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C. c i Hº, –l4.5, ſº tº re-lº ºf standards -> --~~ Treasuru Department, UNITED STATES COAST AND GE0DETIC SURVEY, OFFICE OF STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. HENRY S. PRITC HETT, Superintendent. *rºs -*ºne- TA B L E S FOR CONVERTING OU STOMARY AND METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, º, I TABLE FOR CONVERTING U.S. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OFFICE OF . STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. | CUSTON/A FY TO NM ETRIC HENRY S. PRITCHETT, SUPT. | º L| NEAF - CAFAC 1 TTY. Fluid - Inches to Feet to Yards to Miles to kilo- § oº: o Quarts to Gallons to millimetres. metres. metres. lmet.TeS. or cubic it, €S. litres. litres. centimetres. I E 25'4oo I o'3o48o I of 91.4402 I'60935 I E 3°7'O 29'57 o:94636 ‘ 3°78543 2 E 5o-Soo I o'60960 1 1-828804 3-2 1869 2 E 7'39 59’ I 5 I'89272 7' 57 o'S7 3 = 76°2002 o'914402 2-7432O5 4.82804 3 = II'oſ) 88-72 2-83908 I I'35636 4 = IoI-6002 I 2 I 92.02 3'657607 6'43739 4 = I4'79 I 18:29 3°78543 I5' I 4 I 74 5 = I27°ooo3 I’524Oo3 4 572 oog 8-O4674 5 = 18°48 I 47 '87 4.73 180 I8-927 I 7 6 = 152°4003 I '828SO4 5'4864 II 9-65608 6 = 22° 18 I 77°44 5:678:16 22:7 1261 7 = 177-8004 2: I 336O4 6'40O813 II 26.543 7 = 25'88 2O7·o2 6-62452 26-498oq 8 = 203-2004 2-438465 7'3 T 52 I5 I:2'87.478 8 = 29'57 236'59 7:57 oS8 3o 28.348 9 = 228.6005 2-7432O5 8: 2296.16 14,484I 2 9 = 33° 27 266. I 6 8-5 I 724 34'o689 I SQUARE. VV El GH T. Square * * * * Square • Avoirdu- Avoirdu- inches to sº º yards to iº t;O Gºto pois ounces pois pounds Troy ounces SC Ula, Te e * SCI U13, l'é, ectares. - to to kilo- to grammes. canºes. decimetres. nº. grammeS. grammes, grammes. I – 6'452 9°290 o'836 O'4O47 I = 64.7989 28'3495 o'45.359 3 I Io 348 2 = I 2'003 18:581 1-672 O'8094 2 = I29'5978 56-699 I O'907 19 62. 20696 3 = I9'355 27-87 I 2-508 I ‘2 I4 I 3 = I 94’3968 85°o 186 I-36078 93'3 T O44 4 = 25'807 37' 161 3'344 I-6187 4 = 259' 1957 II3'3981 I’8 I 437 I 24'41392 5 = 32°258 46'452 4°181 2°o234 || 5 = 323'9946 141:7476 2.26796 I55'5174o 6 = 38:7 Io 55’742 5'OI7 2'4281 6 = 3887935 17o'og72 2-72156 186:62088 7 = 45' 16 I 65°o32 5'853 2-83.28 7 = 453'5924 198'4467 3’ I 75 I5 2 I 7'72437 8 = 5 I’613 74’323 6'689 3’ 2375 8 = 5 18:3914 226'7962 3' 62874 248-82.785 9 = 58'o65 83°613 7' 525 3*6422 9 = 583. Igo3 255 I457 4'o6233 279-93133 CU E | C. Cubic - Cubic intº t;0 Gº yards to Bushels to cubic cubic hectolitres. centimetres. metres. metres. I = 16:387 o'o.2832 o'765 o'35239 I Gunter's chain = 2O'I I68 metres 2 - 32°774 o'o 5663 I’529 o'70479 I sq. statute mile = 25.9°ooo hectares. 3 = 49' 16I o'o6495 2' 294 I'o67 I 8 I fathom - 1829 metres. .4 F 65'549 o' I I 327 3'o58 I 40957 I nautical mile = 1853'25 1Inetres. 5 = 81 '936 o' I4158 3'823 I-76196 I foot = o.3o48or metre, 9'484ol 58 log. 6 = 98.323 o' 16990 4'587 2. I 1436 I avoir. pound = 453'592.427.7 gram. 7 = I 14-7 Io o 19822 5' 352 2'46675 I5432°35639 grains F. I kilogramme. S = I 3 I too? O' 22.654 6 II 6 2°81914 9 = 147484 o' 25.485 6'881 3' 17 154 Since 1893 the Office of Standard Weights and Measures has been authorized to derive the yard from the metre, using for the purpose the relation legalized in 1866; namely, 1 yard= . metre. The customary weights are likewise referred to the kilogramme. This action fixes the values, inasmuch as the reference standards are as perfect and unalterable as it is possible for human skill to make them at this period. The length of the nautical mile given above and adopted by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey many years ago, is defined as that of a minute of arc of a great circle of a sphere whose surface equals that of the earth (Clarke's Spheroid of 1866). - The U. S. gallon contains 231 cubic inches, and the bushel 2150. 42 cubic inches. The values in these tables are based upon the legal equivalents adopted by Congress in 1866. 2—779 WASHINGTON, D. C., SEPTEMBER, 1898. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. OFFICE OF STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. HENRY S. PRITCHETT, Supt. | TABLES FOR CONVERTING U. S. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES METRIC To cus ToMARY. * . LINEAR. CAFAC TY_ 4. Millilitres Centi. , , & Metres to Metres to Metres to Kilometres C * #. S litres to Liºs prºtes iº, inches. feet. yards. to miles. to fluid oº:: quarts. gallons, bushels. - drams. g I E 39°37'OO 3'28O83 Io936 II o:62 I 37 I it o' 27 O’33 I'o667 2.6417 2-8377 2 F 737400 6'56167 2, 187222 I'24.274 2 = O'54 o:676 2’ II 34 5'2834 5'6755 3 = II 8: IIoo 9°842.5o 3°28O833 I '864 II 3 = O'81 I ‘O [4 3' I 7 Oo 7'925 I 8:5 I32 4 = I57°48oo I3'I 2333 4’37.4444 2'48548 4 = I ‘oS I 353 4 2267 Io'5668 II 35 lo 5 = I96'85oo I6'40417 5'468056 3. Io985 5 = I 35 I-69 I 5°28'34 I 3'2085 14, 1887 6 = 236-22Oo 19.68500 6'56.1667 3.72822 6 = I 62 2°o 29 6'34o I I5'85O2 I 7'oz 65 7 = 275'590o 22°96583 7-655278 4'34959 7 = I '89 2 367 7'3968 I 8:49 19 1986.42 8 = 3I4'96Oo 26°24667 8748889 4'97096 8 = 2' I 6 2.7 OS 8’4535 2 I I 336 22-7019 9 = 354’33Oo 29°5275o 9°842.5oo 5'5.9233 9 = 2 43 3'O43 9°5 IOI 23°7753 25'5397 SQUARE- \/\/ E G H T – Square Square Square Milli- Kilo- Hecto- Çilo or " centimetres metres to metres to Hectares to grammes grammes grammes * to Square Square Square 3,Ol'628. to to t;O OunceS O F. s inches. feet. yards. grains. grains. avoirdupois. *Y*P* I = O’ I 55o Io'764 I 196 2'47 I I = o'o I 543 I5432°36 3’5274 2'20.462 2 E O'3 Ioo 2I-528 2'392 4'942 2 E o'o.3086 30864-7 I 7'o'548 4'4O924 3 = o'465o 32°292 3'588 7'4I 3 3 = o'O463o 462.97°o7 Io. 5822 6:61387 4 = o' 62oo 43'O55 4'784 9.884 4 = o'o61 73 61729°43 I 4. Io96 8:81849 5 = O'775o 53°819 5'98o I 2'355 5 = o'o'77 16 77.161-78 17:6370 I I'oz 3 II 6 = O'93oo 64'583 7' 176 14-826 6 = o'o.92.59 92.594. I4 2 I ‘I 644 I3'22773 7 = I'o650 75' 347 8:37.2 I 7'297 7 = o' Io&o 3 IoSo 26°49 24.6918 I5'43236 8 = I ‘24OO 86 I I I 9'568 19768 8 = o'I 2346 I23458.85 28:2192 I7-63698 9 = I 395o 96.875 Io'764 22°239 9 = o' I 3889 I 3889 I 2 I 3 I-7466 I9'8416o CU E | C. VV E|GHT-(CONTINUED). Cubic Cubic * g & centimetres decimetres * O Cubic metres Quintals to Milliers or tonnes kiºs º º cubic feet. cubic yards. pounds av. to pounds av. Troy. I = o'o6 Io 61 oz 3 35'3 I4 I .308 1 = 22 o'46 22O4'6 32’ I 5 o'7 2 E O'I 22 O I 22 O47 7 o’629 2-6 I6 2 = 440'92 44O9°2 64'3015 3 = o' 1831 183°o 70 IO5'943 3'924 3 = 66 I’39 6613-9 96-4522 4 = O' 244 I 244. O94 I4 I'258 5' 232 4 F 881-85 88.18.5 I 28-6030 5 = O'3O5 I 305 II 7 176'572 6'54o 5 = I IO 2'3 I I IO 23' I I 60.7537 6 = o:3661 360° 14o 2 I I-887 7:848 6 = I32 2.77 I 3227 7 I 92'9044 7 = O'4272 427 I 64 247°2OI 9’ I 56 7 = I5.43° 24 I5432'4 225'O552 8 = o' 4882 488: 187 282 '516 Io'464 8 = I 763.70 I 7637'o 257'2O59 9 = O'5492 549° 2 IO 317°83o I I-77 I 9 = 1984 16 1984 I-6 289°3567 The metric system of weights and measures was legalized in the United States in 1866. |By concurrent action of the principal governments of the world, an International Bureau of Weights and Meas- ures was established near Paris in 1875. Under the direction of the International Committee, two ingots were cast of pure platinum-iridium in the proportion of 9 parts of the former to 1 of the latter. From one of these a certain number of kilogrammes were prepared, and from the other a definite number of metre bars. These standards of mass and length were intercompared without preference, and one of each was selected as the International prototype stand- ard. These two standards are deposited at the International Bureau, and the others were distributed by lot, in Sep- tember, 1889, to the different governments, and are called National prototype standards. Those apportioned to the United States were received in 1890, and are in the keeping of this office. 2–779 ). Treasury Thepartment, UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY, OFFICE OF STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. HENRY S. PRITC HETT, Superintendent. —-ºm- TA B L E S ITOE CONVERTING OU STOMARY AND METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES JAN 21, 1908 >. • 2, 5 Lº ğ Ë ► 3 cº ! 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