: : : B 585990 S - º º in a º ..— . . . . . tº * * - - - - as - • * : * & º * * * * * * | I'..t P. * . . . . . tº dº “.. |||||Ill |||ſ |||| | : i ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| C * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *º º ºs º º ºs º ºs º H THE GIFT OF American Society of Biological wº º - Hiſ iſſ rººººº. º **** ; * * : * : 4743. , / 33’ CATALOGUE OF THE PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS INCLUDING THE SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES AND GOVERNMENTS IN THE LIBRARY OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON ºversity. **** BY L. NEWCOMBE ,” SUB-LIBRARIAN OF THE COLLEGE OXFORD PRINTED FOR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON BY HORACE HART 1912 CONTENTS PREFACE CATALOGUE SOCIETY INDEX SUBJECT INDEX PAGE 173 225 PREFACE THIs catalogue contains the titles of all the works in the College Library which are issued in a serial form. Some publications are included which are not, strictly speaking, issued as periodicals (e.g., the Publications of the Ray Society), and there are a few others the right of which to be classed as periodicals is doubtful: but in both these cases it has been thought better to include something which may not be a serial rather than to exclude a work which may be looked for in a catalogue of periodicals. - Every periodical is entered under the first word (articles only excepted) in the title, and the entries are arranged strictly in alphabetical order. The only exceptions to this rule are the entries commencing with the word ‘Mitteilungen’ or ‘Mittheilungen', in which case the discrepancy in spelling has been ignored. Where the title of a periodical changes, the second and any following titles are entered immediately after the original one, cross-references being made from the later titles to the number under which the periodical is catalogued. Cross-references from the names of editors have been made in those cases where the journal is usually known by the editor's name. - Two kinds of brackets are used in the catalogue: (a) round brackets ( ), indicating that the information contained between them vi PREFACE is taken either from some later volume in the set or from some part of the earliest volume other than the title-page; and (b) square brackets [ ], indicating that the information contained between them is supplied by the cataloguer. The following table explains the method adopted for giving the sizes of the volumes: Signatures. Sizes. Symbol. In twelves Under 7% inches 120 3 * . Above 7% inches 80 or Ia. 80 In eights Under 6 inches 160 99 From 6 to 7% inches sm. 89 29 From 7% to 9 inches 80 3 * From 9 to 10% inches la. 80 3 y Above 10% inches sm. fol. or fol. In fours Under 6 inches 120 or 160 39 From 6 to 9 inches sm. 40 y 7 From 9 to 12 inches 40 99 Above 12 inches la. 40 In twos Under 13% inches sm. fol. 3 * From 13% to 18 inches fol. 55 Above 18 inches la, fol. Broad books with octavo signatures are treated as quartos. In many cases, owing to the volume having been cut down in the binding, it has been difficult to estimate the original size of the page, but wherever possible an allowance has been made for the amount lost in the binding. The SoCIETY INDEX shows what publications of a particular Society are in the Library. The number after each entry refers to the corresponding number in the main part of the catalogue. An asterisk after the number signifies that the Library set of the periodical is ‘In progress'. PREFACE vii. This index includes various Government Departments, Universities, Colleges, and similar public bodies. The SUBJECT INDEX does not contain some of the smaller or less important serials, and is merely intended as a rough guide to the chief periodicals in the various departments of the Library. The method of numerical reference is the same as that in the Society Index. The periodicals catalogued include those which are received in exchange by the British Association for the Advancement of Science, by the Geologists' Association, and by the Philological Society, whose libraries form part of the College Library. In compiling this catalogue much valuable information has been obtained from the ‘British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books', sections ‘Academies’ and ‘Periodical Publications’. The laborious ‘Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals’ by H. C. Bolton, published by the Smithsonian Institution, has also proved a most profitable hunting-ground. The compilation of the catalogue has been carried out by Mr. L. Newcombe, the Sub-Librarian of the College Library. Mr. W. Bonser, Senior Assistant in the Library, has rendered considerable help during the progress of the catalogue through the press. Thanks are due to Mr. Horace Hart and his staff on the Oxford University Press for the admirable way in which they have performed their share of the work. R. W. CHAMBERS. Librariam. CATALOGUE OF PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS * A% asterisk before the number signifies that the periodical is in the Library of University College Hospital Medical School. In the Society and Subject Indexes an asterisk after the number signifies that the Library set of the periodical is “ In progress'. † A dagger signifies that the periodical is in a Departmental Library, where it may be consulted. 1. The A.MI.A: The Journal of the Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools. Vol. 1, etc. 49. London, 1906, etc. I% progreSS. 2. Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, praktischen Arzneykunst und Chirurgie, aus den Schriften der Haarlemer und anderer holländi- Schen Gesellschaften. Bd. 1–2. 80. Leipzig, 1775–76. Abhandlungen der Classe für Philosophie, Geschichte und Philo- logie der königlich böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. See 1158. 3. Abhandlungen der historischen Classe der königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1–20. 40. München, 1833–93. Imperfect : wanting pp. 515 to the end of volume 20. Abhandlungen der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen deut- schen Akademie der Naturforscher. See 22. Abhandlungen der königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. See 5. 4. Abhandlungen der königlich sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe. Bd. 1–23. sm. fol. Leipzig, 1852-96. Imperfect : wanting pp. 467 to the end of volume 23. – Abhandlungen der philologisch-historischen Classe. Bd. 1-14. sm. fol. Leipzig, 1850-93. Imperfect : wanting pp. 101 to the end of volume 14. Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin. See 526. B 2 ABHANDLUNGEN Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaftern zu Göttingen. See 392. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe der königlich sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. See 4. Abhandlungen der philologisch-historischen Classe der königlich sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaftem. See 4. 5. Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen Classe der königlich 'bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaftem. Bd. 1–19. - 40. München, 1835–92. 6. Abhandlungen der physikalisch-medicinischen Societät zu Erlangen. Bd. 1. - - 49. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1810. 7. Abhandlungen der schweizerischen palāontologischen Gesellschaft. (Mémoires de la Société paléontologique Suisse.) Vol. 1–34. 49. Basel und Genf, 1874–1907. Abhandlungen des Tokio Daigaku. See 805. . . : Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Museum für Natur- und Hei- matkunde zu Magdeburg. See 880. 8. Abhandlungen zur Naturgeschichte, Chemie, Anatomie, Medicin und Physik, aus den Schriften des Instituts der Künste und Wissen- schaften zu Bologna. Bd. 1–2. 80. Brandenburg, 1781–82. 9. Abstract of Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. 1892 (–1896). 89. London, [1893–97]. * - [Continued as :] + * * * : PRocBEDINGs of THE SouTH LONDON ENTOMOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SocIETY. 1897 (–1899). 89. London, [1898–1900]. +9A. Abstract of the Answers and Returns made pursuant to an act . . . intituled, ‘An act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain, and the increase or diminution thereof.” 1801 [1st year] (–1841). ! . sm, fol. [London, 1802]–1843. - r [Continued as :] - . CENSUs of GREAT BRITAIN (England and Wales). 1851, etc. In progress. . sm. fol. London, 1852, etc. 10. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. 1860–1 (–1873-4). [Vol. 1–2.] 89. Liverpool, 1861–74. [Continued as :] . . PROCEEDINGS OF THE LIVERPool, GEOLOGICAL SoCIETY. 1874–5, etc. Vol. 3, etc. 80. Liverpool, 1875, etc. In progress. . . . . . . . . , Abstracts of Physical Papers from Foreign Sources. See 971. ll. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 (–1843). Vol. 1-4. 89. London, 1832–43. ABSTRACTS 3 [Continued as:] ABSTRACTS OF THE PAPERS COMMUNICATED TO THE RoyAL SoCIETY OF LoNDON. From 1848 (-1854). Vol. 5-6. 80. Londom, 1851—54. •* [Continued as:] PRocEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SoCIETy. From 1854, etc. Vol. 7, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 80). Londom, 1856, etc. 12. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Chemical Society. Vol. 1—5. 80. Londom, 1885—89. [Continued as:] PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHEMICAL SoCIETy. Vol. 6, etc. In progress. 80. London, 1890, etc. 12A. The Academic. Conducted by students in the University of Glasgow. Vol. 1. 120. Glasgow, 1826. 13. Académie des Sciences et Iettres de Montpellier. Mémoires de la Section des Ilettres. Tom. 1—9. 40. Montpellier, 1847—92. 14. Académie des Sciences et Iettres de Montpellier. Mémoires de la Section des Sciences. Tom. 6—10. 40. Montpellier, 1864-84. Imperfect : ava^ting pp. 145 to the e^d of volume 6, αήd pp. 123—334 Qf volwme 9. 15. Académie royale de Belgique. Bulletim de la Classe des Sciences. 1899, etc. 80. Bruxelles, 1899, etc. In progress. - 16. Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des Sciences. Mémoires. Collection in-4o. (Collection in-80.) 2° série, tom. 1, ete. In progress. 40 and 80. Bruxelles, 1904, etc. 17. The Academy. A record of literature, learning, science, and art. Vol. 2—66. • 40. London, 1870—1904. Ackermanm's Repository. See 1120. Acta Academiae, Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. See 39l. 18. Acta, Eruditorum anno 1682 (—1781) publicata. sm. 40. Lipsiæ, 1682-1731. ò [Continued as:] NovA ACTA ERUDITORUM anno 1782 (—1774) publicata. sm. 40. Lipsiæ, [1788]—1777. After 1776 the * Nova Acta* was discontinwed. Actorum Eruditorum quæ Lipsiæ publicantur supplementa. Tom. 1—10. sm. 40. Lipsiæ, 1692—1784. Ad Nova Acta Eruditorum quæ Lipsiæ publicantur supplementa. Tom. 1—8. sm. 40. Lipsiæ, 1735-57. B 2 19. 2O. 21. ACTA ACTA ERUDITORUM (continued)— Opuscula omnia Actis Eruditorum Lipsiensibus inserta, quæ ad universam mathesim, physicam, medicinam, anatomiam, chirurgiam, et philologiam pertinent . . . [Edited by I. B. Pasquali.] Ab anno 1682 (—1740). Tom. 1—7. sm. 40. Venetiis, 1740—46. Acta, Helvetica, physico-mathematico-botanico-medica, etc. Vol. 1—8. sm. 4o. Basileæ, 1751—77. Acta, Iiiteraria, Sueciæ Upsaliæ publicata. Anno 1720 (—1729). - 40. Upsaliæ et Stockholmiæ, [1720—29]. [Continwed as:] ACTA LITERARIA ET SCIENTIARUM SUECIÆ . . . Anno 1780 (-1739). - 40. Upsaliæ, 1788—42. [Continwed as:] ACTA SocIETATIS REGIÆ SCIENTIARUM UPSALIENSIS. 1740. 40. Stockholmiæ, 1744. NovA ACTA REGIÆ SocIETATIS SCIENTIARUM UPSALIENSIS. Vol. 1—5. 40. Upsaliæ, 1778—92. Seriei 3, vol. 19, etc. In progress. 40. Upsaliæ, 1901, etc. Acta, Mathematica. Zeitschrift herausgegeben von G. Mittag-Leffler. IBd. 1, etc. 40. Stockholm, 1882, etc. In progress. - 22. Acta, Physico-Medica Academiæ Cæsareæ Leopoldino-Carolinæ Naturæ Curiosorum exhibentia Ephemerides, sive observationes, historias et experimenta a celeberrimis Germaniæ et exterarum regionum viris habita, et communicata. Vol. 1—7. sm. 40. Norimbergæ, 1727—44. NovA ACTA PHYSICO-MEDICA ACADEMIAE CAESAREAE LEOPOLDINO-CARO- LINAE NATURAE CURIOSORUM (Verhandlungen der kaiserlichen Leopoldi- nisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher). Tom. 17—19. 40. Vratislaviae et Bonnae, 1885—89. [Continued as :] NovoRUM ACToRUM AcADEMIAE CAESAREAE LEopoLDINO-CAROLINAE (Ger- rmanicae) NATURAE CURIOSORUM (Verhandlungen der . . . Akademie) Vol. 20—35. 40. Vratislaviae et Bonnae, 1848—70. [Continued as :] NovA ACTA ACADEMIAE CAESAREAE LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINAE GERMANICAE NATURAE CURIOSORUM (Verhandlungen der . . . Akademie). Tom. 36-63, 40. Dresdae, (Halis Saxonum), 1878—95. ACTA 5 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. [Continued as:] NovA ACTA ACADEMIAE CAESAREAE LEOPOLDINO-CARoLINAE GERMANICAE NATURAE CURIOsoRUM (Abhandlungen der . . . Akademie). Tom. 64, etc. In progress. 4o. Halle, 1895, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-512 of volume 17 of the “ Nova Acta'. Acta Societatis Regia Scientiarum Upsaliensis. See 20. Acta Universitatis Lundensis (Lunds Universitets Arsskrift). Andra Afdelningen, Medicin samt Matematiska och Naturvetenskapliga Amnen. Nova series, 1, etc. 49. Lund, 1905, etc. In progress. Actes de la Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles (Verhand- lungen der schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft). Session 90, etc. 89. Aarau, 1907, etc. In progress. Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux. Vol. 41 (5° série, tom. 1), etc. la. 8o. Bordeaux, 1887, etc. In progress. a Actes et Conférences de la Société des Etudes juives. Tom. 1. Années 1886 à 1889. ». 8o. Paris, 1889. After this volume the “Actes et Conférences' avere incorporated with the “Revue des Etudes juives' (g.v. No. 1140). Acts of the Parliament of South Australia. 1908, etc. In progress. 4o. Adelaide, 1908, etc. The Adventurer. [By J. Hawkesworth, Samuel Johnson and others. ] Vol. 1-2. sm. fol. London, (1752)-1754. lNo more published. – A new edition. 4 vol. 12o. London, 1770. – Cooke's edition. 2 vol. 129. London, n. d. L'Afrique explorée et civilisée. Journal mensuel. Année 2-15. la. 80. Genève, 1880-94. No more published after Année 15. Imperfect: uanting Année 4. Agricultural Economist and Horticultural Review. Vol. 41, etc. In progress. fol. London, 1908, etc. L'Alighieri. Rivista di cose dantesche, diretta da F. Pasqualigo. An. 1-4. la. 80. Verona, (Lonigo, Venezia), 1889-93. [Continued as:] GroRNALE DANTEsco (Rassegna della letteratura italiana de primi secoli, studi sopra Dante e il Petrarca). An. 1, etc. » In progress. la. 80. Venezia, (Firenze), 1894, etc. Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und psychisch-gerichtliche Medicin, herausgegeben von Deutschlands Irrenârzten Bd. 39-46. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-346 of volume 39. 8o. Berlin, 1882-90. 6 - ALMANAC 33. Almanac de Gotha pour l’année 1798 (1855, 1861, 1875, 1878, 1880–82, 1886, 1897, 1900 and 1902). 120. Gotha, [1797–1901]. 34. Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaftem. Jahr- gang 54, etc. 1904 (–1907). 80. Wien, 1904–7. Imperfect: wanting volume 56 (1906). 35. An Almanack for . . . 1870, etc. By J. Whitaker, etc. [No. 2, etc.] In progress. sm. 89. London, [1869, etc.]. 36. Amalthea, oder Museum der Kunstmythologie und bildlichen Alter- thumskunde . . . Herausgegeben von C. A. Böttiger. Bd. 1–3. Mo more published. 80. Leipzig, 1820–25. 87. The American Almanac and repository of useful knowledge for the year 1830. Vol. 1. 80. Boston, New York, [1829]. t38. American Anthropologist. New series. Organ of the American Anthropological Association, the Anthropological Society of Washing- ton, and the American Ethnological Society of New York. Vol. 10, etc. la. 89. Lancaster, Pa., 1908, etc. I? progress. 39. The American Jewish Year Book. 5660 (1899–1900), etc. [Vol. 1, etc.]. I? progress. sm. 89. Philadelphia, 1899, etc. 40. The American Journal of Anatomy. [Including in volumes 1–5 the Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists, 15th–20th Sessions.] (Published by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.) Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Baltimore, (Philadelphia), 1901, etc. In progress. 41. American Journal of Archaeology. Second series. The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. (The 18th, etc., Annual Report of the . . . Institute.) Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Norwood, Mass., 1897, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 279 to the end of volume 11. 42. The American Journal of Education. Edited by H. Barnard. Vol. 1. 80. Hartford, 1855–56. 43. American Journal of Mathematics; pure and applied. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 40. Baltimore, 1878, etc. 44. The American Journal of Philology. Edited by B. L. Gildersleeve. Vol. 1. 80. Baltimore, 1880. 45. The American Journal of Physiology. (Edited for the American Physiological Society.) Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Boston, 1898, etc. In progress. 46. The American Journal of Psychology. Vol. 19, etc. In progress. la. 80. Worcester, Mass., 1908, etc. AMERICAN 7 +47. American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 15, etc. In progress. la, 89. Chicago and New York, 1909, etc. *48. The American Journal of Syphilography and Dermatology. De- voted to the consideration and treatment of venereal and skin diseases. Vol. 1–5. 80. New York, 1870–74. 49. The American Medical and Philosophical Register; or, annals of medicine, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. Conducted by D. Hosack and J. W. Francis. Second edition. Vol. 1–4. 80. New York, 1814. No more published. The ‘Register’ was originally published in the years 1810–13. w 50. The American Register; or summary review of history, politics and literature. [Edited by R. Walsh.] Vol. 1–2. - No more published. 80. Philadelphia, 1817. 5l. Anales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Tom. 14, 1899–1900. 80. Buenos Aires, 1901. 52. Anales del Museo Nacional de Montevideo. Sección histórico- filosófica. Tom. 1, etc. - 80. Montevideo, 1904, etc. In progress. 53. The Analyst, including the Proceedings of the Society of Public Ana- lysts. Vol. 4, etc. la, 80. London, 1879, etc. I? progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–18, 181-200, and 221 to the end of volume 4. 54. The Anatomical Record. [Including the Proceedings of the Associa- tion of American Anatomists. 21st, etc., Sessions.] Published by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Philadelphia, 1906, etc. 55. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Centralblatt für die gesamte wissenschaft- liche Anatomie. Herausgegeben von K. Bardeleben. (Amtliches Organ der anatomischen Gesellschaft.) Jahrgang 1, etc. I? progress. - . la. 89. Jena, 1886, etc. — Ergänzungsheft zum 6. (7., etc.) Jahrgang. Verhandlungen der anatomischen Gesellschaft auf der 5ten (6ton, etc.) Versammlung. I? progress. - la. 89. Jena, 1891, etc. 56. Ancient Ireland. A weekly magazine. By P. F. Barron. Vol. 1, nos. 1–5. . . 80. [Dublin], 1835. 57. Anglia. Zeitschrift für englische Philologie. Enthaltend Beiträge zur Geschichte der englischen Sprache und Literatur. (Beiblatt zur Anglia.) Herausgegeben von R. P. Wülcker. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Halle a. S., 1878, etc. 8 ANNAES 58. Annaes das Sciencias e Isettras, publicados debaixo dos auspicios da Academia Real das Sciencias. Sciencias moraes e politicas, e bellas lettras. Anno 1. 80. Lisboa, 1857. 59. Annaes do Observatorio do Infante d. Luiz. 1901, etc. Vol. 39, etc. In progress. fol. Lisboa, 1904, etc. Imperfect ; wanting volumes 40 and 41 (1902 and 1903). 60. Annaes Scientificos da Academia Polytechnica do Porto. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Coimbra, 1905, etc. In progress. 61. Annalen der Botanick. Herausgegeben von P. Usteri. Stück 1-4. Continued from No. 732. 80. Zürich, 1791–93. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. See 63. 62. Annalen der kaiserlichen Ingenieur - Hochschule zu Moskau. Heft 3, etc. la. 80. [Moskau, 1909, etc. In progress. 63, Annalen der Pharmacie. Eine Vereinigung des Archivs des Apotheker-Vereins im nórdlichen Teutschland, B. 40, und des Magazins für Pharmacie und Experimentalkritik, B. 37. Heraus- gegeben von R. Brandes, P. L. Geiger, und J. Liebig, Bd. 1-82. 80. Lemgo und Heidelberg, 1882–89. [Continued as :] ANNALEN DER CHEMIE UND PHARMACIE, etc. Bd. 38–168. 80. Heidelberg (und Leipzig), 1840–73. [Continued as :] JUSTU's LIEBIG's ANNALEN DER CHEMIE UND PHARMACIE. Bd. 169–172. 80. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1873–74. [Continued as: JUSTU's LIEBIG's ANNALEN DER CHEMIE. Bd. 173, etc. I? progress. 80. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1874, etc. Imperfect : wanting volumes 83, 84, 154–168, and 181—240. Annalen der Physik. See 64. 64. Annalem der Physik und Chemie. Herausgegeben ... von J. C. Poggen- dorff. Bol. 79–160. 80. Leipzig, 1850–77. Imperfect ; wanting volumes 85, 86 and 87. [Continued as: ANNALEN DER PHYSIR. UND CHEMIE. Neue Folge. Unter Mitwirkung der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Berlin . . . Herausgegeben von G. und E. Wiedemann. Bd. 1–69. 80. Leipzig, 1877–99. [Continued as :] ANNALEN DER PHYSIK . . . 49 Folge . . . Herausgegeben von P. Drude. Bd. 1, etc. 80. Leipzig, 1900, etc. In progress. ANNALEN 9 ANNALEN DER PHYSIK (continued)— — Beiblätter zu den Annalen. Bd. 1, etc. 80. Leipzig, 1877, etc. In progress. 65. Annalen des kaiserlich-königlichen naturhistorischen Hof. museums. Jahresberichte für 1885, etc. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Wien, 1886, etc. 66. Annalen des physikalischen Central-Observatoriums. Jahrgang 1892 (–1894). 49. St. Petersburg, 1893–95. Imperfect: wanting Theil 1 of 1894. [Continued as : ] ANNALES DE L'OBSERVATOIRE PHYSIQUE CENTRAL (NICOLAs). Année 1895, etc. 49. St. Pétersbourg, 1896, etc. In progress. 67. Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed (og Historie), udgivne af det kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift—Selskab. 1836–7 (–1854). 89. Kjöbenhavn, [1837-54.] Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1840–1847, 1852 and 1853. 68. Annales Academiae Lugduno-Batavae. 1815 (–1823). 49. Lugduni Batavorum, 1817–24. 69. Annales de Chimie; ou recueil de mémoires concernant la chimie et les arts qui en dépendent. Tom. 1-96. 80. Paris, 1789–1815. [Continued as :] ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE, Tom. 1, etc. I? progress. 80. Paris, 1816, etc. *70. Annales de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie. Série 2, tom. 4– Série 3, tom. 8. la. 80. Paris, 1883–97. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 345 to the end of volume 8 of the 3rd series. 71. Annales de l’Institut colonial de Marseille. Vol. 2–3. la. 80. Lille, (Macon), 1895–97. [Continued as :] ANNALES DE L’INSTITUT COLONIAL. Vol. 4–5, fasc. 1. la. 80. Marseille, 1898, Annales de l’Institut de Correspondance archéologique. See 92. 72. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. (Journal de Microbiologie.) Tom. 8–10. la. 80. Paris, 1894–96. 78. Annales de l'observatoire d'Astronomie physique de Paris. Tom. 1. - 40. Paris, 1896. Annales de l'Observatoire physique central (Nicolas). See 66. 74. Annales de l'observatoire royal de Bruxelles (de Belgique). Nou. - velle Série. Astronomie. Tom. 1, etc. la. 40. Bruxelles, 1878, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting volumes 8 and 9. 10 ANNALES ANNALES DE L'OBSERvAToIRE ROYAL DE BRUxELLEs (continued)— Nouvelle série. Physique du Globe. Tom. 3, etc. In progreSS. la. 40. Bruxelles, 1907, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-256 of volume 3. 75. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille. Tom. 6-7. 4o. Paris, 1897. 76. Annales de la médecine physiologique ; par F. J. V. Broussais. Tom. 1-4. 8o. Paris, 1822-25. 77. Annales de la Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts des Alpes- Maritimes. Tom. 1-3. 8o. Nice, 1865-75. 78. Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. 1870 (-1884). Tom. 1-11. 8o. Lille, 1875-84. 79. Annales de Législation et de Jurisprudence. Tom. 1-3. 80. Genève, 1820-22. 8O. Annales de Mathématiques pures et appliquées. Recueil périodique, rédigé par J. D. Gergonne et J. E. Thomas-Lavernède. Tom. 1-22, no. 2. , 4o. Nismes, 1810-31. No more published. The * Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées ! º,v. No. 602) commenced in 1836 was intended as a continuation of the * Annales *. 8l. Annales des Sciences naturelles . . .. Comprenant la physiologie animale et végétale, l'anatomie comparée des deux règnes, la zoologie, la botanique, la minéralogie et la géologie. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. 8o (la. 80). Paris, 1824, etc. After 1833 the * Annales ' was divided into two sections : * Botanique , and * Zoologie '. Imperfect : wanting pp. 129-192 and plate 9 qf volume 14, and volumes 15-20 of the second series of the botanical section. 82. Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, publiées par R. H. C. C. Scheffer. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Batavia, (Leide), 1876, etc. In progress. 83. Annales du Midi. Revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale. Publiée sous les auspices du Conseil général des Facultés de Toulouse par A. Thomas. Année 1, etc. - In progress. la, 8o. Toulouse, Paris, 1889, etc. 84. Annales du Musée d' Histoire naturelle de Marseille. Publiées . . . sous la direction de A. F. Marion. Tom. 1-Série 2, tom. 1. 4o. Marseille, 1883-99. 85. Annales du Musée Guimet. Revue de l'histoire des religions. Tom. 1-46. 8o. Paris, 1880-1902. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-158 of volume 36. ANNALES 11 86. Annales du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. Tom 1-14. fol. Bruxelles, 1877-87. No more published. - 87. Annales du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, par les professeurs de cet établissement. Tom. 1-20. 4o. Paris, an xi (1802)-1813. [Continued as:] MÉMoIRES DU MUséUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE, par les professeurs de cet établissement. Tom. 1-20. 4o. Paris, 1815-32. [Continued as:] NoUVELLES ANNALES DU MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE, ou recueil de mémoires publiés par les professeurs de cet établissement et par d'autres naturalistes, etc. Tom. 1, 3 and 4. 4o. Paris, 1832-35. 88. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'égypte. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Le Caire, 1900, etc. Annales encyclopédiques. See 728. 89. Annales médico-psychologiques. Journal destiné à recueillir tous les documents relatifs à l'aliénation mentale aux névroses et à la méde- cime légale des aliénés. 6e série, tom. 3–7e série, tom. 16. 8o. Paris, 1880-92. Imperfect: wanting pp. 345 to the end of volume 16 of the 7th Series. 90. Annales patriotiques et littéraires de la France, et affaires politiques de l'Europe; Journal libre, par une société d'écrivains patriotes, et dirigé par M. Mercier. 1 Juin 1790 (-9 Mars 1793). 4o. [Paris], 1790-93. 91. Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Jassy. Tom. 1, etc. - In progress. n la. 80. Jassy, 1901, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-1.24 Qf volume 4. 92. Annali dell' Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica (Annales de l'Institut de Correspondance archéologique) per l'anno 1829 (-1885). Tom. 1-57. 80. Roma, 1829-85. The “Annali for the years 1854 to 1856 was published as a Section of the “ Monumenti, Annali e Bullettini pubblicati dall'Instituto di Corris- pondenza archeologica' (q. v. No. 873). 93. Annali della Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura di Portici. Serie seconda, vol. 8, etc. la. 8o. Portici, 1908, etc. In progress. - Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata. See 94. 94. Annali di Scienze matematiche e fisiche, compilati da B. Tortolini. Tom. 1-8. 80. Roma, 1850-57. 12 ANNALS 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 1OO. 1Ol. IO2. *103. [Continued as :] ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA, pubblicati da B. Tortolini. Tom. 1, etc. 49. Roma, (Milano), 1858, etc. In progress. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including zoology, botany, and geology. (Being a continuation of the ‘Magazine of Botany and Zoology' and of Loudon and Charlesworth’s “Magazine of Natural History'.) Second series, vol. 1, etc. Iº progress. 80. London, 1848, etc. Imperfect: wanting volumes 9–20 of the third series, the whole of the Jowrth series, and volumes 1–3 of the fifth series. Annals of Agriculture, and other useful arts. Collected and pub- lished by Arthur Young. Vol. 1–41. 80. London, 1784–1804. Annals of Anatomy and Physiology. Conducted by J. Goodsir. Vol. 1, nos. 1–3. 80. Edinburgh, 1850–53. No more published. Annals of Botany. Editors, C. Konig and J. Sims. Vol. 1–2. No more published. 80. London, 1805–6. Annals of Botany. Edited by I. B. Balfour, S. H. Wines and W. G. Farlow. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. London, Oxford, 1887, etc. In progress. Annals of British Geology. 1890 (–1893). A critical digest of the publications and account of papers read during the year . . . By J. F. Blake. [Wol. 1–4.] 80. London, 1891–95. No more published. Annals of Natural History; or, magazine of zoology, botany and geology. (Being a continuation of the ‘Magazine of Zoology and Botany’, and Sir W. J. Hooker's ‘Botanical Companion’.) Vol. 1–2. 80. Tondon, 1838–39. After volume 5 the “Annals of Natural History’ was united with the ‘Magazine of Natural History’ (q. v. No. 735) and continued as the “Annals and Magazine of Natural History’ (g. v. No. 95). Annals of Philosophy; or, magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. By T. Thomson. Vol. 1-11. 89. London, 1813–18. New series. Vol. 5–7. 89. London, 1823–24. After volume 12 of the new series the “Annals’ was united with the ‘Philosophical Magazine” (q. v. No. 964). Annals of Surgery. A monthly review of surgical science and practice. Vol. 9, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, St. Louis, (Philadelphia), 1889, etc. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 193–288 of volume 16. ANNALS 13 104, 105. 106. IO7. 108. 109. 110. Ill. 112. 113. 114. 115. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. 2 part 1 (and vol. 3 and 38). 49. Cambridge [Mass.], 1857, 1862 and 1902. Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. Vol. 1, etc. la. 40. Washington, 1900, etc. In progress. Annals of the Cape Observatory (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope). Vol. 1, etc. 49. London, [1886], etc. In progress. - The “Annals’ is published at irregular intervals. The following parts were published at the time of going to press (1911): Vol. 1 pts. 1–5, wol. 2 pts. 1–6, the whole of vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, vol. 8 pts. 1 and 2, wol. 10 pts. 2 and 3, vol. 11 pts. 1–2, and vol. 12 pts. 2–4. Annals of the Natal Government Museum. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la, 89. London, 1906, etc. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 7, etc. In progress. la. 89. New York, 1894, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–280 of volume 7. Annals of the Queensland Museum. No. 7, etc. In progress. 89. Brisbane, 1907, etc. Annals of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. See 106, Annals of the South African Museum. Vol. 4, etc. In progress. la. 89. [Cape Town], 1903, etc. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Pretoria, 1908, etc. L'Année électrique, électrothérapique et radiographique. Revue annuelle des progrès électriques en 1907. Par F. de Courmelles. Année 8. 80. Paris, 1908. L'Année médicale. See 120A. L'Année psychologique. Publiée par H. Beaunis et A. Binet. Année 1, etc. 80. Paris, 1895, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 5–1.2 (1899–1906). Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses auspiciis Societatis Zoologicae Tokyonensis seriatim editæ. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Tokyo, 1897, etc. Amnuaire astronomique de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique. Publié par lessoins de G. Lecointe. 1908, etc. In progress. sm. 89. Bruxelles, 1907, etc. 14 ANNUAIRE ll6. Annuaire de Chimie. Comprenant les applications de cette science à la médecine et à la pharmacie, ou répertoire des découvertes et des nouveaux travaux en chimie . . .. par E. Millon et J. Reiset. 1845 (-1851). 8°. Paris, 1845-51. lNo more published. • ll7. Annuaire de l'Association pour l'Encouragement des Études grecques en France. Année 7. 8o. Paris, 1873. ll7A. Annuaire de la Législation du Travail. Publié par l'Office du Travail de Belgique. 1904 (-1909). Année 8, etc. I% progress. la. 8°. Bruxelles, 1905, etc. 118. Annuaire de la société des Études juives. Année 1-4. No more published. sm. 8°. Paris, 1881-85. ll9. Annuaire de Législation et de Jurisprudence, pour 1824 (-1826). Année 1-3. 8o. Paris, 1824-26. 12O. Annuaire du Journal des Mines de Russie. Année 1835 (-1838). - 8°. Saint-Pétersbourg, 1840. 12OA.Annuaire général des Sciences médicales. Par A. Cavasse. 1857 (-1858). Année 1-2. 120. Paris, 1858-59. [Continued as :] L'ANNÉE MÉDICALE. Annuaire général des Sciences médicales, etc. 1859 (-1860). Année 3-4. 12o. Paris, 1860-63. Annuaire météorologique publié par l'Institut météorologique royal des Pays-Bas. See 823. 12l. Annuaire pour l'an 1834 (-1853), présenté au Roi par le Bureau des Longitudes. 12°. Paris, 1833-[1852]. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-354 of 1839, pp. 1-254 of 1840, the whole of1841, 1843, 1849, and pp. 1-308 of1851. 122. Annual Abstract of Labour Statistics of the United Kingdom. (Board of Trade, Labour Department.) (8th, etc., Reports.) 1900-1, etc. la. 8°. London, 1902, etc. In progress. 123. The Annual of the British School at Athens. No. 1, etc. In progress. 4°. London, [1895, etc.]. 124. The AnnualRegister, or a view of the history, politics, and literature, for the year 1758(-1875). [Vol. 1-118.] 8°. London, [1759]-1876. The volume for 1758 is of the 6th edition ; 1759 and 1760 are 5th edition; 1761 is 3rd edition ; 1763 is 4th edition ; 1768, 1769 and 1775 are 2nd edition. 125. Annual Report and Abstract of Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. 1871 (-1886). 8o. Brighton, 1871-86. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1873, 1876, 1878 and 1879. ANNUAL 15 [Continued as :] BRIGHToN AND SUSSEX NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILosophical SocIETY. ANNUAL REPORT. . . . together with Abstracts of Papers read before the Society. 1887 (–1894). 80. Brighton, 1887–94. Annual Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. See 249. - 126. Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. 1861–2, etc. In progress. 80. Plymouth, 1862, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–154 of volume 5 (i.e. the part for 1873–4). Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. See 1340. Annual Report of the American Dante Society. See 130. **, Report of the Archaeological Institute of America. See 4:l. Annual Report of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. See 249. 127. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. (5th, etc., Reports.) 80. Washington, 1851, etc. In progress. Annual Report of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. See 125. 128. Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. (1st, etc., Reports.) 1879, etc. In progress. sm. fol. Washington, 1881, etc. Annual Report of the Californian State Mining Bureau. See 358. Annual Report of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance- ment of Teaching. See 365, - 129, Annual Report of the Central Sanitary Bureau of the Home Department of the Imperial Japanese Government. (1875–79. 1st-4th Reports.) 89. Tokio, 1881. The 3rd Report only is dated 1881; the other volumes have no date of publication. 129A. Annual Report of the Committee of Control of the South African Central Locust Bureau. 1908, etc. (2nd, etc., Reports.) - | I? progress. - - la 89. Cape Town, 1909, etc. 130, Annual Report of the Dante Society. (1st, etc., Reports.) - In progress. 80. Cambridge [Mass.], (Boston), 1882, etc. 131. Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta. 1908, etc. . la. 80. Edmonton, 1910, etc. I? progress. 16 ANNUAL 132 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140, 141 & Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Saskatchewan. 1905, etc. la. 89, Regina, 1907, etc. In progress. Annual Report of the Department of Education of the Province of Alberta. (3rd, etc., Reports.) 1908, etc. In progress. la. 89. Edmonton, 1909, etc. Annual Report of the Department of Mines and Agriculture, New South Wales, for the year 1881, etc. In progress. sm. fol. Sydney, 1882, etc. Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint. (1st, etc., Reports.) 1870, etc. la. 80. London, 1871, etc. In progress. Annual Report of the Director, Kodaikamal and Madras Obser- vatories, for 1909, etc. Sm. fol. Madras, 1910, etc. In progress. Annual Report of the Director of the Royal Alfred Observatory (Mauritius) for the year 1898, etc. sm. fol. [Mauritius, 1899, etc.] In progress. Annual Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. See 494. Annual Report of the Geological Commission (of the Cape of Good Hope). 1896, etc. (1st, etc., Reports.) In progreSS. la. 89. Cape Town, 1897, etc. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Canada. See 498. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of New Jersey. See 499. Annual Report of the Godlee Observatory. See 509. Annual Report of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the year 1904–5, etc. 89. Calcutta, 1906, etc. In progress. Annual Report of the Iowa Geological Survey. See 552. *...* of the Kodaikanal and Madras Observatories. See § Annual Report of the Liverpool Geological Association. See 702. Annual Report of the Meteorological Committee to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, for the year ending 31st March, 1907, etc. (2nd, etc., Reports.) 89. London, 1907, etc. In progress. Annual Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden. See 843. Annual Report of the National Board of Health. 1879 (–1883). 89. Washington, 1879–84. ANNUAL 17 142. 143. 144. 145, 146. 147. 148, 149. 150, 151. Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales. (1st–18th Reports.) 80. London, 1835–47. Annual Report of the Progress of Chemistry, and the allied sciences, physics, mineralogy, and geology . . . By J. Liebig and H. Kopp, etc. (1847–50.) Vol. 1–4. 80. London, 1849–53. Annual Report of the Registrar-General of births, deaths, and marriages in England (and Wales). (1st, etc., Reports.) 1837, etc. In progress. fol. and la. 89. London, 1839, etc. Imperfect: wanting the 49th Report (1886). Annual Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. (1st, etc., Reports.) 1833, etc. In progress. 89. Falmouth, (Penryn), [1834, etc.]. Imperfect: wanting the reports for 1895–1899 and 1901. The 1st and 2nd reports are reprints. - Annual Report of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. See 1305. Annual Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. (22nd, 23rd, and 42nd–48th Reports.) 80. Truro, 1841–66. Imperfect ; wanting the 47th report. The 46th, 49th and following reports are published in the ‘Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall’ (q. v. No. 66.2). . Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. See 127. Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey. (1st, etc., Reports.) sm. fol. (la. 80). Washington, 1880, etc. In progress. - Annual Report of the Washington Geological Survey. See 1369. Annual Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. See 397, Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry for 1904, etc. Issued by the Chemical Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. London, 1905, etc. The Anthropological Review. Vol. 1. 80. London, 1863. Anthropologie. (Matériaux pour l’Histoire de l’Homme, Revue d’Anthropologie, Revue d’Ethnographie, réunis.) Tom. 5–12. la. 80. Paris, 1894–1901. The Anti-Jacobin, or weekly examiner. [Edited by W. Gifford.] Fourth edition. 2 vol. 80. London, 1799. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. The sixth edition. 89, London, 1813. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin . . . with explanatory notes by C. Edmonds. Second edition, considerably enlarged. With six etchings by . . . J. Gillray. 89, London, 1854. C 18 ANTIQUARISK 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 16O. 161. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, udgivet af det kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift- Selskab. (Bulletin de la Société royale des Antiquaires du Nord.) 1843 (–1857). 89. Kjöbenhavn, 1845–57. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1844 and 1845. The Antiquary. A magazine devoted to the study of the past. Edited by E. Walford. Vol. 1–16. 49. London, 1880–87. Imperfect : wanting pp. 185–232 of vol. 13. This periodical is not the same as ‘The Antiquary which was published as a continuation of “The Antiquarian' and afterwards incorporated with ‘Long Ago' Čn 1873. Anuari de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans. 1907. la. 49. Barcelona, 1907. Anuarul Institutului Geologic al României. Vol. 1, etc. I? progress. la. 89. Bucureşti, 1907, etc. Anuarulü Museului de Geologiá ši de Paleontologia. . . . pe anul 1894, etc. Vol. [1], etc. la. 80. Bucuresci, 1895, etc. In progress. . Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaftem in Krakau. See 337. Anzeiger des germanischen Nationalmuseums. See 157. Anzeiger für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Litteratur. See 1409. - Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Worzeit. Neue Folge. Organ des germanischen Museums. 1853 (–1888). 49. Leipzig, (Nürnberg), 1853–83. [Continued as :] ANZEIGER DEs GERMANISCHEN NATIONALMUSEUMS (Mitteilungen aus dem germanischen Nationalmuseum). 1884 (–1901). 40. Nürnberg, 1884–1901. Anzeiger für schweizerische Altertumskunde. Indicateur d’An- tiquités suisses. Herausgegeben von der antiquarischen Gesell- schaft in Zürich. Organ des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums und des Verbandes der schweizerischen Altertumsmuseen. Jahrgang 29–31. 80, Zürich, 1896–98. Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universität Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. 80. Wien, 1878, etc. Arbeiten aus dem zoologisch-zootomischen Institut in Würzburg. Herausgegeben von C. Semper. Bd. 1–10. - la. 80. Würzburg, (Wiesbaden), 1874–95. Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Würzburg. Herausgegeben von J. Sachs. Bd. 1–3, la. 80. Leipzig, 1871-88. ARBEITEN 19 162. 163. 164. 165, 166. 167. 168. 169, 17O. Arbeiten des pharmakologischen Institutes zu Dorpat. Heraus- gegeben von R. Kobert. Bd. 1–14. la. 80. Stuttgart, 1888–96. Archaeologia : or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. London, 1770, etc. Archaeologia Cantiana; being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society. Vol. 1. 80. London, 1858. The Archaeological Journal. Published under the direction of the Central Committee of the British Archaeological Association (afterwards the Archeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland). Vol. 1–28. 80. London, 1845–71. This ‘British Archaeological Association’ was quite a distinct society from the ‘British Archaeological Association 'founded in 1843 and since continued wºnder that title. In 1845 this Association changed its name to the ‘Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland’ in order to prevent the two societies being confused. Archaeological Report of the Egypt Exploration Fund. See 441. The Archaeological Review. Vol. 1–2. la. 80. London, 1888–89. Archaeological Survey of Egypt. (Published under the auspices of the Egypt Exploration Fund. No. 1, etc.) In progress. la. 49. London, 1893, etc. Archaeological Survey of India. Reports. (1862-80.) Vol. 1-15. 80. Simla, (Calcutta), 1871–82. The Archaeological Survey of Nubia. Bulletin No. 4, etc. In progress. la. 80. Cairo, 1909, etc. Archäologische Zeitung. Herausgegeben von E. Gerhard. Jahrgang 14–33. 40. Berlin, 1856–76. The title-pages of Jahrg. 14–25 read ‘Lenkmäler, Forschunge? wºnd Berichte als. Fortsetzung der archäologischen Zeitung. Jahrg. 8–19.' Jahrg. 26–33 are also numbered Neue Folge, Jahrg, 1–8. [Continued as :] - ARCHAOLOGISCHE ZEITUNg. Herausgegeben vom archäologischen Institut des deutschen Reichs. Jahrgang 34–48. 40. Berlin, 1877–86. [Continued as :] JAHRBUCH DEs KAISERLICH DEUTSCHEN ARCHAOLOGISCHEN INSTITUTS. Bd. 1, etc. 1886, etc. - 40. Berlin, 1887, etc. In progress. Archäologischer Anzeiger. See 170, The ‘Anzeiger’ was published as a supplement to volumes 14–25 of the ‘Archäologische Zeitung’ and volume 4 and all the Subsequent volumes of the ‘Jahrbuch '. 'Apxato)\oyukm 'Eºmpepts. See 453. - C 2 20 ARCHIEF 171 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. Archief, uitgegeven door het Wiskundig Genootschap, onder de zinspreuk: een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven te Amsterdam. Deel 1-3. 89. Amsterdam, 1856-70. Imperfect : wanting pp. 65 to the end of volume 3. The Architect. A weekly illustrated journal of art, civil engineering, and building. Vol. 23-33. sm. fol. London, 1880-85. The Architectural Review. A magazine of architecture and the arts of design. Vol. 19, etc. 49. London, 1906, etc. In progress. Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtkunde zur Beförderung einer Gesammtausgabe der Quellenschriften deutscher Geschichten des Mittelalters. Herausgegeben von G. H. Pertz. Bd. 9 (and 12). 80. Hannover, 1847-72. Archiv der Heilkunde . . . redigirt von E. Wagner. Jahrgang 1-16. 80. Leipzig, 1860-75. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Lehrer an höhern Unterrichtsanstalten. Herausgegeben von J. A. Grunert. Thle. 1-51. la. 80. Greifswald, 1841-70. Archiv der reinen und angewandten Mathematik. Herausgegeben von C. F. Hindenburg. Bd. 1-3. (Heft 1-11.) No more published. 80. Leipzig, 1795-1800. Archiv des Vereins fürgemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von J. Vogel, H. Nasse und F. W. Beneke. Bd. 1-6. 80. Göttingen, (Marburg und Leipzig), 1854-63. . [Continued as :] ARCHIv DES VEREINs FÜR wISSENSCHAFTLICHE HEILKUNDE. Heraus- gegeben vom Vorstande des Vereins unter Redaction von J. Vogel und F. W. Beneke. Bd. 1-3. 89. Leipzig, 1865-67. *## Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin. See g Archiv für Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. [Being the “ Anatomische Abtheilung' of the Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie'.] See 183. Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie. See 183. Archiv für celtische Taexikographie. Herausgegeben von W. Stokes und K. Meyer. Bd. 1-3. la, 80. Halle a. S., [1898]-1907. No more published. Dr. Whitley Stokes's copy, with his manuscript notes and corrections. ARCHIV 21 18O. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Litteraturen. Begründet von L. Herrig. Bd. 86, etc. In progress. 89. Braunschweig, 1891, etc. Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis. See 1364. 18l. Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Herausgegeben von E. F. W. Pflüger. Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Bonn, 1868, etc. Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie. See 966. 182. Archiv für die Geschichte deutscher Sprache und Dichtung. Herausgegeben von J. M. Wagner. Bd. 1. 80. Wien, 1874. 183. Archiv für die Physiologie. Von J. C. Reil (und J. H. F. Autenrieth). Bd. 1–12. 80. Halle, 1796–1815. [Continued as: ] - DEUTsCHES ARCHIV FÜR DIE PHYSIOLoGIE . . . Herausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. Bd. 1–8. 89. Halle und Berlin, 1815–23. [Continued as : ] ARCHIV FÜR ANAToMIE UND PHYSIoLoGIE . . . Herausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. Jahrgang 1826 (–1833). 89. Leipzig, [1826–33]. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1826, 1827 and 1833. No volume zwas published for the year 1831. [Continued as : ] ARCHIV FÜR ANATOMIE, PHYSIoLoGIE UND wIssENsCHAFTLICHE MEDICIN . . . Herausgegeben von J. Müller (C. B. Reichert und E. du Bois- Reymond). Jahrgang 1834 (–1876). 89. Berlin, Leipzig, 1834–76. [Continued as : ARCHIv FÜR ANATOMIE UND PHYSIoLoGIE. Anatomische Abtheilung. (Physiologische Abtheilung.) Herausgegeben von E. du Bois-Rey- mond (T. W. Engelmann). Jahrgang 1877, etc. - I% progress. la. 89. Leipzig, 1877, etc. 184. Archiv für die zeichnenden Künste . . . Herausgegeben von R. Naumann. Jahrgang 3. 89. Leipzig, 1857. 185. Archiv für Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. Heraus- gegeben von W. Roux. Bd. 4–9. la. 80. Leipzig, 1896–99. Imperfect : wanting pp. 321 to the end of volume 9. 4 186. Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. Herausgegeben von E. Klebs, B. Naunyn, P. Schmiedeberg. Bd. 2, etc. 89. Leipzig, 1874, etc. I% progress. 187. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie . . . Herausgegeben von L. Stein. Bd. 1, etc. 89. Berlin, 1888, etc. Tº progress. After volume 7 the “Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie' was continued as Abtheilung 1 of the “Archiv für Philosophie'. 22 ARCHIV *188. 189. 190. 191. *192, 193. #194. 195. 196. 197. Archiv für klinische Chirurgie. Bd. 34, etc. In progress. la. 89, Berlin, 1887, etc. Imperfect : wanting volumes 35–40. Archiv für lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik, mit Einschluss des àlteren Mittellateins. Als Vorarbeit zu einem Thesaurus Linguae Latinae . . . Herausgegeben von E. Wölfflin, Jahrgang 1–15. 89. Leipzig, 1884–1906. No more published. Archiv für Litteraturgeschichte. Herausgegeben von R. Gosche. Bd. 1–15. 80. Leipzig, 1875–87. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie. Herausgegeben von M. Schultze. Bd. 1–43. la. 80. Bonn, 1865–94. [Continued as :] ARCHIV FüR MIKROSKOPISCHE ANATOMIE UND ENTwrcKLUNGSGESCHICHTE. Bd. 44, etc. la. 80. Bonn, 1895, etc. I? progress. Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medicin. Herausgegeben von R. Virchow und B. Reinhardt. Bd. 1–170. 80. Berlin, 1847–1902. [Continued as :] VIRCHOws ARCHIV FüR PATHoLoGISCHE ANATOMIE, etc. Bd. 171, etc. In progress. 80. Berlin, 1903, etc. Archiv für Philosophie . . . Erste Abtheilung: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. See 187. Archiv für Physiologie. [Being the “Physiologische Abtheilung’ of the ‘Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie ’.] See 183. Archiv für physiologische Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von W. Roser und C. A. Wunderlich. Jahrgang 1–Neue Folge, Bd. 3. 80. Stuttgart, 1842–59. Archiv für Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie, einschliesslich Rassen-Gesellschafts-Hygiene, etc. Jahrgang 1, etc. I? progress. la. 80. München, 1904, etc. Archives de Biologie. Publiées par E. van Beneden et C. van Bambeke. Tom. 1, etc. la. 89. Gand, Leipzig et Paris, 1880, etc. In progress. *:::::: de Droit international et de Législation comparée. om. 1. la. 89. Londres, Bruxelles, Paris, etc. (Gand, printed), 1874. Archives de l’Institut botanique de l’Université de Liége. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Bruxelles, 1897, etc. In progress. ARCHIVES 23 l98. Archives de Pharmacodynamie. Publiées par E. Gley et J. F. Heymans. Vol. 1-3. la. 89. Gand, Paris, 1895-97. [Continued as :] ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES DE PHARMACODYNAMIE. Vol. 4-5. la. 8°. Gand, Paris, 1898-99. [Continued as :] ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES DE PHARMACODYNAMIE ET DE THÉRAPIE. Vol. 6, etc. la. 8°. Gand, (Bruxelles), Paris, 1899, etc. In progress, 199. Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique. Année 1-30. - la. 8o. Paris, 1868-98. [Continued as :] JoURNAL DE PHYSIoLoGIE ET DE PATHoLoGIE GÉNÉRALE. Tom. 1, etc. In progreSS. - la. 89. Paris, 1899, etc. t2OO. Archives de Psychologie. Publiées par T. Flournoy, E. Claparède. Tom. 1, etc. la. 8°. Genève, 1901, etc. Im progreSS. 2Ol. Archives de Zoologie expérimentale et générale. Histoire naturelle, morphologie, histologie, évolution des animaux. Publiées sous la direction de H. de Lacaze Duthiers. Tom. 1, etc. In progreSS. la. 8o. Paris, 1872, etc. *# internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie. See 6 2O2. Archives internationales de Physiologie. Publiées par L. Fredericq et P. Heger. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Liége, Paris, 1904, etc. In progresS. 208. Archives italiennes de Biologie. Revues, résumés, reproductions des travaux scientifiques italiens, sous la direction de C. Emery et A. Mosso. Tom. 1, etc. la. 8°. Turin, 1882, etc. In progreSS. 2O4. Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, pub- liées par la Société hollandaise des Sciences à Harlem. Tom. 27, etc. In progreSS. la. 8°. Harlem, 1894, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-302 of volume 27. *2O5. Archives of Dermatology : a quarterly journal of skin and venereal diseases. Vol. 1-8. 8o. New York, 1875-82. · *2O6. Archives of Medicine . . .. Edited by L. S. Beale. Vol. 1-3. 8°. London, (1857)-[1861]. *2O7. Archives of Medicine. A bi-monthly journal (devoted to original communications on medicine, surgery, and their special branches). Edited by E. C. Seguin. Vol. 1-8. 8o. New York, 1879-82. 24 ARCHIVIO 2O8. 209. 210. 2ll. *212. 213. 214. *215. 216. Archivio di Fisiologia. Diretto e pubblicato dal G. Fano. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Firenze, 1904, etc. Archivos de Hygiene e Pathologia Exoticas. Publicação dirigida pela Escola de Medicina Tropical de Lisboa. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Lisboa, 1905, etc. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Vol. 7–8. 40. Rio de Janeiro, 1887–92. REVISTA Do MUSEU NACIONAL Do Rio DE JANEIRo. Vol. 1. (Seguimento aos Archivos do Museu Nacional. Vol. 9.) la. 40. Rio de Janeiro, 1896. Archivos do Real Instituto Bacteriologico, Camara Pestama. Tom. 1, etc. la. 80. Lisbonne, 1906, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–196 of volume 1. Arkiv för Botanik. See 270. Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. See 270. Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. See 270. Arkiv för Zoologi. See 270. Army Medical Department, Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical Reports for the year 1860 (–1899). Vol. [2]–41. O la. 80. London, 1862–1901. Årsberättelser om Framstegen i Fysik och Kemi. See 579. The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and its Dependencies. Vol. 1–28. 80. London, 1816–29. [Continued as :] The AsiaTIC Journal, and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India, China and Australia. New series, vol. 1–18. 80. London, 1830–35. Asiatic Researches; or, Transactions of the Society, instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia [i.e. The Asiatic Society of Bengal]. Printed verbatim from the Calcutta edition. Vol. 1–8. 40. London, 1799–1808. — [Another edition.] Vol. 1–7. 80. London, 1801–3. Association Medical Journal, edited for the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Volume for 1853 (–1858). 40. London, 1853–58. The Assurance Magazine. Vol. 1–2. 80. London, 1851–52. [Continued as :] The AssurANCE MAGAZINE, AND Journal, OF THE INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES. Wol, 3–13. 80, London, 1853–67. ASTRONOMICAL 25 [Continued as :] Journal of THE INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES AND AssuPANCE MAGAZINE. Vol. 14–15 part 4. 89. London, 1869–70. Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. See 221. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. See 219. 217. The Astronomical Journal. Edited by B. A. Gould. Vol. 1. 218. 219. 22O. 221. 49. Cambridge [Mass.], 1849–51. Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological Observations made . at the United States Naval Observatory. See 926. Astronomical Observations made at the Honorable the East India Company's Observatory, Madras. See 1121. Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge. By G. B. Airy. Vol. 1, for the year 1828. 49. Cambridge, 1829. Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1840 (–1852). Vol. 1–13. la. 80. Oxford, 1842–54. [Continued as:] ASTRONOMICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE RAD- CLIFFE OBSERVATORY, Oxford, in the year 1853 (–1864). Vol. 14–24. la. 80. Oxford, 1855–67. [Continued as :] RESULTS OF ASTRONOMICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY, Oxford, in the year 1865 (–1889). Vol. 25–46. la. 89. Oxford, 1868–96. [Continued as :] ASTRONOMICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE RAD- CLIFFE OBSERVATORY . . . 1890, etc. Vol. 47, etc. In progress. la. 89, Oxford, 1899, etc. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. See 1123. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Vol. 1–14, 1834 (–1877). - fol. and 40. Edinburgh, 1838–77. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, from the year 1765 to the year 1774. By N. Maskelyn. Vol. 1. fol. London, 1776. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENwich, in . . . 1829 (–1847). fol. and 40. London, 1831–49. Imperfect ; wanting parts 1–4 of the volumes for 1829 and 1830. ASTRONOMISCHE 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227, 228. [Continued as :] ASTRONOMICAL AND MAGNETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONs made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year 1848, etc. In progress. la. 49. London, (Edinburgh), 1850, etc. MAGNETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONs made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the years 1840 (–1847). la. 40. London, 1843–49. After 1847 the ‘Magnetical and Meteorological Observations’ were incor- porated with the “Astronomical Observations' (q. v. Supra). Astronomische Nachrichten. Herausgegeben von H. C. Schumacher. Bd. 1, etc. 49. Altona, (Kiel), 1823, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 76–91, and 166–169. Astronomisches Jahrbuch. See 558. The Astrophysical Journal. An international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics. [Being a continuation of ‘The Sidereal Messenger', and ‘Astronomy and Astro-Physics’.] Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Chicago, 1895, etc. The Asylum Journal of Mental Science, published by authority of the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane. Vol. 2–4. 80. Exeter, (London), 1846–58. [Continued as :] The Journal OF MENTAL SCIENCE. Vol. 5–38. 80. London, 1858–92. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–1.28, and 257–392 of volume 2, pp. 1–164 and 477 to the end of volume 4, pp. 297 to the end of volume 7, pp. 1–308 of volume 8, pp. 1–152 and 467 to the end of volume 9, the whole of ^olumes 10–30, pp. 1–45.2 of volume 31, and pp. 1–174 and pp. 486 to the end of volume 38. Athenaeum. Eine Zeitschrift von A. W. Schlegel und F. Schlegel. Bd. 1–3. 80. Berlin, 1798–1800. No more published. The Athenaeum. London literary and critical journal. 1828, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] -* 40. London, 1828, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1829–1838. 'A9" valov. Xvyypappa Teptobukov Kara öupºnytav čkötöopaevov orvptpačev troAXov Aoytov, Tom. 1–2. 80. A6mvnov, 1872–73. Atti del reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Tuettere ed Arti. Tom. 60, etc. la. 89. Venezia, 1900, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–108 of volume 60 and the whole of volume 65. Volumes 60–68 of this set contain the ‘Parte prima' only. ATTI 27 229. 230. 23l. 232. 233, 234. Atti della Accademia di Scienze e Lettere di Palermo. Nuova serie, vol. 2-3. 4o. Palermo, 1853-59. Atti della Accademia pontaniana. Vol. 23, etc. In progress. 4o. Napoli, 1893, etc. Atti della Fondazione scientifica Cagnola dalla sua Istituzione in Poi. Vol. 11, etc. 80. Milano, 1893, etc. In progress. Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Serie terza. Memorie della Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 1876-7 (-1883-4). Vol. 1-13. 40. Roma, 1877-84. Transunti, 1876-7 (-1883-4). Vol. 1-8. 40. Roma, 1877-84. Serie quarta. Memorie della Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 1884-5 (-1892). Vol. 1-10. i ssssssasse 4o. Roma, 1885-92. Memorie della Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Vol. 7. 49. Roma, 1891-94. Rendiconti. 1884-5 (-1891). Vol. 1-7. 40. Roma, 1885-91. Serie quinta. Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Vol. 1, etc. 49. Roma, 1893, etc. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Vol. 1, etc. la. 8o. Roma, 1892, etc. Memorie della Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Vol. 1, etc. 49. Roma, 1894, etc. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. 49. Roma, 1892, etc. Notizie degli scavi di antichità. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Roma, 1904, etc. Imperfect : wanting the number for December of volume 10 of the 4th Series, Jan.-July of volume 1, May of volume 5, Nov. of volume 9, and number 3 of volume 11 of the 5th series of the “Memorie della Classe di Scienze morali”. – Rendiconto dell'Adunanza solenne. Vol. 1, etc. 49. Roma, 1892, etc. sg-s In progress, Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Vol. 32, etc. - In progress. la. 80. Torino, 1896, etc. Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche. (Società Reale di Napoli.) Serie seconda, vol. 6, etc. In progress. la. 4o. Napoli, 1894, etc. 28 ATTI 235. Atti della reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti. (Società Reale di Napoli.) Vol. 24, etc. In progress. » la 4o (la. 80). Napoli, 1906, etc. 236. Atti della reale Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche. (Società Reale di Napoli.) Vol. 19, etc. la. 80, Napoli, 1885, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 20 and 26-33. 237. Atti della reale Accademia Peloritana. Anno 14 (and 16). la. 8o. Messina, 1900-1902. 238. The Auction Register and Law Chronicle, for the year 1813 (-1815). Vol. 1-3. fol. London, 1813-15. 239. The Author. The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors. Vol. 14, etc. 49. London, 1903, etc. In progress. Imperfect : avantimg pp. 1-56 of volume 14. 24O. The Babylonian and Oriental Record: a monthly magazine of the antiquities of the East. Vol. 1-9. la. 80. London, 1886-1901. Imperfect : wanting pp. 73-96 and 193–215 of volume 6, and pp. 37 to the end of volume 9. 24OA. The Ballad Society [Publications]. Vol. 1-38. No more published. 8o. Hertford, 1868-99. Baumgartens Nachrichten. Seell83. 24l. The Bee: or, universal weekly pamphlet. Containing something to hit every man's taste and principles. [By E. Budgell.] Vol. 1-3. 80. London, 1733. Beiblätter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. See 64. Beiblatt zur Anglia. See 57. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. See 292. 241A. Beiträge für die Zergliederungskunst. Herausgegeben von H. F. Isenflamm und J. C. Rosenmüller. Bd. 1-2. 8o. Leipzig, 1800-3. 242. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Physiologie. Von C. Eckard. Bd. 1-9. 4o. Giessen, 1858-81. 243. Beiträge zur Assyriologie und vergleichenden semitischen Sprach- wissenschaft. Herausgegeben von F. Delitzsch und P. Haupt. Bd. 1-5. la. 8o. Leipzig, 1889-1906. 244. Beiträge zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Biochemie . . . herausgegeben von F. Hofmeister. Bd. 1-11. la. 8o. Braunschweig, 1902-8. No more published. Afterwards continued in the “ Biochemische Zeit- schrift' (q. v. No. 273). BEITRÄGE 29 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 25O. 251. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Herausgegeben von P. Paul und W. Braune. Bd. 1, etc. In progreSS. 89. Halle a. S., 1874, etc. Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen. Heraus- gegeben von A. Bezzenberger. Bd. 1–30. «- 89. Göttingen, 1877–1906. After volume 30 the “ Beiträge” was united with the “ Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und Lateinischen ” (g. v. No. 1432). Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen Sprachen. Heraus- gegeben von A. Kuhn und A. Schleicher. Bd. 1–8. 80. Berlin, 1858–76. Beiträge zur Völker- und Länderkunde. Herausgegeben von J. R. Forster und M. C. Sprengel. Theil 1–14. 89. Leipzig, 1781–90. [Continued as : ] NEUE BEITRÄGE zUR VÖLKER- UND LÄNDERKUNDE. Theil 1–12. 80. Leipzig, 1790–93. The Belfast Field Naturalists' Club. Reports, 1863–4 and 1864–5. [1st and 2nd Reports.] 89. [Belfast, 1865.] [Continued as : REPort of THE BELFAST NATURALISTs FIELD CLUB. 1865–6. [3rd Report. 89. [Belfast, 1866.] [Continued as ..] ANNUAL REPoRT oF THE BELFAST NATURALISTs' FIELD CLUB. (4th-10th Reports.) 89. Belfast, 1867–73. [Continued as :] ANNUAL REPORT AND PRoCEEDINGs OF THE BELFAST NATURALISTs' FIELD CLUB. Series 2, vol. 1, etc. 80. Belfast, 1875, etc. In progress. " Beobachtungen angestellt im meteorologischen Observatorium der kaiserl. Universität Moskau im Jahre 1902, etc. I% progress. la. 89. Moskva, 1903, etc. Bericht der Königlich-Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgischen Gesellschaft für die Sammlung und Erhaltung vaterländischer Alterthümer. (1ber–15ter Bericht.) 80. Kiel, 1836–50. Imperfect : wanting the 2nd (1837), 5th (1840), 7th (1849), and 10th (1845) Reports. Bericht über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. See 1429. 30 |BERICHT 252. Bericht tiber die semckenbergische maturforsche Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. 1894, etc. I? progress. la. 80. Frankfurt a.M., 1894, etc. 252A. Bericht tiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Natur- geschichte der niederen Thiere. Von R. Leuckart. 1858 (–1869). 80. Berlin, 1860–71. t253. Berichte der deutschen botanischen Gesellschaft. Bd. 1, etc. In progreSS. 80. Berlin, 1883, etc. 254. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Jahrgang 4, etc. 80. Berlin, 1871, etc. In progress. Berichte der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft. See 1852. 255. Berichte über die Verhandlungen der königlich-săchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Mathematisch- physische Classe. Bd. 9–20. 80. Leipzig, 1857–68. — Philologisch-historische Classe. Bd. 1–45. 80. Leipzig, 1849–93. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 217 to the end of volume 41 (1889), and pp. 129 to the end of volume 45 (1893). 256. Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch für 1831 (–1832). Mit Genehm- haltung der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Heraus- gegeben von J. F. Encke. 80. Berlin, 1829–30. 257. Beschäftigungen der berlinischen Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde. Bd. 1–4. 80. Berlin, 1775–79. [Continued as :] SCHRIFTEN DER BERLINISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT NATURFORSCHENDER FREUNDE. Bd. 1–6. 80. Berlin, 1780–85. 258. Bibliographia Economica Universalis. Répertoire bibliographique annuel des travaux relatifs aux sciences économiques et sociales. Année 1, etc. Travaux de l’année 1902, etc. In progress. la. 80. Bruxelles, [1903], etc. Bibliographia Physiologica. Diario “Zentralblatt für Physiologie’ adnexa, Edidit Concilium Bibliographicum sub cura H. Jordan. See 372. Bibliographia Zoologica (diario ‘Zoologischer Anzeiger’ adnexa). See 1440. Bibliographical Contributions from the Library of Harvard University. See 698. 259. Bibliotheca Indica: a collection of Oriental works. (Published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal.) No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80 and la. 40. Calcutta, 1848, etc. BIBLIOTHECA 31 26O. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269, Bibliotheca Mathematica. Herausgegeben von G. Eneström. 1884 (–1886). 49. Stockholm, 1884–86. [Continued as :] BIBLIOTHECA MATHEMATICA. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Mathematik. Neue Folge, Bd. 1, etc. In progress. 89 (la. 80). Stockholm, (Leipzig), 1887, etc. Bibliotheca, Philologica. Vol. 1–3. . 80. Lipsiae, 1779–81. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. See 577. Bibliotheek van middelmederlandsche Letterkunde. Aflever. 1, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 80). Groningen, 1875, etc. Bibliothek des literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Stuttgart, (Tübingen), 1843, etc. Bibliothèque ancienne et moderne. See 269. Bibliothèque angloise, ou, histoire littéraire de la Grande-Bretagne. Par Michel] de] La Roche]. Tom. 1–12. 129. Amsterdam, [1717–1725. Imperfect : wanting volume 2. The first part of volume 1 is of the second edition published in 1729. Bibliothèque choisie. See 269. Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Chartes. (Revue d’érudition consacrée spécialement à l'étude du moyen àge.) Tom, 1–65. la. 80. Paris, 1839–1904. Bibliothèque française, ouvrage périodique. Rédigé par C. Pougens. 1800 (–1802). 120. Paris, 1800–2. Bibliothèque germanique, ou, histoire littéraire de l’Allemagne, (de la Suisse) et des pays du Nord. Tom. 1–50. 80. Amsterdam, 1720–41. No more published. A ‘Nouvelle Bibliothèque germanique” (q. v. No. 915) was commenced in 1746 as a continuation of the ‘Bibliothèque germanique’. - Bibliothèque raisonnée des ouvrages des savans de l’Europe. Juillet 1728 (–Mars 1747). Tom. 1–38. 89. Amsterdam, 1728–47. Bibliothèque universelle et historique. [By J. Le Clerc, J. Cornand de Lacroze and J. Bernard.] Année 1686 (–1693). Tom, 1–26. 129. Amsterdam, [1686–94]. Imperfect : wanting volume 12. The volumes of this set are of various editions, mostly the 2nd and 3rd. [Continued as :] X- BIBLIOTHEQUE CHOISIE, pour servir de suite à la Bibliothèque universelle. Par J. Le Clerc. Année 1703 (–1713). Tom. 1–28. 129. Amsterdam, 1703–18. Wolumes 1–10 and 18–21 are of the 2nd edition. BIENNIAL [Continued as :) BIBLIOTHBQUE ANCIENNE ET MODERNE. Pour servir de suite aux Biblio- thèques universelle et choisie. Par J. Le Clerc. Pour l'année 1714 (–1727). Tom. 1–29. No more published. 129. Amsterdam, (La Haye), 1714–30. A Biennial Retrospect of Medicine, Surgery, and their Allied Sciences. See 1384. 27O. Bihang till Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 271. Bd. 12–28. 80. Stockholm, 1887–1903. Afdelning 1. Mathematik, Astronomi, Mekanik, Fysik, Meteorologi och beslägtade Amnen. Afdelning 2. Kemi, Mineralogi, Geognosi, Fysisk geografi och beslägtade Amnen. Afdelning 3. Botanik, omfattande bade lefvande och fossila former. Afdelning 4. Zoologi, omfattande bade lefvande och fossila former. [After vol. 28 sections 1–4 were respectively continued as:] 1. Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. Bd. 1, etc. 2. Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. Bd. 1, etc. 3. Arkiv för Botanik. Bd. 1, etc. 4. Arkiv för Zoologi. Bd. 1, etc. In progréSS. 89. Stockholm, 1904, etc. The Bimetallist. (A monthly journal for the advancement of monetary reform.) Vol. 1–[7], no. 2. No more published. la. 89. London, 1895–1901. 272. The Bio-Chemical Journal. [Published by the Bio-Chemical De- 273. 274. 275. 276, partment of the University of Liverpool.] Vol. 2, etc. In progreSS. 49. Liverpool, 1907, etc. Biochemische Zeitschrift (Beiträge zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie) . . . Redigiert von C. Neuberg. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Berlin, 1906, etc. Biographisches Jahrbuch für Alterthumskunde. See 577. Biological Bulletin of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. Vol. 3, etc. In progress. la. 89. Woods Holl (Woods Hole), Mass., 1902, etc. Biologisches Centralblatt . . . Herausgegeben von J. Rosenthal. Bd. 1–14. 89. Erlangen, (Leipzig), 1881–94. Biometrika. Ajournal for the statistical study of biological problems. Edited by W. F. R. Weldon, Karl Pearson and C. B. Davenport. Vol. 1, etc. 49. Cambridge, 1901, etc. In progress. BIRMINGHAM 33 *277. 278. 279. 280. 281, 282. 283. 284. 285, 286, 287. 288. The Birmingham Medical Review: a quarterly journal of the medical sciences. Vol. 1-22. la. 80. Birmingham, 1872-87. Imperfect: wanting pp. 61-132 of volume 3, pp. 1-112 and 209-304 of volume 8, pp. 1-48 of volume 15, and pp. 1-48 and 241 to the end of volume 18. Blumenbach's Bibliothek. See 766. The Board of Trade Journal. Vol. 37, etc. In progreSS. la. 89. London, 1902, etc. Board of Trade. The Labour Gazette. Vol. 11, etc. In progress. sm. fol. London, 1903, etc. Boletim da Commissão geographica e geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. No. 2-14. 89. S. Paulo, 1889-97. Imperfect: avanting number 3. Boletim das Observações meteorologicas e dos Rezultados magneticos (Ministerio da Marinha, Brazil) obtidos no . . . 1903, etc. Anno 8, etc. la. 49. Rio de Janeiro, 1903, etc. In progress. º", gº Museu Goeldi de Historia natural e Ethnographia. See i Boletim do Museu Paraense de Historia natural e Ethnographia. (Boletim do Museu Goeldi.) Tom. 3, etc. In progress. la. 80. Para, 1900, etc. Boletim semestral dos rezultados obtidos na Estação central no Morro de Santo Antonio (Rio de Janeiro) e nas Estações meteoro- logicas e pluviometricas . . . Outubro de 1901 (–Margo de 1905). No. 10–16. la. 80. Rio de Janeiro, 1903-6. Boletin de la Sociedad geológica Mexicana. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Mexico, 1905, etc. Boletin del Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú. No. 1, etc. In progress. - la. 89. Lima, 1902, etc. Boletin del Instituto geológico de Mexico. Num. 12-16. 4o. Mexico, 1899-1902. Bollettino della Società geografica italiana. Serie 3, vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Roma, 1888, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 113-216 of volume 5 of Series 3, pp. 1-204 of volume 2 of series 4, and pp. 1-84 of volume 7 of Series 4. Bollettino delle Pubblicazioni italiane ricevute per Diritto di stampa. (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.) 1910, etc. In progress. la. 89. Firenze, 1910, etc. Bonner Jahrbicher. See 570. D 34 |BONONIENSI 289. De Bonomiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia commentarii. [Edited by F. M. Zanotti.] Tom. 1-7. - 49. Bononiae, [1731–1791. No more published. Volume 1 is a reprint published in 1748. 290. The Botanical Gazette. Vol. 39, etc. In progress. la. 80. Chicago and New York, 1905, etc. 291. Botanische Zeitung. Herausgegeben von A. de Bary und G. Kraus. Jahrgang 32–67. 49. Leipzig, 1874–1909. +292. Botanisches Centralblatt. Referirendes Organ für das Gesammt- gebiet der Botanik des In- und Auslandes. Herausgegeben . . . von O. Uhlworm. (Referirendes Organ der Association Internationale des Botanistes.) Jahrgang 1, etc. 89. Cassel, (Jena), 1880, etc. I? progress. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. Jahrgang 1–11. 80. Cassel, 1891–1902, Botanisches Magazin. See 732. - 298. Brain; a journal of neurology. (Edited for the Neurological Society of London.) Vol. 1, etc. 80 (la. 80). London, 1879, etc. In progress. The Neurological Society ceased to edit ‘Brain’ in 1907, when the pub- lications of the Society were issued as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine” (q. v. No. 1040). Braithwaite's Retrospect. See 1126. Braune's Neudrucke. See 895. *294. The Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal ... Published under the auspices of the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. Vol. 12–25. 80. Bristol, 1894–1907. 295. The British Almanac (The Companion to the Almanac; or year- book of general information) for the year 1828, etc. [No. 1, etc.] In progress. 129. London, [1828, etc.]. Imperfect: wanting the volume for 1852. *296. The British and Foreign Medical Review; or, quarterly journal of practical medicine and surgery. Vol. 1–24. 80. London, 1836–47. [Incorporated with ‘The Medico-Chirurgical Journal and Review” (q.v. No. 767), and continued as :] - The BRITISH AND FoREIGN MEDICo-CHIRURGICAL REVIEw, etc. Vol. 1– 58. 80. London, 1848–76. Imperfect: wanting volume 38. The “Review” was discontinued after wolwºme 60. 297. British Annual, and epitome of the progress of science. Edited by R. D. Thomson. 1837 (–1839). 120. London, 1837–38. BRITISH 35 298. The British Apollo: containing two thousand answers to curious questions in most arts and sciences . . . Perform'd by a Society of Gentlemen. The third edition. 3 vol. 120. London, 1726. British Association Report. See IllO. . 298A. British Birds. An illustrated magazine devoted to the birds on the British list. Edited by H. F. Witherby. Vol. 1–4. 80. London, 1907–11. British Dental Journal. See 642. The British Diary. See 421. *299. The British Gynaecological Journal: being the journal of the British Gynaecological Society. Vol. 1–7. 80. London, 1886–91. After volume 22 (1907) the ‘Journal’ was published as a section of the “Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine” (q.v. No. 1040). *300. The British Homoepathic Review. (Published for the British Homoepathic Association.) New series, vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1907, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–506 of volume 1, and pp. 513–576 of (wolume 2. 301. The British Household Almanac (The Household Year-book) of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, for the year 1835 (–1837). 80. London, [1834–36]. No more published. 302. The British Imperial Calendar for 1813: or, general register of the United Kingdom . . . and its colonies . . . Compiled by B. P. Capper. 129. London, [1812]. pp *303. The British Journal of Dental Science. Vol. 18–39. 80. London, 1875–96. Imperfect : wanting pp. 451–538 of volume 18, and pp. 961 to the end of volume 39. *304. The British Journal of Dermatology. [Containing the reports of the Dermatological Society of London.] Vol. 1–20. 80 (la. 80). London, 1889–1908. After volume 19 (1907) the publications of the Dermatological Society were issued as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine” (q. v. No. 1040). 305. The British Journal of Psychology. [Containing the Proceedings of the Psychological Society..] Vol. 1, etc. - In progress. la. 80. Cambridge, 1904, etc. *306. The British Journal of Tuberculosis. Vol. 1–3. la. 80. London, 1907–9. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 161 to the end of volume 3. D 2 36 BRITISH *307. The British Medical Journal, being the journal of the British Medical Association, 1867, etc. 40. London, 1867, etc. In progress. - 308. British Meteorological Year Book. [Consisting of: I. Weekly Weather Report ; II. Monthly Weather Report; III. Observations at Stations of the Second Order; and IV. Hourly Readings at the four Observatories in connection with the Meteorological Office. Published by the Meteorological Office.] 1909, etc. In progress. la. 40. London, 1909, etc. 309. The British Oracle : Consisting of enigmas, parodoxes, rebusses, 31O. 311, 312. 313. 314. 315. queries, epigrams, repartees, etc. (consisting of questions, essays and dissertations, in natural philosophy and the mathematics). Vol. 1. - 120. London, 1769–1770]. No more published. The ‘Oracle’ was published in two volumes, each with a distinct pagination and title-page ; one containing the papers on Anathematics and the other the miscellaneous papers. The British Palladium. See 951. British School of Archaeology in Egypt; and Egyptian Research Account. (University College, London.) [Publications. No. 1, etc.] In progress. la. 40. London, 1896, etc. The British Working-man’s Almanac (The Working-man's Com- panion or Year-book) for the year 1835 (–1840). Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Rnowledge. 80. London, [1834–39]. No more published. Browning Society Papers. Wol. 1–3. 80. London, 1881–91. The Builder. An illustrated weekly magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, etc. Vol. 90, etc. In progress. sm, fol. London, 1906, etc. Buletinul Societatii de Sciințe din Bucuresci, Romania. (Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Bucarest, Roumanie.) An. 9, etc. In progress. la. 89. Bucuresci, 1900, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 169 to the end of volume 12, and pp. 1–350 of wolume 13. Bulletin de Correspondance hellénique. AeAttov ‘EXAmvukms 'AAAq}\o- ypadlás. [Published by the École française d'Athènes.] Année 1, etc. la. 80. 'Affnvmori, Paris, 1877, etc. In progress. - BULLETIN 37 3l6. Bulletin de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. 5e série, vol. 13, etc. 4o. St. Pétersbourg, 1900, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-350 of volume 13. From volume 18 onwards this set contains the * Classe physico-mathématique ' only. Bulletin de l'Académie royale de Belgique. See 15. - Bulletin de l'Institut de Correspondance archéologique. See 353. 3l7. Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien. 2e série, no. 6-10. - la. 8o. Le Caire, 1886-90. Imperfect : wanting number 7. 318. Bulletin de l'Institutfrançais d'Archéologie orientale. Tom. 1-2. 4o. Le Caire, 1901-2. º# de la Classe des Sciences, Académie royale de Belgique. See l5. 319. Bulletin de la Classe physico-mathématique de l'Académie impé- - riale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. Tom. 8. 4o. St. Pétersbourg, Leipzig, 1850. 32O. Bulletin de la Commission géologique de la Finlande. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Helsingfors, 1895, etc. 82l. Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie. Rédigé par G. Botti. No. 1, etc. la. 80. Alexandrie, 1898, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting number 5. - 322. Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d' Hydrologie. Tom. 1, etc. la. 80. Bruxelles, 1887, etc. In progress. - - The * Bulletin ' is divided into two sections, * Procès-Verbaux ' and * Mémoires , and in volume 2 a third section, * Traductions et Repro- ductions , is commenced. 322A. Bulletin de la Société chimique de France. Série 4, tom. 7, etc. In progress. 8o. Paris, 1910, etc. 323. Bulletin de la Société de Borda, Dax. (Bulletin trimestriel de la Société.) Année 10-32. - la. 8°. [Dax, 1885]-1907. Imperfect : wanting part 4 of volume 31, and parts 2 and 3 Qf volume 32. 324. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. 7e série, tom. 14-20. 8o. Paris, 1893-99. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-288 of vol. 14, and pp. 1-144 of vol. 17. [Continued as :] La GÉoGRAPHIE. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. la. 8o. Paris, 1900, etc. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Finlande. See 466. 38 BULLETIN 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. No. 22-56. la. 8o. Paris, 1882-1908. Imperfect : wanting number 30. Bulletin de la société des sciences de Bucarest. See 3l4. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. - 8o. Paris, 1830, etc. Imperfect : wanting volume 10 of the 2nd series to volume 7 Qf the 3rd Series, and pp. 1-80 qfvolume 8 of the 3rd SerieS. @ Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Normandie. 4° série, vol. 10, etc. 8o. Caen, 1896, etc. In progress. Bulletin de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France. 1883 (-1908). 8o. Paris, 1883-1908. Imperfect : wanting pp. 97 to the end of the volume for 1908. Bulletin de la Société portugaise des Sciences naturelles. Tom. 1, etc. la. 80. Lisbonne, 1907, etc. In progreSS. Bulletin de la Société royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Seel52. Bulletin des Lois de la République (du Royaume de France). Tom. 1—8e série, tom. 1. 8o. | Paris, an 2 [1794]-1825. Bulletin des Musées royaux des Arts décoratifs et industriels à Bruxelles. Année 1-4. 4o. Bruxelles, 1902-5. Imperfect : 2vamting pp. 85-92 of volume 4. Bulletin des Sciences, par la Société philomathique de Paris. (1791- 1805.) Tom. 1-3. 4°. Paris, 1791-1811. [Continued as :] NoUvEAU BULLETIN DES SCIENCES, par la Société philomathique de Paris. Tom. 1 (1807)—Année 1832. 4o. Paris, 1807-32, Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1897-1831. Bulletin des Sciences mathématiques. See 333. Bulletin des Sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, physiques et chimiques. See 335. Bulletin des Sciences mathématiques et astronomiques. 2° série, tom. 3-8. la. 8°. Paris, 1879-84. [Continued as :] BULLETIN DES SCIENCEs MATHÉMATIQUEs. 2e série, tom. 9, etc. In progreSS. la. 89. Paris, 1885, etc. Bulletin du Comité géologique, St. Pétersbourg. See 352. Bulletin du Musée royal d' Histoire naturelle de Belgique. Tom. 334. 1—5, no. 1. la, 89. Bruxelles, 1882-87. No more published. - BULLETIN 39 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. Bulletin général et universel des Annonces et des Nouvelles scientifiques . . . Publié sous la direction de M. Le Bon de Ferussac. Tom. 1-4. 80. Paris, 1823. [After volume 4 the ‘Bulletin général' was divided into 8 sections, the first of which was continued as :] BULLETIN UNIVERSEL DES SCIENCES ET DE L'INDUSTRIE. Section 1. Bulletin des Sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, physiques et chimiques. Tom. 1-16. 80. Paris, 1824–31. Sections 2–8 are not in the Library. Bulletin international. (Académie des Sciences de l’Empereur François Joseph I. Ceská Akademie Císaře Františka Josefa I.) Résumés des travaux présentés. Classe des Sciences mathématiques, naturelles et de la médecine. Année 3, etc. I? progress. - la. 80. Prague, 1896, etc. Imperfect : wanting volumes 7, 8, and 9. Bulletin international de l'Académie des Sciences de Cracovie. (Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Krakau). 1894, etc. In progress. la. 80. Cracovie, 1894, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 175–246 of 1894, pp. 265–326 of 1895, pp. 351–400 of 1898, and pp. 354—376 of 1900. In 1901 the ‘Bulletin’ was divided into two sections: ‘Classe de Philologie, classe d’Histoire et de Philosophie,” and ‘Classe des Sciences mathématiques et naturelles’. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Royal Gardens, Kew. 1887, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] la. 80. London, 1887, etc. Tº progress. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. See 1341. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. New York, 1881, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–138 of volume 1. Bulletin of the Archaeological Survey of Nubia. See 169. Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology. See 1191. Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor. See 342. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. Vol. 1, etc. I? progress, la. 80. Washington, 1905, etc. Bulletin of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. No. 1, etc. 49. [New York], 1907, etc. In progress. Bulletin of the Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor) [of the United States Government]. No. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Washington, 1895, etc. Imperfect ; wanting numbers 29, 55 and 60. 40 BULLETIN Bulletin of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. See 494. 343. Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Upsala, 1894, etc. In progress. 344. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80, New York, (Rochester), 1890, etc. * of the Geological Survey of Western Australia. See 345, Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. (Issued as a quarterly supple- ment to the Board of Trade Journal.) Vol. 1–2. - la. 80. London, 1903–4. 346. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Manchester, 1903, etc. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. See 590. Bulletin of the Lowell Observatory. See 725. *347. Bulletin of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. Vol. 5, etc. la. 80. New York, 1908, etc. In progress. Bulletin of the Mississippi State Geological Survey. See 842A. 348. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoëlogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge. Geological series. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Cambridge, Mass., 1880, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 181—230 and 243—330 of volume 1, pp. 13-42, 61–88, 139–158, and 185–226 of volume 2, the whole of volumes 3 and 4, and pp. 1–52 of volume 5. Bulletin of the Oklahoma. Geological Survey. See 986. 349. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. Vol. 1-10. Ia. 89, Washington, 1874–88. These volumes are published in volumes 20, 25 and 33 of the ‘Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections” (q. v. No. 1193). 349A. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society, University of Virginia. Scientific series. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Charlottesville, 1910, etc. In progress. - Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture. See 1329. 350. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Vol. 1–5. - 80. Washington, 1875–80. BULLETIN of THE UNITED STATES GEoLogical, SURVEY. No. 1, etc. If, progress. 80, Washington, 1884, etc. BULLETIN 41 35l. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Washington, 1875, etc. Imperfect: uanting numbers 17, 18, 20-24, 26-32, 34-41, and 43-49. Nos. 1-16 are published in volumes 13, 23 and 24 of the “ Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections” (q. v. No. 1193). Bulletin of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. See 1381. º Bulletin trimestriel de la Société de Borda. See 323. Bulletin universel des Sciences et de l'Industrie. See 335. 352. Bulletins du Comité géologique, St. Pétersbourg. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. la 89. [St. Pétersbourg], 1883, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-72 of volume 4, pp. 117 to the end of ſvolume 11, and pp. 1-58 of volume 12. Bulletins of the Kodaikanal Observatory. See 676. 353. Bullettino degli Annali dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza archeo- logica (Bulletin de l'Institut de Correspondance archéologique) per l'anno 1829 (-1884). 80. Roma, 1829-84. The “ Bullettino for the years 1854 and 1855 was published as a section of the “ Monumenti Annali e Bullettini pubblicati dall' Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica” (q. v. No. 873). 354. Bullettino della Commissione archeologica Comunale di Roma. Anno 23-31. sm. fol. Roma, 1895-1903. 354A. Bullettino della Società dantesca italiana. No. 1-14. la. 80. Firenze, 1890-93. [Continued as:] BULLETTINO DELLA SoCIETÀ DANTESCA ITALIANA. Rassegna critica degli studi danteschi, diretta da M. Barbi (E. G. Parodi). Nuova serie, vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Firenze, 1894, etc. In progress. 355. Bullettino di Paletnologia italiana. Anno 1, etc. » In progress. la. 8o. Parma, 1875, etc. 356. Bullettino meteorologico dell'osservatorio del Collegio Romano, con corrispondenza e bibliografia per l'avanzamento della fisica terrestre. Vol. 1-4. 40. Roma, 1862-65. 356A. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 4o. London, 1903, etc. Burrow's Diary. See 398. 357. The Cabinet. By a Society of Gentlemen. Vol. 1-8. - No more published. sm. 8o. Norwich, 1794-95. 42 CALIFORNIA 358, 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364, 365. 366. California State Mining Bureau. Annual Report of the State Mineralogist. (8th–13th Reports.) 80. Sacramento, 1888–96. The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. See 361. Cambridge Antiquarian Communications: being papers presented at the meetings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. 1880 (–1888). (Report presented to the . . . Society at its 41st–48th Annual Meeting, 1881–88.) Vol. 5–6. 80. Cambridge, 1886–91. [Continued as :] - PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE ANTIQUARIAN SoCIETY, with communi- cations made to the Society. 1888 (–1906). Vol. 7–11 (New series, vol. 1-5). 8°. Cambridge, 1893–1907. Cambridge Essays, contributed by Members of the University. 1855 (–1858). Vol. 1–4. 80. London, [1855–58]. No more published. The Cambridge Mathematical Journal. Vol. 1-4. - 80. Cambridge, [1839]–1845. [Continued as :) The CAMBRIDGE AND DUBLIN MATHEMATICAL Journal, Edited by W. Thomson (and N. M. Ferrers). Vol. 1–9. 89. Cambridge, 1846–54. For continuation see No. 1069. Volume 1 is second edition “with corrections and alterations by the authors’, published in 1846. Cambridge University Reporter. Vol. 32, etc. I? progress. 49. Cambridge, 1901, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1101–1140 of volume 32, pp. 1169 to the end of volume 33, pp. 825–860 and 1185–1192 of volume 34, and pp. 629–648 of volume 35. Camden Society. [Publications.] sm. 49. London, 1838, etc. I? progress. Imperfect: Several volumes are missing. After the Second series the Camden Society's publications were issued by the Royal Historical Society as “Camden Third Series’. - The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, and Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal. Vol. 8—New series, vol. 1. 80. Montreal, 1863–64. Canstatt's Jahresbericht. See 578. Cape Meridian Observations. See 1123. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Annual Report of the President and Treasurer. (1st, etc., Reports.) I? progress. 49. New York, 1906, etc. Carnegie Institution of Washington. (Publications. No. 4, etc.) In progress. la. 80 and 40. Washington, 1903, etc. CARNEGIE 43 367. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Year book. No. 3, etc. 1904, etc. la. 89. Washington, 1905, etc. In progress. dººr Memoirs of the Iron and Steel Institute. See H Carus' Anzeiger. See 144O. Carus' Jahresbericht. See 1441. 367A. Cassier's Magazine. Incorporating “The Electrical Magazine and Engineering Monthly'. Vol. 39, etc. la. 89. London, 1910, etc. I% progreSS. 368. The Celtic Review. Vol. 1–6. la. 89. Edinburgh, London, Dublin, 1904–9. Imperfect : wanting pp. 289 to the end of volume 3, pp. 1–96 of volume 5, and pp. 97 to the end ofvolume 6. Census of Great Britain. See 9A. *369. Centralblatt für Bacteriologie und Parasitenkunde . . . Heraus- gegeben von O. Uhlworm. Bd. 1–16. la. 80. Jena, 1887–94. CENTRALBLATT FÜR BAKTERIOLOGIE, PARASITENKUNDE UND INFEKTIoNs- KRANKHEITEN . . . Herausgegeben von O. Uhlworm. Erste Ab- teilung (Medizinisch-hygienische Bakteriologie und tierische Parasitenkunde). Bd. 28, etc. la. 89. Jena, 1900, etc. In ProgreSS. - *37O. Centralblatt für Chirurgie. Herausgegeben von L. von Lesser, M. Schede, H. Tillmanns. Jahrgang 6–20. 89. Leipzig, 1879–93. Centralblatt für die gesamte Medizin. See 1436. *371. Centralblatt für die medicinischen Wissenschaften. Jahrgang 7, etc. la. 80. Berlin, 1869, etc. In progreSS. 372. Centralblatt für Physiologie. Unter Mitwirkung der physiologi- schen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, herausgegeben von S. Exner und J. Gad. Bd. 1, etc. 80. Leipzig und Wien, 1887, etc. I% progress. From volume 19 (1905) omwards the “Centralblatt” contains the “Biblio- graphia Physiologica, herausgegeben vom Concilium Bibliographicum in Zürich unter Redaktion von H. Jordan. 3. Serie, Bd. 1, etc.” 373. The Chaucer Society. [Publications.] (No. 1, etc.) I% progreSS. 80 and obl. 89. London, 1868, etc. Imperfect : wanting numbers 48, 66–72, 82, and 89. 374. Chemical Abstracts. Published by the American Chemical Society. Vol. 1, etc. 89. Easton, Pa., 1907, etc. I% progreSS. 44 CHEMICAL 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385 The Chemical Gazette, or, journal of practical chemistry in all its applications of pharmacy, arts, and manufactures. Conducted by W. Francis and H. Croft. Vol. 1–17. 89. London, [1842–59]. After volume 17 the “Gazette’ was incorporated with ‘The Chemical News’ (Q. v. No. 376). - The Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science. With which is incorporated the ‘Chemical Gazette’. A journal of practical chemistry in all its applications to pharmacy, arts, and manufactures. Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. 43, etc. 40. London, 1881, etc. In progress. Chemische Annalen für die Freunde der Naturlehre, Arzney- gelahrtheit, Haushaltungskunst und Manufacturen. See 412. Chemisches Central-Blatt. Wollständiges Repertorium für alle Zweige der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Herausgegeben von der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 68 (5. Folge, 1. Jahrgang), etc. la. 80. Berlin, 1897, etc. In progress. - China. Imperial Maritime Customs . . . Customs Gazette. No. 80, etc. 49. Shanghai, 1889, etc. In progress. China. Imperial Maritime Customs . . . Returns of Trade . . . and Trade Reports for the year 1884, etc. In progress. 49. Shanghai, 1885, etc. La Chronique de France. Publiée sous la direction de P. de Cou- bertin. Année 2–5. 129. [Paris], 1901–4. Chronique de Paris. 24 oct. 1792 (–19 fev. 1793). fol. [Paris, 1792–93. The Chronological Register. See 531. The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. Vol. 1–21. 49. London, 1837–58. Clarendon's Parliamentary Chronicle. See 1180. The Classical Journal. Vol. 1–40. 80. London, 1810–29. No more published. - The Classical Museum, a journal of philology, and of ancient history and literature. Vol. 1–7. 89. London, 1844–50. No more published. The Classical Quarterly. See 385. The Classical Review. Vol. 1–20. la. 80. London, 1887–1906. [Continued as :] I. The CLASSICAL REVIEw. (The official organ of the Classical Association.) Vol. 21, etc. la. 89. Tondon, 1907, etc. In progress. CLEBSCH 45 II. The CLASSICAL QUARTERLY. (The official organ of the Classical Association.) Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. London, 1907, etc. In progress. Clebsch and Neumann's Annalen. See 753. *386. The Clinical Journal. A weekly record of clinical medicine and surgery, with their special branches. Vol. 1, etc. In progreSS. 49. London, 1892, etc. Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates. See 387. 387. Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. From the Norman Conquest in 1066 to the year 1803. From which last-mentioned epoch it is continued downwards in the work entitled, ‘Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates’. 36 vol. la. 80. London, 1806–20. CoBBETT's PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES. (1803–12.) Vol. 1–22. la. 80. London, 1804–12. [Continued as :] The PARLIAMENTARY DEBATEs. Published under the superintendence of T. C. Hansard. (1812–29.) Vol. 23—New series, vol. 20. la. 89. London, 1812–29. [Continued as :] HANSARD's PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES. (1829–August, 1867.) New series, vol. 21—Third series, vol. 189. la. 80. London, 1829–67. Imperfect: wanting volume 76 of the third series. - The PARLIAMENTARY DEBATEs. Authorised edition. Fourth series, vol. 98–199. la. 80. London, 1901–8. Imperfect: wahting volumes 141–148. 388. The Coelestial Atlas; or, a new ephemeris for the year . . . 1806 (–1839) . . . By R. White. [No. 57–90.] 80. London, [1805–38]. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1820 and 1824–1838. Collected Papers from the Physiological Laboratory, King's College, London. See 674. 388A. Collected Papers from the Science Laboratories of the University of Melbourne. 1906, etc. Vol. 1, etc. 89. [Melbourne, 1910, etc.] In progress. - - Collected Papers of the Physiological Laboratory, University College, London. See 974. - Collected Researches of the National Physical Ilaboratory. See 884. 888B. Collected Studies from the Research Laboratory, Department of BIealth, City of New York. Vol. 4, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 89). [New York], 1908, etc. 46 COLLECTION 389. 390. 391. 391A. 392. Collection académique. See 1088. A Collection of the Public General Statutes. See 1208. The Colliery Guardian, and journal of the coal and iron trades. Vol. 89, etc. fol. Tuondon, 1905, etc. I? progress. Colorado College Studies. Vol. 5–10. 80. Colorado Springs, 1894–1903. Imperfect: wanting volume 7. Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropoli- tanae . . . 1726 (–1746). Tom. 1–14. 40. Petropoli, 1728–51. [Continued as: Novi CoMMENTARIIACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUMIMPERIALISE’ETROPOLITANAE. 1747 (–1775). Tom. 1–20. 49. Petropoli, 1750–76. [Continued as: ACTA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANAE pro anno 1777 (–1782). Vol. 1–12. 40. Petropoli, 1778–86. [Continued as:] Nova ACTA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANAE. Praecedit historia ejusdem Academiae ad annum 1783 (–1802). Tom. 1–15. 49. Petropoli, 1787–1806. [Continued as: - MáMoIRES DE L’ACADáMIE IMPáRIALE DES SCIENCES DE ST. PáTERS- Bourg. Avec l’Histoire de l'Académie pour les années 1803 (–1822). Tom. 1–11. 49. St. Pétersbourg, 1809–30. [Continued as: MáMoIRES DE L'ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES DE ST. PáTERS- Bourg. 6° Série. Sciences mathématiques, physiques et naturelles. Tom. 1–8. 49. St. Pétersbourg, 1831–57. Volumes 3–8 are divided into two sections: ‘Sciences mathématiques et physiques,’ and ‘Sciences naturelles’. These volumes are also numbered volumes 1–6 of the subdivision. Imperfect: wanting the first part of wolumes 5, 6, and 7, and the second part of volume 8. 69 Série. Sciences politiques, histoire et philologie. Tom. 1-9. 49. St. Pétersbourg, 1832–59. Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina gestis. Vol. 1–29. 80. Lipsiae, 1752–87. Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. 1751 (–1754). Tom. 1-4. 40. Gottingae, 1752 [–1755]. Novi CoMMENTARII SocIETATIS REGIAE SCIENTIARUM GoTTINGENSIs. 1769 (–1777). Tom. 1–8. 49. Gottingae et Gothae, 1771–78. COMMENTATIONES - 47 393. 394. 395. 396. 397, 398. [Continued as :) CoMMENTATIONES SoCIETATIS REGIAE SCIENTIARUM GoTTINGENSIS. 1778 (–1808). Vol. 1–16. 49. Gottingae, 1779–1808. [Continued as:] 4- CoMMENTATIONES SoCIETATIS REGIAE ScIENTIARUM GoTTINGENSIs RECEN- TIOREs. 1808 (–1837). Vol. 1–8. 49. Gottingae, 1811–41. [Continued as: ABHANDLUNGEN DER KöNIGLICHEN GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu GöTTINGEN. 1838, etc. Bd. 1–3. 49. Gottingae, 1843–47. Commentationes Latinae Tertiae Classis Instituti Regii Belgici. Vol. 1–6. 49. Amstelod[ami], 1818–36. No more published. - * Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. €62 tº Commercium Litterarium ad rei medicae et scientiae naturalis incrementum institutum, quo quicquid novissime observatum, agitatum, Scriptum vel peractum est, succincte dilucideque exponitur. Anni 1731 (–1745). [Vol. 1-15.] 49. Norimbergae, [1731–45]. No more published. Commons' Journals. See 670. Communicaçães da Commissão dos Trabalhos geologicos de Por- tugal. Tom. 1, etc. la. 80. Lisboa, 1883, etc. In progress. - - Communications from the Laboratory of Physics at the University of Ileiden, by H. K. Onnes. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Leiden, 1885, etc. Imperfect : wanting number 19. Communications to the Monthly Meetings of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. 1871 (–1873). la. 80. London, York, [1872–74]. [Continued as :] ANNUAL REPORT of THE . . . YoRKSHIRE PHILOSOPHICAL SoCIETY (and Communications) for 1874, etc. la. 89. York, 1875, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting the Reports for 1878–1880, and 1885. Companion to the Gentleman's Diary. See 490 A Companion to the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Diary (the Ladies’ Diary) for the year 1776 (–1782): containing aenigmas, rebusses, mathematical essays, questions and solutions, &c. By Reuben Burrow. [No. 1–7. 129. London, [1775–81]. The ‘Companion' consists of the pages of the ‘Diary’ containing the answers to queries, rebusses, etc., new enigmas, answers to mathematical 48 COMPANION 399. 400. 40l. 402. 403. 4O4. 405. 406. 407. questions, mathematical eSSays, problemS and solutions, etc. The pagi- nation (except in the numbers for 1780 and 1781) is the same as in the * Diary'. Only the numbers for1779-1781 have title-pages. Pages 47-49 of the number for 1778 are supplied in manuscript. The Companion to the Newspaper ; and journal of facts in politics, statistics, and public economy. 1833 (-1834). [Vol. 1-2.] fol. London, 1833-34. Companion to the Observatory. See 929. Compte rendu des Séances de la Société de Géographie et de la Commission centrale. Année 1894 (-1899). 8o. Paris, 1894-99. Imperfect : avanting pp. 197-986 of 1895, pp. 149-184 of 1897, and pp. 207-954 of1899. After 1899 the * Compte rendu * was united with the * Bulletin de la Société de Géographie * and continued as * La Géographie ' (g. v. No. 324). Comptes rendus des Séances de la Société scientifique de Varsovie. See l2O4. Comptes rendus des Séances et Mémoires de la Société de Bio- logie. Année 1849 (-1852). Tom. 1-4. la. 89. Paris, 1850-53. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Tom. 1, etc. 4o. Paris, 1835, etc. In progress. The Congregational Magazine. New series [i.e. 2nd series], vol. 1 —New series [i.e. 3rd series], vol. 9. 8o. London, 1825-45. The Connoisseur. By Mr. Town, Critic and Censor-General. [Written chiefly by George Colman and Bonnell Thornton.] Third edition. 4 vol. 120. London, 1757. Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University. Vol. 1, etc. la. 8°. [Cambridge, Mass.], 1883, etc. In progreSS. Imperfect : wanting numbers 2, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 23-25, 27, 28, 30-34, 36, 37 and 44. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. See ll92. Correspondance astronomique, géographique, hydrographique et statistique du Baron de Zach. Vol. 1-15, no. 1. No more published. 80. Gênes, 1818-26. Correspondance de l'Observatoire de Bruxelles. See 4O7. Correspondance mathématique et physique, publiée par MM. Garnier . . .. et Quételet. Tom 1-11. 8°. Gand, Bruxelles, [1825]-1839. No more published. The title of volumes 7 and 8 is * Correspondance . . .. de l'Observatoire de Bruxelles '. Volume 1 is second edition, published at Brussels in 1828. - CORRESPONDANCE 49. 408. 4O9. 410. 411. *412. 412A. 413. 414. 415. Correspondance sur l’École impériale polytechnique, à l'usage des élèves de cette école, par M. Hachette. Tom. 1–3. 80. Paris, 1804–16. The Cottage Gardener, country gentleman’s companion, and poultry chronicle. Vol. 21–25. 49. London, 1859–61. [Continued as :] The Journal, OF HORTICULTURE, cottage gardener, and country gentleman. Vol. 26–46. - 49. London, 1861–71. Le Courier de Versailles à Paris, et de Paris a Versailles. No. 1–20. 89. [Paris], 1789. Cours familier de Littérature. Un entretien par mois. Par M. A. de Lamartine. Tom. 1–26. la. 80. Paris, 1856–68. No more published. The Court and City Register. See 1149. Crelle's Journal. See 609. Crell’s Chemical Journal: giving an account of the latest discoveries in chemistry, with extracts from various foreign transactions: translated from the German, with occasional additions. Vol. 1–3. - 80. London, 1791–93. This journal is a translation of the ‘Chemische Annalen für die Freunde der Naturlehre, Arzneygelahrtheit, Haushaltungskunst, whd Manufac- twren, von L. Crell’. The Crisis, or the change from error and misery, to truth and happiness . . . Edited by R. Owen and R. D. Owen. Vol. (1)–4. No more published. 40. London, (1832)–1834. IFrom number 16 of volume 2 onwards the title is : “The Crisis, and National Co-operative Trades Union, and Equitable Labour Eachange Gaëette.” - The Critical Review ; or, annals of literature. By a Society of Gentlemen. [Edited by T. Smollett.] Wol. 1–Series 4, vol. 4. . . - 80. London, 1756–1813. La Critique philosophique. Publiée Sous la direction de M. Renouvier. Nouvelle série. Année 1–5. la. 80. Paris, 1885–89. Cunningham Memoirs. See 1155A. Customs Gazette, China. See 378. Y Cymmrodor. Embodying the transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion of London. Vol. 8–7. - 80. “London, 1884–86. Imperfect: wanting pp. 163 to the end of volume 4, and the whole of wolwºme 6. - E 50 DANTE [Continued as: Y CYMMRoDoR. The magazine of the Honourable Society of Cymm- rodorion. Vol. 8–18. 80. London, 1887–1905. Tmperfect: wanting pp. 113 to the end of volume 10, and pp. 103 to the end of volume 11, the whole of volume 12, and volumes 14–17. 415A. The Dante Society Lectures. Vol. 1, etc. I% ProgreSS. sm. 89. London (1904, etc.). The Ä- and Proceedings of the British House of Commons. See Ed Delitzsch and Haupt’s Beiträge. See 243. AeArtov 'EMAmvukms 'AANm Aoypabtas. See 315. - Denkmäler, Forschungen und Berichte als Fortsetzung der Archäologischen Zeitung. See 17O. 416. Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. fol. and 49. Wien, 1850, etc. Imperfect: wanting volumes 57-70, 72–74 and 77. 417. Denkschriften der königlichen Academie der Wissenschaften zu München für die Jahre 1814 und 1815. Bd. 5. 49. München, 1817. 418. Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. (und 19.) Jahrhunderts. No. 1, etc. sm. 89. Stuttgart, (Berlin), 1881, etc. L7 progress. Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. See 1416. 419. Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters. Herausgegeben von der königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Berlin, 1904, etc. *42O. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für öffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Bd. 1–7. la. 89. Braunschweig, 1869–75. Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie. See 183. 421. Diaria Britannica; or, the British diary. Being an almanack for the year . . . 1788 (–1796) . . . Containing a variety of useful and entertaining matter in arts and Sciences . . . (By J. Cotes and G. Taylor.) Being the first (–ninth) almanack published of this kind. d sm. 89. Birmingham, [1787-95]. The Diarian Miscellany. See 68O. The Diarian Repository. See 68O. The Diary Companion. See 680. Drapers’ Company Research Memoirs, University College, London. See 1334. Drude's Annalen. See 64. DUBLIN 51 *422. The Dublin Hospital Reports and communications in medicine and surgery. Vol. 1–3. 80. Dublin, 1817–22. *423. The Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science, etc. 424. 425. 426. 4:27. 428. 429. 430, 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. Vol. 1–10. 80. Dublin, 1832–36. The Dublin Penny Journal, 1832–3 (–1834–5). [Vol. 1–3.] 49. Dublin, 1832–35. The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science: containing papers read before the Royal Dublin Society; the Royal Irish Academy; the Geological Society of Dublin; and the Natural History Society of Dublin. Edited by S. Haughton. Vol. 1–6. - 80. Dublin, 1861–66. Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv. See 183. * E. J. W. Gibb Memorial’ Series. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Leyden and London, 1905, etc. The Early English Text Society. [Publications.] Original Series. Vol. 1, etc. 89. London, 1864, etc. In progress. Extra Series. Vol. 1, etc. 89. London, 1867, etc. In progress. The Eclectic Review. Vol. 1–New Series [i.e. the fourth series], vol. 9. 80. London, 1805–41. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. Recueil périodique de la Société géologique suisse. Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen geologischen . Gesellschaft. Tom. 1-5. a 80. Lausanne, 1888–98. Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes. Laboratoire d'Histologie annexé à la chaire de Médecine du Collège de France . . . Travaux ... de l'année 1874 (–1885). º la. 80. Paris, 1874–85. Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes. Physiologie expérimentale. Travaux du Laboratoire de M. Marey. Année 1875 (–1879). Tom. 1–4. la. 80. Paris, 1876–80. The Economic Journal. The Journal of the British Economic Association (afterwards the Royal Economic Society). Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1891, etc. The Economic Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Dublin, 1899, etc. The Economic Review. Published quarterly for the Oxford Univer- sity Branch of the Christian Social Union. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1891, etc. The Edinburgh Academic Annual for 1840. Consisting of Contri- butions in literature and science. By Alumni of the University of Edinburgh. 120. Edinburgh, 1840. E 2 52 EDINBURGH 436. The Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science. Under the direction of W. Ainsworth and H. H. Cheek. Vol. 1. ; 80. Edinburgh, 1830. *437. The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal: exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine, Surgery, and pharmacy. Vol. 1–34. 80. Edinburgh, 1805–30. 438. The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, chemistry, natural history, practical mechanics, geography, statistics, and the fine and useful arts. Conducted by Dr. Brewster and Professor Jameson. Vol. 1–13. 89. Edinburgh, 1819–25. 439. The Edinburgh Review, or, critical journal. Vol. 1–149. 80. Edinburgh, [1802]–1879. |Wolvºme 1 is third edition, volumes 2 and 3 are second edition. 440. Education: primary, secondary, and technical. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. sm. fol. London, 1903, etc. The Educational Times. Mathematical Questions . . . from the ‘Educational Times’. See 75l. 441. Egypt Exploration Fund. Archaeological Report. 1890–1, etc. In progress. 40. London, 1891, etc. 442. Egypt Exploration Fund. [Publications. No. 1, etc.] In progress. la. 40. London, 1885, etc. 448. The Electrical Engineer: a weekly journal of electrical engineering, with which is incorporated ‘Electric Light’. New series, vol. 1, etc. In progress. sm. fol. London, 1888, etc. t443A. The Electrical Engineer. A weekly review of theoretical and applied electricity. Vol. 9–14. sm. fol. New York, 1890–92. 444. The Electrician: a weekly illustrated journal of electrical science, industry and engineering. Vol. 20, etc. 49. London, 1887, etc. In progress. Engelmann's Archiv. See 183. 445. The Engineer. Vol. 48, etc. fol. London, 1879, etc. In progress. 446. Engineering : an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. 1-68. sm, fol. London, 1886–99. Imperfect: wanting volumes 13–18. {} 447. Englische Studien. (Organ für englische Philologie unter Mitberück- sichtigung des englischen Unterrichtes auf hôheren Schulen.) Herausgegeben von E. Kölbing. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Heilbronn, (Leipzig), 1877, etc. ENGLISH - 53 448. The English Catalogue of Books for 1908, etc. - In progress. la. 80. London, 1909, etc. 449. English Dialect Society. [Publications. No. 1–49.] 80. London, 1873–86. 450. The English Historical Review. Edited by M. Creighton. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1886, etc. 451. The English Review; or, an abstract of English and foreign litera- ture. For the year 1783 (–1794). Vol. 2–23. Imperfect : wanting volume 18. 80. London, 1783–94. 452. The Enquirer; or, literary, mathematical, and philosophical reposi- tory, conducted [Nos. 1–8] by W. Marrat and P. Thompson. [No. 9 by W. Marrat and J. Moore, Nos. 10–11 by W. Marrat.] Vol. 1–3. 120. London, 1811–13. No more published. 453. 'Edmºepts 'Apxalokoyukm. "Ekötöopewn into tºs év 'Aónvas 'Apxaoxoyukms . ‘Eralpwas treptobos Tpirm. 1883 (–1909). 40. śv 'Aónvals, 1884–1909. [Continued as:] 'Apxotoxoyukm 'Eºmpepts, etc. 1910, etc. 40. śv 'Affmvats, 1910, etc. In progress. 454. Epigraphia Indica and record of the Archaeological Survey of India. Vol. 1, etc. 40. Calcutta, 1888, etc. In progress. 455. Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte . . . Herausgegeben von F. Merkel und R. Bonnet. Anatomische Hefte. Bd. 1, etc. la. 80. Wiesbaden, 1892, etc. In progress. - 456. Ergebnisse der Physiologie . . . Herausgegeben von L. Asher und K. Spiro. Jahrgang 1, etc. la. 80. Wiesbaden, 1902, etc. In progress. Volumes 1–3 are divided into two sections : ‘Abteilung 1, Biochemie’; ‘Abteilung 2, Biophysik whd Psychophysik'. 456A. friu. The journal of the School of Irish Learning, Dublin. Edited by K. Meyer and J. Strachan. Vol. 1-4. - la. 80. Dublin, 1904–10. - With MS. notes and corrections by Dr. Whitley Stokes. 457. Erlanger Beiträge zur englischen Philologie (und vergleichenden Litteraturgeschichte). Herausgegeben von H. Varnhagen. Heft 1–16. 80. Erlangen und Leipzig, 1889–1904. 458, frtekezesek a myelvés szép tudományok köréböl. Kiadja a Magyar Tudományos. Akademia . . . Szerkeszti Gyulai P. Köt. 5–14. 80. Budapest, 1875–87. Imperfect: wanting numbers 3–5 of volume 9. - 54 ESPANOL 459. El Español. Por J. Blanco White. Tom. 1–7 pt. 4 (i. e. nos. 1–42, April 1810–Oct. 1818). 80. Londres, 1810–13. Imperfect: wanting number 9 (December 1810). 460. L’Esprit des Journaux, françois et étrangers. Par une Société de Gens-de-Lettres. Année 13, etc. 1784 (–1814). 120. Paris, (Bruxelles), [1784–1814]. No more published after 1814. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for Jan., Feb. and Oct. of 1784, all the volumes for the years 1785–1801, the volumes for April–Aug. 1803, May 1804, Sept. 1807, July 1810, May and Nov. 1812, and June–Dec. 1814. - The Essex Naturalist. See 1266. * Laboratory Lecture Series, University of London. See Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs, University of London. See 1838. +4.6l. The Eugenics Review. (Published by the Eugenics Education Society.) Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. London, 1909, etc. In progress. 462. Euphorion. Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte. Herausgegeben von A. Sauer. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Bamberg, (Leipzig und Wien), 1894, etc. 463. The European Magazine, and London Review: containing the literature, history, politics, arts, manners and amusements of the age . . . By the Philological Society of London. Vol. 7—New series, vol. 2. 80. London, 1785–1826. Imperfect: wanting volumes 9–19, 21, 22, 5.2, 53, 57, 58, 60 and 84. 464. Evening Amusements; or, the beauty of the heavens displayed. In which several striking appearances, to be observed on various even- ings in the heavens, during the year 1804 (–1822), are described . . . By W. Frend. [No. 1–19.] 120. London, 1803–22. 464A. The Everlasting Nation. An international monthly journal of history, biography, prophecy, literature, exegesis, and passing events relating to the Jewish people. Edited by A. A. Isaacs. Vol. 1–2. 80. London, 1889–90. 465. Experimental Farms [of the Government of Canada]. Reports. 1893 (–1902). [7th–16th Reports.] 80. Ottawa, 1894–1903. Fame's Palladium. See 951. 465A. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Herausgegeben von der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Bd. 1, etc. la. 40. Leipzig, (Berlin), 1880, etc. In progress. FENNIA 55 466. Fennia. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Finlande. (Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura.) Vol. 23, etc. In progress. la. 80. Helsingfors, 1905, etc. 467. Field Columbian Museum. Publications. (Field Museum of Natural History.) Anthropological Series. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Chicago, 1895, etc. Botanical Series. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Chicago, 1895, etc. In progress. Geological Series, Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Chicago, 1895, etc. In progress. Ornithological Series. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Chicago, 1896, etc. In progress. Report Series. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Chicago, 1895, etc. In progress. Zoological Series. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Chicago, 1895, etc. 468. Financial and Economical Annual of Japan. Issued by the Department of Finance. No. 3, etc. 49. Tokyo, 1903, etc. In progress. 469. The Fine Arts Quarterly Review. Vol. 1–3. - 80. London, 1863–65. - This is the whole of the first series. +470. Flora : oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung. Früher herausgegeben von der kgl. bayer, botanischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg. Neue Reihe. Jahrgang 47, etc. la. 89. Marburg, (Jena), 1889, etc. In progress. 470A. The Fly. [Issued by students of University College, London.] No. 1, etc. 49. [London], 1910, etc. In progress. 471. Folk-Lore. A quarterly review of myth, tradition, institution, and custom. (Being the transactions of the Folk-Lore Society.) Vol. - 1–19. - 80. London, 1890–1908. 472. Fondation Eugène Piot. Monuments et Mémoires. Publiés par l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, etc. Tom, 1, etc. In progress. la. 40, Paris, 1894, etc. The Fonetic Jurnal. See 968. - 473. The Foreign Quarterly Review. Vol. 1–37. 80. London, 1827–46. Imperfect : wanting volume 32. After volume 37 this journal was incorporated with the ‘Westminster Review” (q. v. No. 1379). 474. The Foreign Review, and continental miscellany. Vol. 1–5. 80, London, 1828–30. 56 FORENINGEN 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. Foreningen til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring. Aars- beretning for 1859 (–1871). 89. Christiania, 1860–72. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs Selskabet i Christiania, Aar 1885, etc. In progress. la. 89. Christiania, 1886, etc. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1898–1901. Fornmanna Sögur, eptir gömlum handritum titgefnar ad tilhlutun hins Norræna Fornfraeda Fèlags. Bind. 1–12. 89. Kaupmannahofn, 1825–37. Forschungen zur neueren Iitteraturgeschichte. Herausgegeben von F. Muncker. Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. München, (Berlin), 1896, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 5 and 6. The Fortnightly Review. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. London, 1865, etc. In progress. - Imperfect : wanting volumes 2–8.2 of the new series. Fortschritte der Botanik. See 1052. Die Fortschritte der kosmischen Physik. See 480. Die Fortschritte der Mathematik. See 565. Die Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre 1845 (1846, etc.). Darge- stellt von der physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. (1te Abthei- lung: Die Fortschritte der Physik der Materie. 2te Abtheilung: Die Fortschritte der Physik des Aethers. 3te Abtheilung : Die Fortschritte der Physik der Erde, [afterwards] Die Fortschritte der kosmischen Physik.) Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. 89. Berlin, (Braunschweig), 1847, etc. Die Fortschritte der Physik der Erde. See 480. After 1889 this section of the ‘Fortschritte der Physik” was continued as “Die Fortschritte der kosmischen Physik’. Die Fortschritte der Physik der Materie. See 480. Die Fortschritte der Physik des Aethers. See 480. The Free-holder; or, political essays. [By Joseph Addison.] 5th edition. - 120. London, 1732. Der Freimüthige, oder berlinische Zeitung für gebildete, unbefangene Leser. Jahrg. 1. 49. [Berlin], 1803. [Continued as :] - Der FREIMüTHIGE, UND ERNST UND SCHERz. Jahrg. 2–3. 40. Berlin, 1804–5. Imperfect: wanting numbers 87–103 (pp. 345-412) of Jahrg. 1 (1803). 483. The Future. Die Zukunft. Vol. 3–4, (July 1886–June 1887.) fol. London, 1886–87. GAELIC 57 484. The Gaelic Journal; exclusively devoted to the preservation and cultivation of the Irish language . . . Published by the Gaelic Union. Vol. 1–14. - 40. Dublin, 1882–1905. 485. Gann, Ergebnisse der Krebsforschung in Japan. Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. 89, Tokyo, 1907, etc. Gegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch. See 875. 486. General Report on Public Instruction, in the (Lower Provinces of the) Bengal Presidency, for 1842–3 (–1851–2). 89. Calcutta, 1843–53. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1843–4, 1844–5, and 1848–9. 487. Tevukm ouveheuous tow peºow tºs év 'A0mvats 'Apxatokoyukms ‘Eralpuas ovykpo- tnéetora tº 5’Iovvuov 1860 (–1870) 11 pt. 49. Šv 'A9"vals, 1860–70. The Gentleman and Lady's Diary and Palladium. See 951. The Gentleman and Lady's Palladium. See 951. - 488. The Gentleman's Diary; or, the mathematical repository: an alma- nack for the year of our Lord 1741 (–1840). . . The first (2nd—100th) almanack ever published of this kind. 129. London, 1741–1839]. After 1840 this diary was wnited with the ‘Ladies’ Diary’, and con- tinued as the ‘Lady's and Gentleman's Diary’ (q. v. No. 682). 489. The Gentleman's Magazine; or, Trader's monthly intelligencer . . . By Sylvanus Urban. Vol. 1–5. 89. London, 1732–35. [Continued as :] The GENTLEMAN's MAGAZINE: AND HISTORICAL CHRONICLE, etc. Vol. 6–93. 80. London, 1736–1823. 490. The Gentleman's Mathematical Companion for the year 1798 (–1827). [No. 1–30.] 120. London, [1797–1826]. No more published. Number 1 is of the second edition published in 1809, the original edition having been published in 1797 wºnder the title of ‘Companion to the Gentleman’s Diary’. 491. The Geographical Journal: including the proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. Vol. 9, etc. In progress. - la. 80. London, 1897, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 121–248, 353-472 and 589 to the end of volume 9, pp. 1–212 and 465-580 of volume 11, pp. 1–104 and 337– 464 of volume 13, pp. 1–1.28 and 473 to the end of volume 14, pp. 1–96 and 205 to the end of volume 15, pp. 333 to the end of volume 17, and pp. 1–352 of volume 18. 492. The Geographical Magazine. Edited by C. R. Markham. Vol. 1–5. - 49. London, 1874–78. 58 GEOGRAPHICAL 493. 494. 495. 496, 497. 498. 499. 5OO. 5O1. The Geographical Teacher. The organ of the Geographical Asso- ciation. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. London, 1901, etc. In progress. La Géographie. See 324. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Annual Report. See 498. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Annual Report, for the year 1872 (–1898). (The 1st–24th and final Reports.) la. 89. Minneapolis, (St. Paul), [1873]–1899. The 1st report is second edition published in 1884. Imperfect : wanting the 3rd–6th (1874–77), the 8th (1879) and the 9th (1880) reports. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Bulletin. No. 1–10. la. 80. St. Paul, (Minneapolis), 1889–93. Imperfect : wanting numbers 6, 7, and 9. The Geological Magazine, or, monthly journal of geology: with which is incorporated ‘The Geologist'. Edited by T. R. Jones. Vol. 1, etc. 89. London, 1864, etc. In progress. - The Geological Record for 1874 [Vol. 1] (–1884). An account of works on geology, mineralogy, and palaeontology published during the year. Edited by W. Whitaker. 80. London, 1875–89. Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for the year 1853 (–1884). la. 89. Toronto, (Montreal), 1857–85. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1858—1871–2 and 1873–4. [Continued as :] GEologICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY of CANADA. ANNUAL REPORT. New Series, vol. 1–16. la. 80. Montreal, (Ottawa), 1886–1906. No more published. After volume 16 each report is issued as a separate publication. - Geological Survey of New Jersey. Annual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1901, etc. In progress. 89. Trenton, N. J., 1902, etc. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar. Bd. 5, etc. In progress. 80. Stockholm, 1880, etc. The Geologist : a popular monthly magazine of geology. Edited by S. J. Mackie. . [Vol. 1–4.] 80. London, 1858–61. In 1864 “The Geologist’ was incorporated with ‘The Geological Magazine' (q. v. No. 496). . Gergonne's Annales. See 80. GERMANIA 59 502. 503. 504. 505, 506. º 5O7. 508. 509. 510. 5ll. 512. 518. Germania. Vierteljahrsschrift für deutsche Alterthumskunde. Herausgegeben von F. Pfeiffer. Jahrgang 1-37. (Neue Reihe, Bd. 25.) 8o. Stuttgart, (Wien), 1856-92. No more published. » GERMANISTIsoHE STUDIEN. Supplement zur “ Germania”. Bd. 1-2. 8o. Wien, 1872-75. Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift . . . Herausgegeben von H. Schröder. Jahrgang 1, etc. 89. Heidelberg, 1909, etc. In progreSS. Germanistische Abhandlungen. Herausgegeben von K. Weinhold. Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Breslau, 1882, etc. In progress. Germanistische Studien. See 502. Gibb Memorial Series. See 426. Giornale Dantesco. See 3l. Giornale de Letterati per l'anno 1742 [vol. 1] (-1759). Pubblicato col titolo di Novelle Letterarie Oltramontane. 40. Roma, 1742-60. Giornale di Matematiche . . . pubblicato per cura dei professori G. Battaglini, V. Janni e N. Trudi. Vol. 1-7. 4o. Napoli, 1863-69. The Glasgow Medical Journal. Edited . . . for the Glasgow and West of Scotland Medical Association. Vol. 63, etc. In progress. » 89. Glasgow, 1905, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-80 of volume 63, and pp. 161-240 of volume 64. Gleanings in Science. No. 1-14. 8o. Calcutta, 1829-30, Imperfect : wanting numbers 8, 9, and 13. - Godlee Observatory. Annual Report. (Municipal School of Technology, Manchester.) (1st, etc., Reports.) In progress. la. 8o. Manchester, 1905, etc. Goethe-Jahrbuch. (Mit dem ersten, etc., Jahresbericht der Goethe- Gesellschaft.) Herausgegeben von L. Geiger. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. 8o. Frankfurt a. M., 1880, etc. Göttinger Musenalmanack. See 876. Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen unter der Aufsicht der königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften . . . auf das Jahr 1790. 2 Bde. 12o. Göttingen, [1790]. Göttingisches historisches Magazin, von C. Meiners und L. T. Spittler. Bd. 1-8. - 8o. Hannover, 1787-91. Göttingisches Journal der Naturwissenschaften. Herausgegeben von J. F. Gmelin. Bd. 1, Heft 1-3. 8o. Göttingen, 1797-98. 60 GÖTTINGISCHES 514. 515. *516. 517. 518. 519. 519A. 52O. 521. Göttingisches Magazin der Wissenschaften und Litteratur. Jahrgang 1–3. 80. Göttingen, 1780–83. Grunert's Archiv. See 176. The Guardian. [By Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele, and others.] 2 vol. 129. London, [17–]. – [Another edition.] 2 vol. 80. London, 1789. Guy's Hospital Reports. Vol. 1, etc. 89. London, 1836, etc. I% progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 1, 2, 4–8, and 10 of the third series. The Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences . . . Edited by W. H. Ranking. Vol. 10–58. 120. London, 1850–73. No more published after volume 58. Imperfect : wanting volume 39. Hamburgisches Magazin, oder, gesammelte Schriften zum Unter- richt und Vergnügen aus der Naturforschung und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt. Bd. 1–26. 129. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1747–62. [Continued as : NEUEs HAMBURGISCHES MAGAZIN, oder, Fortsetzung gesammelter Schriften aus der Naturforschung, der allgemeinen Stadt- und Land- Oekonomie, und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt. Stück 1–114. 129. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1767–80. No more published. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. See 387. Harvard Psychological Studies. See 1O55. Haupt’s Zeitschrift. See 14O9. Heart. A journal for the study of the circulation. Edited by T. Lewis. Vol. 1, etc. 49. London, 1909, etc. In progreSS. The Hebrew Review; and magazine of rabbinical literature. Edited by M. J. Raphall. Vol. 1–3. 89. London, 1835–36. No more published. Henle's Bericht. See 1429. Henle's Zeitschrift. See 1429. Herapath's Railway Magazine. See 1078. Hermaea. Ausgewählte Arbeiten aus dem germanischen Seminar zu Halle. Herausgegeben von P. Strauch. Heft 1, etc. «- I% progreSS. la. 89. Halle, 1905, etc. Hermes. Zeitschrift für classische Philologie . . . Herausgegeben von E. Hübner. Bd. 1, etc. 80. Berlin, 1866, etc. In progress. º. Herrig's Archiv. See 180. HERTHA. 61 522. Hertha, Zeitschrift für Erd-, Völker- und Staatenkunde. Besorgt von H. Berghaus und K. F. W. Hoffmann. Bd. 1. 89. Stuttgart und Tübingen, 1825. 523. The Hibbert Journal. A quarterly review of religion, theology, and philosophy. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. London, 1902, etc. In progreSS. 524. Histoire de l'Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, depuis son establissement jusqu'a présent. Avec les Mémoires de Littérature tirez des registres de cette Académie, depuis son renou- vellement jusqu’en (1733). Tom. 1–9. 40. Paris, 1717–36. [Continued as :] MÉMOIRES DE LITTÉRATURE, tirez des registres de l'Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Depuis l’année 1731 (–1793). Tom. 10–49. • 49. Paris, 1736–1808. HISTOIRE ET MEMOIRES DE L’INSTITUT Royal, DE FRANCE, CLASSE D’HIS- ToIRE ET DE LITTÉRATURE ANCIENNE. Tom. 1–4. 49. Paris, 1815–18. [Continued as :] - HISTOIRE ET MéMoIRES DE L’INSTITUT Royal, DE FRANCE, ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTREs. Tom. 5–9. 49. Paris, 1821–31. [Continued as :] MäMOIRES DE L’INSTITUT ROYAL DE FRANCE. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Tom. 10–28. 49. Paris, 1833–74. Imperfect : wanting part 1 of volume 25, part 1 of volume 27, and part 2 of volume 28. MäMOIREs PRESENTÉS PAR DIVERS SAVANTS A L’ACADEMIE ROYALE DES INSCRIPTIONs ET BELLES-LETTREs de l’Institut de France. 19 série. Sujets divers d'Érudition. Tom, 1–8. 49. Paris, 1844–69. —— 29 Série. Antiquités de la France. Tom. 1–5. 40. Paris, 1843–65. Imperfect ; wanting volume 3. HISTOIRE DE L’ACADíMIE ROYALE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES, depuis Son établissement jusqu’à (1730). Tom. 1–4. 129. La Haye, (Amsterdam), 1718–36. MÉMOIRES DE LITTÉRATURE, tirés des registres de l’Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, depuis son renouvellement jusqu’en (1730). Tom. 1–12. 129. La Haye, (Amsterdam), 1719–36. 525. Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences. Tom. 2. Depuis 1686, jusqu’à son renouvellement en 1699. 49. Paris, 1733. 62 HISTOIRE [Continued as :] MÉMoIRES DE L'ACADÉMIE RoYALE DES SCIENCEs, depuis 1666 jusqu'à 1699. Tom. 3-11. 4o. Paris, 1729-34. HISToIRE DE L'ACADÉMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES. Avec les Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique. Année 1699 (-1763). 4°. Paris, [1702]-1766. The volumes for 1699-1704 are 9md edition. The * Académie royale des Sciences ' was suppressed in 1793, and was afterwards reorganised as a branch of the * Institut national', under the name of * Classe des Sciences mathématiques et physiques ' ; and its transactions were continued as : MÉMOIRES DE L'INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCEs ET ARTs . .. Sciences mathématiques et physiques. (1796-1815.) Tom. 1-14. 4°. Paris, an vi, [1798]-1818. [Continued as :] MÉMoIREs DE L'ACADÉMIE RoYALE DES SCIENCES DE L'INSTITUT DE FRANCE. Année 1816, etc. Tom. 1, etc. 4°. Paris, 1818, etc. In progress. HISToIRE DE L'ACADÉMIE RoYALE DES SCIENCES. Années 1699 (-1743). Avec les Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique, etc. 67 tom. - 12°. Amsterdam, [1702]-1749. The volumes for1699-1708 are second edition published in 1734-46. The title-page for 1703 has been replaced by that of the * Mémoires’ for 1693. The PHILosoPHICAL HISTORY AND MEMoIRs oF THE RoYAL ACADEMY oF SCIENCES AT PARIs ; or, an abridgment of all the papers relating to natural philosophy, which have been published . . .. from the year 1699 to 1720 . . .. translated and abridged by J. Martyn and E. Chambers. 5 vol. 8°. London, 1742. MÉMoIREs DE MATHÉMATIQUE ET DE PHYSIQUE, PRÉSENTÉS À L'ACADÉMIE RoYALE DEs SCIENCEs, par divers sçavans, et lûs dans ses assemblées. Tom. 1-11. - 4°. Paris, 1750-86. No more published. - MÉMoIRES PRÉSENTÉS À L'INSTITUT DES SCIENCES, LETTRES ET ARTs, par divers savans, et lus dans ses assemblées. Sciences mathématiques et physiques. Tom. 1-2. 4o. Paris, an xiv, (1805)-[1811]. [Continued as :] MÉMOIRES PRÉSENTÉS PAR DIvERs sAvANs À L'ACADÉMIE RoYALE DES SCIENCEs DE L'INSTITUT DE FRANCE . .. Sciences mathématiques et physiques. Tom. 1, etc. 4o. Paris, 1827, etc. In progress. MÉMoIREs DE L'INSTITUT NATIoNAL DEs SCIENCEs ET ARTs .. .. Littéra- ture et Beaux-Arts. Tom. 1-2. 4°. Paris, an vi-vii, [1798-99]. Sciences Morales et Politiques. Tom. 1-2. 4°. Paris, an vi-vii, [1798-99]. HISTOIRE 63 526. Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences et des Belles-Lettres de Berlin. Année 1745 (–1769). Avec les Mémoires . . . tirez des Registres de cette Académie. [Tom. 1–25.] 49. Berlin, 1746—71. [Continued as :] NouvBAUx MEMOIRES DE L’ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES ET BELLES- LETTREs. Année 1770 (–1786). Avec l’Histoire, etc. [Tom. 1–17.] 49. Berlin, 1772–88. [Continued as :] MÉMOIRES DE L'ACADEMIE Roy ALE DES SCIENCES ET BELLEs-LETTREs. . . Août 1786 (–1804). Avec l’histoire. [Tom. 1-13.] 49. Berlin, 1792–1807. [Continued as :] ABHANDLUNGEN DER KöNIGLICHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN IN BERLIN . . . Nebst der Geschichte der Akademie. Aus den Jahren 1804 (–1844). 40. Berlin, 1815–46. — 1887. 49. Berlin, 1888. Mathematische Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Jahre 1845 (–1894). 49. Berlin, 1847–94. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1852, 1853, 1862, 1864, 1870, 1872, 1879, 1881, 1884–87, and 1889–91. 527. Histoire des Ouvrages des Sgavans; par Mons. B “* * *[H. Basnage de Beauval] . . . Mois de Septembre 1687 (–Juin 1709). Tom. 1–24. 120. Rotterdam, 1687–1709. No more published. No volume was published for the year 1707. Histoire et Mémoires de l’Institut royal de France. See 524. 528. Historia Sapientiae et Stultitiae, collecta a C. Thomasio. Tom. 1–2. sm. 89. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1698. 529. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Proceedings and Papers. Session 1 (–6). 80. Liverpool, 1849–54. [Continued as :] - TRANSACTIONs of THE HISTORIC SoCIETY of LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE, Vol. 7–30 (Third series, vol. 6). 80. London, (Liverpool), 1855–78. Imperfect: wanting volumes 8, 10, 23 (N.S. vol. 11), 24 (N. S. vol. 12), 25 (Third ser, vol. 1), and 26 (Third Ser. vol. 2). 580. Historical Manuscripts Commission. [Reports. Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. fol. (la. 80). London, 1870, etc. 531. The Historical Register, containing an impartial relation of all transactions foreign and domestic. Published at the expence of the Sun Fire-Office. (Chronological Register for the year 1717–88.) Vol. 1–23. 80. London, 1717–1739]. No more published. 64 HISTORISCHE The HISTORICAL REGISTER (continued)— The Historical Register, containing an impartial relation of all the transactions that happen'd from July, 1714, to January, 1716, being the first 17 months of the reign of George I. 2 vol. 80. London, 1724. This volume was published after the commencement of the ‘Historical Register’ in order to complete the work from the first year of the reign of George I. 532. Historische en Letterkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Deel 1–2. 49. Haarlem, 1851–53. 533. Historische Studien aus dem pharmakologischen Institut der kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat. Herausgegeben von R. Kobert. Bd. 1–4. la. 80. Halle a. S., 1889–94. 534. Historische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von H. von Sybel. Bd. 29, etc. 89. München, 1873, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 48 and 91. - 584A. Historisches Taschenbuch . . . Herausgegeben von F. von Raumer. Jahrgang 1–Neue Folge, Jahrgang 10. 129. Leipzig, 1830–49. 535. The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons (House of Lords) from the Restoration (in 1660) to the present time (1742), etc. 22 vol. 89. London, 1742–44. FContinued as :] The DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH Hous E of Commons, etc. 1743 (–1774). 11 vol. 89. London, 1766–75. [Continued as: The PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER ; or, history of the proceedings and debates of the House of Commons (and House of Lords). (1774–1801.) 76 vol. 80. London, 1775–1801. 536. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club. (Proceedings of the Club.) 1856 (–1904). Vol. [4]-19. 80. Alnwick, 1863–1907]. Imperfect : wanting pp. 233 to the end of volume 19. Hofmeister's Beiträge. See 244. 537. The Home and Foreign Review. Vol. 1–4, 89, London, 1862–64. The Home Counties Magazine. See 824A. - Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie. See 1427. IIourly Readings at the Four Observatories in connection with the Meteorological Office. See 308. 537A. House of Lords Manuscripts. New series, vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1900, etc. HOUSEHOLD 65 588. Household words. A weekly journal. Conducted by Charles Dickens. Vol. 6—19. 80. London, 1853–59. No more published after volume 19. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–25 of wolwºme 6. The Household Year-book. See 30l. 589. Human Nature: a monthly record of zoistic science and intelligence, embodying physiology, phrenology, psychology, spiritualism, philosophy, the laws of health, and sociology. Vol. 1–6. 89. London, 1867–72. 589A. The Ibis, a quarterly journal of ornithology. Ninth series, vol. 2–4. 80. London, 1908–10. Iherings Jahrbücher. See 571. 540. The Illuminating Engineer. The journal of scientific illumination. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. London, 1908, etc. In progress. 541. The Illustrated Magazine of Art : containing selections from the various departments of painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. Vol. 1–3. 49. London, 1853–54. 542, L'Illustration horticole. Journal spécial des serres et des jardins. . . Rédigé par C. Lemaire. Tom. 6–15. la. 80. Gand, 1859–68. tê48. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Entomologie. Organ der “Allgemeinen entomologischen Gesellschaft”. Internationales Organ für die Interessen der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologie wie der Insekten-Biologie. Bd. 5–9. la. 89. Neudamm, 1900–4. [Continued as :] . ZEITSCHRIFT FüR wissENSCHAFTLICHE INSEKTENBIologIE . . . Der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologie wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet. Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Husum, 1905, etc. In progress. *544. Index Medicus. A monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the World. Compiled under the supervision of J. S. Billings and R. Fletcher. Vol. 1–14. 49. New York, (Boston), 1879–92. — Second series, vol. 5, etc. 49. Washington, 1907, etc. In progress. 545. The Indian Antiquary, a journal of Oriental research in archaeology, history, literature, languages, folklore, &c. Edited by J. Burgess. Vol. 1-11. 40. Bombay, 1872—82. 545A, Indiana University Studies. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Bloomington, 1910, etc. 66 INDOGERMANISCHE 546. 547. 548. 549. *550. 55l. Indogermanische Forschungen. Zeitschrift für indogermanische Sprach- und Altertumskunde. Herausgegeben von K. Brugmann und W. Streitberg. Bd. 1–24. 89. Strassburg, 1892–1909. Imperfect: wanting pp. 189 to the end of volume 24. Institute of Marine Engineers. Transactions.] Vol. 3, etc. In progress. 89. [London, 1891, etc.] Institute of Physiology, University College, London. Collected Papers. See 974. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. 1847, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] 89. Birmingham, (London), 1849, etc. In progress. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Published for the International Council by the Royal Society of London. First (second, etc.) annual issue. 1901, etc. 89. London, 1902, etc. In progress. *ºnal Journal of Anatomy and Histology (Physiology). See * The International Journal of the Medical Sciences. New series, vol. 93–101. la. 89. London, 1887–91. Internationale Monatsschrift für Anatomie und. Histologie. Bd. 1. la. 89. Berlin, Paris, London, 1884. [Continued as :] MoNTHLY INTERNATIONAL Journal OF ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY. 552. 553. 554. 555. Vol. 2–3. la. 80. Leipzig, Paris, London, 1885–86. [Continued as :] MonTELY INTERNATIONAL Journal of ANATOMY AND PHYSIology. Vol. 4–16. la. 89. Leipzig, Paris, London, 1887–99. [Continued as:] INTERNATIONALE MonATssCHRIFT FüR ANATOMIE UND PHYSIologIE. Bd. 17, etc. la. 89. Leipzig, 1900, etc. In progress. Iowa Geological Survey. Vol. 1, etc. Annual Report for 1892, etc. In progress. 89. Des Moines, 1893, etc. Irish Text Society. [Publications.] Vol. 1-10. 80. London, 1899–1908. The Iron and Steel Institute, Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs. Vol. 1, etc. - 80. London, 1909, etc. In progress. From 1900 to 1908 the “Memoirs” were published as part of the ‘Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute' (q. v. No. 648). Islendinga sógur. 1–40. sm. 89, Reykjavik, 1891–1904. JAARBOEK 67 556. Jaarboek van de koninklijke Akademie van wetenschappen. Gevestigd te Amsterdam, 1857, etc. In progress. - la. 80. Amsterdam, [1858], etc. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1863, 1864, and 1882-1906. 557. Jaarboek van het koninklijk-nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en schoone Kunsten, 1848 (-1851). 89. Amsterdam, 1848-52. 558. Jahrbuch [Astronomisches] für 1836 (1837-41, 1843-44). Heraus- gegeben von H. C. Schumacher, etc. [Bd. 1-8.] 89. Stuttgart und Tübingen, 1836-44. No more published. No volume was published for the year 1842. 559. Jahrbuch der deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft. Bd. 1-4. k No more published. 80. Leipzig, 1867-77. 56O. Jahrbuch der Elektrochemie. Berichte über die Fortschritte des Jahres 1894 (-1902). Jahrgang 1-9. la. 80. Halle a. S., 1895-1904. [Continued as :] JAHRBUCH DER ELEKTROCHEMIE UND ANGEWANDTEN PHYSIKALISCHEN CHEMIE . . . Berichte über die Fortschritte des Jahres 1903, etc. Jahrgang 10, etc. la. 80. Halle a. S., 1905, etc. In progress. 56l. Jahrbuch der kaiserlich-königlichen geologischen Reichsanstalt. (Mineralogische Mittheilungen. Jahrgang 1871-1877.) Jahrgang 1, etc. la. 80. Wien, 1850, etc. In progress. - Imperfect : wanting pp, 665 to the end of volume 6 (1855), pp. 1-218 and 629 to the end of volume 7 (1857), pp. 173 to the end of volume 11 (1860), pp. 469 to the end of volume 18 (1868), pp. 341-464 of volume 19 (1869), pp. 1-146 and 283 to the end of volume 20 (1870), pp. 187-296 of volume 21 (1871), pp. 1-148 and 331 to the end of volume 22 (1872), pp. 1-316 of volume 23 (1873), pp. 131 to the end of volume 27 (1877), pp. 207-610 of volume 28 (1878), pp. 1-168 of volume 31 (1881), pp. 233- 384 of volume 34 (1884), pp. 729-744 of volume 35 (1885), pp. 571 to the end of volume 41 (1891), and pp. 1-182 of volume 44 (1894). J# des kaiserlich deutschen archäologischen Instituts. See e 562. Jahrbuch des Vereins für nieder deutsche Sprachforschung- Jahrgang 1875, etc. [Bd. 1, etc.] In progreSS. 89. Bremen, (Norden und Leipzig), 1876, etc. F 2 68 JAHRBUCH 568. Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. [Published by the Institut zur Förderung der israelitischen Literatur. Bd. 1–4. sm. 89. Leipzig, 1860–69. 564. Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege des deutschen Reichs. Herausgegeben von F. von Holtzendorff. Jahrgang 1–4. « 89. Leipzig, 1871–76. 565. Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik . . . herausgege- ben von C. Ohrtmann und F. Müller. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Berlin, 1871, etc. 566. Jahrbücher der Gewächskunde. Herausgegeben von K. Sprengel, A. H. Schrader und H. F. Link. Bd. 1, Heft 1–2. 89. Berlin und Leipzig, 1818–19. 567. Jahrbücher der kaiserlich-königlichen Central-Anstalt für Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. Jahrgang 1892, etc. Neue Folge, Bd. 29, etc. 49. Wien, 1894, etc. I% progress. 568. Jahrbücher der philosophisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Würzburg. Herausgegeben von J. B. Friedreich. Bd. 1, Heft 1–3. " 89. Würzburg, 1828. NEUE JAHRBÜCHER DER KÖNIGL. PHILosoPHIsCH-MEDICINIsCHEN GESELL- SCHAFT zu WÜRZBURG. Abtheilung für Natur- und Heilkunde. Heft 1. 80. Würzburg, 1830. 569. Jahrbücher des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. - Heft 6–9. 89. Wiesbaden, 1850–53. 570. Jahrbücher des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Heft 1–95. 80 (la. 80). Bonn, 1842–64. Imperfect : wanting parts 36–40. - [Continued as : BONNER JAHRBÜCHER. Jahrbücher des Vereins von Alterthums- freunden im Rheinlande. Heft 96–99. la. 89. Bonn, 1895–96. 571. Jahrbücher für die Dogmatik des heutigen römischen und deutschen Privatrechts. Bd. 1–31 (N. F., Bd. 19). 89. Jena, 1857–92. [Continued as :] IHERINGs JAHRBÜCHER FÜR DIE DoGMATIK DEs HEUTIGEN RÖMIsCHEN UND DEUTsCHEN PRIVATRECHTs. Bd. 32 (N. F., Bd. 20), etc. -- I% progress. 89. Jena, 1893, etc. 572. Jahrbücher für musikalische Wissenschaft. Herausgegeben von F. Chrysander. Bd. 2. 80. Leipzig, 1867. 573. Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik. Begründet von N. Pringsheim, herausgegeben von W. Pfeffer und E. Strasburger. Bd. 41, etc. la. 89. Leipzig, 1904, etc. In progress. - JAHRESBERICHT 69. Jahresbericht der Goethe-Gesellschaft. See 51O. »- 574. Jahres-Bericht der schlesischen Gesellschaft für vaterländische Culture. Enthält den Generalbericht über die Arbeiten und Veränderungen der Gesellschaft im Jahre 1872 (–1876). [50th–54th Reports. ] 80. Breslau, 1873–77. 575. Jahresbericht des physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt am Main. 1899–1900, etc. 89. Frankfurt am Main, 1901, etc. I% progress. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1903–4, 1904–5, 1905–6, 1906–7, a%d 1907–8. « Jahresbericht für germanische Philologie. See 576. 576. Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für deutsche Philologie in Berlin. Jahrgang 1, (1879), etc. In progress. 80. Berlin, 1880, etc. Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie. See 580. Fortgesetzt von L. Svanberg. See 579. "Ächt über die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. See ſ 577. Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthums- wissenschaft. Herausgegeben von C. Bursian. Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. 89. Berlin, (Leipzig), 1875, etc. Imperfect : wanting volume 66. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft erschienenen Bücher, Zeitschriften . . . Beiblatt zum Jahresbericht, etc. Jahr- gang 1, etc. 1874, etc. 89. Berlin, (Lipsiae), 1875, etc. In progress. - Biographisches Jahrbuch für Alterthumskunde. Jahrgang 1, etc. 1878, etc. 89. Berlin, (Leipzig), 1879, etc. I% progress. *578. Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der gesammten Medicin in allen Ländern. (Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte in der Biologie. Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte in der Heilkunde.) Herausgegeben von Dr. Canstatt und Dr. Eisenmann. Jahre 1848 (–1865). 40. Erlangen, (Würzburg), 1849–66. [Continued as :] JAHRESBERICHT ÜBER DIE LEISTUNGEN UND FoRTsCHRITTE IN DER GESAMMTEN MEDICIN . . . Herausgegeben von R. Virchow und A. Hirsch . . . Bericht für das Jahr 1866 (–1895). Bd. 1–30. 49. Berlin, 1867–96. Imperfect : wanting volumes 10–20 (1875–85). a 70 JAHRESBERICHT 579. 580. 581. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Physiologie. See 1429. Jahresbericht iber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissen- schaftem; von J. Berzelius. Aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt von C. G. Gmelin. Bd. 1–20. 89. Tübingen, 1822–41. [Continued as :] - JAHRESBERICHT iſBER DIE FoRTSCHRITTE DER CHEMIE UND MINERALOGIE. Bd. 21–27. 89. Tübingen, 1842–48. [Continued as :] JAHRESBERICHT tº ER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER CHEMIE ; nach Berzelius’ Tode fortgesetzt von L. Svanberg. Bd. 28. 80. Tübingen, 1849. RAPPORT ANNUEL SUR LES PROGRES DES SCIENCEs PHYSIQUEs ET CHIMIQUES présenté . . . a l'Académie royale des Sciences de Stockholm, par J. Berzelius. Traduit du Suédois par M. Plantamour. 1840. 80. Paris, 1841. [Continued as :] RAPPORT ANNUEL SUR LES PROGRES DE LA CHIMIE, etc. Année 2 (–8). 1841 (–1847). O 89. Paris, 1842–48. The above are translations of the ‘Arsberättelser om Framstegen i Fysik och Kemi, etc.” published by the Koºgliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi at Stockholm. - Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologie. Herausgegeben von J. Liebig und H. Kopp. [Bd. 1, etc.] 1847– (1886). 89. Giessen, (Braunschweig), 1849–90. [Continued as :] - JAHRESBERICHT iſBER DIE ForTSCHRITTE DER REINEN, PHARMACEUTISCHEN UND TECHNISCHEN CHEMIE, PHYSIK UND KRYSTALLKUNDE. 1887 (–1892). 80. Braunschweig, 1890–1900. [Continued as :] JAHRESBERICHT tre+R DIE ForTSOHRITTE DER CHEMIE. 1893, etc. In progress. 89. Braunschweig, 1901, etc. Jahresbericht öber die Fortschritte der Thier-Chemie oder der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie . . . Uber das Jahr 1899 (–1902). Bd. 29–32. 80. Wiesbaden, 1900–3. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte in der Biologie. See 578. Jahresbericht iber die Fortschritte in der Heilkunde. See 578. Jahresbericht tiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der gesammten Medicin. See 578. 582. Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft, im Auftrage der historischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin herausgegeben von F. Abraham, J. Hermann, E. Meyer, Jahrgang 1, etc. 1878, etc. I? progress. 89. Berlin, 1880, etc. JAHRESBERICHTE 71 583. Jahresberichte für neuere deutsche Litteraturgeschichte. Jahr 1890, etc. Bd. 1, etc. 49. Stuttgart, 1892, etc. In progress. Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Ent:- wicklungsgeschichte. See 1429. Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physio- logie. See 1429. 584. Jahreshefte des àsterreichischen archäologischen Institutes in Wien. Bd. 1, etc. 49. Wien, 1898, etc. In progress. 584A. Jahres-Verzeichniss der an den deutschen Universitäten er- schienenen Schriften. Bd. 1–20. la. 80. Berlin, 1887–1906. 585. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von der medicinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft zu Jena. Bd. 1–7. 89. Leipzig, 1864–73. [Continued as :] JENAIscHE ZEITSCHRIFT FüR NATURWISSENSCHAFT. Bd. 8, etc. In progress. 89. Jena, 1874, etc. “Jewish Chronicle' Year Book. See 589. 586. The Jewish Literary Annual . . . Published for the Union of Jewish Literary Societies. 1903, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 80. London, 1903, etc. 587. The Jewish Quarterly Review. Edited by I. Abrahams and C. G. Montefiore. Vol. 1–20. 80. London, 1888–1908. After volume 20 the “Review' was discontinued; but in 1910 the publication was resumed by the Dropsie College as: The JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEw. Edited for the Dropsie College for Hebrew and cognate Learning, by C. Adler and S. Schechter. New series, vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Philadelphia, 1910, etc. In progress. 588. The Jewish Review. Edited by N. Bentwich and J. Hochman. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. London, 1910, etc. In progress. 589. The Jewish Year Book. An annual record of matters Jewish. 5657 (–5670–1). 1896–7 (–1910). [Vol. 1–14]. sm. 89. London, 1896–1910. [Continued as :] “JEwish CHRONICLE' YEAR Book, etc. 5671–2, etc. 1911, etc. [Vol. 15, etc.] sm. 89. London, 1911, etc. In progress. *590. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin. Vol. 4, etc. In progress. 49. Baltimore, 1893, etc. 72 JOHNS *591. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Report. Vol. 3, etc. In progress. 49. Baltimore, (1892), etc. 592. Johns Hopkins University Circulars. Vol. 5, etc. In progress. 49 (89). Baltimore, 1885, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 13–26 of volume 19. Jordan's Journal. See 602. 598. Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. Publicado sobos auspicios da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Segunda serie. Tom. 1–2. 80. Lisboa, 1890–92. The º and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. See © - • Journal and Record of Transactions of the Junior Institution of Engineers. See 672. 593A. The Journal and Transactions of the Photographic Society of Great Britain. New series, vol. 17–19. la. 80. London, 1892–94. [Continued as:] The PHOTOGRAPHIC Journal. Including the transactions of the Royal Photographic Society. Vol. 20, etc. la. 80. London, 1895, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-28 of volume 20, pp. 213–246 of volume 24, and pp. 1–38 of volume 26. 594. Journal asiatique; ou, recueil de mémoires d'extraits et de notices relatifs à l'histoire, a la philosophie, aux langues et à la littéra- ture des peuples orientaux . . . Publié par la Société asiatique. 99 serie, tom. 1, etc. - 80. Paris, 1893, etc. I? progress. 595. Journal britannique. Par M. Maty. Tom. 1-18. 120. La Haye, 1750–55. 596. Journal complémentaire du Dictionnaire des Sciences médicales. Tom. 1–35. 80. Paris, 1818–29. [Continued as :] Journal CoMPLóMENTAIRE DEs SCIENCES MáDICALES. Recueil encyclo- pédique de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, contenant la clinique médico-chirurgicale des hôpitaux de Paris, avec un extrait de tous les journaux de médecine, etc. Tom, 36–40. - 80. Paris, 1830–31. 597. Journal de Botanique, rédigé par une Société de Botanistes. Tom. 1–2. 80. Paris, 1808-9. No more published. JOURNAL - 73 598. Journal de Chimie physique, électrochimie, thermochimie, radio- chimie, mécanique chimique, stoechiométrie. Publié par P. A. Guye. Tom. 7. la. 80. Genève, Paris, 1909. 599. Journal de France et d’Angleterre. Par M. de Montlosier. Tom, 1–3. 80. Londres, 1797. No more published. 600. Journal de l’Anatomie et de la Physiologie normales et patholo- giques de l’homme et des animaux. Année 16, etc. In progress. la. 80. Paris, 1880, etc. Journal de l’École polytechnique. See 669. 6Ol. Journal de la Physiologie de l’homme et des animaux. Publié sous la direction du Dr. E. Brown-Séquard. Tom. 1–3. 80. Paris, 1858–60. Imperfect: wanting pp. 449 to the end of volume 3. 6O2. Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées, ou, recueil mensuel de mémoires sur les diverses parties des mathématiques; publié par J. Liouville (H. Resal, C. Jordan). Tom. 1, etc. I? progress. 40. Paris, 1836, etc. 603. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, contenant une revue de tous les travaux publiés en France et à l'étranger, Sur les sciences physi- ques, naturelles, médicales et industrielles, ainsi que le Bulletin des travaux de la Société de Pharmacie de Paris. 3e série, tom. 1–28. 80. Paris, 1842–55. Journal de Physiologie et de Pathologie générale. See 199. 604. Journal de Physiologie expérimentale (et pathologique). Par F. Magendie. Tom. 1-11. 80. Paris, 1821–31. J*i; de Physique, de Chimie et d’Histoire naturelle. See 605. Journal de Physique théorique et appliquée, fondé par J. C. D'Almeida, etc. 3e série, tom. 4, etc. la. 80. Paris, 1895, etc. In progress. - 606. Journal der Pharmacie für Aerzte, Apotheker und Chemisten von J. B. Trommsdorff. Bd. 16. 80. Leipzig, 1808. *607. Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hufeland. Bd. 1–7. sm. 89. Jena, 1795–99. [Continued as :] NEUEs Journal, DER PRACTISCHEN ARZNEYKUNDE UND WUNDARZNEY- KUNST. (Journal der practischen Heilkunde. Neues Journal der practischen Heilkunde.) Herausgegeben von C. W. Hufeland. Bd. 1–16. * * sm. 89. Jena, 1799–1806. Journal der practischen Heilkunde. See 607. .74 - JOURNAL 608. Journal des Économistes. Revue de la science économique et de la statistique. 2° Série, tom. 31, etc. la. 89. Paris, 1861, etc. In progress. 609. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Heraus- gegeben von A. L. Crelle. Bd. 1, etc. 40. Berlin, 1826, etc. In progress. 610. Journal für praktische Chemie. Bd. 1-9. 80. Leipzig, 1834–36. 6ll. Journal litéraire. Tom. 1–10. 80. La Haye, 1713–18. 612. Journal littéraire, dédié au Roi par une Société d’Académiciens. Vol. 1–24. 120. Berlin, 1772–76. 613. The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Vol. 1, etc. . In progress. 80 (la. 89). London and Cambridge, 1867, etc. *614. The Journal of Balneology and Climatology. Being the quarterly journal of the British Balneological and Climatological Society. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. London, 1897, etc. In progress. In 1907 the British Balneological and Climatological Society was in- corporated with the Royal Society of Medicine, some of its publications being issued as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine” (q. v. No. 1040). 615. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. New York, (Baltimore), 1905, etc. 616. The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. Vol. 1–4. - 89. Cambridge, 1854–57. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–256 of volume 2, and pp. 121 to the end of wolwºme 4. - 616A. The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology. (Published by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.) Vol. 20, etc. In progress. la. 80. Philadelphia, 1910, etc. *617. Journal of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases. (Journal of Cuta- neous and Genito-urinary diseases.) Vol. 1–26. la. 89. New York, 1883–1908. Imperfect : wanting volume 21. *618. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and diseases of the skin. A quar- terly record of dermatological science. Vol. 1–4. 80. London, 1868–71. Journal of English and Germanic Philology. See 620. 619. The Journal of Experimental Zoëlogy. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Baltimore, 1904, etc. 62O. The Journal of Germanic Philology. Edited by G. E. Karsten. Vol. 1–4, la. 80. Bloomington, Ind., 1897–1902. JOURNAL 75 [Continued as :] . The Journal, OF ENGLISH AND GERMANIC PHILoLogy. (Published quarterly by the University of Illinois.) Vol. 5, etc. In progress. la. 89. Evanston, (Urbana), 1903, etc. 621. The Journal of Hellenic Studies. (Published by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies.) Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 89). London, [1880, etc.]. Journal of Horticulture. See 409. 622. The Journal of Hygiene. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Cambridge, 1901, etc. 622A. The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by the American Chemical Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Easton, 1909, etc. Journal of Mental Science. See 224. 623. Journal of Morphology. Edited by C. O. Whitman. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Boston, (Lancaster, Pa., Philadelphia), 1887, etc. In progress. The publication of this journal was discontinued with volume 17 (1901), but in 1903 volume 18 (containing papers which were already in the press when the publication was discontinued) was published, and in 1908 the publication was recommenced by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. 624. A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts . . . [Edited] by W. Nicholson. Vol. 1–New series, vol. 36. - 40 (80). London, 1797–1818. After volume 36 of the new series the ‘Journal” was incorporated with the “Philosophical Magazine” (q. v. No. 964). * . *625. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire. § Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. London, 1902, etc. I?, progress. *626. The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. (The official journal • of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.) Edited . . . by G. S. Woodhead. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Edinburgh and London, (Cambridge), 1898, etc. In progress. 627. The Journal of Philology. Vol. 1, etc. Ir, progress. 80. London and Cambridge, 1868, etc. Imperfect : wanting volume 5. . - 628. The Journal of Physical Chemistry . . . Published at Cornell University. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Ithaca, 1896, etc. In progress, - 76 JOURNAL 629. 63O. *631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. The Journal of Physiology. (Proceedings of the Physiological Society.) Edited . . . by M. Foster. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. London and Cambridge, 1878, etc. Journal of Proceedings of the Essex Field Club. See 1266. Journal of Proceedings of the Winchester and Hampshire Scientific and Literary Society. Vol. 1–3, part 2. 80. Winchester, 1875–79. The Journal of Psychological Medicine and mental pathology. Edited by F. Winslow. Vol. 1–8. 80. London, 1848–55. The Journal of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Royal Insti- tution of Great Britain. Published quarterly. Vol. 1. 80. London, 1816, [Continued as :] The QUARTERLY Journal of LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTs. Vol. 2–22. 80. London, 1817–27. — [New series.] Jan. 1827 (–June 1830), 7 vol. 80. London, 1827–30. [Continued as :] The Journal of THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. Vol. 1–2. No more published. 89, London, 1830–1831]. The Journal of Speculative Philosophy. Edited by W. T. Harris. Vol. 1–20. la. 89. St. Louis, Mo., (New York), 1867–86. The Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 23, etc. In progress. 89. Easton, Pa., 1901, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–84 of volume 27, and pp. 623–796 of volume 29. Journal of the American Oriental Society. (Proceedings of the . . . Society.) Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Boston, (New York, New Haven), [1843], etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting pp. 269 to the end of volume 6, pp. 1–270 of volume 7, pp. 1–226 of volume 8, pp. 1–240 of volume 9, pp. 209 to the end of volume 11, volumes 13–16, the first half of volume 21, volumes 22–27 and the first half of volume 28. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. (Royal Anthropological Institute.) Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. London, 1871, etc. Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. See 41. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. 1-78. 80. Calcutta, 1832–1905. From volumes 34 (1865)–73 (1904) the ‘Journal” was divided into two parts : Part 1, History, Antiquities, etc.; Part 2, Natural History, JOURNAL 77 etc., and in 1893 a third part, containing the papers relating to Anthro- pology and cognate Subjects, was commenced. Volumes 1–33 (1864) contain the Proceedings of the Society, which were from 1865 to 1904 published separately as the ‘ Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal' (q.v. No. 996). In 1905 the ‘Journal’ and ‘Proceedings’ were once more wºmited, and continued as : The Journal, AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIATIC SoCIETY of BENGAL. [New series.] Vol. 1, etc. 89. Calcutta, 1905, etc. In progress. 638. Journal of the Bath and West of England Society for the En- couragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Com- merce. New series, vol. 2–4. 89. London, 1854–56. 639. The Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Vol. 1–21. 89. Bombay, 1841–1904. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–168 of volume 9, and pp. 1–278 of volume 640. The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, etc. Vol. 1–3. 89. London, 1845–48. This ‘British Archaeological Association , founded in 1843, is not the same as the other ‘British Archaeological Association’, also founded in 1843, which has been continued from 1845 as the “Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland’. 641. The Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, (1890), etc. *642. The Journal of the British Dental Association. Vol. 16–24. 80 (la. 89). London, 1895–1903. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–64 of volume 16, pp. 391—478 and 639–706 of volume 17, pp. 145—208, 337–440, 553–640 and 785 to the end of volume 19, pp. 161–216 of volume 20, pp. 129–240 and 721 to the end of volume 21, and pp. 249–312 of volume 23. [Continued as :] BRITISH DENTAL Journal. The journal of the British Dental Associa- tion. Vol. 25, etc. la. 89. London, 1904, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 233–320 and 489–568 of volume 25. 644. The Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute. Vol. 4–8. 80. Ottawa, 1901–5. Imperfect: wanting volume 7 (1904). Journal of the Chemical Society of London. See 788. J"...ºb; the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan. See º 78 JOURNAL 644A.Journal of the East India Association. New series, vol. 1, etc. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651, 652. 653. 654. In progreSS. la. 89. London, 1910, etc. Journal of the Essex Field Club. See 1266. - The Journal of the Franklin Institute, devoted to science and the mechanic arts. Vol. 137, etc. 89. Philadelphia, 1894, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–80 of volume 137, pp. 337–416 of volume 147, and pp. 401 to the end of volume 153. Journal of the Geological Society. See 1070. * Journal of the Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. See 1280. - Journal of the House of Commons. See 670. Journal of the House of Lords. See 671. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. See 216. Journal of the Institute of Bankers. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. London, 1879, etc. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. See 666. The Journal of the Ipswich and District Field Club. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Ipswich, 1908, etc. The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. [Vol. 2), etc. In progress. 89, London, [1872], etc. Journal of the Linnean Society. See 654. Journal of the Liverpool Geological Association. See 702. Journal of the London Institution. A programme and record of proceedings. Vol. 1–3. 89. London, 1871–73. Imperfect : wanting pp. 64 to the end of volume 3. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Ringdom. New Series, vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Plymouth, 1889, etc. In progress. Journal of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia. Vol. 6, 8, and 13. - 80. Halifax, N. S., 1902–9. The Journal of the Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Manchester, 1908, etc. In progress. Journal of the Numismatic Society. See 919. Journal of the Pali Text Society. 1882 [Vol. 1], etc. In progress. 80. London, 1882, etc. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1891 and 1892. - Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Vol. 1-7. 80. London, 1857–64. Journal 79 [Continued as:] The Journal of THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. Wol. 8, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 80). London, 1865, etc. The Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Anti- 655. 656. 657. 660, 661. 662. quaries of Ireland. See 1280. The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. London, 1868, etc. The Journal of the Röntgen Society. For the study and discussion of X-Rays and allied phenomena in their relation to medicine, the arts, and sciences. Vol. 1, etc. Sm. 49. London, 1904, etc. In progress. The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Vol. 7—Second series, vol. 4. 80. London, 1846–68. Imperfect: wanting volumes 19–24, pp. 287 to the end of volume 2 of the 2nd series, volume 3 of the 2nd Series, and pp. 1–248 of volume 4 of the 2nd series. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See 636. - Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Vol. 2, etc. In progress. 49. London, 1904, etc. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. See 1304. . Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute. Vol. 34–41. - 89. London, 1903–9. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–136 of volume 34. [Continued as :] UNITED EMPIRE. The Royal Colonial Institute Journal. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1910, etc. The Journal of the Royal Dublin Society. Vol. 1–7. - 89. Dublin, 1856–78. No more published. Imperfect: wanting pp. 111–184 of volume 3. Journal of the Royal Engineers' Institute. See 1154. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. Vol. 24–27. 89, London, 1854–57. — See also: The GEOGRAPHICAL Journal, No. 491. - Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Associatio of Ireland. See 1280. Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. See 956. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (with the Annual Report). Vol. 1, etc. 89. Truro, 1864, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting pp. 219–306 of volume 8, and volume 9. The 80 JOURNAL earlier reports were published as ‘Annual Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall’ (q. v. No. 146). Journal of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. See 632. Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. See 1071. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. See 1293. Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society. See 919. Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute. See 1313. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. See 1280. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. See 664. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. See 667. - - Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. See 668. Journal of the Sanitary Institute. See 1313. 668. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. Vol. 8–11. | 80. London, 1897–1903. - Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–116 of volume 8, pp. 49–64 of volume 9, and ' pp. 101 to the end of volume 11. 664. The Journal of the Society of Arts (Royal Society of Arts), and of \ the Institutions in Union. Vol. 1, etc. w *. In progress. la. 80. London, 1852, etc. \ 665. The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Manchester, (London), 1882, etc. 666. Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers (and Electricians). Vol. 1–17. 80. London, 1872–89. [Continued as:] Journal, of THE INSTITUTION of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERs. Vol. 18, etc. In progress. 80. London, New York, 1890, etc. 667. Journal of the Statistical Society of London (Royal Statistical Society). Vol. 1, etc. 80. London, 1839, etc. In progress. 668. Journal of the United Service Institution (Royal United Service Institution). Vol. 1, etc. 80 (la. 80). London, 1858, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting pp. 319–488 and 707 to the end of volume 35, pp. 1–232 and 347 to the end of volume 36, pp. 1–328 of volume 37, pp. 437 to the end of volume 39, and the whole of volumes 40–51. 669. Journal polytechnique, ou bulletin du travail fait a l’École centrale des Travaux publics, publié par le conseil d'instruction et administra- tion de cette École. Cahier 1–4. 49. Paris, an iii-v [1795–97). [Continued as: Journal DE L'École PolytECHNIQUE, ou bulletin du travail fait à cette Ecole, etc. Cahier 5–64. 40. Paris, an vi [1798–1894. Cahiers 1–50 form tom. 1–31, after which the division into volumes ceases, JOURNALS 81 670. Journals of the House of Commons. From 1547 (–Dec. 17th, 1850). Vol. 1–105. fol. London, 1803 [-1851?]. 671. Journals of the House of Lords. [1509] (–1850). Vol. 1–82. - fol. [London, 17— –1851 ?]. 672. The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Vol. 19, etc. 89. London, 1908, etc. In progress. 673. The Jurist, or quarterly journal of jurisprudence and legislation. Vol. 1–3. 89. London, 1827–32. Justus Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie. See 63. Kew Gardens Bulletin. See 338. 674. King's College, London. Physiological Laboratory. Collected Papers. No. 1, etc. 89. [London], 1893, etc. In progress. 675. The King's College Magazine. Conducted by the Students of King's College, London. Vol. 1. 80. London, 1841–42. Klebs' Archiv. See 186. Kluge's Zeitschrift. See 1408. 676. Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 49. Madras, 1908, etc. Kolloid-Zeitschrift. See 1404. Kolloidchemische Beihefte. See 1404. 677. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs historiske og philosophiske Afhandlinger. Deel 6–7. 49. Kjöbenhavn, 1841–45. 678. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter (Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark) . . . naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk Afdeling. 6te Raekke. Bind 8, etc. 49. Kabenhaven, 1895, etc. In progress. The Labour Gazette. See 279. The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Diary. (By R. Burrows.) See 898. 679. The Ladies' Chronologer, in English, with the fair sex's French almanac. Ou l'almanac du beau sexe. For the year of our Lord 1754 . . . By the late author of the ‘Ladies’ Diary’ [i. e. Robert Heath]. 120. London, 1754. No more published. In 1755 the “Chronologer’ was wnited with ‘The Palladium’ (q. v. No. 951). G 82 LADIES 680. The Ladies' Diary: or the woman's almanack, for the year of our Lord 1707 (–1840) . . . Being the fourth (5th–137th) almanack ever publish’d of that kind. 129. [London], 1707–1839]. After 1840 this diary was united with the ‘Gentleman's Diary’, and continued as the ‘Lady's and Gentleman's Diary’ (q. v. No. 682). A SUPPLEMENT To THE LADIEs’ DIARY, for the year 1788 (–1791). Containing a list of all the enigmas, from the beginning of that work in the year 1704 . . . By the Diary Author [C. Hutton]. sm. 89. [London, 1788–91.] [Continued as:] The DIARY COMPANION, being a supplement to the Ladies’ Diary, for the year 1792 (–1806). sm. 89. [London], 1792–1806]. No more published. The DIARIAN MISCELLANY: consisting of all the useful and entertaining parts . . . extracted from the Ladies’ Diary, from . . . 1704 down to the end of the year 1773. With many additional solutions and improvements. By C. Hutton. 5 vol. 129. London, 1775. The DIARIAN REPOSITORY ; or mathematical register: containing a complete collection of all the mathematical questions which have been published in the Ladies’ Diary from the commencement of that work in 1704, to the year 1760; together with their solutions . . . By a society of mathematicians. - 49. London, 1774. The MATHEMATICAL QUESTIONS, proposed in the Ladies’ Diary; and their original answers, together with some new solutions, from its commencement in the year 1704 to 1816. By T. Leybourn. 4 vol. 80, London, 1817. The Ladies' Diary. (By R. Burrows.) See 398. 681. The Lady's and Farmer's Almanack, for the year . . . 1860-1865). 129. Dublin, [1859–64 682. The Lady's and Gentleman's Diary, for the year . . . 1841 (–1870). 129. London, [1840–69]. This diary is a continuation of the ‘Gentleman's Diary’ (q.v. No. 488) and the ‘Ladies' Diary’ (q. v. No. 680) which were united in 1841. 683. The Lady's and Gentleman's Scientifical Repository: containing enigmas, rebuses, paradoxes . . . By a society of mathematicians. No. 1–7. 120. Newark, 1782–83. 683A. Logos. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie der Kultur . . . Herausgegeben von G. Mehlis. Bd. 1, etc. - In progress. la. 80. Tübingen, 1910, etc. LANCET 83 *684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690, 691. 692. 693. 694. The Lancet. (A journal of British and foreign medicine, surgery, obstetrics, physiology, chemistry, pharmacology, public health, and news.) [Vol. 1, etc.] 80 (40). London, 1823, etc. In progress. La Langue et la Littérature hindoustanies en 1875 (–1876). Revue annuelle par Garcin de Tassy. 80. Paris, 1876–77. The Law Journal Reports. Vol. 13 (New series, vol. 4)–45. 49. London, 1835–76. Imperfect: wanting part 1 of volume 16, part 2 of volume 22, part 1 of wolwme 23, volumes 36–40, and all after part 10 of volume 45. The Law Quarterly Review. Vol. 22, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1906, etc. The Law Reporter. [Being the new series of the ‘Law Times’ Reports.] Vol. 1–13. 80. London, 1859–65. Imperfect: wanting pp. 389–420 of volume 1, pp. 281-312 of volume 3, pp. 237–264 of volume 4, pp. 841 to the end of volume 7, pp. 353–400 of volume 9, pp. 281-312 of volume 10, pp. 525-548 of volume 11, pp. 385-416 and 513 to the end of volume 13. The Law Reports. (Published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales.) Vol. 1, etc. 1865 (29 & 30 Vict.), etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1866, etc. The Leeds Correspondent, a literary, mathematical, and philosophical miscellany. Vol. 1–5, no. 3. 129. Leeds, (London), (1814)–1823. No more published. - - Ileigh Hunt's London Journal (and the printing machine). Vol. 1-2. fol. London, 1834–35. No more published. After no. 61 the ‘Journal’ was wnited with ‘The Printing Machine’. Leipziger Magazin für reine und angewandte Mathematik, herausgegeben von J. Bernoulli und C. F. Hindenburg. Jahrgang 1786 (–1788, Stück 2). 89. Leipzig, (1786–88). Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–256 of the volume for 1787. Leipziger Magazin zur Naturkunde, Mathematik und Oekonomie. Herausgegeben von C. B. Funk, N. S. Leske und C. F. Hindenburg. Jahrgang 1781 (–1788). [Bd. 1–8.] . - 89. Leipzig und Dessau, [1781–88]. Imperfect: wanting the volume for 1785. Leipziger Repertorium der deutschen und ausländischen Iitera- tur. Unter Mitwirkung der Universität Leipzig herausgegeben von E. G. Gersdorf. Jahrgang 14–18. 89. Leipzig, 1856–60. G 2 84 LIBERAL 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. TOO. 7Ol. 702. The Liberal. Verse and prose from the South. [By Leigh Hunt, Lord Byron, and others.] Vol. 1–2. 80. London, 1822–23. No more published. The Library. A magazine of bibliography and literature. Edited by J. Y. W. MacAlister. The Organ of the Library Association of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1–10. la. 80. London, 1889–98. [Continued as :] The LIBRARY. A quarterly review of bibliography and library lore. Edited by J. Y. W. MacAlister. New series. Vol. 1–10. la. 80. London, (1899)–1909. Imperfect: wanting pp. 113–224 of volume 2, pp. 225–338 of volume 3, the whole of volume 4, and pp. 1–112 of volume 5. The Library Association Record. A monthly magazine of librarian- ship and bibliography, etc. Vol. 11, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1909, etc. Library of Harvard University. Bibliographical Contributions. No. 12, etc. la. 80. Cambridge, Mass., 1881, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting numbers 13–18, 20–25, 27–31, 38, 41, and 42. Lick Observatory Bulletins. See 1337. Liebig's Annalen. See 63. Liouville's Journal. See 602. Literarische Berichte aus Ungarn . . . Herausgegeben von P. Hunfalvy. Bd. 1–4. 80. Budapest, 1877–80. [Continued as :] UNGARISCHE REvue, mit Unterstützung der ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben von P. Hunfalvy. 1881 (–1889). Jahrgang 1–9. 89. Leipzig und Wien, (Budapest), 1881–89. Imperfect: wanting pp. 225 to the end of the volume for 1889. The Literary Gazette; and journal of belles-lettres, arts, sciences, &c. (and journal of archaeology, science, and art) for the year 1829 (–April 1862). 49. London, 1829–62. Imperfect : wanting the volume for 1860. - Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologie. Jahrgang 22, etc. 49. Leipzig, 1901, etc. In progress. . Imperfect : wanting pp. 81–144 of volume 24. Tiverpool Geological Association. Transactions. Vol. 2-7. 80. Liverpool, 1882–87. LIVERPOOL 85. [Continued as :] Liverpool, GEOLOGICAL Association. Journal. Vol. 8–16. - 80, Liverpool, 1889–96. Imperfect: wanting volume 11. [Continued as :] LivKRPool, GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL REPORT. New series. 1900–1. 89. Liverpool, 1901. [Continued as :] Liverpool, GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. PRocFEDINGS AND ANNUAL REPORT. New series. 1901–2. 89. Liverpool, 1903. [Continued as: J PROCEEDINGs of THE LIVERPool, GEOLOGICAL Association. New Series, no. 2, etc. 80. Liverpool, 1907, etc. In progress. No volumes were published in the years 1897–1899 and 1903—1906. 703. The Liverpool Medical and Surgical Reports. Edited by F. T. Roberts and R. Harrison. Vol. 1. 89. London, Liverpool, 1867. *704. The Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal, including the proceed- ings of the Liverpool Medical Institution. No. 1–55. 80. Liverpool, 1881–1909. Imperfect: wanting numbers 53 and 54. 705. Liverpool University Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics. Quarterly Journal. Vol. 1–3. la. 80. Liverpool, 1906–8. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–64 of volume 1, and pp. 83 to the end of volume 3. The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine. See 964. The London and Westminster Review. See 1879 The London County Council Gazette. See 716. The * Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. See & The London Education Gazette. See 716. 706. The London Geological Journal, and record of discoveries in British and foreign palaeontology. No. 1-3. la. 80, London, 1846–47. No more published. 707. The London Graduate. Edited by a Committee appointed by the Council of the University of London Graduates’ Union. No. 1–2. No more published. 49. London, 1907–8. London Journal, Leigh Hunt's. See 691. 86 LONDON 7O8. *709. *710. *711 *712 713 714. 715. 716. 717. 718, 719. The London Magazine: or, gentleman's monthly intelligencer. Vol. 4, 5, 7, and 26–32. 89. London, 1735–63. — Enlarged and improved. Vol. 3. 89. London, 1784. The London Medical and Physical Journal. See 758. The London Medical Gazette : being a weekly journal of medicine and the collateral sciences. Vol. 1—New series, vol. 13. 80. London, 1828–51. No more published. After volume 13 of the new series the “Gazette’ was incorporated with ‘The Medical Times” (q. v. No. 764). Imperfect : wanting volumes 8 and 9 of the new series. The London Medical Record. A review of the progress of medicine, surgery, obstetrics and the allied sciences. Vol. 1–15. la. 89. London, 1873 (–1887). [Continued as: The LoNDoN MEDICAL RECORDER, etc. Vol. 1–3. la. 80. London, 1888–90. The London Medical Repository, monthly journal and review. Vol. 11–20. 89. London, 1819–23. The London Medical Review and Magazine; by a society of physicians and surgeons. Vol. 1–8. 89. London, 1799–1802. No more published. & The London Review. Vol. 1–2. 80. London, 1835–36. After volume 2 the ‘London Review” was united with the ‘Westminster Review’ and continued wºnder the title of the ‘London and Westminster Review” (q. v. No. 1379). The London Review of English and Foreign Literature, by W. Kenrick and others. Vol. 2 (for 1775). 80. London, 1776. The London Student. No. 1–5. 89. London, 1868. No more published. The London Technical Education Gazette. (Published by the London County Council.) Vol. 7–10. sm. fol. London, 1901–4. [Continued as :] The LoNDoN EDUCATION GAZETTE. Vol. 1-2. sm. fol. London, 1904–5. [Continued as :] The LoNDon County CouncIL GAZETTE. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. sm. fol. London, 1905, etc. The London University College Magazine. Nos. 1 and 6 (Feb. and Dec. 1848). 80. London, 1848. London University Gazette. 1901, etc. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. - sm. fol. London, 1901, etc. The London University Magazine. Vol. 1. 80. London, 1829. · LONDON 87 72O. The London University Magazine. Vol. 1. 8o. London, 1842. 72l. The London University Magazine. Vol. 1-3. 8o. London, 1856-58. New series, no. 1-4. 8o. London, 1859. 722. Long Ago. A journal of popular antiquities. Edited by A. Andrews (and J. Piggot). Vol. 1-2, no. 17. - 4°. London, 1873-74. No more published. 723. The Looker-on : a periodical paper. By the Rev. Simon Olive-Branch, A. M. [pseud., i. e. William Roberts]. The fourth edition. 4 vol. - 120. London, 1797. · I,ords' Journals. See 67l. 724. The Lounger. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 and 1786. By the authors of the Mirror, [i. e. H. Mackenzie, and others]. The fifth edition. 3 vol. - - 12°. London, 1794. +725. Lowell Observatory. Bulletin. No. 23, etc. In progress. 4°. [Flagstaff, Arizona, 190-, etc.] The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. See 1224. Lunds Universitets Àrsskrift. See 23. 726. Machines et Inventions approuvées par l'Académie royale des Sciences, depuis son établissement jusqu'à présent ; avec leur description. Dessinées et publiées . . .. par M. Gallon. (1666- 1754) Tom. 1-7. 4o. Paris, 1735-77. lNo more published. 727. The Madras Journal of Literature and Science. Edited by the Committee of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society. New series, vol. 1-6. 8o. Madras, 1857-62. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-162 of volume 3. - 728. Magasin encyclopédique ; ou, journal des sciences, des lettres, et des arts, rédigé par A. L. Millin. 7e année (-année 1816, tom. 2). 8o. Paris, 1801-16. Imperfect : wanting numbers 1-9, 11, and 13-16 of année 7. [Continued as :] . ANNALES ENCYCLOPÉDIQUEs. Année 1817 (-1818). » * - 8o. Paris, 1817-18. [ Continued as :] - REvUE ENCYCLoPÉDIQUE, ou, analyse raisonnée des productions les plus remarquables dans la littérature, les sciences et les arts, par une réunion de membres de l'Institut, et d'autres hommes de lettres. Année 1819 (-1821). Tom. 1-12. 8o. Paris, 1819-21. Imperfect : wanting pp. 643 to the end of volume 9, pp. 449 to the end of volume 11, and pp. 1-240 of volume 12. 88 MAGAZIN 730. Magazin der ausländischen Literatur der gesammten Heilkunde, und Arbeiten des aerztlichen Vereins zu Hamburg. Herausgegeben von G. H. Gerson und N. H. Julius. Bd. 1–12. * 80. Hamburg, 1821–26. 781. Magazin der Entomologie. Herausgegeben von E. F. Germar. Bd. 1–4. 80. Halle, 1813–21. No more published. - 732. Magazin für die Botanik. (Botanisches Magazin.) Herausgegeben von J. J. Römer und P. Usteri. Bd. 1–4. For continuation see No. 61. 80. Zürich, 1787–90. 733. Magazin für die Naturkunde Helvetiens. Herausgegeben von A. Höpfner. Bd. 1–4. 89. Zürich, 1787–89. No more published. 734. Magazin für Insektenkunde. Herausgegeben von K. Illiger. Bd. 1–5. Neue Ausgabe. 89. Braunschweig, 1822. 735. The Magazine of Natural History, and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology, and meteorology. Vol. 8–New series, vol. 4. 89. London, 1835–40. After volume 4 of the new series the ‘Magazine of Natural History’ was united with the “Annals of Natural History’ (q. v. No. 101) and continued as the “Annals and Magazine of Natural History’ (q. v. No. 95). 736. The Magazine of Popular Science, and journal of the useful arts. Vol. 1–4. 89. London, 1836–37. No more published. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay. See 925. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Honor- able East India Company's Observatory, Bombay. See 925. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. See 221. - Magnetical, Meteorological and Seismological Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay. See 925. 737. Magnetical Observations made at the Honorable East India. Company's Magnetical Observatory at Madras . . . in the year 1846 (–1855). p 49. Madras, 1854–84. 738. Magyar Akademiai Értesitó. A mathematikai, €s természettudom- ânyi osztályok közlónye. Kötet 1. 80. Pest, 1860. A philosophiai, túrvény-és torténettudományi osztályok közlónye. Kötet 1. 80. Pest, 1860. 739. A' Magyar Tudós Társaság' fivkönyvei. 1831 (–1847). Köt. 1–8. 49. Pesten, 1833–60. . MAïTRE 89 740. Le Maitre phonétique. Organe de l’Association phonétique inter- nationale. 1909, etc. 80. Bourg-la-Reine, Wimbledon, 1909, etc. In progress. 741. The Malacological and Conchological Magazine. Conducted by G. B. Sowerby. Part 1. - 80. London, 1838. 742. The Malone Society. [Publications. Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. sm, 49. [London], 1907, etc. 743. Man. A monthly record of anthropological science. Published under the direction of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1, etc. sm. fol. London, 1901, etc. In progress. 744. Materialien zur Geologie Russlands. Herausgegeben von der kaiserlichen mineralogischen Gesellschaft. Bd. 18, etc. In progress. 80. St. Petersburg, 1897, etc. 745. Matériaux pour l’Histoire positive et philosophique de l’Homme. Bulletin des travaux et découvertes concernant l'anthropologie . . . par G. de Mortillet. Année 1–3. 80. Paris, 1864–67. [Continued as :] MATÉRIAUx Pour L’HISTOIRE PRIMITIVE ET PHILosophiquE DE L'Homme. Année 4. 80. Paris, 1868. [Continued as:] MATÉRIAUx Pour L’HISTOIRE PRIMITIVE ET NATURELLE DE L'Homme. Tom. 1–22 (38 série, tom. 5). 89. Paris, (Toulouse), 1869–88. After volume 22 this journal was united with the “Revue d'Anthropologie’ and the “Revue d’Ethnographie’ and continued as “L’Anthropologie’ (q. v. No. 150). . 746. The Mathematical Correspondent; containing new elucidations, dis- coveries, and improvements, in various branches of the mathe- matics, etc. [Edited by G. Baron.] Vol. 1. No more published. 120. New York, 1804 [–1806]. 747. The Mathematical Gazette. Vol. 1, etc. 89. London, 1896, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting numbers 1–6 of volume 1. 748. The Mathematical Magazine : and philosophical repository. Con- taining a variety of original pieces, in all parts of mathematical science. By Mess. G. Witchell, T. Moss, &c. Vol. 1, no. 1–5. No more published. 80. [London], 1761. 749. The Mathematical Miscellany. Conducted by C. Gill. Vol. 1–2. No more published. 80. New York, 1836–39. 750. The Mathematical Monthly. Edited by J. D. Runkle. Vol. 1–3. 49. Cambridge, Mass., (Vol. 2, New York), (1858)—1861. No more published. 90 MATHEMATICAL 751. 752. 753. 754. T55. 756. 757. *758. *759. The Mathematical Questions, proposed in the Ladies’ Diary. See,680. Mathematical Questions, with their solutions. From the “Educa- tional Times”. (With many papers and solutions not published in the ‘Educational Times'.) Edited by W. J. Miller (C. I. Marks). Vol. 1, etc. 80 (la. 89). London, 1864, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 19, 28–37, 39–49 and 66–75. The Mathematical Repository. [Edited] by T. Leybourn. Vol. 1– New series, vol. 6. 89. London, [1795]–1835. No more published. Volume 1 is 2nd edition published in 1799. After volume 1 the “Repository’ was divided into two sections, entitled ‘The Mathematical Repository’ and “The Philosophical Repository’. Mathematische Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. See 526. Mathematische Annalen. Herausgegeben von A. Clebsch und C. Neumann. Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Leipzig, 1869, etc. In progress. - Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Mit Unterstützung der ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der königlich-ungarischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Bd. 20, etc. 1902, etc. la. 89. Leipzig, 1905, etc. In progress. - Mathematisches Monatsblatt für Lehrer und andere Freunde der Mathematik. Herausgegeben von D. Schürmann. Jahrgang 1. No more published. 89. Elberfeld, 1832–33. The Mechanics' Magazine. Edited by I. C. Robertson. Vol. 1-69. 89. London, 1823–58. This is the whole of the original series. A new series in quarto was commenced in 1859 and discontinued in 1872. Meckel's Archiv. See 183. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Kebenhavn, 1894, etc. The Medical and Physical Journal; containing the earliest informa- tion on subjects of medicine, surgery, pharmacy, chemistry, and natural history . . . Conducted by T. Bradley and A. F. M. Willich. Vol. 1–32. 89. London, 1799–1814. [Continued as “j The LONDON MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL Journal, etc. Vol. 33–40. - 89. London, 1815–18. The Medical Annual and practitioner's index, etc. 1900 (–1904). 80. Bristol, London, 1900–4, MEDICAL 91 *760. The Medical Museum; or, a repository of cases, experiments, re- searches, and discoveries, collected at home and abroad, in anatomy, medicine, pharmacy, botany, chemistry, surgery, physiology, &c. By gentlemen of the faculty. Vol. 1–3. 80. London, 1763–64. *761. Medical observations and Inquiries. By a society of physicians in London. Vol. 1–6. 80. London, [1757]–1784. |Wolwme 1 is 4th edition, volumes 3 and 4 are 2nd edition. *762. Medical Press and Circular . . . A weekly journal of medicine and medical affairs. 1873, etc. sm, fol. London, 1873, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting the volume for 1878. *763. The Medical Repository. Conducted by S. L. Mitchill, E. Miller, and E. H. Smith. Vol. 1–Third hexade, vol. 1. 80. New York, [1798–1810. - |Wolumes 1 and 2 are 2nd edition, published in 1800. *764. The Medical Times (and Gazette): a journal of medical and chemical science, literature, criticism, and news. Vol. 21—Vol. 2 for 1885. - 49. London, 1850–85. *765. Medical Transactions, published by the College of Physicians in London. Vol. 1–6. 89, London, 1768–1820. 766. Medicinische Bibliothek. Herausgegeben von J. F. Blumenbach. Bd. 1–3. 89, Göttingen, 1783–91. *767. The Medico-Chirurgical Journal and Review. (The Medico- Chirurgical Review.) Vol. 4.—New series, vol. 6. 80. London, 1816–47. After volume 6 of the new series the “Review” was incorporated with “The British and Foreign Medical Review', and continued as ‘The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review’ (q.v. No. 296). - The Medico-Chirurgical Review. See 767. *768. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. Published by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Vol. 1–90. - - 80. London, [1809]—1907. No more published. After volume 90 the ‘Medico-Chirurgical Transactions’ were published as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine” (q. v. No. 1040). Imperfect: wanting volumes 17, 22, and 26. Volumes 1 and 2 are 2nd edition. 769. The Medium and Daybreak: a weekly journal, devoted to the history, phenomena, philosophy, and teachings of spiritualism. Vol. 1–2. - fol. London, 1870–71. Mélanges de Philosophie et de Mathématique de la Société royale de Turin. See 839, - 92 MÉLANGES 77o. 77l. Mélanges mathématiques et astronomiques tirés du Bulletin physico-mathématique de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg, 1849 (-1865). Tom. 1-3. 8o. St. Pétersbourg, 1853-66. Mélusine. Revue de mythologie, littérature populaire, traditions et usages. Publié par H. Gaidoz et E. Rolland. Tom. 1-10. sm. fol. Paris, 1878-1901. No volumes were published during the years 1879-1883. Imperfect : tvanting volumes 2 and 3. *# de l'Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. 66 Le %. Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Littérature, et Beaux-Arts de I'urin. See 839. *# de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. See © 772. Mémoires de l'Académie nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres *773. et Arts de Lyon. Classe de Lettres. Nouvelle série, tom. 1-28. la. 8°. Lyon, 1851-92. Mémoires del'Académie royale de Belgique. See 16. Mémoires de l'Académie royale de Chirurgie. Tom. 2-15. 12°. Paris, [1743]-1774. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. See 525. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences de Turin. See 839. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres (Berlin). See 526. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. See 678. Mémoires de l'Institut national des Sciences et Arts. See 525. Mémoires de l'Institut royale de France. Académie des Inscrip- tions et Belles-Lettres. See 524. • *# de la Classe des Sciences, Académie royale de Belgique. See 16. Mémoires de la Classe des Sciences mathématiques et physiques de l'Institut de France. See 525. Mémoires de la Section des Lettres de l'Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. See 13. Mémoires de la Section des Sciences de l'Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. See 14. Mémoires de la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie. See 322. - MÉMOIRES 93 j774. Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Tom. 1. 4o. Paris, 1823-24. 775. Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. Tom. 1-15. 776, 777. · 778. 779. 78O. 781. 782. "783. 784. 785. la. 8o. Paris, 1868-1909. Imperfect : wanting pp. 341 to the end of volume 15. Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d' Histoire naturelle de Genève. Tom. 3, etc. 4° (la. 4°). Genève, 1825, etc. In progreSS. Imperfect : wanting pp. 337 to the end of volume 4, and volumes 5-31. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences naturelles de Neuchâtel. Tom. 1-2. 4o. Neuchâtel, 1835-39. Mémoires de la Société ethnologique. Tom. 1-2. - - 8o. Paris, 1841-45. Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de Normandie. Vol. 19, etc. In progress. 4o. Caen, 1897, etc. Imperfect : wanting volume 21. Mémoires de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France. 5e série, tom. 2-7e série, tom. 6 (Tom. 42-66). 8o. Paris, 1881-1907. Mémoires de la Société néo-philologique à Helsingfors. Tom. 1. la. 8°. Helsingfors, 1893. Mémoires de la Société paléontologique suisse. See 7. | Mémoires de la Société royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 1840 (-1844, and 1890-1895). 8°. Copenhague, 1843-[1895]. Mémoires de Littérature, tirez des registres de l'Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. See 524. Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique. See 525. Mémoires du Comité géologique. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 4°. [St. Pétersbourg], 1883, etc. Imperfect : wanting numbers 3 to the end of volume 4, numbers 3 to the end of volume 6, number 2 of volume 9, number 2 of volume 10, numbers 3 to the end of volume 11, and numbers 1, 2 and4 to the end ofvolume 12. Mémoires du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. Tom. 1, etc. la. 4o. Bruxelles, 1900, etc. In progress. •. Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. See 87. *# et Comptes Rendus de la Société royale du Canada. See @ Mémoires et Documents publiés par la société de l'École des Chartes. Tom. 1, etc. la. 8o. Paris, 1896, etc. In progress. - , 94 MÉMOIRES '786. 787. 788. T89. 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. Mémoires présentés à l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg par divers savans et lus dans ses assemblées. Tom. 1–4. 49. St. Pétersbourg, 1831–45. Mémoires présentés à l’Institut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts, par divers savans. See 525. Mémoires présentés et lus à l'Institut égyptien. Tom. 2. 40. Le Caire, 1889. Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. See 524. Mémoires présentés par divers savans à l'Académie royale des Sciences de l’Institut de France. See 525. Memoirs (and Proceedings) of the Chemical Society of London. 1841 (–1848). (Vol. 1–3.) 80. London, 1843–48. [Continued as :] The QUARTERLY Journal, of THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Vol. 1–14. - 80. London, 1849–62. [Continued as :] : The Journal of THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Vol. 15, etc. In progress. 89. London, 1862, etc. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Titerary and Philosophical Society. See 802. - - Memoirs for the Ingenious, containing several curious observations in philosophy, mathematicks, physick, philology, and other arts and sciences. In miscellaneous letters. By J. De La Crose, January (–December), 1693. Vol. 1. sm. 49. London, 1693. No more published. Memoirs of Agriculture, and other oeconomical arts. By R. Dossie. (Published by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manu- factures, and Commerce.) Vol. 1–3. 80. London, 1768–82. Memoirs of Science and the Arts : or, an abridgement of the trans- actions published by the principal learned and oeconomical societies established in Europe, Asia, and America. Vol. 1. - - 40. Deptford, 1793. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. New series, vol. 1, etc. 49. Cambridge [Mass.], 1833, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting pp. 357 to the end of volume 10, volume 11, and pp. 1–100 of volume 12. Memoirs of the Analytical Society. 1813. No more published. 40. Cambridge, 1813. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 49. Calcutta, 1905, etc. MEMOIRS wn 95 795. T96. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 8O2. *8O3. 804. 805. Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London (Royal Astro- nomical Society). Vol. 1, etc. 40. London, 1822, etc. In progress. . º Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. See 807. Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1893, etc. Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Kyoto, 1903, etc. In progress. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India. [Published by the] Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa. Botanical series. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Calcutta, 1906, etc. In progress. — Chemical series. Vol. 1, etc. - In progress. la. 80. Calcutta, 1906, etc. — Entomological series. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Calcutta, 1906, etc. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain (England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland). [Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. Several volumes missing. la. 80. London, 1846, etc. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. Geology. No. 5, etc. 49. Sydney, 1894, etc. In progress. Palaeontology. No. 4, etc. In progress. 49. Sydney, 1890, etc. Memoirs of the Kodaikanal Observatory. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 40. Madras, 1909, etc. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. (Memoirs and Proceedings.) Vol. 1, etc. - In progress. 80. Warrington, (Manchester), 1785, etc. Imperfect: wanting volumes 16–45, and part 1 of volume 46 of the 2nd series ; and pp. 1–64 of volume 3 of the 4th series. Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. Vol. 1–6. 80. London, 1787–1805. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 6–9. 49. Washington, 1893–1905. Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. See 795. Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio. (Abhandlungen des Tokio Daigaku.) No. 1–12. Imperfect : wanting number 10. 40. Tokio, 1879–85. 96 MEMOIRS 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 8ll. 812. 813. 814. [Continued as :] The JouRNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY, JAPAN. Vol. 1, etc. 4º. Tokyo, 1887, etc. In progress. Memoirs of the Tokio Daigaku. See 805. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. Vol. 1-2, part 1. For the years 1808 (-1813). 89. Edinburgh, 1811-14. Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History; being a new series of the Boston Journal of Natural History. Vol. 1, etc. 49. Boston, 1866, etc. In progress. Memorias da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Classe de sciencias moraes, politicas e bellas-lettras. Nova serie, tom. 1-4. 4o. Lisboa, 1854-72. Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias (exactas, fisicas y naturales). Tom. 1, etc. 4o. Madrid, 1850, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 7-23. » - Memorias de la Sociedad cientifica “Antonio Alzate”. (Memorias y Revista de la Sociedad.) Tom. 1, etc. la. 80. Mexico, 1887, etc. In progress. Imperfect: uanting volumes 3-8, pp. 225 to the end of volume 18, pp. 1-136 of volume 19, and pp. 1-112 of volume 20. Memorie del reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze e Tettere. Classe di lettere e scienze morali e politiche. Vol. 10, etc. In progress. la. 49. Milano, 1867, etc. Imperfect: uanting volume 15, pp. 201 to the end of volume 16, volume 17, pp. 181 to the end of volume 18, and volume 20. Classe di Scienze matematiche e naturali. Vol. 16, etc. In progress. la. 40. Milano, 1891, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-172 of volume 16. Memorie dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica. Vol. 2. 80. Lipsia, 1865. Memorie dell'Istituto nazionale italiano. Classi di scienze morali, politiche, letteratura, belle arti. Tom. 1. 49. Bologna, 1809-13. Memorie della reale Accademia dei Lincei. See 232. Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Sezione delle scienze naturali. Serie 6, tom. 1, etc. In progress. la. 49. Bologna, 1904, etc. – Classe di Scienze morali. Sezione di Scienze storico-filologiche. Serie 1, tom. 1, etc. la. 49. Bologna, 1908, etc. In progress. MEMORIE 97 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 823. Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. See 839. Memorie della regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e d'Arti in Modena. Serie 2, vol. 8, etc. la. 49. Modena, 1892, etc. In progress. Memorie della Società geografica italiana. Vol. 5, etc. In progress. - la. 80. Roma, 1895, etc. Memorie di Matematica e Fisica della Società italiana [afterwards Società italiana delle Scienze]. Tom. 1-25, parte 1. - 4o. Verona, (Modena), 1782-1852. Serie 3, tom. 10, etc. 49. Firenze, (Roma), 1896, etc. In progress. Mendel's Centralblatt. See 899. Mentor ; or, Edinburgh weekly essayist: containing dissertations on morality, literature and manners. Vol. 1-2. - 12o. Edinburgh, 1817-18. Mercure britannique; ou, notices historiques et critiques sur les affaires du tems. Par J. Mallet du Pan. Vol. 1-5. 80. Londres, 1798-1800. No more published. The title-page of volume 1 reads: “ Essai histori- que sur la destruction de la ligue et de la liberté helvétiques. Par J. Mallet du Pan.” Mercure de France. (Série moderne.) Tom. 71, etc. In progress. - 8o. Paris, 1908, etc. Meridian Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. Scell?3. Merkel and Bonnet's Ergebnisse. See 455. The Messenger of Mathematics. See 945. Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second Order. (Meteorological Office.) See 308. Meteorological Observations made at the. Honorable East India Company's Observatory at Madras (Government Observatory) . in the year 1851 (-1890). la. 4o. Madras, 1874-92. Meteorologisch Jaarboek voor 1902, uitgegeven door het Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. (Annuaire météoro- logique, etc.) - la. 4o. Utrecht, 1903. [Continued as :] JAARBoEK (Annuaire). A. Meteorologie. (B. Aard-Magnetisme.) 1903, etc. la. 4o. Utrecht, 1904, etc. In progress, 98 METEOROLOGY 823A. The Meteorology of (the) Ben Nevis (Observatories). [From the foundation of the Observatories in 1883. Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 40. Edinburgh, 1890, etc. Published by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and issued as volumes of the ‘Transactions’ of the Society (q. v. No. 1309). 824. The Microcosm, a periodical work, by Gregory Griffin, of the College of Eton. The second edition. 80. Windsor, 1788. 824A, Middlesex and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries. Vol. 1–4. 80. London, 1895–98 [Continued as :] The HoME Count LES MAGAZINE. Devoted to the topography of London, Middlesex, Essex, Herts., Bucks., Berks., Surrey and Kent. Vol. 1, etc. 80. London, 1899, etc. In progress. 825. The Midland Naturalist. The journal of the associated natural history, philosophical, and archaeological Societies and field clubs of the midland counties. Vol. 1–4. 80. London, Birmingham, 1878–81. 826. The Milesian Magazine; or, Irish monthly gleaner. [By J. Brenan 2 April 1812 (–1825). 80. Dublin, 1812–25. 827. Mind. A quarterly review of psychology and philosophy. Edited by G. C. Robertson. Vol. 1, etc. - 80. London, 1876, etc. In progress. **, Resource. Geological Survey of New South Wales. See º 828. Mineral Resources of the United States. 1889, etc. [Vol. 7, etc.] In progress. 80. Washington, 1892, etc. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1894–1899 and 1901. 828A. Mineral Statistics of Victoria for the year 1878 (–1884). fol. Melbourne, 1879–85. 829. Minerva. Jahrbuch der Universitäten der Welt. (Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt.) Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. sm. 89. Strassburg, 1891, etc. MINERVA. Handbuch der gelehrten Welt. Bearbeitet von G. Lüdtke und J. Beugel. Bd. 1, etc. sm. 89. Strassburg, 1911, etc. In progress. 830. Minutes of Proceedings of the Engineering Association of New South Wales. Vol. 8–10. 80. Sydney, 1893–95. 831. Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 1837, etc. Vol. 1, etc. 80. London, [1837], etc. In progress. Wolume 1 is a reprint published in 1848. MIRROR 99 832, 833. 834. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839, The Mirror. [By H. Mackenzie, and others.] A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1779 and 1780. The fourth edition. 3 vol. 120. London, 1782. The eighth edition. 3 vol. 120. London, 1790. The Mirror of Parliament . . . Edited by J. H. Barrow. 1828 (–1836). fol. London, 1828–36. Imperfect : wanting volumes 1 and 4 of 1828, volumes 1 and 4 of 1829, wolwºme 4 of 1831, volume 2 of 1832, volume 4 of 1835, and volume 4 of 1836. Miscelanea di varie Operette. [Edited by G. M. Lazzaroni.] Tom. 1–8. 129. Venezia, 1740–44. No more published. Miscellamea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum, ex scriptis Societati Regiae Scientiarum exhibitis edita, etc. Tom. 1–7. 49. Berolini, 1710–43. Miscellanea. Curiosa, sive ephemeridum medico-physicarum Ger- manicarum Academiae Naturae Curiosorum decuriae 1, etc. 1670 (–1686). 49. Francofurti et Lipsiae (Norimbergae), 1684–87. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1680 and 1681. Miscellaneae Curiosae : or, entertainments for the ingenious of both sexes. [By T. Turner.] January 1734 (–September 1735). [No. 1–6.] - 80. York, 1734–35. No more published. In the second and following numbers the title is corrected to ‘Miscellanea Curiosa '. No number was published for Oct.—Dec. 1734. Miscellanea. Curiosa Mathematica : or, the literary correspondence of some eminent mathematicians in Great Britain and Ireland, etc. [Edited by F. Holliday.] Vol. 1-2, no. 5. No more published. 49. London, 1745–1753?] Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica Societatis Privatae Tauri- mensis. Tom. 1. 49. Augustae Taurimorum, 1759. [Continued as :] MÉLANGES DE PHILosophiF ET DE MATHáMATIQUE DE LA SoCIÉTÉ ROYALE DE TURIN, pour les années 1760 (–1773). Tom. 2–5. 49, Turin, [1760–73]. [Continued as :] MÉMOIRES DE L’ACADEMIE ROYALE DES ScIENCEs. Années 1784 (–1800). (Mémoires des correspondans, etc.). Wol. 6–11. 40. Turin, 1786–1801. H 2 100 MISCELLANEA [Continued as :] - MÉMOIREs DE L’ACADEMIE DES SCIENCEs, LITTÉRATURE, ET BEAUx-ARTS DE TURIN, pour les années x [1802] (–1812). Sciences physiques et mathématiques. (Littérature, et Beaux-Arts.) [i. e. Vol. 12–21 of the entire series.] 49. Turin, an xii, [1804–1813. Imperfect ; wanting the volumes of the “Sciences physiques et mathé- matiques’ series for the years 1805–1812. [Continued as :] MÉMOIRES DE L’ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES DE TURIN, pour les années 1813–14. (Vol. 22.) 49. Turin, 1816. [Continued as :] MEMORIE DELLA REALE ACCADEMLA DELLE SCIENZE DI ToBINo. Tom. 23–Serie seconda, tom. 1. 40. Torino, 1818–39. Imperfect : wanting volumes 25–32, 34 and 35 of the 1st Series. Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Serie Seconda, tom. 57, etc. 49. Torino, 1907, etc. In progress. 840. Miscellanea Scientifica Curiosa. No. 1–4. [i. e. pp. 1–122.] - 49. [London, 1766–67?] After the eighth number this periodical was discontinued. 841. Miscellaneous Scientific Papers of the Allegheny Observatory of - the University of Pittsburgh. New Series, vol. 1, etc. In progress. sm. 89. Lancaster, Pa., [1901], etc. 842. The Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society. Vol. 1. - 49. Dublin, 1846. 842A. Mississippi State Geological Survey. Bulletin. No. 1, etc. In progress. 80. Nashville, 1907, etc. 843. Missouri Botanical Garden. Annual Report. (8th, etc., Reports.) In progress. la. 89. St. Louis, Mo., 1897, etc. Imperfect : wanting the 9th report (1898). Mitteilungen aus dem germanischen Nationalmuseum. See 157. 844. Mittheilungen aus dem mechanisch-technischen Laboratorium der königlichen polytechnischen Schule in München. (König- liche technische Hochschule.) Heft 1, etc. In progress. fol. München, 1873, etc. 845. Mittheilungen aus den königlichen technischen Versuchsan- stalten zu Berlin. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der königlichen Aufsichts-Kommission. Redacteur: H. Wedding. Jahrgang 1–14. 49. Berlin, 1883–96. *846. Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Facultät der kaiserlich- japanischen Universität. Bd. 1, etc. 49. Tokio, 1892, etc. In progreSS. - MITTHEILUNGEN 101 847. 848. 849. 85O. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen Station zu Neapel, zugleich ein Repertorium für Mittelmeerkunde. Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. - la. 89. Leipzig, (Berlin), 1879, etc. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie. Von Dr. A. Petermann. Bd. 22. 49. Gotha, 1876. [After volume 24, continued as ..] Dr. A. PETERMANN's MITTHEILUNGEN AUs JUSTUs PERTHEs' GEOGRA- PHISCHER ANSTALT. Herausgegeben von E. Behm. Bd. 27–30. 49. Gotha, 1881–84. Mitteilungen der Erdbeben-Kommission der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Neue Folge, No. 15, etc. I% progress. - la. 89. Wien, 1903, etc. Mittheilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern aus dem Jahre 1893 (–1894). 80. Bern, 1894–95. Mittheilungen der prähistorischen Commission der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1, etc. a I% progress. 40. Wien, 1893, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–78 ofvolume 1. "Äsen der schweizerischen geologischen Gesellschaft. See H » Mitteilungen der vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 1–9. 89. Berlin, 1896–1904. Imperfect : wanting pp. 279 to the end of volume 9. Mittheilungen des deutschen archaeologischen Institutes in Athen. Jahrgang 1–10. la. 80. Athen, 1876–85. [Continued as ..] * MITTHEILUNGEN DEs KAISERLICH-DEUTSCHEN ARCHAEOLOGISCHEN INSTI- TUTES. Athenische Abtheilung. Bd. 11, etc. I% progress. la. 89. Athen, 1886, etc. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steier- mark. Jahrgang 1893, etc. la. 89. Graz, 1894, etc. I% progress. Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Philologica Batava. Nova series, vol. 7, etc. In progress. la. 89. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1879, etc. The Model Engineer and Electrician. A journal of practical mechanics and electricity. Vol. 13, etc. I% progreSS. la. 89. London, 1905, etc. Modern Language Notes. A. M. Elliott, managing editor. Vol. 21, etc. 40, Baltimore, 1906, etc. I% progreSS. 102 MODERN 858. 859. 860. 861. *862. 863. 864. 865. The Modern Language Quarterly. (The Modern Quarterly of Language and Literature.) With which is incorporated the Modern Language Teachers’ Guide. Vol. 1-7. - 49. London, 1897–1904. [Continued as :] [I.] The MoDERN LANGUAGE REVIEw. A quarterly journal devoted to the study of medieval and modern literature and philology. Edited by J. G. Robertson. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Cambridge, 1905, etc. In progress. [II.] MoDERN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Edited by W. Rippmann. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. London, 1905, etc. I? progress. The Modern Ilanguage Review. See 858. Modern Ilanguage Teaching. See 858. Modern Philology. A quarterly journal devoted to research in modern languages and literatures. Vol. 1, no. 2, etc. In progress. la. 80. Chicago, 1903, etc. The Modern Quarterly of Language and Literature. See 858. Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beforderung der Erd- und Himmels- kunde. Herausgegeben von F. von Zach. Bd. 1–28. No more published. 80. Gotha, 1800–13. Monatsberichte der königlich-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1856–(1881). 80. Berlin, 1856–82. [Continued as :] SITZUNGSBERICHTE DER KöNIGLICH-PREUSSISCHEN AKADEMIE, etc. 1882, etc. la. 80. Berlin, 1882, etc. In progress. Monatshefte für praktische Dermatologie. Bd. 1–11. 89. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1882–90. Imperfect: wanting volumes 2 and 3. The Monist. A quarterly magazine (devoted to the philosophy of science). Vol. 4–8. la. 80. Chicago, 1894–98. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–160 of volume 4, and pp. 321 to the end of volume 8. - Le Moniteur de la Teinture et de l'impression des tissus. Journal des industries tinctoriales et textiles. Année 34–39. 49. [Paris], 1890–95. *:::: * Supplements of the Psychological Review. See Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Washington, 1890, etc. MONTHLY 103 866. 867. 868. 869. 87O. 871. Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology (Physiology). See 551. The Monthly Magazine, and British register, for 1796 (–1825). Vol. 1–59. 89. London, 1796–1825. [Continued as: The MonTHLY MAGAZINE : or, British register of literature, sciences, and the belles-lettres. New series, vol. 1–6. 89. London, 1826–28. The Monthly Microscopical Journal. See 1293. Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society of London (Royal Astronomical Society), containing abstracts of papers, and reports of the proceedings of the Society. 1827, etc. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80 and 49. London, 1831, etc. Wolumes 19–27 are printed in quarto as a supplement to volumes 28– 36 of the “Memoirs of the Astronomical Society' (q. v. No. 795). The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature. [Edited by R. Aspland.] Vol. 1—New series, vol. 9. 80. London, (Hackney), 1806–35. Imperfect: wanting pp. 445–508 and 701 to the end of volume 21, pp. 385–53.2 of volume 8 of the new series, and pp. 293 to the end of volume 9 of the new series. The Monthly Review (or literary journal). A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c., as they come out. By several hands. Vol. 1–81. 80. London, (1749)–1789. Enlarged. Vol. 1–108. 80. London, 1790–1825. Imperfect: wanting volumes 8.2, 83, 84, 101, 106, 107, and 108. New and improved series. Vol. 1–15. 80. London, 1826–30. Imperfect: wanting volumes 1, 2, and 3. New [fourth] and improved series. Vol. 1–3. 80. London, 1831. The Monthly Scientific Journal, containing disquisitions in natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts. . . Conducted by W. Marrat. Wol. 1. 80. New York, 1818. The Monthly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. See 308. Monthly Weather Review. (Meteorological Service, Dominion of Canada.) 1894, etc. Vol. [18], etc. 49. [Toronto], 1894, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting the number for November, 1897. 104 MONUMENTI 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. MIonumenti Annali e Bullettini pubblicati dall' Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica nel 1854 (-1855). fol. Roma, (Gotha, Lipsia), [1854-55]. [Continued as:] MoNUMENTI ED ANNALI pubblicati dall' Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica nel 1856. fol. Lipsia, [1856]. MIonumenti antichi. Pubblicati per cura della Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Vol. 1, etc. fol. Milano, 1889, etc. In progress. MIonumenti ed Annali pubblicati dall' Instituto di Corrispon- denza archeologica. See 873. Monuments et Mémoires. (Fondation Eugène Piot.) See 472. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Eine Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Herausgegeben von C. Gegenbaur. Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Leipzig, 1876, etc. In progress. Müllers Archiv. See 183. Musenalmanach für das Jahr 1770 (-1772). (Herausgegeben von C. Redlich.) sm. 89. Stuttgart, (Leipzig), 1894-97. Being numbers 49-50, 52-53, and 64-65 of Sauer's Deutsche Littera- turdenkmale des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts” (q. v. No. 418). Museum Criticum ; or, Cambridge classical researches. [Edited by J. H. Monk and C. J. Blomfield.] Vol. 1-2. lNo more published. 80. Cambridge, 1814-26. – [Another edition. ] 2 vol. 89. Cambridge, 1826. Museum für altdeutsche Literatur und Kunst. Herausgegeben von F. H. v. d. Hagen, B. J. Docen und J. G. Büsching. Bd. 1-2. 8o. Berlin, 1809-11. Museum für Künstler und für Kunstliebhaber, oder Fortsetzung der Miscellaneen artistischen Inhalts. Herausgegeben von J. G. Mensel. Stück 1-12. 80. Mannheim, 1787-90. IMuseum für Natur- und Heimatkunde zu Magdeburg. Abhand- lungen und Berichte. Bd. 1. 80. Magdeburg, 1906. [Continued as:] ABHANDLUNGEN UND BERICHTE AUS DEM MUSEUM FUR NATUR- UND HEIMATKUNDE und dem naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Magde- burg. Bd. 2, etc. 49. Magdeburg, 1909, etc. In progress. Museum für Philologie. Seell48. The Museum of Classical Antiquities. A quarterly journal of architecture and the sister branches of classic art. [Edited by E. Faulkner.] Vol. 1-2. la. 89. London, 1851-53. No more published. r MUSEUM 105 882. Museum Rusticum et Commerciale ; or, select papers on agriculture, - commerce, arts, and manufactures . . . Revised . . . by several members of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Vol. 1-6. - 80. London, 1764–66. No more published. 882A. Nachrichten von der königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Universität zu Göttingen. 1884 (–1903). la. 80. Göttingen, 1884–1903. In 1894 the University of Göttingen discontinued its connection with the publication. From 1894 onwards the ‘Machrichten' is divided into three sections: “Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse’; ‘Philologisch-histo- wische Klasse’; and ‘Geschäftliche Mittheilungen’. This set wants pp. 225 to the end of the volume for 1899, and pp. 39 to the end of the volume for 1903 of the ‘Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse'; pp. 225 to the end of the volume for 1903 of the “Philologisch-historische Klasse’; and pp. 69 to the end of the volume for 1894, and the whole of the volume for 1903 of the ‘Geschäftliche Mittheilungen”. Nachrichten von merkwürdigen Büchern. See 1183. 883. The Nation. Vol. 4, etc. sm. fol. London, 1908, etc. In progress. 884. The National Physical Laboratory. Collected Researches. Vol. 1, etc. 49. [Teddington], (1905), etc. I? progress. 885. The National Physical Laboratory. Report for the year 1901, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, (Teddington), 1902, etc. 886. The National Physical Laboratory. Report of the Observatory Department [formerly Kew Observatory] for the year 1904, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, (Teddington), 1905, etc. 887. The Natural History Review : a quarterly journal of biological science. Edited by G. Busk, W. B. Carpenter, F. Currey, etc. Vol. 1–5. No more published. 89. London, 1861–65. 888. The Naturalist: a monthly journal of natural history for the North of England. 1896, etc. 89. London, 1896, etc. In progress. * 889. The Naturalist's Pocket Magazine; or, compleat cabinet of the curiosities and beauties of nature, etc. Vol. 1-7 [i. e. No. 1–144]. - 120. London, 1799–1800?]. Imperfect: wanting numbers 124, 131, 141 and 142. 890, Nature: a weekly illustrated journal of science. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 40, London, 1869, etc. 106 NATURETORSCHER +89l. Der Naturforscher. Wochenblatt zur Verbreitung der Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften . . . Herausgegeben von O. Schumann. Jahrgang 19-21. sm. fol. Tübingen, 1886-88. No more published after volume 21. w +892. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Wöchentliche Berichte über die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaften . . . Herausgegeben von F. Vieweg und Sohn. Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. sm. fol. Braunschweig, 1886, etc. 893. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederl.-Indië. Deel 54, etc. la. 80. Batavia, 's Gravenhage, 1895, etc. In progress. 894. The Nautical Almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1796 (1798, 1834-38, 1860-64, 1877, 1884, etc.). In progress. la. 80. London, 1792, etc. 895. Neudrucke deutscher Litteraturwerke des 16. und 17. Jahrhun- derts. (Herausgegeben von W. Braune.) No. 1, etc. In progress. # sm. 89. Halle a. S., 1886, etc. Neue Beiträge zur Völker- und Länderkunde. See 248. Neue Jahrbücher der königl. philosophisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Würzburg. See 568. 896. Neue nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie. Bd. 1-7. 89. St. Petersburg und Leipzig, 1781-96. Volumes 5-7 have a second title page : “ Neueste nordische Beyträge, etc. Bd. 1-3.” 897. Der Neue teutsche Merkur vom Jahre 1800 (-1803). Heraus- gegeben vom C. M. Wieland. sm. 80. Weimar, 1800-3. Neues hamburgisches Magazin. See 518. 898. Neues Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift des pharmaceutischen Instituts zu Halle. Bd. 7-9. 80. Halle, 1833. Neues Journal der practisch en Arzneykunde und Wundarzney- kunst. See 6O7. Neues Journal der practischen Heilkunde. See 607. Neueste nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographi- schen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, etc. See 896. *899. Neurologisches Centralblatt. Übersicht der Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathologie und Therapie des Nervensystems einschliesslich der Geisteskrankheiten. Heraus- gegeben von E. Mendel. Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Leipzig, 1882, etc. NEW-ENGLAND 107 *900. The New-England Medical Review and Journal. Vol. 1. 80. Boston, 1827. 901. The New Phytologist. A British botanical journal, edited by A. G. Tansley. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. London, 1902, etc. In progreSS. 902. New Shakespeareana. A critical contemporary and current review of Shakespearean and Elizabethan studies. Conducted by the Shakespeare Society of New York. Vol. 5, etc. In progress. sm. fol. New York and Westfield, 1906, etc. 903. The New Shakespere Society's Transactions. (Monthly Abstract of Proceedings.) 1874 (–1892). [No. 1–14.] - 89. London, [1874]–1904. 904. New South Wales. Geological Survey. Mineral Resources. No. 1, etc. la. 89. Sydney, 1898, etc. In progress. 904A. New South Wales. Report of the Government Bureau of Microbiology for 1909, etc. sm, fol. Sydney, 1910, etc. In progress. *905. The New Sydenham Society. [Publications.] Wol. 1–194. No more published. 80, la. 80, and fol. London, 1859–1907. 906. The New Zealand Official Year-book. Prepared . . . by . . . the Registrar-General. 1894, etc. 80. Wellington, N. Z., 1894, etc. In progress. Nicholson's Journal. See 624. Niles' Weekly Register. See 1872. 907. The Nineteenth Century and after. Vol. 63, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1908, etc. 908. North of England Institute of Mining (and Mechanical) Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 1, etc. I? progress. la. 89. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, [1852], etc. Imperfect : wanting volumes 3–7, 18 and 21. Volumes 1 and 2 are of the second edition. 909. The Northumbrian Mirror; or, young student’s literary and mathe- matical companion, forming an introduction to the Ladies’ Diary, &c. Vol. 1–2, no. 9. 129. Alnwick, 1837–39. 910. Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du Roi (de la Bibliothèque nationale, et autres bibliothèques) las au Comité établi par Sa Majesté dans l'Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Tom. 1–22. 49. Paris, 1787–1874. 911. Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain : with abstracts of the discourses delivered at the evening meetings. Vol. 1, etc. In progress, 8”. London, 1851, etc. 108 NOTULEN 9llA. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. Notulen van de Algemeene en Bestuurs-Vergaderingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Deel 1-16. la. 89. Batavia, (1862)-1879. Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, par la Société philomathique de Paris. See 332. Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Académie de Dijon, pour la partie des Sciences et Arts. 1782 (-1785). 80. Dijon, 1783-85. Imperfect : wanting the 2nd part of the volume for 1783. Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences et Belles- Lettres, Berlin. See 526. Nouveaux Mémoires de la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléon- tologie et d'Hydrologie. Série in-40. No. 1, etc. In progress. - la. 40. Bruxelles, 1903, etc. Nouvelle Bibliothèque choisie, oü l'on fait connoitre les bons livres en divers genres de litérature, et l'usage qu'on en doit faire. Tom. 1-2. 120. Amsterdam, 1714. Nouvelle Bibliothèque germanique, ou histoire littéraire de l'Alle- magne, de la Suisse, et des pays du Nord. Par les Auteurs de la Bibliothèque germanique [q. v. No. 267], et du Journal littéraire d'Allemagne [i. e. J. H. S. Formey and J. de Pérard]. Tom. 1-24. - 89. Amsterdam, 1746-75. Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques. Journal des candidats aux Ecoles polytechnique et normale. Tom. 1-Série 3, tom. 15. 80. Paris, 1842-96. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. See 87. Nouvelles de la République des Lettres. Mars 1684 (-Juin 1718). [Commenced by P. Bayle.] 129. Amsterdam, 1684-1718. No more published. The publication of the “ Nouvelles' was discon- tinued after the number for April 1689, and was recommenced in January 1699. It was again discontinued between December 1710 and January 1716. Nouvelles des Missions orientales, reçues au Séminaire des Missions étrangères, à Paris, en 1785 et 1786, (1782, 1791, 1792). 129. Amsterdam, (Liége), 1787-94. INova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum. See 22. INova, #" Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. See e Nova Acta Eruditorum. See 18. NOVA s 109 919. 919A. 92O. 921. 922. 923. 924, 925. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Caro- linae Naturae Curiosorum. See 22. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. See 20. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropoli- tanae. See 391. Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. See 392. The Numismatic Chronicle, and journal of the (Royal) Numismatic Society. 3rd series, vol. 11, etc. 89. London, 1891, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-904 of volume 11 of the 3rd series. Il Nuovo Cimento. Organo della Società italiana di Fisica. Serie 6, tom, 1, etc. la. 89. Pisa, 1911, etc. In progress. Nyelvemléktár Régi Magyar Codexek és Nyomtatványok. Kiadja a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia nyelwtudományi bizottsága. Köt 4–13. 80. Budapest, 1876–86. Nyelvtudományi Közlemények. Kiadja a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia nyelwtudományi bizottsága. Szerkeszti Hunfalvy P. Köt 7–21. 80. Pesten, 1868–87. Imperfect: wanting pp. 177 to the end of volume 10, the whole of wolwºme 11, pp. 1–160 of volume 12, and pp. 161 to the end of volume 21. Observaçães meteorologicas e magneticas feitas no Observatorio de Coimbra no anno de 1893, etc. fol. Coimbra, 1894, etc. In progress. Observations and Researches made at the Hongkong Observatory, in the year 1893 (–1903). fol. Hongkong, 1894–1904. Observations at Stations of the Second Order and at Anemograph Stations. (Meteorological Office.) See 308. Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay. See 925. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Obser- vatory at Batavia. Vol. 15, etc. 1892, etc. In progress. fol. Batavia, 1893, etc. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Obser- vatory at Bombay. 1845 (–1847). sm. fol. Bombay, 1846–51. [Continued as :] MAGNETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE HONOR- ABLE EAST INDIA CoMPANY’s OBSERVATORY, BoMBAY. 1848 (–1864). sm. fol. Bombay, 1851-67. 110 OBSERVATIONS 926. 927. 928. +929. 930. *931. 932. 933. [Afterwards continued as :] MAGNETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE GOVERN- MENT OBSERVATORY, BoMBAY, 1891 (–1897). sm. fol. Bombay, 1893–98. [Continued as :] MAGNETICAL, METEORologICAL AND SEIsMoIOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the Government Observatory, Bombay (and Alibag), 1898, etc. In progress. sm. fol. Bombay, 1901, etc. Observations made . . . at the United States Naval Observatory (during the year 1889). 80. Washington, 1893. [Continued as :) ASTRONOMICAL, MAGNETIC AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made during the year 1890 (–1892) at the United States Naval Obser- watory. 49. Washington, 1895–99. [Continued as :] PUBLICATIONs of THE UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY. Second series, vol. 1, etc. 49. Washington, 1900, etc. In progress. Observations sur la Physique, sur l’Histoire naturelle et sur les Arts. See 1222. observations surles Écrits modernes. [By Desfontaines, Mairault, Destrée, Granet, Fréron, and others.] Tom. 1-33. Mo more published. 129. Paris, 1735–43. The Observator; from April the 1st 1702, to (March the 31st 1705). (By John Tutchin.) Vol. 1–3. sm. fol. London, 1702–5. The Observatory, a monthly review of astronomy. (Companion to the Observatory.) Vol. 29, etc. 89, London, 1906, etc. In progress. The Observer: being a collection of moral, literary and familiar essays. By R. Cumberland. The fifth edition. 6 vol. 80. London, 1798. — The eighth edition. 3 vol. 120. London, 1808. The Obstetrical Journal of Great Britain and Ireland, including midwifery and the diseases of women and children. Vol. 1-7. 80. London, 1873–80. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. 1, etc. 80. Boston, Mass., 1869, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting volume 5. The Oeconomist; or, Englishman's magazine, for 1798. Vol. 1 [nos. 3–12 only]. 120. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1798. ÖFVERSIGT 111 934. Öfwersigt af Kongliga vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar. Arg. 55–59. 89. Stockholm, 1898–1902. No more published after volume 59. - 935. Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, containing authoritative statistics for the period 1901–1907 (1901–1908, etc.) and corrected statistics for the period 1788 to 1900. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Melbourne, 1908, etc. Ohio State University, Psychological Studies. See 1055. 936. Oklahoma. Geological Survey. Bulletin, No. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Norman, 1908, etc. 937. The Old Whig ; or, the consistent protestant. 2 vol. 80. London, 1739. 938. Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. 59 Reeks, [Deel] 9, etc. - In progress. la. 80. Utrecht, 1908, etc. 938A. Onweders, Optische Verschijnselen, Enz. in Nederland. (Konink- lijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut.) 1902, etc. Deel 23, etc. In progress. la. 80. Amsterdam, 1903, etc. *939. Ophthalmic Hospital Reports; and journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Vol. 1–10. 80. London, 1857–82. 940, Opuscoli matematici e fisici di diversi autori. Tom. 1–2. 49. Milano, 1832–34. 941. The Oriental Herald, and colonial review. Conducted by J. S. Buckingham. Vol. 2–13. 80. London, 1824–27. Imperfect: wanting pp. 161 to the end of volume 2, pp. 1–460 of volume 3, and pp. 401 to the end of volume 7. 942. Orientalistische Litteratur-Zeitung. Herausgegeben von F. E. Peiser. Jahrgang 1–5. 40. Berlin, 1898–1902. - Imperfect: wanting pp. 84–129 of Jahrg. 4 (1901). 943. Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte nell’ anno 1896 (1897, etc.) all’ Osservatorio della reale Università di Torino. - In progress. 80. Torino, 1897, etc. Imperfect ; wanting the volume for 1902. 944. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbejder i Aaret 1894, etc. In progress. la. 89. København, 1894, etc. 945. The Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics, a journal supported by junior mathematical students, and conducted by a board of editors, composed of members of the three Universities. Vol. 1–5. 80. Cambridge, 1862–71. [Continued as :] The MESSENGER of MATHEMATICS. Wol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. London and Cambridge, 1872, etc. 112 OXFORD 946. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. Oxford Essays, contributed by Members of the University. 1855 (–1858). Vol. 1–4. 89. London, [1855–58]. No more published. Oxford Historical Society. [Publications. Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 80. Oxford, 1885, etc. The Palaeontographical Society. [Publications.] Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 40. London, 1848, etc. Palestina, the Chovevi Zion Quarterly. Published by the Chovevi Zion Association. [Edited by S. A. Hirsch.] No. 1-[23]. No more published. 80. London, 1892–98. Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. London, 1869, etc. The Palladium; or, appendix to the Ladies’ Diary, for the year . . . 1749. Containing a farther improvement of arts and sciences, for the use and pleasure of the ingenious of both sexes. By the Author of the Ladies’ Diary [i. e. Robert Heath]. [No. 1.] 129, TLondon], 1748. [Continued as :] The GENTLEMAN AND LADy's PALLADIUM for the year . . . 1750 (–1754). 120. London, [1750–1754. [United with ‘The Ladies' Chronologer’ (q.v. No. 679), and continued as: The GENTLEMAN AND LADY's PALLADIUM AND CHRONoLOGER, for the year . . . 1755. 129. London, 1755. [Continued as :] The GENTLEMAN AND LADY's PALLADIUM AND DIARY, for the year . . . 1756. 129. [London, 1756. [Continued as :] The GENTLEMAN AND LADY's DIARY AND PALLADIUM, for the year . . . 1757. 129. [London, 1757. [Continued as :] The GENTIEMAN AND Laby's PALLADIUM, for the year . . . 1758. 129. [London, 1758. [Continued as :] The GENTLEMAN AND LADY’s MILITARY PALLADIUM, for the year . . . 1759. 129. [London,] 1759. [Continued as :] The GENTLEMAN AND LADy's PALLADIUM, for the year . . . 1760 (–1762). 120. [London, 1760–62. [Continued as :] The PALLADIUM EXTRAoRDINARY, for the year . . . 1763. 120, London, 1763. PANHELLENIC 113 952. 953. 954. 955. 956. [Continued as :] - The PALLADIUM. ENLARGED. (The Palladium-Supplement), for the year . . . 1764. 129. London, 1764. [Continued as :] The PALLADIUM of FAME, or annual miscellany, for the year . . . 1765. 120. London, 1765. [Continued as :] FAME's PALLADIUM, or annual miscellany . . . for the year . . . 1766 (-1767). 129. London, 1766–67. [Continued as :] The BRITISH PALLADIUM ; or annual miscellany, for the year 1768 (–1779). 129. London, 1768–79. No more published. Panhellenic Annual for the year 1880. First year. - 89. London, 1880. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1898–9 (and 1902). 89. Tasmania, 1900–3. Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (Archaeological Institute of America.) Vol. 1–6. la. 80. Boston, 1885–97. Imperfect : wanting volumes 2–4. - Papers of the British School at Rome. Vol. 1–2. • - - 89. London, 1902–4. Papers of the Browning Society. See 312. Papers of the Shakespeare Society. See 1182. Papers read at the Royal Institute of British Architects. (Sessional Papers.) Session 1853–4 (–1877–8). 49. London, 1854–78. [Continued as :] The TRANSACTIONs of THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTs. 957. Session 1878–9 (–1883–4). 49. London, 1879–84. - [Continued as :] [I.] The TRANSACTIONs of THE Royal, INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHI- TECTs. New series, vol. 1–8. 40. London, 1885–92. [II.] Journal of PRocKEDINGs of THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTs. New series, vol. 1–9. 40. London, 1885–93. [Continued as :] Journal, of THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTs. Third series, vol. 1, etc. 49. London, 1894, etc. In progress. Papers read before the Engineering Society of the School of Practical Science, Toronto. No. 6–12. 80. Toronto, 1893–99. I 114 PARLIAMENTARY The Parliamentary Debates. See 387. The Parliamentary Register. See 535. Paul and Braune's Beiträge. See 245. - - 958. The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1832 [Vol. 1]—New series, vol. 5. - 40. London, 1832–45. 959. The People's Phrenological Journal, and compendium of mental and moral science. Vol. 1–2. 80. London, 1843–44. No more published. 959A. Percy Society [Publications]. No. 1-69. 80. London, 1840–47. Imperfect ; wanting numbers 9 and 68. - . Petermann's Mittheilungen. See 848. Pflüger's Archiv. See 181. 96.O. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions [of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain]. Edited by J. Bell. Vol. 1–Third series, vol. 25. • 80 (la. 89). London, 1842–95. - [Continued as :] . . . The PHARMACEUTICAL Journal. A weekly record of pharmacy and allied sciences. (The official organ of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.) Fourth series, vol. 1, etc. (Complete series, vol. 55, etc.) 49. London, 1895, etc. In progress. . . . . . . * 961. Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt für 1843 (–1844). *. 80. Leipzig, 1843–44. 962. The Philological Museum. [Edited by J. C. Hare.] Vol. 1–2. No more published. 80. Cambridge, 1832–33. 963. Philologus. Zeitschrift für das klassische Alterthum. Heraus- gegeben von F. W. Schneidewin. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Stolberg, (Göttingen, Leipzig), 1846, etc. — Supplementband 1, etc. - In progress. 80. Göttingen, (Leipzig), 1860, etc. The Philosophical History and Memoirs of the Royal Academy . . of Sciences at Paris. See 525. . 964. The Philosophical Magazine. Comprehending the various branches . of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce. By A. Tilloch. Vol. 1–42. - - - 80. London, 1798–1813. ... [United with the ‘Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the . . . Arts” (q.v. No. 624), and continued as : - The PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND Journal, etc. Vol. 48–68. . . 80. London, 1814–26. [United with the ‘Annals of Philosophy’ (q.v. No. 102), and continued as :] PHILOSOPHICAL 115 The PHILosophical MAGAZINE ; or, annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural history, and general science. By R. Taylor and R. Phillips. New and united series of the Philosophical Magazine and Annals of Philosophy. Vol. 1–11. 89. London, 1827–32. [United with the “Edinburgh Journal of Science’, and continued as :] The LoNDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, and journal of science. Vol. 1–16. 89. London, 1832–40. [Continued as :] The LoNDON, EDINBURGH, AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. 17, etc. 89. London, 1840, etc. In progress. The Philosophical Repository. See 752. 965, Philosophical Transactions: giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many con- siderable parts of the world. . [Afterwards the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society..] Vol. 1–16. 49, London, 1665–87. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SoCIETY of LoNDoN for the year 1801, etc. [Vol. 91, etc.] 49. London, 1801, etc. In progress. The PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONs [of the Royal Society] and collec- tions, [from 1665] to the end of the year 1700. Abridg’d and dispos'd under general heads. By J. Lowthorp. Third edition. 3 vol. 49. London, 1722. The PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONs from the year 1700, when Mr. Lowthorp ends, to the year 1720. Abridg’d, and dispos'd under general heads. By B. Motte, 2 vol. 49. London, 1721. The PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONs. (From the year 1719, to the year 1783.) Abridged, and disposed under general heads. By J. Eames and J. Martyn. 2 vol. 49. London, 1734. The PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONs of the Royal Society of London from their commencement, in 1665, to the year 1800 [i. e. Vol. 1-90]; abridged, with notes and biographic illustrations by C. Hutton, G. Shaw, R. Pearson. 18 vol. 49. London, 1809. 965A. Philosophische Momatshefte. Bd. 18–26. 80. Leipzig, (Heidelberg), 1877–90. 966. Philosophische Studien. Herausgegeben von W. Wundt. Bd. 1–20. la. 80. Leipzig, 1883–1903. [Continued as :] [I.] ARCHIV FüR DIE GESAMTE PSYCHOLOGIE . . . Herausgegeben von E. Meumann. Bd. 1, etc. la. 80. Leipzig, 1908, etc. In progress. I 2 116 PHOENIX 967. 968. 969. 97O. 971, 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. [II] Psychologische STUDIEN. Herausgegeben von W. Wundt. Neue Folge der Philosophischen Studien. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Leipzig, 1906, etc. The Phoenix, a monthly magazine for China, Japan and Eastern Asia. Edited by J. Summers. (Vol. 1–2.) 40. London, 1870–72. The Phonetic Journal. See 968. . The Phonographic Journal. Vol. 1. sm, 80. Bath, London, 1842. [Continued as :] - The PHONOTYPIC Journal (Fonotipic Jurnal). Vol. 2–8. 89. Bath, London, 1843–49. [Continued as:] The FONETIC JURNAL. Vol. 9–10. 80. Lundun, 1850–51. [Continued as :] - The PHONETIC Journal. Vol. 11–22. 40. London, 1852–63. The Phonotypic Journal. See 968. The Photographic Journal. See 593A. The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany. Vol. 1-11 (New series, vol. 1). 80. Edinburgh, (London), 1824–38. The Physical Review. A journal of experimental and theoretical physics conducted with the co-operation of the American Physical Society, etc. Vol. 28, etc. In progress. la. 80. Lancaster, Pa., and New York, 1909, etc. Physical Society of London. Abstracts of Physical Papers from foreign sources. Vol. 1–3. 80. London, 1895–97. No more published. After 1897 the “Abstracts’ were published in ‘Science Abstracts” (q. v. No. 1167). Physicalische und medicinische Abhandlungen der königlichen Academie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Lateinischen und Französischen übersetzt von J. L. C. Mumler. Bd. 1–4. 80. Gotha, 1781–86. Physikalische Zeitschrift . . . Herausgegeben von E. Riecke und H. T. Simon. Jahrgang 9, etc. 49. Leipzig, 1908, etc. In progress. Physiological Laboratory, University College, London. Collected Papers. (Institute of Physiology.) 1874–5, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 89. [London, 1875, etc.] Le Physiologiste russe. Rédigé par . . . L. Morokhowetz. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Moscou, 1898, etc. Imperfect ; wanting volume 2. Poetisches Journal. Herausgegeben von L. Tieck, Erster Jahr- gang, Stück 1–2. 80. Jena, 1800. No more published. - POGGENDORFF 117 Poggendorff's Annalen. See 64. 977. The Political State of Great Britain; being an impartial account of the most material occurrences ecclesiastical, civil and military. In a monthly letter to a Friend in Holland. Vol. 1–58. 80. London, 1711–39. Several of the volumes want title-pages. This periodical was discontinued after volume 60. +978. The Popular Science Monthly. Vol. 72, etc. In progress. la. 80. New York, 1908, etc. 979. Prace Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego. III. Wydział nauk matematycznych i przyrodniczych. (Travaux de la Société scientifique de Varsovie.) No. 1, etc. la. 80. Warszawa, 1908, etc. In progress. 980, ripakrika rās v 'A0;ivats’Apxatokoyukis ‘Eraſpias. 1870–71, etc. In progress. la. 80. śv 'Affmvats, 1871, etc. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1875–6, and 1879–80. *981. The Practitioner. A monthly journal of therapeutics. (A medical journal.) Vol. 3, etc. 80 (la, 80). London, 1869, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 49–55. 982. Preisschriften gekrönt und herausgegeben von der fürstlichijablo- nowski'schen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, Nr. 7–28. 80. Leipzig, 1859–91. Imperfect: wanting numbers 12–16, 18, 26 and 27. Pringsheim's Jahrbuch. See 573. 983. The Privateer. A journal for the students of University College and Hospital. Vol. 1, nos. 1–11. sm. 49. [London], 1892–93. No more published. 984. Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club. (Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society.) 1878, etc. 89. Croydon, [1881, etc.]. In progress. Imperfect : wanting the numbers from Feb. 1881–Jan. 1883, Feb. 1888—Jan. 1891, Feb. 1892—Jan. 1897, Feb. 1900—Jan. 1901, and Feb. 1903—Jan. 1904. Proceedings and Transactions of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society. See 1280. 985. Proceedings and Transactions of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius. 1896 (–1901). New series, vol. 1–2. la. 80. Mauritius, 1900–2. 118 PROCEEDINGS 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993, Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science. Vol. 3, etc. * In progress. 80. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1871, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-98 of volume 5. Proceedings and Transactions of the Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. 1893–4 (–1898–9). Vol. 9–14. 89. Brisbane, 1894–99. [Continued as: QUEENSLAND GEOGRAPHICAL Journal. Including the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. 1899–1900, etc. New series, vol. 15, etc. la. 89. Brisbane, [1900, etc.] In progress. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. (Mémoires et Comptes Rendus, etc.) 1882, etc. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49 (la. 89). Montreal, (Ottawa), 1883, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1876, etc. [Vol. 28, etc.] la. 89. Philadelphia, 1876, etc. In progress. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1846, etc. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Boston and Cambridge, Mass., 1848, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 89–248 of volume 4; pp. 385 to the end of volume 5 ; pp. 1–96 and 237 to the end of volume 6; and the whole of volumes 7, 8, and 13–27. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. See 1166. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. 1901, etc. In progress. 80. Easton, Pa., 1901, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–18 of volume 27 (1905), and pp. 47–52 of volume 29 (1907). Proceedings of the American Oriental Society. See 635. Proceedings of the American Philological Association. See 1241. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge. Vol. 2, etc. In progress. 89. Philadelphia, 1841, etc. Early Proceedings of the . . . Society . . . compiled . . . from the manuscript minutes of its meetings from 1744 to 1838. 80. Philadelphia, 1884. Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80, New York, 1907, etc. In progress. PROCEEDINGS 119 994, 995. 996. 997. 998. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. 35, etc. 80. New York, 1909, etc. In progress. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society for the systematic study of philosophy. Vol. 1, etc. 80. London, 1888, etc. In progress. The publication of the ‘Proceedings’ was discontinued after number 2 of volume 3 (1895-6), and was recommenced as a new series in 1901 (i. e. Session 1900–1901). Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1865 (–1904). 80. Calcutta, 1866–1904, Previous to 1865 the ‘Proceedings’ of the Society were published in the ‘Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal' (q. v. No. 637). In 1905 the ‘Journal’ and ‘Proceedings’ were again united, and continued as the ‘Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal' (q.v. No. 637). Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists. 15th (-20th) Session. See 40. 21st, etc., Session. See 54. Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Vol. 1–11. 80. Bath, 1867–1909. No more published. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–158 and 259 to the end of volume 2, and pp. 99–178 of volume 7. Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. See 249. Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club. See 586. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Vol. 1. la. 80. Washington, 1882. Published in volume 25 of the ‘Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections’ (g. v. No. 1193). 999. Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society. Vol. 1–8. 89. Birmingham, 1879–1893]. 1000. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. (1859, etc.) Vol. 7, etc. 89. Boston, Mass., 1861, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volume 9. Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. See 125, 1001. Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. New series, vol. 2, etc. 80. Bristol, 1867, etc. In progress. 1002. Proceedings of the British Academy. 1903–4 (–1905–6). [Vol. 1-3.] la, 80. London, [1904–6]. 120 PROCEEDINGS 10O3. 1004. IOO5. 1006. IOO7. 1008, 1009. 1O1O. 1Oll. 1012. 1013. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Fourth series, vol. 1, etc. la. 80. San Francisco, 1907, etc. In progress. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. See 359. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. London, (Cambridge), 1866, etc. Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. New series, vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Toronto, (1897), etc. Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London, 1841–58. See 788, 1885, etc. See 12. Proceedings of the Chester Society of Natural Science. (Litera- ture and Art.) No. 3, etc. 80. Chester, 1885, etc. In progress. Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London. 1830 (–1882). Pt. 1–2. 89. [London, 1831–32.] [Continued as :] PROCEEDINGs of THE ZooLogical SocIETY OF LONDON. Part 1, etc. In progress. 80. [London, 1833, etc.] Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' (Field)Club. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 80). Gloucester, 1853, etc. Proceedings of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club. See 984. Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Vol. 5, etc. la. 80. Davenport, Iowa, 1893, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–184 of volume 5, and volume 7. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Vol. 1–2. 80. Sherborne, 1877–78. *::::::::" of the Engineering Association of New South Wales. See gº Proceedings of the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania. Vol. 21, etc. 80. Pittsburgh, 1905, etc. In progress. Proceedings of the Essex Field Club. See 1266. Proceedings of the Faraday Society. Vol. 5, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1909, etc. Proceedings of the Geographical Society of Australasia (Royal Geographical Society): South Australian Branch. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80, Adelaide, 1886, etc. PROCEEDINGS 121 1014, 1015. 1Oló. 1O17. 1Ol8. 1019. 1020, Proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Vol. 1–14. 80. Leeds, 1839–1902. Imperfect : wanting pp. 183—286 of volume 1, pp. 196-456 and 545 to the end of volume 3, and pp. 1–230 and 295–358 of volume 4. [Continued as :] PROCEEDINGs of THE YoFESHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. New series, vol. 15, etc. 89. Leeds, 1903, etc. In progress. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. 1826 (–1845). Vol. 1–4. 89. London, 1834–46. After 1845 the ‘ Proceedings’ are published in the ‘Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society' (q. v. No. 1070). Proceedings of the Geological Society of South Africa. See 1271. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. 1859, etc. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. London, 1865, etc. *::::::ing" of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society. See *:::::::s. of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. See tº Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. 1902, etc. 89. London, 1902, etc. In progress. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. See 831, *::gºing" of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. See Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1–6. 80. Des Moines, 1894–99, Imperfect : wanting parts 1–3 of volume 1 and volumes 4 and 5. Proceedings of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeo- logical Society. See 1280. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of Iondon [i. e. Minutes of Meetings, etc.], 1855 (–June 1898). 89. [London, 1855–98.] Imperfect: wanting the parts for 1874–June 1883, Nov. 1886—June 1887, Nov. 1890—June 1892, Nov. 1893—June 1894, and Nov. 1896– June 1897. See also supra: Journal of THE PROCEEDINGs of THE LINNEAN SocIETY (No. 654). Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liver- pool. No. 6–46. 80. Liverpool, 1851–92. Imperfect ; wanting numbers 7, 11–14, 16, and 35. 122 PROCEEDINGS 1021. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester. Vol. 8–4. 80. Manchester, 1864–65. — See also 802. Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Association. See 702. Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. See 10. Proceedings of the Liverpool Medical Institution. See 704. 1022. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 80). London, [1865], etc. *1023. Proceedings of the Medical Society of London. Vol. 1-12. 80. London, (1874)—1889. [Continued as :] TRANSACTIONs of THE MEDICAL SoCIETY OF LONDON. Vol. 13, etc. In progress. 80. London, 1890, etc. 1024. Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America. 1884 (–1885). 80. Baltimore, 1885–86. After 1885 the ‘Proceedings’ was wnited with the ‘Transactions’ of the Association, and continued as “Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America’ (q. v. No. 1295). 1025. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. Vol. 1–3. 80. Glasgow, 1869–78. *::::iing. of the Natural History Society of Montreal. See Proceedings of the New Shakespere Society. See 903. *1026. Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society. Vol. 3, etc. In progress. la. 80. New York, 1903, etc. Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. See 1235. 1027. Proceedings of the Norwich Geological Society. Vol. 1. 80. Norwich, 1878–84. *::::::::g. of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science. See o Proceedings of the Pathological Society of London. See 130l. 1028. Proceedings of the Philological Society for 1842 (–1853). Vol. 1–6. 89. London, 1844–54. [Continued as :] TRANSACTIONs of THE PHILoLoGICAL SoCIETY. 1854, etc. In progress. 80. London, [1855], etc. 1029. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow (Royal Philosophical Society), 1841–2, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 80. Glasgow, 1842, etc. 1030. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London. (1874, etc.) Vol. 1, etc. 80. London, 1876, etc. In progress. PROCEEDINGS 123 Proceedings of the Physiological Society. See 629. Proceedings of the Psychological Society. See 805. 1031. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. Vol. 2, etc. In progress. la. 80. Rochester, N.Y., 1894, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–200 of volume 2. 1032. Proceedings [of the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam]. (Translated from : Verslag van de gewone vergaderingen der Wis-en Natuurkundig Afdeeling . . . Dl. 17, etc.) Vol. 11, etc. I? progress. la. 80. Amsterdam, 1908, etc. See also : VERSLAG, etc., No. 1355. 1033. Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute. Vol. 13, etc. In progress. 89. London, 1882, etc. Imperfect ; wanting volumes 18, 20, 21, and 31–36. Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. See 433. See also ll:72. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. See 1013. 1035. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. 2–6. 80. London, 1858–62. See also: The GEOGRAPHICAL Journal (No. 491). rºles. of the Royal Institute of British Architects. See *śrains. of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. See 1036. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Wol. 1, etc. In progress. 80 (sm. fol.). Dublin, (1886), etc. After volume 7 of the 3rd series the original numeration according to series was discontinued, the following volume being numbered volume 24, as shown in the appended table. Original Numeration. Consecutive Numeration. Vol. 1–10 [1st series]. = Vol. 1–10 (1836–1869). Vol. 1–4, 2nd series. Science Section. = Vol. [11–14] (1870–1888). Wol. 1–2, 2nd Series. Section of Polite Literature and Antiquities. = Vol. [15–16] (1870–1888). Vol. 1–7, 3rd series. = Vol. [17–23] (1888–1901). |Wolume 24 and all subsequent volumes are divided into three sections:— A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. C. Archaeology, Linguistic, and Literature. This set wants pp. 50–128 and 329–475 of volume 1 of the 2nd series, Science Section. 124 PROCEEDINGS *1037. Proceedings of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Vol. 1–Third series, vol. 7. 80. London, 1857–95. Imperfect: wanting volumes 1 and 2 of the 3rd series, and pp. 59–68 of volume 6 of the 3rd series. Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. See 1029. 1038. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh (for the promotion of zoology and other branches of natural history). Vol. 3, etc. 80 (la. 80). Edinburgh, 1867, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–312 of volume 3, pp. 1–100 of volume 4, and pp. 1–136 of volume 5. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada. See 988. 1039. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 80). Edinburgh, 1832, etc. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 87–110, 127–146, 219–268 and 383-404 of volume 1. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Seell. *1040. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1907, etc. The publications of the following Societies were discontinued in 1907, and issued as sections of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of IMedicine’. When the original publications of the Societies mentioned are in the Library the reference number is given in brackets. British Balneological and Climatological Society (614); British Electro-Thera- peutic Society (nothing published); British Gynaecological Society (299); British Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Associa- tion ; Clinical Society of London (1957); Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1261); Dermatological Society of Lon- don (314); Epidemiological Society (1265); Laryngological Society of London ; Medical and Chirurgical Society of London (768); Neuro- logical Society (293); Obstetrical Society of London (1298); Odontological Society of Great Britain (1298A); Otological Society of the United King- dom (1300); Pathological Society (1301); Society for the Study of Disease in Children (1119); Society of Anaesthetists; and Therapeutical Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. See 958. 1041. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. New series, vol. 7, etc. 80. Melbourne, 1895, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 1–114 of volume 12. 1042. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine. Vol. 1, etc. la, 80. New York, 1904, etc. In progress, PROCEEDINGS 125 1043. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. Vol. 13–17. 80. London, 1898–1903. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–282 of volume 13, and pp. 1–108 of wolume 15. 1044. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. London, [1844], etc. 1045. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. 1878–9, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] 80. London, 1879, etc. In progress. 1046. Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts. Vol. 1. 89. London, 1876. INo more published. After this volume the ‘ Proceedings’ are published in ‘The Analyst” (q.v. No. 53). Froceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, See 1197. - Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural - History Society. See 9. 1047. Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers (Trans- actions of the Society). Vol. 1, etc. . In progress. la. 80. Merthyr-Tydfil, (Cardiff), 1858, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 381 to the end of volume 15, and pp. 1–66 and 335 to the end of volume 16. 1048. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. (Published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution,) Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. Washington, 1878, etc. Imperfect : wanting volumes 5–18 and 20–23. Volumes 1–4 are published in volumes 19 and 22 of the ‘Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections” (q. v. No. 1193). 1048A, Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society. Vol. 3, etc. 80. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1910, etc. I? progress. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–184 of volume 3. 1049. Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers. Vol. 10, etc. In progress. 80. Melbourne, 1910, etc. 1050. Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists’ and Archaeolo- gists' Field Club. 1861 (–1896). 80. Warwick, [1861–96). Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1868 and 1891–1894. - Proceedings of the Watford Natural History Society. See 1819. 1051. Proceedings of the West London Scientific Association and Field Club. Vol. 1, parts 1–4. 80. London, 1875–77. Proceedings of the Winchester and Hampshire Scientific and Iiterary Society. See 630. 126 PROCEEDINGS Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. See 1014. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. See 1007. Procès-Verbaux de la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie. See 322. Professional Papers of the United States Geological Survey. See 1330. - 1052. Progressus rei Botanicae. Fortschritte der Botanik. Progrès de la Botanique. Progress of Botany. Herausgegeben von der Association internationale des Botanistes. Redigiert von J. P. Lotsy. Bd. 1, etc. 89. Jena, 1907, etc. In progress. *1053. Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. (Edited . . . for the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association.) Vol. 1 (–1850). - la. 80. London, 1840–50. 1054. The Psychological Bulletin . . . Containing the Literature Section of the Psychological Review. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. New York, 1904, etc. 1055. The Psychological Review. Vol. 1, etc. - la. 80. New York and London, (Lancaster, Pa., and In progress. Baltimore), 1894, etc. Monograph Supplements. [Including: Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Chicago; Harvard Psychological Studies; Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Illinois; University of Iowa Studies in Psycho- logy; Studies from the Johns Hopkins Psychological Laboratory; Ohio State University, Psychological Studies; Wellesley College Studies in Psychology; Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of Wesleyan University; Yale Psychological Studies.] Vol. 1, etc. - la. 80. New York and London, (Lancaster, Pa., and In progress. Baltimore), 1895, etc. Imperfect: wanting numbers 3 and 4 of volume 2. — Literature Section. See 1054. Psychologische Studien. See 966. - 1056. Pubblicazioni del reale Istituto di Studi superiori pratici e di perfezionamento in Firenze. Sezione di filosofia e filologia. Vol. 1–2. 80. Firenze, 1875–80. 1056A. Public Characters of 1798 (–1810). 80. London, 1799–1809. JNo more published. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1804, 1805, and 1808. The volume for 1798–9 is of the new edition, the volume for 1801–2 is of the Second edition. 1798–9. Fourth edition. Enlarged and corrected to the 1st of June, 1803. W 80, London, 1803. PUBLICATIONS 127 PUBLIC CHARACTERS (continued)— . 1799–1800. [Third edition.] 80. London, 1807. 1057. Publications de l'Observatoire astronomique et physique de Tachkent. No. 1–5. 40. Tachkent, 1899–1904. 1057A. Publications de l'Observatoire central Nicolas. Série 2, vol. 3, etc. In progress. la. 49, St. Pétersbourg, 1901, etc. Publications de la Société des anciens Textes français. Seel194. 1058. Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History (Univer- sity of California). Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1909, etc. . In progress. 1058A. Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh. Vol. 1, etc. la. 49. Lancaster, Pa., [1907], etc. In progress. - - - - 1059. Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. No. 1, etc. • . la. 89. [New York, 1893, etc. I? progress. tlO60. Publications of the Astronomical Laboratory at Groningen. Edited by J. C. Kapteyn. No. 1, etc. . . ; In progress. la. 49. Groningen, 1900, etc. Publications of the Ballad Society. See 240A. *:::::::" of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt. S60 º - Publications of the Camden Society. See 363. Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. See 366, Publications of the Chaucer Society. See 373. . . . . . . Publications of the Early English Text Society. See 427. Publications of the Egypt Exploration Fund. See 442. Publications of the English Dialect Society. See 449. Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. See 467. Publications of the Irish Text Society. See 553. 1061. Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California. - Vol. 2, etc. - . . 49. Sacramento, 1894, etc. In progress. Publications of the Malone Society. See 742. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. See 1295, - - - Publications of the New Sydenham Society. See 905. 1061A. Publications of the Oriental Translation Fund. Vol. 2-77. - - 40 and 89. London, Paris, etc., 1829–50. Imperfect: wanting volumes 33, 35, 37, 4.2, 45, 46, 47, 49, 54, 59, 6.2, 64, 65, 68, 69 and 71. - * Publications of the Oxford Historical Society. See 947. 128 PUBLICATIONS Publications of the Palaeontographical Society. See 948. Publications of the Percy Society. See 959A. Publications of the Ray Society. See 1082, Publications of the Scottish Text Society. See ll:78. 1062. The Publications of the Selden Society. Vol. 1, etc. - In progress. 49. (London), 1887, etc. Publications of the Shakespeare Society. See 1181. 1063. The Publications of the Surtees Society. (Vol. 1, etc.) In progress. 80. London, (Durham), 1885, etc. Imperfect: wanting volumes 2–6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 24–27, 30–33, 35–38, 40–42, 44–47, 49–50, 53, 57–68, 70, 71, and 73–80. Publications of the Sydenham Society. See 1221. Publications of the United States Naval Observatory. See 926. Publications of the University of California. See 1337. fl064. Publications of the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago. Vol. 1, etc. 49. Chicago, 1900, etc. In progress. 1065. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Published for Harvard University. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Boston [Mass.], 1887, etc. In progress. 1066. The Quarterly Journal of Education. (Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge.) Vol. 1–10. 89. London, 1831–35. INo more published. - 1067. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1908, etc. The * Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. See © 1068. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Edited by E. Lankester and G. Busk. Vol. 1, etc. 80 (la. 80). London, 1853, etc. In progress. 1069. The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Edited by J. J. Sylvester and N. M. Ferrers. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. Continued from no. 361. 80. London, (1855), etc. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. See 788. 1070. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. Vol. 1, etc. - 80. London, 1845, etc. In progress. Quarterly Journal of the Liverpool University Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics. See 705, 1071. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Vol. 34, etc. la. 80. London, 1908, etc. In progress. QUARTERLY 129 1072. The Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review. Vol. 2–8. la. 80. London, 1820–26. 1073. Quarterly Return of the Marriages, Births, and Deaths registered in . . . Ireland. 1910, etc. In progress. la. 80. Dublin, 1910, etc. 1074. The Quarterly Review. Vol. 1–147. 80. London, [1809]—1879. Imperfect: wanting volumes 20 (Indea to volumes 1–19), 80 (Indez to volumes 61–79), 100 (Indea to volumes 81–99), and the first part of volume 146. Volume 1 is fifth edition, volume 2 fourth edition, volumes 4, 7, 8, and 10 Second edition, volume 11 fifth edition, volumes 12 and 13 Second edition. Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund. See 950. 1075. The Quarterly Visitor: containing essays; miscellaneous pieces, in prose and verse; grammatical and philosophical queries; reviews of books on science and education; mathematical problems, &c., &c. Selected from the contributions of men of eminence, in most parts of the Kingdom. Conducted by W. Passman. Vol. 1–2. Mo more published. 120. Hull, 1813–15. Queensland Geographical Journal. See 987. 1076. Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker. Herausgegeben von B. ten Brink und W. Scherer. Heft 1, etc. 89. Strassburg, 1874, etc. In progress. 1077. Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters. Herausgegeben von L. Traube. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. München, 1906, etc. 1077A. Questions of the Day and of the Fray. (Published by the Depart- ment of Applied Mathematics, University College, London.) No. 1, etc. 80. London, 1910, etc. In progress. 1078. The Railway Magazine and Commercial Journal. Quarto series. Vol. 1–2. - 40. London, 1839–41. [Continued as:] HERAPATH's RAILWAY MAGAZINE, commercial journal, and scientific review. Vol. 3–4. 49. London, 1841–42. 1079. The Railway Register, and record of engineering and public enter- prise, for railways, canals, harbours . . . Edited by H. Clarke. Vol. 1–5. 80. London, 1844–47. Imperfect: wanting pp. 129 to the end of volume 5. Rainfall in the East Indian Archipelago. See 1091. R 130 RAMBLER 1O8O. The Rambler. [By Samuel Johnson.] 6 vol. 12°. London, 1752. The tenth edition. 4 vol. 129. London, 1784. Rapport annuel sur les progrès de la Chimie. See 579. Rapport annuel sur les progrès des sciences physiques et chimi- ques. See 579, lO8l. Rassegna delle Scienze geologiche in Italia. Redattori M. Cermenati, A. Tellini. Anno 1-2. la. 89. Roma, 1891-92. 4? Imperfect : avanting pp. 193 to the end of volume 2. Raumer's Historisches Taschenbuch. See 534A. 1082. The Ray Society. [Publications. Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 8o and fol. Edinburgh, (London), 1845, etc. 1083. The Record of Technical and Secondary Education. A quarterly journal of the progress made by County Councils and other local authorities inthe administration of the Education Acts. (Published by the National Association for the Promotion of Technical and Secondary Education.) Vol. 12-15. 80. London, 1903-6. No more published after volume 15. lO84. Records of the Australian Museum. Vol. 1, etc. In progreSS. la. 80. Sydney, 1890, etc. Imperfèct : wanting pp. 77 to the end of volume 1, and the whole of volume 2. lO85. Records of the Canterbury Museum. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 8°. Christchurch, New Zealand, 1907, etc. 1O86. Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. (Depart- ment of Mines, Sydney.) Vol. 1, etc. 4°. Sydney, 1890, etc. In progress. lO87. Recueil complet des Lois et des Ordonnances du Royaume. Année 1814 (-1823). 80, Paris, 1821-24, 1O88. Recueil de Mémoires, ou collection de piéces académiques, concer- nant la médecine, l'anatomie et la chirurgie, la chymie, la physique expérimentale, la botanique et l'histoire naturelle, tirées des meil- leures sources . . .. par J. Berryat. Tom. 1-3. 4o. Dijon, 1754-69. [Continued as :] CoLLECTIoN ACADÉMIQUE, composée des mémoires, actes ou journaux des plus célèbres académies et sociétés littéraires, des extraits des meilleurs ouvrages périodiques, des traités particuliers et des piéces fugitives les plus rares, etc. Tom. 4-16. 4o. Paris, 1770-87. lNo more published. 1O89. Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la Philologie et à l'Archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes. (Pour servir de bulletin à la Mission française du Caire.) Vol. 1, etc. 4o. Paris, 1870, etc. In progress, IRECUEIL 131 109O. 109l. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097, 1098. Recueil des Pièces qui ont remporté les prix de l'Académie royale des Sciences, depuis leur fondation jusqu'à présent. Avec quelques pièces qui ont été composées à l'occasion de ces prix. (1720-72.) Tom. 1-9. 4o. Paris, 1732-77. No more published. This is a reprint of “ Recueil des pièces qui ont remporté les pria fondez . . . par M. Rouillé de Meslay”, published in 1791-77. Recueil périodique de la Société géologique suisse. See 429. Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch-Indie. (Rainfall in the East Indian Archipelago.) Jaargang 14, etc. 1892, etc. In progress. la. 80. Batavia, 1893, etc. Reichert und du Bois-Reymond's Archiv. See 183. Reil's Archiv. See 183. The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist. A quarterly journal and review, etc. New series, vol. 9-11. 80. London, 1903-5. Imperfect: wanting pp. 217 to the end of volume 10, and pp. 1-72 and 217 to the end of volume 11. Rendiconti del reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Serie 2, vol. 24, etc. la. 80. Milano, 1891, etc. In progress. Classe di Lettere e Scienze morali e politiche. Vol. 1-4. la. 80. Milano, 1864-67. Rendiconti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. See 232. Rendiconto dell'Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche. (Società Reale di Napoli.) Serie 2, vol. 8, etc. (Anno 33, etc.) In progress. la. 40 (la. 80). Napoli, 1894, etc. Rendiconto delle Sessioni della reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Nuova serie, vol. 8, etc. In progress. la. 80. Bologna, 1904, etc. After volume 11(1906-7) the “ Rendiconto' is divided into tuo sections: “ Classe di Scienze fisiche” and “ Classe di Scienze morali”. Rendiconto delle Tornate e dei Lavori dell' Accademia di Archeologia, Tettere e Belle Arti. (Società Reale di Napoli.) Nuova serie, anno 19, etc. 1905, etc. la. 8o. Napoli, 1906, etc. In progress. Rendiconto delle Tornate e dei lavori dell'Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche. (Società Reale di Napoli.) Anno 27, etc. In progress. la. 8o. Napoli, 1888, etc. Imperfect: avanting the volumes for July-Dec. 1892, and 1893-1900. Repertorium für Anatomie and Physiologie. Kritische Darstellung fremder und Ergebnisse eigener Forschung. Von G. Valentin. Bd. 1-8. 8o, Berlin, (Bern und St. Gallen), 1837-45. R 2 132 REPERTORIUM 1099, Repertorium für Meteorologie. Herausgegeben von der kaiser- lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 16–17. la. 49, St. Petersburg, 1893–94. 1100. The Repertory of Arts and Manufactures: consisting of original communications, specifications of patent inventions, and selections of useful practical papers from the transactions of the philosophical societies of all nations. Vol. 1–16. 80. London, 1794–1802. The REPERTORY OF PATENT INVENTIONs: and other discoveries and improvements in arts, manufactures, and agriculture, being a con- tinuation . . . of the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, etc. Vol. 9—Enlarged [i. e. third] series, vol. 2. 80. London, 1830–43. Imperfect: wanting volume 18 of the new series (July–Dec. 1842). The Repertory of Patent Inventions. See 1100. 1101. Report and Transactions of the Ealing Natural Science and Microscopical Society (Ealing Scientific and Microscopical Society) for 1902–3, etc. 89. Ealing, 1903, etc, In progress. 1102. Report of Her (His) Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope to the Secretary of the Admiralty for . . . 1889, etc. In progress. 40. London, 1893, etc. Imperfect: wanting the volume for 1895. Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. See 1340. Report of the Archaeological Institute of America. See 41. Report of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. See 249. 1103. Report of the Board of Education for the year 1908–9, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1910, etc. *i; the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. See º 1104. Report of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce for the year 1891, etc. In progress. 80. Bombay, 1892, etc. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1896, 1897, 1899, and 1904. *: the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. See tº Report of the British Association. See 1110. Report of the Bureau of 15thnology. See 128. Report of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. See 859. IReport of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. See 365. Beport of the Central Sanitary Bureau of the . . . Japanese Government. See 129. REPORT 133 1105, 1106. 1107. 1108. 1109. Report of the Commissioner of Education [of the United States of America] for the year 1888–9, etc. In progress. la. 80. Washington, 1891, etc. Imperfect: wanting volume 2 of 1899–1900, and the volumes for 1902. Report of the Dante Society. See 130. Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta. See 131. Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Saskatchewan. See 132. Report of the Department of Education of the Province of Alberta. See 133. Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales. See 134. The Report of the Department of Pathological Chemistry of University College, London. Together with a collection of papers and abstracts published from the Laboratory. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1897, etc. The Report of the Department of Pathology of University College, Iondon. Together with a collection of papers and abstracts published from the Laboratory. Vol. 1–5. Mo more published. la. 80. London, 1893–95. Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint. See 135. Report of the Egypt Exploration Fund. See 442. Beport of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. See 494. *gº; the Geological Commission of the Cape of Good Hope. €62 º Report of the Geological Survey of Canada. See 498. Report of the Geological Survey of New Jersey. See 499. Report of the Godlee Observatory. See 509. Report of the Government Bureau of Microbiology, New South Wales. See 904A. *gº, the Imperial Department of Agriculture (Calcutta). See * Report of the Iowa Geological Survey. See 552. Report of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. See 591. Report of the Kodaikanal and Madras Observatories. See 136. Report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June, 1901, etc. la. 89. Washington, 1901, etc. I? progress. Report of the Liverpool Geological Association. See 702. Report of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council (of the Local Government Board). [1st, etc., Reports.] 1858, etc. In progress. la, 89. London, 1859, etc. 134 REPORT III.O. llll. 1112. 1113, 1114. Report of the Meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1831 (1832, etc.); including its proceedings, recommendations, and transactions. (Vol. 1, etc.) In progress. 89, London, 1833, etc. Report of the Meteorological Committee. See 140. Report of the Meteorological Service of the Dominion of Canada. . . . for the year . . . 1889, etc. - In progress. la 89 (49). Ottawa, 1893, etc. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1891–1894. Report of the Michigan Academy of Science. (2nd, etc., Reports.) 1900, etc. 89. Lansing, Mich., 1901, etc. I? progress. Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden. See 843. Report of the National Board of Health. See 141. Report of the National Physical Laboratory. See 885. Report of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. See 126. Report of the Poor Law Commissioners. See 142. Report of the Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Iondon. See 1301. Report of the Registrar-General. See 144. Report of the Royal Alfred Observatory. See 187. Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. See 145. Report of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. See 1805, Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. See 146. Report of the Smithsonian Institution. See 127. Report of the South African Central Locust Bureau. See 129A. Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1854, etc. 49. Washington, 1855, etc. I?? progress. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1858–1863, 1865–1894, and part 1 of 1895. Report of the Thompson Yates Laboratories. See 1228. Beport of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. See 1113. Report of the United States Geological Survey. See 147. Report of the Washington Geological Survey. See 1369. Report of the Wellcome Research Isaboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum. (1st–3rd Reports.) 40, Khartoum, 1904–8. Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. See 397. REPORT 135 1115. Report on Changes in Rates of Wages and Hours of Labour in 1116. IllóA. III.7. 1117A. *1118. *III9. 112O. ll21. the United Kingdom. (Board of Trade, Labour Department.) 1904, etc. la. 80. London, 1905, etc. In progress. Report on Public Instruction in the Bengal Presidency. See 486. Report on Strikes and Lock-outs in the United Kingdom. (Board of Trade, Labour Department.) 1904, etc. In progress. la. 80. London, 1905, etc. Report on the Health of the Army for the year 1909, etc. Vol. 51, etc. la. 80. London, 1910, etc. In progress. - Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India for 1909–10, etc. I? progress. la. 80. Calcutta, 1911, etc. Report . . . on Trade Unions. (Board of Trade, Labour Depart- ment.) 1902–4 (1905–7, etc.). la. 80. London, 1906, etc. In progress. Reports from the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Vol. 1, etc. 80 (la. 80). Edinburgh, 1889, etc. In progress. Reports of Guy's Hospital. See 516. Reports dif Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. See 1159. Reports of the Archaeological Survey of India. See 168. Reports of the Army Medical Department. See 212. Reports of the Experimental Farms of the Government of Canada. See 465. Reports of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. See 580. Reports of the Ophthalmic Hospital. See 939. Reports of the Society for the Study of Disease in Children. Vol. 4–8. 80. London, [1904–8]. No more published. After volume 8 the “Reports’ were published as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine' (q. v. No. 1040). +. - Reports of University College Hospital. See 1833. The Repository of Arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics. (Published by R. Ackermann.) Vol. 1– Second series, vol. 2. 80. London, 1809–16. Resal's Journal. See 602. - Result of Astronomical Observations made at the Honorable the East India Company's Observatory at Madras. By T. G. Taylor. For the year 1832 (–1839). Vol. 2–5. 49, Madras, 1835–39. 136 RESULTATE II22. Il23. 1124. 1125. *1126. II27. RESULT of ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS, MADRAS (continued)— Astronomical Observations made . . . in the year 1848 (–1852). - 40. Madras, 1848–54. Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des magnetischen Vereins im Jahre 1836 (–1841). Herausgegeben von C. F. Gauss und W. Weber. 6 vol. 80. Göttingen, (Leipzig), 1837–43. Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. See 219. Results of Astronomical Observations (Meridian Observations) made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1856, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. la. 89 (la. 40). Cape Town, (London), 1871, etc. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1857, 1858 and 1860. Results of Meridian Observations made at the Royal Observa- tory, Cape of Good Hope. See 1123. Besults of Meteorological and Magnetical Observations, Stony- hurst College Observatory. See 1210. Results of Observations of the Fixed Stars made with the Meridian Circle at the Government Observatory, Madras, in the year 1862 (–1887), under the direction of N. R. Pogson. Vol. 1–8. 40. Madras, 1887–94. Vol. 9. General Catalogue. 40. Madras, 1899. No more published. Results of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, in the year 1897, etc. 40. Mauritius, (London), 1899, etc. I? progress. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1902 and 1903. Results of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. See 221. Results of the Meteorological Observations made at the Govern- ment Observatory at Madras. See 821. The Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery, for the year 1840 (–1876): being an analysis of the British and foreign medical journals and transactions . . . By W. Braithwaite. Vol. 1–74. 120. London, 1840–76. Imperfect : wanting volume 3. The Retrospective Review (and historical and antiquarian maga- zine. Edited by H. Southern and H. H. Nicolas.) Vol. 1– Second series, vol. 2. 80. London, 1820–28. No more published. RETURNS 137 Returns of Trade, Imperial Maritime Customs, China. See 379. ll28. Review of American Chemical Research. Published as a section of the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 7, etc. In progreSS. 8o. Easton, Pa., 1901, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-64 of volume 11. ll29. Revista de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias (Universidad de la Habana). Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Habana, 1905, etc. In progress. ll30. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales de Madrid. Tom. 4, etc. la.8o. Madrid, 1906, etc. In progress. • Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-350 and 599 to the end of volume 4, an pp. 749 to the end of volume 5. - Revista de la Sociedad Científica, “ Antonio Alzate”. See 81O. ll3l. Revista do Centro de Sciencias, Letras e Artes de Campinas. No. 1—7. la.8o. Campinas, 1902-4. Revista do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. See 21O. ll32. Revue archéologique, ou, recueil de documents et de mémoires relatifs à l'étude des monuments, à la numismatique et à la philologie de l'antiquité et du moyen äge. Nouvelle série, vol. 1, etc. In progress. la.8o. Paris, 1860, etc. ll33. Revue celtique . . . Dirigée par H. Gaidoz. Tom. 1, etc. * «, In progress. 8o. Paris, 1870, etc. ll34. Revue critique de Paléozoologie . . . Publiée sous la direction de M. Cossmann. Année 3-12. la.8o. Paris, 1899-1908. Imperfect : wanting pp. 61—124 of volume 5, pp. 183 to the end of volume 7, pp. 139—198 of volume 8, pp. 119-170 of volume 9, and pp. 221 to the end of volume 12. ll35. Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale. Publiée sous la direction de M. J. Oppert et M. E. Ledrain. Tom. 1-2. 4o. Paris, 1884-92. ll35A. Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France. Publiée par la Société d'Histoire littéraire de la France. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. la. 8o. Paris, 1894, etc. ll36. Revue de Droit international et de Législation comparée. (Organe de l’Institut de Droit international.) Tom. 1—8. la. 8o. Londres, Bruxelles, Paris, etc. (Gand, printed), 1869-76. Imperfect : wanting pp. 177 to the end of volume 8. • ll37. Revue de Hongrie. Organe de la Société littéraire française de Budapest. Tom. 1, etc. la. 8o. Budapest, 1908, etc. In progress. Revue de l'Histoire des Religions. See 85. 138 REVUE 1138 ii39. ll4O. ll4l. l142. ll43. ll44. *ll45. ll46. 1147. ll48. ll49. 115O. ll51. La Revue de Paris. Année 1-9. la. 80, Paris, 1894-1902. Revue de Philologie française et de Littérature. Tom. 20, etc. In progress, 80. Paris, 1906, etc. Revue des Etudes juives. Publication trimestrielle de la Société des Études juives. Tom. 1, etc. la. 8o. Paris, 1880, etc. In progress. Revue égyptologique. Année 1-7. 4o. Paris, 1880-96. Revue encyclopédique. See 728. Revue générale de Botanique, dirigée par G. Bonnier. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. la. 8o. Paris, 1889, etc, Revue générale des Sciences pures et appliquées. Tom. 1. sm. fol. Paris, 1890. Revue germanigue. Allemagne, Angleterre, Etats-Unis, Pays-Bas, Scandinavie. Année 1, etc. la. 89. Paris, 1905, etc. In progress. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande. Rédacteurs: J. L. Reverdin, J. L. Prevost, C. Picot. Année 1-12. 8o. Genève, 1881-92. Revue philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger, Dirigée par T. Ribot. Tom. 1-54. la. 8o. Paris, 1876-1902. Imperfect : wanting volumes 31 and 32, and pp. 337-448 of volume 44, pp. 449-568 of volume 46, and pp. 545 to the end of volume 54. » Revue sémitique d'Epigraphie et d'Histoire ancienne... Directeur: J. Halévy. Année 1-10. la. 8o. Paris, 1893-1902. Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. Herausgegeben von F. G. Welcker und A. F. Näke. Jahrgang 1-6. 89. Bonn, 1833-39. Neue Folge. Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. 8o. Frankfurt am Main, 1842, etc. Volumes 1-41 of the new series have a second title-page : “ Museum fiir Philologie”. na Rider's British Merlin . . . Compiled . . . by Cardanus Rider. (The Royal Kalendar. The Court and City Register) for the year . . . 1769 (1772-1774, 1777-1779, 1781-1784, 1786-1787, 1800, 1803, 1809-1810, 1813, 1814, 1816, 1819, 1823, 1825, 1827, and 1831). - 12o. London, 1768-1830. Rivista di Filosofia, scientifica. Diretta da E. Morselli. Vol. 1-8. - la. 8o. Torino, Milano, (Genova), 1881-89. Rivista di Scienza. Organo internazionale di sintesi scientifica, etc. Vol. 1-2 la. 80. Bologna, 1907. Imperfect: wanting pp. 225 to the end of volume 2, ROCZNIK 139 ll 52. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1155A. 1155B. 1156. 1157. 1158. *1159, 116O. 1161, *1162, 1163. Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego z Universytetem. Krakowskim potaczonego. Tom. 1–5. sm. 89. w Krakowie, 1817–20. Romania. Recueil trimestriel consacré à l'étude des langues et des littératures romanes publié par P. Meyer et G. Paris. Année 1, etc. In progress. - la. 80. Paris, 1872, etc. The Royal Engineers Journal [Published by the Royal Engineers Institute. New series.] Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Chatham, 1905, etc. In progress. * * Royal Geographical Society. Supplementary Papers. Vol. 1–4. la. 89. London, 1886–93. Royal Irish Academy, Cunningham Memoirs. No. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Dublin, 1880, etc. Imperfect : wanting number 8. Royal Irish Academy. Todd Lecture Series. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Dublin, 1887, etc. The Royal Kalendar. See 1149. The Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports. See 939. Rozmaitosqi Naukowe. Ner. 1–3. 49. w Krakowie, 1828–31. Rozpravy Ceské Akademie Císaře Františka, Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a uměnſ. Trída 2. Mathemeticko-Přírodnická. Ročník 5, etc. la. 80. v Praze, 1896, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 12 and 13. Rozpravy tidy profilosofii, dējepis a filologii Královské Öeské Společnosti Náuk (Abhandlungen der Classe für Philosophie, Geschichte und Philologie der königlich-bóhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften) z roku 1885–6 (–1890–1). 7 iady, svazek 1–4. 40. v Praze, 1886–92. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. Vol. 1–31. 80. London, 1865–95, The St. James's Magazine. By R. Lloyd. Vol. 1–3. 80. London, 1762–64, Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk litteratur. [Publica- tions] 1, etc. 80. København, 1880, etc. In progress. The Sanitary Record. A journal of public health. Vol. 1–17 (New series, vol. 7). 49. London, 1874–86. The Saturday Magazine. Vol. 1–25. 49. London, 1832–44. No more published. Imperfect : wanting pp. 209 to the end of wolume 12. - - - - Schlömilch's Zeitschrift. See 1418, Schmiedeberg's Archiv. See 186, 140 SCHRIFTEN 1164. 1165. +II66. 1167. 1169. 117O. 1172. 1173. Schriften der berlinischen Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde. See 257. Schriften der Universität zu Kiel aus dem Jahre 1854 (1868 and 1876). Bd. 1 (15 and 23). 40. Kiel, 1855–77. Schriften zur germanischen Philologie. Herausgegeben von M. Roediger. Heft 1–9. 80. Berlin, 1888–99. Schultze’s Archiv. See 191. Schumacher's Jahrbuch. See 558. Schumacher's Nachrichten. See 222. Science. A weekly journal devoted to the advancement of science, publishing the official notices and proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. New series, vol. 27, etc. In progress. 40. New York, 1908, etc. Science Abstracts. Physics and electrical engineering. Issued under the direction of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, [and] the Physical Society of London. Vol. 1–5. 80. London, New York, 1898–1902. Section A. Physics. Vol. 6, etc. I? progress. 80. London, New York, 1903, etc. — Section B. Electrical Engineering. Vol. 13, etc. In progress. 80. London, 1910, etc. Scientific Memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies, and from foreign journals. Edited by R. Taylor. Vol. 1–5, - 80. London, 1837–52. — [New series.] Natural History. Edited by A. Henfrey and T. H. Huxley. (Vol. 1.) 80. London, 1853. — [New series.] Natural Philosophy. Edited by J. Tyndall and W. Francis. (Vol. 1.) 80. London, 1853. No more published. The Scientific Mirror, a literary, mathematical, and philosophical repository . . . consisting of new enigmas, rebuses . . . also mathe- matical questions, etc. [Edited by C. Holt.] No. 1–2. No more published. 120. Bolton, 1829–30. The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. New series, vol. 1, etc. 80 (sm. fol.). Dublin, 1877, etc. In progress. The Scientific Receptacle ; containing problems . . . anagrams, &c., selected . . . by T. Whiting. Vol. 1–3. - No more published. 120. London, 1791—[1819). SCIENTIFIC 141 1174. 1175. 1176. 1177. 1178. 1179. 1180. 1181, 1182. 1183. 1184, The Scientific Receptacle, a literary, mathematical, and philoso- phical repository, containing original essays and poetry . . . Con- ducted by H. Clay. Vol. 1. 120. Holbeach, 1825. No more published. The Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. Series 2, vol. 1, etc. 49. Dublin, 1877, etc. In progreSS. The Scottish Celtic Review. (No. 1–4.) la. 80. Glasgow, (1881–85). The Scottish Geographical Magazine. Published by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Vol. 4, etc. In progress. la. 89. Edinburgh, 1888, etc. The Scottish Text Society. [Publications. Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 80. Edinburgh, 1884, etc. Séances des Écoles normales, recueillies par des sténographes, et revues par les professeurs. Nouvelle édition. Débats. Tom. 1–3. 80. Paris, 1800–1. Leçons. Tom. 1-10. 80. Paris, 1800–1. No more published. The Senator; or, Clarendon's parliamentary chronicle. Containing a weekly register, recording . . . the proceedings and debates of the Houses of Lords and Commons, etc. Vol. 1–27. 80. London, [1790–1800]. [Continued as :] The SENATOR: or, chronicle of the proceedings and debates of the Imperial Parliament, etc. (Jan. 1801—June 1802.) 80. London, [1801–2]. Sessional Papers read at the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. See 956. - Shakespeare Society. [Publications.] 80. London, 1841–53. The Shakespeare Society's Papers. Vol. 1-4. No more published. 80. London, 1844–49. Siegm. Jac. Baumgartens Nachrichten von merkwürdigen Büchern. Bd. 1–12. 80. Halle, 1752–58. Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaftem [in Wien]. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Bd. 1, etc. la. 80. Wien, 1848, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 110 (1901) and 111 (1909), Abteilung 1 and 3 of volumes 43–96, and Abteilung 1, 2B, and 3 of volumes 97–101. 142 SITZUNGSBERICHTE 1185. 1186. 1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. Sitzungsberichte der königlich-bêhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaftem. (Wēstnik královské úeské společnosti nauk.) Philos.-Histor.-Philolog. Classe. Jahrgang 1885 (–1892). - la. 89. Prag, 1886–93. Sitzungsberichte der königlich-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaftem zu Berlin. See 861. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen #. der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaftem. See Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der k[Öniglich]-b|ayerischen] Akademie der Wissenschaftem zu München. Bd. 1–9. 80. München, 1871–79. Imperfect: wanting pp. 107–220 of volume 1, pp. 105–26.2 of volume 2, and pp. 457 to the end of volume 9. Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medizinischen Sozietät in Erlangen. Bd. 36, etc. 1904, etc. 89. Erlangen, 1905, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 37 and 38. Skandinavisches Archiv für Physiologie . . . Herausgegeben von F. Holmgren, Bd. 1, etc. 89. Leipzig, 1889, etc. I? progress. Skrifter udgivine af Widenskabsselskabet i Christiania. 1894, etc. I? progress. la. 80. Kristiania, 1895, etc. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1900 and 1901. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. 1, etc. I? progress. la. 40. Washington, 1848, etc. Imperfect : wanting volume 14, part of volume 27, and the first article of volume 29. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin. No. 28, etc. la. 80. Washington, 1904, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 31 and 36–40. Smithsonian Institution. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Vol. 9, etc. In progress. la. 80. Washington, 1905, etc. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Washington, 1862, etc. Imperfect ; wanting volume 2. Smithsonian Reports. See 127. Société des Anciens Textes français. [Publications. Tom. 1, etc.] - 80. Paris, 1875, etc. In progress. º SOCIETY 143 1195. Society of Engineers. Transactions. 1861, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] In progress. 80. London, 1862, etc. Imperfect: wanting the volume for 1864. 1196. Sociological Papers . . . Published for the Sociological Society. Vol. 1–3. la. 80. London, 1905–7. [Continued as :] The SoCIOLOGICAL REVIEw. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Manchester, 1908, etc. The Sociological Review. See 1196, 1197. Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Proceedings. 1849, etc. [Vol. 1, etc.] 89. Taunton, 1851, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 16 and 17. - 1198. The Speaker: a review of politics, letters, science, and the arts. Vol. 1–9. sm. fol. London, 1890–94. 1199. The Spectator. [By Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele, and others.] 8 vol. 129. London, n.d. Corrected from the originals, with a preface, historical and bio- graphical, by A. Chalmers. 10 vol. 129. London, 1817. A new edition with biographical notices of the contributors. 89. London, 1852. —— A new edition . . . With introduction, notes, and index by H. Morley. 89. London, [18–). 1200. The Spectator. 1908, etc. sm. fol. London, 1908, etc. Tº progress. 1200A. The Speculator. [By N. Drake and another.] Vol. 1. 80, London, 1790. 120l. Sphinx. Revue critique embrassant le domaine entier de l'Égypto- logie. Vol. 1, etc. 89. Upsala, Leipzig, London, [1896, etc.]. In progress. 1202. The Spiritual Magazine. New series, vol. 4–6. 80. London, 1869–71. 1203. Spolia Zeylanica. Issued by the Colombo Museum, Ceylon. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Colombo, 1903, etc. In progress. - 1204. Sprawozdania z posiedzeń Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszaw- skiego. (Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société scientifique de Varsovie.) Rok 1, etc. la. 80. Warszawa, 1908, etc. In progress. 12O5. The Statist, a journal of practical finance and trade. Vol. 37–44. sm. fol. London, 1896–99. Imperfect : wanting volumes 38 and 40. - 144 STATISTICAL 1206. Statistical Register. South Australia. 1907, etc. In progress. sm. fol. Adelaide, 1908, etc. 12O7. Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand for the year 1892, etc. In progress. sm. fol. Wellington, 1893, etc. Imperfect : wanting the volume for 1894. 1208. The Statutes. Revised edition, Henry III (–13 & 14 Victoria). A. D. 1235 (–1850). 10 vol. sm. fol. London, 1870–76. A CollBCTION OF THE PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES passed in the 6th and 7th (–28th and 29th) year of the reign of . . . Queen Victoria. 1843 (–1865). la. 80. London, 1843–65. After 1865 the ‘Statutes’ were continued as a section of the ‘Law Reports” (q. v. No. 689). 1209. The Stockton Bee ; or, monthly miscellany. For the year 1793 (–1795). Containing miscellaneous pieces, in prose and verse, queries, mathematical questions, &c. [Vol. 1-3.] No more published. 129. Stockton, (1793–95). 1210. Stonyhurst College Observatory. Results of Meteorological and Magnetical Observations. 1865, etc. In progress. sm. 89. Clitheroe, (Preston, etc.), [1866, etc.]. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for 1871 and 1882. 1211. Strassburger Studien. Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Sprache und Litteratur des Elsasses. Herausgegeben von E. Martin und W. Wiegand. Bd. 1. 89. Strassburg, 1883. 1212. The Student: containing many curious essays, receipts and prepara- tions; striking experiments, important queries, recent discoveries, and new improvements in the arts and sciences, etc. (By W. Hilton.) No. 1–4. 129. Liverpool, 1798—[1801]. No more published. 1213. Studien des göttingischen Vereins bergmännischer Freunde. Im Namen desselben herausgegeben von J. F. L. Hausmann. Bd. 1–6. 80. Göttingen, 1824–54. 1214. Studien zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte. Herausgege- ben von M. Koch. Bd. 5–9. la. 80. Berlin, 1905–9. No more published. 1215. Studies from the Biological Laboratories of the Owens College. Vol. 1–4. 80. Manchester, 1886–99. *1216. Studies from the Department of Pathology of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. Vol. 5, etc. In progress. la. 80. [New York, 1897, etc.] Imperfect : wanting volume 7. Studies from the Johns Hopkins Psychological Laboratory. See 1055, - STUDIES 145. 1217. Studies from the Museum of Zoology in University College, Dundee. Vol. 1, no. 1-12. 40. Dundee, 1888–90. 1217A. Studies from the Physiological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Parts 1–3. 89. Cambridge, 1873–77. Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Chicago. See 1055. Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Illinois. See 1055. - Studies from the Psychological Laboratory of Wesleyan Uni- versity. See 1055, Studies from the Research Laboratory, Department of Health, City of New York. See 388B. 1218. Studies from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. [New York], 1904, etc. In progress. 1219. Studj di Filologia Romanza pubblicati da E. Monaci (e C. de Lollis). Vol. 1–9. 89, Roma, (Torino), 1884–1903. No more published. *:::: des Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences. See sºmentary Papers of the Royal Geographical Society. See 55. 1220. Surveying, and the civil engineer. Vol. 1, etc. - In progress. sm. fol. London, 1909, etc. Sybel’s Zeitschrift. See 534. *1221. The Sydenham Society. [Publications.] 89. London, 1844–57. 1222. Tableau de Travail annuel de toutes les Académies de l’Europe; ou observations sur la physique, sur l’histoire naturelle et sur les arts et métiers. Tom. 1. 49. Paris, 1773. [Continued as :] OBSERVATIONs sur LA PHYSIQUE, sur L’HISTOIRE NATURELLE ET SUR LES ARTs. Tom. 2–43. 49. Paris, 1773–93. [Continued as :] Journal, DE PHYSIQUE, DE CHIMIE ET D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE (et des Arts). Tom. 1–4 [i. e. 44–47), 48–91. 49. Paris, an 2e [1794]–1820. After volume 4 of the ‘Journal de Physique” the original numeration was resumed, volume 5 being numbered ‘Tome 48’. 1223, Taschenbuch für die gesammte Mineralogie, mit Hinsicht auf die neuesten Entdeckungen, herausgegeben von C. C. Leonhard. Jahrgang 1–11. sm. 89. Frankfurt am Main, 1807–17. Imperfect ; wanting the volume for 1815. L 146 TATLER 1224. [The Tatler, or] the Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.. [i. e. - Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele, and others]. Revised and corrected by the author. 5 vol. 129. London, 1728 (and 1727). |Wolume 5 is 3rd edition, published in 1797. A new edition, with notes. 6 vol. sm. 89. London, 1786. 1225. The Tatler. A daily journal of literature and the stage. Vol. 1–4. sm. fol. London, 1830–32. +1225A.Technics. A magazine to aid technical progress. Vol. 1–4. 49. London, 1904–5. Imperfect : wanting pp. 97 to the end of volume 4. +1226. The Telegraphic Journal and electrical review. Vol. 1–23. la. 80 (fol.). London, 1872–88. 1226A, Teutonia. Arbeiten zur germanischen Philologie, herausgegeben von W. Uhl. Heft 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Königsberg i. Pr., (Leipzig), 1902, etc. *1227. The Therapeutic Gazette. A monthly journal of physiological and chemical therapeutics. Third series, vol. 1-6. (Whole series, vol. 9–14.) la. 89. Detroit, 1885–90. 1228. The Thompson Yates Laboratories Report. Vol. 1–4. - 49. Liverpool, 1900–2. Thomson's British Annual. See 297. 1229. Tijdschrift voor indische Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde, uitge- geven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- schappen. Deel 1–6 (Nieuwe serie, Deel 8). 89. Batavia, 1853–57. 1230. Tijdschrift voor nederlandsche Taal- en Letterkunde, uitgegeven vanwege de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkundete Leiden. Jaargang 1, etc. 89. Leiden, 1881, etc. In progress. - 1231. The Times. Literary Supplement. 1st (2nd, etc.) year. ' In progress. la, fol. London, 1902, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–260, .273–296, 313–344 of the 1st year; pp. 1–8, 109–116, 229–232, 333–340, 365–372 of the 2nd year; and pp. 201—208 of the 3rd year. FINANCIAL AND CoMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. 1st (2nd, etc.) year. In progress. la, fol. London, 1904, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 9–16, 33–40, 49–56 and 73–96 of the 1st year. ENGINEERING SUPPLEMENT. 1st (2nd, etc.) year. In progress. la. fol. London, 1905, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 45–52 and 165–172 of the 1st year. TODD 147 The TIMEs (continued)— EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. fol. London, 1910, etc. SouTH AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. fol. London, 1910, etc. Todd Lecture Series. See 1155B. - 1282. The Topographer for the year 1789 (–1791), containing a variety of original articles, illustrative of the local history and antiquities of England, etc. [Edited by Sir S. E. Brydges and the Rev. S. Shaw.] Vol. 1–4. 89, London, 1789–91. No more published. 1283. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia for the year 1908, etc. In progress. sm. fol. Melbourne, (1909, etc.). Traductions et Reproductions publiées par la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie. See 322. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological . Association. See 1241. 1284, Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, London. Vol. 1. la. 89. London, 1893. Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Ilanguage Associa- tion of America. See 1295. - 1285. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 1900 (–1907). Vol. 33–40 (New series, vol. 16–23). la. 89. Wellington, 1901–8. [Continued as :] [I.] TRANSACTIONs of THE NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. 1908, etc. Vol. 41, etc. la. 80. Wellington, 1909, etc. I? progress. [II.] PRocKEDINGs of THE NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. 1908, etc. Part 1, etc. la. 89. Wellington, 1909, etc. In progress. *1236. Transactions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge. Vol. 1–3. 80. London, 1793–1812. No more published. *1237. Transactions of the Academy of Medicine in Ireland. (Royal Academy of Medicine.) Vol. 1, etc. 80. Dublin, 1883, etc. - In progress. - - - . 1238. Transactions of the American Climatological Association. Vol. 11, etc. . 80. Philadelphia, 1895, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting volumes 19–22. L 2 148 TRANSACTIONS 1239. 1240. 1241. 1242. 1243. 1244. *1245. 1246. 1247. 1248. Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Philadelphia, (South Bethlehem, Pa.), 1902, etc. In progress. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 1. 49. Lancaster, Pa., and New York, 1900. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (Pro- ceedings of the Association.) 1869 (–1896). Vol. 1–27. la. 80. Hartford, (Boston, Mass.), 1871–97. [Continued as:] TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOLOGICAL Association. 1897, etc. Vol. 28, etc. . In progress. la. 89. Boston, Mass., [1898, etc.]. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. New series, vol. 1, etc. 49. Philadelphia, 1818, etc. I? progress. Imperfect: wanting pp. 53 to the end of volume 17, and pp. 1–54 of wolwºme 18. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. 64, etc. 80. New York, 1909, etc. In progress. Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Vol. 1–20. la. 80. New York, 1880–99. Transactions of the American Surgical Association. Vol. 1-13. la. 8”. Philadelphia, 1883–95. Imperfect : wanting volume 7. - Transactions of the American Urological Association. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. Brookline, 1907, etc. Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington. (Abstract of Transactions.) Vol. 1 and 3. la. 80. Washington, 1882–85. These volumes are published in volumes 25 and 34 of the ‘Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections” (q. v. No. 1193). Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. See 214. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Vol. 2–7. 80. Yokohama, 1874–79. Imperfect: wanting pp. 101 to the end of volume 3, volume 4 and pp. 73–156 of volume 7. *1249. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians. Vol. 2, etc. la. 80. Philadelphia, 1887, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 3 and 4. TRANSACTIONS 149 *1250. Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Vol. 1–5. 80. Dublin, 1817–28. 125l. Transactions of the Astronomical observatory of Yale Univer- sity. Vol. 1, etc. 40. New Haven, 1887, etc. In progress. 1252. Transactions of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. 4, etc. 89. Melbourne, 1897, etc. In progress. 1253. Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. Vol. 1–6. 89. London, 1893–1903. 1254. Transactions of the British and Foreign Institute. 1845. 49. London, (1845). 1255. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Cambridge, 1822, etc. 1256. Transactions of the Canadian Institute. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Toronto, 1890, etc. *1257. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. Vol. 1–40. 89. London, 1868–1907. No more published. After volume 40 the ‘Transactions’ were published as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine’ (q, v. No. 1040). 1258. Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Third series, vol. 15–20. 89. Philadelphia, 1893–98. 1259. Transactions of the County of Middlesex Natural History and Science Society. 1886–7 (–1890–1), [Vol. 1–4.] - 80. London, 1887–92. Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club. See 984. 1260. Transactions of the Cumberland (and Westmorland) Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science. 1875 (–1890). No. 1–15. 80. Carlisle, 1877–91. *1261. Transactions of the Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1–10. la. 80. London, 1895–1904. No more published. In 1907 the ‘Transactions' were published as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine’ (q. v. No. 1040). 1262. Transactions of the Dublin Philosophical Society for the first session. [Vol. 1.] 80. Dublin, 1843. [Continued as :] - TRANSACTIONS OF THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY PHILosophic AL SoCIETY. Second (-eleventh) sessions. Vol. 2–6. 80. Dublin, 1846–54, 150 TRANSACTIONS Transactions of the Ealing Natural Science and Microscopical Society. See 1101. 1263. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. Edinburgh, 1870, etc. 1264. Transactions of the Entomological Society of Tondon. Vol. 1, parts 1–2. 80. London, 1807–9. — [New series.] Vol. 1, part 1. 80. London, 1834. The original series of the “Transactions’ was discontinued after the 2nd part of volume 1, and the publication was recommenced in 1834 as “Transactions, Vol. 1'. *1265. Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London. Vol. 4.— New series, vol. 26. 89. London, 1879–1907. No more published. After volume 26 the “Transactions’ were published as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine’ (g. v. No. 1040). 1266. Transactions of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Natura- lists' Field Club. (Journal of Proceedings.) Vol. 1–4. 80. Buckhurst Hill, 1881–86. [Continued as: The Essex NATURALIST : being the journal of the Essex Field Club. Vol. 1, etc. 89. Buckhurst Hill, (Stratford), 1887, etc. In progress. . Transactions of the Essex Field Club. See 1266. 1267. Transactions of the Faraday Society. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. London, 1905, etc. Transactions of the Folk-Lore Society. See 471. 1268. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Dublin, established for the investigation and revival of ancient Irish literature. Vol. 1. No more published. 89. Dublin, 1808. 1269. Transactions of the Geological Society (of London). Vol. 1– Second series, vol. 7. 49. London, 1811–56. 1270. Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 80. Glasgow, 1863, etc. Part 1 of volume 1 is 2nd edition published in 1868. 1271. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa. (Proceedings of the . . . Society . . . To accompany vol. 7 (8, etc.) of the Transactions.) Vol. 2, etc. ; In progress. 80 (la. 89). Johannesburg, 1896, etc. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–34 of volume 2 and the whole of volume 5. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society. See 1319. TRANSACTIONS 151 1272. Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of scotland. Fifth series, vol. 16, etc. 89. Edinburgh, 1904, etc. In progress. - Imperfect: wanting volumes 17 and 19 of the 5th series. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. See 529. 1272A. The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. Session 1892–3 (–1897–8). 80. London, 1893–99. 1273. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. Vol. 1-7. . - 49. London, [1812–30]. |Wolwme 1 is 3rd edition published in 1820; volume 2 is 3rd edition published in 1822; and volume 3 is 2nd edition published in 1822. Wolume 7 has no title-page and indea. Second series. Vol. 2, parts, 1–2. 49. London, [1835–36 °]. 1274. Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1820. Vol. 1, part 1. 49. Dublin, 1820. Transactions of the Institute of Brewing. See 1281. Transactions of the Institute of Marine Engineers. See 547. 1275. Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. 1–3. . 40. London, 1836–42. No more published. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–182 of volume 3. 1276. Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Vol. 19, etc. 89. Glasgow, 1876, etc. In progress. 1277. Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects. Vol. 27, etc. - In progress. 40. London, 1886, etc. Imperfect: wanting volumes 32 and 33 (1891 and 1892). 1278. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England. Session 1893–4, etc. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. London, 1895, etc. In progress. Transactions of the Junior Institution of Engineers. See 672. 1279. Transactions of the . . . Kansas Academy of Science. Vol. 8–18. 89. Topeka, 1883–1903. 1280, Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society. 1852–3. Vol. 2. la. 89. Dublin, 1853–55. - [Continued as :] PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE KILKENNY AND SouTH-EAST oF IRELAND ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1854 (–1867). Vol.3—New series, vol. 6. la. 80. Dublin, 1854–71. Imperfect : wanting pp. 147–189 of volume 1 of the New Series, pp. 33–56 of volume 2 N. S., pp. 141–180 and 339–372 of volume 4 N. S., pp. 109–290 and 519 to the end of volume 5 N. S., and pp. 1–68 of volume 6 N. S. 152 TRANSACTIONS 1281. 1282. 1283. 1284, [Continued as:] The Journal OF THE HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION of IRELAND. 1868–9. Third series, vol. 1. la. 80. Dublin, 1868–73. Imperfect: wanting pp. 47–80, 139—208 and 265–338. [Continued as :] The Journal of THE ROYAL HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL Association of IRELAND. 1870 (–1891). Fourth series, vol. 1–9. la. 80. Dublin, 1870–90. Imperfect: wanting pp. 113–192 and 261-502 of volume 1, and pp. 367–43.2 of volume 3. [Continued as :] The Journal of THE PROCEEDINGs of THE ROYAL SoCIETY OF ANTI- QUARIES OF IRELAND. Fifth series, vol. 1. la. 80. Dublin, 1890. [Continued as :] The Journal of THE ROYAL SoCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES of IRELAND. Fifth series, vol. 2–18 (Consecutive series, vol. 22–37). - la. 80. Dublin, 1892–1908. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–122 of volume 3. Transactions of the Laboratory Club. 1889–90. Vol. 3. 80. London, 1890. [Continued as: - TRANSACTIONs of THE INSTITUTE of BREWING. 1890 (–1894). Vol. 4–7. 80. London, 1891–94. Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association. Part 1, etc. In progress. 80. Leeds, 1885, etc. Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, from June 1835 (–June 1879.) 80. Leicester, 1876–84. Imperfect: wanting pp. 177–216 (i.e. the Transactions for June 1855 to June 1860). —— New quarterly series. Vol. 1, etc. 80. Leicester, 1886, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 47–84 of volume 2, pp. 159 to the end of volume 6, and pp. 1–84 of volume 10. - Transactions of the Linnean Society. Vol. 1–30. - 49. London, 1791–1875. [Continued as :] — Second series. Botany. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. London, (1875), etc. Second series. Zoology. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 40. London, (1875), etc. Transactions of the Liverpool Geological Association. See 702. TRANSACTIONS 153 1285. Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Vol. 1–4. 80. London, 1860–71. Imperfect: wanting pp. 189 to the end of volume 4. - 1286. Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. Vol. 1–27. 89. London, (Manchester), 1841–1902. [Continued as :] TRANSACTIONs of THE MANCHESTER GEOLOGICAL AND MINING SocIETY. Vol. 28, etc. la. 89. Manchester, [1903], etc. In progress. 1286A. Transactions of the Manchester Goethe Society. 1886–93. [Vol. 1.] 89. [Manchester], 1894. 1287. Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. Session 1875–6, etc. 89. Manchester, 1876, etc. In progress. 1288. Transactions of the Manitoba. Historical and Scientific Society. No. 12, etc. 89. Winnipeg, 1884, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting numbers 16, 18, 22–29, 34 and 58. *1289. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Vol. 1–New series, no. 7. 89. Bombay, 1838–62. *129O. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. Vol. 1–6. 80. Calcutta, 1825–33. Transactions of the Medical Society of London. See 1023. *1291. TheTransactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. New series, vol. 8–14. 80. Edinburgh, 1884–95. Imperfect: wanting volume 8. 1292. Transactions of the Meteorological Society. Vol. 1. la. 80. London, 1839. Transactions of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius. See 985. - 1293. Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London. Vol. 1– New series, vol. 16. la. 89 (89). London, 1844–68. [Continued as: The MoWTHLY MICRoscoPICAL Journal. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and record of histological research at home and abroad. Vol. 1–18. 89. London, 1869–77. [Continued as :] Journal, of THE ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SoCIETY ; containing its transactions and proceedings, with other microscopical information. Vol. 1, etc. 89. London, 1878, etc. In progress, 154 TRANSACTIONS 1294. Transactions of the Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall. Vol. 1–3. - 80. Camborne, 1885–92. 1295. Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America. 1884–5. Vol. 1. 89. Baltimore, 1886. [Continued as: TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGs of THE MoDERN LANGUAGE Association of AMERICA. 1886 (–1887). Vol. 2–3. 80. Baltimore, 1887–88. [Continued as :] PUBLICATIONS OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE Association of AMERICA. (Proceedings of the Association.) Vol. 4–7. 80. Baltimore, 1889–92. 1296. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Vol. 1. 40. Newcastle, 1830–31. Transactions of the New Shakespere Society. See 903. 1297. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 12–16. la. 80. New York, 1893–98. No more published after volume 16. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. See 1235. Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. See 908. **** of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science. See e *1298. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. Vol. 2–49. 80. London, 1861–1907. No more published. After volume 49 the ‘Transactions’ were published as a section of the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine’ (q. v. No. 1040). 1298A. Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain. 1861 (–1867). Vol. 3–5. 80. London, 1863–67. From 1907 onwards the “Transactions’ are published as a section of the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine” (q.v. No. 1040). 1299. Transactions of the Ossianic Society, for the year 1858 (–1858). Vol. 1–6. 89. Dublin, 1854–61. No more published 3 *1300. Transactions of the Otological Society of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1–8. 80 (la. 89). London, 1900–7. No more published. After volume 8 the “Transactions’ were published as a section of the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine' (q. v. No. 1040). TRANSACTIONS 155 *1301. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. (Including the Reports of the Proceedings.) Vol. 1–58. 89 (la. 89). London, [1848]–1907. No more published. After volume 58 the ‘Transactions’ were published as a section of the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine' (q. v. No. 1040). Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society. See 96.O. Transactions of the Philological Society. See 1028. 1302. Transactions of the Phrenological Society. [Vol. 1.] No more published. 89. Edinburgh, 1824. Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. See 126, - *1803. The Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Associa- tion. Vol. 1–15 (New series, vol. 3). 89. London, 1833–47. Transactions of the Queensland Branch of the Royal Geogra- phical Society of Australasia. See 987. Transactions of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. See 1237. 1804. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1–2. - 49. London, 1824–30. [After volume 3 continued as :] The Journal of THE Royal AsiaTIC SoCIETY of GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Wol. 1, etc. 80. London, 1834, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 205 to the end of volume 2, volume 3, pp. 213–318 of volume 8, pp. 53 to the end of volume 10, pp. 193 to the end of volume 11, pp. 17 to the end of volume 14, pp. 156 to the end of volume 10 of the New Series, pp. 129 to the end of volume 11 N. S., the volumes for the years 1880–1891, pp. 409 to the end of 1892, pp. 255–504 of 1895, pp. 1–414 of 1896, and pp. 1–180 of 1904. Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. See 1175. 1305. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. (Annual Report.) Vol. 1, etc. 80. London, (Penzance), 1818, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7, and the 55th Annual Report. 1806. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Vol. 1, etc. I? progress. 80. London, [1871], etc. |Volume 1 is 2nd edition, published in 1875. ** of the Royal Institute of British Architects. See w 156 TRANSACTIONS 1307. The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. 1–33. 49. Dublin, [1788]–1906. No more published. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society. See 1293. Transactions of the Royal Society. See 965. - 1308. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. Vol. 1–New series, vol. 5. 80. Mauritius, 1847–71. Imperfect: wanting parts 1, 2, and all after part 3 of volume 2, [original series], and volume 4 of the new series. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. See 988. 1809. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 49. Edinburgh, 1788, etc. 1810. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1, etc. 49 (89). London, 1827, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting volumes 2–4, parts 1 and 2 of volume 5, part 1 of volume 7, part 1 of volume 9, parts 1 and 2 of volume 12, parts 2 and 3 of volume 13, and volume 14. Transactions of the Royal Society of London. See 965. 1310A. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Cape Town, 1909, etc. 1311. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. Vol. 16. 89. Adelaide, 1892–96. 1312. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. Vol. 5, etc. In progress. 49. Melbourne, 1909, etc. 1313. Transactions of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Vol. 4–14. 89. London, 1883–94. [Continued as :] Journal of THE SANITARY INSTITUTE. (Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute.) Transactions. Vol. 15, etc. In progress. 80 (la. 80). London, 1894, etc. Imperfect: wanting volumes 10 and 17. 1314. Transactions of the seismological Society of Japan. 1881 (–1892). Vol. 3–16. 89. (Yokohama), [1882–92]. 1315. Transactions of the Society, instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. [Afterwards the Society of Arts.] Vol. 1–55. 80. London, [1783–1845. No more published. Imperfect: wanting volume 4. Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 5 are 3rd edition. Transactions of the Society of Arts. See 1315. TRANSACTIONS 157 1316. 1317. 1318. 1319. 132O, 1321. 1322. 1323. 1324, 1325, Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Vol. 1–9. 80. London, 1872–93. Transactions of the Society of Engineers. See 1195. Transactions of the South Wales Institute of Engineers. See 1047. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. 1858 (–1864). Vol. 4–6. 89. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1860–64. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Vol. 1–6. sm. fol. Philadelphia, 1887–99. Transactions of the Watford Natural History Society and Hertfordshire Field Club. (Proceedings of the Club.) Vol. 1–2. 89. Watford, London, 1875–80. [Continued as :] TRANSACTIONS OF THE HERTFORDSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SocIETY AND FIELD CLUB. (Proceedings of the Club.) Vol. 1, etc. In progress. 89. London, Watford, Hertford, [1880], etc. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. 1870 (–1887). Vol. 1–7. 89. Madison, Wis., 1872–89. Imperfect : wanting volume 5 (1878–80). Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. 1869, etc. In progress. 80. Hereford, 1870, etc. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1870, 1874–1876, 1890–1894, affºd 1898–1901. Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union. Part 23, etc. In progress. 80. Leeds, 1900, etc. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 49. London, 1835, etc. Transunti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. See 232. Travaux de la Société impériale des Naturalistes de St. Pétersbourg. - la. 89. St. Pétersbourg, 1906, etc. In progress. Livr. 1. Comptes rendus des séances. Vol. 37, etc. Livr. 2 et 4. Section de Zoologie et de Physiologie. Vol. 85, etc. Livr. 3. Section de Botanique (Journal botanique). Vol. 34, etc. Livr. 5. Section de Géologie et de Minéralogie, Vol. 32, etc. Travaux de la Société scientifique de Varsovie. See 979. Travaux et Mémoires du Bureau international des Poids et Mesures, publiés Sous l'autorité du Comité international par le Directeur du Bureau. Tom. 1, etc. la, 49. Paris, 1881, etc. In progress. 158 TRAVAUX 1326. 1327. 1328. 1329. 133O. 1331. 1332. *1333. 1334. Travaux scientifiques de l’Université de Rennes. Tom, 1–6. la. 80. Rennes, 1902–6. Imperfect : wanting volumes 4 and 5. Tübinger Blätter für Naturwissenschafterm und Arzneykunde. Bd. 1–2. 129, Tübingen, 1815–16. Tufts College Studies. Scientific series. Vol. 1, etc. - In progress. la. 89. [Boston], 1894, etc. U. C. I. Union Magazine. See 1332. Ungarische Revue. See 699. United Empire. See 659. United States Department of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey. Bulletin. No. 9, etc. la. 80. Washington, 1898, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting number 17. Section of Foreign Markets, Bulletin. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Washington, 1895, etc. United States Geological Survey. Professional Papers. No. 1, etc. 49. Washington, 1902, etc. In progress. The University College Gazette. (Notes on the history of University College, London, with a record of the session 1886–7. Being the first volume of the University College Gazette.) - 49. London, (1886–87). After this volume the “Gazette’ was discontinued. Another ‘University College Gazette” (q.v. No. 1332) was commenced in 1895. The University College Gazette. Vol. 1–3. 49. [London], 1895–1904. [Continued as :] U. C. L. UNION MAGAZINE, Vol. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. [London], 1904, etc. University College Hospital. Report of the Surgical Registrar (Resident Medical Officer, Pathologist, and Radiographer) for 1872, etc. 89. (London), [1873, etc.]. In progress. TJniversity College, London. Drapers’ Company Research Memoirs. Biometric Series. No. 1, etc. In progress. - 49. London, 1904, etc. Technical Series. No. 1, etc. 49. London, 1904, etc. I? progress. — Studies in National Deterioration. No. 1, etc. I? progress. 49. London, 1906, etc, UNIVERSITY 159 1835. The University Correspondent and University Correspondence College Magazine. An educational journal devoted chiefly to London University matters. Vol. 10, etc. In progress. 49. London, 1900, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–16 of volume 10, pp. 1–12 of volume 13, and pp. 13–44 and 173–188 of volume 14. 1336. The University of California Chronicle: an official record. Vol. 10, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1908, etc. In progreSS. 1337. University of California Publications. American Archaeology and Ethnology. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1903, etc. In progress. - — Botany. Vol. 1, etc. la. 80. Berkeley, 1902, etc. In progress. - Economics. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1908, etc. In progress. -- — Geology. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1893, etc. In progress. -- — Modern Philology. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1909, etc. I? progress. - — Philosophy. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1904, etc. In progress. - — Physiology. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1903, etc. In progress. Psychology. Vol. 1, etc. - la. 89. Berkeley, 1910, etc. In progress. Zoology. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Berkeley, 1902, etc. In progress. Astronomy. Lick Observatory Bulletins. Vol. 4, etc. In progress. 49. Berkeley, 1905, etc. University of Iowa Studies in Psychology. See 1055. 1838. University of London. Eugenics Ilaboratory Memoirs. (Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics.) No. 1, etc. In progress. 49. London, 1907, etc. 1339. University of London. Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics. Eugenics Laboratory Ilecture Series. No. 1, etc. In progress. 89. London, 1909, etc. 1840. University of Nebraska. Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. (7th, etc., Reports.) In progress. 89. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1894, etc. Imperfect: wanting the 8th–12th, 14th, and 17th–20th reports. 160 UNIVERSITY 1341. University of Nebraska. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experi- ment Station of Nebraska. No. 43, etc. In progress. 89. Lincoln, 1895, etc. Imperfect : wanting numbers 46, 61–63, 65–69, 71, 75, 8.2, 83 and 85–90. 1342. University of Toronto Studies. Anatomical Series. No. 1, etc. In progress. la. 80. Toronto, 1900, etc. — Biological Series. No. 1, etc. la. 80. Toronto, 1898, etc. In progress. Geological Series. No. 1, etc. la. 80. Toronto, 1900, etc. I? progress. Pathological Series. No. 1, etc. la. 80. Toronto, 1906, etc. In progress. - — Physical Science Series. No. 1, etc. la. 89. Toronto, 1903, etc. In progress. * — Physiological Series. No. 1, etc. la. 89, Toronto, 1900, etc. In progress. — Psychological Series. No. 1, etc. la. 89. Toronto, 1898, etc. ( In progress. Papers from the Chemical Laboratories. No. 40, etc. In progress. - la, 80. Toronto, 1904, etc. Papers from the Physical Laboratories. No. 18, etc. In progress. la. 80. Toronto, 1907, etc. History. Review of historical publications relating to Canada for the year 1898 (1899, etc.). Vol. 3, etc. In progress. la. 89, Toronto, 1899, etc. — History and Economics. Vol. 2, etc. In progress. la. 89. Toronto, 1902, etc. 1843. The University Review. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. London, 1905, etc. In progress. 1344. University Studies. Published by the University of Nebraska. Vol. 1, etc. 89. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1888, etc. In progress. - 1845. Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Institut der Univer- sität Heidelberg. Herausgegeben von W. Kühne. Bd. 1–4. 89. Heidelberg, 1878–82. Imperfect : wanting pp. 285 to the end of volume 4. 1846. Untersuchungen zur neueren Sprach- und Literatur-Geschichte. Herausgegeben von O. F. Walzel. Heft 1, etc. - In progress. - 80. Bern, 1903, etc. 1847. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Deel 1–20. 49. Amsterdam, 1858–91. VERHANDELINGEN 161 VERHANDELINGEN DER K. AKADEMIE vAN WETENSCHAPPEN (continued)- - [Afdeeling Natuurkundel. Deel 1-22. . . » 49. Amsterdam, 1854-83. – Tweede Sectie, Deel 14, etc. la. 80. Amsterdam, 1907, etc. In progress. 1348. Verhandelingen uitgegeven door het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen te Vlissingen. Deel 1-3. 89. Middelburg, 1769-73. 1349. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Deel 25-39. 49. Batavia, 1853-77. Imperfect : wanting volume 28, and all after part 1 of volume 39. Verhandlungen der anatomischen Gesellschaft. See 55. Verhandlungen der berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. See 1412. Verhandlungen der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft. See 1352. Verhandlungen der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher. See 22. ik - 1850. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlichen geologischen Reichs- anstalt. Jahrgang 1867, etc. 40. Wien, 1867, etc. In progress. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1868 and 1869, pp. 119-214 of 1873, 1875, pp. 193-216 of 1876, 1883, 1885 and pp. 229-412 of 1899. 1351. Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. Bd. 9, etc. 80. Basel, 1893, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-572 of volume 9, pp. 1-216 of volume 10, pp. 201 to the end of volume 15, volumes 17-19, and pp. 1-134 of volume 20. 1352. Verhandlungen der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Berlin. Jahrgang 1 (-10). 1882 (-1891). 89. Berlin, 1884-92. VERHANDIUNGEN DER DEUTSCHEN PHYSIKALISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT im Jahre 1901 (-1902). Jahrgang 3-4. 80. Leipzig, 1901-2. [Continued as :] BERICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN PHYSIKALISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT (Halbmonat- liches Literaturverzeichnis) im Jahre 1903, etc. In progress. 89. Braunschweig, 1903, etc. 1353. Verhandlungen der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft in Würzburg. Bd. 1-10. 89. Erlangen, (Würzburg), 1850-60. IMI 162 VERHANDLUNGEN 1354. Verhandlungen der russisch-kaiserlichen mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. 2te Serie, Bd. 32, etc. In progress. la. 80. St. Petersburg, 1895, etc. Verhandlungen der schweizerischen natuurforschenden Gesell- schaft. See 24. 1355. Verslag van de gewone vergaderingen de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam.) Deel 16, etc. 89. Amsterdam, 1907, etc. In progress. - See also: PRoCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY oF SCIENCE, AMSTERDAM, No. 1032. 1356. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Deel 1-3e Reeks, Deel 8. 89. Amsterdam, 1856-92. –Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Deel 1-2e Reeks, Deel 17. 89. Amsterdam, 1853-82. Imperfect : wanting pp. 101-132 of volume 5 of the 1st series. 1357. Vëstnik éeské Akademie Cisaïe Františka Josefa pro védy, slovesnost a uméni. Ročnik 5, etc. la. 80. v Praze, 1896, etc. In progress. Imperfect : wanting volumes 12 and 13. Vëstnák královské éeské spoleënosti nauk. See 1185. 1358. The Veterinarian, (or, monthly journal of veterinary science). Vol. 1-8. 80. London, 1828-35. 1359. Victorian Geographical Journal. Including the proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Vol. 26, etc. In progress. la. 89. Melbourne, [1909, etc.]. 1360. Vienna Oriental Journal. Edited by the Directors of the Oriental Institute of the University. Vol. 6-8. 80. Vienna, 1892-94. The first number of this Journal has a second title-page : “ Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes.” 1361. Vierteljahrs-Catalog aller neuen Erscheinungen im Pelde der Titeratuur in Deutschland. Jahrgang 1880 (-1890). 89. Leipzig, 1880-90. [Continued as :] VIERTELJAHRs-CATALoG DER NEUEN ERSCHEINUNGEN (NEUIGKEITEN) DES DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDELs. Jahrgang 1891, etc. In progress. 80. Leipzig, 1891, etc. 1362. Vierteljahrschrift für Litteratuurgeschichte . . . Herausgegeben von B. Seuffert. Bd. 1-6. 80. Weimar, 1888-93. No more published. 1363. VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT 168 Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich. Jahrgang 45–48. la. 80. Zürich, 1900–1903. Imperfect: wanting pp. 287 to the end of volume 48. *1864, Vierteljahresschrift für Dermatologie und Syphilis. Jahrgang 1365. 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369, 1370. 1371. 1–15 (Reihenfolge, Jahrgang 6–20). 80. Wien, 1875–88. [Continued as :] ARCHIV FüR DERMATOLOGIE UND SYPHILIS. Jahrgang 21–39. la. 80. Wien, 1889–97. Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie . . . Herausgegeben von R. Avenarius. Jahrgang 1–25. 89. Leipzig, 1877–1901. [Continued as :] VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FüR WISSENSCHAFTLIGHE PHILOSOPHIE UND SoziologIE . . . Herausgegeben von P. Barth. Jahrgang 26, etc. Neue Folge, [Bd.] 1, etc. 89. Leipzig, 1902, etc. In progress. Virchow's Archiv. See 192. The Voice of Jacob: a publication of the Anglo-Jewish Periodical Press. Vol. 1–5. 49. London, 1841–46. De Vrije Fries. Mengelingen, uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap ter Beoefening der Friesche Geschied-, Oud- heid- en Taalkunde. Deel 1, etc. 80. Leeuwarden, 1839, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting volume 8, pp. 1–102 of volume 9, pp. 81–244 of volume 12, pp. 97 to the end of volume 13, pp. 275 to the end of volume 15, pp. 309–478 of volume 16, pp. 457 to the end of volume 18, and pp. 1–186 of volume 19. Ward's Miscellany : under the superintendence of a Society for the advancement of literature, science, and religion. Vol. 1. fol. London, 1837. Washington Geological Survey. Annual Report for 1901 (–1902). Vol. 1–2. 89, Olympia, (Tacoma), 1902–8. Water Supply Papers. (United States Geological Survey.) No. 65, etc. 80, Washington, 1902, etc. In progress. The Weekly Notes: being notes of cases heard and determined by the House of Lords: the Court of Appeal, etc. (Published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales.) 1876 (39–40 Vict.), etc. 40, London, 1876, etc. In progress. M 2 164 WEEKLY 1372, 1373. 1374, *1375. 1376. 1377. 1738. 1379. The Weekly Register: containing political, historical, geographical, scientific, astronomical, statistical, and biographical documents, essays, and facts; together with notices of the arts and manu- factures, and a record of the events of the times, N. Niles, editor. Vol. 1–5. la. 89. Baltimore, 1811–14. [Continued as :] NILES’ WEEKLY REGISTER. Vol. 6—13. la. 80. Baltimore, 1814–18. Weekly Returns of Births and Deaths in the Dublin Regis- tration Area, and twenty-one of the principal urban districts in Ireland. 1910, etc. ſº la. 89. Dublin, 1910, etc. In progress. The Weekly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. See 308. Wellesley College Studies in Psychology. See 1055. Werken van de Maetschappy der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leyden. Deel 1–7. 49. Leyden, 1772–88. West London Medical Journal. Published quarterly under the auspices of the West London Medico-Chirurgical Society. Vol. 3, etc. 89, London, 1898, etc. In progress. - Western Australia. Geological Survey. Bulletin. No. 2, etc. In progress. 89. Perth, 1898, etc. The Western Miscellany; a journal of literature, science, anti- quities, and art, for the West of England. No. 1–13. 89. Exeter, 1849–50. No more published. Imperfect : wanting number 3. The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. See 1379. The Westminster Magazine, or the pantheon of taste. Containing a view of the history, politics, literature, manners, gallantry and fashions of the year 1773 (1777–81). Vol. 1–9. 80. London, 1773–81. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1–58 of volume 1, and volumes 2–4. The Westminster Review. Vol. 1–24. 80. London, 1824–36. After volume 24 the ‘Westminster Review' was writed with the ‘London Review” (q.v. No. 713), of which two volumes had been published, and continued as the ‘London and Westminster Review volume 3 and 25°. This double numeration was discontinued after volume ‘7 and 29°, the Succeeding volume being numbered volume 32. [Continued as :] The LoNDoN AND WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Vol. 25–33. 89, London, 1836–40. WHITE 165 [Continued as j The WESTMINSTER REVIEW. Vol. 34–45. 80. London, 1840–46. [United with the ‘Foreign Quarterly Review” (q.v. No. 473), and continued as :] The WESTMINSTER AND FoREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEw. Vol. 46–56. & 89. London, 1847–51. [Continued as :] The WESTMINSTER REVIEw. New series, vol. 1–21. - 80. London, 1852–62. White's Coelestial Atlas. See 388. Wiedemann's Annalem. See 64. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. See 1860. 1380. The Wilson Bulletin. Published quarterly by the Wilson Ornitho- logical Club. Vol. 14 (New series, vol. 9), etc. In progress. 80. Oberlin, 1902, etc. Imperfect : wanting pp. 37–76 of volume 14. 1381, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin. No. 3–13. la. 80. Madison, 1898–1904. Imperfect: wanting ww.mber 4. 1882. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der physikalisch-technischen Reichsanstalt. Bd. 1, etc. la. 40. Berlin, 1894, etc. In progress. 1383, Wissenschaftliche Beihefte zur Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Sprachvereins. No. 1, etc. - In progress. Imperfect : wanting numbers 2, 29, 30, 32 and 33. 80. Berlin, 1891, etc. The Working-man's Companion, or Year-book. See 311. 1383A. The World, for the year 1753 (–1756). By Adam Fitz-Adam [i. e. E. Moore, Lord Chesterfield, R. O. Cambridge, and others]. No. 1– 209 [Vol. 1–4]. sm. fol. London, 1758–56. Wundt’s Studien. See 966. Yale Psychological Studies. See 1055. *1884. A Year-Book of Medicine, Surgery and their Allied Sciences, for 1859 (–1864). Edited . . . for the New Sydenham Society. * 80. London, 1860–65. [Continued as: A BIENNIAL RETRosPECT OF MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND THEIR ALLIED SCIENCEs ; for 1865–6 (–1873–4). Edited... for the New Sydenham Society. 80. London, 1867–75. No more published. The ‘Year-Book and ‘Retrospect' formolumes 8, 10, 15, 19, 23, 25, 32, 43, 50, 59, and 65 of the publications of the New Sydenham Society (q. v. No. 905). 166 YEAR BOOK 1385. 1386. 1387. 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391. 1392, 1393. 1394. 1395. Year Book of the American Dante Society. 1890–1. No more published. 89. [New York, 1891.] Year Book of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. See 367. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. 5653 (1892), etc. la. 80. Cincinnati, 1895, etc. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting the volume for 5660 (1900). Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia. See 985. Year-Book of the Royal Society of London. No. 1, etc. In progress. 80, London, 1897, etc. Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland : giving an account of their origin, constitution, and working. First (–eighth) annual issue. 80. London, 1884–91. Imperfect ; wanting the volume for 1890. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. 1896, etc. [Vol. 3, etc.] 80. Washington, 1897, etc. In progress. The Year's Art. 1884 (1885, etc.). A concise epitome of all matters relating to the arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture which have occurred during the year, etc. [Vol. 5, etc.] In progress. sm. 89. London, 1884, etc. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1887–1894, 1898 and 1905. The Yellow Book. An illustrated quarterly. Vol. 1–4. 89. London, Boston, 1894–95. Imperfect: wanting volume 3. Zach's Momatliche Correspondenz. See 860. Zacher's Zeitschrift. See 1407. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Bd. 47–58. 80. Leipzig, 1893–1904. Imperfect : wanting pp. 687 to the end of volume 58. *::::::::: der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. See Zeitschrift des historischen Vereins für Niedersachsen. Jahr- gang 1858 (–1889). 80. Hannover, 1860–89. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1859–1870, 1874–1877, 1879– 1880, and 1882–1885. Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure. Bd. 21–40. la. 40. Berlin, 1877–96. Zeitschrift für figyptische Sprach- und Alterthumskunde. Jahr- gang 1, etc. 49. Leipzig, 1863, etc. In progress, - ZEITSCHRIFT 167 1396. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Physiologie. Herausgegeben von M. Verworn. Bd. 1, etc. la. 80. Jena, 1902, etc. In progress. 1397. Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Heraus- gegeben von W. His und W. Braune. Bd. 1–2. la. 89. Leipzig, 1875–77. After volume 2 the “Zeitschrift” zwas zumited with the Anatomische Ab- theilung of the “Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie” (g. v. No. 183). †1398. Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie und psychologische Sammelforschung. Zugleich Organ des Instituts für angewandte Psychologie und psychologische Sammelforschung (Instituts der Gesellschaft für experimentelle Psychologie). Herausgegeben von W. Stern und O. Lipmann, Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. la. 89. Leipzig, 1907, etc. 1399. Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie . . . Herausgegeben von G. Krüss, Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1892, etc. I% progress. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie. See 1417. 14OO. Zeitschrift für Biologie. Von L. Buhl, M. Pettenkofer, L. Radl- kofer, C. Voit. Bd. 1, etc. I% progreSS. la. 89. München (und Berlin), 1865, etc. 14OOA. Zeitschrift für biologische Technik und Methodik . . . Heraus- gegeben von M. Gildemeister. Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. la. 89. Strassburg (Leipzig), 1908, etc. 14O1. Zeitschrift für Botanik. Jahrgang 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Jena, 1909, etc. 1402. Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde. Monatshefte für Bibliophile und verwandte Interessen. Jahrgang 1, etc. I% progress. 49. Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1897, etc. 14O3. Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. Herausgegeben von K. Meyer und L. C. Stern. Bd. 1–7. la. 89. Halle a. S., 1897–1909. Imperfect : wanting pp. 297 to the end of volume 7. 1404. Zeitschrift für Chemie und Industrie der Kolloide. (Kolloid- Zeitschrift.) Wissenschaftliche und technische Rundschau für das Gesamtgebiet der Kolloide . . . Herausgegeben von R. Ditmar (W. Ostwald). Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Dresden, 1906, etc. In progress. – KoLLoIDCHEMIsCHE BEIHEFTE. (Ergänzungshefte zur Kolloid- Zeitschrift.) Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Dresden, 1909, etc. Inz progress. 168 «. ZEITSCHRIFT 14O5. Zeitschrift für das gesammte Brauwesen. Neue Folge. Jahr- gang 17–27. 40. München, 1894–1904. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–34 ofvolume 17, pp. 317–324 0f volume 18, and pp. 375–390, 434–450, and 643–654 9f volume 22. 14O6. Zeitschrift für deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde. Heraus- gegeben von J. W. Wolf. Bd. 1. 89. Göttingen, 1853. 1407. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. Herausgegeben von E. Höpf- ner und J. Zacher. Bd. 1, etc. la. 80. Halle, 1869, etc. In progress. 1408. Zeitschrift für deutsche Wortforschung. Herausgegeben von F. Kluge. Bd. 1, etc. - 89. Strassburg, 1901, etc. I% progreSS. 1409. Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum (und deutsche Litteratur). Herausgegeben von M. Haupt. (Anzeiger für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Litteratur, etc. Bd. 1, etc.) Bd. 1, etc. I% progreSS. 89. Leipzig, (Berlin), 1841, etc. Imperfect : wanting volumes 6–12. The “Anzeiger” was first issued with volume 19, in 1876. 141O. Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft der Sprache. Herausgegeben von A. Hoefer. Bd. 1–2. 80. Berlin, 1846–50. Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie. See 14.11. 14ll. Zeitschrift für Elektrotechnik und Elektrochemie. Jahrgang 1. 49. Halle a. S. (1894–95). [Continued as ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ELEKTRoCHEMIE. Organ der deutschen elektroche- mischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 2–7. 49. Halle a. S., (1895–1901). [Continued as : ] ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ELEKTRoCHEMIE. Herausgegeben von der deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für angewandte physikalische Chemie. Jahr- gang 8–9. «- 49. Halle a. S., 1901–3. [Continued as : ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ELEKTRoCHEMIE UND ANGEwANDTE PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE. Herausgegeben von der deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft, etc. Jahrgang 10, etc. 49. Halle a. S., 1904, etc. In progress. 14.12. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie und ihre Hülfswissenschaften als Lehre vom Menschen in seinen Beziehungen zur Natur und zur Ge- schichte. Bd. 1. la. 80. Berlin, 1869. ZEITSCHRIFT 169 " [Continued as :] «- ZEITsCHRIFT FÜR ETHNoLoGIE. Organ der berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. (Verhandlungen der berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urge- schichte.) Bd. 2, etc. la. 89. Berlin, 1870, etc. In progress. 1413. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Pathologie und Therapie. Heraus- gegeben von L. Brieger, H. E. Hering, F. Kraus, R. Paltauf. Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Berlin, 1905, etc. I% progress. »- Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Litteratur. See 1421. 1414. Zeitschrift für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft. Heraus- gegeben von F. C. v. Savigny, C. F. Eichhorn und J. F. L. Göschen. Bd. 1–12. 80. Berlin, 1815–45. 14:15. Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten. Heraus- gegeben von R. Koch und C. Flügge. Bd. 15–23. la. 89. Leipzig, 1893–96. Imperfect : wanting pp. 148 to the end of volume 23. 1416. Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde. Organ für Mitteilungen aus dem gesamten Gebiete der wissenschaftlichen Technik. (Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift für Instrumenten- kunde. Organ für die gesamte Glasinstrumenten-Industrie. Ver- einsblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft für Mechanik und Optik.) Jahrgang 28, etc. 49. Berlin, 1908, etc. I% progress. 14:17. Zeitschrift für Keilschriftforschung und verwandte Gebiete . . . Herausgegeben von C. Bezold und F. Hommel. Bd. 1–2. 89. Leipzig, 1884–85. [Continued as ..] ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR AsSYRIoLoGIE und verwandte Gebiete . . . Heraus- gegeben von C. Bezold. Bd. 1–18. 89. Leipzig, (Berlin, Weimar, Strassburg), 1886–1905. 1418. Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, herausgegeben von O. Schlömilch und B. Witzschel. Jahrgang 1–43. - «- la. 89. Leipzig, 1856–98. Imperfect : wanting volumes 15 and 16, and pp. 65 to the end of Volume 43. †1419. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Stuttgart, 1899, etc. 142O. Zeitschrift für Natur- und Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von den Professoren der chirurgisch-medicinischen Akademie in Dresden. Bd. 1–4. 89. Dresden (und Leipzig), 1820–26. 170 ZEITSCHRIFT 1421. *1422. 1423. 1424. 1425. 1426. 1427. 1428. Zeitschrift für neufranzösische Sprache und Litteratur . . . Her- ausgegeben von G. Körting und E. Koschwitz. Bd. 1–10. la. 89. Oppeln und Leipzig, 1879–88. [Continued as :] ZEITsCHRIFT FÜR FRANzösIsCHE SPRACHE UND LITTERATUR. Bd. 11, etc. Im progress. la. 89. Oppeln und Leipzig, (Berlin), 1889, etc. Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde. Herausgegeben von E. Hallier und F. A. Zürn. Bd. 1–4. 80. Jena, 1869–75. Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, im Vereine mit mehreren Gelehrten gegründet von J. H. Fichte, etc. Neue Folge, Bd. 81–96. 80. Halle, 1882–89. Zeitschrift für Physik und Mathematik. Herausgeber: A. Baum- gartner und A. v. Ettingshausen. Bd. 1–10. 89. Wien, 1826–32. [Continued as : ZEITsCHRIFT FÜR PHYSIK UND VERwANDTE WISSENsCHAFTEN. Bd. 1–5. 89. Wien, 1832–37. Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, Stöchiometrie und Verwandt- schaftslehre . . . Herausgegeben von W. Ostwald und J. H. van't Hoff. Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Leipzig, 1887, etc. I% progress. Zeitschrift für Physiologie . . . Herausgegeben von F. Tiedemann, G. R. Treviranus und L. C. Treviranus. Bd. 1–5. 49. Heidelberg (und Leipzig), 1824–35. Imperfect : wanting pp. 157 to the end of volume 3, the whole of volume 4, and pp. 231 to the end of volume 5. Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie. Herausgegeben von F. Hoppe-Seyler. Bd. 1–20. 89. Strassburg, 1877–95. [Continued as : HoPPE-SEYLER's ZEITsCHRIFT FÜR PHYSIoLoGIsCHE CHEMIE. Bd. 21, etc. I% progress. 89. Strassburg, 1895, etc. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane . . . Herausgegeben von H. Ebbinghaus und A. König. Bd. 1–40. la. 89. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1890–1906. [Divided into two sections, and continued as ..] I. Abteilung. ZEITsCHRIFT FÜR PsyCHoLoGIE. Bd. 41, etc. In progress. la. 89. Leipzig, 1906, etc. II. Abteilung. ZEITsCHRIFT FÜR SINNEsPHYsIoLoGIE. Bd. 41, etc. In progress. la. 89. Leipzig, 1906, etc. ZEITSCHRIFT 171 1429. Zeitschrift für rationelle Medizin. Herausgegeben von J. Henle und C. Pfeufer. Bd. 3–3te Reihe, Bd. 36. 89. Heidelberg, 1845–69. No more published after volume 36 of the 3rd series. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1–192 of volume 4. BERICHT ÜBER DIE FoRTsCHRITTE DER ANATOMIE UND PHYsIoLoGIE im Jahre 1856 (–1871). Herausgegeben von J. Henle und G. Meissner. Als besondere Abtheilung der Zeitschrift für ratio- nelle Medicin. [Bd. 1–16.] 89. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1857–72. [Continued as : JAHRESBERICHTE ÜBER DIE FoRTsCHRITTE DER ANAToMIE UND PHYsIo- LoGIE . . . Herausgegeben von F. Hofmann und G. Schwalbe. Bd. 1–20. 89. Leipzig, 1873–93. [Continued as ..] [I.] JAHRESBERICHT ÜBER DIE FoRTsCHRITTE DER PHYsIoLoGIE . . . Herausgegeben von L. Hermann. Bd. 1, etc. In progress. la. 89. Bonn, 1894, etc. [II.] JAHRESBERICHTE ÜBER DIE FoRTSCHRITTE DER ANAToMIE UND ENTWICKLUNGSGESCHICHTE . . . Herausgegeben von G. Schwalbe. Neue Folge, Bd. 1, etc. la. 89. Jena, 1897, etc. In progress. 143O. Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte. Bd. 1–13. 89. Weimar, 1861–78. [Continued as : ZEITSCHRIFT DER SAVIGNY-STIFTUNG FÜR RECHTSGESCHICHTE. Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. 89. Weimar, 1880, etc. 1431. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift.) Herausgegeben von G. Gröber. Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. - la. 89. Halle, 1877, etc. Zeitschrift für Sinnesphysiologie. See 1428. 1432. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und Tateinischen (indogermanischen Sprachen). Herausgegeben von T. Aufrecht und A. Kuhn. Bd. 1, etc. 89. Berlin, (Gütersloh), 1852, etc. I% progress. In 1907 (vol. 41) the “ Beiträge zur Kunde der indo- germanischen Sprachen’ (g. v. No. 946) was united with the “Zeitschrift'. 1433. Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft. Her- ausgegeben von M. Lazarus und H. Steinthal. Bd. 9–18. 89. Berlin, (Leipzig), 1877–88. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie. See 543. 172 ZEITSCHRIFT 1434. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und für mikro- skopische Technik. Herausgegeben von W. J. Behrens. Bd. 12, etc. I% progreSS. la. 89. Braunschweig, (Leipzig), 1895, etc. 1435. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Herausgegeben von C. T. v. Siebold und A. Kölliker. Bd. 1, etc. I% progress. la. 89. Leipzig, 1848, etc. *1436. Zentralblatt für die gesamte Medizin. Jahrgang 31, etc. In progress. 89. Leipzig, 1910, etc. Zentralblatt für Physiologie. See 372. 1437. The Zoological Journal. Vol. 1–5, no. 19. 89. London, 1824–32. No more published after the completion of volume 5 in 1835. Im- perfect : wanting pp. 385 to the end of volume 5. 1438. Zoologische Beiträge. Herausgegeben von A. Schneider. Bd. 1–3. la. 80. Breslau, 1885–92. 1439. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Zeitschrift für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere. Herausgegeben von J. W. Spengel. Bd. 1, etc. I% progreSS. la. 89. Jena, 1886, etc. After volume 2 the “Zoologische Jahrbücher* is divided into two parts : (1) “Abtheilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Thiere, (2) “ Ab- theilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere”; and in volume 30 (1910) a third part, “ Abtheilung für Allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie der Tiere, was commenced. 144O. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Herausgegeben von J. V. Carus. Jahr- gang 1–12. la. 89. Leipzig, 1878–89. [Continued as . ] ZooLoGISCHER ANZEIGER. Herausgegeben von J. V. Carus. Zugleich Organ der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 18, etc. I% progress. la. 89. Leipzig, 1890, etc. BIBLIoGRAPHIA ZooLoGICA (diario “ Zoologischer Anzeiger” adnexa) . . . edidit J. V. Carus. Vol. 1, etc. la. 89. Lipsiae, 1896, etc. I% progress. 1441. Zoologischer Jahresbericht für 1879 (1880, etc.). Herausgegeben von der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Redigirt von J. V. Carus. [Bd. 1, etc.] la. 89. Leipzig, (Berlin), 1880, etc. I% progress. Die Zukunft. See 483. SOCIETY INDEX *An asterisk after the number signifies that the Library set of the periodical is ‘In progress’. Academia, Caesarea Naturae Curiosorum. (1) Abhandlungen. 22*. (2) Acta physico-medica. 22. (3) Nova Acta. e (4) Verhandlungen. 22. Academia, das Sciencias de Lisboa. (1) Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras. 58. (2) Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. 593. (3) Memorias. 808. Academia, Iugduno-Batava. Annales. 68. Academia, Polytechnica, do Porto. Annaes Scientificos. 60.* Academia Real das Sciencias de Tisboa. See Supra: ACADEMIA DAS SCIENCLAs DE LISBoA. Academia Regia Scientiarum (Berlin). See infra: SoCIETAS REGIA ScIENTIARUM. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis (St. Petersburg). (1) Acta. 391. (2) Bulletin. 316.” (3) Bulletin de la Classe physico-mathématique. 319. (4) Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 391. (5) Mélanges mathématiques et astronomiques. (6) Mémoires. 391. (7) Mémoires présentés à l’Académie. 786. (8) Nova Acta. 391. (9) Novi Commentarii. 391. (10) Repertorium für Meteorologie. 1099. Académie de Dijon. See infra: ACADEMIE DES SCIENCEs, ARTs, ET BELLES-LETTREs DE DIJon. Académie des Beaux-Arts (Institut de France). Mémoires de l’Institut national des Sciences et Arts . . . Littérature et Beaux-Arts. 525. 174 SOCIETY INDEX Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Institut de France). (1) Fondation Eugène Piot. Monuments et Mémoires. 472.* (2) Histoire. 524. (3) Mémoires de Littérature. 524. Académie des Sciences (Institut de France). (1) Comptes rendus. 4O2.* (2) Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences. 525. (3) Machines et Inventions approuvées par l'Académie. 726. (4) Mémoires. 525.* (5) Recueil des Pièces qui ont remporté le prix de l'Académie. 109O. Académie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres de Dijon. Nouveaux Mémoires. 912. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Mémoires. Académie des Sciences de Cracovie. (1) Anzeiger der Akademie. 337.* (2) Bulletin international. 337.* - Académie des sciences de l'Empereur François Joseph I (Prague). See infra : CESKA AKADEMIE CfsAÉE FRANTISKA JoSEFA I. Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. 1) Mémoires de la Section des Lettres. 13. (2) Mémoires de la Section des Sciences. l4. Académie des Sciences, Littérature, et Beaux-Arts de Turin. See infra : ACCADEMLA DELLE SCIENZE DI ToRINO. Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. See Supra : ACADEMLA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS. Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. See supra : ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCEs, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTs DE LYoN. Académie Royale de Belgique. (1) Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. l5.* (2) Classe des Sciences. Mémoires. 16.* Académie Royale de Chirurgie (Paris). Mémoires. 773. Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris). See supra : ACADÉMIE DEs INsCRIPTIoNs ET BELLES-LETTREs. Académie Royale des Sciences (Paris). See supra : ACADÉMIE DEs SCIENCES. Académie Royale des Sciences de Berlin. See infra : SoCIETAs REGIA SCIENTIARUM. Académie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm. See infra : KoNGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPs ACADEMI. SOCIETY INDEX 175 Académie Royale des Sciences de Turin. See infra: ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI ToRINo. Académie Royale des Sciences et des Belles-Lettres de Berlin. See infra: SoCIETAs REGIA SCIENTIARUM. Académie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. See infra: KJoBENHAVNSK SELSKAB AFLAERDoMs oG VIDENSKABERs ELsKERE. Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Transactions. 1237.* Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings. 989.* Academy of Pacific Coast History. Publications. 1058.* Accademia dei Lincei (Rome). (1) Atti. 232.” (2) Memorie. 232.* (3) Monumenti Antichi. 874,º (4) Notizie degli scavi di antichità. 232*. (5) Rendiconti. 232.” (6) Transunti. 232. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. (1) Atti. 233.º (2) Mélanges. 839. (3) Mémoires (Memorie). 839.” (4) Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica. 839. Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche (Società Reale di Napoli). (1) Atti. 234.” (2) Rendiconto. 1094.º Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti (Società Reale di Napoli). (1) Atti. 235.º - - (2) Rendiconto. 1096.” Accademia di Scienze e Taettere di Palermo. Atti. 229. Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche (Società Reale di Napoli). (1) Atti. 236.º (2) Rendiconto. 1097.” Accademia Pontaniana. See infra: SoCIETÀ PoNTANIANA. Aerztlicher Verein zu Hamburg. - Magazin der ausländischen Literatur der gesammten Heilkunde 730. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. See infra: UNIVERSITY oF NEBRASKA. 176 SOCIETY INDEX Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa. See infra: INDIA, IMPERIAL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Krakau. See supra: ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE CRAcov1E. Akademija Umiejętności (Cracrow). See infra: TowARZYSTwo NAUKowe. Alberta, Department of Agriculture. Annual Report. 131.* Alberta, Department of Education. Annual Report. 133.” Allegheny Observatory. See infra: UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (1) Memoirs. 792.* (2) Proceedings. 990.* American Anthropological Association. American Anthropologist. 38.* American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science. 1166.” American Chemical Society. (1) Chemical Abstracts. 374.” (2) Journal. 634.” (3) Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 622A.” (4) Proceedings. 991.* (5) Review of American Chemical Research. 1128.* American Climatological Association. Transactions. 1238.* American Dante Society. Year Book. 1385. American Electrochemical Society. Transactions. 1239.” American Ethnological Society of New York. American Anthropologist. 38.* American Jewish Historical Society. Publications. 1059.” American Mathematical Society. Transactions. 1240. American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin. 339.” American Oriental Society. (1) Journal. 635. (2) Proceedings. 635.” SOCIETY INDEX 177 American Philological Association. (1) Proceedings. 1241.* (2) Transactions. 1241.* American Philosophical Society. (1) Proceedings. 992.* (2) Transactions. 1242.* American Physical Society. Physical Review. 970.” American Physiological Society. American Journal of Physiology. 45.” American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Papers. 954 American Society of Biological Chemists. Proceedings. 993.” American Society of Civil Engineers. (1) Proceedings. 994.” (2) Transactions. 1243.” American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Transactions. 1244. American Surgical Association. Transactions. 1245. American Urological Association. Transactions. 1246.” Analytical Society, Cambridge. Memoirs, 793. Anatomische Gesellschaft. (1) Anatomischer Anzeiger. 55.” (2) Verhandlungen. 55.” Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. (1) Journal. 636.” (2) Man. 743.” Anthropological Society of Washington. (1) American Anthropologist. 38.* (2) Transactions. 1247. Antiquarische Gesellschaft in Zürich. Anzeiger für Schweizerische Altertumskunde. 158, Archaeological Institute of America. - (1) American Journal of Archaeology, 41.* (2) Annual Report. 41.* Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See infra : BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. N 178 SOCIETY INDEX Archaeological Survey of Egypt. See infra: EGYPT ExPLORATION FUND. Archaeological Survey of India. See infra : INDIA, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Archaeological Survey of Nubia. See infra: NUBIA, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 'Apxatokoyukh Etaupta. See infra: ‘EX\mvuk) 'Apxaoxoyukº ‘Eralpía. Aristotelian Society (London). Proceedings. 995.” Army Medical Department. Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical Reports. 212, Asiatic Society of Bengal. (1) Asiatic Researches. 214. (2) Bibliotheca Indica. 259.” (3) Journal, 637.* (4) Memoirs. 794.” (5) Proceedings. 996, and 637.* (6) Transactions. 214. Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. See infra : Royal, ASIATIC SoCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions. 1248. Association Internationale des Botanistes. (1) Botanisches Centralblatt. 292.* (2) Progressus’rei Botanicae. 1052.* Association of American Anatomists. Proceedings. 15th–20th Sessions. See American Journal of Ana- tomy. * Proceedings. 21st, etc., Sessions. See Anatomical Record. 54.” Association of American Physicians. Transactions. 1249.” Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane. Asylum Journal of Mental Science. 224 Association Phonétique Internationale. Le Maitre phonétique. 740.* Association pour l'Encouragement des Études Grecques en France. Annuaire. 117. Astronomical Taboratory at Groningen. Publications. 1060.* Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. See infra: HARVARD UNIVERSITY, SOCIETY INDEX 179 Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. See infra : YALE UNIVERSITY. Astronomical Society of Tºondon, afterwards Roy AL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. (1) Memoirs. 795.” (2) Monthly Notices. 867.* Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. See infra: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Australia, Commonwealth of. (1) Official Year Book. 935.” (2) Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue. 1233.” Australian Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions. 1252.* Australian Museum. Records. 1084.” Ballad Society (London). Publications. 240A. Bataafsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. See infra : HoDLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Batavia, Observatory. Observations. 924.” Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. (1) Notulen. 911A. (2) Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land-, en Wolkenkunde. 1229. (3) Verhandelingen. 1349. Bath and West of England Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Journal. 638. Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Proceedings. 997. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). See infra : KöNIGLICHE ARADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu MünchEN. 13elfast Field Naturalists’ Club. (1) Proceedings. 249.” (2) Reports. 249.” Bengal Presidency. General Report on Public Instruction. 486, Ben Nevis Observatories. Observations. 823A,” Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. (1) Verhandlungen. 1412.* - - (2) Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 1412.* N 2 180 SOCIETY INDEX Berlinische Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. See infra: GESELLSCHAFT NATURFORSCHENDER FREUNDE. Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club. \ (1) History. 536. (2) Proceedings. 536. Bibliographical Society (London). Transactions. 3. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. Bollettino delle Pubblicazioni italiane. 288.* Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris). Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du Roi. 910, Biological Society of Washington. - Proceedings. 998. - Birmingham Philosophical Society. Proceedings. 999. - Board of Education. Report. 1103.” IBoard of Trade. (1) Annual Abstract of Labour Statistics. 122.* (2) Board of Trade Journal. 278.* (3) Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. 345. (4) Labour Gazette. 279.” (5) Report on Changes in Rate of Wages. 1115.” (6) Report on Strikes and Lock-outs. 1116.” (7) Report on Trade Unions. 1117A.” Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. 639. Bombay Chamber of Commerce. Report. 1104.” Bombay Observatory. See infra : HoNoFABLE EAST INDIA CoMPANY’s OBSERVATORY, BoMBAY. Boston Society of Natural History. (1) Memoirs. 807.* (2) Occasional Papers. 932.* (3) Proceedings. 1000.* Botanisches Institut in Würzburg. Arbeiten. 161. Brazil. Ministerio da Marinha. Boletin das Observaçöes Meteorologicas. 281.* Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. Annual Report and Abstract of Proceedings. 125. SOCIETY INDEX 181 Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal. 294. Bristol Naturalists’ Society. Proceedings. 1001.* British Academy. Proceedings. 10O2. British and Foreign Institute. Transactions. 1254. British Archaeological Association. Journal. 64O. - British Archaeological Association, afterwards ARCHAEoLogical, INSTITUTE of GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Archaeological Journal. 165. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports. 1110.* British Astronomical Association. (1) Journal. 641.* (2) Memoirs. 796.” - British Balneological and Climatological Society. Journal of Balneology and Climatology. 614.” British Dental Association. Journal. 642.* British Economic Association, afterwards Royal EconoMIC SoCIETY. (London). Economic Journal. 432.* British Gynaecological Society. British Gynaecological Journal. 299. British Homoeopathic Association. British Homoeopathic Review. 300.* British Medical Association. British Medical Journal. 307.* British School at Athens. Annual. 123.” British School at Rome: Papers. 955. British School of Archaeology in Egypt. (University College, London.) Publications. 310.* - Browning Society (London). Papers. Buenos Ayres University. See infra : UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENos AIREs. 182 SOCIETY INDEX Bureau des Longitudes (Paris). Annuaire. 121 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. Travaux et Mémoires. 1325.” Bureau of American Ethnology. See infra: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Bureau of Ilabor, United States Government. See infra: UNITED STATEs, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. Bureau of Standards, Washington. Bulletin. 340.* California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. 1003.” California State Mining Bureau. Annual Report. 358. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (1) Cambridge Antiquarian Communications, 859. (2) Proceedings. 359. Cambridge Observatory. Astronomical Observations. 218, Cambridge Philosophical Society. (1) Proceedings. 1004.” (2) Transactions. 1255.” Cambridge University. See infra : UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE. Camden Society (London). Publications. 363.” Canada, Geological Survey. Report of Progress. 498. Canadian Institute. (1) Proceedings. 1005.* (2) Transactions. 1256.” Canadian Mining Institute. Journal. 644. Canterbury Museum, New Zealand. Pecords. 1085.” Cape Observatory. (1) Annals. 106.” (2) Report. 1102.* (3) Results of Astronomical Observations (Meridian Observations). 1128.” Cape of Good Hope. Geological Commission. - Annual Report. 138.* SOCIETY INDEX 183 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (New York). (1) Annual Report. 365.” (2) Bulletin. 341.* Carnegie Institution of Washington. (1) Publications. 366.” (2) Year-book. 367.* Central Conference of American Rabbis. . Year-book. 1386.” Česká Akademie Císaře Františka Josefa I (Prague). (1) Bulletin international. 336.” (2) Rozpravy. 1157.* (3) Västnik. 1357.* | Chaucer Society (London). Publications. 373.” Chemical Society (London). (1) Abstracts of the Proceedings. 12. (2) Annual Report on the Progress of Chemistry. 148.* (3) Journal. 788.* - (4) Memoirs and Proceedings. 788. (5) Proceedings. 12.* (6) Quarterly Journal. 788. Chester Society of Natural History. Proceedings. 1006.” Chicago University. See infra : UNIVERSITY of CHICAGo. China. Imperial Maritime Customs. (1) Customs Gazette. 378.* (2) Returns of Trade, 379.” Chovevi Zion Association. Palestina. 949. Classical Association (London). (1) Classical Quarterly. , 385.” (2) Classical Review. 385.” Clinical Society of Iondon. Transactions. 1257, College of Physicians, London, afterwards Royal CollBGE of PHYSICIANs. Medical Transactions. 765. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. See infra : CoIUMBIA UNIVERSITY. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Transactions. 1258. College of Science and Engineering, Kyôto Imperial University. See infra : KYöTo TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. 184 SOCIETY INDEX College of Science, Imperial University, Japan. See infra: UNIVERSITY OF TokIO. Colombo Museum, Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica. 1203.” Colorado College. Studies. 390. Columbia University. Studies from the Department of Pathology of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. 1216.” - Comité Géologique, St. Pétersbourg. (1) Bulletin. 352.* (2) Mémoires. 783.” Commissão dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal. Communicaçòes. 395.” Commissão Geographica e Geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. Boletim. 280. - Commission Géologique de la Finlande. Bulletin. 320.* Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma. Bullettino. 354. Commissioner of Education, United States of America. See infra: UNITED STATEs, DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR. Concilium Bibliographicum in Zürich. Bibliographia Physiologica. 372.* Cornell University. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 628.* Cornwall Polytechnic Society. Annual Report. 145.” Cotteswold Naturalists’ Club. Proceedings. 1008.* County of Middlesex Natural History and Science Society. Transactions. 1259. Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club. Proceedings and Transactions. 4.* Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú. Boletín. 285.” Cumberland and Westmorland Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science. Transactions. 1260. Cymmrodorion Society. (1) Y Cymmrodor. 415. (2) Transactions. 1272A, SOCIETY INDEX 185 Dansk Geologisk Forening. Meddelelser. 757.* Dante Society [of America]. Annual Report. 130.” Dante Society [of London]. Lectures. 415A.” Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Proceedings. 1009.” Department of Agriculture in India. See infra: INDIA, IMPERIAL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta. See Supra: ALBERTA, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Department of Agriculture, Saskatchewan. See infra: SASKATCHEwAN, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Department of Education of the Province of Alberta. See Supra: ALBERTA, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Department of Labor, United States Government. See infra : UNITED STATES, DEPARTMENT OF LABor. Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Transactions. 1261. Dermatological Society of Iondon. British Journal of Dermatology. 304. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft. Berichte. 253.” Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft. - See infra: DEUTSCHE ELEKTROCHEMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. (1) Berichte. 254.” (2) Chemisches Central-Blatt. 377.* Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. - Jahrbuch. 559. Deutsche Elektrochemische Gesellschaft, afterwards DEUTSCHE BUNSEN- GESELLSCHAFT. Zeitschrift für Elektrotechnik und Elektrochemie. 14ll.” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mechanik und Optik. Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. 1416.” Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. 1392. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. See infra : PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT zu BERLIN. Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft. - Zoologischer Anzeiger. 1440.* 186 SOCIETY INDEX Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. (1) Archäologische Zeitung. 170. (2) Jahrbuch. 170.* (3) Pºilungen des deutschen archaeologischen Institutes in Athen. Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. Annual Report and Transactions. 126.” Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Proceedings. 1010. Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning (Philadelphia). Jewish Quarterly Review. 587.* Dublin. Wººns of Births and Deaths in the Dublin Registration Area. Dublin Hospital. Reports. 422. Dublin Philosophical Society. Transactions. 62. Dublin Society. (1) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 425. (2) Economic Proceedings. 433.” (3) Journal. 660. (4) Scientific Proceedings. 1172.* (5) Scientific Transactions. 1175.” Lublin University Philosophical Society. Transactions. 1262. * IE. J. W. Gibb IMemorial.” Publications. 426.” Ealing Natural Science and Microscopical Society. Report and Transactions. 1101.* Early English Text Society (London). Publications. 427*. Last India Association. Journal. 644A.” East India Company. See infra : HoNorABLE EAST INDIA ComPANY. - École Centrale des Travaux Publics, afterwards EcoLE PoDYTECHNIQUE (Paris). - - (1) Correspondance sur l’École impériale polytechnique. 408. (2) Journal polytechnique. 669. (3) Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques. 916. SOCIETY INDEX 187 #cole des Chartes (Paris). (1) Bibliothèque. 265. (2) Mémoires et Documents. 785.” École Française d'Athènes. Bulletin de Correspondance hellénique. 315.” École Polytechnique (Paris). See supra: École CENTRAVE DES TRAVAUx PUBLICs. cole Pratique des Hautes-Études (Paris). (1) Laboratoire d’Histologie . . . Travaux. 430. (2) Physiologie expérimentale. Travaux. 431. École Supérieure de Pharmacie de Paris. (1) Bulletin. 603. (2) Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. 603. Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. 1263.” Edinburgh Observatory. See infra : Royal, OBSERVATORY, EDINBURGH. Edinburgh University. - See infra : UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. Egypt Exploration Fund. (1) Archaeological Report. 441.* (2) Archaeological Survey of Egypt. 167.* (3) Publications. 442.* Egyptian Research. Account. See Supra : BRITISH SCHOOL of ARCHAEoLogy IN EGYPT. ‘EMMvukh ‘ApxotoMoyukh ‘Eraupta. (1) “Edmuepis 'Apxatokoyukij, 453.” (2) '# ovvé\evorts tow pºov tºs év 'Affmvaſs ‘Apxaloxoyukſis ‘Eraſpias. (3) IIpaktukā tīs év 'Aónvaſs 'Apxaloxoyukºs ‘Eraſpias, 980.* Engineering Association of New South Wales. Minutes of Proceedings. 830, Engineering Society of the School of Practical Science, Toronto. Papers. 957. Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania. Proceedings. 1011.* English Dialect Society. Publications. 449. Entomological Society of London. Transactions, 1264. Epidemiological Society of London. Transactions, 1265. 188 SoCIETY INDEX Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club, afterwards Essex FIELD CLUB. - (1) Essex Naturalist. 1266.” (2) Proceedings. 1266. (3) Transactions. 1266. Fiscola de Medicina Tropical de Tisboa. Archivos de Hygiene e Pathologia Exoticas. 209.” IEssex Field Club. See Supra: EPPING For EST AND County of EssEx NATURALISTs’ FIELD CLUB. Estação Central no Morro de Santo Antonio. Boletim semestral dos rezultados obtidos na Estação. 283. Eugenics Education Society (London). Eugenics Review. 461.* - Experimental Farms of the Government of Canada. Reports. 465. Faculté des Sciences de Marseille. Annales. 75. Faraday Society (London). (1) Proceedings. 1012.* (2) Transactions. 1267.* Field Columbian Museum, afterwards FIELD MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY, Publications. 467.* - Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago). See Supra : FIELD ColumEIAN MUSEUM. Folk-Lore Society (London). - Folk-Lore. 471. Fondation Eugène Piot (Paris). See Supra: ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONs ET BELLES-LETTREs. Fondazione_Scientifica Cagnola. Atti. 231.* Forening til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring (Christiania). Aarsberetning. 475. - Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Journal, 645.” Fürstlich Jablonowski’sche Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Preisschriften. 982. - Gaelic Society of Dublin. Transactions, 1268. Gaelic Union (Dublin). Gaelic Journal. 484. SOCIETY INDEX 189 Galton Eugenics Ilaboratories. See infra : UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Genootschap der Mathematische Wetenschappen, onder de spreuk: “Een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven” (Amsterdam). Archief. 171. Geographical Association (London). Geographical Teacher. 493.” Geographical Society of Australasia. (1) Queensland Geographical Journal. 987.* (2) Proceedings. South Australian Branch. 1013.” (3) Proceedings and Transactions. Queensland Branch. 987. (4) Victorian Geographical Journal. 1359.” Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. (1) Annual Report. 494. - (2) Bulletin. 495. Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire, afterwards YorksHIRE GEOLOGICAL SocIETY. Proceedings. 1014.” Geological Commission of the Cape of Good Hope. See Supra: CAPE of GooD HoPE. Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. See infra: UNIVERSITETET I UPSALA. Geological Society of America. Bulletin. 34.4.” Geological Society of Dublin, afterwards Roy ALGEoLOGICALSocIETY OFIRELAND. Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 425. Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. 1270.* Geological Society of Iondon. (1) Proceedings. 1015. (2) Quarterly Journal. 1070.* (3) Transactions. 1269, Geological Society of South Africa. (1) Proceedings. 1271.* (2) Transactions. 1271. Geological Survey of Canada. See Supra: CANADA, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geological Survey of Great Britain. See infra : GREAT BRITAIN, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geological Survey of New Jersey. See infra: NEw JERSEY, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 190 SOCIETY INDEX Geological Survey of New South Wales. See infra: NEw SouTH WALES, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geological Survey of the United States. See infra: UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm. Förhandlingar. 500.* Geologists’ Association (London). Proceedings. 1016.” Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Worzeit. 157. Gesellschaft für Deutsche Philologie in Berlin. Jahresbericht tiber die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie. 576. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde (Berlin). (1) Beschäftigungen, 257 (2) Schriften. 257. Gibb Memorial. See Supra: ‘E. J. W. GIBB MEMORIAL.” Glasgow and West of Scotland Medical Association. Glasgow Medical Journal. 507.* Glasgow University. See infra : UNIVERSITY OF GLAsgow. Godlee Observatory. See infra : MUNICIPAL SCHOOL of TECHNOLOGY, MANCHESTER. Goethe-Gesellschaft. Goethe-Jahrbuch. 510.* Göttingischer Verein Bergmámnischer Freunde. Studien. 1213. Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum. Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories. 1114, Government Observatory, Bombay. See infra : HoNorABLE EAST INDIA CoMPANY’s OBSERVATORY, BoMBAY. Government Observatory, Madras. See infra : HoNorABLE EAST INDIA CoMPANY’s OBSERVATORY, MADRAs. Great Britain, Geological Survey. Memoirs, 799.” Greenwich Observatory. See infra : ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. Guy's Hospital (London). Reports. 516.” sociFTY INDEX 191 Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.). . (1) Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 104. (2) Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoëlogy at Harvard College. Geological Series. 348.* (3) Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory. 405.” (4) Harvard Psychological Studies. 1055.” (5) Library of Harvard University. Bibliographical Contributions. 698.* (6) Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1065.” Havanna University. See infra: UNIVERSIDAD DE LA HABANA, Heidelberg University. See infra: UNIVERSITAT HEIDELBERG. Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. * See infra : WATFORD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY AND HERTFoRDSHIRE FIELD CLUB. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions. 1272.* Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. (1) Proceedings and Papers. 529. (2) Transactions. 529. Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. See infra : KILKENNY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba. See infra : MANITOBA HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Historical Manuscripts Commission. Reports. 530.” IHistorische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft. 582.” Historischer Verein für Niedersachsen. Zeitschrift des historischen Vereins für Niedersachsen. 1393. Holländische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaftern. See infra : Hol.I.ANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, afterwards BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. (1) Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, praktischen Arzneykunst und Chirurgie. 2. (2) Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles. 204.” (3) Historische en Letterkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. 532. Hongkong Observatory. Observations and Researches. 923. 192 SOCIETY INDEX Honorable East India Company’s Observatory, Bombay. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Bombay. 925.” Honorable East India Company's Observatory, Madras. (1) Annual Report. 136.” (2) Magnetical Observations. 737. (3) Meteorological Observations. 821. (4) Result of Astronomical Observations. 1121. (5) Results of Observations of the Fixed Stars. 1124. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. See supra: CYMMRODoRION SoCIETY. Horticultural Society of London. Transactions. 1273. House of Commons (London). (1) Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. 387. (2) Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. 387. (3) History and Proceedings of the House of Commons. 535. (4) Journals of the House of Commons, 670. (5) Parliamentary Register. 535. (6) The Senator. 1180. House of Lords (London). (1) Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. 387. (2) Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. §. (3) History and Proceedings of the House of Lords, 585. (4) House of Lords Manuscripts. 537A.” (5) Journals of the House of Lords. 671. (6) Parliamentary Register. 535. (7) The Senator. 1180. Iberno-Celtic Society (Dublin). Transactions. 4. Imperial Department of Agriculture, India. See infra : INDIA, IMPERIAL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Imperiale Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Atti. 228.* Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools. The A. M. A. l.” - Incorporated Council of Ilaw Reporting for England and Wales. (1) Law Reports. 689.” (2) Weekly Notes. 1371.* Incorporated Society of Authors (London). The Author. 239.” SOCIETY INDEX 193 India, Archaeological Survey. (1) Epigraphia Indica. 454.” (2) Reports. 168. India, Imperial Department of Agriculture. (1) Annual Report. 139.” (2) Memoirs of the Department_of_Agriculture in India. Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa. 798.* Indiana University. Studies. 545A.” Institut Colonial de Marseille. Annales. 71. Institut de Correspondance archéologique (Rome). See infra: INSTITUTO DI CoERISPONDENZA ARCHEOLOGICA. Institut de Droit International. Revue de Droit international et de Législation comparée. 1136. Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona). Anuari. 154. Institut de France. The “Institut de France’ was formed in 1795 by the amalgamation of five independent Societies, viz.:- ACADEMIE DES BEAUX-ARTs. ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTREs. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES MoRALEs ET PolitiquEs. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCEs. ACADEMIE FRANÇAISE. The publications of the Several Classes into which the “Institut’ was divided jrom 1795 to 1816, when the older designation of ‘Academies’ was re- wived, will be found by referring to the Academy corresponding to the Class required. Institut Égyptien (Cairo). (1) Bulletin. 317. (2) Mémoires. 787. Institut Français d’Archéologie orientale. Bulletin. 318. Institut Météorologique Royal des Pays-Bas. - See infra: KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT. Institut National des Sciences et Arts (Paris). See Supra: ACADEMIE DES BEAUx-ARTS. Institut Pasteur (Paris). Annales. 72. Institut Royal de France (Paris). See Supra : INSTITUT DE FRANCE. 194 SOCIETY INDEX Institut zur Förderung der israelitischen Literatur (Leipsic). Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. 563. Institute of Actuaries (London). * (1) Assurance Magazine. 216. (2) Journal. 216. Institute of Bankers (London). Journal. 646.” Institute of Brewing (London). See infra: LABORATORY CLUB. Institute of British Architects. (1) Journal. 956.” (2) Papers. 956. (3) Transactions. 956. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings. 1017.* - Institute of Marine Engineers (London). Transactions. 547.* Institution of Civil Engineers (London). - (1) Minutes of Proceedings. 831.* (2) Transactions. 1275. Institution of Electrical Engineers (London). See infra : SoCIETY OF TELEGRAPH ENGINEERs. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. 1276.” Institution of Mechanical Engineers (London). Proceedings. 548.* Institution of Naval Architects (London). Transactions. 1277.* Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (Rome). (1) Annali. 92. * (2) Bullettino degli Annali. 353. (3) Memorie. 812. - (4) Monumenti, Annali e Bullettini. 873. Instituto Geológico de Mexico. Boletín. 286. Institutul Geologic al României. Anuarul. 155.” Institutum Regium Belgicum. Commentationes Latinae. 393. Iowa Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. 1018. SOCIETY INDEX 195 Iowa Geological Survey. Annual Report. 552.* Iowa, University. See infra: UNIVERSITY OF Iowa. Ipswich and District Field Club. Journal. 647.* Irish Archaeological Society. Miscellany. 2. Irish Text Society. Publications. 553. Iron and Steel Institute. (1) Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs. 554.” (2) Journal. 648.* Istituto delle Scienze ed Arti Tiberali, afterwards REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE ScIENZE DELL’ISTITUTO DI BologNA. (1) *g." zur Naturgeschichte, Chemie, Anatomie, Medicin und ySlk. c. (2) Memorie. 814.” (3) Rendiconto. 1095.” Istituto Nazionale Italiano (Bologna). Memorie. 813. Japan, Government of. (1) Annual Report of the Central Sanitary Bureau. 129, (2) Financial and Economical Annual of Japan. 468.* Japan Society. Transactions and Proceedings. 1234, Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg. Annales. 82.* Jassy University. See infra: UNIVERSITATEA DIN JA$1. Jewish Historical Society of England. Transactions. 1278.* John Rylands Library, Manchester. Bulletin, 346.” Johns Hopkins Hospital. (1) Bulletin. 590.* (2) Report. 591.* Johns Hopkins University. (1) Circulars. 592.* (2) Studies from the Psychological Laboratory. 1055.” o 2 196 SOCIETY INDEX Junior Institution of Engineers (London). Journal and Record of Transactions. 672.* Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschafter (St. Petersburg). See Supra: ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS. Raiserliche Akademie der Wissenschafterm in Wien. (1) Almanach. 34. (2) Denkschriften. 416.” (3) Mitteilungen der Erdbeben-Kommission. 849.” (4) Mittheilungen der prähistorischen Commission. 851.* (5) Sitzungsberichte. 1184.” Kaiserlich-Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. See Supra: DEUTSCHES ARCHAOLOGISCHES INSTITUT. Eaiserliche Ingenieur-Hochschule zu Moskau. Annalen. 62.* Kaiserlich-Königliche Central-Anstalt für Meteorologie (Vienna). Jahrbücher. 567.* Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt (Vienna). (1) Jahrbuch. 561.* (2) Verhandlungen. 1350.* Kaiserlich-Königliches Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum (Vienna). Annalen. 65.” .. Kaiserlich-Königlich Osterreichisches Archäologisches Institut in Wien. Jahreshefte, 584.” Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Akademie der Naturforscher. See Supra: ACADEMIA CAESAREA NATURAE CURIOSORUM. - Kaiserliche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (St. Petersburg). See infra: MINERALOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. IKansas Academy of Science. Transactions. 1279. Kent Archaeological Society. Archaeologia Cantiana. 164. Kew Gardens. See infra : Royal GARDENs, KEw. Kiel University. See infra: UNIVERSITAT KIEL. Kilkenny Archaeological Society, afterwards Roy AL SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OFIRELAND. Transactions. (Proceedings. The Journal of the Historical and Archaeo- logical Association of Ireland. The Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.) 1280. SOCIETY INDEX I97 King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Transactions. 1250. - King's College, London. (1) King's College Magazine. 675. (2) Physiological Laboratory. Collected Papers, 674.” Kjebenhavnsk Selskab af Laerdoms og Videnskabers Elskere. (1) Historiske og philosophiske Afhandlinger. 677. (2) Skrifter. 678.* (3) Oversigt. 944.” Rodaikanal Observatory, Madras. (1) Annual Report. 136.” (2) Bulletins. 676.” (3) Memoirs. 801.* Rönigliche Akademie der Wissenschafterm zu Berlin. See infra : SoCIETAS REGIA SCIENTIARUM. Königliche Akademie der Wissenschafterm zu München. (1) Abhandlungen der historischen Classe. 3. (2) Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen Classe. 5. (3) Denkschriften. 417. (4) Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe. 1186. Röniglich-Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaftem (Munich). See Supra : KöNIGLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu MünchEN. Königlich-Bayerische Botanische Gesellschaft in Regensburg. Flora. 470.* Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Prague). See infra: KRALovsKÁ CESKÁ SPOLEöNoST NAUK. Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaftern zu Göttingen. See infra: SocIETAS REGIA SCIENTIARUM GoTTINGENSIs. Röniglich-Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaftem (Berlin). See infra : SoCIETAS REGIA SCIENTIARUM. Königlich-Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. (1) Abhandlungen. 4. (2) Berichte über die Verhandlungen. 255. Röniglich-Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft für die Sammlung und Erhaltung waterländischer Alterthümer. Bericht. 25l. Königliche Technische Hochschule in München. Mittheilungen aus dem mechanisch-technischen Laboratorium der könig- lichen polytechnischen Schule. 844.” Kongeligt Dansk Widenskabernes Selskab. See supra: KJøBENHAVNSK SELSKAB AF LERDOMs og VIDENSKABERS ELSKERE. . 198 SOCIETY INDEX Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab (Copenhagen). (1) Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed. 67. (2) Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. 152. (3) Fornmanna Sögur. 477. (4) Mémoires de la Société royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 782. Kong.liga Svenska Wetenskaps Academi (Stockholm). (1) Arkiv för Botanik. 270.* (2) Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. 270.* (3) Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. 270.* (4) Arkiv för Zoologi. 270.* (5) Bihang. 270. (6) Jflººrish iber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. (7) Ofversigt. 934. (8) Rapport annuel sur les Progrès de la Chimie. 578. Kong.liga Wetenskaps Societet i Upsala. See infra : REGIA SocIETAS SCIENTIARUM UPSALIENSIs. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. (1) Jaarboek. 556.” (2) Proceedings. 1032.* (3) Werhandelingen. 1347. (4) Verslag van de gewone vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. 1855.” (5) Verslagen en Mededeelingen. 1356. IKoninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indié. See infra : NATUURKUNDIGE WEREENIGING IN NEDERLANDSCH INDIš. Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, Inetterkunde en Schoone Kunsten (Amsterdam). Jaarboek. 557. - Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut (Utrecht). (1) Meteorologisch Jaarboek. 823.” - (2) Onweders, Optische Verschijnselen, Enz, in Nederland. 938A.” Královská česká Společnost Náuk (Prague). (1) Rozpravy. (Abhandlungen.) 1158. (2) Věstnik. (Sitzungsberichte.) 1185. Kyôto Teikoku Daigaku. Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering. 797.” Laboratory Club, afterwards INSTITUTE of BREWING (London). Transactions. 1281. Leeds Geological Association. Transactions. 1282.* SOCIETY INDEX 199 Tieicester Literary and Philosophical Society. Transactions. 1283.” Teipsic University. See infra: UNIVERSITAT LEIPZIG. Ilibrary Association (London). (1) Library. ge (2) Library Association Record. 697.* Library of Congress (Washington). Report of the Librarian. 1108.* Lick Observatory. See infra : UNIVERSITY OF CALIFoRNLA. Iiége University. See infra: UNIVERSITÉ DE LIEGE. Iinnean Society (London). (1) Journal of the Proceedings. 654.” (2) Proceedings. 1019. (3) Transactions. 1284.” Literarischer Verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. 263.” Titerary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. 1020. Iiterary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. (1) Memoirs. 802.* (2) Proceedings. 1021. Iiverpool Geological Association. (1) Journal. 702. (2) Proceedings. 702.* (3) Transactions. 702. Iiverpool Geological Society. Abstract of the Proceedings. 10.* Liverpool Medical Institution. (1) Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal. 704. (2) Proceedings. 704 Liverpool University. See infra : UNIVERSITY of LIVERPool. Local Government Board. Report of the Medical Officer, llo2.* London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Transactions. 1285. - London County Council. (1) London County Council Gazette, 716.” (2) London Technical Education Gazette, 716. 200 SOCIETY INDEX London Institution. Journal. 649. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings 1022.* London University. See infra: UNIVERSITY oF LoNDoN. Iowell Observatory. Bulletin. 725.* Lund Universitet. Acta. 23.* Iying-in Hospital of the City of New York. Bulletin. 347.* Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde (Leyden). (1) Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Taal- en Letterkunde. 1230.* (2) Werken. 1374. IMadras Literary Society. Madras Journal of Literature and Science. 727. Madras Observatory. . See Supra : HoNoRABLE EAST INDIA CoMPANY's OBSERVATORY, MADRAs. Magnetischer Verein (Göttingen). Resultate aus den Beobachtungen. 1122. Magyar Akademia (Pest). See infra: MAGYAR TUDoMANYos AKADÉMIA. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (Pest). (1) Értekezesek a nyelvés szép tudományok köréböl. 458. (2) Magyar Akademiai Értesſtö. 738. (3) A Magyar Tudós Társaság 'Évkönyvei, 739. r (4) #stische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. (5) Nyelvemléktár Régi Magyar Codexek és Nyomtatványok. 92O. # Nyelvtudományi Közlemények. 921. ) Ungarische Revue. 699. Malone Society (London). Publications. 742.* Manchester Geological Society. Transactions. 1286.* Manchester Goethe Society. Transactions. 1286A. Manchester Statistical Society. Transactions. 1287.* SOCIETY INDEX 201 Manchester University. See infra: Owens CoILEGE, MANCHESTER. Manitoba. Historical and Scientific Society. Transactions. 1288.* Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal. 650.* Marine Biological Ilaboratory, Woods Holl. Biological Bulletin. 274.” Mathematical Society (London). See Supra: LoNDON MATHEMATICAL SoCIETY. Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. (1) Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. 768. (2) Proceedings. 1037. Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Transactions. 1289. Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. Transactions. 1290. Medical Society of London. (1) Memoirs. 803. (2) Proceedings. 1023. (3) Transactions. 1023.” Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zu Jena. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. 585.” Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. 1291. Melbourne University. See infra : UNIVERSITY of MELBourne. Meteorological Office, Iondon. (1) Annual Report of the Meteorological Committee. 140.* (2) British Meteorological Year Book. 308.* (3) Hourly Readings. 308.* (4) Monthly Weather Report. 308.* (5) Observations at Stations of the Second Order. 308.* (6) Weekly Weather Report. 308.* Meteorological Service, Canada. (1) Monthly Weather Review. 871.* (2) Report, llll.” Meteorological Society *# (1) Quarterly Journal. 1071.* (2) Transactions. 1292. Meteorological Society of Mauritius. Proceedings and Transactions. 985. 202 SOCIETY INDEX Michigan Academy of Science. Report. 1112.* Microscopical Society of London, afterwards Royal MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. (1) Journal. 1293.” * (2) Monthly Microscopical Journal. 1293. (3) Transactions. 1293. Middlesex Natural History and Science Society. See supra : County of MIDDLESEx NATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE SoCIETY. Mineralogische Gesellschaft (St. Petersburg). : Materialien zur Geologie Russlands. 744.” Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall. Transactions. 1294. Mining Society of Nova Scotia. Journal, 651 Mint, The. Annual Report of the Deputy Master. 135.” Mississippi State Geological Survey. Bulletin. 842A.* Missouri Botanical Garden. Annual Report. 848.* Modern Ilanguage Association of America. (1) Proceedings. 1024. (2) Publications. 1295. (3) Transactions. (Transactions and Proceedings.) 1295. Moscow University. See infra: UNIVERSITY of Moscow. Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. (1) Godlee Observatory. Annual Report. 509.” (2) Journal. 652.* Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille. Annales. 84. Musée Guimet (Paris). Annales. 85. Musée Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. (1) Annales. 86. (2) Bulletin. 334. (3) Mémoires. 784.” Musées Royaux des Arts décoratifs et industriels à Bruxelles. Bulletin. 331. Museo Nacional de Montevideo. Anales. 52.* SOCIETY INDEX 203 Museu Goeldi de Historia Natural e Ethnographia (Para). See infra : MUSEU PARAENSE DE HISTORIA NATURAL E ETHNOGRAPHIA. Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. (1) Archivos. 210. (2) Revista. 210. Museu Paraense de Historia Natural e Ethnographia. Roletim. 282.* Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris). See infra : MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Museum für Natur- und Heimatkunde zu Magdeburg. Abhandlungen und Berichte. 880.* Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris). (1) Annales. 87. (2) Mémoires. 87. (3) Nouvelles Annales. 87. INatal Government Museum. Annals. 107.* National Academy of Sciences (Washington). Memoirs. 804. National Association for the Promotion of Technical and Secondary Education (London). Record of Technical and Secondary Education, 1083. INational Board of Health, U. S. A. See infra : UNITED STATEs. National Physical Laboratory (Teddington). (1) Collected Researches. 884.” (2) Report. 885.” (3) Report of the Observatory Department. 886.” Natural History Society of Dublin. Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 425. Natural History Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. 1025. Natural History Society of Montreal. (1) Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. 364. (2) Proceedings. 364. Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle- upon-Tyne. Transactions. 1296. - Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. Verhandlungen. 1351.* 204 SOCIETY INDEX Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern. Mittheilungen. 850. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich. Vierteljahrsschrift. 1363. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Steiermark (Gratz). Mittheilungen. 854.” Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Magdeburg. Abhandlungen und Berichte. 880. Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indié (Batavia). Natuurkundige Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië. 893.” Neurological Society of Tºondon. Brain. 293.” New Jersey, Geological Survey. Annual Report. 499.” New Shakespere Society (London). Transactions. (Monthly Abstract of Proceedings.) 903. New South Wales, Bureau of Microbiology. Report. 904A.” New South Wales, Department of Mines. Annual Report. 134.” New South Wales, Geological Survey. (1) Memoirs. 800.* (2) Mineral Resources. 904.” (3) Records. 1086.” New Sydenham Society (London). (1) Biennial Retrospect of Medicine, 1384. (2) Publications. 905. (3) Year-Book of Medicine. 1384. New York Academy of Sciences. (1) Annals. 108.* - (2) Transactions. 1297. New York City, Department of Health. Collected Studies from the Research Laboratory. 388B.” New York Pathological Society. Proceedings. 1026.” New Zealand, Government of. (1) Official Year Book. 906.” . (2) Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand. 1207.* New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings. 1235.” North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Transactions, 908.* SOCIETY INDEX 205 Morwich Geological Society. Proceedings. Q Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science. . . Proceedings and Transactions. 986.” TNubia, Archaeological Survey. Bulletin. 169.” Numismatic Society (London). Numismatic Chronicle. 919.” Observatoire Astronomique et Physique de Tachkent. Publications. 1057. Observatoire d’Astronomie Physique de Paris. ... Annales. 73. Observatoire Physique Central (Nicolas) de Russie (St. Petersburg). (1) Annales. 66.” (2) Publications. 1057A.* Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles, afterwards OBSERVAToIRE Roy AL DE BELGIQUE. (1) Annales. 74.” (2) Annuaire astronomique. 115.” (3) Correspondance. 407. Observatorio de Coimbra. Observaçöes Meteorologicas e Magneticas. 922.* Observatorio do Infante D. Luiz, Lisboa. Annaes. 59.* Obstetrical Society of London. Transactions. 1298. Odontological Society of Great Britain. . ... Transactions. 1298A. Osterreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna). Jahreshefte. 584.” Ohio State University. Psychological Studies. 1055.” Oklahoma, Geological Survey. Bulletin. 936.” Oriental Translation Fund (London). Publications. 1061A. Osservatorio del Collegio Romano. Bullettino Meteorologico. 356. Ossianic Society (Dublin). Transactions. 1299. 206 sociFTY INDEx Otological Society of the United Kingdom. Transactions. O. Owens College, Manchester, afterwards VICTORIAUNIVERSITY of MANCHESTER, Studies from the Biological Laboratories. 1215. Oxford Historical Society. Publications. 947.* Oxford University Branch of the Christian Social Union. Economic Review. 434.” - Palaeontographical Society (London). Publications. 948.* &F Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement. 950.* Pali Text Society (London). Journal. 653.” Parliament. See Supra: House of CoMMONs. See Supra: House of LORDS. Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 626.” Pathological Society of Ilondon. (1) Proceedings. 1301. (2) Transactions. 1301. Percy Society (London). Publications. 959A. Pharmaceutical Society (London). Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. 960.* Pharmakologisches Institut, Kaiserliche Universität Dorpat. (1) Arbeiten. 162. (2) Historische Studien. 533. Philological Society (London). (1) Proceedings. 1028. (2) Transactions. 1028.* Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. 1029.” Thilosophical Society of Washington. Bulletin. 349. Philosophisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Würzburg. Jahrbücher. 568. SOCIETY INDEX 207 Photographic Society of Great Britain, afterwards Royal PHOTOGRAPHIC SoCIETY. (1) Journal and Transactions. 593A. (2) Photographic Journal. 593A.” Phrenological Society (Edinburgh). Transactions. 1302. Physical Society of London. (1) Abstracts of Physical Papers. 971. (2) Proceedings. 1030.” (3) Science Abstracts. 1167.* - . Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, afterwards DEUTSCHE PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 64.” (2) Fortschritte der Physik. 480.* (3) Verhandlungen. 1352. Physikalisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft in Würzburg. Verhandlungen. 1353. Physikalisch-Medicinische Societät in Erlangen. (1) Abhandlungen. 6. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1187.* Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (Berlin). Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 1382.* Physikalischer Verein zu Frankfurt am Main. Jahresbericht. 575.” Physikalisches Zentral-Observatorium (St. Petersburg). See Supra: OBSERVATOIRE PHYSIQUE CENTRAL DE RUSSIE. Physiological Society. Proceedings. 629." - Physiologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Centralblatt für Physiologie. 372.* Plymouth Institution. Annual Report and Transactions. 126.” Poor Law Commissioners. Annual Report. 142. - Provinciaal Friesch Genootschapter bedefening del Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid-, en Taalkunde (Leeuwarden). - De Vrije Fries. 1367.* Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. (1) Association Medical Journal. 215. (2) Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. 1053. (3) Transactions. 1803. Psychological Society. Proceedings. 305.” 208 SOCIETY INDEX Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. See supra: GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY oF AUSTRALASIA. Queensland Museum. Annals. 109.” Quekett Microscopical Club (London). Journal. 655.” Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. Astronomical (and Meteorological) Observations. 219.º Ray Society (London). - Publications. 1082.* Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales (Madrid). (1) Memorias. 809.” - (2) Revista. 1130.* - Real Instituto Bacteriologico, Camara Pestana (Lisbon). Archivos. 2ll.* Reale Accademia dei Tincei (Rome). See Supra: ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI. Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. See supra: ISTITUTO DELLE SCIENZE ED ARTI LIBERALI. IReale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. See supra: ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO. Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche (Naples). See Supra: ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FISICHE E MATEMATICHE. Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti (Naples). See supra: ACCADEMIA DI ARCHEOLOGIA, LETTERE E BELLE ARTI. IReale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e d'Arti in Modena. Memorie. 815.* Reale Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche (Naples). See supra: ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE MORALI E POLITICHE. Reale Accademia Peloritana (Messina). Atti. Reale Istituto di Studi Superiori IPractici e di Perfezionamento in Firenze. Pubblicazioni. 1056. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (Milan). (1) Memorie. 8ll.* (2) Rendiconti. l093.* Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. - See supra: IMPERIALE REGIo IsTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI. Reale Università di Torino. See infra: UNIVERSITÀ DI ToRINo. SOCIETY INDEX 209 Regia. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e d'Arti in Modena. See supra: REALE ACCADEMIA DI ScIENZE, LETTERE E D'ARTI IN MoDENA. Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura di Portici. Annali. 93.” - Regia Societas Scientiarum Upsaliensis. (1) Acta Literaria Suecia. 20. (2) Nova Acta. 20.* Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England. Annual Report. 144.” IRennes University. See infra: UNIVERSITÉ DE RENNEs. Rochester Academy of Science (New York). Proceedings. 1031.” Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (New York). Studies. 1218.* Röntgen Society (London). Journal. 656.” Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. See supra: ACADEMY OF MEDICINE IN IRELAND. Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam. See supra: KonINKLIJKE AKADEMIE v.AN WETENSCHAPPEN TEAMSTERDAM. Royal Agricultural Society of England. Journal. 657. Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. (1) Annual Report. 137.* (2) Results of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 1125.” Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See supra: ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Royal Army Medical Corps. Journal. 658.* Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch. See supra: BoM.BAY BRANCH of THE ROYAL ASIATIC SoCIETY. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. (1) Journal. 1304.” N (2) Transactions. 1304. Royal Astronomical Society (London). See supra: AsTRONOMICAL SoCIETY OF LONDON. Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Reports from the Laboratory of the College. 1118.* Royal College of Physicians, London. - See Supra: CoILEGE of PHYSICIANs. P 210 SOCIETY INDEX Royal Colonial Institute (London). (1) Journal. 659. (2) Proceedings. 1033.” (3) United Empire. 659.” Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. See supra: CoRNWALL PolyIECHNIC SoCIETY. Royal Dublin Society. See Supra : DUBLIN SocIETY. Boyal Economic Society (London). See supra: BRITISH EconoMIC AssociaTION. Royal Engineers Institute, Chatham. Royal Engineers Journal. 1154.” Royal Gardens, Kew. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. 338.* Royal Geographical Society (London). (1) Geographical Journal. 491.” (2) Journal. 661. (3) Proceedings. 1035. (4) Supplementary Papers. 1155. Boyal Geographical Society of Australasia. See supra: GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Transactions. 1305.” Royal Geological Society of Ireland. See supra: GEOLOGICAL SoCIETY OF DUBLIN. Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. See supra: KILKENNY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Boyal Historical Society (London). Transactions. 1306.” Royal Horticultural Society (London). See Supra: HoRTICULTURAL SoCIETY OF LONDON. Royal Institute of British Architects. See supra: INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. IRoyal Institution of Cornwall. (1) Annual Report. 146. (2) Journal. 662.* Royal Institution of Great Britain. (1) Journal. 632. (2) Journal of Science and the Arts. 632. (3) Notices of the Proceedings. 911.* Royal Irish Academy. (1) Cunningham Memoirs. 1155A.” SOCIETY INDEX 211 Royal Irish Academy (continued)— . (2) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 425. (3) Proceedings. 1036.” (4) Todd Lecture Series. 1155B.” (5) Transactions. 1307. Boyal London Ophthalmic Hospital. - Reports and Journal. 939. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. See supra: MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SoCIETY of LoNDoN. Royal Meteorological Society (London). See supra: METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Royal Microscopical Society (London). See supra: MICRoscoPICAL SoCIETY of LoNDON. Royal Numismatic Society (London). See supra: NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. See supra: CAPE OBSERVATORY. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Astronomical Observations. 220. Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Astºn Observations. (Magnetical and Meteorological Observations.) Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. See supra: PHILosophical SocIETY OF GLAsgow. Royal Photographic Society (London). See supra: PHOTOGRAPHIC SocIETY of GREAT BRITAIN. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. * Proceedings. 1088.* Royal Sanitary Institute (London). See infra: SANITARY INSTITUTE of GREAT BRITAIN. Royal Scottish Geographical Society. - Scottish Geographical Magazine. 1177.* Royal Society (London). See infra: Royal SocIETY of LoNDoN. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. See supra: KILKENNY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Royal Society of Arts (London). See infra : SocIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTs, MANUFACTUREs, - AND COMMERCE. Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. Transactions. 1308. P 2 212 SOCIETY INDEX Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and Transactions. 988.* Royal Society of Edinburgh. (1) Proceedings. 1039.” (2) Transactions. 1309.” Royal Society of Literature (London). Transactions. 1310.* Royal Society of Ilondon. (1) Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions. 11. (2) International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. 549.” (3) Philosophical Transactions. 965.” . (4) Proceedings. ll.” (5) Year Book. 1387.* Royal Society of Medicine (London). Proceedings. 1040.* Royal Society of South Africa. Transactions. 1310A.” Royal Society of South Australia. Transactions. 1311. IRoyal Society of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings. 953. Royal Society of Victoria. (1) Proceedings. 1041.* (2) Transactions. 1312.* Royal Statistical Society (London). See infra : STATISTICAL SoCIETY OF LONDON. Royal United Service Institution (London). See infra : UNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION. Russisch-Kaiserliche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (St. Petersburg). Verhandlungen. 1354.” - Saint Bartholomew's Hospital (London). Reports. 1159. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, afterwards Royal SANITARY INSTITUTE. (1) Journal. 1313.” (2) Transactions. 1313. Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture. Annual Report. 132.* Schlesische Gesellschaft für Waterländische Cultur (Breslau). Jahres-Bericht. 574. School of Irish Learning (Dublin). riu. 456A. SOCIETY INDEX 213 Schweizerische Geologische Gesellschaft. See infra : SocIÉTÉ G#OLOGIQUE SUISSE. Schweizerische Paläontologische Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen. (Mémoires.) 7. Science Department, University of Tokio. See infra : UNIVERSITY OF Tokio. Scottish Text Society. Publications, 1178.* Seismological Society of Japan. Transactions. 1314. Selden Society (London). Publications. 1062.* Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. Bericht. 252.* * service des Antiquités de l'Égypte. Annales. 88.* Shakespeare Society (London). (1) Papers. Q (2) Publications. 1181. Shakespeare Society of New York. New Shakespeareana. 902.* Smithsonian Institution (Washington). (1) Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory. 105.” (2) Annual Report of the Board of Regents. 127.* (3) Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. 128.* (4) Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin. 1191.* (5) Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 1192.* (6) Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 1190.* (7) Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 1193.” Sociedad Científica, “Antonio Alzate” (Mexico). Memorias. (Memorias y Revista.) 810.* Sociedad Geológica Mexicana. - Poletín. 284.” Società Dantesca, Italiana (Florence). Bullettino. 354A.* Società Geografica Italiana. (1) Bollettino. 287.* (2) Memorie. 816.” Società Italiana. Memorie di Matematica e Fisica. , 817.* Società Italiana delle Scienze. . . . See supra: SoCIETA ITALIANA. 214 SOCIETY INDEX Società Italiana di Fisica. Il Nuovo Cimento. 919A.” . Società Pontaniana, afterwards ACCADEMIA PONTANIANA (Naples). Atti. 230.* Società Reale di Napoli. [Consisting of the three following Academies.] See Supra: ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FISICHE E MATEMATICHE. See Supra: ACCADEMIA DI ARCHEOLOGIA, LETTERE E BELLE ARTI. See supra: ACCADEMIA D1 ScIENZE MORALI E POLITICHE. Societas Physico-Medica Basiliensis. Acta Helvetica. 19. Societas Regia Scientiarum, afterwards KöNIGLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN zu BERLIN. (1) Abhandlungen. 526. (2) Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch. 256. - (3) Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters. 419.” (4) Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences et des Belles-Lettres de Berlin. 526. - ! (5) Mémoires. 526. (6) Miscellanea Berolinensia. 835. (7) Monatsberichte. 861. (8) Nouveaux Mémoires. 526. (9) Physicalische und medicinische Abhandlungen. 972. (10) Sitzungsberichte. 861.* Societas Regia Scientiarum Gottingensis. (1) Commentarii. (Novi Commentarii. Commentationes. Abhand- lungen.) 392. (2) Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen. 5ll. (3) Nachrichten, 882A. Societas Regia Scientiarum Upsaliensis. See Supra: REGIA SocIETAs SCIENTIARUM UPSALIENSIs. $ocietas Zoologica (Tokyo). Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses. 114.” Societatea de §tiințe din Bucureşti. Buletinul. 314.” Société Archéologique d’Alexandrie. Bulletin. 321.* Société Asiatique (Paris). Journal asiatique. 594.” Société Belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie. (1) Bulletin. (Mémoires, Procès-verbaux, Traductions.) 322.* (2) Nouveaux Mémoires. 913.” . SOCIETY INDEX 215 Société Chimique de France (Paris). Bulletin. 322A.* Société d'Histoire Littéraire de la France (Paris). Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France. ll35A.* Société d' Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Mémoires. $ Société de Biologie (Paris). Comptes rendus des Séances et Mémoires. 4Ol. -,º- Société de Borda (Dax). - Bulletin. 323. • Société de Géographie (Paris). (1) Bulletin. 324. (2) Compte rendu des Séances. 4OO. (3) La Géographie. 324.* Société de Géographie de Finlande. See infra : SUoMEN MAANTIETEELLINEN SEURA. société de l'École des Chartes (Paris). See supra : ÉcoLE DEs CHARTEs. Société de Linguistique de Paris. (1) Bulletin. 325. (2) Mémoires. 775. Société de Pharmacie de Paris. See supra : ÉcoLE sUPÉRIEURE DE PHARMACIE DE PARIs. Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. Mémoires. 776.* Société des Anciens I'extes Français (Paris). Publications. ll94.* société des Études Juives (Paris). (1) Actes et Conférences. 26. (2) Annuaire. ll8. (3) Revue des Études juives. ll4O.* Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts des Alpes-Maritimes. Annales. - Société des Sciences de Bucarest. See Supra : SoCIETATEA DE STIINTE DIN BUcURESTI. Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchâtel. Mémoires. $ Société Ethnologique (Paris). Mémoires. 8. fSociété Géologique de France (Paris). Bulletin. 326.* 216 SOCIETY INDEX Société Géologique du Nord (Lille). Annales. Société Géologique Suisse. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 429. Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles. (1) Actes. 24. (2) Verhandlungen. 24.* Société Hollandaise des Sciences. • See supra : HoLLANDsCHE MAATsCHAPPIJ DER WETENsCHAPPEN. Société Impériale des Naturalistes de St. Pétersbourg. Travaux. 1324.* Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. Actes. 25.* Société Linnéenne de Normandie. (1) Bulletin. 327.* (2) Mémoires. 779.* Société Littéraire Française de Budapest. Revue de Hongrie. ll37.* Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France (Paris). (1) Bulletin. 328. (2) Mémoires. 78O. Société Néo-Philologique à Helsingfors. Mémoires. 78l. Société Paléontologique Suisse. See supra : SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAoNToLoGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Société Philomathique de Paris. (1) Bulletin des Sciences. . 332. (2) Nouveau Bulletin. 332. Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles. Bulletin. 329.* Société Royale de I'urin. See supra : ACCADEMIA DÈLLE SCIENZÉ DI ToRINo. Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord (Copenhagen). See supra : KoNGELIGT NoRDISK OLDSKRIFT-SELSKAB. Société Royale du Canada. See supra : RoYAL SoCIETY oF CANADA. Société Scientifique de Varsovie. - See infra : TowARsYsTwo NAUKowE WARSzAwsKIE. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York). Proceedings. 1042.* Society for Psychical Research (London). (1) Journal. 663. (2) Proceedings. 1O43. sociFTY INDEX 217 * Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (London). (1) British Household Almanac. 3Ol. (2) British Working-man's Almanac. 311. (3) Penny Magazine. 958. (4) Quarterly Journal of Education. 1066. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, . afterwards SoCIETY OF ARTs (London). - (1) Journal of the Society of Arts, 664.” (2) Memoirs of Agriculture. 790. (3) Museum Rusticum et Commerciale. 882. (4) Transactions. 1315. Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (London). Journal of Hellenic Studies. 621.* Society for the Study of Diseases in Children (London). Reports. 1119. Society of Antiquaries of London. (1) Archaeologia. 163.” (2) Proceedings. 1044.” Society of Arts (London). See Supra: SoCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT of ARTs, MANUFACTUREs, AND CoMMERCE. Society of Biblical Archaeology (London). (1) Proceedings. 1045.” (2) Transactions. 1316. Society of Chemical Industry (London). Journal. 665.” Society of Cymmrodorion. See Supra: CYMMRoDoRION SocIETY. Society of Engineers (London). Transactions. 1195.” Society of Public Analysts (London). (1) Analyst. 53.” (2) Proceedings. 1046. Society of Telegraph Engineers, afterwards INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERs (London). (1) Journal. 666.” (2) Science Abstracts. 1167.* Sociological Society (London). (1) Sociological Papers. 1196. (2) Sociological Review. 1196.” * Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Proceedings. 1197.* 218 SOCIETY INDEX South African Central Inocust Bureau. Report. 129A.” South African Museum (Cape Town). Annals. 110.* South Australia, Government of. (1) Acts of the Parliament. 27.* (2) Statistical Register. 1206.” South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Abstract of Proceedings. South Wales Institute of Engineers. Proceedings. 1047.* Statistical Society of London, afterwards Royal STATISTICAL SoCIETY. Journal. 667.* Stonyhurst College Observatory. Results of Meteorological and Magnetical Observations. 1210.* Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura (Helsingfors). Fennia. 466.” Surtees Society (Durham). Publications. 1063.” Sydenham Society (London). Publications. 1221. Thompson Yates Laboratories (Liverpool). Report. 1228. Towarzystwo Naukowe (Cracow). Rocznik. 1152. Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie. (1) Prace. (Travaux.) 979.” (2) Sprawozdania. (Comptes rendus.) 1204.” Transvaal Museum (Pretoria). Annals. Ill.” Tufts College (Boston). Studies. 1328.* Turin University. See infra: UNIVERSITA D1 ToriNo. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. 1317. TJngarische Akademie der Wissenschaftem. See Supra: MAGYAR TUDOMANYos AKADEMIA. Union of Jewish Literary Societies (London). Jewish Literary Annual. 586.” SOCIETY INDEX 219 United Service Institution (London). Journal. 668.* United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Report of the Superintendent. 1113.” United States. Department of Agriculture. (1) Bulletin of the Division of Biological Survey. 1329.” (2) Bulletin of the Section of Foreign Markets. 1329.* (3) Yearbook. 1389.” United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin. 342.* United States. Department of the Interior. Report of the Commissioner of Education. 1105.” United States. Geological Survey. (1) Annual Report. 147.* (2) Bulletin. 350.* (3) Mineral Resources. 828.* (4) Monographs. 865.” (5) Professional Papers. 1330.* (6) Water Supply Papers. 1370.* United States. National Board of Iſealth. Annual Report. 141. United States National Herbarium (Washington). See Supra : SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. United States National Museum. (1) Bulletin. 35l.” (2) Proceedings. 1048.* United States Naval Observatory. (1) Observations. 926. (2) Publications. 926.” Universidad de Buenos Aires. Anales. 51. Universidad de la Habana. Revista de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias, ll29.* Università di Torino. Osservazioni meteorologiche. 943.” Universität Göttingen. Nachrichten. 882A. Universität Heidelberg. - Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Institute. 1345. Universität Kiel. - Schriftem. 1164. 220 SOCIETY INDEX Universität Leipzig. - - Leipziger Repertorium der deutschen und ausländischen Literatur. 694. Universität Moskau. - - See infra: UNIVERSITY of Moscow. Universität Wien. (1) Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute, 159.” (2) Vienna Oriental Journal. 1360. Universitatea din Jagi. Annales scientifiques. 91.* Université de Jassy. See Supra: UNIVERSITATEA DIN JA$1. Université de Liége. Archives de l’Institut botanique. 197.* Université de Rennes. Travaux scientifiques. 1326. Universitetet i Upsala. - Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. 343.” Universiteyt tot Leyden. - Communications from the Laboratory of Physics at the University of Leyden. 396.” University College, Dundée. Studies from the Museum of Zoology. 1217. University College Hospital, Iondon. Reports. 1333.” University College, London. (1) Drapers' Company Research Memoirs. 1334.” (2) The Fly. 47OA.” - (3) London University College Magazine. 717. (4) Physiological Laboratory. Collected Papers. 974.” (5) The Privateer. 983. (6) Questions of the Day and of the Fray. 1077A.” - (7) Report of the Department of Pathological Chemistry. (Collected Papers.) 1106.” (8). Report of the Department of Pathology. (Collected Papers.) 1107. (9) University College Gazette. 1331, #32. (10) U. C. L. Union Magazine. 1332.* See also supra : BRITISH SCHOOL of ARCHAEoLoGY IN EGYPT. University of California. (1) Chronicle. 1336.” (2) Lick Observatory Bulletins. 1337.* - (3) Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast. History. 1058.* (4) Publications of the Lick Observatory. 1061.* (5) University of California Publications. 1337.* SOCIETY INDEX 221 University of Cambridge. (1) Cambridge University Reporter. 362.* (2) Studies from the Physiological Laboratory. 1217A. TJniversity of Chicago. (1) Publications of the Yerkes Observatory. 1064.” (2) Studies from the Psychological Laboratory. 1055.” TIniversity of Durham Philosophical Society. Proceedings. 1048A.” University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Academic Annual. 435. University of Glasgow. The Academic. 12A. TJniversity of Illinois. (1) Journal of English and Germanic Philology. 620.* (2) Studies from the Psychological Laboratory. 1055.” University of Iowa. Studies in Psychology. 1055.” University of Kyôto. See Supra: KYöTo TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. TJniversity of Leyden. See supra: UNIVERSITEYT TOT LEYDEN. University of Liverpool. (1) Bio-Chemical Journal. 272.* (2) Liverpool University Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics. Quarterly Journal. 705. University of Tºondon. (1) Eugenics Laboratory Lecture Series. 1339.” (2) Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs. 1338.* (3) London Graduate. 707. (4) London Student. 715. (5) London University Gazette. 718.* (6) London University Magazine. 719, 720, 721. tjniversity of Iondon, King's College. See Supra : KING's CoILEGE, LONDON. University of London, University College. See supra: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LoNDoN. University of Manchester. See Supra: Owens CoILEGE, MANCHESTER. University of Melbourne. Collected Papers from the Science Laboratories. 388A.* tjniversity of Moscow. - Beobachtungen angestellt im meteorologischen Observatorium. 250.* 222 SOCIETY INDEX University of Nebraska. (1) *šić Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. 1340.* (2) Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. 1341.* (3) University Studies. 1344." University of Pittsburgh. - . (1) Miscellaneous Scientific Papers of the Allegheny Observatory. 841.* (2) Publications of the Allegheny Observatory. 1058A.” University of Tokio. (1) Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan. 805.” (2) Memoirs of the Science Department. 805. (3) Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Facultät der kaiserlich-japa- nischen Universität. 846.” University of Toronto. Studies. 1342.* Tuniversity of Virginia. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society. 349A.” TJpsal University. See supra: UNIVERSITETET I UPSALA. tſtrechtsche Hoogeschool. Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Physiologische Laboratorium. 938.* Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Berlin). Zeitschrift. 1394. Verein für gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Förderung der wissenschaft- lichen Heilkunde (Göttingen). Archiv. 178. Verein für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau (Weisbaden). Jahrbücher. 569. Verein für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung (Hamburg). Jahrbuch. 562.* Werein von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande (Bonn). (1) Bonner Jahrbücher. 570. (2) Jahrbücher. 570. Victoria, Government of. Mineral Statistics. 828A. Victoria University of Manchester. See supra: OWENS CollBGE, MANCHESTER. Victorian Institute of Engineers. Proceedings. 1049.” SOCIETY INDEX 223 Widenskabs-Selskab i Christiania. (1) Forhandlinger. 476.” (2) Skrifter. 1189." Vienna, University. See supra: UNIVERSITAT WIEN. Worderasiatische Gesellschaft (Berlin). Mitteilungen. 852. Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Transactions. 1318. . Warwickshire Naturalists’ and Archaeologists' Field Club. Proceedings. 1050. Washington Geological Survey. Annual Report. 1369. . Watford Natural History Society and Hertfordshire Field Club, after- wards HERTFORDSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SocIETY AND FIELD CLUB. (1) Proceedings. 1319.” (2) Transactions. 1319.” Wellcome Research Isaboratories, Khartoum. See Supra: GoRDON MEMORIAL CoILEGE, Wellesley College. Studies in Psychology. 1055.” Wernerian Natural History Society. Memoirs. 806. Wesleyan University, Middletown. Studies from the Psychological Laboratory. 1055.” West London Medico-Chirurgical Society. West London Medical Journal. 1375.” West London Scientific Association and Field Club. Proceedings. 1051. Western Australia. Geological Survey. Bulletin. 1376.” Wilson Ornithological Club (Oberlin). Wilson Bulletin. 1380.* Winchester and Hampshire Scientific and Literary Society. Journal of Proceedings. 630. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. Transactions, 1320. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin. 1381. 224 SOCIETY INDEX Wiskundige Genootschap onder de zinspreuk: “Ben onvermoeide arbeid: konut alles te boven.” See supra: GENOOTSCHAP DER MATHEMATISCHE WETENSCHAPPEN, etc. Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology (Philadelphia). (1) American Journal of Anatomy. .* (2) Anatomical Record. 54.” (3) Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology. 616A.* (4) Journal of Experimental Zoëlogy. 9.* (5) Journal of Morphology. 628.* Woods Holl Biological Laboratory. See supra: MARINE BroLoGICAL LABORATORY, WooDs Holl. Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club (Hereford). Transactions. 1321.* Yale University (New Haven, Conn.). (1) Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory. 1251.* (2) Yale Psychological Studies. 1055.” Yerkes Observatory. See supra: UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Yorkshire Geological Society. See supra: GEOLOGICAL AND PolyteCHNIC SoCIETY OF THE WEST RIDING of YorFSHIRE. Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union. Transactions. 1322.* Yorkshire Philosophical Society. (1) Annual Report. 397.* (2) Communications to the Monthly Meetings, 397.* Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen te Vlissingen. Verhandelingen. 1348. Zoological Society of London. (1) Proceedings. 1007.* (2) Transactions. 1323.” Zoologische Station in Triest. Arbeiten. 159.* Zoologische Station zu Neapel. (1) Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 465A.* (2) Mittheilungen. 847.* (3) Zoologischer Jahresbericht. 1441.* Zoologisches Institut der Universität Wien. See Supra: UNIVERSITAT WIEN. Zoologisch-Zootomisches Institut in Würzburg. Arbeiten, 160. / SUBJECT INDEX *An asterisk after the number signifies that the Library Set of the periodical is ‘In progress’. AGRICULTURE. See also BOTANY AND HoRTICULTURE. Agricultural Economist and Horticultural Review. 30.* Annali della Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura di Portici. 93.” Annals of Agriculture. 96. - Anºt of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. Anni, tºport of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta. Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Saskatchewan. 132.* Annual Report of the Imperial Department of Agriculture, India. 139.” Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. 1341.* Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture. 1329.” Economic Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. 433.” Experimental Farms of the Government of Canada. Reports. 465. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 657. Memoirs of Agriculture. 790. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India. 798.* Report on the Progress of Agriculture in India. 1117.* Tºtº of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions of the Society . . . of Arts. 1315. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. 1389.” 226 SUBJECT INDEX ANTA. OMTÄT ANTID MTOR PFOAOCYT. See also BIoLoGY. ,, „ SCIENCE, GENERAL. American Journal of Anatomy. 4O.* Anatomical Record. 54.* Anatomischer Anzeiger. 55.* Annals of Anatomy and Physiology. 97. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin. 183. Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie. 183.* Are 1" mikroskopische Anatomie (und Entwicklungsgeschichte). 2k Beiträge zur Anatomie und Physiologie. 242. Bericht über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. 1429. ºÄrº des hautes Etudes. Laboratoire d'Histologie . . . Travaux. Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. 455.* in Ägrale Monatsschrift für Anatomie und Histologie (Physiologie). zk Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwicklungs- geschichte. 1429.* - "Ähte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. - 9. Journal de l'Anatomie et de la Physiologie normales et pathologiques. 6OO.* - Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. 613.* Journal of Morphology. 623.* "Ä International Journal of Anatomy and Histology (Physiology). 55 Morphologisches Jahrbuch. 875.* Neurologisches Centralblatt. 899.* Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists. 40 and 54.* Repertorium für Anatomie und Physiologie. 1098. University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* Verhandlungen der anatomischen Gesellschaft. 55.* Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. 1397. SUBJECT INDEX 227 ANTHRoPology AND ETHNoLogy. See also Folk-LoRE. American Anthropologist. 38.* Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, (U.S.A.). 128.* Anthropologie. 150. Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology. 1191.* Field Columbian Museum. Publications. 467.* J *; é: the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Man. 743.” Matériaux pour l’Histoire positive et philosophique de l’Homme. T45. Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington. 1247. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1412.* Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie. 1419.” ARCHIAEOILOGY. See also AssyFIOLOGY. ,, ,, EGYPTOLOGY. Amalthea. 86. American Journal of Archaeology. 41.* Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed. 67. Annales du Midi. 83.” Annali dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica. 92. Annual of the British School at Athens. 123.” Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. 152. Antiquary. 158. i Anzeiger des germanischen Nationalmuseums. 157. Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Worzeit. 157. Archaeologia. 168.* Archaeological Journal. 165. Archaeological Survey of India. 168. Archaeological Survey of Nubia. Bulletin. 169.” Q 2 228 SUBJECT INDEX Archäologische Zeitung, l'1O. a Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 232.* Atti i" reale Accademia dei Lincei. Notizie degli scavi di antichità. 2k Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 232.* - Atti della reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti. 235.º Bulletin de Correspondance hellénique. 315.” Bulletin de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France. 328. Bulletin de l'Institut de Correspondance archéologique. 353. º" degli Annali dell' Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica. Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma. 354. Bullettino di Paletnologia italiana. 355.º Cambridge Antiquarian Communications. 359. 'E pmpepìs 'ApxatoÀoyuki. 53.º Fondation Eugène Piot. Monuments et Mémoires. 472.* rº" til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring. Aarsberetning. Home Counties Magazine. 824A.” Indian Antiquary. 545. Jahrbuch des kaiserlich-deutschen archâologischen Instituts. 17O.” Jahrbücher des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. 57O. Jahreshefte des 5sterreichischen archâologischen Institutes in Wien. 584.” Journal of Hellenic Studies. 62l.* Journal of the British Archaeological Association. 640. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 1280. Long Ago. 722. Mémoires de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France. 780. Mémoires de la Société royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 782. Middlesex and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries. 824A. Mittheilungen des deutschen archaeologischen Institutes in Athen. 853.” Monumenti, Annali e Bullettini pubblicati dall'Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica. 873. Monumenti antichi. 874.º Museum of Classical Antiquities. 881. Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement. 950.* Papers of the British School at Rome. 955. IIpakrukà ris év 'A6mvais 'ApxatoAoyukis Erapias. 980.” ºiº of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. SUBJECT INDEX 229 Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. 359. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. 1044.” Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. 1045.” Rendiconto delle tornate e dei lavori dell’Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti. 1096.” - Revue archéologique. 1132.* sº Archaeological and Natural History Society. Proceedings. >k Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society. 1280. Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. 1285. Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. 1316. University of California Publications. American Archaeology and Ethno- logy. 1337.* AIRCHITECTURE. Architect. 172. Architectural Review. 173.” Duilder. 313.” - Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. 382. Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. 956.” Papers read at the Royal Institute of British Architects. 956. Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects. 956. ASSYRIOLOGY. See also ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Babylonian and Oriental Record. 240. Beiträge zur Assyriologie. 243. Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la Philologie et à l’Archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes. 1089.” - Revue d'Assyriologie. 1135. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie. 1417. 230 SUBJECT INDEX ASTRONOMIY. Annaes do Observatorio do Infanted. Luiz, Lisboa. 59.” Annales de l'Observatoire d’Astronomie physique de Paris. 73. Annales de l'Observatoire royal de Bruxelles. 74.” Annº, ; the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. Annals of the Cape Observatory. 106.” Annuaire (du Bureau des Longitudes). 121. Annuaire astronomique de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique. 115.” Annºport of the Director, Kodaikanal and Madras Observatories. >k Annºport of the Director of the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. × Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at . . . Greenwich. 22.1.” Astronomical Journal. 217. Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological Observations made . . . at the United States Naval Observatory. 926. Astronomical Observations made at the Honorable the East India Company’s Observatory, Madras. 1121. * Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. *gºal Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Astronomische Nachrichten. 222.* Astronomisches Jahrbuch. 558. Astrophysical Journal. 223.” Correspondance astronomique, géographique, hydrographique et statistique du Baron de Zach. 406. Godlee Observatory. Annual Report. 509.” Jahrbuch [Schumacher's Astronomisches]. 558. Journal of the British Astronomical Association. 641.* Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins. 676.” Lick Observatory. Bulletins. 1337.* Lowell Observatory. Bulletin. 725.” . Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London. 795.” Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association. 796.” Memoirs of the Kodaikanal Observatory. 801.* SUBJECT INDEX 231 Miscellaneous Scientific Papers of the Allegheny Observatory. 841.* Mon; Correspondenz zur Beforderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde. Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society of London. 867.* Natigº, Physical Laboratory. Report of the Observatory Department. >k Nautical Almanac. 894.” Observations and Researches made at the Hongkong Observatory, 923. Observations made . . . at the United States Naval Observatory. , 926. Observatory. 929.” - Pºiº de l'Observatoire astronomique et physique de Tachkent. Publications de l'Observatoire central Nicolas. 1057A.* *:::g. of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh. A.* Publications of the Astronomical Laboratory at Groningen. 1060.* Publications of the Lick Observatory. 1061.* Publications of the United States Naval Observatory. 926.” Fº of the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago. Sk Report of His Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope. 1102.* Result of Astronomical Observations made at the Honorable East India Company's Observatory at Madras. 1121. - Results of Astronomical Observations (Meridian Observations), made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 1123.” Results of Observations of the Fixed Stars made . . . at the Government Observatory, Madras. 1124. . Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. 125l.” IBIBILIOGRAPHY, Bollettino delle Pubblicazioni italiane. 288.* Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. 346.” English Catalogue of Books. 448.* Library. 696. - Library Association Record. 697.* - - Library of Harvard University. Bibliographical Contributions. 698.* Report of the Librarian of Congress. 1108.* Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. 1253. Vierteljahrs-Catalog aller neuen Erscheinungen im Felde der Literatur in Deutschland. 1361.* Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, 1402.* 232 SUBJECT INDEX IBIOIOGY. See also ANATOMY AND MORPHOLOGY. , , BotANY. ,, ,, MICROSCOPY. ,, , , NATURAL HISTORY. ,, ,, PHYSIOLOGY. ,, , SCIENCE, GENERAL. 32 y? ZooLOGY. Archives de Biologie. 195.” Archives italiennes de Biologie. 203.” Biolº Bulletin of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl. 4.* Biologisches Centralblatt. 275. Comptes rendus des Séances et Mémoires de la Société de Biologie. 401. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte in der Biologie. 578. J". d; the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. >k Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 998. Proceedings of the Linnean Society. 1019. Studies from the Biological Laboratories of the Owens College. 1215. University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* Zeitschrift für Biologie. 1400.* IBOTAINTY AND THIOIRTICULTURE. See also AGRICULTURE. ,, , MICROSCOPY. ,, , NATURAL HISTORY. ,, , SCIENCE, GENERAL. Annalen der Botanick. 61. Annales des Sciences naturelles. 81.* Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, 82.” Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 95.” Annals of Botany (Edited by Konig and Sims, 1805–6). 98. Annals of Botany (Edited by Balfour, Wines and Farlow, 1887, etc.). 99.” Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Würzburg. 161. - Archives de l’Institut botanique de l’Université de Liége. 197.*. Arkiv för Botanik. 270.* SUBJECT INDEX 233 Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. 292. Berichte der deutschen botanischen Gesellschaft. 253.” Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Wetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 270. Botanical Gazette. 290.* . - Botanische Zeitung, 291. Botanisches Centralblatt. 292.* Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Royal Gardens, Kew. 338.* contiºns from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University. >k Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 1192.* Cottage Gardener. 409. Field Columbian Museum. Publications. 467.* Flora. 470.* Illustration horticole. 542. Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik. 573.” Journal de Botanique. 597. Journal of Horticulture. 409. Journal of the Linnean Society. 654.” Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. 662.* Magazin für die Botanik. 732. Missouri Botanical Garden. Annual Report. 843.” Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. 892.* New Phytologist. 901.* Progressus rei Botanicae. 1052.* Ray Society's Publications. 1082.* Revue générale de Botanique. 1142.* Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. 1273. Transactions of the Linnean Society. 1284.” University of California Publications. Botany. 1337.* Zeitschrift für Botanik. 14:Ol.* CELTIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. See also MoDERN LANGUAGES. Archiv für celtische Lexikographie, 179. . Celtic Review. 368. . . Cymmrodor. 415. - Friu. 456A. Gaelic Journal. 484. Irish Text Society. Publications. 553. Revue celtique, 1138.* 234 SUBJECT INDEX Scottish Celtic Review. 1176. Scottish Text Society. Publications. 1178.* Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Dublin. 1268. Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. 1403. CHEMISTRY. See also SCIENCE, GENERAL. For Physiological Chemistry see PHYSIOLOGY. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Chemical Society. 12. Analyst. 53.” Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. 63. Annalen der Pharmacie. 63. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 64.” Annales de Chimie (et de Physique). 69.” Annuaire de Chimie. 116. Annual Report on the Progress of º: 143. Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. 270.* Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft in Berlin. 25.4.” Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Wetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 270. Bulletin de la Société chimique de France. 322A.” Chemical Abstracts. Published by the American Chemical Society. 374.” Chemical Gazette. 375. Chemical News. 376.” Chemisches Central-Blatt. 377.* Crell's Chemical Journal. 412. J*; der Elektrochemie (und angewandten physikalischen Chemie). Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. 580.* Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. 579. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologie. 580. Journal de Chimie physique. 598. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. 603. Journal für praktische Chemie. 610. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 622A.” Journal of Physical Chemistry. 628.* - Journal of the American Chemical Society. 634.” Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 788.* Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. 665.” Kolloid-Zeitschrift, 1404.” - SUBJECT INDEX 235 Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. 63.” Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London. 788. Pharmaceutical Journal. 96.O.* - Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. 991.* Proceedings of the Chemical Society. 12.* Proceedings of the Faraday Society. 1012.* Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry. 1017.* Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 788. Rapport annuel sur les progrès de la Chimie. 579. - Rapport annuel sur les progrès des sciences physiques et chimiques. 579. Review of American Chemical Research. 1128.* Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society. 1239.” Transactions of the Faraday Society. 1267.* University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie. 1399.” Zeitschrift für Chemie und Industrie der Kolloide. 1404.” Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie. 1411.* Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. 1425.” Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie. 1427.* CLASSICAI, ARCHAEOIOGY. See ARCHAEOLOGY. CIMASSICS. Archiv für lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik. 189. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. 577.* Classical Journal. 383. Classical Museum. 384. Classical Quarterly. 385.” Classical Review. 385.” - Hermes. 521.* - Janºt ūber die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft. Mnemosyne. 855.” Museum Criticum, 877. Philologus. 963.” Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. 1148.* Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und Lateinischen. 1432.* 236 SUBJECT INDEX IECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, See also AGRICULTURE. ,, , EUGENICS. Annuaire de la Législation du Travail (Belgique). 117A.” Annual Abstract of Labour Statistics (Board of Trade). 122.* Bibliographia Economica Universalis. 258.* Rimetallist. 271. Board of Trade Journal. 278.* Bullº the Department of Labor of the United States Government. >k Census of Great Britain. 9A.” China. Imperial Maritime Customs. Customs Gazette. 378.* China. Imperial Maritime Customs. Returns of Trade. 379.” Crisis. 412A. Economic Journal. 432.* Economic Review, 434.” Financial and Economical Annual of Japan. 468.* Journal des Économistes, 608.* Journal of the Institute of Bankers. 646.” Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute. 659. Journal of the Society of Arts. 664.” Journal of the Statistical Society of London. 667.* Labour Gazette, 279.” Museum Rusticum et Commerciale. 882. New Zealand Official Yearbook. 906.” Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia. 935.” Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1065.” Quarterly Return of the Marriages, Births, and Deaths registered in . . . Ireland. 1073.” Questions of the Day and of the Fray. 1077A.* - Report on Changes in Rates of Wages and Hours of Labour (Board of Trade). Illă.” Report on Strikes and Lock-outs (Board of Trade). 1116.” Report on Trade Unions (Board of Trade). 1117A.” Statistical Register. South Australia. 1206.” Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand. 1207.* Taº, # Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia. Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. 1287.* SUBJECT INDEX 237 Transactions of the Society. . . of Arts. 1315. United Empire. 659.” University of California Publications. Economics. 1337.* University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* Wºrms of Births and Deaths in the Dublin Registration Area. IEDUCATION. The A.M.A. l.” American Journal of Education. 42. Anni,ºport of the Department of Education of the Province of Alberta. :k Bullºſ the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. × *::::: Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Annual Report. >k Education. 440.* - General Report on Public Instruction in the Bengal Presidency. 486. London Education Gazette. (London County Council Gazette.) 716.” London Technical Education Gazette. 716. Quarterly Journal of Education. 1066. Record of Technical and Secondary Education. 1083. Report of the Board of Education. 1103.” Report of the Commissioner of Education. (U.S.A.). 1105.” University Review. 1343.” EGYPTOLOGY, Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte. 88.* Archaeological Survey of Egypt. 167.* British School of Archaeology in Egypt. [Publications.] 310.” Bulletin de l’Institut €gyptien. #. Bulletin de la Société archéologique d’Alexandrie. 32].” Egypt Exploration Fund. Archaeological Report. 441.* Egypt Exploration Fund. [Publications.] 4:42.* Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la Philologie et à l’Archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes. 1089.” - Revue égyptologique. 1141. Sphinx. 1201.* - Zeitschrift für àgyptische Sprach- und Alterthumskunde. 1895.” 238 - SUBJECT INDEX IEMIBIRYOLOGY. See ANATOMY. IENGINEERING. Annalen der kaiserlichen Ingenieur-Hochschule zu Moskau. 62.* Cassier's Magazine. 367A.” Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, 382. Electrical Engineer (London). 443.” Electrical Engineer (New York). 443A. Electrician. 444.” Engineer. 445.” Engineering. 446. Illuminating Engineer. 540.* Iron and Steel Institute. Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs. 554.” Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 666.” Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. 648.* Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers. 666. - Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. 672.* Mechanics’ Magazine. 756. Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyöto Imperial University. 797.* Minutes of Proceedings of the Engineering Association of New South Wales. 830. Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 831.* Mittheilungen aus dem mechanisch-technischen Laboratorium der könig. lichen polytechnischen Schule in München. 846.” Model Engineer and Electrician. 856.” North of England Institute of Mining (and Mechanical) Engineers. Transactions. 908.* Papers read before the Engineering Society of the School of Practical Science, Toronto. 957. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 994.” Proceedings of the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania. 1011.* Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 548.* Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers. 1047.* Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers. 1049.” Royal Engineers Journal. 1154.” Society of Engineers. Transactions. 1195.” Surveying, and the Civil Engineer. 1220.* SUBJECT INDEX 239 Technics, 1225A, Telegraphic Journal. 1226. Times Engineering Supplement. 1231.* Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 1243.” Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1244. Transactions of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. 1252.* Transactions of the Institute of Marine Engineers. #. Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 1275. Twº of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects. 1277.* Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure. 1394. IENGLISHI ILANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. See also MoDERN LANGUAGES. Academy. 17. Anglia. 57.* Athenæum. 226.” Ballad Society. Publications. 240A. Browning Society Papers. 312. Chaucer Society’s Publications. 378.* Critical Review. o Early English Text Society. [Publications.] 427.* Edinburgh Review. 9. Englische Studien. 447.* English Dialect Society. Publications. 449. English Review. 451. Erlanger Beiträge zur englischen Philologie. 457. Fortnightly Review. #: - Journal of English and Germanic Philology. 620.* Malone Society. Publications. 742.* Modern Philology. 859.” Monthly Magazine. 866. Monthly Review. 869. New-Shakespeareana. 902.* New Shakespere Society's Transactions. 903. Nineteenth Century. 907.* Observer. 930. Percy Society. Publications. 959A. Quarterly Review. 1074. 240 SUBJECT INDEX Shakespeare Society's Publications. 1181. Times Literary Supplement. 1231.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. 1310.* Westminster Review. 1379. IENTONIOLOGY. See ZooLogy. ETHINology. See ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY. IEUGENICS. Biometrika. 276.” Eugenics Review. 461.* Uniº College, London. Drapers' Company Research Memoirs. >k University of London. Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs. 1838.* University of London. Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics. Lecture Series. 1339.” FOIEC-I.O.R.E. See also ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNology. Folk-Lore. 471. Mélusine. 771. IFRIENCE I ILANGUAGES AND THITERATURE. See also MoDERN LANGUAGES. ,, , RomanCE LANGUAGES. Annales du Midi. 83.” Cours familier de Littérature. 411. Mercure de France. 820.* Revue d’Histoire littéraire de la France. 1135A.” Revue de Paris. 1138. Revue de Philologie française et de Littérature. 1139.” Société des Anciens Textes français. Publications. 1194.” Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Litteratur. 1421.* SUBJECT INDEX 241 GAEIIC. See CELTIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. GEOGRAPI:INI, Afrique explorée et civilisée. 29. º" Commissão geographica e geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. Bollettino della Società geografica italiana. 287.” Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. 324. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Finlande. 466.” Fennia. 466.” Geographical Journal. 491.º Geographical Magazine. 492. Geographical Teacher. 493.” Géographie. 324.º Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. 66l. Memorie della Società geografica italiana. 816.” Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes geographischer Anstalt. 848. Proceedings and Transactions of the Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. 987. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. 1035. - Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. 1013.” Queensland Geographical Journal. 987.º - Royal Geographical Society. Supplementary Papers 1155. Scottish Geographical Magazine. ll T7.* - Victorian Geographical Journal. 1359.” GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. See also MINERALOGY AND MINING. , , NATURAL HISTORY. , , SCIENCE, GENERAL. Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paláontologischen Gesellschaft. 7. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. 10.” Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. 78. Annals of British Geology. 100. Annual Report of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. 249.” R 242 SUBJECT INDEX Annºt of the Geological Commission of the Cape of Good Hope. >{< Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey. 147.* Anuarul Institutului Geological României. 155.” Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. 270.* Belfast Field Naturalists’ Club. Reports. 249. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 270. Bolºgº Commissão geographica e geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. Boletín de la Sociedad geológica Mexicana. 284.” Boletín del Instituto geológico de México. 286. Bulletin de la Commission géologique de la Finlande. 320.* Bullº la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d’Hydrologie. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. 326.” Bulletin du Comité géologique, St. Pétersbourg. 352.* Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. 343.” Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 344." Bulletin of the Mississippi State Geological Survey. 842A.* Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoëlogy at Harvard College. Geological Series. 348.* Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. 350. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. 350.* Comº da Commissão dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 429. Field Columbian Museum. Publications. 467.* º and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Annual Report. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Bulletin. 495. Geological Magazine. 496." Geological Record. 497. Geological Survey of Canada. Report. 498. Geological Survey of New Jersey. Annual Report. 499.” Geological Survey of New South Wales. Mineral Resources. 904.” Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar. 500.* Geologist. 501. Iowa Geological Survey. Annual Report. 552.* Jahrbuch der kaiserlich-königlichen geologischen Reichsanstalt. 561.* Jahresbericht öber die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologie. 580. SUBJECT INDEX 243 Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. 662.* Liver § Geological Association. Transactions. (Journal. Proceedings.) >k London Geological Journal. 706. Materialien zur Geologie Russlands. 744.” Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening. 757.* Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 779.” Mémoires du Comité géologique. 783.” - Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain (and Ireland). 799.” Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. 800.* Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. 865.” - Nouveaux Mémoires de la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie. 913.” Oklahoma. Geological Survey. Bulletin. 936.” Palaeontographical Society's Publications. 948.* Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. 249.” Proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire. 1014. - Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. 1015. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. 1016.” Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Association. 702.” Proceedings of the Norwich Geological Society. 1027. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 1014.” Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 1070.* Rassegna delle Scienze geologiche in Italia. 1081. Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. 1086.” Report of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. 249. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. 1263.” Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow. 1270.* Transactions of the Geological Society of London. 1269. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa. 1271.” Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association. 1282.* Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. 1286.” Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. 1305.” United States Geological Survey. Professional Papers. 1330.* University of California Publications. Geology. 1337.* University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* Vºgºn der kaiserlich-königlichen geologischen Reichsanstalt. Washington Geological Survey. Annual Report. 1369. Western Australia. Geological Survey. Bulletin. 1376.” Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin, 1881. R 2 244 SUBJECT INDEX GERMAN LANGUAGE AND TITERATURE, See also MoDERN LANGUAGES. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 245.* Bibliothek des literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart. 263.* Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. (und 19.) Jahrhunderts, 418.* Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters. 419.* Euphorion. 462.* Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte. 478.* Germania. 5O2. Germanistische Abhandlungen. 5O4.* Goethe-Jahrbuch. 51O.* Hermaea. 52O.* Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. 562.* Jahresbericht der Goethe-Gesellschaft. 51O.* Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie. 576.* Jahresberichte für neuere deutsche Litteraturgeschichte. 583.* Journal of English and Germanic Philology. 62O.* Journal of Germanic Philology. 62O. Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologie. 7O1.* Museum für altdeutsche Literatur und Kunst. 878. Neudrucke deutscher Litteraturwerke des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. 895.* Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germani- schen Völker. 1O76.* Schriften zur germanischen Philologie. I165.* Studien zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte. 1214. Teutonia. 1226A.* « Transactions of the Manchester Goethe Society. 1286A. Untersuchungen zur neueren Sprach- und Literatur-Geschichte. 1346.* Vierteljahrschrift für Litteraturgeschichte. 1362. - Wissenschaftliche Beihefte zur Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Sprachvereins. 1383. Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. 14O7.* Zeitschrift für deutsche Wortforschung. 1408.* Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum. 14.09.* SUBJECT INDEX 245 Glºlºlº, See CLASSICs. 1. ISTOLOGY. See ANATOMY. HISTORY. Annales du Midi. 83.” Annual Register. 124. Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes. 265. Camden Society. Publications. 363.” Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates. 387. Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England. 387. - Debates and Proceedings of the British House of Commons. 535. English Historical Review. 450.* Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. 387. Historical Manuscripts Commission. Reports. 530.* Historical Register. 531. Historische Zeitschrift. 584.” Historisches Taschenbuch. 534A. History and Proceedings of the House of Commons (House of Lords). 535. House of Lords Manuscripts. 537A.” Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft. 582.* Journals of the House of Commons, 670. Journals of the House of Lords. 671. Oxford Historical Society. Publications, 947.* Parliamentary Debates. 387. Parliamentary Register. 535. Political State of Great Britain. 977. Publications of the Surtees Society. 1063.” - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 1306.” University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* HORTICULTURE. See BotANY. 246 SUBJECT INDEX I:IN GIENTE. Annual Report of the National Board of Health Sisal l4l. Archivos de Hygiene e Pathologia exoticas. 209.” Journal of Hygiene. 622.* Journal of the Sanitary Institute, l&l3.* Transactions of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. 1313. Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten. 1415. I RISEI ILANC UAGE. See CELTIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. ITALIAIN TANGUAGE ANTID II 'ERATURIE. See also MoDERN LANGUAGES. , , RoMANCE LANGUAGES. Alighieri. 31. Annual Report of the Dante Society of America]. 130.” Bullettino della Società dantesca italiana. 354A.” Dante Society of London Lectures. 415A.* Giornale Dantesco. 31.” Jahrbuch der deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft. 559. Year Book of the American Dante Society. 1385. JEVVISI HI HISTORY AND TI VIEIRA UIRE. Actes et Conférences de la Société des Études juives, 26. American Jewish Year Book. 39.º Annuaire de la Société des Etudes juives, 118. Everlasting Nation. 464A. Hebrew Review. 519A. Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. 563. Jewish Literary Annual. 586.” Jewish Quarterly Review. 587.º Jewish Review. 588.” Jewish Year Book. 589.º SUBJECT INDEX 247 Palestina. 949. Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement. 950.” Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. 1045.” Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. 1059.” Revue des Études juives. 1140.* Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England. 1278.* Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1386.” IANGUAGES, IMODERN. See MoDERN LANGUAGES. In ATITN. See CLASSICs. IAW. Annales de Législation et de Jurisprudence. 79. Annuaire de Législation et de Jurisprudence. 119. Bulletin des Lois de la République. 330. Iherings Jahrbücher für die Dogmatik des heutigen rômischen und deutschen Privatrechts. 571.* Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege des deutschen IReichs, 564. Jahrbücher für die Dogmatik des heutigen rômischen und deutschen Privatrechts. 571. Jurist. 673. Law Journal Reports. 686. Law Quarterly Review. 687.* Law Reporter. 688. Law Reports. 689.” Publications of the Selden Society. 1062.* Revue de Droit international et de Législation comparée. 1186. Weekly Notes. 1371.* Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. 1480.” Zeitschrift für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft. 1414. Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte. 1430. 248 SUBJECT INDEX MAGNE ICAI, OBSERVA IONS. See METEoRoLoGY. INIA E IEMIA ICS. See also SCIENCE, GENERAL. Abiungen der königlich-sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Acta Mathematica. 2l.” American Journal of Mathematics. 43.” Annales de Mathématiques pures et appliquées. 80. Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata. 94.º Annali di Scienze matematiche e fisiche. 94. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. 176. Archiv der reinen und angewandten Mathematik. 177. Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. 27O.* Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. 232.” - Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. 232.” Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche. 234.º Berichte iber die Verhandlungen der königlich-sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. 255. Bibliotheca Mathematica. 260.* - Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 270. Bulletin de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. 316.” Bulletin des Sciences mathématiques (et astronomiques). 333.” Bulletin des Sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, physiques et chimiques. 335. v Bulletin général et universel des Annonces et des Nouvelles scientifiques. Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. 36l. Cambridge Mathematical Journal. 36l. Correspondance mathématique et physique. 407. Gentleman's Diary. 488. Gentleman's Mathematical Companion. 490. SUBJECT INDEX - 249 Giornale di Matematiche. 506. Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences. 525. Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik. 565.” Journal de l’École polytechnique. 669. Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées. 602.* Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 609.” Journal polytechnique. 669. Leipziger Magazin für reine und angewandte Mathematik. 692. Mathematical Correspondent. 746. Mathematical Gazette* 747.* Mathematical Magazine. 748. Mathematical Miscellany. 749. Mathematical Monthly. 750. Mathematical Questions. . . from the ‘Educational Times”. 75l.” Mathematical Questions, proposed in the Ladies’ Diary. 680. Mathematical Repository. º Mathematische Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. 526. Mathematische Annalen. 753.” Mathematisches Monatsblatt. 755. - Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences de l’Institut de France. 525.” Mémoires de l’Institut national des Sciences et Arts. 525. Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique, présentés à l’Académie royale des Sciences. 525. Mémoires présentés par divers Savans à l’Académie royale des Sciences de l’Institut de France. 525.” Memorie di Matematica e Fisica della Società italiana. 817.* Messenger of Mathematics. 945.” Miscellanea Curiosa. 836. Miscellamea Curiosa Mathematica. 838. Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques. 916. Opuscoli matematici e fisici. 940. Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics. 945. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 1022.” Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 1069.” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 1240. Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik. 1418. Zeitschrift für Physik und Mathematik. 1424. 250 SUBJECT INDEX IVIIBIDICINE AND SURGERY. American Journal of Syphilography and Dermatology. 48. American Medical and Philosophical Register. 49. Annales de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie, 70. Annals of Surgery. 103.” Année médicale. 120A. Annuaire général des Sciences médicales. 120A. Archiv der Heilkunde. 175. Archiv des Vereins für gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. 178. Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis. 1364. Archiv für klinische Chirurgie. 188.* Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medicin. 192.* • Archives of Dermatology. 205. Archives of Medicine. 206. Army Medical Department. Reports. 212. Association Medical Journal. 215. Biº * of Medicine, Surgery, and their allied Sciences. Birmingham Medical Review. 277. Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal. 294. British and Foreign Medical Review. 296. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. 296. British Dental Journal. 642.* British Gynaecological Journal. 299. British Homoeopathic Review. 300.” British Journal of Dental Science. 303. British Journal of Dermatology. 304. British Journal of Tuberculosis. 306. British Medical Journal. 307.* bulletin of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. 347.* Centralblatt für Bacteriologie und Parasitenkunde. 369.” Centralblatt für Chirurgie. & Centralblatt für die medicinischen Wissenschaften. 371.” Clinical Journal. 386.” Collected Studies from the Research Laboratory, Department of Health, City of New York. 388B.* Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für öffentliche Gesundheitspflege. 420. Dublin Hospital Reports. 422. - / SUBJECT INDEX 251 Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science. 423. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. 437. Glasgow Medical Journal. 507.* Guy’s Hospital Reports. 516.” Half-yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. 517. Index Medicus. 544.” Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der gesammten Medicin. 578. Jahresbericht ilber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der gesammten Medicin. 578. - Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin. 590.* Johns Hopkins Hospital Report. 591.* Journal complémentaire au Dictionnaire des Sciences médicales. 596. Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst. 6O7. Journal of Balneology and Climatology. 614.* - Journal of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases. 617. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine. 618. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 625.” Journal of the British Dental Association. 642. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. 658.* Lancet. 684.” Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal. 704. London Medical Gazette, 709. London Medical Record. 710. London Medical Repository. 711. . London Medical Review and Magazine. 712. Medical and Physical Journal. 758. Medical Annual. 759. Medical Museum. 760. Medical Observations and Inquiries. 761. Medical Press and Circular. 762.* Medical Repository. , 763. Medical Times. $64. Medical Transactions. 765. Medicinische Bibliothek. 766. Medico-Chirurgical Journal and Review. 767. Medico-Chirurgical Review. 767. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. 768. Mémoires de l'Académie royale de Chirurgie. 773. Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. 803. Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Facultät der kaiserlich-japanischen Universität. 846.” Monatshefte für praktische Dermatologie. 862. 252 SUBJECT INDEX Neues Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst. 607. New Sydenham Society. Publications. 905. Obstetrical Journal of Great Britain and Ireland. 931. Ophthalmic Hospital Reports. 939. Practitioner. 981.* Proceedings of the Medical Society of London. 1023. Pºiº of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 1040.* Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. 1053. Report on the Health of the Army. Ill6A.* Rºth gº the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Reports of the Society for the Study of Disease in Children, lll:9. Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. 1126. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande. 1145. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. 1159. Sanitary Record. 1162. Sydenham Society. Publications. 1221. Therapeutic Gazette. 1227. - Transactions of the Academy of Medicine in Ireland. 1237.* Transactions of the American Surgical Association. 1245. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians. 1249.” Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. 1250. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. 1257. Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 1258. Twº of the Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 6l. Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London. 1265. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. 1289. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. 1290. Transactions of the Medical Society of London. 1023.” Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. 1291. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. 1298. Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain. 1298A. Transactions of the Otological Society of the United Kingdom. 1300. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. 1301. Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. 1303. University College Hospital. Reports. 1333.” Verºn der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft in Würzburg. SUBJECT INDEX 253 Vierteljahresschrift für Dermatologie und Syphilis. 1864. West London Medical Journal. 1375.” Year-Book of Medicine, Surgery and their Allied Sciences. 1884. Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde, 1422. Zentralblatt für die gesamte Medizin. 1436.” MIIETIEOIR.O.I.OGY. Annuaire météorologique. 823. Annual Report of the Meteorological Committee. 140.* Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. 219.” Beobachtungen angestellt im meteorologischen Observatorium der kaiserl. Universität Moskau. 250.” Boletim das Observaçães meteorologicas (Brazil). 281.* Eritish Meteorological Year Book. 308.* . Hourly Readings at the Four Observatories in connection with the Meteorological Office. 308.* Jahrbücher der kaiserlich-königlichen Central-Anstalt für Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. 567.* Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at . . . Greenwich. 221. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Honorable East India Company’s Observatory, Bombay. 925.” Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second Order (Meteorological Office). 308.* Meteorological Observations made at the Honorable East India Company’s Observatory at Madras. 821. Meteorologisch Jaarboek. 823.” Meteorology of the Ben Nevis Observatories, 823A.” - Monthly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. 308.* Monthly Weather Review (Canada). 871.* oº:: meteorologicase magneticas feitas no Observatorio de Coimbra. Observations at Stations of the Second Order (Meteorological Office). 308.* Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Batavia. 924.” - Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Bombay. 925. Osservazioni meteorologiche, 943.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 1071.* Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch-Indië. 1091.* Report of the Meteorological Service of the Dominion of Canada. llll.” 254 SUBJECT INDEX Results of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at . . . Greenwich. 221. Results of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. 1125.” Results of the Meteorological Observations made at the Government Observatory at Madras. 821. . Stonyhurst College Observatory, Results of Meteorological and Magnetica Observations. 1210.* Transactions of the American Climatological Association. 1238.* Weekly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. 308.* IVIICROSCOPY. See also SCIENCE, GENERAL. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (und Entwicklungsgeschichte). 191.* Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. 655.” Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1293.” Monthly Microscopical Journal. 1293. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. 1068.* Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London. 1293. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und für mikroskopische Technik, 1434.* WITINTERATIOGY AND MIT.INING. See also GEOLOGY. ,, , SCIENCE, GENERAL. Annuaire du Journal des Mines de Russie. 120. Annual Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales. 134.” Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. 270.* Boletín del Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú. 285.” California State Mining Bureau. Annual Report. 358. Colliery Guardian. 389.” Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute. 644. Mineral Resources of the United States. 828.* Mineral Statistics of Victoria. 828A. North of England Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions. 908.* Taschenbuch für die gesammte Mineralogie, 1223. Transactions of the Australian Institute of Mining Engineers. 1252.* Transactions of the Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall. 1294. Verhandlungen der russisch-kaiserlichen mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. 1354.” SUBJECT INDEX 255 MTODERN TANGUAGES. See als0 CELTIC LANGUAGEs AND LITERATUREs. ,, ,, ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. ,, „ FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. ,, ,, GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. ,, ,, ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. „ ,, ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. „ ,, PHILOLoGY. ,, ,, ROMANCE LANGUAGES. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Litteraturen. 18O.* Archiv für Litteraturgeschichte. 19O. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 245.* Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen. 246. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen Sprachen. H " Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte. 478.* Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift. 5O3.* Indogermanische Forschungen. 546. Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. 562.* Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie. 876.* Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. 775. Modern Language Notes. 857.* Modern Language Quarterly. 858. Modern Language Review. 858.* Modern Language Teaching. 858.* Modern Philology. 859.* Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America. 1O24. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 1295. Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germa- nischen Völker. 1O76.* Schriften zur germanischen Philologie. 1165. Studien zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte. 1214. Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America. 1295. Untersuchungen zur neueren Sprach- und Literatur-Geschichte. 1346.” Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum. 14O9.* Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und Lateinischen. 1432.* 256 SUBJECT INDEX IWIOIRIPTRIOI,OGY. See ANAToMY. INATURAI, IRITSTORY. See also SCIENCE, GENERAL. Actes de la Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles. 24.* Annalen des kaiserlich-königlichen naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. 65.* Annales des Sciences naturelles. 81.* Annales du Musée d'Histoire naturelle de Marseille. 84. Annales du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. 86. Annales du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. ## Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 95.* Annals of Natural History. IOl. Annals of the Queensland Museum. 109.* Annals of the Transvaal Museum. lll.” Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. 126.* Bericht über die senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frank- furt am Main. 252.* Berg:#ºngen der berlinischen Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde. Boletim do Museu Paraense de Historia natural e Ethnographia. 282.* Bulletin de la Société portugaise des Sciences naturelles. 329.* Bulletin du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. 334. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 339.* Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 351.* Essex Naturalist. 1266.” History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. 536. Journal of the Ipswich and District Field Club. 647.* Magazine of Natural History. 735. Mémoires du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. 784.* Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. 87. Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History. 8O7.* Midland Naturalist. 825. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark. 854.* Natural History Review. 887. Naturalist. 888.* Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië. 893.* Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History. 932.* SUBJECT INDEX 257 Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club. 984.” Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science. 986.” - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 989.” Pºjº of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 1000.* Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. 1001.* Proceedings of the Chester Society of Natural Science. 1006.” Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. 1008.* Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. 1009.” Proceedings of the Linnean Society. iðið. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. 1020. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. 1025. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. 1038.* Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 1041.* Report of the Michigan Academy of Science. 1112.* Schriften der berlinischen Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde. 257. Spolia Zeylanica. 1203.” Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society. 1319.” Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. 1283.” Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. 1321.* Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union. 1322.* Tºº, 3. la Société impériale des Naturalistes de St. Pétersbourg. :: INUIMISIVIATICS. Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint. 135.” Numismatic Chronicle. 919.” OIRIENTAL, LANGUAGES. See also PHILoLogy. Asiatic Journal. 213. Asiatic Researches. 214. Babylonian and Oriental Record. 240. Bibliotheca Indica. 259.” ‘E. J. W. Gibb Memorial’ Series. 426.” Indian Antiquary. 545. - Journal asiatique. 594.” Journal of the American Oriental Society. 635.” S 258 SUBJECT INDEX Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 637.* Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 639. Journal of the Pali Text Society. 653.* Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1304.* Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 794.* Mitteilungen der vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft. 852. Oriental Herald. 941. Orientalistische Litteratur-Zeitung. 942. Proceedings of the American Oriental Society. 635.* Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 996. Publications of the Oriental Translation Fund. 1O61A. Vienna Oriental Journal. 136O. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft. 1392. IPA AEONT FOTOGY. See GEOLoGY. IPA ELOTAOGY. Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 186.* Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. 192.* Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique. 199. Archivos de Hygienee Pathologia exoticas. 209.* Journal de Physiologie et de Pathologie générale. 199.* Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 626.* Neurologisches Centralblatt. 899.* Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society. 1O26.* Studies from the Department of Pathology of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. 1216.* Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. 192.* Zeitschrift für experimentelle Pathologie und Therapie. 1413.* PEDAGOGYT. See EdUCATIoN. IPTHARIMACOTOGY. Arbeiten des pharmakologischen Institutes zu Dorpat. 162. Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 186.* Archives de Pharmacodynamie. 198. Archives internationales de Pharmacodynamie (et de Thérapie). 198.* SUBJECT INDEX 259 Historische Studien aus dem pharmakologischen Institut der kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat. 533. Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologie. 580. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Pathologie und Therapie. 1413.* PETEO „OGY. See also CLAssICs. MoDERN LANGUAGEs. 7 9 77 ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. 77 7 ) American Journal of Philology. 44. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 245.* Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen. 246. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen Sprachen. 247 Indogermanische Forschungen. 546. Journal of Philology. Ä Proceedings of the Philological Society. 1O28. Transactions of the American Philological Association. 1241.* Transactions of the Philological Society. 1O28.* University of California Publications in Modern Philology. 1337.* Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deut- schen, Griechischen und Lateinischen. 1432.* PFT TOSOPHY. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. 187.* Critique philosophique. 414 Hibbert Journal. 523.* Journal of Speculative Philosophy. 633. Logos. 683A.* Mind. 827.* Philosophische Monatshefte. 965A. Philosophische Studien. 966. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 995.* Revue philosophique. 1146. Rivista di filosofia scientifica. 1150. University of California Publications. 1337.* Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftlich Philosophie. 1365.* s 2 260 SUBJECT INDEX IPIE IN SICS. See also SCIENCE, GENERAL. Abiusº der königlich-sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Annalen der Physik. 64.” Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 64. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 69.º Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. 176. Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles. 204.º Astrophysical Journal. 223.º Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. 232.* Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. 232.* Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche. 234.º Berichte der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft. 1352.* Berichte tiber die Verhandlungen der königlich-sàchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. 255. Bulletin de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. 316.º Communications from the Laboratory of Physics at the University of Leiden. 396.º Correspondance mathématique et physique. 407. Fortschritte der Physik. 480.* Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences. 525. - Jº", der Elektrochemie (und angewandten physikalischen Chemie). i; Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. 579. Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologie. 580. Journal de l'Ecole polytechnique. 669. Journal de Physique. 605.” Journal of Physical Chemistry. 628.* Journal polytechnique. 669. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. 525.* Mémoires de l'Institut national des Sciences et Arts. 525. Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des Sciences. 525. Mémoires présentés par divers savans à l'Académie royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France. 525.º Memorie di Matematica e Fisica della Società italiana. 817.” SUBJECT INDEX « 261 Nuovo Cimento. 919A.* Physical Review. 97O.* Physikalische Zeitschrift. 973.* »- Proceedings of the Physical Society of London. 103O.* Science Abstracts. 1167.* University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* Verhandlungen der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Berlin. 1352. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der physikalisch-technischen Reichsan- stalt. 1382.* Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde. 1416.* Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik. 1418. Zeitschrift für Physik und Mathematik. 1424. PEYSTOTOGY. See also PSYCHOLoGY. ,, ,, SCIENCE, GENERAL. American Journal of Physiology. 45.* Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. 72. Annals of Anatomy and Physiology. 97. Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie. 183.* *. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin. 183. Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere. 181.* Archiv für die Physiologie. 183. Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 186.* Archiv für physiologische Heilkunde. 193. Archives de Pharmacodynamie. 198. « Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique. 199. Archives internationales de Physiologie. 202.* Archives italiennes de Biologie. 203.* Archivio di Fisiologia. 2O8.* - Beiträge zur Anatomie und Physiologie. 242. Beiträge zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie. 244. Bericht über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. 1429. Bibliographia Physiologica. 372.* Bio-Chemical Journal. 272.* Biochemische Zeitschrift. 273.* Canstatt’s Jahresbericht über die Leistungen in den physiologischen Wissenschaften. 578. - Centralblatt für Physiologie. 372.* Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie. 183. 262 SUBJECT INDEX École pratique des Hautes Études. Physiologie expérimentale. Travaux du Laboratoire. 431. Ergebnisse der Physiologie. 456.* Heart. 519.* Internationale Monatsschrift für Anatomie und Physiologie. 551.* Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Physiologie. 1429.* Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. 1429. J "# d: l'Anatomie et de la Physiologie normales et pathologiques. >k Journal de la Physiologie de l'Homme et des Animaux. 6Ol. Journal de Physiologie et de Pathologie générale. 199.* Journal de Physiologie expérimentale et pathologique. 604. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. 613.* Journal of Biological Chemistry. 615.* Journal of Physiology. 629.* kin: #lese London. Physiological Laboratory. Collected Papers. >k Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. 55l. Neurologisches Centralblatt. 899.* Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Physiologische Laboratorium der Utrecht- sche Hoogeschool. 938.* Pflüger's Archiv. 181.* Phy:#al Laboratory, University College, London. Collected Papers. >ke Physiologiste russe. 975.* Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists. 993.* Proceedings of the Physiological Society. 629.* Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology. 1067.* Repertorium für Anatomie und Physiologie. 1098. Skandinavisches Archiv für Physiologie. 1188.* stad: #" the Physiological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. A. Thompson Yates Laboratories Report. 1228. University of California Publications. Physiology. 1337.* University of Toronto Studies, 1342.* Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Institute der Universität Heidelberg. 1345. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Physiologie. 1396.* Zeitschrift für Biologie. 14OO.* Zeitschrift für biologische Technik und Methodik. 14OOA.* Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie, 1427.* Zentralblatt für Physiologie. 372.* SUBJECT INDEX 26 3 IPOLITICAL ECONOMY. See EcoNoMICs AND STATISTICs. IPSYCHOLOGY. See also PHYsIoLoGY. American Journal of Psychology. 46.* Annales médico-psychologiques. 89. Année psychologique. 113.* Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie. 966.* Archives de Psychologie. 200.* Asylum Journal of Mental Science. 224. Brain. 293.* British Journal of Psychology. 305.* Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology. 616A.* Journal of Mental Science. 224. Mind. 827.* « Neurologisches Centralblatt. 899.* Proceedings of the Psychological Society. 305.* Psychological Bulletin. 1O54.* Psychological Review. 1O55.* Psychologische Studien. 966.* University of California Publications. 1337.* University of Toronto Studies. 1342.* Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie und psychologische Sammel- forschung. 1398.* Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. 1428.* ROMIANCE TANGUAGES. See also FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. „ ,, ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. ,, ,, MoDERN LANGUAGEs. Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologie. 7O1.* Romania. 1153.* Studjdi Filologia Romanza. 1219. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. 1431.* 264 - SUBJECT INDEX SCIENCE, GENERAL. Abhandlungen der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher. 22.* Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. 392. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 11. Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier, Mémoires de la Section des Sciences. 14. - Académie royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. 15.” Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des Sciences. Mémoires. 16.” Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 391. Acta Eruditorum. 18. Acta Helvetica. 19. - Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae. 20. Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum. 22. Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 20. Acta Universitatis Lundensis. 23.” Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux. 25.” Annaes scientificos da Academia Polytechnica do Porto. 60.* Annales Academiae Lugduno-Batavae. 68. Annales scientifiques de l’Université de Jassy. 91.* Annals of Philosophy. 102. Annals of the Natal Government Museum. 107.* Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 108.* Annual Report and Abstract of Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History (and Philosophical) Society. 125. Annºport of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. >k Annual Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. , 145.” Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Krakau. 337.* Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles. 204.” Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. 210. Atti del reale Istituto veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 228.* Atti #: Fondazione scientifica Cagnola dalla sua Istituzione in Poi. >k Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 233.” - Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Wetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 270. SUBJECT INDEX 265 Buletinul Societafii de Sciințe din Bucuresci. 31.4.” Bulletin des Sciences. Bulletin international (Académie des Sciences de l'Empereur François Joseph I). 336.” - - Bulletin international de l'Académie des Sciences de Cracovie. 337.* Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. 349. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publications. 366.” Collected Papers from the Science Laboratories of the University of Melbourne. 388A.* - Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 391. Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. 392. Commentationes Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. 392. cºndu. hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. :k Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 416.” Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 425. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 438. Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts. 624. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 645.” Journal of the Society of Arts, 664.” Kongelige Danske Widenskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. 677. Leipziger Magazin zur Naturkunde, Mathematik und Oekonomie. 693. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. 964. Magasin encyclopédique. 728. Magazin für die Naturkunde Helvetiens. 733. Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. 754.” Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. 391. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences de l’Institut de France. 525.” Mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences de Turin, 839. *#. de la Société de Physique et d’Histoire naturelle de Genève. >k Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 792.” Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. 802.* Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. 804. Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio. 805. Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias. 809.” Memorias y Revista de la Sociedad cientifica ‘Antonio Alzate ’. 810.* Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. 811.* *g, della reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. . Sk Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 839.” Memorie della regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e d'Arti in Modena, 815.” 266 - SUBJECT INDEX Monatsberichte der königlich-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 861. Nature. 890.* Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences. 332. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum. 22.* Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 391. Nova Acta Eruditorum. 18. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 20. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. 392. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Widenskabernes Selskabs Forhand- linger. 944.” Philosophical Magazine. 964.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 965.” Popular Science Monthly. 978.* Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. 988.* Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 990.* Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 992.* Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society. 999. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 1003.” Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1004.” Fº of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. 1031.” Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam. 1032.* Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 911.* Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 1036.” Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. 1029.” Proceedings of the Royal Society. ll.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 1039.” - Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society. 1048A.” Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. 632. Recueil de Mémoires. 1088. Rendiconti del reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. 1093.” Rendiconto dell’Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche. 1094.” Rendiconto delle sessioni della reale Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna. 1095.” Report of the Meetings of the British Association. 1110.* SUBJECT INDEX 267 Revista de la real Academia de Ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales de Madrid. ll3O.* - Rivista di Scienza. 115l. Science. ll66.* Scientific Memoirs. 1169. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. 1172.* Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. 1175.* Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1184.* Sitzungsberichte der königlich-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 86l.* Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 119O.* Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 1193.* Tableau de Travail annuel de toutes les Academies de l'Europe. 1222. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 1235.* Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1242.* Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1255.* Transactions of the Canadian Institute. 1256.* Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1279. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 13O7. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 1309.* Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 131OA.* "# of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Verhandlungen der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher. 22. Verslag van de gewone vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Af- # (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam.) STATISTICS. See EcoNoMICs AND STATISTICs. SUIRGIEIET. See MEDICINE AND SURGERY. WIEIRISTEE IEANTGUAGE. See CELTIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. 268 - SUBJECT INDEX zooLoGx. See also BIoLoGY. ,, , MICRosCoPY. „ ,, NATURAL HISTORY. „ ,, SCIENCE, GENERAL. Abstract of Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Annales des Sciences naturelles. 81.* Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 95.* Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses. 114.* Arbeiten aus dem zoologisch-zootomischen Institut in Würzburg. 16O. Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universität Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. 159.* Archives de Biologie. 195.* Archives de Zoologie expérimentale et générale. 2O1.* Arkiv för Zoologi. 27O.* Bericht über die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere. 252A. Bibliographia Zoologica. 144O.* Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 27O. Biog Bulletin of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl. 2k British Birds. 298A. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 465A.* Field Columbian Museum, Publications. 467.* Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Entomologie. 543. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft. 585.* Journal of Experimental Zoölogy. 619.* Journal of the Linnean Society. 654.* J"Ä d the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. 654. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. 662.* Magazin der Entomologie. H Magazin für Insektenkunde. 734. Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. 847.* Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. 9. SUBJECT INDEX 269 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1007.* Ray Society. Publications. 1082.* Records of the Australian Museum. 1084.” Studies from the Museum of Zoology in University College, Dundee. 1217. Transactions of the Linnean Society. 1284.” - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 1323.” University of California Publications. Zoology. 1337.* Wilson Bulletin. 1380.* Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie. 543.” Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie. 1435.” Zoological Journal. 1437. Zoologische Beiträge. 1438. Zoologische Jahrbücher. 1439.” Zoologischer Anzeiger. 1440.* Zoologischer Jahresbericht. 1441.* THE END .