Cölůpons Ser. H Water Шла bonds, 900 00 Assessment roll Second district 1 579 05 Balan I Ь coupons Ser. I Water fund bonds, 900 00 Delinquent light tax l ’ 16 16 ce on hand' 10 38 Balance on hand' 172 06 13 запретив eser. Ё Light fund bends, 300 00 ’ Total -—-——-— l ' -_.__.__ Dons er Light fund bonds, 650 00 Total ’ s 636 43 Total’ ‘ u l y is Coupons Ser. C Light fund bonds, 703 00 ’ . CR. $ “Нэп 21 W' SEVENTH ST" FUND’ ч HARRISON AVE~ SEWER FÍJNDQOl3 86 wcâàgoâállsFire kDepartment Ser. A, 125 00 Overdrawn last annual settlement S 3,597 53 Balance on hand l t R. al u R“ l ь— 10 coupons ëîïvelllotglsdseg. A.A 2,000 00 _?ïders paid Exhibit C. 28,219 29 ment as annu Settle' s i159 Balanttze on hand last annual settle- п S er. , 400 00 ansferred t water r 5 3 ч ’ - me“ › Water fund bond N о und, , 24 74 'lex rcll second district, 30 77 HOLLAND MICH“ MARCH 26, 1903 “th St” bond Ng: Ser. A, 1,332 Balance on hand, 7,479 65 T t 1 64 57 __Tax roll Second district, 241 46 ц coupon E. 11th St, ‘ ' "­­"_""­‘ о а, ° E. 11th St. fund' Ol‘del`ê),ondì lì g?) Total' FIRE s 44,921 21 . CR* s 46 Total' îsëlâuîîinNlîitlî rund' bond NO~ 4» 194 71 DR, ринг. ggg goxêgulggn 4, s 68 86 Раю bond No, 2, 5 220 00 ° 16th St No 1 Sáinâïiërdlerfund bond, 9 74 Balance on hand last annual settle- Paid orders, ’ ‘î’ Éâ gag 3 Coupons' _ 26 40 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. 10th st. Nc. 2 fund, bend SNO. 4 55?; Ё): ЗЗЁЦЁЬ тщеты $ 18g àl) Balance en hand, 2 66 Bäiengëdâhs'hend 7 go то u_lo Honorable, the Mayor and the Common îettrolurslttlnä 16th St. No. 2 fund bonds, 49 96 Assessment roll 'First district 63 14 Total ’ 18 7 Council of the City c: наша: W ml. о. 2 fund Orders, 15 00 Assessment reu seccnd distric't 230 86 w гонит s 76 46 Total' ' $ 272 17 5:°е'1$“1°”"$%“‘ъ$°ттщее оп settlement. 1 ccnncnstwfulzlgi’ ЁЁП‘Ё Nc, 4, 68 86 ` ’ -—-——-—— ' EEäRrH ST' FUND EIGHTH ST’ SEWER FUND ` rec о xn е е annual settleme t ~ . und bond, To ’ ­ ‘ tho City Treasurer, respectfully subnîlt lâh St, fund orders, î Ё tal. _ CR $ 494 51 Biggie on hand last annual settle- Balance on hand lastnaìhual settle. gell have examined the annua‘l report of the 1 ¿ou thnSà.ï fund, bond No. 3, 60 00 Orders paid Exhibit D, - $ 195 09 Tax roll Second di t i t. 1 87 ment. ¿o в? b l? Тттщег- herewllh Presented. as the W lâoh St. 14th st. Fund bend, з 00 Balance cn bend, 299 42 В fc» 70 17 Tex гоп First district, воз gg ¿als of said _settlement and that they have W. 12th St. ffund orders. 3 00 _ __ Total s __“ Та-х roll Second district, 389 14 examined the hgoks and vouchers of the City 3 ou ns bond No. 2. 114 00 Total, _ 6 494 5 ' CR 72 04 Amount reassessed 19 67 “щите? end ave compared them with the W трёп St °r lll St- fund bonds» 13 68 MAIN SEWER FUND. Paid bcnd Nc 3 ' ` äceivts end accounts аз kept by the city W- 31, d St ­ und Orders, з 00 DR, ’ Peid 1 ccc en ’ s во “o Tolalt s I1 050 30' i ”к and have found the Same correct. 1eav- 4 cou ’ fund» bond No. 2, 46 00 Balance on hand last annual settle»- Paid orders ’l 3 00 CR' ' I ` l ng _a balance of Itvirenty-iìve thousand nine W slâolls “д 3rd St. fund bonds, 7 36 ment. $ 1 556 26 Balance on h d 3 00 раю bond No' 2' ' «Il 833 20 hundred one dollars and forty-one cents E ' ¿il fund Orders» 35 28 Assessment roll First district, ’210 48 an ’ 6 0 Paid 4 coupons, ~ 133 32 $25,901.41), for which said amount the City 4­CO . fund, bond No. 2. 100 00 Assessment roll Second district, 789 52 Total __. Paid orders' 63 77’ Basu-or has submitted a выпиваю of the upons E. 4th St. fund bonds, 16 66 ___ l . $ 7 Balance on hand ., попади City State Bank, as herewith рт- C-itht Äund orders, ¿8 86 Total . '_T-s 2 556 26 W. TWELFîLIÈIÉIt ST. FUND. г 2.9 07. nente . e . en ra ve. fund bond No. 1, 550 00 l с " ' Total, I ‚ ' ` f . All of which 'is resgeccëfullälâubmitted. âcgêäîìlasl SÀVcenfti-el1 Ave. :und bends, 33 00 Orders paid Exhibit ER' 423 25 Bîrlizgîe on hand last annual settle-s 12 73 шиты AND RIVER STS s i ¿E ­ . PUTTEN, ч e- un Orders. 2,195 Trensferr d t ’ » -› 4 - EW i А i HENRYGEERHNGS 17th st. Nc. 1 fund. bond Nc, 1. 520 'gg Balance gn hìââecial sewer funds' Lg; ä) Tax 75011 Second district’ 134 34 Balance ОП hand «lastnarlî'nuel setti ` 'i PIETER A. KLEIS_ îqîguâonîq 17t1hfSt.d No. 1 fund bonds, 26 00 ' .__-.___ Total ` 'iu-__“ ment. ‘l ~ ~` ` ` . e' ^ " ' ‘ i ­ ' _nl 'i l"I' Ч i A l "lo ll`l ‹ а ситу T , _ о un orders, 2,159 00 Total, l 3; 2,556 26 V41.11.1‘011 First district, г г „ »l SURERS REFORMA ät. No. 2 fund bonds, 4 coups. 26 64 FIRE DEPABTM-ENT РИМ?!) _ paid bond N 2 CR'. l Tax roll Second district, " И” ‘ .f _, . (д 1сну Treasurer@ шее, сои t. ANO. 2 fund orders, 3,915 00 _ он. , ­ Paid з cou ¿le ‚ $ _11% 00 Reassessed, . . Hôlland, Mich.. March 16. A. D. 1903. 5 ege ve. No, 1 fund, bond No. 1, 200.00 Balance on hand lasëgaìi'mual's'ettlel Pala' d' p ’ ` ' ‘ ‚ ч 13 68“: ’ _ ' " " T0 the HÖROra-ble Мауог and Common Council lîoupons College Ave’ No' 1 fund ment’ 351 08 Balangä ìrslh d з 00 Total’ l $ l of the city cf Holland: ~ l CoůnflâiA _ . 10500 sale cf materiel, 113 35 n an " 16 39 . CR. ». Gentlemen-In mol-dance with the точь 4 сое: ‘е. No. 1 fund orders, 382 00 Insurance on hose, 52 50 Total . Paid bond No. 2, sions of Section II, Title V of the City Charter, b ¿mns College Ave' No' 2 fund Assessment roll ш“; dlStriSt» 947 14 ’ W THIRD ST s 147 07. Paid 4 coupons’ 188` l I »have the honor to -present the following Col?n s,A _ f. 8 00 Assessment roll Second district, 3,552 86 ° DR ° FUND' Paid orders; account of the receipts and disbursements of C ege ve. No. 2 fund orders, 1,104 05 :Balance on папа l t ‘ Balance оп‘ hand, ‚ж " ' the treasury' Since the date of the last annual 3entrai Ave. Sewer fund, bond No. 2, 640 00 Total. » 5 022 43 ment as annual Settle’ _ _ _ ' ß, îrêgrtreïgäitylns thetâiitbä the funds tc which {ждёт Central lAVe- Sewer fund О d CR. ' Tex гам Second district ЁЁ ЕЁ тЕтыад ' ` " ' ' $ l ' 71.1324 1 s are cre е and ont of ~ _ f 76 80 r ers aid Exhib-t1“, ’ NTH, auch disbursements are made’ and the bäahlllìlel Central Avo Sewer fund еще“, 15 00 Ваши“? on папа} _ Reassessed Second district, 1 78 _ mygÈWÉgDFUEÀÈEVENm at close of garrison Ave. Sewer No, 2, ‚ _ ,n ' '_ l ,.^‘ _ ßscßfl yearândingtilllxllalrch A. D, 1903_ ¿Harrison Ave. Sewer Total, " 5.022 43 ’ CR $ 99 27 Sale of bonds, ' ' s ‚. ~ @Spec У eu штаб. » . 20 40 P0013A FUND. ` ' ' Tax roll First di — ` ` l» ~ î х GERRIT WILTERDINK, äìrrison Aye. sewer fund orders, 7 50 _ „nn ‚ l . ‘ ggg EolèîuNghsz» ‚ . S 46 00 Tax ‘roll second sÍiitirsitcrtiht i , City “вазы“. St. Sewer fund, bond No. 2, . 833 20 Balance on hand last» ¿annual settle- Paid " ага p' , 1 36 Transfer from Main Sewél' fund l» V l' . . _ _ RECEIPTS_ ‘ 4 COUDOIIS 8th. St. Sewer fund bonds, 133 32 ment, 1 467 93 Balance eI'S,h , ­ ‚ 35 28 ’ ’ ' ’ 1551"'. . Balance on las? ahnual settle. t f _ St. Sewer fund Orders, 63 77 Assessment' Finstëdistrict’ 67 - on and* 63 Total. ‚ . ‚ъ: -l ,l l . molli. ' 3,283 07 lill; lîlìrldY River Sts. Sewer fund Assessment roll secoli@ district, ' 2,763 33 Total CR. .' s ás“ Personal taxes 1901 ‘uncollectcd 202 '85 4 on ъ‘о- 2» 550 00 »fr ` ­- l Е FOURTH ST FUN’ s 99 27 Paid bond No.. 1b ' ' s», д? il» ' ccîtiïngbrmneîâìn' ЕЩЁ? catalogues' etc' 59' 05 fïnläoäângêh and River St' Sewer Total» ­ 4,967 93 ` DR ' D“ Paid 5 Coupons, ' ` l Н . ure?. querl tax. 2,507 17 » 88 00 ‚ » ' ­ . Paid orders, , Сашку Treasurer. delinquent щ _ _ 71.0 15 9th and River St. Sewer fund orders, 54 95 Orders paidy Exhibit G, . s 3 439 01 Pîrlêïlutze on hand last annual settle Balance on hand . „ _ _ _ @WBV Tlfeeëureri librari' money. 71 81 wäh’ River and 11th St' Sewer fund Balance cn hand. ‘ 11528 92 так 1011 First district 79 46 «’ t _, . Electric Iight__rentals, A17,383 ‚и 5 ond No. 1, ‹‚ _ 526 60 ь l _ _ „_ __ __, э 100 00 тушь . , . , .l f. âges: of шашни _ 52o 15 _ Scgërelonfsurllgtläorîìlsver and 11th St. 35 Total, 4,967 93 Total ' . W. TENTH, ELEVENTH.. ’ ‘ l' ‘ . i , .. , 1 16 » 10 LIBRAR _ . ’ s _ W ‚ ._ , ~ __ Electric light bends, Series o., 25,000 00 lolll» River and 11th Sf- Sewer fund . ' . Ёрш” Paid bond по 2 CR' - I ‘ - * TS SEDE." ` ' D” ‘ ‘l Water rentals, ‘5,254 29 (Ждет. 3,096 30 Balance on Цапф-мы ïannual settle- Paid 4 cou on ' s 100 ou Sale of bonds' ' ’ .t l wolof tapping moins. « 375 25 и? 10th, 11th end 12th st. sewer ­ ment, ‚ и 487 58 Paid crderë s’ 16 00 Tax roll Завода district. "У ’ ' - _ Wal-el' lines. 6 00 und bond НО. 1» ' ‚ 566 60 L'ìbrary money County Treasurer .71 81 Balance on 'ha d 48 86 Transfer from Маш sewer l “Il .` A'Water plumber-’s `licençen, 48 oo coupons W. 10th,.11tl1 and 12th St, Sale of catalogues fines et@ ` ’ 59 o5 l? ' . .14 60 ‚ я . ‚и . Wil-tt?? .Salle 0f material» ' 242 98 Sewer fund bonds» 42 45 Fines for violation of ordinanës and T t l from х i _ _„ Raziel' Штат. :- . 14 65 W“ 10th» 11m and 12th St. Sewer penal laws. ‚ l . 182 00 о a 's CENTRAL AVE s 179 46 ’ ‘ 'l GR# 5 ЁЁ'ЁЁеЁЗЁЁЁ’ Selles l" 30'97"’ 0“ 12ЁНЁъОЁЁЁЁЪ fund во d N 1 2.475 57 Assessment гоп First district. 210 48 " DR ‘ FUND' Pam bond Ne 1: ' и v » ' l n ' . y ‘ ' о . . §.ldewalk repairs. - 3,394 Ё Ízîällgons 12th st. sewer, мёд bends 32g '3(5) Assessment rou Second 'dlsmct' 789 52 3:12: е on hand last annual Seme' äîlâ ns' licenses, . _ ' t. Sewer fund orders, ’ 1 5 T ta ’ , 2,234 59 задав '- Emës for “шайба òf ordinances and 132 00 Ёзш SL Sewer _ fund bonds_ по. 1_ ‚33; о 1. $ 1.800 44 ëgêlseglnŕsîr t _ 653 00 ее on пара. . . - ~ , ‚ c , ­ 1 . i ‚ 1223 1.323133 3.323,3“ 3 822215722 t le? 2“ - ' «__-“48 "' шт" ~ . ,âge ,of scrap под; 3 85 14th st: Ёешег fund bonds No. 1_ '266 60 n . ‚ . Ш Total. CR .s 2.332 07 ‚ - SI.. l . e of material, 5 30 coupons _ 14th St. Sewer fund Total Í $ 1 300 44 Р - ~ ' ~ Sal и ' ‘ ' ~ ‚ 1 ~ « ъ eid bend N . e 0f. bonds i sole. ot horse, _ ­ 115 00 llo-mls. » 17 75 ' PARE: FUND. ’ гам .1 cou ‘1,81’ . ’l 550 00 'Bax mn First district, . 1Этажи, 11th and 12th St. sewer gérèlâthDistt. _Sîvger orders, 1,169 08 ÈR. ` Pola ¿n.¿lergo ' 2 1g Tax roll Second`dîstt=ìcg~ if* i lo ад _sl _ ' 2.833 00 S l'lC un , -2-3 Orders, 47 Bala, l 'i " _ ’ А ' " , ~ f i" `;’ "i: 2"". а“? "I " sewer bonds. . 1,755 00 lëâtuïneflr loan and-interest, 3,012 melig? on hand last. annual settle $ 1 139 ¿o Бывшее оп hand’ 98 72 . _fer .,nŕŕsgw'elí'lrun : . l ‚ ver Sewer 'bonds' un У reasurçr Cash, 9 t _ ‘ _ в , - . ‚ -———'—.‚ - ,_ „' _ « _ _ ­_ .t ,ti l. ь‘ eq l 5 Í _ 14th st. ‘sewer hcnds, . ' .1,333 00 State tex returned.. 02 i? AssaesessineîirtIl ЁОЁЁКЕЁЁЁ dïgäîât llgîg ‘E ' ‘ ' ' _ s 2332 07 'rpm' l Y l l " ` к St» Ãewer buds? ' “в“ ‘lo ngxtutretumed' ­ 52 23 Assessment гоп Second district 1134 29 ‘т ‘ЕЫТНПЁТ' No’ l' FUND' i Paid bond Noll; " ~ i ese ve. street Nc._ 1. 1.00000 YL' fe “med- 292 71 ~` тс‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‚3 Sol и l ' l \ i t .. Евы been e' Qollege `Ave., street No. 2, 1,266 (lo School tax returned, 162 28 Тоны, o. _SWIM ._ :_P .$ 37,726 71 Speìiglf îglrildSiu Е“ _ _ $ 2,500 00» Bam шпаг—Ё???“ »__ __ ч _1_ ‚ _ , St» N0. 1, 00 Special tax гецтгпеа, 211 20 А _ _ _ ~ l e» ‚ I'O IPS; .@ÍStI'iGt, _ _05 _Balance 0u- äwltïêxlgl 'ofc _ . 17th st. Nc., 2, l _ _ 400000 Persŕmal tali Returned. ‘ 207 73 orders paid взмывал 2. ‚. ‘si 3135 67. 'Total ' . ’ ' ' ~ f Г _‚,;513925р,3 _ . , „ _' _ _ l „_ _ 3,600 .oo Personal tax 1901 плесневые, 134 15 Balance on han@ l' Ш "fm o4 ' C . 3. ,31158 95 Тот, "'infêfegf‘m`papk"bomlß» ^ тЮЗ'НЗг' выше“ on Street sprinkling ser, 130.38 ’ ч - ч fl ~' НЕФ; new?" “f -‘ ' Enid bend N 1 " В"; "l ` ' f ` ` ~ A ‘lil TAX EtOLů-.Jq . 17th St, special tax returned’ . 102 ~ Total, l' «, «ß . _galet 1 ~ я «pañal 5 . О...“ ,.;„__„._ _,„_»,_ . ‚г _M u äŕiuüäzomolûw im” _ _ el. щит, M „_ Р „а. __ Siate ta First District' ' ' Räîrctedlltax omitted on 1st district FUND' ~ I Раю огЁЁЁЁОМ’ l 2 Sàlè' of mi? l "1 "уйти. ЁМ— х, 1 672 a5 ГО ‚ 31 83 DE ' . Uncone \’.' ' .il Tax,rou N l ’‚ ` ï „o , ‚ „ А - . l i . ­ cted o ­ ' л ‚. St. ._ e~ › , äljlsädtaâx 1.3'gg,.6§ Sräläärtîêmlilgâà Glllmol'e' and ,L- 14 за Balanttze on hand last annual settle.- Balance on hânäxîçcial tax то“. :gm Swami idlsll'äétlt ~ И -` l "si l д » f — ’ - me“ i f' ‘ ' ____¿____; «raus er fro l ma" i . m" Collgscâicälf fâeâ, 929 76 5$%3795;Ъ)1ее5 rem. bef. Jan. (on - .. Dog licenses, îää Total ­~ $ 3 1.58 и f m Mín; 'sêwe'xäü а” " Í... 1 l lis l , 3y Il 1 ’ д i ', l ~ l Kliff-l "l i А??? gener? guna, 2,104 _76 Iâ per cent fees rem, cn state tex ret.. э 3 11 Total ' 6 354 25 SDVENTEENTHDÈR No: 2 FUND» : 'iwal' i „if 2i . ‚ рог 'un , д 736 67 per cent fees rem. on countytax ’ CR ` S ­ ` Р - ' э *l ‘ „i l a3` ijf-i. ' ' . ­ ale of bo d ­ 34d bond No., 1 - ‚ ' l Fire departmenttund. 047 14 - ret» .. 2 61 Orders paid Exhibit J, s 28 50 Special te; 3611 Fir di t ° t s мы) on Pala 5 coupons’ j ё `\ fund, 315 71 5 per cent fees rem. on city tax ret., . 14 64 Balance on hand,v ‘ 325 75 ‚ ` st s “c ’ 1‘05~2 09 Paid orders ' l ' “ gbrtgryt fund., 210 4,8 Detlr cent fees rem. on school tax ' -.‚_‚_____. Total s 5 052 oo Balance on ‚папа, -' l l ч 139301“ а”; Lighter шт?“ mes 09 ärger' cent fees rein t ‘ ' l 8 11 Total" ' l5 354 25 “ l CR. ­ ~ а ' ‘ ` Ч l .‚ ‹ ` l М 57869?" Éire alarm' fund. 4g?. 14 ret.. ' ' on spec al ‘tax 10 56 INTEREST AND шишке FUND’ Paid 4 coupons 17th SL No' 2 mw ‘ ÄMIÈÈURT l ` 'I 's [падай]; » Interest and sinking gun 1,531 84 5 per cent fees rem. on personal tax DR' tional bonds’ u ` 26 64 ­ l EENTH ST“ SE Rl mi); l l Mam Sewer шва. _ 210 48 ret“ lo 39 Balance on hand last annual settle- Paid OI'derS, ­ 3.915 00 s l i ~ . ; _ ‚ 11th SL ища. 286 00 Balance on папа, . 25901 41 ment, _ l; ‚ 53 55 gncollected on special tax roll, 66 85 T3; 1ofubtlönlds. . . _- sl _35333 on 16th sl:¢ Na 1 ¿und 132 85 . о Assessment roll First district, 1,531 84 alarme 0n hand, ч. . 1,043 60 ° rst dlstrißlïr... . - „195 13 16th St No, 2 гида 390 34 Total '_T-'__'- Assessment roll Second district, 5,746 16 l ‘ _ Тай!` roll Second district, l, l . ,all id S Central Ave Street t " ’ $180’648‘ 80 ...__-.___- Total, $ 5 052 09 T fer from Mam вы“! ‘ ’ l ~ ­ « und. 653 00 GENERAL FUND. . Total COLLEGE AVE ' ’ ' ‘ i » ’ и 'l gentral Ave, Sewer fund, 105 36 DR ’ CR s 7331 55 Dà No' 1 FUND~ Total ` ~ ' " = ж f- th St, Sewer'iund, 603 88 Pers n l ' ’ . i . ’ $\ 445 gth and River SL Sewer fund' 160 00 ТГаПЁ{ЁЬГЁЁСЁЁЁЁеЁЁЗЁЗЭЗ i k 202 85 9 coupons Ser. A Walter fund bonds, 435 00 sale 0f bonds». $ 1,000 00 ,Paid ч Щ - i ‚ _ „ _ ' 10th. River and 11th st. sewer fund 144 36 fundo l” n “ПЕ 205 00 ïscoupons sgg. (à чете:- fund bends, 250 00 Special tax roll Fil-st district, 232 32 Pam ëond 1, ‚ . 286 60 _ 12th SL Sewer funi 'f I . coupons r. ` ater fund bonds, 900 0`0 ' со DS. f ~ ' Í «13th ^ St. Sewer fund, îfllìquînt ‘taläs County Treasurer, 710 15 30 coupons Ser I 'Water fund bonds, 900 00 Total. 6 1,232 .32 Paid orders.. ­ lig ­ Е. 14th SL Sewer fund 195 В С”? 1r_ axes ситу Treasurer, 2,507 17 12 ccupcns ser. A Light fund bends, 000 00 on. Balance 011 hand» '392 oa E. 4th St. Sewer fund., 100 00 Sidíwaîlînîees'airs. 3,394 67 13 coupons' Ser. B Light fund bonds, 650 00 Раю bond NO. 1» S 200 00 I ‘ 7 ‘ .Í Street District No. 1 fund, 94 84 Miscellaneoups i 11 25 coupons ser' C Light fund bonds' 703 00 Paid 5 coupons’ 10 00 Total’ l l ' ‘i :1'845 as ätreet District No. 2 fund, l 74 70 Loan ’ 3 Oäâ 150001111.' ser' SA Fi? Бар; guna bonâs' 2 125 00 Bgld mueran d 382 00 ' RECAPITULATION ' ß l l oaosossod 8th SL Sewer mum ’ . coupons er ar und bon s. ‚000 00 ance 0n an ‚ 640 32 Balance on ­ ‚ l Reassessed S. Central Ave. fund, в ASSgîîtI'IIglîïńll-:ltcmld- 10 coupons Ser A Sewer fund bonds,._ 400 00 General ища, ‚ . нша- _lo _â ‘ Rejected tax, 31 ЯЗ General taxes s c ' 2104 70 Balance on hand' i 368 55 Total’ ` ` s 1'232 32 Water fund’ I '740372 gt te Second District. Collection fees, ‚ '929 то Total l .__-'.7 331 гб COLLEGE AVE' No' 2 FUND' Èîght fund’ I , l l '7:4179 65' C a tax. 6,273 22 Excess of roll, 87 56 ° ., $ ’ о ‘ DR' иге Alarm fund’ ' 299 42 Oum, „L 5_046 18 Second District STATE AND »eoUNTY FUND. Sal@ 0f bonds, 1.200 00 al“ Sewer fund; i 275 of County Poor tax. 117 78 General taxes, u 7 895 24 D ' Special tax rou First district’ 343 19 Fire Department fund" 1328 93 Rejected tax' Collection tees First district State tax, $ _ Poor fund» i ReaSSeSSed lax. 59 Exceso of l.oll ' l R4 22 First district county tax, 1,376 64 Totah s 1,543 19 Library fund, ‘763 стемы" fees» 3.107 06 Sidewalk tax ’ „6 First district rejected tnx, 07 33 и CR. , Perk fund, I f ' ­ on ÉÉQSSSIOÉ ПАП. g4, 64 ’ _ “ 81 ägconâ âlsîrlcì statec tax, 6,273 22 Poils 4D coàlpons College Avel No, 2 :mi fuëlfl. _325 75 ‘ nera un , 7,895 24 Total _” con s r c coun y tax, 5,046 1.8 . on s, 8 06 res and .Sinkin fun . ­ д l Рост fund. ' 2,733 33 ' CR 5 25377 40 Second district county роог tax, 117 7s Paid Orders. 1,104 05 Stale and County fänd.' di' ­ Bgg'gg giri( Department fund, 3,552 86 Overdrawn last annual settlement 229 34 =Second district rejected tax’ ' 119 38 Balance on hand’ 431 14 Eleventh SL fund’ 2 99 аг fund. 1,184 29 Orders paid Exhibit A ' 15 8m Г? Second district reessessed tnx, 59 ­­­­­-­-­­­ ”тети St» No.1 rund, 12 lomo, fund. 789 52 Int on Water fund holds ser F »448 çà Rejected tax emitted cn First dis- Total. s 1.543 19 Slxleemh St. No. 2 rund1 ‘ lo за Ligt?? fîilhrdd' Ё’ЁЗЁ Ё; Leen returned with interest, ` ' 3 012 50 .­ met “Р" roll» 31 83 STREET DISTRICT “о. l FUND Ёж}? âund' I l alle; о . 7 Special tantes remitted Mrs. l ­ ` "" DR. ' our en Ё. fund ` îgîn 12:52;- Sg Returned City tax. шитые, 29g Total CR 5 14,705 35 'äax roll First district, з 94 84 Èîlâthststhlfund, l ‘ lg gg’ , 5 Rn _ _ , . ах roll Seco d ­ t ‘~ l’ ­ nd, ' ч «’ Interest and Sinking fund, 5,746 16 552821 23; County Treasurer cash, $ 14,522 98 n district, . __ 484 63 E Fourth _su Типа, _ ‚69 _16th oo No 1 вида, ‚ 84 9 Returned personal tax. 207° 73 State tax returned, 62 17 Total., s 579 47 _S- Central Ave. fund.“ 98 lgthpst. Nc. 2 fund. 242 66 Uncollected personel tex 1901. 134 15 County tax returned’ 52 23 он. Seventeenth st* No* 1mm» '417 ’el ‘ W. fund. 64 57 немота tax отита on First dis. Balance on hand, 67 97 Transferred to General fund, $ 480 00 Seventeenth SL No; 2 fund» 1 043 60 . . fund, 70 17 тес tax roll. 31 83 ­­­­ Rebates paid by Treasurer, в 30 College А“: fN0~ 1 fund» ‚640 за. 12th St. fund, 134 34 5 Der cent fees ¿ren-1_ bof. Jan (on 'f Total _ ~ $ 14,705 35 Paid order, 6 00 College Ave. No. 2 fund, 431 c ` trhlrìst' fund' 35 46 $70,905.40), . ' 3,005 27 EAST ELEVENTH sT. FUND. Атоит ипсопесгесъ 25 01 Street Dlslrlcl Ne 1 fund» 00 07 en „a Vo Sewer Шла. 447 02 5 per cent fees rem_ on State tax ret 3 _1 DR. Balance on hand, 60 97 Central Ave. Sewer fund. 172 06 HaTI'lSOTl Ave’ Sewer fund, 241 40 5 per cent fees rem. on county tax" ' Balance on hand last annual settle"­ i ’ -—-—--——-—-- Harrison St’ Sewer fund» 1'8 27 3:11: glia Sâlvâr flsiliti,S 339 14 ret 2 ol ment. 7 49 Total» s 570 47 älghth St' Sew“ fund' 29 07 шт, River ага 1 1'th Èïeêeälädlîund Ё cctlêrìtt 1:5: rem. on city flax ret., 14 64 Tax roll First district. 286 00 STREET DISTRICT NO. 2 FUND, anâlvììveânsdt ISE??? âlllllül . 18 99 ­ i s re . - ­­-­­ ’ е "i l W. 10th, 11th and 12th St. Sewer ret. m nn Spec al tax lo 56 Total, $ 293 49 Tax roll Second distgâ' $ Б 1 Sewer fund' ' en Sts. l 76 88 Шва. 582 55 5 per Cent fees rem on school thx CR Amount overdrawn › 4 88 W. Tenth, Eleventh and' Twelfth Èeïîr gung. Zig 94 rot.. Q ll Paid bond No, 4, $ 272 за ' ' ' 51 85 TSÈSll. Sewer fund, . 849 88 - е l' un » 2 33 5 por cent fees rem. on ersonal I Paid 1 coupon' 13 62 l Total _ We mh St Sewer fund» gelillîtge Stt'lisîlïer fund' 95 10 ret' р tax 10 39 Paid ждёт! 4i 50 l CR $ 593 73 Thirteenth St. Sewer fund, 5gg Sidewfàlknassâssmîîìessment, Balance on hand, 729 ,lo Balance on hand, 2 99 ’ärìnîforrediâobGonoml fund_ $ 435 00 Е. Fourteenth St. Sewer fund, 362 02 ’ -____.___ e a es pa т Reassessed 8th St. sewer. 8 90 Т‹ tal. 5 ¿5 o-.. Total, $ 293 49 Paid Order У reasurer, 124 45 Total, , ‚ Reassessed 9th and Rlver St' Sewer» 9 33 'ml 40 '- SIXTEENTH ST NO 1 Amount 111100119 ted 26 26 OVerdraW s 25.972 49 gâasîesgîgt Ш ähm; St Шла, l 78 WATEÈRFUND ЕЁ . FUND. c , 8 02 street District No 2 :und п. s» 51 85 ree- r c o. fund.. 484 63 .. ' '__Т"""" Stre t ` . ' Street District по. 2 fund 541 88 Water Решаю, $ 5 25 Balance on hand last annual sett1e-­ Total’ $ 593 73 в 1е Distrìct No' 3 fund» 19 23 S ’ Te i f 4 29 ment. 's its 52 STREET DIsTRIo а ance on hand' 25 901 822852113Ё1Г10Ё No. t3 чана, 17th s 284 30 Fiâìälsng mains, 275 25 Tax ron First district 1%2 §5 DRT NO. 3 FUND. ' 41 ssessmen о t. l 6 0 ’ ' . ' Tote ‚ NO__ 1 funi 558 об Plumbers. llcences_ :18 08 Tax roll Second district, 84 98 Зак roll First district, $ 74 70 ICER . I $ 25.972 49 Special Assessment Roll 17th St. Sale of materlal» 242 98 ° ’ ах rou Second district’ 284 80 GATE OF DEPOSITl Nc. 2 fund, 1 052 09 Верат- 14 05 Total’ on l 234 35 ,Amount шагают“ 19 23 н ЁЫЁШ City State Bank’- S @Cial A ’ Sale of Water fund b , . ' ­ l -_._________ 0 an , Mich., Ma аде. Nasslesîäîìllt 13011 0011688 232 32 _Transferred from Нажатий?" I" Paid' bond No. 4, $ 194 71 Total, 6 378 73 ТЁГШ‘ЁШ .It May Concern: rch 16' 1903’ Special Assessment Roll College Assessment roll First district, 1,368 09 gam 1 coupon' l2 74 CR. has de si to certify that Gerrit Wilterdlnk Ave. No. 2 fund. 343 19 Assessment roll Second district, 5,131 91 am Orders' lo 00 Transferred. to General fund' s 290 00 the зараз ted in the Holland City эшъе Bank ___________ _ ___ Rem. special tax L. Helder, 2 08 Rebates paid by Treasurer, 58 o4 on m of “чету-Шт thousand nine hundred Total $180 648 80 Total 49 О Balance on hand, 12 82 Paid order, 15 63 е dollars and forty-one cents (ша 991 4 ' DISBURSEMENTS ‘ ’ _ $ ' 42 91 -—— _Amount uncollected, 15 06 :llllëh Said amount stands placed to his olleâlt General fund омеге, Exhibit А, 153155 52 Ovordrawn last annual “гнетет, $ 1,413 24 Total, $ 234 35 , _ ____ s itxr Treasurer upon the books of said bank. Water fund' Orders. Exhibit BA Orders paid Exhibit В, 2 Total’ $ C* Light fund orders, Exhibit С, 28,219 29 Water fund bond No, 8, Бег, А, 1,000 00 DR. CENTRAL AVE. SEWER FUND. . Cashlel'i' Fire Alerrn fund orders, Exhibit D. 195 09 Balance ОП Папа, 7,403 72 Balance О“ hand last annual зеше‘ ­ EXHIBIT “A” Mein sewer fund orders, Exhibit E, 423 25 -—-———- ment» 3 43 Вшапсе 0n han@ last annuel settle- General Fund. Fire Dept. fund Orders, Exhibit F, 3,093 50 Total, - $ 49,042 91 так Poll шт fllslflcl» 390 34 тем 351 48 Disbursements ln detail' See item of $15 Pccr fund Orders, Exhibit G, 3,439 01 LIGHT FUND _ Tex гоп Second district, 242 66 Tex гоп First district, 105 за 81552 in repo“ 0f the City Treasurer " Library fund orders, Exhibit H. 1,007 20 DR - -— Так гоп. Second district. 447 02 ювыа’псе pala Gill' omcisis en selen@ f Park fund orders, Exhibit I, 3,185 e7 Light rentals Total, s 636 43 l ___________ ь01—1902: › l' Ol' Все: fund orders. Exhibit J. 28 50 sale cf met'e'rlei $ 17'383 74 CR' Total» ‹ 8 903 86 gm' O' van Eyck» СНУ Clerk, s 100 00 9 coupons Ser. A Water fund bonds, 435 00 Fines, ’ 520 15 Paid bond N0- 4» 555 14 CR, а. Н. Kamferbeek, City Marshal 50 00 18 coupons Ser. F Water fund bonds, 448 75 Sale of Light bonds ‘3er C 1 16 Paid 2 Coupons’ 49 98 Pala bond No' 2» .. 040 00 T' тщеты!“ Clt? Treasurer, l 29 5 coupons Sen G Water fund выше, 250 00 Assessment гоп Firgit »di »t i.t 25,000 00 Paid orders. 15 00 Paid 3 coupons, 76 80 y ‘ Nimm» Street Commissioner 83 13 ' s r C » 420 95 Rem. special tax L. Helder, 5 95 Paid orders, 15 oo “Р. BOS» Deputy Marshal, l 66 40 l C- Brown, Night rence, so 38 Geo. Kollen, City Attorney, A. Knooihuizen, City Physician, В. B. Godfrey, Health Officer, James Westveer, Director of Poor, L. T. Kanters, Chief Fire Dept., D. Henson, Ass't Chief Fire Dept., Jennie Kanters, City Librarian, Wm, Brusse, Mayor, P, A. Kleis, Alderman, P. Vanden Tak, Alderman, James Kole, Alderman, Gerrit Van Zanten, Alderman, H. J; Luidens, Alderman, Н. Geerlings, Alderman, R. H. Habermann, Alderman, J. G. Van Putten, Alderman, W. Westhoek, Alderman, R. Riksen, Alderman, 16 67 Salaries paid city officials for 1902-1903: Peter VandenTak, inspec. of elec., A. Van'Duren, inspec. of elec., J. Р; “Kleis, inspec. of elec., G. Van’Zanten,~ `inspec. of elec., J. W. Flieman, _inspec.«foif elec., D. BeVries, inspec. of' elec., H. Jl Luidens, inspec. óf elec., I. H."F_airbanks, inspec. of elec.,- ~ Gerrit Van Zanten, ' inspec. óf elec., J .' G. Van Putten, inspec. of elec., J. R. 'Van'KeppeL inspec. of elec., H, Damson, inspec, of-~e‘lec., B. Rlksen, inspec. of elec.. g ' Anthony Van Ry, inspec. of elec., J. A. Kooyers, inspec. of elec., ‘ J ohn"Ni,es, clerk of election, ' Bert шаги clerk of election, P. DeSpelder, clerk of election, A. типажам, -clerk of election,P ""Johli’s`." Бухта; 'CÍBI'K~“'ÓÍ`“BIGUÈÍOII;" “in” f ­ J. B. Colenbrander, ‘clerk of election, John C, Dyke, clerk of election, Guxide'r Anderson, clerk Iof election, J .. W. Visscher,u clerk“ of election, Albert'B'emett, clerk of election, D. Brand, gate keeper, Peter Moes, gate keeper, f H. Б. VandenBerg, gate keeper, Geo. Eccels, gate keeper, M. Jonkman, gate keeper, J. Essenbegger, gate keeper,- John Hofer, gate keeper, L. Hieftje, gate keeper, S. Mountford, gate keeper, G. A. Klomparens, gate keeper, ‚ R. Kanters Est., room rent, A. Kamferbeek, room rent, I, Fairbanks, room rent, R. H, Habermann,'~room rent, R. H. Habermann, room rent, P. VandenTak, putting up booths, G. Van Zanten, putting .up booths, I. Fairbanks, putting up booths, R. H. Habermann, putting up booths, IJ. A. Kooyers, putting up booths, ~' G. Blom, hauling booths, P. VandenTak, registration services, P. A.. Kleis, reg. services, James Kole, reg; services, G, Van Zanten,­reg. services, H. J. Luidens, reg. services, Jobs. Dykema, reg, services, J. G. Van Putten, reg. services, R. H. Habermann, reg. services, Bernardus Riksen, reg. services, Wm. Westhoek, reg, services, Wm. 0. Van Eyck, postage and ex., B. B. _Godfrey, 52 special reports, Board Public Works, light in tower clock, James Kole, labor, l John VandenBerg, 'posting election . notices, T. Keppel’s Sons, coal for jail, Ottawa County Times, printing, Wm. Brusse, postage and stationery, Geo. E. Kollen, services member board of election commissioners, H. J. Luidens, services member board of election commissioners, Isaac Goldman, services member board of election commissioners, J. B, Colenbrander, services as janitor, M. G. Manting, pub, mayor’s mes- sages, etc., Mulder Bros. & Whelan, publishing mayor's messages, Holland Daily Sentinel, publishing mayor’s messages, Scott-Lngers ~Lumber Co., lumber, J. R. Kleyn Est., lumber, J. H. Nlbbelink & Sons, rig deliver» ing election supplies, L. A, Stratton, rig posting bills, R. Riksen, team work, F, TerVree, team work, J. ‘Van Alsburg, 'team work, E. Beekman, street labor, S. Adama, street labor, J. VanderPloeg, street labor, H. Derksen, street labor, James Price, surveying, Wm. Butkau, ass’t. surveying, Slagh ‘8o Brink, repairing booth, Wm. О. 'Van Eyck„postage, ex., etc., John Nies, supplies, Thos.' Klomparens & Co., kindling for jail, W. U. Telegraph Co., rent of clock, Michigan Telephone Co., messages, Peter VerWey, carrying wood city hall, Thos. Klomparens & Co., wood for city hall, Ons Vaandal, pub. mayor’s message, B. Colenbrander, ser. as janitor, VanderPloeg, street labor, Adama, street labor, Beekman, street labor, VerVree, team work, Van Alrburg, team work, . Riksen, team work, Arthur Van Duron, services as dep. supervisor, James Price, surveying, wŕifllfëlißŕ'iìd lWm. Butkau, ass't surveying, A. Zanting, special police services, D. VanderHaar, special police ser., 'J. C. Brown ,special police services, John VandcnBerg, posting notices Wm. O. Van Eyck, City Clerk, 5 1,100 00 F. H. Kamferbeek, City Marshal, 550 00 G. Wilterdink, City Treasurer, 366 63 T, Маша, Street Commissioner, 4.16 62. P. Bos, Deputy Marshal, 333 33 J. C. Brown, Night Police, 400 00 Geo. ‘Cr Kollen, City Attorney, 262 44 James Westveer, Director of Poor, _ 90 00 John J. Mersen, City Physician, 131 22 B. B. Godfrey, Health Officer, 93 73 Jennie Kanters, City Librarian, 187 50 L. T. Kanters, Chief Fire Dept., 112 50 D. Henson, Ass’t Chief Fire Dept., 56 25 C. J. De Roo, Mayor, 66 66 P, Vanden Tak, Alderman, 33 33 P. A. Kleis, Alderman, 33 33 Gerrit Van Zanten, Alderman, 33 33 James Kole, Alderman; 33 33 Henry Geerlings, Alderman, 33 33 Seth Nlbbelink, Alderman, 33 33 J. G. Van Putten., Alderman, 33 33 Otto P. Kramer, Alderman, 33 33 B. Riksen, Alderman, 33 33 I. H. Garvelink, Alderman, 31 25 ' _ MISCELLANEOUS. Ihling Bros. & Everhard, supplies, $ 3 75 James Kole, repairs, 1 15 Wm; Damson, drayage, 75 Peter Verwey, carrying wood city м hall, _ 70 J. Y. Huiàenga & Co., wood city hall, ' ' 4 50 G. Wilterdink, supplies, etc., 4 75 Isaac Fairbanks, room rent, 12 '00 Egbert Beekman, 'street labor.' 15 90 S. Adama, street labor, 18 75 J. ‘VariderPloegI street labor, 20 85 H. “вышел, street labor, 3 90 J .‘ Slotman, team work, 19 00 R; Riksen, team work', 14 50 J 'Van Alsburg, team work, 24 75 F. TerVree, team work, ' 25 25 T. 'Keppel's Sons, coal street com- ” missioner, р ' 18 J. A. 'VanderVeen, supplies, 51 M. G. Manting, printing, 17 00 A; Steketee, candles, ‘ 1 -00 Ottawa County ' Times, printing elec- _ tion notices, ~ 2 60 Boot & Kramer, supplies, _ ~’ 3 14 Raynor}& Taylor, 10 copies election laws' f .. . '.­ ‘1 G. "Sehaftenaar, cleaning jail, . 6_ ' Peter- Brusse, recording deeds, ’1 Howe ld: Stevens, subs: `1301 statutes ’ supplements, ' 1‘ J. ' Bg. Colenbrander, ser. as janitor, 6 L. T. Kanters, insurance policies,­ 61 сам на uaœwœœmœœœwœmwwHH᜜mœœMnúwmnœwwmœmmmmamœmmmœmœàœœœmœmmœmœ ъ-ъ» 2g 70 4 50 5 95 6 00 38 55 38 55 38 55 69 12 72 28 72 87 6400 12 00 000 200 200 100 10:00: ‚у. . _ еще SS Smâââêäââââââêâââââââââââââââ33388383388888888333883388338388 ’38% messagers and message. J. VanderPloeg, street labor, board of review, Board of Public Works, light in tower clock, James Kole, labor'and supplies, Бесы-111130115 Lumber Co., lumber, John Nies, supplies, Thos. Klomparens & Co., 480 fence posts, Kanters & Standart, pipe, etc., Doubleday Bros. & Co., supplies, Ihling Bros. & Everard, supplies, Wm_ Bourton, table, H, Умение, street sprinkling, H. Gebben, street sprinkling, C. J. DeRoo, ser. board of review, John J. Rutgers, ser. board of re- view, J ohs. Dykema, ser. board of review, G. J. Van Duren, ser. board of re- view, Geo. E. Kollen, ser, board of re- view, _ Wm. O. Van Eyck, ser. board of review, Johs. Dykema, services as super- visor, etc., J. Van Landegend, labor, James Kole, labor, Board of Public Works, light in -tower clock, Ottawa County Times, two order books, ' Wm'. O. Van Eyck, postage, J. B. Colenbrander, services as janitor, John J. Rutgers, making assess- ment roll and copy, John J. Rutgers, plats for super- visor First district, Johs. Dykema, making copy of assessment roll, ­ James Price, surveying, Wm_ Butkau, assistant surveying, H. Vrieling, street sprinkling, Jacob DeFeyter, special police ser., Leonard DeLoèf, special police' ser., John G. Brown, special police ser., D. Van derHaar, special police` ser., Ihling Bros. & Everard, supplies, J. A. Vanderveen, rope for flag staff, Van Dyke & Sprietsma, axe, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, J. R. Kleyn Est., lumber, T. Klomparens & Co., fence posts, J. A. Vanderveen, Scythe, etc., T. Van Landegend, sewer pipe, ,John Nies, wire, etc., . Keppel’s Sons, cement, Riksen, ' teaming, Slotman, teaming, Van Alsburg, teaming, TerVree, teaming, H. Beekman, labor, Adama, street labor, VanderPloeg, street labor, M. Ry. Co., crossings, Seventeenth'St., ' James B. Clow & Sons, water cranes, gemessene etc. , Board of Public Works, water rental, Board of Public Works, light in tower clock, W. U. Telegraph Co., rent of clock, Peter Brusse, transcripts` Twenty- eighth St. and Central Ave., Wm. O. 'Van Eyck, postage, etc., Herman Gebben, street sprinkling, J. B. Colenbramder, services as janitor, “ Johannes"‘.Dykema, ass’t surveying Seventeenth ~ St., Wm. Butkau, Seventeenth St., _ James Price, surveying 17th St., Holland City News, printing, Board of Public Works, light in tower clock, Michigan Telephone Co., messages, Citizens Telephone Co., messages, Ihling Bros. & Everard, supplies, Herman Gebben, street sprinkling, Wm. 0. Van Eyck,l railroad fare for sprinkling inv. of com., H. Vrieling, street sprinkling, Van Alsburg, team work, Slotman, «team work, TerVree, team work, ._ Beekman, street labor, Adama, street labor, VanderPloeg, ‘street labor, Andree, draying, John Van Lente, repairing street signs, ' O. Oosting '& Sons, crossings, Church-_Ribs Co., signs, H. Oosting, gravel for crossings, Каплет-8: Standart, sewer pipe, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, J. Beeukes, repairing lantern, Van Dyke & Sprietsma, supplies, J. A. VanderVeèn, nails, J. Vliek, labor on Dunton sidewalk, Board of Public Works, water for street sprinkling, , H. Van Oort, special police service, D. VanderHaar, specialpolice ser., J. C. Brown. special police ser., J. B, Colenbrander, services as janitor, Wm. O. Van Eyck, postage, ‘ W. J. Scott, special police service, H. Van Oort, special police service, D, VanderHaar, special police ser., G. Van Haaften, special police ser., J. C. Brown, special police service, John Van Lente, special police ser., H. TeSligte, special police service, D. Overweg, special police service, Con, DePree, 10 lbs. sulphus, Merrill & Church, signs, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, Tyler Van Landegend, sewer pipe, VanderPloe'g, street labor, Adama, street labor, Beekman, street labor, VandenBerg, street labor, TerV-ree, team work, Slotman, team work, Van Alsburg, team work, Beeuwkes, repairing lantern, Vrieling, street sprinkling, Herman Gebber, street sprinkling, Frank Oosting, cement crossings, P. Oosting & Son, cement crossings, I. Harris, hauling gravel, H. Oosting, hauling gravel, F. Andree, draying, Board of Public Works, light in tower clock, James Price, surveying, etc., Wm_ Butkau, аза/1: surveying, etc., A. Van Duron, justice fees 17th St. improvement, F. H. Kamferbeek,` s'ervlng papers 17th St. improvement, George D, Turner, search, 17th St. . improvement, R. D. Wood & Co., crane posts, Wm. O. Van Eyck, paid freight and cartage, I. H. Garvelink, land, etc., neces- sary `to open up College Ave., H. Volkers, labor 'stand pipes for street sprinklers, J. Volkers, labor stand pipes for street sprinklers, J. Reinholt, labor stand pipes for street sprinklers, W. Wiebcnga, labor stand pipes for street sprinklers, S. Zagers, labor stand pipes for street sprinklers, C. Bleeker, labor stand pipes for street sprinklers, J. B. Fik, labor street sprinklers, Doubleday Bros. & C0., plat books, Frank Oosting, labor, I. Harris, hauling gravel, etc., Kanters & Standart, 4 inch sewer, J. A. VanderVeen, lantern globes, Van Dyke & Sprietsma, supplies, Holland City News, stationery and printing, H. Van Oort, special police service, Holland City News, printing, J, B. Colenbrander, ser. as janitor, H. Gebben, street sprinkling, H. "Чтение, street sprinkling, John J. Rutgers, expenses to Grand Haven, state tax commission, Jobs. Dykema, expenses to Grand Haven, state tax commission, ass’~t surveying message stand pipes for Dick VanderHaar, special police ser., G. Van Haaften, special police ser., J. VanderPloeg, street labor, S. Adama, street labor, 350 320 1000 “154 57 #uw Nnwwwœßœ ww mooóo отгооооэгзгз 12 25 5 00 45 85 6 00 78 00 156 00 476 4 76 12 00 1 00 35 40 35 25 ' Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., assesses Standard Oil Co., marine valve, W, U. Telegraph Co., messages, Hendrick Garvelink, mowing stand E. Beekman, street labor, R. VanderBerg, street` labor, J . Van Alsburg, team work, J. Slotman, team work, F. TerVree, team work, Peter Melema, team work, J. Beeuwkes, repairing lamp, Peter Brusse, recording deeds, C, J. DeRoo, ­ ex. paving Investi- gating committee, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, John Slagh, cleaning city hall, ’ Doubleday Bros. & Co., bond record- book, ~ S. A. Martin Est., carbon paper, Board Public Works, light in tower clock, , I W. U. Telegraph Co., clock rental, Van Dyke & Spritsma, nails, Kanters & Standart, sewer pipe, Tyler Van Landegend, sewer pipe, T. Keppel’s Sons, cement, James Kole, labor, etc., Holland City News, envelopes, James Price ,special assessment. rolls, John J. Rutgers, special assessment rolls, ­ ­ `10115. Dykema,` special assessment rolls, lumber Holland City State Bank, John Vliek, labor sidewalk Holland СНУ State Bank, A. Bleyker, drayage, Simon Lievense, cleaning vault, J­ B. Fik, labor, etc.,- х А Peter VandenTak, servi età registra- tion, - f. _ J. B. Colenbrander, ser. as íanito Peter A. Kleis, registration ser., James Kole, registration services, Gerrit Van Zanten, registration ser., H. Geerlings, registration services, Seth Nibbelink, registration ser., J. G. Van `Putten, registration ser., Otto P. Kramer, registration ser., B. Riksen, registration services, Samuel Mountford, registration ser., Peter Van DenTak, inspector of election, Peter A, Kleis, inspec.' of elec., Arthur Van Битвы, inspec. of elec., James Kole, inspec.' of elec., Gerrit Van Zanten, inspec. of elec., John VanderBerg, inspec. of elec., Henry Geerlings, inspec/Ãf elec.,~ Seth Nibbilink, inspec. of* eiec.,` Leonard DeLoef, inspec." of elec., J. G, Van Putten, inspec. of elec., Otto P. Kramer, inspec. of elec., Herman Damson, inspec. of elec., B. Riksen, inspec. of elec., Samuel Mountford, inspec. of elec., Albert Hidding, inspec.I of elec., Henry VanderPloeg, clerk of elec., Albert P. Kleis, clerk ofA election, Dirk DeVries, clerk of election, Peter DeSpelder, clerk of election, John B, Steketee, clerk of election, J ohs. Dykema, clerk of election, Gunder Anderson, clerk of election, R. H. Habermann,­ clerk of election, John A. Kooyers,» clerk of election, J. W. 'Visschen clerk of election, Jacob Moes, gate keeper, D. Brandt, gate keeper, ‘ H. G. VandenBerg, gate keeper, ‘Gîeorge Ecckels, gate keeper, Remp Zerrip, gate keeper, Simon DenUyl, gate keeper, J. F. Van Anrooy, gate keeper, John F. Hofer, gate keeper, Albert R. Glass, gate keeper, Jacobus Spruit, gate keeper, R. Kanters Est. ,' room rexit, L, Mulder­ Est., room rent, I. Fairbanks. room rent, f C. L. King #3s Co., room rent, J. A. Kooyers, room rent, P. VandeniTak, putting up booths, Gerrit Van Zanten. put. up booths, Henry Geerlings, putting'up booths, ~ .T . а. ïVan‘Pu­tten, puhtipfiaip booths. B. Riksen, putting up b_o'bths, Blom, draying up booths, VanderPloeg, street labor, Adama, 'street labor, Beekmano street labor, Slotman, team work, _ Van Alsburg, team work, TerVree, team work, , Keppel's Sons. cement.. Fran'k Oosting, labor, Kanters & Standart, sewer pipe, 'Van Dyke & Spriestma, nails, Thos. Klomparens & Co., fence posts, James Kole, repairs, etc., Tyler Van Lendegend, repairs, etc., P. Hoeksema, field stone, _ Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, J. Wolters, stone, Oosting & Son, cement, H. Wolcotte, hauling gravel, Board of Public Works, light in tower clock, _ Citizens Telephone Co., messages, H. VanderPloeg, typewriting paper, Johs, Dykema, special Istreet dis- trict rolls, ‘ T. Klomparens & Co., wood, C. ‚Т. DeRoo, expenses to coal con- vention, H. Gebben, street sprinkling, P. Oosting & Sons, culvert River St. and 17th St., John Nles, batteries, etc., Tyler Van Lendegend, supplies, I. Harris, hauling gravel, Michigan Telephone Cg.„_messages, Wm. 0. Van Eyck, express, post- age, etc., Geo, E. Kolen, services member Board of Election Commissioners, R. H, Habermann, services member Board of Election Commissioners, G. J. Van Duron. services member Board of Election Commissioners, H. Vrieling, street sprinkling, J. H. Nibbelink & Sons, liverles, J. B. Colenbrander, services janitor, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co.. lumber, VandenBcrg & Sons, posting notices, 011 «John B. Fik, 200 ft. sewer pipe, Kanters & Standart, sewer pipe, Peter VerWey, carrying wood city hall, G. Schaftenaar, repairs city jail, A. Van Putten Coal Co., coal for jail, Звон-ищет Lumber Coj., lumber, Board of Public Workii, light in ltower clock, Holland City News, printing, Peter Brusse, recording deeds, H. Geerlings. expenses committee to Muskegon on paving question, VanderPloeg, street labor, Adama, street labor, . Beekman, street labor, . TerVree, team work. Van Alsburg, team work. Slotman, team work. Tyler Van Landegend, sewer pipe, James Price, surveying, etc., Wm. Витал. ass’i surveying, T. Keppel’s Sons, wood, etc., T. Klomparens &. C0., wood, — James Kole, repairs. J. J, Rutgers, spreading taxes, L. Lanting, repairs, J. Y. Huizenga & Co., fuel, Michigan Telephone Co., message, Wm. О. Van Eyck, date stamp, M. Kiekintveld, supplies, James B. Clow & Sons, pipe, P. M. Ry, Co., freight on pipe, J. B. Colenbrander, ser. janitor, Kanters & Standart. sewer pipe, James Kole, crossbar, etc.. Van Dyke & Sprietsma, nails, T. Keppel’s Sons. wood, John F. Zalsman, repairs jail. John J. Rutgers, special sprinkling tax roll, Peter Brusse. recording, Jobs. Dykema, making tax roll and НЁ’ЧЫШН COPY. Board of Public Works, light and water. VandenBerg & Sons, posting special election notices. J. Kruizenga, supplies, P. VerWey, carrying wood city hall, W. U. Telegraph Co.. rent of clock oooooooò ¿716101631010101 OOO@ GOGO sssesssessseoeo' -1-10: »e и ' ' ‘ - ' ‘ нмнёошнннюншшшчтюмммююмммюччччччччччччччччччёчччччч фшшшшшшфшт си O .q ’QCD Nw @PF 2 25- ниш S Ф! [0 [09930 `15711-14@ осела: ФЧЗН 1...; C!) 140 NineteenthSt. station, ' John Jonkers, Sunday relief »man P. Damstra, labor, ­ ­ ­ E. J. Kiefer & Co., coal,~ f д S. Adama, street labor, J. Van Alsburg. team work. F. TerVree, team work, J. Slotman, team work, . H. Vrieling, team work, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, Thos. Klomparens & Co.,._wood, L. Fris, typewriting paper, 1 Р. VandenTak, inspector special gas election, . C. Van Zanten, inspector special gas election, H. Geerlings, inspector special gas election, Seth N ibbelink, inspector special gas . ~ election, Otto P, Kramer, inspec. special gas election, » ­ B. Riksen, election, Wm. O. Van Eyck, inspec. speci-al gas election, _ J, A. VanderVeen, room rent_No. ­190'River St., gas election, G. Blom, drayage booths, . Wm. О. Van Eyck, postage, etc., J. R. Kleyn Est., lumber, . inspector special gas B. B. Godfrey, expenses to «Sani- tary Convention, James Kole, supplies, A. 'Van IPutten Coal Co.,4 coal for ~ jail, к T. Keppel's' Sons, ­coal for jail,1 J. Y. Huizenga & Co., coal for jail, John Nies, batteries, C. J. DeRoo, expenses committee to Chicago on gas question, Peter VerWey, carrying wood- city hall, G. Schaftenaar, repairing city jail, G, Wilterdink, special taxes, W. U. Telegraph Co., message, Board of Public Works, light in ‘ tower» clock., , . Ihling Bros. & Everard, supplies, J. Van Alsburg, team work, . J. Slotman, «team work, F. TerVree, team work, J. VanderPloeg, street labor, ' S. Adama, `street labor, : H. Vrieling, team work, J. B. Colenbrander, ser.’ as janitor, Scott-Lugers Lumber Cou, stakes, Boston Bakery, lunches' gas election, P, VerWey, carryingwood city hall,­ J. A. VanderVeen, shovel, etc.; H. P. Zwemer, coal for jail, Ottawa County Times, pub.. gas election notices, . Holland’ Daily Sentinel, ­ pub. gas election notices', ­ J. Dinkeloo, glass and labor, F. TerVree, team work,v J . Van Alsburg, team work,` J. Slotman, `team work, H. Vrieling, team work, S. Adama, street labor, J. VanderPloeg, street labor, Holland City News, printing, l James Kole, blaeksmithing, J, B. Colon-brander, services; janitor, P. Oosting, use of boiler, _ W. ' Bouwkamp, firing» boiler., J. Y. Huizenga &.Co.,­` coal, T. Keppel’s Sons, coal for jail, ' J ohs. Dykema, sup. ice cutting, T. Klomparens & Co., wood, T. Ten Houten, repairing steeple city hall, и ~ P. VerWey, carryingwood city hall, Ihling Bros. & Everard, chattel mortgage index, Wm. О. ‘Van Eyck, ex,~«and postage, EXHIBIT -“B." WATER FU'ND. Disbursements in Detail. 11 ¿o 2 Í 10 с: ceo; ~­~1c>o Ёшос ­~1 ‘Se à Èä с: ш 53€ S 'See item of $39,225.95 in report of the City Treasurer. B, Kammeraad, hauling coal, $ H. Channon Co., white waste, Detroit Lead Pipe & Sheet Works, corp. taps, "National *Meter- Со.,“ 6 ‘meters Viscosity Oil Co., oils, - Bourbon Copper & Brass Works, hydrant stock, valves, etc., A, W. Baker, drayage, i ‘ . Fairmont Coal Co., coal less frt., ' P. M._Ry. Co., freight on coal, James, Ватина, pai-t salary sup’t., A, E. McClalin, salary engineer, G. Winter, salary ass’t engineer, Frank McFall, salary ass’t engineer Nineteenth St. station, ' John Yonkers, Sunday relief man, . C. Daily, labor, G. Blom, freight ‘and cartage, John Kieft, wiping rags, ~ P.' M. Ry, Co., freight on coal, National Meter Co., 2 meters, etc., W,m. Bourton, use of stove, pipe,=etc., B.' Kameraad, hauling coal, Standard'Oil Co., cup grease, National Meter Со.," meters, etc., Wm. Damson, drayage, _ B. Kameraad, hauling coal, Fairmont Coal Co., coal, less freight, P. M. Ry, Co., freight on coal, T. Keppel’s*Sons, wood, ~ Wm. O. Van Eyck,~postage, G. Blom, freight and сад-шве, Tyler Van Landegend, supplies,l James DeYoung, salary sup't. ‘ A. E. Мотели, salary engineer, G. Winter. salary ass’t engineer, F, Метан, salary ass’t engineer Nineteenth St. station, John Nies, supplies. Kanters & Standart, repairs, etc., National Meter Co., meters, Ottawa County Times, printing, B. Kammeraad,' hauling coal, less car service, Wadhams Oil & Grease Co., am- monia soap, Daily Financial News, adv, pro- posals for water and extension bonds, Van Dyke в: Sprletsma, supplies, Buss Machine Co., castings, etc., A. P. Stegenga, brooms, Alfred Huntley, repairs, James Kole, blacksmithing, A. W. Baker, drayage. G. Blom, freight and cartage, P. M. Ry. Co., freight on coal, J. B. Eik.. labor, Harvey Hammer, painting smoke stacks, Wm. O. Van Eyck, postage, etc., Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, Studley & Barclay, tools, G. Blom, freight and partage, B. Kammeraad, teaming coal, Harvey Hammer, painting stand pipe, Holland City State Band. paid wood order, Thomson Meter'Co., meters, etc., Stoddard Oil & Compound Co., boiler compound, American Contractor, adv. water works extension, VValsh-DeRoo Milling Co., 33 tons coal, R. D. Wood & Co., valve leathers, A. W, Baker, drayage, Monitor Oil Co., paint and cup grease, Peter Damstra, labor, James B. Clow & Sons, tools, etc., E. A. Anderson, typewriting specili- cations, Fairmont Coal Co., coal, less frt., The Bond Buyer, adv. sale water works bonds. P. M. Ry. Co.. freight on coal and pipe. B. Kammeraad, teaming coal, less car service, Henry Garvelink. mowing stand pipe lawn, . National Meter Co., 25 meters, The Fair, paid wood order, James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., A. E. McClalin, salary engineer, G. Winter, salary ass’t engineer, F. McFall, salary ass’t 'engineer Nineteenth St. station, J. Jonkers, Sunday relief man, G. Blom, freight and cartage,‘ ‘ National Meter Co., meters, заливу & Barclay, waste, packing, etc., John Kieft, wiping rags, 116 l99 I74:9 à ‚217.40 ,39.20 . 'ï H 4:0. 4 o: mœwwwwœäamîm о от аёнЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЗ www ют МЁНФЮННЁ œ äääääââäâiäë ФЮННЬФ ЧФОКФФЗ pipe lawn, ' Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, etc., Van Dyke &­ Sprietsma,; repairs, Boot 3o Bix-amen» supplies, `» " Kanters «9al Standart,‘ каш—12,30, wm. to. «. von Eyck, ..‘roi1roád"fetef . and postage, .Fairmont Coal Co., coal, less frt., Pere Marquette Ry. Co., freight on wm, o. von Eyok, 'para freight@ and cartage, . James Westveer, bili collector, G. Blom, freight and, oártage,' ` James B. Clow & Sons,I pipe and bends, ‘ ’ \ Stutdley `«it Barclay, waste, packing, , e ce’ A. W. Baker, агитка, G. Blom, freight and ватага. Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, Alfred Huntley, labor, etc.. ` James. Price, plans, etc. of well, s National Meter Co., 20 meters, ` Standard Oil Co., cup grease. Hendrick (запеки, mowing lawn, J. B. Fik, laying pipe, Fairmont Coal Co.. coal, less frt., ‘P’T M. Ry. Co., freight on coal, James DeYoung, part salary surft., A. E. McClalin, -salary engineer, ' G. Winter, salary engineer, f Frank McFall, salary ass’t engineer, , H. Boeve, salary ass't` engineer. P. 'Damstra, labor. James Westveer. bill collector, A. ­W. Baker, drayage, ` Holland City News, blanks, Alfred Huntley, labor, etc., G. Cook d: Co., paid wood orders, Boot & Kramer, supplies, ‚ J, Kiefer, hauling coal, ` T. DeFrel, wood orders. T. Пете], hauling coal. Austin Harrington, coal.' J. Y. Huizenga & Co.,»coal, A. Van Putten Coal Co., coal, Bourbon Copper & Brass Works, stems, etc., .. f ‘- M. J. Drummond & Co., water pipe, Hersey-Mfg. Co., 5 meters, P. M, Ry. Co., coal, etc., Fairmont Coal Co., coal, less frt., Hendrick Garvelink, mowing stand pipe lawn. Crane Co., stems. _ L. Lanting, repairs, Standard Oil Co., cup grease, W. U. Te1egraph~Co., messages. G. Blom. freight and cartage, Holland City Broom Co., brooms, H. Channon Co., white waste, T. Van Landegend, packing, Wm, Zweemer, hauling coal.,etc., G, Blom, drayage, Holland Sugar Co., coal, National Meter Co., meters. P. M. Ry. Co., switching services, Zellar, McClellan Co., coal, Michigan Telephone Co., message, Standard Oil Co., marine valve, Monitor Oil Co., boi-ler compound. Hendrick витании, mowing stand pipe lawn. James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., A. E. McClalln, salary engineer. G, Winter, salary ass’t engineer, F, McFall, salary ass’t engineer Simon VerBerg, hauling coal. B. Michmershuizen, coal, W. U. Telegraph Co..­­message, G. Blom. freight and свах-саге, R. VandenBerg, labor, `5§ ё ses Säâasäääi. ш a?, Ёюц нЬайщЁаЁаЁ ses: sas »a 5-1 ...a 332831' 3883 ää'äääââäääääßîââgâä 38838 133331291ЗЁЁЁЁЗЁЁЗЗЗЖЁЗЁЗЗЗЗЗ 5.1 О ses... 8353 “13 сою. Зн _ » ..› . к . _ .. - . ‘ ._ _L . ‚ „и . .\ .t n. V» coal and pipe, W. C. Clark Coal Co., coal, less frt., James Westveer, bill collector, 2 50 J. Van Landegend,A supplies, 5 83 A. Huntley, labor, ­ , ' -3 60 Henry Zweringa, labor, l 88 B. Ham, итог... »1 88 Peter Damstra, labor, _32 25 Johrí в. Fik, freight on valves, '.4 _so Bourbon Copper & винтика;- top' ' ‘ пш’с, " ` " ' ' Ф‘ ' 5 00 John Nies, supplies, ' " ’ 9 72 J, A. VanderVeen,` hammer' handle, '­ 20 James' B. Clow &‘ Sons, lead' and ‘i ' L ' ’ ‹ jute, ‚ ­‘ ` ` 1,222, 9T Standard Oil Co.,"‘re1r.l engine oil, `STS!! ‘ Thomson Meter Co., meters, ‘ ~50 40' " Stoddard Oil & Compound C0., bal» И ance on account, ` 5 00 American Contractor, well proposals, ' `3'75 Teunis DeFrel, hauling coal, ” 53 00 м. J. Drummond a co., pipo, 1oss _ _ freight, ` ‘ ’ _ ‘ 3,400 £7 Pere Marquette "Ry.’ Co., frelghton ’i " coal and car service, ' ’ 147 4.»1 Pere Marquette Ry. Co., freight on ' ’ pipe, ‘ ­ ' ` 245' 89 Michigan Lithographing ‚Со., blank water bonds, ' ' _ ' ­ 48 00 J. DeYoung, part`salary sup’t., 38 33 A. Е.‚‘М001а11п,.ва„1а‚ту.внушает; _ .s .75 00 G. Winter, salary ass't engineer, 55 00 Frank McFall, ' salary engineer Nineteenth St. station, ' 50 00 Fairmont coal co., ооа1‚'1езв frt., 184 ’se M. J .‚ Drummond & Co., pipe, -less ', ' freight, _ _ ' - ‘3,478 l17 ^ ‘ Реге Marquette'R .‘ Co., freight' on ~' ' i ' pipe, ’ " " ' 1 . 41519 National" Meter“ Caf, meters,v ‘ 186500 J. ‘В, Fik, laying'v pipe, ~‘ " 525 00 Wm. O.- Van Eyc ‚` railroad 'fare' ’ ‘f у ’- -’ land postage, ` ' ' ‘ 3,12 ‚А. W. Baker," drayage, » " ’ 125 G. Blom, freight and сайгака ‘ ‘ ' “1“90 Т. Van Landegend, tools/and repairs, 5181? Holland City' News.' printing waiter bills, ètc., ‘ ­ и” ¿ï 5 25 James DeYoung, part `salary supit., 38 33` М. J. Drummond 8; Co., water pipe, 3, 04 72 Зав, P. MJ, Chappelì and"Fòrdn`ëy, и ” î' §‘~ ' coal, . ч, '83; 40 Реге Marquette Ry, Co., ”пешие ’° ’1" ' and car serv-ice, ‘ ' > «7' 'i 'my' 7560 ` James B. Clow & Sons, caâlking'iroń, ' . " ' and chisel, ' _ _* ­' " i 73004 J. 3. шк, laying pipo, freight', oto; .- . National Meter Co., идете!“ rèpai 'Ã' ‚ ""61175" . T. Klomparens, vhauling coal, ” ` ` ‘ Ihling Bros. & Everard, " х lrecord,` ` ’ ‘ ’ " l James Price, `surveying' water 'pipoV ` " " une, ' = “ 1‘13‘Ч д: ' L. Lanting, repairing hydrant rod,` J от B. Fik, unloading? car,;‘124£ndlìf “ё t ‘w ~ ­ pipe, ` . ‚ ь . \' ."*°. ,l »L "мм .l Teunis ренты, hauling cool,` ' ‘ ч“ . t G. Blom; 'freight and е*а1‘1:а‚ётеъ;‚ё ­ `Í~`­"îf§`2'f‘vîv ' ` Wm. Butkau, ass’t surveying .for ПС «` "i pipe line, ' “Ё ` .ŕ . James Westveer, b_ill collectoŕ, »­ ‘ ’Boot & кишат: supplies, f _' ' i ' ­ Heber Walsh, supplies, ï, ‚ ‘~ A, E. McClalin, salary engineer, ‘ '55715 Y. G.; Winter, salary шт, engineer; " ‘i ‘555:05’ ‘Ч Frank `101010011, salary asstengine'er ‘ _ ‘~'- ,~"~.j'“i““’îf"f Ä Nineteenth st, station, . - , ' * 156106" lPeter'Damstra,"labor, " 'l' V 4 “5 119.00.’ Crane " Co., valves andliydraïlt-‘lI Igfíßiäûj' . ч J. B. Рис, „121171105 water pipe', ` ' "д J Fairmont Coal Со.,” coal, less grtz, ’ в. м; Ry. co., freight onerosi, t "fêtons" M.’ J. 'Drummond- & Co., :pipe ' i castings; less freight." Í ` ‚150135531? ' P. M. Зуд Co.,« freight on piper.. .y I "` . National Motor oo., xfilmscore, l "f à ‘ “f Thomson Meter 06.," repaîiiës, ‚ ' f ”12256 Pittsburg Meter Co., Í,rep,alrs, ' ‘Viscosity on co.“ o’n„'~î.`i‘°f"î”­xv ’ ii i standard on¢ rares l opposer; .: ,Messa ¿H„Mmmaingwngnms »‘ î,ssü¢. н, “Степан, mowing stond pipo 'i :f ~,:-. ‚ lawn.: , г - ‚(Ы . (сдаёт, ‘ '_ т. DeFx'el, hauling oool. ‘ ` ` ’ ‘ il. T. Van Landegend,l supplies, ‘ 'Í- P. ‘М. By. Co., car service." . Citizens' Telephone Co., message,~ ' " 1 P, м. Ry. oo., freight oh_'_12-_ihoh,~~”­ j" y pipe’ . ` . ‘ .i . `. ,ii д 1;" тенте DeFrel, hauling согл. - „ Hendrick'Garvèlink. mowing lawn.' ' `^ ’ шипит, Oil & Grease Co., ‘ ‘ y тата, soap, ., - " ' а???“ J. DeJonge, labor, ,_ “ i* Bourbon Copper 8: Brass Works.' 'tif'. i” ff" Stems. « ‘ ` . l.“ J.i Kieft, wiping rags, 'V ' " Í' " , 'rho Anas ou co., hone;` oompouno; ‘ " eff 'ii'. L J. B. rik. laying pipo, _ \ ' . ‘ и J DeYoung, part ‘salary sup’.t., 1`33. A. E. Mediano, salary engineer., 7510.6 G, `Vvint'er, salary assft engineer.; 1 l' ‘565 -. ~. John J onkers,_ Sunday relief. matig," ‘ ‘ ’ 65 „ Peter Damstra, labor, “ ' _ ` 'r ‘f 'D Frank McFall, salary assu engineer '“ " ' f Nineteenth si. station.' ^ ' ­‘ sono. .. .' s» »are Ё. erbe» gg ага? ‚ ЁЬЗЕ R. B. Whìtsett & Co., coal, less freight, — A. B.- Knowlson, coal, less freight, A. van Putten, coal, less freight, P. M. Ry. Co., freight on coal, J. Westveer, bill collector, Wm. О. Van Eyck, postage and express, Boot & Kramer. supplies, G. Blom, cartage. Meran & TVatson, less coal, oil, etc., John Nies, supplies, Viscosity Oil Co., cylinder oil, Standard Oil Co., oil and grease, National Meter Co., pistons. Michigan Telephone Co., message, J. B. ЕЖ, loading pipe on car, G. van Putten, paid wood order, American Steam Pump Co., vacuum ришр; S. verBerg, hauling coal, A. Van 'Putten Coal Co., coal, Tyler van Lendegend, supplies, James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., A. E. »MoClalim salary engineer, G. Winter, salary ass’t engineer, John Jonkers, Sunday relief man, Frank' наган, salary assi; engineer, P, Damstra,. labor. Jas Westveer. bill collector. van ` Dyke & Зря-101511121, supplies, National Meter Co.. meters, etc.. The Globe Oil Co., boiler compound, Н. Channon Co., manila, H. W. допив-Малине Co., gaskets, S. VerBerg, teaming coal, The Sunday Creek ~Coal Co., coal, less freight, well contract, The Fairmont Coal Co., coal` less пи, h P. M. Ry_ Co., freight on coal, Standard Oil Co., cup grease, less freight,- J. B. Fik, balance on laying pipe contract, _ J. A. Vanderveen, white lead, M. Bontekoe, drayage, R. VandenBerg, labor, A. W. Baker, агата, ~ G. Blom, freight and cartage, A. пшик-1011012, etc., ' M. Kiekintveld, book, ` Tyler VanLandegend, repairs, Fairmont к Coal Co., coal, less frt., P. M.. Ry.K Co., freight on coal, Е. Garvelink, mowing` 'stand pipe 'I'. Keppelfs "Sons, coal, , National Meter Co., meters, JamesB. Clow~& Sons,­valves, J. A. Dogger, wiping rags, GJ Blom, freight and cartage, James .f_DeYoung, part salary. sup’t., A., E..M¢Q1@l.i11. salary engineer. Winter; salary' ass’t engineer, F, Наган, salary ass’t engineer, Peter. Damstra,. labor, Jóh'n Zalsfnán, qrepaiís Heber Walsh, ' supplies, ' & Standart,l sewer pipe, Jas. Westveer,‘ collecting, etc., Holland Sugar Co., coal, P_rakken ¿n ‚кашах, building Nine- teenth'St.' station, Standard »._Oil' Co., ren; `engine, Simon` verBerg, `teaming coal, Geórge ’Bänden dŕa'yage, Citizens Telephone Co., 2i telephones, W., ,Zwemer, teaming, „l _ tuinmanI ‘Meter Co., meters, M. J. ‘Drummond &' Co.,I pipe, . , шву—„0110011 Coal Co., coal, less freight and credit, ' ‚ ' ' Р;дШ*"ну;»-00.‚ .freight on pipe and cni„.„ , „ 1» James B. Clow 8: Sons, pipe, etc., ~A. W, Baker, drayage; ­ T. Keppel's Sons. coal, i G. Blom, freight, and cartage, . James Kole, repairs, Sln'ipn4 VerBerg, hauling» coal, Holland' Sugar Co., coal, Studley &, Barclay, packing, National Illdeterl Co., meter; Monitor Oil Co., ‘cup grease, The. Sunday; Creek Coal Co., coal, less freight, А G. ‘Bmîñìffreight and'“ca'rta“gè"`,~ ‘ И ‘ TyJ'erfrvanLandegend, meter repairs, John. Niles, , supplies, _ замещает-в Lumber Co., lumber,I 1107011 Exok, lpostage,l etc., P.J F2 ,Buone,. livery,l ‚ l Boot` &¿ _'Isïxämiler,a supplies, J. Est?, lumber, ' City Treasurer, special ltaxes, James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., A. вшита, salary. engineer, G'. . 135111101, ass’ t engineer, F. HeFall, salary ’assi engineer, J. Jonkers, Sunday rellefman, ~ iP. »Damstra, labor..4 . , James'„Wes`tveer, bill collector, HQI’. Zwemer, coal, в S. Vcrlßegçg, haulingcoal, P. M. Ry. Co., coal, Studley 8: Barclay, valves, etc., H. Channon Co., white waste, ‚ Holland Sugar Co., coal, G. Blom, freight and сглазе, J.;‘A. Vanderveen, supplies, T. van Landegend, repairs, etc., H. Mueller Mfg, Co.,` taps, etc., L.' Smith, labor, J. Mulder, drayage, H. P.' Zwemer; coal, Standard Oil Co., ren. engine, Wm. J. Zwemer, drayage, _ Sunday Creek Coal Co., co'al, less credit, - Hunter W. Flnch= & Co., coal, less freight, . Р. 11M/Ry, Co., freight on coal, T. Keppel’s Sons, wood, J. A. розга, wiping rags, Jas. Westveer. bill collector, Simon VerBerg, hauling coal, National Meter Co.. meters, Mich'. Toy 8c Novelty Works, gate V covers, Holland City News, printing, A. Huntley, labor, P. M. Ry. Co., freight on coal and car service, . James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., A. E. McClalin. salary engineer, G. Winter. salary ass’t engineer, _ Frank McFall, salary ass’t engineer, Peter Damstra, labor, Wm._ О. van Eyck, os e, p' tag EXHIBIT “С." LIGHT FUND. Disbursements in Detail. express and 328 816 586 N _ Éelîâääscâîë'aääiâww Н 8 El В 1.1 iS *103 зам GEOS» 010000 1 Í- н SÉ@ со _ - ` ч ` ‘ e „tu sessant e .es seeuseœfseesseeedsesss d, 37 99 66 35 îîâäâääââäâêäâëä ц œ 0501 œ e assess 90 See item of $28,219.29 in report of the City Treasurer. W. U. Telegraph Co., message, $ Electric Appliance Co.. supplies, . General Electric Co., lamps, meters, etc., Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, Illinois Electric Co., supplies, A. W. Baker, drayage, James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker. salary ass’t engineer, C. Bazaan, salary fireman, L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, D. Steketee, sub. fireman, J. P, DeFeyter, lineman, J. Bergman, lineman, H. Gunzert, lamp trimmer, C. Daily, labor, G. Blom. freight and cartage, Ottawa County Times, 500 station reports. Boot & Kramer, supplies, Electric Appliance Со., supplies, less credit, Westinghouse Elec. '& Mfg. Co., switch board, John Baldwin, labor, R. Ryder, labor, H. Channon Co., belt and pulley, J. A Vanderveen, supplies, General Electric Co.. 200 lamps, etc.. Joseph Borgman, extra labor, John Nles, wheelbarrow, etc.. R. Rietserna, labor, Geo. Willink, labor, Wm. Karel, labor, R. Ryder, labor, Kanters & Standart, supplies, H. D. Edwards & Co., manilla rope, H. Mokma, salary fireman, L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, John Jonkers. Sunday relief man, J. Р, DcFeyter, lineman, Joseph Вышлет, lineman, 677 00 00 С“ ` N Wêdâäëääääâääâääââêâä Ulvâ ~s ses epesses Henry Gunzert, lamp trimmer, Central Electric Co., globes, etc., Electric Appliance Co., taps, cut outs, etc., General Electric Co., transformers, meters, etc., Yvestinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., porcelain and plungers, S. A. Martin, memorandum vWm. Karel, labor, ‘ John Baldwin, mason work, Sam Lapish, mason work, John Nies, supplies, Ottawa County Times, printing, G. Willink, labor, A_ P. Stegenga, brooms, ‘Buss Machine Co., castings, etc., Van Dyke & Sprietsma,­ supplies, Daily Financial News, adv.' pro- posals water and light extension’ bonds, James Kole, blacksmithing, A. W. Baker, drayage, G. Blom, freight and cartage, Alfred Huntley, repairs, etc., Harvey Hammer, painting smoke stacks, Wm. О. van Eyck, postage, etc., Tyler Van Landegend, repairs, etc., Studley & Barclay, tools, G. Blom, freight and cartage, ‘ B. Kammeraad, teaming scrap iron, Joseph Borgman, lineman, General Electric Co., transformers and meters, ’ S, Reidsema, labor, J. R. Kleyn Est., lumber, Electric Appliance Co., lamps, etc., Citizens 'Telephone Co., telephone rental, Grand Rapids Litho. Cd., litho, 25 bonds, General Electric Co., meters, etc., A. W. Baker, drayage, ' E. A. - Anderson, typewriting- speci- ñcations, Wm_ Damson, drayage, James DeYoung,. part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker, salary ass’t engineer, L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, C. Bazaan, salary fireman, H. G. Мента, salary fireman, J. P. DeFeyter, salary lineman, book, » lA. Nauta, lamp trimmer, . H. Gunzert, labor, _Studley & 'Barclay, iron pulley 'an rope, . - Т110 Colonial Electric Co., 250 lamps, M. Бешеное, drayage, Boot & Kramer, storage of lamps, »John Nìes, supplies, Michigan ATelephone Co., message, Joseph Borgman, labor, u' S, ì W. Miller, returned deposit, ~ General, Electric Co., lamps and transformers.` ` A Wm. .0. _Van Eyck, and postage, _ Kanters & Standart', tools, etc., Boot & Kramer, supplies, van Dyke &_ Sprietsma, tools, etc., railroad fare ‘­ G. Blom, freight and cartage, James Westveer, bill collector, .~ T. Keppel’s Sons, lime, etc., J. van Landegend, supplies, A. Huntley, labor. ­ Joseph Bergman, labor, J. Pathuis, ­drayage, " Westinghouse Elec. '8: Mfg. Со., one-half purchase price 125 K. W. dynamo,> ' ­ ` ` ' ` NernstLamp Co., lamps, Fostoria Incandescent Lamp Co., globes, Illinois Electric Co.,» arms, G. van Heaften, moving dynamo, General Electric Co., lightning ат- resters, ­,etc., _ Illinois Electric Co., supplies, J. DeYoung, part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker,` salary ass’t-engineer„ L_ Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, C. Bazaan, salary fireman, H. G. Mokma, salary Щецин, 301111 Jonkers, Sunday relief man, Henry Boeve, sub. fireman, J .- P. 'DeFeyter, lineman, H. Gunzert, labor, Abe Nauta, lamp trimmer, ‘ Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. exciter, " ,Wm. O. van' Eyck, postage, н etc., A. W.- Baker, drayage, 3 oseph' Bòrgman, lineman, James iA, "Brouwer, supplies, W. U, Telegraph Co., message, General 'Electric Co., transformers and meters, ` _ Y 1. Kanters & Standart, supplies, Illinois Electric Co., 300 bolts, Central Electric Co., wire, less frt, P. M. Ry. Co., freight onwlre, van Dyke & Sprietsma, supplies, G. Blom, freight and cartage, T. van Landegend, supplies and labor, Holland City News, printing light receipts, etc., James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., General. Electric Co., lamps ` and. meter, Electric Appliance Co., wire, etc., Illinois Electric Co., wire, etc., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., water meter, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., forfeiture' returned, . Wm. Damson, drayage, Bryan-Marsh Co., lamps, J. Pathuis, drayage, Joseph Bergman, lineman, Roy Scott, lineman, Kanters &' Standart, supplies, G. Blom, freight and cartage, James Westveer, bill collector, Boot &'Kramer, supplies, Н. Walsh, supplies, ‚ H, H, Dekker, salary ass't engineer, L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, C. Bazaan, salary fireman, H. Boeve, salary fireman, John Jonkers, ,Sunday relief man, J. P. DeF-eyter, lineman, Henry Gunzert, labor.~ и ‚ A. Nauta, lamp trimmer. à T. van Landegend, supplica, Roy Scott, lineman, ‘ Joseph Borgman, lineman, 36 OÜl General Electric Co., transformers, James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker, salary ass't engineer, Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, Bazaan, salary fireman, Mokma, salary fireman, Boeve, salary fireman, Bos, salary fireman, P. DeFeyter, lineman, Nauta, lamp trimmer, Н, Gunzert, labor, ‘_ Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Со.,д balance on contract, Joseph Borgman, lineman, Roy Scott. lineman, Illinois Electric Co., 10 arc lamps, etc., Electric Appliance Co., supplies, General Electric Co., lamps, meters, etc., James Westveer, bill collector, sesnsor ` G. Blom, freight and cartage, James B. Clow & Sons, ends, Studley & Barclay, repairs, _ A_ W. Baker, drayage, G. Blom, freight and сел-18.50, Tyler van Landegend, supplies, Alfred Huntley, labor, etc., Chas. S. Bertsch, supplies, P. M. Ry. Co., freight on brick and car service. Kanters & Standart, supplies. Fostoria Incandescent Lamp Co., globes, H. Klassen, labor excavating for foundation, A. Jonkers, labor excavating for foundation, ' J. van Zalk, labor excavating for foundation, A. Bruinsell, labor excavating for foundation, Н, Howard, labor excavating for foundation, _P». Ryder, labor excavating for General Electric Co., lamps, etc., P. M. Ry, Co., freight, T Keppcl's Sons, wood and cement, Wm. О. Van Eyck. postage and ex., G. Blom, freight and cartage, 400() 52 56 13 92 361 06 88153 нёюощфюо 088888183 03 . ЁЁ gmßäœwß Ёчшшч 883 Säîäâŕäîââ 888555" t3 227 '59 s оо 5g 00 01,0 3008000 и— S o; d осн -io солю н ä q ..1 œ i ё e aeë_es @one ses e ses es eres 01 QH eeeneeeees~ss`es essseseesessesese 4240 561 395 336 633 L . C IH. M J ,H A. G А Tyler van Landegend, supplies. Van Dyke & Sprietsma, Supplies. _ James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker, salary ass’t engineer, C. Bazaan, salary fireman. ' foundation, W, Wiebenga, labor excavating for foundation, H. Volkers, foundation, Joseph Borgman, lineman. Roy Scott, lineman, Citizens Telephone Со., rental, General Electric Со., lamps, Holland City News, printing, labor excavating - for telephone ' Wm. О. van Eyck, postage, et'c., James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker, salary engineer, L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, C. Bazaan, salary fireman. ` H. G. Mokma, salary fireman, J ohn­ Jonkers, Sunday 'relief man, J , P. DeFeyter, lineman, A, Nauta, lamp trimmer; H. Gunzert, labor, Joe Bergman, lineman, R. Scott, lineman, “ Jas. We'stveer, bill collector, A. W. Baker, drayage, 'van Dyke & Sprietsma, Supplies. T. Keppe1’s Sons, brick, cement, etc., Holland .City News, envelopes, ` W. Wiebena, labor, H. Zwerink, labor, J. Zaers, labor, J. Reinhorst, labor, N, Klaassen, labor, A. Bruinsell,l labbr, W. Volkers, labor, J. Volkers, labor, J , Van Zalk, labor, B. VandenHeuvel, labor, J. B. Fik, labor, ‚ A. Blyker, drayage, ' L. Smith, labor, R. Ryder, labor, Kanters & Standart, supplies, J. Pathuis, drayage, van ‘Dyke & Sprietsma, supplies, Electric Appliance Co., wire, etc., Central'Electric Co., meter books,è M. Bontekoe, drayage, General Electric Co., meters, etc., Alfred Huntley, labor, etc., Holland City News, blanks, Boot & Kramer, supplies, James B. Glow-Sr. Sons, pipe, etc., .W. U. Telegraph Co., 010550300,` G. Blom, freight and (джазе, l... P. Mellema, labor, ` y.' _ Arbuckle-Ryan Co., on boiler con., General Electric Co., lamps, meters, etc., Michigan Telephone Co., '1 60 foot Ipole, _' ` James B. Clòw & Sons, valves, Stanley Instrument Co., 3 meters, H. vandenBerg, labor, ' ` Roy Scott, lineman, J. Borgman, lineman, L, Smith, labor, R, VandenBerg, labor, E. St. John, labor, R. Ryder, labor, - Р. M. Ry. Co., freight on boiler, Holland City Broom Co.,‘brooms, H. Channon Co., rope, T. "Van Landegend, supplies, etc., Wm. Zweemer, Iteam work, G. Blom, freight and cartage, James DeYoung, part salaryl sup’t., H, ­H. Dekker, salary ass’t engineer, . Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, . Bazaan, salary fireman, ` G. Mokma, salary fireman, . Bazan, sub. fireman, . . Р. DeFcyter, lineman, . Gunzert, labor, ­ Nauta, lamp trimmer, . Blom, I freight and cartage, . Jonker, labor, Joe Borgman, lineman, ‚. R. Scott, lineman, ' L._ Smith, labor, R, Ryder,ï labor, _ R. VandenBerg', labor, “t ' St. Johns, labor, ' ' ’ Н. Gunzert, labor, ‚ Wm. Zwemer, teaming, Kanters & Standart, supplies, P. Oosting & Son, foundation, _ Electric Appliance Co., arc lamps, ` wire, etc.. - А National Carbon Со., CarbOnS, less discount, ` The Fostorla Incandescent Lamp " Co., globes. I John Nies, supplies.. Electric Appliance Co., signal strand, H. Channon Co., manila, lless dis- count, Joseph Borgman, lineman, R. Scott, lineman, ‘ ‘ R. vandenBerg, labor, E, St. Johns. labor, R. Ryder, labor, L, Smith, labor, : General Electric Co.,i lamps, meters, ­ etc., f . John Van Landegend, repairs, etc., H. Gunzert, use of horse and wagon, G. Blom, freight and cartage, Boot & Kramer, supplies, Wm. 0. van Eyck, postage and ex., . J. Westveer, bill collector, Arbuckle-Ryan Co., piping, les! freight, etc., ' Tyler van Landegend, supplies, James De Young, part salary sup’t., H. H, Dekker, salary ass’t engineer. L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, C, Bazaan, salary fireman, ° Н. Mokma, salary fireman, J. P. DeFeyter, salary lineman, H. Gunzert, labor, A. Nauta, lamp trimmer, . VerBerg, moving stack, H. Gunzert, use of horse and wagon, . Smith, labor, . Ryder, labor, St, John, labor, M. Ry, Co., freight on stack, W. U. Telegraph Co., message, General Electric Co., meters, wire, etc., ‚ _ J. A. Vanderveen, tacks, - ` .M. Bontekoe, drayage, Illinois Electric Co., Wire, etc., R, VandenBerg, labor, A. W. Baker, drayage, G. Blom, freight and cartage, A. Huntley, labor, etc., M. Kieklntveld, book, Tyler van Landegend, supplies, etc., R. Ryder, labor, L. Smith, labor, _ E. St. John, labor, M. Bazaan, labor, Citizens Telephone Co., rental, Boot & Kramer, storing lamps, etc., H. W, J ohns-Manville Co., pipe cov- erlng, Bryan-Marsh Co., meters, lamps, etc., G. Blom, freight and cai-tage, James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., . H. Dekker, salary ass't engineer, Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, Bazaan, salary fireman. . Mokma, salary fireman, Jonkers, Sunday relief man, P. DeFeyter, salary lineman, Gunzert, labor, Nauta, lamp trimmer, John F, Zalsman, key, Heber Walsh, supplies, etc., Kanters & Standart, repairs, ssmQPm Pill -James Westveer, collecting, etc., Studley & Barclay. belt, General Electric Co., lamps, Fort Wayne Electric Co., and jewels. Illinois Electric Co., water meter, J. DeYoung, expenses to Milwaukee for engine repairs, Nordberg Mfg. Co., repairs, J. van Landegend, repairs, Central Electric Co., supplies, H. Gunzert, use of horse, T~ Keppcl’s Sons, wood, R. Scott. labor, P. M. Ну, Со., etc., meters freight on engine, ЕЗЭЗн ЮЁЁЁЁФЁЁЁЁЁНЫЁш ww Н ю ', ю 1 Н ШФШ‚ошошнтшшшччншчшчю \ so о 00080 Ё „1нёнззёфюэ ssssssesses 1,395 67 1298 75 зо oo 11 80 60 00 s wssssssmseesseeeecssee sdseeeeseeseesseeeeesese „s seed escenas ses ‚1.1 1.4 И Ф ses» sseeeeeess eseeeeeeseeeesss Se’ ää О: N 100: CRO . Arbuckle-Ryan 00. ‚ W. Baker, drayage, Keppe1’s Sons, cement, St. John, labor, . Ryder, labor, . Smith, labor, . Blom, freight and cartage, James Kole, supplies, repairs, etc., W. U. Telegraph Со., message, L. Smith, labor, Central Electric Co., nernst lamps, etc., " Electric Appliance Co., credit, I ` General Electric'Co., lamps, meters, etc., H. Gunzert, use of horse and wagon, Alfred Huntley,P labor on engine, etc., G. Bl'orn, freight ‘and‘cartage, ' Tyler van Landegend, labor and Isupplies, ' ' John Nies, supplies,` ` Scottl-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, James DeYoung, paidfexpress, Wm.` O­ Van 'Eyck, postage, van Dyke & Sprietsma, supplies, one-third pay- etc., comme? wire, less ment on engine, American Express Co., express, P. F.' Boone, drayage, Boot & Kramer, supplies, J. R. _Kleyn'Est., lumber, ' James DeYoung, part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker, salary’ass't engineer, L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, C. Bazaan, salary fireman, ’ H. Mokma, salary fireman, _ J. P, DeFeyter, lineman, Abe Nauta, lamp trimmer, `­ H. Gunzert, labor, General Electric Co., lamps and meters, " ElectricAppliance Co., globes, etc., ­ Illinois Electric Co., wire, Van Eyck Machine Со., labor, Fostoria Incandescent Lamp Co., globes, Studley & Barclay, valves, etc., James Westveer, `bill collector, J. B. van Oort, labor, etc., T. Keppel"s Sons, cement, Joseph Borgman, lineman, J. Mulder, dra-yage, L. Smith , labor, ~Kanters & Standart, supplies, Wm_ O. van Eyck, express, Arbuckle-Ryan CO., payment on boiler, . Illinois Electric Co., wire, etcï, Nordberg Mfg. Co., repairs, Arbuckle-Ryan Co., exhaust pipe, H. Channon Co., coal barrow, belt dressing, ' James В. Clow & Sons, ­ flange, J. A. Vanderveen, emery cloth, Joseph Borgman, labor, Citizens Telephone Co., rental, T. van Landegend, ' supplies, G. Blom, «freight and cartage, Tj. Kappers Sons, cement and lime, John Baldwin, mason work, . James Westveer, bill collector, I Illinois Electric Co., 'cut outs, ' Kanters & Standart, wire hooks, J. Mulder, drayage, Electric Appliance Co., adapters, Holland City News, printing, ' A. Huntley, labor, General .Electric Co., meters, etc., James DeYoung,K part salary sup’t., H. H. Dekker, salary ass’t engineer, L. Kamerling, salary dynamo tender, H. G. Mokma, salary fireman, C. Bazaan, salary- fireman, John Jonkers, Sunday relief man, A. Nauta, salary lamp trimmer, H. Gunzert, labor, Arbuckle-Ryan Co., balance on boiler ~ contract, ‘ "~Wm, O. Van Eyck, express and Postage. -. EXHIBIT “Dfi FIRE ALARM Disbursements ‘in Detail, See item of $195.09 on the ` rëpor City Treasurer. ' T. Keppel’s Sons, wood, -, ‘S Tyler van Landegend, .repairsrf Hazeltine & Perkins, blue vitriol, van«Dyke в; Sprietsma, tools, Tyler van Landegend, `repairs, G. Blpm,_ freight and cartage, l T. Van Landegend, incidentale, Electric Appliance Co., Abattery jars, etc., ‘ f Heber Walsh, supplies, Chas. S. Bertsch, supplies, J. A. Vanderveen, wire, etc., J. P. DeFeyter, lineman, Electric Appliance Co., wire, Illinois Electric Co., supplies, Hazeltine 8;, Perkins, blue ‘vitrloh etc., ' ` G. Blom, freight and cartage, Heber Walsh, supplies, J. P. DeFeyter,` lineman, T. Keppel’s Sons,'wood, Chas. S. Bertsch, supplies, J. .P, DeFeyter ,llneman, _ 1 EXHIBIT "Е." SEWER « Disbursements in ~ Detail. See item of $423.25 in report offthc Treasurer. a G. Willink, labor, H. Zwering, labor, C. Plagenhoef, labor, A. W. Baker, drayage, G. Blom. freight and cartage, Henry Dykhuls, labor, ‘ S. Завета, labor, H. Zwerink, labor. J. Markus, labor, C. Boersma, labor, J. B. Flk, labor, Wm_ O. van Eyck, message», A. U. Clark Co., level, etc., E. Meedema, 111111011` 3. B. Fik, labor. H, Dykhuis, labor, S. Zagers, labor, P. Zinke, labor, J. Хинди-Метан, labor, Peter Beamers, labor, C. Boersma, labor, Wm. Butkau, labor, J. B, van Oort, labor, ‚ A. W. Baker. drayage, C. Plagenhoff, labor, J. Markus, labor, A. Jonkers, labor, J. B. Fik, labor, Water Fund. taps for flush tanks, Kanters & Standart, supplies, T, Keppel’s Sons, lime, etc., Board of Public Works, water for flush tanks, A. W. Baker, drayage, Holland City News, printing, Wm. Butkau, leveling for sewers, J ohs. Dykema, leveling for sewers, Peter Damstra, labor, Wm Damson, drayage, Johs, Dykema, inspector, T. van Landegend, supplies, Peter Remers, labor, Michigan Telephone Co., message. Wm. O. van Eyck, paid freight and cartage on record book, etc., A. W. Baker, _drayage, Doubleday Bros. 8: Co., sewer record book. Wm, Damson, drayage, G. Blom, freight and cartage, Wm. O. van Eyck, paid express,_ John B. Fik. labor. van Dyke & Sprietsma, supplies. A. W. Baker, drayage, Mulder Bros. & Whelan, blanks, J. A. Vanderveen, look, etc., Board of Public Works, water for flush tanks,l James Kole. bar, Звон—[1113015 Lumber Co., lumber, P. F. Boone, livery, J, A. van der veen, supplies, Holland City News. printing, l EXHIBIT “Р." "S rebinding FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. Disbursements in Detail, 3 00 Н. Kamerman, hay, 3 21 28 20' 7 83 34 н ce ­~1 н Ole@ СО N NUI@ @WNF Se el: БЁ‘З s. È~esmeeeee È ЪМ-а el Ёчтфтшшю ëäws sessessesdeeeeseeerses `2 1-1 os i - 26 .Kir О, ~ 'ÈAQÉH 8 ЁНЗНФЙФ ateos' 883318 i3 t0 Н ‘IHOP-‘Nw в Н (bl-‘03 Wwlßœlńbßœœœldälwu 00 äälìââââä шиш HH оно-ч cimes ВжЁЁчр äôläääääääâââäêäâääâäìäââäâää 57 00 00 00, 86‘ Mrs. J. H. Kiekentveld, washings, J. A. Vanderveen, supplies, van Dyke & Sprietsma, supplies, .H. S. Bender, coal, Tyler `v an Landegend, supplies, 63 в"Т. Keppel’s Sons, wood, coal, etc., 89 W. J. Scott, salary driver No. l, 00 50 ФСЛ Noch Ф N t о: `the 25 50 30 57~ ’533 ` our See item of $3,693.50 in report of the City Treasurer. John TeRoller, supplies, $ W. J. Scott. salary driver No. 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, W. J. Scott. salary driver No. 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, L. T, Kanters, insurance, ' L. T. Kanters, ' SSSSSSÉ 88885838- `Tyler van Landegend, packing, etc F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, Mrs. E. L. Scott, making pillow slips, Mrs. C. DeFeyter, washings, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, etc., Thos. lKlomparens & Co., coal, James Kole, shoes, etc., ` J. Y. Huizenga & Co., supplies, ~W. J. Scott, salary driver No. 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2. Jacob Lokker, salary fireman No. 2, A. C. Keppel, salary fireman No. 2, J; Rutgers, salary ñreman No, 2 A. Klooster, salary fireman No. 2, Gerrit Теги-ее, sal, fireman No. 2, G. van Haaften, sal. fireman No. 2, 3 .‘ Streur, salary fireman No. 2, B. Cook, salary fireman No. 2, G, Cook, salary. fireman No. 2, C. Lokker, salary'ñr'eman No. 2, Ed. Streur, salary.1irerna.u,No. 2, Abel Smeenge, salary fireman No. 2 Ed. Streur, night man .No­ 2,.' Abel Smeenge, night man No. 2 I О I expenses ilremen’s ­ convention, ' ' ‚ G. Cook '& Co., supplies, Mrs. C, DeFeyter, washings, Abel Smeenge, sub. ,driver No. 2, Ed. sueur, sub. driver No. 2; ' W. J. Scott, salary driver No. 1, Е. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. h2,- ’ T. van Landegend, Supplies, . W. J. Scott, salary drive;` No. 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal.„_driver No. r2, Mrs. J. Н, Kiekintvem, washings, H. Kamerman, hay, „ Vissers & Sons, supplies„ Thos. Klomparens & Co., supplica' W. J. Scott, salary drŕver No. 1; Ä F. W. Stansbury, sal. _driver No'. 2 Kanters & Standart, supplies, John van Landegend, labor, ’ ’_' Tyler van Landegend, supplies,n etc., . . Hale, Harness & Supply Co., collar and hames, James Kole, paid' express, H_ Kremers, attending A. Smeenge, n: J. A. Vanderveen, supplies, ,_ T. van Landegend, supplies, W. J. Scott, salary driver _Noy l, T. Keppel’s Sons, wood, oats, etc., `~ _ l W.' J. Scott., «salary driver No.' 1, .~ " ' E. w. stansbury, sai. driver No. 2,' John TeRoller, harness, - W. J. Scott, salary, driver No.1, Á F. W. Stansbury, sal. driyer No.2, ' L 301111 Heiftje, salary ,fireman по. Jerry Dykstra, salary, fireman N o. '1, `. John Kekel, salary, fireman..No. ’1,1. ` Wm. Tremble, salàiy`iirernań'No."'1f '‚ A. W. Baker, salary fireman No. tI,.` . Tyler van Landegend, завидит-15, . K' man No. 1, John' с. Dyke, salary speisen No. 1. _' H. van Oort, salary. ,fireman No. ‘1, James Doyle, salary fireman; No, 1, John Arendsen, salary firemanl No. '1, J. F. Цех-1111, salary fireman No. 1,. _ . Jerry Dykstra, nightman ,Nte .1,j V John, I¿Arendsen машинах: 110.11, .' J..l F. Norlin, nightman No. 1,. i' ` Jerry, Dykstra, sub. driver, ` .. . Ь. Lanting, labor, `. ‚ ` 'A J. Y._ Huizenga & “Со., oats ¿and? тат“. n «A 1, а Albert Curtis' services, _ . . Tyler van Landegend, supplies, . ‘ ' van Dyke & Spriets'ma„ Д" Vissers & Sons, supplies; ‘.` ‚т и 4. /‚! Mrs. C. DeFeyter, washings, ‚ Henry Was, gold leañngfï ` ,_ . _ W, scott, salary doyen, 17051; ' Heber Walsh,1 oil cake,'~ f _, . . F. w. "stànspury, ’berg .- asientos supplies.’ ` ‘F ‘ ‘ " Kanters & Standart, supplies, T. van Landegend, триаду, ‘Д Thos. Klomparens En Col', supplies, A. М1011п101511и120цм0110111011 ton, Еда-971.17. И W. J. Scott, salary driver lilo.I 1,. д 2.',2,. Mrs. C. DeFeyter, washings, M! ъ. F. w. зацепит, sal. driver ‘Nd W. J. Scott, salary _driver .NQ/1, F. W. впалыми-у, driven No. à.. nl“ Tyler van Landegend, .f supplies, . 3. A. Vanderveen, supplies, . van. Dyke & Sprletsma, paint, ‚ G. Van Appeldoorn, labor задним teenth St. fire, и Wm. Arnold, labor at Nineteeritñ l- St. lire, Wm. Bourton, Jr., labor teenth St, nre, . ,_ P. ., VerWey, labor at Nineteenth' St. fire, ` . f Mrs. C. DeFeyter, washings, ‘ ­ L. Lanting, repairs, ` . G. Cook & Со.,?" supplies, John TeRoller, "supplies, Albert Curtis, med. services", I W. J. Scott, salary driver No.; 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, W. J. Scott, salary driver ПО; 1, ' t F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, Mrs. J. H. Kiekintveld, washlngs, AÑBaIker, services at engine ‘house o.. ’. . T. Keppelfs Sons, feed, James Kole, money advanced. 'tdi-13 Í“ hOrSBS, ' James Kole, expenses in procuring; l team for» No, 2, ‚ Thos. Klomparens d; Co., supplies.' j Kanters d: Standart, supplies, 5' '„ " John TeRoller, supplies, 'A ` ~ Wr 3. Scott, salary driver No. 1, ` F. W. Stansbury, sal. антика. 2, Jacob Lekker, salary fireman No. 2, A. C. Keppel, salary fireman No. 2, д 3. J. Rutgers, salary fireman No. 2, A. Klooster, salary fireman'. No. 2, l Gerrit Tervree. sal, fireman No. 2. G. van Haaften. sal; fireman No. . 2, J. Streur, salary fireman No. 2, ‘ ` B. Cook, salary fireman No. 2. G, Cook, salary fireman No. 2, C. Lokker, salary fireman No. .2, Ed. Streur, salary fireman No. 2. Abel Smeenge. salary fireman No'. 2, I Ed. Streur, night man No. 2. Abel Smeenge, night man No. 2, Ed. Streur, sub, driver. Abel Smeenge, sub driver, J. Y. Huizenga 8; Со., supplies, Tyler van Landegend, supplies, Boot & Kramer. oil, Mrs. C, DeFeyter, washings, E. vaupell, supplies. W. J. Scott, salary driver No. 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, Эти—111130115 Lumber Co., door, W. J. Scott, salary driver No. 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, Evart Takken. lumber, John J. Rutgers. salary fireman No. 2, Holland Storage & Transfer Co.. stove, Mrs. C. DeFeyter, washìngs, J. Pathuis, drayage. Kaëiters d'. Standart, _coal fixtures, e c., Con. DePree, supplies', John Espy, lunches, T. Keppel’s Sons, wood, etc., James Kole, wagon gear, labor, etc., W. J. Scott, salary driver No. 1, F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, Dick Nibbelink, sub. driver, Austin Harrington, coal, John Kruisenga, supplies, G, Cook & Co.. supplies, van Dyke & -Sprietsma, shovel. DuMez Bros.. Б pairs blankets, John van Landegend, supplies, J. R. Kleyn Est., lumber, Thos. Klomparens & Co., supplies. P. F. Boone, rig, Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, L. Lanting, labor, John Heiftje», salary fireman No. 1, Jerry Dykstra, salary fireman No. 1, A. J ‚ Koning, salary fireman No. 1. F. W; ,stansbum sal. driver No.' 2., ” ’l .5. vl ' È. . ¿11.4.- *y F. w. stemmi-y. sai;,¿,driver' ‘ 011111103 .~ ., A. J, Koning, No.1, ­ . ‚о v 1;". (n: .. т? ‚.. xq... ' не и. 1— ‚ ,5д08000000 ., LS _" i. Jssssssssspsns«sntesssssss­estense ssssssesssesssese К t '.,s .«~ р. 1 38.0.» Í Mrs. J, H. кишащем, was “1150“: `° ~ \ и Ат: .,`_vyr~_~r"_ ' \ ‚ ‚. ~ ‚ » «w w .-- ‚- sssessesss.ns.ë.so„„ee„ssß„s-e,~ Câäääää 1 l юнннЁЁЁюмн‘нЁ н *im l eeeeseseeassessse sessagessesseeseeedeeessessseess_ v ssseessexee «i \ ЁЁЗЁ â s. „„ .ЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁ . м. ‚ ”85,8 к”: ;. ~ ` l s` дм: ›.›Е ?f.` ‘c ' 1 ц @t Чад ”и .' н," f *Ú . aan. ` f . ’ ’if-f* ,les _î ”и: :seein ч Ч" L „f .Hem ;'~„ l. _. l л v. Р i a, ‚ т L. 1“ ‚и . , s2, .. „f­,_'~. . .wir l l l ы ¿y .14 ellis es ь‘ с— f. - . ­ v ssssssœsr‘ f ï ` 2* ^ ..._ ` ь >‘ и ч . д“ .iv j o nu.. А »I ч . ' ` — х Ä , ‚ f l ¿I e. ‚о t s» „„ f à 1..., ß_s.s-ß ejefe~s sseeeeeeseie‘esleeedeseseee а. / н н наши .ssee„sd. „e s_.ss„ss,„Ä. t ssedseessseseseessesss ses e essceeesseeeseesssssses ‚4 ни мынюшшт Ю НЭСКФИ äää i John Kekel, salary птенца!) No, 1, 25 00 Wm. Tremble, salary тешат No. 1 25 00 A. W. Baker, salary fireman No. 1, 25 00 Tyler Van Landegend, salary tireÚ man No. 1, 25 00 John C. Dyke, salary fireman No. 1, 25 00 H. Van Oort, salary fireman No. 1, 25 00 James Doyle, salary fireman No, 1, 25 00 John Arendsen,‘ salary fireman No. 1, 25 00 J. F. Norlin, salary iireman No. 1, 25 00 Jerry Dykstra, nightman No, 1, 12 50 John Arendsen, nightman No. 1, 12 50 J. F. Noi-lin, темнит No. 1. 12 50 W. J. Scott, salary driver No. 1, 25 00 F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, 22 50 Mrs. C. DeFeyter, washings. 2 Austin Harrington, coal, 3 00 Jerry Dykstra, ass't driver No. 1, 13 00 E. Vaupell, supplies, 3 30 W. J, Scott, driver No. 1, 25 00 F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, 22 50 John G. Kamps, horse shoeing, 6 40 T. Van Landegend, supplies, 95 J. Y, Huizenga '& Co., supplies, 16 57 A. Harrington, coal. ' 6 00 Albert Curtis, veterinary services, 11 25 J. A. Vanderveen, nails. 06 Mrs. J. H_ Kiekintveld, washings for No. 2, 5 71 Wm. J«. Scott, salary driver No. 1, 25 00 F. W. Stansbury, sal. driver No. 2, 22 50 EXHIBIT “G.” POOR FUND, Disbursements in Detail. See item .of $3,439.01 in report of the City Treasurer. G, J. Van Виши, paid poor orders, 3 2 50 J._F. Van Anrooy, paid poor orders, 15 00 Henry Olert, paid poor orders, 87 50 P. A.p Kleis, paid poor orders, 37 00 Du Mez Bros., paid poor orders, 127 50 N. Kammeraad, paid poor orders. 2 00 A. Hidding, _paid poor orders, 2 00 . A, VandenBeI-g, paid poor orders, 49 00 В. Steketee, paid poor orders, 148 00 .n C. Vissers, paid poor orders, 89 50 Peter Prins, paid poor orders, 23 00 r. Kruisenga, paid poor orders, 40 00 Boot & Kramer, paid poor orders, 57 50 H, J, Klomparens, paid poor orders, 83 50 Win; О. Van Eyck, paid poor orders, 30 83 H. W. VanderLei, paid poor orders, 75 50 First State Bank, paid poor orders, 133 00 Е. D. Werkman, paid poor orders, 97 50 J'. &’ H. Леденец paid poor orders, 69 25 R. A, Kanters, paid ‘poor orders, 45 00 G. Van Putten, paid poorl orders, 107 75 A, Roos, paid poor orders.. 57 50 H. Van Ry, paid poor orders. 100 00 Vissers & Sons, paid poor orders, 97.00 D, Meengs, paid poor orders, 76 00 Wm, Bourton Sr., paid poor orders, 3 00 Holland City State Bank, paid poor ' orders. ‘ " ‘ ‘ 2 50 Peter Maas, paid poor orders, 87 00 Con ‘DePree, paid poor orders, 85 J. VerHulst, paid poor orders, ' 39 00 Wm’. Swift, 'paid 'poor orders.' 14 00 J. VanderSluis, paid poor orders; 4 50 J. Wise, paid 'poor orders, ‘ 7 50 _ е.) Wilterdink, paid poor_,orders, ' 37 82 A, I. Kramer, paid _poor order, ‘ 2 50 Lekker & Rutgers, paid poor orders, 8 00 С. Van Duren, paid poor orders, ­ 19 00 Stern-¿Goldman Co., paid poor órders, 6 25. A) B. Bosman,` paid poor orders, ' 3 00 'A. „ f_Steket'ee, paid poor orders, 83 00 Molenaar & DeGoed, paid poor prders, ' ‘A ’ 32 00 Jacdb Flieman, house rent, 40 89 Van Kampen. house rent; ‚ 55 00 _ Jas( Kole, house rent, 56 00 J,”_ Н,‘ Nibbeunk d: Sons, house rent, 48, 00 Р. A. Kleis, house rent, 12 ‚00 J’. ‘W. Bosman, house rent, 67 00 Wm, Вышел; house rent, 37 25 F." Kieft, house rent, ‘ 48 80 VanderVeere, house rent, 24 00 т; 1Керре1’5 Sons, wood and coal, 1,67 94 A, Harrington, wood and coal, 26 00 E. J'. Keifer. Wood. ' ‘ 2'00 J. Y, ~Huizenga & Co.,A wood,k 6 35 T, Klomparens, wood. ` _ ‘ _ _ 4 70 E. Andree, wood, ,_ ' ‘ 5 '20 «13. 'Jirich'mersluiizen,x wood, ~ 5 20 Híilland Slack' BB1. "Co, coke, ‘ 'g 20 if.' н, штаны: a 'sons _Burial -og of M. “Shoemakerland .Mrs' ‚чтений, _ ‘ > ’ f f „Цвета. repairing shoes.' ai.' А.‘ Mabbs. chloroform child Mr. Schoemaker, . ` ’ f Dl G, Cook. operation child M. ` Schoemaker, ' - JQ... д; Mersen, Shoemaker, _ H. `Kremers, visit city poor, ~ P.' A. Kleis, Jpaid `freight goods `Mrs. Van Ry 'to‘ Grand 'Rapida Jj: A. _Roost services J. Essenbag- l ‘BIS’ resse o -operatîon child M. М S `S n l SJ SJ f г ‘Ш 'si ‚п *si ­ ‘Jeuxtuoag fr ' "ишемии и'в'ен eq 'f ~ -umsaerM ‘g С О П\‘цвшртю lilltmom l опчяппцвдо'А- ' pmqxenpï 'SEÑVN i и I ' U l o л o ц д ' l l . l о g с ' ° I в l o о l ' U l о п n р а i о а . . u . д U в u . . о ¢ n О ¢ и . л о g s U ч g . u о g о U ‚ ‘ l с a Aid to April 1, 1902 008 1902 00 0100 8| 0051005 ‘f Aid to April 15, 00 а 09 1,100 0100 el 0109 2100 zl lI 1002 os rloo 2100 el OQî @sogg Aid 1:0 May ‚в, Aid to May 20, 1902 0 0 0 0 0 e t 9 г; 2; 0 e Z Aid to June 3. 1902 ‘обФт m Ёоооогго 1 wœœwwmœw о о то m og@ сего шштюютшю оообшоош оооооооо œœmwwœww о como ш оёзооого rapacswwwihw um Фчошч оогэшоош œœmwwœww о comoda ogoooooo штаммами о QC ‘ICO оёозёооз œwmwwœœw о отоот ЗФЗЗФФФЗ Aid to June 17, 1902 Aid to July 1, 1902 Aid to July 15. 1902 Aid to Aug. 5, 1902 Aid 1:0 Aug_ 19, 1902 Aid t0 Sept. 2» 1902 Aid to sept. 10, 1002 ‚115400810: Aia to oct, 7, 1002 шочошч Ёёзошоош ___L-___ шшчююфшю camcom Зёозоозз шшчююфшю с ч от гёоёёёоо шшчююоыю о т от ЁЁЗЁЭЁЗЗ шшчююфшю 01Ф^Ы Ёёгоёобо Егчююфшм в. АИ о ее Aid t0 Oct. 21. 1902 Aid to NOV, 4, 1902 000| Aid to NOV. 18, 1902 Aid to Dec. З, 1902 .III n to Dec. 16, 1902 0 0 0 00 ï’ 00 9 0 i E' 00 0 Si 0 СОИ-Е“ ОСИ-5! ODU] Aid to Jan. 6. 1903 008 Aid to Jan. 20, 1903 1 .t 00 ¿|00 0I 09 0I 0 г а 00 2100 GOOI@ Aid t0 Feb. 3, 1903 09 3109 zr 0.'. e 0 Q Aid to Feb. 17, 1903 00 ìOOï7 9100 09 00 00 00 Aid to Mar. 3, 1903 Aid in Mar. 17, 1903 00 800 800 800 8008 09? 0 00 roof 00900 .1. I00vl00. з 9 e t TOTAL. 006ìLS-.~ ...0. 00 8.’. 02 99T 00 22 09 QS EXHIBIT "H," LIBRARY FUND, Disbursements in Detail. See item of $1,097.26 in report o! the City Treasurer, Jennie Kanters, express, postage.' etc., ~ 2 4() Henry VanderPloeg, salary ass't librarian, 0 00 Board of Public Works, light, 16 J. D_ Hoek, painting book cases, 90 Ihling Bros. & Everard, repairing books, 9 30 J. B. Steketee, salary ass’t librarian, 15 00 Т. Kappers Sons, wood, 13 85 P. Н. McBride, insurance, 28 75 »Board of Public Works, light, 12 16 J. B. Steketee, salary ass’t librarian, 15 00 Thos. Klomparens & Co., kindling, 30 J. B. Steketee. salary ass't librarian, 12 00 Board of Public Works, ight, 8 90 T. Keppel’s Sons, wooo, 2 25 G. Blom, freight and partage, 40 A` C. McClurg & Cc., cooks, 9 51 J. B. Steketee, salary ass't librarian, 18 00 Board of Public Works, light, ~4 58 Harper & Brothers, books, 31 00 Board of Public Works, light, 16 Jas. H.- Gelbert, books, 30 25 B. Steketee, supplies, 40 The Springport Book Bindery, binding books, 45 90 J. B, Steketee, salary ass’­t librarian, 14 50 A. C. McClurg Co., to subscription to magazines, 6 50 Board of Public Works, light, 16 Jas. R. Gray & Co., Cran’s Atlas, 6 75 J. B. Steketee, salary ass’t librarian, 18 00 John Lankhorst, polishing stoves, ' 80 Board of Public Works, light, «12 16 The Dial Co., sub. to The Dial, 2 00 G. Blom, freight and cartage, 3 66 Treasurer Ottawa Co., penal ñnes, 219 00 The Baker в: Taylor Co., library books, ‘ 274 99 J. B. Steketee, salary ass’t. librarian, 15 00 Board of Public Works, light, 6 58 J, B. Steketee, bust of Mr. Mc- Kinley, 1 50 A. C. McClurg & Co., year book, 3 60 Воаг6 of Public works, light, 8 83 J. A. VanderVeen, coal hod, ешь, 25 J. R. Kanters, postage, etc., 3 91 Kanters & Standart, coal fixtures, .e c., , 10 30 Holland City News, printing cata- logues, etc., 26 00 T. -Keppel's Sons, coal, 5 75 J. C. Post, rent of rooms, 100 00 Board of Public Works, light, 9 49 T. Keppel’s Sons, coal, 6 25 H_ Geerlings, book, 3 00 J. B. Steketee, salary ass’ t. librarian,' 15 0(5) J. W. Lankhorst, labor, I A. C. Rinck & Co., screen, Board of Public Works, light, J. B. Steketee, salary ass’t librarian, 12 00 Т. Керрегв Sons, coal, ,` 8 25 'Holland City News, printing cards, 2 75 A. Harrington, coal, »2 25 ' rEXHIBIT “1. ” 1 ‘ PARK FUND. ‚ Disbursements in Detail. _ See item of l$3,185.67 in 'report of the City Treasurer. M. G. Manting", printing, 3 50 Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, 1 38 M; Kerkhof, hose sprays, etc., 19 23 J .. A. Kooyers, labor, etc., 11 35 Scott~Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, 5 05 A. Harrington, manure, 3 00 James Kole. use of sleigh, 2 l2 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 29 15 Н. G. VandenBerg, labor, 16 50 н_ DeSlig'te, labor, 16 50 ­ J. Klaasen, labor, 14 25 A. Hidding, teaming, etc., 31 44 H. Geerlings, hauling gravel, 15 84 H. Kooyers, hauling gravel, 12 24 J. Pas, hauling gravel, 14 40 P. Mellema, hauling gravel, 12 24 М. Jansen, manure, _ f 50 W. Scott. load manure. 50 Porter Бешеное. labor, 2 85 T. Bontekoe, labor, 2 85 H, Boursma, labor, 88 8. Van Dyke, labor, L. Hfeiftje, labor, ._ .. W, томите. labor. John Nies, supplies, 14- 85 J. Kooyers, stone, 7 95 J. A. Kooyers, labor, etc., 21k 60 H. DeSligte, labor, 15 37 H. G. VandenBerg, labor, 14 61 J'. Klaasen. labor. _« 75 A. Hidding, teaming, 15 62 J . Pas, hauling gravel,­ 16 56 Р. Mellema, hauling gravel, 15 84 FyGeerlings, hauling gravel, 13 68 H, Kooyers, hauling gravel, 16 56 М. Kerkhof„_pipe,'etc., 52 31 G. Cook .&' Co., grass seed, 48 50 Vaughns’ Seed Store, seeds, 75 93 G. Blom, freight and cartage, f 8 58 Shady Hill Nursery Co., seeds. 83 55 James Kole, use of wagon, etc., J, A.~ Kooyers, labor, 33 00 H, DeSligte, labor, ' 75 Н. e. VandenBerg, labor, 24 75 J. Van Lente, labor, 15 00 ' F. Geerlings, hauling gravel’. 2 16 Р, Mellema, teaming, _ 10 95 A. Hiddings, team work, etc., 4 70 J. H. Kleinheksel, use of pulverisor, 2 00 G. A. Klomparens, use of barrow and float, . , З 00 Alfred Huntley, labor, 3 80 А. Hidding, teaming, 9 12 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 24 00 J. Van Lente, labor, 16 12 H, DeSligte, labor, 16 12 H. J. VandenBerg, labor, 4 12 H. D. Clark, 4 trees, 1 00 J, A. Kooyers, labor, 22 00 J. Van Lente, labor, 10 12 H. DeSligte, labo'r, , 13 50 Т. TenHouten, mas'on work, 9 75 J. Van Lendegend, valves, 2 80 T, .Van Lendegend, tile, etc., 1 93 J. A, Kooyers, labor, 24 00 J. Van Lente, labor, 14 62 H. De Sligte, labor, 15 37 Jan Slagh, labor, 7 85 B. Koster, labor, 9 00 Т. TenHouten, mason work, 14 98 H. Kooyers, teaming, Р, Mellema, teaming, James Price, labor and tracing, 3 John Nies, supplies, 17 80 ' Geo.l H. Souter, plants, 10 25 H. Oosting, gravel, 44 75 James Price, levels, 75 Wm. Впиши, assisting giving levels. . 38 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 24 00 J, Van Lente, labor, 15 45 H. DeSligte, labor, 15 45 H. Koster, labor, 15 45 R. Drolenga, labor, 15 45 Jan Slagh, labor, 3 75 T. TenHouten, labor, 3.6 56 A. Hidding, teaming, 6 00 J. G, Van Putten, paid lor seats and freight, “ 9 13 T. Van Landegend, labor and sup- ‘ plies, 1 50 В. Steketee, pails, 70 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 24 00 J. Van Lente, labor, 10 59 Н. DeSllgte, labor, 14 2.) R. Drolinga, labor, 14 25 J, Mulder, drayage, 50 T. TenHouten, mason work, 16 25 A. Hidding, teaming, 9 00 Р. Mellema, teaming, 7 00 М. Stoal, labor, 150 Church-Ribs Co., signs painted, l 50 John Kerkhof, pipe, fittings, etc., 51 72 T. Keppel’s Sons, cement, 179 20 Board of Public Works, water rental, 25 00 Vauclie-Ribs Co., painting baskets, 4 00 'Kanters & Standart, sewer pipe, 11 37 Conrad Umback, stone, §42) М. Kerkhof, labor, fittings, etc., West. Mich. Willow Works, baskets, 6 00 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 36 00 J. Van Lente, labor, 13 50 Н, DeSligte, labor, 26 25 R, Drolinga, labor, 27 00 В. Koster, labor, 12 00 т. TenHouten, mason work, 34 12 M. Jansen, labor sewer connections, 2 50 Р. М, Ry. Co., freight on stone, 42 00 Chas. S. Dutton, plants, 7 90 J. G. Van Putten, settees and freight, 1; Jacob Flicman, repairing, etc., ressens “вы... .__ H. Oosting, drayage, 14 50 H. DeKruif, ladder, 3 60 Paul Fleiman, fish for park, 10 00 Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, 6 30 J, A. Kooyers, labor, 24 00 J. Van Lente, labor, 13 87 H. DeSligte, labor, _ 15 75 R. Drolinga, labor, 8 25 T. TenHouten, mason work.' 20 30 A. Hidding, labor, 10 50 A, C. Godfrey, rustic bridge, 10 00 A. VanDuren, mlnnows, 1 50 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 24 75 J. Van Lente, labor, 14 25 H. DeSligte, labor, 17 25 I. H. Fairbanks, hauling gravel, 3 00 G. Blom, freight and cartage, 3 75 J, A. Kooyers, labor, 21 80 J. Van Lente,'labor, 12 90 H. DeSligte, labor, 16 50 H. Hidding, teaming, 3 00 I. H. Fairbanks, teaming, 1 00 Tyler Van Landegend, supplies, ‘ 1 33 G, Blom, car-tage, ‘ ' 35 Kitselman Bros., posts, rails, gate, etc., ,52 71 T. Keppel’s Sons, cement, 48 50 Van Eyck Bros., use of launch, 1 80 Alfred Huntley, labor, etc., 3 15 J. A. Kooyers, labor, ' '36 00 J. Van Lente, labor, 19 50 H, DeSligte, labor, 21 75 A. Hidding, cartage, 2 50 D. M. Ferry, plants, 82 08 J. A. Kooyers, labor, etc., 24 90 J. Van Lente, labor, 10 50 Н. DeSlite, labor, 16 50 A. Hidding, teaming, ' 9 00 Walsh-DeRoo Milling Co., packing, 1 05 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 24 00 Jl Van Lente, labor,` 10 80 Н. DeSligte, labor, 18 00 A. Hidding, teaming; 11 00 G. Blom, drayage, 70 J . Kerkhof, supplies and labor, 14 59 John Nies, supplies, ' 6 34 John A. Kooyers, labor, 22 00 Van Lente, labor, 11 47 DeSligte, labor, 12 15 Hidding, teaming, 2 75 & М. Kerkhof, pipe, etc., 3 45 A. Kooyers, labor, 24 00 Van Lente, labor, 6 25 DeSligte, labor, 6 87 A. Hidding, teaming, 2 50 G. Blom, freight and cartage, 75 J. A. Kooyers, labor.' 24 00 A. Hidding, teaming, 5 00 Tyler Van Landegend, sewer pipe, etc., ' 4 70 T. Keppel’s Sons, _’cem rt, ' 3 75 John B. шк, 3 junct' ons, 1 50 Kanters `& Standart, glass, etc., ' ‘ 4 79 G. Blom, freight and' cartage, 2 72 J. & M. Kerkhof, fittings, pipe, etc., 25 66 J, O, Doesburg. supplies, etc., 9 25 I_onia Pottery Co., flower pots, letc., 18 64 J. A. Kooyers, labor, _ 36 00 A. Hidding, teaming, ‚ 3 75 L, Boersma, manure, ‘ 22 00 Board of Public Works, water lrental. _ ­ 97 58` City Treasurer, special taxes, 151 20 Alfred Huntley,­ labor, 80 J. A. Kooyers, labor, 36 00 Geo. H. Souter, shrubs, `6 75 John Nies, glass, etc., 5 13 James Kole, use of wagon, A67 Scott-Lugers Lumber Co., lumber, 53 80 J. A. Kooyers, labor,' 18 00 Henry A. Dreer, seeds, 4 84' 18 00 John A. Kooyers, labor, ' , EXHIBIT fg." DQG- FUND. ‚ Disbursements in Detail. See item of $28.50 in report ‘of the City Treasurer. ' В, Poppema, killing dogs, $­ 1 50 B. Poppema, killing dogs, ’1 50 Charles D. Reese, 300 dog tags, 10 50 B. Poppema, killing dog, '75 Wm. О. Van Eyck,",express on tags, _ 50 В. Poppema, killing’ dogs, ' 2 25 Р. VerWey, burying tìwo dogs, 1 50 Hol-land City News, _license book, . 5 50 B. Poppema, killing dogs, ' '3 B. Poppema, `killing¿%`d;og’, ~ SAEARI'ES. Amounts due city hiiicials at the expiration of their terms in April and May, 1903, as fol- lows: ' ­ Wm. О. Van Eyck, City Clerk, $1 100 00 F. _' H. Kamferbeek, City Marshal, '50 G.»W11terdink,Y City Treasurer, ' x33 37 T, Nauta, Street Commissioner, 83l 38 P. Bos. Deputy Marshal, 66 67 _ J. Cl Brown, NightPolice, 80 00 Geo. E. Kollen, City Attorney, 87356 James Westveer, Director of Poor.' 30 00 John J. Mersen, City Physician, 43 78 B. B. Godfrey, Health Ofilcer, 31 27 Jennie Kanters, City Librarian, 62 50 L. т. Kanters, Chief Fire sept., 37 50 D. Hènsen, Ass’t Chief Fire Dept., 18 75 с. .Т‚‚1ЭеВоо, Mayor, 33 34 P_ VandenTak, Alderman, 16 67 P. A. Kleis, Alderman, 16 67 Gerrit VanZanten, Alderman, 16 67 James' Kole, Alderman, 16 67 Henry Geerlings, Alderman, 1667 Seth Nibbellnk, Alderman, 16 67 J. G. Van Putten,‘Alderman, 16 67 Otto Р. Kramer, Alderman, B. Riksen, Alderman, ‚ CITY INDEBTEDNESS. The ­ following' is the present outstanding indebtedness of. the city of Holland: ` 1 city Bonds. _ Water fund bonds, series A, 7 bonds at. $1.000 each' and one bond of ­ $700, interest,` at 5 per cent, 3 7,700 00 Water fund bonds, series B, 5 bonds of $1,000 'each apd one bond of $1,300, interest a't 5‘per cent, Water fund bonds, ’ series, F; 17 bonds of $1,000 each and one bond of $950, interest at 5 per cent, Water works bonds, series G, bonds of 31,000 each, interest at 5 per cent, ` Water works bonds, series H, 18 bond's of $1,000 each, interest at 5 per cen't, ' ' 30 at 6,300 00 17,950 00 6,000 00 18,000 00 Water works bonds, series I, ч ’ bonds of $1,000 each, interest 4 per cent. ‚ l Electric light bonds, series A, bonds of $1,000 each, interest 5 per cent, Electric light bonds, series B, bonds of $1,000 each, interest 5 per cent, Electric light bondîs, series C, 25 bonds oi’ $1,000 each, interest at 3%. per cent, Fire department bond, series A, 1 bond of $2,500, interest at 5 per cent, — Sewer bonds, series A, 10 bonds of $1,000 each, interest at 4 per cent, Park bonds, series A, 50 bonds of $1.000 each, interest at 4 per cent, 30 000 00 12 at 12,000 00 12 , ai'. 25, 000 00 ` 2,500 00 10,000 00 50,000 00 Total city indebtedness, INTEREST DUE. Water fund bonds, series B, 5 .coupons of $50 each and one coupon of $65.00 Water fund bonds, series F, coupons of $25 each and coupon of $23.75, Water fund bonds, series G, 1 coup. of $50.00, 3 . 315 00 17 one 448 75 50 00 Total, ‚ 3 813 75 SPECIAL STREET DISTRICTS. Sixteenth St, special street assess- ment district No, 2 bonds, one bond of $555.14, interest at 4% per cent, . West Fourteenth St. special street assessment district bonds, one bond of $60.00, interes-t at 5 per cent, West Twelfth St. special street as- sessment district bonds, three bonds of $114.00 cach, interest at 4 per cent. East Fourth St. special street as- sessment district bonds, three bonds of $100.00 each, interest at 4 per cent. West Third St. special street as- sessment district bonds, three bonds of $46.00 each, interest at 4 per cent, 555 14 60 00 342 00 300 00 138 00 12,000 00 . $197‚4бО 00 South Central Ave. special street assessment district bonds, three bonds of $550.00 each, interest at 4 per cent, ' College Ave. _special street assess- ment district bonds, four bonds of $200.00 each, interest _at 4 per cent 800 00 College Ave, special street assess~ ment district No. 2 bonds, four bonds of $300.00 each, interest at 4 per cent. ' Seventeenth St. special street as- sessment district bonds, four bonds of 852000- each, interest at 4 per cent. Seventeenth St. special street as- sessment district No. 2 bonds, four bonds of $1,000.00 each, in- rterest at 4 per cent, . Total, 1,650 00 1.200 00 2.080 00 4,000 00 3 11,128 14 ‘ INTEREST DUE. West Fourteenth St. special street assessment` district, one coupon, $ West Twelfth St. special street assessment district, one coupon, 3 00 4 56 Total. _ S 7_56 SPECIAL 'SEWER DISTRICTS, Central Ave. special sewer 'assess- ment district bonds, two bonds of $640 each, interest at 4 per cent, 3 1,280 00 Harrison Ave. special sewer assess- ment district bonds, ltwo bonds of 1$220 each, interest at 4 per cent, Eighth St. special sewer assessment Ídistrict bonds, three bonds of $833.20 each, interest at 4 per cent, Ninth and River Sts special sewer assessment district bonds, three _bonds of $550 each, "interest at 4 per cent, West Texan, Eleventh and Twelfth 44000 2,499 60 1,650' 00 SCRAPS OF SCIENCE. 'Recently' fallen rainwater possesses radio activity. _ So powerful is _the new electricìlight in the Dunkerque (Ь‘гапср) lighthouse that its beams are' visible at' а distancgJ of forty miles. f ‘Professor Raoul Pictet has proved that at a temperature of ——200 degrees acids' do not act upon metals.' their molecules liâving ceased to live,.and yettlie microbes of many diseases sub- jected to that temperature. practically катил-06 in а block oi’ frozen air, enjoy good health. р __ KAISERGRAMS. ' The kaiser is carefully guarded," but not always well edited-Washington Star. ­ _ ì _ l ‚ ln Russia' there is now a large and an increasing demand for catskins. In Germany, we understand, the demand is for cats’ paws-London Globe. . Т11е kaiser has forbidden, the l.impor- tation of English oysters. Which leads us'to believe that the oyster has 'broken _ its long silence and" been вишу.“ leze' mnjesfy.­-'~Toronto Star. ’ Coal. In Ireland.. ­ __ . It is estimated that there are 182,000,- 000. tous of anthracite coal Waiting` to' be worked' in Ireland'. ‹ - A(nur .Weight . `The average we_îghjií of a calf three months old is from 233.pounds ~to 353 pounds.` А; one year this weight has increased " to _from pounds to 750 pounds. . ' ' ­ _ Boiled eggs 'that adhere »to `um shell are fresh. A good egg will sink in wa# ter. ,Stale eggs. are glossy and smooth of shell. A, fresh egg1 has a _limelik'e appearance Äon the surfaceof the' Shelli ` - Writing. t ~ About `450 B.~ C. the Indians iirst in­` ttoduced the present system of writing from left to right. Previous to' that date from right to left prevailed. The First Handkerchiet. The first handkerchiefs 0n`theBritish islands were made ib Paisley, Scotland. 1743; were made popular on the conti- nent by the Empress Josephine, who. had bad teeth and held her handker- chief before her mouth ‘when she laughed. ` The Long-eut Canal. The longest canal in the World is claimed to be the one which extends from the frontier of China to St. Ре- tersburg. lt measures in all 4.472 miles. Old Time Table Manners. An old English "Малыш-з Book” says, ‘ “A lady should dip only the tips oi.’ her lingers in the sauce bowl and should not let food fall out of her mouth on the tablecloth." .A Noted Suicide. Sir Samuel Romilly. a man of bril- liant genius. by whose efforts the crimi- nal laws ol’ England were remodeled- а man loved for his sweet nature and upright munIiness-while overcome by grief at the death of his wife, with his own hand sought rest beyond. Heart Beati. The heart bezit in animals continues for some time lifter death. In France the heurt of а 'criminal beat for thirty hours after be had been decapitated. Water Like a Sheet of Fire. Three miles un hour is about the average speed oi’ the gulf stream. At certain places, however, it attains a speed of iifty~four miles an hour, the extraordinary rapidity of the current giving the surface the appearance of a sheet of fire. 1902 were issuerrtpfggeigsigyentogs: ' citizens who don’t read Sts, special sewer assessment dis~ trict bonds, four bonds of $566.60 each, interest at 4 per cent, 2,266 40 Twelfth St. Special sewer assess, ment district bonds, four bonds of $350 each, interest at 4 per cent, Á1,400 00 East Fourteenth St. special sewer assessment district bonds, four bonds of '$266.60 each, interest at 4 рег cent, 1,066 40* Tenth, River, and Eleventh Sts. spe- cial sewer assessment district bonds, four bonds of $526.60 each, interest at 4 per cent, 2,106 40 Thirteenth St. special sewer assess» . _ ment district bonds, four bonds of ' , ‘ $333.20 each, interest at 4 per cent, 1,332 Si) Total, $ 14,041 16» Total district indebtedness, $ 25,169 30 CERTIFICATE, . BE IT KNOWN, That the above annual settlement, with the disbursements in detail of the several funds, represents and ‚ваш forth a true' and correct 'statement of Ithe» receipts and expenditures of the municipal corporation during the fiscal ,year 'endl-ngl ron. the third Monday in March, A. D. 1903, show- ing the amount of all taxes raised during the year for all purposes; fthe amount raised for each fund; the amount levied by eachspecial. assessment; the amounts received,x from; all; other sources during the year, and the »objects therefor; the amounts and .items of all in@ debtedness outstanding against the city“, tb» whom payable, and the rate 01‚1пЪег0$11;.‚а:п6. the amount of. salary paid or payable to each. officer of the city for the fiscal year, . in .aa- согбапсе with the provisions @Section 25. of, Title XXVIII. of. _the CCity. Charter. ‚ \ _ ‚ Dated Holland, Mich., March 10, A.' i3. ‘1903- _' C. J. DE ROO, Mayor. WM. О. VAN EYCK, Clerk. ' _ l _., r.. GLÈANINGS. ~ '_i'he gold output of .Nicaragua'in was :51.320.000 , . ' ‘ :l _ _ in western Canada 260,000,000 .acfas oi’ì arable la nd today ищите plow. _ ¿The sta ndiu g timber of Canada equals t I_atol' the continent of Einfahrt»` nearly double that of the United States..n ‘ 1 ìThe pay of the' American .briëltlayerjß iíîas“ much for _two andy a haltidaysas.: На: of 010811650.‘Ьпск141ег"1‘011%„шц week. . ' ‘ ‘ 3 jf The United States and фианит- handle more ‘letters and” á'dicals than 'all _the rest ¿of thélvìîiâìildj, together. _ . . _.‘_ С; , _ NewYork holds tiiéfrectirdlamongifhëi worlds great cities for` mysteriouslńíàefy appearances. Last year 580 absolutely missing.1 ' ` . . ` ‚д :` European inventors 1prefeŕ,.to_ ents in this country because of; g @rainy of'our'pateni laws., _ per _ cent of all American 5 « ._ ,I m \. *i д . Je. и ' ч lx f' " ` ‘ ‘ ‚. . . i — f _fu п ‹ , ‚ __ «L ^ l r ' ~ ' ' . .l ' л . . .› , ' »\ ' u "у ^' 0 м ,um «The get rien äuieitswigdiëgfgggälgä _ toL have been, working _to ¿j ' the iA . s , п \‘ . r. . .ì #Rochester Herald. ‚ .~_, ‚_ › _It is possibile'l that, 119351800 í' ‘i тлеет теге .prescinde ‘ „ l ‹ ~ ’ barred doors and _ “me “investor” crowbars and somehowïom i; « in~­­Chi¢ase~inte1î0¢ëai1ä 'if 3. 1, „ i, " The "people who г investedr fftheliëiilf ' ‘Ё Louis get" rich ‘quîckconcêŕiis ' ble lto tell Where they lexp,seized " штатов '0f .the 821300105тчёёётдёш ` ` profits. The business цветными; plefrom their money” шип/тиши »WashingtonPost Í И l " À. 7:17; mi. ' Налёт”. ‚ 1Нопеу shouldbe kèprinaiiryr; spots-not, as .is usually 6000,‘ f ' lar. As it is naturally 010150551; to attract more moisture and ggf; if placed in the average cellars* ,'.i"»­' .An Ancient Church». и ' ` In the còrhpiete history ' and «descrl son of the «chuan of» suedoises». Avon, England. it _is stated' that-their* church ‘is very Ialihìelii,t.. having." built learly in elleŕ`­` thirteenth 3 centuryf and on {Певице of'a ‘unich< earlier, on edifice, all vestiges of which. long' ' ago disappeared. ` ` и n j ». l `>P п .Tan on Hats. . ‹‚ -­ In the reign of George III. hatslwere l . taxed. The least tax was _6 cents. Those ' above $3 in value pálida tax 0f cents. и . f . ~ A Mighty Man In. смешана. .Polydamus of Thessalia', an, old time- Samson, was almost'the equal of Mlle., both in prodigious feats of strength . and enormous appetite. One "day (so it. is recorded) he seized abull by its hind. feet. The enraged animal 'dually matr' I aged to escape, but is said.,­to have ledit:Í both hoofsin the athletes hands. - Ж Philippine Snakes. ‚ . . Above the length of nineteen or 1277011— ty feet snakes in the Philippine Islands- increase greatly in bulk for every fooi: . in length, so that a snake 1111101е0117151001'ь long looks small beside one twentyftwo»I feet long. ' » Rhyme of the поты; . Sherldan’s 'rhyme of the’ months is as ßollows: “Запишу, snowy; February, Лоту; March, blowy; April, 850770111;- May, flowery; June, bowery; July, mop- py; August, croppy; September, poppy; October, breezy;` November, wheezy;. December, freezy.” ' The Island of Crete. The island of Crete was referred tos by Homer as having “a .hundred cities.” Its population laccording to the last census was only 310,363. r ` :- , K. ` ’ U и ,t .