P--------- ~ *- :-----—- - -— — — —“----—--——-------------——------ ------ *---.” ---—-------…------_ _- + ..., - LIBRARY BULLETIN, No. 1. SUPPLEMENT TO THE REPORT () }* 'TH F. BOARD OF REGENTS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, "| | l | * SA (). R A M E N 'I' () : STATE OFFICE : : : J. D. YOUNG, SUPT. STATE PRINT ING. 188 (). | UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. LIBRARY BULLETIN, No. 1. SUPPLEMENT TO THE REPORT — ` BOARD OF REGENTS. «». s g '; s; PREFATORY NOTE. In order to facilitate reference by teacher and student to the literary and scientific current periodical literature in the Univer- sity and other leading libraries of the State, the within list has been compiled by the Librarian of the University, and is respect- fully submitted to the Board of Regents for publication. J. C. ROWELL, Librarian. BERKELEY, November 1, 1880. LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE PRESERVED IN THE FOLLOWING LIBRARIES: San Francisco. Acadeny of Sciences------------------------------ A. San Francisco. Lavv Library--------------------------------------- L. San Francisco. Mechanics’ Institute------------------------------ I. San Francisco. Mercantile Library------------------------------ —M. San Francisco. Odd Fellovvs’ = ~ * =s º ºsº a = = * sº me = <-- a-- * = * * * = * * * * * * * * * * = F. San Francisco. St. Ignatius College------------------------------- S Sacramento. California State Library ----------------------------- Q.C. Berkeley. University of California Library---------------------- U. Oakland. Free Library ----------------------------- \S. () June, 188C). This list includes reviews, magazines, newspapers, and the publications of learned and other societies. & Titles are given under the first word not an article or preposition. Newspapers and the pub- lications of societies are entered under the name of the place where they are printed. A starred letter indicates a partial set, or the discontinuance of the periodical in question. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. LIBRARY MEMORANDA, No. 1. T 88 O. MEMORANDA. Academy. London------------------------------------------ I., M. Acta Sancta Sedis. Roma--------------------------------------- S. Aeronautical Society of Great Britain: Reports. London----- ---M. Alameda. Encinal--------------------------------------------- O. Albany. New York State Museum of Natural History: Reports--A. Albany Law Journal. Albany, New York----------------- C., I., L. Aldine. New York-------------------------------------- F., C., M. All the Year Round. London---------------------------- F., I., M. Alpine Weekly Chronicle.------------------------------ C. (1870–2.) American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Memoirs. Boston.--- U. (n. s. v. 1.) American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Proceedings. Bº, ton ----------------------------------------------------- ., C. American Agriculturist. New York---------------------- I., M., U. American Annual Register. New York------------------------- M. American Antiquarian. Cleveland, Ohio--------------------- _M. American Antiquarian Society: Proceedings. Cambridge ------- A. American Antiquarian Society: Transactions. Woºl 2.) ., U. (V. i-Z. American Architect and Building News. Boston.---------- C., I., M. American Art Review. Boston------------------------------- F., I. American Artisan. New York --------------------------------- M American Association for the Advancement of Science: Pro- ceedings. Salem.---------------------------------------- C., U. American Bee Journal. Chicago-------------------------------- I. American Bible Society: Annual Reports. New York---------- U.* American Bibliopolist. New York-------`----------------------- M. American Bookseller. New York------------------------------- M. American Catholic Quarterly Review. Philadelphia---. ------ I., S. American Chemical Journal. Baltimore------------------------ U. American Chemical Society: Journal. New York--------------- |U. American Chemist. New York--------------------------------- M. American Education Society: Quarterly Register. Anºt 11.) . ( V. Ji-ll. American Ethnological Society: Transactions. New Yºr, 2.) ... ( V. lº-Z. American Gaslight Journal: New York------------------------- I. American Gynecological Society: Transactions. New York----- C. American Home Missionary Society: Reports. New York------ U.* American Insolvency Reports. New York ---------------------- L. American Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions. Easton--U. American Journal of Education. Hartford, Conn. ----------- C., M. American Journal of Education. St. Louis-------------------- U.* 10 American Journal of Horticulture. Boston--------------------- M. American Journal of Insanity. New York ---------------------- C. American Journal of Mathematics. Baltimore ------------ C., I., U. American Journal of Numismatics. Boston--------------------- we American Journal of Philology. Baltimore --------------------- |U. American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven----------- F., A., C., I., O., M., U. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Philadelphia-__C., U.” American Jurist and Law Magazine. Boston------ C. (1829–43)., U.* American Law Journal. Philadelphia----------------- C. (1803–17.) American Law Magazine. Philadelphia ---------------- C. (1843–6.) American Law Record. Cincinnati, O.-------------------------- L. American Law Register. Philadelphia----------------------- C., L. American Law Review. Boston------------------------------ C., L. American Law Times. Washington -------------------- C. (1868–9.) American Machinist. New York -------------------------------- I. American Medical Association: Transactions. Philadelphia. ----C. American Metric Bureau Bulletin. Boston --------------------- M. American Monthly Microscopical Journal. New York----------- |U. American Naturalist. Philadelphia.------------ F., A., C., I., O., U. American Necrological Society: Transactions. New York_______i:C. American Oriental Society: Journal. New Haven -------------- |U. Amºn Pharmaceutical Association: Proceedings. Philadel- C PD18.------------------------------------------------------- e American Philological Association: Transactions. Hartford----- U. American Philosophical Society: Proceedings. Philadelphia ----U. American Public Health Association: Reports and papers. New York------------------------------------------------------- C. American Publishers' Circular. Philadelphia ------- C., U. (1863–4.) American Quarterly Microscopical Journal. New York, 1879__F., U. American Quarterly Review. Philadelphia, 1827–37 ------------- C. American Railroad Journal. New York-------------------------I. American Social Science Association: Journal. Boston------- C., U. American Society of Civil Engineers: Minutes and Proceedings. New York -------------------------------------------------- C. American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions. New York_I., C. American Tract Society: Annual Reports. New York---------- U+. Amsterdam. Kon. Akademie van Wetenschappen: Jaarboek---A. Amsterdam. Kon. Akademie van Wetenschappen: Verhande- lingen.----------------------------------------------------- A. Analyst. Des Moines, Iowa ------------------------------------- I. Ann Arbor Scientific Association: Proceedings----------U. (1875-6.) Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie: (Liebig). Leipzig --------- U. Annalen der Physik und Chemie: (Po jº). Leipzig----- I., U. Annalen der Physik und Chemie: j aetter. Leipzig-------I., U. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Paris-------------------- I., U. Annales de la Construction. Paris ------------------------------ C. Annales des Mines. Paris----------------------------------- M., U. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées. Paris.----------------------- I., U. Annales des Sciences Naturelles: Botanique. Paris-------------- U Annales des Sciences Naturelles: Zoologie et Paléontologie. Paris–U. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London------- F., M., U. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Cambridge---------------------------------------------- A., U. Annals of the Propagation of the Faith. Dublin ---------------- S. Annuaire des Deux Mondes. Paris-------------------- U. (1850–67.) Annual Cyclopædia. See Appleton's Annual Cyclopædia. Annual of Scientific Discovery (Wells). Boston.------------------ C. Annual Record of Science and Industry (Baird.) New York –C., L., U. Annual Register. London----------------------------------- C., L. Anthropological Institute: Journal. London------------------- F. Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine. London-------- C. (1798–1805.) Antiquary. London ------------------------------------------- M. Appleton's Annual Cyclopædia. New York------------------ C., U. Appleton's Journal. New York-------------------- F., C., I., O., M. Archaeologia Americana. Worcester, Cambridge, etc.---------- A., C., U. (v. 1–2.) Archæological Journal. London-------------------------------- C. Architect. London -------------------------------------------- M. Architectural Magazine and Journal (Loudon). London-C. (1834–8.) Archiv für Anthropologie. Braunschweig U.* Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen. Braunschweig-LU. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Genève U * me me = * * * * * *- - - - * * * * me ess sºme - - Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology. New York------------ C. Arizona Miner-------------------------------- C. (1868.) M. (1864.) Art Journal. London----------------------------- F., C., I., M. U.” Art Journal. New York------------------------------ C., I., O., M. Art. Pictorial and Industrial. London------------------------ M. Art Pour Tous. Paris--------------------------------------- C., I. Art Revue Hebdomadaire Illustrée------------------------------ I. Art Union. Monthly Journal of the Fine Arts. London------ C. (1839–48.) Arundel Society: Publications. London----------------------- M Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register. Calcutta------- C. (1816–39.) Asiatick Researches, or Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal for Inquiring into the History of Asia. London----- C. Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers: Proceedings. London ---------------------------------------------------- C. Astronomical Register. London-------------------------------- A. Athenæum. London ------------------------------ F., C., I., M., U. Atlantic Monthly. Boston---------------------- F., C., I., O., M., U. Auburn. Placer Herald-------------------------------- C. (1852–.) Auburn. Placer Press---------------------------------- C. (1857–8.) Auckland Institute: Reports----------------------------------- A Australia. See Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington. Baltimore. Peabody Institute: Proceedings--------------------- A. Bankers' Magazine. London----------------------------------- M. Bankers’ Magazine. New York----------------------------- O., M. Batavia (Java). Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen: Notulen---------------------------------- A. Batavia (Java). Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen: Verhandelingen.-------------------------- A. Belgravia. London----------------------------------------- F., M. Berg-und Huettenmaennische Zeitung. Leipzig-------------- I., U. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin------- |U. Berkeley. University of California: Bulletins------------------- U. Berkeley Advocate-------------------------------------- U. (1877–.) Berkeley Quarterly: A Journal of Social Science. Berkeley ame sº * * * |U. Berkeleyan. Berkeley, California --------------------------- M., U. 12 Berlin. Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft: Berichte------------- |U. Berlin. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft: Zeitschrift ---------- U. Berlin. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde: Zeitschrift------------------ Berlin. Kön. Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften : Ab- handlungen.------------------------------------------------ A Berlin. Kön. Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Mon- atsberichte------------------------------------------------- A. Berlin. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure: Wochenschrift----------- U. Berlin. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure: Zeitschrift--------------- U. Besom. Berkeley ---------------------------------------------- |U. Biblical Repository. Andover-------------------------- U. (v. 1–3.) Bibliotheca. Historico-Naturalis. Göttingen.--------------------- |U. Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover----------------------------------- M. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine_---------- F., C., I., O., L., M., U. Blue and Gold. Oakland--------------------------------------- U. Bonn. Naturhistorischer Verein: Verhandlungen.-------------- A. Bon Ton Paris----------------------------------------------- M. Bookbuyer (Scribner's). New York----------------------------- M. Bookseller. London ------------------------------------------- M. Boston. American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Memoirs.T U. (n. S., v. 1.) Boston. American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Proceedings__C. Boston. American Social Science Association: Journal______l C., U. Boston. Evening Bulletin----------------------------- M. (1842–3.) Boston. Massachusetts Historical Society: Proceedings------- C., U. (1862–3.) Boston. Massachusetts Historical Society: Publications_________C. Boston. New England Historic and Genealogical Society: Pub- lications --------------------------------------------------- M. Boston. New England Palladium------------------------ M. (1807.) Boston. Public Library: Bulletins----------------------------- U. Boston. Society of Natural History: Publications______________ A. Boston Journal of Chemistry. Boston--------------------------- I. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Boston------------------. C. Brain. London ------------------------------------------------ F. Braithewaite's Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. New York-------------------------------------------- C., I., M. Breviate of Records. San Francisco---------------------------- L. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. London------- C. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceed- ings. London --------------------------------------------- M British Association for the Advancement of Science: Reports. London------------------------------------------- F., C., I., M. British Quarterly Review. London---------------- F., I., O., M., U. Bruxelles. Academie Royale des Sciences: Mémoires------------ A. Bruxelles. Société Entomologique de Belgique: Annales-------- A. Bruxelles. Société Malacologique de Belgique: Annales--------- A. Builder. London ----------------------------------- F., I., M., U.” Builder and Wood Worker. New York-------------------------- I. Bulletin de la Société Chimique de Paris. Paris-------------- I., U. Bulletin de la Société Industrielle. Paris------------------------ I. Bulletin of the Bussey Institution. Cambridge------------------ U. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoëlogy. Cambridge_-_U. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. New York -------------- I. Butte (Weekly) Record---------------------------------- C. (1870–.) 13 Calcutta. Agricultural Society of India: Journal---------------- C. Calcutta. Agricultural Society of India: Transactions----------- C. Calcutta. Asiatic Society of Bengal: Transactions. London-----C. Calcutta. Asiatic Society of Bengal: Palaeontologica India------ A. Calcutta. Geological Survey of India: Memoirs.------------ A., C. California Academy of Sciences: Proceedings. San Francisco-- A., C., I., M., U. California Architect and Building Review. San Francisco------- F. California Culturist. San Francisco------------------- C. (1858–61.) California Farmer. Sacramento-------------------------------- M. California Horticulturist. San Francisco----|F., A., C., I., O., M., U. California Law Journal-------------------------------- C. (1862–3.) California Legal Record. San Francisco------------------------- C California | magazine and) Mountaineer. San Francisco--_C. (1861-3, 1868–9). California Medical Gazette. San Francisco ---------- C., (1868–9), M. California Medical Journal. Oakland, 1880– -------------------- U. Californian. San Francisco ----------------- F., C., I., O., L., M., U. California Nautical Magazine. San Francisco --_____ C., (1862–4), M. California. State Medical Society: Transactions. Sacramento–M., U. California Teacher. Sacramento----------. ------ M., U. (v. 1–12.) Cambridge. American Antiquarian Society: Proceedings________ A. Cambridge. Bussey Institution: Bulletins---------------------- U. Cambridge. Entomological Club : Psyche------------------- A., M. Cambridge. Harvard Astronomical Observatory: Annals----A., U. Cambridge. Harvard Astronomical Observatory: Reports_______ A. Cambridge. Harvard Library: Bulletins ----------------------- U. Cambridge. Museum of Comparative Zoology: Bulletins ----A., U. Cambridge. Museum of Comparative Zoology: Illustrated Cat- alogue ------------------------------------------- tºº-ºº º ſº º ºx- ºr ſº -ºº º cº- U. Cambridge. Museum of Comparative Zoology: Memoirs -------- A. Cambridge. Museum of Comparative Zoology: Reports --------- U. Cambridge. Nuttall Ornithological Club : Bulletins------------- A. Cambridge. Peabody Museum of Archaeology: Reports------ A., U. Camden Society: Publications. London ---------------------- U. * Canada Law Journal. Toronto ------------------------------ C., L. Canadian Naturalist. Montreal--------------------------------- A. Capp's Land Owner. Washington ------------------------------ L. Catholic World. New York---------------------------- C., I., M., S. Cavendish Society: Publications. London ---------------------- M. Central Law Journal. St. Louis--------------------------------- C. Central Ohio Scientific Association: Proceedings. Urbana-U. (v. 1.) Chambers’ Journal. Edinburgh --------------------- I., O., M., U.* Chaucer Society: Publications. London -------------------- M., U. Chemical News. London ----------------------------- C., I., M., U. Chemical Society: Journal. London.------------------------ M., U. Chicago Academy of Sciences: Proceedings---------------------- A. Chicago Legal News -------------------------------------------- L. China Review. Hongkong----------------------------*-------- M. Chinese Repository. Canton ---------------------- M., U., (1834-5.) Christiania. Videnskabs-selskabet: Forhandlinger-------------- A. Christian Observer. Boston------------------------------------ U. Christian Spectator. New Haven----------------------------- U.* Christian's Magazine. New York------------------------------ U.* Cincinnati Society of Natural History: Journal----------------- A. 14 Civil Engineer and Architects’ Journal--------------- C., M., U.” Civilingenieur. Leipzig---------------------------------------- TJ. Civiltà Cattolica. Roma---------------------------------------- S. Classical Journal. London ----------------------- C. (1810–26)., M. Clinical Society: Transactions. London------------------------ I. Coast Review. San Francisco ------------------------------- F., O. Cobden Club : Publications. London--------------------------- |U. Code Reporter. New York --------------------------- C. (1848–51.) Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos. Madrid--------------------- L. Commercial and Financial Chronicle. New York--------- C., I., M. Commissioner of Patents’ Journal. London--------------------- I. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Academie des Sciences. Paris - M., U. Congregational Quarterly. Boston--------- - - U. (v. 1–7.) Congressional Record. Washington.--------------- C., L., M., S., U Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences: Transactions. New Haven-------------------------------------------- * * * - = - - - - A. Contemporary Review. London------------------- F., C., I., M., U. Continental Monthly. New York----------------------------- M. Copenhagen. Kong. Danske Videns-kabersselskab: Natur-Vi- denskabelige----------------------------------------------- A. Cornhill Magazine. London ----------------------- F., C., I., O., M. Cosmos. Paris------------------------------------------ U. (1870.) Country Gentleman’s Magazine. London----------------------- C. Criminal Court Sessions. London------------------------------- C. Criminal Law Magazine. Jersey City, N. J.---------------...------ L. Cultivator and Country Gentleman. Albany-------------------- U. Curtis' Botanical Magazine. London---------------------------- I. Daily Law Journal. San Francisco-------------------------- C., L. Danzig. Naturforschende Gesellschaft: Schriften-------------- A. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences: Proceedings------ A., U. De Bow's Review. New Orleans--------------------------------M. Dehra Dun. Great Trigonometrical Survey of India: Account of operations----------------------------------------------- U Democratic Review and United States Magazine. Washing- ton------------------------------------------------- C. (1838-9.) Demorest's Monthly Magazine. New York--------------------- M. Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft: Berichte. Berlin------------ D. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft: Zeitschrift. Berlin--------- U. Deutsche Maler Journal. Stuttgart------------------------------ I. Deutsche Rundschau. Berlin------------------------------- I., M. Dial. Boston-------------------------------------------------- M. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Augsburg------------ I., M., U. Downieville Democrat---------------------------------- C. (1870-1.) Downieville. Sierra Age------------------------------- C. (1870-1.) Drama. New York---------------------------------------------F. Dresden. See Nürnberg. @ Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. London------------ C. (1863.) Dublin Review. Dublin and London------------------------ C., S. Dublin. Royal Irish Academy: Transactions------------------ C. Dublin University Magazine. Dublin----F., C. (1833-57), M. (1857–) Early English Text Society: Publications. London------------ U Easton. American Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions Tü. Eclectic Magazine. New York------------------------ F., I., O., M. Economist. London------------------------------------------- |U. Edinburgh. Botanical Society: Proceedings.------------------- A. Edinburgh. Geological Society: Proceedings------------------ A. Edinburgh. Royal Physical Society: Proceedings-------------- A. Edinburgh. Royal Society: Proceedings----------------------- A. Edinburgh. Royal Society: Transactions------------------ C., U Edinburgh Review----------------------------- F., C., O., L., M., U Engineer. London-------------------------------- F., C., I., M., U. Engineer of the Pacific. San Francisco------------------------- |U. Engineering. London------------------------------------ C., I., M. Engineering and Mining Journal. New York------------------ |U. Engineering Facts and Figures. (Brown) London--------...------ C. English Catalogue of Books. London------------------- U., (1876–.) Epidemiological Society: Transactions. London------. --------C. Eureka. Northern Independent---------------------- C., (1870–72.) Eureka. West Coast Signal---------------------------- C., (1874–6.) European Magazine. London----------------------- C., (1782–1821.) Every Saturday. Boston--------------------------------------- M. Farmer's Magazine. London----------------------------------- M. Federal Reporter. St. Paul, Minn------------------------------ L. Fliegende Blätter. München-------------------------------- F., M. Florence. Reale Comitato Geologico d’Italia: Bullettino_______ A. Floricultural Cabinet (Harrison). London------------------- C., M. Florist and Garden Miscellany. London-------------- C., (1849–56. Folio. Boston ------------------------------------------------- e Foreign Quarterly Review. London---------------------------- |U. Forest and Stream. New York------------------------------ I., M. Fortnightly Review. London------------------ F., C., I., O., M., U. Frankfurt-am-Main. Zoologische Gesellschaft: Zoologische A. arten---------- ----------------------------------------- g Franklin Institute: Journal. Philadelphia---------- F*., I., M., U. Frazer's Magazine. London------------------------- F., I., M., U.” Freeman's Journal. New York--------------------------------- S. Fresno Weekly Expositor------------------------------- C., (1870–.) Friend. Honolulu--------------------------------------------- M. Galaxy. New York. (Merged into the Atlantic, 1879.)----C., O., M. Gartenlaube. Leipzig ------------ * * * * = ** = ** = ** = − = = -- a-- a-- * * * * * * F., M., U. Gazette Archeologique. Paris.----------------------------------- I. Gazette des Tribuneaux. Paris--------------------------------- L. Geneva. Société de Géographie de Geneve: Bulletin et Mém- oires------------------------------------------------- U. (v. 1.) Geneva. Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle: Mémoires--A. Gentleman's Magazine. London------------------------- F., C., M. Geological Magazine. London-----º- — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M., Geological Record. London------------------------------------ TJ. Gerichtssaal. Erlangen---------------------------------------- U.* Gesta Romanorum Pontificum. Roma-------------------------- S. Giessen. Oberhessiche Gesellschaft für Natur, und Keilkunde: Berichte--------------------!------------------------------- A. Glasgow. Philosophical Society: Proceedings------------------- A. Godey's Lady's Book. Philadelphia---------------------------- M. Göttingen. Kon. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften : Verhand- lungen---------------------------------------------------- A. / f 16 . Good Words. London------------------------------- F., C*., I., M. Graphic, London------------------------------------------- I., M. Grass Valley. Foothill Tidings------------------------- C. (1877–.) Griffiths' United States Law Register---------------------------- C.* Guide. San Francisco------------------------------------------ I. Guy's Hospital: Reports. London---------------------------- C., I. Hakluyt Society: Publications. London ---------------------- M. Halle. Naturforschende Gesellschaft: Abhandlungen.----------- A. Halle. Verein für Erdkunde: (Schriften).----------------------- A. Hall's Journal of Health. New York___________ — — — — — — — F., I., O., M. Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. London---------- L., U. (–1827.) Hardwicke's Science Gossip. London--------------------------- I. Harper's Monthly Magazine. New York--------- F., C., I., O., L., M. Harper's Weekly. New York------------------------------- F., M. Hartford. American Philological Association: Transactions----- U. Harvard College. See Cambridge. * Havilah Miner----------------------------------------- C. (187 º Healdsburg. Russian River Flag----------------------- U. (1880–. Herald of Health. New York---------------------------------- O. Hermes. Berlin---------------------------------------------- U.* Hesperian. San Francisco------------------------- C., M. (1858–63.) Historical Magazine. Boston and New York________ C. (1857–61), M. Historische Zeitschrift (Sybel). München.---------------------- |U. Historisches Taschenbuch (Raumer). Leipzig---------- U. (1830–46.) Historiska Handlingar. Stockholm---------------------U. (v. 1-7.) Hogg's Instructor. Edinburgh.--------------------------------- M. Honolulu. Friend------------------------------------ M. (1850–4.) Honolulu. Polynesian--------------------------------- M. (1844-5.) Hours at Home. New York------------------------------------ M. Household Words. New York --------------------------------- M. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. See Merchant's Magazine (which was succeeded by the Commercial and Financial Chronicle). Hutchings' Illlustrated California Magazine. San Francisco-- C., M., U. Illustrated London News. London----------------------- F., I., M. Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. London--------------M. Illustrirte Welt. Stuttgart-------------------------------------- F. Illustrite Zeitung. Leipzig --------------------------------- F., M. Ilustracion Española y Americana. Madrid ----------------- M., U India. See Calcutta, Dehra Dun, Roorkee. Industrial Monthly. New York-------------------------------- M. Institut de France. Academie des Sciences: Comptes Rendus_M., U. Institut de France. Academie des Sciences: Mémoires---------- U Institut de France. Academie des Sciences Morales et Poli- tiques: Comptes Rendus--------------------- --------------- |U. Institution of Civil Engineers: Minutes of Proceedings. Lºne I don---------------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —------ • ? ---- Institution of Naval Architects: Transactions. London---------- I. : Insurance Law Journal. New York ---------------------------- L. Intellectual Observer. London--------------------------------- M. International Review. New York -------------- F., C., I., O., M., U. Inyo Independent---------------------------------------- C. (1870.) ( Iowa Hill. News---------------------------------------- C. (1857). 17 Iowa Hill. Weekly Patriot---------------------------- C. (1859–60.) Iron. London ---------------------------------------------- I., M. Iron Age. New York------------------------------------------- I. Jackson. Amador Dispatch----------------------------- C. (1870–) Jahrbuch (Neues) für Mineralogie, etc. (Leonhard, etc.) stuttgarº Jahrbücher für Classische Philologie. Leipzig----------------- 'iſ. Jahrbücher (Neue) für Philologie und Paedagogik. Leipzig------ |U. Jahresbericht der Chemie. Giessen ----------------------------- U. Jahresbericht der Chemischen Technologie (Wagner). Leipzig---U. Jahresbericht der Reinen Chemie (Staedel). Tübingen.---------- |U. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Agricultur-Chemie. Berlin-U. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Chemie (Berzelius). Tü- bingen ----------------------------------------------------- U. Journal de Conchyliologie. Paris-------------------------- A., U.” Journal für Praktische Chemie. Leipzig------------------------ |U. Journal of Forestry. London ---------------------------------- F. Journal of Gas-lighting. London ------------------------------- I. Journal of Jurisprudence. Edinburgh.-------------------------- L. Journal of Literature and Popular Progress (Howitt). Lon- don--------- sº º ºs º ºsmº as sºme sºme º ºs º- mºre ºm * * * * * * * = * *= * * * * * * * * * * * * * sº smºs ºne C. (1847–9.) Journal of Mental Science (Bucknill). London__________________ C. Journal of Microscopic Science. London------------------------ C. Journal of Philology. London --------------------------------- |U. Journal of Physiology. London -------------------------------- U. Journal of Science. London ------------------------------------ I. Journal of Social Science. Boston --------------------------- C., U. Journal of Speculative Philosophy. St. Louis------------ F., M., U. Journal of the Agricultural Society of India. Calcutta ---------- C. Journal of the American Chemical Society. New York__________ U. , Journal of the American Oriental Society. New Haven ----- ----U. Journal of the Anthropological Institute. London -------------- F. Journal of the Chemical Society. London---------------- M., I., U. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia ----- F*, I., M., U. Journal of the Horticultural Society of England. London------- C. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. London ---------------- C. Journal of the Linnaean Society. London----------------------- I. Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States. New York -------------------------------------------------- I. Journal of the Quekett Microscopic Club. London-------------- C. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society. London----------- C., I. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. London------------ C Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. London-LC., I., i. Journal of the Society of Arts and of the Institutions in Union. London ---------------------------------------------------- C. Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers. London________ C. Journal of the Statistical Society. London------------------- F., I. Jurist. London------------------------------------------------ C. Kern County Gazette------------------------------------------- C. Kladderadatsch. Berlin ---------------------------------------- I. Klamath. Northern Record---------------------------- C. (1870–2.) Knickerbºr. New York ------------------------------------ M 18 Königsberg. Physikalisch–OEkonomische Gesellschaft: Schrif- ten -------------------------------------------------------- Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft. Heidelberg_______ U.* Lady's Companion. New York--------------------------------- M. Lakeside Monthly. Chicago------------------...-------------- M. Land and Water. London -------------------------------------- I. Landwirthschaftlichen Versuchs—Stationers. Berlin --_________ U. Law Journal Reports. London-------------------------- C. (1832–. Law Reporter. Boston-------------------------------- C. (1847–50.) Law Times. London------------------------------------ C. (1843–.) League, The [Anti-corn laws.] London -------------- U. (1843–5.) Legal Intelligencer. Philadelphia ------------------------------ L. Legal News. Montreal------------------------------------------ L. Legal Observer. London------------------------------ C. (1830–56.) Leisure Hour. London------------------------------------- F., M. Lens. Chicago ------------------------------------------------ M. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. New York------------------------- F. Leslie's Lady's Magazine. New York--------------------------- M. Leslie's Sunday Magazine. New York--------------------------- I. Leyden. Stern Warte: Annalen--------------------------------- A. Librarian------------------------------------------------------ F. Library Journal. New York------------------- F., C., I., L., M., U. Library Table. New York------------------------------------- M. Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig------------------------- U. Linnaean Society: Journal. London----------------------------- I. Linnaean Society: Proceedings. London------------------------ A. Linnaean Society: Transactions. London-------------------- I., M. Lippincott's Magazine. Philadelphia--------------- F., C., I., O., M. Literarisches Centralblatt. Leipzig--------------------- U. (1879–.) Literary Gazette. London---------------------------- C. (1817–51.) Literary Panorama. Ilondon------------------------- C. (1807–14.), Literary World. Boston--------------------------------------- M. Littell's Living Age. Boston-------------------------- F., I., O., M. Littell's Museum. Boston-------------------------------------- M. Livingston's Law Magazine. New York---------------- C. (1850–1.) Livingston's Law Register and Business Guide. New York____ C. (1851–4.) Livingston’s Monthly Law Magazine. New York------- C. (1853–5.) London. Aeronautical Society of Great Britain : Reports-------- M. London. Anthropological Institute: Journal------------------- F. London. Arundel Society: Publications----------------------- M. London. Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers: Pro- ceedings---------------------------------------------------- C. London. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings-----------------------------------------------M. London. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Reports------------------------------------------- F., C., I., M. London. Camden Society: Publications----------------------- U+. London. Cavendish Society: Publications---------------------- M. London. Chemical Society: Journal --------------------- I., M., U. London. Chemical Society: Memoirs-------------------------- |U. London. Clinical Society: Transactions------------------------- I. London. Cobden Club: Publications--------------------------- U. London. Commissioner of Patents Journal---------------------- I. 19 London. Criminal Court Sessions------------------------------C. London. Early English Text Society: Publications------------- U. London. Epidemiological Society: Transactions---------------- C. London. Ethnological Society: Journal and Transactions------- F. London. Geographical Society: Journal------------------------F. London. Geological Society: Proceedings.---------------------- A. London. Geological Society: Quarterly Journal----------- F., I., U. London. Guy's Hospital: Reports--------------------------- C., I. London. Horticultural Society of England: Journal------------ C. London. Institution of Civil Engineers: Minutes of Proceed. 1118S ----------------------------------------------------- • 2 -- London. Institution of Naval Architects: Transactions---------- I. London. Iron and Steel Institute: Journal---------------------- C. London. Linnaean Society: Journal----------------------------- I. London. Linnaean Society: Proceedings.------------------------ A. London. Linnaean Society: Transactions-------------------- I., M. London. Medico-Chirurgical Society: Transactions----------- C., I London. National Association for the Promotion of Social Sci- ence: Transactions-------------------------------------- C., M. London. New Shakespeare Society: Publications--------- ------ M. London. Obstetrical Society: Transactions---------------------- C. London. Palaeontographical Society: (Monographs)-------------- I. London. Pathological Society: Transactions-------------------- F. London. Philological Society: Transactions----------------- C., M. London. Quekett Microscopic Club: Journal-------------------- C. London. Ray Society: Publications--------------------------- U+. London. Royal Agricultural Society: Journal---------------- C., I. London. Royal Geographical Society: Journal------------------ C. London. Royal Geographical Society: Proceedings.----------- A., T. London. Royal Geographical Society: Publications ------------ M. London. Royal Horticultural Society: Proceedings ------------- A. London. Royal Institute of British Architects: Papers---------- C. London. Royal Society: Philosophical Transactions---------- … C. (1665–1800), I. London. Royal Society: Proceedings -------------------- ----I, U. London. Royal United Service Institution: Journal------- C., I., L. London. St. Bartholomew's Hospital: Reports ------------------ I. London. St. George's Hospital: Reports------------------------- I. London. St. Thomas Hospital: Reports------------------------- I. London. Shakespeare Society: Publications-----------------C., U. London. Social Science Association: Transactions -------------- F. London. Society of Arts: Journal and Official Record----------- C. London. Society of Engineers: Transactions----------------- C., I. London. Society of Telegraph Engineers: Journal----- ---------- C. London. Statistical Society: Journal-------— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — F., I. London. Sydenham (Old and New) Society: Publications-------C. London. Zoological Society: Publications------------------- I., M. London Catalogue of Books --------------------------- C., (1831–55.) London. Daily Times--------------------------------------- I., M. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine ------ London ------------------------------------------------ M., U. London Lancet. New York --------------------------------- I., M. London. Pall Mall Budget ------------------------------------- I. London. Public Opinion ----- ºm ease eme sº mº m em ºn- + - - -, * * *me tºº smº ºme tº * * - - - -ºº º sºme mº sº, sº sºme sº sº * I. London Quarterly Review --------------------------- F., I., M., U*. 20 London Society. London ----------------------------------- F., M. Los Angeles. Daily News------------------------------ C. (1870–2.) Lower Canada Jurist. Montreal----------------------------- C., L Loyal Publication Society: Publications. New York------------ Macmillan's Magazine. London --------------------- F., I., U.”, M. Madrid. Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos--------------------- L. Madrid. Real Academia de Ciencias: Memorias ---------------- A. Madrid. Real Observatorio: Anuario -------------------------- A. Magazine of American History. New York____________ F., I., L., M. Magazine of Art. London -------------------------------------- F. Manufacturer and Builder. New York----------------------- F., I. Mariposa Free Press------------------------------------ C. (1870–2. Martinez. Contra Costa Gazette-------------- C. (1870–8), U. (1880–. Marysville Daily Standard ----------------------------- C. (1870–2.) Marysville Weekly Appeal ------------------------------- C. (1871.) Masonic Mirror. San Francisco -------------------------------- ſº Massachusetts Historical Society: Proceedings. Boston ------ C., U. (1862–3. Massachusetts Historical Society: Publications. Boston --------- C. Mechanic's Magazine. London--------------------- C. (1823–57), M. Mechanic's Register. London ---------------------------------- M. Medical Eclectic. New York ----------------------------------- C. Medical News and Abstract. Philadelphia---------------------- C. Medical Record. New York ------------------------------------ C. Medical Times and Gazette. London------------------ C. (1842–63.) Medico-Chirurgical Review. London------------------- C. (1870–7.) Medico-Chirurgical Society: Transactions. London-------------- C. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. London-------------------- C., I. Medico-Literary Journal. San Francisco------------------------ M. Melbourne, Australasian------------------------------------ I., M. Melbourne. Royal Society of Victoria: Transactions (and pro- ceedings)--------------------------------------------------- A. Mendocino Beacon--------------------------------------- C. (1880.) Mercantile Marine Magazine. London-------------------------- M. Merchants' Magazine. (Hunt.) New York--------------- C., M., U*. Messenger of Mathematics. London---------------------------- U. Messenger of the Sacred Heart. Woodstock, Md.----------------- S. Metallurgical Review. New York------------------------------- C. Metropolitan. New York--------------------------------------- M. Mexico. Ministerio de Formento: Boletin----------------------- A. Mexico. Museo Nacional: Anales--------------------------- A., U. Mexico. Revista Cientifica Mexicana--------------------------- A. Mexico. Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica: Boletin ---------------------------------------------------- A. Milan. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere: Rendi- conti------------------------------------------------------- A Mind. London ------------------------------------------------ U. Minºle und Petrographische Mittheilungen. (Tºlermº, 18D ------------------------------------------------------ & Mining and Scientific Press. San Francisco-------- C., I., O., M., U. Mining Journal. London------------------------------------ I., M. Modesto. Stanislaus County News----------------------- C. (1874–.) Moniteur Scientifique. Paris---------------------------------- U+. S Monterey Democrat------------------------------------ C. (1870–2.) Monterey Sentinel------------------------------------- M. (1855–6.) Monthly and Catholic Review. London------------------------- S. Monthly Law Reporter------------------------------------------ C. Monthly Magazine or British Register. London------ C. (1796–1820.) Monthly Microscopical Journal. London-------------------- I., M. Monthly Mirror. London. (Dramatical)------------- C. (1795–1807. Monthly Review. London-------------------------- C. § Montreal. Natural History Society: Canadian Naturalist________ A. Moore's Rural New Yorker. New York ------------------------ M. Moscow. Societé Impériale des Naturalistes: Mémoires---------- A. München. Kön. Baierische Akademie der Wissenschaften : Ab- handlungen.------------------------------------------------ A. München. Kön. Baierische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Sit- %ungsberichte ---------------------------------------------- A. München. Kön. Sternwarte (zu Bogenhausen): Annalen, etc.---- A. Munich. See München. - Museum of Foreign Literature and Science. Thiladelphia____ C. (1823–39.) Museum of the American Fauna. New York-------------------- S. Napa County Reporter ---------------------------------- C. (1870–.) Nation. New York ---------------------------- F., C., I., L., M., U. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science: Trans- actions. London---------------------------------------- C., M. National Bankruptcy Register. New York------------------- C., L. National Quarterly Review. New York------------------- C., I., M. Natur. Halle-------------------------------------------------- M. Nature. London----------------------------------- F., C., I., M., U. Naturforscher. Berlin-------------------------------- U. (1874–76.) Neolaean Review. Oakland-------------------------------------U. Neue Jahrbucher fur Philologie und Paedagogik. Leipzig------- U. Nevada (California) Daily National Gazette_-___________ C. (1870–4.) Nevada (California) Weekly Democrat----------------- C. (1852–63.) Newcastle-upon-Tyne. North of England Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions------------------------------------- I. New Century. New York-------------------------------- U. (1875.) New England Historic and Genealogical Society: Publications. Boston----------------------------------------------------- M. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Boston ----- C. New England Journal of Education----------------------------- U. New Englander. New Haven------------------------------- M., U. New Haven. American Oriental Society: Journal -------------- |U. New Haven. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences: Trans- actions----------------------------------------------------- A. New Jersey Law Journal. Newark------------------------------ L. NewJºdies Quarterly Retrospect of Therapeutics, etc. New C OTK------------------------------------------------------- e New Shakespeare Society: Publications. London --------------- M. New York. American Bible Society: Reports------------------ U+. New York. American Chemical Society: Journal--------------- |U. New York. American Ethnological Society: Transactions_U (v. 1–2.) New York. American Gynecological Society: Transactions------ C. New York. American Home Missionary Society: Reports------ U+. New York. American Necrological Society: Transactions ------- C. 22 New York. American Public Health Association: Reports and Papers ----------------------------------------------------- C. New York. American Society of Civil Engineers: Minutes and Proceedings ------------------------------------------------ C. New York. American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions_I., C. New York. Historical Society: Collections____________ U (n. s. v. 1.) New York. Loyal Publication Society: Publications --__________ |U. New York. Lyceum of Natural History (since 1876, Academy of Sciences): Annals---------------------------------------- e New York. Lyceum of Natural History: Proceedings ----------- A. New York. Military Service Institution of the U. S.; Journal --__I. New York. Pathological Society: Transactions------------------ C. New York. State Museum of Natural History: Reports. Albany_A. New York. Torrey Botanical Club: Bulletin --__________________ I. New York. Daily Graphic-------------------------------------- I. New York. Daily Register ------------------------------------- L. New York Journal of Medicine---------------------------------- C. New York Ledger. New York ------------------------------ F., M. New York. Spirit of the Times--------------------------------- M. New York. Times -------------------------------- M., U. (1851–65.) New York. Tribune------------------------------------------- M. New Zealand Gazette. Wellington --------------------- M. (1868–9.) New Zealand Institute: Reports. Auckland -------------------- A. Nicholson's Journal of Natural Philosophy. London------------ M. Niles' Weekly Register. Baltimore, etc.--C. (1816–49), M., U. (1828–45.) Nineteenth Century. London ------------------ • 2 × - 3 -a - 3 -a-. • ? ----- 3 North American Review. New York -------- F., C., I., O., L., M., U. North British Review. Edinburgh (and New York) --___ C., M., U*. North of England Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne--------------------------------------- I. North Pacific Review. San Francisco--------------- C., M. (1862–3.) Northwestern Reporter. St. Paul, Minnesota-------------------- L. Notes and Queries. London----------------------- F., I., C., M., U*. Nürnberg. Academia Caesarea Leopoldina-Carolina Naturae Curi- osorum : Acta-------------------------------------------- A. Nuttall Ornithological Club : Bulletins. Cambridge_------------ A. Oakland. Daily Evening Tribune------------------- O., U. (1880–.) Oakland. Daily News------------------------------------------ O. Oakland. Daily Times ------------------------------- C. (1878), O. Oakland. Daily Transcript (merged into the Times)--C. (1870–7), O. Obstetrical Society: Transactions. London. -------------------- C. Oestrus. Berkeley --------------------------------------------. U Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. Washington. - A., F., łº S., U. Old and New Boston------------------------------------------ M. Once a Week. London-------------------------------------- I., M. Oregon (City) Spectator---------------------------------- M. (1849.) Oriental Annual. London-------------------------------------- C. Overland Monthly. San Francisco-------------------- C., O., M., U. Pacific Coast Law Journal. San Francisco------------------- C., L. Pacific Coast Mercantile Director. San Francisco--------------- M. Pacific Coast Law Reporter-------------------------------------- C. Pacific Life. San Francisco------------------------------------- L. 23 Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal. San Francisco–A., C., I., M., U. Pacific Monthly. San Francisco-------------------------------- M. Pacific Rural Press. San Francisco---------------- C., I., O., M., U. Pacific School and Home Journal. San Francisco--------- F., I., Pataeontographical Society: (Monographs). London.------------- I. Pall Mall Budget. London------------------------------------- F. Panama Star-------------------------------------------- M. (1849.) Paris. Institut de France, Academie des Sciences: Comptes Rendus ------------------------------------------------ M Paris. Institut de France, Academie des Sciences: Mémoires..." ii. Paris. Institut de France, Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques: Comptes Rendus------------------------------- U.* Paris. Sociétié Chimique: Bulletin----------------------------- |U. Paris. Sociétié des Ingénieurs Civils: Mémoires ---------------- |U. Paris. Galignani's Messenger------------------------- M., (1832—3.) Patent Law Review. Washington ------------------------------ L. Patentees’ Journal of Dates. London--------------------------- F. Pathological Society. Transactions, New York------------------ C. Pathological Society. Transactions, London-------------------- F. Peabody Academy of Science: Proceedings. Salem (Mass.). ------A. Peabody Institute: Proceedings. Baltimore--------------------- A. Peabody Museum of Archaeology: Reports. Cambridge------ A., U. Penn Monthly. Philadelphia --------------------------------- U.* Pennsylvania Law Journal---------------------------- C. (1836–42.) Penny Magazine. London ------------------------------------- M. Petermann's Mittheilungen aus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt. Gotha------------------------------------------------------ |U. Peterson's Magazine. Philadelphia----------------------------- M. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. London------ C. (1841–.) Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences: Journal ---------- e Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences: Proceedings_-_A., M. Philadelphia. American Medical Association: Transactions----- C. Philadelphia. American Pharmaceutical Association: Proceed- C 1D9'S -------------------------------------------------------- º Philadelphia. American Philosophical Society: Proceedings----U. Philadelphia. Franklin Institute: Journal --------- F.*, I., M., U.” Philadelphia Photographer. Philadelphia---------------------- M. Philological Society: Transactions. London----------------- C., M. Philologus. Göttingen.---------------------------------------- U.* Philosophical Magazine. London. (See also London, Nichol- son, Thomson).--------------------------------------------- M. Philosophische Monatshefte. Berlin---------------------------- U. Photographic Times. New York------------------------------- M. Phrenological Journal. New York ----------------------- F., I., M. Pioneer: California Monthly Magazine. San Francisco, 1854–5–-C., M. Placerville. Herald-------------------------------------- C. (1853.) Placerville. Mountain Democrat------------------------ C. (1870–.) Plumber and Sanitary Engineer. New York--------------------- I. Polytechnisches Journal. Augsburg---------------------- I., M., U. Popular Science Monthly. New York----- F., C., I., O., L., M., S., U. Popular Science Review. London--------------------------- L., M. Portfolio. London ------------------------------------------ I., M. Portfolio (Collection of State Papers). London------------ U. (1836.) Portfolio (Hamerton). New York------------------------------- C. Potter's American Monthly. Philadelphia---------------------- M. 24 Practical Magazine. Boston--------------------------------- C., M. Practitioner-Journal of Therapeutics, etc. New York --------- C. Prag. Kön. Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften: Ab- handlungen.------------------------------------------------ A. Princeton Review. New York ------------------------------ M., U Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Roorkee." C. Professional Papers on Indian Engineering (Medley). London--_C. Property Lawyer, London-------------------------------------- C. Psyche, Cambridge, Mass.------------------------------- F., A., M. Publishers' Trade-list Annual (Leypoldt). New York__L., U. (1876.) Publishers' Weekly. New York ---------------------- F., C., M., U. Puck New York---------------------------------------------- M. Puck. San Francisco ------------------------------------------ M. Punch. London.----------------------------- F., C.,” I., O., M., U.* Punch and Judy. London ------------------------------------- M. Putnam's Magazine. New York------------------------ U. (1868–9.) Putnam's Monthly Magazine. New York-------------------- C., M. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London------------ I. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. London__U. Quarterly Journal of Science. (Crookes, etc.) London.------ F., C. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. London-------- I., U. Quarterly Oriental Magazine. Calcutta------------------------- M. Quarterly Review. London-------- * - - - - = - - -, * * * = = * F., C., L., M., U. Quebec Law Reports. Quebec---------------------------------- L. Quincy. Plumas National----------------------------- C., (1870–2.) Radical. Boston. (Religious)---------------------------------- M. Railroad Gazette. New #. * * * * * * * *me sºme ses, sm sºme sm ºme m mse ºf sº ºm mºs eme ºs = sºme sme same sºme sm ame F., I., U. Rankº Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. New C Oſk--------------------------------------------------------- g Ray Society: Publications. London ------------ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U+. Recueil General des lois et Arrets. Paris------------------------- I. Red Bluff Sentinel------------------------------------- C., (1870–.) Regensburg. Historische Verein für die Oberpfalz und Regens- burg; Verhandlungen.-------------------------------------- A. Religious Magazine. Philadelphia--------------------- U., (v. 1-4.) Reno. Nevada State Journal--------------------------- C., (1870–2.) Repertorium für Experimental-Physik. München-------------- U. Reporter. Boston and New York---------------------------- C., L. Republic. Washington ---------------------------------------- M. Republic of Letters. New York________ * * = * * = = = - - - - - - - M., (1834–5.) Retrospective Review. London----------------------------- C., M. Revista Cientifica Mexicana. Mexico.--------------------------- A. Revue de Droit Français et Etranger. Paris-------------------- U+. Revue de Géologie. Paris-------------------------------------- U. Revue des Deux Mondes. Paris.-------------------------- I., M., U. Revue des Questions Scientifiques. Bruxelles-------------------- S. Revue Général de l’Architecture. Paris------------------...--- C., I. Revue Historique. Paris--------------------------------------- U. Revue Nationale et Etrangère. Paris-------------------------- U+. Revue Philosophique. (Ribot.) Paris.-------------------------- U. Revue Scientifique. Paris------------------------------------- U.* Revue Universelle. Paris et Liège----------------------------- U.* Revue Universelle des Mines. Paris---------------------------- M. ! 25 Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. Rhode Island Historical Society: Collections. Frankfurt---------------- U.* Providence_U. (v. 4.) Richmond. Southern Historical Society: Papers---------------- C. Riga. Naturforscher-Verein: Correspondenz-blatt--------------- A. Robinson's Epitome of Literature. Philadelphia---------------- M. Romberg's Zeitschrift. Berlin----------------------------------- I. Rome. Acta Sancta Sedis--------------------------------------- S. Rome. Annali di Statistica------------------------------------- A. Rome. Bilanci Communali------------------------------------ A. Rome. Gesta Romanorum Pontificum-------------------------- S. Rome. Reale Accademia dei Lincei: Atti-------------------- A., U. Roorkee. Corps of Royal Engineers: Professional Papers-------- C. Royal American Magazine. Boston, 1774----------------------- M Royal, etc. See Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Roorkee, Melbourne, Sidney. Sacramento. California Statesmen--------------------- C. (1854–5.) Sacramento. Daily Bee--------------------------------- C. (1857–. Sacramento. Daily California Times------------------- U. (1856–7. Sacramento. Daily Democrat ---------------------------- C. (1871. Sacramento. Daily Democratic State Journal----------- C. (1852–7 } Sacramento. Daily Evening Leader---------------------- C. (1875. Sacramento. Daily Record-Union---------- C., I., O., M., U. (1880–.) Sacramento. Daily State Capital Reporter-------- . ---_C. (1868–7 § Sacramento. Daily State Democrat----------------------- C. (1880. Sacramento. Daily Sun---------------------------------- C. (1878.) Sacramento. Daily Union------------------------------------ F. (1859–), C. 1854—), M. (1857–8, 1863–), U. (1853–75.) Sacramento. Democratic Standard----------------------- C. (1859.) Sacramento. Hesperian (Educational)-------------------- C. º Sacramento. Placer Times---------------- C. (1849–50), M. (1850–1. Sacramento. State Tribune ---------------------------- C. (1855–6.) Sacramento. Transcript------------------------------- M. (1850–4.) St. Bartholomew's Hospital: Reports. London------------------ I. St. George's Hospital: Reports. London------------------------- I. St. James Magazine. London--------------------------------- M. St. Louis. Academy of Science: Transactions------------------- A. St. Nicholas, New York------------------------------------- I., O. St. Petersburg. Académie Impériale des Sciences: Bulletins----- A. St. Petersburg. Académie Impériale des Sciences: Mémoires---- A. St. Thomas' Hospital: Reports. London ------------------------ I. Salem (Mass.) Essex Institute: Proceedings---------------------- A. Salem (Mass.) Peabody Academy of Science: Proceedings-------- A. San Diego Bulletin------------------------------------- C. (1870–2.) San Francisco. ceedings San Francisco. San Francisco. * = * * * * * * * * *m's sºm sº ass ºs ºne ºs ºsmº ºme ms º sº sºme ame as me ms º ºs ºs = ** = * * * * * * California Academy of (Natural) Sciences: Pro- A., C., I., M., U. California Medical Society: Transactions-------- M. Mechanics' Institute: Reports of Industrial Exhibitions--------------------------------------- C., I., M., U. San Francisco. Alta California------------------------------- F. (1852, 1856–), C. (1849–), I., M. (1851-), U. (1855, 1859–70.) San Francisco. San Francisco. Argonaut-------------------------------- • ? --- ? ------ Breviate of Records---------------------------- L San Francisco. California Chronicle.---------- C. (1856), M. (1853–8.) 4" 26 San Francisco. San Francisco. mento)----- San Francisco. San Francisco. nia)------- San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. ping List -- San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco. California Daily Courier--------------- M. (1850–2.) California Farmer. (San Francisco and Sacra- * * * * * sºme = ** = ºms as tº tº * * * * C. (1873–), M. (1854–8 incomplete.) California Star-------------- C. (1847-8.) M. (1847.) Californian. (Merged into the Alta Califor- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * = ** = a- ºr m sºme = * * = ** = assº ame =e C., M. (1846–8.) Chronicle---------------------------- C. (1877–.), I. Commercial Advocate------------------ U. (1877–9.) C., M. (1867–72. Daily American Flag--------- C. (1866), M. (1864–6. Daily Commercial News------------------------ I Daily Evening Bulletin-__F. (1855–), C. (1855–), I., O., L. (1856–), M., U. (1855–73.) Daily Evening News------------------- M. (1853–4.) Daily Evening Post ------------------- C. (1874–), I. Daily Examiner------------ F. (1870–), C. (1870–), I. Daily Herald (and Republic) -- C. (1852–61), U. (1850–62.) Daily Law Journal-------------------------- C., L. Daily Mail------------------------------- C. (1877.) Daily Morning Call------------------- C. (1877–), I. Daily Pacific Star------------------------ M. § Daily Stock Report---------------------- C. (1875–. Daily Whig------------------------------ C. ( #} Evening Journal------------------------- C. (1852 Evening Picayune, 1851–2---------------- C., M., U. Evening Telegram ---------------------- M. (1859.) Evening Tribune ------------------------ C. (1866.) Figaro --------------------------------- C. 1874-5.) Golden Era------------------------------ C. (1856.) Guide (Legal) ---------------------------------- L. Industrial Fair Evening Gazette---------- M. (1871.) Journal de Lundi------------------------ C. (1868.) Journal of Commerce-------------- C., I., M. (1850.) Leader----------------------------------------- M. Mercantile Gazette and Prices Current_M. (1859–67.) Merchant------------------------------- U. (1880–.) Merchant's Exchange, Prices Current, and Ship- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *ss mº ºms º sº me ºf sºm, sºme ms sm ºms smº mº me sº sºme sm amas M. (1850–2.) Mining and Scientific Press-------- C., I., O., M., U. Morning Globe--------------------------- C. (1856.) Morning Post------------------ C. (1858), M. (1851.) New Age--------------------------------- C. (1865.) Oriental (Chinese).------------------------ C. (1856.) Pacific----------------------- M. (1851–4), U. (1869.) Pacific Coast Law Journal------------------- L Pacific Coast Wine and Liquor Herald--U. (1876-9) Pacific Home and School Journal_________ F., I., M. Pacific Life------------------------------------ L. Pacific News.------------------ C. (1851), M. (1849.) Pacific Rural Press---------------- C., I., O., M., U. Pacific Sentinel------------------------ M.(1856–7). Pictorial Town Talk--------------------- C. (1856.) San Francisco. Pioneer-------------------------------------- C. L. 27 San Francisco. Placer Times and Transcript—C. (1853-5), M.(1853–4.) San Francisco. Public Balance------------------------ M. (1850–1.) San Francisco. Public Ledger------------------------- M. (1853-4.) San Francisco. Real Estate Circular------------------- M. (1867–8.) San Francisco. Shipping List and Prices Current------- M. (1852–3.) San Francisco. Statistician--------------------------------- C., M. San Francisco. Sun--------- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — C. (1853), M. (1853.) San Francisco. Times------------- C. (1866–9), M. (1857–61, º San Francisco. Town Talk-------------------- C. (1855), M. (1857. San Francisco. True Californian--------------------- C., M. (1856.) San Francisco. Weekly Stock Report-------------------- ---- I. San Francisco. West---------------------------------- U. (1871-2.) San Francisco. Wide West------------------------------- C. (1856.) Sanitary Record and Journal of Public Health. London--------- C. Sanitary Review. London-------------------------------------- C. San Joaquin Valley Argus.------------------------- * * * * * *g C. (1872–4.) San José. Santa Clara Argus--------------------------- C. (1870–2. San Mateo County Gazette------------------------------ C. (1870-2. San Mateo County Journal------------------------------- C. (1880–. Santa Barbara Press-------------------------------------- C. (1870–. Santa Rosa. Sonoma Democrat------------------------- C. (1870–) Saturday Magazine, London-------------------------- C. (1832–44.) Saturday Review. London---------------------------- F., I., M., U. Science Observer. Boston-------------------------------------- U. Scientific American. New York------------- F., C., I., O., S., M., U. Scientific American: Supplement. New York-------- F., I., M., U. Scottish Jurist. Edinburgh.----------------------------- C. (1829–.) Scottish Law Reporter. Edinburgh.---------------------- C. (1864–.) Scribner's Monthly. New York----------------- F., C., I., O., M., U. Shakespeare Society: Publications. London----------------- C., U Sharpe's London Magazine. London--------------------------- M. Shasta Courier---------------------------------------- C. (1870–72.) Sixpenny Magazine. London ---------------------------------- M. Smithsonian Institution: Annual Reports. Washington.------- tº * a a tº tº ** a tº A., C., I., L., M., S., U. Smithsonian Institution: Contributions. Washington_________ A., C., I., M., U. Smithsonian Institution: Miscellaneous Collections. Wash- ington----------------------------------------- A., C., I., M.; U. Solicitor's Journal. London * = * = me ºf “ sºme = * * * me º ºs m.º. ame me C. (1857–.) Sonora. Union Democrat-----------. . . . . . ------------C. (1870–77.) Southern California Horticulturist. Los Angeles------------ O., M. Southern Historical Society: Papers. Richmond---------------- C. Southern Law Journal and Reporter. Montgomery, Ala.--------- L. Southern Law Review. St. Louis---------------------------- C., L. Southern Literary Messenger. Richmond---------- C. (1834–56), M. Southern Review. Baltimore----------------------------------- M. Specifications and Drawings of Patents. London---------------- I. Specifications and Drawings of Patents. Washington.------------ I. Spectator. London----------------------------------- F., I., M., U. Statesman's Year-book (Martin). London----------------------- C. Statistician. San Francisco--------------------------------- C., M. Stockholm. Historiska Handlingar--------------------- U. (v. 1-7.) Stockholm. Kongl. (Sevenska) Vetenskaps Akademien: Handligar-------------------------------------------------- A 28 Stockholm. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning: Nāgra_________ A. Stockton. Daily Evening Herald----------------------- C. (1870–4.) Stockton. Daily Evening Leader------------------------- C. (1874.) Stockton. Daily Independent--------------------------- C. (1871–.) Struggle, The. [Anti-Corn Laws. Preston. 1844.]--------------U. Stuttgart. Verein fur Waterländische Naturkunde in Wurttem- berg; Jahreshefte------------------------------------------- A. Suisun. Solano Democrat------------------------------ C. (1870–2.) Sunday Magazine. London------------------------------------- I. Sydenham Society: Publications. London---------------------- C. Sydney. Royal Society of New South Wales: Transactions (and Proceedings)----------------------------------------------- U Tablet. London------------------------------------------------ S. Tablet. New York--------------------------------------------- S. Technologist. New York--------------------------------------- M. Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review. London------------ I. Temple Bar. London------------------------------------ F., I., M. Thomson's Annals of Philosophy, London--------------------- M. Transcontinental. (Issued on Pullman palace car.)------- M. (1870.) Trieste. Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali: Bollettino --_____ A. Tuolumne City News----------------- * = * *s, *ms sm amº sºme as mºre ºm mºst tº sm sºme sº smº mº sm ºmº C. (1870.) Ueber Land und Meer. Stuttgart------------------------ F., M., U. Ukiah. Mendocino Democrat-------------------------- C. (1870–2.) Unità Cattolica. Turin----------------------------------------- S. United Service. Philadelphia ---------------------------- F., C., I. United Service Magazine. London------ — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C., M. United States Army and Navy Journal. New York_______ I., M., U. United States Literary Gazette. Boston----------------- U. (1825–7.) United States Magazine. New York---------------------------- M. United States Official Postal Guide. Boston--------------------- L. United States Service Magazine. New York--------------------- C. Univers. Paris------------------------------------------------- S. University Echo. Oakland--------------------------. - ------ U. University Magazine. London------------------------------- I., M. University of California: Bulletins. Berkeley------------------ U. Unsere Zeit. Leipzig------------------------- --------------- I., U Upsala. Regia Societas Scientiarum: Acta ---------------------- A Urbana. Central Ohio Scientific Association: Proceedings__U. (v. 1.) Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine. New ºr M U Vienna. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften : Anzeiger". A. Vienna. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften : Berichte --- A. Vienna. Kais.-kön–Geologische Reichsanstalt : Abhandlungen.--A Vienna. Kais.-kön–Zoologisch-Botanischer Verein: Verhand- lungen.----------------------— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — A. Virginia Law Journal. Richmond------------------------------ L. Visalia. Equal Rights Expositor ----------------------- C. § Visalia. Tulare Times--------------------------------- C. (1870–3.) Washington. National Academy of Sciences: Proceedings------- A. Washington. Patent Office: Official Gazette----A., F., I., L., S Washington. Smithsonian Institution: Contributions_A.,C.,I., M. 29 Washington. Smithsonian Institution: Miscellaneous collec- tions------------------------------------------ A., C., I., M., U. Washington. Smithsonian Institution: Reports-A., C., I., L., M.,S., U. Washington. United States Naval Observatory: American Ephemeris ------------------------------------------------- A. Washington. United States Observatory: Publications__A., C., S., U. Washington Law Reporter. Washington.------------------------ L. Weekly Notes of Cases. Philadelphia--------------------------- L. Weekly Reporter. London------------------------------ C. (1852–.) Wellington. Colonial Museum and Laboratory: Reports________ A. Wellington. New Zealand Gazette--------------------- M. (1868–9.) Western. St. Louis-------------------------------------------- U.* Western Insurance Review. St. Louis--------------------------- L. Western Jurist. Des Moines, Iowa------------------------------ L. Western Lancet. San Francisco----------------------------- F., U. Western Monthly. Chicago ------------------------------------ M. Westminster Review. London------------------ F., C., I., O., M., U. Whitaker's Reference Catalogue of Current Literature. Lon- don----------------------------------------------------- L., U. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters: Transactions__U. Woodland. Hesperian ----------------------------------------- C. Worcester. American Antiquarian Society: Transactions______ g C., U. (v. 1–2.) Workshop. New York ----------------------------------- F., I., M. Württemberg. See Stuttgart. Yokohama. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur und Volkerkunde Ost-Asiens: Mittheilungen.---------------------------------- A. Yolo Democrat---------------------------------------- C. (1870–3.) Yreka Weekly Union----------------------------------- C. (1870–2.) Yuba City. Weekly Sutter Banner --------------------- C. (1870–2.) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin______ U. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin ----- |U. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde. Berlin ------------- U. * Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. Berlin ---------- U. Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie. (Fresenius) Wiesbaden ----- U Zeitschrift für Crystallographie und Mineralogie. (Groth) Leipzig.U. Zeitschrift für das Berg-Huetten-u. Salinen-Wesen. Berlin----- |U. Zeitschrift für das Chemische Grosswerbe. (Lehmann) Berlin---U. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Berlin ---------------------------- U. * Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie. Strassburg -------------- |U. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung. (Kuhn) Berlin --U. Zoological Record. London ------------------------------------ A. Zoological Society: Publications. London ------------------- I., M. Zoologische Garten. Frankfurt-am-Main----------------------- A. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Leipzig--------------------------------- A.