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They are speeiafiists for this highiy behafieal War- Their shops, labora- tories and classrooms have hundreds of men Wearing the khaki under de- tail from Unele Sam and helping to make the World safe for you. 'lfhese institutions must be made oemaaneat and to be permanent they must have a permanent income. November 5, you Vote on the Per- manent Ineome Amendment. Following‘ are answers to a few questions you naturally ask about any proposed Amendment to the Constitution. ,4. 4. ' 'ZETHE‘ STATE (JOUNCIL OF EEFENSE, Committee on Educational Efficiency. W hat? An Amendment to the Constitution called the Permanent Income Amendment which will secure the same war efficiency in educa- tion as in other lines. This Amendment provides for a definite income for the upkeep of the State Schools. The State Board of Administration, of which the Governor is chairman and for which the Business Manager is the execu- tive, will, under the permanent income plan, direct the expenditures of all school funds, as heretofore.- The difference between the old method and the new is that instead of having to appropri- ate funds for State Educational Institutions- at each session, the Legislature will deter- mine their fixed and regular needs and estab- lish a levy sufficientwifor: those needs and that levy will continue; sin-,1: the need changes. This fund can only be “used for the Schools and is not available for other state expenses. The Legislature can change the levy at any time. ' Who? Leading business men of Kansas have been urging for years that the Schools were big business institutions and that the best business methods be adopted in support of them. They have urged the plan of a per- manent and separate School fund. Many members of the Legislature have long appreciated the inefficiency of the pres- ent plan and have submitted this amendment because it will lead to better and more econ- omical administration of the Schools. The presiding officers of the two houses of the Legislature say: “From several years experience in the Legisla- ture and especially from our experience as Presid- ing Officers we are convinced that the passage of the Permanent Income Amendment submitted by the last Legislature would greatly expedite the work of future Legislatures and allow them to pro- vide for the Schools more eifectively and efficiently.” W. Y. MORGAN, Lieutenant Governor. A. M. KEENE, Speaker of the House. The Official State War body, the State Council of Defense adopted this resolution July 11, 1918: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Legislature of Kansas of 1917 realizing the sacredness of the ballot, directed the submission to the voters of Kansas at the general election to be held November 5th, of a proposal to limit the franchise to those persons who had taken out their final papers and become full citizens of this country and renounced their allegiance to kings and potentates of other countries; and WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Kan- sas of 1917 realizing the need of a more scientific manner of supporting the state schools, and that money raised for education should be held sacred for education, and that the state was being seriously hampered in the administration of her educational institutions by the lack of a permanent income, di- rected the submission to the voters of the State of Kansas of an amendment permitting the Legislature to establish a definite permanent income for the schools that would make possible the planning of the affairs of these schools in advance; WHEREAS, The war conditions have made both of these amendments especially timely; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of Defense that it does hereby fully endorse both of said amendments and does hereby ask the people of the State of Kansas to vote for said amendments as war measures. The State Council of Defense has appointed a committee on educational efficiency to present the vital importance of this Amend- ment to the voters of the State as an emerg- ency war measure, because efficiency in education means efficiency in army organi- , zation, greater fighting power, and better preparation for handling the after-war prob- lems. W by? In the first place the people will know what they are raising money for. The funds used for expenses of the State can be more easily scrutinized. They will know what they are investing in the young men and women of the State for the State's welfare. The people will know what they are paying taxes for. The funds for the ordinary ex- penses can be more easily scrutinized as can the funds set apart by the State for educa- tion. The Amendment will put the money to be used for institutions of higher education in Kansas into a separate fund according to the same plan by which all other school funds are kept separate and sacred to educational purposes- The grab-bag methods now in use will be discontinued. The fixed limited income, having once been established by the Legislature, will be reasonably permanent. The schools with a permanent income can get better men than under present methods and will be able to save money, on salaries, on maintenance, and on construction work, since they can plan for years ahead along lines of greatest economy and efficiency. The Legislature in preparing the Amend- ment combined provisions for permanence with growth, stability with flexibility, and confidence in the present with hope for the future. The State of Kansas took an important step in securing a Business Manager for its Institutions. The next step is to enable the Business Manager to get the best results by giving him the same conditions for doing his work that any business manager of a great concern should have. The Permanent Income Amendment will take the State Institutions out of politics. It will make higher education in the future safe for Kansas children now in the element- ary and secondary schools. It will prevent selfish interests of one kind and another from seeking to use money which ought to go to the Schools. It will, by introducing permanence into school affairs, tend to keep strong men from leaving Kansas for positions in institutions having more permanence. It will relieve the Legislature from the im- possible task of trying to master, in a few days, the intricacies of larger appropriation bills. It will strengthen higher education—- demonstrated to be one of the most import- ant links in the war chain. It will put Kansas alongside of the other sixteen states which have adopted the fixed limited income method. They are as follows: Michigan adopted in 1873, still in use. Nebraska adopted in 1875, still in use. Colorado adopted in 1881, still in use. Indiana adopted in 1883, still in use. Ohio adopted in 1890, still in use. Minnesota adopted in 1894, still in use. Iowa adopted in 1896, still in use. Wyoming adopted in 1897, still in use. N. Dakota adopted in 1899, still in use. Kentucky adopted in 1901, still in use. California adopted in 1901, still in use. Wisconsin adopted in 1897, still in use. Nevada adopted in 1908, still in use. Tennessee adopted in 1909, still in use. Washington adopted in 1911, still in use. Illinois adopted in 1911, still in use. These get and hold the best men. W hen? This Amendment will be voted upon No- vember 5, 1918. At the same time you can vote for the other war-time measure, the amendment to withhold the franchise from those who have taken out only their first naturalization papers. Both amendments are in the interest of safety—efficient Amer- lcanism. For further information write the Board of Administration, Arthur Capper, Ex-Of- ficio Chairman; or the State Council of De- fense, Topeka, Kansas. \ ore 28 H UNI-VESI “ lol-N' 90115 ,Phioitomouin-t ' Pamphlet ' V Binder Gaylord» Bros., Inc. '1 ‘Makers ' ' Syracuse,» Y. a ' FAT-JAN 21,1908. . .. . . . .. ¢ . . .. .. . a... U . .1“. .. .. . . .5. . In “fit . . . . . . . .. . ... .v.. . ......A. . eve... . . 4“! l. .- .. . II: I all... a... .smwemwmummt- . . a... v .s 5%.. 2 . ~11 . . .fiunmfirim . . $.99. ulTlT-l ... rs . . .... s1.‘ I s. on r .. ...~ . s. . .. . , .. . . . . . . . . . \uq . Ga. . . . . .. . .. Jlrflmnv‘nwmqéiuu itmmwwwunfill... gnhqfl an . . . ~ . . . . . . . . k i . s 7! 7n . . . v . .. . 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