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G en era I Library —OF— UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. P R E. s E. N T E. D B Y <& : *Abaevaeſſa 1,1 ±±TTOO Laewºo H HOBART COLLEGE, 4 - - A * * GENERAL CATALOGUE OF of FICERs, GRADUATES A N D S T U D E N T S I 825 – 1897 GENEVA, N. Y. PRESS OF W. F. HUMPHREY 1897 Vlix\N PREFATORY NOTE. THE following Catalogue has been prepared by a Committee appointed by the Associate Alumni at their Annual Meeting of 1895, the work having been authorized also by the Trustees in October of that year. The general plan adopted is sufficiently explained on page 29 infra. The imperfections incident to the first attempt at such a comprehensive publication hardly need apology; the only merit that the undertaking can claim is that of preparing the way for a much more complete and satisfactory record in the future. The errors and omissions, so far as known at the date of publication, are noted in the ADDITIONS AND COR- RECTIONs at the end (page 244), to which the attention of those interested is specially called. The Alumni and all others receiv- ing the Catalogue are earnestly requested to aid the work by sending all information and corrections to the Committee. Special acknowledgment is due to our printer, Mr. William F. Humphrey, '82, not only for the excellence of his work, but for valuable assistance in the preparation and revision of the catalogue; to many others of the Alumni for their cordial and helpful cóop- eration ; and to the families of Presidents Hale, Jackson, and Rankine, for the portraits accompanying the record of these honoured names. CHARLES WELLS HAYES, '49, CHARLES D. VAIL, '59, ARTHUR P. ROSE, '62, Committee. Geneva, November 1, 1897. HOBART COLLEGE. THE movement for the establishment in the State of New York, at some point west of Albany, of a College of liberal culture under Episcopal auspices, first found expression in a resolution adopted upon the suggestion of the originator of the movement, the Rev. Amos. G. Baldwin, by the Trustees of Fairfield Academy, April Io, 1812, petitioning Trinity Church, New York, for a grant of funds to that end. In the following year the Corporation of Trinity Church founded, in connection with the Fairfield Academy, a Theological School. In 1818, Bishop Hobart, recognizing the importance, if not necessity, of having in the western portion of his great Diocese a School of liberal culture, as well as a Theo- logical School, communicated to friends in Geneva his plan to transfer the Theological School from Fairfield to Geneva, in con- nection with a “college and printing press’’ proposed to be established there; and in 1821 the transfer was made. The Principal of the Theological School, the Rev. Daniel McDonald, D.D., was the steadfast coadjutor of Bishop Hobart in this educa- tional movement. In 1822, April Io, just ten years after the inception of the movement, the plan for the foundation of a College of general culture, by raising Geneva Academy, revived in 1821, to the rank of a College, was approved by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, and a provisional charter was granted. In 1824, new and more satisfactory provis- ions for theological instruction having been devised, the Branch Theological School, as it was then styled, was abolished, and its endowment was transferred to the proposed College. In 1825, February 8, the conditions of the provisional charter having been complied with, a full charter was granted under the title “Geneva College,” and in 1826 the first class was graduated. Instruction began in the oldest of the college buildings, Geneva Hall, in the spring of 1822, and the class graduated in 1826 was the first class graduated from any Episcopal College established since the American Revolution. VI HOBART COLLEGE. The College thus founded was maintained with the greatest difficulty on the scanty endowment originally provided by sub- scription, and only through the unexampled devotion and self- denial of its Faculty, under the leadership of President HALE. Since 1851 its endowment has steadily grown through the gene- rosity of its friends, and though still inadequate for its higher aims and increasing wants, has proved sufficient for providing a most thorough course of study in all essential departments. At its first meeting after its organization in 1825, the Board of Trustees pledged itself to maintain in the College perpetually, in addition to the usual course of classical studies, an English Course in direct reference to the practical business of life. This was the first instance of action by a College of liberal culture to diversify its curriculum by the offer of a course other than, and additional to, the customary classical course. Three courses of instruction are now maintained, each of four years, the Classical Course, the Course in Letters and Science (the English Course above mentioned) and the Course in Letters with Latin. Pro- vision is also made for special courses, and for a system of elective studies in the upper class work. The College grounds, on which are grouped all the College buildings, are now over fifteen acres in extent. They are sit- uated on Main street, in the most beautiful portion of the village, three-quarters of a mile from the business centre. To the east the prospect opens on Seneca Lake, at this point two miles or more in width, while to the west it includes the ridge, so-called, with its lawns and villas. The College land extends down to the lake, which is here ninety feet below the level of the street. The original College grounds embraced only the village lot on which stands Geneva Hall. The buildings include Geneva and Trinity Halls, erected respectively in 1822 and 1837, and occupied by students' rooms; St. John's Chapel, of stone, of Early English architecture, com- pletely and handsomely fitted for Divine Service, erected in 1862; the Astronomical Observatory, in 1870, an octagon tower with wings, and a revolving dome for the telescope; the South Build- ing, 188o, of stone, with lecture-rooms and laboratories ; the Demarest Memorial Library Building, 1885-'96, of stone, in Early HOBART COLLEGE. VII English style, 36 feet by 1 17 and three stories in height, with room in its alcoves and galleries for one hundred thousand volumes; Alumni Hall, 1886–8, containing the Gymnasium, lecture rooms, geological and mineralogical cabinet and museum ; the Boat House, on the water-line of the College grounds; and six sub- stantial and commodious houses for the residence of the Presi- dent and Professors. The Library, almost destroyed in 1885, is now increased to thirty-five thousand volumes and some six thousand pamphlets, including a full collection of standard works in all departments of college instruction, and has also admirably appointed rooms for class and private study and reading. The Physical and Chem- ical Laboratories, Observatory, Cabinets and Museum of Natural History, Gymnasium and Campus, now furnish ample provision for all the best requirements of College life and work. The College now offers to deserving students a large number of scholarships of considerable value, as well as many prizes for special scholarships; and with the great advantages of residence in the city of Geneva, -an ideal College town, long famous for its social culture as well as its surpassing natural beauty,+is able to give to its students opportunities of education, moral, intellectual and physical, which within its proper sphere leave little to be desired. Full details of the present equipment, resources and curriculum of the College, and of other matters touched upon in the above historical sketch, will be found in the Annual Catalogue. SUMMARY. The first General Catalogue of Hobart College, published as a supplement to the Annual Catalogue of 1847, contained the names of 122 Graduates in Arts, and Io8 Honorary Degrees, in all 230. No Medical Graduates were included. - The second, prepared by Professor Wilson in 1856, gave 212 Graduates in Arts, 52O in Medicine, and 226 Honorary, in all 958. The third, the record of the Associate Alumni, by Professor Vail, in 1876, gave 476 Graduates in Arts. The fourth, by President Hinsdale in 1879 (the only proper “Triennial ’’ heretofore published) contained 499 Graduates in Arts (including, like the former ones, degrees of B.S.), 637 in Medicine, and 352 Honorary, a total of 1,488. (The “Synop- sis” in that Catalogue makes the Alumni 399, an error of IOO). The present Catalogue contains: Graduates in Arts (B.A.), 1826–97, - * 6OO Graduates in Letters and Science (B.S and B.L.) I5O 750 Graduates in Medicine (M.D.) 1835–72, - 637 Honorary Graduates, 1827–97, - - 463 1850 Non-Graduate Students, 1828–97, - - 835 Students in Classes of 1898–1901, - - I 24 2809 Officers, not included above, - - I63 Total of Names, * - - - 2972 Of the 750 graduates in Arts, Letters and Science, there have been : Clergymen, - - - - - I94 Physicians, - tº- - - sº 7O Lawyers, º - - t- - 2 I 2 In Honourable Public Service, *- - I 17 In Educational Work, - *-> º I 53 There are deceased º - º - 2 I 8 Now living - - - º - 532 RT. REV, JOHN HENRY HOBART, S. T. D. founder. JOHN HENRY HOBART. Son of Enoch (desc. of Edmund of Hingham, Norfolk, Eng., 1574) and Hannah (Pratt) Hobart of Philadelphia. Born in Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1775; baptized and confirmed in Christ Church, by Bishop White; educated at the Episcopal Academy of Philadelphia; entered the University of Pennsylvania, but received his degree of B. A. from the College of New Jersey, Princeton, 1793, M. A. 1796, S. T. D. Union, 1807; Tutor Coll. N. J., 1796-8; studied Theology under Bishop White, by whom he was ordained Deacon in Christ Church, June 3, 1798 ; and Priest by Bp. Provoost, of New York, in Trinity Church, New York, April 5, 1801. His first pastoral charges were Trinity Church, Oxford, and All Saints', Perkiomen, Pa., and later, St. George's, Hempstead, L. I. In Sept., 1800, he became an Assist- ant Minister of Trinity Church, New York; in June, 1799, Secretary of the House of Bishops, and in 1801 Secretary of the Diocese of New York and Deputy to the General Convention, and again in 1804, when he was Secretary of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies. Elected May 15, 1811, as Coadjutor to the Bishop (Benjamin Moore) of New York, and consecrated in Trinity Church, New York, May 29, 1811, by Bishops White, Provoost, and Jarvis ; succeeded as Bishop of New York and also as Rector of Trinity Church, on the decease of Bishop Moore, Feb. 27, 1816; died at Auburn, N. Y., on a visitation of his Diocese, Sept. Io, 1830. In charge provisionally of the Diocese of New Jersey, 1815, and of Connecticut, 1816-19; Professor of Pastoral Theology in the 2 HOBART collEGE. General Theological Seminary, New York, 1821-30; Trustee of Columbia College 1801-30. Author of many published works in Theology, Ecclesiastical History, Liturgical and Devotional. He married, at Elizabeth, N.J., May 6, 18oo, Mary Goodwin, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Bradbury Chandler, D. D., of that place. Bishop Hobart was the FOUNDER OF HOBART COLLEGE As a Church School, by uniting “Geneva Academy’’ with the “Fairfield Theological School,” 1818-21 ; as a Church College with University Charter, February 8, 1825. His name does not appear in the original list of Trustees. TRUSTEES. [THE FIRST Twenty-Four NAMED IN THE CHARTER of FEB. 8, 1825.] I825 * James Rees. I851 U.S. Service, Revol. War; Maj. and Q.M. Gen. Asst. 1811-14; Agent Pulte- ney Land Office, Geneva, 1798; Banker ; Sheriff 1810; Treas.’13; N. Y. State Bank Commissioner'30-I. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '43-50. Trustee and Treas. Chr. Fund '40-'50. B. Philadelphia, April 23, 1763, d. Geneva, March 24, '51. * Samuel Colt. I834 Merch. Canandaigua 1795-6, Geneva 1796-1833, New York '33. Town Clerk 1796, Supervisor I799, Trustee’13. B. Lyme, Conn., 1771, d. Geneva, Aug. I5, '34. (Rev.) * Orin Clark. I828 Union '17, S.T.D. 27. Ord. 1811; R. Trinity Ch., Geneva,’13-28. B. New Marlborough, Mass., Jan. 29, 1788, d. Geneva, Feb. 4, '28. (Rev.) * Daniel M’Donald. I825 Middleb. 1871 (non-grad.), S.T.D., Columb. '21. Instr. Epis. Acad. Conn. 1806-12; Princ. Acad. and Theol. Sch. Fairfield, N.Y.,' 17-21, Geneva Acad. '21-5; Prof. Gen. Theol. Sem. (Geneva Branch) ’23-5; Prof. Lat. and Greek Lang. Hobart ’25-30, Acting Prest. ’25-6, Ord. 1810; R., Auburn, N. Y., "13-17, Waterloo "22-6, Prest. Chr. Knowl. Soc. N. Y. B. Watertówn, Conn., June, 1785, d. Geneva, March 25, '30. (Hon.) * Abraham Dox. I85O Merch. and Miller, Geneva, from 1805. Capt. U. S. V., N.Y., 1812. Legis, N.Y. '13. B. Albany, July 7, 1780, d. Geneva, Aug. 19, '62. * William Steuben DeZeng. I882 Geneva. Merch. and Glass Manuf. Village Trustee '25; Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. '56, ’71-77. B. Little Falls, March 16, 1793, d. Geneva, Aug. 13, '82. (Hon.) * Elnathan Noble. I833 Geneva. Merch. Ogdensburgh and Geneva, 1808-32. Co. Judge (Liv- ingston), Mich. '33. B. New Milford, Conn., July 15, 1779, d. Una- dilla, Mich., April 2, '41, (Hon.) * Robert Selden Rose. I835 Geneva. Farmer (1803-35). Legis. N.Y. 1811, ’20-1; Constit. Conv. '21, Rep. Cong. U. S. '23-7, '25-31. B. Woodstock, Va., Feb. 24, 1774. d. Waterloo, Nov. 24, 35. * Walter Grieve. I826 Geneva. Merch. Col. and Gen. U. S. V., N. Y., 1812. B. Dumfries- shire, Scot., 1773, d. Geneva, Dec. 21, ’26. * David Cooke. I826 Geneva. Civil Engineer. Direct. Water Works 1803. Town Clerk 1806, Trustee '25. B. July 24, 1773, d. Geneva, Feb. 17, '35. * James Carter. 1846 M. D. Phys. Geneva. B. Nov. 24, 1774, d. Geneva, Jan. 13, '46. (Rev.) * Henry Axtell. I826 Coll. N.J. 1796, S.T.D. Middleb. 23. Min. Ist Pres, Ch., Geneva, '12-29. B. Mendham, N. J., 1773, d. Geneva, Feb. II, '29. 4 HOBART COLLEGE. I825 * Herman Hunn Bogert. I849 Geneva. Law (adm. I797); Land agent; Miller; Banker. B. Claver- ack, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1768, d. Geneva, June 28, '51. (Hon.) * John Canfield Spencer. I84O Canandaigua. [HoN. '38.] (Hon.) * Philip Church. 1838 Angelica (Belvidere). Educ. Paris and Eton Coll. Eng. Law. Land. holder of “Morris's Reserve.” Co. Judge (Allegany). Capt. U. S. V., N. Y., 1798. B, Albany, April 14, 1778, d. Belvidere, Jan. Io, '61. (Hon.) * Bowen Whiting. I85o Geneva. Dist. Att’y N. Y. '23; Legis. N. Y. '24-5; Co. Judge (Ontario) '38-44; Judge Sup. Court, N. Y., '44-50, B. Jan. 16, 1790, d Geneva, Dec. 28, '50. (Hon.) * David Hudson. I86O Geneva. Law. Canal Commissioner '40-2. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '48-57, Dep. Gen. Conv. '42-7. B. Ang. 23, 1782, d. Geneva, Jan. I2, '60. * Thomas Davies Burrall. 1872 Geneva. Law (adm U. S. Court 1812); Inventor and Manuf. Agric. Machinery. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y., '46-64. Author. B. Canaan, Conn., June 2, 1786, d. Geneva, June 24, '72. (Hon.) * Henry Seymour. 1830 Utica. Canal Commissioner; Mayor of Utica; N. Y. State Senator. B. Litchfield, Conn., May 30, 1780, d. Utica, Aug. 26, ’37. (Hon.) * Elijah Miller. I844 Auburn. Law. Judge. B. Bedford, N. Y., April 11, 1772, d. Auburn, Nov. 13, '51. (Rev.) * Francis Higgins Cuming. I831 S.T.D. Columb. '51. Ord '19; R. and Miss. W. N. Y., Pa., N. Y. (Calvary Ch. New York), Mich. (Ann Arbor), and W. Mich. (Gr. nd Rapids). , Sec. and Edit. P. E. Gen. S. S. Union '29-33; Chap. U. S. V., Mich. '62; Dep. Gen. Com. Dioc. Mich. '37-62. Author. B. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 28, 1799, d. Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 26, '62. (Hon.) * Jesse Clark. 1848 Waterloo. Law. Judge. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. W.N.Y. '39. D. '48. (Rev.) * Henry Anthon. 1836 Columb. '13, S.T.D. '32. Ord. 'I6; R., N. Y., S. C., Utica, ’16-36, and New York (S. Mark) '36-61. B. New York, March, 1795, d. there, Jan. 5, '61. (Rev.) * Lucius Smith. 1836 (re-el. I 840) 1844 Yale 1806. Ord. '19; R. and Miss. W. N. Y. "19-43. B. May, 1784, d. Batavia, Jan. I'7, ’47. *John L. Hurlbut. I835 Auburn. 1826 (Rev.) *Jasper Adams. I828 Geneva. [PRESIDENT '26.] H OBART COLLEGE. 5 1826 (Hon.) *James Wadsworth. I83o Geneseo. Yale 1787. Pioneer of W. N. Y. (Livingston Co.), 1790; Farmer and Manuf.; Agt. Holland Land Co. and Pulteney Es- tate, B. Durham, Conn., April. 20, 1768, d. Geneseo, June 8, '44. 1828 (Rev.) * John Churchill Rudd. 1848 S.T.D. Univ Pa. 1823. Ord. 1805; R, and Miss., N.Y., 1806, Elizabeth, N. J., '06-26, Auburn (St. Peter) '26-33; Editor (Churchman’s Mag., and Gospel Messenger of W. N. Y. 227–48; Prof Mor. Phil Hobart Hall, Holland Patent, B, Norwich, Conn., 1780, d. Utica, Nov. I5, '48. 1829 (Rev.) * Richard Sharpe Mason. I835 Geneva. [PRESIDENT '30.] 1830 (Hon.) * George Hosmer. I841 Avon. Law (Adm. 1802). Dist. Att'y N. Y. "21-36; Legis. N. Y. '24; N. Y. Const, Conv. Lieut. and Aid U. S. V., N. Y., in War of 1812. B. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 31, 1781, d. Chicago, Ill., Mar. 20, '61. (Hon.) * David Ellicott Evans. I84O Batavia. Agt. Holland Purchase, '26-37. N. Y. Senate ’18-22. Repr. Cong. U. S. '27-8. Director U. S. Bank, Buffalo. B. Ellicott's Mills, Md., March 19, 1788, d. Batavia, May 17, '50. 1831 (Rt.Rev.)^Henry John Whitehouse. I844 Rochester. [HoN. '34.] I833 * Joseph Fellows. 1873 Geneva. Law (from 1810 at Geneva); Agt. Pulteney Estate '32-72. B. Warwicksh, Eng., 1782, d. Corning, April 29, '73. 1834 (Hon.) * Nathan Williams. I835 Utica. M. A. Hamilton ’15. Law (Adm. 1796); Dist. Att’y N. Y., Legis. and State Senate N. Y.; State Const. Conv. '21; Repr. Cong. U.S., Clerk Sup. Court N. Y.; Capt. U. S. V., N. Y., 1812; Trust. Ham. Coll. B. Williamstown, Mass., Dec. 19, 1773, d. Geneva, Sept. 25, '35. (Rev.) * Benjamin Dorr. 1837 Utica. Dart. '17, M.A. S.T.D. Univ. Pa. '38. Ord. '20 ; R. and Miss. N. Y. and Pa.; Philad. (Christ Ch.) '36.69. Amer. Philos. Soc. B. I796, d. Germantown, Pa., Sept. 16, '69. 1836 (Hon.) * Jonathan Child. I84O Rochester. Ist Mayor’34-5. B. 1785, d. Rochester, Oct. 27, '60. (Hon.) * Abraham M. Schermerhorn. 184I Geneva. Union 'Io, M. A. Law ; Banker. Cong. U. S. '50-4. Mayor of Rochester. P B K. B. Schenectady, Dec. 11, 1791, d. New Haven, Conn., Aug. 22, '55. * Samuel Clark. I842 Geneva. B., 1794, d. Geneva, Oct. 9, '62. (Rev.) * Gustavus Abeel. 1838 Geneva. Union ’23. S.T.D. Columb. '42. Min. Ref. Dutch Ch., Geneva, ’34-49; Min. Newark, N. J. B. New York, June 6, 1801, d. Stamford, N. Y., Sept. 4, '87. * Thomas Folger. I839 Geneva. ( Father of Hon. Charles J., '36.) (Rev.) * Benjamin Hale. I86O Geneva. [PRESIDENT '36.] 6 HOBART COLLEGE. 1837 (Rev.) * Pierre Parris Irving. I843 Geneva. [Hon. '38.] I838(Rt.Rev. )*Benjamin Tredwell Onderdonk. I853 Columb. 1809, S.T.D.'26. Ord. ' 12 ; Ass’t Min. Trinity Ch., New York; Prof. Nat. Min. and Pol. of the Ch., Gen. Theol. Sem. Fourth Bishop of New York '30-61 (susp. '45). B. New York, July 15, 1791, d. there, April 30, '61. * Francis Dwight. I84 I Geneva. Harv. '27. Secretary 1839-41. Law. Editor. Commiss. State Normal Sch., Albany, '44. B. Springfield, Mass., 1808, d. Albany, Dec. 15, '45. 1839(Rt.Rev.)*William Heathcote De Lancey. 1865 Yale '17, M.A., S.T.D. '28; LL.D. Union '47; D.C.L. Oxon. '52. Ord, ’19; R., N. Y. (Mamaroneck) 20-1 ; Ass’t Min. St. Peter's Ch., Philad. '228, '33-6. R. '36-9; Provost Univ. Pa. '28-33; Sec. Dioc. Pa. 23-30, Sec. H. of Bps, '23-9: First Bishop of Western New York, '39-65. B. Mamaroneck, Oct. 8, 1797, d. Geneva, April 5,’65. 1840 (Hon.) * Gideon Lee. I84I Geneva. Merch. Legis. N. Y. '22; Mayor N. Y. City '33; Rep. Cong. U. S. '34-7; Elect. of Prest. U. S. '40. B. Amherst, Mass., April 27, 1778, d. Geneva, Aug. 21, ’41. (Hon.) * Mark Hopkins Sibley. I852 Canandaigua. Law (adm. 'I4). Legis. N. Y. '34 5; Rep. Cong. U. S., '37-9; State Senate N. Y. '40-6; Co. Judge (Ontario) '46-52. B. Great Barrington, Mass., 1796, d. Canandaigua, Sept. 8, '52. (Hon.) * William Kerley Strong. I846 Geneva. Merch. New York. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., N. Y., '61-3. B. Duanesburgh, April 30, 1805, d. New York, March 15, '68. * Gavin Lawson Rose. 1848 Geneva. M.D. B. Stafford Co., Va., Aug. 21, 1797, d. Geneva, Oct. 25, '67. * Nathan Broughton Kidder. I855 Geneva. Banker, Treas. Perm, Miss. Fund W.N.Y. '41. B. Spencer- ville, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1803, d. Orange, N. J., June 27, '75. 1842 (Hon.) * Robert Carter Nicholas. I854 Geneva. Farmer, Stand Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '40-5, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. '44. B. Williamsburgh, Va., Dec. 6, 1801, d. Staten I., May Io, '54. (Hon.) *Samuel Linton Edwards. I844 Manlius. Teacher. Law. Judge. Senate N. Y. B. Fairfield, Conn., Feb. 14, 1789, d. Manlius, April 7, '77. 1843 (Rev.) * William Shelton. 1883 Buffalo. [Hon. '38.] 1844 (Hon.) * Allen Ayrault. I86 I Geneseo. Founder of Ayrault Scholarships. Merchant; Prest. Liv- ingston Co. Bank '30 55. Memb. Constit. Conv. N. Y. '46; Senate N. Y. '47-8. Prest. Livingston Co. Bible Soc. B. Sandisfield, Mass., Oct. 30, 1793 d. Geneseo, Feb. 4, 1861. *James Watson Williams. 1858 Utica. [student ’28.] (Rev.) * Henry Gregory. I86 I Syracuse. [ALUMNUS ’26.] HOBART COLLEGE. 7 1844 (Rev.) *Samuel Cooke. I846 Geneva. M.A. Yale '47 ; S.T.D. Columb. and Univ. N. Y. '57. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Ord. 38; R., W. N. Y. (Lyons and Geneva) '38- 45, New York (S. Barthol.) '45-88. 1846 (Rev.) * John Henry Hobart. (2) I854 Son of Rt. Rev. J. H., Founder. Geneva. Columb, '36, S. T. D. '56. Gen. Theol, Sem. '41. Ord. '41 ; R. N. Y. and W. N. Y. (Trin- ity, Geneva, ’45-8), Ass’t Min. Trin. Ch. New York; Miss. Nashotah '47. Author. A A P. B. New York, 1817, d. Fishkill, Aug. 31, '89 (Rev.) * Thomas Clap Pitkin. I847 Rochester. Yale '36, M.A. Trin. '48, S. T. D. Ham. '56. Gen. Theol. Sem. '39. Ord. '39 ; R. and Miss. Ky., W. N. Y., Conn., Alb. and Mich. B. Farmington, Conn., 1816, d. Detroit, Mich., May II, '87. 1847 (Hon.) * Thomas Yardley How. I853 A wburn. [ALUMNUs '28]. (Hon.) * Peter Myndert Dox. 1856 Geneva. [ALUMNUS ’33]. 1848 (Rev.) * William Berrian. I 862 Mew York. Columb. 1808, S.T.D.'28, Trustee '32-62. Ord. 1810; Ass’t Min. Trin. Ch. New York, '12-30. R. '30-62. Author (Hist. and Devot.). B. New York, 1787, d. there, Nov. 7, 1862. 1849 (Rt.Rev.) * William Henry Augustus Bissell. I868 Geneva. [HoN. '50]. * George Huntington Mumford. 1856 Rochester. Union '24. Direct. and Sec. W. U. Tel. Co.; Prest. Manuf. and Traders' Bank; Trustee Roch, Sav. Bank ; Prest Roch. City Hosp.; Warden St. Paul’s Ch. Trustee Chr. Fund W. N. Y. '64-71. B. Cayuga, July 21, 1805 d. Rochester, Sept. 30, 1871, I85o * David Williamson Lee. 1856 Geneva. D. Orange, N. J., '84. 1851 *James George Stacey. I855 Geneva. Farmer. B. Philadelphia, Oct. 24, 1796, d. Aubrey farm, near Geneva, July 9, '55. * David Saxton Hall. 1877 Geneva. Sec Trustees '55–77. Merch.; Account. Geneva Nat. Bank. Warden of Trinity Ch. Collector. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '51-64, Trustee and Treas. Chr. Fund ’51-8. B. West Bloomfield, 1795, d. Geneva, Feb. 1, ’77. (Hon.) * Stephen Austin Goodwin. I855 A uburn. Union "28. Law. Legis. N. Y. B. Geneva, Nov. 26, 1807, d. Chicago, Ill., May 13, '79. I853 * Horace White. I86O Syracuse. Benefactor; Founder of Horace White Professorship; Merchant; Farmer; Banker. B. Homer, April 19, 1802, d. Syracuse, Sept. 5, '60. * John Hatch Chedell. 1874 A uburn, Merch. and Manuf. Director N. Y. C. R. R. Brig. Gen. N. G. N. Y. '65. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. C. N. Y. '74. B. Coventry, Conn., April 24, 1806, d. Auburn, June 19, '75. 8 HOBART COLLEGE. I853 * Peter Augustus Porter. 1864 Aviagara Falls. Harv. '45, Stud. Berlin. Legis. N. Y., 62. Col. U. S. V., N. Y., '61-4. Trustee De Veaux Coll. 53-64. B. Niagara Falls, 1828, d. (killed in battle) Grimes' Mills, Va., June 3, '64. 1854 (Rev.) * Edward Livermore. I86O Waterloo. [Hon. '52]. * Isaac Augustus Hawley. 1867 Geneva. Yale '17. B. Woodbridge, Conn., June 1, 1797, d. Geneva, Sept. 25, '67. 1855 (Rev.) Maunsell Van Rensselaer. 1876 Rochester. [PRESIDENT '71]. (Hon.) * Charles Cook. 1863 Montour Falls. Found. Cook Acad. and St. Paul's Ch., Montour Falls. B. Springfield, N.Y., Nov. 20, 1800, d. Auburn, Oct. I6, '66. (Hon.) James Cosslett Smith. (1874, re-el. I888) Canandaigua. [STUDENT '35]. 1856 William Bradley Douglas. Geneva. Banker, Rochester. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '57-64, Trustee Chr. Fund '58-66, Trustee Paroch. Fund '64-8, Trustee DeLancey Div. Sch. '60-66, Cathed. Chapter '80+. Benefactor (St. John's Chapel.) * Lansing B. Swan. I86 I Acochester. Brig. Gen. N. Y. N. G. '51-61. B. May 24, 1851, d. Rochester, Dec. 20, '61. * John Hewett Swift. I88O AVezy York. D. New York, May (?) '81. 1858 (Rev.) * Abner Jackson. 1867 Geneva. [PRESIDENT '58]. 1860 (Rev.) Anthony Schuyler. I868 Atochester. [ALUMNUS ’35]. (Rev.) * Walter Ayrault. I882 Canandaigua. [ALUMNUS '40]. (Hon.) * Addison Throop Knox. I86 I Waterloo. [student '37]. * Hamilton White. 1865 Syracuse. Banker. B. Homer, May 6, 1807, d. Syracuse, Sept. 22, '65. (Hon.) * William Constable Pierrepont. I862 Pierrepont Manor. [Hon. '71.] (Rev.) * Andrew Hull. 1869 Elmira. [HON. '50.] (Rev.) *James Rankine. 1876 Geneva. [PRESIDENT '69.] Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck. 1871 Geneva. [ALUMNUs '47.] HOBART COLLEGE, 9 1862 (Hon.) * Washington Hunt. 1867 Lockport. LL.D. Rochester '51. Editor; Law; Co. Judge (Niagara '38-40; Rep. Cong. U. S. Comptroller State N. Y. Governor '51-3. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. W. N. Y. '54-66. Prop. Alb. Land Co. B. 1812, d. New York, Feb. 2, '67. (Rev.) Morgan Dix. I893 AVew York. Columb. '49, M.A., S.T.D. '62, D.C.L. Univ. South '85. Visitor '69-1-. Gen. Theol, Sem, 52. Ord. '52; Ass’t S. Mark's, Philad. '52-4. Trinity, New York, '54-62, R. '62+. Trustee Columb.; Prest. H. of Cler. and Lay Dep. Gen. Conv. '86+. Author (Theol. and Pastoral Works). 1863 *Joseph Juliand. 1870 Greene. Merchant; Banker. Legis. N. Y. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. W. N. V. '58-62, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. '44-56, Trustee Epis, Fund '62-7, Warden. Col. U. S. V., N. Y. B. 1797, d. Greene. Feb. 18, '70. I864 * Samuel Gerretson Cornell. I879 Buffalo. Manufacturer and Inventor. Pres. Cornell Lead Co. Buffalo. Found, Emmanuel Ch., Glenville, Conn. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N.Y. '67-72, Dep. Fed. Council’71-8, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem.” I-8, Trustee Epis. Fund '68, '71-8, Trustee DeVeaux Coll. ’72-9. B. Brooklyn, July 28, 1808, d. Buffalo, Feb. 5, '83. 1865(Rt.Rev.)*Arthur Cleveland Coxe. 1896 Buffalo. Univ. N. Y. '38, M.A. S.T.D. S. James '56, Trin. '68, Durh. Eng. '88, I, L.D. Ken. '68. Gen. Theol. Sem. '41. Orat. I,it. Soc. '62, Visitor '65+. Ord. '41; R., N. Y., Conn., Md., '41-65; Second Bishop of Western New York '65-90. Author (Theol. and Eccles. Hist., Poeme Gen. Lit.) A A p. Con. Memb. N. Y. Hist. Soc. and Nat. Acad. Design.; Buff. Hist. Soc., B. Mendham, N. J., May Io, 1818, d. Clifton Springs, N. Y., July 20, 1896. 1866 (Hon.) Andrew Dickson White. 1877 Syracuse. [STUDENT '52.] 1867 (Hon.) * John Henry Martindale. I874 Rochester. Law. Dist. Att'y '42-5; Att'y Gen. N. Y. '66-7. Maj. Gen. U. S. A. '62-3. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. W.N.Y. '62, '71-3. B. 1815, d. Rochester, Dec. '81. 1868 (Hon.) George Wilson Nicholas. 1876 Geneva. [ALUMNUs '50.] Alexander Lafayette Chew. Geneva. [STUDENT '45.] (Rev.) James Kent Stone. 1869 Geneva. [PRESIDENT '68.] (Hon.) * Archibald Campbell Powell. 1876 Syracuse. [ALUMNUS ’33.] 1869(Rt.Rev.) Frederick Dan Huntington. (1882, re-el. 1883) 1890 Syracuse. Amh.”39, M.A., S.T.D.'55, and Columb. '87, LL.D. Amh. ’87, L.H.D. Syrac. '94. Visitor'69-i-. Harv. Div. Sch. '42, Prof. Che. Mov. and Preacher, Harv. '55-60. Ord. '60; R. Boston (Emmanuel Ch.) '61-9; First Bishop of Central New York, '69-i-. Author and Editor. (Theol., Sermons.) 1870 (Hon.) * George Francis Comstock. 1877 Syracuse. Union '34, M.A., LL.D. '58. Law. Judge Court of Ap- peals, N. Y. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. C. N. Y. 271-92. Trustee Paroch. Fund '69-92. X (p, q, B. K. B. Williamstown, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1811, d. Syracuse, Sept. 27, '92. IO HOBART COLLEGE. I87O (Rt.Rev.) William Croswell Doane. 1879 Albany. [Hon. '90.] 1871 Arthur Patrick Rose. Geneva. [ALUMNUs '62]. 1872 * De Witt Parshall. I88O Lyons. Law. Banker. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. W.N.Y.'71-9, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. '79, Trustee Epis. Fund '79, Cathed. Chapter '80. B. Palmyra, April, 1812, d. Lyons, May 12, '80. 1873 * Thomas Fatzinger. 1877 Waterloo. Dep. Fed. Council, Dioc. C. N. Y. '69-77, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. '71-7. D. Waterloo '77. 1874 (Hon.) *Stephen Hallett Hammond. Geneva. [ALUMNUS ’54]. & 1876 (Rev.) Henry Roswell Lockwood. Syracuse. [ALUMNUS '64]. * Robert Preston Wilson. I88O Buffalo, Williams '58. Law. Ass’t Adj. Gen. U. S. V., N. Y., '61-4. Trustee and Treas. De Veaux Coll. ’79-84; Buff. Gen. Hosp. '75-92; Prest. Buffalo Libr. 777-8. Soc-Cincinnati, Milit. Ord. Loy. Leg., N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '91, Buff. Hist. Soc. B. Sackett's Harbor, June 13, 1839, d. Buffalo, Oct. 15, '92. Samuel Russell Welles. 1891 Waterloo. [ALUMNUs '45]. (Rt.Rev.) William Stevens Perry. 1876 Geneva. [PRESIDENT '76]. (Rev.) * Robert Graham Hinsdale. 1883 Geneva. [PRESIDENT '76]. 1877 * Peter Richards. I891 Geneva. Warden Trinity Ch. 74-92, Dep. Fed. Council, Dioc. W. N. Y. ’71-8, Trustee Paroch. Fund '84-91, Cathed. Chapter ’80-92. B. ’18 , d. Geneva, Aug. 30, '92. (Rt.Rev.) Abram Newkirk Littlejohn. I882 Brooklyn. Union '45. M. A. Trin. '49. , S.T.D. Univ. Pa. '55. LL. D. Cantab. '81. Visitor '69; Orat. Lit. Soc. '58. Lect, Berk. Div. Sch. '57-67. Ord. '48; R., N. Y., Mass., Conn. First Bishop of Long Island, '69. Author. p B K. (Rev.) Robert Nathan Parke. 1885 Binghamton. [ALUMNUs '48]. 1878 (Rev.) Henry Welles Nelson, Jun. I882 Geneva. Burl. '57, M. A. and Trin. ad emed. '66, S. T. D. Griswold ’89. Berk. Div. Sch. '62. Ord. '62 ; R. Conn., W. N. Y. (Trinity, Geneva, 77-H). 99 B K. 1879 (Rev.) Walton Wesley Battershall. Albany. [Hon. '88.] William Bennett Jackson. 1884 Utica, Banker ; Merch. Trust. and Treas, Epis. Fund Dioc. C. N. Y. '72-9, and Bible and Pr. Bk. Soc.”4-9; Trustee St. Luke's and Faxton Hospitals, Utica, etc. B. Westport, Conn., Aug. 26, 1820, d. Utica, Dec. 28, '90. HOBART COLLEGE. II I88O * William Mansfield White. 1884 Camaseraga. Warden of Trinity Ch. Prest, N. Y. State Agric. Soc. Trustee Cornell Univ. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '78-83, Dep. Gen. Conv. '77-82, and C. N. Y. '92-5, Dep. Fed. Council, '81-91, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. '71-83, Trustee Epis. Fund, '73-91, Cathed. Chapter '80-95. B. Waterford, July 8, 1833, d. Utica, Jan. 2, '96. William Heathcote De Lancey. (2) I895 AWezv York. [ALUMNUs '56.] I882 * Andrew Merrell. I 888 Geneza. [ALUMNUS ’47.] John M’Donald. 1897 AWezv York. [ALUMNUs '60.] * George Elihu Mumford. I888 Acochester, Hamilton ’51. Warden of Ch, of Epiphany. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. W. N. Y. '89-90, Trustee and Treas. Epis. Fund, '83- 91, Trustee Chr. Fund '77-81. B. New York, 1831, d. Rock Ledge, Fla., Feb. 2, '92. Henry Ebenezer Handerson. I885 AVezw York. [ALUMNUs '58.] 1883 (Hon.) Sterling G. Hadley. I893 Waterloo. William Jarvis Ashley. Rochester. (ALUMNUs '66.) 1884 Philip Norborne Nicholas. Geneza. (ALUMNU's '66.) (Rev.) Eliphalet Nott Potter. 1897 Geneva. (PRESIDENT '84.) (Hon.) James Murdock Smith. Buffalo. (HoN. '73.) 1885 Douglas Merritt. A’hinebeck. (HoN. '89.) 1896 (Hon.) Levi Parsons Morton. I892 AWezy York. LL. D. Dart. '81 and Middleb. '82. Banker. Cong. U. S. ’78-81. Minister to France '81-5, Vice-Pres. U. S. '89-93, Governor of N. Y. '95-6. 1888 (Rev.) John Brainard. Auburn. Trinity '51, M.A., S.T.D. '70. Ord. '53; R. Birmingham, Conn., '56-63, S. Peter's Auburn, '63+; Stand. Com. Dioc. C. N.Y. '69-i-, Dep. Gen. Couv. '83-H. 1890 William Henry Walker. Buffalo. Merchant. V.-Prest. Buff. Gen. Hosp.; Prest. Merch. Bank; Trustee Y. M. C. A.; Warden S. Paul’s Ch. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '65+. Dept. Gen. Conv. '96-i-. Trust. Ep. Fund '92+, Cathed. Chapter '80+. 1891 Thomas McBlain. I895 Geneva. Direct. Geneva Nat. Bank. Trust. Par. Fund W.N.Y. '88-92. I 2 HOBART COLLEGE, I89 I (Rev.) Lewis Halsey. 1897 Oswego. (ALUMNUs '68.) 1892 Arthur Gould Yates. 1896 Rochester. Prest. Buff. Roch. and Pitts. R. R. I893 (Rev.) * Charles Frederick Hoffman. 1897 AVezw York. (HoN. '93.) Herbert Morton Eddy. Geneva. (ALUMNUs '66.) I895 Charles Robert Wilson. Buffalo. Law. Trustee and Treas. Buffalo Gen. Hosp., Buffalo Pub. Libr.; Director Buff. Acad. Fine Arts; Soc. Cincinnati, Soc. Colon. Wars, N. Y. Grolier Club. (Hon.) Walter Alonzo Clark. Geneva. Manufacturer. Legis. N, Y. '95. * Richard Morley Harison. I895 AVezv York. (ALUMNUs '52.) 1896 (Rt.Rev.) William David Walker. Buffalo. Columb. '59, M. A. '63, S.T.D. '84, and Racine '83, L.L. D. Griswold '89 and Trin. Coll. Dubl. ’9 , D. C. L. Kings '92. Gen. Theol. Sem. '62. Ord. '62; Ass't Min. Calvary Ch., New York, '62-83; Miss. Bp. of N. Dakota '83-96; 3d Bishop of Western New York '96-i-. 1897 William Mitchell Vail Hoffman. AVezzy York. Columb. '84. Real Estate Broker. (Rev.) Robert Ellis Jones. Geneva. (PRESIDENT '97). Frank Engs Blackwell. Avezv York. (ALUMNUs '67). Samuel Douglas Cornell. Buffalo. (ALUMNUs '60). (Rev.) Smith DeLancey Townsend. AVezy York. (ALUMNUs '80). SECRETARIES OF THE BOARD. I825 *James Rees. I825 I826 * Bowen Whiting. I839 I839 * Francis Dwight. I84I I84I * Nathan Broughton Kidder. I855 I855 * David Saxton Hall. 1877 1877 Arthur Patrick Rose. 1885 1885 Philip Norborne Nicholas. HOBART COLLEGE. I3 I825 I 826 1831 I833 I844 TREASURERS OF THE BOARD. * Samuel Colt. * William Steuben De Zeng. * Samuel Colt. *James Rees. * Horace Webster. 1848 (Rev.) * Henry Lorenzo Low. I849 I85 I 1856 I86 I I 88 I 1890 I895 1897 1825 (Rt. 1830 (Rt. I839 (Rt. I854 (Rt. 1865 (Rt. 1869 (Rt. I869 (Rt. 1869 (Rt. * David Hudson. * John Wride. Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck. * Edgar Horace Hurd. Alexander Lafayette Chew. Philip Norborne Nicholas. Walter Alonzo Clark. D. J. Van Auken. VISITORS. Rev.) * John Henry Hobart. Rev.) * Benjamin Tredwell Onderdonk. Rev.) * William Heathcote De Lancey. Rev.) * Horatio Potter. Rev.) * Arthur Cleveland Coxe. Rev.) Abram Newkirk Littlejohn. Rev.) William Croswell Doane. Rev.) Frederick Dan Huntington. 1869 (Rev.) Morgan Dix. 1884 (Rt. Rev.) Henry Codman Potter. 1896 (Rt. Rev.) William David Walker. HONORARY CHANCELLORS, 1894 (Rev.) * Charles Frederick Hoffman. 1896 (Rt. Rev.) * Nelson Somerville Rulison. I 826 I83 I I833 I844 1848 I849 1851 1856 I86 I I88I 1890 I895 1897 1850 I 86 I 1865 1887 1896 1897 1897 ASSOCIATE ALUMNI. The ‘‘House of Convocation ” of the Alumni of Hobart Col- lege, created by a Statnte of the Trustees August 1, 1848, under the presidency of a “Dean,” and with the power of reporting on College Examinations and recommending for degrees, was changed July 1, 1858, to the “Associate Alumni ’’ as at present consti- tuted, by their own action. Its Constitution provides for the annual election of Officers, Executive and Standing Committees and Alumni Orator and the College charter as amended in 1874 authorizes the election of one Trustee each year for and by the Association. OFFICERS. Elected annually from 1848 to 1897. PRESIDENTS. I848 53 * Rev. Henry Gregory, S.T.D., Class of '26. (Dean.) I854 * Rev. Kendrick Metcalf, S.T.D., Pſon. '33. (Dean.) 1855-7,’62-3 Rev. Anthony Schuyler, S.T.D., '35. (AJean 1855-7.) 1858-61 * Hon. Calvin Huson, M.A., '45. 1864-78 * Hon. Archibald Campbell Powell, M.A., '33. 1879-81 * Andrew Merrell, M.A., M.D., '47. 1882, '88-9, '95 William Jarvis Ashley, M.A., '63. I883-4 * Jonathan Henry Child, M.A., '49. 1885 Charles Partridge Boswell, M.A., '60. I886 Hon. Henry Richard Gibson, M.A., '62. 1887 Rev. Henry Roswell Lockwood, S.T.D., '64. I890 92 * Rev. Russell Asa Olin, S.T.D., '65. I893-4 * Hon. Clarence Armstrong Seward, LL.D., '48. 1896 Samuel Douglas Cornell, M.A., '60. 1897 Thomas Musgrove Griffith, M.A., '49. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1858 * Rev. Malcolm Douglass, M.A., Aon. '49. 1859-61 Hon. Samuel Russell Welles, M.A., M.D., '45. 1862-7,’72-8%. Rev. William Thomas Gibson, S.T.D., '42. I868 * Rev. John Frederick Ernst, M.A., '27. HOBART COLLEGE. I5 1869-70 * Rev. John Nicholas Norton, S.T.D., '42. 1871 Rev. Joseph Morison Clarke, S.T.D., '47. 1879 Hon. Benjamin Weston Woodward, M.A., '62. I88O-I William Jarvis Ashley, M.A., '63. I882 Rev. George Herbert Patterson, M.A., '58. I883-'95 Rev. Walter North, M.A., L.H.D., '70. I884-5 Rev. Robert Murray Duff, M.A., '61. I886 Rev. Henry Roswell Lockwood, S.T.D., '64. 1887 Rev. Lewis Halsey, M.A., '68. ſ 888 * Rev. Henry Whitehouse Spalding, S.T.D., '55. 1889 * Rev. Russell Asa Olin, S.T.D., '65. I890-3 Hon. Stephen Hallett Hammond, D.C.L., '54. I894 Rev. Warren Watson Walsh, M.A., '61. 1896 Frank Engs Blackwell, M.A., '67. I897 Rev. William M. Hughes, S.T.D., '71. SECRETARIES. 1848–9 * Hon. Peter Myndert Dox, M.A., '33. I850 * John Nicholas Whiting, M.A., '39. I85 I,’63 Rev. William Paret, M.A., '49. I852–3 George Wilson Nicholas, M.A., '50. I854–5 Albert Sproull Wheeler, M.A., '51. 1856–7 * Rev. Malcolm Douglass, M.A., Hon. '49. 1858–9 William Watts Folwell, B.A., '57. I86O Henry Hobart Bates, M.A., '54. I86 I Charles Nathaniel Hewitt, M.A., M.D., '56. I862 John M’Donald, B.A., '60. I864–7 I Rev. Robert Nathan Parke, M.A., '48. 1872–85 Prof. Charles Delamater Vail, M.A., '59. I 886 Rev. William Mortimer Hughes, M.A., '71. * 1887–95 Charles Norton Hemiup, M.A., '73. 1896 William Lemuel Herendeen, B.S., '80. 1897 James M’Caw Johnston, M.A., '92. RECORDING SECRETARIES. 1858, '60–5 * Rev. Henry Gregory, S.T.D., '26. 1859,'66, '68–71 Rev. Charles Wells Hayes, M.A., '49. 1867, '75–97 Prof. Charles Delamater Vail, M.A., '59. 1872–4 Philip Norborne Nicholas, B.S., '66. I6 HOBART COLLEGE. TREASURERS. 1848–9 * Rev. Henry Lorenzo Low, M.A., Prof. '48. 1850–68 Rev. William DexterWilson, S.T.D.,LL.D., Hon.’49. 1869–82 Arthur Patrick Rose, M.A., '62. 1883 Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck, M.A., '47. I884-5 Alexander Duer Chew, M.A., '80. 1886–97 Oswald John Cammann Rose, M.A., '73. HISTORIAN. 1895–7 Rev. Charles Wells Hayes, S.T.D., '49. 22:////%3% * EIOBART COLLEGE. 17 PRESIDENTS. FROM TO 1826 (Aug. 2). (Rev.) *JASPER ADAMS. 1828 (Aug. 6). Brown 1815, M.A. and Yale '19. S.T.D. Columbia '27. Stud. Andover Theol. Sem.” 19 Tutor Brown '18-19 Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. ’19-24; Prest. Charleston Coll., S. C. '24-6, 28-36; Chaplain and Prof. Geog. Hist. and Ethics, U. S. Milit. Acad. '38-40; Princ. Acad. Pendleton, S. C., '40-1. Or- dained in P. E. Ch '19. Author (“Elements of Moral Philosophy,” '37, and sundry addresses, Poltt, and Scient.). B. Medway, Mass., Aug. 27, 1793, d. Pendleton, S. C., Oct. 25, '41.” 1830 (March 8). (Rev.) * RICHARD SHARPE MASON. 1835 (Aug. 4). Univ. Pa. 1812, M.A., "16, S.T.D.'30. Ord. '17; Rector, Christ Ch., New Berne, N. C., "18-28, Trinity, Geneva, ’28-30, Christ Ch., Raleigh, N. C., 41-74. Prest. Newark Coll , Del., '35-40. B. Barbadoes, W. I., Dec. 29, 1795, d. Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 21, ’74. 1836 (Aug. 2). (Rev.) *BENJAMIN HALE. 1858 (Jan. I9). Bowd. 1817, M.A., and Dart. '27. M.D. Dait ’27, S.T.D. Columb. '36. Princ. Lyceum, Gardiner, Me., '23-7; Prof. Chem. and Pharm , Dart. "27-35. Ord. '28; Prest. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '48-58. Author (“Sermons 1836-58,” '83, “Scrip. Illustr. of the Liturgy,”’35, and in Philos. and Art), Eccles. Architect. Benef. Libr. A A P. B. Newbury, Mass. (now New- buryport), Nov. 23, 1797, d. there July 15, '63.f 1858 (March II). (Rev.) * ABNER JACKSON. 1867 (July 15). Trinity '37, M A., S T D. '58 and Hobart'S9, LL.D. Columb. '66. Tutor, Trinity, '37-8, Libr. '37-49 Prof. Anc. I, ang. '38-40, Fºth. and Metaph. '40-58, '67-74, Instr. Chem. 39-52, Prest. '67-74. Ord. '38. P B K. B. Washington Co., Pa , Nov. 4, 1811, d. Hartford, Conn., April 19, '75. 1868 (July 24). (Rev.) JAMES KENT STONE. 1869 (Aug. 5). Harv, '61, M.A. S.T. D. Rac. '68. Adj. Prof. I at. Kenyon, '62-3, Prof. Lat. '63-7, Intell, and Mor. Phil. ’67-8. Ord '66, Dep. '69. 1869 (Sept. 7). (Rev.) JAMES RANKINE. 1871 (July 11). Union '46, M.A., LL.D.’95, M.A. Trin '49 and Hobart '57, S.T. D. Hobart '63 Tutor, Trin. '48-51, Libr ’49-52, Adj. Prof. Math, '51-4; Rector De Lancey Divinity School ’61'-96. Trustee Union '76 80. Berkeley Div. Sch. '50. Ord. '50; R., Windsor, Conn., '50-4, Owego '54-61, St. Peter, Geneva, ’61-96. Dean of Geneva '89-95; Dep. Gen Conv and Fed. Council, Trust. Gen. Theol. Sem., Eccles. Court W. N.Y. A p, p B K. B. Ayrshire, Scot., Nov. 5, 1827, d. Geneva, Dec. 16, ’96. 1871 (Dec. 12). (Rev.) MAUNSELL VAN RENSSELAER. 1876 (Jan. 18). Union '38, M.A. Hob. '59, S.T.D. '59, LL.D. Union.”5. Prest. De Veaux Coll, '59-69. Gen. Theol. Sem. "41. Ord. '41; R., Whitehall, '42-5, Albany '45-7. Mt. Morris’47-53, Oxford '53-4, St. Paul, Rochester, 54.9, N. Y. Hist Soc., Sons of Rev., Soc. Col Wars, S. Nich. Soc., Holland Soc. W. Y, p B K. 22 St. Nicholas Place, New York. * “The real greatness and true fame of the [Charleston] College seems to date from the accession of Dr. Adams. . . . His ability, scholarship, and practical wisdom, were beyond all peradventure.” Hist. Charleston Coll., 1896. For a list of his published works see Brozwn Univ. Hist. Catal. '94, p. 67. f Memoir by his son-in-law, Rev. Malcolm Douglass, D.D., Claremont, 1883. I8 HOBART COLLEGE. 1876 (April 20). (Rt. Rev.) WILLIAMS STEVENS PERRY. 1876 (Sept. 1). Harv. '54, M.A. and Lennoxv. '59, S.T.D. Trin. '69, and Oxon. '88, LL.D. Will. and Mar. '76, and Trin. Coll. Dubl. '94, D.C. L. Lennoxv. '85, Kings (N.S.) and Univ. South '93. Pres. Griswold Coll. (Iowa) and Prof. Sac. Theol. '76. Ord. '57; R. and Min., St. Paul, Boston, '57-8, Nashua, N. H., 33-61, St. Stephen, Portland, Me., '61-3, Litchfield, Conn., '64-9, Trinity, Geneva, '69-76; Sec. H. Dep. Gen. Conv. '71-4; Bishop of Iowa '76; Historiog. Amer. Ch. '68; Corr. Memb. N. Eng, Hist. Geneal. Soc. '73. p B K. Davenport, Iowa. 1876 (Sept. 6). (Rev.) * ROBERT GRAHAM HINSDALE. 1883 (July 1). Coll. N. J. '96, M.A., S.T.D. Hobart '77; Prof. Chem. Rac. '66-76; Prof. Geol. Hobart '83. S.T.B. Nashotah Theol. Sem. '66. Ord. '66; R. Biloxi, Miss., '83-9. p B K. B. New York, Nov. 2, 1833, d. Biloxi, Miss., Jan. 9, '89. 1884 (Aug. 1). (Rev.) ELIPHALET NOTT POTTER. 1897 (Jan. 19). Union' 61, M.A., S.T.D.'69, and Columb, '71, LL.D. Williams’78, D.C.L. Trin. Coll. Toronto '89. and Univ. South º L.H.D. St. Steph. '95. Prof. Ethics. Lehigh '65-70; Prest. and Prof. Mor, Phil, Union '71-84. Ber- keley Div. Sch. '62. Ord, '62; Assoc. R. St. Paul, Troy, '69-70. K A, qº B K. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 1897 (June 23). (Rev.) ROBERT ELLIS JONES. Williams ’79. Stud. Theol. Sem. Va. '82, Berlin and Heidelberg '94-5. Ord. '82 ; R., Mass., W Mich., S. O., N. Y., Stand. Com., Dean of Convoc., W. Mich., Exam. Chapl., S. O., '84-94. Bol. Visitors Kenyon Coll. '89-94. p B K. The Rev. Prof. DANIEL M'DonALD, S.T.D., was Acting Presi- dent 1825-6 ; Prof. HoRACE WEBSTER, LL.D., 1828-30, 35-6 ; the Rev. Prof. WILLIAM DExTER WILSON, S.T.D., LL.D., 1867- 8 ; Prof. HAMILTON LANPHERE SMITH, LL.D., 1883-4. DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF ARTS. 1889 (Prof.) William Pitt Durfee. SECRETARIES OF THE FACULTY OF ARTS. 1883 (Prof.) William Cleveland Thayer. 1884 1884 (Prof.) Edwin Knight Buttolph. 1887 1887 (Proſ.) William Pitt Durfee. 1889 1889 (Prof.) Henry Burrowes Lathrop. I890 1891 (Prof.) Milton Haight Turk. LIBRARIANS. 1857 (Prof.) Kendrick Metcalf. 1872 1872 (Prof.) Charles Delamater Vail. REGISTRAR. 1872 (Prof.) Charles Delamater Vail. HOBART COLLEGE. I9 PROFESSORS. Faculty Of Arts, 1825-96. FROM TO 1825 (Rev.) * Daniel M’Donald. I 828 Lat. and Greek Lang. and Antiq. (TRUSTEE '25.) * Horace Webster. 1848 Math. and AWat. Ahil. M. A. Coll. N. J. '23, M.D. Univ. Pa. '50, LL.D. Ken. '42 and Columb. '49. U. S. M. A. '18, Ass’t Prof. Math. 18–25. Prest. Coll. City of N. Y. '48–69, B. Hartford, Vt., Sept. 21, 1794, d. Geneva, July 12, '71. 1826 (Rev.) *Jasper Adams. I 828 Evid. Christ. Charles Startin. (PRESIDENT.) (Gen.) * Henri La Fayette Villaume Ducoudray Holstein. I835 Mod. Lang. Gen. under Napoleon, and in S. Amer. under Bolivar ; Editor ; Author in Hist. and Biog. B. Germany, 1763, d. A 1- bany, April 23, '29. 1830 (Rev.) * Richard Sharpe Mason. I835 Evid. Christ. Charles Startin. (PRESIDENT.) * Edward Cutbush. I835 Chem. Agric. and Mech. Arts, M.D. Surg. U. S. A. 1794, U. S. N. 1799–1809. B. Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1772, d. Geneva, June 23, '43. 1831 (Gen.) + Joseph Gardner Swift. I845 Cázyżl Engineering and Statistics. M. A. Brown 1811, Harv. '12, Yale '17, LL.D. Ken. '43. U. S. M. A. (1st grad.) 1802, Supt. '16-18. Lieut. U. S. A., Capt., Maj., Col. and Brig. Gen. 1802-14, Chief Engineer '12. Surveyor N. Y. Port ’28-37, Supt. Harbor Im- prov. U. S. '29-45. Author in Hist, and Science; Memb. Amer. and French Hist, and Scient. Socs. B. Nantucket, Mass., Dec. 31, 1783, d. Geneva, July 23, '65. 1833 (Rev.) * Henry Mandeville. I834 Hebrew. Union ’26, M.A., S.T.D. '47. Prof. Mor. Phil. and Rhet. Hamilton ’41-9. , Min. Ref. and Pres. Ch., Utica, and Mobile, Ala. B. Kinderhook, March 6, 1804, d. Mobile, '58. I835 * Gilbert Timothy Thompson. 1837 Mod, Lang. Act, Middleb. '30, M.A. Tutor’34-5. Princ. Acad. Addi. son Co., Vt. '30-3. Law. D. Northampton, Vt., 52. 1836 (Rev.) * Benjamin Hale. 1858 Evid. Christ. Charles Startin. (PRESIDENT.) * David Prentice. I847 Lat. and Greek Lang, and Lit. Yale’12, M.A. and Columb. '33, LL.D. Union '39. Princ. Oxford Acad. B., 1787, d. Geneva, Aug. I3, '57. 2O HOBART COLLEGE. FROM 1837 (Rev.) 1841 (Rev.) 1848 (Rev. ) 1850 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) 1852 1857 1858 (Rev.) I859 1864 (Rev.) 1867 (Rev.) 1868 (Rev.) (Rev. ) TO *Theodore Irving. - I847 Hist. Mod. Lang. and Belles Lettres., M.A. Columb. '37, LL.D. Union '51. Prof. Belles Lett. Coll. City of N. Y. '48-52. Ord. '54; R., N. Y. and L. I. Author in Hist., etc. B. New York, May 9, 1809, d. there Dec. 20, '80, * Edward Bourns. I845 Lat. and Greek Lang. Adj. (HON. '39.) * Henry Lorenzo Low. I849 Greek and Lat. Lang, and Lit., Mod. Lang. Act. Dart. '36, M.A. Teacher, Milwaukee, Wis., 44-6. And. Theol. Sem. '41. Ord. '48; R., N. H. '51-2. B. Concord, N. H., 1818, d. Somerville, Mass., April 26, ’52. * David Bates Douglass. I849 Math. and Nat. Phil. (HoN. '41.) William Dexter Wilson. I868 Mor, and Intell. A hil. and Hist., Chr. Ethics Trinity, and Logic and Intell. Phil. ’53. (HoN. '49.) * Kendrick Metcalf. 1872 Greek and Lat. Lang, and Lit., Lat. Hobart '52; Rhet. and Orat. Horace White ’67. (HoN. '33.) Rolla Oscar Page. I851 Math. and Avat. Phil. (HoN. '50.) * John Towler. Mod. Lang. and Lit., Math. and A'at. Phil., Geod. and Chem., and Math. and Mod. Lang. Act. '68. (HoN. '55.) Albert Sproull Wheeler. I868 Achet, and Orat. '57; Greek Lang. and Lit. '60. (ALUMNUs '51.) * Robert De Lancey Hamilton. 1858 Math. A dy. (ALUMNUS ’52.) * Abner Jackson, 1867 Ezza. Christ. Charles Startin. (PRESIDENT.) William Watts Folwell. I859 Greek and Lat. Lang. and Lit. Adj. (ALUMNUs '57.) Henry Hobart Bates. 1864 Greek and Lat. Lang. and Lit. A dy. ; Math. Adj, ’60. (ALUM- NUS ’54.) Francis Thayer Russell. 1872 Rhet. and Eloc. Horace White ; Orat. '67. (HoN. '94.) * Russell Asa Olin. I868 Lat. Lang. and Lit. A dy. (ALUMNUS ’65.) Frederick Moreland Gray. 1869 Eat. Lang. and Lit. Hobart. Ken. '58, M. A. Gambier Theol. Sem. '60. Ord. '60 ; R., O., Iowa, N. J., N. Y., N. H., Canon of Cathed. Albany. - James Kent Stone. 1869 Evid. Christ. Charles Startin. (PRESIDENT.) HOBART COLLEGE. 2I FROM I868 1869 (Rev.) 1870 (Rev.) 1871 TO Hamilton Lanphere Smith, AWat. and Phil. Astron. Prendergast. Yale '39, M.A., LL.D. Trin. ’71. Prof. Astron. Nat, Phil. and Chem. Kenyon '54–68. ‘p B K. Joseph Hetherington M’Daniels. Greek Lang. and Lit. Harv. '61, M.A., LL.D. Grisw. '91. p B K. James Rankine. 1871 Evžd. Christ. Charles Startin, Mor. and Intell. Phil. (PRESIDENT.) Lucien Gates Chaffin. 1870 Lat. Lang. and Lit. A dy. Brown '67, M.A. Edit. and Journ., New York. Maunsell Van Rensselaer. 1876 Chr. Ethics Trinity. Evid. Christ. Charles Startin '71. (PRESI- DENT.) Francis Philip Nash. Lat. Lang. and Lit. Hobart. (Resigned ’76, re-app. 82.) Harv. '56, M.A., LL.B. '59, L.H.D. Trin. '95, L.L. D. Union, '95. p B K. (Rt. Rev.) William Stevens Perry. 1876 1872 1876 (Rev.) Hist., Evid. Christ., Charles Startin and Ethics Trin. '76. (PRES- IDENT '76.) Charles Delamater Vail. Rhet. and Eloc. Adj., and Eng. Lang. and Lit., Rhet. and Eloc. Horace White '82-8; Instr. in Eloc. '88. (ALUMNUS ’59.) * George Frederick Siegmund. 1877 Lat. Lang. and Lit. Hobart. (HoN. '75.) (Rev.) * Robert Graham Hinsdale. 1883 1877 I88 I 1882 1884 (Rev.) 1889 I89 I Ez/id. Christ, Charles Startzm , Chr. Ethics Trin. (PRESIDENT.) Edmund Hamilton Smith. I882 Lat. Lang. and Lit. Hobart. (ALUMNUS ’69.) Charles John Rose. Aſist. Adj., German and French '83. (ALUMNUS ’76.) William Cleveland Thayer. 1884 Math. and Chem. Act. M. A. Williams ’84. William Pitt Durfee. Math., Chem. Instr. '88; Dean '89. Univ. Mich. '76, Johns Hopkins Fellow '81, PH. D. '83. Eliphalet Nott Potter. Ethics Trin., Polit. Econ. and Const. Lazy '87. (PRESIDENT.) Edwin Knight Buttolph. 1887 Chem. (ALUMNUS’81.) Henry Burrowes Lathrop. 1890 Rhet. and Eng. Lang, and Lit. A dj. Harv. '89. Eng, Lang. and Lit. Leland-Stanford Jr., Cal. Milton Haight Turk. Rhet. and Eloc. and Eng. Lang. and Lit. Horace White. Columb. '86. M.A., PH.D. Leipsic. 22 HOBART COLLEGE. FROM I893 I895 I834 1836 1838 I84O TO Albert Fermaud. French Lang. and Lit. (HoN. '92.) John Archer Silver. Hist. Adſ. Coll. N. J. '86, M.A., PH.D. Johns Hopkins '95. Faculty of Medicine, 1834-72. * Edward Cutbush. I839 Chem. and Pharm. and Dean. M.D. * Thomas Spencer. 1848 Inst. and Pract. Med. Dean. M.D. Prof. Med. Coll. Chicago, Buf- falo and Philadelphia ; Surg. U. S. A. Prest. N. Y. Med. Soc. Author in Med. B. Great Barrington, Mass., 1793, d. Phila- delphia, May 30, '57. * John G. Morgan. 1836 Surgery. M.D. N. Y. Med. Soc. '33. B. 1798, d. S. Louis, Mo., Oct. 4, '78 * Charles Brodhead Coventry. I853 Obstet. and Mat. Med. Med. Jurisp. '40. M.D. Prest, N. Y. Med. Soc. B. 1801, d. Utica, Feb. 23, '75. * Willard Parker. 1836 A nat. and Physiol. Harv. '26, M.D. '30, LL.D. Coll. N. J. '70. Prof. Berksh. Med. Coll. ’30-3, Cincinnati '36-7, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 39-69 ; Surg. Bellevue and N. Y. Hosp. 46-56; N. Y. Med. Soc. '47 ; Prest. N. Y. Ineb. Asylum '65, and N. Y. Acad. Med. Author in Med. and Surg. B. Hillsboro, N. H., Sept. 2, 1800, d. New York, April 25, '84. Anson Coleman. 1836 Med. Jurisp. and Bot. M.D. *James Webster. I854 A nat. and Physiol. M. D. David L. Rogers. I84O Princ. and Pract, Surgery. (HoN. '40.) * James Hadley. 1869 Chem. and Pharm. ; Emer. '53. M.D. Fairfield Med. Coll. Chem. and Pharm. '12-39. Hon. Memb. N. Y. Med. Soc. B. 1785, d. Buffalo, Oct. 17, '69. * John De La Mater. I843 Mat. Med., and Gen. Path. , M.D. Prof. Berksh. Med. Coll. ’23-7. Fairfield '27-35, Willoughby, O., '35-41, Cleveland '42-60. Hon. Memb. N. Y. Med. Soc, '50. B. Chatham, April 18, 1787, d. Cleveland, March 28, '67. * Frank Hastings Hamilton. 1848 Princ. and Pract. Surg. Union '30, M.D. Univ. Pa. '35, LL.D. Union '69. Prof. Auburn Med. Sch. '35, Western Coll. Phys. and Surg, '39, Buffalo’46, and Dean, L. I. Coll. Med. '59, Surg. in Chief of Hosp.; Prof. Milit. Surg. and Brigade Surg. and Lt. Col. U. S. A. '61-3 ; Prest. N. Y. Med. Soc. Author in Med. and Surg, B. Wilmington, Vt., Sept. 10, 1813, d. New York, Aug. 11, '86. HOBART COLLEGE. 23 FROM I84O I842 I844 I849 I853 I854 I855 1856 TC) * Sumner Rhoades. I84 I A nat. Demonst. (M.D. '40.) * Thomas Rush Spencer. I845 Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. Adj., Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. '53-4. (ALUMNUS ’38.) * Corydon La Ford. I849 A mat. Demonst. (M.D. '42.) * Charles Alfred Lee. I853 Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. Williams ’22, M.A., M.D. Berksh. Med. Coll. ’26. Prof. Mat. Med. Univ. N. Y., and Buffalo ; Phys. in Chief N. Dispens, N. Y.; N. Y. Med. Soc. '54, Author in Med., Geol., and Physiol. B. Salisbury, Conn., March 3, 1801, d. Peekskill, Feb. 14, '72. William Sweetser. I855 Theory and Pract. Med., Inst, and Pract. Med. '53-5. M.D. James Bryan. I853 Princ. and Pract. Surg. M.D. * George White Field. I853 A nat. Demonst. (STUDENT '46.) *John Towler. I 868 Chem. and Pharm. (HoN. '55.) * Joel Edwin Hawley. I854 Princ. and Pract. Surg. M.D. N. Y. Med. Soc. '48. B. 1802, d. Ithaca, Aug. I, '59. Charles Ap Arthur Bowen. I855 A nat, and Physiol. M.D. * Frederick Hyde. 1872 Obstet. and Med Jurisp., Surgery '55. M.D. Fairfield '36, Dean and Prof. Surg. Univ. Syrac. '72. Prest. N. Y. Med. Soc. '65. Author in Med. and Surg. B. Whitney’s Pt., Jan. 27, 1809, d. Cortland, Oct. 15, '87. * Augustine Boyer Hawley. I855 A mat. Demonst. (ALUMNUS ’52.) George Burr. 1869 Obstet. and Med. Jurisp., Gen. and Spec. A mat. '59. M.D. Caleb Green, I862 .Mat. Med, and Gen. Path., Path, and Physiol. '59. (M.D. '44.) James Henry Jerome. I859 A mat. and Physiol. (HoN. '55.) Charles Nathaniel Hewitt. 1856 A nat. Demonst. (ALUMNU's '56.) * Alfred Bolter. 1858 Theory and Pract. Med. (M.D. 38.) Elias De Long Cone. 1857 A zeat. Demonst. (M.D. '49.) 24. HOBART COLLEGE. FROM - TO I859 Hiram Newton Eastman. 1872 Mat. Med. and Pract. Med., Theory and Pract. Med. '65, M.D. Vt. Acad. Med. '44. Lect. Buff. Med. Coll. ’70–3, Prof. Mat. Med. Univ. Syrac, '72-3; N. Y. Med. Soc. '68; Phys., Author in Med., Teacher. B. Fairfield, Aug. Io, 1810, d. Owego, Oct. 14, '79. Joseph Beattie. I862 Obstet. and Med.Jurisp. (HoN. '59.) Lyman Warren Bliss. 1867 A nat. Demonst. (M.D.’57.) I862 Nelson Nivison. 1872 Physiol, and Path. (HoN. '59.) 1864 Ezra Pascal Allen. 1872 Oöstet, a 72d Mat. Med. M. D. 1867 Orin W. Smith. 1870 A nat. Demonst. (M.D.’66.) 1870 Charles Everts Rider. 1872 Opthalmology. M.A., Roch. '66, M.D. Univ. Vt. '63, Stud. Oberlin, Middlebury. Giessen and Paris Sch. Med. Prof. Ophthalm. Univ. Syrac. '72-9. Rochester. Daniel Swift Burr. 1870 A nat. Demonst. (M.D. '68.) Miles Goodyear Hyde. A mat, Demonst. (M.D. '68.) CHAPLAINS. (ON THE JOHN H. SwſFT FOUNDATION, 1862.) 1862 (Rt. Rev.) Henry Adams Neely. 1864 (ALUMNUS ’49.) 1865 (Rev.) Pelham Williams. 1867 Harv. '53, M.A. Trin. '61, S.T.D. Columb. '71. Ord. '56 ; R., Me. Conn., Mass., L. I., Alb., N. Bruns., Del. * 1871 (Rev.) Maunsell Van Rensselaer. 1872 (PRESIDENT.) 1875 (Rev.) * Walter Ayrault. I882 (ALUMNUS ’40.) 1883 (Rev.) William Mortimer Hughes. 1887 (ALUMNUs '71.) 1887 (Rev.) Rob Roy M'Gregor Converse. Wash. and Jeff. '67, M.A., S.T.D. Grisw. '89. Berkl. Div. Sch. '79. Ord. '79; R., Conn., and W. N. Y. HOBART COLLEGE. 25 INSTRUCTORS AND TUTORS. FROM TO 1825 (Rev.) * John Seeley Stone. 1827 Tutor. Union '23, S.T.D. . Ken. '37. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '26. Ord. '26 : R. and Miss., Md., Conn., Mass., N. Y. Dean of Camb. Theol. Sem. '69. B. West Stockbridge, Mass, 1795, d. Cambridge, Jan. I3, '82. I826 * J. N. Faribault. 1827 Instr. Mod. Lan. Montreal, C. E. (Rev.) * Henry Gregory. I829 Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’26.) I 828 Alfred Hall. I830 Tutor. M. A. 1829 James W. Gordon. I832 Tutor. 1830 (Rev.) * James Dixon Carder. I830 Tutor. (HoN. 31.) 1831 James W. Stansbury. I832 The to?’. 1832 (Rev.) * John Frederick Ernst. I833 Tutor. (ALUMNUs’27.) (Rev.) * Philemon Halsted Fowler. I833 Tutor. (ALUMNUs '32.) 1833 (Rev.) Samuel Miles Hopkins. I834 Tutor. Amh. '32 and Yale '35, M.A. Amh.”35, S.T.D.'54 and Union '58. Prof. Eccl. Hist. Auburn. Theol. Sem. Auburn. (Hon.) * Peter Myndert Dox. I834 Tutor, (ALUMNUs '33.) I834 * Gilbert Timothy Thompson. I835 Tutor. (PROF. '35.) (Rev.) * Hobart Williams. 1835 Tutor. (ALUMNUs '33.) 1836 * Charles Ayrault. 1838 Tutor. (ALUMNUS’34.) * John Nicholas Dox. 1836 Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’33.) - Charles Collins. - 1836 Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’24.) 26 HOBART COLLEGE. FROM 1839 (Rev.) * Edward Bourns. Tutor. (HoN. '39.) (Rev.) * Henry Lorenzo Low. Tutor, also '47-8. (PRof. '48.) 1843 (Hon.) + John Palmer McGregor. Tutor, (ALUMNUS '42.) I845 Leonidas Dwight Dibble. Tutor, Greek and Lat. Lang. (ALUMNUS ’45.) Edward Chauncey Marshall. Tutor, Math. (ALUMNUs '43.) 1847 (Rev.) * Charles Woodward. Tutor, Math. (ALUMNUS ’44.) 1848 (Rev.) Joseph Morison Clarke. Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’47.) 1849 (Rev.) * Malcolm Douglass. Tutor. (HON. '49.) William Talmadge M’Donald. Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’45.) (Hon.) Benjamin Hale, Jun. Tutor. (ALUMNUS '48. ) 1950 (Rt. Rev.) Henry Adams Neely. Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’49.) 1851 (Rt. Rev.) William Paret. Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’49.) 1852 * DeWitt Clinton Backus. Tutor. (ALUMNUs '51.) I853 James Hiram Fisher. Tutor, (ALUMNUs '48.) Albert Sproull Wheeler. Tutor. (ALUMNUS ’51.) I855 * Richard Morley Harison. Tutor, Math. (ALUMNUS ’52 ) 1856 *James Edwin Wheeler. Tutor, Math. (ALUMNUS ’55.) James Armstrong. . Tutor, Lat. and Greek Lang. (ALUMNUS ’56.) 1864 (Rev.) Henry Roswell Lockwood. Tutor, Math. (ALUMNUS’64.) 1869 Charles Delamater Vail. Tutor, Math. (ALUMNUS ’59.) TO I84I I843 I845 I847 I847 1848 I852 I849 I85O I85O I852 I852 I853 I853 1857 1856 I857 I857 1867 I87o HOBART COLLEGE. 27 FROM TO 1870 Lester Wheeler. 1872 Tutor, Lat. Lang. and Math. (ALUMNUS ’69.) 1874 (Rev.) Stephen Humphreys Gurteen. 1875 Instr. Lat. Lang. Cantab. M.A., Ord. '75; R., Ill., O., Iowa. Jamestown, R. I. 1877 Edmund Hamilton Smith. 1877 Instr. Lat. Lang. (ALUMNUS '69.) (Rev.) * Charles Frederick Kellner. 1883 Instr. Hebrew, Instr. French '82-3. Ph.D. Gottingen '41, Min. Luth, C Ord. '77 ; Deac. Germ. Miss. Geneva, Prof. Anc. Lang. Geneva, ’54–60, '63-70, '73–86. B. Osterode, Hanover, March 14, 1810, d. Geneva, Oct. II, '91. 1885 Morrison Isaac Swift. 1884 Instr. Logic and Polit. Econ. Williams ’79, Fellow Johns-Hopkins ’8o, Ph. D. '85. (Rev.) William Mortimer Hughes. 1887 Instr. Ment. Phil. and Evid. Christ. (ALUMN US ’71.) 1885 (Rev.) William Prall. I 886 Instr. Logic. (HON. '92.) I886 Frederick Knowlton Mixer. 1887 Anstr. Geol. Yale '90. Buffalo. 1888 (Rev.) Rob Roy M'Gregor Converse. Instr. Ment. Phil. and Evid. Christ. (CHAPLAIN.) (Rev.) * Lansing Swan Humphrey. 1891 Instr. Hebrew. (ALUMNUs '84.) David Francis Lincoln. Anstr. Eng. Mang. and Lit., Physiol, and Hygiene '90. Harv. M.A., M.D. Charles Washington Fairfax. Instr. G1/m mastics. I890 Albert Fermaud. I894 Instr. Mod. Lang. (HoN. '92.) 1891 Lawrence Clark, I895 Instr. Photography. (ALUMNUs '67.) FELLOWS. (ON THE JOHN H. SwſFT FOUNDATION.”) 1851 (Rev.) Joseph Morison Clarke. (AL. '47.) I852 1853 (Rev.) Herman Gaylord Wood. (AL. '53.) I855 1857 (Rev.) George Ward Dunbar. (AL. '55.) 1858 * Afterwards merged in the Chaplaincy. 28 HOBART COLLEGE. LECTURERS. 1866–7 (Rt. Rev.)* Arthur Cleveland Coxe. 1888–95 (Rev.) Eng. Literature. (TRUSTEE '65.) William Clark. Mod. Hist. and Religious Thought. (HoN. '88.) 1888–95 (Prof.) * Henry Coppée. I889–9 1889–93 (Rev.) I894–6 I847-9 Philos. of Hist. Stud. Yale '39. U. S. M. A. '45., M.A., LL.D. Univ. Pa. and Union '66. Prof. Geog. Hist. and Ethics U. S. M. A. '50-5, Eng. Lit. Univ. Pa. '55-6; Prest. Lehigh Univ. '66-75, Prof. Hist. '75-95; Regent Smiths. Inst. '74; Capt. U. S. A., through Mexican War; Editor U. Serv. Mag. '64-6 ; Author in Log., Rhet., Hist. and Belles Lett. B. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 13, 1821, d. S. Bethlehem, Pa., March, '95. Allan Marquand. History of Art. (HoN, '88.) Herbert M'Kenzie Denslow. Botany. Yale '73, M.A., Tutor. Berkl. Div. Sch. '78. Ord. '78 ; R., Ct., Vt., C. N. Y. Frank Hunter Potter. Music. (HoN. '90.) IN THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. * Austin Flint. Theory and Pract. Med. M.D. Harv. '33. Prof. Princ. and Pract. Med. Univ. Buffalo, and Bellevue Med. Coll. Prest. N. Y. Acad. Med. '72-85, and Amer. Med. Assoc. '84. N. Y. Med. Soc. '55. Author in Med, and Surg. B. Petersham, Mass., Oct. 20, 1812, d. New York, March 13, '86. * Edwin Robinson Maxson. Theory and Pract. Med. M.D. HOBART COLLEGE. 29 GRADUATES AND STUDENTS From 1825 to 1896. I. NAMEs under each year include I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Graduates in Arts. (B. A.) Graduates in Science and in Letters. (B. S. and B. L.) Students in Arts, Science and Letters, not graduating at Hobart. Graduates in Medicine. (M. D. 1835 to 1872.) Honorary Graduates in all Faculties. II. HoBART Degrees only (in Course or Honorary) are given on the same line with the name ; other Degrees on the next line. III. OTHER particulars, as far as known, in this order: I. 2. 3 4. 5 6 7. Father’s Name. Residence at Entrance (in Italics). (After Degrees elsewhere) College and Alumni Offices. Occupation and Public Offices. Membership in Literary and Historical Societies. College Honours, Prizes and Societies. Place and date of Birth and Decease, or present Residence.* * All places mentioned are in the State of New York, unless otherwise noted. 3O HOBART COLLEGE. I826 I826. (Rev.) * Henry Gregory. M.A. 1831. S.T.D. '47. Fleming. Tutor 1826-9, Trustee '45-61, Dean. of Associate Alumni ’48–53, Record. Sec, '62-5, Orator ’35 and ’47. Student Gen. Theol. Sem. '29. Ordained '29 ; Rector and Missionary, W. N. Y. '29–35, 38-57, '59–66; Miss. to Oneidas, Green Bay, Wis., 35–8; first Prest. DeVeaux College '57-9; Deputy to Gen. Convention '43–57; Church Publisher, Syracuse, '59–66. Euglossian. B. Wilton, Conn., Sept. 22, 1803, d. Syracuse, April 5, '66. (Rev.) * Ulysses Milton Wheeler. M.A. '33. Son of Maj. Geo. A. East Bloomfield. Gen. Theo. Sem. '29. Ord. '29; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mi., S. C. Eugloss. B. Leicester, N. Y., 1803, d. Society Hill, S. C., Oct. Io, '41. The following members of the Class of 1826 were admitted to the degree of B. A. as graduates of the Fairfield and Geneva Branch of the General Theological Seminary.] (Rev.) * William Warner Bostwick. M.A. '3I. Son of William. A uburn. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '24. Ord. '25; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and I11. B. Whitestown, Feb. 19, 1797, d. Joliet, Ill., Oct. 6, ’45. (Rev.) * Burton Hammond Hickcox. East Bloomfield. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '24. Ord. '23; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Ind. B. East Bloomfield, 1794, d. New Albany, Ind., May 5, '44. (Rev.) * Richard Salmon. M.A. '30. Son of Richard. Manlius. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem, '24. Ord. '23; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and La. Eugloss. B. Bridgeport, Conn., 1797, d. Baton Rouge, La., July, '49. (Rev.) * Orsamus Holmes Smith. M. A. Union '32. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem, '24. Ord. '23; R. and Miss., Dioc, N. Y., 55 years. B. S. Salem, May 14, 1798, d. Patterson, March 16, '78. 1827. (Rev.) *Seth Davis. M.A. '31. Camillus. Gen. Theol. Sem. '32. Ord. '32 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., O. and Conn.; Teacher, Buffalo. Eugloss. B. Providence, R. I., July 6, 1802, d. Monroe, Conn., July 6, ’62. (Rev.) *John Frederick Ernst. M.A. '31. Cooperstown. Tutor '32-3. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '30. Ord. 21 ; Miss., W. N. . Y.; Teacher, Buffalo. Eugloss. B. Cooperstown, Jan. 30, 1807, d Buffalo, Nov. 6, ’82. *John Gavett. (Jun.) Argyle. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '24. Eugloss. B. Argyle, 1800, d. there, Jan. I6, '28. 1827 HOBART COLLEGE. 3I B. S. (Rev.) * Henry Smith Attwater. Ogdensburgh. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '31. Ord. '29 ; R. and Miss., N. Y., W. N. Y. and Conn. Eugloss. B. Blandford, Mass., Sept. 29, 1798, d. Cedar Vale, Kan., Dec. 30, '79. STUDENTS. * Ambrose Stevens. Batavia. Stud. Union '27. Law. K. A. D. New York, Dec. Io. '80. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Nathan Bourne Crocker. S.T.D. Harv. 1802, M.A., and Brown, 12. Fellow and Sec. Brown Univ. 1808–65. Ord, 1803; R., Providence, R.I., 62 years. B. Barnstable, Mass., July 4, 1781, d. Providence, Oct. 19, '65, (Rev.) * Ezekiel Gilbert Gear. M.A. S.T.D. Trin. '62. Ord. 'I5; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. '16-36, Ill., Iowa and Minn., '36-73 B. Middletown, Conn., 1793, d. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. I3, '73. (Rev.) *James Montgomery. S.T.D. Coll. N.J., 1805, M.A. Law. Ord. '16; R., Trenton, N.J., New York, Philad. ; Dep. Gen. Conv., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. B. Philadelphia, Nov. 25, 1787, d. there March 17, '34. (Rev.) * William Nesbit. M.A. Wash. (Pa), 1816, M.A. Min. and Miss. Assoc. Ref. Ch., Pa. and N. Y. B. Easton, Pa., 1794, d. Geneva, Aug., '34. (Rt. Rev.) * Henry Ustick"Onderdonk. S.T.D. Columb. 1805, M.A., S.T.D, '27, M. D. Edinb., Scot. Ord, '15 ; R. and Miss., Canandaigua, '15-20, R. Brooklyn, '21-7 ; Ass’t Bp. and Bishop of Pennsylvania 27-45. Author (Theol., Sermons, Hymns), B. New York, March 16, 1789, d. Philadelphia, Dec. 6, '58. (Hon.) * John Smythe Richardson. LL.D. Judge Sup. Court S. C. Prest. S. C. Court of Appeals. B. Sumter, S. C., April 11, 1777, d. Charleston. S. C., May 8, '50. I828. (Hon.) * Thomas Yardley How, Jun. M.A. '31. Son of Rev. Thomas Y., D.D. Auburn. Law. Cong. U. S. Eugloss. B. Sussex Co., N. J., 1807, d. Auburn, July 15, '60. B. S. * William Maxwell Lummis. Son of William N., M.D. Sodus. Merchant, New York. Eugloss. D. Sodus Point, Aug. 21, ’69. * Thomas Morris Rees. Son of Maj. James (1st Trustee '25). Geneva. B. Geneva, Dec, 18, 1808, d. Grand Gulf, Miss., '32. - 32 HOBART COLLEGE. I 828 STUDENTS. * John Barker Church. Son of Hon. Philip. Angelica. Yale '29. Eugloss. D. '75. * Israel Thompson Hatch. Buffalo. Law. Eugloss, * Alfred Houghton. Son of Jacob. Fredonia. Eugloss. (Hon.) * Ward Hunt. Utica. Union ’28, LL.D. '70. Law. Legis. N. Y. '39, Mayor of Utica ’44, Judge N. Y. Court of Appeals '65, Assoc. Just. Sup. Court U. S. '73. £ºs. K A. B. Utica, June 14, 1810, d. Washington, D.C., April 1, ’86, (Hon.) * Charles Curtiss Noble. Son of Hon. Cyrenus. Unadilla. Union "28. Law. Legis. N. Y., Co. Judge, Supreme Court Commissioner. Eugloss. K. A. B. Unadilla, Jan. Io, I806, d. Owego, June 13, '51. (Hon.) * Horatio Seymour. Son of Hon. Henry. Utica. LL.D. Union '73. Law, Farmer. Legis. N. Y. °41-7, Speaker '45, Gov. N. Y. '52-4, 62-4. Prest. Dairyman's Assoc. N. § and Prison Assoc. U. S. B. Pompey, May 31, 1810, d. Utica, Feb. 12, '86. (Rev.) * Richard S. Trapier. Charleston, S. C. Charleston Coll. ’28. Mid. U. S. N. '31-40, Lieut. '41-6. Ord. '48 , R., S. Michael's, Charleston, S. C., 30 years. Eugloss. B. Charleston, 1810, d. Highlands, N. C., Oct. 22, '95. (Hon.) *James Watson Williams. M.A. '36. Son of Hon. Nathan. Utica. Trustee '44-58. Law. Mayor of Utica. Eugloss. B. Utica, May 18, 1810, d. there, May 21, ’73. I829. Samuel Percy M’Donald. M.A. '77. Son of Rev. Daniel, Prof. '25. Geneva. B.A. Yale '29 ad eund. Farmer. Benef. Libr. Eugloss. Mansfield, O. (Hon.) * George Woodruff. M.A. '32. Lisle. Law. Co. and Circ. Judge, Mich. Eugloss. B. Binghamton, July 4, 1807, d. Marshall, Mich., May 3, '87. STUDENTS. Edward Aikin. A uburn. Nathaniel Orin Allen. Son of Nathaniel. Richmond (Allen's Hill). Union '29, M.D. Physician, Va. Eugloss. Frederick Beers. Panby, Eugloss. I829 HOBART COLLEGE. 33 Ebenezer Blakelee. Otego. John Buxton. Charles Cameron. Nathan Wright Folwell. Atom illus. . Eugloss. * Seth Heacock. Buffalo. * John Flagg Hobart. Son of William L. Potter, AV. P. Farmer. B. Potter, May 14, 1808, d. there, Sept. II, '79. - Jonathan Hudson. Joseph Ireland. Fayette. * Abram La Fort. Son of Hoh-a-hoa-qua (La Fort). Onondaga. “De-hat-ka-tons,” Head Chief of Onondaga Nation of the Iroquois. Theol.; Teacher and Miss. to the Onondagas, '26-30. B. Onondaga, 1794, d. there, Oct. 5, '48. * George Fleming Leitch. M.A. '32. Auburn. Union '29. Law. Prest. Bank of Auburn. Eugloss. B. Auburn June II, 1811, d. Skaneateles, Feb. 28, '55. Timothy H. Lindsley. Eugloss. Rogers Mather. Sodus. Eugloss. — Middleton, Charleston, S. C. Philander Norton. Eugloss. Samuel Platt. Lisbon. Eugloss. Alexander H. Redfield. Camillus. (From Hamilton Coll.) Union '29. Jacob Richardson. Union Springs. Albert A. Swift. Son of Charles. Waterloo. Eugloss. George Towers. G. W. Ward. Horatio H. Woodward. Son of John. Hector. Eugloss. *Warren Thatcher Worden. Auburn. Union '29, M.A. Law. Eugloss. X. P. D. Auburn, 1891. 34 HOBART COLLEGE. 1830 1830. * Festus Fowler. M.A. '33. Seneca. Law. Eugloss. D. 18–. STUDENTS. — Billings. Henry Blodgett. Rushville. *Alvin Chase Bradley. Trumansburgh. Yale '31. D. '81. George A. Camp. Trumansburgh. Irving Camp. Trumansburgh. Erastus Capron. Palm yra. U. S. M. A. '33. Eugloss. (Hon.) *Edward L. Fuller. Sempronius. Union ’30. Law ; Farmer; Manufacturer. Legis. and Senat. Mich. '40-2. Eugloss. X ºp. B. Sempronius, May 22, 181o, d. S. Fran- cisco, Cal., May 5, '80. David Greig. Canandaigua. Alpha Phi Delta. Richard P. Halsey. Lodi. Eugloss. George Macomb. AWeze, York. John Pelton. Trumansburgh. Eugloss. George Franklin Stone. Hudson. Eugloss. Samuel Wadsworth. A uðurn. Eugloss, Henry Willard. Cayuga. 1831 HOBART COLLEGE. 35 I83I. (Hon.) * George Clinton Bates. M.A. '34. Son of Phineas P. Canandaigua. Law. Att’y Gen., Utah and Cal. Eugloss. B. Canandaigua, March 15, 1812, d. Denver, Col., Feb. 12, '86. (Hon.) * Robert Rose. M.A. '34. Son of John. Charlottesville, Va. Law. Eugloss. B. Va., d. Washing- ton, D. C., May 16, ’71. STUDENTS. —Archer. * Charles J. Hulbert. Son of J. W. A wburn. Law. Eugloss. D. 1893. Mann. Geneseo. William Rochester Montgomery. Son of Harvey. Rochester. Law. Reg. Deeds, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Eugloss. Hillsdale, Mich. HONORARY. (Rev.) *James Dixon Carder. M.A. S.T.D. '63. Hamilton ’27, M.A. Tutor '30. Ord, '30 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Conn.; Chap1. U. S. A.; Gen. Sec, Board of Missions '61-6. B. Rich- field, Feb. 27, 1803, d. Milford, Conn., Aug. 18, '66. (Hon.) *Samuel Alfred Foot. M.A. LL.D. '34. Union '11, M.A., LL.D. '53. Orat. Lit. Soc. '32. Legis. N. Y. '55, Judge Court of Appeals. p B K. B. Water town, Dec. 17, 1790, d. Geneva, May 11, ’78. (Rt. Rev.)* Benjamin Bosworth Smith. S.T.D. Brown 'I6, M A ’19 and Middleb. '25, LL.D. Brown '72 and Griswold '70. Ord. 17; R. and Miss., Mass., Va., Vt., Pa., Ky. Bishop of Kentucky '32-84, Presid. º U. S. '68-84. B. Bristol, R. I., June 13, 1794, d. New York, May 31, '84. I832. (Rev.) *John Barker. M.A. '35. Son of William. Geneva. S.T.D. Wash. and Jeff. (Pa.) and Transylv. Univ. (Ky.) '48. Alumni Orat. '40. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., and Mor. and Intell. Phil., and Prest. Allegheny Coll., Pa. '39-60. Eugloss. B. Yorkshire, Eng., March 17, 1813, d. Meadville, Pa., Feb. 25, '60. (Rev.) *Edward Macartney Forbes. M.A. '35. Avezy Berne, N. C. Gen. Theo. Sem. '35. Ord. '35; R. and Miss., N. C., 57 years. A. P. D. B. New Berne, N. C., 1810, d. Beaufort, N. C., Sept. 25, '93. 36 HOBART COLLEGE. 1832 (Rev.) *Philemon Halsted Fowler. M.A. '35. Albany. S.T.D. Norwich Univ. '53, and Williams '63. , Tutor '32-3. Min. Pres. Ch., Utica. Trustee Hamilton Coll. Eugloss. A. P. D. D. Utica, Dec. I9, '79. (Rev.) * George Matthias Rice. M.A. '82. Unit. Min., Dublin, N. H. Eugloss. D. Dublin, Sept. 22, '82. STUDENTS. * Cotton Mather Crittenden. M.A. '35. Ahelps. Hamilton ’32. Teacher; Princ, Acad., Seneca Falls and Deer- field, '44–53. Libr. Court of Appeals, Rochester. Eugloss. X P. B. Phelps, April 9, 1810, d. Rochester, Nov. 20, '80, * Charles Halsey. Trumansburgh. Law. Eugloss. D. San Francisco, Cal. Hugh McGill. Eugloss. Jedediah C. Reynolds. Geneva. Eugloss. * William R. Schuyler. Son of Anthony D. Ovid. Farmer, Marshall, Mich. Eugloss. D. Marshall, Mich., 1882. George O. Tiffany. Eugloss. Abram N. Wagner. Penn Yan. Eugloss. HONORARY. *Jacob Hooke Quimby. M. A. Dart. '29. Prof. Lat. and Greek, S. Mark’s Coll. B. 1807, d. 38, I833. *John Nicholas Dox. M.A. '37. Son of Abraham. Hopeton. Tutor '36. Law. VALED. Eugloss. B. Geneva, Sept. 11, 1813, d. Dresden, June 13, '78. (Hon.) * Peter Myndert Dox. M.A. '37. Bro. of John N. Hopeton. Tutor’33-4, Trustee '47-56, Sec. Assoc. Alumni '48–9, Orator '50. Law ; Co. and Circ. Judge, N. Y., Repr. Cong. U. S., Ala., '69-73, Ala. State Council. Eugloss. B. Geneva, Sept. II, 1813, d. Huntsville, Ala., April 3, '91. (Hon.) *Archibald Campbell Powell. M.A. '37. Son of Thomas. Geneva, Trustee '67–76, Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’64-78. SALUT, I,aw. Eugloss. B. Syracuse, 1812, d. Quogue, Sept. Io, '84. I833 HOBART COLLEGE. 37 (Rev.) * Hobart Williams. M.A. ' 36. Bro. of J. Watson, '28. Utica. Tutor '34–5. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. 39. Ord. '39; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and R. I. PHILos. Eugloss. A. P. 3. B. Utica, June 16, 1815, d. S. Portsmouth, R.I., Oct. 3, '84. *William Thomas Young. Son of William L., Jr. Geneva. Law. Eugloss. D. Rochester, Aug. 24, '72. B. S. (Hon.) *James Lawrence Bates. Son of Hon. Stephen. Canandaigua. Law; City Solicitor, Columbus, O., '40–51, Co. Judge '51–66, Director State Penitentiary '66–74. Eugloss. A. P. D. B., Canandaigua, Jan. 4, 1815, d. Columbus, O., May 9, '90. *Charles Eldridge. Binghamton. Merchant. B. Binghamton, 1812, d. Newburgh, July 3, '66. (Hon.) * Mahlon Dickinson Ogden. Delhi. Law. Probate Judge, Ill., Alderman, Chicago. A. P. D. B. Delhi, July 10, 1811, d. Chicago, Feb. 12, '80. STUDENTS. *Augustus Porter Allen. Bro. of Nath. O., '29. Richmond. A. P. D. George Brisbane. Son of James. Batavia. Union '34 (non-grad.). Eugloss. *John Erwin. Erzwin. Union '33. Law, Cleveland, O., d. there. Eugloss. * Andrew McDonald. Bro. of Sam. P., '29. Eugloss. B. Cheshire, Conn., May 21, 1814, d. Geneva (in Coll.), May 28, '30. *John Nicholas. Son of Hon. John. Geneva. Farmer. Eugloss. B. Geneva, Feb. 12, 1814, d. there, June 7, '54. * Moses T. Rice. A. P. D. *Samuel P. Tillman. Geneva. Eugloss. (Rev.) * William F. Walker. Troy. Union ’33, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '35. Ord. '35; R., Troy. (Dep. '53). D. Brooklyn, '74. * Charles Knox Watkins. Waterloo. Union '33. Law. Eugloss. D. Milwaukee, Wis., '58. HONORARY. (Rev.) + Kendrick Metcalf. M.A. Dart. '29. S.T.D. Columb. '50. Prof. Anc. Lang. '50, Hobart Prof. Lat. ’52, Horace White Prof. Rhet. and Orat. '67, Librarian '57–72, Dean of Assoc. Alumni ’54. Ord. '31 ; R. and Miss., N. Y. and W. N. Y. B. Newport, N. H., 1805, d. Geneva, Oct. 30, '72. 38 HOBART COLLEGE. I834 I834. *Charles Ayrault. M.A. '37. Son of Nicholas. Geneva. Tutor '36–8. Law. Eugloss. B. Moscow, June 25, 1817, d. West End, Santa Cruz, W. I., Feb. 14, '42. Charles Collins. M.A. '38. Angelica. Tutor’36. Alumni Orat. '49. Teacher; Law. SALUT. Eugloss. Dayton, O. (Hon.) James Rood Doolittle. M.A. '37. LL.D. '54. Son of Reuben. Wethersfield Springs. LL.D. Racine '87. Alumni Orat. '59. Law. Judge Sup., Court Wis. '52–6; Senator U. S. '57–9. Prof. Legal Science, Racine Coll. '58-9, Lect. On Jurispr. '87-8; , Prest. Univ. Chicago '73. VALED. Ezºgloss. A A P. Racine, Wis. (Hon.) *Joseph Gillett Knapp. M.A. '38. Aichmond, Law. , Co.. Judge, Wis.; Judge Sup. Court, New Mexico, '61 ; State Librarian, Wis., 46–8. Eugloss. B. Richmond, Mass., 1805, d. Limona, Fla., July, '88. *Robert D. H. Yeckley. M.A. '38. Rushville. Farmer and Teacher, Rushville ; Merchant, Cal. Eugloss. D. Rushville, May II, '67. B. S. (Hon.) Abel Seymour Baldwin. M.A. '38. M.D. '38. Perryville. Legis. Fla. '52, Senator '58; Prest. Florida Med. Soc. A. P. D. Jacksonville, Fla. *John Stevens Bates. Brother of George C., '31. . Canandaigua. Farmer. Col. N. Y. S. M. A., P. D. B. Canandaigua, March 4, 1816, d. there, Sept. 13, '55. STUDENTS. *James H. Caldwell. Pittsburgh, Pa. Eugloss. (Rev.) * Albert T. Chester. Morzwich, Conn. Union ’34, M.A., S.T.D. '47. Author and Teacher ; 3 Princ. Buffalo Fem. Acad. Prest. Buff. Hist. Soc. '69. Eugloss. D. Buffalo, Aug., '92. * Darius Webb Gear. Lyons. Union '35, M.A. Law. Eugloss. D. Englewood, N. J. L. E. Heston. A. P. D. Wolsey Rogers Hopkins. Geneva. Civil Engineer. Eugloss. Stamford, Conn. *Jonathan H. Hubbard. Cortland. Eugloss. A. P. D. D. Cortland. I834 HOBART COLLEGE. 39 * Samuel S. Hubbard. Son of Rev. Reuben. Waterloo. Eugloss. *— Hulbert. Azzburn. Law. * William Hambleton Justice. Son of John J. AVezo Berne, N. C. A. P. D. B. New Berne, N. C., 1813, d. Geneva (in Coll.), Aug. 13, 1831. (Hon.) *Butler Gilbert Noble. Son of Hon. Elnathan. Geneva. Merchant, Westfield, N. Y. Law. Legis. Wis. '57, Lieut. Gov. and Gov. pro tem. '59–61. Harbor Master and U. S. Customs, N. Y., '62–80. Eugloss. B. Geneva, Sept. 27, 1815, d. Brooklyn, Oct. 25, '90. *James E. Platt. Son of Ezra. Rochester. Union '35. Law. Eugloss. D. Rochester, '52. (Hon.) * Henry Richardson. Auðurn. Union '34. Law. Judge Gen. Sessions, S. Francisco, Cal. Eugloss. D. Pueblo, Colo., '84. (Rev.) * Montgomery Schuyler. M.A. '38. S.T.D. '57. Son of Anthony D. Ovid. Union ’34, M.A. Law. Merchant, Marshall, Mich., '37-41. Ord. '41; R. Lyons and Buffalo, W. N. Y., '41-54, S.Louis, Mo. (Christ Ch.), '54-96, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral; Prest. Stand. Com. Mo. '58-96, Dep. Gen.Conv. '59-89. Eugloss. K. A. B. New York, Jan. 9, 1814, d. St. Louis, Mo., March 19, '96. Peleg B. Taber. Morazza. Union '34. Law. Genoa, N. Y. Eugloss. (Rev.) *James Thomson. Ovid, Union '34. Law; Teacher; Min. Pres. Ch. Eugloss. D. Pittsburgh, Pa., '87. (Hon.) *Edward Tompkins. Binghamton. Union '35. Law. State Senat. N. Y., '64-70; Regent Univ. Cal., '68-72. A. P. D. X P, P B K. B. Paris Hill, May 8, 1815, d. Oak- land, Cal., Nov. I4, '72. HONORARY. (Hon.) * Daniel Dewey Barnard. LL.D. Williams ’18, LL.D. Columb. '45 and Brown '53. Orat. Lit. Soc.”34. Repr. Cong. U. S., Min. to Brussels. N. Y. Hist. Soc. B. Sheffield, Mass., July 16, 1797, d. Albany, April 24, '61. (Hon.) * Gulian Crommelin Ver Planck. LL.D. Columb. 1801, M.A., LL.D.’35 and Amherst '34. Prof. Evid. Christ. Gen. Theol. Sem. '21-4. Law. Legis. N. Y.,'20, Senator, Rep. Cong. U. S. ’25-33; Trustee Columb. 21-6, Reg. Univ. State of N. Y. '26-70, Prest. Commiss. Emigr. N. Y. '46-70. N. Y. Hist. Soc. B. New York, Aug. 6, 1786, d. there, March 18, '70. (Rt.Rev.) *Henry John Whitehouse. S.T.D. Columb. '21, M.A., S.T.D. '65, and Oxon. '66, LL.D. Camb., Eng. '67. Trustee '31-44, Prest. Elect '36, Orat Lit. Soc. '31. Stud. Law and Med. Gen. Theol. Sem. '24. Ord. 24; R. Reading, Pa., Rochester and New York; Ass’t Bp. and Bishop of Illinois '5I-74. B. New York, Aug. 19, 1803, d. Chicago, Aug. Io, '74. 4O HOBART COLLEGE. I835 I835. (Hon.) *Frederick Solon Lovell. Palmyra. Law. Speaker Legis. Wis.’58. Eugloss. A. P. D. D. Kenosha, Wis., May 14, '78. (Rev.) Anthony Schuyler. M.A. '38. S.T.D. '60. Son of Peter. Seneca. Trustee '60-8, Dean of Assoc. Alumni ’55-7, Prest. '62, Orator ’57. Law. Ord. '50 R , W. N. Y., and Newark, N. J., Dep. Gen. Conv. W. N. Y. and Newark. A. P. D. Orange, N. J. (Rev.) *Isaac Swart. M.A. '38. Red Hook. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., N. Y., W. N. Y. S. C., Fla. (Dep. '54.) Teacher. Eugloss. D. Jacksonville, Fla., April 15, '58. STUDENTS. Clark J. Baskins. Watkins. Law. A. P. D. Bayard B. Clark. Westchester. Teacher. Eugloss. Jacob Morris Cooper. Cooperstozyn. Eugloss. *William G. Grandin. AV. Carolina. Eugloss. A. P. D. Henry Kendall. Ohio. [From Kenyon Coll.j Charles S. Knap. AWeze, Berlin. Eugloss. *DeWitt Clinton Lawrence. Son of Samuel. Aenn Yan. Union '35. Law. A. P. D. D. Washington, D.C., '92. *Charles Albert Loomis. Son of Hon. Chester. Rushville. Union '37. Law. A. P. D. B. Rushville, Sept. 13, 1816, d. St. Clair, Mich. *Elisha Mather. Sodus. Union '35. Law. A. P. D. p B K. D. Rochester. J. A. Millard. Eugloss. Elijah G. Peckham. Utica. A. P. D. J. S. Reed. A. P. D. I835 HOBART COLLEGE. 4. I (Hon.) James Cosslett Smith. LL.D. '74. Son of Thomas. Phelps. Union '35, M.A., LL.D. '67. Trustee '55+. Law, Judge Sup. Court N. Y. Del. to Peace Convention '62. Dep. Gen Conv., Eugloss. Canandaigua. M. D. Lucius Clark. Philo Clark. Auburn. Phys, and Druggist, King's Ferry, N. Y. * Horace Green. Mass. Med. Soc. Experience Johnson. Addison Niles. Joshua Tucker. HONORARY. Daniel E. Burhans. M. A. Theol. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Manlius, N. Y. (Hon.) * Charles Humphrey. M. A. Legis. N. Y., Speaker; Repr. Cong. U. S. D. '50. *John M’Call. M. D. Curator Coll. Med. Mass. Med. Soc.; Prest. N. Y. Med. Soc. D. '67. Onesimus Mead. M. D. Curator Coll. Med. 1836. (Hon.) * Charles James Folger. M.A. '40, LL.D. '70. Son of Thomas. Geneva. LL. D. Rutg. '70. , Law ; Co. Judge (Ont.) '44-5, '51-5, Senate, N. Y., '61-9, Assoc. Justice Court of Appeals, N. Y. ’70-80, Chief Justice ’80-1, Constit. Convent. N. Y. '67, Ass’t Treas. U. S. 269-70, Sec, Treas. U. S. '81-4: Trustee Cornell, Univ. '65-73, Benefactor Coll. Lib. A. P. D. X P, & B K. B. Nantucket, Mass., April 16, 1818, d. Geneva, Sept. 4, '84, *Strong Benton Thompson. Wermont. M. A. Middleb. '64. Lieut. U. S. N. New Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '58. B. Vt., d. Boston, Mass., Aug. 7, '80. STUDENTS. (Hon.) * Charles P. Avery. - Ozvego. Eugloss. D. Mich. Thomas Bloodgood. Ithaca. Eugloss. 42 HOBART COLLEGE. 1836 * Manuel Buckle. Oszuego. (Rev.) *Isaiah G. De Grasse. (Coloured.) Geneva. Ord. '38; Miss. N. Y. City and Jamaica, W. I. Eugloss. D. Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 9, '4I. (Rev.) *Erastus B. Foote. Morazia. Ord. '39; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Eugloss. D. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 26, ’47. Wellington A. Glover. Eugloss. *William H. Jewett. Skanea teles. Law. Eugloss. D. Skaneateles. John Martin. Eugloss. William R. Powers. Eugloss. *William R. Randall. Cortland, Eugloss. D. Cortland. *James N. Schermerhorn. Son of A. M. Rochester. Law, Homer. Eugloss. D. Homer. Schuyler Skaats. Son of David S. Genezia. Eugloss. M. D. * Daniel Dayton. Union '31, M.A. D. South Bend, Ind., '89. David Dunham. Phys. Bridgeport, N. Y. Joseph H. Foster. Horatio S. Gates. Oliver P. Geer. Cyrenius Hall. * Hays McKinley. D. I880. Samuel Nind. HONORARY. *Walter Teller Taylor. M.A. '40. Princ. Acad. Geneva. B. 1803, d. Geneva. Dec. 2, '56. 1837 HOBART COLLEGE. 43 I837. * William Howe Cuyler Hosmer. Son of George (Trustee '30). A von. M.A. Univ. Vt. '41. Poet Lit. Soc. '38 and ’57. Law ; Teacher ; Author ; Poet. Eugloss. B. Avon, May 25, 1814, d. there, May 3, '77. STUDENTS. *Lyman Abbott. Auburn. Hamilton ’37. Eugloss. Charles D. Coleman. Henry L. Doolittle. Son of Ichabod. Warsa zv. Eugloss. (Rev.) George B. Engle. Ord. '37; R. and Miss. W. N. Y. and Ind. A. P. D. * Charles P. Gordon. Son of E. F. Geneza. Eugloss. B. Geneva, Aug. 19, 1817, d. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 31, ’39. (Rev.) *Samuel H. Hall. Son of A. B. Geneva. Union '37, M.A., S.T.D. Min. Presb. Ch.; Sec. Sea- nan’s Friend Soc. A. AE. O. p B K. Newark, N. J. (Hon.) Addison Throop Knox. Son of Judge. Waterloo. Peter Masten. Son of Cornelius. A. P. D. Samuel R. S. Mather. A. AE. O. (Rev.) *Austin Phelps. Son of Rev. E. . Geneva. Univ. Pa. '37, M.A., S. T. D. Amherst '56. Stud. Andover Theol Sem. Min. Cong. Ch. Boston. Bartlet Prof. Sac. Lit. And. Theol. Sem. '48–79, Pres. '69-79, Prof. Emer. '79. Author. Eugloss. B. Brookline, Mass., Jan. 7, 1820, d. Andover, '95. *Edward Fontaine Rose. Son of Alexander F. Cedar Grove, Va. A. P. D. B. Cedar Grove, Va., Feb. 22, 1817, d. there, Jan. 5, '93. (Rev.) *John Shackelford. New Berne, Av. C. Union '37. A. P. D. D. Brooklyn, '55. * Edward Starr Smith. New York. Union '37. Teacher. Eugloss. Aaron Van Wormer. Indianapolis, Ind. Law ; Judge Sup. Court N. Y. '59. A. P. D. ‘p B K. D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 44 HOBART COLLEGE. 1837 M. D. Andrew Baker, Jr. Horace M. Conger. Sumner Ely. Curator Coll. Med. John D. Higgins. Curator Coll. Med. Horace Nims. *. Physician, Manlius. Lemuel B. Parker. Lewis M. Wood. HONORARY. (Rev.) + Lewis Pintard Bayard. S.T.D. Coll. N. J. 1809, M.A. Ord. 1812; R. and Miss., N. J., N. Y. and W. N. Y. R. St. Clement, New York, '30-40. B. N. J., d. at Sea (near Malta), Sept. 2, '40. (Hon.) *Samuel Beardsley. LL.D. M.A. Hamilton ’21, LL.D. '49. Trustee Ham. Coll. Law ; Senate N. Y. ’22, Cong. U. S. '30-4, '42, Att'y Gen. N. Y. '36-8, Judge Sup, Court N. Y. '44, Judge Advoc. U. S. V., N. Y., '15, Chief Just. N. Y. '47. B. Hoosic, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1790, d. Utica, May 6, '60. (Rev.) *Samuel Chalmers Davis. M. A. Ord. '37 ; R. and Miss., Md., N. Y. and W. N. Y. B. Baltimore, 1806, d. New York, May 8, '62. (Rev.) *Pierre Parris Irving. M.A. Columb. '24. Trustee '37-43. Merch. N. Y. '27-33. Ord.'36; R. Trinity Ch., Geneva, ’36-43, and New Brighton, '49-74; Sec. Board of For. Miss. '43-9. B. New York, 1806, d. New Brighton, Sept. Io, '72. *Adolphe Lacombe. M. D. (Hon.) *Samuel Nelson. LL.D. Middleb. 'I3, M.A., LL.D. '41, also Columb. '4I and Hamilton ’70. Law; Circ. Judge N. Y. 28-31, Assoc. Just. Sup, Court U. S. 44-72; N. Y. Constit. Conv. '46; Commiss. Ala. Claims ’71. B. New York, 1792, d. Cooperstown, '73. (Hon.) + William Taylor. M. D. Curator Coll. Med.; Physician, Manlius, '12–65. Prest N. Y. Med. Soc. 42. Cong. U. S. 33–9; N. Y. Const. Conv. '46. B. Suffield, Conn., Oct. 12, 1791, d. Manlius, Sept. I6, '65. (Hon.) * Gardiner Welles. M.D. M.D. Otsego Co. 1812; Curator Coll. Med.; Phys. Cherry Valley, 1807-Io, Waterloo’ 16-72; Surg. U. S. V., N. Y., '12-15 Legis. N. Y. '39. B. Gilead, Conn., Aug. 26, 1784, d. Waterloo, Feb. 18, '72. (Rev.) *John Woart. M.A. Ord. '34. R. Christ Ch., Boston ; R. and Miss., N.Y. and Cal.; Chaplain U. S. A. B. 1807, d. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 24, '93. 1838 HOBART COLLEGE. 45 1838. (Hon.) *Abraham Lawrence. M.A. '4I. Catharine. Law. Constit. Conv. N. Y. '67. A. P. D. B. Catharine, June 1, 1818, d. there, Dec. 18, '78. (Prof.) *Thomas Rush Spencer. M. A. '4I. Son of Prof. Thomas. Geneva. M. D. Univ. Pa. '40. Adj. Prof. and Prof. Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. '42, '54, and in Univ. Buffalo '54; Surg. and Med. Director U. S. A, 61-70. A. P. D. A. A p. B. Geneva, . . 18 . . d. Santa Fe, N. M., June 19, '72. STUDENTS. *James Nicholas Ayrault. Son of Nicholas. Genezia. B. Geneva, 1820, d. there, Aug. 15, '45. (Rev.) * Caleb Alexander Bruce. Son of Rev. Nath. F. Geneva. Ord. '53; R. and Miss., Mich., Ind., I11., '53-70, and Ark. '70-95; Pres. Stand. Com. Ark. A. P. D. B. Duanes- burgh, N. Y., March 2, 1818, d. Helena, Ark., April 11, ’95. (Rev.) Charles G. Carr. Romulus. Union '38, M.A. Min. Pres. Ch. N. Elmira. Eug loss. N. Elmira, N. Y. Warren Daniels, Jr. *James Rees DeZeng. Son of Wm. S., Trustee '25. Geneva. U. S. Customs, New York. B. Geneva, Feb. 1819, d. New York, '86. (Rev.) * Morrison Huggins. Marion. Union '38, M.A. Min. Rockford, Ill. Eugloss. D. Rockford, '59. John Simmes Jackson. A. P. D. (Rev.) * Robert M’Math. Ypsilanti, Mich. Union ’38. Min. Presb. Ch. Webster, N. Y., d. there, ’71. Frederick W. Ricord. Son of Mrs. E. (Teacher). Geneva. A. P. D. Robert P. Sinclair. A. P. D. (Rev.) *Rasselas L. Sears. Bristol. Union '38. Min. Lima, Ind., d. there, '44. * George Nicholas Stoddard. Son of Robert W. Geneva. Civ. Engineer. A. P. D. B. Geneva, 1820, d. there, Aug. '70. M’ Ree Swift. Son of Gen. Joseph G., LL.D., Prof. '31. Geneva. Civil Engineer. Eugloss. New Brunswick, N. J. 46 HOBART COLLEGE. 1838 William M. Van Brunt. M.D. Son of Teunis. Geneva. A. P. D. * Alfred Bolter. Prof. Theory and Pract. Med. '568. Physician, Ovid. N. Y. Med. Soc. '58. B. 1810, d. '8o. Darwin Covert. William H. H. Davis. John S. Hunt. Henry H. Hess. Isaac I. Mechan. Chauncey Matthews. Joseph M’Connell. Edward W. Patchen. Jacob Runner. Benjamin B. Schanck. Levi Thompson. Charles S. Walton. William WOOdward. Hector. Physician and Surgeon, Big Flats. HONORARY. (Hon.) *Sullivan Caverno. M. A. Dart. '30. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Lewiston, N. Y. '32, Law; Master in Chancery '36-40, Police Justice Niag. Co. '44-8. Commiss. Rev. N. Y. Code '75; Founder of Union School System of N Y ; Pres. Board of Fº Lockport. B. Stafford, N. H., March 7, So?, d. Lockport, Feb. 7, '82. (Rev.) * Alonzo Bowen Chapin. M.A. M.A. Trin, '57. S.T.D. Norwich '52. Law (adm. '31). Ord. '38; R. and, Miss., Conn. '38–55; Fäitor (Conn, Calendar) and Author (Primitive Church and other Theol., and Eccles. Hist.); N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '55. B. Somers, Conn., March Io, 1808, d. Hartford, Conn., July 9, '58. (Rev.) * Orange Clark. S.T.D. M.A. Columb. '34. Ord. '29 ; R. and Miss., N. Y., W. N. Y., Mass., Cal, B. Mass., 1797, d. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 9, '69. Floyd I. Ferris. M.D. Ralph K. Finch. M.A. Union ’32 (Hon). Durham, N. Y. * Moses Hall Fitts. M. A. Dart. 31. Teacher; Princ. Acad. B. c. 1808, d. '81. 1838 HOBART COLLEGE. 47 (Rev.) * Caleb Sprague Henry. S.T.D. Dart. "25, M.A. ; LL.D. Univ. N. Y. '79. Orat. Lit. Soc. '40 and ’56. Andover Theol. Sem. '28 ; Min. Cong. Ch. '29-35. Ord. '35; R., N. Y. (St. Clement's) and Conn. Prof. Mor. and Intell. Phil., Bristol Coll. pa. '36; Prof. Mor. and Intell. Phil., Hist., and Belles Lett., Univ. N. Y. '39-52. Editor of N. Y. Review '38-9 ; Author (Philos. and Belles Lett.). B. Rutland, Mass., Aug. 2, 1804, d. Newburgh, March 9, '84. (Rev.) * Stephen M'Hugh. M.A. Ord. '34 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Ark. Princ. Hobart Hall, Holland Patent, and De Lancey Inst., Westmoreland, N. Y. D. Camden, Ark., Oct. 29, '57. - (Hon.) + Daniel Oliver. LL.D. Harv. 1806, M.A., and Dart. "21 ; M.D. Univ. Pa. 'Io. Prof. Theory and Pract. Med. Bowd. '27-8, also Dart. '29-37, and Mat. Med. and Bot. and Mor. and Intell. Phil. ; Prof. Med. Coll. Cincinnati, O. ; Amer. Assoc. Science; Mass. Med. Soc. B. Marblehead, Mass., Sept. 9, 1787, d. Cambridge, Mass., June 1, ’42. (Rev.) * William Shelton. S.T.D. M. A. Columb. '25. Trustee '43-83. Gen. Theol. Sem. '23. Ord. '23; R. and Miss., Conn.; R. St. Paul, Buffalo, '29-83; Prest. Stand. Com., Dep. Gen. Conv., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., De Veaux College, Nashotah, etc., º B. Fairfield (now Bridgeport), Ct., Sept. 11, 1798, d. there, Oct. II, '83. (Hon.) *John Canfield Spencer. LL.D. Union 1806, M.A., LL.D. '49, and Columb. '47. Trustee '25-55, Orat. Lit. Soc. '33. Judge-Advoc. Gen. U. S. V., N. Y., '13, Asst. Att. Gen., and Dist. Att. N. Y. '15, Rep. Cong. U. S. and Speaker, '17-19, Legis. N. Y., Speaker, and Senator '20-28, '32, Revis. N. Y. Statutes '27, Sec. State (N. Y.) and Supt. Comm. Schools '39-40, Sec. War U. S. '41, Sec. Treas. '43. B. Hudson, Jan. 8, 1788, d. Albany, May 18, '55. Jehiel Stearns. M. D. Curator Coll. Med. '38. Mass. Med. Soc.; N. Y. Med. Soc. '62. B. 1789, d. Pompey, Oct. 8, '78. * Richard Wells. M. D. Son of Henry, M.D., of Montague, Mass. Curator Coll. Med. '38-41. Physi- cian and Surg., Conway, Mass., 1796-1806, and Canandaigua, 1806-'41 ; Surg. U. S. V., N. Y., in War of 1812-15; Mass, Med. Soc. 1802; Founder and Prest. Ontario Co. Med. Soc. B. Brattleboro, Vt., June 24, 1774, d. Canandaigua, Sept. I2, '41. - (Rev.) * Erasmus Darwin Willis. A.M. Williams ’29, Auburn. Theol. Sem. '32. Min. Presb. Ch. N. Y., and Rockford, Ill. Chapl. N. Y. S. Mil. B. Franklin, Aug. 6, 1803, d. Baraboo, Wis. Nov. 12, '80. I839. *John Adams Johnson. Son of Alex B. Utica. (From Yale.) Law. A. P. D. D. Utica, Feb. 28, 1821, d. there, Sept. I2, '39. * Gideon Marchant Mundy. M.A. '42. Son of Frederick. Geneva. Law. A. P. D. B. N. J., d. Asheville, N. C., Jan. 18, '92. 48 HOBART COLLEGE. - I839 (Rev.) * Charles Henry Platt. M.A. '42. Son of Charles. Geneva. Orat. Lit. Soc. '67. Gen. Theol. Sem. '44. Ord. '44; R., Lockport and Binghamton, W. N. Y. Chap1. U. S. V., N. Y. '61-2. Eugloss. A. P. D. B. Plattsburgh, July 22, 1822, d. Binghamton, Feb. 24, '69. *Isaac Mantz Schermerhorn. M.A. '42. Son of John. Geneva. Merchant. P. M. and Inspect. Customs, Buffalo. Eugloss. B. Geneva, Feb., 1821, d. Buffalo, Dec. 21, '92. *John Nicholas Whiting. M.A. '42. LL.D. '81. Son of Hon. Bowen. Geneva. Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’50, Orat. '52. Law. Eugloss. B. Geneva, Sept. 7, 1820, d. Kittrell, N. C., April 20, '85. STUDENTS. Henry H. Hopkins. A uðurn. (Rev.) *Lawrence Mersereau. Geneva. Union '39, M.A. Eugloss. D, Little Falls, '86, *Thomas C. Miller. A uðurn. Union ’39, M.A. Merchant, Detroit, Mich. Eugloss. William H. Patten. Lyons. Eugloss. J. M. Burlingame. Ellicottzwille. Genet Conger. Castile. Edward Cox. Borodi mo. Lewis C. Ferris. AHozºard. Peter H. D. Goff. Płoward. James M. Hoyt. Buffalo. Lucuis D. Kellogg. Conneaut, O. E. D. Merriman. Camillus. George W. Perrine. Geneva. I839 HOBART COLLEGE, 49 * Augustus L. Saunders. De Ruyter. Physician, Brookfield, N. Y. D. 1882. Philetus Secor. Benton Centre. Merrill Hickock Shaw. Alancaster. G. W. Sickels. Utica. * Lewis C. Skinner. Camillus. Physician, Belle Isle (Amboy), N. Y. D. 1887. Nathan Way. Camasłota. William Whitney. Seneca Falls. Ralph Wilcox, Jun. East Bloomfield. HONORARY. (Rev.) *Samuel Gilman Appleton. M. A. Amherst '30, M.A. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '35. Ord. '34; R. and Miss., Mass., W. N. Y., N. Y., Conn. D. Morrisania, Nov. 29, '73. A. C. Beales. M.D. (Rev.) * Edward Bourns. M.A, LL.D. '51. Trinity Coll. Dublin, '33. Tutor '39–41, Adj. Prof. Lat. and Greek '41–5; Teacher Lat. and Greek, Brooklyn, '45–9 ; Prest. and Prof. Lat. and Greek Lang., Norwich Univ., Vt., '50–71. Ord. '41 ; R. and Miss., N. Y. and Vt. B. Dublin, Irel., 1801, d. Northfield, Vt., July 14, '71. (Rev.) * Johnson Amos Brayton. M.A. Ord. 34; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y., O. Teacher. B. May 12, 1800, d. Painesville, O., May 27, '84. William C. Chase. M. D. (Rev.) * Tapping Reeve Chipman. M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y., Mich. B. Middlebury, Vt., Feb. 9, 1811, d. White Plains, N. Y., Jan. 1, ’65. (Hon.) * Elisha Doubleday. M. D. Curator '46. Judge Court of Appeals, N. Y., '46. D, '63. (Rev.) + Philip Cortland Hay. S.T.D. Princet. '18, M. A. Min. Presb. Ch. Geneva. D. '60. (Hon.) * John Milton Holley. M.A. Law, Lyons, N. Y. Cong. U. S. * Daniel Hudson. M.D. * Erastus Newton. M.A. Union ’38. D. Lockport, '71. 50 HOBART COLLEGE. I84O * James Henry Paige. M.A. Union ’34. Law, Lewiston. X. P. B. Dunbarton, N. H., May 28, 1811, d. there, Sept. 13, '52. - (Rev.) * Pierre Alexis Proal. S.T.D. Columb. '22. Instr. French Lang. Union ’26–36. Ord. '18; R., N. Y. and W. N. Y. ; Sec Dioc. W. N. Y. and Dep. Gen. Conv. '39–57. B. Newark, N. J., 1796, d. Utica, Sept. 15, 1887. * David Scott Sloan. M.A. Dart. '36. Teacher. B. 1815, d. '41. (Rev.) * Erastus Spalding. M.A. Son of Erastus ; father of H. W. and E. W., '55, C. U. '56, and E. B., '61. Brown, '21. Law (Rochester). Ord, 33 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., 20 years; Teacher; Princ. De Lancey Inst. Westmoreland. B. Pomfret, Conn., d. Phelps, Dec. 19, '53. (Rev.) * Washington Van Zandt. M.A. Trin. '29. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '33. Ord. '37 ; R., R. I. and W. N. Y. (Dep. '47). B. 1810, d. May 4, '69. * Samuel Worcester Wilson. M. A. Union '36, M.D. D. Milwaukee, Wis., '80. (Rev.) * John Austin Yates. S.T.D. Union ’21, M.A. Tutor, Union '23–7, Prof. Orient. Lit. '27–49. p B K. D. '49. I840. (Rev.) * Walter Ayrault. M. A. '43. S.T.D. '67. Son of Nicholas : bro. of Charles, '34. Geneva. Trustee '60-82 : Chapl. and Instr. Ethics '75-82; Orator Assoc. Alumni '60. Ord. '46: R. and Miss., W. N. Y. v ALED. Eugloss. A A p, p B K. B. Geneva, Nov. 28, 1822, d. there, Oct. 19, '82. (Rev.) * Francis Beveridge. M.A. '43. Son of Rev. F. Erin. Law. Min. Presb. Ch. 44-52. A. P. D. S. p. B. Erin 1822, d. Winnebago Agency, Minn., March 7, '74. * Augustus Brown Cotes. Son of John, M.D. Batavia, Law. Dep. U. S. Marshal, Chicago. A. P. D. A A P. B. Batavia, Feb. 7, 1820, d. Chicago, March 23, '75. * George Raphael Cummings. Son of Judge C. Batavia. Law. A. P. D. D. Flint, Mich., '75. (Rev.) Mason Gallagher. M.A. '43. Son of George. Geneva, S.T.D. U. S. Grant Univ. Gen. Theol. Sem. '44. Ord. '44; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Min. Ref. Ep. Ch., Eugloss. Pat- erson, N. J. (Rev.) * Benjamin Williams Whicher. M.A. '43. Westfield. Gen. Theol. Sem, '44. Ord. '44; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (Dep '55.) Eugloss. D. Whitestown, Dec. 17, '91. 1840 HOBART COLLEGE. 5 I STUDENTS. Cyrus Davis. Cayuga. Elias Griswold. Son of Chester. Utica. A. P. D. M. D. John Follett Baker. Otselic. Andrew Boardman. AWeze, York. Harvey Hull Cator. Gilboa. Asahel Clark. Bellozza. Horace Clark. Clarkson. Norman Payson Eddy. Marzon. Abiel Gilbert Ely. Aſudson. Alexander Ewing. Brantford, Ont. George Shephard Goodwin. A’iga. John Crosby King. Lycoming, Pa. Rowland Sears Lewis. Utica. John Marble. Madison. Henry Mitchell Mead. AWelson. * Abijah R. Otis, Jun. Howard. Physician, Ellenville. Mass. Med. Soc. D. Sept. 26, '83. Moses Parsons. Skanea teles. Nelson Clement Powers. Camastota. David Comstock Pratt. Collins. 52 HOBART COLLEGE. 1840 Edward Pratt. Weszzyżlle. * Sumner Rhoades. Geneva. Demonst. Anat. '40-1. Curator Coll. Med. Phys. and Surg., Geneva. D. Geneva, June 20, '77. James Fleming Wilson. Connea ut, Pa. - FHONORARY. (Rev.) * Edward Andrews. S.T.D. Harv. 1810, M.A. '39. Law. Min. Presb. Ch., W. N. Y., "18-27. Ord. '27 ; Miss., N. Y. and W. N. Y.; R. Christ Ch., Binghamton, 36-51. B. Ipswich, Mass., July 26, 1792, d. Binghamton, March 6, ’67. Arba Blair. M. D. Curator Coll. Med. (Rev.) *James Aaron Bolles. M.A. S.T.D. '48. Trin, '30, M.A. '44. Gen. Theol. Sem. '33. Ord. '33 ; R. Batavia, Cleveland, O., Boston, Mass., '34-71 ; Canon of Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, '89-94. B. Norwich, Conn., 1810, d. Cleveland, Sept. 19, '94. Nathan Boynton. M. D. Curator Coll. Med. Horace Brooks. M. A. U. S. M. A. '35, Adj. Prof. Math. '36-9. Bwt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A. '65. * Charles Davies. LL.D. U. S. M. A. 15, M.A. Coll. N. J. '24 and Williams ’25. Adj. Prof. and Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. U. S. M. A.; Seabury Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Trin. '41-2 ; Prof. Math. and Higher Math. Columb. '57-65; Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Univ. N. Y. A. A. S. Author in Math. B. Washington, Conn., Jan. 22, 1798, d. Fishkill Landing, Sept. 17, 276. (Rev.) * George Burder Eastman. M. A. Dart. '36. Instr. Acad. Burlington, Vt.; Princ. Acad. Detroit, Mich., and Fond du Lac, Wis. Ord. '39 ; R. and Miss., Wis. and Mich. B. Ran- dolph, Vt., 1811, d. Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 20, '92. John B. Elwood. M. D. Curator Coll. Med. * William Rogers Hopkins. M.A. Instr. U. S. N. A. Annapolis. D. '76. William H. Hughes. M.A. * Leonard Elijah Lathrop. S.T.D. Middleb, '15, M.A. Law. Min. Presb. Ch., N. C., W. N. Y., Conn. Teacher : Ag't Ham. Coll., 251-3. D. Sharon, Conn., '57. (Rev.) * Stephen Caldwell Millett. M.A. Amherst '30. Ord. '33; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Wis. B. 1810, d. Beloit, Wis., May 25, '67. *Warren Patchen. M. D. Curator Coll. Med. (Rev. ) I84 I HOBART COLLEGE. 53 * Ezekiel B. Pulling. M.D. Phys. and Surg., Bath. Curator Coll. Med. B. Nov. 1797, d. Bath, Sept. 18,’44. David L. Rogers. M.D. Prof. Princ. and Pract. Surg. '38-40. Phys. and Surg., Geneva. John W. Schmidt. M.D. (Rev.) * Reuben Sherwood. S.T.D. Yale '13, M. A. Ord. 'I5; R. and Miss., Conn. and N. Y. B. 1789, d. Hyde Park, May II, '56. I84I. * Charles Goodrich Brundige. M.A. '44. Geneseo. Teacher; Princ. Acad., Aurora, Waterloo and Buffalo. Merchant. Trustee of Buffalo Orphan Asylum. SALUT. Eugloss. X ºp. B. Ridge- way, 1820, d. Buffalo, Nov. 29, '87. George Norton Clark. M.A. '44. Son of Hop. Jesse. Trustee '25. Waterloo. Law. A. P. D. San Diego, Cal. * William Clarkson Johnson. M.A. '44. Brother of John A., '39. Utica. Farmer. VALED. A. P. D. X. b. B. Utica, July 16, 1823, d. New York, Jan. 21, ’93. (Rev.) George Lewis Platt. M.A. '44. S.T.D. '89. Clica. Ord. '48; R., N. Y., Mass. and Pa.; 35 years R. Tivoli-on-Hudson, now R. Emeritus. PHILos. A. P. D. A. A p, p B K. Tivoli, N. Y. (Rev.) * Henry Stanley. M.A. '44. Son of Elisha. LeRoy. Gen. Theo. Sem. '45. Ord. '45; R. and Miss., N.Y., W. N. Y., Md., Ill. Eugloss. B. Le Roy, Oct. 22, 1820, d. Little Falls, April 8, '70. (Rev.) * Rutgers Van Brunt. M.A. '44. Son of Teunis. Geneva. Min. Reformed Ch. A. P. D. D. Waterford, April 27, '63. * William Henry Watson. M.A. '44. Son of William W. Geneva. Editor, Milwaukee, Wis.; Manufacturer, Reedsport, Mont.: Sec. to Gov. Wis.. '58-64 ; U. S. Indian Commissioner '67; Memb. Mont. Const. Conv. '98. Eugloss. A. P. D. X. p. D. Lewiston, Mont., Aug. 18, '94. STUDENTS. Egbert Bagg. Son of Moses. . Utica. Civil Engineer. City Surveyor, Utica, '78. Lieut., Capt., Maj., Lt. Col. U. S. V., N. Y., '62-5. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Revolu. tion, '95. A. P. D. A. A p. Utica. Samuel S. Fleming. Romulus. A. P. D. 54 HOBART COLLEGE. I84I Augustus H. Hall. Son of John. Geneva. Eugloss. * Samuel A. Lawrence. Son of Samuel. Penn Yan. Union '41, Law. A. P. D. D. Washington, D. C. '67. (Hon.) James Sheldon, Jun. Son of James. Buffalo. Law ; Judge Superior Court. Buffalo Hist. Soc. A. P. D. Buffalo, N. Y. William Ritzema Strachan. Geneva. Eugloss. M. D. Edward Denison Babcock. Farmington, Conn. Moses Mears Bagg. Son of Moses. Utica. Yale '37, M.A. Hamilton ’56. Phys, and Surg. Mass. Med. Soc. N. Y. State Med. Soc. '57. Utica, N. Y. Francis Reynolds Bentley. Van Buren. Phys. and Surg., Cheshire, N. Y. Russell Lewis Blakely. Buffalo. Abraham Rodgers Bullis. Macedon. John Harris Champion. Stark ville. Abner Gilson Dayton. Victory. Phys. and Surg., Oswego, N. Y. Henry Walter Dean. Rochester. M.A. Roch. '54. Trustee Univ. Roch. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys. and Surg., Rochester, N. Y. Alpha Hutchinson Dow. Marzozz. Lorenzo Harmon Dunton. Aotsdam, William Ensworth. Salina. Joseph Dickson Ford. Geneva. Benjamin Frank Gilkeson. Rochester. Phys. and Surg., Rochester, N. Y. John Gilman. Waterloo. I 84 I HOBART COLLEGE, 55 Abner Hagar. Weybridge, Vt. Merrill Halliday. Camastota. De Witt Clinton Hamilton. Veronza. Marcus Sylvester Hayne. Canadice. William Gregory Lacy. Rochester. Phys. and Surg., Scottsville, N. Y. Corydon Mason. Sardinia. Franklin Thompson Mayberry. Cortland. Phys. and Surg. Mass. Med. Soc. James Benton M’Carty. Wolcott. Robert M’Cullough. Franzasa, Ont. Elisha Miller. Brighton. Martin Strong Parker. Parishzille. Phys. and Surg., Parishville, N. Y. Erastus Bridgeman Phillips. Marcellus. Fairfield Med. Coll. Phys. and Surg., Syracuse, N. Y. Henry Norton Porter. AVezy Pork Mills. Phys. and Surg., New York Mills, N. Y. William Ellenwood Rider. Dunbarton, N. H. Lyman Levi Rose. La Fayette. Robert Gosman Salmon. Cortland. Rufus King Slosson. South Venice. Lester Sprague. Covington. Charles Augustus Stevens. Ithaca. Morse Stewart. Penn Yan. M. A. Hamilton, '55. 56 HOBART COLLEGE. I842 Asa Wilbur Tupper. - South Venice. Phys, and Surg., N. Granville, N. Y. Nathaniel Williams. Azttle Falls. Maurice Worts. AWezey Paltz. FIONORARY, * Mancer Mark Backus. M.A. Columb. '38. B. 1817, d. '87. (Rev.) * John Brown. S.T.D. Columb. 'II, M.A. Ord. 14; R. Newburgh, N. Y.,' 15-84. B. New York, May 19, 1791, d. Newburgh, Aug. I5, '84. * David Bates Douglass. LL.D. Yale 'I3, M.A., and Coll. N. J. '19 and Union '25, LL.D. Yale’41. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. ’48-9. Lieut., Capt. and Major U. S. A. '14–20, and in War of 1812. Ass’t. Prof. Nat, aud Exper. Philos. U. S. M.A. 15, Prof. Math, '20, Prof. Civil and Milit. Engin. '23–31; Prof. Civil Archit. Univ. N. Y. '32-4 ; Prest, and Prof. Mor, and Intell. Philos. Kenyon, '40-'44, Astron. Surveyor of U. S. Boundary Commission '19–20 ; Chief Engineer of Morris Canal and Croton Aqueduct, of Greenwood, Albany, and Quebec Cemeteries, etc. Architect; Author (Science and History). B. Pompton, N.J., March 21, 1790, d. Geneva, Oct. 19, '49. William Gileson. M.D. Jamesville, Pa. Ben Johnson. M. A. Vicksburg, Miss. (Rt.Rev.)*Alfred Lee. S.T.D. Harv. '27, M.A., S.T.D. '60, Trin. '41, Kenyon '41, LL.D. Del. Coll.”7. Law. Ge11. Theol. Sem. 37. Ord. '37 ; R., Conn. and Pa.; Bishop of Delaware, '41-'87; Presid. Bp. U. S. '84-7. Author in Theol. B. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 9, 1807, d. Wilmington, Del., April 12, '87. (Rev.) * Henry Washington Sweetser. M.A. Dart. 35. Gen. Theol. Sem.'38. Ord.'38; R., N.Y.; Teacher. B. N. H., 1809, D. Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 29, '49. I842. * Edward Rees Dox. M.A. '45. Son of Jacob. Geneva. Merchant, Buffalo. A. P. D. A. A p. B. Geneva, Sept. 27, 1822, d. there, April 16, '62. (Rev.) * William Thomas Gibson. M.A. '45. S.T.D. '62. A’omulus. LI.D. Univ. N. Y. '88. Orator Assoc. Alumni ’51, Vice-Prest. '62–7, 72–8, Orator Lit. Soc. '73. Law ; Teacher; Surveyor ; Editor '43–50; Princ. Waterloo Acad. '44–50. Hobart Div. Sch. '53. Ord. '53 : R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and C. N. Y. '53–83; Chapl. N. Y., State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, ’71–96; Stand. Com. Dioc. C. N. Y. '78–94; Dep. Gen. Conv., '86–9; Edit. Gospel Messenger '60-72, Church Eclectic '73-95, Oneida Hist. Soc. '87 PHILos. Eugloss. A A p, p B K. B. New Or- leans, La., Sept. 8, 1822, d. Utica, Nov. 23, '96. 1842 HOBART COLLEGE. 57 (Hon.) Isaiah Horton M’Collum. M.A. '77. Lockport. Real Estate and Insurance; Co. Treasurer and Clerk, Hillsdale Co., Mich. ; Alderman, Ludington, Mich. ; Trust. Hillsdale Coll. ; School Director. A. P. D. AAq}. Duluth, Minn. (Hon.) * John Palmer M'Gregor. M.A. '45. Lyons. Tutor’43-5. Law ; Banker ; Manufacturer. Mayor, Portage, Wis., '57 and '68. Princ. Acad. Milwaukee. Ass’t. Bank Comptr., Wis. '60, Sec. N. W. Ins. Co. v.A.L.E.D. A. P. D. S. p, q, B K. B. Lenox, N.Y., June 2, 1820, d. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. I, '95. (Rev.) * John Nicholas Norton. M.A. '45. S.T.D. '62. Son of Rev. George H. Richmond. Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’69-70. Gen- Theol. Sem. '45. Ord. '45 ; R. and Miss., W., N. Y. '45–6; R., Frank- fort and Louisville, Ky., '46-81 ; Prof. Ky. Milit. Instit.; Author (Ch. Hist., Pastoral Work, etc.); Benefactor Coll. Lib. SALUT. A. P. D. > P. B. Allen's Hill (Richmond), 1820, d. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 18, '81. (Rev.) Gardner Mills Skinner. M.A. '46. Son of David. Mezy Berlin. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '45. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Pa., Mich., Wis., 46-89. Eugloss. Detroit, Mich. B. S. * William Tell Wynkoop. Chemung. Merchant. Eugloss. D. Bellevue, Iowa, Feb. '70. STUDENTS. Arthur Moore Beardsley. Son of Hon. Samuel (Hon. '37). Utica. Law. A. P. D. A. A p. Utica, N. Y. (Hon.) * Douglass Boardman. Covert. Yale’42. Law ; Dist. Att’y N. Y., '47-51 ; Co. Judge '51-6; Assoc. Just. Sup. Court N. Y. '65-87. N. Y. Constit. Conv. '90. Dean of Coll. of Law, Cornell '87-91 ; Trustee Cornell '75-91. Prest. 1st Nat. Bank, Ithaca. Eugloss. X. P. B. Covert, Oct. 31, 1819, d. Sheldrake, Sept. 5, '91. Robert Christie. London, Eng. (Rev.) Joshua Cooke. Son of Hon. Bates. Lewiston. Min. Presb. Ch. A A p. Cleburne, Tex. John Corish Devereux. Son of Nicholas. Utica. Lewis Lemuel Eaton. Son of Lewis. Buffalo. A. P. D. Charles Carroll Fitzhugh. Son of Dr. Daniel. Geneseo. A. P. D. (Rev.) * Frederick Gardiner. Son of Hon. Robert H. Gardiner, Me, Bowd. '42, M.A., S. T. D. '69. Prof. Bibl. Lit. Gambier Theol. Sem. '65-8, and Berkeley Div. Sch, ’71-89, and Libr. Berkeley '87-9. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '45. Ord, '45; R. Me. and Conn., Author. (N. T. Comment.) Me. Hist. Soc. '49. Engioss. A A : B. Gardiner, Me., Sept. 11, 1822, d. Middletown, Čonn., July I7, '89. - 58 HOBART COLLEGE. I842 Charles Johnson Lee. Son of Chester. Geneva. Eugloss. (Rev.) * Alexander M’Glashan. Pelham, Ont. Min. and Miss. Presb. Ch. Eugloss. D. in Mississippi. Virgil Delphine Morse. Ithaca. John Otto. Batazyta. A. P. D. Thompson Sinclair. Geneva. A. P. D. John Canfield Spencer, Jr. Son of Hon. John C., Trustee '75. Canandaigua. Purser U. S. N. A. P. D. (Hon.) * George Willson. Son of Hon. Jared. Canandaigua. Union '42. Law. Judge and Surro- gate, Ontario Co. A. P. D. A p, p B K. D. Canandaigua, 1852. M. D. Gilbert David Bailey. Hazyana. (Hon.) Samuel Henry Bassinger. Son of Henry. Taberg. Phys. and Surg., Rome, N. Y., Ontario, Ind., etc. Med. Soc. Wis.; Censor Med. Soc. N. E. Ind.; Trustee LaGrange Coll. Inst.; Legis. Wis. Murray Hill, N. J. Alfred Bergen. Princeton, N.J. *James Carpenter Billings. Demorestville, Ont. Dart. '39. Phys. and Surg. B. I819, d. '49, Edward Stillman Burdick. Alfred. Elijah Nelson Clark. Belloma. James Ford Curlett. Demorestzyılle, Ont. * Joseph Patterson Dunlap. Syracuse. Educ. Governeur. Acad. Phys. and Surg, Millport and Syracuse ; Prest. Onond. Co. Med. Soc. D. Syracuse, March 29, '96. William Falkner. Wellsborough, Pa. * Corydon La Ford. Canandaigua. M.A. Middleb. '59. LL.D. Univ. Mich, '51. Demonst. Anat. '42-8, and Univ. Buff. '47-51 ; Prof. Anat. Castleton Med. Coll. '49-61, Berksh. Med. Inst. '60-7, Bowdoin Med. Sch. '64-70; Prof. Anat. and Physiol. Univ. Mich. '60-90 ; Lect. Anat. L. I. Coll, Hosp. '68-86, Emer. Prof. '86–94; Author in Med, and Surg. B. Lexington, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1813, d. Ann Arbor, Mich., April 14, '94. I842 HOBART COLLEGE. 59 Norman Kilbourne Freeman. Richfield. Simeon Starkweather French. Montrose, Pa. * John Horatio Hall. Son of Harvey. Ripley. Phys. and Surg., N. Y. and Ill. D. Illinois. Levi Case Hillman. Clyde. Bleecker Lansing Hovey. Wyoming. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys, and Surg., Rochester. Charles Hoyt. A’ochester. Charles Joy Kilbourne. Litchfield, Comn. Charles Johnson Lee. Geneva. Andrew Hull Luce. Erie, Pa. John Preston Mann. Mansville. Orthopaed. Phys., New York. John Van Rensselaer Martin. Cato. Erial M’Arthur. Youngstozyn. Delaskie Miller. Lockport. John Mitchell. Buffalo. Oliver Stearns Patterson. Geneva. Nelson Rosell Reed. Fairfield. Miles Mills Rogers. I. Vons. Malachi Tyler Tinker. Hezzrietta. Seymour C. Wilcox. HONORARY. (Rt.Rev.)*Alexander Neil Bethune. S.T.D. D.C.L., Trin. Coll. Toronto. Ord. 23, R. Cobourg, Ont.: Archd. York, Ont.: Co-adj. Bp. and Bishop of Toronto '67-79. B. Winstown, Ont., 1800, d. Toronto, Feb. 3, '79. 6O HOBART COLLEGE. I843 Claudius Caesar Coan. M.D. (Rt.Rev.)*Nicholas Hamner Cobbs. S.T.D. Ord. '24; R. and 'Miss., Va.”24-43 ; R. Cincinnati, O., '43-44; Dep. Gen. Conv., Va., 28-44; Bishop of Alabama '44-61. B. Bedford Co., Va., Feb. 5, 1796, d. Montgomery, Ala., Jan. II, '61. (Rev.) Edward Cooper. M.A. Union '39, M.A. S. T. D. Highland Univ. '73. Princ. Acad. Aurora, ’42; Prest. Asbury Fern. Coll.; Chap1. U. S. V., O., '65. X. p. Lancaster, Pa. (Hon.) * Vincent Matthews. LL.D. Judge Sup. Court N. Y. 1793; Legis. N. Y. 1793; Senator 1796; Cong. U. S. 1808; Senate 1809; Chancellor of N. Y. B. Orange, N. Y., June 20, 1766. d. Rochester, Aug. 23, '46. (Hon.) *Sherburne Blake Piper. M.A. Dart. '32, M.A. Law. Dist. Att'y N. Y. '45; Legis. N. Y. '47. B. 1807, d. '78, George Converse Powell. M. D. (Rev.) * Albin Kendall Putnam. M.A. Univ. Vt. '38. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., Vt. and N. Y. D. Bellows Falls, Vt., Dec. 47. * Edward C. Ross. M. A. U. S. M. A. "21, LL.D. Keny. '49. Asst. Prof. Math. U. S. M. A.; Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Keny. '40-8, and Coll, City of N. Y. '48, B. 1801, d. New York, May 16, '51. (Rev.) * John Sandels. M.A. Tutor Keny. '38-40, Prof. Lat. and Greek Lang. '40-5. Ord. '40 ; R. and Miss., La., Tenn., Ark., '45-74. D. Mansfield, La., Oct. 15, '74. John Frederick Sickels. M.D. * Ariel Spafard. M.D. B. 1785, d. Cooperstown, Jan. 16, ’45. (Rev.) * Benjamin Cook Taylor. S.T.D. Coll. N. J. 19, M.A., and Union '22, ... Min. Ref. Ch. Prest. Ref. Theol. Sem, New Brunswick, N. J. B. Philadelphia, 1801, d. '81. I843. * Martin Luther Bellows. M.A. '46. Seneca Falls. Law. Farmer, Gwynedd, Pa. Eugloss. A A p. D. Morris- town, Pa., June 22, '87. Edward Floyd DeLancey. M.A. '46. Son of Rt. Rev. Wm. H. (Trustee’39-65.) Geneva, I.aw. Author Hist, and Biog. N. Y. Hist. Soc., N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc., State Hist. Soc. Wis., Royal Hist. Soc. London. Amer. Ethnol. Soc., St. Nich. Soc. N. Y.; Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem, and N. Y. Pub. Schools. A A p. New York. I843 HOBART COLLEGE. 6 I (Rev.) * Almon Gregory. M.A. '46. Bro. Rev, Henry, '26. Scio, Mich. Gen. Theol. Sem. '47. Ord. '47; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Ind., Ky., C. N. Y.; Hospital Chapl. U. S. V., Ky. Eugloss. B. Aurelius, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1814, d. Syracuse, Nov. 27, '96. * Albert Gallatin Heminway. M.A. '46. Son of Truman. Palmyra. Law. Banker, New York. B. Palmyra, Feb. 16, 1824, d. New Rochelle, Apr. 22, '85. (Rev.) Edward Chauncey Marshall. M.A. '46. Seneca Falls. Tutor ’45-7. Ord. '55; Off. Va. and N. Y. (Dep. '67.) v ALED. Eugloss. New York. (Rev.) William Agur Matson. M.A. '46. S.T.D. '65. Utica. Alumni Orat. '54, '76. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. J., L.I.; Editor Gospel Messenger (W. N. Y.) and Church Journal (N.Y.) '48-'76; Sec. Dioc. W. N.Y. '57-66. Board of Missions P. E. Ch., Soc. Prom. Chr, Jews. Author, Ch. Books, Tracts, etc. A. P. D. A. A p, p B K. Church Missions House, New York. (Rev.) * Ambrose Baxter Russell. M.A. '46. Sanford. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '46. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., Md., Tenn., La., Ill. Eugloss. B. N. H., March Io, 1815, d. Clarksville, Tenn., March 5, '93. (Rev.) *Samuel Ruggles Thorpe. M.A. '46. Batavia. Theol. PHILos. Eugloss. D. Red Wing, Minn., July 19, '64. STUDENTS. David Briggs Aspell. Milo. Eugloss. Robert Bailey. Son of F. Pittsburgh, Pa. A. P. D. * Charles Cotes Brown. Jamestozººn. Law. A. A. D. S. P. B. Jamestown, Feb. 8, 1821, d. there, Oct. 3, '47. Robert Newlin Brown. Brownsville. A . P. D. Eugloss. Orin Carpenter. AWewark. Eugloss. James M'Kenzie Christie. London, Eng. * George Long Duyckinck. Bro. of Evert A. Aſezw York. Univ. N. Y. '43, M.A. Law. Edytor of Ch. Book Soc. and Literary World. N. Y. Hist. Soc., N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc., Corr. Memb. N. Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '55. Eugloss. > P, P B K. B. New York, Oct. 17, 1823, d. there, March 30, '63. (Hon.) * William Addison Fitzhugh. Son ºrmuel. Geneseo. Law. Legis. N. Y. '51. A. P. D. A. A p. D. I 74. Washington Ebenezer Irving. Son of Ebenezer; bro. of Rev. Pierre P., '37 and Prof. Theod.,’37. Avew York. 62 HOBART COLLEGE. I843 William George Lee. Son of E. Smith. Marshall, Mich. A. P. D. * Daniel M’Carty. M.A. '49. Son of Rev. John, D.D., '50. Oswego. County Clerk. Eugloss. D. 189—. Robert M’Cay. Son of W. W. Bath. A. P. D. * Hezekiah Scovill M’Collum. Lockport. Law. Editor. A. P. D. B. Palmyra. d. St. Catherines, Ont., '89. (Rev.) * William Stevenson M'Laren. Son of Rev. D. Geneva. Union '43, M.A. Min. Scotch Presb. Ch. Eugloss. D. Santa Barbara, Cal., Jutle, ’74. Archibald Munson. Tyre. Eugloss. (Rev.) * George Hatley Norton. Bro. of Rev. John N., '42, Richmond. S.T.D. Wm. and Mary'69. Theol. Sem. Va. '46. Ord. '46; R. Alexandria, Va., 34 years. A. P. D. B. Richmond (Allen's Hill), May, 1824, d. Alexandria, Va., Sept. 15, '93. William Hurtin Proal. Son of Rev. Pierre A., D.D., Hon. '39. Utica. Union '43, M.A.; M.D. Law. A. P. D. Miles Lewis Rose. Son of G. N. Genéza. A. F. D. Eugloss. Solomon Robertson Scofield. Dryden. * David Pearson Skaats. Son of David S. Geneva. A. P. D. B. Geneva, 1822, d. St. Louis, Mo., July 20, '57. * Nathaniel Ballard Smith. M.A. '59. Covert . Law. Prest. Syracuse Bó. of Educ. Onondaga Hist. Soc. Eugloss. > P. B. Farmersville, N. Y., Oct. I2, 1819, d. Syracuse, April 20, 75. * John Henry Stanley. Son of Erastus. Canandaigua. B. Canandaigua, Nov. 3, 1817, d. June 25, '82. Nicholas King Wade. Son of Maj William. Pittsburgh, Pa. Univ. Pa. '43. M. A.; M.S. Wash. and Jeff. '67, Civil Engineer. A. P. D. A. A p. Columbus, O. Loren Jesse Ames. Geneseo, Phys. and Surg., Mount Morris. Abner Angell, Jun. Allen Kennedy Axtell. Kalamazoo, Mich. I843 HOBART COLLEGE. 63 James Sears Baker. AWazarino. Nathan Edwin Boynton. Elm tra. John Spangler Clark. Geneva. William Crichton. A’zga. Lyman Hall Davis. La Fayette. John Russell Day. Waterloo, * George Patterson Eddy. Brockport. D. '77. David Elijah Ellis. West Lodi. Alfred Emens. Marick. Phys. and Surg., Seneca Falls. James Walter Flint. Simcoe, Ont. Abial Jones Fobes. A insman, O. Lucius Hannahs. A’zchfield. Marvin Day Hicks. Webster. James Hunter, Jun. Avezey market, Ont. Wales Monroe Huntington. Pittsford. Caleb Clark Johnson. A. emdall. Theophilus Mack. Amherstburg, Ont. Edward H. G. Meachem. A'ich mozzd. William Daniel Olendorff. AHartzwick. * John Wilkinson Potter. Ae/hel. Borden William Richmond. Aznden. 64 FIOBART COLLEGE, I843 Joseph Wright Robbins. Cincinnatzes. Solon Philo Sackett. Burdett. Phys. and Surg., Ithaca. Alexander Black Sloan. Penn Yan. Phys. and Surg., Bellona. Alonzo Townsend Smith. Canajoharie. Eben Sherwood Smith. Bellona. Phys. and Surg., Penn Yan. Mass. Med. Soc. Willis Gaylord Smith. Otisco. William Ezra Tyler. Sackett's Harbor. Phys. and Surg., Sackett's Harbor. Henry Van Nostrand. Sozzth Butler. Alonzo Morgan Van Ostrand. Ezyazz's M222s. Joseph Augustine Vervais. Amherstburg, Ozzt. * Landon Wells. Salem. D. '68. Abraham Barclay Wilson. Waver ly. Henry Augustus Youmans. Bennington. |HONORARY. * Charles Barrows. M.D. Mass. Med. Soc. D. 1870, (Rt.Rev.)*Samuel Bowman. S.T.D. Ord. 23; R. and Miss, Pa., '23-58; Co-adj. Bishop of Pennsylvania, ’58-61. B. Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 21, 1800, d. Butler, Pa., Aug. 3, '61. Henry Edgar Cruttenden. M. D. (Rev.) * John Fletcher Fish. M.A. S. T. D. St. Paul's Coll. (Mo.) '58. Gen. Theol. Sem, 36. Ord. '36 ; R. and Miss., N.Y., W. N. Y., Miss., 36-49. Chap1. U. S. A., '50-78. B. 1811, d. Montclair, N. J., Oct. 21, ’78. (Rev.) * Charles William Hackley. S.T.D. U. S. M.A. 29; M.A. Columb. '42, Ass’t. Prof. Math, U. S. M. A. '29-31; Prof. Math. Univ. N. Y. '33-9 ; Prest. Jeff. Coll. Miss. ’39 ; Prof. Math. and Astron. Columb. '43-57, and Astron. '57-61. Ord.”35; R. Auburn. W. N. Y., '39-40. B. Herkimer, 1809, d. New York, Jan. Io, '61. - I844 HOBART COLLEGE. 65 (Hon.) * Douglass Houghton. M. A. M.D. Renss. Polytech. Inst. '29, Adj. Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. same '29-39 ; Prof. Chem. and Min. Univ Mich. '39-45; State Geol. Mich.; Mayor of Detroit. Fellow Royal Soc. North, Antiq. Copenhagen, et al. B. Troy, Sept. 21, 1810, d. (drowned) Lake Superior, Oct. 13, '45. (Hon.) * William Kent. LL. D. Union '20, M. A. ; LL.D. Harv. '47. Royall Prof. Law. Harv. '46-7. Judge Sup. Court, N. Y. Amer. Philos. Soc. P B K. B. Albany, 1802, d. Fishkill, Jan. I4, '61. (Rt.Rev.)*John Barrett Kerfoot. M.A. St. Paul’s Coll. (N. Y.) 34 ; M. A. Keny. '46; S.T.D. Columb. '50, and Trin. '65; LL. D. Cambr. Eng. '67. Prof. I.at. and Greek Lang. St. Paul’s Coll. ’37-42; R. St. James' Coll. (Md.) '42–64; Prest, Trinity '64-5. Ord. '37 ; Bishop of Pittsburgh '66-81. B. Dublin, Irel., March 1, 1816, d. Myersville, Pa., July 19, '81. John Christopher Moeller. M. D. (Rev.) * William Hemans Perry Paddock. M.A. Union '40, M.A. Princ. Acad. New Hartford, W. N. Y., '47-50, Ord. '46; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Pa. '50-62; Chapl. U. S. A. '62-72. Transl. New Test. B. Canandaigua, Nov. 15, 1817, d. Philadelphia, June 2, '72. William Purrington. M. D. John Staats. M. D. (Rev.) Clarence Alfonsus Walworth. M. A. Union '38, M.A.; LL.D. Reg. Univ. N. Y. '87. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '45. Ord. R. C. Ch.; R. and Miss. Albany. Vice-Prest. Law and Order League; Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science. A 'p, ºp B K. Albany, N. Y. I844. (Rev.) Napoleon Barrows. M.A. '47. S.T.D. '96. Son of Chester. LeRoy. Law. Hobart Div. Sch. '52. Ord. '52 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Pa., N. J., L. I. Stand. Com. Dioc. L. I. and Newark. Author (S. S. and Theol.) Eugloss. Short Hills, N. J. Charles Cameron Clarke. M. A. '49. Greene. Vice-Prest. N. Y. C. R. R. and Director other Corp. Ossining, N. Y. * Paul Fenimore Cooper. M.A. '47. Son of James Fenimore. Cooperstown. Law. VALED. A. A p. B. New York, 1824, d. Albany, April 21, ’95. (Hon.) Peter Anthony Dey. M.A. '49. Son of Anthony. Seneca Falls. LL.D. Griswold. Banker. R. R. Com- missioner, Iowa, ’78-95. Curator Iowa Hist. Soc. 85+. Fugzoss. Iowa City, Ia. * Levi Sartwell Loomis. Son of Elisha (Miss. Sandwich Isl.) Rushville. Law. B. Oahu, sand. Isl., July 25, 1820, d. Wolf's Cr., Or., March 21, '92. 66 HOBART COLLEGE. I844 * Russell Martin. Son of Frederick S. Olean. Merchant; U. S. Contractor, Key West, Fla. B. Olean, 1824, d. Fordham, June 16, '92. * Elias Riggs Stoddard. M.A. '47. Son of Robert W. Geneva. Law. B. Geneva, March 15, 1824, d. at sea April Io, '52. (Rev.) * Charles Woodward. M.A. '47. Son of John. Hector. Gen. Theol. Sem. '47. Tutor’47-8; Chapl. and Prof. Lang. Andalusia Coll. (Pa.) '71-2; Princ. Acad. Oxford (N. Y.) '72-4. Ord. '47; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Minn. B. Charlton-Mackrell, Somerset, Eng., 1821, d. Rochester, Minn., Nov. 7, '91. STUDENTS. Riley Ambrose Axtell. Canandaigua. Eugloss. John Snodgrass Buchanan. Edinburgh, Scot. A. P. O. Albert Crane. Son of Charles. Cana n dargua. Law. Detroit, Mich. Levi Parsons Day. Son of Rev. —. Enfield. Edmund Kirby Hammond. Milton, Pa. A. P. D. William Fitz-Backus Hastings. Son of Eurotas. Geneva. M. D. Mich. A . P. D. William Hayward. Son of William. Geneva. A. P. D. Hatley Norton Hemiup. Gerzezwa. A. P. D. * Charles Adams Johnson, Son of Alex. B., Bro. of John A. '39 and Wm. C. '41. Utica. Lieut. U. S. A. '47, Lieut., Capt., Maj., Col., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., N. Y. '61-3. A. P. D. S. P. B. Utica, 1826, d. New Haven, Conn., Mar. 30, '91. John Knowles. Lyons, A. P. D. Henry Gilbert Ludlow. Son of Judge. L. Oszuego, Union '43. Civil Engineer. Eugloss. Troy, N. Y. (Rev) + Daniel C. M'Vean. Caledonia, Union '44, M.A. Min. Presb. Ch., Lyndon. D. '67, * William Frederick Miller. Buffalo. Yale '44. Law. A. P. D. S. P. B. Buffalo, July 16, 1822, d. there July 28, '81. John Milton Rumney. Son of John B. Geneva. A. P. D. I844 HOBART COLLEGE. 67 * Philip Spencer. - Son of Hon. John C. (Tºgº ’25). Canandaigua. Union '43 (non-grad.) Mid U. S. N. '42. . P. D., Eugloss. X W. B. Canandaigua, 1823, d. at sea (U. S. S. Somers), Dec. '42. Robert Burrage Norton Spencer. Son of Hon. Ambrose. Lyons. A. P. D. * Peter Gerard Stuyvesant Ten Broeck. Son of Rev. Petrus S. Concord, N. H. M.D. Surg. U. S. A. B. Portland, Me., Oct. 8, 1822, d. there, Dec. 19, 1867. (Hon.) Charles Albion Tuttle. Le Roy. Law. State Senate, Cal. ’54-5. Reporter Sup’r Court Cal. ’63-7, '73-9. Eugloss. A A p. (Hon.) William Hilliard Wood. Hinsdale, Mich. Union '44. Law. Legis. N. Y. '54. Sup. Schools, Ill. '76-81. A. P. D. K. A., p B K. Oak Park, Ill. M. D. Seneca Beebe. Cincinnatus. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys. and Surg., Marathon, N. Y. John Hardenburgh Bevier. A 7/relius. John Bristol. Cleveland, O. John Spencer Brokaw. Homer. David Carroll, Jun. Alaz n ville. Augustus Halsey Clark. Caryville. Darwin Colvin. Clyde. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys. and Surg., Clyde, N. Y. Lyman Augustus Crandall. Fairville. Phys. and Surg., Fairville, N. Y. David Orville Crane. Charles De Mott. Oz/id. Charles Spencer Duncombe. Burford, Ont. Joseph Dusenbury. Gates. Nelson D. Ferguson. Black River. Phys. and. Surg., Carthage, N. Y. James Finn. Solon. 68 HOBART COLLEGE. 1844 Luke Elmendorf Frame. Depauville. Phys. and Surg., Depauville, N. Y. Benjamin Franklin. De Ruyter. Daniel George Frisbie. Spafford. Henry Martin Gray. Seneca Falls. Caleb Green. La Fayette. M. A. Syrac. Prof. Mat. Med. and Gen. Path. '55-9, Path. and Physiol '59-62. Phys. and Surg., Homer, N. Y. John Jasper Harman. Almond. Daniel De Witt Harnden. l/ictory. Phys. and Surg., Waverly, N. Y. Joel Harris. Pittsford. Freeman Peck Harrison. Sparta. John Hauenstein. Buffalo. Miner Thomas Huff. Henry Sterling Hurd. Union City, Mich. Elliott Jacobs. Izttle Falls. James Varannas Kendall. Volney. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys. and Surg., Baldwinsville, N. Y. Adam Miller. Cedarville. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y., '63. Phys. and Surg., Jordanville, N. Y. Thomas Moore, Jun. Picton, Ont. Thomas Ely Parsons. Bradford, Pa. De Witt Clinton Phelps. Ledyard. Virgil Reed. Spence, port. Ebenezer Rider. A 176 g/ia7t y Co. 1844 HOBART COLLEGE. 69 Lester Holt Robinson. Otsego Co. John Rowley. Aarma. Theodore Percival Royston. Seneca Falls. Oscar Sceitz. Binghamton. Charles Duncombe Shenieh. St. Thomas, Ont. Herman Camp Skinner. Ithaca. * John S. Trowbridge. Buffalo. Phys. and Surg. and Pharm., Buffalo. B. 1816, d. Buffalo, 189-. Stephen Tourtelot. Little Falls. John Tyler. Onondaga. * Elijah Potter Walker. Hartzwick. D. 1848. William Loomis Wells. A’zchmond. Peter Wilson. Buffalo Reservation. (Seneca Nation of the Iroquois.) Joshua Upham Winslow. Rochester. James Hervey Young. l/actor. FIONORARY. * Edson Carr. M.D. M. D. Reg. Univ. , N. Y. Phys. and Surg., Canandaigua. Mass. Med. Soc. D. Canandaigua, ’61. (Rev.) * Charles Henry Halsey. M. A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Ord. '38; R. Christ Ch., New York ; Sec. and Gen. Agent Board of Missions. B. N. J., 1810, d. New York, May 2, '55. (Hon.) * Daniel T. Jones. M. D. U. S. Senator. Prest. Mass. Med. Soc. D. '61. (Rev.) * Edward Dolph Kennicott. M.A. Ord. '42 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Poet. B. 1814, d. Lockport, Nov. 16, ’44. James Miltimore. M.A. Teacher ; Princ. Charlotte Hall, Md. 7o HOBART COLLEGE. I845 (Rt.Rev.)*Francis Huger Rutledge. S.T.D. Son of Hon. Hugh, Charleston, S. C. Yale '20 ; M.A. Coll. S. C. Gen. Theol. Sem.”23. Ord.”3; R. and Miss., S.C. and Fla.; Bishop of Florida '51–66. B. Charleston, S. C., April II, 1799, d. Tallahassee, Fla., Nov. 6, '66. William Wallace. M.D. * Benjamin Wilcox, Jun. M.A. Williams ’41. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Yates and Wilson, N. Y., River Falls, Wis., Valparaiso, Ind. B. 1825, d. '75. - I845. * William Maximilian Crosby. Son of C. E. Galen. Law. Bwt. Maj. U. S. V., '61. Eug loss. D. Bingham- ton, Feb. 9, '94. Leonidas Dwight Dibble. Son of Orsamus. Morazia. Tutor ’45-7 ; Alumni Orat. '78. Law. SALUT. Eugloss. Battle Creek, Mich. Alexander Horton. M.A. '51. Skaneateles. N. Y. C. and H. R. R. Co. A A p. New York. * Charles Hudson. Son of Hon. David (Trustee '25-60.) Geneva. Eugloss. D. Cal., Aug. '55. (Hon.) * Calvin Huson, Jun. M. A. '48. Son of Calvin. Seneca. Alumni Orat. '53, Prest Assoc. Alumni ’58-61. Law; Dist. Atty. N. Y. ; U. S. Com'r to Costa Rica; Cong. U. S. '61. v.A1 ED. Eugloss., Herm. B. Starkey, Aug. 19, 1852, d. Richmond, Va., Oct. I4, '61. William Talmadge M’Donald. M.A. '48. Son of Rev. Daniel, D.D. (Trust. '25, Act. Prest.’25-6.) A uburn. M. D. Coll, Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Tutor ’49-50. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. W. Univ. Pa. '55-9. Eugloss., Herm. K. A. Bucyrus, O. Robert Mitchell. M.A. '55. Son of Robert. Locke M. D. Univ. Buff. '49. Physician, Locke, N. Y., and Portage City, Wis.; Farmer. PHILOs. Eugloss., Herm. X. p. Moundville, Wis. Thaddeus Sobieski Newell. Son of Jared. Rochester. Law. Real Estate Agent. A. P. D., Herm. K. A. Rochester, N. Y. * Nathaniel Rochester. Son of Thomas H. Rochester. A. P. D. S. P. B. Rochester, Feb. 17, 1825, d. Cal., Sept. 27, '49. * Thomas Fortescue Rochester. M.A. '51. LL.D. '85. Bro. of Nath., above, Rochester, M. D. Univ. Pa. '48. Prof. and Dean, Med. Coll. Univ. Buff. '53; Prest. N. Y. State Med. Soc.; Author in Med. and Surg. Life-Memb. Buff. Hist. Soc. A. P. D., Herm. A A p. B. Roch- ester, Oct. 8, 1823, d. Buffalo, May 24, '87. I845 HOBART COLLEGE. 71 * Bartholomew Skaats. Son of David S. Geneva. Law. A. P. D. A. A P. B. Geneva, Dec. 5, 1825, d. New York, March 6, ’95. * Silas Butler Sturdevant. Son of Samuel. Covington. Law. Eugloss., Herm. D. Warsaw, Dec. I7, '93. George Thompson. Son of George C. E. Auburn. Eugloss. Auburn, N. Y. (Hon.) * Joseph Grant Treadway. M.A. '54. Son of Rev. Amos C. Oszvego. Law. Judge, Colusa, Cal. Eugloss. B. New Hartford, 1825, d. Colusa, Cal., Nov. 9, '70. (Hon.) Samuel Russell Welles. M.A. '77. Son of Hon. Gardiner, M. D., Hon. '37. Waterloo. M. D. Univ. Buffalo, '48. Trustee '76–91; Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’59-61. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. '62. Legis. N. Y. '67-81. Trustee Willard Asylum '69-1-. Prest. Waterloo Hist. Soc.; Corr. Memb. Alb. Inst. A. P. D. A. A p, q, B K. Waterloo, N. Y. William Edwards Woodruff. M.A. '48. Nephew of Judge Samuel De Veaux. Niagara Falls. Law. Eugloss. A. P. D., Herm , Niagara Falls, N. Y. STUDENTS. * Edward Phelps Allis. Son of Jeremiah. Cazenovia. Manufacturer. Prest. Iron Works, Milwaukee. Author. A. P. D. X. P. B., Cazenovia, May 12, 1844, d. Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 1, '89. Erasmus Darwin Baker. Son of Dr. Abel. Owasco. Eugloss, * Elisha Jenkins Burra11. Son of Thos. D. (Trustee’25.) Geneva. Manufacturer and Merchant, Geneva. A. P. D. S. P. B. Geneva, Jan. 5, 1826, d. there, June 1, '87. Bayard Lee Chamberlain. Son of Oren. Seneca Falls. Eugloss. Alexander LaFayette Chew. Son of Beverly. Aew Orleans, La. Trustee '68+, Treas. '81-90. Prest. 1st Nat. Bank, Geneva. X. p. Geneva, N. Y Francis Worcester Ingalls. Son of Rev. Moses. Geneva. Eugloss. Moses Dormer Ingalls. Bro. of Francis, above. Geneva. Eugloss. Thomas M'Gregor. Son of Dr. —. Rochester. A. P. D. Abram Byron Miller. Son of Daniel. Barrington, Eugloss. Thomas Ottley, Jun. Son of Thomas. Castleton. Eugloss. * James Mortimer Rathbun. Son of Hiram. Auburn. A. P. D., Eugloss. B. 1826, d. (d º Seneca Lake) Geneva, Feb. 14, '45. £ , d. (drowned in 72 HOBART COLLEGE. I845 Manning Redfield. Son of Hon. Heman J. Batavia. A. P. D. Selah Squires. Son of James. Binghamton. A. P. D. Samuel Weed. Clyde. Eugloss. Robert Niles, Jun. Seneca. Eugloss. M. D. Parmly Cothreal Allen. A moºr, O. Erwin Moses Bacon. Silas Hamilton Barnes. Robert Bell. Hazana, Phys, and Surg., Monterey, N. Y. * James Bellows. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. D. '64. Alexander Bennett. Daniel Edward Bishop. Joseph Calvin Brett. * Thomas Anthony Brown. D. '54. John Junius Brown. Akron, O. * Samuel H. Brown. Asst. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. D. July 31, '63. Nehemiah Stout Bryant. William Josiah Burr. Homer. Physician, Newark Valley. Asst. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. '62-3. M’ Gee Caldwell. Abram Rensselaer Calkins. Allegan, Mich. John Hughes Charles. Archibald Smith Clark. Spencer Matthias Curtis. Lewis Penfield Dayton. Daniel Bellinger Devendorf. 1845 HOBART COLLEGE. 73 (Hon.) Ralph Henry Estabrook. Irwin Duane Fowler. John Crosby GOSS. Locke Granger. Gaylord Ford Griswold. George Coe Hay. Son of Rev. Philip C., D.D., Hon. '39. Geneva. Lewis Kensington Hause. James Irwin. Belleport, Pa. Le Roy Elias Jones. Hartzwick. Phys. and Surg., Evans' Mills, N. Y. Alfred Mercer. Lima. Phys. and Surg.; Prof. Surg. and Med. Univ. Syrac. '73+ ; Health ff., Syracuse ; Prest. Syrac. and Onondaga Med. Soc, ; Treas. Med. Soc. C. N. Y.; Memb. Amer. Med. Assoc.; Brit. Med. Assoc.; N. Y. State Med. Soc.; Author in Med. and Surg. Syracuse, N. Y. Myron Holley Mills. Henry Wisewell Nicholls. Phys. and Surg., Canandaigua, N. Y. Isaac Spear Normander, Linus North. Nathaniel Mallory Perry. Phys. and Surg., Troupsburg, N. Y. Theodore Clapp Pomeroy. Hamilton ’41. Cyrus Powers. George Wallage Pratt. Corning. Phys. and Surg. '45-51. Ed. Corning Journal, '51 +. Benedict Robinson. Amos Bird Smith. William Beach Squires. Daniel Darlin Thompson. Joshua Hall Tracy. De Witt Clinton Van Slyck. HONORARY. John William Allen. M.A. Cong. U. S. 74 HOBART COLLEGE. 1846 (Hon.) * John Adams Dix. LL.D. M.A. Brown '20, LL.D. Union '73, Law. Capt. U. S. A. 'I3, Maj. Gen. '61-5; Adj. Gen, N. Y. '30, Sec. State and Supt. Schools '33-40, Legis. '41-2, Senator U. S. 45-9: Sec. Treas. '61, Min. , to France '66-9, Gov. N. Y. ’73-5; Prest. Miss. and Mo. R. R. '53, Union Pac. R. R. '63-8 ; N. Y. Hist. Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., etc.; Author ; Poet. ; Editor. B. Boscawen, N. H., July 24, 1798, d. New York, April 21, ’79. *John Henry Hurlbut. M.A. Union '30, M.A. Editor, Detroit, Mich. p B K. D. Detroit, 18–. (Rev.) * Marcus Aurelius Perry. M. A. Middleb. 218. Ord. '20 ; R. and Miss., Mass., N. Y., W. N. Y., C. N. Y. Teacher; Princ. Acad., Utica, and Hobart Hall, Holland Patent. D. Utica, June 18, '74. (Rev.) + David Pise. M. A. Williams ’38; S.T.D. Stewart '56 and Univ. South '89, Ord. '45; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Tenn., Ind., Me., S. O.; Canon of Portland Cathedral '74-5 : Prest. Stand. Com. and Dep. Gen. Conv., Tenn., Ind., Me., S.O.; Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem.; Princ. Epis. Fem. Sem. Columbia, Tenn. B. Northampton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1815, d. Glendale, O., Aug. 19, '94. Edwin Ruthven Reynolds. M.A. James W. Russell. M. D. 1846. (Rev.) Peyton Gallagher. M.A. '50. Bro. of Mason, '40. Geneva. Theol. Sem. Va. '51. Ord. '51 ; R. and Miss., Va., W. N. Y., Ky., Mich. Eugloss., Herm. K. A. Geneva, N. Y. * Thomas Hanford Hay. M.A. '79. Son of James. Pelham. Law. U. S. A. '62-70, Capt., and Bvt. Maj. '67. v.A.L.E.D. Eugloss. X. P. B. Pelham, 1826, d. Washington, '81. John Sprague Morley, Son of Chester. Cato. Law ; Justice of Peace and Sess.; Prest. Village of Meridian. Eugloss. Meridian, N.Y * Calvin Noyes. Seneca Falls. Law. Lieut. U. S. V., N. Y., '62-5. SALUt. Eugloss., Herm. X ºp. B. Seneca Falls, 1827, d. Geneva, May 26, '63. Charles Stebbins, Jun. M.A. '49. Son of Charles. Cazenovia. Law ; Com'r on Codif. N. Y. Statutes, ’71-4; Priv. Sec. Gov. N. Y., '75-6; Prest. Village, Supervisor, School Trustee. PHILos, A. P. D., Herm. X p, p B K. Cazenovia, N. Y. Isaac Tripp. M.A. '49. Son of Isaac. Floyd. Law. Herm. Utica, N. Y. B.S. * John Eden Bean. Son of William. Geneva. Law. Maj. U. S. V. Eugloss., Herm. B. Holme, Yorkshire, Eng., Nov. 15, 1824, d. Geneva, Feb. 13, '97. 1846 HOBART COLLEGE. 75 STUDENTS. *James Watson Averell. Son of Horatio. Troy. Merchant, New York. A. P. D. A. A b. D. Aug., '78. * Henry Maurice Babcock. Son of Joshua R. Westfield. Merchant. Pa., March 24, '95. De Witt Clinton Bryant. A’ushville. * William Coleman. Lebanon, Pa. Iron manufacturer. A A p. May, '61. David Ely Curtiss. Son of William P. Prattsburgh. Eugloss. * Nicholas Boone Spink Eldred. Son of Charles. A uðurn. July 3, '78. * George White Field. M. D. '49. Son of David. Geneva. Union '46. Demonst. Anat, '47-53 ; Phys. and Surg., Milwaukee, Wis. A. P. D., Herm. A p. B. 1826, d. 75. B. Westfield, 1824, d. North East, B. Aug. 20, 1826, d. York, Pa., Union '46. A. A. D. A. A p. B. I824, d. Auburn, * Montgomery Gibbs. Ozºid. Union '47, M.A. Law. K A, p B K. B. 1825, d. St. Louis, Mo., March 22, '81. Matthew Griswold. Son of Roger W. Ashtabula, O. M.D. Phys. and Surg. Eugloss. A A P. Placerville, Cal. * Henry Hamilton Hadley. Son of Prof. James, M.D. (p. 22 above). Geneva. Yale '47, M.A. Tutor and Prof. Hebrew, Yale, and Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. Eugloss. w Y, p B K. B. Fairfield, July 19, 1826, d. Washington, D.C., Aug. 1,64. Charles Webster Hutchinson. Son of Holmes. Utica. A. P. D. John M'Kinnon Johnston. Son of John R. Geneva. A. P. D. * Stanley Martin. Bro. of Russell, '44. Olean. Union '46. Merchant and Banker, Olean and Orange, N. J. A. P. D. S. P. B. Olean, 1825, d. there, 18–. Charles Proal. Avezw York. Eugloss. * Montgomery Hunt Throop. M.A. '64. Son of George B. Auburn. Law. Com'r Revision of N. Y. Statutes. Eugloss. B. Jan. 26, 1827, d. Albany, Sept. II, '92. Larned M. Torrey. Son of Larned. Rushville. Law. Geneva. Eugloss. Robert Stewart Webb. Son of Hon. James Watson. Editor. Maj, a g nd Paym. U. S. A. '61-7. Auditor N. Y. Life Ins. Co. '67.75. A. P. D. S. p. New York. HOBART COLLEGE. 1846 M. D. Samuel Davis Andrews. * Isaac H. Arnett. D. 1887. Frederick Monroe Barrows. Phys. and Surg., Clinton, N. Y. Joseph Warren Beardsley. Ezra Whiting Belding. Ambrose Clarke Blodgett. William Henry Briggs. Phys. and Surg., Rochester, N. Y. John Tullar Brown. George Washington Brundage. Lodi. Phys. and Surg., Dresden, N. Y. Luther Harvey Cary. George Coon, Jun. Stephen Starr Cutler. Ferdinand Davidson. William Peck Davis. James Friend Draper. Adrian, Mich. Phys. and Surg., Victor, N. Y. Cyrus Bradley Durfee. John Bonnell Fleming. Jacob Santa Anna Freer. Alexander R. Gregor. Phys. and Surg., Hammond, N. Y. Samuel Grisson. Walter Randolph Griswold. * Moses Gunn. M.A. '56. Canandaigua. Prof. Anat. and Surg. and Lect. on Anat. Univ. Mich. '49-54; Prof. Surg. Rush. Med. Coll. Chicago. '67. D. Chicago, Nov. 3, '87. Henry Watts Hart. William Burt Hawkins. Philip Du Bois Hornbeck. Wazvarsing. Phys. and Surg. there. Truman Charles Horton. 1846 HOBART COLLEGE. 77 Charles Milton Kingman. Phys. and Surg., Palmyra, N. Y. Mass. Med. Soc. Peter Klein. Avery Knapp. James Kenyon Lewis. Vincent Carpenter M'Clure. James Madison M’Nulty. Cyrus Turner Metcalf. Joel Simonds Paige. Jonathan Gates Pelton. Pulaski Prindle. Peter Pryne. Phys. and Surg., Herkimer, N. Y. Abraham Brinckerhoof Rapalje. Hurlbut Barlow Shank. *Ransom Roberts Sherman. Phys. and Surg., Canton, N. Y. D. '80. Lester Randolph Watkins. William Goodnow Wheeler. John Willett. Ralph Stevens Willoughby. William Wixom. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Theodore Edson. S.T.D. Harv. '22, M.A. Ord. '23 ; R. St. Anne's, Lowell, Mass., 59 years; Dep. Gen. Conv., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., etc. B. Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 24, 1793, d. Lowell, Mass., June 25, '83. (Rev.) * Lothrop Wilson Davis. M. A. Kemper '45. Tutor Lat. Lang. Kemper; Prof. Greek Lang. and Lit. Kenyon '45-6. Ord '47; R. and Miss., Wis., Ky., Md. Teacher. B. 1818, d. Lake City, Fla., Feb. 17, '86. (Rev.) * David Morris Fackler. M.A. Amherst '35. Theol. Sem, Va. '37. Ord. '37; R. and Miss. Va., W. N. Y., N. J. Teacher, Newark, N. J. D. New York, '57. (Hon.) * Amasa Junius Parker. LL.D. Union '25, M. A. Law. J.egis. N. Y.; Reg. Univ. N. Y.; Cong. U. S.; Judge Sup. Court N.Y.; Prof. Albany Law Sch.; N.Y. Constit. Conv.; Com’r. Rev. N. Y. Statutes. Corr. Memb. Buffalo Hist. Soc. p B K. B. June 1, 1807, d. Albany, '90. 78 HOBART COLLEGE. I847 (Rev.) *John Visger Van Ingen. S.T.D. Union '26, M. A. Orat. Lit. Soc. '53. Stud. Gen. Theol Sem. '30. Ord. '30.; Sec. and Edit. Gen. S. S. Union, and Chap1...N. Y. P. E. Pub. Sch. '30-3; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. 35-54, '62-77, St. Paul, Minn. '54-62; Chapl. U. S. V., N, Y. '62; Ag’t U. S. Sanit. Commiss. ’63-4; Dep. Gen. Conv. '41-54. Author in Pastoral Theol., etc. B. Schenectady, Dec. 4, 1806, d. Clyde, Dec, I, '77. 1847. James Chapman. Son of Frederick. Clyde. (Rev.) Joseph Morison Clarke. M.A. '50. S.T. D. '65. Son of Rev. Joseph T. Skaneateles. Tutor ’47-52, John H. Swift Fellow '51-2; Alumni Orator '58, Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’71. Hol ºrt Div. Sch. '52. Ord. '52; R. Niagara Falls and Syracuse, ’52-86; Prof. Exegesis, Bibl. I.it. and Hebrew, Nashotah Theol. Sem. '86-91; Chapl. to Bp. of C. N. Y., and Prof. St. Andrew's Div. Sch. Syracuse, '91-i-; Prest. Stand. Com. C. N. Y. and Milwaukee ; Director Onondaga Hist. Soc. Author in Theol. and Bibl. Lit. VALED. Eug loss., Herm. K. A., q) B K. Syracuse, N. Y. * Reuben Seabury Doolittle. Son of Reuben. Wethersfield Sp. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. Eugloss., Herm. IX A. B. Wethersfield Springs, Dec. 12, 1822, d. there, Jan. 14, '49. New York, * Isaac Platt Foot. M.A. '50. Son of Dr. Lyman, U. S. A. Sackett's Harbor. M. D. Adelbert Coll., O. '50. Phys. and Surg., Plattsburgh. A. P. D., Herm. X ºp. B. Sackett's Harbor, Sept. 22, 1825, d. Plattsburgh, March 22, '80. * Zephaniah Charles Foot. M.A. '50. Bro. of Isaac P., above. Sackett's Harbor. Law. A. P. D. S. P. B. Sack- ett's Harbor, Feb. 23, 1827, d. Syracuse, July 16, ’75. Theodore Frelinghuysen Hay. M.A. '50. Son of Rev. Philip C., D. D., Hon. '39, Geneva. Merch. and Banker. Princ. Owego Acad. '47; Supt. Pub. Sch., and Ald., Bergen, N. J.; N. Y. Soc. Cincinnati. A. P. D., Herm. X p. New York. Richard Henry Lawrence. M.A. '50. Son of Rev. —. Hagerstown, Ma. Law. A A p. Chicago, Ill. * Andrew Merrell. M.A. '50. M. D. '51. Son of Ira. Geneva. Trustee '82-8; Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’79-80. Phys. and Surg.; Nurseryman. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. '62-3; Surg. U. S. Gen. Hosp. Elmira. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Moravia. PHILos. Eugloss, Herm. K A, p B K. B. Utica, Jan. I4, 1826, d. Geneva, Dec. 25, ‘88. (Gen.) * Albert James Myer. M.A. '50. LL.D. '72. Son of Henry B., M.D. Buffalo, M. D. Univ. Buff. '51; Ph. D. Union '75. Surg. U. S. A.’54; Chief Signal Officer and Major U. S. A. '66; Brig. Gen. Com. Signal Service Corps, Washington. A. P. D. K. A. B. Newburg, Sept. 20, 1827, d. Buffalo, Aug. 24, '80. * John Albert Panton. M.A. '50. AWezy Pork. Law. SALUT. A. P. D. S. P. B. New York, Feb. 26, 1828, d. there, April Io, '63. 1847 HOBART COLLEGE. 79 (Hon.) *Samuel Holden Torrey. M.A. '50. Son of Hiram. Rush zrille. Prof. Math. Univ. La. Law. Milit. Gov. La. State Supt. Sch. La. A. P. D. A. A P. B. Rushville, Oct. 3, 1826, d. Canandaigua, July 13, '87. Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck. M.A. '50. Son of W. G. Genezia. Trustee '61-71; Treas. '56-61; Treas. Assoc. Alumni '83. Banker, N. Y. '51-2, Roch. '53-8: Prest. Geneva Nat. Bank '60-1-. A. P. D., Herm. X. p. Geneva, N. Y. * Henry Westfall. Son of Levi. Aſiles, Eugloss., Herm. B. Niles, May 6, 1824, d. there, Jan. 15, '48. STUDENTS. John Hamilton Adams. Son of John. Lyons. Merchant. A. P. D., Herm. S. P. Rochester, N. Y. Charles Richard Austin. Son of T. R. Otego. * Robert Chandler. Son of Daniel H. Batavia. St. John’s Coll. Annapolis, '47. Law. Bwt. Maj. U. S. A.; Ass’t Adj. Gen. U. S. V., Wis. Eugloss. K. A. B. Batavia, Feb. 22, 1827, d. Washington, '63. George Green. Rushville. A. P. D., Herm. (Rev.) * George Morgan Hills. Son of Horace. Binghamton. Trinity '47, M. A. '50, S. T. D. '71. Ord. '50; R., Lyons, Watertown, and Syracuse, W. N. Y., '50-70, and St. Mary, Burlington, N. J., '70-90; Prest. Stand. Com., Dep. Gen. Conv., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., C. N. Y. and N. J.; Dean and Archd. Burlington, N. J., '88-90; Trustee, and Lect. Hist. and Past. Theol. Burlington Coll. ’70-90; Dean of Trinity Coll. Convoc, '76-82. Author in Eccles. Hist. N. J. Hist. Soc., Hon. Memb. Pa. Hist. Soc., Corr. Memb. Conn. Hist. Soc. and N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. A. P. D. B. Auburn, Oct. Io, 1825, d. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. I5, '90. * Francis Lewis Hodges. Geneva. Yale '47, M.A., Tutor Yale. A A P. B. June 23, 1825, d. '53. (Hon.) Henry Beach Horton. Bro. of Alex. '45. Skaneateles. Williams ’47, Editor. City Treas. and Mayor, Clinton, Iowa. A. P. D., Herm. K A, A A p. Chicago, Ill. * Charles Morgan. Son of William A. Fleming. Eugloss., Herm. B. Oct. 15, 1825, d. '46. John Mortimer. Phelps. Eugloss. Orin Greene Nevius. Rush z/ille. A. P. D. * James Byron Smith. Son of Dr. J. W. Rochester. Stud. Union '47, Teacher : Princ. Vernal Acad. N. Y., '60-6, and Barton Acad., Mobile, Ala., 66-70; Prof. Nat. Science, Ill. Fem. Coll. 76-84. A. P. D. K. A. B. Saratoga, July 21, 1825, d. Citronville, Ala., '94. 8O HOBART COLLEGE. 1847 (Rev.) * Julius Sylvester Townsend. M.A. '51. Son of Lauren. Moravia. Wesleyan Univ. '47. Hobart Div. Sch. '51. Ord.’51 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mass. and Pa. Teacher, Rome Acad. Eugloss. B. Moravia, June Io, 1824, d. Port Byron, April 16, '64. Frederick Augustus Whittlesey. Son of Hon. Frederick. Rochester. Union '47, Harv. Law Sch. Law. U. S. Com. Arbit, Gt. Brit. '67-9. A. P. D. A. A p, A P. Rochester, N. Y. M. D. Daniel Malette Agard. Theodore Spencer Armstrong. Lafayette Avery. Elijah Price Baker. Ozvasco. Phys. and Surg., Aurora, N. Y. Isaac Baker. Joseph Bangs. * Rodman Bartlett. D. '8I. Peter Beardsley. Thomas Bradley. Edward Albert Cone. Simon Cotner. William Baker Crandall. William Osgood Davis. William Henry De Camp. Benj amin Lewis Dickerson. Jeremiah Dunn. Lodi. Phys. and Surg., Bath, N. Y. Thomas Dwight. Phys. and Surg., Preston, N. Y. Charles Henry Elliott. Bradley Goodyear. Lewis Graves. Sylvester Platt Hinman. Spencer Gage House. Edward Henry Hurd. 1847 HOBART COLLEGE. 8I John Ingersoll, Jun. Joel Winchester Justin. Jonathan Samuel Lawrence. Phys, and Surg., New York. Poldore Seymour M'Arthur. David James Mallory. Ledyard. Phys. and Surg., Bristol, N. Y. Nelson Mead. William Oliver. Mass. Med. Soc. John Clark Patterson. * Lucius Peck. Phys. and Surg., Arcade, N. Y. James Clinton Rhodes. John Rodgers. Horace Rowe. Willis Sawens. Marcellus Riley Smith. Phys. and Surg., Cincinnatus, N. Y. William Augustus Smith. Charles Kimball Thompson. Frederick Ayres-Tracy. John Lawrence Wager. Edson Jonathan Whitcomb. George Norris Woodward. Farrand Wylie. Carrington. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys. and Surg., Bath, N. Y. HONORARY. William Holms Chambers Bartlett. LL.D. U. S. M. A. '26: M.A. Coll. N. J. '37. Adj. Prof. Mech. Art., Prof. Nat. and Exper. Phil. U. S. M. A.; Col. U. S. A.; Memb, Acad. Sciences. New York. (Rev. and Hon.) * Charles William Bradley. LL.D. M.A. Trinity and Yale '46. Gen. Theol. Sem. '30. Ord. '30, R. and Miss., Conn., Md., W. N. Y. Sec. State, Conn. Corr. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. B. 1808, d. March 8, '65. Thomas Thompson Everett. M.A. M.D. elsewhere. Auburn, N. Y. 82 HOBART COLLEGE. 1848 Benjamin Franklin Hall. M.A. Washington, D. C. (Rev.) * Nathaniel Sprague. S.T.D. M.A. Dart. 23. Teacher, N. Y. and Vt. Law. Ord. '38; R. and Miss, Vt. and N. H. B. Aug. 20, 1790, d. Claremont, N. H., Oct. 29, '93. 1848. * Oliver Whitney Belden. Son of Ira. Rochester. Merch., S. Francisco, Cal. A. P. D., Herm. K. A. B. Batavia, March 9, 1828, d. Denver, Col., Feb., '76. * Edwy Noble Cruttenden. Oxford. Stud. Theol. Teacher, Oxford Acad. II. PHILos. Herm. K. A. B. Oxford, Nov. 27, 1823, d. there, Aug. 19, '48. . James Hiram Fisher. M.A. '51. Son of James. Rochester. Tutor’53; Alumni Orator ’62. Law. Dep. Gen. Conv., '80-3; Trustee De Veaux Coll.’82-91, '93-6. Author. SALUT. Eugloss., Herm. F S. Rochester, N. Y. * John Clark Gear. Galena, Ill. Law. Herm. F S. B. Feb. 12, 1826, d. Ione, Cal., June, '63. (Hon.) Benjamin Hale, Jun. M.A. '5I. Son of Rev. Benjamin, Prest. '36. Geneva. Tutor'49-50. Farmer, New- bury, Vt. Mayor of Newburyport, Mass. VALED, Eugloss., Herm. F S. Newburyport, Mass. (Hon.) William Henry Hyde. M.A. '51. Son of Austin. Oxford. (Entered Junior, from Yale). Law. Legis. N. Y.; Co. Judge (Chenango), and Supervisor '64 8; Prest. Trustees Oxford Acad. Herm. K. A. Oxford, N. Y. Augustus Mortimer Leach. M.A. '51. Son of Jacob. Lyons. Civil Engineer; Miller. A. P. D., Herm, X p. Lyons, N. Y. (Rev.) * Carlton Peters Maples. M.A. '51. Pike. Gen. Theol. Sem. '52. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., L.I., O. Eugloss., Herm. A A P. B. May 19, 1822, d. Athens, O., Jan. 19, '79. (Rev.) Robert Nathan Parke. M.A. '51. S.T. D. '74. Son of Nathan. Geneva. Hobart Div. Sch. and Gen. Theol. Sem. '52. Trustee '77–85, Alumni Orat. '63, Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’64-71. Ord. '52. R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Wis., C. N. Y., Me., Alb. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. Me. '86; Bd. of Miss. and Dioc. Trustee Alb '95; Archdeacon '97. Author in Ch. Music. Belief. Libr. A A p, p B K. Unadilla, N.Y. (Hon.) * Clarence Armstrong Seward. M.A. '51. LL.D. '71. Son of Jennings. Auburn. Prest. Assoc Álumni ’93-4. Law. Judge.-Advoc. Gen. N. Y. '55-60. Act. Ass’t Sec. State U. S. '65. U. S. V., N. Y. '61-4. A. : D. A. A p, p B K. B. New York, Oct. 7, 1828, d. Geneva, July 24, I897. Theodore Sterling. M.A. '51. L.L. D. '81. Son of Frederick A. Geneva. M.D. West Reserve and Adelbert, O., '51. Prof. Math. and Civ. Eng. Kenyon '67-9, Nat. Phil. and Chem. '69-95, Prest '91-6; Prof. Chem. Columb. Med. Coll. ’77-9; State Exam. Pub. Sch. Teachers. Eugloss., Herm. X p. Gambier, O. 1848 HOBART COLLEGE. 83 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Hon.) (Hon.) Lawrence Sterne Stevens. M.A. '51. Camden. Gen. Theol. Sem. '51. Ord. '51 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Conn., O., Mich.; Prof. De Veaux Coll. '59-60; Exam. Chap. Dioc. Mich. '90-1-. Eugloss., Herm. Benef. Libr. K.A., P B K. Pontiac, Mich. Albert Wood. M.A. '51. Camden. Gen. Theol. Sem. '51. Ord. '51 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y., Minn.; Chapl. Ch. Home, Rochester. PHILos. Herm, K.A. Rochester, N. Y. Francis Granger Young. M.A. '51. Son of Aaron. Geneva. Law. Journalist, New York and London. Eugloss. New York. B.S. Thomas Musgrove Griffith. M.A. '91. Avezzy York. Civil Engineer: Build. of 1st R. R. Bridge over the Mississippi; Benef. Libr. New Brighton, N. Y. STUDENTS. Guy Hinchman Avery. Bro. of Charles P., '36. Owego. A. P. D. Henry Cary Bankhead. Son of Col. , U. S. A. New York. U. S. M. A. '51. Bwt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A. '68. A A p. New York. Edward Stuyvesant Bragg. Son of Joel. Unadilla. Law. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. '64; State Senate, Wis. '68-9; Cong. U. S. 72-4; U. S. Min. Mexico '85-9. , Eugloss. K.A. Fond du Lac, Wis. Joseph Chadwick. Son of William N. Cohoes. Eugloss. Cornelius Caius Cole. Dodz. Senator U. S., Cal. John Jay Doolittle. Son of Ormus. ‘ethersfield Sp. * Edwin Hampden Gibbs. Bro. of Montgomery, Stud. '46. Ovid. Union '49, M.A. M.D. . Supt. U. S. Naval Hosp., Valparaiso, Chili. Eugloss. K. A. B. Ovid, April 25, 1823, d. Elizabeth, N. J., Jan. 5, '85. * Samuel Hall Harrington. Son of Rev. R. Ovid. Wesl. Univ. '48. M.D. Starling Med. Coll. Colum- bus. O., '52. Law ; Medicine. Phys. and Surg., Richmond, Ind. A. P. D., Herm. B. Lyons, Nov. 18, 1827, d. Richmond, Ind., Sept. '59. * Henry Kirkland Holley. Son of Hon. John M. (Hon. '39.) Stud. Yale '48. Banker, Madison, Wis. A. P. D. X. P. B. Lyons, March, 1823, d. New York, July 8, '54. Pierre Roubeau Holley. Son of William W. Geneva. A. P. D. * Jacob Brown Kirby. Son of Maj. Edmund, U. S. A. Brownville, Yale '49, M.A. Eugloss. A A p. B. Brownville, April 17, 1827, d. 1860. 84 HOBART COLLEGE. 1848 John Needham Maynard. Son of Hon. John. Seneca Falls. Stud. Yale '48. Law. Dist. Att'y, N.Y. '56-9. Eugloss., Herm. X P. B. 1826, d. Corning, '66. (Hon.) Daniel Noyes. Seneca Falls. Union '48, M.A. '51. Law ; Circ. Judge, Ind. '76 ; Mayor, La Porte, Ind., '63-7. A. P. D., Herm. X. p. La Porte, Ind. (Rev.) Theodore Sill Rumney. S.T. D. '68. Bro. of John M., '44. Geneva. Theol. Sem. Va. '49. Ord. '49; R., Pa. and N. Y.; from '73 St. Peter's Church, Germantown, Pa. X. p. Germantown, Pa. * Peter Seabury Schuyler. Bro. of Montgomery, Stud. '34. Ovid. Stud. Union '48. Merch. Eugloss., Herm. K. A. B. Romulus, Nov. 12, 1826, d. Marshall, Mich., March 21, ’79. * George Hand Smith. M.A. '50. Son of Silas O. Rochester. M.D. Univ. Pa. '48. Physician, and Author in Science and Art. A. P. D. A. A p. B. Rochester, Aug. 17, 1825, d. Lon- don, Eng., Jan. I7, '92. * George Dorrance Stewart. Penn Yan. Eugloss., Herm. B. June II, 1826, d. Sept. '46. George Frederick Van Beuren. AVeze, York. Law. X. p. San Francisco, Ca1. Burt Van Horn. Newfane. George Henry Wheeler. Son of Dr. John J. Geneva. U. S. V., N.Y. '61-5. A. P. D. Bath, N. Y. M. D. Simeon Wilson Abbott. Erwin Brown. * Benjamin Hopkins Buck. *George Perry Cook. Hamilton '44. Mass. Med. Soc. D. '76. * Guy Lawson Doubleday. Phys. and Surg., Penn Yan. B. Sept. 30, 1827, d. Penn Yan, Dec. 22, '70. Ezra Foote. Ebenezer Gere. Miles. Phys. and Surg., Chemung, N. Y. Calvin Seylor Gray. Dennison Palmer Hutchins. William Wilson Kimber. Henry Hobart Langworthy. A'ochester. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys. and Surg., Rochester, N. Y. 1848 HOBART COLLEGE. 85 * William Lewis. C.E. Renss. Polytch. Inst. '40, B.S. same. Druggist, Burlington, Wis. Stephen Robbins Millington. Phys. and Surg., Poland, N. Y. Judson Caleb Nelson. Enfield. Phys. and Surg., Truxton, N. Y. Orlando Kellogg Parker. Christopher Patterson. S. Dansville. Phys. and Surg., Avoca, N. Y. * Roger Williams Pease. Phys. and Surg., Solon and Syracuse. Prof. Operat. and Clin. Surg. Syrac. Univ. '72-86. Surg. U. S. V., N.Y. '61-5. Mass. Med. Soc. B. Conway. Mass., May 31, 1828, d. Syracuse, May 28, '86. Henry Earl Pierce. Ephraim Joachim Schoonmaker. Magee Cor. Phys. and Surg. there. Peter Smith. Wilmer Wyckoff Starkey. George Thayer. James FitzJames Wells. Baldwinsville. Phys. and Surg. there. Charles Jackson Wirts. Lewis Wood. James Alexander Wood. Erastus Dean Yule. HONORARY. * William Henry Bogart. M.A. Sec. Senate N. Y. Editor and Journalist : Author in Hist. N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. B. Albany, Nov. 28, 1810, d. Aurora, Aug. 22, '88. (Rev.) *Sherlock Anson Bronson. S.T.D. Kenyon '33, S.T.B. '35, M.A. '36. , Tutor Keny. "34-5, Trustee '42-5, '47-67, Prest. '45-50, Prof. Eccles. Hist. and Ch. Polit. Theol. Sem. O. '67-72. Ord. '35; R. and Miss., O. B. 1807, d. Mansfield, O., May 7, '90. (Rev.) * William Henry Goodwin. M.A. LL.D. '70. S.T.D. elsewhere. Min. Meth. Ch. Senator, Regent Univ., N. Y. D. '76. (Rt.Rev.)* David Low. LL.D. Marisch. Aberdeen, Scot. LL.D. 20; S.T.D. Trinity '48. Ord. (Scot.) 1790; Min. Pettenweem, Fife, 1790-1855; Bishop of Ross and Moray, and Argyll and the Isles, ’19-50. B. Brechin, Scot., 1768, d. Pettenweem, Jan. 26, '55. 86 HOBART COLLEGE. I849 (Rev.) * Smith Pyne. S.T.D. Columb. '23, M.A. Orat. Lit, Soc. '47. Trustee Trin. Coll. ’33-8. Ord. '26 ; R. and Miss., N.J., Conn., N. Y., Md.; R. St. John’s Ch., Washington, D. C. '44-64. B. Ireland, Jan. 9, 1803, d. New York, Dec. 7, '75. (Rev.) * Orlando Frary Starkey. M.A. Union '43. Gen. Theol. Sem. '46. Ord, '46; R. and Miss.; W. N. Y., Conn., Mass. Corr. Memb. Buffalo Hist. Soc. B. New Lisbon, Feb. 14, 1825, d. Mystic, Conn., Jan. 31, '87. (Rev.) * Timothy Fales Wardwell. M.A. Union '43, M. A. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem, 46. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y., Ala., '46-73. B. Bristol, R. I., Feb. 2, 1821, d. Dresden, July 30, '73. I849. (Rev.) * George Nathan Cheney. M.A. '52. Son of E. W., M.D. Canandaigua. Theol. Sem. Va. '52. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., W. N. Y.; Chap1 U. S. V., N. Y. '61-2. Herm. X ºp. B. Canan- daigua, June 3, 1829, d. Branch port, June 12, '63. * Jonathan Henry Child. Son of Hon. Jonathan. Rochester. Prest. Assoc. Alumni '83-4, Merch., Editor, Journalist. Trustee Mech. Sav. Bank, and Com'r Mt. Hope Cem., Rochester. Herm. K. A. B. Rochester, Dec. 26, 1828, d. there, Sept. 27, '90. David Lewis Clark. Son of Alanson. Gorham. Farmer ; Law ; Banker, Newton, Iowa, from '56. Herm. F S. Newton, Iowa. Albert Levant Cotes. Bro. of Aug. B., '40. Batavia. M.D. Univ. Buff. '53. Phys, and Surg., Hainesville, Ill. Eugloss., Herm. F S. Rockwell City, Iowa. (Rev.) Charles Wells Hayes. M.A. '52. S.T.D. '88. Son of Pliny, Jun., M.D. Canandaigua. Rec. Sec. Assoc. Alumni '59, '66-71, Historian '95. Hobart Div. Sch. '52. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., '52-67, '80+; Chapl. to BP. Me. and Canon Portland Cathed., Sec., Regist., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., Prest. Stand. Com., Exam. Chapl., Dep Gen. Conv., Dioc. Me. '67-80; Sec. Dioc. and Stand. Com., Trustee DeVeaux Coll., Exam. Chapl., Prof. Sac. Lang. and Liturg., Libr., DeLancey Div. Sch., Dioc. W. N. Y. '83-97. Corr. Memb, Hist Soc. Me... Wis., Buff. and Roch., and N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc.; N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. Editor, Author. Benef. Libr. Herm. A p, FS, p B K. Phelps, N. Y. * John Wicks Heywood. Son of Russell H. Buffalo. M.D. Univ. Buff. '52. Herm. K. A. B. Buffalo, Sept. 26, 1829, d. there, May 17, '54. * Arthur Breese Johnson. Son of Alex. B.; Bro. of John A., '39, and W. C., '41. Utica. Law. Banker, Utica. X. P. B. Utica, Dec. 3, 1830, d. there, Nov. 3, 1883. - (Rt.Rev.) Henry Adams Neely. M.A. '52. S.T.D. '66. Son of Albert, Belvidere, Ill. (From Jubilee Coll.) M.A. and S.T.D. Bish. Coll. Lennoxville, Ont., '72. Tutor '50-2, Chapl. and Pastor 62-4, Alumni Orat. '61. Hobart Div. Sch. '52. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. '52-62; Asst. Min. Trinity Ch. New York, '64-7; Bishop of Maine '67+; Chairman of House of Bishops '89-92. Memb. Me. Hist. Soc. '70. SALUT. Herm. F S. Portland, Me. I849 HOBART COLLEGE. 87 (Rt.Rev.) William Paret. M.A. '52. S.T.D. '67. LL.D.’86. Son of John. New York. Tutor ’52, Sec. Assoc. Alumni, '49, '63. Hobart Div. Sch. '52. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mich., C. Pa., Md. '52-85; Bishop of Maryland ‘85+. Memb. Md. Hist. Soc. '72. VALED. FIerm. F S. Baltimore, Md. Samuel Wilder Salisbury. M.A. '52. Son of John. Phelps. Teacher; Law; Farmer. PHILos. Herm. A A P. Kansas City, Mo. STUDENTS. Azel Backus. M.A. '84, Son of Dr. Fred. F. Rochester. M.D. Univ. Pa. '52. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. (Gen. Hosp. Roch.) '61-5. Phys. Roch. Hosp. and H. of Refuge. A. A P. Rochester, N. Y. Charles Henry Barber. Son of Edward. A uburn. Jabez Nathan Beardsley. Son of Dr. Royal R. Wezv Berlin. * William Richard Benjamin. Williams’49. Merch. K.A. B. Newtown, Feb. 26, 1827, d. Elmira, Jan. 26, ’52. Franklin Chamberlain. Son of Jacob P. Seneca Falls. Lieut. Col. U. S. V., N. Y., '62-3 ; Bwt. Brig. Gen. and Commiss. Ordn. '65. A A p. Daniel Ward Heywood. Son of Russell H. Buffalo. Isaac Pratt Jackson. Walzworth. * William Thomas Mumford. Son •º W. Rochester. Stud. Union '49. B. Rochester, June 21, 1829, d. 18–. * John Nicholas. Son of sº C. Geneva. Farmer, Md., Kan. B. Geneva, Jan. 30, 1828, d. Kan. I8–. Oscar Fitz-Allen Parker. Floyd. Upton Heath Pearce. Son of Nathaniel. AVew York. (From Columb.) * Charles Henry Pierce. Livonia. Law. K. A. Born Oct. 3, 1827, d. New York, '83. * William Smith. Son of Rev. Orsamus H., '26. Port Jackson. B. Oct. 21, 1828, d. (in Coll.) Sept. '46. Byron Spence. Son of Dr. Henry. Starkey. Herm. Charles Merrick Stebbins. Son of Charles. Manhattan, O. Printer; Inventor. HOBART COLLEGE. I849 John Lansing Sutherland. Son of Hon. Jacob. Geneva. Union '49, M.A. Law. A A p. New York. M. D. Henry Dolbell Atwood. * Aaron Austin Barrows. Phys. and Surg., Clinton, N. Y. Cornelius Husted Bartlett. Elizabeth Blackwell. Phys. and Surg., Washington, D. C.* John Waterman Briggs. Harvey Brown. Reuben Parmenter Brown. Phys. and Surg., Addison, N. Y. Cornelius Hasbrouck Cole. * Elias De Long Cone. Demonst. Anat. '56. D. '56. Eliasaph Dorchester. . Isaac Balfour Earl. John Ransom Hamill. Peter Robert House. Alfred Hull. Aaron M. Jackson. Elisha Perkins Langworthy. James Matteson. Daniel Moore. Edward Jay Morgan. Hiram Wadsworth Olin. Cameron Patchin. Joshua Bradley Purchase: Andrew Guffin Riley. Williams’42, M.A. Teacher ; Phys. and Surg. Chauncey Clark Robinson. * De Los White Rupert. Geneva. , Phys. and Surg., Lexington, LaGrange Co., Ind. Surg. U.S.W., Ind. D. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1862. * The first woman to receive this degree in the United States. I849 HOBART COLLEGE. 89 Job Sayre Stevens. Geneva, Phys, and Surg., Penn Yan, N. Y. * Samuel Weed. Prest. Mass. Med. Soc. D. '79. William Henry Worth. Henry Eaker Zielley. HONORARY. Marvin Morse Baldwin. M.A. Geneva, N. Y. (Hon.) *Joshua Victor Hopkins Clark. M.A. Law. Cong, U. S. Author Hist. (...' Onondaga,” etc.). Corr. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '50 ; Buffalo Hist. Soc. B. 1803, d. Manlius, June 18, ' * Isaac Lafayette Cushman. M.A. Yale '45. D. '57. (Hon.) * Hiram Denio. LL.D. M.A, Union '29. Law. Dist. Att'y ’25, Circ. Judge, N. Y. '34-8, Judge of Court of Appeals '53-66; Bank Com’r. ; Clerk Sup. Court, N. Y. Trustee Hamilton Coll. ’35-71. B. Rome, N. Y., May 21, 1799, d. Utica, Nov. 5, '71. (Rev.) * Malcolm Douglass. M.A. Son of Prof. David B., Hon. '41. Trinity '46, M.A. '50, S. T. D, '68. Tutor '49, Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’56-7. Gen. Theol. Sem. '49. Ord. '49; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Vt., Mass. ; Prest. Norwich Univ. '71-5. Author º: and Biog). B. West Point, 1823, d. East Wareham, Mass., Sept. 25, '87. (Rev.) * Caleb Bailey Ellsworth. M.A. Union '46. Ord. '49 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y., L. I. p B K. B. June, 1819, d, Maspeth, L. I., May 7, '92. D. S. Kimball. M. D. (Rev.) * John Findlay M'Laren. S.T.D. RJaion '25, M.A. Min. Presb. Ch. Prest. and Prof. Mor. Phil. Western Univ. Pa. D. '83. (Rev.) *Samuel H. Norton. M.A. Ord. '46; R, and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y. B. 1817, d. Fredonia, May 7, '57. Ovid Plumb. M.D. (Hon.) * Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. LL.D. Geologist U. S. '22; Legis. Mich. 32; Prest. Hist. Soc. Mich. Author (U. S. Hist. and Antiq.) and Ethnologist. B. Albany Co., March 28, 1793, d. Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, '64. Barent P. Staats. M.D. Daniel Starkweather. M.D. * Alfred B. Street. M. A. M.A. Union 241. State Librarian N. Y. Author; Poet. B. Poughkeepsie, Dec. 8, 1811, d, Albany, Julie 2, 281. * 90 HOBART COLLEGE. 1850 (Rev.) * Charles Tomes. M.A. Son of Francis. Merch. N. Y. 35-41. Ord. '44; R. and Miss., Tenn., N. Y., Mo.; Founder of Free Ch. of the Advent, Nashville, Tenn., '52. B. Warwickshire, Eng., 1814, d. Nashville, Tenn., July Io, '57. (Rev.) William Dexter Wilson. S.T.D. Son of William. M.A. Norwich Univ, '43, LL.D., Bedford Univ. Tenn. '68, L.H.D. Reg. Univ. N. Y. '72. Prof. Mor. and Intell. Philos. and Hist., and Chr. Ethics and Logie, '50-68; Instr. Hob. Div. Sch. '50-58; Prof. Mor. and Intell. Phil. and Registrar, Cornell '68-87, Prof. Emer. '87 ; Dean St. And. Div. Sch.’87+ ; Treas. Assoc. Alumni Hob. '50-67; Pad- dock I,ect. Gen. Theol. Sem. '82 ; Prest. Univ. Convoc. N. Y.; Memb. Royal Phil. Soc. Eng. Author in Theol., Eccles. Hist., Logic, Metaph., Math., etc.; Editor. Ord. '42; R. and Miss., Vt., N. Y., C. N. Y.; Exam. Chapl., Dep. Gen. Conv. W. N. Y. and C. N. Y., etc. Syracuse, N. Y. 1850. Danforth Hurlburt Ainsworth. M.A. '97. Son of Henry. ... Cape Vincent. Civ., Engineer, N. Y., Ind., Neb., Iowa. Author of “Recoll. of a Civil Engineer.” Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng. PHILOs. Herm. X. p. Newton, Iowa. Mortimer William Belshaw. M.A. '78. Son of William. Warren, Civil and Mining Engineer. Herm. X 4. San Francisco, Cal. Henry Stanton Monroe. M.A. '53. Son of Henry, M.D. Oxford. Berm. X (p, q} B K. (Hon.) George Wilson Nicholas. M.A. '53. Son of Hon. Robert C., Trust. '42. Geneva. , Trustee '68-76; Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’52-3. Supervisor Ont. Co.; Legis. N. Y. '70-I. Herm. F S. Geneva, N. Y. (Rev.) George William Watson. M.A. '53. Son of Rev. George. Ozwego. S.T.D. Griswold '74. Gen. Theol. Sem.’53. rd. '53; R, and Miss., W. N. Y., Iowa, Minn., N. J.; Trustee Grisw. Coll. '66-75; Rural Dean, Exam. Chapl., Dioc. Minn. '76. SALUT. Herm. A A p. Iowa City, Iowa. (Rt.Rev.)*Edward Randolph Welles. M.A. '53. Son of Hon. Gardiner, M. D., Hon. '39; Bro. of Hon. S. R., '45. Wat- erloo. S.T. D. Racine '74. Law. Tutor De Veaux Coll. '57. Hobart Div. Sch. '57. Ord. '57; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Minn.; R. Christ Ch., Red Wing, Minn. '58-74; Sec. Dioc. Minn., Dep. Gen. Conv.; Bishop of Wisconsin (afterwards Milwaukee) '74-88. Herm. A A p. B. Waterloo, Jan. Io, 1830, d. there, Oct. 20, '88 J.aw. Teacher Oxford Acad. '50-3. v ALED. Chicago, Ill. STUDENTS. Theodore Parker Bogart. Son of Theo. L. Geneva. Henry Lawrence De Zeng. Son of William S., Trustee '25. *James Grieve Dudley. Son of Thomas J. Buffalo. Union '50, M.A. Merch. and Manuf., Buffalo. Herm. K. A. B. Rushville, March 24, 1828, d. Geneva, Nov. 25,272, Geneva. Geneva, N. Y. 1850 HOBART COLLEGE. 9I William M’Clure Hathaway. Son of Peter. Seneca. George Sibley Jewell. Clyde. * George Rockwell Putnam. Son of Rockwell. Saratoga Sp. Union '50. Merchant. Vestr. Bethesda Ch. Herm. A p, p B K. B. Jan. I 1827, d. Saratoga Sp., Aug. 20, '62. Paul Roberts Shipman. Niagara Falls. Herm. James Bryant Smith. Son of E. Fitch. Geneva. * Robert Sterling. Bro. of Theodore, '48. Geneva. Civil Engineer. , Lieut. Col. C. S. A. Tenn. B. Canaan, Conn., Feb. 4, 1829, d. Mobile, Ala., Sept. '64. Stephen Rose Stevens. Seneca. Charles William Swift. Son of Capt. H., U. S. A. Washington, D. C. Merch. S. P. New York. Charles Tway. Son of Timothy. Geneva. M. D. William F. Clark Beattie. Union '45, M.A. Phys. and Surg., Geneva. Cornwall, N. Y. Matthew Bradbury. Cephas Breed. Commodore Perry Chamberlain. John Collier Cobb. Electus Cole. Phys. and Surg., Middleport, N. Y. George Washington Cole. Charles Spafford Coleman. Samuel Craddock. Dwight Charles Dewey. James Flood. Phys. and Surg., Geneva, N. Y. . Patrick Henry Flood. Benjamin Franklin Fowler. John Gillette. 92 HOBART COLLEGE. I85o Patrick Glennan. Charles Holden Kelley. Phys. and Surg., Newark, N. Y. William Adams Laurin. Charles Mortimer Lee. West Town. Phys. and Surg., Fulton, N. Y. Levi Lounsbery. Phys. and Surg., Stone Ridge, Retired. Guy Carleton Marshall. Edwin Denman Powers. Hervey Emmet Roberts. Alfred Robinson. Samuel Barnard Sheardown. William Timothy Stillwell. Mortimer F. Sweeting. Jeffrey Randall Thomas. Albert Frederick Tuttle. Elisha Samuel Van Velsor. Theodore Cundall Wallace. Lyons. Phys. and Surg., Cambridge, N. Y. Elijah William Wood. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Deodatus Babcock. S.T.D. M. A. Union '28. Ord. '19 ; R. and Miss., N.Y. and Alb. (Buffalo '20-5, and Ballston Spa.) Teacher. B. July, 1790, d. Ballston Spa, Feb. 2, '76. (Rev.) * Theodore Marsh Bishop. M.A. S.T.D. 75. Union '41, M.A. Supt. Common Sch. Princ. Acad. Sherburne '47. Hobart Div. Sch. '48. Ord, '48; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Alb. Sec. Dioc. W. N. Y. '70-87, Dep, Gen. Conv. '77-80, Trustee De Veaux Coll. '69-85. K. A. B. Lodi, April 28, 1820, d. Honeoye Falls, June 25, '87. (Rt.Rev.) * William Henry Augustus Bissell. M.A. S.T.D. '68. Univ. Vt. '36, M.A. '40, S, T, D.”6, and Norwich Univ. '52. Trustee '49-68. Ord. 239; R. and Miss., Alb. and W. N. Y. (Trinity, Geneva, ’48–68); Stand. Com. W. N. Y. '49-66; Bishop of Vermont '68-93. B. Brandon, Vt., Nov. Io, 1818, d. Burlington, Vt., May 14, '93. (Hon.) * Millard Fillmore. LL.D. Law. Legis. N. Y. 229; Cong. U. S. '32-44; Comptrol. N. Y. '47-9; Vice-Prest. U. S. '49, President '50-3; Chancellor Univ. Buffalo. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Corr. and Hon. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, '45-54. B. Locke, Feb. 7, 1800, d. Buffalo, March 8, '74. (Rt.Rev.) George De Normandie Gillespie. M.A. S.T.D. '75. Gen. Theol. Sem. '40. Ord. '40; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., O., Mich.; Bishop of Western Michigan 75+. State Board of Corr, and Charities. Author in Eccles. Hist. and Past. Work. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1850 HOBART COLLEGE. 93 (Rev.) * William Henry Hill. M. A. Stud. Union '27. Law. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and N. Y., and from '56, Cal.; Sec. and Stand. Com. Dioc, Cal. B. Wilmington (?), N. C., 1808, d. Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 27, '96. (Rev.) + Andrew Hull. M.A. S.T.D. '63. Son of Peter. Hamilton ’36, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '39. Ord. '39; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y., O., Vt. Dep. Gen. Conv., W. N. Y., '60. B. New Hartford, June 13, 1811, d. Elmira, Feb. 27, '96. (Rev.) * Edward Ingersoll. M.A. S.T.D. '56. Son of Hon. Jona. of Conn. Yale '31, M.A. Trin. '34. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '34. Ord. '34; R. and Miss., Conn., N.Y., W. N. Y.; R. Trinity, Buffalo, '44-74; Chapl. Ch. Charity Found. Buffalo '78-82. Prest. Stand. Com. W. N. Y. '66-83, Dep. Gen. Conv. '45-57, '77. B. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 26, 1810, d. Buffalo, Feb. 6, ’83. (Rt.Rev.) * Henry Washington Lee. M.A. M.A. Trinity '41, S. T. D. Roch. '51, LL.D. Camb. Eng, '67. Teacher. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., Mass. and W. N. Y.; Bishop of Iowa '54-74. Corr. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, '65. B. Hamden, Conn., July 29, 1815, d. Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 26, ’74. (Rev.) * George Leeds. M.A. Amherst '35, M.A. S. T. D. Trinity’61. And. Theol. Sem. '39. Ord. '39 : R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mass., Pa., Md. ; R. Grace Ch. Baltimore, '67-85. Stand. Com. W. N. Y. and Md. ; Dep. Gen. Conv., Eccles. Court, etc. B. Newburyport, Mass., 1816, d. Philadelphia, April 15, '85. (Rev.) * John M’Carty. S.T.D. Ord. '25 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and N. Y. '25-47, Chap1. U. S. A. '47-81. B. Rhinebeck, June 7, 1798, d. Washington, May Io, '81. (Rev.) * David Hazzard Macurdy. M. A. Stud. Univ. Pa. Gen. Theol. Sem. '46. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., Pa., W. N. Y., N. Y., N. J.; appoint. first R. De Lancey Div. Sch. '60. B. 1815, d. Philadelphia, May 2, '85. (Rev.) George Hamilton M’Knight. M.A. S. T. D. Hamilton ’73. Gen. Theol. Sem. '49. Ord. '49 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mass., Ind., C. N. Y.; Trinity, Elmira, ’69-H ; Dean of Convoc. Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. and Elmira Coll.; Miss. Council. tº ºr 41 ° Elmira, N. Y. (Rev.) * William Morris. LL.D. Trin. Coll. Dubl. Ord '35; R. and Miss., N.Y.; Teacher; R. Trinity Sch. New York, '39–57. B. Irel. 1809, d. Fordham, July 5, '76. Robert Seymour Murray. M.A. Hobart Graves Paddock. M.A. (Rev.) Rolla Oscar Page. M.A. Harv. '45. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. '50–1. Ord. '48; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Teacher. Brooklyn, N. Y. (Rev.) Edward Augustus Renouf. M.A. Harv. '38, M.A. S. T. D. Wash, and Lee'89. Andov. Theol. Sem. '42. Ord. '42; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mass., N. H. Keene, N. H. (Rev.) * Ferdinand Rogers. M.A. S.T.D. '66. Trinity '34. M. A. '41. Gen. Theol. Sem. '37. Ord. '37 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y. ; R. Greene, N. Y., '47-76; Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. B. 1816, d. Greene, Jan. 18, '76. 94 HOBART COLLEGE. I851 (Rev.) * Phineas Manning Stryker. M.A. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Conn., Md., Pa. Teacher, Somers, N. Y. B. 1820, d. West Bloomfield, Aug. 19, '62. (Rev.) * Thomas Pickman Tyler. M.A. S.T.D. '57. Trinity’38, M.A. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem, 43. Ord. '41 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (Fredonia and Batavia '44-63), C. N. Y. Dep. Gen. Conv. W. N. Y. '59. B. Brattleboro, Vt., 1817, d. there, Jan. 25, '92. (Rev.) Maunsell Van Rensselaer. M.A. S.T.D. '59. Union '38, M.A., L.L. D. '74. Prest. De Veaux Coll '59–69, Hobart '71–6, Prof. Chr. Ethics. Gen. Theol. Sem. '41. Ord. '41 ; R. and Miss., N. Y. and W. N. Y. '42-59; R. Geneva, Switz. '78-9; Warden Sist. Annunc. B. V. M., New York, '93+, N. Y. Hist. Soc., N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev.'89, Soc. Colon. Wars, St. Nicholas Soc., Holland Soc. N. Y. W. Y, p B K. New York. (Rt.Rev.) Henry Benjamin Whipple. M.A. S.T.D. Racine '59, Durham, Eng. '88, LL.D. Camb. Eng. '88. Merchant. Hobart Div. Sch. '49. Ord.’49; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., I11. ; Bishop of Minnesota '59-H. Faribault, Minn. (Hon.) * Nelson Wilson. M. D. Mass. Med. Soc. Curator Coll. Med. D. 1864. I85I. * De Witt Clinton Backus. M.A. '54. Malone. (From Union). Law. PHILos. Herm. B. Malone, April 20, 1826, d. East Orange, N. J., March 25, '87. * Robert Burns. M.A. '54. Son of Andrew. Geneva. Law. Civil Engineer. Lieut., Capt., Maj., Lt. Col. U. S. V., Mich. '61-5, Col. '73 ; Trustee Mich. State Asylum. Att’y, Kalamazoo, Mich, '65-91. K. A. B. Geneva, June 25, 1852, d. Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 21, '91. *Jason Massey Fairbanks. M.A. '79. Wateriozyn. Civil Engineer, Watertown, Jacksonville, Fla. X. p. B. Watertown, 1829, d. there, Jan. 22, '94. t * Charles Skinner Montgomery. Bro. of Wm. R., Stud.’31. Rochester. Civil Engineer, Capt. and Bvt. Maj. U. S. V., N.Y. '61-5. Killed in battle. K A. B. Rochester, Dec. 5, 1831, d. Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 6, '65. Lyman Hinsdale Sherwood. M.A. '54. Son of Lyman. Lyons. Teacher and Composer of Music, Princ. Mus. Acad., Lyons and Syracuse. Ord. Dea. '63. PoEM. Lyons, N. Y. * Charles Henry Whaley. Son of Dr. Alexander. Verona. M.D. elsewhere. Phys. and Surg. Herm, K A. B. Verona, Dec. Io, 1827, d. Columbus, Neb. Sept. 19, '69, Albert Sproull Wheeler. M.A. '54. Son of Dr. John. Geneva. Tutor '53-6, Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. and Prof. Rhet. and Orat. '56–60, Prof. Greek Lang. '60-8; Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’54-5. Instr. German, Lect. Roman Law, Yale '72-H. v ALED. Herm. A A p, p B K. New Haven, Conn. 1851 HOBART COLLEGE. 95 STUDENTS. Alexander Terence Crego. Claverack. M. D. Homoeop. Coll. Cleveland, O. Lieut. U. S. V., N. Y., '61-4. Herm. K. A. Claverack, N. Y. William Norton Clark. Son of William N. Geneva. * John Peter DeLancey. Son of Rt. Rev. Wm. H. Geneva. B. Philadelphia, May 30, 1828, d. Geneva, June 22, '70. - Simeon Lyon Deyo. Son of Ira. AWaples. Edward Cutbush DeZeng. Son of William S., Trustee '25. Geneva. Supt. Debenture Dept. U. S. Customs. A A P. New York. * Alfred Foote Fowler. Son of Stevenson. Albany. (Re-ent from '50.) Law. Clerk of Dist. Court. X. p. B. Albany, Nov. 6, 1830, d. Troy, Nov. 6, ’71. Edward Hudson. Bro. of Charles, '45. Geneva. Herm. William Goldsborough Meachem. Son of Rev. Thomas. Richmond. (Re-ent from '48.) Eugloss, Herm. * De Witt Clinton Peters. Son of John R. Mezºy York. M. D. Ass’t Surg. U. S. A. '54, Surg. and Maj. '64, Bwt. Lt. Col. ’65. Author. A A P. B. July 30, 1829, d. April 22, '76. M. D. Horatio C. Avery. James Norden Black. William Chidiston Cummings. Samuel Blackman Follett. John Heustis French. Edward Graves. Robert Absalom Hanly. James Orlando Harris. Otis Pope Hathaway. Henry Breed Keeler. Edward Abbott Knapp. Clyde, Phys. and Surg., Jamesville, N. Y. Benjamin Trumbull Kneeland. Spafford. Phys, and Surg., Portage, N.Y, 96 HOBART COLLEGE. 1851 William Setcher Kyle. George Washington M’Carn. John Pike Magee. Phys. and Surg., Candor, N. Y. Cephas Kent Martindale. Edward Douglass Merriam. James Newton Mott. James Northrop. George Washington Palmer. Sylvester Parsons, Jun. David Scott Partridge. George Farnham Peckham. William Rutherford. James W. Sackett. * Sewell Emerson Shattuck. Phys. and Surg., Hornellsville, N. Y. Lyman Twomley. David Vandalia Waite. HONORARY. Moses Gunn Bailey. M. D. (Rev.) * Levi Hanaford Corson. M.A. Trinity '29, M.A. '33. Ord. '31 ; R. and Miss , Conn., W.N.Y., Mich. (Jones- ville, Mich., 30 years). B. Saco, Me., July 3, 1801, d. Jonesville, Mich., Feb. 23, '84. (Rev.) *Israel Foote. M.A. Trinity '42, M.A., S.T.D. Roch, '64. Prof. Math. Jubilee Coll., I11. '42-5; Prof. De Veaux Coll. ’58-9. Ord. '45. R. and Miss., W.N.Y.; St. Paul's, Rochester, '69-82; R. Emer. '52+. Rochester, N. Y. (Rev.) *Elijah Weaver Hager. M.A. Son of John. S. T. D. elsewhere, '76. Min. Meth. Ch. Ord. '49; R. and Miss., W. N.Y., Cal., Miss., Ill., C. N. Y.,'47-93; Chap1 U. S. N. '73-80 ; St. Com. Cal. '58-9. D. Chicago, Ill., July 7, '80. Travis Lloyd. M. D. (Rev.) *Samuel King Miller. M.A. M.A. Trinity '55. Ord. '45; , R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Conn., N. Y., Wis., Minn., Mich. B. 1819, d. Utica, Aug. 22, '88. John Augustus Nichols. Prof. Coll. City of New York. Henry Spence. M. D. 1852 HOBART COLLEGE. 97 (Rev.) * Louis Thibou. M.A. Nephew of 1st Bp. (Croes) of N. J. Columb. 228. Gen. Theol. Sem. '31. Ord. '31 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (Angelica and Belmont) 45 years, B. New York, 1810, d. Angelica, Nov. 28, '76. S. T. D. (Rev.) * Robert Boyd Van Kleeck. - Columb. '28, M.A., and Trinity '57. Instr. Columb. "30-1. Gen. Theol. Sem '33. Ord. '33; R. and Miss., N. Y. and Mass.; R. St. Paul's, Troy, '37-53 ; Sec. Dom. Com. Bd. Miss. ’54-61. B. Poughkeepsie, 1810, d. Fishkill, Nov. 23, '80. I852. (Rev.) Addis Emmet Bishop. M.A. '55. Bro. of Rev. Theo. M., Hon. '50. Waterloo R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Ind., Mich., Kan. * Henry Fitzhugh. M.A. '55. Son of Henry. Oszyego. Merchant and farmer, Ill., Iowa, Neb. K. A. B. Oswego, June 10, 1832, d. Garner, Neb., Oct. II, '89. (Prof.) * Robert De Lancey Hamilton. M.A. '55. Onondaga. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. '59. Tutor and Adj. Prof. Math. '58-9. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Fayetteville, ’52-3 ; Prof. Math. Hosp. Surg. C. S. A. '63-5. VALED. S. p. B. Onondaga, June 4, 1832, d. Chattanooga, Tcnn., Jan. M.A. Trinity '68. Ord. '57; AHerm. Co. Surveyor. I, incoln, Kan. Jefferson Coll. Miss. ’53-7. Płerm. 21, ’75. * Richard Morley Harison. M.A. '55. Son of William H., LL.D , Hon. '56. A/ezw York. LL.B. Albany Law Sch. '59. Tutor ’55-6, Trustee '95. Law. Treas. N. Y. Corp. Wid. and Orph. Clerg., and of Soc. Prom. Relig. and Learn. Trustee St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y. Benef. Libr 2d White Essay ’52. Herm. A A p. B. New York, Sept. 23, 1833, d. Astoria, Dec. 22, '95. * Augustine Boyer Hawley. M.A. '55. M. D. '55. Son of Isaac. Geneva. Demonst. Anat. '54-5. Stud. in Med. Edinb. and Paris. Phys. and Surg., Red Wing, Minn. SALUT, Herm. A A p. B. Caroline, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1833, d. Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 20, '78. Charles Packwood. Son of Samuel. AVeze, York. Law. Farmer. Herm. X (p. - Hawk's Park, Fla. * William Johnson Seymour. Son of Col. J., La. A/ezzy Orleans. Law. Editor, New Orleans. A. '61-5. Herm. K. A. B. Macon, Ga., May 12, 1831, d. New Orleans, Nov. 14, '86. * Foster Swift. Col. C. S. M.A. 55. Son of Gen. Joseph G., Prof. '31. Geneva. Harv. '54 ; M D. Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y. '57. Law. Ilect. Obstet. Columb '63 ; Prof. Dermat. Bellevue Med. Coll. '66-71; Surg. U. S. V. N. Y. '61-3 ; Phys. St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. Herm. X P. B. Geneva, Oct. 31, 1833, d. Santa Cruz, W. I., May Io, '75, * Josiah Willard Wescott. Son of Josiah N. Perrysburg, O. Law. PHILOs. Herm. B. Homer, Mich., Feb. 2, 1834, d. there, Sept. 30, 75. 1st White Essay ’52. 98 HOBART COLLEGE. 1852 STUDENTS. * Charles Constantine Bacon. Son of Henry. Camden. Theol. B. March 15, 1830, d. Homer, Nov. 5, '63. * Alexander Charles Coventry. Son of Charles B., Prof. '34. Utica. Merchant. Herm. FS, X ºp. B. Utica, May 8, 1832, d. New York, '71. * William Henry Howell. Son of Stephen W. Buffalo. M.D. Univ. Buff. '54. Ass’t Surg. U. S. N. '61-2. S. p. B. Buffalo, March 18, 1833, d. July 26, '62. Robert Rose Nicholas. Son of Hon. Robert C., Trustee '42, Geneva. Rutgers' 52. Law. Geneva, N. Y. * * Abraham Slocum Reynolds. Camillus. George Bennett Sumner. Son of Otis S. Syracuse. FS. * Horace Webster, Jun. Son of Horace, LL. D. Prof. '25. Geneva. Customs, Shanghai, China. A A p. B. Geneva, June 28, 1832, d. March 22, '65. Andrew Dickson White. Son of Horace, Syracuse Yale '53, M. A. '56, I.L. D. '88, and Univ. Mich. '67 and Cornell '86, L. H. D. Columb. '87. Trustee '66-77. Prof. Hist. Univ. Mich. '63-7, Prest. Cornell Univ. '67-85. Senate N. Y. '64-6; U. S. Min. to Russia '63, to Germany '79-81,'97. Trustee Cornell Univ. '65-85, '87-i- ; Reg. Smithson. Inst. ; Prest. Amer. Hist. Assoc. '84-5 : Hon. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, '91; Comp. Leg. Hon. France '78. FS, X, p, p B K. New York, M. D. Clark William Adams. Asa D. Babcock. Moses Treat Babcock. Prattsburgh. Phys. and Surg., Hammondsport. James Clark Bebee. Theodore Montford Bligh. Perlia Hicks Burnap. William Paxton Burts. Edward Holt Caner. Edward Griffin Crafts. Cherry Valley Phys. and Surg., East Maine, N. Y. Martin Rockwell Gage. Ambrose Spencer Hedden. James Harrows Meads. I853 FIOBART COLLEGE. 99 Levi Parsons, Jun. Charles Taylor. Henry A. Woodruff. HONORARY. Aaron D. Bligh. M.D. John W. Bryan. M.D. * James Balloch Chase. M.A. Kenyon '29, M.A. '45. Teacher, Council Bluffs, Iowa and Lockport. U. S. V. '61-2. B. Cornish, N. H., May 29, 1807, d. Weeping Water, Neb., Jan. I3, 82. Darius Clark. M.D. (Rev.) * Calvin Colton. LL.D. Yale '12, M.A. '32. Prof. Publ. Econ. Trinity '52-7. Andov. Theol. Sem.” I4. Min. Presb. Ch. , 17-37. Ord. '37 ; R., N. Y. and Pa. Author; Editor, Washington, '42-4. B. Longmeadow, Mass., 1791, d. Savannah, Ga., * March 13, '57. Andrew Stanley Cummings. M. D. (Rev.) * Edward Livermore. M. A. Son of Judge Arthur. Dart. '33, Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., N. H., N. Y., W. N. Y., Minn., '38-83 ; Chap1. Kemper Hall, Wis., '83–6. B. Holderness, N. H., 1815, d. Kenosha, Wis., May 28, '86. Chancellor Martin. M.D. Stephen Pardee. M. D. (Rev.) James Andrew Robinson. M.A. Hamilton ’49. Hobart Div. Sch. '52. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., N. Y. Y., C. N. Y. ; Chap1. U. S. V., N. Y. Cortland *John Hart Storm. M. A. (Rev.) * William Walton. S.T.D. Son of Rear-Adm., H. B. M. S. Columb. '28, M.A. '36, S.T.D. '52. Law. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Instr. Heb., and Prof. Heb. and Greek Lang. Gen. Theol. Sem. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., N. Y. and W. N. Y. Editor N. Y. Church man. B. New York, 1810, d. there, Sept. 21, ’69. , W. N. , N. Y. I853 (Hon.) Alexander Edward Andrews. M.A. '56. Son of Rev. Faward, Hon. '40. Binghamton. I,aw. Legis. N. Y. '78-80. Aeron. X. p. Binghamton, N.Y. * William Betts. M.A. '56. Son of Hon. William. Jamaica, AW. Y. (From Columb.) Law. Herm. B. New York, March 2, 1835, d. there, Feb. 14, '69. : : . º : : i . : : IOO HOBART COLLEGE. I853 Albert Gallatin Clark. M.A. '56. Son of Hon. Joshua W. H., Hon. '49. Manlius. Law. Herm. K. A. St. Louis, Mo. * William Thomas Clark. M.A. '56. Bro. of Albert G., above. Manlius. Law, Des Moines, Iowa, Capt., Bvt. Maj. and Ass’t Adj. Gen. U. S. V., Iowa. Herm. K. A. B. Manlius, March 16, 1831, d. Arnold Park, Iowa, Aug. 16, '90. g * George Britze Dakin. Son of Elbridge D. . Geneva. Merchant, Toledo, O, Herm. B. Geneva, Nov. II, 1833, d. Bement, Ill., Dec. 27, '59. Thomas Hale. M.A. '56. Bro. of Benj., Jun., '48. Geneva. SALUT. Herm. Yonkers, N. Y. * Henry Hudson Pringle. M.A. '58. Son of Hon. Benj. Batavia. Merchant and Banker, Hastings, Minn. Herm. K A. B. Batavia, March Io, 1832, d. Hastings, Minn., Sept. 21, ’79. * John DeMotte Smith. M.A. '58. Son of Ralph. Lodz. Law. Col. N. G. N. Y. B. Lodi, Dec. Io, 1831, d. Trumansburgh, Feb. 25, '93. William Henry Wilkinson. M.A. '58. Son of Edward. Geneva. Teacher; Princ. Franklin Acad., Montgomery, Pa. Sec. Amer. Logotype Pub.Co., Boston. VALED. 2d White Essay '53. Herm. A A p. Southwick, Mass. (Rev.) Hermon Gaylord Wood. M.A. '58. Son of Hiram. Fayetteville. Tutor and Fellow on Swift Found. '52–5. Hobart Div. Sch. '56. Ord. '56 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y., Minn., Pitts., Mass., O. Architect ; Inventor. PHILos. Ist White Essay '53. Płerm. Winthrop, Mass. STUDENTS. * Tilson Columbus Barden. Son of George. Benton. Roch. '54, M.A. B. Oct. 3, 1833, d. Nov. 5, 77. William Stewart Burns. Bro. of Robert, '51. Geneva. * DeWitt Clinton. Son of Judge Geo. W. Buffalo. Law. I,ieut. U. S. V., N. Y. '61, Capt. '62, Lt. Col. '64. S. P. B. Buffalo, April 10, 1833, d. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. I4, '73. Hiram Tallmadge Ewers. Dryden. Herm, * Cuyler Franklin Greene. Son of Staats. Rushville. Union '53, M. A. Law. B. Rushville, June 10, 1833, d. there, ’70. * Noah Ashley Hoze. Benton. Herm. A A P. B. Feb. 10, 1828, d. Penn Yan, '54. Azariel Blanchard Smith. Son of Dr. A. B. Seneca Falls. * Watson Webb. Son of Hon. James W., Bro. of R. S., Stud, '46. New York. Civil Engineer. Lieut, U. S. A. '61, Capt. '66. Asst. Sec. and Treas. Dioc. Cal. Herm. B. New York, Nov. Io, 1833, d. Oakland, Cal., Dec. 3, '76. i * : : * : I853 HOBART COLLEGE. IOI M. D. E. C. Beckwith. Beardstown, Ill. Jean J. F. Chauveau. MV. I. Phys. and surg. N. Y.; Visiting Phys. French Hospital, New York; Memb. sundry Med. Soc. Charles Alfred Lee, Jun. Son of C. A., M. D., Prof. '45. Peekskill. Charles A. Murray. Harrison Peters. Flat Rock, Mich. John Pryne. Herk i mer. George S. Redfield. Delhi. Solon Shurtleff. H. N. Snell. Pontiac, Mich. James Sturges. Delhi. Thomas Webb, Jun. A. K. Webster. A 15 ton. PHONORARY. * Almon Beardsley. M.D. Phys. and Surg., Westmoreland, N. Y. *James W. Birge. M. D. Dentist, Hamilton, N. Y. William Oland Bourne. M.A. Librarian, Coll. City of N. Y. * Richard Henry Dana. D.C.L. Harv. '34, M.A., LL.B.,’39, LL.D. '66. Qrat. Lit. Soc. '52. Instr. Eloc. Harv. '39–40, Overseer'65-77. Mass. Hist. Soc.; Amer. Acad. Author. B. Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 1, 1815, d. Rome, Italy, Jan. 7, '82. * Donald G. Fraser. M.A. Stud. Union '43. Law, Lockport, and from '87, Clifton, Ont., d. there. * William Fenn Hopkins. LL.D. U. S. M. A. '25, M. A. Yale '31. Adj. Prof. Chem. Min. and Geol. U. S. M. A. '26; Prof. Math. and Prest. Mason Univ. Tenn.; Prof. Chem. and Nat. Phil. Wm. and Mar. '49; Prof. Nat. and Exper. Phil. U. S. Nav. Acad. '50. B. Conn., 1802, d. Jamaica, W.I., July 13, '59. IO2 HOBART COLLEGE. I854 * Isaac Wilber Jackson. LL.D. Union ’26, M.A. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Union '31–77. B. Cornwall, N. Y., 1805, d. Schenectady, July 28, '77. (Rev.) Hugh Bethune Moffat. M.A. Dean of Ross and Moray, Scot. '50. (Hon.) * Henry Stephens Randall. LL.D. Union '30, M.A. Law. Sec. State N. Y. '51; State Supt. Pub Schools; Legis. N. Y. '71. B. Madison Co., N. Y., 1811, d. Cortland, Aug. 14, '76. William Henry Smith. M.D. I854. Henry Hobart Bates. M.A. '57, PH.D. '91. 3. Manlius. Tutor and Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. '59–60, and Math. '60–4; Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’60. Law. Exam. in Chief. Bd. of Appeals U. S. Pat. Office ’77–95, Memb. Philos. Soc. Washington, Astron. Dept. Soc. Of the Pacific. K. A. Washington, D. C. Frederick Collins Goodwin. M.A. '57. Son of Hon. Stephen A., Trustee '51. A u burn. Law. U. S. Dist, Att’y, III. '61–5. Herm. A \ p. - Chicago, Ill. (Hon.) Stephen Hallett Hammond. M.A. '57. Ithaca. D.C.I.. Univ. South '89. Trustee '74+; Alumni Orat. '71, V.-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’90–3. I,aw. Dep. Att’y Gen N. Y. '56–72, Legis. N. Y. '74-5, Senator ’76–7; Trustee Willard Asylum. 1st Soph. Declam, '52. Herm. K A, p B K. Geneva, N. Y. Henry Hobart Mason. M.A. '57. Canandaigua. Law. Clerk U. S. Circ. Court. Herm. P. O. Build., New York. Thomas Wickham Mizner. M.A. '57. Son of Lansing B. Detroit. Law. v.A.L.E.D. 1st White Essay ’54. Herm. A A p. Detroit, Mich. Nicholas Dyer Randall. M.A. '93. Son of Hon. Nicholas. Manlius. Law. Capt. U. S. V , Mo. Herm. Oneida, N. Y. Charles Rollin Remington. M.A. '57. Son of Illustrious. Manlius. Manufacturer. SALUT. Herm. A A p. Watertown, N. Y. * Truman Hart Strong. M.A. '57. Son of Theron R. Palmyra. Law. Herm. B. Palmyra, July 23, 1834, d. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 20, '58. STUDENTS. * Alexander Duncan Adams. Son of Gen. Wm. H. Lyons. Teacher; Princ. Acad, Lyons '67-9. Capt., Lt. Col., Col. U. S. V. N. Y. '61–3; Maj. Gen. N. G. N. Y. 2d Soph. Decl. ’52, Herm. X. P. B. Lyons, Dec. 25, 1832, d. there, Oct. 28, '72. $ 1855 HOBART COLLEGE. IO3 Moses Cowles. Son of Dr. C. Marcellus. * John Evans. Son of Horatio. Binghamton. Civil Engineer. Herm. X. &. B. Bing- hamton, Aug. 18, 1831, d. there, 18–. * William Nisbet. Son of Robert. Auburn. Herm. A A P. B. April 9, 1830, d. '54. * Meredith Ludlow Ogden. Son of Isaac. Waddington. Herm. Thomas Oliver Perkins. Seneca. (From Genesee Coll.) Herm. Samuel Mustard Sargeant. Son of Thornton. Piketon, O. (From Kenyon.) A A p. D. in U. S. Service, Jan. 1, '64. M. D. (No degrees couferred.) HONORARY. (No degrees conferred.) I855. * Charles Henry Beardsley. Son of Benoni P. Elmira. Law. Herm, A A P. B. Elmira, Jan. Io, 1835, d. there, Feb. 17, '59. (Rev.) George Ward Dunbar. M.A. '58. Son of Amasa H. Moravia. Tutor and Fellow (Swift Found.), 57-8, Gen. Theol. Sem. '60. Ord. '60 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Minn., Pitts., Wis. '60-76; Chapl. U. S. A. '76+. VALED. Herm. Janesville, Wis. (Rev.) Edward Hurtt Jewett. M. A. '58. LL.D. '90. Boston, Mass. Gen. Theol. Sem. '56, S.T.D. 89 and Racine '77. Ord. '56. R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and O., '56–89; Prof. Past. Theol. and Libr. Gen. Theoſ.sem. 89*. PHILOS. 1st White Essay ’55. Herm. AAP, £AK. 2 Chelsea Square, New York. (Rev.) William Henry Lord. M. A. '59. Perrinton. Gen. Theol. Sem. '59. Ord. '59; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. J., Vt., Alb. Princ. Acad. Lyons, '76-8. Herm. X ºp. Burnt Hills, N. Y. * Theodore Schenck. e Son of Sylvester. A uðurn. Law ; Journalist. Maj. U. S. V., '63-5. Herm. B. Auburn, March 30, 1835, d. Utica, May 6, ’74 IO4 HOBART COLLEGE. I855 (Rev.) Erastus Wooster Spalding. M.A. '58. S.T.D. '78. Son of Rev. Erastus, Hon. '39. Phelps. Ord. '67; R. and Miss., Wis., Ala.: Dean of All SS. Cathedral, Sec. St. Com. Milwaukee, 272-84 ; Dean of Convoc., Ala. '84-i-. Herm. A A P. New Decatur, Ala. (Rev.) *Henry Whitehouse Spalding. M.A. '58. S.T.D. '70. Bro. of E. W. above. Phelps. Alumni Orat. '70, Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni '88. Ord. '59 ; R. and Miss., Wis., Ind., Pa., N.J., W. N. Y. ; Dep. Gen. Conv., Wis. and Pa., St. Com. Wis. Herm. B. Rochester, April 14, 1832, d. Warsaw, Sept. 6, '91. * * Wilson Sturges. Son of Geo. S. Delhi. Teacher. A A p. B. Delhi, Nov. 8, 1835, d. Waverſy Sept. :4, '57. *James Edwin Wheeler. M.A. '58, Son of Aaron R. Waterloo. Tutor and Adj. Prof. Math. '56-8; Prof. Math. Jefferson Coll. Miss. '58–82. Law. SALUT. 2d White Essay '55. Herm. > P. B. Waterloo, Dec. 6, 1834, d. New York, Feb. 5, '82. B. S. John Ringer Juliand. Son of Frederick. Greene. Merchant; Insurance. Herm. X (p. Greene, N.Y. * Thomas Loomis Knap. Son of Tracy S. Mezv Berlin. Supt. Toledo and Wabash R. R. Herm. A A P. B. New Berlin, Jan. 3, 1836, d. there, Nov. 23, '68. STUDENTS. Charles Roilo Aiken. Son of Leonard O. Morazza. Daniel Holland Andrus. Son of Daniel. A wburn. * Samuel Birdsall, Jun. Son of Samuel. Waterloo. Law. Ass’t Att'y Gen. wis. '58–60. Capt. U. Ş. V., Wis., '63–4. Wis. Hist. Soc. Herm. A A p. D. Waterloo, Dec. 2I, ’90. James Snaith King. Avezzy York. He?”z. James Lane. Phelps. (fl om Genesee Coll.) * George Whitefield Lawton. Sterling... Union '56, M. A. Law Judge of Probate, Mich. Maj. U. S. v., Mich., '64. Herm. P B K. B. Oct. 20, 1833, d. Lawton, Mich. '85. Cyrus Baldwin Lombard. A urelius. (From Amherst Coll.) Herm. Hamilton Murray Peyton. Son of Rouzee. Geneva. Herm. M. D. Sheron Kilburn Nolton. Edward Budlong Speed. 1856 HOBART COLLEGE. IO5 Pierre Philippe Edouard Tobie. Phys. and Surg., Buffalo. William S. Todd. * John Towler. St. John's Coll. Camb, Eng., M.A. Prof. Mod. Lang., Math. and Nat. Phil. ’52-68; Civ. Eng. and Chem. and Act. Prof. Math. and Mod. Lang. '68-82, Dean of Med. Faculty '56-72; Prof. Chem. and Pharm., Toxic., Med. Jurisp., Gen. and Spec. Anat. Med. Coll. ’53-72. U. S. Consul, Trinidad, W, I., '82-6. Author (Med. and Nat. Science). ‘p B K. B.Rathwell, York, Eng., June 20, 1811, d. Orange Mt., N.J., April 2, '86. HONORARY. James Henry Jerome. M. D. Prof. Anat. and Phys. '55-9. (Rev.) * Albert Patterson Smith. M.A. S.T. D. '62. Gen. Theol. Sem, 42. Ord. '42 ; R. and Miss., N. Y. and W. N. Y.; R. ºzºvia. C. N. Y., 33 years. B. N. H., 1809, d. Cazenovia, March I4, '82. Marsena W. Terry. M. D. (Rev.) * Stephen Chipman Thrall. M. A. S.T.D. Columb. '61. Gen. Theol. Sem. '50. Ord. '50 ; R. and Miss., N.J., N. Y., Cal., Mass., Mo., Md., Spr., Mich., Mil. Prest. Stand, Com. Cal. ’58-63; Bd. Miss. N. J., '66-8; Dep. Gen. Conv. Cal., '59-62, Spr. '83-6. B. 1825, d. Lancaster, Wis., Aug. 24, '92. 1856. Frank Angevine. M.A. '59. Son of Henry A. Poughkeepsie. Herm. Brooklyn, N. Y. James Armstrong. M.A. '78. Son of Henry A. Oswego. Tutor and Adj. Prof. Lat. and Greek Lang. '57- . Alumni Orat, '72. I,aw. PHILos. (Equal to Valed). Herm. A A p, q> B K. 192 Broadway, New York. * Thomas M'Cauley Ballantine. M.A. '59. Scottsville. Prof. Math. and Nat. Science, Cumberland Coll., Ky. Law ; Dist. Att’y, Ky. Philopeuth. B. Scottsville, Oct. 15, 1830, d. Milton, Fla., Oct. 23, '73. William Heathcote De Lancey, Jun. M.A. '59. Son of Rt. Rev. Wm. H.; bro. of E. F. '43. Geneva. LL.B. Alb. Law Sch. '58. Trustee '80-95. I.aw. St. Nicholas Soc. ; Hugenot Soc., N. Y. Benef. Libr. Herm. X (p, q} B K. 31 Broadway, New York. Warren Joseph Durham. Son of Philo. Waterloo. Law. SALUT. Greek Prize '55. Herm. Chicago, Ill. * Burnett Estes. M.A. '59. Manlius. Herm. B. Manlius, June 12, 1835, d. Utica, March 22, '71. ~ IO6 HOBART COLLEGE. 1856 George Duncan Ludlow Harison. M.A. '59. Bro. of Rich. M. '52. A/ezy York. LL.B. Alb. Law Sch. Law. Benef. Libr. VALED. Ist White Essay ’56. Herm. X P. 120 Broadway, New York, * Henry Hayes. Son of Geo. E., D.D.S. Buffalo. Stud. Med. Univ. Buffalo, '60. Herm. A A P. B. Buffalo, April 1, 1837, d. Aiken, S. C., Jan. 27, '59. Charles Nathaniel Hewitt. M.A. '59. LL.D. '95. Potsdam. M.D. Alb. Med. Coll. '57. Demonst. Anat, '57. Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’61. Prof. Pub. Hygiene Univ. Minn., and Sec. State Bá. of Health, '72-81; Prest. Minn. Med. Soc. '81-2, Surg. U. S. V., N. Y., and Brigade Surg. '61-5. Herm. A A p. Red Wing, Minn. (Hon.) George Perry Lord. M.A. '59. Son of Benj. F. Barrington. Farmer. Legis, N. Y. '70-1, Senator ’8o. q}. Płerm. A & Dundee, N. Y. John Charles O'Brien. M.A. '59. Geneva. LL.B. Alb. Law Sch. '63. Law. Herm. Rochester, N. Y. Marshall Byron Rich. M.A. '59. Son of Ebenezer. Batazyza. Law. Herzºz. X P. Chicago, Ill. (Rev.) Hale Townsend. M. A. '59. Son of Richard. Waterloo. Theol. Sem. Va. '59. , Ord. '59 : R. and Miss., Pa., Iowa, W. N. Y., Cal. Prof. Homil. and Liturg. Griswold Coll. ’70- 3. LIT. Herme. S. P. Santa Fe, N. M. * Edwin Ruthven Woodruff. M. A. '59. Philadelphia. I.aw. Ist Soph. Decl. ’54. Herm. S. P. B. Monroe, Aug. 7 1830, d. Chicago, Julie 4, '63. STUDENTS. John Leffingwell Bartlett, Jun. Son of John L. A uburn. (Rev.) James Balloch Chase, Jun. Son of James B., Hon ’52. Lockport. Yale '62, S.T.D. '65. Min. Cong. h., Iowa. Herm. Correctionville, Iowa. John Clark. Son of Wm. N. Geneva. 2d Soph. Decl. ’54. * Wheeler Fanning Clarke. Son of Wheeler H. Hudson. Trinity '56, M.A. B. Nov. 17, 1833, d. 18–. Augustus Beecher Fitch. Son of Timothy F. Washington. Herm. Samuel Alverson Judson. Son of Mrs. Ann J. Batavia. Boyd Camp Pardee. Geneva. (Rev.) William Jacob Petrie. Son of S. L. Cleveland, O. Stud. Union, '56, M.D. A delbert Coll. Theol. Sem. O. '69. Ord. '69; R. and Min., I11. Herm. X. P. Chicago, I11. 1856 HOBART COLLEGE. Io'7 * William Hull Seaver. Son of Wm. A. Buffalo. N. Y. P. O. Supt. Dept. Adriatic Ins. Co. Editor '59. Herm. A A P. B. Batavia, Feb. 23, 1837, d. Mt. Vernon, May 15, '66. James Maybee Washburn. Son of John. Mason ville. Hamilton ’56, LL.B. Law. Hiland Augustus Weed. Son of Harry. Cam illus. Edward Wheaton. Son of Charles A. Syracuse. San Francisco, Cal. M. D. Henry B. Chase. Phys. and Surg., Jacksonville, N. Y. Francis Adelma Darling. * Frederick Glauner. D. 1879, Caleb Holton Hammond. HONOR ARY. (Rev.) Gordon Moses Bradley. M. A. M.A. Trinity '66, Gen. Theol. Sem. '52. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mass., C. N. Y., N. J. Editor (Ch. Month.), '66-8. Marietta, Ga. (Rev.) * William Allen Fiske. M.A. I.L.D. N. W. Univ. Ill. '78. Gen. Theol. Sem. '49. Ord. '49; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., O., Ill., Me., N. Y. B. Troy, Nov. 4, 1824, d. Brooklyn, March I 2, '94. (Rt.Rev.)”Thomas Brock Fuller. S.T.D. M.A. Trinity '52, D.C.L. Trin. Coll. Toronto '57. Archd. Niagara, Ont. '67-75, Bishop of Niagara '75-84. B. 1810, d. Hamilton, Ont., Dec. I7, '84. * William Henry Harison. LL.D. Son of Hon. Richard (Columb. 1764, D.C.I.. Oxon.), N. Y. Columb. 'II. Law. Comptr. Trinity Ch. N. Y. '42-53, Trust. Columb. '38-60. B. New York, April 29, 1795, d. Saratoga Sp., May 1, ’60. (Rev.) Osgood Eaton Herrick. M.A. S.T.D. '92. Hobart Div. Sch. '51. Ord. '51 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Fla. '51-64; Chapl. U. S. A. '64--. Milit. Ord. Loyal Legion U. S. Watertown, N. Y. (Rev.) John Leech. M. A. Ord. '52; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mich. (Not on Clergy List from '82.) (Rt.Rev.)*Horatio Potter. LL. D. Union '26, M.A. S.T.D. Trinity '38, D.C.L. Oxford, Eng. '60. Visitor '54.87. Prof. Math. and Nat, Phil. Trinity '28-33, Visitor '59-87. Hon. Chancell. Union. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '28. Ord. '27 ; R. and. Miss., Me., N. Y.; R. St. Peter’s, Albany, 33-54; Prov. Bp. N. Y. '54, Bishop of New York '61-87, p B K. B. Beekman, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1802, d. New York, ſan. 2, '87, * Isaac Ferdinand Quinby. M. A. LL.D. '67. U. S. M. A. '43, M.A. Univ. Roch. '52. Adj. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. U. S. M. A., '43, Nat. and Fºxper. Phil. ’45; Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Univ. Roch. '51-84. Brig. Gen. U. S. A. '62. B. Morristown, N.J., Jan. 29, 1821, d. New York, 'o- IO8 HOBART COLLEGE. 1857 (Rev.) * William Staunton. S.T.D. M.A. Trinity '44. Stud. Theol. W. N. Y. Ord. '33; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mass., N. J., N. Y. Agt. Ch. Book Soc. , Author (Eccles. Hist., Past. Theol., Ch. Music). Assoc. Ed. Johnson’s Cyclop. B, Chester, Eng., April 20, 1803, d. New York, Sept. 29, '89. (Rev.) * John Gott Webster. M. A. Hobart Div. Sch.’53. Ord. '53; R. and Miss., W.N. Y. and N. Y. (R.Palmyra, W. N. Y., 18 yrs.) Chap. U. S. V., N. Y. '64. Dean of Convoc. Geneva, '80. B. Chatham, July 26, 1824, d. Greenbush, Sept. 27, '87. 1857. * Stephen Chase Brown. M. A. '60. Son of Rev. Amos. Ovid. Phil. B. Gorham, Me., Feb. 24, 1837, d. Mon- tour Falls, June 19, '69. (Rt.Rev.) Charles Edward Cheney. Bro. of Geo. N. '49. Cananda igua. S.T.D. Grinnell Coll. Ia, ’71. Theol. Sem. Va. '58. Ord. '58; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and I11. '58-71. Min. and Bp. Ref. FPis. Ch., Chicago, '71 +. Chap1. U. S. V., Ill. Ill. Soc. Sons of Am. Rev.; Chicago Lit. Club. PHILOS. Herm. X. p. Chicago, Ill. William Watts Folwell. M.A. '60. LL.D. '78. Son of Thomas J. Ovid. J.L. D. Racine '70. Tutor and Adj. Prof. Math. '58-9, Adj. Prof. Lang. '60-I. Sec. Assoc. Alumni '58, Orat. '69. Prof. Math. Kenyon '69. Prest. Univ. Minn. '69. Maj. and Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. V., N. Y. '62-5. Hist. Soc. Minn. v.A.L.E.D. 1st Greek '56. Phil. K A A p, q} B K. Minneapolis, Minn. John M'Cauley Fulton. - - Son of James S. Seneca. Law. Phil. St. Louis, Mo. * James Maxwell Hamilton. M.A. '60. Montreal, Can. Gen. Theol. Sem. '60. scIENT. White Rhet. '57. Phil. > ‘p B. Quebec, Oct. 3, 1834, d. Three Rivers, Can., April 8, '77. (Rev.) Day Otis Kellogg, Jun. Son of Hon. D. O. Brooklyn. Ord. '60; R. and Miss., Conn., Pa., R. I. (Dep, '82.) Prof. Eng. Hist. and Lit. Univ. Kansas '71-4. 2d Soph. Decl. ’55. Herm. Philadelphia. (Rev.) * William Meredith Ogden. M.A. '60. Montreal, Can. Gen. Theol. Sem. '60. Ord. '60; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Ont., Alb. LIT. Ist White Fºssay '57. Phil. B. Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1836, d. Warrensburgh, June 28, '91. (Hon.) Charles Edward Parker. M. A. '79. Son of John Mason, Owego. I.aw. N. Y. Constit. Conv. '67-8. Just. Sup. Court N. Y. '89. Herm. A A p. Owego, N. Y. Ziba Hazard Potter. M.A. '60. Son of Hazard, M.D. Geneva, M.D. LL.B. Alb. Law. Sch. '59. Adj. Prof. Math. Cornell Univ. '68-82. Heron. Ithaca, N. Y. William Reiterman. Fartzwick. Herzn. 1857 HOBART COLLEGE. IO9 (Rev.) Alexander Hamilton Rogers. M.A. '60. Son of Salem L. Geneva. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '60. Ord. '61; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mich., C. N. Y. Herm. A A p. Greene, N. Y. (Rev.) Fayette Royce. M.A. '60. S.T.D. '86. Moravia. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Olean. DeLancey Div. Sch. '63. Ord. '63; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mich., Wis.; R. Beloit, Wis. '68+, Dean of Convoc. '71 +, Dioc. Bd. of Miss., Sland. Com., Dep. Gen. Conv., Canon of A11. SS. Cathedral, etc. in Dioc. Milwaukee. Supt. Schools. Prest. Beloit Lit. Club. 1st Soph. Decl. ’55. Herm. Beloit, Wis. * Franklin Day Shepard. M.A. '62. Son of Charles. Canandaigua. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Milwaukee, Wis. sALUT. 2d White Essay '57, 2d Greek '56. Herm. X ºp. B. Canan- daigua, 1837, d. there, Jan. 25, '63. (Rev.) George Williamson Smith. M. A. '60. S.T.D. '8o. Son of George. Warsaw. S.T.D. Columb. '87, LL.D. Trinity '87, Williams ’93. Ord. '60; R., Md. and L. I.; Teacher ’61-3; Chap1. U. S. N. '65-72. Prest. and Hobart Prof. Metaph. Trinity Coll '83-H. Herm. O A X. Trinity College, Hartford, Cºnn. (Rev.) Charles Nelson Spalding. M. A. '61. Bro. of H. W. and E. W., '55. Phelps. S.T.D. Nashotah '90. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '63. Ord. '64; R. and Miss., N. J., Wis., Pa., Cal., Ind. Adj. Prof. Math. Racine '67-71, Prof. Astron. and Phys. '75-6; Princ. Howe Grammar Sch., Lima, Ind. '84-96. Phil. Elkhorn, Wis. (Rev.) Lucius Sweetland. M. A. '60. Stafford. (From Lawrence Univ. Wis.) Gen. Thecl. Sem. '60. Ord. '60; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. C., N.J., Wis. Chapl. U. S. A. '64-5. Phil. Mendota, Wis. *James Harvey Tinkham. Ozvego. M.D. Univ. N. Y. '59. Exam. Surg, U. S. N. '62-5. Herm. A A p. B. Owego, March 15, 1837, d. there, June 2, '79. (Rev.) Thomas Goundry Watson. Son of Wm. W. Geneva. Theol. Sem. Ref. Ch. New Brunswick, N. J. '60. Min. Presb. Ch. Prof. Eloc. Waukesha, Wis. ’79-82; Prest. Trustees Spokane Univ. '90-i-. Author. Herm. X. p. Spokane, Wash. B. S. * Nathan Teall. Son of G. C. P. Geneva. Law. Serg. Maj. U. S. V., N. Y. '62. Phil. B. Seneca Castle, Aug. 25, 1835, d. there, April 20, '62. STUDENTS. * Jacob Berry. Clarence. Yale '63, M.A. D. '81. Oliver Bodle. Owego. Herm. Isaac Samuel Catlin. Son of Nathaniel, Owego. Law. Dist. Att’y N. Y. '66, 77-83; Ass’t Dist. Atty U.S. '70-2. Capt., Lt. Col., Bwt. Maj. Gen. U. S. V. N.Y.,'6r-4; Col. U. S. A. '67-70. Mayor '60-I. G. A. R. Herm. Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas Newbold Dill. Son of Thomas M. Bermuda, W. Z. I IO HOBART COLLEGE. 1857 * Charles Ennis. Son of Robert. Lyons. Merchant; Banker. Herm. X. P. B. Lyons, Sept. 1, 1835, d. there July 2, '79. Robert Hyslop Foote. Son of John. Batavia. Herm. Augustus Philander Hodge. Son of Philander. Buffalo. Orville Duane Howe. Aainesville, O. Josiah Holcombe Kellogg. Son of Josiah. ” Erie, Pa. Teacher : Ass’t Prof. Nat, and Exper. Phil. U. S. M. A. '65-6 ; Instr. Civ. Engin. and Milit. Tact. Rutgers '66-70. Lieut., Capt., Bvt. Maj. U. S. A. '60-5, Col. U. S. V., Pa. '62 4. Herm. > (p. Detroit, Mich. * William Kenneth Logie. Son of Wm. M. D. Geneva. Union '57. I,aw. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., N. Y. '63-4. Herm. Born 1838, d. (killed in battle) Atlanta, Ga., July 20, '64. Archibald Kennedy M'Donald. Son of David. York. William R. Marke1. Waterloo. (Rev.) * William Henry Moffett. Cincinnati. Gen. Theol. Sem. '61. Ord. '61 ; R. and Miss., W. N.Y., N. J. and Del. U. S. Consul, Athens, Greece. Herm. A A P. B. Ireland, 1835, d. Claymont, Del., Dec. 13, '90. John Pine Morris. Son of Gerard W. Avezey York. Frederick Augustine Nims. Son of Dwight, M.D. Homer, Mich. Law. Banker. Prest. Flectric Light Co., and Bd. Educ., Muskegon, Mich. Lieut. U. S. V., N. Y. '61-4. A ſerm. X (p. Muskegon, Mich. Robert R. Peters. Fayette. * Horace Thomas Sylvanus Tupper. Mooresville. Union '57. Teacher. C. S. V. '61–2. B. July 6, 1829, d. Ga., '62. (Rev.) * Aaron Reed Van Antwerp. Olean. Ord. '57; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Conn. B. Schaghticoke, May 15, 1827, d. New Orleans, La., '66. George Luther Waters. Son of Wm. W. Cayuga. M. D. William S. Barker. Lyman Warren Bliss. Demonst. Anat. Phys. and Surg., Saginaw, Mich. Barnard M. Dewey. REv. JAMES RANKINE, S. T. D., L.L. D. 1857 HOBART COLLEGE. III Nelson Horning. Phys. and Surg., Albany, N. Y. Silas Bingham H. Nichols. Phys. and Surg., Catharine. HONORARY. (Rev.) * William Bliss Ashley. M.A. S.T. D. '59. Trinity, '34, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., Conn., W. N. Y., Wis. (R. St. Paul’s, Milwaukee, '60-76, Canon A11 SS. Cathed. '77-93). Stand. Com. W. N. Y. '55 60, and Wis. '64-6, Prest. Stand. Com. Mil. ’67-91, Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. Mil. Prof. Nashotah Theol. Sem. '63-70. B. Sandy Hill, July 12, 1811, d. Milwaukee, Wis., March 26, '93. Israel Chisholm. M.D. (Rev.) *James Craik. S.T.D. Transylv. Univ. Ky. S. T. D. St. Paul's Coll. Mo. '56, LL.D. Law. Ord. '39 ; R. Alexandria, Va., '40-4, Christ Ch., Louisville, Ky. 44-82. Prest. St. Com., Dep. Gen. Conv. Ky. ; Prest. House of Dep. Gen. Conv. '63- 71. Author in Theol. and Eccles. Hist. B. Alexandria, Va., 1806, d. I,ouisville, Ky., June 9, 82. (Rev.) *James Frederick Skinner Gordon. S.T. D. Glasgow, Scot. (Rt. Rev.) * Henry Champlin Lay. S.T.D. Univ. Va. '42, M. A. S.T.D. Wm. and Mar. '73, LL.D. Cambr. Eng. '67, Theol. Sem. Va. '46. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., Va and Ala.; R. Hunts- ville, Ala. '48–59 ; Miss. Bishop of Arkansas '59–68, Bishop of Easton '68-85. Author in Theol., Past. Work, Science. B. Richmond, Va., Dec. 6, 1823, d. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 17, '85. (Hon.) * Orlando Meads. LL.D. Union '26, M.A. Law, St. Com., Dep. Gen. Conv., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., etc. Dioc. Alb. D. Albany, Feb. 12, '84. (Rev.) * Albert Clarke Patterson. M.A. Harv. '30, M.A. Harv. Div. Sch. '33. Ord. '38 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. J., Mass. Scholar in Eccles. Archit. and Music. B. Boston, Mass., June 13, 1809, d. Buffalo, Oct. 21, ’74. (Rev.) * James Rankine. M. A. S.T.D. '63. Son of John. Canandaigua. Union '46, M.A., LL.D.’95, M. A. Trinity’49. Trustee '61–76, President '69-71. Tutor Trinity '48-51, Librarian '49-52, Adj. Prof. Math. '51-4. 1st Rector De Lancey Div. Sch. '61-96 Trustee Union Coll. '76-80. Ord. '50 ; R. Windsor, Conn. '50-4, Owego '54-61, St. Peter's, Geneva, ’61-96; Dean of Geneva Convoc. '80-95; Dep. Gen. Conv. and Fed. Council, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., Eccles. Court Dioc. W. N. Y. A P, P B K. B. Ayrshire, Scot., Nov. 5, 1827, d. Geneva, Dec. 16, '96. g (Rev.) * Adam Townley. S.T.D. R. Paris, Ont.: Canon of Dioc. Huron. Author. D. Paris, Ont., '91. II 2 HOBART COLLEGE. 1858 1858. Harvey Baldwin, Jun. M.A. '62. Son of Hon. Harvey. Syracuse. Law. Maj. U. S. V., N. Y. 262-3 ; Judge Advoc. and Ass’t Adj. Gen. '63. 1st Soph. Decl. ’56. White Rhet. '58. Herm. X (p. Bath, N. Y. * John Young Barclay, Jun. Son of John V. Greensburg, Pa. M.D. Phil. 9 A X. B. Nov. 1, 1836, d. Dodgeville, Iowa, Oct. 6, '90. Jules Frederic Billard. M.A. '61. Son of Jules L. Pulaski. Physician ; Surg. U. S. N. '63-5. Clerk P. O. Dep’t U. S. Phil. Laurel, Md. (Rev.) * George Leonard Chase. M.A. '61. S.T.D. '79. Son of Dr. Samuel. Lockport. Gen. Theol. Sem. '64. Ord. '64; R. and Miss., Minn. Warden and Prof. Homil. and Liturg. Seabury Div. Sch., Faribault, Minn. '74-83. Herm. A A P. B. Lockport, 183— d. there, Dec. 18, '83. Ralph Leland Goodrich. M.A. '67. Son of Silas. Ozvego. Law. Clerk U. S. Court, Ark. U. S. Commissioner. Lieut. C. S. A. Memb. Amer. Philol. Soc., Amer. Oriental Soc. Phil. (8) A X. Little Rock, Ark. * Charles Carroll Gray. M.A. '79. M.D. '61. Son of James. Chester. Ass’t Surg. U. S. A. '61, Surg. and Maj. '63, Lieut. Col. ’65. Herm. B. Chester, March 28, 1838, d. Geneva, Nov. 22, '84. * Cyrus King Hale. M. A. '6I. Bro. of Benj. Jun., '48. Geneva. LL.B. Law. Sec. Mass. Gen. Hosp. Life Ins. Co. SALUT. Herm. X. P. B. Geneva, March 17, 1838, d. Boston, Mass., June 5, '74. Henry Ebenezer Handerson. M. A. '66. Son of Lewis, Beersheba Sp., Tenn. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. '67. Prof. Hygiene, State Univ. O.; Prest. Cuyahoga Co. Med. Soc. '94–5; Treas. Cleveland Med. Libr.; Med. Soc. Sciences, Cleveland. Capt. and Adj. Gen. C. S. A. PHILos. 1st Greek '57. Herm. @ A X. Cleveland, O. * William Cornelius Lane. Carlisle, Pa. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '61. Phil. B. Windsor, Vt., July 17, 1838, d. Bloomingdale, Dec. 8, '60. Andrew Zimmerman M’Carty, Jun. Son of Andrew Z. Pulaska. Law. Herm. Oswego, N. Y. * John Nicholson. M.A. '6I. Son of J. E. Erie, Pa. M.D. West. Reserve Med. Coll. '60, and Jefferson Med. Coll. ’61. Asst. Surg. U. S. V., Pa. '61-2. Phil. X P. B. Erie, Pa., 1831, d. in U. S. Service, Aug. 2, '62. (Rev.) George Herbert Patterson. M.A. '61. Son of Rev. Albert C., Hon. '57. Skanea teles. , LL.B. Harv. '63. Alumn Orat. '74, Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’82. Teacher; Prest. De Veaux Coll. ’70-80. Ord. '70; R., R. I. '81--. Princ. Berkeley Sch. Corr. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '83-H. VALED. 2d Greek '57. Phil. A A p, p B K. S. Portsmouth, R. I. 1858 HOBART COLLEGE. II.3 John Henry Post. M.A. '61. Batavia. Law, 2d White Essay ’58. Herm. 55 Liberty St., New York. * Chester Roy. Torrey. Teacher. Phil. Q A X. B. Torrey, Sept. 22, 1837, d. there, Sept. 4, '59. (Rev.) John Armitage Staunton. M.A. '6I. Son of Rev. Wm., Hon. '56, Potsdam, Gen. Theol. Sem. '61. Ord. '61; R. and Miss., N.Y., Mich., C.N.Y., Mass. Benef. Libr. Phil. A A p. New York. * George M’Clure Tourtellot. Chicago. Teacher. Phil. B. Steuben Co., Dec. 22, 1832, d. Wyoming, Iowa, Aug. I6, '60. (Rev.) William Henry Van Antwerp. M.A. '61. A 12mond, S.T.D. Griswold '86. Gen. Theol. Sern. '61. Ord. '61; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Neb., Ind., N.J., Iowa, W. Mich. Phil. A A p. Holland, Mich. B.S. * Lewis Moss. AVezo Berlin, Merchant and Manufacturer. Herm. (9 A X. B. New Berlin, Aug. II, 1839, d. New York, March 31, '93. STUDENTS. Charles Cutler Carter. Son of Rev. Lucius. Cleveland, O. Herm. * John Sullivan Caverno. Son of Hon. Sullivan, Hon. '38. Lockport. A A p. B. Lockport, Aug. 31, 1838, d. in Coll. May 31, ’55. * Samuel Bradhurst Clark. Son of Wm. N. Geneva. Act. Master and Com. Clerk U. S. N. '61-4. X ºp. B. Geneva, March 3, 1838, d. Meran in the Tyrol, Austria, May 1, '82. * Samuel Campbell Foot. Son of Judge Samuel A., LL.D. Geneva. B. New York, June 15, 1836, d. Millburn, N. J., June 12, 1862. * John M'Kelvey Forshee. Son of Barnard. Monroe. M.D. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. '61-2. Herm. X ºp. B. New York, Nov. 20, 1836, d. Monroe, Oct. 25, '62. William Evans Grove. Seneca. Law. Justice, Grand Rapids, Mich., '60-4; Dist. Att’y, Kan., '68-72. Ahzł, A A p. Grand Rapids, Mich. * Hector M’Donald. Son of David. York. Law. Phil. X ºp. B. York, Aug. 12. 1835, d. 18–. * John Innes Randolph. Washington. Phil. 9 A X. D. '87. II.4. HOBART COLLEGE. I859 Edward Selover. A uburn. James Ray Tyler. Son of Lorenzo. Ashtabula, O. M. D. Jerome Angel1. Union Valley. Phys. and Surg., Union Valley, N. Y. Thomas Beach. Orton H. Hess. Horace P. Moody. Lyman Manson Nicholas. John Fiske Rogers. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Amos Billings Beach. S.T.D. Son of Rev. Stephen, Conn. Union '32, M.A., and Trinity '51. Gen. Theol. Sem. 36. Ord. '36; R. and Miss., Conn., N. ., W. N. Y., C. N. Y. Dep. Gen. Conv. W. N. Y. '59-62 ; Staud. Com. C. N.Y. 271-85. B. East Haddam, Conn., 1815, d. Ithaca, Jan. 15, '85. (Rev.) * Amos Brown. LL.D. Dart. '32, M.A. Min. Presb. Ch. Prest. People's Coll., Elmira, ’57-64. B. 1804, d. '74. (Rev.) * William Adriel Ely. M.A. Trinity '42, M.A. Law. Ord. '68; R. and Miss., C. N. Y. B. Brownville, May 20, 1821, d. Watertown, March 13, '77. (Rev.) *, William Horton. S.T.D. Harv. '24, M.A. Andov. Theol. Sem. '27. Ord. '27; R. and Miss., Me, N. H., Mass. Benef. Libr. B. Newburyport, Mass., March 14, 1804, d. there, Oct. 29, '63. Charles Laning. M. D. Joseph Roy. M.D. I859. (Rev.)* Jefferson Myers Fox. M.A. '62. Eddytozººn. Teacher. Herm. B. Dec. 5, 1831, d. Eddytown, Feb. 28, '71. Benjamin Franklin Lee. M.A. '62. Geneza. Law. Dist. Att’y Erie Co., O. SALUT. 2d White Essay '59. 2d White Rhet. '59. Phil. 0 A X. Kent, O. I859 HOBART COLLEGE. II.5 * George Frederick Lee. M.A. '65. Son of Charles A , M.D., Prof. '44. Peekskill. Law. Phil. A A P. B. 1834, d. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 9, '74. Edward Steele Pride. Son of Abner. Potsdam. Law. Phil. New York. * George Paul Pringle. Son of Hon. Benj. Batavia. Law. Herm. @ A X, B. Batavia, Dec. 13, 1837, d. Hastings, Minn., Feb. I, '74. - Charles Delamater Vail. M.A. '62. Son of Jacob A. New York. Tutor'69; Adj. Horace White Prof. Rhet. and Orat. and Eng. Lang. and Lit., '72-82, Horace White Professor, '82-88, Inst. Eloc. '88-i-, Libr. and Reg. '72-i-. Rec. Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’67, ’86+, Sec. '72, '75-85. Benef. Libr. PHILOS. Ist White Essay ’58, '59, 1st White Rhet.”59. Phil. A A p, p B K. Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. (Rev.) Henry Hobart Van Deusen, M.A. 62. Son of H. G. Salisbury, Conn., S.T.B. Nashotah Theol. Sem.”o. Alumni Poet '69. Ord. '70; R. and Miss., Wis., Mo., Ill., Kan. Herm. Alderley, Wis. * John Tyler Wheeler. M.A. '62. Geneva. Teacher, S. Paul’s Sch. Concord, N. H., '60-73. VALED. Hezm. A A p., p B K. B. Oct. 16, 1840, d. New York, Sept. 16, ’73. Philip Oliver Yawger. M.A. '63. Son of Henry. Union Springs. Law. SALUT. Aerm. @A X. 2 Linden St., Rochester, N. Y. B. S. Nathan Ripley Kelley. Son of John S. Fairport. Phil. Lenox, Mass. Francis John O'Brien. M.D. '63. M. A. '71. Geneva. Phys. and Surg. State Hospital, Willard, N. Y. STUDENTS. John Birt, Jun. Son of John. Utica. Herm. Phil. Adam Casler. Little Falls. * Henry Kip Clark. Son of Grosvenor. A/ezw York. M.D. Alb. '62. Surg. and Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. V., N. Y. 262-5. Prest. Florida Land Co. Author “Florida Year Book.” Phil. X ºp. B. Buffalo, Nov. 12, 1837, d. Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 4, '96. Horace Madison Darling. Lawrenceville, Pa. M.D. Univ. Mich. '58. LL.D. Univ. Pa., Physician ; Law. Surg. U. S. A. '61-5. U. S. Signal Service. Editor. Herm. > (p. Corning, N. Y. * Parsons Luke Darling. Bro. of H. M. above. Lazyrenceville, Pa. Teacher of Music; Stud. of Theol.; Broker. Capt. and Maj. C.S.V., Miss. ’61-5. Herm. Phil. X (p. B. Lawrenceville, Pa., June 5, 1839, d. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 24, '89, II6 HOBART COLLEGE. I859 Charles Austin Devendorf. Son of Dr. C. D. Amsterdam. Williams, '59. M. D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. '66. Prof. Obstet. Detroit Coll. Med. Phil. 508 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. * David Duncan Hillis, Jun. Son of David D. Syracuse. Lieut. U. S. V., N. Y. '62-4. Herm. X ºp. B. Camillus, 1839, d. New Berne, N. C., Sept. 24, '64. Horace Hills Morgan. San Francisco, Cal. Williams’59, M.A. LL.D. Univ. Wis. '84. Teacher; Author. Hist. SOC. Va. A A p. San Francisco, Cal. Luther Burr Pearsall. Son of Nichols. Micholls. Dart. '60. Farmer; Lumber Merch. Phil. A A P. Hooper's Valley, N. Y. Albert Russell. Auziszyılle, Ala. C. S. V., Ala. Ah il. X. p. Chihuahua, Mex. Jacob Bachman Shiley. Son of Jacob. Varick. Hugh Woodruff Taylor. Son of Walter T. Geneva. Sec. State Insane Asylum, Cal.”2+. Phil. A A p- Stockton, Cal. John Knill Warnick. Son of Geo. W. Amsterdam. Manuf, and Banker. Phil. A A p. Amsterdam, N. Y. M. D. Henry Harper Green. Paine's Hollow. Phys. and Surg. there. Lyman Hughey. Myron Northrup. Horatio D. Seaman. Reading. Phys. and Surg., Beaver Dams. William T. Taplin. HONORARY, *Joseph Beattie. M.D. Prof. Obstet. and Med. Jurisp. '59-62. Phys. and Surg., Geneva, N. Y., Richmond, Va. D. in New Jersey. John Chubbuck. (Rev.) + Abner Jackson. S.T.D. Trinity º M.A., S.T.D. '58. LL.D. Columb. '66. Trustee '58-67, Prest. and Prof. Evid. Chr. '58-67. Tutor, Trinity '37-8, Libr. '37-40, Prof. Anc. Lang. , '38-40, Ethics and Metaph., '40-58, '67-74. Instr. Chem. '39-52, Prest. '67-74. Ord. '38. B. Washington Co., Pa., Nov. 4, 1811, d. Hart- ford, Conn., April 19, '75. * Nelson Nivison. M.D. Prof. Physiol. and Patho'. '62-72. : r ; I86O HOBART COLLEGE. II7 (Rev.) * William Payne. S.T.D. Trinity '34, M.A. Adj. Prof. Anc. Lang. Trinity '47-8. Gen. Theol. Sem. '38. Ord. '38; R. and Miss., Conn, and Alb.; St. George's, Schenec- tady, '52-89. Prest. Stand. Com. Dioc. Alb. '73-90, Dep. Gen. Conv. '71- 89. Aï. Alb. '77-80. B. 1816, d. Schenectady, March 19, '91. * Michael M’Namara Walsh. M.A. (Rt.Rev.) * William Scott Wilson. S.T.D. King's Coll. Aberdeen, Scot., M.A. '27. Ord. '27 ; Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway'59-88. (Bp. De Lancey of W. N. Y. assisted in his consec.) B. (in same Dioc.), Scot., 1807, d. Glasgow, March 17, '88. I86O. (Rev.) Octavius Applegate. M.A. '63. S.T.D. '83. Son of Rev. Thomas. Hamilton. Gen. Theol. Sem. '64. Ord. '64; R. St. George's, Newburgh, '70+. Ist White Essay '60. Phil. Newburgh, N. Y. Bronson Babcock. M.A. '79. Son of Hon. Leander. Oszwego. Law. Herm. Oswego, N. Y. Charles Partridge Boswell. M. A. '63. Son of Charles T. Potsdam. Manuf. Adj. U. S. V., N. Y. '62, Capt. '64. Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’85. Hermº., A'hzl. 2 p. Rochester, N. Y. George Augustine Boswell. M.A. '63. Brother of C. P. above. Potsdam. Merchant and Accountant. White Rhet. '60. Herm. X (p. Avondale, Cincinnati, O. Samuel Douglas Cornell. M.A. '63. Son of Sam. G. Buffalo. Prest. Assoc. Alumni '97. Manuf. Buffalo. Hist. Soc., I,ibr. Assoc., Scient. Soc. Herm. @ A X. Buffalo, N. Y. (Rev.) John Easter. M.A. '63. Geneva. PH.D. Univ. Syrac. '81. Teacher ; Princ. Union Sem., Rogers- ville, '60-2; E. Genesee Conf. Fem. Sem, '67-70; Assoc. Prest. Fem. Coll. Bordentown, N. J. '70-2. Min. Meth. Ch. '62+. Author. (Educ. and Relig. Lit.) Phil, Clifton Springs, N. Y. * Edward Louis Fitzhugh. Son of Bennett C. Milzwazukee, Wis. Law. Merchant, Cashier U. S. Mil. R. R. '64. Herm. X P. B. Sodus Point, March Io, 1838, d. Phila- delphia, March 18, '79. Josiah Little Hale. M.A. '63. Son of Rev. Benj., Prest. '36; bro. of Benj. '48, Thos. ’53, C. K. '58. Geneva. M.D. Harv. '68. Phys. and Surg., Boston. Mass. Med. Soc.; N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '75; Mass. Soc. Sons of Rev. and Colon. Wars. Benef. Libr. SALUT. Phil. A A p, p B K. Brookline, Mass. George Albert Hayunga. M.A. '65. Son of Rev. Hermanus. Morrisburg, Ont. M.D. Univ, N. Y. '63. Phys. and Surg. Ass’t Surg. U. S. N. '63-5. N.Y.R.R. Com'r '84. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc.; Assoc. N. Y. Metrop. Museum of Art Phil. 70 W. 97th St., New York. II8 HOBART COLLEGE. I86O * Hosea Foster Latham. Son of Edward S. Seneca Falls. Herm. B. Seneca Falls, June 1, 1838, d. there, July 30, '82. John M’Donald. M.A. '63. Son of Dennis. Lyons. Trustee '81-'97 ; Sec. Assoc. Alumini ’62. Law. U. S. Dist. Att’y. N. C. '66. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '92. v.A.L.E.D. 2d White Essay '60. Phil. X P, & B K. 325 W. 75th St., New York. * William Gourlay Millar. M.A. '63. Son of Alex. Lezwiston. M.D. Alb. Med. Coll. ’62. Phil. A A p. B. Lew- iston, July 26th, 1836, d. S. Francisco, Cal., April 22, '68, Thomas James Rundel. Son of Geo. L. Greenzwille. Law, Phil. Q A X. 168 E. 71st St., New York. * John Lakin Swift. M.A. '63. Son of John H., Trustee '56. Nezy York. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. '62. Prof. Micros. Bot. Cornell '74. 1st Greek '59. Herm. X $. B. New York, Jan. 30th, 1839, d. Syracuse, April 14, '74. * Francis Fatzinger Warner. M.A. '63. Son of Sydney. Waterloo. Law. Herm. X ºp. B. April 5, 1840, d. New York, Jan. 7, '97. (Hon.) George Whitney, Jun. M.A. '63. Son of Geo. Bºzeghamton, I.aw. Alderman and Bd. Educ. Phil. A. A $. Binghamton, N. Y. (Rt.Rev.) George Worthington. M A. '63. S.T.D.'76. LL.D.’85. Owego. S.T. D. Racine. Gen. Theol. Sem. '63. Ord. '63; R. and Miss., N.Y. and Mich. '64-85, Prest. Stand. Com., Exam. Chapl., Dep. Gen. Conv., etc., Dioc. Mich.; Bishop of Nebraska '85+. Herzz. Omaha, Neb. B. S. * Mahlon Bainbridge. Son of Cyrus. Romulus. Phil. B. 1836, d. Greeley, Colo., June 30, '76. * George David Earll. Son of E. B. Watertown. Law. X. P. B. Syracuse, April 20, 1840, d. Kin derhook, June 21, '93. STUDENTS. Asahel Merrell Abbey. Oakfield. (Rev.) John Alabaster, Jun. Son of John. Geneva. Univ. Syrac. '60, M.A., S.T.D. '81. Min. Meth, Ch., N. Y., Mich., Ind., Ill. Chicago, Ill. Alfred Billings Beach. Son of Rev. Dr. Amos, Hon. '58. Binghamton. Spec, Ag't. Am. Expº Co. for N. Y. Ahzil, Binghamton, N. Y. Andrew Jackson Bear. Waterloo. Phº?. David Brooks. Son of Samuel. Rochester. Merchant, N. Y. Heron. © A X. Dwight, Kan. I86O HOBART COLLEGE. II 9 * Daniel Henry Caverno. Son of Hon. Sullivan, Hon. 38; bro. of John S., Stud. '58. Lockport. Dart. '60. LL.B. Alb. Law Sch. '62. Law. Herm. A A P. B. Lockport, March 26, 1840, d. Cairo, Ill., March 18, '67. (Hon.) Charles Lewis Dering. Son of Charles. , New Diggings, Wis. Law. Lieut. U. S. V., Wis. ’61-5. State Senator Wis. '79-80. Phil. Portage, Wis. Charles Hurd Henry. Son of Rev. C. S., '38. Geneva. Phil. Augustus Caesar Huff. Waterloo. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Watkins. Sch. Com’r '79-81. Herm. A A p. * Watkins, N. Y. William Barron Mann. Son of Joseph. Kendall. Phil. Andrew Thurston Pearsall. Son of Thomas. Geneva. Phil. Josiah Collins Pumpelly. Son of Geo. Ozuego. Herm. Union League Club, New York. Charles Theodore Smith. Milo. M. D Andrew Philip Carr. Carbon dale. E. D. Hilliard. Camillus. Darwin Potter. Hallszyzlle. Vaughan C. Potter. Hallsville. Phys. and Surg., Starkville. Albert L. Whedon. Camillus. * William Wirt Wheeler. Farmer. ºys. and Surg. there. B. Farmer, July 25, 1836, d. there, Dec. 20, '88. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Charles Henry Hall. S.T.D. Yale '42, LL.D. '92 ; M.A. Trinity '47, D. C. L. '91 ; S.T.D. Columb, '61. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '46. Ord. '45; R., L. I., S.C., Md.(Washington, D. C. '37-60, Brooklyn '60-95); Chapl. U. S. M. A. '47-8 ; Prest. Stand. Com.,. Dep. Gen. Conv., Chancell. Cathed. Dioc. L. I. Park Com’r and Civil Service Com'r of Brooklyn. Author (Devot. and Past.Theol.) B. Georgia, 1820, d. Brooklyn, Sept. 12, '95. Harlin Landers. M.D. I2O HOBART COLLEGE. I86 I (Rev.) * Robert M’Murdy. S.T.D. Son of Jona. Jeff (now Wash. and Jeff.) Pa. '37, M.A., LL.D. '60, also N. W. Univ.; D.C.L. Univ. Soares, Brazil. Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 37-9. Princ. Acad. Ky.; Prest. Shelby Coll. Ky.’59-61. Ord. '48; R. and Miss., Ky., Md., Va., Mich., N.Y. Editor. B. Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1819, d. Hot Springs, Ark., March '92. * Philo Mark Patterson. M.A. Teacher, Geneva, N. Y., Detroit, Mich. A A p. B. Greene, N. Y., April 28, 1833, d. Detroit, Mich., July 20, '82. (Rev.) George Washington Porter. S.T.D. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., Mass., L.I., Vt., C. N. Y. Prest. Lexington Hist. SOC. Lexington, Mass. John Henry Treulib. M. D. (Rev.) * Antoine Verren. S.T.D. M. A. Columb. 29. Prof. French Lang. and Lit. Columb. '28-39. Ord. '28 ; R. French Ch. du S. Esprit., New York, '28-74. B. Marseilles, France, 1803, d. New York, March 17, '74. I86.I. Frederick Griswold Barnard. M.A. '65. Son of E. Henry. Pittsford. Farmer ; Teacher ; SALUT. Phil. X ºp, q} B K. Pittsford, N. Y. * Martin Cooper. M.A. '77. Son of Alex. Theresa. P. M. Forest City, Iowa. Phil. B. Sept. 19, 1837, d. Des Moines, Iowa, June 25, '93. Byron Kilbourn Cowles. M.A. '65. Milwaukee, Wis. (From Yale.) Law. Lieut., Capt., Act. Ass’t Adj. Gen. U. S. V., Iowa '61-4. Author of “Alaska.” X p. San Francisco, Cal. (Rev.) Robert Murray Duff. M. A. '65. S.T.D. '87. Constable ville. Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni '84-5. Gen. Theol. Sem. '64. Ord. '64; R. and Miss., C. N. Y., Conn., Mont Dean of Convoc. v.ALED. Lat. '59, Greek '60. Herm. A A p. p B K. Waterloo, N. Y. * Thomas Jefferson Ennis. Son of Robert. Lyons. Adj., Maj. and Judge-Advoc. U. S. V., Iowa 62-3. †: B. Lyons, May 21, 1841, d. (from wounds at Siege of Atlanta) July 28, 64. * Mahlon Bainbridge Folwell. M.A. '65. Son of Thos. J. Romulus. M. D. Univ. Buff. '67. Phys. Buffalo Gen. Hosp. and Orphan Asylum ; Prof. Clinic Dis. Child. Univ. Buff. Capt. U. S. V., N. Y. '62-5. Memb. Loyal Legion. Phil. A A P, P B K. B. Romu- lus, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1838, d. Buffalo, Dec. Io, '95. * Alfred Barton Hough. M.A. '65. Son of Henry J. Forestport. Law. Teacher. Capt. U. S. V. '61-5. Herm. A A P. B. Dec. 28, 1837, d. Breckenridge, Cal., March 22, '93. John William Jones. Elittle Falls. Teacher. Contractor. Phil. Janesville, Wis. I86 I HOBART COLLEGE. I 2 I James Douglas Langworthy. Son of James L. Dubuque, Zozºa. Law. SALUT. Herm. , 6) A X. Dubuque, Iowa. (Hon.) * Truman Adams Merriman. M.A. '65. Son of C. H. Auburn. Law. Journalist; Editor. Capt., Majº, Lt.Col. Com. U. S. v., N. Y. 62-5. Cong. U. S. 85-9. White Rhet. '61. Herm. X ºp. B. Auburn, Sept. 5, 1839, d. New York, April 16, '92. (Rev.) * John Henry Hobart Millett. M.A. '65. Son of Rev. Stephen C. Philadelphia. Gen. Theol. Sem, '64. Ord. '64; , R. and Miss., Pa. Phil. B. April 19, 1838, d. Port Royal, S. C., Dec. 5, 72. (Rev.) Charles Talcott Ogden. M.A. '65. Son of Isaac B. Owego. Gen. Theol. Sem. '66. Ord. '66; R. and Miss., O., Me., Vt., C. N. Y. Canon of Cathedral, Portland, Me., '90-i-. Maine Geneal. Soc. Phil. A A p. Woodford’s, Me. * Napoleon Palmer. Son of Hosea. New Hartford. M.D. elsewhere. PHILos. 1st White Essay '61. Phil. B. July 15, 1837, d. Brooklyn, June 27, '75. (Rev.) George Gustavus Perrine. M.A. '65. Son of W. D. Zyons, Gen. Theol. Sem. '65. Ord. '65; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y., C. N. Y. Herm. Phil. O A X. Guilford, N. Y. (Rev.) Edward Bigelow Spalding. M.A. '65. L.H.D. '87. Bro. of H. W. and E. W., '55, and C N. '57. Racine, Wis, Teacher. Head Master Gram. Sch. Rac. Coll. ’61-75; Prof. Hist. Rac. '73-6; R. and Princ. Trinity Sch., S. Francisco, Cal. ’77-1-. Ord. '70; R. and Miss., Wis., Cal.; Stand. Com. '84--, Exam. Chapl. '83+, Dep. Gen. Conv. '83-H, Dioc. Ca1. Phil. San Francisco, Cal. (Rev.) Warren Watson Walsh. M.A. '65. Son of Michael. AViagara Falls. Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’94. Gen. Theol. Sem. '64. Ord. '64; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., O., Mich. Editor; Author. Herm. S p, q, B K. East Aurora, N. Y. Henry Arthur Whallon. M. A. '79. Son of James S. Whallonsburg. Clerk U. S. Treas. '62+. Herm. X (p. Washington, D. C. Charles Morrison Wiley. Son of Rev. Charles. Geneva. (From Univ. N. Y.) Law. U. S. Sub- Treas., N. Y. '82-i-. Herm. X (p. New York. * George Ludlow Yost. Waterloo. M. D. Columb. '66. Herm. O A X. B. 1840, d. Richmond, Mich., Nov. 19, '77. B. S. John Navarre Macomb, Jun. Son of John N., U. S. A. Washington, D. C. Law. Farmer. Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem, Dep. Gen Conv. and Fed. Council, Trustee De Veaux Coll., Dioc. W. N. Y. '73-93. Lawrence, Kan. Charles Jefferson Wright. M.A. '66. Son of I.M., Fort Edward. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Peekskill; Prest. N.Y. Milit. Acad. Cornwall. Bwt. Col. U. S. V. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Revol. ’93. Soc. Army of Potomac. Herm. Cornwall, N. Y. I 22 HOBART COLLEGE. º I86 I STUDENTS. (Rev.) * Charles De Lancey Allen. Son of Martin. Geneva. Ord. '65; R, and Miss., Pa., Del., W. N. Y., C. N.Y., Mich. Phil. B. 1842, d, Mexico, Mo. (?), Nov. 2, '81. Walter Perry Billings. Son of Dr. James. Batavia. Herm. James Edgar Durham. Waterloo. Lyman Pruden French. Son of G. W. Geneva. Lieut. U. S. N. * Edmund Wellington Hodgkinson. Smithtown. Law Dist. Att'y, Ore. '64-6. Herm. A A p. D. New York, Jan. 9, '75. Stuart Hubbard. Son of Orlando. Waterloo. (Rev.) * Mortimer Andrew Hyde. A wburn. Union '62, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '68; R. and Miss., N. Y., Mich., Ill., Mo., Pa., Conn., N. J. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Pa. Greek '61, Herm. Phil. B. May 8, 1842, d. Allentown, N. J., Oct. 2, '82. * Malcolm Neil M’Laren. Son of Rev. D. C. Geneva. X. p. B. Geneva, July 8, 1838, d. (in Coll.) there, April 5, '61, George Gary Markham. Fulton. Truman Washington Miller. Waterloo. M.D. Phys. and Surg. Herm. O A X. Io'71 W. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. William De Wolfe Pringle. tº Bro. of H. H., '53, and Geo. P., '59. Batavia. Herm. O A X. Hastings, Minn. Willard Bradley Rising. Son of Apollos. Ovid. Hamilton '64. M. E. Univ. Mich. '67. Ph. D. Heidelberg '71. Prof. Che:::, Univ. Cal. ’72+. State Analyst. Cal. 1885. Memb. Chem. Soc., Berlin. Phil. Berkeley, Cal. * Ernest Heber Smith. Son of Rev. O. H., '26. Pazvling. M.D. Columb. '61. Phys.; Asst. Surg. U. S. N. '61-5, Surg. U. S. A. 65-76, Surg. Seaman's Retreat, N. Y. '76. Author of “Hygiene of the Forecastle,” etc. Herm. X ºp. B. Rensse- laerville, Jan. Io, 1840, d. Brooklyn, March, '88. Edward Henry Taylor. Son of Walter T., Hon. '36. Geneva. Phil. (Hon.) George Clinton Teall. Bro. of Nathan, '57. Law. Co. Judge, Wis.; City Council ; Chairm. Bá. Supervisors. Phil. Eau Claire, Wis. (Rev.) William Copley Winslow. M.A. '65. Son of Rev. Hubbard. Geneva. Hamilton '62, M.A. '65, Ph.D. '86. LL.D. S. Andr. Scot. '86. S.T.D. Griswold '87 and Amherst '87. L.H.D. Columb. '87. D.C.L., Kings, N. S. '88. Sc.D. S. John's '89. Gen. Theol. Sem. '65. Ord. '65; R. and Chapl., Mass. Archaeologist; V. Prest. and Hon. Sec. Egypt Explor. Fund; Hon. Memb. Royal Archaeol. Inst. G. Brit., Brit. Archaeol. Assoc., Soc. Science and Art, Victoria Inst., Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal, Nova Scotia Hist. Soc., Quebec Hist. Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., etc. Phil. Boston, Mass. I862 HOBART COLLEGE. I23 M. D. Eli Allison. Bath. Phys, and Surg., Wayne, N. Y. Charles Gillet Anderson. East Granger. Zachariah P. Dennler. Lyons. Phys. and Surg., Long Island City, N. Y. Watson C. Hall. A zrāzwood. * D. Stewart Hopkins. Trumansburg. Surg. U. S. V. D. '64. James V. Lewis. Preston, Phys. and Surg., N, Norwich. B. A. Weeks. Stark z ille. William D. Wolverton. Stockton. Surg. U. S. A. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Henry Vibber Gardner. M.A. Trinity'43, M.A. Ord. '45; R. and Miss., Conn., W. N. Y., C. N. Y. Princ. Cary Coll. Sch,, Oakfield, '61-4, B. Harwinton, Conn., 1817, d. Brock- port, Nov. 7, '94. John Hall Knapp. M.D. (Rev.) * William Sydney Walker. S.T.D. Ord. '41 ; R. and Miss., W.N.Y. (Ithaca) '43-67. B. Md., 1797, d. Burlington, N. J., Oct. 25, '82. I862. Mortimer Clark Addoms. M.A. '65. Son of Otis A., M.D. Bethany, Pa. Law. scienT. Herm. @ A X. II & 13 William St., New York. * Alexander Johnson Beach. Son of A. S. Ballston Spa. Law. Capt. U. S. V. Phil. B. Dec. 1, 1837, d. Chesapeake Hosp., Va., Aug. Io, '64. * William Orton Carson. Son of Robert. Geneva. Stud. Med. Phil. A A P. B. Seneca, Dec. 30, 1838, d. Canandaigua, Aug. I I, '62. I24 HOBART COLLEGE. I862 (Rev.) Francis Solomon Dunham. M.A. '65. Son of Solomon. Lockport. (From Kenyon.) Ph. D. Heidelberg. Gen. Theol. Sem. '65. Ord. '65; R. and Miss., Ind., W. N. Y. Trustee De Veaux Coll. '89-93. Dep. Fed. Council N. Y., '90-i-. Phil. A A p. Albion, N. Y. (Hon.) Henry Richard Gibson. M.A. '65. LL.D. '92. Son of Wollman, Bladensburg, Md. Alumni Orat. '82. Prest. Assoc. Alumni '86. I.aw. State Senate Tenn. '70-2 ; Const. Conv. '70; Legis. Tenn. '74-6; Chancellor ’86-94 ; Cong. U. S. '95+. Author (Law). sALUT. 2d White Essay '61. Herm. @ A X, p B K. Knoxville, Tenn. * George Rex Graves. Son of Joshua B. Corning. Law. Herm. Phil. Q A X. B. Vt., Jan. II, 1838, d. St. Paul, Minn., April 24, '73. * Edward Storey Lawson. M.A. '65. Son of Edward. Albany. Law. 2d White Essay ’62. Herm. B. April 21, 1842, d. Albany, Nov. 1, ’83. * Edward Macomb. M.A. '65. Son of Edward, U.S.A. Geneva. M.D. Columb. '66. Ass’t Surg. U.S.A. Aerm. A A p. B. Aug. 1, 1843, d. Ft. Duncan, Tex., Jan. I4, '73. Thomas Ten Broeck Myer. Son of Robert L. Troy. (From Renss. Polyt. Inst.) (Rev.) * John Francis Potter. M.A. '65. Son of John. Vernon. Alumni Orat. '68. Gen. Theol. Sem. '65. Ord. '65; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Alb., N.Y., N. J. Herm. B. England, July 8, 1837, d. Pompton, N. J., April 1, ’93. Arthur Patrick Rose. M.A. '65. Son of Charles A. Geneva. Trustee '71 +. Sec. Trustees '77-85. Treas. Assoc. Alumni ’69-82. Law. Sec, Bá. Educ., Com'r Cem., Geneva, Benef. Libr. v ALED. 1st Lat, '60. Herm. X 9, 9 B K. Geneva, N. Y. Charles Brother Schuyler. M.A. '65. Son of Rev. Anthony, 35. Oszyego. M. D. Univ, Buffalo '67. Music. Berm. A A p. 23 Park St., Newark, N. J. * Samuel Watkins Tuttle. M.A. '65. Son of Daniel. Watkins. Alumni Poet'68. Law. Phil. B. Jan. 18, 1839. d. Jersey Heights, N. J., Feb. 20, '76. (Hon.) Benjamin Weston Woodward. M.A. '65. Son of John. Hector. LL. B. Alb. '65. Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’79. Law. Co. Judge, ’67-71. 1st Cobb Hºssay ’62. Phil. A A P, P B K. 229 Garfield P1, Brooklyn, N. Y. * William Woodworth. Son of Augustus. Lodi. Law. PHILCs. Phil. A A P. B. Jan. 26, 1841, d. Lodi, Jan. 24, '69. B. S. George Gallagher Hopkins. M.A. '81. Son of Prof. Wm. R., Hon. '40. Annapolis, Md. M. D. Univ. Pa. '68. Phys. and Surg ; Reg., Couns., Consult. Surg. L. I. Col. Hosp., Surg. St. John's Hosp., Lieut., Capt., Bvt. Maj. U. S. V. '61-5. Acad. Med., N. Y. Med. Soc., Prest, King's Co. Med. Soc.; L. I. Hist. Soc.; Milit. Ord. Loyal Legion. 350 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. I862 HOBART COLLEGE. I 25 STUDENTS. * Charles Cooper Bradford. Geneva. Teacher; Clerk. Cash. U. S. Milit. R. R. '64-5. 2. P. B. Geneva, March 29, 1840, d. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 22, '65, * Amos Brunson. Son of Flavius G. East Bloomfield. U. S. V. Phil. B. Dec. 2, 1839, d. in U. S. Serv. 186—. * Allan Cleveland. Son of E. Lodi. Stud. Genesee Coll. '62, Phil. B. April 29, 1837, d. '59. John Palmer Ellis. Son of Daniel. Geneva. LL.B. Yale '63. Law. A A P. St. Louis, Mo. Asa Gray Folwell. Son of N. W. Romulus. Farmer. Off. U. S. V., N. Y. '61. Phil. A A p. Farmer, N. Y., Porteus C. Gilbert. Son of E. E. Bonesdale, Pa. M. D. Capt. U. S. V., N. Y. '61. Herm. (8) A X. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Cornelius Abraham Groot. Son of Abraham C. Auburn. Union '62, M.A., M.D. Ass’t Surg. U. S. A. '64. Herm. Cato, N. Y. Henry Allen Howland. Son of Allen. Ottawa, Ill, Lyman Eastman Jacobus. Son of Isaac. Romulus. Teacher, Princ. Acad. Phil. Pittsford, Mass. * John Adams Johnson. Son of A. B. Utica. Merchant; N.Y. Stock Exch. Herm. O A X. B. Utica, March 4, 1842, d. New York, 188—. Rudolph Alpheus King. Son of Z. M. P. Washington. Maj. C. S. A. Phil. 0 A X. Washington, D. C. Wilberforce Richmond M'Knew. Son of Wm. Bettsville, Md. M.D. Surg. C. S. V. '61. 0 A X. I401 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md. *James Stevenson M'Laren. Son of Rev. D. C. Geneva. Herm. Phil. 3. P. B. Caledonia, April 28, 1841, d. (in Coll.) Geneva, June 16, '61. Richard Thomas Mead. Son of Thos. W. Macedon. (Hon.) George Edward Pritchett. Son of Edward C. Geneva. Law. U. S. Dist. Att’y, Neb. Legis. Neb. Płerm. (3) A X. Omaha, Neb. Montgomery Schuyler. Son of Rev. Anthony, "35. Oszwego, Journalist (N. Y. Times). Author (“American Architecture,” 1892). Phil. X ºp 311 E. 86th St., New York. De Lancey Stow. Son of Wm. S. Clyde. Law ; Police Just, ; Post Master, Phil. Clyde, N. Y. I26 FIOBART COLLEGE. 1863 Albert Stephen Washburn. Son of Sexton. Hull, Ont. Herm. * Calvin Willers. Son of Rev. Diedrich. Fayette. Teacher. County Clerk Seneca Co. '68-71. Chief Clerk to Sec. of State ’74-5. B. Varick Dec. 9, 1840, d. there April 9, '75. Lawrence Young. Son of Thomas. Clyde. Phil. M. D. Taylor Gilmore. Ozuego. J. H. Gilmore. AVorth Hector. Benjamin Lansing. Charleston. E. S. Mumford. Avezey Woodstock. Phys, and Surg., Syracuse. William Voorhees. Harford. Ira Deven Warner. Cortland. HONORARY. (Rev.) Joshua Law Burrows. M.A. Ph. D. Syrac. '77. Ord. '56; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y. Ashtabula, O. (Rev.) * Daniel T. Grinnell. Union '41. Teacher. Ord. '46; R. Jackson, Mich. '47-68. Miss. Com. and Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. Mich. B, Columbia Co., N. Y., Jan. 1813, d. Jackson, Mich., June 2, '68. - (Hon.) * Thomas A. Johnson. LL.D. Law. Judge Sup. Court, N. Y. '49-72. Dep. Gen. Conv., Dioc. W. N. Y., '64-72, Dep. Fed. Council. ’68-72. B. 1802, d. Corning, Dec. 5, '72. Sylvester D. Willard. M. D . 1863. (Rev.) Henry John Whitehouse Allen. M.A. '8o. Son of Rev. Ethan, D.D. Guilford, Vt. Ord. '66; R. and Miss., Mass., Pa. PHILOS. Phil. A A p. Glen I, och, Pa. William Henry Harrison Anderson. M.A. '79. Son of Wm. Annapolis June., Md. Law. Ist Cobb Essay '63. Herm., Ph??. A A p. Baltimore, Md. 1863 HOBART COLLEGE. 127 William Jarvis Ashley. M.A. '66. Son of Rev. W. B., Hon. '57. Buffalo. Trustee '83+; Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’80-1, '88-9, Prest. '82, '89-90, '95. Banker; Prest. Merchant's Bank. Stand. Com. and Miss. Bd. Dioc. W. N.Y. '96. Herm. X p, p B K. Rochester, N. Y. (Rt.Rev.) Leigh Richmond Brewer. M.A. '66. S.T.D. '81. Son of Sheldon S. Canton. S.T.D. Racine '95. Gen. Theol. Sem. '66. Ord. '66; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y., Mont ; Missionary Bishop of Montana '80+. SALUT. Lat. '61, Greek '92, White Essay '63, 2d Cobb Essay '63. Phil. A A p. Helena, Mont, George Gordon Brooks. Son of Thomas B. Portland, Me. Manufacturer; Vice-Prest. Manuf. Co. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '95. scIENT. Phil. A A p, p B K. 264 Water St., New York. Edward Allis Conger. M. A. '66. Son of Dr. Genet. Genezia. Merchant. LIT. White Rhet. '62. Phil. A A p, p B K. Cleveland, O. (Rev.) Robert Evans Dennison. M.A. '66. Son of Hugh Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. '68. Ord. '67; R. and Miss., N. Y., Pa., N. J. Phil. Roxboro, Philadelphia, Pa. Lawrence Peterson Eddy. M.A. '66. Son of Hiram L. Geneva. LL.B. Univ. Mich. '66. Law. Phil. Grand Rapids, Mich. * David Saxton Hall, Jun. M. A. '66. Son of David S., Trustee '6t. Geneva, Journalist. Phil. B. Geneva, July 2, 1844, d. Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 20, '71. Harvey Nixon Loomis. M.A. '82. Syracuse. (From Burlington Coll.) Manufacturer. Herm., Phil. Chicago, Ill. William Henry Shepard. M.A. '80. Son of David. Geneseo. (B. A. conferred '79, to rank with his class.) Law. Mills Build. , New York. Sutherland Douglas Smith. M.A. '66. Son of Rt. Rev. B. B., Hon. '31. Louisville, Ky. Law. Phil. A A p. 21 Nassau St., New York. William Sutphen. M. A. '66. Son of David. Geneva. Law. VALED. Ist White Essay '62. Herm., Phil. 20 Nassau St., New York. * Cornelius Van Schaack. M.A. '66. Son of Henry C. . Manlius. Law. A hil. A A P. B. Manlius, Aug. 18, 1842, d. Willoughby, O., Jan. 23, '84, STUDENTS. John Lewis Amsden. Son of John. Guilford, Vt. (From Shelby Coll. Ky.) Lieut. C. S. A. '65. Phºl. (3) A X. Versailles, Ky. * William Henry Brundage. Son of William. Geneva. B. Aug. 18, 1840, d. 18–. I 28 HOBART COLLEGE. 1863 * Charles Edward Cockey. Son of Charles E. Broad Creek, Md. C. S. V. Md. '6I. Herm. O A. X. B. Aug. 13, 1839, d. 189-. * Charles Milford Graves. Bro. of Geo. R., '62. Corming. Herm. @ A X. B. June 9, 1841, d. Corning. Alexander Anderson Halsey. Son of Vincent M. Fayette. Farmer and Surveyor. Phil. Geneva, N. Y. * Thomas Tripolet Hunter. Son of T. T., Capt. U. S. A. Bladensburg, Md. C. S. N., Md. '6ſ. After- wards Nav. Off. Brazil. Herm. O A X. B. Feb. 28, 1841, d. Brazil. David Post Jackson. Son of Thomas, M. D. Binghamton. Phil. Binghamton, N. Y. Charles Day Sherman. Son of Ezra L. Chicago. Banker. Lieut. U. S. V., Ill., 262. Clerk, U. S. Milit. R. R. '64 5. Herm. X (p. Riverside, Ill. * Theodore Sill. Son of William E. Geneva, LL.B. Union '64. Law. Herm. X P. B. Geneva, March 2, 1842, d. there, Sept. 25, '91. Henry Lawrence Slosson. B.S. '86. Son of Barzillai. Aſezw York. Nurseryman. U. S. Engineers Ó A X. Geneva, N. Y. * Joseph Gardner Swift. Son of Lieut. J. W., U. S. N. Geneva. U. S. M. A. '66. Lieut. U. S. A. '66-71. Herm. X. P. B. Buffalo, Feb. 4, 1843, d. New York, March 2, '71. Edwin Ruthven Warriner. Son of R. L. Hamilton. (From Madison Univ.) * Robert E. Williams. Son of Robert M. Boonville, Mo. C. S. V. '61. Herm. O A X. B. Oct. 20, 1841, d. 18–. Daniel W. Burdick. Areble. Phys. and Surg., Preble, N. Y. William C. Gallagher. Cortland. Phys. and Surg., Slaterville, N. Y. G. Collins Gillette. Steuben. Samuel Hall. C. W. Larison. Lambertzwille. A. J. Litchfield. Prattsburgh. Henry Treulib. 1864 * HOBART COLLEGE. I 29 FHONORARY. (Rev.) * John Jacob Brandegee. S.T.D. Yale '43, S.T.D. Hamilton '63. Gen. Theol. Sem. '46. Ord. '46; R. and Miss., S. Thomas, W. I. '46-9, Litchfield, Conn., '49-54, Utica ’54-64. Gen. Bd. Miss. B. New London, Conn., July 15, 1824, d. Utica, April 6, '64. (Rev.) * James Roger Coe. M.A. Son of Rev. Daniel, Torrington, Conn. Farmer; Teacher. Ord. '54 ; R. and Miss., Conn., N.Y., W. N. Y. Head Master Cary Coll. Inst., Oak- ſºlº, '65-74. B. Torrington, Conn., March 30, 1818, d. Oakfield, March I6, '74. (Rev.) *James De Koven. S.T.D. Columb. '51. Gen. Theol. Sem. '54. Prof. Eccles. Hist. Nashotah '54. R. Warden, Trustee, Racine Coll. '59-79. Ord. 54; R. and Miss., Wis.; Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. Wis.; elected Bp. Ill. ’75. Author (Theol)? B. Middletown, Conn., Sept. 19, 1831, d. Racine, Wis., March 19, '79. * Ellicott Evans. LL.D. Son of Hon. David E., Batavia. Harv. '39, M.A. Prof. Polit. Econ. and Hist. Hamilton '60-82. B. Batavia, d. '91. (Rev.) Edmund Guilbert. M. A. S.T.D. Rutgers '81. Gen. Theol. Sem. '61. Ord. '61 ; R., N. Y. and Conn. Author. Southport, Conn. (Rev.) Henry Holmes Loring. M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem.'58. Prof. Heb., and Bibl. Interp. Theol. Sch. Kansas. Ord. '58; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Kan., Pitts., N. J. Author (Eccles. Hist. Theol.); Editor. New Rochelle, N. Y. I864. (Rev.) David Archibald Bonnar. M.A. '67. Son of Rev. James. Ashtabula, O. (From Kenyon Coll.) De Lancey Div. Sch. '68. Ord. '69; R. and Miss, W. N. Y., Ill., Md., Pa., O., Vt. 2d White Essay '64. Herm., Phil. Middlebury, Vt. John Webb Chester. M.A. '82. Son of John. Detroit, Mich. Spec. Agt. Mich. Life Ins. Co. N. Y. , Herm. > (p. Detroit, Mich. Fatio Colt. M.A. '79. Son of George. Shiazvassee, Tenn. Prof. Rhet. and Eloc. Burlington Coll., N. J. '65-8. Law. City Att'y. SCIENT. Herm. g Bay City, Mich. Charles Jacobus. M.A. '67. Son of Isaac ; bro. of Lyman E., stud. '62. Romulus. Teacher ; Princ. Acad. Naples '66-9, New Brighton, Pa., '69-74. , Matawan, N. J. '74-85; Supt. Schools, New Brunswick, N. J., '85-90 ; Princ. High Sch. Spring- field, Mass. ’90-4; Pres. State Teachers’ Assoc. N. J. '86, W. Mass. Acad. Assoc. '94, etc. v ALED. Lat. '62. Phil. A A. P, P B K. Springfield, Mass. I3O HOBART COLLEGE. 1864 (Rev.) Henry Roswell Lockwood. M.A. '67. S.T.D. '86. Son of Rev. Henry. Rochester. Tutor ’64-7. Trustee '76+, Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’86, Prest. '87. De Lancey Div. Sch. '67. Ord. '67 ; R. and Miss., N. Y. and C. N. Y. (St. Paul's, Syracuse, '73+); Chapl. N. G. N. Y. '77 ; Dep. Gen. Conv, Dioc. C. N. Y. 277-80, Stand. Com. ’85, Fed. Council, Trustee S. John’s, Keble, and S. And. Div. Sch. SALUT. Ph 21. A A p, q} B K. Syracuse, N. Y. Elihu Johnson Mumford. M.A. '67. Son of E. H. S. Tellico Plains, Tenn. Law. Ist White Essay '64. Phil. Madisonville, Tenn. (Rev.) Charles Metcalf Nickerson. M.A. '67. S.T.D. '91. Son of Rev. Major A. Albany. Gen. Theol. Sem. '68. Ord. '68; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Alb.; Exam. Chap1, Dioc. Alb. PHILos. 2d Cobb. Essay '64. p B K. Lansingburgh, N. Y. (Hon.) Ambrose Hall Purdy. M.A. '78. Son of Fay H. Palmyra. LL.B. Harv. '67. Law. Ass’t Dist. Att'y N. Y. Legis. N. Y. '77-8. White Rhet. '63, 1st Cobb Essay '64. Herm. X (p. 84 Elm St., New York. Reuben Edward Robie. M.A. '79. Son of Reuben. Bath. Law. Adj. and Judge Advoc. N. G. N. Y. Sec. N. Y. State Agric. Soc. White Rhet. '64. Herm. X (p. Bath, N. Y. Augustus Hamilton Viele. M.A. '82. Son of Augustus. West Troy. Pass. Agt. Duluth and Iron Range R. R. Ferm. (9 A X, Duluth, Minn. Frank Bradshaw Wilson. Son of H.M. Cooperstown. Manufacturer. Phil. 120 Centre St., New York. B. S. Joseph Erastus Juliand. Son of Joseph. Greene. Banker. Phil. Greene, N. Y. STUDENTS. Edward Everett Cook. Son of John P. Davenport, Iowa. * Frank Ralph Delano. Son of B. L., M.D. Lockport. Trinity '65, M.A. LL.B. Harv. '67. Law. Banker. Trustee De Veaux Coll. '84-5. Phil. A A p. B. Sept. 6, 1842, d. Niagara Falls, April 6, '92. Edmund Banks Graham. Son of Edmund A. Utica. Herm. Edward Oziel Graves. M.A. '84. Geneva. , Banker. Exam. Civ. Serv. U. S. '73-4, Ass’t Treas. U. S. '83-5, Chief. of Bureau Engr. and Print. '85-9. O A X. Seattle, Wash. * Algernon Vincent Halsey. Son of yºncent M. Fayette. Phil. B. Fayette, Sept. II, 1839, d. there Sept. 25, '62. George Clinton Haywood. Son of John. Rochester. I864 HOBART COLLEGE. I31 William De Lancey Ingersoll. Son of Rev. Dr. Edward, Hon. '50. Buffalo. Accountant. Herm. X (p. Buffalo, N. Y. (Rev.) Douglas Ottinger Kelley. Napoleon, O. Ord. '72 ; R. and Miss., Cal.; Supt. City Missions. Phil. San Francisco, Cal. * Thomas Folger Langdon. Son of Amon W. Geneva. Lieut. U. S. V., N. Y. '61-4. X. p. B. Geneva, Dec. 24, 1843, d. Asheville, N. C., Feb. 2, '88. Benjamin Franklin M’Reynolds. Son of Col. A. T. Grand Rapids, Mich. Merchant. Lieut. U. S. V., N. Y. '62-5. Herm. X ºp. Grand Rapids, Mich. William Morris Meredith Ogden. Son of Isaac. Waddington. Ahzil. (Rev.) James Dada Stebbins Pardee. Fulton. De Lancey Div. Sch. '66. Ord. '66; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y., Conn. Phºl. Saybrook, Conn. * Theodore Hawks Pinckney. Son of Isaac. Phelps. A A P. B. Phelps, Oct. 2, 1840, d. there, Aug. 25, '65. (Rev.) John Sanders Reed. S.T.D. '96. Son of Osmyn. Philadelphia. Ord. '64; R. and Miss., Pa., Ia., Ind., N.J., Cal., C. N. Y. Phil. Watertown, N. Y. * William Penn Smith. Son of Thomas. Phelps. U. S. A. Lieut, and Adj. U. S. V. '62-4. A A p. B. Phelps, Jan 14, 1844, d. in camp, Portsmouth, Va., April 19, '64. *Frederick Lyman Tremain. Son of Hon. I,yman. Albany. Lt. Col. and Asst. Adj. Gen. U. S.V., N. Y. '61-5. O A X. B. Albany, June 13, 1843, d. near Petersburg, Va., Feb. 6,’65 M. D. William Bradley. Phys. and Surg., Milwaukee, Wis. Jacob G. Chambers. Athaca. * William Fiero Edington. Geneva. D.D.S. Balt. Dent. Coll. '66. D. '83. Carlton R. Heaton. A'ezvaré Valley. Phys, and Surg., Manuf. Owego, N. Y. Andrew B. Larison. Alambertszille, Pa. L. B. Lester. Hanziba 2. Truman W. Miller. Washington, D. C. Prest. and Prof., Policlinic, Surg. Maurice Potter Mem, Chicago, Ill. Joseph Perkins. Geneva. I 32 HOBART COLLEGE. 1865 HONORARY. (Rev.) Theodore Babcock. S.T.D. Son of Rev. Deodatus, Hon. '50. Ballston Spa. Union '41, M.A., and Trinity '50. Ord. '45; R. and Miss., N. Y., W. N. Y., C. N. Y., Alb. R. and Head-Master S. John’s Sch. Manlius’75-81. Exam. Chapl. Dioc. C. N. Y. ‘SI+, Stand. Com. '88-H. p B K. Manlius, N. Y. James Dennison. M.A. (Rev.) * Marcellus Aurelius Herrick. S.T. D. Ord. '47; R. and Miss., N. H., Vt. Teacher. D. Tilton, N. H., Oct. 31, ’75. (Rev.) + David Keene. S.T.D. S.T.B. Nashotah '47, M. A. Racine '55. Ord. '47; R. St. John’s, Milwaukee, Wis. '48-85; Trustee Racine '59-77. B. Somerset, Eng., March 7, 1820, d. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 23, '93. (Rev.) * Solon Walter Manney. S.T.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. '37. Ord. '37; R. and Miss., N. Y., Ind., Wis., Minn.: Founder of Minn. Assoc. Miss. '58; Chap1. U. S. A. '51-8; Prof. Theol. Seabury Div. Sch., Faribault; Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc, Minn. B. New York (State), 1814, d. Faribault, Minn., Jan. 19, '69. George Cummins M. Whorter. M.A. Law; Journalist. Bd of Miss., Dep. Gen. Conv., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., etc., Dioc. C. N. Y. Oswego, N. Y. (Rev.) George Dana Boardman Miller. M.A. Union '59. Gen. Theol. Sem. '65. Ord. '65; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Alb., Idaho, Utah, Mo., China. Stand. Com., Exam. Chapl., Head Master S. Mark’s Sch., Salt Lake City, Utah, '75-88. Dioc, Miss. and Bp's Sec., MO. St. Louis, Mo. Nicholas Pike. M. D. (Rev.) * Alvi Tabor Twing. S.T.D. Stud. Univ. Vt. M.A., Union '38, and Univ. Vt. '52. Stud. Theol. Vt. Ord. '36; R. and Miss., Vt., Alb. (Lansingburgh '41-64); Assoc. Sec. and Sec. Dom, Com. Bd. Miss. ’64-82. B. Topsham, Vt., Feb. 9, 1811, d. New York, Nov. II, '82. 1865. Charles Clement Burns. Son of Charles. Troy. (From Troy Univ.) Law. Merchant. Herm. @A X. 298 South St., New York. (Rev.) William Catterson, Jun. M. A. '82. Son of William. Geneva. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '70, DeLancey Div. Sch. ’73. Ord. '73; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Catawba, N. Y. James Milnor Coit. M. A. '68. Plattsburgh. Ph.D. Dart. '81. Teacher of Nat. Science, St. Paul's Sch. Concord, N. H. '77+. Am. Assoc. Adv. Science; Am. Chem. Soc.; N. H. Soc. Sons of Rev. Phºz. A A p, q} B K. Concord, N. H. William Henry Crouchen. Son of Thomas. Geneva. Law. 1st valED. White Rhet. '65. Herm. IoI West 48th St., New York. 1865 HOBART COLLEGE. . I33 Henry Strong Davis. M. A. '68. Son of Henry L. Oszvego. LL.B. Columb. '68. Law. A 4 p. 702 St. Nicholas Ave., New York. “ Charles Vallette Kasson. M.A. '71. Son of Wm. M. Buffalo. Merchant. Sec. Crane Elev. Co. X. p. Chicago, Ill. (Rev.) Reynold Marvin Kirby. M.A. '79. S.T.D. '90. Son of Maj. Edmund, U. S. A. Brown ville. Gen. Theol. Sem. '69. Ord '69; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Utah, Alb Elected Miss. Bp. Utah '86. Prov. Dep. Gen. Conv., Archd. Ogdensburg, Dioc. Alb. Herm. X (p Potsdam, N. Y. (Rev.) * Russell Asa Olin. M.A. '68. S.T.D. '89. Son of A. W. Canton. (From Brown Univ.) Tutor and Adj. Prof. Lat. and Greek Lang. '67-8. Vice-Prest. and Prest. Assoc. Alumni '89-92, Orator ’90. Ord. '67; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y. 2d VALED. A. A p, p B K B. Canton, Jan. 22, 1839, d. Watertown, May 27, '93. George Burritt Pierce. Son of J. W. Geneva. Farmer. Phil. Geneva, N. Y. Perry Benjamin Pierce. M.A. '68. Son of Dennis D. Canton. LL.D. Columbian Univ. Law. Exam. U. S. Pat. Office. Am. Assoc. Adv. Science ; Am. Hist. Assoc.; Wash. Anthrop. Soc. 2d Cobb Essay ’65. Phil. Washington, D. C. (Rev.) Charles Spencer Richardson. M.A. '81. Son of Rev. J. B. Geneva. S.T.D. Hamilton ’93. Min. Presb. Ch. Teacher. Robert Coll., Turkey ’71-4. PHILOS. Herm. p B K William Wisner Taylor. M.A. '82. Son of Walter T., Hon. '36. Geneva. I,aw. SALUT. 2d White Essay '65. Ah 71. Grand Rapids, Mich. Charles Leonard Wells. M.A. '70, M.D. '69. Son of Russell. Pompey. Instr. Lat. and Greek, Burlington Coll. ’65-6. Phys. Willard Asylum, N. Y. '69-74; Prof. Diseas. Child. and Dermatol. Univ. Minn. '74+. Phil. A A p. *James Edward Wheeler. Geneva. Stud. Med. Herm. D. Weldon, N. C., March 4, '66. Minneapolis, Minn. STUDENTS. * Thomas Augustus Carson. Son of Robert. Geneva. M. D. Columb. '72. Phys. and Surg. B. Seneca, April 27, 1843, d. there, June 8, '80. John Catterson. Bro, of Wm. Jun., '65. Geneva. Manf. U. S. V.'62-5. Baltimore, Md. Alexander Viets Griswold Comstock. Son of Wm. C. Syracuse. Herm. Robert Morton Drinker. B.S. '84. Baltimore. Phil. Electrician. Lieut., Bvt. Maj. U. S. V. '64-6. A A p. Haverford, Pa. Theodore Ernst. Son of G. W. Cooperstown. John Thaddeus Gilbert. Nezy York. Herme. I 34 HOBART COLLEGE. 1865 (Rev.) Alfred Goldsborough. Son of Rev. R. L. Middletown, Del. (From Trinity.) Gen. Theol. Sem. '65. Ord. '65. ; R. and Miss., N. Y., N.J., Conn. Herm. X p. Monroe, Conn. Thomas Griswold. Son of R. W. Ashtabula, O. Merchant, Cal. Herm. William Henry Hollister. M.A. '82. Son of Frederick. Utzca. Banker. Her me, Q A X. Utica, N. Y. * Leman Hotchkiss. Son of Hiram G. Lyons. B. Lyons, Sept. 21, 1844, d. there, Oct. I4, '92. Patrick Joseph O'Flaherty. Genezia. Phil. John Gilbert Shirley. Son of John. Utica. U. S. V., N. Y., '62. Herm. Fillmore Morey Smith. Son of V. W. Syracuse. William US her. Son of Bloomferts. Potsdam. Banker. Clerk U. S. Customs ’67-8. X. p., Potsdam, N. Y. M. D. John H. Banker. Margaretzwille. Mahlon M. Brown. Pennsylvania. Phys, and Surg., Buffalo, N. Y. C. L. Humphrey. Durham. Phys. and Surg., Spring Valley, N. Y. Charles M. Lee. Ringoes. Phys. and Surg., Fulton, N. Y. Martha A. Rogers. Clarence. J. W. Smith. Charles L. Stiles. Gibson, Phys. and Surg., Owego, N. Y. L. D. Wiggins. Phys. and Surg., Wayland, Iowa. HONORARY. (Rev.) Albert Danker, Jun. M. A. Wesl. Univ. '63. Ph. D. Univ. N. Y. '73. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '64. Ord. '64; R. and Miss., N. Y., O., W. N. Y., C. N. Y., Mass. Teacher; Prof. Lat. and Eng. Lit., Boston Corr. Sch. A K E. Malden, Mass. (Rev.) Lorenzo David Ferguson. Min. Meth, Ch. Ord. '59; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Pa., W. Mich. (Dep. '77.) I866 FIOBART COLLEGE. I35 (Rt.Rev.)Thomas Alfred Starkey. S.T.D. Civil Eng. Ord. '47 ; R. and Miss., Pa., Alb., O., Md., N. J.; Bishop of \ Newark, N. J. '80+. East Orange, N. J. Samuel Hart Wright. M. D. I866. (Hon.) George Briggs. M.A. '69. Son of E. N. Brandon, Vt. Law. Banker. Legis, Vt. '80-I. LIT. Phil. A. A p. Brandon, Vt. * Henry Brush. M.A. '69. Son of Samuel. Canandaigua. Law. SALUT. Herm. B. Columbus, O., April 6, 1844, d. Canandaigua, July 17, '79. George Goodrich Carroll. M.A., '69. Son of Francis G. Geneva. M.D. Univ. Buffalo '70. Phys. and Surg. Manager State Indust. Sch. Phil. Rochester, N. Y. Thaddeus Miner Chapman. M.A. '82. Son of Geo. C. Brandon, Vt. (From Middlebury.) M.A. Middleb. '88. Lumber Merchant. U. S. V., Vt. '62. Gr. Com. Kts. Templ. Vt., '85. Ahi J. A. A p. Middlebury, Vt. (Rev.) Frank Clarence Coolbaugh. M.A. '79. Son of D. M. Minneapolis, Minn. S.T.B. Seab. Minn., '71. Ord. '70; R, and Miss... Minn., Ill., Mich., W, Mich., N. H., Ind. Phil. A A p. Logansport, Ind. Edward Donaldson Cowman. M.A. '69. Hyde Park. (From Burlington Coll.) Law. cI.Ass. Phil. 54 Wall St., New York. Charles Carroll Eastman. M.A. '69. M.D. '70. Son of Hiram N., M.D., Prof. '59. Geneva. Ass’t Phys. State Hospital. He?-???. Ph Z2. Binghamton, N. Y. Herbert Morton Eddy. M.A. '69. M. D. '68. Son of H. L., M.D. Geneva. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. '70. Phil. K A. Geneva, N. Y. (Rt.Rev.) Anson Rogers Graves. M.A. '79. LL.D. '90. Son of Daniel. Marengo, Ill. S.T.D. Racine '90. Gen. Theol. Sem. '70. Ord. '70; R. and Miss., N. Y., Neb., Minn., N. H., Vt.; Princ. Ury House Sch. Philad.; Missionary Bishop of the Platte '90+. 1st White Essay '65, Ist Cobb Essay '65, Phil. Kearney, Neb. (Rev.) * Henry Clay Hutchings. M.A. '78. Essex. Ord. '71 ; R. and Miss., N.Y., W. N. Y., Alb., Mont., Vt. Herm. B. Essex, April 14, 1845, d. Burlington, Vt., Jan. 8, '87. (Rev.) * Charles Smith Knapp. M.A. '69. Son of John G. Delhi. Gen. Theol. Sem. '69. Ord. '69; R. and Miss. N. Y. and Cent, Amer.; Chapl. Isth. Panama. B. Delhi, Sept. 3, 1843 d. East Fishkill, Sept. 9, '80. Richard Lionel Meek. M. A. '82. Son of Charles B. Canandar gua. Merchant. Phil. X. p. 287 Pearl St., New York. I36 HOBART COLLEGE. I866 (Rev.) Herbert Clarkson Miller. M. A. '69. Geneva. Ord. '71 ; R. and Miss., N. Y., Me., Alb. (Dep. '78.) AESTHET. Herm. * William Macorne Rankine. Son of John. Canandaigua. Law. Phil. B. Canandaigua, Dec. 20, 1845, d. there Sept. 8, '72. James Addison Rice. M.A. '79. Geneza. Law. PHILos. Latin '64, 1st White Essay '66, Ist Cobb Essay '66, White Rhet. 66. Phil. Elkhart, Ind. * Frederick Cooper Rogers. Son of Rev. Ferdinand, D.D., Hon. '50. Greene. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '72. v ALED. Phil. B. Greene, Sept. 8, 1842, d. Utica, June 21, ’72. Anthony James Blanchard Ross. M.A. '82. Son of Henry H. Essex. Law. scIENT. Phil. A A p. Essex, N. Y. (Rev.) * George Herbert Watson. M.A. '71. S.T.D. '92. Son of Rev. Wm., D.D. Avez, Pork. Gen. Theol. Sem. '69. Ord. '69; R. and Miss., N.Y., N.J., Wash. Prest. Stand. Com., Dep. Gen. Conv., Dean of Olympia. B. Plymouth Hill (Thomaston), Conn., 1847, d. Seattle, Wash., June 13, '96. B. S. Philip Norborne Nicholas. M.A. '85. Son of John. Geneva. Trustee'84+, Sec. Trustees’85+, Treas. 9o 5; Record. Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’72-4. Law. Supervisor; Trustee of Village. > p. Geneva, N. Y. STUDENTS. William Henry Abercrombie. Son of Rev. R. M. Philadelphia. M. D. Phys. and Surg. Herm. X (p. Jersey City, N. J. John Melanchthon Bradford, Jun. Son of John M. (Union '42.) Geneva. Clerk U. S. Customs '65-90. X (b. Chicago, Ill. Robert James Campbell. Bath. U. S. Sub-Treas. N. Y. '89-92. X (p. New York. * Henry Smith Craven. B.S. '78. Son of Admiral T. T. Geneva. Civil Eng. Com. U. S. N. '79-89. Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng. '84. X. P. B. Bound Brook, N. J., Oct. 14, 1845, d. Brooklyn, Dec. 7, '89. Abijah Hubbard. Waterloo. Butler Ives. Son of Albert. Detroit, Mich. Banker. X, p. (Sir) Charles Granville Stuart Menteath. (Bart.) Son of Capt. Thos. S., H.B.M.S. Canandaigua. Banker; Farmer. Herm. Canandaigua, N. Y. I866 HOBART COLLEGE. I37 Charles Gallagher Nicholas. Bro. of Philip N., above. Geneva. Lumber Merchant, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Herm. X (p. Paris, France. * Charles Phelps Nicholls. Son of Rev. Geo. H., Hon. '86. Cherry Valley. Herm. X. p. B. Glasten- bury, Vt., July 13, 1843, d. (in Coll.) Geneva, Oct. 7, '63. Alonzo Ringer. Son of Ezra. Lyons. U. S. V., N. Y. * Asa George Wells. Son of George. Granby, Vt. Stud. Theol. Herm. B. Granby, Vt., July 4, 1837, d. March, '64. M. D. W. H. Beach. Ithaca. Phys. and Surg., Catharine, N. Y. Matthew L. Bennett. Geneva. Phys. and Surg., Watkins, N. Y. Daniel Hennessey, Bay Verte. Phys. and Surg., Bangor, Me. Peter J. Keiser. Alehzgh. Phys. and Surg., Tamaqua, Pa. H. Mont Moody. Athens. Phys. and Surg., East Smithfield, Pa. John A. Northrup. IXundee. Phys. and Surg., Dover, Oklahoma. Lorenzo Phinney. Watkºms. Orin W. Smith. Orange. Demonst. Anat. '67-70. Phys. and Surg., Union Springs, Pa. L. C. Watson. Theresa. Phys. and Surg., Alexandria Bay, N. Y. James D. Whedon. Cam illus, Phys. and Surg., Syracuse, N. Y. Linnaeus D. Witherill. Union. Phys, and Surg. Prest. Broome Co. Med. Soc.; N. Y. State Med. Soc.; Med. Exam. Kts. Hon. N. Y., etc. Union, N. Y. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Thomas Green Clemson. M.A. Ord. '59; R. and Miss., Pa., N. J., Del., Alb., W. N. Y. D. Waddington, June 27, '88. (Rev.) *John Hetherington Drumm. S.T. D. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Ord. '57; R. and Miss., Pa. (Bristol, Pa., '62-75.) Chapl. U. S. V., Pa. '62-3. Author (Vox Ecclesiae). B. Dublin, Ireland, 1827, d. Bristol, Pa., March 5, '79. 138 HOBART COLLEGE. 1867 (Hon.) * George Firman Horton. M.D. Son of Maj. John. Renss. Polytech. Inst. '27; M.A. Univ. Pa. M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. Philad. Phys. and Surg., Terrytown, Pa. Prest. Pa. Med. Soc. '62-3; Memb. Amer. Med. Assoc., Const. Conv. Pa. '72; Senator'83. Author (Horton Chronicles); Scientist (Geol. Nat. Hist., Bot.). Presb. Ch., Memb. Gen. Assemb. B. Terrytown, Pa., Jan. 2, 1806, d. there, Dec. 20, '86. Elder M. Carey Lea. M. D. G. Wharton Simpson. M.A. M.D. elsewhere. (Rt.Rev.) Hugh Miller Thompson, S.T.D. M.A. Racine '58, S.T.D. Univ. South '83, LL.D. Univ. Ala. '85. Nashotah Theol. Sem. '52. Prof. Eccles. Hist. Nashotah '61-71. Ord. 52; R., Wis., Ill., N. Y., La. Co-adj. Bp. '83, Bishop of Mississippi '87–H. q, B. K. Jackson, Miss. 1867. Frank Engs Blackwell. Son of James. M.A. '82. Astoria. Law. X. p. Horatio Bridge. 14o Pearl St., New York. Son of James. A ugusta, Me, M.D. Harv. '71. Phil. A A p. (Rev.) Augusta, Me. M. A. '8I. Ord. '70; R. and Miss., Conn. Edward Rutledge Brown. Son of James, Brooklyn, Conn. Lawrence Clark. Son of W. N. Genezya. 86. Benef. Libr. (Rev.) Reeve Hobbie. SALUT. Stafford Springs, Conn. M.A. '82. Instr. in Photog. '91-5. Merchant, New York, '67- PHILOS. eneva, N. Y. Avezvark, AW. J. Ord. Ah 22. '68; R. and Miss., Md., N. J., Conn., Alb., Newark. (Rev.) * Frederick Clifton Neely. Bro. of Rt. Rev. Henry A., '49. Geneva. Dea. Cathedral, Portland, Me. ham, Jan. 23, '87. (Rev.) Edward Mary Southgate. Son of Rt. Rev. Horatio. Ch. vaLED. Newark, N. J. Gen. Theol. Sem. '70. Ord, '70; B. Chicago, Ill., Sept. 25, 1848, d. Ford. AVezv York. Prof. St. Charles Coll., Md. Min. R.C. 2d White Essay '66, 1st White Essay '67. Phil. A A p. Baltimore, Md. (Rt. Rev.) Lemuel Henry Wells. M.A. '82. S.T.D. '92. Son of H. D. Portage City, Wis. (From Trinity). B.A. (Hon.) Trinity '64. Lieut. U. S. V., Wis. ’62-4. , Berkeley Div. Sch. '69. Ord. '69; R. and Miss., Conn., Wash. ; Missionary Bishop of Spokane '92. Essay ’67. X p. 2d White Spokane, Wash. 1867 HOBART COLLEGE. I39 STUDENTS. Eugene Johnson Ball. Son of Silas. Lafayette, Ind. John Calvin Ballantine. Scottsville. U. S. V., N. Y. Phil. John Henry Bissell. M.A. '79. Son of Rt. Rev. W. H. A., Hon.'50. Geneva. Teacher, Detroit, Mich. '66-9. Law. Prest. Anaer. Fish Soc. '88. X. p. Detroit, Mich. James Bonnar, Jun. Bro. of Rev. David A., '64. Ashtabula, O. (Rev.) Albert Carrier Bunn. M.A. '80. Son of W. C. Morris. M.D. Univ. Buffalo. Phys. and Surg. China Miss. Ord. '81 ; R. and Supt. St. John’s Hosp. and Ch. Charity Found, L. I. '92--. Bd. of Miss. Dioc. L. I. 6) A X. Brooklyn, N. Y. Edgar Swartwout Dudley. - Son of James M. Johnstown. U. S. M. A. '70. Phil. James Gillogly. Mount Cisco. Henry Charles Harner. Lancaster, Pa. (From Frankl. and Marshall Coll. Pa.) (Rev.) Peter Baldy Lightner. Son of Rev. Milton C. Detroit, Mich. (From St. James' Coll. Ma.) Univ. Mich. '67, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem.”2. Ord. '72 ; R. and Miss., Minn., Pa., Del., Colo. Phil. Matuitou, Colo. (Rev.) Romaine Stiles Mansfield. Son of Isaac. Morris. Gen. Theol. Sem. '68. Ord. '68 ; R. and Miss., N. Y. (8) A X. Suffern, N. Y. * Augustus Courtland Means. Son of George. Geneva. © A X. B. April 24, 1846, d. Cleveland, O., Nov. I, '95. Philip Potter. Son of Moses. Brattleboro, Vt. Stud. Brown Univ. Erastus Jackson Rogers. Geneva. Optician and Manufacturer. P. M. Geneva, '84-8. S. p. Geneva, N. Y. Albert O. Willson. Wantage, AV. J. M. D. Solomon P. Allen. Maine, N. Y. Phys. and Surg., Lestershire, N. Y. Wallace W. Archer. Camandaigua. Phys. and Surg., Clifton Springs, N. Y. Giles H. Davis. Tozºanda, Pa. I4O HOBART COLLEGE. 1867 William F. Dickinson. Rockazyay. Ransom T. Gates. Monterey. Phys. and Surg., Conklin, N. Y. Ezekiel Guy. Guilford. Phys. and Surg., Harpersville, N. Y. William H. Heist. Altay. Phys. and Surg., Townsend, N. Y. John K. Heaton. James M. Lewis. Trucksville. Phys. and Surg., Dewdrop, N. C. Lewis O. Ludlum. Waterloo. Phys. and Surg., Ovid, Mich. Louis L. Parkhurst. Florida, AV. P. Phys. and Surg., Elmira, N.Y, Cornelius R. Rodgers. Owego. Bellevue Hosp. '67. Phys. and Surg., Newark Valley, N. Y. Isaac E. Ross. Elmira. Phys. and Surg., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Abel Sheppard Titsworth. * Reginald Heber Towler. Son of Prof. John, M.D. Geneva. Phys. and Surg. D. Geneva, 1880. Jacob D. Wurts. HONORARY, (Rev.) * Edwin Coan. M. A. Mus. B. Racine '77. DeLancey Div, Sch. '62. Ord. '62; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Ill., Wis., Mo., Alb., N. Y. Canon of Cathedral, Albany '76-80. B. Whitestown, Aug. 21, 1830, d. Brooklyn, Dec. 23, '88 (Hon.) Samuel Earll. M.A. Judge Sup. Court N. Y. (Rev.) Charles G. Gilliat. M. A. Ph. D. Union '75. Berk1. Div. Sch. '64. Ord. '64; R., W. N. Y., Pa., R. I. Newport, R, I. (Hon.) Amaziah B. James. M.A. Judge Sup. Court N. Y. '54; Senate U. S. Ogdensburgh, N. Y. (Rev.) *James Scott Runcie. S.T.D. M. D. (elsewhere) '57. Ord. '51; R. and Miss., Ind., Mo.; R. St. Joseph, Mo., ’72-89. Prest. Stand. Com. Ind. '63-71; Exam. Chapl. Mo. 777-89; Dean of Convoc. Mo. B. 1824, d. St. Joseph, Mo., May 12, '89. Daniel T. Webster. M.D. Mass. Med. Soc. I868 HOBART COLLEGE. I 4 I (Rev.) * Jedediah Winslow. M.A. Teacher; Princ. Trinity Par. Sch., Watertown, '55-6. Ord. '57; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y.; Chap1. U. S. V., N. Y. '64-5. B. 1829, d. Watertown, June 21, 1893. I868. Edward Breck Bostwick. Son of Rev. Sam. B. Sandy Hill. Teacher; Princ. St. Mark's Sch., South- boro, Mass. ’68-74; St. John’s, Sing Sing, '74-5. Farmer. v ALED. Ahil. A A p, p B K Barrytown, N. Y. * Henry Knowles Clapp. M.A. '79. - Son of Clark R. Lyons. Teacher. Phil. B. Sept. 25, 1845, d. Geneva, July 25, '90, Clinton D. Eastman. M.A. '71. Son of Chester. Oz/id. (9 A X. Ovid, N. Y. *Thomas Foot. Son of Hon. Sam, A., Hon. '31 Geneva. Law. SALUT. White Rhet. '67. Phil. A A P, P B K. B. Geneva, April 18, 1847, d. there, Dec. 14, '72. (Rev.) Lewis Halsey. M.A. '79. S.T.D. '90. Son of Wm. C. Trumansburg. Trustee '91-- ; Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’87; Poet '72. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Oxford '69. Adjut. N. G. N. Y. Roch. Theol. Sem. Min. Bapt. Ch. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Revol. ’95. 2d Cobb Essay '67, Ist do. '68, 2d White Essay '68. Herm. @ A X, 3 B K. Pheonix, Ark. Coe Mullock. Son of Lewis W. Wazyerly. Law. Report. Dist. Court Pa. Herm. Lancastel, Pa. * Richard Lawrence Slosson. M.A. '82. Son of Barzillai. Geneva. Nurseryman and farmer. X. P. B. Geneva, June 4, 1847, d. Rochester, June 12, '92. Thomas Hubbard Stryker. M.A. '71. Son of John. Rome. Civil Engineer. Prest. Rome Locom. and Mach. Works. Trustee C. N. Y. Inst. Deaf Mutes. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. ’95. 2 p. Rome, N. Y. (Rev.) * James Van Voast. M.A. '73. Son of A. S. Johnstown. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem, '72. Ord. '72 ; Head Master De Veaux Coll. ’72-6. PHILOS. 1st Cobb Essay '67, 2d do.’68. Phil. A A p, p B K. B. Johnstown, Oct. 3, 1845, d. there, July 29, '76. Charles Abraham Wall. Son of Rev. Robert C. Jordan. White Rhet. '68. Chicago, Ill. B. S. Louis Franchot Powell. M.A. '71. Son of Hon. Archibald C.,’33. Syracuse. Civil Fngineer and Iron Founder. > p. Syracuse, N. Y. I42 HOBART COLLEGE. I868 STUDENTS. (Rev.) Thomas Bell. M.A. '75. Morazia. S.T.B. Nashotah '69. Ord. '69. R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. N. Y., Wis., Iowa., Conn., Vt., Colo. Aspen, Colo. Benjamin Waters Chamberlayne. Son of C. T. Cuba. John Day. Son of Albert. Brooklyn, Conn. Edward Griffin Dorchester. Son of P. J. Geneva. Hardware Merchant. Geneva, N. Y. * Ernest Blair Dox. Son of Bleecker. Geneva. Herm. O A X. B. Geneva, Aug. 29, 1847, d. 18–. John Sawyer Kimball Gordon. Son of O. H. Brooklyn. Merchant, New York. Phil. A A p. Woodside, N. J. Horace Chapin Henry. Son of Paul M. Geneva. Bookkeeper. Geneva, N. Y. Hamilton Rowland Lee. Son of Chas. A., M.D., Prof. '44. Peekskill. Phil. Frederick Yates. Son of Arthur. Wazerly. Phil. John Young. Gezzeseo. Phil. M. D. James Lorraine Adams. Phys. and Surg., Dallas, Tex. Charles H. Bailey. Rome. Phys. and Surg., Bloomfield, N. J. Daniel Swift Burr. Binghamton, Demonst. Anat. '70. Phys. and Surg. Binghamton, N. Y. Charles A. Fisher. N. Victory. Phys. and Surg., Victory, N. Y. Parley Fisher. Lambertzille, N. J. Charles P. Godfrey. Dryden. Phys, and Surg., Cayuta, N. Y. James D. Guy. Harpersville. Phys. and Surg., Coventry, N. Y. Miles Goodyear Hyde. Yale '65. . Demonst. Anat. '70. Adj. Prof. Anat, Univ. Syrac, '72-8. Phys. and Surg., Cortland. A K E. 402 Washington St., New York. 1869 HOBART COLLEGE. I43 Capeti B. Knapp. Orzwell. Phys. and Surg., Lyman, Wash. Benjamin Moody. Rome. Phys. and Surg., Mansfield, Pa. Levi Morse. Litchfield, Pa. Phys. and Surg., Athens, Pa. Byron I. Preston. Rochester. Phys, and Surg., Rochester, N. Y. Simeon K. Roosa. Lamson ville. Peter J. Van Vleet. Dodt. HONORARY. (Rev.) + Pierre Teller Babbitt. S.T.D. Yale '31. M.A. Trinity’49. Gen. Theol. Sem. '36. Ord. '36; R. and Miss., Conn., Mo., Pa., N. Y., S. C., Fla., W. N. Y., Ga. Teacher; R. Trinity Sch., Raleigh, N. C. '50-2, Doolittle Inst., Wethersfield Sp., N. Y. '68-70. B. New York, Feb. 12, 1811, d. Bainbridge, Ga., April 1, '81. *John Brocklesby. LL.D. Yale '35, M.A., and Trinity '45. Tutor Yale '38-40 ; Seabury Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. Trinity '42-73, Nat. Phil. and Astron. '72-82, Prof. Emer. '82-7; Act. Prest. '62-4, '66-7, '74, B. West Bromwich, Eng., Oct. 8, 1811, d. Hartford, Conn., June 21, '89. Daniel Holmes. M.D. Phys. and Surg. Brockport, N. Y. (Rev.) * Oran Reed Howard, S.T.D. Son of Rev. Joseph. Yale '35, M.A. | Princ. Acad. Milford, Conn., and Fairfield, N.Y.,'35-43. Min. Meth. Ch. 38-47. Ord. '49; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (Bath, W. N. Y.,'57-82); R. Emer. '82-93; Chap1. Ch. Charity Found. Buffalo '84-5. Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. W. N. Y. '71-77; Dean of Convoc. Roch. '79-81. B. Franklin, N. Y., May 24, 1810, d. Bath, March 2, '93, (Rev.) Andrew Oliver. S.T.D. Harv, '42, M.A. and Trinity ‘58, S.T.D. St. Steph. '76, and Gen. Theol. Sem. '85. Prof. Greek and Heb. Lang. St. Steph. '64-75, Lit. and Interp, N. T. and Sub-Dean Gen. Theol. Sem.”3+. Ord. '54; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Vt., '55-64. Corr. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '87. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. I869. (Rev.) * Charles Nelson Allen. Son of John B. Harpersz'ille. DeLancey Div. Sch. '70. Head Master DeVeaux Coll. ’70-1. Ord. '70; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and Colo. Latin '67, White Rhet, '69. Phil. A A B, P B K. B. Harpersville, Sept. 17, 1845, d. Burlington, Iowa, May 4, '80. I44 HOBART COLLEGE, 1869 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) Hachaliah Burt. M.A. '72. Auburn. Berkl. Div. Sch. '72. Ord. '72; R. and Miss., Yanktonnais Mission, S. Dak. Phil. Crow Creek Agency, S. Dak. Edward Canfield. M.A. '74. Son of C. H. Bath. Civil Engineer; Gen. Supt. N. Y., Ont, and W. R. R. > q}. Middletown, N. Y. Beverly Chew. Son of Alex. L., Stud '45. Geneva. Banker; Sec. Metrop. Trust Co. N. Y. Prest. Grolier Club, Memb. Century Club, Vice-Chanc. Colon. Ord. N. Y. Benef. Libr. Phil. X p, p B K. I425 Broadway, New York. William Joshua Cleveland. M.A. '81. Son of William. Orange, N. J. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '72; Berkl. Div. Sch. '72. Ord. '72; R, and Miss., S. Dak.; Princ, St. Paul’s Sch., Yankton Agency '78-9; Edit. Sioux Miss. ’78; Sec. Stand. Com., Exam. Chapl., Trustee of Cathed., Dean Niobrara Convoc. Phil. A A p, Madison, S. Dak. Hobart Brewer Cone. Son of B. K. Batavia. Law. PHILos. Herm., Phil. 0 A X, p B K. Batavia, N. Y. Rush Spencer Eastman. M.A. '72. Son of Dr. H. N., Prof. '59. Geneva. Ord. '72; R. and Miss., Nevada, Ind., Pa.; Exam. Chapl. Dioc. Pa., Instr. Ch. Hist., Deaconess H., Philad. Pſerm., Phil. Torresdale, Philadelphia. *William King Miller. M.A. '79. Son of Hon. J. T. Waterloo. (From Yale '68.) Law. HIST. Ist White Essay '69. p B K. B. Seneca Falls, Sept. 16, 1848, d. Omaha, Neb. Dec. 20, '84. Edward Walter Park. M.A. '74. Son of Thomas. Waterloo. Law. Herm., Phil. X (p. Waterloo, N. Y. Edmund Hamilton Smith. M.A. '73. Son of Judge James C., Stud.’35. Canandaigua. LL.B. Columb. '77. Hobart Prof. Lat. Lang. and Lit. '76–82, 85-9. Law. Ass’t Dist. Att’y N. Y. '73-6; Clerk Dist. Court N. Mex. '82-5; Clerk Court of Appeals, N. Y. '89-H. Editor (Lat. Selections, etc.). SALUT. Herm., Phil. X. p, q, B K. Albany, N. Y. Charles Huston Sturdevant. M.A. '79. Son of E. W. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Law. Phil. A A p. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lester Wheeler. M.A. '72. L.H.D. '88. Son of Aaron. Waterloo. Tutor Lat. and Math. '70-2. Head-Master Heath- cote School, Buffalo '72+. v ALED. Phil. ‘p B K. Buffalo, N. Y. B. S. *James Tracey Hale. Bellefonte, Pa. Law. 2d Cobb Essay '69. Herm., Phil. A A p. B. June 15, 1847, d. New York, Jan. 29, '77. STUDENTS. William Warren Armstrong. Son of William. Geneva. Frank Burr Bass. Son of J. W. St. Paul, Minn. 1869 HOBART COLLEGE. I 45 Theodore Davies. Son of Hon. H. G. New York. (From Beloit Coll., Wis.) Robert Ebenezer Foot. Son of Sam. A., Hon. 31. Geneva. Law; Dist. Att’y Fla, '74; Reg. in Bankr. Colo. '76+. U.S.V., Wis, '64. A 3 p. Denver, Colo. Charles Fitch Hendryx. Son of James I. Cooperstown. Cornell '69. Fait. and Journalist. Sauk Centre, Minn. Hobart Hutton. Son of Rev. Orlando. Brookeville, Md. Law. Farmer. Prof. Agric. Coll. ’72-5. Phil. A A p. Brookeville, Md. Desault Badlock Kirk. Mount Vernon, O. Kenyon '69. Law. Herm., Phil, Toledo, O. Thomas Francis Lucy. Son of Henry. AWeze, York. Adam Clarke Moore. Son of H. D. Geneva. Manufacturer. Tampa, Fla. James Busby Norris. Delazvare, O. Enoch Pepper. Palmyra, Mo. Phil. William N. Platt. Plattsburgh. Charles Webb Sadler. Sandusky, O. Kenyon '69. Stud. Columb. I,aw Sch. Law. Herm., Phil. A A p. Sandusky, O Warren Augustus Worden. M.A. '78. Son of Warren T., Stud. '29. Law U. S. Consul, Guelph, Ont., '78-85. U. S. Circ. Court Com’r '92-i-. Herm., Phil. Tacoma, Wash. Henry Sylvester Wynkoop. Son of F. S. Kinderhook. Phil. Kinderhook, N. Y. John Morehead Young love. Son of J. I. Bozuling Green, Ay. Pharmacist Phil. A 3 p. Nashville, Tenn. M. D. Theodore F. Bliss. Watkins. Phys. and Surg., Springfield, O. E. W. Crispell. Montezuma. Phys. and Surg., Williamstown, N. Y. William Eves. Cambria, Mich. M. D. Jefferson Med. Coll. '68. Phys. and Surg. Waterford, Mich. W. L. Frisbie. Orzwell. Phys. and Surg., Potterville, Pa. I46 HOBART COLLEGE. 1869 Edward S. Perkins. A thens, Pa. Phys. and Surg., Philadelphia. Alanson D. Smith. Caryville. M. D. Univ. N. Y., '70. Phys. and Surg., Morris, 111. Martin L. Stiles. Hermon. M. D. Bennett Med. Coll. Chicago, '81. Phys. and Surg. Seattle, Wash. E. B. Wager. FIONORARY. Andrew Stanley Cummings. M.D. Mass. Med. Soc. Phys. and Surg., Cayuga, N. Y. F. Blatchford Starr. M.A. 1870. Walter Wood Adams. M.A. '79. Son of John H., Stud. '47. Rochester. Law. U. S. Dist. Att'y N. Y. '83-5. Phil. X 9, ‘p B K. N. Y. C. and H. R. R. R., New York. William Addison. M.A. '82. Pittsburgh, A'a. Law. PHILOL. X. p. Pittsburgh, Pa. William Mitchell Baxter. Knoxville, Tenn. Law. scIENT. Herm., Phil. V Y, p B K. 815 Lincoln Build., New York. (Rt. Rev.) Mahlon Norris Gilbert. M.A. '80. S.T.D. '86. LL.D. 95. Son of Norris. Morris. S.T.D. Racine '86, and Seabury, Minn. Seab. Div. Sch. '75. Ord. '75; R. and Miss., Mont. and Minn. ; Bishop Co-adj. of. Minnesota 86+. Minn. Hist. Soc. Chapl. Gov. Minn. © A X St. Paul, Minn. Anson Blake Jackson." M.A. '74, Son of Wm. B. Utica. Law. PHILos. White Rhet. '70. Herm., Phil. A A p, p B K. Minneapolis, Minn. Armon Frank Kelley. Massillon, O. M.D. Wooster Univ. '72. Phys. and Pharm, Phil. A A p Elkhart, Ind. (Rev.) Alfred Bradford Leeson. Avezw York. Gen. Theol. Sem. '73. Ord. '73; R., N. Y. and Md. Phil. Baltimore, Md. (Rev.) Cameron Mann. M.A. '74. S.T.D. '88. Son of Rev. Duncan C. Watkins. Gen. Theol. Sem. '73. Ord. '73 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Alb., Mo.; Prest. Stand. Com., Exam. Chapl., Dep. Gen. Conv., Dioc. W. Mo. Author. LIT. Lat. '68, 2d White Essay '69, Ist Cobb Essay ’69, Greek'69. Phil. 0 A X, p B K. Kansas City, Mo. 1870 HOBART COLLEGE. I47 (Rev.) Walter North. M.A. '73. L. H. D. '95. Son of Geo. W. Philadelphia. Vice-Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’85, '95. Instr. DeVeaux Coll. '73-4. Berkeley Div. Sch. '73. Ord. '73; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (St. Luke, Buffalo, '75-H.) Prest. Stand. Com. and Sec. Bd. Educ. Dioc. W. N. Y. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Herzyz., A'zzl. A A p. Buffalo, N. Y. (Rev.) Bernard Schulté. M.A. '73. S.T. D. '93. Dayton, O. Berkeley Div. Sch. '73. Ord.”3; R. and Miss., W. N.Y., Pa., C. N. Y. St. Luke, Utica ’76+). Oneida Hist. Soc. Phil. Utica, N. Y. Robert Child Scott. M.A. '79. Son of Dr. R. S. Oszyego. SALUT. Herm., Phil. 6) A X, q B K. Baldwinsville, N. Y. (Rev.) Charles Henry Smith. M.A. '8o. S.T.D. '95. Son of Henry. Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. '73. Ord. '73 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (St. James, Buffalo '75-H). Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '85. Eccles. Court’90+, Bd. Miss. ’95+. Buffalo Hist. Soc. VALED. Herm., Phil. A A p, p B K. Buffalo, N. Y. B o S * Edward Hamilton Burdick. Son of Hamilton. Syracuse. Law. Phil. A A p. Syracuse, N. Y. * Phineas Prouty Hillhouse. Son of Thomas. Geneva. Clerk U. S. Sub-Treas. '72. Phil. X ºp. B. Albany, July 15, 1850, d. Colorado Springs, Oct. 17, '78. STUDENTS. Frederick William Barker. Son of J. W. Syracuse. Banker. Treas. Syr. Chen. and N. Y. R. R. '79-81. Phil. A A p. Syracuse, N. Y. William Keith Brooks. Cleveland, O. Williams ’70, LI, D. '94; Ph.D. Harv. '75. Assoc. Prof. Anim. Morph. and Prof. Zool., Johns Hopkins; Direct. Maine Lab. and Naturalist U. S. F. C. ; National Acad. Sciences ; Acad. Sci. Ma.; Amer. Philos. Soc, 1st White Essay ’68. Phil. Baltimore, Md. Marsden Malcolm Crofoot Burch. Son of S. B. Waterloo. Phil. * Richard Rapelge Cornell. Bro. of S. D. '60. Buffalo. LL.B. Hamilton '78. Law ; Journalist, Denver, Colo., and Rochester. O A X. B. Glenville, Conn., Feb. 16, 1848, d. Rochester, Feb. 5, '85. (Rev.) Horatio Wiseman Pell Hodson. Son of H. H. Ithaca. Ord. '93; R. and Miss., Spokane, Newark. Herm., Phº?. X (p. Union Hill, N. J. William Guy Raines. M. A. '96. Son of Rev. John. Geneva. LL.B. Hamilton '77. Law. Phil. 0 A X. 148 West 125th St., New York. Henry Bloomfield Smith. Son of Henry P. Niagara Falls. Lumber Merch. and Manuf. S. p. Bay City, Mich. Halsey Lathrop Wood. Son of Rev. A. A. Geneva. Hamilton ’70. M.D. Columb. '75. Princ. Acad. Mayville '72. Phys, and Surg. Phil. 349 Lenox Ave., New York. I48 HOBART COLLEGE. 1870 M. D. T. S. Clark. Tyrone, Phys. and Surg., Vanceburg, Ky. Francis Hawkins. Athens, Pa. Phys. and Surg., Sullivanville, N. Y. Philetus A. Hayes. Castle Creek. Phys. and Surg., Afton, N. Y. Alpheus J. Montgomery. Geneva. Phys. and Surg., Coosawattee, Ga. Lewis P. Pierce. A. S. Pittinger. Aºingoes, Av. J. Horace B. Pritchard. Baldwinsville, Phys. and Surg., Cicero, N. Y. HONORARY. (Rev.) James Ivers Trecothic Coolidge. S.T.D. Harv. '38. Harv. Div. Sch. '41. Min. Unit. Ch. 41-59. Ord. '59; R. R. I. and Mass. ; Head Master and Prest. Trustees St. Mark’s Sch., South- boro, Mass. ’71-83. Stand. Com. Dioc. Mass. ’68-73, Dean of Convoc. ’So-3. Cambridge, Mass. (Rev.) * Benjamin Isaacs Haight. LL.D. Columb. '28, M.A., S.T.D.’46, LL.D. Rutg.”70. Trustee Columb.”43-79. Gen. Theol. Sem. '31. Prof. Past. Theol. and Pulpit Eloq. Gen. Theol. Sem, 43-62, Trustee of same. Ord. '31 ; R. N. Y. and O., Ass’t Min. Trinity, New York, '55-79. Sec. Dioc. N. Y. '39-54, Sec. and Prest. Stand. Com., Dep, Gen. Conv. '68-71, Dom. Com. Bd. of Miss., etc. Elected Bp. of Mass. ’72. N. Y. Hist. Soc., etc. B. New York, Oct. 16. 1809, d. there, Feb. 21, ’79. (Rev.) * William Gabriel Spencer. S.T.D. Trinity '53, M.A. Stud. Nashotah and Gen. Theol. Sem.’55. Ord. '54 ; R, and Miss., Ind., Mo., Conn., Colo. B. Manchester, Eng., July 20, 1830, d. Washington, Conn., Sept. 6, ’95. Alexander Stewart Webb. LL.D. Bro. of Robert S., Stud. '46, and Watson, Stud. '53. U. S. M. A. '55. Adj. Prof. Math., and of Geog., Hist. and Ethics, U. S. M. A. '57-66. Prest. Coll. City of N. Y. '66-i-. Maj. Gen. U. S. A. '65. 15 Lexington Ave., New York, (Rt. Rev.) John Williams. LL.D. Trinity’35, S.T.D. '49, Union '47, Columb. 251, Yale '83. Tutor Trin. '37-40, Prest, and Hobart Prof. Hist. and Lit. '48-53, Lect. Hist. '53+, Vice- Chancell. ’53-65, Chancell. ’65; Dean and Prof. Theol, and Liturg. Berkeley Div. 'Sch. '54+. Stud. Gen. Theol, Sem.’38. Ord. '38 ; R. and Miss., N. Y. and Conn.; Bishop Coadj, ’51, Bishop of Connecticut '65+, Presid. Bp. U. S. '87-i-. Editor and Author. Middletown, Conn. 1871 HOBART COLLEGE. 1 49 1871. George Alfred Baxter. M.A. '79. A nozzille, Tenn. M.D. Bellevue Med. Coll. '73. M.A. Univ. Ea. Tenn. A/, / 1. Chattanooga, Tenn. Louis Thompson Baxter. M.A. '79. Bro. of Geo. A. above. A nozzille, Tenn. M.A. Univ., Ea. Tenn. Sci ENT. 2d White Essay '70, 2d Cobb Essay '70. Herm., Phil. N. Y. p B K. Nashville, Tenn. Guy Buttolph Case. M. A. '79. Terre Haute, Ind. M. O. Wooster Univ. '73. PHILos. Herm., Phil. A A p. Cleveland, O. (Rev.) Frederick Beverly Cossitt. M.A. '79. Son of F. H. Lagrange, Tenn. Berkeley Div. Sch. '74. Ord. '75 ; R. and Miss., C. N. Y., N. Y., N. Mex. 1st Cobb Essay ’71. Phil. Ó A X. Waterville, N. Y. * Ernest Cleveland Coxe. M.A. '74. Son of Rt. Rev. A. C., Trustee '65 Buffalo. M. D. Columb. '73. Phys. and Surg. LIT. Lat. '69. Phil. A A P. B. Hartford, Conn., July 9, 1850, d. Baltimore, Md., Oct 13, '82. Benjamin Whiting Franklin, Jun. M.A. '74. Son of Benj. W. Penn Yan. LL.B. Columb. '74 Law. Memb. Bar Assoc. N. Y. City. 2d Declam. '69. Phil. A A p. Bank of Commerce Build., New York. * Harry Perry Guy. Son of Ezekiel, M.D. Harpersville. M. D. Hahn neman Med. Coll. Philad. ’75. PHILos. Herm., Phil. X P, P B K. B. Harpersville, Dec. 20, 1848, d. Nineveh, N. Y., Jan. 29, '92. * George Natt Hale. M.A. '75. Bellefonte, Pa. LL.B. Columb. '75. Law. Maj. N. G. Pa. '73-7. VALED. 1st White Essay ’71, 1st Declam. '69, 1st Cobb Essay '70, Greek '70. Herm., Ahil. A A p, p B K. B. July 20, 1850, d. Coatsville, Pa., July 3, '85. (Rev.) William Mortimer Hughes. M.A. '79. S.T.D. '87. Frankfort, Ay. Chapl. and Instr. Ment. Phil. ’83-7; Sec. Assoc. Alumni '86, Orator '80. Gen. Theol. Sem.”5. Ord.”4; R., W.N.Y. and New York. Asst. Edit. Church man. Corr. Sec. Ch. Univ. Bol. of Regents. SALUT. 1st White Essay '70, White Rhet. '71. Phil. A A p, q, B. K. Morristown, N. J. (Rev.) * Louis Sanford Schuyler. M.A. '74. Son of Rev. Montgomery, Stud. '34. St. Louis, Mo. Ord. '73; R. and Miss., Mo., Alb., Tenn. Herm., Phil. 0 A X. B. Buffalo, March 2, 1852, d. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 17, '78. George William Steitz. M.A. '82. Son of Geo. H. Waterloo. Insurance. Herm., Phil. Rochester, N. Y. B. S. * John Greig Johnson. Son of Hon. Alex. S. Utica. B. Utica, July 2, 1850, d. Rochester, Dec. 31,'89. Lyman Root. Geneva. Nurseryman. X ºp. Geneva, N. Y. I5O HOBART COLLEGE. 1871 STUDENTS. Egbert Bagg, Jun. Son of Egbert. Utica. Stud. Cornell '69. Herm., Phil. X p. Charles William Brown. M.A. '76. Oneida. Phºl. Oxford, N. Y. Pascal Charles Joseph De Angelis. Son of Wm. W. Holland Patent. Cornell '71; LL.B. Hamilton ’75. Law. Utica, N. Y., Daniel Faville, Jun. Son of Daniel. Rock Stream. & * William Foot. Son of Hon. Sam. A., Hon. '31. Geneva. Herm., Phil. A A p. B. Geneva, Sept. 25, 1849, d. Denver, Colo., Oct. 26, ’70. Henry Steinfort Kedney. Son of Rev. John S., Hon. '72. Potsdam. Lincoln G. Kilbourne. Columbus, O. William Morrin, Jun. Son of William. Waterloo. *James Edwin Perry. Cleveland, O. Merchant. S. P. B. Cleveland, O., Oct. 19, 1847, d. San Diego, Cal., June, '89. Edgar Snyder. Son of J. Renosha, Ill. Phil. (Rev.) William DeLancey Wilson. M.A. '91. Son of Rev. W. D., Hon. '49, Prof. '50. Geneva. Cornell '71. Tutor Bur- lington Coll. ’71-2; St. Paul's Sch, Rochester, '72-5. Ord. '73; R. and Miss., C. N. Y. Instr. St. Andrew's Div. Sch. Phil. Syracuse, N. Y. George Spencer Wyckoff. Son of C. C., M.D. Buffalo. Phil. M. D. Dileverge J. Cooley. AWeze/ark. J. Wood Day. Gorham. Phys. and Surg., Waterloo, N. Y. William B. Niles. Homer. Phys. and Surg., Stockton, Cal. George E. Pierson. Osburn Hollow. Phys. and Surg., Kirkwood, N. Y. A. W. Post. Seneca Castle. Phys, and Surg., Tioga Centre, N. Y. H. F. Seaman. Sodus. Phys. and Surg., Alton, N. Y. 1871 HOBART COLLEGE. I5 I HONORARY. (Rev.) * David Armstrong. S.T.D. R. and Rural Dean, Moorestown, Dioc. Huron, Ont. B. Ireland, d. Ont. '95. (Rev.) Thomas Levering Franklin. S.T.D. Trinity '41, M.A. Ord. '44; R. and Miss., N. J., Mass., N. Y., W. N. Y., Pa., Ind. R. Jane Grey Sch., Mt. Morris, N. Y. Stand. Com. Dioc. Ind. Philadelphia. (Rev.) Thomas Barker Lawson. S.T.D. Kenyon '46, M.A. Ord. '48; R, and Miss., Miss., La., Tenn., Tex, Columbus, Tex. (Hon.) * Henry Rowland Mygatt. LL.D. Union ’30, M.A. Law. B. Oxford, April 10, 1810, d. there March 31, ’75. (Hon.) * William Constable Pierrepont. LL.D. Trustee '61-2. Landholder; Geographer; Scientist. Prest. R. W. and O. R. R., N. Y. Legis. N. Y. '40. Stand. Com., Dep. Gen. Conv., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., etc., Dioc. W. N. Y. and C. N. Y. Benefactor Coll. Lib., Founder Pierrepont Scholarships. B. New York, Oct. 3, 1803, d. Pierrepont Manor, Dec. 20, '85. (Rev.) Ephraim Stuart Wilson. M. A. S.T. D. '88. Prof. Exeg. and Old Test. Lit. Seabury Div. Sch. Faribault, Minn. 1872. *James Abercrombie, Jun. Son of Rev. James. Lockport. Ist Declam. '70, 2d Cobb Essay ’71. (B. A. Hon. in absentia.) Phil. 0 A X. B. Waukesha, Wis., May 22, 1849, d. Aiken, S. C., Oct. 26, ’72. (Rev.) Charles Augustus Poole. M.A. '76. S.T.D. '95. Son of C. K. Cape Vincent. S.T.B. Seabury Div. Sch. '76. Assoc. Prof. Theol. Seab. Div. Sch. '88-i-. Ord. '76; R. and Miss., N. Y., C. N. Y. SALUT. O A X, ‘p B K. Faribault, Minn. Arthur Cosslett Smith. M.A. '79. Son. of Hon. James C., Stud. '35; Bro. of E. H. '69. Canandaigua. LL.B. Columb. '75. Law. PHILos. 2d Declam. '70, X, p. Rochester, N. Y. (Rev.) George Nicholas Smith. M.A. '75. Son of William. Hall's Corners. Ord. '92; R. and Miss., C. N. Y. v ALED. qº B K. Utica, N. Y. B. S. (Hon.) Appleton Jewett Ide. M.A. '82. Son of H. E. Columbus, O. Law. City Council '76-8, '79-81. A A p. Columbus, O. Charles Rozelle Keyes. Son of Benj. W. Geneva. M.D. Detroit Med. Coll. ’75. Phys. and Surg. North Hector, N. Y. Clinton Sutphen. Son of David. Mount Morris. Law. Phil. 45 Broadway, New York. I52 HOBART COLLEGE. 1872 STUDENTS. Joseph Klapp Franklin. Son of Rev. Thomas L., Hon. '71. Mount Morris. Phil. Charles Gordon. Cleveland, O. Charles Hurd. Son of Edgar H. Geneva. Amityville, N. Y. Schuyler Hurd. Bro. of Charles. Gerzezwa. Herm. X ºp. Amityville, N. Y. Thomas M'Hugh Miller. Son of Rev. Sam. K., Hon. '5I. Jordan. Herm., Phil. Morris Slattery. Son of Morris D. Geneva. Teacher. Electrician, Phil. Atlanta, Ga. Charles Francis Stuart. Son of Col. Charles B., U. S. A. Geneva. Merch. X. p. Chicago, Ill. George West. Son of Dr. W. Otego. M. D. Eli Bigelow. Altay. Phys, and Surg., Wayland, N. Y. Charles L. Clement. Syracuse. Phys. and Surg., 335 East 13th St., New York. Freeman Fairchild. Dushore, Pa. Levi Force. Hoopa Valley, Cal. Phys. and Surg., Arcata, Cal. Marcellus L. Halbert. Cincinnatus. Phys. and Surg. there. Francis L. Hall. Preble. Phys. and Surg., Elmwood Park, N. Y. L. A. Jones. Terrytown, Pa. Charles F. Kiersted. Elmira. Phys. and Surg, Gillett, Pa. HONORARY. Walter Shumway Cheney. M. D. (Rev.) * James H. Elliott. S.T.D. Bro. of Rt. Rev. Stephen, Bp. Ga. M.A. Univ. N. C. Ord '49; R and Miss. S. C., Ga., Mass. Corr. Sec. Bó. Miss., Stand. Com., Exam. Chapi, Dioe. S. C. Editor Chr. Witness, Boston. B. Charleston, S. c. 1819. d. there, June II, '77. y p 1873 HOBART COLLEGE. I 53 (Rev.) John Steinfort Kedney. S.T.D. Union ’38, M.A. and Trinity.’56; S.T.D. Racine '72. Prof. Div. Seabury Div. Sch. Minn. '7I+. Ord. 41 ; R. and Miss., N. C., N. J., Alb., S. C. Author (Theol. and Lit.) p B K. Faribault, Minn. (Rev.) John Muir. M.D. Phys. and Surg. Prest. Mass. Med. Soc. Ord. '74 ; R., C. N. Y., Ont. Merrickville, Ont. (Rev.) *Samuel Osgood. LL.D. Harv. '32, M.A., S.T.D. '55. Harv. Div. Sch. '35. Min. Unit. Ch. Ord. '70 ; Min. N. Y. Author, Editor. Corr. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc., and N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. '58. B. Charleston, Mass., Aug. 30, 1812, d. New York, April 14, '80. (Rev.) George Webb Southwell. M. A. Son of Geo. R. Syracuse. De Lancey Div. Sch, '61. Ord, '61 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. Pa., C. N. Y., S. Fla. Author (Theol.) St. Petersburg, Fla. I873. * George Powis Bellows. M. A. '8o. Son of Martin I, , 43. Geneva. Merchant. Phil. A A p. B. Oct. 20, 1852, d. Geneva, Feb. 28, '91. (Rev.) Charles Arthur Bragdon. M.A. '79. Son of Bache D. Canton. (From St. Lawrence Univ.) Gen. Theol. Sem. ’76. Ord. '76; R and Miss., Alb., O., N. Y., Pa., W. N. Y. ; Gen. Miss. Dioc., Pitts. ; Dean of Buffalo Convoc. Sec. Bd. Miss., Buffalo. SALUT. A. A p, q} B K. Buffalo, N. Y. (Rev.) Gustav Arnold Carstensen. M.A, '78. Son of George. New York. (From Hamilton.) Gen. Theol. Sem. '76. Ord. '76; R. and Miss., Ind., O., Pa., N.Y., ; Stand. Com. and Sec. Ba. Miss. Dioc Ind. 2d White Essay '73, White Rhet. '73, 1st and 2d Cobb Essays '73. Indianapolis, Ind. * William Perez Conger. M. A. '82. Son of Dr. G. C. Genezya. LI.B. Chicago Law Sch. '76. Law. IV HON. Ist Declam. '71, White Rhet. '72. Herm. A A p, p B K. B. Aug. 1, 1851, d. Chicago, Ill., Feb. 23, '87. Charles Jay Doolittle. Son of John J., Stud. '48. Wethersfield Springs. Lake City, Minn. (Rev.) George Newton Eastman, M.A. '79. Son of Dr. H. N., Prof. '59. Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. '79, S.T.B. '93. Ord. '79 ; R. and Miss., Nev., N.Y., Pa., O. PHILos. Prest.’s Prize. qi B K. Cincinnati, O. Frederick Ezekiel Guy. M. A. '82. Bro. of H. P. '71, Harpersville. Phil. Whitney's Point, N. Y. (Rev.) Frank Pierce Harrington. M.A. '76. Son of Delos W. Lockport. Ord. '78 ; R. and Miss., Ind; C. N. Y., C. Pa. Chap1... Instr. Math. and Phys. Science, De Veaux Coll. ’81-92. Author (Past. Theol.) v1. HoN. Lat. '71, Prest.’s Prize. © A X, P B K. West Pittston, Pa. I54 HOBART COLLEGE. 1873 Charles Norton Hemiup. M.A. '79. Son of Morris W. Geneva. Sec. Assoc. Alumni ’87+. Law. VALED. Ö B K. Geneva, N. Y. * William George Hemiup. M. A. '8I. Son of C. L. Geneva, M.D. Detroit Med. Coll.”7. Phys. and Surg. v. HoN. B. Geneva. Sept. 24, 1850, d. there Oct. 21, ’96. Charles Gilbert Irish. M.A. '82. Son of Rev. Wm. N. Lozyzille. Law. Herm. p B K. Utica, N. Y. Robert Carter Nicholas. M.A. '76. Bro. of P. N., '66. Geneva. Civil Engineer. Merchant. Herm. X ºp. New Orleans, La. Oswald John Cammann Rose. M.A. '76. Son of Robert S. Branchport. Treas. Assoc. Alumni ’86+. Merch. Vice Prest. and Treas. N. Y. C. Iron Works. VII. HON. × p. Geneva, N. Y. B. S. * Frank Witham Hale. Son of Nathaniel. Aſezeyburyport, Mass. LL.B. Boston Univ. '75. Law. U. S. Sup. Court, City Solicitor. Director Bost. Pub. Lib. B. New- buryport, Mass., Dec. 25, 1852, d. there, Feb. 14, '90. Frank Coe Hubbard. Son of Herman M. Columbus, O. Law. A A p. Columbus, O. STUDENTS. Charles Hildreth Blair. Son of John A. Zanesville, O. (From Kenyon.) Cornell '72, M.A. Law. 49 Broadway, New York. Phineas Prouty Chew. Son of Alex. L., stud. '45. Geneva. U. S. Sub. Treas. '75-91. Manuf., N. Y. 2d Declam. '71. Phil. S. p. South Orange, N. J. Henry Stiles Comstock. Son of Theodore. Columbus, O. George Herbert Day. Son of Willard, Brooklyn, Conn. Sec. Weed Sewing Mach, Co. Phil. A A p. Hartford, Conn. (Rev.) * Benjamin Bonney Dayton. Son of Dr. D. Geneva. Univ. Roch. '76. M.A. Auburn Theol. Sem. '79. Min. Presb. Ch., Amboy, N. Y. B. Lima, N. Y., April 5, 1854, d. at Sea, Aug., 87. Robert Watts Eastman. Bro. of Geo. N., '73. Geneva. M.D. Univ. Buffalo, '79. Phys. and Surg. I40 West 76th St., New York. Frank Worcester Elwood. Rochester. Harv. '74. LL.B. Columb. '77. Law. Banker. Park Com’r. Vice-Prest. Roch. Hist. Soc.; Emp. State Soc, Sons of Amer. Rev. X. p. Rochester, N. Y. Calvin Cooke Laney. Son of Amos. Waterloo. 1874 HOBART COLLEGE. I55 Col. N. G. O. Chicago, Ill. Henry Eldridge Mead. Son of Daniel E. Dayton, O. Prest. Chicago Paper Co. } e q}. Law. N. Y. Hist. Soc.; N. Y. Geog. Soc.; John Bleecker Miller. Phil., Herm. 56 W. 9th St., New York. Geneva. LL.B. Columb. '77. N. Y. Soc, Sons of Rev. '83. George Herbert Miller. Bro. of Thos. M., Stud. '72. Jordan. Henry Lansing Wardwell. Son of Rev. Timothy F., Hon. '48. Dresden. Merchant, Brooklyn. Farmer. Springfield Centre, N. Y. HONORARY. (Rev.) James Davies. M. A. Trinity Coll., St. David's, Wales, '65. M. D. elsewhere. Teacher; Princ. Acad., N. Y. Author (Welsh Lit.). Ord. Ch. Eng.; R. and Miss., Me. and W. N. Y. (Dep. '88.) (Hon.) James Murdock Smith. LL.D. Trustee '84-i-, Chairman '93, Orator (Chancell. Addr.) '89. Law. Judge Super. Court N. Y., Buffalo. Trustee De Veaux Coll. ’68-78. Chancellor. Dioc. W. N. Y. '71 +, Stand Com. '65-73, Dep. Gen. Conv. '74+, Prest. Prest. Buff. Hist. Soc. '8I. Benef. Buffalo, N. Y. Ch. charity Found. Buffalo '67-71. 1 Or I874. M.A. '77. (Hon.) John Cameron Buxton. Son of Rev. Jarvis. Ashevile, N. C. Law. SALUT. Ist White Essay ’74. Senate N. C. M. A. '78. Newbury Wesley Evans. Son of Nelson. Hermitage. Law. Teacher. ’74. p B K. (Hon.) John Graham Gibson. M.A. '97. Son of Rev. Wm. T., '42. Utica. Law. Mayor of Utica '94-7. A A p. Utica, N. Y. M.A. '77. Hiram Augustus Torrey. Geneva. M.D. Detroit Med. Coll. ’77. Farmer; Mer- Geneva, N. Y. Son of Sam. H , 47. chant. A A p. Prest. Ist. Nat. Bank. Winston, N. C. VALED. 2d White Essay Warsaw, N. Y. STUDENTS. (Rev.) Sylvester Daily Boorom. Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. ”I. Ord.” I; Miss., W. N. Y.; Chapl. U. S. N.'75-H U. S. S. San Franczsco. Ernest Deltenre. Brussels, Belgium. HOBART COLLEGE. 1875 James Fraser Gluck. AViagara Falls. Cornell '74. Law. Prof. Buffalo Law Sch. Trustee of Cor- q}. Buffalo, N. Y. nell '83-8. Editor; Author. Lloyd Hamilton Smith. Son of H. L., Prof. '68. Geneva. M. D. West. Reserve Coll. ’76, Phys. and Surg. 6) A X. Easton, Md. HONORARY. S.T.D. (Rev.) * Charles Arey. Son of Hon. Reuben, Mass. Stud, Dart. and Harv. '44-5. Theol. Sem. O. '46 Ord. '46; R. and Miss., O., W. N. Y., Pitts., Alb., N. J., Mass. B. Wellfleet, Mass., Aug. 22, 1832, d. Salem, Mass., March 6, ’97. Benjamin Stoddard Ewell. LL.D. U. S. M. A. '32, Adj. Prof. Math. same. Prof. Nat. Phil. Wash. '46, Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. and Prest. Wm. and Mary '70. B. Washington, D. C., June Io, 1810. (Rev.) * George Scovill Mallory. S.T.D. Son of Hon. Geo., Conn. Trinity '58, M.A.; LL.D. Univ. So. '91. Adj. Prof. Lat. Trinity '62-4, Brownell Prof. Rhet. and Orat. '64-72, Treas. ’67-72, Trustee '72-97. Berkeley Div. Sch. '62. Ord. '62. Edit. and Pub. Church man '65-97, A. m. Ch. Qu. A'eviezw '70-80, etc., Author. (Theol., Eccles. Pol.) P B K. B. Watertown, Conn., June 5, 1838, d. New York. March 2, '97. (Rev.) Spencer Marcus Rice. S.T.D. M.A. Hamilton ’53. Min. Meth. Ch. Ord. '48; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Mass.; Jersey City, N. J. N. J.; Grace, Jersey City, '61 +. (Rev.) * Edward Josiah Stearns. S.T.D. Harv. '33, M.A., and St. John's, Md. '50. Prof. Mod. Lang. St. John's. Ord. '40; R. and Miss., Md., Mass., Ea. Chapl. Ch. Hosp., Baltimore, '70-1. Exam. Chapl. ’73 90. Author. (Theol., Eccles. Hist., Gen. Lit.) Ma. Hist. Soc. B. Mass., 1810, d. Easton, Md., July 6, '90. I875. (Rev.) Charles London Arnold. M.A. '97. Son of James R. Louisville, Ky. (From Jubilee Coll., I11.) Law. Ord. '86; R. and Miss., Iowa, N. C., Mich. v ALED. OA X, P B K. Detroit, Mich. Frederick Dumont Barto. M.A. '78. Son of Henry D, Trumansburgh. Banker. Benef. Libr. A A p. Puyallup, Wash. Richard Torris Clarke. Son of Joseph. Canandaigua. I,aw: , PHILOS. , 2d Faculty Prize '73, 1st o, '74, 1st Cobb Essay '74, 1st White Essay ’75. A A P. Columbus, O. (Hon.) Charles Cleveland Coe. M.A. '78. Son of Rev. James R., Hon. '63. Oakfield. Accountant; Teacher; Bank Mayor of Kenova, Cashier; Audit. Clerk Norf. and W. R. R. '82-91. SALUT. X}{p, q} B K. Kenova, W. Va. 1875 HOBART COLLEGE. I57 George Terwilliger Finch. M.A. '78. Son of Martin J. Elmira. M. D. Bellevue Med. Coll. O A X. Thompson, Conn. Howard Edward Jones. M.A. '78. Son of Nelson E. Circleville, O. M.D. Ohio Med. Coll. '76, Prof. Physiol. same. Phys. and Surg. Author. (Nat. Hist.) 2d White Essay '75. A A q2. Circleville, O. Charles Barnard Lapham. M.A. '78. Son of Hon. Elbridge G. Cananda igua. Law. Clerk of Trust. Can'a '78-9; Clerk Senate U. S. '82-5. 2d Lat. '73. X. p. Canandaigua, N. Y. B. S. Edward Harold Bancroft. Son of Wm. L. Port Huron, Mich. Ag't Chic, and Lake H. R. R. '75-7 ; Treas. Ice Mach. Co. Ga. '80–1. Merchant. 2d Faculty Prize '74, White Rhet. '75. A A p. Hot Springs, Ark. Chilion Paul Conger. Son of Omar D. Port Huron, Mich. I.aw. Clerk U. S. Senate Com. Manuf. '80. White Rhet. '74, 1st Cobb Essay '75. A A p. Washington, D. C. * Jonas Turner Hulse. Son of James R. Circleville, O, Farmer. A A P. B. July 5, 1855, d. Abilene, Kan., Oct. 26, ’8I. STUDENTS. Byron Andrews. Son of J. C. Evansville, Wis. Journalist. Lat. '73, 2d Cobb Essay ’74. Tribune Build., New York. (Rev.) Legh Wilson Applegate. Son of Rev. Thomas. Wethersfield Sp1. Teacher and Princ. Acad. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Fenton, Mich., Faribault, Minn. Ord. '74; R. and Miss., I11., Wash. Dean of Convoc., Miss. Jur. Olympia, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Charles Henry Benedict. Son of Geo. B. Warsazy. (From Lehigh Univ.) Law. Dist. Att'y, Minn. '89-H. Ist Faculty Prize '73. X. p. St. Paul, Minn. (Rev.) William Foster Bielby. Son of Samuel. Rome. Berkl. Div. Sch. '78. Ord. '78; R. and Miss., Conn. Alb. Greenbush, N. Y. (Rev.) Milton Dana Buck. Son of Rev. Daniel D. Geneva. Univ. Syr. '75, M. A. Teacher, Cal. 76-7. Min. Meth. Ch., Cal. ’77-i-. Sec. Gen. Conf. Sacramento, Cal. (Rev.) William Bamford Burrows. Son of Rev. Joshua L., Hon. '62. Sherburne, Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '8o. Ord. '79 ; R. and Miss., Ark., Mo., Cal, Santa Afia, Cal, Philander Chase Chamberlain. Son of Rev. Jacob S. Robin's AWest, Ill. Manuf. Prest. Smelting Co., Galena, Ill. 0 A X. Topeka, Kan. John W. B. Dwyer. St. Louis, Mo. James H. Foote. Son of Rev. George L. M'Lean. I58 HOBART COLLEGE. 1876 (Rev.) William Henderson Hampton. Son of A. W. Frankfort, Ky. Ord. '84 ; R. and Miss., Ky., O. A. A p. In onton, O. William Sill Hopkins. Son of Wm. R., Hon. '40. Geneva. 300 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. * George Brownell Walthart. Son of John. Phelps. Stud. Theol. C. N. Y. Catech. and Miss. Onondaga Indians. B. March 21, 1853, d. Phelps, Feb. 19, '75. FIONORARY. (Rev.) George Thomas Le Boutillier. M.A. Princeton Theol. Sem. Min. Presb. Ch. Ord. '73; R. and Miss., C. N. Y., Colo., W. N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. (Rev.) * William Henry Moore. S.T.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. '40. Ord. '40 ; R. and Miss., R.I., N. H., L. I. ; R. Hemp- stead, L. I. '49-91. Dean Convoc. Dioc. L. I., Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., Eccles. Court, etc. B. Newport, R.I., 1810, d. Greenwich, Conn., July I5, '92. (Rev.) * George Frederick Siegmund. M.A. Univ. Hallé. S.T.D. Union '77. Hobart Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. '76-7. Ord. '74; Ass’t Min. N Y. ; Founder and Chapl. Ch. German Soc. ; Instr. Gen. Theol. Sem, B. Russia, 1838, d. New York, Feb. 23, '84. Oliver Winthrop Starr. M. A. 1876. (Rev.) Herbert Morison Clarke. M.A. '79. Son of Rev. Joseph M., '47. Syracuse. Harv. '78, M.A., Ph.D. '84. Teacher Gen. Theol. Sem. '92. Ord. '92 ; R. and Miss., Colo., C. N. Y., Pitts. VALED. Lat. '74, Greek '75, Prest.’s Prize '76. p B K. Indiana, Pa. (Rev.) Charles Arthur Cummings. M. A. '79. Red Wing, Minn. S.T.B. Seabury Div. Sch. '79. Teacher. Ord. '79 ; R. and Miss., Minn., Wis., Ill. PHILos. 2d Jun. Fac. Prize '75, Ó A X. Chicago, Ill. (Rev.) Charles Henry Hibbard. M.A. '79. S.T.D. '92. Son of Thomas. Elmira. Gen. Theol. Sem. '79. Tutor Seabury Div. Sch. Ord. '79 ; R. and Miss., Pa. and N. J. 2d Hºng. '73. OA X, V B K. Burlington, N. J. George Forbes Kelly. M.A. '79. Son of Rev. John. Washington, D. C. Instr. De Veaux Cell Law. Ist Soph. Fac. Prize '74. - Gerritt Smith. M.A. '79. Mus. D.’90. Son of Gerritt H. Geneva. Organist and Composer. Prof. of Music Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. Prest. MS. Soc. N. Y. 1st Jun. Fac. Prize '75, 2d Cobb Essay '75, 2d White Essay '76. 3 p. 573 Madison Ave., New York. 1876 - HOBART COLLEGE. I59 Cyrus Clarke Van Deventer. M.A. '79. Son of James. Buffalo Com. Merchant. X. p. Kingman, Kan. William Wilson. M.A. '79. Son of James. . Geneva. Nurseryman. Capt. N. G. N. Y. SALUt. 1st Eng '72, 2d Soph. Fac. '74, 1st Cobb Fºssay '76. ‘p B K. Geneva, N. Y. B.S. Thomas Hillhouse Chew. Bro. of P. P., Stud. '73. Geneva. Cashier Ist Nat. Bank. X. p. Geneva, N. Y. George Kerr Roberts. Son of Eldred E. Litchfield, Conn. M.D. Litchfield, Conn. Charles John Rose. B.A. '78. M.A. '85. Son of Charles A. Clyde. Royal Conserv. Music, Stuttgart, Germ. Adj. Prof. Hist. '81-3, Prof. Mod. Lang. Hobart College, '84--. Memb. Mod. Lang. Assoc. X ºp, p B K. Geneva, N. Y. Charles Kelsey Scoon. Son of William. Geneva. Fruit Grower. Geneva, N. Y. STUDENTS. (Rev.) Eugene Jeffrey Babcock. Son of Ewell H. Grand Rapids, Mich. Union '76. Gen. Theol. Sem. '79, S.T.B. '83. Ord. '79 ; R. and Miss., W. Mich., W. N. Y., Iowa. Youngstown, N.Y, Edgar Racine Bristol. Michigan City, Ind. John Pope De Laney. B.S ’80. Sc.D. '88. Geneva. M.D. Bellevue Med. Coll. ’85. Phys. and Surg. X. p. Geneva, N. Y. Allison Orchard Downs. Atlanticville, L. I. Spalding Evans. Lockport. Law. Post-Master '93+. Trustee De Veaux. Coll. 90+. 9 A X. Lockport, N. Y. (Rev.) Henry Hopkins Kelsey. Son of Erastus E. Geneva. Amherst '75, M. A. Min, Cong. Ch. Hartford, Conn. Clarendon Rutherford. Son of John T., Waddington. Union '76, M.A. M.D. Phys. and Surg. Benef. Libr. Waddington, N. Y. (Rev.) * Albert Jacobs Thompson. Son of John C. Lewes, Del. (From Burlington Coll.) Union '76, M. A. Gen. Theol. Sem, '79. Ord, '79; R. and Miss., N. Y. and R. I.; R. St. Clement’s, New York. B. Rehoboth Beach, Del., Jan. 20, 1849, d. Eustis, Fla., Feb. 9, '95, Frank Ziah Wilcox. A u burn. r I6O HOBART COLLEGE. 1877 HONORARY. (Rev.) George Stuart Baker. M.A. S.T.D. Grisw '91. Ord. '69; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., N. Y.; Supt. and Pastor St. Luke's Hosp., New York, '88-i-. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '92. Cathedral Heights (113th St.), New York. (Rt.Rev.) Charles Reuben Hale. S.T.D. Univ. Pa. '58, M.A., LL.D. Grisw. '89. Ord. '60; R. and Miss., Pa., C. N. Y., Md.; Chap1, U. S. N. '63-70; Dean of Davenport Cathed. '86-92; Bishop of Cairo, Ill. (Coadj. Springfield) '92+. Sec. Ea. Ch. (Russo-Greek) Com. '75. Loyal Legion U. S.; Soc. Sons of Rev.; Soc. Col. yº Cairo, Ill. (Rev.) Eaton Whiting Maxcy. S.T.D. Brown '53, M.A. Theol. Sem. Va. '56. Ord. '56; R. and Miss., Alb., Pa., Conn. Exam. Chapl. Alb. '93+. Troy, N.Y. Edward Coppee Mitchell. LL.D. Univ. Pa. '55, M.A. Prof. Law of Real Est. and Equ. Jurisp., Univ. Pa. '73 83, Dean of Law Sch. '83. Philadelphia, (Rev.) William Jones Seabury. S.T.D. Columb. '56, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '66, S.T.D. '84. Ludlow Prof. Eccles. Pol. and Law. G.T.S. '73+. Ord. '66; R., N. Y. 8 Chelsea Sq., New York. 1877. * William Pitkin M'Knight. M. A. '8o. Son of Rev. Geo., Hon. '50. Elmira. VAL. D. 1st White Fssay '76, White Rhet. '76. O A X, P B K. B. LeRoy, May 2, 1854, d. Elmira, Dec. 24, '82. STUDENTS. James Edward Perry Butts. Son of James E. Genzeza. Merchant; Clerk 1st Nat. Bank. X P. Geneva, N. Y. Reginald Cleveland Coxe. M. A. '88. Bro. of Ernest C., '71. Buffalo. Artist. A A p. New York. William Ray DeLano. Son of Avery S. Middleport. Law. Att'y Gen’s Office. Albany, N. Y. John Holland Johnson. Son of Daniel. Canandaigua. 2d Soph. Fac. Prize '75. Law. Penn Yan, N. Y. William Birch Rankine. M.A. '95. Son of Rev. James, Prest. '69, Geneva. Union '77. Law. Sec, Niagara Falls Water Power Co. 1st Soph, Fac. Prize '75, Lat, '75. A A p, p B K. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Samuel Fletcher Weyburn. Son of Dr. Edwin. Geneva. Real Estate Loan Assoc., Rockford, Ill. 1878 HOBART COLLEGE. I6 I Charles Taylor Wood. Son of Rev. Robert. Ionia, Mich. HONORARY. (Rev.) * Robert Graham Hinsdale. S.T.D. Coll. N. J. '56, M.A. S.T.B. Nashotah Theol. Sem. '66. President, Prof. Chr. Eth., Charles-Startin Prof. Evid. Chr. '76–83, Prof. Geol. ’83. Prof. Chem. Racine '66-76. Ord. '66; R., Biloxi, Miss., '83-9. p B K. B. New York, Nov. 2, 1833, d. Biloxi, Miss., Jan. 9, '89. Henry Clark Johnson. M.A. Cornell '73, LL.B. Hamilton ’75. Teacher; Head-M. and Princ., Philad., Garden City, Paterson; Prof. Lat., and Lect. Rom. Law, Lehigh '81 +; Prof. Greek and Lat. Amh. Coll. Summer Sch. '84--. Editor (Classics). Bethlehem, Pa. º. ºf 1878. (Rev.) Thomas Duck. M. A. '8I. Son of John. Aurora. Gen. Theol. Sem. '82. Ord. '81 ; R. and Miss., N. Y., Colo., W. N. Y. PHILOS. Frig. '74, Hammondsport, N. Y. (Rt. Rev.) Frederick Rogers Graves. M.A. '8I. Son of Sam. S. Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. '81, S.T.D. '93. Ord. '81 ; Miss. in China ; Miss. Bishop of Shanghai, China, ’93. Eng. '75, 2d Soph. Fac. '76, 2d White Essay '78, 2d Cobb Essay '78. Shanghai, China. Louis Atwater Kedney. M. A. '81. Son of Rev. J. S., Hon. '72. Faribault, Minn. Law. White Rhet. '77. (8) A X. Fargo, N. Dak. (Rev.) Frank Eugene Moulton. M.A. '81. Oakfield. Teacher, St. Luke's Sch. Iv, Hon. Bustleton, Pa. Edward Munson. M. A. '81. Geneva. M. D. Columb. '81. Prest. Bd. Educ, Medina. SALUT. Greek '77, 1st Cobb Fºssay '78. ‘p B K. Medina, N. Y. James Cosslett Smith, Jun. M.A. '8I. Son of Hon. James C., Stud. '35. Canandaigua. Law. VALED, Eng. '75, 1st Soph. Fac. '76, White Rhet. '78. S. P, P B K. Detroit, Mich. Harry S. Tuthill. Son of Edward D. Buffalo, M.D. Phys. and Surg. 6) A X. Penn Yan, N. Y. STUDENTS. Harrison Hancock Bowes. Michigan City, Ind. Racine '78, M.A. Law. A A p. Michigan City, Ind. I62 HOBART COLLEGE. 1879 Eldridge Gerry Chapman. Canandaigua. Robert Nicholas Claggett. Hagerstown, Mal. Thomas Henry Fairfax. Son of Geo, H. Geneva. Law. Chief Clerk Municipal Court. Duluth, Minn. George Edward Flood. Son of James. Geneva. M.D. Detroit Med. Col. '84. Phys. and Surg. 6300 Stony Isl. Ave., Chicago, Ill. James Sheldon, Jun. Son of James. Buffalo. 6) A X. Big Tree, N. Y. William Fitzhugh Smith. Genezya. Merchant. X (p. Chicago, Ill. Enoch Clark White. Lapeer, Mich. HONORARY. Reginald Marvin Huse. M. A. (Rev.) Robert Horwood. M.A. Hobart Div. Sch. '54. Ord. '54 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., '54-67. Vicar, North Rode, Congleton, Eng, Benef, Ilibr. Wandsworth, Surrey, Eng. (Rev.) * Charles Pierson Jennings. S.T.D. M. D. elsewhere. Ord. '70; R. and Miss., Mo., C.N.Y., Pa., Ind. Dean of St. And. Div. Sch., Syracuse,”5-81. B. 1822, d. Shelbyville, Ind., Nov. 20, 94. (Rev.) * John Cavarly Middleton. S.T.D. Yale '58, M.A. and Trinity '68. Ord. '60 : R. and Miss., L. I., Conn. Trustee of Cathed. Garden City, L.I.; Archdeacon. Elected Miss. Bp. Wash. Terr. B. New London, Conn., 1833, d. Glen Cove, L.I., July 7,'88. (Rev.) William Wallace Silvester. M.A. S.T. D. Griswold '92. Prof. Belles Lettres, Griswold '79-82. Ord. '68; R. and Miss., Conn., Mass., Iowa, Mo., Pa.; Canon of Davenport Cathed. ’79-82. Pa. Hist. Soc.; Danvers Hist. Soc.; Browning Club. 2120 N. 18th St., Philadelphia. I879. (Rev.) George Henry Cornell. M.A. '82. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem, '82. Ord. '81 ; R. and Miss., Wyom., Wash., Colo., Iowa ; Rural Dean '89-i- ; Dep. Gen. Conv. Dioc. Iowa '95. Sioux City, Iowa. Edward Gideon Herendeen. M.A. '82. Son of Fdward W. Geneva. I,aw. Trustee Supr. Court Libr. Prest. Elmira Advertiser Assoc., Direc. Elmira State Bank, Direc. Elmira Rolling Mill, Prest. Herendeen Mfg. Co., Geneva, SALUT. Eng '76, 1st. White Essay '79, 2d Cobb Essay '79, White Rhet. '79. K.A., d B K. Elmira, N. Y. I88O HOBART COLLEGE. I63 Josiah Millspaugh. AVezºy York. Merchant. (9 A X. New York. Charles Watson Smith. M.A. '82. Son of George X. Geneva. Farmer. Geneva, N. Y. (Rev.) Charles Francis Joseph Wrigley. M.A. '82. Son of Joseph, Oakfield. Gen. Theol. Sem. '82, S. T. B. '84. Ord. '82 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (St. Mary’s, Buffalo, '84--.) Stand. Com. '88-H. VALED. Ist Cobb Essay ’79. K. A., P B K. Buffalo, N. Y. B. S. * William Philip Neele. Son of William P. Geneva. M. D. B. Geneva, Aug. 12, 1856, d. there, Aug. S, '88. STUDENTS. Elmer H. Boyer. Gezzezya. Daniel Southwick Hubbell, Seneca Falls. Law. S. p. Chicago, Ill. David James Love. Son of James W. Genevſ2. Clark Byram Rogers. Genezia. Standard Optical Co. Geneva, N. Y. Louis Curtiss Rogers. Trenton, Mich. Henry Howard Ross. Essex. Law. A 4A q’. Essex, N. Y. (Rev.) William Joseph Scott. Elkton, Md. Ord. R. C. Ch. S. p. Queenstown, Md. HONORARY. Frederick Thompson. M.A. Instr. Lang. Hungerf. Coll. Inst., N. Adams, Mass., and Milit. Acad. No. Granville, N. Y. I88O. Alexander Duer Chew. M.A., '83. Bro. of Beverly, '69. Geneva. Treas. Assoc. Alumni '84-5. Bank Cashier. SALUT. S. p, p B K. New York. * Everard Willie Dascomb. Son of Geo. L. Wilton, N. H. (From Oberlin Coll.) Stud. Theol. VALED. KA, p B K. B. Wilton, N. H., May 19, 1856, d. San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 5, '81. I64 HOBART COLLEGE. I88O (Rev.) * George Edward Gardner. Son of Rev. Henry V., Hon. '61. Hammondsport. Berkeley Div. Sch, '83. Ord. '83 ; R. and Miss., C. N. Y., Mo.; Archd. Dioc. W. Mo. White Rhet. '80, 9 A X. B. Homer, Oct. 19, 1856, d. St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 5, '91. (Rev.) Jesse Covert Joralemon. M.A. '84. Son of Walter. A/ezwark, N. J. Gen. Theol. Sem. '84. Ord. '84; R. and Miss., N. J., Pa., Md. O A X. Boonton, N. J. (Rev.) Smith De Lancey Townsend. M.A. '83. Son of Rev. Julius S., Stud. '47. Cairo, Ill. Ph.D. St. Stephen's Coll. ’93. Gen. Theol. Sem. '83. Ord. ‘83 ; R. and Miss., Ill., Wis., N. Y. (R. All Angels, N. Y. '97.) 2d Cobb Essay ’80. p B K. 320 W. 82d St., New York. Cortlandt Schuyler Van Rensselaer. M.A. '84. Son of Gratz. Geneva. Law. Ass’t Dist. Att’y U. S., N. Y. '84-8. Author. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '89, St. Nicholas Soc., Soc. Col. Wars., Col. Order. X (p. 55 E. 61st St., New York. Arthur Smith Wolcott. Son of Clitus. Oakfield. Cashier Pacific Exp. Co. PHILos. Greek '79. K A. Omaha, Neb. B. S. Henry Warner Dusinberre. Son of Geo. B. Geneva. Law. S. P. Rock Island, I11. William Lemuel Herendeen. Bro. of Edward G. '79. Geneva. Treas. Herendeen Manuf. Co. Treas. and Gen. Manager Seneca Lake Steam Nav. Co. - Geneva, N. Y. STUDENTS. George Field Conger. Gezzeza. Merchant. A 4 p. Cleveland, O. Benjamin Copeland, Jun. Son of Benj. Clarendon. (Rev.) Edson Carr Dayton. Bro. of Benj. B., Stud. '73. Geneva. Hamilton ’81, M.A. Min. Presb. Ch. Eng. '77. Minneapolis, Minn. Henry M’Bride. Salt Lake City, Utah. Frank Monroe Sisson. Gerzezwa. Miller. Marcellus, N. Y. HONORARY. * Augustus Muhlenberg Swift. M. A. M.A. Trinity '77. B., 1851, d. Mar. 27, '84. (Rev.) * Lloyd Windsor. S.T.D. Columb. '34, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '36. Ord. '36; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., O. (R. Hornellsville '59-89.) Stand. Com W. N. Y. '72, Trustee De Veaux Coll. ’81-9, Eccles. Court '84-9. Author (Ch. Pol. and Law), Canonist, B. Sept. 1812, d. Hornellsville, June 30, '89. I88 I HOBART COLLEGE. I65 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev. ) (Rev.) ( Rev. (Rev. ( Rev. (Rev. (Rev. (Rev. ) I88I. Milton Adams Brown. M. A. '86. Palmyra. (From St. Stephen's Coll.) Law. Challis, Idaho. Edwin Knight Buttolph. M.A. '85. Son of Levi. Cleveland, O. Prof. Chem. '84-7, Prof. Nat. Sci. St. John's Coll. Shanghai, China, ’81-2. Civil Engineer. v ALED. Ist White Essay ’80. X. p, q, B K. Denver, Colo. Pierre Cushing. M.A. '87. Son of Rev. John T. Hammondsport. Gen. Theol. Sem. '84, S.T.B. '86. Ord. '84; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Lat. '79, Greek '80. 0 A X, p B K. LeRoy, N. Y. Simeon Lord Gilberson. M.A. '94. Salt Lake City, Utah. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '86. Ord. '88; , R., and Miss., Pa., Utah. White Rhet. '81. Philadelphia. Maximilian Lindsay Kellner. M.A. '84. S.T.D.'95. Son of Rev. Charles F. Geneva. Harv.’85, M.A., S.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch., Cambr. '86. Ord. '83 ; Instr. Heb. Epis. Theol. Sch., Cambr. 86-9. Ass’t Prof. Old Test, Lang. '89-i-. Harv. Bibl. Club.; Soc. Bibl. Lit. and Exeg.; A mer. Orient, Soc. K. A., p B K. Cambridge, Mass. John David Kennedy. Son of James. Glens Falls. Gen. Theol. Sem. '84. Ord. '84; R. and Miss., N. Y. and Pa. 85 Keep St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Macbeth. M.A. '84. Brooklyn. Berkeley Div. Sch. '84. Ord. '84; R. and Miss., Alb., Pa., Conn. Windham, Conn. Alexander Mann. Son of Rev. Duncan C. Watkins. DeLancey Div. Sch. '84; Gen. Theol. Sem. '85, S.T.B. '87. Ord, 85; Ass’t Min. and Miss., W. N. Y.; Assoc. R., Orange, N. J. Ist White Essay '78, 1st Cobb Essay '81. 0 A X, q) B K. Orange, N. J. Laurens M'Lure. M.A. '84. Butler, Pa. Gen. Theol. Sem. '84, S.T.B. '86. Ord. '84; R. and. Miss., Pitts. SALUT. K A, p B K. Hulton, Pa. Percy John Robottom. M.A. '85. Jersey City, N.J. (From St. Steph. Coll.) Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '87. Ord. ’86; R. and Miss., C. Pa. K. A. Lancaster, Pa. Brandreth Symonds. M.A. '84. Son of Col. H. C. Sing Sing. M.D. Coll, Phys. and Surg. N. Y. '84. Phys. and Surg. Fellow N. Y. Acad. Med.; Soc. Alum. Bellev. Hosp.; Loyal Legion U. S. X. p. 128 W. 59th St., New York. James William Van Ingen. M.A. '85. Son of Rev. John V., Hon. '47. Acochester. Gen. Theol. Sem. '84, S.T.B. ’87. Ord. '84; Chap1. S. Luke’s Hosp. Chicago; R. and Miss., Mont., Conn. . Chicago, Ill. B. S. Francis Eugene Easterbrooks. Son of Rev. Isaac. Bradford. DeLancey Div. Sch. '82. Ord. '82; Miss. W. N. Y., Glenora, N. Y. I66 HOBART COLLEGE. I882 STUDENTS. Willie Green Ainsworth. Cape Vincent. Milton Burr Davis. Brooklyn. (From S. Steph. Coll.) M.D. Phys. and Surg. K A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Rose Dorsey. Son of Dr. Fred., Md. Hagerstozyn, Md. M.D. Phys, and Surg, Los Angeles, Cal. Eugene Warner Hutchinson. Chicago, Ill. Eng. '78. * Edward Wardwell. Dresden. Merch., New York, Farmer. B. Penn Yan, Jan. 15, 1860, d. Los Angeles, Cal., Dec., '93. HONORARY. (Hon.) Delano Chipman Calvin. LL.D. Judge, N. Y. New York. William D. Kerr. M. A. Princ. Pub, School, Binghamton. (Rev.) Francis Lobdell. S.T.D. LL.D. '94. Amherst '58. Curator '94. Ord, '65 ; R. and Miss., O., Conn., N. Y., W. N. Y. Dep. Gen. Cotiv. W. N. Y. '92-5. Archd. Buffalo '95+. Buffalo, N. Y. (Rev.) Percy Clinton Webber. M. A. B. Ph. Bost, Univ. '77, B. A. '79, S. T. B. '81. Chapl. and Head M. De Veaux Coll. ’81. Ord. '8o ; R. and Miss., Pa., Kan., Mil., Mass, Archd. Mil. '92-3. Westdale, Mass. Reynold Webb Wilcox. M. A. Yale '78; M.D. Harv. '81 ; LL.D. Maryv., Tenn. '92. Prof. Clin. Med. Post-Grad. Sch. N. Y. N. Y. Soc, Sons of Rev. '89. New York. Howell Charles Williams, M. A. Princ. Williams Acad. Buffalo. I882. Ernest Fitzhugh Ayrault. M.A. '85. Son of Rev. Walter, '40. Geneva. Law. Teacher. PHILos, S p, p B}K. 1 I5 Broadway, New York. Walter Ayrault, Jun. Bro. of E. F. above. Geneva. Broker and Stock raiser, Livingston, Mont. > (p. 95 26th St., Chicago, I11. (Rev.) John Baptiste Blanchet. M.A. '85. Son of John B. Kankakee, Ill. Gen. Theol, Sem. '85. Ord. '85; R. and Miss., Alb., Spr., C. Pa., N. Y., W. N. Y. 1st Cobb Essay ’82. Clifton Springs, N. Y. I882 HOBART COLLEGE. 167 John Porter Bowman. M.A. '85. Son ogy. R. Rochester. I.L.B. Columb. '84. Law. 2d Soph. Decl. ’80. q). Rochester, N. Y. * William Wood Collins. Son of T. W. Lyons. M.D. salut. P B K. D. Denver, Colo., Sept. 9, '92. (Rev.) Alonzo Norton Henshaw. M.A. '91. Batavia. Ph.D. Leips. Ord. '90 ; R. and Miss., Minn., N. Y. K. A. 45 E. 66th St., New York. (Rev.) * Robert Lynn. Aontiac, Mich. Ord. '82 ; R., W. Mich. B. 1850, d. Ionia, Mich., March 19, '89. Albert Lay Noble. Son of Martin W. Bath. Law. X. p. Medicine Lodge, Kan. Henry Axtell Prince. M.A. '85. Son of Fred W. Geneva. Teacher; Mast. St. Paul’s Sch., Concord, N. H. ’81-3, St. Mark’s, Southboro, Mass., '83-7. Head M. Ravenscroft Sch. Asheville, N. C. '87-8. Law. VALED. Lat. '80, Eng. '80, Greek '81. > (p, q, B. K. 36 Wall St., New York. Richard Francis Rankine. Son of Rev. James, Prest. '69. Geneva. Manuf. Ist Soph. Decl. ’80, White Rhet. '82. K. A. Niagara Falls, N. Y. William James Robinson. M. A. '86. Son of Andrew. Sterling, Ill. Canandaigua, N. Y. John Van Rensselaer. M. A. '86. Bro. of C. S., '80. Geneva. M.D. Columb. Univ. Wash., D. C., '89. Phys. N. Y. Hosp. '85-91, S. p. 2 Thomas Circle, Washington, D. C. B. S. Charles Danforth Bean. Nephew of John E. '46. Geneva. Ph. B. Syrac, Univ., '85, M.A. Allegh. '86. Law. Just. Sess. N. Y. '88-90, Mast. F. and A.M. '95. Prest. Delphian Hist. Soc. Geneva '89. Geneva, N. Y. William Francis Humphrey. Son of R. J. Poultney, Vt. Printer and Publisher. Trust. of Village '95. Geneva, N. Y. Eugene Pierre Mallett. Son of Peter. Brooklyn. M.D. Long Isl. Med. Coll. ’89. , Phys. Instr. Surg. Post-Grad. Hosp. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc., Roosevelt and Charity Hosp. Alumni ; Gynaecol., Vanderbilt and St. Barthol. Hosp. Clin. > (p. 230 W. 59th St., New York. Charles Henry Nichols. Son of James H. Geneva. Bookkeeper. I. scIENT. Rochester, N. Y. Clarence Coan Tuthill. Son of Henry. Penn Yan. © A X. Penn Yan, N. Y. William Gordon Ver Planck. Son of S. H., '47. Geneva. Law. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '85. II. SciENT. > (p. 36 Wall St., New York. I68 HOBART COLLEGE. I882 (Rev.) (Rev.) STUDENTS. Albert Isaac Allen. Westford. Ralph H. Brandreth. Sing Sing. Sec. Porous Plaster Co. A A X. William Montgomery Brown. Cleveland, O. Joseph Carden. South Laze/rence, Mass. Samuel Brown Dusinberre. Geneva. Banker. Eng. '79. X dº. Tacoma, Wash. Henry Camp Hedden. Avezwark, N. J. * Staats Dunbar Jennings. Syracuse. D. Syracuse, Feb. 18, '79. John Wheeler Mellen. Son of James P. Geneva. Banker. S. p. Geneva, N. Y., Robert Almon Ottman. Arthur Henry Proffitt. Newark, V. J. Gen. Theol. Sem. '83. Ord. '83 ; R. and Min., Mass., N. Y. S. Orange, N. J. James Clark Sanford. Palmyra. HONORARY. Albert William Ryan. M. A. Univ. Mich. '78. S.T.B. Seabury Div. Sch. '82, Ph. D. West Univ. I11. '83, Sc. D. Wooster Univ. '85, LL.B., Victoria Coll. Tor. '85, LL.D. do., D.C. L. Trin. Coll. Tor. Ord. '81 ; R. and Miss., Minn. Prest. Stand. Com. Miss. Jur. Duluth ; Prest. St. Luke's Hosp.; Prest. Shaks, Soc, Duluth, Minn. 1883. Lewis Arthur Welles Alleman. M.A. '87. Son of Macdougal. Fayette. M. D. Jeff Med. Coll. Philad. '86. Phys. and Surg. Amer. Acad. Med.; Amer. Ophthalm. Soc.; Amer. Electro- Therap. Asso.; N. Y. S. Med. Soc.; N. Y. Acad. Med.; Kings Co. Med. Assoc.; Brookl. Inst. Arts and Sci.; Ophthal. Surg. L. I. Coll. Hosp. and Heb. Asyl.; Therap. Eye and Ear Hosp. 2d Soph, Decl. ’81, 1st White Essay '82. K. A. 64 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Fullerton Brumback. Son of Jefferson. Kansas City, Mo. Law. K. A. Kansas City, Mo. I883 HOBART COLLEGE. I69 Herman Brumback. Bro. of F. F. above. Kansas City, Mo. Law. K. A. Kansas City, Mo. (Rev.) Franklin Tom Eastment. Son of Rev. Wm. Glen Cove, N. Y. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '86. Ord. '86; R. and Miss., L. I., C. Pa. © A X. Troy, Pa, Ledyard Cuyler Holcomb. Aulteneyville. Rome, N. Y. Dunkin Van Rensselaer Johnston. M. A. '86. Son of Col. Robert, U. S. A. Geneva. Ass’t State Librarian. Ist Soph. Decl. ’81. X (p, q} B K. Albany, N. Y. Walter John Le Grys. Son of Thomas. Cambridge. Editor. p B K. Troy, N. Y. Donald Peter Mann. Bro. of Rev. Cameron, '70, and Rev. Alex., '81. Wałężns. Journalist. SALUT. 6) A X, p B K. Kansas City, Mo. Eugene Langdon Mann. Son of H. E. St. Paul, Minn. M.D. Hahnem. Med. Coll. Philad.'86. Prof. Laryng. and Phys. Diagn. Univ. Minn. Phys. and Surg. 2d White Essay ’82. KA, p B K. St. Paul, Minn. Howard Edwards Merrell. M.A. '87. Son of Andrew, '47. Geneva. Nurseryman. VALED. Greek '82, 2d Cobb Essay '83. K. A., p B K. Geneva, N. Y. (Rev.) Charles Calvin Proffitt. M. A. 86. Bro. of Arthur H., Stud. '82. AWeze/ark, N. J. Gen. Theol. Sem. '88. Ord. 88; R., N. Y. 2068 Madison Ave., New York. William James Snyder. M. A. '88. Son of Richard. Geneva. Syracuse, N. Y. E. Herbert Vail. M.A. '86. Waterloo. (3) A X. Geneva, N. Y. Frederick Willing. M. A. '86. Erie, Pa., Eng. '81. Annapolis, Md. B. S. * Samuel Elliott Perkins Hord. Son of Oscar B. Zndianapolis, Znd. (From Racine Coll.) Stud. Harv. Law Sch. '86. Law. K. A. B. Aug. Io, 1861, d, Cambridge, Mass., March I6, '87. Vincent Moreau Smith. Son of J. Moreau. Rochester. Trust and Safe Dep. Co., X (p. Rochester, N. Y. STUDENTS. Amasa Junius Parker Bishop. Jamestozyn. Brown '83. Instr. De Veaux Coll. ’83-4. K. A. San Francisco, Cal. Frank Henry Childs Blackmore. Franklin zyżlle. I70 HOBART COLLEGE. 1883 Harry Robins Burrall. Buffalo. Ellsworth Leigh Hallenbeck. Son of D. W. Geneva. Sec. Columbia and Okanogan Steamer Line. Wenatchee, Wash. William Graham Hinsdale. M.D. Tulane Univ. La. '86. Phys. and Surg. City Med, Soc.; Syrac, Acad. Med. Visit. Phys. Hosp. Good Shepherd, Phys. Syrac. Free Dispens., Instr. Train. Sch. for Nurses. Onondaga Co. Hist. Soc. S. p. Syracuse, N. Y. George Irving Hipple. Geneva. Real estate. Chicago, Ill. Charles Henry Scott. Waterbury, Conn. Henry Kendrick Metcalf Spalding. Son of Rev. Henry W., '55. Merchant. K. A. 1414 S. Penn St., Philadelphia. * Thomas Jefferson Stevens. AVezº York. D. Geneva, Dec. 29, '93. Frank Russell Taylor. Płimrods. James Jackson Walsh. Lockport. (De Veaux Coll.) Manufacturer. K. A. Quincy, Ill. Franklin Thomas Wood. Öſtica. Merchant. K. A. Utica, N. Y. I884. William Holden Chace. M.A. '87. Son of Dr. Wm. Mayville. M.D. Univ. Buff. Phys. and Surg. Q A X, q) B K. Buffalo, N. Y. Millard Fillmore Elderton. Son of Orin G. Auburn. Auburn, N. Y. John Clarence Flood. M.A. '87. Son of James. Geneva. Teacher; Mast. Lat. and Greek Lang. De Veaux Coll. ’84-90 ; Head-M. Kenyon Mil. Acad. '90-7 ; St. Mark's Sch., Southboro, Mass., '97. VALED. Greek '83. ‘p B K. Southboro, Mass. Joseph McCarty Frost. M.A. '87. Son of L. W. Catharine. Ist Soph. Decl. ’82. 9 A X, p B K. Faribault, Minn. (Rev.) * Lansing Swan Humphrey. M.A. '87. Rochester. (From Univ. Roch.) Instr. Heb. '88-91. Gen. Theol. Sem. '87. Ord. '87 ; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., C. Pa. A K E, (Roch.) p B K. B. Rochester, 1861, d. Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, '95. 1884 HOBART COLLEGE. 171 (Rev.) George Meriwether Irish. Bro. of Charles G. '73. Amsterdam. Gen. Theol. Sem. '88, S.T.B. '89. Ord. '88 ; R. and Miss., Alb. SALUt. 2d Soph. Decl. ’82, ſ.at. '82, Eng. '82, 1st White Essay '83, 1st Cobb Essay '83. p B K. Colton, N. Y. John Montgomery Lay. Son of John. Geneva. * Frederick William Marshall. Son of H. G. Flatbush, L. J. Q. A X. D. (drownedj Geneva, May, '84. (Rev.) John M'Kinney. M.A. '87. Brooklyn, L. I. Gen. Theol, Sem. '87. Ord, '87 ; R. and Miss., L. I., Mass., W. N. Y. (3) A X. Westfield, N. Y. Charles Webster Robinson. M.A. '87. Cuba. Post-grad. Stud. J. H.U. Teacher ; Farmer ; Manufacturer. X. P. Hornellsville, N. Y. Theodore James Smith. M. A. '88. Geneva. Nurseryman. Treas. Geneva Opt. Co. S. p. Geneva, N. Y. William Dolbeer Smith. Son of Wilber. Batavia. Merchant. K. A. Batavia, N. Y. (Rev.) *Libertus Morris Van Bokkelen. Son of Rev. Libertus. Buffalo. Gen. Theol. Sem. '88; Ord. '88; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. and N. Y. White Rhet. '83. K. A. B. Catonsville, Md., 1861, d. Sta, Barbara, Cal., June 22, '96. (Rev.) William Otis Waters. M. A. '96. Son of C. S. Sherburne. Teacher, Westchester, N. Y. '84-6; Mich. Mil. Acad, '86-90. Ord. '90; R, and Miss., Mich, Curator Harris Hall, Univ. Mich. '90-1. Q A X. Detroit, Mich. B. S. William Trowbridge Eames. Son of Spencer S. Newark. Lumber Merchant. New York. William Newton Fessenden. Cazzdor. Law. 0 A X. Kingston, N. Y. Russell M’Caw Johnston. Bro. of D. V. R., '83. Geneva. LL.B. Alb. Law Sch, '87. Law. Albany, N. Y. Henry Thomas Murray. Son of C. D. Dunkirk. Ins. and Real Estate. X. p. Dunkirk, N. Y. Albert James Myer (2d). Son of Albert J. '47. Buffalo. Law. Maj. N. G. N. Y. '93-5. N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '87; Loyal Legion; Holland Soc. K. A. Lake View, N.Y. Maurice Augustus Viele. Geneva. Mass. Inst, Techn., '86. Civil Engineer, X. p. 324 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. Henry Axtell Wheat. Son of Corydon. Geneva. Real Estate, Nurseryman. White Rhet. '84. K. A. Geneva, N. Y. I72 HOBART COLLEGE. 1885 (Rev.) (Rev.) STUDENTS. Frederick Gerow Crittenden. Phelps. Farmer. Stud. Coll. Med. Univ., Buffalo. S. p. Phelps, N. Y. Stephen H. Dempsey. AHartland. James Henry Haslett. B.S. '86. Son of William. Seneca. M.D. Coll. City of N. Y. Phys. and Surg. Town Phys. '88-i-; Health Off. '88-i-. Q A X. Waterloo, N. Y. George William Keeler. Płazyana. Law. 0 A X. Montour Falls, N. Y. James Taylor Van Rensselaer. Geneva. Lit. Chr. Ch. Oxford, Eng. Farmer. X. p. Fall Brook, San Diego, Cal. HONORARY. Haynes Lord Everest. M.A. Ord. '74; R. and Miss., Iowa, Conn., W. N. Y. Princ. Rectory Sch. - Hamden, Conn. William S. Oliver. M.A. Rochester, N. Y. 1885. Charles Augustus Kienzle. M. A. '88. Erie, Pa. Gen. Theol. Sem. '88; Ord. '88; R. and Miss., Colo., Cal., Quin., Nk. Chapl. St. Alban's Sch. Knoxville, Ill., '93-4. VALED. Lat. '83, Eng. '83. ‘p B K. Pompton, N. J. Simeon Alonzo Watson. M.A. '88. Binghamton. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Rome. White Rhet. '85. 0 A X. Rome, N. Y. B. S. James Warren Bliss. Saginaw City, Mich. M. D. Saginaw Val. Med. Coll., '97. Ass’t Prof. Orthop. Surg. same. Mich. Med. Soc. Saginaw City, Mich. Benjamin Franklin. Oz/id. Law. Co., Clerk. Ovid, N. Y. William Edward Gibbs. Son of Edwin H., Stud. 48. Elizabeth, N.J. (From Stevens Inst. Techn., N. J.) Mech. Engineer, New York. K. A. Fanwood, N. J. William Augustus Howe. Son of John Q. Phelps. M.D. Columb. '88. Phys. and Surg. O A X. º Phelps, N. Y. DeWitt Henry Parshall. - Son of DeWitt, Trustee '72. Lyons. Artist. X. p. Lyons, N. Y. 1885 HOBART COLLEGE. I73 Edward Pool Pearson. M.S. '89. Son of William P. Waterloo. Teacher. 6) A X. Waterloo, N. Y. STUDENTS. Philip Reed Bradley. Dunkirk. Coll. Customs. 3 p. Dunkirk, N. Y. William Leighton. Acochester. Rochester, N. Y. Josiah Don Payne. Watkins. Stock Raiser. K. A. Laramie, Wyo. George Morris Porter. Son of Peter A., Trustee '53. Geneva. Stud. Coll. Law. Univ. Mich. '85. X q}. Buffalo, N. Y. (Rev.) Alexander Miller Rich. Son of Rev. Arthur J. Reisterstown, Md. Div. Sch. Md. '90. Ord. '90 ; R. and Miss., Md. ; Curate, Trinity Ch., Washington. © A X washington, D. c. Alfred Ten Eyck. East Saginazy, Mich. Lumber Merch. K. A. E. Saginaw, Mich. Edward Huger Wells. Geneva. M. D. Univ. Buff. '86. Phys. and Surg. K A. HONORARY. (Rev.) William Henry Benjamin. S.T. D. Trinity '57, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '62. Ord. '62; R. Irvington, N. Y., 67+. Irvington, N. Y. (Rev.) Robert Doherty. S.T.D. Trin. Coll. Tor. Ord. Dioc. Tor. ; R. Tor. and Neb.; Princ. Brownell Hall, Omaha; Canon Trinity Cathed. Omaha, ’76+. Stand. Com. Dioc. Neb., '89-H, Dep. Gen. Conv. '92-5. Exam. Chapl. ’79-i-, Omaha, Neb, (Rev.) George William Douglas. S.T.D. Son of Wm. B., Trustee '56. Trinity 71, M.A., S.T. D. '94. Gen. Theol. Sem. '74, Tutor'76-7. Ord. '74; Ass’t Min. and R., N. Y., Wash. D. C., Conn., (St. John’s, Washington, '88-92, Trini, y, New Haven, '92 +.) Trustee Cathed. Found. Wash.; Chapl. D. C. Sons of Rev. '92-3 ; New Haven Coll. Hist. Soc. ; Cent. and other Clubs, N. Y., Balt., Wash. New Haven, Conn. I886. Clarence Henry Chace. M.A. '89. Bro. of Wm. H., '84. Mayzille. Law. Univ. Club. O A X. Buffalo, N. Y. Carl Axel Harstrom. M.A. '89. Son of Carl G. Peekskill. Princ. Milit. Acad. Norwalk, VALED, 1st White Essay '85, Greek '85. O & X, q B K. Norwalk, Conn, I74 HOBART COLLEGE. I886 (Rev. ) (Hon.) Ward Hunt Johnson. Son of Arthur B., '49. Utica. Stud. Theol. 1st Soph. Decl, '84, 2d Cobb Essay ’85, 1st Cobb Essay '86, White Rhet. '86. X ºp. Utica, N. Y. B. S. Henry Greene Clark. Cazenovia. © A X. Palmyra, N. Y. Francis Albert Herendeen. Bro. of Edward G., '79. Geneva. Sec. Herendeen Manuf. Co. 0 A X. Geneva, N. Y. James Clarence Jones. Davenport, Iowa, Ph. I). Univ. N. Y. '91. Gen. Theol, Sem, '89. Ord. '89; R. St. Thomas' Ch., Brooklyn, Exam. Chapi. Dioc. L. I. 2d Cobb Essay '86. K A. . Brooklyn, N. Y. George Pomeroy Kingsley. Freeport, Zll. - Minden, Neb. Henry Toomer Morrison. Son of R. T. M'Clellan ville, S. C. Merchant. 2d White Essay '85. M'Clellanville, S. C. Mark Wellington Way. Son of Mark. Roches/ez. Stud. Theol. W. N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. STUDENTS. Charles Horace Annan. Bro. of H. W., '80. Geneva. George Brown Dusinberre. Bro. of H. W., '80. Geneva. Thomas Haslett. Bro. of J. H., Stud. '84. Seneca. * Thomas Straughn Henson. Son of Thomas. Geneva. B. Geneva, Apr. 14, 1862, d. there Nov. 8, '85. * Edward Houston Hopkins. Savannah, Ga. 3. P. B. Tallahassee, Fla., Feb. 10, 1865, d. Orange Lake, Fla., '90. Rowland Blennerhasset Mahany. Buffalo. Harv. '88. U. S. Cong. Min. Plenip. Ecuador. 2d Soph. Decl. '84. Buffalo, N. Y. George Hooper Mallett. AVew York. M.D. Univ. Va., '85. Ass’t Gynaecol. N.Y. Cancer Hosp. and Woman's Hosp. ; Instr. Post-Grad. Med. Coll. ; N. Y. Obstet. Soc.; Alumni Assoc. Woman’s and Charity Hosps. X p. 230 W. 59th St., New York. Henry Pool Pearson. Bro. of E. P., Stud, '85. Waterloo. Frederick Irving Pierce. AViagara Falls. I886 HOBART COLLEGE. I75 (Rev.) (Rev. ) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) William Henry Pringle. Son of H. H., '53. Hastings, Minn. Banker, Grand Forks, N. D., '86-90. K A. San Diego, Cal. Thomas Carey Welch. Buffalo. HONORARY. William Martin Beauchamp. S.T.D. De Lancey Div. Sch. '62 ; Ord. '62; R. and Miss., C. N. Y. (R. Baldwinsville '65+). Exam. Chapl. Onondaga Co. Hist. Soc. Author (History, Past. Theol.). Baldwinsville, N. Y. Delaskie Miller. M. A. M. D. Chicago, Ill. George Huntington Nicholls. S.T.D. Trinity '39, M.A. '8o. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '42. Ord.’41 ; R. and Miss., Conn., Alb. (Hoosick Falls’65+.) Hoosick Falls, N. Y. James Lewis Parks. S.T.D. Gen. Theol. Seml. '71. Ord. '71 ; R. and Miss., Pa. Tenn., Cal., Alb., Conn., N. Y. Calvary Ch. Rectory, New York. George Dudley Wildes. S.T.D. M.A. Harv '54, S.T.D. Coll. Sist. Beth. Kan. '71. Theol. Sem. Va. '44. Ord. '44; R. and Miss., N. Y. (Riverdale '67+). Gen. Sec. Ch. Cong. U. S. '74+. Corr. Memb. N. Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc, '77. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science. Riverdale, New York. 1887. Arthur Morgan Aucock. M.A. '90. Son of Jonathan. Utica. Ep. Theol. Sch. Camb.'90, S.T. B. Ord '90 ; Asst. Min. All SS. Ch. PHILos. Eng. '84, Lat. '86, 1st White Essay '86, White Rhet. '87, 1st Cobb Essay '87. X (p, q, B K. Providence, R. I. William Edward Hayes. M.A. '90. Son of Edward W. Buffalo. Ep. Theol. Sch. Camb. '90, S.T.B. Ord. '91 ; R. St. Andrew's. v ALED. 1st Soph. Decl. '85. X (p b B K. Wellesley, Mass. Lewis Wheaton Keyes. M.A. '90. Bro. of Chas. R., '72. Geneva. Law. SALUT. 2d Soph. Decl. ’85. p B K. Geneva, N. Y. * Charles Bonsall Mowry. Son of º; B. Geneva. Eng. '84. B. Geneva, Nov. 1, 1853, d. there Jan. 22, '88. B. S. Howard Cole Fulton. SC. D. '88. Son of R. F. Zanesville, O. Law. O. Soc. Sons of Rev. 1st White Essay ’87. K. A. Zanesville, O. 176 HOBART COLLEGE. 1887 Albert Howard Herendeen. Geneva. Nurseryman. - Geneva, N. Y. William Morrison Toomer. Son of R., Jun. Charleston, S. C. Clerk, Customs, New York. 2d White Essay '87. K. A. Way Cross, Ga. Charles Thomas Waters. Marietta, O. M.D. N. W. Univ. '93. Phys. and Surg. Marietta, O. STUDENTS. Horatio Seymour Ansley. Geneva. Joseph Wright Carruth. Fredonia, Frederick Stevens Collins. Lyons. X. p. Charles Bradley Dorsey. Geneva. Merchant. (Dorsey Produce Co.) Geneva, N. Y. Lawrence De Zeng Norton. Carthage. Thomas Merdon Partridge. Son of Satnuel. Phelps. Lumber Merchant. O A X. Minneapolis, Minn. James George Stacey, Jun. Son of James G. Geneva. Merchant (Dorchester & Rose). K A. Geneva, N. Y. George Leeds Thorne. Toledo, O. S. p. * Charles Rose Williams. Son of Fletcher. Newark. Banker. S. P. B. Newark, d. Tex. March 24, '94. HONORARY. Sidney Gillespie Ashmore. L.H.D. Columb. 272, M.A. Tutor Greek and Lat. Lehigh '73–6, Lat. Columb. '76-81; Prof. Lat. Lang. and Lit. Union '81 +. A p. Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. (Rev.) Charles William Edmund Body. S.T.D. Camb. Eng. M.A. D.C. L. Trinity Coll. Tor. S.T.D. Bishop's Coll. Ont. Prof. Trin. Coll. Tor. Prof. Old Test. Exeg. Gen. Theol. Sem. 9 Chelsea Square, New York. Silas B. Brownell. LL.D. Union '52, M.A. Law. Trustee Union Coll. ’72-6. P B K. New York. (Rev.) Joseph Howland Coit. S.T.D. St. James Coll. Md. '51, M.A. and Dart. '86. Tutor Math. St. James Coll '54-5, Librarian '54-65, Ass’t Prof. Math. '55-9, Prof. Phys. and Nat Hist. '59-61, Math., Nat. Sci, and Hist. 261-5; Vice-R., St. Paul’s Sch. Concord, N. H. '65-95, Rector ’95+. Ord. '54; Elect. Chapl. Hobart'65; Exam. Chap1. Dioc. N. H. '75--, St. Com. '95+, Treas. and Clerk Orphan’s Home '74+. St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H. I888 HOBART COLLEGE. 177 (Rev.) * William Bostwick Edson. S.T.D. Harv. '48, M.A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '54. Ord. '54; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. (Phelps '66-92.) . Prof. Sac. Lang. De Lancey Div. Sch. '86-92. Amer. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sci. B. Unadilla, April 7, 1824, d. Phelps, Dec. 6, '92. (Rev.) Henry Lubeck. M.A. LL.D. '93. LL.B. Alb. Law Sch.'84. Orat. p B K '93. Miss. Ch. Eng. Dioc. Grafton and Armidale, N.S.W. R. and Miss., Alb., W. N. Y., N. Y. '84-1-. I672 Broadway, New York. (Rev.) Robert J. Nevin. LL.D. S.T.D. Union '74. Ord. '67; R., Pa. '67-8, St. Paul’s Ch. Rome, Italy, '69-1-. Prest. Convoc. Amer, Chapl. Europe. Rome, Italy. (Hon.) Edward Winslow Paige. LL.D. Union '64. LL.B. Harv. '66. Law. Dep. Att'y Gen. N. Y. p B K, New York. (Rt.Rev.) Henry Codman Potter. S.T.D. LL.D. M.A. Union '63; S.T.D. Union '65, Trinity '84, Harv. '90, Oxford '92; LL.D. Union '77, Camb. Eng. '88; D.C.L. Bishop's Coll. Can. '94. Theol. Sem. Va.,’57. Ord. '57; R. and Miss., Pa., Alb., N.Y.,'58-83; Bp. Coadj. '83-7, Bishop of New York ’87-i-. Sec. House of Bps. '65–83. Author (Past. Theol.) Cathedral Heights, New York. (Rev.) John Charles Roper. M.A. Oxford (Eng.), M.A. '84 and Trinity Coll. Toronto. Ord, Ch. Eng.; Curate, Hurstmonceaux ; Chap1. Brazenose Coll. Oxf. Prof. Div. Trin, Coll. Tor.; Prof. Dogm. Theol. Gen. Theol. Sem. '97. Exam. Chapl. Dioc. Tor. Chelsea Square, New York. Isaac H. Stout. M.A. M.A. Hamilton ’93. Conductor State Inst. Geneva, N. Y. (Rt.Rev.) Cortlandt Whitehead. S.T.D. Yale '63, M.A. S.T.D. Union '80, Philad. Div. Sch. '67. Ord. '67; R. and Miss., Colo., Pa. '67-82; Bishop of Pittsburgh '82-i-. Hist. Soc. N. J. and Pa. Shady Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Rev.) Louis Zahner. S.T. D. Franklin and Marshall Coll. Pa., M.A. Ord. '75; R. and Miss., Pa., Neb., Mass. Exam. Chapl. Dioc. Neb. '90-I. North Adams, Mass. I888. (Rev.) Clarence Hawley Beers. M.A. '91. Son of F. W., AWaples. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '96. Ord. '91, R. and Miss., Pa., N. Y. v. Hon. ‘p B K. 105 E. Houston St., New York. James Grieve Dudley. Son of James G., Stud. '50. Geneva. Engineer (Heating and Ventilating). 2d Soph. Decl. '86, White Rhet. '88. K. A. 39 Cortland St., New York. (Rev.) Edward Macomb Duff. M.A. '91. Son of Rev. Robert M. '61. Waterloo. Harv. '89; S.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb. '91. Ord. '91 ; R. and Miss., Mich., W, Mich., Minn. SALUT. Jun. Lat. '87, 1st White Essay '88. X ºp, p B K. Hastings, Mich. 178 HOBART COLLEGE. 1888 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) Powell Evans. Son of Dr. J. Florence, S. C. R. R. service. Iv. HoN. × p, p B K. 25th and Washington Ave., Philadelphia. Edward Welles Hawley. Son of Augustine B. '52. Red Wing, Minn. Harv. '89; LL.B., LL.M. Univ. Minn. Law ; Teacher. v ALED. X ºp, p B K. º 319 12th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. William Oscar Jarvis, Jun. M. A. '91. Son of Rev. Wm. O. Batavia. Gen. Theol. Sem. '97. Ord. '97 ; Min. Dioc. W. N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Ernest Willoughby Jewell. Grand Rapids, Mich. Gen. Theol. Sem. '93, S.T.B. '95. Ord. 93 ; R. and Miss., Mil., Mich. Dioc. Sec. Men’s Help Soc. London. © A X. Calumet, Mich. James Robie Kingsley. M. A. '91. Bath. Law. N. Y. S. Corp. Com’r '93. X ºp. Bath, N. Y. George William O’Brien. Jamestozyn, AWeb. Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Charles Alexander Smith. M.A. '91. Syracuse. M A. Harv. '92. Teacher. VI. HoN. p B K. 16o W. 48th St., New York. B. S. Frank Edwin Clayes. Brockville, Ont. Brockville, Ont. Balie Peyton Legarè. M.S. '92. Charleston, S. C. L.I.B. Columbian Univ. Wash. Topographer U. S. Geol. Survey. Broker. Soc. Sons of Rev. Eng. '87, Ist Cobb Essay ’88. K A, The Alpine, 33d St., New York. Arthur Hallett Mellen. Son of James P. Genºva. Theol. Sem. Va. '92 ; Ord. '92; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Pa.; Miss. Havana, Cuba, '94-5. X ºp. Hamburgh, N. Y. Andrew Moreland. Charleston, S. C. Banker and Broker. K. A. 29 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. Francis Lansing Stebbins. Son of Dr. J. H. Geneva. M. D. Univ. N. Y. '91. Phys. Roch. Hosp. S p. Geneva, N. Y. Francis Stuart Viele. Geneva. Mass. Inst. Techn. '90. Civil Engineer. PHILos. X p, q} B K. Pittsburgh, Pa. B. L. John Otto Chace. Bro. of Clarence H., '86. Mayzille. Merchant, @ A X. 35o Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. David Lincoln Ferris. M.L. '91. Son of James E. Croton Landing. Berkeley Div. Sch. '93. Ord. '93; R. and Miss., C. N. Y. O A X. Stamford, Conn. I888 HOBART COLLEGE. I79 STUDENTS. Arthur De Lancey Ayrault. Son of Rev. Walter, '40. Geneva. X. p. Instr. St. Paul’s School, Garden City, N. Y. Harlow Ward Bailey. Buffalo. Manufacturer. K. A. Buffalo, N. Y. William Gardner Choate. Pleasantzille. O A X. Macdonough Craven. Gerzezwa. X q2. N. Y. City Pub. Works. New York. James J. Davis. Galena, Ill. John Henry Foss. Baltimore, Md. O A X. Baltimore, Md. James Thomas Low. Aviagara Falls. Merchant. K. A. Niagara Falls, N. Y. (Rev.) Charles Hamilton M'Knight. Son of Rev. Geo. H., Hon. '50. Elmira. LI. B. Cornell '91. Law. Teacher; Instr. Math. N. Y. S. Reform. Elmira. Ord. '97. K. A. Elmira, N. Y. Frederick Fitch Milligan. Alfred, Mass. Frederick Stanley Oliver. Chicago. Real Estate Merch. 1st Soph. Decl. '86. K A. Chicago, Ill. James Howard Townsend Pearson. AViagara Falls. Journalist. K. A. St. Louis, Mo. De Lancey Rankine. Son of Rev. James, Hon. '57; bro. of Wm. B., Stud. '77, and Richard F., '82. Geneva. Banker; Merchant, K A. Rotterdam, Holland. Willis Organ Shaw. Aeekskill. Ross Campbell Van Bokkelen. Son of Rev. Libertus; bro. of Rev. L. M., '84. Buffalo. Clerk. K. A. Chicago, Ill. Louis Ulysses Warner. Orleans. EIONORARY. (Rev.) Walton Wesley Battershall. S.T.D. Yale '64. M.A. S.T.D. Union '78. Trustee’79-i-. Ord. '65; R., N.Y., W. N. Y., Alb. (St. Peter's, Albany, '74+.) Dep. Gen. Conv., Bd. Miss., etc., Dioc, Alb. Albany, N. Y. (Rev.) William Robinson Clark. LL.D. Aberdeen, Scot., M. A. and Oxford, Eng. D.C.L. Trin. Coll. Tor. Lect. Mod. Hist. and Relig. Thought, '88-95. Prof. Trin. Coll. Tor. F.R.S.C. q, B. K. Toronto, Ont. I8O HOBART COLLEGE. I 888 (Rt. Rev.) Leighton Coleman. LL.D. M.A. Trinity '65. S.T.D. Racine '74. Gen. Theol. Sem. '61. Ord. '60 ; R. and Miss., Pa., Del., O., '60-88; Bishop of Delaware '88-i-. Soc. Cin- cinnati ; Hist. Soc. N. Y., Pa., Del. Author. (Past. Theol., Eccles. Hist.) Wilmington, Del. J. E. Larned. M. A. New York. Allen Marquand. L.H.D. Coll. N. J.”4, M.A., Ph.D. Johns-Hopkins Univ. '80. Lect. Hist. Art '89-1-. Prof. Archaeol. and Hist. Art. Coll. N. J. '77-80. Princeton, N. J. (Rev.) Walter Thompson. S.T.D. Amherst '72, M.A., Ord. '75; R., Alb., N. Y. Founder Thompson Prizes. Garrison's, N. Y. Schuyler S. Wheeler. SC.D. (Rev.) * Henry White. S.T.D. Oxford '57, M.A. Ord. (Eng.) '59 ; Curate, St. James, Dover. '59-60; Chapl. in Ord. to the Queen, St. John Bapt. Chapel Royal, Savoy, Strand, London, '60-90, and to H. of Commons. D. London (c.) Oct. 1, ’90. New York, 1889. Alfred Edward Diehl. M.A. '97. Buffalo. M.D. Univ. Pa. '92. Phys. and Surg. 361 Pearl St., Buffalo, N.Y. (Rev.) Franklin Smedley Moore. M.A. '93. Ringston, W. Mez. Gen. Theol. Sem. '92. Ord. '92 ; R. and Miss., Wyo., O. 1st Soph. Decl. ’87, White Rhet. '89, Thomp. '89. Gambier, O, Charles Ludlow Ogden. Warrensburg. M.D., M'Gill Coll. Montreal, '94. Phys. and Surg. House Surg. Post-Grad. Hosp. N. Y. '95. Warrensburg, N. Y. Henry Pegram. M.A. '92. AVezy York. VALED. 1st White Essay '89, 2d Cobb Essay '89, Greek ’89. p K \, plB K. I42 W. 43d St., New York. Frederick Davies Reed. Geneva, Prof. Washington Coll., Tacoma. PHILos. 2d Soph. Decl. '87. Thompson '89. S p, q B K. 33 Washington Sq., New York. John Henry Rose. Son of Robert S. Branchport. M.D. Univ. N. Y. '92. Phys. and Surg. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp. SALUT. Thompson '89. X. p. 12 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. B. S. Will Le Clear Beard. C.E. '91. AVezv York. Civil Engineer. Studio Build., W. Ioth St., New York. Henry Irving Beers, Jun. C.E. 92. Son of Henry I. Oil City, Pa. Civil Engineer. © A X. Clayton, Del. 1889 HOBART COLLEGE. I8 I Harrison Osborne. Buffalo. Law. Civil Service Com’r. Univ. Club. K. A. Buffalo, N. Y. Jesse Louis Walthart. M.A. '92. M.L. '97. Son of John. Phelps. Stud. Theol. Teacher; Princ. High Sch. Cattaraugus, N. Y. STUDENTS. (Rev.) George Frederick Clover. Son of Rev. Lewis P. Clifton Springs. St. Andrew’s Div. Sch., Syracuse, ’90. Ord. '90; Ass’t Min., N. Y. St. Luke's Hospital, New York. * Alfred Buttolph. Gambier. O. S. P. Spencer Opt. Co., Cleveland, O. B. Cleveland, O., May 19, 1868, d. Gambier, O., April 28, '91. Freeman Clarke, Jun. Son of Freeman. Rochester. Manufacturer. K. A. Rochester, N. Y. Reuben Heber Coatsworth. Buffalo. Gurney Thompson Curtis. A’ochester. Merchant. K. A. Rochester, N. Y. Charles Shepard Gibson. Buffalo. Insurance. K A. Buffalo, N. Y. Edward St. Julien Grimké. Charleston, S. C. Stephen Henry Loomis. Geneva. Nurseryman. Geneva, N. Y. Colin Clarke Manning. Charleston, S. C. Georget. Law Sch. Law. Trial Justice. U. S. Consul, Fayal, Azores. K. A. Sumter, S. C. William Edward Morrison. Savannah, Ga. Eduardo Carlos Poey, Hazyana, Cuba. Robert Withers Vaux. Plantersville, S. C. Bookkeeper Ill. Cent. R. R. K. A. Chicago, Ill. John Wilkeson. Bºffalo. Stud. Union '89, and Niag, Law Sch. Law. K. A. Buffalo, N. Y. HONORARY. (Rev.) J. B. Billings. M. A. Vicar St. Michael's, Ilminster, Eng. (Rt. Rev.) Thomas Frederick Davies. LL.D. Yale '53, M.A. and Trinity’69 ; S.T.D. Univ. Pa. '71 and Yale '91. Berkeley Div. Sch: '56. Ord. '56; Prof. Heb. Berk, Div. Sch. '57-62 ; R., Ports. mouth, N. H. '62-8, St. Peter's, Philad. '68-89. Dep. Gen. Conv., Stand. Com., Dioc. Pa. Bishop of Michigan '89-1-. Detroit, Mich. I82 HOBART COLLEGE. 1889 (Hon.) John Jay. LL.D. Son of William. Columb. 239, M.A. Law. Sec. Irish Relief Com. '47 ; U. S. Min. Plen. Austria '69-75; Chairman Jay Com., N. Y. Customs '77 ; Prest. N. Y. S. Civil Serv. Com '83-7. Vice-Prest. Westchester Hist. Soc.; Corr. Sec. N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; 1st Prest. Huguenot Soc. N. Y. '85; Prest. Union League Club '66-70, '77. Author (Polit. and Eccles. papers, etc.) B. New York, June 25, 1817, d. Bedford, (c.) May 8, '94. (Rev.) Alexander Mackay-Smith. S.T.D. Trinity '72, S.T.D. '89. Ord. '76; R., Mass., N. Y., Wash., D. C. ; Archd. New York '87-92. Soc. Sons of Rev. ; Amer. Geog. Soc, ; Soc. Ch. Hist. - Washington, D.C., Douglas Merritt. M.A. LL.B. Columb. '74. Trustee '85+, Vice-Chairman '87-i-. Farmer. Excise Com’r; Trust. Dist. Sch.; N. Y. Hist. Soc.; N. Y. Soc. Sons of Rev. '91 ; N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Soc. ; Royal Geog. Soc. ; 19th Cent. Club. P B K. Rhinebeck, N. Y. Cornelius Vanderbilt. M. A. M.A. Yale '74. Curator '89-1-. Chairman N. Y. C. and H. R. R. R. Gen. Bd. of Miss. 5th Ave., New York. (Rev.) Louis Bevier Van Dyck. S.T.D. Rutgers '54, M.A. Instr. (Lat. and Greek) Acad. Middletown, N. Y. '54-8. Gen. Theol. Sem. '61. Ord. '61 ; R. and Miss., N. J., N. Y., W. N. Y. (Grace Ch. Buffalo '71-94.) Sec. and Prest. Stand. Com. Dioc. W. N. Y. '77-94; Registrar '73-94 ; Dep. Fed. Council '76-i- ; Dean of Convoc. Buffalo '79-94; Cathedral Chapter '90-i-. A p. Newark, N. Y. (Rt. Rev.) Gershom Mott Williams. M. A. S.T.D. '95. Stud. Cornell '77. Law, Ord. '8o ; R. and Miss., Mich., W. N. Y.; Dean of Cathedral, Milwaukee, '89-91 ; Archd. N. Mich., '91-5: Bishop of Mar- quette ’95+. Dep. Gen. Conv. Mich. '92, N. Mich. '95. Chap1. N. G. Mich. Buffalo Hist. Soc, '89. Editor. Marquette, Mich. (Hon.) * Walter Abbott Wood. LL.D. Agric. Inventor and Manuf. Cong. U. S. '80-4. B. Mason, N. H., Oct. 15, 1815, d. Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Jan. 15, '92. I890. (Rev.) Henry Stevens Gatley. M.A. '95. Buffalo. Berkeley Div. Sch. '93. Ord. '93; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. VI. HON. e Middleport, N. Y. * (Rev.) Frank Flood German. Geneva. Berkeley Div. Sch. '93. Ord. '93; Ass’t Min., Conn. PHILos. ºf K Nº, p B K. , Mamaroneck, N. Y. Rutgers Bleecker Jewett. M. A. '96. AVorzºyich, Conn. Teacher, Cornwall-on-Hudson, '90 ; Princ. Passaic High School '92. Iv. HoN. 1st Soph. Decl. ’88, Eng. '88, 1st Cobb Essay '89. > *b, p B K. Passaic, N. J. John Copeland Kirtland, Jun. A.M. '92. Trumansburgh. Teacher, Phillips Exeter Acad. Amer. Philol. Assoc.'95. 1st Cobb Easay ’90. P K \,, p B K. Exeter, N. H. I890 HOBART COLLEGE. I83 (Rev.) Frank Howard Nelson. Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. '94. Ord. '94 ; Ass’t Min. St. George's Ch. v.A LED. X ºp, p B K. 207 East 16th St., New York. (Rev.) Charles Edward Spalding. M.A. '93. Son of Rev. H. W., '55. Jamesville, Wis. Gen. Theol Sem. '93. Ord. '93; Ass’t Min., N. Y. '93-4, Pa. '96+. v. HoN. 2d Soph. Decl. '88, White Rhet. '90. K. A. 428 South 42d St., Philadelphia. Newton Foster Vail. M.A. '97. Son of Jno. P. Geneva. SALUT. p B K. 127 East 52d St., New York. B. L. William Edward Carr. AViagara Falls. Law. F. and A. M. O A X. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Fred Erastus Hamlin. AWaples. M.D. p K. Y. Workhouse Hosp., Blackwell's Isl., New York. Charles Carr Hoff. Union Springs. O A X. Chappaqua, N. Y. Thomas Richard Waring, Charleston, S. C. Newspaper Manager. K. A. Charleston, S, C. STUDENTS. (Rev.) William John Wycliffe Bedford-Jones. Geneva. DeLancey Div. Sch. '90. Ord. '90; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Ill.; Ass’t Min. N. Y. Decatur, Ill. William A. Carson, Jun. Son of Wm. A. Rush ville. 0 A X. Dwight Parshall Chamberlain. Son of Dr. D. S. Lyons. Banker. X. p. Lyons, N. Y. John Thomas Crowe. Baltimore, Md. P K Nº. Arthur Hobart Dudley. Son of James G., Stud. '50. Geneva. Mech. Engineer. New York. John Francis Dwyer. Balton, Mass. Arthur Pounsford Guiou. Omaha, Neb. William Russell M’Kim. Buzzker Hill, Ill. Charles Duncan Mann. Bro. of Cameron, '70, and Alex., '81. Watkins. Architect. K. A. Kansas City, Mo. Robert Howland Orton. Irvington. Mutual Life Ins. Co. X. p. Irvington, N. Y. 184 HOBART COLLEGE. I890 George Henry Pierce. Niagara Falls. O A X. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Eugene Wells Scheffer. Buffalo. Ass’t Chief Clerk Health Dept. K. A. Buffalo, N. Y. Edgar Stoney Vaux. Charleston, S. C. Bookkeeper. K. A. Charleston, S. C. Horace Webster, Jun. Son of Horace; G. S. of Prof. Horace, '25. Geneva. S. P. Geneva, N. Y. . HONORARY. (Rev.) James William Ashton. S.T.D. Univ. Pa. '63, M.A. Newton Theol. Sem. '67. Min. Bapt. Ch. Philad. Div. Sch (Hon.) '66. Ord. '72; R., Pa., W. N. Y. Lieut. and Adj. U. S. V., Pa. '64-6. Pa. Hist. Soc.; Nat. Sci. Soc. Olean. Olean, N. Y. (Rt.Rev.) William Croswell Doane. S.T. D. LL.D. Burl. Coll. N. J. '50, M.A. and Trinity '63, S.T.D. Columb. '67, Trin. '86, Oxon. '88, LL.D. Union '80, Camb. Eng. '88. , Trustee '70-9, Visitor '69-H, Hon. Chancellor '89. Lect Eug. Lit. Trin. '63-7, Adj. Prof. Eng, Lit. Burl. ’54-60. Ord. '53; R., N. J., Conn., N. Y. '56-69; Bishop of Albany '69-i-. Author. Albany, N. Y. (Rev.) * Telfair Hodgson. LL.D. Coll, N. J. '59, S.T.D. Univ. South '78. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '63. Prof. Intell. Phil. Univ. Ala. '72-3. Dean Div. Sch. Univ. South '78-93, Vice- Chancellor’79-92. Ord. '63; R., N. J., Md. '66 78. Maj. and Chapl. C. S. A. '61-4. B. Columbia, Va., March 14, 1849, d. Sewanee, Tenn., Sept. II, '93. - (Rev.) Melancthon Cleveland Hyde. M. A. Berkeley Div. Sch. '73. Ord. '73; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. '75-H. Warsaw, N. Y. (Rt.Rev.) William Lawrence. S.T.D. Harv. '71. S.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb. S.T. D. Harv. '93, Prof. Homil. and Past. Theol. and Dean Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb. '84-93. Ord. '75; R., Mass. ’76-84; Bishop of Massachusetts '93+. Mass. Hist. Soc.; Life Memb. N E. Hist. Geneal. Soc ; Colonial Soc. Mass. Overseer Harv. Trustee Wellesley and Smith Coll. Cambridge, Mass. Frank Hunter Potter. M. A. Union '73, M.A. Coll. Lect. Music '94+. Artist; Author. (Polit. and Social con, etc.) Morristown, N. J. (Rev.) William Francis Shero. M.A. Rochester '87, DeLancey Div, Sch. '89. Princ. Acad. Smethport, Pa. '91; Chapl. and Instr. French and German Lang. DeVeaux Coll. ’92-7. Head Master Yates Acad., Lancaster, Pa., '97+. Ord. '89; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. '91-2, Lancaster, Pa, J. F. Soul. M. A. Prof. Univ. Wyoming. Laramie, Wyo. William Lyon Sprague. M. A. Cornell '73, M.A. Teacher; Princ. Acad., Naples, N. Y. Prof. Normal Sch., Buffalo. George W. Vanderbilt. M.A. New York. I891 HOBART COLLEGE. I85 (Rev.) * Henry L. Ziegenfuss. S.T.D. (Rev. ) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) Stud. Penn. Coll, Gettysburg, Pa. '65. Ass’t Surg. U. S. V., Pa. '63-5. Ord. ’73; R., N. Y. (Poughkeepsie) '74-94; Archd. Dutchess '84-94: Exam. Chapl. ’83-94 ; Miss. Board. B. Pa., 1843, d. Poughkeepsie, Feb. 8, '94. I891. James Curtiss Carnahan. M.A., '94. Aittsford. De Lancey Div. Sch. '92, Instr. Heb. '92-3. Ord. '91 ; Miss., W. N. Y. and Vt. VALED. Ist White Essay '91. p B K. Arlington, Vt. R. and Ernest Victor Collins. M.A. '95. Razen ma, O. Gen. Theol. Sem. '95. Ord. '95; Curate Ch. of Messiah, Dioc. L. I. 2d Soph. Decl. 'S9, Eng. '89, 2d Cobb Essay '90. 418 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Gunnell, Jun. M. A. '95, Beaver, Pa. Harv. '92. Gen. Theol. Sem. '95. Ord. '95; R., Pitts. PHILos. White Rhet. '91, Thompson '91. 6328 Marchand St., E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. John George Robinson. Alexandria, Minn. Epis. Theol. Sch., Camb., S.T.B. Ord. '94 ; R. Dorches- ter, Mass. SALUT. Thompson '90. 6) A X. 9 Woodward St., South Boston, Mass. B. L. Simeon Blinn Blunt. A nozylton. M'Gill Coll., Montreal, S.T.B. Ord. '93; R., Vt., C. Pa. Danville, Pa. Frederick William Chamberlain. Son of Dr. D. S. Lyons. Clerk Lyons Nat. Bank. X. p. Lyons. William Ellery Hills. M. L. '95. Hartford, Conn. Law. , N.Y. Soc. Sons of Rev.; Soc. Col. Wars ; Sons of Amer. Rev. Benef. Libr. 1st Cobb Fºssay '91. O A X. 57 West Ioth St., New York, William Grey Lapham. Syracuse. Law. Ist Soph, Decl. ’89. X. p. Syracuse, N. Y. William Samuel Norwell. Avashua, N. H. Iv. HoN. K. A. Nashua, N. H. Frank Lincoln Stevens. Syracuse. B.S. Rutgers. Botanist and Chemist. A. A. A. S.; O. Acad. Science ; Wis. Acad. Science. q K P. Columbus, O. STUDENTS. Sherman Coolidge. Faribaull, Minn. S.T.B. Seabury Div. Sch. '84. Ord. '84 ; Native Priest and Miss. to the Arapahoes, ’85+. Shoshone Agency, Wyo. I86 HOBART COLLEGE. 1891 Frederick Stanley Cowles. Victor. Robert George Cox. Rochester. Fayette Durlin, Jun. Son of Fayette. Madison, Wis. Real Estate. K A, Mansfield, Mo. (Rev.) Percy Thomas Fenn. London, Eng. S.T.D. St. John's Anap. '95. Philad. Div. Sch.” 89; Ord. '89. R. and Miss., N. Y., N. J., Conn. Essex, Conn. Lawrence Fitch. Acochester. Rochester, N. Y. Seth Winslow Geer. Minersville, Pa. Supt. Rolling Mills, K.A. Minersville, Pa. Samuel Seabury Graves, Jun. Son of Sam. S. Geneva. * Louis Gunnell. Beaver, Pa. B. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 6, 1870, d. Beaver, Pa., June 17, '88. Robert Charles M'Cormick. Milton, Pa. Guy Miller M’Dowell. Troy, Pa. Danville, Ill. Cyrus Curtis Palmer. Brooklyn. Ø A X. Brooklyn, N. Y. (Rev.) John Howard Perkins. Son of Rev. John H. Rochester. , Seabury Div. Sch. '94. Ord. '94; Gen. Miss. Archdeaconry of Buffalo. ºp K. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. * John Wales Saunders. Washington, D. C. p K. Y. D. Nyack, June 9, '91. Alexander Washington Seabrease. Flint, Mich. Merchant. X (p. Fort Wayne, Ind. Willlam Sutton Slade. Buffalo. ºp K Nº. Calvin Washburn Starbuck. Cincinnati, O. 0 A X. Anburndale, Mass. Robert Heyl Vincent. Son of Rev. J. H. Clifton Springs. Manufacturer. K. A. - * * * 0. Clifton Springs, N. Y. Fletcher Williams, Jun. Bro. of Charles R., Stud, '87. AWezvark. Clerk. 41 West 25th St., New York. HONORARY. William H. Bergtold. M.A. Buffalo, N. Y. 1892 HOBART COLLEGE. 187 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev. ) (Rev.) (Rev.) William Robert Brooks. M.A. Astronomer. Director Red House Observ. '74-88; Smith Observ., Geneva, '88-1-. Fellow Royal Astron. Soc.; Brit. Astron. Assoc.; Amer. Asso. Advanc. Science. Geneva, N. Y. I892. George Robert Brush. M.A. '96. Son of Rev. Jesse. Buffalo. Gen. Theol. Sem. '96. Ord. '96; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. White Rhet. '92. O A X. Randolph, N. Y. John Keble Burleson. M. A. '95. Son of Rev. Solomon S. Oneida, Wis. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '96. , Ord. '95; Miss, to Oneidas, Dioc. Foud du Lac. K. A. Waupaca, Wis. Moses Hale Douglass. Son of Rev. Malcolm, Hon. '49. East Wareham, Mass. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '97. 2d White Essay '90, 1st White Hºssay '92, 2d Cobb Essay '92. K A. Newton Highlands, Mass. Arthur Jenner Hammond. Son of Arthur. Geneva. Nurseryman. SALUT. p B K. Geneva, N. Y. James M'Caw Johnston. M.A. '96. Son of Col. Robert, U. S. A. Genezia. Law. PHILos. Thompson '90. KA, q2 B K. Geneva, N. Y. William Poyntelle Kemper. M.A. '97. Malzwaukee, Wis. Gen. Theol. Sem. '98. X. X. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. William Bruce M'Pherson. M.A. '95. Aguasco, Md. Ord. '83; R., Dioc. Ma. p K. V. Baltimore, Md. Harold Sturges Rankine. Son of Rev. James, Prest. '69. Geneva. Law. K. A. Washington Square, New York. Louis Matthews Sweet. M.A. '95. Son of Dr. A. L. Geneva. Min. Presb. Ch. VALED. 1st White Essay '90, and '91, Thompson '90 and '92, 2d Cobb Essay '91. p B K. Union Springs, N. Y. Francis William Whitwell. Son of William. Geneva. Bank Clerk. Iv. HoN. ºp K V, p B K. Geneva, N. Y. B. L. William Wallace Anderson, Jun. Son of Dr. W. W. Stateburg, S. C. Law Stud. Columb. Univ. Wash. Pen- sion Exam. K. A. Washington, D. C. Donald Magee Beach. Son of Hon, Daniel. Watkins. Law. X. p. Watkins, N. Y. Alexander William Bostwick. A'ochester. Gen. Theol. Sem. '95, Ord. '95; R., W. N. Y. Prest.’s Prize '92. Dansville, N. Y. I88 HOBART COLLEGE, 1892 William Alexander Evans. Florence, S. C. S. p. II East 32d St., New York. Walter Moray Pegram. Bro. of Henry, '89. Wew York, Civil Engineer. Jun. Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng. Thompson '90. P K W. 115 East 35th St., New York. Arthur Gavin Sill. Son of William E. Geneva. Orchardist. Sodus Centre, N. Y. * George Coombe Strasenburgh. B.S. '93. Son of Rev. George. Carlton. B.P.D. State Normal Coll. Alb. '95. Teacher. Memb. Rochester Acad. Science. > X. B. Madrid, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1866, d. (drowned) Lake Ontario, July 3, '96. Joseph Taliaferro Taylor. Osborn, S. C. K. A. Adams Run, S., C. STUDENTS, John De Witt Cruickshanks. Ozyºd, George Maxwell Blackstock Hawley. Sou of Aug. B., '52. Geneva, LL.B. Univ. Minn. '95. Law. Minneapolis, Minn. (Rev.) * Arthur Lincoln Mowry, Geneva, Ord. '96; Miss. Dioc. Albany. q K W. B., Geneva, June 10, 1865, d. Vermontville, March 1, '97. Reginald Heber Murphy, Jun. Son of Rev. R. H. Port Republic, Md. Frank Alexander Ramsey. A urora, Ind. (From Univ. South.) Stud. Univ. Miss. ’92. K. A. Helena, Ark. Satterlee Saltonstall. Aºye. © A X. Toledo, O. David Sanford Tuttle. Watkins. John Dorrance Warnock, Geneva. Yale '92. Geneva, N. Y. HONORARY. William C. Bailey. M.A. Renss. Polytech. Inst. '38, M.A. M.D. elsewhere. Phys. and Surg. º New York. (Rev.) John Binney. S.T.D. Harv. '64, M.A. Berkeley Div. Sch. '68, and Prof. Heb., and Lit. and Interp. Old Test. '74+. Ord. '68; R., Conn. '68-74. Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. (Rev.) Edward Alexander Cooke. M.A. Ord. Ch. Eng. Vicar, Attleborough, Eng. Richard Theodore Ely. LL.D. Columb. '76, M.A., Fell. Litt. '79 ; Ph.D., Heidelb. '77. Prof. Polit. Econ. Johns Hopkins '81-2; Polit, Econ. and Hist. Univ. Wis. '924-. Memb. Internat. Statist. Assoc. '85. Tax Com’r Balt, and Md. '85-8. Author (Polit. Econ, and Social Science). Madison, Wis. 1892 HOBART COLLEGE. I89 (Rev. ) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) Albert Jean Charles Fermaud. M.A. Stud. Lyon, France. Instr. Mod. Lang, '92-4. Prof. French. Lang. '93+. Corr. Memb. Inst. Nat. Geneva, Switz. KA, p B K. Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. Joshua Pitt Lewis. M.A. Stud. Coburg. Coll. Ont., Lect. Homil., Trinity Coll., Toronto. Ord, Ch. Eng. R. Grace Ch. 2784-. Toronto, Ont. Edward Yorke Macaulay. LL.D. Rear Adm. U. S. N. Philadelphia. Henry Mottet. S.T.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. '73. Ord. 73 ; Past. Ch. Holy Communion, New York, ’73+. 47 West 20th St., New York. William Pra11. S.T.D. Ph.D. Univ. Heidelb. '73, LL.B. Columb. '75. Instr. Logic '85-6. Law. Legis. N. J. '84. DeLancey Div. Sch. '87. Ord. '87; R., Newark, Mich. Dep, Gen. Conv. '92-5. Prest. Pub. Libr. Paterson, N. J. '95-6. Memb. Holland Soc., St. Nicholas Soc., Huguenot Soc., Col. Wars, etc. K A, qº B K. Detroit, Mich. I893. Charles Oliver Boswell. Son of Charles P. '60. Rochester. M.D. Univ. Buff. Phys. and Surg. X. p. Rochester, N. Y. Arthur Charles Lewis Brown. Rochester. Harv. '94, M.A. v ALED. 2d White Essay '93. p B K. Rochester, N. Y. Edward Genung Nugent. M.A. '96. Waterloo. M.D. Columb. 96. Phys. and Surg. p K. V. New York. John Russell Olin. Son of Rev. Russell A. '65. Watertozyn. Teacher, Sc. and Math. High Sch. sALUT. 2d Soph. '91, Thompson '93. X (p, q, B. K. Watertown, N. Y. Dwight Arthur Parce. South Otselic. St. Andrew's Div. Sch. '94. Ord. '94; R. and Miss., C. N. Y. Thompson '93. 6) A X. Candor, N. Y. Edwin Jarvis Randall. M.A. '96. A xstin, Ill. Western Theol. Sem. (Chicago) '96. Ord. '96; Miss., Chicago. q K Jr. 67 West 44th Ave.,Chicago, Ill. Francis Samuel White. M.A. '96. - Buffalo, Gen. Theol. Sem. '96, Fellow '96-7, Ass’t Min., Detroit, Mich. '97. Thompson '91, Ist Soph. Declam. '91, White Rhet. '93, 1st Cobb Essay ’93. P K V, K A. Detroit, Mich. B. L. John Edwin Brodhead. Jermyn, Pa. Philad. Div. Sch. '96. Ord. '95; Miss., C. Pa. Q A X. º w Old Forge, Pa. Lewis Post Franklin. M.L. '97. Albion. Gen. Theol. Sem. '97. Ord. '97; Miss., W.N.Y. pKV. Clyde, N.Y. I90 HOBART collEGE. I893 (Rev.) (Rev.) Herbert William Harmon. M.L. '97. Geneva. Cornell '94. Thompson '92. Instr. St. John's Milit. Sch. Belafield, Wis. William Swift Martin. Son ogºhn W., U. S. A. Geneva. Renss. Polytech. '95. 2d Cobb Essay '93. q2. N. Y. Charles Mortimer Wadhams Rand. Bro. of Samuel, Stud. '92. Pittsford. Manufacturer. S. P. Pittsford, N. Y. Stuart Gore Shepard. Chicago, Ill. LL.B. Lake Forest Univ. '96. Law. X. p. IIIo Stock Exch., Chicago, Ill. John Arthur Spengler. M.L. '97. Geneva. Cornell '94. Geneva, N. Y. Eckley Hungerford Stearns. Corn ing. Manufacturer. X. p. New York. STUDENTS. George W. Beaven. Hillsbrough, Ma. Orville Gerrish Chase. Geneva. Nurseryman. 2 p. Geneva, N. Y. George William Davenport. A macostia, D. C. p K. V. Frederick Welcome Herendeen. Genezya. Merchant. K. A. 54 Oliver St., Boston, Mass William Wilder Hopkins. Gerzezwa. James Watson Lord. Son of Rev. Wm. H., '55. Penn Yan. Trinity '98. Burnt Hills, N. Y. Stephen Stanley Patten. A ugusta, Me. Me. Cent. R. R. K. A. Portland, Me. Walter Webster Powers. Acochester, X. p. Leslie Fenton Potter. Iola, A'an. Gen. Theol. Sem, '94. Ord. 94; R. and Miss., Mo., Neb. O A X Omaha, Neb. Samuel Rand. Bro. of C. M. W., '93. Pittsford. Manufacturer. X ºp. Pittsford, N. Y. James Townsend Russell. Gambier, O. Berkeley Div. Sch. '93. Ord. '93; Miss., Pa., Ass’t Min., N.Y. K A. 220 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. I893 HOBART COLLEGE. I9 I George William Thomas. AVorth Keys, Md. 4 K V. * Kenneth Stuart Walker. AVezzy Brighton. Clerk, New York. K. A. B. Liverpool, Eng., Oct. 12, 1871, d. New Brighton, Sept. 26, '94, James M. Wilson. Hillsbrough, Md. Alonzo Chester Yates. Syracuse. Harv. '95. X P. Jay Zorn. Morristozyrz. Teacher. X “p. Watertown, N. Y. FIONORARY. Reginald Coe. M. A. St. Stephen’s ’80. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '83. Head-Master Cary Coll. Inst. '84-9 ; Prest. and Head-Master De Veaux Coll. '89-97. De Veaux College, Niagara Falls, N. Y. (Rev.) Herman Cope Duncan. S.T.D. Univ. Pa. '67, M.A. Ord. '68 ; R. and Miss., La. Sec. Dioc. La. 70+, Dean of Convoc. '88, Archdeacon Alexandria '89-H., Recorder of Ordin. Gen. Conv. '95+. New Orleans Acad. Sci. G. Master and G. Priest F. and A. M. Alexandria, La. (Rev.) Abram Willis Ebersole. M. A. Ord. '90 ; R. and Miss., C. N. Y. and W. N. Y. Watkins, N. Y. (Rev.) Curtiss Carlos Gove. M. A. Head-Master Cary Coll. Inst. W. N. Y. '89-1-. Ord. '89; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Oakfield, N. Y. (Rev.) * Charles Frederick Hoffman. LL.D. Trinity '51, M.A.; S.T. D. Rutg. '81, S. Steph. ; D. C. L. Univ. South '96. Trustee '93, Vice-Chanc. '94. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '54. Ord. '54; R. and Miss., N. J., N. Y. (All Angels, N. Y. '74-97.) Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem, Founder and Prest. Assoc. Ch. Sch. and Coll. Trustee St. Steph. Coll. Benef. Libr. B. New York, 1830, d. Jekyl Island, Ga., March 4, '97. Richard A. Hoffman. MUS. D. New York. Leonard Kip. LL.D. Trinity '46, M. A., L. H. D. '94. Law. Prest. Albany Inst. Trustee A1b. Acad. Author’s Club, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. (Rev.) Charles Tyler Olmstead. S.T.D. Trinity '65, M.A. Tutor St. Steph. '65-6, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. '66-8. Ord. '67; R. and Miss., N. Y., C. N. Y. Dep. Gen. Conv. '92-5. Oneida Hist. Soc. Utica, N. Y. R. Nimmo Smith. LL.D. Haddington, Scot. I92 HOBART COLLEGE. w I894 I894. * Thurman Hendricks Bachman. Geneva. Law. v.ALED. 1st Prize Schol. ’90, Ist Soph. '92, Ist Sutherland ’94. White Rhet. '94. Q A X, p B K. B. 1874, d. Albany, Oct. 24, '95. William Edgar Couper. Blue Earth, Minn. Seabury Div. Sch. '97. Thompson '91, ’94, 2d Suther- land '94, p B K. (Rev.) James Louis Craig. M.A. '97. Alderly, Wis. Gen. Theol. Sem. '97. Ord. 97. 2d Soph. '92. (Rev.) Herbert Lee Gaylord. M.A. '97. Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. '97. Ord. '97 ; Min. Dioc. O. SALUT. Thomp- son '91. Youngstown, O. (Rev.) Montgomery Weaver German. M.A. '97. Geneva. Berkeley Div. Sch. '97. Ord. '97. Horace Clarke Hooker. M.A. '97. Cooperstozyn, Gen. Theol. Sem. '98. Ist Soph. '90. K. A. Chelsea Square, New York. Lewis Bates M’Cabe. Cold Spring. O A X. New York. Barnabas Tokutaro Sakai. M.A. '97. AWagoya, Japan. Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb. '97. B. L. Carlos Parsons Darling. Mazyrenceville, Aa. Druggist. X. p. Lawrenceville, Pa. Price Morgan Davis. Delafield, Wis. Teacher. Instr. St. John’s Milit. Acad. OA X. * Delafield, Wis. Lowell Wellington Farr. Tioga, Pa. X. p. Williamsport, Pa. Charles Van Rensselaer Johnston. Bro. of James M., '92. Geneva. Law. 2d Sutherland '94. K. A. Albany, N. Y. John Rudderow Howard Richmond. Buffalo. Merchant. Buffalo Soc. Artists; Libr. Assoc.; Liberal Club, K.A. 844 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Clarence Maitland Service. Wateriozyn. Thompson '92. X. p. Chicago, Ill. (Rev.) Harry Platt Seymour. Brooklyn Gen. Theol Sem. '97. Ord. '97. X X. 1894 HOBART COLLEGE. I93 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Hon.) STUDENTS. John Smith Boyd. Son of Francis. Milwaukee, Wis. James Winslow Clarke. Son of F. G. Oxford. (From St. Stephen's.) > P. Oxford, N. Y. Orlo Jay Hamlin. Son of Henry. Smethport, Pa. Banker. K. A. Smethport, Pa. Hal Sarven Harron. Geneva, K. A. Geneva, N. Y. George Arthur King. Morth Tarrytozººn. P. Y. Edwin Drew Morgan. Son of E. M. Phelps. Press Agent. Buffalo, N. Y. Guy Robert Ramsey. Pottsville, Pa. Civil Engineer. K. A. 18 Cortland St., New York. Donald Edward Richardson. Son of E. B. Geneva. Journalist. X, p. Geneva, N. Y. John Lewis Stacey. Son of J. George. Geneva. Civil Engineer. K. A. Auburn, N. Y. Edwin Bridges White. Son of C. H. Augusta, Me. Merchant. K. A. Augusta, Me. HONORARY. Arthur Burtis. M.A. Commander U. S. N. William Bayard Hale. M. A. M.A. St. John's, Annapolis, Md., '95, I.L.D.’96. S.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb. p B K Orator '96. Ord. '93; R. and Miss., Mass. Lecturer and Author. p B K. Middleboro, Mass. Frank Landon Humphreys. S.T.D. M.A. Mus, D. '88. Ord. '79; R., N. J. Precent. Cathed. L.I. Gen. Sec. Ch. Univ. Boi. Reg., '94+. Lect. Art and Music. Acting Chapl. U. S. M. A. '96. Morristown, N. J. Haslett M’Kim, Jun. S.T.D. Harv. '66, M.A. Stud. Univ. Va. 61. Theol. Sem. Va, ’69. Ord. '69; R., N. Y., N. J. Dean N. Y. Train. Sch. for Deaconesses. 33 West 20th St., New York. Jacob Asbury Regester. S.T.D. Md. Agric. Coll., M.A. Min, Meth. Ch. Ord. '84; R. and Miss., Md., W. N. Y. St. Com. W. N. Y. '96. 61 Johnson Park, Buffalo, N. Y. Francis Thayer Russell. S.T.D. Stud. Trinity, M.A. '56. Horace White Prof. Rhet. and Eloc. '64-7, Orat. '67-72. Instr. Orat. Trinity '53-6, '63-71, Prof. same '71-7; Prof. Orat. Berkeley Div. Sch. '54+; Lect. Orat. St. Stephen’s Coll. ’69-72; Instr. Orat. Gen. Theol. Sem. '81+; R. St, Margaret's Sch. Waterbury '75-H. Ord. '55; R. and Miss., Conn., W. N. Y. Waterbury, Conn. James Simons. LL.D. Charleston, S. C. I94 HOBART COLLEGE. I895 I895. Frank Frederick Beckerman. Son of Henry. Chicago, Ill. West. Theol. Sem.'98. PHILos. Mod. Philol. Hon. P K W, 4 B K. Chicago, Ill. Edward Welles Burleson. Bro. of John K., '92. Oneida, Wis. Gen. Theol. Sem. '98. 1st Sutherland Class. ’95. St. John's Guild. K A. Waupaca, Wis. Frank Edward Lawson. Son of Thomas Batavia. Instr. Cathed. Sch. Dioc. Fond du Lac. VALED. Class. and Mod. Philol. Hon., Thompson Eng. Philol. ’95. X. X, 9 B K. Fond du Lac, Wis. Carl William New. Batavia. Instr. Lat. and Greek Lang. St. John's Milit. Acad. Delafield. sALUT. Class. and Mod. Philol. Hon., Prize Schol. '91, 2d Cobb Essay ’95, 2d Sutherland Class. ’95. 6) A X, p B K. Delafield, Wis. Evans Stainton Parker. Son of S. H. Genezia. Instr. St. John’s Milit. Acad. Delafield Class. Hon. Thompson Eng. Comp. '92. p B K. Delafield, Wis. Rozelle James Phillips. Son of S. H. Watertown. Gen. Theol. Sem. '98. Hobart Debating Union. St. John's Guild. X. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. Albert Edward Wilson. Son of Rev. W.W. Chicago, Ill. Class. Hon. 2d White, Essay '92, 1st do, '93, Thompson Eng. Comp., '93, Sutherland Nat, Phil. ’95. X p, q, B K. Hob. Debat. Un. Chicago, Ill. B. L. Howard Carter Barlow. Son of Jesse. Phelps. Hob. Debat. Un. Tallapoosa, Ga. Birney Blackwell. Son of Frank E. '67. AWezy York. Clerk. X. p. Hob. Debat. Un. Astoria, N. Y. Floyd Randolph Case. Son of Edward E. Watertozvn. Law. X. X. Watertown, N. Y. Edward John Cook. Warren, O. Law. White Rhet. '95. O A X. Hob. Debat. Un. Geneva, N. Y. Lewis Henry Elliott. Son of N.Y. Mayville. © A X. Hob. Debat. Un. Mayville, N. Y. George Thomas Handbury. Son of J. D. Pekin, Ill. Law. Hob. Debat. Un. Pekin, I11. Ransom Spafard Hooker. Bro. of Horace C., '94. Stud. Coll. Phys. Surg. K A. New York. David Crosby Huntington. B.A. '96. Son of Rev. Henry S. Buffalo. Gen. Theol. Sem.” 99. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. XX. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York, I895 HOBART COLLEGE. I95 George Christy Lehman. - Son of Christian. Buffalo. Journalist. Buffalo, N. Y. Walter Jay Lockton. Son of Walter, Michigan City, Ind. Seabury Div. Sch. '98. 1st Fresh. Declam. '92. X. X. Faribault, Minn. Merton Lee Willis. Son of Hon. Clarence, Hon. '95. Bath. (From Univ. Syrac.) Law. Bath, N. Y. STUDENTS. Milton Augustus Barber. Son of Rev. Samuel S. Swan Quarter, N. C. Theol. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John’s Guild. Swan Quarter, N. C. Henry Blatchley. Wellsboro, Pa. © A X. Wellsboro, Pa. William Michael Fink. Son of John. Geneva. Insurance. Geneva, N. Y., Charles James Howard, Son of Charles H. Waterloo. M.D. Columb. '95. K. A. Boston, Mass. Robert Lowry Martin, Jun. Son of Robert L. Chicago. Merchant. K. A. Chicago, Ill. Guy Bennett Mayo. Son of E. R. Smethport, Pa. Bowdoin '96. Law. Thompson Eng. Comp. '92. K A, @ B K. Smethport, Pa. Orlo Duane Richardson. Son of O. W. Chicago, Ill. Manufacturer. 2 p. Chicago, Ill. Elisha Mather Sill. Son of Wm. E. Geneva. New York. Albert Conrad Snell. Son of S. E. Geneva. Stud. Med. Univ. Pa. 2d Fresh. Declam. '92. P K Y. - Geneva, N. Y. Wade Warren Thayer. Son of L. E. Fort Wayne, Ind. LL.B. Univ. Mich. '96. Journalist. K. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. HONORARY. (Rev.) Arthur Wilde Little. L.H.D. Knox Coll. III. '79, M A. Stud. Gen. Theol. Sem. '82. Ord. '81 ; R., Me., Ill. Exam. Chapl. Chicago. Author (Theol.). Ill. Soc, Sons of Rev. (9. q A Evanston, Ill, Edward H. Northall. M.A. Head Master Trinity School. 139 West 91st St., New York. (Rev.) Charles Sanford Olmsted. S.T.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. '76. Ord. '76; R and Miss., N. Y., Pa. Dep. Gen. Conv., Trust. Dioc., Archdeacon Susquehanna, Dioc. Alb. Bala, Pa. (Rev.) William Reiner. M. A. Vicar and Canon. Staffordsh., Eng. (Rt. Rev.) Peter Trimble Rowe. S.T.D. Trinity Coll., Toronto '78, M.A., S.T.D, '95. Ord, '78 (Dioc. Algoma); Miss. Indians, B. N. A., and N. Mich., '78-95; St. Com., Exam. Chapi.; Miss. Bishop of Alaska '95+. Sitka, Alaska. I96 HOBART COLLEGE, I895 (Rev.) August Ulmann. S.T.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. '84, S.T.B. '85. Rector Trinity Sch. '90--. Ord. '84; R. N. Y. '85-90, 147 West 91st St., New York. (Hon.) Clarence Willis. B.A. Law. Justice '90-5 ; Bd. Educ. Bath. '88-96. Sons of Amer. Rev. Bath, N. Y. James Grant Wilson. L.H.D. D.C.L. elsewhere. Orator. Lit. Soc. '95. U. S. V., Ill., Maj. '62, Col. U. S. A. '63, Bvt. Brig. Gen. '65. Prest. N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. Editor. Author (Hist. and Gen. Lit.). New York, 1896. Malcolm Sanders Johnston. Bro. of D. V. R. '83, R. M. '84, J. M. '92, C. V. R. '94. Geneva. Gen. Theol. Sem. '99. VALED. Classical Hon.; Ist. White Essay '94, 2d '95. Thompson Eng. Lit. '95. K.A., P B K. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. Edmund Kirby. Son of Rev. R. M., '65. Potsdam. Stud. Normal Sch. Mod. Philol. Hon.; Thompson Eng. Philol. ’96. X, p. Potsdam, N. Y. Mark Hemingway Milne. Hornellsville. Gen. Theol. Sem. '99. St. John’s Guild. X. X. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. Asher Perry Nichols. Son of H. W. Buffalo. Law. SALUT. 3d Sutherland Econ. '96. K A. Canandaigua, N. Y. Joseph Day Olin. Son of Rev. R. A., '65. Watertown. Teacher. Class. Hon.; 2d Fresh. Decl. ’93, Thompson Eng. Comp '94. X. p. New York. Frederick Whittlesey Oliver. Acochester. X. p. Rochester, N. Y. Albert Glenn Richards. Hancock, Md. Stud. Theol. Prize Schol. '92. Class. Hon. White Rhet. '96, 1st Cobb Essay '95, '96, 2d Sutherland Econ, '95. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. O A X, p B K. Baltimore, Md. Louis Thibou Scofield. Son of Rev. Michael. Æochester. Gen. Theol. Sem. '99. Prize Schol. ’92. K. A. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. Franklin Emerson Smith. Rochester. Gen. Theol. Sem. '99. PHILos. Class Hon.; Thompson Eng. Comp. '94, 2d Cobb Essay '96, Ist Sutherland Econ, '96. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. XX, p B K. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. John Kimberley Walker. Son of Wm. H., Trustee '90. Buffalo. Merchant. Class. Hon.; 1st Suther- land Math. '96. Hob. Debat. Un. KA, p B K. 358 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Frank Hamilton Warren. Buffalo. Instr. Porter Milit. Acad. K A. Charleston, S. C. 1896 HOBART COLLEGE. I97 B. L. William Oliver Boswell. Son of Charles P., '60. Rochester. Law. 2 p. Rochester, N. Y. James Nelson Frierson. Son of James Julian. Stateburg, S. C. Columb. Law Sch. Math. Hon.; 2d Sutherland Math. '96. Hob. Debat. Un. KA, P B K. New York. Myndert James Van Kleeck. B.S. '97. Son of P. Seneca Falls. X. X. Seneca Falls, N. Y. William John Wilson. Son of William. Canandaigua. Clerk of Reg. Univ. N. Y. Albany, N. Y. William Postell Witsell. Walterboro, S. C. (From Charleston Coll.) Tutor Charleston Coll., Univ. South Div. Sch. '99. Hob Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. A K. Sewanee. Tenn. STUDENTS. Willard Emmons Burch. Son of O. E. Williamsport, Pa. Teacher; Princ. Acad. Williamsport. Druggist. X. X. New York. William Hughes Clarke. Son of E. La Crosse, Wis. Teleph. Clerk. Hob. Debat, Un. Des Moines, Iowa. * Frederick Clarke Fox. Son of Henry P. Warren, O. St. John’s Guild. B., 1875, d. Buffalo, Nov., '95. (Rev.) * Herbert Henry Gabriel Gomme. Geneva. Min, Bapt. Ch. Stud. and Asst. Libr. De Lancey Div. Sch. '92. B. England, d. (drowned) Geneva, Aug. 27, '92. Edwin Hawley Hewitt. Son of Dr. Charles N., '57. Red Wing, Minn, Univ. Minn. '96. * - - - Red Wing, Minn. Lotte Williams Humphrey. Son of L. W. Goldsboro, Av. C. Univ. Va. Law Sch. '99 St. John's Guild. 0 A X. Goldsboro, N. C. Frederick Hammond Knapp. Geneva. Law. Rochester, N. Y. Frederick Jerome Leach. Son of Aug. M. '48. Lyons. X. X. Lyons, N. Y. Frederick Fayerweather Llewellyn. Son of R. E. St. John, N. B. Real Estate. St. John's Gulld. Prov. Ont., Can. Gilbert Valentine Russell. Son of Isaac. Camelot. R. R. Clerk, X X. St. John's Guild. Camelot, N. Y. William Augustus Schnedler. Son of A. Boonville, Mo. Theat. Manager. x X. Boonville, Mo. George Winfield Scott. Watertown. Instr. High Sch. Ithaca, N.Y 198 HOBART COLLEGE. 1896 (Rev.) (Rev.) (Rev.) (Hon.) (Rev.) (Rev.) Charles Hayt Stearns. Corning. Geneva Teleph. Co. X p. Geneva, N, Y. Philemon Fowler Sturges. Son of Edward E. Geneva. Yale '96. Teacher. 1st Fresh. Decl. ’93. > (p. Geri. Theo. Sem., New York. William Kidd Sutherland. Son of George B. Houlton, Me. Austin Wakeman. Son of Rufus. Norwalk, Comm. Yale Law Sch, 0 A X. Saugatuck, Conn. John Watts Warrin. Avezw York. Columb. Law Sch. St. John's Guild. K. A. 74 West 69th St., New York. |HONORARY. Arthur Davies. M.A. Min. Cong, Ch., Wales. Stud. DeLancey Div. Sch, Ord. '94; R. and Miss., W . N. Y. (Dep. '97.) Rochester, N. Y. Asa Bird Gardner. I, H. D. Col. U. S. A. Prest. U. S. Soc. Cincinnati. New York, Thomas Lothrop. M.A. M.D. Univ. Mich. '58, Niagara Univ. '84, PH. D. '92, Prof. Obstet. '58+. Phys. and Surg. Editor (Med. and Surg. Journ.) Buffalo Hist. Soc. Dep. Fed. Council, Dioc. W. N. Y. A p. 153 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Morris Hicky Morgan. LL.D. Harv. '81, M.A., PH. D. '87, Tutor'88-91, Ass’t Prof. Lat. and Greek Lang. '91. Head Tutor St. Mark’s Sch., Southboro, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. William Foster Peirce. L. H. D. Amherst '88, M.A. Prof. Intell, and Moral Phil. and Instr. Hist. and Econ. Kenyon '92, Prest. Kenyon '96. Kenyon Coll,, Gambier,C), Joseph Rushton. L. H. D. Ord. Ch. Eng. R. and Miss., Ill.; Sec. Bp. Chicago; Sec. Ch. Club. 6436 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Azariah H. Sawyer. LL.D. Judge, N. Y. Chancellor Dioc. C. N. Y.; St. Com. Watertown, N. Y. Louis Cope Washburn. S.T. D. Trinitv '81, M.A. Berkeley Div. Sch. '84. Ord. '84; R. and Miss., C. Pa., W. N. Y.; Archdeacon of Rochester '95+. 339 South Ave., Rochester, N. Y. William White Wilson. L.H.D. Ord. '76; R. and Miss., N.J., Pa., Chicago. Dioc. Bd Miss., Dep. Fed. Council Ill, 21 Aldine Sq., Chicago, Ill. 1897 HOBART COLLEGE. I99 (Rev.) 1897. Benjamin Mackenzie Anderson. Bro. of Wallace W., Jun , '92. Stateburg, S. C. 1st White Essay ’95, 2d do. ’96. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. KA, p B K. Stateburg, S.C. Ulysses Grant Blackford. Rochester. X. X. 205 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. William Hallowell Bliss. Son of O. H. Aurora, Ill. West. Theol. Sem. Chicago. Hob. Debat. Un. 0 A X. Aurora, Ill. Ransom Moore Church. Son of Henry S, AVezy York. Gen. Theol. Sem. Ist Fresh. Declam. '94, 2d Suth. Econ. '96, White Essay '97. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John’s Guild. K A. New York. William Neely Colton. Son of Rev. Joseph. Mount Carmel, Ill. Gen. Theol. Sem. VALED. Thomp- son Eng. Comp. '95, 1st Sutherland Econ. '95. 1st Fox Debat. '96, Thompson Eng. Lit. '96-7, Bachman Class. '96-7, Sutherland Lat. 97. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John’s Guild. 0 A X, p B. K. Mount Carmel, Ill. Herbert Henry Heywood Fox. Son of James. Syracuse. St. Andrew’s Div. Sch. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. Syracuse, N. Y. Charles Pierce Hall. Son of O. M. Red Wing, Minn. Instr. Cary Coll. Inst. 2d White Essay '94, 3d Sutherland Econ. '95, 2d Fox Debat. '96. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. Oakfield, N. Y. Arthur Wheelock Moulton. Son of John D. Worcester, Mass. Gen. Theol. Sem. Hob. Debat. Un. X p, qb B K. Worcester, Mass. Frank Lewis Singsen. Son of William C. Thompsonville. Theol. St. John's Guild. Thompsonville, N. Y. Warren Wade Way. Mt. Vernon, Ill. Gen. Theol. Sem. '99. Ord. '92; Miss., Springf. (Ill.), W. N. Y., '93-7. SALUT. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. ‘p B K. Gen. Theol. Sem., New York. Frank Pierce Whicher. Son of Samuel M. Mayville. Teacher; Law. Hob. Debat. Un. X. X. Mayville, N. Y. B. L. John Mott Boswell. Son of George A., '60. Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O. John Joseph Hare. * Son of W. W. Groton. Groton, N. Y. Henry Wells Stanley Hayes. Son of Rev. Charles W., '49. Phelps. Med. and Surg. K A. Phelps, N. Y. 2OO HOBART COLLEGE, 1897 Francis Henry Herrick. Son of Allen H. Wateriozyrz. X. p. Watertown, N. Y. Karl Herrick Lansing. Son of Charles M. Canandaigua. Journalist. Hob. Debat. Un. K A. Canandaigua, N. Y. George Houk Mead. Son of Col. H. E. Dayton, O. X. p. Dayton, O. Edward Boynton Quackenbush. Son of Marvin. Dundee, Ill. Law. Ist White Essay ’96. Hob. Debat. Un. ºf K. Y. Chicago, Ill. John Rumsey Sanford. Son of Leonard T. Seneca Falls. Merch. X q}. Seneca Falls, N. Y. George James Sweetland, Jun. Son of George J. Dryden. (From Union.) Teacher. P T A. Dryden, N. Y. Louis Mardenbrough Vail. Son of Prof. Charles D., '59. Geneva. Journalist. White Rhet. '97. New York, Will Crandall Young. Son of W. F. Watertown. Merchant. Cobb Essay '97. X. X. Syracuse, N. Y. STUDENTS. Benjamin Billings Bacon. Son of Francis. Waterloo. Merchant. K. A. Waterloo, N. Y. Edward Fuller Bates. , Son of Francis. Canandaigua. Merch. X. X. Canandaigua, N. Y. (Rev.) Clark Prescott Bissett. Son of H. P. Chicago, Ill. Stud. De Lancey Div. Sch. '97, West. Theol. Sem. '97. Ord. '97 Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. K.A. * Arthur Cleveland Coxe. Son of Ernest C., '71. Geneva, 2d Fresh. Declam. '94. 2. P. B. Buffalo, April 11, 1876, d. (drowned in Seneca Lake) July 3, '95. William Edward Davis. Avezv Hartford. St. John’s Guild. X. p. Seneca Falls, N. Y. George Willis Drake. Son of David S. Corning. X. p. Corning, N. Y. Edward Harris, Jun. Son of Folward. Rochester. Law. X ºp. Rochester, N. Y. Frederick Hammond Knapp. Son of H. C. Warsazy. Law. Warsaw, N. Y. Percy Somerset Lansdowne. Son of Joseph R. Buffalo. Law. LL.B. Univ. Buff. Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Knapp Loomis. Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y. 1897 HOBART COLLEGE. 2OI * Henry May. Pittsford. X P. B. Baltimore, Md., March 31, 1876, d. (drowned in Seneca Lake) July 3, '95. Charles Abram Mac Nish. Son of Rev. Charles W. Ovid. Ovid, N. Y. Paul Bennett Nash. Son of Prof. F. P. Geneva. X. p. Geneva, N. Y. Randall Osborne. Bro. of Harrison, '89. Buffalo. Fidelity Trust Co. K. A. Buffalo, N. Y. Samuel Tuthill Reynolds. Son of Dr. S. T. Elmira. K. A. New York. Claude Howard Searle. Son of G. D. Chicago, Ill. Med and Surg. K A. Chicago, Ill. Lynn Wentworth Thompson. Son of C. W. Watertozzym. Law. X X. Watertown, N. Y. Charles Sylvester Worden. Son of Dr. A. Petoskey, Mich. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John’s Guild. Petoskey, Mich. Henry Bradley Plant Wrenn. Son of B. W. Atlanta, Ga. X. p. Atlanta, Ga. HONORARY. (Rev.) William Stanley Barrows. M. A. Son of Rev. N., '44. Trinity '84, M. A. Gen. Theol. Sem. '88, S.T.B. '91, Eigenbrodt Fellow ’94. Vice-Princ. Ravenscroft Training Sch., Ashe- ville, N. C. '93-4. Head Master De Veaux Coll. ’97+. Ord. '88; R. and Miss., L. I., N. C., N. J. A K E, p B K. De Veaux College, Niagara Falls, N. Y. (Rev.) Thomas Elliot Calvert. M.A. Univ. Edinb. '81. Min. Presb, Ch. Ord. '93; R. and Miss., W. N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. (Rev.) Rob Roy M'Gregor Converse. D.C.L. Wash. and Jeff. '67, M.A. S.T.D. Griswold '89. Berkeley Div. Sch. '79. Chaplain and Pastor on Swift Found., and Instr. Ment. and Mor. Phil. and Evid. Chr. '87-97. Ord. '79; R., Conn. and W. N. Y. p B K. 132 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N.Y. John Safford Fiske. L.H.D. Yale '63. Author (Lit. and Art). Alassio, Italy. (Rev.) Henry Richard Harris. S.T.D. Ord. '79; R. and Miss., L. I., Pa. Dean N. E. Convoc. Pa. Pa. Hist. Soc. 140 N. 21st St., Philadelphia. (Rev.) Samuel Davis M’Connell. D.C.L. Wash. and Jeff. '68, M.A. S.T.B. Nashotah Theol. Sem. '71. S.T.D. Univ. Pa.'87. Stud. Princet. Theol. Sem, '68-70. Ord. '71; R. and Miss., Pitts., Conn , Pa., L.I.; Archd. Conn. '78-82. Pa. Hist. Soc.; Pa. Soc. Sons of Rev.; Roy. Vict. Inst. I57 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (Rev.) Sidney Thomas Smythe. S.T.D. S. Stephen's '83, M.A. S.T.B. Nashotah '89, S.T.D. Ill. '97. Head Master St. John's Sch. Delafield, Wis., '90-1, Warden '92+. ord. '85; R. and Miss., Mil. Delafield, Wis. 2O2 HOBART coll.EGE. 1898 (Rev.) Elwood Ernest Worcester. S.T.D. - Columb. '86. Ph. D. Leips. '89. p B K Orat. '97. Prof. Ment. and Mor. Phil. and Chapl. Lehigh Univ. '90 Gen. Theol. Sem.'87.Qrd. '90; R. and Miss., C. Pa., Pa. p B K. 1318 Locust St., Philadelphia. 1898. (Candidates for the degree of B. A., in College June 23, 1897.) George Grey Ballard, Jun. Son of Rev. George G. Buffalo. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John’s Guild. K. A. Jay Byington Covert. Son of Dr. Nelson B. Genezia. © A X. Edward Morley Huson Knapp. Bro. of Frederick H., Stud. '97. Warsaw. Frank Wakefield Koch. Son of H. W. Palmyra, Mo. 2d Fresh. Declam. '95, Thompson Eng. Comp. '96. Charles Bartlett Messenger. Son of J. H. Canoga. Hob. Debat. Un. William Switzer Watson. Son of George. Detroit, Mich. 1st Fresh. Declam. '95. Hob. Debat. Un. (8) A X. Frederick Davenport Whitwel1. Son of William. Geneva. Sutherland Lat. '96-7. O A X. (Candidates for the degree of B. L.) George Cameron Beach. Bro. of Donald M., '92. Watkins. X (p. Arthur Douglas Brooks. Son of David. Dzzyzght, Kan. William Alfred Dunbar Brush. Geneva. St. John's Guild. Louis Smith Carr. Son of H. C. Union Springs. William Ward Plummer. Son of William E. Buffalo. K.A. William Bond Read, Jun. Son of William B. Georgetown, S. C. Hob. Debat. Un. K A. Edward Slosson. Son of Henry L., Stud. '63. Geneva. X. p. William Henry Walker, Jun. Bro. of John K., '96. Buffalo. Thompson Eng. Hist. '97. K.A. (Special Course.) Frank Wayland Abbott, Jun. Son of Dr. Frank W. Buffalo. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. 1898. HOBART COLLEGE. 2O3 Louis Edward Howard. Son of Edward D. Buffalo. (From Williams.) A A p. STUDENTS. (Left College before June 23, 1897.) William Jacob Bott. Buffalo. Law, Univ. Buffalo. X. X. Buffalo, N. Y. Robert Cassius Morehead Carrier. Son of C. M. Carrier, Pa. (From Cornell.) Z W. Raymond Gonder Carroll. Son of S. A. Buffalo. Univ. Syrac. '98. Buffalo, N. Y. George Forden Cook. Son of E. J. Phelps. Frederick Charles Crawford. Son of S. L. Genezya. Merch. Hobart Debat. Un. Willard, N. Y. *John Everett Ditmars. Son of Oscar. Waterloo. K. A. B. Waterloo, Aug. 21, 1874, d. Cripple Creek, Colo., April 18, '96. George Willis Drake. Son of David S. Corning. X. p. John L. Flannery, Jun. Son of John L. Chicago, Ill. (From Cornell.) Rodney Dennis Hall. Son of Nathaniel. Buffalo. Merch. K. A. Buffalo, N. Y. Edward William Hope. Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. Pa., Law. X. X. Philadelphia. Crosby Leonard. Milwaukee, Wis. X. p. Buffalo, N. Y. Oliver Allen Ludlow. £a Porte, Ind. Univ. Mich., Law. K. A. La Porte, Ind. Benjamin Wells Payne. Son of B. N. Elm tra. Merch. X. p. Elmira, N. Y. David Thomas Quinby. Son of F. W. Brooklyn. St. Stephen's Coll., Theol. Hob. Debat. Un. Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Aubrey Slosson. Bro. of Edward, '98. Geneva. New York. Wallace Hubbard Watts. Son of C. N. Jamestown. Kenyon '98. Hob. Debat. Un. Jamestown, N.Y. 2O4 HOBART COLLEGE. 1899 I899. (Candidates for the Degree of B. A.) Francis Branch Blodgett. son of Alva J. Oakfield. Thompson Eng Comp.” 97. St. John's Guild. Harry Watt Hannahs. Son of George W. Adams. X. X. Harry Wilder Hawley. Son of John B. Minneapolis, Minn. 2 p. John Carl Jagar. Son of Charles L. A. Charlestown, S. C. 1st Fresh. Declam. '96, Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. X. X. Henry Mitchell Lockwood. Son of Rev. Henry R., '64. Syracuse. X. p. Fitzhugh M'Grew. Son of Benjamin E. Passaic, N.J. 2 p. Harry Tunis Moore. Son of Tunis. Delavan, Wis. 0. A X. Timothy Goodyear Remick. Son of Rev. N. B. Geneva. K. A. Gregory Rogers. Son of Erastus J., Stud. '67. Geneva. X. p. F. Curtis Smith. Auburn. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. Lewis Walton Smith. Son of J. Moreau. Rochester. X p. D. Charles White. Son of S. C. Detroit, Mich. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. X. X. Robert Lloyd Windsor. Son of L. F. Hornellsville. 2d Fresh. Declam. '96. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild K A. (Candidates for the Degree of B. L.) Frank Engs Blackwell, Jun. Son of Frank E., '67. Nezy York. X p. Charles Stewart Foller. Son of Peter P. Oil City, Pa, Edward Bellamy Partridge. Bro. of Thomas M., Stud. '87. Phelps. © A X. James Rathbone Reynolds. Son of John A. Elmira. X. p. Gerald Hunt Richmond. Son of Jewett M.; Bro, of J. R. H., '94. Buffalo. K. A. I900 EIOBART COLLEGE. 2O5 John Cleves Short. Son of Charles W. Lizzingston, Ky. PA 9. Arthur Veeder Snell. Son of Marvin. Geneva, STUDENTS, (Left College before June 23, 1897.) Horace Albert Chouinard. Delafield, Wis. © A X. Frank Dell Ewing. Corry, Pa. Edward Gribbroek. Rochester. Warren Dix Hopkins. Son of Nelson K. Buffalo. X. X. Irvin J. Hooker. Sherman. Burt Benjamin Norton. Son of M. S. Alabama, N. Y. St. John's Guild. O A X. George Alfred Skinner. Son of H. A. Nezvton, Mass. K A. Alfred Bourns Voorhis. AVeze, York. I900. (Candidates for the degree of B. A.) William Simms Bachman. Son of Geo. L., bro. of T. H., '94. Geneva. 0 A X. Guy Pomeroy Burleson. Bro. of John K., '92, and E. W., '95. Waupaca, Wis. Hob. Debat. Un. St. John's Guild. K A. Frank Richard Dennison. Son of William. Seneca Falls. Frederick Daniel Graves. Son of Rt. Rev. A. R., '66. Kearney, Neb. Hob. Debat. Un., St. John's Guild. Q A X. Harry Gunnell. Bro. of Rev. Geo., Jun., '91. Beazer, Pa. Chauncey Arthur Hawkins. Son of L. Wezw York. K. A. 2O6 HOBART COLLEGE. I900 Guy Thayer Hilliard. Son of T. A. Moravia. - Austin Stowe Humphrey, Jun. Son of Austin S. Camaseraga. X. X. Frederick Welles Prince. Bro. of Henry A., '82. Hartford, Conn. X p. William Whitwell Robison. Son of Abram. Geneva. Julius Christian Sosnowski, Jun. Son of Julius C. Bohicket, S. C. 2d Fresh. Declam. '97. Hob. Debat. Un. K A. Albert Stettenbenz, Jun. Son of Albert. Buffalo. Ist Fresh. Declam. '97. Q A X. Gordon Argyle Teller. Son of Frederick, Seneca Falls. SPECIAL STUDENTS. Hartman Carr. Bro. of Louis S., '98. Union Springs. George Furman. Son of Fred J. Geneva. Archibald Bostwick Morrison, Jun. Son of Arch. B, Geneva. © A X. Montgomery Halsey Sandford. Son of Montgomery. Geneva. HOBART COLLEGE. 2O7 INDEX OF GRADUATES. s Graduates in Science. / Graduates in Letters. m Medical Graduates. dents. m Non-graduate Stu- h Honorary Graduates. A. See Additions and Corrections at end of Index. Abbey m 1860 Asahel M. Abbott n 37 Lyman m 48 Simeon W. m 98 Frank W. Abercrombie 72 66 William H. 72 James Adams m 47 John H. m 52 Clark W. m 54 Alexander D. m 68 James L. 7o Walter W. Addison 7o William Addoms 62 Mortimer C. Agard m 47 Daniel M. Aiken m 55 Charles R. Aikin n 29 Edward Ainsworth 5o Danforth H. 7, 81 Willie G. Alabaster m 6o John Alleman 83 Lewis A. W. Allen n 29 Nathaniel O. ºn 33 Augustus P. m 45 Parmly C. h 45 John W. m 61 Charles D. 63 Henry J. W. m 67 Solomon P. 69 Charles N. 7, 82 Albert I. Allis m 45 Edward P. A. Allison 77, 6 I Eli Amsden n 63 John L. Ames m 43 Loren J. Anderson m 6t Charles G. 63 William H. H. l 92 William W. A. 97 Benjamin M. Andrews h 4o Edward m 46 Samuel D. 53 Alexander E. m 75 Byron Andrus m 55 Daniel H. Angell m 43 Abner m 58 Jerome Angevine 56 Frank Annan 7, 86 Charles H. Ansley m 87 Horatio S. Applegate 6o Octavius n 75 Legh W. Appleton h 39 Samuel G. Archer 7, 3I m 67 Wallace W. Arey h 74 Charles Armstrong m 47 Theodore S, 56 James m 69 William W. h 71 David Arnold 75 Charles L. Arnett 7m 46 Isaac H. Ashley h 57 William B. 63 William J. Ashmore h 87 Sidney G. 2O8 HOBART COLLEGE, Ashton h 9o James W. Aspell n 43 David B. Attwater s 27 Henry S. Atwood m 49 Henry D. Aucock 87 Arthur M. Austin n 47 Charles R. Averell n 46 James W. Avery m 36 Charles P. m 47 Lafayette n 48 Guy H. m 51 Horatio C. Axtell m 43 Allen K. n 44 Riley A. Ayrault 34 Charles n 38 James N. 40 Walter 82 Ernest F. 82 Walter m 88 Arthur D. Babcock m 41 Edward D. m 46 Henry M. h 5o Deodatus m 52 Asa D. m 52 Moses T. 6O Bronson h 64. Theodore m 76 Eugene J. A. Babbitt h 68 Pierre T. Bachman 94 Thurman H. A. 190o William S. Backus h 4I Mancer M. n 49 Azel 51 DeWitt C. Bacon m 45 Erwin M. m 52 Charles C. m 97 Benjamin B. Bagg n 41 Egbert m 4I Moses M. n 71 Egbert Bailey m 42 Gilbert D. 7. 43 Robert h 51 Moses G. A. 772 68 Charles H. 7, 88 Harlow W. h 92 William C. Bainbridge S 6o Mahlon Baker m 37 Andrew m 4o John F. m 43 James S. n 45 Erasmus D. m 47 Elijah P. m 47 Isaac h 76 George S. Baldwin s 34 Abel S. h 49 Marvin M. 58 Harvey Ba11 m 67 Eugene J. Ballantine 56 Thomas M. m 67 John C. Ballard 98 George G. Bancroft s 75 Edward H. Bangs m 47 Joseph Banker m 65 John H. Bankhead n 48 Henry C. Barber n 49 Charles H. n 95 Milton A. Barclay 58John Y. Barden m 53 Tilson C. Barker 32 John m 57 William S. m 7o Frederick W. Barlow l 95 Howard C. Barnard A 34 Daniel D. 6I Frederick G. Barnes m 45 Silas H. Barrows h 43 Charles 44 Napoleon m 46 Frederick M. m 49 Aaron A. h 97 William S. Bartlett m 47 Rodman h 47 William H. C. m 49 Cornelius H. n 56 John L. Barto 75 Frederick D. Baskins n 35 Clark J. Bass m 69 Frank B. Bassinger m 42 Samuel H. HOBART COLLEGE. 2O9 Bates 31 George C. S 33 James L. S 34 John S. 54 Henry H. m 97 Edward F. Battershall A 88 Walton W. Baxter 7o William M. 71 George A. 7I Louis T. Bayard h 37 Lewis P. Beach m 58 Thomas h 58 Amos B. m 60 Alfred B. 62 Alexander J. 77, 66 W. H. l 92 Donald M. 98 George C. Beales h 39 A. C. Bean s 46 John E. S 82 Charles D. Bear m 6o Andrew J. Beard s 89 Will L. Beardsley h 37 Samuel n 42 Arthur M. m 46 Joseph W. m 47 Peter m 49 Jabez N. h 53 Almon 55 Charles H. Beattie m 5o William F. C. h 59 Joseph Beauchamp h 86 William M. Beaven n 93 George W. Bebee m 52 James C. Beckerman 95 Frank F. Beckwith m 53 E. C. Bedford-Jones m 9o William J. W. Beebe m 44 Seneca Beers m 29 Frederick 88 Clarence H. s 89 Henry I. Belden 48 Oliver W. Belding m 46 Ezra W. Bell m 45 Robert 7, 68 Thomas Bellows 43 Martin L. m 45 James 73 George P. Belshaw 50 Mortimer W. Benedict m 75 Charles H. Benjamin n 49 William R. h 85 William H. Bennett m 45 Alexander m 66 Matthew L. Bentley m 41 Francis R. Bergen m 42 Alfred Bergtold h 91 William H. Berry n 57 Jacob Bethune h 42 Alexander N. Betts 53 William Beveridge 4o Francis Bevier m 44 John H. Bielby m 75 William F. Bigelow m 72 Eli Billard 58 Jules F. Billings 7. 30 m 42 James C. 7, 6 I Walter P. h 89 J. B. Binney h 92 John Birdsall n 55 Samuel Birge h 53 James W. Birt n 59 John Bishop m 45 Daniel E. h 5o Theodore M. 52 Addis E. m 83 Amasa J. P. Bissell h 5o William H. A. m 67 John H. Bissett m 97 Clark P. Black m 5 I James N. Blackford m 97 Ulysses G. Blackmore m 83 Frank H. C. 2 IO HOBART COLLEGE. Blackwell m 49 Elizabeth 67 Frank E. l 95 Birney I90o Frank E. Blair h 40 Arba m 73 Charles H. Blakelee n 29 Ebenezer Blakeley m 41 Russell L. Blanchet 82 John B. Blatchley n 95 Henry Bligh m 52 Theodore M. h 52 Aaron D. Bliss m 57 Lyman W. m 69 Theodore F. s 85 James W. 97 William H. Blodgett n 30 Henry m 46 Ambrose C. 99 Francis B. Bloodgood n 36 Thomas Blunt l 91 Simon B. A. Boardman m 4o Andrew n 42 Douglass Bodle m 57 Oliver Body h 87 Charles W. E. Bogart h 48 William H. m 5o Theodore P. Bolles h 4o James A. Bolter m 38 Alfred A. Bonnar 64 David A. n 67 James Boorom n 74 Sylvester D. Bostwick 26 William W. 68 Edward B. l 92 Alexander W. A. Boswell 60 Charles P. 60 George A. 93 Charles O. l 96 William O. l 97 John M. Bott n 98 William J. Bourne h 53 William O. Bourns h 39 Edward Bowes m 78 Harrison H. A. Bowman A 43 Samuel 82 John P. Boyd 7. 94 John S. Boyer n 79 Elmer H. Boynton h 4o Nathan m 43 Nathan E. Bradbury m 5o Matthew Bradford m 62 Charles C. n 66 John M. A. Bradley m 30 Alvin C. m 47 Thomas h 47 Charles W. Bradley h 56 Gordon M. m 64 William m 85 Philip R. Bragdon 73 Charles A. Bragg m 48 Edward S. Brandegee h 63 John J. Brandreth n 82 Ralph H. Brayton h 39 Johnson A. Breed m 50 Cephas Brett m 45 Joseph C. Brewer 63 Leigh R. Bridge 67 Horatio Briggs m 46 William H. me 49 John W. 66 George Brisbane n 33 George Bristol m 44 John m 76 Edgar R. A. Brocklesby h 68 John Brodhead ! 93 John E. A. Brokaw m 44 John S. Bronson h 48 Sherlock A. Brooks h 4o Horace m 6o David HOBART COLLEGE. 63 George G. n 7o William K. h 91 William R. ! 98 Arthur D. Brown h 41 John h 43 Charles C. n 43 Robert N. m 45 John J. m 45 Samuel H. m 45 Thomas A. m 46 John T. m 48 Erwin m 49 Harvey m 49 Reuben P. 57 Stephen C. h 58 Amos m 65 Mahlon M. 67 Edward R. m 67 Henry W. A. n 71 Charles W. 81 Milton A. 7, 82 William M. 93 Arthur C. L. A. Brownell h 87 Silas B. Bruce m 38 Caleb A. Brumback 83 Frank F. 83 Herman Brundage m 46 George W. m 63 William H. Brundige 41 Charles G. BrunsOn 7, 62 Amos Brush 66 Henry 92 George R. A. 1 98 William A. D. Bryan h 52 John W. Bryant m 45 Nehemiah S. n 46 De Witt C. Buchanan n 44 John S. Buck m 48 Benjamin H. m 75 Milton D. Buckle m 36 Manuel Bullis m 41 Abraham R. Bunn m 67 Albert C. Burch m 70 Marsden M. C. m 96 Willard E. Burdick m 42 Edward S. m 63 Daniel W. s 7o Edward H. Burhans h 35 Daniel E. Burleson 92 John K. A. 95 Edward W. 1900 Guy P. Burlingame m 39 J. M. Burnap m 52 Perlia H. Burns 51 Robert A. m 53 William S. 65 Charles C. Burr m 45 William J. m 68 Daniel S. Burrall m 45 Elisha J. m 83 Harry R. Burrows h 62 Joshua L. m 75 William B. Burt 69 Hachaliah Burtis h 94 Arthur Burton m 45 David A. Burts m 52 William P. Buttolph 81 Edwin K. m 89 Alfred Butts n 77 James E. P. Buxton n 29 John 74 John C. Caldwell n 34 James H. m 45 M’ Gee Calkins m 45 Abram R. Calvert h 97 Thomas E. Calvin h 81 Delano C. Cameron n 29 Charles Camp m 30 George A. n 30 Irving Campbell m 66 Robert J. Caner m 52 Edward H. Canfield 69 Edward Capron m 30 Erastus Carden m 82 Joseph 2 I 2 HOBART COLLEGE. Carder h 31 James D. Carnahan 9I James C. Carpenter n 43 Orin Carr m 38 Charles G. h 44 Edson m 6o Andrew P. ! 90 William E. 1 98 Louis S. 190o Hartman Carrier n 98 Robert C. M. Carroll m 44 David 66 George G. n 98 Raymond G. Carruth m 87 Joseph W. Carson 62 William O. m 65 Thomas A. m 90 William A. Carstensen 73 Gustav A. Carter m 58 Charles C. Cary m 46 Luther H. Case 71 Guy B. ! 95 Floyd R. Casler n 59 Adam Catlin m 57 Isaac S. Cator m 4o Harvey H. Catterson 65 William m 65 John Caverno h 38 Sullivan n 58 John S. m 60 Daniel H. Chace 84 William H. 86 Clarence H. ! 88 John O. Chadwick n 48 Joseph Chamberlain n 45 Bayard L. m 49 Franklin m 50 Commodore P. m 75 Philander C. n 90 Dwight P. ! 91 Frederic W. Chamberlayne m 68 Benjamin W. Chambers m 64 Jacob G. Champion m 41 John H. Chandler n 47 Robert Chapin h 38 Alonzo B. Chapman 47 James 66 Thaddeus M. m 78 Elbridge G. A. Charles m 45 John H. Chase h 39 William C. h 52 James B. m 56 James B. m 56 Henry B. 58 George L. m 93 Orville G. A. Chauveau m 53 J. J. F. Cheney 49 George N. 57 Charles E. h 72 Walter S. Chester m 34 Albert T. 64 John W. Chew n 45 Alexander L. 69 Beverly m 73 Phineas P. s 76 Thomas H. 8o Alexander D. Child 49 Jonathan H. Chipman h 39 Tapping R. Chisholm h 57 Israel Choate m 88 William G. Chouinard m 99 Horace A, Christie m 42 Robert n 43 James M. Chubbock h 59 John Church m 28 John B. 97 Ransom M. Claggett m 78 Robert N. A. Clapp 68 Henry K. Clark m 35 Bayard B. m 35 Lucius m 35 Philo h 38 Orange HOBART COLLEGE. 2 I 3 m 4o Asahel m 4o Horace 41 George N. m 42 Elijah N. m 43 John S. m 44 Augustus H. m 45 Archibald S. 49 David L. h 49 Joshua V. H. m 51 William N. A 52 Darius 53 Albert G. 53 William T. m 56 John m 58 Samuel B. n 59 Henry K. 67 Lawrence m 7o T. S. s 86 Henry G h 88 William R. Clarke 44 Charles C. 47 Joseph M. A. n 56 Wheeler F. 75 Richard T. 76 Herbert M. n 89 Freeman m 94 James W. m 96 William H. Clayes S 88 Frank E. Clement m 72 Charles L. Clemson h 66 Thomas G. Cleveland m 62 Allen 69 William J Clinton m 53 De Witt Clover m 89 George F. A. Coan h 42 Claudius C. h 67 Edwin Coatsworth m 89 Reuben H. Cobb m 50 John C. Cobbs h 42 Nicholas H. Cockey n 63 Charles E. Coe h 63 James R. 75 Charles C. h 93 Reginald Coit 65 James M. h 87 Joseph H. Cole m 48 Cornelius C. m 49 Cornelius H m 5o Electus m 5o George W. Coleman m 37 Charles D. n 46 William m 5o Charles S. A 88 Leighton Collins 34 Charles 82 William W. m 87 Frederick S. 91 Ernest V. A. Colt 64 Fatio Colton h 52 Calvin 97 William N. Colvin m 44 Darwin Comstock m 65 Alexander V. G. m 73 Henry S. Cone m 47 Edward A. m 49 Elias D 69 Hobart B. Conger m 37 Horace M. m 39 Genet 63 Edward A. 73 William P. s 75 Chilion P. m 8o George F. Converse h 97 R. R. M. Cook m 48 George P. m 64 Edward E. 2.95 Edward J. m 98 George F. Cooke n 42 Joshua h 92 Edward A. Coolbaugh 66 Frank C. Cooley m 71 Dileverge J, Coolidge h 7o James I. T. m 91 Sherman Coon m 46 George Cooper n 35 Jacob M. h 42 Edward 44 Paul F. 61 Martin Copeland m 8o Benjamin Cornell 60 S. Douglas m 7o Richard R. 79 George H. Corson A 51 Levi H. Cossitt 71 Frederick B. Cotes 40 Augustus B. 49 Albert L. 2I4 HOBART COLLEGE. Cotner Crego Cutler m 47 Simon n 51 Alexander T. m 46 Stephen S. Couper Crichton Dakin 94 William E. A. m. 43 William h 53 George B. Coventry Crispell Dana n 52 Alexander C. m 69 E. W. h 53 Richard H. Covert Crittenden Daniels m 38 Darwin ºn 32 Cotton M. n 38 Warren 98 Jay B. n 84 Frederick G. Danker Cowles Crocker h 65 Albert n 54 Moses * 61 Byron K. h 27 Nathan B. Darling * n 91 Frederick S. Crosby m 56 Francis A. * * * * n 59 Horace M. Cowman 45 William M. 7, 59 Parsons L. 66 Edward D. Crouchen 294 Carlos P. A. Cox 65 William H. Dascomb m 39 Edward Crowe 8o Everard W. n 91 Robert G. C m 90 John T. A. Davenport OXe C k h 93 George W. A. 71 Ernest C. ruickshanks ge m 77 Reginald C. m 92 John De W. A Davidson * m 97 Arthur C. C d m 46 Ferdinand Craddock º E. Davies h ſº h 4o Charles c. i. Samuel 48 Edwy N. m 69 Theodore rafts e h 73 James m 52 Edward G. Cummings h 89 Thomas F. tº 40 George R. h 96 Arthur Craig m 51 William C. Davis 94 James L. A. h 69 Andrew S A 27 Seth o 6 Cha & e Craik 76 Charles A h 37 Samuel C. h 57 James Curlett ". : Williºn H. H. o Uyrus Crandall m 42 James F. m 43 Lyman H. ge 6 William P. 7%. 44 Lyman A. Curtis * 4 m 47 William B. m 45 S h 46 Lothrop W. 45 Spencer M. m 47 William O. Crane m 89 Gurney T. 65 Henry S. º m 67 Giles H * # flºo. Curtiss zz 81 Milton B. n 46 David E. n 88 James J. Craven e ! 94 Price M. A. m 66 Henry S. Cushing n 97 William E. m 88 Macdonough 8ſ Pierre Day * m 43 John R. Crawford Cushman n 44 Levi P. m 98 Frederick C. h 49 Isaac L. m 68 John HOBART COLLEGE. 2 I5 m 71 J. Wood m 73 George H. Dayton m 36 Daniel m 41 Abner G. m 45 Lewis P. m 73 Benjamin B. m 8o Edson C. Dean m 41 Henry W. De Angelis m 71 Pascal C. J. De Camp m 47 William H. De Grasse n 36 Isaiah G. De Koven h 63 James De Lancey 43 Edward F. A. m 51 John P. 56 William H. De Laney m 76 John P. Delano m 64 Frank R. De Lano m 77 William R. Deltenre n 74 Ernest De Mott m 44 Charles Dempsey m 84 Stephen H. Denio h 49 Hiram Dennison 63 Robert E. h 64 James I90o Frank R. Dennler m 6I Zachariah P. Dering n 6o Charles L. Devendorf m 45 Daniel B. n 59 Charles A. Devereux ſm 42 John C. Dewey m 50 Dwight C. m 57 Barnard M. Dey 44 Peter A. Deyo n 5 I Simeon L. De Zeng m 38 James R. m 5o Henry L. m 51 Edward C. Dibble 45 Leonidas D. Dickerson m 47 Benjamin L. Dickinson m 67 William F. Diehl 89 Alfred E. Dill m 57 Thomas N. Ditmars m 98 John E. Dix h 45 John A. Doane h 90 William C. Doherty h 85 Robert Doolittle 34 James R. A. n 37 Henry L. 47 Reuben S. n 48 John J. 73 Charles J. Dorchester m 49 Eliasaph m 68 Edward G. Dorsey 7, 81 Robert R. m 87 Charles B. Doubleday h 39 Elisha mt 48 Guy L. Douglas h 85 George W. Douglass h 41 David B. h 49 Malcolm 92 Moses H. DOW m 41 Alpha H. Downs m 76 Allison O. Dox 33 John N. 33 Peter M. 42 Edward R. 7, 68 Ernest B. Drake n 98 George W. Draper m 46 James F. Drinker m 65 Robert M. Drumm h 66 John H. Duck 78 Thomas Dudley 7, 5o James G. n 67 Edgar S. 88 James G. 7. 9o Arthur H. 2I6 HOBART COLLEGE. Duff 6I Robert M. 88 Edward M. Dunbar 55 George W. Duncan h 93 Herman C. Duncombe m 44 Charles S. Dunham m 36 David 62 Francis S. Dunlap m 42 Joseph P. Dunn m 47 Jeremiah Dunton m 41 Lorenzo H. Durfee m 46 Cyrus B. Durham 56 Warren J. m 61 James E. Durlin m 91 Fayette Dusenbury m 44 Joseph Dusinberre s 8o Henry W. 7, 82 Samuel B. m 86 George B. Duyckinck n 43 George L. Dwight m 47 Thomas Dwyer m 75 John W. B. m 9o J. Francis Eames s 84 William T. Earl m 49 Isaac B. Earl] s 6o George D. h 67 Samuel Easter 60 John Easterbrooks S 81 Francis E. Eastman h 4o George B. 66 Charles C. 68 Clinton D. 69 Rush S. 73 George N. m 73 Robert W. Eastment 83 Franklin T. Eaton m 42 Lewis L. Ebersole h 93 Abram W. Eddy m 4o Norman P. m 43 George P. 62 Lawrence P. 66 Herbert M. Edington m 64 William F. Edson h 46 Theodore h 87 William B. Elderton 84 Millard F. Eldred n 46 Nicholas B. S. Eldridge s 33 Charles Elliott m 47 Charles H. h 72 James H. ! 95 Lewis H. Ellis m 43 David E. m 62 John P. Ellsworth h 49 Caleb B. Elwood h 4o John B. n 73 Frank W. Ely m 37 Sumner m 4o Adriel G. A. h 58 William A. h 92 Richard T. Emens m 43 Alfred Engle n 37 George B. Ennis m 57 Charles 61 Thomas J. Ensworth m 41 William Ernst 27 John F. m 65 Theodore Erwin m 33 John Estabrook m 45 Ralph H. Estes 56 Burnett Evans n 54 John h 63 Ellicott 74 Newbury W. n 76 Spalding 88 POWell l 92 William A. A. Everest h 84 Haynes L. Everett h 47 Thomas T. HOBART COLLEGE. 217 Eves m 69 William Ewell h 74 Benjamin S. Ewers n 53 Hiram T. Ewing m 4o Alexander n 99 Frank D. Fackler h 46 David M. Fairbanks 51 Jason M. Fairchild m 72 Freeman Fairfax n 78 Thomas H. Falkner me 42 William Farr / 94 Lowell W. Faville 71 Daniel Fenn n 91 Percy T. Ferguson m 44 Nelson D. h 65 Lorenzo D. Fermaud h 92 Albert J. C. Ferris h 38 Floyd I. m 39 Lewis C. / 88 David L. Fessenden s 84 William N. Field n 46 George W. Fillmore h 50 Millard Finch h 38 Ralph K. 75 George T. Fink m 95 William M. Finn n 44 James Fish h 43 John F. Fisher 48 James H. m 68 Charles A. m 68 Parley Fiske A 56 William A. h 97 John S. Fitch n 56 Augustus B. m 91 Lawrence Fitts h 38 Moses H. Fitzhugh m 42 Charles C. m 43 William A. 52 Henry 6o Edward L. Flannery m 98 John L. Fleming m 41 Samuel S. m 46 John B. Flint m 43 James W. Flood m 5o James m 50 Patrick H. m 78 George E. 84 John C. Fobes m 43 Abial J. Folger 36 Charles J. Foller Z 99 Charles S. Follett m 51 Samuel B. Folwell m 29 Nathan W. 57 William W. 6 I Mahlon B. n 62 Asa G. Foot A 31 Samuel A. 47 Isaac P. 47 Zephaniah C. n 58 Samuel C. 68 Thomas m 69 Robert E. m 71 William Foote n 36 Erastus B. m 48 Ezra h 51 Israel m 57 Robert H. n 75 James H. Forbes 32 Edward M. Force m 72 Levi Ford m 41 Joseph D. m 42 Corydon L. Forshee m 58 John M. Foss n 88 John H. Foster m 36 Joseph H. Fowler 3o Festus 32 Philemon H. m 45 Irwin D. m 5o Benjamin F. m 51 Alfred F. 2 I 8 HOBART COLLEGE. Fox 59 Jefferson M. n 96 Fred C. 97 Herbert H. H. Frame m 44 Luke E. Franklin m 44 Benjamin 7ſ Benjamin W. h 7 I Thomas L. n 72 Joseph K. s 85 Benjamin l 93 Lewis P. A. Fraser h 53 Donald G. Freeman m 42 Norman K. Freer m 46 Jacob S. A. French m 42 Simeon S. m 5 I John H. m 61 Lyman P. Frierson ! 96 J. Nelson Frisbie m 44 Daniel G. m 69 W. L. Frost 84 Joseph M. Fuller n 3o Edward L. h 56 Thomas B. Fulton 57 John M. s 87 Howard C. Furman 1900 George Gage m 52 Martin R. Gallagher 40 Mason 46 Peyton m 63 William C. Gardiner n 42 Frederick Gardner h 61 Henry V. 8o George E. h 96 Asa B. Gates m 36 Horatio S. m 67 Ransom T. Gatley 90 Henry S. A. Gavett 27 John Gaylord 94. Herbert L. Gear A 27 Ezekiel G. m 34 Darius W. A. 48 John C. Geer m 36 Oliver P. m 91 Seth W. Gere m 48 Ebenezer German 90 Frank F. m 65 John T. 7o Mahlon N. Gileson h 41 William Gilkeson m 41 Benjamin F. Gillespie h 5o George De N. Gillette 7m 50 John m 63 G. Collins Gilliatt h 67 Charles G. Gillogly m 67 James Gilman 7m 4 I John Gilmore m 62 J. H. m 62 Taylor Glauner m 56 Frederick Glennan m 5o Patrick Glover m 36 Wellington A. 94 Montgomery W.A Gluck Gibbs n 46 Montgomery m 48 Edwin H. s 85 William A. Gibson 42 William T. A. 62 Henry R. 74 John G. n 89 Charles S. Gilberson 81 Simeon L. Gilbert n 62 Porteus C. 7, 74 James F. Godfrey m 68 Charles P. Goff m 39 Peter H. D. Goldsborough m 65 Alfred Gomme n 96 Herbert H. G. Goodrich 58 Ralph L. HOBART COLLEGE. 2 IQ Goodwin m 4o George S. h 48 William H. 54 Frederick C. Goodyear m 47 Bradley Gordon m 37 Charles P. h 57 James F. S. m 68 J. S. Kimball m 72 Charles Goss m 45 John C. GOve A 93 Curtiss C. Graham m 64 Fámund B. Grandin m 35 William G. Granger m 45 Locke Graves m 47 Lewis m 51 Edward 62 George R. m 63 Charles M. m 64 Edward D. 66 Anson R. 78 Frederick R, n 91 Samuel S. 1900 Frederick D. Gray me 44 Henry M. m 48 Calvin S. 58 Charles C. Green m 35 Horace m 44 Caleb n 47 George A. m 59 Henry H. Greene n 53 Cuyler F. Gregor m 46 Alexander R. Gregory 26 Henry 43 Almon Greig m 30 David Gribbroek m 99 Edward Griffith s 48 Thomas M. Grimké m 89 Edward S. Grinnell h 62 Daniel T. A. Grisson m 46 Samuel Griswold m 4o Elias m 45 Gaylord F. n 46 Matthew m 46 Walter R. m 65 Thomas Groot m 62 Cornelius A. Grove m 58 William E. Guilbert h 63 Edmund Guiou m 9o Arthur P. Gunn m 46 Moses Gunnell 9I George m 91 Louis A. 190o Harry Guy m 67 Ezekiel m 68 James D. 71 Harry P. 73 Frederick E. Hackley h 43 Charles W. Hadley n 46 Henry H. Hagar m 41 Abner Hager h 51 Elijah W. Haight h 7o Benjamin I. Halbert m 72 Marcellus L. Hale 48 Benjamin A. 53 Thomas 58 Cyrus K. 6o Josiah L. s 69 James T. 71 George N. s 73 Frank W. h 76 Charles R. h 94 William B. Hall m 36 Cyrenius n 37 Samuel H. A. n 41 Augustus H. m 42 John H. h 47 Benjamin F. /h 6o Charles H. 27, 61 Watson C. 63 David S. m 63 Samuel m 72 Frank L. 97 Charles P. n 98 Rodney D. Hallenbeck m 83 Ellsworth L. Halliday m 41 Merrill Halsey n 30 Richard P. A. m 32 Charles h 44 Charles H. A. n 63 Alexander A. n 64 Algernon V. 68 Lewis 22O HOBART COLLEGE. Hamill ºn 49 John R. Hamilton m 41 DeWitt C. 52 Robert De L. 57 James M. Hamlin ! 90 Fred E. n 94 Orlo J. Hammond n 44 Edmund K. 54 Stephen H. m 56 Caleb H. 92 Arthur J. Hampton n 75 William H. Handbury A 95 George T. Handerson 58 Henry E. Hanley m 51 Robert A. Hannahs m 43 Lucius 99 Harry W. Hare l 97 John J. Harison 52 Richard M. 56 George D. L. h 56 William H. Harman m 44 John J. Harmon ! 93 Herbert W. A. Harnden m 44 Daniel D. Harner n 67 Henry C. Harrington m 48 Samuel H. 73 Frank P. Harris frt 44 Joel m 5 t James O. m 97 Edward h 97 Henry R. Harrison m 44 Freeman P. Harron n 94 Hal S. Harstrom 86 Carl A. Hart m 46 Henry W. Haslett m 84 James H. n 86 Thomas Hastings m 44 William F. Hatch 7, 28 Israel T. Hathaway m 5o William M. m 51 Otis P. Hauenstein m 44 John Hause m 45 Lewis K. Hawkins m 46 William B. 17, 7o Francis 1900 Chauncey A. Hawley 52 Augustine B. 88 Edward W. m 92 George M. B. 99 Harry W. Hay A 39 Philip C. m 45 George C. 46 Thomas H. 47 Theodore F. Hayes 49 Charles W. 56 Henry 77& 7o Philetus A. 87 William E. ! 97 Henry W. S. Hayne m 4I Marcus S. Hayunga 6o George A. Hayward n 44 William Haywood n 64 George C. Heacock m 29 Seth Heaton m 64 Carlton R. m 67 John K. Hedden on 52 Ambrose S. n 82 Henry C. Heist m 67 William H. Hemminway 43 Albert G. Hemiup n 44 Hatley N. 73 Charles N. 73 William G. Hendryx m 69 Charles F. Hennessey m 66 Daniel Henry h 38 Caleb S. 7, 6O Charles H. 7, 68 Horace C. Henshaw l 82 Alonzo N. HOBART COLLEGE. 22 I Henson 86 Thomas S. Herendeen 79 Edward G. s 8o William L. s 86 Francis A. s 87 Albert H. A. Hills n 47 George M. ! 91 William E. Hinman m 47 Sylvester P. Hinsdale n 93 Frederick W. A. h 77 Robert G. Herrick h 56 Osgood E. h 64 Marcellus A. l 97 Francis H. Hess m 38 Henry H. on 58 Orton H. Heston n 34 L. E. Hewitt 56 Charles N. m 96 Edward H. Heywood h 49 John W. m 49 Daniel W. Hibbard 76 Charles H. Hickcox 26 Burton H. Hicks m 43 Marvin D. Higgins m 37 John D. Hill h 5o William H. Hillhouse s 7o Phineas P. Hilliard m 60 E. D. 1900 Guy T. Hillis n 59 David D. Hillman m 42 Levi C. m 83 William G. Hipple 7t 83 George I. Hobart n 29 John F. Hobbie 67 Reeve Hodge zz 57 Augustus P. Hodges n 47 Francis L. Hodgkinson ſm 61 Edmund W. Hodgson h 90 Telfair Hodson m 7o Horatio W. P. HOff ! 90 Charles C. Hoffman h 93 Charles F. h 93 Richard A. Holcomb 83 Ledyard C. Holley h 39 John M. m 48 Henry K. n 48 Pierre R. A. HO11ister m 65 William H. Holmes ſh 68 Daniel Hooker 94 Horace C. A. ! 95 Ransom S. n 99 Ervin J. Hope m 98 Edward W. Hopkins n 34 Wolsey R. h 4o William R. h 53 William F. 27, 61. D. Stewart S 62 George G. m 75 William S. 7, 86 Edward H. m 93 William W. m 99 Warren D. Hornbeck m 46 Philip D. Hood s 83 Samuel E. P. Horning m 57 Nelson Horton 45 Alexander m 46 Truman C. n 47 Henry B. A 58 William Horwood h 78 Robert Hosmer 37 William H. C. Hotchkiss m 65 Leman Hough 6I Alfred B. Houghton 7, 28 Alfred h 43 Douglass House m 47 Spencer G. m 49 Peter R. Hovey m 42 Bleecker L. 222 HOBART COLLEGE. How 28 Thomas Y. Howard /h 68 Orin R. n 95 Charles J. 98 Louis E. Howe m 57 Orville D. 85 William A. Howell m 52 William H. Howland m 62 Henry A. Hoyt m 39 James M. m 42 Charles HOze n 53 Noah A. Hubbard m 34 Jonathan H. n 34 Samuel S. 7, 61 Stuart m 66 Abijah s 73 Frank C. Hubbell m 79 Daniel S. Hudson n 29 Jonathan h 39 Daniel 45 Charles n 51 Edward Huff m 44 Abner T. n 60 Augustus C. Huggins n 38 Morrison Hughes h 4o William H. 71 William M. Hughey m 59 Lyman Hulbert m 31 Charles J. m 34 — Hull m 49 Alfred h 5o Andrew Hulse s 75 Jonas T. Humphrey h 35 Charles m 65 C. L. $ 82 William F. 84 Lansing S. m 99 Lotte W. 1900 Austin S. Humphreys h 94 Frank L. Hunt 7, 28 Ward A. m 38 John S. Hunter m 43 James m 63 Thomas T. Huntington m 43 Wales M. l 95 David C. Hurd m 44 Henry S. m 47 Edward H. 7, 72 Charles m 72 Schuyler Hurlbut A 45 John H. Huse h 78 Reginald M. Huson 45 Calvin A. Hutchings 66 Henry C. Hutchins m 48 Dennison P. Hutchinson n 46 Charles W. m 81 Eugene W. Hutton m 69 Hobart Hyde 48 William H. m 61 Mortimer A. m 68 Miles G. h 90 Melancthon C. Ide s 72 Appleton J. A. Ingalls n 45 Francis W. n 45 Moses D. Ingersoll m 47 John h 5o Edward m 64 William D. Ireland 7, 29 Joseph Irish 73 Charles G. 84 George M. Irving h 37 Pierre P. A. n 43 Washington E. Irwin 7?? 45 James Ives 7, 66 Butler Jackson m 38 John S. m 49 Isaac P. m 49 Aaron M h 53 Isaac W. h 59 Abner m 63 David P. 7o Anson B. Jacobs m 44 Elliott Jacobus m 62 Lyman E. 64 Charles HOBART COLLEGE. 223 Jagar 99 John C. James h 67 Amaziah B. Jarvis 88 William O. Jay h 89 John Jennings h 78 Charles P. zz 82 Staats D. Jerome h 55 James H. Jewell m 5o George S. 88 Ernest W. Jewett m 36 William H. 55 Edward H. A. 90 Rutgers B. Johnson m 35 Experience 39 John A. h 41 Ben 41 William C. m 43 Caleb C. m 44 Charles A. 49 Arthur B. m 62 John A. A. /h 62 Thomas A. S 71 John G. n 77 John H. h 77 Henry C, 86 Ward H. Johnston m 46 John M. 83 Dunkin V. R. s 84 Russell M. 92 James M. ! 94 Charles V. R. 96 Malcolm S. Jones 44 Daniel T. m 45 LeRoy E. 61 John W. m 72 L. A 75 Howard E. S 86 James C. Joralemon 8o Jesse C. Joslin m 38 Eliab M. A. Judson m 56 Samuel A. Juliand S 55 John R. s 64 Joseph E. Justice m 34 William H. Justin m 47 Joel W. Kasson 65 Charles V. Kedney m 71 Henry S. h 72 John S. 78 Louis A. Keeler m 51 Henry B. n 84 George W. Keene h 64 David Keiser m 66 Peter J. Kelley m 50 Charles A. S 59 Nathan R. m 64 Douglas O. 7o Armon F. Kellner 81 Maximilian L. Kellogg m 39 Lucius D. A. 57 Day O. m 57 Josiah H. Kelly 76 George F. Kelsey n 76 Henry H. Kemper 92 William P. A. Kendall n 35 Henry 7m 44 James V. Kennedy 81 John D. Kennicott h 44 Edward D. Kent h 43 William Kerfoot h 43 John B. Kerr h 8 I William D. Keyes S 72 Charles R. 87 Lewis W. Kienzle 85 Charles A. Kiersted m 72 Charles F. Kilbourne m 42 Charles J. ſt 7 I Lincoln G. Kimball h 49 D. S. Kimber m 48 William W. King m 4o John C. n 55 James S. n 62 Rudolph A. n 94 George A. Kingman m 46 Charles M. Kingsley s 86 George P. 88 James R. 224 HOBART COLLEGE. Kip h 93 Leonard Kirby m 48 Jacob B. 65 Reynold M. m 96 Edmund Kirk n 69 Desault B. Kirtland 90 John C. A. klein m 46 Peter Knap n 35 Charles S. s 55 Thomas L. Knapp 34 Joseph G. m 46 Avery m 51 Edward A. h 61 John H. 66 Charles S. m 68 Capeti B. m 97 Frederick H. 98 Edward M. H. Kneeland m 51 Benjamin T, Knowles n 44 John Knox m 37 Addison T. Koch 98 Frank W. Kyle m 51 William S. Lacombe h 37 Adolphe Lacy m 41 William G. La Fort n 29 Abram Landers h 6o Harlin Lane 7, 55 James 58 William C. Laney m 73 Calvin C. Langdon n 64 Thomas F. Langworthy m 48 Henry H. m 49 Elisha P. 61 James D. Laning h 58 Charles Lansdowne m 97 Percy S. Lansing m 62 Benjamin / 97 Karl H. Lapham 75 Charles B. l 9 I William G. Larison m 63 C. W. m 64 Andrew B. Larned h 88 J. E. Latham 60 Hosea F. Lathrop h 4o Leonard E. Laurin m 5o William A. Lawrence m 35 De Witt C. 38 Abraham n 41 Samuel A. 47 Richard H. A. m 47 Jonathan S. h 9o William Lawson 62 Edward S. h 71 Thomas B. 95 Frank E. Lawton 7, 55 George W. Lay h 57 Henry C. 84 John M. Lea h 66 M. Carey Leach 48 Augustus M. m 96 Frederick J. Le Boutillier h 75 George T. Lee h 41 Alfred n 42 Charles J. m 42 Charles J. n 43 William G. m 5o Charles M. h 50 Henry W. m 53 Charles A. 59 Benjamin F. 59 George F. m 65 Charles M. A. n 68 Hamilton R. Leech h 56 John Leeds h 50 George Leeson 7o Alfred B. Legaré S 88 Balie P. Le Grys 83 Walter J. Lehman ! 95 George C. Leighton n 85 William Leitch n 29 George F. A. Leonard n 98 Crosby HOBART COLLEGE. 225 Lester m 64 L. B. Lewis m 4o Rowland S. m 46 James K. me 48 William m 61 James V. m 67 James M. h 92 J. Pitt Lightner m 67 Peter B. Lindsley m 29 Timothy H. Litchfield m 63 A. J. Little h 95 Arthur W. Livermore h 52 Edward Llewellyn m 96 Frederick F. Lloyd h 51 Travis Lobdell h 81 Francis. Lockton ! 95 Walter J. Lockwood 64 Henry R. 99 Henry M. Logie m 57 William K. Lombard m 55 Cyrus B. Loomis m 35 Charles A. 44 Levi S 63 Harvey N. m 89 Stephen H. m 97 Charles K. Lord 55 William H. 56 George P. n 93 James W. Loring h 63 Henry H. Lothrop h 96 Thomas Lounsbery me 50 Levi Love n 79 David J. Love11 35 Frederick S. Low h 48 David m 88 James T. Lubeck h 87 Henry Luce m 42 Andrew H. Lucy m 69 Thomas F. Ludlow n 44 Henry G. n 98 Oliver A. Ludlum m 67 Lewis D. Lummis s 28 William M. Lynn 82 Robert Macaulay h 92 Edward Y. Macbeth 81 Henry Mack m 43 Theophilus Mackay-Smith h 89 Alexander Macomb n 30 George s 61 John N. 62 Edward Macurdy h 5o David H. M’Arthur n 42 Erial m 47 Poldore S. M’Bride m 8o Henry M’Cabe 94 Lewis B. A. M’Call h 35 John M’Carn m 51 George W. M’Carty 7?? 4t James B, n 43 Daniel h 50 John 58 Andrew Z M’Cay n 43 Robert M’Clure m 46 Vincent C. M’Collum 42 Isaiah H. A. n 43 Hezekiah S. M’Connell m 38 Joseph h 97 Samuel D. M'Cormick n 91 Robert C. M’Cullough m 41 Robert 226 HOBART COLLEGE. M’Donald M’Math Maples 29 Samuel P. A. n 38 Robert 48 Carlton P. n 33 Andrew y 45 William T. A. M’Murdy Marble m 57 Archibald K. h 6o Robert m 40 John 7, 58 Hecto gº :* M’Nish Markel M’Dowell n 97 Charles A. m 57 William R. n 91 Guy M. M’Nulty Markham M'Gill m 46 James M. m 61 George G. m 32 Hugh M'Pherson Marquand M’Glashan 92 William B. A. h 88 Allen n 42 Alexander M’Reynolds, Marshall M’Goodwin º 64 Benjamin F. Ž%2 : gº C. n 91 James K. A. M. Vean º 84 Frederick W. M’Gregor n 44 Daniel C. Martín 42 John P. M’Whorter n 36 John n 45 Thomas h 64 George C. m 42 John V. ) 44 Russell M Grew Magee # 46 Stanley 99 Fitzhugh m 51 John P. *: º M’Hugh Mahany 72 93 W1111am S. 95 Robert L. /* 28 Stephen 86 Rowland B. & y sº p 72 OWI all Martindale M’Kim Mallett m 51 Cephas K. m 90 William R. S 82 Eugene P. h 94 Haslett m 86 George H. Mason y T2 . - m 41 Corydon M º, * id J 54 Henry H. m 30 tiay 7%. aV1C1 |. M’Kinney h 74 George S. Masten 84 John Mann n 37 Peter Mather M’K n 3 I 116 W. m 42 John P. m 29 Rogers 7, 62 Wilberforce R. m 60 William B. m 35 Elisha A. y gº 7o Cameron m 37 Samuel R. S. M’Knight 81 Alexander * h 5o George H. 83 Donald P. Matson 77 William P. 83 Eugene L. 43 William A. A. 7, 88 Charles H. m 90 Charles D. Mattes.On M’Laren Manney m 49 James n 43 William S. h 64 Solon W. h 49 John F. e Matthews 7, 6 I Malcolm N. Manning m 38 Chauncey 7, 62 James S. m 89 Colin C, h 42 Vincent M’Lure Mansfield Maxcy 81 Laurens m 67 Romaine S. h 76 Eaton W. HOBART COLLEGE. 227 May m 97 Henry Mayberry 1n 41 Franklin T. Maynard n 48 John N. Mayo m 95 Guy B. Meachem m 43 Edward H. G. zz 51 William G. Mead h 35. Onesimus m 4o Henry M. m 47 Nelson 7, 62 Richard T. m 73 Henry E. ! 97 George H. Meads m 52 James H. h 57 Orlando Means m 67 Augustus C. Mechan m 38 Isaac I. Meek 66 Richard L. Mellen m 82 John W. S 88 Arthur H. Menteath m 66 Charles G. S. Mercer m 45 Alfred Merrell 47 Andrew 83 Howard E. Merriam m 51 Edward D. Merriman m 39 E. D, 61 Truman A. Merritt h 89 Douglas Mersereau m 39 Lawrence Messenger 98 Charles B. Metcalf A 33 Kendrick A. m 46 Cyrus T. Middleton m 29 h 78 John C. Millar 6o William G. Millard ſt 35 J. A. Miller n 39 Thomas C. 1n 4 I Elisha m 42 Delaskie A. n 44 William F. me 44 Adam n 45 Abram B. /h 5 I Samuel K. 7, 61 Truman W. m 64 Truman W. A. h 64 George D. B. 66 Herbert C. 69 William K. m 72 Thomas M. m 73 John B. m 73 George H. h 86 Delaskie A. Millett h 4o Stephen C. 61 John H. H. Milligan 7, 88 Frederick F. Millington m 48 Stephen R. Mills m 45 Myron H. Millspaugh 79 Josiah Milne 96 Mark H. Miltimore h 44 James Mitchell m 42 John 45 Robert h 76 Edward C. Mizner 54 Thomas W. Moeller h 43 John C. Moffatt A 53 Hugh B. Moffett n 57 William H. Monroe 5o Henry S. Montgomery h 27 James m 31 William R. 5 i Charles S. m 7o Alpheus J. Moody on 58 Horace P. 7n 66 H. Mont m 68 Benjamin Moore m 44 Thomas m 49 Daniel m 69 Adam C. h 75 William H. 89 Franklin S. A. 99 Harry T. Moreland S 88 Andrew Morgan n 47 Charles m 49 Edward J. m 59 Horace H. A. n 94 Edwin D. h 96 Morris H. Morley 46 John S. 228 HOBART COLLEGE. Morrin n 71 William Morris h 5o William m 57 John P. Morrison s 86 Henry T. m 89 William E. 1900 Archibald B. Morse m 42 Virgil D. 272 68 Levi Mortimer 7, 47 John Morse S 58 Lewis Mott m 4I James N. Mottett h 92 Henry Moulton 78 Frank E. 97 Arthur W. Mowry 87 Charles B. 7. 92 Arthur L. Muir A 72 John Mullock 68 Coe Mumford m 49 William T. 272 62 E. S. 64 Elihu J. Mundy 39 Gideon M. Munson n 43 Archibald 78 Edward Murphy n 92 Reginald H. Murray h 5o Robert S. m 53 Charles A. S 84 Henry T. Myer 47 Albert J. 62 Thomas T. s 84 Albert J. Mygatt h 71 Henry R. Nash m 97 Paul B. Neele s 79 William P. Neely 49 Henry A. 67 Frederick C. Nelson h 37 Samuel m 48 Judson C. 90 Frank H. Nesbitt A 27 William Nevin h 87 Robert J. Nevius n 47 Orin G. A. New 95 Carl W. Newell 45 Thaddeus S. Newton h 39 Erastus Nicholas 7, 33 John 7, 49 John 5o George W. m 52 Robert R. m 58 Lyman M. S 66 P. Norborne n 66 Charles G. 73 Robert C. Nicholls zz 66 Charles P. A 86 George H. Nichols m 45 Henry W. h 51 John A. m 57 Silas B. H. S 82 Charles H. 96 Asher P. Nicholson 58 John Nickerson 64 Charles M. Niles m 35 Addison m 71 William B. Nims m 37 Horace zz 57 Frederick A. Nind me 36 Samuel Nisbet m 54 William Nivison h 59 Nelson Noble m 28 Charles C. A. zz 34 Butler G. 82 Albert L. Nolton m 55 Sheron K. Normander 7m 45 Isaac S. Norris m 69 James B. North m 45 Linus 7o Walter Northall h 95 Edward H. HOBART COLLEGE. 229 Northrop * 5 I James Northrup me 59 Myron m 66 John A. Norton n 29 Philander 42 John N. n 43 George H. A 49 Samuel H. n 87 Lawrence DeZ. ºn 99 Burt B. Norwell ! 91 William S. Noyes 46 Calvin 7t 48 Daniel Nugent 93 Edward G. A. O’Brien 56 John C. S 59 Francis J. 88 George W. O'Flaherty m 65 Patrick J. Ogden s 33 Mahlon D. m 54 Meredith L. 57 William M. 6I Charles T. m 64 William M. M. 89 Charles L. Olendorff m 43 William D. Olin m 49 Hiram W. 65 Russell A. 93 John R. A. 96 Joseph D. Oliver h 38 Daniel m 47 William h 68 Andrew h 84 William S. m 88 Frederick S. 96 Frederick W. Olmsted h 93 Charles T. A. h 95 Charles S. Onderdonk h 27 Henry U. Orton n 9o Robert H. Osborne S 89 Harrison 7. 97 Randall Osgood h 72 Samuel Otis m 4o Abijah R. Ottley n 45 Thomas Ottman n 82 Robert A. Otto n 42 John Packwood 52 Charles Paddock h 43 William H. P. h 5o Hobart G. Page A 50 Rolla O. Paige h 39 James H. m 46 Joel S. h 87 Edward W. Palmer m 51 George W. 61 Napoleon n 91 Cyrus C. Panton 47 John A. Parce 93 Dwight A. A. Pardee h 52 Stephen n 56 Boyd C. * 64 James D. S. Paret 49 William Park 69 Edward W. Parke 48 Robert N. Parker * 37 Lemuel B. 7%. 4 I Martin S. ſh 46 Amasa J. m 48 Orlando K. 7, 49 Oscar F. 57 Charles E. 95 Evans S. Parkhurst 7%. 67 Louis L. Parks h 86 James L. Parshall s 85 DeWitt H. Parsons 7m 4o Moses m 44 Thomas E. m 51 Sylvester m 52 Levi Partridge m 51 David S. n 87 Thomas M. l 99 Edward B. Patchen m 38 Edward W. h 4o Warren Patchin ºn 49 Cameron Patten n 39 William H. n 93 S. Stanley 23O HOBART COLLEGE. Patterson m 42 Oliver S. m 47 John C. 7m 48 Christopher h 57 Albert C. 58 George H. h 60 Philo M. Payne h 59 William m 85 Josiah D. m 98 Benjamin W. Pearce n 49 Upton H. Pearsall m 59 Luther B. A. m 6o Andrew T. Pears.On s 85 Edward P. m 86 Henry P. m 88 James H. T. Pease m 48 Roger W. Peck m! 47 Lucius Peckham n 35 Elijah G m 51 George F. Pegram 89 Henry ! 92 Walter M. Peirce h 96 William F. Pelton m 30 John m 46 Jonathan G. Pepper n 69 Enoch Perkins 'm 54 Thomas D. m 64 Joseph m 69 Edward S. n 91 John H. A. Perrine m 39 George W. 61 George G. Perry m 45 Nathaniel M. h 45 Marcus A. m 71 James E. Peters m 51 De Witt C. m 53 Harrison n 57 Robert R. Petrie n 56 William J. Peyton m 55 Hamilton M. Phelps m 37 Austin m 44 De Witt C. Phillips m 4 I Erastus B. 95 Rozelle J, Phinney 7m 66 Lorenzo Pierce m 48 Henry E. n 49 Charles H. 65 George B. 65 Perry B. 1m 70 Lewis P. 7, 86 Frederick I. n 90 George H. Pierrepont h 71 William C. Pierson m 71 George E. Pike h 64 Nicholas Pinckney m 64 Theodore H. Piper h 42 Sherburne B. Pise h 45 David A. Pittinger m 7o A. S. Platt m 29 Samuel m 34 James E. 39 Charles H. A. 4I George L. m 69 William N. Plumb /, 49 Ovid Plummer 1 98 W. Ward Poey m 89 Eduardo C. Pomeroy m 45 Theodore C. Poole 72 Charles A. |POrter 7m 41 Henry N. /, 6o George W. m 85 George M. POst 58 John H. on 71 A. W. POtter m 43 John W. h 56 Horatio 57 Ziba H. 77t 6O Darwin 7m 6o Vaughan C. 62 John F. 67 Philip A 87 Henry C. h 9o Frank H. m 93 Leslie F. Powell 33 Archibald C. h 42 George C. S 68 Louis F. Powers m 36 William R. m 4o Nelson C. m 45 Cyrus m 5o Edwin D. m 5o Harrison H. m 93 Walter W. A. HOBART COLLEGE. 23 I Pra11 h 92 William Pratt m 4o David C. me 4o Edward m 45 George W. Preston m 68 Byron I. Pride 59 Edward S. Prince 82 Henry A. 1900 Frederick W. |Prindle me 46 Pulaski Pringle 53 Henry H. 59 George P. 72 6f William De W. 7, 86 William H. Pritchard m 7o Horace B. Pritchett m 62 George E. Proal h 39 Pierre A. A. 7, 43 William H. n 46 Charles Proffitt 7, 82 Arthur H. 83 Charles C. Pryne m 46 Peter m 53 John Pulling h 4o Ezekiel B. Pumpelly m 6o Josiah C. Purchase m 49 Joshua B. Purdy 64 Ambrose H. Purrington h 43 William Putnam h 42 Albin K. 7, 50 George R. Pyne h 48 Smith Quackenbush l 97 Edward B. Quimby h 32 Jacob H. Quinby A 56 Isaac F. A. m 98 David T. Raines zz 7o William G. Ramsay m 92 Frank A. A. 7. 94 Guy R. Rand l 93 Charles M. W. m 93 Samuel Randall m 36 William R. h 53 Henry S. 54 Nicholas D. 93 Edwin J. A. Randolph m 58 John I, Rankine h 57 James 66 William M. m 77 William B. 82 Richard F. m 88 DeLancey 92 Harold S. Rapalje m 46 Abraham B. Rathbun n 45 James M. Read ! 98 William B. Redfield 'n 29 Alexander H. n 45 Manning 771 53 George S. Reed 7, 35 J. S. 77t 42 Nelson R. m 44 Virgil m 64 John S. 89 Frederick D. Rees S 28 Thomas M. Regester h 94 Jacob A. Reiner A 95 William Reiterman 57 William Remick 99 Timothy G. Remington 54 Charles R. Renouf h 5o Edward A. Reynolds m 32 Jedediah C. h 45 Edwin R. n 52 Abraham S. n 97 Samuel T. l 99 James R. Rhoades 7m 40 Sumner Rhodes m 47 James C. Rice 32 George M. n 33 Moses T. 66 J. Addison h 74 Spencer M. 232 HOBART COLLEGE. Rich 56 Marshall B. m 85 Alexander M. Richards 96 Albert G. Richardson h 27 John S. m 29 Jacob n 34 Henry 65 Charles S. m 94 Donald E. n 95 Orlo D. Richmond m 43 Borden W. l 94 John R. H. A. l 99 Gerald H. Ricord n 38 Frederick W. A. Rider m 41 William E. 7m 44 Ebenezer Riley 7m 49 Andrew G. Ringer m 66 Alonzo Rising 7, 6 I Willard B. Robbins m 43 Joseph W. Roberts m 50 Harvey E. s 76 George K. A. Robie 64 Reuben E. Robinson m 44 Lester H. m 45 Benedict m 49 Chauncey C. m 5o Alfred h 52 James A. 82 William J. 84 Charles W. 9I J. George. A. Robison 1900 William W. Robottom 81 Percy J. Rochester 45 Nathaniel 45 Thomas F. Rodgers m 47 John A. m 67 Cornelius R. Rogers h 4o David L. m 42 Miles M. m 47 John h 5o Ferdinand 57 Alexander H. m 58 John F. m 65 Martha A, 66 Frederick C. n 67 Erastus J. 79 Clark B. 79 Louis C. 99 Gregory Roosa m 68 Simeon K. Root S 71 Lyman Roper h 87 John C. Rose 31 Robert n 37 Edward F. m 4I Lyman L. n 43 Miles L. 62 Arthur P. 73 Oswald J. C. s 76 Charles J. 89 John H. Ross h 42 Edward C. 66 Anthony J. B. m 67 Isaac E. 79 Henry H. Rowe m 47 Horace h 95 Peter T. Rowley m 44 John Roy 58 Chester h 58 Joseph Royce 57 Fayette Royston m 44 Theodore P. Rumney n 44 John M. m 48 Theodore S. Runcie h 67 James S. Rundel 6o Thomas J. Runner m 38 Jacob Rupert an 49 De Los W. Rushton n 96 Joseph Russell 43 Ambrose B. A 45 James W. n 59 Albert n 93 J. Townsend h 94 Francis T. m 96 Gilbert V. Rutherford m 51 William m 76 Clarendon Rutledge h 44 Francis H. Ryan h 82 Albert W. Sackett m 43 Solon P. m 51 James W. Sadler n 69 Charles W. HOBART COLLEGE. 233 Sakai 94 Barnabas T. A. Salisbury 49 Samuel W. Salmon 26 Richard m 41 Robert G. Saltonstall m 92 Satterlee A. Sandels h 42 John Sandford 1900 Montgomery H. Sanford m 82 James C. ! 97 John R. Sargeant m 54 Samuel M. Saunders m 39 Augustus L. n 91 John W. A. Sawens m 47 Willis Sawyer h 96 Azariah H. Sceitz m 44 Oscar Schanck m 38 Benjamin B. Scheffer n 90 Eugene W. Schenck 55 Theodore Schermerhorn n 36 James N. 39 Isaac M. Schmidt h 4o John W. Schnedler 96 William A. Schoolcraft h 49 Henry R. Schoonmaker m 48 Ephraim J. Schulté 7o Bernard Schuyler m 32 William R. n 34 Montgomery 35 Anthony n 48 Peter S. 62 Charles B. n 62 Montgomery 7I Louis S. Scofield n 43 Solomon R. 96 Louis T. Scoon s 76 Charles K. Scott 7o Robert C. n 79 William J. m 83 Charles H. m 96 George W. Seabrease m 91 Alexander W. Seabury h 76 William J. Seaman m 59 Horatio D. m 71 H. F. Searle m 97 Claude H. Sears m 38 Rasselas L. Seaver m 56 William H. Secor m 39 Philetus Selover m 58 Edward Service l 94 Clarence M. A. Seward 48 Clarence A. A. Seymour m 28 Horatio 52 William J. / 94 Harry P. A. Shackelford n 37 Aaron Shank m 46 Hurlbut B. Shattuck m 5 I Sewell E. Shaw m 39 Merrill H. m 88 Willis C, Sheardown 7?? 50 Samuel B. Sheldon n 4 I James n 78 James A. Shelton h 38 William Shenich m 44 Charles D. Shepard 57 Franklin D. 63 William H. l 93 Stuart G. Sherman mt 46 Ransom R. m 63 Charles D. Shero h 90 William F. Sherwood h 4o Reuben 5I Lyman H. Shiley n 59 Jacob B. 234 HOBART COLLEGE, Shipman m 5o Paul R. Shirley n 65 John G. Short l 99 John C. Shurtleff m 53 Solon Sickels m 39 G. W. h 42 John F. Siegmund h 75 George F. Sill m 63 Theodore l 92 Arthur G. m 95 E. Mather Silvester h 78 William W. Simpson h 66 G. Wharton Simons h 94 James Sinclair m 42 Thompson Singsen 97 Frank L. Sisson m 8o Frank M. Skaats m 36 Schuyler n 43 David P. 45 Bartholomew Skinner m 39 Lewis C. 42 Gardner M. m 44 Herman C. n 99 George A. Slade m 91 William S. A. Slattery m 72 Morris Sloan h 39 David S. m 43 Alexander B. Slosson m 4ſ Rufus K. m 63 Henry L. 68 Richard L. l 98 Edward m 98 Charles A. Smith 26 Orsamus H. h 31 Benjamin B. 77 35 James C. m 37 Edward S. A. 7, 43 Nathaniel B. m 43 Alonzo T. m 43 Eben S. m 43 Willis G. 7m 45 Amos B. n 47 James B. 1m 47 Marcellus R. m 47 William A. n 48 George H. m 48 Peter n 49 William n 50 James B. 53 John DeM. n 53 Azariel B. h 53 William H. h 55 Albert P. 57 George W. m 6o Charles T. 7, 6 I Ernest H. 63 Sutherland D. m 64 William P. m 65 Fillmore M. m 65 J. W. 772 66 Orin W. 69 Edmund H. m 69 Alanson D. 70 Charles H. m 7o Henry B. 72 Arthur C. 72 George N. h 73 James M. m 74 Lloyd H. 76 Gerritt 78 James C. A. m 78 William F. 79 Charles W. s 83 Vincent M. 84 Theodore J. 84 William D. 88 Charles A. h 93 R. Nimmo 96 Franklin E, 99 F. Curtis 99 Lewis W. Smythe A 97 Sidney T. Snell m 53 H. N. m 95 Albert C. ! 99 Arthur V. Snyder m 71 Edgar 83 William J. Sosnowski I9oo Julius C. Soul h 9o J. F. Southgate 67 Edward M. Southwell A 72 George W. Spafard h 42 Ariel Spalding h 39 Erastus 55 Erastus W. 55 Henry W. 57 Charles N. 61 Edward B. m 83 Henry K. M. 90 Charles E. A. Speed m 55 Edward B. Spence n 49 Byron h 51 Henry Spencer 38 Thomas R. h 38 John C. 7, 42 John C. n 44 Philip n 44 Robert B. N. h 7o William G. HOBART COLLEGE. 235 Spengler ! 93 John A. A. Sprague //e 41 Lester h 47 Nathaniel h 9o William L. Squires n 45 Selah m 45 William B. Staats h 43 John h 49 Barent P. Stacey n 87 George ſt 94.J. Lewis Stanley 41 Henry n 43 John H. Starbuck m 91 Calvin W. Starkey m 48 Wilmer W. h 48 Orlando F. h 65 Thomas A. Starkweather h 49 Daniel Starr h 69 F. Blatchford h 75 Oliver W. Staunton h 56 William 58 John A. Stearns h 38 Jehiel h 74 Edward J. A 93 Eckley H. A. m 96 Charles H. Stebbins 46 Charles n 49 Charles M. s 88 Francis L. Steitz 71 George W. Sterling 48 Theodore m 5o Robert Stettenbenz 190o Albert Stevens n 27 Ambrose A. m 41 Charles A. 48 Lawrence S. mt 49 Job S. m 50 Stephen R. n 83 Thomas J. ! 91 Frank L. Stewart m 4t Morse m 48 George D. Stiles m 65 Charles L. m 69 Martin L. Stillwell m 5o William T. Stoddard m 38 George N. 44 Elias R. Stone n 30 George F. Storm h 52 John H. Stout h 87 Isaac H. Stow zz 62 De Lancey Strachan m 41 William R. Strasenburgh ! 92 George C. A. Street h 49 Alfred B. Strong 54 Truman H. Stryker A 50 Phineas M. 68 Thomas H. Stuart m 72 Charles F. Sturdevant 45 Silas B. 69 Charles H. Sturges mz 53 James 55 Wilson m 96 Philemon F. Sumner n 52 George B. Sutherland n 49 John L. m 96 William K. Sutphen 63 William s 72 Clinton Swart 35 Isaac Sweet 92 Louis M. Sweeting m 5o Mortimer F. Sweetland 57 Lucius l 97 George J. Sweetser h 41 Henry W. Swift n 29 Albert A. m 38 M'Ree n 5o Charles W. 52 Foster m 6o John L. m 63 Joseph G. 7, 80 Augustus M. Symonds 81 Brandreth Taber m 34 Peleg B. 236 HOBART COLLEGE. Taplin m 59 William T. Taylor h 36 Walter T, h 37 William h 42 Benjamin C. m 52 Charles n 59 Hugh W. m 61 Edward H. 65 William W. m 83 Frank R. A 92 Joseph T. A. Teall S 57 Nathan n 61 George C. Teller I90O Gordon A. Ten Broeck n 44 Peter G. S. Ten Eyck m 85 Alfred Terry h 55 Marsena W. Thayer m 48 George n 95 Wade W. Thibou h 5 I Louis Thomas m 50 Jeffrey R. 7. 93 George W. A. Thompson 36 Strong B. m 38 Levi 45 George m 45 Daniel D. m 47 Charles K. h 66 Hugh M. m 76 Albert J. h 79 Frederick /h 88 Walter m 97 Lynn W. Thomson n 34 James Thorne n 87 George L. Thorpe 43 Samuel R. Thrall h 55 Stephen C. Throop n 46 Montgomery H. Tiffany m 32 George O. Tillman n 33 Samuel P. Tinker m 42 Malachi T. Tinkham 57 James H. Titsworth m 67 Abel S. Tobie on 55 Pierre P. E. Todd 7?? 55 William S. Tomes h 49 Charles Tompkins n 34 Edward Toomer s 87 William M. Torrey 7. 46 Larned M. 47 Samuel H. 74 Hiram A. Tourtellot m 44 Stephen 58 George M. Towers n 29 George Towler 27: 55 John m 67 Reginald H. Townley h 57 Adam Townsend n 47 Julius S. 56 Hale 8o Smith De L. Tracy 7m 45 Joshua H. m 47 Frederick A. Trapier n 28 Richard S. Treadway 45 Joseph G. Tremain m 64 Frederick L. Treulib h 6o John H. m 63 Henry Tripp 46 Isaac Trowbridge m 44 John S. Tucker m 35 Joshua Tupper m 41 Asa W. 7, 57 Horace T. S. Tuthill s 78 Harry S. s 82 Clarence C. Tuttle n 44 Charles A. m 50 Albert F. 62 Samuel W. m 92 David S. A. Tway m 50 Charles Twing h 64 Alvi T. HOBART COLLEGE. 237 Twomley 7m 51 Lyman Tyler m 43 William E. m 44 John h 5o Thomas! P. m 58 James R. Ulmann h 95 August Usher m 65 William Vail 59 Charles D. 83 F. Herbert 90 Newton F, l 97 Louis M. Van Antwerp m 57 Aaron R. 58 William H. Van Beuren m 48 George F. Van Bokkelen 84 Libertus M. 7, 88 Ross C. Van Brunt m 38 William M. 4I Rutgers Vanderbilt h 89 Cornelius A 90 George W. Van Deusen 59 Henry H. Van Deventer 76 Cyrus C. Van Dyck h 89 Louis B. Van Horn n 48 Burt Van Ingen h 46 John V. 81 James W. Van Kleeck h 51 Robert B. ! 96 Myndert J. Van Nostrand me 43 Henry Van Ostrand 7m 43 Alonzo M. Van Rensselaer h 5o Maunsell 8o Cortlandt S. 82 John m 84 James T. Van Schaack 63 Cornelius Van Slyck m 45 De Witt C. Van Velsor m 5o Elisha S. Van Vleet m 68 Peter J. Van Voast 68 James Van Wormer 77 37 Aaron Van Zandt A 39 Washington Vaux n 89 Robert W. n 90 Edgar S. Ver Planck h 34 Gulian C. 47 Samuel H. A. S 82 William G. Verren h 6o Antoine Vervais m 43 Joseph A. Viele 64 Augustus H. s 84 Maurice A. s 88 Francis S. Vincent m 91 Robert H. Voorhees m 62 William Voorhis n 99 Alfred B. Wade n 43 Nicholas K. Wadsworth ſt 30 Samuel Wager 77t 47 John L. m 69 E. B. Wagner m 32 Abram N. Waite m 51 David V. Wakeman m 96 Austin Walker n 33 William F. m 44 Elijah P. /, 6 I William S. n 93 Kenneth S. 96 John K. ! 98 William H. Wall 68 Charles A. Wallace / 44 William m 5o Theodore C. Walsh h 59 Michael M. 6 I Warren W. n 83 James J. Walthart n 75 George B. s 89 Jesse L. Walton m 38 Charles S. h 52 William 238 HOBART COLLEGE. Walworth h 43 Clarence A. Ward n 29 G. W. Wardwell h 48 Timothy F. 7, 73 Henry L. m 81 Edward Waring ! 90 Thomas R. Warner 6o Francis F. 77. 62 Ira D. n 88 Louis U. Warnick 7, 59 John K. Warnock m 92 John D. A. Warren 96 Frank H. Warrin n 96 John W. Warriner n 63 Edwin R. Washburn n 56 James M. n 62 Albert S. h 96 Louis C. Waters n 57 George L. 84 William O. s 87 Charles T. Watkins n 33 Charles K. m 46 Lester R. Watson 41 William H. 50 George W. 57 Thomas G. 66 George H. m 66 L. C. 85 Simeon A. 98 William S. Watts n 98 Wallace H. Way 7%. 39 Nathan S 86 Mark W. 97 Warren W. Webb n 46 Robert S. ºn 53 Watson 1ſt 53 Thomas h 7o Alexander S. Webber h 81 Percy C. Webster m 52 Horace 1ſt 53 A. K. h 56 John G. h 67 Daniel T. n 90 Horace Weed n 45 Samuel 7, 56 Hiland A. Weeks 1ſt 61 B. A. Welch 7, 86 Thomas C. Welles A 37 Gardiner 45 Samuel R. 5o Edward R. Wells h 37 Gardner h 38 Richard m 43 Landon m 44 William L. m 48 James F. 65 Charles L. m 66 Asa G. 67 Lemuel H. m 85 Edward H. West m 72 George Wescott 52 Josiah W. Westfall 47 Henry Weyburn n 77 Samuel F. Whaley 5I Charles H. Whallon 61 Henry A. Wheat s 84 Henry A. Wheaton n 56 Edward Whedon m 6o Albert L. an 66 James D. Wheeler 26 Ulysses M. 1n 46 William G. 7, 48 George H. 51 Albert S. 55 James E. 59 John T. 772 6O W111iam W. 65 James E. 69 Lester h 88 Schuyler S. Whicher 40 Benjamin W. 97 Frank P. Whipple h 5o Henry B. Whitcomb 7m 47 Edson J. White m 52 Andrew D. m 78 Enoch C. A. h 88 Henry 93 Francis S. A. m 94 Edwin B. 99 Charles Whitehead h 87 Cortlandt Whitehouse h 34 Henry J. HOBART COLLEGE. 239 Whiting 39 John N. A. Whitney on 39 William 6o George Whitwell 92 Francis W. 98 Frederick D. Wiggins m 65 L. D. Wilcox mz 39 Ralph mz 42 Seymour C. A 44 Benjamin m 76 Frank Z. A. h 81 Reynold W. Wildes h 86 George D. Wiles n 45 Robert A. Wiley 61 Charles M. Wilkeson m 89 John Wilkinson 53 William H. Willard m 30 Henry mz 49 Horace B. A. h 62 Sylvester D. Willers 7, 62 Calvin Willett on 46 John Willing 83 Frederick Williams n 28 James W. 33 Hobart me 41 Nathaniel m 63 Robert E. h 7o John /* 81 Howell C. m 87 Charles R. A 89 G. Mott m 91 Fletcher Willis h 38 Erasmus D. ! 95 Merton L. h 95 Clarence Willoughby m 46 Ralph S. Willson n 42 George m 67 Albert O. Wilson h 39 Samuel W. m 4o James F. 'm 43 Abraham B. m 44 Peter h 49 William D. h 5o Nelson h 59 William S. 64 Frank B. m 71 William De L. h 71 Ephraim S. A. 76 William n 91 Allan G. A. 7. 93 James M. 95 Albert E. h 95 James G. l 96 William J. h 96 William W. Windsor h 8o Lloyd 99 Robert L. Winslow m 44 Joshua U. 7, 61 William C. h 67 Jedediah Wirts m 48 Charles J. Witheril1 me 66 Linnaeus D. Witsell ! 96 W. Postell Wixom m 46 William WOart h 37 John Wolcott 8o Arthur S. Wolverton 77, 6 I William D. Wood m 37 Lewis M. m 44 William H. 48 Albert m 48 James A. m 48 Lewis m 5o Elijah W. 53 H. Gaylord n 7o Halsey L. m 77 Charles T. m 83 Franklin T. A 89 Walter A. Woodruff 29 George 45 William E. m 52 Henry A. 56 Edwin R. Woodward n 29 Horatio H. m 38 William 44 Charles m 47 George N. 62 Benjamin W. Woodworth 62 William Worcester h 97 Elwood E. Worden n 29 Warren T. n 69 Warren A. n 97 Charles S. Worth m 49 William H. Worthington 6o George Worts m 41 Maurice Wrenn n 97 Henry B. P. 24O HOBART COLLEGE. Wright s 61 Charles J. h 65 Samuel H. Wrigley 79 Charles F. J. Wurts m 67 Jacob D. Wyckoff n 71 George S. Wylie m 47 Farrand Wynkoop s 42 William T. m 69 Henry S. Yates h 39 John A. m 68 Frederick n 93 Alonzo C. A. Yawger 59 Philip O. Yeckley 34 Robert D. H. Yost 61 George L. Youmans m 43 Henry A. Young 33 William T. m 44 James H. 48 Francis G. zz 62 Lawrence m 68 John / 97 Will C. Younglove m 69 John M. Yule m 48 Erastus D. Zahner h 87 Louis Ziegenfuss h 9o Henry L. Zielley m 49 Henry E. Zorn n 93 Jay 4. INDEX OF Abeel, Gustavus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adams, Jasper. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, I7, Allen, Ezra P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthon, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Armstrong, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashley, William J. . . . . . . . . . . . Axtell, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ayrault, Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ayrault, Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ayrault, Walter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, Backus, De Witt C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bates, Henry H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battershall, Walter W. . . . . . . . . . . . Beattie, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berrian, William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bissell, William H. A. . . . . . . . . . . . Blackwell, Frank E. . . . . . . . . . Bliss, Lyman W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bogert, Herman H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolter, Alfred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boswell, Charles P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bourns, Edward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O, Bowen, Charles Ap. A. . . . . . . . . . . Brainard, John Bryan, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burr, Daniel S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burr, George. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burrall, Thomas D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buttolph, Edwin K. . . . . . . . . . . Carder, James D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carter, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chaffin, Lucien G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chedell, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chew, Alexander D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chew, Alexander L. . . . . . . . . . . . 9, Child, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child, Jonathan H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church, Philip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark, Jesse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark, Lawrence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark, Orin Clark, Samuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark, Walter A Clark, William R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clarke, Joseph M. . . . . . . . . Coleman, Anson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collins, Charles... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colt, Samuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, Comstock, George F. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cone, Elias De L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Converse, R. R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A, * * * * * * * * e º e e º e º 'º e º 'º is tº e tº º & © e º 'º º e º 'º º ſº 27 OFFICERS. Cook, Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cooke, David. . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * 3 Cooke, Samuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 A. Coppée, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Cornell, S. Douglas. . . . . . . . . . I2, I4 Cornell, Samuel G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Coventry, Charles B. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Coxe, A. Cleveland. . . . . . . . 9, 13, 28 Cuming, Francis H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Curtiss, Richard S. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 A. Cutbush, Edward. . . . . . . . . . . . . I9, 22 De La Mater, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 De Lancey, William H. . . . . . . . 6, I3 De Lancey, William H. (2). . . . . . II Denslow, Herbert M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 De Zeng, William S. . . . . . . . . . . 3, I3 Dibble, Leonidas D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Dix, Morgan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, I3 Doane, W. Croswell. . . . . . . . . . . IO, I3 Dorr, Benjamin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Douglas, William B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Douglass, David B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O Douglass, Malcolm. . . . . . . I4, I5, 26 Dox, Abraham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dox, John N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dox, Peter M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, I5, 25 Duff, Robert M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 Dunbar, George W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Durfee, William P. . . . . . . . . . . . I8, 2I Dwight, Francis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 12 Eastman, Hiram N. . . . . . . . . . . 24 A. Eddy, Herbert M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 Edwards, Samuel L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ernst, John F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4, 25 Evans, David E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fairfax, Charles W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Faribault, J. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fatzinger, Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO Fellows, Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fermaud, Albert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 27 Field, George W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fisher, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Flint, Austin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Folger, Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Folwell, William W. . . . . . . . . I5, 20 Fowler, Philemon H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gibson, Henry R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4 Gibson, William T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4. Goodwin, Stephen A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gordon, James W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gray, Frederick M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O 242 HOBART COLLEGE. Green, Caleb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Gregory, Henry. . . . . . . . 6, 14, I5, 25 Grieve, Walter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Griffith, Thomas M. . . . . . . . . . . . . I4 Gurteen, Stephen H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Hadley, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hadley, Sterling G. . . . . . . . . . . . . II hale, Benjamin. . . . . . . . . . . . 5, I7, IQ Hale, Benjamin, Jun. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Hall, Alfred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Hall, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, I2 Halsey, Lewis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2, I4 Hamilton, Frank H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hamilton, Robert D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Hammond, Stephen H. . . . . . . . IO, I5 Handerson, Henry E. . . . . . . . . . . . . II Harison, Richard M. . . . . . . . . . 12, 26 Hawley, Augustine B. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hawley, Isaac A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Hawley, Joel E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hayes, Charles W. . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 16 Hemiup, Charles N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 Herendeen, William L. . . . . . . . . . . I5 Hewitt, Charles N. . . . . . . . . . . . I5, 23 Hinsdale, Robert G. . . . . . . Io, 18, 2I Hobart, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, I3 Hobart, John H. (2). . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hoffman, Charles F. . . . . . . . . . I2, I 3 Hoffman, William M. V. . . . . . . . . I2 Holstein, Henri L. V. D. . . . . . I9 A. Hopkins, Samuel M. . . . . . . . . . . 25 Hosmer, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 How, Thomas Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hudson, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, I& Hughes, William M. . . . . . I5, 24, 27 Hull, Andrew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Humphrey, Lansing S. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Hunt, Washington, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Huntington, Frederick D. . . . . . 9, I3 Hurd, Edgar H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Hurlbut, John L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Huson, Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4 Hyde, Frederick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hyde, Miles G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Irving, Pierre P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Irving, Theodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O Jackson, Abner. . . . . . . . . . . 8, 17, 20. Jackson, William B. . . . . . . . . . . Io A. Jerome, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Jones, Robert E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2, I8 Juliand, Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Kellner, Charles F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Kidder, Nathan B. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 12 Knox, Addison T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 La Ford, Corydon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Lathrop, Henry B. . . . . . . . . . . . I8, 2I Lee, Charles A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Lee, D. Williamson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Lee, Gideon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Leighton, Joseph A. . . . . . . . . . . 24 A. Lincoln, David F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Littlejohn, Abram N. . . . . . . . . IO, I3 Livermore, Edward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Lockwood, Henry R. . . . . . Io, I4, 26 Low, Henry L. . . . . . . . . I3, 16, 20, 26 M’Blain, Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II M’Daniels, Joseph H. . . . . . . . . . . . 2I M’Donald, Daniel. . . . . . . 3, 18, 19 A. M’Donald, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II, I5 M’Donald, William T. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 M’Gregor, John P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mandeville, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I9 Marquand, Allan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Marshall, Edward C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Martindale, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Mason, Richard S. . . . . . . . . . 5, I7, I 9 Maxson, Edwin R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Merrell, Andrew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Merritt, Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Metcalf, Kendrick. . . . . . . . I4, 18, 20 Miller, Elijah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Mixer, Frederick K. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Morgan, John G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Morton, Levi P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Mumford, George E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Mumford, George H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Nash, Francis P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I Neely, Henry A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26 Nelson, Henry W., Jun. . . . . . . . . . IO Nicholas, George W. . . . . . . . . . . 9, I5 Nicholas, P. Norborne. II, 12, 13, 15 Nicholas, Robert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Nivison, Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Noble, Elnathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 North, Walter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 Norton, John N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 Onderdonk, Benjamin T. . . . . . . 6, I3 Olin, Russell A. . . . . . . . . . . I4, I5, 20 Page, Rolla O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O Paret, William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5, 26 Parke, Robert N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO, J5 Parker, Willard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Parshall, DeWitt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO Patterson, G. Herbert. . . . . . . . . . . I4 Perry, William S. . . . . . . . . . Io, I8, 2I Pierrepont, William C. . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pitkin, Thomas C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Potter, Eliphalet N. . . . . . . II, I8, 2I Potter, Frank H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Potter, Henry C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Potter, Horatio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Porter, Peter A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Powell, Archibald C. . . . . . . . . . . 9, I4 Prall, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 HOBART COLLEGE. 243 Prentice, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I9 Rankine, James. . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 17, 2I Rees, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, I 2, I 3 Rhoades, Sumner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Richards, Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO Rider, Charles E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Rogers, David L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Rose, Arthur P. . . . . . . . . . . Io, I2, I6 Rose, Charles J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I Rose, Gavin L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Rose, O. J. Cammann. . . . . . . . . . . . I6 Rose, Robert S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Rudd, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Rulison, Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Russell, Francis T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O Schermerhorn, Abraham M. . . . . . 5 Schuyler, Anthony. . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 14 Seward, Clarence A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4 Seymour, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Shelton, William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sibley, Mark H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Siegmund, George F. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I Silver, John A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Simonds, T. Stanley. . . . . . . . . 22 A. Smith, Edmund H. . . . . . . . . . . 2I, 27 Smith, Hamilton L. . . . . . . . . . . 18, 2 I Smith, James C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Smith, James M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I Smith, Lucius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Smith, Orin W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Spalding, Henry W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 Spencer, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spencer, Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Spencer, T. Rush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Stacey, James G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Stansbury, James W. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Stone, James K. . . . . . . . . . . . 9, I?, 2O Stone, John S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Strong, William K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Swan, Lansing B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sweetser, William. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 A. Swift, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Swift, Joseph G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I9 Swift, Morrison I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 A. Thayer, William C. . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 2I Thompson, Gilbert T. . . . . . . . . I9, 25 Towler, John. . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * 2O, 23 Townsend, S. DeLancey . . . . . . . . . I2 Turk, Milton H. . . . . . . . . . . 18, 21 A. Vail, Charles D. . . . . . . . I5, 18, 21, 26 Van Auken, D. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Van Rensselaer, Maunsell...8, 17,21,24 Ver Planck, Samuel H......8, 13, 16 Wadsworth, James. . . . . . . . . . . . .'... 5 Walker, William D. . . . . . . . . . . I2, I3 Walker, William H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Walsh, Warren W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 Webster, Horace. . . . . . . . . . I3, 18, Ig Webster, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Welles, Samuel R. . . . . . . . . . . . IO, I4 Wheeler, Albert S. . . . . . . . . I5, 20, 26 Wheeler, James E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Wheeler, Lester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 White, Andrew D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 White, Hamilton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 White, Horace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 White, William M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Whitehouse, Henry J. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Whiting, Bowen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, I2 Whiting, John N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 Williams, Hobart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Williams, J. Watson. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Williams, Nathan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Williams, Pelham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Wilson, Charles R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 Wilson, Robert P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO Wilson, William D. . . . . . . . 16, 18, 20 Wood, H. Gaylord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Woodward, Benjamin W. . . . . . . . . I5 Woodward, Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Wride, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Yates, Arthur G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2 Page 7. Page Io. Page IQ. Page 21. Page 22. Page 22. Page 23. Page 24. Page 27. Page 28. Page 32. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. NOVEMBER 1, 1897. Rev. Samuel Cooke. Pele ‘‘ $.” William Bennett Jackson. Add “*.” Rev. *Daniel M’Donald. For “ 1828” read “1830.” * Henri La Fayette Villaume Ducoudray Holstein. For “’29” (date of dec.) read “39.” Milton Haight Turk. For “ 1891 * read “1890.” (Adj. Prof. '90-91.) Add “‘p B K.” Lucien Gates Chaffin. Add “Head M. Heathcote Sch., Buffalo.” John Archer Silver. Dele “Adj.” Add “q B K.” (Faculty of Arts.) Add: “I896 John Copeland Kirtland, Jun. 1897 Lat. Lang. Adj. (ALUMNUs '90.) “1897 Thomas Stanley Simonds. Lat. and Greek Lang. Adj. Harv. '84. PH.D. J.H.U. '95. Stud. Oxford and Bonn, “Richard Sidney Curtiss. Chem. PH.B. Yale '88. PH.D. Wurtzb. '92. Prof. Univ. Chicago '93. Stud. Sorbonne, Paris. (Faculty of Medicine) (*) William Sweetzer. Add ‘‘D. 18–.” (*) Hiram Newton Eastman. Add “*.” (Chaplain.) Rev. Rob Roy M’Gregor Converse. Add “(Resigned) 1897. D.C.L. Hobart '97. R. St. Luke's Ch., Roch- ester, N. Y.” Add 1897. (Rev.) Joseph Alexander Leighton. Trin. Coll. Tor.”91. Ph.D.Cornell '94. S.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr.’96. (Instructors) Morrison Isaac Swift. For “ 1885" (beginning of term) read “ 1883.” 1897. (Rev.) Joseph Alexander Leighton. Instruct. Ment. and Mor. Philos. and Psychol. (CHAPLAIN.) (Lecturers.) Read “William Robinson Clark.” 1829. (Students.) (*) Nathaniel Orin Allen. Add “D. Danville, Va., June 20, '75.” HOBART COLLEGE. 245 Page 33. Page 34. Page 36. Page 37. Page 38. Page 40. Page 41. Page 43. Page 44. Page 45. Page 46. 1838. * George Fleming Leitch. Add “A dº.” 1830. (Students.) (*) Richard P(elton) Halsey. Add “Son of Hon. Nicoll. B. March 14, 1813, d. New Orleans, La., Jan, 27, '36.” 1832. (Students.) * Charles Halsey. Add “Son of Hon. Jehiel. Judge Super. Court. B. Ovid, Sept. II, 1811, d. San Francisco, Cal, '92.” 1833. (Honorary.) Rev. * Kendrick Metcalf. Add “Benef. Libr.” 1834. Hon. (*) James Rood Doolittle. Add “B. Hampton, Jan. 3, 1815, d. Edgewood, R.I., July 27, '97.” (Students.) * Darius Webb Geer. Add “K A.” For “Englewood” read “Lyons.” 1835. (Students.) * Elisha Mather. Add “Son of Dr. Elisha. K. A. D. Sodus Centre, Feb. 3, '77.” Hon. James Cosslett Smith. Add “ K A.” (Students.) Rev. George B(arclay) Engle. Rev. Samuel H. Hall. Add “K A. D. Newark, N. J., Oct. Io, '90.” * Edward Starr Smith. Add “A p.” 1837. (Honorary.) Rev. * Pierre Parris Irving. Add “ B. Sept. 24, 1806.” (Students.) (Hon. *) Frederick W. Ricord. Add “Teacher; Libr.; Bd. of Educ.; Mayor, Newark, N. J. Sheriff; Supt. Schools ; Judge ; Libr. N. J. Hist. Soc.; Author; Benef. Libr. B. Guadaloupe, W. I., Oct. 7, 1819, d. Newark, N. J., Aug. 12, '97.” (M.D.) * Alfred Bolter. This name and the thirteen following should be under the head of “M.D.” After the fifth name, Page 48. Page 50. Page 5 I. Page 56. Page 59. Add “Eliab M. Joslin.” 1839. Rev. * Charles Henry Platt. Add “Son of Charles T., Com. U.S.N. A. A p.” *John Nicholas Whiting. Add “A A p.” (M.D.) Read Lucius D. Kellogg. (Honorary.) Rev. * Pierre Alexis Proal. For “1887" (date of dec.) read “’57.” 1840. (M.D.) Read “Adriel Gilbert Ely.” I842. Rev. * William Thomas Gibson. Add “Benef. Libr.” Hon. Isaiah Horton M’Collum. Add “Benef. Libr.” (M.D.) Delaskie Miller. Add “M.A., '86.” (See HoN. 1886, page 175, where this name should be omitted.) 246 HOBART COLLEGE. Page 60. Page 61. Page 70. Page 71. Page 72. Page 74. Page 78. Page 79. Page 83. Page 89. Page 94. Page 96. Page IO3. Page Ioff. Page Io?. Page 108. Page Io9. 1843. Edward Floyd De Lancey. Add “ Benef. Libr.” Rev. William Agur Matson. Add “ Benef. Libr.” 1845. Hon. * Calvin Huson. For “1852” read “1822.” (Students.) *Edward Phelps Allis. For “ 1844 ° read “1824.” R. Robert Wiles, Jun. (M.D.) After William Josiah Burr, Add + David Burton. (Honorary.) Rev. * David Pise. For (S.T.D. Univ. South) “’89” read “’85.” 1846. * Calvin Noyes. For “’62-5’’ read “’62-3.” 1847. Rev. Joseph Morison Clarke. Add “Benef. Libr.” Richard Henry Lawrence. For “Chicago, Ill.,” read “Baltimore, Md.” Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck. Add “Trustee Chr. Fund W. N. Y. '59-60, '65-73. Benef. Libr.” (Students.) (*) George Green. Add “Teacher. B. Sept. 25, 1827, d. 18–.” 1848. (Students.) John Jay Doolittle. Address, “Lake City, Minn.” (*) Pierre Roubeau Holley. Add “M.D., New Haven Med. Coll. B. New York, d. Bermuda, W.I., March, '77.” 1849. (M.D.) After Samuel Weed. Add “Horace Birney Willard.” 1851. * Robert Burns. For “ 1852" read “1832.” Read (Rev.) Lyman Hinsdale Sherwood. (Honorary.) Add Moses Gunn Bailey, M.D. 1855. Rev. Edward Hurtt Jewett. For ‘‘ ‘p A K ?’ read “d B K.” 1856. Rev. (*) Hale Townsend. Add “B. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 4, 1835, d. Santa Fe, N. M., Aug. 16, '97.” (Honorary.) Rev. (*) John Leech. Add “D. Aurora, May 31, '93.” 1857. Ziba Hazard Potter. Add “Exam. Surg. U.S. Pension Dept., Washington, D. C.” 1857. Rev. Alexander Hamilton Rogers. Address, Hamilton, N. Y. HOBART COLLEGE. 247 Page Io9. Page III. Page II2. Page II6. Page II.7. Page 122. Page I25. Page 126. Page I30. Page I3 I. Page I34. Page I35. Page 136. Page 138. Page I39. Page I47. Page I5O. Page I5I. Rev. (*) Fayette Royce. Add “B. Morayia, April 22, 1833, d. Chicago, Ill., Oct. Ig, '97.” (Honorary.) Rev. *James Frederick Skinner Gordon. Add “R. St. Andrew’s Ch.” Rev. *James Rankine. Add “Berkeley Div. Sch. '50.” 1858. (*) Ralph Leland Goodrich. Add “B. Owego, Aug. 27, 1836, d. Little Rock, Ark, Oct. 6, '97.” 1859. (Student.) (*) Horace Hills Morgan. Add “B. Jan. 22, 1839, d. St. Louis, Mo., March 9, '93.” (*) Luther Burr Pearsall. Add “ B. Hooper's Valley, Oct. 16, 1838, d. there, Feb. 2, '96.” (Honorary.) Rev. * Abner Jackson. Add “d B K.” 1860. Samuel Douglas Cornell. Add “Trustee '97.” 1861. (Students.) Truman Washington Miller. Add “Prest. and Prof., Policlinic, Maurice Potter Mem.” (See p. 131, (M.D.), where this name appears to be repeated.) (Students.) *John Adams Johnson. Add (date of dec.) “July 15, '78.” (Honorary.) Rev. * Daniel T. Grinnell. Add “S.T.D.” 1864. Rev. Henry Roswell Lockwood. Dele “DeLancey Div. Sch. '67.” (M.D.) Dele Truman W. Miller. (See p. 122, and sup.) 1865. (M.D.) Charles M. Lee. The address, “Fulton, N. Y.,” seems to belong to the same name under 1850 (M.D.), p. 122. 1866. Herbert Morton Eddy. Add “Trustee '93+.” (Students.) (*) John Melancthon Bradford, Jun. Add “D. 1893.” 1867. Frank Engs Blackwell. Add “Trustee '97, V. Prest. Assoc. Alumni ’96.” (M.D.) Add “Henry W. Brown, Towanda, Pa.” 1870. Rev. Bernard Schulté. Address “Ioo Pine St., Philadelphia.” Add “A A p.” 1871. (Students.) Pascal Charles Joseph De Angelis. Add “Trustee and Treas. B. and P. B. Soc. C. N. Y. '87-i-.” (Honorary.) Hon. * Henry Rowland Mygatt. Add “Trustee Paroch. Fund C. N. Y. '69-75.” Add “(Rev.) Ephraim Stuart Wilson, M.A. S.T.D. '88. Prof. Exeg. and Old Test. Lit. Seabury Div. Sch. '77+. Ord. '67; R. and Miss., W. N. Y., Minn. Faribault, Minn.” 248 HOBART COLLEGE. Page 25I. Page I53. Page I57. Page 158. Page I59. Page 161. Page 162. Page 163. Page 164. Page 166. Page 167. Page 168. Page 169. 1872. (B.S.) Appleton Jewett Ide. Read “Son of Dr. W. E.” (Honorary.) Rev. *Samuel Osgood. Add ‘‘ q B K.” 1875. (Students.) (*) Charles Henry Benedict. Add “D. June 9, '95.” 1876. Charles Arthur Cummings. Add “Son of Dr. Daniel J.” (B.S.) George Kerr Roberts. For “Eldred’’ read “Elbert.” (Students.) Eugene Jeffrey Babcock. For “Ewell H.” read “Ewell A.” Edgar Racine Bristol. Add “Son of Samuel.” Allison Orchard Downs. Add “Son of Rev. Sylvester.” Rev. Henry Hopkins Kelsey. For ‘‘Erastus E.” read “Erastus S.” Frank Ziah Wilcox. Add “Son of Joseph.” 1878. (Students.) Harrison Hancock Bowes. Add “Son of William R.” Blóridge Gerry Chapman. Add “Son of George M.” Robert Nicholas Claggett. Add “Son of Zachariah S.” James Sheldon, Jun. Read “Son of Hon. James, Stud. '41.” William Fitzhugh Smith. Add “Son of Gerritt H.” Enoch Clark White. Add “Son of Enoch I.” 1879. (Students). Clark Byram Rogers, Address Louisville, Ky. 1880. Rev. Smith De Lancey Townsend. Add “Trustee '97.” 1882. Rev. John Baptiste Blanchet. Add “S.T.D. S. John’s, Annapolis, '97.” Richard Francis Rankine. Add “Trustee De Veaux Coll. '97+.” (Students.) (Rev.) Willianu Montgomery Brown. Add “Ord. '83; R. and Miss., O.; Archd. '92+.” 1883. Donald Peter Mann. Address, Jonesboro, Ark. HOBART COLLEGE. 249 Page 172. Page I74. Page I75. Page 176. Page I79. 1885. (B.S.) Read “DeWitt Hendee Parshall.” Son of DeWitt H. (and grandson of DeWitt, Trustee '72). Address, New York. 1886. (Students.) George Brown Dusinberre. Add “M.E. Cornell '86. Stud. Union'90. Electr. Eng. Schenectady, N.Y.” (Honorary.) Delaskie Miller. (See above, under 1842, M.D.) 1887. (B.S.) Albert Howard Herendeen Add “Son of Lemuel.” (Honorary.) Joseph Howland Coit. Add “LL.D. Dart. '97.” 1888. (Honorary.) Rev. William Robinson Clark. Add ‘‘p B K. Orator '88.” Page 180, seqq. The following should be noted as members of “St. John's Page 182. Page 185. Page 186. Page 187. Guild” from 1889: 1889. Franklin Smedley Moore, Jesse Louis Walthart, George Frederick Clover. 1890. Henry Stevens Gatley, John Copeland Kirtland, Jun., Charles Edward Spalding, John Thomas Crowe. 1891. George Gunnell, Jun., John George Robinson, Louis Gunnell, John Howard Perkins, John Wales Saunders, William Sutton Slade. 1892. George Robert Brush, John Keble Burleson, Moses Hale Douglass, William Bruce M'Pherson, William Wallace Anderson, Jun., * George Coombe Strasenburgh. 1893. Arthur Charles Lewis Brown, John Russell Olin, Dwight Arthur Parce, Edwin Jarvis Randall, Francis Samuel White, John Erwin Brodhead, Lewis Post Franklin, George William Davenport, George William Thomas, Jay Zorn. 1894. William Edgar Couper, James Louis Craig, Herbert Lee Gaylord, Horace Clarke Hooker, John Rudderow Howard Richmond, Harry Platt Seymour. (See also under ’95 to 1900.) 1890. John Copeland Kirtland, Jun. Add “Adj. Prof. Lat. Lang. '96-7.” 1891. (B.L.) Read Rev. Simon Blinn Blunt. (Students.) Louis Gunnell. Add “Bro. of George, '91.” Next after Guy Miller M’Dowell, Add “James Kerr MPGoodwin. Louisville, Ky. K. A. Louisville, Ky.” Next after Fletcher Williams, Add “(Rev.) Allan Grant Wilson. Ord. '90; Min. and Miss. Ill., Pa. Montoursville, Pa.” 1892. William Poyntelle Kemper. Add “Son of C. H.” 25O HOBART COLLEGE. Page 188. Page 189. Page I90. Page I91. Page I92. William Alexander Evans. Add “Son of Dr. James.” Joseph Taliaferro Taylor. Add “Son of J. D.” (Students.) John De Witt Cruickshanks. Add “Son of Rev. James.” Saterlee Saltonstall. Add “Son of D. E.” David Sanford Tuttle. Add “Son of Adrian. Univ. Buff. Med. Sch.” John Dorrance Warnock. Add “Son of C. W.” 1893. Edward Genung Nugent. Add “Son of Edward.” Rev. Edwin Jarvis Randall. Add “Son of O. D.” (B.L.) Herbert William Harmon. Add “Son of William P.” John Arthur Spengler. Add “Son of John.” Eckley Hungerford Stearns. Add “Son of A. J.” (Students.) Orville Gerrish Chase. Add “Son of Roscoe G.” George William Davenport. Add “Son of Rev. Willard G.’’ Frederick Welcome Herendeen. Add “Bro. of E. G. '79, W. L. '80, F. A. 86.” Walter Webster Powers. Add “Son of D. W.” George William Thomas. Add “Son of L. M.” Kenneth Stuart Walker. Add “Son of Norman S.” Alonzo Chester Yates. Add “Son of Alonzo.” Jay Zorn. Add “Son of Rev. Joseph T.” (Honorary.) Read “Rev. Charles Tyler Olmsted.” 1894. Thurman Hendricks Bachman. Add “Son of Geo. L.” (Rev.) William Edgar Couper. Add “Son of J. H. Ord. '97. Luverne, Minn.” (Rev.) James Louis Craig. Add “Son of J. F. Address, Casper, Wyo.” HOBART COLLEGE, . 25 I Page 192. Rev. Herbert Lee Gaylord. Add “Son of John B.” Rev. Montgomery Weaver German. Add “Son of T. F.” Horace Clarke Hooker. Add “Son of H. N.” Lewis Bates M'Cabe. Add “Son of George.” Barnabas Tokutaro Sakai. Add “Son of Hishashi.” (B.L.) Carlos Parsons Darling. Add “Son of Dr. Lewis.” Price Morgan Davis. Add “Son of Robert.” Lowell Wellington Farr. Add “Son of C. B.,” John Rudderow Howard Richmond. Add “Son of Jewett M.” Clarence Maitland Service. Add “Son of W. H.” Rev. Harry Platt Seymour. Add “M.L. '97. Miss. Dioc. Alb. Port Henry, N. Y.” Page I95. 1895. (Students.) Elisha Mather Sill. Add “Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1900.” Page IQ9. 1897. (B.L.) Henry Wells Stanley Hayes. Add “Coll. P. and S. N. Y. 1901. Short Hills, N. J.” Page 205. 1899. (Students.) (Rev.) Horace Albert Chouinard. Add “Seabury Div. Sch. '97. Ord. '97. Minn.” Page 206. 1900. Guy Thayer Hilliard. See below, Class of 1901, page 253. (Special Students.) Hartman Carr. See below, Class of 1901, page 252. To make the record of names as complete as possible, a list is here added of Students entered since the last Commencement, June 23, 1897, to the present time. These names are not included in the INDEx. 1898. William Austin Atkinson. Son of Rev. Thomas H., Chicago, Ill. p K. P. Lewis H. Carris, Jun. Son of Lewis H., Union Springs, Stud. Union, '93. Princ. High School, '97, A p. 252 HOBART COLLEGE. º I899. Charles Breck Ackley. Son of Hon. Henry M. Oconomozwoc, Wis. X. X. Kinsley Blodgett. Son of William w. Pawtucket, R. I. John Elmar Darling. Son of John. Toronto, Ont. Howard Benford Moore. Son of Circleville, O. K. A. I90I. Charles Roger Allison. Son of Charles S. Bath. K. A. Burrett Lyman Anderson. Son of Reed R. Phelps. Myron George Argus. Son of John. Buffalo. Francis Harold Beard. Son of Frank E. Port Huron, Mich. X X. Foster Partridge Boswell. Son of Charles P., Bro. of Charles O., '93, Wm. O., '96. Rochester. X. p. William Angus Braithwaite. Son of John. Yonkers. X X. William Breeden, Jun. Son of William. Sante Fe, AV. M. Chesleigh Horton Briscoe. Son of George H. Memphis, Tenn. Jesse Bish Burkhardt. Son of Rev. Jacob. Geneva. Hartman Carr. Son of Henry C., Bro. of Louis S., '98. (See p. 206 sup.). Union Springs. Frank Bennett Clary. Son of George B. Moravia. John Garth Coleman. Son of Myron H. Geneva. Walter Earl Cook. Son of Ralph. Syracuse. William Elger. Son of Anton. Auburn. HOBART COLLEGE. 253 Edward Alfred Evans. Son of Richard A. Utica. Henry Stanley Falkner. Son of Harry H.; g. s. of Rev. Henry Stanley, '41. Le Roy. X. X. De Lancey Walker Fiske. Son of Rev. Geo. M'Clellan. Arozidence, R. I. Y. Y. Charles James Folger. Son of Charles W.; g. s. of Hon. Charles J., '36. Geneva. X. p. Frederick Beaumont Griffith, Jun. Son of Frederick B. Buffalo. 9 A X. Harry Beggs Hadley. Son of Hiram W. Geneva. Frederick Hugh Hammond. Bro. of Arthur J., '92. Geneva. James Robert Hanlon. Son of Edward. West Junius. Ralph Amenzo Harter. Son of Daniel. Moravia. Ralph Wright Hawley. Son of Frederick S. Moravia. Guy Thayer Hilliard. Son of Thomas A. Moravia. Eugene Luther Jagar. Son of Charles L. A., Bro. of John C., '99. Charleston, S. C. X. X. Barnabas Shigeharu Kimura. Son of Yoshisaburo. Nikaido, Avara Ken, Japan. Harry L. King. Son of Charles D. Gezzeza. Donald M'Laren Kirby. Son of Rev. Reynold M., '65. Potsdam. X p. James Albert Massey. Son of Rev. Dr. J. Albert. Rochester. K. A. Robert Nott Merriman. Son of James G. Washua, W. H. K. A. Ray Stillson Messenger. Son of Eugene L. Auburn. X ºp. Frederick James Parmenter. Son of William L. Buffalo. K. A. Horace Hamlin Redfield. Son of Horace V. Smethport, Pa. K. A. Keating Lewis Simons, Jun. Son of Keating L. Eutazvville, S. C. Arthur William Smith. Son of William J. Oneida Castle. q F A. 254 HOBART COLLEGE. Paul Stratton. Son of William. Brooklyn. X p. George Rivers Walker, Jun. Son of George Rivers. AWezv York. X. X. William Josiah Warren. Bro. of Frank H., '96. Buffalo. K.A. Percival Huntington Whaley. Son of Rev. Percival H. Pensacola, Fla. Thomas Wilson. Son of Jonathan. Wilmington, Del. Carl Hobart Wisewell. Son of Dr. Francis H. Phelps. 9.A X. k f * - * * * * * *g * * * * > . . . . * * * * * t- sº UNIVERSITY OF III | *"tetsussº. / _z. -- - . . . . . - - - º | { & ** : * t t , .. • \ - i. '. . f -- ‘. A " ... • - - - - - * * - %. -- - - - - & -- * - ~ - ". - - * > . — * . - “. - g -- t * . . . . -- N § * § § §§§ §§§ N . . . . . 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