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URBANA, ILLINols JULY, 1915 2 PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Journal OF ENGLISH AND GERMANIC PHILOLOGY [Quarterly] Send orders to Business Manager, University Studies, 321 Natural History Building, Urbana, Ill. * v. 14, current, $3. per year. Complete set, v. I-13, $39. v. 2-13, $30. Single volumes, $3. each. Single numbers, $1. each. v. I-4 has title: Journal of Germanic Philology. [v. 1-4, Io-26331] v. 7 to date published by the University of Illinois. v. I-7 edited by Dr. Gustaf E. Karsten; v. 8 to date, edited by Dr. Julius Goebel. UNIVERSITY STUDIES - Send orders to Business Manager, University Studies, 321 Natural History Building, Urbana, Ill. VOLUME I. 3. BonsER, F. G. A statistical study of Illinois high schools. Igo2. 59 p. tables. 25 cents. [4-4065] 4. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. L. The genesis of the Grand Remonstrance from Parliament to King Charles I. I902. 45p. 25 cents. [5-19403] . 6. GoRDON, J. H. Illinois railway legislation and commission control since 1870. Igo4. 81p. 25 cents. [4–17938] 8. PAINE, A. E. The granger movement in Illinois. Igo4. 53p. 35 cents. [4–30994] 9. DICKERSON, O. M. The Illinois constitutional convention of 1862. Iº905. 58p. maps. 35 cents. [5-33568] VoLUME II. 2. Folsom, J. W. and WELLEs, M. U. Epithelial degeneration, regeneration, and secre- tion in the mid-intestine of collembola. Igoó. 4op. illus. $I. [7-8238] 8. SHARP, K. L. Illinois libraries. Part 5, 1898. II5p. illus. $1. [6-3763o] - VOLUME III. 2. BAYLEY, W. S., WEGEMANN, C. H., BAGG, R. M. J.R. Studies from the geological department. Igog. 56p. illus., pl., map. 75 cents. [9-10813] 3. MooRE, B. F. and GARNER, J. W. The history of cumulative voting and minority representation in Illinois, 1870-1908. IQ09. 93p. 50 cents. [9-19582] 4. LAYTON, K. A. W. The Nibelungen of Wagner. Igog. 93p. 75 cents. [9-30298] 5. CARNAHAN, D. H. Jean d’Abundance—A study of his life and three of his works. 1909. I33p. $I. [IO-IIo9] * 6. Ewing, H. E. A systematic and biological study of the acarina of Illinois. Igo9. I2Op. pls. $I. [IO-7192] VOLUME IV. - I. JAMES, E. J. The origin of the Land Grant act of 1862 (The so-called Morrill act) and some account of its author, Jonathan B. Turner. IQI3. I39p. cloth, $1.35, paper, 75 cents. [II-1828] 2. FLOM, G. T. Fragment RA.58C. of Konongs Skuggsja, from an old Norwegian parchment codex of the XIIIth century, with heliotype copy and a study of the paleography and the language. 1911. Ioop. $1.25. [I2-380) 3. OLIVER, T. E. Michel-Jean Sedaine; Le Philosophe sans le scavoir. Variorum critical edition, based upon the second Paris edition of 1766 and its appendix, with an intro- duction treating of all known editions and translations. 1913. 200p. $1.75. [I3-93O4] PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 3 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES [Issued quarterly. $3. per year] Send orders to Business Manager, University Studies, 321 Natural History Building, Urbana, Ill. A VOLUME I. I-2. BogART, E. L. Financial history of Ohio. Igſ 2. 358p. $1.80. [I2-17578] VOLUME II. I. MooRE, J. R. Taxation of corporations in Illinois, other than railroads, since 1872. I913. IIOp. 55 cents. [I3-23869] 2-3. PHILLIPs, P. C. The West in the diplomatic negotiations of the American Revolution. 1913. 247p. $1.25. [I4–8540.] VolumE III. I-2. HAIG, R. M. The history of the general property tax in Illinois. IQI4, 235p. $1.25. [I4-13956] s 3. BABCOCK, K. C. The Scandinavian element in the United States. I914. 223p. $1.15. 4. REED, S. M. Church and state in Massachusetts, 1691-1740. Igi 4. 208p. $1.05. [I5-6347] - VOLUME IV. I. THOMPSON, C. M. The Illinois whigs before 1846. I915. I65p. 956. 2. OLDFATHER, W. A. and CANTER, H. W. The defeat of Varus and the German frontier policy of Augustus. I915. II.8p. 65c. | LLINO |S BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [Issued quarterly. $3. per year] se Send orders to Business Manager, University Studies, 321 Natural History Building, Urbana, Ill. VolumE I. I-2. LA RUE, G. R. A revision of the cestode family Proteocephalidae. I914. 350p. illus. $2. [AI5-IO3] 3. DouTHITT, H. Studies on the cestode family Anoplocephalidae. IQI5. 96p. illus. 8o cents. [I5-6476] * 4. CoRT, W. W. Larval trematodes from North American fresh-water snails. IQI5. 86p. illus. $1.20. UNIVERSITY OF I LLINOIS STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [Issued quarterly. $3 per year] Send orders to Business Manager, University Studies, 321 Natural History Building, Urbana, Ill. Volu ME I. I. FLOM, G. T. A study of the dialect of Aurland. Igls. 92p. $1.25. AGRICULTURAL EXPERI MENT STATION BULLET IN Send orders to Agricultural Earperiment Station, Urbana, Ill. 94. HoPKINS, C. G. Nitrogen bacteria and legumes. 23p. illus. I5 cents. [AII-910] IoI, FRASER, W. J. Crops for the silo, cost of filling, effects of ensilage on the flavor of milk. I7p. illus. Io cents. [AII-658] II4. LLOYD, J. W. Spraying for the codling moth. 55p. illus. 30 cents. [AII-663] PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS II6. For BEs, S. A. On the life history, habits and economic relations of the white grubs and May-beetles. 35p. 20 cents. [AII-655] * BLAIR, J. C. Bitter rot of apples; horticultural investigations, 71.p. illus, 35 cents. [AII-643] * HUME, A. N., CENTER, O. D., and HEGNAUER, L. Variety tests of wheat. 23p. illus. I5 cents. [AII-665] - OBRECHT, R. C. Market classes and grades of horses and mules. 93p. 71 illus. 50 cents. [AII-672] Hopkins, C. G. and PETTIT, J. H. The fertility in Illinois soils, 107p., illus., map. 55 cents. [AII-660) s t LLoyd, J. W. Marketing the muskmelon. 29p. illus. I5 cents. [AII-667] HUME, A. N., CENTER, O. D., and HEGNAUER, L. Distance between hills of corn in the Illinois corn belt, 19p. Io cents. [AII-664] - EAST, E. M. A study of factors influencing the improvement of the potato. 83p. illus. 45 cents. [AII-497] CoFFEY, W. C. Market classes and grades of sheep. 63p., 47 illus. 35 cents. [AII-646] FoRBEs, S. A. Experiments with repellents against the corn root aphis, 1905 and 1906. 28p. 15 cents. [AII-652] s For BEs, S. A. Habits and behavior of the corn field ant, Lasius niger Americanus. 19p. Io cents. [AII-654] SMITH, L. H. The effect of selection upon certain physical characters in the corn plant. I5p. illus. Io cents. [AII-641) BURRILL, T. J. and BARRETT, J. T. Ear rots of corn. 47p. illus. 25 cents. [A11-627) LEE, C. E., HEPBURN, N. W., and BARNHART, J. M. A study of the factors influencing the composition of butter, 55p. 30 cents. [AII-637] LEE, C. E. Pasteurization as a factor in making butter from cream skimmed on the farm. 71 p. 35 cents. [AII-636] * LEE, C. E. and BARNHART, J. M. Composition of market butter. I8p. 15 cents. [AII-635] t * OBRECHT, R. C. Relative efficiency of different rations for fleshing horses for market. 39p. illus. 20 cents. [AII-640) MUMFORD, H. W. and ALLISON, H. O. Short fed steers; a comparison of methods of feeding. I5p. illus. Io cents. [AII-639] LLOYD, J. W. and BROOKS, I. S. Growing tomatoes for early market. 43p. illus. 25 cents. [AII-638] * * STEWART, ROBERT. uantitative relationships of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen in soils. 37p. 40 cents. [AIO-24II] FRASER, W. J. and HAYDEN, C. C. Alfalfa hay vs. timothy hay, and alfalfa hay vs. bran for dairy cows. 15p. Io cents. [AII-631] HALL, L. D. Market classes and grades of meat. I47p., 75 illus. 75 cents, [AII-2104] OBRECHT, R. C. Feeding farm work horses. 32p. 20 cents. [AII-2774] HoPKINs, C. G., READHIMER, J. E., and FISHER, O. S. Peaty swamp lands; sand and “alkali” soils. 4op. illus. 20 cents. [AII-I45I] HALL, L. D. Relative economy, composition, and nutritive value of the various cuts of beef. IO4p. illus. 50 cents. [AII-I449) FRASER, W. J. and HAYDEN, C. C. Balanced vs. unbalanced rations for dairy cows. I2p. Io cents. [AI3-179] BRIscoe, C. F. Fate of tubercle bacilli outside the animal body. Ioop. illus. 50 cents. [AI3-408ol DIETRICH, WILLIAM. The maintenance requirement of swine. 28p. I5 cents. [AI3-1912] MITCHELL, H. H. and GRINDLEY, H. S. The element of uncertainty in the interpretation of feeding experiments. I2Op. 60 cents. [AI3-2496] I 33. I37. 138. I 39. I4I. \ I66, . & 167. I68. I69. I7O. I7I. I72. I73. I74. I75. 176. I77. 18O. I8I. I82. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 5 - & - BULL, SLEETER and EMMETT, A. D. A review of American investigations on fattening lambs. 48p. 25 cents. [AI4-1791] y CofFEy, W. C. Proportions of shelled corn and alfalfa hay for fattening western lambs. 29p. 15 cents. [AI4-2352] EMMETT, A. D. and GRINDLEY, H. S., with the cooperation of W. E. JosePH and R. H. WILLIAMs. A study of the development of growing pigs. 50p. illus. 25 cents. WILLIAMs, R. H. and EMMETT, A. D. A study of the ash content of growing pigs. 20p. Io cents. [AI4-24O4] sº DIETRICH, WILLIAM and GRINDLEY, H. S. Coefficients of digestibility of some common rations for swine. 36p. 20 cents. [AI4-24OI] WILLIAMs, R. H. and EMMETT, A. D. A study of the phosphorus content of growing pigs. 25p, 15 cents. [AIA-2405] MUMFORD, H. W., GRINDLEY, H. S., HALL, L. D., and EMMETT, A. D., with the collaboration of W. E. Joseph, and H. O. ALLISON. A study of the digestibility of rations for steers. 43p. illus. 25 cents. [AI 5–2437] * Joseph, W. E. A study of the forms of nitrogen in growing pigs. 28p. I5 cents. |AI4-2436] DURST, C. E. An efficient and practicable method for controlling melon lice. I3p. illus. IO cents. [AI4-2435] - LLOYD, J. W. Experiments in onion culture. 25p. illus. I5 cents. [AI4–2886] DoRNER, H. B., MUNCIE, F. W., and NEHRLING, A. H. The use of commercial fertil- izers in growing carnations. 21.p. illus. I5 cents. [AI5-324] HoPKINs, C. G. and SACHs, W. H. Radium as a fertilizer. I2p. Io cents. [AI5-461 l FoRBEs, S. A. Recent Illinois work on the corn root-aphis and the control of its injuries. 61 p. illus. 35 cents. [AI5-6I2] r --- WHITING, A. L. A biochemical study of nitrogen in certain legumes. 76p. illus. 40 cents. FORBES, S. A. Observations and experiments on the San Jose scale. 20p, IO cents. MoSIER, J. G. and GUSTAFson, A. F. Soil moisture and tillage for corn. 24p. I5 cents. HoPKINS, C. G. and AUMER, J. P. Potassium from the soil. Iop. 5 cents. AGRICULTURAL EXPERI MENT STATION: SOIL REPORT Send orders to Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana, Ill. Hopkins, C. G., Mosier, J. G., PETTIT, J. H., and READHIMER, J. E. Soil report no. 1, Clay county soils. 32p., colored soil map. 25 cents. [AI2-27] —Soil report no. 2. Moultrie county soils. 4op., colored soil map. 25 cents, [AI2-38] —Soil report no. 3. Hardin county soils. 33p. illus., tables, colored soil maps. 25 cents. [AI2-I450] —Soil report no. 4. Sangamon county soils. 44p. illus., tables, colored soil maps. 25 cents. [AI3-182] —Soil report no. 5. LaSalle county soils. 50p. illus, tables, colored soil maps. 25 cents. [AI3-18O4] —Soil report no. 6. Knox county soils. 48p. illus., tables, colored soil maps, 25 cents. [AI4-922] HoPKINS, C. G., MosſER, J. G., PETTIt, J. H., and FISHER, O. S. Soil report no. 7, Mc- Donough county soils. 46p, illus., tables, colored soil maps. 25 cents. [A14-2403] —Soil report no. 8. Bond county soils, 58p. illus., tables, colored soil map. 30 cents, [A 15-733] HoPKINS, C. G., MoSIER, J. G., VAN ALSTINE, E., and GARRETT, F. W. Soil report no. 9. Lake county soils. 53p. illus., tables, colored soil maps. 30 cents. —Soil report no. 10. McLean county soils. (In press) PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERI MENT STATION BULLET IN Send orders to Engineering Earperiment Station, 306 Engineering Building, Urbana, Ill. 4. TALBOT, A. N. Tests of reinforced concrete beams, series of 1905. Igoó. 84p. illus., 9. I5. I6. I8. 2I. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 3O. 3I. 33. 34. • 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 4O. pls., diagrs. 45 cents, [9-17433] . * BRECKENRIDGE, L. P. and GOODENOUGH, G. A. An extension of the Dewey decimal sys- tem of classification applied to the engineering industries. Revised edition, 1912. II7p. 50 cents. [AI2-1769] BRECKENRIDGE, L. P. How to burn Illinois coal without smoke. I908. 45p. illus., pls., tables. 25 cents. [8-4028] RICKER, N. C. A study of roof trusses. 1908. 28p. diagrs, tables. 15 cents. [8-7167] GOODENOUGH, G. A. and MooRE, L. E. The strength of chain links. I908. 73p, illus., diagrs., tables. 40 cents. [8–18286] HUDSON, C. S., and GARLAND, C. M. Tests of a liquid air plant. Igo& 20p. illus., diagrs., tables. I5 cents. [8–18305] a BAKER, I. O. Voids, settlement and weight of crushed stone: 1908. 29p. tables. I5 cents. [8–262O3] PARR, S. W. and FRANCIS, C. K. The modification of Illinois coal by low temperature distillation. I908. 48p. illus., diagrs., tables. 30 cents. [8–29347] AMRINE, T. H. Lighting country homes by private electric plants. Igo& 35p. illus., diagrs. 25 cents. [8-3427 I) Goss, W. F. M. High steam-pressure in locomotive service; a review of a report to the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Igo&. 45p. illus., diagrs., tables. 25 cents. [9-5182] TALBot, A. N. & ABRAMs, D. A. Tests of brick columns and terra cotta block columns, 1909. 50p. front., illus., diagrs., tables. 30 cents. [9–10800] TALBOT, A. N. A test of three large reinforced concrete beams. 1909. 25p. front., illus., pls., diagrs., tables. I5 cents, [9–10508] TALBOT, A. N. Tests of reinforced concrete beams: Resistance to web stresses. 1909. 85p. illus., diagrs., tables. 45 cents. [9-14527] CLEMENT, J. K., ADAMs, L. H., and HAsKINs, C. N. On the rate of formation of carbon monoxide in gas producers. I909. 47p. illus., diagrs., tables. 25 cents, [9-17428] SNODGRASS, J. M. Fuel tests with house-heating boilers. 1909, IoSp. illus., diagrs., tables. 55 cents. [IO-9094] PARR, S. W., and BAKER, PERRY. The occluded gases in coal. 1909. 28p., diagrs., tables. I5 cents. [IO-2584] AMRINE, T. H. and GUELL, A. Tests of Tungsten lamps. 1909, 33p. illus., diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [Io-8269] SNODGRASS, J. M. Tests of two types of tile-roof furnaces under a water-tube boiler. I909. 200. illus., diagrs., tables. 15 cents. [Io-7538] RICKER, N. C. A study of base and bearing plates for columns and beams. 1909, 36p. diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [Io-7724] CLEMENT, J. K. and EGY, W. L. The thermal conductivity of fire clay at high tem- peratures. I909. 31.p. iilus., diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [Io-I4768] PARR, S. W., and WHEELER, W. F. Unit coal and the composition of coal ash. 1909. 67p. tables. 35 cents. [Io-10209] PARR, S. W., and WHEELER, W. F. The weathering of coal, series of 1969. 1909. 43p. illus., diagrs., tables. 25 cents. [IO-I4137] McGovney, C. S. Tests of washed grades of Illinois coal. 1909. I47p. illus., diagrs, tables. 75 cents. [IO-33300] º - CLEMENT, J. K., and GARLAND, C. M. A study in heat transmission. 1909. 17p. diagrs., table. Io cents. [IO-333OI) f 4I. 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 58. 59. 60. 6I. 62. 63. 64. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 7 TALBOT, A. N. Tests of timber beams. Igog. 77p. illus., diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [IO-33347] MooRE, H. F. The effect of keyways on the strength of shafts. 1909. 20p. illus., diagrs., tables. Io cents. [10–33427] SCHMIDT, E. C. Freight train resistance, its relation to car weight. 1910. I52p. illus., diagrs., tables. 80 cents. [II-33015] TALBOT, A. N. and MooRE, H. F. An investigation of built-up columns under load. I910. 64p. front., illus., diagrs., tables. 35 cents. [II-I5030] WHITTEMORE, H. L. The strength of oxyacetylene welds in steel. 191o. 65p. iſlus., pls., diagrs., tables. 35 cents. [II-I5029) PARR, S. W. and KREssMANN, F. W. The spontaneous combustion of coal, with special reference to bituminous coals of the Illinois type. 1910. 87p. pl., diagrs., tables. 45 cents. [AII-2I43] STEPHENSON, E. B. Magnetic properties of Hensler alloys. Igio. 38p. illus., diagrs., tables. 25 cents. [AII-2I46] TALBOT, A. N., and ENGER, M. L. Resistance to flow through locomotive water col- umns. Igi I. 72p. illus., diagrs., tables. 40 cents. [AII-2I60] TALBOT, A. N. and MooRE, H. F. Tests of nickel-steel riveted joints. Igi I. 53p. illus., diagrS., tables. 30 cents. [AII-25I7] GARLAND, C. M. and KRATz, A. P. Tests of a suction gas producer. Igi I. 91 p. illus., diagrs., plates. 50 cents. [AII-2775] BRYANT, J. M. and HAKE, H. G. Street lighting. Igi I. 61 p. diagrs., tables. 35 cents. [AI2–223] MooRE, H. F. An investigation of the strength of rolled zinc. Igi I. 24.p. illus., diagrs., tables. I5 cents. [AI2-225] BROOKS, M. and TURNER, H. M. Inductance of coils. Igiz. 72p. illus., diagrs., tables. 40 cents. [AI2-625] GUEEL, A. Mechanical stresses in transmission lines. I912. 31.p. diagrs, tables. 20 cents. [AI2-626] YENSEN, T. D. Starting currents of transformers, with special reference to trans- formers with silicon steel cores. IoI2. 43p. illus., diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [AI2–628] TALBOT, A. N. and LORD, A. R. Tests of columns : an investigation of the value of concrete as reinforcement for structural steel columns. Igi 2, 44.p. illus., diagrS., tables. 25 cents. [AI2-787] Goss, W. F. M. Superheated steam in locomotive service; a review of Publication no. 127 of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1912. 66p. fold. pl., diagr., tables. 40 cents. [AI2-864] * CLAYTON, J. P. A new analysis of the cylinder performance of reciprocating engines. 1912. IO4p. illus., fold pls., tables, diagr. 60 cents. [AI2–896] SCHMIDT, E. C. and MARQUIs, F. W. The effects of cold weather upon train resist- ance and tonnage rating. Ig|2. 24p. fold. pl., diagrs. 20 cents. [I2-900] PARR, S. W. and OLIN, H. L. The coking of coal at low temperatures. Ign 2. 46 p. illus., tables, diagrs. 25 cents. [I2-336OI) ANDERSON, A. R. and WooDRow, H. R. Characteristics and limitations of the series transformer. IQI2. 45.p. illus., tables. 25 cents, [AI3-674] WILLIAMS, E. H. The electron theory of magnetism. I912. 64p. illus. 35 cents [AI3–493] RICHARDs, C. R. Entropy-temperature and transmission diagrams for air. 1913. 20p. illus... tables, fold. 25 cents. [AI3-968] TALBot, A. N. and SLATER, W. A. Tests of reinforced concrete buildings under load. I913. IO4p. illus., diagrs., tables. 50 cents. [AI3-1034] 8 PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 65. CLAYTON, J. P. The steam consumption of locomotive engines from the indicator diagrams. 1913, 78p. illus., tables, diagrs. 40 cents. [AI3-1355] 66. GooDENOUGH, G. A. and MosFIER, W. E. The properties of saturated and super- heated ammonia vapor. 1913. 94p. illus., tables, diagrs., fold. 50 cents. [AI3-1290) # 67. TALBOT, A. N. Reinforced concrete wall footings and column footings. I913. II4p. illus., diagrs. 50 cents. [AI4-183] & 68. MooRE, H. F. The strength of I-beams in flexure. I913. 40p. illus., diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [AI3-2366] 69. LINCOLN, F. C. Coal washing in Illinois. Igi 3. IO8p, illus., diagrs., tables. 50 cents. [AI4-608] 70. WILEY, C. C. The mortar-making qualities of Illinois sand. I913. 44p. illus. 20 cents. [AI4-838] tº 71. ABRAMs, D. A. Tests of bond between concrete and steel. Igi A. 238p. illus., diagrs., tables. $1. [AI4-2023] 72. YENSEN, T. D. Magnetic and other properties of electrolytic iron melted in vacuo, 1914. 74p. pl., diagrs, tables. 40 cents. [AI4–2309] 73. WATson, F. R. Acoustics of auditoriums. 1914, 32p. illus., pl., diagrs. 20 cents. [AI4-I4OI] . 74. DUNN, H. H. The tractive resistance of a 28-ton electric car. I9I4. 53D. diagrs., tables. 25 cents. [AI4-I397] d 75. GooDENough, G. A. Thermal properties of steam. I914. 69p. illus., tables. 35 cents. [AI4-24O2] 76. PARR, S. W. and HADLEY, H. F. The analysis of coal with phenol as a solvent, I914. 49p. illus., tables. 25 cents. [AI5–295] & 77. YENSEN, T. D. The effect of boron upon the magnetic and other properties of electrolytic iron melted in vacuo. 1915. 23p. illus., tables, diagrs. IO cents. 78. KRATz, A. P. A study of boiler losses. Ig|5. 73p. illus., tables. 35 cents. 79. PARR, S. W. and OLIN, H. L. The coking of coal at low temperatures with special reference to the properties and composition of the products. (In press) 80. WILSON, W. M. and MANEY, G. A. Wind stresses in the steel frames of office build- ings. (In press) Circular no. 3. BRECKENRIDGE, L. P. and DISERENs, PAUL. Fuel tests with Illinois coal. I908. 54p. illus., diagrs., map, tables. 30 cents. [9-3IOII] STATE LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLET IN Send orders to State Laboratory of Natural History, Urbana, Ill. VoLUME I. I. (I.) Forbes, S. A. List of Illinois crustacea, with descriptions of new species. (2.) FoRBEs, S. A. Key to... the species of the preceding paper. (3.) BRENDEL, FRED- ERICK. The tree in winter. (4.) SEwALL, J. A. Sodic pinate as a test for lime. (5.) NELson, E. W. Partial catalogue of the fishes of Illinois. (6) BURRILL, T. J. Upon parasitic fungi. (7.) THOMAs, CYRUs. A list of the orthoptera of Illinois. 1876. 76p. 9 pls. 50 cents. [AII-702] 2. (I.) THOMAS, CYRUs. List of the aphidini of the United States. (2.) MIDDLETON, NETTIE. A new species of aphis. (3.) Wolf, JoHN and HALL, ELIHU. A list of the mosses, liverworts and lichens of Illinois. [AII-386]. (4.) JoRDAN, D. S. A cata- logue of the fishes of Illinois. [AII-383]. (5.) For BEs, S. A. The food of Illinois fishes. [AII-37I]. (6) Forbes, S. A. On the crustacea eaten by fishes. (7) HAY, O. P. Description of a new species of asellus. I877. 92p. pl. 50 cents. 6. (I.) ForBES, S. A. The regulative action of birds upon insect oscillations. (2.) The ... food relations of the caribidae and coccinellidae. (3.) The food of the smaller fresh-water fishes. (4.) The first food of the common white-fish (Coremonus clupeiformis Mitch.) Reprint, IIop. Separates of each number 15 cents, [AII-375] II. I4. I5. IO, II. I2. I3. I4. I5. IO. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TLLINOIS 9 4. Volu ME II. Forbes, S. A. On the food relations of fresh-water fishes; a summary and discussion. 1888. 63p. 30 cents. [AII-374] * * Volu ME III. WEED, C. M. A descriptive catalogue of the phalangiinae of Illinois. I890. I9p. Io cents. [AII-401] , * ForBEs, S. A. On the American earthworm of the family phreoryctidae. I900. Iop. 3 pls. Io cents. [AII-372) GILLETTE, C. P. Descriptions of the new cynipidae in the collections of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. 1891. 15p. pl. 10 cents. [AII-381) GoDING, F. W. Bibliographical and synonymical catalogue of the described mem- bracidae of North America. 1894. 92p. 25 cents. [A II-400] GoDING, F. W. Synopsis of the subfamilies and genera of the North American cercopidae, with a bibliographical and synonymical catalogue of the described species of North America. 1895. Iop. Io cents. [AI I-382) VOLUME IV. FoRBEs, S. A. Bacteria normal to digestive organs of hemiptera. 1892. 7p. Sold with no. 5. [AII-692] FRENCH, G. H. Description of two new deltoid moths. I894. 2p. Sold with no. 5- [AI3-III9] . Loucks, W. E. The life history and distribution of the prothonotary warbler in Illinois. I894. 26p. pl. Sold with no. 5. [6-28832] RoLFE, C. W. List of altitudes in the state of Illinois. 1894. Io2 p. Sold with no. 5. [AII-7Io] SMITH, FRANK. A preliminary account of two new oligochaeta from Illinois. I895. IIp. I-5, $1.50. Not sold separately. HART, C. A. On the entomology of the Illinois river and adjacent waters. IS25. I25p. I2 pls. Sold with no. 9. ASHMEAD, W. H. Descriptions of three new parasitic hymenoptera from the Illinois river. I895. II p. 3 pls. Sold with No. 9. [Agr.S-51] SMITH, FRANK. Notes on species of North American oligochaeta, 1895. I3p. Sold with no. 9. [AII-7I4] GARMAN, H. Some notes on the brain and pineal structures of Polyodon folium. 1896. I2 p. pl. 6-9, $1.50. Not sold separately. [AII-697] HEMPEL, ADOLPH. Descriptions of new species of rotifera and protozoa from the Illinois river and adjacent waters. 1896. 7 p. 5 pls. Sold with no. 15. [AII-699] CocKERELL, T. D. A. Check-list of coccidae. I896. 22p. Sold with no. I5. [AII-687] DUGGAR, B. M. On a bacterial disease of the squash-bug (Amasa tristis DeG.) 1896. 4op. 2 pls. Sold with no. 15. [AII-689] Johnson, W. G. Descriptions of five new species of scale insects, with notes. I896. I4p. 6 pls. Sold with no. I5. [AII-703] SMITH, FRANK. Notes on species of North American oligochaeta, II. I896. I6p. 4 pls. Sold with no. 15. [AII-7I5] SHARPE, R. W. Contribution to a knowledge of the North American fresh-water ostracoda included in the families Cytheridae and Cyprididae. I897. 71p. Io pls. Io-I5, $1.50. Not sold separately. [AII-7I3] VoLUME V. SMITH, FRANK. Notes on species of North American oligochaeta, III. List of species found in Illinois, and descriptions of Illinois tubiſicidae. I900. 18p, 2 pls. 20 cents, [CA7-2356] I () PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 9. IO. 2. 2. 7 VOLUME VI. NEED HAM, J. G., and HART, C. A. The dragon-flies (odonata) of Illinois. Part I. Petaluridae, aeschinidae, and gomphidae. 1901. 94p. pl. 50 cents. [AII-708] Koford, C. A. Plankton studies. IV. The Plankton of the Illinois river, 1894-1899, with introductory notes on the hydrography of the Illinois river and its basin. Part I. Quantitative investigations and general results. I903. 535 p. 50 pls. $2. [6-357I4] VOLUME VII. WEBSTER, F. M. Studies of the life history, habits, and taxonomic relations of a new species of oberea (Oberea ulmicola Chittenden). I904. I4p. 2 pls. Sold with the following. WEBSTER, F. M. Studies of the habits and development of Neocerata rhodophaga Coquillett. I904. II p. pl. I and 2, 15 cents. Not sold separately. [AII-718] For BEs, S. A. and RICHARDSON, R. E. On a new shovelnose sturgeon from the Mis- sissippi river. 1905. 8p. 4 pls. I5 cents. [AII-693] BAKER, F. C. A catalogue of the mollusca of Illinois. IQ06. 84p. map. 30 cents. [AI I-685) ForpEs, S. A. On the local distribution of certain Illinois fishes; an essay in statis- tical ecology. 1907. 31.p. 9 pls., 15 maps. 50 cents. [AII-695] FoRBEs, S. A. An ornithological cross-section of Illinois in autumn. Reprint, 1913. 3I p. 25 centS. Ewing, H. E. The oribatoidae of Illinois, 1909. 53p. 3 pls, 5 text fig. 25 cents. [AII-690] VOLUME VIII. Koford, C. A. The Plankton of the Illinois river, 1894-1899, with introductory notes upon the hydrography of the Illinois river and its basin. Part II. Constituent organisms and their seasonal distribution. 1908. 360p. 5 pls. $1.50 [6-357I4] FlooD, J. D. New genera and species of Illinois thysanoptera. Igo3. Igp. 9 text fig. Io cents. [AI I-701] For BEs, S. A. On the general and interior distribution of Illinois fishes. Igoo. 57p. IO2 maps. 50 cents. [AI I-694] BAKER, F. C. The ecology of the Skokie marsh area, with special reference to the mollusca. 1910. 59p. 20 pls., 4 text fig. 35 cents. [AII-686] WooD, F. E. A study of the mammals of Champaign county, Illinois. Igro. II3P. 3 pls., map, I2 text fig. 50 cents. [AII-720] Volu ME IX, WooD, F. E. On the common shrew-mole in Illinois. I910. I3p. 2 text fig. Sold with the following. t WEST, J. A. A study of the food of moles in Illinois. Igio. 9p. I and 2, Io cents, Not sold separately. [AI I-719] GLEASON, H. A. The vegetation of the inland sand deposits of Illinois. I9Io. I52p. 20 ple. 75 cents. [AII-556] HALL, R. C. and INGALL, O. D. Forest conditions in Illinois. Igi I. 79p. 17 pls. 30 cents. [AII-1612] # GATEs, F. C. The vegetation of the Beach area in northeastern Illinois and south- castern Wisconsin. IQI2. I21 p. 50 cents. [I2-33599] t For BEs, S. A. The midsummer bird life of Illinois: a statistical study. Reprint, IQI4, I 3D. IO CentS. RICHARDson, R. E. Observations on the breeding of the European carp in the vicinity of Havana, Illinois. Igi 3. 18p. 2 pl. Sold with the following. RICHARDSON, R. E. Observations on the breeding habits of fishes at Havana, Illinois, 1910 and 1911. I913. I2p. 7 and 8, 15 cents. Not sold separately. [AI3-II21] PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS If to. Forbes, S. A. and RICHARDsoN, R. E. Studies on the biology of the upper Illinois river. 1913. 93p. 20 pls. 75 cents. [AI3-2263] 11. SHERFF, E. E. Vegetation of Skokie marsh. 1913. 40p. II pls. 35 cents. [AI3-2264) 12. SMITH, FRANK and WELCH, P. S. Some new Illinois enchytraeidae. I913. 22p. 4 pls. 35 cents. [AI3-2265] VolumE X. I. VESTAL, A. G. An associational study of Illinois sand prairie. I913. 96p. 5 pls. 75 cents. [AI3-2267] 2. DAVIs, J. J. The Cyrus Thomas collection of aphididae, and a tabulation of species mentioned and described in his publications. 1913. 24p. 2 pls. I5 cts. [AI4-777] 3. WELCH, P. S. Studies on the enchytraeidae of North America. 1914. 9op. 5 pls. 75 cents. [AI4-II52] 4. MALLoch, J. R. Notes on North American diptera, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. I9I4. 3Op. 3 pls. 40 cents. [AI4-14I2] 5. WHITTEN, J. H. The effect of kerosene and other petroleum oils on the viability and growth of Zea mais. 31p. I pl. 1914. 40 cents. [AI4-2967] 6. MALLOCH, J. R. The Chironomidae, or midges, of Illinois, with particular reference to the species occurring in the Illinois River. 271 p. 24 pls. Ig|5. $1.00. NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF | L Li NO IS Not for sale; for distribution by State Laboratory of Natural History, Urbana, Ill. Vol. I. RIDGw AY, Robert. The ornithology of IJlinois; descriptive catalogue, part I. 1889. 52Op. pl. (Ist ed. thick paper; 2nd ed. thin paper). [AI I-1357] Vol. 2. Part I. RIDGw AY, Robert. The ornithology of Illinois; descriptive catalogue, part I, concluded. 1895. 282p. pl. [AII-1357] STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN (GS7-312] Send orders to State Geological Survey, 236 Natural History Building, Urbana, Ill. 4. BAIN, H. F. and others. Year-book for 1906. I907. 260p. illus., pls. cloth, 65 cents. [GS8-331] 5. Bow MAN, Is AIAH, assisted by C. A. REEDs. Water resources of the East Saint Louis district. 1907. I28p. illus., pls., fold. map, tables, cloth, 40 cents. [GS8-16] 9. RoLFE, C. W. and others. Paving brick and paving brick clays of Illinois. IgoS. 316p. front., illus., pls., diagrs., tables. cloth, 75 cents. [GS9-I2O) Io, BART.ow, E. and others. The mineral content of Illinois waters. I909. I92p. pls., diagrs, tables. cloth, 40 cents. [GS9-284] (Also published as State Water Survey Bulletin no. 4.) II. GoLDTHWAIT, J. W. The physical features of the Des Plaines valley. IQC9. Io9p. illus., pls., maps, cloth, 40 cents. [GS9-446] I2, FENNEMAN, N. M. Physiography of the Saint Louis area. IQ09. 83D. illus., pls., map in pocket, cloth, 40 cents. [GSIO-124] - I3, CARMAN, J. E. The Mississippi valley between Savanna and Davenport. IQ09, 96p. illus., pls., maps in pocket. cloth, 40 cents. [GSIO-300] I4. BAIN, FI. F. and others. Year-book for 1908. Igog. 394p. illus, pls., tables. cloth, 75 cents. [GS8-331] I5. BARRows, H. H. Geography of the middle Illinois valley. Igio. I28p. illus., pls., diagrs, maps, cloth, 40 cents. [GSIO-4II] 17, BLEININGER, A. V., LINEs, E. F., LAYMAN, F. E. Portland-cement resources of Illi- nois. I912. I2Ip. pls., tables, cloth, 40 cents. [GSI2-298] 12 PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I8. IQ. 2.I. 24. 25. 28. 29. IO. II. I2. PARR, S. W. and ERNEST, T. R. A study of sand-lime brick. 1912. 83p. pls., tables, diagrs. cloth, 40 cents. [GSI2-875] & - - TRow BRIDGE, A. C. Geology and geography of the Wheaton quadrangle. 1912. 79p. illus, pls., diagrs, cloth, 40 cents. [GS12-876) - t Cox, G. H. Lead and zinc deposits of Northwestern Illinois. I914. I2Op. ps., diagrs. cloth, 40 cents. [GSI5-7] BLATCHLEY, R. S. The oil fields of Crawford and Lawrence counties. 1913. 442p. 3I pls. (2 v. 2nd volume contains 8 maps and 4 cross sections). Cloth, $1. Udden, . J. A. A report on some deep borings in Illinois. 1914. 141 p., 43 columinar Sections in 4 ple. cloth, 40 cents. HARMAN, J. A. Report and plans for reclamation of lands subject to overflow in the Embarrass river valley. IQI3. 61 p. tables, map, fold. pls, in pocket, cloth, 40 cents. [GSI3-600) * Geological map of Illinois. Third edition. Scale approximately eight miles to the , inch. 35 by 51 inches. Plain paper. 50 cents. & Base map of Illinois. Second edition. Scale approximately 7% miles to the inch. 30 by 51 inches. Plain paper. 50 cents. - BLATCHLEY, R. S. Gas and oil in Bond, Macoupin, and Montgomery counties, IQI4. 50p. pl.s., diagr. cloth, 40 cents. [GSI5-I59] PARR, S. W. Purchase and sale of Illinois coal under specifications. I914. 80p. pl., diagrs. IO cents. STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MONOGRAPHS WELLER, STUART. The Mississippian brachiopoda of the Mississippi Valley basin. I914, 2V. (2nd vol. consists of 83 pls.) cloth, $1.50. | LL | NOIS COAL: M IN ING INVESTIGATIONS BULLET IN Send orders to State Geological Survey, 236 Natural History Building, Urbana, Ill. Cooperative Agreement. State Geological Survey; Department of Mining Engineer- ing, University of Illinois; U. S. Bureau of Mines. * ANDROS, S. O. Preliminary report on organization and method of investigations. I913. 71 p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. Io cents. [AI3-II48] ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District VIII (Danville). 1914. 53p. illus., diagrS., tables, maps. Io cents. [AI4-1396] ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District VII. I914. 53p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. Io cents. [GSI4-479] ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District I (Longwall). IgE 4. 42p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. Io cents. [GSI4-638] ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District V. 1914. 34p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. IO cents. [AI4-1499] ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District II. I914. 22p., illus., diagrs, tables, maps. IO cents. [AI4-1844] ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District VI. 1914. 49p. illus., diagrs, tables, maps. IO cents. [AI5-II6] ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District III. IQIS. 30 p. illus., diagrs, tables, maps. Io cents. [AI5-253] - CADY, G. H. Coal resources of District I (Longwall). Igls. I49p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. 25 cents. KAY, F. H. Coal resources of District VII. I915. 233p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. 35 centS. ANDROS, S. O. Coal mining practice in District IV. Igſ 5. 57p. illus., diagrs, tables, maps. IO cents. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 13 . ILLINois MINERS AND MECHANIcs' INSTITUTES BULLET IN Sental orders to Illinois Miners' and Mechanics’ Institutes, 203 Transportation Building, - I. 2. 3. IO. II. IO. II. I2. I3. I4. Urbana, Ill. . W. STOEK, H. H. Education of mine employees. 1914. I36p. illus., pls., tables. 75 cents. [AI4–994] * Outline of proposed methods. I914. 27p. I5 cents. - RoBERTs, PETER, and others. English for foreigners. 1914. 52p. 25 cents. [AI5-623] - •us STATE WATER SURVEY SERIES Send orders to State Water Survey, 116 Chemistry Building, Urbana, Ill. BART.ow, EDw ARD. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois. Report for the year ending August 31, 1906. 1906. 3Op. 5 cuts. I5 cents. [7-37026] BARTow, EDWARD and others. Mineral content of Illinois waters. 1908. I92 p. illus., maps. 40 cents. [9-27556] (Also published as State Geological Survey Bulletin no. Io.) * BARTow, EDwARD. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois. Report for 1909 and 1910. Igi I. I5Op. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. cloth, $1. BARTow, EDwARD. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois. Report for the year ending December 31, 1911. 1912. I71p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. 85 cents, cloth, $1. BARTow, EDWARD. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois. Report for the year ending December 31, 1912. I914. Ig8p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. $1, cloth, $1.25. BARTow, EDwARD. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois. Report for the year ending December 31, 1913. 478p. illus., diagrs., tables, maps. $1, cloth, $1.25. C E RAM ICS BULLET IN Send orders to Departinent of Ceramics, 200 Ceramics Building, Urbana, Ill. Part I. PURDY, R. C. and Fox, H. B. Fritted glazes. Igo7. 94p. diagrs., tables. 45 cents. ſº * - Part 2. PURDY, R. C. and KREHBIEL, J. F. Crystalline glazes. 1907. 93p. illus., diagrs., tables. 45 cents. [AII-2I44] Jon ES, J. C. Effiorescence of brick. Igoó. 22p. tables. Io cents. [AII-2I4I] Jones, J. C. Effect of repeated freezing and thawing on brick burned to different degrees of hardness. I907. 51p. illus... diagrs., tables. 25 cents. [AII-2I40] BLEININGER, A. V. and LAYMAN, F. E. A method making possible the utilization of an Illinois joint clay, BLEININGER, A. V. An attempt to determine the amount of heat utilized from a down-draft kiln by the waste heat drying system. Igo9. I4p. diagrs, tables. 5 cents. [AII-2I37] STULL, R. T. A cheap enamel for stoneware. Part 2, 1909. I6p. tables. Io cents. [AII-2I48] STULL, R. T. Notes on the manufacture of enamel brick with some investigations on enamel brick slips, 1909-1910. 1910. 59p. illus., diagrs., tables. 30 cents. [AII-1814] BLEININGER, A. V. and STULL, R. T. A study of the vitrification range and di-electric behavior of Some porcelains. Igog-1910. Igio. 48p. diagrs., tables., 20 cents. [AII-2139] STULL, R. T. and RADCLIFFE, B. S. Opalescence and the function of boric acid in the glaze, 1909-1910. I9IO. I2p. diagrs. 5 cents. [AII-1813] I4 PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 15. KNOTE, J. M. Some chemical and physical changes in clays due to the influence of heat, 1909-1910, 39p. diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [AII-1812] I6. STULL, R. T. and BALDw1N, G. H. Cobalt colors other than blue. STULL, R. T. Influ- ences of variable silica and , alumina on porcelain glazes of constant RO. RAD- CLIFFE, B. S. Investigations on the dielectric strength of some porcelains. IQI2. 43p. illus., pl., diagrs., tables. 20 cents. [AI2-1770) 17. BLEININGER, A. V. and FULTON, C. E. The effects of acids and alkalies upon clay in the plastic state. HURSH, R. K. Note on the dissociation of calcium hydrate. HURSH, R. K. Note on the relation between preheating temperature and volume shrinkage. 1912. 30p. illus., diagrs. I5 cents. [AI2-1767] 18. BLEININGER, A. V. and TEETOR, PAUL. A thermal study of boric acid-silica mixtures. BROWN, R. E. The replacement of tin oxide by antimony oxide in enamels for cast iron. 26p. diagrs., tables. I5 cents. [AI2-1768] * I9. WILLIAMS, A. E. Investigation of iron ore cements. IQI4. I6p. diagrs., tables. Io cents. [AI4-I4O7] 20. STULL, R. T. and HURSH, R. K. Designs of seven test kilns. Igi A. I6p, illus., diagrs. IO cents. [AI5-624] 21. STULL, R. T. and How At, W. L. Deformation temperatures of some porcelain glazes. RAND, C. C. and SCHURECHT, H. G. A type of crystalline glaze at come 3. I9I4. I4p. pl.s., diagrs., tables. 5 cents. [AI5-II.9) 22. RADCLIFFE, B. S. The influence of chlorides of calcium and iron when precipitated in a porcelain body. Some cobalt-uranium colors. I914. 7p. diagrs., tables. I5 cents. [AI5-II.8] 23, WILLIAMS, A. E. Notes on the development of the ruby color in glass. IQI4. 23p. tables. Io cents. [AI 5-121] SCHOOL OF EDUCATION BULLET IN Send orders to School of Education, 203 University Hall, Urbana, Ill. 6. HoLLISTER, H. A., ed. Proceedings of the High School Conference of November 23, 24, 25, 1911. Ig|2. I47p. [AI3-278) 7. MoREHOUSE, FRANCEs. Practice teaching in the School of Education, University of Illinois, 1893-1911. IQI2. I5p. [AI2-1607] 9. HollistER, H. A., ed. Proceedings of the High School Conference of November 21, 22, 23, 1912. Igi 3. 230p. tables, diagrs., map. [AI3-278) Io. HoLLISTER, H. A., ed. Proceedings of the High School Conference of November 20, 21, 22, 1913. IQI4. 276p. tables, diagrs. [AI3-278) II. Report of the Conference on Teachers' Institutes held at the University, August 3–7, I9I4. Igſ 4. 22p. [AI5-II7] I3. Holi,IstER, H. A., ed. Proceedings of the High School Conference of November I9, 20, 21, 1914. IQIS. 328p, tables, diagrs. [AI3-278) DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE Send orders to Department of Household Science, Woman's Building, Urbana, Ill. BEVIER, ISABEL, Some points in the making and judging of bread. I913. 44p. illus. 5 cents. [AI3-191 II BEVIER, ISABEL. The planning of meals. Ig|4. 27p. tables. 5 cents. [AI4-2529] CRIGLER, N. B. and GRAY, C. E. The service of meals. 1914, 20p. illus. 5 cents. [AI5-61 I) GIBBS, C. M. Some points in choosing textiles. 1912. I8p. illus. 5 cents. [AI3-518] GOLDTHWAITE, N. E. The principles of jelly making. I9I4; 3rd ed. 23p. illus. 5 cents. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I5. Goldthwaite, N. E. Cooking of carp; chocolate and cocoa. 1914. 25p, tables. 5 cents. [AI4-2530] - Usher, SusANNAH. : Some points to be considered in the planning of a rational diet. 1914; 2nd ed. 15p. tables. 5 cents. [A15-120) Syllabus of domestic science and domestic art for the high schools of Illinois. I914. 6Ip. 25 cents. * Outlines for work in domestic science and domestic art for the elementary schools in Illinois. 1915. 16p. 25 cents. [A 15-613] GENERAL Send orders to University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Ill. Rolfe, C. W. The geology of Illinois as related to its water supply. Univ. of Ill. Bulletin, v. 1, no. 9. 1904. 16p. Io cents. [9-18569] KEITH, E. G. The national republican convention of 1860. Univ. of Ill. Bulletin, v. I, no. I6. 1904. IQp. Io cents. [5-IIIO8] ~. CURTIs, F. R., comp. List of library reports and bulletins in the collection of the University of Illinois Library School. Univ. of Ill. Bulletin, v. 9, no. 12. I912. 22p. IO cents. [AI2-37] KELLEY, J. H., ed. The alumni record of the University of Illinois, including historical sketch and annals of the university and biographical data regarding members of the faculties and the board of trustees. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. I913. 92Ip. front. (por.), pls., fold. map. cloth $3. [AI3-IOO8] - Questions set at the examinations of candidates for the certificate of Certified Public Accountant in Illinois, 1903-1912. University of Ill. Bulletin, v. Io, no. 6. 1912. I59p. 75 cents. [AI3-129I) REECE, E. J. State documents for libraries. I915. 163p. 75 cents. [A 15-772] Conference on commercial education and business progress. Ig|3. I57p. pls. 50 cents. Conference on life insurance and its educational relations. 1914. 93p. pls. 50 cents. DUNN, F. K. The constitution, the courts, and the people. I914. I6p. Io cents. [A 14-1258] DRURY, F. K. W., comp. List of serials in the University of Illinois Library, together with those in other libraries in Urbana and Champaign. Univ. of Illinois Bulletin, v. 9, no. 2, 1911. 233p. $1.20. [AII-2407) - Notes for a study in city planning in Champaign-Urbana; by the 1913 and 1914 classes in Civic Design at the University of Illinois. 1915. 51 p. illus., pl.s., diagrs., map. 25 cents. [AI5-294] 3. THE ILLINols Association of TEACHERs of ENGLISH Bul LETIN v. VII, current. Published every month except June, July, August, and September. Sent to members of the Association. Membership fee, 25 cents per year. Communications may be addressed to Professor J. M. Clapp, Lake Forest, Illinois, Chairman of the Executive Committee, or to Professcºr H. G. Paul, Urbana, Illinois. * * º I6 PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ABRAMs, D. A. AMRINE, T. H. * { et al. ANDERSON, A. R. et al. ANDROS, S. O. & ( AsH MEAD, W. H. BABCOCK, K. C. BAIN, H. F. BAKER, F. C. & 4 BAKER, I. O. BARRows, H. H. BART.ow, EDWARD & & BAYLEY, W. S. et al. BEVIER, ISABEL § { BLAIR, J. C. BIATCHLEY, R. S. & & BLEININGER, A. V. et al. BoGART, E. L. BonsER, F. G Bow MAN, I. BRECKENRIDGE, L. P. { { & £ PRISCOE, C. F. BROOKs, M. et al. BRYANT, .J. M. et al. BULL, SLEETER, et al. BURRILL, T. J. et al. CADY, G. H. CARMAN, J. E. CARNAHAN, D. H. CLAYTON, J. P. CLEMENT, J. K. et al. 4 & CockFRELL, T. D. A. CofFEY, W. C. & 4 CoRT, W. W. AUTHOR |NDEX Tests of bond between concrete and steel. p.8. $1. Lighting country homes by private electric plants. p.6, 25 cents. Tests of Tungsten lamps, p.6, 20 cents. - The series transformer. p.7. 25 cents. Preliminary report . . . I913. p.12. Io cents. Coal mining in District VIII, VII, I, V, II, VI, III, IV. p.12, Io cents each. Descriptions of three new hymenoptera. p.9. $1. Scandinavian element in the U. S. p.3. $1.15. Geological survey Yearbook. p.II. I906, 65 cents; 1908, 75 cents. Catalogue of the mollusca of Illinois. p.Io. 30 cents. Ecology of the Skokie marsh area, p.Io. 35 cents. Voids, settlement and weight of crushed stone. p.6. I5 cents. Geography of the middle Illinois valley. p. I I, 40 cents. Chemical & biological survey of the waters of Illinois. p.13. I906, I5 cents; 1909-1910, 75 cents; 1911, 85 cents; 1912, $1.; 1913, $1. Mineral content of Illinois waters. Studies from the Geological department. Some points in making . . . of bread, p.14. Planning of meals. p.I.4, 5 cents. Bitter rot of apples. p.4. 35 cents. Oil fields of Crawford and Lawrence counties. p. 12. $1. Gas and oil in Bond, Macoupin and Montgomery counties. p. 12. 40 cents. I9I4. p. II, I.3. 40 cents. p.2, 75 centS. 5 cents. Effects of acids and alkalies upon clays, etc. p. 14. 15 cents, Illinois joint clay. Down-draft kilns. p.13. 5 cents. A study of . Some porcelains. p.13. 20 cents. Portland-cement resources of Illinois. p. II. 40 cents. Thermal study of boric acid-silica mixtures, etc. p. I4. I5 cents. Financial history of Ohio. p.3. $1.80. Illinois high schools. p.2. 25 cents. Water resources . . . East St. Louis district. p.II. 40 cents. How to burn Ill. coal without smoke. p.6. 25 cents. Fuel tests with Ill. coal. p.8. 20 cents. Dewey decimal system ... engineering industries. Fate of tubercle bacilli. p.4. 50 cents. Inductance of coils. p.7. 40 cents. Street lighting. p.7. 35 cents. American investigations on fattening lambs. Ear rots of corn, p.4. 25 cents. p.6. 50 cents. p.5. 25 centS. Coal resources of District I. p. 12. 25 cents. Mississippi valley between Savanna and Davenport. p.II. 40 CentS. Jean d’Abundance, p.2. $1. Cylinder performance of reciprocating engines. p.7. 60 cents. Steam consumption of locomotive engines. p.8. 40 cents. Carbon monoxide in gas producers. p.6. 25 cents. Thermal conductivity of fire clay. p.6. 20 cents. Study in heat transmission. p.6. Io cents. Check list of the coccidae. p. 9. 25 cents. Market classes and grades of sheep. p.4. 35 cents. Proportions of shelled corn and alfalfa hay for fattening west- ern lambs. p.4. I5 cents. Larval trematodes from North American fresh-water snails. p.3. $1.20. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 17 Cox, G. H. CRIGLER, N. B. et al. CURTIs, F. R. DAVIS, J. J. DICKERSON, O. M. DIETRICH, WILLIAM & & DoRNER, H. B. et al. DouTHITT, H. DRURY, F. K. W. DUGGAR, B. M. DUNN, F. K. DUNN, H. H. DURST, C. E. EAST, E. M. EMMETT, A. D. et al. Ewing, H. E. FENNEMAN, N. M. FLOM, G. T. Folsom, J. W. et al. Forbes, S. A. { % TRASER, W. J. é $ { { { { FRENCH, G. H. GARLAND, C. M. et al. GARMAN, H. GATEs, F. C. GIDBs, C. M. GILLETTE, H. M. 'GLEASON, H. A. GODING, F. W. $6 "GoFBEL, J., ed. GoI.DTHw AIT, J. W. 'GOLDTHWAITE, N. E. { { GooDENough, G. A. * * # ( $ et al. et al. et al. Lead and zinc deposits of Northwestern Ill. p.12. 40 cents. Service of meals. p.14: 5 cents. List of library reports and bulletins. p.I.5. IO cents. Cyrus Thomas collection of aphididae. p.II. 15 cents. Illinois constitutional convention of 1862, p.2, 35 cents. Maintenance requirement of Swine. p.4. I5 cents. Digestibility of rations for swine. p. 5. 20 cents. Use of commercial fertilizers in growing carnations. p. 5. I5 CentS. g Studies on Anoplocephalidae. p.3. 80 cents. List of serials. p. 15. $1.20. Bacterial disease of the squash bug. p.9. 25 cents. Constitution, courts, and the people. p.I5. IO cents. Tractive resistance of a 28-ton electric car. p.8. 25 cents. Controlling melon lice. p.5. IO cents. Factors influencing improvement of potato. p.4. 45 cents. Growing pigs. p.4. 25 cents. Oribatoidea of Illinois. p.Io. 25 cents. Acarina of Illinois. p.2, $1. Physiography of St. Louis area. p. II. 40 cents. Fragment RA.58C. of Konongs Skuggsja. p.2. $1.25. Dialect of Aurland. p.3. $1.25. Collembola. p.2. $1. Birds and insect oscillations. p.8. 15 cents. American earthworm . . . phreoryctidae. p.9. Io cents. Food relations of fresh-water fishes. p.Q. 30 cents. Bacteria normal to digestive organs of hemiptera. p.9. Corn field ant, lasius niger Americanus. p.4. Io cents. Local distribution of . . . Ill. fishes. p. Io. 50 cents. General & interior distribution of Ill. fishes. p. Io. Midsummer bird life of Illinois. p.Io. Io cents. Observations and experiments on the San Jose scale. centS. Ornithological cross-section of Illinois. Recent Illinois work on corn root-aphis . . . p.5. 35 cents. Repellents against corn root-aphis, p.4. I5 cents. White grubs and May beetles. p.4. 20 cents. Illinois crustacea, etc. p.8. 50 cents. Biology of upper Illinois river. p.II. 75 cents. New shovel-nose sturgeon. p.IO. I5 cents. Crops for the silo. p.3. IO cents. Alfalfa hay vs. timothy hay. p.4. Rations for dairy cows. p.4. Two new deltoid moths. p.9. Tests of a suction gas producer. p.7. 50 cents. Brain and pineal structures of polyodon folium. Vegetation of the Beach area. p. Io. 50 cents. Choosing Textiles. p. I4. 5 cents. Description of new cynipidae. p.9. Io cents. Vegetation of inland sand deposits of Ill., p.Io. Bibliog. & syn. catalogue of membracidae. p.9. 25 cents. Synopsis of . . . North American cercopidae. p.9. Io cents. Journal of English and Germanic Philology. p.2, $3. a year. IO centS. 5O centS. p.5. Io p.IO. 25 cents. IO CentS. IO CentS. D.Q. 75 cents. Physical features of the Des Plaines valley. p. 11. 40 cents. Cooking of carp : chocolate and cocoa. p. 14. 5 cents. Principles of jelly making. p. 14, 5 cents, Thermal properties of steam. p.7. 35 cents. Saturated and superheated ammonia vapor, p.8, 50 cents. Strength of chain links. p.6, 40 cents. I8 PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GoRDON, J. H. Goss, W. F. M. GRINDLEY, H. S. et al. GUELL, A, HAIG, R. M. HALL, L. D. HALL, R. C. et al. HARMAN, J. A. HART, C. A. HEMPEL, A. HolliSTER, H. A. HooD, J. D. HoPKINS, C. G. HUDson, C. S. et al. IHUME, A. N. et al. JAMES, E. J. Joh Nson, W. G. Jon ES, J. C. Joseph, W. E. KARSTEN, G. E., ed. RAY, F. H. KEITH, E. G. KELLEY, J. H., ed. KNOTE, J. M. Kofold, C. A. KRATz, A. P. LA RUE, G. R. LAYTON, K. A. W. LEE, C. E. { { {{ LINCOLN, F. C. LLOYD, J. W. Loucks, W. E. McGovney, C. S. MALLOCH, J. R. & 4 MITCHELL, H. H. et al. MooRE, B. F. et al. MooRE, H. F. & 4 & 4 Pasteurization in making butter. et al. et al. Ill. railway legislation ... since 1870. p.2. 25 cents. High steam pressure in locomotive service. Superheated steam in locomotive service. p.7. 40 cents. Uncertainty in the interpretation of , feeding experiments. 60 cents. Mechanical stresses in transmission lines. p.7. History of the general property tax in Illinois. Market classes and grades of meat, p.4. Relative economy ... various cuts of beef. p.4. 50 cents. Forest conditions in Illinois. p.Io. 30 cents. Reclamation of lands subject to overflow. . river valley. p. 12. 40 cents. Entomology of Ill. river. p.9. New species of rotifera and protozoa, p.9. 20 CentS. 75 cents. IO CeIT tS. p.6. 25 cents. p.3. $1.25. p.4- . . Embarrass river Proceedings of the High School Conference, 1911, 1912, 1913, I9 I4. D. I.4. Illinois thysanoptera. p.10. Io cents. Nitrogen bacteria and legumes. p.3. I5 cents. Fertility in Illinois soils. p.4. 55 cents. Peaty swamp lands. p.4, 20 cents. Potassium from the soil. p. 5. 5 cents. Radium as a fertilizer. p.5. Io cents. Soil reports. p.4. 25 cents each. Tests of a liquid air plant. p.6, 15 cents. Distance between hills of corn. p.4. Io cents. Variety tests of wheat, p.4. I5 cents. Origin of the Land Grand act of 1862, p.2. 75 cents; cloth, $1.35. Five new species of scale insects. p.9. Io cents. Efflorescence of brick. p. 13. Io cents. Effect of . . . freezing and thawing on brick. p. 13. Nitrogen in growing pigs. p.5. I5 cents. Journal of English and Germanic philology. p.2. Coal resources of District VII. p.12. 35 cents. National republican convention of 1860, p. 15. 10 cents. The alumni record. p.15. $3. Changes in clays due to heat. p. 13. 20 cents. Plankton of Illinois river. p. Io. I, $2; I I, $1.5o. Boiler losses. p.8. 35 cents. Revision of Proteocephalidae. Nibelungen of Wagner. p.2. p.3. $2. 75 cents. p.4. 35 CelltS. Composition of market butter. p.4. I5 cents. Iºactors influencing the composition of butter. p.4. 30 cents. Coal washing in Illinois. p.8. 50 cents. Marketing the muskmelon. p.4. I5 cents. Onion culture. p. 5. I5 cents. Spraying for the codling moth. p.3. 30 cents. Growing tomatoes for early market. p.4. 25 cents. Prothonotary warbler in Illinois. p.9. Tests of washed grades of Ill. coal. p.6. 75 cents. North American diptera. p.II. 40 cents. Midges of Ill. p. II. $1. . Uncertainty in the interpretation of feeding experiments. 60 cents. Cumulative voting . . . in Illinois, 1870-1908. p.2, 50 cents. Effect of keyways on strength of shafts. p.7. Io cents. Strength of I-beams in flexure. p.8. 20 cents. Strength of rolled zinc. p.7. I 5 cents. 25 cellts. D.4. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I9 MooRE, J. R. MoREHOUSE, F. MoSIER, J. G. et al. MUMFORD, H. W. et al. 66 NEEDHAM, J. G. et al. OBRECHT, R. C. &t & & OLDFATHER, W. A. et al. OLIVER, T. E. PAINE, A. E. PARR, S. W. PHILLIPs, P. C. PURDY, R. C. et al. & 4 RADCLIFFE, B. S. RAND, C. C. et al. REECE, E. J. REED, S. M. RICHARDs, C. R. RICHARDSON, R. E. & & ( & RICKER, N. C. & & et al. RIDGWAY, Robert. ROBERTs, PETER et al. ROLFE, C. W. & & § { et al. SCHMIDT, E. C. & £ et al. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. L. SHARP, K. L. SHARPE, R. W. SHERFF, E. E. SMITH, F. & & l & & et al. SMITH, L. H. SNODGRAss, J. M. &&. STEPHENson, E. B. STEwART, R. STOEK, H. H. Taxation of corporations in Illinois. p.3. 55 cents. Practice teaching in the School of Education. p.I4. Soil moisture and tillage for corn. p.5. I5 cents. Short fed steers. p.4. IO cents. Rations for steers. p. 5. 25 cents. Dragon flies of Illinois. p.Io. 50 cents. Feeding farm work horses. p.4. 20 cents. Market classes and grades of horses and mules. p.4. 50 cents. Fleshing horses for market. p.4. 20 cents. Defeat of Varus . . . p.3. 65 cents. Michel-Jean Sedaine: Le philosophe sans le Scavoir. p.2. $1.75. Granger movement in Illinois. p.2. 35 cents. Purchase ... of Ill. coal under specifications. p.I2. IO cents. Modification of Illinois coal. p.6. 30 cents. Occluded gases in coal. p.6. I5 cents. Unit coal and composition of coal ash. p.6, 35 cents. Weathering of coal, ser, 1909. p.6. 25 cents. Spontaneous combustion of coal. p.7. 45 cents. Analysis of coal . . . p.8. 25 cents. Coking of coal at low temperatures. p.7. 25 cents. Coking of coal at low temperatures with special reference to the properties and composition of the product. p.8. (In press) A study of sand-lime brick. p. II. 40 cents. The west. p.3. $1.25. Fritted glazes. p.I3. 45 cents. Crystalline glazes. p. 13. 45 cents. .Influence of chlorides of calcium and iron ... in a porcelain body. Some cobalt-uranium colors. p.I.4. I5 cents. Crystalline glaze . . . p.14. 5 cents. State documents for libraries. p. I5. 75 cents. Church and state in Mass. p.3. $1.05. § Entropy-temperature. p.7. 25 cents. Breeding habits of fishes at Havana, Ill. p.Io. Breeding of European carp . . . Havana, Ill. p. Io. I5 cents. Biology of upper Illinois river. p.II. 75 cents. Study of roof trusses. p.6. I5 cents. Study of base and bearing plates. p.6. 20 cents. Ornithology of Illinois. p.II. English for foreigners. p.13. 25 cents. Geology of Ill, as rel. to water supply. p.15. Io cents. Altitudes in Illinois. p.9. Paving brick & paving brick clays. p.II. 75 cents. Freight train resistance. p.7. 80 cents. Effect of cold weather upon train resistance. p.7. 20 cents. Genesis of Grand Remonstrance. p.2, 25 cents. Illinois libraries. Part 5. p.2. $1. North American fresh water ostracoda. p.9. 25 cents. Vegetation of Skokie marsh. p.II. 35 cents, Preliminary account of two new oligochaeta. p.9. Io cents. Notes on No. Amer, oligochaeta. p.9. I, II, Io cents; III, 20 Cents. New Illinois enchytraeidae. p.II. 35 cents. Effect of selection . . . corn plant, p.4. Io cents. Fuel tests with house-heating boilers. p.6. 55 cents. Tile roof furnaces under water-tube boiler. p.6. I5 cents. Magnetic properties of Heusler alloys, p.7. 25 cents. Carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen in soils. p.4. 40 cents. Education of mine employees, 1914, p.13. 75 cents. 2O PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIs STULL, R. T. “ & & et al. & & {{ & & 66 { % 66 TALBOT, A. N THOMAS, C. et al. THoMPson, C. M. TRowBRIDGE, A. C. UDDEN, J. A. USHER, SUSANNAH. VESTAL, A. G. WATson, F. R. WEBSTER, F. M. WEED, C. M. WELCH, P. S. WELLER, STUART. WEST, J. A. WHITING, A. L. WHITTEMORE, H. L. WHITTEN, J. H. WILEY, C. C. WILLIAMs, A. E. ' WILLIAMs, E. H. WILLIAMs, R. H. et al. WILSON, W. M. et al. Wood, F. E. YENSEN, T. D. 4 & et al. Notes on . . . enamel brick. p.13. 30 cents. Cheap enamel for stoneware. p.13. Io cents. Cobalt colors other than blue. p.I.4, 20 cents. Designs of seven test kilns. p. 14. Io cents. Opalescence and . . . boric acid in glaze. p.13. 5 cents. Porcelain glazes. p. I4. 5 cents. - Tests of reinforced concrete beams, 1905. p.6, 45 cents. Reinforced concrete beams. p.6, 15 cents. Reinforced concrete beams; web stresses. Tests of timber beams. p.7. 20 cents. X- Brick columns & terra cotta block columns. p.6, 30 cents. Built-up columns under load: p.7. 35 cents. . Reinforced concrete buildings under load. p.7. 50 cents. Resistance to flow thru locomotive water columns. p.7. 40 cents. Nickel-steel riveted joints. p.7. 30 cents. Tests of columns. p.7. 25 cents. Reinforced concrete wall footings. p.8. 50 cents. List of the aphidini of the U. S., etc. p.8. 50 cents. Ill. whigs before 1846. p.3. 95 cents. The Wheaton quadrangle. p.12, 40 cents. Deep borings in Ill. p. 12. 40 cents. Planning of a rational diet. p. 15. 5 cents. Illinois sand prairie. p.II. 75 cents. Acoustics of auditoriums. p.8. 20 cents. New species of oberea. p. Io. Sold with the following. Studies of . . . Neocerata rhodophaga Coquillet. p.I.O. I5 cents. - p.6, 45 cents. Both, Descr. catalogue of phalangiinae of Ill. p.9. Io cents. Enchytraeidae of North America. p. II. 75 cents. New Illinois enchytraeidae. p. II. 35 cents. Miss. brachiopoda. p.12, $1.50. Study of food of moles in Ill. p.Io. Io cents. Nitrogen in legumes. p. 5. 40 cents. Oxyacetylene welds in steel. p.7. 35 cents. Effect of kerosene... on growth... of Zea mais. p.11. 40 cents. Mortar-making qualities of Illinois sand. p.8. 20 cents. ‘Investigation of iron ore cements. D. I.4. Ruby color in glass. p. 14. Io cents. Electron theory of magnetism. p.7. 35 cents. Ash content of growing pigs. p.5. Io cents. Phosphorous content of growing pigs. p.5. I5 cents. Wind stresses in steel frames of office buildings. p.8. (In press) IO centS. Mammals of Champaign county, Ill. p. Io. 50 cents. Common shrew-mole in Illinois. p.Io. Sold with West’s. Starting currents of transformers. p.7. 20 cents. Magnetic . . . properties of electrolytic iron. Effect of boron on . . . electrolytic iron . . . p.8. 40 cents. p.8. Io cents. ||||| 150780 | 6 ºf MICH.G.A.", | ||||| | ||| … …-, … * *… - -…- … •— • • • • • • • • • • ** ** * * *- - --- -.ae . --~º: … ~ ~ ~ ~~ -- -::::::::::-:-(:-(--~~~~#~~~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~ -- … ► ► • ** -±*?)<- |-••••••••• • • • • • • →→→ • • •=) ************************•¿•••*****-* * · *a -★ → ºxº). ** *~*=~~ ~*~*~*=~~*~~~~~ Gaylord Bros, >= co 5 2 - © T. ; : > ! g = • ► >, < gº º- - - - - -- - - - ---- *ſ. 5. **ãº. №ſ...?,?, + _aer • w:-*****... - T ,~~~~.--• • •+2* →→→=~ ~ ~ ~ ** * * * * * * * * , • …* ---- ************ **(~~~~)(?:):):) . $, ȘTI, §. 2)": TOE ’: "…!!!!!! - ·- ș>~~~~*~*=~~~*********-* * * * -«),---- …- ***, -*- ** ** * * * · * * -†: , Y)!~ . .,… * ~::~~~~ (~~~~ (~~~~).*¿.***. :: ……) --~~~--~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~====******** ~~~~ ~~ .*) ***…* --~~~*~*~-s --~--~~~~~) --★ →→→→ • *-*-***== ** • •*** ** * * ; ;3 } !. }: