\-J ºf , Yº Sº \{ (25 \\?. \?) \ſ, MAR 24 1920 ‘Ghe Charter, Constitution and By-Law of the - New York Gamma Chapter of 335i Beta #appa Tºith a List of Members The College of the City of Mezzy York ‘Ghe Charter, Constitution and By-Laws of the New York Gamma Chapter of 33iji 33eta 3&appa zy i th a / is f of Me ºn be rs | 9 || 6 The College of the City of Wew York CHARTER To President Horace Webster and Professors John J. Owen, Gerardus B. Docharty, Charles E. Anthon, J. Graeff Barton, J. Roemer and A. J. Morales, Brethren of the Phi Beta Kappa, the Alpha of New York sends Greeting: WHEREAS, the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa by resolution, adopted July 24th, 1867, declared it expedient to establish a branch of the Phi Beta Kappa in connection with the College of the City of New York. Now THEREFORE, by virtue, and in pursuance of the afore- said resolution, we do hereby incorporate and establish you, the above-named Horace Webster, John J. Owen, Gerardus B. Docharty, Charles E. Anthon, J. Graeff Barton, J. Roemer and A J. Morales, with such others as you may associate with yourselves, in conformity with the laws of the Phi Beta Kappa here with transmitted, into a separate and distinct branch of the said society, to be known and called by the name of 'Gamma of New York, hereby granting unto you and your successors, all the powers, privileges and benefits thereunto appertaining in as full and ample manner as we or our Brethren of the other States enjoy the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto officially set our hands this eighteenth day of December, One thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, at Schenectady, New York. JOHN A. LANSING, President. J. A. DEREMER, Vice-President. ALEX. J. THOMSON, Cor. Sec'y. CHARLES F, NOBLE, Rec. Sec'y. Copy of the Charter, page 1 of Minutes of Gamma, Phi Beta Kappa, Copied by G. B. Docharty, Secretary. 1 CONSTITUTION OF THE NEW YORK GAMMA CHAPTER OF PHI BETA KAPPA. Phi Beta Kappa is a brotherhood among scholars. Its purpose is to encourage geniality and good fellowship as well as the acquisition of learning. Its meetings are to afford an opportunity for the exchange of thought so that each member may profit by the experience and research of all. The New York Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa is founded to promote the foregoing objects among the alumni of the College of the City of . Sew York, and also such other persons as may be affiliated with them, as the by-laws of the chapter may provide. The existence of the Gamma Chapter shall be perpetual. The chapter shall adopt, and may from time to time, as it shall deem best, amend or repeal by-laws governing its member- ship, procedure and activities. This shall be known as the constitution of New York Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa and may be amended or repealed by a four-fifths vote of the members present at any annual meeting of the members, provided there be present at least thirty members, and provided notice in writing of intention to propose such amendment or repeal shall have been given at any regular meeting previous thereto. All former constitutions are hereby repealed. 3 BY-LAWS OF T H E NEW YORK G AM M A CHAPTIER OF PHI BETA KAPPA I. OFFICERS There shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Re- cording Scoretary, and Corresponding Secretary, who shall hold office for the term of one year or until their successors are elected. All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of each year. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President, and so continue until his successor is elected. Should a vacancy occur in any other office or in a standing Committee it shall be filled by appointment by the President and the appointee shall so continue until his successor is elected or appointed. I1. ELECT] ON OF OFFICERS The election of officers shall be by ballot containing the names of all of the officers, and the names of those voted for written or printed opposite, each office. The ballot-box shall be open during the first hour of the annual meeting, at the end of which time it shall be closed and the yotes counted by tellers appointed by the Chairman. Plurality vote shall elect. 5 III. MEMBERS The following are eligible to election as members of the New York Gamma, provided their names are first approved by the Committee on Admissions, to wit:— - A. M. Çnn'hers of each graduating class of the College of the City of ſew York, not exceeding one-tenth thereof who sha'] have d stinguished themselves for scholarship, manliness and integrity who are proposed by the Committee on Admissions not later titan one year after their graduation. B. Alumni of said College or of any other institution of learn- ing of equal rank, who shall have graduated at least five years prior to their election, who shall have achieved honorable dis- tinction since graduation in literary, scientific or kindred at- tain frients and who are nominated. C. Members of other chapters of Phi Beta Kappa who are nominated. IV. ELECTION OF MEMBERS All nominations under Article III, Subdivisions B and C, shall be made in writing by at least two members of the Chapter to the Committee on Admissions, but no person shall be nomin- ated more than once in any one year. No member of the Committee on Admissions shall act as a nominator. Members may be elected at any regular meeting. At least two days before each regular meeting the Committee on Admissions shall furnish to the Corresponding Secretary a complete list of such candidates as are approved by it. The Corresponding Secretary shall have such list printed, and such printed lists shall serve as ballots at the ensuing meeting. To vote against a candidate it shall be necessary to strike his name from the ballot. The ballot-box shall be open during the first hour of the meeting, at the end of which time it shall be closed and the vote counted by tellers appointed by the Chair- man. Five adverse votes shall be necessary to reject any candidate. ~ - 6 V. ; COMMITTEES There shall be the following standing committees: - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : to consist of the officers. This Com- 1. ittee shall manage the affairs of the chapter. COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONs: to consist of five members, to be appointed by the President within thirty days after his c'ection. It shall be the duty of this Committee to nominate candidates for the various offices for the ensuing year. Its report shall be filed with the Corresponding Secretary at least ten days before the annual meeting and shall be printed and sent to all members with notice of such meeting. Nothing in this By-Law, however, shall be construed to prevent independent rominations. - COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS: to consist of five members to be appointed by the President within thirty days after his election. It shall be the duty of this Committee to consider and finally to determine the eligiº; y of all candidates for membership of a 1 classes. As to truse proposed under Article III, Sub- d’ \ is on B and C, it shall report in writing to the Correspond- ing Secretary at least ten days previous to each regular meet- irº the names of all candidates then approved by the Com- n°ittee, and as to candidates proposed under Article III, Subdivision A, it shall report in writing at least two days before each regular meeting. The proceedings of this Committee shall be secret and all communications relating to any candidate shall be destroyed or returned when the Committee has taken favorable action on that candidate’s name. The Committee shall keep a record of all nominations for membership with their dates. Immediately upon receiving any nomination for membership the Committee shall furnish to the nominators printed blanks which shall provide for the insertion of the information required in Subdivisions 1 to 3 hereof, and which shall also have 7 printed on them the substance of Subdivisions B and C of Article III and of Subdivision 4 hereof. - 1 THE full name and address of the candidate. 2. THE college, class and degrees of the candidate. 3. T H E qualifications of the candidate under Subdivision B or C of Article III of the By Laws. 4. A reply to the inquiry must be received by the Com- mittee within two months from the date of this nomination, otherwise the name of the candidate will be considered with- drawn and cannot be again proposed for one year thereafter. Answer to 3 supra must be received from at least three mem- bers of the chapter to secure action by the Committee. At least thirty days before the name of any candidate pro- posed under Subdivision B or C of Article III shall be re- ported . to the Chapter for election, the Committee on Ad- missions, through the Corresponding Secretary, shall submit to each member of the Chapter a printed list of all such candidates whose names are then before the Committee on Admissions and of whom the above information has been furnished as required by these rules. Such list shall state the name, address, college, degrees, class and qualifications for membership under Subdivisions B or C of Article III of these By-Laws, of each candidate and the names of his nominators, and shall contain a request for further information as to the candidate's qualifications. - No such candidate's name shall be reported to the Chapter by the Committee until after it has been so submitted to the members. No candidate's name shall be reported unless approved by at least four members of the Committee. GENERAL PROVISION : All Committees shall retain office until their successors are appointed or elected. 8 VI. MEETINGS Regular meetings shall be held in February, June and November in each year, the dates to be designated by the President. The February meeting shall be the annual meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President at any time. VII. The Corresponding Secretary shall send printed notice of all meetings to the members at least five days previous thereto, and shall there with send notice of any proposed repeal of, or amendment to, the constitution or By-Laws to be voted upon at such meeting and also a list of candidates proposed under Article III, Subdivisions B and C then reported favorably by the Committee on Admissions. VIII. The Executive Committee shall provide at all meetings such literary, scientific, or other entertainment as shall seem to it best. IX. The annual dues shall be two dollars, payable March first of each year. The Executive Committee shall have power to suspend from active membership any member more than five years in arrears. X. These By-Laws may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting, provided there be present at least thirty members and provided written notice of intention to propose such amendment or repeal shall have been given at a regular meeting previous thereto, but Articles III, IV, VII, and X shall not be amended or repealed at any other than an annual meeting. Any By-Law may be suspended at any meeting by unanimous vote. 9 XI. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. - XII. Persons elected shall become members upon payment of one year's dues and signing the constitution and By-Laws within one year after their election. XIII. Members shall, observe secrecy concerning the proceedings of the Chapter with relation to the election of members. XIV. The Chapter shall send delegates to all meetings of the National Council of the United Chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa. XV. All former By-Laws are hereby repealed. Adopted, New York, February 24th, 1916. 10 PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE, * Horace Webster. *Alexander Stewart Webb. John Huston Finley, Albany, New York. Sidney Edward Mezes, Cºlº of the City of New ork. PROFESSORS AND OTHERS NOT GRADUATES - OF THE COLLEGE. *Charles Edward Anthon. *John Graeff Barton. Charles Baskerville, College of the City of New York. Frederick Dielman, College of the City of New York. *Gerardus Beekman Docharty. *Casimir Fabregou. *Edward Clarke Houghton. *George Washington Hunts. 111 &l 11 *Augustin Jose Morales. *George Benton Newcomb. *John Jason Owen. *Jean Roemer. *David Burnet Scott. *William Beinhauer Silber. *Jesse Ames Spencer. Henry P. Johnston, College of the City of New York. & Carleton L. Brownson, College of the City of New York. *Deceased. 11 GRADUATES OF THE COLLEGE. 1853. *Alfred George Compton. 1854. Joseph Anderson, Woodmont, Conn. 1855. *George Jackson Greenfield. *James Weir Mason. Peter Bonnett Wight, Suite 113, Chamber of Com- merce Bldg., Chicago, Ill. 1856. *John Howe, Jr. *John Jasper, *Russell Sturgis. Everett Pepperrell Wheeler, 27 William St. N. Y. C. 1857. Cleveland Abbe, Douglas St., Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. Adolph Werner, 401 West End Ave., N. Y. C. 1858. William Mellen Banks, Portchester, N. Y. James Godwin, Hillside Farm, Catskill, N. Y. *Alexander Phoenix Ketchum, *Deceased. 12 1859. Horace Erastus Dresser, *Richmond Bullock Elliott. *James Knox. * Arnold Tanzer. *Fitz Gerald Tisdall. *Solomon Woolf, * Meletiah E. Dwight. Frederick Hobart, Henry Kirke, *Henry Edwin Tremain. *Evander Childs, Samuel Hopkins, *William C. Kimball. *James Patchell Lowrey. *James Edward Morrison. *William Frederick West. *Adolph Lewis Sanger. *Eustace Whipple Fisher. *George Benedict Hickok, Henry R. Howland, 294 Greene Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. 1860. 505 Pearl St., N. Y. C. 50, South 11th, St. Joseph, "I O. 1861, Milford Blatchford 52 Wall St., N. Y. C. 1862. 1863. Academy of Natural Science, Buffalo, N. Y. *Gilbert Livingston Morse. *George Washington Stephens. *Townsend Wandell. *Deceased. *William Lanman Bull. George Francis Demarest, George Edgar Hoe, *Erasmus Darwin Hudson, J Edward Lauterbach, David Leventritt, *Lucius McAdam. Benjamin Griffen, *John Augustus Knapp. Ira Remsen, Francis Asbury Sampson, Charles Henry Smith, *William Stratford. t- Henry Snyder Carr, Ernst F. Eurich, Charles Lemon Hall, Charles Mould Hibbard. *David Lowber Smith. *James Avery Wotton. Henry Fowler Chapman, *Arthur M. Hanks. Charles Otis Kimball, 1864. 59 Cedar St., N. Y. 305 E. 43rd St., N. T. William St., N. C. Y. 22 Y. 34 W. 77th St., N. Y. C. C. C. 1865. 41 W. 58th St., N. Y. C. Baltimore, Md. State Historical Society, Columbia, Mo. 546 W. 50th St., N. Y. C. 1866. College of the City of New ork. 144 Union St., Montclair, N. J. Elbowoods, N. Dak. 1867. 500 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. 27 W. 38th St., N. Y. C. *D eceased. 1868. Richard Rogers Bowker, *Gilbert Holmes Crawford. Walter Howe Peter Milliken, Jr. *William Frederick Pitschke. John Robert Sim, *Frederick Augustus Wright. 298 B way., N. Y. C. Hemet, Calif. College of the City of New York. 1869. *Thomas Herring Burchard. John Claflin, William Ernst Geyer, Louis Pope Gratacap, Edwin Thomas Hiscox, George Cowles Lay, William George McGuckin, Tºdore Frelinghuysen Mil- er, Henry Mottet, *Charles Jacob Nehrbas. *Edward Morse Shepard. Marcus Edward Tully, Howard Payson Wilds, 224 Church St., N. Y. C. Hoboken, N. J. 163 Bement Ave., Brighton, Staten Is. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 46 Cedar St. 176 West 105 th St., N. Y. C. We st 47 W. 20th St., N. Y. C. 60 W. 76th St., N. Y. C. University Club, N. Y. C. 1870. Robert Abbe, *Nathan Clark, Jr. Charles Avery Doremus, John Henry Inness, *Charles Barnum Jessup. Louis Charles Levin Jordan, Charles Augustus Kinch, *James Joseph Ledwith. Graham McAdam, Charles Hine Nettleton, 11 W. 50th St., N. Y. C. 59 W. 52nd St., N. Y. C. Ossining, N. Y. Cooper Union, N. Y. C. 74 W. 69th St., N. Y. C. 308 W. 20th St., N. Y. C. Derby, Conn. *Deceased. 15 1871. John Whittaker Acton, 52 Willow St., Waterbury, Conn. Daniel Bontecou, Kansas City, Mo. e J. Hampden Dougherty, 27 William St., N. Y. C. *Wheeler De Forest Edwards. Charles Edward Lydecker, 2 Rector St., N. Y. C. Martyn Summerbell, Lakemont, N. Y. - 1872. *Arthur Beach. Jed Frye, 100 Hudson St., N. Y. C. Samuel Greenbaum, 2 E. 94th St., N. Y. C. *John Callbreath Gulick, g * John Bach McMaster, Philadelphia, Pa. *Adolphus Henry Stoiber. Henry Lloyd Thornell, 45 Wall St., N. Y. C. Henry Van Kleeck, - º l Logan Ave., Denver, O || O. *Richard Van Santvoord, *James Lawrence Woodward. 1873. John Sherman Battell, 56 Cedar St., N. Y. C. Edward Martin Colie, 763 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Charles Prospero Fagnani, 606 W. 122nd St., N. Y. C. *Lynds Eugene Jones. Henry Marcus Leipziger, 1350 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Benno Lewinson, 119 Nassau St., N. Y. C. ' *Frederick Augustus Lyons. *Herman Joseph Muller. & º ºr * Henry Nelville Tifft, . 15 William St., N. Y. C. 1874. Warren Rogers Dix, Elizabeth, N. J. "Bºe Francis Joseph Gutg- - SG21 [. Samson Lachman, 35 Nassau St., N. Y. C. *Ferdinand Shack. Ivin Sickels, College of the City of New York. *Richard Leland Sweezy. *Daniel Van Pelt. . * Richard Pardee Williams, 3026 Q St., Washington, D. C. *Deceased. 16 1875. *Howard Richard Burk, - Hanford Crawford, St. Louis, Mo. Edward Dix Fisher, 19 W. 52nd St., N. Y. C. Abraham Goldsmith, 35 Nassau St., N. Y. C. Samuel Hanaway, Cº.; of the City of New O I K. Wilbur Larremore, 32 Nassau St., N. Y. C. William Burnet Tuthill, 287 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C. Joseph Ullman, 160 B way., N. Y. C. 1876. *Arthur Pond Baldwin, Vernon Mansfield Davis, 194 Lenox Ave., N. Y. C. Edward Cairns Henderson, 52 William St., N. Y. C. George Charles Hollerith, 176 Bway., N. Y. C. William Houston Kenyon, 61 Bway., N. Y. . C. Ferdinand Richard Min rath, 22 William St., N. Y. C. *Maurice Rapp. 1877. J. Arthur Barratt, 3 Temple Gardens, Temple, London, England. Nathan E. Brill, 48 W. 76th St., N. Y. C. Lewis Sayre Burchard, 2. Rector St., N. Y. C. Leigh Harrison Hunt, College of the City of New York. James Luby, New York Sun. Alrick H. Man, 56 Wall St., N. Y. C. *Irving Howard Tifft. 1878. Alfred Jaretzki, 49 Wall St., N. Y. C. Alan Douglas Kenyon, 61 Wall St., N. Y. C. *Walter Romaine Leggat. Julius Caesar Morgenthau, 87 Nassau St., N. Y. C. James Alexander Stitt, 19 Cedar St., N. Y. C. Francis Smith Williams, 50 Broad St, N. Y. C. *Deceased, 17 2-. 1879. *Gustave Le Gras. Henry Frederick Miller, 44 Pine St., N. Y. C. *Edwin Robert Murgatroyd. Ernest Noel Perrin, 303 Aycrigg Ave., Passaic, N e e . J. Signund. Pollitzer, 51 E. 60th St., N. Y. C. *Allen Montgomery Stoddart. William Leamon Turner, 75 E. 55th St., N. Y. C. Bartow S. Weeks, 51 Chambers St., N. Y. C. - 1880. Richard Floyd Clarke, 37 Wall St., N. Y. C. eorge Semler Davis, Hunter College, Park Ave., N. Y. C. - - Harry Wolf Mack, William St., N. Y. C. August Lewis Martin, 76 William St., N. Y. C. Edwin Henry Nordlinger, 81 Front St., N. Y. C. Edwin Thomas Rice, Jr., 59 Wall St., N. Y. C. Gustave Straubenmüller, 169 W. 88th St., N. Y. C. Franz Torek, 1021 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Henry J. Wolf, 119 W. 86th St., N. Y. C. 1881. - Frederick Albert Bacon, 857 E. 156th. St., N. Y. C. Robert Nelson Kenyon, 61 Bway., N. Y. C. Alex G. McAdie, . . Readville, Mass. *John J. McNulty. a - * Aurelius Elias Mestre. . William Morrow Knox O1- 170 Bway., N. Y. C. Cott, • * *Herman Schroeder. Edward Walmsley Stitt, 1543 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. Albert Ulmann, g 111 Bway, N. Y. C. - - lsº Loan & Trus co, Everit Brown, armers' Loan I'll St C.O., V C r1 OW 1 16 William St., N. Y. C. Reuben Cronson, - 133 W. 122nd St., N. Y. C. Edwin Coles Dusenbury, 2 Rector St., N. Y. C. *Morris Henry Hayman, *Deceased. 18 : Ernest Ilgen, l’rederick Gottlob Mueller, John Prochazka, William Howard Rachau, Ronald Ketchum Brown, Louis Thompson Brush, Joseph Leon Buttenwieser, *John Louis Früauf. W. Travis Gibb, Philip James Mosenthal, lewis Freeman Mott, W. H. Park, - George Schaeitler, Paul Oscar Wels, College of the City of New York. New Rochelle, N. Y. 3 University Place, East Or- ange, N. Y. 42 B way., N. Y. C. 1883. 320 B way., N. Y. C. 487 First St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 220 B way., N. Y. C. 42 W. 75th St., N. Y. C. 1 Liberty St., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 315 W. 76th St., N. Y. C. 533 W. 34th St., N. Y. C. P. O. Encampment, Wyom- ing, Wyoming Co., Penn. 1884. Henry Eugene Bliss. Cornelius Godfrey Coakley, Oscar Erlandsen, William Fox, Lee Kohns. Morris Manges, *Rutson Maury. Julius Marshall Mayer, James Pedersen, August Rupp, Edward Wheeler Scripture, *Edward Farnham Todd. • *Samuel Adolph Tuska. 53 W. 56th St., N. Y. C. 359 Fulton St., Jamaica. N. Y. C. College of the City of New York, 42 Warren St., N. Y. C. 941 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. 41 Wall St., N. Y. C. 40 E. 44th St., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. i80 W. 70th St., N. Y. C. * Deceased. 19 Louis Philip Bach, George Birmingham liffe, Forbes Robert McCreery, Alfred Wolf Mack, Isaac Frank Moritz, Harold Nathan, Samuel Schulman, Bashford Dean, Charles Alfred Downer, Abraham Lincoln Gutman, Charles Lane Poor, Frederick William Wendt, John Wilson Wood, Theodore Baumeister, Harry Eising, Louis Maurice Josephthal, Henry George Schneider, Augustus Smith, Robert Frederic Smith, Samuel Jr., Albert Kohn, Jerome A. O’Connell, Charles Howard Parmly, *Frederic Elliot Perham. McAu- Whitney Dunscomb, 1885. 237 E. 23rd St., N. Y. C. 616 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. 123 E. 40th St., N. Y. C. 248 W. 138th St., N. Y. C. 817 West End Ave., N. Y. C. 44 Bway, N. Y. C. 1144 Park Ave., N. Y. C. 1886. Riverdale, N. Y. College of the City of New York. 25 Broad St., N. Y. C. Columbia University, N. Y. C. 315 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C. 281 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C. 1887. 35 Nassau St., N. Y. C. 50 Central Park West, N. Y. C. 56 Bway., N. Y. C. 610 W. 47th St., N. Y. C. 111 Bway., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 1888. * 28 W. 128th St., N. Y. C. 122 E. 58th St., N. Y. C. 500 Park Ave., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. *Deceased. George Ferry Salter, Plowdon Stevens, Jr. Gustave Robitschek Tuska, East Orange, N. J. 2126 Washington A ve Bronx. N. Y. C. 62 William St., N. Y. C. • ? 1889. Gano Sillick Dunn, Charles Francis Horne, Frederick Malling Pedersen, Julius Prince, Livingston Rowe Schuyler, Arthur Smith, Ezra Ketcham Waterbury, 117 W. 58th St., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. College of the City of New ork. 24 University Place, N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 111 B way., N. Y. C. 29 W. 17th St., N. Y. C. 1890, Leonard Lawrence Breit- W 16 Ser, Charles Albert Elsberg, Leon Huehner, Max James Kohler, Otto Theodore Louis, Burton Charles Meighan, Arthur Frank Joseph Remy, Clarence DeWitt Rogers, Paul Louis Saurel, Frank Schlesinger, 176 Bway., N. Y. C. Madison Ave. & 63rd St., N. Y. C. 5-7 Beekman St., N. Y. C. 52 William St., N. Y. C., 3 Alice, Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. 120 B way., N. Y. C. 112 W. 137th St., N. Y. C. 141 Bway., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. Allegheny, Pa. *Deceased. 21 1891. William Carl, Nathaniel Albert Elsberg, Samuel Friedwald, - Emanuel Libman, Harold Edward Lippincott, *Howard Sidney Meighan, Henry Necarsulmer, John Calvin Oakes, Frederick Gregory nolds, Francis Smyth, Solomon M. Stroock, Sidney Lunt Wood, Louis E. Van Norman, Rey- 99 Nassau St., N. Y. C. 27 William St., N. Y. C. 185 Henry St., N. Y. C. 180 E. 64th St., N. Y. C. 109 W. 45th St., N. Y. C. 120 Bway., N. Y. C. Galveston, Texas. The College of the City of New York. 40 Wall St., N. Y. C. 30 Broad St., N. Y. C. 61 E. 25th St., N. Y. C. 13 Astor Place, N. Y. C. 1892. Edward Albert Alexander, Hermann Benjamin Baruch, Ferdinand Ezra Moritz Bul- lowa, Alfred Arthur Cook, Ernest August von Fintel, Emil Goldmark, Arthur Knox, Nathan Ottinger, George M. S. Schulz, Franz Sigel Frederick Everett Stanton, ió5 B way., N. Y. C. 60 B way., N. Y. C. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. C. 111 Bway., N. Y. C. 333 Beach St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. 206 W. 86th St., N. Y. C. 198 Bway., N. Y. C. 23 W. 75th St., N. Y. C. County Court House. 897 Crotona Park, North, N. Y . C. 894 Bway., N. Y. C. 1893 Walter M. Brickner, William Aloysius Dalton, Horatio Seymour Eisman, Dean Emery, John Dearling Haney, Solomon A. Hyman, 30 W. 92nd St., N. Y. C. 149 E. 63rd St., N. Y. C. 135 Bway., N. Y. C. 52 Bway., N. Y. C. P. S. 5, Bronx, 189th St., and Webster Ave., N. Y. C. 167 E. 121st St., N. Y. C. *Deceased. Moses Samuel Levussove, Walter Timme, Fitz-Henry Fay Tucker, Edward Cornell Zabriskie, * Louis Zinke, The College of the City of New York. 133 W. 72nd St., N. Y. C. 320 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. 52 W, 93rd St., N. Y. C. 1894. Charles Derleth, Jr., Jesse W. Ehrich, * Bradney Beverly Griffin, Leo B. Meyer, Bernard Naumburg, Benjamin G. Paskus, Oswald Schlockow, Berkeley, Cal. 31 Liberty St., N. Y. C. 140 W. 79th St., N. Y. C. 30 Broad St., N. Y. C. 128 Bway., N. Y. C. 1162 Pacific St., Bkn., N. Y. 1895. Julius Arthur Flaum, Clarence G. Galston, Everett Bernard Heymann, | Harry Cates Krowl, * Rudolph Tombo, Jr., Martin Wechsler, \Valter Mortimer Wechsler, 419 E. 51st St., N. Y. C. 49 Wall St., N. Y. C. 35 Nassau St., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 61-63 Park Row, N. Y. C. 30 E. 42nd St., N. Y. C. 1896. Jerome Alexander, J. Harper Jasper, Edward Kasner, Herbert Allan Knox, Rudolph Charles Pokorny, Em’lius William Jr., Charles Sindelar, Scherr, Otto Charles Sommerich, Morris Crawford Valentine, William Sen, Caspar Volckhau- 502 W. 45th St., N. Y. C. 118 W. 130th St., N. Y. C. Columbia University, N. Y. C. 198 Bway., N. Y. C. 440 E. 77th St., N. Y. C. ,141 B way., N. Y. C Stuyvesant H. S., 345 E. 15th St., N. Y. C. 15 William St., N. Y. C. 5 Maxwell Ave., Jamaica, L. I. 433 W. 162nd St., N. Y. C. *Deceased. 22 1897. Louis Kaufman Anspacher, Clarence Gans Bernheimer, Hubert Frederick Breit- wieser, Ileo Buerger, Alfred Donaldson Compton, Israel Edwin Goldwasser, Aaron B. Salant, Donald Grant Whiteside, Henry St., Gifford Park, Tuckahoe, N. Y. 10 Wall St., N. Y. C. 505 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. 40 E. 41st St., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 143 W. 111th St., N. Y. C. 14 White St., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 1898. Felix Arnold, Charles Buerger, *Arthur Taber Hanson, Emanuel Kaiser, Harold Leventhal, William Clarence Reed, Louis Salant, 34 St. Nicholas Placc. Philadelphia, Pa. 150 Nassau St., N. Y. C. 406 W. 19th St., N. Y. C. 34 Pine St., N. Y. C. 1899. Milton Bodenheimer, Max Radin, *Eugene Weiss, George W. Whiteside, 336 E. 50th St, N. Y. C. 347 E. 116th St., N. Y. C. 27 William St., N. Y. C. 1900. Theodore J. Breitwieser, Herman Eichhorn, Alfred Frankenthaler, Charles J. Lager wall, Henry Neumann, 304 32 Liberty St., N. Y. C. 231 E. 111th St., N. Y. C. 37 Iliberty St., N. Y. C. 239 E. 87th St., N. Y. C. Marlborough R O a d, Brooklyn, N. Y. *Deceased. 24 1901, David Cohen, Mario Emilio Cosenza, Selig Edelman, Harry A. Gordon, Benjamin Jaffe, Arthur Charles Kahn, Robert Harry Lowie, Henry I. N orr, William Solotaroff, Lot: is M. Eichhorn, Felix Frankfurter, Morris Greenberg, William F. Unger, John Joseph Caulfield, Bernard A. Colten, Bruno Redter, George Frankenthaler, Emanuel David Friedman, Isidore Glotzer, Arnold Jacobowitz, Walter Robert Johnson, 855 Cauldwell Ave., Bronx. N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 1,240 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. 746 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. 53 B.C clº St., Bronx. N. Y. C. 1 10 W. 46th St., N. Y. C. Museum of Natural History, 79th St. Central Park West 896 Fox St., Bronx. N. Y. C. 133 South Parkway, East Orange, N. J. 1902. 444 W. 167th St., N. Y. C. Harvard Law School, Cam- bridge, Mass. Commercial H. S., Albany Ave. and Dean St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. . Y 25 Broad St., N. Y. C. 1903. 950 Anderson Ave., Bronx, Y. C 1833 Seventh Ave., N. Y. C. | ligh School of Commerce, N. Y. C. 37 Liberty St., N. Y. C. 3.14 E. 79th St., N. Y. C. 1074 Longfellow Ave., Bronx N. Y. C. 302 Bway., N. Y. C. - 165 W. 129th St., N. Y. C. 25 Charles Krolſ, Solomon Kronberg Elias Lieberman Justin Hartley Moore, Henry Clay Moses, Jr., Charles J. Nehrbas, Henry Shapiro, Isadore Tanz, Morris Weisenberg, Otto Wortman. 1 W. 92nd St., N. Y. C. 1225 49th St, Bkn., N. Y. 10 Bleecker St., Bkn., N. Y. College of the City of New O 1 K, 103 W. 88th St., N. Y. C. 3609 Bway., N. Y. C. 259 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. 108 W. 141st St., N. Y. C. 1130 Union Ave., N. Y. C. 1904. Simon Bachrach, William Philip Breitweiser, Charles Aloysius Corcoran, William Frederick, Jr., John C. Green, Paul Klapper, Frederick B. Robinson, Jacob Salwyn Schapiro, George Ernest Strehan, 154 W. 123rd St., N. Y. C. 159 Ross St., Blºlyn. College of the City of New York. 730 Tenth Ave., N. Y. C. 468 W. 129th St., N. Y. C. College of the City of New York, College of the City of New York. College York. 609 Wales Ave., Bronx, N. Y. C. of the City of New 1905. Kenneth Groesbeck, William Armand Hannig, William Joseph McGrath, Alexander Bernard Sicgel, 854 W. 181st St., N. Y. C. 1245 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. 621 W. 181st St., N. Y. C. 25 Broad St., N. Y. C. 26 1906. Robert H. Alles Bernard Hershkopf, James P. Kelly, Joseph Pearl, Herman Ritow, Edward Schramm, David B. Steinman, Alfred Goldsmith, Custav F. Schulz, U lysscs S. Tasch, Harold Delano, Flisha M. Friedman, Siegfried F. Hartman, Howard L. King. Harry Kornfeld, Israel Mirsky, Alexander Pollachek, Morris Popper, John S. Sickels, Peter Tea, 205. S. Van Dien Ave., Ridgewood, N. J. 44 Wall St., N. Y. C. 2163 Gleason Ave., Union- port, N. Y. C. College of the City of New York. 26 Culmanſ; strasse, Zürich, Switzerland. 1319 Kenyon St., Washing- ton, D. C. 63 William St., N. Y. C. 1907. College of the City of New York. College of the City of New York. 942 Ave. St. John, N. Y. C. 1908. 512 Lexington Ave., Bklyn., N. Y. 102 E. 96th St., N. Y. C. 948 Trinity Ave., Bronx, N. Y. C 559 W. 164th St., N. Y. C. 1016 E. 13th St., Flatbush, Bklyn, N. Y. 182 E. 72nd St., N. Y. C. 2390 Lorrilard Place, Bronx, N. Y. C. 1034 Lowell St., Bronx, N. Y. C. West Nyack, N. Y. 75 W. 92nd St., N. Y. C. 27 1909. Morris L. Bergman, 183 2nd St., N. Y. C. George B. DeLuca, 723 E. 218th St., Williams- * bridge, N. Y. C. Arthur Dickson, College of the City of New York. George D. Dub, 3408 Fulton . i - Brooklyn, N. Y. Irving Gordon, 75 E. 121st St., N. Y. C. f Harry Kessler, 247 Second St., N. Y. C. Walter Krum wiede, g 2075 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Harry Kurz, College of the City of New York. A. O. X. McLoughlin, Cºlº of the City of New York. Robert H. Steps, University of Southern Cal- ifornia, Los Angeles, Cal. Harry Urdang, 1478 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. February, 1910. Max Horowitz, - 171 E. B way., N. Y. C. Joseph Jablonower, 1390 Clinton Ave., Bronx, N. Y. C. *Thuisco A. E. Lefkovics. Louis J. Mayers, 678 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. June, 1910. Samuel B. Applebaum, 1922 grºoms Parkway, N. Y. C. Ephraim Berliner, 66, W. 118th St., N. Y. C., Alexander Green, 216 W. 143rd St., N. Y. C. Jacob Hoffman, 534 W. 124th St., N. Y. C. * Deceased. February, 1911. Isidore Lazarus, 506 W. 173rd St., N. Y. C. Marks Neidle, * The College, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. lorenz Reich, Jr., 120 B way., N. Y. C. June, 1911. George W. Edwards, Stuyvesant High School, N. Y. C. Isidore Eisenberg, 5021 Third Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Gabriel M. Green, Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. Morris Hirsch, 304 W. 149th St., N. Y. C. Morse L. Hirsch, 56 E. 93rd St., N. Y. C. Morris Kirschstein, 222 Henry St., N. Y. C. Stephen K. Rapp, 30 Broad St., N. Y. C. Robert L. Rubenstein, 67 E. 104th St., N. Y. C. Jacob Schapiro, 41 Park Row, N. Y. C. February, 1912. Julius Drachsler, 163 E. 87th St., N. Y. C. Virgil Jordan, 110 W. 84th St., N. Y. C. Michael Kurz, 857 Beck Street, N. Y. C. June, 1912. Cecil B. Dyer, 770 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. February, 1913. Thilip R. V. Curoe, College of the City of New York. Benjamin Elwyn, 23 E. 109th St., N. Y. C. June, 1913. Francis R. Dieuaide, Cº.; of the City of New OI. K. Morton Gottschall, College of the City of New York. 29 William Hazen, Lester L. Israel, Maxwell James, Louis J. Mutterperl, Bureau of Soils, Department of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. 106 W. 69th St., N. Y. C. Bureau of Standards, De- partment of Commerce, Washington, D. C. 717 Jackson Ave., Bronx, N. Y. C. - February, 1914. Solomon Bluhm, Arthur P. Caldwell, David Kraus, August Lodato, David W. Park, David Soletsky, June, Morris Buchter, Isidore Cohen, Meyer M. Harris, Ellis A. Johnson, Rudolph Kramer, Jerome E. Malino, Harry Rotkowitz, 101 W. 140th St., N. Y. C. 742 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. 349 E. 76th St., N. Y. C. 1567-69 Fulton Ave., Bronx, N. Y. C 541 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 568 Columbus Ave., N. Y. C. 1914. 339 W. 47th St., N. Y. C. 846 Kelly St., Bronx, N. Y. C. New York State Dept. of Health, Research Labora- tories, Albany, N. Y. 160 Vernon Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1871 Seventh Ave., N. Y. C. 1363 Steblins Ave., Bronx, N. Y. C. 12 E. 85th St., N. Y. C. 30 February, 1915. I arry Eisner, Aaron Freilich, Sniºnuel Kirschberg, Alc xander Markowitz, Michael Ringer, A raham Schamus, Joseph Zimmerman, Joseph J. Zweifel, June, Mortimer J. Cohen, A 'thur W. Davidson, Tº omas Kissane, Cºnrlºs Marshall, Oscar I. Meyerson, Isaac Sesitzky, David Shapiro, Karl H. Smith, Joseph Weiss, 652 E. 12th St., N. Y. C. West Philadelphia High School, 48th and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 571 Fox St., Bronx, N. Y. C. 237 Hart St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 625 Jefferson Place, N. Y. C. 77 Lilac St., Buffalo St., N. Y. College of the City of New York. 50 E. 130th St., N. Y. C. Bronx, 1915. 2 10 W. 143rd St., N. Y. C. 601 W. 137th St., N. Y. C. 536 W. 136th St., N. Y. C. 423 Sixth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 60 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. 15 E. 117th St., N. Y. C. 14 E. 114th St., N. Y. C. 1516 Charlotte St., Bronx, N. Y. C. 380 E. 8th St., N. Y. C. February, 1916. Morton Abrahams, Howard Adler, Jesse Douglas, Jacob Graham, Morris Meister, Melville A. Shauer, Bertram D. Wolfe, Julius Zimmerman, 6 t 1 W. 141st St., N. Y. 452 W. 149th St., N. Y. 2/5 East Bway., N. Y. C. 122 W. 143rd St., N. Y. 344 E. 6th St., N. Y. C. 8 (9 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. 1 48 Berriman St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 627 Saratoga Ave., Brºoklyn, N. Y. C. C. C. N. 2 June, 1916. Thomas P. Clendenin, 120 Vista Place, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Peter Gregory Daschavsky, 610 West 135th St., N. Y. C. Moses H. Gitelson, 159 East 59th St., N. Y. C. Isidor Goldfarb, 1420 Park Avenue, N. Y. C. Herman A. Grablowsky, 1226 Boston Road, N. Y. C. Bernard Jaffe, 1326 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. C. Isaac F. Kaplan, 523 East 13th St., N. Y. C. Lucian Lamm, 140 West 116th St., N. Y. C. Morris Pike, 76 Suffolk St., N. Y. C. John Viscardi, 49 West 112th St., N. Y. C. Franklin Waldheim, 228 West 140th St., N. Y. C. 32 A Abbe, Cleveland, '57 Robert, '70. Abrahams, Morton, 16 F Acton, John Whittaker, '71 Adler, Howard, 16 F. Alexander, Edward Albert, '92 — Jerome, 26 Alles, Robert H., '06. Anderson, Joseph, '54. Apacher Louis Kaufman, '97. Applebaum, Samuel B, 10 J Arnold, Felix, '98 B Bach, Louis Philip, '85. Bachrach, Simon, 04. Bacon, Frederick Albert, '81 Raldwin. Arthur Pond, '76. Banks, William Mellen, '58. Rarratt, J Arthur, '77. Baruch, Hermann Benja- min, '92. Battell, John Sherman, 73 Raumeister. Theodore, '87. Teach, Arthur, '72. Bergman, Morris L., '09 Bºheimer Clarence, Gans, Berliner, Ephraim, '10 J Bliss, Henry Fugene, '84. Bluhm, Solomon, '14 F. Bodenheimer, Milton, '99. Bontecou, Daniel, '71. Bowker, Richard Rogers, '68. 33 Breitwieser, Hubert Frederick, '97. Leonard Lawrence, '90. Theodore J., '00. — William Philip, '04. Brickner, Walter M., '93. Brill, Nathan E, 77. Brown, Everit, '82. Ronald Ketchum, '83. Brush, Louis Thompson, '83. Buchter, Morris, 14 J. Buerger, Charles, '98. — Leo, '97. Bull, William Lanman, '64. Bullowa, Ferdinand E. M., '92. Burchard, Lewis Sayre, '77. Burchard, Thomas Herring, '69. Burk, Howard Richard, '75. Buttenwieser, Joseph Leon, '83. C Caldwell, Arthur P., Jr., "14 F. Carl, William, '91. Carr, Henry Snyder, '66. Caulfield, John Joseph, '03. Chapman, Henry Fowler, '67. Childs, Evander, '61. Claflin, John, '69. Clark, Nathan, Jr., '70. Clarke, Richard Floyd, '80. Clendenin, Thomas P., 16 J. Coakley, Cornelius Godfrey, '84 Cohen, David, '01. Isidore, 14 J. 34 Cohen, Mortimer J., '15 J. Colie, Edward Martin, '73. Colten, Bernard A., '02. Compton, Alfred Donaldson, '97. - Alfred George, ’53. Cook, Alfred Arthur, '92. Corcoran, Charles Aloysius, ’04, Cosenza, Mario Emilio, '01. Crawford, Gilbert Holmes, '68. 11amford, '75. Cronson, Reuben, '82. Curoe, Philip R. V., "13 F. D Dalton, William Aloysius, '93. Dºº Peter Gregory, Davidson, Arthur, '15 J. Davis, George Semler, '80. Vernon Mansfeld, '76. Dean, Bashford, '86 Delano, Harold, '08. De Luca, George B., '09. Demarest, George Francis, '64. Derleth, Charles, Jr., '94. Dickson, Arthur, '09. Dieuaide, Francis R., 13 J. Dix, Warren Rogers, '74. Doremus, Charles Avery, '70. Dougherty, J. Hampden, '71. Douglas, Jesse, '16 F. Downer, Charles Alfred, '86. Drachsler, Julius, '12 F. Dresser, Horace Erastus, '59. 35 Dub, George, D., '09. Dunn, Gano Sillick, '89. Dunscomb, Samuel Whitney, Jr., '88. Dusenbury, Edward Coles, '82. Dwight, M. E., '60. Dyer, Cecil B., '12 J. E Edelman, Selig, '01. Edwards, George W., '11 J. Wheeler De Forest, '71. Ehrich, Jesse W., '94. Eichhorn, Herman, '00. — Louis M., '02. Eisenberg, Isadore, 11 J. Eising, Harry, '87. Eisman, Horatio Seymour, '93. Eisner, Harry, '15 F. Elliot, Richmond Bullock, '59. Elsberg, Charles Albert, '90. Nathan Albert, '91. Flwyn, Benjamin, '13 F. Emery, Dean, '93. -: Erlandsen, Oscar, '84. Eurich, Ernest F., '66. F Fagnani, Charles Prospero, '73. Fedter, Bruno, '03 Fendrich, William, Jr., '04. Fintel, Ernest A. von, '92. Fisher, Dix Edwards, '75. Eustace Whipple, '63. 36 Flaum, Julius Arthur, '95. Fox, William, '84. Frankenthaler, Alfred, '00. — George, ’03. Frankfurter, Felix, '02. Freilich, Aaron, '15 F. Friedman, Elisha M., '08. Emanuel David, '03. Friedwald, Samuel, '01. Früauf, John Louis, '83. Frye, Jed, '72. G Galston, Clarence G., '95 Geyer, William Ernest, '69. Gibb, W. Travis, '83. Gitelson, Moses H., "16 J. Glotzer, Isidore, ’03. Godwin, James, ’58 Goldfarb, Isidor, '16 J. Goldmark, Emil, '92. Goldsmith, Abraham, 75. — Alfred, '07. Goldwasser, Israel Edwin, '97 Gordon, Harry A., '01. — Irving, '09. Gottschall, Morton, '13 F. Grablowsky, Herman A., 16 J. Graham, Jacob, '16 F. Gratacap, Louis Pope, '69. Green, Alexander, '10 J. Gabriel M., '11 J. — John C., '04. Greenbaum, Samuel, '82. Greenberg, Morris, '02. Greenfield, George Jackson, '55. 37 Griffen, Benjamin, '65. — Bradney Beverly, '94. Groesbeck, Kenneth, '05. Gulick, John Callbreath, '72 Gutgsell, Eugene Francis Jo- seph, '74. Gutman, Abraham Lincoln, '86. H Hall, Charles Lemon, '66. Hanaway, Samuel, '75. Haney, John Dearling, '93. Hanks, Arthur M., '67. Hannig, William Armand, '05. Hanson, Arthur Taber, '98. Harris, Meyer M., "14 J. Hartman, Siegfried F., '08. Hayman, Morris Henry, '82. Hazen, William, '13 J. Henderson, Edward Cairns, '76. Hershkopf, Bernard, '06. Heymann, Everett Bernard, '95. Hibbard, Charles Mould, '66. Hickok, George Benedict, '63. Hirsch, Morris, '11 J. Morse L., '11 J. Hirschberg, Samuel, '15 F Hiscox, Edwin Thomas, 69. Hobart, Frederick, '60. Hoe, George Edgar, '64. Hoffman, Jacob, '10 J. Hollerith, George Charles, '76. Hopkins, Samuel M il for d Blatchford, '61. Horne, Charles Francis, '89. Horwitz, Max, '10 F. 38 Howe, John Jr., '56. — Walter, '68. Howland, Henry R., '63. Hºon, Erasmus Darwin, Jr., Huehner, Leon, '90. Hunt, Leigh Harrison, '77. Hyman, Solomon A., '93. I Ilgen, Ernest, '82. Inness, John Henry, '70. Israel, Lester L., "13 J. J Jablonower, Joseph, '10 F. Jaffe, Benjamin, '01. Jaffe, Bernard, '16 J. Jaretzki, Alfred, '78. Jasper, John, '56. J. Harper, '96. Jessup, Charles Barnum, '70. Jacobowitz, Arnold, '03. James, Maxwell, 13 J. Johnson, Ellis A., 14 J. Johnson, Walter Robert, '03. Jones, Lynds Eugene, '73. Jºn Louis Charles Levin, — Virgil, 12 F. Josephthal, Louis Maurice, '87. 39 FC Kahn, Arthur Charles, '01. Kaiser, Emanuel, '98. Kaplan, Isaac F., "16 J. Kasner, Edward, '96. Kelly, James P., '06. Kenyon, Alan Douglas, '78. Robert Nelson, '81. – William Houston, '76. Kessler, Harry, '09. Kºum, Alexander Phoenix, '58. Kimball, Charles Otis, '67. William C., '61. Kinch, Charles Augustus, '70. King, Howard L., '08. Kirschstein, Morris, '11 J. Kissane, Thomas, '15 J. Klapper, Paul, '04. Knapp, John Augustus, '65. Knox, Arthur, '92. — Herbert Allen, '96. — James, '59. Kohler, Max James, '90. Kohn, Albert, '88. Kohns, Lee, ’84. Kornfeld, Harry, '08. Kramer, Rudolph, '14 J. Kraus, David, 14 F. Kroll, Charles, ’03. Kronberg, Solomon, '03. Krowl, Harry Cates, ’95. Krum wiede, Walter, '09. Kurz, Harry, '09. Michael, '12 F. 40 Lachman, Samson, '74. Lagerwall, Charles J., '00. Lamm, Lucian, '16 J. Larremore, Wilbur, '75. Lauterbach, Edward, '64. Lay, George Cowles, '69. Lazarus, Isidore, '11 F. Ledwith, James Joseph, '70. Leggat, Walter Romaine, '78. Le Gras, Gustave, ’79. Leipziger, Henry Mancus, '73. Leventhal, Harold, '98. Leventritt, David, '64. Levussove, Moses Samuel, '93. Lewinson, Benno, '73. Libman, Emanuel, '91. Lieberman, Elias, '03. Lippincott, Harold Edward, '91 Lodato, August, 14 F. Louis, Otto Theodore, '90. Lowie, Robert Harry, '01. Lowrey, James Patchell, '61. Luby, James, '77. Lydecker, Charles Edward, '71. Lyons, Frederick Augustus, '73. M Mack Alfred Wolf, '85. — Harry Wolf, '80. Malino, Jerome E., "14 J. Manges, Morris, '84. Man, Alrick H., '77. Markowitz, Alexander, '15 F. Marshall, Charles, '15 J. Martin, August Lewis, ’80. 41 Mason, James Weir, '55. Maury, Rutson, '84. Mayer, Julius Marshall ,'85. Mayers, Louis J., '10 F. McAdam, Graham, '70. — Lucius, '64. McAdie, Alex G., '81. McAuliffe, George Birming- ham, '85. McCreery, Forbes Robert, '85. McGrath, William Joseph, '05. McGuckin, William George, '69. Mºuchlin Frederick O. X.. McMaster, John Bach, '72. McNulty, John J., '81. Meighan, Burton Charles, '90. — Howard Sidney, '91. Meister, Morris, '16 F. Mestre, Aurelius Elias, '81. Meyer, Leo B., '94. Meyerson, Oscar L., '15 J. Miliken, Peter, Jr., '68. Miller, Henry Frederick, '79. Theodore Frelinghuy. sen, '69. Miyath Ferdinand Richard. Mirsky, Israel, '08. Moore, Justin Hartley, '03. Mºgenihau. Julius Caesar, Moritz, Isaac Frank, '85. Morrison, James Edward, '61. Morse, Gilbert Livingston, '63. 42 Mosenthal, Philip James, ’83. Moses, Henry Clay, Jr., '03. Mott, Lewis Freeman, '83. Miottet, Henry, '69. Mueller, Frederick Gottlob, '82. Muller, Herman Joseph, '73. Mgaroyd Edwin Robert, Mutterperl, Louis J., '13 J, N Nathan, Harold, '85. Narmburg, Bernard, '94. Necarsuſ mer, Henry, '91. NChrbas, Charles J., '03. Charles Jacob, '69. Neidle, Marks, ’11 F. .Nettleton, Charles Hine, ’70. Neumann, Henry, '00. Nordlinger, Edwin Henry, '80. Norr, Henry I., '01. O Oakes, John Calvin, '91. O'Connell, Jerome A., '88. Olcott, William Morrow Knox, ’81 - - Ottinger, Nathan, '92. P Park, David W., 14 F. — W. H., '83. Parmly, Charles Howard, '88. Paskus, Benjamin G., '94, Pearl, Joseph, '06. 43 Pederson, Frederick Malling, ’89. — James, '84. Perham, Frederick Elliot, '88. Perrin, Ernest Noel, '79. Pike, Morris, '16 J. Pitschke, William Frederick, '68. Pokorny, Rudolph Charles, ’96. Pollachek, Alexander, '08. Pollitzer, Sigmund, '79. Poor, Charles Lane, '86. Popper, Morris, '08. Prince, Julius, '89. Prochazka, John, '82. R Rachau, William Howard, '82. Radin, Max, '99. Rapp, Maurice, '76. — Stephen K., '1 1 J. Reed, William Clarence, '98. Reich, Lorenz, Jr., '11 F. Remsen, Ira, ’65. - Remy, Arthur Frank Joseph, ’90 Reynolds, Frederick Gregory, '91. Rice, Edwin Thomas, Jr., '80. Ringer, Michael, '15 F. Ritow, Herman, '06. Robinson, Frederick B., '04. Rogers, Clarence DeWitt, '90. Rotkowitz, Harry, '14 J. Rubenstein, Robert L., '11 J. Rupp, August, '84. 44 S Salant, Aaron B., '97. — Louis, '98. Salter, George Ferry, '88. Sampson, Francis Asbury, '65. Sanger, Adolph Lewis, '62. Saurel, Paul Louis, '90. Schaettler, George, '83. Schamus, Abraham, '15 F. Schapiro, Jacob, '11 J. Jacob Salwyn, '04. sº Emilius William, Jr., Schlesinger, Frank, '90. Schlockow, Oswald, '94. Schneider, Henry George, '87. Schramm, Edward, '06. Schroeder, Herman, '81. Schulman, Samuel, '85. Schulz, George M. S., '92. — Gustav, '07. Schuyler, Livingston Rowe, '89. spºre. Edward Wheeler, Sesitzky, Isaac, '15 J. Shack, Ferdinand, '74. Shapiro, David, '15 F. — Henry, '03. Shauer, Melville A., "16 F. Shepard, Edward Morse, '69. Sickels, Ivin, '74. — John S., '08. Siegel, Alexander Bernard, '05. Franz, '92 Sim, John Robert, '68. Sindelar, Charles, ’96. 45 Smith, Arthur, '89. . Augustus, '87. Charles Henry, '65. — David Lowber, '66. — Karl H., '15 J. — Robert Frederick, '87. Smyth, Francis, '91. Soletsky, David, '14 F. Solotaroff, William, '01. Sommerich, Otto Charles, '90. Stanton, Frederick Everett, '92. Steinman, David B., '06. sººn George Washington, '63. Steps, Robert A., '09. Stevens, Plowdon, Jr., '88. Stitt, Edward Walmsley, '81. James Alexander, '78 sºrt Allen Montgomery, ’79. Stoiber, Adolphus Henry, '72. Stratford, William, '65. Straubenmüller, Gustave, ’80. Strehan, George Ernest, '04. Stroock, Solomon M., '91. Sturgis, Russell, '56. Summerbell, Martyn, '71. Sweezy, Richard Leland, '74. T Tanz, Isadore, '03. Tanzer, Arnold, '59. Tasch, Ulysses, '07. Tea, Peter, '08. Thornell, Henry Lloyd, '72. 46 Tifft, Henry Nelville, '73. Irving Howard, '77. Timme, Walter, '93. 4. Tisdall, Fitz Gerald, '59. Todd, Edward Farnham, '84. Tombo Rudolf, Jr., '95. Torek, Franz, '80. Tremain, Henry Edwin, '60. Tucker, Fitz-Henry Fay, '93. Tully, Marcus Edward, '69. Turner, William Leamon, ’79. Tuska, Gustave Robitschek, '88. — Samuel Adolph, '84. Tuthill, William Burnet, '75. U Ullman, Joseph, '75. Ulmann, Albert, '81. Unger, William F., '02. Urdang, Harry, '09. V Vºtine Morris Crawford, Van Kleeck, Henry, '72. VanNorman, Louis E., '91. Van Pelt, Daniel, '74, VanSantvoord, Richard, '72. Viscardi, John, '16 J. Vºhausen. William Caspar, W Waldheim, Franklin, '16 J. Wandell, Townsend, '63, Waterbury, Ezra Ketcham, '89. 47 Wechsler, Martin, '95. — Walter Mortimer, '95. Weeks, Bartow S., '79. Weisenberg, Morris, ’03. Weiss, Eugene, '99. — Joseph, '15 J. Wels, Paul Oscar, '83. Wendt, Frederick William, '86. Werner, Adolph, '57. West, William Frederick, '61. Wheeler, Everett Pepperell, '56. White, Henry Kirke, '60. Whiteside, Donald Grant, '97. — George W., '99. Wight, Peter Bonnett, '55. Wilds, Howard Payson, '69. William, Francis Smith, '78. Williams, Richard Pardee, '74. Wolf, Henry J., '80. Wolfe, Bertam D., "16 F. Wood, John Wilson, '86. Sidney Lunt, '91. Wººdward James Lawrence, Woolf, Solomon, '59. Wortman, Otto, '03. Wotton, James A., '66. Wight, Frederick Augustus, Z Zabriskie, Edward Cornell, '93. Zimmerman, Joseph, '15 F. — Julius, '16 F. Zinke, Louis, '93. Zweifel, Joseph J., '15 F. 48 THE WARREN PRESS, New York City