2. ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~• → • •→→→→ ***→ →-◄ ◄-► ►=--~ −--◄ --◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ →→→ → → →--→ → → → → → → → →--◄ ◄ ◄. -->→ ← → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → →∞→ → → → • • • • →→→→--◄ ◄ • • •--★ → =***→ → → → --~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~); v.v.~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~|~~~~ ~~~~ / •“ # º.„^ * * º A. Al-A. A. A. A. A. A. A_A-A—A-A—A-A-A—A. * * * * * A. * - <&- . - * . . . # , , * A. A. A. A. sº g x=r ºr * *g ºr * * - - X, *, *, * fººt LIBRAR GUTHRIE, OKLA. - 1901. - STATE cAPITAL PRINTING COMPANY., Legislatures Including 1901. LAVVS Territory of Oklahoma, 1893, A. A. A. a. a a A-4 a a la-a-a-a-a-a-a-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-a Q Z <ſ P Z --** ►^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _^ --~--~~~~a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^a, -a, -a, -a,-ae ae →→→→→^~~^ — ^-^-^-^- |-- <æ~ ~æ- <æ <=ær*ær •=s~→ • • •ær== √æ <=> → → → → → →=<= <== <== → →sæ sær • <ær •→ → → , -, ~~~~~;~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . *£ á ; » -- : { § º º ** 2.s.º. jºjº # | N E. & Nº.º. Sº Q, wº. 3A ºf rºy É Eº Hº EC E8 E. E8 E: E. # #8 Eº Qes ARTICLE I.-INCORPO INSURANCE. CHAPTER XLIV.—INSURANCE. RATIONS AND Gover NMENT OF INSUR- ANCE COMPANIES. AN ACT to incorporate and govern insurance companies doing business in Oklahºma Territory. - SECTION. Q. II. I2. I3. I4. 15. I6. I7. What real estate company may Who may incorporate, purpose. May re-insure. Declaration; copy of charter. Form of charter. Restrictions. - Capital of joint stock or mutual com- panies. Opening books of joint stock and mu- tual companies. Investment of capital. sale. Charter, etc., examined by Attorney General.; capital by commissioners of insurance; certificate filed; com- mence business; evidence. By laws; seal. Dividends; year defined. Mutual companies; notes; numbers; assessments; liability. Mutual or “joint stock” indicated on | policy, ete. Suits. Liabilities of corporators, etc.; notes. Joint stock companies may extend charter; mutual may become joint stock company. hold; - "Took effect December 25, 1890.] 617. Hap. 44, *, º, ** : i & SECTION. 18. Increase of capital stock. 19. Companies heretofore formed su" ject to this act. 2O. Bodies corporate and politic. 21. Annual report to commissioner of . IllSUl Iſa Il Ce. 22. Foreign companies; agent; service of process. 23. Examination by commissioner or his appointee. 24, Suits for penalties. 25. Duration of company; legislative con- - trol, etc. 26. Lien on stock; stock impaired; reduc- tion; receiver's statement; publica- tion. - 27. Fees of commissioners of insurance. 28. Agents responsible; embezzlement. 29. Reciprocity. 30. Tax on net receipts. 31. Security by foreign companies, 32. Amount of policy to be paid. 33. Policy to contain copy of applica- tion- Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oż- (3025) $ 1. homa: Any nur.ber of persons, not less than thirteen, may associate and form an incorporated company in this Terri- tory for the following purposes, to-wit: To make insurance on dwelling houses, stores and all kinds of buildings and upon house- hold furniture and other property, against loss or damage by fire, - and the risks of transportation. sioner of insurance a declaration signed by all the corporators Any and all insurance companies hereafter incorporated under the provisions of this act, which shall in the declaration and charter provided to be filed, have expressed an intention to make insurance or which shall have power to make insurance against loss or damage by the risks of transportation, shall have power to make insurance upon cargos, merchandise, freights and other property against loss and damage by all and any of the risks of transportation. (3026) $ 2. Any companies organized under this act, shall have power to effect re-insurance of any risks taken by them respectively. (3027) $ 3. Such persons shall file in the office of the commis- y expressing their intention to form a company for the purpose of transacting the business of insurance as expressed in the first sec- tion of this act, which dec I. L.-1. Tw 3. * , ; 't • * ~ laration shall also comprise a copy of *… . . . . . . . . * Lý. K. A º Who may in c or p or a t e : Qtil 1998éºle May reinsure. Declaration ; copy of char Ü6Iſ, * --~~~ 618 INSURANCE. Chap. 44, the charter proposed to be adopted by them and shall publish a Form of char- ter, " - Restrictions. , ºr Capital of gº under this act, or transacting business, in this Territory, shall Lº Úl panies notice of such their intention, once in each week, for at least four weeks, in a public newspaper in the county in which such insurance company is proposed to be located. ºr (3028) $ 4. The charter comprised in such declaration shall set forth the name of the company, the place where the principal office for the transacting of its business shall be located, the mode and manner in which the corporate powers granted by this act are to be exercised, the mode and manner of electing its trustees or directors, a majority of whom shall be citizens of this Territory, and of filling vacancies, (but each director of a stock company shall be the owner in bis own right, of at least five hundred dol- lars worth of the stock of such company, at its par value), the period for the commencement and termination of its fiscal year, and the amount of capital to be employed in the transaction of its business, and the Commissioner of Insurance shall have the right to reject any name or title of any company applied for when he shall deem the name too similar to one already appropriated, or likely to mislead the public in any respect. (3O29) $ 5. No company formed under this act shall direct- ly or indirectly, deal or trade in buying or selling any goods, wares, merchandize, or other commodities whatever, excepting such articles as may have heen insured by such company, and are deemed to be damaged by fire or water. (3O3O) $ 6. No joint stock fire insurance company, organ, d expose itself to any loss on any fire or inland transportation risk or hazard to an amount exceeding ten per cent of its paid up capital. No company formed under this act, for the purpose of doing the business of fire or inland navigation insurance on the plan of mu- tual insurance shall commence business until agreements have been entered into for insurance with at least two hundred applicants the premiums on which shall amount to not less than one hundred thous- and dollars, of which twenty thousand dollars at least shall have been paid in cash, and notes of solvent parties founded on actual and bona fide applications for insurance, shall have been received for the remainder. No one of the notes received as afore- said shall amount to more than five hundred dollars, and no two shall be given for the same risk, or be made by the same person or firm, except where the whole amount of such note shall not ex- ceed five hundred dollars. Nor shall any such note be represented as capital stock unless a policy is issued upon the same within thirty days after the organization of the company. Upon a risk which shall not be for a shorter period than twelve months, each of said notes shall be payable in part or in whole at any time when the directors shall deem the same requisite for the payment of losses by fire or inland navigation, and such incidental expenses as may be necessary for transacting the business of said company. And no note shall be accepted as part of such capital stock unless the same shall be accompanied by a certificate of a justice of the peace of the town or city where the person making such note shall reside, that the person making the same is in his opinion pecuni. INSURANCE. arily good and responsible for the safne; and no such note shall be surrendered during the life of the policy for which it was given. (3031) $ 7. It shall and may be lawful for the individuals asso- ºciated for the purpose of organizing any company under this act after having published the notice and filed the declaration and charter as required by the third section of this act, and also on filing in the office of the commissioner of insurance, proof of such publication by the affidavit of the publisher of such newspaper, his foreman or clerk, to open books for subscription to the capital stock of the company so intended to be organized, and to keep the same open until the full amount specified in the charter is subscribed; or in case the business of such company is proposed. to be conducted on the plan of mutual insurance, then to open books to receive propositions, and to enter into agreements in the manner and to the extent specified in the sixth section of this act. (3032) $ 8. It shall be lawful for any insurance company or- ganized under this act, or any such company under any law of this Territory, to invest its capital and the fund accumulated in the course of its business, or any part thereof, in bonds and mort- gages on any improved unincumbered real estate within the Ter- ritory of Oklahoma, worth fifty per cent more than the sum loaned thereon (exclusive of buildings, unless such buildings are insured and the policy transferred to said company,) and also in the bonds of this Territory or bonds or Treasury notes of the United States; and, in the bank stock of national banks; and, also in the stock and bonds of any county or incorporated city in this Territory authorized to be issued by the Legislature; and to lend the same, or any part thereof, of such stock or bonds or Treasury notes, or upon bonds or mortgages as aforesaid, and to change and to re- invest the same as occasion may from time to time require, but any surplus money over and above the capital stock of such fire or other insurance companies, or any such insurance companies in- corporated under any law of this Territory, may be invested in or loaned upon the pledge of the public stock or bonds of the United States or any one of the states of the stock bonds or other eviden- ces of indebtedness of any solvent, dividend paying institution in- corporated under the laws of this Territory or of the United Sta- tes except their own stock; Provided, always, That the current market value of such stocks, bonds and other evidences of indebt- edness shall be at all times during the continuance of such loans at least ten per cent more than the sum loaned thereon. (3O33) $ 9. No company organized by or under this act shall purchase, hold or convey real estate, excepting for the purposes and in the manner herein set forth, to-wit: First, Such as shall be requsite for its convenient accommodation in the trans- action of business or second. Second, Such as shall have been mortgaged to it in good faith by way of security for loans pre- viously contracted or for money due. Third, Such as shall ſhave been conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in their legitimate business or for money due; or, Jourth, Such as shall have been purchased at sales upon judg- INSURANCE. “*- 620 * ments, decrees or mortgages ebtained or made for such debts; and it shall not be lawful for any such company to purchase, hold or convey real estate in any other case or for any other purpose; and all such real estate as may be acquired as aforesaid, and which shall not be necessary for the accomodation of such company in the transaction of its business, shall be sold and disposed of with- in five years after such company shall have acquired title thereto, unless the company shall procure a certificate from the Commis- sioner of Insurance that the interest of the company will suffer materially by a forced sale thereof; in which event the sale may be postponed for such period as the said Commissioner shall direct in said certificate; and the said Commissioner may also give such - certificate and extend the time for holding real estate in like cir- cumstances, on the application of any insurance company hereto- fore incorporated. *~. charter-etc., (3034) $ 10. The charter and proof of publication herein re- :::::::"gº quired to be filed by every such company, shall be examined by **.*.*.* the Attorney-General. and if found conformable to this act, and }. corn m i S- O O her...ot in not inconsistent with the Oaganic Act or laws of this Territory, surance; cer- tº cate filed, shall be certified by him to the Commissioner of Insurance, who tº;"º shall thereupon cause an examination to be made, either by him- dence. self or by three disinterested persons specially appointed by him for that purpose, who shall certify under oath, that the capital therein required of the company named in the charter, according to the nature of the business proposed to be transacted by such company has been paid in and is possessed by it in money or in such stocks and bonds and mortgages as are required by the eighth 'section of this act; or if a mutual company, that has received and is in actual possession of the capital, premium or bona fide engagements of insurance or other securities, as the case may be, to the full extent and of the value required by the sixth section of this act, and the name and the residence of the maker of each premium note forming part of the capital, and the amount of such note, shall be returned to said commissioner, and the corporators and officers of such company shall be required to certify under oath that the capital exhibited to these persons is bona fide property of the company. Such cer- tificate shall be filed in the office of said commissioner who shall thereupon deliver to such company a certified copy of the charter and of said certificates, which on being filed in the office of the clerk of the county where the company is to be located shall be their authority to commence business and issue policies; and such cer- tified copy of the charter and of said certificates may be used in evidence for or against said company with the same effect with the originals, and shall be conclusive evidence of the fact of the or- ganization of such company. (3035) $ 11. The corporators or the trustees or the directors, as the case may be, of any company organized under this act, all have power to make such by-laws not inconsistant with the Organic Act or the laws of this Territory, as may be deemed necessary for the government of its officers and the conduct of its affairs and the same when necessary to alter and amend; and Chap. 44. *~. INSURANCE. they and their successors may have a common seal and may change and alter the same at their pleasure. (3036) $ 12. It shall not be lawful for the directors, trustees or managers of any such insurance company to make any dividend except from the surplus profits arising from their business; and in estimating such profits there shall be reserved therefrom a sum equal to the whole amount of unearned premiums on unexpired risks and policies and there shall be reserved all sums due the corporation on bonds and mortgages, stocks and book accounts of which no part of the principal or interest thereon has been paid during the last year, and for which foreclosure or suit has not been commenced for collection, or which after judgment obtained thereon, shall have remained more than two years unsatisfied and on which interest shall not have been paid, and also there shall be which interest shall not have been paid, and also there shall be re- served all interest due or accrued and remaining unpaid: Provid- ed, always, That any company may declare dividends not exceed- ing ten per cent on its capital stock in any one year, that shall have accumulated and be in possession of a fund in addition to the amount of its capital stock and of such dividend, and all actual outstanding liabilities equal to -one half of the amount of all premiums on risks not terminated at the time of making such dividends. Any dividend made contrary to these provisions shall subject the company making the same to a forfeiture of its char- ter, and each stockholder receiving it to a liability to the creditors of such company to the extent of the dividend received, in addi- tion to the other penalties and punishments in such case made and provided. This section shall not apply to the declaration of scrip dividends by participating companies, but no such scrip div- idends shall be paid except from surplus profits after reserving all sums as above provided, including the whole amount of premiums on unexpired risks. The word “year” whenever used in this sec- tion shall be construed to mean the calendar year. (3937) $ 13. All notes deposited with any mutual insurance company at the time of its organization, as provided in section 6 shall remain as security for all losses and claims until the accumu- lation of the profits invested as required by the eight section of this act, shall equal the amount of cash capital required to be possess- ed by stock companies organized under this act, the liability of each note decreasing proportionately as the profits are accumulated; but any note which may have been deposited with any such mutual insurance company subsequent to its organization in addition to the cash premium, or any insurance effected with such company may, at the expiration of the time of such insurance, be relinquished and given up to the maker thereof or his representative, upon his pay- ing his proportion of all losses and expenses which may have ac- crued thereon, during such term. The directors or trustees of any such company shall have the right to determine the amount of the note to be given in addition to the cash premium by any person insured in such company, but in no case shall the note be more than five times the whole amount of the cash premium, and every person effecting insurance in any mutual company organized under 621 Chap. 44. inSURANCE. this act, and also their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns continuing to be insured shall thereby become members of said corporation during the period of insurance, and shall be bound to pay for losses and such necessary expenses as aforesaid accruing in and to said company in proportion to said amount of his deposit note or notes. The directors shall as often as they ideem necessary after receiving notice of any loss or damage by fire sustained by any member and ascertaining the same, or after the rendition of any judgment against said company for loss or damage, settle and determine the same to be paid by the several members thereof, as their respective portion of such loss, and publish the same in such manner as they shall. see fit, or , as the by-laws shall have prescribed. and the sum to be paid by each member shall always be in proportion to the original amount of his deposit note or notes, and shall be paid to the officers of the company within thirty days after the publica- tion of said notice, and if any member shall for the space of thirty days after the publication of said notice, and service of such notice upon such member by mail, directed to him at his postoffice address as written in or upon his application for insurance, neglect or refuse to pay the sum assessed upon him as his propor- tion of said loss as aforesaid in such case, the directors may sue for and recover the whole amount of his deposit note or notes, with cost of suit, but the execution shall only issue for assessments and costs as they accrue. If the whole amount of the deposit notes shall be insufficient to pay the loss occasioned by any fire or fires in such case the sufferers insured by the said company shall receive, toward making good their respective losses, a propor- cional share of the whole amount of Said notes, according to the sums by them respectively insured, but no member shall ever be required to pay for any loss occasioned by fire or inland navigation more than the whole a mount of his deposited note. sº (3038) $ 14. Every fire or other insurance company hereafter organized, if it be a mutual company, shall employ the word “mutual” in its title, which shall appear on the first page of every policy and renewel receipt; and every company doing business as a joint stock company shall upon the face of its policy, in some suitable manner, express that such policy is a stock policy. (3039) $ 15. Suit at law may be maintained by any corpor- ation formed under this act against any of its members or stock- holders for any cause relating to the business of such corporations, aiso suits at law may be prosecuted and maintained by any mem- ber or stockholder against such corporation for any losses which may have accrued if payment is withheld after such losses may have became due. (3040) $ 16. The trustees and corporators of any company organized under this act, shall be severally liable for all debts or responsibilities of such company, to the amount by him or them subscribed, until the whole amount of the capital of such company shall have been paid in, and a certificate thereof recorded as here- inbefore provided. Notes taken in advance of premiums under this act, are not to be considered debts of the company, in deter- S-> - , INSURANCE. 628 mining whether a company is insolvet, but are to be regarded as Chap. 44. - assets of the company. (304I) $ 17. Any existing joint stock fire insurance company joint atoen, heretofore incorporated under the laws of this Territory, and any ::::::"...º. company organized under this act, having a capital of at least one ºf ººl hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), may without increasing its # *::::: capital at any time, within two years previous to the termination companye . of its charter, after giving notice at least once a week for four weeks successively, in a newspaper published in the county where such company is located, of such intention, and with a declaration under its corporation seal, signed by the president and two thirds of its directors, of their desire for an extension, extend the term of its original charter to the time specified in the twenty-sixth section of this act, by altering and amending the same so as to accord with the provisions of this act, and filing a copy of such amended charter with the declatarion aforesaid, in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance, whereupon the same proceedings shall be had as are required in the tenth section of this act. And any mutual insurance company heretofore incorporated or organized under any of the laws of this Territory, having surplus assets aside from premiums and stock notes, sufficient to reinsure all its outstanding risks, after having given notice once a week, for four weeks of their intention, and of the meeting hereinafter provided for, in a newspaper published in the county where such com- pany is located, may with the consent of two thirds of its incor- porators or members, present at any regular annual meeting, or at any special meeting duly called for the purpose or with the con- sent, in writing, of two thirds of the incorporators or members of such company, and the consent also of three fourths of the trustees or directors, unless otherwise provided in the charter, become a joint company by conforming its charter to and otherwise proceed- ing in accordance with this act; and every member of such com- pany on the day of such annual or special meeting or the date of said written consent, shall be entitled to priority to such capital stock of said company for one month after the opening of the books of subscription to such capital stock in proportion to the amount of cash premiums paid by such members on unexpired risks in force on the day of said annual or special mecting, or the date of such written consent; and every company so extended or changed shall come under the provisions of this act, in the same manner as if it had been incorporated originally under this act. (3o42) $ 18. Any existing fire insurance company and any company formed under this law may at any time increase the Inerease e: amount of its capital stock after notice given once a week for four **** weeks in any newspaper published in the county where such com- pany is located, of such intention with the written consent of three-fourths in amount of its stock holders, unless otherwise pro- vided in its charter, or if a mutual company, with the unanimous consent of its trustees unless otherwise provided in its charter by altering or amending their charter in this respect, and filing a copy of their charter so amended together with a declaration under its corporate seal, signed by its president and directors, of * A $ * * Oxºſ • insur ANCE. * Chap. 44. their desire to do so, with such written consent of three-fourths in amount of its stockholders, or the unanimous consent of its trus- tees as aforesaid, to such increase, in the office of the Commis- sioner of Insurance and upon the same proceedings had as are required by the tenth section of this act. tº: (3 243) § 19. All insurance companies heretofore organized in formed ºut, the Territory of Oklahoma and now doing business in this Terri- *****tory, are hereby brought under all the provisions of this act, ex- cept that their capital may continue of the amounts and character named in and authorized by their respective charters during the existing terms of such charters, and the investment of the capital and assets of such companies may remain the same as prescribed by their charters, anything in this act to the contrary notwith- * standing, and such companies shall also be entitled to the privi- leges and powers granted by said charters. tº sº; (3o44 $ 20. All companies incorporated or extended under politic. this act shall be deemed and taken to be bodies corporate and politic, in fact and in name, and shall be subject to all the pro- visions of law in relation to corporations so far as the same are ap- * plicable. º ...”.' ... (3O45) $ 21. It shall be the duty of the president or vice- #: of president and the secretary of each company organized under this act, or incorporated under any law of this Territory annually on the first day of January, or within one month thereafter, to pre- pare under their own oath or deposition in the office of the Com- missioner of Insurance of the Territory, a statement of the con- dition of such company on the thirty-first day of December then next preceeding, exhibiting the following facts and items in the following form, namely. First. The amount of the capital stock of the company actually paid in. Second. The property or assets held by the company, specify- 1119 º The value as nearly as may be of the real estate held by such company: (b) The amount of cash on hand and deposited in banks to the credit of the company, specifying in what banks the same are de- posited. (c) The amount of cash in the hands of agents and in course of transmission. (d) The amount of loans secured by mortgages and bonds, con- stituting the first lien on real estate, on which there shall be less than one year's interest due or owing. (e) The amount of loans on which interest shall not have been paid within one year previous to such statement. (f) The amount due the company on which judgments have been obtained. (g) The amount of stocks of this Territory, of the United States or any state, or any incorporated city in this Territory and any other stocks owned by the company, specifying the amount, number of shares and “par” and “market" value of each kind of stock, IN SURANCE. (h) The amount of stocks held thereby as collateral securitiss for loans with the amount loaned on each kind of stock, its paş value and the market value. (i) The amount of assessment on stock or premium notes paid and unpaid, specifying each. (j) The amount of interest actually due and unpaid. (k) The amount of premium notes on hand on which policies are issued. (l) The amount of installment notes on hand on which policies are issued. Third. The liabilities of such company specifying: (a) The amount of losses due and yet unpaid. (b) The amount of claims resisted by the company and the reason why such claims are resisted. (c) The amount of losses incurred during the year including those claimed and not due, and including the probable amount of those reported to the company, upon which no action has been taken. (d) The amounts of dividends declared and due and remaining unpaid. (e) The amount of dividends, if any, declared but not yet due. (f) The amount of money borrowed and security, if any, given for the payment thereof. (g) All other existing claims against the company and also the gross amount of Outstanding risks, and the gross amounts of pre- miums thereon unearned. Fourth. The income of the company during the preceding year, specifying: (a) The amount of cash premiums received. (b) The amount of notes received. (c) The amount of interest money received. (d) The amount of income received from other sources, or: Fifth. The expenditures during the preceding year, specifying: (a) The amount of losses paid during the year, stating how much of the same accrued prior and how much subsequent to the date of the preceding statement and the amount at which such losses were estimated in such preceding statement. (b) The amount of dividend paid during the year. (c) The amount of expenses paid during year, including commis- sions and fees to agents and officers of the company. (d) The amount paid in taxes, specifying the annount paid in his Territory. (e) The amount of all other payments and expenditures. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to establish a classifica- tion of risks into any number or classes not less than four, accord- ing to the degree of hazard of such risk; and the Commissioner shall require said companies as part of the aforementioned statement, to give the numbers of policies in force, covering property embraced in each of said classes, and the aggregate amount at risk upon the property in each class. The Commissioner of Insurance is hereby authorized and empowered to address any inquiries to any insur- ance company, or secretary thereof, in relation to its doings or con- -> I. L.-2 626 x - INSURANCE. Chap. 44. ditions, or any other matter connected with ſts transactions and it shall be the duty of any company so addressed to promptly re- ply in in writing to any such inquiries. The statement of any company, the capital of which is composed, in whole or in part, of notes, shall in addition to the foregoing, exhibit the amount of notes, originally forming the capital and also what proportion of said notes are still held by such company and considered capital. , Every insurance company, organized under any law of this Terri- tory, failing to make out and deposit such statement, or to reply to any inquiry of said commissioners shall be subject to the pen- alty of five hundred dollars ($500), and an additional five hun- dred dollars ($500) for every month that such company shall con- tinue thereafter to transact any business of insurance without complying with this section. It shall be the duty of the Commis- - sioner of Insurance to cause the information contained in the state- ment required by this section to be arranged in the tabular form and printed in his biennial report. rºleseem. (3046) $ 22. It shall not be lawful for any insurance company, tº ...; association or partnership incorporated by or organized under the vide of irocess. laws of any other territory or state of the United States, or any foreign government for the purposes specified in this act, directly or indirectly to take risks or transact any business of insurance in this Territory unless possessed of the amount of actual capital required by similar companies formed under the provisions of this act; and any such company desiring to tran- sact any such business as aforesaid, by any agent or agents in this Territory, shall first appoint any attorney in each county in this Territory on whom process of law can be served and filed in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance of the Territory a written in- strument duly signed and sealed certifying such appointment, which shall continue until another attorney be substituted; and any pro- cess issued by any court in this Territory, and served upon such at- torney by the proper officer of the county in which such attorney may reside or may be found shall be deemed a sufficient service of process upon such company [service] may also be made in any other manner provided in this act. In case any insurance company, not incorporated in this Territory, shall cease to transact business in this Territory, according to the laws thereof, the agents last designa- ted or acting as such for such corporation, shall be deemed to con- tinue agents for such corporation for the purpose of servrng pro- cess for commencing action upon any policy or liability issued or contracted while such corporation transacted business in this Ter- ritory; and service of such process for the cause aforesaid, upon any such agent, shall be deemed a valid personal service upon such corporation. And every such company, association or partnership shall also file with the Commissioner of Insurance a certified copy of their charter together with a statement, under the oath of the president or vice-president or other chief officer, and secre- tary of the company for which he or they may act stating the name of the company and place where located, the amount of its capital, with a detailed statement of its assets showing the amount wQſ sº ea hand, in the banks or in the hands of agents, the ----- *..., * INSURANCE. , amount of real estate and how much the same is encumbered by mortages, the number of shares of stocks of every kind owned by the company, the par and market value of the same, amount loaned on bond and mortgage, the amount loaned on the security stating the kind and amount loaned on each, and the estimated value of the whole amount of such securities, and other assets or prop- erty of the company, also stating the indebtedness of the com- pany, the amount of losses adjusted and unpaid, the amount incurred and in process of adjustment, the amount resisted by the company as illegal and fraudulent, and all other claims existing against the company; also a copy of the last an- nual report, if any, made under any law of the Territory, or state by which said company was incorporated; and no agent shall be allowed to transact business for any such company whose capital is impaired to the extent of twenty per cent thereof while such de- ficiency shall continue. The stocks and securities so deposited may be exchanged from time to time, for other securities receivable as aforesaid. And so long as the company so depositing shall con- tinue solvent and comply with the laws of this Territory, such com- pany or association may be permitted by the said commissioners to collect the interest or dividend on said deposits, and where a de- posit is made of bonds and mortgages accompanied by full abstracts of titles and searchers, the fees for an examination of title the coun- sel to be paid by the party making the deposits, shall not exceed twenty dollars ($20) for each mortgage and the fee for the apprai- sal of property shall be five dollars ($5) to each appraiser, not exceeding two, besides expenses for each mortgage. Nor shall it be lawful for any agent or agents to act for any company or com- panies referred to in this section directly or indirectly in taking risks or transacting the business of fire or other insurance in this Territory without procuring from the Commissioner of Insurance, of this Territory a certificate of authority stating that such com- pany has complied with all the requsitions of this act which apply to such companies, and the names of the attorneys appointed to act for the company. The statements and evidences of investments re- quired by this section shall be served from year to year in such manner and form as may be required by said Commissioner with an additional statement of any amount of premiums received and losses incurred in this Territory during the preceding year, so long as such agency continues; and the said Commissioner on being satis- fied that the capital, securities and investments remain secure as hereinbefore provided, shall furnish a renewal of the certificate as aforesaid. Any violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall subject the party violating the same to a penalty of five hundred dollars($560) for each violation and of the additional sum of one hundred [dollars] ($100) for each month during which any such agent shall neglect to file such affidavits and statements as are herein re- quired. Every agent of any insurance company shall in all adver- tisements of such agency, publish the location of the company, giving the name of the city or village in which the company is lo- cated and the state or government under the laws of which it is organized. The term “agent or agents" used in this section, gº INSURANCE. W & shall include an acknowledged agent, surveyor, broker or any other person or persons who shall, in any manner aid in transacting the insurance business of any insurance company not incorporated by the laws of this Territory. In the case of neglect or refusal to nake such annual statement as aforesaid, all persons acting in this Territory as agents or otherwise, in transacting the business of in- surance for said companies, corporations, associations, partnerships or individuals, shall be subject to the same penalties provided by law in case of the failure of any insurance company organized under the laws of this Territory to make an annual statement as provided in this act. Foreign insurance companies shall be re- quired to make and file their annual statements and evidences on the first day of January in each year, or within thirty days there- after, made out for the year ending on the preceding thirtieth of September. The supplementary annual statements of their busi- ness and affairs in the United States, duly verified by the resident manager of such company shall be filed in the month of January in each year, made out for the year ending the thirty-first day of December immediately preceding. (30+7) $23. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of In- surance of the Territory, whenever he may deem it expedient so to do, in person or by one or more persons, to be appointed by him for that purpose not officers or agents of, or in any manner in- terested in any insurance company doing business in this Terri- tory except as policy holders to examine into the affairs of any insurance company incorporated in this Territory, or doing busi- ness by its agents in this Territory; and it shall be the duty of the officers or agents of any such company doing business in this Ter- ritory, to cause their books to be opened for the inspection of the Commissioner or the person or persons so appointed, and otherwise to facilitate such examination so far as it may be in their power to do, and to pay all reasonable expenses incurred therein; and for that purpose the said Commissioner or person or persons so appointed by him, shall have the power to examine under oath the officers and agents of any company or any other person or persons rela- tive to the business of said company, and whenever the said Com- missioner shall deem it for the best interests of the public so to do, he shall publish the result of said investigation in one or nore newspapers in this Territory. And whenever it shall appear to the said Commissioner from such examination that the assets of any company incorporated in this Territory are insufficient to justify the continuance in business of any such company, he may direct the officers thereof to require the stock-holders to pay in the amount of such deficiency within such period as he may designate in such requisition, or he shall communicate the fact to the Attorney General, whose duty it shall then become to apply to the district court of the county in which the principal officers of said company shall be located, for an order requiring them to show cause why the business of such company should not be closed, shall thereupon proceed to hear the allegations and proofs of the respective parties; and in case it shall appear to the satisfaction of said court that the assets and -> ** * INSURANCE. funds of said company are not sufficient as aforesaid, or that the interests of the public so require, the said court shall decree a dis- solution of said company and a distribution of its effects. Any company receiving the aforesaid requisition from the said commis- sioner shall forthwith call upon its stockholders for such amounts as will make its capital equal to the amount fixed by the charter of said company and in case any stockholder of such company shall refuse or neglect to pay the amount so called for after the notice personally given or by advertisement, in such time and manner as the said Commissioner shall approve, it shall be lawful for the said company to require the return of the original certificate of stock held by such stock-holder and in lieu thereof to issue new certifiates for such number of shares as the said stock-holder may be entitled to in proportion that the ascertained value of the funds of the said company may be found to bear to the original capital of the said company the value of such shares for which new certificates shall be issued to be ascertained under the direction of the said Commissioner, and the company paying for the fractional parts of shares and it shall be lawful for the directors of such company to create new stock and dispose of the same, and to issue new certificates therefor to the amount sufficient to make up the original capital of the company. And it is hereby declared that in the event of any additional losses accruing upon new risks taken after the expiration of the period limited by said Commissioner, in the aforesaid requisition for the filling up of the deficiency in the capital of such company, and before such deficiency shall have been made up, the directors shall be individually liable to the ex- tent thereof. And if upon such examination, it shall appear to the said Commissioner that the assets of any company chartered on the plan of mutual insurance, under this act, are insufficient to justify the continuance of such company in business, it shall be his duty to proceed in relation to such company in the same man- ner as is herein required in regard to joint stock companies; and the trustees or directors of such company are hereby made person- ally liable for any losses which may be sustained upon risks taken after the expiration of the period limited by said Commissioner for filling up the deficiency in the capital and before such deficiency shall have been brought up. Any transfer of the stock of any company organized under this act, made during the pend- ing of any such investigation, shall not release the party making the transfer from his liability for losses which may have accrued previous to the transfer. And whenever it shall appear to the said Commissioner from the report of the person or persons ap- pointed by him that the affairs of any company not incorporated by the laws of this Territory, are in an unsound condition, he shall revoke the certificates granted in behalf of such company, and shall cause a notification thereof to be published in a news- paper of general circulation published in the Territory, and mail a copy thereof to each agent of the company, and the agent or agents of such company, after such notice shall be required to dis- continue the issuing of any new policy and the renewal of any previously issued. 629 30 & INSURANCE, Chap. 44. (3o48) $ 24. Every penalty provided for by this act, shall be suits for pen-sued for and recovered in the name of the Territory of Oklahoma, alties. by the county attorney of the county in which the company or agent or agents so violating shall be situated, and one-half of said penalty when recovered, shall be paid into the treasury of said county and the other half to the informers of such violation; and in the case of non-payment of such penalty, the party so offending shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceed- ing six months, in the discretion of any court having cognizance thereof. Such penalties may also be sued for and recovered in the name of the Territory of Oklahoma, by the Attorney-General, and when sued for and collected by him shall be paid into the Territorial treasury. cº (3O49) $ 25. All companies incorporated or extended under $16.3 T , , . tº º e e fº.com: this act may provide in their charters for not more than thirty 3. years, but the legislature may at any time alter or amend this act, and provide for the closing up of the business and affairs of any company formed under it. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent subsequent extension of the charters of companies organized or extended under this act. Hºohºº (3050) $26. Any fire or other insurance company chartered †edº by this Territory, may have a lien by passing a by-law to that *iº effect, upon the stock or certificate of profits owned by any member * for any debt hereafter to become due to said company for premiums, by stating that said stock is subject to any such lien upon the cer- tificates of stock or profits, and such lien may be waived by the consent of the president of said company upon the transfer of any such stock. Whenever it shall appear to the Commissioner of In- surance of the Territory from an examination made by him in the manner prescribed by law, that the capital stock of any joint stock company organized pursuant to law, is impaired to an amount ex- ceeding twenty per cent of such capital, and he shall be of the opinion that the interests of the public will not be prejudiced by permitting such company to continue business with a reduced capital, it shall be lawful for such company with the permission of the said commissioner to reduce its capital stock and the par value of the shares thereof, to such amount as the said commissioner may, under his hand and official seal certify to be proper, and as shall in his opinion, be justified by the assets and property of such company; Provid d, That no part of such assets and property shall be distributed to the stockholders. And provided furth?r, That the capital stock of any such company shall not be reduced to an amount less than the sum now required by law for the or- ganization of a new company under the general insurance laws for the transaction of business at the place where such company is located and of the kind which such company shall be made to accept upon a resolution of its board of directors approved by at least two-thirds of the directors and certified under the corporate ae aſ signed by the president and at least by two-thirds of its di- rectors, and proved or acknowledged in the manner required by law for the proof or acknowledgment of conveyances; which cer- tificate shall be filed in the office of said Commissioner before any INSURANCE. action shall be had by him thereon. The Insurance Commissioner of the Territory in case he shall permit any such company to re- duce its capital in the manner provided in this act, shall execute the certificate required in this act, in duplicate and deliver one of such certificates to the officers of such company, who shall forth- with file the same with the clerk of the county in which the com- pany is located, and the other such certificate shall be filed in the office of said Commissioner. Such company upon filing such cer- tificate with the county clerk as required by this act, shall with such reduced capital possess the same rights and be subject to the same liabilities that it possessed or was subject to at the time of the reduction of its capital, and the charter of such company shall be deemed to be amended in respect to the amount of capital and the par value of the shares so as to conform to the reduction. It shall be lawful for the said company to require the return of the original certificate of stock held by each stockholder and in lieu thereof, to issue new certificates for such numbers of shares as each stockholder may be entitled to in proportion that the reduced capital may be found to bear to the original capital of the com- pany. It shall be lawful for any such company s after its capital shall be so reduced as aforesaid, to increase its capital stock in the mode prescribed by this law. It shall be the duty of all re- ceivers and trustees of insurance companies, during the month of January of each year, and any time when required by the Insur- ance Commissioner of the Territory, to make and file annual and other statements of their assets and liabilities, and of their income and expenditures in the same manner and form and under the same penalties as the officers of such companies are now required by law to make annual and other statements to the Insurance Commissioner's office. The said Commissioner shall also cause its annual statement required to be filed by this act, to be pub- lished in one daily newspaper of general circulation not less than fifteen days. (3051) $ 27. There shall be paid to the Commissioner of In- surance by every company, association, person or persons or agent to whom this act shall apply, the following fees: For filing the declaration or the certified copy of a charter herein required the sum of thirty dollars ($30); for filing the annual statement required, ten dollars ($10); for each certificate of authority to agents of com- panies or association not incorporated under the laws of this Ter- ritory, two dollars ($2); for each certificate of authority to agents of companies incorporated under the laws of this Territory, fifty cents (59); for every copy of paper filed in his office the sum of twenty cents (20) per folio; and for fixing the seal of said office to such copy and certifying the same, one dollar ($1); and in case two or more companies shall combine and effect insurance under a joint policy each and every company shall pay the fees provided herein the same as if each company wrote separate and distinct policies; and of the fees so received by the Commissioner, thirty-five per cent shall be retained by him and the balance be paid over to the Territorial Treasurer. Before any in- surance company shall be permitted to do any business in this 531 Chap. 44. Fees of corn- mission er of insurance. 682 .* * *NSURANCE. * * ~. Chap, 44. Territory, such company, if a company organized within the Terri- tory, shall pay a license tax to the Territory Treasurer of ten dol- lars, and if organized under the laws of any other state, territory or foreign government, the sum of twenty-five dollars, which li- cense tax shall be required to be paid each year, thirty-five per cent of which shall be paid to the Commissioner of Insurance. (3052) $ 28. Agents appointed by any company doing busi- ness in this Territory, to solicit for application for insurance to collect the premiums on the same and to transact the other duties of agents in such cases, shall be held personally responsible to such company for any money received for such company; and in case any such agent shall embezzle or fraudulently convert to his own use or shall take or secrete with intent to embezzle and con- vert to his own use without consent of such company, any money belonging to such company which shall have come into his posses- sion or shall be under his care by virtue of his agency, he shall be deemed by so doing, to have committed the crime of larceny, and on conviction, shall be subject to the fines and penalties provided by the statutes in such cases. *** (3053) $ 29. Whenever the existing or future laws of any state or territory of the United States, or any other kingdom or country, shall require of insurance companies incorporated by or organized under the laws of this Territory, and having agencies in such other state, territory, kingdom or country, and deposits or securities in such state, territory, kingdom or country, for the pro- tection of policy holders, or otherwise, or any payment of taxes, fines, penalties, certificates of authority, license fees, or otherwise greater than the amount required for such purposes from similar companies of other states by the then existing laws of this Terri- tory, then and in every such case, all companies of such states establishing or having heretofore established an agency or agencies in this Territory, shall be and are hereby required to make the same deposit for a like purpose with the Commissioner of Insur- ance of this Territory, and to pay the Commissioner for taxes, fines, penalties, certificates of authority, license fees and other- wise, an amount equal to the amount of such charges and pay- ments imposed by the laws of such territory or state upon the companies of this Territory and the agents thereof: Provided, That the payment requirza of such foreign companies shall in no case be less than required by this act. (3054) $ 30. Every agent of an insurance company incorpora- £ed by the authority of any other state or government, shall re- turn to the proper officer of the county, town, or municipality in which the agency is established, in the month of January, annual- ly, the amount of net receipts, of such agency, which shall be entered on the tax lists of the county, town, and municipality, and subject to the same rate of taxation for all purposes, Territorial, county, town, arid municipality that other personal property is subject to at the place where created. (3055) $ 31. All fire or fire and marine insurance companies organized under the laws of any foreign country establishing o' flaving heretofore established an agency or agencies in this Terri- ". INSURANCE. º } : tory, shall be and are hereby allowed to make the deposit required by the laws of this Territory in such bonds, stocks or other securities of such foreign country: Provided, The same shall not be received for more than par value, nor shall they in any case be valued at more than their current market value. (3056) $ 32. All insurance companies issuing policies in this Territory shall be required to pay in case of total loss the full amount, and in case of partial loss shall be required to pay the amount of loss so sustained, for which the property is insured; Provided, however, That no policy shall be issued which shall contain a sum greater than seventy-five per cent of the value of the property so insured. (3057) $ 33. All insurance policies issued in this Territory under this act, must be accompanied by a copy of the application for insurance upon which the policy was issued, and such copy shall be evidence in favor of the assured of the matter in his applica- tion contained. * This act shall take effect from and after the adjournment of this session of the Legislative Assembly. - ARTICLE 2.-FIRE INSURANCE. §IECTION. | | SECTION. 1. Alteration of use; increasing risk. t 8. Act of insured not increasing risk. 2. Same; dot increasing risk. | 4. Measure of indemnity. (3058) $ 1. An alteration in the use or condition of a thing insured, from that to which it is limited by the policy, made without the consent of the insurer, by means within the control of the insured, and increasing the risk entitles the insurer to rescind a contract of fire insurance. | (3059) $ 2. An alteration in the use or condition of a thing in- sured, from that to which it is limited by the policy, which does not increase the risk, does not affect a contract of fire insurance. (3060) $ 3. A contract of fire insurance is not affected by any act of the insured subsequent to the execution of the policy, which does not violate its provisions, even though it increases the risk, and is the cause of a loss. (3061) $ 4. If there is no violation in the policy, the measure or indemnity in an insurance against fire is the full amount stated in the policy; but the effect of a valuation in a policy of fire insurance is the same as in policy of marine insurance. * * I. L.—3 684 *: INSURANCE. -- Chap, 44. ARTICLE 3–LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE. AN ACT to organize and regulate the business of life insurance. [Took effect December 25, 1890.] SECTION. SECTION. 1. Capital guaranteed; investment of. I6. Territorial Treasurer to receive de- 2. Examination by commissioner; fee. posts; income. 3. Section one applies to foreign com- I7. Valuing policies in special cases. panies. 18. Life companies; not to insure what. 4. Who to choose directors in mutual I9. Rights of married women; may in- companies. sure life of husband. 5. Annual statement. 2O. Conditional relations between state 6. The form for life insurance com- laws. panies. 21. Foreign companies; deposit copy of § Foreign companies; statement of. charter, etc. . Companies without the United 22. To exhibit name or style of com- States; statement. pany, etc. 9. Neglect to make returns; penalty. 23. Who are agents of foreign com- Io. Stop issuing policies, when. panies. II. Investment of funds. 24. Penalty. 12. Investment in other states. 25. Commissioner’s fees. 13. Inquiries by commissioner; revoke 26. Publishing biennial statements. | certificate. 27. Insurance upon life, when payable. 14. Dividends by mutual companies. 28. Insurable interest in life and health. 15. Foreign companies; agent; service 29. Assignee of policy of life insurance. of process. 30. Notice of the transfer. 31. Measure of indemnity. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma: capital guar (3062) $ 1. That before any life insurance company goes into 2.Ét.” operation, under the laws of this Territory, a guaranty capital of at least one hundred thousand dollars, shall be paid in money, and invested in the bonds of the United States, or of this Territory, or of any county, or city or town of this Territory, estimated at their market value, or in such other stocks and securities as may be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance, or in mortgages, being first liens on real estate in this Territory, the said real estate \. being worth at least twice the amount of the money loaned thereon, with abstract showing a good and sufficient title; and the cer- tificate of two reputable land holders, under oath, certifying to the value of said property. Examination (3063) $ 2. No policy shall be issued until a certificate from 5...*.* the Commissioner has been obtained, authorizing such company to issue policies. The said Commissioner shall examine the capi- tal, and the majority of the directors shall make oath that the money has been paid in by the stockholders towards payment of their respective shares, and not for any other purpose, and that it is intended that the same shall remain as the capital of the com- pany, to be invested as required by the laws of this Territory. Every insurance company incorporated in this Territory, shall pay to said Commissioner, for the examination required by this section, the sum of fifty dollars. section ºne (3064) $ 3. It shall not be lawful for any person to act, within :*::::: this Territory, as agent or otherwise, in receiving or procuring Panies. applications for life insurance, or in any manner to aid in transact- ing the business of life insurance, referred to in the first section _--~ of this act, for any company or association incorporated by or or- 13 INSURANCE. 685 * ganized under the laws of any other territorial or state govern- Chap: 44. ment, unless such company has cenformed in this Territory, to the same requirements in regard to capital, that are imposed by section one of this act, upon companies in this Territory, or in lieu there- of, has actual assets to the amount of at least one hundred thou- sand dollars, invested in the same manner as is prescribed in re- gard to capital in section one of this act. (3065) $ 4. The subscribers, or holders of guarantee stock in who to choos. a life insurance company, organized on the mutual or stock and jº." mutual plan, shall choose the first board of directors, and at all panies. subsequent elections they shall choose one-half of the directors, and the holders of mutual policies the other half, until the redem- tion of the guaranty stock, when the holders of mutual policies shall elect all the directors. (3066) $ 5. Every life insurance company incorporated in this annual state Territory, or doing business in this Territory, shall, on or before meat. the first day of of March in each year, transmit to the Commis- sioner of Insurance, and file in his office a statement of its business standing and affairs, in the form prescribed or authorized by law, and adapted to the business done by such company, signed and *** sworn to by the president or vice-president and secretary, and made out for the year ending on the preceding thirty-first day of December. (3067) $ 6. The form for life insurance companies shall be as . The form for follows: First. Name of the company. Second. When chartered. ...” Third. For what purpose. Fourth. Where located. Fifth. State in full the assets of the company. Sixth. Number of shares owned in any bank; state par value, cost and market value per share. Seventh. Number of shares owned in any railroad, stating the corporate name of each and the amount invested in -- each at cost, on its books; state the par value, and the market value of each share. Eight/t. Amount owned in railroad bonds; state par value, cost and market value per share. Ninth. Amount invested in real estate, at cost on the books of the company. Tenth. Amount loaned on mortgages of real estate, and esti- mated value of said real estate. Eleventh. Amount loaned on notes secured by collaterals of personal property. Twelfth. Amount loaned on notes without collaterals. Thirteenth. State in full all other investments. Fourteenth. How much included in the forgoing statement of assets consists of premium notes on policies not returned as now in force. Fift- teenth. Number, date, kind and amount of each outstanding policy, and age of the insured, excepting such policies as are subject to a valuation by the proper officer in some other state, which shall be - shown by certificate from the insurance department of such state. Sixteenth. Number and amount of each class or kind of policies which have within the year ceased to be in force; how terminated; what has been paid to the legal holders of policies. Seventeenth. Amount of losses ascertained and unpaid. Eighteenth. Amount of losses claimer against the company, whether acknowledged as due or not, by the company. Nineteenth. Amount due from the compañy on its declared, promised or acknowledged indebtedness,” º 686 INSURANCE. or other claims, including dividends, bonuses on distribution of -sur- plus, or as profits. Twentieth. Amount received for premiums the past year. Twenty-first. Amount received for premiums in cash. Twenty-second. Amount received for premiums in promissory notes or securities. Twenty-third. Amount received for interest the past year. Twenty-fourth. Amount paid for interest the past year: Twenty-fifth. Amount of guaranty funds, and state particularly whether the same are in cash or subscription notes. Twenty- siath. How are dividends, distributions of surplus funds, bonuses or estimated profits paid, whether in cash, scrip or otherwise on credit, and whether on demand; or, if on credit, for what length of time, and whether payable at a specific time or indefinitely, at the discretion of the company. Twenty-seventh. Amount paid for the expenses, taxes and commission the past year classified. (3068) $ 7. All life insurance companies, chartered or organ- ized in any other state of the United States, or beyond the limits of the United States, and doing business in this Territory, shall make an annual statement of their condition and affairs to the Commissioner of the Insurance department in the same manner and in the same form as similar companies organized under the laws of this Territory. The Commissioner shall have authority to extend the time of filing such statement, for reasons which he shall deem good and sufficient, whether the company is organized in this Territory or elsewhere. (3069) $ 8. Life insurance companies, chartered beyond the limits of the United States, and doing business in this Territory, shall make a return of their standing on the thirty-first day of December in each year, agreeable to the form required by this act of other companies doing a similar business in this Territory, said return to be made to the Commissioner on or before the first day of April, annually, and verified and sworn to before some consul or vice-consul of the United States, by two or more of the princi- pal officers of such insurance company. (3070) $ 9. Any company doing business in this Territory, neglecting to make returns in the manner and within the time hereinbefore authorized and prescribed, shall forfeit one hundred dollars for each day's neglect; and every company that wilfully makes false statements, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars. Any new bus- iness done by any company or its agents in this Territory, after neglect to make the prescribed returns, shall be deemed to be done in violation of law. (307I) $ 10. When the actual funds of any life insurance company doing business in this Territory, are not of net value equal to the net value of its policies, according to the “combined experience” or “actuary's" rate of mortality, with interest at four per centum per annum, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to give notice to such company and its agents to discontinue issuing new policies within this Territory, until such time as its funds have become equal to its liabilities, valuing its policies as afore- said. Any officer or agent who, after such notice has been given, issues or delivers a new policy, from and on behalf of such com- INSURANCE. - •.2° { pany, before its funds have become equal to its liabilities as afore- said shall forfeit, for each offense, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. (3072) $ 11. It shall be lawful for any company, organized in this Territory, to invest its funds or accumulations in the bonds of the United States, or of this Territory, or any county, city, or town in this Territory, or in any National bank, or in such other stocks- and securities as may be approved by the Commissioner, or in mort- gages (being first liens) on real estate being worth at least twice the amount of money loaned thereon. (3073) $ 12. When any life insurance company, organized under the laws of this Territory, shall transact business in any other state, it may invest its surplus funds in such state in like security and under the same restrictions as in this Territory. (3074) $ 13. The Commissioner is hereby authorized and em- powered to address any inquiries to any life insurance company, or to the secretary thereof, in relation to its doings or conditions, or any other matter connected with its transactions; and it shall be the duty of any such company so addressed to reply promptly, in writing, to any such inquiries; and all such companies not in- corporated under the laws of this Territory, failing to answer all such inquiries, shall not be authorized to transact any business in this Territory, and their certificates of authority may be revoked and cancelled. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to make or cause to be made an examination of the condition and affairs of any life insurance company doing business in this Territory, whenever he shall deem it expedient to do so; and, also, when- ever he shall have good reason to suspect the correctness of any annual statement, or that the affairs of any company making such statements are in an unsound condition. (3075) $ 14. Life insurance companies, doing business in this Territory, which do business upon the principle of mutual insur- ance, or the members of which are entitled to share in the surplus funds thereof, may make distributions of such surplus as may have accumulated, annually, or once in two, three, four, or five years, as the directors thereof may from time to time determine. In de- termining the amount of the surplus to be distributed, there shall be reserved an amount not less than the aggregate net value of all outstanding policies, said value being computed by the com- bined experience or actuary rate of mortality, with interest not ex- ceeding four per cent. (3076) $ 15. Every life insurance company, not organized in this Territory, before doing business in this Territory shall in -writing, appoint an attorney, resident in this Territory, upon whom all lawful processes against the company may be served, with like effect, as if the company existed in this Territory, and said writing, of power of attorney, shall stipulate and agree, on the part of the company making the same, that any lawful process against said company which is served on said attorney, shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served on said company. A copy of the writing, duly certified and autheriticated, shall be filed in the office of the Commissioner, and copies served by him shall insukANCÉ. be sufficient evidence. This agency shall be continued while any liability remains outstanding against the company in this Terri- tory, and the power shall not be revoked until the same power is given to another, and a like copy filed as aforesaid. Service upon said attorney shall be deemed sufficient service upon the company. (3077) $ 16. The Treasurer of the Territory, in his official capacity, shall take and hold on deposit the securities of any life insurance company incorporated under the laws of this Territory, which are deposited by any such company for the purpose of securing policy holders, and complying with the laws of any state, ſh order to enable such company to transact business in such state. The company depositing such securities shall have the right to receive the income thereof, and at any time to exchange the same, according to the laws of the state in which they may be do- ing business. (3078) $ 17. If any life insurance company, organized in this Territory, or in any other state of the United States, or in any foreign country, whose policies are not valued by the insurance department or proper officers of any other state, shall transact business in this Territory; it shall be the duty of the commis- sioner to calculate the existing value of all outstanding policies of such company; and every such company shall pay, annually, to the Commissioner of Insurance of this Territory, by way of com- pensation for the valuation of its policies, three cents on every one thousand dollars insured by it on lives. (3979) $ 18. No life insurance company organized under the laws of this Territory, shall issue policies insuring fire or marine or accident or live stock risks, nor do any banking business. (3980) $ 19. It shall be lawful for any married woman, by herself, and in her own name, or in the name of any third person, with his assent as her trustee, to cause to be insured, for her sole use, the life of her husband, for any definite period or for the term of his natural life and in case of her surviving such period or term the sum or net amount of the insurance becoming due and payable by the terms of the insurance, shall be payable to her, to and for her own use, free from the claims of the representatives of her husband or of any of his creditors: Provided, however, That if the prem- ium of such policy is paid by any person with intent to defraud his creditors, an amount equal to the premium so paid, with in- terest thereon, shall inure to the benefit of said creditors, subject however, to the statute of limitations. The amount of the insur- ance may be made payable, in case of the death of the wife, before the period at which it becomes due, to his, or their children, for their use, as shall be provided in the policy of the insurance, and , their guardian if under age, and shall be exempt from execution. (308 I ) $ 20. Whenever the existing or future laws of any other state of the United States shall require of life insurance com- panies, incorporated by or organized under the laws of this Territory, and having agencies in such other state, or of the agents thereof, any deposits of securitias in such state for the protection of policy holders or otherwise, or any payment for taxes, fines, penalties, certificates of authority, license fees of INSURANCE. ' otherwise, greater than the amount required for such purposes from similar companies of other states by the then existing laws of this Territory, then and in every such case, all life insurance companies of such states, establishing or having heretofore established an agency or agencies in this Territory, shall be and are hereby required to make the same deposit for a like purpose, with the Territorial Treasurer of this Territory, and to pay to the Commissioner, for taxes, fines, penalties, certificates of authority, license fees or any other obligations, an amount equal to the amount of such charges and payment imposed by the laws of such other state upon the companies of this Territory and the agents thereof. (3082) $ 21. Every life insurance company, not organized under the laws of this Territory. shall before doing business in this Territory, deposit with the Commissioner a copy of the char- ter of the company, and a statement signed and sworn to by the president or vice-president and secretary, in the form prescribed or authorized for the annual statement adapted to the business done by such company. (3O83) $ 22. Every person acting for a life insurance com- pany not incorporated in this Territory, shall exhibit in conspic- uous letters, on the sign designating his place of business, the name of the state under whose authority the company he repre- sents has been incorporated; and said company and agents, shall also, have printed in large type the name of said state upon all policies issued to citizens of this Territory, and on all placards, pamphlets and circulars published, issued or circulated in this Territory, by them or him, relating to the business of said com- pany. (3O84) $ 23. Whoever solicits insurance on behalf of any life insurance company, not charted by, and not established within this Territory, or transmits, for any person other than himself, an application for life insurance; or a policy of life insurance, to or from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit the same, shall be held to be an agent of such company to all in- tents and purposes, and subject to all the duties, requisitions, lia- bilities and penalties set forth in the laws of this Territory, re- lating to life insurance companies not incorporated by the legis- lature thereof. (3085) $ 24. Any agent making insurance in violation of any law of this Territory regulating life insurance companies, shall forfeit for each offense, a sum not exceeding five hundred dol- lars. (3O86) $ 25. For filing the annual statement required in the office of the Commissioner, if incorporated in this Territory, the said Commissioner shall be paid ten dollars; foreign corporations the sum of fifty dollars; for each agent's certificate of authority two dollars, for every copy of a paper filed in the commissioner's office, twenty cents per folio; and for affixing the seal of said office to such copy and certifying the same, one dollar; and for examining the affairs of any company, when deemed necessary, the expe: es incurred therein, shall be paid to the said Commis- 639 Chap. 44. Foreign com- panies, depos- it of charter, etc. To exh i b 11 name or style of comp a n v etc. Wh o a r a agents for for- eign compan- 168, Penalty. Commission- ers’ fees. 640 INSURANCE. sioner by the company: Provided, That forty per cent of all the fees collected by the Commissioner of insurance under the provi- sions of this act, shall be credited to said Commissioner, and the remaining sixty per cent be paid into the treasury of the Terri- tory. (3O87) $ 26. The Commissioner shall, biennially, prepare and print in a single document the information contained in the state- ments made under this act, and shall communicate the same to the general assembly. He shall also cause the biennial, statements required to be filed by this act to be published not less than one week in two daily newspapers of general circulation, published in this Territory. (3O88) $ 27. An insurance upon life may be made payable on the death of the person, or on his surviving a specified period, or periodically so long as he shall live, or otherwise contingently on the continuance or determination of life. (3O89) $ 28. Every person has an insurable interest in the life and health: First. Of himself. Second. Of any person on whom he depends wholly or in part for education or support. ** Third. Of any person under a legal obligation to him for the payment of money, or respecting property or services, of which death or illness might delay or prevent the performance; and, Fourth. Of any person upon whose life any estate or interest, vested in him, depends. (3090) $ 29. A policy of insurance upon life or health may pass by transfer, will, or succession, to any person, whether he has an insurable-interest or not, and such person may recover upon it whatever the insured might have recovered. (3091) $ 30. Notice to an insurer of a transfer or bequest thereof is not necessary to preserve the validity of a policy of in- surance upon life or health, unless thereby expressly required. (3092) $ 31. Unless the interest of a person insured is sus- ceptible of exact pecuniary measurements the measure of indemnity under a policy of insurance upon life or health is the sum fixed in the policy. • * 178 insukANCE. [Ch. 17 Directors, Members. Who are. Vacancies in office. Officers, who elig ible. Meetings of board. President's uties. SECTION 9. Election of directors shall be held an: nually at the principal office of the company. Each member of the association shall have one vote at any election of the association, for not less than five (5) nor more than thirteen (13) directors, and the majority or plurality of the votes cast shall determine the election of any person. Votes shall be cast by the members present and by proxy. Said board of directors shall elect a president, secretary and treasurer, who shall hold office for a period of two years, or until removed by the board. --- SECTION 10. Any person taking a policy of insurance upon grain, stock or farm buildings and paying a premium of one ($1.00) dollar or more shall be deemed a member of the association for the purpose of such elec. tion for the time that his policy is to run. SECTION 11. In case of a vacancy by death or other- wise in the office of the president, secretary or treasurer, the board of directors are authorized to fill such vacancy, and no person shall be permitted to serve in either office who at the time is not a policy holder. SECTION 12. No person shall be eligible to election to of. fice in the association unless he is a farmer by occupation. SECTION 13. The board of directors shall be subject to the call of the president. In the absence or neglect of the president, the majority of the board may call a meet- ing at the principal office of the association at such time or times as the by-laws may prescribe, but the board shall in no event meet less frequently than twice a year, of which times one shall be in the Spring and one shall be in the Fall of each year. At the Spring meeting a full and complete report of the condition of the association shall be made. SECTION 14. The president shall preside at all meet- ings of the directors, and perform such other duties as the by-laws may require, and he shall receive as full com- pensation a salary not to exceed four hundred dollars per annum. In the absence of the president the directors may elect a temporary president. .** : Ca. 17] INSURANCE. 179 • SECTION 15. The board of directors, with the presi- ;lºt”. dent, shall appoint a board of appraisers, to assess damages to property insured, at such time or times as the board may see fit, with the power to change the per- sons composing the board at such time or times as the directors may see fit. Iº SECTION 16. The secretary shall keep correct minutes Secretary, of the proceedings of the board of directors and keep the" records of the association. He shall issue all notices, keep an impression copy of all letters sent, keep in proper letter books all fetters received, receive all moneys and funds belonging to the association, keep a record of such moneys and funds and turn them over in the condition they were received by him to the treasurer of the associa- tion, taking the treasurer’s receipt therefor upon his books of account; the record of such funds shall be kept in a book having stubs and the secretary's payment to the treasurer shall be upon warrants numbered in reg- ular order, the stubs having corresponding numbers to the warrants, and the secretary shall take from the treas- urer receipts-numbered with the identical numbers of the warrants. The stub of the secretary’s book shall show the date and amount and the source from which, and the pur- pose for which the money or other property was paid in. The secretary shall have charge of the clerical business of the association, subject to the direction of the board of directors, and he shall receive as full compensation a salary not to exceed nine hundred dollars per annum. SECTION 17. The treasurer shall receive from the sec- 3. retary and have custody of all moneys and funds arising from the assessments levied and such other moneys, funds and assets as may, from time to time, be received by the association, for its use or benefit. He sht ll keep an ex- act account of all moneys, funds and property, and all moreys paid out by the association shall be paid out by the treasurer, upon warrants in the form of checks, stat- ing fully to whom they are paid and the purpose and the claims upon which paid; each warrant shall be signed by the secretary and countersigned by the president of aso INSURANCE. *. [CH. 17 * Bond of officers. Removal of officers. Rebate. the association. The treasurer shall take receipts for all such sums paid by him and keep and file all receipts. The warrants shall be numbered, and the accounts or claims in payment for which they are given shall also be numberel with the corresponding number of the war- rant by which they are paid. The secretary shall keep stubs of all warrants issued by him showing the date, payee, amount, for what paid, and the number of the war. rant. The treasurer shall make semi-annual statements at the regular semi-annual meetings of the association showing in detail the amount received and disbursed by him since the last report, giving for each the name, date and purpose of the receipt or disbursement and the num- ber of the warrant or claim upon which the money or property was received or disbursed. The directors shall allow him reasonable compensation for his services. SECTION 18. The secretary and treasurer shall each give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars, payable to the board of directors of the association and with sureties worth at least double the amount of the bond, to the satis- faction of the board. SECTION 19. Any officer of the association may be re. moved for incompetency, neglect or refusal to attend to business, or for conduct unbecoming an officer, by a two- thirds majority of the board of directors, or by a majori- ty of the stockholders at one of the regular meetings of such board or of such stockholders, or at a special meeting of such board or such members, called for that purpose. 1 ſ > SECTION 20. In case at any annual meeting it shall appear that the association has in its treasury the sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars or more accumulated from the risk on grain over and above the funds reason- ably necessary to carry on the business of the company and pay its losses for that year, such sum shall be paid out * as a rebate pro rata to the persons who had paid in: sº. -CH. 17] - INSURANCE). Y8) surance upon growing grain during that year; no rebate of less than twenty-five cents (0.25) shall be paid. SECTION 21. The association may sue and be sued in Resident its corporate name. It shall be the duty of the associa- agent. tion to appoint, in writing, an agent in each county a resident therein, on whom service of summons may be had, and shall file said written appointment in the Office of the county clerk, and in case said appointment is not so made, then the association will be liable, in addition to the loss incurred, [for] all damages the plaintiff may sustain by reason of going to the county where the said officers reside, including an attorney fee of not less than one hundred dollars. SECTION 22. In case of suit on any policy or obliga-Members' il- tion of the association no member of the association shan” be liable for any amount other than his premium on his policy. Any judgment upon any policy or claim against the association shall be paid in the same manner and to the same extent as other claims. In case the losses and claims exceed the maximum premium, less the nec- essary expenses for the year, the amount collected, less the necessary expenses shall be paid pro rata upon such claims and losses and the association shall be released from any further liability thereon. SECTION 23. The officers of any company organized Annual re- under this Act, shall annually, before the first day of port. February of each year, make to the Commissioner of In- surance, a full report of the financial condition of the company of which they are officers, showing the financial condition of the 31st day of December of the previous year, and also a report of all the business transacted by said company during the previous year, with a detailed report of its receipts and expenditures, and in compli- anae with Section 21, of Chapter 44, of the Statutes of Oklahoma. SECTION 24. The grant of corporate power in this Act Limitation, contained is subject to alteration, suspension or repeal in the discretion of the Legislative Assembly. • ,’ 182 INSURANCE. r- [CH. 17. Repeal. Return of money. SECTION 25. All Acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. - Section 26. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Approved February 27, 1899. * * ARTICLE 2.-INSURANCE of ScHool. PROPERTy, SECTION. “SECTION. 1. Repeal. 2. Return of money. AN-ACT to repeal Chapter 17, Session Laws, 1897, being an act to rovide for the insurance of school houses and the Ériº: ., and xtures thereof. sº Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma: SECTION 1. That Chapter 17, Session Laws 1897, en- titled “An Act to provide for the insurance of school houses, and the furniture and fixtures thereof,” be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, immediately upon the passage and approval of this Act to return to the county treasurers of the several counties, all moneys col- lected under the provisions of Chapter 17, Laws of 1897, from the various counties, less the proportionate amount paid out for losses as required thereunder, to be by the w said county treasurers distributed ratably among the sev- eral school districts entitled thereto, and the said Super- intendent is hereby authorized to draw his warra against the funds so collected and in the hands of the Treasurer of the Territory for the purpose of carrying this Act into effect. SECTION 3. This Act shall take efiect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 2nd, 1899. CH. 16] INSURANCE. 119 * CHAPTER XVI. INSURANOE. ARTICLE. ARTICLE. 1. Fraternal Insurance Associa- 2. Relating to Mutual Insurance tions. Companies. ARTICLE 1.-FRATERNAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS. SECTION. SECTION. 1. Fraternal Beneficiary Associ- 10. Associations, When Shall Be ations Defined; Manner of Deemed Incorporated; Pow- Conducting. ers of. Associations Heretofore, Exist- 11. Soliciting Agents Prohibited, ing Must Comply With This Except When. Ct. 12. Member Cannot Contract With 8. Associations Organized in Beneficiary, When. Other States Must Comply 13. Benefits Exempt From Legal With Provisions of This Act; Process. Superintendent of Insurance, 14. Fºilº Associations Admit- Duties of. ted, When; Mortality Table. 4. Annual Report to Superin- 15. Legislative Body of Associa- tendent of Insurance; License tion, May Meet Where; Pro- Issued, When, Fees for; Re- cedure; Fraudulent Applica- port, Publication of; Superin- tion for Membership, Misde— tendent of Insurance May meanor; Penalty. Make Inquiries. 16. Fraudulent Statement, Death 5. Foreign Associations to Ap- or Disability Certificate; Per- point Superintendent of In- Jury: .. surance, on Whom Process to 17. Association Refusing to Make to Be Served; Resident As— Report, Duty of Superin- sociations, Process, How tendent of Insurance; Officer Served. disobeying Injunction, Mis- 6. Permit, When and How Issued. demeanor; Penalty., . 7. Examination by Superintend- 18. Agent Violatin This Act, º ent of Insurance, When isdemeanor; Penalty, Made. 19. Enforcing Obligations Im- Organization of Association. posed by Other States. ow Made. 20. This Act to Apply Only to Fra- Present Associations May Re- ternal Beneficiary Associ- incorporate Under This Act. ations. AN ACT for the Regulation and Incorporation of Fraternal Beneficiary As- sociations, Societies or Orders, and Repealing All Acts and Parts of Acts in Conflict There with. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma: tº Ç ſe ic, Fraternal SECTION 1. A fraternal beneficiary association is #jāºry Associations hereby declared to be a corporation, Society or Volun- fº tary association, formed or organized and carried on *s. for the sole benefit of its members and their benefi- ciaries, and not for profit. Each association shall have a lodge system, with ritualistic form of Work and representative form of government, and shall make provision for the payment of benefits in case of death, and may make provision for the payment of benefits in case of sickness, temporary or permanent 120 INSURANCE). * [Ch. 16 Sphysical disability, either as a result of disease, ac- cident or old age, provided the period of life at which the payment of physical disability benefits on ac- count of old age commenced shall not be under seventy (70) years. All subject to the compliance of its members with its constitution and by-laws. The fund from which the expenses of such an association shall be defrayed, shall be derived from assessments or dues collected from its members. Payment of death benefits shall be to the families, heirs, blood relatives, affianced husband or affianced wife of, or to persons dependent upon the member. Such as- sociations shall be governed by this Act and shall be exempt from the provisions of the insurance laws of this Territory, except as provided in this Act, and no law hereafter passed shall apply to them unless they be expressly designated therein. Any such fra- ternal beneficiary association may create, maintain, djsburse and apply a reserve or emergency fund in ac. cordance with its constitution or by-laws. The terrºn “fraternal beneficiary association” wherever used in this Act, or in any other law of this Territory here- after enacted, shall be construed to mean any associa- tion such as is defined in this section. Associºlons SECTION 2. All such associations coming within Heretofore #. § the description as set forth in Section One (1) of this Comply With *** Act, organized under the laws of this Territory, or the laws of any other State, Province or Territory, and now doing business within this Territory, may continue such business provided they hereafter com- ply with the provisions of this Act regulating annual reports to the Superintendent of Insurance and the designation of the Superintendent of Insurance as the person upon whom process may be served as here- inafter provided. Aºns SECTION 3. Any such fraternal beneficiary associa- Organized Šiºus tion, within the meaning and description as set forth Ch. 16] insurancE. .* 121 in Section One (1) of this Act, organized under the ɺ ~e? © gº T S ct; laws of any other State, Territory or Province, and jina. ©10t O not now doing business within this Territory when Hºe. it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Superin- tendent of Insurance of this Territory that its charter or articles of association, and its by-laws provide for the conduct of its business in accordance with the pro- * visions of this Act; that it has at the time it applies for admission to do business within this Territory a sufficient number of members so that One assess- **, ment upon such members, the amount of which as- - sessment or other stated paymentshall not exceed the amount previously provided by the laws of the order, shall be sufficient to pay in full the largest death loss the association might be called upon, under its laws, to pay, and that it has paid in full all just bene- fit claims of whatever nature incurred by it within the two years last past. Provided, That before any such fraternal beneficiary association shall be au- thorized to do business in this Territory it shall file with the Superintendent of Insurance thereof a duly certified copy of its constitution or by-laws, or both, if it has both, certified to under oath by its secretary or similar officer and its chief executive officer, to- gether with the appointment of the Superintendent of Insurance of this Territory as a person upon whom all legal process may be served as hereinafter pro- Vided; and it must also be shown that the said asso- ciation is duly authorized to do business in the State, Territory or Province in which it is incorporated or organized, in case the laws of such State, Territory or Province provide for such authorization; but in case the laws of such State, Territory or Province do not provide for any such formal authorization for such association to do business, then such association shall be shown to be conducting its business in accordance with the provisions of this Act; and to satisfy himself *. 122 INSURANCE). [Ch. 16 Annual Re- port to Su- perintendent of Insurance; License I s- sued, When, Fees for: Report, Publi- cation of; Su- perintendent of Insurance May Make Inquiries. that such is the fact, the Superintendent of Insurance of this Territory may personally, or by some person designated by him, examine into the condition, af- fairs, character and business methods, accounts, books and investments of such association at its home office, which examination shall be at the expense of such association; but such expense shall not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per diem in addition to the reason- able traveling expenses of the person making such ex- amination; Provided, That the Superintendent of In- surance may accept the examination made by the in- surance department of the State, Territory, or Prov- ince in which the home office of said association is located, in his sound discretion. Every condition of this section shall be considered a condition precedent for such an association doing business in this Terri- tory. SECTION 4. Every such association doing business within this Territory shall, on or before the first day of February of each year, make and file with the Sup- erintendent of Insurance of this Territory a report and statement of its affairs, business and operations, during the year ending on the 31st day of December immediately preceding, together with a certified copy of its laws, rules and regulations; Provided, That no such association organized under the laws of this Ter- ritory prior to the passage of this Act shall be required to make such report until it is two years old. If such association is found, upon examination of its report and laws, to be doing business in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Superintendent of Insur. ance shall issue it a license to do business within this Territory for one year, for which license he shall charge and receive the sum of five dollars ($5.00). Such annual reports, which shall be in lieu of all other reports required by the Superintendent of In- surance, shall be made on blank forms furnished by CH. 16] ex INSURANCE. said Superintendent of Insurance, or may be in pam- phlet form, and shall be verified under oath by the duly authorized officers of such association. The substance of this report shall be published in the an- nual report of the Territorial Superintendent of In- surance, in a part to be entitled “Fraternal Bene- ficiary Associations,” and shall contain answers to the following questions, and any other information the Superintendent of Insurance may require: First: Number of certificates issued during the year or number of members admitted. Second: Amount of indemnity effected thereby. Third: Number of losses or benefit liabilities in- curred. * Fourth: Number of losses or benefit liabilities paid. Fifth: The amount received from each assessment during the year. Sixth: Total amount paid members, beneficiaries, legal representatives or heirs. Seventh: Number and kind of claims for which assessments have been made. * * from such county and re-attachment to another the taxes were levied the same as if the detachment Eighth: Number and kind of claims compromised or resisted, and a brief statement of reasons there. for. Ninth: Does the association charge annual or Other periodical dues or admission fees? Tenth: How much on each One Thousand Dollars annually or per capita, as the case may be? Eleventh: Total amount received, from what Source, and the disposition thereof. Twelfth: Total amount of salaries paid to officers. Thirteenth: Does the association guarantee, in its certificates, fixed amounts to be paid, regardless of the amounts realized from assessments, dues, admis- sion fees and donations? 123 124 --- INSURANCE. *& [ CH. 16 *~. Fourteenth: If so, state amount guaranteed, and the security for such guaranty. Fifteenth: Has the association a reserve fund? Sixteenth: If so, how is it created, what is its pur- pose, its amount, and how is it invested? Seventeenth: Has the association more than one class? Eighteenth: If so, how many and the alli, unt of the indemnity in each? Nineteenth: Number of members in each class? Twentieth: If it is a voluntary association, so state and give date of its organization. Twenty-first: If organized under the laws of this Territory under what law and at what time, giving year and date of the approval of the Act. Twenty-second: If organized under the laws of any other State, Territory or Province, state such fact and the date of organization, with cºmplete reference and designation of the law or laws under which organized. Twenty-third: Number of certificates C f bene- ficiary membership lapsed during the year. Twenty-fourth: Number in force at the beginning and end of the year; if more than one class, the num- ber in each class. Twenty-fifth: Names and address of its president, secretary and treasurer, or of its corresponding of- ficers. The Superintendent of Insurance is authorized and empowered to address any additional inquiries toº any such association in relation to its business or condition, or any other matter c innected with its transactions relative to the business contemplated by this Act, and such officers of Suen associations as the Superintendent of Insurance unay require shall promptly reply in writing, unler oath, to all such inquiries. - Ch. 16] Insurance. 125 * *~, º e © º F i gº. SECTION 5. Every such association now doing or ºne º e e © © t A t hereafter admitted to do business within this Ter- ;: €nt O InSUlf- ritory, and not having its principal office within this ºn Territory, and not being organized under the laws of §:** this Territory, shall appoint in writing the superin-jºº. tendent of Insurance and his successors in office to Served. be its true and lawful attorney, upon whom all legal process in any action or proceeding against it must be served, and in such writing shall agree that any lawful process against it which is served on said Sup- erintendent of Insurance shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served upon said association, and that the authority shall remain in force so long as any liability against said association shall remain outstanding within this Territory. Copies of such certificate, certified by said Superintendent of In- surance, shall be deemed sufficient evidence thereof, ... and shall be admitted in evidence with the same force and effect as the original thereof might be admitted. Service upon said Superintendent of Insurance simall be deemed sufficient service upon such association; Provided, That such process shall not be returnable until thirty days after such service. When legal pro- cess against any such association is served upon the Superintendent of Insurance, he shall immediately notify the association of such service by registered letter, prepaid and directed to its secretary or its cor- responding officer, and shall within two days after such service forward in the same manner a copy ºf the process served upon him to such officer. 'The plaintiff in the action upon which such process was issued shall pay to the Superintendent of Insurance at the time of such service a fee of three dollars ($3.00), which shall be recovered by said plaintiff as a part of his taxable costs, if he prevail in his said action. The Superintendent of Insurance shall keep a record of all processes served upon him, which 126 Insurance. - [Ch. 16 Permit, When and How Issued. Examination by Superin- tendent of * Insurance, When Made. record shall show the day and hour when such service was made, and when the notice hereinbefore provided for was given to the officers of such association. In all suits in this Territory against any such associa- tion organized under the laws of this Territory, and having its principal officer in this Territory, ſervice shall be had upon the chief executive officer or the secretary, or corresponding officer of such associa- tion. SECTION 6. The Superintendent of Insurance, upon “the application of any fraternal beneficiary associa- tion having the right to do business in this Territory, as provided for in this Act, shall issue,to such assoeia- tion a permit in writing authorizing such association to do business within this Territory for one year from the date thereof, for which permit or certificate and all proceedings in connection therewith such associa- tion shall pay to the said Superintendent of Insurance" a fee of five dollars ($5.00). SECTION 7. The Superintendent of Insurance, at the request of any such fraternal beneficiary associa- tion doing business under the provisions of this Act in this Territory, shall make an examination of the books and accounts of such association, and shall furnish a certificate of the results of such examina- tion, showing all such association’s assets and how invested, the condition of its business, its methods and such other particulars as may be deemed neces- sary to show the character and condition of the finan- cial affairs of such association; and such association shall at all times be subject to such examination without any request being made by them. 'The neces- sary expense of the examination shall be paid by said association, but it shall not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per day and the necessary traveling expenses of the person making the examination. Ch. 16] INSURANch. * - 127 SECTION 8. Any number of persons, being citizens ºftº of the United States, not less than seven, five of whom **** shall also be citizens and residents of the Territory of Oklahoma, hereafter desiring to form a fraternal beneficiary association, may associate themselves to. gether and effect such organization in the manner provided in this section, and not otherwise. Articles of association shall be prepared in triplicate in the manner hereinafter provided, and submitted to the Superintendent of Insurance for his approval; and they shall not be approved by said Superintendent of Insurance if it shall appear that the name selected is the same or so near the same as that of any other association or corporation then doing business within this Territory as to cause confusion in the minds of the people, or to interfere with the rights of such ex- isting association or corporation, or that the objects of the association are not in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act, or of any other law or laws of this Territory applicable to such associations or that the said articles of association do not conform to the provisions of this Act in every particular; but in case none of these objections are found to exist, the said Superintendent of Insurance shall indorse on the back of each copy of said articles of association the fact that he has approved them, together with the date of such action, all of which shall be signed by him with his official title; Provided, however, That before the said Superintendent shall approve any such articles of association it shall be shown to him by the sworn statement of one or more of the pro- posed incorporators that at least three hundred per- sons have signed, in good faith, applications for bene- ficiary membership in such proposed association, and paid to the proper one of such proposed incorporators the amount of one death or mortuary collection, by whatever name it may be called, and that such money 123 INSURANCE). [Ch. 16 is deposited with some bank or trust company, and is held for the special purpose named. For this exam- ination and approval of the articles of association herein mentioned, the Superintendent of Insurance shall charge and receive a fee of five dollars ($5.00). One copy of such articles of association, approved as hereinbefore provided, shall be filed with the Sec- retary of this Territory, whereupon the said Secretary shall issue his certificate of incorporation, and perma- nently attach the same by the seal of the Territory to another copy of the said articles of association, ap proved as hereinbefore provided, which copy shall be delivered to the incorporators of such association. The third approved copy of such articles of incorpora- tion shall be filed with the Superintendent ºf Insur- ance. The articles of association hereinbefore 1men- tioned shall be substantially in the following form: First: The preamble shall name the incorporators and give the residence of each and the fact of their citizenship as herein required, and express their de- sire to incorporate a fraternal beneficiary association in accordance with and under the provisions of this * Act, (designating this Act so as to positively identify it.) Second: Article I shall give the name of the aSSO- ciation. Third: Article II shall state the location of the principal office of the association. Fourth: Article III shall state the objects of the association and the plans by which these Objects are to be carried out, including the extreme limit of age of persons to whom benefit certificates may be issued, which limit of age shall not exceed fifty-five (55) years, and it shall also state the fact that all bene- ficiary members will be required to pass a medical examination such as is usually required by fraternal beneficiary associations. CH. 16] - INSURANCE). Fifth: Article IV shall state the names of the per- sons selected to manage the business or prudential affairs of the association for the first term, for which such persons are to be elected, and the manner of electing their successors, the title of all officers and the name of such officers, with their residences, if they have been selected. Sixth: Article V shall contain a description of the corporate seal adopted by such association, to- gether with an impress of the same. These articles of association shall be signed and acknowledged by each of the incorporators. 129 Present Asso- SECTION 9. Any such fraternal beneficiary associa-j č. tion that is now doing business in this Territory as a corporation de jure or a corporation de facto, by virtue of any law of this Territory authorizing the in- corporation of such associations, may re-incorporate under the provisions of this Act and receive from the Secretary of the Territory a certificate of re-incor- poration. Any such association desiring to re-incor- porate under this Act, shall, by its supreme govern- ing body or committee having power to change its laws, adopt a resolution embodying new articles Cf association prepared to conform to Section Eight (8) of this Act, which resolution must be copied in tripli- cate, signed by the executive officer of the body adopting it, or by the chief executive officer of the as- sociation; and its correctness and the fact that it was adopted in accordance with the provisions of this section must be certified to under oath by the secre- tary or similar officer of such association. The afore- said triplicate copies of such resolution shall then be submitted to the Superintendent of Insurance for his approval, the same as if they were original articles of association, as provided in Section Eight (8) of this Act, and one copy shall be filed with said Superinten- dent of Insurance and one copy with the Secretary of S. L —- ) re- º COrpOrate 180 INSURANCE. [Ch. 16 Associations, When Shall Be Deemed Incorporated; Powers of. Soliciting Agents Pro- hibited. Ex- cept When. Member Can- not Contract With Bene- ficiary, en. the Territory in the manner provided in Section Eight (8) of this Act, for the incorporation of new associations; and when this is done, the Secretary shall issue, in the manner provided in Section Eight (8) of this Act, his certificate of re-incorporation: and thereafter such association shall be deemed to be re- incorporated under the provisions of this Act. SECTION 10. Every such fraternal beneficiary as- sociation, from the time it files a copy of its articles of association for record in the office of the Superin- tendent of Insurance and files a copy of said articles of association with the Secretary of the Territory, and receives its certificate of incorporation, as pro- vided either in Section Eight (8) or in Section Nine (9) of this Act shall be deemed and held to be a corpora- tion or body politic in perpetuity and shall have and possess all rights, powers and privileges given to corporations by common law; it may sue and be sled in any court of competent jurisdiction; it may borrow money and secure the payment of the same by notes and mortgages, bonds or deeds of trust upon its per- sonal or real property; it may rent, lease, purch'use, hold, sell, and convey such real estate and personal property as may be necessary and proper for the pur- pose of erecting buildings for the use of the associa- tion, and for other proper objects of such association, or which may be taken for debts due to the associa- tion; and it may in general do all things not prohib. ifed by law that are necessary and proper for the economical and proper conduct of its business. SECTION 11. Such association shall not employ paid agents in soliciting or procuring members, ex- cept in the organization or building up of subordinate bodies or granting members inducements to procure new members. SECTION 12. No contract between a member and his beneficiary that the beneficiary or other person CH. 16] INSURANCE). 131 for him shall pay such member's assessments and dues or either of them, shall give the beneficiary or other person a vested right in the benefit certificate or in the benefit or deprive the member of the right to change the name of the beneficiary or revoke the certificate, if any, issued by such association; Provided, That such change or revocation shall be made by written or printed notice to the association in the manner and form provided for by its by-laws. SECTION 13. The money or other benefit, charity, re- Benefits Ex- lief or aid to be paid, provided or rendered by any as fºr sociation authorized to do business under this Act, shall not be liable to attachment, by trustee, garnishee or other process, and shall not be seized, taken, appro- priated or applied by any legal or equitable process, or by operation of law, to pay any debt or liability of the certificate holder, or of any beneficiary named ill any certificate, or any person who may have any right thereunder. SECTION 14. No association not admitted to trans- sº A so- act business within this Territory prior to the passage º of this Act shall be incorporated or given a permit or Table. certificate of authority to transact business within this Territory, as provided for by this Act, unless it shall first show that the mortuary assessment rates, provided for in whatever plan of business it has adopted, are not lower than is indicated as necessary by the following mortality table: FRATERNAL CONGRESS MORTALITY TABILjº. Probability Age No. Living. No. Dying. of Dying. 20 100,000 500 .005000 21 99,500 501 .005035 22 98,999 502 .005071 23 98,497 503 .00510'( 24 97,994 505 . 00:5153 25 97,489 507 .005201 132 [Ch. 16 INSURANCE). 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 96,982 510 96,472 513 95,959 517 95,442 522 94,920 527 94,393 533 93,860 540 93,320 548 92,772 557 92,215 567 91,648 578 91,070 591 90,479 606 89,873 622 89,251 640 88,611 660 87,951 683 87,268 708 86,560 734 85,826 761 85,065 790 84,275 822 83,453 857 82,596 894 81,702 935 80,767 980 79,786 1,029 78,757 1,083 77,674 1,140 76,534 1,202 75,332 1,270 74,062 1,342 72,720 1,418 71,302 1,501 69,801 1,588 68,213 1,681 66,532 1,778 .0052.59 .00531S . 00:53SS .005469 . 00:5647 . ()05647 . 00:57.53 .005872 .006004 .006149 .006307 ,0064.90 .006698 . 0.06921 . 007171 .007 448 , 0.07766 .008113 . 0084.80 . 0.08867 .009287 .0097.54 .010269 . 0108.238 .0114440 . 0121337 .0128970 . O1375.11 . 0146767 . 01:57.054 .0168587 . 0181200 . 0194994 . ().2105.13 .02.27504 .0246434 .0267240 Ch. 16] 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 64,754 62,874 60,889 58,795 56,589 54,271 51,841 49,302 46,657 43,913 41,081 38,172 35,203 32,194 29,168 26,152 23,175 20,270 17,471 14,812 12,327 10,047 7,997 6,197 4,658 3,381 2,358 1,570 991 587 323 162 73 29 10 33 INSURANCE. 1,880 1,985 2,094 2,206 2,318 2,430 2,539 2,645 2,744 2,832 2,909 2,969 3,009 3,026 3,016 2,977 2,905 2,799 2,659 2,485 2,280 2,050 1,800 1,539 1,277 1,023 788 579 404 264 161 89 44 19 7 3 . 0290330 .0315711 .0343904 .0375206 .0409620 .0447753 .04897.67 .0536489 .0588122 .0644912 . 0708113 .0777795 .0854,757 .0939927 ... 1034010 . 1138345 . 1253506 . 1385163 . 1521951 . 1677694 . 18495.99 . 1855707 .2250844 . 24.83460 . 2741520 .3025732 .3341815 . 3687898 . 4076690 .4497445 .4984520 . 54.93827 . 6027397 .6551724 . 7000000 ... 10000000 183 134 INSURANCE. [Ch. 16 Hººve Body of Association May Meet, Where; Procedure. Fraudulent Application for Member- ship, Misde- mean Or; Penalty. Fraudulent Statement; Death or Disability Certificate; Perjury. SECTION 15. Any such fraternal beneficiary asocia- tion organized under the laws of this Territory may provide for the meeting of its legislative or governing body in any other State, Territory or Province, wherein such association shall have subordinate lodges or bodies, and all business or corporate acts transacted at such meetings shall be valid in all re. spects as if such meetings were held in this Territory; and where the laws of any such association provide for the election of its officers by votes cast in its subordinate bodies, the votes so cast by its subordin- ate bodies in any other State, Territory or Province shall be as valid as if cast in this Territory. SECTION 16. Any person, officer, member or exam- ining physician who shall knowingly or Wilfully make any false or fraudulent statement or represen- tation in or with reference to any application for membership or for the purpose of obtaining any money or benefit in any association transacting busi- ness under this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or im- prisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court; and any person who shall wilfully make any false statement of any material fact or thing in a sworn statement as to the death or disability of a certificate holder or member in any association for the purpose of procur- ing payment of a benefit named in the certificate of such holder, and any person who shall wilfully make any false statement in any verified report or declara- tion under oath, required or authorized by this Act, shall be guilty of perjury, and shall be proceeded against and punished as provided by the Statutes of this Territory in relation to the crime of perjury. CH. 16] INSURANCE). 135 SECTION 17. Any such association, whether organ-flºº ized under the laws of this Territory or of any other #####" gº c gº © perintendent State, Territory or Province, refusing or neglecting ºf º: cer Dis— to make the report as provided in this Act shall be ºf In Junction, excluded from doing business within this Territory. *::::::::: * The Superintendent of Insurance, within sixty days after any such association’s failure to make such re- port, or in case any such association shall exceed its powers, or shall conduct its business fraudulently, or shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Aét, must give notice in writing to the Attorney Gen- eral, who shall immediately commence an action against any such association to enjoin it from carry- ing on any business within this Territory. No in- junction against any such association shall be granted by any court to enjoin it from transacting business in this Territory, except on application of the Attorney General thereof, at the request of the Superintendent of Insurance, whether the Territory or a member of other party seeks relief. No associa- tion so enjoined shall have power or authority to Con- tinue in business until such report shall be made, Or overt acts or violation of the law complained of shall be corrected, nor until the costs of such action be paid by it, provided the court shall find that such associa- tion was in default as charged; whereupon the Super- intendent of Insurance shall re-instate such associa- tion, and not until that is done by him shall such as- sociation be again allowed to do business within this Territory. Any officer, agent or person acting for such association, or subordinate body thereof, within this Territory, while such association shall be so en- joined or prohibited from doing business pursuant to this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), or by imprison. 186 - INSURANCE). [Ch. 16 ment in the county jail for not less than thirty days, nor more than one year, or by both such fine and im- prisonment in the discretion of the court. §§§ SECTION 18. Any person who shall act within this Act, Misde- º o #. Territory as an officer, agent, or otherwise, for any association, which shall have failed, neglected, or re- fused to comply with or shall have violated any of the provisions of this Act, or shall have failed or neglected to procure from the Superintendent of In- surance a proper certificate of authority to transact business within this Territory, as provided for by this Act, shall be subject to the penalties provided in the last preceding section for the misdemeanor therein defined and specified. §s SECTION 19. When any other State, Territory, or &#sº. Province shall impose any obligation upon any fra- * ternal beneficiary association organized under the laws of this Territory, or upon its agents or repre- séantatives, or other persons transacting business for it in such other State, Territory or Province, the like obligations are hereby imposed on similar fraternal beneficiary associations organized under the laws of such other State, Territory or Province, and their agents or representatives doing business in this Ter- ritory. ####, to SECTION 20. This Act shall not apply to any cor- F ſº & © e * © e ####y poration, society or association carrying on the busi- “ness of life, health, casualty or accident insurance for profit or gain, but it shall apply only to fraternal ben- eficiary associations as defined in Section One (1) of this Act. This Act shall not affect or apply to any grand or subordinate lodge of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Improved Order of Red Men, or Knights of Pythias as they now exist, nor to similar Orders or secret Societies, nor to any association not Working on the lodge system, or which limits its cer- $. Ch. 16] INSURANCE). tificate holders to a particular class, or to the em- ployees of a particular town, or city, designated firm, business house or corporation. SECTION 21. All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. SECTION 22. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publi- cation in the Session Laws. Approved this 8th day of March, 1901. ARTICLE 2—RELATING To MUTUAL INSURANCE COM- PANIES. SECTION.- SECTION. 1. Charter, How Procured. 5. Premiums, How Applied. . 2, Kind of Property Insured. 6. Change of Location of Principal 8. Amount of Policy. ice. 4. Premiums, How Collected. 7. Foreign Mutual Insurance Com- panies, When Admitted. AN ACT Relating to Mutual Insurance Companies Organized under Article l, of Chapter 17, of the Session Laws of the Territory of Oklahoma of 1899, and to Amend Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 of Said Act, and for Other Purposes. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma: SECTION 1. That Section 1, of Article 1, of Chapter 17, of the Session Laws of Oklahoma, Territory, of 1899, be amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. That associations of not less than one thousand persons, farmers by occupation, may be formed for the purpose of mutual insurance of grow- ing crops of grain against loss by hail, and of live' stock, farm buildings and contents, against fire, light- ning, or wind storms, under the following regula- tions, to-wit: There shall be a charter filed with the Secretary of the Territory showing the name of the association, the number of directors, the names of a president, secretary and treasurer and not less than five (5) nor more than thirteen (13) directors, who 187 Charter, How 138 INSURANCE. --~~~ [Ch. 16 Kind of Prop- erty insured. Amount of Policy. shall hold office for such term as the by-laws of the association shall provide, but not for a less period than one year, except in case of removal for cause, and except that the first officers so named shall hold until the first election of said association, which may be held at such time as the by-laws provide. SECTION 2. That Section 5, of Article 1, of Chapter 17, of the Session Laws of Oklahoma Territory, of 1899, be amended to read as follows: SECTION 5. Such association may insure growing Wheat, rye, barley, oats and other crops against losses by hail, and may also insure live stock, farm buildings and contents, and other property located On farms, against loss or damage by fire, lightning, Or wind storms of any character, upon the payment of the premium in cash, or as hereinafter provided. The policy shall state the name of the owner and de- scribe the land upon which the crop, stock, build- ings, or other property are located, describing the property insured and stating the amount insured per acre, or on each building or animal as the case may be. SECTION 3. That Section 6, of Article 1, of Chapter 17, of the Session Laws of Oklahoma Territory, of 1899, be amended to read as follows: SECTION 6. No policy shall be for a larger amount upon buildings than Fifteen Hundred ($1,500) Dol- lars, nor for a larger amount per acre than twenty (20) bushels of wheat, fifteen (15) bushels of rye or barley, twenty-five (25) bushels of oats, or eight (8) bushels of flax, nor exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) per head for cattle, nor fifty dollars ($50) per head for horses or mules; Provided, That no buildings nor the contents thereof, shall be insured against fire or lightning for a larger amount than three-fourths of its actual cash value. No property shall be insured except that which is located upon farms. CH. 16] INSURANCE. 139 SECTION 4. That Section 7, of Article 1, of Chapter jº. 17, of the Session Laws of Oklahoma Territory, of lected. 1899, be amended to read as follows: SECTION 7. That the association may, at its option, under the provisions of its by-laws, receive in cash or well secured promissory demand note not less than one-half of the premium upon stock, buildings and contents, or not less than one-fourth of the premium on growing crops, and the remainder secured by a Ilote, payable in whole or in part upon assessment or assessments made by the board of directors of the association in accordance with its by-laws whenever they consider the same necessary to pay the losses and expenses arising during the continuance of the policy for which said note was given, said note being secured by property or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the association. t SECTION 5. That Section 8, of Article 1, of Chapter ɺled 17, of the Session Laws of Oklahoma Territory, of 1899, be amended to read as follows: SECTION 8. The premiums upon growing crops shall be applied to loss or damage on growing crops and the premiums upon live stock, farm buildings, and other property insured against fire, lightning or wind storms, shall be applied to losses upon such property. The expenses of the association shall be borne ratably by all the insurance carried by the as- sociation. SECTION 6. The board of directors of a mutual in-ghange of surance company incorporated under the laws of this ; of Territory may change the location of the principal" office of said company only by a vote of two-thirds of said directors. SECTION 7. That no mutual insurance company or- Foreign Mutual Insur- ganized or incorporated outside of the Territory shall A. $ºn be permitted to engage in the business of hail insur Kied" ance or the insurance of farm property against fire, :40 INSURANCE). º * [Ch. 16 lightning or wind storms, until after the same has made a satisfactory showing to the Commissioner of Insurance that it has not less than One ‘Hundred Thousand Dollars in reserve, subject to payment of losses. SECTION 8. All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Approved this 8th day of March, 1901. 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