: ARTES 18371 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UNUM TUEBOR QUERIS PENINSULAMPAMORAM CIRCUMSPICE FROM THE LIBRARY OF PROFESSOR W. W. BEMAN AB,,1870; AM.1873 TEACHER OF MATHEMATICS || 1871-1922 1 I' : ! • 15 2 1 } I ! : QB 4.2 "W349k 1782 GEORGE R. 1 GⓇ EORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom theſe Preſents fhall come, Greeting. Whereas James Buckland, James Waugh, John Ward, Thomas Longman, and Edward Dilly, Citizens and Bookfellers of our City of London, have by their Petition humbly reprefented unto Us, that they have purchaſed the Copy-Right of the WHOLE WORKS of the late DOCTOR ISAAC WATTS, and that they are now printing and prepar- ing for the Profs new Editions with Improvements of feve- ral of the feparate Picces of the faid Doctor Ifaac Watts. They have therefore moft humbly prayed Us, that We would be graciously pleaſed to grant them our Royal Licence and Protection for the fole printing, publiſhing, and vending the faid Works, in as ample Manner and Forin as has been done in Cafes of the like Nature; We being willing to give all due Encouragement to Works of this Nature, which may be of publick Ufe and Benefit, are graciously pleaſed to condefcend to their Requeft, and do therefore by theſe Pre- fents, as far as may be agreeable to the Statute in that Be- half made and provided, grant unto them, the faid James Buckland, James Waugh, John Ward, Thomas Longman, and Edward Dilly, their Executors, Adminiſtrators, and Affigns, our Royal Privilege and Licence, for the fole printing, pub- liſhing, and vending the faid Works for the Term of four- teen Years, to be computed from the Date hereof; ftrictly fc. bidding and prohibiting all our Subjects within our King- doms and Dominions, to reprint, abridge, or tranflate the fame, either in the like, or any other Volume or Volumes whatſoever, or to import, buy, vend, utter, or diſtribute any Copies thereof reprinted beyond the Seas, during the afore- faid Term of fourteen Years, without the Conſent and Ap- probation of the faid James Buckland, James Waugh, John Ward, Thomas Longman, and Edward Dilly, their Execu- tors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, by Writing under their Hands and Seals firft had and obtained, as they and every of them offending herein, will anfwer the contrary at their Peril. Whereof the Commiffioners and other Officers of our Cuſtoms, the Mafter, Wardens, and Company of Stationers of our City of London, and all other our Officers and Mini- fters, wh m it may concern, are to take Notice, that due Obedience be rendered to our Pleaſure herein fignified, Given at our Court at St. James's the 21ft Day of March, 1758, in the 31st Year of our Reign. By his Majefty's Command, W. PIT T. J The Knowledge of the HEAVENS and the EARTH made easy: OR, THE FIRST PRINCIPLES O F ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY Explained by the Ufe of GLOBES and MAPS, 1 WITH Solution of the Common PROBLEMS by a Plain Scale and Compaſſes, as well as by the Globe. WRITTEN feveral Years fince for the USE of LEARNER s. By IWATTS, D. 5.18 D. The EIGHTH EDITION, Corrected. Pfal. viii. 3.-I confider thy Heavens, the Work of thy Fingers, the Moon and Stars which thou haft ordained. LONDON: Printed for J. BUCKLAND, J. F. and C. RIVINGTON, T, LONGMAN, T. FIELD, C. DILLY, and S. BLADON. M,DCC,LXXXII, W. W. Bemans at. 5-131-1923 To my LEARNED FRIEND Mr. JOHN EAMES, Fellow of the ROYAL SOCIETY. DEAR SIR, T would be mere trifling to fay any Thing to you of the Excellency and great Ad- vantage of thoſe Sciences whofe firſt Rudi- ments I have here drawn up. Your large Acquaintance with theſe Matters hath given you a juft Reliſh of the Pleaſure of them, and well informed you of their ſolid Ufe, But, perhaps, it is neceffary to excufe myſelf to the World, if I publiſk ſome of the Fruits of my former Studies on fuch Subjects as A 3 theſe. 426285 { ť [ vi } 1 ? thefe. I would therefore willingly have the unlearned Part of Mankind apprized of the Neceffity and general Uſe of this Sort of Learning, and that not only to Civil, but to Sacred Purpoſes. If you, Sir, would pleaſe to take upon you this Service, you would make it appear with rich Advantage, how far the Knowledge of Things Human and Divine are influenced and improved by theſe Studies. You can tell the World, that it is the Knowledge of this Globe of Earth on which we tread, and of thofe Heavenly Bodies which feem to roll around us, that hath been wrought up into theſe two kindred Sciences, Geography and Aftronomy. And there is not a Son or Daughter of Adam but has fome Concern in both of them, though they may not know it in a learned Way. This Earth is given us for an Habitation: It is the Place of preſent Refidence for all our Fellow-mortals: Nor is it poffible that there ſhould be any Commerce maintained with thoſe who dwell at a Diftance, without fome Acquaintance with the different Tracts of Land, and the Rivers or Seas that divide the Regions of the Earth. The [vii] The Heavenly Bodies, which are high over our Heads, meaſure out our Days and Years, our Life and Time, by their various Revolu- tions. Now Life and Time are fome of the deareſt Things we have, and it is of impor- tant Concern to diftinguiſh the Hours as they pafs away, that proper Seaſons may be cho- fen and adapted for every Bufinefs. > You know, Sir, that thofe neceffary and uſeful Inftruments, Clocks, Watches, and Di- als, owe their Origin to the Obfervations of the Heavens: The Computation of Months and Years had been for ever impracticable, without fome careful Notice of the various Situations and Appearances of thoſe ſhining Worlds above us. I ſhall be told, perhaps, that theſe are not my ſpecial Province. It is the Knowledge of God, the Advancement of Religion, and Converſe with the Scriptures, are the peculiar Studies which Providence has affigned me. I know it, and I adore the Divine Favour. But I am free and zealous to declare, that without commencing fome Acquaintance with theſe Mathematical Sciences, I could never arrive at fo clear a Conception of ma- ny Things delivered in the Scriptures; nor could I raiſe my Ideas of God the Creator to A 4 fo • [ viii] ſo high a Pitch: And I am-well affured, that many of the facred Function will join with me, and ſupport this Affertion from their own Experience. If we look down to the Earth, it is the Theatre on which all the grand Affairs re corded in the Bible have been tranfacted. How is it poffible that we ſhould trace the Wandrings of Abraham, that great Patriarch, and the various Toils and Travels of Jacob, and the Seed of Ifrael in fucceffive Ages, with- out ſome Geographical Knowledge of thofe Countries? How can our Meditations follow the Bleffed Apoftles in their laborious Jour- nies through Europe and Afia, their Voyages, their Perils, their Shipwrecks, and the Fa- tigues they endured for the Sake of the Göf- pel; unleſs we are inftructed by Maps and Tables, wherein thofe Regions are copied out in a narrow Compaſs, and exhibited in one View to the Eye? If we look upward with David to the Worlds above us, we confider the Heavens as the Work of the Finger of God, and the Moon and the Stars which he hath ordained. What amazing Glories diſcover themſelves to our Sight! What Wonders of Wiſdom are ſeen in the exact Regularity of their Revolutions! Nor [ix] Nor was there ever any thing that has con- tributed to enlarge my Apprehenfions of the immenfe Power of God, the Magnifi- cence of his Creation, and his own tranfcen- dent Grandeur, fo much as that little Portion of Aftronomy which I have been able to attain. And I would not only recommend it to young Students, for the fame Purpoſes, but I would perfuade all Mankind, if it were poffible, to gain fome Degree of Acquaintance with the Vaftneſs, the Diſtances, and the Motions of the Planetary Worlds, on the fame Account. It gives an unknown Enlargement to the Un- derſtanding, and affords a divine Entertain- ment to the Soul and its better Powers. With what Pleaſure and rich Profit would Men furvey thofe aftoniſhing Spaces in which the Planets revolve, the Hugenefs of their Bulk, and the almoft incredible Swiftnefs of their Motions! And yet all theſe governed and ad- juſted by fuch unerring Rules, that they ne- ver miſtake their Way, nor loſe a Minute of their Time, nor change their appointed Cir- cuits in feveral thoufands of Years! When we mufe on theſe Things we may lofe our- felves in holy Wonder, and cry out with the Pfalmift, Lord! what is Man that thou art mindful of him, and the Son of Man that thou Shouldeft vifit him? It was chiefly in the younger Part of my Life indeed that theſe Studies were my En- tertainment; 3 [ x ] * tertainment; and being defired both at that time, as well as fince, upon fome Occafions, to lead fome young Friends into the Know- ledge of the firſt Principles of Geography and Aftronomy, I found no Treatife on thofe Sub- jects written in fo very plain and compre- henfive a Manner as to anſwer my Wiſhes Upon this Account I drew up the following Papers, and fet every thing in that Light in which it appeared moft obvious and eaſy to me. I have joined the general Part of theſe two Sciences together: What belongs particularly to each of them is caft into diftinct Sections: And I wiſh, Sir, you would preſent the World with the ſpecial Part of Aftronomy, drawn up for the Uſe of Learners, in the moſt plain and eafy Method, to render this Work more complete: Moſt of the Authors, which I peruſed in thofe Days when I wrote many Parts of this Book, were of older Date: And therefore the Calculations and Numbers which I bor- rowed from their Aftronomical Tables, cannot be fo exact as thofe with which fome later Writers have furniſhed us: For this Reafon the Account of the Sun's Place in the Eclip- tick, the Declination and Right Afcenfion of the Sun and the Stars in fome Parts of the Book, eſpecially in the Solution of fome of the [xi] the Problems in the twentieth Section, may perhaps need a little Correction; though I hope the Theorems will appear true in Spe- culation, and the Problems fo regular and fucceſsful in the Practice, as is fufficient for a Learner. However, to apply fome Remedy to this Inconvenience, there are added at the End of the Book fome later Tables, which are formed according to the celebrated Mr. Flamstead's Obfervations. I have exhibited near Forty Problems to be practiſed on the Globe, and Thirty-five more of various Kinds, to be performed by manual Operation, with the Aid of fome Geometrical Practices. Theſe were very fenfible Allure- ments to my younger Inquiries into theſe Subjects, and I hope they may attain the fame Effect upon ſome of my Readers, It was my Opinion, that it would be a very delightful Way of learning the Doctrine and Uses of the Sphere, to have them explained by a Variety of Figures or Diagrams; this is certainly much wanting in moſt Authors that I have perufed. I have therefore drawn Thirty Figures with my own Hand, in or- der to render the Defcription of every thing more intelligible. I have endeavoured to entertain younger Minds, and entice them to theſe Studies, by all را [ xii B } all thofe eafy and agreeable Operations relat- ing both to the Earthand the Heavens, which probably may tempt them on to the higher Speculations of the great Sir Ifaac Newton, and his Followers, on this Subject. Yet there fhould be a due Limit fet to theſe Inquiries too, according to the different Employments of Life to which we are called: For it is poffible a Genius of active Curiofity may waſte too many Hours in the more ab- frufe Parts of thefe Subjects, which God and his Country demand to be applied to the Stu- dies of the Law, Phyfic, or Divinity; to Merchandize, or Mechanical Operations. If I had followed the Conduct of mere In- clination, perhaps I ſhould have laid out more of my ferene Hours in Speculations which are fo alluring: And then indeed I might have performed what I have here attempted in a Manner more anſwerable to my Defign, and left lefs for the Criticks to cenfure, and my Friends to forgive. But fuch as it is, I put it entirely, Sir, into your Hands, to re- view and alter whatſoever you pleaſe, and make it anſwerable to that Idea which I have formed of your Skill. Then if you ſhall think fit to preſent it to the World, I per- fuade myſelf I ſhall not be utterly difappoint- ed in the Views I had in putting theſe Papers together, [ xiii ] together, many of which have lain by me in Silence, above twenty Years. Farewel, dear Sir, and forgive the Trou- ble that you have partly devolved on yourſelf, by the too favourable Opinion you have con- ceived both of thefe Sheets, and of the Wri- ter of them, who takes a Pleaſure to tell the World that he is, with great Sincerity, Theobalds, in Hertfordshire, June 11, 1725. SIR, Your most obedient Servant, I. WATTS. TO TO THE REA DE R, I Think myself obliged, in Juftice to the in- genious Author, as well as the Publick, to affure them, that the Alterations I have ven-' tured to make in the Revifal of this Work, are but few and ſmall. The fame Perfpicuity of Thought, and Eafe of Expreffion, which diftin- guifh his other Works, running through the whole of this: I do not question but the Worla will meet with equal Pleafure and Satisfac tion in the Perufal. Auguft zo, 1725. JOHN EAMES, J A A BL E TA OF TH E CONTE NT S SECTION I. F the Spheres or Globes of the Heaven and Earth, OF Page I Maps are Imitations of the Earthly Globe, 2 Sect. II. The four great Circles; namely, the Horizon, the Meridian, the Equator, and the Ecliptick, 3 The Horizon, Sun-rife, Sun-fet, and Twi- light, The Horizon fenfible and rational, The Parallax of the Planets, The Meridian, Noon and Midnight, The Equator, Summer and Winter, The Ecliptick and the Twelve Signs, The Sun's daily and yearly Motion, Leap-Year, New-Stile, and Old, The Zodiack, 4 ibid. 6 6, 7 8 ibid. IO II 12 Sect. III. The four leffer Circles; namely, the two Tropicks, and the two Polar Circles, 13 Sect. IV. The more remarkable Points of the Globe, namely, the two Poles, the Ze- nith, Nadir, &c. 15 The thirty-two Points of the Compafs, 16. The Solftitial and Equinoctial Points, 16,17 Of xvi CONTENT S. The 1 Of the Preceffion of the Equinox, Page 18 The Poles of the Ecliptick and the two Colures, The Repreſentation of the Sphere in ſtraight, Lines on the Analemma, 19 20 Sect. V. Longitude and Latitude on the Earthly Globe, 21 The Elevation of the Pole always equal to the Latitude, 23. 25 Parallels of Latitude and Climates, Sect. VI. Right Afcenfion and Hour Circles, 27 Degrees, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, 28, 29. The Dial Plate and Index or Pointer, 29 Declination of Sunor Star, North or South, 30 It alters much lower than the Sun's Place, 31 Of the different Increaſe and Decreaſe of the Days at the Solſtices and at the Equinox, 33 Sect. VII. Longitude and Latitude on the Hea- venly Globe, ibid. The Orbits of Planets, their Nodes and 36 Sect. VIII. Altitude and Azimuth of the Sun Eclipfes, and Stars, Parallels of Altitude, Vertical Circles, The Sun or Stars Amplitude, 38, 39 39 40 41 How the Sun's Hour differs from his Azi- muth, 43 Stars rifing or ſetting Heliacally, &c. ibia. Sect. IX. The Inhabitants of the Earth diftin- guished by the Sphere, 44 Right, The CONTENT S. xvii Right, Parallel and Oblique Pofitions of the Sphere, Right and Oblique Afcenfion, The five Zones, Page 45, &c. 48 50 The Pericci, Antœci, and Antipodes, 53 Sect. X. The natural Deſcription of the Earth and Waters, 54 An Ifland, a Continent, a Peninfula, Ifth- mus, &c. } Ocean, Lake, Gulf, Bay, &c. 55 56, &c. How all theſe are defcribed on Globes or Maps, Sect. XI. Of Maps and Sea Charts, 59 61 The various Projections of the Sphere, 63 Maps of the whole World, Maps of particular Countries, 64 65 Difference between Maps and Sea Charts, 67. Sect. XII. The political Divifions of the Earth, 69 Sect. XIII. Europe, with its Countries and King- doms, 71 Sect. XIV. Afia, with its Countries and King- doms, 79 Sect. XV. Africa, with its various Divifions, 82 Sect. XVI. America, and its Divifions, Sect. XVII. The fixt Stars on the Heavenly Globe, 84 88 Difference between Planets and fixt Stars, 89 The Northern and Southern Conſtellations, 90 The Milky Way, 95 Sect. XVIII. Planets and Comets, ibid. a Con- xviii The CONTENT S. Conclufion of the fpeculative Part of this Difcourfe, or the Spherical Doctrine of Geography and Aftronomy, Page 98 The fecond or fpecial Part of Geography, what it contains, Sect. XIX. Problems relating to Geography and Aftronomy to be performed by the Globe, 99 104 The chief Deitions in the fpherical Doc- trine rehearfed, 105 Prob. 1. To find the Longitude and Latitude of any Place on the Earthly Globe, 107 Prob. 2. The Longitude and Latitude of any Place being given, how to find that Place on a Globe or Map, 108 Prob. 3. To find the Diſtance of any two Places on the Earthly Globe, or two Stars on the Heavenly Globe, ibid. Prob. 4. To find the Antoci, Perioci, and An- tipodes of any Place given (fuppofe Lon- I10 III don) Prob. 5. Any Place being given, to find all thoſe Places which have the fame Hour of the Day with that in the given Place, Prob. 6. Any Place being given, (fuppofe Paris) to find all thofe Places in the World, which have the fame Latitude, and confe- quently have their Days and Nights of the fame Length, II2 Prob. 7. To rectify the Globe according to the Latitude of any Place required, ibid. Prob. 8. The Hour being given in any Place, (as at London) to find what Hour it is in any other Part of the World, 113 The CONTENT S.. Xix Prob. 9. To rectify the Globe for the Zenith, Page 114 Prob. 10. Any two Places being given, to find ibid. the Bearing from one to the other; that is, at what Point of the Compaſs the one lies in reſpect to the other, Prob. 11. Having the Day of the Month given, to find the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, 120 Prob. 12. The Day of the Month being given, to find thofe Places of the Globe, where the Sun will be vertical, or in the Zenith that Day, ibid. Prob. 13. The Day and Hour of the Day at one Place being given, to find at what other Place the Sun is vertical at that Hour, 121 Prob. 14. The Day and Hour being given, to find all thofe Places of the Earth, where the Sun is then Rifing, Setting, or on the Meridian; alſo where it is Daylight, Twi- light, or Dark Night, ibid. Prob. 15. A Place being given in the Torrid Zone, to find thoſe Days in which the Sun fhall be vertical there, 122 Prob. 16. A Place being given in one of the Frigid Zones, fuppofe the North, to find when the Sun begins to depart from, or to appear on that Place, how long he is abfent, and how long he ſhines conſtant- ly on it, a 2 ibid. Prob. XX The CONTENTS. Prob. 17. To find the Sun's Declination and Right Afcenfion any Day in the Year, fuppofe the 10th of May, Page 124 Prob. 18. To rectify the Globe for the Sun's Place any Day in the Year, and thus to repreſent the Face of the Heavens for that Day, ibid. Prob. 19. The Place and Day being given, namely, the 10th of May at London, to find at what Hour the Sun rifes or fets, his Af- cenfional Difference, his Amplitude, the Length of Day and Night, 125 Prob. 20. The Place and Day being given, to find the Altitude of the Sun at any given 126 Hour, Prob. 21. The Place and Day being given, to find the Azimuth of the Sun at any given Hour, Prob. 22. The Sun's Altitude being given, to find the Hour of the Day, and alſo his 127 ibid. Azimuth, Prob. 23. When the Sun is due Eaft or Weft in the Summer, how to find the Hour and 128 his Altitude, Prob. 24. To find the Degree of the Depreffion of the Sun below the Horizon, or its Azi- muth at any given Hour of the Night, 129 Prob. 25. To find how long the Twilight con- tinues in any given Place and given Day, fuppofe the 10th of May at London, both at Morning and Evening, 129 Prob. 26. To know by the Globe the Length of the Longest and Shorteft Days and Nights in any Place of the World, 130 I The CONTENT S. xxi " Prob. 27. The Declination and Meridian Altitude of the Sun, or of any Star being given, to find the Latitude of the Place, ibid. Prob. 28. The Latitude of a Place being given, to find the Hour of the Day in the Sum- mer when the Sun fhines, 131 Prob. 29. To find the Sun's Altitude when it fhines, by the Globe, 132 Prob. 30. The Latitude and Day of the Month being given, to find the Hour of the Day when the Sun fhines, ibid. Prob. 31. The Place being given to find what Stars never rife or never fet in that Place, 133 Prob. 32. The Place and Day of the Month being given, to repreſent the Face or Appear- ance of the Heavens, and fhew the Situa- tion of all the fixt Stars at any Hour of the Night, ibid. Prob. 33. Any Star on the Meridian being given, to find the Hour of the Night, 134 Prob. 34. The Azimuth of any known Star being given, to find the Time of Night, 136 Prob. 35. The Altitude of a Star being given, to find the Hour of the Night, ibid. Prob. 36. To find the Longitude and Latitude, Right Afcenfion and Declination of any Star, 137 Prob. 37. How to find at what Hour any Planet, ſuppoſe Jupiter, will rife or fet, or will be on the Meridian any given Day in the Year, 139 аз xxii CONTENT S. The 1 Prob. 38. The Day and Hour of a folar Eclipfe being known, to find all thofe Places im which that Eclipfe will be vifible, Page 141 Prob. 39. The Day and Hour of a lunar Eclipfe being known, to find by the Globe all thofe Places in which the fame will be viſible, ibid. Sect. XX. Problems relating to Geography and Aftronomy to be performed by the Ufe of the plain Scale and Compaffes, 142 Prob. 1. How to fix a Needle perpendicular on a Plane, or to raiſe a perpendicular Style or Pointer, in order to make Obfervations of a Shade, 143 Prob. 2. How to take the Altitude of the Sun by a Needle fixt on a Horizontal Plane, or any perpendicular Style, 147 Prob. 3. How to take the Altitude of the Sun by a Style on a perpendicular or upright Plane, 149 Prob. 4. To find the Sun's or any Star's Alti- tude by a plain Board, Thread and Plum- met, 150 Prob. 5. To obferve the Meridian Altitude of the Sun, or the Height at Noon: And by the fame Method to find any Star's Me- ridian Altitude, 153 Prob. 6. How to find out the Declination of the Sun, or of any large or known Star, ibid. Prob. 7. To find the Latitude of any Place by the Meridian Altitude and Declination of the Sun any Day in the Year, 155 The CONTENT S. xxiii Prob. 8. To find the Meridian Altitude of the Sun any Day of the Year, the Latitude of the Place being given, Prob. Page 159 9. To find the Declination of the Sun, its Meridian Altitude, and the Latitude of the Place being given, ibid. Prob. 10. To find the Latitude of a Place by the Meridian Altitude of a Star, when it is on the South Meridian, 160 Prob. 11. By what Methods is the Longitude of Places to be found, ibid. Prob. 12. To find the Value of a Degree of a greater Circle upon the Earth, or how much it contains in Engliſh Meaſure, 163 Frob. 13. To find the Circumference, the Di- ameter, the Surface, and Solid Contents of the Earth, 164 Prob. 14. To find the Value of a Degree of a leffer Circle on the Earth, that is, the Va- lue of a Degree of Longitude on the lef fer Parallels of Latitude, 165 Prob. 15. To erect the Analemma, or repreſent the Sphere in ftraight Lines, particularly for the Latitude of London 51 Degrees, 167 Prob. 16. How to repreſent any Parallel of Decli- nation on the Analemma, or to defcribe the Path of the Sun any Day in the Year, 171 Prob. 17. How to repreſent any Parallel of Alti- tude, either of the Sun or Star, on the Analemma, ibid. xxiv The CONTENT S. Prob. 18. The Day of the Month and the Sun's Altitude being given, how to find the Hour or Azimuth of the Sun by the Page 172 Analemma, Prob. 19. How to meaſure the Number of De- grees on any of the ftraight Lines in the Analemma, 174 Prob. 20. To find the Sun's Place in the Eclip- tick any Day in the Year, 178 Prob. 21. The Day of the Month being given, to draw the Parallel of Declination for that Day, without any Tables or Scales. of the Sun's Declination, 184 Prob, 22. How to draw a Meridian Line, or a Line directly pointing to North and South on a Horizontal Plane, by the Altitude or Azimuth of the Sun being given, 188 Prob. 23. To draw a Meridian Line on a Ho- rizontal Plane by a perpendicular Style, 189 Prob. 24. To draw a Meridian Line on a Ho- rizontal Plane by a Style or Needle ſet up at random, 191 Prob. 25. To draw a Meridian Line on an Equi- noctial Dial, 193 Prob. 26. To draw a Meridian Line by a Point of Shadow at Noon, 193 Prob. 27. To draw a Meridian Line by a Ho- rizontal Dial, 194 Prob. 28. How to transfer a Meridian Line from one Place to another, • ibid. Prob. 29. How to draw a Line of Eaſt and Weſt on a Horizontal Plane, Prob. 30. How to uſe a Meridian Line, 195 197 ་ 4 The CONTENT S. XXV Prob. 31. How to know the chief Stars, and to find the North Pole, Page 199 Prob. 32. To find the Latitude by any Star that is on the North Meridian, 201 Prob. 33. To find the Hour of the Night by the Stars on the Meridian, 202 Prob. 34. To find at what Hour of any Day a known Star will come upon the Meridian, 203 Prob. 35. Having the Altitude of any Star given, to find the Hour, The Ufe of feveral Aftronomical Sect. XXI. Tables, 205 206 Tables of the Sun's Declination for the Years 1753, 1754, 1755, 1756, 212-214 A Table of the Declination and Right Af- cenfion of feveral fixt Stars for the Year 1754, Tables of the Sun's Right Afcenfion, 222 220 THE " J I To the Bookbinder, Obſerve to place the Tables at the End of the Book, and the Plates after them. **** *** * I THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF Geography and Aſtronomy. SECT. I. Of the Spheres or Globes of the Heavens and Earth. T HERE is nothing gives us a more eafy or ſpeedy Acquaintance with the Earth and the visible Heavens, than the Repreſentation of them on a Globe or Sphere; becauſe hereby we have the moſt natural Image of them fet before our Eyes. The Terreftrial Globe reprefents the Earth with its feveral Lands, Seas, Rivers, Iflands, &c. The Celestial Sphere, or Globe, repre- fents the Heavens and Stars. Several Points and Circles are either mark- ed or deſcribed on theſe Spheres or Globes, or are repreſented by the Brafs and Wooden Work 2 Sect. I. The first Principles of Work about them, to exhibit the Places and the Motions of the Sun, Moon, or Stars, the Situation of the feveral Parts of the Earth, together with the Relation that all theſe bear to each other. The Earthly Globe, with the Lines and Signs and Points that are uſually marked up- on it, is fufficient to inform the Reader of almoſt every Thing that I fhall mention here, even with regard to the Heavens, the Sun and the Planets; unleſs hè has a Mind to be particularly acquainted with the fixed Stars, and the feveral Ufes of them; then indeed a Celestial Globe is moſt convenient to be added to it. Note 1ft, Half the Globe is called a He- mifphere; and thus the whole Globe, or Sphere of the Heavens, or of the Earth, may be repreſented on a Flat or Plane in two He- mifpheres, as in the common Maps of the Earth, or in Draughts or Deſcriptions of the Heavens and Stars. Becauſe Globes are not always at Hand, the feveral Points and Circles, together with their Properties, ſhall be ſo deſcribed in this Diſ- courſe, as to lead the Reader into fome ge- neral and imperfect Knowledge of thefe Things (as far as it may be done by a Map of the World, which is nothing elſe but a Re- prefentation of the Globe of Earth and Waters on two flat or plain Surfaces;) or at leaſt I ſhall 3 fo Sect. 2. Geography and Aftronomy. 3 fo expreſs theſe Matters, that a Map will affift him to keep them in Remembrance, if he has been firſt a little acquainted with the Globe itſelf. Note 2d, Though the lateſt and beſt Aſtro- nomers have found that the Sun is fixt in or near the Centre of our World, and that the Earth moves round its own Axis once in twenty-four Hours with a Circular Motion, and round the Sun once in a Year with a Progreffive Motion; yet to make theſe Things more eafy and intelligible to thofe that are unſkilful, we ſhall here fuppofe the Sun to move round the Earth, both with a daily and yearly Motion, as it appears to our Senſes; namely, daily going round the Earth, and yet every Day changing its Place a little in the Heavens, till in a Year's Time it returns to the fame Place again. 1 SECT. II. Of the greater Circles. THE Greater Circles are fuch as divide the Globe into two equal Parts, and are theſe four; namely, the Horizon, the Me- ridian, the Equator, and the Ecliptick. I. The Horizon is a broad flat Circle, or the Wooden Frame in which the Globe B ftands. 4 Sect. 2. The first Principles of ftands. Its upper Edge divides the Globe into the upper and lower Halves or Hemifpheres, and repreſents the Line or Circle which di- vides between the upper and the lower Parts of the Earth and Heavens, and which is called the Horizon. This Circle determines the Rifing or Setting of Sun or Stars, and dif- tinguiſhes Day and Night. * When the Sun is in the Eaft Part of the Horizon, it is Rifing. When in the Weſt Part it is Setting. When it is above the Ho- rizon, it is Day. When below, it is Night. Yet till the Sun be 18 Degres below the Horizon, it is uſually called Twilight; be- cauſe the Sun-Beams fhooting upward are reflected down to us by the Atmoſphere af- ter Sun-fet, or before Sun-rife: And it is up- on this Account that in our Horizon at Lon- don, there is no perfect Night in the very. Middle of Summer for two Months together, becauſe the Sun is not 18 Degrees below the Horizon. The Horizon is diftinguiſhed into the Sen- fible and the Rational. See Fig. 1. The Senfible Horizon fuppofes, the Specta- tor placed on s the Surface of the Earth or Wa- ter, and it reaches as far as the Eye can fee. But the Rational or True Horizon, fuppofes the Spectator placed in the Centre of the Earth c, and thus divides the Globes both of the Heavens and the Earth into Halves. 3 Sup- 1 Sect. 2. Geography and Aftronomy. Ś Suppofe in Figure 1. the Circle s dpeis the Earth, u b b nr g the Heavens, b s ģ g the Line making the Senfible Horizon, br the Rational Horizon. за The Senfible Horizon on the Earth or Sea includes a so, and it reaches but a very few Miles; for if a Man of fix Feet high ftood on a large Plain, or on the Surface of the Sea; at s, he could not ſee the Sea itſelf, or the Land, farther than three Miles round. Thus it appears that the Senfible Horizon on the Earth or Sea as o, differs very much from the Extent of the Real or Rational Ho- rizon, dse. But as to the Heavens where the fixt Stars are, the Senfible Horizon, bu g ſcarce differs at all from the Rational Horizon, bur: For the Eye placed in the Centre of the Earth c, or on the Surface of, it s, would find no evident Difference in the Horizon of the fixt Stars, becauſe they are at fo immenſe a Dif- tance, that in compariſon thereof half the Diameter of the Earth, that is, sc or g r, the Diſtance between the Surface and the Centre is of no Confideration. { But let it be obſerved here, that the Pla- nets are much nearer to the Earth than the Fixt Stars are: And therefore half the Diameter of the Earth, that is, sc org r, is of fome Confideration in the Horizon of the Planets. B 2 It 6 Sect. z. The first Principles of 1 } 1 It may not therefore be improper to note in this Place, that ſuppoſe a Planet to be at g, if the Eye of the Spectator were on the Surface of the Earth at s, he would behold it as level with the Horizon: But if his Eye were at the Centre of the Earth at c, he would behold it raifed feveral Degrees or Mi- nutes above the Horizon, even the Quan- tity of the Angleg cr, or (which is all one) sgc. L Now the Difference between the Place where a Planet appears to a Spectator, placed on the Centre of the Earth, and to a Specta- tor placed on the Surface, is called the Pa- rallax of that Planet at that Time; and therefore the Difference between thoſe two Places g and r, or rather the Quantity of the Angle gcr, or s g c, is called its Hori- zontal Parallax. And this is of And this is of great ufe to adjust the real Diſtances, and confequent- ly the real Magnitudes of the feveral Planets, But this Doctrine of Parallaxes belongs rather to the ſecond or Special Part of Aftro- nomy. · II. The Meridian is a great Brazen Cir- cle in which the Globe moves; it croffes the Horizon at right Angles, and divides the Globe into the Eaftern and Weftern Hemifpheres. It reprefents that Line or Circle in the Heaven which paffes juft over our Head, and cutting the Horizon 6 in Sect. 2. Geography and Aftronomy. 7 in the North and South Points of it, comes juft under our Feet on the oppofite Side of the Globe. This Circle fhews when the Sun or Stars are juſt at North or South, and determines Noon or Midnight. When the Sun is on the Meridian and above the Horizon to us in Great-Britain, it is juft in the South, and it is Noon. When it is on the Meridian, and under the Horizon, it is juſt in the North, and it is Midnight. Note, Whenfoever we move on the Earth, whether Eaft, Weft, North, or South, we change our Horizon both Senfible and Ratio- nal; for every Motion or Change of Place gives us a Hemifphere of Sky or Heaven over our Head a little different from what it was; and we can fee lefs on one Side of the Globe of the Earth, and more on the other Side, 1 Whenfoever we move toward the Eaft or Weft, we change our Meridian: But we do not change our Meridian if we move directly to the North or South. Upon this Account the Horizon and Meri- dian are called Changeable Circles, and the Globe is made moveable within thefe Circles, to repreſent this Changeableness; whereby every Place on the Earth may be brought un- der its proper Meridian, and be furrounded with its proper Horizon. B 3 III. The " ? 8 Sect. 2. The first Principles of t III. The Equator, or Equinoctial Line, croffes the Meridian at right Angles, and di- vides the Globe into the Northern and South- ern Hemiſpheres; and diftinguiſhes the Sun's yearly Path into the Summer and Winter Half-Years. It reprefents in the Heavens that every Line or Circle which is the Path of the Sun in thoſe two Days in Spring and Autumn, when the Days and Nights are of equal Length. Among all the Circles of the Globe, this is fometimes eminently called The Line; and paffing over it at Sea, is called by Sailors, Croffing the Line. Note, The Sun, Moon and Stars, with all the Frame of the Heavens, are ſuppoſed to be whirled round from Eaft to Weft every twenty-four Hours upon the Axis of the Equator, or (which is all one) in their ſeveral Paths parallel to the Equator. This is call- ed their Diurnal, or Daily Motion. 2 IV. The Ecliptick Line is the Sun's An nual or Yearly Path, cutting the Equinoc- tial into oppofite Points obliquely at the Angles of 23 Degrees. On it are figured the Marks of the 12 Signs, through which the Sun paffes, namely, Aries the Ram v, Taurus the Bull, Gemini the Twins п, Cancer the Crab, Leo the Lion a, Virgo, the Virgin m, Libra the Balance, Scor- pio the Scorpion m, Sagittarius the Archer, Capri- Sect. 2. Geography and Aftronomy. 9 Capricornus the Sea-Goats, Aquarius the Waterer, Pifces the Fishes x. Theſe Signs are certain Conftellations, or Numbers of Stars, which are reduced by the Fancy of Men for Diftinction Sake into the Form of twelve Animals, and for the Uſe of the Engliſh Reader may be deſcribed thus. The Ram, the Bull, the heavenly Twins, And next the Crab the Lion fhines, The Virgin, and the Scales: The Scorpion, Archer, and Sea-Goat, The Man that holds the Water-pot, And Fiſh with glittering Tails. Among theſe Signs Aries, Taurus, Ge- mini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, are called North- ern. But Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Ca- pricornus, Aquarius, Pifces, are Southern. Capricorn, Aquarius, Pifces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, are Afcending Signs, becauſe they ſtand in Succeffion Nothward, or rifing grå- dually higher in our European Hemiſphere: But Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sa- gittarius, are Defcending Signs, for their Suc- ceffion tends lower toward our Horizon, or rather toward the Southern Hemiſphere. Each of theſe Signs has 30 Degrees of the Ecliptick allotted to it. The Sun, or any Planet, is faid to be in fuch a-Sign, when he is between our Eye and that Sign, or when B 4 he 1 ΙΟ The first Principles of Sec, 2, 1 he appears in that Part of the Heavens where thofe Stars are of which the Sign is com- pofed. If it be inquired, How we can know the Place of the Sun among the Stars, fince all the Stars near it are loft in the Sun-Beams? It is anfwered, That we can fee plainly what Conftellation, or what Stars are upon the Me- ridian at Midnight, and we know the Stars which are exactly oppofite to them, and theſe muſt be upon the Meridian (very nearly) the fame Day at Noon; and thereby we know that the Sun at Noon is in the Midft of them. So that when you have a Globe at hand on which the Stars are delineated, you find on what Degree of any Sign the Sun is in on a given Day, and fee the Stars around it. The Sun is reckoned to go through almoft one Sign every Month, or 30 Days, and thus to finish the Year in 365 Days, 5 Hours, and 49 Minutes, that is, near fix Hours: So that the Sun may be fuppofed to move flowly as a Snail through almoft one Degree of the Ecliptick Line every Day from the Weft to the Eaft, while it is whirled round together with the whole Frame of the Heavens from Eaft to Weft, in a Line parallel to the Equa- tor in the Time of 24 Hours. Note, We vulgarly call the Sun's diurnal, or daily Path, a Parallel to the Equator, though } Sect. 2. Geography and Aftronomy. II though properly it is a Spiral Line, which the Sun is ever making all the Year long, gaining one Degree on the Ecliptick daily. From what has been now faid it appears plainly, that the Equinoctial Line, or Equator itſelf, is a diurnal Path of the Sun about the 20th or 21ft of March, and the 23d of Sep- tember, which are two oppofite Points where the Ecliptick, or Yearly Path of the Sun, cuts the Equator. And theſe two Days are called the Equi- noctial Days, when the Sun rifes and fets at fix o'clock all the World over, (that is, where it riſes and ſets at all that Day;) and the Day and Night are every where of equal Length: And indeed, this is the true Reaſon, why this Line is called the Equator or the Equinoctial. It may not be improper in this Place to re- mark, that thoſe 5 Hours and 49 Minutes, which the Sun's Annual Revolution requires above 365 Days, will in four Year's Time amount to near a whole Day: Therefore every fourth Year has 366 Days in it, and is called the Leap-rear. Note, The fuper-added Day in that Year is the 29th of February in Great-Britain. It may be farther remarked alfo, that the odd 11 Minutes, which in this Account are wanting yearly to make up a complete Day of 24 Hours, are accounted for in the New Style, by leaving out a whole Day once in 133 12 The firft Principles of Sect. 2. 4 133 or 134 Years*. And it is the Neglect of accounting for theſe odd Minutes in the Old Style above a thouſand Years backwards, that has made the Difference between the Old Style and the New to be at preſent Eleven Days. Note, The Zodiack is fancied as a broad Belt ſpreading about 7 or 8 Degrees on each Side of the Ecliptick, fo wide as to contain moſt of thoſe Stars that make up the 12 Con- ftellations, or Signs. Note, The inner Edge of the wooden Hori- zon, is divided into 360 Degrees, or 12 times 30, allowing 30 Degrees to every Sign or Conftellation, the Figures of which are ufu- ally drawn there. The next Circle to thefe on the Horizon, contains an Almanack of the Old Style, which begins the Year eleven Days later; and the next Circle is an Almanack of the New Style, which begins fo much fooner; and theſe ſhew in what Sign the Sun is, and in what Degree of that Sign he is every Day in the Year, whether you count by the Old Style or Note, the New. * This was contrived to be done by Pope Gregory, in the Year 1582, in this manner. Since three times 133 Years make near 400 Years, he ordered the additional Day to be omitted at the End of three Centuries fuccef- fively, and to be retained at the 400th Year, or 4th Cen- tury. But in this Reformation of the Kalendar, he look- ed back no farther than the Council of Nice. This Order almoſt all foreign Nations obſerved: Great-Britain did not obſerve it till the Year 1752, when it was introduced and eſtabliſhed by Act of Parliament. Se&t. 3. Geography and Aftronomy. 13 } Note, One Side or Edge of the brazen Me- ridian is alſo divided into 360 Degrees, or 4 times 90; on the Semicircle where- upper of the Numbers uſually begin to be counted from the Equator both Ways toward the Poles: On the under Semicircle they begin to be counted from the Poles both Ways toward the Equator for ſpecial Ufes, as will afterward ap- pear. And it fhould be remembered, that it is this Edge of the Brafs Circle, which is gratuated, or divided into Degrees, that is properly the Meridian Line. Note, The Equator and the Ecliptick are called Unchangeable Circles, becauſe wherefo- ever we travel or change our, Place on the Earth, theſe Circles are ſtill the fame. SECT. III. Of the Leffer Circles. THE Leffer Circles divide the Globe into two unequal Parts, and are theſe four, all parallel to the Equator, namely, the two Tropics, and the two Polar Circles. 2 I. The Tropic of Cancer just touches the North Part of the Ecliptick, and deſcribes the Sun's Path for the longeſt Day in Sum- mer: It is drawn at 23 Degrees Diſtance from the Equator toward the North. And it is called the Tropic of Cancer, becauſe the Sun enters into that Sign the 21ft of June, the longeſt Day in the Year. II. The 14 Sect. 3. The firft Principles of 1 1 t ༡ II. The Tropic of Capricorn juſt touches the South Part of the Ecliptick, and deſcribes the Sun's Path for the ſhorteſt Day in the Winter: It is drawn at 23 Degrees Diſtance from the Equator toward the South. And it is called the Tropic of Capricorn, becauſę the Sun enters into that Sign the 21 ft of De- cember, the ſhorteſt Day in the Year. Note, What I ſpeak of the fhorteſt and longeft Days, relates only to us who dwell on the North Side of the Globe: Thofe who dwell on the South Side, have their longeft Day when the Sun is in Capricorn, and their fhorteft in Cancer. I III, and IV. The North and South Polar Circles are drawn at 23 Degrees of Diftançe from each Pole, or which is all one, at go Degrees Diſtance from the contrary Tropic; becauſe the Inhabitants under the Polar Circles, juft lofe the Sun under the Horizon one whole Day at their Mid-winter, or when it is in the utmoft Part of the contrary Side of the Ecliptick; and they keep it one whole Day, or 24 Hours, above their Horizon at their Mid-fummer, or when it is in the near- eft Part of their Side of the Ecliptick. The North Polar Circle is called the Arc- tick Circle, and the South is the Antarctick. Here I might mention the Five Zones by which the Ancients divided the Earth, for they are a fort of broad Circles; But per- haps Sect. 4. Geography and Aftronomy. 15 1 haps thefe may be as well referred to the fol- lowing Part of this Book. THE SECT. IV. Of the Points. HE moft remarkable Points in the Hea- vens are theſe twelve or fourteen. I, and II, are the two Poles of the Earth, or Heavens, namely, the North and the South, which are ever ftedfaſt, and round which the Earth or the Heavens are ſuppoſed to turn daily, as the Globe does upon theſe Iron Poles. Theſe are alfo the Poles of the Equator, for they are at 90 Degrees Diſtance from it. From one of theſe Poles to the other, a fuppofed Line runs through the Centre of the Globe of the Earth and Heavens, and is called the Axis or Axle of the World. III, and IV, are the Zenith, or Point juſt over our Head; and the Nadir, or the Point juſt under our Feet, which may be properly called the two Poles of the Horizon, for they are 90 Degrees diftant from it every Way. V, VI, VII, and VIII, are the four Cardi- nal Points of Eaſt, West, North, and South: Theſe four Points are in the Horizon, which divide it into four equal Parts. Note, For the Ufes of Navigation, or Sail- ing, each of theſe Quarters of the Heavens, Eaft, Weft, North, and South, are fubdivided into eight Points, which are called Rhumbs; fo 1 1 } 16 Sect. 4. The firft Principles of } fo that there are 32 Rhumbs or Points in the whole, each containing 11 Degrees. Thefe are defcribed on the utmoſt Circle of the wooden Horizon. From the NORTH towards the Eaft theſe Points are named, North and by Eaft, North North-Eaft, North-Eaſt and by North, North-Eaft; North-Eaſt and by Eaſt, Eaſt- North-Eaft, Eaft and by North, East, &c. Then from the Eaft toward the South it proceeds much in the fame manner. The whole Circle of 360 Degrees divided in this manner is called the Mariner's Compass, by which they count from what Point of the Heavens the Wind blows, and toward what Point of the Earth they direct their Sailing, which they call Steering their Course. See Figure 11. 譬 ​IX, and X, are the two Solftitial Points: Theſe are the Beginning of the Signs Cancer and Capricorn in the Ecliptick Line, where the Ecliptick juft touches thoſe two Tropics. Theſe Points fhew the Sun's Place the longeſt and ſhorteſt Days, namely, the 21st of June, and the 21st of December. Note, Theſe two Days are called the Sum- mer and Winter Solftices, becauſe theSun feems to ſtand ſtill, that is, to make the Length of Days neither increaſe nor decreaſe ſenſibly for twenty Days together. XI, and XII, are Aries and Libra, or the two Equinoctial Points, where the Ecliptick 1 cuts Sect. 4. Geography and Aftronomy. 17 cuts the Equator: When the Sun enters into theſe two Signs, the Days and Nights are e- qual all over the World. It enters Aries in Spring the 21st of March, which is called the Vernal Equinox, and Libra in Autumn the 23d of September, which is called the Au- tumnal Equinox. Theſe four Points, namely, twoEquinoctial and two Solſtitial divide the Ecliptick into the four Quarters of the Year. Here let it be noted, that the twelve Con- ſtellations, or Signs in the Heavens, obtained their Names about two thouſand Years ago or more; and at that time the Stars that make up Aries or the Ram, were in the Place where the Ecliptick afcending cuts the Equator; but now the Conftellation Aries is moved upward toward the Place of Cancer near thirty Degrees; and fo every Conftellation is moved forward in the Ecliptick from the Weft toward the Eaſt near thirty Degrees; fo that the Conftel- lation or Stars that make up the Sign Piſces, are now in the Place where Aries was, or where the Ecliptick cuts the Equator in the Spring: And the Conftellation Virgo is now where Libra was, or where the Ecliptick cuts the Equator in Autumn. So Gemini is in the Summer Solstice where Cancer was; and Sagittarius in the Winter Solftice where Capricorn was: And by this means the Sun is got into the Equinoxes in Pifces and Virgo, and } 1 18 Sect. 4. The firft Principles of and is arrived at the Solftices in Gemini and Sagittarius, that is, when it is among thoſe Stars. This Alteration is called the Preceffion of the Equinox, that is, of the Equinoctial Signs or Stars, which feem to be gone forward, that is, from Weft to Eaft; but fome call it the Retroceffion of the Equinox, that is, of the two Equinoctial Points, which ſeem to be gone backwards, that is, from East to West. This comes to paſs by fome ſmall Variation of the Situation of the Axis of the Earth, with regard to the Axis of the Ecliptick, round which it moves by a conical Motion *, and advances 50 Seconds, or almoſt a Minute of a Degree every Year, which amounts to one whole Degree in 72 Years, and will fulfil a complete Revolution in 25920 Years. This Period fome have called the Platonical Year, when ſome of the Antients fancied all things ſhould return into the fame State in which they now are. 1 Yet we call theſe Equinoctial and Solfti- tial Points in the Heavens, and all the Parts of the Ecliptick by the fame ancient Names ftill * The Axis of the Earth is fuppofed to be faſtened at its Middle in the Centre, while both Ends of it, or each of the Poles in this Motion deſcribes a Circle round each Pole of the Ecliptick, which is the Bafe of the Cone. The Vertexes of each of theſe Cones meet in the Centre of the Earth; and by this Motion of the Earth, all the fixt Stars ſeem to be moved from their former Places in Circles parallel to the Ecliptick. 1 Sect. 4. Geography and Aftronomy. 19 ftill in Aftronomy, and mark them ſtill with the fame Characters, namely, r, 8, º, I, N, &c. though the Conftellations themfelves feem to be removed ſo much forward. XIII, and XIV. Here it may not be im- proper, in the laſt Place, to mention the Poles of the Ecliptick, which are two other Points marked generally in the Celeſtial Globe. If there were an Axis thruft through the Centre of the Globe juft at right Angles with the Plane of the Ecliptick, its Ends or Poles would be found in the two Polar Cir- cles. So that a Quarter of a Circle, or 90 De- grees, numbered directly or perpendicularly from the Ecliptick Line, fhew the Poles of the Ecliptick, and fix theſe two Points through which the two Polar Circles are drawn. It is ufual alfo in Books of this kind, to mention two great Circles called Colures, drawn fometimes on the Celestial Globe thro' the Poles of the World, one of which cutting the Ecliptick in the two Solfticial Points, is called the Solfticial Colure; the other cut- ing it in the Equinoctial Points, is called the Equinoctial Colure; but they are not of much ufe for any common Purpoſes or Practices that relate to the Globe. I think it may not be amifs, before we proceed farther, to let the Learner ſee a Re- preſentation of all the foregoing Circles and Points on the Globe, just as they ftand in our Horizon at London, and fo far as they can be C re- 1 20 Sect. 4. The first Principles of ! i 1 1 1 repreſented on a flat Surface, and in ſtraight Lines. Let the North Pole be raiſed above the North Part of the Horizon 51% Degrees, which are numbered on the brazen Meridian, then let the Globe be placed at fuch a Dif- tance as to make the Convexity infenfible, and appear as a flat or plain Surface, and let the Eye of the Spectator be juſt level and op- pofite to c, which repreſents the East Point of the Horizon; then the Globe and the Circles on it will appear nearly as repre- fented in Figuré III. The large Circle divided by every five Degrees repreſents the Meridian, the reft of the larger and the leffer Circles are there named, together with the North and South Poles. z is the Zenith of London, N the Nadir, H the South Point of the Horizon, o the North Point, c the East and West Points, s the Summer Solstice, w the Win- ter Solstice, a the Ecliptick's North Pole, e the Ecliptick's South Pole. The two Equi- noctial Points are reprefented by c, fup- pofing one to be on this Side, the other on the oppofite Side of the Globe. If you would have the two Colures repre- fented here in this Figure, you muſt fup- pofe the Meridian to be the Solfticial Colure, and the Axis of the World to repreſent the Equinoctial Colure. ' Note, ! } Sect. 5. Geography and Aftronomy. 2 I 1 Note, This Reprefentation, or Projection of the Sphere in ftraight Lines is uſually called the Analemma. See how to project it, or to erect this Scheme, Sect. XX. Prob. XV. Fig. XXIII. SECT. V. Of Longitude and Latitude on the Earthly Globe, and of different Climates. THE various Parts of the Earth and Heavens bear various Relations both to one another, and to theſe feveral Points and Circles, which have been defcribed. First, The Earth ſhall be confidered here. Every Part of the Earth is fuppofed to have a Meridian Line paffing over its Zenith from North to South thro' the Poles of the World. It is called the Meridian Line of that Place, becauſe the Sun is on it at Noon. That Meridian Line which paffes through Ferro, one of the Canary-Iſlands, has been uſually agreed upon by Geographers as a firſt Meridian, from which the reft are counted by the Number of Degrees on the Equator. Others have placed their first Meridian in Teneriff, another of the Canary-Iſlands, which is two Degrees more to the Eaft, but all this is Matter of Choice and Cuftom, not of Neceffity. C 2 The 7 £2 Sect. 5. The first Principles of 1 The Longitude of a Place is, its Distance from the firft Meridian toward the Eaft, mea- fured by the Degrees upon the Equator. So the Longitude of London is about to De- grees, counting the firſt Meridian at Ferro. Note, In English Globes or Maps, fome- times the Longitude is computed from the Meridian of London, in French Maps from that of Paris, &c. for it being purely arbitrary where to fix a firft Meridian, Mariners and Map-makers determine this according to their Inclination. When only the word Longitude is mentioned in general, it always means the Distance Eaſtward; but fometimes we men- tion the Longitude Weftward as well as Eaſt- ward, that is, from London, or Paris, &c. eſpecially in Maps of particular Countries. By the Meridian Circles on a Map or Globe, the Eye is directed to the true Lon- gitude of any Place according to the Degrees marked on the Equator: And upon this Account the Meridians are fometimes called Lines of Longitude. The Latitude of a Place is, its Diſtance from the Equator toward the North or South Pole, meafured by the Degrees on the Meri- dian. So the Latitude of London is 51 De- grees, 32 Minutes, that is, about 51. A Place is faid to have North Latitude, or South Latitude, according as it lies toward the North Pole or South Pole in its Diſtance from the Equator. So London has 51 De- grees of North Latitude. The Sect. 5. Geography and Aftronomy. 23 The Elevation of the Pole in any particular Place is, the Diſtance of the Pole above the Horizon of that Place, meafured by the De- grees on the Meridian; and is exactly equal to the Latitude of that Place: For the Pole of the World, or of the Equator, is juſt ſo far diſtant from the Horizon, as the Zenith of the Place (which is the Pole of the Ho- rizon) is diſtant from the Equator. For which reaſon the Latitude of the Place, or the Elevation of the Pole, are uſed promif- cuouſly for the fame Thing. The Truth of this Obfervation, namely, that the Latitude of the Place and the Pole's Elevation are equal, may be proved ſeveral Ways; I will mention but theſe two. Fig. IV. See Let H Co be the Horizon, z the Zenith, or the Point over London, Ez the Latitude of London, 51, P o the Elevation of the North Pole above the Horizon. Now that Ez is equal to P o is proved thus: Demonftration I. The Arch z p added to E z makes a Quadrant, (for the Pole is always at 90 Degrees Diſtance from the Equator.) And the Arch z P added to PO makes a Quadrant, (for the Zenith is always at 90 Degrees Diſtance from the Horizon.) Now if the Arch z P added either to Ez or to Po completes a Quadrant, then Ez muſt be equal to P o. C 3 Demon- $ { 1 24 Sect. 5. The first Principles of take Demonftration II. The Latitude Ez muſt be the ſame with the Pole's Elevation Po: For the Complement of the Latitude, or the Height of the Equator above the Hori- zon EH is equal to the Complement of the Pole's Elevation P z. I prove it thus: The Equator and the Pole ſtanding at right An- gles, as E CP, they complete a Quadrant, or include 90 Degrees: Then if you the Quadrant E CP out of the Semicircle, there remains Po the elevated Pole, and E H the Complement of the Latitude, which complete another Quadrant. Now if the Complement of the Latitude, added to the Elevation of the Pole, will make a Quadrant, then the Complement of the Latitude is equal to the Complement of the Pole's Ele- vation, and therefore the Latitude is equal to the Pole's Elevation; for where the Com- plements of any two Arches are equal, the Arches themſelves muft alfo be equal. As * Note, The Complement of any Arch or Angle under go Degrees, denotes fuch a Number of Degrees as is fufficient to make up 90; as the Complement of 50 De- grees is 40 Degrees, and the Complement of 51 is 38/ Degrees. And fo the Complement of the Sine or Tan- gent of any Arch is called the Co-fine, or Co-tangent: So alfo in Aftronomy and Geography we ufe the Words Co-latitude, Co-altiti de, Co-declination, &c. for the Com- plement of the Latitude, Altitude, or Declination, of which Words there will be more frequent Ufe among the Problems, Sect. 5. Geography and Aftronomy. 25 As every Place is ſuppoſed to have its pro- per Meridian, or Line of Longitude, fo every Place has its proper Line of Latitude, which is a Parallel to the Equator. By theſe Paral- lels the Eye is directed to the Degree of the Latitude of the Place marked on the Meri- dian, either on Globes or Maps. By the Longitude and Latitude being given, you may find where to fix any Place, or where to find it in any Globe or Map: For where thoſe two ſuppoſed Lines, namely, the Line of Longitude, and Parallel of Latitude, croſs each other, is the Place inquired. So if ſeek the Longitude from Ferro, 20 Degrees, and the Latitude 51 Degrees, they will fhew the Point where London ftands. 2 you The Parallels of Latitude which are drawn at fuch Diſtances from each other near and nearer to the Poles, as determine the longeſt Days and longeſt Nights of the Inhabitants to be half an Hour longer or fhorter, include fo many diftinct Climates, which are propor- tionally hotter or colder, according to their Diſtance from the Equator. Though it muſt be owned, that we generally uſe the Word Climate in a more indeterminate Senfe, to fignify a Country lying nearer or farther from the Equator, and confequently botter or colder, without the precife Idea of its longeft Day being just half an Hour ſhorter or longer than in the next Country to it. C 4 The { 1 26 Sect. 5: The first Principles of } # The Latitude is never counted beyond 90 Degrees, becauſe that is the Diſtance from the Equator to the Pole: The Longitude arifes to any Number of Degrees under 360, becauſe it is counted all round the Globe. If you travel never fo far directly towards Eaft or Weft, your Latitude is ftill the fame, but the Longitude alters. If directly toward North or South, your Longitude is the fame, but the Latitude alters. If you go oblique- ly, then you change both your Longitude and Latitude. The Latitude of a Place, or the Elevation of the Pole above the Horizon of that Place, regards only the Distance Northwardor South- ward, and is very eafy to be determined by the Sun or Stars with Certainty, as Sect. XX. Prob. VII, and IX. becauſe, when they are upon the Meridian, they keep a regular and known Diſtance from the Horizon, as well as obferve their certain and regular Diſtances from the Equator, and from the two Poles, as fhall be fhewn hereafter: So that either by the Sun or Stars (when you travel Northward or Southward) it may be found precifely how much your Latitude alters. But it is exceeding difficult to determine what is the Longitude of a Place, or the Diſ- tance of any two Places from each other Eaſtward or Weftward by the Sun or Stars, becauſe they are always moving round from Eaft to Weft. 7 The 1 Sect. 6. Geography and Aftronomy. 27 + The Longitude of a Place has been there- fore uſually found out and determined by meaſuring the Diſtance travelled on the Earth or Sea, from the Weft toward the Eaft, fup- pofing you know the Longitude of the Place whence you fet out. } SECT. VI. Of Right Afcenfion, Declination, and Hour Circles. HAVING confidered what refpect the Parts of the Earth bear to theſe arti- ficial Lines on the Globe, we come, fecondly, to furvey the feveral Relations that the Parts of the Heavens, the Sun or the Stars, bear to theſe ſeveral imaginary Points and artifi-` cial Lines or Circles. The Right Afcenfion of the Sun, or any Star is, its Distance from that Meridian which pafes through the Point Aries, counted to- ward the Eaft, and measured on the Equator; it is the fame Thing with Longitude on the Earthly Globe. The Hour of the Sun, or any Star, is reckoned alſo by the Diviſions of the Equa- tor; but the Hour differs from the Right Afcenfion chiefly in this, namely, The Right Afcenfion is reckoned from that Meridian which 28 The First Principles of Sect. 6. ! which paſſes thro' Aries; the Hour is reck- oned on the Earthly Globe, from that Meridian which paffes through the Town or City required; or it is reckoned on the hea- venly Globe from that Meridian which paffes thro' the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, and which, when it is brought to the Brazen Meridian, reprefents Noon that Day. There is alſo this Difference. The Right Afcenfion is often computed by fingle De- grees all round the Equator, and proceeds to 360: The Hour is counted by every 15 Degrees from the Meridian of Noon, or of Midnight, and proceeds in Number to 12, and then begins again': Though fometimes the Right Afcenfion is computed by Hours alfo inſtead of Degrees, but proceeds to 24. So the Sun's Right Afcenfion the 10th of May is 59 Degrees, or as fometimes it is called three Hours and 56 Minutes. The fame Lines which are called Lines of Longitude, or Meridians on the Earth, are called Hour Circles on the heavenly Globe, if they be drawn through the Poles of the World at every 15 Degrees on the Equator, for then they will divide the 360 Parts or Degrees into into 24 Hours. Note, As 15 Degrees make one Hour, fo 15 Minutes of a Degree make one Minute in Time, and one whole Degree makes four Minutes in Time. Note, 1 Sect. 6. Geography and Aftronomy. 29 Note, Degrees are marked fometimes with (a) or with a ſmall Circle (°), Minutes of De- grees with a Daſh (), Seconds of Minutes with a double Daſh ("), Hours with (¹), Minutes of Hours fometimes with (m), and fometimes a Dash: Seconds with a double Dafh. By theſe Meridians or Hour-Lines croffing the Equator on the heavenly Globe, the Eye is directed to the true Hour, or the Degree of Right Afcenfion on the Equator, though the Sun or Star may be far from the Equator. By theſe you may alſo compute on the Earthly Globe what Hour it is at any Place in the World, by having the true Hour given at any other Place, and by changing the Degrees of their Difference of Longitude into Hours. But fince ſeveral Questions or Problems that relate to the Hour, cannot be fo com- modiouſly refolved by theſe few Meridians or Hour-Lines, becauſe every Place on the Earth hath its proper Meridian where the Sun is at 12 o'Clock, therefore there is a Braſs Dial-plate fixed at the North-pole in the Globe, whofe 24 Hours do exactly anſwer the 24 Hour Circles which might be drawn on the Globe: Now the Dial being fixed, and the Pointer being moveable, this an- fwers all the Purpoſes of having an infinite Number of Hour Circles drawn on the Globe, and fitted to every Spot on the Hea- vens 1 30 Sect. 6. The first Principles of vens or the Earth. For the Pointer or In- dex may be fet to 12 o'Clock when the Sun's true Place in the Heavens, or when any Place on the Earth is brought to the Braſs- Meridian, and thus the Globe moving round with the Index naturally reprefents, and fhews by the Dial-plate, the 24 Hours of any Day in the Year, or in any particular Town or City. Note, The upper 12 o'Clock is the Hour of Noon, the lower 12 is the Midnight Hour, when the Globe is fixed for any particular Latitude where there are Days and Nights. The Declination of the Sun or Stars is, their Diſtance from the Equator toward the North or South Pole, meafured on the Meri- dian; and it is the fame Thing with Lati- tude on the Earthly Globe. Note, The Sun in the vernal or autumnal Equinoxes, and the Stars that are juſt on the Equator, have no Declination. Parallels of Declination are Lines parallel to the Equator, the fame as the Parallels of Latitude on the Earthly Globe. In the Hea- vens they may be ſuppoſed to be drawn through each Degree of the Meridian, and thus fhew the Declination of all the Stars; or they may be drawn through every Degree of the Ecliptick, and thus reprefent the Sun's Path, every Day in the Year. Theſe parallel Lines alfo would lead the Eye to the Degree of 1 ! Sect. 6. Geography and Aftronomy. 3I of the Sun's or any particular Star's Declina- tion marked on the Meridian. The Declination is called North or South Declination, according as the Sun or Star lies Northward or Southward from the Equator. Obferve here, That as any Place, Town, or City on Earth is found determined by the Parallel of its Latitude croffing its Line of Longitude; fo the proper Place of the Sun or Star in the Heavens is found and determined by the Point where its Parallel of Declina- tion croffes its Meridian, or Line of Right Afcenfion; which indeed are but the felf- fame Things on both the Globes, though Aftronomers have happened to give them different Names. I 2 Note, The Sun's utmoſt Declination North- ward in our Summer is but 23 Degrees; and it is juſt fo much Southward in our Winter; for then he returns again: There the Tropics are placed which deſcribe the Path of the Sun when fartheft from the Equator at Midfummer, or Midwinter: Theſe two Tropics are his Parallels of De- clination on the longeſt and fhorteſt Day. While the Sun gains 90 Degrees on the Ecliptick, (which is an oblique Circle) în a Quarter of a Year, it gains but 23' Degrees of direct Distance from the Equator mea- fured on the Meridian; this appears evi- dent on the Globe, and may be be reprefented thus in Figure V. Let 32 The first Principles of Sect. 6. Let the Semicircle v P be the Meri- dian of the Northern Hemisphere, the Line C be the Equator or the Sun's Path at Aries, and Libra the Arch v the Eclip- tick, the Line TO the Summer Tropic, the Line ae the Sun's Path when it enters Gemini and Leo, the Line ns the Sun's Path when it enters Taurus and Virgo: Then it will appear that in moving from v to 8 the Sun gains 30 Degrees in the Ecliptick, in about a Month, and at the fame time 12 Degrees of Declination, namely, from v to n. Then moving from 8 to п in a Month more it gains 30 Degrees on the Ecliptick, and 8 Degrees of Declination, namely, from n to a. Then again from п to in a Month more it gains 30 Degrees on the Ecliptick, and but 3 -/-/- De grees of Declination, namely, from a to T. I might alſo fhew the fame Difference between its Declination and its Motion on the Eclip- tick in its Defcent from to n, m, and . 12 4. By drawing another Scheme of the fame Kind below the Line v C we might repre- fent the Sun's Defcent towards the Winter Solſtice, and its Return again to the Spring; and thereby fhew the fame Difference be- tween the Sun's Declination and its Motion on the Ecliptick in the Winter Half-Year, as the preſent Scheme fhews in the Summer Half-Year. Hereby it is evident how it comes to paſs, that the Sun's Declination alters near half a 5 Degree Sect. 7. Geography and Aftronomy. 33 } Degree every Day just about the Equinoxes; but it ſcarce alters fo much in 10 or 12 Days on each Side of the Solftices: And this fhews the Reaſon why the Length of Days and Nights changes fo faft in March and Septem- ber, and fo exceeding flowly in June and De- cember: For according to the Increaſe of the Sun's Declination in Summer, its Semidiur- nal Arc* will be larger, and confequently it muſt be ſo much longer before it comes to its full Height at Noon, and it ſtays ſo much longer above the Horizon before it ſets. Thus while the Sun's Declination increaſes or decreaſes by flow Degrees, the Length of the Days must increaſe and decreaſe but very flowly; and when the Sun's Declination in- creaſes and decreafes fwiftly, fo alfo muft the Length of the Days: All which are very na- turally and eaſily reprefented by the Globe. 1 SEC T. VII. Of Longitude and Latitude on the Heavenly Globe, and of the Nodes and Eclipfes of the Planets. THE Longitude and Latitude in Aftro- nomy are quite different Things from Longi- *The Diurnal Arc is that Part of the Circle or Pa- rallel of Declination which is above the Horizon, and the Half of that Part is called the Semidiurnal Arc, 34 Sect. 7. The first Principles of 1 Longitude and Latitude in Geography, which is apt to create fome Confufion to Learners. The Longitude of the Sun or any Star is, its Distance from the Point Aries Eastward, mea- fured on the Ecliptick. This is a fhort way of defcribing it, and agrees perfectly to the Sun: But in truth a Star's Longitude is its Distance Eastward from a great Arch drawn perpendi- cular to the Ecliptick through the Point Aries, and measured on the Ecliptick. We do not ſo uſually talk of the Sun's Longitude, becauſe we call it his Place in the Ecliptick, reckoning it no farther backward than from the Beginning of the Sign in which he is. So the 25th Day of June, we fay the Sun is in the 14th Degree of Cancer, and not in the 104th Degree of Longitude. The Latitude of á Star or Planet is, its Distance from the Ecliptick, measured by an Arch, drawn through that Star perpendi- cular to the Ecliptick. Longitude and Latitude on the Heavenly Globe bear exactly the fame Relation to the Ecliptick, as they do on the Earthly Globe to the Equator. As the Equator is the Line from which the Latitude is counted, and. on which the Longitude is counted on the Earthly Globe, fo the Ecliptick is the Line from which the Latitude, and on which the Longitude are counted on the Heavenly Globe. And Sect. 7. Geography and Aftronomy. 35 And thus the Lines of Latitude in the Hea- venly Globe are all fuppofed Parallels to the Ecliptick, and the Lines of Longitude cut the Ecliptick at right Angles, and all meet in the Poles of the Ecliptick, bearing the fame Relation to it as on the Earthly Globe they do to the Equator. The Latitude of a Star or Planet is called Northern or Southern, as it lies on the North or South Side of the Ecliptick: The Sun has no Latitude, becauſe it is al- ways in the Ecliptic: This Relation of La- titude therefore chiefly concerns the Planets and Stars: The Fixt Stars as well as the Planets have their various Longitudes and Latitudes; and their particular Place in the Heavens may be affigned and determined thereby, as well as by their Right Afcenfion and Declination. which I mentioned before; and Aftronomers ufe this Method to fix exactly the Place of a Star: But I think it is eaſier for a Learner to find a Star's Place by its Declination, and D Right +Aftronomers know that not only the 12 Conftella- tions of the Zodiac, but alſo all the Fixt Stars feem to move from the Weft toward the Eaft about 50" in a Year, or one Degree in 72 Years, in Circles parallel to the Ecliptick. Therefore their Declination is a little altered in 72 Years time, that being meaſured from the Equator: But their Latitude never alters, that being meaſured from the Ecliptick. And upon this Account Aftronomers uſe the Latitude rather than the Declination in their Meaſures, becauſe it abides the fame for ever. 36 The first Principles of Sect. 7. Right Afcenfion; and the common Aftrono- mical Problems feem to be folved more na- turally and eaſily by this Method. It may be here mentioned, though it is before its proper Place, that the ſeveral Planets, namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mer- cury, and the Moon, make their Revolutions at very different Diſtances from the Earth, from the Sun, and from one another; each having its diftin&t Orbit or Path nearer or farther from us. And as each of their Orbits is at vaſtly different Diſtances, ſo neither are they perfectly parallel to one another, nor to the Ecliptick or yearly Path of the Sun. Thence it follows, that theſe Planets have fome more, fome lefs Latitude, becauſe their Orbits or Paths differ fome few Degrees from the Sun's Path, and interfect or croſs the Ecliptick at two oppofite Points in certain fmall Angles of two, three, four or five De- grees, which Points are called the Nodes. The Node where any Planet croffes the Ecliptick afcending to the Northward, is called the Dragon's Head, and marked thus a. Where the Planet croffes the Ecliptick defcending to the Southward, it is called the Dragon's Tail, and marked thus V.. It is very difficult to reprefent the Lati- tude of the Planets in their different Orbits, either upon a Globe, or upon a flat or plain Surface; the beſt Way that I know is, to take two fmall Hoops of different Sizes, as in Fi- 2 gure Sec. 7. Geography and Aftronomy. 37 gure x1.and thrufta ftraight Wire co through them both in the two oppofite Parts of their Circumference: Then turn the innermoſt Hoop (which may repreſent the Path of the Moon) fo far afide or obliquely as to make an Angle of 5 Degrees with the outermoft Hoop, (which reprefents the Sun's Path.) Thus the two Points c and o, or a and v, where the Wire joins the Hoops, are the two Nodes, or the Points of Interfection. This Difference of Orbits of the Planets, and their Interfections or Nodes, may be re- prefented alfo by two circular Pieces of Pafte- board, as in Figure X11. When the leſs (whofe Edge reprefents the Moon's Orbit,) is put half Way through a Slit AB, that is, made in the Diameter of the larger (or the Sun's Orbit,) and then brought up near to a Parallel or level with the Larger within 5 Degrees. Thus the two Nodes will be re- preſented by A and B. If the Moon's Path and the Sun's were pre- cifely the fame, or parallel Circles in the fame Plane, then at every New Moon the Sun would be eclipfed by the Moon's coming between the Earth and the Sun: And at every Full Moon the Moon would be eclipfed by the Earth's coming between the Sun and the Moon. But fince the Planes of their Orbits or Paths are different, and make Angles with each other, there cannot be E- clipfes but in or near the Place where the Planes D 2 J } 38 Sect. 8. The firft Principles of } Planes of their Orbits or Paths interfect or crofs each other. In or very near thefe Nodes, therefore, is the only Place where the Earth or Moon can hide the Sun, or any Part of it, from each other, and cauſe an Eclipfe either total or partiai: And for thefe Reaſons the Orbit or Path of the Sun is called the Ecliptick. The Eclipfes of other Planets, or of any Part of the Sun by their Interpofition, are fo very inconfiderable as deferve not our pre- fent Notice. SECT. VIII. Of Altitude, Azimuth, Amplitude, and va- rious Rifings and Settings of the Sun and Stars. THE Altitude of the Sun or Star, is its Heighth above the Horizon, measured by the Degrees on the Quadrant of Altitudes. As the Height of the Sun at Noon is called its Meridian Altitude, or its Culminat- ing, fo the Height of the Sun in the Eaſt or Weft is fometimes called its Vertical Alti- tude. The Quadrant of Altitudes is a thin Label of Brafs, with a Nut and Screw at the End of it, whereby it is faſtened to the Meridian at the Zenith of any Place; now by bending this down to the Horizon, you find the Alti- tude Sect. 8. 39 Geography and Aftronomy. t tude of any Star or Point in the Heavens, be- cauſe the Label is divided into 90 Degrees, counting from the Horizon upward. Circles parallel to the Horizon, fuppofed to be drawn round the Globe, through every De- gree of the Quadrant of Altitudes lefs and lefs, till they come to a Point in the Zenith, are called Parallels of Altitude, or fometimes by the old Arabick Name Almicanters. Butthefe can never be actually drawn on the Globe, becauſe the Horizon and Zenith are infinitely variable, according to the different Latitudes of Places. In the vith Figure, fuppoſe z to be the Zenith, N the Nadir, HR the Horizon, and the ſtraight Lines a b, fg, km, will re- preſent the Parallels of Altitude, Note, The Sun being always higheft on the Meridian, or at Noon, it defcends in an Arch towards the Horizon in order to fet, by the fame Degrees by which it aſcended from the Horizon after its rifing. Stars and Planets rife and fet, and come to the Meri- dian at all different Hours of the Day or Night, according to the various Seafons of the Year, or according to the Signs in which the Planets 'are. As the Word Altitude is uſed to fignify the Height of the Sun or Star above the Horizon, fo the Depreffion of the Sun or Star, is its Diſtance from or below the Horizon. D 3 The ་ 1 { 40 The first Principles of Sect. 8. The Azimuth of the Sun or Star is, its Distance from any of the four Cardinal Points, Eaft, Weft, North and South, measured by the Degrees of the Horizon. Note, When we ſpeak of the Sun's Azimuth in general, we uſually mean his Diſtance from the South: But when his Diſtance from the North, Eaft, or Weft, is intended, we ſay, his Azimuth from the North, the Eaft, or the Weft. Great Circles cutting every Degree of the Horizon at right Angles, and meeting in the Zenith and Nadir, are called Azimuthal or Vertical Circles. They direct the Eye to the Point of the Sun or Star's Azimuth on the Horizon, tho' the Sun or Stars may be far above or below the Horizon. Note, Vertical Circles are the fame with regard to the Zenith, Nadir, and the Hori- zon, as Meridians or Hour Circles are with regard to the two Poles of the World and the Equator. But thefe Vertical Circles can ne- ver be actually drawn on a Globe, becauſe the Zenith, Nadir, and Horizon, are ever va- riable. See them reprefented Figure vi. by the Lines z H N, Za N, e N, Z, &c. fuppof- ing HR to be the Horizon. Note, The Quadrant of Altitudes being moveable, when one End of it is faftened at the Zenith, the graduated Edge of it may be laid over the Place of the Sun or Star, and Sect. 8. Geography and Aftronomy. 4.I and brought down to the Horizon; then it repreſents any Azimuth or Vertical Circle, in which the Sun or Star is; and thus it fhews the Degree of its Azimuth on the Horizon. Note, The Azimuth of the Sun or Star from the Eaft or Weft Points of the Horizon, at its rifing or ſetting, is called its Amplitude. Note, The Sun is always in the South at Noon, or 12 o'Clock, and in the North at Midnight, namely, in Europe, and all Places on this Side the Equator. But it is not at the Eaſt or Weſt at fix o'Clock any other Day in the Year befides the two Equinoctial Days, as will eafily appear in an oblique Pofition of the Sphere, (of which fee the next Section) and eſpecially in th laft Section, where the Analemma fhall be more fully deſcribed. Yet the Relation which the Parallels of Allitude bear to the Vertical Circles, and which theſe Vertical or Azimuthal Circles bear to the Meridians or Hour Cis cles, may be repreſented to the Eye in Figure vi, and VII. k m, In Figure vi. Suppofe the outermoſt Cir-` cle be the Meridian, H R the Horizon, z the Zenith, N the Nadir; then db, fg, will be Parallels of Altitude: And za N, ZeN, ZON, Z C N, &c. will be Vertical Cir- cles, or Circles of Azimuth croffing the others at Right Angles. Thus z C N is the Vertical Circle of Eaft or Weft. And in this Scheme sa, or ƒн D 4 will 42 Sect. 8. The first Principles of ؟؟ 9 will be the Arch of the Altitude of the Star and н a will be its Azimuth from the Me- ridian; and c a will be its Azimuth from the Eaft to Weſt. But if the Line H R be fuppofed to repre- fent the Equator, then z and N will be the two Poles of the World, and then db, fg, &c. will be Parallels of Latitude on Earth, or Parallels of Declination in the Heavens. Then alfo the Arches z н N, za N, ZeN, ZON, ZC N, will be Meridians or Lines of Longitude on Earth, and Hour Circles in the Heavens. In Figure vII. Let the utmoſt Circle be the Meridian, HR the Horizon, z the Zenith, N the Nadir, E Q the Equator, P L the Axis of the World, or rather the two Poles, North and South; then z H N, za N, ZeN, ZCN, will be Circles of Azimuth: PE L, POL, PUL, PCL, &c. will be Hour Circles. 7 And in this Pofition the Stars will have Ts, that is, equal to E o for its Hour from Noon or the Meridian; but its Azimuth from Noon, or the South, or Meridian, will be He. Or if you reckon its Azimuth from the Eaft or Weſt Vertical (which is z c N) it will be found to be ce, while its Hour reckoned from P 6 ci, (which is the Six o'Clock Hour-Line) will be found to be 6 s, or Co. Thus it will appear how the Hour of the Sun differs from its Azimuth, and that both of Sect. 8. Geography and Aftronomy. 43 of them are numbered, or counted from the Meridian P Z E H L N ; yet they do not by any Means keep equal Pace with one another, one being numbered along the Equator E Q₂ the other numbered along the Horizon H R. Thus you fee moft evidently, that if you ſuppoſe the Suns to be in the Tropic of Cancer reprefented by the Line T, the Difference between the Hour and Azimuth will appear to be very great; and that the Sun's Azimuth from Noon He increaſes a great deal fafter than his Hour T s doth in the Middle of Summer. And if another Line K were drawn to repreſent the Tra- pic of Capricorn, the Sun's Azimuth from Noon will appear to increaſe a great deal flower than his Hours do in the Middle of Winter. I think it should not utterly be omitted here, what is mentioned in almoſt all Wri- tings of this Kind, namely, that a Star is faid to rife or fet Cofmically, when it rifes or ſets at Sun-rifing. It is faid to rife or fet Achronically, if it rife or fet at Sun-fetting. A Star is faid to rife Heliacally when it is juft come to fuch a Diſtance from the Sun as that it is no longer hid by the Sun-Beams. And it is faid to fet Heliacally when the Sun approaches fo near to it as that it begins to difappear from our Sight, being hid by the Beams of the Sun. The { : 1 1 44 Sect. 9. The firft Principles of 1 1 The fixt Stars, and the three fuperior Planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, rife Heliacally in the Morning, but the Moon in the Evening; for it is in the Evening the New Moon firft appears, coming from her Conjunction with the Sun. Note, This Sort of Rifing and Setting of the Stars is alfo called Poetical; becauſe the ancient Poets frequently mention it. SECT. IX. Of the Inhabitants of the Earth according to the Pofition of the Spheres, the Zones, &c. IN 1 N order to make the Doctrine of the Sphere or Globe yet more plain and in- telligible, let us confider the Inhabitants of the feveral Parts of the World, who may be diſtinguiſhed three Ways, (1.) According to the various Pofitions of the Globe. (2.) According to the five Zones. (3.) In rela- tion to one another. First, Let us confider them according to the various Pofitions of the Globe or Sphere, which are either Direct, Parallel, or Oblique. Theſe three Pofitions of the Sphere are repreſented in Figure VIII, IX, x, in each of which the utmoft Circle is the Meridian, HR is S Sect. 9. Geography and Aftronomy. 45 HR is the Horizon, EQ the Equator, the Ecliptick, s n the Axis of the World, N the North Pole, s the South, z D the Vertical Circle of Eaft and Weft, z the Zenith, D the Nadir, A the Tropic of Cancer, cw the Tropic of Capricorn. The various Pofition of thefe Lines or Circles will appear by the following Defcriptions. I. A Direct or Right Sphere, Figure vIII. is when the Poles of the World are in the Horizon, and the Equator paffes through the Zenith: This is the Cafe of thoſe who live directly under the Line or Equator. Here the Inhabitants have no Latitude, no Elevation of the Pole: The North or South Poles being in the Horizon, they may very nearly fee them both. All the Stars do once in twenty four Hours rife and fet with them, and all at right Angles with the Horizon. The Sun alfo, in whatfoever Parallel of Declination he is, rifes and fets at right Angles with the Horizon; their Days and Nights therefore are always equal, becauſe the Horizon exactly cuts the Sun's Diurnal Circles in Halves. They have two Summers every Year, namely, when the Sun is in or near the two Equinoctial Points, for then he is just over their Heads at Noon, and darts his ſtrongeſt Beams. And they have two Winters, name- ly, 1 I a } Sect. 9. $6 The first Principles of } 1 ly, when the Sun is in or near the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; for then the Sun is fartheft diftant from them, though even then it is nearer than it is to us in England at Midfummer. II. A Parallel Sphere, Figure 1x. is where the Poles of the World are in the Zenith and Nadir: And the Equator is in the Horizon. Now if there were any Inhabitants thus directly under the North and South Poles, they would have only one Day of fix Months long, and one Night of fix Months, in a whole Year, according as the Sun is on this or the other Side of the Equator, for the Sun mov- ing flowly in the Ecliptick on the North Side of the Equator half a Year, would be all that Time above the Horizon to the Inhabitants at the North Pole, though it went round them daily: And the Sun moving in the Ecliptick on the South Side of the Equator half a Year, would be below their Horizon all that Time. The fame might be faid con- cerning the Inhabitants of the South Pole. The two Equinoctial Days, or when the Sun is in the Points Aries, or Libra, the Day and Night are equal all the World over; and this is true in a Senfe to thofe who live under the Poles; for the Centre of the Sun is in their Horizon. Thus half the Sun is above their Horizon, and half below it for Hours together. Thus, 2.4 Sect. 9. Geography and Aftronomy. 47 1 Thus, though the Polar Inhabitants begin to loſe the Sun at the Autumnal Equinox, they are not in utter Darkneſs all the Time of the Sun's Abſence: For the Twilight laſts till the Sun is 18 Degrees below their Horizon, and that is till he has 18 Degrees of Declination. The Inhabitants of the North Pole are there- fore without the Twilight only from the 2d of November till the 18th of January. Let it be noted alfo, that the Refraction of the Rays through the thick Air or Atmoſphere makes the Sun appear above their Horizon feveral Days fooner, and difappear feveral Days later, than otherwiſe it would do. It may be added in Favour of their Habitations too, that the Moon when ſhe is brighteſt, namely, from the firft Quarter to the laſt, does not fet during their Middle of Winter: For in that Part of her Month fhe is moſt oppofite to the Sun, and is therefore in that Part of the Heavens which is moft diſtant from the Sun while he never rifes. The Parallels of the Sun's Declination in this Pofition of the Sphere, are all parallel to the Horizon; and are the fame with the Parallels of his Altitude, and therefore his highest Altitude with them can never exceed 231 Degrees. The Stars that they could fee would be always the fame, making perpetual Revo- lutions I I 1 +1 1 1 1 1 48 The first Principles of Sect. 9. lutions round them, and never fet nor rife, nor be higher or lower. And the Planets during half their Periods will be above their Horizon, as Saturn 15 Years, Jupiter 6, Mars 1, &c. III. An Oblique Sphere, Fig. x. is where the Latitude or Elevation of the Pole is at any Number of Degrees leſs than 90. There- fore all the Inhabitants of the Earth (except under the Equator and the Poles) have an Oblique Sphere. Here the Equator and all the Parallels of Declination cut the Horizon obliquely, therefore the Sun and Stars always rife and fet at oblique Angles with the Horizon. As one Pole of the World is always in their View, and the other is never feen, fo there are fome Stars which never fet, and others which never rife in their Horizon. Their Days and Nights are of very diffe- rent Lengths, according to the different De- clination of the Sun in the feveral Seafons of the Year. In this Oblique Pofition of the Sphere, Aftronomers fometimes talk of the Oblique. Afcenfion of the Sun or Stars; and in order to obtain a clearer Idea of it, let us again confider the Right Afcenfion, which is the Sun or Star's Diſtance from that Meridian, which paffes through the Point Aries, mea- Jured on the Equator. Or Sect. 9. 49 Geography and Aftronomy. } Or it may be expreffed thus: The Right Afcenfion is that Degree of the Equator which comes to the Meridian together with the Sun, or Star, confidered in its Diſtance from the Point Aries. But the Oblique Afcenfion is that Degree of the Equator which in an oblique Sphere rifes together with the Sun or Stars, confi- dered in its Diſtance from the Point Aries. Note, That in a Right or Direct Sphere, all the heavenly Bodies can only have Right Afcenfion, and no Oblique Afcenfion; becauſe the fame Point or Degree of the Equator that riſes with them, comes alfo to the Me- ridian with them: But in an Oblique Sphere there is ſometimes a great deal of Difference between the Point that rifes with them, and the Point that comes with them to the Me- ridian. Now the Difference between the Right Afcenfion of the Sun or Star, and its Oblique Afcenfion, is called the Afcenfional Difference. Note, Concerning the Stars in the Equa- tor, that their Right and Oblique Afcenfion are equal: Therefore the Sun in the Equi- noxes rifing at Six, and fetting at Six, has no Afcenfional Difference: But as he goes on- ward from the Equator toward the Winter Solſtice, he rifes after Six; and as he goes toward the Summer he rifes before Six; and the 1 2 1 1 to The first Principles of Sect. 9. 1 the Diſtance of his rifing or fetting from Six o'Clock, is called the Afcenfional Difference: And perhaps it is fufficient as well as much eafier for a Learner to remember that the Time of the Sun or Star's rifing or ſet- ting before or after Six o'Clock, is called by Aftronomers the Afcenfional Difference, without taking any Notice at all of the Ob- lique Afcenfion, which is neither ſo eaſy to be apprehended or remembered. The ſecond Diſtinction of the Inhabitants of the Earth may be made according to the five Zones, which they inhabit; this was an ancient Divifion of the Globe. The Zones are broad Circles, five of which cover or fill up the Globe. the Globe. There are two Temperate, two Frigid or cold, and one Tor- rid or hot. The Torrid or burning Zone, is all the Space that lies between the two Tropics; it was once counted uninhabitable, becauſe of exceffive Heat, being fo near the Sun; but later Diſcoveries have found many and great Nations inhabiting thofe Parts, which con- tain the greateſt Part of Africa, and of South America. The two Frigid or cold Zones, are thoſe Spaces which are included within the two Polar Circles, with the Pole in the Centre, at great Diſtance from the Sun, fcarcely ha- bitable by reafon of the Cold. 真 ​There lies Greenland Sect. 9. Geography and Aftronomy. 5¢ ? Greenland and Lapland toward the North Pole. The South Pole and Polar Regions are undiſcovered. The two temperate Zones are thofe Spaces that lie on either Side of the Globe between the Tropics and the Polar Circles, where the Sun gives a moderate Heat, and makes thoſe Parts moft convenient for the Habitation of Men. All Europe, and the greateſt Part of Afia, and North America, lie in the North temperate Zone. Note, That the Torrid Zone lying between the two Tropics, every Place in it has the Sun in the Zenith, or exactly over their Heads once or twice in every Year. Thoſe who live under the Tropic of Can- cer, have their Winter when the Sun is in Capricorn. Thoſe who live under the Tro- pic of Capricorn, have their Winter when the Sun is in Cancer. Thofe who live under the Equator have (as I faid before) two Winters in the Year; though indeed there is fcarce any Seafon can be called Winter within the Limits of the Torrid Zone. Thoſe who live juft within the Borders of the two Frigid Zones, lofe the Sun for twen- ty-four Hours together at Midwinter, when the Sun is in the contrary Tropic: And thoſe Places that are nearer and nearer to the Poles, lofe the Sun for two, three, four, five, fix Days, for whole Weeks or Months together E at & 5.2 Sect. 9. The first Principles of ( at their Winter, or when the Sun is near the contrary Tropic. What is faid concerning the Lofs of Light a whole Day, or Week, or Month, at Winter, in either of the frozen Zones, muſt be alfo faid concerning the gaining a whole Day or Week, or Month of Daylight, at their Sum- mer; and thofe Farts of the Year are all Darkness in the Northern frigid Zone, which are all Daylight in the Southern. ་ Thus as you go farther Northward or Southward, the Continuance of the Sun above the Horizon grows longer in their Summer; and the utter Abfence of it below the Hori- zon grows longer in their Winter, till you come to thoſe Inhabitants (if any fuch there be) who live under the Pole, for thefe have half the Year Night, and half the Year Day, as I faid before concerning the Parellel Sphere. In the two Temperate Zones, (as alſo in the Torrid Zone) there are never quite 24 Hours either of Day or of Night together; but when the Sun is in the Equator, all Days and Nights are equal: Afterwards their Days gradually increaſe till their longeſt Day in Summer, and gradually decreafe till their ſhorteſt Day in Winter: Though thoſe who live on the Borders of the Polar Circles, or the Frigid Zones, have their 22d of June, or longeſt Day in Summer, near 24 Hours; and their ↑ Sect. 9. 53 > Geography and Aftronomy. 1 their 22d of December, or ſhorteft Day in Winter, but juft allows the Sun to peep a Moment above the Horizon, fo that their Night is very near 24 Hours long. Thirdly, The Inhabitants of the Earth may alſo be divided into three Sorts, in refpect of their Geographical Relation to one another, and they are called the Periæci, the Antæci, and Antipodes. t I. The Pericci live under the fame Pa- rellel of Latitude on the fame Side of the Globe, but differ in Longitude from Eaſt to Weft 180 Degrees, or juſt half the Globe. Theſe have their Summer and Winter at the fame Times with one another, but Day and Night juft at contrary Times. Note, Thoſe who live under the Poles have no Periæci. II. The Antoci live under the fame Meri- dian, or Line of Longitude, and have the fame Degree of Latitude too, but on contrary Sides of the Equator, one to the North, the other to the South. Theſe have Day and Night exactly at the fame Time, but Summer and Winter contrary to each other. Note, Thofe who live under the Equator have no Anteci. III. The Antipodes have (if I may fo ex- prefs it) the Properties of the Antæci and Periaci joined together, for they live on con- trary Sides of the Equator, tho' in the fame Latitude or Diftance from it; and their Meridian, or Line of Longitude, is 180 De- E 2 grees ❤ 54 The first Principles of Sect. 10. i grees, or half the Globe different. A Line paffing through the Centre of the Earth from the Feet of the one would reach the Feet of the other. They dwell at the full Diſtance of half the Globe, and have Day and Night, Summer and Winter at contrary Times. In each of the three laft Figures, namely, VIII. IX. and x. you may fee thefe Diftinc- tions of the Earth's Inhabitants exactly re- prefented, A are Periæci, fo are cr. Butc or AS are Antaci., or A c, or N 8, or H R, or EQ, are all Antipodes to each other. مد The Amphifcii, Heterofcii, and Afcii, which are only Greek Names invented to tell how the Sun cafts the Shadows of the feve-- ral Inhabitants of the World, are not worth our prefent Notice. SECT. X. The Natural Defcription of the Earth and Waters on the Terreftrial Globe. THE Earth may be divided into its Natural or its Political Parts. The Qr one Diftinction is made by the God of Na- ture who created it: The other by Men who inhabit it. The Globe or Surface of Earth on which we dwell, is made up naturally of two Parts, Land Sect. 10. Geography and Aftronomy. 55 Land and Water; and therefore it is called the Terraqueous Globe. Each of theſeElements have their various Parts of Subdivifions, which are as variouſly defcribed on artificial Globes or Maps. The Land is called either an Iſland, a Con- tinent, a Peninfula, an Ifthmus, a Promontory, or a Coast. See the plain Defcription of all theſe Figure XIII. An Iſland is a Country or Portion of Land, compaffed about with Sea or other Water; as Great Britain, Ireland, in the Britiſh Seas; Sicily, Crete, Cyprus, &c. in the Mediterra- nean Sea; the Iſles of Wight, of Angleſea, of Mann, near England; There are alfo Iflands in Rivers. A Continent, properly fo called, is a large Quantity of Land in which many great Coun- tries are joined together, and not feparated from each other by the Sea; fuch are Europe, Afia Africa. This is fometimes called the Main-Land. A A Peninfula, is a Part of Land almoſt in- compaffed with Water, or which is almoſt an Iſland: Such is the Morea which joins to Greece, fuch is Denmark as joining to Ger- many, and Taurica Cherfonefus joining to Lit- tle Tartary near Mufcovy; and indeed Africa is but a large Peninfula joining to Afia. An Ifthmus, is a narrow Neck of Land be tween two Seas, joining a Peninſula to the E 3 Con- } 1 56 The firft Principles of Sect. 10. Continent, as the Ifthmus of Darien, or Pa- nama, which joins North and South America: The Ifthmus of Corinth which joins the Morea to Greece: The Ifthmus of Sues which joins Africa to Afia. A Promontory, is a Hill or Point of Land ftretching out into the Sea: It is often called a Cape, fuch is the Cape of Good Hope in the South of Africa; the Land's-End and the Lizard-Point are two Capes on the Weft of England; Cape Finisterre on the Weft of Spain, &c. A Coaft, or Shore, is all that Land that bor ders upon the Sea, whether it be in Inlands or Continents: Whence it comes to paſs, that failing near the Shore is called Coafting. The Part of the Land which is far diftant from the Sea, is called the Inland Country: Thefe are the Divifions of the Land. The Water is divided into Rivers or Seas. A River, is a Stream of Water which has uſually its Beginning from a ſmall Spring or Fountain, whence it flows continually without Intermiffion, and empties itſelf into fome Sea. But the Word Sea implies a larger Quantity of Water, and is diftinguiſhed into Lakes, Gulphs, Bays, Creeks, Straits, or the Ocean. The Ocean, or the Main-Sea, is a vaſt fpreading Collection of Water which is not divided or feparated by Lands running be- tween : Sect. 10. Geography and Aftronomy. 57. : tween Such is the Atlantick or Weftern Ocean between Europe and America: The Eaftern or the Indian Ocean in the Eaft-In- dies: The Pacifick Ocean or South-Sea, on the Weft Side of America, &c. Note, The various Parts of this Ocean, or Main-Sea, that borders upon the Land, are called by the Name of the Lands which lie next to it: So the British Sea, the Irish Sea, the Ethiopian Sea, the French and Spanish Seas. A Lake, is a large Place of Water inclof ed all round with Land, and having not any vifible and open Communication with the Sea: Such are the Cafpian Sea or Lake in A- fia; the Lake Zaire in Africa, (as fome Maps defcribe) and many others there are in Europe and America, and eſpecially in Sweden and Finland, and on the Weft of New England: Such alſo is the Lake or Sea of Tiberias in the Land of Canaan, and the Dead Sea there, which we read of in Scrip- ture. A Gulf, is a Part of the Sea that is almoſt incompaffed with Land, or that runs up a great Way into the Land. If this be very large, it is rather called an Inland Sea: Such is the Baltick Sea in Swe- den, and the Euxine Sea between Europe and Afia; the Ægean Sea, between Greece and Leffer Afia; and the Mediterranean Sea be- E 4 tween 58 Sect, 19. The first Principles of tween Europe and Africa, which is often in the Old Teftament called the Great Sea. If it be a lefs Part of the Sea thus almoſt incloſed between Land, then it is more ufu- ally called a Gulf or Bay: Such is the Gulf of Venice between Italy and Dalmatia: The Arabian Gulf, or the Red Sea, between Asia and Africa: The Perfian Gulf, between A- rabia and Perfia: The Gulf or Bay of Fin- land, in the Baltick Sea; and the Bay of Bif- cay, between France and Spain. If it be but a very fmall Part, or as it were an Arm of the Sea that runs but a few Miles between the Land, it is called a Creek, a Ha- ven, a Station, or a Road for Ships; as Mil- ford Haven in Wales; Southampton Haven in Hampshire, and many more in every Mari- time Country. A Strait, is a narrow Part of the Ocean ly- ing between two Shores, whereby two Seas are joined together, as the Sound, which is the Paffage into the Baltick Sea, between Den- mark and Sweden: The Hellefpont and Bof- phorus, which are two Paffages into the Eux- ine Sea, between Romania and the Leffer Afia; Tie Straits of Dover, between the British Channel and the German Sea; and the Straits Gibraltar, between the Atlantick and the Mediterranean, though the whole Mediter- ranean Sea is fometimes called the Straits. If Se&t. 10. Geography and Aftronomy. 59 If we compare the various Parts of the Land with thofe of the Water, there is a pretty Analogy or Refemblance of one to the other. The Defcription of a Continent reſembles that of the Ocean, the one is a vaſt Tract of Land, as the other is of Water. An Iſland incompaffed with Water reſembles a Lake incompaffed with Land. A Peninfula of Land is like a Gulf or Inland Sea. A Pro- montory or Cape at Land is like a Bay or Creek at Sea; and an Ifthmus, whereby two Lands are joined, has the fame Relation to other Parts of the Earth, as a Strait has to the Sea or Ocean. Let us now take Notice by what Figures the various Parts of Land or Water are de- ſcribed in a Globe or Map, and in what Man- ner they are reprefented. See Figure XIII. Sea is generally left as an empty Space, ex- cept where there are Rocks, Sands, or Shelves, Currents of Water or Wind, deſcribed. Rocks are fometimes made like little point- ed things ſticking up fharp in the Sea. Sands or Shelves are denoted by a great Heap of little Points placed in the Shape of thoſe Sands, as they have been found to lie in the Ocean by founding or fathoming the Depths. Currents of Water are defcribed by feveral long crooked parallel Strokes imitating a Cur- rent. The Courfe of Winds is reprefented by the Heads of Arrows pointing to that Coaſt towards which the Wind blows. The 60 The first Principles of Sect. 10. The Land is divided or diftinguiſhed from the Sea by a thick Shadow made of ſhort fmall Strokes to reprefent the Shores or Coafts,, whether of Iflands or Continents, &c. and it is uſually filled with Names of Kingdoms, Provinces, Cities, Towns, Mountains, Fo- refts, Rivers, &c. which are deſcribed in this Manner, (viz.) Y Kingdoms or Provinces are divided from one another by a Row of fingle Points, and they are often painted or ſtained with diſtinc Colours. Cities or great Towns are made like little Houſes with a ſmall Circle in the Middle of them. Leffer Towns or Villages are marked only by fuch a ſmall Circle. Mountains are imitated in the Form of little rifing Hillocks. Forefts are repreſented by a Collection of little Trees. Small Rivers are deſcribed by a fingle, crooked, waving Line; and larger Rivers, by fuch a waving or curl- ing double Line made ftrong and black. The Mouths of large Rivers, where they empty themſelves into the Sea, are repre- fented fometimes as Currents of Water, by feveral parallel crooked Lines. I ſhould add this alfo, That in Terreftrial Globes you find the Mariner's Compass figured in feveral Parts, and the Lines of it are drawn out to a great Length towards all Parts of the World, on purpoſe to ſhew how any Part of the Earth or Sea ftands fituated with Sect. 11. Geography and Aftronomy. 61 with regard to any other Part; and this is called its Bearing, by which you may know what Places bear Eaft, Weft, North, or South, from the Place where you are, or at what other immediate Points of the Compaſs they lie. The North is generally deſcribed by a Flower-de-luce, and the Eaft frequently by a Crofs. Globes are generally fo formed as to have the North Pole juft ftanding before the Face: Then the Eaft is at the right Hand, and the Weft at the Left: And thus ufually the Names and Words are written to be read from the Weft to the East. This is alſo obſerved in large Maps, and it ſhould be the fame in fmall ones; for when a Map of a Conntry is drawn in any other Form, fo that the North does not lie juft before us, and the Eaft to our right Hand, it gives great Confufion to the Learner, and fometimes confounds the Eye and Imagination even of Perſons ſkilled in Geography. S E C T. XI Of Maps and Sea Charts. 1 THough nothing can reprefent the Hea- vens or the Earth in their natural Ap- pearance fo exactly as a Globe, yet the two Hemispheres, either of the Heavens or of the 62 Sect. 11. The first Principles of ? the Earth, may be reprefented upon a flat or plain Surface, which are generally called · Projections of the Sphere. tor. If you fuppofe a Globe to be cut in Halves juſt at the Equator, and each Hemiſphere repreſented on a Plane, it is called a Pro- jection of the Globe upon the Plane of the Equa- Then the Equinoctial Line will be the Circumference, and the two. Poles of the World will be the Centres of thoſe two Pro- jections, and all the Meridian Lines will be ſo many ſtraight Lines or Semidiameters meeting in the Centre. This is the moſt common Method of reprefenting the Celestial Globe and the Stars. If the Globe be cut aſunder at the Hori- zon of any particular Place, and thus repre- fented on a Plane, it is called the Projection on the Plane of the Horizon. Then the Ze- nith and Nadir will be the Centres of thoſe Projections, and the Horizon is the Circum- ference. The two Poles will be placed at fuch a Diſtance from the Circumference, as the Pole of the World is elevated above the Horizon of that Place; and the Meridian will be repreſented as curve Lines meeting in the Pole Point, excepting only that Meridian that paffes through the Zenith, which is al- ways a right Line. This is a more uncom- mon Projection of the Sphere, though it is much uſed in Dialling. The } Sect. 11. Geography and Aftronomy. 63 t The moſt uſual Way of defcribing the Earthly Globe on a Plane, or a Map, is to ſuppoſe the Globe cut in Halves about the firft Meridian at the Ifland Fero or Teneriff. This is a Projection on the Plane of the Meri- dian: Then the firft Meridian will determine the Circumference: The Pole Points will ftand in the upper and lower Parts of that Circle, and the other Meridians will be curve Lines meeting in the Pole Points, except that which paffes through the Centre of the Projection, which is a right Line. Here the Equator will be a ſtraight Line, or Diameter, croffing all the Meridians at right Angles, and at equal Diſtances from the two Poles. Here the two Tropics of Cancer and Ca- pricorn are drawn at their proper Diſtances of 23 Degrees from the Equator; and the two Polar Circles at the fame Diſtance from the Poles. In this Projection the Ecliptick is fome- times aftraightLine cutting the Middle of the Equator obliquely in each Hemiſphere, and ending where the two Tropics meet the Me- ridian: But fometimes the Ecliptick is drawn as a curve Line, or an Arch beginning where the Equator meets the Meridian, and carried upward juſt to touch the Tropic of Cancer in one Hemiſphere, and downward to touch the Tropic of Capricorn in the other. It 1 64 The first Principles of Sect. rr. It is in this Form the Maps of the World are generally drawn in two large Hemi- ſpheres. Note here, that it is impoffible to repre- ſent a ſpherical Body exactly in its due Pro- portion upon a Plane; and therefore the ar- tificial Meridians, or Lines of Longitude, Pa- rallels of Latitude, &c. are placed at fuch different Diſtances by certain Rules of Art,. and the Degrees. marked on them are often unequal; but fo drawn as may moſt commo- diouſly repreſent the Situation of the ſeveral Parts of the Earth with regard to one ano- ther. The Meridian, or Circumference of theſe Circles, is divided into four Quarters, and each marked with go Degrees, beginning from the Equator, and proceeding toward the Poles. Theſe Figures or Numbers fhew the Latitude of every Place in the Earth, or its Diſtance from the Equator; and at every ten Degrees there is a Parallel of Latitude, drawn on Purpoſe to guide and direct the Eye in feeking the Latitude of any Place. The Equator of each Hemiſphere is divided into 180 Parts, which makes 360. in the whole : And the ſeveral Meridians or Lines of Longitude, cutting the Equator at every ten Degrees, guide and direct the Eye to find the Longitude of any Place required. * Į 1 As Sect. 11. Geography and Aftronomy. 6.5 As the Equator, the feveral Lines of Lon- gitude, of Latitude, &c. cannot be repre- fented on a Plane exactly as they are on a Globe; ſo neither can the ſeveral Parts of the World, Kingdoms, Provinces, Iſlands, and Seas, be repreſented in a Map exactly in the fame Proportion as they ftand on a Globe. But as the Divifions of Degrees in a Map are bigger or lefs, fo the Parts of the Land and Sea are repreſented there bigger or leſs, in a moſt exact Proportion to thofe Lines of Lon- gitude and Latitude among which they are placed. Therefore though the Length or Breadth, or Diſtance of Places on a Map of the World, cannot be meaſured by a Pair of Compaffes, as they may be on a Globe, yet you may count the Number of Degrees to which fuch Lengths, Breadths or Diſtances correfpond, and thereby you may compute their real Di- menfions; though not always fo well as on Globe; of which hereafter. Thus much ſhall fuffice concerning Maps, that repreſent the Whole World, or the Globe of Earth and Water. Let us next confider thoſe Maps which repreſent particular Parts of the World, Kingdoms or Provinces; theſe are generally drawn in a large Square, and are to be confidered as Parts of a Projection on the Plane of the Meridian. From the Top to or toward the Bottom of the 66 The first Principles of Sect. II. } ་ the Square are drawn Meridians, or Lines of Longitude; and the Number of Degrees of Longitude are divided and marked on the up- per and undermoft Line of the Square. From Side to Side are drawn Parallels of Latitude, and the Degrees of Latitude are marked on the two Side Lines. Thus you may eafily find on a Map what is the Longitude or Latitude of any Place given, or you may find the Point where any Town ſtands or ſhould ſtand, when the true Longi- tude or Latitude of it are given. Note, In fuch Maps of particular Countries the Longitude is not always reckoned from the firft Meridian, as Fero or Teneriff, but often- times it is reckoned from the Chief City of that Kingdom which is defcribed in the Map, as I have intimated before. Obferve farther, That though in Globes and Maps of the whole World the Longitude is reckoned from the Weft toward the Eaft, yet in finaller Maps it is often reckoned both Ways, as Briftol is 2 Degrees Weſtern Longi- tude from London, Amfterdam has near 5 De- grees of Eaſtern Longitude. 2 Note alfo, That when a fmall Country is repreſented in a large Map, the Lines of Longitude, and Parallels of Latitude, are drawn not merely at every 10 Degrees, as in the Globe, but fometimes at every five De- grees, and fometimes at every fingle Degree. Let Sect. 11. Geography and Aftronomy. 67. Z Let it be obferved alfo in large Maps, that defcribe any particular Country or Province, as a ſingle or double crooked waving Line ſig- nifies a River when it is made ſtrong and black; fo a Publick Road is deſcribed by a fingle or a double Line drawn from Town to Town, not quite fo curled nor ſo ſtrong as a River is, but ſtraight or winding, as the Road itſelf happens. And where the Roads lie thro' a broad Plain or great Common, without Houſes or Hedges, they are fometimes de- fcribed by a double Row of Points. As Villages and fmaller Towns are deſcribed by a little Circle or ſmall round o in Maps of larger Countries, where the Cities are re- preſented by the Figure of a Houſe or two, with a Spire or Steeple; fo in Maps of fmal- ler Countries or Provinces, the little Towns and Villages are deſcribed by the Figure of a Houfe or two, and great Towns or Cities are marked like feveral Buildings put together in Profpect, or elfe the naked Plan of thoſe very Towns or Cities is drawn there and diſtinguiſhed according to their Streets. I proceed now to confider Sea-Charts. As Maps are drawn to defcribe particular Countries by Land, ſo a Deſcription of Coafts or Shores, and of the Seas for the ufe of Ma- riners, is called a Sea-Chart, and it differs from a Map chiefly in theſe Particulars. I. A Map of the Land is full of Names and Marks defcribing all the Towns, Coun- F tries, 68 Sect. II. The first Principles of - tries, Rivers, Mountains, &c. but in a Sea- Chart there are feldom any Parts of the Land marked or defcribed, befides the Coafts or Shores, and the Sea-Ports, the Towns or Cities that border upon the Sea, and the Mouths of Rivers. II. In a Map the Sea is left as an empty Space, except where the Lines of Longitude and Latitude, &c. are placed; But in Sea- Charts all the Shoals or Sands, and fhallow Waters, are marked exactly according to their Shape, as they have been found to lie in the Sea by founding the Depth in every Part of them. III. In Sea-Charts the Meridians are often drawn in ftraight and parallel Lines, and the Lines of Latitude are alfo ftraight Parallels croffing the Meridian at right Angles, This is called Mercator's Projection; and the Points of the Compafs are frequently repeat- ed and extended through the whole Chart in a Multitude of croffing Lines *, that where- foever the Mariner is upon the Sea, he may know toward what Point of the Compaſs he muſt ſteer, or dire& his Veffel to carry it toward any particular Port; and that we may be able to fee with one Caft of an Eye the various Bearings of any Port, Coaſt, Inland, Cape, &c. toward each other. IV. The Sea is alfo filled in Sea-Charts with various Numbers or Figures which denote * See the Marginal Note, Problem X. Sect. XIX, Sect. 12. Geography and Aftronomy. 69 denote the Depth of Water, and ſhew how many Fathom deep the Sea is in thofe Places where the Number ftands. Thefe are called Soundings. V. In Sea-Charts there is not fuch Care taken to place the North Parts of the World always directly upright and before the Face of the Reader; but the Coafts and Coun- tries are uſually deſcribed in fuch a Poſition, as may afford the fittest Room to bring in the greateſt Variety of Shores and Seas with- in the Compaſs of the fame Chart, whether the Eaft, or Weft, or North, be placed di- rectly before the Reader. Here let it be noted, that as Geography, taken ſtrictly and properly, is a Deſcription of Land, ſo a Deſcription of Water or Sea is called Hydrography; and as thoſe who de- fcribe the Land on Maps are properly called Geographers, fo. thofe who draw the Sea- Charts are often called Hydrographers. 1 SE C T. XII. The Political Divifions of the Earth repre- fented on the Globe. THUS we have finiſhed the natural Divifions of the Surface of the Earth; we come now to confider how it is divided Politically by Men who inhabit it. F 2 In 70 Sect. 12. The first Principles of } In this Senſe it is diſtinguiſhed into Four Quarters; and into Empires, Kingdoms, Commonwealths, Principalities, Dukedoms, Provinces, Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, &c. States, The Earth is firft divided into four chief Parts or Quarters, which are called Europe, Afia, Africa, and America. Europe is divided from Africa, and bound- ed on the South Side by the Mediterranean Sea. On its Eaftern Side it is divided from Afia by a Line drawn on the Eaſt Side of Candia, or Crete, paffing up the Ægean Sea, and through the Propontis into the Euxine or Black Sea, and from thence through the Sea of Zabaique, by the River Don or Tanais, and thence through Muscovy, (as fome will have it) to the River Oby, rúnning into the Northern Ocean. It is alfo bounded on the Weft Side by the Weſtern or Atlantick Ocean. Afia is alfo bounded on the North by the Northern frozen Seas: On the South by the Indian Ocean: On the Eaft it includes Chi- na, and the Oriental Islands: But on the North Eaft its Bounds are unknown, for Travellers have not yet been able to deter- mine whether thofe Eaftern Parts of Great Tartary may not be joined to fome un- known Parts of North America. Africa is a large Peninſula joining to Afia by a little Neck of Land at Egypt, bounded on the North by the Mediterranean Sea: On Sect. 13. Geography and Aftronomy. 71 On the Weſt by the Atlantick and Ethiopick Oceans: On the North Eaſt by the Red Sea; and on the South and Eaft by the Southern and Indian Oceans. America was unknown to the Ancients, till found out by Christopher Columbus, a little above two hundred Years ago. It is called in general the West Indies. It lies al- moſt three thouſand Leagues to the Weft- ward from Europe and Africa, on the other Side of the Atlantick and Ethiopick Seas: It is made up of two large Continents, divided by a narrow Neck of Land into two Parts ; the one is called North America, or Mexicana, the other South America, or Peruana. Let us treat briefly of each of theſe in their Order. SECT. XIII. Of EUROPE, and its feveral Countries and Kingdoms. ΤΗ HE chief Countries of which EUROPE is compofed, may be diſtinguiſhed in- to the Northern, the Middle, and the South- ern Parts. I. The Northern Parts are the British Isles, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Mufcovy, and Lapland. F 3 The { 72 The first Principles of Sect. 13 The British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain contains the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, which were lately united into one. The chief City of England is London, and Edinburgh is the chief in Scotland, as Dublin is in Ireland. Note, That Wales is reckoned a Part of Eng- land, though they ſpeak, in general, a diffe- rent Language. Denmark is a ſmall Kingdom on the North of Germany, made up of one Peninſula, and feveral Iflands in the Baltick Sea; its chief City is Copenhagen, which fſtands in the largeft of thoſe Iſlands. The Kingdom of Norway (which lies all along bordering on the Weft of Sweden) has its chief Town Drontheim; this, together with the Ifle of Iceland, far diftant in the Northern Sea, is under the Government of the King of Denmark. Sweden is one of the Northern Kingdoms which almoſt encompaffes the Baltick Sea: Its chief city is Stockholm. That Part of it that lies on the Eaft Side of the Baltick, is called Finland, Livonia, &c. and the South- ern Part on the Weft Side next to Denmark, is called Gothland. All the North-Eaft Part of Europe is Ruffia and Mufcovy, under the Government of the Czar, whofe capital City is Mofcow. His Conquefts have lately joined Livonia to his Sect. 13. 73 Geography and Aftronomy. + 11 I his Dominion, which before belonged to Sweden, and there he has built the City called Peterburg. Lapland is a cold favage Country that lies on the North of Sweden, and belongs to three Princes, namely, the Dane, the Swede, and the Muscovite. Note, That Norway, Lapland, and Swe- den, were once all comprized under the ge- neral Name of Scandinavia. IÍ. The middle Parts of Europe are France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Little Tar- iary. France lies juft Southward of England; its Northern Coaſt is waſhed by the Engliſh Channel; its Weſtern Shores by the Atlan tick Sea; and its Southern by the Mediter- ranean: Its chief City is Paris. Before I proceed to Germany, it is proper to mention a long Row of diftinct Govern- ments which lie on the Eaft of France, and divide it from Germany and Italy. Theſe are the Seven United Provinces, the Ten Spanish Provinces, the Dukedom of Lorrain, the Countries of Switzerland, Savoy, and Pied- mont. The Seven United Provinces are called by the Name of Holland, becaufe that is the big- geft of them. They are a moft confiderable Commonwealth, and their chief Cities are Amfterdam, Rotterdam, Leyden, Utrecht, &c. F 4 South- 1 1 74 The firft Principles of Sect. 13. Southward of this lie the Ten Spanish Pro- vinces, or the Low Countries, or Netherlands, which are called by the Name of Flanders, becauſe that is the largest of them: They have belonged to the Kingdom of Spain for fome Ages; but they are now under the Em- peror of Germany; their chief Cities are Bruffels, Antwerp, Louvain, Mons, Namur, Ghent, &c. Lorrain lies to the South of Flanders, and is governed by a Duke: Its chief Town is Nancy. Switzerland is the next: It is a free Repub- lick divided into thirteen Parts, commonly called the Swiss Cantons; named, Zurich, Bern, Bafil, Lucern, &c. Their Allies are the Grifons, the Valtoline, &c. The Com- monwealth of Geneva might alſo be men- tioned here, which is a very ſmall but free Sovereignty, and maintains its Rights, becauſe none of its Neighbours will let the others feize and poffefs it. The Dukedom of Savoy and Piedmont bor- ders upon the South of Switzerland, and reaches to the Mediterranean Sea: Its chief City is Turin. Its Duke is lately made King of Sardinia. I proceed now to Germany, which ſtands in the very Heart of Europe; it is called an Empire, and its chief City, where the Em- peror dwells, is Vienna: But there are in it many } Sect. 13. Geography and Aftronomy. 75 many leffer Governments, fuch as Dukedoms, Marquifates, Biſhopricks, and feveral free Towns or Cities that have fome Dependence upon the Emperor, but yet are little Sove- reignties within themſelves. The moſt confiderable of theſe is the Do- minion of the Archduke of Auſtria, who is King of Bohemia and Hungary, and is gene- rally chofen Emperor. The nine Electorates are next in Honour, which are fo called be- cauſe their Governors are Electors, by whom the Emperor of Germany is chofen. Their Names or Titles are thefe. (1.) The Arch- bishop of Ment. (2.) The Archbiſhop of Triers or Treves. (3.) The Archbiſhop of Cologn. (4.) The King of Bohemia. (5.) The Duke of Bavaria. (6.) The Duke of Saxony. (7.) The Marquis of Brandenburgh, now King of Prufia. (8.) The Prince Pa- latine of the Rhine. (9.) The Duke of Brunfwick and Lunenburg, who is alſo King of Great Britain. Befides all theſe, there are many ſmall Principalities governed by Secular or Ecclefiaftical Powers, which are too nu- merous to be reckoned up here. Poland is a large Kingdom lying to the Eaft of Germany: It comprehends alſo the large Province of Lithuania: The chief Cities of this Kingdom are Warfaw and Cracow. I might here mention the Country of Pruſſia, which fome Years paft has been dignified with 1 ; 76 The first Principles of Sect. 13. ' with the Name of a Kingdom: It is fituate Northward between Germany and Poland. The King refides at Berlin in Brandenburgh. Hungary is a Kingdom which lies juft South of Poland, its chief Towns are Prefburg and Buda: It has been in a great Meaſure under the Government of the Turks; but it now belongs to the Emperor of Germany. Little Tartary, which is alfo called Crim Tartary, is a ſmall Country lying to the Eaſt of Poland, and ſtretching along on the North Side of the Euxine or Black Sea. III. We go on now to the Southern Parts of Europe; and theſe are Spain, Italy, and the European Dominions of the Turk. Spain is the moſt Southern Kingdom of Europe, a large Country; its capital City Ma- drid, ftands in the Midft of it: On the Weft Side of it lies the Kingdom of Portugal, bor- dering all along upon it; it was once a Part of Spain, but now is fubject to a diſtinct King: Its chief City is Libon. Italy is a large Peninſula in the Mediterra- nean Sea, and contains various Governments in it, namely, Mantua, Modena, Parma, Lucca, Genoa, &c. but the moſt noted and remarka- ble are theſe five, Venice, Milan, Florence or Tuſcany, Naples, and the State of the Church, which is the Dominion of the Pope, whoſe chief City is Rome. In i Sect.. 13. Geography and Aftronomy. 77 In the South-Eaſt Part of Europe lies the famous Country of Greece, which contains the ancient Provinces of Macedonia, Theffa- lia, Achaia, &c. with the Towns of Theſſa- lonica, Philippi, Athens, Corinth, &c. and the Peninſula of Peloponnefus, now called the Morea; but all theſe, together with the more Northern Provinces of Tranfilvania, Wala- chia, Bulgaria, Romania, &c. are now al- moſt intirely under the Dominion of the Turk, whofe chief City is Conftantinople, fi- tuate at the Mouth of the Euxine Sea. All this is called Turky in Europe. Thus have we gone through the Northern and Middle, and Southern Countries of Eu- rope: But it may be proper to mention alfo fome of the chief Iſlands of this Part of the World, as well as the Mountains of Europe, and its Rivers. Near to Italy, France and Spain, lie ſeve- ral Iſlands in the Mediterranean Sea; fuch as Majorca, Minorca, Ivica, Corfica, Sardinia, Sicily and Malta, which belong to different Princes. On the Eaſt Side of Greece is the Ægean Sea, or Archipelago, in which are many finall Iſlands, and Crete, a large one: On the Weſt Side of Greece is the Gulph of Venice, or the Adriatick Sea, in which alſo there are feveral fmall Iſlands, as Corfu, Cephalonia, Zant,&c. Divers 78 Sect. 13. The firft Principles of + 1 } - Divers other Iles there are which are in- cluded in Europe; as the Isle of Mann, of An- glefey, of Wight, of Jersey, Guernsey, &c. which belong to England: The Hebrides on the Weft of Scotland, the Orcades, and Schetland Isles on the North: Some in the Baltick Sea, which belong to Sweden and Denmark: The Azores or Weſtern Iſlands in the Atlantick Sea, which are under the King of Spain. And ſeveral others of lefs Note. Some of the moſt remarkable Mountains in Europe are, (1.) The Alps between France and Italy. (2.) The Apennine Hills in Italy. (3.) The Pyrenean Hills between France and Spain. (4.) The Carpathian Mountains in the South of Poland. (5.) The Peak in Der- byſhire in England. (6.) Plinlimmon in Wales, &c. Befides feveral Volcano's, or Burning Mountains, as Vefuvius and Stromboli in Na- ples, Mount Etna, now called Mon-Gibel, in the Iſland of Sicily, and Mount Hecla in the cold Iſle of Iceland. The principal Rivers of Note in Europe, are the Thames and the Severn in England; the Tay in Scotland; the Shannon in Ireland; Tagus in Portugal and Spain; the Po and Tiber in Italy; the Weifel or Viftula in Po- land. In Germany, the Elbe and the Oder, the Rhine and the Danube. In France, the Seine 5 Sect. 14. Geography and Aftronomy. 79. Seine and the Rhone. In Mofcovy, the Don and the Volga. The Danube and the Volga are the largeſt Rivers in Europe, the Danube runningthrough all Germany and Turky into the Euxine, or Black Sea; and the Volga, (which fome Wri- ters attribute to Afia, becauſe) though it runs through a great Part of Mofcovy, yet it emp- ties itſelf into the Cafpian Sea. SECT. XIV. Of ASIA, and its feveral Countries and Kingdoms. ASIA may be divided into theſe five Parts, namely, Turky, Perfia, India, China and Tartary. The Dominions of the Turks in Aſia con- tains feveral Countries in it, named Natolia, Palestine, Arabia, Georgia, &c. 1. Natolia, or Afia Minor, which is a Peninſula between the Euxine Sea and the Mediterranean, where lay the antient Coun- tries of Galatia, Cappadocia, Pontus, Bythi- nia, Lyconia, Cilicia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, &c. throughwhich the Apoſtle Paul travelled, and made many Converts there. Here were the ſeven famous Churches of Afia, to which the Epiftles were written in the fecond and third 80 Sect. 14. The firft Principles of third Chapters of the Revelation, namely, Ephefus, Smyrna, Sardis, &c. Many of them are now called by different Names: But Smyrna is one of the chief Cities in the whole Country. 2. Palestine, or the Holy Land, and all the adjacent Countries of Syria, Chaldea, Mefo- potamia, &c. The chief Towns in it now are Aleppo, Scanderoon, or Alexandretta, Bag- dat or Babylon, Damafcus, Jerufalem, &c. 3. Arabia, which anciently was divided into Arabia the Happy, Arabia the Deſert, and Arabia the Stony, lying all between the Perfian Gulf, and the Red Sea: The chief Towns of it are Mecca, Medina, &c. 4. Georgia and Turkomania, formerly call- ed Armenia Major, are Northern Provinces belonging to the Turks, that lie between the Euxine and the Cafpian Sea. Perfia, a large Empire, lies Eaſtward from Turky between the Cafpian and Indian Seas : Its capital City is Ifpahan. India is divided in two Parts by the River Ganges. India, on this Side the Ganges, con- tains the biggeſt Part of the Empire of the Great Mogul, whoſe chief City is Agra. In a Peninſula or large Promontory in this Part of India, are various Settlements of the Eu- ropean Nations; as at Fort St. George, Tran- quebar, Goa, &c. Beyond the River Ganges lies another large Peninſula, which contains the Countries of Pegu, Siam, Tunquin, Co- chinchina, &c. Eaſtward Sect. 14. 81 Geography and Aftronomy. ' Eaſtward of all theſe lies the Empire of China, a large and a polite Nation, whofe chief City is Pekin. Thefe Countries laft named are called in general the East Indies. Great Tartary takes up all the Northern Part of Afa. That which borders upon Mofcovy, is often called Mofcovy in Afia: The whole is a favage, unpoliſhed, and un- known Country, as to the Parts, as well as the Inhabitants of it; and how far it reaches to the North-Eaft, no Man in this Part of the World can inform us. There are Multitudes of Iſlands which be- long to Afia, the chief of which are Japan, Borneo, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Ceylon, the Philippine Iles, the Maldive Ifles, &c. all thefe in the Eaſtern Ocean, and Cyprus in the Mediterranean. The moſt remarkable Rivers are Tigrus and Euphrates in Turky, Ganges and Indus in India, whence the whole Country took its firft Name. 1 The chief Mountains are Imaus, Caucafus, Ararat, which are but different Parts of the long Ridge of Hills which runs through Afia from the Weſt to the Eaſt, and is call- ed by the ancient general Name of Mount Taurus, AS SECT. 82 Sect. 15. The first Principles of 0 SE C T. XV. Of AFRICA, and its Divifions. AFRICA is the Third Quarter of the World: It may be divided into the fol- lowing Territories; Egypt, Barbary, Bildul- gerid, Zaara, Nigritia, Guinea, Ñubia, A- byffinia and Ethiopia. Egypt lies to the North Eaſt, and joins to Afia; the chief Cities are Grand Cairo and Alexandria. Barbary is a long Country, it compre- hends moft Part of the ancient Mauritania, or the Country of the Moors; it lies along the Coaſt of the Mediterranean Sea: Its chief Towns are Fez, Morocco, Mechanefs, Sallee, Tangier, Ceuta, Algier, Tunis, Tri- poli and Barca. Bidulgerid, or the ancient Numidia, has its chief Town Dara; it lies South and South Eaft of Barbary, unleſs it be reckon- ed a Part of it. Zaara comes next; it is a Defert Inland Country, and much unknown. So is Ni- gritia, or the Land of the Negroes, which lies to the South of Zaara; as Guinea is fi- tuated in the South of Nigritia. The Tooth or Ivory Coaft, and the Quaque Coaft, and the Gold Coaſt, are ſeveral Divifions of Gui- nea well known to Mariners. Nubia 1 Į Sect. 15. Geography and Aftronomy. 83 1 Nubia lies Southward of Egypt, as Abyf- finia does to the South of Nubia, both near the Coaft of the Red Sea. Ethiopia has been given as a general Name to all the Countries that compoſe the South- Eaft and South Part of Africa, at leaft, all the Maritime Countries or Coafts from Gui- nea, on the Weſtern Side to Abyffinia, or Nubia on the Eaft, and fometimes it includes Abyffinia alfo, which is called the Leffer or Inner Ethiopia. In the more Southern Part of Ethiopia, are the Inland Kingdoms of Monomotapa, Monoemunga, &c. On the Weſtern Coaſt, Congo, Loango, Angola: The Eaſtern Coaſt is Zanguebar and the Mozambique: The Southermoſt Coaſt is inhabited by the Cafres and the Hottentots, near the Cape of Good Hope, who are remarkable for their Stupidity, living in the moſt brutal and barbarous Man- ner, as though they had little of human Na- ture in them befide the Shape. The chief Ilands near Africa are the large Ifle Madagascar, called the Ifle of St. Lawrence, that lies toward the Eaftern Sea; and on the Weft or North-Weft are the fmall Iſlands of Cape Verd, the Canary Iſlands, and the Maderas in the Atlantick Sea, with others of leffer Note in the Ethiopick Sea. G The 1 84 Sect. 16. The first Principles of The moſt famous Rivers in Africa are the Nile and the Niger. The Nile runs through all the Eaſtern Part of the Country, and emp- ties itſelf into the Mediterranean Sea by ma- ny Mouths at the Land of Egypt. The River Senegal, anciently called Niger, runs through Negroland into the Atlantick Ocean. The moſt remarkable Mountains are thefe, (1.) Mount Atlas, or the Atlantick Hills in the Weft of Barbary, which were fuppofed. by the Ancients to be the higheſt in the World; whence came the Fable of Atlas a Giant, bearing the Heavens upon his Shoul- ders. (2.) The Mountains of the Moon, which lie much more Southward toward Mo- nomotapa: And (3.) The exceeding high Hill of Teneriff, which is among the Canary Iflands. SECT. XVI. Of AMERICA, and its Divifions. MERICA is the Fourth and laſt Quar- AM ter of the World, it is divided into the Northern and Southern Parts by an Ifthmus or Neck of Land at Darien or Panama. Northern America includes Canada, the English Empire, Old Mexico, New Mexico, Florida, and the Northern Land. The Sect. 16. Geography and Aftronomy. 85 The Northern Land contains fome Iſlands and Settlements of European Nations, in Hudson's Bay and other Coafts of Groenland, Greenland, near to the Arctick Circle, but few of them are much known, frequented, or inhabited. As for the North-Weft Part of North- America, it is utterly unknown whether it be Iſland or Continent, whether it may not reach thouſands of Miles farther, and be joined to the North-Eaft Part of Great Tartary. Canada, or New France, lies on the North- Eaſt Side of the River St. Lawrence, its chief Town is Quebec*. The English Empire in America lies along the Eaſtern Coaſt from about thirty to almoſt fifty Degrees of North Latitude. New England is the chief Province, of which Boſton is the principal Town or City. North of New England lies Acadia, ſometimes called New Scotland: Its chief Town was Port Royal, which hath changed its Name to Annapolis. Southward of New England lie New York, New Jersey, Pennfilvania and Ma- ryland, Virginia and Carolina. On the Weſt and North-Weft Side of thefe Plantations, lie large Tracts of Land with many great Lakes in it, where various Nations of Savages inhabit. Florida comes next in Courſe to be men- tioned; it borders Eaft or North-Eaſtward G 2 on * Ganada was taken from the French, and ceded to the British Empire at the Peace made in 1763. 1 86 Sect. 16. The first Principles of گھر " } 1 on Carolina, and Weftward it reaches to the River Miffifippi and beyond it: It is bounded by the Sea on the South, but there have been no very great or remarkable Towns or Settlements formed there by the Spaniards, who found and named it. New Mexico, or New Granada, lies Weft of Florida *, poffeffed alfo by the Spaniards ; its chief Town is St.Fe, upon the River Nort. Mexico, or New Spain, lies more South, it is a large and rich Country, long and un- even, ftretching from North-Weft to South- Eaft; and contains many Provinces in it be- longing to the Spaniards, who have deſtroy- ed Millions of the Natives there. It has fe- veral Towns, of which the chief has the Name of Mexico given it. Florida and Mex- ico together makes a large Bay, which is call- ed the Gulf of Florida, or the Gulf of Mexi- co. This Country reaches down to the ſmall Neck of Land whereby South America is joined to it. On this Neck of Land are Pa- nama on the South Side, and Porto Bello on the North. The Southern Part of America is fome- thing like a large Triangle lying on the vaſt Southern Ocean, and almoſt encompaffed by it: On the Weftern Side this Ocean is called the Pacifick Sea, becauſe feldom vexed with Storms. 1 * Ceded alſo to the British Empire in 1763. This Sect. 16. Geography and Aftronomy. 87 This Southern Part of America compre- hends many great Countries, namely, Terra Firma, Peru, Amazonia, Guinea, Brafil, Chili, Paraguay, Terra Magellanica, &c. The Inland Parts are very much unknown, but the greateſt Part of the Coaſts are poffeffed by the Inhabitants derived from Spain and Portugal, who have made various Settle- ments there. The chief Iſlands of America in the North are Newfoundland, which is a Triangle near Acadia; then Cuba, Hifpaniola, and Ja- maica, all in the fame Climate with Mexico. The leffer Iſles are called Lucayes, or Bahama Ilands, South-Eaſt of Florida; and the Ca- ribbee Islands Eaftward of Hifpaniola. On the Weft Side of North America lies a very large and long Iſland, called California, with many little ones near it. The chief fland in South America is Terra Delfuego, which lies near the main Land, and thus makes the Straits of Magellan. There are many others of lefs Extent and Note, both on the Coaſt, and in the vaſt South Sea. The most noted Rivers of North America, are the great River St Lawrence, that di- vides Canada from New England; and the River Miffippi, where the French have made large Settlements. G 3 In ! 88 Sect. 17. The first Principles of In South America the two great Rivers are the Amazon with all its Branches, and Rio de la Plata, or the River of Plate. The chief Mountains are the Apalachian Hills in North America, which divide Florida from the more Northern Countries; and the Andes in South America; which is a long Ridge of Mountains running from the South Part of America toward the North: Travel- lers ſuppoſe them to be the higheſt in the World. Thus I have deſcribed the various Coun- tries of the Earth in a very brief but imper- fect manner, ſufficient only to give the young and ignorant Reader a Taste of Geography, and to encourage him to purſue the Study farther in that excellent Manual, Gordon's Geographical Grammar, or in Volumes of larger Size. SE C T. XVII, Of the Fixed Stars on the heavenly Globe. As S the Terreftrial Globe has the various Countries, Cities, Mountains, Rivers, and Seas drawn upon it: So on the Celestial Globe are placed the fixed Stars exactly ac- cording to their Situation in the Heavens. Yet there is this Difference between the Repreſentations made by the Heavenly and thofe 2 Sect. 17. Geography and Aftronomy. 89 thoſe made by the Earthly Globe, namely, That the feveral Countries, Rivers and Seas, are reprefented on the Convex or outward Surface of the Earthly Globe, juſt as they lie naturally on the Convex Surface of the Earth: Whereas the Stars naturally appear to us in the Concave, or inward hollow Sur- face of the Heaven, but they are repreſented on the Heavenly Globe on the Convex Sur- face of it. Therefore we muſt ſuppoſe our Eye to be placed in the Centre of the Globe, in order to have the Stars and Heavens ap- pear to us in their Concavity and proper Si- tuation. Planets and Comets are vulgarly called by the general Name of Stars; but the fixed Stars differ from the Planets and the Comets in this, that they always keep the fame Place or Diſtance with regard to one ano- ther; whereas the Planets and Comets are perpetually changing their Places and Dif- - tances with regard to one another, and with regard to the fixed Stars. They differ alfo in this Reſpect, that the fixed Stars generally twinkle, except when near the Zenith, or feen through a Teleſcope; and they ſhoot ſprightly Beams like the Sun; which is ufually given as a Proof, that like the Sun they ſhine with their own Light: The Planets have a more calm Afpect like the Moon, and never twinkle, which is G 4 one 90 Sect. 17. The first Principles of } one Argument among many others that they derive their Light from the Sun, and fhine only by Reflection. For our better Acquaintance with the fix- ed Stars, Aftronomers have reduced them to certain Conftellations. This we have fhewn already in the fecond Section, concerning thofe Stars that lie in the Zodiack, which are reduced to 12 Conſtellations, and called the Twelve Signs, namely, Aries, or the Ram, Taurus or the Bull, Gemini or the Twins, &c. The reſt of the Stars are diftinguiſhed into the Northern and Southern Conſtellations, as lying North or South of the Zodiack or Ecliptick. ; The Northern Conftellations were thus framed by the Ancients, Urfa Minor, or the little Bear, in whofe Tail is the Pole Star; Urfa Major, or the great Bear; Draco, or the Dragon; Cepheus, whofe Feet are juſt at the North Pole: Caffiopeia and her Chair Andromeda, the Northern Triangle, Perfeus with Medufa's Head, Auriga or the Chario- teer, Bootes or the Hunter, who is fometimes called Arcturus, or the Bear-keeper; Corona Borealis, or the Northern Crown; Egonafi, or Hercules kneeling; Lyra, or the Harp; Cygnus, or the Swan; Pegafus, or the great flying Horfe; Equuleus, or Equiculus, the little Horfe's Head; Delphinus, or the Dol- phin; Sagitta, or the Arrow; Aquila, or the Eagle, Sect. 17. Geography and Aftronomy. 91' 1 Eagle, which fome call the Vulture; Serpens, or the Serpent, and Serpentarius the Man who holds it. To theſe 21 Northern Conftellations were afterwards added Antinous at the Equator, next to the Eagle, Cor Caroli, or King Charles's Heart, a fingle Star South of the Great Bear's Tail, and Bernice's Hair, a few fmall Stars South of Charles's Heart, &c. The Southern Conftellations known to the Antients, are, Cetus the Whale, and the Ri- ver Eridanus; Lepus the Hare; the glorious Conftellation of Orion with his Girdle, Sword and Shield; Sirius, or the great Dog; Cani- cula, or the little Dog; Hydra, or the large Ser- pent; the Ship Argo, Crater or the two-hand- ed Cup; Corvus, the Crow, or the Raven; Centaurus, or the Half-Man, Half-Horfe Lupus, or the Wolf; Ara, or the Altar; Co- rona Auftralis, or the Southern Crown; Pifcis Notius, or the Southern Fiſh. To thefe 15 there have been added 12 other Conftellations made up of the fixed Stars toward the South Pole, which are ne- ver vifible to us in Britain, and therefore I fhall not mention them. Aftronomers have framed foine leffer Con- ftellations which are contained in the greater; as the Pleiades, or the Seven Stars; and the Hyades in Taurus, or the Bull; Capella, or the Goat, in which is a very bright Star fo 92 The first Principles of Sect. 17. fo called, in the Arms of Auriga, or the Cha- rioteer: The Manger and Affes in the Crab, which indeed is nothing but a bright Spot compofed of a Multitude of fmall Stars; Charles's Wain, which are feven bright Stars in the Rump and Tail of the Great Bear, three of which in the Tail reſemble the Horſes, and the other four, c, d, b, r, a Square Cart: See Figure xxx. The two hindmoſt Stars in the Cart, namely, b and r, are called the Pointers, becauſe they point to the North Pole p. Befides theſe there are feveral other ſmaller Stars fcattered up and down in the Heavens, which are not reduced to any of the Conftel- lations; though of late Years Hevelius, a great Aftronomer, has made Conftellations of them, which are defcribed upon fome modern Globes. The fixed Stars are of different Sizes, and are divided into thofe of the firft, fecond, third, fourth, fifth, and fixth Magnitudes. There are but a few Stars of the first and fecond Magnitude, and many of them have remarkable Names given to them; as the Ram's Head; Aldebaran, or the Bull's Eye ; Capella, or the Goat; the three Stars in Orion's Girdle; the Lion's Heart; Deneb, or the Lion's Tail; Regel, the Star in Orion's left Foot; Spica Virginis, which is an Ear of Corn in the Virgin's Hand, Hydra's Heart, the Scor- 1 93 Se&t. 17. Geography and Aftronomy. Scorpion's Heart; the Eagle or Vulture's Heart; Ala Pegafi, or the Horfe's Wing; Fomahant, a large Star in the Southern Fish's Mouth near Aquarius; the Pole Star in the Little Bear's Tail, &c. See more in the Ta- ble of fixed Stars at the End of this Book. Some remarkable Stars are called by the Name of the Conſtellation in which they are, as the Great Dog, the Little Dog, Ly- ra, or the Harp, Arcturus the Bear-keeper, Capella the Goat, &c. As the Globe of the Earth, with all the Lands and Seas defcribed on a Terreſtrial Sphere is reprefented on Maps, fo the Ce- leftial Sphere, with all the fixed Stars, is often repreſented on two Tables, or Planifpheres, projected, one on the Plane of the Equator, with the two Poles of the World in their Centres; and the other on the Plane of the Ecliptick, with the Poles of the Ecliptick in their Centres * Note, This fort of Projections have ſome- times been furniſhed with fome little Ap- pendices which are moveable, and makes an Inftrument called a Nocturnal, to take the Hour of the Night, and perform many other Aftronomical Problems by the Stars. It is hardly neceffary to fay, that the Stars are ſuppoſed to keep their conftant Revo- * Mr. Senex, at the Globe, over-againſt St. Dunstan's, in Fleet-ſtreet, printed the beſt that ever were in England, or perhaps in any other Country. 8 94 The first Principles of · 1 Sect. 17. Revolution once in twenty-four Hours by Day as well as by Night: But the Day-Light conceals them from our Eyes. The Sun in its annual Courſe moving from Weſt to Eaſt through all the Signs of the Zodiack, hides all thofe Stars from our Sight which are near its own Light or Place in the Heavens; and therefore at ſeveral Seaſons of the Year you fee different Stars or Conftella- tions rifing or ſetting, or upon the Meridian at every Hour of the Night: And as the Sun goes onward daily and monthly toward the Eaft, the Eaſtern Conftellations come daily and monthly within the Reach of the Sun- Beams, and are concealed thereby, which is called their Setting Heliacally. Heliacally. And the Weſtern Conſtellations hereby getting farther off from the Sun-Beams, are made vifible to us, which is called Rifing Heliacally. Thus, as I intimated before, we may eafily find what Stars will be upon the Me- ridian every Midnight, by confidering in what Sign the Sun is, and in what Degree of that Sign; for the Sun, with the Stars that are near it, being upon the Meridian at Noon, the Stars that are directly oppofite to them in the Heavens will be upon the Meridian that Day at Midnight. And by the fame Means, if you obſerve what Stars are upon the Meri- dian at Midnight, you eafily infer the Sun is in the oppofite Point of the Heavens at Midnoon. Here Sect. 18. Geography and Aftronomy. 95 i Here it ſhould not be forgotten, that there is a broad uneven Path incompaffing the Hea- vens, paffing near the North Pole, which is brighter than the reft of the Sky, and may be beſt feen in the darkest Night; this is called the Milky Way, which later Philofo- phers have found by their Teleſcopes to be formed by the mingled Rays of innumerable finall Stars. It is to the fame Cauſe that ſome other bright Spots in the Sky (though not all) are afcribed, which appear to us like whitish Clouds in Midnight Darkneſs. SECT. XVIII. Of the Planets and Comets. THOUGH the Planets and Comets are never painted upon the Globe, becauſe they have no certain Place, yet it is neceſ- fury here to make fome mention of them; fince they are Stars much nearer to us than the fixed Stars are, and we know much more of them. The Planets are in themſelves huge dark Bodies which receive their Light from the Sun, and reflect it back to us. They are called Planets from a Greek Word, which fignifies 1 96 Sect. 18. The firft Principles of fignifies Wanderers; because they are always changing their Places in the Heavens, both with regard to the fixed Stars, and with re- gard to one another. The Planets are placed at very different Diſtances from the Centre of our World, (whether that be the Earth or the Sun) and they make their various Revolutions through the twelve Signs of the Zodiack in different Periods of Time.. Saturn Jupiter Mars in 29 Years and 167 Days, i. e. about 24 Weeks. → Earth or Sun in Venus Mercury Moon in II in I 314 321 45 46 I O in 224 32 in 87 121 in o 27 1/2 4 As the Ecliptick Line is the Orbit or An- nual Path of the Earth or Sun, fo each Pla- net has its proper Orbit, whofe Plane differs fome few Degrees from the Plane of the Or- bit of the Sun, and to a Spectator's Eye pla- ced in the Centre would interfect or cut the Sun's Orbit at two oppofite Points or Nodes. Now the Diſtance of a Planet from the Eclip- tick, meaſured by an Arch perpendicular to the Ecliptick, is the Latitude of that Planet, as before. To reprefent this as in Figure x1. you may imagine as many Hoops as there are Pla- nets thruſt thro' with feveral ftraight Wires, and thereby joined in different Places to the Hoop 1 Sect. 18. Geography and Aftronomy. 97 Hoop that repreſents the Plane of the Ecliptick, that is, the Sun's or Earth's Orbit; and then let theſe Hoops be turned more or lefs oblique- ly from the Plane of the Ecliptick: For all the feveral Orbits or Paths of the Planets do not croſs or interfect the Ecliptick or Sun's Path in the fame Point, nor at the fame An- gles But their Nodes or Interfections of the Ecliptick are in different Parts of the Eclip- tick, and alſo make different Angles with it. Among the feveral Uſes of obſerving the Latitude of a Planet, fee one very neceſſary in Problem XXXVII. The Comets were by Ariftotle and his Fol- lowers fuppofed to be a fort of Meteors or Fires formed in the Sky below the Moon, continuing for fome Months, and then vaniſh- ing again. But by later Aftronomers they have been found to be dark Bodies like the Planets, moving through the Heavens with- out any regard to the Ecliptick, but in very different Orbits, which are ſuppoſed to be Ellipfes or Ovals of prodigious Length, and returning at various Periods of feveral fcores or hundreds of Years. Though it must be confeffed, thofe Parts of their Orbits which are within the Reach of our Sight, are fo very inconfiderable Parts of the vaft Ovals they are ſaid to deſcribe, that it has been much doubted, whether the Lines they defcribe in their Motion be not Parabolical, or fome other 1 " 98 Sect. 18. The first Principles of other infinite Curve; and thus whether the Comets themſelves are not wandering Stars that have loft all regular Revolution, and perhaps have no fettled Periods at all, and may never return again: But Comets appear ſo ſeldom, that they have ſcarce given the nice Enquirers of theſe laft Ages fufficient Opportunity to obferve or calculate their Motions with fuch an abfolute Certainty as could be wifhed. Thus I have finiſhed the fpeculative Part of this Difcourfe, which contains the Rudi- ments, or firft Principles of Aftronomy : It is called the Spherical Part, becauſe it treats of the Doctrine and Ufe of the Sphere; and I have concluded therein the general Part of Geography, and given a flight Survey of the particular Divifions of the Earth. It is indeed the Second or Special Part of Geography, that treats properly of theſe par- ticular Divifions of the Earth, which I have but flightly run over, and in a much larger manner enumerates' not only all the King- doms, States, and Governments of the World, but alſo gives fome Account of their Man- ners, Temper, Religion, Traffick, Manu- factures, Occupations, &c. It alſo deſcribes the various Towns and Villages, the larger and leffer Mountains, Rivers, Forefts, the feveral Products of every Country, the Birds, Beafts, Sect. 18. Geography and Aftronomy. 99 Beaſts, Infects, Fiſhes, Plants, Herbs, the Soil, Minerals, Metals, and all Rarities of Art and Nature: It relates alfo the various ancient and modern Names of the Nations, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Iſlands, &c. What remarkable Occurrences of Battles, Victories, Famine, Defolations, Prodigies, &c. has happened in every Nation, and whatſoever has rendered it worthy of public Notice in the World. There are many Books extant in the World on this Subject; ſome of leffer Size, ſuch as Gordon's Geographical Grammar, Chamber- lain's Geography; and larger, namely, Morden's Geography Rectified, in Quarto, Thefaurus Geo- graphicus, Moll's Geography, in Folio, &c. The Second or Special Part of Aftronomy, is called the Theory of the Heavens, or the Sun andPlanets; which will lead us into theKnow- ledge of a thouſand beautiful and entertaining Truths concerning the Syftem of the World, the various Appearances of the Heavenly Bo- dies, and the Reaſons of thofe Appearances, namely, a more particular and exact Account of the Day and Night; and of the ſeveral Seaſons of the Year, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter; of the Length and Shortness of the Days: Why in the Winter the Sun is nearer to us than it is in the Summer, and why the Winter Half-Year is feven or eight H Days 1 ...... 100 The first Principles of Sect. 18. 1 Days fhorter than the Summer Half-Year: Whence come the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon, both total and partial; why the Moon is only eclipfed when ſhe is full, and the Sun only when ſhe is new: Whence proceed the different Phaſes of the Moon, as the New or Horned Moon, the Half-Moon, the Full, &c. Why the two lower Planets, Mercury and Ve- nus, always keep near the Sun, and never move fo far as two whole Signs from it: Why Venus is horned, halved and full, as the Moon is: Why the three fuperior Planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, appear at all Diſtances from the Sun, and are fometimes quite oppofite to it: Why both the upper and lower Planets fome- times appear ſwifter, fometimes flower: Why they ſeem ſometimes to move directly, or forward, fometimes retrograde, or backward, fometimes are ftationary, or feem to ftand ſtill: Why they are fometimes nearer to the Earth, which is called their Perigeum, and fometimes farther from the Earth, which is called their Apogeum, and by this Means ap- pear greater or leſs. Why they are nigher to, or farther from the Sun, which is called their Perihelion and Aphelion; and in what Part of their Orbits this Difference falls out: How it comes to paſs that they ſeem higher in the Horizon than really they are, by Refraction; and how again they feem lower than they really are, by the Parallax. In í | t Sect. 18. Geography and Aftronomy. IOI In this Part of Aſtronomy it is proper alfo to fhew the different Schemes or Hypothefes that have been invented to folve or explain all theſe Appearances of the Heavenly Bodies. Here the Ptolemaic or ancient Syſtem ſhould have the firſt Place, to reprefent how the Antients placed the Earth in the Centre of the World, and fuppofed the Sun to move round it amongſt the other Planets, as it ap- pears to the vulgar Eye; and what tedious and bungling Work they made by their Con- trivance of folid transparent Spheres of dif- ferent Thickneſs, placed in Eccentric Order, and affifted by their little Epicycles: What infinite Embarraffments and Difficulties at- tend this rude and ill adjuſted Contrivance ; and how impoffible it is to folve all the Ap- pearances of Nature by this Hypothefis. Then the Modern or Copernican Scheme fhould be repreſented, which makes the Hea- ven all void, or at least filled only with very fine Ethereal Matter; which places the Sun in the Centre of our World, with all the Planets whirling round it; which makes the Earth a Planet, turning daily round its own Axis (which is the Axis of the Equator) to form Day and Night; and alſo carried yearly round the Sun in the Ecliptick, between the Orbits of Venus and Mars, to form Summer and Winter. This Scheme alfo makes the Moon a Secondary Planet, rolling monthly round H 2 the 102 The first Principles of Sect. 18. } the Earth, and carried with it in its yearly Courſe round the Sun, whereby all the Va- riety of Appearances of the Sun and Moon, and of all the Planets, as well as the Dif- ferences of Day and Night, Summer and Winter, are refolved and explained with the greateſt Eaſe, and in the moſt natural and fimple manner. Here alſo it ſhould be fhewn, that as the Moon is but a Secondary Planet, becauſe it moves round the Earth, which is itſelf a Planet: So Jupiter, which moves round the Sun, has alfo four Secondary Planets, or Moons, moving round it, which are ſometimes called his Satellites, or Life-Guards; Saturn alfo has five fuch Moons, all which keep their cer- tain Periodical Revolutions: And befide thefe, Saturn is incompaffed with a large Flat Ring, 21000 Miles broad, whofe Edges ſtand in- ward toward the Globe of Saturn, (like a wooden Horizon round a Globe) at about 21000 Miles Diſtance from it, which is the moſt amazing Appearance among all the hea- venly Bodies: But theſe Secondary Planets, which belong to Jupiter and Saturn, toge- ther with this admirable Ring, are vifible only by the Affiſtance of Teleſcopes: And yet Ma- thematicians are arrived at fo great an Exact- neſs in adjuſting the Periods and Diſtances of thefe Secondary Planets, that by the Motions. and Eclipfes of the Moons of Jupiter, they find Sect. 18. Geography and Aftronomy. 103 find not only the true Swiftneſs of the Motion of Light or Sun-beams, but they find alſo the Difference of Longitude between two Places on the Earth. It may be manifefted here alfo, that fe- veral of the Planets have their Revolutions round their own Axis in certain Periods of Time, as the Earth has in 24 Hours; and that they are vaſt bulky dark Bodies, fome of them much bigger than our Earth, and confequently fitted for the Dwelling of fome Creatures; ſo that it is probable they are all Habitable Worlds, furniſhed with rich Variety of Inhabitants, to the Praiſe of their great Creator. Nor is there wanting fome Proof of this from the Scripture itſelf. For when the Prophet Iſaiah tells us, that God who formed the Earth, created it not in vain, be- cauſe be formed it to be inhabited, Ifa. xlv. 18. He thereby infinuates, that had ſuch a Globe as the Earth never been inhabited, it had been created in vain. Now the fame Way of Rea- ſoning may be applied to the other Planetary Worlds, fome of which are fo much bigger than the Earth is, and their Situations and Motions feem to render them as convenient Dwellings for Creatures of fome Animal and Intellectual Kind. Many of thefe Things have been performed by ingenious Men with great Exactneſs, for the Uſe of Perfons learned in the Mathe- H 3 matics; 104 The First Principles of Sect. 19. matics; but I know not any ſhort, plain, and intelligible Account of them fitted for the Ufe of the unlearned World, except among Dr Wells's Volumes, intitled, Mathematics for a young Gentleman: Yet I perfuade myfelf, that fome Parts of it might be performed with greater Eafe and Clearnefs, in a more natural Method, and to much greater Per- fection, if ſome Perfon of peculiar Skill in theſe Sciences, and of equal Condefcenfion, would undertake the Work, ? 7 SE C T. XIX. Problems relating to Geography and Aftro- nomy to be performed by the Globe. AS Theorems in Mathematic Sciences are certain Propofitions declaring fome Ma- thematical Truth: So a Problem is a Mathe- matical Queſtion propofed to be refolved, or fome Practice to be performed. Becauſe this Problematic Part will require the Recollection of a great many Things in the former Sections, I think it may not be improper to give a fhort Summary of Defi nitions of the chief Subjects of Diſcourſe in the 1 Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 105 the Doctrine of the Sphere, and ſet them in one View. DEFINITION S. The Latitude of a Place on the Earthly Globe, is the Diſtance of the Zenith of that Place from the Equator toward the North or South Pole, meaſured by the Degrees of the Meridian. The Elevation of the Pole is the Height of the Pole above the Horizon of that Place, meafured on the Meridian : And it is always the fame Number of Degrees as the Lati- tude. The Longitude of a Place is the Diſtance of it toward the Eaft or Weft from fome firft Meridian, and it is meaſured on the Equator. The Declination of the Sun, or any Star or Planet, is its Diſtance Northward or South- ward from the Equator, meaſured on the Meridian. It is the fame Thing as Latitude on the Earthly Globe. The Right Afcenfion of the Sun, is its Dif- tance from that Meridian that cuts the Point Aries, meaſured Eaſtward on the Equator; it is much the fame with Longitude on the Earthly Globe. The Hour of the Sun, is its Diſtance from Noon, or the Meridian of the Place meaſured H 4 on 106 Sect. 19. The first Principles of i 1 on the Equator by 15 Degrees, for every 15 Degrees on the Equator make an Hour. Or it may be reckoned from the oppofite Meri- dian, or Midnight. Note, The Right Afcenfion is reckoned ei- ther in Degrees or in Hours. The Latitude of a Star or Planet is its Dif- tance Northward or Southward from the Ecliptick: Note, The Sun has no Latitude, becauſe it is always in the Ecliptick. The Longitude of the Sun, or a Star, is its Diſtance from the Point Aries Eaſtward, mea- fured on the Ecliptick. But with regard to the Sun or a Planet, this is ufually called the Place of the Sun, or Planet, for any parti- cular Day, that is, its Place in the Zodiack, or the Degree of the Sign in which it is at that Time. The Altitude or Height of the Sun, or a Star, is its Diſtance from and above the Ho- rizon, meaſured on the Quadrant of Alti- tudes. The Depreſſion of the Sun or a Star, is its Diſtance from and below the Horizon. The Azimuth of the Sun, or a Star, is its Diſtance from the Cardinal Points of Eaft, Weft, North or South, meaſured in the Ho- rizon. The Sun or Stars Meridian Altitude is its Altitude or Height when it is on the Meri- dian, or at the South, The 1 1 : Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 107 The Vertical Altitude of the Sun is uſed by fome Writers for its Height above the Hori- zon, when it is in the Azimuth or Vertical Circle of Eaft or Weft. But the Sun is faid to be Vertical at any Place, when it is in the Zenith of that Place at Noon. The Amplitude of the Sun, or a Star is its Azimuth or Diſtance from Eaft or Weſt at rifing or ſetting. The Afcenfional Difference is the Time of the Sun or Star's rifing or fetting before or after Six o'Clock: Or it is the Difference between the Sun or Star's femidiurnal Arc and a Quadrant, or 90 Degrees, as fome Perfons exprefs it, becauſe go Degrees, or a Quadrant, reaches from 6 o'Clock to 12. 1 1 1 PROBLEM S. Problem I. To find the Longitude and Latitude of any Place on the Earthly Globe. Turn the Globe about till the Place come juſt under the Side of the brazen Meridian on which the Figures are, which is called its Graduated Edge, then the Degree marked on the Meridian juft over the Place, fhews the Latitude either North or South: And the Globe ſo ſtanding, that Degree of the Equator, which is cut by the Meridian, ſhews the true Longitude of the Place. So London | 108 The firft Principles of Sect. 19. { 1 2 London will appear to have 51 Degrees of 511 North Latitude, and near 18 Degrees of Lon- gitude, counting the firſt Meridian at Tene- riff. So Rome has 412 Degrees of North Latitude, and about 13 Degrees of Longitude Eaſtward from London, or almoſt 31 De- . grees from Teneriff Problem II. The Longitude or Latitude of any Place being given, how to find that Place on a Globe or Map. If only the Latitude of a Place be given, the Place itſelf may be eaſily found, by cafting your Eye Eaſtward and Weftward along that Parallel of Latitude in that Part of the World where it lies, and the Place (if it be marked on the Globe) will foon appear. 着 ​If the Longitude only were given, guide your Eye along that Meridian Northward or Southward, and you will quickly fee it. But if both Longitude and Latitude be given, then the Place is immediately found; for where the given Line of Longitude, or Meridian, cuts the given Line of Latitude, there is the Place required. The two Pro- blems alſo may be practiſed on a Map as well as on a Globe. / Problem III. To find the Distance of any two Places of the Earthly Globe, or two Stars on the Heavenly. 6 Here Sect. 19. Geography aud Aftronomy. 109 1 Here let it be noted, that a Degree of the Meridian, or of the Equator, or of any great Circle on the Earthly Globe, is found by Meaſure to be 69%, or 70 English Miles: See Prob. XII. Sect. XX. Though Geo- graphers many Times count 60 Geographical Miles to a Degree, making them the fame with the Minutes of a Degree, for the greater Eaſe in Computation. Let it be noted alfo, that all the Degrees on the Meridians or Lines of Longitude on the Globe are equal, becauſe all thoſe Lines are great Circles; but in the Parallels of Lati- tude, the farther you go from the Equator, the Circle grows lefs and lefs, and confe- quently the Degrees of thofe Circles are lefs alfo: And therefore if two diftant Places are either both on the Equator, or have the fame Meridian, the Number of the Degrees of their Diſtance on the Equator, or on the Me- ridian, being reduced to Miles, fhews you their true Diftance: But if the two Places are not both on the Equator, nor on the fame Meridian, you must find their true Diftance by the following Method. To perform this third Problem, lay the Quadrant of Altitude from one Place to the other, and that will fhew the Number of Degrees of Diſtance, which being multi- plied by 60 Geographical Miles, or by 70 Engliſh Miles, will give the Diſtance fought. Or 110 Sect. 19. The firft Principles of Or you may take the Diſtance between the two Places with a Pair of Compaffes, and meaſure it upon the Equator, which ſhews the Diſtance in Degrees, and then re- duce them to Miles. The Quadrant of Altitudes, or a Pair of Compaffes, in the fame Manner, will ſhew the Diſtance of any two Stars on the Hea- venly Globe, namely, in Degrees, but not in Miles. Obferve here, that though theſe Methods will find the true Diſtance of Places on the Globe, yet on a Map the fame Methods are uſeleſs; becauſe in Maps or plain Surfaces the Degrees of Longitude marked on the fame Parallel of Latitude are unequal, and fo the Degrees of Latitude marked on the fame Meridian are often unequal. (See the XIth Section concerning Maps.) The only Way therefore of meaſuring Diſtances on a Map, is to meaſure the Number of Degrees on the neareſt correfpondent Line of Longi- tude or Latitude, and apply that to the Dif tance required, which after all is but an un- certain Account. Problem IV. To find the Antœci, Periœci, and Antipodes, of any Place given, ſuppoſe of London. Bring Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. III Bring London to the Meridian, obſerve its Latitude Northward, then reckon ſo many Degrees on the Meridian from the Equator Southward, and it fhews the Place of the Antæci. Keep London under the Meridian, ſet the Hour Index or Pointer on the Dial at the Pole to the upper 12 which is 12 o'clock at Noon, turn the Globe about till the Index point to 12 at Midnight, and the Place that will be under the fame Degree of the Me- ridian where London was, fhews where the Periaci dwell. The Globe ſo ſtanding, count the fame Degrees of Latitude from the Meridian South- ward, and that will fhew who are the Anti- podes to London. Problem V. Any Place being given, to find all thofe Places which have the fame Hour of the Day with that in the given Place. All the Places that have the fame Longi- tude have the ſame Hour. Bring the given Place therefore to the Brazen Meridian, and obferve what Places are then exactly under the graduated Edge of the Meridian, for the People in thofe Places have the fame Hour, and their Habitation has the fame Longitude. 1 Problem II2 The first Principles of Sect. 19. 1 Problem VI. Any Place being given (ſup- pofe Paris) to find all thofe Places in the World which have the fame Latitude, and confequently have their Days and Nights of the fame Length. Bring Paris to the Meridian, and you find it near 49 Degrees North Latitude, Turn the Globe all around, and all thofe Places which pafs under the 49th Degree of the Meridian, have the fame Latitude with Paris, and the Pole is just as much elevated above their Horizon, namely, 49 Degrees. Problem VII. To rectify the Globe accord- to the Latitude of any given Place. Elevate the proper Pole (whether it be North or South) fo far above the Horizon as is the Latitude of the Place propoſed; this is done by moving the Pole of the Globe up- ward from the Horizon, counting by the De- grees of the under Part of the Meridian, which begin to be numbered from the Pole; thus for London you muſt raiſe the Pole 51 Degrees above the Horizon. 1/1/1 Then while London ftands under the Me- ridian, the true and real Situation of it is ex- actly reprefented on the Globe with its proper Horizon: For London is by this Means placed in the Zenith, or on the very Top of the Globe, at go Degrees Diſtance from the Horizon Sect. 19. 113 1 Geography and Afronomy. 1 Horizon every Way; and thus the Zenith is as high above the Equator on the South Side, as the Pole is above the Horizon on the North Side. To render this Repreſentation of the Si- tuation of any Place yet more perfect, it is a uſeful Thing to have a fmall Mariner's Compass at hand, with a Needle touched with a Loadſtone, to fhew which are the North or South Points of the real Horizon, and then, as near as you can, fet the Brazen Meridian of the Globe exactly North and South. Thus the wooden Horizon will be a perfect Parallel to the real Horizon, the brazen Me- ridian to the real Meridian, the Equator, the Ecliptick, and all the leffer Circles, and the Points on the Globe, will reprefent thofe Cir- cles and Points on the Earth, or in the Hea- vens, in their proper Pofition. Problem VIII. The Hour being given in any Place (as at London) to find what Hour it is in any other Part of the World. Rectify the Globe for London, bring the City of London to the Side of the Meridian where the Degrees are marked; then fix the Index of the Dial-plate to the Hour given, (fuppofe Fouro'Clock in the Afternoon) this being done, turn the Globe, and bring any Places fucceffively to the Meridian, then the Index 114 Sect. 19. The first Principles of R Index or Hour Pointer will fhew the true Hour at the Place required. Thus when it is Four o'clock in the Afternoon at London, it is almoſt Five at Rome, near Six at Conftan- tinople, it is almoſt half an Hour paft Nine at Night at Fort St. George in the Eaſt Indies, it is near Midnight at Pekin in China, it is Eleven o'clock in the Morning at Jamaica, and a little paſt Noon at Barbadoes. Problem IX. To rectify the Globe for the Zenith. After the former Rectification for the Lati- tude of the Place, faſten the Edge of the Nut of the Quadrant of Altitude on its graduated Side, at the proper Degree of Latitude on the graduated Side of the brazen Meridian, and that will repreſent the Zenith of that Place in the Heavens. The Quadrant of Altitude being thus faſt- ened, ferves to meaſure the Sun or Star's Al- titude above the Horizon, and the Sun or Star's Azimuth; and it has been fometimes (though erroneously) uſed to fhew the Bear- ing of one Place to another, as in the follow- ing Problem. Problem X. Any two Places being given, to find the Bearing from one to the other; that is, at what Point of the Compaſs the one lies in reſpect to the other. The 1 Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 115 > The commonWay whereby feveral Writers have folved this Problem is this. Rectify the Globe both for the Latitude and for the Zenith of one of thofe Places, and bring that Place to the Zenith. Then bring down the Edge of the Quadrant of Altitude to the other Place, and the End of the Quadrant ſhall cut the Horizon in the true Point of the Com- paſs, and fhew how the one bears to the other. So if you rectify the Globe for the Latitude and Zenith of Barbadoes, you will find that Cape Finiſterre in Spain, and Azoff in Muscovy, both lie in a direct Line North- Eaft from Barbadoes, according to this Prac- tice. But here let it be noted, that though ac- - cording to this fort of meaſuring, they both lie North-East from Barbadoes, yet they do not lie North-Eaft of one another; for if you rectify the Globe for the Latitude and Zenith of Cape Finisterre, you will find Azoff lies near East-North-East from Cape Finiſterre, or more than two Points of the Compaſs, that is, more than 22 Degrees different from the North-Eaft. I 2 And if a Sailor or Traveller who is at Bar- badoes, fhould every League or Mile of his Way, by obſerving the Compaſs, ftill make toward the North-East, he would come fooner to the Hebrides, or Weſtern Scots Iflands, than to Azoff, or even to Cape Finiſterre. But the Courſe that he muſt really ſteer to I come 4 1 } Sect. 19. The first Principles of 1 come to Cape Finisterre, is near North-Eaft and by Eaft: And if he would fail all the Way clear to Azoff from Barbadoes, he muft fteer ftill more to the Eastward: All which Things fhew the Miſtake of folving this Problem in this Manner. Perhaps this may be made yet plainer to a Learner, if we name two Places which lie under the fame Parallel of Latitude, namely, Madrid in Spain, and Pekin in China, Lati- tude 40. Now these muft always bear di- rectly Eaft and Weft from each other. But if you bring Madrid to the Zenith, and having fixed there your Quadrant of Altitude, you bend it down to the Horizon, it will not fol- low the Courſe of the 40th Parallel of Lati- tude, and lead your Eye to Pekin, but to much more Southern Places very far diftant from Pekin, and which have a very different Bear- ing, namely, to the Ifle of Ceylon, &c. Upon this Account, the beſt Writers call that the Angle of Pofition between two Places, which is found by the Quadrant of Altitude thus fixed at the Zenith of any Place, and drawn down to the Horizon: But they de- fcribe the Rhumb or Courfe of Bearing from one Place to the other in a different Manner, namely, It is that Point of the Compass, to- ward which any Perfon must conftantly fail or travel, in order to arrive at the diftant Place given. And without all Doubt, this is the moſt juſt and exact Account of Things. Now Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 117 Now in order to find this, it is fufficient for a Learner to know, that if any one of the Lines drawn from the Points of the Ma riner's Compass marked on the Globe, (which are called Rhumb Lines) paffes through both Places, that Line fhews the Courſe or Bear- ing from one to the other, as the Courſe from Cape St. Vincent in Portugal, to Cat Iſland, among the Bahama Iſlands, is Weft and by South. If no Rhumb Lines paſs through thoſe Places, then that Rhumb Line to which thofe two Places lie moft parallel, fhews their Bearing: Thus the Courfe from Barbadoes to Cape Finiſterre, is North-East and by Eaft, or thereabouts. If the Learner has a Mind to fee the Rea- fon, why there muſt be ſuch a Difference be- twixt the Angle of Pofition between two Places, and their Courſe of Bearing to each other, I know not how to reprefent it upon a flat Sur- face plainer than by Figure xxI. Suppoſe the four Cardinal Points, North, South, Eaft, and Weft, are repreſented on the Globe by the Letters N. S. W. E: Sup- pofe three diſtant Places are B. Barbadoes, C. Cape Finisterre, and A. Azoff. If the Surface of the Earth were not Spherical, but a Plane, and the Meridian of thefe Places were all parallel (as in that Reprefentation or Projection of the Globe, which is called Mercator's I 2 118 The first Principles of Sect. 19. 1 } Mercator's Chart) then their Angle of Pofition, and their Courſe of Bearing, would be the fame: Then as Ns is the Meridian of the Place B, fo q u would be the Meridian of the Place c, namely, a ſtraight Line, and parallel to N s Then the Line B C A would be the Line or Rhumb of North-East, namely, 45 Degrees diftant from N s; which would re- prefent both the Angle of Pofition, and the Courfe of Bearing between all the three Places B C and A: For the Angle q c A would be the fame with the Angle N B A; and thus A would ftill bear North-East from c and from B*. But the Earth being of a Spherical Figure, and the Meridians meeting in the Poles, the Meridian of B on the Globe being brought to the Zenith, is N s; the Meridian of c is the Curve Line N cm; and the Meridian of A is the Curve Line N A z; all which meet in N the North Pole. Now though the ftraight Line B C A fhews the Angle of Poſition be- tween the three Places B C and A, (as в ftands on the Globe at the Zenith) yet the Line B C A does * And for this Reafon in thoſe Sea Charts where the Points of the Compaſs or Rhumbs are drawn in ſtraight Lines quite through the Chart, the Meridians or Lines of Longitude are all made ftraight and parallel Lines: For if the Meridians were a little curved, as they are commonly in, Maps, the Rhumbs could not be drawn through the Chart in ftraight Lines. See Sect. XI. Of Sea-Charts,. p. 68, Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 119 } 1 does by no means make the fame Angles, or has the fame Bearing with the Curve Line N cm (which is the Meridian of c) as it does with N s, (which is the Meridian of в :) and it ſtill makes more different Angles with the Curve Line N A z, (which is the Meri- dian of A.) Thence it follows, that all the RhumbLines muſt be a Sort of Spiral Lines on the Globe, except the North and South, which is the Me- ridian, and the Equator with its Parallels of East and West, which are Circles *. The North-East Line in this Place muſt be B Px, ftill gradually inclining toward the fe- veral Meridians, that fo it may make the fame Angles with the Meridians N cm and NA Z, as it does with N B s. But by this Means you fee, that to ſteer or travel ſtill to the North-Eaft would bring you down to P and x, not to c and A. You fee alfo, that the Courſe you muſt fteer or travel to come to A, will be repre- I 3 fented * All the other Lines of East and Weft befides the Equator, are Parallels of Latitude, and are leffer Circles. And though the Line of Eaft and Weft in this Figure, be for the Eafe of a young Learner reprefented in a ſtraight Line, becauſe it is a Parallel to the Equator, and if drawn round the Globe would be a perfect Circle and run into itſelf, yet it fhould more properly be ſo far curved, as to cut all the Side-Meridians Nm and NZ at right Angles, as well as the Meridian of the Place N s. And thus they are commonly drawn in Maps of the World, wherein there is no Line of East and Weft drawn ftraight befides the Equator. น " 120 The first Principles of Sect. 19. fented by the Line B r A, which is much nearer the Eaſt Point. But it is fomething too laborious and painful for every Reader to trouble his Thoughts with it. Problem XI. Having the Day of the Month given, to find the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick. Find the Day of the Month in the Calendar on the Horizon, (either Old Stile or New, whichſoever is required) lay a flat Rule on the Day of the Month, and overagainſt it on the inner Edge of the Horizon, will appear both the Sign in which the Sun is, and the Degree of that Sign; as, on the Tenth of May Old Stile, the Sun is juſt entering into the firſt Degree of Gemini, which you may find in both the Globes on the Ecliptick Circle; and there you may alfo compute the Longitude of the Sun from the Point Aries, if you pleaſe. Problem XII. The Day of the Month be- ing given, to find thofe Places of the Globe where the Sun will be Vertical, or in the Ze- nith that Day. Find out the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick Circle; bring it to the Meridian; mark the Degree over it; then turn the Globe round, and all thofe Places that paſs under that De- gree, will have the Sun in their Zenith that Day. Problem + Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 121 Problem XIII. The Day and Hour of the Day at one Place, namely, London, being given, to find at what other Place the Sun is Vertical at that Hour. The Sun's Place for that Day being brought to the Meridian, and the Degree over it, (that is, the Declination) being obferved, bring the firſt Place, that is, London, to the Meridian. Set the Hour Index to the given Hour; and turn the Globe till the Index come to the upper 12, (that is 12 at Noon) then the Place of the Earth that ftands under the obſerved Degree of the Meridian, has the Sun at that Moment in the Zenith. Problem XIV. The Day and Hour at one Place, namely, London, being given, to find all thofe Places of the Earth where the Sun is then rifing, fetting, or on the Meridian, (which is called culminating) alfo where it is Day- light, Twilight, or dark Night. By the foregoing Problem, find the Place where the Sun is Vertical at the Hour given: Rectify the Globe for the Latitude of that Place; bring that Place to the Meridian. Then all thofe Places that are in the Weft Semi-Circle of the Horizon, have the Sun rifing, for it is 90 Degrees from their Zenith. Thoſe in the Eaft Semi-Circle of the Ho- rizon have it ſetting, for it is 90 Degrees paſt their Zenith. I 4 To 122 The first Principles of Sect. 19. To thoſe who live under the fame Line of Longitude, or upper Meridian, it is Noon, if they have any Day at that Time. To thoſe who live under the oppofite Line of Longitude, or lower Meridian, it is Mid- night, if they have any Night at that Time. Thofe Places that are above the Horizon, have the Sun above the Horizon fo many De- grees, as the Places themfelves are. Thoſe Places that are under the Horizon, but within 18 Degrees, have Twilight. And with thoſe who are lower than 18 Degrees, it is dark Night. Problem XV. A Place being given in the Torrid Zone, to find thofe two Days in which the Sun fhall be Vertical there. Bring the Place to the Meridian; mark the Degree over it, which is its Latitude; move the Globe round, and obſerve theſe two op- pofite Points of the Ecliptick, that pafs through the aforefaid Degree; fearch on the Wooden Horizon on what two Days the Sun paffes through thoſe two Points of the Eclip- tick, for then the Sun at Noon will be in the Zenith of the Place given. Problem XVI. A Place being given in one of the Frigid Zones, (ſuppoſe the North) to find when the Sun begins to depart from, or to appear on that Place, how long he is abfent, and how long he fpines conftantly upon it. Suppofe t Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 123 Suppoſe the Place given by the North Cape of Lapland, 71 Degrees of Latitude. Rectify the Globe for that Place, or elevate the Pole 71 Degrees; then turn the Globe till the de- fcending Part of the Ecliptick, the Meridian and South Part of the Horizon meet toge- ther: Thus the Ecliptick will ſhew, that the Sun toward the End of Scorpio (that is, a lit- tle after the Middle of November,) goes be- low the Horizon intirely, and leaves that Part of Lapland. Then turn the Globe a little further, till the aſcending Part of the Ecliptick meet the Meridian in the fame South Point of the Ho- rizon, and it will fhew that about the ninth or tenth Degree of Aquarius, that is, about the End of January, the Sun begins to rife above their Horizon. Thus they are at leaſt two Months without the Sun in Winter. In like Manner bring the aſcending Part of the Ecliptick to meet the Meridian in the North Point of the Horizon, there you will find that the Sun begins to be entirely above their Horizon toward the End of Taurus, or near the Middle of May; and if you turn the Globe a little farther, the defcending Eclip- tick will meet the Meridian and Horizon in the North at the 8th or 9th Degree of Leo, or about the Beginning of August: Thus it ap pears that thofe Laplanders will have the Sun at least two Months above their Horizon in Summer, or two Months of compleat Day- light. Problem } $ 124 The firft Principles of Sect. 19. Problem XVII. To find the Sun's Decli- nation and Right Afcenfion any Day in the Year: Suppofe the 21ft of May. Find out the Sun's Place for that Day, or the Beginning of the firft Degree of Gemini on the Ecliptick; bring that Point of the Ecliptick to the Meridian, and the Degrees numbered on the Meridian will fhew the. Sun's Declination, namely, 20 Degrees North- ward. At the fame Time the Place where the Meridian cuts the Equator will fhew the Right Afcenfion of the Sun, or its Diſtance from the Point Aries on the Equator, namely, 58 De- grees. It is marked ufually in Degrees on the Globe; if you would turn it into Hours, di- vide it by 15, and it amounts to three Hours , which is 52 Minutes. I 3 Note, That any Star's Declination, and Right Afcenfion, are found the fame Way, by bringing it to the Meridian. Remember the Sun's Declination is always North in our Summer Half-Year from the 21ft of March, and Southward in our Winter Half-Year from the 23d of September. Problem XVIII. To rectify the Globe for the Sun's Place, any Day in the Year, and thus to reprefent the Face of the Heavens for that Day: Bring " Sect. ig. Geography and Aftronomy. 125 1 Bring the Sun's Place found on the Eclip- tick of the Globe to the Meridian; and at the fame Time fet the Hour-Index, or Pointer of the Dial, to the upper 12, that is, to Noon. Note, When the Globe is thus rectified for the Latitude of the particular Town or City by Problem th, and for the Zenith of it by Problem 9th, and for the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick that Day by this Problem 18th, it is then fitted to refolve moft of the following Problems, for then it moſt exactly reprefents the real Face and State of the Heaven's for that Day. Here let it be obferved, that this Practice does really repreſent the Face of the Heavens only for that Day at Noon, (when the Aſtro- nomers Day begins) and not for all the fol- lowing Hours of the Day; becauſe the Sun is every Moment changing his Place a little in the Ecliptick. But it is cuftomary, and it is fufficient for Learners, to make this go for a Repreſentation of the Heavens for all that Day, to perform any common Opera- tions. Problem XIX. The Place and Day being given, (namely, May 10th at London) to find at what Hour the Sun rifes or fets, his afcen- fional Difference, his Amplitude, the Length of Day and Night. Rectify } 126 1 Sect. 19. The firft Principles of Rectify for the Latitude, and for the Sun's Place, then bring the Sun's Place down to the Eaftern Part of the Horizon, and the In- dex will fhew the Time of Sun-rife on the Dial, namely, five Minutes after four in the Morning. Bring the Sun's Place to the Weſtern Side of the Horizon, and the Dial will fhew the Hour of Sun-fetting, namely, five Mi- nutes before Eight at Night. Thus his Afcenfional Difference will ap- pear, that is, how long he rifes or fets be- fore or after Six o'Clock, which is one Hour and 55 Minutes, Thus alſo his Amplitude will appear in the Horizon to be almost 34 Degrees to the North of the Eaft. The Hour of the Sun's rifing doubled gives the Length of the Night, namely, eight Hours, and ten Minutes; and the Hour of the Sun's fetting doubled gives the Length of the Day, which will be 16Hours wanting 10 Minutes; that is, 15 Hours Minutes. Problem XX. given, to find the given Hour. 50 The Place and Day being Altitude of the Sun at any Rectify for the Latitude, for the Zenith, and for the Sun's Place: Bring the Quadrant of Altitude under the Meridian, and it will meet the Sun's Place in the Meridian Alti- tude of the Sun that Day, and thus fhew how high it is at Noon. Turn } Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 127 1 Turn the Globe till the Index point to any other given Hour on the Dial, then obſerve where the Sun's Place is, bring the Quadrant of Altitude to it, and it will fhew the Sun's Altitude at that Hour: Thus May 10th at London, the Sun's Meridian Altitude will be a little above 58; Degrees, and at 9 o'Clock in the Morning will be 434. Problem XXI. The Place and Day being given, to find the Azimuth of the Sun at any given Hour. Rectify the Globe for the Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place: Then turn the Globe till the Index point to the Hour given; then obferve the Sun's Place; bring the Edge of the Quadrant of Altitude down upon it, and it will cut the Horizon in the Azimuth of the Sun, or fhew what Point of the Com- paſs the Sun is in. Thus May 10th, at 20 Minutes paft 9 in the Morning, the Sun's Azimuth will be about 60 Degrees from the South toward the Eaft, that is, near South-East and by Eaft. Problem XXII. The Sun's Altitude being given at any certain Place and Day, to find the Hour of the Day, and alſo his Azimuth. Rectify as before for the Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place: Turn the Globe and move the Quadrant of Altitudes, ſo that } the 1 128 Sect. 19. The firft Principles of } 1 } the Sun's Place may meet the Degree of Al- titude given on the Quadrant, then the Index will fhew the Hour on the Dial; and the Quadrant of Altitude will cut the Azimuth on the Horizon. Thus May 10th in the Morning, if the Altitude be near 46 Degrees, the Azimuth from the South will be 60, and the Hour 26 Minutes paft Nine. Here note, That to find the Sun's Hour, or Azimuth, by his Altitude, you fhould ne- ver ſeek it too near Noon, becauſe then the Altitude alters fo very little for two Hours together. 1 Problem XXIII. When the Sun is due Eaft or Weft in Summer, how to find the Hour, and his Altitude. Rectify as before; then bring the Qua- drant to cut the Eaft or West Point of the Horizon, and turn the Globe till the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick meet the Edge of the Quadrant. Thus the Quadrant will fhew the Altitude, and the Index will point to the Hour: Thus May 10th in the Afternoon, the Sun will be due Weft at about 56 Minutes paſt 4; and its Altitude will be near 26 De- grees. This is called the Vertical Altitude by fome Writers. Thus if the Place and Day be known, and either the Hour, the Azimuth, or the Altitude be given, you may eafily find the other two. Problem 1 Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 129 t Problem XXIV. To find the Degree of the Depreffion of the Sun below the Horizon, or its Azimuth, at any given Hour of the Night. Obſerve the Place of the Sun, fuppoſe May 21ft in the firſt Degree of Gemini, then ſeek his oppofite Place in the Ecliptick at half a Year's Diſtance, namely, the firſt Degree of Sagittary on the 23d of November; this be- ing done, ſeek the Altitudes, the Azimuths, and the Hours, juft as you pleaſe for that Day, and they will ſhew you what are the Sun's Depreffions, Azimuths, and Hours, on the 21ft of May at Night *. Problem XXV. To find how long the Twi- light continues in any given Place and given Day, fuppofe the 21st of May at London, both at Morning and Evening. The Way to anſwer this Queſtion, is to feek how many Hours or Minutes it will be after Sun-fet, before the Sun be depreffed 18 Degrees below the Horizon in that Place on the 21st of May: And fo before Sum rife for the Morning Twilight. This is beſt performed *Note, The Reaſon why we uſe the oppofite Part of the Globe, to find the Degrees of Depreſſion of the Sun, is becauſe the Wooden Horizon is fo thick, that we cannot conveniently fee, obferve, or compute the Dif- tances of Depreffion from the upper Edge of it, which Edge is the true Repreſentative of the real Horizon. + 130 Sect. 19. The firft Principles of > performed by ſeeking how long it will be after Sun-rife, or before Sun-fet on the 23d of November, that the Sun will have 18 De- grees of Altitude, which is done by the fore- going Problem. Note, That from the 26th of May, to the 18th of July, at London, there is no dark Night, but conftant Twilight: For during this Space the Sun is never depreffed above 18 Degrees below the Horizon. Problem XXVI. To know by the Globe the Length of the longest and shortest Days and Nights in any Place of the World. Remember that the Sun enters the firſt Degree of Cancer on the longeſt Day, at all Places on the North Side of the Equator, and the firſt Degree of Capricorn on the South Side: Alfo remember that he enters the firſt Degree of Capricorn, the ſhorteſt Day in all Places of the Northern Hemiſphere, and the firſt Degree of Cancer in the Southern: Then rectify the Globe for the Latitude and Sun's Place, and find the Hour of Sun-rifing, which doubled fhews the Length of the Night: And the Hour of the Sun-fetting doubled, fhews the Length of the Day, as in Problem XIX. Problem XXVII. The Declination and Meridian Altitude of the Sun, or of any Star, Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. igi Star being given, to find the Latitude of the Place. Mark the Point of Declination on the Me- ridian as it is either North or South from the Equator; then flide the Meridian up and down in the Notches, till the Point of Declination be fo far diftant from the Horizon as is the given Meridian Altitude. Then is the Pole elevated to the Latitude fought. 2 Thus where the Sun or any Star's Meri- dian Altitude is 58 Degrees, and its Decli- nation 20 Degrees Northward, the Latitude of that Place will be 51 Degrees North. See more at Problem VII, VIII, IX. Section XX. Note, There are ſome few Problems which relate to the Sun and to the Hour, which may be performed on the Globe when the Sun fhines, though not with any great Exact- nefs, yet fufficient for Demonftration of the Reaſon of them, as follows. Problem XXVIII. The Latitude of a Place being given, to find the Hour of the Day in the Summer when the Sun fhines. Set the Frame of the Globe upon a Plane perfectly Level or Horizontal, and fet the Meridian due North and South; both which are difficult to be done exactly; even though you have a Mariner's Compafs by you: Then rectify the Globe for the Latitude, and the K Iron } 132 The first Principles of Sect. 19. 1 For Iron Pin of the Pole will caft a Shadow on the Dial, and fhew the true Hour. when the Globe is thus placed, the Dial- Plate with the Pole in the Centre of it, is a true Equinoctial Dial for our Summer Half- Year, when the Sun is on the North Side of the Equator. The fame may alſo be done in the Winter Half-Year, by depreffing the North Pole as much below the South Part of the Horizon as is equal to the Latitude of the Place; for then the Dial-Plate is a proper Equinoctial Dial for the Winter Half-Year: But this is not ſo commodiouſly performed, though the Reaſon of it is the fame as the former. Problem XXIX. To find the Sun's Alti- tude, when it fhines, by the Globe. Set the Frame of the Globe truly Horizon- tal or Level; turn the North Pole to the Sun; move the Meridian up and down in the` Notches till the Axis caft no Shadow; for then it points exactly to the Sun, and then the Arch of the Meridian between the Pole and the Horizon fhews the Sun's Altitude. Problem XXX. The Latitude and Day of the Month being given, to find the Hour of the Day when the Sun fhines. Let 1 Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 133 1 Let the Globe ftand on a Level, and the Meridian due North and South; rectify the Globe for the Latitude, and for the Sun's Place; ftick a Needle perpendicular to the Sun's Place on the Globe; turn the Globe about till the Needle point directly toward the Sun, and caft no Shadow; then will the Index fhew the Hour of the Day. I proceed now to fhew fome Problems to be performed by the Stars upon the Heavenly Globe. Problem XXXI. The Place being given, to find what Stars never rife or never fet in that Place. Rectify the Globe for the Latitude; turn it round, and obferve that fuch Stars as do not go under the Horizon during its whole Revolution, do never fet in the Place given ;- and fuch Stars as rife not above the Horizon of the Globe during its whole Revolution, they never riſe in the Place given, nor are ever feen by the Inhabitants thereof: So the Little Bear, the Dragon, Cepheus, Caffiopea, and the Great Bear, never fet at London, nd many of the Southern Conftellations never rife. Problem XXXII. The Place and Day of the Month being given, to repreſent the Face or Appearance of the Heavens, and fhew the Situation K 2 f 1 134 Sect. 19. The first Principles of 1 1 Situation of all the fixt Stars at any Hour of the Night. Set the Globe exactly North and South: Rectify it for the Latitude, and for the Sun's Place; then turn the Globe till the Index points to the given Hour. Thus every Star on the Globe will exactly anſwer the Appear- ance of the Stars in the Heavens; and you may ſee what Stars are near or on the Meri- dian, which are rifing or fetting, which are on the Eaft or Weft Side of the Heavens. Thus October 13th at 10 o'Clock at Night, the glorious Conftellation Orion will appear on the Eaſt Side at London, the Star Regel in the left Knee (or Foot) of Orion juſt above the Horizon, the three Stars in his Girdle a little higher, &c. This reprefents the Face of the Heavens at Night, as Problem XVIII. does in the Day. Note, This Problem is of excellent Uſe to find out and know the feveral Conftellations, and the more remarkable Stars in each Con- ftellation. Here follows feveral Problems to find the Hour of the Night by the Stars. Problem XXXIII. Any Star on the Meri- dian being given, to find the Hour of the Night. In order to find what Stars are upon the Meridian at any Time, it is good to have a Me- Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 135 } a Meridian Line drawn both in a North and in a South Window; that is, a Line pointing exactly to the North and South: Then fet up a broad ſmooth Board of 20 or 24 Inches high, and 8 or 10 Inches broad; place it perpendicular on the Window with its lower Edge on, or parallel to the Meridian Line, and fixing your Eye at the upright neareſt Edge of the Board, and glancing along the plain Face of it, you will eafily obferve what Stars are on the Meridian, either North or South at that 'Time *. Having found what Star is on the Meri- dian, rectify the Globe for the Latitude, and for the Sun's Place that Day; then bring the Centre of the Star which is on the Meridian in the Heavens, to the Edge of the brazen Meridian of the Globe; and the Index will fhew the Time of Night on the North Side of the Dial among the Evening, or Midnight, or early Morning Hours. Note, How to draw a Meridian Line, fee Sect. XX. Problem XXII. &c. + K 3 Problem Note, To fet the Board perpendicular and convenient, it is fit to have a Foot made to it behind, that it may ftand firm. And let a ftraight Line be drawn from the Top to the Bottom of the Board, through the Middle of it, parallel to the Sides: Fix alſo a Pin in the upper Part of this Line, near the Top of this upright Board, on which hang a Thread and Plummet, to play looſe in a Hole near the Bottom, to keep it perpendicular. Then the Thread hanging almoſt cloſe to the Board will direct your Eye to the Stars on the Meridian. 136 The first Principles of Sect. 19. 1 Problem XXXIV. The Azimuth of any known Star being given, to find the Time of Night. The Method I juſt before propoſed, will eafily find the Azimuth of any Star. Set this tall flat Board perpendicular on the Window, with one End of it upon the Meridian Line drawn there, ſo as that your Eye may juſt ſee the Star in the very Edge of the Plane of this Board; then a Line drawn on the Window by the Foot of the Board will croſs the Meridian Line in the true Angle of its Azimuth, or its Diſtance from North to South. Having found the Azimuth of the Star, rec- tify the Globe for the Latitude, and for the Sun's Place, as before; rectify it alfo for the Zenith, and bring the Quadrant of Altitude to the Azimuth of the Star in the Horizon then turn the Globe till the graduated Edge of the Quadrant of Altitude cut the Centre of that Star, and the Index will fhew the Hour of the Night upon the Dial-Plate. Note, That if you have a Meridian Line drawn on a Window, you may find by fuch Methods as thefe when the Sun is in the Me- ridian, and what is its Azimuth at any Time. Problem XXXV. The Altitude of a Star being given, to find the Hour of the Night. Note, 2 Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 137 ! Note, That the Altitude of the Star muft be found by a Quadrant, or fome fuch In- ſtrument: But remember, that if you would find the Hour by the Altitude of a Star, you muft never chooſe a Star that is too near the Meridian; becauſe for almoft two Hours to- gether, the Altitude varies very little when it is near the Meridian. Rectify the Globe as before for Latitude, Zenith, and Sun's Place; move the Globe and the Quadrant of Altitude backward or for- ward, till the Centre of that Star meet the Quadrant of Altitude in the Degree of Alti- tude which is given, then the Index will point to the true Hour. Note, Theſe three laſt Problems being well underſtood, will fhew you how to find at what Hour any Star will rife or fet any Day of the Year; what Stars are or will be upon the North or South Meridian at any Hour given; what Stars are in the Eaft or in the Weft, or on any Points of Azimuth at any Time of the Night; and what Altitude they have at that Hour, or at that Azimuth. Problem XXXVI. To find the Latitude and Longitude of any Star : Alſo its Right Afcenfion and Declination. Put the Centre of the Quadrant of Alti- tude on the proper Pole of the Ecliptick, K 4 whether 138 The first Principles of Sect. 19: ; whether it be North or South; bring its gra- duated Edge to the given Star; then that De- gree on the Quadrant is the Star's Latitude and the Degree cut by the Quadrant on the Ecliptick in the Star's Longitude. Thus the Latitude of Arc&turus is 31 Degrees North : Its Longitude is 200 Degrees from the Point Aries, or 20 Degrees from Libra. The La- titude of Sirius, or the. Dog Star, is near 40 Degrees of South Latitude, and its Longitude is about 100 Degrees from Aries, or 10 De- grees from Cancer. To find a Star's Right Afcenfion and Decli- nation, fee Problem XVII. for it is done the fame Way as that of the Sun; only obferve this Difference, that the Sun changes both his Right Afcenfion and his Declination every Day, whereas the fixt Stars have the fame Right Afcenfion and Declination all the Days in the Year. Remember alſo, that the fixt Stars every Day in the fame Year, keep the fame Lon- gitude and Latitude, as well as the fame Right Afcenfion and Declination *; but the Planets are ever changing all theſe, and the Learner ศ *The infenfible Change of the Longitude, Right Af- cenfion, and Declination of the fixt Stars, made by their flow Motion parallel to the Ecliptick, is not worth No- tice in this Place. 1 Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 139 Learner can know none of them but by fome Almanacks which are called Ephemerides, of Tables which are calculated on Purpoſe to fhew the Longitude and Latitude, or the Place of the feveral Planets among the twelve Signs of the Zodiack every Day in the Year. Problem XXXVII. To find the Place of any Planet on the Globe: Alfo to find at what Hour any Planet, (fuppofe Jupiter) will rife or fet, or will be upon the Meridian any given Day of the Year. You muſt firſt find out by fome Ephe- meris, what Degree of what Sign Jupiter poffeffes that Day of that Year: Mark that Point on the Ecliptick either with Chalk or with a Pencil, or by ſticking on a little black Patch; and then for that Day and that Night you may perform any Problem by that Planet in the fame Manner as you did by a fixt Star. But if you would be very exact, you you muſt not only feek the Planet's Place in the Sign for that Day, which is its Longitude, but you muſt feek its Latitude alfo in the Ephe- meris, (which indeed in the fuperior Pla-` nets Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, alters but very little for whole Months together) and thus fet your Mark in that Point of Latitude, or Diſtance from its fuppofed Place in the Ecliptick, I Sect. 19. 140 The firft Principles of 1 1 1 Ecliptick, whether Northward or Southward, and then go to work your Problem by this Mark. On I fhall give but one Inftance, which will fufficiently direct to folve all others of the fame Kind that relate to the Planets. the third of April, 1723, I find by an Ephe- meris, that the Sun is about the End of the 23d Degree of Aries, Jupiter enters the 8th Degree of Capricorn, and (if I would be very exact) I obſerve alſo that the Latitude of Jupiter that Day is 15 Minutes, or a Quar- ter of a Degree to the North: There I make a Mark, or put on a ſmall black Patch on the Globe to ftand for Jupiter. Then having rectified the Globe for the Latitude v. c. of London, and for the Sun's Place, April the 3d, I turn the Mark which I made for Ju- piter to the Eaſtern Edge of the Horizon, and I find Jupiter will rife near the South-Eaſt at a little paſt One in the Morning: He will come to the Meridian at a very little paſt Five: He will fet near the South-Weft, about Nine in the Morning. Then if I rectify the Globe for the Zenith, the Quadrant of Altitude being brought down to the Horizon, will tell you what is his Altitude, and what his Azimuth, at any given Hour of the Morning, by the Help of the Dial and Index. Or 1 1 Sect. 19. Geography and Aftronomy. 141 2 Or his Altitude or Azimuth being given, you may find what it is a Clock. By this Means you may find the Hour when the Moon will rife and fet, together with her Southing, or the Time of her com- ing to the Meridian. But let it be noted, that the Moon changes her Place in the Zo- diack fo fwiftly, that the moves through 13 Degrees of one Sign every Day, or thereabouts; and therefore you cannot find the precife Hour and Minute of her rifing, fetting, fouth- ing, &c. upon the Globe, without much more Trouble than moſt of the other Planets will give you, which change their Places in the Zodiack much more flowly. Problem XXXVIII. The Day and Hour of a folar Eclipfe being known, to find all thofe Places in which that Eclipfe will be vifible. By the XIIIth Problem find out at what Place the Sun is vertical at that Hour of the Day. Bring that Place to the Pole or vertical Point of the Wooden Horizon, that is, rectify the Globe for the Latitude of that Place; then the Globe being in that Situation, obferve what Places are in the upper Hemiſphere; for if it be a large Eclipfe, the Sun will be vifi- bly eclipſed in moſt of them. Problem XXXIX. The Day and Hour of a Lunar Eclipfe being known, to find by the Globe 4 } 142 The first Principles of Sect. 20. Globe all thofe Places in which the fame will be vifible. By Problem XIII. find as before at what Place the Sun is vertical at that Hour; then by Problem IV. find the Antipodes of that Place: Rectify the Globe for the Latitude of thofe Antipodes; thus they will be in the Zenitḥ, or in the Pole of the Horizon; then obſerve as before what Places are in the upper Hemi- fphere of the Globe, for in moft of thofe Places the Moon will be visibly eclipfed. The Reaſon of rectifying the Globe for the Antipodes in this Problem, is becauſe the Moon muſt be directly oppofite to the Sun whenfoever ſhe is eclipſed. SE C T. XX. Problems relating to Geography and Aſtro- nomy, to be performed by the Ufe of the Plain Scale and Compaffes. IT T is ſuppoſed that the Reader is already acquainted with fome of the firft and eafieft Principles of Geometry, before he can read with underſtanding this or any other Treatiſe of Aftronomy or Geography; and it is prefumed alfo that he knows what is a Chord, a Tangent, and a Sine, and how to make and to meaſure f an t 1 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 143 an Angle either by a Line or Scale of Chords, or Sines, or Tangents, in order to practiſe the Problems of this laft Section; though a very flight Knowledge of thefe Things is fufficient for this Purpoſe. Becauſe ſeveral of the following Problems will depend upon the Altitude, or Azimuth of the Sun, and in order to obtain theſe, we fometimes uſe a Pin or Needle fixed perpen- dicularly, on an upright or horizontal Plane; therefore the firſt Problem I propoſe ſhall be this, namely, Problem I. How to fix a Needle perpèn- dicular on a Plane, or to raiſe a perpendicular Style or Pointer in order to make Obfervations of a Shadow. Note, Any Thing fixed or fet up to caſt a Shadow is called a Style. One Way to perform this, is by having at Hand a Joiner's Square, and while one Edge of it is laid flat to the Plane, the other Edge of it ſtanding up will fhew when a Needle or Style is fixed on that Plane perpen- dicularly, if it be applied to the Side of the Needle. Note, If you have a little Square made of Box, or any hard Wood, one Leg being fix, or the other eight or nine Inches long, one Inch or 1 broad, and an Inch thick, with a Thread and Plummet hanging from the End 1 3 of 1 144 The firft Principles of } Sect. 20. of one Leg, down toward the Place where the other Leg is joined, as in Fig. xiv. and a large Hole for the Plummet to play in: It will be of Ufe, not only to fhew you how to erect a Needle truly perpendicular; but it will alſo diſcover whether any Plane be truly ſmooth, and be Horizontal or Level, as well as whether any upright Plane be exactly per- pendicular to the Horizon. Such a Square will alſo be very uſeful in the Practice of any Geometrical Problems, by drawing one Line perpendicular to another with the greateſt Eaſe. Another Way to fix a Needle perpendi- cular to any Plane, is this; deſcribe a Circle as a, o, d, b, in Fig. xv. Fix a Needle s p in the Centre p, then meaſure from feveral oppofite Parts of it, as a, o, d, b, to the Tip of the Needle, s, and faſten the Needle fo as that the Tip s, fhall be at equal Diſtance from all thoſe Points, then it is truly perpen- dicular. Note here, That in moſt of theſe Practices where a perpendicular Needle is required, the fame End may be attained by a Needle or Wire ftraight or crooked, which may be called a Style, ſet up floping at Random, as in Fig. XVI. without the Trouble of fixing it perpen- dicular, if you do but find the Point p on the Plane, which lies perpendicularly under the Tip * Y 145 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. Tip of the Styles, and this may be found by applying the Edge of the Square, deſcribed Fig. XIV. to the Tip of the Style: Though there are other Ways to find this perpendicu- lar Point for nice Practices in Dialling by Shadows, which require great Exactneſs. But take notice here, that if you uſe this Method of a Style ſet up floping at random, as in Figure xvi. then with your Compaſſes you muſt meaſure the Diſtance from the Tip of the Styles to the Point p, and that Diſtance muſt be counted and uſed as the Length of the perpendicular Style s p in Fig. xv. where- foever you have Occafion to know or uſe the Length of it. Obferve alfo, that if the Tip of your Style (whether ſtraight or crooked) be more than three or four Inches high from the Plane, you will ſcarce be able to make the Point of Sha- dow exactly, becauſe of the Penumbra, or faint Shadow which leaves the Point or Edge of a Shadow undetermined. On a Horizontal or Level Plane you muſt ufe a much ſhorter Style when the Sun is low, or in Winter, becauſe the Shadow is long; but in the longeſt Days in Summer a four Inch Style is fufficient, though the Shadow at that Seafon be very fhort all the middle Hours of the Day. From the Tip of the Style to the Tip of the Shadow, fhould never be above fix Inches Diſtance. I After ! ! 1 t } 1 146 The first Principles of Sect. 26. After all, if you have frequent Occafion for a perpendicular Style to obferve a Shadow by it, I know nothing eafier than to get a Small Prifm of Wood, or Ivory, or rather of Brafs, fuch as is deſcribed Fig. XVII. Let the Bafe be a right-angled Triangle A B C: The Line B C an Inch: A B two Inches: And let the Height of the Prifm, namely, A D, or C E, be three Inches, (or near four Inches if you pleaſe.) you pleaſe.) By this Means you obtain three perpendicular Styles of different Lengths, according as you want the Shadow to be either longer or fhorter in Summer or in Winter. B If you fet it upon the fquare Side A B D O, your perpendicular Style will be в C, or o E: If it be в o, then c is the Tip of the Style, and в marks the Point on the Plane. If you fet it on the Square Side B C O E, as it ſtands in the Figure, then A B, or Do, is your perpendicular Style. Or if you fet it on its triangular Bafe A B C, then either A D, or Bo, or c E, will be your perpendicular Style. This little plain Prifm has thefe great Ad- vantages in it, namely, That you can fet it up in a Moment on a perfectly ſmooth Plane, and you are fure it is perpendicular to the Plane; and then if you require it to ſtand there any Time, and it ſhould happen to be moved, if you have but fixed and marked its Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 147 its Place by the lower Edges on the Plane, and remember which Edge you defigned for the Style, you may fet it exactly in the fame Pofition again. Problem II. How to take the Altitude of the Sun by a Needle fixed on an Horizontal Plane, or by any perpendicular Style. In all theſe Practices be fure that your Plane be truly Level or Horizontal, which you can- not well know without fome fuch Inftrument as I have deſcribed before, Fig. xiv. which ferves inſtead of a Level. You muſt apply this Inftrument or Square not only to one Part, but to every Part of the Plane, wherefoever you can imagine the Shadow will fall, to fee if it be precifely Ho- rizontal or Level: For a very ſmall Varia- tion from the Level will caufe a great Dif- ference in the Length and in the Point of Shadow; and upon this Account there are few Window-Stools, or any Boards or Poſts fixed by the common Work of Carpenters fufficiently Level for a juft Obfervation in Aftronomy or Dialling. Fix your perpendicular Style P s, as in Fig. XVIII. obferve the Point of Shadow caft from the Tip of the Styles: Draw P c : Then take the Height of the Style P s in your Compaffes; fet it perpendicularly on PC; L draw 1 148 The first Principles of Sect. 20. draw the Line s c on the Plane, and the Angle c is the Sun's Altitude, namely, 35 Degrees. Here it is evident, that if you fuppofe c the Centre, and c P to be the Radius, then Ps is the Tangent of the Altitude 35 Degrees; for it meaſures the Angle c, or the Arch PA. But if you make s the Center, and fuppofe SP to be the Radius of a Circle, c p is the Tangent of the Coaltitude of the Sun, namely, 55 Degrees, for it is that Tangent which meaſures the Angle s, or the Arch P E. Hence it will follow, that if you fix a per- pendicular Needle, Pointer or Style, or any Horizontal Plane, and divide a Line, as P C, according to the Scale of Tangents, whofe Radius fhall be P s, beginning at P towards C, and make this Line of Tangents moveable round the Center P, the Shadow of the Style will fhew you the Coaltitude of the Sun at any Time on that moveable Scale of Tan- gents. Or if the Scale of Tangents P c be divided on the immoveable Horizontal Plane itſelf, and you deſcribe concentric Circles on the Centre P through every Degree of that Scale, the Shadow of the Tip of the Style will ſhew the Coaltitude among thofe Circles; for they will exactly reprefent the Parallels of Alti- tude in the Heavens. Notes Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 149 } Note, This is deſcribed thus particularly rather for Demonftration than Ufe, becaufe when the Sun is low, the Shadow P c will be extended many Feet or Yards. Problem III. To take the Altitude of the Sun by a Style on a perpendicular or upright Plane. Fix your Style A в perpendicular to a flat Board, as Fig. xIx. Raife your Board exactly upright, and turn it to the Sun, ſo that the Shadow of the Style A D may be caſt down- ward directly perpendicular from the Center A in the Line A Q. Then take the Length of the Style A B in your Compaffes, and fet it on the Board at right Angles to the Line of Shadow, from A to B : Draw the Line BD; and the Angle A D B fhall be the Sun's Coaltitude, (or Zenith Diſtance as it is ſome- times called) namely, 55 Degrees: The Tangent of which is A B to the Radius D A, and the Angle A B D (which is the Comple- ment of it) or 35d fhall be the Sun's Alti- tude; the Tangent of which is AD to the Radius B A. Or to make this more evident, draw the obſcure Line Do parallel to A B, that is, Horizontal, and the Angle B D o will plainly appear to be the Angle of the Sun's Altitude 35 Degrees. Hence it will follow, that if the Line A D L 2 be : { 150 & The first Principles of Sect. 20. be prolonged for Q, and divided according to the Degrees of a Scale of Tangents, this Board or Inftrument will be always ready to fhew the Sun's Altitude on that Scale, by the Sha- dow of the Style A B turned directly to the Sun, when the Board is held up and made to ſtand perpendicular to the Horizon. N.B. This is the Foundation of thofe Dials which are made on Moveable Columns, or on Walking Canes, which fhew the Hour of the Day by the different Altitudes of the Sun in the various Seafons of the Year. Note, There are feveral other Ways to find the Altitude of the Sun by a moveable or immoveable upright Plane, and a perpen- dicular Style fixed on it. But none of thoſe Ways of taking an Altitude by the Point or End of the Shadow are the moft commo- dious and exact for common Ufe; I have chiefly mentioned them, to lead the Learner into a more familiar and perfect Acquaintance with the Nature and Reafon of theſe Ope- rations. If no regular Inftrument be at Hand to take the Sun's Altitude, I prefer the following Method above any others. Problem IV. To find the Sun's or any Star's Altitude by a plain Board, Thread and Plummet. Take A 151 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. Take a ſmooth flat Board, as n o p q, which is at leaſt 8 or 9 Inches broad every Way. See Fig. xx. Mark two Points on it, as a c, at leaſt at ſeven or eight Inches Diſtance, and draw that Line. Fix a very ſhort Pin at c perpendicular, which may be done fufficiently. true by guefs. Hang a Thread and Plum- met on it. Hold up the Edge of the Board to the Sun till the Shadow of the Pin be caſt all along the Line a c. Obferve where the Thread falls; mark a Point in it as at d; draw the Line dc, and the Angle a c d is the Com- plement of the Sun's Altitude: Or you may draw the whole Quadrant a ce, and then the Angle dce is the Sun's Altitude. Now if the Arch de be meaſured by a Line of Chords, you find the Number of Degrees. Note, That the Degrees of Altitude muſt always be reckoned from that Side of the Qurdrant which is held next to the Sun, (viz.) The Coaltitude from the Side c a. ce. Note farther, That the Sun's Altitude fhould ſcarce ever be taken within half an Hour of Noon for any other Purpoſes befide the finding the Meridian Altitude; becauſe for an Hour together the Altitude then in- creaſes or decreaſes ſo very little, the Sun being then near the Middle of its diurnal Arch. Take Notice alfo, That when the Sun is near the Horizon, it appears higher than really L 3 A I 152 Sect. 20. The first Principles of 4 really it is, by reaſon of the Refraction or breaking of its Rays in paffing through a larger Space of Atmoſphere, or thicker Air. When the Sun is one Degree high, its Re- fraction cauſes it to appear near half a De- gree higher than it is. At two Degrees high the Refraction is 20 Minutes, at three De- grees the Refraction is 15 Minutes, at five Degrees the Refraction is 10 Minutes, at 10 Degrees the Refraction is 5 Minutes. You muft therefore allow proportionably by de- ducting fo much from the apparent Altitude, when you make an Obfervation near Sun-rife or Sun-fet. Now again, That the heavier your Plum- met is, the more fteady it will hang, and make the Obfervation more exact. If you pleaſe you may draw the whole Quadrant on the Board, and ſtick in the Pin at the Center before you make your Obferva- tion, which indeed is the moſt proper Way. You may find the Altitude of the Moon the fame Way. And the Altitude of any Star may be found by the fame Board, if you ſtick in another very fhort Pin perpendicular at a, and fixing your Eye at s, bring both the Pins a and c juft over the Star; then the Thread will hang (ſuppoſe) on the Point din the Arch, and fhew the Degree or Angle of Altitude to be dce. Problem Sect. 20. Geography aud Aſtronomy. 153 1 Problem V. To obferve the Meridian Al- titude of the Sun, or its Height at Noon : And by the fame Method to find any Star's Meridian Altitude: If you know exactly when it is Noon, take the Altitude of the Sun by any Inftrument within a Minute or two of that Time, and that is the Meridian Altitude; for two or three Minutes at Noon, make no fenfible Dif- ference in the Altitude. But if you have no Clock or Dial, or any Thing of that Kind whofe Truth you can rely on, then a little before Noon obſerve and ſet down the Altitude every four or five Mi- nutes, till you find it begins to grow a little lefs; then review your Obfervations, and the greateſt Height was the true Meridian Altitude. You may, by the fame Method, find the Meridian Altitude of any Star above the Ho- rizon, if you make feveral Obſervations when the Star is coming near to the North or South Part of the Meridian.' Problem VI. How to find out the Declina- tion of the Sun, or of any large or known Star. If you know the Latitude of the Place where you are, with the Meridian. Altitude of the Sun any Day in the Year, or if you know the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, you L 4 may 154 The firft Principles of Sect. 20. 7 1 may find the Declination of the Sun thereby Geometrically, as-fhall be fhewn afterward: But if theſe are not known, then, in order to other Aftronomical Operations, you muſt feek the Declination of the Sun for that Day, either by the Globe on the brazen Meridian, or in a Scale of the Sun's Declination, which is drawn on artificial Quadrants, or other Mathematical Inftruments; or it may be found in Tables of the Sun's Declination, cal- culated exactly to every Minute of a Degrée for every Day in the Year, which is the beſt Way, where it may be had. There are alſo Tables of Declination of ſe- veral of the moſt noted Stars. Theſe are all the Year at the fame Diſtance from the Equator, and their Declination does not vary as the Sun's does. Thefe Tables of the Sun's and Star's De- clination are found at the End of this Book, Sect. XXI. But let it be noted here, that the Declina- tion of the Sun not only changes every Day in the Year, but it differs alfo fome few Mi- nutes in the next Year from the Year forego- ing, even on the fame Day of the Month: Whence this Difference arifes, and how to act with reſpect to it, fee Problem XX. fol- lowing, and more in Sect. XXI. Problem { Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 155 1 Problem VII. To find the Latitude of any Place by the Meridian Altitude and Declina- tion of the Sun any Day in the Year. The Way to find the Latitude of any Place (that is, the Diſtance of the Zenith of that Place from the Equator) by the Meridian Altitude of the Sun, is firft to feek its Cola- titude, that is, the Complement of its Lati- tude, or (which is all one) the Elevation of the Equator above the Horizon of that Place. Suppoſe the Day given be the 21st of June, or the Summer Solstice. This may be done by looking back to Fi- gure 111. First, Draw the Line н o for the Horizon, and from the Center c raife a Per- pendicular cz to reprefent the Zenith. Make the Semicircle н zo for the Meridian: Then ſuppoſe the Meridian Altitude of the Sun at the Summer Solstice be 62 Degrees, by the Uſe of your Compaffes and a Scale of Chords ſet up 62 from н to s: Alfo the Declination of the Sun that Day being 23 Degrees North- ward, fet 23 from s downward, and it will find the Point E, and the Arch H E is the Altitude of the Equator above the Horizon, or the Colatitude of the Place, namely, 38 -/-/- Degrees: Thence you find the Latitude is EZ or 51' Degrees, which compleats a Quadrant. Then if you draw the Line E z, it will repre- fent the Equator in that Scheme, 2 Sup- í 156 The first Principles of Sect. 20: Suppoſe you take the Meridian Altitude of the Sun on either of the Equinoctial Days, namely, in March or September, and you find it to be 38 Degrees: Set up 31½ from н to E, then the Sun having no Declination, the Meridian Altitude itſelf fhews you the Height of the Equator above the Horizon, which is the Complement of the Latitude. Suppoſe the Meridian Altitude of the Sun at the ſhorteſt Day be 15 Degrees, fet up 15 from н to v: Then the Sun's Declina- tion is 23 Degrees Southward; therefore fet 23 from v upward, and it finds the Point E: And the Arch H E is the Comple- ment of the Latitude as before, namely, 38 Degrees. 2 For all theſe Practices the chief Rule is this. In the Summer Half-Year fet your Declination downward from the Point of the Meridian Altitude, and it will find the Equator's Height above the Horizon. In Winter fet your Declination upward from the Point of the Meridian Altitude, and it will fhew you the Height of the Equator. The Reaſon of it is moſt evident in the third and · fourth Figures. It may be proper in this Place to recol- lect what I have already demonſtrated in Section V. Figure 1v. that the Latitude of any Place (that is, the Diſtance of its Ze- nith Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 157 1 1 nith from the Equator) z E is equal to the Elevation of the Pole P o above the Hori- zon. Thereby it appears that the Elevation of the Equator above the Horizon of that Place on one Side, as E H, (which is the Complement of the Latitude) is equal to the Complement of the Pole's Elevation on the other Side, as z P. If therefore the Latitude (fuppofe of London) be E z, or PO 51 the Coaltitude P Z, or H E, will be 38 for it muſt compleat a Quadrant, or 90 Degrees; and therefore if you ſet the Point P 51 De- grees above o on the other Side of the Ho- rizon, and draw the Line P c, you have the Axis of the World reprefented, or the North Pole in its proper Elevation for Lon- don, and ſtanding (as it ought) at right An- gles with the Equator E C. Z I have repreſented the Solution of this fixth Problem in a Geometrical Manner, to fhew the Reafon of this Practice; but this Problem of finding the Latitude by the Me- ridian Altitude, is much eafier performed arithmetically, thus. In the Winter Half-Year add the Decli- nation to the Meridian Altitude, and it gives you the Coaltitude. In the Summer Half-Year fubtract the Sun's Declination from the Meridian Altitude, and it gives the Coaltitude. Example 158 The first Principles of Sect. 20. Example, June 11th Merid. Alt. Subtract H S62 Sun's Declin. E s- 23/2/2 Coaltitude H E -381- - December 11th Merid. Alt. H V 15 = Sun's Declin. E V23 Coaltitude H E-38% / Add. Then if you fubtract the Coaltitude from the Zenith or 90, you find the Latitude, as, Zenith Coaltitude HE H Z- 90 38-/-/ Latitude E Z—————511/ Subtract After all, it muſt be obſerved here, that all theſe Problems of finding the Latitude of the Place by the Sun's or Star's Meridian Altitude, &c. belong chiefly to thofe Places which lie within the Temperate Zones. If the Place lie in the Torrid or Frigid Zones, thefe Methods of Solution are good, when the Meridian Sun is on the fame Side of the Zenith with the Equator, whether North or Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 159 1 or South. But if not, then there muſt be fome little Difference of Operation at ſome Times of the Year. Yet if you project a Scheme for the Solution of fuch an Enquiry like Fig. III. the veryReaſon of Things will fhew you when you muſt Add or Subtract. Problem VIII. To find the Meridian Al- titude of the Sun any Day of the Year, the Latitude of the Place being given. This is but the Converſe of the former Problem, and therefore is to be performed the contrary Way, namely, in Winter fubtract the Declination V E from the Equinoctial Al- titude or Coaltitude H E, and the Remainder is н V the Meridian Altitude. In Summer add the Declination E s to the Equinoctial Altitude, or Coaltitude н E, and it gives the Meridian Altitude н S. The Meridian Altitude at the Equinoxes is the fame with the Coaltitude, as before. Problem IX. To find the Declination of the Sun, its Meridian Altitude and the Lati- tude of the Place being given, It is hardly neceffary to deſcribe this Prac- tice to thoſe who have perfectly learned the two foregoing Problems. Subtract the Coaltitude нE from the Meridian Altitude in Summer нs, and the Re- mainder is the Sun's Summer Declination Ẹ s. HS, Sub- 1 160 Sect. 20. The first Principles of { $ } Subtract the Meridian Altitude in Winter HV from the Colatitude H E, and the Re- mainder is the Sun's Winter Declination E v. Or in ſhort, if the Meridian Altitude and Colatitude be given, fubtract the lefs from the greater, and the Remainder is the Sun's De- clination. Problem X. To find the Latitude of a Place by the Meridian Altitude of a Star, when it is on the South Meridian. Find the Declination of that Star in fome Table or Scale of the Star's Declination. If it has Declination Northward, (as the Sun has in Summer) fubtract the Declina- tion from the Meridian Altitude, and it gives you the Colatitude. If the Star's Declination be Southward, (as the Sun's is in Winter) add its Declina- tion to its Meridian Altitude, and it gives you the Colatitude. Note, When I fpeak of North and South- ward in relation to Winter and Summer, in many of theſe Problems, I mean in Nor- thern Latitude, fuch as ours is in Britain. When the Star is on the North Meridian, fee how to find the Latitude by it in Pro- blem XXXII. Problem XI. By what Methods is the Lon gitude of Places to be found. Though Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 161 Though the Latitude (which lies North- ward and Southward) may be determined with the utmoft Certainty by the Methods before propofed, yet the Longitude of a Piace (which is the Distance of any two Places from each other Eastward or Weftward) is very hard to be determined by the Sun or Stars, becauſe they always appear moving round from East to Weft. The Longitude therefore of Places is ufually found by meaſuring the Diſtance on Earth or Sea from Weft or Eaſt. The Map-makers, who defcribe Countries, Provinces or Kingdoms, meafure the Diſtances on the Earth by an Inftrument made on purpoſe, with a Wheel fo contrived, that a certain Number of its Revolutions is equal to a Pole, or a Furlong, or a Mile; it hath alſo a Mariner's Compass and Needle touched with a Loadſtone faſtened to it, to fhew how much their Courfe varies from the North or South. In this laſt Age they have alfo invented a Way to find the Difference of Longitude be- tween two Towns that are fome thoufands of Miles afunder in diftant Nations; and that is by a nice and exact Obfervation of the Moment when the Eclipfes of the Moon begin or end, made by Mathematicians at thofe diſtant Places: And thus by the Difference of Time in thoſe Eclipfes they compute the Diſtance of Place. This t 162 The firſt Principles of Sect. 20. This Invention is ſtill further improved by Obfervations of the Eclipfes of the four Moons, or little ſecondary Planets, which roll round the Planet Jupiter as our Moon does round our Earth: By theſe Means the ſuppoſed Diſtances of fome Places in the East and West- Indies have been altered, and the Miftakes of feveral hundred Miles corrected. The Sailors meaſure it at Sea by the Log, which is a Piece of Board faſtened to a long Line which they caſt out of the Ship while a Minute or Half-Minute Glaſs begins to run: Then drawing in the Log, they fee how far the Ship has failed in a Minute; and fuppofing the Circumftances of the Wind and Water to be the fame, they compute thereby how far they have failed in fome Hours. But this being a very uncertain Way of rec- koning becauſe of the continual Changes either of the Strength or the Point of the Wind, or Current of the Water, they are often liable to Miftakes. Therefore it has been the famous and folicitous Enquiry of theſe laſt Ages, how to find out and afcer- tain Longitude at Sea; and there is ſo vaft a Reward as Twenty Thouſand Pounds of- fered by the Parliament of Great-Britain to any Man who fhall invent a Method for it, which fhall be plain, eafy, and practi- cable at Séa, Problem \ Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 163 1 Problem XII. To find the Value of the De- gree of a greater Circle upon the Earth, or how much it contains in Engliſh Meafure. Here let it be noted, that one Degree of à greater Circle on the Earth anfwers to one Degree of a greater Circle in the Heavens. It is true the heavenly Circles are incompar- ably larger than the Circumference of the Earth; and they are alſo larger than each other according to the different Diſtances of the Planets and Stars; yet every Circle (whe ther greater or leffer) is divided into 360 De- grees, and therefore though Circles differ né- ver fo much in Magnitude, yet, when they are ſuppoſed to be concentrical, (that is, to have the fame Center) every fingle Degree of each Circle is correſpondent to a fingle De- gree of all other Circles. Now that a Degree of the Heavens thus anfwers to a Degree on the Earth, is very evi- dent; for if we travel on the Earth, or fail one Degree Northward or Southward on the fame Meridian, we fhall find by the Sun or the fixt Stars in Heaven, that our Zenith is juft a Degree altered, our Latitude is changed one Degree, and our Pole is one Degree more or leſs elevated, namely, more elevated if we go from London toward the North, and lefs ele- vated if we go toward the South, till we come to the Equator: Afterward, the contrary Pole is elevated gradually. By fuch Experiments M as 1 1 } 164 Sect. 20. The first Principles of } as theſe Philofophers infer alſo that the Earth is a Globe, and not a plane Surface. Wherefore to find the Value of a Degree on a greater Circle of the Earth, you muſt travel directly in the fame Meridian, meaſuring your Miles all the Way, till your Latitude be altered one Degree; and then (if you have been exact in your Meaſure) you will find that you have travelled about 70 English Miles; though Geographers often reckon 60 Geographical Miles to a Degree for greater Eafe in Computation, as I have ſaid before. Problem XIII. To find the Circumference, the Diameter, the Surface, and folid Contents of the Earth. Having found the Value of one Degree to be 70 Miles, multiply that by 360, and it produces 25200 Miles for the Circumference. The Diameter is in proportion to the Cir- cumference as 113 to 355, or as 50 to 157, or in more brief and vulgar Account, as 7 is to 22, which will make the Diameter of the Earth to be about 8000 Miles. Multiply the Circumference by the Dia- meter, and that Product fhall be the Square Feet, Furlongs, Miles, &c..of the Surface. Multiply the Surface by the fixth Part of the Diameter, and that will give the folid Content. Note, That Geographers differ a little in the Computation of thefe Meaſures, becaufe they Sect 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 155 they differ in the Meaſure of a fingle Degree: And that is becauſe of the Crookednefs and Inequality of any Road that you can travel. for 70 Miles together: The jufteſt Meaſurers : have made 69 Miles go to a Degree, or the round Number of 70 Miles. 1 Dea Problem XIV. To find the Value of a gree of a leffer Circle on the Earth, that is, the Value of a Degree of Longitude on the leffer Parallels of Latitude. I have mentioned it before under the IIId Problem of the 19th Section, that all the Degrees marked on the Equator, or on any of the Meridians, are 70 Miles; becaufe all thofe Lines are Great Circles; yet in the Parallels of Latitude, the further you go from the Equator, the Circle grows lefs and lefs, and conſequently each Degree of it muſt be leſs alfó; and for this Reafon the whole Circle of 360 Degrees near the Pole, will not make above 360 Miles; and as you approach ſtill nearer to the Pole, it will not make fo Furlongs or Feet. 2 many To find therefore the true Value of a De- gree, fuppofe in the Parallel of Latitude of London 51 Degrees, ufe this Method, Fig. xx11. Make a ſtraight Line A B to repreſent one Degree in the Equator, divide it into 60 Geographical Miles, or into 70 Engliſh Miles, all equal: Set the Foot of your M 2 Com- 1 і ل i 166 The first Principles of Sect. 20. Compaffes in A, defcribe an Arch from в to c of 51 Degrees, then from the Point c let fall a Perpendicular to D, and A D is the Meaſure of a Degree of Longitude in the Pa- rallel of London, namely, about 43 Miles. Σ The Demonſtration of it may thus be ex- plained. Prolong the Arch в c, and com- plete the Quadrant E A B. Then E fhall repreſent the North Pole: E A the Northern Half of the Axis of the World, A в the Semi- diameter at the Equator, and N c the Semi- diameter of the Parallel of Latitude for Lon- don. Then Arithmetically, if the Line A B (fuppofe 1000 equal Parts) allow 70 Miles for a Degree, what will N c (that is, about 621 equal Parts) allow? Anfw. 43. Or Trigonometrically thus. A B is the whole Sine of god, or Radius. NC is the Sine of the Colatitude 38d. Then ſay, As A B or the Sine god is to 70 Miles, fo is N C or A D the Sine of 384 to 43 Miles. 2 I Note, This Diagram or Figure will ſhew the Value of a Degree of Longitude in any Parallel of Latitude, if from every Degree in the Arch ECB a Perpendicular were drawn to the Line A B. Therefore a whole Line of Sines, if num- bered backward, and applied to a Scale of 70 equal Parts, will fhew the Miles contained in one Degree of Longitude under any Parallel of Latitude whatfoever. Having 1 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 167 1 Having fhewn in former Problems how to take the Meridian, Altitude of the Sun, and thereby to find the Latitude of any Place on the Earth, I think it may be proper now to ſhew how to project the Sphere for any Lati- tude upon the Plane of the Meridian, and re- preſent it in ftraight Lines, which is called the Analemma: Becauſe the Erection of this Scheme (and ſometimes of a little Part of it) will folve a variety of Aftronomical Problems, as will appear hereafter. Problem XV. } To erect the Analemma, or reprefent the Sphere in ftraight Lines for the Latitude of London 51 Degrees. 2 First, It is fuppofed you have a Scale of Chords at hand, or a Quadrant ready divided into 90 Degrees. Take the Extent of 60 Degrees of the Line of Chords in your Com- paffes, (or which is all one) the Radius of your Quadrant, and defcribe the Circle N z EHSQ for a Meridian both North and South, as in Figure XXIII. namely, NE s, which repreſents 12 o'Clock at Noon; and N Qs, which reprefents the Hour of Mid- night. Through c the Center draw the Line Ho for the Horizon. At 90 Degrees Dif- tance from н and o mark the Point z and D for the Zenith and Nadir; then draw the Line z D, which will crofs Ho at Right M 3 Angles, 1 168 Sect. 20. The first Principles of Angles, and will repreſent the Azimuth of East and Weft; as the Semicircle z o D re- prefents the North Azimuth, and z HD the South. I Above the Horizon o mark N for the North Pole elevated 51 Degrees: Through the Center c drrw the Line N s for the Axis of the World; which Line will alſo repreſent the Hour Circle of Six o'Clock, being at 90 Degrees Diſtance from Noon and Midnight, s will ſtand for the South Pole, depreſſed as much below н the South Side of the Horizon, as N the North Pole is raiſed above o on the North Side of it. H At 90 Degrees from N mark E and Q on each Side; then crofs the Axis of the World N s with the Line E Q at right Angles, which reprefents the Equator. Thus E will be 90 Degrees from N the North Pole, 51 De- grees from z the Zenith, which is the La- titude, and it will be 38 Degrees above H the Horizon, which is the Complement of the Latitude. At 23 Degrees from E, on each Side mark the Points M and w; then parallel to the E- quator, or E Q, draw the Line M for the Tropick of Cancer, and the ww for the Tro- pick of Capricorn. After that, through the Center c draw me which is the Ecliptick; It cuts the Equator, E Q in c, and makes an Angle with it of 23 Degrees. From 1 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 169 1 2 From the Points N s mark p and x on each. Side at the Diftance of 23 Degrees, pp are the Poles of the Ecliptick, and the Line px and xp being drawn are the two Polar Cir- cles, namely, the Arctic and Antarctic. Thus the Analemma is compleated for all general Purpoſes or Problems. The further Obfervables in it are thefe, namely, Mis the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, when it enters Cancer at the Summer Solstice: And the Arch E M is its North Declination 23 Degrees. I c is the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick enter- ing Aries or Libra at the Equinoxes: And then it has no Declination. is the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick enter- ing Capricorn at the Winter Solſtice: And the Arch Qor (which is all one) E w, is its South Declination 23 Degrees. The Line M is the Sun's Path the Longeft Day, or at the Summer Solstice; it is at at Midnight; it rifes at R ; it is at fix o'Clock at 6; it is in the Eaſt Azimuth at v; it is on the Meridian at м that Day, and the Arch MH is its Meridian Altitude, namely, 62 Degrees. The Line EQ is the Sun's Path on the two Equinoctial Days at Aries and Libra: It is at Midnight at Q; it rifes at c, and it is in the fame Moment at the Eaft, and fix o'clock; for on the Equinoctial Days M 4 Z D 170 Sect. 20. The firft Principles of 1 z D the Azimuth of Eaft and Weft, and N S the fix o'Clock Hour Line, both meet at c in the Horizon Ho, which never happens any other Day in the Year: Then the Sun goes up to E at Noon; and EH is the Arch of its Meridian Altitude at the Equinoxes, namely, 38 Degrees. ww is the Sun's Path the Shorteſt Day, or at the Winter Solstice; it is Midnight at 3 it is in the Eaſt at K long before it riſes; it is fix o'clock at G before it rifes alfo; then at I it rifes or gets above the Horizon; it is Noon at w, and its Meridian Altitude is W н, or 15 Degrees. The Sun's Afcenfional Difference (that is, its Diſtance from fix o'Clock at its Rifing or Setting) in the Summer Solftice is the Line R 6, and at the Winter Solstice it is the Line I G. Its Amplitude (or Diſtance from Eaſt or Weft at its Rifing or Setting) in Summer is R C; in Winter it is I c. Here you muſt ſuppoſe that the Sun goes down again from the Meridian in the After- noon on the other Side of the Scheme or Globe, in the fame manner in which its Afcent toward the Meridian is repreſented on this Side: So that the Line M R repreſents the Sun's Semidiurnal Arch at Midfummer, E C at the Equinoxes, and w I at Mid-winter. The Semidiurnal Arch is half the Arch it makes above the Horizon. Note # 1 1 1 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 171 Note, That as we have deſcribed the va- rious Places of the Sun's Appearance above the Horizon H o at the feveral Seafons of the Year, fo the various Places of its Depreffion below the Horizon н o may be eaſily found out and defcribed by any Learner. Pa- Problem XVI. How to represent any rallel of Declination on the Analemma, or to defcribe the Path of the Sun any Day in the Year. Find out what is the Sun's Declination that Day by fome Scale or Table: Obſerve whe- ther it be the Winter or the Summer Half- Year; and confequently whether the Decli- nation be North or South: Then for the North Side of the Equator, if it be Summer, fet the Degrees of North Declination upward from E toward z; if it be Winter, ſet the South Declination downward from E toward H: And from the Point of Declination (ſup- poſe it be м or w) draw a Line parallel to E Q the Equator, as м or w, and it re- prefents the Parallel of Declination, or the Path of the Sun for that Day. Problem XVII. How to repreſent any Pa- rallel of Altitude, either of the Sun or Star on the Analemma. As the Lines of Declination are parellel to the Equator; fo the Lines of Altitude are parallel + 172 The first Principles of Sect. 20. C parallel to the Horizon: Suppofe therefore the Altitude of the Sun be about 42 Degrees; fet up 42 Degrees on the Meridian from н to A, draw the Line A L parallel to н o, and it deſcribes the Sun's Parallel of Altitude that Moment. Here note, That where the Sun's Parallel of Declination for any Day, and his Parallel of Altitude for any Moment crofs each other, that is an exact Repreſentation of the Sun's Place in the Heavens at that Time: Thus the Point Solo is the precife Place where the Sun is when he is 42 Degrees high on the longeſt Day of the Year; for M repre- fents his Path or Parallel of Declination that Day, and A L repreſents his Parallel of Al- titude that Moment. I might add here alfo, that the pricked Arch Nos repreſents the Hour Circle in which the Sun is at that Moment; and z O D repreſents its Azimuth or vertical Circle at that Time. Note, Theſe Arches are trou- bleſome to draw aright, and are not at all neceffary to folve common Problems by the Scale and Compaffes on the Analemma: Problem XVIII. The Day of the Month and the Sun's Altitude being given, how to find the Hour or Azimuth of the Sun by the Analemma, The Sect. 20. 173 Geography and Aftronomy. } The two foregoing Problems acquaint you how to fix the precife Point of the Sun's Place any Minute of any Day in the Year by the Parallel of Declination and Parallel of Alti- tude croffing each other. Now fuppofe the Day of the Month be the 6th of May, and the Sun's Altitude 34 Degrees in the Morning. Defcribe the Semi- circle н zo in Figure xxiv. for the Meri- dian. Make н сo the Horizon. Draw E C making with H c an Angle of the Colatitude 38 Degrees to reprefent the Equator. Seek the Declination of the Sun, and in the Tables or Scales you will find it near 16 Degrees Northward: Set 16 from E to D; draw DR for the Path of the Sun that Day, pa- rallel to E C the Equator. titude 34ª from н to А. H A, I Then fet the Al- Draw A L- parallel to Ho the Horizon. Thus the Point o fhews the Place of the Sun as before. Now if you would find the Hour, you muſt draw the Line C N at right Angles with the Equator E C, which reprefents the fix o'Clock Hour Line; and the Diſtance 6 o is the Sun's Hour from fix; that is, his Hour after fix in the Morning, or before fix in the Af- ternoon. If you are to feek the Azimuth, then you muft draw the Line c z perpendicular to н o, which is the verticle Circle of Eaſt or Weſt; 1 1 $ 174 The first Principles of Sect. 20. Weft; then the Extent F o is the Sun's Azi- muth from East in the Morning, or from Weft in the Afternoon. Thus you fee that in order to folve thoſe two difficult Problems of the Hour or Azi- muth, you need but a very few Lines to per- form the whole Operation; for if you want only the Hour, c z may be omitted; if you want only the Azimuth, CN may be omitted. Yet in the Winter Half-Year, fuppofe the 13th of November, when the Declination is near 18 Degrees South, it muſt be fet down- ward, as E w from E toward H; then you cannot fo well find the Hour without pro- ducing the fix o'Clock Line N c below the Horizon down to s, that you may meaſure the Hour from s or fix. Obferve alſo, that this little Diagram in Fi- gure xxiv. will folve a great Variety of Pro- blems befides the Hour and Azimuth on the 6th of May: It fhews the Length of the Day by the Semidiurnal Arch D R. The Sun's Af- cenfional Difference is 6 R. His Amplitude is CR. His Azimuth from Eaft or Weſt at fix is T 6. His Altitude at East and Weft is v c. His Meridian Altitude is the Arch DH: And his Azimuth from Eaſt or Weſt at rifing or Jetting is the Line C R. Problem XIX. How to measure the Number of Degrees on any of the ſtraight Lines in the Analemma. I think Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 175 I think there is no need to inform the Rea- der that any Part of the outward Circleor Me- ridian may be meaſured upon that Scale of Chords or Quadrant, according to whofe Ra- dius the whole Analemma is drawn. As for the ſtraight Lines they are all to be confidered as Sines; thofe Semidiameters which are drawn from the Center c to the Circumference, are fo many whole Lines of Sines, or 90 Degrees, to the common Ra- dius of the Semicircle. But if you confider any whole Diameter which paffeth through the Center c, it is a Line of verfed Sines, that is, two Lines of right Sines joined at their Be- ginning to the fame common Radius of the Semicircle. If therefore you have a Scale or Line of Sines at hand to the fame Radius of the Circle, you may meaſure any Part of thoſe ſtraight Lines, fetting one Foot of the Compaffes in the Center c, and extending the other to the Point propoſed; then applying that Extent to the Beginning of the Line of Sines, and ob- ferving how far it reaches. But if you have no Scale or Line of Sines at hand, you may find a Quantity of any Part of the Semidiameter by the outward Limb or Semicircle, and by the Scale of Chords, according to whofe Radius the Semicircle is drawn. The Method of per- forming it fee in Figure xxv. where the Quadrant 1 1 • 176 The first Principles of Sect. 20. L Quadrant yxb is drawn by the fame Ra- dius as the Semicircle in Figure xxiv. But I choſe to make it a distinct Figure, left the Lines fhould interfere with one another, and breed confufion; and therefore in Figure XXIV. I have uſed capital Letters, in Figure xxv. all the Letters are fmall. Suppoſe I would find how many Degrees are contained in v c which is the Sun's Altitude at East or Weft: This is a Part of the Semidiameter cz: Suppofe there- fore cz to be a whole Line of Sines, be- ginning to be numbered at c. Take the Extent vc in your Compaffes, and carry one Leg up in the Arch yx till the other Leg will but juſt touch the Diameter y b, and the Leg of the Compaffes will reſt at n ; wherefore it appears that c v in Fig. xxiv. is the Sine of the Arch yn in Figure xxv. or 21 Degrees. Another Way to perform it is this. Take the Extent v c, fet one Leg of the Com- paffes in y, and with that Extent make a blind or obfcure Arch at e, and by the Edge of that Arch lay a Rule from the Center b, and it will find the 'Point n in the Limb, namely, 21 Degrees. By the fame Practice you may find the Number of Degrees contained in any Part of thoſe Lines which are drawn from the Center 1 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 177 1 Center c, namely, CH, CE, CM, CZ, CN, C ó, all which are whole Lines of Sines to the common Radius of the Quadrant. But as for thofe Lines in the Analemma which are not drawn from the Center c, but are drawn acrofs fome other Diameter and produced to the Limb, fuch as the Line 6 D, the Line s w, the Line F A, and the Line F L, each of theſe are to be eſteemed as a whole Line of Sines alfo, but to a leſs Radius. in So 6 o Figure XXIV. is the Sine of the Sun's Hour from 6; but the Radius is 6 D, and the Number of Degrees in 6 o is to be found in this manner. Take the Extent 6 D, or this whole leffer Radius in your Compaffes, and fet it from b to 9 Figure xxv; then take the Extent 6 o, and fetting one Foot of the Compaffes in q, make an obfcure Arch at o, and a Ruler laid from b the Center by the Edge of that Arch o will find the Point D in the Limb, and fhew that dy is 34 Degrees, which (turn- ed into Hours) is two Hours 17 Minutes from fix, namely, 17 Minutes past eight in the Morning, to 43 Minutes paft three in the Afternoon. Again, Fo in Figure XXIV. is the Sine of the Azimuth from East to West to the Radius F A; take therefore FA in your Compaffes, 178 The first Principles of Sect. 20. 1 Compaffes, and fet it from b top in Figure XXV; then take the Extent FO, and with one Foot in p make the obſcure Arch a; by the Edge of that Arch lay a Ruler from b the Center, and you will find the Point s in the Limb; therefore ys is the Azimuth from East to West, that is, about 17 Dẹ- grees. Note, If you have the Inftrument called a Sector at hand, and know how to uſe it, you may with great Eaſe and Exactnefs find the Value of any Sine in the Analemma, whe- ther it be to a greater or a leffer Radius, without theſe Geometrical Operations. Problem XX. To find the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick any Day in the Year. It is well known that the 12 Signs of the Zodiack, each of which has 30 Degrees, con- tains in all 360 Degrees: And the Sun is faid to go through them all once in twelve Months, or a Year. Therefore in a vulgar Account, and for the Ufe of Learners, we generally fay, the Sun goes through one De- gree in a little more than a Day, and thereby finiſhes the 360 Degrees in 365 Days. But this is not the juſteſt and moſt accurate Ac- count of Things: Let us therefore now, to- ward the End of this Book, with a little more Exactneſs obſerve, x. That : } Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 179 1 1. That the annual Courſe which the Sun appears to take through the Ecliptick round the Earth, is much more properly and truly afcribed to the Earth's moving or taking its Courſe round the Sun; though the common Appearances to our Eye are much the fame as if the Sun moved. 2. This annual Courfe or Path of the Earth is not properly a Circle, but an Ellipfis or Oval : And as the Sun is fixed in one of the Focus's of the Ellipfis, fo the fixed Stars, (and among them the 12 Signs) furround and encompaſs it. See Fig. xxxI. where the black Point t is the Earth in its Orbit mov- ing round, and o the Sun near the Middle, and the outward Circle of Points is the ſtarry Heaven. 3. That Part of this Ellipfis or Oval, which the Earth traces in our Winter Half- Year, (that is, from Autumn to Spring) is nearer to the Sun than the other Part of it which the Earth traces in our Summer Half- year, (that is, from Spring to Autumn.) And as it is nearer to the Sun, fo confequently it is the ſhorter or leffer Half, if I may fo ex- preſs it.—The very Figure fhews it plainly. Note, By our Winter and our Summer, I mean thoſe Seaſons as they reſpect us in Europe, and in thefe Northern Parts of the Globe. 1 1 N 4. Thence 180 Sect. zo. The first Principles of * 4. Thence it follows that the Sun appears to finish its Winter Half-year from Septem- ber 23d to March 20th, that is, from by to fooner by 7 or 8 Days than it does the Summer Half-year, that is, from v by to, or from March 20th to September 23d, which is proved thus: When the Earth is at t, the Sun appears at, and it is Midfummer. When the Earth is at e the Sun appears at and it is Autumn. When the Earth is at a the Sun appears at w, and it is Midwinter. And when the Earth is at a the Sun appears at and it is Spring. Thus the Sun appears to paſs through thofe Signs which are juſt oppofite to thofe which the Earth paffes. Now as the Earth is longer in going through the Arch at e, from to , than it is in going through the Arch e o a from v to, fo confequently the Sun ap- pears to paſs through the oppofite Signs from Aries to Libra, flower than he does from Libra to Aries. This is proved alſo plainly by the Com- putation of Days. After the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, that Month hath 11 Days; and af- ter the Sun enters Libra on September 23d, that Month hath eight Days.." Now let us compute. 1 March 4X4 Se&t. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 181 March II April 30 Y❘ September October 8 31 May June July 31 November 30 30 Days. December 31 Days. 31 January 31 Auguft 31 September 22 February March 28 20 Summer 186 Days. Winter 179 Days. 5. Agreeably hereto it is found, that in the Winter Months (chiefly from the latter End of October to the Middle of March) the Sun appears to move fomething more than one Degree in a Day: But in the Summer Months (chiefly from the Middle of March to the latter End of October) the Sun appears to move fomething less than one Degree in a Day. This is one Reaſon why a good Pendulum Clock meaſures Time more juftly than the Sun And it is this Irregularity of the Sun's meaſuring Time, that makes the Tables of Equation of Time neceffary. 6. And thence arifes a fenfible Inequality between the Times of the Sun's apparent Continuance in different Signs of the Zodiack: He ſeems to tarry longer in thoſe of the Sum- mer, and ſhorter in thoſe of the Winter: So that he does not leave one Sign, and enter another juſt in the fame Proportions or Dif- tances of Time every Month, N 2 7. This រ 182 Sect. zo. The first Principles of } 7. This occafions a little Variation of the Declination of the Sun, and his Right Afcen- hon from the Regularity that we might ex- pect; for they are both derived from his ap- parent Place in the Ecliptick: And therefore none of them can be found by Learners with the utmoſt Exactneſs, but in an Ephemeris or Tables which fhew the Sun's Place, &c. every Day in the Year. 8. Let it be noted alfo, that the Leap-year with its additional Day the 29th of February, returning every four Years, forbids the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick to be exactly the fame at the fame Day and Hour of the following Year, as it was in the foregoing; ſo that though you knew the Sun's Place, his Right Afcenfion and Declination for one whole Year, that would not ferve exactly for the next Year, for the niceſt Purpoſes of Aſtro- nomy. 9. Yet as in four Years Time the Sun ap- pears very nearly at the fame Place in the Heavens again at the fame Day, and Hour, and Minute, as before, fo a Table that con- tains the Round of four Years is a fufficient Direction for 20 Years to find the Sun's Place for any common Purpoſes : Provided always, that we ſeek the Sun's Place, Declination or Right Afcenfion, for any Year and Day in that Year in the Table that is equally diftant from Leap-year, whether it happens to be the firft, 譬 ​( 1 Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 183 firft, the fecond, or the third after Leap- year, or whether it be the Leap-year itſelf. See more of this Matter Sect. XXI. of the Tables of Declination. 10. If we would make one fingle Table or Scale of the Sun's Entrance into the Signs of the Zodiack, or of his Declination or Right Afcenfion to ſerve for every Year, we muſt chuſe the ſecond after the Leap-year, becauſe that comes nearest to the mean or middle Courfe and Place of the Sun, and will occa- fion the leaft Error in any Operations. I have therefore here fet down a fhort Ta- ble of the Sun's Entrance into the feveral Signs, for the Year 1754, which is the ſecond after Leap-year; and for Geometrical Opera- tions with a plain Scale and Compafs, it is fufficiently exact for 20 Years to come. Anno 1754, the ſecond after Leap-year. Day March 20 - ရာ April 20- d. m. Day o: 09 Sept. 23 0: 19 Oct. 23 m II o: 16 Nov. 22 15 Dec. 22 o: 25 Jan. 21 | May 21 Junë 22 July 23 August 23 O : II Feb. 20 Mw w d. m. O: 21 O 3 0 : 14 0: 44 0:33 X Q : 55 It is not poffible to form all this irregular Variety of Times when the Sun enters the feveral Signs into any Memòrial Lines or Rhymes N 3 184 Sect. 20. The firft Principles of Rhymes with any Exactnefs and Perfpi- cuity; and therefore I have omitted the Attempt. Such a ſhort Table as this may be always carried about by any Perfon who deals frequently in fuch Operations and In- quiries. 1 But to give an Example of the Practice. Suppoſe it be inquired, what is the Sun's Place, April 25th, I find the Sun juſt entered into Taurus & April the 20th, then I reckon it is in the 5th Degree of 8 April 25th, which added to the whole 30 Degrees of Aries, fhews the Sun to be 35 Degrees from the Equinoc- tial Point on the 25th of April. If the 29th of November we inquire the Sun's Place, we muſt confider the Sun is juft entered ↑ the 22d of November : There- fore on the 29th it is about ſeven Degrees in 4; which added to 30 Degrees of m, and 30 Degrees of, fhews the Sun on the 29th of November, to be about 67 Degrees from the Autumnal Equinox, or . Thus by adding or ſubtracting as the Caſe requires, you may find the Sun's Place any Day in the Year: And thence you may com- pute its Diſtance from the nearest Equinoc- tial Point, which is of chief Uſe in Opera- tions by the Analemma. Problem XXI. The Day of the Month being given, to draw the Parallel of Declination for that ! Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 185 that Day without any Tables or Scales of the Sun's Declination. 2 This may be done two Ways. The first Way is by confidering the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick; as May the 6th, it is 46; Degrees from the Equinox Northward. Therefore in Figure xxiv. after you have drawn н z o H the Meridian, E c the Equator, fet up 23 Degrees the Sun's greateft Declination from E to M ; draw me to reprefent the Eclip- tick; then take 46 Degrees from a Line or Scale of Sines, and fẹt it from c the Equi- noctial Point to K in the Ecliptick; through the Point K, draw DR parallel to EC the Equator. Thus D R reprefents the Sun's Path that Day, and fhews the Declination to be E D, or 161. Note, If you have not a Scale of Sines at hand, then take the Chord or the Arch of 461 Degrees, ſet it up in the Limb from H to G, fet one Foot of the Compaffes in G, and take the neareſt Diſtance to the Line н o, or Diameter, and that Extent is the Sine of 46½ Degrees. The other Way of drawing a Parallel of Declination, is by feeking what is the Mori- dian Altitude for the 6th of May, and you will find it to be 55 Degrees. Set up therefore the Arch of H 55 Degrees from н to D; and from the Point D draw DR a Parallel to E C, which hews the Declination and Sun's Pathas before. Thus N 4 186 Sect. 20. The first Principles of $ 'Thus tho' you have no Scales or Tables of the Sun's Declination at hand, you fee it is poffible to find the Hour and Azimuth, and many other Aftronomical Problems by the Analemma for any Day in the Year. But this Method which I propofed of performing them, by finding the Sun's Place in the Eclip- tick by any fhort general Scale or Table, is liable to the Miſtake of near half a Degree fometimes. Obferve here, if you have by any Means obtained and drawn the Sun's Path, namely, DR for any given Day, you may find both the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, and its Right Afcenfion, by drawing c M the Ecliptick. For then C K will be the Sine of the Sun's Place or Longitude to the common Radius c м: And 6 K will be the Sine of the Sun's Dif- tance on the Equator from the neareſt Equi- noctial Point, but the Radius is 6 D: From hence you may eafily compute its Right Af- cenfion. Note, Though the little Schemes and Diagrams which belong to this Book, are fufficient for a Demonftration of the Truth and Reaſon of thefe Operations, yet if you have Occafion to perform them, in order to find the Hour or Azimuth with great、 Exactneſs, you muſt have a large flat Board, or very ſtiff Paſteboard with white Paper paſted on it, that you may draw a Semi- circle Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 187 ; circle upon it of 9 or io, or rather i2 Inches Radius and the Lines muſt not be drawn with Ink, nor with a Pencil; for they cần- not be drawn fine enough: But draw them only with the Point of the Compaſs; and you muft obferve every Part of the Opera- tion with the greateſt Accuracy, and take the Sun's Place or Declination out of good Tables For a little Error in fome Places will make a foul and large Miſtake in the final Anſwer to the Problem. Yet if the Sun be within feven or eight Days of either Side of either Solſtice, you may make the Tropic of Cancer or Capricorn ſerve for the Path of the Sun, without any fenfible Error; for in 16 Days together at the Solſtices, its Declination does not alter above 12 or 15 Minutes : But near the Equi- nox you muſt be very exact; for the Decli- nation alters greatly every Day at that Time of the Year. There might be alfo various Geographical Practices or Problems, that relate to the Earthly Globe performed by the Affiſtance of the Analemma, and feveral other Aitro- nomical Problems relating to the Sun and to the fixed Stars; but fome of them are more troubleſome to perform; and what I have already written on this Subject is ab ɔn~ dantly fufficient to give the Learner an A quaintance with the Nature and Rea f of 1 1 188 Sect. 20. The first Principles of } 1 of thefe Lines, and the Operations that are performed by them. And for my own Part I must confefs, there is nothing has contri- buted to eſtabliſh all the Ideas of the Doctrine of the Sphere in my Mind, more than a per- fect Acquaintance with the Analemma. Problem XXII. How to draw a Meridian Line, or a Line directly pointing to North and South on a Horizontal Plane, by the Altitude or Azimuth of the Sun being given. At the fame Time while one Perfon takes the Altitude of the Sun in order to find the Azimuth from Noon by it, let another hold up a Thread and Plummet in the Sun- Beams, and mark any two diftant Points in the Shadow, as A B, Figure XXVI. and then draw the Line A B: Suppoſe the Azimuth at that Moment be found to be 35 Degrees, draw the Line A E at the Angle of 35 De- grees from A B, and that will be a true Me- ridian Line. You muſt obſerve to fet off the Angle on the proper Side of the Line of Shadow Eaft- ward or Westward, according as you make your Obſervation in the Morning or in the Afternoon. Note, Where you use a Thread and Plummet, remember that the larger and heavier your Plummet is, the fteadier will your Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 189 1 your Shadow be, and you will draw it with greater Eafe and Exactneſs. In this and the following Operations to draw a Meridian Line, you must be fure that your Plane be truly Level and Horizontal, or Performances will not be true. elfe your Problem XXIII. To draw a Meridian Line on a Horizontal Plane, by a perpendi- cular Style. Note, That when I ſpeak of a perpendicu- lar Style, I mean either of thoſe three Sorts of Styles before-mentioned in Problem I. name- ly, A ftraight Needle ftuck into the Board perpendicularly, as Figure xv. A ftraight or crooked Wire fuck in floping at Random with the perpendicular Point found under the Tip of it, as Figure xvI; or the Brass Prifm, as Figure XVII. For what I call a perpen- dicular Style may be applied and afcribed to either of theſe. Make feveral parallel Circles or Arches, as Figure XXVII: In the Center of them fix your perpendicular Style N c. Mark in the Morning what Point in any Circle the End of the Shadow touches, as A. In the Afternoon mark where the End of the Sha- dow touches the fame Circle, as o: Divide the Arch A o juft in Halves by a Line drawn from the Center, and that Line c M will be a true Meridian Line. The 1 190 The first Principles of Sect. 20. The Reaſon of this Practice is derived hence, namely, that the Sun's Altitude in the Afternoon is equal to the Sun's Altitude in the Morning, when it cafts à Shadow of the fame Length: And at thoſe two Moments it is equally diſtant from the Point of Noon, or the South, which is its higheſt Altitude; therefore a Line drawn exactly in the Middle between theſe two Points of Shadow, muft be a Meridian Line, or Point to the North and South. This Problem may be performed by fix- ing your perpendicular Style firft, and ob- ferving the Shadow a before you make the Circles, (efpecially if you ufe the Brafs Prifm, or the floping Style with the perpen- dicular Point under it) then fet one Foot of your Compaffes in the perpendicular Point c, extend the other to A, and fo make the Circle. If you uſe the Prifm for a Style, you may mark a Line or Angle at the Foot of it where you firſt fix it, and place it right again, tho' you move it never ſo often. It is very convenient to mark three or four Points of Shadow in the Morning, and accordingly draw three or four Arches or Circles, left the Sun fhould not happen to ſhine, or you ſhould not happen to attend juft at that Moment in the Afternoon when the Shadow touches that Circle on which you Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 191 1 you marked your firft Point of Shadow in the Morning. If you would be very exact in this Opera- tion, you ſhould tarry till the Sun be gone one Minute further Weftward in the After- noon, that is, till one Minute after the Shadow touches the fame Circle, and then mark the Shadow; becauſe the Sun in fix Hours Time (which is one Quarter of a Day) is gone Eastward on the Ecliptick in his Annual Courfe one Minute of Time, which is fifteen Minutes (or one Quarter) of a Degree. Problem XXIV. To draw a Meridian Line on a Horizontal Plane by a Style or Needle fet up at Random. 1 Another Method near akin to the former is this: Set up a Needle or fharp-pointed Style at Random, as N D in Figure xxvIII. Fix it very faft in the Board, and obferve a Point of Shadow in the Morning, as A. Then with a Pin ſtuck on the Tip of the Style N, (without moving the Style) draw the Arch A SO: Mark the Point of Shadow o, in the Afternoon when it touches that Arch (or ra- ther when it is one Minute paft it.) Then draw the Line A o and bifect it, or cut it in Halves by a perpendicular Line ME, which is a true Meridian. Note, In this Method you have no Trouble of fixing a Style perpendicular, nor 1 1. 192 The firft Principles of Sect. 20. nor finding the Point directly under it for a Center; but in this Method as well as in the former, it is good to mark three or four Points of Shadow in the Morning, and draw Arches or Circles at them all, for the fame Reaſon as before. Obferve here, That in theſe Methods of drawing a Meridian Line by the Shadow of the Tip of a Style, I think it is beſt generally to make your Obfervations between eight and ten o'clock in the Morning, and between two and four in the Afternoon. Indeed in the three Summer Months, May, June, and Ju- ły, you may perhaps make pretty good Ob- fervations an Hour earlier in the Morning, and later in the Afternoon; but at no Time of the Year ſhould you do it within an Hour of Noon, nor when the Sun is near the Hori- zon, for near Noon the Altitude of the Sun, or the Length of Shadow varies exceeding lit- tie; and when the Sun is near the Horizon, the Point and Bounds of the Shadow are not 'full and ſtrong and diſtinct, nor can it be marked exactly. Therefore if in the three Winter Months, November, December, or January, you make your Obfervation, you ſhould then do it half an Hour before or after ten o'Clock in the Morning, and fo much before or after Two in the Afternoon; for otherwife the Sun will be either too near Noon, or too near the Ho- rizon. But Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. · 193 But in general, it may be adviſed that the Summer Half-year is far the beſt for Obſer- vation of Shadows in order to any Operations of this Kind. Problem XXV. To draw a Meridian Line on an Equinoctial Day. On an Equinoctial Day, or very near it, as the eighth, ninth, or tenth of March; or the 11th, 12th, or 13th of September, you may make a pretty true Meridian Line very eaſily thus by Figure xxix. Mark any two Points of Shadow as A B from a Needle CD fet up at Random, (no Matter whether it be either upright or ftraight.) Let thoſe two Shadows be at leaſt at the Diſtance of three or four Hours from each other, and it is beſt they ſhould be ob- ferved one in the Morning, and the other about the fame Diſtance from 12 in the Afternoon; and then draw the Line A-B which reprefents the Equinoctial Line, and is the Path of the Sun that Day: Croſs it any where at right Angles, and м N, or o P, are Meridian Lines. Note, It is beft to mark feveral Shadows that Day, as S S S, and draw a right Line ASS B by thoſe which lie neareſt in a right Line, that you may be the more exact. Problem XXVI. Todraw a Meridian Line by a Point of a Shadow at Noon. 4 If 1 194 The firſt Principles of Sect. 20. If you have an exact Dial to whoſe Truth you can truſt, or a good Watch or Clock fet exactly true by the Sun that Morning, then watch the Moment of 12 o'Clock, or Noon, and hold up a Thread and Plummet againſt the Sun, and mark the Line of Shadow on a Horizontal Plane, and that will be a true Meridian Line. Or you may mark the Point or Edge of Shadow, by any thing that ftands truly per- pendicular, at the Moment of 12 o'clock, and draw a Meridian Line by it. Problem XXVII. To draw a Meridian Line by a Horizontal Dial. If you have a horizontal Dial which is not faftened, and if it be made very true, then find the exact Hour and Minute by a Quadrant, or any other Dial, &c. at any Time of the Day, Morning or Afternoon ; fet the horizontal Dial in the Place you de- fign, to the true Hour and Minute; and the Hour Line of 12 will direct you to draw a Meridian. Or if your Dial be ſquare, or have any Side exactly parallel to the Hour Line of 12, you may draw your Meridian Line by that Side or Edge of the Dial. Problem XXVIII. How to transfer a Meridian Line from one Place to another. There Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 195. 1 There are ſeveral Ways of doing this. Ift Way. If it be on the fame Plane, make a parallel Line to it, and that is a true Meri- dian. IId Way. If it be required on a different Plane, fet fome good Horizontal Dial at the true Hour and Minute by your Meridian Line on the firſt Plane, then remove it and ſet it to the fame Minute on the fecond Planė, and by the 12 o'Clock Line mark your new Meridian. Note, If the Sides or Edges of your Hori- zontal Dial are cut truly parallel to the 12 o'Clock Line, you may draw a Meridian by them as before. IIId Way. Hold up a Thread and Plum- met in the Sun, or fet up a perpendicular Style near your Meridian Line any Time of the Day, and mark what Angle the Line of Shadow makes with that Meridian Line on your firſt Plane; then at the fame Moment, as near as poffible, project a Line of Sha- dow by the Thread, or another perpendicu- lar Style on the new Plane, and fet off the fame Angle from it, which will be a true Meridian. Note, Two Perfons may perform this bet- ter than one. Problem XXIX. How to draw a Line of East and Weft on a Horizontal Plane. Where } 196 The first Principles of Sect. 20. Where a Meridian Line can be drawn, make a Meridian Line firft, and then croſs it at right Angles, which will be a true Line of East and Weft. But there are fome Windows in a Houſe on which the Sun cannot fhine at Noon ; in fuch a Cafe you may draw a Line of Eaft and Weft ſeveral Ways. Ift Way. You may ufe the fame Practice which Problem XXII. directs, with this Dif- ference, namely, inftead of feeking the Sun's Azimuth from the South, feek its Azimuth from Eaſt and Weft, and by a Line of Shadow from a Thread and Plummet marked at the fame Time, fet off the Angle of the Sun's Azi- muth from the Eaft in the Morning, or the Weft in the Afternoon. A common Obfer- vation of the Courſe of the Sun will fuffici- ently inform you on which Side of the Line of Shadow to fet your Angle. IId Way. You may ufe the fecond Method of transferring a Meridian Line by a Hori- zontal Dial, with this Difference, namely, in- ftead of uſing the 12 o'Clock Hour Line, by which a Meridian was to be drawn, ufe the 6 o'Clock Line, which will be East and Weft; for in a Horizontal Dial it ſtands always at right Angles with the Meridian. IIId Way. The third Method of transfer- ring a Meridian Line will ferve here alfo but with this Difference, namely, fet off the ; Gomple- Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 197 } Complement of the Angle, which the Line of Shadow makes with your Meridian Line on the firſt Plane, inſtead of ſetting off the fame Angle, and obferve alſo to ſet it off on the contrary Side, that fo it might make a right Angle with a Meridian Line, if that could have come on the Plane: 1 Problem XXX. How to use a Meridian Line: The various Ufes of a Meridian Line are theſe. Ift Ufe. A Meridian Line is neceffary in order to draw an Horizontal Dial on the fame Plane, or to fix an Horizontal Dial true if it be made before. İld Ufe. A braſs Horizontal Dial may be removed from one Place to another in feveral Rooms of the fame Houſe; and fhew the Hour wherefoever the Sun comes, if either a Meridian Line, or Line of East and West be drawn in every Window, by which to fet a Horizontal Dial true. IIId Ufe. By a Thread and Plummet, or any perpendicular Pin, or Poft, caſting a Shadow precifely along the Meridian Line, we find the Hour of 12, or the Point of Noon, and may fet a Watch or Clock ex- actly true any Day in the Year, if we have no Dial at Hand. 0 2 IV th 198 The first Principles of Sect. 20. IVth Ufe. It is neceffary alfo to have fome Meridian Line in order to find how a Houſe or Wall ſtands with regard to the four Quar- ters of the Heavens, Eaft, Weft, North, or South, which is called the Bearing of a House or Wall, that we may determine what Sort of upright Dials may be fixed there, or what Sort of Fruit-trees may be planted, or which Part of a Houfe or Garden is moſt expoſed to the Sun, or to the ſharp Winds. Vth Ufe. By obferving the Motion of the Clouds, or the Smoke, or a Vane or Wea- ther-Cock, you cannot determine which Way the Wind blows, but by comparing it with a Meridian Line, or with a Line of Eaft and Weft. When once you have got a true Meridian Line, and know which is the South, then the oppofite Point must be North; and when your Face is to the North, the Eat is at your Right Hand, and the Weft at your Left. VIth Ufe. A Meridian Line will ſhew the Azimuth of the Sun at any Time, by holding up a Thread and Plummet in the Sun, and obferving where the Line of Shadow croffes it. Or the fharp ſmooth Edge of an upright Style or Poft will caft a Shadow acrofs a Meridian Line, and fhew the Sun's Azi- muth. VIIth Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 199 1 * VIIth Ufe. If you have a Meridian Line on a Horizontal Plane you may draw a Cir- cle on that as a Diameter, and divide it into 360 Degrees: Then fet up a fixed or move- able perpendicular Style, and it will fhew the Azimuth of the Sun at all Hours. VIIIth Ufe. A perpendicular Style on a Meridian Line will fhew the Sun's Meridian Altitude by the Tip of the Shadow, accord- ing to Problem II. And thereby you may find the Latitude of any Place by Problem VII. IXth Uſe. If you have a broad ſmooth Board with a Foot behind at the Bottom, to make it ftand, fuch as is defcribed in Prob. XXIII. of the XIXth Section, and if it be made to ftand perpendicular on a Horizon- tal Plane, by a Line and Plummet in the Mid- dle of it, you may fet the Bottom or lower Edge of this Board in the Meridian Line, and by your Eye fixed at the Edge of the Board and projected along the flat Side, you may determine at Night, what Stars are on the Meridian; and then by the Globe (as in Problem XXXIII. and XXXIV. Sect. XIX. or by an Inftrument called a Nocturnal, you may find the Hour of the Night, or by an eafy Calculation as in the XXXIIId Problem of this XXth Section, Problem XXXI. How to know the Chief Stars, and to find the North Pole. 0 3 If 1 ! 200 Sect. 20, The first Principles of If you know any one Star, any one Star, you may find out all the reft, by confidering firft fome of the neare Stars that lie round it, whether they make a Triangle or a Quadrangle, ftraight Lines or Curves, right Angles or oblique An- gles with the known Star. This is eafily done by comparing the Stars on the Globe (being rectified to the Hour of the Night) with the preſent Face of the Heavens, and the Situations of the Stars there, as in Pro- blem XXXII. Sect. XIX. And indeed it is by this Method that we not only learn to know the Stars, but even fome Points in the Heavens, where no Star is. I would inftance only in the North Pole, which is eaſily found, if you firſt learn to know thoſe feven Stars which are called Charles's Wain, fee Figure xxx. four of which in a Quadrangle may reprefent a Cart or Waggon, b, r, c, d, and the three others repreſenting the Horfes. Note alfo, That the Star a is called Alioth, d is called Dubbe, b and r are called the two Guards or Pointers, for they point directly in a ſtraight Line to the North Pole p, which now is near 2 Degrees ditant from the Star which is called the North Pole Star. وى You may find the North Pole alfo by the Star Alioth, from which aftraight Line drawn to the Pole Stars goes through the Pole Point p, and leaves it at 24 Degrees Diſtance from the Pole Star. You Sect. 20. 201 Geography and Aftronomy. You may find it alfo by the little Star n, which is the neareſt Star to the Pole Star s; for a Line drawn from n to s is the Hypo- thenuſe of a right-angled Triangle, whoſe right Angle is in the Pole Point p. Problem XXXII. To find the Latitude by any Star that is on the North Meridian. It has been already fhewn in the Xth Pro- blem of this Section, how to find the Latitude of a Place by the Meridian Altitude of a Star on the South Meridian; but the Methods of Performance on the North Meridian are dif- ferent. The first Way is this. Take the Altitude of it when it is upon the North Meridian at five, fax, or feven o'Clock in the Winter, then 12 Hours after vards take its Altitude again, for it will be on the Meridian on the other Side of the Fole; fubtract half the Difference of thoſe two Altitudes from the greateſt Alti- tude, and the Remainder is the true Elevation of the Pole, or Latitude of the Place. A fecond Way. Obferve when the Star Alioth comes to the Meridian under the Pole; then take the Height of the Pole Star, and out of it fubtract 24 Degrees (which is the Diſtance of the Pole Star from the Poie) the Remainder will be the true Elevation of the Pole, or the Latitude. The Reaſon of this Operation is evident by the xxxth Fi- 04 gure, 1 } 202 Sect. 20. The first Principles of gure, for Alioth is on the Meridian under the Pole juſt when the Pole Star is on the Meri- dian above the Pole. Note, The Pole Star is upon the Meri- dian above the Pole juft at 12 o'Clock at Night on the 4th of May, and under the Meridian on the 5th Day of November: Fif- teen Days after that it will be upon the Me- ridian at II O'Clock: Thirty Days after at 10 o'Clock: So that every Month it differs about two Hours. Problem XXXIII. To find the Hour of the Night by the Stars which are on the Me- ridian. If you have a Meridian Line drawn, and fuch a Board as I have defcribed under the 9th Ufe of the Meridian Line, you may ex- actly find when a Star is on the Meridian; and if you are well acquainted with the Stars, wherefoever you fet up that Board upright on a Meridian Line, you will fee what Star is on the Meridian. Suppofe Aldebaran, or the Bull's Eye, on the 20th of January is on the South Part of the Meridian; then in fome Tables find the Sun's or that Star's Right Afcenfion, and the Complement of the Right Afcenfion of the Sun for that Day, namely, 3 Hours 6 Minutes to the Right Afcenfion of the Star 4 Hours 17 Minutes, and it makes 7 Hours 23 23 Minutes, the. true Hour of the Afternoon. Note, Sect. 20, Geography and Aftronomy. 203 Note, If the Star be on the North Part of the Meridian, or below the North Pole, it is just the fame Practice as on the South: For when any Star is on the Meridian, the Diffe- rence between the Sun's R. A. and that Star's R. A. is the Sun's true Hour; that is, its Dif- tance from 12 o'Clock at Noon, or Midnight, at which Time the Sun is on the Meridian either South or North. If you have no Meridian Line drawn, you may find within two or three Degrees what Stars are on the North Meridian thus: Hold up a String and Plummet, and project it with your Eye over-right the Pole Star, or rather the Pole Point, and obferve what other Stars are covered by it or cloſe to it, for theſe are on or near the Meridian. Or it may be done with very little Error by ſtanding upright and looking ftrait for- ward to the Pole Star, with a Stick, or Staff, between your Hands, then raiſe up the Staff as ſtraight as you can over-right the Pole, and obferve what Stars it covers in that Motion. But thefe Methods are rude, and only ſerve for vulgar Purpoſes. Problem XXXIV. To find at what Hour of any Day a known Star will come upon the Meridian. Subtract the Right Afcenfion of the Sun for that Day from the Right Afcenfion of the 204 The first Principles of Sect. 20. 1 1 the Star, the Remainder fhews how many Hours after Noon the Star will be on the Meridian. Suppofe I would know at what Hour the Great Bear's Guards or Pointers will be on the Meridian on the 27th of April; (for they come always to the Meridian nearly both at once.) The Right Aſcenſion of the Sun that Day is about two Hours 19 Minutes. The Right Afcenfion of thofe Stars is always ten Hours 24 Minutes. Subtract the Sun's R. A. from the Stars R. A. the Remainder is five Minutes past eight o'Clock at Night, and at that Time will the Pointers be on the Meridian. Right Afcen. of Pointers is, Right Afcen. of Sun April 27th is, Time of Night, H. M. ΙΟ 10: 24 2:19 8: 5 Note, If the Sun's Right Afcenfion. be greater than the Right Afcenfion of the Star, you must add 24 Hours to the Star's Right Afcenfion, and then fubtract as before. You may eafily find alfo what Day any Star (fuppofe either of the Pointers) will be on the Meridian juft when the Sun is there, namely, at 12 o'Clock. Find in the Tables of the Right Afcenfion of the Sun what Day, that is wherein the Sun's Right Afcenfion is the fame (or very near the fame) with that Star's, which is the 28th of Auguft. The Sun's Right Sect. 20. Geography and Aftronomy. 205 1 Right Afcenfion is 10 Hours 28 Minutes, then the Sun and Star are both on the Noon Me- ridian near the fame Time. But the Sun's Right Afcenfion on the 23d of February is 22 Hours 24 Minutes. Therefore the Sun at that Time is in the Noon Meridian when the Star is in the Midnight Meridian, there being just 12 Hours Difference. Thence you may reckon when the Star will be on the Meridian at any Time; for about 15 Days after it will be on the Meridian at 11 O'Clock, 30 Days after at 10 o'Clock. So that every Month it differs about two Hours; whence it comes to paſs that in 12 Months its Difference arifing to 24 Hours, it comes to be on the Meridian again at the fame Time with the Sun. Problem XXXV. Having the Altitude of any Star given, to find the Hour. To perform this Problem you fhould never feek the Altitude of the Star when it is within an Hour or two of the Meridian, becaufe at that Time the Altitude varies fo very little. When you have gotten the Altitude, then feek what is the Star's Hour, that is, its Equatorial Diſtance from the Meridian at that Altitude, which may be done by the Globe, or any Quadrant, *The Sun or Star's Horizontal Diſtance from the Meridian is the Azimuth: It is the Equatorial Diſtance from the Meridian, which is called the Sun or Star's Hour. 206 The first Principles of Sect. 21, } Quadrant, or by the Analemma, juft as you would feek the Sun's Hour if its Altitude were given. After this, feek the Difference between the Sun's Right Afcenfion for that Day and the Star's Right Afcenfion, and by comparing this Difference with the Star's Hour, you will find the true Hour of the Night. Note, This Method of Operation, though it be true in Theory, yet it is tedious and very troubleſome in Practice. The moft ufual Ways therefore of finding the Hour of the Night by the Stars (whether they are on the Meridian or not) is by making ufe of a large Globe, or the Inftrument called a Nocturnal, wherein the moſt remarkable Stars are fixed in their proper Degrees of Declination and Right Afcenfion: And their Relation to the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, and to his Right Afcenfion every Day in the Year being ſo ob- vious, makes the Operation of finding the true Hour very eaſy and pleaſant, SECT. XXI. Tables of the Sun's Declination, and of the Declination and Right Afcenfion of ſeveral remarkable fixed Stars, together with fome Account how they are to be uſed. THE Refolution of fome of the Aftrono- mical Problems by Geometrical Operations on the Analemma, requires the Knowledge of 1 the Sect. 21. Geography and Aftronomy. 207 1 the true Place of the Sun, his Right Afcenfion, or his Declination at any given Day of the Year. But fince the Knowledge of his De- clination is of moſt eaſy and convenient Uſe herein, and fince his true Place in the Eclip- tick as well as his Right Aſcenſion may be nearly found Geometrically when his Decli- nation is given, (except when near the Sol- ftices) I have not been at the Pains to draw out particular Tables of the Sun's Place, but contented myſelf with Tables of Declination for every Day in the Year, and Tables of Right Afcenfion for every tenth Day. Theſe are fufficient for a young Learner's Practice in his firſt Rudiments of Aftronomy. Thofe who make a further Progrefs in this Science, and would attain greater Exactneſs, muſt ſeek more particular Tables relating to the Sun in other larger Treatifes. Here let thefe few Things be obferved, I. Thefe Tables fhew the Declination of the Sun each Day at Noon; for it is then that the Aftronomer's Day begins. If you would therefore know the Sun's Declination, ſuppoſe at fix o'clock in the Morning of any given Day, you muft compare the Declination for that Day with the Sun's Declination the fore- going Day, and make a proportionable Allow- ance, namely, three-fourth Parts of the Dif- ference of thoſe two Declinations. If at fix in ¡ 208 The first Principles of Sect. 21: 1 in the Afternoon, you muſt compare it with the following Day, and allow in the fame Manner one-fourth Part. II. Thefe Tables are fitted for the Mëridian of London. If you would know therefore the Sun's Declination the fame Day at Noon at Port Royal in Jamaica, you must confider the Difference of Longitude. Now that Place being about 75-Degrees Weftward from Lon- don, that is, five Hours later in Time, it is but ſeven o'clock in the Morning there when it is Noon at London: and you muſt make a proportionable Allowance for the Difference of the Sun's Declination, by comparing it with that of the foregoing Day. If that Place had the fame Longitude Eastward from Lon- don, it would be five o'Clock in the After- noon there; and then you muſt compare the Sun's prefent Declination with that of the Day following, and make Allowance for the five Hours, that is, almoft one-fourth of the Difference of the two Declinations. But if you would know the Sun's Declination at any Place, and at any Hour of the Day at that Place; find what Hour it is at London at the given Hour at that Place, and find the Declination of the Sun for that Hour at London by Note the firft. M } Note's Scct. 21. Geography and Aftronomy. 209 Note, Thefe Allowances muſt be added or Subtracted according as the Sun's Declina- tion is increaſing or decreaſing. Yet in any of theſe Geometrical Operations the Difference of the Sun's Declination at other Hours of the Day, or at other Places of the World, is fo exceeding fmall, that it is not fufficient to make any remarkable Alterations, except when the Sun is near the Equinoxes and then there may be fome Allowances made for it in the Manner I have defcribed; nor even then is there any need of fuch Allow- ances, except in Places which differ from London near 5 or 6 Hours in Longitude. ; III. Let it be noted alſo, that as the Place of the Sun, fo confequently his Declination and Right Afcenfion for every Day, do vary fomething every Year by reafon of the odd five Hours and forty-nine Minutes over and above 365 Days, of which the Solar Year confifts. Therefore it was proper to reprefent the Sun's Declination every Day for four Years together, namely, the three Years before Leap-Year,and the Leap-Year itſelf. For in the Circuit of thofe four Years, the Sun returns very nearly to the fame Declination again on the fame Day of the Year, becauſe thoſe odd five Hours and 49 Minutes do in four Years Time make up 24 Hours, or a whole Day (wanting but four Times eleven, that is, 44Minutes;) which Day 1 210 The firft Principles of Sect. 21. Day is fuperadded to the Leap-Year, and makes the 29th of February, as hath been faid before. It is true, that in a confiderable Length of Time thefe Tables will want further Correc- tion, becauſe of thoſe 44 Minutes which are really wanting to make up the fuperadded Day in the Leap-Year. But thefe Tables will ſerve fufficiently for any common Operations for forty or fifty Years to come, provided you al- ways confult that Table which is applicable to the current Year, whether it beaLeap-Year, or the first, the ſecond, or the third Year after it. IV. Obferve alfo, theſe Tables of the Sun's Declination are fometimes reduced (as it were) to one fingle Scale. And for this Purpoſe Men generally chooſe the Table of Declination for the Second after Leap-Year, and this is called the Mean Declination, that is, the Middle be- tween the two Leap-Years. This is that Ac- count of the Sun's Place and Declination, &c. which is made to be reprefented on all Ma- thematical Inftruments, namely, Globes, Qua- drants, Projections of theSphere, and graduated Scales, &c. and this ferves for fuch common Geometrical Practices in Aftronomy with- out any very remarkable Error. Concerning the Table of the fixed Stars, let it be remembered, that they move flowly round the Globe Eaſtward in Circles pa- rallel 1 } Sect. 21. Geography and Aftronomy. 211 t ર. rallel to the Ecliptick, and therefore they increaſe their Longitude 50 Seconds of a Mi- nute every Year, that is, one Degree in fe- But their Latitude never venty two Years. alters, becauſe they always keep at the ſame Diſtance from the Ecliptick. Let it be noted alfo, that this flow Motion of the fixt Stars caufes their Declination and their Right Afcenfion to vary (though very little) every Year. Their Right Afcenfion neceffarily changes becauſe their Longitude changes, though not exactly in the fame Quantity. And though their Latitude ne- ver alters, becaufe Latitude is their Diſtance from the Ecliptick, yet their Declination muſt alter a little, becauſe it is their Diſtance from the Equator. But the Tables of their Right Afcenfion, which I have here exhibited, will ferve for any commón Practices for at leaſt twenty Years to come, and their Declination for near fifty Years, without any fenfible Er- ror in fuch Aftronomical Effays as theſe. It Learners, that the fame Stars may have North Latitude, and South Declination; fuch are all thoſe that lie between the Equator and the Southern half of the Ecliptick; But all thoſe Stars which lie between the Equator and the Northern half of the Ecliptick, have South Latitude, and North Declination. may be proper here to give Notice to P A 212 Sect. 21. The firft Principles of A Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1753, being the first after Leap Year, which will ferve for near 50 Years. Day. Janu. Febr. March April May June S. S. S*. N. N. N. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. I 22 59 1657 07 24 04 43 15 12 15 12 22 08 5 6 8 ~ ~ + i 700 2 22 53 16 40 07 01 05 06 15 30 22 16 3 22 48 16 22 06 38 05 29 15 48 22 23 4 22 41 16 04 06 15 05 52|16 05|22 30 22 35 15 46 05 51 06 14 16 23 22 36 22 27 15 28 05 28 06 37 16 40 22 43 22 19 15 09 05 05 07 00 16 56 22 49 22 11 14 50 04 42 07 22 17 13 22 54 9 22 03 14 31 04 18 07 44 17 28 22 59 10 21 54 14 11 03 55 08 07 17 44 23 04 I I 21 45 13 52 03 31 08 29|17 59 23 08 12 21 35 13 32 | 03 07 08 51 18 14 23 12 13 21 25 13 1202 4409 12 02 44 09 12 18 29 23 16 14 21 14 12 52 02 20 09 34 18 44 23 19 15 21 0312 3101 5709 55 18 58 23 22 16 17 20 52 12 1001 3310 17 20 39 11 49 01 09 10 37 19 12 23 24 19 26 23 25 18 20 27 11 28 00 45 10 58 19 39 23 26 19 20 14 11 06 00 22 11 19 19 5223 27 20 2Ο ΟΙ 10 45 N. 02 11 39 20 05 23 28 21 19 48 10 22 00 25 12 00 20 17 23 29 22 19 34 10 00 00 48 12 20 20 29 23 28 25 26 27 78 21 08 09 02 46 13 58 21 22 23 22 28 18 05 07 46 03 10 14 17 21 3223 19 29 17 49 30 17 31 03 33 14 36 21 42 23 15 03 56 14 54 21 51 23 11 31 17 14 04 19 21 59 23 19 2009 39 01 12 24 19 06 09 16 01 36 08 54 01 59 13 19 18 51 18 36 08 31 02 2313 39 21 12 23 24 12 40 20 4023 27 13 00 20 51 23 26 21 02 23 25 Sect. 21. 213 Geography and Aftronomy. Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1753, being the firft after Leap-Year, which will ferve for near 50 Years. Day. July Sept. O&. N. Nov. Aug. N. N*. S. Dec. S. S. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. 1 2 3 tuo n∞ I 23 07 17 59 08 10 03 20 23 03 17 43 07 48 03 4314 55 22 04 14 36 21 55 5522 22 59 17 28 07 26 04 07 15 14 22 13 4 22 54 17 12 5 22 48 16 56 07 04 04 30 15 32 22 21 06 42 04 5315 51|22 28 22 42 16 об 39 1905 16 16 0922 36 7 22 36 16 23 05 57 05 39 16 27 22 42 8 22 29 16 05 05 34 06 02 16 44 22 48 9 22 22 15 47 05 11 06 25 17 01 22 54 10 22 15 15 30 04 49 06 48 17 18 23 00 II 22.06 15 12 04 26 07 11 17 35 23 05 12 13 15 16 17 18 23+ mo n∞ 21 58 14 5404 03 07 34 17 51 23 09 21 49 14 36 03 40 07 56 18 07 23 13 14 21 40 14 18 03 17 08 19 18 22 23 17 21 31 13 59 02 5408 41 18 38 23 20 21 21 13 49 02 30 09 03 09 0318 53 23 23 II 21 11 13 21 02 07 09 25 19 08 23 25 21 ΟΙ 13 02 02 01 44 09 47 19 22 23 26 1920 50 12 4201 20 20 3912 22 00 58 20 10 09 19 36 23 27 10 31 19 50 3119 23 28 21 20 28 12 02 00 34 10 52 20 03 23 29 22 20 15|11 4200 10 11 14 20 16 23 28 23 20 03 11 22|S. 12 II 34 20 29 23 28 24 19 50 11 OI 00 36 11 55 20 41 23 27 25 19 37 10 4100 59 12 16 20 53 23 25 12 36 21 04 23 23 26 19 24 10 20 01 23 27 19 1109 59 01 46 28 18 57 09 37 02 10 29 18 43 09 16 02 33 18 28 08 55 02 57 18 1408 33 30 31 12 57 21 15 23 21 13 17 21 25 23 17 13 37 21 36|23 14 13 57 21 46 23 10 14 16 23.05 214 Sect. 21. The first Principles of A Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1754, being the fecond afcer Leap-Year, which will ferve for near 50 Years. Day S. Janu. Febr. March April S. S* April May May June N. N. N. d. md. m. d. m. d. m. d. m.d. m. I 23 01 17 01 07 29 04 37 15 08 22 06 2 22 55 16 44 07 06 05 00 15 26 22 14 4 322 50 16 27 06 43 22 44 16 09 06 20 05 23 15 44 22 21 05 46 16 01 22 28 5 22 37 15 51 05 57 06 09 16 19|22 35 6 22 2915 3205 34 06 32 16 37 22 41 7 22 21 15 14 05 11 06 54 16 51 22 47 5416 8 22 13 14 55 04 47 07 17 17 08 22 53 9 22 05 14 35 04 24 07 39 17 24 22 58 ΙΟ 21 56 14 16 04 00 08 01 17 40 23 03 II 21 47 13 56 03 37 08 23 17 55 23 07 12 13 21 37 13 37 93.1308 45 18 11 23 11 21 27 13 16 02 50 09 0718 26 23 15 14 15 21 17 12 56 02 26 09 29 21 0612 36|02 02|09 50 18 40 23 18 18 55 23 21 16 19 09 23 23 17 18 78 19 20 21 22 23 ~ ~ ~ 20 55 12 1501 3910 11 20 42 II 5401 1510 32 20 30 11 33 00 51 10 53 20 1711 12 00 28 11 14 20 0410 49 00 04 11 34 19 51 10 27 N. 1911 55 19 38 10 06 00 43 12 15 19 24 09 44 01 06 12 35 2419 09 09 2201 30 12 55 18 55 08 5901 53 19 22 23 25 19 36 23 26 19 49 23 27 20 02 23 28 20 14 23 29 20 26 23 29 20 38 23 28 20 49 73 27 25 13 15 20 59 23 26 2 2 26 I 18 40 08 37 02 17 13 34 21 10 23 24 27 78 18 24 08 14 02 40 13 53 21 20 23 21 18 08 07 52 03 04 14 12 21 30 23 18 28 29 17 5 17.52 30 17 36 31 17 88 03 27 14 31 03 5114 50 04 14 21 39 23 15 21 49 23 12 21 57 + Sect. 21. Geography and Aftronomy. 215 A Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1754, being the fecond after Leap-Year, which will ferve for near 50 Years. Day. July Aug. N. N. Aug. Sept. oa. N*. S. Nov. Dec. S. S. 15 34 9+ 54 06 43 d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. 23 08 18 02 08 15 03 14 23 0417 17 47 07 54 03 38 323 0017 3207 3104 01 22 5517 0904 17 16 07 09 04 24 22 49 17 00 17 00 22 44 4 423 +56 N∞ a 06 47 04 47 16 43 об 25 05 11 22 37 16 26 06 0205 34 0905 16 99 05 4005 57 7 8 22 31 9 IO 22 24 22 17 d. m. d. m. 14 3121 53 14 50 22 02 15 09/22 11- 15 28 22 19 15 52 05 17 06 2016 57 22 53 15 46 22 27 16 0422 34 16 22 22 40 16 40 22 47 17 14 22 58 II 12 22 09 15 17 04 31 07 05 17 31 23 03 22 00 14 59 04 09 07 28 17 48 23 08 13 14 16 17 20 mtno no ao 21 51 14 40 03 45 07 51 18 04 23 12 21 4314 2208 14 22 03 22 08 13 18 19 23 16 15 21 33 14 03 02 5908 36 18 34 23 19 21 24 13 45 02 36 08 58 18 49 23 22 21 14 13 26 02 13 09 20 19 04 23 24 1821 0313 06 01 49 09 42 19 19 23 26 19 20 53 12 47 01 26 10 041 19 33 23 27 20 42 12 2701 03 10 25 19 47 23 28 2 2 21 20 30 12 07 00 39 10 46 20 00 23 29 22 20 18 11 47 00 16 11 08 20 13 23 29 2.320 06 11 27 S. 07 11 29 20 26 23 28 24 19 5311 06 00 30 11 51 20 38 23 27 25 19 40 10 46 00 54 12 11 20 50 23 26 26 19 27 19 2710 2501 17 12 31 2102 23 24 27 19 14 10 0401 4112 52 21 13 23 21 28 19 00 09.4302 04 13 12 21 23 23 18 29 18 46 09 21 02 27 13 3221 33 23 15. 23 06 30 18 32 08 59 02 51 13 52 21 43 23 11 31 18 17 08 37 14 12 е 116 Sect. 21. The first Principles of F A Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1755, being the third after Leap Year, which will ferve for near 58 Years. Day. Janu. Febr. March April May June S. S. S*. N. N. N. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. Id. m. d. m. d. m. w.nmtno não ao I 23 02 17 06 07 3504 3015 04 22 04 2 22 57 16 48 07 12 04 54 15 22 22 12 3 22 51 16 3106 49 05 17 15 39 22 20 4 22 45 16 13 06 26 05 39 15 57 22 27 22 3815 55 06 03 06 0316 14 22 33 22 315 37 95 40 06 26 16 31 22 39 7 22 23 15 19 05 16 06 49 16 48 22 46 8 22 15 14 504 53 07 11 17 04 22 51 22 07.14 40 04 29 21 58 14 21 04 06 07 34 17 20 22 57 07 5617 36|23 02 II 21 4914 0103 43 0 18 17 52 23 06 I 2 21 40 13 41 03 19 08 40 18 07 23 10 13 21 30 13 21 02 55 09 02 18 22 23 14 14 21 19 I 13 02 32 09 24 18 37 23 17 15 21 09 12 41 02 03 09 45 18 51 23 20 16 20 57 12 2001 4410 0619 05 23 23 17 20 45 11 59 01 21 10 27 19 19 23 25 18 20 3311 38 00 57 io 48 19 33 23 26 19 20 20 11 17 00 33 11 09 19 46 23 27 20 20 08 10 55 00 10 11 29 19 59 23 28 21 19 54 10 33. 13 11 50 20 11 23 29 22 19 4110 100 37 12 10 20 23 23 29 23 19 27 09 49 01 00 12 30 20 35 23 28 24 19 13 09 2791 24 12 50 20 46 23 27 ~ ~ ~ N 25 18 58 09 05 01 48 13 10 20 57 43 26 Zú 18 43 03 42 02 11 13 29 21 07 23 24 27 18 28 08 20 02 35 13 49 21 18 23 22 28 18 12 07 57 02 58 14 08 29 17 56 30 17 40 03 22 14 27 03 45 14 45 21 28 23 19 21 37 23 16 21 46 23 13 31 17 2 04 08 21 55 Sect: 21. Geography and Aftronomy. 217 } A Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1755, being the third after Leap-Year, which will serve for near 50 Years. Day. July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct: Nov. Dec. N. N. N*. S. S. S. d. mn. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. 1 ~ Mtuno 7∞ a I 23 09 18 06 08 21 03 09 14 26 21 50 2 23 051751 07 59 03 32 14 46 22 00 3 23 01 17 35 07 37 03 55 15 05 22 09 4 22 56 17 20 07 15 04 19 15 23 22 17 22 51 17 04 06 53 04 42 15 42 22 24 22 45 16 47 06 30 05 05 16 00 22 35 22 39 16 30 06 08 05 28 16 18 22 38 8 22 32 16 13 05 45 05 51 16 36 22 45 J 9 22 26 15 56 05 22 06 14 16 53 22 51 10 22 18 15 38 04 00 06 37 17 10 22 57. 1 I 22 10 15 21 04 37 07 00 17 26 23 02 12 22 0215 03 04 14:07 23 17 43 23 07 13 21 53 14 45 03 51 07 45 17 59 23 11 1 14 21 45 14 27 03 28 08 07 18 15 23 15 15 21 36 14 08 03 05 08 29 18 30 23 18 16 21 26 13 49 02 42 08 51 18 46 23 21. 17 21 16 13 30 02 18 09 14 19 01 23 23 1 18 21 06 13 11 01 55 09 36 19 15 23 25 19 20 5512 51 OF 32 09 57 19 30 23 27 20 20 44 12 32 01 08 10 19 19 43 23 28 21 28 22 20 21 11 52 00 21 23 200911 32 S. 02 24 19 561 II 00 25 25 19 44 10 5100 48 26 19 31 10 30 01 11 27 19 17 10 0901 35 19 04/09 48 01 58 20 33 12 12 00 45 10 41 19 5723 29 II 02 20 1023 29 11 2320 2323 48 11 45 20 35 23 27 29 47 23 26 12 05 12 26 20 58 23 24 12 47 21 09 23 21 13 07 21 20 23 18 29 18 50 09 25 02 21 13 27 21 31 31|23 15 30 18 35 09 04 02 45 13 47 21 41 23 31-18 2109 42 £407 23 08 Q 2 218 Sect. 21. The firft Principles of A Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1756, being Leap-Year, which will ſerve for near 50 Years. } Day. S. Janu. Febr. March April S. S*. N. N. May June N. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7∞ 23 03 17 10 07 17 22 58 16 53 06 54 22 52 16 35 06 28 04 4915 17|22 10 05 12 15 35 22 17 05 35 15 52 22 24 22 46 16 17 06 08 05 5816 09 22 31 22 39 15 59 05 45 06 21 16 26 22 381 22 32 15 41 05 22 06 43 16 43 22 44 22 25 15 23 04 59 07 06 17 00 22 50 8 9 ΙΟ II 12 22 17 15 04 04 35 22 09 14 45 04 12 22 01 14 2603 48 21 5214 06 03 25 21 42 13 46 03 01 13 21 32 13 26 02 37 14 21 22 13 06 02 14 ZI II 12 46 01 50 21 00 12 25 01 26 20 49 12 04 01 03 15 16 17 07 28 17 16 22.56 07 50 17 32 23 01 08 13|17 48|23 05 08 35 18 03 23 10 08 57 18 18 23 14 09 1818 33 23 17 09 39 18 48 23 20 10 0019 02 23 22 10 22 19 16 23 24 10 43 19 29 23 26 18 20 37 11 4300 39|11 0419 42 23 27 19 20 24 11 22 00 16 20 20 II 10 00 N. 07 11 24 19 55 23 28 11 45 20 07 23 28 21 19 58 10 3800 31 12 05 20 19 23 29 22 19 44 10 16 00 55 12 25 20 31 23 28 23 19 30 09 54 01 18 12 45 20 43 23 28 24 19 16 09 32 01 42 13 05 20 54 23 27 25 19 02 09 10 02 06 13 25 21 05 23 25 26 18 47 08 48 27 18 32 08 25 28 18 16 08 03 29 18 00 07 40 3017 34 31 17 27 02 29 13 44 21 15 23 23 02 53 14 0321 25 23 20 03 16|14 22 21 35 23 17 03 39 14 41 04 03 14 59 04 26 21 44 23 14 21 53 23 10 22 02 Sect. 21. Geography and Aftronomy. 219 A Table of the Sun's Declination for the Year 1756, being Leap-Year, which will ferve for near 50 Years. Day. July Oct. Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. N. N. N*. S. S. S. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m.ld. m. d. m. #23456 7∞ 2306 17 55 08 04:03 26 14 41 21 57 23 02 17 3907 42 03 50 15 00 22 06 22 57 17 24 07 20 04 13 15 19 22 15 22 52 17 08 06 58 04 36 15 37 22 23 22 46 16 5106 36 04 59 15 56 22 30 22 40 16 34 06 I 1305 2316 14 22 37 22 34 16 17 05 5105 46 16 31 22 43 8 22 27 16 00 05 28 06 09 16 49 22 50 9 22 20 15 43 05 05 06 32 17 06 22 56 10 22 12 15 25 04 42 06 54 17 23 23 01 II 22.0415 07 04 20 07 17 17 39 23 06 12 13 21 55 1 14 4903 57 21 47 14 31 03 33 07 40 17 55 23 10 08 0218 11 23 14 14 21 38 14 13 03 10 08 25 18 27 23 18 15 21 28 16 17 18 86 9. 19 20 20 36 13 54 02 47 21 19 13 35 02 24 21 08 13 16 02 01 20 58 12 56 01 37 20 47 12 37 01 14 12 17 00 51 08 47 18 42 23 21 09 09 18 57 23 23 09 31 19 12 23 25 09 5319 26 23 27 10 15 19 40 23 28 10 36 19 54 23 28 21 20 24 11 57 00 27 10 57 20 07 23 29 22 20 12 11 37 00 04 11 18 20 20 23 28 23 19 59 11 16 S. 19 24 19 47 10 56 11 39 20 32 23 28 00 42 12 00 20 45 23 27 25 19 34 10 35 01 06 12 21 20 56 23 25 26 19 21 10 14 27 19 0709 53 28 18 53 18 53 09 32 29 18 39 09 10 30 18 2408 48 31 18 10.08 26 01 29 12 42 01 53 I 13 02 02 16| 13 02 40 21 18 13 02 22 02 40 13 42 03 03 14 02 14 22 21 07 23 22 21 18 23 19 21 28 23 16 21 38 23 13 21 48 23 09 23 04. 220 Sect: 21: The first Principles of ་ A Table of the Right Afcenfion and Declination of fome of the most noted among the fixt Stars for the Year 1784, which will ferve for near 20 Years without fenfible Errors. The Names of the Stars. Magn. Right Decli- Afcen. Ination. d. m. N. or S 1 d. m. Algenib in the flying Horfe's Wing, called alfo Alla Pegafi Scheder in Caffiopea's Breaſt Bright Star in Aries Mandibula, or Mencar, the} Algol in the Head of Meduſa Aldebaran, the Bull's Eye Capella, the Goat-Star } 2 0 32 13 59N 32 3 7 5 55 21N 28 46 22 26N 2 42 45 3 14 N 34 3 I 43 33 40 7N 65 53 16 N I 75 11 45 46 N Regell, the bright Foot Orion of } I 76 2 8 28S Orion's preceding Shoulder 278 23 6 08 N Middlemoft in Orion's Girdle 2 81 19 I 21S Laft in Orion's Girdle 2 82 28 2 4/S Orion's following Shoulder Syrius, the Dog-Star I 85 52 7 21N Caftor's Head, i. e. the Northermoft Twin - Procyon, or the little Dog-} Hydra's Heart Regulus, the Lion's Heart Deneb, the Lion's Tail Firft in the Great Bear's Tail Vindemiatrix, Virgins North Wing Virgin's Spike Middlemoſt in the Great Bear's Tail } Laſt in the Great Bear's Tail Arcturus I 98 54 16 26 S 2110 12 32 20|N 2112 이 ​5 46 N 2139 15 7 44/S 1149 13 13 IN 2 174 31 15 47N 3 191 9 57 8N 2192 52 12 7N I 198 28 10 2 S 2 198 48 56 4N 2 204 45 50 26N 1211 28 20 19 N Sect. 21. Geography and Aftronomy. 221 Names of the Stars. Southern Balance Northern Crown Serpentarius's Head Dragon's Head Magn. Right Decli- Afcen. nation. d. m. d. m. .or S. cs Z v Z Z Z Za c 2222 44 15 8S 2231 23 27 27 N 2261 14 12 44N 2267 55 51 31 1277 24 38 35 Antares, the Scorpion's Heart 1244 3 25 56 Lucida Lira, in the Harp Eagle, or Vulture's Heart 1295 4 8 18N 3299 42 1 32 S Antinous's Hand Fomahant, the Southern Fish's Mouth 1341 25 30 46 S Scheat, in the flying Horfe's Shoulder 2343 20 26 52|N 1 Marchab, in the flying 2343 30 14 0N 2/359 19 27 51N Horfe's Neck Andromeda's Head Note, In this Edition, which is taken from the Fourth publiſhed by the Doctor, there are no Alterations made, except what were neceffary to adapt the various Parts thereof, particularly the Tables, to the New Style, and the preſent Time. Thefe Tables will answer pretty exact- ly for every other 50 Years, counting from the Date of the Years here mentioned, viz. the Tables for 1803, will be the fame with thoſe for 1703, Allowance being made for the Va- riation of the Stile, and thofe for 1853, will be nearly the fame with the Tables here ex- hibited for the Year 1753. In like Manner the Tables for 1754, 1755, 1756, will nearly repreſent the Sun's Declination for the Years 1854, 1855, 1856. 222 Sect. 21. The firft Principles, &c. 1 ' } } Tables of the Sun's Right Afcenfion for every tenth Day of the Years 1753, 1754, 1755, 1756. The Sun's Right Afcenfion for all the intermediate Days may be nearly computed by al- dowing about four Minutes of an Hour, i. e. one Degree for Every Day. Y.D Jan. Feb. Mar. April " May May June 1753 h. m. h. m. h. m.Th. m. 118 49 20 5922 51 1119 33 21 40 23 28 21 20 1622 20 00 04 h. m. h. m. O 44 2 35 4 38 I 20 3 13 5 19 1 57 3 53 6 01 1754 118 48 20 58 22 50 11 19 32 21 39|23 27 21 20 15 22 19.00 03 0 43 2 34 4 37 1.19 3 12 5 18 1 56 3 52 6.00 3755 118 4720 57 22 49 1119 31 21 38 23 26 21 20 14 22 18 00 02 032 2 33 4 36 I 18 3 11 5 17 1 55 3 5 5 59 118 50 21 00 22 52 • 45 2 36 4 39 1756 1119 34 21 41 23 29 I 21 3 14 5 20 21 20 1722 21 00 05 1 5,8 3 54 6 02 Y.D July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 642 8 41 1753 I I 21 7 23 9 22 8 0410 03 10 43 12 31 11 1913 08 11 55 13 45 14 27 16 32 15 08 17 15 15 49 18 00 14 26 16 31 1 I I 21 I } 1754 | 1755 | 1756 I 21 I I 21 6 41 8 40 10 42 12 30 7 22 9 21 8 0310 02 6 40 8 39 11 1813 97 11 54 г3 44 15 07 17 14. 15 4817 59 10 41 12 29 14 2516 30 11 17 13 0615 06 17 13 8 oz 10 OI 11 5313 43 15 47 17 58: 7 21 6 43 9 20 8 42 10 44 12 32 14 28 16 33 724 9 23 11 20 13 09 8 05 10 0411 56|13 46 15 09 17 16 15 5018 01 THE EN D. Fig:I. 16 $ n 21 ** 1 Fig: IV. H E } Fig:II. Z Fig: III 160 5,0 7. 宅 ​North Poste 819 910 0.7 4.0 70 Arclick Circle n 30 40 World 69 or Sumer|Tropic Eclip Equinoctiall the of London H Horizon Winter Tropick txiv e Intarctic Circle ያ 1,090 South ·le E&N ENE NEGL NE NEAN NNE N&E North → N&W Ο 233 NNW NWON NW NW/W WNW W&N Welt Wbs w sw SW&W- S W SWbS SSW 49 8 bW South- S SE SEOS SE SELE ESE ELS Eaft A1 S } Inne P Fig V. 1 1 www X T Q r * Fig:VI. k H K d • : Z 772 ༡ b H R a 1 E Fig. VI. T - Fig: VIII. E 1 N R Fig: IX. Ꮩ Q Direct Fig: X E A E R H ୯ S Parallell. R 07 Hoons Orint Sune Orbit Eclipuck Fig: XI. N Fig: XII. D Oblique } } R A 45 HURUKAY West 35 1 30 1 * 15 210 45 Fig. XIII. A Map of a Country exemplified Fig:XIII. 10 5 010 North 5 10 HAL MEILE Bay Isthmus Chief City Peninsula River Gulf or Bay Colas River Penin -sula Cape Continent or -Main -Land Mountains Inland Sea A Sea-Port River Zake 。 Villages Citys or bast OCEAN or MAIN SEA Strai Sands Iland 5 UMEROT Mala Towns Small Iſlands 10 115 is Soundings South Forest Bay Cape or Promontory Isthmus Rocks A 4.3.2 + A * Sand Creek or Haven OCEAN RUBIDIRE ONTINENT LATGJAERLAATS Sear discoverd & doubtfull 4.0 ajout RS HEKEL DIL 35 Degrees of Latitude 30 tint 45 20 Fig. XIV Degrees of Longitude from the Chief City Fig. XV. a રે .0. 0 h P A Fig: XVII B с Fig: XVI E { D Fig: XVIII, E Fig: XX g:XX. Fig XIX. P } W N } } N Fig: XXI. P E Fig: XXII. Z m 51 52 D 50 010 ; 1 W 田 ​H W Fig:XXIII. M Z E a 2 Fig: XXIV. M 1 K b 1 D VS N Fg:XXV { N a b x R } y q 69 B A Fig:XXVI. L M R Jo 1 1 Fig: XXVII. * ތ 2 M ] N N D Fig: XXVIII. P a & Fig. XXXI M Fig: XXIX t Fig: XXX BX XVZ ཉt་ · 2016000 1.33 60400000 A hood o a 4. 00000 0 0.00 00 200000 32 1 -: .. 1 ; ? t ! 1 ? : 201 1240 في 1 : f 1 1 1 } } 1 } ! k 1 } ! T { BOOK CARD 23 Jw3485 PNW AUTHOR Watts,I. The knowledge of the heavens TITLE & the earth made easy. SIGNATURE ISS'D 426285 RET'D A 426941 DUPL *