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Saint Fobn Baptiſt next following ; and that And for due execution hereof, the Queens all fuch Pariſhes, and Cathedral Churches, or moſt excellent Majefty, the Lords Temporal, other Places, where the ſaid Books ſhall be and all the Commons in this preſent Parlia- attained and gotten before the faid Feaſt of ment aſſembled, do in Gods Name earneſtly the Nativity of Saint John Baptist, ſhall, within require and charge all the Archbiſhops, Bi three weeks next after the ſaid Books ſo ac. thops and other Ordinaries, that they fall tained and gotten, uſe the ſaid Service, and put endeavour themſelves to the uttermoft of the fame in ure, according to this Act. their knowledges, that the due and true exe And be it further enacted by the Autho- cution hereof may be had throughout their rity aforeſaid, That no perſon or perſons Dioceſes, and Charges, as they will an wer ſhall be at any time hereafter impeached, or before God, for ſuch evils and plagues, where otherwiſe moleſted, of or for any of the of- with Almighty God may juftly puniſh his fences above mentioned, hereafter to be com- people for neglecting this good and whole mitted or done contrary to this Act, unleſs fome Law. And for the authority in this he or they ſo offending be thereof indicted behalf, be it further enacted by the Authority at the next general Seſſions to be holden be- aforeſaid, That all and ſingular the ſame fore any ſuch Juſtices of Oyer and Deter- Archbiſhops, Biſhops, and all other their miner, or Juſtices of A ſlize, next after any Officers exerciſing Eccleſiaſtical Juriſdi&tion, Offence committed or done contrary to the as well in places exemps, as not exempty tenour of this Act. within their Dioceſes, ſhall have full power Provided always, and be it ordained and and authority by this Act, to reform, cor enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That all rect, and puniſh, by cenſures of the Church, and fingular Lords of the Parliament, for the all and fingular perſons which ſhall offend third offence above mentioned, ſhall be tried within any of their Juriſdictions, or Dio- by their Peers. ceſes, after the faid Feaſt of the Nativity of Provided alſo, and be it ordained and Saint John Baptiſt next coming, againſt this enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That the Ac and Statute; any other Law, Statute, Mayor of London, and all other Mayors, Privilege, Liberty, or Proviſion heretofore Bailiffs, and other Head-Officers of all and made, had, or ſuffered, to the contrary not ſingular Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Cor- withſtanding. porate, within this Realm, Wales, and the And it is ordained and enacted by the Marches of the ſame, to the which Juſtices Authority aforeſaid, That all and every Ju- of Aſlize do nor commonly repair, hall have ftice of Oyer and Determiner, or Juftices of full power and authority, by virtue of this Alize, ſhall have full power and authority, Act, to enquire, Fear, and determine the in every of their open and general; Semloris;s offences abovefaid, and every of them year- to enquire, -hear, and determine all, and all ly, within fifteen days after the Feafts of manner of offences, that!May be committed Eafter, and Saint Michael the Archangel, in or done contrary to any Article contained like manner and form as Juſtices of Allize in this preſent Act, within the limits of the and Oyer and Determiner may do. Commiſſion to them directed, and to make Provided always, and be ir ordained and proceſs for the execution of the fame, as they enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That all may do againſt any perſon being indicted be. and fingular Archbiſhops and Biſhops, and fore them of treſpaſs, or lawfully convicted every of their Chancellors, Commiſſaries , thereof. Archdeacons, and ocher Ordinaries, having Provided always, and be it enacted by the any peculiar Eccleſiaſtical Juriſdiction, ſhall Authority aforeſaid, That all and every Arch have full power and authority, by virtue of bifhop and Biſhop ſhall and may, at all time this Act, as well to enquire in their Vifitari. and times, at his liberty and pleaſure, joyo ons, Synods, or elſewhere within their Jurif- and aſſociate himſelf, by vii tue of this A&t, to diction, ac any other time and place, to take the ſaid Juſtices of Oyer and Determiner, or accuſations, and informations of all and evei y to the ſaid Juftices of Aflize, at every of the the things above mentioned, done, commit- ſaid open and general Seffions to be holden ted, or perpetrated within the limits of their in any place within his Dioceſe, for and to Juriſdiction and Authority, and to puniſh the enquiry, hearing, and determining of the the fame by Admonition, Excommunication, offences aforeſaid. Sequeſtration, or Deprivation, or other Cen- Provided alſo, and be it enacted by the ſures and Proceſſes, in like form as hereto- Authority aforeſaid, That the Books con fore hath been uſed in like caſes, by the Cerning the ſaid Service ſhall, at the coſts and Queens Ecclefiaftical Laws. Provided A 3 An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayers. Provided always, and be it enacted, That for Cauſes Ecclefiaftical, or of the Metropo. whatſoever perſon offending in the premiſſes, Titan of this Realm : And alſo that if there fhall for the firſt offence receive puniſhment of fhall happen any contempt or irreverence to the Ordinary, having a teſtimonial thereof un be uſed in the Ceremonies, or Rites of the der the ſaid Ordinarys Seal, ſhall not for the Church, by the miſuſing of the Orders apo fame offence eftfoons be convicted before the pointed in this Book; the Queens Majeliy Juftices; and likewiſe receiving for the ſaid may, by the like advice of the faid Commifli- firſt offence puniſhment by the Juſtices, he ſhall oners, or Metropolitan, ordain and publiſh not for the ſame firſt offence eftfoons receive ſuch further Ceremonies or Rites, as may be puniſhment of the Ordinary; any thing contain moft for the advancement of Gods glory, the ed in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding, edifying of his Church, and the due reve- Provided always, and be it enacted, That rence of Chrifts holy Myſteries and Sacra fuch ornaments of the Church, and of the Miniſters thereof, ſhall be retained, and be And be it further enacted by the Authority in uſe, as were in this Church of England, aforeſaid, That all Laws, Statutes, and Ordinan- by the authority of Parliament, in the ſecond ces, wherein or whereby any other Service, Ad year of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth, miniftration of Sacraments, or Common Pray. until other order ſhall be therein taken by er, is limited, eſtabliſhed, or ſer forth to be uſed authority of the Queens Majeſty, with the within this Realm, or any other the Queens advice of her Commiſſioners, appointed and Dominions and Countries, ſhall from hence, authorized under the Great Seal of England, forch utterly be void and of none effect. ments. was An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayers, and Adminiſtra- tion of Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies: And for eſta- bliſhing the Form of making, ordaining, and confecrating Bishops, Prieſts, and Deacons in the CHURCH of ENGLAND. XIII. CAROLI II. Hereas in the Firſt Year of and other publick Places, where Common Pray, the lare Queen Elizabeth, there er, Adminiſtration of the Sacraments, and one uniform Order of Preaching of the Word of God is uſed, upon Common Service and Prayer, the Sundays, and other Days ordained and ap- and of the Adminiſtration of pointed to be kept and obſerved as Holy-days: ****** Sacraments, Rites, and Ceremo And whereas by the great and ſcandalous neg- nies in the Church of England (agreeable to lect of Minifters in uſing the ſaid Order, or the Word of God, and Uſage of the primitive Liturgy ſo ſet forth and enjoyned, as aforeſaid, Church) compiled by the Reverend Biſhops great miſchiefs and inconveniencies, during the and Clergy, ſet forth in one Book, intituled,The times of the late unhappy troubles, have ariſen Book of Common Prayer, and Adminiſtration of and grown ; and many people have been led Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies in into factions and ſchiſms, to the great de- the Church of England, and enjoyned to be uſed сау and ſcandal of the reformed Religion of by Act of Parliament, holden in the ſaid Firſt the Church of England, and to the hazard of Year of the ſaid late Queen, intituled, An AX many ſouls : For prevention whereof in time for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, and to come, for ſettling the peace of the Church, Service in the Church, and Adminiſtration of and for allaying the preſent diſtempers, which the Sacraments, very comfortable to all good the indiſpoſition of the time hath contracted, People, deſirous to live in Chriſtian Converſa the Kings Majefly (according to his Decla- tion, and moſt profitable to the Eſtate of this ration of the five and twentieth of October, Realm, upon the which the Mercy, Favour, one thouſand fix hundred and fixty) granted and Bleſſing of Almighty God is in no wiſe ſo his Commiſſion under the Great Seal of Eng- readily and plentifully poured, as by Common land to ſeveral Biſhops, and other Divines, to Prayers, due uſing of the Sacraments, and of review the Book of Common Prayer, and to ten preaching of the Goſpel, with devotion prepare fuch alterations and additions, as of the hearers: And yet this notwithſtanding, they thought fit to offer; and afterwards the a great number of people in divers parts of Convocations of both the Provinces of Can- this Realm, following their own ſenſuality, terbury and York, being by his Majeſty call- and living without knowledge and due fear of ed and aſſembled (and now fitting) his Ma- God, do wilfully and ſchiſmatically abſtain, jefty hath been pleaſed to authorize and re- and refuſe to come to their Parish Churchesquire the Preſidents of the ſaid Convocations, and An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayers. and other the Biſhops and Clergy of the fame, England, and the manner how, and by to review the ſaid Book of Common Prayer, whom Bífhops, Prieſts, and Deacons are and the Book of the Form and Manner of the and ought to be made, ordained, and confe- making and conſecrating of Biſhops, Prielts, crated : and Deacons, and that after mature conſis Be it enacted by the Kings moft excellent deration, they ſhould make ſuch additions Majeſty, by the advice, and with the con- and alterations in the faid Books reſpective ſent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, ly, as to them ſhould ſeem neer and conveni and of the Commons, in this preſent Parlia- ent; and ſhould exhibit and preſent the ſame ment aſſembled, and by the authority of the to his Majeſty in writing, for his further fame, That all and fingular Miniſters, in allowance or confirmation ; ſince which any Cathedral, Collegiate, or Pariſh Church time, upon full and mature deliberation, or Chapel, or other Place of publick Wor- they the ſaid Preſidents, Biſhops, and Clergy ſhip within this Realm of England, Domi- of both Provinces, have accordingly reviewed nion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon the ſaid Books, and have made ſome altera- Tweed, ſhall be bound to ſay and uſe the tions which they think fit to be inſerted to Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Celebra- the fame; and ſome additional Prayers to tion and Adminiſtration of both the Sacra. the ſaid Book of Common Prayer, to be uſed ments, and all other the publick and com- upon proper and emergenc occaſions; and mon Prayer, in ſuch order and form as is have exhibited and preſented the ſame un mentioned in the ſaid Book annexed and to his Majeſty in writing, in one Book, in joyned to this preſent Act, and intituled, tituled, l'he Book of Common Prajer, and The Book of Common Prayer, and Admini- Adminiſtration of the Sacraments , and other ſtration of the Sacraments , and other Rites Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, accord. and Ceremonies of the Church, according to ing to the uſe of the Church of Eng the uſe of the Church of England ; together land ; together with the Pſalter or Pfalms with the Pſalter or Pſalms of David, pointed of David, pointed as they are to be ſung or as they are to be ſung or ſaid in Churches; ſaid in Churches; and the Form and Man. and the Form and Manner of making, or- ner of making, ordaining, and conſecrat. daining, and conſecrating of Biſhops, Prieſts, ing of Biſhops, Prieſts, and Deacons : All and Deacons : and that the Morning and which his Majeſty having duly confidered, Evening Prayers therein contained, ſhall, hath fully approved and allowed the ſame, upon every Lords Day, and upon all other and recommended to this preſent Parliament, days and occaſions, and ar the times therein that the ſaid Books of Common Prayer, and appointed, be openly and folemnly read by of the Form of Ordination and Confecration all and every Miniſter or Curare in every of Biſhops, Prieſts, and Deacons, with the Church, Chapel, or other Place of publick alterations and additions which have been Worſhip within this Realm of England, and ſo made and preſented to his Majeſty by the Places aforeſaid. faid Convocations, be the Book which ſhall And to the end that Uniformity in the pub- be appointed to be uſed by all that officiate lick Worſhip of God (which is ſo much de- in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches and fired) may be ſpeedily effected, be it further Chapels, and in all Chapels of Colleges and enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That eve- Halls in both the Univerſities, and the Col- ry Parſon, Vicar, or other Minifter. whate leges of Eaton and Wincheſter, and in all ſoever, who now hath and enjoyeth any Ec- Pariſh Churches and Chapels within the clefiaftical Benefice or Promotion within this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, Realm of England, or Places aforeſaid, ſhall, and Town of Berwick upon I'weed, and by in the Church, Chapel, or Place of publick all that make or conſecrate Biſhops, Prieſts, Worſhip belonging to his faid Benefice or or Deacons, in any of the ſaid Places, under Promotion, upon fome Lords Day before ſuch fanctions and penalties as the Houſes of the Feaſt of Saint Bartholomew, which ſhall Parliament ſhall think fit. Now in regard be in the year of our Lord God one thou- that nothing conduceth more to the ſettling [and fix hundred fixty and two, openly, pub- of the peace of this Nation (which is de lickly, and folemnly read the Morning and fired of all good men nor to the honour Evening Prayer, appointed to be read by and of our Religion, and the propagation there. according to the ſaid Book of Common Pray- of, than an univerſal agreement in the pub er, at the times thereby appointed, and after lick Worſhip of Almighty God; and to the ſuch reading thereof, fhall openly and pub. intent that every perſon within this Realm lickly, before the Congregation there afſemi- may certainly know the rule to which he bled, declare his unfeigned aſſent and con- is to conform in publick Worſhip, and ſent to the uſe of all things in the ſaid Book Adminiſtration of Sacraments, and other and other contained and preſcribed, in theſe words, and Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of no other; I A.B. A 4 An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayers. A.B. do bere declare my unfeigned aſent Promotions, or any of them (according to and conſent to all and every thing contain their reſpective rights and titles) to preſent ed and preſcribed in and by the Book inti. or collate to the ſame, as though the perſon tuled, The Book of Common Prayer, and or perſons fo offending or neglecting were Adminiſtratien of the Sacraments, and other dead.SSER Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, accord And be it further enacted by the Autho- ing to the uſe of the Church of England; rity aforefaid, That in all places where the together with the Pfalter or Pſalms of David, proper incumbent of any Parſonage or Vi- pointed as they are to be ſung or ſaid in carage, or Benefice with Cure, doth reſide Churches; and the Form and Manner of mak on his living, and keep a Curate, the in- ing, ordaining, and conſecrating of Biſhops, cumbent himſelf in perſon (nor having ſome Prieſts, and Deacons. lawful impediment, to be allowed by the Ordinary of the place) ſhall once (at the And that all and every ſuch Perſon, leaft) in every month, openly and publickly who ſhall (without ſome lawful impedi- read the Common Prayers and Service, in ment, to be allowed and approved of by the and by the ſaid Book preſcribed, and (if Ordinary of the Place) neglect or refuſe there be occaſion ) adminifter each of the to do the ſame within the time aforeſaid, or Sacraments, and other Rites of the Church, (in caſe of ſuch impediment ) within one in the Pariſh Church or Chapel of or te month after ſuch impediment removed, ſhall longing to the fame Parſonage, Vicarage, or ipfo fa&to be deprived of all his ſpiritual Benefice, in ſuch order, manner, and form, Promotions ;. and that from thenceforth it as in and by the faid Book is appointed, Thall be lawful to and for all Patrons and upon pain to forfeit the Sum of five pounds Donors of all and fingular the ſaid ſpiritual to the uſe of the Poor of the Pariſh for eve . Promotions, or of any of them, according to ry offence, upon conviction by confeſſion, their reſpective rights and titles, to preſent or proof of two credible witneſſes upon oath or collate to the ſame, as though the perſon before two Juſtices of the Peace of the Coun- or perſons fo offending or neglecting were ty, City, or Town-corporate where the dead, offence ſhall be committed (which oach the And be it further enacted by the Autho ſaid Juftices are hereby impowered to ad- rity aforeſaid, That every perſon, who ſhall miniſter) and in default of payment within hereafter be preſented or collated, or put ten days, to be levied by diftreſs and ſale of into any Ecclefiaftical Benefice or Promotion the goods and chattels of the offender, by the within this Realm of England, and Places warrant of the ſaid Juſtices, by the Church- aforeſaid, ſhall, in the Church, Chapel, or wardens, or Overſeers of the Poor of the Place of publick Worſhip, belonging to his ſaid Pariſh, rendring the ſurpluſage to the ſaid Benefice or Promotion , within two party, months next after that he ſhall be in the ac And be it further enacted by the Autho. tual poffeffion of the ſaid Ecclefiaftical Be. rity aforeſaid, That every Dean, Canon, nefice or Promotion, upon fome Lords Day, and Prebendary of every Cathedral or Col- openly, publickly, and ſolemnly read the legiate Church, and all Maſters, and other Morning and Evening Prayers, appointed to Heads, Fellows, Chaplains, and Tutors, of be read by and according to the ſaid Book or in any College, Hall, Houſe of Learning, of Common Prayer, at the times thereby or Hoſpital, and every publick Profeſſor, appointed, and after ſuch reading thereof, and Reader in either of the Univerſities, and Thall openly and publickly, before the Con in every College elſewhere, and every Par- gregation there aſſembled, declare his un fon, Vicar, Curate, Lecturer, and every feigned aſſent and conſent to the uſe of all other Perſon in holy Orders, and every things therein contained and preſcribed, ac School-maſter, keeping any publick or pri- cording to the Form before appointed ; and vate School, and every Perſon inſtructing or that all and every ſuch perſon, who ſhall teaching any Youth in any houſe or pri- ( without ſome lawful impediment to be vate family, as a Tutor, or School-mafter, allowed and approved by the Ordinary of who upon the firſt day of May, which ſhall the place) neglect or refuſe to do the ſame be in the year of our Lord God one thou- within the time aforeſaid, or (in caſe of fand ſix hundred fixty two, or at any time ſuch impediment ) within one month after thereafter, ſhall be incumbent, or have pof- ſuch impediment removed, ſhall ipfo facto ſeſſion of any Deanry, Canonry, Prebend, be deprived of all his ſaid Ecclefiaftical Be. Mafterſhip, Headſhip, Fellowſhip, Profef- nefices and Promotions ; and that from ſors place, or Readers place, Parſonage, Vi- thenceforth it ſhall and may be lawful to carage, or any other Ecclefiaftical Dignity and for all Patrons and Donors of all and or Promotion, or of any Curates place, Lec- ſingular the ſaid Ecclefiaftical Benefices and ture, or School; or Thall inftru&t or teach any An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayer s T any Youth, as Tutor,or School-mafier, ſhall to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm (for before the Feaſt-day of Saint Bartholomew, which he ſhall pay twelve pence only) and which ſhall be in the year of our Lord one before ſuch ſubicription and acknowledge- thouſand fix hundred fixty two, or at or be ment made, as aforeſaid ; then every ſuch fore his or their reſpective admiſſion to be School-maſter and other, infiructing and incumbent, or have poffeffion aforeſaid, ſub- teaching, as aforeſaid, ſhall for the firſt ſcribe the declaration or acknowledgement offence ſuffer three months impriſonment, following; ſcilicet, without bail or mainprile; and for every fecond and other ſuch offence ſhall ſuffer A.B. do declare, That it is not lawful, upon three months impriſonment, withour bail or any pretence whatſoever, to take arms a mainpriſe, and alſo forfeit to his Majeſty the gainst the King; and that I do abhor that fum of five pounds. traiterous pofiti n of taking arms by his Au And after ſuch fubſcription made, every thority against bis Perſon, or against thoſe that ſuch Parſon, Vicar, Curate, and Lecturer, are commiſſionated by him ; and that I will ſhall procure a certificare under the hand conform to the Liturgy of the Church of Eng. and feal of the reſpective Archbiſhop, Bi- land, as it is now by Law eſtabliſhed. “And I ſhop, or Ordinary of the Dioceſe (who are do declare, that I do hold there lies no obliga. hereby enjoyned and required, upon demand, tion upon me, or on any other Perſon, from to make and deliver the fame) and ſhall pub- the Oath commonly called the Solemn League Tickly and openly read the lame, together and Covenant, to endeavour any change or with the declaration or acknowledgement alteration of Government, either in Church aforeſaid, upon fome Lords Day, within three or State; and that the ſame was in it felf an months then next following, in his Pariſh- unlawful Oath, and impoſed upon the Sub Church where he is to officiate, in the pre- jects of this Realm against the known Laws ſence of the Congregation there aſſembled, and Liberties of this Kingdom. in the time of Divine Service; upon pain that every Perſon failing therein thall Tole Which ſaid declaration and acknowledge fuch Parſonage, Vicarage, or Benefice, Cu- mene ſhall be ſubſcribed by every of the ſaid rates place, or Lecturers place reſpectively, Mafters, and other Heads, Fellows, Chap- and ſhall be utterly diſabled, and ipfo fatto lains, and Tutors, of or in any College, Hall, deprived of the fame : And that the ſaid . or Houſe of Learning, and by every publick Parſonage, Vicarage, or Benefice, Curates Profeſſor and Reader in either of the Univer: place, or Lecturers place, ſhall be void, as if fícies, before the Vice chancellor of the rea he was naturally dead. ſpective Univerſities for the time being, or Provided always, That from and after the his Deputy; and the ſaid declaration or ac twenty fifth day of March, which ſhall be in knowledgement ſhall be ſubſcribed before the the year of our Lord God one thouſand fix reſpective Archbiſhop, Biſhop, or Ordina- hundred eighty two, there ſhall be omitted ry of the Dioceſe, by every other Perſon in the faid declaration or acknowledgement, hereby enjoyned to ſubſcribe the ſame, upon fo to be ſubſcribed and read; theſe words pain that all and every of the Perſons afore following ; fcilicet, ſaid, failing in ſuch ſubſcription, ſhall loſe and forfeit ſuch reſpective Deanry, Canonry, NDI do declare, That I do hold there lies Prebend, Mafterſhip, Headſhip, Fellowſhip, no obligation upon me, or on any other Profeſſors place, Readers place, Parſonage, perfon, from the Oath commonly called the Vicarage, Ecclefiaftical Dignity or Promoti Solemn League and Covenant, to endeavour on, Curates place, Lecture, and School , and any change or alteration of Government, either ſhall be utterly diſabled, and ipfo fa&to de in Church or Stato; and that the ſame was ini prived of the fame ; and that every ſuch re it ſelf an unlawful Oath, and impoſed upon ſpective Deanry, Canonry, Prebend, Maſter the Subjects of this Realm, against the known fhip, Headſhip, Fellowſhip, Profeſſors place, Lams and Liberties of this Kingdom ; Readers place, Parſonage, Vicarage, Eccle- ſiaſtical Dignity or Promotion, Curates place, So as none of the Perſons aforeſaid ſhall from Lecture, and School, ſhall be void, as if ſuch thenceforth be at all obliged to ſubſcribe or Perſon fo failing were naturally dead. read that part of the ſaid declaration or ac- And if any School-mafter, or other Perſon, knowledgement. inftructing or teaching Youth in any private Provided always, and be it enacted, That houſe or family, as a Tutor, or School from and after the Feaſt of Saint Bartholo: maſter, ſhall inſtruct or teach any Youth, as mew, which ſhall be in the year of our Lord a Tutor, or School-maſter, before Licence one thouſand fix hundred fixty and two, no obtainel from his reſpective Archbiſhop, Bi Perſon, who now is incumbent, and in pof Thop, or Ordinary of the Dioceſe, according, feffion of any Parſonage, Vicarage, or Be. nefice, An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayers. 1 nefice, and who is not already in holy Or- either of the Univerſities, the Colleges of ders by Epiſcopal Ordination, or ſhall not Weſtminſter, Winchefter, or Eaton, or any before the ſaid Fealt-day of Saint Bartbolo. of them, other than what is preſcribed and mew, be ordained Prieſt, or Deacon, accord appointed to be uſed in and by the ſaid Book; ing to the form of Epiſcopal Ordination, and that the preſent Governor, or Head of ſhall have, hold, or enjoy the ſaid Parſon every College and Hall in the ſaid. Univerſi- age, Vicarage, Benefice with Cure, or other ties, and of the ſaid Colleges of Weſtminſter, Ecclefiaftical Promotion within this King. Wincheſter, and Eaton, within one month dom of England, or the Dominion of Wales, after the Feaſt of Saint Bartholomew, which or Town of Berwick upon Tweed; but ſhall ſhall be in the year of our Lord one thou. be utterly diſabled, and ipfo fado deprived fand fix hundred fixty and two; and every of the fame, and all his Ecclefiaftical Pro- Governor or Head of any of the ſaid Col- motions ſhall be void, as if he was naturally leges or Halls, hereafter to be elected or dead. appoinred, within one month next after his And be it further enacted by the Autho-election, or collation, and admiſſion into rity aforeſaid, That no Perſon whatſoever the ſame Government or Headſhip, ſhall ſhall thenceforth be capable to be admitted openly and publickly, in the Church, Chapel, to any Parſonage, Vicarage, Benefice, or or other publick Place of the fame College other Ecclefiaftical Promotion or Dignity or Hall, and in the preſence of the Fellows whatſoever, nor ſhall preſume to conſecrate and Scholars of the ſame, or the greater and adminiſter the holy Sacrament of the part of them then reſident, ſubſcribe unto Lords Supper, before ſuch time as he ſhall be the nine and thirty Articles of Religion, ordained Prieſt, according to the Form and mentioned in the Statute made in the thir. Manner in and by the faid Book preſcribed, teenth year of the Reign of the late Queen unleſs he have formerly been made Prieſt by Elizabeth, and unto the ſaid Book, and de- Epiſcopal Ordination, upon pain to forfeit clare his unfeigned aſſent and confent unto, for every offence the ſum of one hundred and approbation of the ſaid Articles, and of pounds (one moiety thereof to the Kings the fame Book, and to the uſe of all the Majeſty, the other moiety thereof to be Prayers, Rites, and Ceremonies, Forms, and equally divided between the Poor of the Orders in the ſaid Book preſcribed and con- Pariſh, where the offence ſhall be committed, tained, according to the Form aforeſaid and ſuch perſon or perſons as ſhall ſue for and that all ſuch Governors, or Heads of the ſame, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or the ſaid Colleges and Halls, or any of them, Information in any of his Majeſtys Courts as are or ſhall be in holy Orders, ſhall once of Record, wherein no Eftoign, Protection, at leaſt in every quarter of the year (nor hav- or Wager of Law ſhall be allowed) and to ing a lawful impediment) openly and pub- be diſabled from taking or being admitted lickly read the Morning Prayer, and Ser- into the Order of Prieſt, by the ſpace of one vice, in and by the ſaid Book appointed to whole year then next following. be read, in the Church, Chapel, or other Provided, That the penalties in this Aą publick Place of the fame College or Hall , ſhall not extend to the foreigners or aliens upon pain to loſe, and be ſuſpended of and from all the Benefits and Profits belonging to of the foreign reformed Churches allowed, or to be allowed by the Kings Majefty, his ſpace of fix months, by the Viſitor or Vifi- the ſame Government or Headſhip, by the Heirs, and Succeffors in England. tors of the ſame College or Hall; and if Provided always, That no title to confer, any Governor, or Head of any College or or preſent by lapſe, ſhall accrue by any avoid- Hall, ſuſpended for not ſubſcribing unto the ance, or deprivation ipfo fa&to by virtue of faid Articles and Book, or for not reading this Stature, but after ſix months after notice of the Morning Prayer and Service, as afore- of ſuch voidance, or deprivation, given by faid, shall not, at or before the end of fix the Ordinary to the Patron, or ſuch fentence months next after ſuch fufpenfion, ſubſcribe of deprivation openly and publickly read in unto the faid Articles and Book, and declare the Pariſh-Church of the Benefice, Parſonage, his conſent thereunto, as aforeſaid, or read or Vicarage becoming void, or whereof the the Morning Prayer and Service, as aforeſaid, incumbent ſhall be deprived by virtue of this then ſuch Government or Headſhip ſhall be Act. ipfo fa&o void. And be it further enacted by the Autho- rity aforeſaid, Thar no Form or Order of Provided always, That it shall and may be Common Prayers, Adminiſtration of Sacra Jawful to uſe the Morning and Evening ments, Rites, or Ceremonies, ſhall be openly Prayer, and all other Prayers and Service uſed in any Church, Chapel, or other pub- preſcribed in and by the faid Book, in the lick place of or in any College or Hall in Chapels or other publick Places of the re- [pective An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Common Prayers. ſpective Colleges and Halls in both the Unie do the ſame, ſhall from thenceforth be diſ- verſities, in the Colleges of Weſtminſter, abled to preach the ſaid, or any other Lecture Wincheſter, and Eaton, and in the Convoca or Sermon in the ſaid, or any other Church, tions of the Clergies of either Province, in Chapel, or place of publick Worſhip, until Latin ; any thing in this Act contained to fuch time as he and they ſhall openly, pub- the contrary notwithſtanding. lickly, and folemnly read the Common Pray- And be ic further enacted by the Authori ers and Service appointed by the ſaid Book, ty aforeſaid, That no Perſon ſhall be, or be and conform in all points to the things therein received as a Lecturer, or permitted, ſuffer appointed and prefcribed, according to the ed, or allowed to preach as a Lecturer, or purport, true intent and meaning of this to preach or read any Sermon or Lecture Act. in any Church, Chapel, or other place of Provided always, Thar if the ſaid Sermon publick Worſhip, within this Realm of Eng or Lecture be to be preached or read in any land, or the Dominion of Wales, and Town Cathedral, or Collegiate Church or Chapel, of Berwick upon I'meed, unleſs he be first it ſhall be fufficient for the ſaid Lecturer approved, and thereunto licenſed by the openly, at the time aforefaid, to declare his Archbiſhop of the Province, or Biſhop of Affent and Conſent to all things contained the Dioceſe, or (in caſe the See be void) by in the ſaid Book, according to the Form the Guardian of the Spiritualties, under his aforeſaid. Seal, and fhall in the preſence of the ſame And be it further enacted by the Autho- Archbiſhop, or Biſhop, or Guardian, read rity aforeſaid, That if any Perſon, who is by the Nine and thirty Articles of Religion, this Act diſabled to preach any Lecture or mentioned in the Statute of the thirteenth Sermon, ſhall, during the time that he ſhall year of the late Queen Elizabeth, with de- continue and remain ſo diſabled, preach any claration of his unfeigned Afſent to the fame; Sermon or Lecture; that then, for every and that every Perſon and Perſons, who ſuch Offence, the Perſon and Ferſons fo of- now is, or hereafter ſhall be licenſed, al- - fending ſhall fuffer three Months impriſon- ſigned, appointed, or received as a Lectu ment in the common Gaol, without Bail or rer, to preach upon any Day of the Week Mainpriſe; and thar any two Juſtices of the in any Church, Chapel, or Place of publick Peace of any County of this Kingdom, and Worſhip within this Realm of England, or Places aforeſaid, and the Mayor or other Places aforeſaid, the firſt time he preacherh chief Magiſtrate of any City, or Town-Cor- (before his Sermon) ſhall openly, publickly, porate within the fame, upon Certificate and folemnly read the Common Prayers and from the Ordinary of the Place made to him Service in and by the ſaid Book appointed - or them of the Offence committed, ſhall to be read for that time of the Day, and and are hereby required to commit the Per then and there publickly and openly declare fon or Perſons fo offending to the Gaol of his Aſſent 'unto, and Approbation of the ſaid the ſame County, City, or Town-Corporate, Book, and to the uſe of all the Prayers, Rices accordingly. and Ceremonies, Forms and Orders there Provided always, and be it further enacted in contained and preſcribed, according to by the Authority aforeſaid, That at all and the Form before appointed in this Act; and every time and times, when any Sermon or alſo ſhall, upon the firſt Lecture-day of every Lecture is to be preached, the Common Month afterwards, ſo long as he continues Prayers and Service in and by the ſaid Book Lecturer, or Preacher there, at the Place appointed to be read for that time of the appointed for his faid Lecture or Sermon, day, ſhall be openly, publickly, and folemnly before his ſaid Lecture or Sermon, openly, read by fome Prieff or Deacon, in the publickly, and folemnly read the Common Church, Chapel, or Place of publick Wor- Prayers and Service in and by the ſaid Book ſhip, where the ſaid Sermon or Lecture is to appointed to be read for that time of the be preached, before ſuch Sermon or Lecture Day, at which the ſaid Lecture or Sermon be preached; and that the Lecturer then is to be preached; and after ſuch reading to preach ſhall be preſent at the reading thereof, ſall openly and publickly, before thereof. the Congregation there aſſembled, declare Provided nevertheleſs, That this Act ſhall his unfeigned Affent and Conſent unto, and not extend to the Univerſity Churches in the Approbation of the ſaid Book, and to the Univerſities of this Realm, or either of them, uſe of all the Prayers, Rites and Ceremonies, when or at ſuch times as any Sermon or Forms and Orders therein contained and Lecture is preached or read in the ſame preſcribed, according to the Form afore. Churches, or any of them, for, or as the ſaid; and that all and every ſuch Perſon publick Univerſity-Sermon or Lecture ; but and Perſons, who ſhall neglect or refuſe to that the fame Sermons and Lectures may be preached 5 An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayers. preached or read in ſuch fort and manner Landaff, and their Succeſſors, ſhall take fuch as the ſame have been heretofore preached order annong themſelves, for the ſouls healch or read ; this Act, or any thing herein of the Flocks committed to their Charge contained to the contrary thereof in any within Wales, that the Book hereunto an- wiſe notwithſtanding. nexed be truly and exactly tranſlated into And be it further enacted by the Authority the Britiſh or Welfb Tongue; and that the aforeſaid, That the ſeveral good Laws and ſame fo tranſlated, and being by them, or Statutes of this Realm, which have been any three of them at the leaft, viewed, perul- fermerly made, and are now in force, for the ed, and allowed, be imprinted to ſuch num- Uniformity of Prayer, and Adminiſtration of ber at leaſt, ſo that one of the faid Books the Sacraments, within this Realm of Eng. fo tranſlated and imprinted, may be had land, and Places aforeſaid, ſhall ſtand in full for every Cathedral, Collegiate, and Parish force and ſtrength to all Intents and Pur Church, and Chapel of eafe in the ſaid re- poſes whatſoever, for the eſtabliſhing and ſpective Dioceſes and Places in Wales, where confirming of the ſaid Book, intituled, The the Welſh is commonly ſpoken or uſed, be- Book of Common Prayer, and Adminiſtration fore the firſt day of May, One thouſand fix of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Cere hundred fixty five; and that from and after monies of the Church, according to the uſe of the imprinting and publiſhing of the ſaid the Church of England; together with the Pfal. Book ſo tranſlated, the whole Divine Service ter or Pfalms of David, pointed as they are ſhall be uſed and ſaid by the Miniſters and to be ſung or ſaid in Churches; and the Form Curates throughout all Wales, within the and Manner of making, ordaining, and con faid Dioceſes where the Welſh Tongue is fecrating of Biſhops, Priefts , and Deacons, commonly uſed, in the Britiſh or Welſh herein before mentioned to be joined and Tongue, in fuch manner and form as is pre- annexed to this Act; and ſhall be applied, ſeribed, according to the Book hereunto an- practiſed, and put in ure, for the puniſhing of nexed to be uſed in the Engliſh Tongue, all Offences contrary to the ſaid Laws, with differing nothing in any Order or Form from relation to the Book aforeſaid, and no other. the faid Engliſh Book; for which Book ſo Provided always, and be it further enacted tranſlated and imprinted, the Churchwardens by the Authority aforeſaid, That in all thoſe of every of the ſaid Pariſhes ſhall pay out Prayers, Litanies, and Collects, which do any of the Pariſh Money in their hands, for the way relate to the King, Queen, or Royal Pro- uſe of the reſpective Churches, and be allow- geny, the Names be altered and changed from ed the ſame on their Account ; and that time to time, and ficted to the preſent occa the ſaid Biſhops, and their Succeſſors, or fion, according to the direction of lawful Au any three of them at the leaſt, thall ſet and thority. appoint the Price for which the ſaid Book Provided alſo, and be it enacted by the ſhall be fold: And one other Book of Authority aforeſaid, That a true Printed Common Prayer in the Engliſh Tongue ſhall Copy of the ſaid Bo-k, intituled, The Book be bought and had in every Church through- of Common Prayer, and Adminiſtration of the our Wales, in which the Book of Common Sacraments, and ciher Rites and Ceremonies Prayer in Welſh is to be had, by force of of the Church, according to the uſe of the this Act before the firſt day of May, One Church of England; together with the Pſalter thouſand fix hundred fixty and four; and the or Pſalms of David, pointed as they are to be fame Book to remain in ſuch convenient Pla- ſung or said in Churches; and the Form and ces within the ſaid Churches, that ſuch as Manner of making, ordaining, and con onſe underſtand them, may reſort at all conveni- crating of Biſhops, Prieſts, and Deacons, ent times to read and peruſe the ſame; and ſhall, at the Cofts and Charges of the Pariſhi alſo ſuch as do not underftand the ſaid Lan- oners of every Pariſh Church, and Chapelry, guage, may, by conferring both Tongues Cathedral Church, College, and Hall, be together, the ſooner attain to the knowledge attained and gotten before the Feaft-day of of the Engliſh Tongue; any thing in this Act Saint Bartholomew, in the Year of our Lord to the contrary notwithftanding. And until One thouſand fix hundred fixty and two, upon pri ted Copies of the ſaid Book fo to be tranſ- pain of forfeiture of three pounds by the lated may be had and provided, the Form of month, for ſo long time as they ſhall then Common Prayer, eftabliſhed by Parliament a ter be unprovided thereof, by every Pariſh, before the making of this A&t, Thall be uſed or Charelry, Cathedral Church, College, and as formerly in ſuch parts of Wales, where Hall, making default therein. the Engliſh Tongue is not commonly under- Provided always, and be it enacted by the ftood. Authority aforeſaid. That the Biſhops of And to the end that the true and perfect Hereford, St, Davids, Afaph, Bangor, and copies of this Act, and the ſaid Book here- 5 unto An Act for the UNIFORMITY of Publick Prayers. unto annexed, may be ſafely kept, and per- and thirtieth Article of the Nine and thirty petually preſerved, and for the avoiding of Articles agreed uçon by the Archbiſhops all diſputes for the time to come; be it and Biſhops of both Provinces, and the whole therefore enacted by the Authority afore- Clergy in the Convocation holden at London, faid, That the reſpective Deans and Chap- in the year of our Lord, One thouſand five. ters of every Cathedral or Collegiate hundred fixty two, for the avoiding of di- Church within England and Wales, Thall at verſities of opinions, and for eſtabliſhing of their proper Cofts and Charges, before the conſent touching true Religion, is in theſe Twenty fifth day of December, One thouſand words following, viz. Six hundred fixty and two, obrain under the Great Seal of England, a true and perfect THat the Book of confecration of Arch- printed Copy of this Act, and of the ſaid Ті biſhops and biſhops, and ordaining of Book annexed hereunto, to be by the ſaid Prieſts and Deacons, lately ſet forth in the Deans and Chapters, and their Succeſſors, time of King Edward the Sixth, and confirmed kept and preſerved in ſafety for ever ; and at the ſame time by authority of Parliament, to be alſo produced, and ſhewed forth in any doth contain all things neceſſary to ſuch con- Court of Record, as often as they fhall be ſecration and