/ "3 » .4? 1' ‘1 I ¢1j"(;;;,/‘; a > -~ z r Y \ ‘ \ r . T GENERAL CATALOGUE AND NECROLOGY. fiiguq’ Qtullégg. 1851—1900. \ .Q..\\..Q.\\ ‘k S" .(lf . ‘ . \ .4. LESEE;Eirziié\ifiém H , __ Mg; .. . Egg _.i____= __= _= ,_ A__17__\_____: 2% __$._¢.E%€~ _ fl a, .2 "5:: iJ . z A}? E gagaf g a g. . .,_. I... a _ i .p 3.. _ __=_ \\W__m_.._aw\ l2=2’,3..\. ...-m. =22- . 272/. #5.... , 3% i 1 l\\W\\“~.__.\ : Prx \ Al; >gzéégézzé \. \\ .fi ~ ///;’;*. .oo(.u_:u.....$ 5.2.” fi 3. 55534 .z1‘18 -I I- 1—1 1—4 l-‘ (I) (I) (D (D 0! U\ 0‘ Oi Oi U! 01 01 U! 03 I....I OO 00 UI U! C)! ox 6 RIPON COLLEGE. ' [1900 UNDER THE SECOND CHARTER OF BROCKWAY COLLEGE. 1855. NAME CHANGED TO RIPON COLLEGE, 1864. PRESIDENTS. 1868 REV. WILLIAM EDWARD MERRIMAN, D. D. . . . 1876 ' 1876 REV. EDl/VARD HUNTINGTON MERRELL, D. D., LL.D. 1891 1892 REV. RUFUS CUSHMAN FLAGG,.D. D. The charter of the College makes the President Of the Board of Trustees ex-Officio President Of the College. Therefore, while the Presi- dency in its complete sense has been vacant, each Of the following named trustees has been legally President Of the College, although acting only as President Of the Trustees : ' 1855 RICHARD CATLIN, ESQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1855 1855 EZRA LATHROP NORTHRUP, ESQ. . . . . . '. . . 1858 1858 HON. BERTINE PINCKNEY- . . . . . . . I. .' . . 1861 1851 REV. jAMEs AUGUSTUS HAWLEV, B. A. . . . . . . 1863 1891 REV. ROBERT THOMAS ROBERTS, D. D. . . . . . . 1892 ' TRUSTEES. 1855 EZRA LATHROP NORTHRUP, ESQ. . . . . . . . . 1858 1855 JEHDEIAH BOWEN, ESQ. . . . . . . . . .\ . . 1886 1855 REV. JEREMIAH WHIPPLE WALCOTT, M. A. . . . . . 1858 1855 REV. SILAS HAWLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . 1858 1855 REV. DANA LAMB, M. A. . . .. . . . . . . . . 1861 1855 HON. BERTINE PINCKNEY . . . . . . . . . 1861 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 7 1855 REV. CHARLES WHITTLESEY CAMP, B. A. 1877 1855 HARVEY GRANT, ESQ. 1857 1855 REV. SHERLOCK BRISTOL, B. A. 1859 1855 ALBERT MILTON SKEELS, ESQ. . 1857 1855 REV. JEREMIAH PORTER, D. D. 1855 1855 JOSEPH JACKSON, ESQ. 1856 1855 REV. JOHN BOWER PRESTON, B. A. 1856 1855 RICHARD CATLIN, ESQ. 1858 1855 HON. MASON COOK DARLING, _M. D. 1857 1856 REV. HIRAM FREEMAN 1860 1857 REV. ENOS JANES MONTAGUE, B. A. 1861 1857 ASAHEL FINCH, ESQ. 1861 1857 REV. LUTHER CLAPP, B. A. 1861 1857 HON. EDWARD DWIGHT HOLTON 1863 1858 REV. JOHN JAMES MITER, D. D. 1874 1858 GEORGE DAWES, ESQ. 1861 1858 WILLIAM WARNER CHASE, ESQ. 1858 1858 CALVIN CHAPIN BAYLEY, M. A. 18.62 1859 WILLIAM MC NAIR TAGGART, ESQ., 1861 1859 REV. WILLIAM HORACE MARBLE 1862 1860 STORRS HALL, M. A., M. D. 1861 CHARLES FRANKLIN HAMMOND, ESQ, 1878 1861 REV. JAMES AUGUSTUS HAWLEY, B. A., 1864 1861 REV. WILLIAM MASON RICHARDS, M. A. 1866 1861 REV. WILLIAM DE LOSS LOVE, D. 1). 1864 1861 REV. HENRY MARTYN CHAPIN, B. A. 1870 1862 WILLIAM STARR, ESQ. 1877 1862 JAMES COOK CATLIN, ESQ. . *1864 1862 REV. HENRY AUSTIN MINER, B. A. . 1877 1862 GEORGE HENRY STEWART, ESQ. 1865 1863 HON. MASON COOK DARLING, M. D. . *1866 1863 REV. WILLIAM EDWARD MERRIMAN, D. D. 1876 1864 HON. EDWARD DWIGHT HOLTON . *1892 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 1864 REV. SHERLOCK BRISTOL, B. A. 1867 1865 SAMUEL SUMNER, ESQ. 1865 1865 GEORGE R SHAW, M. D. 1865 1865 EDWIN MOSELEY DANFORTH, ESQ., 1876 1865 HENRY WRIGHT, ESQ. . *1868 1866 REV. JAMES MC LEAN, B. A. 1870 1866 REV.'JOHN PUTNAM GULLIVER, D. D., LL. D. 1869 1867 CHARLES LUTHER FAY, ESQ. 1768 1868 REV. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN DOE, M. A. ' 1883 1869 RICHARD CATLIN, ESQ. 1873 1869 THOMAS HENRY LITTLE, ESQ. . >"1875 1870' ANSON BALLARD, ESQ. . . . *1873 1870 REV. EDWARD PAYSON GOODWIN, D. D., 1878 1873 REV. ARTHUR LITTLE, D. D. 1890 1874 HON. LLEWELLYN BREESE . 1897 1874 REV. JOSEPH FRANCIS DUDLEY, D. D. 1880 1875 HON. WILLIAM CHENEY ALLEN . *1887 18.76 REV. EDWARD HUNTINGTON MERRELL, D. D. 1891 1876 AUGUSTUS LEDYARD SMITH, ESQ. 1877 1877 FREDERICK STARR ELDRED, ESQ. 1887 1877 CHARLES MORRIS BLACKMAN, ESQ. 1886 - 1877 REV. EDMUND YOUNG GARETTE, B. A. 1880 1877 ALLEN PENFIELD HARWOOD, ESQ. 1886 1878 WOODMAN CLARK HAMILTON, ESQ. 1896 1878 HON. WILLARD MERRILL, M. A. 1885 1880 EDGAR PHILETUS 'SAWYER, ESQ. 1891 1880 URIAH DAVIES, ESQ. 1886 1883 REV. JAMES ALEXANDER CHAMBERLAIN 1884 1884 REV. MORITZ ERNEST EVERSZ, D. D. 1887 1886 JOSEPH SCRIBNER, ESQ. 1886 ORVILLE JONES CLARK, ESQ. 1886 FRED HURLBUT, ESQ. 1889 1886 REV. ROBERT THOMAS ROBERTS, D. D. 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. ' 9 1887 THOMAS DAVIS KELLOGG, ESQ. . . . . . . . . . 1892 1887 'HON. FRANCIS JONES LAMB . . 1887 EDWARD GODDARD DURANT, ESQ. . . . . . . . . 1891 1889 ROYAL PERKINS HOUGHTON, ESQ. . . . . . . . . *1892 1889 ELISHA DICKINSON SMITH, ESQ. . . . . . . . . . *1899 _ 1890 ELIAS HUNTINGTON BOTTUM, B. A., LL. B.‘ . 1891 REV. DAVID DAVIES, D. D. 1892 REV. RUFUS CUSHMAN FLAGG, D. D. 1892 REV. JAMES GIBSON JOHNSON, D. D. . . . . . . ,. 1899 1892 ORRIN HENRY INGRAM, ESQ. 1893 GEORGE GREENLEAE HOUGHTON, ESQ. . . . . . . 1896 1893 GEORGE LOUIS FIELD, ESQ. 1896 HON. WILLIAM HEWITT HATTEN 1897 ALBERT GEORGE FARR, ESQ. 1898 REV. SAMUEL THEODORE KIDDER, D. D. 1899 SAMUEL MARCELLUS PEDRICK, M. A., LL. B. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1855 HON. BERTINE PINCKNEY . . . . . . . . . . . 1858 1858 GEORGE DAWES, ESQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859 1859 WILLIAM MC NAIR TAGGART, ESQ. . . . . . . . . 1861 1861 JEHDEIAH BOWEN, ESQ. . . . . . . . . . . . 1865 1865 REV. SHERLOCK BRISTOL, B. A. . . . . .- . . . . 1867 1867 REV. CHARLES WHITTLESEY CAMP, B. A. . . . . . . 1872 1872 REV. JOHN JAMES MITER, D. D. . . . . . . . . 1874 1874 REV. ARTHUR LITTLE, D. D. . . . . . . . . . . 1878 1878 WOODMAN CLARK HAMILTON, ESQ. . .‘ . . . . . . 1886 1886 HON. EDWARD DWIGHT HOLTON . . . . . . . . 1887 1887 WOODMAN CLARK HAMILTON, ESQ. . . . . . . . . 1896 1896 REV. ROBERT THOMAS ROBERTS, D. D. . . . . . . 1899 1899 REY. SAMUEL THEODORE KIDDER, D. D. 10 AJPON'COLLEGE. [mMI SECRETARIES. 1855 REV. JEREMIAH WHIPPLE WALCOTT, M. A. 1858 1858 REV. HIRAM‘FREEMAN 1859 1859 CALVIN CHAPIN BAYLEY, M. A. 1861 1861 REV. HENRY MARTYN CHAPIN, B. A. 1862 1862 JAMES COOK CATLIN, ESQ. ' . . 1864- 1865 STORRS HALL, M. A., M. D. . . . . . 1899 1899 SAMUEL MARCELLUS PEDRICK, M. A. LL. B. TREASURERS. 1855 JEHDEIAH BOWEN, ESQ. 1861 1861 CHARLES FRANKLIN HAMMOND, ESQ. 1865 1865 JEHDEIAH BOWEN, ESQ. 1882 1882 ALLEN PENFIELD HARWOOD, ESQ. 1883 1883 REV. JAMES ALEXANDER CHAMBERLAIN 1884 1884 ALLEN PENFIELD HARWOOD, ESQ. 1886 1886 JOSEPH SCRIBNER, ESQ. . . . . .- 1899 1899 SAMUEL MARCELLUS PEDRICK, M. A., LL. B. From 1876 to 1900 Mental and Moral Philosophy. 1863 1876 1863 1876 1887 1889 PROFESSORS. MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCE. Professorship. . REV. WILLIAM EDWARD MERRIMAN, D. D. REV. EDWARD HUNTINGTON MERRELL, D. D. GREEK. From 1869 Grwk Language and Literature. From 1881 Willcox Professorship. REV. EDWARD HUNTINGTON MERRELL, D. D. REV. JAMES AUGUSTUS TOWLE, B. A. REV. JOHN BIGHAM, M. A. WILTON WARD TRUESDALE, M. A. From 1900 Philosophy. From 1886 to 1891 Knowles 1876 1876 1887 ., 1889 1891 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 11 1891 WILLIAM ALEXANDER ECKELS, M. A. . . . . . . . 1895 1893 WILLIAM ASBURY HARRIS, Ph. D. Acting. . '. . . . 1893 1896 FRANK MORTON ERICKSON, M. A. LATIN. From 1869 Latin Language and Literature. _ 1864 REV. WILLIAM HAYES WARD, D. D., LL. D. . . . . 1867 1867 REV. JUSTUS NEWTON BROWN, B. A. . . . . . . . 1868 1868 WILLIAM MERRICK BRISTOLL, M. A. . . . . . . . 1873 1873 REV. JOHN PURSEL HAIRE, M. A. . . . . . . . . 1875 1875 REV. CYRUS GRANDISON BALDWIN, M. A. . . . . . 1884 1884 NEWTON STONE FULLER, M. A. . . . . . . . . . *1894 1895 EDWARD WILLIAM CLARK, M. A. RHETORIC. 1866 REV. MELZER MONTAGUE, M. A. . . . . . . . . 1867 NATURAL SCIENCES. From 1869 to 1882 Chemistry and Natural Science. From 1882 to 1883 and from 1889 Chemistry and Physics. From 1883 to 1889 Chemistry and Biology. 1866 REV. DANIEL MERRIMAN, D. D. . . . . . . . . . 1868 1869 LYMAN BEECHER SPERRY, M. A., M. D. . . . . . . 1873 1873 MOSES BARRETT, A. M., M. D. . . . . . . . . . >*‘1873 1873 REV. WILLIAM GAY BALLANTINE, D. D., LL. D. . . . 1876 1876 ALVAH HORTON SABIN, M. S. . . . . . . . . . 1880 1880 EDWIN ALBERT SCRIBNER, M. S. . . . . . . . . 1881 1881 CHARLES HENRY CHANDLER, M. A. . . . . . . . 1883 1883 CHARLES DWIGHT MARSH, M. A. . . . . . . . . 1889 1889 WILLIAM STOWELL LEAVENWORTH, M. Sc. MATHEMATICS. From 1868 to 1870 Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. From 1883 to 1889 Mathematics and Phys- ics. From 1870 to 1883 and from 1889 Mathematics and Astronomy. 1866 REV. OLIVER SLOAN, M. A. . . . . . . . . . . 1867 1867 THEODORE WILDER, B. A. . . . . . . . . . .>:<187O 1870 ERASTUS CHITTENDEN BEACH, M. A. . . . . . . . 1872 12 , EJPON COLLEGE. [I900 1872 CARLOS ALBERT KENASTON, M. A. . . . . . . . . 1881 1881 REV. STEPHEN MORRILL NEWMAN, D. D. . . . . . . 1883 1883 CHARLES HENRY CHANDLER, M. A. RHETORIC AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. From 1875 to 1881 English Literature, Rhetoric and Political Philosophy. From 1881 to 1884 English Literature and Political Economy. From 1891 English Language and Literature. 1868 JOSEPH MC CLELLAND GEERY, M. A. .. . . . . . . >*‘1884 1884 ALBERT HARRIS TOLMAN, Ph. D. . . . . . . . . 1893 1893 ORRIN BENNER CLARK, M. A. . . . . . . . . . *1894 1894 CHARLES FLINT MC CLUMPHA, Ph. D. . . . . . . . 1895 1895 JOHN SOREN FESTERSON, M. A. . . . . . . . . . 1896 1896 GEORGE WILLIAM, SAUNDERSON, M. A., LL. B. MUSIC. 1868 JOHN COMFORT FILLMORE, M. A. . . . . . . . . 1877 1877 LYMAN F. BROWN . . . .\ . . . . . . . . . 1878 1878 DWIGHT FREDERICK STILLMAN . . . . . . . . . 1884 1884 CHARLES ALFRED ELLENBERG'ER . . . . . . _. . . 1888 1884 SAMUEL BOLTZ ELLENBERGER, Associate . . . . . . 1885 1888 ANDREW JAMES WELLS . . . . . . . .1 . . . . 1889 1890 HERMAN WILLIAM DUBEE . . . . . . . . . . . 1892 1892 ROSSETTER GLEASON COLE, Ph. D. . . . . . . . . 1894 1894 JEAN CORRIDI Moos . . . . . . . . . . . . 1895 1895 FREDERICK MAY LILLEBRIDGE . . . . . . . . . 1897 1897 GEORGE FREDERICK LANE . DYNAMIC ELECTRICITY. 1881 ELISHA GRAY, Ph. D., Non-Resident . . . . . . . 1883 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1884 JOSEPH MC CLELLAND GEERY, M. A. . . . . . . . *1884 1892 REV. RUFUS CUSHMAN FLAGG, D. D. ANCIENT LANGUAGES. 1884 REV. JAMES FRANCIS EATON, D. D. . . . . . . . 1889 BIOLOGY. 1889 CHARLES DWIGHT MARSH, M. A. . ./ . 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 13 INSTRUCTORS. 1853 MARTHA JANE ADAMS (Absent 1854-56) 1861 1853 REV. JEREMIAH WHIPPLE WALCOTT, M. A. 1858 1853 ALVAN EARL BOVAY, M. A., Mathematics . 1854 1858 MARCUS WILLIAM MARTIN, English Branches 1854 1854 MARY (LEONARD) CHAPIN 1855 1855 GROVE B. COOLEY, B. A., English Branches 1858 1855 MARTHA JANE LEONARD, Latin and English Branches 1856 1855 ORPI-IA ELIZABETH LEONARD, English Branches 1856 1856 G. B. EVANS 1856 1856 IRA BUSHNELL 1857 1857 MISS- M. J. CHILDS 1857 1857 HERMAN STEMPEL, German and French 1861 1858 CALVIN CHAPIN BAYLEY, M. A. 1861 1859 CLARISSA (TUCKER) TRACY, M. A., Botany and Mathematics 1862 JULIA (HOSEORD) MERRELL, Latin, Greek and French . 1867 1864 FRANCES (ESTABROOK) WOODROW, English Branches 1866 1866 MRS. L. M. BEACH, French and German 1867 1866 FRANCES ELLEN (DURAND) WILDER . 1871 English Branches,-—from 1867 French.~ 1867 LUTHERA HARRIET ADAMS, M. A., Greek and Mathematics 1876 1868 GEORGE CARLETON DUFFIE, M. A., Latin ' 1869 1868 SARAH E. DORR, English Branches 1869 1870 MARTHA ELLEN FRENCH . . . . 1872 English Branches,-—from 1871 French. 1871 JOHN COMFORT FILLMORE, M. A., German 1876 1872 KATE ABBIE BUSHNELL 1874 1872 ROSA EMELINE (OLns) BRISTOL, B. 8., Latin 1873 1874 MINERVA (BRACE) NORTON 1876 1875 GEORGE CARLETON DUFFIE, M. A. 1886 English Branches,—from 1882 History. 1875 REV. HENRY BEMAN MITER, M. A. (Absent 1878-79) 1883 Latin,—-from 1880 Greek. 14 RLPON COLLEGE. [1900 1875 REV. HERBERT GUERNSEY DENISON, M. A., Greek . 1880 1877 SARAH A. BARNES 1878 1878 LAURA WILLIAMS LADD, Latin 1879 1878 MRS. LUCRETIA H. KENDALL . 1883 1882 JOSEPHINE FRANCES KROGMAN, B. A., 1885 Physiology and Physical Culture. 1884 ALBION ELI SMITH, B. 8., English Branches 1885 1885 FLORENCE (WILDER) MARSH, English Branches 1886 1885 MARIE IDA DANA, B. A., French and German 1887 1886 FANNIE CUNDALL, History 1888 1887 REV. ISAAC NEWTON CUNDALL, M. A. 1888 1887 JENNIE WHEELER, English Branches 1888 1887 THEKLA JOANNA EVERSZ, German . . 1888 1888 GEORGE PRESTON BACON, A. 13., Chemistry and Physics 1889 1888 ELLA ADELAIDE KNAPP, B. A. 1889 1889 HARRIET (PEIRCE) FULLER, B. A., Latin 1895 1889 SUSAN ESTELLE CUSHMAN, B. A., French and Greek 1893 1890 MAUD LINCOLN MERRELL, B. S. From 1893 Latin 1897 1893 HELEN J POLLOCK, B. A., French and German . 1895 1894 ELLA ELIZABETH MEYER, German. (Absent 1895, ’98) 1894 ELWYN FRANCIS CHANDLER, B. A. (Absent 1895-96) 1897 Mathematics,—-Greek 1897. 1894 ELLEN GENEVIEVE LONERGAN, Physical Culture 1895 1895 MARY CORINTHIA HARWOOD, M. L., French and German . 1895 SARAH ETTA YOUNG, Physical Culture . 1896 1896 HARRIET COLBURN SAUNDERSON, Physical Culture . 1899 1897 JESSIE ISABELLE THAIN, B. A., Latin and Greek 1899 1899 ANNA WYETT FAIRFIELD, B..A., Latin and Greek MUSIC. 1854 ELIZABETH PORTER SMITH . 1855 1858 MARTHA WHEELER 1862 1862 AUGUSTA CAMP 1864 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 15 1864 MRS. A. A. DAVIS . . . . . . . . 1867 1866 MISS E. A. BILLINGS, Music and VocalCulture 1868 1870 CAMILLA M. NETTLETON, . . . . . . 1873 Vocal Culture, Piano and Harmony. 1873 LOUISE E. CLARK, Vocal Culture and Piano 1874 1874 EVA \VHITE, Vocal Culture and Piano 1876 1876 EMMA J. ELLS, Vocal Culture 1879 1884 CARA FARNSWORTH, Piano . 1885 1888 HATTIE SAYLES THOME, Vocal Music 1890 1889 EDWIN HALL PIERCE, Director of School of Music 1890 1892 FANNIE LOUISE) GWINNER, Piano 1894 1894 MARY ELIZABETH HOLLIS, Vocal Music 1895 1895 CHARLOTTE SOPHIA LILLEBRIDGE, Vocal Culture 1897 1895 JULIUS CARL JOHNSON, Violin 1896 1895 BESSIE ESTELLE ROBBINS, Piano 1896 1897 EMMA GUYER LANE, Vocal Music 1897 MAY ELLA LYLE, Piano 1898 1898 IRENE LASIER, Violin 1898 1899 FLORENCE ANNA WARHURST, Violin PAINTING AND DRAWING. 1854 MARY ANN (LEONARD) CHAPIN 1855 1864 EMMA A. LEE . 1865 1878 IRENE I. WILCOX 1883 1883 ANNAH MIRIAM SMITH, B. S. 1885 1885 EFFIE DAWES 1889 1889 FLORA EDITH HOCKENHULL 1898 1899 IDA SERENA MARTIN 1899 1899 ADDIE CYNTHIA POND . . . . ._ . . . , LIBRARIANS. 1868 WILLIAM MERRICK BRISTOLL, M. A. 1871 1871 JOSEPH MC CLELLAND GEERY, M. A. . >51884 16 RIRON COLLEGE. [1900 1884 ALBERT HARRIS TOLMAN, Ph. D. - 1893 1893 CHARLES DWIGHT MARSH, M. A. SECRETARIES OF THE FACULTY. 1867 THEODORE WILDER, B. A. . >"1870 1870 LYMAN BEECHER SPERRY, M. A., M. D. . , 1872 1872 JOSEPH MC CLELLAND GEERY, M. A. 1873 1873 CARLOS ALBERT KENASTON, M. A. 1881 1881 REV. STEPHEN MORRILL NEWMAN, D. D. 1883 1883 CHARLES HENRY CHANDLER, M. A. REGISTRARS. 1868 WILLIAM MERRICK BRISTOLL, M. A. 1872 1872 JOSEPH MCCLELLAND GEERY, M. A. 1873 1873 CARLOS ALBERT KENASTON, M. A. 1880 1880 REV. JAMES AUGUSTUS TOWLE, B. A. 1884 1884 CHARLES HENRY CHANDLER, M. A. SUPERINTENDENTS OF LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. Principal of Ladies’ Department from 1870 to 1877. Preceptress from 1877. 1853 MARTHA JANE ADAMS. (Except 1854-56) 1861 1854 MARY ANN (LEONARD) CHAPIN 1855 1855 MARTHA JANE LEONARD 1856 1861 CLARISSA (TUCKER) TRACY 1870 1870 MARTHA ELLEN FRENCH, M. A. 1872 1872 KATE ABBIE BUSHNELL , 1874 1874 MINERVA (BRACE) NORTON 1876 1876 CLARISSA (TUCKER) TRACY, M. A. 1877 1877 SARAH A. BARNES 1878 1878 LUCRETIA H. KENDALL 1883 1883 JOSEPHINE FRANCES KROGMAN, B. A. 1884 I ‘d I. ‘ . \ \ ‘i , O - ' - A. II " . . ' “ ‘ ' I .‘ “ 1 ' ‘.| . . — ‘ , I v \ I _ ‘ o r .A. . ., “a ,e - s A.» . i ‘ I- \ . . . ,‘q s n. " fl ‘ , ~ . .q 1' . r "A . 5 J~ i. "I u... , I 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 17 1885 MARIE IDA DANA, M. A. 1886 1886 FANNIE CUNDALL 1888 1888 ELLA ADELAIDE KNAPP, B. A. 1889 1889 SUSAN ESTELLE CUSHMAN, B. A. 1893 1893 HELEN J'POLLOCK, B. A. 1895 1895 MARY CORINTHIA HARWOOD, M. L. PRINCIPALS OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Preceptor from 1889. 1853 REV. JEREMIAH WHIPPLE WALCOTT, M. A. 1858 1858 CALVIN CHAPIN BAYLEY, M. A. 1861 1862 REV. EDWARD HUNTINGTON MERRELL, D. D. 1863 1876 REV. HERBERT GUERNSEY DENISON, M. A. 1880 1880 REV. HENRY BEMAN MITER, M. A. 1883- 1883 REV. CYRUS GRANDISON BALDWIN, M. A., Acting 1884 1884 REV. JAMES FRANCIS EATON, D. D. 1889 1889 WILTON WARD TRUESDALE, B. A. 1891 1891 WILLIAM ALEXANDER ECKELS, M. A. 1895 1893 WILLIAM ASBURY HARRIS, Ph. 1)., Acting 1893 1895 EDWARD WILLIAM CLARK, M. A. PRINCIPALS OF ENGLISH ACADEMY. 1876 GEORGE CARLETON DUFFIE, M. A. 1882 1882 REV. HENRY BEMAN MITER, M. A. 1883 1883 REV. CYRUS GRANDISON BALDWIN, M. A., Acting '. 1884 1884 REV. JAMES FRANCIS EATON, D. D. 1889 ALUMNI. 1867. LUTHERA HARRIET ADAMS, Omro, Wis. Classical. M. A., 1870. Teacher in Ripon College, 1867-76; teacher of private pupils at Omro, Wis., 1876-1900. HARRIET HEMANs BROWN. Died, 1893. Scientific. Teacher. SUSAN ANN WRIGHT SALISBURY. Died, 1871. Scientific. Teacher. ' MARY FRANCES SPENCER (THAYER), Clifton Springs, N. Y. Scientific. Missionary at Aintab and Antioch, Turkey, 1868-73; resided at Greenwich, Mass, 1878-76; at Poy Sippi, Wis., 1876- 77; at Maywood, 111., 1877-87; at Clifton Springs, N. Y., 1880— 86 and since 1891; at Minneapolis, Minn.,1886—91. Since re- turning from Turkey has been engaged in literary and missionary WOIk. Married Rev. C. C. Thayer, 1867. Two children. 1868. ALBERT JEROME CHITTENDEN, New Marlboro, Mass. Classical. B. D., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1875. Superin- tendent of Indian Mission at White Earth, Minn., 1868-72; theo- logical student at Andover, Mass, 1872-74; at Chicago, Ill., 1874- _ 75; pastor at Clinton, 10., 1876; at Georgetown and Boulder, Col., 1876-80; principal Preparatory Dep’t, Wheaton College, 1880-81; 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 19 pastor at Linwood, 111., 1881-83; of Wheaton College church, 1883-90, also instructor in Biblical Exegesis and the Scripture Canon; under American Missionary Association in Tennessee and Kentucky, 1890-91; pastor at Mill River, Mass, 1893—96; re- sided at New Marlboro, Mass, 1896-1900, Married Eliza Partridge, 1876. Four children living. EMILY SMITH COOK, Washington, D. C. Classical. Teacher at Rosendale, Wis., 1868; clerk in American Missionary Association rooms, New York City, 1869-72; clerk at Indian agency, White Earth, Minn., 1872-73,: clerk and steno- grapher, Indian Bureau, Washington, D. C., 1873-1900. GEORGE CARLETON DUFFIE, Ripon, Wis. Classical. M. A., 1875. Teacher in Ripon College, 1868-70 and 1874-86; editor Ripon Free Press, 1870-74; Secretary and Treas- urer Ripon Knitting Works, 1886-89; Treasurer Northwest Thom- son—Houston Electric CO., St. Paul, Minn., 1889-91; Secretary I General Electric Co., St. Paul, Minn., 1891-97; President Light and Water Companies, 1897—1900. . Married M. Emma Harwood, 1876. Three children. LYMAN BEECHER EVERDELL, Breckenridge, Minn. Classical. Teacher at Boscobel, Ripon, Berlin and Fond du Lac, Wis., 1868-76; lawyer at Fond du Lac, 1877-79; at Breckenridge, Minn., 1879-1900; has been County Attorney and Judge of Pro- bate, Wilkin County, Minn. Married Annie Valentine, 1866. One child. MVRON WINSLOW PINKERTON. Died, 1880. Classical. Missionary. JAMEs HORACE TRACY. Died, 1891. Classical. Physician. 1869. CAROLINE DENCY CHITTENDEN (TURNER), 216 Carol St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Scientific. Teacher in Public Schools, 1869-1900. Married Dr. Joseph M. Turner, 1876. TWO children. 20 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 IsABELLA SOPHRONIA CRACIN, 112 Union Ave., S0. Framingham, Mass. Scientific. M. A., 1874. Teacher at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1870-82; stenographer of American Jersey Cattle Club, New York City, 1882-86; farmer at Sherborn, Mass, 1886-99; teacher, 1892-99; engaged in literary work, 1886-1900. GEORGE MONROE STEELE, 100 Algoma St., Oshkosh, Wis. Scientific. M. A., 1885. M. D., College Physicians and Sur- geons, 1871. Student in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1869-71; practiced'in Oshkosh, Wis., 1871-1900. Married Mary E. Wickwire, 1871. 1870. DANIEL DE Loss BATHRICK, 823 Chase Ave., Rogers Park, Ill. Scientific. Clerk in land department C. & N. W. R’y, Chicago, 111., 1870-77; land agent W. 81 St. P. R’y at Gary, S. D., 1878-81; hardware merchant at Beaver Dam, Wis., 1881-84; right-Of-way agent, C. &. N. W. R’y,_ChicagO, 111., 1884-1900, also in firm of F. Doland & C0., dealers in real estate, Rooms 31-32, 126 Wash- ington St. ' Married Libbie Hawley, 1880. Four Children. JOSIAH BLACKMAN BLAKELY, Neenah, Wis. Classical. B. D., Oberlin, 1873. Student in Chicago Theologi- cal Seminary, 1870-71, in Oberlin Theological Department, 1871- 73; Missionary at Foochow and Shauwu, China, 1874-80, resided at Pine River, Wis., 1880—82; farmer at Pittsville, Wis., 1882-87; at Neenah, Wis., 1887-1900. Married Isabella V. Campbell, (B. S., 1874), 1874. Three Chll-- dren. EUNICE ELIZABETH DURAND (LYMAN), Huron, S. D. Scientific. TeaCher at Rome, Mich., 1870-71; at Chester, 1871- 74; resided at Chester, 0., 1875-76 and 1878-80; at Biscayne, Fla., 1876-78; at Huron, S. D'., 1880-1900. Married E. C. Lyman, 1875. Five Children. \ 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21 WILLIAM SYLVESTER HOLT, Portland, Ore. ELLA EMOGENE MAPES (ARNOLD), M. A., 1873. D. D., 1895. Student at Chicago Theological Seminary, 1870-71; at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1871-73; Missionary in China, 1873-85; superintendent of mis- sion schools, Portland, Ore.. 1885-1900. Married Frances A. Pratt, 1873. Classical. Four children. Chanute, Kan. Scientific. Resided at Ripon, 1870-75; teacher at Horicon, Wis., 1876-77; at Rochester, Minn., 1877-80; reSIded at Rochester, Minn., 1880-84; at St. Paul, Minn., 1884-87; at Kansas City, Kan, 1887-95; at Chanute, Kan, 1895-1900. Married Rev. R. W. Arnold, 1880. died, 1900. Two children. Husband ROSA EMELiNE OLDS (BRISTOLL), 2828 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. ANNAH MIRIAM SMITH (FINSTERBACH), JAMES JAMES Scientific. M. A., 1874. Teacher in Ripon College, 1872-73; in Atlanta University, 187374; at Yankton, S. D., 1874-83; resided at Minneapolis, Minn., 1883-1900. Married Prof. William M. Bristoll, 1870. Chicago, Ill. Scientific. Teacher in Ripon, Plymouth, Wis., Tomah, \Vis., Waukon, 10., and Janesville, Wis., 1872-81; art student in New York City, 1881-83; art teacher in Ripon College, 1883-86; re sided in Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-94; on coffee plantation at 1894-98; teacher in City of Mexico, Mettaltoyucca, Mexico, 1898-99. Married Frank Finsterbach, 1886. One child. 1871. , ARMSTRONG BLANCHARD, 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Law student in 1873-98 Classical. LL. 15., Columbia College, 1873. Columbia College, 1871~78; practiced in New York City, and 1900; Judge of Court Of General Sessions, 1899. Married Sallie Medbery, 1881. One child. HARVEY BRADISH. Died, 1897. Classical. Lawyer. 22 RJPON COLLEGE. _ > [1900 JOSEPH G DAVIES, South Milwaukee, Wis. Smentific. M. A., 1875. Teacher at Fox Lake, Wis., 1872-73; at Ripon, 1878-74; at Waupaca, Wis., 1874-75; at Lancaster, Wis., 1876-80, lawyer at Milwaukee, Wis., 1880-83: at Aberdeen, S. D., 1883-85; elsewhere in North and South Dakota, 1885-92; at South Milwaukee, Wis., 1893-1900. Married Mary Davies, 1874. One child. JOHN THOMAS EVANS. Died, 1892. Classical. Chemist. MORITZ ERNEST EVERSZ, 628 University Place, Evanston, Ill. Classical. M. A., 1876. D. D., 1892. B. D., Oberlin, 1874. Student in Oberlin Theological Department, 1871-74; pastor at Pittsfield, O., 1874-76; at Columbus, Wis., 1876-81; at Milwau- kee, Wis., 1881-87; trustee of Ripon College, 1884-87; visited Germany, 1887; Superintendent of work of American Home Mis- sionary Society among Germans, 1888-1900; President Of Wilton German-English College, 1894-1900. Married Hattie L. Hammond, .1871. Five children. SARAH ELLEN POWERS (BRADISH), 2236 Buchanan St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Classical. Traveled in Europe, 1872-73; resided at'Dartford, Wis., 1873—74; at Ripon, Wis., 1874-75; at Minneapolis, Minn., 1875-1900, except some years in Wisconsin as State Secretary of the IV. C. T. U. Married James H. Bradish (B. A., 1871), 1874. Two children. ALBERT FRANKLIN RUST, 504., Temple Bl’k, Kansas City, Mo. Classical. Teacher at Orwell, Vt., 1871-72; with engineer corps 0n Sheboygan & Fond du' Lac R. R., 1872; on New York Central R. R., 1873-74; on Midland Pacific R’y, 1874-75; assistant en- gineer, Nebraska R’y, 1875-77; Union Pacific R’y, 1877-86; civil engineer, Omaha, Neb., 1886-89; division engineer, Missouri Pacific R’y, 1889-93; resident engineer, Philadelphia Construction CO., 1893-94; assistant engineer, Missouri, Kansas & Texas R’y, ' 1894-95; _ resident engineer, Arkansas Construction Co., 1895-98; 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. ‘ - 23 successively engineer Of maintenance Of way, and resident engin- eer, Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf K. R., 1898-1900. Married Liilu S. Donaldson, 1897. CHARLES HOWARD YEOMANS, Danville, 111. Scientific. M. A., 1879. Teacher at Onarga, 111., 1871-72; laW- yer at Gibson City, 111., 1882-84, at Girard, Kan, 1884-89; at Paxton. 111., 1889-98, also real estate dealer; manager Ford Coun- ty Abstract CO., 1893-98; abstracter Of titles, Danville, 111., 1898-1900. Married Mary Raney, 1874. Three Children. 1872. JOHN WHEELOCR ALLEN, Scottville, Ky. Classical. Civil assistant with U. S. Engineer corps in Wisconsin, 1878-86; on Connecticut River and Long Island Sound, 1886-88; ' in New York Harbor, 1888—91; manufacturer in Scottville, Ky., 1892-1900. Married E. Isabella Pares, 1881. JAMES MONROE BRUSH, Merrill, Wis. Classical. Teacher at Poy Sippi, Wis., Shelby, Minn., and Marsh- field, Wis., 1872-87; carpenter at Merrill, Wis., 1887-.1900. Married Julia D. Emery, 1886. FRANK ISAIAH FISHER, Died, 1887. Classical. Lawyer. SARAH ELLEN SCRIBNER, Ripon, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Plymouth, Wis., 1878-74; at Ripon, 1874- 7-5; at Rosendale, Wis., 1875-77 and 1881—82; at Fond du Lac, Wis., 1879-81; at Waupun, Wis., 4878-79, 1882-93 and 1894-96. MARTHA ALBINA SHEPARD, Pennington, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Mankato, Minn., 1872-74, at Yankton, S. D., 1874-77; at Santee Agency, Neb., 1877-81; matron at Yank- ton College, 1884-85; with Sac and Fox Indians, Tama City, 10., 1886-88; in Industrial School for Girls, Milwaukee, Wis., 1888-91; in Protestant Orphan Asylum, Milwaukee, Wis., 1891-95: resided in New Hampshire, 1895-99; at Pennington, Wis., 1900. 24 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 MARGARET BLANDENIA SHOEMAKER,‘ 253 West 26th Ave., Denver, Col. Scientific. Teacher at Dartford, Wis., 1873-74; at Grand Rapids, Wis., 1874-77; at Branchville, N. J., 1877-87; at Denver, COL, 1887-92, and 1894-1900, at Pocatello, Idaho, 1892-94. HARMON MONROE WILCOX, 506 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Scientific. Teacher at Sioux City, 10., 1872-73; law student in Columbia College, 1873-74; at St. Louis, MO., 1874-75; practiced at St. Louis, M0., 1875-1900. Married Clarinda C. Smith, 1888. . 1873. HENRY SEELY AKIN, Willow River, Minn. Classical. Law student in Columbia College, 1873-'75, also Clerk in Custom House; practiced in New York City, 1875-81; was in London, Eng, 1881-84; in lumber business in Northern Wiscon- sin and Minnesota, 1884-93; merchant at Willow River, Minn., 1893-1900. Married Grace Gasline, 1885. Four children. HORATIO ALDRICH BROOKS. Died, 1877. Scientific. Physician. SARAH FRANCES COMES (GREER). Died, 1899. Scientific. Teacher. ROWLAND STEVENSON CROSS, Winthrop, Minn. - Classical. Supplied church at Bloomer, Wis., 1873-74; student in Andover Theological Seminary, 1874-76; pastor at St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt., 1876-78; at Anoka, Minn., 1878-80; at Hartford, Wis., 1880-82; at CannOn Falls, Minn., 1882-87; at Sauk Centre, Minn., 1887-89; at Fairmont, Minn., 1889-95; at Monticello, Minn., 1895-98; at WinthrOp, Minn., 1898-1900. Married, 1879. Six Children, five living. IDA ELWELL (TILSON), West Salem, Wis. Scientific. M. A., 1880. Teacher at Columbus, Miss., 1873-74; at Chippewa Falls, WiS.,”1875—77; at Orange City, Fla.,,1877-78; 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 25 at West Salem, Wis., 1878-81; lecturer and writer on horticulture, etc., 1881-1900. Married E. S. Tilson, 1875. He died, 1878. WILLIAM FOULKES, Salina, Kan. Classical. D. D., Maryville College, 1896. Studentin Lane Theo- logical Seminary, 1873-76; pastor at Quincy, Mich., 1876-81; at Fostoria, O., 1881-88; at Salina, Kan., 1888-1900. Married Harriet A. Johnson (B. S., 1873), 1876, TWO children. OSCAR EMERY HANSON, St. Francis, Kan. Scientific. Teacher at Kearney Junction, Neb., 1873-76; mer- chant at Fairfield, Neb., 1876—86; pharmacist at St. Francis, Kan., 1886-1900. Married (1) Laura Johnson, Alice E. Smith. Six children, five living. MARIETTA HUNTER (ABBOTT), Jackson, Minn. Scientific. M. A., 1878. Teacher at Waukau and Omro, Wis., 1873-75; at Albert Lea, Minn., 1875-77 and 1878-81; resided at Albert Lea, Minn., 1881-96; at Jackson, Minn., 1896-1900. Married R. B. Abbott, D. D., 1881. One Child. HARRIET ALMIRA JOHNSON (FOULKES). Died, 1892. Scientific. Teacher. HENRY BEMAN MITER. Died, 1897. Classical. Teacher. CHARLES MERILS POND, Minneapolis, Minn. Scientific. Law student in Columbia College, 1873-75; practiced in Minneapolis, Minn., 1875-89 and 1897-98; Judge of District Court, 1890-96 and 1899-1900. Married Carrie A. Drew, 1880. Two children. FREDERICK WILLIAM ROGERS, 612 Pabst B’ld’g, Milwaukee, Wis. Scientific. Clerk at Ripon, 1873-79; real estate dealer and post- master at Belcher’s Ford, S. D., 1879-81; banker at Ashton, S. D., 26 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 1881-87; Vice-President Western Farm Mortgage CO., Aberdeen, S. D., 1887-89; in real estate and mortgage loan business, Mil- waukee, Wis., 1889-1900. Married Carrie A. Bullen, 1877. One child. JESSIE FOX TAINTOR, Rochester, Minn. _ Classical. Clerk in post-Office, Milwaukee, Wis., 1873-75; student in Andover Theological Seminary,.1875-78; pastor at Decorah, 10., 1878-79; at De Witt, 10., 1880-84; at Fergus Falls, Minn., 1884- 85; at Rochester, Minn., 1886-1900. ‘ Married Sarah E. Buckley, 1883. One child. 1874. HELEN BLAIR, Madison, Wis. EMMA ISABELLA VALUCIA CAMPBELL (BLAKELY), Scientific. Teacher at Menasha, Wis., 1874-75; at Milwaukee, Wis., 1875-77; cashier, 1877-78; in editorial Office Christian Statesman, Milwaukee, Wis., 1878-84; Register of Associated Charities at Milwaukee, 1884-90; with Milwaukee Sentinel. 1890- 93; engaged in Library of State Historical Society, Madison, Wis., 1892-1900. Neenah, Wis. Scientific. Missionary at Foochow and Shauwu, China, 1874-80; resided at Pine River, Wis., 1880-82; at Pittsville, Wis., 1882-87; EZRA PORTER CHITTENDEN, at Neenah, Wis., 1887-1900. Married Rev. Josiah B. Blakely (B. A., 1870), 1874. children. Three Kearney, Neb. . Classical. M. A., 1886. B. D., Yale, 1877, Seabury Divmity School, 1885. Ph. D., University of Minnesota, 1897. Student in Yale Theological Seminary, 1874-77; pastor at Barton Landing, Vt., 1877—78; student of theology in Bonn University, Prussia, 1878-'79; pastor at New Richmond, Wis., 187983; at Sioux City, 1883-85; entered Protestant Episcopal church', 1885; instructor in Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn., 1885-88; also hold- ing services at Waterville and Elysian, Minn., 1885-86; at Minne- apolis, Minn., 1886-87; at Topeka, Kan., 1887; rector Christ’s 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. ‘ 27 ‘ church and Professor of Mental and Physical Science, St. John’s School,_Salina, Kan., 1888-91; rector at Winona, Minn., 1891-96; graduate Student in University Of Minnesota, 1896-97; Principal Kearney Military Academy, Kearney, Neb., 1897-1900. EDWARD EVANS, 81 Kingston Road, Wimbledon, Eng. Classical. M. A., 1877. Student in Union Theological Seminary, 1874-76; theOlogical student in Bala College, North Wales, 1877; teacher and preacher in Wales, 1878-95; Principal Of St. George’s Grammar School, Wimbledon, Eng., 1896—1900. Married Esther Pepper, 1893. Three children, two living. WILLIAM FRANCIS HILLMAN, Died, 1899. Classical. Teacher, farmer. ALMIRA ISABELLA HOBERT, Delavan, Wis. Scientific. Teacher in State School for the Blind, Janesville, Wis., 1874-82 and 1885-86; resided at Alma, Wis., 1882-84; teacher in State School for the Deaf, Delavan, Wis., 1884-85 and 1886-1900. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN THOMAS, Columbus, 0. Scientific. M. A., 1878. 'Ph. D., Stevens Institute Of Technol- ogy, 1880. Clerk at Milwaukee, Wis., 1874-75; government clerk at Fort Berthold, N. D., 1875-76; teacher in Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1876-79; student in Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J., 1879-80; Professor in University of Missouri, 1880-85; Professor of Physics in Ohio State University, 1885-1900. Married, 1882. 1875. CARROLL ATWOOD, 86-88 New Insurance Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Scientific. LL. B., University of Wisconsin, 1878. Law student at Trempeleau, Wis., and Madison, Wis., 1875-78; practiced at Whitehall, IVis., 1878-82; at Ashton, S. D., 1882-88; at Aber- deen, S. D., 1888-91; at Milwaukee, Wis., 1891-1900. Married Hattie Bullen, 1883. Three children. ROSINA EMMA BATSON (PRICE), Beaver Dam, Wis. Classical. Teacher in Horicon, Wis., 1875-77; in Waterville, N. 28 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 JOHN WILLIAM HARGRAVE, MARY SILAS HENRY HILLMAN, KOSSUTH KENT KENNAN, Y., 1877-78; missionary at Bassein, Burmah, 1878-80; at Shwayg- gin, Burmah, 1880-82; at Moulmein, Burmah, 1882-84; was in America, 1884-'86; missionary at Henzada, Burmah, 1886-92 and 1894-98; resided at Chicago, 111., 1892-94; at Beaver Dam, Wis., 1898—1900. Married Rev. W. 1. Price, 1881. 1899. Four Children. Husband died, Bar—aboo, Wis. Classical. Student in Oberlin Theological Department, 1875-78; pastor at Brooklyn Village, O., 1878-82; at Duluth, Minn., 1883; at Aitkin, Minn., 1884-85, at St. Cloud, Minn., 1886-89; at Zum- brOIa, Minn., 1889-94; at Cleveland, O., 1894-99; at BarabOO, Wisl, 1899-1900. Married (1) Christiana F. Ferguson, 1876; Lucy Cobban, 1892. Three children. EMILY HARRIS, Howard Lake, Minn. Scientific. Teacher at Red Wing, Minn., 1875-76; at Horicon, Wis., 1876—78; at Beaver Dam, Wis., 1878-79; at Ripon, 1879-84; at Owatonna, Minn., 1884-89; at Howard Lake, Minn., 1889-91 and 1898-1900; Precep-tress in Pomona College, Clare- mont, Cal., 1891-98. Mantorville, Minn. Scientific. Visited Germany, 1875-76; teacher at Dodge Centre, Minn., 1876; at Red Wing, Minn., 1877; farmer at Kasson, Minn., 1877-79; at Mantorville, Minn., 1879-1900. Married Emma D. Gaylord, 1879. Three children. 357 Kane Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Classical. Law student at Portage, Wis., and Milwaukee, Wis., and reporter in courts and legislature, 1875-78; successively land agent, assistant attorney and tax commissioner for Wisconsin Cen- tral R’y, 1878-91, except three years in Europe; manager Gothen- - burg WaterwOrks and Investment Co., Gothenburg, Neb., 1892-98; practiced law at Milwaukee, Wis., 1894-1900. Married (1) Mrs. Ellen R. Pierpont, 1885; (2) Florence Jones, 1895. Two children. ' 1900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 29 MARY ANN MCASSEY (PINCH), Springfield,.M0. Classical. Teacher in Talladega College, 1875-76; at Walton, N. Y., 1876-77; resided at South Natick, Mass, 1878-81; at Bara- bOO, Wis., 1881-85; at Cleburne, Tex., 1885-87; at Newton, Kan., 1887-93; at Emporia, Kan., 1893-95; at Springfield, MO., 1896— 1900. Married Rev. Pearse Pinch, (B. A., 1875), 1877. Seven children. ALBERT JULIAN MILLER, Logan, 10. Classical. Teacher at Missouri Valley, 10., 1876~77; at Logan, 10., 1877-78; deputy clerk of court, 1879-81; county superinten- dent Of schools, 1882-85; in real estate business, 1886-1900. Married, 1882. Two children. JOHN WILLIAM PINCH, 48 Gilfillan Block, St. Paul, Minn. Classical. Teacher at New London, Wis., 1876; law student in Columbia College, 1877; placticed at Escanaba, Mich., 1878-83; at St. Paul, Minn., 1883-1900. Married Matta Chittenden, 1876. One child. PEARSE PINCH, Springfield, Mo. Classical. Student in Oberlin Theological Department, 1875-76; in Chicago Theological Seminary, 1876-78; pastor at South Nat- ick, Mass, 1878-81; at Baraboo, Wis., 1881-85; at Cleburne, Tex., 1885~87; at Newton, Kan., 1887-93; at Emporia, Kan., 1893-95; at Springfield, M0., 1895-1900; Trustee of Fairmont College, Wichita, Kansas. Married Mary A. MC Assey‘ (B. A., 1875), 1877. Seven children. ADELAIDE AMANDA SARGENT (GIBBS), Mayfield, Mich. Scientific. Teacher at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1875-76; at She- boygan, Wis., 1876-77, at Owatonna, Minn., 1877-83; resided at Mayfield, Mich., 1883-91 and 1897-1900; at Traverse City, Mich., 1891-97. Married James L. Gibbs, 1883. Two children. Husband died, 1900. 30 RIPON COLLEGE. _ [1900 JEAN CAROLINE SHERWOOD (RANKIN). 1529 University Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Smentific. Teacher at Omro, Wis., 1875-76; at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1876-78; at Owatonna, Minn., 1878—80; at Austin, Minn., 1880-82; resided at Austin, Minn., 1883-84; at Owatonna, Minn., 1884-89; at Red Wing, Minn., 1889-91; at West Superior, Wis., 1891-95; at Minneapolis, Minn., 1895-1900. Married A. W. Rankin, 1882. Two children. LYMAN HERSCHELL WARNER, Milford, Neb. Classical. Theological student, 1875-'76; teacher at Waterville, Minn., 1876-7‘7); at Bayfield, Wis., 1877-81; at Superior, Wis., 1881-83; supplied church at Freeborn', Minn., 1876; at Mauston, Wis., 1881; postmaster at Superior, VHS, 1882-83; proprietor Of Cedar Rapids (Neb.) Era, 1883-87; of Burt County News (Craig, Neb.), 1887-94; of Milford Nebraskan and Pleasant Dale Quiz, 1893-1900. Married (1) Jennie B. Doe, 1876; (2) Minnie A. Ashley, 1887. Four children. - - 1876. JOHN GALLIVAN INGALLS, 800 Royal Insurance Building, Chicago,. Ill. Scientific. M. A., 1880. Principal of Public Schools Of Menom- Onie, Wis., 1876-87; successively Vice-President and Secretary of Western Farm Mortgage Company, Aberdeen, S. D., 1887-90; in banking house at Albany, N. Y., 1890-91; with Appleton & Co., publishers, 1891-93; agent for Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., 1893—1900. Married Janet E. Stewart, 1881. Three children. JOHN WAIT SAVAGE, Stanton, Mich. Scientific. M. A., 1880. Student in Andover Theological Sem- inary, 1878-82; pastor at Lawrence, Mass, 1882-84; at Lake Linden, Mich., 1884-89; at Red Jacket, Mich., 1889-93; at New Whatcom, Wash., 1893-95; at Cassell, Mich., 1895-96; at De Pere, Wis., 1896-97; at Stanton, Mich., 1898-1900. Married Carlotta Moore, 1893. 1900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 31 LOUIS JOSEPH HENRY BOTTUM, KOSSUTH STRONG, Antigo, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Fort Howard and De Pere, Wis., 1876—81; farmer at‘Ripon, 1881-83; resided at Antigo, Wis., 1883-1900, at first in lumber business, later a real estate and insurance agent. Married Libbie Thomas, 1880. Three Children. 1877. Faulkton, S. D. Scientific. Teacher and farmer at West Rosendale, Wis., 1877-79; law student at Fond du Lac, Wis., 1879-80; practiced at Sioux -Falls, S. D., 1880-82; at Ashton, S. D., 1882-83; at La Foon, S. ADA CLARK (MERRELL), DAVID DAVID D., 1883-86; at Faulkton, S. D., 1886~1900. Married Silvia E. Smith. Four children. Ripon, Wis. Classical. Teacher at Covington, Ky., 1877—80; resided at Ripon, 1880-1900. Married Edward H. Merrell, D. D., 1880. Five children. 377 Jackson St., Oshkosh, Wis. Classical. M. A., 1887. D. D., 1896. Student in Lane Theo- logical Seminary, 1877-78; pastor at Oshkosh, Wis., 1878-1900; Trustee Of Ripon College, 1891-1900. 1878; (2) Mary Jones, 1888. DAVIES, Married (1) Jeannette A. Jones, Five children. . EDWARD EVANS, 2311 Fifteenth Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Classical. Teacher near Cambria and Flintville, ‘Wis., 1877-79; student in Lane Theological Seminary, 1879-82; pastor at Coalton, O., 1882-83; at Kilbourn City, Wis., 1883-87, at Litchfield, Minn., 1887-89; at St. Paul, Minn., “being also Superintendent of mis- Hens,1889-1900. Married M. A. Evans, 1882. Three children, two living.- 32 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 CHARLES WESLEY HEADLEY, Winnebago City, Minn. Classical. Teacher at Ripon, 1877-78; student in Yale Divinity . School, 1878-80; in business at Two Rivers, Wis., 1881—82; at Pewaukee, Wis., 1882-83; at Fairmont, Minn., 1883-86; teacher at Fairmont, Minn., 1886-89; Financial Secretary Of Windom In- stitute, Montevideo, Minn., 1889-90; Principal Of same, 1890-99; in business at Winnebago City, Minn., 1899-1900. Married Sara J. Sherman, (B. S., 1878), 1881. Five children. SUSAN ALICE JEFFRIS, 106 Cherry St., Janesville, Wis. Scientific. Teacher. at Janesville, Wis., 1877-78; at Harmony, Wis., 1878-79; art student at Janesville, Wis., 1881-83; teacher at Macon, Ga., 1883-85; resided at Janesville, Wis., 1885-1900. WILLIAM MARTIN LEWIS, Minneapolis, Minn. Scientific. Student in Union Theological Seminary, 1878-81; home missionary at Geneva, S. D., 1881-83; pastor at Custer, Minn., 1883-84; clerk in Security Bank, Minneapolis, Minn., 1884-1900. Married Mrs. Emma J. Miner, 1884. Two children. PERRY NISKERN, Berlin, Wis. Classical. Law student in Columbia College, 1878-79; at Janes- ville, Wis., 1879-80; practiced at Princeton, Wis., 1880-85; at Berlin, Wis., 1885-1900; District Attorney, 1885-89. Married Jennie Atwood, 1881. ALONZO ROSSEEL NORTHUP. Escanaba, Mich. Classical. Teacher. at Fox Lake, Wis., 1877-78; at New LondOn, Wis., 1878-79,; at Escanaba, Mich., 1879-82, lawyer at Escanaba, Mich., 1882-1900, member of Legislature, 1888-89, 1891-92. Married Ella Smith, 1879. Three children. . 1878. IRENAEUS J ATWOOD. _ Classical. B. D., Oberlin, 1881. M. D., Rush Medical College, 1888. Student in Oberlin Theological Department, 1878-81; in Hahnemann Medical College, 1881-82; missionary in Shansi Mis- 1900] GENERAL CA TALOG-UE. as. sion, China, 1882-84; in North China Mission, 1884-88 and 1889- 99; student in Rush Medical College, 1888-89; in America, 1899— 1900. Married Annette Williams,'1878. Four Children. FREDERICK AMES DAWES, Room 514, 134 Van Buren St., Chicago, 11]. Classical. Law student at Fond du Lac, Wis., 1878-80; practiced at Sioux Falls, S. D., 1880-81; cashier Of bank at Redfield, S. D., 1881-88, with E. F. Daniels & CO., coal dealers, Chicago, 111., 1888-89; with coal company at Cartersville, 111., 1889-91; in wholesale coal business at Omaha, Neb., 1893-97,: engaged in coal mining in Poteau, 1. T., 1897-98; manager of American Press Clipping Bureau, Chicago, 111., 1898-1900. Married Luella J. Bateman, 1884. One Child. SARA JANE SHERMAN (HEADLEY), Winnebago City, Minn. Scientific. Teacher at Ashland, Wis., 1878-80; resided at TWO Rivers, Wis., 1881-82; at Pewaukee, Wis., 1882-83; at Fairmont, Minn., 1883-89; at Montevideo, Minn., 1889-1899, at Winnebago City, Minn., 1899-1900.- Married Charles W. Headley, (B. A., 1877), 1881. Five children. ELLA MARY SLATER, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Scientific. Teacher_at Aurelia, 10., 1878-81 and 1883-85; county superintendent Of schools, 1881-83; teacher of physical culture at Minneapolis, Minn., 1885- ca Plain, Mass., -—--1900. ; at Adams Nervine Asylum, Jamai— ABBIE AUGUSTA STRONG. Died, 1887. Classical. Teacher. FRANK NEWHALL WHITE, Cheyenne, Wyo. Classical. D. D., 1898. Student in Andover Theological Semin- ary, 1878-81; pastor at Hancock, Mich., 1881-86; missionary at Sendai, Japan, 1886-90; at Tokio, Japan, 1890-92; at Osaka, Japan, 1892-93; associate pastor at Burlington, 10., 1894-99; pas- tor at Cheyenne, M0nt., 1899-1900. Married Jennie L. Allen, 1881. Four children. 34 . RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 EMMA THOMAS ARMSTRONG, JR., WELLS WOODBRIDGE COOK, MARY WILLARD ADDISON HODGE, MARIA WILLIAMS (SHEEHAN), Classical. Teacher at Ashland, Wis., 1878-80; in School for the Blind, at Janesville, Wis., 1880-92; resided at Waupun, 1892-1900. Married John T. Sheehan, 1897. Waupun, Wis. 1879. 29-21 Fleming Block, Phoenix, Ariz. Scientific. Law student at Portage, Wis., 1879-81; practiced at Portage, Wis., 1881-1892, being District Attorney, 1885-89; at Phoenix, Ariz., 1892-1900. Married Evelina Ackerman, (B. S., 1882), 1883. Six children. Fort Collins, Col. Scientific. M. A., 1883. Teacher at White Earth, Minn, 1879- 82; at Jefferson,-VVis., 1882-83; at Caddo, I. T., 1883-84; at Detroit, Minn., 1885; student in chemistry in University of Vere mont, 1885-86; Professor of Agriculture, University Of Vermont, and Director Of State Experiment Station, 1886-93; State Chem- ist, 1885-88; Professor of Agriculture. Colorado Agricultural Col- lege, and Agriculturist at State Experiment Station, 1893-1900. Married Carrie A. Raymond, 1879. Three Children. EVA HODGE (LE ROY), Hartland, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Ripon, 1880-82; at Champion, Mich., 1886-86, in Tougaloo (Miss) University, 1893-95; resided at Ripon, 1882-86 and 1887-88; at Denver, COl., 1888-92; at Hart- land, Wis., 1895-1900. - Married William Le Roy, 1895. Waunakee, Wis. Classical. M. A., 1893. Teacher at Rosendale, Wis., 1879-80; at Macon, Ga., 1880-86; at Marshall, Wis., 1886-92; at Chippe- Wa Falls, Wis., 1892-93; at Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1893-94; graduate student in University of Wisconsin, 1894-97; resided at Waunakee, Wis., 1897-1900. ‘ 1 Married Elizabeth A. Pinch. Four children. 1900] GENERAL CA TALOG-UE. ,35. ORVILLE WATSON ,MOSHER, New Richmond, Wis. Classical. Teacher at New Richmond, Wis., 1879-83; wholesale dealer in grain, 1883-1900. Married Delia H. Tobie, 1880. Three children. ROBERT THOMAS ROBERTS, Racine, Wis. Scientific. M. A., 1894. D. D., 1899. Student in Lane Theo- logical Seminary, 1879~823 pastor at Cambria, Wis., 1882-86; Superintendent Of State Public School for Dependent and Neglected Children at Sparta, Wis., 1886-91; pastor at Racine, Wis., 1891— 1900, TruSIee of Ripon College, 1887-94. Married Maggie A. Hughes, 188]. Three children. 1880. GEORGE WASHINGTON HATCH, 176 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Classical. Teacher at Brownsdale, Minn., 1880-81; Civil engineer in Montana, 1881-82; on editorial staff Of Railway Age, Chicago, 111.,.1882-83; editor of Western Fireman, Chicago, 111., 1883-88; editor and business manager of Insurance Age, New York City, 1888-1900. Married Ida M. Maxwell, 1883. One Child. .ROBERT MC EWEN PHELPS, Phoenix, Arix. Scientific. M. A., 1892. M. D., Rush Medical College, 1885. Teacher at Ripon, 1880-81; Civil engineer in Northern Michigan and Canada, 1881-82; student in Rush Medical College, 1883-85; successively assistant physician and assistant superintendent in Insane Hospital at Rochester, Minn., 1885-99; resided at Phoenix, Ariz., 1899—1900. Married Sadie Linton, 1892. Two children. EDWARD J ROBERTS, Spokane, Wash. Classical. Civil engineer on C., St. P., M. & O. R. R., 1880-81; on N. P. R. R., 1881-83; on C. P. R’y, 1883-85; on St. P. & D. R’y, 1886; on St. P., M. 8: M. R’y, 1886-87; on S., L. S. & E. R’y, 1888; on S. F. & N. R’y, N. & F. S. R’y, R. M. R’y, and C. & R. M. R’y, 1889-99; President of Union Iron Works, and Of Quilp Gold Mining Co., 1900. Married Mary Tracy, 1883. Six children. 3’6 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 HARRIET JESSUP ROGERS. Died, 1884. Classical. 1881. LOVILA MARGARET MOSHER, Waupun, Wis. Scientific. M. A., 1896. Teacher at New Richmond, Wis., 1881- 83 and 1884-88; Superintendent Of Schools, St. CrOix County, 1888-92; teacher in Normal School, River Falls, Wis., 1893; in State School for the Blind, Janesville, Wis., 1894-97; in Industrial School for Boys, Waukesha, Wis., 1897; at Waupun, Wis., 1897- 1900. HIRAM HOPKINS SHAW, 18th and Wynkoop St., Denver, Col. Classical. Civil engineer at Nerenta, Mich., 1881-82; at Metro- politan, Mich.,1882-83; at Dubuque, 10., 1888-84'; at Chicago, 111., 1884; representative of a Boston coffee house in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, 1884-1900. Married Laura W. Ladd, 1883. ALBERT JAY WHITING, 411 Washington St., Watertown, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Watertown, Wis., 1881-89 and 1893-1900; . Life Insurance Agent, 1889-1900. Married Anna R. Bailey, 1883. Three children. 1882. EVELINA ACKERMAN (ARMSTRONG), Phoenix, Ariz. Scientific. Resided at Portage, Wis., 1883-93, at Phoenix, Ariz., 1893-1900. Married Thomas Armstrong, Jr., (B. S., 1879) 1883. Six chil- dren. CONSTANCE ALICE ADAMS (MEYER), Red Lodge, Mont. Classical. Teacher at Ashland, Wis., 1882-84; resided at Park City, M0nt., 1884-89; at Red Lodge, Mont., 1889-1900. Married William F. Meyer, (B. S., 1882), 1884. One child. LOUIE POMEROY ADAMS. Died, 1897. Scientific. Teacher. 1900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 37 CLEMENT CLAUDE CAMPBELL, Hartford, Wis. Scientific. B. D., Yale Divinity School, 1885. Student in Chi- cago Theological Seminary, 1882-84; in Yale Divinity School, 1884-85; pastor at Granby, Ct., 1885-90; at Necedah, Wis., 1890-91; at Antigo, Wis., 1891-98; at Hartford, Wis., 1898-1900. Married Elizabeth J. Laning, 1885. Four children, three living. CAROLINE WELLS DANIELS, Springfield, MO. Scientific. M. A., 1887. Teacher at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1882—83; at Monticello, 10., 1883-85; at Lyons, 10., 1885; in Agricultural College, Brookings, S. D., 1886~873 Principal Of_ Ladies’ Department, Drury College, Springfield, M0., 1887-1900. CLIFTON FREMONT HODGE, Worcester, Mass. Classical. Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University. 1889. Surveyor in Montana, 1882-85; student at Johns Hopkins University, 1885- 89; fellow in Biology, 1889-90; Naturalist in U. S. Fish Commis- sion, 1888; Assistant in Neurology, Clark University, 1889-91; Instructor in Biology, University Of Wisconsin, 1891-92; Assist- ant Professor Of Physiology and Neurology, Clark University, 1892-1900. Married Thekla J. Eversz, 1888. Two children. LUCIUS DANIEL HOPKINS, Sheboygan, Wis. Classical. M. A., 1889. S. T. B., General Theological Semin- ary, 1887. Student in General Theological Seminary, New York City, 1882-86; missionary in charge Of St. Mark’s church, Ocon- to, Wis., 1886-94; rector at Sheboygan, Wis., 1894-1900. JOHN ROBERTS JONES, Hankinson, N. D. Scientific. 1n lumber business at Dorchester, Wis., 1882-85; at Phillips, Wis., 1884-86; at Hankinson, N. D., 1886-94. Married (1) Victoria Hamilton, 1886, (2) Mary E. Stillwell, 1893. Four children. THOMAS RICHARD JONES, Winnebago, Wis. Classical. M. A., 1890. M.~ D., University Of Buffalo, 1890. Teacher at Star Prairie, Wis., 1882-83; R. R. surveyor, 1883-85 3s RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 l MARY JANES MONTAGUE (POWERS), ELVIN BERRY SAVAGE. and 1887-89; druggist at Ripon, 1885-87; student in Chicago ’Medical College, 1888-89; in University of Buffalo, 1889-90; medical missionary in China, 1890-92; practiced at Milwaukee, ,Wis., 1892-95; at Eldorado, Wis., 1895-97; assistant physician at Northern Wisconsin Hospital for the Insane, 1897-1900. Married Stella R. Nichols, 1889. CHESTER TULLAR KENNAN, 997 Cambridge Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Scientific. 1n law department Of Wisconsin Central R’y, 1882-86; practiced law in Milwaukee, Wis., 1886-1900. Married Kate Collipp, 1885. Three children. WILLIAM FREDERICK MEYER, Red Lodge, Mont. Scientific. In lumber business at Park City, Mont, 1882-84; practiced law at Park City, M0nt., 1884-89; at Red Lodge, Mont., 1889-1900, also a banker. Member of Legislature, 1895. Married C. Alice Adams (B. A., 1882), 1884. One child. 803 E. Seneca St., Ithaca, 'N. Y. Scientific. Resided at Boyne Falls, Mich., 1882-84; at Madison, Wis., 188588; at Oberlin, O., 1889-93; at Northampton, Mass., 1893-95; at Stanford University, Cal., 1895-97, in Berlin and Paris, 1897-99; at Ithaca, N. Y., 1899-1900. Married H. Powers, 1882. FRANK KNIGHT SANDERS, 235 Lawrence St., New Haven, Ct. Classical. M. A., 1888. Ph. D., Yale, 1889. Instructor in Jaffna College, Jaffna, Ceylon, 1882-86; graduate Student in Yale University, 1886-89; Assistant in Semitic Languages, 1888-91; Instructor, 1891-92; Assistant Professor of Biblical Literature, 1892-94; Woolsey Professor Of Biblical Literature, 1894-1900. Married Edith Blackman, 1888. Three children. Died, 1890. Scientific. Cashier. 1900] . GENERAL CATALOGUE. 39 EDWARD HERBERT WILSON, EMMA HENRY SEWARD COOKE, 143 New Insurance Build-ing, Milwaukee, Wis. Scientific. Civil engineer with engineer corps, U. S. army, Por- tage and Milwaukee, Wis., 1882-83; clerk Of American Express CO., at Milwaukee, Wis., 1883; at Racine, Wis., 1883-84; law student at Milwaukee, Wis., 1884-87; practiced, 1887-88; exam- iner of titles for N. W. Mutual Life Insurance CO., 1888-1900. Married (1) Alice J. Clark, 1889; Marion Pierce, 1896. children. TWO 1883. OSBORN CLEAVER, 531 Elm St., Reading, Pa. Classical. M. A., 1886. M. D., Woman’s Medical College, Phil- adelphia, Pa.,1895. Teacher at Milwaukee, Wis., 1883-89; stu- dent in Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., 1889-91; in COlumbIa Hospital, Washington, D. C., 1891; nurse in Hospital Of University of Pennsylvania, 1892; student in Woman’s Medi- cal College Of Pennsylvania, 1892-95; Resident at Evening Dis- pensary for Women, South Baltimore, Md., 1895; practiced at Reading, Pa., 1895-I900. Kaukauna, Wis. Scientific. Civil engineer at Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1884; in em- ploy Of paper manufacturing company, Kaukauna, Wis., 1885- _ 1900. COLIN CLINTON JOSLYN, SAMUEL MELANCTHON MC NEILL, Married Frances I. Riddle, 1889. Four children. 409-411 Rochester Block, Minneapolis, Minn. Scientific. _ Teacher at Columbus, Wis., 1883-84; law student at Minneapolis, Minn., 1884-85; practiced at Minneapolis, Minn., 1895—1900. Married Marie A. Rich, 1899. Tomahawk, Wis. Classical. B. D., Yale Divinity School, 1886. Student in Yale Divinity School, 1883-86; pastor at Sleepy Eye, Minn., 1886-89; at Lake Mills, ’vVis., 1889-97; at Tomahawk, Wis., 1897-1900. Married Elizabeth D. Jewett, 1887. Four children. 40 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 DANIEL DE LLOYD SUTHERI.AND, Fond du' Lac, Wis. Scientific. . Law student in Columbia College, 1883-84; practiced at Fond du Lac, Wis., 1884-1900. Married Grace E. Jones, 1887. Three children. 1884. MARGARET BOOKER (DAWES), 307 W. Court St., Chicago, Ill. Classical. Teacher at Whitewater, Wis., 1884-85; resided at Red- field, S. D., 1885-89, teacher in Redfield College, 1887-88; re- sided at Lincoln, Neb., 1892-98; at Chicago, 111., 1898-1900. Married William R. Dawes (B. A., 1884), 1885. Three children. WILLIAM RUGGLES DAWES, 307 W. Court St., Chicago, 111. Classical. In Spink County Bank, Redfield, S. D., 1884-89, Trus- tee of Redfield College; resided at Lincoln, Neb., 1889-98, Secre-_ tary Dawes Business Block CO., Secretary Lincoln Coal C0.; ' cashier Of Post Office, Chicago, 111., 1898-1900. Married Margaret Booker (B. A., 1884), 1885. Three Children. MERRITT WELCOME PHILLIPS, Westfield, Wis. Scientific. Architect in New York City, 1885-91; at Denver, COl., 1991-94; at Westfield, Wis., 1894-1900. 1885. MARY I.AMPSON DOBBS,‘ Ripon, Wis. Select. Resided at Ripon, 1885-1900, except at Madison, Wis., 1891-94. . MARK THOMAS HALPHIDE, Olivet, S. D. Scientific. LL. B., Union College Of Law, 1887. Teacher at .° Shell Lake, Wis., 1885-86; student at Union College Of Law, Chi- cago, 111., 1886-87; practiced at Menno, S. D., 1888-91; Judge, Hutchinson County, S. D., 1891-1900. ‘ Married Clara Payne, 1886. Three children, two living. JOHN CLELAND JOHNSTON, Waupun, Wis. Scientific. Farmer at Waupun, Wis., 1885-1900. Married Louisa J. Clark, 1886. Four children. 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. , ' 4.1 1.886. ORRIN WRIGHT BOW, JR., 60 Loan and Trust Bl’d’g, Milwaukee, Wis. Scientific. Law student at Milwaukee, Wis., 1886-87; at Univer- sity Of Michigan, 1887-88; practiced in office of Stark and Suther- land, Milwaukee, Wis., 1888-90; at Kingston, Wis., 1890-93; of firm Van Vechten and Bow, Milwaukee, Wis., 1893-1900. Married Nellie Garner, 1893. FREDERICK MERRELL BRIGHAM, 2712 Monroe St., Toledo, O. Classical. With branch house of Platt & Co., packers, Baltimore, Md., 1886-89; law student in Columbia College, 1889-91; prac- ticed in New York City, 1892-97; with Woolson Spice C0., Toledo, 0., 1897-1900. ' Married Alice B. Horner, 1893. One child. FREMONT ROGER CRABTREE, 502 Pabst Building, Milwaukee, Wis. 'Scientific. Surveyor at Omaha, Neb., 1886; teacher at Escanaba, Mich., 1887; Superintendent of Milwaukee Protestant Orphan Asylum, 1887; real estate agent at Milwaukee, Wis., 1888; drafts- man at Minneapolis, Minn., 1889-90; architect at Milwaukee, Wis., 1890-1900. Married Clara Cook, 1889. One child. EDWARD TRACY MERRELL, 215 Madison St., Chicago, Ill. Classical. Student in Hartford Theological Seminary, 1886-88; in editorial office of the Advance, Chicago, 111., 1888-1900, Asso- ciate Editor, 1892-96, Managing Editor from 1896. Married Mabel \Vaite, 1893. Two children. MAUD LINCOLN MERRELL (BROWN), 121 College Ave., Walla Walla, Wash. Scientific. Teacher at Reedsburg, Wis., 1886-87; at Hartford, Ct., 1887-88; at Milwaukee, Wis., 1888-89; in Ripon College, 1890-97. Married Benjamin H. Brown (B. S., 1894), 1897. One child. 42 RIPON COLLEGE. . [1900 GRACE MORGAN (DAVIES), Oshkosh, Wis. Select. Music student at Boston, Mass., 1887-88; resided at Columbus, Wis., 1889-92; at Oshkosh, Wis., 1892-1900. Married Luther Davies (B. S., 1888), 1889. ‘ One child. GRACE MOUAT, Janesville, Wis. Scientific. 'Teacher at Menomonee, Wis., 1886-89; in Downer College, 1895-96; at La Crosse, Wis., 1896-99. CHARLES HOSMER SCRIBNER, 79 Ward St., Patterson, N. J. Scientific. M. D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1890. Medical student at University of MiChigan, 1886-87; at Rosen- .dale, Wis., 1887-88; at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1888-90; practiced at Patterson, N. J., 1890-1900. Married Annie T. Doremus, 1892. Three children. LOUIS MEAD SHERMAN. Died, 1896. Scientific. Manufacturer. LEE SWIFT, Tracy, Minn. Select. Teacher at Elroy, I/Vis., and Surveyor Of Sauk C0., 1886— 87; teacher at Hillsborough, Wis., 1887-88; at Faulkton, S. D., 1888 90; at Clark, S. D., 1890-92, superintendent of schools at Tracy, Minn., 1892-1900. Married .Carrie M. Blanchard, 1886. Three children. GEORGE CARL WEISS, Milwaukee, Wis. Select. B. A., 1895. Supplied church at Raymond, Wis., 1886- 87; student in Yale Divinity School, 1887-88 and'1889-91; pastor at Big Spring, Wis., 1888-89; at New Lisbon, Wis., 1891-92; at Watertown, Wis., 1892-98; in evangelistic work, 1899-1900. Married Anna M. Ramsey, 1891. One child. 1887. EMMA LOUISE NOHL, Wausau, Wis. Select. Teacher at Jacksonville, 111., 1887-89; in Downer Col- lege, 1889-91; at Englewood, N. J., 1891-93; at Wausau, Wis., 1893—I900. 1900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 43 MARIAN AMORET SARGEANT (WILLIAMS). Died, 1896. Select. Teacher. 1888. JAMES WALLACE CABEEN, 6426 Peoria St., Chicago, 111. Classical. B. D., University of Chicago, 1893. Student at Mor- gan Park Seminary, 1889-92; at University Of Chicago, 1892-94; pastor at Winnebago City, Minn., 188889; at Chicago, 111.; 1889- 95 and 1998-1900; at Sheboygan, Wis., 1895-98. Married Anna M. Hamilton, (B. S., 1888), 1889. Three chil- dren. LUTHER DAVIES, 163 Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Scientific. Merchant at Columbus, Wis., 1888-92; at Oshkosh, Wis., 1892-1900. ' Married Grace Morgan, (Select Course, 1886), 1889. One child. WILLIS PENFIELD ELWOOD, Palani, Madura District, India. Classical. Student in Union Theological Seminary, 1888~915 mis- sionary in India, 1891-1900. Married Agnes A. Monroe, 1891. One child. ANNA MONCRIEPE HAMILTON (CABEEN), 6426 Peoria St., Chicago, 111. Scientific. Resided at Winnebago City, Minn., 1888-89; at Chi— cago, 111., 1889-95 and 1898-1900; at Sheboygan, Wis., 1895-98. Married James W. Cabeen, (B. A., 1888), 1889. Three children. FLORA EDITH HOCKENHULL (LEAHY), Dartford, Wis. Select. Instructor in Painting and Drawing, Ripon College, 1889- 98. Married Philip Leahy, (B. S., 1898), 1898. One child. THOMAS JOHN JONES, Silchar, Assam, India. Classical. Ph. D., University of City of New York, 1891. Stu- dentin Union Theological Seminary, 1888-91; missionary in In- dia, 1891-1900. Married Bessie Williams, 1894. Two children. ’44 RLPON COLLEGE. [1900 1889. BERTHA HOBERT BACON (GREEN), Marinette, Wis. Select. Teacher at Bessemer, Mich., 1889-90; at Milwaukee, Wis., 1890-91; at Berlin, Wis., 189193; at Marinette, Wis., 1893-95. Married Charles 'T. Green, 1895. JENNIE YOUNG MIDDLETON, Philadelphia, Pa. Select. Student at Albany, N. Y., 1889-91; Assistant Librarian, Public Library, Newark, N. J., 1891-96; Librarian Apprentices’ Library, Philadelphia, Pa., 1896-1900. ISABELLA HOLMES PHELPS (GOODING), Rochester, Minn. Select. Teacher at New Richmond, Wis., 1890~92; at Rochester, Minn., 1892-96. ' Married Frank E. 'Gooding, 1896. Two children. 1890. CHARLES DANFORTH CAMPBELL. Died, 1899. Classical. Missionary. ELEANORA SOPHRONIA EVERHARD, Columbia, S. C. Scientific. M. A., 1893. M.»D., University of Michigan, 1896. Secretary Y. W. C. A. at Minneapolis, Minn., 1892; medical stu- dent in University of Michigan, 1892-96; practiced at Ripon, 1896-97; resident physician and Professor Of Chemistry and Bio- logy in Presbyterian College for Women, Columbia, S. C. 1897— 1900. ' MARY CURTIS WHEELER, Quincy, 111. Select. Student in Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 111., 1891-93; successively nurse and Superintendent in Sherman Hospital, Elgin, 111., 1893-99; Superintendent of Blessing Hospital, Quincy, 111., 1899-1900. 1891. ' MARY BLANCHE DUNBAR (NORDVI), Waupaca, Wis. ‘ Classical. Teacher at Waupaca, Wis., 1891-92; at Bayfield, Wis., 1892—96. Married George H. Nordvi, 1896. Two children. 1900] GENERAL 1 CA TAL OG GE. 45, NELLIE BLANCHE EGGLESTON, 114 Willow St., Minneapolis, Minn. Select. Resided in Ripon, 1891-95; clerk, 1891-92; teacher, 1892; in editorial work in Minneapolis, Minn., 1895-1900. ' WILTON BREWSTER JUDD, 840 The Rookery, Chicago, 111. Scientific. LL. B., University of Minnesota, 1897. LL. M., University of Minnesota, 1898. Clerk for Remington Typewriter Co. at Minneapolis, Minn., 1892; in freight department Great ' Northern R’y, 1893; stenographer for Minneapolis Trust Co., 1894-98; law student in University of Minnesota, 1894-98; prac- ticed at Minneapolis, Minn., 1898; at Chicago, 111., 1898-1900. ARTHUR EASTMAN LEONARD, Menasha, Wis. Classical. M. A., 1895. Supplied church at Pleasant Valley, Wis., 1891-92; student in Chicago Theological Seminary, 1892-95; pastor at Forrest, 111., 1895-98; at Menasha, Wis., 1898-1900. Married Lillian Bow, 1895. ELLA ELIZABETH MEYER, Ripon, Wis. Select. Instructor in Ripon College, (except 1895 and 1898), 1894-1900; in Europe, 1898. WILLIAM BARRETT MILLARD, Geneseo, Ill. Classical. M. A., 1895. Supplied church at Auroraville, Wis., 1891-92; student in Chicago Theological Seminary, 1892-95; pas- tor at New London, Wis., 1895-1900; at Geneseo, 111., 1900. Married Marion Treat, 1895. One child. SAMUEL MARCELLUS PEDRICK, Ripon, Wis. Scientific. M. A., 1895. LL. B., University of Wisconsin, 1894. Teacher in Ripon, 1891-92; law student in University of Wiscon- sin, 1892-93; at Denver, COL, 1893-94; at University Of Wiscon- 1894; practiced at Marinette, Wis., 1894-95; at Milwaukee, Wis., 1895-97; at Ripon, 1897-1900. Treasurer Ripon College, 1899- 1900. Married Mildred L. Robbins, 1899. '46 . /RZPO'N COLLEGE. [1900 1892. CHARLES HAMILTON DUNBAR, Ripon, Wis. - - ’S'CIEHtIfiCJ" Farmer at 'Ripon, 1892-1900. ARTHUR‘: JAMES tMERCER, 1755 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. I .Clatssitcal. Clerk in Minneapolis, Minn., 1892-93; collector at 48'a111“ Franoisco,'Cal., and travelling in Australia, 1893-95; book- keeper, "1895-9.6; a manufacturer and dealer in structural iron work ~at~San Francisco, Cal., 1896-1900; Marr-i’edil‘vfartha Westphal, 1897. One child. MAMIE’ LUCII-DA“NEWTON, 1215 ‘Menomonee St., Eau Claire, Wis. Select, Student in Ripon College, 1893-94; teacher at Eau Claire, Wis., 1894-1900. ' JOHAN OSCAR AUGUST OSTROM, 119 Wilder St., Aurora, 111. Classical. M. A., 1897. Pastor at St. Mary’s, Kans., 1892-93; at Carbondale, Kans., 1893-94; graduate student in Hartford Theological Seminary, also supplying church at Canton, Ct., 1894- 95; reporter in Chicago, 111., 1895-96; graduate studentin Augus- tana Theological Seminary, 1896-97; pastor at Buffalo, N. Y., 1897-98; at Aurora, 111., 1898—1900. ELLEN AMELIA STICKLE, 6519 Yale Ave., Chicago, Ill. Classical. Resided at Chicago, 1892-1900; student of Library Science in Armour Institute, 1894-95; student in Metropolitan Conservatory of Music, 1896-97; engaged in home duties, 1898- 1900. EMILIE MAY STICKLE, 6519 Yale Ave., Chicago, 111. Select. Teacher at Chicago, 111., 1893-1900. 1893. HORACE ORLANDO BETHEL, Monroe, Wis. Classicah M. A., 1897. Student in McCormick Theological Seminary, 1893-96; pastor at Shawano, Wis., 1896-98; at Monroe, Wis., 1898-1900. . Married Alzina M. Kelley, (B. A., 1897), 1898. One child. 1900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 47 MARGARET LOCKHART HAMILTON, Raleigh, N. C. Classical. Student in Missionary Training School, Chicago, 111., 1893-95; missionary at Memphis, Tenn., 1895-96; teacher in Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C., 1896-1900. ERNEST HENRY'MERCER. Spreckels Building, 927 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Classical. M. D., California Medical College, 1896. Student in California Medical College, 1893 96; practiced at San Francisco, Cal., 1896-1900, being also Professor of Anatomy in California Medical College. ' ELMER' ADDISON MORSE, Madison, Wis. Scientific. Farmer at Franksville, Wis., 1893-94; Superintendent Of Schools, Racine Co., Wis., 1894-98; law student in University of Wisconsin, 1898-1900. I Married Myra E. Treadwell, 1897. 1894. BENJAMIN HARRISON BROWN, 121 College Ave, Walla Walla, Wash. Scientific. M. A., 1897. Teacher at Oakfield, Wis., 1894-95; Professor of Natural Science, Whitman College, 1895-1900. Married Maud L. Merrell, (B. S., 1886), 1897. One child. ELWYN FRANCIS CHANDLER, University, N. D. Classical. M. A., 1897. Instructor in Ripon College, 1894-95 and in 1897; City Engineer, Ripon, 1895; teacher at Endeavor, Wis., 1895-96; at Ripon, 1896-97; graduate student at University of Wisconsin, 1897-99, being Fellow in Applied Mathematics, 1898-99; Instructor in Mathematics, University of North Dakota, 1899-1900. JULIA MOORE DICKINSON (PEARSALL), Elroy, Wis. Select. Music teacher at Ripon, 1894-96; at Elroy, Wis., 1896- 99; resided at Elroy, Wis., 1899-1900. Married Irwin A. Pearsall, 1899. 48 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 MARY JEANNETTE MC QUEEN, Rhinelander, Wis. Scientific. Music teacher at Antigo, Wis., 1894-98; at Rhinelan- der, Wis., 1898-1900. ' MARY ELIZA MORSE (SHORT), Evansville, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Ripon, 1894-96; resided at Evansville, Wis., 1896-1900. Married Rev. Wallace M. Short, 1896. ROY LEWIS MORSE, Ripon, Wis. Classical. Law student at Ripon and at Princeton, Wis., 1894-95; at University of Wisconsin, 1895-96; practiced at Ripon, 1896- 1900. ' Married Beatrice G. Kellogg, 1897. One child. ELIZA RUTH SCRIBNER, Patterson, N.'J. Classical. Student in hospital, Patterson, N. J., 1894-96; nurse, 1896—1900. FRED LOCRATUS SELDEN, 546 Twentieth St., Milwaukee, Wis._ Classical. Supplied church in Princeton, Wis., 1894-95; student in Mc Cormick Theological Seminary, 1895-98; pastor at Horicon, Wis., 1898-99; at Milwaukee, Wis., 1899-1900. Married Frances H. Vining, 1898. MARGARET MAY SUTHERLAND, Bhamo, Burma. Select. Studentv in Nurses’ Training SChool, Clifton Springs, N. Y., 1895-96; in Missionary Training School, Newton, Mass., 1896- 97; missionary at Bhamo, Burma, 1897-1900. 1895. DAVID ROBERT DAVIES, Johnson Creek, N. Y. Student in Rochester Theological Seminary, 1895-98; pastor at Johnson Creek, N. Y., 1898-1900. ‘ Married Hannah B. Parsons, 1898. One child. 1900] ' GENERAL CATALOGUE. 49 FREDERICK WILLIAM HEBERLEIN, West Superior, Wis. Classical. Student in Yale Divinity School, 1895-98; pastor at _West Superior, Wis., 1898-1900. Married Sadie F. Peterson, 1898. One child. LEILA DE ETTE JACKSON, Oconomowoc, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Oakfield, Wis., 1895-96; at Ripon, 1896— i 97; music'studerlt at Beaver Dam, Wis., 1897-98; student in VValtheim Sanitarium, Oconomowoc, Wis., 1898-1900. DANIEL R JONES, Wahpeton, N. D. Scientific. With J. R. Jones, (B. S., 1882), 1895; law student at Oshkosh, Wis., 1896; in University of Minnesota, 1896-97; deputy sheriff Of- Richland County, N. D., and also law student, 1897-98; practiced at Wahpeton, N. D., 1898-1900. MARY MC DERMID, Apartado 247,'Mexico City, Mex. Classical. Teacher at Ripon, 1895-97; missionary in Mexico City, Mex., 1897-1900. ' BLANCHE ELIZA PINCH, Chadron, Neb. Scientific. Teacher at Racine, Wis., 1895-96; in Chadron Acad- emy, 18974900. I JOHN SOUTHWORTH ROUNTREE, Ripon, Wis. Classical. LL. B., University of Michigan, 1893. Practiced at Marinette, Wis., 1893-96; at Ripon, 1896-1900. 1896. CARRIE WHITE DENISON (PALMER), 515 Thirteenth Ave. North, Seattle, Wash. Literary. Resided in New York City, 1897-98; in Seattle, Wash., 1899—1900. ' Married Victor E. Palmer, (B. A., 1897), 1897. EDITH MABEL EVANS (ECKE), Fond du Lac, Wis. Classical. Teacher at Portage, Wis., 1896—98; resided at Cam- bria, Wis., 1898-99; at Fond du Lac, Wis., 1899-1900. Married Oscar H. Ecke, 1899. One child. \ 50 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 HUGH CADWALADR GRIFFITH, Red Oak, 10. Classical. Pastor at Red Oak, 10., 1896-1900. Married Mary F. Williams. 1897. EDWIN CHARLES HALL, 180 Thirteenth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Scientific. City Engineer, Ripon, 1896-98; student of Engineer- ing, University of Michigan, 1898-99; Designer for Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1899—1900. JENNIE MC DERMID (BURMAN), 1 Calle de Colon, NO. 8, Mexico City, Mex. Literary. Student in hospital, Patterson, N. J., 1896-98; nurse in American Hospital, Mexico, 1898-1900. Married Fredrick Burman, 1900. ISABELLA MARGARET MC QUEEN, Rhinelander, Wis. Classical. Teacher at Eagle River, Wis., 1896-98; stenographer and book-keeper at Rhinelander, Wis., 1898-1900. ' ARTHUR WILLIAM NEWCOMB, 1300 Michigan Ave, Chicago, Ill. Classical. Editorial work at Janesville, Wis., 1896-98; at Chica- go, 111., 1898-1900. JESSIE ELLEN SPOONER, _ Ripon, Wis. Literary. Teacher at Ripon, 1896-1900. . 1897. ALZINA MEROA KELLEY (BETHEL), Monroe, Wis. Classical. Married Horace O. Bethel, (B. A., 1893), 1898. One child. GRACE GIFFORD LEWIS, Walworth, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Pierre, S. 2D., 1897-98; at Groton, S. D., 1898-99; at Walworth, Wis., 1899-1900. FRANK HELMER MC ASSEY, Ripon, Wis. Classical. Graduate student at Clark University, 1898-99; travel- ling salesman for Dodd and Mead -C0.,i publishers, 1899-1900. 1900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 51 ROBERT MORRIS, Cambria, Wis. Classical. Teacher at Lake Crystal, Minn., 1897-98; at Howard Lake, Minn., 1898-99; at Cambria, Wis., 1899-1900. ELMER RUFUS OLIVER, Waupun, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Laurel, M0nt., 1897-98; clerk at Dickin- son, N. D., 1898-99; resided at Waupun, Wis., 1899-1900. GARRETT WILLIAM O’NEILL, Hotel York, Seattle, Wash. Classical. Teacher at Springvale, Wis., 1897-98; book-keeper at Ripon, 1898-99; Secretary of Grocer’s Association, Seattle, Wash., 1900. VICTOR EDWIN PALMER, 515 Thirteenth Ave. North, Seattle, Wash. Scientific. Law student in Columbia College, 1897-99; practiced in Seattle, Wash., 1899-1900. Married Carrie W. Denison, (B. A., 1896), 1897. HENRY MOODY PINKERTON, Carthage, S. D. Classical. Student in‘Chicago Theological Seminary, 1897-99; supplied church in Carthage, S. D., 1899-1900. ' FRANK BEALS SHEERAR, Omro, Wis. Classical. Resided at Omro, Wis., 1897-1900, except while en- gaged in travel, 1899. IDA WOLFF, Ripon, Wis. Literary. Teacher at Ring, Wis., 1897-98; at Ripon, 1898-99. 1898. HELEN BURNHAM BOTTUM, West Rosendale, Wis. Literary. Teacher at Arbor Vitae, 1898. BLANCHE JULIA BUCK, Kaukauna, Wis. Literary. Teacher at Kaukauna, Wis., 1898-1900. HARRY DAVID CLARK. Died, 1899. Literary. Clerk. .5'2 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 CARRIE LEE DYSART, Ripon, Wis. Literary. Teacher at TWO Rivers, Wis., 1899. SILAS EVANS, Princeton, N. J. Classical. Theological student at Princeton, N. J., 1898-1900. ALICE “KNEELAND FLAGG, Ripon, Wis. Literary. Teacher at Kaukauna, Wis., 1898-99. ALBERT HENRY GRIFFITH, E10,. Wis. Classical. Farmer at E10, Wis., 1898-1900. Married Myrtle M. Clark, 1897. One child. HUGH WILLIAM GRIFFITH, Princeton, N. J. Classical. Theological student at Princeton, N. J., 1898-1900. WILLIAM ERNEST HARGRAVE, Ripon, Wis. Scientific. Graduate student at University of \Visconsin, 1898-99; teacher at Waupun,eWis., 1899-1900. ERNEST EUGENE HEMINGWAY, 2508 Aldrich Ave, Minneapolis, Minn. Scientific. Teacher in Industrial School, Waukesha, Wis., 1898; at Horicon, Wis., 1898-99; 'at Minneapolis, Minn., 1900, being also graduate student in University of Minnesota. WALLACE CHESTER HITCHCOCK, Chicago, 111. Classical. Student in Chicago Theological Seminary, 1898-1900. _ JESSIE DE ETTE JACKSON, Manawa, Wis. Literary. Clerk in Fond du Lac, Wis., 1898—1900. MARY ELLEN JONES, Cambria, Wis. . ‘ Classical. Teacher at Elba, Wis., 1898-99; at Cambria, Wis., 1899-1900. ' - ' ROBERT HENRY JONES, v4400 Princeton Ave, Chicago, Ill. ' Classical. Pastor in Chicago, 1898-1900.. Married Margaret A. Jones, 1898. One child.- 1900] ' GENERAL CA TAL 0G UE. 53 PHILIP LEAHY, . Dartford, Wis. Scientific. Teacher at Dartford, Wis., 1898-1900. Married Flora E. Hockenhull, (Select Course, 1888), 1898. One child. LOTTIE MUNSELL, Wells River, Vt. Literary. Teacher at Wells River, Vt., 1898-1900. EDWIN ARTHUR RIPLEY, Antigo, Wis. Literary. Graduate student at University of Wisconsin, 1898; book-keeper in First National Bank, Antigo, Wis., 1899-1900. PAUL JENNINGS THOMPSON, Minneapolis, Minn. Classical. Law student at University of Minnesota, 1898-1900. ARCHIBALD HENRY YOUNG, Chicago, Ill. Classical. Student in Chicago Theological Seminary, 1898-1900. 1899. RALPH HALE BUCKLAND, Chicago, 111. Scientific. Student in Rush Medical College, 1899-1900. Married Lucina L. Brooks, 1900. MAX ALFRED BUSSEWITZ, Milwaukee, Wis. Literary. Teacher in State Normal Sch001,-1899-1900. Married (1) Alma Bohnert, 1889; (2) Hattie Studley, 1891. Two children. ISABELLA WEBSTER COLLINS, De Pere, Wis. Literary. Teacher in De Pere, Wis., 1899-1900. LULU MAY DYSART, Ripon, Wis. Literary. Teacher in Ripon, 1899-1900. JOHN SAMUEL FOAT, Chicago, 111. Scientific. Student in Rush Medical College, 1899-1900. Married Grace E. Cate, 1899. 54 RIPON COLLEGE.- ' ' [19,00 ALEXANDER WALTER HARGRAVE, Howard Lake, Minn. ’ Classical. Teacher at Howard Lake, Minn., 1899-1900. PEARL SELMA HENDRICKSON, Manitowoc, Wis. Literary. Teacher in Manitowoc, Wis., 1899-1900. 'EBENEZER EDWIN JONES, Princeton, N. J. Classical. Theological student at Princeton, N. J., 1899-1900. _MENTOR VALERIUS KARL JOPP, Ripon, Wis. Classical. Law student in Ripon, 1899-1900. JULIA ELIZABETH LEHMAN, Ashland, Wis. Literary. Teacher at Ashland, Wis., 1900. SAMUEL SMITH MORSE, Chicago, 111. Scientific. Student in Rush Medical College, 1899-1900. 1900] GENERAL CA TAL OGUE. 55 HONORARY GRADUATES. NOT ALUMNI. 1881. REV. DANIEL MERRIMAN, Worcester, Mass. D. D. B. A., Williams, 1863. M. A., Williams. D. D., Will- iams, 1881. 1882. REV. GEORGE HENRY IDE, Milwaukee, Wis. D. D. B. A., Dartmouth, 1865. JAMES THEODORE REEVE, Appleton, Wis. M. A. M. D., Castleton Medical College and Jefferson Medical College. 1885. REV. HENRY ALBERT STIMSON, New York, N. Y. D. D. B. A., Yale, 1865. A. M., Yale. D. D., Yale, 1893. 1886. REV. GEORGE WHITEFIELD ANDREWS, Talladega, Ala. D. D. B. A., Oberlin, 1858. 1887. REV. BURDETTE HART, Germantown, Pa. 1). D. B. A., Yale, 1842. M. A., Yale. _ 1888. EZRA BRAINERD, Middlebury, Vt. LL. D. B. A., Middlebury, 1864. M. A., Middlebury. LL. D., University of Vermont, 1888. Tutor, Middlebury, 1864-66; Pro- fessor 0f Rhetoric and English Literature, 1868—80; Professor of Physics and Applied Mathematics,1880-1900,' President,1886-1900. 1889. REV. JOHN EDWARDS, Pittsburgh, Pa. D. D. 56 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 1890. BRAINERD KELLOGG, Brooklyn, N. Y. LL. D. B. A., Middlebury, 1858. M. A., Middlebury. Tutor, Middlebury, 1860-61; Professor of Rhetoric and English Litera- ture, 1861-68; same in Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic In- stitute, 1868-1900. 1893. REV. GEORGE ROBERT MERRILL, Chicago, 111. D. D. B. A., Amherst, 1865. M. A., Amherst. 1894. WALTER EUGENE HOWARD, Middlebury, Vt. LL. D. B. A., Middlebury, 1871. Professor of History and Political Science, Middlebury, 1889-1900. 1895. REV. JOSEPH ROBERTS, New York, N. Y. D. D. CLARISSA TUCKER TRACY, Ripon, Wis. M. A. Instructor in Ripon College, 1859-1900. 1896. REV. JOHN LAIDLAW ATKINSON, Kobe, Japan. D. D. 1897. REV. SAMUEL THEODORE KIDDER, Ripon, Wis. D. D. B. A., Beloit, 1873. M. A., Beloit. REV. JOHN ROBERTS, Cherra, Assam, India. D. D. 1898. REV. WILBUR OSCAR CARRIER, Wausau, Wis. D. D. B. Ph., Albion. M. A., Albion. SUMMARY. 1: GENTLEMEN. CLASSICAL COURSE, _ 82 SCIENTIFIC COURSE, 56 LITERARY COURSE, ' 3 SELECT COURSE, 2 143 / HONORARY GRADUATES, NOT ALUMNI, 16 159 DECEASED, 12 147 EXPLANATORY NOTE. LADIES. 21 39 14 I5 89 I —_ TOTAL. 103 95 17 17 232 17 20 229 The class graduating in 1891 was the first in which the Scientific Course of study Was equal in amount to that Of' the Classical Course, the work preparatory to that of Freshman Year in the former Course having previously been one year shorter. Commencing with that date, the amount of work has been the same in each of the two courses, and also in the Literary Course, the first graduates from which were members Of the class of 1896. The Select Course, which was offered only to members of ten classes, (1885 to 1894), was two years shorter than the full courses, and no degree was conferred at its completion. ABBOTT 1873 Marietta (Hunter) ACKERMAN 1882 Evelina ADAMS 1867 Luthera Harriet 1882 Constance Alice 1882 Louie Pomeroy AKIN 1873 Henry Seely. ALLEN 1872 John Wheelock ANDREWS h 1886 George Whitefield ARMSTRONG 1879 Thomas 1882 Evelina (Ackerman) ARNOLD 1870 Ella E. (Mapes) ATKINSON h 1896 John Laidlaw ATWOOD 1875 Carroll 1878 Irenaeus J BACON 1889 Bertha Hobert BATH RICK 1870 Daniel De Loss BATSON 1875 Rosina Emma BETHEL 1893' Horace Orlando 1897 Alzina Meroa (Kelley) INDEX. BLAIR 1874 Emma Helen BLAKELY 1870 Josiah Blackmail 1874 Isabella Valucia (Campbell) BLANCHARD 1871 James Armstrong BOOKER 1884 Margaret BOTTUM 1877 Joseph Henry 1898 Helen Burnham BOW 1886 Orrin Wright, Jr BRADISH 1871 James Harvey 1871 Sarah Eilen (Powers) BRAINERD 111888 Ezra BRIGHAM 1886 Frederick Merrell BRISTOLL 1870 Rosa Emeline (Olds) BROOKS 1873 Horatio Aldrich BROWN 1867 Harriet Hemans 1886 Maud Lincoln (Merrell) 1894 Benjamin Harrison BRUSH 1872 James Monroe BUCK 1898 Blanche J ulia 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 59 BUCKLAND DAVIES 1899 Ralph Hale 1871 Joseph G. 1877 David B URMAN 1333 Sii‘ti‘isimrgan) 1896 Jennie (Mc Dermid) BUSSEWITZ 1899 Max Alfred CABEEN 1888 James Wallace 1888 Anna Moncrieif (Hamilton) CAMPBELL . 1874 Isabella Valucia 1882 Clement Claude 1890 Charles Danforth CARRIER h 1898 Wilbur Oscar CHANDLER 1894 Elwyn Francis CHITTENDEN 1868 Albert Jerome 1869 Caroline Dency 1874 Ezra Porter CLARK 1877 Ada 1898 Harry David CLEAVER 1883 Emma Osborn COLLINS 1899 Isabella Webster C OMBS 1873 Sarah Frances COOK 1868 Emily Smith 1879 Wells Woodbridge 1883 Henry Seward CRABTREE 1886 Fremont Roger CRAGIN 1869 Isabella Sophronia CROSS 1873 Rowland Stevenson DANIELS 1882 Caroline Wells 1895 David Robert 1878 Frederick Ames 1884 Margaret (Booker) 1884 William Ruggles D ENI SON 1896 Carrie White DICKINSON 1894 Julia Moore DOBBS 1885 Mary Lampson DUFFIE 1868 George Carleton DUNBAR 1891 Mary Blanche 1892 Charles Hamilton DURAND 1870 Eunice Elizabeth Dv SA RT 1898 Carrie Lee 1899 Lulu May ECKE 1896 Edith Mabel (Evans) EDWARDS h 1889 John EGGLESTON 1891 Nellie Blanche ELWELL 1873 Ida ELWOOD 1888 Willis Penfield EVANS 1871 John Thomas 1874 Edward 1877 David Edward 1896 Edith Mabel 1898 Silas EVERDELL 1868 Lyman Beecher 60 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 EVERHARD HART 1890 E1ean0raSophronia h1887 Burdett EVERSZ HATCH 1871 Moritz’fErnest 1880 George Washington FINSTERBACH HEADLEY 1870 Anna Miriam (Smith) 1877 Charles Wesley 1878 Sarah Jane (Sherman) FISHER H . 1872 Frank Isaiah EBERLEIN . 1895 Frederick William FLAGG H 1898 Alice Kneeland EMINGWAY . 1898 Ernest Eugene FOAT 1899 John Samuel HENDRICKSON 1899 Pearl Selma FOULKES 1873 Harriet Almira (Johnson) HILLMAN 1873 Wllham 1874 William Francis 1875 Silas Henry GIBBS .1875 Adelaide Amanda (Sargent) GOODING 1889 Isabella Holmes (Phelps) GREEN 1889 Bertha Hobert (Bacon) GREER 1873 Sarah Frances (Combs) GRIFFITH 1896 Hugh Cadwaladr 1898 Albert Henry 1898 Hugh William HALL 1896 Edwin Charles HALPHIDE 1885 Mark Thomas HAMILTON 1888 Anna Moncriefi' 1893 'Margaret Lockhart HANSON 1873 Oscar Emery HARGRAVE 1875 John William 1898 William Ernest 1899 Alexander Walter HARRIS 1875 Mary Emily HITCHCOCK 1898 Wallace Chester HOBERT 1874 AImira Isabella HOCKENHULL 1888 Flora Edith HODGE 1879 Mary Eva 1879 Willard Addison 1882 Clifton Fremont HOLT 1870 William Sylvester H OPKINS 1882 Lucius Daniel HOWARD h 1894 Walter Eugene HUNTER 1173 Marietta IDE h 1882 George Henry INGALLS , 1876 John Gallivan JACKSON 1895 Leila De Ette 1898 Jessie De Ette 1900] GENERAL a4 TALOGUE. 61 lEFFRIS Mc ASSEY 1877 Susan Alice 1875 Mary Ann ' 1897 Frank Helmerv JOHNSON 1873 HarrietAlmira MC DERMID 1895 Mary JOHNSTON 1896 Jennie 1885 John Cleland MC NEILL JONES 1883 Samuel Melancthon 1882 John Roberts 1882 Thomas Richard MC QUEEN 1888 Thomas John 1894 Mary Jeannette 1895 Danlel R 1896 Isabella Margaret 1898 Mary Ellen 898 Robert Henry 1899 Ebenezer Euwin MAPES 1870 Ella Emogene JOPP M 1899 Mentor Valerius Karl ERCP’R 1892 Arthur James IOSLYN 1893 Ernest Henry 1883 Colin Clinton MERRELL 1877 Ada (Clark) JUDD _ 1886 Edward Tracy 1891 Wilton Brewster 1886 Maud Lincoln KELLEY MERRILL 1896 Alziua-Meroa h 1893 George Robert KEg‘igofi _ d MERRIMAN 9 mm“ 11 1881 Daniel KENIIZJZNK th K t MEYER ossu en ~ 11 ' 1882 Constance Alice (Adams 1882 “hem” T“ M 1882 William Frederick i KIDDER 1891 Ella Elizabeth b 1897 Samuel Theodore MIDDLETON LEAHV 1889 Jennie Young 1888 Flora Edith (Hockenhull) 1898 Philip MILLARD 1891 William Barrett LEHMAN . 1899 Julia Elizabeth MILLER 1875 Albert Julian LEONARD MITER 1891 Arthur Eastman 1873 Henry Beman LE Rov 1879 Mary Eva (Hodge) MONTAGUE 1882 Mary Janes LEWIS M 1877 William Martin ORGAN 1897 Grace Gifi'ord 1886 Grace LYMAN _ MORRIS 1870 Eunice Elizabeth (Durand) 1897 Robert 62 RIPON [1900 COLLEGE. M O R S E 1893 Elmer Addison 1894 Mary Eliza 1894 Roy Lewis 1899 Samuel Smith MOSHER 1879 Orville Watson 1881 Lovila Margaret MOUAT 1886 Grace MUNSELL 1898 Lottie NEWCOMB 1896 Arthur William NEWTON 1892 Mamie Lucilda NISKERN 1877 Perry N om, 1887 Emma Louise N ORDVI 1891 Mary Blanche (Dunbar) NORTH UP 1877 Alonzo Roseel OLDS 1870 Rosa Emeline OLIVER 1897 Elmer Rufus O’N EILL 1897 Garrett William OSTROM . 1892 Johan Oscar August PALMER 1896 Carrie White (Denison) 1897 Victor Edwin PEARSALL 1894 Julia Moore (Dickinson) PEDRIOK 1891 Samuel Marcellus PHELPS 1880 Robert Mc Ewen 1889 Isabella Holmes PHILLIPS 1884 Merritt Welcome PINOH 1875 John William 1875 Mary Ann (Mc Assey) 1875 Pearse 1895 Blanche Eliza PINKERTON 1868 Myron Winslow 1897 Henry Moody POND ' 1873 Charles Merils POWERS 1871 Sarah Ellen 1882 Mary Janes (Montague) FREE 1875 Rosina Emma (Batson) RANKIN 1875 Jean Caroline (Sherwood) REEVE h 188?. James Theodore RIPLEY 1898 Edwin Arth ur ROBERTS 1879 Robert Thomas 1880 Edward J h 1895 Joseph b 1897 John ROGERS 1873 'Frederick William 1880 Harriet Jessup ROUNTREE 1895 John Southworth RUST 1871 Albert Franklin SALISBURY ‘ 1867 Susan Ann Wright SANDERS 1882 Frank Knight SARGEANT 1887 Marian Amoret SARGENT 1875 Adelaide Amanda _l_900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 63 SAVAGE 1876 John Wait 1882 Elvin Berry SCRIBNER 1872 Sarah Ellen 1886 Charles Hosmer 1894 Eliza Ruth SELDEN 1894 Fred Locratus SHAW 1881 Hiram Hopkins SHEEHAN 1878 Emma Maria (Williams) SHEERAR 1897 Frank Beals SHEPARD 1872 Martha Albina SHERMAN 1878 Sarah Jane 1886 Louis Mead SHERWOOD 1875 Jean Caroline SHOEMAKER 1872 Martha Blandenia SHORT _ 1894 Mary Eliza (Morse) SLATER 1878 Ella Mary SMUni 1870 Anna Miriam SPENCER 1867 Mary Frances SPOONER 1896 Jessie Ellen STEELE 1869 George Monroe STTGKLE 1892 Ellen Amelia 1832 Emilie May STIMSON h 1885 Henry Albert STRONG 1876 Louis Kossnth 1878 Abbie Augusta SUTHERLAND 1883 Daniel De Lloyd 1894 Margaret May SWIFT 1886 Lee 'TAINTOR 1873 Jessie Fox 'FHAYER 1867 Mary Frances (Spencer) THOMAS 1874 Benjamin Franklin 'THOMPSON 1898 PaulJennings 'fILSON 1873 Ida (Elwell) 'TRACv 1868 James Horace h 1895 Clarissa Tucker 'FURNER 1869 Caroline Dency (Chittenden) VVARNER 1875 Lyman Herschell VVEmS 1886 George Carl \VHEELER’ 1890 Mary Curtis VVHJTE 1878 Frank Newhall WHITING 1881 Albert Jay \VlLcox 1872 Harmon Monroe WILLIAMS 1878 Emma Maria 1887 Marian Amoret (Sargeant) VVILSON 1882 Edward Herbert VVOLFF 1897 Ida YEOMANS 1871 Charles Howard YOUNG 1898 Archibald Henry its a . . . Y. 121$! 1.1». NECROLOGY OF RIPON COLLEGE ALUMNI. 1867-1900. NECROLOGY OF RIPON COLLEGE ALUMNI. 1867-1900. 1867. HARRIET HEMANS BROWN, dau. of Elliot and Mary (Kingsbury) Brown, born at South Shaftsbury, Vt., Oct. 21, 1840. Home in Wiscon- sin from 1846. Prepared for college at Academy in Baraboo, Wis. Graduated from 'the Scientific Course. Teacher at Rosendale, Wis., 1868; at Baraboo, Wis., 1872-'76; occupied by the care of her parents and by painting, 1876-93. Died at Fond du Lac, Wis., Sept. 7, 1893, of heart disease. SUSAN ANN WRIGHT SALISBURY, dau. of William and Jane (Wright) Salisbury, born at Metomen, Wis., Jan. 10, 1848. Completed her prep- aration for college in the classes preceding regular college work at Ripon. Graduated from the Scientific Course. Teacher at Ripon, 1867; at New York City, 1868; at Oconomowoc, Wis., 1869. Died Oct. 18, 1871, being lost overboard from the steamer W. P. Clyde, while on passage from New York to Washington, D. C. 1868. MYRON WINSLOW PINKERTON, son of Moody M. and Jane (Clark) Pinkerton, born at Boscawen, N. H., July 18, 1843. Home in Fond du Lac Co., Wis., from 1845. Fitted for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. Student in Chicago Theological Seminary, 1868-71, receiving the degree of B. D. in 1871; missionary in Natal, South Africa, 1871-79, was in America, 1880; pioneer missionary 1900] , GENERAL CATALOGUE. 67 to Gazaland, East Central Africa, 1881. Married Laura Byington of Chicago, Ill., june 15, 1871, who survives him with three children. Died Nov. 10, 1881, of African .fever. JAMES HORACE TRACY, son of Horace and Clarissa (Tucker) Tracy, born in Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1845. Home in Ripon after 1859. Fitted for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. M. A., 1878. Student at Chicago Medical College, 1868-69; at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1869-70. M. D., 1870. Assistant surgeon in German army in Franco-Prussian war and in army hospitals, 1870-72; practiced at Fond du Lac, \Vis, 1872-73; at Escanaba, Mich., 1873-91, also having charge of the county hospital and being surgeon of C. & N. W. R’y for the Upper Peninsula. Married, Jan. 23, 1872, at Clinton, Iowa, Marion De Wolf, who survives him with two children, two others having died. Died at Escanaba, Mich., Dec. 6, 1891, of apoplexy. 1871. JAMES HARVEY BRADISH, son of Cyrus and Hannah (Batchelder) Bradish. born at Cabot, Vt., July 30, 1846. Home in Omro, Wis., after 1864. Early education in the schools of his native town, his preparation for college being completed in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. Law student in Columbia College, 1871-73. LL. B., 1873. Practiced at Elizabethtown, N. C., 1873-74; at Ripon, 1874-75; at Minneapolis, Minn., 1875—97. Married, Oct. 1, 1874, Sarah E. Powers, (B. A., 1871), daughter of Moses H. and Angelina E. (Swan) Powers, who with two children survives him. Died at Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 1, 1897. JOHN THOMAS EVANS, son of John H. and Jane (Jehu) Evans, born in Llanfaer, Caereinion, Wales, May 26, 1846. Home in Wisconsin after 1848, successively in Oshkosh, Fond du Lac and Ripon. Early education in the public schools of Ripon, his preparation for college be- ing completed in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classi- cal Course. M. A., 1874. Teacher at Ripon, 1871-72; student of as- saying in San Francisco, Cal., 1872-74; clerk in Independence, Cal., 1875-76; practical chemist and assayer in San Francisco, 1876-92. Mar- ried, Nov. 27, 1877, Mary Ann Jehu, dau. of N. L. jehu of San Fran- cisco, who with two children survives him, two other having died. Died at San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 12, 1892, of stricture of the bowels. as. RIPON COLLEGE. [1600 1872. FRANK ISAIAH FISHER, son of Thomas and Susanna (Dwiggins) Fisher, born at Mt. Etna, Ind., May 7, 1848. . Completed his preparation for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. Law student at Chicago, 111., 1872-74; practiced at Chicago, 1874-78; in real estate business at Frankfort, S. D., 1878-86; resided in LosAngeles, Cal., 1886-8'7. Married (1), Aug. 18, 1869, Frances R. Clark, dau. of Temple and Annie Clark of Ripon; (2) 1883, Mrs. Mary L. Robinson, who survives him. Died at Mt. Etna, Ind., June 27, 1887, of consumption. 1873. HORATIO ALDRICH BROOKS, son of Milo W. and Susan S. (Ald- rich) Brooks, born at Hinmansvil‘le, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1848. Home in Dartford, Wis., from an early age. Fitted for college in Ripon Prepara- tory School. Graduated from the Scientific Course. Teacher 'at Ripon, 1873—74; student in Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, Ill., 1874-76; practiced at Green Bay, Wis., 1876-77. Married, Mar. 2, 1876, Lottie J. Wainwright, daughter of Rev. George W. and Cornelia (Smith) Wain- wright, who with one SOn survives him. Died at Green Bay, Wis., July 15, 1877, of congestion of the brain. SARAH FRANCES COMBS, dau. of Joseph and Lucy A. (Wells) Combs, born at Holland Patent, Oneida Co.. N. Y., Dec. 1, 1847. Home at Ripon from about 1850. Teacher for some years before entering col- lege. Graduated from the Scientific Course. Resided at Ripon, teach- ing in the vicinity the greater part of the time, 1873-80; art student in Chicago, 111., 1881-82; teacher in Sunshine and Wheatridge, C01., 1882- 84. After her marriage resided in Denver, Col., until a few weeks before her death. Married, July 27, 1884, S. H. Greer, who with one son sur- vives her, two children having died. Died at Cassville, Barry Co., Mo., May 8, 1899, of cerebral congestion. HARRIET ALMIRA JOHNSON, dau. of Hiram E. and Lucinda (Mc- Arthur) Johnson, born near Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 23, 1848. Fitted .for college in Fond du Lac and Rockford, Ill. .Graduated from the Scientific Course. Principal of High School, Fort Howard, Wis., 1873- 74; teacher in High School, Sparta, Wis., 1874-75; in High School, Beloit, Wis., 1875-'76. Resided at Quincy, Mich., 1876-81; ' at Fostoria, 1900] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 69 O., 1881-88; at Salina, Kan., 1888-92. Married, Sept. 7, 1876, William Foulkes, (B. A., 1878), who with two children survives her. Died at Salina, Kan., July 12, 1892, of a tumor. HENRY BEMAN MITER, son of Rev. John J. and Elizabeth D. (Ayers) Miter, born in Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 14, 1852. Prepared for college in the Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. Teacher at Elmhurst, 111., 1873-75; in Ripon College, 1875-78 and 1879-83, being Principal of the Preparatory School during the last three years; student in Andover Theological Seminary, 1878-79 and 1884- 87; Professor of Rhetoric and Elocution, Indiana University, Blooming- ton, Ind, 1888-89; Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, Washburn Col- lege, Topeka, Kan , 1889-90; Professor of English, Rhetoric and Ora— tory, Marietta College, Marietta, O., 1891-95; afterward private in- structor at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt., and at Boston, Mass. Died at Hutchinson, Kan., Apr. 3, 1897, of tuberculosis. 1874. WILLIAM FRANCIS HILLMAN, son of Silas and Clarissa (Ash) Hill- man, born at Mayfield, Fulton Co., N. Y., May 25, 1849. Home in Fond du Lac Co., Wis., from 1855. Fitted for college in Ripon Prepara- tory School. Graduated from the Classical Course, having spent his Sophomore year in the University of Chicago. Teacher at Detroit, Mich., 1874; at Durand, Wis., 1881; singing evangelist, 1875-76; associated with L. H. Warner, (B. A., 1875), in publication of Cedar Rapids (Neb.) Era, 1886-87; publisher of Dodge County (Minn) Record, 1887-88. During the remainder of his life a farmer in Dodge Bounty, Minn. Mar- ried (1), Mar. 1876, Emma Palmer of Grass Lake, Mich., (2), 1895, Harriet Olive of Prescott, Wis., who with a son and adaughter survives him. Died at Dodge Centre, Minn., Sept. 22, 1899, of heart failure. 1878. ABBIE AUGUSTA STRONG, daughter of Francis A. and Miriam B. (Lyman) Strong, born at Ripon, Wis., June 22, 1856. Fitted for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. Teacher at Ripon, 1879; at Milwaukee, Wis., 1880-82; at Cherokee, Io., 1882-86; resided at Antigo, Wis., 1886-87, at which place she died, Aug. 29, 1887, of consumption. 70 RIPON COLLEGE. [1900 1880. HARRIET JESSUP ROGERS, daughter of Dr. Jirah and Mary A. (Hudson) Rogers, born at Ripon, Wis., Aug. 4, 1857. Fitted for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. Re— sided at Ripon, 1880-84. Died at Ripon, July 5, 1884, of consumption. 1882. LOUIE POMEROY ADAMS, daughter of John Quincy and Lucy (Pomeroy) Adams, born at Fall River, Mass., Nov. 15, 1857. Home at Columbus, Wis., from 1867. Graduated from Columbus High School in 1877, and completed her preparation for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Scientific Course. Teacher at Marinette, Wis., 1882-87; in High School, New Richmond, Wis., 1888-90; in High School, Fort Howard, Wis., 1890-95; in High School, Columbus, Wis., 1895-97. Died at Columbus, \Vis, Jan. 26, 1898, of Addison’s disease. ELVIN BERRY SAVAGE, son of David D. and Hester (Van Ness) Savage, born in VVaupun Township, Wis., Oct. 19, 1860. Home at Ripon from 1865. Graduated from Ripon High School in 1878 and from the Scientific Course of the college. Successiviely book-keeper and assistant cashier in State Bank of Russell, Kan., 1882-90, also vice-president of Central Kansas Loan and Trust Co. Died at Russell, Kan., Sept. 12, 1890, of typhoid malarial fever. 1886. LOUIS MEAD SHERMAN, son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Stevens) Sherman, born at Manitowoc. Wis., Aug. 9, 1863. Fitted for college in the Manitowoc High School. Graduated from the Scientific Course. Manufacturer of leather and dealer in leather and shoes at Manitowoc, Wis., 1886-96. Married, June 12, 1889, Erminnie E. Rawlings, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Jenkins) Rawlings of St. Joseph, Mo., who sur— vives him. Died at Hot Springs, Ark., Feb. 21, 1896, of a complication of rheumatism and pneumonia. 1887. MARIAN AMORET SARGEANT, daughter of Edward and Martha (Austin) Sargeant, born at Chester, Vt., Apr. 25, 1864. Home at Omro, Wis., from 1866. Graduated from Omro High School in 1882, and com- pleted her preparation for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Select Course. Teacher at Palmyra, Wis., 1887-88,- at Waukau, 1900] GENERAL CA TALOGUE. 71 Wis.,1888-90; at Dodgeville, Wis., 1891-93. Married, May 8, 1894, Dr. Charles W. Williams of Dodgeville, who survives her. Resided in Minneapolis, Minn., until her death. Died in that city, Jan. 8, 1896, of pneumonia. 1890. CHARLES DANFORTH CAMPBELL, son of Joseph A. and Phoebe (Farnsworth) Campbell, born in Clayton, Winnebago County, Wis., Apr. 27, 1860. Prepared for college by private instruction and in Ripon Pre- paratory School. Graduated from the Classical Course. Student in Union Theological Seminary, 1890-93, during the same time completing a three years’ course in Philosophy in the University of the City of New York. Ordained by the Presbytery of Winnebago, at Omro, Wis., June 14, 1893. Missionary at Zitacuaro, Mexico, 1893-98. Returning to Mexico from a visit to Wisconsin in 1898, he was removing to a new station in the Balsas field when he was compelled by the failure of his health to enter a sanitarium at Guadalaraja, where the remaining months of his life were passed. Married, June 27, 1893, Myrtie E. Thompson, dau. of D. Thompson of Antigo, Wis., who with two children survives him. Died at Guadalaraja, Mexico, Sept. 17, 1899, of tuberculosis of the bowels. ' 1898. HARRY DAVID CLARK, son of Rev. William H. and Ellie (Tice) Clark, born at Irvine, Warren Co., Pa., Oct. 15, 1876. Home ‘at Ripon, Wis., from 1889. Graduated from Ripon High School, 1893, and com- pleted his preparation for college in Ripon Preparatory School. Graduated from the Literary Course. Was appointed to a clerkship in Milwaukee, Wis., in the U. S. Agricultural Department, a few weeks before his grad- uation, and completed his studies while absent from college. During these weeks his health failed, and he was unable to return to his work after graduation. Hoping for relief, he went to Albuquerque, N. M., but died at that place Feb. 10, 1899, of tuberculosis. ~1_1‘ 3m..- ‘ UNIVERSITY OF Ml ML .» GAN a llllllllll lllll llllllll llllllcll lllllllll \ L s 9015 07599 7983 i