* * * * CA OF PRESENTED BY IVERS N Ul |d || Z. +→ |0 § || E. = | ſſ >, |- J |- ± – 。、、、。、3。、、、。 ĒĒĖĖĘ żſe; ETTTTTTTWA: #. ſº -2- -N =:º ſº§ § H --! - - Kºsº º -- - º Zºº” " – … :- ill|||||||||||||||||||| Tiš. IIIHIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTIHIII: ; º - sº Sºfº, li'lliſ. Tſ. j univ. oe wou Z MAR 5 1909 775s C2- . sº sº §3 ºf º ZTA, *—º º UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. . SN - § § º s § § § N Library Bulletin No. 7. º S ! § § § Ş CATALOG U E. § () F THE THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY s § * s § § § § sº : §§ S$ s FRESENTED BY § § *Y º S 's N- N \ i r c - N s s A NIDIREW S. HALL ID IE. § § º Š § sRN RS | s s S f § § S § [S]lement to the Report of the Secretary 0f the Bºard of Regents.] § s § § § § § $ § § Ş § § § § § § B E R K E L E Y. 1886. $ § & § : 9–5. - 2.4%%x * ().is i‘s.iSè CATALOGUE. •º Abbadie, Jacques. Vindication of the truth of Christian religion - against the objections of all modern opposers. . In En- glish by H. : Lussan. L. 1694–8, 2v. D. Abbott, James, A. B. History of the Romish and English hierarch- ies; with an examination of the assumptions, abuses, and intolerance of episcopacy; proving the necessity of a reformed English church. 2d ed. L. 1833. O. Abernethy, John. Discourses concerning the being and natural perfections of God, in which . . . . the existence of the deity is prov’d from the frame of the material world. L. 1743. 2V. U; i. —— Same. L. 1746. 2 v. O. – Same. 4th ed. V. 1: Aberdeen, 1778. S. Account of the cruelties exercis'd by the inquisition in Portugal. Added, a relation of the detention of Mr. Louis Ramé in the prisons of the inquisition in. . . . Mexico and Spain, and of his happy deliverance. Written by one of the e Secretaries to the inquisition. L. 1708. D. Adam, Rev. Robert. Religious world displayed; a view of the four grand systems of religion: Christianity, Judaism, Pagan- ism, and Mohammedism; and of the various existing denominations. . . . in the Christian world. Subjoined, a view of materialism, necessitarianism, deism, and atheism. New ed. Corr. and impr. L. 1823. 2v, O. Addison, Joseph. Evidences of the Christian religion. With notes of G. de Correvon, now first tr. by Rev. R: Purdy. L. 1807. O. Alexander, William Lindsay. Anglo-Catholicism not apostolical: - an inquiry into the scriptural authority of the leading doctrines advocated in the “Tracts for the times,” and other publications of the Anglo-Catholic school. Edin. 1843. O. - 203265 4. Catalogue of the [Allen, John, 1771–1839.] (A layman, pseud.) Fathers, the reform- ers, and the public formularies of the Church of England in harmony with Calvin and against the bishop of Lincoln. Prefixed, a letter to the archbishop of Canterbury. . . . L. 1812. O. Allen, John. State churches and the kingdom of Christ: an essay - on the establishment of ministers, forms and services of religion by secular power; and on its inconsistency with the free, humbling, spiritual nature of the Christian dis- pensation. L. 1853. O. Allix, Peter. Reflexions upon the books of the Holy Scripture to establish the truth of the Christian religion. L. 1688. 2v in I. D. Anderson, George. Remonstrance against lord viscount Boling- broke's philosophical religion. Addressed to David Mal- let, the publisher. Edin. I 756. O. Anichini, P. Analytical and historical view of the Catholic religion, with reference to political institutions. By an Ausonian. L. 1826. O. * Apthorp, Rev. East. Letters on the prevalence of Christianity, before its civil establishment, with observations on a late history of the decline of the Roman empire. L. 1778. O. Arndt, J.: De vero Christianismo libri IV. Cura ac studio A. W. Boemi. Accredit. . . . nova praefatio de vita et scriptis Arndtianis. L. 1708. 2 v. O. — True Christianity; or, the whole economy of God towards man, and the whole duty of man towards God. Tr. by A. W. Boehm. Rev. and corr. by C. Chaddock. Bost. 1809. O. - ; Augustinus, Aurelius, bishop of Hippo, Saint. Confessiones. Ad - fidem cod. Lipsiensium et ed. antiq. recogn. ed. C: H. Bruder. Lips. 1837. T. — Confessions: with the continuation of his life to the end thereof, extracted out of Possidius, and the father's own unquestioned works. Tr. into English. [L.] 1679. D. Wanting pp. 194–207, 402–425. B., C. Geology and its relation to revealed religion. Dublin, 1853. - O. Theological Library. 5 Bakewell, Frederick C. Natural evidence of a future life, derived from the properties and actions of animate and inani- mate matter. . . . 2d ed. L. 1840. O. Balfour, John Hutton, M.D. Botany and religion; or illustrations of the works of God in the structure, functions, arrange- ment, and general distribution of plants. 3d ed. enl. Edin. I859. D. - Bangorian tracts. Iv. D. . Contents.-B: Hoadly, bishop of Bangor. Nature of the kingdom, or church, of Christ: sermon, March 31, 1717. L. 1717. 31 pp. Snape, Letter [in reply to pre- ceding]. 2d ed. L. 1717. 18 pp. Hoadly, Answer to Snape. 2d ed. L. 1717. 51 pp. Report of the com- mittee of the lower house of convocation. . . . concerning several dangerous doctrines contained in the bishop of Bangor's Preservative and his Sermon, 1717. 4th ed. L. 1717. 24 pp. Layman's second letter to the bishop of Bangor: examination of his Sermon and of Snape's Let- ter. L. 1717. 40 pp. Layman of Conscience, Letter to Dr. Snape, occasioned by his Letter to the bishop of Bangor. L. 1717. Report reported: the weakness and injustice of the proceedings of the convocation in their censure of the bishop of Bangor, expos'd. L. 1717. 39 pp. Hoadly, Preservative against the principles and practices of the non-jurors. . . . 4th ed. L. I 717. 64 pp. Church and State vindicated; and the bishop of Ban- gor's Preservative defended. . . . L. 1717. 82 pp. Let- ter to Rev. Dr. Sherlock of the committee of convoca- tion appointed to draw up a representation concerning the bishop of Bangor's Preservative and Sermon. L. 1717. 27 pp. Sherlock, Answer to [the preceding]. 3d ed. L. 1717. 62 pp. Trapp, Real nature of the church or kingdom of Christ: a sermon, May nineteenth and June 2, 1717, in answer to the bishop of Bangor. 2d ed. L. 1717. 38 pp. Snape, Sermon before the house of commons, May 29, 1717, day of publick thanksgiving for an end to the great rebellion, by the restitution of King Charles II. 6th ed. L. 1717. 23 pp. Baring, C. Thoughts on final universal restoration. 2d ed. Ex- - mouth, 1823. S. 74 pp. Bate, Julius. Integrity of the Hebrew text, and many passages of scripture, vindicated from the objections and misconstruc- tions of Mr. Kennicott. L. 1754. O. \ 6 - - Catalogue of the Bate, Julius. Blessing of Judah by Jacob, considered; the aera of Daniel's weeks ascertained . . . . L. 1753. 53 pp. (Bd. with preceding.) - [Bates, Ely, ed.] Chinese fragment: containing an inquiry into the present state of religion in England. With notes by the editor. L. 1786. O. - Bates, William, D.D. Divinity of the Christian religion, proved by the evidence of reason, and divine revelation. L. 1677. D. Bates, William, D.D. Spiritual perfection, unfolded and enforced, from 2 Cor. vii. I. L. 1699. D. Bayford, John. Messiah's kingdom; or, a brief inquiry concerning - what is revealed in scripture relative to the fact, the time, the signs, and the circumstances of the second advent. . . . L. 1820. O. Beard, John R., D.D., ed. Progress of religious thought as illus. in the Protestant church of France: being essays and reviews. . . . L. 1861. D. * Note—Essays by Colani, Reville, Grotz, Scherer, and Renan. Beattie, James. Evidences of the Christian religion; briefly and plainly stated. Edin. I'786. 2v. in I S. - Bell, William, D. D. Enquiry into the divine missions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ; so far as they can be proved from the circumstances of their births and their connexion with each other. Prefixed, arguments in proof of the authenticity of the narratives of the births. . . . New ed. L. 181 o. O. - Bellamy, Rev. John. Ophion; or, the theology of the serpent, and . the unity of God. . . . L. 181 I. O. 126 pp. Bengel, Johann Albrecht. Introduction to his Exposition of the apocalypse: with his preface to that work, and the greatest part of the conclusion of it: also his marginal notes. Tr. by J: Robertson, M.D. L. 1757. O. Bennet, Thomas, 1673–1728. Answer to the dissenters pleas for separation, or an abridgment of the London cases; wherein the substance of those books is digested into one short and plain discourse. Cambr. I 7oo. D. - Bennet, Thomas. Confutation of Quakerism . . . . 2d ed. Cambr. 1709. O. Theological Library. . z Bennet, Thomas. Discourse of the everblessed trinity in unity, with an examination of Dr. Clarke's Scripture doctrine of the trinity. L. 1718. D. Benson, George, Z). D. Collection of tracts. 3d ed., corr. and enl. L. 1748. O. - - Contents: Bishop of Rome is the man of sin. Letter on the end and design of prayer. PostScript to the Letter. Maximus Tyrius, On prayer to God. Remarks on [the preceding]. Doctrine of praedestination reviewed. Ac- count of Calvin’s causing Servetus to be burned. Defence of the Account. Account of Laud's cruel treatment of Leighton. Essay concerning belief. Bentley, Richard, D.D. Eight sermons preach'd at the Honorable - Robert Boyle's lecture, 1692. 6th ed. Added, three sermons. . . . Cambr. 1735. O. Berington, Simon. Dissertations on the Mosaical creation, deluge, building of Babel, and confusion of tongues, etc. . . . . L. I75o. D. - Bernard, Rev. James. On the excellence of the Christian religion. - Prefixed, a life of the author. . . . . York, 1793. O. Besse, Joseph. Defence of Quakerism: answer to a book intituled A preservative against Quakerism, by P. Smith. . . . . With an app. . . . . L. 1732. O. Bible, In Italian. Sacra Bibbia. . . . . trad da G. Diodati. Londra, - S. Bagster. [n.d.] S. g Bird, Rev. C. S. Romanism unknown to primitive Christianity: the substance of lectures. . . . L. 1851. D. - - Birckbek, Simon. Protestants evidence: taken out of good records. Shewing that for 16oo years next after Christ divers worthy guides of God’s church, have in sundry weighty points of religion. ... taught as the church of England now doth: . . . . 2d ed. Corr. and enl. With an answer to a Romish antidotist. L. 1657. Q. Birks, Rev. T. R. Two later visions of Daniel: historically ex- - plained. L. 1846. D. Blackall, Offspring, D.D. Sufficiency of a standing revelation in general and of the scripture revelation in particular, both as to the matter of it, and as to the proof of it; and that new revelations cannot reasonably be desired, and would probably be unsuccessful. In eight sermons. ... L. 17oo. SqO. - 8 Catalogue of the Blackall, Offspring, D.D. - g - Same. [New ed.] L. 1708. (In Prm. on religion, v. 9.) Blackamore, A. Ecclesiae primitivae notitia : or, a summary of Christian antiquities. . . . Prefix’d, an index haereticus . . . . Added, account of the eight first general councils. L. 1722. 2v, O. Note.—Abridgment from Bingham's Origines ecclesiasticae. [Blackburne, Fs, archdeacon.] Confessional: a full and free inquiry into the right, utility, edification, and success, of establishing systematical confessions of faith and doctrine in Protestant churches. L. 1766. O. — Same. 2d ed. enl. . . . L. I 767. O. Blackmore, Sir Richard. Accomplished preacher: an essay upon divine eloquence. L. 1731. D. Blackwall, Anthony. Sacred classics defended and illustrated; or, an essay humbly offered towards proving the purity, pro- priety, and true eloquence of the writers of the New Test- ament. In two parts. . . . 2d ed. Corr. L. 1727. O. — Same. 3d ed. Corr. L. 1737. 2v. S. Port. Bonnet, Charles. Philosophical and critical inquiries concerning Christianity. Tr. by J. L. Boissier. 2d ed. L. 1791. O. Porf. Book of the valuations of all the ecclesiasticall preferments in England and Wales; intituled Nomima et valores. . . . [L.] 1680. S. Bowyer, Thomas. True account of the nature, end, and efficacy of the sacrament of the Lord's supper.... L. 1736. O. , Boyle, Hon. Robert. Excellency of theology compar'd with natural philosophy, (as both are objects of men's study). . . . [With] occasional thoughts about the excellency and grounds of the mechanical hypothesis. L. 1674. S. Boyle, Hon. Robert. Some considerations on the style of the Holy Scriptures. In modern language, by Rev. P. Panter. L. 1825. O. Boyle, Hon. Robert. Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. 2d ed. Corr. L. 1661. S. Brady, John. Clavis calendaria: a compendious analysis of the cal. endar. Illus. with . . . . anecdotes. L. 1839. S. Theological Library. 9 Bray, Thomas, D. D. Bibliotheca parochialis; a scheme of such theological and other heads as seem requisite to be perus’d. . . . by the reverend clergy. . . . Vol. 1. 2d ed. w. add. L. 1707. O. Brewster, Rev. James, comp. Testimonies to the truths of natural - and revealed religion, extracted from the works of distin- guished laymen. Edin. 1822. D. Bridges, Matthew. Testimony of profane antiquity to the account given by Moses of paradise and the fall of man. L. 1825. O. - Brooke, Z., D. Z). Examination of Dr. Middleton's Free inquiry into the miraculous powers of the primitive church: in which is proved. . . . the continuance of miracles after the days of the apostles. . . . . Cambr. 1750. O. [Browne, Peter, D.D.] Things divine and supernatural conceived - by analogy with things natural and human. L. 1733. O. Bryant, Jacob. Treatise upon the authenticity of the Scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion. L. 1792. O. Buchanan, Claudius, D. Z). Christian researches in Asia: with q notices of the translation of the Scriptures into the ori- ental languages. 5th ed. L. 1812. O. — Same. 3d ed. (With his Sermons. 1812.) — Same. (In his Two discourses. 1811.) — Star in the east: sermon. Phila. 1809. 42 pp. (Prm. Ser- mons, V. 5.) Buchanan, Claudius, D.D. Sermons on interesting subjects. Edin. I812. O. — Two discourses before the University of Cambridge, 1810. Sermon before the Society for missions, 1810. Added, Christian researches in Asia. L. 181 I. O. Budd, Rev. Henry. Infant—baptism the means of national reforma- tion according to the doctrine and discipline of the estab- lished church. In nine letters to a friend. 2d ed. L. I828. D. Burnside, Robert. Remarks on the different sentiments entertained in Christendom relative to the weekly sabbath. L. 1825. D. IO Catalogue of the Bushnan, J. S., M.D. Introduction to the study of nature; illus- trative of the attributes of the Almighty, as displayed in the creation. L. 1834. O. . - Butler, Charles, 1750–1832. Historical and literary account of the formularies, confessions of faith, or symbolic books. of the Roman Catholic, Greek, and principal Protestant churches. Added, four essays: I. Religious orders of the church of Rome. II. Restrictions on the reading of the Bible. III. Roman Catholic principles in regard to God and the king. IV. . Reunion of Christians. L. I816. O. Butler, Joseph, bishop of Durham. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. . . . 4th ed. L. 1750. O. - Butler, Joseph, bishop of Durham. Analogy of religion to the con- - stitution and course of nature, [with] dissertations on Per- sonal identity, and the Nature of virtue. Introd., notes, conspectus, and index by H. Malcom. Philadelphia. ... I 857. D. Bythner, Victorinus. [Lyra prophetica Davidis regis; sive analysis - critico-practica Psalmorum. L. 16 t. p. w.] sqO. Campbell, A&ev. Alexander. Christian baptism; with its antecedents and consequents. L. 1853. D. Campbell, Douglas. New religious thoughts. 2d ed. rev. L. 1865. O. Carey, P. M. Concise view of the evidences and corruptions of Christianity. L. 1838. D. Cave, William, D. D. Lives of the fathers in the primitive church. Chiefly collected from the writings of the Rev. Dr. Cave . . . . I. I 732. SqD. Contents: Stephen, Dionysius the Areopagite, Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin, Irenaeus, Theophilus, Melito, Pantaenus, Tertullian, Origen, Babylas, Cyprian, Gregory the Great, Dionysius of Alexandria, Eusebius, Athanasius, Cyril, Am- brose, Chrysostom. Cave, William, D.D. Primitive Christianity: or, the religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the gospel. In three parts. 7th ed. L. 1728. O. Theological Library. 11 [Cestren, Thomas.] Defence of the innocencie of the three cere- monies of the church of England, viz. The surplice, crosse after baptisme, and kneeling at the receiving of the blessed Sacrament. . . . L. 1619. SqL). - Chalmers, Thomas, D.D. Lectures on the establishment and ex- tension of national churches; delivered, 1838. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1838. O. - Chamberlain, Rev. Walter. Christian verity stated, in reply to a - Unitarian. L. 1861. D. • t - Chandler, Edward, bishop. Defence of Christianity from the pro- * , a - phesies of the Old Testament; wherein are considered all the objections against this kind of proof, advanced in a late Discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. L. I 725. O. • Reply to Anthony Collins. — Same. 2d ed. L. 1725. O. — Vindication of the Defence. L. I728. 2 v. in I. O. Chandler, Rev. Samuel. Critical history of the life of David, in which the principal events are arranged in order of time; the chief objections of Mr. Bayle and others, against the character of this prince . . . . are examined and refuted; and the Psalms which refer to him, explained. L. 1766. 2V. O. 3 Cheever, George B., D.D. Guilt of slavery and the crime of slave- holding, demonstrated from the Hebrew and Greek script- ures. N. Y. 1860. D. r Cheyne, George, M.D. Philosophical principles of religion: natural - and reveal’d. In two parts. . . . 2d ed. corr, and enl. L. 1716. 2v, in I. D. - — Same. 4th ed. corr. L. 1734. 2v, in 1. D. Christianity the means of civilization: shown in the evidence given before a committee of the house of commons, on abo- rigines, by D. Coates, Rev. J. Beecham, and Rev. W: * Ellis. ... i. 1837. O. - Chrysostomus, Joannes, St. Of the priesthood. In six books. Tr. from the Greek by Rev. J. Bunce. L. 1759. O. Chubb, Thomas. Collection of tracts on various subjects. L. 1730. Q. * - 12 Catalogue of the Chubb, Thomas. True gospel of Jesus Christ asserted. . . . Added, a short dissertation on providence. L. 1738. D. Church of Scotland. Confession of faith; the larger, and shorter catechisms, with the scripture proofs at large: the sum of saving knowledge; Covenants, national and solemn league . . . . Edin. 1810. D. Clark, Samuel, D. ZX., ed. Collection of the promises of scripture under their proper heads. In two parts, representing I. The blessings promised. II. The duties to which prom- ises are made. Appendix [on] the future state of the church. . . . 4th ed. L. 1760. S. Clarke, John, D.D. Enquiry into the cause and origin of evil. . . . . Substance of eight sermons. ... I 719. L. 1720–1. 2v, O. Clarke, J. E. Dissertation on the dragon, beast, and false-prophet of the apocalypse; in which the number 666 is satisfact- orily explained. Also, a full illustration of Daniel's vision of the ram and he-goat. L. 1814. O. Clarke, Samuel, rector of St. James, d. 1729. Discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of nat- ural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Christian revelation. ... being sixteen sermons.... 1704–5. 8th ed. L. 1732. O. — Same. 9th ed. L. 1738. O. Clarke, Samuel, rector of St. James, d. 1729. [Letters.] Iv. D. Contents: 1. Letters to Dr. Clarke from a gentleman in Gloucestershire, relating to the first vol. of sermons preached at Mr. Boyle's lecture. With answers. L. 1716. 42 pp. 2. Letter to Mr. Dodwell on the immortality of the Soul. . . . 5th ed. L. I 718. 280 pp. 3. Letter to Rev. Dr. Wells in answer to his Remarks, etc. [on the subject of the trinity.] L. 1714. 82 pp. 4. Reply to the objections of Robert Nelson, Esq.; against Dr. Clarke's Scripture doctrine of the trinity. . . . L. I714. 3 II pp. Clarke, Samuel, rector of St. James, d. 1729. Scripture doctrine of the trinity. Wherein every text in the New Testament relating to that doctrine is distinctly considered; and the divinity of our blessed Saviour according to the Scriptures, proved and explained. 2d ed. L. I 719. O. Theological Library. 13 Clarkson, David. Primitive episcopacy stated and cleared from the Holy Scriptures and ancient records. L. 1688. D. Clarkson, Rev. W: India and the Gospel; or, an empire for the Messiah. Preface by Rev. T. Archer. 4th ed. L. 1851. D. Claude, Jean. Essay on the composition of a sermon. Tr., with notes, by Rob. Robinson. Cambr. 1779. 2v, O. — Historical defence of the reformation: in answer to a book intituled Just prejudices against the Calvinists. . . . Tr. by T. B., M. A. L. 1683. SqC). Clayton, Robert, bishop. Essay on spirit: the doctrine of the trinity considered. [n. t. p.] [I751?] O. * Cogan, Thomas, M.D. Theological disquisitions. . . . I. On natu- ral religion. II. On the Jewish dispensation, respecting religion and morals. L. 1812. O. [Coles, Elisha.] Practical discourse of God's sovereignty: With other material points deriving thence. 3d impr. L. 1678. D. e — Same. Newburyport, 1798. O. Colet, John, Z2. D., dean of St. Paul's. Two treatises on the hier- archies of Dionysius. Now first publ., with a tr., introd., and notes, by J. H. Lupton. L. 1869. O. Collette, C: Hastings, ed. Milner refuted; or pious frauds exem- plified in Dr. Milner's “End of religious controversy.” . . . . L. 1856–7. 2 pts. in Iv. O. [Collins, Anthony, 1676–1729..] Discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. In two parts. . . . Pre- fixed, an apology for free debate and liberty of writing. L. 1724. D. — Same. L. 1737. O. [Collins, Anthony.] Scheme of literal prophecy considered; in a view of the controversy, occasioned by a late book enti- tled, A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. L. 1726. D. Collyer, Rev. David. Sacred interpreter; or, a practical introduct- ion towards a beneficial reading and a thorough under- standing of the Holy Bible. . . . L. 1726. 2v. D. 14 Catalogue of the Colton, Rev. Calvin. Thoughts on the religious state of the coun- try (America); with reasons for preferring episcopacy. L. 1837. D. Comber, Thomas, ZX. D. Companion to the altar; or, an help to * the worthy receiving of the Lord's supper; by discourses and meditations upon the whole communion office. Added, an essay upon the offices of baptism, catechism, and confirmation. 4th ed. L. 1685. D. Conversations on the evidences of Christianity....L. 1826. O. Conybeare, John, D.D. Defence of reveal’d religion against the exceptions of a late writer, in his book, intituled Christ- ianity as old as the creation. L. 1732. O. Conybeare, Rev. W. J., and Howson, Rev. J. S. Life and epistles . of St. Paul. 7th ed. N. Y. 1862. 2v. O. Maps, illus. — Life, times, and travels of St. Paul. Introd. by Matthew Simpson. N. Y. 1869. 2v, in I. O. Maps, &c. Same work as preceding. Cosin, John, dean of Peterborough. Scholastical history, of the canon of the Holy Scripture, or the certain and indubitate books thereof, as they are received in the church of England. L. 1683. SqO. Coventry, Henry. Philemon to Hydaspes: relating a conversation with Hortensius, upon the subject of false religion.... 3d ed. L. 1753. 5 pts. in IV. O. - — Same. 4th ed. Glasgow, 1761. S. Cuninghame, William. Dissertation on the seals and trumpets of the apocalypse, and the prophetical period of 1260 years. 2d ed. corr. and enl. L. 1817. O. Daubeny, Rev. Charles. Guide to the church; in several discourses. Added, two postScripts. . . . 2d ed. L. 1804. 2v, O. [De Coetlogan, C. E.J. Temple of truth; or, the best system of reason, philosophy, virtue, and morals, analytically ar- ranged. 2d ed. [By Parresiastes, ps.] L. 1807. O. Note.—On salvation, faith, supreme good, Christian happiness, good works, glory of grace, etc. Derham, William, canon of Windsor. Astro-theology, a demonstra- tion of the being and attributes of God from a survey of the heavens. 2d ed. L. I 715. D. Illus. Theological Library. 15 Derham, William, canon of Windsor. Same. Ioth ed. L. 1767. D. Zllus. — Physico-theology: a demonstration of the being and attributes of God from his works of creation. . . . . 4th ed. corr. L. 1716. D. — Same, 7th ed. L. I 727. D. — Same. New ed. L. 1798. 2v. O. Deusing, Hermann. Moses evangelizans, seu explicatio allegorico- prophetica historiarum Mosaicarum. . . . qua doctrina et Oeconomica evangelica. . . . minutatin evolvitur. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1719. sqO. Dionysius, St., bishop of Alexandria. Epistola aduersus Paulum Samosatensem, episcopum Antiochiae. [Gr. et Lat.] Romae, 1608. S. Ditton, Humphry. Discourse concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In three parts. . . . With an app. . . . . 3d ed. L. 1722. D. — Same. 4th ed. L. I 727. D. Doctrine of the trinity in unity, deduced from the discriminative terms employed to designate the divine being by the inspired writers of the Old Testament. By a member of the church of England. L. 1833. O. Dodwell, Henry, M.A., 1641–1711. Scripture account of the eter- nal rewards or punishments of all that hear the gospel, without an immortality necessarily resulting from the nature of the souls themselves that are concerned in those rewards or punishments. . . . L. 1708. D. Dodwell, Henry, M.A. Two letters of advice: I. For the sus- ception of holy orders. II. For studies theological, especially such as are rational. ... 3d ed. Corr. and impr. L. 1691. D. Includes his Discourse concerning Sanchoniathon's Phoenician history. L. 1691. I 19 pp. [Dodwell, Henry, fun..] Christianity not founded on argument; and the true principle of gospel-evidence assigned. . . . 2d ed. L. I 743. O. 16 Catalogue of the Doughty, John, rector of Cheam, -1672. Analecta sacra: sive ex- cursus philologici breves super diversis S. Scripturae locis . . . . L. 1658–60. 2 v. D. and S. [Douglas, John, bishop.] Criterion: or, miracles examined with a view to expose the pretensions of pagans and papists; to compare the miraculous powers recorded in the New Tes- tament, with those said to subsist in later times, and to show the great and material difference between them in point of evidence . . . . L. 1754. O. D'Oyley, Samuel, tr. Christian eloquence in theory and practice. From the French. L. 1718. O. Drummond, T. Letters to a young dissenter on the general prin- ciples of nonconformity. . . . L. 1812. D. 88 pp. Du Pin, L: Ellies. Compleat method of studying divinity; or, a reg- ular course of theological studies, digested into a new method....[With] a catalogue of the most important theological questions. . . . L. 1720. D. Dwight, Rev. H. G. O. Christianity in Turkey: a narrative of the Protestant reformation in the Armenian church. L. 1854. D. Map, Elliott, Rev. E. B. Vindiciae horariae: twelve letters to Rev. Dr. Keith in reply to his strictures on the Horae apocalyptic- ae; together with brief notices of other chief criticisms. . . . . L. 1848. O. Ellis, Aaron. Bible vs. tradition: in which the true teaching of the Bible is manifested, the corruptions of theologians detected, and the traditions of men exposed. Rev. and enl. by T: Read. 2d ed. N. Y. 1853. D. Ellis, John, D.D. Knowledge of divine things from revelation, not from reason or nature. 2d ed. L. 1771. O. “Vol. I” on t. p.; but all published. - Enquiry whence cometh wisdom and understanding to man?....L. 1757. (With preceding.) Ellys, Anthony, bishop of St. David’s. Tracts on the liberty, spir- itual and temporal, of Protestants in England. Addressed to J. N., Esq.; at Aix-la-Chapelle. L. 1763–5. 2 pts. in Iv. Q. Theological Library. 17 [Elsley, Rev. J.] Annotations on the four gospels and the Acts of the apostles. Comp. and abr. for the use of students. 2d ed L. 1812. 3v. O. — Same, 5th ed. L. 1824. 3v. O. . Emlyn, Thomas. Collection of tracts, relating to the deity, worship, and satisfaction of the Lord Jesus Christ. . . . Prefixed, narrative of proceedings. . . . against the author. L. 1719. — Works. Prefixed, memoirs of [his] life and writings, [by S. Emlyn). L. 1746. V. I-2. O. Port. V. 3 wanting. Note.—Dissertations largely on the trinity, etc. Erskine, Thomas, of Zinletham. Remarks on the internal evidence for the truth of revealed religion. 5th ed. Edin. 1821. D. Essay toward a natural history of the Bible, especially of some parts which relate to the occasion of revealing Moses's principia. L. 1725. D. Ettrick, Rev. W. Second exodus; or, reflections on the prophecies, relating to the rise, fall, and perdition of the great Roman beast of the 126o years. . . . 2d ed. Sunderland, 1814. 3v. O. Evans, AEev. John. Preservative against the infidelity and uncharit- ableness of the 18th century; or testimonies in behalf of Christian Candour and unanimity. . . . Prefixed, an essay on the right of private judgment in matters of religion. L. [1796.] (With his Sketch of the denominations. I796.) Evans, Acev. John. Sketch of the denominations into which the Christian world is divided. . . .3d ed. enl. L. 1796. D. Evanson, Edward, M.A. Dissonance of the four. . . . evangelists, and the evidence of their respective authenticity exam- ined; with that of some other scriptures deemed canonical. 2d ed. Gloucester, 1805. O. — Letter to Dr. Priestley's young man. . . . Ipswich, 1794. O. (Backed Works, v. 2.) * & Evanson, Edward, M.A. Reflections upon the state of religion in - christendom . . . . at the commencement of the XIXth cen- tury. Exeter, 1802. (Backed Works, v. 2.) 2 18 Catalogue Of the Evanson, Edward, M.A. Second thoughts on the trinity. . . . Glou- cester, 1805. 60 pp. (Backed Works, v. 2.) Evanson, Edward, M.A. Three discourses: 1. Upon the man after God’s own heart. 2. Upon the faith of Abraham. 3. Upon the seal of the foundation of God. L. 1773. O. Evelyn, John. History of religion: a rational account of the true religion. Now first published . . . . Ed. with notes by Rev. R. M. Evanson. I. 1850. 2v. in I. O. Examination papers for the use of theological students, on the facts of the Old and New Testaments; the doctrines and evid- ences of Christianity; the history of the church; litur- gies, translations of the Bible, etc. Oxf. 1837. D. 96 pp. Faber, G: Stanley, D.D. Apostolicity of trinitarianism: or, the test- imony of history, to the positive antiquity, and to the apostolical inculcation, of the doctrine of the holy Trinity. L. 1832. 2v, O. Faber, Temple Christian. Caste and Christianity. A looking-glass for the times. L. 1857. D. Falkner, William. Christian loyalty: or, a discourse wherein is asserted that just royal authority and eminency, which in this church and realm of England is yielded to the king. Especially concerning supremacy in causes ecclesiastical. Together with the disclaiming all foreign jurisdiction; and the unlawfulness of subjects taking arms against the king. L. 1679. D. Finch, George, comp. Sketch of the Romish controversy. L. 1850. 2V. O. Contents: 1. Persecuting principles of the church of Rome, and the corruptions of the Nicene church in the 4th century, and of the church of Rome from the 4th to middle of 16th century, 2. Extracts from the fathers, the Roman breviary, the council of Trent, etc., explana- tory of Romish doctrines. Flavel, John. Divine conduct; or, the mysterie of providence. - Wherein the being and efficacy of providence is asserted and vindicated; the methods of providence. . . . opened; and the proper course of improving all providences directed. . . . L. 1678. S. Fleming, Rev. Robert. Christology, or a discourse concerning Christ; in himself, his government, his offices, etc. Abridged in two parts, by A. Cleeve. Edin. I795. O. Theological Library. 19 Fleming, Rev. Robert. Discourses on . . . . the rise and fall of the papacy; the import of God's dwelling with men on earth; the greatness and difficulty of the ministerial office and work; and a brief account of religion as it centers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Falkirk, 1793. D. Port. Fleetwood, William, bishop of Ely. Relative duties of parents and children, husbands and wives, masters and servants, con- sidered in sixteen sermons; with three more upon . . . . self-murther. L. 1705. O. Folsom, Nathaniel S. Critical and historical interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel. Bost. 1842. O. Fordyce, James, D. Z). Sermons to young women. 13th ed. L. 1809. 2v, D. Formey, Johann H: S: Ecclesiastical history; from the birth of Christ to the present time. Added, an account of the people called Methodists. L. 1766. 2v, O. Foxton, F. J. Popular Christianity: its transition state, and proba- ble development. L. 1849. O. Franck, Augustus Hn. Guide to the reading and study of the Holy Scriptures. Tr. with notes. . . . by W. Jaques. 3d ed. I. 1819. D. Frere, James Hatley. Combined view of the prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and St. John, shewing that all the prophetic writings are formed upon one plan. Also, a minute ex- planation of the prophecies of Daniel. . . . 2d ed. L. 1815. O. Fuller, Andrew. Gospel its own witness: or, the holy nature, and divine harmony of the Christian religion, contrasted with the immorality and absurdity of deism. 2d ed. Clip- stone, 18oo. O. Fulwood, Francis, D. D. Establish’d church: a subversion of all the Romanist's pleas for the pope's supremacy in England. With a vindication of the present government of the church of England, as allow'd by the laws of the land against all fanatical exceptions; particularly of Mr. Hick- eringill, in his scandelous pamphlet, stiled Naked truth, the 2d part. In two books. L. 1681. D. Note.—Inside title-pages are headed: Roma ruit. 1679, and Leges Angliae, 1631. 20 Catalogue of the Gale, Theophilus. Court of the gentiles: a discourse touching the original of human literature, both philologie and philoso- phie, from the scriptures and Jewish church, in order to a demonstration of I. The perfection of God's word, w and church-light. II. The imperfection of nature's light, and mischief of vain philosophie. III. The right use of human learning, and specially sound philosophie. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Pt. I. of ‘philologie. Oxon. I672. SqL). 36–85–152–115 pp. (Wanting v. 2-5.) Gentleman retired from business, A., pseud. Theological and practical divinity: with . . . . several treatises by Jacob Behmen. The parable of a pilgrim [Patrick's]. And divers other tracts. L. 1769. S. [Backed Extracts of Jacob Behmen.] Gerard, Alexander, D.D. Dissertations on subjects relating to the genius and the evidences of Christianity. Edin. I766. O. Gerard, Gilbert, D.D. Institutes of biblical criticism; or, heads of [a] course of lectures on that subject. . . . 2d ed. Edin. I8o3. O. German reformation of the nineteenth century; or, a sketch of the rise, progress, and present position of those who have recently separated themselves from the church of Rome . . . . By the German correspondent of “The continental echo.” L. 1846. O. Girdlestone, Æez. William. Observations on the visions of Daniel, and on part of the book of the revelation of St. John. With an app. Oxf. 1820. O. Goodman, John, D. D. Penitent pardon'd; or, a discourse on the nature of sin, and the efficacy of repentance, under the parable of the prodigal son. 6th ed. Corr. and enl. L. 17 o'7. D. Gother, Æev. J. Sincere Christian's guide in the choice of religion. New ed. rev. L. 1804. T. IVote.—Pro-Catholic work. Grabe, J. E., ed. Spicelegium SS. patrum, ut et haereticorum, seculi post Christum natum I, II, et III. Quorum vel integra monumenta, vel fragmenta, partim, ex aliorum patrum libris jam impressis, collegit et cum codicibus, mss. Contulit, partim ex mss. nunc primum edidit, ac sin- gula tam praefatione, quam notis subjunctis illustravit. Oxon. I698–9. 2v. D. Theological Library. . 21 Grant, Johnson. Summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its commun- ion; with answers to each dissenting body on its pre- tended grounds of separation. L. 1811–14. 2v. Graves, Rev. Richard. Essay on the character of the apostles and evangelists: designed to prove that they were not enthu- siasts: substance of several discourses. . . . Dublin, 1798. O. Gray, Rev. Robert. Key to the Old Testament and apocrypha; or, an account of their several books, their contents, and authors, and of the times in which they were respect- ively written. 2d ed. L. 1791. O. — Same. 4th ed. L. I797. O. Gregory, John, 1607–1646. Works. In two parts; the first con- taining Notes and observations upon several passages of scripture; the second his posthuma. . . . 4th ed. Corr. L. I684. SqO. Contents. Pt. 2. Discourse of the LXX interpreters. Discourse declaring what time the Nicene Creed began to be sung in the church. Sermon upon the resurrection. Disproof of Him, Luke, iii: 36. De aeris' et epochis: accounts of time among all nations. Assyrian monarchy: its rise and fall. Description and use of the terrestrial globe. Gregory, Olinthus, D.D. Letters to a friend on the evidences, doctrines and duties of the Christian religion. . . . N. Y. [n. d.] D. — Same. 4th ed. L. 1822. 2v, O. — Same. 5th ed. L. I 829. 2v, O. — Same. 9th ed. L. 1851. D. Grinfield, E: W: Nature and extent of the Christian dispensation, with reference to the salvability of the heathen. L. 1827. O. Grotius, Hugo. De veritate religionis Christianae. Cui accessere J. Clerici, secundum tertiam ejus recensionem, notae, et libri duo, de eligenda inter Christianos dissentientes sen- tentia. . . . Oxon. I807. D. Grotius, Hugo. Of the authority of the highest powers about sacred things; or, the right of the state in the church. . . . Put into English by C. B., M.A. L. 1651. S. 22 Catalogue of the Grotius, Hugo. Truth of the Christian religion. ... Notes [and add.] - by LeClerc. 15th ed. tr. by J: Clarke, dean of Sarum. L. I 818. D. — Same. Oxf. I818. O. Günst, F. Martyrs of the Spanish inquisition. Tr. by H. C. Klop- penburg. S. F. 1870. O. Gurney, Joseph John. Observations on the religious peculiarities - of the Society of Friends. 5th ed. L. 1825. D. Habershon, Matthew. Historical exposition of the prophecies of the revelation of St. John; shewing their connection with and confirmation of those of Daniel . . . . L. 1841. O. Hales, John. Golden remains. 3d imp. With add. from the -- author's own copy, viz. Sermons and miscellanies. Also, letters and expresses concerning the synod of Dort. L. I688. D. - y Hammond, Henry, D.D. Practical catechism. I Ith ed. Added, the reasonableness of Christian religion. L. 1677. D. — Same. I4th ed. L. I 7oo. D. — Same 15th ed. L. 1715. D. With life. Harmer, Thomas. Observations on divers passages of scripture . . . . grounded on circumstances incidentally mentioned in books of voyages and travels into the east. . . . L. I 764. O. - - Mote.—Relating to the weather, houses, diet, books, natural, civil, and military state of Judaea, Egypt, etc. — Same. 3d ed. Corr. and enl. L. I797–87. 4v. O. V. 3–4 are in 20 ed. Harris, Thaddeus Mason, D.D. Dictionary of the natural history of the Bible. . . . New ed. L. 1833. D. Zllus. Harrison, Benjamin, archdeacon. Prophetic outlines of the Christian - church and the antichristian power, as traced in the vis- ions of Daniel and St. John; in twelve lectures.... L. 1849. O. - Heidegger, Joh. H. Historia sacra patriarcharum. Exercitationes selectae. Amstelod. I667. SqO. Theological Library. 23 Hele, Arthur. Four gospels harmoniz'd, and reduced into one; or, the history of . . . . Jesus Christ digested according to the order of time, and delivered in the words of the evan- gelists. . . . Reading, I 750. O. Hemans, Charles I. History of ancient Christianity and sacred art in Italy. Florence, 1866. D. Heylyn, Peter. Theologia veterum; or, the summe of Christian theologie, positive, polemical, and theological; contained in the apostles creed, or reducible to it; according to the tendries [sic] of the antients both Greeks and Latines. In three books. L. 1673. F. Hickes, George. Christian priesthood, and the dignity of the epis- copal order asserted and defended. Design'd to obviate the erroneous opinions, fallacious reasonings, bold and false assertions of all freethinkers. In which a book, entituled The rights of the Christian religion, is more par- ticularly taken notice of. Added an appendix. . . . 3d ed. V. I. L. 1727. D. Historical library; [and] Library of Christian doctrine. L. 1851. S. (Roman Catholic tracts.) Contents. England evangelized. Sacrifice of the mass. Protestantism weighed, and wanting. How the pope be- came king. The church the interpreter of Scripture. Cer- emonial not theatrical. Know popery, Popes the found- ers of modern Europe. Religion of Catholics the worship of Jesus. Litany of the blessed virgin. Christmas-day. How antichrist keeps Christmas. Popish persecution: penal laws, No. 1. Holmes, Rev. James Ivory. Fulfilment of the revelation of St. John displayed, from the commencement of the prophecy, A. D. 96, to the battle of Waterloo, A. D. 1815: containing a refutation of the systems maintained by Faber, Cun- inghame, and Pastorini, in their interpretations of the prophecy. L. 1819. O. Homes, Nathaniel, Z). D. Resurrection revealed, or the dawning of the day-star. Rev. and condensed. L. 1833. O. Hooper, F. S. Bodfield. Revelation of Jesus Christ by John. L. 1861. 2 v. O. [Hoppus, Rev. John.] Schism, as opposed to the unity of the church; especially in the present times. 2d ed. L. 1839. O. 24 Catalogue of the Horbery, Matthew, D.D. Enquiry into the scripture-doctrine con- cerning the duration of future punishment: in which the texts of the New Testament, relating to this subject, are considered; and the doctrine, drawn from them alone, is shewn to be consistent with reason. . . . L. I 744. O. Horne, T. Hartwell. Deism refuted: or plain reasons for being a Christian. 7th ed. Corr. and enl. L. 1826. D. Horsley, Samuel, dean. I.etters in reply to Dr. Priestley. With an app. containing short strictures on Dr. Priestley's Letters by an unknown hand. L. 1784. (In Priestley, Letters to Horsley.) 'Howe, Rev. John, 1630–1705. Blessedness of the righteous opened, and further recommended from the consideration of the vanity of this mortal life. . . . . L. 1678. D. Howe, Rev. John, 1630–1705. Living temple: or, a designed im- provement of that notion that a good man is the temple of God. L. 1702. 2 v. O. Port. Huet, Pierre Daniel, bishop. Treatise of the situation of paradise. L. 1694. S. Map. Hunt, Jeremiah, Z). D. [Tracts.] I v. O. Contents. I. General view of religion. L. 1729. 62 pp. 2. Essay on the several dispensations of God to mankind. . . . . L. I728. I63 pp. 3. Essay on the Several dispen- sations of God to mankind. . . . . L. I 732. Io 2, 127 pp. 4. Essay towards explaining the history and revelations of scripture in their several periods. Pt. 1. Added, a dissertation on the fall of man. L. I 734. 31.7 pp. Hutchinson, John, 1674–1737. Abstract from the works of: a sum- mary of his discoveries in philosophy and divinity [by Rob. Spearman]. L. 1755. S. Impartial enquiry into the true nature of that faith, which is required in the gospel as necessary to Salvation. In which is briefly shewn, upon how righteous terms unbelievers may become true Christians: and the case of the deists is reduced to a short issue. By Philalethes Cestriensis. L. I746. O. Independent Whig [by T. Gordon]. 2d ed. L. 1722. D. Ireland, John, dean. Paganism and Christianity compared, in a course of lectures. . . . L. 1809. O. Theological Library. 25 Ireland, John, dean. Same. New ed. L. 1825. O. Jamieson, John, D. D. Vindication of the doctrine of scripture and of the primitive faith, concerning the deity of Christ. In reply to Dr. Priestley's History of early opinions, etc. Edin. I 794. 2v, O. Jarvis, S: Farmar, D. D. Chronological introduction to the history of the church; a new inquiry into the true dates of the birth and death of. . . . Christ; and containing, an original harmony of the four gospels. . . . L. 1844. O. Jebb, John, D.D., ed. Piety without asceticism, or, the Protestant Kempis; a manual of the Christian faith and practice, selected from the writings of Scougal, C: How, and Cud- worth; with notes. L. 1830. O. * Jenkin, Robert, D.D. Reasonableness and certainty of the Chris- tian religion. 5th ed. Corr. L. 1721. 2v, O. Jenner, Stephen. Truth’s conflicts and truth’s triumphs; or, the seven-headed serpent slain: a series of essays, with an allegorical introd. on some chief errors of the day. L. 1854. O. Job. English. Translated from the Hebrew by the late Miss Eliza- beth Smith. Preface and annot. by Rev. F. Randolph. 2d ed. L. 1810. O. - Johnson, John, M.A., vicar of Cranbrook. Clergyman's vade-mecum: containing the canonical codes of the primitive and uni- versal church. . . . and of the eastern and western church to 1787. . . . With notes, index. . . . some reflections on moderate nonconformity, and the rights of the church. Pt. 2. 3d ed. W. add. L. I 723. S. [Jones, Rev. John, b. 17oo.] Free and candid disquisitions relating to the church of England, and the means of advancing religion therein . . . . 2d ed. rev. L. 1750. O. Jones, Rev. W:, rector of Pluckley, of Mayland. Full answer to an Essay on spirit [Clayton's]. Wherein all the author's objections. . . . to the doctrine of the trinity; his opinions relating to the uniformity of the church; his criticisms upon the Athanasian and Nicene creeds, etc., are ex- amined and confuted. . . . 2d ed. impr. and enl. L. 1770. — Remarks on the principles and spirit of a work entitled the Confessional: a sequel to the 2d ed. of a Full answer [etc.] L. 1770. (Both bd, with Clayton's Essay on spirit.) 26 Catalogue of the Jones, Rev. William, rector of Pluckley, of AWayland. Catholic doc- trine of a trinity proved by a hundred short and clear arguments, expressed in the terms of the Holy Scripture. . . . . With a few reflections. ... upon some of the Arian writers. . . . Added, a letter to the common people . . . .3d ed. L. 1767. O. Jortin, John, D.D. Discourses concerning the truth of the Christian religion. L. 1746. O. Jortin, John, Z2. /). Remarks on ecclesiastical history. L. 1751–4. 3V. O. Jurieu, Pierre. Accomplishment of the scripture prophecies, or, the approaching deliverance of the church. Proving, that the papacy is the anti-christian kingdom. . . . L. 1687. 2 v. in I. D. — Same. Abridged. L. 1793. O. Justiniano, Diego Annunciazaro, archbishop of Cranganor. Sermon addressed to Jewish martyrs on the occasion of an auto da fe at Lisbon, 1705. Also, a reply to the sermon by Carlos Vero. Tr. by Moses Mocatta. L. 1845. O. Justinus Martyr, St. Apologia, prima pro Christianis ad Anton- inum Pium; cum Latina J. Langi versione, quamplurimis in locis correcta; subjunctis notis. . . . Ed. a J. E. Grabe. Oxon. I 7oo. O. Justinus Martyr, St. Apologia secunda pro Christianis, Oratio cohortatoria, Oratio ad Graecos, et De monarchia liber [Graecó]. Cum Latina J. Langi versione, quamplurimis in locis correcta. . . . Ed. ab H. Hutchin. Oxon. 1703. O. Kaye, John, bishop of Bristol. Ecclesiastical history of the second and third centuries. Illustrated from the writings of Ter- tullian. 2d ed. Cambr. 1829. O. Kennett, Basil, D. D. Brief exposition of the apostles creed, accord- ing to bishop Pearson, in a new method, by way of para- phrase and annotation. L. 1705. D. — Same. 2d ed. Corr. L. I 726. D. Kett, Henry, D. Z). History the interpreter of prophecy; or, a view of scriptural prophecies and their accomplishment in the past and present occurrences of the world. . . . 5th ed with add. notes. L. 1805. 2v. O. Theological Library. 27 [King, Sir Peter.] History of the apostles creed: with critical obser- vations on its several articles. L. 1702. D. — Same. 2d ed. L. I 703. O. King, William, archbishop of Dublin. Essay on the origin of evil. Tr. from the Latin, with notes, and a dissertation concern- ing the principle and criterion of virtue and the origin of the passions. 2d ed. Corr. Added, two sermons: On divine praescience; On the fall of man. Ed. by E. Law. L. 1732. 2V. O. Knatchbull, Sir Norton. Annotations upon some difficult texts in all the books of the New Testament. Cambr. 1693. D.- Knittel, Francis Antony. New criticisms on 1 John, v. 7 : a synod ical lecture. I785. Tr. by W. A. Evanson. L. 1829. O Knox, Vicesimus, Z). Z). Christian philosophy: or, an attempt to display the evidence and excellence of revealed religion. L. I 796–5. 2 v. D. Kortholt, Christian. De variis scripturae editionibus tractatus theo- logico—historico-philologicus. . . . Kiloni, 1686. SqD. [Lacy, John. J General delusion of Christians, touching the ways of God's revealing himself to and by the prophets, evinced from scripture and primitive antiquity; and many princi- ples of scoffers. ... refuted. . . . In four parts. L. 1832. O. Laing, Samuel. Notes on the rise, progress, and prospects of the schism from the church of Rome, called the German- Catholic church, instituted by J. Ronge and I. Czerzki, in Oct., 1844, on occasion of the pilgrimage to the holy coat at Trêves. 2d ed. L. 1846. D. Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury. Relation of the confer- ence between W: Laud. . . . and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite, by command of king James. . . . with an answer to such exceptions as A. C. takes against it. 3d ed. rev. L. 1673. Q. [Lavington, George, bishop of Exeter.] Enthusiasm of Methodists and papists compared. 3d ed. L. 1752–1. 3 pts. in 2v. (Pt. 2 is in 20 ed. Pt. 3 in 1st ed.) 28 Catalogue of the Law, Edmund, bishop of Carlisle. Considerations on the theory of religion. In three parts: I. Want of universality in natural and reveal’d religion no just objection against either. II. Scheme of divine providence with regard to the time and manner of the several dispensations of reveal’d religion, more especially the Christian. III. Progress of natural religion and science. Added, two discourses: On the life and character of Christ; On the benefit procured by his death. . . . 6th ed. Cambr. 1774. O. — Same. 2d ed. Cambr. 1749. O. Law, Rev. William, 1686–1761. Demonstration of the . . . . errors of a late book, called A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. . . . L. 1737. O. Lawrence, R. Lay-baptism invalid: an essay to prove that such baptism is null and void when administer'd in opposition to the divine right of the apostolical succession. . . . 2d ed. Corr. and enl. . . . L. I 709. O. —— Same. Second part, and Supplement. L. 1713–14. (Form- ing vol. 2 to the following:) — Lay-baptism invalid. . . . 4th ed. L. 1723. D. Le Clerc, Jean. Treatise of the causes of incredulity. Wherein are examin'd the general motives and occasions which dispose unbelievers to reject the Christian religion. With two letters, containing a direct proof of the truth of Christianity. L. 1697. D. Le Courayer, Pierre Fs. Defence of the validity of the English ordinations, and of the succession of the bishops in the church of England. . . . Tr. by Dan. Williams. . . . Dublin, I 725. O. Lee, Francis, M.A.). Dissertations, theological, mathematical, and physical; with a critical commentary on the most difficult places of.... Genesis: wherein the divine authority of Moses is vindicated . . . . Prefixed [are] a short account of the author; proposals given to Peter the Great, Czar of Muscovy, 1698, for the right framing of his government; and, 2d ed. of the Dissertation upon the apocryphal book of Esdras. L. 1752. 2v, O. [Lee, H.] Anti-scepticism; or, an inquiry into the nature and philos- ophy of language, as connected with the sacred scriptures. Oxf. I 82 I. O Theological Library. 29 Leigh, Edward, D.P. Critica sacra. Observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament in order alphabeticall. ... L. 1641. SqL). — Critica Sacra: or, philologicall and theologicall observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament, in order alphabeticall. . . . 2d ed. Corr. L. 1646. SqO. Leland, John, D. D. Defence of Christianity. In two parts. . . . Vol. 2. 2d ed. Corr. L. 1753. O. Leland, John, D.D. View of the principal deistical writers that have appeared in England in the last and present cen- tury; with observations upon them, and some account of the answers that have been published against them. In several letters to a friend. 2d ed. w. add. L. 1755. 2V. O. Lenfant, Jacques. History of the council of Constance. Tr. from the new ed [of] 1727. . . . L. 1728–30. 2v. Q. Pl. Leslie, Rev. Charles. Short and easie method with the deists. Wherein the certainty of the Christian religion is demon- strated; by infallible proof from four rules. . . . In a letter . . . . 6th ed. Corr. and enl. Added, a second part to the Jews; and also the truth of Christianity vindicated; with a dissertation on private judgment. . . . L. 1726. O. Less, Gottfried. Authenticity, uncorrupted preservation, and credi- bility of the New Testament. Tr. by R. Kingdon. L. 1804. O. Lesser, F. C. Insecto theology: or, a demonstration of the being and perfections of God, from a consideration of the struct- ure and economy of insects. Notes by P. Lyonet. Edin. 1799. O. I pl. Levi, David. Dissertations on the prophecies of the Old Testament. Pt. 1. Coming of the Messiah. Restoration of the Jews. Resurrection of the dead. Pt. 2. Such as are applied to the Messiah by Christians only, which are shewn not to be applicable. L. 1793–18oo. 3v. O. Levi, David. Letters to Dr. Priestley in answer to those he ad- dressed to the Jews, inviting them to an amicable discus- sion of the evidences of Christianity. 2d ed. L. 1788. O. Locke, John. Reasonableness of Christianity, as delivered in the Scriptures. L. 1695. D. 3O Catalogue of the *— Locke, John. Reply to the bishop of Worcester's [Stillingfleet's] • Answer to his second letter: wherein . . . . what his lord- ship has said concerning: certainty by reason, certainty of ideas, and certainty by faith; the resurrection of the body; the immateriality of the soul; the inconsistency of Mr. Locke's notions. . . . ; is examined. L. 1699. O. [Long, Thomas.] Julian the Apostate: being a short account of his life; the sense of the primitive Christians about his succes- sion; and their behavior towards him. With a compari- Son of popery and paganism. L. 1682. D. [Long, Thomas.] Vindication of the primitive Christians, in point of obedience to their prince against the calumnies of a book intituled The life of Julian, written by Ecebolius the Sophist. As also the doctrine of passive obedience cleared, in defence of Dr. Hicks. . . . Added, the life of Julian enlarg’d. L. 1683. D. f Lord, James. Vatican and St. James; or, England independent of Rome. I. 1851. O. Lowman, Moses. Rational of the ritual of the Hebrew worship; in which the wise designs and usefulness of that ritual are explained and vindicated from objections. L. 1748. O. — Same. New ed. L. 1816. O. Lyall, Rev. William Rowe. Propaedia prophetica. A view of the use and design of the Old Testament. [With] two dis- sertations: I. On the causes of the rapid propagation of the gospel among the heathen. II. On the credibility of the facts related in the New Testament. L. 1840. O. McIlvaine, C: P., D.D. Work of preaching Christ: a charge to the clergy of.... Ohio. . . . 1863. 2d ed. N. Y. 1864. S. 72 DD. . * * ! Maltby, Edward, bishop of Durham. Illustrations of the truth of the Christian religion. Cambr. 1802. O. Manning, H: E:, cardinal. Grounds of faith. Four lectures. L. [n.d.] S. Marsh, Herbert, D.D. Comparative view of the churches of En- gland and Rome. 2d ed. with app. containing some ex- planatory notes on church authority, the character of Schism. . . . L. 1816. O. Theological Library. 8] Mede, Joseph. Diatribae: discourses on divers texts of scripture: delivered upon severall occasions. 2d ed. L. 1648–50. sq.D. Menasseh Ben Israel. Conciliator, sive de convenientia locorum S. Scripturae, quae pugnare inter se videntur. Opus ex vetustis, et recentioribus omnibus Rabbinis, magnâ indus- trià, ac fide congestum. Amstel. I 633. SqO. Michaelis, J. D: In Roberti Lowth Praelectiones de sacra poesi Hebræorum notae et epimetra. Oxon. I 763. O. Middleton, Conyers, D./2. Letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between popery and paganism: or, the relig- ion of the present Romans, derived from that of their heathen ancestors. 4th ed. with add. L. 1741. O. Milbourn, Rev. Luke. Vindication of the church of England from the objections of papists and dissenters, fully explaining the nature of schism, and cautioning the laity against the delusion of impostors. . . . L. 1726. 2v. Millar, Robert, M.A. History of the propagation of Christianity, and the overthrow of paganism. Wherein the Christian religion is confirmed. . . . 3d ed. Corr. W. add. L. 1731. 2V. Mills, Ja. Bassnett. Apology for the church of England, in reply to the cavils and objections of those who dissent from her. communion. L. 1831. O. Map of dioceses. Milton, John. Last thoughts on the trinity. Extracted from his Treatise on christian doctrine. L. 1828. D. 96 pp. Milton, John. Treatise on Christian doctrine, compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone. Tr. by C. R. Sumner. Cambr. 1825. Q. Moody, Rev. James. Evidence for Christianity contained in the Hebrew words aleim and berit, stated and defended. . . . an answer to Dr. Sharp's Two dissertations concerning the etymology. . . . of these words. Prefixed, an account of the controversy from Mr. Hutchinson's first publication in 1724. . . . L. 1752. (Bq. with Bate, Integrity of the Hebrew text. 1754.) More, Henry, D.D., 1614–87. Plain and continued exposition of the several prophecies or divine visions of.... Daniel, which have or may concern the people of God, whether Jew or Christian. Annexed, a threefold appendage. . . . relating to Daniel and to the apocalypse. L. 1681. SqC). 32 Catalogue of the Morgan, John Minter. Christian commonwealth. Added, an in- quiry respecting private property. L. 1849. D. (Phoenix library.) Morgan, John Minter. Colloquies on religion and religious educa- tion. L. 1849. D. (Phoenix library.) Morgan, Rev. R. W. Christianity and modern infidelity, their rela- tive intellectual claims compared. L. 1854. D. Morier, David R. What has religion to do with politics? The question considered, in letters to his son. L. 1848. S. [Morrice, Matthias.] Social religion exemplified in an account of the first settlement of Christianity in the city of Caerludd. In several dialogues. Colchester, [1788]. O. Morris, Rev. J.; Brande. Essay toward the conversion of learned and philosophical Hindus. . . . L. 1843. O. Contents. On the source of revealed knowledge. On the soul's manifold relations to matter. Our more imme- diate relations to systems of matter. On the distinct personality of man and the things implied in it. Nelson, Robert. Companion for the festivals and fasts of the church of England: with collects and prayers for each solemanity. 6th ed. L. 17 Io. D. — Same. 20th ed. L. 1752. O. New philosophy. L. 1847–9. 3 pts. D. Contents. I. Creation. 2. Heaven, or rewards. 3. Evil. New Testament. In English. New version of all the books of the N. T., with a literal commentary. . . . Added, I. Introd. to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. ... II. Abstract or harmony of the gospel-history. III. Critical preface to each of the books. . . . By [I:] de Beausobre and [Jacques] Lenfant. ... With add, notes. L. 1726–7. 2 pts. in Iv. SmQ. Contents. Pt. I. Introduction, etc. Pt. 2. St. Mat- thew. — New Testament. . . . according to the antient Latin edition. With critical remarks upon the literal meaning. From the French of father [R:] Simon. By W: Webster. L. I 73o. 2v, SqO. Theological Library. 33 New Testament. In English. Carefully collated with the Greek, and corrected; divided and printed according to the various subjects treated of by the inspired writers, with the common division into chapters and verses in the margin; and illus, with notes. . . . by R: Wynne. L 1764. 2V. O. — Improved version, upon the basis of archbishop Newcome's new translation: with a corrected text, and notes. . . . L. I8o3. O. — Translation [with notes] by Gilbert Wakefield. L. 1791. 3v. O. —— New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Tr. out of the original Greek; and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised, by his majestys’ special command. Cambr., British and foreign Bible soc., 1832. D. — Same. I846. D. New Testament. In Greek. — Greek Testament, with English notes. . . . by Rev. S. T. Bloomfield. Bost., Perkins and Marvin, 1837. 2v. O. — Greek Testament, from cardinal Mai’s ed. of the Vatican Bible, with notes. ..., a harmony, chronological tables, etc. By Rob. Ormsby. Dublin, 1865. D. — Novum Testamentum Graece. Textum ad fidem codicum, versionum et patrum recensuit et lectionis varietatem adjecit J. J. Griesbach. Ed. nova. Londini, 1809–10. 2V. O. Newcome, William, archbishop of Armagh, tr. Attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explana- tion of the twelve minor prophets. New enl. ed. . . . . Pontefract, 1809. O. Newman, Fs. W: Catholic union: essay towards a church of the future, as the organization of philanthropy. L. 1854. O. Newton, Sir Isaac. Ad Danielis profetae vaticinia, nec non Sancti Joannis apocalypsin, observationes. Opus postumum. Ex Anglicã linguà in Latinam convertit. ... G. Suderman. Amstel. I737. SqL). 3 34 Catalogue of the Newton, Rev. T., bishop of Bristol. Dissertations on the proph- ecies which have remarkably been fulfilled and at this time are fulfilling in the world. 3d ed. L. 1766. 3 V. O. — Same, 5th ed. L. I 777. 3v. O. Nicholls (or Nichols), William, D.D. Answer to an heretical book called the Naked gospel, which was condemned. . . . I690. With some reflections on Dr. Bury's new ed. of that book. Added, a short history of Socinianism. L. 1691. SqC). Nicholls (or Nichols), William, D. Z). Conference with a theist. 2d ed. Corr. L. 1698–7. 2 pts. in Iv. D. Note.—Pt. 2 is in 1st ed. — Same. 3d ed. with add. of two conferences. L. I 723. 2V. O. Nichols, James. Calvinism and Arminianism compared in their principles and . tendency; or, the doctrines of general redemption.... Pt. I. L. 1824. O. Nicol, Rev. James. Essay on the nature and design of Scripture sacr- ifices: in which the theory of archbishop Magee is con. troverted. L. 1823. O. Noble, Æez. Samuel. Plenary inspiration of the Scriptures asserted and the principles of their composition investigated with a view to the refutation of all objections to their divinity; in six lectures. Bost. 1828. 1C). — Same. L. 1825. O. O'Donnoghue, Rev. H. C. Church of Rome: a view of the pecul- iar doctrines, religious worship, ecclesiastical polity, and ceremonial observances of the Roman Catholic church. L. 1830. O. Osburn, William, ſun. Doctrinal errors of the apostolical and early fathers. L. 1835. O. [Oswald, James.] Appeal to common sense in behalf of religion. Edin. 1766. O. Overton, John. True churchman ascertained: an apology for those of the regular clergy of the establishment. ... called evan- gelical ministers: occasioned by several modern publica- tions. York, 1801. O. Theological Library. 35 Overton, John. Same. 2d ed. York, 1802. O. Owen, Rev. Henry. Enquiry into the present state of the septuagint version of the Old Testament. L. 1769. O. Pamphlets on religion, v. 6. Contents: Welchman, 39 articles of the church of England, with notes. . . . 9th ed. L. 1797. 88 pp. Win- chester, Dissertation on the 17th article of the church of England. ... New ed. L. 1803. I 16 pp. Cleaver. Origin etc. of creeds; with a vindication of the Athan- asian creed. Oxf. 1801. 26 pp. Cleaver, Remarks on the articles of the church of England. Oxf. 1802. 34 pp. Dispute adjusted about the proper time of applying for a repeal of the corporation and test acts. ... Oxf. 1790. I6 pp. Full and fair discussion of the preten- sions of the dissenters to the repeal of the sacramental test. Oxf. 1790. 26 pp. Graham, Defence of the script- ure doctrines as understood by the church of England. ... .York, 1800. 1 18 pp. Porteus, Beneficial effects of Christianity on the temporal concerns of mankind....I. 1806, 90 pp. Honest apprehensions; or, the unbiassed, and sincere confession of faith of a plain, honest layman, L. 1803. 78 pp. Pamphlets on religion, v. 7. Contents: Sharp, Review and defence of two Disserta- tions concerning the etymology and scripture meaning of the Hebrew words elohim and berith. Pt. 1–3. L. I754–5. 236, 274 pp. Ward, Dissertations upon several passages of the Sacred scriptures. L. 1761. 251 pp. Lardner, Remarks upon the late Dr. Ward's Dissertations upon several passages [etc.]. ... L. 1762. 190 pp. Pamphlets on religion, v. 8. Contents: White, Three letters to a gentleman dissent- ing from the church of England [with app. on lawfulness etc. of subscription]. L. 1743–8. xxxiii, 94, 84, 85 pp. White, Fast-day sermon, Dec. 18, 1745. 27 pp. White, Letter to Chandler: a vindication of some passages in the Three letters....L. 1749. 7.3 pp. Church of En- gland vindicated in requiring subscription from clergy. L. 1739. I36 pp. Clarke, Reply to Chandle) • Case of subscription.... L. 1749. 196 pp. Dissertation upon the account of Jesus Christ by Josephus. Oxf. 1749. 65 pp. Dodwell, Free answer to Dr. Middleton's Free inquiry into the miraculous powers. L. 1749. I42 pp. Horbery, Athanasian creed defended. Oxf. 1749. 24 pp. 36 Catalogue of the Pamphlets on religion, v. 9. Contents: Blackall, Sermon at Brentwood, Oct. 7, 1693. 4th ed. 1707. Blackall, Sermon before House of Com- mons, Jan. 30, 1699. I708. Blackall, St. Paul and St. James reconcil’d: sermon June 30, 17oo. 5th ed. 1708. Blackall, Subjects duty: sermon, March 8, 1705. 2d ed. 1708. Blackall, Blessedness of the poor in spirit: ser- mon, Nov. 17, 17 oé. 4th ed. I 708. Blackall, Suffi- ciency of revelation: eight sermons, 1706. I'707–8. Moss, Rich and poor: charity-sermon, May 27, 1708. Moss, Spittal anniversary sermon, 1708. Adams, Sermon before the queen, Sept. 9, 1705. 2d ed. I 707. Adams, Con- secration sermon, June 6, 1708. Adams, Sermon: fune- ral of Rev. T. Staynoe, 1708. Patrick, Against judging: sermon before the queen, Aug. 31, 1707. Fleetwood, Sermon: funeral of Duke of Gloucester, 17oo. 1708. Stanhope, Christianity the only true comfort: sermon, Nov. 3, 1706. 3d ed. I 707. Nelson, Charity and unity: sermon, Aug. 19, 17 o'7. 2d ed. I708. Brady, Sermon before the queen, Jan. 26, 1707. Sermon, anniversary of death of Charles I. 2d ed. 1708. [Anon.] Stubſb]s, Confirmation sermon, May 14, 1693. 1708. Atterbury, Power of charity to cover sin: sermon, Aug. 16, 1694. 1708. Kennett, Causes of the civil war: sermon, Jan. 31, 1704. 1708. Kennett, Sermon: anniversary of death of Charles I, Jan. 30, 1706. 1708. Kennett, Duties of rejoycing: Sermon, June 23, 1706. I708. Sacheverell, Nature, guilt, and danger of presumptuous sins: sermon, Sept. 14, 1707. I 7o8. Park, J. R., M.D. Concise exposition of the apocalypse, so far as the prophecies are fulfilled: prefixed, the history of Christ- ianity epitomised; and a vocabulary of symbols, with scriptural authority for their interpretation. 2d ed. enl. L. 1825. O. Parker, Theodore. Discourse of matters pertaining to religion. L. 1846. O. Paroissien, Rev. Challis. Principles of the Jesuits developed in a series of extracts from their own authors, with some illus- trations of Romanism, selected from the Maynooth Com- mission in 1855. L. 1860. D. Parsons (or Persons), Robert, S.J. Jesuits’ memorial, for the in- tended reformation of England, under their first popish prince. Published from the copy that was presented to the late king James II. With an introduction and some animadversions by E: Gee. L. 1690. D. Theological Library. 37 Pascal, Blaise. Thoughts on religion and other curious subjects. Tr. by B. Kennet, D.D. 2d ed. L. 1727. O. Paterson, James, of Montrose. Compendious view of creation. With reflections. Montrose, [n.d.] O. Patrick, Symon, D.D. Christian sacrifice: a treatise shewing the necessity, end, and manner of receiving the holy com- munion: with suitable prayers and meditations. . . . 13th ed. L. 1708. S. [Patrick, Symon, D.D.] Friendly debate between a conformist and a non-conformist. 5th ed. Corr. L. 1669. D. Includes the Continuation. Patrick, Symon, D.D. Jesus and the resurrection justified by wit- nesses in heaven and in earth. In two parts: shewing first, that Jesus is the Son of God; second, that in him we have eternal life. 4th ed. Dublin, 1723. D. Port. Note.—Inside t. p. reads: Witnesses to Christianity; or, the certainty of our faith and hope, etc. Patrick, Symon, D.D. Jewish hypocrisie, a caveat to the present generation. Wherein is shewn both the false and the true way to a nations or persons compleat happiness, from the sickness and recovery of the Jewish state. . . . L. 1670. D. Includes his Epitome of mans duty. Patrick, Symon, D.D. Mensa mystica: a discourse concerning the sacrament of the Lords supper. In which the ends of its institution are so manifested; our addresses to it so directed. ... that we may not lose the benefits which are to be received by it. 4th ed. L. 1676. D. — Same. 5th ed. L. 1684. D. Patrick, Symon, D.D. Parable of the pilgrim; written to a friend. L. 1667. SqO. Paxton, George, D.D. Illustrations of scripture. ... 3d ed. rev. and enl. by Rev. Rob. Jamieson. Geography. Edin. 1842. D. Pearson, John, bishop. Exposition of the creed. New ed. Oxf. 1797. 2v. O. Port. Peirce, James. Vindication of the dissenters: in answer to Dr. W: Nichols's Defence of the doctrine and discipline of the church of England. In three parts. ... 2d ed., corr. L. 1718. O. 38 Catalogue Of the Penn, Granville. Bioscope, or dial of life explained. Added, a tr. of St. Paulinus’ Epistle to Celantia, on the rule of Christ- ian life; general chronology; perpetual solar and lunar Calendar. L. 1812. Penn, Granville. Prophecy of Ezekiel concerning Gogue, the last tyrant of the church, his invasion of Ros, his discomfit- ure, and final fall; examined, and in part illustrated. L. 1814. (Bd. w. his Bioscope, 1812.) Penn, William. No cross, no crown: a discourse shewing the nature and discipline of the holy cross of Christ. . . . Vol. I. [n. p.] 1668. O. Contains also: Treatise of oaths: containing several weighty reasons why the people called Quakers refuse to swear, and those confirmed by numerous testimonies. Aacked “Works.” * Percy, Thomas, bishop. Key to the New Testament. ... 6th ed. Corr. L. 1813. D. Peters, Charles. Critical dissertation on the book of Job, wherein the account given of that book by the author of The divine legation of Moses demonstrated, etc. is particu- larly considered; the antiquity of the book vindicated; the great text explained; and a future state shewn to have been the popular belief of the ancient Jews or Hebrews. 2d ed. Corr. London, 1757. O. Philipps, J. Thomas, tr. Thirty-four conferences between the Danish missionaries and the Malabarian Bramans (or heathen priests) in the East Indies, concerning the truth of the Christian religion. With letters written by the heathens to the said missionaries. L. 1719. O. & Philippsohn, Ludwig. Development of the religious idea in Juda- ism, Christianity and Mahomedanism, considered in twelve lectures on the history and purport of Judaism. Tr., with notes, by A. . M. Goldsmid. L. 1855. O. . Phillipps, Ambrose Lisle. Mahometanism in its relation to prophecy; an inquiry into the prophecies concerning antichrist, with some reference to their bearing on the events of the pres- ent day. L. 1855. I). º Platt, Rev. W. H. After death—what? or, hell and salvation con- sidered in the light of science and philosophy. 2d ed. rev. and enl. S. F. 1878. D. Theological Library. 39 Potter, John, D.D., bp. of Oxford. Discourse of church-govern- ment: wherein the rights of the church, and the suprem- acy of Christian princes, are vindicated and adjusted. 3d ed. Corr. L. I 724. O. Poynder, John. Popery in alliance with heathenism: letters prov- ing that where the Bible is wholly unknown, as in the heathen world, or only partially unknown, as in the Rom- ish church, idolatry and superstition are inevitable. 2d ed. L. 1835. O. I2O pp. Prideaux, Humphrey, D.D. Original and right of tithes, for the maintenance of the ministry in a Christian church truly stated. [With] the draught of a bill prepared to have been offered to the parliament. ... 1691, for the restrain- ing of pluralities of benefices, with cure of souls. Nor- wich, 17 Io. D. Priestley, Joseph. [Letters to Horsley.] Iv. O. Contents: 1. Letters to Dr. Horsley, in answer to his animadversions on the History of the corruptions of Christ- ianity. With add. evidence that the primitive church was Unitarian. Birmingham, 1783. 2. Same. Pt. 2. Bir- mingham, 1784. 3. Remarks on the Monthly review of the Letters to Dr. Horsley. Birmingham, 1784. 4. Horsley, Letters in reply to Priestley, with app. containing strictures on Dr. Priestley's Letters by an unknown hand. L. 1784. 5. Priestley, [Two discourses: On habitual devotion; On the duty of not living to ourselves. t. p. w.] Priestley, Joseph. Tracts in controversy with bishop Horsley. With notes by the editor. [With] app. cont. a review of the controversy. L. 1815. O. Primeval man. The origin, declension, and restoration of the race. Spiritual revealings. L. 1864. D. Note.—Not by the 8th duke of Argyll. Purton, William. Rational and scriptural view of the sacramental system of the church of England, showing the urgent necessity for reform. L. 1870. D. Rammohun Roy. Final appeal to the Christian public in defence of the “Precepts of Jesus.” Calcutta, 1823. O. Port. Rapin, René. Salvation every man's great concern....T. by G: Stanhope, D.D. 2d ed. L. 1728. D. Port. 40 Catalogue of the [Rawlet, John.] Dialogue betwixt two Protestants, (in answer to a popish catechism, called, A short catechism against all sectaries), plainly shewing, that the members of the church of England are no sectaries, but true Catholicks; and that our church is a sound part of Christ's holy catholick church, in whose communion therefore the people of this nation are most strictly bound in con- science to remain. In two parts. L. 1685. D. Ray, John. Wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation. Ioth ed. Corr. L. 1735. O. Reynolds, Edward, bishop of Morwich, I 599–1676. Meditations on the holy Sacrament of the Lords last supper . . . . L. 1638. O. Rheinwald, F. H. Protestant exiles of Zillerthal; their persecu- tions and expatriation from the Tyrol, on separating from the Romish church and embracing the reformed faith. Tr. by J. B. Saunders. 2d ed. L. 1840. S. Richardson, John, D.D., of Emmanuel college. Canon of the New Testament vindicated; in answer to the objections of J. Toland, in his Amyntor . . . . 3d ed. Corr. L. I 719. D. Richardson, John, D.D., of Emmanuel college. Praelectiones eccle- siasticae triginta novem; olin habitae in sacello collegii Emanuelis apud Cantabrigienses. L. I'726. 2v. D. Roberts, Joseph. Oriental illustrations of the sacred scriptures, col- lected from the customs, manners, rites. . . . of the Hin- doos, during a residence in the east of nearly fourteen years. L. 1835. O. Robinson, Nicholas, M.D. Christian philosopher; or, a divine essay on the principles of man's universal redemption. ... L. 1757–8. 2v. O. Rogers, J., D.D., 1679–1729. Vindication of the civil establish- ment of religion: wherein some positions of Mr. Chand- ler, the author of Literal scheme, etc., and an anonymous letter on that subject, are occasionally consider'd. With an app. cont. a letter from Rev. Dr. Marshal, and an an- swer to the same. L. 1728. O. [Roman Catholic succession.] t. p. w. D. Theological Library. 41 Rutherforth, T. Letter to Rev. Mr. Kennicott, in which his De- fence of the Samaritan pentateuch is examined, and his second Dissertation on the state of the printed Hebrew text of the Old Testament is shewn to be in many in- stances injudicious and inaccurate. . . . Cambr. 1761. (With Owen's Enquiry on the Old Testament, 1769.) Ryan, Rev. Edward. History of the effects of religion on mankind; in countries, ancient and modern, barbarous and civilized. L. 1788. O. Rymer, Thomas. General representation of reveal’d religion: in which the chief prejudices that have been entertain’d against it, are examin'd; and the practical end propos'd by it, recommended, and rescued from unfaithful evasions. L. 1723. O. Sall, Andrew, Z). D. True catholic and apostolic faith maintain’d in the church of England. . . . Oxford, 1676. D. — Same. Prefixed, a sermon, July 5, 1674. . . . New ed. rev. with a memoir and notes by Rev. J. Allport. L. 1840. O. Sarpi, Paolo. Of beneficiary matters: or, the dues of the altar; a compleat history of ecclesiastical revenues. L. I 730. D. Schmucker, S: M., ZZ. D. History of all religions: origin, devel- opment, doctrines, forms of worship and government of the religious denominations in the world, with biograph- ical notices of eminent divines. Rev. and enl. by C: Drew. Phila. 1872. D. Ports. Sclater, W., D.D. Original draught of the primitive church. New ed. Corr. . . . . Oxf. 1840. D. Scott, Rev. Andrew, of Cambusnethan. Melchisedec of the script- ures. Glasgow, 1865. S. Seed, Jeremiah, M.A. Posthumous works, consisting of sermons, letters, essays, etc. 3d ed. L. 1770. O. — Discourses on several important subjects. Added, eight sermons preached at the Lady Moyer's lecture. 4th ed. L. 1751. 2v. O. Port. [Serle, Ambrose.] Church of God: essays on various names and titles given to the church, in the Holy Scriptures: to which are added some papers on other subjects. 3d ed. w. add. L. 1806. O. 42 Catalogue Of the Servetus, Michael. Thoughts on nature and religion; or, an apo- logy for the right of private judgment maintained. In his answer to John Calvin. [L.] 1774. O. Severus, Sulpicius, Presbyter. Opera omnia; cum lectissimis com- mentariis Georgio Hornio. Lugd. Bat., 1647. D. Contents: -Sacrae historiae lib. II. De beati Martini vita. Epistolae ad Eusebium, &c. Dialogi tres: De vir- tutibus monachorum orientalium; De virtutibus B. Mar- tln1. Sharp, Granville, 1734–1813. Tract on the law of nature and prin- ciples of action in man. 2d ed. L. 1809. D. Sharpe, Gregory, ZZ. D. Second argument in defence of Christ- ianity, taken from the ancient prophecies, applied to the most remarkable events in the life and character of Jesus Christ. L. 1762. O. Sheppard, John, of Frome. Divine origin of Christianity deduced from some of those evidences which are not founded on the authenticity of scripture. L. 1829. 2v. D. [Sherlock, Thomas, D.D.] Tryal of the witnesses of the resurrec- tion of Jesus. L. 1729. D. Sherlock, William, bishop of Zondon. Present state of the Socinian controversy, and the doctrine of the catholick fathers con- Cerning a trinity in unity. L. 1698. SqO. Sherlock, William, bishop of Zondon. Vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ever blessed trinity, and the incarnation of the son of God. Occasioned by the Brief notes on the creed of St. Athanasius, and the Brief history of the Unitarians, or Socinians, and containing an answer to both. L. 1690. (With Nicholls’ Answer to “The naked gospel.”) Shrewsbury, J: Talbot, 16th earl of Reasons for not taking the test; for not conforming to the established church; and for not deserting the ancient faith; with preliminary and concluding observations. . . . L. 1828. O. Simpson, Rev. David. Plea for religion and the sacred writings; addressed to the disciples of Thomas Paine, and wavering Christians....App., the author's determination to have relinquished his charge in the established church. . . . 5th ed. L. 1808. O. Theological Library. 43. Slade, Rev. James. Annotations on the Epistles: a continuation of Mr. Elsley's Annotations. . . . 2d ed. L. 1824. 2v. O. Smalbroke, R:, bishop. Vindication of the miracles of our blessed Saviour; in which Mr. Woolston's Discourses on them are particularly examin'd. . . . 2d ed. L. 1729–31. 2v, O. Solly, Rev. Henry. Doctrine of atonement by the Son of God. L. I86 I. D. { Song of Solomon. English. New tr. with a commentary and notes, By T. Williams. L. 1801. O. Sparke, Edward, D. D. Scintilla altaris. Primitive devotion, in the feasts and fasts of the church of England. 6th ed. With add upon the three grand solemnities last annexed to the liturgy, consisting of prose, poems, prayers, & sculptures. L. 1678. D. Port and illus. [Spearman, Robert.] Enquiry after philosophy and theology. Tending to show when and whence mankind came at the knowledge of these two important points. Edin. I 755. O. [Anon.] Spearman, Robert. Letters to a friend concerning the septuagint translation, and the heathen mythology. Edin. I759. O. Stackhouse, Rev. Thomas. Fair state of the controversy between Mr. Woolston and his adversaries [on] the literal sense of our blesssd Saviour's miracles. . . . L. 1730. O. Stanley, William, D.D. Faith and practice of a church of England man. With notes and introd. essay.... by Rev. Rob. Eden. L. 1848. D. Steane, Rev. Edward, ed. Religious condition of Christendom. 2d part. Exhibited in a series of papers, prepared at the instance of the French branch of the evangelical alliance, and read at.... Paris, 1855. . L. 1857. Steele, Sir Richard. Account of the state of the Roman-Catholick religion throughout the world. Written. . . . by ºl Cerri. . . . Added, a discourse concerning the state of \ ligion in England, written in French, in the time of . Charles I, and now first tr. With a large dedication [by bishop Hoadly] giving a particular account of the state of religion amongst Protestants....L. 1715. D. 44 Catalogue Of the Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester. Defence of the Dis- course concerning the idolatry practiced in the church of Rome, in answer to a book entituled Catholicks no idol- aters. The two first parts. L. 1676. D. Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester. Discourse in vindication of the doctrine of the trinity: with an answer to the late Socinian objections against it from scripture, antiquity and reason. Preface concerning the different explications of the trinity, and the tendency of the present Socinian controversie. L. 1697. D. Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester. Origines sacrae; or, a rational account of the grounds of Christian faith, as to the truth and divine authority of the Scriptures and the matters therein contained. 5th ed. Corr. L. I.68o. SqO. Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester. Unreasonableness of separation: or, an impartial account of the history, nature, and pleas of the present separation from the communion of the church of England. Annexed, letters of eminent divines. L. 1681. SqL). Sumner, J: Bird, M.A. Treatise on the records of the creation, and on the moral attributes of the creator; with particular reference to the Jewish history, and to the consistency of the principle of population with the wisdom and goodness of the deity. 2d ed. corr. L. 1818. 2v, O. Sunday, the rest of labour. By a Christian. L. 1856. O. Sydow, Rev. Adolphus. Scottish church question. L. 1845. O. Sykes, Arthur Ashley, D.D. Essay on the nature, design, and origin of sacrifices. L. 1748. O. Sykes, Arthur Ashley, D.D. Examination of Mr. Warburton's ac- count of the conduct of the antient legislators, of the double doctrine of the old philosophers, of the theocracy of the Jews, and of Sir Isaac Newton's chronology. L. I744. O. Sykes, Arthur Ashley, D.D. Principles and connexion of natural and revealed religion distinctly considered. L. 1740. O. Theological Library. 4.5 [Synge, Edward, bp., 1659–1741.] Gentleman's religion: in three parts. Ist. Principles of natural religion. 2d and 3d. Doctrines of Christianity both as to faith and practice. With app., wherein it is proved, that nothing contrary to our reason can possibly be the object of our belief: but that it is no just exception against some of the doctrines of Christianity that they are above our reason. 2d ed. [Pt. 1–2.] L. 1705. D. IoS, 78 pp. Taylor, Henry, rector of Crawley. Considerations on ancient and modern creeds compared. The supremacy of the Father. The personal existence of the Holy Ghost. The prae- existence of Christ, and his divinity. Observations on Four discourses. . . . With a treatise on the existence, im- materiality, and immortality of the soul. . . . By — ——, Esq. L. 1788. O. Taylor, Jeremy, bishop. Discourse of the liberty of prophesying. Shewing the unreasonableness of prescribing to other mens faith, and the iniquity of persecuting differing opin- ions. 2d ed. Corr. L. 1702. D. Taylor, John, D.D., of Morwich. Scripture doctrine of atonement examined; First, in relation to Jewish sacrifices; and then, to the sacrifice of our blessed Lord. . . . L. 1751. O. Taylor, Nathanael. Preservative against deism. Shewing the great advantage of revelation above reason in the two great points: pardon of sin, and a future state of happiness. App. in answer to a letter of A. W. against revealed religion in the Oracles of reason. L. 1698. D. Taylor, Thomas, Z). D., 1576–1632. Christ revealed: the types and shadows of our Saviour in the Old Testament opened and explained. Pt. I. Trevecka, 1766. O. Theological repository; consisting of original essays, hints, queries, etc., Calculated to promote religious knowledge. V. I–3. L. 1773–70–71. 3v. O. V. i is in 20 ed. Note.—Ed. by Joseph Priestley. W. 4–6 lacking. Thom, Rev. David. Number and names of the apocalyptic beasts: with an explanation and application. Pt. I. L. 1848. O. Mote.-All published. Thorn, Rev. William. Fifty tracts on the errors and evils of the church of England. Winchester, 1846. D. Thorn, Rev. William. Modern immersion not scripture baptism. L. 1831. D. 46 Catalogue of the Thoughts on baptism, as an ordinance of proselytism; including observations on the controversy respecting terms of com- munion. By Agnostos. L. 1819. O. I36 pp. Tilloch, Alexander; D.D. Dissertations introductory to the study and right understanding of the language, structure, and contents of the apocalypse. L. 1823. O. [Tindal, Matthew.] Rights of the Christian church asserted, against the Romish, and all other priests who claim an independ- ent power over it. With a preface concerning the govern- ment of the church of Fngland, as by law establish’d. Pt. I. 3d ed. Corr. L. 1707. O. Note.-All published. Toland, John. Nazarenus: or, Jewish, gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. . . . L. 1718. D. Tomline, George, bishop of Winchester. Introduction to the study of the Bible. ... 18th ed. L. 1832. S. [Towne, John.] Free and candid examination of the principles advanced in the . . . . bishop of London's [Sherlock's] Ser- mons, and in his Discourses on prophecy. . . . [Anon.] L. 1756. O. Travis, George. Letters to Edward Gibbon, Esq., author of the Decline and fall of the Roman empire. 2d ed. corr. and enl. L. 1785. O. Trimmer, Sarah Kirby. Easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the Holy Scriptures. L. 1780. S. Truth of revelation demonstrated by an appeal to existing monu- ments, sculptures, gems, coins, and medals. By a fellow of several learned societies. L. 1831. D. Zllus. Twells, Rev. Leonard. Critical examination of the late new text and version of the New Testament: wherein the editor's corrupt text, false version, and fallacious notes are detected and censur’d. L. 1731–2. 3 pts. in Iv. O. Twiss, Travers. Letters apostolic of pope Pius IX. considered with reference to the law of England and the law of Europe. L. 1851. O. IVote.—On the erection of sees within the dominions of an independent sovereign. Tyndale, William. Doctrinal treatises and introductions to differ- ent portions of the Holy Scriptures. Ed. by Rev. H: Walter. Cambr. 1848. O. (Parker soc.) Theological Library. 4. Z. Tyndale, William. Expositions and notes on sundry portions of the Holy Scriptures, together with the practice of prelates. Ed. by Rev. H: Walter. Cambr. 1849. O. (Parker soc.) Universal restitution a scripture doctrine. This prov’d in sev- eral letters wrote on the nature and extent of Christ's kingdom: wherein the scripture passages falsely alleged in proof of the eternity of hell torments are truly trans- lated and explained. L. 1761. O. Vossius, Gerardus Joannes. De theologia gentili et physiologia Christiana; sive, de origine ac progressu idololatriae deque naturae mirandis, quibus homo adducitur ad deum, libri IX. Ed. nova. . . . Amst. 1668. 2 v. F. Poet. V. 2 contains Maimonides, De idololatria liber cum interpretatione Latina et notis Dionysii Vossi. Amst. I668. Wake, William, archbishop. Principles of the Christian religion explained, in a brief commentary upon the church cate- chism. 6th ed. Corr. L. 1751. S. — Same. New ed. by Rev. F: Twisleton. L. 1827. O. — Same. 4th ed. Corr. L. 1720. O. — Same. 13th ed. L. 1812. (With Percy, Key to N. Test. 1813.) Warburton, William, bishop. Alliance between church and state: or, the necessity and equity of an established religion and a test law demonstrated. In three books. 4th ed. corr. and enl. L. 1766. O. Warburton, William, bishop. Principles of natural and revealed religion occasionally opened and explained; in a course of Sermons. . . . L. I 753. 2v, O. [Warburton, William, bishop.] View of lord Bolingbroke's philoso- phy, compleat, in four letters to a friend. In which his whole system of infidelity and naturalism is exposed and confuted. Prefixed, the Apology. 3d ed. L. 1756. D. Warner, Ferdinando, ZZ. D. Bolingbroke; or, a dialogue on the origin and authority of revelation. L. 1755. O. Waterland, Daniel, D. Z). Critical history of the Athanasian creed. Representing the opinions of antients and moderns con- cerning it; with an account of the mss., versions, and comments. . . . 2d ed. corr. and impr. Cambr. 1728. D. 48 Catalogue of the Watson, Richard, D.D., bishop. Apology for Christianity in a series of letters to Edward Gibbon. Also, remarks on the last two chapters of Mr. Gibbon's History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. . . . . Dublin, 1777. O. — Same. 2d ed. Cambr. 1777. S. Weemse, John. Christian synagogue. Wherein is contained the diverse reading, the right pointing, translation, and colla- tion of scripture with scripture. With the customes of the Hebrewes and proselytes, and of all those nations with whom they were conversant. . . . 5th ed. Corr. L. 1636. sqO. Weemse, John. Portraiture of the image of God in man. In his three estates, creation, restauration, glorification. 3d ed. enl. L. 1636. (Zn his Christian synagogue, 1636.) Welchman, Edward, archdeacon. Thirty-nine articles of the church of England, illustrated with notes, and confirmed by texts of the Holy Scripture and testimonies of the primitive fathers. . . . 9th ed. L. 1797. 88 pp. (Pn. On religion, v. 6.) — Same. 6th ed. L. 1764. O. 88 pp. interleaved. Wells, Edward, D. D. Historical geography of the Old Testament. . . . . L. I 7 II–I2. 3v. D. ZZZus. — Historical geography of the New Testament. L. 1712. 2 pp. in Iv. D. (V.4 of preceding.) — Historical geography....L. 1820. 2v, D. Wesseling, Peter. Probabilium liber singularis, in quo praeter alia insunt vindiciae verborum Joannis et deus erat verbum. Franequerae, 1731. D. Westcott, Rev. Brooke Foss. Gospel of the resurrection: thoughts on its relation to reason and history. L. 1866. D. Wheatly, Charles. Rational illustration of the Book of common prayer of the church of England. Wherein liturgies in general are proved lawful and necessary . . . . 4th ed. L. 1722. O. Whiston, Prof. William. Astronomical principles of religion, nat- ural and reveal’d. In nine parts . . . . Preface, Of the temper of mind necessary for the discovery of divine truth . . . . L. 1717. D. Theological Library. 49 Whiston, Prof. William. Same. 2d ed. L. 1725. O. Whiston, Prof. William. Essay on the revelation of Saint John, so far as concerns the past and present times. Added, two dissertations. . . . With a collection of scripture prophecies relating to the times after the coming of the Messiah. Cambr. 1706. sqO. Whitby, Daniel, D.D. Discourse concerning: I. The true import of the words election and reprobation, and the things signified by them in the Holy Scripture. II. The extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of god. ... IV. The liberty of the will in a state of trial and probation. V. The perseverance or defectibility of the saints. . . . and lastly an answer to three objections. . . . and answer to some of Dr. Edwards's remarks. 3d ed. Corr. L. 1816. O. Whitby, Daniel, D./2. Last thoughts; containing his correction of several passages in his Commentary on the New Testa- ment. Added, five discourses. 2d ed. L. 1728. D. IVote.—Largely on the trinity. — Same. New ed. I. 1841. O. Whitby, Daniel, D.D. Paraphrase and commentary on the New Testament . . . . With a discourse of the millenium. Add- ed, a chronology of the N. Testament, a map and [geo- graphical] table. ... 7th ed. L. 1760. 2v. F. White, Francis, bishop of Ely. Treatise of the sabbath-day. Con- taining a defence of the orthodoxall [sic] doctrine of the church of England, against Sabbatarian-novelty. 2d ed. L. 1635. SqL). White, Rev. Jos. Blanco. Practical and internal evidence against Catholicism, with occasional strictures on Mr. Butler's Book of the Roman Catholic church . . . . 2d ed. rev. corr. and enl. L. 1826. O. wilberforce, H: W: Parochial system, an appeal to English church- men. L. 1838. D. Wilkins, John, D.D. Ecclesiastes: or, a discourse concerning the gift of preaching, as it falls under the rules of art. 6th impr. corr. and enl. L. 1679. D. Includes his Discourse concerning the gift of prayer. 50 g Catalogue of the Theological Library. Williamson, Rev. David. Reflections on the four principal reli- gions, which have obtained in the world: paganism, Mohammedism, Judaism, and Christianity; also on the church of England, and other denominations of Protest- ants: and on evangelical religion. L. 1824, 2V. O. Wilson, Daniel, bishop of Calcutta. Evidences of Christianity: stated in a popular and practical manner. . . . 2d ed. L. 1832. 2v. D. — Same. Outlines. Cottayam, 1847. D. Wise, Thomas, D. D. Confutation of the reason and philosophy of atheism. ...Vol. 2. L. I 706. SqO. Note.—Cudworth abr. and improved. Wolseley, Sir Charles. Reasonableness of scripture-belief: a dis- course giving some account of those rational grounds upon which the Bible is received as the word of God. L. 1672. D. [Wood, Hans.] Revelation of St. John, considered as alluding to certain services of the Jewish temple; according to which the visions are stated. . . . L. 1787. O. Woodhouse, John Chappel. Apocalypse, or revelation of St. John, translated; with notes, critical and explanatory. Prefixed, a dissertation on the divine origin of the book; in answer to. . . . J. D. Michaelis. L. 1805. O. Woolston, Thomas. Old apology for the truth of the Christian religion against the Jews and gentiles revived. ... L. I732. D. Wordsworth, Christopher, Z). D. Letters to M. Gondon. ... on the destructive character of the church of Rome, both in religion and polity. 2d ed. L. 1847. O. [Wright, Rev. Thomas, of Borthwick.] True plan of a living tem- ple; or, man considered in his proper relation to the ordinary occupations and pursuits of life. Edin. 1830. D. 3V. Wylie, Rev. James Aitken. Modern Judea compared with ancient prophecy. With notes. ... New ed. Glasgow, [1850]. D. Young, Arthur, D.D., ZZ. D. Historical dissertation on idolatrous corruptions in religion from the beginning of the world; and on the methods taken by divine providence in reform- ing them. ... L. I734. 2v. D. sº : : #c. : :º : ; ! º i : ! # #: # # :::::::::: # º:::::::::::: ###### ! f::::: #: $ º 4. º: # # {{ !!! :::: * * * *ši ** * * * * * * * & 4 3:#:::::::::::: :::::::: }: y ** * * * *** :::::::::::) # * * * * * * *g, *g * { §§ 44 s 45 t * * * ſ : º: ! i 3 9015 O780O 2444 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN «-» ------- ---- --• --• ----- ---- ---- ……) --• *** •ę,**~~~~).-- §§§§§§§§Êae ,,,* ~~~~ --~~~~.~~~~);~~~~. :) : !!!!!.>>:)!!! * * ---- ::::: ~~~~); ~~~~); ****** --~~~~::: > …::::::~~= ſº d ..º.º. **ś º º sº ;: §§ -- ºš ºś gº § 3; º º:3