4.8 2.52 ºf R4/ . /3 & 2 SUPPLEMENT TO SCHOOL MANUAL NO. 3. univ. or wits. APR 27 1999 PUBLIC LAWS OF RHODE ISLAND. J A N UARY S E S S I O N , 1885. CHAPTER 472. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO CHAPTER 50 OF THE PUBLIC STATUTES, “ OF THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF TOWNS AND OF THE TOWN TREASURER AND TOWN CLERK RELATIVE TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS.” SECTION SECTION I. School Committee of East Provi- 2. Laws repealed. dence. 3. Takes effect March 20, 1885. SECTION 1. The school committee of the town of East Providence shall consist of five members. At the next annual town meeting for the election of state and town officers three of said members shall be elected, one for one year, one for two years and one for three years, and annually thereafter as vacancies occur, the same shall be filled by members elected for three years. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. | SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. 2 --r —- J A N U A R Y S E S S I O N , 1886. ~ - CHAPTER 556. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 56 OF THE PUBLIC STATUTES, “ OF THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF SCHOOL COM. MITTEES,” AND OF THE ACT IN AMENDMENT THEREOF. SECTION SECTION 1. Orders for school money, when May allow scholars to attend to be drawn. school in other district. School committee may suspend 2. Laws repealed. yº school in what case. 3. Takes effect May 1, 1886. SECTION 1. Section 18 of chapter 56 of the Public Statutes is hereby amended to read as follows: “SEC. 18. The school committee shall give no such order, until they are satisfied that the services have ac- tually been performed for which the money is to be paid ; and they shall have the power, in case the average at- tendance of any school falls below five to suspend said school in their discretion, and to make such other pro- visions as they may deem best for the attendance of the children properly belonging to said School, upon some other public school ; but such suspension shall not work the forfeiture of the public money to any district pro- vided for by section 16 of this chapter. The school committee may allow scholars residing in one district to attend school in any other district.” SEC. 2. Chapter 327 of the Public Laws and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby re- pealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect on and after the first day of May, A. D. 1886. i º . . . t CHAPTER 566. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 50 OF THE PUBLIC STATUTES, “OF THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF TOWNS AND OF THE TOWN TREASURER AND TOWN CLERK RELATIVE TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS.” SECTION SECTION 1. Blank forms for census of chil- 2. Returns of census, how to be dren of school age. arranged, etc. 3. Takes effect April 20, 1886. SECTION 1. Section 11 of chapter 50 of the Public Statutes is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 11. The blank forms required to carry out the requirements of the preceding section shall be furnished by the commissioner of public schools to each town, on or before the first day of December in each year, and they shall call in substance for the following information, namely, the name, age, number of weeks’ attendance upon any school, parents’ name and residence, of each person enumerated, and if any parent or guardian shall refuse to give the above information in regard to his children or wards, or shall knowingly and wilfully falsify such information, he shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars.” - SEC. 2. Section 12 of chapter 50 of the Public Statutes is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “SEC. 12. The returns of said census shall be alpha- betically arranged and deposited in the hands of the school committees of the several towns on or before the first day of March in each year; and the receipt of the chairman or clerk of the school committee to the effect that the above returns have been so received by him shall be forwarded to the commissioner of public schools, be- 4 fore he shall draw his order for the payment of any por- tion of the public money to that town.” SEC. 3. --All acts and parts of acts inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 573. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 142 OF THE PUBLIC STATUTES, “OF BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES.” SECTION SECTION 1. Legal holidays. 2. Takes effect April 30, 1886. SECTION 1. Section 8 of chapter 142 of the Public - Statutes is hereby amended so as to read as follows: - “SEC. 8. The fourth day of July, Christmas day, the twenty-second day of February, and the thirtieth day of May, commonly called Memorial day, or when- ever either of said days falls on the first day of the week, the day following it, and such other days as the governor or general assembly of this state or the presi- dent or congress of the United States may appoint as days of thanksgiving or days of solemn fast, shall be holidays.” SEC. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 579. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 52 OF THE PUBLIC STATUTES, ENTITLED “ OF DISTRICT MEETINGS.” SECTION SECTION 1. Notice of district meeting, how 3. District meetings, where held. given. 4. Takes effect April 30, 1886. 2. Special meetings, how called. SECTION 1. Sections 1, 3 and 4 of chapter 52 of the Public Statutes are hereby amended so as to read follows: “SECTION 1. Notice of the time, place and object of holding the first meeting of a district for organization or for a meeting, either annual or special, to choose officers, or to transact any other business shall be given by the trustees, or in case of the death, removal, resignation or - disability of the trustees, by the clerk of the district; in case there be no trustee or clerk authorized to call a meeting such notice shall be given by the school commit- tee of the town. ...--" “SEC. 3. The trustees, or in case of the death, re- moval, resignation or disability of the trustees, the clerk may call a special meeting for election or other business at any time, and shall call one to be held within seven days, on the written request of any five qualified electors stating the object for which they wish it called, and if the trustees or clerk as above provided, neglect or re- fuse to call a special meeting when so requested, the school committee may call it and fix the time therefor.” “SEC. 4. District meetings shall be held in the school- house, unless otherwise ordered by the district. If there be no school-house or place appointed by the district for its meetings, the trustees, or in case of the death, re- 6 moval, resignation or disability of the trustees, the clerk, and if there be no trustees or clerk, the school com- mittee shall determine the place, which shall always be within the district.” - SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect immediately upon its passage. - 19 Nºv', ſº tº iCº, ſ - zºº. T.' . . , iſ) * 3.9% ºf $33 sººf." *A SUPPLEMENT TO SCHOOL MANUAL, NO. 4. PUBLIC LAWS OF RHODE ISLAND, : J A N U A R Y S E S S I O N, 1887. - CHAPTER 641. AN ACT ESTABLISHING “ ARBOIR, DAY.” SECTION 1. “Arbor Day to be a holiday. SECTION 1. Such day as the governor of the state º may appoint as “arbor day” shall be a holiday, but it shall not be lawful to require payment of notes, checks and bills of exchange due and payable on said holiday to be made on the day next previous thereto. -º- . CHAPTER 644. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 56 OF THE PUBLIC STAT- UTES, “OF THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF SCHOOL COMMIT. TEES, AND APPORTIONMENT AND USES OF SCHOOL MONEY.” SECTION ~, SECTION 1. Land for school-house sites, 2. Laws repealed. taken without owner’s con- 3. Takes effect May 6, 1887. sent, how appraised. - SECTION 1. Section 5 of chapter 56 of the Public - Statutes is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “SEC. 5. In case the school committee shall fix upon a location for a school-house in any town or district, or shall determine that the school-house lot ought to be en- larged, and the town or district shall have passed a vote to erect a school-house, or to enlarge the school-house lot, and the committee shall fix upon a location for a school-house, and the proprietor of the land shall refuse to convey the same, or cannot agree with the town or district for the price thereof, the school committee of their own motion, or on application of the town or dis- trict, may appoint three disinterested persons, who shall notify the parties and decide upon the valuation of the land; and upon the tender or payment of the sum so. fixed on to the proprietor, the title to the land so fixed on by the school committee, not exceeding one acre, , shall vest in the town or district for the purpose of main- taining thereon a school-house and the necessary append- ages thereof.” - SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. - - CHAPTER 649. AN ACT IN RELATION TO TRUANT CHILDREN AND OF THE ATTENDANCE OF CHILDREN IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SECTION & SECTION 1. Children to attend day schools 9. Truant officers to visit mills, etc. for what length of time; pen- 10. To demand names of children alty; exceptions. - employed, etc. 2. What private schools may be 11. Penalty on owners, etc., em- approved. - ploying children unable to 3. Truant officers, appointment and , write. duties of; in what cases fees 12. Of town ordinances concerning may be allowed. truants, etc. 4. Of inquiry into causes of neglect 13. Penalty on truants, etc. to attend school. 14. Of discharge of truants, etc. 5. No factory or other employees 15. School committees to report; under ten years of age. in case of refusal, etc., school 6. Children between 10 and 15 money to be withheld. years, to attend school for 16. Fines, how to inure. how long. 17. Jurisdiction of district courts. 7. Owners of mills, etc., to keep on 18. Officers complaining not re- file what certificates of chil- quired to give surety for costs. dren. 19. Acts repealed; takes effect 8. Penalty on owners, etc. May 6, 1887. SECTION 1. Every person having under his control a child between the ages of seven and fifteen years shall annually cause such child to attend for at least twelve weeks, six at least of which shall be consecutive, some public day school in the town or city in which such child resides, and for every neglect of such duty the person so offending shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars; but if such child shall have attended for a like period of time a private day school, approved by the school com- mittee of such town or the superintendent of public schools of such city, or if such child shall have been otherwise furnished for a like period of time with the means of education, or shall have already acquired the elementary branches of learning taught in the public 4 schools, or if his physical or mental condition was such as to render such attendance inexpedient or imprac- ticable, or has been excused by the school committee of the town in which such child resides, then such pen- alty shall not be incurred. - SEC. 2. For the purposes of the preceding section such school committees or such superintendent of public schools shall approve a private school only when the teaching therein is in the English language and when they are satisfied that such teaching is thorough and effi- cient, but they shall not refuse to approve a private school on account of the religious teaching therein. SEC. 3 The town council of each town, and the board of aldermen of each city, shall annually appoint one or more special constables, and fix their compensa- tion, who shall be truant officers and who shall under the direction of the school committee inquire into all cases arising under the provisions of this act or under any ordinances made in pursuance thereof by the town or city by which such officers were appointed, and shall alone be authorized in case of violation of any of the provisions of this act, or of any such ordinances, to make complaint therefor; they shall also serve all legal processes issued in pursuance of this act or of any such ordinances, but shall not be entitled to receive any fees for such service : Provided, however, that in case of the commitment of any person under the provisions of any section of this act, or of any ordinance made in pursuance thereof, or for default of payment of any fine and costs imposed thereunder, such officer shall be entitled to the regular fees allowed by law for similar service. SEC. 4. The truant officers and the school committees 5 of the several towns and cities shall inquire into all cases of neglect of the duty prescribed in section 1 of this act, within their respective towns and cities, and ascertain the reasons, if any, therefor, and such truant officers or any of them shall, when so directed by the school com- mittee, prosecute any person liable to the penalty pro- vided for in said section 1. SEC. 5. No child under 10 years of age shall be em- ployed in any manufacturing, mechanical or mercantile establishment, or by any telegraph or telephone company in this state, during the time that the public schools of the town or city in which said child may reside are in session, and any parent or guardian who permits such employments shall for every such offence be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. SEC. 6. No child between the ages of 10 and 15 years shall be so employed except during the vacations of the public schools of the town or district in which such child resides, unless during the twelve months next pre- ceding such employment he shall have attended school as provided for in section 1 of this act, or shall have already acquired the elementary branches of learning taught in the public schools, or shall have been excused by the school committee of the town in which such child resides, nor shall such employment continue unless such child shall attend school as above provided each year, or until he shall have acquired the elementary branches of learn- ing taught in the public schools, and no child shall be so employed who does not present a certificate made by or under the direction of said school committee of his com- pliance with the requirements of this section. SEc. 7. Every owner, superintendent or overseer of (5 any establishment or company named in section 5 of this act shall require and keep on file a certificate of the place and date of birth of every child under fifteen years of age employed therein, as nearly accurate as may be, so long as such child is so employed, which certificate shall also state, in the case of a child under fifteen years of age the amount of his school attendance during the year next preceding such employment. The certificates herein mentioned shall be signed by a member of the school committee of the town or city where such attendance was had or by some one authorized by such committee, and the form of said certificate shall be furnished by the secretary of the state board of education. SEC. 8. Every owner, superintendent or overseer of any such establishment or company who employs or per- mits to be employed any child in violation of either of the two next preceding sections, and every parent or guard- ian who permits such employment shall be fined not ex- ceeding twenty dollars. - SEC. 9. The truant officers shall at least once in every school term and as often as the school committee require, visit the establishments described in section 5 of this act, in their respective towns and cities, and ascer- tain whether the provisions of the four next preceding sections hereof are duly observed, and report all viola- tions thereof to the school committee. SEC. 10. The truant officers shall demand the names of the children under fifteen years of age employed in such establishments or company in their respective towns and cities, and shall require the certificates of age and school attendance prescribed in section 7 of this act to be pro- duced for their inspection and a refusal to produce such 7 certificates shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars. t º: - SEC. 11. Every owner, superintendent or overseer of any such establishment or company who employs or permits to be employed therein a child under fifteen years of age who cannot write his name, age and place of residence legibly, while the public schools in the town or city where such child lives are in session, shall for every such offence be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. SEC. 12. The town council of each town and city council of each city shall make all needful provisions and arrangements concerning habitual truants and chil- dren who may be found wandering about in the streets or public places therein, having no lawful occupation or business, not attending school and growing up in ignor- ance, and shall make such ordinances as will be most conducive to the welfare of such children and to the good order of such town or city, and shall designate or provide suitable places for the confinement, discipline and instruction of such children. SEC. 13. Every minor convicted under an ordinance made under the provisions of section 12 of this act of being an habitual truant or of wandering about the streets and public places of a town or city or of having no lawful employment or business or of not attending school and of growing up in ignorance shall be com- mitted to any institution of instruction or suitable place designated or provided for the purpose under the author- ity of said section 12 for a period not exceeding two years. SEC. 14. Children so committed may on satisfactory proof of amendment or for other sufficient cause be dis- charged from such institution or place by the court which committed them. - 8 SEc. 15. The school committee of the several towns and cities shall annually report to the state board of education whether their towns or cities have made the provisions required by this act and in case the town council of any town or the board of aldermen and city council of any city shall in any year refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of section 3 and section 12 of this act or of either of them after having been duly notified by the commissioner of public schools, fifty per cent. of the money apportioned to such city or town from the state for school purposes shall be withheld until the provisions of said section 3 and section 12 of this act shall have been complied with. * * SEC. 16. All fines under the provisions of this act shall inure and be applied to the support of the public schools of the town or city where the offence was com- mitted. * , SEC. 17. The district courts of the state shall have * * jurisdiction in their respective districts of all cases aris- ing under this act and all ordinances passed in conform- ity with this act. - • ' - SEC. 18. No officer complaining under any of the provisions of this act or under the provisions of any or- dinance that may be passed in pursuance hereof, shall be required to give surety for costs and such officer shall not in anywise become liable for any costs that may accrue on such complaints. SEC. 19. Chapter 363 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, 1883, chapter 457 of the Public Laws, passed at the May session, 1884, and all other acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect from and after its passage. f - Gay le rd UN - Syracuse, N. Y. - 3 = VERSITY OF MICHIGAN iiiii. i 9015 07664 1.458 4 = Stockton, Calif.