric lamp, D, in order that the spark may 70 20 action, responding instantly to the slightest be still further reduced; or the shunt-circuit variation in the current on the main line. This may include a portion of the field-magnet coils I accomplish in the following manner: Two with the same result. The opening and clos- electro-magnets are placed each in a derived ing of the shunt f, controlling the energy of the circuit from the main conductors of the gen- magnet C, increases the sensitiveness of the 75 25 erator, and each actuating a vibrating circuit- action of the circuit-controller h. All the controller. The circuit-controller of one mag- movements of the armatures c and b are simul- net opens and closes a circuit whose opening taneous, and thus a double effect, both in in- and closing controls or assists in controlling crease and decrease of energy, is produced in C. the energy of the other magnet, whose vibrat- In Fig. 2 the magnet B is used to close and 80 30 ing circuit-controller is placed in the field-cir- open directly the circuit 7 8 through the mag- cuit, so as to regulate the energy of the field-net C, instead of a shunt around it. The cir- magnet of the machine, as explained in an- other application made by me of even date here- with; or where the main circuit includes the 35 field-coils the circuit-controller would be placed in a shunt-circuit around such coils. One or more shunt-circuits may be formed around the last-mentioned circuit-controller, (which is preferably one which makes and breaks cir- 40 cuit at several points simultaneously,) such shunts having a high resistance, and being used to decrease the spark which might other- wise ensue. In the drawings, Figures 1, 2, and 3 are dia- 45 grams of different forms of my invention. 50 Referring to Fig. 1, A is a dynamo-electric machine, from which lead main conductors 12, having lamps or other translating devices, a a, placed in multiple arc upon them. 34 is a multiple-arc circuit including the field-magnet of the machine. cuit-controller F here shown is one in which the flat springs 7 bear on the cross-piece m, and so keep the contacts n n and o o always 85 in line. With the exception of the points above noted, this form is similar to that of Fig. 1. In the form shown in Fig. 3 two incandesc- ing electric lamps, D D, are used as resist- 90 ances for decreasing the spark, and placed di rectly in the field-circuit 3 4, a shunt being formed around each, and both shunts being opened or closed simultaneously by the move- ment of the vibrating circuit-controller h. The 95 magnet B is used to open and close a shunt, f, around the magnet C, as in Fig. 1, and the movement of the armature-lever c throws the lamps or other suitable high resistances, D D, in or out of circuit. In this case the magnets 100 B C are placed in series in the same multiple- arc circuit, 5 6. 2759 2 264,659 It is evident that in all these forms the field- 3. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- circuit 3 4 might be a circuit supplied from an neto electric machine, of two electro-magnets 35 external source, or a shunt instead of a derived placed in a multiple-arc circuit or circuits from circuit from the main line; or the vibrating cir- the machine, and each provided with a vibrat- 5 cuit-controller could be placed in a shunt ing circuit-controller, one for regulating the around the field in those machines in which generation of current by the machine, the other the main current energizes the field-magnet. for controlling or assisting to control the.sup- 40 I do not claim broadly the use of a vibrat-ply of current energizing the first, substan- ing circuit-controller for regulating the genera- tially as set forth. 10 tion of current, or a spark-arresting shunt around such a circuit-controller, or providing such a circuit-controller with an adjustable re- tractor, since such invention forms the sub- ject-matter of claims in my application No. 15 68,627, of even date herewith. What I claim is- 4. The combination, with the two vibrating circuit-controllers, one for regulating the gen- eration of current, the other for controlling the 45 supply of current to the first, of the spark-ar- resting shunt around the first circuit-controller, substantially as set forth. 5. The combination, with an electro-magnet 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag-placed in a multiple-arc circuit from a dynamo 50 neto electric machine, of a circuit-controller or magneto electric machine, and a vibrating operated by the current generated for regulat- circuit-controller operated thereby and placed 20 ing the generation of current by the machine, in the field circuit of the machine, of an elec- and a second circuit-controller, also operated tro-magnet placed in the same or another mul- by the current generated for controlling or as- tiple-arc circuit, and a vibrating circuit-con- 55 sisting in controlling the current operating the troller for controlling the current energizing first circuit-controller, as desired, substan- the first-mentioned electro-magnet, placed in 25 tially as set forth. the circuit of said first-mentioned magnet or in a shunt around the same, substantially as · set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 28th day of February, 1882. 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag. neto electric machine, of a vibrating circuit- controller adapted to make and break circuit at several points simultaneously, and another 30 vibrating circuit-controller for controlling or assisting in controlling the current operating the first circuit-controller, substantially as set forth. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, THOMAS JOHNSTON. 60' 2760 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No 264 660 А WITNESSES: D. DD. Mott Phomas E. Birch. 3 4 8 · N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer. Washington, D. C. DE C H H Feeeee E G ∞ Patented Sept. 19, 1882. F" G eeeeee a 5 لعو F x ID: สอน K BY INVENTOR: J. A. Edison Rich. A. Oyer. ATTORNEY. ри 'n' k' 6 2 2 ,2 2761 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,660, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Means for Regulating the Generative Capacity of Dynamo or Mag- neto Electric Machines, (Case No. 375;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, refer- 10 erence being had to the accompanying draw- ings, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. My invention relates to means for automat- ically varying the resistance of the field-cir- 15 cuit of a dynamo or magneto electric machine for the purpose of regulating the generation of current by the machine, the object I have in view being to produce a continuously-act- ing mechanism for this purpose, and one in | 20 which the increase or decrease of resistance is not limited by the movement (necessarily small) of the armatures of electro-magnets, and which mechanism, further, will be efficient in operation, will maintain the lamps at a 25 practically-constant candle-power, and pre- vent the light from flickering. 1 taining an electro-magnet and a resistance for turning current into the shunt. The pivoted 55 spring-armature of this magnet forms a part of the shunt-circuit, and its free end is placed between contact-points. A pivoted spring- arm is also placed between these contact- points in such manner that the forward move- 60 ment of the armature-forces is against one of them and completes one of the divisions of the shunt-circuit, while the armature, when drawn back a sufficient distance, strikes the other contact-point and completes the other divis- 65 ion. Normally, however, the armature and spring-arm are held by the resilience of their springs and by a properly-placed stop mid- way between the contact-points, and either circuit is completed only by an increase or 70 decrease in the force of the electro-magnet. When too much current is in the main circuit it is desirable to decrease the generative ca- pacity of the machine by placing more resist- ance in the field-circuit. The magnet in 75 the multiple - arc circuit of course has its energy increased by the excessive quantity of current in the main line, and attracts its armature, which pushes the spring-arm Generally speaking, my arrangement is as against a contact-point, thus closing a di- 80 follows: In the field-circuit of a dynamo-ma vision of the shunt, including one of the first- chine is placed a circular adjustable resist- mentioned electro-magnets, whose vibrating 30 ance, having its contact-points arranged in- armature is set in motion, moving the pawl side, portions of the resistance being cut in and turning the ratchet-wheel and contact-arm and out by a contact-arm forming part of the in such a direction that more resistance is 85 circuit and pivoted in the center of the resist-placed in the field-circuit. The current in the ance. The contact-arm is turned by ratchet- main circuit then decreases, and the magnet 35 wheels, one adapted to be moved by a pawl in the multiple-arc circuit weakens in power in one direction, the other by another pawl in until the armature is drawn away by the the opposite direction, so that resistance is spring and the circuit of the electro-magnet 90 placed in or thrown out of circuit as one or which actuates the contact-arm is broken; but the other pawl is in operation. Each of these if the current is very much decreased, so that 40 pawls is moved by the vibrating armature of it becomes necessary to throw out resistance, an electro-magnet. To effect the make and the first armature-lever is drawn back by its break of circuit which causes the vibration of spring and closes the other division of the 95 the armature, one end of the latter extends shunt-circuit through the other electro-mag- between the sides of a pivoted U-shaped piece, net, whose pawl-arm turns the contact-arm in 45 which is driven by the movement of the arma- the opposite direction and throws out a por- ture in one direction to complete the circuit tion of the resistance. and in the other direction to break it, the U- The controlling electro-magnet of the mech- 100 piece being weighted, so that its motion is as-anism, as before explained, is placed in a mul- sisted by gravity; or a spring may be used for tiple-arc circuit. In this location it is effected, 50 this purpose. Each of the electro-magnets exactly as is a lamp, by variations caused by operating these vibrating armatures is placed changes in the number of translating devices in a circuit which is a division of a shunt-cir- and in the speed of the engine. To prevent 105 cuit from a multiple-arc circuit, the last con- the light from flickering it is necessary to pro- | 2762 2. 264,660 vide means for determining the central posi- | wheel r and turns the contact-arm a, so that tion of the armature-lever of the controlling it places more of the resistance B in the cir- electro-magnet. This is done by the spring-cuit 3 4. A similar arrangement is placed on 70 arm, against which the armature-lever strikes, the opposite side of the resistance, F' being 5 the armature-lever bearing normally against the magnet, G' its armature, k' the U-shaped this arm with such pressure that it is not af- circuit-reverser, and H' the pawl actuating fected by small magnetic changes. The two The two the ratchet-wheel r', so that the contact-arm a magnets, vibrating armature-levers, and cir- is turned in the opposite direction and cuts 75 cuit-controllers for working the contact-arm of out instead of putting in resistance. Io the resistance form two electro-moters, which act oppositely upon the resistance, and are brought into action separately by the control- ling-magnet. The accompanying drawing is a diagram 15 showing an appropriate manner of carrying out my invention. A is a dynamo-electric machine, from which lead the main conductors 1 2 of a multiple-arc system. 20 3 4 is a multiple-arc circuit, including the field-magnets of the dynamo. The wire 4 in- cludes the circular adjustable resistance B, while the wire 3 terminates in a pivoted con- tact-arm, a, adapted to make contact with the 25 points bb of the resistance B. 35 56 is another multiple-arc circuit, including an electro-magnet, C, and a resistance, D. Around the latter is formed a shunt-circuit, 7 8, which is divided into two circuits 9 x c and 30 9 x'd, cand a being contact-points. Either or both of the wires 7 8 may, if desired, be made adjustable, so that they may be connected with different parts of the resistance D, and thus shunt more or less current into the circuit 7 8. The magnet Cis provided with an armature, E, pivoted at e and forming part of the cir- cuit 78. At its free end it is provided with two contact-points, one on each side. The arma- ture has also a spring, f, whose tendency is to 40 withdraw it from the magnet C. A pivoted spring-arm, g, is so placed that normally it is midway between c and d, but may be pressed over by the armature, so as to contact with c and close the circuit 9 x c. When the press- 45 ure is removed the circuit is broken until the magnet becomes so weak that the armature is drawn back against d and closes the circuit 9 x'd. The spring-arm g determines the central position of the armature-lever E, as before ex- 50 plained, and prevents the lever E from being vibrated by small magnetic changes in C. The circuit 9c includes a magnet, F, having an armature, G, pivoted at h, and having a spring, i. The lower end of the armature en- 55 ters between the sides of the U-shaped metal piece k, which is pivoted at 7 and placed be- tween stops m n. The wire x is attached at and the wire 9 to the stop n, so that when k is thrown against n the circuit 9 x c is closed at 60 this point and when it is thrown against m the circuit 9 x c is opened. A ball or weight, o, assists the motion of the piece k. Thus the movement of the armature G causes the make and break of the circuit, and the armature is 65 made to vibrate. At the other end of the ar- mature G is pivoted a pawl, H, which, when the armature G vibrates, moves the ratchet- It is evident that this invention is applica- ble to magneto-electric machines as well as to dynamos, and to a battery as well as to a sin- gle machine. What I claim is— 80 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple arc, of an adjustable re- sistance in the field-circuit of such machine, 85 an electrically-operated mechanism for ad- justing said resistance, and an electro-magnet located in a multiple-are circuit and con- trolling such electrically-operated mechan- ism, substantially as set forth. 90 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple-arc, of a mechanism for regulating such machine, an electro-magnet located in a multiple arc circuit, and closing- 95 circuits at the contacts of its armature-lever for controlling such regulating mechanism, and means for determining the central posi- tion of the armature-lever of said controlling electro-magnet, substantially as set forth. 100 s. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric mechine and translating devices arranged in multiple arc, of an adjustable re- sistance in the field-circuit of such machine, a mechanism for adjusting such resistance, an 105 electro-magnet located in a multiple-arc cir- cuit and controlling such adjusting mechan- ism by closing-circuits at the contact of its armature-lever, and means for determining the central position of the armature-lever of said 110 controlling electro-magnet, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with an electro-magnet energized by the current generated by a dy- namo or magneto electric machine or battery 115 thereof, of an armature-lever adapted to close by its forward and backward movement the branches of a divided shunt, which contain mechanism for varying the resistance of the field-circuit of the generator, substantially as 120 set forth. 5. The combination, with a multiple-arc cir- cuit, of a divided shunt therefrom, each divis- ion containing an electro-magnet provided with a vibrating armature, said vibrating ar- 125 mature being adapted to operate a pawl and a ratchet-wheel, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 5th day of December, 1881. Witnesses: T. A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, WM. H. MEADOWCROFT. 2763 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,661. Patented Sept. 19. 1882. Fig. 1 m 5 D elle 11 ď A eeeeee E N ď B eeeeeee a E M Oe R 4 6 N m WITNESSES: D.D. Mott |7 Thomas & Birch e С d E INVENTOR: J.A. Edison Rich. A. Dyer. ATTORNEY 2 BY THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 2764 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 2. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,661. 5 R' D ה 2 Patented Sept. 19, 1882. Fig. 2. A m Boood Im WITNESSES: 1 D. 19 Mort юмон Thomas E. Birch. e e С E mmm B ow 2 2 BY THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. llllllll lllllll E E2 INVENTOR: J. A. Edison Rich M. Dyer. ATTORNEY 2765 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,661. Patented Sept. 19,. 1882. 5 Fig. 3. D A 16 m २ E Ъ α D Fig. 5. E2 10 m B RQ C 6 8 1 Ос 2 Fig. 4. 9 eeeee M - W W 3 ૬૦ R eeeeee m m e e M О О о 4 2 WITNESSES: D. D. Mott Murderly A B BOW A HB 14 2 C i K 20 h INVENTOR: J. A. Edison BY THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. Rich M. Dyer. ATTORNEY. 2766 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,661, dated September 19, 1882, Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: which cause variations in the current produced; Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of but when such maguets are in a shunt or in the Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and main line this is not the case, and I therefore State of New Jersey, have invented a new and provide other means for this purpose. A mag- 55 5 useful Improvement in Regulating the Gener- net or magnets are placed in one or more mul- ative Capacity of Dynamo or Magneto Elec-tiple-arc circuits from the mains. Each mag- tric Machines, (Case No. 399;) and I do hereby net is provided with an armature-lever re- declare that the following is a full and exact tracted by a spring and provided with contact- description of the same, reference being had points, so that when attracted by its magnet 60 Lo to the accompanying drawings, and to the let the armature will close a circuit whose closure ters of reference marked thereon. causes a decrease in the amount of current flowing through the magnets which control the field of force of the generator. Such cir cuit brings a shunt around the resistance, which 65 turns current into the shunt containing the last-mentioned magnets, or a new branch of the main line passing around said magnets.. Thus, if a sudden increase of speed in the en- gine causes an unusual flow of current, the mag- 70 net in the multiple-arc circuit causes less cur- rent to flow through those in the shunt, whose energy, being diminished, will cause a decrease in the current energizing the field-magnet of the generator, as before set forth. of different forms thereof. 75 The object of this invention is to produce new and efficient means for varying the cur- rent energizing the field-magnet of a dynamo 15 or magneto electric machine supplying a mul- tiple - arc system of electric distribution for the purpose of regulating the generation of current by such machine. This I accomplish, first, by the use of several electro-magnets, 20 each provided with an armature-lever, the re- lation between each armature-lever and its magnet being different from that of the others- that is, different currents being required to en- ergize each magnet sufficiently to cause it to 25 move its armature—this being accomplished The invention may be better understood by by employing, in connection with the armature, reference to the accompanying drawings, Fig- different springs or weights by different wind-ures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 being diagrammatic views ings of the various magnets, by varying the normal distances between the magnets and their 30 armatures, or in any other suitable manner. The energy of these magnets is varied by va- riations in the current flowing in the main cir- cuit from the dynamo or magneto electric ma- chine, caused by the addition or removal of 35 lamps or other translating devices in the sys- tem. The movements of the armatures above mentioned cause the opening and closing of circuits, the closure of each of which causes a greater amount of current to flow through 40 the field-magnet of the generator. The elec- tro-magnets may be placed directly in the main circuit of the generator, or in multiple-arc or derived circuits, or iu a shunt-circuit therefrom, the circuits and contact-points connected with 45 their armatures being arranged differently, ac- cording to the different conditions arising from the different positions in which the magnets are placed. When the magnets are placed in multiple-arc circuits from the mains their ac- 50 tion compensates also for differences in the speed of the engine actuating the generator, In Fig. 1 electro-magnets A B C are placed 80 in a shunt, 3 4, around the resistance R from the main conductor 2, which leads from the dynamo-electric machine D. | 5 6 is the field-circuit of such machine, and contains a series of resistances, E E E². The 85 field-circuit is here shown as a multiple-arc cir- cuit from the main line; but it is evident that it may be a circuit supplied from an exterual source, such as another dynamo or magneto electric machine or a battery. 90 A shunt-circuit, a b, is formed around each of the resistances E E' E2, a portion of each shunt being formed by one of the armature- levers ccc² of the magnets E E' E². These pivoted armatures are provided with springs 95 d d' d², which differ in tension. When only a few lamps or other translating devices, e e, are placed in multiple-arc circuits on the main line, all the resistances E E' E² may be in the field-circuit 5 6. As more lamps are 100 turned on a greater electro-motive force is produced in the shunt-circuit in consequence 1 2767 2 264,661 | of the decrease in resistance of the main line. | ances E are closed by the making of the back Therefore the armature c, which has the weak contacts instead of their forward ones. With est spring, is attracted by the magnet A and this exception the operation is similar to those closes the shunt a b' around the resistance E, previously described. Instead of closing shunt- 70 5. thus cutting the latter out of circuit and al- circuits around resistances in the field-circuit, lowing more current to pass through the field- the magnets A B C may be used to close ad- magnet of the generator, so that enough cur- ditional circuits around the field-magnet, which rent is supplied for the additional translating is wound in bobbins or sections of wire, each devices. A still further addition to the num- of which forms part of a circuit, including one 75 10 ber of the last causes the successive drawing of the pivoted armature-levers c c c. forward of the armature c' c² and the throwing out of the resistances E' E2. It is evident that any desired number of electro-magnets, arma- tures, and resistances may be used. 15 M is another electro-magnet, placed in a multiple-arc circuit, m m, aud provided with a pivoted armature, l, which forms part of a shunt- circuit, N N, around the resistance R. A sud- den increase of current, caused by an increase 20 in the speed of the engine or by any unusual cause, increases the energy of the maguet M, which draws forward its armature l and com- pletes the circuit 3 n, which, by opening a new path for the current, causes a less portion of 25 it to pass through the magnets A B C, so that their energy is decreased, and the resistances E E' E² are successively placed in the field-cir- cuit as desired. A resistance, r, may be placed in the circuit 30 N N, so that it shall not take too large a por- tion of the current. It is evident that any de- sired number of magnets M and circuits N N of different resistances may be provided, in order that successive paths may be opened for 35 the current, and that in the circuit 3 4 be grad- ually diminished. In the form shown in Fig. 2 the magnets A B C are all placed directly in the main line in multiple-arc relation to each other. 40 Another similar branch of the maiu con- ductor contains a resistance, R', and the ar- mature-leverl of the electro-magnet M, the lat- ter being in a multiple-arc circuit, m m, from the main line. The successive drawing for 45 ward of the armatures c c'e² cuts out the re- sistances E E' E2 from the field-circuit 5 6 of the generator D. An increase of current in the multiple-arc circuit m m, caused not by the condition of the translating devices, but by an 50 increase in the speed of the motor driving the armature of the generator, causes an increase in the attractive force of the magnet M, which, by drawing forward its pivoted armature-1, completes the circuit containing the resistance 55 R, and thus by a further division of the cur- rent that flowing through the magnets A B C is lessened, and the resistances E E' E2 are placed in circuit. It is evident in this case as well as in the preceding that the number of 60 magnets M and of different paths for the cur rent may be increased as desired. In Fig. 3 the magnets A B C are placed in a multiple-arc, circuit, 7 S. Being in a multi- ple-arc circuit, such magnets are weakened by 65 the addition of translating devices e e, and therefore the shunt-circuits ab around resist- C In Fig. 4 the magnets are placed in the shunt- circuit 3 4 around resistance R. While here shown, for convenience, as in multiple are across the wires of the shunt, it is evident that 80 they may be placed as in Fig. 1. The pres- ent arrangement of the magnets is similar to that in Fig. 2. Instead of springs of different tensions, the armatures cc' c² are here provided with different weights f. A field-circuit of a 85 constant high resistance, 9 10, is used to pri- marily energize the field-magnet of the gen- erator D. This circuit may, if desired, be sup- plied from any external source instead of from the machine itself. The attraction of the arma- 90 ture c by the magnet A causes the closure of the circuit 9g; that of the armature c' causes the closure of 9 h, while 9 i is closed by the attraction of the armature c². It is evident that g, h, and i might be connected directly to 95 the conductor 2 instead of reaching it through a wire, l. In this case, also, a maguet, M, k. in a derived circuit, m m, is used to close a shunt- circuit around the resistance R. • The form shown in Fig. 5 is similar to the 100 preceding, except that now the magnets A B C are placed in a multiple-arc circuit, 7 8, and the circuits through the field are completed through the back instead of the front contacts of the armature, as before explained. What I claim is- 105 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple-arc circuits therefrom, of a. series of independent devices operated by the 110 current generated and arranged to act succes- sively as more translating devices are placed in circuit to increase the current energizing the field-magnet of the generator, substantially as set forth. 115 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple-arc circuits therefrom, of a series of electro-magnets energized by the cur- rent generated and arranged to operate suc- 120 cessively as more translating devices are placed in circuit to close circuits, whereby the current energizing the field-maguet of the generator is increased, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- 125 neto electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple-arc circuits therefrom, of a series of electro-magnets energized by the cur- rent generated, and each provided with a piv- oted armature-lever, the relation between each· 130 magnet and its armature differing from that of each other magnet and armature, as ex- 2768 264,661 plained, and circuits, as described, the move- ment of each armature opening or closing a circuit whose closure increases the current en- ergizing the field-magnet of the generator, 5 substantially as set forth. | 3. 4. The combination, with a dynamo or mag. neto electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple-arc circuits therefrom, of a series of electro-magnets energized by the cur- 10 rent generated, and armature therefor, different amounts of current being required to cause each magnet to attract its armature, and circuits and resistances, as described, the movement of each armature causing the throwing of a 15 resistance in or out of the field-circuit, sub-field magnet of a dynamo-electric machine stantially as set forth. · 45 arranged in multiple-arc circuits therefrom, of a number of electro-magnets placed in divisions of the main line or in a shunt therefrom, and 35 arranged to act successively as more trans- lating devices are placed in circuit to increase the current energizing the field-magnet of the generator, and an electro-magnet placed in a multiple-arc circuit from the main line, aud 40 arranged to act upon an increase of the cur- rent generated to close circuits which shall draw off a portion of the current energizing the magnets in the shunt-circuit or divisions of the main line, substantially as set forth, 7. The combination of the following: the placed in a multiple-arc circuit, the armature. 5. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- of said machine placed in another multiple- neto electric machine and translating devices arc circuit, lamps or other translating devices 50 arranged in multiple-arc circuits therefrom, of a placed in other multiple-arc circuits, (all such 20 series of devices operated by the current gen- multiple-arc circuits being derived from the erated, and arranged to act successively as same main conductors,) and a series of inde- more translating devices are placed in circuit pendent devices operated by the current geu- to increase the current energizing the field-erated, and arranged to act successively as 55 magnet of the generator, and a device or series 25 of devices, also operated by the current gener- ated, and arranged to act upon an increase of said current to decrease the current affecting the first-mentioned series of devices, thereby decreasing the current in the field-circuit of 30 the generator, substantially as set forth. 6. The combination, with a dynamo or mag neto electric machine and translating devices more translating devices are placed in circuit to increase the current energizing the said field-magnet, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 10th day of February, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, WM. H. MEADOWCROFT. 2769 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,662. 5. B WITNESSES: E. C. Rowland F. W. Howard 3. A. Oa a. -0° Оа a. Oa о Oa Oa Patented Sept. 19, 1882. 4. N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer. Washington, D. C. B. 2. 6. INVENTOR: J. A Edison BY Rich H. Dyer. ATTORNEY. 2770 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION 'forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,662, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in the Regulation of Dy. namoor Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 410;) and I do hereby declare that the follow- ing is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying draw- Io ing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. The object of my invention is to produce simple and efficient means for regulating the generation of current by a dynamo or mag. 15 neto electric machine supplying a multiple-arc system of electrical distribution, according to variations in the number of translating devices in circuit in such system; and my invention consists in winding the field-magnet of the 20 machine in two separate portions, the direc- tion of the winding in one portion being the reverse of that in the other, so that the two parts of the magnet will oppose each other in their attractive energy. The main portion of 25 the wire is included in the field-circuit, which is preferably a multiple-arc circuit from the main conductors of the machine, or which may be supplied from any suitable external source. The oppositely-wound portion is included in 30 another multiple-arc circuit derived from the main conductors. When only-a few translat- ing devices are in circuit in the system a large amount of current will pass in this sec- ond multiple-arc circuit, which, by opposing 35 the inductive action of the rest of the magnet, allows the generation of only a small amount of current; but as more translating devices are brought into action the current through the reversed coils decreases, and this portion 40 of the magnet becoming less powerful the gen- eration of current increases. The drawing is a diagram illustrating my invention. A is the field-magnet of a dynamo-electric 45 machine, each limb of which is wound in two bobbius or sections, B C, the section B being wound in one direction and the section C in the opposite one. 1 2 are the main conductors leading from the machine, and having multiple-arc circuits 50 derived from them, in which are placed lamps or other translating devices, a a. A derived circuit, 3 4, includes the portions B B of the field-magnet coils, and a derived circuit, 5 6, the portions C C, the latter start- 55 ing from a point beyond the translating de- vices. The operation of these circuits is as before explained. What I claim is- бо 1. A dynamo or magneto electric machine having a small portion of its field-magnet so wound as to oppose the actiou of the main por- tion, in combination with means for varying the current passing in said smaller portion ac- 65 cording to the number of translating devices in circuit, whereby the generative capacity of the machine is regulated, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag. 70 neto electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple arc, of a multiple-arc circuit from said machine, including a portion of the coils of its field-magnet, such portion being arranged to have a circuit in a direction 75 opposite to that of the coils included in the primary field-circuit, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and translating devices 80 arranged in multiple arc, of a multiple-arc cir- cuit iucluding the main portion of its field- maguet coils and another multiple-arc circuit including the remaining portion, these two portions being arranged to have their currents 85 in opposite directions, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 1st day of May, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, P. B. WILBer. 2771 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,663. Patented Sept. 19, 1882. A WITNESSES: 7. E. C. Kowland J. W. Howard a. R. 24 2: 17. B. 2. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. d. یشه 5. B. 1-8 dy གཟ B.. d. INVENTOR: J. A. Edison BY Rich? It. Oyer ATTORNEY. 2772 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,663, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: by reference to the annexed drawing, which il- 50 lustrates my invention diagrammatically. Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and A is the field-magnet of a dynamo-electric State of New Jersey, have invented a new and machine, energized by the derived circuit 3 4 5 useful Improvement in the Regulation of Dy- from the main conductors 12. On these main namo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. conductors electric lamps or other translating 55 411;) and I do hereby declare that the follow-devices, a a, are placed in multiple arc. A re- ing is a full and exact description of the same, sistance, R, is placed in the main conductor reference being had to the accompanying draw-2, around which is formed a shunt,5 6. In mul- 10 ing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. tiple-arc circuits across this shunt are placed electro-magnets B B B, each having an arma- 60 ture, d, retracted by a spring, c, the springs differing in tension. Each armature is included in a shuut-circuit, 7 8, around a resistance, r, in the main line. As more and more translat- ing devices are placed in circuit the armatures 65 d are successively drawn forward by the in- creased energy of their magnets B, and the re- sistances are successively thrown out of circuit. A reverse operation takes place as the number of translating devices is decreased. 70 What I claim is— The object of this invention is to produce means for regulating the generation of current by a dynamo or magneto electric machine by 15 automatically varying the resistance of the main circuit leading therefrom, according to variations in the number of translating devices in circuit in the multiple-arc system supplied by the machine. To do this I place in one or 20 both of the main conductors a series of resist- ances, around each of which is formed a shunt- circuit, a portion of which is formed by a piv- oted armature-lever. Each of these armature- 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- levers is actuated by an electro-magnet, and neto electric machine and translating devices 25 these electro-magnets are preferably placed in arranged in multiple arc, of a series of resist- multiple arc across a shunt-circuit around an- ances in the main circuit from said generator 75 other resistance in the main line, though they and a number of independent devices actuated might be placed in series in such shunt. The by the current generated, for successively armature-levers are retracted by springs, the throwing such resistances into or out of circuit, 30 springs of the different levers varying in according to variations in the number of said strength; or other means may be provided translating devices, substantially as set forth. 80 whereby different amounts of current will be 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- required to cause each magnet to attract its neto electric machine and translating devices armature, such as placing each armature at a arranged in multiple are, of a series of resist 35 different distance from its magnet, winding the ances in the main circuit and a series of elec- magnets in different ways, &c. The forward tro-magnets in a shunt from said main circuit, 85 movement of an armature closes the shunt-each magnet being provided with an armaturo- circuit in which it is placed, and so cuts out lever, the motion of which opens and closes a of circuit one of the resistances in the main shunt around one of the said resistances im 40 line. When the number of translating devices the main line, and the armatures being so ar- in circuit is increased the current in the shunt- ranged as to operate successively, substan- 90 circuit, which contains the magnets, becomes tially as set forth. greater, and one or more of the magnets at- tracts its armature, which, being drawu for- 45 ward against a contact-point, short-circuits a resistance in the main line, and thereby allows a greater amount of current to pass from the machine to the translating devices- supplied thereby. This may be better comprehended This specification signed and witnessed this 1st day of May, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, P. B. WILBER. • 2773 Patented Sept. 19, 1882. (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,664. 9 & 7 4 9 WITNESSES: D. D. Mott Thomas E. Birch, x L 6 7 2 ( 9 2 N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 5 5 L INVENTOR: I.A. Edison Rich. A. Dyer, ATTORNEY. BY 2774 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 5 THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,664, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Regulating the Generative Capacity of Dynamo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 393;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being To had to the accompanying drawing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. The object I have in view is to produce sim- ple and efficient means for regulating the gen- erative capacity of a dynamo or magneto elec- 15 tric machine, which will be wholly dependent upon and controlled by the throwing in and out of the translating devices, arranged in multiple-arc or derived circuits, without the use of actuating mechanism other than the usual 20 circuit-controllers at the individual translating devices. ► This invention is an improvement upon that described in my Patent No. 248,422, in which only part of the current furnished the lamps 25 passes through the circuit of the field-magnet, and circuit-controllers, in addition to the usual ones at the individual translating devices, are employed to make and break separate field-cir- cuits. 30 In carrying out the present invention one of the main conductors is divided into a number of parts, each of which parts is connected with bobbins on the limbs of the field-magnet be- tween the commutator-brush and the lamp- 35 circuits. Between each part of the divided conductor and the undivided main conductor is located one set of conductors in multiple- arc or derived circuits, from which last con- ductors the lamps or other translating devices 40 are arranged; but a number of such sets of conductors may be connected with each part of the divided main conductor; or the sepa- rate lamp-circuits may be connected directly with each part of such divided main conductor. 45 In addition to the bobbins spoken of, a portion of the field-magnet is wound with wire, which forms part of a field circuit, which has such re- sistance produced by the winding itself or by extra resistance as to supply only a small | 50 amount of current, enough to primarily ener- gize the magnets. This circuit is preferably a derived or multiple-arc circuit from the main conductors; but it may be one supplied from a battery, a dynamo or magneto electric ma- chine, or other external source. When the 55. multiple-arc circuits of part or all of the trans- lating devices connected with any division of the main conductor are closed by the usual circuit-controllers the current flowing through them will also flow through the bobbins of the 60 field-magnet connected with the particular di- vision of the main conductor, and the energy of the field-magnet will be increased in direct proportion to the number of translating de- vices in circuit, and as the other divisions are 65 closed by the addition of other lamps or groups of lamps the field-magnet becomes more and more energized, increasing to the desired ex- tent the electro-motive force of the machine. This may be better understood by reference to 70 the drawing, which is a diagrammatic view of a dynamo-electric machine with its circuits. A is the field-magnet of the machine, and 1 2 are the main conductors leading therefrom. 3 4 is the field-circuit of constant resistance. 75 At the point a the main conductor 2 is divided into a number of conductors, 55, each of which includes a portion of the coils of the field-mag- net A. From each of the circuits 1 5 a circuit, 6 7, is derived, on which translating devices b 89 b, having the usual circuit-controllers, c, are placed in multiple arc. It is evident that as fast as more translat ing devices or groups thereof are placed in cir 85 cuit the current will pass through a greater portion of the coils of the field-maguet, and the latter will therefore be more and more ener- gized. I do not claim broadly the combination, with a multiple-arc system of electric lighting, 90 of a portion of the coils of the field-magnet formed by one of the main conductors, as this forms the subject-matter of a claim in applica- tion No. 68,621 of even date herewith. What I claim is- 95 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of a divided main con- ductor therefrom, each division of which in- cludes a portion of the coils of the field-mag- net of the machine, and forms, with the other 100 main conductor, a circuit ou which translating devices are placed in multiple arc, substan- tially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a multiple-arc cir 2775 2 264.664 cuit of constant resistance from the main con- ductors of a dynamo or magneto electric ma chine for primarily energizing the field-magnet of such machine, of the divisions of one of such 5 main conductors, each including a portion of the coils of said field-magnet for increasing the strength of the same, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination of a multiple-arc circuit containing a portion of the coils of the field- 10 maguet of a dynamo-electric machine, a mul- tiple-arc circuit containing the armature of said machine, multiple-arc circuits containing | groups of translating devices, (all such mul. tiple-arc circuits being derived from the same main conductors,) and a portion of the coils I of the field-magnet formed by divisions of one of such main conductors, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 10th day of February, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, WM. H. MEADOWCROFT. 2776 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,665. о о С a. 4. Patented Sept. 19, 1882. A. d 13. B. c. 2 WITNESSES: E. C. Kouland H. W. Howard N PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. E. -0 F INVENTOR: J. A. Edison BY lich? A. Dyer. ATTORNEY. 2777 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,665, dated September 19, 1852. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in the Regulation of Dy. namo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 414;) and I do hereby declare that the follow- ing is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying draw- ro ing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. lating material. The adjustable resistance F is connected in the field-circuit of the machine, as shown, so that when an arm, f, is in contact with its stop g the corresponding portion of the 55 resistance is short-circuited. Directly in the main circuit 1 2 is placed an electro-magnet, E, the poles of which are op- posite the arm D, so that it will attract said arm when sufficiently energized, and thus allow 60 the.contact-levers ff to make contact with the points gg. Normally-that is, when few lamps The object of this invention is to produce a a are in circuit and the engine is running at regulating apparatus for dynamo and mag- its proper speed-a portion of the resistance. neto electric machines which shall regulate Fisin circuit, as shown in the drawing. Should 65 15 the generation of current either for variations this small number of lamps be still further re- in the number of trauslating devices in circuit duced, the magnet E will weaken and release from the machine or for variations in the speed the arm D, so as to open circuit at more of the of the steam-engine or other motor used to ro- points g and throw more of the resistance F tate the armature of the machine. Such ap- into the field circuit; or should the speed of 70 20 paratus consists, generally speaking, of an ad- the engine suddenly increase from any cause justable resistance in the field-circuit of the the same effect would be produced, the drawing machine and a movable arm, by means of which up of the governor-balls pulling forward the arm portions of such resistance are placed in or D. Should, however, the number of translat- taken out of circuit, the means for moving such ing devices in circuit be increased, the energy of 75 25 arm being, first, a centrifugal governor at- the magnet E will also become greater, and tached to and operated by any moving part of the arm D will be drawn back, closing one or the generating apparatus, thus regulating for more circuits at g around portions of the re- variations of speed; and, second, an electro- sistance F and properly increasing the energy magnet placed directly in the main circuit of the field-maguet. The same effect is pro- 80 30 from the generator, or else in a shunt there- duced by a decrease in the speed of the engine from, and in such position as to attract the actuating the armature, the governor C push- movable arm when sufficiently energized. ing the arm D back, so as to close circuits A convenient form of my invention is shown around portions of the resistance. It is evi- diagrammatically in the accompanying draw-dent that the governor C could be run from 85 35 ing. A is a dynamo-electric machine, from which lead main conductors 1 2, having translating devices a a arranged upon them in multiple arc. The multiple-arc circuit 3 4 (shown in 40 dotted lines) is the field-circuit energizing, the magnet of the machine. 45 On the armature-shaft B is mounted a pul- ley, b, from which a belt, c, passes over the pul- ley'd on the shaft of a centrifugal governor, C. Attached to the governor C, and moved back and forth by it, is an arm, D, whose lower end, e, is opposite the free ends of the series of spring-retracted contact-levers ff. These open and close circuit at points g g, according as 50 they are thrown forward by the arm Dordrawn back by their springs, h h being pins of insu- the engine-shaft instead of from that of the ar- mature, or, if desired, from any other moving portion of the apparatus. The circuit 3 4, instead of being a multiple- arc circuit from the main, could be a shunt 90 therefrom, or a circuit supplied from another dynamo-machiue or other suitable external source. The arrangement of resistances and contact- arms could of course be varied in many ways, 95 if desired. What I claim is- 1. The combination of a dynamo or magneto electric machiue, an adjustable resistance in its field-circuit, a movable arm for varying such 100 resistance, mechanical means connected with and actuated by a moving portion of the ma- : 2778 2 264,665 electric machine, an adjustable resistance in its field-circuit, a movable arm for varying such resistance, a centrifugal governor connected chine or of the motor which drives it, for mov- ing said arm to vary said resistance, and means actuated by the current generated, also for moving said arm to vary the resistance, sub-with and actuated by some moving portion of 20 5 stantially as set forth. 2. The combination of a dynaino or magneto electric machine, an adjustable resistance in its field-circuit, a movable arm for varying such resistance, mechanical means connected with 10 and actuated by some moving portion of the apparatus for moving said arm to vary the re- sistance, and an electro-magnet in the main circuit or in a shunt therefrom, also for moving said arm to vary the resistance, substantially 15 as set forth. 3. The combination of a dynamo or magneto the apparatus, and also connected with said arm, so as to move it back and forth, and an electro-magnet energized by the current gen- erated, and also adapted to move said arm back and forth, substantially as set forth. This specification sigued and witnessed this 1st day of May, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, P. B. WILBER. 25 2779 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIO MACHINES. No. 264,666.. Patented Sept. 19, 1882. B. A. e. a. a. A G. E X d C. 3. FAAAAA c. c. A 2. 1. WITNESSES: E. C. Kowland F. W. Howard e. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITNO., WASHINGTON, D. C. A. INVENTOR: J. A. Edison BY Rich N. Dayer. ATTORNEY 2780 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 5 THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,666, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and useful Improvement in the Regulation of Dy-e namo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 415;) and I do hereby declare that the follow- ing is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying draw- 10 ing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. The object of my invention is to produce an automatic regulating apparatus for dynamo and magneto electric machines which shall act 15 on variations in the number of translating de- vices in circuit from the machine, or in the speed of the engine driving said machine, to adjust the speed of rotation of the armature to the point necessary to produce the generation 20 of current required. This I do by connecting the pulley over which the belt from the engine is placed to the armature shaft through a fric- tion - clutch, the latter being adjustable by means of an electro-magnet energized by the 25 current generated, so as to convey more or less power to the armature-shaft, according to the current required. A convenient form of my invention is shown in the drawing, which is a view of a regulating 30 apparatus in elevation, with the friction-clutch shown in section and the circuits in diagram. A is the armature-shaft of a dynamo or mag neto electric machine, and B the commutator- cylinder mounted thereon, the armature being 35 omitted for convenience in drawing. 12 are the main conductors leading from the commu- tator, and having translating devices a a placed in multiple arc upon them. C is an electro-magnet, so mounted near the 40 end of the armature-shaft A as to revolve there. with. The conductor 2 is broken and formed into contact-springs b b,which bear on the metal collars cc, these being insulated from the shaft A. From these metal collars a circuit, 34, runs, 45 which includes the magnet C, the latter being thus placed directly in the main circuit 1 2. A sleeve, d, is keyed also to the armature-shaft, so that it revolves with it, but has a longitudi- nal movement upon it, on which sleeve are 50 mounted the armature D of the magnet C and • 55 the friction-clutch E. A spring, F, is secured to the sleeve d, so that such sleeve is retracted from the magnet by the spring. The friction- clutch consists of arms carrying friction-shoes e and united by a toggle or elbow joint, f. G is the pulley over which the belt from the engine which drives the armature passes. The pulley G is sleeved to the shaft A so as to turn loosely upon it, and motion is therefore com- municated from the belt to the shaft only 60 through the friction-clutch, more or less power being communicated, according to the position of the friction-shoes within the pulley G. The operation of this apparatus is as follows: When more translating devices a a are placed 65 in circuit the increased current in the main line causes an increase in the energy of the magnet C, which attracts its armature D, and thus throws the friction-shoes e e into greater con- tact with the pulley G, thereby conveying more 70 power from the engine to the armature-shaft and causing the latter to revolve with greater rapidity, thus increasing the generation of cur- rent to the desired degree. A decrease in the number of translating devices in circuit causes 75 a decrease in the energy of the magnet C, the spring F throws the armature back, and the friction shoes e e are partly removed from con- tact with the pulley. Should a sudden increase occur from any cause in the speed of the en- 80 gine which drives the armature—an increase too great to be taken up immediately by the governor of the engine-the friction-shoes e e will slip on the surface of the pulley, and the in- crease will not be communicated to the arma- 85 ture-shaft. It is evident that other forms of friction - clutch might be used, though that shown is found most convenient for the purpose. The magnet C might be placed in a shunt from the main line, instead of directly therein, 90 with the same effect. What I claim as my invention is- 1. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, the combination, with the armature-shaft and a loose pulley mounted thereon, of a friction- 95 clutch for conveying motion from said pulley to said shaft, and means actuated by the cur- rent generated for moving such friction-clutch so as to vary its contact with the pulley, sub- stantially as set forth. 100 2781 2 264,666 2. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, the combination, with the armature-shaft and a loose pulley mounted thereon, of a friction- clutch for conveying motion from said pulley 5 to said shaft, and an electro-magnet in the maiu line from the machine for moving such friction- clutch so as to vary its contact with the pul- ley, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination of the loose pulley on the 10 armature-shaft, the electro-magnet mounted on said shaft and revolving with it, and the sleeve keyed to said shaft and carrying the armature of said electro-magnet, and the friction-clutch making frictional contact with the inside of said pulley, substantially as set forth. 15 This specification signed and witnessed this 1st day of May, 1882. Witnesses: H. W. SEELY, P. B. WILBER. THOS. A. EDISON. 2782 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,667. Patented Sept. 19, 1882. 5 WITNESSES: E.C. Rowlands skelig A B B 2 6 F 4 # GE C E THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C INVENTOR: J. A. Edison • · BY Rich. A. Dyer. ATTORNEY 2783 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,667, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern : Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Means for Regulating Electrical Generators, (Case No. 425;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the 10 letters of reference marked thereon. This invention relates to means for regulat. ing the generative capacity of a dynamo or magneto electric machine by throwing into the circuit of the field-maguet a variable and 15 controllable counter electro-motive force, and is an improvement upon the special means for this purpose described in my Patent No. 248,421. The object I have in view is to produce a 20 simple and efficient mechanism operating upon this principle which will regulate both for va- riations in the speed of the engine and in the number of translating devices. This I accom- | plish by arranging a motor directly in the 25 field-circuit, and by regulating it or control- ling its regulation by an electro-magnet ar- ranged in multiple arc, so that it will be af- fected both by variations in speed and in num- ber of translating devices. A friction-brake 30 is arranged to bear upon a large wheel located 'directly on the shaft of the motor-armature or on a shaft connected with such armature-shaft, and having a higher rate of speed than the armature-shaft. This friction-brake is forced 35 upon the wheel by a spring or weight, which is made adjustable to give more or less press- ure normally, so that the candle-power of the lamps can be adjusted. The magnet arranged in multiple arc from the main conductors of 40 the machine operates against the spring or weight, and tends to relieve the pressure of the brake and allow the motor to run with greater speed and throw a greater counter electro-motive force into the field - circuit, 45 thereby weakening the field-magnet. As the magnet grows weaker it allows the spring or weight to force the brake with greater press- ure upon the wheel, reducing the speed of the motor and the counter electro-motive force gen- 50 erated by it. The electro-magnet which op- poses the action of the spring or weight of the brake may be placed in a local circuit, as in a shunt from the main line or from the field-cir- cuit, and have its circuit closed and opened by the armature of a controlling relay-magnet 55 placed in a multiple-arc circuit from the main conductors. The electro-magnet in the mul- tiple-arc circuit being affected in the same way as are the lamps by changes in speed and in number of lamps, the local circuit will be opened 60 and closed accordingly, and the regulation will be efficient in all respects. The foregoing will be better understood from the drawing, which is a view, partly diagram- matic, of apparatus embodying the invention. 65 A is a dynamo or magneto electric ma- chine, from which run the main conductors 1 2 in multiple-arc circuits, from which are lo- cated the lamps or other translating devices, B. The field-circuit 3 4 of A is preferably a 70 multiple-arc circuit from 1 2, and in it is lo- cated the electro-dynamic motor C. Upon the armature-shaft of the motor is a large wheel, D, upon which bears a pivoted brake-lever, E. This lever, at its other end, carries an armature 75 attracted by an electro-magnet, F, located in a multiple-arc circuit, 5 6, from the main con- ductors 1 2. The brake-lever is lifted off of the brake-wheel by the attraction of this elec tro: magnet, the force of which is opposed by 80 a spring, G, made adjustable in its tension by a nut, a, or other suitable means, so that the candle-power of the lamps can be adjusted. If the magnet F were in a local circuit con- trolled by a relay-magnet. arranged in multi- 85 ple arc, as before explained, and as shown in Fig. 2 of Case No. 68,628, of even date here- with, the means for adjusting the candle-power would be used in connection with the relay- magnet. What I claim is— 90 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of an electromotor lo- cated in the field-circuit and varying the strength of the field-maguet by variations in 95 its counter electro-motive force, and an elec- tro-magnet arranged in a multiple-arc circuit from the conductors of the generator, for con- trolling the speed of the motor, whereby the generator will be regulated to meet changes in 100 speed, as well as the varying conditions of the external circuit, substantially as set forth. 2784 2 264,667 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag. neto electric machine, of an electromotor lo- cated in its field-circuit and adjustable means for regulating or controlling the speed of such 5 motor, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of an electromotor lo- cated in its field-circuit and a friction-brake controlled by an electro-magnet for regulating | 10 the speed of such motor, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with a dynamo or mag neto electric machine, of an electromotor lo- cated in its field-circuit, a friction-brake forced by a spring or weight upon a wheel mounted 15 upon or connected with the motor-shaft, and an electro-magnet opposing the action of such spring or weight and located in a multiple-arc circuit from the main conductors of the gen- erator, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 22d day of May, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. EDUARD C. ROWLAND, C. P. MOTT. 20 2785 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,668. करी 3 де WITNESSES: D. D. Mott Thomas & Birch 4 α C о О о α о 2 1 Patented Sept. 19, 1882. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. INVENTOR: J. A. Edison BY Rich W. Dyer. ATTORNEY. 2786 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,669, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: the energy of the magnet is lessened by the decrease of current in the conductor 1. Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Regulating the Gener-matically by the throwing in and out of circuit ative Capacity of Dynamo-Electric Machines, (Case No. 398;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accom- 10 panying drawings, and to the letters of refer- ence marked thereon. It will thus be seen that the regulation of the 50 machine is accomplished instantly and auto- The object of this invention is to produce means by which the addition or removal of translating devices in the multiple-arc circuits 15 of a system of electrical distribution shall cause immediately a proper regulation of the current energizing the field-magnet of the dynamo- electric machine supplying such system, and this without the use of adjustable resistances, 20 or of any, mechanism whatever, except the or- dinary circuit-controllers of the lamps. The drawing is a diagram illustrating views of my invention. A is a dynamo-electric machine, from which 25 lead the main conductors 1 2, in multiple-arc circuits from which are placed lamps or other translating devices, a, each provided with a cir- cuit-controller, c. The lower portion of the field-maguet of the generator A is wound with 30 wire, forming part of a multiple-arc circuit, 34, from the main conductors 1 2. This circuit is of high resistance, so that only a small amount of current sufficient to primarily energize the field-magnet will pass through it. It may, if 35 desired, be a circuit supplied from an external source instead of from the conductors 12. The main conductor 1 is brought up on one side and wound around the magnet, afterward extend- ing out parallel with the conductor 2. When 40 translating devices are first put in circuit the magnet is sufficiently energized by means of the circuit 3 4; but as their number is in- creased the resistance of the main circuit is lowered, so that more current flows through the 15 conductor 1 and the magnet becomes more and more energized. As devices are thrown out and the resistance of the main circuit increases, | of single translating devices, the addition or removal of each device having an immediate effect on the current passing through the field- 55 magnet. What I claim is- 1. The combination, with a dynamo-electric machine and translating devices arranged in multiple arc, of a field-circuit of constant re- 60 sistance for primarily energizing the field-mag- net, and another field circuit whose resistance is varied by the addition and removal of traus- lating devices, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a dynamo-electric 65 machine, of one of its main conductors forming a portion of the coils of its field-magnet, a cir- cuit for primarily energizing such field-magnet, and translating devices arranged in multiple- arc or derived circuits, whereby the addition of 70 each individual translating device causes a corresponding increase in the energy of the field-magnet, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination of a multiple-arc circuit containing a portion of the coils of the field- 75 magnet of a dynamo-electric machine, a mul- tiple-arc circuit containing the armature of said machine, and multiple-arc circuits containing lamps or other translating devices, all such multiple-arc circuits being derived from the 8ɔ same main conductors, and another field-cir- cuit whose resistance is varied by the addition and removal of translating devices, whereby the addition or removal of any translating de- vice causes an instant and corresponding reg- 85 ulation of the current energizing the field-mag- net of the machine, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 10th day of February, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, SAMUEL INSULL 2787 (No Model:) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,669. 5 3 מא Patented Sept. 19, 1882. A Fig. 1. 7 8 9 10 6 Z f W B 25 2 R e B ww B 4 R" 1 WITNESSES: Thomas &. Birch Д.Р. Мон 2 a THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. α Le α De age BY INVENTOR: J. A. Edison Rich. St. Dyer. ATTORNEY. R eeeeeeee 2788 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,669. Patented Sept. 19, 1882. 3 1 Fig. 2. 10000 h B 8 2 B Qa да WITNESSES: Thomas &. Birch D. D. Mort BY INVENTOR: J. A. Edison Rich & A. Dyer. ATTORNEY THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. F. 2789 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,669, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new aud 5 useful Improvement in Means for Regulating the Generative Capacity of Dynamo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 395;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being Io had to the accompanying drawings, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. The object of this invention is to furnish sim- ple and efficient means whereby the addition or removal of translating devices in a multiple- 15 arc system of electrical distribution will auto- matically vary the current energizing the field- magnet of the dynamo or magneto electric ma- chine supplying such system. From the main conductors which lead from the machine mul- 20 tiple-arc circuits are ruu, across which are placed lamps, also in multiple arc. Separate groups of translating devices are thus formed. In each of the multiple-arc circuits from the mains is placed an electro-magnet, provided 25 with a pivoted armature-lever retracted by a spring, which acts to open and close a circuit, which, by its closure, causes more current to pass through the field-magnet, such circuit be ing either a shunt around a résistance in the 30 field-circuit or a division of the field-circuit, in- cluding a portion of the coils of the field-magret. In the annexed drawings, Figure 1 is a dia- gram showing the arrangement in which the magnet cuts out resistance from the field, and 35 Fig. 2 a diagram showing that in which addi- tional circuits are closed through the field-coils. While the invention is here shown as applied to a dynamo-electric machine, it is evident that it is equally applicable to magneto-electric ma. 40 chines in which the field-circuit is supplied with current from an external source, such as another magueto or dynamo machine or a battery. A is a dynamo-electric machine, and 12 are 45 the main conductors leading therefrom. 3 4 is the multiple-arc circuit energizing the field magnet of the machine.. 5 6, 78, and 9 10 are multiple-arc circuits from the main line, containing lamps or other 50 translating devices, a a, each of which is pro- vided with a circuit-controller, c. R RR" are resistances placed in the circuit 3 4. Shunt-circuits bde are formed around these resistances. A part of each shunt-cir- cuit consists of an armature-lever, f, controlled 55 by an electro-magnet, B, placed in the multi- ple-arc circuit containing lamps a. It is evi- dent that when these shunt-circuits are all closed at i i uone of the resistances will be in the field-circuit, and when these shunts are 60 open all the resistances R R R" will be in cir- cuit. All the lamp-circuits in the multiple- arc circuit 5 6 being open, no current flows through the magnet of that circuit, and the shunt-circuit b is therefore open at i, so that 65 the resistance R is in the field-circuit; but in the circuit 7 8 a number of lamps are ou, and sufficient current passes through the circuit to cause the armature f to be attracted, closing the shuute, thus short-circuiting the resistance 70 R'. While in the circuit 9 10, though a few lamps are ou, yet they are not enough to cause the passage of sufficient current to energize the magnet B enough to close the shuut d and cut out the resistance R". 75 In Fig. 2 the coils of the field-magnet of the dynamo-electric machine A are divided into a number of parts or bobbins, each of which is included in a division of a multiple-arc circuit from the main conductors 1 2. One of these 80 divisions, 3 g, returns directly to the main con- ductor 2, being iutended as a circuit for pri- marily energizing the field, and is made of high resistance, either by the fiueness of its wire or by a resistance placed in it, so that only a small 85 amount of current will pass through it. Each of the other divisions, 3 h and 3 k, of the field- circuit includes an armature-lever, f, which is actuated, according to the current flowing through its magnet B, to make or break the 90 circuit in which it is placed. Thus, when a circuit through a magnet, B, is closed by the addition of a sufficient number of translating devices it attracts its armature-lever and closes a circuit through a greater portion of the field- 95 magnet coils. What I claim is— 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and groups of translat- ing devices arranged in multiple arc upon 100 multiple-arc circuits from the main conductors of such machine, of means other than the cir- 2790 2 • 264,669 cuit-connections in connection with each group neto electric machine and groups of translat- for regulating the current energizing the field. ing devices, arranged as described, of a mag magnet of the machine, acting automatically net energized by the current supplying each upon the addition or removal of translating group and provided with an armature-lever 5 devices in the group, substantially as set forth. whose motion opens or closes a circuit to vary 30 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- the current energizing the field-magnets of said neto electric machine and groups of translat-machine, substantially as set forth. ing devices, arranged as described, of means in connection with each group, operated auto- 10 matically by the current, whereby the addi- tion or removal of translating devices in the group causes the closing or opening of a cir- cuit, whose closure or opening varies the cur- rent energizing the field-magnet of the gener 15 ator, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with a series of resist auces in the field-circuit of a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and a number of groups of translating devices, arranged as described, 20 of means in connection with each group, op- erated automatically by the addition or re- moval of translating devices in such group, for throwing one of said series of resistance in or out of circuit, substantially as set forth. 25 4. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- 5. The combination of the field-magnet of a dynamo-electric machine placed in a multiple- arc circuit, the armature of said machine placed 35 in another multiple-arc circuit, groups of translating devices placed in other multiple- arc circuits, said multiple-arc circuits being all derived from the same main conductors, and means in connection with each group for 40 regulating the current energizing the field- magnet of the machine, acting automatically upon the addition or removal of translating devices in the group, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 45 10th day of February, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, WM. H. MEADOWCROFT. 2791 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,670. WITNESSES: E. C. Kowland пливи useely A Patented Sept. 19, 1882. 9 R m C D 70 6 13 B 8 B 4 3 4 B INVENTOR: T. A. Edison by Rich A. Dyer, THE MORAIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. ៩ 2792 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,670, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, bave invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Means for Regulating Electrical Generators, (Case No. 442;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, and to the 10 letters of reference marked thereon. · The object I have in view is to produce sim- ple and efficient means for automatically regu- | lating the generative capacity of dynamo or magneto electric machines supplying lamps 15 or motors arranged in multiple arc, which means will regulate both for chauges in the speed of the engine, as well as in the number of translating devices, and will keep the can- dle-power of the lamps constant and prevent 20 flicker. This I accomplish by providing a mech- auism operated by the current generated aud throwing resistance into and out of one of the main conductors. This mechanism is con- trolled by an electro-magnet located in a mul- 25 tiple-arc circuit beyond the resistance, and af- fected exactly as are the lamps themselves by changes in the speed of the engine and in the number of lamps or motors in circuit, and also by the throwing in and out of the resistance. 30 When the lever of this magnet makes its for- ward contact a circuit is completed through the resistance - adjusting mechanism and resist- ance is thrown into the main line or conductor, and when this lever makes its back contact an- 35 other circuit through the resistance adjusting mechanism is completed and resistance is cut out of the main line. When the candle-power is normal the lever of the controlling electro- magnet is held in a central position by spring. 40 fingers or equivalent means. The resistance adjusting mechanism is composed of two elec- tro-magnets, whose armature - levers carry pawls engaging with two ratchet-wheels, the forward movement of which throws the con- 45 tact-arm in opposite directions. The divided circuit running through these electro-magnets may be a multiple-arc circuit, a shunt-circuit, or other circuit having always, when closed, sufficient energy to work the mechanism. This go circuit passes through a circuit-breaker com- mon to both magnets, which is preferably a mechanical circuit-breaker operated by some moving part, and may be a wheel riding on the armature-shaft and carrying a circuit- breaking cylinder, or there may be two cir- 55 cuit-breakers operated in this way-one for each electro-magnet. The field-circuit of the generator is also a multiple-arc circuit from the main conductors, and is connected with such main conductors beyond the resistance, 60 so that it will be affected by such resistance, like the lamps, and will receive more current when resistance is cut out of the main line and less current when resistance is thrown into the main line. The foregoing will be better understood from the drawing, which is a view, partly diagram - matic, of apparatus embodying the invention. 65 A is a dynamo or magneto electric machine, from which run the main conductors, 1 2, in 70 multiple-arc circuits 3 4 from which are ar- ranged the lamps or motors B. R is the resistance, located in either 1 or 2, between the lamps and the generator. This resistance is thrown into and out of circuit by 75 the arm a, which is moved in one or the other direction by two ratchet-wheels, one of which is shown at b. C D are electro-magnets, the armature-le- vers c d of which carry pawls e f, working 80 the ratchet-wheels. E is an electro-magnet in a multiple-arc cir- cuit, 5 6, connected with 12 beyond the re- sistance R. Its armature-lever g is in another multiple-arc circuit, 7 8, which is divided at 85 the frout and back contacts, hi, of this lever. The divisions of this circuit pass through the coils of the two electro-magnets C D and are again joined. The lever g is held in a central position by spring-fingers k. The retracting 9ɔ spring l of the lever g is made adjustable, so that the candle-power of the lamps may be adjusted at this point. The circuit 7 8 has a mechanical circuit-breaker arranged in its line. This may be a wheel, m, riding upon the arma- 95 ture-shaft n, a detached portion of which is shown for clearness of illustration. The wheel m carries a breaking-cylinder, o, composed of metal and insulation, upon which cylinder. rest spring-fingers p q. The circuit-wires ruu to these spring-fingers, the revolution of the cylinder alternately making and breaking the electrical connection between such fingers. The field-of-force circuit of the machine is a I 00 2793 5 2 264,670 multiple-arc circuit, 9 10, from 12, the con- nection being made beyond the resistance R, as shown, for the purpose already explained. What I claim is- 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of translating devices located in multiple-arc circuits from its main conductors, an adjustable resistance in one of such main conductors, an electro-magnet lo- 10 cated in a multiple-arc circuit, and mechan- ism operated or controlled by said electro- magnet for throwing such resistance into and out of the main line, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- 15 neto electric machine and translating devices in multiple arc-circuits, of an adjustable resist- ance in the main line, an electro-magnet in a multiple-arc circuit, circuits closed at the front and back contacts of the armature-lever of 20 said electro-maguet, and mechanism included in said circuits for throwing such resistance into and out of the main line, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- 25 neto electric machine and translating devices in multiple-arc circuits, of an adjustable re- sistance in the main line, two electro-magnets, pawl-and-ratchet mechanism worked by such electro-magnets, a contact-arm moved thereby 30 in opposite directions, an electro-magnet in multiple arc, the armature of which closes at its front and back contact a circuit through one or the other of such two electro-magnets, and a circuit breaker or breakers in circuit 35 with said two electro-magnets, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and translating devices in multiple arc, of an adjustable resistance in the main line, an electro-magnet, and mechan- 40 ism operated or controlled by said electro-mag- net for throwing such resistance into and out of the main line, said electro-magnet being lo- cated in a multiple-arc circuit connected with the main conductors beyond such resistance, 45 substantially as set forth. 5. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine and translating devices in multiple arc, of an adjustable resistance in the main line and the field-of-force circuit of g the machine connected with the main conduet- ors beyond such adjustable resistance, substan- tially as set forth. .5.0 6. The combination, with a dynamo or mag. neto electric machine and translating devices 55 in multiple arc, of an adjustable resistance in the main line, an electro-magnet located in a multiple-arc circuit beyond the resistance, mechanism operated or controlled by said elec- tro-magnet for throwing such resistance into 60 and out of the main line, and the field-of-force circuit of the machine connected with the main conductors beyond such resistance, substan- tially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 65 9th day of June, 1882. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. RICHD. N. DYER, EDWARD H. PYATT. 2794 1. (No Model.) · T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,671. Fig. 7. А Fig. 2. 3 4 a a 2. eeeeee 6. 5 R. WITNESSES: D. D. Mott. Thomas E. Birch α 2 6 1 2 5 THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. Patented Sept. 19, 1882. INVENTOR: T.A. Edison BY Rich? A. Dyer ATTORNEY. 2795 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,671, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed August 7, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Regulating the Gen- erative Capacity of Dynamo or Magneto Elec- tric Machines, (Case No. 392;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had 10 to the accompanying drawings, and to the let- ters of reference marked thereon. the main line causes a greater amount of cur- rent to flow through the shunt, so that the field-magnet becomes stronger and the electro- motive force is increased. If, now, translating 55 devices are removed, the difference of poten- tial becomes less and the field-magnets are weakened by the decrease of current in the shunt. Instead of a shunt-circuit depending upon the drop iu pressure on one of the main 60 conductors, a shunt around a resistance placed in one of the main conductors may be used for The object of my invention is to produce the field-circuit of the machine. This may means for regulating the energy of the field-be better understood by reference to the draw- maguet of a dynamo or magneto electric-ma- ings, in which- 15 chine supplying current to a multiple-arc sys- tem of electrical distribution, which shall op- erate automatically on the addition or removal of translating devices, and shall not require any mechanism whatever for varying the 20 strength of the field-circuit In carrying my invention into effect the field- magnet is partly wound with wire, the coils being preferably in a multiple-arc circuit from the main line. This circuit has a comparatively 25 high resistance, which remains constant, and may be obtained by the winding itself or by means.of an additional resistance placed in the circuit. The resistance of the circuit is such that the requisite electro-motive force 30 will be given only when a few translating devices are in circuit. In addition to this In addition to this winding, a portion of the magnet is wound with a conductor formed of bunched wires, to give flexibility for winding, preferably equal in con- 35 ductivity to one of the main conductors leading from the machine, and these coils are in a shunt-circuit from one of the said main con- ductors, which circuit starts at a point near the machine, preferably between the machine 40 and the first translating device, and returus to the main conductor at a point beyoud the far- thest translating device. There is of course a difference of potential between these two points, and the greater the uuinber of trans- 45 lating devices between them the greater be- comes the difference of potential. When only a few translating devices are in circuit the constant field-circuit errergizes the magnet sufficiently; but as more devices are placed in circuit and the electro-motive force becomes too weak the fall of potential at the end of 50 65 Figure 1 is a diagrammatic view of the pre- ferred form of connectious, and Fig. 2 a view showing modified connections. A represents the field-magnet, and 1-2 the main circuit therefrom, in which translating 70 devices a a are placed in multiple-arc circuits. 3 4 is the constant field-circuit, and 5 6 the shunt-circuit. The wire 3 4 may be wound on a portion of the limbs of the magnet and the wire 5 6 on the remaining portiou, as shown; 75 or the wire 3 4 may cover the whole of the cores, while the thicker wire is placed over it. It is evident that the circuit 3 4 could be sup- plied from an exterual source, such as a bat- tery or another dynamo or magueto electric 80 machine. The shunt 56 may be around a re- sistance, R, Fig. 2, in 1 or 2. What I claim is- 1 1. The combination, with the field-magnet of a dynamo or magneto electric machine and 85 translating devices in multiple-arc or derived circuits from the main conductors thereof, of a shunt-circuit from one of the main conduct- ors for energizing said field-magnet, the cur- rent in such shuut being dependent upon the 90 number of translating devices in circuit, sub- stantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of a circuit for primarily energizing the field-magnet and another field- 95 circuit formed by a shunt from one main con- ductor, the current in which is controlled by the number of translating devices in circuit,for automatically regulating the strength of the field-circuit in direct proportion to the number 100 of translating devices, substantially as set forth. 2796 2 264,671 3. A dynamo or magneto electric machine magnet of a dynamo-electric machine, a mul- supplying translating devices arranged in multiple-arc circuit containing the armature of 20 tiple-arc circuits, in combination with a shunt- said machine, multiple-arc circuits containing circuit from one of the main conductors of the lamps or other translating devices, (all these 5 machine around the multiple-arc connections multiple-arc circuits being derived from the therewith, for increasing the strength of the same main conductors,) and a shunt-circuit field-magnet, and another circuit for primarily from one of said main conductors, including a 25 energizing the field-magnet, substantially as portion of the coils of said field-magnet, the set forth. current in said shunt being dependent upon the number of translating devices in circuit, substantially as set forth. IO 4. The combination of a multiple-arc circuit from the main conductors for primarily euer- gizing the field-magnet and the shunt-circuit from one of such main conductors around the multiple-arc connections therewith for increas- 15 ing the strength of such field-magnet, sub- stantially as set forth. 5. The combination of a multiple-arc circuit containing a portion of the coils of the field- This specification signed and witnessed this 30 10th day of February, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, SAMUEL INSULL (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 2797 T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,672. 3 Patented Sept. 19, 1882. Fig. 1. 5 A C D B B @ 8 4 R 6 WITNESSES: E. C. Rowland Wensely 2 THE HORRIS PETERS 00., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. > | INVENTOR: T. A. Edison BY Rich ? A. Dyer. ATTORNEY.. 2798 1 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,672. Witnesses; Mark. Bark. Na Clark ૩ 11. A. Fig. 2. 4. 12. 7. 8 B. 7. 2. 3. 7. B. Fig. 3. 11 majumui E. D. 13. A. C. 4. 18. Thi D. I C Patented Sept. 19, 1882. *!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inventor 1. 2. homas S. Edizan By Rich. A. Dyer. Attorney. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. 0. 2799 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,672, dated September 19, 1881. Application filed August 7, 1862. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Means for Regulating Electrical Generators, (Case No. 426;) and I do hereby declare that the following is a full and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the 10 letters of reference marked thereon. The object I have in view is to produce sim- ple and efficient means for regulating the gen- erative capacity of a dynamo or magneto elec- tric machine by the counter electro-motive 15 force of an electromotor located in its field-of- force circuit, and for governing or controlling the counter electro-motive force generated by such motor, so as to counteract variations in speed of engine, as well as number of lamps 20 or other translating devices. This invention is an improvement upon the special means described in my Patent No. 248,421. I accomplish the object sought by ar- ranging the armature-coils of the motor directly 25 in the field-circuit of the generator and the field- magnet coils of the motor in a circuit which is controlled by a vibrating circuit-controller operated directly or controlled by an electro- magnet arranged in a multiple arc circuit from 30 the main conductors of the generator. The field-circuit of the motor may be a shunt from the field-circuit of the generator around the armature-coils of the motor; or it may be a mul tiple-arc circuit from the main conductors of 35 the generator; or the field-coils of the motor may be arranged in series with its armature- coils in the field-circuit, and the field-magnet of the motor be weakened and strengthened by closing and opening a shunt around the same. 40 A shunt of high resistance is preferably formed around the vibrating circuit-controller, so that the motor will always have sufficient strength of field to run at a low speed. The armature of the operating or controlling electro-magnet 45 in the multiple-arc circuit is provided with an adjustable retractor, so that the candle-power of the lamps can be adjusted. The foregoing will be better understood from the drawings, in which Figure 1 is a view, 50 partly diagrammatic, of an apparatus embody- ing the invention, and Figs. 2 and 3 similar views of modified connections. | A represents a dynamo or magneto electric machine, from which run main conductors 1 2, iu 'multiple-arc circuits from which are located 55 lamps or other translating devices, B. The field- circuit 3 4 of the generator is preferably a mul- tiple-arc circuit from the main conductors 1 2. In this field-circuit are located the armature- coils of an electro-dynamic motor, C. The field- 60 circuit 5 6 of the motor C is shown in Fig. 1 as a shunt from 3 4 around the armature-coils of the motor. This circuit 5 6 runs to the armature-lever a and its frout contact, b. Said lever carries an armature attracted by an elec- 65 tro-magnet, D, located in a multiple-arc circuit, 7 8, from 1 2, and the lever is retracted by au adjustable spring, c. The maguet and lever form a vibrating circuit-controller, which, when closed, allows the field-magnet of the motor to 70 strengthen, increasing the speed of the motor and its counter electro-motive force, and when open breaks the field-circuit of the motor, re- ducing its speed and counter electro-motive force. The motor is not, however, stopped en- 75 tirely, since a shunt, 9 10, containing resist- ance R, is formed around the vibrating circuit- controller, and allows some current always to flow through the field of the motor. This re- sistance also reduces the spark at the points 80 of the vibrating circuit-controller. It will be seen that the speed of the motor is increased by the strengthening of the magnet D and less- ened by the weakening of such magnet, which is affected both by variations in speed and 85 number of translating devices. If desired, the vibrating circuit-controller may break circuit at a number of points simultaneously in order to reduce the spark. This circuit-controller may be operated by the magnet D, arranged 90 in multiple arc; or this magnet D may be used to open and close the circuit of another mag- net, E, arranged in a shunt from one of the main conductors, Fig. 2, or from the field-cir. cuit of the generator, which latter magnet will 95 operate the vibrating circuit-controller. As before explained, the field-circuit of the motor, instead of being a shunt from the field- circuit of the generator around the armature- coils of the motor, may be a multiple-arc cir- 100 cuit, 11 12, from 1 2, opened and closed by the electro-magnet D, or by an electro-magnet, E, in a local circuit controlled by D as a relay, Fig. 2; or the field-coils of the motor may be 2800 2 264,672 arranged in series with its armature-coils and a shunt-circuit, 13 14, be formed around the field-magnet of the motor, Fig. 3, which shunt will be opened and closed by D'or a magnet 5 controlled by it, the operation, however, being the reverse of the other constructions. What I claim is- 1. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of an electro-dynamic 10 motor arranged in the field-circuit of such gen- erator, and means in a separate multiple-arc circuit operated by the current for controlling the field-circuit of the motor, substantially as set forth. 15 2. The combination, with a dynamo or mag. neto electric machine, of an electro-dynamic motor arranged in the field-circuit of the gen- erator, and an electro-magnet located in a mul- tiple-arc circuit from the main conductors of the generator, and arranged to control directly 26 or indirectly the field-circuit of the motor, sub. stantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with a dynamo or mag- neto electric machine, of an electro-dynamic motor arranged in the field-circuit of the gen- 25 erator, a vibrating electro-magnetic circuit- controller controlling the field-circuit of the motor, and a shunt of high resistance around such vibrating circuit-controller, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 22d day of May, 1882. Witnesses: THOMAS A. EDISON. EDW. C. ROWLAND, C. P. MOTT. 30 2801 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 264,673. A A b C 3 α a 4 WITNESSES: О D. D. Mort J. Jeu Blark. 12 e Patented Sept. 19, 1882. e h مسئو B K THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. ´ BY INVENTOR: J.A.Edison Dyer & Wilber ATTORNEYS. 2802 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 264,673, dated September 19, 1882. Application filed November 28, 1881. Renewed August 14, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Regulating the Genera- tive Capacity of Dynamo or Magneto Electric Machines, (Case No. 366;) and I do hereby de- clare that the following is a full and exact de- scription of the same, reference being had to To the accompanying drawing, and to the letters of reference marked thereon. My invention consists in regulating the strength of the field-magnets of a dynamo or magneto electric machine and the current 15 generated by such machine by reversing the current passing through more or less of the field-coils. This I do by winding the magnets in sections or bobbins, each section being pro- vided with means for reversing the direction 20 of its current. A convenient arrangement for this purpose is shown in the annexed draw- ing. A A' are the helices of the field-magnet of a dynamo-electric machine. 12 is the main cir- 25 cuit from such machine, having translating de- vices a a arranged in multiple arc upon them. 3 4 is the field-circuit by which the magnet A A' is energized. The helix A' is wound in separate sections b b, each end of the wire of 30 each section extending out from the magnet. The arrangement of the lowest section, b, will illustrate that of the rest. 35 cc' are the wire ends, each divided into two branches, ee' and ff'. B is a circuit-reversing lever moving the pivoted arms h h!. As shown in the drawing, the current is pass- ing through all the coils of the helix in the same direction-viz., by wire 4, pivoted arm h', 40 wires f'c' b c e, pivoted arm h, by a wire, i, to the next circuit-reverser, and so on; but if it is desired to reduce the current generated by the machine the lever B is moved so as to • bring in contact with ƒ and h' with e'. The direction of the current in the bottom section 45 is thus changed, being now by arm h', wires e' cbcf, arm h, &c. The strength of the field-magnet is thus reduced. If a still further reduction is necessary, more of the sections b are reversed, as desired. 50 While only one of the helices is shown as wound in sections, it is evident that this may be done with both, and where the wire is wound upon the core in layers one above another one or more of the layers may be arranged to have 55 their current reversed. It is evident, also, that other forms of circuit. reversers may be used, and that they may be worked automatically without departing from the spirit of my invention. This invention is of course equally applica- ble to dynamo or to magneto electric machines. What I claim is— 60 1. The method of regulating the generative capacity of magneto or dynamo electric ma- 65 chines, consisting in reversing the polarity of the current in a greater or less portion of the coils of their field-magnets, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a field-magnet of 70 a dynamo or magneto electric machine, of means for reversing the polarity of the current in a greater or less portion of the coils of the magnet, substantially as set forth. 3. A dynamo or magneto electric machine 75 having one or both of the limbs of its field- magnet wound in separate sectious of wire, each section including a circuit-reverser, sub- stantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 80 3d day of November, 1881. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, RICHD. N. DYER. Telegraphic Journal Editorial, Oct. 15, 1878. 2803 Complainant's Exhibit “Gas vs. Electric Lighting." THE TELEGRAPHIC JOURNAL (LONDON), OCTOBER 15, 1878, VOL. VI., No. 137, PAGE 413. The most important practical scientific question of the hour, and the one of greatest public interest, is that of illumination by means of electricity. Every day the sub- ject is developing and attracting more and more attention. As we predicted long ago, the Paris Exposition, and the fine display of the power and beauty of the electric arc which has been this year made patent to all the world in that city, have given an incalculable impetus. to the progress of this mode of lighting. It has been said, doubtless by some timid holder of gas shares with whom the wish was father to the thought, that with the Paris Exhibition so would the electric light pass away again, and sink into the darkness from whence it sprung; but there is now no fear of that. It has made too great an impression on the public mind, and gained too wide- spread a footing for itself in practical usage now, to lapse into obscurity. Inventors, too, are giving their ingenuity to the solution of the difficulties which still bar its advancement, a great many patents relating to it are being taken out in all civilised countries, it is one of the present tides in the affairs of men which may lead to fortune-in short "there is money in it,” and its ultimate success is undoubted. It has hitherto been the habit of gas investors to dread, and of gas directors to repudiate, the electric light as a promising rival of gas. It would seem in- deed as if colour blindness was unusually common amongst the directors of gas companies, for few of these gentlemen have been able to see the superior excellence 2804 Telegraphic Journal Editorial, Oct. 15, 1878. of the electric light over gas light. To them it has ap- peared a weird, ghastly glow, reminding them of corpse- lights and mortal decay. If it be true that gas directors are particularly subject to jaundiced vision, a philosophic oculist might, with some show of reason, attribute the fact to the meretricious influence of the yellow gas- light they have been so long habituated to. From recent meetings, however, we are happy to see that a change has taken place in the attitude of the leading London gas companies towards the new illuminator. It is no longer pooh-poohed by them, but wisely regarded as a declared rival, which must be fairly competed against if gas-lighting is to hold its ground. The cost of electric lighting for street purposes is at the present so much more than gas that, although the superiority of the light is unquestionable, there will be no hurry to supersede gas by it. But even if all the streets of the metropolis were lit by electricity, we are told that it would only cause a reduction of about 1 per cent. on the gross revenues of the companies who get their prin- ciple receipts from domestic lighting. If this be so, there is no immediate cause for a panic among gas shares, and gas shareholders may use the statement as a prop to their tottering faith. But we would advise them not to trust too implicitly to consolation of this kind. It is true that at present an invention, by which the electric current supplying the electric lamps can be subdivided so as to feed a great many light centres, and thus at the same time moderate while it distributes the light, is a desideratum necessary to the complete suc- cess of electric lighting even for general street purposes, let alone household uses. But tried inventors are at work on the problem, and any day may see its accom- plishment. Some comfort may be derived from reflec- tions that gas lighting will never be driven from the field, that gas will be more and more used for heating purposes, that it will even be used in gas engines for generating powerful electric lights, and that at least for Telegraphic Journal Editorial, Oct. 15, 1878. 2805 many years to come it will keep its impregnable position as a domestic illuminator. But at the same time it should not be forgotten that an invention may come any day which will dispel these dreams of security, and banish gas lighting to a secondary place. In proof of this we have only to cite the report from America (published on another page) that the indefatigable Mr. Edison has succeeded in solving the problem of gen- eral electric illumination in the most thorough and sweeping manner. While the gas companies were in the act of laying the soothing unction to their souls, and congratulating themselves on their safe position even against electric street lighting, the news was being flashed across the Atlantic that Edison had invented a means of subdividing the electric current indefinitely, so as to produce 1,000 lights if need be from one ma- chine, and of bringing it into homes for household pur- poses, such as lighting, heating, and driving sewing machines, at half the cost of gas and without disturb- ing the existing brackets and chandeliers. The Napoleon of invention delights in startling sur- prises, and his fertile and daring imagination runs at once through the whole gamut of possibilities as soon as the key-note of a new idea is struck. Future de- velopments are to him as if they already existed; but for all that the great mechanical genius of Mr. Edison is so well attested, that any report of the kind is to be taken seriously. It is a sign of the uncanny reputation. of this inventor, that on the publication of the said an- nouncement in London on October 8th, the gas shares fell seven per cent. No opinion can be passed on the merits of the new invention until a description of it is made public, which will not be until the patents are secured. Meanwhile, both inventors, gas shareholders and the general public will be interested to learn what the coming disclosure is to be. We trust that Mr. Edi- son, for his own as well as others sake, has made him- self certain of the success of his invention before sending forth the telegrams proclaiming it. It is a fine 2806 Telegraphic Journal Editorial, Oct. 15, 1878. thing, no doubt, to assume the god and shake the spheres with a nod; but it must not be forgotten that the disturbance may cost heavily to humbler beings. In conclusion, we would remark that the announcement that the problem of dividing the light has been com- pletely solved by Mr. Edison need not deter other in- ventors from giving their minds to this matter. We have yet to learn what the new system is, and although Mr. Edison is admittedly a great inventor, he cannot be supposed to monopolize all ideas on the subject, nor even always to hit upon the best. Telegraphic Journal Editorial Apr. 15, 1878. 2807 Complainant's Exhibit “Electric Light- ing." THE TELEGRAPHIC JOURNAL (LONDON) APRIL 15, 1878, VOL. VI., No. 125, p. 157. The last words of the expiring poet Goëthe are said to have been a cry for "more light." We remember hearing a few years ago, the eminent Scotch divine, Principal Caird, preach one of his famous sermons to the students of Glasgow University. It was a dismal November Sunday, and the college chapel was dimly lit by coal gas, half turned on. As the orator waxed mightier in the pulpit, the winter day waned, and the darkness deepened. When at the climax of his elo- quence, he suddenly rehearsed the closing prayer of Goëthe, "More light-more light!" In an instant the chapel blazed with light. The janitor, a matter-of-fact old Scotchman, had promptly turned on the gas. This practical answer somewhat discomfitted the preacher; but it was none the less appreciated by the congrega- tion. If in these times, as some think, the higher spiritual light which Goëthe sought is waning and becoming more and more uncertain, the same cannot be said for that material light supplied by the Macpherson. A source of illumination, of a power and brilliancy before unheard of, and rivalling the beams of the sun himself, is already in our hands. The electric light, as M. Jamin pointed out, at one of the recent conferences of the Sorbonne, which correspond to our Friday evening meetings at the Royal Institution, has now entered its practical stage. It has been so fully developed, now that in regard to cost, convenience, and effectiveness, it completely eclipses, for certain purposes, the ordinary coal-gas in general use. These purposes are the light- ing of large areas by a few powerful lamps. As yet, the electric light cannot be said to be fitted for the lighting of streets and private dwellings. In a practi- 2808 Telegraphic Journal Editorial Apr. 15, 1878. cal sense it is not so divisible as gas, a d cannot be so easily conducted into all the multifarious ramifications of houses and cities. For the present, at least, gas will hold its own in this department; but for the lighting of factories, large commercial establishments, ware- houses, shops, and wide public thoroughfares, the elec- tric light is ready to be adopted with profit and advantage. "Gas," said M. Jamin, "should be the re- tail purveyor, electricity the wholesale merchant." Besides its cheapness, the electric light is superior to gaslight in many respects for such purposes. It has been complained that the light is too white and ghastly. It would be as reasonable to quarrel with daylight itself as to quarrel with it on this account, for the electric light is the nearest approach we have made to the per- fection of sunlight, and it is only because we have been so long accustomed to the sickly yellow hue of gas that we cannot yet fully appreciate the purer brilliance of electricity. Under the electric light the most delicate colours preserve their tints, and this fact especially recommends it to dyers, and also to manufacturers of cloth, for with it even the darkest colours can be woven by night as well as by day. The safety of the electric light against fire is another point in its favour. No luci- fers are required to kindle it; each lamp is enclosed in a glass shade, and takes of itself the place of fifty or more scattered jets of gas. This consideration has caused insurance companies to insure works lit by electricity at a lower rate than the ordinary. The elec- tric light is healthier than gas, inasmuch as it consumes little or no oxygen, and consequently gives off no foul and pernicious exhalations of carbonic acid and other poisonous gases. There is little or no burning in con- nection with it, and therefore it does not raise the temperature of the factory. It is handy, for the neces- sary apparatus, magneto-electric machines, lamps and connections, can be set up in a very short time; and the due lubrication and supply of carbon wicks, are the only further cares necessary. It has been objected to the electric light that it is too intense and not suffi- Telegraphic Journal Editorial, Apr. 15, 1878. 2809 ciently diffusive, that it throws black shadows and is therefore unsuited to the illumination of factories where there is a multiplicity of shafts, pulleys and belting. But this defect, if it be a defect, can be overcome by the use of reflectors, or even by whitening the walls and ceilings, so that the light is mixed up and blended into a soft diffused radiance, which fills the whole. apartment uniformly and casts no shadow at all. The cost of maintaining the light, apart from the initial ex- penses of installation, is at present only about one-fifth of the cost of gas. On the Continent, and especially in France and Ger- many, where the machines of Gramme and Siemens have originated, the application of the electric light to large buildings, railway stations and public places, is proceeding apace. England, which is considered by our Continental neighbours to be one large workshop, is somewhat behindhand in the matter; nevertheless, owing to our busy industries, and to the naturally ob- scure character of our remarkable climate, and the re- tiring disposition of our sun, England is a country which has more to gain by adopting the electric light than any other. The recent Trinity House trials of dynamo-electric machines clearly demonstrated that of those experimented upon the Siemens' form was the best. But further, and probably more crucial, because more extensive, experiments are, we believe, about to be made at the forthcoming Paris Exhibition, with a view of determining the relative advantages of existing machines. It appears to be agreed that all the latest forms are capable of outdoing gas-light for illumination on a large scale; and it only remains to discover their order of merit. These trials will be witnessed by visi- tors from all parts of the world, and no doubt the sub- ject of electric lighting will receive an impulse from such a display of its capabilities. Let us hope that the impulse will be felt in England. 2810 Telegraphic Journal, Nov. 1, 1878. Complainant's Exhibit, Progress of the Electric Light. THE TELEGRAPHIC JOURNAL (LONDON), NOVEMBER 1, 1878, VOL. VI.—No. 138, P. 435. · Siemens' Regulator.-The following account of Sie- mens' new regulator for keeping the resistance in circuit of an electric light constant, is taken from Dr. C. W. Siemens' letter to the Times of October 12th: "In passing an electric circuit from a main conductor into several or any num- ber of branches, the current divides itself between those branches, according to the well-known law of Ohm, in the exact inverse ratio of the electrical resistance pre- sented by each branch. A current may thus be divided, for instance, into ten separate currents of precisely equal force, if each branch is made to consist of a wire of the same length and conductivity; but if one of these wires was again to be slit into ten wires, presenting in the aggregate the same conductivity each of these wires would only convey 100th part of the total current. In the same way one of the minor wires might again be subdivided into branches each of which would convey an amount of electric current which would be accurately expressed by the relative resistance of the branch in question, divided by the total resistance of all the branches put together. It would thus seem that nothing could be more easy than to divide a powerful electric current among as many branches of varying relative importance as might be desired; but in the case of electric lighting a difficulty arises in consequence of the varying resistance of each electric light or candle, due to the necessarily some- Telegraphic Journal, Nov. 1, 1878. 2811 what varying distance of the carbon points from each other, upon which the length of the luminous arc de- pends. In order to work a number of lights upon dif- ferent branches of the same current, it is necessary to furnish each branch with a regulator so contrived that an increase of current corresponding to too near an ap- proach of the carbon points will produce automatically an increased resistance in that branch circuit, whereas an accidental increase in the distance between the car- bon points of any lamp will cause the regulator to re- duce the extraneous resistance of the circuit to a mini- тит. Such a mode of regulating currents was present in my mind when, in addressing the Iron and Steel In- stitute in March, 1877, I ventured to express my con- viction that natural forces, such as represented by large waterfalls, could be utilized for the production of motive power and electric light, in towns at a distance. even of 30 miles from such source, by means of a large electric conductor. This suggestion gave rise to a good deal of discussion and criticism, especially in the United States; but I replied to some of these criticisms in de- livering one of the Science Lectures at Glasgow, in March last, having already referred to the matter in a discussion that was held before the Institution of Civil Engineers on the 29th of January last. Having in the meantime perfected the regulator, I showed it in operation at the soirée of the Royal Society on the 19th of June, and have only been waiting to get experi- mental data complete, in order to bring the whole sub- ject before one of the scientific bodies. The arrange- ment may be said to consist simply of a thin strip of copper or silver, say six inches long and half an inch broad, stretched horizontally between two supports with a weight or spring exerting a certain pressure in the middle. The branch current to be regulated is passed through this strip of metal, which is thereby heated to a certain moderate extent, depending upon the amount of current passing, and upon the rate of radiation of the heat produced in the strip to surround- 2812 Telegraphic Journal, Nov. 1, 1878. ing objects. Suppose that when the normal condition of things obtains, the strip of metal is maintained at the temperature of say 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and suppose by an accidental approach of the carbons of a lamp the resistance of the circuit is suddenly decreased, an almost instantaneous increase of temperature of the thin strip will ensue, which will cause it to elongate slightly, and allow the weight resting in the middle to descend, which in its turn causes an increase in the re- sistance of a small rheostat, through which the branch current in question has to flow. Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. 2813 Complainant's Exhibit, "President's In- augural address."-C. W. Siemens before the Iron and Steel Institute. [From the Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, No. 1, 1877, London, E. & F. N. Spon, pages 6 to 34.] The Iron and Steel Institute was called into existance in 1869, by a few of those leading members, who, assisted throughout by our energetic General Secretary, are still giving it their zealous and disinterested sup- port. At their head stood His Grace, the Duke of Devonshire, who, as its first president, pointed out to the young society the useful results that would be realized through a judicious combination of natural science with practical experience, and by attention to the progress in metallurgical processes effected in other countries. He thus implanted upon this institute a vitality which has resulted in a rapid increase of its members and a career of usefulness, such as scarcely any other society for the promotion of applied science can boast of. With regard to the progress of the institute in the numerical strength of its membership, the number has risen from 292 in 1869, to 960 in 1876, and the pro- posals of candidates coming in, show that the interest in the society has not abated. This numerical progress, however, cannot be expected to continue, because the institute has now arrived at a point where it counts among its members those gentlemen who can best aid us in the objects we have in view, and it can thus afford to restrict the privilege of membership to candidates who, by their previous training and actual position, have qualified themselves to join profitably in our discussions. During last year, as the report shows, meetings were held in London and Leeds, at which numerous papers were brought before you regarding subjects of consider- 2814 Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. able interest, and which gave rise to important discus- sions. But besides the reading and discussion of papers, there has been much other useful work done by the Institute; I refer to the several committees that have on various occasions been appointed by the Council for the purpose of investigating questions of impor- tance relative to the production of iron and steel, and the interest evinced in those special inquiries proves how much more may yet be accomplished by more systematic organization for the attainment of similar objects. Another branch of useful action of this Institute has been to place before the members, through its Journal, the latest results obtained in other countries, which work was ably performed by our late Foreign Secretary, Mr. David Forbes, F. R. S. The death of this distin- guished gentleman must be a matter of deep regret to every member of the Institute. Out of our still young society has grown another— the British Iron Trade Association—which, under the able presidency of Mr. Geo. T. Clark, already gives promise of useful results in supplying us with reliable statistics regarding the extent and progress of the iron trade of this and other countries, and in calling the at- tion of our legislators to questions of tariffs, and to other measures likely to affect the interests of the Brit- ish iron trade. Educational.-Intimately connected with the interests of this Institute, and with the prosperity of the iron trade, is the subject of technical education. It is not many years since practical knowledge was regarded as the one thing requisite in an iron smelter, whilst theoretical knowledge of the chemical and mechanical principles involved in the operations was viewed with considerable suspicion. The aversion to scientific reasoning upon metallurgical processes extended even to the authors who professed to enlighten us upon these subjects; and we find, in technological works of the early part of the present century, little more than eye- Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. 2815 : witness accounts of the processes pursued by the oper- ating smelter, and no attempt to reconcile those opera- tions with scientific facts. A great step in advance was made in this country by Dr. Percy, when, in 1864, he published his remarkable "Metallurgy of Iron and Steel." Here we find the gradual processes. of iron smelting passed in review, and supported by chemical analysis of the fuel, ores, and fluxing materials employed, and of the metal, slags, and cinder produced in the operation. On the Continent of Europe, the researches of Ebelmann, and the technological writings of Karsten, Tunner, Grüner, Karl, Akermann, Wedding and others have also contributed largely towards a more rational conception of the processes employed in iron smelting. It must be conceded to the nations of the Continent of Europe that they were the first to recognize the necessity of technical education, and it has been chiefly in consequence of their increasing competition with the producers of this country that the attention of the latter has been forcibly drawn to this subject. The only special educational establishment for the metallur- gist of Great Britain is the School of Mines. This institution has unquestionably already produced most excellent results in furnishing us with young metallur- gists qualified to make good careers for themselves, and to advance the practical processes of iron making; but it is equally evident that that institution is still sus- ceptible of great improvement, by adding to the branches of knowledge now taught at Jermyn Street, and I cannot help thinking that a step in the wrong direction has recently been made in separating geo- graphically and administratively the instruction in pure chemistry from that in applied chemistry, geology, and mineralogy. If properly supported the School of Mines might become one of the best and largest institutions of its kind, but it would be an error to suppose that, however successful it might be, it could be made to suf- fice for the requirements of the whole country. Other similar institutions will have to be opened in provincial 2816 Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. centres, and we have an excellent example set us by the town of Manchester, which, in creating its Owen's College, has laid the foundation for a technical univer- sity, capable of imparting useful knowledge to the tech- nologist of the future. Technical education is here spoken of in contradis- tinction to the purely classical and scientific education of the Universities, but it must not be supposed that I would advocate any attempt in compromising in its curriculum a practical working of the processes which the student would have to direct in after life. This has been attempted at many of the polytechnic schools of the Continent with results decidedly unfavorable to the useful career of the student; the practice taught in such establishments is devoid of the com- mercial element, and must of necessity be objection- able, as tending to engender conceit in the mind of the student, which will stand in the way of the unbiassed application of his mind to real work. Let technical schools confine themselves to teaching those natural sciences which bear upon practice, but let practice. itself be taught in the workshop and in the metallurgi- cal establishment. Labour.-Equal in importance to an enlightened direction of metallurgical works is the obtaining of labour upon reasonable terms. The wages paid in this country are, as a rule, higher than those prevailing on the continent of Europe, and I do not belong to those who would wish to see them materially reduced. The late Mr. Brassey found as the result of his experience. that the cost of labour, that is, the co-efficient resulting from the division of the work done per day, by the day's wage, was a constant quantity for all countries. This rule would lead to the conclusion that the more costly but effective labour, as measured by a day's wage, must be the cheaper in the end, because it pro- duces a greater result with a given amount of plant. I have no reason to doubt the general truth of this propo- sition, provided only that it is not disturbed by miscon- ceptions regarding the supposed antagonism between Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. 2817 labour and the capital and skill directing it, which misconceptions have exercised a baneful influence upon the industries of this and other countries in recent times. Both employer and employed have reason to reflect seriously upon the experience gained during the late period of high prices. Whilst employers added largely to their producing plant, and required addi- tional colliery and mining property in order to increase their output, and so took advantage, unwisely, I think, of the temporary inflation, it can hardly be considered a matter for surprise that the working classes caught up the feverish excitement, and endeavoured to obtain their share of the golden fruits that were supposed to accrue to their employers. Scarcity of labour was nat- urally suggestive of combination, and high rates of wages supplied the means of imposing onerous condi- tions upon the employer, whereby the development of economical processes was effectually retarded. The commercial crisis which ensued has rendered the depression more general and more sweeping than could have been reasonably expected, and now that we find ourselves at what we hope may be regarded as the ex- treme ebb of the ever-fluctuating tide of prosperity, it behooves us to consider carefully how a recurrence of the same causes of mischief may in the future be ren- dered less dangerous in their results. One of the most effectual methods of attaining this important result would consist in establishing the rela- tions between employers and employed upon the basis of mutual interest. I hold that capital has its duties to perform as well as its rights to maintain, and that whilst the minimum of wages is that which enables the workman to live with reasonable comfort, both parties would be materially benefited by so arranging wages as to make them payable in great measure upon results, both as regards quality and quantity of work produced, whilst, by the establishment of mechanics' institutes, reading rooms, and mutual benefit associations, in con- nection with individual works, the feeling of community of interest would be further strengthened, and a recur- 2818 Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. rence of antagonistic action, so destructive to commer- cial results, might be avoided, Fuel.-Next in importance to cheap, or rather to efficacious, labour in the production of iron and steel comes cheap fuel,—a matter to which, as you are aware, I have devoted considerable attention, and I would therefore treat it, with your permission, rather more fully than other subjects of perhaps equal importance. Fuel, in the widest acceptation of the word, may be said to comprise all potential force which we may call into requisition for effecting our purposes of heating and working the materials with which we have to deal, although in a more restricted sense it comprises only those carbonaceous matters which, in their combustion, yield the heat necessary for working our furnaces, and for raising steam in our boilers. It may be safely asserted that the great supply of energy available for our purposes has been, or is being, derived from that great orb which vivifies all nature-the sun. In the case of coal, it has been shown that its existence is attributable to the rays of the sun, which in former ages broke up or dissociated carbonic acid and water in the leaves of plants, and rendered the carbon and hydrogen, thus separated from the oxygen, available for recom- bustion. The same action still continues in the forma- tion of wood, peat, and indeed all vegetable matter.´ The solar ray produces, however, other forms of en- ergy through the evaporation of sea water, and the resulting rainfall upon elevated lands, and through currents set up in the atmosphere and in the sea, which give rise to available sources of power of vast aggregate amount, and which may also be regarded in the light of fuel in the wider sense. The form of fuel, however, which possesses the greatest interest for us, the iron smelters of the 19th century, is without doubt the accumulation of the solar energy of former ages, which is embodied in the form of coal, and it behooves us to inquire what are the stores of this most convenient form of fuel. Recent inquiry into the distribution of coal in this Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2819 and other countries has proved that the stores of these invaluable deposits are greater than had at one time been supposed. I have compiled a table of the coal areas and produc- tion of the globe, the figures in which are collected from various sources. It is far from being complete, but will serve us for purposes of comparison. THE COAL AREAS AND ANNUAL COAL PRODUCTION OF THE GLOBE. Area in Production Square Miles. in 1874. Great Britain. Germany. -- United States- France... Belgium Austria Russia - 1 ! 1 I i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Nova Scotia, and adjoining Provinces. Spain. Other Countries__ 1 1 1 Tons. 11,900 125,070,000 1,800 46,658,000 192,000 50,000,000 1,800 17,060,000 900 14,670,000 1,800 12,280,000 11,000. 1,392,000 18,000 1,052,000 3,000 580,000 28,000 5,000,000 270,200 274,262,000 This table shows roughly that the total area of the discovered coal fields of the world amount to 270,000 square miles. It also appears that the total coal deposits of Great Britain compare favorably with those of other Euro- pean countries, but that both in the United States and in British North America, there exist deposits of ex- traordinary magnitude, which seem to promise a great future for the New World. According to the report of the Coal Commissioners, published in 1871, there were then 90,207 million tons of coal available in Great Britain, at depths not greater than 4,000 feet, and in seams not less than 1 foot thick, 2820 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. besides a quantity of concealed coal estimated at 56,273 millions of tons, making a total of 146,480 millions. Since that period, there have been raised 600 millions of tons up to the close of 1875, leaving 145,880 millions of tons, which, at the present rate of consumption of nearly 132 millions of tons annually, would last 1,100 years. Statistics show that during the last 20 years there has been a mean annual increase in the output of about 3 millions of tons, and a calculation made at this rate would give 250 years as the life of our coal- fields. In comparing, however, the above-named rate of in- crease with that of population and manufactures, it will be found that the additional coal consumption has not nearly kept pace with the increased demand for the effects of heat, the difference being ascribable to the· introduction of economical processes in the application of fuel. In the case of the production of power, the economy effected in our best engines within the last 20 years exceeds 50 per cent., and an equally important saving has probably been realized in the production of iron and steel within the same period, as may be gath- ered from the fact that a ton of steel rails can now be produced from the ore with an expenditure not exceed- ing 55 cwt. of raw coal, whereas a ton of iron rails 20 years ago involved an expenditure of exceeding 100 cwt. According to Dr. Percy, one large works con- sumed, in 1859, from 5 to 6 tons of coal per ton of rails. Statistics are, unfortunately, wanting to guide us re- specting these important questions. Considering the large margin for further improve- ment in almost every application of fuel, which can be shown upon theoretical grounds to exist, it seems not unreasonable to conclude that the ratio of increase of population and of output of manufactured goods will be nearly balanced, for many years to come, by the further introduction of economical processess, and that our annual production of coal will remain substantially the same within that period, which under those circum- Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.---1877. 2821 stances will probably be a period of comparatively cheap coal. The above-mentioned speculation leads to the further conclusion that our coal supply at a workable depth will last for a period far exceeding the shorter esti- mated period of 250 years, especially if we take into account the probability of fresh discoveries, of which we have had recent instances, particularly in North Staffordshire, where a large area of coal and blackband ironstone is being opened up, under the auspices of His Grace the Duke of Sutherland, by one of our members, Mr. Homer. Wherever coal flelds are found in Great Britain, they exist, generally speaking, under favorable circumstances. The deposits are for the most part met with at reason- able depths, the quality of the coal is unsurpassed by that of other countries, and although the coal and iron- stone do not occur together in all the iron-producing dis- tricts, the distance from the coal to the iron is small, com- pared with that met with in other countries, and the insular position of Great Britain renders water carriage, both for internal communication and for the purpose of export, more readily available than elsewhere. These advantages ought to decide the present contest for sup- plying the markets of the world with iron and steel, at the lowest rates, in favor of this country. Coal assumes, in many instances, the form of anthra- cite, and although the South Wales district contains large deposits of this mineral fuel, comparatively little use has been hitherto made of it for smelting purposes. When raw anthracite is used in the blast furnaces mixed with coke it has been found that the amount so used should be limited to from 10 to 15 per cent., or the fur- nace is apt to become choked by an accumulation of de- crepitated anthracite. At Creusot, in France, this diffi- culty was overcome many years ago, by crushing the au- thracite coal, mixing it intimately with crushed binding coal and coking, a mixture of about equal proportions, in Appold's vertical coke ovens. The result is a some- what unsightly, but exceedingly hard and efficacious 2822 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. coke. A similar method has been followed for some time in South Wales, where coke is now produced, con- taining as much as 60 per cent. of anthracite, bound to- gether by 35 per cent. of binding coal, and a further admixture of 5 per cent. of pitch or bitumen, the whole of the material being broken up and intimately mixed in a Carr's disintegrator prior to being coked in the usual manner. Coke of this description possesses great power of endurance in the furnace and is worthy the attention of iron smelters. In the United States of America, anthracite plays a most important part, being in fact the only mineral fuel in the Northern States, east of the Alleghany mountains. Its universal application for blast furnaces, for heating purposes and for domestic use, imparts to the eastern cities of the United States a peculiar air of brightness, owing to the entire absence of smoke, which must impress every visitor most agreeably, and the difference of effect produced by the general use of this fuel, as contrasted with that of bituminous coal, is most strikingly exemplified in a short day's journey from Philadelphia, the capital of the anthracite region, to Pittsburg, the centre of application of bituminous coal. In visiting lately the deposits deposits of anthracite coal of the Schuylkill district, I was much struck with their vastness and with the manner and appliances adopted for working them. The American anthracite is less decrepitating than ours, but its successful appli- cation to its various purposes is the result chiefly of the judicious manner in which it is prepared for the market. The raw anthracite as it comes from the mine is raised to the top of a wooden structure some 60 to 70 feet high, in descending through which it is sub- jected to a series of operations of crushing, dressing, sieving, and separating of slaty admixtures, and is then delivered through separate channels into railway wagons, as large-coal, egg-coal, walnut-coal, and pea- coal, each kind being nicely rounded and uniform in size. The dust-coal, which amounts to nearly one-half Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2823 of the total quantity raised, is at present allowed to accumulate near the mine, but experiments are now being carried out to utilize this also for steam-boiler purposes. Next in importance to mineral fuel, properly speak- ing, come lignite and peat, of which vast deposits are met with in most countries. These may be looked upon as coal still in course of formation, and the chief draw- back to their use, as compared with that of real coal, consists in the large percentage of water which they contain, rendering them inapplicable, in their crude condition, to the attainment of high degrees of heat. These difficulties may be overcome by subjecting the wet material to processes of compression, dessication and coking, whereby excellent fuel and products of dis- tillation are obtained; but the cost of their production has hitherto exceeded their market value. Crude air- dried peat has, however, been rendered applicable for obtaining high degrees of heat such as are required for metallurgical operations, by means of the regenerative gas furnace, and it is important to observe that the calorific value of a ton of air-dried peat or lignite, if used in this manner, is equal to that of a ton of good coal, if in both cases deduction is made of the per- centage of moisture and earthy matter. The carbo- naceous constituents of peat yield indeed a very rich gas suitable for melting steel or for re-heating iron, the only precaution necessary being to pass the gas from the producer over a sufficient amount of cooling sur- face to condense the aqueous vapor it contains, before its arrival at the furnace. This precaution is not necessary, however, in dealing with some of the older lignites, such as occur abundantly in Austria and Hungary, and which may be ranked as almost equal in value with real coal, except for blast furnace purposes. Fuel also occurs naturally in the gaseous condition, a fact but too well known to every practical coal miner. Occasionally, however, it is found separated from the coal with which it may have been primarily associated, and in those cases it has been made practically avail- 2824 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. able as fuel. At Bakoo, on the Caspian Sea, natural gas has issued spontaneously from the ground for cen- turies past, and the column of perpetual fire thus pro- duced has served the purpose of giving the Parsees a holy shrine at which to worship their deity. In the dis- trict of Pennsylvania a more substantial application has been made of the gas issuing from many of the borings, which serves as fuel for working pumping machinery and as illuminating gas for the district. The quantity of gas issuing from some of these wells may be judged from the fact that one of them, after discharging for three years as much gas as could escape into the at- mosphere under a pressure estimated at not less than 200 lbs. on the square inch, has lately been connected by means of a 5-inch pipe with Pittsburg (a distance of 18 miles), where 70 puddling and re-heating furnaces are worked entirely by the fuel so supplied. But even this result furnishes only an imperfect idea of the calorific power represented by this single issue of natural gas, inasmuch as the combustion is carried on in these furnaces on the most wasteful plan, the gas being mixed imperfectly with cold air, and converted to a large extent into dense masses of smoke. An analysis. of this gas gives : Hydrogen. Marsh gas. Ethylene. Carbonic acid. 1 13.50 80.11 5.72 0.66 The use of natural gas is not likely to assume very large proportions owing to its rare occurrence, but its application at Pittsburg has forcibly reminded me of a project I had occasion to put forward a good many years ago, namely, to erect gas producers at the bottom of coal mines, and by the conversion of solid into gaseous fuel to save entirely the labour of raising and carrying the latter to its destination. The gaseous fuel, in ascending from the bottom of the mine to the bank, would (owing to its temperature and low Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2825 specific gravity) acquire in its ascent an onward pressure sufficient to propel it through pipes or culverts to a considerable distance, and in this way it would be possible to supply townships with heating gas, not only for use in factories, but, to a great extent, for domestic purposes also. In 1869 a company in which I took a leading interest was formed at Birming- ham, under the sanction of the Town Council, to sup- ply the Town of Birmingham with heating gas at the rate of 6d. per 1,000 cubic feet, but the object was de- feated by the existing Gas Companies, who opposed their bill in Parliament, upon the ground that it would interfere with vested interests. I am still satisfied, however, that such a plan could be carried out with great advantage to the public; and although I am no longer specifically interested in the matter, I would gladly lend my aid to those who might be willing to realise the same. Fuel also occurs in the liquid state, and if mineral oils could be obtained in quantities at all comparable to those of solid fuel, liquid fuel would possess the ad- vantage of great purity and high calorific value; but, considering its rare occurence and comparatively high price, even in the oil districts of Pennsylvania and Can- ada, its use for smelting purposes need not be here considered. According to the general definition of fuel given above we have to include the evaporative effect of the sun's rays, by which sea water is raised to elevated mountain levels, whence it descends towards the sea, and in so doing is capable of imparting motion to ma- chinery. This form of fuel, which takes the place of the coal otherwise expended in raising steam, has been resorted to in all countries, since the dawn of civilization, and it is owing to this circumstance that the industries of the world were formerly very much scattered over the valleys and gorges of mountainous dis- tricts, where the mountain stream gave motion to the 2826 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. saw mill or flower mill, to the trompe of the iron smelt- er, and to the helve of the iron and steel manufacturer. The introduction of the steam engine, towards the end of last century, changed the industrial aspect of the world in causing manufactories to be massed together in great centres, and this tendency has been still further augmented in consequence of the construction of canals and railways, which enable us to bring together the raw material, and to disperse the manufac- tured product at a comparatively low cost. It is not unreasonable, however, to expect that a certain reac- tion in this process of centralization will gradually take place, because, of consequence of ever-increasing com- petition, the advantage of utilizing natural forces, which we could afford to neglect during a period of general prosperity, becomes again an essential element in de- termining the very lowest price at which our produce may be sent into the market. The advantage of using water power applies, however, chiefly to Continental countries, with large elevated plateaus, such as Sweden and the United States of America, and it is interesting to contemplate the mag- nitude of power which is now for the most part lost, but which may be, sooner or later, called into requisi- tion. Take the Falls of Niagara as a familiar example. The amount of water passing over this fall has been es- timated at 100 millions of tons per hour, and its per- pendicular descent may be taken at 150 feet, without counting the rapids, which represent a further fall of 150 feet, making a total of 300 feet between lake and lake. But the force represented by the principal fall alone amounts to 16,800,000 horse-power, an amount which, if it has to be produced by steam, would neces- sitate an expenditure of not less than 266,000,000 tons of coal per annum, taking the consumption of coal at 4 lbs. per horse-power per hour. In other words, all the coal raised throughout the world, would barely suf- fice to produce the amount of power that continually runs to waste at this one great fall. It would not be Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst--1877. 2827 difficult, indeed, to realize a large proportion of the power so wasted, by means of turbines and water-wheels erected on the shores of the deep river below the falls, supply- ing them from races cut along the edges. But it would be impossible to utilize the power on the spot, the dis- trict being devoid of mineral wealth, or other natural inducements for the establishment of factories. In or- der to render available the force of falling water at this, and hundreds of other places similarly situated, we must devise a practicable means of transporting the power. Sir William Armstrong has taught us how to carry and utilize water-power at a distance, if conveyed through high pressure mains, and compressed air has been employed for the same purpose at Schaffhausen, in Switzerland, as well as at some other places on the Continent, where power is conveyed by means of quick-working steel ropes passing over large pulleys; by these means, it may be carried to a distance of one or two miles without difficulty. Time will probably reveal to us effectual means of carrying power to great distances, but I cannot refrain from al- luding to one which is, in my opinion, worthy of con- sideration, namely, the electrical conductor. Suppose water-power to be employed to give motion to a dyna- mo-electrical machine, a very powerful electrical cur- rent will be the result, which may be carried a great distance through a large metallic conductor, and then be made to impart motion to electro-magnetic engines, to ignite the carbon points of electric lamps, or to effect the separation of metals from their combinations. A copper rod 3 in. in diameter would be capable of trans- mitting 1,000 horse-power a distance of say 30 miles, an amount sufficient to supply one-quarter of a million candle-power, which would suffice to illuminate a moderately sized town. The use of electrical power has sometimes been sug- gested as a substitute for steam-power, but it should be borne in mind that so long as the electric power de- pends upon a galvanic battery, it must be more costly than steam-power, inasmuch as the combustible con 2828 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. sumed in the battery is zinc, a substance necessarily much more expensive than coal; but this question as- sumed a totally different aspect if in the production of the electric current a natural force is used which could not otherwise be rendered available. The force of the wind is another source of natural power representing fuel according to the general defini- tion above given, which, though large in its aggregate amount, is seldom used, except in navigation, owing to its proverbial uncertainty. On this account we may dismiss it from serious consideration until our stores of mineral wealth are well nigh exhausted, by which time our descendants may have discovered means of storing and utilizing it in a manner entirely beyond our present conceptions. Processes.—Having thus dwelt-too long, I fear, for your patience-upon the subject of fuel, I now ap- proach the question as to the processes by which we can best accomplish our purpose of converting the crude iron ore into such materials as leave our smelting works. and forges. The subject of blast furnace economy has already been so fully discussed by you, during the term of office of your past President, Mr. I. Lowthian Bell, M. P., F. R. S., who has done so much himself to throw light upon the complicated chemical reactions which occur in the blast furnace, that I may be permitted, on the present occasion, to pass over this question, and to call your attention more particularly to those processes, by which iron is made to attain its highest qualities, both as regards power of resistance and ductility. Iron and Steel were known to the ancients, and are referred to in their writings, but we have no account of the processes employed in the manufacture of these metals until comparatively recent times. Aristotle de- scribes steel as purified iron, and says that it is obtained by remelting iron several times, and treating it with various fluxes; we are hence led to suppose that in Aristotle's time steel was made by careful selection and Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2829 treatment of steely iron, which latter was produced by something analogous to the Catalan process. A method referred to by ancient authors is to bury iron in damp ground for some time, and then to heat and hammer it. Another process first described in Biringuccio's "Pyrotechnology," one of the earliest works on Metallurgy, and later in Agricola's "De Re Metallica," both published in the 16th century, is to re- tain malleable iron for some hours in a bath of fused cast iron, when it becomes converted into steel. Réau- mur, in 1722, produced steel by melting three parts of cast iron with one part of wrought iron (probably in a small crucible) in a common forge, but he failed to produce steel in this manner upon a working scale. A similar method of producing steel to that proposed by Réaumur has been employed in India for ages, the celebrated Wootz steel being the result of partial or entire fusion of steely iron and carbonaceous matter, in small crucibles arranged in a primitive air furnace, fol- lowed by a lengthy exposure of the ingots to heated air in order to effect a partial decarbonization. In 1750, Hasenfratz refers, in his "Siderotechnic," to three processes for producing steel; melting broken fragments of steel with suitable fluxes, fusing malleable iron with carbonaceous matter, and so treating cast iron (probably with oxides) as to obtain cast steel directly from it. The credit of producing cast steel upon a working scale is due to Huntsman, who was the first to accom- plish its entire fusion in crucibles, placed amongst the coke of an air furnace, which fluid metal he poured into metallic moulds. This process is still carried on largely at Sheffield for the production of special qualities of steel, such as tool steel, tyre steel, castings and forg- ings, and a ton of cast steel in ingots is produced with the expenditure of from 2 to 3 tons of Durham coke, according to the degree of mildness of the metal de- sired. At Pittsburg, where pot-melting is employed on a considerable scale, plumbago pots having nearly double 2830 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. the capacity of the Sheffield clay pots are invariably used; 18 or 24 of these pots, each containing about a hundred weight of metal, are placed in a gas furnace, and each pot lasts twenty-four hours, yielding five charges during that interval. The fuel consumed amounts to one ton of small slack per ton of steel melted, which is delivered to the works at the surpris- ingly low price of 30 cents per ton. With these im- portant advantages in his favour, the American steel melter should be able, one would think, to meet with- out protection his Sheffield competitor in the open market. With regard to Bessemer steel, great advances have been made in recent times in cheapening its production. At Creusot and other Continental works, a system of direct working, or of transferring the pig metal in the molten condition from the blast furnace to the Bessemer converter, has been introduced, and the same method has been recently adopted at several of the leading English works. By this method of working, the fuel usually employed in remelting the pig metal in the cupola (say 24 cwt. per ton) is clearly saved, and other advantages are realized, but, on the other hand, the Bessemer converter is made dependent upon the work- ing of the blast furnace, both as regards time and the quality of the resulting metal. At Barrow and other large works where a number of blast furnaces supply several Bessemer converters in addition to pig metal for the open market, this mode of working appears to be practically free from the objection above stated, and a hot ladle with its engine may be kept steadily at work transferring the pig metal from one blast furnace or another to the converters. But it still remains to be seen whether any practical advantage can be realized by this method of working at smaller works, where a change in the working of the blast fur- nace from Bessemer to forge pigs would cause a serious interruption in the working of the Bessemer plant. In America, the efforts of the iron master have been directed-chiefly under the guidance of Mr. A. L. Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. 2831 Holley towards a saving of labour, by increasing to an almost incredible extent the number of blows per diem. from each converter. Thus I was informed that at the north Chicago Steel Works, as many as 73 blows has been obtained in one pit in 24 hours, although I have reason to doubt whether this rate of working could be maintained for any length of time. The Americans have not adopted, so far as I could ascertain, the direct process of working, but are content to re-melt their pig metal in large cupolas in immediate proximity to the converters. The capacity of the converters has lat- terly been much increased, and the degree of heat en- gendered by a blast of increased power, has been aug- mented to such an extent that a considerable amount of scrap metal can be re-melted within the fluid bath before discharging the same into the ingot moulds. Whilst the Bessemer process has been making rapid strides, another process has gradually grown up by its side which I cannot pass over without remark. I allude to the open hearth steel process with which my name and the joint names of Siemens and Martin are associated. The conception of this process is really as old as that of cast-steel itself. The ancient Indian steel, the Wootz, was the result of a fusion of a mixture of mal- leable iron and carbon. Réaumur, as already stated, proposed to melt wrought iron and pig metal together for the production of steel as early as 1722; and J. M. Heath-to whom we owe the important discovery that by the addition of manganese to cast steel its mallea- bility is greatly increased-endeavored to realize the conception of producing steel in large masses upon the open hearth of the furnace in the year 1839, and he again has been followed in these endeavors by Gentle, Brown, Richards and others in the same direction. When, in 1856, I first seriously gave my attention, in conjunction with my brother (Frederick Siemens), to the construction of a regenerative gas furnace, I perceived that this furnace would be admirably adapted to the production of steel upon the hearth, and I remember proposing it for such a purpose open. 2832 Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. to Mr. Abraham Darby, of Ebbw Vale, in 1861. Ever since that time I have been engaged in the realization of this idea, which has been retarded, however, by those untoward circumstances which ever intervene between a mere conception and its practical realization. Al- though two of my earlier licensees, Mr. Chas. Attwood, of Tow Law, and the Fourchambault Company, in France, (with whom was my esteemed friend, the late M. Lechatelier, Inspecteur General des Mines), suc- ceeded in 1865 and 1866, in producing steel upon the open hearth, they did not persevere sufficiently to attain commercial results; and it was not until after I had established experimental steel works at Birmingham, that I was enabled to combat in detail the various diffi- culties which at one time looked well-nigh insuper- able. Whilst thus engaged, Messrs. Pierre and Emile Mar- tin, of Sireuil, who had obtained licenses for furnaces to melt steel both in pots and on the open hearth, suc- ceeded, after a short period of experimenting, in intro- ducing into the market open-hearth steel of excellent quality. Messrs. Martin gave their attention to the production of steel by the dissolution of wrought iron and steel scrap in a bath of pig metal, whilst my own efforts. were more especially directed to the production of steel by the use of pig metal and iron ores, either in the raw state, or in a more or less reduced condition, which lat- ter process is the one mostly employed in this country. One of the advantages that may be claimed for the open-hearth process consists in its not being dependent upon a limited time for its results. The heat of the furnace is such that the fluid bath of metal, after being reduced to the lowest point of carbonization, may be maintained in that condition for any reasonable length of time during which samples can be taken and tested, and additions either of pig metal, of wrought scrap, spongy metal, or ore, may be made to it so as to adjust the metal to the desired temper. The requisite propor- tion of spiegeleisen, or ferro-manganese, is then added Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. 2833 in the solid condition, and the result is a bath of metal, the precise chemical condition of which is known, and which has the advantage, if prop- erly managed, managed, of being what is technically called "dead melted." This circumstance renders it applicable for certain purposes for which pot steel has hitherto been mostly employed. The purpose to which the open-hearth process is more especially applicable is for the conversion of scrap steel and iron of every description into steel or ingot metal, and it is now used, indeed, to a large ex- tent for the conversion into steel of old iron rails. The wearing qualities of these converted rails have been under test since 1867, when the Great Western Railway Company had some old Dowlais iron rails converted into steel at my Experimental Steel Works at Birmingham, which was rolled into rails by Sir John Brown & Co.; these have been down ever since that time at Paddington, subjected to great wear and tear. The manufacture of steel, both by the Bessemer and the open-hearth processes, is much facilitated by the use of ferro-manganese. This material was introduced into the market in 1868, by Mr. Henderson, of Glas- gow. It was produced successfully by charging car- bonate or oxide of manganese, and manganiferous iron ore intimately mixed with carbonaceous matter upon the open-hearth of a Siemens furnace with a carbo- naceous lining; but the demand for this material was not sufficient to render the manufacture profitable at that time, and it was not until the year 1875 that it was re-introduced into the market by the Terre-Noire Company. Manganese, when added in a proportion of .5 per cent., or more, to steel or ingot metal, containing from .15 to .20 per cent. of carbon, has the effect of re- moving red-shortness, and of making it extremely malleable both in the heated and cold conditions. using spiegeleisen containing only from 10 to 15 per cent. of metallic manganese, it is possible to supply the amount necessary to produce this malleability without 2834 Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. adding, at the same time, such a percentage of carbon as would produce a hard metal. The use of ferro- manganese enables us to overcome this difficulty, and greatly faciliates the production of a metal so malleable and with so little carbon as to remain practically un- affected in its temper when plunged red-hot into water. Another result produced by the use of manganese without carbon upon mild steel or ingot metal, is to neutralize the objectionable effect of phosphorus, so long as the latter does not exceed the limit of .25 per cent. This metal, in which phosphorus may be said to take the place of carbon, presents a large specular fracture, and is, contrary to what might have been ex- pected, extremely ductile when cold. Iron when in the fluid condition can be alloyed with other metals, and some of the compounds thus formed are known to possess very remarkable properties. Thus, iron, combined with 3 per cent. of tungsten and 8 per cent. of carbon, yields a metal which can be worked like ordinary steel, but which when hardened, retains magnetism to a very remarkable degree, a prop- erty which was discovered by Dr. Werner Siemens in 1853. A further addition of tungsten produces an exceedingly hard metal (introduced into the market by Mr. Mushet in 1868) which cannot be forged, but which when cast into bars and ground so as to form a sharp edge, produces cutting tools of capable of great endurance. An admixture of chromium has for many years past. been known to produce steel of great hardness and strength, but it is only quite recently that it has been brought into practical use in America by Mr. Julius Baur, and has been taken up in this country by Sir John Brown and Co., of Sheffield, who claim for it very re- markable properties as regards strength, malleability, and freedom from corrosion. The formation of compounds such as these is a mat- ter of great interest in connection with the future de- velopment of the applications of steel, and is one of those subjects which I venture to suggest might be 1 Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. 2835 much advanced by an organized research, under the auspices of a committee of the Iron and Steel Institute. The value of the material known as mild steel or ingot metal consists in its extreme ductility under all possible conditions. Its ultimate strength is much in- ferior to that of ordinary steel, and rarely exceeds 28 tons per square inch; the limit of elasticity of a harder steel may reach from 25 to 30 tons per square inch, and that of hard drawn steel wire from 45 to 50 tons. But in estimating the relative value of these different materials by the amount of work that has to be expended in causing rupture, it will be found that the mild steel has the advantage over its com- petitors. When subjected to blows or sudden strains, such as are produced by the explosion of gun cotton or dynamite, extra mild steel differs in its behaviour from that of B B iron and ordinary steel, by yielding to an extraordinary extent without fracturing and it is in consequence of this non-liability to rupture that it may be loaded to a point much nearer to its limit of elasticity than would be safe with any other material. Attention has been recently directed in various quarters to remedy defects appertaining to steel, viz., piping and showing honey-combed appearance in the ingot. It is well known that if such steel is hammered and rolled, the open spaces contained in it are elon- gated and seemingly closed up, but in reality continue to form severances within the metallic mass, to the prejudice of the uniform strength of the finished forging. • In casting steel containing more than 5 per cent. of carbon the defect of honey-combing can easily be avoided if care is taken to have the metal "dead melted before pouring it into the mould, and that of piping by continuing the inflow of fluid metal for a sufficient length of time while it is setting. But in dealing with mild steel containing only 2 per cent. of carbon, the difficulty of making a sound casting is greatly increased. Much may be done, however, by care- ful manipulation of the fluid metal and by the judicious 2836 Siemens-Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. addition to it of manganese or other oxidizable metals, such as silicon or lead, by which occluded oxygen is removed. Sir Joseph Whitworth, who, as you well know, has given much attention to this subject, has overcome the evil mechanically by subjecting the steel, while setting in the mould, to great hydraulic compression. He has thus succeeded in producing, in large masses, mild steel of extremely uniform strength and the only doubt which could possibly be raised against the advisability of producing fluid steel for ordinary applications by this method is founded on considerations of cost. The subject of producing sound steel castings is one which we shall have an opportunity to discuss in refer- ence to a paper which will be presented by Mr. Gautier. Application of Steel. The employment of steel for general engineering purposes, dates only from the year 1851, when Krupp, of Essen, astonished the world by his exhibits of a steel ingot weighing 2500 lbs., and of his first steel gun, and introduced a comparatively mild description of pot steel for steel tyres, axles and crank shafts. For the production of these he constructed his celebrated monster hammer, with a falling weight of 45 tons, which, at that time, far surpassed in magnitude and power our boldest conception, and is now only being exceeded by a still more powerful hammer in course of erection at the Essen Works. Krupp's steel was, however, not cheap steel, and it is to our past president, Mr. Henry Bessemer, and to the important addition made to his process by Mr. Mushet, that we are indebted for the production of steel at such a re- duced cost as to make it available for railway bars and structural purposes in substitution for iron, since which event the application of this superior material shows a most extraordinary rate of increase. Not only do we travel upon steel tyres, running over steel rails, but at least one of our leading railway companies, the London and Northwestern, has, under the able management of Mr. F. W. Webb, constructed as many as 748 locomotive Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2837 engines, including boiler, frame, and working parts, entirely of that material, excepting only the fire-boxes which are still made of copper. In France, also, much attention has been given to the introduction of steel for machinery purposes, and there, as well as in the United States, Germany and Holland, that material is used largely in the construction of bridges and other engineer- ing works. In this country the application of steel for structural purposes has occupied the attention of some of our leading engineers for many years, and Sir John Hawk- shaw, when called upon to construct a railway bridge at Charing Cross in 1859, proposed the use of steel in order to lighten the structure. He was prevented, how- ever, from carrying this idea into effect by the rules of the Board of Trade, which provide that wrought ma- terial of any kind shall not be weighted either in com- pression or extension to more than five tons per square inch. Repeated efforts have been made since that time to induce the Board of Trade to adopt a new rule, in which the superior strength of steel should be recognized, and in order to facilitate their action a committee was formed, consisting of Mr. William Henry Barlow, Capt. Galton and others, who carried out-with the pecuniary aid of leading steel manufacturers-a series of valuable experiments, showing the limit of elasticity and ulti- mate strength of various steels. The results obtained are published separately in "Experiments on the Me- chanical and other Properties of Steel by a Committee of Civil Engineers." A At the instance of Mr. Barlow, the British Associa- tion appointed a further Committee to promote the object of obtaining for steel its proper recognition, and this had led finally to the appointment under the sanc- tion of the Board of Trade of three gentlemen, viz., Sir John Hawkshaw, F. R. S., and Mr. William Henry Barlow, F. R. S., (who were nominated by the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers), and of Colonel Yolland, F. R. S., of the Board of Trade, who have agreed upon a report recommending the use of steel as 2838 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. a building material, subject to a limit of strength greatly in excess of the limit assigned to wrought iron. It is to be hoped that the Board of Trade, by adopting that report, will remove the serious drawback which has too long stood in the way of the application of steel for structural purposes, and which has rendered the construction of large works, such as the pro- jected bridge over the Firth of Forth practically impos- sible. As regards the construction of ships of extra mild steel, the English Admiralty, following the example set by France, has under the advice of Mr. Barnaby, the Chief Constructor, taken the lead of the commercial navy of the country, and several corvettes have recently been constructed entirely of that material at the Gov- ernment Yard at Pembroke and Pembroke and upon the Clyde. The constructors of merchant shipping have hitherto been restricted by rules laid down by Lloyd's Registry, which make no distinction between common iron and steel in determining the classification of a vessel. It is to be hoped that the important engineering and ship- building interests of the country will soon be released from regulations which may have been well adapted to the use of an inferior material such as common iron, but fail entirely to meet the requirements of the present day. In shipbuilding, the use of a material superior in toughness and in strength produces the double ad- vantage of greater safety to life and property, and of an increase of carrying capacity to the full amount of weight saved in the construction of the ship. It should be borne in mind that this additional weight of merchandise is carried without increasing the work- ing expenses of the ship and power required in its pro- pulsion, and may just suffice to strike the balance between working a vessel designed for long voyages at a fair profit or at a loss. In constructing the masts and yards of vessels of the stronger material, the weight saved is a matter of still greater importance, and I am Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2839 glad to say that this question now engages earnest attention. In the United States a committee, composed of both military and civil engineers, have been engaged for some time upon the subject of determining experiment- ally the structural value of iron and steel. This Com- mittee have the advantage of substantial support from the United States Government, who, after a first grant of 75,000 dollars, have, I observe, voted a further sum of 40,000 dollars in aid of the experimental inquiries which have been instituted. · The council of the Iron and Steel Institute are not unmindful of the importance of this subject, and have invited those gentlemen of this and other countries who have given most attention to the production and application of steel to aid us in our forthcoming dis- cussion with the results of their experience. In the course of this discussion the distinctive limits between steel and iron will necessarily engage your attention. Considering the extraordinary change of physical condition which iron undergoes when alloyed with small percentages of carbon, manganese, phos- phorus, tungsten, chromium and other substances, and considering, further, that it is never quite free from some admixture, the question of nomenclature is one naturally surrounded with difficulty; but it is becom- ing one of considerable practical importance when rules are to be laid down regulating the permissible strength of different grades of these materials. Dr. Percy has, in his "Metallurgy of Iron and Steel,” defined steel as iron containing a small percentage of carbon, the alloy having the property of taking a tem- per, and this definition is substantially equivalent to those found in the works of Karsten, Wedding, Grüner, and Tunner; on the other hand, Messrs. Jordan, Greiner, Gautier, Phillipart, Holley, and others, define as steel all alloys of iron which have been cast and are malleable, whilst Sir Joseph Whitworth considers that steel should be defined mechanically by a co-efficient representing the sum of its strength and ductility. 2840 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. With the object of settling this question of nomen- clature, an International Committee was appointed at Philadelphia, by the American Institute of Mining Engineers. The Committee consisted of the following gentlemen: Mr. I. Lowthian Bell, M. P.; Dr. Her- mann Wedding, Professor Tunner, Professor Oker- mann, M. Grüner, Mr. A. L. Holley, and Mr. T. Egleston, and they resolved upon the following recom- mendation: I. That all malleable compounds of iron, with its ordinary ingre- dients, which are aggregated from pasty masses, or from piles, or from any form of iron not in a fluid state, and which will not sensibly harden and temper, and which generally resemble what is called wrought iron, shall be called weld-iron (German, Schweiss- cisen, French, Fer-soudé). II. That such compounds when they will from any cause harden and temper, and which resemble what is now called "pud- dled steel," shall be called weld-steel (German, Schweiss-stahl, French, Acier-soudé). III. That all compounds of iron, with its ordinary ingredients, which have been cast from a fluid into malleable masses, and which will not sensibly harden by being quenched in water while at a red heat, shall be called Ingot iron (German, Fluss-eisen, French, Fer-fondu). IV. That all such compounds, when they shall from any cause so harden, shall be called Ingot steel (German, Fluss-stahl, French, Acier-fondu). The nomenclature here proposed is entitled to care- ful consideration from the eminence, for both theoreti- cal and practical knowledge, of the gentlemen com- posing the committee, but I apprehend that for common use, the distinctions desired to be drawn are too manifold. Moreover, the lines of demarcation • laid down run through materials very similar, if not identical in their application, where a distinction in name would be extremely difficult to maintain, and awkward to draw. Take, for instance, railway bars from ingot-metal, which are usually speci- fied to bear a given dead load without deflecting beyond certain limits, and to resist a certain impact without rupture. The materials answering to these require- ments contain from 2 to 6 per cent. of carbon, depend- Siemens-- Iron and Steel Inst.-1877. 2841 ing in a great measure upon the mode of production, and upon the amount of admixture of phosphorus, sul- phur, silicon and manganese. But inasmuch as the quality of tempering is chiefly due to carbon, part of the rails delivered under such specification might have to be classified as ingot-iron, and part as ingot steel. The Committee omits to define the degree of hardening which it considers necessary to bring a material within the denomination of ingot-steel; it is well known, how- ever, that the temper depends upon the exact tempera- ture to which the metal is heated before being plunged into the refrigerating medium, and also upon the tem- perature and conductivity of the latter, and that ingot metal with only 2 per cent of carbon, when plunged hot into cold water, takes a certain amount of temper. The question of the amount of import duties payable in for- eign countries upon metal occupying a position near the proposed boundary line would also lead to consid- erable inconvenience. Difficulties such as these have hitherto prevented the adoption of any of the proposed nomenclatures, and have decided engineers and manufacturers in the meantime, to include, under the general denominations of cast steel, all compounds consisting chiefly of iron, which have been produced through fusion, and are mal- leable. Such a general definition does not exclude from the denomination of steel materials that may not have been produced by fusion, and which may be capable of tempering, such as sheer steel, blister steel, and pud- dled steel, nor does it interfere with distinctions be- tween cast steels produced by different methods, such as pot steel, Bessemer steel, or steel by fusion on the open-hearth. The forthcoming discussion will, I hope, lead to some general agreement regarding this question of nomenclature. Wrought Iron.-While steel is gradually supplanting wrought iron in many of its applications, efforts are being made to maintain for the latter material an independ- ent position, for cheapness and facility of manipulation, by improving the puddling process. 2842 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. Mechanical puddling, like many other important in- ventions, has taken a long time for its development, and has engaged the attention of many minds, but I will only here mention the names of Tooth, Yates and Mr. Menelaus, our past president, who have pioneered the road; and of Danks, Spencer, Crompton and others, who have followed more recently in the same direction. It is chiefly owing, however, to the persevering endeav- ors of Mr. Heath and of Messrs. Hopkins, Gilkes & Co., that the mechanical puddling of pig metal has been accomplished with a considerable amount of succes. All the efforts have had reference to puddling in a chamber rotating upon a horizontal axis, but numerous attempts have also been made to accomplish mechani- cal puddling by the introduction into stationary cham- bers of rabbles moved by mechanical power, and by the use of chambers rotating upon an inclined axis, in con- nection with which latter the names of Maudsley, Sir John Alleyne and Pernet should be mentioned. The principal difficulty connected with the rotary puddling furnace consists in providing a lining of sufficient power to resist the corrosive action produced by silicious slags, and it is important, therefore, that the pig metal introduced into the rotative puddler should be as free from silica as possible. By charging fluid metal into the furnace the silica adhering to the pigs in the form of sand is got rid of, but efforts have latterly been made, with satisfactory results, I believe, to subject the pig iron itself to a simple finery process on its way from the blast furnace to the rotative puddler, with a view of removing the silicon chemically combined with the pig. M. Hamoir, of Belgium, has been engaged upon this subject for some years, as you will have seen from the "Report on the Progress of the Iron and Steel Industries in Foreign Countries" in our journal, while in this country, Mr. I. Lowthian Bell has called the Bessemer converter into requisition for effecting the desired effect. We are informed that not only does the lining of the furnace stand better in using this semi- Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2843 refined metal, but that the yield per furnace per diem, as well as the quality of the metal obtained, are much improved. It is intended to roll the metal thus produced into railway bars, without any intermediate process of re- heating, and to subject the rails to a process of case- hardening similar to what was practiced some years. ago by D. Dodds, in South Wales. The case-hardened iron rails are expected to rival steel rails in quality, but it remains to be seen whether their wearing prop- erties will not be obtained at the cost of brittleness, and whether rails manufactured by this method will be able to compete in price with steel rails. Three years ago, I had the honour of bringing be- fore the Institute a plan of producing wrought iron directly from the ore, in a rotative furnace of special construction, and heated by gas. This process was at that time only carried on upon a small scale, at Tow- cester, and in Canada, and although the results hith- erto obtained cannot yet be considered entirely satis- factory from a commercial point of view, I see no rea- son to feel discouraged as regards the ultimate result of this method of treating iron ore. By it, iron of almost entire freedom from sulphur and phosphorus is obtained from ores containing a considerable per- centage of these impurities. If steel is to be pro- duced, the raw balls as they leave the rotating furnace, are either immediately transferred to the bath of the open-hearth furnace, or are previously subjected to the processes of squeezing and hammering for the removal of scoria, which otherwise carries some of the impurities contained in the ore into the metalic bath, and pre- vents the attainment of steel of a high quality. One of the drawbacks to the use of iron and steel for structural purposes is found in their liability to rust when exposed to air and moisture. The ordinary means of protection against rust consists in covering the exposed surfaces with paint, and if this is renewed from time to time, iron or steel may be indefinitely preserved from corrosive action. Another mode of 2844 Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. protection consists in dipping articles of iron and steel while hot into a bath of oil, when some of the oil penetrates to a slight depth into the pores of the metal, while other portions become decom- posed, and form a very tenacious resinuous coating. For the protection of iron and steel, when in the form of thin sheets or wire, galvanizing, as is well known, is largely resorted to. The protection in this case depends upon the fact that zinc, although more oxidizable than iron, forms with oxygen an oxide of a very permanent nature which continues to adhere closely to the metal, and thus pre- vents further access of oxygen to the same. This mode of protection presents the further advantage that so long as any metallic zinc remains in contact with the iron in presence of moisture, the latter metal forms with the zinc the negative element of an electrolytic couple, and is thus rendered incapable of combining with oxygen. Galvanizing is not applicable in those cases in which structures of iron and steel are put together by the aid of heat, or are brought into contact with sea water, which would soon dissolve the protecting zinc covering. But even in these cases the metal may be effectually protected against corrosion by attaching to it pieces of zinc, which latter are found to dissolve in lieu of the iron, and must, therefore, be renewed from time to time. Captain Aynsley, of the Admiralty, has lately made a series of valuable experiments, showing the relative ten- dency toward corrosion of both iron and steel when in contact with sea water, and of the efficacy of pieces of zinc in preventing this corrosion. These experiments further show that mild steel is-contrary to the results. obtained by M. Gautier-more liable to corrosion than wrought iron in its unprotected condition, but that zinc acts most efficaciously in protecting it. Quite recently another mode of protecting iron and steel plates from corrosion has been suggested by Pro- Siemens--Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. 2845 fessor Barff. This consists in exposing the metallic surfaces, while heated to redness, to the action of super- heated steam, thus producing upon their surface the magnetic oxide of iron, which, unlike common rust, pos- sesses the characteristic of permanency, and adheres closely to the metallic surface below. In this respect it is analogous to zinc, oxide adhering to and protecting metallic zinc, with this further advantage in its favor, that the magnetic oxide is practically insoluble in sea water and other weak saline solutions. Time will show to what extent this ingenious method of protecting iron and steel can be made practically available. Before concluding this address, I wish to call your attention to a matter which will require your early consideration. The Iron and Steel Institute has now attained an influential position, and is likely to increase from year to year in its beneficial action upon the further development of a trade which may justly be claimed to be the most important in this country. In order to give additional weight to its action, it seems necessary that its position should be recognized in official quarters, and that it should be possessed of a habitation in a central locality, which should comprise office accommodation, a library, a model room, a lecture room and laboratory. Such a building, if especially erected for the Iron and Steel Institute, would exceed the means at their disposal for such a purpose, but the moment has arrived when other insti- tutions devoted to the cultivation of different branches of applied science feel the necessity for similar accom- modation. Would it not be possible for our Institute to join efforts with those kindred institutions, for the erection of a joint building, representing applied science as completely as Burlington House represents pure science. Such a project could not be realized without the concurrence of the parent institution of applied science, "The Institution of Civil Engineers," whose building, though large, is by no means sufficient for its actual requirements. The new building might, there- fore, accommodate the Institution of Civil Engineers, the 2846 Siemens---Iron and Steel Inst.--1877. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institution of Naval Architects, the Society of Telegraph Engineers, the Iron and Steel Institute, and possibly other societies which hold their ordinary meetings on different days of the week, and some of them at considerable intervals of time; it would not, therefore, he necessary to provide more than one, or perhaps two, general meeting rooms, and one library, but each society would require separate office accommodation and council chambers, the whole being so arranged as to be able to be thrown open for the holding of conversaziones. The common interests of the societies might be placed under the supervision of a joint House and Library Committee, presided over by the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and comprising amongst its members one or two members of councils and the secretaries of the different societies. The Government would probably not be unwilling to further the realization of an object of such great use- fulness by granting a site in a central portion of the metropolis. Each society might be called upon to furnish a portion of the capital required, either out of its accumulated funds, or by voluntary contributions of its members, and the remainder could probably be raised upon debentures, and thus become chargeable upon the ordinary subscriptions of future years. The details of such a scheme would, of course, require most careful consideration; but I believe that the present moment would be favourable for its realization if you, as well as the other scientific bodies concerned, consider the matter worthy your attention. The great variety and importance of subjects of in- terest to our Institute are my apology for having detained you longer than I intended to do in reading this address. Preece--"Nature "--1879. 2847 Complainant's Exhibit, Editorial by W. H. Preece. "GAS VERSUS ELECTRICITY." "NATURE," JANUARY 23, 1879, VOL. 19, P. 261. The gas companies are at last awakening to the pe- culiarity of their position, and gas-shareholders are re- covering their confidence in the stability of their property. It is interesting to observe how steadily the shares in all the great gas companies have during the last few weeks been rising, and unless any untoward event occurs there is no reason why in a short time they should not recover the position they so singularly lost in August of last year. Looking dispassionately upon the events that have occurred, it is difficult to understand how such a panic and scare could have arisen. Nothing of any sort or kind has been discov- ered either in the laws of electricity or in their applica- tion to electric lighting to account for it. We know no more of the electric light now than we did in 1862, when as great a display was made in our Exhibition of that year as was made in the French Exhibition of last year. There is no doubt, however, that the enter- prise of our neighbours on the other side of the Chan- nel in lighting up so brilliantly one of their grand new streets produced a sensation that will not easily be for- gotten. Engishmen never like to be beaten. We are accustomed to be startled by inventions from the other side of the Atlantic, but we are not accustomed to be beaten either in commercial enterprise or in inventive skill by our neighbours on this side of the Atlantic. Hence, all of those, whose name is legion, who visited Paris last year came back with exaggerated ideas of the effect of the electric light in the Avenue d l' Opéra, and spread through England a profound opinion of the value of electricity as a means of illumination. It seems to be forgotten that only three years ago a 2848 Preece-"Nature"--1879. competitive trial of gas and electricity was made in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. Each of these lights were tried for several months, the electric light being a Serrin lamp lit by a Gramme machine; and that, after a very careful examination, gas was suc- cessful, was adopted, and is now used by the Office of Works. Again, it seems to be forgotten that the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House have been experiment- ing upon this question ever since 1857, and that the results of their experiments have only led to the adop- tion of the electric light in three of their lighthouses. If the electric light had had the wonderful advantage over gas or oil that its projectors profess for it, surely the governors of such an institution as the Trinity House would have fitted up all the lighthouses upon our coasts with this wonderful light. The recent experiments, however, have shown both the strength and weakness of the position of the gas com- panies. Their strength consists in their being in posses- sion of the ground; their weakness consists in their pro- ducing only a poor light-and a very poor light-when compared with electricity. But is there any reason why this weakness should continue? Is there any rea- son why gas should remain such an indifferent light? There is none but that of expense, and expense will not deter people from having a better light if they can only get it. The Phoenix Company has taken the question in hand, and has shown in the Waterloo Road what can be done with gas when the question of expense is not considered. Indeed, it would almost seem, from the experiments that have been made, that the quantity of light to be produced by gas is only a question of the quantity of gas consumed in a given space. There are now burning in the Waterloo Road two brilliant gas lamps, giving a light of 500 candles, and this is greater, in point of fact, than the intensity of the light devel- oped by any one of the electric lights that are now on trial in the thoroughfares of London. There is, how- ever, a defect in gas light which remains to be eradica- Preece--" Nature ”—1879. 2849 ted, and that is the colour of the light. The one great advantage which the electric light has over gas is that the electric light, owing to its very high temperature, produces rays of every degree of refrangibility, and therefore, as an illuminating power it is equal to that of the sun. But gas light, owing to the lowness of its temperature, is deficient in blue rays, and is therefore not so effective in discriminating colours as the electric light. A very marked advance towards perfection in this direction in gas lighting has been made in the albo-car- bon process, by which the gas burnt is enriched with the vapour of naphthaline-a refuse of gas manufac- ture. This process is being introduced by Mr. Livesey, and, to judge by the experiments that have been shown, it is very promising indeed. The intensity of the light of a gas burner is improved at least five times, and in some experiments witnessed by the writer the improve- ment was as much as twenty times. The tentative trials that are being made with the electric light in London cannot be said to be very suc- cessful. That at Billingsgate was certainly a fiasco, that on the Embankment is very brilliant, but we have yet to learn its cost, and there is no doubt whatever that the efficiency of the light is very much less than that usually ascribed to the electric light. The trial on the Holborn viaduct is not a success. The experiment seems to be conducted by some one who is not experi- enced in the working of electric circuits, for occasion- ally all the lamps are found extinguished, on other occasions only a portion of them are burning, and fre- quently they are very dull. It is quite difficult even at the distance of the Post Office to distinguish the gas from the electric lamp. The same effect is observed on crossing Blackfriars Bridge and looking towards the Houses of Parliament when there is the slightest mist in the air, and it is quite evident that electric light has no more-if as much-penetrative power than gas. A most complete and careful inquiry into the work- ing of the electric light has been made by Mr. Louis 2850 Preece-" Nature "-1879. Schwendler for the East Indian Railway Company, and his results are extremely interesting. He has recom- mended the introduction of the light into certain rail- way stations where no gas exists, and the system he proposes to use is the Siemens dynamo-machine and one Serrin lamp, and thereby save that waste which the multiplication of the light unquestionably produces. He proposes to distribute this single light by diffusion on a plan originally suggested by the Duke of Suther- land. His investigation has been conducted in a thor- oughly scientific spirit, and when his report is published it will be a very valuable addition to our knowledge of the theory of the electric light. It has been shown by the writer that the full effect of the current can only be obtained by one lamp on a short circuit, and that when adding to the lamps by inserting more of them on the same circuit, or on a circuit so that the current is subdi- vided, the light emitted by each lamp is diminished in the one case by the square, and in the other case by the cube of the number of lamps so inserted. Dr. Siemens maintains also the concentration of the power on one light, but other experimentors are endeavouring to par- tially multiply the light. For instance, M. Rapieff, in the Times office, very successfully distributes six lights about the office, and Ladd and Co., with the Wallace form of machine, also distribute six lights over the Liv- erpool Street Station. Although there is undoubtedly a loss of power in this distribution of the lamps, there may be an advantage in such distribution in cases like printing offices and railway stations. A successful ex- periment has been made by the British Electric Compa- ny in lighting up some of the stations of the Metropoli- tan Railway Company, and the India Rubber and Gutta Percha Company have been successful in lighting up the London Bridge station of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway Company. In all these cases we have scarcely emerged from the sphere of experiment. The electric light has not yet been permanently intro- duced on any large scale. Many are trying it, many are captivated by the brilliancy of the light, and many in their eagerness to keep up with the spirit of the age, Preece--" Nature 2851 "" -1 79. are introducing it, as, for instance, the London Stereo- scopic Company, and the Messrs. Nichols, the clothiers in Regent Street, where, however, the light does not ap- pear to give very great satisfaction through its fluctua- tion. We were led to expect very much from the experi- ments of Mr. Werdermann, but his attempt to subdivide the light seems to have subsided, for we have heard nothing of it for some time past. Again, we have heard no more of M. Arnaud's discovery, and the accounts that reach us from America of the doings of the Sawyer- Man light, and the supposed discoveries of Mr. Edison, are unworthy of attention. The present state of the electric light question may therefore be said to be a tentative one, and the gas companies are with much enterprise now giving their retort courteous by showing that they are in a position -if people choose to pay for it-to give quite as pow- erful a light as the electric light; and, let us hope, be- fore long that it will be quite as perfect. There can be no doubt that the use of electricity for the production. of light is a very wasteful as well as a costly process, for the energy that is generated in the machine is not all consumed in the lamp, but is proportionately distribu- ted over the whole circuit. It is therefore not utilised only in the place where it is wanted, as in the case of gas. If we are using a certain amount of energy in an electric lamp to light a street, we are wasting as much if not more energy in the street in maintaining the current to produce that light. There are three points which all electric lights for general purposes should be required to attain. The first is a brilliancy far exceeding that of any known lamp; the second is a durability greater than that which would be required for night operations in England; and the third is absolute steadiness, to enable work to be con- ducted without affecting the eyes. There is no electric light that has yet been introduced which supplies us with these desiderata. W. H. PREECE. 2852 Morton, Mayer and Thomas, Scientific Am., April 17, 1890. Complainant's Exhibit, Some Electrical Measurements of one of Mr. Edison's Horseshoe Lamps. BY HENRY MORTON, PH.D., ALFRED M. MAYER, PH.D., AND B. F. THOMAS, A.M., AT THE STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Scientific American, New York, April 17, 1880, page 241. Much has been written and said within the last few months on the subject of Mr. Edison's new horseshoe lamps, and with all the writing and saying there has been wonderfully little produced in the way of precise and reliable statement concerning the simple primary facts, a knowledge of which would give the means of estimating both the scientific and commercial status of this widely discussed invention. It was, therefore, with great pleasure that the present writers found themselves, through the kindness of the “Scientific American," placed in possession of one of these horseshoe lamps of recent construction. To satisfy themselves as to the real facts of the case they soon made a series of careful measurements and determinations, and as the results of these are likely to interest others, they now put them in print for general benefit. A further examination of other lamps would have been made at the same time had opportunity offered; but as a communication on this subject addressed to Mr. Edison did not evoke a reply, they are obliged to content themselves with the one lamp as a subject of experiment. They would, however, here remark that the behavior of this lamp, under the tests, and the agreement of its results with the information otherwise obtained, con- Morton, Mayer and Thomas, Scientific Am., 2853 April 17, 1890. vince them that it is at least a fair specimen of the lamps of this form so far produced at Menlo Park. The first object, on receiving the lamp, was to de- termine roughly what amount and character of electric current would be needed to operate it efficiently. With this view a number of cells of a small Grove's battery were set up, having each an active zinc surface of twenty square inches and a platinum surface of eigh- teen square inches. The lamp being placed in the situation usually occu- pied by the standard burner in a Sugg's photometer, the battery was, cell by cell, thrown into circuit. When ten cells had been introduced the horseshoe showed a dull red, with fifteen cells of a bright red, with thirty-four cells the light of 1 candle was given, with 40 cells the light of 4 candles, and with forty-five cells the light of 93 candles, and with forty-eight cells 16 candles. Having thus determined what amount of electric current would be required for experiments, arrange- ments were made to measure accurately the resistance of horseshoe while in actual use and emitting different amounts of light. The resistance of this carbon thread at the ordinary temperature had been already deter- mined as 123 ohms in the usual way, but it was pre- sumed, as had been shown by Matthiessen ("Phil. Mag." xvi., 1858, pp. 220, 221), that this resistance would diminish with rise of temperature. To measure the resistance under these circumstances the apparatus was arranged as follows: The current from the battery was divided into two branches, which traversed, in opposite directions, the two equal coils of a differential galvanometer. One branch then traversed the lamp, while the other passed through a set of ad- justable resistances composed of German-silver wires stretched in the free air of the laboratory, to avoid heating. (Careful tests of these resistances showed that no sensible heating occurred under the circum- stances.) 2854 Morton, Mayer and Thomas, Scientific Am., April 17, 1890. Matters being thus arranged, the resistances were adjusted until the galvanometer showed no deflection when the candle-power of the lamp was taken repeat- edly in the photometer, and the amount of resistance was noted. These measurements were several times repeated, shifting the coils of the galvanometer and reversing the direction of the current. The results so obtained were as follows: Resistances. 123 ohms. 94 83.7 79.8 75 (( Condition of Loop. Cold. I Orange light. 5 18 candle. CC (( The photometric measurement was in all these cases taken with the carbon loop at right angles to the axis of the photometer, which was, of course, much in favor of the electric lamp. On turning the lamp round so as to bring the carbon loop with its plane parallel with the axis of the photometer, i. e., the edge of the loop turned toward the photometer disk, the light was greatly diminished, so that it was reduced to almost one-third of what it was with the loop sideways to the photometer disk. Having thus determined the resistance of the lamp when in actual use, it was next desirable to measure the quantity of the current flowing under the same conditions. To do this the current from fifty cells of battery was passed through a tangent galvanometer as a mere check or indicator of variations, and then through a copper voltameter, i. e., a jar containing solution of cupric sul- phates with copper electrodes immersed, and then through the lamp placed in the photometer. Under these conditions it was found that during an Morton, Mayer and Thomas, Scientific Am., 2855 April 17, 1890. hour the light gradually varied from about 16 candles at the beginning to about 14 candles at the end, making an average of about 15 candles, measured with side loop of toward disk. The galvanometer during this time only showed a fall of half a degree in the deflection of the needle. Carefully drying and weighing the copper electrodes, it was found that one had lost 1.0624 grammes. Now, it is well known that a current of one weber takes up 0.00326 gramme of copper per second, which would make 1.1736 grammes in an hour; therefore the current in the present case must have been on the 1.0624 average weber. 1.1736 =0.905 webers, or little less than one Having thus obtained the resistance of the lamp when emitting a light of 15 candles, namely, 76 ohms, and the amount of current passing under the same condition, namely, 0·905 weber, we have all the experimental data required for the determination of the energy trans- formed or expended in the lamp, expressed in foot pounds. For this we multiply together the square of the current, the resistance, the constant 0-737335 (which expresses the fraction of a foot pound involved in a current of one weber traversing a resistance of one ohm for one second), and the number of seconds in a minute. Thus, in the present case, we have 0·905²= 0-8125, and 0.825×76×0.737335×60=2753-76 foot pounds. Dividing these foot pounds per minute by the num- ber of foot pounds per minute in a horse power, that is, 33,000, we have 0.08, that is, about eight one-hundredths or one twelfth of a horse power as the energy expended in each lamp. It would thus appear that with such lamps as this, one horse power of energy in the current would operate 12 lamps of the same resistance with an average 2856 Morton, Mayer and Thomas, Scientific Am., April 17, 1890. candle-power of 10 candles each,* or 120 candles in the aggregate. Assuming that a Siemens or Brush machine were em- ployed to generate the electric current, such a current would be obtained, as has been shown by numer- ous experiments, with a loss of about 40 per cent. of the mechanical energy applied to the driving pulley of the machine. To operate these 12 lamps, therefore, we should have to apply more than one horsè power to the pulley of the machine, so that when this loss in transformation had been encountered there should be one horse power of electric energy produced. This would call for 1 horse power applied to the pulley of the dynamo-electric machine, by the steam engine. To produce one horse power in a steam engine of the best construction about three pounds of coal per hour must be burned, and therefore for 1 horse power 5 lb. of coal must be burned. 2 3 On the other hand one pound of gas coal will produce 5 cubic feet of gas, and will leave, besides, a large part of its weight in coke, to say nothing of other “resi- duals," which will represent practically about the difference in value between "steam making" and " gas making coal," so that it will not be unfair to take 5 lb. of gas coal as the equivalent of 5 lb. of steam coal. These 5 lb. of gas coal will then yield 25 cubic feet of gas, which, if burned in five gas burners of the best construction, will give from 20 to 22 candles each, or 100 to 110 candles in the aggregate. We have, then, the twelve Edison lamps producing 120 candles and the five gas burners producing 100 to 110 candles, with an equivalent expenditure of fuel. If each apparatus and system could be worked with *The candle power being 15 candles in the best position, and 5 candles at right angles to this, the average or general illuminating power of the lamp is 10 candles. Morton, Mayer and Thomas, Scientific Am., 2857 April 17, 1890. equal facility and economy, this would of course show something in favor of the electric light; but when in fact everything in this regard is against the electric light, which demands vastly more machinery, and that of a more delicate kind, requires more skillful manage- ment, shows more liability to disarrangement and waste, and presents an utter lack of the storage capacity which secures such a vast efficiency, convenience, and economy in gas, then we see that this relatively trifling economy disappears or ceases to have any controlling importance in the practical relations of the subject. 2858 Nature Editorial-1880. Complainant's Exhibit "Incandescent Electric Lights." "NATURE," DECEMBER 2, 1880, VOL. 23, p. 104. The recent experiments of Mr. J. W. Swan of New- castle-on-Tyne have gone far towards demonstrating the practibility of a system of electric lighting based upon the so-called principle of incandescence. As the solu- tion of the whole question of the possible domestic ap- plication of electric lighting depends in all probability upon the successful application of this method, these experiments have claimed already a considerable share of public attention, though no panic has yet arisen like that created two years ago by the far less formidable experiments of Mr. Edison in the same direction. wire' ” The material which Mr. Swan proposes to render in- candescent by means of an electric current is a of prepared carbon of extraordinary density and elas- ticity. Twenty years ago he prepared carbon filaments for the very same purpose from calcined cardboard, in- closing them in a glass vessel from which the air was withdrawn as perfectly as the imperfect air-pumps of that date permitted. In October, 1877, or one year be- fore Mr. Edison had begun to attempt the construction of lamps with carbonized paper, Mr. Swan had some prepared carbons mounted in glass globes and exhaust- ed by the Sprengel air-pump by Mr. Stearn of Birken- head. This enabled Mr. Swan to discover that when the carbon was properly fixed and heated during ex- haustions so that the occluded gases might be expelled, there was an end of the causes that hitherto had seemed to defeat all attempts to utilize this method of procur- ing an incandescent electric light; for when these con- ditions were observed there was none of the disintegra- tion of the carbon rods, nor of the blackening of the globes that with less perfect vacua had proved the ruin of carbon lamps. The filaments of carbon now pro- duced by Mr. Swan indeed resemble steel wire rather Nature Editorial--1880. 2859 than carbon, so extraordinary is their tenacity and tex- ture. The secret of their manufacture has not yet been made known, being the essential point of the patent rights which Mr. Swan has just secured. Each fila- ment is about three inches long, and not more than the hundredth of an inch in diameter, and is so slight as only to weigh from one-fifteenth to one-twentieth of a grain. The durability of these filaments is remarkable. In the course of a lecture delivered on November 25 last before the Society of Telegraph Engineers, Mr. Swan stated that he had had lamps lighted continuously since August 30, with an intermission of three weeks only, and that this seemed to be far from the actual limits of durability. When the currents employed are not too strong, the lamps will last longer. The light yielded by these lamps varies, according to circum- stances, from thirty to fifty standard candles. On the occasion of Mr. Swan's lecture thirty-six of these tiny lamps were exhibited working by the current of a dynamo- electric machine requiring four horse-power to drive it. In the debate which followed Mr. Swan's communi- cation, the remarks made by Prof. Tyndall, Dr. Hop- kinson, Mr. Alexander Siemens and others, showed the real value of the advance made by Mr. Swan. question however of the economy of the system remains yet to be decided by the practical test of durability. At a previous lecture at Newcastle-on-Tyne Mr. Swan exhibited twenty lamps fed by a current generated by a gas-engine consuming 160 cubic feet of gas per hour. The light obtained exceeded that of the seventy gas- jets which usually supplied the same room, and which consumed 280 feet per hour. Mr. Swan proposes to connect these lamps in series of fifty or a hundred in one circuit, using automatic circuit-closers to close the circuit in the rare case of the failure of a lamp. He considers his method of arranging the system to be superior to that proposed by Mr. Edison, whose method of placing the separate lamps in single branches of a divided circuit would involve the use of very heavy and costly conducting-wires without any counterbalancing The 2860 Nature Editorial--1880. advantage. With this important difference Mr. Swan's further proposal to erect central stations from which to supply currents of electricity over large areas resembles that suggested by Mr. Edison. Should the anticipa- tions of the inventor and the present promise of the new lamps be fulfilled, domestic electric lights will cer- tainly become a fact at no distant date. Meantime Mr. Edison has not been idle. It is stated that he is at present laying down a service of about seven miles in length upon which to test the success or failure of his system upon a large scale. He has de- veloped several ideas since his last appearance before public notice. He now makes his dynamo-electric gen- erators of a much larger pattern than any heretofore attempted. He has abandoned charred cardboard in favor of a filament of carbon prepared from a cultivated variety of the Japanese bamboo. We shall hear before long whether his indomitable perseverance has been rewarded by final success. In spite of being in point of date behind Mr. Swan, he has the enormous advan- tage of a unique workshop and laboratory under his own direction, of a wealthy company at his back, and of the extraordinary prestige won by his previous in- ventions. If Mr. Swan appears to be nearer to a genuine success, Mr. Edison has a popular reputation that of itself will win a hearing for the most trivial of his inven- tions. Whichever of the rival systems succeeds science and mankind are the gainers. But up to the present point it seems to us that beyond question Mr. Swan is nearer the goal of practical results than his famous rival. It may interest our readers to know that Mr. Edison's first carbon lamp is now on view along with his original phonograph and its earliest tasimeter in the Patent Museum at South Kensington. Thomson--British Association--1881. 2861. Complainant's Exhibit Sir William Thomson's Address. REPORT OF THE 51ST MEETING 51ST MEETING OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE AD- VANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. HELD AT YORK IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 1881 (PP. 513–518) TRANSACTIONS OF THE SECTIONS. SEOTION A.-MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE PRESIDENT OF THE SECTION— Professor SIR WILLIAM THOMSON, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L. F.R.S.L. and E. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1. The PRESIDENT delivered the following address:- On the Sources of Energy in Nature available to Man for the Production of Mechanical Effect. During the fifty years' life of the British Association, the Advancement of Science for which it has lived and worked so well has not been more marked in any de- partment than in one which belongs very decidedly to the Mathematical and Physical Section-the science of Energy. The very name energy, though first used in its present sense by Dr. Thomas Young about the be- ginning of this century, has only come into use practi- cally after the doctrine which defines it had, during the first half of the British Association's life, been raised from a mere formula of mathematical dynamics to the 2862 Thomson-British Association-1881. position it now holds of a principle prevading all nature and guiding the investigator in every field of science. A little article communicated to the Royal Society of Edinburgh a short time before the commencement of the epoch of energy, under the title 'On the Sources Available to Man for the Production of Mechanical Effect,'¹ contained the following: Men can obtain mechanical effect for their own purposes by working mechanically themselves, and di- recting other animals to work for them, or by using natural heat, the gravitation of descending solid masses, the natural motions of water and air, and the heat, or galvanic currents, or other mechanical effects produced by chemical combination, but in no other way at pres- ent known. Hence the stores from which mechanical effect may be drawn by man belong to one or other of the following classes :— 'I. The food of animals. 'II. Natural heat. 'III. Solid matter found in elevated positions. 'IV. The natural motions of water and air. V. Natural combustibles (as wood, coal, coal-gas, oils, marsh-gas, diamond, native sulphur, native metals, metoric iron). 'VI. Artificial combustibles (as smelted or electric- ally-deposited metals, hydrogen, phosphorus). 'In the present communication, known facts in natural history and physical science, with reference to the sources from which these stores have derived their mechanical energies, are adduced to establish the following general conclusions: 1. Heat radiated from the sun (sunlight being in cluded in this term) is the principal source of mechani- cal effect available to man. 2 From it is derived the 1 Read at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on February 2, 1852 (Proceedings of that date). * A general conclusion equivalent to this was published by Sir John Herschelin 1833. See his Astronomy, edit. 1849, (§ 399). Thomson-British Association-1881. 2863 whole mechanical effect obtained by means of animals working, water-wheels worked by rivers, steam-engines, galvanic engines, windmills, and the sails of ships. 2. The motions of the earth, moon and sun, and their mutual attractions, constitute an important source of available mechanical effect. From them all, but chiefly no doubt from the earth's motion of rotation, is derived the mechanical effect of water-wheels driven by the tides. '3. The other known sources of mechanical effect avail- able to man are either terrestrial—that is, belonging to the earth, and available without the influence of any external body, or meteoric—that is, belonging to bodies deposited on the earth from external space. Terres- trial sources, including mountain quarries and mines, the heat of hot springs, and the combustion of native sulphur, perhaps also the combustion of inorganic native combustibles, are actually used; but the me- chanical effect obtained from them is very inconsider- able, compared with that which is obtained from sources belonging to the two classes mentioned above. Meteoric sources, including only the heat of newly- fallen meteoric bodies, and the combustion of meteoric iron, need not be reckoned among those available to man for practical purposes.' Thus we may summarise the natural sources of energy as Tides, Food, Fuel, Wind and Rain. Among the practical sources of energy thus exhaust- ively enumerated, there is only one not derived from sun heat-that is the tides. Consider it first. I have called it practical, because tide-mills exist. But the places where they can work usefully are very rare, and the whole amount of work actually done by them is a drop to the ocean of work done by other motors. A tide of two meters' rise and fall, if we imagine it utilised to the utmost by means of ideal water-wheels doing with perfect economy the whole work of filling and emptying a dock-basin in infinitely short times at the moments of high and low water, would give just one metre-ton per square metre of area. This work done 2864 Thomson-British Association--1881. four times in the twenty-four hours amounts to 1-1620th of the work of a horse-power. Parenthically, in explanation, I may say that the French metrical equivalent (to which all scientific and practical measure- ments we are irresistibly drawn, notwithstanding a dense barrier of insular prejudice most detrimental to the islanders), the French metrical equivalent of James Watt's' horse-power' of 550 foot-pounds per second or 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, or nearly two million foot-pounds per hour, is 75 meter-kilogrammes per second, or 4 meter-tons per minute, or 270 metre-tons per hour. The French ton of 1,000 kilogrammes used in this reckoning is 0.984 of the British ton. Returning to the question of utilising tidal energy, we find a dock area of 162,000 square metres (which is little more than 400 metres square) required for 100 horse-power. This, considering the vast costliness of dock construction, is obviously prohibitory of every scheme for economising tidal energy by means of arti- ficial dock-basins, however near to the ideal perfection. might be the realised tide-mill, and however convenient and non-wasteful the accumulator-whether Faure's electric accumulator, or other accumulators of energy hitherto invented or to be invented--which might be used to store up the energy yielded by the tide-mill during its short harvests about the times of high and low water, and to give it out when wanted at other times of six hours. There may, however, be a dozen places possible in the world where it could be advan- tageous to build a sea-wall across the mouth of a natural basin or estuary, and to utilize the tidal energy of filling it and emptying in by means of sluices and water-wheels. But if so much could be done, it would in many cases take only a little more to keep the water out altogether, and make fertile land of the whole basin. Thus we are led up to the interesting econom- ical question, whether is forty acres (the British agri- cultural measure for the area of 162,000 square metres) or 100 horse-power more valuable. The annual cost of 100 horse-power night and day, for 365 days of the Thomson-British Association-1881. 2865 year, obtained through steam from coals, may be about ten times the rental of forty acres at 21. or 31. per acre. But the value of land is essentially much more than its rental, and the rental of land is apt to be much more than 27. or 37. per acre in places where 100 horse- power could be taken with advantage from coal through steam. Thus the question remains unsolved, with the possibility that in one place the answer may be one hundred horse-power, and in another forty acres. indeed, the question is hardly worth answering, con- sidering the rarity of the cases, if they exist at all, where embankments for the utilisation of tidal energy are practicable. But, Turning now to sources of energy derived from sun heat, let us take the wind first. When we look at the register of British shipping and see 40,000 vessels, of which about 10,000 are steamers and 30,000 sailing ships, and when we think how vast an absolute amount of horse-power is developed by the engines of those steamers, and how considerable a proportion it forms of the whole horse-power taken from coal annually in in the whole world at the present time, and when we consider the sailing ships of other nations, which must be reckoned in the account, and throw in the little item of windmills, we find that, even in the present days of steam ascendency, old-fashioned Wind still supplies a large part of all the energy used by man. But however much we may regret the time when Hood's young lady, visiting the feus of Lincolnshire at Christmas, and writing to her dearest friend in London (both sixty years old now if they are alive), describes the delight of sitting in a bower and looking over the wintry plain, not desolate, because 'windmills lend revolving animation to the scene,' we cannot shut our eyes to the fact of a lamentable decadence of wind-power. Is this decadence permanent, or may we hope that it is only temporary? The subterranean coal stores of the world are becoming exhausted surely, and not slowly, and the price of coal is upward bound-upward bound on the whole, though no 2866 Thomson-British Association-1881. doubt it will have its ups and downs in the future as it has had in the past, and as must be the case in respect to every marketable commodity. When the coal is all burned, or long before it is all burned, when there is so little of it left and the coal-mines from which that little is to be excavated are so distant and deep and hot that its price to the consumer is greatly higher than at present, it is most probable that wind- mills or wind-motors in some form will again be in the ascendant, and that wind will do man's mechanical work on land at least in proportion comparable to its present doing of work at sea. Even now it is not utterly chimerical to think .of wind superseding coal in some places for a very im- portant part of its present duty-that of giving light. Indeed, now that we have dynamos and Faure's accu- mulator, the little want to let the thing be done is cheap windmills. A Faure cell containing 20 kilo- grammes of lead and minimum charged and employed to excite incandescent vacuum-lamps has a light-giving capacity of 60-candle hours (I have found considerably more in experiments made by myself; but I take 60 as a safe estimate). The charging may be done uninjuri- ously, and with good dynamical economy, in any time from six hours to twelve or more. The drawing off of the charge for use may be done safely, but somewhat wastefully, in two hours, and very economically in any time of from five hours to a week or more. Calms do last often longer than three or four days at a time. Suppose, then, that a five days' storage capacity suffices (there may be a little steam engine ready to set to work at any time after a four days' calm, or the user of the light may have a few candles or oil lamps in reserve, and be satisfied with them when the wind fails for inore than five days). One of the twenty kilogramme cells charged when the windmill works for five or six hours at any time, and left with its 60-candle hours' capacity to be used six hours a day for five days, gives a 2-candle light. Thus thirty-two such accumulator cells so used would give as much light as four burners Thomson-British Association-1881. 2867 of London 16-candle gas. The probable cost of dynamo and accumulator does not seem fatal to the plan, if the windmill could be had for something com- parable with the prime cost of a steam engine capable of working at the same horse-power as the windmill when in good action. But windmills as hitherto made are very costly machines; and it does not seem prob- able that, without inventions not yet made, wind can be economically used to give light in any considerable class of cases, or to put energy into store for work of other kinds. Consider, lastly, rain-power. When it is to be had in places where power is wanted for mills and factories of any kind, water-power is thoroughly appreciated. From time immemorial, water-motors have been made in large variety for utilising rain-power in the various conditions in which it is presented, whether in rapidly- flowing rivers, in natural waterfalls, or stored at heights in natural lakes or artificial reservoirs. Improvements. and fresh inventions of machines of this class still go on; and some of the finest principles of mathematical hydrodynamics have, in the lifetime of the British As- sociation, and, to a considerable degree, with its assist- ance, been put in requisition for perfecting the theory of hydraulic mechanism and extending its practical appli- cations. A first question occurs: Are we necessarily limited to such natural sources of water-power as are supplied by rain falling on hill-country, or may we look to the collection of rain water in tanks placed artificially at sufficient heights over flat country to supply motive power economically by driving water-wheels? To answer it: Suppose a height of 100 metres, which is very large for any practicable building or for columns erected to support tanks, and suppose the annual rain- fall to be three-quarters of a metre (30 inches). The annual yield of energy would be 75 metre-tons per square metre of the tank. Now, one horse-power for 365 times 24 hours is 236,500 foot tons; and, there- fore (dividing this by 75), we find 3,153 square metres 2868 Thomson-British Association-1881. as the area of our supposed tank required for a con- tinuous supply of one horse-power. The prime cost of any such structure, not to speak of the value of the land which it would cover, is utterly prohibitory of any such plan for utilising the motive power of rain. We may or may not look forward hopefully to the time when windmills will again 'lend revolving animation' to a dull, flat country; but we certainly need not be afraid that the scene will be marred by forests of iron columns taking the place of natural trees, and gigantic tanks overshadowing the fields and blackening the horizon. To use rain-power economically on any considerable scale we must look to the natural drainage of hill country, and take the water where we find it, either actually falling or stored up and ready to fall when a short artificial channel or pipe can be provided for it at moderate cost. The expense of aqueducts, or of underground water-pipes, to carry water to any great distance-any distance of more than a few miles or a few hundred yards-is much too great for economy when the yield to be provided for is power; and such works can only be undertaken when the water itself is what is wanted. Incidently, in connection with the water supply of towns, some part of the energy due to the head at which it is supplied may be used for power. There are, however, but few cases (I know of none ex- cept Greenock) in which the energy to spare over and above that devoted to bringing the water to where it is wanted, and causing it to flow fast enough for con- venience at every open tap in every house or factory, is enough to make it worth while to make arrangements for letting the water-power be used without wasting the water-substance. The cases in which water-power is taken from a town supply are generally very small, such as working the bellows of an organ, or ‘hair- brushing by machinery,' and involve simply throwing away the used water. The cost of energy thus obtained must be something enormous in proportion to the actual quantity of the energy, and it is only the small- Thomson-British Association-1881. 2869 ness of the quantity that allows the convenience of having it when wanted at any moment, to be so dearly bought. For anything of great work by rain-power, the water- wheels must be in the place where the water supply with natural fall is found. Such places are generally far from great towns, and the time is not yet come when great towns grow by natural selection beside waterfalls, for power; as they grow beside navigable rivers, for shipping. Thus, hitherto the use of water- power has been confined chiefly to isolated factories, which can be conveniently placed and economically worked in the neighborhood of natural waterfalls. But the splendid suggestion made about three years ago by Mr. Siemens, in his presidential address to the Institu- tion of Mechanical Engineers, that the power of Niagara might be utilised by transmitting it electrically to great distances, has given quite a fresh departure for design in respect to economy of rain-power. From the time of Joule's experimental electro-magnetic engines devel- oping 90 per cent. of the energy of a Voltaic battery in the form of weights raised, and the theory of the electro- magnetic transmission of energy completed thirty years ago on the foundation afforded by the train of experi- mental and theoretical investigations by which he established his dynamical equivalent of heat in me- chanical, electric, electro-chemical, chemical, electro- magnetic, and thermoclastic phenomena, it had been known that potential energy from auy available source can be transmitted electro-magnetically by means of an electric current through a wire, and directed to raise weights at a distance, with unlimited perfect economy. The first large-scale practical application of electro- magnetic machines was proposed by Holmes, in 1854, to produce the electric light for lighthouses, and perse- vered in by him till he proved the availability of his machine to the satisfaction of the Trinity House and the delight of Faraday, in trials at Blackwall, in April, 1857, and it was applied to light the South Foreland lighthouse on December 8, 1858. This gave the im- 2870 Thomson--British Association—1881. pulse to invention; by which the electro-magnetic ma- chine has been brought from the physical laboratory into the province of engineering, and has sent back to the realm of pure science a beautiful discovery--that of the fundamental principle of the dynamo, made triply and independently, and as near as may be simultane- ously, in 1867, by Dr. Werner Siemens, Mr. S. A. Varley and Sir Charles Wheatstone; a discovery which consti- tutes an electro-magnetic analogue to the fundamental electrostatic principle of Nicholson's revolving doubler, resuscitated by Mr. C. F. Varley in his instrument 'for generating electricity,' patented in 1860; and by Holtz in his celebrated electric machine; and by myself in my 'replenisher' for multiplying and maintaining charges in Leyden jars for heterostatic electrometers, and in the electrifier for the siphon of my recorder for submarine cables. The dynamos of Gramme and Siemens, invented and made in the course of these fourteen years since the discovery of the fundamental principle, give now a ready means of realising economically on a large scale, for many important practical applications, the old thermo-dynamics of Joule in electro-magnetism; and, what particularly concerns us now in connection with my present subject, they make it possible to transmit electro-magnetically the work of waterfalls through long insulated conducting wires, and use it at distances. of fifties or hundreds of miles from the source, with ex- cellent economy-better economy, indeed, in respect to proportion of energy used to energy dissipated than almost anything known in ordinary mechanics and hy- draulics for distances of hundreds of yards instead of hundreds of miles. In answer to questions put to me in May, 1879,1 by the Parliamentary Committee on Electric Lighting, I gave a formula for calculating the amount of energy ¹ Printed in the Parliamentary Blue Book Report of the Com- mittee on Electric Lighting, 1879. Thomson--British Association--1881. 2871 transmitted, and the amount dissipated by being con- verted into heat on the way, through an insulated cop- per conductor of any length, with any given electro- motive force applied to produce the current. Taking Niagara as example, and with the idea of bringing its energy usefully to Montreal, Boston, Ne York, and Philadelphia, I calculated the formula for a distance of 300 British statute miles (which is greater than the distance of any of those four cities from Niagara, and is a radius of a circle covering a large and very import- ant part of the United States and British North America), and found almost to my surprise that, even with so great a distance to be provided for, the conditions. are thoroughly practicable with good economy, all aspects of the case carefully considered. The formula itself will be the subject of a technical communication to Section A in the course of the Meeting which we are now entering. I therefore at present restrict myself to a slight statement of results. 1. Apply dynamos driven by Niagara to produce a difference of potential of 80,000 volts between a good earth connection and the near end of a solid copper wire of half an inch (1.27 centimetre) diameter, and 300 statute miles (483 kilometres) length. 2. Let resistance by driven dynamos doing work, or by electric lights, or, as I can now say, by a Faure battery taking in a charge, be applied to keep the re- mote end at a potential differing by 64,000 volts from a good earth-plate there. 3. The result will be a current of 240 webers through the wire taking energy from Niagara end at the rate of 26,250 horse-power, losing 5,250 (or 20 per cent.) of this by the generation and dissipation of heat through the conductor and 21,000 horse-power (or 80 per cent. of the whole) on the recipients at the far end. 4. The elevation of temperature above the surround- ing atmosphere, to allow the heat generated in it to escape by radiation and be carried away by convection is only about 20° Centigrade; the wire being hung 2872 Thomson--British Association--1881. freely exposed to air like an ordinary telegraph wire supported on posts. ( 5. The striking distance between flat metallic sur- faces with difference of potentials of 80,000 volts (or 75,000 Daniell's) is (Thomson's Electrostatics and Magnetism,' § 340) only 18 millimetres, and therefore there is no difficulty about the insulation. 6. The cost of the copper wire, reckoned at 8d. per lb., is 37,000.; the interest on which, at 5 per cent., is 1,9007. a year. If 5,250 horse-power at the Niagara end costs more than 1,9007. a year, it would be better economy to put more copper into the conductor; if less, less. I say no more on this point at present, as the economy of copper for electric conduction will be the subject of a special communication to the Sec- tion. I shall only say, in conclusion, that one great diffi- culty in the way of economising the electrical trans- mitting power to great distances (or even to moderate distances of a few kilometres) is now overcome by Faure's splendid invention. High potential--as Sie- mens, I believe, first pointed out is the essential for good dynamical economy in the electric transmission of power. But what are we to do with 80,000 volts when we have them at the civilised end of the wire ? Imagine a domestic servant going to dust an electric lamp with 80,000 volts on one of its metals! Nothing above 200 volts ought on any account ever to be ad- mitted into a house or ship or other place where safe- guards against accident cannot be made absolutely and for ever trustworthy against all possibility of accident. In an electric workshop 80,000 volts is no more dangerous than a circular saw. Till I learned Faure's invention I could but think of step-down dynamos, at a main re- ceiving station, to take energy direct from the electric main with its 80,000 volts, and supply it by secondary 200-volt dynamos or 100-volt dynamos, through proper distributing wires, to the houses and factories and shops where it is to be used for electric lighting, and sewing-machines and lathes and lifts, or whatever other Thomson-British Association-1881. 2873 mechanism wants driving power. Now the thing is to be done much more economically, I hope, and certainly with much greater simplicity and regularity, by keeping a Faure battery of 40,000 cells always being charged direct from the electric main, and applying a methodi- cal system of removing sets of 50, and placing them on the town supply circuits, while other sets of 50 are being regularly introduced into the great battery that is be- ing charged, so as to keep its number always within 50 of the proper number, which would be about 40,000 if the potential at the emitting end of the main is 80,000 volts. 2874 Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. Complainant's Exhibit "Electricity as a Motive Power." By Count Du Moncel and F. Geraldy; translated by C. J. Wharton; London, 1883, pp. 269–291. CHAPTER IX. THE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. It will have been seen from the preceding chapter how useful it is to be able to transport a power, and how this property has already received and will yet receive numerous applications. The question appears most promising, for in this way we shall be able to bring to the work to be executed the very great natural powers, such as those of waterfalls, hitherto useless. But the problem is not thus completely solved. Suppose in fact and the case will certainly happen-that a force of 1,000 horse-power has been reclaimed and trans- ported; advantage must be taken of it. But there are comparatively few establishments which have need of such an amount of motive power, and it must be divided among several factories; this is possible, with- in certain limits, by mechanical means, but the distance is very restricted, and it can only be done at great expense and with great loss of power. The true solution is evidently to divide the electricity itself, and only to transform it into mechanical energy after it has been distributed among the consumers. The distribution may in this manner be more easily managed, electricity being easily divided and distributed by means of simple conducting wires. A much larger subdivision may therefore at once be imagined, almost unlimited not only will a greater power be distributed among several manufactories, but in each one the motive power will be again sub-divided to supply each individual machine or tool; further, the total current will be sub-divided into numberless separate currents, each supplying separate places, whether factories, works, or private Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. 2875 houses, thus distributing everywhere the numerous advantages of electricity. All that is, no doubt, possible, but on the condition that this sub-division of the current is carried out with regularity and certainty. It is necessary that every individual apparatus and consumer shall receive the allotted portion without influencing the others; in a word, electricity must be distributed in the same way as water. The problem is not without difficulties, for although it is easy to sub-divide electricity by simply presenting to it an open passage, it is not so easy to do so in a precise manner. First let us recall Ohm's fundamental law. We know that if we call I the intensity of the current, E the electromotive force of the generator, and R the resist- ance of the circuit, the proportion between these two E quantities is expressed by the equation I = Sup- Ꭱ R® pose then that we dispose of a source of electricity and distribute the current equally among several machines (which may be lamps, depositing baths, motors, etc.), which for simplification we will suppose all similar. We connect the first apparatus, and a certain order of things is the result; a current of intensity I resulting from the electromotive source E and the resistance Ris established, and the installation is adjusted: we have now to put on a second apparatus; how is this to be done? We will first put it following the other, and on the same circuit, but then its resistance will be added to that already existing and the intensity cannot be the same-it will be diminished; consequently, if the in- stallation was before properly adjusted, such can no longer be the case, and both the first and second machines will be insufficiently supplied. To re-estab- lish the previous state of things and maintain the original intensity of current, we must, in proportion as we introduce in the circuit any apparatus increasing 2876 Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. the resistance, increase the electromotive force of the generator, i. e., give it a suitable regulation. Before adopting this means, let us try another way. In the first case, having one machine in the circuit, we put the second in the same circuit; instead of doing this, we might make another circuit for the second apparatus, thus affording the current another path. Let us see the result: with the first apparatus the E current had an intensity, I R' and everything went well; we introduce a second apparatus on a second circuit, the current thus finds two paths open instead of one, the resistance is therefore half as great as at first; R is diminished by half, and becomes equal to R 2 ; it follows, then, that the intensity I will be doubled: thus doubled it will divide itself between the two similar paths open to it; the first apparatus will maintain its intensity I, and the new one will receive another similar intensity. From this it would seem that the problem was solved; but unfortunately the reasoning that we have given is not exact, and we have neglected a necessary element. We have admitted that in offering to the current two circuits instead of one, the resistance which it would have to overcome would be halved, which is not correct; in fact, the resistance through which the current has to flow does not consist solely of the two circuits on which are the machines, it includes also the individual resistance of the generator. Whether this be a machine, a battery, or whatever we may suppose, the current must always traverse it, and it always meets with a resistance therein; it follows therefrom that by doubling the exterior circuit pre- sented to the current we have halved the exterior resistance, but we have not touched the resistance of the generator, which is called the interior resistance. The total resistance has therefore been diminished, but not by half; therefore, although the intensity has been Du Moncel & Geraldy--1883. 2877 increased, it has not been doubled, as we supposed just now, and our installation is still defective: it could only be exact by doing away with the resistance of the generator, which is impossible. In default of this means, we must vary the electromotive force of the generator, or in other words, effect a regulation. In whatever way we may work, we are therefore obliged to regulate the electric generator according to the demand of energy caused by introducing other ap- paratus successively into its circuit. In looking a little more closely into the question, we see that to be satisfactory this regulation must comply with three conditions: 1st. The several apparatus placed under distribution must be separately supplied; that is to say, each must receive its necessary share of electricity at any moment and in any place, without affecting the others placed in the same circuit. 2nd. The generator must therefore continuonsly fur- nish all the force required, but not more, or there will be loss. 3rd. The movement of electricity being very rapid, it is of importance that the regulation necessary to fulfil these conditions should be automatic. Such are the necessary exterior conditions for any distribution to be complete. Before enumerating the attempts made in this direction, we will glance at the conditions which they ought to fulfil. As we have said, there are two ways of supplying several electric apparatus from the same source. The first consists in putting them one after the other in the same circuit, or in series; the second is when each has a separate circuit, or rather a separate branch off the the main circuit. This arrangement is variously called in parallel, in multiple arc, or in derivation. In both cases, if it is required that the various machines should receive their proper supply of current continuously, and that the addition of one should not 2878 Du Morcel & Geraldy--1883. affect the others, a regulation of the electromotive force or the current must be effected, the nature of such regulation depending on the system adopted, whether the series or parallel. For example, suppose we wish to utilize a waterfall which, we will say, is of great height but of small volume, and we arrange a set of water-wheels one under the other, so that each receives the whole of the water escaping from the one above it. Each wheel then utilizes the whole of the volume of the fall, but only a portion of the head. If with this arrangement we wish to add another wheel, we must put it above the others, and consequently the height and not the volume of the fall must be altered. If, on the other hand, we have a broad fall but of moderate height, we may take off a certain number of channels of suitable width, and in each place a wheel. Then each wheel will utilize the whole of the height of the fall, but only a portion of the volume. If we want to add another, we must take off another channel for the current, when the total volume of water must be be increased, the height of the fall remaining un- changed. The two above-mentioned arrangements for electric machines are somewhat similar; if they are placed one after the other in the same circuit, when one is added we have only to increase the tension which corresponds to the height of the waterfall without increasing the amount of the current. If, however, they are in parallel, and the number is altered, the current must be modified, the tension remaining the same. We have thus two modes of regulation. The series arrangement has many defects, for in the first place each machine is dependent on all the rest. If one of them meets with an accident, all the others are at once stopped; and further, very great variation in the electromotive force is pre-supposed, and extremely high tensions would often be necessary. This arrangement is theoretically possible, but it is doubtful if it could be Du Moncel & Geraldy--1883. 2879 practically employed. The parallel system appears more possible and certain in its action, and is the only one which has been at all used hitherto. The problem is, therefore, to maintain a constant pressure or tension, whatever may be the number of machines, etc., in the parallels; and it will be seen that the tension which it is required to maintain constant is that at the terminals of the generating machine; it is from these points that the derived circuits feeding the various motors, etc., are supposed to take their origin, and it is the tension at these points which determines the exterior current; this tension, then (scientifically termed, difference of potential), must be so regulated that at any moment it may be constant, whatever may be the exterior circuit, or whatever variations it may undergo. The solution of this question has recently become of such urgent importance that a considerable number of plans have been put forward from different quarters, all of which have more or less helped to solve the difficulty. We will therefore refer to some of these, but we must at once state that the period in which they have all been brought out is really so short, that it is next to impossible to give them in chronological order, or to award the various priorities of conception. The legal points of the question, based on authenticated dates, are of course easily solved, but, as a matter of science, to decide the priority of invention is difficult, owing to the number of claims put forward. Besides, now-a- days scientific researches are, so to speak, democracised. Formerly, inventors were a small and select aristocracy, but now the results seem to arise from a number of small individual researches, rendering them neither less. brilliant nor less useful, but somewhat hiding the origin in mystery. We will therefore, instead of following the chronological order, go through them in such a way as to see the successive development of the means employed. 2880 Du Moncel & Geraldy--1883. One of the earliest was that of Edison, in which he sought to obtain regularity by modifying the production of the current. There are, of course, three ways of varying the current produced by a machine: the first is to vary the speed, which is extremely difficult mechanic- ally, and not very practical; the second way is to vary the action of the field magnets by moving them further away from the armature, and it will be seen that this is out of the question; the third way is to vary the current through the field magnets; this is evidently the most convenient method, and the one which has been most generally adopted. For this there is an essential condition, namely, that the inagnets are not excited solely by the useful current of the machine; in fact, it would then be impossible to vary the excitat.on of the magnets without equally vary- ing the exterior circuit. In the Edison system the field magnets are excited by a shunt from the main circuit. In this accessory circuit is placed a box, and by means of a handle worked by an attendant variable resistances may be be thrown in, as may be shown necessary by an indicator, thus always maintaining the proper current according to the demand. The necessary presence of this attendant is the weak point in this arrangement; it is not automatic, and for an extended service, supplying various and unforeseen wants, this kind of regulation would be insufficient. Mr. Edison has, however, applied his system to a large lighting installation in New York, which is said to work well; but in any case it must be observed that this de- scription of distribution is one of the simplest, includ- ing only apparatus all identical, namely, lamps, and has only to supply wants which may in a great measure be foretold. At the Exhibition was also shown Mr. Maxim's regu- lator, represented in Fig. 109. This is a mechanical regulator, and consists essentially of a lever continually worked by the machine. This lever, having two cams Du Moncel & Geraldy -1883. 2881 FIG. 109. DIC EMORIEU.Sc. on it, is suspended between two cog-wheels; if it rises, it touches the upper one, and by means of the cam turns one tooth at each oscillation; if it falls, the lower wheel is turned. The lever is fixed to the armature of an electro-magnet, through the coils of which passes the current to be regulated; it follows that if the current is too great the armature is attracted and falls, carrying the lever, which then acts on the lower wheel; if the current is too weak the armature, acted on by a spring, is drawn up, thus putting in motion the upper wheel; but for a normal current there is no movement. The cogged wheels thus put in play are not employed to put in resistances as in the Edison arrangement, but they act on the brushes of the machine and alter their position. It will be remembered that in dynamo- electric machines the current is collected by two springs 2882 Du Moncel & Geraldy--1883. or brushes rubbing on the revolving cylindrical commu- tator. According to the pesition of these brushes the current may be collected either at the maximum point or at any other, when there will be less; it will thus be seen that by varying the position of the brushes the current may be varied. This arrangement is very defective, as will be easily understood. From what has been said about dynamo- electric machines, it will have been understood that the position of the brushes was determined; but if these brushes must be capable of being shifted either way, it follows that their mean position which they occupy normally is not their most advantageous position, and it will be understood how grave a fault this is. This system has also the great disadvantage of slow- ness: theoretically, it ought to act; practically, it did not do so at the Exhibition, and it is very doubtful if it has ever really been used. For a large distribution it it would be quite insufficient. The Lane Fox regulator somewhat resembled the foregoing. Like it, it relied on the action of an electro- magnet, but instead of acting on the brushes as in the Maxim system, it served to introduce or take out arti- ficial resistances in the exciting circuit. These modifi- cations being occasioned by the attraction of a magnet, take place very slowly, and altogether it is not likely to be much used, on account of its being so very slow working. The Brush system of lighting was very much noticed at the Exhibition, and for some things very rightly so. Without being actually more perfect than others as re- gards the lamp and the results obtaiued, it must share with the Jamin candles the honor of having first employed high tensions in the application of electricity to lighting. It has been already stated that M. Gramme had made machines reaching tensions of 300 volts; those of Mr. Brush reached 1,000 and even 2,000 volts. We have remarked that M. Marcel Deprez, in his experiments on the transmission of force, has also attained and surpassed these tensions. It is interesting Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. 2883 to note that an inventor who has not, like Jamin and Deprez, guided by well-thought-out theory, should also have so well understood the necessity for high tensions as to adopt them with boldness. Our readers will excuse this digression. This was not the only point of notice in the Brush system, which included also a regulating arrangement, which was, however, very elementary. To vary the exciting current, a shunt was arranged which was opened more or less according to the energy required. It will be seen that by this arrangement any excess was lost, the production remaining uniform. The system also con- sists of a double regulating arrangement, the one automatic, the other worked by hand, both of which may be criticised from several points. Similarly with those already mentioned, it has not acted well, and is not capable of being extensively used. Interesting theoretical studies were being at the same time carried on, and to M. Hospitalier is due a com- plete projected system, apparently satisfying the required conditions. To M. G. Cabanella is also due a special system of distribution. Instead of arranging all the apparatus in parallel as others had done, he put them in series: this has, as we have stated, the objection of necessitating the use of very high tensions, which we think can never be really applied. One of the most elementary systems of regnlation is that of M. Gravier. He reduces the problem to its most simple terms. We have said that the difficulty consisted in the fact of the generating machines having an internal resistance, and that the problem would dis- appear if this resistance could be done away with. This not being possible, M. Gravier set himself to reduce it. For this he took a number of machines, and joined them up for quantity, so that they offered the least resistance possible to the current. To reduce it still further, he took care to excite the field magnets separately. This done, he places the machines in circuits as equal as possible, in which he employs very thick leads. It 2884 Du Moncel & Geraldy--1883. therefore happens that if one circuit is taken out, the remainder, being equal, continue to be supplied as before, and the interior resistance being also very slight, the electric production remains approximately proportional to the exterior resistance. M. Gravier had at the Electric Exhibition an installation on this sys- tem; he fed lamps and machines on six different circuits, his generating apparatus being five machines coupled together. This, however, is not a solution-it is an arrange- ment which may be useful, a good application of a known principle; but it will be seen that the difficulty is not got over, it is only lessened. It also possesses a great disadvantage, namely, that machines with slight internal resistance necessarily produce electricity of very low tension, and it will therefore be seen that they would in consequence not be adapted to the transport of electricity to a distance. But to distribute usefully, transmission is necessary; this system is then only use- ful within certain very narrow limits. We now come to the solution proposed by M. Marcel Deprez, which is certainly the most important of those which we have yet enumerated, and it has this advan- tage, that it has been tried. This took place at the Palais de l'Industrie during the Electrical Exhibition of 1881. The circuit from the generator almost made the round of the building, forming a total lead of about two kilometres; at various points chosen without distinc- tion, and only taking into consideration the require- ments, parallels were taken off each, feeding various kinds of apparatus working machines for sewing, fold- ing, cutting out, sawing, turning, &c. At one point a number were placed together and formed a small work- shop, a branch being taken off for the production of light as well. At the end of the circuit was installed a printing-press, driven by a motor also supplied by a branch off the main circuit. All these were started or stopped at will, and each one quite independently of any other, thus forming an example of distribu- tion. Du Moncel & Geraldy--1883. 2885 The system merely consisted of two generating machines, one large and one small, working together, and presenting the appearance shown in Fig. 110. That was all; in fact, its great simplicity was its great advan- tage. No mechanical apparatus was necessary; it was solely dependent on the action of physical forces. M. Deprez discovered that the required result could be arrived at by combining two exciting circuits on the field magnets. For this purpose, on the magnets of the large machine he winds two separate wires; the one being traversed by the current from the small machine, thus giving to the generator a constant magnetisation entirely unconnected with the exterior circuit, and the second wire, being in the main exterior circuit, is traversed by a variable current, thus adding to the con- stant magnetisation one varying with the requirements of the exterior circuit. He showed that by proper ad- justment this variable magnetisation would be just sufficient to give the necessary increase of electromotive FIG. 110. force as the demand increased. He thus obtained an 2886 Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. automatic regulation without the intervention of any exterior apparatus, and satisfying in the most complete manner the required conditions. The Palais de l'Industrie experiment was on a small scale; prudence demands that, before giving a final opinion, a larger or more practical realization should be waited for; how- ever, it must be acknowledged that we have here the greatest guarantee for ultimate success. Closely connected with the above system of com- pound winding of the field magnets is the Crompton- Kapp principle. These inventors only use one machine, the Bürgin, and on the field magnets they wind two wires, the one being included in the main circuit as in an ordinary series dynamo, and the other being a shunt off that circuit; by this means, with a varying resistance in the exterior circuit, very perfect automatic regulation is obtained. This arrangement was designed for light- ing incandescent lamps in multiple are, and is very largely and successfully used for this purpose; but at Messrs. Crompton's works, at Chelmsford, this machine is also used for the distribution of electric energy of every description. Wires are laid throughout the building having a convenient number of terminals, switches, and safety fuses, placed in the different shops, offices, and the laboratory. To some of these terminals are attached branch circuits (all in parallel arc), which feed Swan lamps for lighting the different parts of the works; other terminals have no permanent connection with branch circuits, but can at any time be coupled up to such branches for the purpose of using the current for some special experimental work. The main circuit is kept charged to a difference of potential of 80 volts by one of these compound wound machines, the combi- nation of main and shunt wires being so chosen that, no matter what current is taken out of the machine, that current is always delivered at a predetermined and fixed difference of potential. In the present instance, the current taken from the machine varies largely throughout the day, because from the main circuit the following operations are carried on independently of Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. 2887 each other, viz. lighting by means of Swan lamps in parallel, testing arc lamps, testing and classifying Swan lamps, charging secondary battery, and transmission of motive power. This last is done in the following manner: each dynamo, after it is finished, and before being sent out, is carefully tested. But before driving it by steam power it is found convenient to run it for some time as a motor, but doing no work, so as to get the journals and the brushes to a proper bearing. The current is also used for polarizing dynamos, for the pur- pose of making sure that the different coils on the field magnets are properly connected up; calibrating volt- and am-meters, testing the fusing point of safety fuses, testing the magnetic properties of different mixtures of cast iron, and a number of other laboratory experi- ments, which of necessity are constantly going on in a large electric light works. As most of these operations are carried on independently of each other, it often happens that current is required at the same time for many different purposes. Yet there is no difficulty whatever in this, the machine always proving equal to the demand. Another system of distribution is that proposed by Professors Ayrton and Perry, who advocate the use of accumulators in the town or centre where the electricity is required, the charging current being supplied from a distance wherever the motive power may be available. They propose the use of electricity of very high tension but of low intensity; by this means, as we have already shown, increasing the economy of working, and not necessitating the use of heavy and expensive con- ductors. To transform this current into useful propor- tions, it is to be used to charge a great number of accumulators in series; these are then to be broken up by commutator switches into a number of batteries, each giving a proportionately large current of moderate tension, such as can be made use of for arc or incande- scent lamps, motors, etc. This system has never been worked on a large scale, but it has, in common with so many others, the objection of necessitating the use of 2888 ! Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. currents of extremely high tension, which, although necessary for the economical transmission of power to a distance, would in this case be more than usually dangerous to life, as the circuit through the accumu- lators would of necessity be exposed; and any two persons standing on the ground and simultaneously touching the two extreme accumulators during the charging would be instantaneously killed, owing to the immense difference of potential, which might often amount to many thousands of volts. Of course, when broken up into batteries for use this danger would not exist, as the only current then would be that from the battery itself, being perhaps only 100 to 200 volts. Another solution of the problem is that put forward recently by Messrs. Goulard and Gibbs. They have shown a small installation on their system at the West- minster Royal Aquarium Electrical Exhibition, where the results obtained certainly appear very satisfactory. The principal employed is that of the induction coil, and consists of a cardboard or wooden cylinder about 50 centimetres high, on which is wound in parallel spirals, and in rows one above the other, a cable, com- posed of a central copper wire of 4 millimetres diameter, highly insulated. Parallel to this, and completely sur- rounding it, are six strands of twelve small wires each, individually insulated. The large wire forming the in- ductor is traversed by the current from an alternating current machine, and the six strands of twelve wires. each in which the induced currents are generated have their ends attached to a commutator, so that they may be joined up at will in quantity or in tension. Inside this hollow column is placed a soft-iron cylinder, which can be raised or lowered, by which the current induced in the small wires may be regulated. The instruments shown at the Aquarium consist each of four of these colums arranged in a square, and the ends of all the wires are brought up to the commutator in the middle, so that the whole of the wires may be grouped in tension or in quantity, or some in quantity and some in tension. The practicability of this is shown: one of Du Moncel & Geraldy--1883. 2889 the instruments has all its wires grouped for quantity, and the current lights twenty-six incandescent lamps. The other generator has two columns grouped in tension, and lights a Jablochkoff candle, and at the same time one of the remaining columns lights five Swan lamps in multiple arc, and the other drives a small motor. The intensity of the current induced is proportional to that of the primary current, and the tension may be varied according to the way in whic the induced wires are coupled up. The inducing wire forms a closed circuit, and of course may traverse any number of these instruments, provided the electro- motive force is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the circuit and of the electromotive force generated by the secondary current. The inventors therefore pro- pose to use for the transmission and distribution of power, alternating currents of very high tension, traversing as many of these secondary generators as may be required, they being all arranged in series. From this arrangement they say there can be no danger, since the primary current only traverses a closed metallic circuit, and contact with the body at any part of the circuit would offer too great a resistance to allow the slightest derivation of the current. This system has at present only been shown on this small scale, and therefore it is impossible to speak with certainty as to its action in a practical shape, but the objection to it appears to be in the necessary use of alternating currents of high tension; whether such currents can advantageously be employed on long circuits, where the effects of static charge and induction will have to be taken into account, yet remains to be seen. This, then, is the present position of the all-important question of the day-the transport and distribution of power by means of electricity. Much, very much has been done, but much yet remains to be accomplished before that almost Utopian state of things arrives, when all the vast powers of nature at present wasted shall be reclaimed and made subservient to human will by being transported through a wire to the centres of 2890 Du Moncel & Geraldy-1883. civilization, and there distributed to every one accord- ing to each individual requirement. But in the im- mediate future we may safely prophesy that great progress will be made, and that before many years have elapsed electricity will be almost universally distributed. That will, then, certainly be one of the greatest events of our century, and will constitute a veritable social revolution. This progress may be summed up in one word: to bring electricity to the home. And electricity is at the same time light, chemical work, and motive power; and that in the smallest quantities that may be desired at the disposal of the consumer, by the simple turning of a key. What advancements may we not look for, then, when many who have now no opportunity of making the experiments necessary to useful discoveries have this wonderful power readily obtainable, when every one has in his own hands, power in its most varied forms, and that at his own home, at his own time, and without being compelled to go to a stuffy workshop for it. The workshop! This word opens to our view other points, for if the distribution of electricity has for men an immense advantage, it has much more for women. It is for them that the workshop is in the highest degree baneful: all know the dangers of this life in common, so profoundly destructive to health and morals. We have already mentioned that the first practical application of the transmission of power was to a factory of sewing machines, thus saving women from a hurtful labor. How much greater will be the advantage when the woman can work her machine, no longer in the workshop, but at home by the hearth of her husband, by the cradle of her infant! It is thus that will be found the true equality of the sexes; it is thus that must be sought the solution of this burning question, the support and the independence of woman. This distribution will prove an efficient remedy for these social difficulties, and if we do not now actually possess it, we may consider it as certain that we soon shall do so. Fleming--Letter to Electrician--1884. 2891 Complainant's Exhibit "The Electric Lighting Act of 1882." THE ELECTRICIAN (LONDON), JULY 5, 1884, PAGE 177 TO THE EDITOR OF THE ELECTRICIAN. SIR: In your last issue you enter at some length into the vexed question of the cost of electric lighting, and hazard the conjecture whether any one will be bold enough to say that the cost of a central electric light station is more than the cost of a central gas station. Twenty-two months ago the Legislature of this country, after careful scientific examination of the then state of the art of distribution of large currents for lighting purposes, arrived at the conclusion that it was in such a complete and advanced condition that the time had arrived for "facilitating and regulating" it according to the title of the Act-that is to say, for laying down stringent conditions under which the novel experiment of distributing electrical energy on a large scale should first be tried. The question of cost and maintenance will therefore to a very large extent be influenced by the legal conditions under which it has to be under- taken. If these conditions are wise and elastic enough to accommodate the uncertain direction of development of the youngest of the arts, your question may not be long in receiving a practical reply. But if these con- ditions have been based upon a complete misconcep- tion of the differentice which separate the distribution by pipes of a material substance from the first attempts at distribution of energy in the form of electric current by subterranean copper mains, then the interesting question whether the best and cheapest light in every way is obtainable from the combustion of a hydro- carbon or the incandescence of a carbon filament by distributed electricity may, in England at least, be indefinitely delayed. Which of these prevails is easily ascertainable by an examination of the main special 2892 Fleming--Letter to Electrician--1884. provisions of the Act in the light of past and present experience. The general conception of the Act is that of permitting the laying down of a network of conduc- tors under these general conditions. The undertakers have to specify beforehand—in the absence of guarantee as to demand—the area they will cover at first, and the direction in which they will undertake to extend the mains. They are to bind themselves as to price with- out any limitations per contra as to the cost of the ground, for central site, facility of or compulsory pur- chase for extension, right of way, or security against in- junction for nuisance. They are debarred from any selec- tion of customers, on the ground apparently (although a mistaken one) that as electricity is sold by measure customers are all proportionately profitable. They are expressly interdicted from interference with the most important section of the electrical loop, viz., the lamp, and finally they are given 21 years or less within which to achieve practical success and the return of invested capital. To any one who has had practical experience of even small electrical distributions it is only too apparent in every line of this Act that the conditions of commercial success were not understood by those who framed it to "facilitate" the supply of electricity for lighting purposes, and they allowed themselves to be misled by the analogy of the electric main to a gas pipe. But the supply of electric current is not similar to the carriage of stored-up gas. In the one case a form of energy has to be transformed as wanted, and when once the plant has been set up for a given supply the cost of maintenance will not be pro- portionately affected by variation in actual consump- tion. In the other case, a material substance is pre- pared and stored, and if the consumption is less to-day there is more left over for to-morrow without additional cost. Hence the paramount condition of success at the outset is liberty to select customers, so that the hours of burning may be a maximum, and the mains and machinery kept as little idle as possible. Again, in the case of electric supply, the commercial commodity re- Fleming-Letter to Electrician--1884. 2893 f tailed is light, and the apparatus of conversion—viz., the carbon filament-is only a portion of the endless loop of lead and return in which the dissipation of energy in the form of light is made a maximum. Privi- lege to select for the consumers that form of lamp which is best adapted to the distribution of potential, and is electrically and commercially most economical is an obvious necessity. Briefly, what is required for any sort of prospect of success is this, 1. Abolition of areas compulsory and permissive, specified streets, &c. The network of conductors must extend as required round the most favourable site pre- viously selected. 2. Free option to pick and choose customers, and to favour long burning hours clients whilst the station is small. 3. Complete control over the lamps used, the under- takers to sell light or power in standard candle hours or horse-power, and the customer to have no perplexity about units of any kind as compared with gas. 4. Freedom from obligation to transfer the property or to do anything at the end of any period which will compel the revenue to be so taxed as to prevent invest- ors from reaping such profits as may be reasonably looked for in pioneer enterprises of this description. 5. Conditions of safety, insulation and regulation of pressure to be maintained of course by suitable regula- tions. As it stands at present, the Electric Lighting Act of 1882, so far from facilitating electric supply affords the most complete barrier to its introduction, and will con- tinue to do so until repealed. The notion that there was a danger of the upgrowth of a great monopoly is an instance of the danger of premature legislation in advance for difficulties which have not arisen. Whilst such important questions as those of triple or multiple conductor systems, central station dynamos, meter measurement, and methods of laying mains and feeders are admitted to have scarcely reached their 2894 Fleming-Letter to Electrician-1884. final solution, is it not too much to expect that wise commercial men shall plunge into a new undertaking under conditions which do not give them the very freest scope to feel their way gradually and modify their methods of charge and supply, in proportion as industrial invention supplies the means for cheapening the cost and widening the area of practicable distribu- tion. The problem of distributing small electric cur- rents by conductors for the purposes of commercial telegraphy was not solved without much experience; but if the more difficult one of distributing currents a thousand or ten thousand times as strong is to be attempted under the trammels of legislative restrictions, we are not likely to have the opportunity of comparing in England, under equally favourable circumstances, the cost of electric and gas supply. Yours, &c., 20 Coleman-street, E. C. J. A. FLEMING. 2909 52 L_ DIAGRAM OF ILLUSTRATIVE MODEL OF FEEDER SYSTEM. OS C C3 2½ % Loss. C4 E 430 430 43 L3 CA 2½ % Loss. 4,6 40 40 40 40 420 420 420 420 420 KANDUSSELDIT@ITRAILLEMZIE JE GE М2 NA N5 M₁ N₁ N₂ C6 O SHUNT-WOUND DYNAMO. FEEDER "A" 10% Loss. የቀ DYNAMO REGULATOR `6.— €- EQUALIZER OR ARTIFICIAL FEEDER D2 D2 Sy S7 شرق SK H₂ = REFERENCES. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 POINTS AT WHICH TO CONNECT THE PRESSURE INDICATORS. 04 D₂ = POINTS AT WHICH TO CONNECT AMPERÉ METERS. E, E₂ = DOUBLE POLE SWITCHES. F = SWITCH TO THROW OUT FEEDER "B" & THROW IN THE ARTIFICIAL FEEDER. G = MAIN LINE CUT OUT H₁ H₂- POINTS HALF WAY DOWN FEEDERS "A" & "B" AT WHICH PRESSURE WIRES Ly Ly Ly™ LAMPS ON THE TWO CONSUMPTION CIRCUITS M, M₂ = AMPERÉ METERS = N₁ N2 N3 N4 Ns = PRESSURE INDICATORS NA Sj S ₂ S z S 4 S 5 S & S - = ARE CONNECTED. 16 C.P. LAMPS, 100 VOLTS, ON FEEDERS "A" &¨B¨ 54 55 56 57 CONTROLLED BY SWINCHES OR KEY SOCKETS. S.C. SHORT CIRCUITING DEVICE, CUTTING OUT THE EQUALIZER. 55 FEEDER "B" 10% Loss. 56 U.S.C.C. Dist of New Jersey Edison E. L. Co apst Westinghouse. C.K. Co Competo Ex "Diagram of illustrative model of feeder system produced and described by M Jenks ni answer to up. " ли J & R Sp Ex Preece--Telegraphic Journal--1879. 2911 Complainant's Exhibit, Extract from THE Lecture, by W. H. Preece. "TELEGRAPHIC JOURNAL AND ELECTRICAL REVIEW" (LONDON) VOL. VII., NO. 145, FEB. 15, 1879. PP. 59-60. • THE CRITERIA OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. We extract the following passages from a very in- structive lecture to the Royal United States Service Institution, by Mr. W. H. Preece: Heat and light are identical in character, though dif- ferent in degree; and whenever solid matter has im- parted to it motion of a very high intensity-in other words, when solid matter is raised to a very high tem- perature-it becomes luminous. The amount of light is dependent upon the height of this temperature, and it is a very remarkable fact that all solid bodies become self-luminous at the same temperature. This was determined by Daniell to be 980°, by Wedgewood, 917°, by Draper, 977°; so that we may approximately assume the temperature at which bodies begin to show a dull light to be 1,000°. The intensity of light, however, increases in a greater ratio than the temperature. For instance, platinum at 2,600° emits forty times more light than at 1,900. Bodies when raised to incandescence pass through all stages of the spectrum; as the temperature increases so does the refrangibility of the rays of light. Thus, when a body is at a temperature of Temperature 250° it may be called warm. 500° hot. 66 1,000° we have the red rays. 1,200° CC (C orange rays. 1,300° (6 (6 yellow rays. 1,500° << blue rays. 1,700° CC CC indigo rays. 2,000° (C violet rays. 2912 Preece--Telegraphic Journal--1879. So that any body raised to a temperature above 2,000 will give us all the rays of the sun. Inversely the spectroscope may thus be enabled to tell us the tem- perature of the different lights; and it is, perhaps, be- cause some lights do not exceed 1,300° that we lose all those rays beyond the yellow. * * * Dr. Tyndall has shown that the visible rays of an in- candescent wire bear to the invisiblo rays a much smaller proportion than in the arc, and it is generally assumed that for the same current the arc will give at least 2 times greater light than an incandescent wire; Dr. Tyndall's figures are as follows: Gas.. Incandescent wire. The arc 1 1 I 1 Visible Rays. Invisible Rays. 1 to 1 1 24 23 9 The requirements of a good electric lamp are: first, intense brilliancy; secondly, great steadiness; thirdly, duration. The Serrin lamp has the first kind of excellence; all those lamps based on incandes- cence excel in the second respect; the Wallace-Farmer light is the only one that attains the third point. The Rapieff is perhaps that form which up to the present most nearly combines the three requisites, but in reality no lamp has yet been introduced which fulfills all three requirements. The objections to the use of the electric light are: 1. The deep shadow it throws. 2. The indifferent carbon that has hitherto been manufactured for the purpose, which leads to unpleas- ant sounds, to great variation in the intensity of the light and to waste. 3. The difficulty in distributing the light itself. It is so intense, and confined to so small a space, that it does not lend itself to distribution like the gas flame, which occupies a considerable space. 4. The unsteadidess of the light due to variations in the speed of the engine employed in driving the dynamo machine. There is another cause of variation Preece--Telegraphic Journal--1879. 2913 in the electric arc, and that is, the variation in the re- resistance of the arc itself, for it has been clearly de- monstrated by experiments both in America and in Eng- land that the resistance of the arc varies as the resist- ances in circuit vary; The following table will show this: Current in Webers. Light Candles. Resistance of Arc Ohms. 10 440 2.77 16.5 705 1.25 21.5 900 1.67 30.12 1230 .54 The light in the arc varies directly as the current, and not as the square of the current, as is generally assumed. : Now, in the case of light raised by incandescence, the light will increase as the square of the current. It follows that if in the one case, viz. the arc, the light increases as the current only, and in the other case, viz. incandescence, it increases as the square of the current, a point is reached when the light produced by incandescence will equal that produced by the arc. The difficulty in reaching that point is the difficulty in obtaining a conductor with a sufficiently high point of fusion to resist the effect of powerful currents. Iridium is the only metal that is known to do this, and iridium is too scarce and too dear to be used for the purpose. The multiplication of the light by Gramme's machine. upon the Thames Embankment must not be taken as the solution of the problem of the subdivision of the light. Theory shows unmistakably that to produce the greatest effect we must have only one machine to produce only one light. We know from absolute meas- urements that such a machine can be used to produce a light of 14,880 candles, and it is possible to produce 1,254 2914 Preece--Telegraphic Jouurnal--1879. "" candles per horse-power. But the moment that we at- tempt to multiply the number of lights in circuit, this power diminishes, so that we have on the Embankment lamps giving us a light of scarcely more than 100 can- dles. The light of the Rapieff lamp in the "Times office appears to be about 600 candle-power, and the Wallace light is equal to 800 candle-power. In these two instances six lights are used in one circuit, but we have not here the subdivision of the light; we have, on the contrary, the multiplication of the light, pro- duced by the increased speed of the engine, due to the insertion of additional lamps. It is, however, easily shown that in a circuit where the electro-motive force is constant, and we insert additional lamps, that when these lamps are joined up in one circuit, i. e., in series, the light varies inversely as the square of the number of lamps in circuit, and when joined up, as in multiple arc, the light diminishes as the cube of the number in- serted. Hence the subdivision of the light is an abso- lute ignis fatuus. In the first place no machine has yet been produced which is competent or capable of light- ing over 20 lamps; secondly, no conductor is known but copper competent to convey the current required to light these lamps, and copper is an expensive ma- terial. Thirdly, no electric light has yet been pro- duced which combines all the criteria needed for a good light. 2915 Complainant's Exhibit, Siemens' Presidential Address. THE ELECTRICIAN, NOVEMBER 18, 1882. " • belongs, and shall have the same weight in the country they may be appealed to as if they emanated from the competent authorities of that country." For the proof of the infractions, the clause refers to the laws of the country wherein they are tried, that is the common law. The right of reporting was adopted by analogy by the Hague Fishery Convention.(Clause 28). The second paragraph is a reiteration of Clause XXXI., Paragraph I., of the same Convention. Clause II. "The procedure and the judgment of the contraventions of the provisions of this Convention shall always be carried out as summarily as. the laws and regulations in force permit. This clause is only a reiteration of Clause 37 of the Hague Fishery Con- vention. Articlo XII. "The high contracting parties hereto undertako to adopt, or to propose to their respective Legislatures, the measures requisite for carrying out this Convention, and notably for punishing either with im- prisonment or fine, or both, all contraventions of the provisions of Clauses 2, 5, and 6.” Clause XIII. "The high contracting parties hereto shall communicate the laws which may already have been passed, or may subsequently be passed, in their respectivo States relative to the object of this Convention." Clause XIV. "This Convention shall be ratified. The ratification shall bo interchanged in Paris within the shortest delay possible.' Clause XV. "This Convention shall be in force from the day the high contracting parties shall agree on. "It shall remain in force years from said date, and in the event of any of the high contracting parties failing to notify twelve months before the expiration of said term of years its intention of with- drawing from this Convention, it shall continue in force another year, and so on from year to year. " In the event of any of the high contracting parties renouncing this Convention, such renunciation would affect only the high contracting party thus renouncing." · SOCIETY OF ARTS. On Wednesday, Nov. 15, the President, Dr. C. W. Siemens, F.R.S., gave his inaugural address, which referred principally to electric lighting. Dr. Siemens said: Having received the honour of being elected Chairman of the Council of the Society of Arts for the ensuing year, the duty devolves upon me of opening the coming session with some introductory remarks. 17 ciples, but when, five years ago, I ventured to predict for the dynamo-electric current a great practical future, as a means of trans- mitting power to a distance, those views were still looked upon as more or less chimerical. A few striking examples of what could be prac- tically effected by the dynamo-electric current, such as the illumination of the Place de l'Opera, Paris, the occasional exhibition of powerful arc lights, and their adoption for military and lighthouse purposes, but espo cially the gradual accomplishment of the much desired lamp by incandes- cence in vacuum, gave rise to a somewhat sudden reversion of public feel- ing; and you may remember the scare at the Stock Exchange, affecting the value of gas shares, which ensued in 1878, when the accomplishment of the sub-division of the electric light by incandescent wire was first an- nounced, somewhat prematurely, through the Atlantic cable. 1 -1 From this time forward electrio lighting has been attracting more and more public attention, until the brilliant displays at the exhibition of Paris, and at the Crystal Palace last year, served to excite public interest to an extraordinary degree. New companies for the purpose of introducing elec- tric light and power have been announced almost daily whose claims to public attention as investments were based in some cases upon only very slight modifications of well-known forms of dynamo-machines, of aro regu- lators, or of incandescent carbon lights, the merits of which rested rather upon anticipations than upon any scientific or practical proof. These arrangements were supposed to be of such superlative merit that gas and other illuminants must soon be matters simply of history, and hence arose great speculative excitement. It should be borne in mind, however, that any great technical advance is necessarily the work of time and serious labour, and that when accomplished, it is generally found that so far from injuring existing industries, it calls additional ones into exis tence, to supply new demands, and thus gives rise to an increase in the sum total of our resources. It is, therefore, reasonable to expect that side.. by side with the introduction of the new illuminant, gas lighting will go on improving and extending, although the advantages of electric light for many applications, such as the lighting of public halls and warehouses, of our drawing rooms and dining rooms, our passenger steamers, our docks and harbours, are so evident, that its advent may be looked upon as a mutter of certainty. Our legislature has not been slow in recognising the import- ance of the new illuminant. In 1879 a Select Committee of the House of Commons instituted a careful inquiry into its nature and probable cost, with a view to legislation, and the conclusions at which they arrived were, I consider, the best that could have been laid down. They advised that applications should be encouraged tentatively by the granting of permis- sive Bills, and this policy has given rise to the Electric Lighting Bill, 1882, promoted by Mr. Chamberlain, the President of the Board of Trade, re garding which much controversy has arisen. It could, indeed, hardly be expected that any act of legislation upon this subject could give universal satisfaction, because while there are many believers in gas who would gladly oppose any measure likely to favour the progress of the rival illumi- Amongst the practical questions that now chiefly occupy public atten- nant, and others who wish to see it monopolised, either by local authori- tion are those of electric lighting, and of the transmission of force by elec- ties or by large financial corporations, there are others again who would tricity. These together form a subject which has occupied my attention throw the doors open so as to enable almost all comers to interfere with the and that of my brothers for a great number of years, and upon which I public thoroughfares, for the establishment of conducting wires, without may consequently be expected to dwell on the present occasion, consider- public let or hindrance. The law as now established takes, I consider, a ing that at Southampton I could deal only with some purely scientific con- medium course between these diverging opinions, and, if properly inter- siderations involved in this important subject. I need hardly remind you preted, will protect, I believe, all legitimate interests, without impeding that electric lighting, viewed as a physical experiment, has been known the healthy growth of establishments for the distribution of electric energy to us since the early part of the present century, and that many attempts for lighting and for the transmission of power. Any firm or lighting com- have from time to time been made to promote its application. Two prin- pany may, by application to the local authorities, obtain leave to place cipal difficulties have stood in the way of its practical introduction, viz., electric conductors below public thoroughfares, subject to such conditions the great cost of producing an electric current so long as chemical means as may be mutually agreed upon, the term of such license being limited to had to be resorted to, and the mechanical difficulty of constructing electric seven years; or an application may be made to the Board of Trade for a lamps capable of sustaining with steadiness prolonged effects. The provisional order to the same effect, which, when sanctioned by Parlia- dynamo-machine, which enables us to convert mechanical into electrical force, ment, secures a right of occupation for twenty-one years. The license purely and simply, has very effectually disposed of the former difficulty, offers the advantage of cheapness, and may be regarded as a purely tenta- inasmuch as a properly conceived and well constructed machine of this tive measure, to enable the firm or company to prove the value of their character converts more than 90 per cent. of the mechanical force imparted plant. If this is fairly established, the license would in all probability be to it into electricity, 90 per cent. again of which may be re-converted into affirmed, either by an engagement for its prolongation from time to time, mechanical force at a moderato distance. The margin of loss, therefore, or by a provisional order which would, in that case, be obtained by joint does not exceed 20 per cent., excluding purely mechanical losses, and this application of the contractor and the local authority. At the time of ex- is quite capable of being further reduced to some extent by improved modes piration of the provisional order, pre-emption of purchase is accorded to of construction; but it results from these figures that no great step in the local authority, against which it has been objected with much force by advance can be looked for in this direction. The dynamo-machine presents so competent an authority as Sir Frederick Bramwell that the conditions the great advantage of simplicity over steam or other power-transmitting of purchase laid down are not such as fairly to remunerate the contracting engines; it has but one working part, namely, a shaft which, revolving companies for their expenditure and risk, and that the power of purchase in a pair of bearings, carries a coil or coils of wire admitting of perfect would inevitably induce the parochial bodies to become more trading asso- balancing. Frictional resistance is thus reduced to an absoluto minimum, ciations. But while admitting the undesirability of such a consummation, and no allowance has to be made for loss by condensation, or badly fitting I cannot help thinking that it was necessary to put some term to contracts pistons, stuffing boxes, or valves, or for the jerking action due to oscil- entered into with speculative bodies at a time when the true value of elec- lating weights. The materials composing the machine, namely, soft iron tric energy, and the best conditions under which it should be applied, are still and copper wire, undergo no deterioration or change by continuous work very imperfectly understood. The supply of electric energy, particularly in ing, and the depreciation of value is therefore a minimum, except where its application to transmission of power, is, a matter simply of commercial currents of exceptionally high potential are used, which appear to render demand and supply, which need not partake of the character of a large the copper wire brittle. The essential points to be attended to in the con- monopoly similar to gas and water supply, and which may therefore bo ception of the dynamo-machiuo are tho prevention of induced currents in safely left in the hands of individuals, or of local associations, subject to a the iron, and the placing of the wire in such position as to make the whole certain control for the protection of public interests. At the termination of it effective for the production of outward current. These principies, of the period of the provisional order, the contract may be renewed upon which have been clearly established by the labours of comparatively fow such terms and conditions as may at that time appear just and reasonable workers in applied science, admit of being carried out in an almost infinite to Parliament, under whose authority the Board of Trade will be en- variety of constructive forms, for each of which may be claimed some real powered to effect such renewal. Complaints appear almost daily in the or imaginary merits regarding questions of convenience or cost of publio paners to the effect that townships refuse their assent to applica- production. For many years after the principles involved in the construc- tions by electric light companies for provisional orders; but it may bo tion of dynamo-machinos had been made known, little goueral interest was surmised that many of these applications are of a more or less speculativo manifested in their favour, and few were the forms of construction offered character, the object being to secure monopolies for eventual use or sale, for public use. The essential features involved in the dynamo-machino, under which circumstances the authorities are clearly justified in the Siemens armature (1856), the Pacinotti ring (1861), and the self-exciting withholding their assent, and no licenses or provisional orders should, principle (1867), wore published by their authors for the pure scientific indeed, bo granted, I consider, unless the applicants can give assur- interest attached to them, without being made subject matter of letters ance of being able and willing to carry out the work within a reasonable patent, which circumstance appears to have had the contrary effect of time. But there are technical questions involved, which are not yet suffi- what might have been expected, in that it has retarded the introduction of ciently well understood to admit of immediate operations upon a largo this class of electrical machine, because no person or firm had a sufficient scale. Attention has been very properly called to the great divergence in commercial interest to undertake the largo expenditure which, must neces- the opinions expressed by scientific mon regarding the area that each. sarily be incurred in reducing a first conception into a practical shape. lighting district should comprise, the capital required to light such an area, Great credit is due to Monsieur Grammo for taking the initiative in the and the amount of electric tension that should be allowed in the conduc- practical introduction introduction of dynamo-machines of dynamo-machines embodying those prin- tors. In the case of gas supply the works are necessarily situated in the : 1 18. 2916. THE ELECTRICIAN, NOVEMBER 18, 1882. outskirts of the town, on account of the nuisance this manufacture occa- sions to the immediate neighbourhood; and, therefore, gas supply must range over a large area. It would be possible, no doubt, to deal with elec. tricity on a similar basis, to establish clectrical mains in the shape of copper rods of great thickness, with branches diverging from them in all direc- tions; but the question to be considered is, whether such an imitative course is desirable on account either of relative expense or of facility of working. My own opinion, based upon considerable practical experience and thought devoted to the subject, is decidedly adverse to such a plan. In my evidence before the Parliamentary Committee I limited the desirablo area of an electrio district in densely populated towns to a quarter of a square mile, and estimated the cost of the necessary establishment of engines, dynamio machines, and conductors at £100,000, while other wit- nesses held that areas from one to four square, miles could be worked ad- vantageously from one centre, and at a cost not exceeding materially the figure I had given. These discrepancies do not necessarily imply wide differences in the estimated cost of each machine or electric light, inasmuch as such estimates are necessarily based upon various assumptions regard- ing the number of houses and of public buildings comprised in such a district, and the amount of light to be apportioned to each, but I still main- tain my preference for small districts. By way of illustration, let us take the parish of St. James's, near at hand, a district not more densely popu- lated than other equal areas within the metropolis, although comprising, perhaps, a greater number of public buildings. Its population, according to the preliminary report of the census taken on the 4th April, 1881, was 29,865, it contains 3,018 inhabited houses, and its area is 784,000 square yards, or slightly above a quarter of a square mile. To light a comfortable house of moderato dimensions in all its parts, to the exclusion of gas, oil, or candles, would require about 100 incandescent lights of from 15 to 18 candle-power each, that being, for instance, the number of Swan lights employed by Sir William Thomson in lighting his house at Glasgow Uni- versity. Eleven horse-power would be required to excite this number of incandescence lights, and at this rate the parish of St. James's would require 3,018 × 11 = 33,200 horse-power to work it. It may be fairly objected, however, that there are many houses in the parish much below the standard here referred to, but, on the other hand, there are 600 of them with shops on the ground floor, involving larger requirements. Nor does this estimate provide for the large consumption of electric energy that would take place in lighting the 11 churches, 18 club houses, 9 concert halls, 3 theatres, besides numerons hotels, restaurants, and lecture halls. A theatre of moderate dimensions, such as the Savoy Theatre, has been proved by expe- rience to require 1,200 incandescence lights, representing an expenditure of 133 horse-power; and about one-half that power would have to be set aside for each of the other public buildings here mentioned, constituting an agregate of 2,926 horse-power; nor does this general estimate comprise street lighting, and to light the six and -half miles of principal streets of the parish with electric light would require, per mile, 35 arc lights of 350 candle-power cach, or a total of 227 lights. This, takon at the rate of 0-8 horse-power per light, represents a further requirement of 182 horse power, making a total of 3,108 horse-power, for purposes independent of house lighting, being equivalent to one horso-power per inhabited house, and bringing the total requirements up to 109 lights 12 horse-power per house. I do not, however, agree with those who expect that gas lighting will be entirely superseded, but have, on the contrary, always maintained that the electric light, while possessing great and peculiar advantages for lighting our principal rooms, halls, warehouses, &c., owing to its brilliancy, and more particularly to its non-interforence with the healthful condition of the atmosphere, will leave ample room for the development of the former, which is susceptible of great improvement, and is likely to hold its own for the ordinary lighting up of our streets and dwellings. Assuming, there fore, that the bulk of domestic lighting remains to the gas companies, and that the electric light is introduced into private houses, only at the rate of, say, 12 incandescence lights per house, the parish of St. James's would have to be provided with electric energy sufficient to work (9+12) 3,018= 63,378 lights 7,042 horse-power effective; this is equal to about one- fourth the total lighting power required, taking into account that the total number of lights that have to be provided for a house are not all used at one and the same time. No allowance is made in this estimate for the transmission of power, which, in course of time, will form a very large application of electric energy; but considering that power will be required mostly in the day timo, when light is not needed, a material increase in plant will not be necessary for that purpose. In order to minimise the length and thickness of the electric conductor, it would be important to establish the source of power, as nearly as may be, in the centre of the parish, and the position that suggests itself to my mind is that of Golden-square. If the unoccupied area of this square, representing 2,500 square yards, was excavated to a depth of 25 feet, and then arched over so as to re-establish the present ground level, a suitable covered space would be provided for the boilers, engines, and dynamo machines, without causing obstruction or public annoyance, the only erection above the surface would be the chimney, which, if made monumental in form, might be placed in the centre of the square, and be combined with shafts for ventilating the subterranean chamber, care being taken of course to avoid smoke by insuring perfect combustion of the fuel used. The cost of such a chamber, of engine power, and of dynamo-machines, capable of con- verting that power into electric energy, I estimate at £140,000. To this expense would have to be added that of providing and 'aying the con- ductors, together with tho switches, current regulators, and arrangements for testing the insulation of the wire. The cost and dimensions of the con- ductors would depend upon their length, and the electromotive force to be allowed. The lattor would no doubt bo limited by the authorities to the point at which contact of the two conductors with the human frame would not produce injurious effects, or say to 200 voits.except for street lighting, for which purposo a higher tension is admissible In considering the proper size of conductor to be used in any given installation, two principal factors have to be taken into account; first, the charge for interest aud deprocia- tion on the original cost of a unit length of the couductor; and, secondly, the cost of the electrical onergy lost through the resistance of a unit of length. The sum of these two, which may be regarded as the cost of con- voyance of electricity, is clearly least, as Sir William Thomson pointed out, some time ago, when the two components are equal. This, then, is the principle on which the size of a conductor should be determined. From the experience of large installations, I corsider that electricity can roughly speaking, be produced in London at a cost of about one shilling por 10,000 ampere volts or watts (746 watts being equal to 1 horse-power) for an hour. Hence, assuming that each set of four incandescence lamps in series (such as Swan's, but for which may be substituted a smaller number of higher resistance and higher luminosity) requires 200 yolts electromo tive force, and 60 watts for their efficient working, the total current required for 64,000 such lights is 19,200 amperes, and the cost of the electric energy lost by this current in passing through 1-100th of an ohm resist- ance la 16 per hour. The resistance of a copper bar que quarter of a mile in length, and one square inch in section, is very nearly 1-100th of an ohm, and the weight is about 2 ton. Assuming, then, the price of insu lated copper conductor at £90 per ton; and the rate of interest and depre- ciation at 7 per cent., the charge per hour of the above conductor, when used eight hours per day, is 1d. Hence, following the principle I have stated above the proper size of conductor to use for an installation of the magnitude I have supposed would be one 48′29 inches section, or a round rod eight inches diameter. If the mean distance of the lamps from the station be assumed as 350 yards, the weight of copper used in the complete system of conductors would be nearly 168 tons, and its cost £15,120. To this must be added the cost of iron pipes, for carrying the conductors underground, and of testing boxes, and labour in placing them. Four pipes, of 10in. diameter each, would have to proceed in different directions from the central station, each containing sixteen separate conductors of lin. diameter, and separately. insulated, each of them supplying a sub-district of 1,000 lights. The total cost of establishing these conductors may be taken at £37,000, which brings up the total expenditure for central station and leads to £177,000. I assume the conductors to be placed underground, as I consider it quite inadmissible, boch as regards permanency and public safety and conveni- ence, to place them above ground, within the precincts of towns. With this expenditure, the parish of St. James's could be supplied with tho electric light to the extent of 25 per cent. of the total illuminating power required. To provide a larger percentage of electric energy would increaso the cost of establishment proportionately, and that of conductors, nearly in the square ratio of the increase of the distriot, unless the loss of energy by resistance is allowed to augment instead. It may surprise uninitiated persons to bo told that to supply a single parish with electric energy neces- sitates copper conductors of a collective area equal to a rod of 8in, in diameter; and how, it may be asked, will it be possible under such condı. tions to transmit the energy of waterfalls to distances of twenty or thirty miles, as has been suggested. It must, indeed, be admitted that the trans- mission of electric energy of such potential (200 volts) as is admissible in private dwellings would involve conductors of impracticable dimensions, and, in order to transmit electrical energy to such distances, it is necessary to resort, in the first place, to an electric current of high tension. By increas ing the tension from 200 to 1,200 volts the conductors may be reduced to one- sixth their area, and if we are content to lose a larger proportion of tho energy obtained cheaply from a wateriall, wo may effect a still greater roduction. A current of such high potential could not bo introduced into houses for lighting purposes, but it could be passed through tho coils of રી secondary dynamo-machine, to give motion to another primary machine, producing currents of low potential to be distributed for general consumption. Or secondary batteries may be used to offect the conversion of curronts of high into those of low potential, whichever means may be found the cheaper in first cost, in maintenance, and most economical of energy. I may be advisable to have several suck. relays of energy for great distances,, the result of which would be a reduction of the size and cost of conductor at the expense of final effect, and the poifey of the electrical engineer will, in such cases, have to be governed by the relativo cost of the conductor, and of the power at its original source. If secondary batteries should be- come more permanent in their action than they are at the present time, they may be largely resorted to by consumers, to receive a charge of elec- trical energy during the day time, or the small hours of the night, when the central engine would otherwise to unemployed, and the advantage of re sorting to these means will depend upon the relative first cost, and cost of working the secondary battery and the engine respectively. These questions are, however, outside the range of our present consideration. The large aggregate of dwellings comprising the metropolis of London covers about seventy square miles, thirty of which may bo taken to consist of parks, squares, and sparsely inhabited areas, which are not to be considered for our present purpose. The remaining forty square miles could be divided into, say, 140 districts, slightly exceeding a quarter of a square mile on the average, but containing each. fully 3,000 houses, and a population similar to that of St. James's. Assuming twenty of these dis- tricts to rank with the parish of St. James's (after deducting the 600 shops which I did not include in my estimate) as central districts, sixty to bo residential districts, and sixty to be comparatively poor neighbourhoods, and estimating the illuminating power requirod for these three classes in the proportion of 1 to 3 to, we should find that the total capital expendi- ture for supplying the metropolis with electric energy to the extent of 25 per cent. of the total lighting requirements would he :- 177,000 20 60 60 X X X X 177,000 X 177,000 £3,540,000 = £7,080,000 £3,540,000 £14,160,000 or say £14,000,000, without including lamps and internal fittings, and making system over the towns of Great Britain and Ireland would absorb a capital an average capital expenditure of £100,000 per district. To extend the samo exceeding certainly £64,000,000, to which must be added £16,000,000 for lamps and internal fittings, making a total capital expenditure of £80,000,000. Some of us may live to see this realised, but to find such an amount of capital, and, what is more important, to find the manufacturing appliances to produce work representing this value of machinery and wire, must, neces- sarily be the result of inany years of technical development. If, therefore, tric energy, not only for every town throughout the country, but also for we see that electric companies apply for provisional orders to supply elec- colonies, and for foreign parts, we are forced to the conclusion that their ambition is somewhat in excess of their power of perinmance; and that being executed within a reasonable time, as without such a provision the no provisional order should be granted except conditionally on the work powers granted may have the effect of retarding instead of advancing electric 2917 • THE ELECTRICIAN, NOVEMBER 18, 1882. lighting, and of providing an undue encouragement to purely speculative operations. The extension of a district beyond the quarter of a square mile limit would necessitate an establishment of unwieldy. dimensions, and the total cost of electric conductors per unit area would be materially increased; but independently of the consideration of cost, great public inconvenience would arise in consequence of the number and dimensions of the electric conductors, which could no longer be accommodated in narrow channels placed below the kerb stones, but would necessitato the construction of costly subways-veritable cava electrica. The amount of the working charges of an establishment comprising the parish of St. James's would depend on the number of working hours in the day, and on the price of fuel per ton. Assuming the 64,000 lights to incandesce for six hours a day, the price of coal to be 20s. a ton, and the consumption 21b. per effective horse-power per hour, the annual charge under this head, taking eight hours' firing, would amount. to about £18,300, to which would have to be added for wages, repairs, and sundries, about £6,000, for interest with depreciation at 7 por cent. £13,300, and for general management say £3,400, making a total annual charge of £41,000, or at the rate of 128.,91d. per incandescence lamp per annum. To this has to be added the cost of renewal of lamps, which may be taken at 5s. per lamp of 16 candles, lasting 1,200 hours, or to 9s. per annum, making a total of 21s. 91d. per lamp for a year. In comparing these results with the cost of gas lighting, we shall find that it takes five cubic feet of gas, iu a good argand burner, to produce the same luminous effect as one incandescence light of 16 candle- power. In lighting such a burner every day, for six hours on the average, we obtain an annual gas consumption of 10,950 cubic feet, the value of which, taken at the rate of 28. 8d. per 1,000, represents an annual charge of 298., showing that electric light by incandescence, when carried out on a large scale, is decidedly cheaper than gas lighting at present prices, and with the ordinary gas burners. • On the other hand, the cost of establishing gas works and mains of a capacity equal to 64,000 argand burners would involve an expenditure not exceeding £80,000 as compared with £177,000 in the case of elecuricity; and it is thus shown that, although it is more costly to establish a given supply of illuminating power by electricity than gas, the former has the advantage as regards current cost of production. It would not be safe, however, for the advocates of electric lighting to rely upon these figures as representing a permanent state of things. In calculating the cost of electric light, I have only allowed for depreciation and 5 per cent. interest upon capital expenditure, whereas gas companies are in the habit of dividing large dividends, and can afford to supply gas at a cheaper rate, by taking advantage of recent improvements in manu- facturing operations, and of the ever-increasing value of their by-products, including tar, coke, and ammoniacal liquor. Burners, have, moreover, been recently devised by which the luminous effect for a given expenditure of gas can be nearly doubled by purely mechanical arrangements, and the brilliancy of the light can be greatly improved. On the other hand, electric lighting also may certainly be cheapened by rosorting, to a greater extent than has been assumed, to arc lighting, which, though less agreeable than the incandescence light for domestic purposes can be produced at less than half the cost, and deserves on that account the preference for street lighting, and for large halls, in combination with incandescence lights. Lamps by incandescence may be produced hereafter at a lower cost, and of a more enduring character. The latter portion of the address referred principally to the question of heating by ges, Dr. Siemens stating that probably electricity would provide light, and gas would provide heat. stroot. THE SOCIETY OF TELEGRAPH ENGINEERS. The first meeting after the summor recess was held on Thursday, Novem- ber 9, in the theatre of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George- After the formal business of the meeting, a contribution by Colonel F. Bolton was announced. This gentleman bas cortinued his list of electric light patents to a very recent date, and it will be seen that the introduction to this new list paid a well-deserved tribute to the management of the Society's library, in the hands of Mr. A. J. Frost. The introduction to Colonel Bolton's list was as follows:- 19 lieved I could not fail to render some slight service to electrical engineers by undertaking this task. Although in 1879. electric lighting was beginning to create considerable interest in the public mind, it had not assumed the vast importance it now possesses, The enormous amount of capital that has lately been embarked in various electrical undertakings, and the great number of persons not electricians who are connected with the subject, render it more than ever necessary that some system of classification should be attempted. It night well be thought that such a work should properly be performed by tho Commissioners of Patents, who have the funds and all the material at thoir disposal for the purpose. Apparently its desirability, not to say necessity, has failed to strike them. It is true that an abstract of specifications on electric lighting has been issued by the Patent Office, but, although a revent publication, it only goes up to 1876. It will, probably, be admitted, therefore, that its usefulness is very much impaired, and, however thankful we ought to be for small mercies, we have not here much to be thankful for. The limited time that I have been able to devote to the matter, and tho¨ great difficulty that exists in making a satisfactory classification of the immense number of patents produced during the last few years, have ren dered the work one of great labour and considerable difficulty. I can only offer the paper as supplementary to the previous one, in the hopo that the mere fact of bringing the various systems under one heading, with a few necessary subdivisions of all the published specifications to September 30, 1882, may prove of value to those who, in large and daily-inoreasing num bers, aro devoting their attention to the subject of eleotrio lighting. I would here refer to the greet assistance I have derived from the valu able collection of electrical patents presented to the Society by H.M. Commissioners of Patents. have thereby been enabled to have laid before me week by week the whole of the published specifications on electricity and magnetism as soon as they were issued to the public, a fact which, I-think. speaks weli for the management of our library. I would, however, suggest that, if the specifications were classed under their various headings, and bound up, or a classified index of them made, the labour of searching for any particular patent would be considerably lessened. • MR. W. H. PREECE, F.R.S., ON THE MUNICH EXHIBITION. We do not intend to follow Mr. Preece seriatim in his paper, because we and admire Mr. Preece's ability to interest his hearers, and can say that are already dealing with the exhibition in our other columns. We all know this description of his visit to Munich was given in his best-style. The paper, though long, did not weary, inasmuch as it was lightened by many We canie in for our share asides and sly allusions to controversial points. joke" the Saturday of criticism, inasmuch as we had the temerity to Review for its ignorance of Mussrs. Buston, Procter, and Co. Wo havo wondered whom the Saturday Review writer might be-aud whoever he is that the firm mentioned was not particularly well known to him. The we can only say he sinnod in good company-for Mr. Preece acknowledged that the firm mentioned was not particularly well known to him. The Munich Exhibition, although termed international, was so only in name- nor, indeed, was it really national, when such firms as Siemers and Halske, Feltea and Guilleaume, &c., were unrepresented. It was, indeed, South German-Bavarian-intensely so. There was little new to chronicle, and that little of no very great importance. Great praise was given to Messrs. Crompton as having an excellent exhibit, and being the only English ropre- sentatives at the oxbition. The Edison installation was noticed, as was that of Schuckers, whose machine was well spoken of. A. secondary battery of an old type with a new name, and giving off in process of making a nauseous smell was mentioned, as was the new-old incandescent lamp with filaments like those of Swan only shaped and interwoven spirally. That, with the hollow carbor, and other exhibits have already been mentioned in our columnus. The lead-covered cables of Berthould and Borel were spoken of also as a new-old arrangement. The archeological exhibits of the instruments of Sommering, Steinheil, Reis, &c., were mentioned, and so on. Reference was made to the phos- phor bronzo wires exhibited by M. Weiller, an exhibit which we have not yet mentioned. Mr. Preece seemed to think yery favourably of this wire, and stated that a wire, 14) B.W.G., was exhibited which would stand a strain equal to a similar wire of steel, and had a resistance similar to that of copper. Mr. Preece insisted upon the fact that the Munich Exhibition would be known more on account of the tests carried out than for the appuratus ox- hibited. He justly spoke of the able men who undertook the work of test- ing as admirably fitted for their self-imposed task, as energetic, and greatly interested in the work. The testing instruments were all arranged pre- tests could be taken at the same time The results are not yet ready, but will, no doubt, be shortly. A hearty vote of thanks was given to Mr. Preece, subsequent to a short discussion, and the President announced thefat the next meeting he should give a description of the experiences of the telegraphic work during the late campaign in Egypt. SOME FURTHER HISTORICAL NOTES ON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT, BRING-viously to the opening of the exhibition, and so arranged that the crucial ING THE SUBJECT UP TO THE 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1882. The paper on "Electric Lighting" which I had the honour to read before the Society in May, 1879, met with so favourable a reception, while, as I am assured, it has not been without value to those interested in the subject, that I have been encouraged and induced to continue the work, with a view to bringing it down as far as possible to the present time. In 1879 the conditions were different from what they are now. Then the sub- ject of electric lighting was comparatively a new one, and the number of specifications to be examined, although extending over a number of years, was considerably less than the number issued between 1879 and the present THE ORIENTAL TELEPHONE COMPANY (LIMITED)). year of grace. From an historical point of view my former paper neces- sarily possessed far greater interest for the student than the present one can possibly do, as it embraces so brief a period. I have unavoidably been led to deviate in some respects from the plan formerly adopted, and to make this paper of a somewhat more practical character, in the desire to assist the student in his investigation of that particular system of electric lighting which may happen to be the subject of his search. The abstracts of specifications given under each heading do not pretend to be even a précis of the whole of each patont. Indeed, such a compila- tion would be entirely beyond the scope of this paper or the limits allowed by the Society's Journal. The number of patents which have been taken out since the date of my last paper has been so great, exceeding 550, as to almost cause me, when 1 found the muss of work to be done, to hesitate before continuing it; nor should I have done so had I not known the great difficulty there is in obtaining even a more list of the numbers, dates, and tities of the various patents on any particular subject, and therefore be An extraordinary general meeting of the members of this Company wILD held at the City Terminus Hotel, Cannon-street, on the 13th November. 1882, under the presidency of John Pender, Esq., M.P. The SECRETARY (Mr. W. G. Hall) read the notice convoning the meet- ing, and subsequently the minutes of the last meeting, held on the 19th April, 1882, which were approved by the present meeting and signed by the chairman. The CHAIRMAN then said: Gentlemen, the objects of calling you together to-day are, first, to ask you to confirm a salo of our rights to a company formed in Bombay, and secondly, to take powers to make similar sales elsewhere without the necessity of a special meeting. When I last bed the pleasure of addressing you, I find, on referring to the speech I made on that occasion, that I made the following remarks: "We have not yet attempted any sales of privileges which we hold in India, but I expect before long (having established these important exchanges in the important Scale: 3" = 1 foot. 2918 Complainant's Exhibit, TREE SYSTEM, Diagram Nº1. James For Kaggler Special Examiner Dilobes 13.1841 1 1 t 3.979" ← 2.297- k.1297 > .406″ 7.959" 9.474* 2 297*. 3.979* <- 2.297" → • TREE SYSTEM. ONE QUARTER THE AREA SUPPLIED FROM STATION IN CENTRE OF A DISTRICT OF 36 CITY BLOCKS WHERE GREATEST ECONOMY IS ATTAINABLE BY TOTAL DROP OF 18 VOLTS. EACH BLOCK,400 FEET SQUARE, SEPARATED BY STREETS 100 FEET WIDE EACH BLOCK FACE, 16 HOUSES. EACH HOUSE, 15 LAMPS. TOTAL 8,640 LAMPS. EACH LAMP 1/2 AMPERE, 100 VOLTS. TOTAL DROP IN TENSION, 3 VOLTS. EACH CONDUCTOR (THAT IS,+OR-) IS 19 99 99 99 9.75 INCHES IN DIAMETER AT STATION. 0.406 FARTHEST HOUSE. ONLY ONE POLARITY SHOWN. TOTAL COPPER IN BOTH CONDUCTORS 803, 250 POUNDS. TOTAL COST OF COPPER @.25¢ Per tb.- $200, 812.50 COST OF COPPER Per LAMP-$23.25 ENTIRE SYSTEM USED AS MAINS (CONSUMPTION CIRCUITS) SOLID PORTION OF CONDUCTOR SHOWS COPPER REQUIRED FOR TRANSMISSION TO POINTS BEYOND. SHADED TAPERED PORTION SHOWS ADDITIONAL COPPER REQUIRED FOR DISTRIBUTING TO HOUSES ON EACH BLOCK. Complainants Shitet - Th 11.5" ότι Free Sistemin Deagram N2. James For Kugle Spenal Examiner October 13.1891 か ​101 11.0" 11.15- -12.75-——. ThLtib- 58- 1 I 2.2895 kada ایی 2.297 Scare: 1½ 1 for -Hortilib- ध् This Cube représente Tooth. of the Mase of Copper Conduitors this system for required by be this store, City Containning the 9 8 Lamp of 160.0. Lauape 8641 -29.29* Tree Sypter Model Diagram No. 2. 29.29 -29.29 • 21.091- This Cube represente 100 the of | the Maes of Copper Conductors pe- quired for the of city Blocke shown above, containing 8, 640 - 21.09" -21.09"- Lamps of 16 Candle Power, but. The Three Wire Free Dystem of Distribution. C 2919 Scale: 3"= 1 foot. *2920 Complainant's Exhibit. FEEDER SYSTEM Diagram Nº 3. Fames Fr Ringgles Spesia Excamins, 59 ! • 1.326 1.453 k 839 1.028 1.453> Diam. Diam Dışın Dian Diam 1.326 Diam October 13. 1891 ----- FEEDER SYSTEM. ONE QUARTER THE AREA SUPPLIED FROM STATION IN CENTRE OF A DISTRICT OF 36 CITY BLOCKS, WHERE GREATEST ECONOMY IS ATTAINABLE BY TOTAL DROP OF 18 VOLTS. EACH BLOCK, 400 FEET SQUARE, SEPARATED BY STREETS 100 FEET WIDE. EACH BLOCK FACE 16 HOUSES EACH HOUSE, 15 LAMPS. TOTAL 8640 LAMPS. EACH LAMP½ AMPERÉ, 100 VOLTS. DROP IN TENSION IN FEEDERS, 15 VOLTS. 99 "9 99 MAINS, 3 ONLY ONE POLARITY SHOWN. " TOTAL COPPER IN BOTH CONDUCTORS: MAINS. 25, 584 POUNDS. FEEDERS 103, 155 THE SYSTEM 128, 739 TOTAL COST OF COPPER $32, 185.00 $32,185.00 COST OF COPPER Per LAMP $3.72 99 ONLY TAPERED CONDUCTORS USED AS MAINS (CONSUMPTION CIRCUITS) Complamants Exhibit 4930) 3 + S Feeder System Diagram N 4 worp James & Ruggles Special Examiner 59195 October 13.1891 wwwbys Seale & 1/1 foot 15 1.453" du. 1.326" di. • 1.028 .234 do. " aly .839 do. 1.326" die vr 1.1-59 N alu. 15.8" This Cube represents 100 the of. the man of copper conductore, re quired by this systern for the 91 City blocks shown, containing 8,640 Lauaps of 16 candla Fower 15.5. -15.8". -11.46=> 1145". This Cuve represents thi of 100 The Mass of Copper Com- ductore required for the 9 City Blocks above shown. Contamung 8,640 Lacups of 16 Candle Prover, bur the Three Wire Freder Distribution. System of Feeder Systein Model. Владиат No.4. 2921 2922 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. No. 266,793. PP n B' P n' B Ꮵ P n n D Patented Oct. 31; 1882. p' [n' F B' Fig. 1 · 7. n n p. \n" B E B B B C' C Fig. 2. n P P b b b d три WITNESSES: D. 19 Mott M.J. blagets. n B P P n n" P n 72" n" Fig. 3. H d d p" n P N I I * JE KORRIS PETERS CO, PHOTO-LITHO VASHINGTON D C BY INVENTOR: J. A Edison agens Milber. ATTORNEYS. 2923 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 266,793, dated October 31, 1882. Application filed December 9, 1881. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 usefulImprovement in Electrical Distribution Systems, (Case No. 361;) and I do hereby de- clare that the following is a full and exact de- scription of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the let- 10 tors of reference marked thereon. In a system of electric lighting in which a town or village or a portion thereof is sup- plied from one central station it may some- times occur that the district supplied is irreg- 15 ular in shape, and that in some parts of the district more lights may be used, and conse- quently more electricity required, than in others. The object of this invention is to so arrange 20 the system of conductors supplying the dis- trict that the supply in the various localities of the district will be proportioned to the de- mand. In a prior application I have set forth the 25 manner in which I usually prefer to arrange my conductors in cases where about the same supply is required all over the district, viz: Along each face of each block in the district | are laid two conductors-one "positive," the 30 other "negative"-and at every street-corner where the conductors intersect each other all the positive conductors are connected together and all the negative-that is, wherever two conductors of the same name cross each other 35 they are connected together-and feeding- conductors connect with these street-mains at certain definite and regularly-arranged points, so that a constant amount of electric- ity is supplied in all parts of the district. in 40 a uniform manner; but where, as explained above, the district is irregular in shape and some parts of it require more current than others this arrangement is modified as fol- lows: By estimating the number of lamps or 45 other translating devices used in the entire district and the proportion used in various parts thereof, I am enabled to discover what may be termed the "centers of consump- tion "—that is, the points in the neighbor- 50 hood of which or around which a certain amount of electricity is consumed. In parts of the district which are thickly set- tled and contain a good many consumers of electricity the center of consumption would be the center of a very small space, while in 55 sparsely-inhabited localities, where few lamps are used, the space surrounding the center of consumption would be larger.. The district might thus be considered as divided into ir- regularly-shaped sub-districts, each contain- 60 ing about the same number of lamps, and each consuming approximately the same amount of energy. To each of these centers of consumption is run from the central sta- tion a "feeding-circuit," consisting of a posi- 65 tive and a negative conductor, each of which is connected at the proper point to a similar conductor of the main system. As stated above, all the positive and all the negative main conductors are connected together 70 wherever they intersect. I sometimes find it desirable to connect them also at other points by running cross-connections across the street at various places along the faces of the blocks. 75 The feeding-conductors are preferably of the form set forth in my prior application, (Serial No. 31,825,) with the exception that small additional wires are laid in the tubes, which form additional circuits, each of which 80 runs from a center of consumption back to the central station, where it passes through an electro-dynamometer or other suitable de- vice for indicating electric pressure, and thence returns again to the center of con- 85 sumption, so that the amount of energy used in each feeding-circuit or the electrical poten- tial at center of consumption is indicated, and adjustable resistances are placed in each feeding-circuit, so that according to the indi- 90 cations of the electro-dynamometer more or less current may be supplied to the circuit. The main conductors of the consumption-cir- cuit are made of such size that the drop in electro-motive force upon them will not be 95 sufficient to vary practically the candle-power of the lamps, while upon the feeding-conduct- ors any drop may be provided for without affecting the relative candle-power of the lamps of the consumption-circuit, such feed- 100 ing-conductors having no translating devices connected therewith. The loss upon the feed- 2924 2. 266,793 ing-conductors is preferably greater than that upon the main conductors of the consump- tion-circuit, but will be varied in different lo- calities according to the relative cost of cop- 5 per for conducting purposes and horse-power for generation. The electro-dynamometer used is preferably that of Weber, a large re- sistance say 10,000 ohms-being placed in circuit with the instrument, as is well under- ro stood, so that the instrument will vary with the variations in tension, and will practically indicate the electro-motive force of the cur- rent. In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 15 is a diagram of a district, showing the system of mains and feeding-circuits; Fig. 2, a dia- gram showing a part of the district, with a portion of the apparatus used at the central station; and Fig. 3 is a cross-section of one of zo the underground tubes containing the con- ductors of a feeding-circuit. A, Fig. 1, represents a central station; N and P, respectively the negative and positive poles of batteries of electric generators situ- 25 ated in the station. BB' B" are blocks which compose the district or part of it. The blocks B'B' may be taken as types of all the others. In each of the streets surrounding these blocks are laid the main conductors p n, p represent- 30 ing positive and n negative conductors. Wherever conductors of the same name cross each other they are run into a junction- box and connected, and additional connec- tions may also be made between them by 35 cross-conductors n'p', placed across the street at various points along the faces of the blocks. The centers of consumption are, as before explained, various irregularly-located points at different distances from the source of sup- 40 ply, A, such as the points CDEF. To these points are run the feeding-circuits, each con- sisting of a positive conductor, p', and a nega: | tive conductor, n". The conductors p" all run from positive poles P of the generators 45 and the conductors n' from negative poles N. By these feeding-circuits electricity is supplied to the different groups of lamps, each of which surrounds a center of consumption. In Fig. 3, n" p' are the feeding-conductors, 50 surrounded by insulating - washer G, which separates them from an inclosing metal tube, H. c care small wires, which also pass through the tube H. 55 Fig. 2 illustrates the manner in which the conductors surrounding any block B of the district are arranged. II represent a battery of electric generators, NP being respectively its negative and posi- tive poles, from which run the feeding-con- 60 ductors n' p' to the centers of consumption of the block, where they are connected to the street-conductors n p by means of the junc- tion-boxes described in a prior application. For convenience in the drawings, the wires 65 cc', which are inclosed in the same tube with the conductors n' p", are shown separated from these conductors in Fig. 2. These wires cc' form an auxiliary circuit to each feeding- circuit, passing through electro-dynamome- ters b b or other suitable devices for indicat- 70 ing electric pressure at the central station, which by this means indicate the electrical potential at the centers of consumption.. dd are adjustable resistances, placed in the feeding-circuits, by means of which more or less current may be made to pass through such circuits, according to the indications of the electro-dynamometers. What I claim as my invention is— 75/ 1. In a system of electrical distribution, the 80 intersecting and connected positive conduct- ors and the intersecting and connected nega- tive conductors, forming the main conductors of the consumption-circuit, upon which the drop in electro-motive force is not sufficient to 85 vary practically the candle-power of the lamps, in combination with a central station and feeding-conductors having no translating de- vices connected therewith, and extending from the source of electrical energy at the central 90 station to the main conductors of the consump- tion-circuit, said feeding-conductors being connected with such main conductors of the consumption-circuit at or near centers of coa- sumption, substantially as set forth. 95 2. The combination, with a feeding-circuit of an electrical distribution system, of an aux- iliary circuit composed of smaller conductors connected at its terminals with the terminals of the feeding-circuit, and containing a suit- 100 able device for indicating electric tension, so that the electro-motive force of the current in the main circuit is indicated, substantially as. set forth. 3. The combination of the conductors forin- ros ing a circuit of an electrical distribution sys- tem, placed in an inclosing tube, of smaller conductors in the same tube, having their ter- minals connected with those of the main con- ductors, and forming a circuit in which is 110 placed a suitable device for indicating electric tension, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of the intersecting and connected 115 positive conductors and the intersecting and connected negative conductors, forming the main conductors of the consumption-circuit, with cross-connections connecting the con- ductors of the same polarity together between 120 the points of intersection, a central station, and feeding-conductors having no translating devices connected therewith, and extending from the source of electrical energy at the cen- tral station to the main conductors of the con- 125 sumption-circuit at or near.centers of con- sumption, substantially as set forth. 5. In a system of electrical distribution, the intersecting and connected positive conduct- ors and the intersecting and connected nega- 130 tive conductors, forming the main conductors of the consumption-circuit, in combination with a central station, feeding-conductors ex- tending from the central station to the con- 2925 266,793 sumption-circuit, and having no translating | sumption-circuit, and having no translating devices connected therewith, and means lo- cated in each feeding-circuit for regulating the tension of the current supplied thereby 5 to the consumption-circuit, substantially as set forth. 6. In a system of electrical distribution, the intersecting and connected positive conduct- ors and the intersecting and connected nega- 10 tive conductors, forming the main conductors of the consumption-circuit, in combination with a central station, feeding conductors ex- tending from the central station to the con- devices connected therewith, an auxiliary cir- 15 cuit extending to the outer end of each feed- ing-circuit and containing a device for indi- cating electro-motive force, and an adjustable resistance in each feeding-circuit, substan- tially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 25th day of October, 1881. THOS. A. EDISON. Witnesses: H. W. SEELY, RICHD. N, DYER. 20 1 2926 (No Model.) No. 274,290. T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Mar. 20, 1883. 5 5 От a 6 6 6 16 Fig. 1. Oã O Oa 5 5 a N 5 a 6 От T Fig. 3. O Ок От От N a ـی Fig. 2. ୪ 7 8 N P P A A A R R От a One a 2 O₂ a a 2 google พ Fig. 4. n C છે n n B N° off Ha B P² Q & N' D P' А A P B' B ATTEST E. C. Rowland. Kusuly Ј THE NORRIS PR.TERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. INVENTOR: Thomas A. Edison, By Rich? A. Dyer, Ady. 2927 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 8 Sheets-Sheet 2. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Mar. 20, 1883. No. 274,290. R P A a a N Flig 5. О а N a O teebelee WITNESSES: &. C. Rowlands Wevdaly स Fig.6. a P D D popo R INVENTOR: Thomas A. Edison, By Rich. A Dyer, Aby. THE NORRIS PETERS CO, PHOTO-LITHO, WASHINGTON, DC. 2928 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 3. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Mar. 20, 1883. No. 274,290. N Оа a WITNESSES: E.C.Rowland. Seely Fig. 7. A انيا E a' ليا ليا لبا A } P INVENTOR: Thomas A. Dire а By Rich. St. Dyer, Alter. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO, WASHINGTON, D. C. 2929 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 274,290, dated March 20, 1883. Application filled November 27, 1882. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, (Case No. 520,) of which the fol- lowing is a specification, In multiple-arc systems of lighting by elec- trical incandescence in which complete or 10 round metallic circuits are used it may some- times be desired to employ electric currents of unusually high electro-motive force, so that the size of the conductors which convey said current may be diminished, thus econo- 15 mizing in metal, and allowing the conductors to be placed overhead instead of laid under ground in places where the former arrange- ment is more convenient. It is also generally desirable in such systems that the incandesc- 20 ing electric lamps or other translating devices should be independent of each other—that is, that such devices shall be independently con- trollable, so that each lamp can be lighted and extinguished separately and without af- 25 fecting any others. the earth might be used for the purpose, if it is so desired. In carrying out my invention the central sta- 55 tion or source of electrical supply for the sys- tem may contain one, two, or any desired num- ber of generators, according to the number of translating devices to be supplied with cur- rent, such generators developing a high elec- 60 tro-motive force. Such generators are prefer- ably dynamo or magneto electric machines; but secondary batteries may be employed, if desired, and the generators may be connected in any desired manner. If two generators, 65 placed in series, are employed, the compensat- ing-conductor is connected between the two to the wire connecting their armatures, such compensating-conductor extending out be- tween the two main conductors leading from 70 the generators. The multiple - arc circuits which contain the lamps or other translating devices extend across from each main con- ductor to the compensating-conductor. When equal numbers of lamps are in circuit on op- 75 posite sides of the compensating-conductor, no current will traverse such compensating-con- ductor, the whole amount. generated passing out through the positive main conductor across both sets of multiple-arc circuits containing 80 lamps, and back by the negative main con- ductor, as will be more fully hereinafter ex- plained. Thus the same effect is produced as though two lamps were in series in each mul- tiple-arc circuit, as the current must pass 85 through two lamps to get from the positive to the negative conductor. At the same time, however, such two lamps are independently controllable. To provide a system in which currents of high tension can be used, while at the saine time each lamp is entirely independent of all the others, the lamps being also each of the 30 standard or usual resistance, is the object of my invention; and I accomplish this by em- ploying a source of energy of high electro-mo- tive force, arranging the translating devices in multiple series, dividing said source into as 35 many parts as there are translating devices in series in any circuit, and correspondingly di- viding each series of lamps, such division be- ing made by means of a central compensating In case lamps are removed from one side of 90 conductor or conductors connected between the compensating-conductor, so that the num- 40 the divisions of the source of energy, and also bers on opposite sides become unequal, a por- between the translating devices, so that when tion of current varying in amount according all the devices in any multiple-arc circuit are to the degree of inequality will pass through in use current will pass through all such de- the compensating-conductor, the direction of 95 vices, the current passing across from the such current varying according to whether the 45 positive to the negative main conductor; but positive or the negative side contains the if one or more translating devices are removed greater number of devices. The system should from any series circuit the excess of current be so arranged by properly locating the lamps which would otherwise affect the other lamps and conductors that at no time can there be a 100 in the circuit is taken by the compensating.very great inequality between the two sets of 50 central conductor, so that the other lamps lamps. Thus very little current will ever trav- remain unchanged. The compensating-con-erse the compensating-conductor, almost the ductor is preferably a metallic wire, though whole passing out through the positive and re- 2930 274,290 turning by means of the negative main con- the other by a'. When, as shown, the number ductor. The compensating-conductor can of lamps a is equal to that of lamps a', any therefore be of very small mass, it never being current which may tend to return through con- 70 required to convey much current. An adjust-ductor 4 will be neutralized by the current 5 able resistance is preferably placed in each which will meet it from wire 3, so that no cur- main conductor, so that in case the drop in rent will pass in either direction in said con- electro-motive force is greater on one main con- ductor 4; but if a lamp, a', is removed from ductor than on the other the resistance may circuit, so that less current will pass from con- 75 be adjusted to compensate for such inequality. ductor P to conductor 4, the tendency from Io In systems of general distribution such resist-wire 3 to wire 4 will be correspondingly great- ances would be placed in the conductors of the feeding-circuit. It is evident that two or more generators may be placed on each side of the central con- 15 ductor in series or in multiple arc, if desired. If currents are to be employed of such high | tension that three or more lamps must be placed in each cross-circuit between the posi- tive and negative sides of the main circuit, 20 three or more generators or series of generators may be placed in series, with two or more com- pensating-conductors extending between the main conductors, such compensating-conduct- ors being connected between the generators or 25 series of generators, the source of energy being thus divided into as many parts as there are lamps in series. By the use of my invention lamps in differ- ent districts connected with separate central 30 stations may be connected in series with each other, the generators of the two stations being connected by a conductor, and compensating- conductors running from convenient parts of the district. 35 If desired, one generator only might be placed at the central station, having its comma- tator provided with an extra brush or brushes, placed between the main brushes, from which the compensating conductor or conductors 40 run, such conductors being connected with the multiple-arc circuits between the lamps. My invention is illustrated in the annexed drawings, in which Figure 1 is a diagram show- ing an arrangement of two generators in series. 45 Fig. 2 represents a similar arrangement of gen- erators, but a different one of the translating devices. Fig. 3 shows the arrangement of three generators in series. Fig. 4 shows an ar- rangement whereby lamps in different dis- 50 tricts, supplied from separate stations, may be placed in series. Fig. 5 shows the arrange- ment where one generator is used. Fig. 6 illustrates the use of secondary batteries, and Fig. 7 shows the use of the earth as a com- 55 pensating-conductor. In Fig. 1, A A represent dynamo or mag- neto electric machines connected in series by conductor 3, and having positive and negative main conductors PN extending from them. 60 Midway between the generators the compen- sating-conductor 4 is attached to conductor 3. Multiple-arc circuits 5 6 extend from the com- pensating-conductor to each of the main con- ductors, and each of such multiple-are cir- 65 cuits contains a lamp or other translating de- vice, those on one side of the compensating- conductor being designated by a, and those on er than the return tendency, and current due to the inequality will flow in wire 4,which will pass through the lamps a and return through 80 conductor N, while if a lamp or lamps, a, be removed, so that less current will pass from 4 to N, the difference of current will return through conductor 4. Thus the conductor 4 compensates for differences in either side; 85 and while the lamps are independently con- trollable and any lamp can be removed from circuit without varying the current flowing to the lamps on the opposite side, yet it is evident that currents may be employed of as 90 high tension as though the lamps were ar- ranged in multiple series in the ordinary way. The arrangement shown in Fig. 2 is similar to that just described, except that here the lamps a and a' are placed across multiple-arc 95 circuits 7 8, derived from the main conductor P N. The same effect is of course produced as just described. The adjustable resistances R R are shown in this figure, which are used to compensate for differences in the drop in 100 electro-motive force of the two conductors. In Fig. 3 three generators, A A A, are shown in series, there being two compensating-con- ductors, 4 and 4", and three sets of lamps, a a' a², the main portion of the current passing 105 entirely across from conductor P to conductor N, and an amount due to differences in the number of translating devices will return through the central conductors. The num- ber of lamps a² being greater than a', a por- 110 tion of current due to the difference will re- turn through conductor 4", the remainder passing through lamps a' to conductor 4. The number of lamps a being greater than a', current will flow from the generators through 115 conductor 4 to supply lamps a, which current will return through main conductor N. Το 125 In Fig. 4, C and C' each represent a district to be supplied with electric energy, a central station or source of supply being provided 120 for each district. At one central station gen- erators B B are placed in multiple arc, and at the other generators B' B' are similarly ar- ranged. It is desired to connect lamps in dis- trict C in series with lamps in district C' accomplish this a conductor, D, is run from one station to the other, connecting one pole of each battery of generators together. From the other poles run the feeding-circuits P'N' and P2 N2, such feeding-circuits being con- 130 nected with the main conductors of the system. Compensating-conductors 4 are connected at convenient points to said main conductors, all such compensating-conductors being connect- 2931 274,290 ed at the same point to the wire D between the stations, so that a divided source of electric energy is formed, as in the previous cases. Current flows through feeding-conductors P' 5 P² to main conductors p p, thence through cross-circuits containing translating devices to main conductors n n, by a conductor, o, to district C', through translating devices to main conductors p, and back to the generators 10 by feeders N' N². It is evident that each trans- lating device in district C is in series with one in district C', though all such devices are independently controllable, the conductors 4 acting to compensate for the removal of any 15 device on either side. It is evident that any desired number of districts might be con- nected in this manner by proportionately di- viding the source of energy, so that currents of very high electro-motive force may be em- 20 ployed. Fig. 5 illustrates the application of my invention to a single generator, A, of high electro-motive force. The main current is taken from the machine by the commutator-brushes F F, to which are 25 connected the main conductors P N, and an | extra brush, F', is provided between the main brushes, from which runs the compensating- conductor 4. Lamps a are arranged as in Fig. 1. The current taken by the extra brush neu- 30 tralizes the tendency for current to return on the compensating-wire, so that no current traverses that wire so long as the number of translating devices remains the same on each side of the same, while as the numbers 35 vary, current traverses such conductors in one or the other direction, as previously ex- plained. It is evident that the generator may be still further divided by the use of a greater number 40 of extra brushes and compensating-conduct- ors. In Fig. 6, D D are secondary batteries, P N being the main conductors, and 4 the central conductor. R R are the adjustable resist- 45 ances, for the purpose before described. It is evident that with either of the forms de- scribed the adjustable resistances R R may or may not be used, as found necessary. Fig. 7 illustrates the use of the earth as a 50 compensating-conductor, which arrangement may be convenient in some cases, though I usually prefer to use a metallic conductor. The generators A A are connected by wire | | 3 3 in series, and conductors P N extend from them. Translating devices a' are connected 55 with conductor P, and also to earth E, and translating devices a, connected to conductor N, are also connected to earth. Between the generators A A wire 3 is connected to earth, as shown. It will readily be seen that current 60 will pass through the earth from P to N, and thus through both sets of translating devices in multiple series. An amount of current due to the inequality between the devices a and a' will, it is evident, pass between wire 3 and 65 the translating devices through the earth in the same manner as explained with reference to the metallic conductor 4 of Fig. 1. What I claim is- 1. In a system of electrical distribution hav- 70 ing translating devices arranged in multiple seriès, the compensating conductor or conduct- ors connecting the translation-circuits with the source of energy, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 75 2. A system of electrical distribution having in combination the following elements, viz: a divided source of electrical energy, main con- ductors extending therefrom, translating de- vices arranged in multiple series, and a com- 80 pensating conductor or conductors connecting the translation-circuits with the source of en- ergy at the points of division, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. In a system of electrical distribution, the 85 combination, with translating devices ar- ranged in series across main conductors, of a source of electric energy divided into as many parts as there are lamps in series, and a com- pensating conductor or conductors connected 90 between the divisions of the source of energy and between the lamps in series, substan- tially as set forth. 4. The combination, with a source of elec- trical energy, of main conductors leading 95 therefrom, translating devices in circuit from said main conductors, a compensating-con- ductor, and an adjustable resistance in each of said main conductors, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 20th day of November, 1882. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, EDWARD H. PYATT. TOO 2932 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. No. 283,983. @ Fig. 1. J B Patented Aug. 28, 1883. F 3 4 A' A 5 C' 3 I' fi a' a' ATTEST: && Rowlands скливал 4 9 9 1 2 5 e' Ja' Qa' a' ક A INVENTOR: Thomas A. Edison By Rich St. Dyer. Atty. THE NORAIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 2933 (No Model.) h T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. 3 Sheets-Sheet 2. Patented Aug. 28, 1883. Fig. 2. No. 283,983. Eg E 5 B 5 Ą Ž A 3 7 Da Da Da ATTEST: &C. Bowland ски adely aro par par a' 9 4 9 A 'A' ŏ 2' § 2 9 1 2 a a ळ INVENTOR: Thomas A. Edison, By Rich. It. Dyer. Acty. THE NORRIS PETERS CO, PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 2934 (No Model.) No. 283,983. T. A. EDISON. 3 Sheets-Sheet 3. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Aug. 28, 1883. Fig. 3. 1 # B ATTEST. &C Roylands ских enterey E 12 R 13- 14 2 Å 'd ра a A दळ a ४ INVENTOR: Thomas A. Edison By Rich. J. Dyer, Aby. THE NORRIS PETERS CO, PHOTO-LITHO, WASHINGTON, DC 2935 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 5 THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 283,983, dated August 28, 1883. Application filed April 17, 1823. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, (Case No. 557,) of which the fol- lowing is a specification. ing devices from one part of the system to an- other. In the accompanying drawings is shown the 55 application of my invention to a compensat- ing system. Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating the pre- ferred automatic arrangement; Fig. 2, one showing the mode of controlling the devices 60 from the central station, and Fig. 3 illustrates the mode of both controlling and operating the devices from the central station. This invention relates, mainly, to compen- sating systems of electrical distribution such 10 as are described in my Patent No. 274,290, in which a divided source of electrical energy is employed to supply electric lamps or other E E are dynamo-electric machines placed translating devices arranged in multiple se- in series and forming the divided source of en- 55 ries, and a compensating conductor or conduct-ergy, the compensating-conductor B extend- 15 ors extend from between the translating de- ing from the point of division. 1 2 are the vices to the point or points of division of the main conductors. The circuits containing source of energy to preserve the balance of the lamps or other translating devices, a, are ar- system. The invention is also applicable, ranged to be thrown from one side of the sys- 70 however, to those systems in which a main tem to the other. The lamps a' are connected 20 conductor is divided into series of branches, in permanent multiple-arc circuits, each con- such branches containing the translating de nected to a main conductor and the compen- sating-conductor. vices. The object of the invention is to preserve, by devices either operating automatically or con- 25 trolled from the central station or source of supply, the equality of the number of trans- lating devices in the different parts or branches of systems of the character described. To ac- complish this automatically I provide means 30 controlled by variations in current, which, when the number of translating devices in one part of the system is too great, so that the current declines in such part, operate circuit- controlling devices, which shift a portion of 35 the translating device from that part of the system to another, whereby the balance is maintained. To control the devices from the central sta- tion, which may be preferable to the automatic 40 operation, I may place each set in connection with a circuit running back to said station, so that by opening and closing such circuit the devices may be put in condition to be oper- ated according to the preponderance of cur- 45 rent in either part of the system; or I may place all the electric controlling devices which operate in the same direction and are ar- ranged to be affected by different amounts of current in the same circuit, and vary the cur- 50 ent in such circuit so as to throw into opera- tion more or less of such controlling devices and shift a greater or less number of translat- Referring to Fig. 1, A A' are electro-mag- 75 nets. Each magnet A is connected by con- ductor 3 and conductors 5 and 9 between the main conductor 1 and the compensating-con- ductor B. Each magnet A' is similarly con- nected between main conductor 2 and con- 80 ductor B by conductors 4, 5, and 9. Thus the magnet A is affected where there is an excess of current in main conductor 1, and magnet A' when such excess occurs in conductor 2, by reason of the decrease in the number of trans- 85 lating devices on either side. Between the magnets A A' is the pivoted armature-lever b, which carries the two-armed circuit-controller e d. Arm c To the arm'c is connected the conductor 7, 90 and to arm & the conductor 8, which form a circuit, across which the translating devices a a are arranged in multiple arc. plays between contact dand contact e, the lat- ter of which is connected with main conduct- 95 or through wire 3. Arm e' is placed between contacts a' and e', the latter being connected to conductor 2 through wire 4. Both con- tacts dd' are connected to compensating-con- ductor B by conductor 9, ƒ being a metallic 100 cylinder. When the current in main conductor 1 is in excess of that in main conductor 2, it is desir- able to shift a portion of the translating de- 2936 2 283,983 vices from the latter to the former. The mag- net A is energized by the excess of current and draws the armature b toward it, the ball and spring g assisting to throw the armature 5 over, the arm c making contact with e, and the arm & with d', as shown. A circuit is thus formed, including the lamps a, from conductor 1 to conductor B via 3, 10, 7, 8, ƒ, and 9. When the current becomes stronger in con- Io ductor 2, the magnet A' is more greatly ener- gized and draws the armature b toward it, closing circuit at e' and d, and thus placing | the lamps a between the conductors 2 and B. It is evident that as many sets of magnets 15 A A', with devices controlled thereby, may be provided, as desired. Each house or building in the district may be so provided, or only a few arranged to preserve the balance to a suf- ficient extent. The magnets would be ar- 20 ranged to operate with different amounts of current, so that successive changes would be made as desired. It is evident, also, that the invention can be as readily applied if the system is divided into 25 more than two parts by more than one com- pensating-conductor. 30 and the magnets A' are similarly arranged with relation to each other. Hence by adjust- ing the resistance R to different extents more 70 or less of the series of magnets which is in cir- cuit at the time can be made to act and to throw the circuits controlled by them into con- nection with the opposite side of the system from before. Suitable indicating devices are provided at the central station, as before explained, • 75 As shown, the magnets A' are in circuit, but the current is insufficient to cause both to attract their armatures. By adjusting the re- 80 sistance the other magnet may be caused to act, and the circuit controlled by it can be con- necfed across the other side of the circuit. By this arrangement the devices are both controlled and operated from the central sta- 85 tion. It is evident that any desired number of magnets with their accompanying apparatus may be used. It is evident that instead of using an adjust- 90 able resistance each magnet could be placed in a separate circuit, means being provided at the central station for closing the circuit of any magnet, as desired. The arrangement illustrated in Fig. 2 is the same as that just described, except that the In applying this invention to a system in 95 conductors 5 of each set, instead of being con- which feeding-conductors are used it is pre- nected directly with the compensating-con- ferred to place near the extremity of each ductor, runs to the central station, where it is feeding-circuit, a number of the electrically. connected with a contact-plate, h. Circuit is operated compensating arrangements indicat- 'completed by the insertion of plugs between ing circuits being provided, as usual. the plates h and plate i, which is connected the indicators show too much or too little press- 35 by conductor 11 with the compensating-con-ure at the terminals of any circuit, one or more ductor. Indicating circuits and devices are provided, as shown in my Patent 266,793, of October 31, 1882, to show the electrical condition at differ- 40 ent parts of the system. When 100 of the magnets at that locality will be energized and caused to change the connection of the devices controlled by it. In series systems wherein a main conductor is divded into two or more series of divisions When it is desired to throw any set of trans- or branches, each branch containing a trans- lating devices into connection with the oppo-lating device, and the source of energy not be- site side of the system, circuit is closed at hi to the set of controlling-magnets A A', which 45 it is desired to operate, and that magnet will be affected which is in connection with the side having the preponderance of current, the ef- fect being the same as before explained. The electrical devices are thus controlled from the 50 station, but operated automatically. In Fig. 3 the two magnets A are placed in series in a circuit, 12 14, and the magnets A are similarly arranged in a circuit, 13 14. The switch k closes either of these circuits, as de- 55 sired. The operation of the magnets upon the devices affected by them is similar to that de- scribed with reference to Fig. 1. R is an adjustable resistance in the con- ductor which runs to the switch k. By ad- 60 justing this resistance the current in the cir- cuit 12-14 or 13 14, as the case may be, is va- ried. The magnets A are so arranged, either by difference of winding, difference in distance 65 between magnet and armature, or otherwise, that a different amount of current is required to cause each magnet to attract its armature, 105 ing divided, my invention may be applied to 110 change the connection of a branch from one series to another. It is evident that this ar- rangement is the same as that in Fig. 1, ex- cept that the compensating-conductor B would not be connected between the generators, one 115 generator being used alone, or two or more with ordinary series or multiple-arc connections. In a compensating system, if the number of translating devices in the district becomes at any time so small that it can be supplied by 120 one division of the source of energy, all such translating devices can be thrown onto one side of the district, the system becoming then an ordinary multiple-arc system, with the un- necessary generators out of use, and the com- 125 pensating-conductor forming one of the main conductors of the system. It is to be understood that all patentable features of novelty shown or described, but not claimed herein, are reserved for protection by 130 other patents, and have been or will be in- cluded in other applications for patents. What I claim is- 1. In a compensating system of electrical 2937 283,983 distribution, the combination, with a translat- ing device or group thereof, of automatically operated means for changing the connections of such device or group from one part of the 5 system to another, to maintain the balance of the system, substantially as set forth. 2. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination, with a translat- ing device or group thereof, of electrically-op- 10 erated means for changing the connection of such device or group from one part of the sys- tem to another, substantially as set forth. 3. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination, with a translat- 15 ing device or group thereof, of means controlled from the central station for changing the con- nection of such device or group from one part of the system to another, substantially as set forth. 20 4. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination, with a translat- ing device or group thereof, of means, controlled from the central station and operated auto- matically by the current in the system, for 25 changing the connection of such device or group from one part of the system to another, sub- stantially as set forth. 3 5. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination, with a translat- ing device or group thereof, of oppositely- 30 acting electro-magnetic devices energized by the current in the system, and circuit-con- trolling mechanism controlled by said electro- magnetic devices for changing the connections of such translating device or group from one 35 part of the system to another, substantially as set forth. 6. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination, with a translat- ing device or group thereof, of two electro- 40 magnets, one connected with each part of the system, and circuit-controlling devices con- trolled by said electro-magnets, whereby when the current in one part, is stronger than in an- other, the connections of such translating de- 45 vice or group are changed from the weaker side to the stronger, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 5th day of April, 1883. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, EDWARD H. PYATT. 2938 E (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. T. A. EDISON & C. L. CLARKE. REGULATOR FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Oct. 30, 1883. No. 287,525. H WITNESSES: Eward C. Rowland Wes Seely K G O h A の ​Ý e ① B Di | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | T 08 08 岛 ​00 19 08 09 08 08 16 8-0 BD 09 08 08 0 a الی a J Fog.1. INVENTORS: Thomas A. Edison, Charles L. Clarke, By Rich At Dyer. Abby. THE NORRIS PETERS CO PHOTO-LITHO WASHINGTON, DC 2939 (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. T. A. EDISON & C. L. CLARKE. REGULATOR FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. No. 287,525. D' F. B 2 Fig. 3. Patented Oct. 30, 1883. A F 3. B h Exig.2. f С WITNESSES: E.C. Bowland Valituly a . a 4 오 ​C Fig4. INVENTORS: Thamas A. Edison, ма Charles L. Clarke, By Rich. Dye Joy. THE NORRIS PETERS CO, PHOTO-LITHO WASHINGTON, D 2940 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, AND CHARLES L. CLARKE, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNORS TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. REGULATOR FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 287,525, dated October 30, 1883. Application filed October 20, 1882. (No model.) Patented in England October 14, 1882, No. 4,884, and in France October 31, 1882, No. 151,841. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, and CHARLES L. 5 CLARKE, of the city, county, and State of New York, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in Regulators for Systems of Electrical Distribution, of which the following is a specification. ΙΟ Our invention relates to a regulating appa- ratus used in connection with a system of elec- trical distribution in which the current is dis- tributed from a central point to various parts of a district where lamps, motors, and other trans- 15 lating devices are arranged in multiple arc. In such a system the generators at the central station are connected with feeding-circuits on which no lamps are placed, but which are con- nected at suitable points with the street-mains 20 on multiple-arc circuits from which the lamps are placed. In such a system it is necessary to preserve a constant electro-motive force or "pressure" in the circuits where the translat-. ing devices are placed. The electro-motive 25 force at the end of a feeding-circuit is indicated by a suitable device placed at the central sta- tion and connected by an auxiliary circuit with the end of the feeding-circuit, and it is regu- lated in accordance with such indications by 30 varying the resistance of the feeding-circuit, all of which is fully set forth in the applica- tion of the said Edison filed December 9, 1881, (Serial No. 47,468.) According to our inven- tion, this variation is accomplished by causing 35 each feeding-circuit to be broken at a conven- ient point, and providing a number of paths for the current across such break, each of con- siderable resistance, means being provided for throwing into circuit more or less of such 40 paths, as desired. Such paths or resistances, it will be understood, are in multiple-arc rela- tion to each other, and consequently the more we place in circuit the less the resistance of the feeder and the greater the amount of cur- 45 rent supplied to the lamps. It is usually customary to vary the resist- ance of a circuit by throwing more or less re- sistance in series, so to speak, directly into Such circuit. We, however, prefer the mode just described, for here as fast as we decrease 50 the resistance, and thereby increase the cùr- rent in the circuit, we correspondingly in- crease the current-carrying capacity of this portion of the circuits per unit of length, while in the old way, when the current is increased, 55 the conductivity of the circuit remains the same, and there may be danger of exceeding the capacity of the conductors. The prefera- ble form of apparatus for this purpose we have found to be as follows: The wire or cable 60 from one pole of the generator or generators is connected to one of two metal pipes, pref- erably of copper, which are placed, prefer- ably, one above the other, or in any conven- ient position. The conductor from the other 65 pole is connected directly to the feeding-cir- cuit, while the return-conductor of such cir- cuit is connected with the second pipe. It is understood that each feeding-circuit of the district is provided with the apparatus de- 70 scribed. To the lower pipe are attached, at short distances apart and along its entire length in any suitable manner, the ends of the carbon rods, the other end of each of which is connected with the lower end of a 75 spring whose upper end approaches nearly to but does not touch the upper pipe. Prefer- ably a number of these carbon rods are placed in series between the lower pipe and each spring. Pivoted at one end to the frame which 80 supports the pipes is a "knife," consisting of a suitable back and a handle of insulating ma- terial, with a copper plate or blade, such blade being preferably broad at its outer end and narrow near the handle. Such knife is 85 so placed that the blade can be forced down between the upper pipe and the springs and make electrical connection between them, more or less of the springs being in contact with the pipe, according as the blade is pressed 90 down or drawn up. It is evident that as more springs are con- nected with the pipe more of the carbon rods will be placed in multiple arc between the pipes, 2941 2 287,525 | and consequently the greater will be the con- portion of both, so that a double clamp is ductivity of the feeding-circuit of which such formed for holding two carbons. Metal pieces pipes form a part. Therefore, when more trans- e are attached at one end to the side of pipe lating devices are placed in the consumption- B, and to the other end of each a piece, f, is at- 5 circuit in the vicinity of the point of connection tached, which enters the clamp c, whose other 70 between the feeder and such circuit, the blade is half holds a carbon rod. Four of these rods pushed down and more of the rods thrown into are shown in Fig. 2 as connected in series, the circuit, and when such devices are removed end of the last carbon being attached to the from circuit the blade is raised. At one end the piece g, to which is fastened the spring h, 10 pipes are connected by a rubber or other tube; which approaches nearly but does not touch 75 and one pipe is connected at its other end to the pipe A. All the pieces g are secured to a source of water-supply, so that a circulation | the strip i, which is of wood or other insulat- of water is kept up and the pipes are kept ing material. F is a copper blade, of the form cool. A weight is attached to the knife as a shown in Fig. 1, attached to a suitable back, 15 counter-balance to hold it in the position in G, and having a handle, H. The knife thus 80 which it is placed; or a spring or suitable fric-formed is pivoted at I. Such knife, it will be tion devices may be used for this purpose. seen, can be forced down between the springs Each dynamo or magneto electric machine of h and the tube A to any desired distance and the battery of such machines supplying the again withdrawn, thus connecting the pipes 20 feeding-circuits is regulated for the total num- through more or less of the carbon rods a a, 85 ber of translating devices in circuit in any and increasing or diminishing the conductiv- suitable way, preferably by throwing resist- ity of the feeding-circuit 3 4. The conductors ance into and out of its field-circuit, while the are fastened to the pipes in any suitable man- adjustable resistances in the feeder - circuits ner. J is a counterbalance - weight used to 25 are used to regulate for the unequal distribu- hold the knife in the position in which it is 90 tion throughout the system (the variations in placed. By means of rubber tube K water is location of translating devices) without refer- introduced into pipe A, which flows off through ence to the total number of translating de- tube L. vices in circuit. 30 Instead of the form of variable resistance above described, the calorimeter barrels shown in the application of Edison above re- ferred to may be used, the knife above de- scribed being employed to place a greater or 35 less number of the wire coils in circuit. Our invention may be better understood by reference to the annexed drawings, in which Figure 1 is a front elevation of the regulat- ing apparatus; Fig. 2, a transverse vertical 40 section of the same; Fig. 3, a diagram illus- trating the circuit-connections, and Fig. 4 a top view of the clamp which holds the car- bon rods. A and B are the two pipes, filled with wa- 45 ter and connected together by rubber tube C. Referring to Fig. 3, a main conductor, 1, from the generator or generators represented at D is connected to the pipe A, while main conductor 2 is connected to the conductor 3 of 50 the feeding-circuit 3 4. Such feeding-cir- cuit runs to a point where the circuits b b', which supply the translating devices of the system, are connected to it in multiple arc. The conductor 4 of the feeding-circuit is con- 55 nected to the pipe B. D'is the adjustable resistance in the field-circuit of the genera- tor D. Referring to Figs. 1 and 2, E is a suitable frame, which supports the pipes A and B. a 60 a are carbon rods having their ends held in clamps c, such clamps being preferably of the form shown in Fig. 4-viz., being made in two parts, each part consisting of two curves joined together by a straight piece, and a 65 screw, d, being passed through the straight It is to be understood that all patentable features of invention shown or described but 95 not claimed herein are reserved for protec- tion in other patents, and have been or will be embodied in other applications for patents. What we claim is- 1. The combination, with an opened elec- 100 trical circuit, of a series of resistances con- nected in multiple arc with the circuit on one side of the break, separate spring-terminals to such resistances, a conductor connected with the circuit on the other side of the break 105 and crossing said spring-terminals in close proximity thereto, and an intermediate cir- cuit-controlling device making a sliding or rubbing contact between said conductor and more or less of the resistance-terminals, sub- 110 stantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with the parallel con- ductors, of the carbon resistances attached to one conductor, the springs attached to such resistances, and the copper blade for electri- 115 cally connecting more or less of such springs with the other conductor, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with an electrical cir- cuit, of a resistance, an adjusting device for 120 throwing the resistance into and out of cir- cuit, and a water-pipe for conducting off the heat, the circuits of the resistance being made and broken upon such water-pipe, substan- tially as set forth. 125 4. The combination, with an electrical cir- cuit, of a series of exposed carbon rods serv- ing as resistances, means for throwing such rods into and out of circuit, and a water-pipe for conducting off the heat, the circuits of the 130 < 2942 287,525 carbon rods being made and broken upon such water-pipe, substantially as set forth. 5. The combination, with an opened elec- trical circuit, of metallic water-pipes form- 5 ing the terminals of the circuit, resistances in multiple arc between such water-pipes, and means for throwing the resistances into and out of circuit, substantially as set forth. 3. This specification signed and witnessed this 4th day of October, 1882. Witnesses: H. W. SEELY, E. H. PYATT. THOS. A. EDISON. CHAS. L. CLARKE. 2943 ATTEST &C. Rowlands July Menny W. Seely 2 THE NORRIS PETENY CO, PHOTO-LITHÔ, WASHINGTON, D c. EL Ź 16 EL 29 20 오오오​아 ​B W heal ས།.. B 15 18 3 老 ​71 11 ť ܨܘ 12 14 14 14 ¡ R I I (No Model.) No. 280,727. 이중 ​INVENTOR. James A Edison вікон, ما By Rich it. Dyer, Ady. 3 T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. R 1 6 15 Patented July 3, 1883. 22 ain 임 ​5 23 77 4 23 Ч 23 5 23 H 23 2944 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. • THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY, ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 280,727, dated July 3, 1883. Application filed March 16, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, (Case No. 544,) of which the fol- lowing is a specification. In my system of electrical distribution I employ at a central station several dynamo- 10 electric machines for generating current, which is then conveyed by feeding-conductors to the circuits which contain the translating devices of the district. My invention relates to the arrangement of 15 the various devices and apparatus at such central stations, having for its object, princi- pally, the maintaining of a constant electro- înotive force throughout the system, and also to promote the general efficiency and economy 20 of the system. in order to prevent such a sudden accession of current in the district as cannot be readily com- pensated for by the field-resistances. This is accomplished as follows: When the generator is to be connected, instead of connecting its 55 armature at once to the main conductors, it is connected with other conductors,from which multiple - arc connections are made to the lamps within the station, which are commonly termed "testing-lamps." These lamps are di- 60 vided into groups, and a switch-board is pro- vided by which more or less of these groups may be placed in circuit. As many lamps are first included as are being supplied in the dis- trict by each of the machines already in cir- 65 cuit. The armature-circuit to the main con- | ductors is then also closed, which makes the testing - lamps a part of the circuit sup- plied by all the generators. The throwing in of the additional generator,therefore, produces 70 In carrying out my invention I connect the no material effect on the current in the trans- two or more generators employed in multiple lating devices without the station, and any arc from the same main conductors, each ar- slight change in electro-motive force is com- mature and each field-magnet being in its pensated for by adjusting the field-circuit re- 25 own separate multiple-are circuit. In con- sistance. The testing-lamps are then grad- 75 nection with each machine I preferably em- ually plugged out at the switch-board, the reg- ploy a single circuit-controller of such formulating-resistances being constantly adjusted that it will break both the field and the ar- to maintain a constant electro-motive force. mature circuit by the same movement, and The testing-lamps can, however, be used also 30 the latter somewhat in advance of the former, for testing the efficiency of the generators. 8c for if the field-circuit were broken before the To accomplish this the field and armature cir- armature-circuit, the main conductors would cuits of each generator can be disconnected be short-circuited and the armature burned from the main conductors of the system and out. Separate circuit-controllers might, how- connected to the main testing-circuit. By 35 ever, be employed, care being taken to always means of the switch-board a greater or less 85 break the armature-circuit before the field. number of the testing-lamps may be placed In each field-circuit is placed an adjustable in circuit. The armature-circuit of each ma- resistance of suitable construction. The feed- chine contains a safety-catch of the proper ing-conductors, which convey the current to size to prevent injury to the armature. Each 40 the incandescent electric lamps or other trans- feeding-conductor also contains such a safety- 90 lating devices of the system, are connected catch, and around each safety-catch is a shunt, in multiple arc to the main conductors. Each which may be closed by the insertion of a plug, feeding-circuit contains an adjustable resist- if the safety-catch is destroyed, to maintain ance, and may be provided with a suitable cir- circuit while such safety-catch is replaced. 45 cuit-controller. Within the station are pro- Around each armature and field-circuit con- 95 vided, also, al arge number of electric lamps, troller is placed a similar shunt, which is which are thrown into circuit whenever an ad- closed by a plug after the circuit is closed, to ditional generator is connected to the main prevent heating at the contacts of the circuit- conductors to compensate for such addition controller. 50 in the translating devices without the station, My invention is illustrated in the accompa- 10C 2945 2 280,727 nying drawing, which is a diagram of the cir- cuits and apparatus at a central station. | side are attached a number of carbon rods k, and the metal blade l is in sliding contact with A A are dynamo-electric machines. Pref- the other side. When such blade is pressed 70 erably each of said machines is driven by a down, it places more or less of the carbon rods 5 steam-engine, the armature being revolved di- in multiple arc across the break, and so de- rectly by the shaft of the engine without the creases or increases the resistance of the cir- use of belts or other gearing, and the engine cuit. These resistances are to regulate the and generator being both mounted on the same current in the feeders for variations in the 75 bed-plate. From the commutator-brushes of number of translating devices in the part of to each machine a circuit, 3 4, leads, which is the district contiguous to the terminals of each connected to the main conductors 1 2. A feeder. A guard-plug shunt, 13, is formed conductor, 5, connected to armature-circuit around each resistance, so that circuit may be conductor 3, includes the field-magnet coils of completed if it is desired to dispense with such 80 the machine, and thence extends to the ad- resistances. Each feeding-circuit is provided 15 justable resistance B. This resistance is pref- with a plug, t, for opening and closing the cir- erably of the form shown in my application cuit. This, however, may be dispensed with, No. 540, (Serial No. 82,565.) The end of arm and the circuits made and broken by inserting a rests on a circle of contact-plates, b, (only a and removing the safety-catches and guard- 85 portion of which are shown,) which are con- plugs. Each feeding-circuit leaves the sta- 20 nected to resistance-coils c c, and the revolution inclosed in a tube, F. In each feeding- tion of said arm, throws such coils in or out of circuit. Such arm bears constantly on a metal ring, d, from which the conductor 5 runs to a conductor, 6. A single conductor, 7, runs 25 from wire 6 to main conductor 2, forming a common return for the field-circuits of both or all the generators. Preferably means are provided whereby all the resistances B may be simultaneously ad- 30 justed, as set forth in my application last re- ferred to. The resistances are to regulate the electro-motive force of the machines according to the whole number of translating devices in circuit in the system. 35 In each armature-circuit is placed a circuit- controller, C, and 'in each field-circuit a cir- cuit-controller, D, the circuits being opened and closed by the withdrawal or entrance of contacts e between contacts f. Preferably the 40 circuit-controllers C and D of a machine are operated by the same movement, circuit being broken somewhat sooner and closed somewhat later at C than at D, the moving contacts of both being attached to the same pivoted arm, 45 as set forth in my application No. 543, (Serial No. 88,355.) Around each circuit-controller is a shunt, 8, broken at contacts gg. These shunts are to be closed by the insertion of guard-plugs when the circuits are closed at C 50 D, to prevent heating of the latter contacts. Each armature-circuit contains, also, a safety- catch, h, to prevent injury to the armature by an excessive reduction of resistance of the ex- ternal circuit, and around each safety-catch is 55 a guard-plug shunt, 9, by which the circuit may be completed while the safety-catch is re- placed. To the main conductors 1 2 are connected feeding-conductors 11 12, by which current is 60 conveyed to the different parts of the district supplied from the station. A conductor, 11, of each feeding-circuit includes an adjustable resistance, E. This resistance is preferably like that shown in the joint application of 65 Charles L. Clarke and myself, (Serial No. 74,778.) The conductor 11 is broken, and the two parts lie parallel with each other. On one conductor is a safety-catch, m, and around each safety-catch is a guard-plug shunt, 14, for the purpose above explained. 90 The testing-lamps are represented by p p. 15 16 are the main testing-conductors. To con- nect the armature of a generator to this cir- cuit, the circuit-controller C and shunt 8 are opened, and shunt 17 is closed by inserting a 95 plug at o. This connects conductor 4 to 16, instead of to 2, and, as conductor 15 is already connected to conductor 1 by conductor 18, the armature-circuit is thus connected to the main testing-circuit. To connect the field of a gen- 100 erator, conductor 5 is broken at rand conduct- or 19 closed at s, making connection to con- ductor 20, from which conductor 21 runs to main testing-conductor 16. The lamps p are divided into groups, each of a suitable num- 105 ber. Two of such groups, G and G', are shown. From conductor 15 a wire, 22, runs to a switch- board, II, and from the opposite terminals of the switch-board wires 23 run, one to a con- ductor of each group of lamps. The opposite 110 conductor of each group is connected through conductor 21 to conductor 16. Each group of lamps is connected in circuit by the insertion of a plug between the proper terminals of the switch-board. Thus any desired load may be 11 put upon a generator, whereby its capacity and efficiency may be tested. The main object of the testing-lamps-that is, to compensate in the translating devices of the system without the station.when an additional generator is 120 placed in circuit to prevent a sudden increase in electro-motive force by such addition-is, however, accomplished as follows: When such an increase of lamps is expected in the dis- trict as will require the addition of a gen- 125 erator to those already in circuit, as many groups of lamps p are connected by means of the switch-board II to the main testing- circuit 15 16 as are supplied by each of the already connected generators. circuit of the generator is closed by the in- sertion of a plug in the shunt 8 around the circuit-controller D, the plugs being also in- serted at rand s. The shunt 17 is then closed 115/ The field- 130 2946 : 280,727 at o, which connects the generator with all the testing-lamps connected at the switch-board. The circuit-controller C is then closed, which connects both the lamps and the generator to 5 the main circuit. The proportion of genera- tors and lamps throughout the entire system thus remains the same or nearly the same, any slight difference being adjusted by regulating the resistances B B. The groups G of test- 1ɔ ing-lamps are then cut out of circuit at the switch-board, one after another, and the field- resistances are adjusted so that a constant electro-motive force is maintained. By the use of the regulating means de- 15 scribed-first, means situated within the sta- tion for compensating in the translating de- vices without the station for the addition of a generator to the main circuit; second, the ad- justable resistances in the fieid-circuits for ad- 20 justing the gradual variations which occur in the total number of lamps in circuit; and, third, the adjustable resistances in the feed- ing-circuits, forming regulators for variations at the different centers of consumption-I am 25 enabled to maintain a practically - constant electro-motive force throughout the system under all circumstances, and, in addition, I may, if desired, regulate the entire system by the connection and disconnection of feeders. It is to be understood that all patentable features of invention described or shown, but not claimed herein, are reserved for protec- tion by other patents, and have been or will be embraced in other applications for patents. What I claim is— 30 35 1. In a system of electrical distribution, means situated within the central station for compensating in the translating devices with- out the station for the increased electro-mo- 40 tive force caused by the addition of a gener- ator to those already in circuit, substantially as set forth. 2. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of two or more generators, the 45 main circuit, means for separately connecting said generators thereto, the circuit containing the testing or compensating lamps, and means for separately connecting the generators to said circuit, substantially as set forth. 50 | 3 Со 1 | each having its field and its armature in a sep- arate multiple-arc circuit from the main con- ductors, of means for disconnecting the arma- ture-circuit alone or both the field and arma- 65 ture from said main conductors and connect- ing them instead to a circuit containing test- ing or compensating lamps, substantially as set forth. 5. The testing or compensating lamps ar- 70 ranged in groups, in combination with means for placing more or less of such groups in con- nection with the generators, substantially as set forth. 6. The combination, with the testing or 75 compensating lamps arranged to be gradually thrown out of circuit, of the adjustable re- sistances in the field-circuits of the generators, for compensating for the variations in electro- motive force, substantially as set forth. 80 7. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of the testing or compensating lamps, the adjustable resistances in the field- circuits of the generators, and the adjustable resistances in the feeding-circuits, whereby a 85 constant electro-motive force is maintained throughout the system, substantially as set forth. 8. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of the adjustable resistances in 90 the field-circuits of the generators, and the adjustable resistances in the feeding-circuits, substantially as set forth. 9. The method of maintaining a constant electro-motive force in a system of electrical 95 distribution employing two or more gener- ators when an additional generator is placed. in circuit, consisting in first connecting said generator with a number of lamps not con- nected with the rest of the system, and then 100 connecting it also with the main circuit of the system, whereby the proportion of lamps and generators remains the same, substantially as set forth. 10. The method of maintaining a constant 105 electro-motive force in a system of electrical distribution employing two or more gener- ators when an additional generator is placed in circuit, consisting in first connecting said generator with a number of lamps not con- 110 3. In a system of electrical distribution, the nected with the rest of the system, then con- combination of the two or more generators, necting it also with the main circuit of the sys- the main circuit, means for separately con- tem, and then gradually removing said lamps, necting said generators to said main circuit, at the same time regulating the adjustable re- the circuit containing the testing or compen-sistances in the field-circuits of the generators, 115 55 sating lamps, means for separately connecting substantially as set forth. the generators thereto, and means for connect- ing the main circuit with the testing or com- pensating lamp-circuit, substantially as set forth. 60 4. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of the two or more generators, This specification signed and witnessed this 13th day of February, 1883. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. H. W. SEELY, EDWARD II. PYATT. H. 2947 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. 2 Sheets Sheet 1. Patented Apr. 6, 1886. No. 339,279. 1 2 Fig.1. F H ·E G G' E D D G Ꭱ leeleeet a R B 3 4 தை Π 9 WITNESSES: Rayland H.W. Diddl. Leeeeee Lege B A 10 5 6 2 INVENTOR: Tomas A. Bren By Ried A. Dyer Rich Aby. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 2948 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. Patented Apr. 6, 1886. Fig 2. E G E G' F //ANITAANA G H No. 339,279. 2 a R eeeeeee! Π eeeeeeeee A. Π B B WITNESSES: Rowland AW. Hiddle. welers R eeeleel R A 1 ja 2 N PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C הד' veeteeeteel Æ Π H R INVENTOR: Hamas A. Edison, By Rich A Dyer Atty. 2949 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JERSEY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 339,279, dated April 6, 1886. Application filed April 5, 1884. Serial No. 126,803. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Menlo Park, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a new and 5 useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, (Case No. 618,) of which the fol- lowing is a specification. - My invention is illustrated in the annexed drawings, in which Figure 1 is a diagram il- lustrating its application to an ordinary mul- 55 tiple-arc system, while Fig. 2 shows it in con- nection with my three-wire or compensating system. 75 Referring first to Fig. 1, A A' are dynamo- This invention relates to the regulation of electric machines, and 1 2 are the common con- 60 the current supplied to the translating devices ductors at the central station, from which ex- to in a system of electrical distribution, in which tend the feeding-circuits 3 4 and 56. These, it such devices are connected with a system of is understood, are connected at different points intersecting and connected main conductors, to the system of intersecting and properly con- which are joined to the source of supply by nected positive and negative main conductors, 65 feeding circuits, and is intended as an im- on which the lamps, motors, or other trans- :5 provement upon the method of regulation set lating devices are arranged in multiple arc. forth in the patent granted to C. S. Bradley, The generators are connected in multiple arc No. 291,141, dated January 1, 1884. In that to the conductors through the switch-boards. patent the several dynamo-electric machines | B B, which are so connected that each gen- 7c or series of such machines at the central sta-erator may, by the insertion of the proper 20 tion or source of supply are connected inde- plugs connecting intersecting bars, be con- pendently with the feeding - circuits, and so nected with either feeding - circuit or either arranged that any machine may be thrown generator to both feeders, or both feeders to a into connection with any feeder, or a number single generator. of feeders may be supplied from any required 25 number of dynamo electric machines, each machine or series being also provided with means for regulating its electro-motive force independently of the others, whereby current may be supplied to each part of the district 30 according to the number of translating devices there in circuit, and the "pressure" is main- | tained the same at all parts of the district, all the translating devices receiving the same cur- rent. Thus, if the number of translating de- 35 vices in any part of the system is increased, the electro-motive force of the generator or generators connected to the feeder which ter- minates nearest to such point is increased; or, if the increase is very great, one or more ad- 40 ditional generators are attached to such feeder. My improvement upon this system consists in providing means whereby all the generators in circuit can be regulated simultaneously, in addition to their independent regulation, so 45 that the current in all the feeders, and there- fore that supplied to all the translating devices in the district, can be raised and lowered at the same time. I prefer to use for this pur- pose the apparatus set forth in my Patent No. 50 281,349, dated July 17, 1883, with an addi- tional device which allows the regulator-arms to be readily adjusted independently. - In the field-circuit of each machine is a re- sistance, R, adjustable by means of the arm C, in contact with plates a and metal ring b, so that by turning the arm more or less of the resistance-coils are thrown into circuit. From 80 each arm Ca spindle, D, (which for conven- ience of illustration is shown partly in dotted lines,) extends to a bevel wheel, E. These bevel-wheels engage with corresponding bevel- wheels, F, on the shaft G, which is provided 85 with a hand - wheel, H, for turning it. By turning the shaft all the resistances are ad- justed simultaneously and to the same extent. Each resistance is also provided with means for moving the adjusting-arm independently 90 of the common shaft. Such means consist of the arm G', which is locked at the position to which it is adjusted by the catch cand ratch- et d. The generators are respectively connected 95 to the feeders, and their electro-motive force adjusted by separately regulating their field- resistances until each feeder receives the right proportion of current. Then, in order to regulate the current to all the feeders and all ico the translating devices in the district, the re- |sistances are all adjusted simultaneously. In Fig. 2 an additional compensating-con- ductor, 1ª, is employed in each circuit. 2950 2 339,279 The generators are connected in series of two each, A A and A'A'. A system of this character is set forth in my Patent No. 274,290, dated March 20, 1883. The switch- 5 board connections are made for each series the same as for the single machines of Fig. 1, one or more series being connected to each feeder, as desired. To regulate the electro-motive force of one Io series, the resistance in the field-circuit of one machine or those of both machines of that series are adjusted, while by adjusting both resistances of one of the connected sets of re- sistances, or, if necessary, of both such con- 15 nected sets, the regulation of both series is effected. · 20 It is evident that each series of generators in Fig. 2 is the equivalent of a single genera- tor of Fig. 1. What I claim is- 1. The combination, in a system of electrical distribution, of two or more feeding-circuits for supplying current to the translating de- vices, two or more independent generators, 25 means for connecting said generators sepa- rately with said feeders, means for separately regulating each generator, and means for si- multaneously regulating all said generators, substantially as set forth. 2. In a system of electrical distribution, the 30 combination of the two or more feeding-cir- cuits supplying current to different parts of the district, two or more independent genera- tors, means for connecting each generator sep- arately with the feeders, an adjustable resist- 35 ance in the field - circuit of each generator, means for adjusting each resistance separately, and means for adjusting all said resistances simultaneously, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination of two or more dynamo- 10 electric machines, an adjustable resistance in the field-circuit of each machine, means for adjusting all said resistances simultaneously, and means for adjusting each resistance sep- arately, substantially as set forth. 45 This specification signed and witnessed this 8th day of February, 1884. Witnesses: THOS. A. EDISON. A. W. KIDDLE, E. C. ROWLAND. 2957 (No Model.) T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Oct. 14, 1890. No. 438,308. B a4 Fig. 3. A R Fig. 4 る ​مر Fig. 1. a N a E E' a P a 2 P2 N 73 {૭ P R n' P p² 2 n' 72 D2 x 70' EST: Buland Azer プ ​D2 n' 702 P n² D ' B A N Fig. 2. d n p' n' 702 D D 70 R THE KORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. R as oooooon ď n INVENTOR: Thomas A. Edwin Lury 2956 4 365,978 division of the source of supply, substantially as set forth. which said main circuit is broken and con- nected to suitable terminals, an additional ter- 10. In a system of electrical distribution, minal at each sub-station, a circuit composed 25 the combination of a source of supply, a main of positive, negative, and compensating con- 5 circuit extending therefrom, sub-stations at ductors extending, respectively, from said which said main circuit is broken and con- main-circuit terminals and said additional nected to suitable terminals, an additional ter- terminal at each sub-station, translating de- minal at each sub-station, a circuit composed of vices in multiple series supplied from said cir- 30 positive, negative, and compensating conduct- cuits, through which the main circuit is com- 10 ors extending, respectively, from said main-cir- pleted, conductors extending from between cuit terminals and said additional terminal at the sub-stations to points of division of the each sub-station, translating devices in multi-source of supply, and a conductor extending ple series supplied from said circuits, through from each of said additional terminals to a 35 which the main circuit is completed, conduct-point of subdivision of the source, each sub- 15 ors extending from between the sub-stations to division of the source being independently points of division of the source of supply, and regulable, substantially as set forth. à conductor extending from each of said addi- This specification signed and witnessed this tional terminals to a point of subdivision of 22d day of November, 1886. the source, substantially as set forth. 20 11. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a source of supply, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub-stations at Witnesses: WM. PELZER, THOS, A. EDISON. E. C. ROWland. 2955 3 365,978 including indicators d, extend to the sub-sta- tions, as before. Indicating-circuits p³ n³ ex- tend from the sub-stations to the main station and are connected with indicators e, by whose 5 indications the generators are regulated to af- fect the entire current supplied to each sub- district or that supplied to the entire system. The conductors T extend back from between sub-stations to the points of division of the Io source to balance the districts, as already ex- plained. What I claim is- 1. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a main station or source of sup- 15 ply, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub- stations at which the main circuit is broken, two or more feeding circuits extending from the main-circuit terminals at each sub-station, and a system of connected translation-circuits 20 for each sub station, to which both or all the feeding-circuits from that sub-station are con- nected at different points, substantially as set forth. 2. In a system of electrical distribution, the 25 combination of a main station or source of sup- ply, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub- stations, circuits extending from the main cir- cuit at such sub-stations, translating devices supplied with current by such sub-station cir- 30 cuits, indicating-circuits extending from the main circuit at such sub stations to indicating devices at the main station, and means at the main station for regulating the main circuit, substantially as set forth. 35 3. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a main station or source of supply, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub-stations at which said main circuit is broken, feeding-circuits extending from the 40 main-circuit terminals at the sub-stations to translation-circuits, through which the main- circuit connections are completed, means for regulating the pressure on each feeding cir- cuit, and means at the main station or source 45 of supply for regulating the main circuit, sub- stantially as set forth. | 3 70 a main circuit extending from one terminal to the other of said source, sub-stations at which said main circuit is broken, circuits extending from the main-circuit terminals at said sub- stations, translating devices supplied by said circuits, through which the main circuit is com- pleted, and conductors extending from the main circuit between the sub stations to the points of division of the source of supply, sub- 75 stantially as set forth. 6. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a divided source of electricity, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub-sta- tions at which said main circuit is broken, cir- 80 cuits extending from the main-circuit termi- nals at said sub-stations, translating devices supplied by said circuits, through which the main circuit is completed, conductors extend- ing from the main circuit between the sub- 85 stations to the points of division of the source of supply, and means for separately regulat- ing each division of the source of supply, sub- stantially as set forth. 7. In a system of electrical distribution, the 90 combination of two or more electrical gener- ators connected in series, a main-circuit ex- tending from the terminals of the series, sub- stations at which said main circuit is broken, circuits extending from the main-circuit ter- 95 minals at said sub-stations, translating devices supplied by said circuits, through which the main circuit is completed, conductors extend- ing from the main circuit between the sub-sta- tions to between the generators, and means for 100 regulating each of said generators, substan- tially as set forth. 8. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a divided source of electricity, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub sta- 105 tions at which the main circuit is broken, feed- ing-circuits extending from the main-circuit terminals at the sub-stations, translation-cir- cuits connected with said feeding - circuits, through which the main circuit is completed, 110 indicating and regulating devices at the sub- stations for said feeding-circuits, conductors 4. In a system of electrical distribution, the extending from the main circuit between the combination of a main station or source of sup- sub-stations to the points of division of the ply, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub- source of supply, and indicating and regulat- 115 50 stations at which said main circuit is broken, ing devices at the main station for each divis- feeding-circuits extending from the main-cir-ion of the source of supply, substantially as cuit terminals at each sub-station to transla- tion-circuits, through which the main-circuit connections are completed, indicating-circuits 55 extending from the outer terminals of each feeder to its sub-station, indicating devices connected therewith, means for regulating the pressure at each of said feeding circuits, indi- cating circuits extending from the main cir- 60 cuit at the sub-stations to the main station or source of supply, indicating devices connected therewith, and means at the main station for regulating the main circuit, substantially as set forth. 65 5. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a divided source of electricity, set forth. 9. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a main station or source of sup- 120 ply, a main circuit extending therefrom, sub- stations at which the main circuit is broken and connected to suitable terminals, an addi- tional terminal at each sub-station, a circuit composed of positive, negative, and compen- 125 sating conductors extending, respectively, from the main-circuit terminals and said additional terminal at each sub-station, translating de- vices in multiple series supplied from said circuits, through which the main circuit is 130 completed, and a conductor extending from each of said additional terminals to a point of 2954 2 15 365,978 ing of indicators dd, connected across the conductors of three-wire indicating - circuits p² n² c², one of which extends back from the terminals of each feeding-circuit into the sub- 5 station, and which continually show the press- ure at the points where the feeders are con- nected. The sub-station D' is similarly ar- ranged and equipped, the conductor 2 being carried to the terminal point P' and the con- 10 ductor 3 from the main source to the terminal N', and the feeders extending from terminals P', N', and C, and supplying translating devices a'g', and being provided with indicating and regulating apparatus precisely as explained with reference to the other station. It will be seen that the conductor 2 connects the two districts supplied from the two sub-stations in series with each other and with the generators at the main station. From any point on the 20 conductor 2 between the sub-stations a con- ductor, T, extends to the middle point of the series of generators, whereby a divided source of electricity is produced, at whose point of division the compensating conductor T is con- 25 nected. I have shown the conductor T as ex- tending from the terminal point P' in sub-sta- tion D'. The effect is evidently the same as though it were connected anywhere along the line 2 between the sub-stations. It will be 30 usually more convenient to make the connec- tion in the sub-station, as shown. 2 - | From the terminal point C in station D a conductor, T', extends, which is connected be- tween the generators A' and A³-that is, at 35 the middle point of one of the divisions of the source—and from C' in station D'a similar con- ductor, T, extends and is connected between | generators A and A', the two divisions of the source being thus themselves divided, or, in 40 other words, the source being thus subdivided into four subdivisions. Thus the two districts form a compensating or three wire system having a divided source and a compensating conductor, while each district is itself a three- 45 wire system having a divided source and a compensating conductor. The translating de- vices of the two districts are in multiple series with each other—that is, any two devices a a in series in district D are in series with two 50 translating devices a' a' in district D'. There are therefore four translating devices in se- ries, and hence high tension currents and small conductors are employed. At the same time all the translating devices are independ- 55 ent. In each sub-system, when the number of devices on the two sides becomes unequal, cur- rent flows in one direction or the other on con- ductors c and T'or T' to maintain the balance, and if the number of devices in one sub-system 60 differs from that in the other the balance is similarly preserved by the compensating con- ductor T. As stated, the adjustable resist- ances at the sub-stations are employed to keep a constant pressure at all the feeder terminals, 65 thus regulating for unequal distribution or changes in the number of translating devices 3 in circuit in different parts of the district. Indicating circuits also extend from the sub- stations to the main station, each of which consists of three conductors, psn c, including 70 suitable indicators, ee, by means of which the condition of each side of each sub-system is continually shown, and in accordance with which the generators are regulated together or separately to regulate the whole current 75 supplied to the entire system, or that supplied to each sub-system, or that supplied to each side of each sub-system. It is evident that there may be any desired number of sub-sta- tions and districts supplied therefrom, the So number of generators at the station being cor- respondingly increased, so that there will be one or more generators for each side of each sub-system, and conductors being run from be- tween the sub-stations to the points of division, 85 and from the middle terminals of the sub-sta- tions to the points of subdivision of the source. The generators` comprising the high-tension source are not necessarily all placed in the same building or at the same place; but they 9c may be placed at two or more different points, they being, however, always connected in se- ries by conductors extending between the different points. · In the above described system economy is 95 attained not only in conductors, but in other ways also. In the matter of renting or pur- chasing property for stations, for instance, for the main station may be placed at a distance from the thickly settled areas to be illumi- 100 nated, at a point where rents are low or prop- erty cheap, while for each of the sub-stations only a small room is necessary, which can be cheaply obtained, it being necessary only to have room enough for the indicators and ad- 105 justable resistances. A single attendant is kept at each sub-station, whose only duty is to observe the indicators and adjust the resist- ances accordingly. · In the modified arrangement shown in Fig. 110 2 each sub district is arranged as an ordinary two-wire multiple-arc system, although the general system is a compensating system. Three sub-stations, D², D", and D¹, are shown supplied with high tension current from a 115 series of three generators, (or three connected sets of generators,) A, A', and A. Conduct- ors 2 and 2ª connect the sub-stations in series. At each sub-station the circuit is broken, as before described, at terminal points P N, and 120 from these terminals the conductors pn of any desired number of feeding circuits extend to lighting or translating circuits p'n', with which the translating devices a a are connected in multiple arc. The translating devices of the 125 three districts are in series with each other through the conductors 2 and 2, there being, as shown, three translating devices in series, or as many as there are sub-stations. Each feeding-circuit p n is provided with an adjust- 130 able resistance, b, for regulating the current conducted by it, and indicating circuits p² n², · 2953 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF LLEWELLYN PARK, NEW JERSEY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 365,978, dated July 5, 1887. Application filed November 29, 1886. Serial No. 220,125. (No modol.) To all whom it may concern: · Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Llewellyn Park, in the county of Essex and State of New Jersey, have invented a certain 5 new and useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, (Case No. 700,) of which the following is a specification. lighted or supplied with current from a single source. 3 Referring, first, more especially to Fig. 1, A, 55 A', A², and A³ are dynamo-electric machines, all connected in series and situated at a suit- able point where the necessary power to op- erate them can be conveniently and cheaply procured, and which may be for that purpose 60 situated, if necessary, at a considerable dis- tance from the places to be supplied, since the current generated by the series of machines has a high tension and can therefore be eco- nomically conveyed by conductors of small 65 mass. Each generator is separately regulable, preferably by means of the adjustable resist- ances B B, placed in the shunted field-circuit of each machine. From the terminals of the series of machines 70 a circuit, 1 2 3, extends. D and D' represent sub-stations to which this circuit extends. The dotted rectangles indicate suitable rooms or places into which the conductors are run, and in which the connections are made and 75 the indicating and regulating devices are placed. In the station D the conductor 1 is brought to a suitable terminal point, P, and from a similar terminal point, N, the con- ductor 2 extends to the next sub-station. So There is also a third terminal point, C. From The object of my invention is to produce a system for the distribution of electricity for Io lighting and similar purposes, in which cur- rents of high tension may be used, and conse- quent economy in the metal required for con- ductors will be attained, which system shall be of a simple and efficient character and read- 15 ily and conveniently regulable. In accom- plishing this object I provide a divided source of electricity of high tension, consisting of two or more dynamo-electric machines connected in series placed at a suitable building at a place 20 where power may be procured conveniently and economically. A circuit extends from this source of power to two or more sub-sta- tions, at each of which a feeding circuit or cir- cuits are taken off, which extend to a district 25 to be supplied with current. All these sub- stations are in series, and from the main cir- cuit-conductor between the stations compen- sating conductors extend, which are connected with the points of division of the source of 30 supply. At each sub-station suitable indicat-the sub-station extend two feeding-circuits, p ing and regulating devices are provided, where- n c. There are provided any desired number by the electrical condition of the circuits ex- of such feeding-circuits, according to the ex- tending therefrom is indicated and regulated, tent of and number of translating devices in $5 and from each sub-station a circuit extends to the district supplied. The conductors p ex- 35 the main station or source of supply, with which tend from terminal P, conductors n from ter- circuits are connected indicating devices, in minal N, and conductors c from terminal C; accordance with whose indications the gener- and these conductors are all connected, re- ators are regulated according to the require- spectively, with positive, negative, and com- 90 ments of the district supplied from each sub-pensating lighting or translation circuit-con- 40 station. I prefer to connect the districts from ductors p'n' c', with which the electric lamps the sub-stations on the three-wire or compen- or other translating devices a a are connected sating system, but I may arrange them as two- in multiple series, as is now common in the wire systems. three-wire system of electrical distribution. 95 Each of the feeding-conductors p n is provided with an adjustable resistance, b, whereby the two sides of the sub-system are regulated to keep the same constant pressure at all points on the lighting - circuits, thereby regulating 100 for unequal distribution or changes in the number of translating devices in circuit in the different parts of the district. This regula- tion is effected in accordance with the show- My invention is illustrated in the accompa- 45 nying drawings, in which— Figure 1 is a diagram of the preferred form, in which the districts are arranged on the three- wire system; and Fig. 2 a diagram of the modi- fied form with each district arranged as a two- 50 wire system. The invention is particularly applicable to cases where there is a very large area to be e 2952 Fig. 2. ठ ब्ठ n 8 0 0 0 호 ​ဇီ ပုံ ၄ ပုံ R น d 3 ☀ ☀ ☀ R ATTEST C. Rowland Ju Olzar. ર n .. R م 72 Cele 72 n ટ 1. P N P N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 2 a n R 702 (No Model.) No. 365,978. q 1 R 702 72 n 2 pe 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented July 5, 1887. Id In R -T R R T R By INVENTOR A. Edison Oger they n 23 A 54 1 2951 Foto 8 9 8 8 ATTEST Howland The Pilzer. 100 70 • ? ? ? Fig. 1. d c' 2 2 2 n (No Model.) No. 365,978. 702 702 D R n a R n કષ્ટ N T. A. EDISON. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. R 2 n 2 a a D 2 P Nd 723 3 20 2 Gelee N CP P 23 T R: INVENTOR Comas A. Edian 3 D Lucy attin N PETERS, Photo-Lithographer Washington, DC. ,I 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. Patented July 5, 1887. B B B B | KIBRAˇNKEE Correction in Letters Patent No. 438,308. It is hereby certified that in Letters Patent No. 438,308, granted October 14, 1890, upon the application of Thomas A. Edison, of Llewellyn Park, New Jersey, for an improvement in "Systems of Electrical Distribution," an error appears in the printed specification requiring correction, as follows: In line 50, page 2, the word "connector" should read converter; and that the Letters Patent should be read with this correction therein that the same may conform to the record of the case in the Patent Office. Signed, countersigned, and sealed this 25th day of November, A. D. 1890. [SEAL.] Countersigned: C. E. MITCHELL, CYRUS BUSSEY, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Commissioner of Patents. 2958 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF LLEWELLYN PARK, NEW JERSEY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 438,308, dated October 14, 1890. Application filed December 6, 1886. Serial No. 220,792. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS A. EDISON, of Llewellyn Park, in the county of Essex and State of New Jersey, have invented a certain 5 new and useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, (Case No. 691,) of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to multiple-arc sys- tems of electrical distribution, in which alter- 10 nating-current generators are used, in connec- tion with converters, for supplying current to lamps and other transmitting devices, and especially to the combination, with such a system, of a current-indicating device of the 15 character hereinafter described and claimed. My invention is illustrated in the accom- panying drawings, in which- Figure 1 is a diagram of a system of elec- trical distribution embodying said invention 20 with the converter primaries in multiple arc on separate circuits from the same source; Fig. 2, a diagram of the system with the con- verters in series on the same circuit, and Figs. 3 and 4 are sectional views of the indicating 25 device which I prefer to employ. 30 A represents an alternating-currentdynamo- electric machine generating current of high electro-motive force, one or more of which machines form the source of current. up of thin plates or bundles of wire, as is common in the armatures of dynamo-electric machines, this construction being useful for the prevention of Foucault currents in the core and for giving greater efficiency in con- 55 version. Such converters are set forth in my application, Serial No. 219,358, filed Novem ber 19, 1886, and therefore are not illustrated herein, the simple form of induction-coil being shown to illustrate the principle of the inven- 60 tion. The conductor P extends to the primary of converter D, conductor P' extends to that of converter D', and conductor P2 extends to that of converter D². The opposite terminals 65 of all the primary circuits are connected with conductor N, which therefore forms a com- mon return for all the multiple-arc primaries. It is evident that separate return-conductors may be provided, if desired. The converters 70 are placed at or near the centers of consump- tion of the district supplied. From their sec- ondary circuits conductors² and n² extend, which are connected with the intersecting positive and negative main conductors p'n'. 75 Connected across the conductors p n is an in- dicator a of pressure or electro-motive force, and connected across each of the circuits P N, P' N, and P² N are similar indicators a', a², and a³. These indicators are adapted to 80 indicate electro-motive force in an alternat- ing-current circuit, and are shown more in de- tail in Figs. 3 and 4. Each consists of two coils b and b', the latter suspended within the former and both connected in the same cir- 85 cuit in series. Since upon the passage of cur- rent the inner coil tends to set itself at right angles to the outer one, any increase or de- crease of current due to changes of potential in the conductors across which the indicators 90 are connected acts to change the position of said inner coil, and since this is provided with a pointer c, traveling upon a scale d, such changes of potential are constantly in- dicated, and since the coils are in the same 95 circuit change in direction of current does I have shown induction - coils of ordinary not affect the movements of the indicating- form, which are efficient for the purpose of coil, for which reason these instruments are my invention. I may, however, use induction well adapted to be used in a system employ- 50 devices having cores of ring form and builting alternating or reversed currents. B is a continuous-current generator ener- gizing the field - magnets of the alternating machine and having an adjustable resistance C in its circuit, by adjusting which the field- magnet strength of the alternating machine 35 and the electro-motive force thereof are regu- lated. Referring more especially to Fig. 1, conduct- ors p n extend from the commutator-brushes to suitable terminal points within the gener- 40 ating-station. From the terminal of conductor p conductors P, P', and P² extend, and from the terminal of conductor n a conductor N extends. The system of intersecting and con- nected positive and negative main or lighting 45 conductors is represented by p′ n'. D, D', and D2 are converters. 100 2959 2 438,303 The indicator a indicates the pressure or indicates the ampères of current. The regu- electro-motive force at the source, and by ad-lation is accomplished by the resistance Cin 40 3 justing the resistance C in accordance with these indications this pressure is kept con- 5 stant. The indicators a', a², and as show the pressure in each of the feeding-circuits, and such circuits are regulated to maintain the same constant pressure at all parts of the sys- tem by adjusting the resistances E, E', and E2, to situated in the conductors P, P', and P2. A circuit p³ n³ of small wires may extend back from the district at a suitable point to the station, where it is connected with an indi- cator a¹ to show the general reduced pressure 15 on the system of lighting-conductors, where- by any derangement in the action of the con- verters may be shown. The conductors P, P', P², and N are of small size, being required to convey the high-ten- | 20 sion current. This current is reduced by the converters, and the short conductors which connect the secondary coils with the main conductors are of larger size. The economy in the amount of metal used for conductors 25 which results from this arrangement is evi- dent. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 2 a sin- gle circuit P N extends from the high-ten- sion source of supply, and the primaries of all 30 the induction-coils D, D', and D² are placed in series therein, the secondary circuits thereof being connected with the main or lighting conductors, as before. The indicator a5, of the character already described, is connected 35 across the line, having a resistance d in cir- cuit with it. This indicates the volts of elec- tro - motive force. A similar indicator a“, shunted around a resistance d' in the line, the field-circuit of the generator.. What I claim is- 1. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a high-tension alternating-cur- rent generator, a circuit extending therefrom, 45 a converter connected with said circuit and supplying current to translating devices, and an electrical indicator not affected by changes in polarity connected with one coil or circuit of the connector, substantially as described. 50 2. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of a high-tension alternating-cur- rent generator, a circuit extending therefrom, a tension-reducing converter connected with said circuit and supplying a current of re- 55 duced tension to translating devices, and an electrical indicator not affected by changes in polarity connected with the high-tension cir- cuit, substantially as set forth. 3. In a system of electrical distribution, the Co combination of a high-tension alternating-cur- rent generator, a circuit extending therefrom, a tension-reducing converter connected with said circuit and supplying a current of re- duced tension to translating devices, and an 65 electrical indicator having two relatively-mov- able coils in the same circuit connected with said high-tension circuit, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 70 9th day of November, 1886. Witnesses: WM. PELZER, E. C. ROWLAND. THOS. A. EDISON. 2960 (No Model.) No. 287,501. E f e C. S. BRADLEY. METHOD OF ELECTRICAL TESTING. Patented Oct. 30, 1883. R n Fig.2. E Pi N' n' 70° Бе na A 702. Fig. 1. B P. pa popg B' eeeeeeee -·N A Z'. N' P' AT TEST 6. C. Rowlands Nusuly INVENTOR. Charles S. Bradley By Rich St. Dyer, Koty. प 2961 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES S. BRADLEY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. METHOD OF ELECTRICAL TESTING. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 287,501, dated October 30, 1883. Application filed February 17, 1883. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, CHARLES S. BRADLEY, of the city, county, and State of New York, have invented a new and useful Improvement 5 in Methods of Electrical Testing, of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to methods of discov- ering the presence and location of leaks or ground-connections caused by defects in the 10 insulation of electrical conductors, and espe- cially of the conductors employed in multiple- arc systems of electrical distribution, my ob- jects being, first, to discover the resistance of the insulation between each conductor of a 15 circuit and the ground, hence determining whether any defects or leaks occur in such in- sulation, and in which conductor such leaks occur; and, second, to determine the location in the system of such leaks, if any are found 20 to be present, both of these operations being performed without withdrawing the current from the system to any material extent. tion the latter is readily determined. As I know also the ratio of the resistances of this and the other insulation, I can also easily cal- culate the latter. If, in applying these tests to the main circuit of an electrical-distribu- 55 tion system, it is found that the resistance of the insulation of either side of the circuit is unusually low, it will be known that a defect is somewhere present in such insulation, causing a ground-connection or leak. 60 As stated, the second object of my inven- tion is to discover the location in the system of such a leak. To accomplish this I connect the galvanometer or other instrument for in- dicating electric current at the central station 65 to the pole of the circuit in which such leak occurs, thus forming a shunt around that por- tion of the conductor which lies between the galvanometer and the leak. The direction of deflection of the galvanometer-needle will de- 70. termine the direction in which the leak lies, and the amount of such deflection will indi- I accomplish the first object by so connect-cate the distance of such leak, as the amount ing the conductors and the earth that the in- of current in the circuit depends upon the 25 sulation lying between them and the earth | electrical distance from the source of supply. 75 forms two of the sides of a Wheatstone bridge. It is also necessary to determine in or near This may be done by connecting both conduct- which feeding-circuit leading from the central ors to one terminal of a galvanometer, or to station to the intersecting consumption-cir- any suitable device for indicating electric cur- cuits the leak occurs. This may be done by 30 rents through resistances, one of which should adding a number of electric lamps or other 80 be adjustable, the other terminal of the indi- translating devices to the system, successively, cating device being connected to the earth. at points near the terminals of the different If one insulation is of less resistance than the feeding-circuits, thus causing increase of cur- other, the bridge will be thrown out of balance rent in each of such circuits, one after another. 35 and the indicating device will show the pas- When the circuit nearest the leak is reached, 85 sage of current. The adjustable resistance is the effect of the increase will be perceptible then changed until said indicating device is in the increased deflection of the galvanometer. not affected, and by the amount of adjustment The same result may be accomplished by suc- the ratio of resistance of the two insulations cessively increasing the resistance of the feed- 40 may be determined; but to determine the posi- ing-circuits, for when the circuit nearest the 90 tive value of such resistances, either conductor leak is reached the deflection of the galvanom- is connected to the earth through a known re- eter will be more than with the other circuits; sistance, a shunt being thus formed around or the successive disconnection and reconnec- the unknown resistance of the insulation of tion of the feeding-circuits produces a like 45 said conductor. I then again vary the adjust- effect. able resistance until the indicating device is not affected, by which I determine the effect of the known resistance of the shunt, and by noting the difference between this and the ef- 50 fect of the unknown resistance of the insula- 95 By successively employing the different parts of my invention I am enabled to deter- mine the location of a leak with great precis- ion, first determining in which conductor the leak exists and the extent of such leak, then 100 2962 2 287,501 defining the direction and distance of the leak, and finally discovering its location with ref- erence to the feeding-circuits of the system. My invention is illustrated diagrammatically 5 in the annexed drawings, in which- ¡ | known. If the leak were at a point between the galvanometer and the generator-for in- stance, at f-this would be shown by the di- rection of deflection. It now only remains 70 to determine in what particular part of the system the leak occurs. To do this I may either increase or decrease the resistance of the feeders one after another, as explained, or successively disconnect such feeders, and 75 by noting the effect on the galvanometer-nee- die determine which feeder approaches near- est to the point of leakage. While I have described my invention with reference to systems of electrical distribution, 80 it is evident that it may readily be applied to any round metallic circuits to measure the in- sulation of the conductors of such circuits and to determine the location of any defects which may exist in such insulation. It is also 85 evident that the connections necessary for ac- complishing my invention may be made and the tests applied not only at the central sta- tion, but at any part of the system. What I claim is- rection and distance of the leak, substantially as set forth. 90 Figure 1 is a diagram showing the manner of measuring the insulation of conductors; and Fig. 2, a diagram of an electric-lighting sys- tem, illustrating the method of determining Io the location of leaks or ground-connections. Referring to Fig. 1, P N represent electrical conductors, preferably the main conductors at the central station of an electrical-distribution system, or points in electrical connection with 15 such main conductors. Conductor P is con- nected to one terminal of a galvanometer, A, through a resistance, B, which is adjustable by means of pivoted arm a. Conductor N is connected to the same terminal through con- 20 stant resistance B'. The other terminal of the galvanometer is connected to earth E, as shown. The dotted lines b b' indicate the con- nection between the conductors and the earth throughout the system through the insulation 25 which surrounds said conductors. If the re- 1. The method of ascertaining the location sistances of the two insulations are equal, the of ground-connections in a round metallic cir- galvanometer-needle will remain stationary; cuit, consisting in first measuring the resist- but should they be unequal, current will pass ance of the insulation on each side of the cir- through the galvanometer and deflect its nee- cuit to determine on which side a leak occurs 95 30 dle. By then adjusting the resistance B until and the extent of such leak, and then con- the galvanometer is again balanced, the differ- necting an electrical indicating device between ence of resistance between the two insulations the side which contains the leak and the earth, is indicated by the amount of such adjustment, the direction and amount of the current pass- and any improper ground-connection or leaking through said device determining the di- 100 35 in either conductor will be apparent. Dur- ing these operations the circuit through the known resistance D between conductor P and the earth is open. By closing this I form a shunt around the insulation of conductor P 40 and again deflect the galvanometer-needle. I again adjust the resistance B, and by noting the difference between this and the former adjustment the relation between the resist- ances D and b will be known, and from this 45 the positive value of the resistances of b and b' are readily determined. Having thus dis- covered the extent of the leak and the side of the circuit in which it occurs, I connect the galvanometer to this side of the circuit, which 50 may be the negative side N, as indicated in 3. The method of electrical testing for as- Fig. 2. In this figure F represents a gener- sisting in determining the resistance of the ator or battery of generators feeding into the insulation of each side of a round metallic main conductors PN. From these main con- circuit, consisting in connecting both conduct- ductors feeding-circuits p n, p'n', and p² n² run ors to the earth, one through a constant re- 120 55 to the system of intersecting and connected sistance and an electrical indicating device, positive conductors P' and negative conductors the other through an adjustable_resistance N', on which lamps and other translating de- and the same indicating device, and adjusting vices, e c, are arranged in multiple arc. The said adjustable resistance until said indicating dotted lines d indicate a leak between a con- device is not affected, thus determining the 125 60 ductor, N', and the earth. It is evident that ratio of the two resistances, then connecting when the galvanometer A is connected to main one conductor to the ground through a known conductor N by wire e, a shunt, d E e, is resistance, and again adjusting said adjustable formed through said galvanometer, through resistance, whereby the ratio between such which current will pass, and the distance of the known resistance and the resistance of said 130 65 leak will be determined by the amount of de-last-mentioned insulation is determined, sub- flection, the extent of the leak being already stantially as set forth. 2 2 2. The method of ascertaining the relative resistances of the respective insulations of the two conductors of a round metallic circuit, 105 consisting in connecting both conductors to the earth, one through a constant resistance and an electrical indicating device, the other through an adjustable resistance and the same indicating device, and adjusting said ad- 110 justable resistance until such indicating de- vice is not affected, the amount of such ad- justment indicating the difference between the resistances of the two insulations, substan- tially as set forth. 115 2963 287,501 3 4. The method of ascertaining the location | rying or removing the current in the feeding- of a leak or ground-connection in a multiple- circuits, successively, to determine which feed- arc system of electrical distribution employ- ing circuit approaches nearest to the leak, ing feeding-circuits, consisting in first com- substantially as set forth. 5 paring the resistances of the insulations of the two sides of the system to determine on which side the leak occurs, connecting an electrical indicating device between the side containing the leak and the earth to determine the dis- 10 tance and direction of such leak and then va- This specification signed and witnessed this 15 2d day of February, 1883. Witnesses: CHARLES S. BRADLEY. H. W. SEELY, EDWARD H. PYATT. (No Model.) 2964 No. 353,915. al C. S. BRADLEY. ELECTRICAL TESTING. Fig1. Patented Dec. 7, 1886. E 72' n' ni C P² P a N' N² T' А P N WITNESSES: Bowland F.W Kiddle. a p' n' Fig 2. B n ह R Leee n E E Fig 3. G p Ε p n E R G n K B NR n INVENTOR: Charles S Bradley; By Rich A Dyer. Aben. N PETERS Photo-Lithographor Washington, DC 2965 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES S. BRADLEY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNOR TO THE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. ELECTRICAL TESTING. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 353,915, dated December 7, 1886. Application filed April 5, 1884. Serial No. 126,800. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, CHARLES S. BRADLEY, of New York city, in the county and State of New York, have invented a certain new and 5 useful Improvement in Electrical Testing, of which the following is a specification. The object of this invention is to discover the location of leaks on ground-connections in multiple-arc systems of electrical distribution, 10 and is an improvement upon or continuation of the method of testing set forth in my Pat- ent No. 287,501. 15 The system of electrical distribution in which my invention is especially applicable is one in which a system of positive and nega- tive main conductors or "mains" is employed, such conductors extending along the faces of the blocks of the district supplied, and inter. secting each other at the street-corners, and 20 being all connected together, positive to posi- tive and negative to negative, at each point where they intersect. The translating devices of the system are arranged in multiple arc upon these conductors or upon house-circuits 25 derived from them. Current is supplied by a number of separate circuits, called "feeders" or "feeding circuits," each of which extends from the source of supply to a different point in the district, at which point its conductors 30 are respectively connected to the positive and negative conductors of one of the mains. Usually from the terminals of each feeder a circuit of fine wire returns to the central sta- tion, where it is connected with an electro- 35 dynamometer or other suitable electrical indi- cating device, whereby the electrical potential at the terminals of each feeder is indicated. nals of whose circuit are nearest the leak will be affected to the greatest extent. If constant indicating devices are not used, the same indi- cator can be successively connected to the dif- 55 ferent indicator circuits or directly across the feeding-circuits, the system being grounded each time and the relative indications noted. By this first step of my method I determine near the terminals of which feeding circuit the 60 leak occurs. I next determine in which of the mains, which are laid along the faces of the blocks, the defect is present. I do this by disconnect- ing a main which is principally supplied from 65 the feeder found by the first step at the end of the block nearest said feeder, thereby making its principal source of supply another feeder. If the main has a ground, the indications of ground are of course transferred from one 70 feeder-indicator to the other. By successively trying the different mains in the vicinity of the feeder I discover which one contains the ground connection. · It is next desired to find the precise point 75 on the block-face at which the leak occurs. This is accomplished by finding the propor- tional resistance between each end of the leak- ing main conductor and the leak. I have de- vised two ways of determining this, which will 80 be described with relation to the drawings, as they can thus be more clearly set forth. In the drawings, Figures 1, 2, and 3 are dia- grams illustrative of the different steps of my invention. 85 Referring first to Fig. 1, A A' are common conductors at the central station, with which one or more electrical generators, C, are con- In carrying out my invention I first ascer- nected. PN, P′ N', and P² N² are feeding- tain on which side of the circuit the leak oc- circuits extending from the station to the cen- 90 40 curs and the extent of the leak, preferably in ters of consumption of the district supplied, the manner set forth in the patent referred where they are connected with the main con- to-that is, by determining the relative values ductors pn, which intersect each other, and of the insulations of the two sides of the sys- are connected, positive to positive and nega- tem. Having discovered this, I next ground tive to negative, at the corners of the blocks B. 95 45 the opposite side of the system, preferably Indicating circuits p'n' extend from the feeder- through a resistance, so that but little current terminals to the central station, where they will pass. It will be seen that when the two are connected with suitable indicating devices, sides of the system are grounded the reduc- a a. It is not necessary, however, to connect tion of resistance in the whole circuit will the indicating device with both conductors pɔɔ 50 cause the indicating devices at the central sta- n', for it may be connected with one of said tion to be affected, and that device the termiconductors and one of the common conductors 2966 • 353,915 A A', being thus in a shunt through which | porary wires along the block-face, which is current will pass, according to the difference inconvenient in a crowded street. By it all of potential between the central station and the operations are performed at the corner 70 the feeder-terminal. Suppose a leak or ground-junction-box. In carrying this out I discon- 5 connection to exist at c. The side of the sys- nect one end of the main from the system, and tem in which it occurs is determined by meas- then connect a graduated resistance, one ter- uring the insulation. Then the opposite side minal to the conductor p and the other with is grounded through a resistance at d, or other the conductor n. This latter connection is 75 convenient point. The ground circuit thus preferably made through another main, n, Io formed makes a change in the difference of coming from another direction, whereby the potential between the central station and the effect of slight changes in potential is avoided. feeder terminals, and affects the indicating de- The galvanometer is placed between this re- vices a a. That whose circuit terminates near- sistance and the end of the leaking main, its 80 est the leak will be most affected, and it will terminal being connected to such a point on the 15 thus be seen that the leak is near the feeder P² resistance that its needle will stand at zero I then proceed to disconnect the mains in when the current is applied at the opposite end that vicinity at their ends nearest the feeder of the main, a portion thereof passing through P² N², and when the main having the leak is the galvanometer. I then ground the main p, 85 disconnected the indications of ground are this also being preferably done at a point elec- 20 transferred to P' N'. The main having the trically distant, as shown. This brings the re- leak is thus indicated. sistance and galvanometer into a shunt around a conductor which includes that portion of main n on the left (in the drawings) of the leak, 90 or, in fact, into the bridge-circuit of a Wheat- stone bridge, and the galvanometer is deflected. I adjust the galvanometer-terminal upon the resistance until the needle is again at zero and note the portion of the resistance passed over. 95 I now repeat this operation at the other end of the main, applying the current at the pre- viously-disconnected end. The galvanometer and resistance are shunted when the earth- connections are made around a circuit the 100 same as before, except that the portion of con- stead of that on the left; hence the galvanome- ter deflections differ according to the rela- tive resistances of these portions, and the rela- 105 tive extent of the adjustments of the galva- nometer-terminals upon the resistance deter- mines these resistances. What I claim is- I may now use either of two methods, both of which, however, involve the same principle- viz., finding the proportionate resistances of 25 conductors between the two ends of the leak- ing main and the leak. The method shown in Fig. 2 is the more simple, though that in Fig. 3 is more conveniently carried into practice. Referring first to Fig. 2, a leak has been 30 found to exist in conductor n of the main n p. I connect a galvanometer. G, in a shunt be- tween the two ends of the leaking conductor, and then disconnect the main from the system, say at the end on the left of the drawings, and 35 at any convenient point connect conductor pductor on the right of the leak is included, in- to ground. It will be seen that the galva nometer is thus placed in a shunt around that portion of the conductor n between its con- nected end and the leak, for the disconnected 40 portion on the left of the leak will form part of the galvanometer-shunt, and current will therefore pass through the galvanometer ac- cording to the resistance of the right-hand 1. The method of determining in which main 110 portion of the conductor. The consequent de- circuit of a system, such as described, a ground- 45 flection is noted. I now reconnect the main conuection occurs, consisting in changing the at the left hand end and disconnect it on the connection of the mains from one feeder to an- right, grounding conductor p as before. This other, whereby the leak indications are trans- shunts the galvanometer around only that part ferred from one of the indicators connected 15 of the conductor to the left of the leak, the part with the feeder terminals to another when the 50 on the right being thrown into the galvanom-right main is reached, substantially as set forth. eter-shunt. The deflection is noted as before. 2. The method of determining the location It is evident that the ratio of the two deflec- of a ground-connection in an electrical con- tions is the ratio of the resistances of conductor ductor, consisting in connecting a galvanome- 120 on each side of the leak. This being deter-ter in a shunt around a portion of the circuit, 55 mined, the operator, knowing the respective including the conductor on one side of the distances from each end, can at once proceed leak, and then around a portion including the to the point at which the leak occurs. Where conductor on the other side of the leak, the there are lamps or other translating devices different effects on the galvanometer indicat- 125 in circuit on the main, the deflection due to ing the relative distances of the leak from the 60 the difference of potential caused by them ends of the conductor, substantially as set forth. must be taken into account and the difference between this and the whole deflection when the line is grounded noted. The second method by which this last step 65 of my process may be carried out is illustrated in Fig. 3. This method is advantageous, be- cause it does away with the stringing of tem- 3. The method of determining the location of a ground-connection in an electrical circuit, consisting in connecting the conductor oppo- 130 site to that which contains the leak to ground, and then applying current first at one end and then at the other, and noting the deflection of a galvanometer placed in a shunt between the 2967 5 353 915 terminals of the leaking conductor, the differ- ent deflections of the galvanometer indicating the relative distances of the leak from the ends of the conductor, substantially as set forth. 4. The method of determining the location of a leak in a main circuit of a system, such as described, consisting in connecting the con- ductors through a galvanometer, grounding the conductor opposite to the ground-con- Ia nected one, and applying the current first at one end of the circuit and then at the other, the different deflections of the galvanometer in- dicating the relative distances of the leak from the ends of the conductor, substantially as set 15 forth. 5. The method of determining the location of a ground-connection in a system, such as de- scribed, consisting in first determining on which side of the system the leak occurs, then 20 grounding the opposite side of the system, whereupon the relative effect on indicating de- | 3 vices connected with the feeder-terminals de- termines near which feeder is the leak, then disconnecting mains successively from the feeder thus determined, whereupon the trans- 25 ferring of the leak indications from one of said indicators to another shows which of said mains contains the leak, and then connecting a galvanometer in a shunt first around a por- tion of this main circuit, including the por- 30 tion on one side of the leak of the conductor containing it, and then around a portion of the circuit, including the portion of conductor on the other side, the different effects on the galvanometer indicating the relative distances 35 of the leak from the ends of the conductor. This specification signed and witnessed this 6th day of February, 1884. Witnesses: CHARLES S. BRADLEY. H. W. SEELY, ALFRED W. KIDDLE. 2968 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. (No Model.) W. S. ANDREWS & T. SPENCER. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. No. 318,157. R T n P Ne P' Patented May 19, 1885. Firg. 1. p2 N2 ЮЮ P P .C N' N A P Fig 2 PCN² P P P C N N' N' 9 a a AT TEST: &Rowlandh F G Greeness Ą N2 ક N. Ce P² 2 P ре C² P² INVENTORS! Williams S. Andrews Thomas Spencer Золяда By Dyer Lucy THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO, WASHINGTON, D. C 2969 (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. W. S. ANDREWS & T. SPENCER. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Patented May 19, 1885. No. 318,157. N d. ATTEST Ole Rowland. FW. Fiddle. N2 2 Fig.3. p2 No P C P P a 2 P N A P C2 N @ N²oto 3 3 P N4 INVENTORS. William S. Andreins Thomas Spencer of Dyer Oyer Neuly By Attys N PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D C. 2970 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 5 IO 15 WILLIAM S. ANDREWS, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., AND THOMAS SPENCER, OF SOUTH MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 318,157, dated May 19, 1885. Application filed January 17, 1985. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: rectly from the point of division of the source 50 Be it known that we, WILLIAM S. ANDREWS, of supply, which is precisely equivalent to the of New York, in the county and State of New central one of such lighting-wires. This sin- York, and THOMAS SPENCER, of South Meri-gle conductor acts as the compensating-con- den, in the county of New Haven and State of Connecticut, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in Systems of Electric Lighting, of which the following is a specifi- cation. ductor for all the feeders. In most systems of this character a derived circuit extends at 55 some point from the lighting-conductors into the central station for lighting the station. In such case we make the center wire of this de- compensat-rived circuit of sufficient size for the purpose and connect it with the center omnibus wire; 60 but in case the lighting-conductors approach very closely to the station-building we sim- ply extend a single conductor of sufficient size from the center lighting-conductor to the cen- ter omnibus wire. Our invention relates to the " ing" or "three-wire" system of electrical dis- tribution, and our object is to diminish the amount of metal required for conductors in such a system. Our invention may be more readily under- stood by reference to the annexed drawings, in which 65 Figure 1 is a diagram of a system embodying our invention, in which the center wire of the 70 station-lamp circuit is used as the feeder com- pensating-wire. Fig. 2 represents a system in which a single wire extends from the lighting- conductors to the station, and Fig. 3 is a dia- of a modified form of the invention. 75 Like letters refer to corresponding parts in all the figures. Heretofore the general arrangement of a sys- tem of this character has been as follows: At the central station are situated two electrical generators or two series or groups of genera- tors connected together in series. One termi- 20 nal of the series is connected with one of the main or "omnibus" conductors at the central station, and the other terminal with another, while the third or central omnibus wire is con- nected between the generators or groups there- 25 of, the source of supply being thus divided into two parts. From the omnibus wires the feed-gram ing-circuits extend, each consisting of three wires, to the system of intersecting and con- nected positive and negative and compensat- 30 ing main conductors, in connection with which the lamps or other translating devices of the system are arranged in multiple series, as is now well understood. By our invention we do away with the central wire of each feeding- 35 circuit, thus diminishing the metal required for the feeding-circuits by one-third. This is a very great saving in the cost of a system, the feeding-conductors being usually of very heavy 40 wire. In carrying our invention into effect we em- ploy only two wires for each feeding-circuit, extending each from one of the omnibus wires to a positive or negative main or lighting con- ductor, while at some convenient point, which 45 will usually be that at which the lighting-con- ductors approach most nearly to the omnibus wires, a wire heavy enough to carry the whole current of the largest generator of the system extends from the central omnibus wire or di- A is the central-station building. P, N, and C are respectively the positive, negative, and compensating omnibus wires, 80 with which the terminals and central connect- ing-wire of the series of generators or groups thereof (not shown) are connected. P'N' are feeding-circuits, each consisting of a positive and a negative oonductor extend- 85 ing from the positive and negative omnibus wires. P2 N2 C² represent the system of lighting- wires, which extend throughout the district, and are connected, positive to positive, nega- 90 tive to negative, and compensating to com- pensating at the points where they intersect. With these lighting-wires, or with house-cir- cuits extending therefrom, the electric lamps or other translating devices a a are connected 95 in multiple series. Heretofore, as above explained, each feed- ing-circuit has comprised a third or compen- 2971 2 318,157 | 65 sating-wire extending from C to a conductor, two wires. It is evident that this will result C²; but this is done away with in our system. in the saving of a certain amount of metal. In Fig. 1, p n c is a derived circuit from a This modification is illustrated in Fig. 3, in 6ɔ convenient point of P² N² C², extending into which there are six feeding-circuits, P' N' P³ 5 the central station and supplying lamps a for N3 P N', &c. The circuits P' N' and P N³ lighting the building. The center wire, c, of have each a third wire or compensating-con- this circuit is of such size as to be adapted to ductor, C' or C³, while the remaining feeding- carry the whole current of the largest genera- circuits have no such conductors. tor of the system, if necessary, and is connected What we claim is- IO with conductor C, or, in other words, to the point of division of the source of supply, and it thus forms the compensating-wire, which maintains the balance of the system for all the feeders, the current flowing in one direction 15 or the other in it, according to the changes in the number of lamps in circuit on the two sides of the system. 1. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination, with two or more feeding-circuits, of a single compensat- ing-conductor for both or all of them, substan- 70 tially as set forth. 2. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination of the lighting- circuits consisting of positive, negative, and compensating conductors, the two or more 75 feeding-circuits, each consisting of a positive and a negative conductor, and a single con- ductor extending from a compensating-con- ductor of the lighting-circuits to the point of division of the source of supply, substantially 80 as set forth. In practice, in the ordinary use of the sys- tem, very little current will flow in this con- 20 ductor, the balance being usually nearly main- tained. It is preferred, however, to make this conductor large enough to convey the current of the largest generator, for it may be used as the return-conductor of the system should all 25 the generators but one become inoperative, in 3. In a compensating system of electrical which case the positive and negative conduct-distribution, the combination of the lighting- ors of each feeder are connected together to circuits consisting of positive, negative, and form one conductor, while the compensating compensating conductors, the two or more 85 feeding-conductor is the other, as set forth in feeding-circuits, each consisting of a positive 30 the application of the said William S. An- and a negative conductor, and a derived cir- drews, Serial No. 146, 894. cuit from said lighting-conductors, consisting of positive and negative conductors, between which electric lamps are connected in multi- 90 ple series, and a compensating-conductor con- nected at the point of division of the source of supply, substantially as set forth. In Fig. 2 a system similar to that of Fig. 1 is shown, in which a line of lighting-conduct- ors, P2 N2 C², runs close to the central station, P² N² 35 being represented as passing through the cu- pola of the building. In this case all that is required is the large conductor p', extending from C to C, which wire then forms the sin- gle compensating-conductor for all the feed- 40 ing-circuits. It is evident that our invention is equally applicable whether the conductors of the sys- tem are run overhead or underground, and also that the same may be readily applied to 45 systems already in operation by removing the center wire of each feeder and providing the single short connecting-wire without chang- ing the balance of the system or altering ex- isting determinations. Thus a saving of one- 50 third on the feeders is effected, the extra wire required being so short as to be of little con- sequence. A portion of the advantages of our inven- tion may be obtained by employing, in con- 55 nection with one or two or more of the feed- ing-circuits, a compensating-conductor, while the feeding circuits remaining consist each of 4. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, the combination of the lighting- 95 circuits consisting of positive, negative, and compensating conductors, the two or more feeding-circuits, each consisting of a positive and a negative conductor, and a conductor ex- tending from a compensating-conductor of the Ico lighting-circuits to the point of division of the source of supply, said conductor being of suf- ficient size to convey the current of the larg- est generator of the system, substantially as set forth. WILLIAM S. ANDREWS. THOMAS SPENCER. Witnesses as to Andrews: GEO. H. BLISS, F. H. WHITING. Witnesses as to Spencer: J. C. HILL, P. B. SHAW. ICO 2972 (No Model.) M. WADDELL. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. Patented Dec. 6, 1887. No. 374,381. Π ለረ n p'c' p á n ni プ ​n 1. P 2 Gid 2 น d T d 2 2 P I ITEST: oxyland William Aysi 2. 2 2 2 2 D O O O O O a 2 N'. м n อ R R Id. n n R R :3,d A 2 مد N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. A А INVENTOR Martgomery Ber Waddell! ez By قمه سمه N 2973 (No Model.) No. 374,381. M. WADDELL. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. Patented Dec. 6, 1887. R p' c' ni 5 c' -n 4 3 L Fig.2. c' n 2 R x' c'n' 1 a ď a 2 a : bwland William Pelger y P d ä 2 ว R 2 C 20 a N's. a a P N 2 2 a 石 ​오 ​QQ 오 ​2 H ་ 2 NO 2 P P' P P 2 2 2 2 2 2 N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. N'E: N In R +1 n R. in R re プ ​ps d R +1 +1 + +1 + A 2 H A +1 < +1 Br INVENTOR Caddell Bar Threy 2974 : UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 5 MONTGOMERY WADDELL, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 374,381, dated December 6, 1887. Application filed July 2, 1887. Serial No. 243,219. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, MONTGOMERY WAD- DELL, a subject of the Queen of Great Brit- ain, residing at New York, in the county and State of New York, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to the Edison system to of electric lighting in which several dynamo- electric machines are connected to common or omnibus conductors at the central station, from which feeding circuits extend to a system of intersecting and connected main or lighting 15 conductors from which the house-circuits sup- plying lamps in multiple arc are derived. nected, one at a time, to determine in what part of the system is the leak or other fault. My invention is illustrated in the accompa· 55 nying drawings, in which- Figure 1 is a diagram of the conductors at a central station according to my invention, and Fig. 2 a diagram of the same system di- vided by the manipulation of the switches. The full lines represent an arrangement of conductors in a three-wire Elison central sta- tion. 60 A, A', and A² represent each a pair or set of dynamo-electric machines, which forms a 65 divided source having positive, negative, and neutral terminals, as indicated, from which ex- tend, respectively, the positive, negative, and The invention is applicable to either the neutral or compensating dynamo- conductors three-wire multiple - series system or a two-p, n, and c. While each dynamo has three 70 wire multiple arc system, or to any system 20 employing omnibus conductors. In systems such as thus generally described difficulty sometimes arises from the occurring of leaks, crosses, or ground-connections in va- rious conductors, which it is necessary to lo- 25 cate and repair, as otherwise they may injure the system by blowing out the safety-catches, or by the waste of current due to leakage to the earth between the different sides of the system. In order to locate and repair a leak, 30 it has been necessary to sever the connections of conductors in that part of the system where- by the supply of current to the translating de- vices is interrupted. The object of my invention is to enable such 35 faults in the system to be more readily located and to diminish the liability of injury to the system thereby. To this end iny invention consists, mainly, in providing at the central station a duplicate or 40 supplementary set of omnibus conductors and suitable switches, whereby any one or more feeding-circuits can be readily connected to the supplementary set, instead of to the regu- lar set, and any one or more of the dynamo- 45 circuits may also be so connected, whereby the system may be divided and any part in which a fault occurs may be run from a separate dy- namo or section of dynamos from the rest of the system, so that the current of the whole 50 system will not be affected and the safety- fuses of all the conductors will not be endan- gered, and the feeders may be readily discon- conductors extending from it, the positive of one and the negative of the other are not nor- mally in use, so that the two are in series and form together a unit of the source of supply. · P, N, and C are the omnibus conductors, 75 · which are of copper, and each of which is made in two parts, joined by a cross-connection, in each of which cross connections is interposed an amperometer, a, whereby the whole cur- rent on the omnibus wires is indicated. The 80 dynamo-conductors are arranged to be con- nected with the omnibus wires through plug- switches at b b, or any other suitable switches. The positive, negative, and compensating con- ductors p', n', and c' of the feeding-circuits ex- 85 tend from the like conductors of the omnibus system, plug-switches & or other switches be- ing provided for connecting and disconnecting them. • The supplementary set of omnibus wires P', 90 N', and Care shown in dotted lines. They are arranged similarly to the regular set, being each in two parts joined by cross-conductors, including ampère-indicators a' a'. Plugs or other switches are provided at b'b' for the 95 dynamo-conductors, and at d' d' for the feed- ing-conductors, whereby these may be con- nected to the supplementary set instead of to the regular set. By this means—that is, by withdrawing some plugs and inserting others- 100 any feeding circuit or circuits may be fed from any dynamo or dynamos, and thus a part of the system in which a leak occurs may be dis- connected from the rest of the system, and the 1 2975 2 374,381 rest of the system will therefore not be affected by such fault. Fig. 1 shows all the central-station circuits, but with no connections made, or, if all the 5 plugs are supposed to be in, with the system running normally, I may have all the plugs of both sets in when running normally, so that the supplementary conductors will assist the others to carry the whole current. It is there- IO fore unnecessary to increase the whole amount of copper required for the omnibus wires in order to practice my invention. Fig. 2 shows the system divided, and if the proper disconnections have been made in the 15 outside or lighting system there will be no electrical connection between the two parts or sub-systems. It can then be easily determined in which sub-system the fault has arisen. Or the figure may indicate a case in which it is 25 desired to run two feeders for a time independ- ently of the rest of the system-for instance, if there are two grounds on the system and they have been separated one onto each sub- system. It will be seen that the plugs are 25 so placed that generators A are supplying feeders Nos. 1 and 4 while generators A' and A' are supplying feeders Nos. 2, 3, and 6, feeder No. 5 not being in use at present. This feeder may be connected to either omnibus 30 system by the insertion of the right plugs at dor d', and any feeder or any dynamo may be changed from one part of the system to the other in the same way. The amperometers a a and a' a' show what current is being taken 35 by each sub system, and the feeder-indicators show the current taken by each individual feeder. 2 The system may be divided without any change in the steadiness of the currents flow 40 ing, in the following way: If the system is run- ning normally, and it is desired to have one pair of dynamos supply two feeders separately, insert the plugs d'd of those feeders and the plugs b'b' of that dynamo pair, (if these are not | 45 already in,) and then withdraw the plugs d d of the feeder circuits. Then increase or de- crease the current on the positive side of the pair of dynamos until it equals the sum of the currents on the positive sides of the two feed- 50 ers to be supplied, and then withdraw the posi- tive plugs b of the dynamo. Do the same with the negative currents and draw the negative plugs of the dynamo. Since when the plugs were removed there was no difference of po- 55 tential thereat, there will be no variation of current. The system may thus be separated, throwing off one section after another until one that is faulty is found, and this one can be run by itself and not affect the rest of the system. Instead of one set of supplementary con- 6ɔ ductors I may have two or more sets, whereby the system may be further subdivided. Ordi narily, however, the duplication of the con- ductors will be sufficient. While I have shown my invention in con- 65 nection with a three-wire system, it is evi- dently adapted as well to a two-wire multiple- arc system. What I claim is-- 1. In a system of electrical distribution, the 70 combination of two or more generators, omni- bus conductors to which such generators are separately connected, feeding circuits extend- ing from said omnibus conductors, a supple. mentary set of omnibus conductors, and 75 switches for connecting each feeding-circuit with either the main set or the supplementary set of omnibus conductors, substantially as set forth. 2. In a system of electrical distribution, the 80 combination of two or more generators, omni- bus conductors to which such generators are separately connected, feeding circuits extend- ing from said omnibus conductors, a supple- mentary set of omnibus conductors, and 85 switches for connecting each generator-circuit with either the main set or the supplementary set of omnibus conductors, substantially as set forth. 3. In a system of electrical distribution, the 90 combination of two or more generators, omni- bus conductors to which such generators are separately connected, feeding circuits extend- ing from said omnibus conductors, a supple- mentary set of omnibus conductors, switches 95 for connecting each feeding-circuit with either the main set or the supplementary set of om- nibus conductors, and switches for connecting each generator-circuit with either the main set or the supplementary set of omnibus con- 100 ductors, substantially as set forth. 4. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination of the ordinary omnibus con- ductors and the supplementary omnibus con- ductors, each conductor of each set being di- vided into two parts, and such parts being connected through ampère indicators, sub- stantially as set forth. · This specification signed and witnessed this 28th day of June, 1887. MONTGOMERY WADDELL. Witnesses: FRED JOHNSON, E. E. WINTERS. (No Model.) No. 398,121. B S. BERGMANN. EQUALIZER FOR ELECTRIC CURRENTS. Patented Feb. 19, 1889. Fig.3 α a E F тъ Fig. 1 E a F C B F D B Fig. 5 B a CF m Witnesses CR.Farquan William H. Robinson. a Fig. 2 E a יל A Fig.6 F Fig. 4 O!! о a D E @ о Pa E @ B N PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, DC. a B. B BO Inventor Signed Bergmanns By his Attorneys Gifford Mrown 2977 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SIGMUND BERGMANN, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. EQUALIZER FOR ELECTRIC CURRENTS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 398,121, dated February 19, 1889. Application filed November 10, 1888. Serial No. 290,447. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, SIGMUND BERGMANN, of New York, in the county and State of New York, have invented a certain new and useful 5 Improvement in Equalizers for Electric Cur- rents, of which the following is a specification. In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is an end view of my invention. Fig. 2 is a plan or top view thereof, showing the coil-connec- To tions. Fig. 3 is a detail in section showing the transverse strips engaging the insulators. Fig. 4 shows a modification of the end castings or plates in which the coil ends are projected through insulators seated in openings in said 15 plate. Fig. 5 is a transverse section of the same, and Fig. 6 is a sectional detail showing an insulator extended through an opening in the plate. This invention has relation to improvements 20 in equalizers for electric-light currents; and it consists in the construction and novel com- bination of parts, as hereinafter set forth, and pointed out in the appended claims. It is found necessary in central-station work 25 to have the ends of the various feeders at the same potential when the full load on the re- sistance is the same and having consequently the same drop; but when the load on the dif- | ferent feeders rises it is necessary to throw 30 in circuit an artificial resistance to compen- sate for the difference of resistance caused by a varying load in the feeder. The function of the equalizer is to dissipate the additional en- ergy caused by the drop of potential in this 35 resistance in order to equalize the potential in the feeder. Heretofore these equalizers have been placed in or provided with wooden frames, which is found objectionable, inas- much as they are so readily ignited and burned, 40 endangering both life and property. 45 50 The object of the present invention is to provide a metal frame or casing for the resist- ance-coils of the equalizer, which are prefer- ably insulated at their points of support. In the wooden frames the degree of heat withstood is 300° Fahrenheit, and in the metal frame herein described the degree of heat may be increased to any practical degree less than that required to melt the metal. A further object is to economize in space. An equalizer of the ordinary construction to carry one hundred ampères with twenty-volts drop requires a frame twenty-four feet by twenty-four feet in cross-section by sixty feet in length, whereas in my improved frame the 55 same energy can be dissipated in a space of eighteen feet by eighteen feet in cross-section and twenty-four feet in length, thus using less resistance-wire. In the wooden frames the coils are usually 60 connected by means of soft solder, as the low temperature made necessary by the use of wood never endangers or melts the connec- tions. However, in the present instance, where a great degree of heat is expended, it is found 65 necessary to connect the ends of the wires by brazing. Referring by letter to the drawings, A des- ignates a metal frame comprising the up- rights B, which are preferably tubular, and 70 the top and bottom castings C, having thread- ed openings to receive the threaded ends of the uprights, or the said parts may be other- wise secured together without departing from the spirit of my invention. 75 The uprights B are preferably hollow or tubular, as by this construction the weight of the whole construction is greatly diminished and the strength of said uprights is increased. The resistance-coils D have their ends pro- 80 jected through openings in the transverse metal strips E, and the said ends are prefer- ably connected in their proper relations by brazing, as the degree of heat possible would destroy the solder connections heretofore em- 85 ployed. The transverse strips E may have openings near their ends to engage a projection, a, on the insulators F, which are preferably seated in depressions a' in the end plates, as plainly 90 shown in Fig. 3. These insulators F are pref- erably of an incombustible material-such, for instance, as porcelain, glass, or like material. A disk or washer, b, of asbestus or similar flexible non-combustible material, may be 95 placed around the projections of the insulator beneath the lower face of the transverse strip E, so that the said insulators will not be en- dangered by any sudden shock received by the frame. In Figs. 4 and 5 I have shown the end cast- ings as made in plate form, with the insula- tors F seated in depressions therein, and in Fig. 6 I have shown the insulators as having 100 2978 29 398,121 IO diverging sides, or in the form of a cone-frus- | lators in said openings receiving the ends of tum and extended through suitable openings the coils, substantially as specified.. in the plate. In the examples last described the insulators are perforated at b' for the pas- 5 sage of the coil ends. It is to be understood that the formation of the frame may be varied to suit the require- ments, as I only confine myself herein to an iron or other metal frame. Having described my invention, what I claim is- 3. In an equalizer for electric currents, the 25 combination, with the resistance-coils and the metal frame, of the transverse metal strips, the insulators between said strips and the frame, and disks of flexible material inter- posed between the insulators and the trans- 30 verse strips, substantially as specified. 4. In an electrical equalizer, the combina- tion, with the coils and the metal frame, of the transverse strips having the openings, the in- sulators between the strips and the frame hav- 35 ing the projection, and the flexible washer sur- rounding said projection below the lower face of the transverse strips, substantially as speci- 1. In an equalizer for electric currents, the combination, with the coils, of the metal frame comprising the uprights having the threaded 15 ends, the end castings or plates having thread- ed openings engaging the uprights, and the insulators in said end castings or plates, sub-fied. stantially as specified. 2. In an equalizer for electric currents, the 20 combination, with the coils, of the metal up- rights, the metal end plates secured thereto having the openings, and the perforated insu- Witnesses: SIGMUND BERGMANN. P. H. KLEIN, Jr., JNO. F. GEIDEL. 2979 (No Model.) J. W. HOWELL. 2 Sheets-Sheet -1. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Nov. 16, 1886. No. 352,691. 1 2 Fig 1. 5 6 A 7 C B 11 12 8 Fig. 2. 9 10 6 5 ALTEST Rowland aldtiddle. Ą A a E B 10 11 12 17 -18 E If 3 D 5 9 10 Fig. 3. A THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. D 12 : E А INVENTOR John John W. Namese 3 a attr 2980 (No Model.) No. 352,691. 7- 8- J. W. HOWELL. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Nov. 16, 1886. 13 14 А Fig 4 Á 16 15 9 5 6 Fig.5 A 5 F a олич нито E 9 Fig.6. G ATTEST Howland AW. Fiddli a Be INVENTOR: John W. Кошее مثال N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographor, Washington, D. C. 1 2981 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN W. HOWELL, OF NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 352,691, dated November 16, 1886, Application filed April 15, 1886. Serial No. 198,891. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: In the accompanying drawings, forming a Be it known that I, JOHN W. HOWELL, of part hereof, Figure 1 is a view in diagram illus- New Brunswick, in the county of Middlesex trating the principle of the invention; Fig. 2, and State of New Jersey, have invented a cer- a similar view, showing the application of the 55 5 tain new and useful Improvement in Systems invention for indication to a two-wire multi- of Electrical Distribution, of which the follow-ple-arc system of electrical distribution; Fig. ing is a specification. 3, a similar view, showing the invention ap- plied for indication to a three-wire or compen- sating system of distribution; Fig. 4, a simi- 60 lar view, showing the preferred arrangement of the indicators in a system station; Fig. 5, a view, partly in diagram, of a modified form of comparative indicator; Fig. 6, a view, partly in diagram, illustrating the invention applied 65 for automatic regulation. My invention relates to a novel method and apparatus for indicating or regulating the 10 pressure of electrical circuits, and especially those in a system of electrical distribution, by which I am enabled to use instruments of very much simpler construction than those now in use, and which instruments will not be liable 15 to get out of adjustment. In explanation of the principle involved in the invention, reference may be had to the sim- ple illustration, Fig. 1. Consider that it is de- s:red to maintain at the same constant the press. 70 ure in the circuits 1 2 and 3 4, and that 1 2 is provided with an absolute indicator of any known form, which shows the difference of po- tential between 1 and 2. In the installation of distributing systems it is considered essential to keep the pressure the same at several points in the system, these points being the ends of the feeders where they 20 join the distributing-mains. In order to keep the pressure at these points the same, press- ure-wires are run back from them to the sta- | tion, and indicators are connected with these wires, which show the pressure, and enable To show whether or not the pressure at 3 4 75 25 the feeders to be properly adjusted to correct is the same as at 1 2, I produce an electrical the pressure at their outer ends. The indica- comparison of the pressures of the two circuits tors heretofore employed have been absolute by connecting the positive conductors 1 and 3 of instruments—that is, each is connected di- the two circuits together by a bridge-wire, 5, rectly to the two wires whose difference of po- and the negative conductors 2 and 4 by a simi- 80 30 tential is to be kept constant-and the elec- lar bridge-wire, 6. In these two bridge-wires tromotive force of the lines is applied directly is located a comparative instrument, A. This to the indicator, which indicates directly the is a differentially-wound .instrument, so that pressure at that point, so that an absolute equal currents flowing in the same direction measure of the pressure at each of these points across the bridge-wires will neutralize each 85 35 is had, and each of the indicators which meas- other, and currents flowing in opposite direc- ures this pressure must be kept in accurate tions across the bridge wires will act together adjustment independently of all the others. in producing movement of the instrument. These indicators are liable to get out of adjust- This instrument A may be a high-resistance ment at any time and cause a wrong pressure differential galvanometer, with one coil in 90 40 to be kept at one or more feeders. In the sys-bridge-wire 5 and the other coil in bridge-wire tem invented by me these absolute indicators 6. It is shown as a differential galvanometer are used at one point in the system only, and by conventional illustration in all the figures, the pressure at all the other points is measured except Fig. 5. Suppose the potentials at 1 2 by comparing it electrically with the pressure to be represented by 200 on the positive con- 95 45 at this point-that is to say, electrical forces ductor 1, and by 100 on the negative conductor derived from two points are made to have a 2, and that the difference in potential 100 is cumulative or differential action upon an in- the pressure it is desired to maintain constant strument whose movement is the resultant of in both circuits. If the potentials are the such forces. The same principle can also be same at 3 4, no current flows through the gal- 100 50 applied for automatic regulation as well as in- vanometer and the needle remains at zero. dication. at 3 4 there are potentials represented by 202 | If 2982 2 352,691 and 102, then in each bridge-wire and on each coil of galvanometer there is a current caused by a difference of potential of 2. As in each bridge-wire this flows from circuit 3 4 to 1 2, 5 the currents neutralize each other, and there is no deflection. This is a correct indication, since the difference of potential at 3 4 is still 100. If at 3 4 there are potentials represented by 202 and 101, the currents in the galvanom- 10 eter-coils will be in the same direction as be- fore; but one being caused by 2 units and the other by 4 units, a deflection will be produced by the larger current, as it should be, since the difference of potential is 98 and not 100. If at 3 4 we have 202 and 98, one coil of gal- vanometer will carry a current from circuit 3.4 to circuit 12, and one from 1 2 to 3 4, and these currents will act together on the needle and produce a deflection, as they should, show- 20 ind the difference of potential as being 104. 15 The circuit 1 2 will be regulated by reference to its absolute indicator, while circuit 3 4, and as many other circuits as may be connected with 1 2 in the same manner, will be regulated 25 by reference to their respective instruments A; or these instruments can be utilized to ef- fect the regulation automatically, as will be presently explained. | • comparison of the potentials on the neutral wires of the two or more feeders. This is done by simply breaking the bridge wires con- 7c necting positive conductors, as well as those connecting negative conductors, leaving the bridge-wires between neutral conductors alone in connection with the instruments. The com- parative indicators then act as simple gal- 75 vanometers, and show the differences in poten- tial between the neutral conductors. Since the flow of current on neutral conductors in- dicates an unbalanced system, the comparative indicators enable the fault to be located and 80 remedied. I prefer, for a distributing system, to provide a standard pressure by a local station-circuit directly from the dynamos in station or the omnibus wires 13 14, into which they feed, and 85 to compare the pressures at ends of feeders with this standard pressure. This is shown applied to a two-wire system in Fig. 4. The applica- tiou to a three-wire system will take double the number of instruments, (the same number ço for each side or division of the circuit,) as will be understood from Fig. 3. With reference to Fig. 4, an incandescent electric lamp, A', forming a fixed resistance, is connected with omnibus wires 13 14 in station, 95 and has an adjustable resistance, R', in series with it. with it. An absolute indicator, E, is con- nected in multiple arc with the lamp A', and by adjusting R' with reference to E the lamp can be kept at a candle power giving the dif- 100 ference in potential between the lamp termi- nals that it is desired for outer ends of feed- ers. The bridge-wires, with their comparative indicators, are connected between the feeder pressure-wires and wires 15 16, running from 105 the terminals of this lamp A'. In Fig. 2 the application of the invention 30 for indication upon a two-wire system of dis- tribution is shown. The street-mains are illus- trated by 7 8. From the street - mains at points B, C, and D, are taken feeders 9 10, sup- plying current to the mains from the central 35 station, and corresponding with the feeders are pressure-wires 11 12, running from points B, C, and D on mains back to the station. The feeders will have adjustable resistances R for regulation. Hand-adjusted resistances for this 40 purpose are shown in Fig. 4, and an auto- This invention, it will thus be seen, reduces matically-adjusted resistance is shown in Fig.6. the number of absolute indicators to one in a To the pressure-wires from B is connected multiple-arc system, and to two in a three-wire the absolute indicator E. This may be the system the pressure at all other points being 110 lamp-indicator shown in my Patent No.339,058, shown on differential galvanometers, which, 45 or any other suitable indicator. Bridge-wires arranged for this purpose, I call "comparative" 5 6 connect an extra set of pressure-wires, 17 indicators. Central stations, as at present 18, from B with those from C and D, and in erected on the Edison system, use from eight to these bridge-wires are located the differential twelve indicators. Each of these is an abso- 115 galvanometers A. Thus indications will be lute indicator, and has to be kept in adjust- 50 had for regulating the three feeders to keep ment independently of the others. This re- the desired pressure at the points B, C, and D. quires a great deal of attention and time, and For a three-wire system, Fig. 3, the press- if the instruments are not kept in adjustment ure at B, between positive and neutral and they will give wrong indications. The com- 12c between neutral and negative, is shown upon parative indicators, however, require no ad- 55 two absolute indicators, E, while four com-justment after being once set up; and as it is parative indicators, A, show whether or not only necessary to keep one or two absolute in- the pressure at C and D is the same as at B. Indicators in adjustment, it or they will receive this figure, for clearness of illustration, the bridge-wires for comparative indicators are 60 shown as connected with the same pressure- wires from point B, as are the absolute indica- tors. The comparative indicators have a particu- lar advantage in connection with a three-wire 65 system of distribution, since they enable it to be determined whether current is flowing over the neutral wire of any feeder by a direct | more attention and the regulation will be im- 125 proved. The comparative indicators, also, can be made for much less money than absolute indicators, and where ten or twelve are used this makes a large saving. Instead of a differential galvanometer, I can 130 use a differentially-wound polarized relay, F, Fig. 5, which will close one of two circuits and light one of two lamps, ab, when the press- ure is different from that at the absolute indi- 2983 352,691 cator. In these galvanometers or relays the resistance of each coil must be, as will be well understood, large enough, when compared with the resistance of the pressure-wires, to bring 5 the difference of potentials to the instrument and not have any noticeable loss on the press- ure-wires. The differential galvanometer or polarized relay may be arranged to close one of two cir- Io cuits when moved from the normal position, and thus control and cause to operate in one direction or the other any suitable interme- diate mechanism, G, Fig. 6, which will throw into and out of circuit an adjustable resistance, 15 R, and in this manner the resistance of a feeder and the pressure at its outer end may be regu- lated automatically. In Fig. 6 the arm of differential galvanometer is shown connected constantly with one mer- 20 cury-trough, c, and standing normally between two others, de, and in this way, by the con- nections shown, controlling two circuits to in- termediate resistance adjusting mechanism, G, which is a well-understood apparatus. 25 What I claim is- 1. The method of producing movement for the indication or regulation of pressure for two or more electrical circuits, consisting in effecting such movement for one circuit di- 30 rectly by the pressure thereat, and effecting such movement for the other circuits by mov- ing instruments by the resultant of electrical forces acting cumulatively or differentially thereon, such forces being derived from the 35 standard circuit and from such other circuits, substantially as set forth. | tribution and the feeders leading thereto, of one or more absolute pressure-indicators con- nected with the conductors of the system, and one or more comparative pressure indicators, each acted upon differentially or cumulatively 60 by electrical forces derived from two points of the system, substantially as set forth. 5. The combination, with the connected main conductors of a system of electrical dis- tribution and the feeders and pressure-wires 65 thereto, of one or two absolute pressure-indi- cators connected with the conductors of the system, and comparative pressure-indicators connected in bridges between feeder pressure- wires and the circuit or circuits provided with 70 the absolute instrument, substantially as set forth. 6. The combination, with the connected main conductors of a system of electrical dis- tribution and the feeder and pressure-wires 75 thereto, of a local station-circuit provided with an absolute pressure-indicator, and regu- lating devices and comparative pressure-indi- cators connected in bridges between the feeder pressure-wires and this local station-circuit, 80 substantially as set forth. 7. The combination, with the connected main conductors of a system of electrical dis- tribution and the feeders and pressure wires thereto, of a local station-circuit provided 85 with a fixed and an adjustable resistance, an absolute indicator showing pressure across ter- minals of fixed resistance, and comparative indicators connected by bridge-wires between pressure-wires and the terminals of said fixed 90 resistance, substantially as set forth. 8. The combination, with a standard cir- cuit, of two or more comparative pressure-in- dicators connected with the same pressure- wires from such standard circuit, substantially 95 as set forth. 2. The combination of two or more electrical circuits, an absolute indicator of pressure con- nected directly with one circuit, and a com- 40 parative pressure-indicator for each of the one or more other circuits acted upon differentially or cumulatively by electrical forces derived 9. The combination, with a standard cir- from the first circuit and one of the other circuit, of two or more comparative pressure-in- cuits, substantially as set forth. dicators connected with the same pressure- wires from such standard circuit, and sepa- 1ỏɔ rate wires from the standard circuit including one or more absolute pressure-indicators, sub- stantially as set forth. 15 3. The combination, with two electrical cir- "uits, of two bridge-wires connecting conduct- rs of like polarity of such circuits and a dif ferentially-wound indicating or regulating in- strument located in such bridge-wires, for ef- 50 fecting movement for indication or regulation by an electrical comparison between the press- ures of the two circuits, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with the connected 55 main conductors of a system of electrical dis- This specification signed and witnessed this 8th day of April, 1886. Witnesses: JOHN W. HOWELL. WM. J. LATUS, C. A. GUNDAKER. 2984 (No Model.) No. 342,748. J. W. HOWELL. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. Patented May 25, 1886. P_ C N- pig 1. A gt A A +9 LA A A プ ​P с P' ROZ 9 'و n P_ Mig 2 P_ A B Z d a 9 26 지 ​ALTEST Et owland Altstiddle. e R h R THE NORRIS PETENS CO., PHOTO-LITHO,, WASHINGTON, D. C. Mig. 3. B 召 ​9 INVENTOR John W. Howell By е هر edey attys (No Model.) 2985 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. No. 342,748. P C N 4?? P'- J. W. HOWELL. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. A Fig. 4. P2 9 Patented May 25, 1886. N? 2 f д iii 999 999 ii iiii9 r re ATTEST Rowland All. Fiddle f Fig. 5. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. N 2 INVENTOR John W. Namele By Dy 2986 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN W. HOWELL, OF NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 342,748, dated May 25, 1886. Application filed March 12, 1886. Serial No. 194,971. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, JOHN W. HOWELL, of New Brunswick, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, have invented a cer- 5 tain new and useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, of which the fol- lowing is a specification. 15 • in several strands repairs can be made with. out removing the whole feeder from use, as each strand can be operated upon by itself. For 55 overhead or pole lines, the wires may be either bare or insulated, and they are preferably run separately upon the poles. Thus the running of the very large and heavy wires sometimes required for feeding-conductors is done away 60 with. The small wires can be drawn much tighter and straighter than the large ones, and a line of better appearance is thereby pro- duced, and the labor of putting up the small wires is much less. In an underground sys- 65 tem of conductors the strands, first carefully insulated, are grouped together in cables. These cables may be made of any desired length in one continuous, cable without a joint, and can be laid as one piece, obviating the 70 necessity of a joint every few feet, as in the Edison system. This saves labor and expense in laying and prevents the trouble now expe- rienced from leakages and grounds at the joints. All the strands forming both conduct- 75 ors of a feeder may be placed in one cable, or those forming the positive conductor put in one cable, and those forming the negative con- ductor put in a separate cable. In a three- wire or compensating system I prefer to make 80 only the positive and negative wires in strands, while the middle or compensating conductor, which does not have to be regulated, is a sin- In the Edison system of electrical distribu- tion, as is now well known, the generators at to the central station are all connected to com- mon or "omnibus" wires within the station, from which a suitable number of feeding-cir- cnits extend to the centers of distribution of the district supplied, where they are connected with the main or lighting conductors, from which the house-circuits are derived. In such a system it is necessary to provide means for regulating the current carried by each feeder so as to maintain the same pressure at all the 20 centers of distribution, whereby all the lamps throughout the system will be kept at the same candle-power. Heretofore there has been used for this purpose an adjustable resistance in each feeding-circuit. Such resistances are 25 bulky and expensive, being necessarily com- posed of a large number of coils of heavy wire. The main object of my invention is to do away with such resistances, and thereby gain in space and in economy, and simplify the op- 30 eration of regulating the feeders. I accomplish this by making each feeding-conductor consist of a suitable number of separate strands, in-gle wire of the proper size. Where cables are sulated from one another, the total conduct- ing capacity being that desired for the feeder. 35 The strands are all connected at the same point to the omnibus conductor, and at the same point to the main or lighting conductors. A switch or switches are provided for each conductor at the station, whereby any desired number of 40 the strands may be placed in or out of circuit, and the current of the feeder thereby increased or diminished. Another feature of my invention is the plac- ing of a safety-catch or fusible length of wire 45 in each strand of each feeding conductor. Preferably I place two safety-catches in each strand, one near the junction with the omni- bus wire, the other near the junction with the main conductor. Thus, if a cross or short cir- 50 cuit occurs, the safety-catch of only one strand will be burned out and the feeder therefore will not be destroyed. By making each feeder used, the central wire of each cable is prefer- 85 ably used as the compensating-conductor. I usually prefer to make each conductor of from five to ten strands, though the number of strands will be, of course, governed by the circumstances of each case. 90 In the annexed drawings, Figure 1 is a dia- gram of a system embodying my invention; Fig. 2, a view showing the preferred arrange- ment of a feeding-conductor at the central sta- tion; Fig. 3, a view of another arrangement 95 thereof; Fig. 4 a diagram illustrating the manner of connecting the compensating-con- ductor in an underground system; and Fig. 5, a section of the cables employed in such sys- tem. Referring first to Figs. 1, 2, and 3, P, N, and C are respectively the positive, negative, and compensating omnibus wires at the cen tral station, to which the generators (not 100 2987 2 342,748 shown) are connected. P', N', and C are main or lighting conductors. Each positive feed- ing-conductor is composed of several separate strands, p p, and each negative feeding-con- 5 ductor of a number of strands, n n. c care the compensating feeding-conductors. A is a switch for placing the strands in and out of circuit. One of these switches is provided for each conductor of each feeding-circuit, so that 10 the two sides of a feeder may be kept alike. The switch consists of a suitable number of contact-blocks, a a, to each of which a wire, p, (or n,) is connected, and a long block, b, from which a wire, B, large enough to carry this 15 whole feeder-current, goes to the omnibus wire.. D is a pivoted contact-arm, whose end d is wide enough to bridge all the blocks a and whose other end, e, travels upon long block b. Arm D may be provided with a hand-wheel, 20 f, (shown by dotted line,) for turning it. It will be seen that when arm D is turned more or less of the strands of the feeding-conductor are connected with the omnibus wire. Suffi- cient space is left between blocks a and block 25 b to permit the circuit to be broken by throw- ing arm D off from all the blocks. On the same base as the switch, or in any other con- venient location, are placed safety-catches gg, one for each strand of the conductor. Near 30 the junction of each strand with the main con- ductor is placed a safety-catch, g'. • In Fig. 3 is shown a separate switch for each strand. Plug-switches h h are shown; but it is evident that any other suitable form of 35 switch may be employed. In Figs. 4 and 5, P represents a positive ca ble, and N a negative one. The switches, safety-catches, and connections of the sepa- rately-insulated wires of the cables are the 40 same as those already described. The central wires, f, of each cable are connected together near each end of the feeder, and connected to the compensating omnibus wire and to the | · compensating lighting conductor, the two wires ff thus forming together the compen- 45 sating feeding-conductor. What I claim is— 1. In a system of electrical distribution, a feeding-conductor composed of two or more strands or wires insulated from one another, 50 in combination with means for placing a great- er or less number of such strands in circuit, substantially as set forth. 2. In a system of electrical distribution, the positive and negative conductors of a feeding- 55 circuit, each composed of two or more strands or wires insulated from one another, in com. bination with means in connection with each conductor for placing a greater or less num- ber of its strands in circuit, substantially as 60 set forth. 3. In a system of electrical distribution, a feeding-conductor composed of two or more separate strands insulated from one another, in combination with one or more safety-catches 55 in each strand, substantially as set forth. 4. In a system of electrical distribution, the combination, with a feeding-conductor com- posed of two or more strands or wires insulated from one another, of a switch adapted to place 70 more or less of said strands in circuit, or to break the circuit of all said strands, substan- tially as set forth. 5. In a compensating system of electrical distribution, a feeding-circuit whose positive 75 and negative conductors are each a cable com- posed of two or more insulated strands or wires, and one or more wires of each cable be- ing connected to form the compensating.con- ductor, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 16th day of February, 1886. Witnesses: JOHN W. HOWELL. WM. J. LATUS, CHAS. A. GUNDAKER. 80 2988 graymy A d ATTEST: Howland Paul B. Dyer. तू Ri a re N no. THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, O. C. به d a D n 2 2 1.3 R Jd C Fig1. и (No Model.) No. 329,621. H. M. BYLLESBY. 2 Sheets-Sheet, 1. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Nov. 3, 1885. n a 2 n a R. a N 가​? p 2 of 2 Ас INVENTOR: Henry M. Bylbertes. By Dyer Oyer they Attys P ㅇㅇ ​Rill 70.2 n2 2 72 И u 80 м یرجی A 42 x n2 2 А d AT TEST: Rowland Paul D. Dyer P RO THE NORAIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. N e e Ja لم n А Fig. 2. 702 C3 72 * INVENTOR: Henry M. Bylleshy By Dyer Fly Атр. A (No Model.) No. 329,621. m d 6 fi 701 Ca n zd x 702 80 n 2 2989 H. M. BYLLESBY. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Nov. 3, 1885, e Je 999 f £3 C3 n 2 n 2 오오오 ​오오오 ​2990 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HENRY M. BYLLESBY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 329,621, dated November 3, 1885. Application filed October 10, 1884. Serial No. 145,137. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, HENRY M. BYLLESBY, of New York, in the county of New York and State of New York, have invented a certain 5 new and useful Improvement in Systems of Electrical Distribution, of which the follow- ing is a specification. My invention relates to systems for the gen- eral distribution of electricity for light, power, 10 and other purposes. Usually in such systems the generators at the central station or source of supply have all been connected to two main conductors, from which conductors feeding circuits extend to a system of intersecting and 15 connected positive and negative main conduct ors. In this arrangement difficulty arises from the mutual dependence upon one another of all the feeding-circuits, they being connected together at both ends through the "omnibus- 20 wires" at the central station, and through the system of main lighting-conductors in the dis- trict. For instance, when a cross occurs in one part of the district, causing an excess of current on the feeder nearest thereto, so as to 25 burn out the safety-catch in that feeder, this current is all thrown upon the next feeder, and so overloads it as to destroy its safety-catch, and this will continue throughout the system until all the feeder safety-catches are destroyed 30 and the supply of current ceases throughout the entire system. It has been proposed, in order to remedy this, to do away with the com- mon main conductors at the central station, and connect each generator separately with 35 the feeders, so that such feeders are connected together only through the lighting-conduct- ors, and are thereby made independent and separately controllable; but in this system the advantages of using the omnibus - wires are 40 lost. When such wires are used, the difference of potential is the same at the station-termi- nals of all the feeders, each feeder being sup- plied by all the generators, while if they are not used the feeders, being separately connect- 45 ed with the generators, may each be supplied at a different electro-motive force, each gener- ator having its own regulator. Further, by means of the omnibus wires the whole current supplied to the district is most readily varied, 50 as any change in the generation of current by any machine affects the whole system, and the generators may be readily thrown on and off, to increase or diminish the current supplied. - In the system which forms my invention I am enabled to combine the advantages of the 55 independently-controlled feeders with those of common central - station conductors. Such system consists of one or more generators connected to the two main conductors at the station, and two or more feeding circuits ex- 60 tending from said maiu conductors, each of said feeding circuits being connected with a separate section of the lighting conductors— that is to say, the intersecting and connected positive and negative conductors from which 65 the house-circuits extend, instead of being all connected together throughout the district, are electrically divided into sections, each sec- tion being supplied by a separate feeding-cir- cuit. I prefer to provide each feeding circuit 70 with a circuit making and breaking switch, a safety-catch, and an adjustable resistance or other suitable regulating device. Any feeder may therefore be disconnected from the sys- tem without affecting the current in any other 75 feeder to any material extent, the generator being regulated to maintain a constant electro- motive force, or the current of any feeder may be varied without changing that of the others. At the same time, the generators all feeding into 80 the same main conductors, there is the same initial electro-motive force for all the feeders. The field circuit of each generator is provided with an adjustable resistance for regulating its electro-motive force, whereby a constant 85 electro-motive force is maintained, or the de- termined constant electro-motive force may be raised or lowered, if necessary, to regulate the current for the entire system; or these ef- fects may in some cases be produced by con- 90 necting or disconnecting one or more genera- tors from the common main conductors. My invention is applicable, further, to the three-wire or compensating system of electri- cal distribution, as will be presently set forth. 95 I may, in addition, provide the system with means for connecting together the sections of lighting-conductors, if at any time it should be desired, by reason of a cross or leak in the feeding circuit supplying a section, or for any 100 feeding-circuit 2991 2 329,621 other reason, to supply two or more sections from the same feeder. Normally such con- nections are open, and they are only closed under circumstances such as I have just men- 5 tioned. The invention may be more readily under- stood by reference to the accompanying draw ings, in which- Figure 1 is a diagramr representing a two- 10 wire system, and Fig. 2 a diagram of a three- wire system, both embodying the said inven- tion. | in the drawings between the central station and the lighting-conductors to indicate that there may be a considerable intervening dis- 70 tance. - Jo As above stated, I may provide means for temporarily connecting the sections at any time. Such means preferably consist of con- ductors rr', which I term "relief-wires," 75 each provided with a plug-switch, s, or other suitable circuit controlling device. These wires connect the terminals of the feeder of each section with those of the sections con- tiguous to it. They are normally open at s s; 80 but if a cross or ground or other defect should arise in any feeder the circuit r', connecting it with the next section, is closed, and the feeder of said next section will therefore sup- ply both sections with current. Both con- 85 ductors of the defective feeder should previ- ously be broken at tt, these switches being situated close to the feeder-terminals, so that the cross or leak can not affect the system. Circuits may be closed to several neigh- 90 boring sections, if more current is required than one feeder can supply. It will be un- derstood, however, that normally the circuits rr' are all open and feeding-circuits all closed, the sections being connected together only for 95 the relief of the system in the event of such difficulties occurring as have been set forth. · A A', &c., are electrical generators. Refer- ring first to Fig. 1, these generators are all 15 connected in multiple arc with two main con- ductors, P and N, by wires p n. Each of said wires pn contains a switch, a, for throwing the machine on and off, and a fusible-wire safety catch, b, for breaking the circuit on an 20 excess of current. The field circuit of each machine contains an adjustable resistance, c, for regulating the electro-motive force. While, for convenience, these resistances are shown as independently adjustable, it is usually pre- 25 ferred to arrange them for simultaneous ad- justment, as in the patent of T. A. Edison, No. | 281,349, dated July 17, 1883. From the cen- tral station main conductors P N extend the feeding circuits composed of conductors p'n'. 30 Each feeding conductor has break - circuit switch d and safety-catch e, and each feeding- In Fig. 2 there are three common main con- circuit contains a regulating - resistance, f. ductors, P, N, and C, the middle one, C, be- Each feeding-circuit extends to a certain point ing the compensating-conductor. The gen- 100 in the district supplied from the station, where erators are in series of two each, A A and A' 35 it is connected with the positive and negative A', the compensating - conductor being con- lighting-conductors p² n². These conductors nected between the generators of each group are connected together, positive to positive and by conductor c'. The generators are provided negative to negative, at the street-corners, each with a regulating-resistance, c, as shown; 105 where they intersect one another, as has here- or the field-coils of each group may be in se- 40 tofore been customary; but, instead of being ries and have a common resistance. Switches all connected throughout the district, they are and safety catches are provided for conductors divided into sections, as illustrated, one feed-p c'n. The feeding circuits also consist each ing circuit extending to each section. The of three conductors, p'cn', and these are 110 sections may be of any convenient area, each connected, as shown, to the lighting-conduct- 45 comprising such suitable number of translat- ors p² c³ n². The feeding conductors have ing devices as can be conveniently supplied switches and safety-catches, as before, and an by a single feeding-circuit, and the divisions additional adjustable resistance, g, is placed may be made at convenient points. Electric in the compensating-conductor, to be used if 115 lamps or other translating devices, xx, are one main conductor is thrown off, so that the 50 connected in multiple arc with the conductors compensating-conductor forms one side of the pn. Each feeder having its own regulating circuit. The lamps or other translating de- device f, the current in each is regulatel ac- vices are in multiple series, as shown. The cording to the amount required in its section lighting-conductors are divided into sections, 120 at any time; and it is evident that such regu- to each of which a feeder is connected, as in 55 lation will not affect the other feeders, a con- Fig. 1, and the effect is the same. In this stant electro-motive force being maintained, case also the system is provided with relief- as has been already pointed out; but by means conductors r², each having a switch, s, so of conductors P N the same initial pressure that the sections may be connected together, 125 is maintained at the station for all the feeders. if necessary, as above described. 60 If a safety catch is burned out on one feeder, that section is cut out, but there is no increase in current on the other feeders. At the same time the total current supplied to the district is readily varied by means of the field-resist- 65 ances, or by changing the number of genera- tors in connection with the system. The feeding-conductors are broken away | What I claim is- - - 1. A system of electrical distribution com- prising one or more generators, main conduct- ors to which said generators are connected, 130 a system of lighting conductors divided elec- trically into sections, two or more feeding- circuits extending from said main conductors, one to each of said sections, and circuit-con- 2992 5 2992 329,621 trolling devices for each feeding circuit, sub- stantially as set forth. 3 4. A system of electrical distribution com- prising one or more generators, main conduct- 2. A system of electrical distribution com- ors to which such generators are connected, a prising one or more generators, main con- system of lighting-conductors divided elec- ductors to which said generators are connect-trically into sections, two or more feeding- 25 ed, a system of lighting-conductors divided circuits extending from said main conduct- electrically into sections, two or more feeding- ors, one to each of said sections, two or more circuits, one extending from said main con- relief-conductors connecting said sections to- ductors to each of the sections of the lighting gether, a circuit making and breaking switch Io conductors, and adjustable resistances for the for each of said relief-conductors, and a cir- 30 feeding-circuits, substantially as set forth. cuit making and breaking switch for each conductor of each feeding - circuit, substan- tially as set forth. - 3. A system of electrical distribution com- prising one or more generators, main con- ductors to which said generators are connect- 15 ed, a system of lighting-conductors divided electrically into sections, two or more feeding- circuits extending from said main conductors, one to each of said sections, and means for temporarily connecting together any two of 20 the sections, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 8th day of October, 1884. Witnesses: HENRY M. BYLLESBY. WM. H. MEADOWCROFT, THOS. G. GREENE, Jr. រ . 2993 (No Model.) H. M. DOUBLEDAY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. Patented Jan. 26, 1886. No. 335,060. 19 Ą 2 3 R 18 + 12 + 3 d + R d R R R d адве my d 2 Fig 2. ATTEST Rowland : Mr. Fiddl. 10 16 万 ​14 4 5 B 6 4 5 R + ad 6 13 14 + 18 19 166 717 17 Fig 1. 10 Ъ 7 ba ४ C 9 ན ૪ да 9 Бъ 10 + R d ъб ㅎㅎ ​7 + as * aQ 4 5 6 π d Mig.s. + 9 ㅂ ​पुठ 08 да INVENTOR Nassy In. Doubleday By Bye Luly る ​Cualys N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. . > (No Model.) No. 335,060. d IR R 20 3 R 2994 H. M. DOUBLEDAY. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 19 Fig.4. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. Patented Jan. 26, 1886. 18 + 16 + 4 5 6 4 5 6 る ​万 ​14 17 R + ठ d d c. 13- 14 ATTEST: Mowland Att. And dr. + 18 19 16 15 @ O a Ъ ४ 9 10 7 + C· 万 ​7 ४ 9 D C 7 INVENTOR In Doubleday. stary By Byrduly alty's N PETERS, Photo Lithographor, Washington, DL 2995 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HARRY M. DOUBLEDAY, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNOR OF THREE-FOURTHS TO JAMES S. HUMBIRD AND FRANK S. MARR, BOTH OF HARRISBURG, PA., AND JAMES LYMAN, OF MIDDLEFIELD, CONN. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 335,060, dated January 26, 1886. Application filed June 26, 1885. Serial No. 169,825. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, HARRY M. DOUBLEDAY, of New York city, in the county and State of New York, have invented a certain new and 5 useful Improvement in Systems of Electric Lighting, of which the following is a specifica- tion. My invention relates to systems of lighting by electrical incandescence, and more partic- 10 ularly to the supplying of street-lamps from such a system. - The object I have in view is to provide in a simple and efficient manner a separate control of the street-lamps from the central station, so 15 that such street-lamps can be turned off and on from the station, the street lamps being supplied with current from the same source that supplies the domestic lamps, and the conductors for the domestic lamps being 20 utilized in conveying current for the street lamps. The invention consists in the means em- ployed for accomplishing these general ob- jects, and also in details used in the carrying 25 out of these objects practically in connection with a domestic system of electric lighting, to provide for safety for the regulation of the street-lamps independent of the domestic lamps, and for permitting the turning on and 30 off of the street-lamps without noticeably af fecting the domestic lamps. The invention is especially applicable to the Edison three-wire or compensating system, al- though also applicable to a simple two-wire 35 system, as will be hereinafter pointed out. In the accompanying drawings, forming a part hereof, Figure 1 is a diagram of parts of an electric-lighting system illustrating my in- vention. Figs. 2 and 3 are modifications there. 40 of, and Fig. 4 is a further modification. With reference more particularly to Fig. 1, A represents a central station for a three- wire or compensating system provided with dynamos (not shown) for generating the cur- 45 rent connected with the omnibus conductors 1 2 3 in the station. From these omnibus con- ductors extend, as usual, feeders B B', each com- posed of three conductors, 4 5 6, to sections C C' of the system. These sections are portions of the domestic mains, each composed of three 50 conductors, 7 8 9, such domestic mains being connected together by intervening domestic mains, as shown by the crossing lines D at the right of Fig. 1, the whole forming a connected system of positive, negative, and neutral or 55 compensating conductors supplied by feeders from the central station. From these domestic mains house-circuits extend, and in these are located domestic incandescing electric lamps al. The domestic system is provided with all 60 the usual appliances for regulation, control, and safety, which it is not thought necessary to describe herein. For the street-lamps I provide separate and independent single part mains 10 11, connected 65 with the station by single part feeders 12 13. The feeder 12 is connected at station with the positive omnibus conductor 1, while 13 is con- nected with the negative omnibus wire 3. Street - lamps b are connected between the 70 mains 10 11 and the neutral or compensating conductor 8 of the domestic mains. Throughout the domestic system, wherever it is desired to place street-lamps, the street- lamp mains will extend. These will be di- 75 vided into a suitable number of separate inde- pendent sections, and as many of the single part feeders 12 13 will be used as there are separate divisions to the street-lamp mains, such feeders being preferably divided between 80 the two sides of the circuit, half of these be- ing connected with the positive omnibus con- ductor and half with the negative omnibus conductor. At the central station each street lamp feed- 85 er is provided with a switch, c, for making and breaking the circuit of the street-lamps connected with the particular division of the street-lamp mains supplied by the feeder, and each of such feeders also has an adjustable re- 90 sistance, R, which may be a wire or lamp re- sistance located in the station. This resist- ance is employed for regulating the street- lamps in candle-power; but its principal use is to permit the street-lamps to be thrown into 95 and out of circuit gradually, the resistance be- 2996 -21 335,060 ing first gradually introduced into the feeder before the switch is opened, and being gradu- ally cut out of the feeder after the switch is closed. The street-lamps being thrown on 5 and off one division at a time, and by the gradual cutting out and in of the resistances, the effect upon the domestic lamps will not be noticeable. Each street-lamp feeder also has a fusible safety-catch, d, proportioned to carry To the maximum normal load of the feeder. Where it is desired to operate street-lamps beyond the limits of the domestic mains, which is often the case, I extend the neutral conduct or 8 of the domestic mains by lines 14 15, con- 15 nected together at their outer ends. Street- lamp mains 16 17 are run parallel to such neu- tral lines 14 15, and are connected by positive and negative feeders 18 19 with the station, the effect of the full electro-motive force be- 20 ing obtained by this arrangement. As a modification of the system it is evident that some or all of the street-lamp mains may be connected directly with the station, as shown in Fig. 2. This would be done with mains 25 close to the station and not themselves of great length. In applying the invention to a simple two- wire domestic system, Fig. 3, the street-lamps will be located between positive and negative 30 street-lamp mains and domestic mains of oppo- site polarity. A number of street-lamp mains would pref- erably be used divided between the two sides of the system, as before explained with refer- 35 ence to the three-wire system. All of the street-lamp feeders from the station, whether to mains within the limits of the do- mestic system or beyond, as well as all direct connections of street-lamp mains to stations, 40 will be provided with switches, adjustable re- sistances, and safety - catches, as before ex- plained. - I prefer in some cases to dispense with the feeders to the street-lamp mains within the 45 limits of the domestic system, and to supply such street-lamp mains from the street-lamp mains outside the limits of the domestic sys- tem, the two sets of mains being connected to- gether and the feeders running to the outly- 50 ing mains only. This arrangement, which is shown in Fig. 4, is desirable, in order to se- cure the best distribution of the current. What I claim is— 1. The combination, with a domestic sys- 55 tem of lighting by electrical incandescence, of an additional conductor connected independ- ent of the domestic system with one pole of the source of electrical supply at the station, and lamps connected between such additional 60 conductor and a conductor of the domestic system, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination, with a connected sys- tem of conductors, incandescent electric lamps connected in multiple arc with such conduct- 55 ors, and a source of electrical energy connected by feeding-circuits with such system of con- ductors, the whole forming a domestic system | of electric lighting, of one or more additional conductors, incandescent electric lamps con- nected in multiple arc between such addi- 70 tional conductors and conductors of the do- mestic system, and one or more separate con- nections from such additional conductors to the source of supply of the domestic system, substantially as set forth. 75 3. The combination, with a three-wire or compensating system of electric lighting, of an additional conductor, electric lamps con- nected between such additional conductor and the neutral or compensating conductor of the 80 system, and a separate connection from such additional conductor to one side of the source of electrical supply, substantially as set forth. 4. The combination, with a domestic system of electric lighting, of street-lamps connected 85 between an additional conductor and a con- ductor of the domestic system, a separate single part connection from such additional conduct- or to one side of the source of electrical sup- ply, and an adjustable resistance in such con- necting-conductor, substantially as set forth. 5. The combination, with a domestic system of electric lighting, of street-lamps connected between an additional conductor and a con- ductor of the domestic system, a separate single part connection from such additional conductor to one side of the source of elec- trical supply, and a circuit making and break- ing switch in such connecting-conductor, sub- stantially as set forth. 95 ΙΟΟ 6. The combination, with a domestic system of electric lighting, of street-lamps connected between an additional conductor and a con- ductor of the domestic system, a separate single part connection from such additional conduct- 105 or to one side of the source of electrical sup- ply, and a fusible safety-catch in such connect- ing-conductor, substantially as set forth. 7. The combination, with a domestic system of electric lighting composed of connected 110 conductors supplied by feeders from a central station, of two or more separate and independ- ent additional conductors, lamps connected be- tween each of such additional conductors and the conductors of the domestic system, and a 11 separate connection from each additional con- ductor to the source of supply at station, sub- stantially as set forth. 8. The combination, with a domestic system of electric lighting composed of connected con- 120 ductors supplied by feeders from a central sta- tion, of street-lamps arranged in divisions, the lamps of each division being connected be- tween an additional conductor and a conductor of the domestic system, and separate connec- tions from such additional conductors to the source of supply, such connections being made some to one side or pole and some to the other side or pole of the source of supply, substan- tially as set forth. 9. The combination, with a three- wire or compensating system of electric lighting, of street-lamps arranged in divisions between in- dependent additional conductors and the neu- 125 130 2997 335,060 tral or compensating conductor of the system, and separate connections from such additional conductors to the source of supply, such con- nections being made some to one side or pole 5 and some to the other side or pole of the source of supply, substantially as set forth. 10. The combination, with a three- wire or compensating system of electric lighting, of an extension of the neutral conductor beyond to the limits of the system, an additional con- ductor parallel with such extension of the neu- tral conductor, street-lamps located between such additional conductor and the extension of the neutral conductor, and a separate connec- 15 tion from said additional conductor to the source of supply, substantially as set forth. 3 11. The combination, with a three- wire or compensating system of electric lighting, of an extension of the neutral conductor beyond the limits of the system, two or more addi- 20 tional conductors parallel with such extension, connections from such additional conductors to opposite sides or poles of the source of sup- ply, and street-lamps located between such ad- ditional conductors and said extension of the 25 neutral conductor, substantially as set forth. This specification signed and witnessed this 9th day of June, 1885. Witnesses: HARRY M. DOUBLEDAY. ROGER S. CASE, STEWART P. KEELING. 2998 (No Model.) No. 378,738. ## y T. SPENCER. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. } Patented Feb. 28, 1888. a" 20 FIG_I_ # X α 0 0 0 Old System attest. Ges. T. Smallword! Jas. K. M.Bartran a У У ex Inventor: Thomas Spencer. Fros. 2. Knight Ris By atty's N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 2999 (No Model.) No. 378,738. T. SPENCER. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. Patented Feb. 28, 1888. # FIG. II. FIG-III. attest. y a" # x 20 колк колог A # Geo. F. Smallwood Jas. Kr. M.Carturan DDD колол голол Y # A H Ta New System a Y b Inventor: Thomas Spencer By Knightrons. allis N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. 3000 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS SPENCER, OF WESTBROOK, CONNECTICUT. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 378,738, dated February 28, 1888. Application filed August 13, 1887. Serial No. 246,879. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, THOMAS SPENCER, a citi- zen of the United States, residing at West- brook, in the county of Middlesex and State of 5 Connecticut, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Systems of Electric Distribution, of which the following is a speci- fication. In electric-light systems now in use, and par- 10 ticularly in those employing the Edison three- wire system, it is the custom to connect the light-mains at different points to a number of conductors called "feeders," led from the cen- tral station, for the purpose of maintaining the 15 electro-motive force constant on the main. Such an arrangement would be effectual if the feeders always carried the current for which they are calculated. In systems, however, where the " consumer" is enabled to cut in or 20 out his own lamp at will a varying number of lamps are in circuit, and the consequent varia- tion of resistance of the main renders it neces· sary to use some equalizing device, so that each feeder will carry the proper current. For this 25 purpose, ordinarily, rheostats, called in this connection "feeder regulators" or "equal- izers," are employed, placed in the feeders at the station. Such equalizers, however, require constant watching and care to perform their 30 service, and my improvement relates to a sys- tem of distribution wherein such equalizers are done away with. • My improvement consists in the combina- tion, with such a system of mains having a 35 plurality of feeding points, of one or more wires connecting the mains at the feeding points in- dependent of the feeders and not employed to tap lights from. My invention will be described with refer- 40 ence to the accompanying drawings, in which Figure I represents diagrammatically an electric-light system as customarily arranged. Fig. II is a similar view showing my improve- ment. Fig. III is a similar view of a modified 45 form of the latter. Referring to Fig. I, it will be seen that the light-mains are arranged in the form of a net-work, supplied with current by feeders y from dynamos c at the central station. The feeders are connected to the main at a a' a", 50 and are provided with rheostats e' e", &c., for the purpose stated. In Fig. II, illustrating my system, the rheo- stats are omitted, and the feeding-points a a' a″ are connected by wires A of low resistance. 55 The form shown in Fig. III is somewhat like that of Fig. II; but as it is not necessary for all the feeders to run to the central station I here show a simple set of wires, b, running from the station and supplying all the feeders. 6c. It will be seen that with either of the ar- rangements shown in Figs. II and III, should any feeder have any different electro-motive force from the others, a current is immediately set up in the wires A, called by me "equal- 65 izers," and the electro-motive force is at once equalized at the feeding points. It is plain that, although I have here shown my invention applied to an Edison three-wire system, it is equally applicable to higher or- 70 ders of compensating systems or to simple sys- tems using but two wires. Having thus described my invention, the fol- lowing is what I claim as new therein and de- sire to secure by Letters Patent: 75 1. In a system of electric distribution, the combination, with mains having a plurality of feeding-points and feeders, of low-resistance equalizing conductors independent of the feed- ers and connecting the mains at the feeding. 8> points, substantially as set forth. 2. The combination of a central station, elec- tric-light mains, a plurality of feeders connect- ing said station with different points on said mains, and equalizing conductors independent 85 of the feeders and connecting the mains at the feeding points, substantially as set forth. THOMAS SPENCER. Witnesses: FRANK S. MARR, NORMAN MARSHALL. 3001 (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. 0. B. SHALLENBERGER. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 337,628. Patented Mar. 9, 1886. Fig.1 12 Fig.3. Fig. 2. m ни 12 за за A sa 10, 8. 7 10 за за -29. 2૦ A за A ба WITNESSES. 8. Wolt 13. 8. 7 5 3. 9 ww 3. INVENTOR, Oliver To Shallenborger. Georgelt. Christy BY Le ATTORNEY. THE NORRIS PETERS CO…, PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, O. C. 호 ​3002 (No Model.) 0. B. SHALLENBERGER. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES. No. 337,628. ja 17 2a за 2 за 3 WITNESSES: samuri S. Wolcott J. M. Parke Patented Mar. 9, 1886. Fig.4 17. 14ª 14a 15 14 9 ? 8 5a Fig.5. 17 THE NORRIS PETENS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. BY 10 16 7 INVENTOR, Oliver B Shallenberger. George H. Chrisly ATTORNEY. 16 3003 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OLIVER B. SHALLEN BERGER, OF ROCHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA. REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES.' SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 337,628, dated March 9, 1886. Application filed December 5, 1885. Serial No. 184,791. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, OLIVER B. SHALLEN- BERGER, residing at Rochester, in the county of Beaver and State of Pennsylvania, a citi-work-circuit proportional to the increase in 5 zen of the United States, have invented or dis- covered certain new and useful Improvements in the Regulation of Dynamo Electric Gen- erators, of which improvements the following is a specification. 10 placed in the circuit the large quantity of current required to supply the lamps would cause a fall in the electro-motive force in the 55 current. This fall in electro-motive force produces a corresponding decrease in the incandescence of the lamps; but they may be brought up to their normal incandescence by 60 increasing the electro-motive force of the In the accompanying drawings, which make generator sufficiently to compensate for the part of this specification, Figure 1 is a dia- loss in the main conductors; hence, in a sys- grammatic view showing the manner of aptem of electrical distribution in multiple arc- plying the auxiliary coils to a shunt dynamo- electric machine. Fig. 2 is a similar view 15 showing a modification of the auxiliary coils. Figs. 3, 4, 5 are similar views showing the manner of applying my invention to different kinds or classes of dynamo-electric machines. The invention herein relates to certain im- 20 provements in the manner of winding the cores of the field-magnets of dynamo-electric machines, and has for its object the mainte- nance of a constant difference of potential in its work or external circuit, under variable 25 conditions of work in said external circuit. Au approximately constant electro-motive force can be maintained at the terminals of shunt-wound dynamos of the usual construc- tion by so constructing and proportioning the 30 various parts that the resistance of the arma- ture shall be low and that of the field-coils high relatively to the resistance in the exter- nal or work circuit; or the same result may be secured by the ordinary compound winding; 35 and this electro-motive force is the same throughout the main conductors, if their re- sistance be sufficiently low as compared with that of the work circuit to be negligible. If, however, this resistance be increased to a 40 considerable amount, a loss of electro-motive force occurs at the outer extremities of the main conductors proportional to the amount of current passing, and hence a constant elec- tro motive force at the terminals of the dyna- 45 mo no longer maintains a constant difference of potential at the point of consumption with a varying current-as, for example, if an in- candescent lamp were placed across the ex- tremities of the mains, it would receive a cur- 50 rent of the same electro-motive force as if placed across the terminals of the dynamo; but if a large number of such lamps were | as, for example, incandescent lighting-it is 65 necessary to employ a generator so constructed that the electro-motive force may be increased with each increase in consumption of current in the work-circuit by an amount equal to the loss due to the resistance of the conductors, 70 and conversely to lower the electro-motive force with each corresponding decrease in the current consumed. current consumed. These results may be effected either by the use of mechanical de- vices (operated or controlled by hand or by 75 the current in the work circuit) or by so wind- ing and proportioning the coils of the gener- ator as to produce the desired regulation. · In compound wound dynamos of the ordi- nary type, in which the main current traverses 80 coils wound upon the field magnets, it is possi- ble to so proportion the coils as to produce a definite variation of electro-motive force with a definite variation of current or external re- sistance. This variation, however, is fixed for 85 a given machine at a given electro-motive force, and hence such a machine can only be employed upon a circuit in which the loss in the mains corresponds very nearly to the in- crease in electro-motive force due to the cur- 9ɔ rent traversing the series coils. These coils also introduce a useless resistance into the main circuit. · The object of this invention is to so con- struct a dynamo as to make it readily adapt- 95 able to any circuit on which it may be placed by so winding and connecting its exciting-coils that the varying loss of electro motive force between the extremities of the main conduct- ors shall be automatically compensated by a co corresponding increase in field strength, and consequent increase in electro motive force at the terminals of the dynamo, whatever may be the resistance of these mains, and conse- 3004 2 337,628 quent drop of potential between the dynamo | in the main conductors. As the resistance in and point of consumption. Its peculiar fea- tures of advantage, therefore, are that no special proportioning of the coils of each ma- 5 chine to the circuit upon which it is to be used is required; and, further, the manner of arranging the coils and their circuits avoids the necessity of passing the entire current through the field-coils, which is a serious de- 10 fect, owing to the resistance thus introduced into the circuit. | the work-circuit is further reduced by the ad- dition of lamps, and the current consequently 70 increased, the loss of potential in the main conductors is correspondingly increased, and a greater amount of current will pass through the auxiliary coils 5 and 5", which thus assist the field coils in producing a greater excita- 75 tion in the magnetic field. The shunt-wound dynamo A is of the usual form and construction, and has its high-resist- ance field coils 2 and 2ª connected in shunt to 15 the main terminals 3 and 3ª of the dynamo.. On the cores of the magnets 1 and 1ª are also wound the auxiliary coils 5 and 5, also of high resistance relatively to main circuit, which may be arranged alongside of the main field 20 coils, as shown, or may be wound on top of such coils, or underneath the same. These coils are independent of each other, and the outer end or terminal of the coil 5 is connected by a wire, 9, of low resistance, to the outer 25 terminal of the main conductor 7, and the op- posite end of said coil 5 being connected to the positive terminal 3, to which the inner end of the main conductor 7 is also connected. The coil 5 is correspondingly connected to 30 the other main conductor, 8, by a wire, 10, of low resistance, and the negative terminal 3º. · By properly proportioning the field and auxiliary coils they may be made to raise the electro-motive force at the terminals in pro- portional amounts to the degree necessary for 80 the proper illumination of all the lamps in the working-circuit simultaneously. By cutting lamps out of the circuit a contrary effect is produced, the electro-motive force being re- duced as the flow of current in the main con- 85 ductors is reduced. Thus the regulation is maintained automatically, whatever may be the resistance of the main conductors or the amount of current passing, and the electro- motive force is always proportional to the 90 current required in the work-circuit, the main field-coils being proportioned to give the ini- tial field required for the least number of lamps used or amount of work to be per- formed, and the auxiliary coils proportioned to 95 produce the additional field strength for the largest number of lamps and the greatest amount of work. The action of the auxiliary coils 5 and 5" is as follows: Suppose the generator to be run- ning without doing any external work, but 35 maintaining an electro-motive force of any given amount at its terminals, produced by the field-coils 2 and 2ª. This electro motive force will exist equally throughout the entire circuit as long as no current passes, and there- 40 fore no current will pass through the coils 5 and 5ª, since there will be no difference of po- tential between the terminals 3 and 3ª and the outer extremities of the main conductors Now, in case a number of translating devices-iliary coils 5 and 5" may be applied for a like 45 for example, incandescent lamps-were placed in multiple are in the work circuit, there would be a drop in electro-motive force at the outer extremities of the main conductors 7 and 8 by an amount equal to the current mul- 50 tiplied by the resistance, if the action of the coils 5 and 5ª be disregarded, while the elec- tro-motive force at the terminals 3 and 3ª re- mains nearly constant. This drop of poten- tial at the extremities of the main conductors 55 correspondingly affects the lamps in the cir- cuit; but in dynamos having the auxiliary coils 5 and 5ª the resistance in the main con- ductors and consequent difference of poten- tial between the terminals 3 and 3ª and the ex- 6 tremities of the line produces a corresponding difference of potential between the terminals of the coils 5 and 5ª, the wires 9 and 10 being of comparatively low resistance, and the re- sulting flow of current is in such a direction 65 and of such an amount that the field-magnets are further energized and the electro-motive force increased by an amount equal to the loss A small variable resistance, 12, can be in- troduced into the coil-circuits to adjust the Ico field strength to the speed of the armature, which once adjusted will require no further change. In lieu of arranging the coils 5 and 5ª in- dependent of each other, as above stated, they 105 may be connected in series with each other, the coil 5 being connected by a wire, 13, of low re- sistance, to the outer extremity of the main con- ductor 8, and the coil 5" being connected to the terminal 3ª, as shown in Fig. 2. The anx- IIO purpose and with a like result to a compound wound dynamo, and also to a separately-ex- cited dynamo, as shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5, the coils being independent of each other or 115 connected in series, as described in connection with shunt-dynamos; or, in the case of sep- arately-excited dynamos, the auxiliary coils may be applied to the cores of the magnets of the exciting-dynamo, as shown in Fig. 5. In 120 the latter case the coils 2 and 2ª of the main dynamo are connected in the usual manner to the terminals 14 and 14ª of the exciting-dyna- mo 15. The auxiliary coil 5 is connected at its ends by the low-resistance wire 16 to the 125 terminal 3 of the main dynamo and the outer extremity of the main conductor 7, leading from the same terminal, and the coil 5ª is simi- larly connected by the low-resistance wire 17 to the terminal 3 and the outer extremity of 130 its main conductor 8. Any difference of po- tential between the ends of the main conductors 7 and 8 will cause an increased amount of current to pass through the auxiliary coils of 337,628 3 • 3005 the exciter, thereby producing an increased | combination of a field - magnet and the main excitation of its field of force and a corre- coils thereof, auxiliary exciting coil or coils, sponding excitation of the field of the main main conductors connecting the terminals of dynamo. The advantage of thus automatic- the machine and the working circuit, and a 50 5 ally proportioning the electro-motive force shunt-circuit including the auxiliary coils and to the work to be done becomes evident when electrically connected to the terminals of the the saving in the cost of conductors is consid- dynamo and the main conductors at or near ered. where the same are connected with the work- When the source of power is located at any ing-circuit, the resistances of the auxiliary 55 Io considerable distance from the point of con- coils being suitably proportioned, so that any sumption, very large conductors are required difference of potential in the main conductors to accomplish the necessary regulation in the between the points of generation and con- ordinary way, or, in other words, to reduce sumption will automatically increase or de- the drop of potential within practical lim- crease the excitation of the magnetic field, 60 15 its the weight of conductors should in- | substantially as set forth. crease as the square of the distance; hence a point is soon reached where the cost of such conductors is prohibitive. If, however, a large drop of electro-motive force is permis- 25 sible before the point of consumption is reached, it is only necessary to employ con- ductors of sufficient size to prevent undue heating, which is often only a small fraction of the former size. This large drop of potential 25 between the points of generation and con- sumption is permissible where machines of the character above described are employed, the drop of potential on the line being always counterbalanced by a corresponding rise of 30 electro-motive force at the generator through the whole range of current taken off. The prominent characteristic of the inven- tion herein is the automatic proportioning of the electro-motive force at the terminals of the 35 dynamo to the current required in the work- circuit by the difference of potential in the main conductors between the points of genera tion and consumption, and thereby causing such difference of potential in the working 40 cireuit to react through auxiliary coils in the field-magnets, so as to restore fully or ap- proximately the loss or drop in electro-motive force, which would otherwise be occasioned thereby. 45 I claim herein as my invention- 1. In a system of electric distribution, the 2. In a system of electric distribution, the combination of a field-magnet and the excit- ing coils thereof, and an auxiliary exciting coil or coils suitably connected with the extrem- 65 ities of either or both of the main conduct- ors and adapted to automatically increase or decrease the excitation of the magnetic field in proportion to the difference of poten- tial between the inner and outer terminals of 70 the main conductors, substantially as set forth. 3. In a system of electric distribution, the combination of a dynamo-electric machine, main conductors connecting the terminals of the dynamo and the work-circuit, and an excit- 75 ing coil or coils upon the field magnets having its terminals connected, respectively, to a ter- minal of the dynamo and to one of the main conductors at or near its connection with the working-circuit, said exciting-coil being suit- 80 ably proportioned, so as to automatically in- crease or decrease the excitation of the mag- netic field in proportion to the difference of potential in the main conductors between the points of generation and consumption, sub. 85 stantially as set forth. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand. OLIVER B. SHALLENBERGER. Witnesses: DARWIN S. WOLCOTT, R. H. WHITTLESEY. 3006 (No Model.) No. 380,942. 0. B. SHALLENBERGER. ELECTRIC INDICATOR. Patented Apr. 10, 1888. 1 D1 D2 d + d E Fig.1, f A 2 1 C • E 100 ་་ A Fig.2, 12 A b O اع • oo Fig. 3, Witnesses. Geo. W. Breck Carrie E. Neshley By kis Attorneys, Inventor. 0.13. Shallenburger. Pope Edgecomb Terry. THE NORAIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 3007 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OLIVER B. SHALLENBERGER, OF ROCHESTER, ASSIGNOR TO GEORGE WESTING- HOUSE, JR., OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. ELECTRIC INDICATOR. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 380,942, dated April 10, 1888. Application filed April 23, 1887. Serial No. 235,838. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: · Be it known that I, OLIVER B. SHALLEN BERGER, a citizen of the United States, resid- ing in Rochester, Beaver county, in the State 5 of Pennsylvania, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Electric Indica- tors, of which the following is a specification. The invention relates to the class of appara- tus employed for indicating at any time the Io current upon an electric circuit; and the ob- ject is to provide convenient means for deter- mining and regulating at a central station the potential upon the work-circuit. The invention consists in deriving from the 15 main circuit currents having a potential' di- rectly dependent upon the difference of poten- tial at the terminals of the generator and cur- rents upon a second circuit having a potential dependent upon or affected by the loss or drop 20 upon the lines when that loss is sufficient to cause an appreciable effect on the work-cir- cuit. The effects of the currents thus derived are balanced against or caused to oppose each other, and the resultant indicates the differ- 25 ence of potential existing upon the work-cir- cuit. 30 The invention will be described particularly in connection with the accompanying draw- ings, in which— Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating an organi- zation of circuits for carrying out the inven- tion in one of its simpler forms, and Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate modifications. Referring to Fig. 1, A represents an electric 35 generator or other suitable source of electric currents, and L' L' represent two lines leading from the respective poles thereof to a work- circuit, D' D', containing translating devices d d, designed to be operated by electrical cur- 40 rents. At or near the central station a solen- oid, b, is connected in circuit between con- ductors L' and L2 by the conductors 1 and 2. A second coil, c, is connected in the direct cir- cuit of the conductor L'. The coil b is pro- 45 vided with a core, e, preferably consisting of a bundle of soft-iron wires magnetically sepa- rated from each other, and the coil c is pro- vided with a similar core, f. These two cores are suspended from opposite ends of a beam, E, pivoted at its center and carrying an indi- 50 cator, F, applied to a scale or index-plate, F'. The coil b is so proportioned as to maintain a balance when no current is flowing in the coil c and a normal difference of potential exists at the terminals of the generator. When very 55 little current flows through the main-line cir- cuit L' L', the difference of potential at the generator is practically the same as at the lamps or translating devices d d; but as the current increases the loss in the line increases 60 proportionately, and hence to preserve the normal difference of potential at the translat- ing devices the difference of potential at the generator must be increased. This would tend to throw the indicator out of balance, carrying 65 the pointer F toward the right hand, but for the action of coil c, which, being traversed by the main current, tends to restore the equilibrium. If the loss in the main-line circuit amounts to, say, approximately ten per cent. of the useful 70 work at a full load, then the difference of po- tential at the dynamo should be ten per cent. higher than when the load is very small. If, therefore, the coil c has an effect equal to one- eleventh that of the coil b, the balance will 75 still be maintained. When operating under half the full load, the loss is five per cent., and the effect of the coil c is approximately five per cent., since the current passing through it is reduced to one-half its former value. In 80 this manner the indicator will serve to show when the difference of potential at the trans- lating devices is at its required value. In Fig. 2 there is shown a modification in which the coils b and c are applied to the same 85 core, f', a weight, e', being opposed thereto in place of the core e. These two coils act op- positely upon the core f'. The weight e' is adjusted so that when no current traverses the main circuit it will balance the pull upon the 90 core f' at the normal difference of potential. In Fig. 3 an organization is shown adapted for alternating currents, in which the coil c constitutes a portion of the primary coil of a converter, and the coil b a second portion, while 95 a coil, s, constitutes the secondary coil. The coil b is connected between the conductors L' and L', as before, and the coil c is connected in 3008 2 380,942 the circuit of the conductor L'. The two coils act in opposition to each other, and the cur- rent induced in the secondary s will be due to the difference of the effects of the currents in 5 the two coils b and c. The effects of the coils IO 15 b and c are such that the resultant current in the coil b' maintains a balance at the proper electro-motive force for the current passing, a weight, e, being opposed to the core f'. 1 In another application filed by me Decem- ber 9, 1887, Serial No. 257,408, claims are made particularly upon the use of a converter in the manner described with reference to Fig. 3. I do not limit myself to an indicator of the form shown. Any suitable means of indica- tion may be used to which the above-described organization is applicable. I claim as my invention- 20 1. In an indicator for electric circuits, the combination of two opposing coils, the one connected in a shunt-circuit with the translat- ing devices and the second in a series there- with at or near the source of electricity, sub- stantially as described. 25 2. The combination, with a source of elec- tricity, of two opposing coils, one connected in a shunt and the other in a series with the work-circuit, and an indicator affected by the currents traversing the coils, substantially as 30 described. 3. An indicator for electric circuits, consist- ing of two coils, one connected in shunt upon and the other in series with the work-circuit, one of said coils being adjusted to secure a pre- 35 determined per cent. greater effect per unit of current than the other, and an index operated by the coils. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub- scribed my name this 6th day of April, A. D. 40 1887. OLIVER B. SHALLENBERGER. Witnesses: W. D. UPTEGRAFF, LEW B. STILLWELL. 3009 (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. L. B. STILLWELL. REGULATOR FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. No. 399,218. WITNESSES: Stubert & Mḥalluborger. Hubut 6. Fenes Patented Mar. 5, 1889. I' Fig 1 Ꮮ C1 ď · 2 3 pr C& $2 ર 22 C³ T ps INVENTOR, Leusi. Still well. Pipe Edgecomb + Temy. THE NORRIS PETENS CO., PHOTO-LITKO., WASHINGTON, D. C. Att'ys 3010 (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. L. B. STILLWELL. REGULATOR FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. No. 399,218. Patented Mar. 5, 1889. L' Fig 2. G Ꮮ 1 WITNESSES: Jinbert B.Shallow burge Aubrik. Fenek FR ď 2 13 4 THE NORRIS PETERS CO., ре C₂ $2 22 PHOTO MOTO-LITHO 22 INVENTOR, Lewis B. Stillwell. Pope. Edgscomb & Fany. Att'ys WASHINGTON, D. C. | · 3011 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LEWIS B. STILLWELL, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, ASSIGNOR TO THE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. REGULATOR FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 399,218, dated March 5, 1889. Application filed October 26, 1888. Serial No. 289,238. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, LEWIS B. STILLWELL, a citizen of the United States, residing in Pitts- burg, in the county of Allegheny and State of 5 Pennsylvania, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Regulators for Sys- tems of Electrical Distribution, (Case No. 247,) of which the following is a specification. The invention relates to those systems of 10 electrical distribution in which alternating, intermittent, or pulsatory electric currents are employed for operating translating devices located at various more or less distant points. In organizing such systems it is customary to 15 arrange the translating devices in groups de- pendent upon their locations and to supply the requisite currents to the different groups from a common source through "independent" supply circuits or feeders, as they are com- 20 monly termed. In practice it is found that the difference of potential applied to the trans- lating devices through these feeders is liable to vary from time to time, even though the difference of potential applied thereto at the 25 central station is maintained approximately constant. The variations in the difference of potential at the translating devices are usually due to the different resistances of the differ- ent supply circuits or feeders and to the vary- 30 ing work being done in the circuits. It is evident that if conductors of a given size are employed for each of the supply-circuits the resistances of those circuits will vary ac- cording to their lengths, so that if the same 35 difference of potential is applied to all of the feeders at the source the difference of potential at the translating devices will be in some circuits greater than in others. If the amount of work being done in any 40 given circuit is increased or decreased, the current required in that circuit will be in- creased or decreased accordingly, and there- fore the loss of potential upon that circuit will be greater in proportion as the work is in- 45 creased or less as the work is decreased. If the variations in the loss upon the several different feeders were coincident, then the difference of potential applied to the trans- lating devices might be maintained approxi- 50 mately constant by increasing or diminishing the difference of potential applied at the station; but it is evident that if the loss upon one circuit increases while that upon another remains constant an increased difference of potential applied to all the circuits would re- 55 sult in an undue increase of potential applied to the translating devices in those circuits re- quiring no change, so that it becomes neces- sary to provide means for varying the differ- ence of potential applied to any given circuit 60 without sensibly changing that applied to the others. In systems of distribution where secondary generators or converters are con- nected in the feeders and translating devices are connected in their secondary circuits there 65 is a slight loss of potential in the converter itself, dependent upon the load or work be- ing done in the secondary circuit. The object, therefore, of my invention is to overcome these difficulties, and to provide 70 means for obtaining any required difference of potential upon any given circuit and for compensating for the loss or drop in any given circuit, whether due to the resistance of the conductors conveying the current from the 75 source to the translating devices or to the va- rying work being done, or to any other cause, and to insure that each group of translating devices shall at all times be supplied with a proper difference of potential. 80 Prior to my invention it has been proposed to construct the translating devices which are placed in the different groups so as to require a difference of potential dependent upon their distance from the source of sup- 85 ply or upon the loss in the feeding-circuits leading thereto. This plan is objectionable for the reason, among others, that it involves different forms of translating devices for dif- ferent feeders and does not provide for the 90 varying number of translating devices which are being operated and the consequent varia- tion in the drop upon the line. My invention consists in developing a nor- mal electro-motive force at the central sta- 95 tion sufficient to supply the requisite differ- ence of potential to the translating devices included in the circuits having the least loss or drop, and in increasing the difference of potential upon any given circuit by applying 100 3012 2 399,218 a supplemental electro-motive force to that circuit sufficient to compensate for the loss or drop, or to raise the difference of potential to any required extent that may be desired 5 for other reasons. It also involves the ob- taining of any required variations in the amount of electro-motive force added to any circuit. This may be accomplished in differ- ent ways, two of which will be described in 10 connection with the accompanying drawings. Instead of developing a difference of poten- tial sufficient only to supply the translating devices in the circuits having the least drop, however, it may be sometimes desirable to 15 develop a higher electro-motive force and re- duce the difference of potential upon certain circuits while increasing it upon others. Such a system is described in another application of even date herewith filed by me. 20 In the drawings, Figure 1 represents one organization of circuit adapted to carry out the invention, and Fig. 2 is a modification. 2 Referring to the figures, G represents any suitable source of alternating, intermittent, 25 or pulsatory electric currents, and L' L' a cir- cuit derived therefrom. This circuit may be supplied either directly or indirectly from the generator or through an electric converter. The regulator may be connected to the cir- 30 cuit at the central station or at a point at any distance therefrom, as required. From the circuit L' L2 different supply cir- euits or feeders, 1 2 and 3 4, are derived. These respectively supply groups of trans- 35 lating devices, as shown at d'd' and d² d². The devices may be supplied with current either directly from the conductors 1 2 and 3 4 or through electric converters, as shown at C' C². The translating devices may be elec- 40 tric lamps, electric converters, electric mo- tors, or other electrically-operated apparatus. Only one converter is shown as connected in the separate feeders; but any required num- ber may be so connected. Considering now 45 that the circuit 3 4 is longer or for some other reason has a greater drop or loss of potential than the circuit 1 2, then, unless means are provided to prevent it, there will be less dif- ference of potential applied to the terminals 50 of the primary coil p of the converter C2, C², and consequently the translating devices 2 will be supplied with a less difference of po- tential. For this reason, therefore, a device, C, is employed for adding to the difference 55 of potential upon the circuit 3 4 an addi- tional difference of potential sufficient to compensate for the drop or loss upon that cir- cuit. This device consists, in the organiza- tion shown in Fig. 1, of an electric converter 60 having its primary coil p³ connected between the lines L'L', or across the respective poles of the source G, and its secondary coil s³ connected in the conductor 4. The coils of the converter are so wound and connected 65 with reference to each other that the current induced in the secondary coil will be in the same direction as that flowing through the | | conductor 4, so that the additional electro- motive force applied to this conductor will assist in maintaining a required difference 70 of potential at the terminals of the primary coil of the converter C². For the purpose of regulating the amount of the additional electro-motive force thus obtained an adjustable self-inductive device 75 or reactive coil, T, is connected in the primary circuit of the converter or regulator C³. This has the effect of reducing to a greater or less extent the difference of potential applied to the primary coil p³ of the regulator, as may 80 be required, for changing the added differ- ence of potential. The parts are so organ- ized that when all the translating devices d² are being operated the induced electro-motive force thus obtained will approximately com- 85 pensate for the loss or drop upon the line, so that an approximately-constant difference of potential will be maintained at the terminals of the primary coil p² of the converter C². As translating devices are cut out of circuit or 90 the work being done is diminished, the loss upon the line will be decreased and also the loss in the converter. t By moving the core of the self-induction device T farther into the coils the difference 95 of potential applied to the primary coils of the regulator C may be diminished, and con- sequently electro-motive force developed. in the secondary coils s may be gradually re- duced until the difference of potential at the 100 terminals of the secondary coil s² of the con- verter C² is reduced to the normal. In this way, by changing the reactive effect of the device T, the translating devices will be sup- plied with the proper difference of potential 105 at all times. In Fig. 2 a modification is illustrated in which the ratio of conversion of the converter may be adjusted by varying the length of one of the coils-the secondary, for instance-by 110 means of a switch, S, applied to switch-points s, connected with different points in the length of that secondary coil. The adjusta- ble reactive coil may be employed in connec- tion with the adjustable converter, if desired. 115 It is evident that two or more regulators, C3, 117 may be applied to any given feeder-circuit without departing from the spirit of my in- vention. Where numerous different circuits of va- 120 rious lengths or losses are employed, a regu- lator of the character described may be ap- plied to each of the circuits for the purpose of affording the required compensation. In some instances it is desired to normally 125 maintain a higher difference of potential upon one or more of the feeders than upon the oth- ers. This may be done in precisely the man- ner described with reference to compensating for the drop or loss. By varying the ratio of 130 conversion the difference of potential applied to any given feeder may be increased as de- sired. In another application of even date here- 3013 399,218 3 with the method of operation herein set forth multiple arc, and a variable number of trans- is described and claimed. I claim as my invention- 1. The combination of a source of alternat- 5 ing intermittent or pulsatory electric cur- rents, independent electric circuits derived therefrom, an electric converter having one coil connected in one of the derived circuits, and an independent circuit connected di- 10 rectly across the poles of said source and in- cluding only the second coil of the converter, whereby currents will be caused to traverse said second coil in value directly dependent upon the current traversing derived circuit, 15 said coils being wound and connected so that the currents induced in the first-named coil are superposed upon those traversing said de- rived circuit, substantially as described. lating devices connected in their respective secondary circuits, and a device for superpos-. ing electric currents upon the primary cir- 50 cuit of one of said converters, consisting of an electric converter having one of its coils connected in said primary circuit in series with the converter included therein and its other coil connected in multiple arc with said 55 converter. 5. The combination, with a source of alter- nating, intermittent, or pulsatory electric cur- rents, of two or more circuits receiving cur- rents therefrom, a regulator for one or more 60 of said circuits, consisting of an electric con- verter having one coil independently con- nected in circuit with said source between points of approximately constant difference 2. The combination, with a source of alter- of potential and its other coil delivering cur- 65 20 nating, intermittent, or pulsatory electric currents to the circuit to be regulated, the first- rents, of circuits derived therefrom, and an ad- named coil receiving currents opposite in di- justable converter having one coil connected rection from those traversing the last-named in one of the said derived circuits, and a spe- coil. cial independent circuit including the other 25 coil connected in the circuit of said source in parallel with said derived circuit, the coils of said converter being so wound and connected as to superpose induced currents upon the current traversing said derived circuit. 30 3. The combination, with a source of alter- nating, intermittent, or pulsatory currents, of two or more groups of translating devices re- spectively supplied with currents therefrom, and an electric converter having its secondary 35 coil connected in the circuit supplying one of said groups and its primary coil connected in the circuit of the source of current independ- ently of any other translating or transform- ing device, whereby an additional electro-mo- 40 tive force is applied to said circuit, and means for varying the amount of additional electro- motive force thus applied. 4. The combination, with a source of alter- nating, intermittent, or pulsatory electric cur- 45 rents, of two or more converters having their primary coils connected with said source in 6. The combination, with a source of alter- 75 nating, intermittent, or pulsatory electric cur- rents, of two or more circuits receiving cur- rents therefrom, a regulator for one or more of said circuits, consisting of an electric con- verter having its primary coil independently So connected in circuit with said source between points of approximately constant difference of potential and its secondary coil delivering currents to the circuit to be regulated, the said primary coil receiving currents opposite 85 in direction from those traversing the sec- ondary circuit, and an adjustable reactive coil in series with the primary coil of said converter. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub- 90 scribed my name this 23d day of October, A. D. 1888. Witnesses: LEWIS B. STILLWELL. CHARLES A. TERRY, C. C. WOLFE. 3014 (No Model.) L. B. STILLWELL. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. METHOD OF REGULATION FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. No. 399,219. Patented Mar. 5, 1889. Fig 1. L' G L2 1 WITNESSES: Starburst- B.Schallenburger Stubirt & Fences. C₁ a¹ a1 3 4 N. PETERS. Photo-Lithographer, Washingto、 DC. ра C2 $2 22 INVENTOR, Lewis B. Stillwell. Bpe, Edgecomb & temy. Att'ys 3015 (No Model.) L. B. STILLWELL. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. METHOD OF REGULATION FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. No. 399,219. L' Fig 2. Patented Mar. 5, 1889. G L އ 2 4 WITNESSES: Stubert B.Shallenberger Abubut bopened pi pr C₁ C2 يم 22 ď a2 N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. S C³ INVENTOR, Lewis B. Still will Pops. Edgecomb TTam. Att'ys. 3016 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LEWIS B. STILLWELL, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, ASSIGNOR TO THE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. METHOD OF REGULATION FOR SYSTEMS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 399,219, dated March 5, 1889. Application filed October 26, 1888. Serial No. 289,239. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, LEWIS B. STILLWELL, a citizen of the United States, residing in Pitts- burg, in the county of Allegheny and State of 5 Pennsylvania, have invented a certain new and Improved Method of Regulating Systems of Electrical Distribution, (Case 248,) of which the following is a specification. upon one circuit increases while that upon another remains constant an increased differ- ence of potential applied to all the circuits would result in an undue increase of poten- 5.5 tial applied to the translating devices in those circuits requiring no change, so that it be- comes necessary to provide means for vary- ing the difference of potential applied to any given circuit without sensibly changing that 60 applied to the others. In systems of distribution where secondary generators or converters are connected in the feeders, and translating devices are connected in their secondary circuits, there is a slight loss 65 of potential in the converter itself dependent upon the load or work being done in the sec- ondary circuit. The object, therefore, of my invention is to overcome these difficulties and to provide 70 means for obtaining any required difference of potential upon any given circuit, and for compensating for the loss or drop in any given circuit, whether due to the resistance of the conductors conveying the current from the 75 source to the translating devices or to the va- rying work being done, or to any other cause, and to insure that each group of translating devices shall at all times be supplied with a proper difference of potential. 80 The invention relates to those systems of 10 electrical distribution in which alternating, intermittent, or pulsatory electric currents are employed for operating translating devices located at various more or less distant points. In organizing such systems it is customary to 15 arrange the translating devices in groups, de- pendent upon their locations, and to supply the requisite currents to the different groups from a common source through independent supply - circuits or "feeders", as they are 20 commonly termed. In practice it is found that the difference of potential applied to the translating devices through these feeders is liable to vary from time to time, even though the difference of potential applied thereto at 25 the central station is maintained approxi- mately constant. The variations in the dif- ference of potential at the translating devices is usually due to the different resistances of the different supply-circuits or feeders and to the 30 varying work being done in the circuits. It is Prior to my invention it has been proposed evident that if conductors of a given size are to construct the translating devices which are employed for each of the supply-circuits the placed in the different groups so as to re- resistances of those circuits will vary accord-quire a difference of potential dependent ing to their lengths, so that if the same differ- upon their distance from the source of sup- 85 35 ence of potential is applied to all of the feed-ply, or upon the loss in the feeding-circuits ers at the source the difference of potential leading thereto. This plan is objectionable at the translating devices will be in some cir- for the reason, among others, that it involves cuits greater than in others. If the amount different forms of translating devices for dif- of work being done in any given circuit is in- ferent feeders, and does not provide for the 90 40 creased or decreased, the current required in varying number of translating devices which that circuit will be increased or decreased ac- are being operated and the consequent varia- cordingly, and therefore the loss of potential tion in the drop upon the line. upon that circuit will be greater in proportion as the work is increased, or less as the work 45 is decreased. If the variations in the loss upon the several different feeders were coinci- dent, then the difference of potential applied to the translating devices might be maintained approximately constant by increasing or di- 50 minishing the difference of potential applied at the station; but it is evident that if the loss My invention consists in developing a nor- mal electro-motive force at the central sta- 95 tion sufficient to supply the requisite differ- ence of potential to the translating devices included in the circuits having the least loss or drop, and in increasing the difference of potential upon any given circuit by apply- 100 ing a supplemental electro-motive force to that circuit sufficient to compensate for the 3017 ΤΟ 12 399,219 loss or drop, or to raise the difference of po- tential to any required extent that may be desired for other reasons. It also involves the obtaining of any required variations in 5 the amount of electro-motive force added to any circuit. This may be accomplished in different ways, two of which will be de- scribed in connection with the accompanying drawings. Instead of developing a difference of poten- tial sufficient only to supply the translating devices in the circuits having the least drop, however, it may be sometimes desirable to de- velop a higher electro-motive force and re- 15 duce the difference of potential upon certain circuits while increasing it upon others. Such a system is described in another application of even date herewith filed by me. In the drawings, Figure 1 represents one 20 organization of circuits adapted to carry out the invention, and Fig. 2 is a modification. Referring to the figures, G represents any suitable source of alternating, intermittent, or pulsatory electric currents, and L' L' a cir- 25 cuit derived therefrom. This circuit may be supplied either directly or indirectly from the generator or through an electric converter. The regulator may be connected to the cir- cuit at the central station, or at a point at any 30 distance therefrom, as required. - From the circuit L' L2 different supply-cir- cuits or feeders 1 2 and 3 4 are derived. These, respectively, supply groups of translating de- vices, as shown at d' d'and d² d². The devices 35 may be supplied with current either directly from the conductors 1 2 and 3 4 or through electric converters, as shown at CC. The translating devices may be electric lamps, electric converters, electric motors, or other 40 electrically operated apparatus. Only one converter is shown as connected in the sepa- rate feeders; but any required number may be so connected. Considering, now, that the circuit 3 4 is longer, or for some other reason 45 has a greater drop or loss of potential than the circuit 1 2, then, unless means are provided to prevent it, there will be less difference of poten- tial applied to the terminals of the primary coil p of the converter C2, and consequently the 50 translating devices d² will be supplied with a less difference of potential. For this reason, therefore, a device, C, is employed for add- ing to the difference of potential upon the circuit 3 4 an additional difference of poten- 55 tial sufficient to compensate for the drop or loss upon that circuit. This device consists in the organization shown in Fig. 1 of an elec- tric converter having its primary coil p³ con- nected between the lines L'L2, or across the re- 60 spective poles of the source G and its secondary coil s², connected in the conductor 4. The coils of the converter are so wound and connected with reference to each other that the current induced in the secondary coil will be in the 65 same direction as that flowing through the conductor 4, so that the additional electro- motive force applied to this conductor will assist in maintaining a required difference of potential at the terminals of the primary coil of the converter Cs. For the purpose of regu- 70 lating the amount of the additional electro- motive force thus obtained, an adjustable self- inductive device or reactive coil, T, is con- nected in the primary circuit of the converter or regulator C. This has the effect of reduc- 75 ing to a greater or less extent the difference of potential applied to the primary coil p³ of the regulator, as may be required for chang- ing the added difference of potential. The parts are so organized that when all the trans- 80 lating devices d² are being operated the in- duced electro-motive force thus obtained will approximately compensate for the loss or drop upon the line, so that an approximately constant difference of potential will be main- 85 tained at the terminals of the primary coil p² of the converter C. As translating devices are cut out of circuit, or the work being done is diminished, the loss upon the line will be decreased, and also the loss in the converter. 90 By moving the core t of the self-induction de- vice T farther into the coils the difference of potential applied to the primary coils of the regulator C³ may be diminished, and conse- quently electro-motive force developed in the 95 secondary coils s may be gradually reduced until the difference of potential at the termi- nals of the secondary coil s² of the converter C² is reduced to the normal. In this way, by changing the reactive effect of the device T, 100 the translating devices will be supplied with the proper difference of potential at all times. In Fig. 2 a modification is illustrated in which the ratio of conversion of the converter may be adjusted by varying the length of rog one of the coils-the secondary, for instance— by means of a switch, S, applied to switch- points s, connected with different points in the length of that secondary coil. The ad- justable reactive coil may be employed in con- 110 nection with the adjustable converter, if de- sired. It is evident that two or more regula- tors, C3, may applied to any given feeder-cir- cuit without departing from the spirit of my. invention. Where numerous different circuits of vari- ous lengths or losses are employed, a regu- lator of the character described may be ap- plied to each of the circuits for the purpose of affording the required compensation. In some instances it is desired to normally maintain a higher difference of potential upon one or more of the feeders than upon the oth- ers. I I 20 This may be done in precisely the man- ner described with reference to compensating 12 for the drop or loss. By varying the ratio of conversion the difference of potential applied to any given feeder may be increased as de- sired. In another application of even date here- 131 with the organization of apparatus herein de- scribed is claimed. I claim as my invention- 1. The herein before - described method of 3018 399,219 g regulating the difference of potential upon aning the same to the respective circuits, and electric circuit, which consists in supplying to causing the effective value of the electro-mo- such circuit a difference of potential of a given tive force so applied to the respective circuits value, deriving from the same source an in- to approximately compensate for the loss upon 30 5 duced electro-motive force approximately that circuit due to the resistance thereof and equivalent in value to the loss of potential to the amount of current traversing the same. upon said circuit, and in superposing such in- 4. The hereinbefore - described method of duced electro-motive force upon said circuit. maintaining a normal difference of potential 2. The herein before - described method of at the terminals of the translating devices in 35 10 maintaining a required difference of poten- two or more different circuits, which consists tial at the terminals of a variable number of in applying to the terminals of all the circuits translating devices connected in an electric a given difference of potential, deriving a sup- circuit, which consists in applying a prede- plemental electro-motive force for one or more termined difference of potential to said cir- of said circuits, the value of which is depend- 40 15 cuit, deriving from the same source a varia- ent upon and variable with the loss of poten- ble difference of potential equivalent to or tial upon said circuit, and in applying such compensating for the variable loss of poten- supplemental electro-motive force to such cir- tial upon such circuit, and superposing the cuit or circuits. same upon said circuit. 20 3. The hereinbefore - described method of maintaining a normal difference of potential at the terminals of translating devices in two or more different circuits, which consists in applying to said circuits a given difference of 25 potential, deriving independent electro-mo- tive forces from the same source and apply- In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub- 45 scribed my name this 23d day of October, A. D. 1888. Witnesses: LEWIS B. STILLWELL. CHARLES A. TERRY, C. C. WOLFE. (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. 3019 E. THOMSON. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. Patented Apr. 15, 1890. No. 425,470. T S 호 ​T 호 ​WITNESSES: J. Hurdle J. Th. Corry 6. W Z W B' F TO F B G ཙ FF H H' Fİ Fİ Fig. 1. Z INVENTOR Eliku Thoinson BY H.L. Townsend ATTORNEY. THE NORRIS PETERB CO., PHOTO-LITHO,, WASHINGTON, D. C. (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. 3020 No. 425,470. 호 ​I M WITNESSES: gAthurdle My St. Courry E. THOMSON. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. Patented Apr. 15, 1890. же G' G THE NORRIS PETERS CO, PHOTO-LITHO, WASHINGTON, DC. H H Fig. 2. INVENTOR Elihu Thomson BY HL. Townsend ATTORNEY. 3021 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ELIHU THOMSON, OF LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNOR TO THE THOMSON- HOUSTON ELECTRIC. COMPANY, OF CONNECTICUT. DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 425,470, dated April 15, 1890. Application filed January 29, 1890. Serial No. 338,526. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, ELIHU THOMSON, a citi- zen of the United States, and a resident of Lynn, in the county of Essex and State of 5 Massachusetts, have invented certain new and useful Distribution of Electric Currents, of which the following is a specification. My invention relates to systems of distribu- tion of electric currents wherein the prime Io generating source furnishes energy which is carried over mains or conductors to a con- siderable distance therefrom. In systems of this character there is, as is well known, a drop of potential at distant points, owing to 15 losses due to the resistances or other causes, and in order to obtain a potential over the whole system as nearly uniform as possible it becomes necessary to use main conductors of very great size or to employ some means 20 for maintaining or supplementing the poten- tial at the more distant points, if it be de- sired to have a uniformity of potential throughout the system. It is also common in such systems to provide some means to regu- 25 late the potential over the system in accord- ance with variations in the load or demands made for energy upon the circuits. One of the objects of my invention is to compensate for or prevent drop of potential 30 which takes place at points in the system re- mote from the generating source without re- sorting to the use of heavy or expensive main or feeding conductors. A further object of my invention is to keep 35 the potential at distant points up to the re- quired amount, despite tendency to fall through increase of load, and, in fact, to regu- late the potential over the system in such way as to maintain or produce a potential of 40 any desired degree under various conditions. A further object of my invention is to pro- vide a system of distribution having great flexibility and adaptability to wide variations in working conditions. 45 My invention consists, essentially, in sus- taining, regulating, or supplementing the po- tential at distant points of the system by generating currents of comparatively high po- tential by any desired means, conveying the 50 same over independent conductors or mains to or near the points of the main system where the potential is to be regulated, supplemented, or maintained, transforming such high po- tential to reduced potential suitable for feed- ing to such mains, and applying such reduced 55 potential or energy to the main system at the points where its potential is to be regulated, sustained, or supplemented. My invention consists, further, in the com- bination of circuits and apparatus whereby I 60 am enabled to accomplish the objects of my invention and whereby a simple and effective regulation for variations in load is obtained, and whereby, further, a maintenance of a uni- form potential over a whole system may be 65 automatically produced. My invention is applicable either to ex- tensive net-works of mains or conductors run- ning at moderate potential for incandescent lighting or for other purposes, as well as to 70 motor-lines which extend to a great distance from a generating-station for feeding station- ary motors or for operating the motors upon electric railways. My invention comprises essentially in the 75 same system of distribution the combination of apparatus feeding currents to a set of mains, a second set of mains or conductors fed with currents of high potential, generated, preferably, at the main station, intermediate 80 transformers between the two sets of mains at one or more points, such transformers be- ing properly constructed to transform or con- vert the high-potential current into a lower- potential current, and connections from the 85 low-potential side of the converter to points of the system where the potential is to be main- tained, regulated, or supplemented. In other words, it comprises in the same system a set of mains extending from a generating-station 90 to a considerable distance therefrom, and a set of mains of higher potential carrying cur- rent which operates transforming apparatus that in turn supplies the proper potential to the more distant portions of the lower-poten- 95 tial mains or conductors. Owing to the use of the higher potential, the distance is over- come without great losses, and the necessity of large-sized conductors on the lower-poten- tial mains for the purpose of preventing drop 100 of potential is avoided. The transformers or devices for converting 3022 2 2 425,470 the high potential into low potential may be of any desired character. They may be, for instance, the well-known device of a motor- generator in which the motor is an electric 5 motor driven by the high potential, and the generator mechanically operated by such mo- tor is provided with armature coils or con- ductors adapted to deliver the current of lower potential, or they may be the well-known form Io of converter or transformer consisting of an induction-coil in which the conversion takes place by direct inductive action between two coils wound in inductive relation to one an- other on the same core. 15 In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating my invention. Fig. 2 illustrates the application of the invention to alternating-current systems of distribution. In Fig. 1 the devices are adapted to gener- 20 ate continuous currents. M M' are mains or conductors, which are supplied with energy from a dynamo-machine G, of any suitable character. The generator G may be of any proper character adapted 25 to supply current of regulated potential, or may be of any other proper character for supplying current to a system of mains or conductors. The mains M M' are the main supply-conductors from which the energy- 30 users such as incandescent lamps L L, mo- tors S, or railway-motors T-derive current. At or near the points of the main system supplied by generator G, where the potential is to be supplemented, regulated, or re-en- 35 forced, I place transformers B B', (here shown as combination motors and generators,) which are properly wound or organized in such man- ner that by the application of the high-poten- tial current they will revolve and give out 40 low-potential currents proper for feeding the mains M M', to which they are connected. The motor-generators here shown have their two sets of coils-to wit, the motor and gen- erator coils-wound on the same armature. 45 The high-potential current which works such motor-generators, and which is transformed, is supplied over a main or mains HH', which derive their high-potential current from a generating source G', that may be a dynamo- 50 generator. This dynamo-generator might be a compound-wound dynamo, a shunt-dynamo, a separately-excited dynamo, or any other form of machine; or, in place of a dynamo, any other source of current of higher poten- 55 tial than that supplied to the mains M M' might be used. It is well to use a potential as high as practicable under the conditions of use, in order that the lines II II' may be of as small gage as possible. The transformers are 60 supplied with such high-potential energy in any desired manner, but, preferably, are con- nected in multiple to the high-potential lines, and the high-potential generator is of such character as to supply a regulated potential 65 to the lines H H', or, in other words, one of constant or approximately constant amount. The generator G, if a dynamo-machine, | might be driven by any suitable power and in any suitable manner; but I prefer to have the machines G G' interdependent, so that 70 they shall be operated always at the same relative speed. By this means I secure regu- larity and uniformity in output of the ma- chines relatively to one another and a uni- formity of operation under various conditions 75 of the system. By the use of the supplemental mains of high potential I am enabled to use mains M M' of moderate dimensions and at the same time to secure a uniformity of potential over 80 the whole system. Suitable fuses may be interposed in both the high and low potential circuits, as indi- cated at points F F', and switches for cutting off or disconnecting any portion of the circuit 85 may be established at any desired point or points, as at Z. By the use of the transformers such as in- dicated Kaving the double-wound armatures and by running them at high speed in strongly- 90 magnetized fields, the high potential of the high-potential circuit will be transformed to give current to the other circuit with a lower potential and with extremely small loss in the transformation. The machines or converters 95 will also respond to the call upon them for more energy as it is required, thus giving the effect of an automatic supply of current in accordance with the demand of the main cir- cuits M M'. So long as the potential of the roo mains M M' is maintained at its regulated or normal amount and very little call exists for current from the transformers B B', the lat- ter will do little or no work and the gener- ator G can be made to deliver all the current 105 needed. If, however, at a distant point on the mains M M', near the point of attachment to one of the transformer-machines B B', a sudden heavy call for current takes place, then such machine B B' becomes at once a 110 powerful and efficient generator of low-poten- tial current, which is fed to the mains M M' to sustain their potential at the same time that a considerable high-potential current from the mains II H' flows to the converter, 115 the amount depending upon the potential of the mains relatively to one another. At the same time this occurs the generator G' is called upon for additional output, while the generator G may do little work, if any. the call, however, for current is upon the mains M M' near the generating-station, or the place where the wires from G are at- tached, then but little call will be made on the distant transforming-machines and the 125 work will be fed directly from the station at low potential. My system, therefore, permits. the feeding at uniform potentials to lines ex- tending over a very large area or at consid- erable distances from the generating-station, 130 as is the case with railways extending several miles therefrom. If 120 When the load is light upon the mains M M', as by the cutting off of the lights, &c., 3023 1 425,470 | 3 which consists not only in the particular com- binations of circuits and apparatus herein described, but also, broadly, in the method of 70 maintaining the desired potential at points in the system of distribution remote from the supply-station by supplying such points with electrical energy in two ways-one by a low- potential generator and the other by the trans- 75 formation of high- potential energy into a proper low-potential energy through devices. fed from high-potential mains or circuits. It will of course be understood that in the case of main conductors M M' of great length it 80 will be necessary in case a uniform potential is desired over the whole system to adapt each one of the transformers B B' to its par- ticular location, and in the case of the trans- formers more remote from the main station 85 to wind or construct them so that the poten- tials delivered to the mains M M' will be greater the farther the transformer is re- moved from the main station. In the case of the use of alternating currents it will be un- 90 derstood that the synchronism of the phases of the directly-supplied waves and the waves of the current supplied by induction will be re- quired. This can be done by the relation of the rotating parts of the generating-machines. 95 What I claim as my invention is— then it will seldom be necessary to maintain the action of the transforming - machines B B', &c., and they can readily be cut out of circuit by the switches provided, as at Z Z, 5 &c. In fact, if no call exists on the high-po- tential line HH' for current, it can be cut off altogether, or the machine G' be shut down, while G remains to supply the current; hence the system is a very flexible one and can be 10 adapted to a variety of circumstances or needs. In Fig. 2 the system is shown modified for application to an alternating system for feed- ing lights. The generator G would, as before, feed mains M M' at low potential, and 15 branches from the latter mains exist running as desired to lights, as described, over a dis- trict, as at L. The high-potential mains H H' are fed from another generator G', or from a portion of the first generator if properly or- 20 ganized, and the potential is only limited by the insulation of the line. Atsuitable points transfer devices-such as induction - coils, converters, or transformers-are established for lowering the potential of the current feed- 25 ing the line II HI' to that needed to supply the line M M', as before, suitable cut-off de- vices and other similar appliances being in all cases understood as provided. The trans- formers in this case are simply induction- 30 coils made in the ordinary way for such pur- 1. The herein-described method of main- poses, and the relation of the windings is taining or regulating the potential at any such as to suit the relations between the po- point of a system of electrical distribution, tentials of H H', or high-potential mains, and consisting in supplying energy thereto from 100 M M' as low-potential mains. The transform- two sources, one connected therewith over 35 ers B B' feed the mains at the distant points, one set of mains or conductors and the other while the direct feeding of M M' by the gen- indirectly connected therewith through an- erator G is to those points near the station, other set of mains or conductors of high po- especially when the load on the whole sys-tential, from which the energy is transformed 105 tem is considerable. There is nothing to pre- 40 vent, in the extension of such a system as I have described, the addition of a third gener- ating-machine or a third and still higher po- tential for distribution to the still more dis- tant points, though this is unnecessarily com- 45 plex, for the reason that the high-potential Îine II H' may feed potential sufficient to reach the more distant points and still be ap- plied to feed the points much nearer to the generating-station. 50 The operation of the generators G G' to- gether in Fig. 1 may be accomplished by mounting their armatures on the same shaft with an intermediate clutch, as shown, where- by, in case the generator G' be not required, 55 the generator G may be alone operated. Ido not limit myself, however, to any particular way of driving such generators together. While I have shown two forms of convert- ers or transformers adapted for transforming 60 the high potential into low potential, I do not limit myself to these special devices, as any means adapted to convert the high-potential currents, whether continuous or alternating, on the one circuit into the required low po- 65 tential or supply to the other portion of cir- cuits or part of the system may be used with- out departing from the spirit of my invention, • to low potential for application to such points. 2. In a system of electrical distribution, the herein-described method of supplementing the diminished potential at points distant from the main source, consisting in generat- 110 ing an independent current of higher poten- tial, conveying the same to or near the said distant point, and there converting it into electrical energy of lower potential adapted to be carried directly to the conductor whose 115 potential is to be re-enforced. 3. The herein-described method of main- taining or producing the desired potential at any point distant from a main generator, con- sisting in generating electrical energy of 120 higher potential than that of the main gen- erator, carrying the same over suitable con- ductors independent of those connected di- rectly to such main generator, and converting such higher potential into a suitable lower 125 potential at or near the point where the po- tential is to be maintained or re-enforced, and then feeding such lower potential to the main wire or conductor of the system. 4. The herein-described method of obtain- 130 ing a uniform potential at points of a system of distribution located at different distances from the main generator supplying the same, consisting in generating a higher potential } 3024 4 425,470 by any suitable means, conveying the same over suitable separate conductors to or near the distant points of the system, there con- verting such higher potential into a lower 5 potential of a suitable amount, and supply- ing such low potential to the points of the main system. 5. A combined system of generation and distribution of electric currents, comprising IO at a central station two generating appara- tuses of high and low potential, respectively, two sets of mains of high and low potential, respectively, connections from the low-poten- tial generating apparatus directly to the low- 15 potential main, connections from the high- potential generating apparatus to the high- potential mains, and devices at a distance, such as transformers, using current from the high-potential mains and transforming it 20 suitably for the comparatively low-potential mains. 6. In a combined system of generation and distribution, the combination, substantially as described, of mains M M', fed from a suit- 25 able generator, lines H H', supplied with en- ergy of approximately constant potential, transformers connected in multiple to such lines H H' and adapted to convert the po- tential of such mains into lower potential on 30 a separate circuit, and connections from the latter to the mains M M', for feeding such lowered potential thereto, as and for the pur- pose described. > 7. The combination, substantially as de- 35 scribed, of mains M M', fed from a generator G, of any suitable description, electric lines HH', leading from the main station and sup- plied with currents of high potential, and motor-generators adapted to convert such 40 high-potential current into continuous cur- rent of lower potential, such motor-generators being connected to the mains H H at points distant from the main station and being con- nected to supply continuous current to the 45 mains M M', as and for the purpose described. 8. The combination, substantially as de- scribed, of electric supply-conductors leading from the same generating-station to the ter- ritory to which electric energy is to be fur- 50 nished and supplied with energy of different potential, transformers located at points of the system distant from the main station and | adapted to convert high potential into low, and connections from such transformers to the high and low potential mains or circuits, 55 respectively, as and for the purpose described. 9. In a combined system of electrical gen- eration and distribution, the combination, sub- stantially as described, of two sets of mains M M' and H H', the generator G, supplying 6c the mains M M', means for supplying the mains H H' with a higher potential, and mo- tor-generators connected to the mains H H' in multiple and having double-wound arma- tures, as described, the generator portion of 65 which connects to the mains M M' and is adapted to supply thereto electric energy of lower potential than that on the mains HH'. 10. The combination, substantially as de- scribed, of two dynamo-generators operated 70 constantly at the same relative speed and generating current of different potential, re- spectively, electric conductors supplied with energy from the lower potential generator, conductors carrying current of the higher po- 75 tential, and transformers between the two sets of conductors for converting the higher po- tential current into a lower potential, as and for the purpose described. 11. The combination, with mains supplying 80 translating devices in multiple, of supple- mental mains carrying current of higher po- tential, transformers connected in multiple between the latter, and connections from the low-potential side of said converters to the 85 lower-potential mains. 12. The combination, substantially as de- scribed, of mains supplying translating de- vices in multiple arc, mains of higher poten- tial to which transformers are connected in 90 multiple, connections in multiple from the first-named main to the low-potential side of the converter, and dynamo-machines operated constantly at the same relative speed and sup- plying currents of relatively high and low po- 95 tential to said mains, respectively. Signed at Lynn, in the county of Essex and State of Massachusetts, this 24th day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1890. Witnesses: ELIHU THOMSON. JOHN W. GIBBONEY, ALBERT L. ROHRER. 3025 (No Model.) E. THOMSON. COMPOUND WOUND DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINE. No. 349,912. P P R M Patented Sept. 28, 1886. Fig.1. # Z Z A M Fig. 2. Fig. 3. -S P Z P Fig. 6. Fig. 5. M THE DKT e 15 P FR P Fig W -P Fig. 8. HA Fig.4. ·Hami m ዘካ Th *. 10 ་་ WITNESSES: Gabriel & W Golster Mm. It.Capel BY INVENTOR Elihu Thomson. 766. Гал THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. ATTORNEY. 3026 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ELIHU THOMSON, OF LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS. COMPOUND-WOUND DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 349,912, dated September 28, 1886. Application filed June 14, 1886. Serial No. 205,165. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, ELIHU THOMSON, a citi- zen of the United States, and a resident of Lynn, in the county of Essex and State of Mas- 5 sachusetts, have invented certain new and use- ful Compound-Wound Dynamos, of which the following is a specification. My present invention relates to compound- wound dynamos and attachments, whereby the 10 properties of such machines may be varied to suit varied conditions of working. It is usual to wind compound-wound ma- chines in such a way that as more load is thrown on in multiple arc the volts potential 15 at the terminals rises a little so as to compeu- sate for the drop in the mains to some degree, and so preserve an average flow of current in the multiple-arc branches and an average bril- liancy of lights when incandescent lamps are 20 employed. 30 It is sometimes desirable to feed lamps at a considerable distance from the dynamo, in which case, to save copper, the mains can be made so small as to involve, with full load, a 25 loss of five, ten, fifteen, or even twenty per cent. of the energy of the current when power is cheap. This loss necessitates an increase in volts at the machine of five, ten, fifteen, or twenty per cent., as the case may be; but if in such case the load or number of lamps were lessened, the loss would disappear and too high potential would reach the distant points on the mains. The case assumed is one in which the. work is done by current supplied from a dis- 35 tributing center or centers and taken from the mains at a considerable distance from the gen- erating-station. The coarse wire or direct field- wire winding of a compound-wound machine for such uses I make of such exciting strength 4c that from light load to full load of current gives an increasing potential at the machine termi- nals up to, say, twenty per cent. I then provide means, such as resistance-shunts, around the whole or part of said winding, so that it may 45 be lowered in effect by such shunting devices to the desired degree required for the circum- stances of each case. Figure 1 shows an arrangement of circuits and apparatus embodying my invention. Fig. 50 2 is a diagram of circuits. Fig. 3 is a side view of a form of attachment for shunting the direct | field; Figs. 4 and 5, other views of the same. Figs. 6, 7, and 8 show other modifications. In Figs. 1 and 2 S² is the derived-circuit field- coil. 55 DD are the direct-circuit coils of a com- pound-wound machine. Coils D are shown in Fig. 1 as surrounding only the movable arma- ture core, though in the cases where it is used ou the field-cores the further attachments are 60 the same. A is the armature. The coils D D are in the main circuit, and of amount of strength to give an increase of potential on passage from light load or no lamps 65 to full load or all lamps on, which increase shall be enough, or more than enough, for all prac- tical requirements. Connections P P are ar- ranged so that a shunt, S, may be used to afford a by-pass for current around coils D D, in whole 70 or part, as desired, said connections being suitably placed for attachment of one or an- other of a set of shunts, S, giving definitely- lessened effects to the coils D D, so that the increase of potential may be less and less as 75 such shunts are of less and less resistance, down, it may be, to a shunt giving practically constant potential at the terminals of the ma- chine from light load to full load. The shunt S is made easy of attachment by clamps P P, 80 fixed to a board, R, as indicated in Fig. 3, and may consist of a strip of German silver or cop- per folded on itself and furnished with ears e e, Fig. 4, for attachment in any usual way. Other shunts are constructed with less resistances, (as 85 less folds,) Fig. 5, to be substituted for S, when it is necessary to further lower the compound- ing. Again, if desired, a set of shunts, as in Fig. 6, can be arranged on a board, with plugs g g, to shunt one or the other of them when not go needed; or the shunts may be combined in multiple, as in Fig. 7, where metallic strips W W,with clamps, are shown for the purpose, and may be removed, or used singly or in pairs, or all together, to obtain the desired properties. 95 Further, the shunts may be arranged as an adjustable rheostat with an operating-handle, as in Fig. 8. This form is especially useful for rapid adaptations to varying potentials or compounding. What I claim as my invention is- 1. The combination, in a compound-wound 100 3027 2 349,912 dynamo-machine, of a direct-circuit coil of proper power to give a considerable increase of potential in passing from light to full load, and shunting devices whereby the exciting 5 power of said coil may be lessened to adapt the machine for use in conditions where a lesser increase of potential is required, as and for the purpose set forth. 2. The combination, with the direct-circuit to field-coil in a compound-wound dynamo, of shunt-connections from the same to a set of clamping devices and a set of attachable re- sistances of graduated amounts, each adapted for connection to the clamping devices. Signed at Lynn, in the county of Essex and 15 State of Massachusetts, this 10th day of June, A. D. 1886. Witnesses: ELIHU THOMSON. M. L. THOMSON, O. S. THOMSON. 3028 (No Model.) No. 372,330. E. W. RICE, Jr. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Nov. 1, 1887. I Fig. 1. c A R R C R R 3′ X 3 I WITNESSES; Gabriel. J. W. Galster. Masflexper 4 مخروط P X -3′ S I P P BY INVENTOR E. Wilbur Rice, Sr. Tensendes Mac Arthur- THE NORRIS PETERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. 3029 (No Model.) No. 372,330. E. W. RICE, Jr. 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. Patented Nov. 1, 1887. H Fig. f. R -I X 2' ď d 2 Fig. 3. f R K ww H n D a I I Zig. 5. WITNESSES: Gabriel J. W. Galster. R G K = THE NORRIS PÉTERS CO., PHOTO-LITHO., WASHINGTON, D. C. X A = 2 2 V² pu X I Fig. 4 R BY INVENTOR E. Wilbur Rice, Jr. Finnsend & Machither ATTORNEYS 3030 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. E. WILBUR RICE, JR., OF LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS. SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 372,330, dated November 1, 1887. Application filed March 7, 1887. Serial No. 229,909. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, E. WILBUR RICE, Jr., a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Lynn, in the county of Essex, and State of 5 Massachusetts, have invented a certain new and useful System of Electrical Distribution, of which the following is a specification. My present invention relates to an improved. method of regulating and supplying the elec 10 tric current to a large district, where it is im- portant to keep the potential between the ter- minals of the lamps or other devices practi- cally constant. It is especially adapted for use with those systems in which an alternating 15 or reversed current is used to feed a number of incandescent lamps or other translating de- vices directly or indirectly through the me- dium of induction coils or transformers. The invention consists in laying throughout 20 the district to be supplied with electricity a set of mains in multiple arc or multiple series and connected, preferably, to form a net-work, and in connecting to such net-work at differ- ent points suitable feeders or lines carried 25 back to any suitable source of alternating cur- rents, said feeders or feeder-lines containing means-such as reactive coils--whereby the self-induction or reaction of the feeders may be varied. By varying the reactive power of 30 the coils the current supplied to the net-work by the feeder may be changed and regulated, and thereby compensation made for changes in the load in different parts of the system. The invention also consists in certain de- 35 vices whereby a certain definite potential may be automatically maintained at the points where the feeders enter the multiple arc net work. Each feeder is preferably constructed so that its resistance is inversely proportional 40 to the load it is intended to carry and is con- nected to the mains at the proper points. The reactive coils are adjusted to have a minimum or practically no reactive effect when the load is properly distributed and at its maximum over 45 the system. The potential will then be uni- form at all places. If, now, the load be thrown off a portion of the system, as by putting out a number of incandescent or arc lamps, the potential at that portion of the system will be 50 immediately increased. If, however, the self- induction or reaction of that particular feeder be increased by changing the reactive effect of the reactive coil in its circuit, the current delivered by the feeder will be diminished and the potential can be reduced to the proper 55 amount. The same result will follow if the load be thrown off any part of the system and the reactive effect of the proper feeders be varied to suit. It has been customary hitherto whenever 60 it was desired to vary the amount of current passing over a feeder-line to insert or remove a resistance. Such practice, however, is ob- jectionable and wasteful, as the resistance ab- sorbs the current and uses up energy which 65 might otherwise be fed to the lamps. With my present invention, however, such waste is reduced to practically nothing, as the react- ive coils operate by opposing a counter elec- tro-motive force to the current and not by in- 70 serting a resistance. Referring to the drawings, Figure 1 illus- trates the application of the invention to a system of electric distribution in which a net- work of wires is employed and the alternating 75 currents are transformed into local circuit- currents. Fig. 2 shows a device for automati- cally varying the reactive effect of the react- ive coils. Fig. 3 shows one form of an adjust- able reactive coil. Fig. 4 shows a slightly 80 modified form. Fig. 5 shows still another form of reactive coil. 85 Referring to Fig. 1, A is any source of alter- nating currents, and 2 2 2′ 2′, 3 3 3′ 3′, 4 4 4′ 4′, 5 5 5′ 5′, and 6 6 6′ 6′ are feeder-circuits con- nected to each other and to the source of alter- nating currents A at one end, and connected into a system of multiple-arc mains, X X, at the points 2 2, 3 3′, 4 4′, 5 5′, and 6 6'. Con- nected from side to side of the mains are in- 90 duction-coils I I I, &c. The alternating cur- rents from the mains pass through the primary wires of these induction coils, and the induced currents generated in their secondaries are used to run incandescent lamps S, or other 95 translating devices. Instead of using induc- tion-coils, the incandescent lamps can be con- nected directly to the multiple-arc mains. By the use of the induction-coils, however, cur- rents of higher potential may be used on the foo mains and greater economy of distribution be obtained. Connected with each of the feeder- circuits are the reactive coils R R R R R, so constructed that their reactive effect or self- 3031 2 372,330 85 induction can be suitably varied either by through an increase of speed of the alternate- hand or automatically in such manner as to current generator A, or other cause, the de- vary the amount of current supplied by each vice V2 is more greatly energized. The cop. 70 feeder, and hence the potential at the points per disk a is repelled, closing the contact t and 5 fed by each feeder in circuit. V V V are in- throwing into action the coils of the device M. dicators of potential connected, respectively, The copper disk o, opposite the core sur- to the points 2 2', 3 3', &c., where the feeders rounded by the coils of M, is then repelled, enter the multiple-arc net-work, which points moving 'the lever H, to which it is attached, 75 may be termed the "distributing points," or so as to throw into action a portion of the wire 10 "distributing centers." These indicators en- on R, thus reducing the potential at a d'. able the person in charge of the station to tell When the potential has again reached normal, when the potential at the distributing points the contact at t will be rapidly broken and is at the proper predetermined amount, and closed, maintaining the reaction of the coil R 80 form a convenient indicator to gage as to the at the proper amount. In case more load is 15 amount of adjustment required to be made in thrown off, the same action is further repeated. each feeder. In case load is thrown on again, the reverse In Fig. 2, A is the alternate current gen-action occurs. The potential at d d' is thus erator; 2 2 2′ 2', one of the feeder circuits; R, kept constant automatically. an adjustable reactive coil in said feeder cir- 20 cuit; X X, multiple-arc mains fed by the feeder; I, an induction coil, and V² is a device responsive to changes in the potential at dd', and consisting of a core of fine iron wire, around which is wrapped a coil of wire whose termi- 25 nals are connected by metallic wires to d d'. The magnetic impulses in V will therefore vary responsively as the potential atd d'rises or falls. The points d d' are preferably selected near the points of connection of the feeder circuit. 30 Opposite the core of V² is a copper disk, a, whose movement closes or opens a cut-out or other switch at t, controlling thereby the de- vice M, which is adapted to move the lever H over the contacts K K and change thereby 35 the reactive effect of the coil R by varying the number of coils in circuit. The devices M V2, I do not specifically claim as my invention. By these devices a continu- ous movement of repulsion is produced simi- lar to the movement of attraction which is produced when a continuous current flows 90. through the coils of an electro-magnet. The disks a o are supposed to be of consid- erable mass and good conductivity, so that the magnetic induction of the core or coils of Vª M may set up in the disks alternating currents 95 of considerable self-induction, whose tendency to prolong themselves will cause then to en- dure beyond the point of change of polarity in the inducing core or coils. The resultant effect is a continuous tendency of repulsion. Various forms of devices embodying this principle are described in an application of E. Thomson, filed January 26, 1887, and patented May 17, 1887, No. 363, 186. ΙΟΟ The device M may be an electro-magnet of any suitable character; but I prefer to employ an apparatus which shall work by the opera- 40 tion of the alternating currents in a similar manner to the devices described in the patent of E. Thomson, hereinafter mentioned. For this purpose I wind the coils of the electro- magnet on a core consisting of a bundle of 45 wires whose polar end is encircled by a ring or annulus of copper, rather massive in char- acter, and carried by the lever H. The re- pulsion set up between the magnet and ring causes the lever to move so as to change the 50 number of coils of the reactive coil R. The coil of the device M is in a circuit from the alternating source, as indicated, which circuit is controlled by the switch at t in obvious manner. When the flow of current increases 55 in the coil of V2, the closing of the contact at t results and current is caused to flow in the coils of M. Its action, briefly, is as follows: The copper disk a is so adjusted by a spring that contact t is open when normal potential 60 exists at d d', and the device M is thus unen- ergized, and the spring S therefore holds arm Hvices and combinations of devices suitable for on the last contact K. Coil R is therefore out of circuit, and the minimum of reaction there- fore exerted in the feeder 2 2. This condition This condition 65 corresponds to that of the maximum load on the feeder. If the potential at d d'increases through throwing off some of the lamps or It is apparent that either the inducing ele- 105 ment or the element in which the induced cur- rents are set up may be the movable part of the device. While I have described one specific device which may be employed for securing the ad- 110 justment of the counter-electro-motive-force generator, I do not wish to be understood as limiting myself in this respect, since the gist of my invention consists in automatically regu- lating the alternating currents by means of an 115 adjustable reactive coil or other counter-elec- tro motive-force generator, whose adjustment is controlled by a device of any suitable kind that shall be responsive to changes in the al- ternating currents. I 20 I have described the device V2 as bringing into action a second device upon which the work of adjusting the reactive coil is imposed; but it will be understood that the adjustment might be effected directly, and also that the 125 device V2 might be employed to bring into ac tion a motor device of any other nature. De- such purpose are commonly employed in regu- lators for dynamo-electric machines, &c., and 130 many of such appliances will be found suit- able to the purposes of my invention, pro- vided, however, that the prime controlling de- vice corresponding to V be one suitable for › 3032 372,330 responding to variations in alternating cur- rents. Fig. 3 shows a form of reactive coil which may be used. R is a coil of wire connected in 5 and forming a part of any of the feeders. X is a core of iron wire attached to the lever H, so that the core X may be inserted into or drawn out of R to any desired extent and firmly clamped by the nut f in the proper 10 position. Fig. 4 shows the same form of coil with the core X placed horizontally. In Fig. 5 the core X consists of a bundle of fine iron wires or bundles of sheet-iron, and 15 wrapped around the core are the coils of wire R, wound in sections and connected to the point K of a switch or commutator. One end of a feeder is connected to the lever H and one to the coil R. By moving the lever H, more 20 or less of the coils R may be inserted into the feeder and the reactive power of the coil R be thereby varied. What I claim as my invention is— 1. In a system of electrical distribution, the 25 combination, with the mains traversing. the district to be supplied, of the feeder circuits connected to said mains at different points, and each carrying an alternating or reversed current, and adjustable counter-electro-motive- 30 force generators placed in said feeder circuits. between the supply mains and the source of alternating current, as aud for the purpose described. . 3 4. The combination, with mains supplying 50 one or more translating devices with alternat- ing or reversed currents, of an adjustable counter-electro-motive-force generator in the circuit over which the alternating currents are fed to said mains, and a controlling device for 55 governing the adjustment of said counter- electro-motive-force generator, said control- ling device being connected to the mains, as described, so as to be responsive to changes in the potential on said mains. 60 5. The combination, in a system of electri- cal distribution, of a set of mains supplying induction-coils in multiple arc, feeder circuits carrying alternating or reverse currents, ad- justable counter-electro-motive-force genera- 65 tors in said feeder-circuits, and controlling de- vices for said generators responsive to changes in the potential of the mains, as and for the purpose described. 6. The combination, with a wire or conductor 70 carrying an alternating current, of an adjust- able counter-electro-motive-force generator placed in the circuit of said wire or conductor, and a controlling device therefor, consisting, essentially, of a conductor of low resistance 75. and high self-induction, in which currents are induced by the alternations of current on the circuit, as and for the purpose described. 7. The combination, in a system of electri- cal distribution, of mains traversing the dis- 80 trict to be supplied, feeder-wires connected with said mains at various points and carry- 2. The combination, in an electrical distri-ing alternating currents, adjustable counter- 35 bution system, of mains traversing the dis trict to be supplied and supplying currents in multiple arc, a generator or source of alter- nating currents connected with said system of mains, feeder-wires connected to said mains at 40 different points, as described, and adjustable counter-electro-motive-force generators in the respective feeder-wires, as and for the purpose described. electro-motive-force generators in said feeder- wires, aud controlling devices for said gener- 85 ators responsive to the changes of potential on the mains, and connected to said mains at or near the points where the feeder-wires are joined to the same. 3. The combination, with an alternating- 45 current circuit, of an adjustable counter-elec- tro-motive generator, and a controlling or ad- justing device therefor responsive to the va- riations in the alternating current on the cir- cuit, as and for the purpose described. Signed at Lynn, in the county of Essex and 90 State of Massachusetts, this 3d day of March, A. D. 1887. Witnesses: E. WILBUR RICE, JR. J. W. GIBBONEY, ELIHU THOMSON. ས བ 1:1:|:|:ཀུན ད ན 7 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07500 7032 1.