-: - | ~ = —t º: ºrgs' ‘. . N º: S- v ERTA's LIBRARY \tº 27 FujRi8 * º 2 : :"... . ". . . . º tº-ºº: * ºxº-.,s º ///scismº ...” º 'a' ºſ- .*-*... " of the ST//& |Y 5’ s i LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK a 7 PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING * TO GIPSIES. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bataillard (Paul). I.es derniers travaux rela" tifs aux Bohémiens dans l’Europe orientale. Ex- traits de la Revue critique, nos. I71 et I8I, t. 2 de la 5e année (1870–1871), pp. 191–218, et 277-323. Paris : A. Francé, 1872. 2 p.l., 80 pp. 8°. Boston Public Library. Note on the Gypsies. (Bulletin of the Boston Public Library. January, I881. v. 4, p. 281-3.) Colocci (Adriano). Bibliografia. (In his : Gli Zingari. Torino, 1889. 8°. pp. 332–356.) Crofton (T. H.) Hand-list of books, etc., in English relating to gypsies. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. I53–160. Adinburgh, I889.) Paspates (Alexander Georgios). Ouvrages les plus recemment publiés sur les Tchinghianés. (In his: Etudes sur les Tchinghianés. Constantinople, 1870. 8°. pp. I–IO.) “Des principaux ouvrages sur ce peuple, publiés depuis la publication du grand ouvrage de Pott.”—1844. Pott (A. F.) Quellen. (In his: Zigeuner in Europe und Asien. Halle, 1844. v. I, pp. I-27.) The wrewk (Emil) de Ponor. [Translation and condensation of his bibliographical notes on MSS. and printed books given in his Part 2 of the Archduke Josef's Gypsy Grammar (Czigány nyelv- tan), Budapest, 1888.] (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 2, pp. 155–160. Edinburgh, 1891.) Zielinski (Vladislav Kornel de). [Bibliogra- phy of Polish works relating to the Gypsies.] (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 2, pp. 237–238. Edinburgh, 1899.) - PERIODICALs. Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 1-3 (1888/89– 1891/92). Edinburgh, 1888–92. 4°. No more published. - WORKS. Adams (W. Maurice). The wandering tribes of Great Britain. (Cassell's Maga. v. 9 (1882– 83), pp. 728–731. London, 1883.) Améro (Constant). Bohémiens Tsiganes et Gypsies. Ouvrage illustré de 15 dessins, par Fran- ois Courboin. Aaris. Fºrmine Didot et Cie. §s ?] I40, (I) p. 12°. Arnold (Frederick S.) Our old poets and the tinkers. (Jour, of American Folk-Lore. Boston, 1898. 8°. v. II, pp. 210–220.) Ascoli (Graziadio Isaia). Zigeunerisches;... besonders auch als Nachtrag zu dem Pott'schen Werke: “Die Zigeuner in Europe und Asien.” Halle, 1865. 176 pp. 8° Avé-Lallemant (Friedrich Christian Bene- dict). Das deutsche Gaunerthum in seiner social- politischen, literarischen und linguistischen Ausbil- dung zu seinem heutigen Bestande. Leipzig, 1858–62. 4 v. 8° Avery (John). Origin of the gipsies. (Amer- ican Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. & V. 9, p. I92. Chicago, I887.) Axon (William E. A.) Romany songs Eng- lished. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 5–7. Edinburgh, 1891.) Baird (John). The Scottish Gypsy's advocate: being a short account of the gypsies of Kirk-Yet- holm in connection with a plan proposed to be adopted for the improvement of the gypsy popula- tion of Scotland. Written at the request of some friends of the gipsies. Edinburgh. John Lindsay & Co., 1839. 32 pp. 16°. Bataillard (Paul). De l'apparition et de la dis- persion des Bohémiens en Europe. (Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. I. ser., v. 5, pp. 439–475, 521-539; 3. Sér., v. I, pp. I4–55. Paris, 1843-9.) Title of no. 3 in the series reads, “Nouvelles recherches,” etC. Sur les anciens métallurges en Grèce. Ex- trait des Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris. Séance du 17 juillet 1879. Paris : E. Leroux, 1880. 30 pp., I l. 8°. Beginning of the immigration of the gyp- sies into western Europe in the fifteenth century. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 185– 220, 260–286, 324-325; v. 2, pp. 27–53. Edin- burgh, 1889–91.) Les derniers travaux relatifs aux Bohémiens dans l'Europe orientale. (Revue critique. . t. 2, 5. ann., p. 191–218, 277-323. Paris, I87I.) — Same, separate. Paris: A. Francé, 1872. 2 p.l., 8o p. 8°. État de la question de l'ancienneté des Tsiganes en Europe. (Congrés internat. d'anthro- pologie. 8. Session, Budapest, 1876. pp. 321– 385.) — État de la question de l’ancienneté des Tsiganes en Europe, pour servir d'introduction à la question de l'importation du bronze dans le nord et l'occident de l'Europe parles Tsiganes. Paris, 1877. 8°. Les Gitanos d'Espagne et les Ciganos de Portugal, à propos de la question de l'importation des métaux en Europe par les Tsiganes. (Con- grès internat. d'anthropologie. 9. Session, Lis- bonne, 1880. pp. 483–518.) Sur la langue des Bohémiens. (Bulletin de la Soc. d'anthropologie de Paris. 2. Sér., t. 9, pp. 128–138. Paris, 1874.) With particular reference to the question of affinity between gypsy language and languages of India. Many bibliographi- cal references. Notes et questions sur les Bohémiens en Algérie. Extrait des Bulletins de la Société d'an- thropologie de Paris, seance du I7 juillet 1873. Paris: A. Hennuyer, 1873. 21 pp. 8°. 290618 • * © tº e Q tº gº g wº • * * * * e s e º 'º s: a e o e & e & ºr 2 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES : © i ; Sur les origines des Bohémiens ou Tsiganes. Les Tsiganes de l’age du bronze, études à faire sur les Bohémiens actuels. Avec une réponse de M. Gabriel de Mortillet. Extraits des Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, Séances des 18 novembre et 2 décembre 1875. Paris. E. Zeroux, 1876. 48 pp. 8°. de Same. (Bulletin de la Soc. d'anth. de v. Io, pp. 546–557.) Sur l'origines des Bohémiens ou Tsiganes. (Revue Critique. no. 39–40, pp. 198–2O6, 213– 222. Paris, 1875.) Les Tsiganes de l’age de bronze, Études à faire principalement sur les Bohémiens actuels de l’Europe orientale. (Bulletin de la Société d'an- . . Paris. thropologie de Paris. v. Io, pp. 563-593. AE'aris, 1875.) Baudrinont (Alexandre Edouard). Voca- bulaire de la langue des Bohémiens habitant les pays basques français. Extrait des Actes de l'Aca- demie imperiale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. G. Gounouilhou, I862. 40 pp. 8°. Bavaria. Innern, Staatsministerium des. Zigeuner-Buch. See Dillman (Alfred). Behr (F.) Zigeunerweisen für das Pianoforte zu 4. Händen. Zeipzig : Breitkopf & Hartel [18—J. 9 pp. f*. Benedict. See Gypsy's warning. Benoist. See Gypsy (La). Bernard (H.) Moeurs des Bohémiens de la Moldavie et de la Valachie. Paris. Maissonneuve et Cie., 1869. 3 p.l., 150 pp. 16°. Bible.—AWew Testament : /zuke. Embéo e Majaró Lucas. Brotoboro randado andré la chipe Griega, acána chibado andré à Romanó 6 chipe es Zincales de Sesé. El Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romani, 6 dialecto de los Gitanos de España; [Madrid, 1837. , 177 pp. 18°. On back of title-page is printed : Ocóna embéo lo chibó en Calo-romano George Barrow, lacré e Plastañí Biblica, andré o foros de Badajoz opré a mixa de Lalaró, chaomo e berji de Jesunvais de 1837. This copy has a presentation inscription in Barrow's auto- graph and with his signature. Black (The) Wodas. An inedited Gipsy ballad. Original text with translation. [By] H. de Meltzl. A. olozszár. Acta Comparationis Zitterarum Uni- versarzum. Printed by V. Stein, 1879. I p.1., 16 pp. 16°. Ioo copies printed. Boehtlingk (Otto). Ueber die Sprache der Zigeuner in Russland. Nach den Grigorjew'schen Aufzeichnungen mitgetheilt. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin de la classe historico- philologique. v. Io, pp. 1–26, 261–7. St. Peters- burg, 1853.) Grammar and vocabulary. (Mélanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, v. 2, p. I-35.) Nachtrag zum Artikel: “Ueber die Sprache der Zigeuner in Russland.” (Mélanges asiatiques tirés du Bulletin historico-philologique de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Peters- bourg. t. 2, livraison 2, pp. I23–I32. St. Peters- bourg, 1854. 8°.) Bogisic (Balthasar). Das slavisirten Zigeuner in Montenegro. (Ausland. 47 Jhrg. no. 2 I. pp. 401–406. Stuttgart, I874.) 1856. 8°. J. Murray, 1874. Boorde (Andrew). The fyrst boke of the in- troduction of knowledge... Edited... by F. J. Fur- nivall. London, 1870. 8°. (Early Engl. Text Soc. Pub., extra ser., no. Io.) Pp. 217-218 contain what is probably the earliest specimen of Gipsy in print [1542]. Borrow (George). Lavengro; the scholar—the gypsy—the priest. London. John Murray, 1851. 3 v. I2°. AWew York: Harper & Bros., 1851. 198 pp. 8°. — Mew York : G. P. Putnam, ii-x, 550 p., I port. 8°. [Mezw York # 1872.] t.-p. missing, I85I. I98 pp. 8°. Lavengro. A new edition, containing the unaltered text of the original issue; some sup- pressed episodes now printed for the first time; ms. variorum, vocabulary and notes by the author of the Life of George Borrow [i. e., W. I. Knapp). AWew York. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. xxv, I l., 569 p., I l., 9 pl., 2 port. 8°. Romano Lavo-Lil: word-book of the Ro- many; or, English Gypsy language. With many pieces in Gypsy, illustrative of the way of speaking and thinking of the English gypsies;... London: viii, 331 pp. 8°. The Romany Rye; a sequel to “Laven- gro.” London: John Murray, 1857. 2 v. 12°. -ºm- AVew York: Harper & Bros., 1857. I41 pp. 8°. — The Romany Rye; a sequel to “Laven- gro.” A new edition containing the unaltered text of the original issue, with [bibliographical] notes, etc., by the author of “The Life of George Bor- row ’’ [i.e., W. I. Knapp). Mew York. G. P. A zetnam's Sons, IQOO. xvi, 403 pp., 8 pl. 8°. The Zincali; or, An account of the gypsies of Spain. With an original collection of their songs and poetry. Mew York: Wiley & Putnam, 1842. xi, 323; 135, 55 pp. 2 v. I2°. AVew York, 1843. World Extra ser., nos. 62–63.) 64 pp. 4°. (New Imperfect. London. John Murray, 1843. 3. ed. 2 v. 8°. — — London: John Murray, 1846. 3. ed. 2 v. 8°. -º-º: London. John Murray, 1846. 4. ed. XX, ; pp. I2°. (Colonial and Home Library. V. I4. Reviewed in North American Rezview, v. 55, pp. 72-96. New York, 1842. HERZFELD (Georg). George Borrow. (Archiv. f. d. Studium d. neueren Sprachen u. Littera- turen. v. IO7 (n. s. v. 7), pp. 62–78. Braun- schweig, Igoi.) JonEs (Dora M.) George Borrow. (London Quarterly Rev. n. s. v. 2, pp. 18–33. London, I899.) WEBSTER (Wentworth). Stray notes on George Borrow's life in Spain. (Gypsy Lore Society. Jour- nal. v. I, pp. I5O-I53. Edinburgh, 1889.) KNAPP (William I.) George Borrow. (Chau- tauquan. v. 8, pp. 87-91. Meadville, Pa., 1887. * LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES 3 RNAPP (William I.) Life, writings, and corre- spondence of George Borrow derived from official and other authentic sources. London: John Mur- nay, 1899. 2 v. 8°. Bright (Richard). List of words used by the gypsey, gitano, and cygani. (In his: Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary. Ædinburgh, 1818. 4°. pp. lxxviii-xcii.) State of the gypsies in Spain, 1817. (In his: Travels from Vienna through Lower Hun- gary. Edinburgh, 1818. 4°. pp. lxv-lxxvii.) Brissler (Fr.) See Schumann (R. A.) Brockie (William). The gypsies of Yetholm: Historical, Traditional, Philological, and Humor- ous. Kelso: /. &" J. A. Rutherford, 1884. vii, I92 pp., I port. I2 . Bibliography, pp. 189-192. Bryant (Jacob). Collections on the Zingara or Gipsey language. [Vocabulary.] (Archaeologia. v. 7, pp. 386–394. London, I785.) Bu Bacchar. Gypsy acrobats in ancient Africa. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 193– 2O3. AEdinburgh, 1891.) Bulwer Lytton as a Romany Rye. [Frag- ment from the unfinished Life, letters and literary remains of Lord Lytton.] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 219–227. Ædinburgh, 1892.) Burton (Sir Richard Francis). The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam. Edited with a Preface and Brief Notes by W. H. Wilkins. London. Hutch- inson & Co., 1898. xix, 352 pp., I port. 4°. C. (D. A. de) Diccionario del dialecto Gitano. Origen y costumbres de los Gitanos... Aarcelona. Imp. Hispana, & cargo de V. Castaños, 1851. xi, I 1., 15–239 pp. 24”. Cahalane (D. C.) The gypsies. (New Eng. Maga. n. s. v. 30, pp. 22I–33O. Boston, Igo4.) Carew (Bampfylde-Moore). The life and ad- ventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, commonly called The King of the Beggars... London: W. Cavill, I791. 252 pp., 3 l. I2°. The life, voyages and adventures of Bamp- fylde-Moore Carew; commonly called, King of the Beggars... London: /. Barber, etc. [1810] I p.l., 212 pp., I port. I2°. The history and curious adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, king of the mendicants. London: Robert Davies [187—l. I29 pp. I2°. Chadwick (Henry). Gypsy polka, arranged for the pianoforte. New York: F. Riley & Co., cop. 1847. [2] pp. f*. Charnock ( ). On the gypsy dialect called Sim. (Anthropologia. v. I (1873–75), pp. 497– 498. London, 1875.) — Roumanian gypsies. (Anthropologia. v. I (1873–75), pp. 489–497. London, 1875.) Christmas carols: the three magi. [Contrib- uted by Wentworth Webster and David Mac- Ritchie.] (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 135-154. Edinburgh, 1889.) To illustrate connection in mediaeval popular belief between gypsies and the magi. Coelho (F. Adolpho). Os ciganos de Portugal com um estudo sobre o calão. Lisboa; imprensa nacional, 1892. 4 p.l., 302 pp., I 1., 7 pl. 8°. (Congresso internacional dos orientalistas. Io. sessão. Monographs. v. 3.) Cogalniceanu (Michael). See Kogalni- ceanu (Michael). Colocci (Adriano). Gli Zingari. Storia d'un popolo errante. Torino. AErmanno Loescher, 1889. 4 l., 419, (2) pp., I map. illus. 8°. History, statistics, customs, language, literature, music. “Bibliografia,” p. 332–356; Appendice I, “Alcune vocie frasi del dialetto zingaro-italiano’’; 2, “Lessico-italiano- tohinghianè.” The Gitanos of to-day. ciety. Journal. v. 1889.) — The Gypsies in the marches of Ancona dur- ing the 16th, 17th, aud 18th centuries. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 213–229. Edin- burgh, 1889.) At the Court of the King of the Gipsies. (All the Year Round. Zondon, 1862. v. 6, pp. 69–72.) Account of a visit to the gipsies at Yetholm. Crabb (J.) The Advocate; or, Observations on the origin, character, manners, and habits of the English gipsies: to which are added many in- teresting anecdotes on the success that has at- tended the plans of several benevolent individuals, who anxiously desire their conversion to God... London: Lindsay & Co., I83.I. 2. ed. I l., I57, (I) pp. I2”. Crofton (H. T.) Additions to Gypsy-English vocabulary. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal, v. I, pp. 46–48. Edinburgh, I889.) Early annals of the Gypsies in England. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 5–24. Edinburgh, 1889.) Crooke (William). Notes on the Gipsy tribes of the Northwest provinces and Oudh. (Indian Antiquary. v. 17, pp. 68–75. Bombay, 1888.) Dareste (C.) Rapport sur le concours du prix Godard [awarded to Is. Kopernicki for his Ueber den Bauder Zigeunerschädel]. (Bulletin. de la Soc. d'anthropologie de Paris. 2. Sér, t. 9, pp. IOO-IO4. Paris, 1874.) Dillman (Alfred). Zigeuner-Buch herausge- geben zum amtlichen Gebrauche im Auftrage des |K. B. Staatsministeriums des Innern vom Sicher- heitsbureau der K. Polizeidirektion München. Bearbeitet von Alfred Dillman Oberregierungsrat bei der K. Polizeidirektion. München . Dr. Wild’sche Buchdruckerei (Gebr. Parcus), Igos. 3–344 pp. 12°. 1. Teil, Bestimmungen über die Handhabung der Sicher- heitspolizei in Bezug auf Zigeuner in Bayern, 2. Teil, Haupt- Verzeichnis; 3350 individuals, 3: Teil, Besondere Kennzeichen einzelner (41) Zigeuner. 4. Teil, Abbildungen (32). Dirks (Jacob). Geschiedkundige onderzoekin- gen aangaande het verblijf der heidens of Egyptièrs in de noordelijke Nederlanden. Uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kun- sten en Wetenschappen. Utrecht: C. van der Post, jr., 1850. viii, 160 pp. 8°. Dorph (Niels Vinding). De jydske Zigeunere og en rotvelsk Ordbog. Kjøbenhavn: Gyldendal, 1837. I p.1., 64 pp. 12°. (Gypsy Lore So- I, pp. 286-289. Edinburgh, /? q 4 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES (Mieczyslaw). their language. V. I, pp. 25I-258. Dowojno - Sylwestrowicz The Lithuanian Gypsies and (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. Bainburgh, 1889.) The Lithuanian gypsies. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. IOT-IOQ. Edinburgh, 1891.) Dressler (William). See Verdi (F. G. F.) Elven (Henri van). The gipsies in Belgium. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 134–142; 232– 238. Edinburgh, 1892.) Elysseeff (A.) The Gypsies of Asia Minor. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 249–250. Adinburgh, 1889.) Materials for the study of the gypsies. Collected by M. J. Kounavine. I map. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 93—IO6 ; 161-172. Adinburgh, 1891.) Felkin (R. W.) Central African gypsies. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 220–222. Bainburgh, 1889.) Fielding (H.) A clear state of the case of Elizabeth Canning, who hath sworn that she was robbed and almost starved to death by... Gipsies ... Zomaſon. A. Millar, I753. I p.l., 62 pp. 12°. Finck (Frank Nikolaus). Lehrbuch des Dia- lekts der deutschen Zigeuner. Marðurg. AV. G. Alwert, 1903. xvi, 96 pp. 8°. First (The) mention of gypsies in Finland [I512]. Contributed by John Abercromby. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 73–74. Edinburgh, I 801. * from “Historiallinen Arkisto,” 1871. Fritschius (Ahasverus). De zygenorum ori- gine, vita ac moribus. Jena, 1660. I2 pl. 4to. Furnivall (Frederick James). The earliest known specimen of the Gypsy language [1542]. (Academy. v. 6, pp. IOO-Ior. London, 1874.) Quotation from Furnivall's edition of Andrew Boorde. Gade (N.W.) La bohémienne. (D'après l'es- pagnol par E. Geibel.) [Pour deux voix de soprano, avec accompagnement de piano. Paroles françaises de L. de Casembroot.] Leipzig . Breitkopf &" Aſärtel [18—l. 3 pp. f*. (Neuf melodies.) Geibel (Emanuel). See Gade (N.W.); Schu- mann (R. A.) Glover (Stephen). See Gypsy girl. Gobineau (A. von). Persische Studien. I. Die Wanderstämme Persiens. (Zeitschrift der Deutsch. morgenl. Gesellschaft. Bd. XI, pp. 689-699. Leip- zig, 1857.) Goeje (Michiel Johannes de). Zigeuners. . . [Amsterdam, 1876.] I2°. Repr.: “Eigen Haard,” 1876, No. 8. The Heidens of the Netherlands. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. I29–138. Edinburgh, I891.) De Heidens of I p.l., IO pp. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der Zigeuners. (Koninklijke Akademie van wetenschappen. Ver- slagen en Mededeelingen. Afdeeling Letterkunde. 2. reeks, 5. deel, p. 56–80. Amsterdam, 1876.) Translated by J. Snijders in MacRitchie’s “Accounts of the gypsies of India.” Goria (A. É.) Chanson bohémienne. [Piano solo.] Leipzig; Breitkopf & Härtel [18—l. II pp. f*. (Chants du nord. 3 airs russes pour pianos.) Gråberg af Hemsö (Jacob), Count. Doutes et conjectures sur les Bohémiens et leur première apparition en Europe. Lus dans laseance du 5 Mai, I818. (Mémoires de l'Acad. imp. de sciences, lit- térature et Beaux-Arts de Turin. v. 21. Torino, 1818.) Grellmann (H. M. G.) Historischer Versuch ūber die Zigeuner, betreffend die Lebensart und Verfassung, Sitten und Schicksale dieses Volkes Seit seiner Erscheinung in Europa, und dessen Ur- sprung. Zweyte vermehrte Auflage. Göttingen: Johann Christian Oieterich, 1787. xvi, 358 pp., 5 1. I2°. * Verzeichniss der angeführten Schriftsteller.” Mémoire historique sur le peuple nomade, appelle en France Bohémien, et en Allemagne Zigeuner; avec un vocabulaire comparatif des langues indienne et bohémienne, traduit de l’Alle- mand... par J. N. E. de Bock. Seconde partie. Metz. C. Zamort, I788. 2 p.l., 91 pp. 16°. Dissertation on the Gipseys: representing their manner of life, family economy, occupations and trades, marriages and education, sickness, death and burial, religion, language, sciences and arts, &c., &c., &c. With an historical enquiry con- cerning their origin and first appearance in Europe: Mondon : Effingham Wilson; Printed by William Ballintine, 1807. 4 p.l., xiii, 208 pp., I 1. 8°. Omits many notes of Grellmann and of Raper (the first translator into English). Histoire des Bohémiens, ou Tableau des moeurs, usages et coutumes de ce peuple nomade; suivie de recherches historiques sur leur origine, leur langage et leur première apparition en Europe. Trad. de Allemand sur la deuxième édition. Par M. J. Paris. Chaumerot, 1810. 2 p.l., 354 pp. 8°. Grierson (Mrs. G. A.) An English-Gipsy in- dex, compiled by Mrs. Grierson; with an introduc- tory note by G. A. Grierson. (Indian Antiquary. v. I5, pp. I4–I9, 49–57, 84–86, II3–II6, I43-I47, I78–18O, 236-239, 277–278, 3IO-3 II, 340–342; v. I6, pp. 32–35, 69-73. Bombay, 1886–1887.) Arabic and Persian references to Gipsies. (Indian Antiquary. v. I6, pp. 257–258. Bombay, I887. 'º. of C. G. Leland's suggestion that the original Gypsies were the Dôms of India. Doms, Jäts, and the origin of the gypsies. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 1, 71–76. Edin- burgh, 1889.) Reprint of the Indian Antiquary article. Groome (Francis Hindes). Brazilian and Shet- land Gypsies. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 1, pp. 232–235. Edinburgh, 1889.) — Gypsy folk-tales. London. Hurst & Blackett, 1899. lxxxiii, 3O2 pp. 8°. — Gypsies. (Encyclopædia Britannica. 9. ed. ; Chambers's Encyclopædia, 2. ed.) — Franz von Miklosich. I port. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 1–2. Bainburgh, 1892.) On the gypsies of Hesse-Darmstadt in Ger- many. (Blackwood's Maga. v. 2 (Oct., 1817—Mar., I818), pp. 409–414. Edinburgh, 1818.) Gypsy (La), ballet pantomime . . par ... de Saint-Georges et Mazilier, musique de... Benoist ... Thomas... et Marliani. . . Paris, 1839. 8°. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES 5 Gypsy (The) girl, or Charlotte Stanley. [Song.] Words by Charles Jefferys. Music by Stephen Glover. Mew York : Wm. Hall & Son [18—1. 5 p. f*. Gypsy songs of mourning. ciety. Journal. 1889.) [Gypsy’s (The) warning.] Potpourri aus Der Zigeunerin Warnung, von Benedict. [Piano.] I2 pp. f*. (In: Opern-Bibliothek für das Pianoforte. Wol- fenbüttel [18—l. v. 2, no. 41.) H. (A. L. v. d.) Tono, of De wraak van een Zigeuner. Oorsproukelijk Drama in 3 Bedrijven. 3. Druk. Kampen : Laurens Van Hulst [Igoó 2]. 36 pp. 12°. (Toneelfonds. No. 226.) Hagen (E. C. von). Summarische Gerichts- Verhandlungen über die im Jahre 1724 zu Berneck erfolgte Hinrichtung von 17 aufgegriffenen Zigeu- nerm. (Archiv. für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde von Oberfranken. 3. Bd. 3. Heft. pp. 93-108. Aayreuth, 1847. 8°.) Harriot (John Staples). Oriental origin of the Romnichal, or Tribe miscalled Gypsey and Bohemian. (Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Soc. v. 2, pp. 518–5.58. London, 1830.) Hasse (Johann Gottfried). Zigeuner im Hero- dot; oder, Neue Aufschlüsse tiber die àltere Zi- geuner-Geschichte aus griechischen Schriftstellern. A ānigsberg, 1803. 46 pp. I2°. Herbeck (J.) See Schumann (R. A.) Hermann (F.) See Schumann (R. A.) Herrmann ( ). Gypsy music [in Hungary]. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. I51–152. Adin- burgh, 1892.) Home to our mountains. See Verdi (F. G. F.) Hopf (Karl). Die Einwanderung der Zigeuner in Europa. Gotha : Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1870. 47 pp. 12°. Hoyland (John). A historical survey of the customs, habits, and present estate of The Gypsies; designed to develope The Origin of this Singular People, and to promote The Amelioration of their Condition. York: the Author, 1816. 266 pp. 8°. Reviewed in The Monthly Review, London, 1817. v. 84, 19. 4I2-5. Hummel (F.) See Schumann (R. A.) Hunfalvy (P.) Etwas neber die ungarlaen- dischen Zigeuner. 93—II.3 pp. Zeide: E. J. Brill, 1892. 8°. (In: Actes du 8e Congrès Internat. des Orientalistes, tenu en 1889. . . 3e partie 2e sect: Aryenne Ier fasc.) I am a gipsy. See Metz (Julius). Ibbetson (W. J.) The origin of the gypsies. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 223–4. Edinburgh, 1889.) Reprint of a note on the early Indian settlements in Eastern Africa, by James Campbell, in v. 13, pp. 711–715 of the Gazet- teer of the Bombay Presidency. Irvine (Francis). On the similitude between the Gipsy and Hindoostanee languages. (Transac- tions of the Literary Soc. of Bombay. [v. I.] pp. 53–66. London, 1819.) Istomin (P.), pseud, of K. P. PATKANov. Tzyganski Yazyk. Grammatika i rukovodstvo k prakticheskomu izucheniyu razgovornoi ryechi sov- (Gypsy Lore So- v. I, pp. 289–295. Adinburgh, Observations on the: remionnykh russkikh tzygan... Moscow: “A’usskoe Tovarishchestvo pechatnavo i izdatelskazo dyela,” 1900. 206 pp. 8°. Grammar and method for the practical study of the spoken language of the contemporary Russian Gipsies. Japp (Alexander H.) The gypsies as seen by friendly eyes. (Gentleman’s Maga. v. 255 (1883, v. 2), pp. 575—587. London, 1883.) Jefferys (Charles). See Gypsy girl; Verdi (F. G. F.) Jesina (Josef). Români Cib oder die Zigeuner- Sprache. (Grammatik, Wörterbuch, Chrestomathie). 3. vermehrte Auflage (I. deutsche Ausgabe). Zeip- zig. Zist & Francke, 1886. vi., I l., 240 pp. 3 ed. 8°. Jimenez (Augusto). Vocabulario del dialecto Jitano, con...una relacion esacta del carácter, pro- cedencia, usos. . . de esta jente... Sevilla.: Amp. del Conciliador, 1853. II.8 pp. 2. ed. 24°. Joseph, Archduke. Dictionary. See Sztojka. (Ferenz). . . Magyar es czigány. Kalina (Antoine). La langue des tziganes slovaques. . Posen. J. K. Zupanski, 1882. 3 p.1., III pp. 8°. Karpeles (Benno). Beiträge zur Statistik der Zigeuner in Oesterreich. (Mittheilungen d. Anthro- pologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Bd. 21 (n. F. 9), p. 31–33. Wien, 1891. 4°.) * Besteht aus amtlichen Berichten, welche Über Erlass des Ministeriums des Innern von den politischen Landesstellen im Laufe des Jahres 1889 eingeliefert wurden und vom Minis- terium der k. k. statis. Central-Commission abgetreten wurden.” Statistical account of the gypsies in Austria. (Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. v. 3, p. 99– IO4. Edinburgh, 1891.) Translated from the Vienna article. Karsten (Paula). Indische Zigeuner. (Deutsche Rundschau f. Geog. u Statistik. Jahrg. 22, pp. 6–19. Wien, 1899.) Kogalniceanu (Michael). Skizze einer Ge- schichte der Zigeuner, ihrer Sitten und ihrer Sprache, nebst einem kleinen Wörterbuch dieser Sprache. Von Michael von Kogalnitchan. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkun- gen und Zusátzen begleitet von Fr. Casca. Stutt- gart. J. F. Cast'sche Buchhandlung, 1840. iv, 7I (1) pp. 12°. p. 1–35, Geschichte und Sitten; 36-49, grammar; 50–71, German-Romany dictionary. Desrobirea figaniloru... [The literature of the gypsies in 1856.] (Academia Romana. Ser- barea aniversara. Aucuresci, 1891. 4°. pp. 87– I35.) Kogalnitchan (Michael de). ceanu (Michael). IKopernicki (Isidor). Notes on the dialect of the Bosnian Gypsies. (Gypsy Lore Society. Jour- nal. v. I, pp. I25–13 I. Adinburgh, 1889.) Ueber den Bau der Zigeunerschädel. Ver- gleichend-kraniologische Untersuchung. 4 pl. (Archiv. f. Anthropologie. v. 5, pp. 266–324. Braunschweig, 1872.) Koppen (W.) Crimean gypsies. [Translated by H. T. Crofton, from “Excursions in the Crimea, in the Baidár Valley.”] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 74–79. Bainburgh, 1891.) See Kogalni- 6 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES Krascheninnikov (Michael). De Gitanis Epiri oppido. (Polyb. XXVII. I6, 5 et Liv. XLII., 38, I.) (Hermes. v. 37, pp. 489–500. Berlin, I902.) Kremer (Alfred von). Die Zigeuner in Aegyp- ten. (Petermann's Mittheilungen. Heft 2, p. 41– 44. Gotha, I862.) Munczi Lajos and his orchestra [with an ac- count of the gypsies and their music]. AVezo York, n. d. 24 pp. I6°. Lederer-Prina (F.) Die Musik der Zigeuner. (Die Musikmappe. v. I, Heft II, pp. 43. Berlin [1905].) Leland (Charles Godfrey). The English gyp- sies and their language. London : Ā. Paul, Z’rench, Zºrzłómer & Co. I893. I p.l., xiii, 259 pp. 4. ed. I2°. The Gypsies. Boston. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1882. 372 pp. 8°. Reviewed in The Athenaeum, London, 16 Sept., 1882, no. 286 -— Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling. Illus- trated by numerous incantations, specimens of medical magic, anecdotes and tales. London. T. F. On zvin, I891. xvi, 271 pp. 4°. The Russian gypsies. (Macmillan's Maga- zine. v. 41, pp. 41-54, II 7-124. London, 1879.) Visiting the gypsies [in Philadelphia]. Cen- tury Maga. v. 25 (n. S., v. 3), pp. 905–912. AWew York, 1883.) What we have done. [A resumé of the work of the Gypsy Lore Society in the address of its last president.] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. I93—I99. Adinburgh, I892.) Liebich (Richard). Die Zigeuner in ihrem Wesen und in ihrer Sprache. Leipzig. F. A. Brockhaus, 1863. xii, 272 pp. 8°. Abtheil. 2, Zigeunerisch-deutsches Wörterbuch; 3, Deutsch- zigeunerisches Wörterbuch. Liszt (Franz). Des Bohémiens et de leur mu- sique en Hongrie. Paris: Bourdillat & Cie., 1859. 2 p.l., 348 pp., I l. I2°. Die Zigeuner und ihre Musik in Ungarn; deutsch bearbeitet von Peter Cornelius. Pesth.” Gustaz. Heckenast, 1861. I 1., 259 p. 12°. Deipzig, 1883. 8°. Lovarini (E.) Remarks on the “Zinga- resche ’’ (Translated from the Nota prefixed to specimens of “Zingaresche” reproduced in Mario Menghini's “Canzoni antiche del popolo italiano.” v. I, pt. 5 and 6. I891.) (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 85–96. Edinburgh, 1891.) “The poems commonly called ‘Zingaresche'... are strophes of three lines, the two first of Septenary, and the third of hendecasyllable, with the rhyme in the middle, which divides an initial Septenary from a quatrain which begins with a consonant, or by a quintain beginning with a vowel.” With bibliographical note on various editions and issues. Costumes used in the Italian “Zinga- resche.” (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 160– I61. Edinburgh, 1892.) Lund (E.) Der Zigeunerhäuptling. Gedicht von Otto Prechtler. Für Sopran oder Tenor mit Begleitung des Pianoforte... Op. 13. Zeipzig. Breit- Áopf & Härtel [18—l. 9 pp. f*. M. (L. M.) The wandering, population of the West Highlands. (Blackwood’s Maga. v. 175, pp. 537-545. London, Igo4.) MacRitchie (David). Accounts of the gyp- sies of India. London: Āegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1886. viii, I 1., 254 p., I map, 2 pl. I2°. Contents: A contribution to the history of the gypsies. By M. J. De Goeje, from Proceedings of the Koninklijke Akade- mie van Wetenschappen of Amsterdam, 1875, translated by J. Snijders, pp. 1–60. Appendix to De Goeje's treatise, pp. 61-126. The Siege of Bhurtpoor, pp. 127-203. Remarks on certain gypsy characteristics, pp. 204-222. Miscellaneous remarks, pp. 223–243. 3 pl. (Jour. Callot’s “Bohemians.” Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 7–17. Ædinburgh, (Jour. I89I.) Edinburgh, — A glance at the Servian gypsies. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 27–38. 1892.) The Gypsies of Catalonia., (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 1, pp. 35–45. Edinburgh, 1889.) —— Gypsy soldiers. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 228-232. Edinburgh, 1892.) Irish tinkers and their language. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 350–357. Edin- burgh, I899.) Isidore Kopernicki. I port. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 129-133. Edinburgh, 1892.) With specimen pages of a projected collection of gypsy tales and songs. The people of little Egypt. (Monthly Rev. May, 1905, pp. 41–27. Zondon, Igos.) Scottish gypsies under the Stewarts [sic]. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 173–181; 229– 237; 291—307; 334–363. Edinburgh, I89I.) See also: “Early Annals of the gypsies in England, by H. T. Crofton. Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 1, p. 5. Scottish gypsies under the Stewarts. Edin- burgh: D. Douglas, 1894. viii, 123 pp. 8°. Mandl (Leopold). Ein Capitel tiber die Zi- geuner. (Dr. Bloch's Oesterreichische Wochen- schrift. v. 19, pp. 222–223. Wien, 1902. 4°.) Marliani. See Gypsy (La). Marsden (William). Observations on the lan- guage of the people commonly called gypsies. In a letter to Sir Joseph Banks. (Archaeologia. v. 7, pp. 382–386. London, I785.) With table comparing the gipsy and Hindostanee languages. Mayo (Francisco de Sales). See Sales Mayo (Francisco de). See Gypsy (La). Mazilier. Metz (Julius). I am a gypsy pretty maid. The words by a lady of New York. The music com- posed by Julius Metz. New York : Davies & Horn, cop. 1839. 6 pp. f*. Meyer (Kuno). On the Irish origin and the age of Shelta. [The language of Irish Tinkers.] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 257–266. Edinburgh, 1891.) Meyerbeer (Giacomo). Die Huguenotten. . . ... Grosse Oper... von Scribe mit deutscher Ueber- setzung von J. F. Castelli componirt von G. M. Clavierauszug. ... I2 Zigeunerlied. (2 Soprane.) Ihr, die ihr wollt. Vous qui woulez. Leipzig; Breit- Áopf & Härtel [18—1. pp. 64–8. f*. Zigeuner-Tanz. Leipzig.: Breitkopf & Aartel [18–1. II pp. f*. (Ballets aus der Qper Die Huguenotten...für das Pianoforte zu 4 Hān- den. no. 2.) LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES f 7 Michel (Francisque). Les Bohémiens du Pays Basque. (In his: Le Pays Basque. Paris, 1857. I2°. pp. I28–146.) Miklosich (Franz). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Zigeunermundarten. I–4. (Kais. Akad. d. Wissensch. Philos.-H1st. Cl. Sitzungsb. I. & II. Bd. 77, pp. 759–792; III. Bd. 83, pp. 535–562; IV. Bd. 90, pp. 245–296. Wien, 1874–1878. 8°.) Issued separately in four parts (I–II, 36 pp.; III, 30 pp.; º 54 p.), with imprint, Wien: Karl §’sº, 1874–8. Ueber die Mundarten und die Wande rungen der Zigeuner Europas. (K. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Phil.-hist. Classe. Denksch. (Bd. 21, Th. I, pp. Ig7-253; Bd. 22, pp. 21–102; Bd. 23, pp. I-46, 273–340; Bd. 25, pp. I-68; Bd. 26, pp. I-66, 161–247; Bd. 27, pp. 1-108; Bd. 30, pp. I59–208, 39.1-486 ; Bd. 31, pp. 1–54, 55–114. Wien, 1872–1881. f*.) Mitra, Rájendrala'la, Mitra. Mordtmann (A.), and A. F. Pott. Zi- geunerisches. (Zeitschrift der Deutsch. morgenl. Gesellsch. Bd. 24, pp. 681-703. Zeipzig, 1870.) Mueller (Friedrich). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Rom-Sprache. I–2. (Kais. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Philos.-Hist. C1. Sitzungsb. I. Bd. 61, pp. I49–206; II. Bd. 70, pp. 85–100. Wien, 1869– 1872. 8°.) Munich.-Polizeidireétion. See Dillman (Alfred). My friend's Gipsy Journal. By the author of “Citoyenne Jacqueline.” (Good Words. Zon- don, I868. v. 9, pp. 701–5, 745–52.) Account of visits to gypsies camped at Newington, Edin- urgh. Newbold, Captain. The Gypsies of Egypt. [The Gypsies of Syria. Gypsies of Persia.] (jour. of the Royal Asiatic Soc. v. 16, pp. 285-312. Alondon, I856.) Nöggerath (Johann Jacob). Ueber die Eigen- thiimlichkeiten und Geschichte der Zigeuner. Eine Vorlesung, gehalten zu Bonn im grossen Saale zum “Goldenen Stern" am 21. Decembre 1856. Be- Sonderer Abdrucke für Freunde des Verfassers aus Nr. I2 und I3 der Kölnischen Zeitung von 1857. Selbstverlag des Verfassers. Koln. Druck von M. Du Mont-Schauberg [1857]. 20 pp. 12°. Norwood (T. W.) On the race and language of the gipsies. (Brit. Assoc. for the Advancement of Sci. Rept. of 28. meeting, at Leeds, 1858. Notes and Abstr., pp. 195—197. London, 1859.) Notices, concerning the Scottish gypsies. (Blackwood's Maga. Apr.-Sept., 1817, pp. 43- 58; I54–161; 615–62o. Edinburgh, 1817.) Obermüller (Wilhelm). Die Herkunft der Sekler und die atlantidisch indische oder Zigeuner- *. ... Wien: Brüder Winter [1872]. 19 p. Repr: Oesterr. Wochenschr. f. Wissensch. u. Kunst. Dec. 1872, Hft. 52–3. Omar Khayyam. See Umar Hayyām. Origin and wanderings of the gypsies. burgh Rev. v. I48 (Amer. ed.), pp. 90–75. don, 1878.) . Original popular melodies of the Transylva- nian tent-gypsies. (From the Ethnologisches See Rájendrala’la, Zigeuner-Buch. (Edin- Alon- Mitteilungen aus Ungarn, Part I.) (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 1, pp. IOO-IoI. Edinburgh, I880. §. only. Words given on p. 131 of same volume. Ouseley (William). Gypsies. (In his: Travels in various countries of the East. London, 1819–23. 3 v. 4°. passim.) Persian and Syrian gypsies. Contributed by F. H. Groome. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 21–27. Edinburgh, 1891.) Passages reprinted from Ouseley's “Travels in various coun- tries of the East; more particularly Persia.” Karachi vocabu- lary, p. 22. Syriac-Gypsy vocabulary, pp. 25–27. Paspates (Alexander Georgios). Etudes sur les Tchinghianés, ou Bohemiens de l'Empire Otto- man. Constantinople: A. Koromela, 1870. x, I l., 652 pp. 8°. Pt. 1, Ouvrages les plus recemment publiés sur les Tchin- ghianés. Moeurs et habitudes des sédentaires et des nomades; manière d'acquerir leur langue. 2, Grammaire. 3, Vocabu- laire. 4, Contes, Traduction, Noms des Tchinghianés. Wo- cabulaire français-Tchinghiané. Memoir on the language of the Gypsies, as now used in the Turkish Empire. Translated from the Greek by Rev. C. Hamlin. (Am. Oriental Soc. Jour. Mew Haven, 1862. 8°. v. 7, pp. 143-270.) Includes a survey of earlier works in the field. Same, separate. Turkish gypsies. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. I, pp. 3–5. Adinburgh, 1889.) Pennell (Elizabeth Robins). A gypsy piper. [James Allan the Northumberland piper.] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 266–277. Edinburgh, I8or. 9I.) To Gipsyland. Pictures by Joseph Pen- nell. (Century. AVew York, I893. v. 45, pp. 4I4–24.) Percy (John). A wandring gipsy. [Song] composed by J. Percy, words by P. Pindar. Balti- more: /. Carr [18—1. 38–9 pp. f*. (In: Musi- cal Journal for the pianoforte. v. I, voc. sect., no. I6.) Pindar (P.) Pischel (R.) See Percy (John). Die Heimath der Zigeuner. (Deutsche Rundschau. Berlin, I883. Jahrg. 9, pp. 353–75. 8°.) Pittard (Eugène). Contribution à l'étude an- thropologique des Tsiganes. (L'Anthropologie. v. I5, pp. I77–187. Paris, Igo4.) Contribution à l'étude anthropologique des Tsiganes Turcomans. (L'anthropologie. v. I3, pp. 477–485. Paris, Igo2.) Ponor (Emil Thewrewk de). See The wrewk (Emil) de Ponor. Pott (A. F.) Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asién. Ethnographisch-linguistische Untersuch- ung, vornehmlich ihrer Herkunft und Sprache, nach gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen. Aalle. Ed. Haynemann, 1844. xvi, 476; iv, 540 pp. 2 v. 8°. 1. Theil, Einleitung und Grammatik; 2. Theil, Einleitung iiber Gaunersprachen, Worterbuch und Sprachproben. Reviewed in North British Rezſzew, v. 7, pp. 178-197. Separate of the review in *C. p. v. 401. Ueber die Zigeuner. Deutsch. morgenl. Gesellschaft. 335. Aleipzig, 1849.) Pott (August Frederich). Neueste Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Zigeuner und ihrer Sprache, (Zeit- (Zeitschrift der Bd. 3, pp. 32I– 8 LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES schrift der Deutschen morgenl. Gesellschaft. Bd. 7, pp. 389-399. Leipzig, 1853.) Prechtler (Otto). See Lund (E.) Predari (Francesco). Origine e vicende dei Zingari. Con documenti intorno le speciali loro proprieta’ fisiche e morali, la loro religione, i loro usi e costumi le loro arti e le attuali loro condizioni politiche e civili in Asia, Africa ed Europa, con un saggio di gramatica e di vocabulario dell’ ar- cano loro linguaggio. Milano: Paolo Lampato, I84I. xii, 274, I p., I pl. I2°. Rabenius (Laurentius G.) historiam ziguenorum illustrantes. Johann Edman, 1791. I4 pp. 4°. Rajendrala’la, Mitra. On the gypsies of *Observationes Opsalia: vid. Bengal. (Anthropological Society of London. Memoirs, 1867/8/9. v. 3, pp. 120–123. London, 1870.) With a forty-nine word vocabulary of English, Bediya and Hindustani. Ralston (W. R. S.) A gipsies’ Christmas gath- ering [in Paris, 1867]. (Good Words. v. 9 (1868), pp. 96-IOI. Zondon, 1868.) Ranking (D. Fearon). On the language of the gypsies in Russia. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 2–21. AEdinburgh, 1892.) Vocabulary. Ranking (G.) The Nutts and their language. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 17–21. Edin- ôurgh, I891.) A wandering caste of Hindu or Mahommedan religion. Rebolledo (J. Tineo). See Tineo Rebol- ledo (J.) Ribton-Turner (C. J.) The gypsies in Eng- land. (In his: History of vagrants. Zondon, 1887. 8°. ch. xxii, pp. 483—506.) Roberts (Samuel). The gypsies: their origin, continuance, and destination; or, The sealed book open. London: Longmans, 1836. 259 pp. 12°. *E=º 5. ed. Zondon. Zongmans, I842. I p.l., 299 pp. I2°. Rochas (V. de). Les parias de France et d'Espagne: (Cagots et Bohémiens.) Paris: Lib. Aachette et Cie., 1876. 308 pp., I 1. 8°. S. (J.) Border Gipsies. (Once a Week. Lon- done, I862. v. 6, pp. 431–3.) Yetholm gipsies, with portrait of Esther Blythe, Queen of the gypsies. S. (W.) Anecdotes of the Fife gypsies. (Black- wood's Maga. v. 2 (Oct. 1817-Mar. I818), pp. 282-285; 523-528. Edinburgh, 1817–18.) Saint Georges, de. See Gypsy (La). Sales Mayo (Francisco de). El Gitanismo. Historia, costumbres, y dialecto de los Gitanos. Con un epitome degramática gitana, primer estudio filológico publicado hasta el dia, y un diccionario caló-castellano, que contiene, ademas de los signifi- cados, muchas frases ilustrativas de la accepcion propria de los palabras dudosas. Par D. Francisco Quindalë. Novisima edicion. Madrid: Vitoriano Suarez, 1870. 2 p.1., 76, 2 l., 76 pp., I 1. I6°. Salvendi (Adolf). Juden und Zigeuner. (Israelit. v. I4, pp. 97-99. Mainz, 1873. 4°.) Sampson (John). A contribution to English gypsy. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 2–5. Adinburgh, 1891.) English gypsy dress. (Jour. Gypsy Lore v. 3, pp. 155–159. Edinburgh, I892.) English gypsy songs and rhymes. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 80–93. Edinburgh, I891.) Soc. [Vocabulary.] (Jour. v. 3, pp. 73–81. Edinburgh, Romani flotsam. Gypsy Lore Soc. 1891.) Tinkers and their talk. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 204–221. Edinburgh, I89I.) Sãrmai (J.) Remarks on the “Csárdás " dance. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. IOG-IO7. AEdinburgh, I891.) Schumann (R. A.) Zigeunerleben. Gedicht von Emanuel Geibel, für kleinen Chor mit Beglei- tung des Pianoforte von R. S. Op. 29. Arrange- ment für Pianoforte und Violine von F. Hermann. Leipzig. Breitkopf & Härtel [18—l. 5 pp. f*. Arrangement für des Pianoforte zu zwei Händen von Fr. Brissler. Leipzig. Breitkopf & Härtel [18—J. 7 pp. f*. Für dreistimmigen Frauenchor mit Pianoforte-Begleitung eingerichtet von F. Hummel. Klavierauszug und Singstimmen. Zeipzig. Breit- Åopf & Härtel [18–). 4 pm. f*, 4°. Hrsg. von Clara Schumann. Leipzig." Breitkopf & Härtel [18–). I5 pp. 4°. — Für Männerchor mit vierhändiger Pianoforte-Begleitung eingerichtet von J. Herbeck. Leipzig. Breitkopf & Härtel [18–]. 4 p.m. f*, 4°. Schwicker (J. H.) Die Zigeuner in Ungarn und Siebenbürgen. Wien. K. Prochaska, I883. 2 p.l., 187 pp., 1 1. 8°. (Die Völker Osterreich- Ungarns, v. I2.) * Selection (A) of gypsy portraits. [Fourteen reproductions from photographs in the possession of Professor Kopernicki, which formed part of the collection of M. Bataillard, exhibited in Paris in 1878.] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 65-72. AEdinburgh, 1891.) Simson (James). Andrew Lang a gypsy. 4 pp. [AVew York, 1892.] 8°. Appendix to contribution to natural his- tory and papers on other subjects. Mew York. J. Miller, 1878. 2 p.l., 183—210 pp. 8°. The Church of England and the gipsies. [Also: The Scottish churches and the gipsies. AWew York # 1884?] 3, 3 pp. 8°. Civilized gipsies and the Encyclopædia Britannica on the viper. Mew York: 7. K. Knox & Co., 1889. 24 pp. 8°. John Bunyan and the gipsies, and the En- cyclopædia Britannica on the viper. Aew Yoz-A : 7. R. Knox & Co., 1886. I6 pp. 8”. The Scottish churches and the gipsies. [Signed James Simson. Mew York, 1887.] 2, I2 pp. — Same. (In his: Church of England and the gipsies. Mew York, 1884. 3 pp. 8”.) The Scottish press and the gipsies. AWew York: E. O. Jenkins' Son, 1890. 26 pp. •. — [AVew York, 1893.] 4, 2 pp. 8”. The social emancipation of the gipsies. AVew York : T. R. Knox & Co., 1884. 29 (1) pp. Repr: Journ. of sci. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES 9 — Was John Bunyan a gipsy 2 an address to the British press. Mew York : T. R. Knox &" Co., 1886. I2 pp. 8°. Simson (Walter). A history of the Gipsies; with specimens of the Gipsy language; edited, with preface, introduction and notes, and a disquisition on the past, present and future of Gipsydom, by James Simson. Mew York. M. Doolady, 1866. 575 pp. 12°. Printed and stereotyped by Edward O. Jenkins, New York. Reviewed in Blackwood's, Edinburgh, 1866, v. 99, pp. 565– — London : Sampson Zow, Son & Marston, 1871. 575 pp. 8°. Printed from the same plates as the New York, 1866, edition. Smart (Bath C.) The English gipsies and their dialect. (Brit. Assoc. for the Advancement of Sci. Rept. of 3I. meeting, at Manchester, 1861, Notices and Abstr. pp. Io9–2OI. Alondon, I862.) Smith (Laura Alexandrine). Through Romany songland. London. David Stott, 1889. xix, 226 (I) p. 8°. Gypsy songs of various countries; with music. Sowa (Rudolf von). The dialect of the Gypsies of Brazil. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 1, pp. 57–70. Edinburgh, I889.) Die Mundart der slovakischen Zigeuner. . . Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1887. x, I94 pp. 8°. Neue Materialien für den Dialekt der Zigeuner Deutschlands. (Zeitschrift der Deutsch. morgenl. Gesellschaft. Bd. 47. pp. 450–463. Leipzig, 1893.) Notes on the gypsies of northwestern Boº hemia. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 138–142: Adinburgh, 1891.) Notes on the gypsies of southwestern Mo- ravia. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 226–228. Adinburgh, 1891.) Statistical account of the gypsies in the German empire. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 29–33. AEdinburgh, 1889.) — A supplement to the Statistical account of the ºrie in the German empire. (ióid, pp. I34– I35. — A vocabulary of the Slovak-Gypsy dialect. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 160–166, 235–24I, 296–300, 362-367; v. 2, pp. I IO-II4, I81– I86, 240-245, 307-312; v. 3, pp. 50–56, I70–177. Adinburgh, 1889–1892.) Wörterbuch des Dialekts der deutschen Zigeuner. Zusammengestellt von R. v. Sowa. Aleipzig. F. A. Brockhaus, 1898. xiv, 128 pp. 8°. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Abhand- lungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, v. II: .) Spain. Por los graves motivos, que ha hecho muy notorios el atrevimiento de los que se llaman Gitanos, pues con la insolencia de sus perversas inclinaciones, continuamente se han hecho poco sufridas Sus familias en los vecindarios señalados . . . [Royal decree and Instructions for regulation gºes Oct. I'749.] n. t.-p. [Madrid, I 749.] 4 I. Spain. Real provision de los señores del con- Sejo, por la qual se recuerda é los Corregidores y Justicias del Reino la Real Pragmática-Sanción de diez y nueve de Septiembre de mil setecientos ochenta y tres sobre reducir à vida civil y christiana à los llamados Gitanos y los obligaciones en que particularmente los constituyen los Articulos, 7, 9, II, I2, 39, 41 y 42 que van insertos, con lo de- mas que contiene. [28 Feb. I784.] AMadrid : Pedro Marin, 1784. (4) 1. f*. Spain. Pragmatica-sanción en fuerza de ley, en que se dan nuevas Reglas para contenery cas- tigar la vagancia de los que hasta aquí se han conocido con el nombre de Gitanos, o Castellanos nuevos, con lo demas que expresa. [20 Sept. 1783.] Madrid. Pedro Marin, 1783. (IO) 1. f*. Spengler (Fr. R.) Dissertatio de Cinganis sive Zigeunis. Zugdum Batavorum, 1839. 8°. Stein (C.) Our gypsy visitors. (Baily's Maga. of sports and pastimes. London, 1898. 8”. 70, pp. I7—23.) Strachey (Charles). Shakspere and the Ro- many: a note on the obscurities in “As you like it.” Act ii, sc. 5. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 96–99. Edinburgh, I89I.) Sundt (Eilert). Beretning om Fante-eller Landstrygerfolket i Norge. Bidrag til Kundskab om de laveste Samfundsforholde. Christiania : J. C. Abelsted, 1852. iv, I 1., vi, 394 pp. 2. ed. I2°. Fortsat Beretning om Fantefolket... Chris- tiania: /. C. Abelsted, 1859. 3 p.l., 228 pp. 12°. Svätek (Josef). Die Zigeuner in Böhmen. (In his Culturhistorische Bilder aus Böhmen. Wien, 1879. 8°. pp. 273–3 II.) Sztojka (Ferencz). Ö császári és magyar királyi fensége József Föherczeg magyar és czigány nyelw gyök-szótára. Románé àlává. Iskolai és utazási használatra irta Nagy-idai Sztojka Ferencz uszódon 1886. Kalocsa: Myomatott Malatin Antal Betūivel, 1886. cover, x, 205 pp. 4°. Portrait of Archduke Joseph on p. [ii.], and of the author on p. [iv]. Dictionary, pp. I-151; prayers, songs, stories, etc., in Hungarian-Gipsy, pp. 153–179; poetry, etc., in Gipsy-Hun- garian, pp. 181-205. Tetzner (Theodor). Geschichte der Zigeuner ihre Herkunft, Natur und Art. Weimar und Il- menau : Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, I835. X, I42 pp. 8°. Thesleff (Arthur). Wörterbuch des Dialekts der finnländischen Zigeuner. 8, 124, 2 pp. (Finska vetenskaps societeten. Acta, v. 29, no. 6. Ae/sing- fors, 1901.) Bibliography, pref. p. 5-8. The wrewk (Emil), de Ponor. Gypsy grammar by the Archduke Josef, 1888. (Gypsy, Lore So- ciety. Journal. v. 2, pp. 148–160. Edinburgh, I801. * and translation of his Literary Guide, which forms Part 2 of the Archduke's work. The grammar was published at Budapest, in 1888, by the Magyar Tudományos Akadémia with title Czigány nye/vtazz. Románo cºiódéero sziklariče. pp. xxiii, 377. 8° The [Gypsy] origin of the Hungarian music. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 313–317. Edinburgh, 1889.) Thomas. See Gypsy (La). * Tineo Rebolledo (J.) “A. Chippicalli” (La lengua Gitana). . . Diccionario Gitano-Español y Español-Gitano (9,000 voces). . . Granada.’ A'. Gómez de la Cruz, Igoo. 247 pp. port. I2 . º g- IO LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO GIPSIES Transylvanian Gypsy songs. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, p. 131. Edinburgh, 1889.) Words and English translation of the three melodies given on pp. Ioo-Ior of the same volume. Transylvanian (The) Tziganes. (Black- wood's Maga. v. I41, pp. 629–647. Edinburgh, 1887.) Umar Hayyām. Omar Khayyam bish ta dui gilia chilo are volshitika romani chilo John Samp- Sonestar dikimangriasa Augustus Johnestar. Lun- drati : Z). AWutt, Igo2. 6 1., I pl. sq. 8°. Utrecht. — Province-Staten. Placaet. De Staten. . . van Utrecht, allen den genen... salut [against the admittance of travelling gipsy bands in the province of Utrecht]. [Utrecht, 1695?] 41. Vallancey (Charles). Language of Gipsies of Bohemia. (Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis. v. 6. Dublin, 1786.) Venetian edicts relating to the Gypsies of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. (Extracted [and translated] from the Archivio dei Frari, at Venice.) (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. I, pp. 358–362. Edinburgh, 1889.) Verdi (F. G. F.) [Home to our mountains.] Gypsy duet. Mez., Soprano and tenor. (Si, La stanchezza mopprime) from “Il trovatore.” Music by Verdi. Words by Charles Jefferys. Arranged by Wm. Dressler. Mew York. Firth, Pond & Co., cop. I855. 8 pp. f*. (The vocal beauties of Il trovatore.) A wandring gipsey. See Percy (John). Webster (Wentworth). The Cascarrots of Cibourne. (Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 1, pp. 76–84. Edinburgh, 1889.) “Cascarrotac, the mingled Basque, and Gypsy population.” Wiener (Leo). Die Geschichte des Wortes “Zigeuner.” (Archiv. f. d. Studium die neueren Sprachen u. Litteraturen. v. Io9 (n. s., v. 9), pp. 280–304. Braunschweig, 1902.) - Windisch (E.) Zigeunerisches. (Zeitschrift der Deutsch, morgenl. Gesellschaft. Bd. 47, pp. 464–465. Leipzig, 1893.) Wlislocki (Heinrich von). Aus dem inneren Leben der Zigeuner. Ethnologische Mitteilungen. Berlin: E. Felber, 1892. 4 p.l., 220 pp. 8°. Haidebliten. Volkslieder der transsilva- nischen Zigeuner. Inedita, Original-texte und Ver- deutschungen. Leipzig. Wilhelm Friedrich, 1880. 47 p. I2 . 4o songs, without music. Love forecasts and love charms among the tent-gypsies of Transylvania. [Translated from article in “Ethnographia,” June, 1890.] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 221–225. Edinburgh, 1891.) Märchen und Sagen der transsilvanischen Zigeuner. Gesammelt und... iibersetzt. . . von Dr. H. von Wlislocki. Berlin . AWicola, 1886. xviii, I39 pp. 8°. Die Sprache der transsilvanischen Zigeuner. Grammatik, Wörterbuch. Leipzig. W. Friedrich, I884. 4 p.l., 128 pp. 12°. Volksdichtungen der siebenbürgischen und sildungarischen Zigeuner. Gesammelt und...tiber- setzt von Dr. H. von Wlislocki. Wien. C. Graeser, I890. xvi., 431 pp. I2°. Volksglaube und religiöser Brauch der Zigeuner. Vorwiegend nach eigenen Ermittlungen von Dr. H. von W. . Münster i. W.: Aschendorff, 1891. xiv, I l., 184 pp. 8°. (Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der nichtchristlichen Religionsge- schichte. Bd. 4.) Zur Volkskunde der transsilvanischen Zi- geuner. Hamburg, 1887. 8°. (Virchow Samml. wissenschaftl. Vorträge, n. F. 2. Serie, Heft 36.) Volkslieder der transsilvanischen Zigeuner (Inedita). (Zeitschrift der Deutsch. morgenl. Ge- sellschaft. Bd. 41, pp. 347–350. Leipzig, 1887.) Wom wandernden Zigeunervolke. Bilder aus dem Leben der siebenbürger Zigeuner. Ge- schichtliches, ethnologisches, Sprache und Poesie. Aſamburg ; Verlagsanst. 20. Druck. Act.-Gesell- schaft, 1890. vii, I l., 390 pp. 8°. The witches of the gypsies. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. 38–45. Edinburgh, 1891.) The worship of mountains among the gypsies. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. I61– I69; 21 I-219. Edinburgh, 1892.) Zielinski (Vladislav Kornel de). Notes on the gypsies of Poland and Lithuania. [With bib- liography.] (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 2, pp. 237– 24O. Edinburgh, I891.) Notes on the nomadic gypsies of Poland. (Jour. Gypsy Lore Soc. v. 3, pp. Io9–Io9. Edin- ôurgh, 1891.) Zingarella (La) indowina, Dalla quale si pub conoscere quando la beatissimo Vergine, con Gesù Bambino e San Giuseppe, se ne fuggirono in Egit- to, e como incontrarono da essa alloggio e vitto. (Reproduction of title-page and abstract of text. In: Gypsy Lore Society. Journal. v. 3, pp. 45- 9. Edinburgh, 1891.) Zingari, or Gipsies, at Rome. (Penny Maga- zine. n. S., v. I4, pp. 297-8. London, 1845.) A'eprinted from the BULLETIN, July, 1906. |TY OF MICH ſil 6 6993 780 ſ ;: *} | - Lili - 3 9015 O DD NOT REMOVE 0R MUTIILATE [ARD * … ;&'. „šºſ į +(.*s* → …*...- șºsººººº !!!!!!-· , , , , .*¿¿ $¢ £&#șº:- *: - -- - -- * . . .· · · · · ·-:|· ·· · · · · · · : » . . ·│ │ │ │·-· · · · · ·, , . . . . . ?; * №: *********è«¿? - , :::::::::::::::… ºg