CHEM. LIB. QD 463 .M113 ulbe B 397748 The Drop Weight of the Associated Liquids-Water, Ethyl Alcohol, Methyl Alcohol and Acetic Acid DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIRE- MENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF PURE SCIENCE IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BY A. MCD, MCAFEE, B.A. NEW YORK CITY 1911 EASTON, PA.: ESCHENBACH PRINTING COMPANY. 1911. ・ The Drop Weight of the Associated Liquids---Water, Ethyl Alcohol, Methyl Alcohol and Acetic Acid DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIRE- MENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF PURE SCIENCE IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. BY A. McD. MCAFEE, B.A. NEW YORK CITY 1911 EASTON, PA.: ESCHENBACH PRINTING COMPANY. 1911. CHEM. LIB. QD 4 63 M113 0 17 My 13 TG ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The author begs to thank Professor J. Livingston R. Morgan for his advice, assistance and encouragement, with- out which this work would have been impossible. CONTENTS Introduction and Object of the Investigation. Experimental Results. Discussion of the Results. Summary. • • • ...J. 1 5 9 18 22 OBJECT OF THE INVESTIGATION. According tc Ramsay and Shields' liquids may be divided into two great classes-the so-called non-associated and associated liquids, the former following the law, 7₁(M/d₁)³ = K(tc — t₁ —6) where by definition K ˜₁(M/d₁)³ —ɣ₂(M/d₂)³ 2 t₁ — t₂ The associated liquids do not follow this law, but show different values for K, as defined. A new way of calculating K is soon to be given by Morgan³ which avoids the multiplica- tion of error inherent in this equation. In brief, this method consists in finding once for all a value of K from r(M/d)3 KB (288.5-t—6), where 288.5 is the observed critical temperature of ben- zene. Using this K then for other liquids in r(M/d)? KB (t-t-6) C he shows that normal molecular weight is characterized by the giving of a calculated value of t which is independent of the temperature of observation. An associated liquid then is one which does not give the same calculated t at all temperatures of observation. C Naturally, this is just what is contained in the Ramsay and Shields relation, only removing the multiplication of error in the form for calculation, K = A[r(M/d)³]. At 1 Z. physik. Chem., 12, 433-475 (1893). 2 7, here, is the surface tension in dynes per centimeter, M the molec- ular weight, d₁ and d₂ the densities at the temperature t, and t₂, to the critical temperature of the liquid and K a constant with a mean value 2.12 ergs. 3 ³ May Journal, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 1911. 6 It has been shown in former researches¹ that the weight of a drop of liquid, falling from a properly constructed tip, is proportional to the surface tension of the liquid. It has further been shown that for all non-associated liquids thus far investigated, falling drop weights may be substituted for surface tensions in the above formula. By this simple method, surface tensions, molecular weights and critical temperatures of the non-associated liquids may be more easily and accurately calculated than that attained by capillary rise. The The object of the present investigation was to apply this method of falling drop weights to certain typical associated liquids to determine whether the same relations obtain with this class of liquids as with the non-associated ones. liquids so investigated were water, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and acetic acid. The water used was distilled from potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid and then redistilled with a little barium hydroxide. The alcohols and acetic acid used were Kahlbaum's "Special K." The acid was further purified by freezing. While in the apparatus they were protected from any moisture by suitable drying agents. 2 The apparatus employed together with the thermostat is the same as that recently described by Morgan. It was necessary not only to have as constant temperature as possi- ble, but to have also a wide range of temperature; the thermo- stat described by him fulfilled both these requirements admirably, and also permitted a quick change from one temperature to another. Standardization of the Tip. The tip used in this work was approximately 5.530 mm. in diameter. The first requisite was the standardization of the tip, or, in other words, to find K in the formula B Morgan and Stevenson, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 30, No. 3, March, 1908; Morgan and Higgins, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 30, No. 7, July, 1908. 2 Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 33, No. 3, March, 1911. 7 W₁(M/d,)³ KB 288.5 (t+6) where W is the falling drop weight, expressed in milligrams, of the liquid at the temperature. t, and is substituted for surface tension in the formula of Eötvös as modified by Ramsay and Shields, i. e., K = 7.(M/d)i tc (t+6) Benzene was used as the standardizing liquid with the following results: W. Vessel+5 drops. Vessel+30 drops. 8.7888 60.4° 9.4232 8.7888 25.37 9.42305 8.7888 60.4 9.4229 d. W. M. (M/d)? tc. KB.. 2.3502 60.4 0.83583 25.37 78 20.574 288.5 B As a preliminary check on this KR value, quinoline was observed with the following result. t, Vessel+30 drops. Vessel (empty). W. 60.3° 9.9562 9.9561 8.6487 43.58 60.3 9.9560 d. W. M. (M/d)3. KB. tc (calc.). 60.3 1.06149 43.58 129 24.536 2.3502 521.25 As Morgan found here from results of Morgan and Higgins¹ a value of 521.3 for t this value of K may be regarded as satisfactory and will be used throughout this work. B As already alluded to, drop weight is proportional to surface tension, and since and W¸(M/d₁)³ = 2.3502 (tc 2.3502 (t—t—6) 7₁(M/d₁)² = K(t—t—6) 1 Loc. cit. 1 or W 8 t 2.3502 rt K K W 2.3502 } The second important constant to be determined was therefore the one necessary for the correct fulfilment of the Ramsay and Shields formula. Knowing the value of this 'constant, surface tension from drop weight can be immediately calculated as shown above. As has already been indicated the value of this constant is approximately 2.12 ergs. In this work, the average K¹ from the benzene values of Ramsay and Shields, Ramsay and Aston, Renard and Guye and P. Walden has been taken as being nearest the truth. Ramsay and Shields K (from benzene) values 2.1012 Ramsay and Aston K (from benzene) values Renard and Guye K (from benzene) values P. Walden K (from benzene) values 2.1211 2.1108 2.1260 The average of these K values is 2.1148 which is used throughout this work. In the capillary rise method rh = a² (the height of the liquid in a capillary of 1 mm. radius). For purpose of com- parison it was thought well to transform drop weight into a² values also. Since W and a² constant r Y constant d W a² = constant Knowing the density and drop weight of a liquid at any one temperature a² is thus readily calculated by the em- ployment of the proper constant. To calculate this constant, the a² values for benzene ac- cording to the four workers above referred to were taken. Knowing the value of a² and the value of W at the corre- 1 ¹ May Journal, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 1911. 9 sponding temperature, which can be readily calculated from the formula, W₁ t 2.3502 [288.5-(t+6)] 7813 di the desired constant is obtained. RAMSAY AND SHIELDS.¹ 1. n. Y. W. a². K. 80° 3.945 0.012935 22.75 5.104 0.18287 90 3.772 0.012935 21.43 4.879 0.18308 100 3.603 0.012935 20.14 4.662 0.18371 RAMSAY AND ASTON.2 II.2 3.642 0.01843 32.27 6.7122 0.18473 46 3.213 0.01843 27.35 5.9216 0.18432 78 2.810 0.01843 23.01 5.1789 0.18475 RENARD AND GUYE.3 II.4 4.346 0.01522 32.25 6.6146 0.18217 55.1 3.744 0.01522 26.10 5.6984 0.18376 78.3 3.385 0.01522 22.97 5.1520 0.18319 P. WALDEN.4 0.0193 0.0193 31.28 6.550 0.18446 18.1 3.392 38.3 3.157 28.42 6.090 0.18417 The average of these constants (0.1838) is used throughout this work for transforming drop weight into a² values, a₁ = 0.1838 W di EXPERIMENTAL PART. Water. With water the checks at times were very much poorer than with the other liquids. This may be due to impurity on the tip, or to the fact that the drop is so large that slight variations may occur in releasing it. In every case every precaution was taken to remove any impurity by aid of sulphuric acid and bichromate. 1 Loc. cit. 2 Z. physik. Chem., 15, 1, 91. 3 Jour. d. Chimie Physique, 5, 92 (1907). 4 • Z. Physik. Chem., 75, 568 (1910). Vesse!, 1. 30 drops. Average. ΙΟ TABLE I. Vessel, Io drops. r Average. W. 11.1770 9.4905 11.1770 1.1770 9.4905 84.325 II. 1770 9.4905 1.8 11.1697 9.4886 II. 1695 9.4886 84.045 11.1693 9.4886 4 11.1572 9.4844 11.1572 9.48445 83.638 11.1572 9.4845 6 II. 1459 9.4804* II. 14625 9.4804 83.293 II. 1466 9.4807 9.4801 7.5 11.1387 9.4781 11.1382 9.4780 11.1389 11.1385 11.1385 9.4778 9.4780 83.027 11.1385 9.4780 11.1383 11.1385 12.95 II. 1088 9.4678 11.10845 9.4678 82.033 11.1081 9.4678 15 11.0973 9.4640 11.0964 11.09686 9.4640 81.643 9.4640 II.0969 17 11.0858 9.4605 II.0862 II.08626 9.46045 81.291 II.0868 9.4604 19.25 II.0740 9.4556 II.0740 9.4556 80.92 11.0740 9.4556 ΙΙ TABLE I.-(Continued). t. Vessel, 30 drops. Average. Vessel, 10 drops. Average. W. 22.5 11.0555 9.4495 + 11.05565 9.4495 80.308 II.0558 9.4495 25.3 11.0422 9.4464 11.04255 9.4465 79.803 II.0429 9.4466 27.81 11.0275 9.4409 1 11.0278 9.44105 79.338. II.0281 9.4412 30. 11.0174 9.4383 11.0176 11.0172 9.4385 9.43847 78.937 II.0166 9.4384 36.46 10.9797 9.4252 10.98005 9.42505 77.750 10.9804 9.4249 } 40 10.9608 9.4195 10.9608 9.41936 77.972 10.9608 9.4193 45 10.9323 9.4105 10.9319 9.4105 76.070 10.9315 9.4105 55 10.8735 9.3921 10.8737 10.87346 9.3920 74.073 9.3919 10.8732 60 10.8456 9.3825 10.8456 10.8456 9.3828 9. 38265 9.38265 73.148 70 10.7821 9.3604 10.7820 9.36065 71.068 10.7819 9.3609 12 TABLE I.-(Continued). t. Vessel, 30 drops. Average. Vessel, 10 drops. Average. W. 77 10.7410 9.3487 10.7410 10.7413 9.3487 69.630 10.7419 9.3487 ETHYL ALCOHOL. 9.3168 8.7988 9.3168 9.3168 8.7988 25.90 9.3168 8.7988 ΙΟ 9.3969 8.8964 9.39675 8.8966 25.01 9.3966 8.8968 20 9.3702 8.8878 9.3702 8.8878 24.12 9.3702 8.8878 40 9.3197 8.8735 9.3201 9.31993 8.8734 22.33 9.3200 8.8733 50 9.2955 8.8660 9.2955 8.86605 21.47 9.2955 8.8661 60 9.ì663 8.7537 9.1656 9. 16596 8.7538 20.61 9.1660 8.7539 65 9.2613 8.8575 9.26145 8.85745 20.20 9.2616 8.8574 1 70 9.2506 8.8539 9.25065 8.8541 19.83 9.2507 8.8543 METHYL ALCOHOL. 9.4379 8.9104 9.4383 9.4379 9.4375 8.9100 8.91026 26.38 8.9104 13 TABLE I.—(Continued). t. Vessel, Average. 30 drops. Vessel, 10 drops Average. w. 20 9.3819 8.8918 9.3822 9.38225 8.8917 24.53 9.3826 8.8916 30 9.3565 8.8846 9.35665 8.8846 23.60 9.3568 8.8846 40 9.3300 8.8764 9.32975 8.8765 22.66 9.3295 8.8766 50 9.3042 8.8694 9.3045 9.3045 9.3048 8.8694 8.8694 21.76 8.8694 ACETIC ACID. 20 9.5445 8.9464 9.5438 8.9464 9.54417 8.9464 29.89 9.5439 8.9464 9.5445 40 9.4820 8.9268 9.4824 9.48246 8.9270 8.9270 27.77 9.4830 8.9272 60 9.4239 8.9100 9.4243 9.4242 8.9100 25.71 9.4244 8.9100 70 9.3960 8.9023 9.39625 8.90225 24.70 9.3965 8.9022 In the following table is given the surface tension of water at intervals from o°-80° as calculated from drop weight 14 which is multiplied by 2.1148 2.3502* Columns 4 and 5 contain the values for surface tension of water at intervals from o°-80° by the method of capillary rise. Volkmann's values¹ from 0°-40° and Brunner's values from 40°-80° as given by Landolt, Börnstein and Meyerhoffer, Physikalisch Chemische Tabellen, p. 102, are contained in column 4. Ramsay and Shields' values³ are given in column 5. TABLE 2. t. W. 7. r (V. & B.). °° 84.325 75.88 75.49 T (R. & S.). 73.21 1.8 84.045 75.63 75.23 4 83.638 75.26 74.90 6 83.293 74.95 74.60 7.5 83.027 74.71 74.38 ΙΟ 82.597* 74.32 74.01 71.94 12.95 82.033 73.82 73.55 15 81.643 73.46 73.26 17 81.291 73.15 72.96 19.25 80.920 72.81 72.63 20 80.760* 72.67 72.53 70.60 22.5 80.308 72.26 72.15 25.30 79.803 71.81 71.73 27.81 79.338 71.39 71.36 30 78.937 71.03 71.03 69.10 36.46 77.750 69.96 70.02 40 77.072 69.35 69.54 67.50 45 76.070 68.45 68.60 50 75.152* 67.63 67.60 65.98 55 74.073 66.65 66.90 60 73.148 65.82 66.00 64.27 70 71.068 63.95 64.20 62.55 77 69.630 62.66 62.90 80 69.000* 62.09 62.30 60.84 In Table 3 is given the t¸ of water as calculated from drop weight according to the formula 1 Ann. d. Physik. u. Chemie, 56, 457 (1895). 2 Pogg. Ann., 70, 481 (1847). 3 Z. physik. Chem., 12, 433 (1893). *Read from curve. 15 W₁(M/d,)³ 2.3502(t − t — 6) 2.3502(to-t and from capillary rise according to the formula T₁(M/d₁) i 2.1148(t¸ — t — 6) TABLE 3. t. W. d.1 W(M/d)}. tc. 84.325 0.999868 579.22 252.45 1.8 84.045 0.999961 577.16 253.42 4 83.638 I.000000 574.45 254.42 6 83.293 0.999968 572.09 255.42 7.5 83.027 0.999902 570.29 256.16 IO 82.597* 0.999727 567.40 257.43 12.95 82.033 0.999404 563.65 258.75 15 81.643 0.999126 561.07 259.73 17 81.291 0.998970 558.71 260.73 19.25 80.920 0.998382 556.39 262.00 20 80.760* 0.998230 555.34 262.30 22.5 80.308 0.997682 552.43 263.56 25.30 79.803 0.996994 549.21 264.98 27.81 79.338 0.996316 546.26 266.24 30 78.937 0.995673 543.73 267.36 36.46 77.750 0.993355 536.38 270.69 94558 40 77.072 0.992240 532.II 272.41 76.070 0.990250 525.90 274.76 50 75.152 0.988070 520.31 277.39 74.073 0.985730 513.65 279.56 60 73.148 0.983240 508.10 282.19 70 71.068 0.977810 495.47 286.82 77 69.630 0.973680 486.82 290.14 80 69.000 0.971830 483.03 291.52 r(M/d)}. r(M/d)s. t. (V. & B.). (R. & S.). tc. (V. & B.). tc. (R. & S.). O 518.53 502.90 251.19 243.80 ΙΟ 508.41 494.20 256.41 249.69 20 498.74 485.30 261.84 255.48 30 489.27 476.10 267.36 261.13 40 480. II 466.30 273.02 266.50 50 469.41 456.40 277.97 271.81 бо 458.44 446.20 282.78 276.99 70 447.59 436.00 287.65 282.01 80 436.12 425.30 292.22 287.10 ¹ Landolt, Börnstein and Meyerhoffer, Tabellen, p. 37. *Read from curve. 16 In Table 4 a further comparison is made by means of a² as calculated from drop weight (a² = 0.1838 W/d) and rh observed from capillary rise by Volkmann, Brunner and Ramsay and Shields. a² = 1! TABLE 4. t. a2 from W. a² (V. & B.). a2 (R. & S.). 15.501 15.405 14.921 10 15.185 15.103 14.664 20 14.870 14.823 14.412 30 14.572 14.566 14.138 40 14.277 14.295 13.860 50 13.980 13.990 13.605 60 13.674 13.700 13.314 70 13.358 13.390 13.032 80 13.080 13.080 12.750 TABLE 5. W(M/d). W(M/d)}. W(M/d). t. Obs. Calc. Theoretical. O 579.22 578.96 579.22 IO 567.40 567.36 568.25 20 555.34 555.65 556.98 30 543.73 543.84 545.41 40 532.II 531.93 533.53 50 520.31 519.91 521.35 60 508.10 507.79 508.86 70 495.47 495.57 496.08 80 483.03 483.24 482.99 In the following tables the Ramsay and Shields values have been calculated from the equations for their function values as derived by Morgan'. With acetic acid only one determination was made at low temperature by these ob- servers, and, as was pointed out in the article just referred to, the equation for acetic acid functions does not give good results at low temperatures; hence the values given here for acetic acid from capillary rise must be regarded as only approximate. With ethyl alcohol Timberg2 agrees very closely with Ramsay and Shields. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 31, 309. 2 Wied. Ann., 30, 545 (1887). 17 TABLE 6.-ETHYL ALCOHOL, M = 46, tc 244. r. Timberg. t. W. 7. (R. & S.). 25.90 23.31 23.80 ΙΟ 25.01 22.51 22.90 23.35 20 24.12 21.70 22.03 22.61 30 23.27* 20.94 21.II 21.63 40 22.33 20.09 20.20 20.70 50 21.47 19.32 19.31 19.82 60 20.61 18.55 18.43 18.93 65 20.20 18.18 17.97 18.05 70 19.83 17.84 17.52 TABLE 7. r (M/d)}. t. d. W(M/d)3. (R. & S.). tc. from W. tc. (R. & S.). 0.8095 382.88 350.2 168.9 171.6 10 0.8014 372.12 340.5 174.4 177.0 20 0.7926 361.56 330.4 179.8 182.2 30 0.7840 349.95 319.9 185.5 187.3 40 0.7754 339.61 308.9 190.5 192. I 50 0.7663 329.20 297.6 196.1 196.7 60 0.7572 318.47 285.9 201.5 201.2 65 0.7523 313.52 279.9 204.4 203.3 70 0.7474 309. 12 273.8 207.4 205.5 TABLE 8. t. a² from W. a² (R, & S.). a² (Timberg). 5.879 6.180 6.019 ΙΟ 5.740 6.035 5.896 20 5.593 5.890 5.773 Lagu Aw 30 5.434 5.601 5.583 40 5.293 5.313 5.402 50 5.150 5.140 5.252 60 5.003 4.967 5.070 65 4.933 4.875 4.978 70 4.871 4.783 4.886 TABLE 9.-METHYL ALCOHOL. W. T. † (R. & S.). a² from W. a² (R. & S.). 26.38 23.74 24.36 5.986 6.129 ΙΟ 25.45* 22.90 23.50 5.846 5.986 20 24.53 22.07 23.02 5.704 5.937 30 23.60 21.24 21.74 5.540 5.660 40 22.66 20.39 20.84 5.378 5.486 50 21.76 19.58 19.55 5.228 5.213 *Read from curve. 18 TABLE IO. r (M/d)}. t. d. W(M/d)?. (R. & S.). tc. tc. (R. & S.). 0.8100 306.00 282.66 136.2 139.7 IO 0.8002* 297.62 274.77 142.6 145.9 20 0.7905 289.20 271.40 149.0 154.3. 30 0.7830 280.01 257.97 155.00 158.0 40 0.7745 270.81 249.06 161.2 163.8 50 0.7650 262.22 235.60 167.6 TABLE II.-ACETIC ACID. 167.4 1. W. T. • T (R. & S.).¹ a² from W. a² (R. & S).¹ 20° 29.89 26.90 25.01 5.237 4.859 30 28.83* 25.94 23.87 5.099 4.682 40 27.77 24.99 23.49 4.963 4.656 50 26.74 * 24.01 23.19 4.830 4.646 60 25.71 23.14 21.75 4.697 4.408 70 24.70 22.23 21.01 4.563 4:307 TABLE 12. r(M/d)}. tc. tc. t. d. W(M/d)}. (R. & S.).¹ from W. (R. & S.).¹ 1 20° 1.0491 443.70 371.2 214.8 201.5 30 1.0392 430.67 356.6 | 219.3 204.6 40 1.0284 417.74 348.8 223.7 210.9 50 1.0175 405.10 340.6 228.4 217.0 60 I.0060 392.47* 332. I 233.0 223.0 70 0.9948 379.88 323.2 237.6 228.8 B Discussion of Results. As has already been shown, surface tension as calculated from the drop weight of a liquid is influenced by only the drop weight of the liquid and the density of benzene from which the KR values are calculated; and from the foregoing results it is seen with what extreme accuracy drop weight may be determined. On the other hand, by the method of capillary rise, errors may occur from incorrect readings of the volume of the liquid, the non-uniformity in diameter of the tube, and incorrect values for the density of the liquid. As an example of the magnitude of the first error a few *Read from curve. ¹ Approximation. 19 determinations on water by Ramsay and Shields¹ may be cited. 1. h₁ obs. h₂ (corrected). hz from curve. 7.4 7.86 8.00 8.00 19.3 7.69 7.83 7.85 40.0 7.395 7.525 7.525 50.0 7.24 7.37 7.385 60.0 7.105 7.23 7.23 70.0 6.96 7.08 7.075 В Here is a correction of the observed reading of over 11/2 per cent. A glance through the literature on capillary rise method shows widely varying results among the most accurate workers. By the drop weight method, knowing the value of KB for the tip, surface tensions may be readily duplicated, as has been repeatedly done with water during the course of this investigation. Hence it would seem that the surface tensions given in this paper for water, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and acetic acid are the most correct values thus far determined under saturated air conditions. The splendid results on water obtained by Volkmann and by Brunner by capillary rise agree very closely indeed with surface tension results obtained by drop weight method. As regards the surface tension values obtained by Ramsay and Shields, it is significant that the higher the temperature at which the drop weight is determined the more closely do the latter results agree with the former. Volkmann as well as Brunner worked under the same conditions under which this investigation was carried out, namely, saturated air conditions; Ramsay and Shields, however, excluded air, the pressure being that of the vapor pressure of the liquid itself. As will be seen, the greatest difference is with water at the lower temperatures; this is to be expected since the greater the surface tension, the greater the solubility of air in the liquid. Naturally enough then, the higher the temperature at which the drop weight is determined the more nearly should the Ramsay and Shields' values be approached, since the conditions under which they worked is also approached. 1 Z. physik. Chem., 12, 471 (1895). 1 1 20 As will be seen, the results by the two methods on the alcohols agree satisfactorily at the higher temperature. C C What has been said in regard to surface tension applies equally as well, of course, to t calculations, since drop weight is substituted for surface tension in the formula of Ramsay and Shields. Referring to the tables containing to calcula- tions it is seen here again that the higher the temperature at which drop weight is determined the nearer is the true critical temperature of the liquid approached. In a paper by Morgan,¹ it was shown that by applying the method of least squares to the function values 7(M/d) obtained by Ramsay and Shields for water, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and acetic acid, the critical temperature of these associated liquids could be calculated, the resulting calculation agreeing very closely with the observed critical temperature values. The functions so treated had a range of temperature of not less than 140°. In this work it was hoped that by applying this method of least squares to the function values W(M/d)³ the critical temperatures of these liquids could be calculated. In every case, however, the method has failed. The function values for water so treated give the equation, W(M/d)? 578.96–1.155-0.0005212. In Table 5 column marked "W(M/d)³ calc." is shown how closely this equation agrees with the observed values. How- ever, as Morgan' has shown, the coefficient of t divided by twice the coefficient of t gives critical temperature less 6. As is seen, the coefficients here so treated give an absurd number. It was suspected that since the highest temperature at which a determination by this method can be made is several degrees below that of the boiling point of the liquid, the extrapolation necessary for calculating critical temperature would be too great. This is clearly shown in figuring out the function values necessary for correct to. Assuming 579.22 ¹ Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 31, March, 1909. 2 Loc. cit. 21 (the observed function value at zero) as correct, and 357 as the critical temperature of water less 6, the theoretical equation for function values becomes, W(M/d)3 579.22-1.0817t-0.001512. In Table 5 column marked "W(M/d) theoretical" is given the calculated function values from this equation, and it is seen that the observed values agree very closely at high temperature. The method of least squares was next applied to the function values for water from o°-80° as used by Morgan. The resulting equation gave just as absurd value for critical temperature; indeed, it showed practically a linear rela- tionship through this temperature range. The drop weight and also the function value show practically a linear rela- tionship in all four cases, especially at the lower temperatures; there is a slight curve in each case as the boiling point of the liquid is approached. C An equation for the different te values for water was worked out according to the method of least squares with the follow- ing result: tc = 252.41 0.508t-0.000225ť. When 357 is substituted for t here t¸ becomes 405. C The values for t from 50-80 were treated in the same manner with the resulting equation, to 284.28 0.4895t-0.00736t. C When 357 is substituted for t here t becomes 365 thus showing clearly that the higher values are necessary for calculating critical temperature of associated liquids. Many other possibilities for calculating critical tempera- ture were tried out with the same negative results. They all showed, however, that the observed function values agree with the theoretical, and hence it must be concluded that the extrapolation is too great even when treated by the method of least squares. SUMMARY. The results of this investigation may be summarized as follows: 1. The drop weights of the associated liquids-water, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and acetic acid have been accurately determined at small temperature intervals from zero to a few degrees below the boiling point. 2. It has been shown that the resulting drop. weights. transformed into surface tensions give the most accurate values for same, under saturated air conditions, thus far determined. 3. Unlike the non-associated liquids, critical temperature could not be calculated even with a wide range of temperature, still higher temperatures are necessary. BIOGRAPHY. A. McD. McAfee was born in Corsicana, Texas, September 24, 1886. He entered the University of Texas in 1904, taking the B.A. degree there in 1908. He was Fellow in Chemistry in 1907-'08 and the following two years he was a graduate student and Tutor in Chemistry in the University of Texas. In the fall of 1910 he entered Columbia Uni- versity as Goldschmidt Fellow in Chemistry. His major work has been in Physical Chemistry. Medical Libr UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07709 6736