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"º., t | , \ | * … [- -->e". -) r. A. *f (, |}} * ^ szºº º-r-z ‘A *- - > * %; - tºº § º As - - - - * } ~ y Ž'Z -- £º \\ J - 2: ... N, ; ; ; A & A* - : , s: … ſºft ºśh 22-yºu-ºº-S YAilºš | | | | \s. | CA- º: |} sº *-* **ś l it. ,- w , - " -, * ---, / * º º *** - - ----. * H | | ! Yºzºrg ºr ºf ºr rººrººz T. - : | | | | - - - - - - | | } * . iſ J H : ... tº . +!! .* ---. * 2%, wºo cº- nºis C. § (Cornell 2ſnipersity £ibrary CATALOG UE OF THE BARNES REFERENCE LIBRARY F OR BIBLICAL STU D Y PRESENTED BY ALFRED CUTLER BARNES FOR THE USE OF THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Including all accessions to December 31, 1897 ITHACA, N.Y., 1898 PRESS OF ANDRUS & CHURCH, ITHACA, N. Y. *. ARAEAEA CAE. The collection of books which this catalogue represents occupies a room specially prepared for it in Barnes Hall, the Christian Association Building of Cornell University. Its existence is due to the thoughtful generosity of General Alfred Cutler Barnes, the son of him whose name the building bears, and whose wise purposes and Christian munificence it commemorates. In December, 1889, the first in- stallment of books presented by General Barnes was received, and each year since then the library so founded has received large and steady accessions through funds provided by the same liberal patron. Its nine hundred or more volumes are, with the exception of a few substantial books found in the old Association library and incorporated into the new, the gift of one man. The purpose followed in selecting the books has been to provide a reference library for students of the the Bible. The needs of the Bible classes connected with the work of the Christian Association have been the first consideration. Preference has therefore been given to works published in English. It has been, however, the aim to give the collection a place among the books accessible to general Univer- sity use, and in furtherance of this aim, as well as to avoid the necessity, or, as the case may be, the risk of duplicating, it has been regularly catalogued as part of the University Library. It is distinctly a reference library, and its books are not to be taken from the room in which they are placed. As a library of Biblical literature it is intended to include, in the fields of history, biography, archae- ology, the history of religions, and theology, only such works as may be directly serviceable for the inter- pretation and understanding of the Biblical texts. This first catalogue has been prepared for the press by Rev. G. F. Danforth under the direction of the librarian, Dr. Andrew C. White. B. I. W. 228708 TABLE OF COW ZEN 7S. RELIGION.—GENERAL WORKS, ſº e BIBLE.-WHOLE. General works, e * g tº Concordances, dictionaries, etc., te º Texts and versions, Commentaries and annotated editions, . te OLD TESTAMENT.-WHOLE. General works, tº & Concordances, Texts and versions, tº Commentaries and annotated editions, OLD TESTAMENT.-PARTS. Hexateuch, Wisdom and poetical books, Prophecy, Apocrypha, NEW TESTAMENT.—WHOLE. Theology, Introductions, e ſº e Concordances, dictionaries, grammars, . g Texts and versions, . e Commentaries and annotated editions, NEW TESTAMENT.-PARTS. Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Paul, e Pauline Epistles, º e e tº The Catholic Epistles and the Apocalypse * Apocryphal gospels, . tº e & PATRISTIC LITERATURE, & © e tº THEOLOGY, & . te © HISTORY. Geography and travels, & § & Archaeology, e ſº •. Oriental history, Jewish history, Semitic religion , . Collective biography, Jesus Christ, * º © tº History of the Christian Church, © • * MISCEI.I.ANEOUS, { } INDEX, . § • e tº PAGE : : :: : I2 I3 I3 I3 I4 I4 I5 I5 I6 17 C A T A L O G U E. T H E B A R N E S LIBRARY. RELIGION.—GENERAJ., WORKS. Alviella, E. G. conte d'. Lectures on the ori- gin and growth of the conception of God, as illus- trated by anthropology and history. London, etc., 1892. 80. pp. 296. (Hibbert Lectures, 1891.) Ad I 14 Beard, Rezy. Charles. The Reformation of the I6th century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge. London, etc., 1883. 80. pp. 451. (Hibbert Lectures, 1883.) Ad Ioé Christian Thought; lectures on philosophy, Christian evidence, biblical elucidation. Edited by Rev. C. F. Deems. Ist—4th series. New York, 1885–87. 4 v. 80. Ae I-4 Davids, T. W. R. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism. London, etc., 1891. 89. pp. 262. (Hibbert Lectures, 1881.) Ad IO4 Drummond, James. Via, veritas, vita; , lect- ures on “Christianity in its most simple and intel- ligible form.” London, 1894. 80. pp. 331. (Hib- bert Lectures, 1894.) Ad II 7 Hatch, A'ez. Edwin. The influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian Church ; edited by A. M. Fairbairn. London, etc., 1891. 80. pp. 359. (Hibbert Lectures, 1888.) Ad III Hibbert lectures [on the history of religions]; 1878–88, 1891–94. London, 1880–94. 15 v. 86. Ad IOI-III, II4–117 Each course is separately entered in this section of the cata- logue under the lecturer's name. Kuenen, Abraham. National religions and universal religions. London, etc., 1882. 80. pp. 339. (Hibbert Lectures, 1882.) Ad IOS Contents —Islam.—Judaism.—Christianity.—Buddhism. Montefiore, C. G. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Hebrews. [London, 1892]. 80. pp. 576. (Hibbert Lectures, 1892.) Ad I 15 Müller, (F.) Max. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by the religions of India. London, 1880. 80 pp. 394. (Hibbert Lectures, 1878.) Ad IoI Pfleiderer, Otto. Lectures on the influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Christiani- ty; tr. by J. F. Smith. London, etc., 1885. 80. pp. 292. (Hibbert Lectures, 1885.) Ad Io& Philosophy and development of religion. Edinburgh, 1894. 2 v. 80. (Gifford Lectures, 1894.) Aa 5–6 Contents —i. Philosophy of religion; ii. Origin and de- velopment of Christianity. - The philosophy of religion on the basis of its history; tr. from the 2d German ed. by A. Stew- art and A. Menzies. London, etc., 1886–88. 4 v. 80. Aa I-4 Contents:–i. Spinoza to Schleiermacher.—ii. Schelling to the present day.—iii. The historical development of the reli- gious consciousness.-The contents of the religious conscious- ness.—iv. The contents of the religious consciousness (con- tº-The manifestation of the religious consciousness.— Il Clex. Renan, (J.) Ernest. Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thought, and culture of Rome on Christianity, and the development of the Catho- lic Church; tr. by C. Beard. London, etc., 1884. 80. pp. 213. (Hibbert Lectures, 1880.) Ad Iog Renouf, P. LeP. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt. London, etc., 1884. 80. pp. 259. (Hibbert Lectures, 1879.) Ad IO2 Réville, A’ev. Albert. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by the native religions of Mexico and Peru; tr. by P. H. Wick- steed. London, etc., 1884. 80. pp. 256. (Hib- bert Lectures, 1884.) Ad IO7 Prolegomena of the history of religions; tr. by A. S. Squire; introduction by F. Max Müller. London, etc., 1884. 80. pp. 242. Aj I Rhys, John. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by Celtic heathendom. London, 1888. 80. pp. 708. (Hibbert Lectures, 1886.) Ad Io9 Sayce, A’ev. A. H. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. London, etc., 1891. 80. pp. 558. (Hibbert Lectures, 1887.) Ad IIo Studia Sinaitica. London, 1894–96. 2 pts. 49. Facsimus. Ae 71 Contents –iii. Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts, compiled by M. D. Gibson.—v. Apocrypha Sinaitica, edited by M. D. Gibson. In progress. Texts and Studies, contributions to biblical and patristic literature ; edited by J. A. Robinson. Cambridge, 1893–96. 4 v. 80. Illus. - Ae 51–54 Contents :-i, 1, Aristides Atheniensis, Apology, edited by J. R. Harris. 1893. —i, 2. The passion of S. Perpetua, 1891.-i, 3. Chase, F. H. The Lord's prayer in the early church. 1891.-i, 4. Heracleon. Fragments. A. E. Brooke. 1891. –ii, 1. Harris, J. R. The study of codex Bezae. 1891. —ii, 2. Abraham. The Testament of Abraham. 1892.-ii, 3. James, M. R., editor. Apocrypha anecdota. 1893. —iii, 1. Burkitt, F. C. The rules of Tyconius. 1894.—iii, 2. Bible—Apocryphal Books—Ezra. The fourth book of Ezra; edited by R. L. Bensly. 1895.—iii, 3. Robinson, J. A. Euthaliana. 1895.-iv, 1, Burn, A. E. The Athanasian creed. 1896.- iv, 2. Bible—New *Hººp. Books—Coptic. 1896.-iv, 3. Burkitt, F. C. The old Latin and the Itala. Upton, C. B. Lectures on the bases of reli- gious belief. London, 1894. 80. pp. 264. (Hib- bert Lectures, 1893.) Ad II6 Wenley, R. M. Socrates and Christ; a study in the philosophy of religion. Edinburgh, etc., 1889. Sm. 80. pp. 274. Aa 7 2 PARAVES Z/BRARY CA 7"A LOGUE. BIBLE-whoLE. GENERAL WORKS. Angus, Rev. Joseph. The Bible hand-book; an introduction to the study of sacred Scripture. London, 1856. I20. pp. 660. Map. B 76 Arnold, Matthew. God and the Bible; a re- view of objections to “Literature and dogma.” New York, 1883. 160. pp. 343. B 74 Literature and dogma; an essay toward a better apprehension of the Bible. London, etc., 1889. 160. pp. 351. B 73 — St. Paul and Protestantism. New York, 1883. 160. pp. 378. B 75 Bartlett, E. T. and J. P. Peters. Scriptures Hebrew and Christian, arranged and edited as an introduction to the study of the Bible. New York, [1886]—93. 3 v. 80. B 70–72 Contents:—i. Hebrew story.—ii. Hebrew Literature.—iii. Christian Scriptures. - Book by book; popular studies on the canon of Scripture, by the Bishop of Ripon, Archdeacon Farrar [and others]. London, 1894. 80. pp. 566. Ba I Bowes, Rev. G. S. Topical outlines of Bible themes. New York, [1895]. 80. pp. 4Io. Bb IOI Briggs, Rev. C. A. Biblical study, its princi- les, methods, and history; with a catalogue of ooks of reference. New York, 1887. 80. pp. 506. B 77 Cambridge companion to the Bible. London, 1893. 80. pp. 746. Maps. B 56 Cheyne, Rev. T. K. Founders of Old Testa- ment criticism; biographical, descriptive, and criti- cal studies. New York, 1893. 80. pp. 372. B 67 Condit, Blackford. The history of the Eng- lish Bible. New York, etc. 80. pp. 469. Port. Bj 52 Crooker, J. H. The new Bible and its new uses. Boston, 1894. Sm. 8°. pp. 286. B 202 Davidson, Kev. Samuel. Treatise on bibli- cal criticism. Edinburgh, etc., 1856. 80. pp. 917. A late. B 57 Farrar, Rev. F. W. The Bible, its meaning and supremacy. New York, 1897. 80. pp. 359. Ba 2 — See also Book by book. Fraser, Rev. Donald. Synoptical lectures on the books of Holy Scripture. New York, London, 1873–(76). 3 v. sm.80. B 64–66 Contents —i. Genesis—Song of Songs.-ii. Isaiah-Acts. —iii. Romans-Revelation. Gladden, Rev. Washington. Seven puzzling Bible books; a supplement to “Who wrote the Bible P” Boston and New York, 1897. sm. 80. pp. 267. . - B 55 a Who wrote the Bible P Boston, etc., 1892. sm. 80. pp. 381. B 55 Green, Rev. W. H. Moses and the prophets: The Old Testament in the Jewish church, by W. R. Smith ; The prophets and prophecy in Israel, by A. Kuenen ; and, The prophets of Israel, by W. R. Smith, reviewed. New York, [1882]. sm. 80. pp. 369. B 69 Hooykaas, Isaac. See Oort, H. Janeway, Rev. J. J. The internal evidence of the Holy Bible. Philadelphia, [1845]. 129. pp. 287. B 2.04 Ladd, Rev. G. T. The doctrine of sacred scrip- ture; a critical, historical, and dogmatic inquiry. New York, 1893. 2 v. 80. B 51–52 What is the Bible P New York, 1890. sm. 80. pp. 497. B 53 Lias, Rev. J. J. Principles of biblical criticism. London, 1893. Sm. 80. pp. 262. B 79 Moulton, R. G. The literary study of the Bible. Boston, 1896. 80. pp. 533. *;, B 8O Oort, Hendrik and Isaac Hooykaas, with the assistance of A. Kuenen. The Bible for young people, [tr. from the Dutch by P. H. Wick- steed]. London, etc., 1873–79. 6 v. sm. 89. Maps. B 58–63 Contents :-i. The generations before Moses.—ii. Moses to David.—iii. David to Josiah. —iv. Josiah to the Macca- bees.—v. Jesus.—vi. Jesus.—The Apostles. Pattison, T. H. The history of the English Bible. Philadelphia, 1894. sm. 80. pp. 281. Frontisp. and port. Bj 51 Pentecost, Rev. G. F. In the volume of the Book; Bible study; with introductions by Joseph Cook and J. H. Vincent. New York, eſc., [1885]. I29. pp. I 74. B 203 Petérs, J. P. See Bartlett, E. T. Sanday, Rev. William. Inspiration. Lon- don, 1894. 80. pp. 464. (Bampton Lectures, 1893.) Ba 26 Smith, G. B. William Tyndale and the trans- lation of the English Bible. New York, [1896]. sm. 80. pp. 16O. Illus. * * Bj 53 Smith, W. Robertson. The Old Testament in the Jewish chureh; 12 lectures on biblical criti- cism. New York, 1883. sm. 80. pp. 446. . B 68 Sunderland, J. B. The Bible, its origin, growth, and character; with a list of books for study and reference. New York, 1893. Sm. 89. pp. 299. B 54 Zenos, Rev. A. C. The elements of higher criticism. New York, 1895. Sm. 80. pp. 255. B 78 CONCORDANCES, DICTIONARIES, ETC. Cheetham, Samuel. See Smith, Wm. Cruden, Alexander. A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures; with an original life of the author. New York, [18—?]. 40. pp. 856. r Bb 4 Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, on the basis of Cruden; edited by John Eadie, with introduction by D. King. New York. 80. pp. 561. Bb 5 Schaff, Rev. Philip. Dictionary of the Bible, including biography, natural history, geography, topography, archaeology, and literature. Philadel- phia, etc., [1885]. sm. 80. pp.960. Zllus. Bc 26 Smith, William, editor. Dictionary of the Bible, comprising its antiquities, biography, geog- raphy, and natural history. Revised and edited by H. B. Hackett, with the coöperation of E. Abbot. Boston, 1888. 4 v. 80. Wacts and plates. Bc I-4 OED 7°ESTAMENT-WHOZAZ. 3 - -- Smith, William and Samuel Cheetham, editors. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. Ion- don, 1875–8o. 2 v. 80. Wacts. Bc 5–6 Smith, William and Henry Wace, editors. A dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects, and doctrines. Boston, London, 1877–87. 4 v. 80. - Bc 7–Io Strong, Æez. James. The exhaustive concord- ance of the Bible, with a comparative concordance of the authorized and revised versions. New York, 1894. 49. - Bb I Wace, Henry. See Smith, Wim. TEXTS AND VERSIONS. Bible. Biblia Sacra vulgate editionis, Sixti v et Clementis VIII jussu recognita atque edita. London, n. d. 169. pp. (775). Bg II Die Bibel; oder, Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments. New York, 1896. 80. pp. I 144. Bk 5 The Holy Bible, translated out of the original tongues; parallel references and marginal readings. New York, n. d. 80. pp. (1314). Bj I — The Holy Bible, translated out of the original tongues ; being the version set forth A. D. 16II, compared with the most ancient authorities, and revised. New York, 1885. I. 80. pp. 393-1- I2 I. w Bj 3 The New Testament has separate title page and pagination. The Holy Bible; the version set forth A. D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, the revision of 1881 and 1885 compared with the version of 16II, showing what words are common to both and by diacritical marks and foot- notes what are peculiar to each, by R. Wendell. Albany, N. Y., 1886. 80. . pp. var. Bj 2 Modern reader's Bible; the Scriptures pre- sented in modern literary form ; with introduction and notes by R. G. Moulton. New York, 1896–97. I6 v. I60. Bj 26–41 Contents:–Select masterpieces.—History series, i, Genesis; ii, Exodus; iii, Judges; iv, Kings; v, Chronicles.—Wisdom series, i, Proverbs; ii, Ecclesiasticus; iii, Ecclesiastes; iv., Job; v, Deuteronomy; vi., Biblical idyls.—Prophecy series, i, Isaiah ; ii, Jeremiah ; iii, Ezekiel; iv, Daniel and Minor Prophets. In progress. Passages of the Bible chosen for their literary beauty and interest; by J. G. Frazer. London, 1895. Sm. 80. pp. 467. Bj 25 COMMENTARIES AND ANNOTATED EDITIONS. [Bible Commentary, The]. See Cook, F. C. Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges; general editor, J. J. S. Perowne. Cambridge, [Eng.], etc., 1887–1896. 38 v. 160. Colored maps. Bq 45–92 Contents –Joshua, G. F. Maclear.—Judges, J. J. Lias.- I and II Samuel, A. F. Kirkpatrick.-I and Il Kings, J. R. Lumby.—Ezra and Nehemiah, H. E. Ryle.—Job, A. B. David- son.—Psalms 1-lxxxix, A. F. Kirkpatrick.—Ecclesiastes, E. H. Plumptre.—Jeremiah and Lamentation, A. W. Streame.— Ezekiel, A. B. Davidson.—Hosea, T. K. Cheyne.—Obadiah and Jonah, T. T. Perowne.—Micah, T. K. Cheyne.—Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, A. B. Davidson.—Haggai, Zech- ariah, and Malachi, T. T. Perowne.—Matthew, A. Carr.— . Mark, G. F. Maclear.—Luke, F. W. Farrar.—John, A. Plum- mer.—Acts, J. R. Lumby.—Romans, H. C. G. Moule.—I and II Corinthians, J. J. Lias.—Galatians, E. H. Perowne.—Ephe- sians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon, H. C. G. Moule. —l and II. Thessalonians, G. G. Findlay.—I and II Timothy and Titus, A. E. Humphreys.-Hebrews, F. W. Farrar.— James, I and II Peter, and Jude, E. H. Plumptre.—I, II, and III John, A. Plummer.—Revelation, W. H. Simcox. Cook, F. C., editor. The Holy Bible, accord- ing to the authorized version, with an explanatory and critical commentary, and a revision of the trans- lation, by bishops and other clergy. [The Bible Commentary. I London, 1871–89. II v. in 12. 80. Bq 26–38 International critical commentary on the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; under the edtiorship of C. A. Briggs, S. R. Driver, and A. Plummer. New York, 1895–1897. 5 v. 80. Bq 97, 99, I 18, I 19, 122, 125, 126 Contents —Deuteronomy, S. R. Driver.—Judges, G. F. Moore.—Mark, E. P. Gould. —Luke, A. Plummer.—Romans, W. Sanday and A. C. Headlamºphesians and Colossians, T. K. Abbott.—Philippians and Philemon, M. R. Vincent. In progress. Jamieson, A’ev. Robert, A. R. Fausset, and David Brown. Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. New York, etc., 1873. 2 v. in I. 1. 80. Bq 39 Kalisch, M. M. Bible Studies, London, 1877– 78. 2 v. 80. Bq I39–140 The prophecies of Balaam; or, The Hebrew The Hebrew and the stranger.—The Contents :-i. and the heathen.—ii. book of Jonah. Lange, J. P. [cnd others..] Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, critical, doctrinal and homiletical; tr. and edited, with additions, by P. Schaff [and others]. New York, 1866–88. 25 v. 80. Bq. 1–25 OLD TESTAMENT—WHOLE. GENERAL WORKS. Bleek, Friedrich. Introduction to the Old Testament; edited by J. Bleek and A. Kamphau- sen; tr. from 2d ed. by G. H. Venables. London, 1882. 2 v. sm. 80. C 61-62 Bruce, Rev. W. S. Ethics of the Old Testa- ment. Edinburgh, 1895. Sm. 80. pp. 292. C 5 Buhl, Frants. Canon and text of the Old Test- ament; tr. by J. Macpherson. Edinburgh, 1892. 80. pp. 259. Ca 2 Driver, Rev. S. R. Introduction to the litera- ture of the Old Testament. New York, 1891. 80. pp. 522. C 59 Geikie, Rev. Cunningham. Hours with the Bible; or, the Scriptures in the light of modern discovery and knowledge. New York, 1886. 6 v. sm. 80. Wacts and orn. C 51–56 Contents :—i. Creation to Patriarchs.—ii. Moses to Judges. —iii. Samson to Solomon.—iv. Rehoboam to Hezekiah.— v. Manasseh to Zedekiah, with contemporary prophets.-vi. Exile to Malachi. [Girdlestone, R. B.J. Deuterographs; dupli- cate passages in the Old Testament, their bearing on the text and compilation of the Hebrew Scrip- tures. Oxford, 1894. 80. pp. xxxi-H172. C65 Gladstone, W. E. The impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. London, 1890. Sm. 89. pp. 296. C 3 Eeil, K. F. Historico-critical introduction to the Old Testament; tr. from 2nd ed. by G. C. M. Douglas. Edinburgh, 1882–84. 2 v. 89. C 57–58 4. BARAWES LIBRARY CA 7TA COG UE. Ryle, A’ev. H. E. The canon of the Old Testa- ment. London, 1892. Sm. 89. pp. 3O4. éoble. - a. I — Same. sm. 80. pp. 316. Ca Ia Schultz, [E. A. H.J Hermann. Old Testa- ment theology; tr. from 4th German ed. by J. A. Paterson. Edinburgh, 1892. 2 v. 80. C I-2 Stearns, O. S. Introduction to the Old Testa- ment; with analysis and illustrative literature. New York, 1892. I29. pp. I48. C 6o Strack, H. L. Einleitung “in das Alte Testa- ment, einschliesslich Apokryphen und Pseudepi- graphen. München, 1895. 80. pp. 219. C 67 Wildeboer, G. Origin of the canon of the Old Testament, an historico-critical enquiry; tr. by B. W. Bacon; edited with preface by G. F. Moore. London, 1895. 80. pp. 182. Ca 5 CONCORDANCES. Hatch, Rev. Edwin, and Rev. H. A. Red- path, editors. Concordance to the Septuagint and the other Greek versions of the Old Testament (in- cluding the Apocryphal books). Oxford, 1892–95. 4 pts. 49. f 20–23 [M., G.] Handy concordance of the Septua- gint. London, L1887 P1. pp. 284. Cf 19 TEXTS AND VERSIONS. Ginsburg, C. D. Hebrew title. Massoretico- critical text of the Hebrew Bible. London, 1894. 2 v. 80. Cd 51–52 2d ed. London, 1895. Introduction to the Massoretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible. London, 1897. 80. pp. IO28. 2 facsims and 6 tables. Cd 53 A series of fifteen facsimiles of manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible, with descriptions. London, 1897. fo. 5 sheets and 15 plates in portfolio. Cd 54 “This palaeographical part may practically be called a sup- plement to these [the foregoing] works.” Haupt, Paul, general editor. The sacred books of the Old Testament; a critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors, with notes by emi- nent biblical scholars. Leipzig, 1893–96. 9 parts. 49. Cd 1–36 Cozetents :-Genesis, C. J. Ball.—Leviticus, S. R. Driver and H. A. White.—Joshua, W. H. Bennett.—I and II Sam- uel, K. Budde.—I and II Chronicles, R. Kittel.—Job, C. Sieg- fried.—Psalms, J. Wellhausen.—Jeremiah, C. H. Cornill.— Daniel, A. Kamphausen. In progress. Swete, H. B., editor. Old Testament in Greek, according to the Septuagint. Cambridge, 1887–94. 3 v. sm. 80. Cf I-3 COMMENTARIES AND ANNOTATED EDITIONS. Bllicott, Rev. C. J., editor. commentary for English readers. London, etc., 1883–87. 5 v. 40. Maps. Cq 26–30 Keil, K. F., and Franz Delitzsch. Biblical commentary on the Old Testament; tr. from the German. Edinburgh, 1880–89. 25 v. 80. Ca I-25 Old Testament OLD TESTAMENT—PARTS. HEXATEUCH. Addis, W. E. The documents of the Hexa- teuch; translated and arranged in chronological or- der, with introduction and notes. New York, 1893. 80. - Da 2 Bacon, Rev. B. W. The genesis of Genesis; a study of the documentary sources of the first book of Moses; introduction by G. F. Moore. Hartford, 1892. 80. pp. xxx–H352. Db 6 Triple tradition of the exodus; a study of the later Pentateuchal books. Hartford, 1894. 80. pp. lviii-H382. Da II Barnstein, H. Targum of Onkelos to Genesis; the value of the text exhibited by Yemen MSS. compared with that of the European recension. London, 1896. 80. pp. IOO. Db Io Davis, J. D. Genesis and Semitic tradition. New York, 1894. 80. pp. 150. Plates and figs. Db 4 Delitzsch, Franz. New commentary on Gen- esis; tr. by S. Taylor. New York, 1889. 2 v. 80. Db I–2 Dillmann, August. Genesis, critically and exe- getically expounded; tr. by W. B. Stevenson. Ed- inburgh, 1897. 2 v. 80. Db II–I2 Green, Rev. W. H. The higher criticism of the Pentateuch. New York, 1895. 80. pp. 184. Da 3 — Unity of the book of Genesis. New York, 1895. 80. pp. 583. Db 5 Hopkins, Rev. Ezekiel. Exposition of the ten commandments; revised and slightly abridged. New York, [18–). 129. pp. 442. d I Kuenen, Abraham. Origin and composition of the Hexateuch ; tr. from the Dutch, with the assistance of the author, by P. H. Wicksteed. Lon- don, 1886. 8°. pp. xl.--344. Da I Palmer, Rev. A. S. Babylonian influence on the Bible and popular beliefs. London, 1897. sm. 80. pp. IIo. Db 31 Ryle, H. E. Early narratives of Genesis; in- troduction to the study of Genesis. London, 1892. sm. 80. pp. 138. Db 3 Smith, George. The Chaldean account of Genesis, from the cuneiform inscriptions. New ed., revised, with additions, by A. H. Sayce. New York, [1881]. 80. Db 7 Spurrell, G. J. Notes on the text of Genesis, with an appendix. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1896. sm. 80. pp. lxiii-H416. Db 8 Wade, G. W., editor. Genesis; with intro- duction, critical analysis, and notes. London, 1896. 89. pp. 264. 2 maps. Db 9 WISDOM AND POETICAL BOOKS. Davison, W. T. Wisdom literature of the Old Testament. London, 1894, sm. 80. pp. 315. Do 12 Ewald, G. H. A. von. Commentary on Job, with translation; tr. from the German by J. F. Smith. London, 1882. 80. pp. 349. Dr 3 OZA) 7'E,STA MEAV7'-AAA’ 7.S. 5 Genung, J. F. The epic of the inner life; the book of Job translated anew, with notes and an in- troductory study. Boston, etc., 1892. Sm. 89. pp. L}r 2 352. Gilbert, G. H. The poetry of Job. Chicago, 1889. I60. pp. 224. Dr I Contents:–Rhythmical translation.—Interpretation of the poem. Herder, J. G. von. The spirit of Hebrew poetry; tr. from the German by J. Marsh. Bur- lington, [Vt.], 1833. 2 v. 120. DQ 1–2 Kent, C. F. The wise men of ancient Israel and their proverbs. New York, 1895. sm. 80. pp. 208. Dx i Renan, (J.) Ernest. The Song of Songs; tr. from the Hebrew [into French] with a study of the plan, the age, and the character of the poem ; done into English by W. M. Thomson. London, [1891]. I69. pp. xxxiii-HI40. Dz I * PSALMS. Cheyne, Rev. T. K. The book of Psalms; or, the praises of Israel; a new translation with com- mentary. New York, 1895. 80. pp. 413. Ds 3 Davison, W. T. The praises of Israel; an in- troduction to the study of the Psalms. London, 1893. Sm. 80. pp. 287—Hzl. Dd II DeWitt, John. Praise songs of Israel; a new rendering of the Psalms. New York, 1884. 80. pp. 219. Ds 2 Ewald, G. H. A. von. Commentary on the Psalms; tr. [with an original translation of the Psalms] by Rev. E. Johnson. London, etc., 1880– 81. 2 v. 80. Dw 1–2 Jebb, Rezy. John. A literal translation of the book of Psalms, intended to illustrate their poetical and moral structure ; added dissertations on the word selah and on the authorship, order, titles, and poetical features of the Psalms. London, 1846. 2 v. in I. 80. DS 6 Maclaren, A'ez. Alexander. Life of David as reflected in his Psalms. 8th ed. London, 1894. 160. pp. 261. Ds I Murray, T. C. Origin and growth of the Psalms. New York, 188o. sm. 80. pp. 319. Dt I Noyes, G. R. New translation of the Psalms and Proverbs, with introductions and notes. 8th ed. Boston, 1890. I29. pp. 421. DG 3 Perowne, Rev. J. J. S. The book of Psalms; a new translation with introductions and notes, crit- ical and explanatory. 8th ed. London, 1892–93. 2 v. 80. Ds 4-5 Weiss, Bernhard. New translation, exposi- tion and chronological arrangement of the Psalms; with critical notes on the Hebrew text. Edinburgh, 1858. 80. pp. 539. Ds 7 PROPHECY. Blake, B. How to read the prophets; the prophecies arranged chronologically in their histori- cal setting, with explanatory notes and glossary. Edinburgh, 1892–95. 4 v. 89. Maps. E 9–II, 13 Contents —i. Pre-exilic prophets.—ii. Isaiah, ch. i-xxxix. —iii. Jeremiah. —v. Isaiah, xl.-lxvi, and the post-exilic proph- etS. Briggs, Rev. C. A. Messianic prophecy; a critical study of the Messianic passages in the Old Testament in the order of their development. New York, 1889. 80. pp. 519. E 33 Cheyne, ‘A’ev. T. K. The book of Isaiah, chron- ologically arranged; an amended version, with in- troduction and notes. London, 1870. sm. 80. pp. 24.I. Ea 3 — Introduction to the book of Isaiah, with an appendix containing the undoubted portions of the two chief prophetic writers in a translation. Lon- don, 1895. . pp. 448. Ea 2 Prophecies of Isaiah ; a new translation, with commentary and appendices. New ed., re- vised. New York, 1888. 2 v. in I. 80. Ea I Cornill, K. H. The prophets of Israel; popu- lar sketches from Old Testament history; tr. by S. F. Cochran. Chicago, 1895. 80. pp. 194. E I4. Messianic prophecies in historical succession; tr. by S. I. Curtis. New York, etc., 1891. sm. 89. pp. 232. E32 Ewald, G. H. A. von. Commentary on the prophets of the Old Testament [with an original translation]; tr. by J. F. Smith. London, etc., 1875–81. 5 v. 80. E I-5 Findlay, G. G. The books of the prophets in their historical succession, v. i. London, 1896. sm. 80. - E 2I . Contents –i. To the fall of Samaria. Kirkpatrick, A. F. The doctrine of the prophets. London, 1892. Sm. 80. pp. 540. 6 E Mitchell, H. G. Amos; an essay in exegesis. Boston, 1893. 80. pp. 209. Ej I Orelli, Conrad von. Prophecies of Isaiah ; tr. by J. S. Banks, Edinburgh, 1889. 80. pp. 350. Ea 5 Delitzsch, Franz. The prophecies of Jeremiah; tr. by J. S. Banks, Edinburgh, 1889. 80. pp. 384. Eb 1 Riehm, Eduard. Messianic prophecy ; its origin, historical growth, and relation to New Testa- ment fulfillment. 2nd ed., tr. from the German by L. A. Muirhead, with introduction by A. B. David- son. New York, etc., 1891. 80. pp. 348. E 31 Rubinkam, A’ez. N. I. The second part of Zechariah ; with special reference to the time of its origin. Dissertation. Basel, 1892. 80. pp. 7 +-84. Er I Contains a bibliography. Smith, Rev. George Adam. The Book of Isaiah. 2 v. New York, [1889]. 80. (In the Ex- positor’s Bible.) Ea 6–7 Contents:-i. Isaiah i-xxxix.-ii. Isaiah xl.-lxvi. Book of the twelve prophets, commonly called the minor, v. 1. New York, 1896. 80. Chart. (In the Expositor’s Bible.) Ef I Contents :-i. Amos, Hosea, and Micah; with an introduc- tion and a sketch of prophecy in early Israel. Smith, W. Robertson. The prophets of Israel and their place in history to the close of the eighth century B.C. New York, 1882. sm. 89. pp. 444. E 7 Woods, F. H. The hope of Israel; the argu- ment from prophecy. Edinburgh, 1896. 80. pp. 218. E 30. APOCRYPHA. Apocrypha. I69. pp. 230. H I No title page. ; translated out of the Greek and Latin tongues, the version set forth A.D. 16II compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. , 1894. Cambridge, 1895. Sm. 89. pp. *75 tº 6 6 AAACAVAZS Z/BRARY CA 74/.OG UAE. Bensly, R. L., editor. The fourth book of Maccabees and kindred documents in Syriac first edited on manuscript authority by R. L. Bensly, with an introduction and translations by W. E. Barnes. Cambridge, 1895. 80. pp. º In I Charles, R. H., editor. The book of Enoch, translated from Professor Dillmann’s Ethiopic text; with introduction, notes, appendices and indices. Oxford, 1893. 80. pp. 391. H 26 The book of the secrets of Enoch; trans- lated from the Slavonic by W. R. Morfill, with in- troduction, notes, and indices. Oxford, 1896. 80. pp. xlvii-HIOO. H 27 James, M. R. see H. E. Ryle. Ryle, H. E. and M. R. James, editors. Psalms of the Pharisees, commonly called the Psalms of Solomon ; the text, with introduction, translation, etc. Cambridge, 1891. 80. pp. xciv-H176. H 37 NEW TESTAMENT—WHOLE. THEOLOGY. Adeney, W. F. Theology of the New Testa- ment. New York, 1894. I60. pp. 248. F 3 American Institute of Sacred Literature. Biblical literature essays; New Testament series. Chicago, I895–96. I6 parts in I v. sm. * I For contents see last number. 4. Beyschlag, J. H. C. W. New Testament theology; or, Historical account of the teaching of Jesus and of primitive Christianity, tr. by N. Bu- chanon. Edinburgh, 1895. 2 v. 80. F IO-II Bruce, Rev. A. B. St. Paul’s conception of Christianity. New York, 1894. 80. pp. 404. F 9 Cone, Rev. Orello. The Gospel and its earliest interpretations; a study of the teaching of Jesus and its doctrinal transformations in the New Testa- ment. New York, 1893. 80. pp. 413. F4 Pfleiderer, Otto. Paulinism ; a contribution to the history of primitive Christian theology; trans- lated by E. Peters. London, etc., 1877. 2 v. jº. F 7– Contents :-i. Exposition of Paul's doctrine.—ii. The his- tory of Paulinism in the primitive church. Stevens, Rev. G. B. The Johannine theology. New York, 1894. 80. pp. 387. F5 The Pauline theology. New York, 1892. 80. pp. 383. F 6 Weiss, (K. P.) Bernhard. Biblical theology of the New Testament; translated from the third revised edition, by D. Eaton, [and J. E. Duguid]. Edinburgh, 1885–88. 2 v. 80. F 1–2 Wendt, H. H. Teaching of Jesus; tr. by J. Wilson. New York, 1892. 2 v. 80. F 12–13 INTRODUCTIONS. Abbot, Ezra. Authorship of the fourth Gospel and other critical essays, selected [and edited by J. H. Thayer]. Boston, 1888. 80. pp. 501. F 92 Bleek, Friedrich. Introduction to the New Testament; edited by J. F. Bleek; translated from the German of the 2nd edition by W. Urwick. Edinburgh, 1883. 2 v. 80. F 82–83 Charteris, Rez. A. H. The New Testament Scriptures; their claims, history, and authority. New York, 1882. 80. pp. 227. F 93 Dods, Rev. Marcus. Introduction to the New Testament. 7th ed. New York, [1889]. 160. pp. 247. F IoA Farrar, Rev. F. W. The messages of the books, being discourses and notes on the New Testament. London, etc., 1887. 80. pp. 532. F 9I Gloag, Rev. P. J. Introduction to the Johan- nine writings. London, 1891. 89. pp. 440. F 94 Hammond, C. E. Outlines of textual criticism, applied to the New Testament. 5th ed., revised. Oxford, 1890. Sm. 80. pp. 164. Facsim. F 97 Harris, J. Rendal. Lectures on the Western text of the New Testament. London, 1894. 80. pp. 96. F 98 Hilgenfeld, A. B. C. C. Historisch—kritische Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Leipzig, 1875. 80. pp. 828. F IoS Holtzmann, H. J. Lehrbuch der historisch– kritischen Einleitung in das Neue Testament; 3e verbesserte und vermehrte Aufl. Freiburg, 1892. 80. pp. 508. F 103 Howson, J. S. Horae Petrinae; studies in the life of Peter. [London, 1883.] 160. pp. 164. F 52 Julicher, Adolf Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Freiburg, 1894. 80. pp. 404 F IO2 Lightfoot, Rev. J. B. Biblical essays. Lon- don, 1893. 80. pp. 459. F 9o MacDonald, Æev. J.M. Life and writings of St. John ; edited with an introduction by J. S. How- son. New York, 1880. 80. pp. 436. Map and plates. - F 51 Mitchell, A’ev. E. C. Critical handbook of the Greek New Testament. New and enlarged ed. New York, 1896, sm. 80. pp. 270. Maps and facsims. - F 99 Nestle, Eberhard. Einführung in das Griech- ische Neue Testament. Göttingen, 1897. 80. pp. I29. 8 plates. F Io? Reuss, E. W. E. History of the sacred Scriptures of the New Testament; translated from the 5th German edition with bibliographical addi- tions by E. L. Houghton. Boston, 1884. 2 v. 80. F 79–80. Salmon, Rev. George. Historical introduction to the study of the New Testament. 4th ed. Lon- don, 1889. Sm. 80. pp. 654. F 86 Schaff, Rev. Philip. Companion to the Greek Testament and the English version. 3d ed., re- vised. New York, 1888, sm. 80. pp. 618. Fac- simus. F 95 Scrivener, F. H. A. Plain introduction to the criticism of the New Testament, 3d edition, re- vised, enlarged. Cambridge, etc., 1883. 80. pp. xxxix–H 712. F 76 Same. 4th ed., edited by E. Miller. Lon- don, 1894. 2 v. 80. Port. and plates. F 77–78 Simcox, Rev. W. H. The language of the New Testament. 2nd ed, London, 1892. 160. pp. 226, F IOO AVE W 7-ESTAMEN 77—WHOZA. 7 The writers of the New Testament, their style and characteristics. New York, [1891]. 160. pp. I90. F IOI Thayer, Rev. J. H. Books and their use. Appended, a list of books for students of the New Testament. Boston, 1893. 80. pp. 94. F 96 Toy, Rev. C. H. Quotations in the New Testa- ment. New York, 1884. 80. pp. 321. F 53 . Contains, pp. 283-321, indices to New Testament quota- tions. Vincent, Rev. M. R. Student’s New Testa- ment handbook. New York, 1893. 80. Pº gº I Weiss, (K.P.) Bernhard. Manual of introduc- tion to the New Testament; tr. by A. J. K. David- son. New York, [1889]. 2 v. 80. F 84–85 Wescott, Rev. B. F. A general survey of the history of the canon of the New Testament during the first four centuries. Cambridge, etc., 1889. Fa I sm. 89. pp. lvi–H593. CONCORDANCES, DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS. Blass, F. W. Grammatik des Neutestament- lichen Griechisch. Göttingen, 1896. 80. pp. 329. - Ff 2 I 2 Bruder, K. H. omnium vocum Novi [Greek title.]—Concordantiae Testamenti Graeci. Ed. stereotypa Tauchnitii 3a auction. Lipsiae, 1880. I v. bq. in 2. 40. Ff 208–209 Cremer, A. H. Bilblico-theological lexicon of New Testament Greek. 3rd English edition, with supplement; tr. by W. Urwick. Edinburgh, 1886. 1.49. pp. 943. Ff 206 Rennedy, Rev. H. A. A. Sources of New Testament Greek. Edinburgh, 1895. 80. pp. 172. Ff 226 Moulton, Rev. W. F. and Rev. A. S. Geden, editors. Concordance to the Greek Testament, according to the texts of Westcott and Hort, Tisch- endorf, and the English revisers. New York, 1897. l. 80. pp. Io97. Ff 208 Thayer, J. H., editor. Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament ; being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti, trauslated, revised, and enlarged. Corrected ed. New York, 1887. 40. pp. 726. Ff 201 Thoms, J. A. A complete concordance to the revised version of the New Testament. New York, 1883. 49. pp. 532. Bb 6 Trench, Rev. R. C. Synonyms of the New Testament. IIth ed. London, 1890. 80. pp. 4O5. Ff 22I Winer, J. G. B. Treatise on the grammar of New Testament Greek; tr. from the German, with additions and indices, by W. F. Moulton. 3d ed., revised. (9th English ed.) Edinburgh, 1882. 80. pp. 848. Ff 2II TEXTS AND VERSIONS. GREEK. Cambridge Greek Testament for schools and colleges; general editor, J. J. Perowne. Cam- bridge, 1886–97. 12 v. 160. Maps. Ff 3–7, 9, Io, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25 Contents —Matthew, A. Carr.—Mark, G. F. Maclear.— Luke, F. W. Farrar.—John, A. Plummer.—Acts, J. R. Lumby.—I and II Corinthians, J. J. Lias.-Philippians, H. C. G. Moule.—Hebrews, F.W. Farrar.—James, A.Carr.—Epistles of John, A. Plummer.—Revelation, W. H. and G. A. Simcox. n progress. - - - = -º ºr *, *, --...- . Chase, F. H. The old Syriac element in the codex Bezae. London, 1883. 80. pp. 160. - © Ff 75 Scrivener, F. H. A., editor. The parallel New Testament; the authorized version set forth in I6II, in parallel columns with the revised version of 1881, and with the original Greek. Cambridge, 1882. 80. pp. 1104. Ff 30 Tischendorf, Constantin, editor. Novum Testamentum Graecè ; recensuit, apparatum criti- cum apposuit, commentationem isagogicam prae- textuit; ed. 8a critica major. Lipsiae. [1872]—94. 3 v. 80. Ff 27–29 Vol. iii contains the prolegomena by C. R. Gregory. Weymouth, R. F., editor. The resultant Greek Testament; exhibiting the text in which the majority of modern editors are agreed. London, [1886], sm. 80. pp. 643. Ff 2 Westcott. Rev. B. F. and Rev. F. J. A. Hort, editors. The New Testament in the original Greek; the text revised. Cambridge, etc., 1887. 169. pp. 618. Ff 36 — Same. London, 1895. 80. pp. 542. Ff 37 — Same. Revised American ed., with intro- duction by Rev. P. Schaff. New York, 1895, 1882. 2 v. sm. 80. Ff 38–39 Wilson, Peter, editor. Novum Testamentum Graecum ; ad exemplar R. Stephani; [the Textus Receptus]. Philadelphia, 1854. I29. pp. 369. Ff 26 LATIN. [Vulgate.] Novum Testamentum domini nos- | tri Jesu Christi latine; secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi, ad codicum manuscriptorum fidem re- censuit J. Wordsworth in operis societatem ad- sumpto H. J. White. Pt. i. fasc. I. Oxonii, 1889. 49. t Fg I SYRIAC. Bensly, R. L. and others. The four gospels in Syriac, transcribed from the Sinaitic palimpsest; with an introduction by A. S. Lewis. Cambridge, 1894. 49. pp. xlvi-H318. Arontisp. Fe 4 Lewis, A. S. Some pages of the four gospels re-transcribed from the Sinaitic palimpsest, with a translation of the whole text. London, 1896. 40. pp. I44+139. Frontisp. Fe 6 A translation of the four gospels from the Syriac of the Sinaitic palimpsest. London, 1894. 80. pp. xxxvi-H239. A'rontisp. Fe 5 COMMENTARIES AND ANNOTATED EDITIONS. Abbott, Rev. Lyman. Popular commentary on the New Testament. New York, etc., 1876– [88]. 3 v. 40. Fa 24–26 Bengel, J. A. Gnomon of the New Testament; now first translated into English, with original notes. Revised and edited by A. R. Fausset. 7th ed. Edinburgh, 1866–77. 5 v. 80. Fa 29–33 Holtzmann, H. J., and others. Hand-com- mentar zum Neuen Testament; bearbeitet von H. J. Holtzmann, R. A. Lipsius, P. W. Schmiedel, H. v. Soden. 2e verbesserte und vermehrte Aufl. Freiburg i. B., 1892–93. 4 v. 80. Fa 36–39 Humphrey, Rev. W. G. Commentary on the revised version of the New Testament. London, etc., 1882. I69. pp. 474. Fq 28 - BARNES LIBRARY CATAzogue. Meyer, H. A. W. and others. Critical and exegetical commentary on the New Testament; from the German, the translation revised and edited by W. P. Dickson, F. Crombie, [and W. Stewart]. Edinburgh, 1873–83. 20 v. 80. - Fa 1–20 The commentary on Hebrews is by G. Lüneman; the com- mentaries on Timothy, Titus, Peter, Jude, James, and John's epistles are by J. E. Huther. Riggs, A’ev. Elias. Notes on difficult passages of the New Testament. Boston, (cop. 1889). I20. Fa 35 Schmidt, P. W. and F. von Holtzendorf. Short Protestant Commentary on the New Testa- ment; translated from the 3d German edition by F. H. Jones. London, etc., 1882–84. 3 v. 80. Fa 21–23 Wesley, Rev. John. Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. New edition, with the manu- script corrections of the author. New York, [18–). , 169. Fa 34 NEW TESTAMENT—PARTs. GOSPELS. INTRODUCTIONS. Abbott, E. A. and W. G. Rushbrooke. The common tradition of the synoptic gospels in the text of the revised version. London, 1884. sm. 80. pp. xxxix—HI56. G 12 Burgon, Rev. J. W. The traditional text of the Holy Gospels vindicated and established; ar- ranged, completed, and edited by E. Miller. Lon- don, 1896. 80. pp. 317. - G 9 Causes of the corruption of the traditional text of the Holy Gospels; arranged, completed, and edited by E. Miller. London, 1896. 80. pp. 29O. G IO Cone, Rev. Orello. Gospel-criticism and his- torical Christianity; a study of the Gospels and of the history of the Gospel-canon during the 2nd century. New York, 1891. 80. pp. 365. G 14 Nast, Rev. William. The gospel records: their genuineness, authenticity, historic verity, and inspiration. ..Cincinnati, (cop. 1866). 80. pp. 373. Rogers, A. K. Life and teachings of Jesus; a critical analysis of the sources of the gospels. New York, 1894. Sm. 80. pp. 354. Sh 23 Rushbrooke, W. G. Synopticon; an exposi- tion of the common matter of the synoptic gospels. London, 1880, fo. pp. xiv-Hſf. (249.) G II — See also Abbott, E. A. Tischendorf, Constantin von. Origin of the four gospels; tr. ; W. L. Gage. Boston, (cop. 1867). 169. pp. 287. G I5. Westcott, Rev. B. F. Introduction to the study of the gospels, New York, 1887. Sm. 80. pp. 476. G 13 HARMONIES. Beale, C. H. Comparative harmony of the four gospels; containing a continuous narrative of the life of Jesus Christ according to the revised ver- Sion, arranged in parallel columns. Lansing, Mich., (cop. 1892). 80. pp. 230. G 21 In same volume with the Interspersed harmony, by J. Travis. Burton, E. D. See W. A. Stevens. Cadman, J. P. The four in one; Christ in the gospels; or, The life of our Lord in the words of the evangelists, American revision, 1881. 7th ed. New York. 1889. 80. pp. 378. 2 maps. G 16 Harris, J. Rendel. Fragments of the com- mentary of Ephrem Syrus upon the Diatessaron [of Tatian]. London, 1895. 80. pp. IOI. G. 22a James, C. C. A harmony of the Gospels, in the revised version. London, 1892. 80. pp. 274. G18 Pittenger, W. The interwoven gospels and gospel harmony, according to the revised version of 1881. New York, 1893. 160. pp. var. Maps. G 17 Robinson, Rev. Edward. Harmony of the four gospels in English; with explanatory notes. 14th ed. Boston, 1869. I29. pp. 216. G 23 Harmony of the four Gospels in the words of the authorized version; with explanatory notes. Revised edition, by M. B. Riddle. Boston, 1892. 80. pp. 205. G 20 Stevens, W. A. and E. D. Burton. Har- mony of the Gospels for historical study; an analyt- ical synopsis of the four Gospels in the version of 1881. Boston, 1894. 49. pp. 237. G I9 Tatian. The earliest life of Christ ever com- piled from the four Gospels, being the Diatessaron of Tatian [circ. A.D. 160] ; literally translated from the Arabic version, with introduction, notes, and appendix, by J. H. Hill. Edinburgh, 1894. 80. pp. 379. G 22 Travis, J. Interspersed harmony of the life and journeys of Christ; with index. Lansing, Mich., 1893. 80. pp. 314. A lates. G 21 Wright, A. Synopsis of the Gospels; in Greek, after the Westcott and Hort text. London, 1896. 40. pp. 168. G 8 MIRACLES AND PARABLES. A. L. O. E. See Tucker, Miss C. M. Arnot, Æezy. William. Parables of our Lord. London, 1893. 80. pp. 532. G 7o Bruce, A’ev. A. B. Parabolic teaching of Christ; a systematic and critical study of the par- ables. 3d ed., revised. New York, 1888. 80. Pp. 514. - G 62 Dods, Rev. Marcus. Parables of our Lord. Ist series. London, 1895. 160. G 74 Contents :-The parables recorded by St. Matthew. Goebel, Siegfried. The parables of Jesus; a methodical exposition; tr. by J. S. Banks. Edin- burgh, 1890. 80. pp. 460. G 63 Same. Another copy. G 64. Guthrie, Thomas. The parables read in the light of the present day. New York, 1868. 129. pp. 278. G MacDuff, Rev. J. R. Parables of the lake; or, The seven stories of Jesus by the Sea of Galilee. London, [1885]. sm. 89. pp. 201. * - 75 Maturin, B. W. Practical studies on the par- ables of our Lord. London, 1897. Sm. 89. pp. 295. G 67 Richey, Thomas. Parables of the Lord Jesus AVE W 7-ESTAMENT-PARTS. 9 according to St. Matthew arranged, compared, and illustrated. 2nd ed. New York, 1890. 80. pp. 4O6. te G 71 Taylor, Rev. W. M. Parables of our Saviour expounded and illustrated. 9th ed. New York, 1896. 80. pp. 445. G 69 Thomson, W. H. The parables and their home; the parables by the lake. New York, 1895. I69. pp. I59. G 68 Trench, Rev. R. C. Notes on the miracles of our Lord. I5th ed. New York, 1895. sm. 80. pp. 512. G 51 Notes on the parables of our Lord. 15th ed., revised. New York, 1887. sm. 80. pp. 526. G 61 [Tucker, Miss C. M.J. The parables of Christ, by A. L. O. E. New York, 1886. 160. pp. 285. G 65 COMMENTARIES, ETC. Adams, Rev. William. Conversations of Jesus Christ with representative men. New York, (cop. 1868). I29. pp. 290. G 90 Alexander, Æev. William. Leading ideas of the gospels, new ed., revised and enlarged. Lon- don, 1892. Sm. 89. pp. 330. G 88 Bruce, Rev. A. B. The training of the twelve; or, passages out of the gospels exhibiting the dis- ciples of Jesus under discipline for the apostleship. 4th ed. Edinburgh, 1888. pp. 539. G 87 Dunwell, F. H. The four gospels as inter- preted by the early church; a commentary on the authorized English version, compared with the Sinaitic, the Vatican, and Alexandrine manuscripts, and also with the Vulgate. London, 1878. 40. pp. 93 I. e G 76 Mathews, Shailer. The social teaching of Jesus; an essay in Christian sociology. New York, 1897. Sm. 89. pp. 235. G 91 SYNOPTICS. Ellicott, A’ev. C. J., general editor. The Gos- pel according to St. Mark, with commentary by E. H. Plumptre. London, etc., [1879]. 160. pp. 282. (In “The Handy Commentary” series.) Gb 2 Godet, Rev. Frederic. Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke ; tr. from the 2nd French edi- tion. Edinburgh, 1887–89. 2 v. 80. Gc 1–2 Hobart, Rev. W. K. The medical language of St. Luke. Dublin, etc., 1882. 80. pp. 305. G 89 Maclaren, Rev. Alexander. The Gospel of St. Matthew. New York, 1894. 2 v. sm. 80. Ga 3–4 Morison, Rev. James. Practical commentary on the Gospel according to St. Mark. 6th ed. London, 1889. 80. pp. 481. Gb I Practical commentary on the Gospel accord- ing to St. Matthew. 7th. ed. London, 1890. 80. pp. 635. Ga I — Same. Ga 2 8th ed. 1892. JOHN. Bernard, T. D. The central teaching of Jesus Christ; a study of the five chapters of the Gospel according to John, 13–17 inclusive. New York, 1892. sm. 89, pp. 416. Gd 17 Ellicott, Rev. C. J., general editor. The Gos- pel according to St. John; with commentary by H. New York, 1883. W. Watkins. London, etc., [1879]. I60. pp. 467. Colored map. (In “The Handy Commen- tary’ series.) Gd Io Godet, Rev. Frederic. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John, with a critical introduction, translated from the last edition by M. D. Cusin. Edinburgh. 1888–89. 3 v. 80. Gd I-3 Hengstenburg, Rev. E. W. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. Edinburgh, 1879–86. 2 V. 80. e Gd 4–5 Leathes, Rev. Stanley. The witness of St. John to Christ; with an appendix on the authorship and integrity of St. John’s gospel, and the unity of the Johannine writings. London, etc., 1870. 8 v. pp. 368. (Boyle lectures, 1870.) Gd 14 Luthardt, C. E. St. John the author of the fourth gospel; revised, translated, and the litera- ture much enlarged by C. R. Gregory. Edinburgh, 1875. 80. pp. 369. Gd 15 St. John's gospel described and explained according to its peculiar character; tr. by C. R. Gregory, 1876–78. 3 v. 80. Gd 6–8 Maurice, Rev. F. D. The Gospel of St. John; a series of discourses. London, etc., 1888. sm.80. pp. 501. Gd I6 Milligan, Rev. William and Rev. W. F. Moulton. The Gospel according to St. John. I69. pp. 443. (The Interna- tional Revision Commentary, iv.) Gd II Orr, James. Authenticity of John's gospel, de- duced from internal evidence. London, etc., 1870. 80. pp. 121. Gd 13 Peyton, Rev. W. W. Memorabilia of Jesus, commonly called the Gospel of St. John. London, 1892. 80. pp. 513. Gd 19 Sears, Rev. E. H. The fourth gospel the heart of Christ. 9th ed. Boston, 1890, sm. 80. pp. 55 I. Gd 18 Tayler, Rev. J. J. An attempt to ascertain the character of the fourth gospel, especially in its re- lation to the other three. 2nd ed. London, 1870. 80. pp. 189. Gd I2 Tholuck, Rezy. (F.) August (G.) Commen- tary on the Gospel of St. John ; tr. from the last German edition. Edinburgh, 1874. 80. Pºº. 9 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. Arnot, Rev. William. The church in the house; a series of lessons on the Acts of the apostles. New York, 1883. Sm. 89, pp. # e 5 Baumgarten, Michael. Acts of the apostles; or, The history of the church in the apostolic age; tr. from the German by A. J. W. Morrison. Edin- burgh, 1863. 3 v. 89. Ge 6–8 Blass, Friedrich, editor. Acta apostolorum; sive Lucae ad Theophilum liber alter. Ed. philo- logica apparatu critico, commentario perpetuo, in- dice verborum illustrata. Göttingen, 1895. 80. pp. 334. Ge II — Acta apostolorum; sive Lucae ad Theophi- lum liber alter secundum formam quae videtur ro- manam. Lipsiae, 1896. 89. pp. xxxi +96. Ge I2 Burton, E. D. The records and letters of the apostolic age; the New Testament Acts, Epistles, and Revelation in the version of 1881, arranged for historical study. New York, 1895. 80. pp. 238. Ge Io IO AAAEAVES LIBRARY CA 74/OG UAE. Gloag, Rezy. P. J. Critical and exegetical COIn- mentary on the Acts of the apostles. Edinburgh, 1870. 2 v. 80. Ge 3–4 Luckock, Rezy. H. M. Footprints of the apostles as traced by St. Luke in the Acts. Lon- don, 1897. 2 v. sm. 89. Ge 16–17 Rendall, Frederic. The Acts of the apostles in Greek and English, with notes. London, 1897. sm. 80. pp. 365. Maps. Ge 15 Stokes, G. T. The Acts of the apostles; 2nd ed. London, 1893–96. 2 v. 80. Ge I3–14 Vedder, H. C. The dawn of Christianity; or, Studies of the apostolic church. Philadelphia, (cop. 1894). sm. 80. pp. 208. (“Christian cul- ture courses.”) g Ge 9 Zeller, Eduard. Contents and origin of the Acts of the apostles. Prefixed, J. Overbeck’s In- troduction to the Acts, from DeWette's Handbuch; tr. by J. Dare. London, etc., 1875–76. 2 v. 89. Ge I-2 PAUL. Baur, F. C. von. Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ, his life and work, his epistles and his doc- trine; a contribution to a critical history of primi- tive Christianity; tr. from the 2nd German ed., edited by E. Zeller, by A. Menzies. London, etc., 1876–75. 2 v. 80. Gf 6–7 Vol. i is 2nd ed., revised. Bungener, A'ez. (L. L.) Felix. St. Paul; his life, labours, and epistles; a narrative and an argu- ment; tr. from the French. London, [1870]. sm. 80. pp. 432. Gf 15 Conybeare, Rez. W. J. and Rez. J. S. How- son. The life and epistles of St. Paul. New ed. London, etc., 1891. sm. 80. pp. 850. Wacts., plates, and maps. Gf IO Davies, Rezy. G. S. St. Paul in Greece. Lon- don, [1877]. 160. pp. 188. Map. Gf 19 Farrar, Rev. F. W. The life and work of St. Paul. New York, 188o. 2 v. 80. Colored maps. Gf 3–4 New York, 1895. 80. pp. 781. Gf 5 Same. Colored maps. Goodwin, Rev. F. J. Harmony of the life of St. Paul, according to the Acts of the apostles and the Pauline epistles. New York, [1895]. 80. pp. 24O. Maps. Gf II . Howson, Rezy. J. S. See Rezy. W. J. Cony- 8 beare. Lewin, Thomas. Paul. 4th ed., revised. Allus. Gf I-2 Matheson, Rezy. George. Spiritual develop- ment of St. Paul. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1892. sm. 80. pp. 324. Gf I6 Merivale, Rezy. Charles. St. Paul at Rome. London, [1877]. 160. pp. 180. Map. Gf 20 Paley, Rez. William. Horae Paulinae; or, The truth of the Scripture history of St. Paul evinced; with notes, and a treatise entitled Horae apostolicae by J. R. Birks. London, n.d., 129. pp. 412. Map. Gf 14 Plumptre, Rev. E. H. St. Paul in Asia Minor and at the Syrian Antioch. London, 1896. 16°. pp. 190. Map. Gf 18 Ramsey, W. M. St. Paul the traveler and the Life and epistles of St. London, 1878. 2 v. 49. Roman citizen. New York, 1896. 89. pp. 394. Map. Gf 9 Rawlinson, Rev. George. St. Paul in Da- mascus and Arabia. London, [1877]. 160. pp. 18O. Map and wacts. Gf 17 Sabatier, (L.) Auguste. The apostle Paul; a sketch of the development of his doctrine; tr. by A. M. Hellier; edited, with an additional essay on the pastoral epistles, by G. G. Findlay. 3d ed. New York, 1896. 80. pp. 402. Gf 13 Stalker, Æev. James. Life of St. Paul. Edin- burgh, [188—J. sm. 80. pp. 149. Map. Gf 8 Taylor, Rev. W. M. Paul the missionary. New York, (cop. 1881). 89. pp. 570. Frontisp., map, and II plates. Gf I2 PAULINE EPISTLES. Dale, Rez. R. W. The epistle to the Ephe- sians, its doctrine and ethics. 6th ed. London, 1892. 80. pp. 446. Gl 3 Delitzsch, Franz. Commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews; tr. from the German by T. L. Kingsbury. Edinburgh, [1870 ?]–87. 2 v. 89. - Gt I–2 Dickson, Rezy. W. P. St. Paul’s use of the terms flesh and spirit. Glasgow, 1883. Sm. 89. pp. 458. Gſ 77 Ellicott, Rez. C. J. The pastoral epistles of St. Paul [Timothy and Titus]; with a critical and grammatical commentary, and a revised translation. 5th ed. London, 1893. 89. pp. 264. Gf 93 Saint Paul's epistle to the Ephesians; with a critical and grammatical commentary, and a re- vised translation. 5th ed. London, 1884. 89. pp. I92. Gf 90 St. Paul's epistles to the Philippians, the Colossians, and Philemon; with a critical and gram- matical commentary [and translation]. 5th ed. London, 1888. 80. pp. 29O. Gf 91 St. Paul's epistles.to the Thessalonians; with a critical and grammatical commentary and a revised translation. 4th ed. London, 1880. 8°. pp. 167. Gf 92 Findlay, Rez. G. G. The epistle to the Ephe- sians. London, 1892. 89. pp. 440. Gl I Gloag, Rev. P. J. Introduction to the Pauline epistles. Edinburgh, 1874. 80. pp. 480. Gf 76 Godet, Rev. Frederic. Commentary on St. Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians; tr. from the French by A. Cusin. Edinburgh, 1889–90. 2 v. O. Gh I-2 Commentary on St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans; tr. from the French by A. Cusin. Edin- burgh, 1888–89. 2 v. 89. Gg I-2 Introduction to the New Testament; tr. from the French by W. Affleck. Part i. Edin- burgh, 1894. 89. Gf 78 Cozetents :-Epistles of St Paul. Haldane, Robert. Exposition of the epistle to the Romans; with remarks on the commentaries of MacKnight, M. Stuart, and Tholuck. New York, 1857. 80. pp. 746. Gg 3 Hort, Rezy. F. J. A. Prolegomena to St. Paul's epistles to the Romans and the Ephesians. London, 1895. Sm. 89. pp. 192. Gf 79 Same. Another copy. Gf 8o Lightfoot, Rev. J. B. Notes on epistles of St. Paul, from unpublished commentaries. London, 1895. 80. pp. 336. Gf 81 — Saint Paul's epistles to the Colossians A4 7.R/S 7TWC Z/7ZZRA 7'URAE. I I and to Philemon; a revised text, with introduction, notes, and dissertations. 8th ed. London, etc., 1886. pp. 428. Gf 84 — Saint Paul's epistle to the Galatians; a re- vised text, with introduction, notes, and disserta- tions. 9th ed. London, etc., 1887. 89. } §4. e * 2 Saint Paul's epistle to the Philippians; a revised text, with introduction, notes, and disser- tations. 8th ed. London, etc., 1888. 80. pp. 35O. Gf 83 THE CATHOLIC EPISTLES AND THE APOCALYPSE. Ebrard, J. H. A. Biblical commentary on the epistles of St. John; with an appendix on the Cath- olic epistles, and an essay on the life and writings of St. John ; tr. by W. B. Pope. Edinburgh, 1860. 80. pp. 423. Gx I Gebhardt, Hermann. The doctrine of the Apocalypse and its relation to the doctrine of the Gospel and Epistles of John; tr. from the German by J. Jefferson. Edinburgh, 1878. 80. P; 424. Z 2 Gloag, Rev. P. J. Introduction to the Cath- olic epistles. Edinburgh, 1887. 80. pp. 4. Ul I Mayor, J. B. The Epistle of St. James; the Greek text, with [Latin versions], introduction, notes, and comments. London, 1892. 80. pp. 248. }v I Sadler, M. F. The Revelation of St. John the divine; with notes, critical and practical. London, 1893. sm. 80. pp. 298. Z I Völter, Daniel. Das Problem der Apokalypse, mach seinem gegenwärtigen Stande. Freiburg i. B., 1893. l. 80. pp. 528. Gz 3 Westcott, Rez. B. F. The Epistles of St. John; the Greek text with notes and essays. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1892. 89. pp. 38o. Gx 2 APOCRYPHAL GOSPELS. Gebhardt, Oscar von, editor. Das Evange- lium und die Apokalypse des Petrus; die neuent- deckten Bruchstücke nach einer Photographie der Handschrift zu Gizeh. Leipzig, 1893. 80. pp. 52. 20 plates. Ho 2 Gould, Rez. S. B. The lost and hostile gos- pels; an essay on the Toledoth Jeschu, and the Petrine aud Pauline gospels of the first three cen- turies, of which fragments remain. London, 1874. I29. pp. 305. Ho II Harris, J. Rendal. Popular account of the newly-recovered Gospel of Peter. London, 1893. sm. 80. pp. 97. Ho I Also contains the text. PATRISTIC LITERATURE. Ante-Nicene Fathers. See Roberts, Rezy. Conybeare, Rev. F. C., editor. Apology and Acts of Apollonius, and other monuments of early Christianity; with introductions, notes, etc. London, 1894. 80. pp. 36O. Hu 5o Contents :-Apology and Acts of Apollonius.-Acts of Paul and Thekla.—Acts of S. Phocas.-Acts of S. Polyeuctes.— Acts of S. Eugenia.—Acts of S. Codratius.--Acts of Theodore. —Acts of Thalelaeus.-Acts of S. Hiztibouzit.—Acts of S. Callistratus.—Acts of S. Demetrius.—Addenda. Cruttwell, C. T. Literary history of early Christianity, including the Fathers and the chief heretical writers of the ante-Nicene period. New York, 1893. 2 v. Hs 1–2 [Atôaxi) rôv drooróAov.] The Teaching of the apostles; newly edited, with facsimile text and a commentary, from the MS. of the Holy Sepulchre convent, Jerusalem, by J. R. Harris. Baltimore, etc., 1897. 49. pp. Ioj. IO facsims. Ht I Krüger, F. W. G. History of early Christian literature in the first three centuries; tr. by C. R. Gillett, with corrections and additions by the author. New York, 1897. sm. 80. pp. 409. Table. Hs 5 Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers. See Schaff, Rezy. P. Origenes. Commentary on St. John's gospel; revised with a critical introduction and indices, by A. E. Brooke. Cambridge, 1896. 2 v. sm. 89. Hu 35–36 Roberts, Rev. Alexander, and James Don- aldson, editors. The ante-Nicene Fathers. Amer- ican reprint of the Edinburgh edition, revised and calypses and Romances. & chronologically arranged, with prefaces and notes, by A. C. Coxe... [Vol. ix edited by A. Menzies. J Buffalo, 1886–96. Io v. l. 80. Hu I–Io Contents :-i. Apostolic Fathers. Justin Martyr. Irenaeus. —ii. Hermas. Tatian. Theophilus. Athenagoras. Clement of Alexandria.—iii. Tertullian.—iv. Tertullian. Minucius Felix. Commodian. , Origen.—v. Hippolytus. Cyprian. Caius. Novatian.—vi. Gregory Thaumaturgus. Dionysius of Alexandria. Julius Africanus. Minor writers of third cen- tury.—vii. Lactantius. Dionysius of Rome. Teaching of the twelve apostles. Minor writers.-viii. Patriarchs. Pseudo- Clementine. New Testament Apocrypha. Decretals. Ex- cerpts.-ix. Gospel of Peter. Diatessaron of Tatian. Apo- Origen's commentaries on Matthew and John.—[x,] Bibliography. General index. Schaff, Rev. Philip, editor. Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian Church. 1st. series. Buffalo, 1886–90. 14 v. 80. Hv I-14 Contents :-i-viii. Augustinus, Saint, Bé. of Hippo. Works.-ix–xiv. Joannes Chrysostomas, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. Works. and Rezy. Henry Wace, editors. Same. 2nd series. New York, etc., 1890–97. II vols. l. 80. - Hv I5–22, 24–26 Cozztents.”—i. Eusebius Pamphili, Bø. of Caesareza in Palestine.—ii. Socrates scholasticus.—iii. Theodoret. Jer- ome. Grennadius. Rufinus.—iv. Athanasius, Saint, Abp. of Alexandria.-v. Gregorius, Saint, Bę, of Myssa.-vi. Jerome, Saint.—vii. Cyril, Saint. Gregorius, Saint, AVazian- zen.—viii. Basilius, Saznt, A&p. of Caesareta.—x. Ambro- sius, Saint, Bø. of Milan.—xi. Sulpitius Severus. Vincent of Lerius. John Cassian.—xii. Leo the Great. Gregory the Great. In progress. Tertullianus, Q. S. F. De praescriptione haereticorum; ad martyras ; ad Scapulam. Edited, with introductions and notes by T. H. Bindley. Oxford, 1893. 80. pp. 180. Hu 26 I 2 AA RAVES ZZAPA’AA’Y CA 7TAZOG UAE. THEOLOGY. Alger, Rev. W. R. Critical history of the doc- trine of a future life; with bibliography. New York, 1869. 80. pp. 676. As I Beach, Rev. D. N. The newer religious think- ing. Boston, 1893. Sm. 89. pp. 227. Lim I Bierbower, Austin. The morals of Christ; a comparison with contemporary systems. Chicago, 1885. sm. 80. pp. 200. Jq I Bousset, Wilhelm. The Antichrist legend; a chapter in Jewish and Christian folk-lore; englished from the German, with a prologue on the Baby- lonian dragon myth, by A. H. Keane. London, 1896. sm. 89. pp. 307. Js II Briggs, Rev. C. A. The Messiah of the gos- pels. New York, 1894. 80. pp. 337. Im I The Messiah of the apostles. New York, 1895. -80. pp. 562. Im 2 Delitzsch, Franz. System of biblical psycho- logy; tr. from the German (2nd ed., revised and en- larged), by R. E. Wallis. Edinburgh, 1885. 80. J I pp. 585. Drummond, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world. New York, 1887. sm. 89. pp. 285. Lu 2 Fairbairn, Rev. A. M. The place of Christ in modern theology. New York, 1893. 80. pp. 556. I 5 Farrar, Rev. F. W. The witness of history to Christ. New ed. London, 1880. sm. 80. pp. 2O7. (Hulsean lectures, 1870.) Lim 4 Fisher, Rev. G. P. The Christian religion. New York, 1887. ~160. pp. I 14. Lm 3 Gore, Charles, editor. Lux mundi; a series of studies in the religion of the incarnation. , 11th ed. London, 1891. 80. pp. 538. Il I Contents:–Hollands, H. S. Faith.-Moore, A. Christian doctrine of God.—Illingsworth, J. R. The problem of pain; its bearing on faith in God. The incarnation in relation to development.—Talbot, E. S. The preparation in history for Christ.—Moberly, R. C. The incarnation as the basis for || dogma.—Lyttelton, A. The atonement.—Gore, C. The Holy Spirit and inspiration.—Lock, W. The church.-Paget, Sacraments.-Campion, W. J. H. Christianity and poli- tics.—Ottley, R. L. Christian ethics. Harmack, (C. G.) Adolf. Outlines of the his- tory of dogma; tr. by E. K. Mitchell. New York, 1893. 80. pp. 567. I 3 Laing, Samuel, the younger. Problems of the future life. London, 1890. 80. pp. 4O9. Al I Lewis, Tayler. The light by which we see light; or, Nature and the Scriptures. New York, 1875. sm. 80. pp. 246. (Vedder lectures, 1875.) - Lu I Mackintosh, Rezy. William. Natural history of the Christian religion; a study of the doctrine of Jesus as developed from Judaism and converted into dogma. New York, 1894. 80. pp. to, * 2 Ottley, Rev. R. L. Doctrine of the incarna- tion. London, 1896. 2 v. 80. Im 3-4 Contents —i. To the council of Nicaea.—ii. To the present ay. Schaff, Rezy. Philip. The creeds of Christen- dom; with a history and critical notes. New York, (cop. 1897). 3 v. 80. L I-3 Vol. i., iii are 4th ed. ; vol. ii has date 1890. Theological propaedeutic; a general intro- duction to the study of theology. New York, 1893. 80. pp. 536. I 4 Contains at end, 60 pp. “A ministerial library,” compiled by Rev. S. M. Jackson. Smith, G. V. The Bible and its theology, as popularly taught ; a review, comparison, and re- statement with more especial reference to certain Bampton lectures and recent works on atonement and inspiration. London, 1892. Sm. 80. pp. 371. Il 2 Swete, H. B. The Apostles’ creed; its rela- tion to primitive Christianity. London, 1894. 80. pp. I IO. La I Toy, C. H. Judaism and Christianity; a sketch of the progress of thought from Old Testament to New Testament. Boston, 1891. 80. pp. 456. I I Young, Rev. John. The Christ of history; an argument grounded in the facts of his life on earth. New York, 1858. I29. pp. 260. Im 5 HISTORY. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Baedeker, Karl, editor. Palestine and Syria; handbook for travellers. Leipsic, etc., 1876. 160. pp. 610. Z//us. Sa 21 Besant, Sir Walter. Thirty years’ work in the Holy Land, 1865–95. New and revised ed. Lon. don, 1895. 80. pp. 256. Sa 67 Conder, Zá. Col. C. R. Palestine. London, 1889. Sm. 80. pp. 270. Illus. Sa 58 Vol. ii of “The world's great explorers and explorations” series. Field, Rev. H. M. Among the Holy Hills. New York, 1884. 80. pp. 243. Colored map. Sa 62 From Egypt to Japan. 13th ed. New York, 1886. 80. pp. 424. Sa 6o The Greek islands and Turkey aſter the New York, 1885. 80. pp. 228. Illus. Sa 63 War. duction by Rev. J. H. Vincent. From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden I4th ed. New York, 1885. 80. pp. 355. Sa 59 On the desert; with a brief review of recent events in Egypt. New York, 1885. 80. pp. 330. Colored map. Sa 61 Geikie, Rev. Cunningham. The Holy Land and the Bible; a book of Scripture illustrations gathered in Palestine. New York, 1888. 2 v. 80. Map. 4 Sa 55–56 Hurlbut, Rez. J. L. Manual of biblical geog- raphy; a text-book on Bible history, with an intro- Revised ed. Chicago, (cop. 1887). 49. pp. 158. Illus. Horn. Sa I Macgregor, John. The Rob Roy on the Jor- dan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth, etc.; a canoe cruise in Palestine and Egypt. New York, 1870. 80. pp. 464. A/aps, wacts., and plates. Sa 54 ARCHAEOLOGY..—ORIENTAZ HISTORY.—3A WISH HISTORY. Menke, Theodor. Bibelatlas in acht Blättern. Gotha, 1868. fo. p. 1–H3 maps. Sa 3 Morrison, Walter, editor. The recovery of Jerusalem ; a narrative of exploration in the city and the Holy Land; by Capt. Wilson, etc., with an introduction by Rev. A. P. Stanley. London, 1871. 80. pp. 554. Illus. Sa 68 Palestine Exploration Fund. Map of west- ern Palestine, from surveys by C. R. Conder and H. H. Kitchener, 1872–77. London, 1880, 26 sheets. Scale, I m. to I inch. Sa 2 Thomson, Rev. W.M. The land and the book; or, Biblical illustrations from the manners and cus- toms, scenes and scenery of the Holy Land. New York, [1886]. 3 v. 120. Illus. Sa 51-53 Trumbull, Rezy. H. C. Studies in Oriental social life, and gleams from the east on the sacred page. Philadelphia, 1894. 80. pp. 437. Figs. Sa 65 Van Horne, Rezy. David. Tent and saddle life in the Holy Land. Philadelphia, 1885. sm. 80. pp. 352. Wacts. and plates. Sa 69 ARCHAEOLOGY. Bennett, Rez. C. W. Christian archaeology. New York, etc., 1891. 80. pp. 558. Illus. Sk 4 Boscawen, W. St. C. The Bible and the monuments; the primitive Hebrew records in the light of modern research. 3d ed. London, 1896. 80. pp. 177. Frontisp. and plates. Sb 6 Brman, Adolf Life in ancient Egypt; tr. by H. M. Tirard. London, 1894. 80. pp. 370, Ui plates and fºgs. Sb IoI Evetts, B. T. A. New light on the Bible and the Holy Land; some recent discoveries in the East. London, 1892. 80. pp. 469. Frontisp. and figs. Sb 7 Ewald, G. F. H. A. von. The antiquities of Israel ; tr. by H. S. Solly. London, 1876. 80. pp. 386. A late. Sb 3 Fish, Rev. H. C. Bible lands illustrated ; a hand-book of the antiquities and modern life of all the sacred countries. New York, etc., (cop. 1876). 80. pp. 920. Illus. Sa 57 Freeman, A’ev. J. M. Hand-book of Bible manners and customs. New York, [1874]. sm. 80. pp. 515. Frontisp. and figs. Sb Io? Harper, H. A. The Bible and modern dis- coveries. 4th ed., revised. London, 1891. 80. pp. 42O. Map and witcts. Sb 4 Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities; edited by H. J. Peck. New York, 1897. 80. pp. 1701. Zllus. S II . Harris, J. R. . Some interesting Syrian and Palestinian inscriptions. London, 1891. 80. pp. 35. 3 plates. Sb IO6 Hilprecht, Hermann von. Recent research in Bible lands, its progress and results. Philadel- phia, 1896. 80. pp. 269. Frontisp., photo-engrs. and map. Sb IoS Contents:–McCurdy, J. F. Oriental research and the Bible.—Bliss, F. J. Mounds of Palestine.—Hilprecht, H. v. Explorations in Babylonia.—Sayce, A Research in Egypt—Hommel, F. Discoveries in Arabia.—Ward, W. H. The Hittites.—Mahaffy, J. P. Early Greek manuscripts from Egypt.—Ramsey, W. M. New light on the book of Acts. Jacobs, Joseph. Studies in biblical archaeology. New York, 1894. 80. pp. 148. Sb 5 Keil, K. F. Manual of biblical archaeology; I3 with alterations and additions by the author for the English translation; tr. by P. Christie [and A. Cusin], edited by F. Crombie. Edinburgh, 1887– 88. 2 v. 80. - Sb 1–2 Knight, William. The Arch of Titus and the spoils of the Temple; with an introduction by the Bishop of Durham [B. F. Dunelm]. New York, [1896]. Sm. 89. pp. 126. Arontisp. and figs. Sb Io.3 Sayce, Kev. A. H. Social life among the Assy- rians and Babylonians. London, 1893. 80. pp. I26. Sb Io2 Schrader, Eberhard. The cuneiform inscrip- tions and the Old Testament; tr. from the 2nd en- larged German edition by O. C. Whitehouse. Lon- don, etc., 1885–88. 2 v. 80. Map. Sb Io9–IO4 Shimeall, Rev. R. C. Our Bible chronology, historic and prophetic, examined and harmonized with the chronology of profane writers; with chron- -º-º-º-º- ological and genealogical tables. 1st series. New York, 1867. l. 80. pp. 234. Wacts. and 2 colored maps. Sd I Trumbull, Aeezy. H. C. The threshold cove- nant; or, The beginning of religious rites. 2nd ed. New York, 1896. 80. pp. 336. Sb Io9 Williamson, G. C. The money of the Bible. [London], 1894, sm. 89. . pp. 94. Wałcts. and facsims. - Sb 8 ORIENTAL HISTORY. Crichton, Rez. Andrew. History of Arabia, ancient and modern. Vol. i. New York, 1834. 120. Maps, figs, and zwign. Se 201 McCurdy, Acev. Frederick. History, proph- ecy, and the monuments. Vol. i-ii. New York, 1894-96. 2 v. 80. Map. Se 15–16 Rogers, Rez. R. W. Outlines of the history of early Babylonia. Leipzig, 1895. 80. pp. 71. Se 202 JEWISH HISTORY. Ewald, G. H. A. von. History of Israel; tr. from the German. London, 1878–86. 8v. 80. Se 6–13 Graetz, Hirsch. History of the Jews from the earliest times to the present day, specially re- vised for this English edition by the author; edited by B. Löwy. London. I891–92. 5 v. 80. Port. Se 51-55 Hall, Rev. Joseph. Scripture history; or, Contemplations on the historical passages of the Old and New Testaments. Abridged by G. H. Glasse. New York, [18—?]. 120. pp. 516. Se 46 Hengstenburg, Rev. E. W. History of the Kingdom of God under the Old Testament; tr. from the German. Edinburgh, 1871–72. 2 v. 80. Se 17–18 Josephus, Flavius. Works; Whiston's trans- lation, revised by Rev. A. R. Shilleto. London, 1889–90. 5 v. sm. 89. Se 1–5 Coretents —1. Life of Josephus. Antiquities, books i-vi.- ii. Antiquities, books vii-xiii.-iii. Antiquities, books xiv to end.—iv. Wars, booksi-iv.—v. Wars, books v-vii. Against Apion, books i-ii. - Opera; recognovit B. Niese. Berolini, 1888–95. 6 v. in 2. 80. Se 5a–b Rent, C. F. History of the Hebrew people from the settlement in Canaan to the division of the kingdom. New York, 1896. sm. 80. pp. 220. Maps and plans. Se 37 BARAVES Z/BRAF V CA TALOGöA. Kittel, Rudolph. History of the Hebrews. London, 1895–96. 2 v. 80. Se 47–48 Contents –i. To the death of Joshua.—ii. To the Baby- lonian exile. Eitto, Rev. John. Illustrated history of the Holy Bible, including the life of Christ and his apostles; with notes; edited by A. Bond. Nor: wich, Conn., 1866. 80. pp. 656. Maps and plates. Se 45 Eurtz, J. H. History of the old covenant; prefaced by a condensed abstract of Kurtz’s “Bible and astronomy.” 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1870–72. 3 v. 80. Se 19–21 Oxford, Rez. A. W. Short introduction to the history of ancient Israel. London, 1887, 160. pp. 147. Se 34 Price, I. M. Syllabus of Old Testament his- tory; outlines and literature, with an introductory treatment of biblical geography. 3d ed., revised. New York, [1892]. sm. 80. pp. 198. Se 38 Renan, (J.) Ernest. History of the people of Israel. Boston, 1894–95. 5 v. 80. Se 22–26. Contents:–i. To David.—ii. To the capture of Samaria.- iii. To the return from Babylon.—iv. Under the Persians and the Greeks.—v. Jewish independence. Roman rule. Schürer, Emil. History of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ. Edinburgh, 1885–91. 2 pts. and index in 6 v. 80. Se 27–32 Contents:–Part I, i, ii. Political history of Palestine, B.C. 175—A.D. 135.-Part 2, i, ii, iii. The internal condition of Palestine and of the Jewish people in the time of Christ.— Index. Seidel, Rezy. Martin. historical pictures. New York, [1894]. I92. e 49 Sharpe, Samuel. The history of the Jewish nation and its literature, with an appendix on the Hebrew chronology. 5th ed. London, 1890. 89. pp. 454. - Se 36 Sime, James. The Kingdom of All-Israel; its history, literature, and worship. London, 1893. 80. pp. 621. Se 33 Smith, William. The student’s Scripture his- tory; the Old Testament history from the creation to the return of the Jews from captivity. New York, 1891. Sm. 80. pp. 715. ZZ/tes. Se 35 Stanley, Rev. A. P. History of the Jewish church. New ed. New York, 1884. 3 v. sm. 80. Port and maps. Se 40–42 Contents.-i. Abraham to Samuel.—ii. To the captivity.— iii. To the Christian era. Stapfer, Rev. Edmond. In the time of Jesus; I69. pp. S Palestine in the time of Christ; tr. by A. H. Holmden. 3d ed. New York, [1887]. 80. pp. 527. Maps and plates. Se 39 Contains, pp. 502-508, a bibliography of Palestine. Wellhausen, Julius. Prolegomena to the history of Israel; with a reprint of the article “Israel” from the “Encyclopaedia Britannica ’’; tr. by J. S. Black and A. Menzies, with preface by W. Robertson Smith. Edinburgh, 1885. 80. pp. 552. * . Se 14 SEMITIC RELIGION. Higgens, Elford. Hebrew idolatry and Super- stition; its place in folk-lore. London, 1893. Sm. 80. pp. 80. Sf 25 Euenen, Abraham. The religion of Israel, to the fall of the Jewish state; tr. from the Dutch by A. H. May. London, etc., 1882–83. 3 v. 80. Sf 2–4 Philo about the contemplative life; or, The fourth book of the treatise concerning virtues; critically edited, with a defense of its genuineness, by F. C. Conybeare. Oxford, 1885. š. pp. 4O3. Facsim. Hr 5 Contains a bibliography of works relating to Philo De vita contemplativa. Delauney, Ferdinand. Philon d’Alexandrie ; écrits historiques, influence, luttes, et persécutions des juifs dans le monde romain. 2e ed., vol. i. Paris, 1870. 120. Hr 2 Corztents:—Notice sur la vie et les oeuvres de Philon.—In- troduction aux écrits historiques.—Contre Flaccus, ou de la Providence.—Légation a Caius, ou des vertus. Ryle, H. E. Philo and Holy Scripture; or, The quotations of Philo from the Old Testament. London, 1895. Sm. 89. pp. 312. Hr I Siegfried, Carl. Die hebräischen Worterklä- rungen des Philo und die Spuren ihrer Einwirkung auf die Kirchenväter. Magdeburg, 1863. 1. 80. pp. 37. . . . e Hr 3 Philo von Alexandria als Ausleger des Alten Testaments, an sich selbst und nach seinem geschichtlichen Einfluss betrachtet; nebst Unter- suchungen über die Graecitaet Philo's. Jena, 1875. 80. pp. 418. Hr 4 Robertson, Rezy. James. The early religion of Israel as set forth by biblical writers and by modern critical historians. 3d ed. New York, 1892. Sm. 80. pp. 524. Sf I Smith, W. Robertson. The religion of the Semites. Ist series. Edinburgh, 1889. 80. - Sf 6 Contents —1st ser. The fundamental institutions. Streane, A’ev. A. W., editor and translator. Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and the liturgy of the synagogue; texts and translations by G. Dalman; with an introductory essay by H. Laible. Cambridge, 1893. 80. pp. 108. Sf II Talmud of Jerusalem ; translated for the first time, by M. Schwab. Vol. I. London, 1886. 40. Sf Contents –i. Berakhoth. - - 9 Toy, Rev. C. H. History of the religion of Israel; an Old Testament primer. 6th ed. Bos- ton, 1890. I69. pp. I55. Sf 5 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. Barnes, Rev. C. R. Hand-book of Bible biog- raphy. New York, 1890. Sm. 80. pp. 546. Map and wacts. Sg 18 Cheyne, Rev. T. K. Jeremiah ; his life and times. New York, [1888]... sm. 80. pp. 205. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 12 Deane, Rezy. Henry. Daniel ; his life and times. New York, [1888]... sm. 80. pp. 203. (Men of the Bible.) Sg I3 Deane, Rezy. W. J. Abraham ; his life and times. New York, n. d. Sm. 89. pp. 179. (Men of the Bible.) Sg I David; his life and times. New York, [1889]. sm. 80. pp. 222. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 7 — Joshua; his life and times. , New York, [1889]. 'sm, 80. pp. 213. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 4 — Samuel and Saul ; their lives and times. New York, [1888]... sm. 80. pp. 213. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 6 Driver, Rezy. S. R. Isaiah ; his life and times, and the writings which bear his name. New York, [1888]... sm. 80. pp. 213. (Men of the sºlº) g II ŞESUS CHRIST – HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAA, CHURCH. I5 Farrar, Rev. F. W. The Minor prophets. New York, n. d. Sm. 80. pp. 245. (Men of the Bible.) - Sg I5 — Solomon; his life and times. New York, [1888]... sm. 80. (Men of the Bible.) Sg8 . Iverach, James. Saint Paul; his life and times. New York, [1890]. sm. 80. pp. 216. (Men of the Bible.) * Sg 17 Lang, Rez. J. M. Gideon and the Judges; a study, historical and practical. New York, [1890]. sm. 80. pp. 201. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 5 Men of the Bible. New York, 1888–90. 17 v. sm. 80. Sg 1–1 7 Each volume is entered in this section of the catalogue under the author's name. Milligan, Rev. William. Elijah; his life and times. New York, [1888]... sm. 80. pp. 205. (Men of the Bible.) Sg Io Rawlinson, Rev. George. Ezra and Nehe- miah ; their lives and times. New York, [1890]. sm. 80. pp. 182. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 14 Isaac and Jacob ; their lives and times. New York, [1890]. sm. 80. pp. 186. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 2 The Kings of Israel and Judah. New York, n.d. sm. 80. pp. 238. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 9 Moses; his life and times. New York, n. d. sm. 80. pp. 205. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 3 Vallings, Rev. J. F. Jesus Christ, the divine man; his life and times. New York, [1889]. sm. 80. pp. 226. (Men of the Bible.) Sg 16 JESUS CHRIST. Andrews, Rev. S. J. . . The life of our Lord upon the earth, considered in its historical, chrono- logical, and geographical relations. New and re- vised ed. New York, 1892. 80. pp. 651. Maps and plans. Sh 2I Beecher, Rez. H. W. The life of Jesus, the Christ. New York, 1871. 80. pp. 510. ZMaps and plates. Sh 19 Same. Another copy. Sh 20 Broadus, Rev. J. A. Jesus of Nazareth ; his personal character, his ethical teachings, his super- natural works; 3 lectures. 3d ed. New York, 1890. Sm. 80. pp. IO5. Sh 27 Burnham, B. F. and Mrs. C. S. Burnham, compilers. The life of lives; being the records of Jesus, reviewed by recent Biblical scholars, teach- ers, and thinkers. 2nd ed. Boston, 1885. sm. 80. pp. (378). A/ap and 3 plates. Sh 24 Burton, E. DeW. See Stevens, W. A. Lidersheim, Rezy. Alfred. The life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 5th ed. New York, etc., [1886]. 2 v. 80. Sh 16–17 Fairbairn, Rezy, A. M. Studies in the life of Christ. 5th ed. London, 1889. 80. pp. 359. Sh 22 Farrar, Rezy. F. W. The life of Christ. ed. New York, 1895. and plate. — The life of Christ as represented in art. New York, 1894. 80. pp. 507. Plates and photo- engrs. `s Sh 28 Geikie, Rev. (J.) Cunningham. The life and words of Christ. New York, 1883. 2 v. in I. O 80. Sh 5 New sm. 80. pp. 712. Arontisp. Sh 4 — Same. New York, 1885. 160. pp. 812. - Sh 18 Short life of Christ for young and old. New York, 1889. sm. 80. pp. 486. Walczs. - * Sh 6 Hanna, Rezy, William. The life of Christ. New York, [1886]. 3 v. sm. 80. Plates. Sh 7–9 ;Contents:—i. Earlier years... Galilean ministry.—ii... Close of ministry. . Passion week-iii. Last day of our Lord’s pas- sion. The forty days after the resurrection. Reim, (K.) Theodor. The history of Jesus of Nazara, in its connection with the national life of Israel, related in detail; tr. by A. Ransom, [and E. M. Geldart]. London, 1876–83. 6 v. 80. Sh io—15 ECephart, Æev. C. J. Jesus the Nazarene; a brief life of our Saviour, with a parallel harmony; introduction by C. R. Blackall. Dayton, Ohio, 1894. 80. pp. 8o. Sh 25 Mozoomdar, P. C. The oriental Christ. Bos- ton, 1883, sm. 80. pp. 193. Sh 29 Rogers, A. K. Life and teachings of Jesus; a critical analysis of the sources of the gospels, with a study of the sayings of Jesus. New York, 1894. sm. 89. pp. 354. Sh 23 Stapfer, Edmond. Jesus Christ before His ministry; tr. by C. S. Houghton, New York, 1896. 80. pp. 182. Sh 30 — Jesus Christ during His ministry; tr. by C. S. Houghton. New York, 1897. sm. 80. pp. 265. Sh 31 Stevens, W. A. and IE. DeW. Burton. Out- line hand-book of the life of Christ, from the four gospels. Boston, 1892. 80. pp. 45. Sh 26 Weiss, (K. P.) Bernhard. Life of Christ; tr. by J. W. Hope. Edinburgh, 1883–89. 3 v. 80. Sh 1–3 HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Baur, F. C. von. Church history of the first three centuries. 3d ed. London, 1878–79. 2 v. 80. Sl 8-9 Bennett, Rez. C. W. Christian archaeology. New York, etc., 1891. 80. pp. 558. IZlues. Sk 4 Cheetham, Rezy. Samuel. History of the Christian Church during the first six centuries. London, 1894. Sm. 89. pp. 459. Sk I Conybeare, F. C., editor. Apology and Acts of Apollonius, and offier monuments of early Chris- tianity; with a general preface, introductions, notes, etc. London, 1894. 80. pp. 36O. Sl IO Contents —Apology and acts of Apollonius.-Acts of Paul and Thekla.—Acts of S. Phocas.—Acts of S. Polyeuctes.— Acts of S. Eugenia.-Acts of S. Codratius.-Acts of Theodore. —Acts of Thalelaeus.-Acts of S. Hiztibouzit.—Acts of S. Callistratus.—Acts of S. Demetrius.—Addenda. - Fisher, Rezy. G. P. The beginnings of Chris- tianity; with the state of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. New York, 1890. 80. P; 591. 1 I5 History of the Christian Church. New York, 1889. 80. pp. 729. AMaps. Sj 16 Hardy, E. G. Christianity and the Roman government; a study in imperial administration. London, 1894. 80. pp. 208. S1 I& Hausrath, Adolf History of the New Testa- ment times; the time of Jesus; tr. by C. T. Poynt- ing and P, Quenzer, London, 1878–80. 2 v. 89. Se 43-44 I6 AAA&AWAES LIBRARY CA 74/.OGUE. — A history of the New Testament times: the time of the apostles; tr. by L. Huxley, with a preface by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. London, 1895. 4 v. 80. - Sl 21–24 Hutton, W. H. The church of the sixth cen- tury; six chapters in ecclesiastical history. Lon- don, 1897. Sm. 80. pp. 314. Frontisp. and photo- engrs. Sm 5 Lechler, G. V. The apostolic and post-apos- tolic times; their diversity and unity in life and doctrine ; 3d ed., revised and rewritten ; tr. by A. J. K. Davidson. Edinburgh, 1886. 2 v. 80. & Sl II—I2 McGiffert, Rev. A. C. History of Christian- ity in the apostolic age. New York, 1897. 80. pp. 681. Sl 25 Moeller, Wilhelm. History of the Christian church, A.D. 1–600; tr. by A. Rutherfurd. Lon- don, etc., 1892. 89. pp. 345. Sk 3 Moxom, Rev. P. S. From Jerusalem to Nicaea; the church in the first three centuries. Boston, 1895. sm. 80. pp. 457. Sk 2 Pressensé, Rev. E. D. de. The early years of Christianity; tr. by A. Harwood. Vol. i. New York, 1886. sm. 80. - Sl 19 Contents —i. Apostolic era. Renan, (J.) Ernest. The history of the origins of Christianity. London, [1890]. 7 v. sm. 80. -- --- Sl 1–7 Contents —i. Jesus:-ii. The apostles.—iii., St. Paul.--iy. The Anti-Christ.—w. The gospels.-vi. The Christian church. —wii. Marcus Aurelius. Schaff, Rev. Philip. History of the Christian church. New York, 1888–91. 5 v. 80. Maps. Sj I-5 Contents –i. Apostolic Christianity.—ii. At ºne Christianity.—iii. Nicene and Post-Nicene Christianity.—iv. Mediaeval Christianity.—w. Modern Christianity. Stanley, Rezy. A. P. Sermons and essays on the apostolical age. 2nd ed.,. revised. Oxford, etc., 1852. 80. pp. 391. SI 17 Same. 3d ed. Oxford, 1874. sm. 89. pp. 371. SI I6 Weizsäcker, K. H. von. The apostolic age of the Christian church ; tr. by J. Millar, New York, 1894–95. 2 v. 80. Sl 13–14 MISCELLANEOUS. Allen, Rev. A. V. G. Christian institutions. New York, 1897. 80. pp. 577. O 5 Hitchcock, Rezy. Roswell D. and others, edi- tors. Carmina sanctorum ; a selection of hymns and songs of praise with tunes. New York, (cop. 1886). 80. pp. 447–H 145. Pk I Appended, “Scripture readings arranged for responsive worship ; ” with separate title page and paging. Hodge, Æez. A. A. Commentary on the con- fession of faith ; with questions for theological stu- dents and Bible classes; with appendix. Phila- delphia, [1885]. Sm. 89. pp. 559. Wr 2 Jacob, Rezy. J. A. Ecclesiastical polity of the New Testament; a study for the present crisis in the Church of England. New York, 1883. sm. 80. pp. 424. Ok I Northrop, Rev. S. A., compiler. . A cloud of witnesses; an exhaustive collection of biographic and autographic opinions respecting the authors of Christianity and the Bible. Fort Wayne, Ind., [1893]. 80. pp. 524. Frontisp. portry. º figs. In 2 *- Robinson, Rezy. A.W. The Church catechism explained. Cambridge, 1894. I60. pp. 171. Wg I Smith, Joseph. The book of Mormon; an account written by the hand of Mormon upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi; tr. by J. Smith, jr.; division into chapters and verses, with references, by O. Pratt, sen. Salt Lake City, 1882. sm. 89. pp. 623. Yji Spence, Rez. H. D. M. and others, editors. Thirty thousand thoughts; extracts covering a com- prehensive circle of religious and allied topics. New York, 1889: 6 v. l. 80. Na 1–6 Stevens, Rev. Abel. Compendious history of American Methodism ; abridged from the author's “History of the Methodist Episcopal church.” New York, 1867. pp. 608. Portrs. WX I Wright, William. Short history of Syriac literature. London, 1894. Sm. 89. pp. 296. Wa 2 IND EX. Figures indicate pages; letters indicate columns; figures in parentheses 2ndicate recurrence of an author's name in same column. Abbot, E. 6 a Abbott, E. A. 8 a Abbott, L. 7 b Abbott, T. K. - 3 b Adams, W. 9 a. Addis, W. E. 4 a Adeney, W. F. 6 a Alexander, W. 9 a. Alger, W. R. I2 a. Allen, A. V. G. I6 b A. L. O. E. 8 b Alviella, E. G. comte d’. I a American Institute of Sacred Literature, 6 a Andrews, S. J. I5 a Angus, J. 2 a. Ante-Nicene Fathers, II a. Apocrypha, 5 b Apocrypha anecdota, I b Aristides Atheniensis, I b Arnold, M. 2 a (3) Arnot, W. 8 b, 9 b Bacon, B. W. 4 a (2) Baedeker, K. I2 a. Ball, C. J. 4 b Barnes, C. R. I4 b Barnes, W. E. 6 a Barnstein, H. 4 a. Bartlett, E. T. 2 a. Baumgarten, M. 9 b Baur, F. C. v. Io a, I5 b Beach, D. N. I2 a. Beale, C. H. 8 a Beard, C. I a. Beecher, H. W. . I5 a. Bengel, J. A. 7 b Bennett, C. W. I3 a, I5 b Bennett, W. H. 4 b Bensly, R. L. 6 a, 7 b Bernard, T. D. 9 a. Besant, W. I2 a. Beyschlag, J. H. C. W. 6 a Bible, 3 a (6) Bible Commentary, 3 b Bierbower, A. I2 a. Bindley, T. H. II b Birks, J. R. IO a Blackall, C. R. I5 b Blake, B. 5 a Blass, F. W. 7 a, 9 b Bleek, F. 3 a, 6 a Bleek, J. F. 6 a Bliss, F. J. I3 a Boscawen, W. St. C. I3 a Bousset, W. I2 a. Bowes, G. S. 2 a. Briggs, C. A. 2a, 3b, 5a, 12a Broadus, J. A. I5 a Brown, D. 3 b Bruce, A. B. 6 a, 8 b, 9 a Bruce, W. S. 3 a Bruder, K. H. 7 a Budde, K. 4 b Buhl, F. 3 a Bungener, (L.L.) F. I O zl Burgon, J. W. 8 a Burkitt, F. C. I b (2) Burn, A. E. I b Burnham, B. F. I5 a Burnham, Mrs. C. F. I5 a Burton, E. DeW. 8b, 9b, 14a Cadman, J. P. 8 a Cambridge Bible, 3 b Cambridge Greek Testament, 7 a Campion, W. J. H. I 2 a. Carr, A. 3 b, 7 a (2) Charles, R. H. 6 a Charteris, A. H. 6 a Chase, F. H. I b, 7 b Cheetham, S. 2 b, 15 b Cheyne, T. K. 2 a, 3 b (2), 5 a b, I4 b Christian Thought, I a Conder, C. R. I 2 a. Condit, B. & 2 a Come, C. 6a, 8a Conybeare, F. C. Io a, II a, I4 b, I5 b Cook, F. C. 3 b Cornill, K. H. 4 b, 5 b Coxe, A. C. II b Cremer, A. H. 7 a. Crichton, A. I3 b Crooker, J. H. 2 a. Cruden, A. 2 b (2) Cruttwell, C. T. II a. Dale, R. W. Io b Davids, T. W. R. I a. Davidson, A. B. 3 b (3), 5 b Davidson, S. 2 a. Davies, G. S. IO a. Davis, J. D. 4 a Davison, W. T. 4 b, 5 a. Deane, H. e-8 I4 b Deane, W. J. I4 b Delauney. F. I4 b Delitzsch, F. 4 ab, 5b, Iob, 12a DeWitt, J. 5 b Dickson, W. P. Io b Atôaxi tävärooróAov 11 ab Dillmann, A. 4 a Dods, M. 6 a, 8 b Donaldson, J. II a. Driver, S.R. 3a, 3b(2),4b, 14b Drummond, H. I2 a. Drummond, J. I a Dunwell, F. H. 9 a. Ebrard, J. H. A. II a Edersheim, A. I5 a Ellicott, C. J. 4b, 9a(2), Iob Ephrem Syrus. 8 a Erman, A. I3 a Evetts, B. T. A. I3 a Ewald, G. H. A. v. 4 b, 5b, I3 a b Fairbairn, A.M. I2 a, I5 a Farrar, F. W. 2a (2), 3b (2), 6a, 7a (2), Ioa, I2a, 15a (2) Fausset, A. R. 3 b, 7 b Field, H. M. I2 a b Findlay, G. G. 3b, 5b, Iob (2) . Fish, H. C. I3 a Fisher, G. P. I2 a, I5 b Fraser, D. 2 a. Freeman, J. M. I3 a I8 INDEX. Gebhardt, H. II a. Hutton, W. H. I6 a Mahaffy, J. P. I3 a Gebhardt, O. II b Matheson, G. IO a. Geden, A. S. - 7 a Illingsworth, J. R. I2 a. Mathews S. 9 a. Geikie, (J.) C. 3a, I2b, Işab International critical commen- Maturin, B. W. 8 b Genung, J. F. 5 a. tary, 3 b Maurice, F. D. 9 b Gilbert, G. H. 5 a. Iverach, J. I5 a. Mayor, J. B. II 2. Ginsburg, C. D. 4. a. Men of the Bible. I5 a ë. R. B. ; , Jacob, J. A. ** | Menke, T. I3 a Gladden, W. 2 a. Jacobs, J. I3 a Merivale, C. IO a. Gladstone, W. E. 3 b James, C. C. 8 a Meyer, H. A. W. 8 a Gloag, P.J. 6b, to ab, Ira | Jº", * * °P | Miller, E. 6 b Godet, F. 9 a b, IO b Jamieson, R. 3 b Milligan, W. 9 b, I5 a Goebel, S. 8 b | Janeway, J. J. 2 b | Mitchell, E. C. 6 b Goodwin, F. J. to a Jebb, J. 5* . Mitchell, H. G. 5 b Gore, C. g I2 a. J osephus, 13 b Moberly, R. C. I2 a Gould, E. P. sh Julicher, A. .** | Moelleſ, w, . I6 a Gould, S. B. II b Kalisch, M. M. 3 b Montefiore, C. G. I a. Graetz, H. I3 b Kamphausen, A. 4 b Moore, A. I2 a. Green, W. H. Keane, A. H. I2 a. Moore, G. F. 3 b 2 a (2), 4 a (2), 4 b (2) . Keil, K. F. 3b, 4b, I3a Morfill, W. R. 6 b (2) Guthrie, T. 8 b Keim, (K.) T., I5b Morison, J. 9 a. Kennedy, H. A. A. ja Morrison, W. . I3 a * R. IO º Kent, C. F. 5 a, 13 b §. º 3 b (2), ſ: *. C. E. º b Kephart, C. J. I5 b Nº. w f 7a º 2 - - - - Kirkpatrick, A. F. 3b (2), 5b 3 w w = -s. “ 3. Hanna, W. I5 b Kittel, R. 4 b, I4 a Moxom, P. S. 16 a Hardy, E. G. I5 b Kitto, J. I4 a. Mozoomdar, P. C. I5 b Harnack, (C. G.) A. 12 b Knight. W. 13 b Müller, F. M. I a. 2 ... .I : is ght, 3. * - º lº of clas. lit. Krüger, F. W. G. II a. Murray, T. C. 5 b hº #A. º º * º I a, 4 b, I4 a Nast, W. 8 a Harris, J. R. urtz, J. H. I4 a Nestle, E. 6 b I b, 6b, 8a, I Ib, I3 a Ladd, G. T. - 2 b New Testament, g 7 ab Hatch, E. 4 a. Laing, S. I2 b Nicene and post-Nicene Haupt, P. 4 b Lang, J. M. I5 a Nº. A º Hausrath, A. I5 b, 16 a Lange, J. P. 3 b §.". i. º I b Headlam, A. C. - 3 b Leathes, S. 9 b Oyes, U. I*. 5 Hengstenberg, E. W. 9b, I3b Lechler, G. V. I6 a Old Testament, 4ab. Heracleon, I b Lewin, T. IO 2. Oort, H. 2 b º: | tº º W. 5 a Lewis, A. S. 7b (2) | Orelli, C. v. 5 b l ert lectures, I a. Lewis, T. . I2 b Origenes, II a b Higgens, E. 14 a Lias, J. J. 2 b, 3 b (2), 7 a Orr, J. 9 b º B. C. C. 6 b Lightfoot, J. B. 6b, Iob, IIa Ottley, R. L. I2 a b ... p. 3. Hºº & oxford A. W. 4 2 * * * ~ * 3 v v = 3. Hobart, W. K. 9 a. Luckock, H. M. IO 2. Paget, F. I2 a. i. #. S I6 b Lumby, J. R. 3 b (2), 7 a Palestine Exploration Fund, Ollan (1S, ti. S. I2 a. Luthardt, C. E. b I3 a Holtzendorf, F. v. 8 b Lyttelton, A. # al Paley, W. IO 2. Holtzmann, H. J. 6 b, 7 b . Palmer, A. S. 4 b Hommel, F. I3 a M., G. * 4 a Pattison, T. H. . 2 b Hooykaas, I. 2 a. McCurdy, F. I3 a b Pentecost, G. F. 2 b Hopkins, E. - 4 b MacDonald, J. M. 6 b Perowne, E. H. 3 b Hort, F. J. A. 7 b, Io b MacDuff, J. R. 8 b Perowne, J. J. S. 5 b Houghton, E. L. 6 b McGiffert, A. C. I6 a. Perowne, T. T. 3 b (2) Howson, J. S. 6 b, Io a Macgregor, J. I2 b Peters, J. P. 2 b Humphrey, W. G. 7 b Mackintosh, W. I2 b Peyton, W. W. 9 b Humphreys, A. E. 3 b Maclaren, A. 5 b, 9 a Pfleiderer, O. I a (3), 6 a. Hurlbut, J. L. ...— ... I2 b Maclear, G. F. 3 b (2), 7 a Philo, I4 a b AMWDEX. 19 Pittenger, W. 8 b Sharpe, S. I4 a. Thomas, J. A. 7 a Plummer, A. 3b (4), 7 a (2) Shimeall, R. C. I3 b Thomson, W. M. I3 a Plumptre, E. H. 3 b (2) Io a Siegfried, C. 4 b, I4 b Tischendorf, C. 7 b, 8 a Pressensé, E. D. de. I6 a Simcox, G. A. 7 a. Toy, C. H. 7 a, I2 b, I4b Price, I. M. I4 a Simcox, W. H. 3b, 6b, 7 a. Travis, J. 8 b Sime, J. I4 a. Trench, R. C. 7 a., 9 a. Ramsey, W. M. Io a, I3 a Smith, G. 4. b Trumbull, H. C. I3 a b Rawlinson. G. IO b, I5 a Smith, G. A. 5 b Tucker, Miss C. M. 9 a. Redpath, H. A. 4 a Smith, G. B. 2 b Renan, J. E. Ib, 5a, I4a, 16a Smith, G. V. 12 b Upton, C. B. I b Rendall, F. * IO a. Smith, J. I6 b g Renouf, P. LeP. I b Smith, W. 2b, 3a (2), 14a W. º: §: Reuss, E. W. E. 6 b Smith, W. R. 2b, 5b, 14b ; : e • Wedder, H. C. IO a. Réville, A. I b (2) Soden, H. v. 7 b Wi incent, J. H. I2 b Rhys, J. I b Spence, H. D. M. I6 b Vincent, M. R. b. 7 a. Richey, T. 8 b Spurrell, G. J. 4 b yº º 3 b. 7 te ôlter, D. II b Riehm, E. - 5 b Stalker, J. Io b Vulgate, . 7 b Riggs, E. 8 a Stanley, A. P. I3a, 14a, 16a } Roberts, A. II a. Stapfer, E. I4a, I5b Wace, Henry 3 a, II b Robertson, J. I4 b Stearns, O. S. 4 a Wade, G. W. 4 b Robinson, A. W. I6 b Stevens, A. I6 b Ward, Mrs. H. I6 a Robinson, E. 8 b Stevens, G. B. 6 a Ward, W. H. I3 a. Rogers, A. K. 8 a, 15 b Stevens, W. A. 8 b, I 5 b Weiss, (K. P.) B. Rogers, R. W. I3 b Stokes, G. T. IO 3. 5 a, 6 a, 7 a, I5 b Rubinkam, N. I. 5 b Strack, H. L. 4 a Weizsäcker, K. H. I6 a Rushbrooke, W. G. 8 a (2) Streane, A. W. 3 b, I4 b Wellhausen, J. 4 b, I4 a Ryle, H. E. 3b, 4ab, 6b, I4b Strong, J. fe ... & 3 a. Wendt, H. H. 6 a * Studia Sinaitica, I b Wenley, R. M. I b Sabatier, (L.) A. Io b Sunderland, J. B. 2 b Wesley, J. 8 b Sadler, M. F. II b Swete, H. B. 4 b, I2 b Wescott, B. F. 7 a, 8 a., II b Salmon, G. 6 b * Weymouth, R. F. 7 b Sanday, W. 2 b, 3 b Talbot, E. S. I2 a. White, H. A. 4 b Sayce, A. H. I b, 13 a b Talmud, I4 b Wildeboer, G. 4 a. Schaff, P. Tatian, *** | williamson, G. c. I3 b 2b, 6b, 7b, IIb, I2b, 16a Tayler, J. J. . 9 b Wilson, P. 7 b Schmidt, P. W. 8 b Taylor, W. M. 9 a, IO b Winer, J. G. B. 7 a Schmiedel, P. W. 7 b Teaching of the Apostles, 11ab Woods, F. H. 5 b Schrader, E. I3 b Tertullianus, II b Wright, A. 8 b Scrivener, F. H. A. 6b, 7b Texts and Studies, I b Wright, W. I6 b Schultz, E. A. H. H. 4 a. Textus Receptus, 7 b Schürer, E. I4 a Thayer, J. H. 6 a, 7 a (2) Young, J. I2 b Sears, E. H. 9 b Tholuck, (F.) A. (G.) 9 b Zeller, E. IO a Seidel, M. I4 a Thompson, W. H. 9 a" | Zenos, A. C. 2 b re-º " ; ºzºr-scat.: 3-2-ºr-----. - y - - - -- ~ ... * : *-i * & MICH!GAN Williºl §§§§67800 2261 º Sºsº º Nº. W N º § § SNNºNº N NSN: § § NºN §N Nº. Nºvý SN § §§ § § Nº N Rºº. "... * * * W º SN * * * * º Ş. º NRS º & sºy yº §§ Nº. § w * *. SN § § sº sº tº º * Nº. N N §§ º § N. Nº § y N N. º º § Š &N Nº. & § § X. §§ §§§ Nº. º § §§§ § & N | §º s º Nº § Sº º º R. Yº Sº s §§ º Nº. §§ º §§§ sº N º tº º N º, sº N N § § § §§ §§ sº lº º SNNºNRN º §§ § º § R& §§ § Ş §§§ f §§ Nº N& § NY § “A § N N &º º c. N 'N § wº º Nº § N Nº º NN W. SN x < * , *...* §§ * * * Nº. d Jr. ºss “... . . . . º w º tº º NY Sº º NSN NSNNN º §§ N NSN N - § N º § §§ §§º §§§ §§§ N §§§ §§§ º & & S. § sº, *, *, * * * * * N i i vº º º & sº SNNº. ºv'. §§ R&NN wº §§§ º º.º.º.º.º. * “Sºs º NNS N: sº NSN §N Nº. º §§§ § *NSN º Y& sº N º º º § RN º § º * § § § & º § & §§§ §§ §§§ §§ º º º sº º º º NSN º § §§ § N § § Nº. i. Nº. Nº. NYN º SR sº N § § º NN § §§NN N Wºº N axº sº. Sº, Nº. º & & WS wº i. tº º NSN sº .* N. tº N. *. Nº §§ º §§ S. w §§§ §§ º §§ § N º § §§§ º § § §§§ § §§§ º § §§ º Kº: §§§ Sº § & Nº §§ º * §§§ º § § sº º § §§ : X.§ §§ º § sº sº * as: * * º º § § § N º § i N sº ºr ºs sº º º Nº. sº N º N. * §§ º § Nº. §NSN §§ *SS NºNº. §§ .*** §§ § SN º º R §§§ N N - § § º §§ § N N § § N N N º sº t §- s NN § § N § N N º §§§ §§ §§ § NNNNN §§ N § N § § §§ SN § N N t § §§ § Nº. N N § º Nº s N N & Nº º N | N § § ; s N N N § t º º N §§ N N S WS N N NSN - § § NYS & W sº º, §§N N N º N& º º * \º" § N -> § Y& §§ §§ º §§ §N N N § § §§ §§ §§ NS N N. § RN º N §§ N sº N º, º º ** º Nº. NºN N §NNº. § NS N N N §§§ N N : N N * §§ N §§ www.wº ** -º § N N *** N N § N * º § §§ Nº N N § º * Nº. NSN Nº º NSN w NS NS º º g N N W § NºN Nºë §§§ N N N º º §§ wº § * * ** §§§ N N NSN N N WNNºN º N SN N sÇ §-§N § § § § wºNS § : SN § WN ~ & N N &º - Nº NNNN § º Nº § §§ §§ § N § N N wº º § NN \\ N N Fº º Sº s §§ §§ º & R. WN" º N º º N Nº º § § NS N Nº § N N. §§§ wº. Nº - w º &N N. NºN §§§ sº N § § N N N º N § N w N º § º N º §§§ §s § º & º w WNNRNR N Nº. §§ º N N & Nº. §§§ §§§ RNSN §§§ º § §§ º º *** * ** - §§ . N N *NW § w N.§ tº sº NN ºnºs § §§§ º N tº NSN NN º RºšŠ NSN º N: º N º N w N. §NNW N N * ... Sº NºN & º §§ N * º º N º º §: NN'``Nº. * N § Nº. N º N Nº. § § §§ º ~ *...* Nº § y º NºN § NR § N § sº Nº. º º º º ~ ºsº § Rºº & º N § - § N sº § § sº -- §§§ N §§ º NSNNN N º