CATALOGUE () F THE *FOREIGN MISSION |||}|{\!) OF THE DIVINITY SCHOOL () F Y AI E UNIVERSITY, NEVV HAVEN, CON N. No. 1. JANUARY, 1892. g-sº º s º -ºº: ...', º& is ?: : º: A w *. º 3. tº a & *† y- - ~ # **ś N E W H A V E N , C () N N . . º, sº rig . . .sº T U T T L E , M. O. R. E. H. O U S E & T A Y LO R , P 1: I N T E R S . 1 8 9 2 . The Yale Mission Library, to which the most recent Missionary publications are constantly added, is kept in East Divinity Hall, Room A, and is open to the members of all Departments of the University at the hours indicated by the card upon the door. Books may be retained three weeks, after which if not returned, a charge of ten cents for each week Or fraction of a week will be made. C. A. T A LOG-UTHD OF THE F()REI(\ \||SS|(}\ ||BRARY OF THE DIWINITY SCHOOL YALE UNIVER's ITY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. NO. 1. JANUARY, 1892. N E W H A V E N , CON N.: 73 | "1 XIT no, \ PFE FATOFY NOTE. THE following Catalogue of the Yale Mission Library repre- sents the beginning of a proposed collection of the entire Foreign Missionary literature of the Protestant nations of the world. Such a comprehensive and complete collection would embrace not far from five thousand volumes. Of these fifteen hundred are already on the shelves. They consist, as will be seen, of the latest and most important American, British and Continental works relating to the Missions of the Protestant Churches of all denominations in Europe and America, together with publications of an earlier date which have been secured as opportunity offered and are certain to be useful for historical purposes. The foundation of this Library was laid in a gift of copies of all translations of the Scriptures published or for sale by the American Bible Society, presented a few years since by the Hon. Wm. E. Dodge of New York, with the view of showing to the young men of the University what had been already done in giving the Scriptures to heathen and Mohammedan nations, and suggesting at the same time the possibility of their own partici- pation in a work so fundamental and essential in all Protestant Missionary endeavor. To these translations, with the addition of a list of several versions contained in the University Library and marked by a star, the first place in this Catalogue has been assigned. In the titles of the other works relating to the history of Missions, the alphabetical order has been followed in the names of authors and of the subjects of memoirs, but not in the case of the Periodicals and Reports of Missionary Societies, which are placed under these words respectively (see pp. 23, 26). For the sake of making the Catalogue more helpful, brief biographical notices and dates of death, so far as ascertained, have been given. By means of the index, the titles of the principal works in the Library which treat of Christian Missions in particular countries or parts of the world will be found without difficulty. — iv — Books of travels in Missionary lands which do not relate to Christian Missions, and alsö works on non-Christian religions, the titles of which are given in the excellent Missionary bibliographies of Dean Wahl in Denmark, and the Rev. S. M. Jackson of New York, are not embraced in this collection, as they are generally accessible in the Library of the University. The present Catalogue, which is printed for the immediate use of students who desire the latest and fullest information in re- gard to Foreign Missionary fields, will be followed, it is expected, by successive Supplements as the Library increases. What now remains is to complete, so far and so fast as practi- cable, the collection of the following classes of books, viz. (1) History of modern Missions in various countries: India, China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands, Micronesia, Madagascar, Turkey, Persia, Africa, etc. (2) Missionary Biography. (3) History and annual reports of Missionary Societies at home and abroad. (4) Missionary Periodicals of different denominations in different countries: the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. (5) Missions to the Jews. (6) Missions to the Mohammedans. For the warm interest and friendly aid of the officers of the Missionary Societies of various branches of the Christian Church at home and abroad, and of other friends who have shown their appreciation of the aim and value of such a library in this seat of learning, the most sincere thanks are due and are hereby cordially presented. GEORGE E. DAY. Divinity School of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Jan. 1, 1892. CATALOGUE. I. TrANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE, MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. II. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. III. WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. IV. INDEX. I. TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE OR PARTS OF IT MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES.. “In Philology these Soldiers of the Cross have accomplished more than all the learned world beside. The publications of the American Board in and concerning foreign languages number already nearly two thou- sand titles in nearly forty different languages. Many of these are translations of the entire Bible. Many are vocabularies and grammars of languages previously whknown to civilized man, and in not a few instances of languages previously unwritten. Who can estimate the amount of patient, baffling toil involved in these issues of the Mission- ary press / How completely does it distance and throw into the shade the labors of retired scholars, in the shelter of well-stocked libraries, surrounded by reference books, cheered by the sympathy of men of kin- dred tastes and wrged on by the anticipated plaudits of the erudite public in all lands.”—Dr. Andrew P. Peabody in the North American Review. 1 Akra (Gold Coast, Africa), Exodus. (J. Zimmermann.) Stuttgart, 1860. 16mo. 2 — Acts. (G. Christaller.) Lond., 1858. 12mo. 3 Alifursh (Celebes), Gospel according to Matthew. (J. Hermann.) Amsterdam, 1852. 8vo. 4 Amharic (Abyssinia), New Testament. Lond., 1889. 8vo. 6 & *— 6 & (Abu Rumi). Lond., 1852, 8vo. 5 Anéityum (New Hebrides), New Testament. (John Geddie.) Lond., 1839. 8vo. 6 Arabic, Bible. N. Y., 1836. 8vo. 7 Armenian, Bible. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. 8 — New Testament, Ancient and Modern. Paris. 8vo. 9 Arrawak (Guiana), Acts of the Apostles. (T. Schultz.) N. Y., 1850. * In the University Library. 16mo. — 2 — *Athabascan (The Beaver Indians), The Four Gospels. (W. W. Kirkby.) Lond., 1878, 16mo. 10 Bajadi, Romans and Corinthians. N. Y., 1871. 16mo. *Bassa, Matthew, John, Acts. Liberia, 1844. 16mo. *Basque (Biscay), Bible. Lond., 1859–65. 8vo. *Benga (West Africa), The Gospel according to Matthew. N. Y., 1858. 12mo, *Bengali, Bible. (W. Yates and J. Wenger.) Calcutta, 1867. 8vo. * New Testament. (Wm. Carey.) Serampore, 1801. 8vo. 11 Bohemian, Bible. Prague, 1874, 8vo. *Breton (Brittany), The Gospel according to Matthew. Lond., 1857. 16mo. 12 Bulgarian, New Testament. 4to. *Buriat, or Eastern Mongolian, The Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John. (E. Stallybrass and W. Swan.) Lond., 1846. 8vo. *Burmese, Bible. (A. Judson.) 2d ed. Maulmain, 1840. 4to. 13 Cashmerian (Cashmere, north of Lahore), New Testament. Seram- pore, 1821. 8vo. *Catalan (Eastern Spain), New Testament. (J. M. Pratt). Lond., 1835. 12mo, *Celtic, Solomon's Song. Lond., 1858. 4to. *Cheremiss (a tribe on the Volga), Gospel according to Matthew. (F. Wiedemann.) Lond., 1866. sq. 16mo. *— The Gospels in Russian characters. St. Petersburg, 1821. 8vo. 14 Cherokee, New Testament. (S. A. Worcester and C. C. Torrey.) N. Y., 1860. 12mo. *Chinese, Bible. (Morrison and Milne.) Malacca, 1835. 21 vols. 8vo. 15 Chwee, or Tshi (Ashanti, Fanti, etc., Gold Coast), Bible. (J. G. Christaller.) Basel, 1871. 8vo. 16 Choctaw, Genesis-Deuteronomy. N. Y., 1867. 12mo. *— New Testament. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. *Cree (Hudson’s Bay), The Gospel according to Mark. (J. Hunter.) Lond., 1855. 12mo. 17 Creolese (Danish West India Islands), The Gospel according to Mark. (Dutch Missionaries.) N. Y., 1865. 16mo. 18 Dakota, Bible. (T. S. Williamson and S. R. Riggs.) N. Y., 1880. 8vo. 19 Danish, Bible. N. Y., 1879. 12mo. *Delaware, The Four Gospels. (D. Zeisberger.) N. Y., 1821. 12mo. 3: Epistles of John. (C. F. Dencke.) N. Y., 1818. 12mo. 20 Dikele (an African tribe near the Gaboom), Gospel according to John. (A. Bushnell.) N. Y., 1879. 18mo. 21 Dutch, Bible, Lond., 1878, 12mo. *Engadine (Switzerland), Bible. Scuol, 1679, fol. *Eskimo, Gospel according to John. Lond., 1810. 8vo. *— Matthew, Mark, Luke. (Moravian Missionaries.) Lond., 1818. 12mo, e 22 Esthonian-Reval (N. Esthonia), Bible. St. Petersburg, 1879. 12mo, 23 Ethiopic (Abyssinia), Psalms. Lond., 1815. — 3 — 24 Finnish (Finland), Psalms. Stuttgard, 1869. 16mo. 25 French, Bible. (Martin's.) N. Y., 1874. 12mo. 26 Gaelic (Highlands of Scotland), Bible. Edinburgh, 1807. 12mo. 27 Galla (South Abyssinia), Gospel according to John. (T. Wakefield.) St. Chrishona, 1871. 16mo. 28 German (Luther’s), Bible. 1880. 12mo. 29 Grebo (West Africa), Genesis. (Rev. John Payne.) N. Y., 1850. 16mo. 30 Greek (Septuagint), Old Testament. Leipzig, 1879. 8vo. 31 — (Modern), Bible. Lond. 8vo. 32 Gujarati (Western India), New Testament. Surat, 1857. 12mo. 33 Hakka (South China), New Testament. (Basel Missionaries.) Basel, 1887. 8VO. 34 Haroti (a province west of Bendelcund), New Testament. Seram- pore, 1821. 8vo. 35 Hausa (West Africa), Gospel according to John. (J. F. Schön.) Lond., 1857. 16mo. 36 — Exodus. (J. F. Schön.) Lond., 1859. 16mo. 37 Hawaiian (Sandwich Islands), Bible. (American Missionaries.) N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 38 Hindi (North India), Bible. Allahabad, 1879–1883. 2 vols. 8vo. *Hindustani, or Urdu (India), Genesis in Arabic characters. Cal- cutta, 1825. 8vo. *— Psalms and Proverbs. Allahabad, 1841. 8vo. *— New Testament. (Henry Martyn.) Lond., 1819. 8vo. *— 6 & (Baptist Missionaries.) Calcutta, 1865. 8vo. 39 — & 6 Lond., 1860. 12mo. 40 Hungarian, Bible. Köszegen, 1852. 8vo. *Icelandic, Bible. Kaufmannahaun, 1813. 8vo. 41 Irish (Munster, Connaught, etc.), Bible. (W. Bhedel.) 16mo. 42 — Bible. Dublin, 1827. 8vo. & *Isubu (Western Africa), Gospel according to Matthew. (J. Merrick.) Bimbia, 1846. 16mo. 43 Italian, Bible. (Diodati.) Lond., 1877. 16mo. *Japanese, Psalms. (J. C. Hepburn.) Yokohama, 1888. 16mo. 44 — Gospel according to Mark (running hand). 8vo. 45 — 6 & John. N. Y., 1873. 16mo. 46 Judaeo-Polish, Gospel according to Matthew. Lond. 24mo. *Kafir, or Xosa (South Africa), Ezra-Ruth, Chronicles, Psalms, Ecclesiastes-Daniel, Minor Prophets. King William's Town, 1850–252. 8vo. 47 — Bible. 1864. 8vo. *— New Testament. King William's Town, 1853, 8vo. *Kalmuk (Western Mongolia), Gospel according to Matthew, Luke and John. (I. J. Schmidt.) St. Petersburg, 1815. 4to. *Karelian (a dialect of Finnish), Gospel according to Matthew. St. Petersburg, 1820. 8vo. 48 — Gospel according to Matthew. (F. J. Wiedemann.) Lond., 1864, sq. 16mo. — 4 — 49 Khassi (N. Eastern India), New Testament. (W. Lewes and T. W. Meller.) Lond., 1871. 8vo. *Kikamba, Gospel according to Mark. (J. L. Krapf.) Tübingen, 1850. 8vo. *Kinika, or Nyika (Mombasa, E. Africa), Gospel according to Luke. (J. L. Krapf.) Bombay, 1848. 12mo. 50 Kusaie (Strong's Island, Micronesia), Gospel according to Matthew and Luke. (D. G. Snow.) N. Y., 1871. 16mo. 51 Latin, Bible (Vulgate). Lond. 12mo. *Lepcha (Darjeeling, N. India), Gospel according to John. Calcutta, 1872, 8vo. *Livonian, or Lettish (Livonia), Gospel according to Matthew. Lond., 1863. 16mo. 52 Malagasi (Madagascar), New Testament. Lond., 1871. 24mo, 53 Malay, New Testament. (J. Wilmot.) Harlem, 1820. 8vo. 54 — Old Testament, (J. Wilmot.) Harlem, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. 55 Maltese, Gospel according to John. Lond., 1872. 24mo. *Mandingo, or Mande (West Africa), Gospel according to Matthew. (M. Macbriar.) Lond., 1837. 8vo. *Manx (Isle of Man), The Gospels and Acts. Lunnyng, 1763. 8vo. 56 Marathi (Bombay Presidency), New Testament. Lond., 1864. 57 Menahassi (North Celebes), Gospel according to Matthew. Rotter- dam, 1850. 8vo. 58 Mendi (near Sierra Leone), The Four Gospels. (J. T. Schön.) Lond., 1872. 18mo. - *Mexican, or Aztec, Gospel according to Luke. (P. Kanki.) Lond., 1833. 12mo. 59 Mikmac (Indians of Nova Scotia), Acts of the Apostles. Bath, 1863. 16mo. * Psalms, Ruth. Bath, 1859. 16mo. *Mohawk (North American Indians), Gospel according to John. (John Norton.) N. Y., 1818. 12mo. * Gospel according to Luke. (E. A. Hill.) N. Y., 1827. 12mo, *— Isaiah. N. Y., 1839. 12mo, 60 Mongolian, New Testament. (E. Stallybrass and W. Swan.) Lond., 1846. 8vo. *Mordvinian, or Morduin (a Finnish tribe on the Oka and Volga), The Gospels. St. Petersburg, 1821. 8vo. *— Gospel according to Matthew. (T. J. Wiedemann.) Lond., 1865. sq. 16mo. 61 Mpongwe (West Africa), Genesis, part of Exodus, Proverbs and Acts. (W. Walker.) N. Y., 1859. 16mo. Gospel according to John. (W. Walker.) N. Y., 1852. 12mo. 62 Muskoki, or Creek (Creek Indians), Gospel according to Matthew. N. Y., 1875. 16mo. Gospel according to John. (U. S. and A. E. W. Robertson.) N. Y., 1871. 16mo. p 63 Nama (Namaqualand), New Testament. (J. G. Krönlein). Berlin, 1866. 8VO, * $ — 5 — 64 Negro-English (Surinam), New Testament. (Moravian Missiona- ries.) Lond., 1829. *Nipmuk (Massachusetts Indians), Bible (John Eliot), 2d ed.: Old Testament. Cambridge, 1685. 4to. New Testament. 1680. 4to. *Ojibbeway, or Chippewan (Canada), Gospel according to Matthew. (J. Horden and J. Sanders). Lond., 1880. 16mo. *Ojibwa (Saulteaua, Indians near Lake Superior). New Testament. (E. Janes.) Albany, 1833. 8vo. *— (H. Blatchford.) N. Y., 1844. 12mo. 65 — New Testament. N. Y., 1875. 12mo. *Oriya, or Orissa (Eastern India), The Pentateuch. Serampore, 1814. 8vo. *— New Testament. Cuttack, 1886. 16mo. 66 Otyi, or Ashanti (Gold Coast), Gospel and Acts. (J. G. Christaller.) Basle, 1859. 24mo. — Genesis. (J. A. Mader.) Stuttgard, 1861. 16mo. 67 Papuan (New Guinea), The Gospel according to Mark. 2 ed. Utrecht, 1871. Royal 8vo. *Permian (Perm, etc., Russia), Gospel according to Matthew. Lond., 1866. sq. 16mo. 68 Persian, New Testament. (Henry Martyn.) Lond., 1876. 8vo. 69 Polish, Bible. Warsaw, 1875. 8vo. 70 Ponape (Ponape, Caroline Islands), Genesis and Exodus. (E. T. Doane.) N. Y., 1875. 8vo. 71 Portuguese, Bible. N. Y., 1878. 12mo. *Provençal, (Southern France), Gospel according to Matthew. (M. Feraud.) Lond., 1866. sq. 16mo. 72 — John. Lond., 1848. 8vo. *Punjabi, or Sikh (Province of Punjab), The Pentateuch. Seram- pore, 1814. 8vo. *— The Gospel according to John. 8vo. m. d. 73 Russian, Bible. 1877. 8vo. 74 — Testament (with another dialect in parallel columns). Con- stantinople, 1823. 8vo. *Samoan (Navigators’ Islands), Psalms. Samoa. 12mo. *Sanskrit (the learned language of the Brahmins), The Pentateuch. (Wm. Carey.) Serampore, 1808. 4to. 75 — Job, Psalms, etc. 8vo. * Scotch, Psalms. (H. L. Ridall.) Lond., 1857. 8vo. 76 — Psalms. (P. H. Waddell). Glasgow, 1877. sm. 4to. *Sechuana, or Chuana (South Africa), Gen.-Isaiah. Kuruman, 1853. , 2 vols. 8vo. 77 — Psalms. Platburg, 1855. 8vo. 78 — Gospels and Acts. Beerseba, 1848. 8vo. 79 — Luke. (R. Moffat.) Cape Town, 1830. 12mo. 80 — New Testament. (R. Moffat.) Lond., 1840. 12mo. 81 Seneca (N. American Indians), The Four Gospels. N. Y., 1878. 16mo. 82 Sesuto (Basutoland), New Testament. Paris, 1868. 12mo. * — 6 — *Siamese, Acts of the Apostles. Bangkok, 1853. 12mo. 83 Slavé (Mackenzie River, Canada), New Testament. 1879. 12mo. 84 Spanish, Bible. N. Y., 1878. 12mo. 85 Swedish, Bible. N. Y., 1880. 12mo. * 86 Syriac (Ancient), New Testament and Psalms. N. Y., 1878. 24mo. 87 — (Modern), New Testament. N. Y., 1878. 16mo. *— Old Testament in ancient and modern Syriac in parallel col- umns. Ooroomiah. 4to. *Siryinian, or Zirian (Vologda, Russia), Gospel according to Matthew. Lond., 1864. Sm. 16mo. * 88 Tamil (The Carmatic and north part of Ceylon), New Testament. Madras, 1857. 12mo. * *— The Old Testament. Madras, 1860. 16mo. *— New Testament. (Ziegenbalg and Gründler.) Tranquebar, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. *— (C. T. E. Rhenius.) Jaffna, 1843. 8vo. 89 Telugu (S. E. India). New Testament. Madras, 1860. 8vo. *Tibetan, Gospel according to Luke. Berlin, n. d. 16mo. — Gospel according to John. Berlin, n. d. 16mo. 90 Tigre (Eastern Abyssinia), The Gospels. St. Chrishona, 1866. 16mo. 91 Turkish, Bible (in Arabic characters). Constantinople, 1878. 92 — Bible (in Armenian characters.) Constantinople, 1878. 8vo. 98 — (Osmanli.) 8vo. *— New Testament. (Ali Bey.) Paris, 1819. 8vo. 94 Vikanera. New Testament. Serampore, 1820. 8vo. *Wallachian, Bible. St. Petersburg, 1819. 8vo. 95 Welsh, Bible. Lond., 1872. 12mo. *Wogul, Gospel according to Matthew. Lond., 1868. sq. 16mo. *Wotiak (Wiakta and Orenburg, Russia), Gospel according to Mat- thew. (F. J. Wiedemann.) Lond., 1863. 16mo. *Zulu (South Africa), New Testament. (H. A. Wilder.) Natal, 1865. 8vo. *— Acts. (L. Grout and others.) Emsunduzi, 1859. 8vo. II. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. * Abbo, J. Twenty-two years' Missionary experience in Travancore. Lond., 1870. 16mo. 96 Abeel, D. (Missionary to South-eastern Asia, d. 1846). Journal of a residence in China and the neighboring countries from 1829 to 1833. N. Y., 1834. 12mo. 97 — The Missionary fortified against trials. Boston, 1835. 12mo. pp. 11. 98 — The Missionary convention at Jerusalem; or, an exhibition of the claims of the world to the Gospel. N. Y., 1838. 12mo. 99 — Memoir of, by G. R. Williamson. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. dº — 7 — 100 Adam, John (Missionary at Calcutta, d. 1831). Memoir by his chil- dren. Lond., 1833. 12mo. + Aitchison, William. Life, by C. P. Bush, entitled: Five years in China. Philadelphia, 1865. 16mo. 101 Aikman, J. L. Cyclopedia of Christian Missions. Lond., 1861. 12mo. 102 Alden, E. K. (Secretary A. B. C. F. M.). Missionary motives. 1890. 8vo. pp. 7. 103 Alder, R. (Secretary Wesleyan Missionary Society). Wesleyan Missions: their progress stated and their claims enforced. Lond., 1842. 8vo. 104 (Allahabad.) Report of the general Missionary conference at, 1872–73. Lond., 1873. 8vo. 105 American Board and its reviewers (from the Boston Review for - May, 1862). Boston, 1862. 8vo. pp. 26. 106 Ammann, J. J. (Basler Missionar, d. 1864). Ein Missionsleben unter den Zulus. m. d. 16mo. pp. 56. 107 Anderson, R. (Secretary of A. B. C. F. M., d. 1880). Report of a visit to the Levant. Boston, 1844, 8vo. pp. 54. 108 — Report of the deputation to the India Missions of the Ameri- can Board. Boston, 1856. 8vo. pp. 82. 109 — Letter to the Rev. Robert S. Candlish (in defence of the report). Boston, 1862. 8vo. pp. 16. 110 — The Hawaiian Islands: their progress and condition under Missionary labors. Boston, 1864. 12mo, 111 — Foreign Missions: their relations and claims. N. Y., 1869. 12mo. -- 112 — A heathen nation evangelized. History of the Sandwich Islands Mission. Boston, 1870. 12mo. 113–14 — History of the Missions of the A. B. C. F. M. to the Oriental Churches. Boston, 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. 115 — Commemorative discourse at the funeral of, by A. C. Thomp- son. Boston, 1880. 8vo. pp. 60. 116–19 Archief voor de geschiedenis der oude Hollandsche Zending. Utrecht, 1884–87. 4 deelen, 8vo. - 120 Arnold-Forster, Frances E. Heralds of the Cross, or the Fulfill- ing of the Command. 3 ed. Lond., 1885. 12mo. 121 Ashmun, J. (Colonial Agent in Liberia, d. 1828). Life, by R. R. Gurley. Washington, 1835. 8vo. 122 Assam Mission of the Am. Bapt. Missionary Union : Jubilee Con- ference held in Nowgong, 1886. Calcutta, 1887. 8vo. 123–24 Babajee (a Christian Brahmin, d. 1833). Memoirs, by H. Read. N. Y., 1836. 2 vols. - 12mo. - 125 Bacon, L. (Pastor First Church in New Haven, d. 1881). A plea for Africa. New Haven, 1825. 8vo. pp. 22. - 126 Badley, B. H. (of the Am. Meth. Mission at Gonda, India). Indian Missionary Directory and Memorial Volume. (Complete list of Missionaries in India.) Lucknow, 1876. 8vo. * In the Trowbridge Reference Library of Yale Divinity School. — 8 — 127 Baillie, J. Rivers in the Desert, or the great awakening in Bur- mah. Lond., 1852. 16mo. + Bainbridge, W. F. Around the world. N. Y., 1882. 8vo. 128–9 (Bangalore). Missionary Conference of South India and Ceylon. 1879. 2 vols. 8vo. 130 Barber, M. A. S. Oshiele; or Village Life in the Yoruba Coun- try. Lond., 1857. 16mo. 131 Barclay, J. (Third Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem). A Missionary Biography. Lond., 1883, 8vo. 132 Bartlett, S.C. (President of Dartmouth College). Historical Sketch of the Hawaiian Mission and the Missions to Micronesia and the Marquesian Islands. Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. 32. 133 — Sketches of the Missions of the American Board. Boston, 1872. 12mo. 134 Bärwinkel, Dr. (Pastor in Erfurt). Die neueste Antisklavereibe- wegung und die evangelische Mission in Ostafrica. Halle a. S. 1889. 8vo. pp. 20. 135 Basmajian, K. H. Social and religious life in the Orient. N. Y. 12mo, 1890. - 136 Bassett, J. (late Missionary of the Am. Presbyterian Board). Persia, the land of the Imans. N. Y., 1886. 12mo. 137 (Batticotta.) Meeting of the graduates of the Batticotta Seminary to welcome the deputation of the A. B. C. F. M. Rochester, 1855. 8vo. pp. 31. 138 Baynes, H. The Evolution of Religious Thought in India. Lond., m. ol. 16mo. - 139 Benjamin. Acht Jahre in Asien. 2 Aufl. 1858. 140 — Eight years in Asia and Africa. 2 ed. Hanover, 1865. 8vo. 141 — Mrs. M. G. The Ministering Sisters (Mrs. Everett and Mrs. Hamlin, at Constantinople). N. Y., 1860, 12mo. 142 Bentley, W. H. (of the Baptist Mission). Life on the Congo. Lond., m. d. 16mo. - 142a Beselow, T. E. From the darkness of Africa to the light of America. Boston, 1891. 12mo. 143 Beskow, G. E. Den Svenska Missionen i Ost-Afrika. Andra deelen. Stockholm, 1887. 12mo. 144 Bertram, J. M. (of St. Helena). St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope, or incidents in the Missionary life of, by E. F. Hatfield. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. 145 Besser, W. F. Der Missionar und sein Lohn oder die Früchte des Evangeliums in der Südsee: mit einem Anhange : “Die Franzo- sen und die Jesuiten.” Halle, 1846. 12mo. 146 Bingham, H. (Missionary of the American Board, d. 1869). Resi- dence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands. Hartford, 1847. 8vo. * 147 Blackett, H. F. (late of the Cambridge Mission to Delhi). Two years in an Indian Mission. Lond., 1884. 16mo. 148–9 Bliss, E. M. Cyclopedia of Missions. N. Y., 1891. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. — 9 — + Blyden, E. W. Christianity, Islam and the Negro race. Lond., 1888. 8vo. g 149a Bohner, H. (Missionar auf der Goldküste). Im Lande des Fetischs. Basel, 1890. 12mo. 150 Bonar, A. A. and McCheyne, R. M. Narrative of a mission of inquiry to the Jews. Philadelphia, 1843. 12mo. 150a — A. R. Incidents of Missionary experience. Lond., 1847. 16mo. 151 Bost, A. Histoire ancienne et moderne de l'église des frères de Bohème et de Moravie. Genève, 1831. 2 vol. in 1. 8vo. 152 Bowen, T. J. Adventures and Missionary labors in the interior of Africa. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. 153 Bradley, I. India, its condition, religion and Missions. Lond., 1884. Sm. 8vo. 154 Brainerd, David (Missionary to the Indians, d. 1747). Memoirs, by S. E. Dwight. New Haven, 1822. 8vo. 155 Brauer, J. H. Das Missionswesen der Evangelischen Kirche in seinem Bestande. Hamburg, 1847–51. I, II (in one vol.). 16mo. 156 — Johann Eliot und die Familie Mayhew. Altona, 1835. 16mo. pp. 96. - 157 Brauns, S. O. Beiträge zur Hanoverschen Missionsgeschichte. Hanover, 1869. 12mo. 158 Brett, W. H. (Missionary of the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel). Mission work among the Indian Tribes in the forests of Guiana. Lond., m. d. (1875?) 159 — Life, by F. P. L. Josa. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 160 Brewer, J. (Missionary to the Mediterranean, d. 1872). Residence at Constantinople in 1827. New Haven, 1830. 12mo. 161 — Patmos and the Seven Churches of Asia, from the earliest records to the year 1850. Bridgeport, 1851. 8vo. 162 Broadbent, S. (Wesleyan Missionary in South Africa). Narrative of the introduction of Christianity among the Baralong tribe of Bechuanas. Lond., 1865. 16mo. 163 Broomhall, B. (Secretary of the China Inland Mission). Evangeli- zation of the world. 3 ed. Lond., 1889. Sm. 4to. Brown, W. History of the propagation of Christianity among the heathen since the Reformation. Edinb., 1854. 3 vols. 8vo. 164–65 — George. History of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Lond., 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. 166 — J. C. First Fruits of a Mission to Siberia by the Revs. Messrs. Yuille, Stallybrass and Swan. Cape Town, 1847. 12mo. 167 Bryson, Mary I. (of the London Mission, Wuchang). Child Life in Chinese homes. Lond., 1885. Sm. 4to. 168 Buchanan, Claudius (Vice-Provost of the College of Fort William in Bengal, d. 1815). Discourses, and Christian Researches in Asia. Boston, 1811. 8vo. 169 — Memoirs, by H. Pearson. Boston, 1818, 12mo. 170–73 Burkhardt, G. C. Kleine Missions-Bibliothek (America, Africa, Asia, Oceanica). 2 Aufl. ed. R. Grundemann. Bielefeld u. Leipzig, 1876–80. 4 Bde. 8vo. — 10 — 174 Burns, Wm. C. (Missionary to China, d. 1867). Memoir, by I. Burns. Lond., 1885. 16mo. * 175 Buss, E. (Pfarrer in Aargau). Die Christliche Mission, ihre prin- cipielle Berechtigung u. practische Durchführung. Leiden, 1876. 8VO. 176 Butler, A. R. Glimpses of Maori-Land, N. Y. 12mo. m. d. [1886]. 177 — Wm. (Am. Meth. Missionary to India). The Land of the Veda: personal reminiscences of India. N. Y., 1871. Royal 8vo. 178 — From Boston to Bareilly and back. N. Y., 1880. 12mo. 179 Calvert, Jas. Fiji and the Fijians. Lond., 1877. 12mo. 180 Campbell, J. (Representative of the London Missionary Society in South Africa). Life, Times and Missionary Enterprises of, by R. Philip. Lond., 1841. 8vo. 181 — John. Maritime Discovery and Christian Missions in their mutual relations. Lond., 1840. 8vo. 182 — Wm. (Missionary to India). British India, in its relation to the decline of Hindooism and the progress of Christianity, Lond., 1839. 8vo. 183–4 — — Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, published in London in 1650, and recent Missionary work in Formosa. Lond., 1889. 2 vols. 12mo. + Carey, William (first Baptist Missionary to India, d. 1834). Life, by George Smith. Lond., 1887. 8vo. 184a — The story of Carey, Marshman and Ward, the Serampore Mis- sionaries. Lond., 1864. 12mo. 185 Carlyle, J. E. (Presbyterian Minister and Chaplain, Natal). South Africa and its Mission fields. Lond., 1878. 12mo. 186 Carrothers, Mrs. J. D. Kesa and Saijiro, or Lights and Shades of life in Japan. N. Y., 1888. 8vo. 187 Carpenter, C. H. Self-support, illustrated in the History of the Bassein Karen Mission. Boston, 1833. 12mo. 188 Casalis, Eugene (Director of Missions, Paris, d. 1891). My Life in Basuto Land. Lond., 1889. 16mo. 189 (Caste.) Die Stellung der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission in Leipzig zur Ostindischen Kastenfrage. Leipzig, 1861. 8vo, pp. 96. 190 (–) Blicke in die Geschichte und Zustände der Mission mit und ohne Kaste. Dresden, 1870. 12mo, pp. 48. 191 (Ceylon.) Sketch of the American Ceylon Mission. Jaffna, 1849. 12mo, pp. 56. 192 Chalmers, J. and Gill, W. W. Work and Adventure in New Guinea. Lond., 1885. 12mo. 193 Pioneering in New Guinea. 2d ed. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 194 Chapin, W. (Pastor of the Church in Woodstock, Vt., d. 1827). Missionary Gazetteer, with an alphabetical list of Missionaries. Woodstock, 1825. 16mo. 195–6 Charlevoux, De. Histoire du Christianisme dans l'empire du Japon. Louvain, 1828–29. 2 vols. 8vo. tº e •e © © — 11 — 197 Cheever, H. T. The Island World of the Pacific. Glasgow, m. d. 12mo. 198 Children (the) of India, written for the Children of England. Lond., m. d. Sm. 4to. 199–200 Chowles, J. O. and Smith, T. Origin and History of Missions. Boston, 1837. 2 vols. 4to. 201 Christianity the means of Civilization : shown in the evidence before a committee of the House of Commons. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 201a Christlieb, T. (Professor in Bonn, d. 1889). Protestant Foreign Missions: their present state. Boston, 1880. 16mo. 202 — Arztliche Missionen. Gütersloh, 1889. 12mo, 203 — Der Missionsberuf des evangelischen Deutschlands nach Idee und Geschichte. Gütersloh, 1876. 8vo, pp. 80. 204 Church Missionary Society. Jubilee volume for Africa and the East. Tond., 1849. 8vo. 205 Clark, E. W. Life and Adventure in Japan. N. Y., 1878. 12mo. 206 — From Kong-Kong to the Himmalayas. N. Y., 1880. 12mo. 207 — R. (Trinity College, Cambridge). The Punjab and Sindh Missions of the Church Missionary Society from 1852 to 1884. 2 ed. Lond., 1885. 8vo. 208 — N. G. (Secretary of the A. B. C. F. M.). The Historical Posi- tion of Modern Missions. 1880. 8vo, pp. 18. 209 — Higher Christian Education as related to Foreign Missionary work. 1890. 8vo, pp. 7. 210 Clarkson, Thos. Cries of Africa : or a Survey of that bloody Commerce called the Slave-trade. Lond., n. d. 12mo, pp. 50. 211 — Wm. (late Missionary to India). Christ and Missions; or the facts and principles of Evangelism. Lond., 1858. 12mo. 212 — Missionary encouragements in India. 9 ed. Lond., 1850. 16mo. 213 Coke, John (English Methodist Minister, d. 1814). Life, including his various travels and extraordinary Missionary exertions in England, Ireland, America and the West Indies, by S. Drew. Lond., 1817. 8vo. 214 Colenso, J. W. (Bishop of Natal, d. 1883). Ten weeks in Natal. Cambridge, 1855. 16mo. 215 Comber, T. J. (Missionary Pioneer to the Congo, d. 1887). Life, by J. B. Myers. 2 ed. N. Y., n. d. [1888]. 216 Cornelius, Elias (Secretary of the A. B. C. F. M., d. 1832). Me- moir, by B. B. Edwards. 2 ed. Boston, 1834. 12mo. 217–18 Cox, F. A. History of the Baptist Missionary Society, 1792– 1842. Lond., 1842. 2 vols. 12mo. 218a Craandijk, J. Het Nederlandsch Zendelinggenootschap in zijn willen en werken. 2 druk. Rotterdam, 1869. 12mo. 219 Cranz, David (Missionary in Greenland, d. 1777). Historie von Grönland, insbesonders die Geschichte der dortigen Mission der Evangelischen Brüder zu Neu-Herrnhut. Barby, 1765. 12mo. 220 — Alte und Neue Brüder-Historie. Barby, 1771. 12mo. — 12 — 221–22 — History of Greenland, translated from the High Dutch. 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 + Tond., 1767. 2 vols. 8vo. Crowe, F. (Messenger of the Church at Balize). The Gospel in Cen- tral America, Honduras and Guatemala. Lond., 1850. 12mo. Crowther, Samuel (the Slave Boy who became Bishop of South Africa, d. 1891). Life, by J. Page. N. Y. 12mo. m. d. [1888]. — The Gospel on the banks of the Niger. Lond., 1850. 12mo. Davis, R. (Missionary in New Zealand, d. 1863). Memoir, by J. N. Coleman. Lond., 1865. 8vo. Dean, Wm. (Missionary to China). The China Mission : a History of the Missions of all denominations among the Chinese, with biographical sketches of deceased Missionaries. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. (Demerara.) Proceedings against the late Rev. J. Smith (d. 1824) condemned to death on a charge of aiding in a rebellion of the negro slaves. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Dennis, J. S. (Professor in the Beirut Theol. Seminary). Islam and Christian Missions. N. Y., 1889. 8vo, pp. 21. Despard, G. P. Hope deferred, not lost, in connection with the Patagonian Missionary Society. 2 ed. Lond., 1854. 12mo. Dortous de Mairan. Lettres au R. P. Parrenin, Jesuite, Mission- aire à Pekin. Paris, 1770. 8vo. Doshisha College. Calendar for the year 1890–91. Kyoto, Japan. 12mo, pp. 32. Douglas, J. Hints on Missions. Boston, 1823. 24mo. Drummond, H. Tropical Africa. Lond., 1888. 12mo. 284-5 Duff, Alexander (Church of Scotland Missionary in India, d. 1878). 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 Life, by Geo. Smith. N. Y., 1879. 2 vols. 8vo. —- Missions the chief end of the Christian Church ; also the qualifications, etc., of an Indian Missionary. 2 ed. Edinb., 1829. 16mo. — India and India Missions, including sketches of the gigantic system of Hinduism, both in theory and practice. Edinb., 1839, 8vo. Dukes, E. J. Along river and road in Fuh-Kien, China. N. Y. 12mo. [1885.] Dwight, H. G. O. (Missionary to the Armenians, d. 1863). Chris- tianity revived in the East. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. — Christianity in Turkey : a Narrative of the Protestant Refor- mation in the Armenian Church. Lond., 1854. 12mo. Earnest Plea of laymen of the New School Presbyterian and Con- gregational Churches of New York and Brooklyn for continued fraternal union and coöperation in Home and Foreign Missions. N. Y., 1856, 8vo, pp. 14. Edwards, B. B. (Professor in Andover Theol. Seminary, d. 1853). Missionary Gazetteer. Boston, 1832. 12mo. — John (Fifty Years a Wesleyan Missionary in South Africa). Reminiscences of early life and Missionary labors. 2 ed. Lond., 1886. 12mo. — 13 — 244 East, D. J. Western Africa : its condition, and Christianity the means of its recovery. Lond., 1844. 12mo. 245 Eells, M. (Missionary of the American Missionary Association). History of the Indian Missions on the Pacific Coast. Philadel- phia, 1882. 12mo. 246 — Ten Years of Missionary work among the Indians at Skoko- mish, Washington Territory, 1874-84. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 247 Eppler, C. F. Thränensaat und Freudenårnte auf Madagascar, Gütersloh, 1874. 12mo. 248 Egede, Hans (Missionary in Greenland 25 years, d. 1758). Descrip- tion of Greenland. 2 ed. Lond., 1818. 8vo. 249–50 Ekman, E. J. Illustrerad Missionshistoria efter nyaste kallor. Stockholm, 1890–91. 2 deelen. 8vo. 251 Ellis, Wm. (Missionary and Foreign Secretary of the London Mis- sionary Society, d. 1873). Tour through Hawaii. Lond., 1826. 12mo. 252 — Vindication of the South Sea Missions from the misrepresen- tations of Otto von Kotzebue. Lond., 1831. 8vo. 258–6 — Polynesian Researches: nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. 2 ed. Lond., 1831. 4 vols. 16mo. 257–8 — History of Madagascar. Lond., 1888. 2 vols. 8vo. 259 — Three Visits to Madagascar, 1853–56. Lond., 1859. 8vo. 260 — Madagascar Revisited. Lond., 1867. 8vo. 261 — The Martyr Church of Madagascar. Lond., 1870. 12mo. + — Life, by J. E. Ellis. Lond., 1873. 8vo. 262 — Mary M. Memoir, by W. Ellis. Lond., 1835. 2 ed. 16mo. 263 — Harriett W. Denmark and her Missions. Lond., 1863. 12mo. 264 — Wm. Jackson (Medical Missionary in Cashmere, d. 1873). Memoir, by W. B. Thompson. 4 ed. Lond., 1891. 16mo. 265 Eutujian (Pastor of the Evangelical Armenian Church). The American Missionaries and the Armenian Protestant Commu- nity. Constantinople, 1869. 12mo, pp. 35. 266 Evarts, Jeremiah (Secretary A. B. C. F. M., d. 1831). Memoir, by E. C. Tracy. Boston, 1845, 8vo. 267 Exposé de l'etat actuel des Missions Évangéliques. Genève, 1821. 8vo. 268–79 Extract-Acten van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, 1882—1889. (Imperfect, 12 parts.) Amst. 8vo. 280 Fabricius, Johann Philipp (Missionary in S. India, d. 1760). Funf- zig.jahrige Wirksamkeit im Tamulenlande, von W. Germann. Erlangen, 1865. 8vo. 281 Farmer, Sarah S. Tonga and the Friendly Islands. Lond., 1855. 12mo. 282 Fisher, S. W. (Pastor in West Bloomfield, N. J.; Pres. of Hamilton College, d. 1874). Obstacles and encouragements to Missionary effort. Boston, 1842. 8vo, pp. 43. 283 Flad, I. M. (Missionary among the Jews of Abyssinia). Zwölf Jahre in Abessinien. Leipzig, 1862. 2 vols. 12mo, pp. 91 and 78. 2 — 14 — 284 Fiedner, F. (Pastor in Madrid). Römische Missionspraxis' auf den Karolinen. Halle a. S., 1889. 8vo, p. 21. 285 Foster, A. (London Missionary Society, Hankow). Christian Prog- ress in China. Dond., 1889. 8vo. 286 Fox, Henry W. (Missionary to the Telugu people, South India, d. 1848). Memoir, by G. T. Fox. 4 ed. Lond., 1853. 16mo. 287 Freeman, J. J. and Johns, D. (Missionaries in Madagascar). Nar- rative of the persecution of the Christians in Madagascar. Lond., 1840. 12mo. 288 — Tour in South Africa. Lond., 1851. 12mo. 289 — Thomas B. Journal of two visits to the Kingdom of Ashanti. 2 ed. Lond., 1843. 12mo. 290 Gammell, W. (Professor in Brown University). History of Ameri- can Baptist Missions. Boston, 1849. 8vo. 291 Gardner, Jas. Memoirs of Christian Missionaries. Edinb., 1848. 16mo. 292 Gaussen, T. S. R. L. (Professor in Geneva, d. 1863). The Jews: & their past, present and future. 2 ed. Lond., 1881. 12mo, pp. 56. * Geikie, A. C. (Presbyterian Minister in Australia). Christian Mis- sions to wrong places, among wrong races and in wrong hands. Lond., 1871. 16mo. 293 Genzken, E. Nachrichten aus und über Ostindien, nach Mit- theilungen des Missionar Ochs. Dresden, 1857. 12mo, pp. 240. 294 Gill, W. (late Missionary to the Hervey Islands). Life in the Southern Isles; or scenes and incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea. Lond., 1876. 12mo. 294a — Jottings from the Pacific. Lond. and N. Y. 12mo. [1885]. 295–6 Gillies, J. (Minister in Glasgow, d. 1796). Historical collections relating to remarkable periods of the success of the Gospel. Glasgow, 1754, 2 vols. 8vo. 297 Gilmour, J. (London Mission, Peking, d. 1891). Among the Mon- gols. N. Y. 12mo. m. d. [1883]. 298 Gobat, S. (Bishop of Jerusalem, d. 1879). Journal of a Three Years' Residence in Abyssinia in furtherance of the objects of the Church Missionary Society. Lond., 1834. 12mo. 299 Gogerly, Geo. (late Missionary in Calcutta). The Pioneers. A narrative of facts connected with early Missions in Bengal. Lond... n., d. 12mo. 300 Gollner, C. A. (Missionary in West Africa, d. 1886). Life and Mis- sionary Labors, by his Son. Lond., 1889. 12mo. + Goodell, William (Missionary in Constantinople, d. 1867). Forty Years in the Turkish Empire, by E. D. G. Prime. N. Y., 1886. 12mo. 301 Gracey, J. T. (Seven Years Missionary in India). China (Outline Missionary series). 5 ed. Buffalo, 1888. 12mo, pp. 59. 302 — The Missionary Year-Book for 1889–90. N. Y., 1890. 12mo. 303 Grant, A. (Missionary to the Nestorians, d. 1844). The Nestorians; or the Lost Tribes. N. Y., 1841, 12mo. — 15 — 304 Graul, K. Stellung und Bedeutung der Christlichen Mission im Ganzen der Universitätswissenschaftem. Erlangen, 1864. pp. 16. 305 Groen van Prinsteren, G. Het Nederlandsche Zending genoot- schap. 's Gravenhage, 1848. 8vo. 306 Groot, D. A. Het Christendom in China. 8vo. 307 — Het Christendom op de Zuidzee-eilanden. Groningen, 1841. 8vo, pp. 40. 308 Grove-Rasmussen, A. G. L. Missions-Foredrag. Kjøbenh., 1888. 8vo. + Grout, L. (Fifteen Years Missionary of the American Board to S. Africa). Zulu-land; or Life among the Zulu-kafirs, 1864. 12mo. 310 Grundemann, R. Die Entwickelung der evangelischen Mission im letzten Jahrzehnt (1878–1888); Ergänzungsband zur zweiten Auflage der kleinen Missionsbibliothek. Leipzig, 1890. 8vo. 311 — Missions-Schulwandkarte, mit Erläuterungen. 3 Auf. Calw, 1887. 4to. 312 Guinness, Miss G. (Missionary in China). In the Far East. Lond. and N. Y., 1889. Sm. 4to. 313 — Mrs. H. G. (Hon. Sec. East London Institute for Home and Foreign Missions). The New World of Central Africa, with a history of the first Christian Mission on the Congo. N. Y., 1890. 12mo. 314 Gundert, H. Die Evangelische Mission, ihre Länder, Völker und Arbeiten. 2 Aufl. Calw, 1886. 12mo. 315–16 Gutzlaff, Karl F. A. (“the Apostle of China,” d. 1851). China opened. Lond., 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. 317 Haines, C. R. Islam as a Missionary religion. Lond., 1889. 16mo. 318 Håkansson, C. R. Kristendomen i civilisationens tienst vid Rongo. Upsala, 1888. 8vo, pp. 64. 319–39 Halcombe, J. J. and others. Mission Life. Lond., 1867–1878. 20 vols. 8vo. 340 — The Emigrant and the Heathen ; or sketches of Missionary Life. Lond., n. O. 12mo. 341 Hall, G. (d. 1826) and Newell, S. (d. 1821) (American Missionaries in Bombay). The Conversion of the world; or the Claims of six hundred millions. Andover, 1818. 12mo, pp. 84. 342 Hamilton, J. T. Beginners of the Moravian Misssion in Alaska. Bethlehem, Pa., 1890. 12mo, pp. 23. 343 — R. W. (Minister in Leeds, Eng.). Missions: their authority, scope and encouragement. Lond., 1842, 8vo. — 2 ed. Leeds, 1846. 8vo. 344 Hamlin, C. (late Missionary in Constantinople). Among the Turks. N. Y., 1878. 12mo. 345 Hammond, Hans (Minister in Rechestad, Norway). Den Nordiske Missions-Historietil Lappers og Finners Omvendelse. Kjøbenh., 1787. Sm. 8vo. 2: Handbook of Foreign Missions. Lond., 1888. 16mo. 346 Handmann, R. Der Kampf der Geister in Indien. Heilbronn, 1889. 8vo, pp. 74. — 16 — 347 — Umschau auf dem Gebiete der ev. luther. Mission. Leipzig, 1888. pp. 63, 8vo. 347a Hannington, James (First Bishop of Equatorial Africa, d. 1885). History of his Life and Work, by E. C. Dawson. Lond., 1887. 8vo. 348 Harthoorn, S. E. (late Dutch Missionary). De Evangelische Zend- ing en Ost-Java. Haarlem, 1863. 12mo. 349 — Oude grieven en nieuwe bewijzen ten aanzien van de Evan- gelische Zending. Haarlem, 1864. 12mo. 350 Hasselt, Jos. (Associate of King's College, London). From Pole to Pole : History of Christian Missions in all countries of the world. Lond., 1872. 12mo, 351 Hayden, H. C. American Heroes on Mission Fields (Mrs. Clara G. Schauffler, H. S. West, D. T. Stoddard, A. Grant, Wm. Goodell, T. Coan, H. G. O. Dwight, S. Wells Williams, E. C. Bridgman, Mrs. J. A. Rappleye, A. Judson, W. G. Schauffler, J. Eliot). N. Y., 1890. 12mo, 352 Henry, B. C. (Ten years a Missionary in Cantom). The Cross and the Dragon ; or Light in the Broad East. Lond., 1885. 12mo, 353 Herbert, Mary E. Abyssinia and its Apostle. Lond., 1867. 12mo. 354 (Hermannsburger Mission.) Denkschrift über die von 1887–1889 abgehaltene General-Visitation in Süd Afrika. Hermannsburg, 1890. 8vo. 355 Hesse, J. Die Mission auf der Kanzel. Calw, 1889. 12mo. 356 Hinderer, Anna. Seventeen Years in the Yoruba Country. Me- morials of her, by R. B. Hone. Lond., 1872. 12mo. 357. Hislok, Stephen (Pioneer Missionary in Central India, d. 1863). Life, by Geo. Smith. 2 ed. Lond., 1889. 12mo. 358 History of American Missions to the heathen. Worcester, 1840. 8VO. 359 Hoffmann, W. (Court Preacher in Berlin). Abeokuta. Berlin, 1850. 12mo. 360 — Eilf Jahre in der Mission. Stuttgard, 1853. 12mo. 361 Hofmann, C. Colden (Missionary to Cape Palmas, d. 1865). Me- moir, by Geo. T. Fox. Lond., 1868. 12mo. + Hough, Jas. History of Christianity in India. Lond., 1849. 3 vols. 8vo. 362 — J. Reply to the Abbé Dubois on the state of Christianity in India. Lond,, 1824. 8vo. 363 Howland, W. W. Historical Sketch of the Ceylon Mission. Bos- ton, 1865. 8vo, pp. 26. 363a House, E. The Missionary in many lands. N. Y., 1860. 16mo. 364 Hübner, John. Lebensbilder bekehrter Heiden. Leipzig, 1880. 12mo. 365–7 Huc, 1'abbé (formerly Missionary Apostolic in China). Chris- tianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. Lond., 1858. 3 vols. 8vo. 368 Humphrey, Mrs. E. J. Six years in India. N. Y., 1881. 16mo. 369 — S. J. (District Sec. A. B. C. F. M.). Four memorable years at Hilo. Chicago, 1883. 24mo, pp. 24. — 17 — 370 Hunt, John. A Missionary among Cannibals (in Fiji), by G. S. Rowe. N. Y. 12mo. [1837.] 371 Hunter, R. (formerly Missionary at Nagpore). History of the Mis- sions of the Free Church of Scotland in India and Africa. Lond., 1873. 12mo. 372 Hutton, Jas. Missionary Life in the Southern Seas. Lond., 1874. 12mo. 373 India Missions of the Free Church of Scotland, being Report of * the delegates to India in 1888–9. Edinb. 8vo. 374 (Indian Tribes.) Some account of the conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian tribes in E. and W. Jersey, Lond., 1844. 8vo. 375 Ireland, Wm. (Missionary at Natal, d. 1888). Sketch of the Zulu Mission in South Africa. Boston. 8vo, p. 32. [1865.] ** 376–7 Isenberg, C. W. (Missionary of the Church Missionary Society). Abessinien und die Evangelische Mission. Bonn, 1844. 2 vols. 16mo. 378 Jackson, S. Alaska and Missions on the North Pacific Coast. N. Y., 1880. 12mo. 379 — S. M. Bibliography of Foreign Missions. N. Y., 1891. Royal 8vo. 380 Jameson, William (Missionary in Jamaica and Old Calabar, d. 1847). Memoir (under the title, The Gospel to the Africans), by A. Robb. 2 ed. Edinb., 1861. 12mo. * 381 (Japan.) Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan, with By- Laws and Appendix. Tokyo, 1888. 24mo, pp. 78. 382 Japp, A. H. Master-Missionaries (Oglethorpe, Zeisberger, Hebich, Elmslie, Walker, Moffat, Stewart, Black, Patteson, Fee). N. Y., 1881. 12mo. 283 Jeffreys, Keturah. The widowed Missionary’s Journal, containing Solne account of Madagascar and the Missionary career of the Rev. J. Jeffreys (d. 1825). Southampton, 1827. 12mo. 384 Jörgensen, S. E. Vidnesbyrd fra det Norske Missionsselskabs Missionsgjerning. Kristiania, 1887. 12mo. 385 — Folk og Kirke paa Madagaskar. Kristiania, 1887. 8vo. + Johnston, J. Century of Christian Progress. Lond., 1888. 12mo. 387 Judson, Adoniram (Missionary in Burmah, d. 1850). Life, by J. Clement. Philadelphia. 12mo. m. d. 388 — —— Life, by his son, Edward Judson. Lond., 1833, 8vo. 389–90 — — — By Francis Wayland. Boston, 1854. 2 vols. 12mo. 891 — Ann H. A particular relation of the American Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire. Washington, 1823. 16mo. 3& Kaye, J. W. Christianity in India, an Historical Narrative. Lond., 1889. 8vo. º 392 Kennedy, J. (late Missionary of the London Missionary Society) Life and Work in Benares and Kumaon. N. Y., 1885. 12mo. 393 King, Jonas (Missionary to Greece, d. 1869). Letters to the Ladies' Greek Committee of the City of New York. N. Y., 1829. 12mo, pp. 16. e — 18 — 394 395 396 397 398 399 © 400 Kingsmill, J. (Chaplain of Pentonville Prison). Missions and Mis- sionaries, Apostolic, Jesuit and Protestant. 2 ed. Iond., 1854. 8vo. Kist, N. C. Blik op de lotgevallen van het Christendom in China. 8vo, pp. 110. Knight, W. Scenes and Incidents of Missionary Labor. 1859. Royal 8vo. Knothe, W. Erste geographische Darstellung der Colonieen des Deutschen Reiches. 12mo, pp. 88. Ko Thah-Byu (the Karen Apostle, the first Karen Convert, d. 1840). Memoir, by F. Mason. Boston, 1843. 16mo. Krapf, J. L. (Missionary to Africa and Sec. of the St. Chrishona Institute at Basle, d. 1881). Travels, Researches and Missionary labors during an 18 years' residence in Eastern Africa. Boston, 1860. 12mo, Kratzenstein, E. (Missions inspektor), Geschichte der Berliner Mission in Südafrica. 3 Aufl. Berlin, 1887. 8vo. 401–2 Landgren, L. Öfwersigt af de Protestaniska Missionens up- 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 komst och nārwarande tillständ. Hudikswall, 1871–2. 2 vols. 8vo. Landmark, N. Det Norske Missionsselskab, dets Oprindelsel og historiske Udvikling. Kristiania, 1889, 8vo. Latrobe, C. J. (Bishop in the Moravian Church). Journal of a visit to South Africa. 2 ed. Lond., 1831. Låstadius, P. Journal såsom Missionär in Lappmark. Stock- holm, 1861. 12mo. Launay, A. (de la Société des Missions-Etrangères). Nos Mission- aires. Paris, 1886. 12mo. Laurie, T. (late Missionary in Persia). Historical Sketch of the Assyrian Mission. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 32. — Woman and her Savior in Persia. Boston, 1863. 12mo. — The Ely volume : or Contributions of Foreign Missions to science and human well-being. 2 ed. Boston, 1887. 12mo. Ledderhose, K. F. Die Mission unter den freien Buschnegern in Surinam. Heidelberg, 1847. 16mo, pp. 90. Leigh, Samuel (Missionary to Australia and New Zealand, d. 1853). Life, by A. Strachan. Lond., 1863. 12mo. Leitch, Mary and Margaret (Missionaries of the American Board). Seven years in Ceylon. N. Y., 1890. Sm. 4to. Leslie, Mary E. Eastern Blossoms: Sketches of native Christian life in India. Lond., 1875. 16mo. — The Dawn of Light; a Story of the Zenana Mission. 2 ed. Lond., m. d. 16mo. Letters from the Missionaries at Constantinople in reply to charges by Rev. Horatio Southgate. Boston, 1844. 8vo. pp. 41. Letters on the Constitution of the American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions. By one of the Secretaries of the Board. Boston, 1836. 12mo, pp. 24. *. — 19 — + Liggens, J. The great value and success of Foreign Missions. N. Y., 1888. 16mo. * 417 (Liverpool.) Conference on Missions. Lond., 1860. 8vo. 418 Livingstone David (African Missionary and eacplorer, d 1873). Missionary Travels in South Africa, including a sketch of six- teen years’ residence in the interior of Africa. Lond., 1857. 8vo. 419–20 — The last journals of, in Central Africa; ed. by H. Waller. 10th thousand. Lond., 1880. 2 vols. 8vo. 421 — Personal Life; chiefly from his unpublished journals, by W. G. Blaikie. 5 ed. Lond., 1888. 8vo. 422 — His Labors and his legacy, by A. Montefore. N. Y. 16mo. [1889.] 423 — The Weaver boy who became a Missionary, by H. G. Adams. 22 ed. Lond., 1890. 12mo. 424 Livingstonia Mission of the Free Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1891. 8vo, pp. 36. 425 Lobdell, Henry (Missionary at Mosul, d. 1855). Memoir, by W. S. Tyler. Boston, 1859. 12mo. 426 Lockhart, Wm. (of the London Missionary Society). The Medical Missionary in China. Lond., 1861. 8vo. 427–8 (London.) Report of the Centenary Conference on the Protestant Missions of the World. Lond., 1888. 2 vols. 8vo. ,’ 429 — Missionary Society; Plan and Constitution and By-Laws for the guidance of the Directors. Lond., 1873. 12mo. 430 — — Missionary Principles and Plans as illustrated in letters to the Missionaries of the (London) Society. Lond., 1869. 12mo. 431 Long, Jas. Hand-book of Bengal Missions in connection with the .* Church of England. Lond., 1848. 12mo. 432–3 Lord, E. A Compendious history of the principal Protestant Missions to the heathen. Boston, 1813. 2 vols. 12mo. 434 Loskiel, G. H. (Bishop in the Moravian Church, d. 1814). Ge- schichte der Mission der evangelischen Brüder unter den In- dianern in Nordamerika. Barby, 1789. 12mo. + Lowe, J. F. (Sec. Edinburgh Medical Missvonary Society). Medical Missions, their place and power. 2 ed. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 435 Lowrie, J. C. Missionary papers. N. Y., 1882. 12mo. 436 — Walter M. (Missionary in China, d. 1847). Memoir, by his father. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. 487 Macbriar, R. M. Sketches of a Missionary's travels in Egypt, Syria, Western Africa, etc. Lond., 1839. 12mo. 438–9 Macdonald, D. (late of the Church of England Mission, East Cen- tral Africa). Africana, or the Heart of heathen Africa. Lond., 1882. 2 vols. 8vo. 440 M’Farlane, S. (Missionary of the London Missionary Society). The Story of the Lifu Mission. Lond., 1873. 12mo. 441 Mackenzie, C. F. (Bishop of the Mission to the tribes near Lake Nyassa, d. 1863). Memoir, by H. Goodwin. 2 ed. Cambridge, 1865. 12mo. — 20 — 442 443 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 — John (Tutor of the Moffat Institution, Kuruman). Day-dawn in Dark Places: a Story of wanderings and work in Bechwana- land. Lond., 1883. — John Kenneth (Medical Missionary to China, d. 1888.) By Mrs. Bryson. 2 ed. Lond., 1891. — Mrs. C. Life in the Mission, the Camp and the Zenana; or six years in India. N. Y., 1853. 2 vols. 12mo. g Madden, R. R. The Turkish Empire in its relations with Christi- anity and Civilization. Lond., 1862, 8vo. (Marattas.) Historical Sketch of the Mission to the Marattas of Western India. N. Y., 1862, 8vo, pp. 32. — Memorial Papers of the American Marathi Mission, 1813– 1881. Bombay, 1882. pp. 147. Malan, C. H. South African Missions, Lond., 1876. 16mo. Malcom, H. (President of the Univer. at Lewisburg, d. 1879). Trav- els in South-eastern Asia, Hindustan, Malaya, Siam and China, and a full account of the Bombay Empire. 10 ed. Philadelphia, 1839. March, D. (Pastor Congregational Church in Woburn, Mass.). Morning Light in many lands. Boston, 1891. 8vo. Marks, Henry J. A. Jew ; now a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. written by himself. 3 ed. Lond., 1842. 16mo. Martyn, Henry (Chaplaim to the East India Company, d. 18.1%). Memoir, by J. Sargent. Boston, 1828. 8vo. — Memoir, by C. D. Bell. Lond., 1882. 16mo. 454–5 — Journals and Letters. Lond., 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 465 466 — Controversional Tracts on Christianity and Mahommedanism. Translated by Professor Lee. 8vo. m. d. Mason, G. H. Zululand, a Mission Tour in South Africa. Lond., 1862. 12mo, Mateer, S. (of the Londom Missionary Society). The Land of Charity : an account of Travancore and its devil-worship, N. Y., 1870. 12mo. — The Gospel in South India ; or, The religious life, experience and character of the Hindu Christians. Lond., n. d. 12mo. Means, J. O. The proposed Mission in Central Africa. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo, pp. 21. Medhurst, W. H. (of the London Missionary Society, d. 1857). China : its state and prospects. Lond., 1838. 8vo. Memoirs of American Missionaries formerly connected with the Society of Inquiry in the Andover Theological Seminary. Bos- ton, 1833. 12mo. Memorial Volume of the first fifty years of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, 1862. 8vo. Merriman (Archdeacon). Passages of Missionary Life : the Kafir, the Hottentot and the frontier farmer. Lond., 1853. 16mo. (Metlahkatlah.) The Gospel in the Far West. Ten years' work among the Tsimsheean Indians. Lond., 1869. 12mo. — 21 — 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 476a 477 478 479 480 481 481a. 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 Michelis, E. (Rom. Cath. Seminary in Luacemburg). Die Völker der Südsee und die Geschichte der Protestantischen and Katho- lischen Missionen unter denselben. Münster, 1847. 8vo. (Mildmay Park.) General Conference on Foreign Missions at, in 1878. Lond., 1879. 8vo. º Milne, John (Missionary in India, d. 1868) Life, by H. Bonar. 5 ed. N. Y., 1870. 12mo. Minasian, S. M. Appeal against the policy of the American Mis- sionaries among the Armenian Christians. 1867. 8vo, pp. 61. Missionary Guide-book; or a key to the Protestant Missionary Map of the World. Lond., 1846. 8vo. — Jubilee: an account of the 50th Anniversary of the American Baptist Missionary Union at Philadelphia, May, 1864. N. Y., 1865, 8vo. — Schools of the A. B. C. F. M. 1861. 8vo, pp. 20. — — By R. Anderson. 1838. 8vo, pp. 26. — Sisters (Mrs. Everett and Mrs. Hamlin, Constantinople). Memorial, by Mrs. M. G. Benjamin. Boston, 1860. 12mo, Missionary Year-book for 1889. Lond. 12mo. Mitchell, J. M. Foreign Missions of the Protestant Churches: their state and prospects. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. —— Hinduism, Past and Present, with an account of recent Hindu reformers. Lond,, 1885. 12mo. — Once Hindu, now Christian : the early life of Baba Padmanji. An Autobiography. Lond., 1890. 16mo. — Mrs. Murray. In Southern India: a visit to some of the chief Mission Stations in the Madras Presidency. Lond., 1885. 12mo. Mögling, H. (Missionary in India, 1836–60, d. 1881, und Weit- brecht, Th.). Das Kurgland und die evangelische Mission in Kurg. Basel, 1866. 8vo. — Ein Missionsleben in der Mitte des Jahrhunderts, von H. Gundert. Calw, 1882. 12mo. Moffat, Robert (Missionary in South Africa, d. 1883). Missionary Labors and Scenes in Southern Africa. Lond., 1842. 8vo. — Life and Labors, by Wm. Walters. Lond., 1855. 12mo. — African Missionary, by J. Marrat. Lond., m. d. 16mo. — Robert and Mary. Lives, by J. S. Moffat. Lond., 1886. 8vo. Moister, W. Memorials of Missionary labors in Western Africa, the West Indies and at the Cape of Good Hope. 3 ed. Lond., 1866. 12mo, º — History of Wesleyan Missions in all parts of the world. 3 ed. Lond., 1871. 12mo. (Moravians.) Uebersicht der Missions-Geschichte der Evangel- ischen Brüderkirche in ihrem ersten Jahrhundert. Gnadau, 1838. 12mo. Morrison, J. The fathers and founders of the London Missionary Society. Lond., 1844, 8vo. Mullens, J. London and Calcutta compared in their heathenism, etc. Lond., 1868. 16mo. * — 22 — 489 Muir, W. Mahomet and Islam. Lond., 1887. 16mo. :: Müller, F. M. and Stanley, A. P. On Missions: a lecture with an introductory Sermon. N. Y., 1874. 12mo. 490 Muratori, L. A. (Librarian at Modena, d. 1750). Relation des Missions du Paraguai. Paris, 1757. 16mo. 491 Murdock, J. (Indian Agent of the Christian Vernacular Education Society for India). Indian Missionary Manual: Hints to Young Missionaries, with lists of books. Madras, 1864. 12mo. 492 — Ib. Lond., 1889. 12mo. 493 — Higher Missionary education in India. Lond., 1889. 12mo, pp. 47. :k Murray, A. M. (of the London Missionary Society). Forty years' Mission work in Polynesia and New Guinea, 1835–75. Lond., 1875. 12mo. 494 — The Martyrs of Polynesia. Lond., 1885. 12mo. 495 (Nagpur.) Glimpses of the Missions of the Free Church of Scot- land at Nagpur and East Berar. Poona, 1881. 12mo, pp. 24. + Newcomb, H. Cyclopedia of Missions. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. + 496 Neesima, Joseph Hardy (Founder of Doshisha University, d. 1890). Life and Letters, by A. H. Hardy. Boston, 1892. 12mo. 497 New England Company, Six years' summary of the proceedings for the civilization and conversion of Indians, Blacks and Pa- gans in Canada and the West Indies. Lond., 1879. 8vo. 498 Niekamp, J. L. Missions Geschichte, oder Berichte aus Ost-Indien, 1705–36. Halle, 1740. 4to. 499 Nilsen, L. Den Norske Hedninge-Mission. 2 Opl. Mandal, 1887. 16mo. 500 Noble, Robert T. (Missionary to the Telugu people in South India, d. 1865). Life, by his brother. Lond., 1867. 12mo. 501 Noel, Baptist W. (Minister of St. John’s, London, d. 1873). Chris- tian Missions to heathen nations. Lond., 1842. 12mo. 502 Nottrott, L. Die Gossnersche Mission unter den Kohls. Halle, 1874. 12mo. 503 — Ib. 1874–87. Halle, 1888, 12mo. 504 Oehninger, F. (Pfarrer in Schwarzenbach bei Zürich). Der Beruf der Christen. Zwei Reden über Mission und Politik. Augs- burg, 1879. 12mo, p. 41. 505–6 Oldendorp, C. G. A. Geschichte der Mission der evangelischen Brüder auf den Caraibischen Inseln. Barby, 1777. 2 Bde. 8VO. 507 Ostertag, A. Die Universitäten in ihrem Verhältniss zur Mission. Basel, 1868. 16mo, pp. 58. 508 — Entstehungsgeschichte der evangelischen Missionsgesellschaft zu Basel. Basel, 1865. 12mo. 509 (Osaka.) General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan. Yokohama, 1883. 8vo. 510 Pagell and Heyde. Reise zum Zweck einer Mission unter den Mongolen. Gnadau, 1860. 12mo. — 23 — 511 Parsons, Levi (first American Missionary to Palestime, d. 18%). Memoir, by D. O. Morton. Burlington, 1830. 12mo. + Paton, J. G. (Missionary to New Hebrides). Autobiography. N. Y., 1890. 2 vols. 8vo. 512–13 Patteson, John C. (Missionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands, d. 1871). Life, by C. M. Yonge. Lond., 1888. 2 vols. 12mo. 514 Paxton, J. D. Appeal to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. New Haven, 1848. 8vo, pp. 40. 515 Peabody, A. P. (Professor in Harvard University). The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 24. 516 — The Hawaiian Islands as developed by Missionary labors. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 24. 517 Pearse, Horatio (Superintendent of the Wesleyan Missions, Port Natal, d. 1863). The Earnest Missionary: a Memoir, by T. Smith. Lond., 1864. 12mo. 518 Peebles, J. M. Buddhism and Christianity face to face; an oral discussion held at Pantura, Ceylon. Lond., 1878. 8vo, pp. 99. PERIODICALS : (1) American. 519–20 American and Foreign Christian Union. (Monthly.) N. Y., 1850–53. Vols. i-iv in 2 vols. 8vo. 521–8 Baptist Missionary Magazine. (Monthly.) Vols. Ixix—lxxi. Bos- ton, 1889–91. 4- 3 vols. 8vo. 524 Bible Society Record. (Monthly.) N. Y., 1891. 4- 4to. 525–32 Church at Home and Abroad. (Monthly: Am. Presbyterian Church. Vols. i-viii. Philadelphia, 1886–91. 4- 8 vols. 8vo. 588 Foreign Missionary Journal. (Monthly: Southern Baptist Con- vention.) Vol. xxiii. Richmond, 1891. 4- 8vo. 584 Herald of Mission News. (Monthly : Reformed Presbyterian Church.) N. Y., 1891. 4- 8vo. 585 Mission Field. (Monthly: Reformed Church in America.) Vol. iv. 1891. -- 8vo. 586 Mission Gleaner. (Monthly: Woman's Board, Reformed Church.) Vol. viii. N. Y., 1891. 4- 12mo. 587–611 Missionary Herald. (Monthly: Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions:—Vols. xiii-xvi, 1817–20, under the title: Panoplist and Missionary Magazine. 4 vols.) Boston, 1817–91. 4- 75 vols. 8vo. 612 — Record. (Monthly : Cumberland Presbyterian Church.) Vol. xvi. St. Louis, Mo., 1891. 4- 8vo. 613 — Reporter. (Monthly : Methodist Episcopal Church, South.) New Series, Vol. xii. Nashville, Tenn., 1891. 4- 8vo. 614 — Bulletin. (Monthly: Methodist Protestant Church.) Vol. iii. Easton, Md., 1891. -- Fol. 615–18 — Review of the World. (Monthly.) Vols. i-iv. N. Y., 1888– 91. 4- 4 vols. 8vo. + Periodicals regularly received. — 24 — 619 New York Missionary Magazine. Vol. i. N. Y., 1800. 8vo. 620-75 Spirit of Missions. (Monthly : Prot. Episcopal Church in the United States.) Vols. i-lvi. N. Y., 1836–91. + 56 vols. 8vo. 676 Union Missionary Herald. (Monthly : Evangelical American Mis- sionary Society not connected with slavery.) Hartford, 1842. Nos. 1–5. 8vo. * - (2) British and Colonial. 677–82 Annals of the Propagation of the Faith. i-vi. Lond., 1840–45. 6 vols. 8vo. - 683 Bible Society (British and Foreign) Monthly Reporter. Lond., 1891. 4- 8vo. 684–7 China's Millions; ed. by Hudson Taylor. (Monthly.) 1878, '79, ’81 and ’91. -- Lond. 4 vols. 4to. , 688–94 Chronicle of the London Missionary Society. (Monthly.) Lond., 1884–90. 7 vols. 8vo. (Aug., 1888, wanting.) 695–740 Church Missionary Society; Records of Proceedings. Lond., - Lond.; 1830–75. 46 vols. 8vo. 741–79 — Intelligencer and Record. (Monthly.) Lond., 1850–88. 39 vols. 8vo. - 780–800 — Gleaner. (Monthly). Lond., 1850-70. 21 vols. 8vo. 801–28 Colonial Church Chronicle and Missionary Record. i-xxviii. Lond., 1847–74. 28 vols. 8vo. - 829–31 Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle. (Monthly.) Vols. xxi, xxv-xxvii. Lond. 3 vols. 8vo. 882-74 Missionary Register, containing the principal transactions of the various Societies for the propagation of the Gospel and the pro- ceedings of the Church Missionary Society. (Monthly.) Lond., 1801–55, 43 vols. 8vo. 875–92 Periodical Accounts relative to the Baptist Missionary Society. 6 vols. 8vo. Clipstone and Lond., 1800–1817. Continued in the annual reports of the Society, 1819–36. Lond. 18 vols. 8vo. (Lacking 1821–22, '24, '29, 33, 34, '87–'91.) (3) German. 893–906 Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift für geschichtliche und theo- retische Missions kunde ; ed. Warneck. (Monthly.) Gütersloh, 1874–1886 and 1891. -i- 14 Bde. 8vo. 907-31 Evangelisches Missions-Magazin ; herausgegeben von J. Hesse. (Monthly.) Mit Register zu Band i-xx. Basel, 1857–80: auch 35te Jahrg. 1891. 4- 8vo. 25 Bde. 8vo. 932–5 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionsblatt, 1859, '60, '70, '74, Leip- zig. 4 Bde. 8vo, 936–7 — von K. Graul. Dresden, 1846–47. 2 Bde. 8vo. 938–978 Magazin (Basel) für die neueste Geschichte der protestantischen Missions- und Bibel-Gesellschaften. Basel, 1816–1856. 41 Bde. Also 1891. 4- 8vo. — 25 — 979–82 Missions-Blatt aus der Brüdergemeine. 1859 (23° Jahrg.), 1862– 64. 4 Bde. Herrnhut. 8vo. 983 Nachricht aus der Brüdergemeine. 73° Jahr. 1891. + Gnadau. 12mo. (Monthly.) 984–1001 Saat auf Hoffnung: Zeitschrift für die Mission der Kirche an Israel. (Quarterly.) i-xxviii. Leipzig, 1863–1891. 4- 18 Bde. 8vo. 1002 Zeitschrift für Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft. (Quar- terly.) 6* Jahrg. Berlin, 1891. + 8vo. (4) Dutch. 1003–24 Berichten aangaanide de uitbreiting van Gods koningrijk op aarde. Utrecht, 1859–80. 22 deelen. 8vo. 1025 Macedonier (de); Algemeen Zendingstijdschrift: van H. Dijkstra. (Monthly.) 9° Jaargang. Leiden, 1891. 4- 8vo. 1026–70 Maandberigten van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. Rotterdam, 1798–1846. 45 deelen. 8vo. 1071–1115 Mededeelingen van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenoot- schap. (Quarterly.) 1857–1891. + Rotterdam. 45 deelen. 8vo. (5) French. 1116–17 Annales de la propagation de la Foi. Lyon, 1841–44, 2 vols. 8vo. 1118 Journal des Missions Évangéliques. 3 Series. 16° annee. Paris, 1891. 4- 8vo. (Monthly.) 1119–48 Missions Évangéliques au 19° siècle rendant compte de tous les travaux Missionaires actuels; ed. Nagle. (Monthly.) Bale, 1861–1885. 25 vols. 8vo. (6) Swedish. 1144 Lunds Missionstidning. Lund, 1891. 4- 8vo. (Monthly.) 1158 Meddelanden från Studentmissionsföreningen. Upsala, 1890–91. + 8vo. 1159 Perkins, J. (Missionary to the Nestorians, d. 1869). Historical Sketch of the Mission to the Nestorians. N. Y., 1862. 8vo, pp. 26. 1160 — Residence of eight years in Persia among the Nestorians. Andover, 1843. 8vo. 1161 Pettitt, Geo. (Sec. of the Central Committee, Ceylon). The Tinne- velly Mission of the Church Missionary Society. Lond., 1851. 12mo. 1162 Philip, John. The Elijah of South Africa; or, the character and spirit of the late John Philip unveiled and vindicated, by R. Philip. Lond., 1851. 16mo, pp. 72. - 1162a Pierson, A. T. The Crisis of Missions. N. Y., 1886. 12mo. 1163 Pitman, Emma R. Central Africa, Japan and Fiji. N. Y., 1882. 12mo. — 26 — 1164 — Heroines of the Mission Field. Lond., 1880. 12mo. 1165 — Lady Missionaries in Foreign Lands. Lond., n. d. 12mo. 1166 — Mission Life in Greece and Palestine. Lond., m. d. 12mo. 1167 Plitt, G. (Professor in Erlangen). Geschichte der lutherischen Mission. Erlangen, 1891. 8vo. 1168' Posselt, Wilhelm, der Kaffern Missionar (d. 1885): Ein Lebens- bild, von Pfitzner and Wangemann. 2 Aufl. Berlin, 1891. 8vo. 1169 Pratt, Andrew T. (Missionary of the American Board in Turkey, d. 1873), An intense Life, by Geo. T. Herrick. N. Y., m. d. 16mo. 1170 Pritchard, Geo. Der Missionar und sein Lohn. Barmen, 1863. 16mo, pp. 52. 1171 Proceedings of the Missionary Jubilee held at Williams College, Aug. 2, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8vo, pp. 103. 1172 Progress of the Gospel in Polynesia (Southern Group), Georgian, Society and Hervey Islands. Edinburg, 1831. 24mo. 1173 Prout, E. [Missionary in Madagascar). Madagascar: its Mission and its Martyrs. Lond., 1863. 8vo. 1174 (Punjab.) Missionary Conference at Lahore. Lodiana, 1863. 8vo. 1175 Pyne, Alex. Reminiscences of Colonial Life and Missionary adventure in both hemispheres. Lond., 1875. 12mo. 1176 Ramseyer und Kühne. Tagebücher aus der Zeit ihrer Gefangen- schaft (in Ashanti). Von H. Gundert. Basel, 1875. 12mo. 1177 Ramsden, R. Missions; or a word for the heathen, being facts and anecdotes from the journals of Missionaries. Lond., 1850. 12mo. 1178 Rappard, C. D. Fünzig Jahre der Pilgermission auf St. Chrisch- ona. Basel, 1890. 12mo. 1179 Rautenberg. Rundschau iiber die Geschichte der Mission unter den Tamulen von Ziegenbalg bis auf die Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1888. 8vo. 1180–81 Reid, J. M. Missions and the Missionary Society of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. N. Y., 1879. 2 vols. 12mo, 1182 Remarks on the provision that should be made for the children of Missionaries. N. Y., 1855. 8vo, pp. 30. 1183 Rimius, H. (Cownsellor to the King of Prussia, d. —). A candid Narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, com- monly called Moravians. Lond., 1753. 12mo. 1184 Report of the Committee on the Anti-Slavery Memorial to the A. B. C. F. M. Boston, 1845. 8vo, pp. 32. REPORTS, Annual. 1185–7 American Baptist Missionary Union. Vols. xl, lvii, lix. Bos- ton, 1869–73. (Wanting i-xxxix., xli-liv, lviii.) 8vo. 1188–1258 — Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, 1812–1891. 75 vols. 8vo. 1259–61 — — In Japan. Tokio, 1888–91. (Wanting 1890.) 12mo. 1262–3 — Madura Mission. Iv, Ivi for 1888, 1889. Madura. 8vo. — 27 — 1264 — Marathi Mission. 1879–91. (Wanting 1881, '82.) 1265–6 — Free Baptist Mission in Southern Bengal for 1890, 1891. Midnapore. 12mo. 1267-8 Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut. 1884-85. 8vo. 1268–9 Cumberland Presbyterian Church. St. Louis, Mo. 1889–90. 8vo. 1269a Danske Missionsselskab for Aaret, 1890. Kjøbenhavn, 1891. 8vo. 1270-77 Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1880–91. (Wanting 1883, ’85.) 8vo. 1278–80 Hawaiian Evangelical Association. xxiv-xxvi. Honolulu, 1887–89. 8vo. 1281 — Proceedings at its annual meeting. 1863. 8vo. 1282–1803 Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. 1867–1890. N. Y. 22 vols. 8vo. 1804–9 — — South. xl—xlv. Nashville, Tenn. 1886–91. 6 vols. 8vo. 1310 North China Mission of the American Board for the year ending 1891. Tien-tsin, 1891. 12mo, pp. 38. 1311 Reformed Presbyterian Church for the year ending May, 1891. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. 18. 1312–26 Zendingsvereenigen. Utrecht, 1862–75. 14 vols. 8vo. 1827 Zendeling-Genootschap. 23° Jaarg. Zeist, 1857. 8vo. 1328 Rhenius, C. T. E. (Missionary to India, d. 1838). Memoir, by his son. Lond., 1841. 8vo. 1829 Rice, Benjamin (Missionary at Bangalore). Fifty years in the Master's service, by his son, E. P. Rice. Lond. 16mo. m. d. 1830 Riedel, J. F. (Missionary to the Celebes, d. 1860). Ein Lebensbild aus der Minahassa auf Celebes, von R. Grundemann. Güters- loh, 1873. 12mo. 1831 Ritter, H. (Prediger in Potsdam). Dreisig Jahre protestantischer Mission in Japan. Berlin, 1890. 8vo. 1832 Rivett, A. W. L. Ten Years' Church Work in Natal. Lond., 1890. 12mo. 1833 Robson, J. Hinduism and its relations to Christianity. Edinb., 1874. 12mo, 1834 Röttger, C. H. (Ten years Missionary in Riouw). Briefe über Hinter-Indien. Berlin, 1844. 1835 de le Roi, J. F. A. Die evangelische Christenheit und die Juden unter dem Gesichtspunkte der Mission geschichtliche betrachtet. Bd. I. Karlsruhe, 1884. 8vo. 1336 Rowe, A. D. (Missionary in India). Every-day Life in India. N. Y., 1881. 12mo. 1837 Rowley, H. (one of the two survivors of Bp. Mackenzie's Clerical Staff). The Story of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa. Lond., 1866, 8vo. 1888 Rückblick auf unsere 150 jährige Missionsarbeit. Herrnhut, 1882, 8vo, pp. 50. — 28 — 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 # 1345 1346 1847 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 Rutgers van der Loeff, A. (Pastor in Leyden). Handboek voor de Vrienden der Zendingszaak. Leyden, 1851. 8vo. — C. P. L. (Pastor in Groningen). Nieuw-Zeeland; geschie- denis van Christendom. Groningen. 12mo. Sabije, Hans. E. Fragmenten uit een dagboek gehouden in Groenland, 1770–78. Groningen, 1818. 8vo. Samuel, P. (Twelve years a Missionary in Jamaica). The Wes- leyan-Methodist Missions in Jamaica and Honduras. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Santaler-Missionen under ledning af Börresen och Skrefsrud. Öfwersättning från Danskan. Stockholm, 1878. 12mo. Schultze, A. (Direckter des Theologischen Seminary, Bethlehem, Pa.) Die Missionsfelder der Erneurten Brüderkirche. Bethle- hem, Pa. 12mo. Schauffler, Wm. G. (Missionary in Constantinople, d. 1883). Autobiography. N. Y., 1888. 12mo. Schneider, H. G. (Prediger der Brüdergemeine). Missionsarbeit der Brüdergemeine in Australien. Gnaudau, 1882. 8vo. — Missionsbild aus dem westlichen Himalaya. Gnaudau, 1880. 12rno, pp. 95. Schön, J. S. and Crowther, S. Journals on the Expedition up the Niger. Lond., 1842. 12mo. Schreiber, A. Die Kirche und die Mission in Niederländische Indien. 1883, 8vo, pp. 23. Schwartz, Christian F. (Missionary in India, d. 1797). Memoir, by H. Pearson. N. Y., 1835, 12mo. Scott, T. J. (Missionary of the Meth. Episcopal Church). Mis- sionary Life among the villages of India. Cincinnati, 1876. 12mo. * Scudder, David C. (Missionary in Southern India, d. 186%). Life and Letters, by H. E. Scudder. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. Seelye, J. H. (Prof. and President of Amherst College). Christian Missions. N. Y., 1875. 12mo. 1352a Senft, E. A. Les Missions Moraves. Neuchatel, 1890. 12mo. 1353 Sermons before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, by J. Morse, 1822; L. Beecher, 1827; W. Murray, 1833; S. Miller, 1885; J. Edwards, 1841; A. Barnes, 1844; J. Hawes, 1846; S. H. Cox, 1849 : L. Bacon, 1852; N. Adams, 1855; G. W. Bethune, 1856; M. L. P. Thompson, 1857; G. Shepard, 1858; R. W. Patterson, 1859; H. Smith, 1862; J. E. Stearns, 1870; T. M. Post, 1871; S. C. Bartlett, 1872; J. H. Seelye, 1873; H. M. Scudder, 1874; W. Andrews, 1875; Wm. M. Taylor, 1876; J. H. Fairchild, 1877; G. F. Magoun, 1879; J. M. Manning, 1880; A. J. F. Behrends, 1881; E. P. Goodwin, 1882; Wm. N. Barbour, 1883; A. L. Chapin, 1884; R. S. Storrs, 1885; G. S. Walker, 1885; I. L. Withrow, 1886; F. A. Noble, 1887; H. Hopkins, 1888; L. Pratt, 1889; Arthur Little, 1890; E. B. Webb, 1891. (Wanting '23–26, ’28–32, 34–40, '42, 43, '45, '47, '48, '50, 51, ’53, '54, '60, '61, ’63–69, '78.) — 29 — 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1859 1360 1361 1362 (Shanghai.) Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China, 1877. Shanghai, 1878. 8vo. — Ib. (2d Conference.) Shanghai, 1890. 8vo. Shaw, B. (English Missionary in Namaqualand, d. 1857). Memo- rials of South Africa. Lond., 1840. 8vo. — G. A. (of the London Missionary Society.) Tamatave, Mada- gascar and France. Lond., 1885. 12mo. — W. The Story of my Mission among the British settlers in South-eastern Africa. Lond., 1872. 12mo. — Defence of the Wesleyan Missionaries in Southern Africa, comprising a correspondence with Rev. John Philip, D.D. Lond., 1839. pp. 79. Shedd, W. G. F. (Professor in the Union. Theological Seminary, N. Y.). The Guilt of the Pagan : a Sermon. Boston, 1864. 12mo, pp. 24. Sherring, M. A. (Missionary of the London Missionary Society). History of Protestant Missions in India from 1701 to 1881. Revised, by E. Storrow. Lond., 1884. 12mo. Shrewsbury, J. (Missionary in South Africa, d. 1866). Memorials, by her son. 3 ed. Lond., 1869. 12mo. 1368–9 Short Biographies for the people. Lond., 1884–90. 7 vols. Sm. 4to. 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1875 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 Sibree, J. (Architect of the Memorial Churches, Antandinarivo). Madagascar and its people : Notes of a four years’ residence. Lond., 1870. 12mo. (Silo.) Geschichte der Brüder-Missionstation Silo in Süd-Afrika. Simpson, Wm. O. (Methodist Missionary in Madras, etc., d. 1881). Life, by S. Wray and R. Stephenson. Lond., 1886. 12mo. Smith, Eli (d. 1857) and H. G. O. Dwight (d. 1862). Missionary Researches in Armenia. Lond., 1834. 8vo. — George. Fifty years of Foreign Missions of the Free Church of Scotland. 14 ed. Edinburgh, 1880. 8vo, pp. 79. — — Short History of Christian Missions. Edinburgh, 1884. 16mo. — John (Missionary to Demerara, d. 18%). Memoirs, by E. A. Wallbridge. Lond., 1848. 8vo. (See Demerara, No. 228.) — Judson (Sec. of the A. B. C. F. M.). The Evangelization of Africa. Boston. 12mo, pp. 9. — — The Missionary Outlook. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 8. —— L. E. Heroes and Martyrs of the Modern Missionary Enter- prise. (Wm. Carey, John Chamberlain, Henry Martyn. Gordon Hall, Samuel Newell, Henry Fox, Thos. Coke, Walter M. Lowrie, David Abeel, Sam- uel Munson, Henry Lyman, J. T. Wanderkemp, Wm. J. Crocker, Lott Cary, M. B. Cox, Pliny Fisk, Levi Parsons, Asahel Grant, John Wil- liams, Wm. Richards, Ard Hoyt, Cyrus Shepard, Wm. H. Hewitson, Grover S. Comstock, James Richards.) Hartford, 1852. 8vo. — Mrs. Sarah L. (of the American Mission in Syria, d. 1836). Memoir, by E. W. Hooker. N. Y., 1845. 12mo. Somerville, A. (Eac-Foreign Mission Secretary). Lectures on Missions and Evangelism. Edinburgh, 1844. 12mo. 3 1382 (South India,) Every-day Life in India; or the Story of Coopoos- wamey. An Autobiography. Lond., 1885. 12mo. 1383–4 South India and Ceylon Missionary Conference. Madras, 1880. 2 vols. 8vo. 1385 (South Sea.) History of the Establishment and Progress of the Christian Religion in the islands of the South Sea. Boston, 1841. 24mo. 1386 Standing, H. F. (Head Master of the Boys' High School, Antanan- arivo). The Children of Madagascar. Lond., 1887. Sm. 4to. 1387–8 Steger, B. S. Die protestantischen Missionen und deren geseg- netes Wirken. Hof, 1838, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. 1888a, Stern, H. A. Wanderings among the Falashas in Abyssinia. Lond., 1862. 8vo. 1389 Stevenson, J. The Civilization of South-eastern Africa. Glas- gow, 1877. 8vo, pp. 24. 1389a — W. F. (Second Lecturer on the “Duff Missionary Lectureship,” Edinburgh). The Dawn of Modern Missions. N. Y., 1888. 12mo. 1390 Stewart, C. S. (Am. Missionary at the Sandwich Islands, d. 1870). Journal in the Sandwich Islands. 2 ed. Lond., 1828. 12mo. 1391 Stock, E. (Editorial Sec. of the Church Missionary Society). The Story of the Fuh-Kien Mission. 3 ed. Lond., 1890. 12mo. 1392 Stoddard, David T. (Missionary to the Nestorians, d. 1857). Me- moir, by J. P. Thompson. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. 1893 Storrow, E. Protestant Missions in Pagan Lands: a Manual of Missionary facts and principles relating to Foreign Missions throughout the world. Lond., 1888. 12mo. 1394 — India and Christian Missions. Lond., 1859. 16mo. 1395 Storrs, R. S. (Pastor of the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y.). Christianity: its destined supremacy on the earth. N. Y., 1851. 8vo., pp. 32. 1396 Stow, B. (Pastor of Baldwin Place Church, Boston, Mass, d. 1869). The Missionary Enterprise : a collection of discourses on Chris- tian Missions, by American authors. Boston, 1846. 12mo. 1397 Stowell, W. H. (late President of Rotherham College). The Mis- sionary work of the Church, its principles, history, claims and present aspects; revised and enlarged, by E. Storrow. Lond., 1872. 12mo. 1898 Strack, K. (Pastor in Ober-Rosbach). Missionsgeschichte der Deutschen. Leipz., 1860. 8vo. 1399 Strickland, W. (S. J., Twelve years Military Chaplain in India). Catholic Missions in Southern India. Lond., 1865. 12mo. 1400 Swan, Wm. (Missionary in Siberia, d. 1866). Letters on Mis- sions. Boston, 1881. 24mo. 1401 Talmadge, J. V. R. Sketch of the Amoy Mission (of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in America). N. Y., 1888. 12mo, pp. 12. 1402 [Taylor, Isaac.] New Model of Christian Missions to Popish, Ma- homedan and Pagan nations. Lond... 1829. 12mo, pp. 124. — 31 — 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 — Wm. (of the California Meth. Conference), Christian Adven- tures in South Africa. Lond. and N. Y. m. d. Sm. 8vo. [1867.] Temple, Daniel (Missionary of the Am. Board in Western Asia, d. 1851). Life and Letters, by W. H. Temple. Boston, 1855. 12mo. Tennent, J. E. Christianity in Ceylon, under the Portuguese, Dutch, British and American Missions. Lond., 1856. 8vo. (Thibet.) Buddhism in the British Provinces : or Little Tibet, with notice of the work of the Moravian Missionaries in Lahore. Thoburn, J. N. (Missionary in India). My Missionary Appren- ticeship. N. Y., 1887. 12mo. Thomas, John (Missionary to the Friendly Islands, d. 1881). Me- moir, by G. S. Rowe. Lond., 1885. 16mo. Thompson, A. C. (Congregational Pastor, Roadbury, Mass.). For- eign Missions, their place in the pastorate, in prayer, in confer- ences. N. Y., 1889. 12mo. — Moravian Missions. Lond., 1883. 12mo. — Thomas S. (Medical Missionary at Travancore, S. India, d. 1884). Memoirs, by J. H. Hacker. Lond., 1887. 16mo. 1412–13 — E. (late Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, d. 1870). 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 Our Oriental Missions (India, China, Bulgaria). Cincinnati, 1870–71. 2 vols. 12m O. — George. In Africa : Missionary labors, sufferings, etc., in Western Africa, at the Mendi Mission. Dayton, O., 1857. 12mo. —— J. P. (Pastor Broadway Tabernacle Church, N. Y., d. 1879). Christian Missions necessary to a true Civilization. 1857. 8vo, pp. 36. Tidman, Arthur (Secretary of the Londom Missionary Society, d. 1868). Memorial. Lond., 1868. 12mo. Townent, Joseph. Autobiography, and Missionary Labors in Australia. Lond., 1869. 16mo. Treat, Selah B. (Secretary of the A. B. C. F. M., d. 1877). Sketch of, by I. N. Tarbox. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. 31. Tschackert, P. (Professor in Königsberg). Worthelle und Ge fahren welche der Mission aus der Kolonialpolitik erwachsen. Leipzig, 1886. 8vo, p. 14. Tucker (Miss). The Southern Cross and the Southern Crown ; or the Gospel in New Zealand. Lond., 1855. 16mo. Tupper, H. A. (Secretary S. Bapt. Convention). The Foreign Missions of the Southern Baptist Convention. Richmond, 1880. 8vo. — A Decade of Foreign Missions, 1880–90. Richmond, 1891. 8vo. Tyler, J. (Missionary of the American Board). Forty years among the Zulus. Boston, 1891. 12mo. Vahl, J. (Sogneproest i Nºrre Vedby og Nørre Alslev). Bºger an- gaaende Hedningemissionen og derhen hørende AEmner till- hºprende. Kjøbenhavn, 1884–90. 4 nos. 8vo. — 32 — 1425 Vanguard of the Christian Army ; or Sketches of Missionary Life. Lond. 12mo, m. d. 1426 Van Lennep, Mrs. Mary E. (Missionary in Turkey, d. 1844). Memoir, by her mother. Hartford, 1847. 12mo. 1427 Vinton, Justus H. (d. 1858) and Calista, H. (d. 1864) (Missionaries in Burmah). Memorials, by C. W. Luther. Boston, 1880. 16mo. 1428–30 Wormbaum, R. (Pfarrer zu Kaiserswerth am Rhein). Evangel- ische Missionsgeschichte in Biographien (John Eliot, Thos. von Westen, Ziegenbalg and Gründler, Benj. Schultze, Egede, D. Brainerd, eingeborene Lehrer in Ostindien, Schwartz, Fried. Martin, M. Stach u. Joh. Beck, Zeisberger). Elberfeld, 1850–53. 3 Bde. 8vo. 1431 Waddell, H. M. (formerly Missionary at Old Calabar). Twenty- nine years in the West Indies and Central Africa. Lond. 1863. 8vo. * 1432 Wallmann, J. Die Missionen der evangelischen Kirche. Qued- linburg, 1843. 16mo. 1433 Walsh, J. J. (Missionary in India). Memorial of the Futteh- gurh Mission and her martyred Missionaries. Philadelphia, 1859, 8vo. * 1434 — Wm. P. (Bishop of Ossory). Christian Missions. The Don- nellan Lectures for 1861 before the University of Dublin. Dub- lin, 1862. 12mo. 1435 — Modern Heroes of the Mission Field (Martyn, Carey, Judson, Morrison, Marsden, Williams, Johnson, Hunt, Gardiner, Duff, Livingstone, Patteson). 3d thousand. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 1436 Walter, H. W. Trafficking in liquor with the natives of Africa. Lond., 1887. 12mo, pp. 35. 1437 Wangemann, H. T. (Missionsalirector). Die evangelische Mis- sionsarbeit in Süd-Africa. Berlin, 1872. 8vo. 1438 — Zweites Reisejahr in Süd-Afrika. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. 1439 Ward, Wm. (Missionary in Serampore, d. 1833). Farewell Letters on returning to Bengal. N. Y., 1821. 8vo. 1440 — F. de W. (late Missionary at Madras). India and the Hin- doos, with an account of Christian Missions among them. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. 1441 Warneck, G. Die Christliche Mission : ihre sáchliche Begrün- dung und thatsächliche Ausführung in der Gegenwart. Halle, 1879. 8vo, pp. 36. + — Modern Missions and Culture : their mutual relations. Edin- burgh, 1883. z 1442–3 — Protestantische Beleuchtung der römischen Angriffe auf die evangelische Heidenmission. Gütersloh, 1884–5. 2 Bde. 8vo. 1444–6 — MissionsStunden. Gütersloh, 1888–90. 3 Bde. 8vo. 1447 — Missionsföredrag öfver Afrika och Oceanien. Pā Svenska af C. Strömberg. Stockholm, 1888–90. — 33 — 1448 Webb, A. B. (Bishop of Grahamtown). Sisterhood Life, and Woman’s work in the Missionary field of the Church. Lond., 1883. 16mo. 1449 Weitbrecht, John J. (Missionary in Bengal, d. 185%). Memoir, by his widow. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 1450 — Die protestantischen Missionen in Indien. Heidelberg, 1844. 16mo. 1451 — Protestant Missions in Bengal. Lond., 1844. 16mo. 1452 West, Maria A. (Missionary of the American Board in Turkey). The Romance of Missions; or Inside Views of life and labor in the Land of Ararat. N. Y., 1875. 12mo. 1458 — T. Ten years in South Central Polynesia. Lond., 1865. 8vo. 1454 Wetmore, C. H. (Delegate of the Hawaiian Board). Visit to the Mission of the Marshall and Caroline Islands. 1886. 8vo, pp. 19. 1455 Whately, Mary L. (Soc. for promoting female education in the East, d. 1889). Ragged Life in Egypt. 2 ed. Lond., 1863. 12mo. 1456 — Ragged Life in Egypt, and more about ragged life in Egypt. Lond., 1870. 12mo. 1457 — E. J. Clear the Way ; or Hindrances to Missionary work. Lond., 1880. 12mo. 1458 Wheeler, C. H. (Missionary of the American Board at Harpoot). Odds and Ends; or Gleanings from Missionary life. Boston, 1888. 12mo. 1459–60 — Mary S. First Decade of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with sketches of its Missionaries. N. Y., 1881. 2 vols. 12mo. 1461 Whitehouse, T. (Chaplain in South India). Lingerings of Light in a Dark Land; the Syrian Church in Malabar. Lond., 1873. 12mo. 1462 White Foreigners from over the water. Lond., n.d. 16mo. 1468–4 Wiggers, J. (Professor in Rostock, d. ). Geschichte der evangelishchen Mission. Hamburg, 1845–6. Bde I and II, 1, 2. 8vo. 1465 Wilder, R. G. (Fifteen years Missionary of the American Board, d. 1887). Mission Schools in India. N. Y., 1861. 12mo, 1466 Wiley, J. W. (late Missionary Physician at Fuh-Chow). The Mission Cemetery and the Fallen Missionaries of Fuh-Chou, China. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. 3. 1467 — (One of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church). China and Japan. Cincinnati, 1879. 12mo. 1468 Wilke, E. J. Missionsbilder in neuen Rahmen. Berlin, 1879. 12mo, pp. 104. & 1469 Wilkinson, Michael (Missionary of the Church Missionary Soci- ety in India, d. 1848). Memoir, by R. Whytehead. Lond., 1859. 16mo. 1470 Williams, John (Missionary to Polynesia, d. 1839). Memoirs, by E. Prout. Lond., 1843. 8vo. 1471 – Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands. N. Y. 8vo. m. d. [1837.] 4 — 34 — 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1489 1490 1491 1492 — The Martyr of Erromanga; or the Philosophy of Missions illustrated from (his) labors, death and character, by J. Camp- bell. Lond., 1842. 12mo. — S. Wells (Missionary in China and Professor of Chinese in Yale College, d. 1884). Life and Letters, by his son, F. W. Wil- liams. N. Y., 1889, 12mo. * — W. (Bishop of Waiapu). Christianity among the New Zea- landers. Lond., 1867. 12mo. Williamson, Mrs. I. (of Chefoo, North China). Old Highways in China. Lond., 1884. 12mo. Wilson, E. F. Missionary work among the Ojebway Indians. Lond., 1886. 16mo. — Margaret (of the Scottish Mission, Bombay, d. 1835). Me- moir, by John Wilson. 4 ed. Edinb., 1844. 12mo. — S. S. Narrative of the Greek Mission; or sixteen years in Malta and Greece. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Winslow, Mrs. Catharine (of the American Mission at Madras, d. 1837). Remains, including a journal and letters, by J. B. Waterbury. Boston, 1851. 16mo. — M. (Missionary at Madras, d. 1864). Hints on Missions to India. N. Y., 1856. 24mo. Wörrlein, J. (Hermannsburger Missionar). Dreizehn Jahre in Indien. 2 Aufl. Hermansnburg, 1885, 12mo. Wolff, J. (late Missionary to the Jews and Mohammedans in Per- sia, d. 1863). Researches and Missionary labors among the Jews, Mohammedans and other Sects, Lond., 1835. 8vo. — Journal. Lond., 1889. 8vo, — Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara in 1843–45. 4 ed. Lond., 1846. 8vo. — Travels and Adventures. Lond., 1861. 8vo. Work in the Colonies : Some account of the Missionary Opera- tions of the Church of England in connection with the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. Lond., 1865. 16mo. Wright, C. India and its Inhabitants. Cincinnati, 1857. 8vo. Wycoff, J. H. Sketch of the Arcot Mission (of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in America). N. Y., 1886. 12mo, pp. 16. Wylie, Mrs. Macleod. The Gospel in Burmah ; its introduction and marvelous progress among the Burmese and Karens. Lond., 1859. 16mo. Yate, Wm. (Missionary of the Church Missionary Society.) Account of New Zealand, and of the Church Missionary Soci- ety's Mission. Lond., 1835. 12mo. Young, R. (Asst. Sec. Foreign Mission Committee, Free Church of Scotland). Modern Missions, their trials and triumphs. 3 ed. N. Y., 1884. 12mo. — Light in Lands of Darkness (Greenlanders, Eskimos, Patago- nians, Syrians, Armenians, Nestorians, Persians, Egyptians and Jews). 2 ed. Lond., 1884, 12mo. — 35 — 1493 — The Martyr Islands of the New Hebrides and adjacent groups. Edinburgh, 1889. 12mo, pp. 47. + — The Success of Missions. Lond, 1890. 12mo. 1494 — The Southern World; Journal of a deputation from the Wesleyan Conference to Australia and Polynesia. Lond., 1855. 12mo. 1495 Zahn, F. M. (Missions-Inspector, Bremen). Der westafrikanische Branntweinhandel. Gütersloh, 1886. 8vo, pp. 40. 1496 — Der Acker ist die Welt. Blicke in das Arbeitsfeld der evan- gelischen Mission. Gütersloh, 1888. 8vo, pp. 92. + Zeisberger, David (Missionary to the North American Indians, d. 1808). Life and Times, by E. De Schweinitz. Philadelphia, 1871. 8vo. 1497–9 Ziegenbalg, B. (d. 1719) and Gründler, J. E. (d. 1720), (Danish Missionaries in Tranquebar and the coast of Coromandel). Der Dänischen Missionarien ans Ost-Indien eingesandt Berichte. Halle, 1715, 1717, 1725. 3 Bde. 4to. 1500 — Conferences between the Danish Missionaries and the Mala- barian Bramans. Tond., 1719. 8vo. III. WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE TVERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. 1501 Chandler, J. S. (Missionary of the American Board at Madura). Scripture Lessons (in Tamil). Madras, 1883. 16mo. 1502 — Jubilee Volume of the American Madura Mission, 1834–1884 (in Tamil). Madras. 16mo. 1503 — Daily Text-Book (in Tamil). Madras, 1882. 24mo. 1504 — The Pastor's Manual (in Tamil). Madras, 1880. 16mo. 1505 Deforest J. H. (Missionary of the American Board in Sendai, Japan). Essentials of History (in Japanese). 12mo. 1506 — Persons of the New Testament (in Japanese". 8vo. 1507 Elmslie, W. A. Primer of the Wanda Language. Livingstonia, 1889. 16mo. Q 1508 — Translation of Catechism into Ngoni (a dialect of Zulu). Livingstonia, 1890. 24mo. 1509 Grout, L. Grammar of the Zulu Language. Natal and Lond., 1859, 8vo. º 1510 Laws, R. Table of concords and paradigms of verbs of the Chin- yanja language as spoken at Lake Nyassa. Edinb., 1885. 8vo. — 36 — Albeokwta. GOllner. Hoffmann. Albyssinia. Flad. Gobat. Herbert. Isenberg. Stern. Africa, Central Guinness. Hannington. Mackenzie, C. F. Means. Rowley. Waddell. Africa, East Beskow. Burkhardt, II. Hannington. Krapf. Livingstone. Macdonald. Warneck. Africa, Sowth Eroadbent. Carlyle. Casalis. ColensO. Edwards. Freeman. Grout. (Hermannsburg.) Ireland. Kratzenstein. Latrobe. Mackenzie, J. Malan. Mason. Merriman. Moffat. Shaw. Shrewsbury. (Silo.) Taylor. Tyler. Wangemann. I W D E X. Africa, West Bohner. Burkhardt, II. East. Freeman. Gollner. Hinderer. Macbriar. Moister. Ramseyer. Thompson. Alaska. Hamilton. Jackson. Armenians. Basmajian. Dwight. Eutujian. Pratt. Smith, E. West. Wheeler. Young. Al?” awaks. Pratt. Alshanti. Freeman. Ramseyer. Assoºn. ASSam. Awstºralia. Burkhardt, IV. Leigh. Pyne. Schneider. TOW ment. IRangalore. Rice. Bareilly. Butler. IBaszto Lozad. Casalis. Bechuanas. Broadbent. (Hermannsburg.) Mackenzie, J. JBenoa’es. Clark, E. W. Kennedy. Bengal. *Buchanan. GOgerly. Long. Weitbrecht. JBiography. Abeel. Adam. Aitchison. Ammann. AndersOn. Ashmun. Babajee. Barclay. Brainerd. Brett. Buchanan. Burns. Carey. Coke. Cornelius. Crowther. Davis. Duff. Ellis. Elmslie. Evarts. Fabricius. Fox. Gollner. GOOdell. Hannington. Hislop. Hoffman. Hunt. Jameson. Jeffreys. Judson. Leigh. Livingstone. Lobdell. Lockhart. Lowrie. Maćkenzie. Martyn. Milne. Mögling. Moffat, Neesima. Noble. Parsons. Paton. Patteson. Pearse. Philip. POSSelt. Pratt. Rice. Riedel. Schauffler. Schwartz. Scudder. Shrewsbury. . Simpson. Smith. Stoddard. Temple. Thomas. Thompson, T. S. Tidman. Townent. Treat. Van Lennep. Vinton. Weitbrecht. WilkinSOn. Williams, J. Williams, S. W. Wilson. Winslow. Zeisberger. Boſchara. Wolff. Bombay. Wilson. IBulgaria. Thompson. Bºzºramah. Baillie. Carpenter. Judson. Malcolm. Vinton. Wylie. — 3 7 Calcutta. Adam. Clark, E. W. Mullins. Canton. Clark, E. W. Caroline Islands. Fliedner. Wetmore. Caste. (Caste.) Flitt. Celebes. Riedel. Ceylon. Burkhardt. (Batticotta.) (Ceylon.) Leitgh. Peebles. China. Abeel. Aitchison, Bryson. Burkhardt, III. Burns. Dean. DOrtous. Dukes. Foster. Gracey. Guinness. GutSlaff. Henry. Huc. Lockhart. Lowrie. Mackenzie, J. K. Medhurst. Röttger. (Shanghal.) Stock. Talmadge. Thompson. Wiley. Williams, S. W. Williamson. Conferences, Missionary. Allahabad, '73. Assam, '86. Bangalore, '79. Liverpool, '60. London, '88. Mildmay Park, "78. Osaka, ’83. Philadelphia, '64. Punjab, '63. Shanghai, "77. South India and Ceylon, '80. Shanghai (II.), '90. Congo. Bentley. Comber. Constantinople. Barclay. Benjamin. GOOdell. Hamlin. Schauffler. Demerara. Smith. Bºyede. Wormbaum, I. JEgypt. Whately. Young. L'rº'omanga. Williams. JEskimo. Young. Fiji. Hunt. Pitman. JFinland. Hammond. JFo?"?rvosa. Campbell. I'riendly Islands Farmer. Thomas. West. I'vah-Kien. Dukes. Stock. Gazttenwala. Crowe. Gerike. Wormbaum, II. Gonds. Hislop. Hunter. Greece. Pitman. Wilson. Greenland. Burkhardt, I. Cranz. Egede. Sabije. Wormbaum, I., II. Young. Gºričndler. Wormbaum, II. Gwiana. Brett. (Demerara.) Smith, J. IHawaii. (See Sandwich Isl.) AnderSOn. Humphrey. Peabody. JHervey Islands. Gill. Williams, J. JHindwisºn. Mitchell. JHoºvdºza'as. Crowe. Samuel. India. Adam. Allahabad. Anderson. Assam. Babajee. Baynes. Blackett. Buchanan. Burkhardt, III. Butler Campbell. Clark. Clarkson. Duff. Fabricius. Fox. Gogerly. Hinderer. Hislop. Hough. House. Humphrey. Hunter. Kaye. Kennedy. Leslie. Long. Martyn. Mateer. (Mededeelingen.) Milne. Mitchell. Mögling. Mullens. Murdock. Murray. Nottrott. Pettitt. (Punjab.) Rautenberg. Rhenius. Rice. Rowe. Schwartz. Scott. Scudder. Sherring. Simpson. Storrow. Strickland. Thoburn. Thompson. Walsh. Ward. Weitbrecht. Wilder. Wilkinson. Wilson. Winslow. Wörrlein. Wright. Ziegenbalg. Indians, N. A. Brainerd. Braner. Burkhardt, I. Eells. (Indian Tribes.) Loskiel. (Metlahkatlah.) (New England.) Wormbaum, III. Wilson. Zeisberger. Jānicke. Wormbaum, II. Jamaica. Samuel. Japan. Burkhardt, III. Carrothers. Charlevoux. Clark. (Constitution.) (DOshisha.) Neesima. (Osaka.) Ritter. Wiley. Java. Harthoorn. (Mededeelingen.) — 38 — e/ews. Barclay. Benjamin. Bonar. Flad. Gaussen. Marks. Plitt. (Saat.) Stern. Wolff. Young. JKaffraria. Kratzenstein. Merriman. POSSelt. (Silo.) ICaº'ezvs. Carpenter. Judson. Ko Thay Byu. ICith me. Ramseyer. IKohls. Nottrott. I(wrgland. Mºgling. Iowbº'otolo?”. Burkhardt. Lapland. Hammond. Wormbaum, I. Lapp?mark. Låstadius. JLiberia. Ashmun. BOwen. Hoffmann. Lifu. McFarlane. Loyalty Isl. McFarlane. Madagascar. Ellis. Effier. Freeman. Jeffreys. Jörensen. Prout. Shaw. Sibree. Standing. Madras; Murray. Simpson. Winslow. Malabaq". Whitehouse. Ziegenbalg. IMalta. Wilson. lMaori-Land. Butler. Maº'sh man. Carey. Martin, Fr. Wormbaum, III. lMedical Missions Ellis, W. J. Elmslie. Lockhart. Lowe. Mackenzie. Thompson. lMelanesia. Burkhardt, IV. JMezzoli. (Union, M. H.) Thompson. Micz'onesia. Burkhardt, IV. IMohamrvedanism. Blyden. Dennis. Haines. Mongolia. Gilmour. Pagell. lMoravia?vs. Bost. Cranz. Hamilton. Latrobe. LOSkiel. (Moravians.) (Nachricht.) Oldendorp. Pagell. Rimius. (Rückblick.) Schneider. Schultze. Senft. Thompson. Wormbaum, III. lMosul. Lobdell. Magpw?". Nagpur. JNatal. Carlyle. Colenso. Rivett. IVestorians. Grant. Laurie. Paton. Perkins. Stoddard. Young. INew Gwinnea. Chalmers. Gill. Murray. JNew Hebrides. Paton. Young. JNew Zealand. Butler. Burkhardt, IV. Davis. Leigh. Rutgers. Tucker. Williams. Yate. Niger. Crowther. Schön. Oceania. Warneck. Old Calaba”. JameSOn. Waddell. Powlestine. Barclay. Parsons. Pitman. Paraguay. Muratori. Patagonia. Despard. Persia. Bassett. Laurie. Martyn. Perkins. Smith. Polynesia. Burkhardt, IV. Ellis. Murray. (South Sea.) West. Williams, J. Young. IE. Cath. Missions (Annales.) Besser. DOrthous. Fliedner. Kalkar. Kingsmill. Launay. Michelis. Muratori. Strickland. Warneck. St. Chºrischoºva. Rappard. Sandwich Isle. (See Hawaii.) AnderSOn. Bingham. Stewart. Siberia. Brown. Sowth. Sea. Michelis. Syria. Michelis. Tahiti. Hutton. Taºrvils. Fabricius. Rautenberg. Tanjore. Schwartz. Tartary. Lord, II., Telugws. Fox. Noble. Tiavºwevelly. Pettitt. Rhenius. Tonga. Farmer. Tranqwebar. Fabricius. Lord. — 39 — / Rautenberg. Dwight. von Westen. Hoffmann. Schwartz. GOOdell. Wormbaum, I. Wormbaum, II. Hamlin. Ziegenbalg. Ziegenbalg. Lobdell. Waard. * VOrmbaum, T. * Madden. Transvaal. Pratt. Carey. Zenana. Wangemann. Schauffler. . West Indies. Leslie. Travancore. Smith, S. Iłurkhardt, I. 2 wilws. Abbo. Van Lennep. Ammann. Hough. West. Yoq"wba. Colenso. Mateer. Wheeler. Barber. Grout. BOwen. Ireland. Thompson, T. S. Universities’ M. Crowther. MaSOn. Twºrkey. Mackenzie. GOllner. POSSelt. Brewer. Rowley. Hinderer. Tyler. MISSIONARY CYCLOPEDIAS AND HISTORY OF MISSIONS IN GENERAL. 1 Cyclopedias: Aikman, #Bliss, Edwards, +Gracey, Newcomb. 2 General History: Brauer, Brown, #Burkhardt, Chapin, Chowles, +Ekman, +Grundemann, +Gundert, (#Handbook,) Hasselt, łChristlieb, House, Landgren, (+London Conference,) Lord, #Mitchell, #Geo. Smith, Stevenson, +Storrow, Wiggers. 3 History of Missionary and Bible Societies: & American Baptist Missionary Union, Nos. 122,472, 1185. & 6 137, 266, 463, 1184, 1188. Baptist (London) Missionary Society, 217,485, 875. British and Foreign Bible Society, 160. Church Missionary Society, 204, 207, 298, 695–832. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1268. Free Church of Scotland, 373, 424, 1270, 1374. Hermannsburger Mission, 354, 1451. London Missionary Society, 251,429, 430, 440. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 118, 183, f Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States (North), 1180, 1282, 1409. Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States (South), 1304. Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, 218a, 268. New England Company, 497. Norske Missionsselskab, 384, 403, 499. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1485. Southern Baptist Convention, 1421, 1422. St. Chrischona Pilger Mission, 1178. Utrecht Zendingsvereenigen, 1812. Wesleyan Missionary Society, 103, 248, 1824. † The latest or most important. 3y to {. SECOND CATALOGUE OF THE F()REI(\ \||SS|()\ |||}|{ARY OF THE DIWINITY SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVEERSITY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. No. 2, APRIL, 1893. NEW HAVEN : TU TT L E , M OR E H O U S E & T A Y LO R, P R IN T E R s : 1893. second cATALogue OF THE F()REIGN MISSION ||BRARY OF THE DIWINITY SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVEERSITY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. No. 2. APRIL, 1893. NEW HAVEN : TUTTLE, M OR E H O U S E & T A Y Lo R, PR IN TER s : 1893. T? I ºf X11 ho, 2– PFEFATORY NOTE. IN the present continuation of the Catalogue issued in Jan- uary, 1892, are given the titles of the 1,665 additions made within the past year to the proposed Complete Historical Li- brary of Modern Missions. With these additions the Library now consists of 3,175 volumes including pamphlets, or more than one-half of the estimated number of five thousand volumes re- quired for a collection embracing the entire missionary literature of all denominations and in all Protestant lands. For the progress so far made toward this consummation, the Library is largely indebted to the hearty interest and coöpera- tion of the Secretaries or other officers of several of the leading Missionary Societies or Boards in the United States and Great Britain, who have generously presented sets more or less com- plete of their reports and periodicals. The names of these Societies will be easily recognized in the lists on pages 20 to 26. As the long and valuable series of the publications of the London Missionary Society for nearly a hundred years could not other- wise be secured, the Rev. G. Cousins, editor of its monthly organ “The Chronicle,” had the special kindness to solicit the coöperation of friends in enabling him, so far as possible, to pre- sent complete sets of the publications of that Society from the beginning. By further generous contributions from the rooms of the New York Independent and the American Board, and from private sources, other Missionary periodicals, British and Continental, and many single volumes and numbers which have helped to complete imperfect sets, have been obtained. In the work of collecting the Missionary literature of Den- mark important aid has been received from the Rev. J. Wahl, President of the Danish Missionary Society, whose private Library of works relating more or less directly to Foreign Missions, is the largest of the kind in the world, and whose Missionary Atlas is universally recognized as the latest and best, and as along with his other publications, entitling him to the thanks of all friends of Modern Missions. — iv — Toward the department of the Library which represents the contributions, exclusive of translations of the Bible, made by missionaries to the Christian literature of pagan and Mahom- medan lands, the generous gift of the Rev. James S. Dennis, D.D., late of the Mission of the American Presbyterian Board in Syria, and at present Lecturer on Foreign Missions in the Theo- logical Seminary in Princeton, calls for special acknowledgment. It consists of thirty-five bound volumes embracing a selection of the principal publications issued in Arabic from the press of the Presbyterian Board in Beirut, and is a striking exhibition of the nature and breadth of the noble work in which the missionaries and scholars at that Station are engaged. It is hoped that by similar donations from other Mission fields, the next Catalogue will show still more impressively that the contributions of the 19th century to the Christian literature of the world are not confined to the Universities and Colleges of Europe and America or only to authors who dwell in Christian lands. Another contribution to the Library, rendered specially inter- esting from its commemorative character, and consisting of forty of the latest and most important works on Foreign Missions, has been made by Miss Elizabeth Clarkson Jay of New York in memory, as the labels prefixed to the several volumes state, of her Huguenot ancestor Pierre Jay who, in 1685, fled from his home at La Rochelle, France, rather than forsake his faith. To these and to all other friends not specially mentioned but gratefully remembered, by whose aid this Historical Library of Foreign Missions has been brought to its present state the most sincere thanks are due, in the joint hope that it will please the Lord of the harvest to make this memorial of the labors of his servants in pagan and Mahommedan lands contribute to the extension of his kingdom among men. GEORGE E. DAY. Divinity School of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., April, 1893. CATALOGUE. - INTO - II- - I. TrANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE, MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. II. WoRKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. & III. WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. | IV. INDEX. “There are few things in human history that wear an aspect of higher moral grandeur than the opening of what are now our great Missions. One or two men, sent by this Church and by that, are seen going forth, in obedience to a command spoken eighteen hundred years ago, to begin the enormous work of whalermining heathenism and reclaiming the world to God. Among the glories of the century there is none greater than this. All other enterprises of beneficence must yield to this magnificent attempt to eacpel debasing superstitions and convey into every heart the ennobling influences of the Christian religion. The success already attained gives sure promise of results, the greatness of which we as yet but dimly perceive.”—The Nineteenth Century. A History by Robert Mackenzie. London, 1880. I, TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE OR PARTS OF IT MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. [Continued from No. 95.] 1511 Ankolash (Sumatra), The Gospel according to John. (W. F. Betz.) Amsterdam, 1873. 8vo. 1512 Chinese, Bible. (Classical.) Shanghai, 1858. 8vo. 1513 — Genesis—Judges; (Foochow Colloquial.) Foochow, 1875–1877. 8vo. 1514 — Ruth—Proverbs; (Foochow Colloquial.) Foochow, 1874-1879. 8vo. - 1515 — Daniel ; (Foochow Colloquial.) (S. L. Baldwin.) Foochow, 1875. 8VO. 1516 — II. Samuel. (S. F. Woodin.) Foochow, 1878. 8vo. 1517 — New Testament. (Mandarin Dialect.) Shanghai, 1857. 8vo. 1518 — — (Foochow Colloquial.) (Missionaries at Foochow.) 1875. 12mo. - 1519–1521 Javanese (Java) Old Testament. (J. F. C. Gericke.) 's Graven- hage, 1854. 3 deelen, 8vo. — 2 — 1522 Livonian, or Lettish (Livonia), New Testament and Psalms. Elsinforfe, 1861, 8vo. & 1524 Marathi (Bombay Presidency), Old Testament. (Baba Padmanji.) Bombay, 1882, 8vo. 1524a — New Testament, 1890, 16mo. 1525 Polish, New Testament and Psalms. Warsaw, 1855. 8vo. 1526 Servian, New Testament. (Vuk Stefanovich Karadzhich.) Ber- lin, 1857. 8vo. 1527 Shan (the Sham States, Burmah). The Gospel by John. (J. N. Cushing.) Rangoon, 1880. 8vo. . 1528 Singhalese (the South part of Ceylon), Gospels (J. J. Fybrants and H. Philipsz.) Colombo, 1780. 4to. tº 1529 — Exodus. (H. Philipsz.) [Colombo] 1786. 4to. 1529a Tamil (The Carnatic and north part of Ceylon), The Five Books of Moses. . 4 ed. Madras, 1827. 8vo. - 1530 Tobash (Sumatra), Genesis. (H. N. van der Tuuk.) Amsterdam, 1859, 8vo. * 1530a Zulu, Bible. Lond., 1864. 8vo. II. WORKS on FOREIGN MISSIONS. 1531 Adam, T. (Missionary in Trinidad). Appeal; a statement of facts relative to the mission in Trinidad. Lond., 1824. 12mo, pp. 48. 1531a, Alden, E. K. (Secretary of the American Board). Sermon : Two hundred and fifty years (1642–1892) as related to the advancing kingdom of Christ. Edgartown, Mass. 8vo, pp. 12. 1582 (American Board.) Report on the control over Missionaries and Mission Churches. Boston, 1848. 12mo, pp. 44. 1538 — Almanac, 1886–1893, 8 Nos. Boston. Sm. 4to. s 1534 (Aniwa.) Der Sieg des Evangeliums auf Aniwa. Basel, 1891. 12mo, pp. 32. 1535 (Apostolic Union.) Report of Missionary operations of Cape Town. 1858, 8vo, pp. 16. 1536 Appleyard, John Whittle (Wesleyan Missionary in South Africa, d. 1874). Memoir, by Thornley Smith. Lond., 1881. 12mo. 1537 Arabian Mission (The). Statements. I–III. Somerville, 1889–91. 8vo, pp. 4, 12, 12. 1538 Armstrong, John (Bishop of Grahamstown, d. 1856). Memoir by T. T. Carter. Oxford, 1857. 16mo. - 1539 Arnot, Fred. S. Garenganze, or seven years’ pioneer missio work in Central Africa. N. Y., 1889. 8vo. 1540 Arthur, Wm. (Evang. Wesleyan Missionary). A Mission to the Mysore. Lond., 1847. 12mo. - 1540a Ashe, R. P. (Missionary to Uganda). Two Kings of Uganda. Lond., 1890. 12mo. 1541 Atkins, T. Reminiscences of twelve years' residence in Tasma- nia and New South Wales, Norfolk Island, India, etc. Mal- vern, 1869, 12mo. - — 3 — 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1552a. 1558 1553a. 1554 1555 1556 1557 iss 1559 1560 1561 Atteridge, A. H. (Soc. Jes.). The Encyclopedia Brittanica on Mis- sions. Reprinted from the Dublin Review. 1884. 8vo, pp. 37. — Protestant Missions in Southern India: Tinnevelly and Ram- mad. Reprinted from the Dublin Review. 1885. 8vo, pp. 25. Backhouse, J. Narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa. Lond., 1844. 8vo. - Baierlein, C. R. Unter den Palmen; im Lande der Sonne. Leip- zig, 1890. 8vo. Baldwin, Mary B. (Missionary to Athens and Jaffa, d. 1877). Memorials, entitled “Mission Life in Greece and Palestine.” Lond., n. d. 12mo. Ballantyne, J. R. (Principal of the Government College at Benares). Christianity contrasted with Hindu Philosophy; with practical suggestions to the Missionary among the Hindus. Lond., 1859. 8vo. Baltin, E. Morgenröthe auf New Guinea : aus dem Leben des Missionars J. G. Geissler. Kaiserswerth, 1878. 16mo. Barrows, J. O. (Late Missionary to Turkey). On horseback in Cappadocia, or a Mission Tour. Boston, 1884. 12mo. Baudin, P. (Rom. Cath. Missionary on the Slave Coast of Africa). Fetichism and Fetich Worshipers. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. Beaven, J. (Prof. of Divinity in King’s College, Toronto). Visit to Indian Missions in Upper Canada. Lond., 1846. 16mo. Beecham, Jno. Ashantee and the Gold Coast. Lond., 1841. 12mo, (Bengal.) Proceedings of a General Conference of Bengal Prot- estant Missionaries at Calcutta in 1855. Calcutta, 1855. 8vo. Bernau, J. H. (Of the Church Missionary Society). Missionary Labors in British Guiana. Lond., 1847. 12mo. Bickford, Jas. Christian work in Australasia (Australia, Tasma- nia, New Zealand, Polynesia). Lond., 1878. 12mo. - Bingham, H., Jr. (Missionary to Micronesia). Story of the Morn- ing Stars, the children’s missionary vessels. Boston, 1886. 16mo, pp. 108. - Bird, Isaac (Missionary of the American Board for the East, d. 1873). Bible Work in Bible Lands, or Events in the history of the Syrian Mission. Philadelphia, 1872, 8vo. Bixby, Olive J. My Child-Life in Burmah. Providence, 1880. 16mo. - - Blood, Wm. Mission to the Indians of Orialla, South America. London, n. d. 16mo. - - Blumhardt, C. G. Handbuch der Missiongeschichte und Missions- geographie. 3 A. Calw, 1863. 2 Bde., 16mo. Boardman, George Dana (Missionary to Burmah, d. 1831). Me- moir, by A. King. Boston, 1834. 12mo. Boaz, Thomas (24 years Missionary in Calcutta, d. 1861). Memo- rials, entitled “The Missionary Pastor,” by his widow. Lond., 1862. - — The Youth of India speaking for themselves: Examination papers of the students of the College in Calcutta. Lond., 1848. 12mo, pp. 46. — 4 — 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 Bompas, W. C. (Bishop of the Diocese). Diocese of Mackenzie River. Lond., 1888. 16mo. - Bowen, George (40 years Missionary in India, d. 1888). In what style should we live? Lond, and Bombay, m. d. 16mo, pp. 27. — John (Bishop of Sierra Leone, d. 1859). Memorials, com- piled from his letters and journals, by his sister. Lond., 1862. 12mo. - Bridgman, Elijah C. (the pioneer of American Missions in China, d. 1861). Life and Times, by E. J. G. Bridgman. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. Briggs, F. W. Missions Apostolic and Modern. Lond, m. d. 12mo. - Broomhall, B. (Secretary of the China Inland Mission). A Mis- sionary Band. Lond., 4to, n.d. Broullion, R. P. (Soc. Jes.). Missions de Chine : Memorie de la Mission du Kiang-nan, 1842–55. Paris, 1855, 8vo. Brown, Catharine (a Christian Indian of the Cherokee Nation, d. 1833). Memoir, by R. Anderson. Boston, 1825. 16mo. — David (Provost of the College of Fort William, died 18.1%). Memorial Sketches by his widow and Preface by Chas. Simeon. Lond., 1816. 8vo. — Geo. S. (six years a missionary in Liberia). Abridged Jour- nals: account of his Life, Labors, Travels. Troy, 1849, 8vo. Bruce, G. W. H. (Bishop of Mashomaland). Journals of the Mashonaland Mission. Lond., 1892. 8vo. - — R. (Missionary in Persia). Arabia and Persia. Lond., 1888. 12mo, pp. 23. Buck, Karl (Missionary on the Gold Coast, d. 1883). Ein afri- kanisches Missionsleben, von D. Kuppenbauer. Basel, 1891. 12mo, pp. 48. Buhl, C. (Missionar). Die Basler Mission auf der Goldküste. Basel, 1882. 16mo, pp. 40. Buller, Jas. Forty years in New Zealand. Lond., 1878. 8vo. — New Zealand, past and present. Lond., 1880. 8vo. Buyers, Wm. (Missionary at Benares, d. 1865). Letters on India : with special reference to the spread of Christianity. Lond., 1840. 12mo. — Recollections of Northern India. Lond., 1848, 8vo. Caldwell, R. On reserve in communicating religious instruction in mission schools in India. Madras, 1879. 8vo, pp. 87. Callaway, Rev. Canon. Polygamy a Bar to admission into the Christian Church. Durban. 8vo, pp. 115. See Wilder. Campbell, John (Representative of the London Missionary Society in South Africa, d. 1839). Travels in South Africa. 3 ed. Lond., 1815. 8vo. - — Do. Second Journey. Lond., 1822. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. — Journey to Lattakoo in South Africa. Lond., 1885. 24mo. Carey, Eustace (Missionary in India, d. 1855). Memoir, by his wife. Lond., 1858, 8vo. — 5 — 1584 Carey, William (First Baptist Missionary to India, d. 1834). Enquiry into the obligations of Christians to use means for the conversion of the Heathens. Leicester, 1792. 8vo, pp. 87. (One of the only four copies now known.) 1584a — (Reprint.) Lond., 1892. 8vo. pp. 87. 1585 — William Carey und seine Mitarbeiter, von Ad. Christ. Basel, 1877. 12mo, pp. o 1585a — Memoir, by Eustace Carey. Hartford, 1887. 16mo. 1586 Cargill, Margaret (Wesleyan Missionary in Fiji, d. 1840). Me- moir, by D. Cargill. London, 1855. 16mo. 1587 Carlile, Warrand (Missionary in Jamaica, d. 1881). Thirty-eight years' Mission Life in Jamaica : Life, by one of his sons. Lond., 1884. 12mo. 1588–90 Carne, Jno. Lives of Eminent Missionaries. (John Eliot, Ziegenbalg, Schwartz, Egede, Kiernander, Hocker and Antes; Zeisberger, Wanderkemp and Kicherer, (Madagascar), Bu- chanan, Jens Haven (Labrador), A. Judson, Brainerd, Milne, Igna- tius, Xavier, Bareze, Assemani, Cavallero, Madame de la Palaterie, Joseph de Anchieta.) Lond., 1832–35. 3 vols., 16mo. 1591 (Caste.) Inquiries by the Bishop of Madras regarding Caste preju- dices and practices in the Native Church of South India. Ma- dras, 1868. 8vo, pp. 29. 1592 (Ceylon.) Voyage to Ceylon and Notices of a Wesleyan Mission. 3 ed. Lond., 1851. 12mo. 1593 Chalmers, James (Missionary eacplorer of Raratonga and New Guinea). Life and Labors, by Wm. Robson. N. Y., m. d. 12mo. 1594 Chamberlain, John (Missionary in India, d. 1821). Memoirs, by Wm. Yates. Lond., 1826. 8vo. 1595 Chambers, Jas. Bishop Heber and Indian Missions. Lond., 1846. 16mo. 1596 Chaplin, A. C. Our Gold-Mine ; The story of the Am. Bapt. Missions in India. 8 ed. Bost., 1877. 16mo. 1597 (Charlesworth, Miss.) Africa's Mountain Valley; or the Church in Regent's Town. Lond., 1856. 12mo. 1598 Cheever, H. T. The Island World of the Pacific. Glasgow and Lond. 12mo. 1599 (China.) Historischer Bericht, was sich in China im Verkün- digung dess H. Euangelii und Fortpflantzung des Catholischen Glaubens von 1604 und volgenden Jaren denckwürdigs zuge- tragen. Aus Portugesichen ins Teutsch gebracht. Augspurg, (sic), 1611. Sm. 4to. 1600 — The Star of China ; or the Imperial Edict in its bearing on Protestant and Popish Missions, by Two Friends. Lond., 1845. 8vo, pp. 36. 1601 Chirnside, A. The Blantyre Missionaries. Lond., 1880, 8vo, pp. 24. 1602 Church Missionary Society Atlas. 6 ed. Lond., 1879. 8vo. 1603 — In Palestine. Lond., 1891. 8vo, pp. 35. — 6 — 1604 1605 1606 1607 Clarke, J. Memorials of Baptist Missionaries in Jamaica. Lond., 1869. 12mo. Clarkson, Wm. (Missionary in Western India). India and the Gospel; or, an Empire for the Messiah. 3 ed. Lond., 1851. 12mo. Clough, J. E. (Missionary in Ongole, India). From Darkness to Light: The Story of a Telugu Convert. 3 ed. Boston, 1882. 16mo. Coan, Titus (Missionary to Hawaii, d. 1883). Life in Hawaii. N. Y., 1882, 12mo. 1608–10 Coke, Thos. (of the University of Oaxford). History of the 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 West Indies, with an account of the Missions in these islands, especially those established by the Society late in connection with the Rev. John Wesley. Liverpool and Lond., 1808–11. 8 vols. 8vo. Colenso, J. W. (Bishop of Natal, d. 1883). The Story of Colenso, the friend of the Zulus, by Florence Gregg. Lond., 1892. 12mo. Collins, R. (Principal Ch. Miss. Society's College, Travancore). Missionary Enterprises in the East with special reference to the Syrian Christians of Malabar. Lond., 1873. 12mo. Colman, James, d. 1822, and Wheelock, Edw'd W., d. 1819 (Missionaries in Burmah). The Early Called of the Burman Mission. Philadelphia, 1853. 16mo. Coopooswamey. Every-day Life in South India : an Autobiog-” raphy. Lond., 1885. 12mo. Corrie, Daniel (Bishop of Madras, d. 1837). Memoirs, by his brothers. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Cort, Miss M. L. (American Presbyterian Missionary in Siam). Siam ; or, the Heart of Farther India. N. Y., 1886. 12mo. Cotton, A. (of the Madras Engineers). The study of living lan- guages. 1857. 8vo, pp. e —— Geo. Edw. Lynch (Bishop of Calcutta, d. 1866). Memoirs, by Mrs. Cotton. Lond., 1871. 8vo. Cowie, Wm. G. (Bishop of Awkland). Our last year in New Zealand. Lond., 1888. 8vo. Crocker, Wm. G. (Missionary among the Bassas, d. 1844). Me- moir, by R. B. Medbery. Boston, 1848. 16mo. Crowther, S., d. 1891, and Taylor, J. C. (Native Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society). Journals of the Missionaries accompanying the Niger expedition of 1857–59. Lond., 1859. 12mo. Cryer, Mrs. Mary (Missionary in India, d. 1843). Life, by A. Barrett. Lond., 1849. 12mo. Cunningham, J. (Vicar of Harrow, Eng.). Church of England Missions. Lond., 1814, 8vo, pp. 43. — Wm. Christian Civilization with special reference to India. Lond., 1880. 12mo. Cutts, E. L. Christians under the Crescent in Asia (the Nesto- rians). Lond., 1877(?). 12mo. — 7 — 1626 Dahle, L. Madagaskar og dets Beboere. Christiania, 1876–1877. 2 delar. 8vo. - - 1627-63 Der Dänischen Missionarien aus Ost.-Indien ausführlichen Berichten. Halle, 1735–1772. 36 Bde. 4to. 1664 Dalhoff, N. Den Nordiske Santhalmission, 1867–1892. Kjøben- havn, 1892. 8vo. - 1665 Damon, S. G. Puritan Missions in the Pacific. 1869. 12mo. 1666–7 De la Vaissière (Soc. Jes.). Histoire de Madagascar, ses hab- itants et ses Missionaires. Paris, 1884. 2 tom. 8vo. 1668 Dennis, Jas. S. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Board in Beirut). The American Missionary in the Orient. N. Y. 8vo, pp. 9. 1668a — Native Agents and their Training. N. Y., 1892. 16mo, pp. 37. 1669 DeSmet, P. J. (of the Society of Jesus). Oregon Missions and Travels in the Rocky Mountains. N. Y., 1847. 16mo. 1670–71 Descombaz, S. Histoire des Missions Évangéliques d'après le Manuel de la Société de Calw. Lausanne, 1850. 2 tom. 12mo. 1672 Dewitz, A. v. (Direktor des Missions-Instituts der Brüderge- meine). In Dänisch-West Indien; 150 Jahren der Brüderge- meine in St. Thomas, St. Croix und St. Jan. Niesby, 1882. 8vo. 1673 Dibble, S. (Missionary in the Sandwich Islands, d. 1845). Thoughts on Missions. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. 1674 Dowding, W. C. (of Eaceter College, Oaford). Africa in the West, with reference to Bishop Berkeley's Bermuda College. 2 ed. Oxford, 1852, 8vo, pp. 32. - 1675 Douen, G. Histoire de la Société Biblique Protestante de Paris (1818 a 1868). Paris, 1868. Royal 8vo. 1676 Douglas, Carstairs (Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of England at Amoy, d. 1877). Memorials by M. Douglas. Lond., 1877. 8VO. g - 1677 Dubois, Abbé J. A. (R. C. Missionary in Mysore). Letters on the State of Christianity in India : in which the conversion of the Hindoos is considered as impracticable. Lond., 1823. 8vo. 1678 Duff, Alexander (Missionary in India, d. 1878). Recollections of, by Rev. Lal Behari Day. Lond., 1879. 12mo. - 1679 — Memorials, by his son, W. P. Duff. Lond., 1890. 12mo. 1680 — The Church of Scotland India Mission. Edinb., 1835. 8vo, pp. 27. 1681 — The Indian Rebellion, its causes and results. N. Y., 1858. 16mo. - 1682 — Foreign Missions: an address before the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. Edinb., 1873. 8vo, pp. 29. 1683 (Duff, Missionary Ship). Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean in 1796, '97, '98. Lond., 1799. 4to. 1684 Duncan, P. Narrative of the Wesleyan Mission to Jamaica. Lond., 1849. 12mo. 1685 Duty and obligation to endeavor to spread the Gospel throughout the kingdom ; and that missions to heathen countries in the present juncture are ill-judged and highly unreasonable, demonstrated. Bristol, 1796. 12mo, pp. 57. — 8 — 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 Dwight, Mrs. E. B. Memoir, by H. G. O. Dwight. N. Y., 1840. 12mo. . Eardley, C. E. Christianity in Turkey. Torquay, 1855. 8vo pp. 16. - w Eckard, John (Missionary in Ceylon). Narrative of residence in Ceylon and Southern Hindustan. Philadelphia, 1844. 16mo. Eddy, D. C. Ministering Women; or Heroines of the Mission- ary Enterprise, ed. by J. Cumming. Lond., n. d. 16mo. Edkins, J. Religious Condition of the Chinese. Lond., 1859. 16mo. — Religions in China and Prospects of its Christian Conversion. 2 ed. Lond., 1878. 8vo. — Jane, Ein Missionsleben; von ihrem Vater. Gütersloh, 1871. 8vo. Edwardes, H. Our Indian Empire. Lond., 1886. 12mo, pp. 24. Edwards, John (Fifty years a Wesleyan Missionary in South Africa). Early Life and Missionary Labors. 2 ed. Lond., 1886. 12mo. Ellis, H. W. Our Eastern Sisters, and their Missionary Helpers. Lond., m. d. 12mo. - — Mrs. M. M. Memoir, by W. Ellis: with an introductory essay on the marriage of missionaries, by R. Anderson. Bos- ton, 1836. 12mo. Elmslie, Wm. Jackson (Medical Missionary in Kashmir, d. 1873). Memoir, by W. B. Thompson. 3 ed. Lond., 1881. 12mo. (Evarts, Jeremiah.) Examination of the charges against the American Missionaries at the Sandwich Islands. Cambridge, 1827. 8vo, pp. 67. Ewald, P. Reise des Missionar Chr. Ferd. Ewald von Tunis nach Tripoli. Nürnberg, 1842. 8vo. Faber, E. Bilder aus China. Barmen, 1877. 2 Thle. 12mo. Felkin, R. W. Uganda. Lond., 1882. (See Wilson, C. F.) Fenger, J. Ferd. Den Trankebarske Missions Historie. Kjøben- havn, 1845. 8vo. - - — H. M. Bidrag til Hans Egedes og den grºnlandske Missions Historie 1721–1760. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8vo. Fielde, A. M. Pagoda Shadows; Studies from life in China. 6 ed. Boston, 1884. 16mo. Finn, J. The Orphan Colony of Jews in China. Lond., 1872. 16mo. Fisk, Pliny (Missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Palestime, d. 1835). Memoir, by Alvan Bond. Edinb., 1839. 12mo. - Fiske, Fidelia (Missionary to the Nestorians, d. 1864). Life, en- titled “Faith working by Love,” by D. T. Fiske. Boston, 1868. 12mo. Foster, John (d. 1843). Discourse at the annual meeting of the Baptist Missionary Society. Lond., 1819. 8vo, pp. 132. Fox, H. W. (Church Missionary at Masulipan, d. 1848). Chap- ters on Missions in South India. Lond., 1848. 16mo. — 9 — 1709 1710 1711 1712 1718 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 Fox, Wm. (upwards of ten years Missionary on the Gambia). History of the Wesleyan Missions on the Western Coast of Africa, Lond., 1851. 8vo. Frast, J. Pater Florian Pauke’s Reise in die Missionen nach Paraguay. Wien, 1829. 12mo. Frere, Sir Bartle (President Royal Geographical Society). East- ern Africa as a field for Missionary Labor. Lond., 1874. 12mo. Fuller, Andrew (Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society, d. 1815). Statement of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society. Shacklewall, 1807. 12mo, p. 24. — Apology for the late Christian Missions to India. 3 parts. 2 ed. Lond., 1808. 8vo, pp. 93, 129, 86. Gangooly, J. G. Life and Religion of the Hindoos, with a sketch of my life and experience. Boston, 1860. 12mo. Gardiner, Capt. Allen T. (Fownder of the South American Mis- Sionary Society, d. 1851). Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country in South Africa. London, 1836. 8vo. Gerhard, P. Geschichte der Mission unter den Kohls in Ostin- dien. Berlin, 1883. 8vo. Germann, W. Die Kirche der Thomaschristen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Orientalischen Kirchen. Gütersloh, 1877. 8vo. Gilmour, James (of Mongolia, d. 1891). His diaries, letters and reports, ed. by R. Lovett. Lond., 1892. 12mo. Glardon, A. (Missionaire genevois de l'Eglise presbytëriemme wrvie d’ Ecosse). Missions dans l'Inde: Le Rajputana. Genève, 1864. 16mo. Godbey, J. E. and A. H. Light in Darkness; or, Missions and Missionary Heroes, an illustrated history of the Missionary work of the Protestant denominations. Boston, 1888. 8vo. Goodell, Wm. (Missionary in Constantinople, d. 1867). The Old and the New ; or the Changes of Thirty Years in the East. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. Gordon, Geo. Maxwell (Pilgrim Missionary of the Punjab, d. 1880). Life and Work, 1839–1880. By Arthur Lewis. 2 ed. Lond., 1889. 8vo. — M. L. An American Missionary in Japan. Boston, 1892. 16mo. Goreh, N. (a converted Brahmin of Benares). Letter to the Brahmos. Calcutta, 1867. 8vo, pp. 64. Gossner, John Evangelista (Pastor in Berlin, d. 1858). Leben und Mission. 3 A. Berlin, 1891. 12mo, pp. 32. Gothein, E. Der Christlich-Sociale Staat der Jesuiten in Para- guay. Leipzig, 1883. 8vo. Gracey, J. T. India : Country, People, Missions. Rochester, 1884. 12mo, pp. 59. * Graham, W. On Scruples respecting the constitution and direc- tion of Missionary Societies, especially that pf London, New- castle, 1796. 12mo, pp. 35. e’ xe — 10 — 1729 1730 Grant, Asahel (Medical Missionary to the Nestorians, d. 1844). Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestorians, (Memoir). By T. Lau- rie. 3 ed. Bost., 1874. 12mo. Graul, Karl (Direktor der Missionsgesellschaft zu Dresden, d. 1864), Seine Bedeutung für die Lutherische Mission, von G. Hermann. Halle, 1867. 8vo. - 1731–32 Gray, Robert (Bishop of Cape Town, d. 187%). Life, by Charles 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 Gray. Lond., 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. Green, J. Inquiry into the principles which should regulate the selection of a word to denote “God” in the language of a heathen-race, especially the Zulus. 12mo, pp. 55. Greenfield, M. Rose (Missionary of the Soc. for promoting female education in the East). Five years in Ludhiana. Lond., 1886. 12mo. Grönning, Wilh. (Missionar im Telugu-Lande, d. 1889). Leben, von F. Wishan. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo. e Grove-Rasmussen, A. C. L. Ildlandet og Ildlaendere. Kjøben- havn, 1886. 12mo. Grundemann, R. Allgemeiner Missions-Atlas. Gotha, 1867–1871. Royal 8vo. - — Zur Statistik der Evangelischen Mission. Gütersloh, 1886. 8vo, pp. 88. - - - Gützlaff, Karl F. A. (Missionary in China, d. 1851). Journal of three voyages along the coast of China in 1831–33. Lond., 1864. 12mo, - — Levensberigt, door H. C. Millies. Amst., 1852, 8vo, pp. 30. — Aan mijne mede-christenen in Nederland afscheidswoord. Amst., 1850. 8vo, pp. 84. - — Bij de treurmare van zijnen dood: door de Groot. Gron- ingen, 1852, 8vo, pp. 43. — Herdacht, door H. C. Voorhoeve. Rotterdam, 1851. , 8vo, pp. 30. tº - — De Zending in China. Groningen, 1850. 8vo, pp. 61. — Bericht seiner Reise von China nach England im Interesse der Chinesichen Mission. Cassel, 1851. 8vo, pp. 41. — De apostelder Chinezen, in zijn leven en zijne werkzamheid geschedst, door G. R. Erdbrink. Rotterdam, 1850. 8vo, pp. 53. Hager, C. Die Marshall-Inseln. Anhang : die Gilbert Inseln. Leipzig, 1886, 8vo. • Handbook of the American Baptist Missionary Union, 1892–1893. Boston, 1892. Sm. 4to, pp. 59. Handbüchlein der Missionsgeschichte und Missionsgeographie. Calw, 1844. 16mo. (See Descombaz.) Hannington, James (First Bishop of Equatorial Africa, d. 1885). The Last Journals of Bishop Hannington, by E. C. Dawson. Lond., 1888. 12mo. Harms, Louis (d. 1865) et les Missions de Hermannsbourg, par §§. Wºer: £aris, 1870. 12mo, a e 9 o tº º — 11 — 1752 Harvard, W. M. (one of the Missionaries who accompanied Dr. Coke). Establishment and Progress of the Methodist Mission to Ceylon and India. Lond., 1823. 8vo. - 1753 Hasselt, J. L. (Missionary of the Utrecht Missionary Society). Gedenkboek van een 25 zendelingsleven op Nieuw-Guinea (1862–1887). Utrecht, 1888. 12mo. 1754 Henderson, James (Medical Missionary to China, d. 1865). Me- morials. Lond., 1867. 16mo. 1755 Hening, Mrs. E. F. History of the African Mission of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the United States. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. - 1756 Herivel, J. W. Hayti and the Gospel. Lond., 1891. 12mo, 1757 Hertel, L. For og Nu. Guds Gjerninger i Santalistan. Kjøben- havn, 1892. 16mo, pp. 72. - 1758–60 Hodder, E. Conquests of the Cross ; a Record of Missionary Work throughout the World. Lond., 1890. 3 vols., 4to. 1761 Hoffmann, W. Missions-Stunden, 32 Vörtragen. Stuttgart, 1847. 8vo. 1762 — Do. Neue Samlung. Stuttgart, 1851. 8vo. 1763–65 — Missionsgeschichte. Potsdam, 1857–61. 6 Bde. in 3. 8vo. 1766 — Der Zustand des weiblichen Geschlechts in der Heidenwelt. 3 A. Heidelberg, 1873. 8vo. 1767 Holden, W. C. History of Methodism and Methodist Missions in South Africa. Lond., 1877. 8vo. 1768 Holmes, John (Minister of the Brethren’s Congregation in Dub- lin). Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Breth- ren. Dublin, 1818. 8vo. 1769 Hoole, E. (Sec. of the Wesleyan Missionary Society). Year-Book of Missions, British, Continental and American. Lond., 1857. 8vo. - 1770 Hope, J. R. The Bishopric of the Church of England at Jerusa- lem. 2 ed. Lond., 1842. 8vo, pp. 93. 1771 Hore, E. C. Tanganyika ; Eleven years in Central Africa. Lond., 1892. 12mo, . 1772 Hough, Jas. (Chaplain to the East India Company at Madras; g Minister of Ham, Surrey). Reply to the Abbé Dubois on the State of Christianity in India. Lond., 1824. 8vo. The Prot- estant Missions vindicated against N. Wiseman, D.D. Lond., 1827. 8vo. The Missionaries' Wade Mecum : for the use of Mis- sionaries, Missionary Candidates and Committees. Lond., 1832. 12mo. 1773 Howland, W. W. (Missionary in Ceylon, d. 1892). Historical , Sketch of the Ceylon Mission. 1865, 8vo, pp. 26. 1774 Hughes, T. P. (Missionary to the Afghans). Notes on Muham- madanism. Lond., 1872. 12mo. 1774a — W. (Congo Training Institute, N. Wales). Dark Africa and the Way out, or a scheme for civilizing and evangelizing the Dark Continent. Lond., 1892. 12mo. 2 — 12 — 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 Huie, J. A. History of Christian Missions from the Reformation to the present time. 2 ed. Edinb., 1842. 16mo. Humphreys, D. (Sec. of the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gos- pel). Historical account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to the year 1728. Lond., 1830. 8vo. Hurnard, W. B. Jerusalem and the Jewish Cause: the Jewish Mission in Syria. Lond., 1840. 8vo, pp. 48. Hutchinson, E. The Victoria Nyanza, a field for Missionary En- terprise. Lond., 1876. 8vo. Hutton, James (Sec. Unitas Fratrum, d. 1795). Memoirs and Connection with the United Brethren, by D. Benham. Lond., 1856, 8vo. -- (India.) Brief Narrative of the Baptist Missions in India. 2 ed. Lond., 1810. 16mo, pp. 99. Do. 3 ed. 1810. 8vo. Do. with Map. 5 ed. Lond., 1819. 8vo, pp. 100. — The Bible in India. Lond., 1853. 8vo, pp. 55. — On communicating to the Natives of India the knowledge of Christianity, with observations on a pamphlet of Major Scott Waring. Lond., 1808. 8vo, pp. 101. — Christian Missions and Government Education in India. Lond., 1858. 8vo, pp. 57. — A Letter to Sir John Hobhouse on the connection of the East India Company with the Idolatry of the Country. Lond., 1841. 8vo, pp. 37. —— Abstract of the Annual Reports of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge: East India Missions, 1709 to the present day. Lond., 1814. 8vo. - — The Results of Missionary Labor in India. Lond., 1852. 8vo, pp. 60. Inglis, John. Bible Illustrations from the New Hebrides, with notes of the progress of the Mission. Lond., 1890. 8vo. Irion, C. (Missionar der Basler Missions-Gesellschaft). Malabar und die Missionsstation Talatscheri. Basel, 1864, 8vo. , Irving, B. A. The Theory and Practice of Caste : the effects of Caste on the destiny of the Anglo-Indian empire. Tond., 1853. Isenberg and Krapf (Missionaries of the Church Missionary So- ciety). Journals in Shoa and other parts of Abyssinia. Lond., 1843, 8vo. James, J. A. God’s Voice from China to the British Churches. Lond., 1858. 12mo, pp. 57. — John T. (Bishop of Calcutta, d. 1828). Memoirs, by C. James. Lond., 1830. 8vo. Jānicke, Johann (Originator of the Missionary Movement in Ber- lim, d. 1837). Leben und Wirken, von K. F. Ledderhose. Ber- lin, 1863. 12mo. Jessup, H. H. (Am. Presb. Missionary, Beirut, Syria). The Greek Church and Protestant Missions; or Missions to the Oriental Churches. 12mo, pp. 40. — 13 — 1795 (Jews), Lectures on, by Ministers of Glasgow. Philadelphia, 1840. 12mo. 1796 — Sermons before the Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 1835–1842. Lond. 8vo. 1797 John, Griffith. . (Missionary in Hankow, China). Life, by W. Robson. N. Y., m. d. 12mo. 1798 Johnson, W. Augustine Bernard (Missionary in Sierra Leone, d. 1823). Memoir, with an introductory notice by S. H. Tyng. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. 1799 Johnston, Jas. A Century of Protestant Missions and the increase of the Heathen during the Hundred Years. Lond., 1886. 8vo, pp. 36. 1800–01 Jousse, T. (French Missionary in South Africa). La Mission Francaise Évangélique au sud de l'Afrique jusqua a nos jours. Paris, 1889. 2 vols. 8vo. - 1802 Jowett, Wm. Christian Researches in the Mediterranean. 3 ed. Lond., 1824. 1803 Judson, Mrs. Ann H. (Missionary in Burmah, d. 1836). Life, by J. D. Knowles. Philadelphia, 1830. 16mo. 1804 — Sarah B. (of the American Mission to Burmah, d. 1845). Life, by Fanny Forester. Lond., 1872. 16mo. 1805 — Emily C. Life and Letters, by A. C. Kendrick. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 1806 Kalkar, Chr. H. (Direktor der dºinischen Missionsgesellschaft). Geschichte der Römisch-Katholischen Mission. Erlangen, 1887. 8vo. 1807 — Die evangelische Missionsbestrebung in unseren Tagen. Erlangen, 1867. 8vo. 1808 — Den Danske Mission i Ost-Indien i de seneste Aar. Kjøben- havn, 1870. 8vo. 1809–10 — Geschichte der Christlichen Mission unter den Heiden. Gütersloh, 1879–80. 2 Thle, 8vo. 1811 Keith-Falconer, Ion. (Missionary to the Mohamedams of Southern Arabia, d. 1887). Memorials, by R. Sinker. Cambridge, 1888. 12mo. - 1812 Kennedy, Jas. Christianity and the Religions of India. Mirza- pore, 1874, 8vo. 1813 Kesson, J. (of the British Museum). The Cross and the Dragon, or the Fortunes of Christianity in China. Lond., 1853. 8vo. 1814 Kicherer. Narrative of his Missions to the Hottentots and Bosche- men. Lond., 1804. 8vo. 1815 King, Edward. Advantages of a triform system of colonization in South Africa. 8vo, pp. 44. 1816–17 — C. W., and Lay, G. T. Notes of the voyage of the Mor- rison from Canton to Japan, and of the Himmaleh to the Malayan Archipelago. N. Y., 1839. 2 vols. 12mo. 1818–28 Knapp, J. G. (Professor in Halle, d. 1771) and others. Geschichte der evangelischen Mission in Ostindien. Halle, 1770–1825. 6 Bde. 4to. — 14 — 1824 1825 1826 1827 Knibb, Wm. (Missionary in Jamaica, d. 1845). Memoir, by J. H. Hinton. Lond., 1847. 8vo. - Knight, Wm. India’s Plea for Men. Lond., 1857. 8vo, pp. 61. Kielland, T. Zululandet ; Reiseerindringer. Bergen, 1877. 12mo. Knowlton, M. J. (Missionary to China). The Foreign Missionary: his field and his work. Philadelphia, 1872. 12mo. 1827a Krapf, Ludwig (Missionar in Ost-Afrika, d. 1880). Lebensbild, 1828. 1829 1830 1831 1832 1832a. 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 von W. Claus. Basel, 1882. 12mo. Kropf, A. (Missions-Supt. in Kaffraria). Das Volk der Xosa- Raffern in Östlichen Südafrika. Berlin, 1880. 8vo. Kiipke, H. Missions Historia. Stockholm, 1882. 12mo. Lacroix, Alphonse Francois (Missionary at Calcutta, d. 1859). Memorials, by J. Mullens. Lond., 1862. 12mo. (Lambeth Conference.) Proceedings of the annual public meet- ing of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Lond., 1888. Royal 8vo, pp. 82. . Langhaus, E. T. Pietismus und Christenthum im Spiegel der ăusseren Mission. Leipzig, 1864, 8vo. - Lansing, G. (Missionary of the United Pres. Church in Egypt). Egypt’s Princes. Narrative of Missionary Labor in the Valley of the Nile, N. Y., 1865. 12mo. Lasonder, E. H. Het aardrijkskundig genootschap en de Zend- ing. Rotterdam, 1877. 12mo, pp. 37. Lavigerie (le Cardinal, d. 1893). L'Esclavage Africain. Confer- ence faite dans l’eglise de Saint Sulpice. Paris, 1888. 8vo, pp. 52. (Lavigerie.) Missionaires de le Cardinal Lavigerie pres des Grands Lacs. Lyon, 1886. 8vo. Lawry, W. (Supt. Wesleyan Missions in New Zealand). Friendly and Feejee Islands: a missionary visit to the South Seas in 1847. Lond., 1850. 12mo. — Second Missionary visit to the Friendly and Feejee Islands, in 1850. Lond., 1851. 12mo. Lay, G. T. The Chinese as they are. Albany, 1843. 8vo. Layer, John (Wesleyan Missionary in India, d. 1890). Lebens- bild, von J. Layer. Basel, 1891. 8vo. - Leacock, Hamble James (Leader of the West Indian Mission to Western Africa, d. 1856). The Martyr of the Pongas; a Me- moir, by H. Caswell. Lond., 1857. 12mo. Lee, William (Missionary in India, d. 18%). Memoirs, by H. Lacey. Lond., 1825. 16mo. Leigh, Samuel (Missionary to Australia and New Zealand, d. 185?). Life, by A. Strachan. Lond., 1870. 12mo. Leonardi, G. Nacht und Morgen : Erzählungen aus der Geschichte der evangelischen Heidennission. 3 A. Leipz., 1866. 12mo. Lepsius, R. Standard alphabet for reducing unwritten languages to a uniform orthography. Lond., 1855. 8vo, pp. 73. Leupold, C. B. (Missionary at Benares). Recollections of an In- dian Missionary. Lond., m. d. 16mo. — 15 — 1846 Leupold, C. B. Further Recollections of an Indian Missionary. Lond., 1884. 12mo, - 1847 Levi, L. Digest of the Proceedings of the Synod of the Presby- terian Church in England, 1836–76 (Foreign Missions, pp. 98–109). Lond., 1877. 8vo. 1848 (Liberia.) Africa Redeemed ; or the growth and prospects of Liberia. Lond., 1821. 16mo. - 1849 — Bulletin No. 1, issued by the American Colonization Society. Nov., 1892. Washington. 8vo, pp. 45. 1850 Lightfoot, J. B. (Canon of St. Paul's, d. 1889). Comparative Progress of ancient and modern Missions. Lond., 1874, pp. 14. 1851 Lindner, G. J. Modern Judaism and the Church. Washington, D. C., 1891. 12mo. 1852 Little, H. W. (Some years Missionary in East Madagascar). Madagascar, its History and People. Lond., 1884. 8vo. 1853 Lives of Missionaries. India : Bp. Middleton and Bp. Heber. Lond., n. d. 16mo. - 1854 — Southern India : Ziegenbalg, Schwartz, Jānicke, Gericke. º Lond., m. d. 16mo. 1855 Livingstone, David (Missionary and Ea'plorer in Africa, d. 1873). Cambridge Lectures. Cambridge, 1858. 12mo. 1856 — South Central Africa and its explorer. Report of a meeting in Cape Town. Cape Town, 1856. 8vo, pp. 41. 1857, Livingstonia Mission of the Free Church of Scotland in Nyasa- land. Glasgow, 1891. 8vo, pp. 36. ," 1858 Logan, R. W. (Missionary to Micronesia). The work of God in Micronesia. Boston, 1884. 12mo, pp. 16. 1859 Lºgstrup, T. Nordisk Missionshaandbog. Kjøb, 1889. 12mo. 1860 — Den nyere Danske Mission blandt Tamulerne. Kjøbenhavn, 1885. 8VO. 1860a, London Missionary Society. Jubilee Services. Lond., 1844. 8vo. 1861 Lörcher, J. Die Basler Mission in China. Basel, 1882. 12mo, pp. 48. 1862 Loriot, F. Explorations et Missions dans l'Afrique Équatoriale. Paris, 1890. 16mo. - 1863–64 Louvet, L.-E. (Missionaire Apostolique). La Cochinchine Re- - ligieuse. Paris, 1885. 2 Tom. 8vo. - 1865 Lowrie, J. C. (Sec. of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pres- byterian Church). Manual of Missions, or Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. - 1866 Lucius, E. Die Zukunft der Heidenmission. Strassburg, 1891. 8vo, pp. 31. 1867 Lundie, George Archibald, d. 1841. Missionary Life in Samoa, by his mother. N. Y., 1848. 16mo. 1868 Mabie, H. C. (Secretary Am. Bapt. Missionary Union). In - Brightest Asia. 3 ed. Boston, 1892. Sm. 4to. 1869 Macgowan, J. (Missionary in Amoy, China, since 1863). Christ or Confucius, which 7 or, the story of the Amoy Mission. Lond., 1889. 12mo. — 16 — 1870 Macdonald, John (Missionary at Calcutta, d. 1847). Life, by W. K. Tweedie. Edinburgh, 1849. 12mo. 1871 Mackay, Alexander M. (Pioneer Missionary of the Church Mis- sionary Society to Uganda, d. 1890). Memoir, by his Sister. - Lond., 1890. 8vo. 1872 M'Kean, Thomas S. (Missionary at Tahiti, d. 1844). Memoir, by J. A. Miller. Lond., 1847. 16mo. - 1873 Maclay, R. S. (Missionary to China). Life among the Chinese. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. - 1874 Maclean, A. J. (Dean of Argyle). The Catholicos of the East and his people. Lond., 1892. 12mo. 1875 Maclear, G. F. History of Christian Missions during the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1863. 12mo. 1876 (Madagascar.) The Gospel in Madagascar, with an additional chapter by the Bishop of Mauritius. 2 ed. Lond., 1863. 12mo. 1876a (Mahrattas.) Historical Sketch of the Mission to the Mahrattas of Western India. Boston, 1867. 8vo, pp. 32. - 1877 Malan, C. H. Rides in the Mission Field of South Africa (British - Raffraria). Lond., 1872. 12mo. 1878 Marcus, Moses. De beweegredenen tot het verlaaten van den Joodischen godsdienst. Amst., m. d. Sm, 4to. 1879 Margoliouth, M. Abyssinia : its Past, Present and probable Future. Lond., 1866. 8vo. 1880 Marsden, Samuel (Chaplaim in New South Wales, d. 1838). Memoirs, by J. B. Marsden. Lond., 1858. 16mo. 1881 Marsh, D. W. The aggressiveness and conservatism of Chris- tianity; a Sermon before the Assyrian Mission. Utica, 1856. pp. 24. 1882 Marshall, T. W. M. Christianity in China. Lond., 1858. 8vo. 1883–84 — Christian Missions: their agents and their results. 4 ed. N. Y., 1880. 2 vols. 8vo. 1885 Marshman, J. (Missionary at Serampore, d. 1837). Thoughts on propagating Christianity more efficiently among the heathen. 2 ed. Serampore, 1827. 24mo, pp. 110. J. C. Life and Times of Carey, Marshman and Ward : embracing the history of the Serampore Mission. Lond., 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. - 1888 Martig, Christian (Missionary in China). Leben. Basel, 1864. . 16mo, pp. 100. 1889 Martyn, Henry (Chaplaim of the East India Company, d. 1812). Twenty Sermons, 2 ed. Lond., 1822. e 1889a — His Life and Labors: Cambridge—India—Persia. By Jesse Page, N. Y., m. d. 16mo. 1890 — Christian India : an appeal on behalf of those in India, who want the Bible. A sermon, preached at Calcutta, Jan. 1, 1811, for promoting the objects of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Calcutta, 1811. 8vo, pp. 47 (in vol. marked “Ser- mons”). - 1886–87 — 17 — 1891 Mason, Mrs. (of Burmah). Civilizing Mountain Men; or, Sketches of Mission Work among the Karens. Lond., 1862. 12mo. 1892 Matheson, D. (English Presbyterian). Our Mission in China. 3 ed. Lond., 1862. 16mo. 1893 Matthews, T. T. Nine years' work in Madagascar. Lond., 1888. 8vo. 1894 Maurice, G. Indian Sceptic Confuted. Lond., 1812. 8vo. 1895 Medhurst, W. H. (of the London Missionary Society, d. 1857). Proper mode of translating Ruach and Pneuma in the Chinese version of the Scriptures. Shanghae, 1850. 8vo, pp. 75. 1896 -— The Foreigner in Far Cathay. Lond., 1872. 12mo. 1897 Meinicke, C. L. Die Südseevölker und das Christenthum ; eine - ethnographische Untersuchung. Prenzlau, 1844, 8vo. 1898 Merensky, A. (Superintendent der Berliner Transvaal Mission in Süd-Afrika). Beiträge zur Kenntniss Süd-Afrika. Berlin, 1875, 8vo. 1899 — R. Gegenwärtige Zustand der evangelischen Mission in Süd-Afrika. Berlin, 1891. 8vo, pp. 63. 1899a Merriam, E. F. (Sec. Baptist Missionary Union). Missions: Bur- man, Congo, Karen. Boston. 1885. 12mo, pp. 24, 15, 24. 1900 Meyer, M. Niekamp's Missionsberichte aus Ostindien fortgesetz, 1737–1767. Halle, 1772. Sm. 4to. 1900a Meyers, J. B. Centenary volume of the Baptist Missionary So- ciety, 1792–1892. Lond... 1892. 8vo. 1901 Meylan, A. Histoire de l'évangélisation des Lapons: Suivi de l'évangile au Labrador. Paris, 1863. 16mo. 1902–03 Middleton, Thomas Fanshaw (Bishop of Calcutta, d. 1822). Life, by C. W. LeBas. Lond., 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. 1904 (Mildmay Park.) Proceedings of the Conference on Modern Mis- sions, in 1886, Lond, 8vo. 1905 Millard, E. C. What hath God wrought : account of the Mission- ary tour of Rev. G. C. Grubb. Lond., 1891. 8vo. 1905a Maps of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1843. 8vo. d 1906 Mills, Samuel John (Missionary deputed to eacplore the coast of - Africa, d. 1818). Memoirs, by G. Spring. N. Y., 1820. 8vo. 1907 Milne, Wm. (Missionary among the Chinese, d. 1822). Retrospect of the first ten years of the Protestant Mission in China. Ma- lacca, 1820. 8vo. 1908 — Life and Opinions, by R. Philip. Philadelphia, 1840. 12mo. 1909 —— Wm. C. (Missionary to China). Life in China. 2 ed. Lond., 1858. 12mo. 1910 Missionaires, Les grands. Paris, 1875. 12mo. 1910a Missionary Catechism. Published by the Yale College Society of Inquiry respecting Missions. New Haven, 1821. 24mo. 1911 Missionary Controversy in regard to the remuneration of Mission- aries in India. Ilond., 1890, 8vo. 1912 Missionary Map of the World (see 471). Lond., 1846. — 18 — 1918–16 Missions-Bilder (Australien, Amerika, Afrika, Asien). Calw, 1875–1876. 4 vols. 8vo. 1917 Missionsgeschichte in Heften (vi, Grönland ; vii, Ceylon; viii, Der rothe Mann ; ix, Der grosse Ocean und die Mission; viii, b, Allen Gardiner; xi, Polynesien ; xii. Labrador; v, Central- Afrika ; iv., a, Kafferland ; iv, b, Die Bassutho : Transvaalien. 1918 Mitchell, Mrs. Murray. In India : Sketches of Indian Life and Travels. Lond., 1876. 12mo. 1919 Moffat, Robert (Missionary in South Africa, d. 1883). The Mis- sionary Hero of Kuruman, by S. I. Deane. Lond., n.d. 12mo. 1920 — Africa: or Gospel Light shining in the midst of heathen darkness. A Sermon. Lond., 1840. 8vo, pp. 55. 1921 — Robert (Author of the Glories of the Messiah). Missionary Prize Essay on the duty, privilege and encouragement of Christians to send the Gospel to the unenlightened nations of the earth. Newcastle, 1842, 8vo. 1922 Moister, W. Heralds of Salvation ; Brief memorial sketches of Wesleyan Missionaries who have died in the work. Lond., 1878. 12mo. 1923 — The Missionary World; an Encyclopedia of information relating to Christian Missions. Lond., 1872, 8vo. 1923a (Moravians.) Historische und theologische Nachricht von der Herrenhuthischen Brüderschafft. Franckfurd, 1743. 12mo. 1924–25 Morrison, Robert (Missionary to China, d. 1834). Memoir, by his widow. Lond., 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. 1926 — Embassy from the British Government to the Court of China in 1816. Lond., 1820. 8vo, pp. 96. - 1926a Muirhead, Wm. (London Missionary Society). China and the Gospel. Lond, 1890. 12mo. 1927 Mullens, J. (Missionary in Calcutta, and Secretary of the London Missionary Society, d. 1879). Revised Statistics of Missions in India and Ceylon. Lond., 1853, 8vo, pp. 29. 1928 — Vedantism, Brahmism and Christianity examined and com- pared. Calcutta, 1852. 16mo. 1929 — Missions in South India visited and described. Lond., 1854. 8vo. 1930 — Religious Aspects of Hindu Philosophy. Lond., 1860. 12mo. 1931 – Ten years' Missionary Labor in India. Lond., 1863. 8vo. 1932 — Twelve months in Madagascar. Lond., 1875. 8vo. 1933 — Mrs : Faith and Victory : a story of the progress of Christian- ity in Bengal. Lond., 1865, 12mo. 1934 Munson, Samuel, and Lyman, Henry (Missionaries of the Ameri- can Board to the Indian Archipelago, both d. 1834). Memoirs, by W. Thompson. N. Y., 1839. 12mo. - 1935 Murray, A. M. (of the London Missionary Society). The Bible in the Pacific. Lond., 1888. 12mo. . 1936 Nachtigal, A. Die āltere Heidenmission in Süd-Afrika. Berlin, 1891. 8vo. * — 19 — 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 \ 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 Neesima, Joseph Hardy (Founder of Doshisha University, Japan, d. 1890). Sketch of his early life, by P. F. McKeen. Boston, 1890. 24mo. (Nellore.) The Lone Star Jubilee. Papers and discussions of the Conference in Nellore, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the American Baptist Telugu Missions. Madras, 1886. 12mo. Nesbit, Robert (Missionary at Bombay, d. 1885). Memoir by J. Murray Mitchell. Lond., 1858. 12mo. Nevins, J. L. (Missionary in China). China and the Chinese. Lond., 1869. 12mo. - New, Charles (Missionary of the United Methodist Free Churches in East Africa, d. 1874, or soon after). Life, wanderings and labors in Eastern Africa. Lond., 1883. 12mo. Newell, Harriet (Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. to India, d. 181?). Memoirs, by L. Woods. 3 ed. Boston, 1814. 16mo. Newman, H. S. Days of grace in India : a record of visits to In- dian Missions. Lond., 1881. 8vo. Newton, Jno. (Missionary in Lodiana, d. 1891). Historical Sketches of the India Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, known as the Lodiana, the Jarrukhabad (by Mrs. H. H. Holcomb) and the Kolhapur (by G. W. Seiler) Mis- sions. Allahabad, 1886. 8vo. (New Zealand.) Letters from the Bishop to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. 3 ed. Lond., 1847. 16mo. — Vindication of the Character of the Missionaries and Native Christians. Lond., 1861. 8vo, pp. 35. — Letters to the Rev. Wm. Yate, from natives of New Zealand converted to Christianity. Lond., 1836. 16mo. Nitzsch, K. J. Die Wirkung des evangelischen Christenthums auf kulturlose Völker. Berlin, 1852. , 8vo, pp. 16. Obookiah, Henry (a native of Owyhee and a member of the For- eign Mission School, Cornwall, Conn., d. 1818). Memoirs, with Sermons by Lyman Beecher and others. New Haven, 1818. 16mo. - s Ogle, J. Furness (Missionary in Patagonia and Algeria, d. 1865). Life and Missionary travels : ed. by J. A. Wylie. Lond., 1873. 8vo. Oman, J. C. (Professor in the Government College, Lahore). In- dian Life, Hindu and Mohammedan, religious and social. Philadelphia, 1889. 12mo. 1951a. Opwekings-Rede voor het Nederlandsch Zendeling-Genootschap te Rotterdam door J. Clarisse, 1826; H. Manger, 1829; F. Pleijte, 1831; H. Weijland, 1833; P. J. Saan, 1834. Rotterdam. 8vo. 1952–53 Owen, Jno. History of the Origin and first ten years of the 1954 British and Foreign Bible Society. Lond., 1816. 2 vols. 8vo. Parker, S. Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains under the direction of the American Board. Ithaca, N. Y., 1838. 12mo. — 20 — 1955 Parmelee, D. L. Discourse at the Semi-Centennial of the Litch- field County Foreign Mission Society. Hartford, 1861. 8vo. 1956 Paske, E. Buddhism in the British Provinces of Little Thibet, with notice of the work of Moravian Missionaries. Lond., n.d. 8vo, pp. 12. - 1957 Patteson, John Coleridge (Missionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands, d. 1871). Life, by Jesse Page. N. Y., n. d. 12mo. 1958 – Ein Lebens- und-Martyrerbild, von W. Baur. Gütersloh, 1877, 12mo. 1959 — Sketches of the Life of Bishop Patteson in Melanesia. Lond., n. d. 12mo. 1960 Patteson, S. R. Gospel Ethnology. Lond., m. d. 12mo. 1961–62 Pauli, J. Die evangelischen Missionen in Afrika. Erlangen, 1868–69. 2 Bde, 12mo, 1968 Paulig, F. C. Bilder aus dem Missionsleben. Leipzig, 1863, 8vo. 1964 Pearce, Wm. H. (Missionary in India, d. 1840). Memoirs, by Wm. Yates. 1965 Pearson, H. Dissertation on the Propagation of Christianity in Asia. Oxford, 1808. 4to. PERIODICALS : (1) American. NOTE:-The mark + shows that the periodical is continued and regularly received. 1966–73 Baptist Missionary Magazine, 1849, '50, '72, '73, '89-'92, 8 vols. complete + (1839–48, '51–71, ’74-79 broken; 1880–88 wanting). 1974 Bible Society Record. N. Y., 1892. -- 4to. 1975–86 Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, i-x, xxiii. Foochow and later, Shanghai, 1869–1879, 1892. 4- (Wanting vols. xi-xxii.) 1987–88 Church at Home and Abroad (Presbyterian Church, North). Philadelphia, 1892. 2 vols. 4- (Complete: see 532.) 1989 Concession (The); or Southern Baptist Missionary Magazine, Vol. v. Richmond, Va., 1860. [Wanting Nos. 11 and 12.] 1990–2015 Foreign Missionary : (Presbyterian Church). i-iv (Quarterly). 1842–47: xxiv-xlvi (Monthly.) 1866–1886. N. Y. 25 vols. 8vo. [Wanting 1848–65.j - 2016 Foreign Missionary Journal: (Southern Baptist Convention. Vol. xxiv. Richmond, Va., 1892. 4- 8vo. (Wanting I-XXII.) 2017 Missionary Tidings of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Monthly). i—ii. N. Y., 1879–Dec., 1880. 8vo. 2018-2029 Gospel in All Lands: (Methodist Episcopal Church). ii-xiii. N. Y. 12 vols. 1881–92. + Royal 8vo. (Complete except vol. i, 1880.) 2030 Herald of Mission News: (Reformed Presbyterian Church.) N.Y., 1892. 4- 8vo. 2031–56 Home and Foreign Record of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. ii—ix, Philadelphia. 3 vols. 4to. 1851–1859. And finally under the title : “The Presbyterian Monthly Record,” 1864–85. (Wanting 1850, 1860–63, and one or more missing numbers in 1864–67, '69–73, '76, ’80–83, '85.) 2057 Lutheran Missionary Journal. xiv. York, Pa., 1893. -- Royal 8vo. — 21 — 2058 Mission Field: (Reformed Church in America.) Vol. v. N. Y., 1892.4 (Wanting i-iii. See 585.) 2059 Mission Gleaner: (Woman's Board, Reformed Church.) Vol. ix. N. Y., 1892. 4 (Wanting i-vii. See 586.) 2060–61 Missionary: (Presbyterian Church of the United States.) Co- lumbia, S. C. Vol. iii, 1870–1879: imperfect except 1874, 1878. 2061 Missionary Herald. (Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, 1892. + 8vo. (Complete. See 587.) 2062 — Record. (Cumberland Presbyterian Church.) Vol. xvii. St. Louis, Mo., 1892. 4- 8vo. (Wanting i-xv. See 612.) 2063 — Reporter. (Meth. Episcopal Church, South.) New Series, vol. xiii. Nashville, Tenn., 1892. -- (Wanting i-xi. See 613.) 2064 —- Bulletin. (Meth. Protestant Church). Vol. iv. Easton, Md., 1892. -- Fol. (Wanting i-ii. See 614.) 2065-74 — Review. (Ed. by Rev. R. W. Wilder, d. 1887.) Vols. i-x. 1878–87. Trenton, N. J. 10 vols. 8vo. (Imperfect except 1879). 2075 — Review of the World. (Funk & Wagnalls.) Vol. v. N. Y., 1892. + (Complete. See 618.) - — Presbyterian Monthly Record. (See Home and Foreign Record, 2031.) - 2076 Spirit of Missions. (Prot. Episcopal Church in the United States.) - Vol. lvii. N. Y., 1892. -- (57 vols, complete. See 620.) (2) British and Colonial. 2077 Bible Society (British and Foreign) Reporter. Lond., 1892. 4- 8vo. 2078–80 China's Millions: ed. by Hudson Taylor. (1880, '82 and '83 complete; 1884–1890 incomplete.) Lond., 1892. 4- 4to. (See 684.) 2081–2103 Chronicle of the London Missionary Society. Vol. i-. Lond., 1836–1892. + 21 vols. 8vo and 4to. (Wanting 1838–’54, '59, '60, '62–78.) 2104 Church Missionary Intelligencer. Lond., 1892. 4- 8vo. (Wanting 1889–1891. See No. 779.) 2105 Church of Scotland Missionary Record. Edinburgh, 1892. -- 2106 Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle. Vol. iii. Lond., 1861. 8vo. (See 829.) 2107–8 Everlasting Nation (The), an International Monthly Journal relating to the Jewish people : ed. by A. A. Isaacs. i-ii. Lond., 1889, 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. 2109–12 Evangelist and Missionary Reporter. i, 1833, wanting No. 12; * ii, wanting 9–11; iii, complete. New series, 1838. Vol. ii, wanting 1–3, 8, 9. Bombay, 1833–1839. 2113–29 Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record. 1869–1884. Some- what imperfect. Edinb., Nov., 1892. -- Sm. 4to. 2130–39 Illustrated Missionary News. (Monthly.) xvii-xxvi. Lond., 1883–1892. + 10 vols. 4to. (Incomplete.) 2140–57 Indian Evangelical Review : a Quarterly Journal of Missionary Thought and Effort. i-xvi. Bombay, 1873–89. 17 vols. 8vo. (Wanting Nos. 7, 23, 25–27, 29–35, 37–45, 48–58, 60.) — 22 — 2158–68 Jewish Intelligence. (London Society for Promoting Chris- tianity among the Jews.) 1857–65, 1886–89. Lond. 11 vols. 2169–71 Madras Christian Instructor and Missionary Record. (Monthly.) i-iv. Madras, 1843–48, 3 vols. 8vo. (Wanting Apr., June– Dec., 1847; Jan., June, Dec., 1848.) 2172 Madras Missionary Register. (Quarterly.) Vol. i. Madras, 1834–5. 8VO. 2173–2205 Mission Field. (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) i-xxxvii, all except 1875–76. Lond., 1856–1892. -- 33 vols. 12mo and 8vo. 2207-36 Missionary Record of the United Presbyterian Church. (Monthly.) Edinb. Vol. i. 1847–1863; 1872–1892. 4- 30 vols. 8vo. (Wanting 1864–1871 and Aug., 1872; Aug., 1873; Jan., March, June, 1875; March, May, Aug., 1877; Sept., 1882; Apr., 1887. - 2237 Monthly Record of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Vol. iv. Lond., 1855. 16mo. 2238–41 Missionary Herald. (Baptist Missionary Society.) Lond., 1879– 1886. 8vo. + (1880--'83 complete ; the remainder broken.) 2342 Net cast in many waters : Sketches from the life of Missionaries, for 1866. LOnd. 8vo. 2343–46 News of the Churches and Journal of Missions. Vols. vii—ix. Lond., 1860–1862. 3 vols. 4to. 2347 Periodical Accounts of the Serampore Mission. Nos. xiii-xvi. - Serampore, 1825. w 2348 Presbyterian Record. (Presbyterian Church in Canada.) xvii. Montreal. Svo. 1892. -- - - 2362–2366 Scottish Missionary and Philanthropic Register. (Monthly : Scottish Missionary Society.) viii-xvii. Edinburgh, 1827–1836. 2367–76 Wesleyan Missionary Notices. (Monthly.) 1869–1879; but only 1870, "77, '78 complete. Lond. 12mo. - (3) German. 2377–78 Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift ; ed. Warneck. Gütersloh. 8vo. 1887 and 1892. 4- (Still wanting 1888–1890; see 893.) 2379–2417 Berichte der Rheinischen Missions—Gesellschaft. (Monthly.) 1847, 1851–91. 4- Barmen. 39 Bde. 8vo. (Wanting 1848–50.) 2418–19 Calwer Missionsblatt. (Monthly.) Redacteur, J. Hesse. 1888, ’90, '91. 4- Calw, 4to. (Wanting Bde. i-lx, lxii.) 2420–23 Evangelisches Missions-Magazin : herausgegeben von J. Hesse. Basel, 1883–85, '90, '92. + 8vo. (See 931. Still wanting 1881, '82, ’86–’89.) 2424–64 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionsblatt. 1846–77, 1883–1891. Leipzig. 41 Bde. 8vo. (Wanting 1878–82, 1892. -- See 935.) 2465–2502 Evangelische Heidenbote. (Monthly.) 1846–51, 1859–85, 1888–91. Basel. 38 Bde, 4to. (Wanting Bde. i-lx, lxii.) 2503–16 Hermannsburger Missionsblatt : von L. Harms. i-xxv. Dres- den, 1854–1878. 14 Bde, 8vo. (Wanting 1879–92.) 2517 Magazin fur die neueste Geschichte der protestantischen Mis- sions- und Bibel-Gesellschaften. (Monthly.) Basel, 1892. -- 8vo. (Still wanting 1857–1890.) 2517–34 Missions-Berichte der Gesellschaft zur Befórderung der evang. Missionen zu Berlin. (Monthly.) Berlin, 1837–1891. 28 Bde. 8vo. + 2535–46 Missions-Freund : von Ahlfeld und Wendland. i-xxxix. Ber- lin, 1846–1887. 12 Bde. 8vo. 2547–54 Monatsblatt der Norddentschen Missions-Gesellschaft. (Month- ly.) i-iv. Hamburg, 1841–44. 5 Bde, 8vo. 2555 Mittheilungen aus China : vom Pommerschen Hauptverein. (Monthly.) i-iii. Stettin, 1858–60. 8vo. (In “Mission für - China.”) 2556 Nachricht aus der Brüdergemeine. Gnadau, 1892. -- 12mo. (See 983.) - - 2557 Nachricht aus der Heidenwelt, von der Missions-Hulfs-Gesell- schaft in Stuttgart, (Monthly: i-v in 1 Band.) Stuttgart, 1823–1827. 8vo. 2558–64 Nathanael; Zeitschrift für die Arbeit der evangelischen Kirche an Israel. (Bi-Monthly.) Berlin, 1885–92, 7 vols. 8vo + 2565–99 Neueste Nachrichten aus dem Reiche Gottes. i-xxxviii. g Berlin, 1820–54. 35 Bde. 8vo. 2600 Saat auf Hoffnung. (Quarterly.) Leipzig, 1892. 4 8vo. (Com- plete. See 984.) 2601–05 Zeitschrift für Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft. (Quarterly.) ii-v, vii. Berlin, 1892. 4 (Complete except Bd. I. See 1102.) - wº (4) Dutch. 2606 Macedonier (De), Algemeen Zendingstijdschrift: van H. Dijkstra. (Monthly.) 10° Jaarg. Leiden, 1892. 4- 8vo. (See 1025.) 2607–20 Maandberigten van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. Rotterdam, 1847–1891. 14 deelen. 8vo. (See 1026.) 2621 Mededeelingen van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenoot- schap. (Quarterly.) Rotterdam, 1892. 4- 8vo. (Complete from the beginning in 1857. See No. 1071.) (5) French and Italian. 2622–76 Annali della propagazione della fede. i-lv. Lione, 1839–1883. 55 vols. 8vo. 2677–86 Bulletin Missionaire des églises libres de la Suisse Romande, (Bi-Monthly.) 1872–1890. Lausanne. 12mo. (Wanting Nos. 26, 27, 31, 40, 44-63, 88, 89.) 2687 Journal des Missions Evangéliques. (Monthly.) Paris, 1892. 4. 8vo. (See 1118.) — 24 — (6) Swedish. 2688–2711 Bibel-winnen en Lunds Missions-Tidning. (Monthly.) i-xxiii. Lund, 1848–70. 23 delar. 8vo. 2712–42 Lunds Missionstidning. (Monthly.) Lund, 1871–90, 1892. + 8vo. (See 1144.) 2748 Meddelanden från Studentmissionsföreningen i Upsala. iv. Ar- gangen. Hāft. 2, 3. Upsala, 1892. -- 8vo. 2744–48 Missions-Tidning. (Monthly.) Swenska Missions-sällskapt. vi-xxiii. Stockholm, 1839–1856. 5 delar, 4to. - 2749 Underråttelser om Evangelii Framgång i alle Werlsdelar. (Weekly.) D. iii. Stockholm, 1820. 8vo. (7) Danish. 2750–62 Almindelig Kirketidende ; udgiven af J. Wahl. (Fortnightly.) xiii-xxi. Kjøbenh., 1872–1880. 9 bind, 8vo. 2768–77 Dansk Missions-Blad; udg. af det Danske Missionsselskab. (Monthly.) Kjøbenh., 1866–No. 8, 1885, 1891, 1892. 15 bind. 8vo. (Wanting i-xii, and 1869–73, '79–80; No. 9, 1885–1890.) (8) Norwegian. 2778 Missionsloesing for Kvindeforeninger. iv. Aarg. Stavanger, 1888. 8VO. 2779 Norsk Missionstidende ; udg. af det Norske Missionsselskab. Stavanger, 1888. 8vo. 2780 Perkins, Justin (Pioneer Missionary to Persia, d. 1869.) Life, by H. M. Perkins. Chicago, 1887. 12mo, 2781 Petri, P. A. (Inspector am Berliner Missionshause). Missions- Agende : eine Sammlung Materials zum Gebrauch bei Missions- Gottesdiensten. Gütersloh, 1876. Royal 8vo. 2782 — Die Ausbildung der evangelischen Heidenboten in Deutsch- land mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Berliner Missions- Seminar. Berlin, 1873. - 2783–84 Pfotenhauer, P. Die Missionen der Jesuiten in Paraguay; eine Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Werthe Römischer Mission. Gütersloh, 1891. 2 Bde. 8vo. 2785–86 Philip, Jno. (Supt. of the Missions of the London Miss. Soc. at the Cape of Good Hope, d. 1831). Researches in South Africa. Lond., 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. - 2787 Phillippo, James Mursell (Missionary in Jamaica, d. 1879). Life, by E. B. Underhill. Lond., 1887, 8vo. 2787a — Jamaica : its Past and Present state, 2 ed. Lond., 1843. 12mo. 2788 Phillips, T. Missionary's Vade Mecum ; or account of the relig- ious literature of the Hindus in the North-West of India, with notices of Missionary controversial works, lines of argumenta- tion, etc. Calcutta, 1847. 12mo. — 25 — 2789 Pierson, Arthur T. The Miracles of Missions. N. Y., 1891. 12mo. 2789a — H. W. American Missionary Memorial. N. Y., 1853, 8vo. 2790 Plath, C. H. C. Missions-Studien. Berlin, 1870. 121no. 2791 — Die Missionsgedanken des Freiherrn von Leibnitz. Berlin, 1869. 8vo. 2792 Platt, F. P. (Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge). Reply to the Quarterly Review, (No. 71), respecting certain versions of the Scriptures published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. 2 ed. Lond., 1827. pp. 40. 2793 Playter, Geo. T. Methodism in Canada, with an account of the work of God among the Canadian Indians and Tribes. Toronto, 1862. 8vo. 2794 Pope, G. A. (Missionary of the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel, Tanjore). The Lutheran Aggression; a Letter to the Tranquebar Missionaries. Madras, 1853, 8vo, pp. 54. 2795 (Presbyterian Church.) Historical Sketches of the Foreign Mis- sions of the Presbyterian Church (North). 3 ed. Philadelphia, 1891. 12mo. 2796 Rae, G. M. The Syrian Church in India. Lond., 1892. 8vo. 2797 Ramsey, Wm. (Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. to India). Jour- nal of a Missionary Tour in India, by Read and Ramsey. Phil., 1836. 12mo. 2798 Reed, A. Appeal to the constituents of the London Missionary Society, with reply, etc. Lond., 1847. 8vo, pp. —. 2799 — J. G. Church Work: Mission Life. Lond., 1888. 8vo. 2799a Remarks on the provision which should be made for the children of Missionaries. N. Y., 1855. 8vo, pp. 30. 2800 Reply of the Missionaries at Constantinople to the charges of Rev. Horatio Southgate. Boston, 1844. 8vo, pp. 44. REPORTS, Annual. 2801 American Baptist Missionary Union. lxxi. Boston, 1885. 8vo. (Still wanting all except xxxv, xxxvi, xl, lvii, lix. See 1187.) 2802–17 American Bible Society. N. Y., 1872–1892. 8vo. (Wanting 1884, '86–89, also Nos. 1–20, 22, 24, 26–28, 30–55.) 2818 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, 1892. 8vo. (Complete in 76 vols. See 1258.) 2819–20 — in Japan. Tokyo, 1890, '92. (See 1261.) 2821 — Madura Mission. Madura, 1890. (See 1263.) 2822 — Marathi Mission. Satara, 1892. (Wanting 1881, '82. See 1264.) 2823–26 American Evangelical Lutheran Mission for 1888–91. Guntur. 2827–32 American Inter-Seminary Missionary Alliance. ii, x–xii. 1881– - '91. 12mo. (Wanting Nos. i., iii-ix.) 2832 Annual Report of the State of Missions carried on by the Society late in connection with the Rev. John Wesley : by Thomas Coke. Lond., 1813. 8vo, pp. 48. - 2833–44 British and Foreign Bible Society. i-xxxii. Lond., 1805–1836, bound in 11 vols.; also 87th Report, 1891. 8vo. (Wanting 1837–1890, 1892.) — 26 — 2845–54 British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews. i-xiii. Lond., 1844–56. 8vo. (Wanting iii, vii, xiii.; also all from 1857 inclusive.) - - 2855–66 Church Missionary Society. Record of Proceedings. Lond., 1876–1891. 8 vols. (Now complete except 1892. See 740.) 2867 Danske Missionsselskab for Aaret 1891. Kjøbenhavn. - 2868–69 Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. xxv, xxv. Biennial Reports, 1889, 1891. Philadelphia, 12mo. 2870 Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft zu Basel. xlv., xlvii. Basel, 1860, 1862. 8vo. 2871 Fairfield County (Conn.). First Annual Report of the Auxiliary Society. Norwalk, 1825, 12mo. 2872–85 Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1880–1892. 8vo. (Still wanting 1883, 1885.) 2886 Hawaiian Evangelical Association. Honolulu, 1863. 8vo. (See 1280.) 2887–94 Indian Home Mission Auxiliary to the Baptist Mission to the Sonthals. iii-ix. Benares, 1869–76, 8vo. 2895–2940 London Missionary Society. i-xcviii. Lond., 1795–1892. 44 vols. 8vo. (Wanting 1815, 16, 19–27, '87, '70, "73, '78, '81.) 2941–45 London Society for Promoting the Gospel among the Jews. i-xxxviii and xlviii. Lond., 1809–1846, 1856 bound in 5 vols, 8vo. (Wanting 1847–55, 1857–1892.) 2946–66 Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. Rotterdam, 1848–68 and 1873. 20 vols. 8vo. - 2967 Pommerschen Haupt-Verein für Evangelisirung China's. i-vii, wanting ii. Stettin, 1851–57. (Marked “Missions für China.”) 12mo. 2968 Presbyterian Church in Canada for 1891–92 Toronto. 8vo. 2969–84 Presbyterian Church of England, Minutes and Reports. Lond., - 1877–91. 8vo. 15 vols. complete. - 2985–3024 Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. iii- liv. New York, 1840–291. 8vo. (Wanting 1, 2, 4, 9, 15, 24, 26, 45–47, 50, 58.) . - - 3025 Presbyterian Church of the United States (South). xxviii. Balti- more, 1889. 8vo. * 3026–37 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Lond., 1784, 1877, 1882–89. 11 vols. 8vo. 3038 Society late in connection with the Rev. John Wesley, by Thomas - Coke. Lond., 1813, 8vo, pp. 48. 3039–69 Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Lond., 1857–1889. 29 vols. 8vo. (Wanting, 1858, 1861, 1872, 1887.) 3070 Rhea, Samuel A. (Missionary to Persia, d. 1865). Life, under the title “The Tennessean in Persia and Kurdistan,” by D. W. Marsh. Philadelphia, 1869, 12mo. 3071 Rheinischer Missions-Atlas. Barmen, 1878. 4to. — 27 — 8072 Riggs, S. R. (Missionary to the Dakotas). Mary and I: Twenty years with the Sioux. Boston, 1887. 12mo. 3073 Robbins, W. E. (Methodist Missionary at Poona). Handbook of - India and British Burmah. Cincinnati, 1883. 16mo. 3074 Robertson, Mrs. R. (Missionary in South Africa, d. 1864). Me- moirs, under the title “Missionary Life among the Zulu-Kafirs, by A. Mackenzie. Lond., 1875. 12mo. 3075 — Wm. The Martyrs of Blantyre (Henry Henderson, Dr. John Bowie, Robert Cleland); a chapter from the story of missions in Central Africa. 2 ed. Lond., 1892. 16mo. 3076 Römer. Die Indianer und ihr Freund, David Zeisberger. Güter- sloh, 1890. 12mo. - 3077 Rohden, L. von. Geschichte der Rheinischen Missiongesellschaft. Barmen, 1856. 8vo. - 3078–79 de le Roi, J. F. A. Die evangelische Christenheit und die Juden. Karlsruhe, 1892. 8vo. Bde. ii., iii. (Complete. See 1335.) 3080 Rostvig, L. (Norwegian Missionary in Madagascar). Sakalaverne og deres Land. Stavanger, 1886. 8vo. 3081 Russell, J. Tour in Ceylon and India at the request of the Bap- tist Missionary Society. Lond., 1852. 8vo. 3082 Ryan, V. W. (Bishop of Mauritius). Mauritius and Madagascar. Lond., 1864. 12mo. 3083 Saillens, R. Nos droits sur Madagascar et nos griefs contre les Hovas examinés impartialement. Paris, 1885. 8vo. 3084 — Madame R. Au pays des ténèbres, historie de la première mission Chrétienne au Congo. Paris, 1889. 8vo. 3085 Saker, Alfred (Missionary to West Africa, d. 1880). Biography, by E. B. Underhill. Lond., 1884. 12mo. 3086 Samuel, J. (Missionary to the Jews in Persia, 1836–38). Narrative of (his) Proceedings. Bombay, 1889. 8vo, pp. 31. 3087 — Appeal in behalf of the Jews in India, Persia and Arabia. Lond., 1840. 8vo, pp. 32. 3088 Sandeman, David (Missionary to China, d. 1858). Memoir, by A. A. Bonar. Lond., 1861. 12mo. - 3089–90 Sandreczki, C. (in the service of the Church Missionary Society, d. 1893). Reise mach Mosul und durch Kurdistan nach Urumiah. Stuttgart, 1857. 4 Thle in 2 Bde. 12mo. 3091 (Santalistan.) The Gospel in Santalistan, by an old Indian. Preface by H. Bonar. Lond., 1875. 12mo. g 3091a — Das Evangelium in Santalistan. Basel, 1878. 12mo, pp. 46. 3092 Saxer, J. A. Ueber den Confessions-Streit, mit Beziehung auf den Angelegenheiten der norddeutschen Missions-Gesellschaft. Stade, 1843, 8vo, pp. 82. - 3092a Schauffler, William Gottlieb (Missionary in Comstantinople, d. 1883). Autobiography. N. Y., 1887. 12mo. 3093 Scholes, S. E. Fiji and the Friendly Isles. Lond. (1882.) 16mo. 3094 Schools, Mission : Shall they be abolished or sustained 2 Roches- - ter, 1856. 8vo, pp. 43. 3095 — of the American Board. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. 20. 3 - — 28 — 3096 Schwartz, Christian Friedrich (Missionar in India, d. 1797). Leben und Wirken aus Briefen des Halleschen Missionsarchivs, von W. Germann. Erlangen, 1870. 8vo. 3097 Schweizer, R. Ergebnisse der Protestantischen Missionen, in Vorderindien. Bern, 1868, 12mo. 3098 Schudder, John (thirty-six years Missionary in India, d. 1854). Memoir, by J. B. Waterbury. N. Y., 1870. 12mo, 8099 Scott, T. J. The Indian Sunday School Manual, adapted to Sun- day School work in India. Lucknow, 1882. 16mo. 3100 Seddall, H. Missionary History of Sierra Leone. Lond., 1874. 16mo. 3101 Sen, Keshub Chunder (d. 1884). The Brahmo Somaj: Lectures and Tracts. Lond., 1870. 12mo. 3102–8 Selwyn, George Augustus (Bishop of New Zealand, also of Lich- field, d. 1878). Memoir, by W. H. Tucker. Lond., 1879. 2 vols. 8vo. - 3104 (Serampore.) Memoir, relative to the operations of the Seram- pore Missionaries. Lond., 1827. pp. 89. 3104a Sermons (Missionary), by F. Wayland, J. Giffen, C. Anderson, J. Parsons, J. A. James ; also before the American Board by E. D. Griffin, 1826; J. Day, 1823; S. Austin, 1824; A. Proudfit, 1822. (See 1353.) 3105a — before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (additional to 1353) by D. Magee, 1847; R. S. Storrs, Sen., 1850; D. H. Riddle, 1851; C. White, 1854; S. W. Fisher, 1860; R. S. Storrs, Jr., 1861; E. N. Kirk, 1865; H. A. Nelson, 1868; D. March, 1892. (Still wanting 1825, 28–32, 34–40, '42, '43, '45, '48, '53, '61–64, '66, '67, '69, '78.) 3105 -— before the Foreign Missionary Society of N. Y. and Brooklyn, ſº by Asa D. Smith, 1852; Geo. B. Cheever, 1854; Wm. Adams, 1855; Wm. Hogarth, 1856; S. T. Spear, 1857; J. Parker, 1858. N. Y. 8VO. & 3106 "Shaw, Wm. (Supt. of Wesleyan Missions in Southeastern Africa, d. 1872). Memoir, by W. B. Boyce. Lond., 1874, 8vo. 3107 Schoberl, T. Present State of Christianity and of the Missionary Establishments in all parts of the world. 2 ed. Lond., 1829, 12mo. 3108 Short, Augustus (Bishop of Adelaide, d. 1883). Story of a thirty four years' episcopate, by F. D. Whitington. Lond., 1888. 12mo. 3109 Shortland, J. R. The persecutions in Annam : History of Chris- tianity in Cochin China and Tonking. Ilond., 1875. 12mo. 3110 Siam and Laos as seen by our Missionaries. Philadelphia, 1884. 12mo. 3111 Smith, A. M. Brief History of Evangelical Missions. Hartford, 1844. 12mo. 3112 — Eli (Missionary of the Am. Board to Syria, d. 1857). The Missionary Character: an Address before the Society of Inquiry in the Theological Seminary in New Haven. New Haven, 1840. pp. 38. — 29 — 3113 Smith, George (Missionary to China, and Bishop of Victoria, d. 1871). Narrative of a visit to the Consular cities of China. N. Y., 1847. 12mo. - 3114 — Lewchew and the Lewchewans. Lond., 1858. 16mo. 3115 — Ten weeks in Japan. Lond., 1861. 8vo. 31.15a Smith, George (of Edinburgh). The Native Christians of India as a Community and a Church. Edinburgh, 1871. 8vo, pp. 25. 3116 — S. F. Missionary Sketches: a Concise History of the work of the American Baptist Missionary Union. Brought up to date by E. F. Merrian. 6 ed. Boston, 1879. 16mo. 3117 — Thomas. Mediaeval Missions. Edinburgh, 1880. 12mo. 3118–19 — History and Progress of the Missionary Societies. Lond., 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. 3120 (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) Historical Sketches. Colonial Series. 1. Nova Scotia. 2. Newfoundland. 3. Quebec. 4. Guiana. 5. St. Helena. 6. Australia. 7. Rupert's Land. Lond., 1891–92. 12mo and 8vo. 3120a — Missionary Series. 1. Delhi. 2. Chóta Nagpore. 3. Burma. 4. Tinnevelly. 5. Melanesia. 6. Madagascar. 7. Kaffraria. 8. England. 9. Victoria Jubilee. 10. Borneo. 11. Japan. 12. 13. China and Korea. Lond., 1884–91. 8vo. 3121 Southgate, H. Visit to the Syrian (Jacobite) Church of Mesopo- tamia : with statements upon the state of Christianity in Tur- key. N. Y., 1844. 12mo. (See Reply, No. 2800.) 3122 South India Missionary Conference at Ootacamund. Madras, 1858. 8vo. -- 3123 Spangenberg, A. G. Account of the manner in which the Unitas Fratrum or United Brethren preach the Gospel and carry on their Missions among the heathen. Lond., 1788. 8vo. 3124 Stallybrass, Mrs. (Missionary to Siberia, d. 1833). Memoir, by E. Stallybrass. Lond., 1836. 16mo. 3125 Staley (Bishop of Honolulu). Five years' Church Work in the Kingdom of Hawaii. Lond., 1868. 12mo, 3126 Stanley, Henry M., the African Explorer. By A. Montefiore. 2 ed. N. Y., m. d. 12mo. 3127 Statistics of Protestant Missionary Societies. 1861. Lond., 1863. 8vo, pp. 88. 3128 Steere, Edward (Third Missionary Bishop in Central Africa, d. 1882). By R. M. Heanley. Lond., 1888. 12mo. 3129 Steger, V. S. Missions-Historien. Stockholm, 1843. 16mo. 3130 — Die protestanten Missionen und deren gesegnetes Wirken. 2 ed. Hof, 1844 and 1850. 3. Thle. in 1. 3131 Stern, Henry Aaron (more than forty years Missionary amongst the Jew8, d. 1885). Biography by A. A. Isaacs. Lond., 1886. - 8vo. 3132 — Dawnings of Light in the East. Lond., 1854. 8vo. 3133 — The Captive Missionary (in Abyssinia). Lond., 1868. 3134–5 Stewart, C. S. Visit to the South Seas. Lond., 1832. 2 vols. -- 12mo. — 30 — 3136 Steel, R. (Minister of St. Stephen’s Church, Sydney). New Hebrides and Christian Missions. Lond., 1880. 12mo. - 3137 Stolz, C. Die Basler Mission in Indien. Basel, 1884, 16mo, pp. 108. 3137a Stock, E. Japan and the Japan Mission. 2 ed. Continued by C. F. Warren. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 3138 — S. G. The Story of Uganda and the Victoria Nyanza Mis- sion. Lond., 1892. 12mo. 3139 Stockfleth, N. V. Dagbok Čfver mina missionsresor in Finn- marken. Stockholm, 1868. Svo. 3139a Strachan, J. M. Mr. Groves’ Brief Account of the Tinnevelly Mission examined. Lond., 1835. 8vo, pp. 66. 3140 Strickland, W. P. History of the Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Cincinnati, 1850. 12mo. 3141 Sutton, A. (Missionary to Orissa, d. 1854). Orissa and its evan- gelization, with suggestions respecting the more effectual Con- ducting of Indian Missions. Derby and Calcutta, 1850. 12mo. 3142 Swanson, W. S. The China Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England: its history, methods, results. (1857.) 16mo, p. 22. 3143 Taylor, J. Hudson (of the China Inland Mission). China's spirit- ual need and claims. 5 ed. Lond., 1884. 4to. 3144 — Wm. Four years' Campaign in India. Lond., 1876. 12mo, 3144a — Ten years of Self-supporting Missions in India. N. Y., 1882. 12mo. 3145 Tell Sono, Miss. The Japanese Reformer ; an Autobiography. N. Y., 1892. 16mo. 3146 Thomason, Thomas (Chaplain East India Company, d. 1839). Life, by J. Sargent. N. Y., 1842. 12mo. 3147 Thompson, A. C. Future Probation and Foreign Missions. Bos- ton, 1886. 12mo, pp. 52. 3147a — J. Memoirs of British Female Missionaries. Lond., 1841. 12mo. - 3148 Thurston, Lucy Goodale (of the Sandwich Islands, d. 1841). Me- moir, entitled “The Missionary's Daughter,” by L. G. Thurston. N. Y., 1842. 16mo. 3149 — Lucy G. (Missionary to the Sandwich Islands). Life and Times, by herself. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1882. 12mo. 3150 Thwing, E. P. Ex Oriente : Sketches of Oriental Life and Thought. Lond. , m. d. 8vo. 3151 Tomlin, J. Missionary Journals and Letters. Lond., 1844. 12mo. 3152 Townley, H. (Miss vonary to Bengal). Answer to the Abbé Dubois. Lond... 1824. 12mo. 3153 Tracy, J. History of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 2 ed. N. Y., 1842, 8vo. 3154 (Tranquebar.) Propagation of the Gospel in the East : Account of the Success of two Danish Missionaries to the East Indies. 3 ed. Parts i-iii. Lond., 1718, 12mo. 3155 Tremmenheere, C. W. Missions in India : the System of Educa- tion in Government and Mission Schools contrasted. Lond., 1876. 8vo, pp. 100. - — 31 — 31.56 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3.162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 Trigautius. De Christiana Expeditione apud Sines suscepta ab Societate Jesu. Augustae Wind. 1615. Sm. 4to. Tristram, H. B. The daughters of Syria : a narrative of effort by Mrs. Bowen Thompson for Syrian Females. Lond., 1862. 12mo. - Tritton (Treasurer Baptist Missionary Society). Rise and Pro- gress of the work on the Congo River. Lond., 1884. 12mo, Trowbridge, T. C. (Missionary in Turkey, d. 189?). Occasional Papers in regard to Turkey. N. Y., 1874, 8vo, pp. 75. Tucker, H. C. (Assist. Sec. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel). Under his banner: the Missionary work of modern times. Lond., 1872. 12mo. — Miss. Abeokuta; Origin and progress of the Yoruba Mission. 2 ed. Lond., 1853. Turner, George (of the London Missionary Society). Nineteen years in Polynesia. Lond., 1861. 8vo. Tyrrell, William (Bishop of Newcastle, New South Wales, d. 1879). Life and Labors, by R. G. Boodle. Lond., 1881. 12mo. Ullathorne, W. (Vicar Apostolic of New Holland). The Catholic Mission of Australia. 3 ed. Lond., 1838. 12mo, pp. 58. Vahl, J. (Direktor der Dänischen Missionsgesellschaft). Der Stand der Evangelischen Heidenmission in den Jahren 1845 und 1890. Gütersloh, 1892. 8vo. — Lapperne og den Lapske Mission. Kjøbenhavn, 1866. 8vo. — Alaska: Folket og Missionen. Kjøbenhavn, 1872. 8vo. 8168–70 — Missionsatlas med tilhºprende forklaring. Kjøbenhavn, 3171 3172 3173 3174 31.75 3176 1885–6. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. Atlas, square fol. Van der Kemp, John T. (Missionary in South Africa, d. 1811). Memoir. Lond, 8vo, pp. 42. Vaughan, Jas. (Ten years Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in Calcutta, d. 1873). The Trident, the Crescent and the Cross. Lond., 1876. 8vo. Venn, Henry (Honorary Secretary of the Church Missionary Society). Memoir, by Wm. Knight. Lond., 1882. — West African Colonies. Lond., 1865. 8vo, pp. 39. Verguet, C. M. L. (Missionaire Apostolique). Histoire de la Pre- mière Mission Catholique au Vicariat de Melanésie. Carcassone, 1854. 8vo. - Vernon, R. James Calvert ; or, From Dark to Dawn in Fiji. N. Y., 1890. 12mo. Waldmeier, Theophilus. Abessinien in den Jahren 1858–1868. 2 A. Basel, 1869. 12mo. — Autobiography: Ten years' Life in Abyssinia and Sixteen in Syria. Lond., 1886. 8vo. Walen, A. W., and Nilsen-Lund, P. (Norwegian Missionaries in Madagascar). Madagaskars Sydostkust. Stavanger, 1887. 8vo. Walker, S. A. Church of England Mission in Sierra Leone. Lond., 1847, 8vo. — 32 — 3181 3182 Walker, S. A. Missions in Western Africa, among the SOOSoos, Bulloms, etc. Dublin, 1845. 8vo. Waller, H. Trafficking in Liquor with the Natives of Africa. Lond., 1887. 8vo, pp. 35. - - 3183–6 Wangemann, R. (Missions-Direktor in Berlin). Geschichte der 3187 3.188 3189 3190 3.191 3.192 3193 3.194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 Berliner Missionsgesellschaft und ihre Arbeiten in Südafrica. I. die Arbeiten sämmtlicher evangelischer Missionsgesellschaf- ten ; II. die Koranna-Land, Kaffer-Land ; III. Kap-Land, Zulu- Land ; IV. Bassuto-Land. Berlin, 1873–77. 4 Bde. 8vo. — Die Berliner Mission im Kap-Lande. Berlin, 1875. 8vo. Warneck, G. History of Protestant Missions from the Reforma- tion to the Present Time: trans. from the 2d ed. by T. Smith. Edinb., 1884. 12mo. — Geschichte der protestantischen Missionen. Leipz., 1882, 8vo. — Die Christische Mission : ihre sāchliche Begründung und thatsächliche Ausführung. Halle, 1879, 8vo, pp. 36. — Evangelischer Missionslehre. 1" Abth. Gotha, 1892. 8vo. Way, L. Letter to the Bisbop of St. Davids, joint patron of the London Society for promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. Lond., 1818. 8vo, pp. 88. Weitbrecht, Mrs. Missionary sketches in North India, with references to recent events. 2 ed. Lond., 1875. 12mo. — Frauenmission in India. Gütersloh, 1875. 12mo. — The Women of India. Lond., 1875. 12mo. Weltz, Justinianus von (der Workómpfer der lutherischen Mis- sion, d. 1668). Leben, von W. Grössel. Leipz., 1891. 12mo. — Missionsweckruf. Leipzig, 1890. 12mo, pp. 68. Wenger, John (Missionary in India, and translator of the Scrip- tures into Bengali and Sanskrit, d. 1880). Life, by E. B. Under- hill. Lond., 1886. 12mo. Werner, O. (S. J.) Katholischer Missions—Atlas. Freiburg, 1884. 4to. West, Daniel (Wesleyan (Minister on the Gold Coast, d. 1857). Life and Journals, by T. West. Lond., 1858. 16mo. Whately, Mary L. Among the Huts in Egypt. Lond., 1871. 12mo. (West Indies.) An Address from the Brethren's Society for the furtherance of the Gospel among the heathen. 1780. 12mo, pp. 12. White, Jos. Comparison of Mohamedanism and Christianity in their history, evidence and effects. Oxford, 1784, 8vo. Whitehead, W. B. Letter to the Rev. Daniel Wilson in reply to his defence of the Church Missionary Society. 2 ed. Lond., 1818, 8vo, pp. 46. Wilkeson, S. Concise History of the American Colonies in Liberia. Washington, 1889. 8vo, pp. 89. Wilkinson, M. (Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in India, d. 1848). Sketches of Christianity in North India. Lond., 1844, 16mo. - Wilcox, W. C. Self-support among the Kaffers. Keene Valley, N. Y., 1888. 16mo, pp. 64. — 33 — 3209 Wilder, H. A. (American Missionary to the Zulus). Review of t Dr. Colenso's Remarks on Polygamy. Durban, 1856. 12mo, pp. 42. See Callaway, 1580. 3210 Wilkins, W. J. Daily Life and Work in India. Lond., 1888. 12mo. 3211 — L. and M. Serampore Letters: unpublished correspondence of Wm. Carey and others. N. Y. and Lond., 1892. 12mo. 3213 Williams, Charles. Missionary Gazetteer ; an account of the Church, London, Moravian, Wesleyan, Baptist, and American Missionary Societies. Lond., 1828. 12mo. 3214 — S. Wells (Missionary to China, and Professor of Chinese in Yale College, d. 1884). Life and Letters, by his son, F. W. Williams. N. Y., 1889. 12mo. 32.15–16 — The Middle Kingdom. 5 ed. N. Y., 1883. 2 vols. 8vo. 3217 — Richard (Catechist to the Patagonian Missionary Society, d. - 1851). Memoir, by Jas. Hamilton. Lond., 1854. 16mo. 3217a — Thomas (Missionary in Fiji). Fiji and the Fijians, ed. by Geo. S. Rowe. Lond., 1858. 12mo. (See Calvert, No. 179.) 3218–19 Wilson, C. T., and Felkin, R. W. (Missionaries in Uganda). Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. Lond., 1882. 2 vols. 12mo. 3220–21 — Daniel (Bishop of Calcutta). Life by J. Bateman. Lond., 1860. 2 vols. 8vo. 3222 — Defence of the Church Missionary Society against the objections of the Rev. Josiah Thomas, 13 ed. Lond., 1818. 8vo, pp. 44. (See Whitehead.) 3223 — John (Fifty years philanthropist and scholar in the East, d. 1875). Life, by George Smith. 2 ed. Lond., 1879. 12mo. 3224 — Evangelization of India. Edinb., 1849. 12mo. 3225 — The Doctrine of Jehovah addressed to the Parsis: a Sermon on the occasion of the baptism of two youths of that tribe. 3 ed. Edinb., 1847. 16mo. 3226 Winslow, M. (Missionary to Ceylon, d. 1864). Sketches of Mis- sions; or, History of the attempts to propagate Christianity among the heathen. Andover, 1819. 12mo. 3227 Wortabet, Jno. (Missionary of the United Presbyterian Church, Aleppo). Religion in the East : Sketches, historical and doc- trinal, of all the religious denominations of Syria. Lond., 1860. 12mo. - 3228 Wray, John (Pioneer Missionary to British Guiana, d. 1837). Life and Labors, by T. Rain. Lond., 1892. 12mo. 3229 Xavier, Franz (Röm. Kath. Missionar im Osten, d. 1553). Mis- sionsbild, von H. Venn und W. Hoffmann. Wiesbaden, 1869. 8vo. 3230 Yates, Wm. (Bapt. Missionary in India, d. 1845). Memoir by James Hoby. Lond., 1847. 8vo. 3231 Youd, Thomas (Missionary in Guiana, d. 1843). Memoir, under the title, “Ten years of Mission Life in British Guiana.” Lond., m. ol. 16mo. — 34 — 3232–3 Ziegenbalg (d. 1719) und Plütschau. Die Gründungsjahre der Trankebarschen Mission. Van W. German. Erlangen, 1868. 2 Abthle. 8vo. III. WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE TVERNACULAR LANG/UAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. (Continued from No. 1510.) 3235 Baldwin, Mrs. S. L. (Missionary at Foochow). Berean Sunday School Lessons (in Foochow Colloquial). Foochow, 1876. 16mo. 3236 Bliss, D. (President of the Syrian Prot. College, Beirut). Mental Philosophy (in Arabic). Beirut. 12mo. 3237 Burns, W. C. (Missionary to China, d. 1868). Translation of Bunyan's Pilgrim’s Progress (in Chinese). 1854. 8vo. 3238 Calhoun, S. H. (Missionary in Syria, d. 1875). Guide to the study of Scripture (in Arabic). 4 ed. Beirut, 1886. 12mo. 3239 — Harmony of the Gospels, with Notes (in Arabic). Beirut, 1876, 8vo. 3240 Crowther, S. (Native Teacher in the service of the Church Mission- ary Society, afterwards Bishop, d. 1891). Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language. Lond., 1843. 12mo. 3241 DeForest, J. H. (Missionary of the American Board at Sendai, Japan). The Effects of Pantheism (in Japanese). 8vo, pp. 20. 3242 — Seek Faith and do Good (in Japanese). 12mo. 3243 Dennis, J. S. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Board in Syria). The Evidences of Christianity (in Arabic). Beirut, 1877. 8vo. 3244 — The Science of Biblical Interpretation (in Arabic). Beirut, 1880. 8vo. 3245–46 —Systematic Theology (in Arabic). Beirut, 1890. 2 vols. 8vo. 3247–49 Eddy, W. W. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Board in Syria). Commentary on the New Testament (in Arabic). Vols. i-iii. (To be completed in 4 vols.). Beirut, 1890. 8vo. 3250 Elmslie, W. A. (Missionary in Eastern Africa). Translation of a Catechism (in Ngoni). Livingtonia, 1890. 24mo. 3251 Everett, Miss E. D. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Board in Syria). Primary Astronomy (in Arabic). Beirut, 1875. 12mo. 3252 Ford, G. A., and Jessup, S. (Missionaries of the Presbyterian Board in Syria). Hymn and Tune-Book (in Arabic). Beirut, 1885. 8vo. 3253 Jessup, H. H. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Board in Syria). Translation of Mosheim’s Church History (in Arabic). Beirut, 1875, 8vo. 3254 — Homiletics and Pastoral Theology in Arabic). Beirut, 1881. 12mo. 3255 King, Jonas (Missionary at Athens, d. 1869). Prayers of the Saints (in Greek). Athens, 1860. 8vo. — 35 -— 8255a Krönlein, J. G. (Missionary of the Rhenish Missionary Society). The Calw Biblical History (in Nama). Berlin, 1866. 8vo. 3256 Learned, D. W. (Professor in Doshisha College, Japan). Com- mentary on Matthew (in Japanese). Osaka, 1889. 8vo. (The 1st vol. of the whole completed New Testament). 3257 Lewis, E. R. (Prof. in the Syrian Prot. College, resigned 1886). Chemical Analysis (in Arabic). Beirut, 1879. 12mo. 3258 Porter, H. (Prof. in the Syrian Prot. College, Beirut). Text Book of Ancient History (in Arabic). Beirut, 1879, 8vo. 3258a — Latin Grammar (in Arabic). Beirut, 1875. 12mo. 3259 Post, C. E. (Prof. of Surgery in the Syrian Prot. College, Beirut). Concordance of the Arabic Bible. Beirut, 1873. 8vo. 3259a — Plants of Syria and Egypt (in Arabic). Beirut, 1884. 8vo. 3260 Scudder, H. M. (of the American Arcot Mission). The Bazaar Book, or Vernacular Preacher's Companion. Madras, 1869. 12mo. 3261 Smith, Eli (Missionary of the American Board in Syria, d. 1857). Office and Work of the Holy Spirit (in Arabic). 2 ed. Beirut, 1863. 16mo. - 3262 Van Dyck, C. V. A. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Board in Syria). Translation of Euclid (in Arabic). Beirut, 1857. 8vo. 3263 — Text Book on Higher Astronomy (in Arabic). Beirut, 1874. 8vo. r 3264–71 — Science Primer (in Arabic). Beirut, 1886–9. 8 vols. 16mo. 3272 — Trigonometry, Logarithms, etc. (in Arabic). Beirut, 1873. 8vo. 3273 — Chemistry (in Arabic). Beirut, 1869. 12mo. 3274 — Geography (in Arabic). 3 ed. Beirut, 1886. 12mo. 3275* — Algebra (in Arabic). 3 ed. Beirut, 1891. 8vo. * By an error on page 22, this number should be reduced to 3175. — 36 — Albeokwta. Tucker. Albyssinia. Isenberg. Margoliouth. Stern. Waldmeier. Africa, East. Arnot. Ashe. Chirnside. Frere. Hannington. HOre. Hutchinson. Krapf. (Lavigerie.) Livingston. LOriot. Mackay. New. Robertson. Stanley. Steere. Stock. Wilson. Africa, South. Appleyard. Backhouse. Bruce, Bp. Campbell. ColenSO. Edwards. Gray. Holden. Jousse. Kicherer. Krapf. Malan. Merensky. Moffat. Nachtigal. Pauli. Philip. Robertson. Shaw. J. W. ZD E_X. Van der Kemp. Missionary. Wangemann. Rheinische. Wahl. Africa, West. Werner (R. Cath.). Baudin. Beecham. Alwataralia. Bowen, J. Leigh. Buhl. Short. (Charlesworth,) Tyrrill. Crocker. Ullathorne. Crowther. Fox, W. Alustralasia • Henlng. Bickford. Johnson. Leacock. IBaswto-land. (Liberia) Backhouse. Mills. J sº OUISSé. Pauli. * gº MissionS- Saker. t g geschichte, iv. b. Tucker. Wangemann. iv Walker. g 9 * v = West. Bechuanas. Allaska. HOlden. Vahl. JBenares. Allgeria. Leupold. Ogle. \ JBengal. Alºnzogy. (See Calcutta.) Macgowan. Mullens. Alºniwa. JBible Societies. (Aniwa.) DOuen. Owen. Annam. Shortland. * ©y 31°C. Alz"abia. P . y Bruce, R. Wenger. Armenians. Biography. GOOdell. Appleyard. Southgate. Armstrong. BOardman. Beecham. BOwen. Bridgman. Ch. Miss. SOc. ** G. S Grundemann. Carey, E. Carey, Wm. Cargill. Carlile. ChalmerS. Chamberlain. Coan. ColenSO. Colman. COOpooswamey. Corrie. Cotton. Crocker. Cryer. Douglas. Duff. Dwight, Mrs. E. B. Edkins. Edwards. Ellis, Mrs. M. M. Elmslie. Fisk. Fiske. Gilmour. Gordon, G. GOSSner. Grant. Graul. Gray. Grönning. Giitzlaff. Hannington. Harms. Henderson. Hutton. James. Jānicke. John. Johnson. Judson, A. H. * * S. B. se * & E. C. Keith-Falconer. Knibb. Krapf. LaCroix. Layer. Lee. Leigh. Lundie. Lyman (Munson). Mackay. — 37 — Macdonald. M’Kean. Marsden. Marshman. Martig. Martyn. Middleton. Mills. Milne. Moffat. (Moister.) Morrison. Munson. Neesima. Nesbit. New. Newell. Obookiah. Ogle. Patteson. Pearce. Perkins. Phillippo. Rhea. Riggs. RobertSOn. Saker. Sandeman. Schauffler. Schwartz. Scudder. Selwyn. Shaw, Wm. Short. Stallybrass. Stanley. Steere. Stern. Thomason. Thurston. Tomlin. Tyrrell. Van der Kemp. Venn. Waldmeier. Weltz. Wenger. Ziegenbalg. Blantyre. Chirnside. Macdonald, No. 439. RobertSOn. JBombay. Nesbit. JBrahministra. Maurice. Mullens. IBrahmo Soma.j. Goreh. Sen. JBºzlloºns. Walker. Bwrmath. Bixby. Boardman. Colman. Judson. Mason. Robbins. Calcutta. BOaz. Corrie. Cotton. Duff. Lacroix. Macdonald. Mitchell. Wilson, D. Yates. Cameruns. Saker. Caste. (Caste.) (India.) Irving. Ceylon. Harvard. Howland. Russell. China. Bridgman. Broullion. (China.) Edkins. Faber. Fielde. Finn. Gütsiaff. Henderson. James. John. KessOn. Knowlton. Lörcher. Macgowan. Maclay. Martig. Matheson. Medhurst. Milne. Morrison. Muirhead. Nevins. Sandeman. Smith, G. SwansOn. Taylor. Trigautius. Williams, S. W. Xavier. Cochin China. Louvet. Shortland. Conferences, Mis- sionary. Bengal. Mildmay Park, '86. Nellore. South India, '88. Congo. Hughes, W. SaillenS. Tritton. Constantinople. Dwight. Schauffler. JEgypt. Lansing. Whately. JEsgwina way. Bompas. JFalashas. Stern. IFiji. Calvert (179). Cargill. Lawry. Scoles. Vernon. Williams. JFiºre?motºrk, Stockfleth. Friendly Islands Lawry. Garenganze. Arnot. Gilbert Isl. Hager. Gold Coast. Beecham. Buhl. West. Gºreenland. Fenger, H. M. Gwiazzo. Bernau. Wray. Youd. JHawaii. Cheever. Coan. Obookiah. Staley. Stewart. Thurston. Hayti. Herivel. India. Arthur. Baierlein. Ballantyne. Boaz. Brown, D, Buyers. Carey, E, (Caste.) Chamberlain. Chambers. Chaplin. Clarkson. Clough. Collins. Corrie. Cryer. Cunningham. Dalhoff. Dänisch, M. Dubois. Duff. Edwardes. Fox. — 38 — Gangooly. Gerhard. Germann. Glardon. Gordon. Gracey. . Greenfield. Grönning. Hertel. Hough. (India.) Irving. Kalkar. Kennedy. Knapp. Enibb. Enight. Lacroix. Layer. Lee. Teupold. Macdonald. Marshman. Maurice. Meyer. Middleton. (Miss”y Contro- versy.) Mitchell. Mullens. (Nellore.) Nesbit. Newell. Newman. Oman. Pearson. Phillips. Hae. Ramsey. Robbins. Russell. Schwartz. Schweizer. Scott. Scudder, J. Sen. Stolz. Sutton. Taylor. Thomason. Townley. Tremmenheere. Vaughan. Weitbrecht. Wenger. Wilkins. Wilson, D. & ſº J & Xavier. Yates. Indians, N. A. Beaven. DeSmet. Parker. Playter. Riggs. Römer. Jamaica. Carlile. Clarke, Duncan. FCnibb. Phillippo. Japan. Gordon. King. Neesima. Smith. Stock. Xavier. Jews. Finn. Jews. Lindner. (Nathanael.) de le Roi. Samuel. Stern. Raffraria : Kaffirs. Appleyard. HOlden. Kropf. Malan. Shaw. Wangemann II. JKarens. Mason. JKohls. Gerhard. Labrador. Meylan. Missions- geschichte, XII. Laos. (Siam and Laos.) Lapland. Meylan. Wahl. Lavigerie. (Lavigerie.) Liberia. (Liberia.) Lodiana. Greenfield. Newton. Loo Choo. Smith, G. Madagascar. Dahle. De la Vaissière. Little. (Madagascar.) Matthews. Mullens. Rostvig. Ryan. Saillens. Walen and Nilsen- Lund. JMalabar. Collins. Germann. Irion. IMarshall Is?. Hager. Mashonaland. Bruce, Bp. Mawritiats. Backhouse. e Ryan. IMedical Missions Elmslie. Henderson. Melarzesła. Patteson. Verguet. Microºnesia. Logan. Mohammedanism. Hughes. Leupold. Oman. White. Mongolia. Gilmour. Moravians. Dewitz. Holmes, Hutton. (Moravians.) Spangenberg. (West Indies.) IMysore. Arthur. DuBois. IVestorians. Cutts. Fiske. Grant. Maclean. Perkins. Rhea. Sandreczki. JNew Guinea. Baltin. Chalmers. Hasselt. New Heba'ides. (Aniwa.) Inglis. Steel. JNew Zealand. Buller. Cowie. Leigh. (New Zealand.) Selwyn. Orissa. Sutton. Ooroomiah. (See Nestorians.) Otaheite. (See Tahiti.) JPalestine. Baldwin. Fisk. Paraguay. Frast. Gothein. Pfotenhauer. — 39 — Paº'sees. Wilson, J. Patagonia. Ogle. Williams, R. Persia. Bruce. Maclean. Perkins. Rhea. Sandreczki. Polynesia. Turner. Rajputama. Glardon. IEarwtonga. Chalmers. JR. Cath. Missions (Annali), 2622. De la Vaissiere. De Smet. Dubois. Frast. Kalkar. Loriot. Marshall. Pfotenhauer. Verguet. Werner. Sakalavs ROStvig. Samoa. Lundie. Turner. Santalistan. Dalhoff. Hertel. (Santalistan.) Self-Swpport. Taylor. Serampore Trans- lations. ' Marshman. Flatt. (Seramp.Ore.) Shoa. Isenberg. Siaºn. Cort. (Siam and Laos.) Tomlin. Söberia. Stallybrass. Sierra Leone. Johnson. Seddall. Walker. Sowth Seas. Lawry. Meinicke. Stewart. Soozoos. Walker. Sw??? Ottº'o. Munson. Syria. Bird. Tristram. * Waldmeier. Wortabet. Syrian Christians of St. Thomas. Collins. Germann. Rae. Tahiti. Duff. (Ship.) M’Kean. Stewart. Tamils. Løgstrup. Tanganyika. Hore. º (Lavigerie.) Telugu-Land. Clough. Grönning. (Neilore.) Terra del Fuego. Grove-Rasmussen Tonking. Shortland. Tranquebar. Dänische M. Fenger, J. F. Ziegenbalg. Twºrkey. Barrow8. Schauffler. Southgate. Trowbridge. Uganda. Ashe. Hutchinson. Mackay. Stock. Wilson. West Indies. Coke. DeWitz. Yoruba. Tucker. Zen ana. Ellis. Zetlºzs. Gardiner. Kielland. Wangemann. MISSIONARY CYCLOPEDIAS AND HISTORY OF MISSIONS IN GENERAL. 1 Cyclopedias: Moister, Williams. 2 General History: Blumhardt, Descombaz, Godbey, ŁHodder, #Hoff- mann, Hoole, Huie, Johnston, Kalkar, Küpke, Leonardi, Maclear, (#Missions-Bilder), (Missionsgeschichte), Pauli, Schoberl, T. Smith, (Statistics), Steger, {Vahl, #Warneck, Winslow. 3 History of Missionary and Bible Societies, including their Periodi- cals and Annual Reports: American Baptist Missionary Union, Nos. 1748, 1966, 2801, 3116. American Bible Society, 1974, 2802. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1533, 1905a, 2061, 2818, 3158. *The latest or most important. — 40 — Baptist Missionary Society (London), 1900a, 2238. Basle Missionary Society, 2420, 2870. Berlin Missionary Society, 2517, 3183. British and Foreign Bible Society, 1892, 2833. British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews, 2845. China Inland Mission, 2078. Church Missionary Society, 1602, 2104, 2855. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 2062. Danish Missionary Society, 2763, 2867. Dutch Missionary Society, 2607, 2621, 2946. Evangelical Lutheran Society (Leipzig), 2424. & 6 - & 6 & 4 in the United States, 2268. Free Church of Scotland, 2113. Free Churches of French Switzerland, 2617, 2872. Hermannsburg Missionary Society, 1751, 2503. London Missionary Society, 1683, 1860a, 2081, 2895. London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 1796, 2158, 2941, 3192. Lund Missionary Society, 2688, 2712. Methodist Episcopal Church, 2018, 3140. 66 { % “ (South), 2063. Methodist Protestant Church, 2064. North German Missionary Society (Bremen), 2547, 3092. Norwegian Missionary Society, 2779. Paris Evangelical Society, 2687. Presbyterian Church in Canada, 2348, 2968. in England, 1847, 1892, 2968. of Scotland, 2105, 2362. of the United States of America, 1865, 1987, 1990, 2031, 2795, 2985. - (South), 2060, 3025. Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, 2076. Reformed (Dutch) Church, 2058, 2059. Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanter), 2030. Rhenish Missionary Society (Barmen), 2379, 3071, 3077. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1785. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1776, 2173, 3026, 3120, 3125. º Southern Baptist Convention, 2016. Swedish Missionary Society, 2744. United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 1719, 2207. Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 2367, 3039. * : ~x4-" 3. £. - twº .* - * * : **.. *. - > **** :::::::::''-...} :-}. º.º...". 's.' . . . * .#,-- *** * º * * * * :*-*: ...: ... *.*:: * ~ *- - * * . º, , "zºº. *, +, * , ; ; ; , - = * 5.º.º.º.: . . . . . . :*, ** - . . ." . . .” A : " ' . º, : *, +, . ... -- * --" - - -- ~~}= - *** * 3 ,’s tº . ...” 4. f 3. * * t -- *. * ... " "4- 2-4 a *.* ... ** 8 - -- t’ * * 3. | A gºt tº * • * ...s.º.º. $ - 'º'; ' ', 'sº * } - t ** : . . " - . . - .* n 4. s’.” £". "...# 4 ... - . . . .'' - * . . . . . . . 'º' * , , , * - - f * -e ºr " wr * ... 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He , * º # , ; , - '. *...* * , 3. * A - * - * ... ." . . . . . . . . +3 ... • - - * - * * * * - r 3. * . . $... . . . . . . . ." + - * * - -- -: * ** - | *, *, * * * - * ; : * . . . . . . . . - - - - * - - - * . . - # r: * 4, § - * . . . - : + **- w * f * -- * * - - º: ; , "z". 3 * ~ : - * * - + , * * . r - - - - - is * : *, * * s * . - - - - • * - - - • ' ' , ; - ... < . º - * * * * vs. o ; : * * . ** t } - - * * * , * -, ... * * * * - • . * , ". . " + • . * , ºt - -- . * & -- ", ! s. *, *, - * * * -º ** ,": - - | " . * * * --> -- ..' … " ** w º + .*- * & § . . ºf --> * - … * → or + - - - **- # * . - - w * * ***'. . i * - * . - - * * - + y * * r - ... * - - *-*. ‘s. * 1 - -- - - r - * * + * * ... “ * * A FIFTH CATALOGUE OF THE FOREIGN MISSION LIBRARY OF THE DIWINITY SCHOOL YALE UNIVERSITY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. *==== No. 5. MARCH, 1899. smsºmºmºmºmºmºmºmºsºsº-º-º: NEW HAVEN : THE TUTTLE, MoREHOUSE & TAYLOR PRESS : 1899. PREFATORY NOTE. By the addition to the Yale Historical Library of Foreign Missions, of works published or collected since the issue of the catalogue of January, 1897, the whole number of volumes and pamphlets now on the shelves and freely open to the officers and students of all Departments of the University is 6,500, which constitute by far the larger part of the distinctively missionary literature of all Protestant countries and all denominations, including also the most important works relating to non- Christian religions not already in the general library of the University, and a few publications of acknowledged authority on the missions of the Roman Catholic Church. The number might be very largely increased by the further addition of the works in general literature relating to explora- tions, voyages and travels, and the geography, ethnology, history, government, civil and political conditions, etc., of pagan and Mahomedan lands ; but as the current and most important works on these subjects are contained in most College and Public Libraries and form no part of a distinctively Missionary Library, it has not been considered necessary or desirable to incorporate them into this collection. A special feature of the present continuation of the series of catalogues issued since 1892 is the list of the large number of the earlier and later Annual Reports of American and European Missionary Societies and Boards, received partly from the Secre- taries of these associations, but chiefly from the rooms of the New York Independent and hereby gratefully acknowledged. Although in many cases they may not be immediately needed for consultation, yet as contemporaneous and authoritative documents they are sure to be sought for and prized more and more highly, by the future historians of the great Missionary movement of the 19th century. They have therefore been carefully catalogued, in the hope also that the Directors or other officers of these Societies will kindly supply, so far as practicable, the reports needed to make the sets complete, so that they can be bound and their preserva- tion be thus more perfectly assured. If addressed to the “Yale Library of Foreign Missions,” and sent by parcel post or Auf dem Wege der Buchhandlung to the foreign agent of the Library, Mr. Gustav E. Stechert (London : 2 Star Yard, Carey street, W. C.; Leipzig, Hospital Strasse, No. 10; Paris, 76 Rue de Rennes), all charges for transportation will be paid by him and the receipt of the Reports will be promptly acknowledged. It is only necessary to add that in the present catalogue, as in the preceding ones, the alphabetical order of arrangement in the names of authors has been followed, but in the case of Memoirs the name of the subject has the precedence. The list of Periodi- cals and Reports will be found under the initial letter of these words respectively. In the various modes of spelling Asiatic and African names, that adopted by the author of a volume has been generally followed, but no absolute uniformity has been attempted. GEORGE E. DAY. YALE UNIVERSITY, March 19, 1899. | CATALOGUE. INTO. TV". I. TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE, MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. II. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. III. WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. IV. INDEX. I. TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE OR PARTS OF IT MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. [Continued from 4715 in Catalogue No. 4.] 5668 Ainu (Japan), New Testament (J. Batchelor). Yokohama, 1897. 12mo. 5668a Breton (Brittany), New Testament (Le Gonidec's text revised). Brest, 1866. 24mo. 5669 Chinese. Gospel according to John. (G. E. Moule.) Lond., 1878. 8vo. 5670 — Matthew. London, n. d. 8vo. 5671 — Hakka Colloquial, New Testament (Basle Missionaries). Basel, 1866 and 1874. 8vo. 5672 Hindustani. Psalterium Davidis in linguam Indostanicam trans- latum a viro plu. reverendo. Benj. Schultzio, Evangelico in India Missionario. Halae, 1747. 12mo. 5672a Maori (New Zealand). The Pentateuch. 1848. 12mo. 5673 Siamese. Gospel according to Luke. (C. Gützlaff.) Singapore, 1834. Oblong 8vo. II. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. [Continued from 5638 in Catalogue No. IV.] 5674. Address from the Committee for the management of the Metho- dist Missions to Messrs. Shaw, Broadbent, Carver, Callaway and Jackson, about to sail to South Africa and to the Island of Ceylon. Lond., 1815. 8vo, pp. 16. 5674a. Address of the General Association of Connecticut to the District Associations on the subject of a Missionary Society; together with summaries and extracts from late European publications on missions to the heathen. Norwich, 1797. 8vo, pp. 32. —2— 5675 Alberg, Evelina. (Zemanamissionär.) En Dag under Indiens Sol. Stockholm, 1897. 16mo, pp. 29. 5676 Alcock, D. By Far Euphrates, a Tale (de Armenia). Lond., 1897. 12mo. 5677 Alden, E. K. (Secretary of the American Board, d. 1896.) The Medical Arm of the Missionary Service : Testimonials from the field. Bost., 1898. 12mo, pp. 57. 5678 Alexander, Michael Solomon (der erste evangelischer Bischof in Jerusalem, d. 1845). Von J. F. R. de le Roi. Gütersloh, 1897. 12mo. 56780 (American Board.) Commemorative Volume in connection with the 75th Anniversary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Oct. 13–16, 1885. Boston, 1885, 8vo. 5679–82 (American Board) Almanacs for 1896, '97, '98, '99. Boston. Sm. 4to. (See also No. 5736.) 5683 — Ten Years' Review, 1865–75. 8vo, pp. 11. 5683a Sketches of the Missions of the Am. Board in China, by H. Blodget (North China) and C. C. Baldwin (Foochow), 1896. 12mo, pp. 57. 5684 —- Condensed Sketches [of its various Missions]. 18 Nos. 1885–97. 24mo. 5685 —Report of the Committee of Nine on the Methods of Adminis- tration. Hartford, 1890. 8vo, pp. 13. 5686 — Statement [on the] occasion for the [above named] Commit- tee. 1889. 8vo, pp. 15. 5686a — The American Board and recent discussions. 1890. 8vo, pp. 20. 5687 — Manual for Missionary Candidates. Boston. 1887. 16mo, pp. 38. 5688 — The next meeting at Worcester, Mass., Oct. 10–13, 1893. Cambridge, 1898. pp. 40. 5688a — Report of the Deputation to China. Boston, 1898, 8vo, pp. 26. 5689 American Missionary Association; its History, Constitution and Principles. N. Y., 1860. 24mo, pp. 72. 5690 Anderson, William (d. 1895) and Louise (d. 1882). A Record of their Life and Work in Jamaica and Old Calabar. By W. Martwick. Edinb., 1897. 12mo. 5691 Anderson-Morshead, A. E. M. History of the Universities' Mis- sion to Central Africa, 1859–96. Lond., 1897. 12mo. 5692 Andy, S. P. Are not Hindus Christians? A Lecture before the native Christian Literary Society. Madras, 1894. 8vo, pp. 54. 5693 Appeal of the Missionaries of the American Board residing at Constantinople to the friends and supporters of the Mission in that city. Boston, 1841. 16mo, pp. 12. 5694 Arnold-Forster, F. Heralds of the Cross : India, and Burmah, China and Japan, Mahomedanism and Africa, the South Seas, N. America, S. America. Lond., 1885. 12mo. –3– 5695 Auswahl aus der deutschen Missionslitteratur, mit einer Ueber- sicht ilber die deutschen Missionsgesellschaften. Halle a. S., 1897. 24mo, pp. 26. 5696 Baierlein, E. R. Aus Ost und West. Erzählungen aus der Mission für Kinder gesammelt. Dresden, 1897. 8vo. 5697 Barclay, P. Survey of Foreign Missions, with Maps. Lond., 1897. 16mo. 5698 Barnes, Irene H. Behind the Pardah : The Story of Zenana work in India. Lond., 1898. 12mo, 5699 Barrows, J. H. (President of the World's First Parliament of Religions.) Christianity the World-Religion : Lectures deliv- ered in India and Japan. Chicago, 1897. 12mo. 5700 Bartlett, S. C. (President of Dartmouth College, d. 1898.) Review of Dr. Anderson's Histories of Foreign Missions. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. 23. 5701 (Batavia) Zending-Conferentie, de erste, te Batavia ente Depok., Aug. 1880. 's Gravenhage. 8vo, pp. 157. 5701a Beach, H. P. (Educational Sec'y of the Student Volunteer Move- ment for Foreign Missions.) Dawn on the Hills of T'ang. N. Y., 1898. 16mo. 5701b Becker, W. (Missionsprediger in Berlin.) Ferdinand Wilhelm Becker: Eine Heldengestalt in der Judenmission des 19. Jahr- hunderts. Berlin, 1893. 8vo, pp. 72. 5702 Beets, N. Een Leeuw op de Straten : Zendingsrede te Haarlem, 1854, 8vo, pp. 36. 5703 Berthoud, P. Les Négres Gouamba, ou vingt premières années de la Mission Romande. Lausanne, 1898. 16mo. 5704 Beskow, G. E. Den Svenska Missionen i Ost-Afrika. Stockholm, 1884, 1* delen. 16mo. (See No. 143 for 2" delen.) 5705 Binney, Joseph G. (Am. Baptist Missionary, d. 1877.) Life and º Work, entitled “26 Years in Burmah,” by Mrs. Binney. Phil., 1880. 12mo. 5706 Bishop, Isabella Bird. Korea and her Neighbors. N. Y., 1898. 12mo. 5706a Bird, I. (Missionary in Syria, d. 1873.) Bible Work in Bible Tands: or Events in the History of the Syria Mission. Phil., 1872. 12mo, • 5707 Bleeby, H. Romance without fiction; or, Sketches from the portfolio of an old Missionary. Lond., 1877. 12mo. 5708 Bliss, E. M. (Editor of the Cyclopedia of Missions.) Concise History of Missions. N. Y., 1897. 16mo. 5709 — Organization and Methods of Mission Work. N. Y., 1897. 16mo, pp. 84. 5710 — Catalogue of books on missions suitable for Church or Sunday School Libraries. Phil., 1894. 16mo, pp 52. 5711 Bloemfontein Mission in South Africa (the Orange Free State). Brief History from its Commencement to 1876, Lond., 1876. 16mo. * =4— 5712 Blumhardt, G. Haus-Ordnung für die evangelische Missions-, Anstalt zu Basel. Basel, 1888. 8vo, pp. 17. 5718 Borchgrevink, Chr. D. (Norwegian Missionary.) Kortfattet Oversigt over Madagascar, dets Folk og Mission. Christiania, 1885. 12mo, 57.18a Bose, Ram Chandra. Jainism and its Founder. [Bombay], 1886. 8vo, pp. 59. 5714 Bowen, Geo. (Missionary in India.) In what style shall we live? Bombay. 16mo, pp. 27. 5715 – W. E. Africa and the American Negro. Atlanta, 1896. 8vo. 5716 (Bremen.) Verhandlungen der vierten Missions-Conferenz. Gütersloh, 1876, 8vo. pp. 5717 — — d. 9ten kontinentalen Missionskonferenz am 25.—28. Mai, 1897. Berlin, 1897. 8vo. 5718–20 Brincker, P. H. (Missionar der Rheinischen Missions-Gesell- Schaft.) Aus dem Hererolande, Erinnerungen. 3 Theilen. Barmen, 1896. 16mo, pp. 63, 63, 55. 5721 Brown, Catharine. The Converted Cherokee : A Missionary Drama founded on fact ; by a Lady. New Haven, 1819. 16mo, pp. 27. 5722 Brummund, J. F. G. (Predikant te Batavia.) Bijdragen tot de kennis van het Hindoeisme af Java. Batavia, 1868. 8vo. 5723 Burder, Geo. (Secretary to the London Missionary Society, d. 1833.) Memoir, by H. F. Burder. Lond., 1833, 8vo. 5724 (Burmah.) History of the [Roman] Catholic Mission from 1720 to 1887. Rangoon, 1887. 8vo. 5725 Burrell, D. J. The Religions of the World. Phil., 1888. 16mo. 57.25a Busk, H. W. New England Company [Origin of, etc.] Lond., 1879. 8vo, pp. 16. 5726 Buss, E. (Pfarrer in Glarus.) Die Mission einst und jetzt. Frankfurt a. Main, 1883. 8vo, pp. 65. 5727 Cachet, F. L. Een Jaar op reis in dienst der Zending. Amster- dam, 1896. Royal 8vo. 5728 Chamberlain, J. (37 Years Missionary of the Reformed Church in America.) In the Tiger-Jungle: Stories of missionary work among the Telugus of India. N. Y., 1896. 12mo. 5729 Chandler, J. S. (of the Madura Mission). The American Board in India and Ceylon. Boston, 1897. 12mo, pp. 36. 5730 Chapman, Jno. (Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, d. 1863.) Memorials. Lond, 1863. 8vo. 5731 Christlieb, T. (Professor an der Universität Bonn, d. 1889.) Der gegenwärtige Stand der evangelischen Heidenmission. Gütersloh, 1880. 8vo, pp. 135. 5732 Christol, F. Au Sud de l'Afrique (chez les Bassoutos). Paris, 1897. 16mo. 5733 Church Missionary Society: Laws and Regulations, Language- examination and Church organization. Lond., 1888, '84, '86. 12mo, pp. —5— 5734 Church Missionary Society in 1837 and 1887. Lond., 1887. 16mo, pp. 5735 Cleveland Convention ; The Student Missionary Appeal: Ad- dresses at the 3d International Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions. N. Y., 1898. 8vo. 5736 Coillard, François (de la Société des Missions Évángéliques de Paris). Sur Haut-Zambèze. Voyages et Travaux de Mission. Paris, 1898. 4to. 5737 Cooke, H. J. Mildmay : or the Story of the First Deaconess Institution, 2 ed. Lond., 1893. 12mo. 5738 Cooper, Luise. Aus der Deutschen Mission unter dem weib- lichen Geschlechte in China. Darmstadt, 1898. 8vo. 5789 Creegan, C. C. Great Missionaries of the Church (Patteson, Coan, Goodell, Carey, Schauffler, John, Bridgman, Thoburn, Crowther, Mackenzie, Neesima, Jno. Williams, Butler, Paton, Mackay, Wm. Taylor, Moffat, Thomson, Whitman, Hannington, Livingstone). Boston, 1895. 12mo. 5740 Cust, R. N. (Hon. Sec. of the Canterbury Board of Missions.) Lists of Bible Translations actually accomplished. Lond., 1890. Sm. 4to. 5740a — The Gospel-Message: Essays on the Different Aspects of Christian Missions to Non-Christian Races and Peoples. Lond., 1896. 12mo, 5741–42 Darlington Conference (of the Society of Friends). Report of the Proceedings on Foreign Missions in 1895 and 1896. Lond., 1897. 2 vols., 8vo. 5743 Dennis, J. S. (of the Beirut Presbyterian Mission). Christian Missions and Social Progress, Vol. I. N. Y., 1897. 8vo. 5744 Dobbins, F. S. Foreign Missionary Manual: (Statistics). Phil., 1881. 16mo. 5745–46 Doolittle, J. (14 years Member of the Fuchaw Mission of the American Board.) Social Life of the Chinese. N. Y., 1865. 2 vols. 12mo. 5747 D'Orsey, A. G. (Late Professor in King's College, London.) Portuguese Discoveries, Dependencies and Missions in Asia and Africa. Lond., 1893. 12mo. 5748 Drake, S. B. (of the Baptist Missionary Society). Among the Dark-haired Race in the Flowery Land. Lond., 1897. 16mo. 5749 Edkins, J. (Missionary in China.) Modern China: Essays illus- trating the Present Condition of the Country. Shanghai, 1898. 8vo, pp. 55. 5750 Eells, Cushing. (Missionary to the Indians in Oregon, d. 1893.) Biography, entitled: “Father Eells, or Results of 55 years of Missionary Labors.” By M. Eells. Boston, 1894. 16mo. 5750a Egede, Hans. (Königl. Dānischen Missionario in Gronland, d. 1758.) Ausführliche und wahrhafte Nachricht vom Anfange und Fortgange der Grondländischen Mission. Hamburg, 1740. Sm. 4to. .* —6— 5751 Eliot, John (“the Apostle among the Indian Nations of New England,” d. May 30, 1690.) Life and Labors, by R. B. Caverly. Lowell, Mass., 1881. 12mo. 5752 Ellinwood, F. F. (Sec. of the Board of Missions of the Presby- terian Church, U. S. A.) Oriental Religions and Christianity: Lectures on the Ely Foundation in Union Theological Seminary. N. Y., 1896, 12mo. 5752a Escande, M* Élisée. A Madagascar – Hier and Aujourd’hui. Paris, 1898. 16mo. 5753 Evans, James. (Inventor of the Syllabic System of the Cree Language, d. 1846.) Life by J. McLean. Toronto, 1890. 16mo. 5754 Exposition de 1867 a Paris; Section des Missions Protestantes, Catalogue et Notices. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 5754a Faber, S. (Missionar in China.) China in historischer Beleucht- ung. Berlin, 1895. 8vo, pp. 5755 Fiensch, P. (Missions inspektor in Breklum.) Kurze Geschichte der Schleswig-Holstein'schen Evang.-Luth. Missionsgesellschaft. Breklum, 1896. 8vo, pp. 115. t 5756 Franson, Frederik. (Founder of the Scandinavian Alliance Mis- sion.) Lif och Verksamket : af K. E. Forsell. Worcester, Mass., 1897. 24mo. 5757 Free Baptist Cyclopedia, by G. A. Burgess and J. T. Ward. (Articles: Foreign Missionary Society, India Mission Field, Missions in India and Woman's Missionary Society.) Chicago, 1889. Royal 8vo. ºr 5758 Fritschel, G. Die Indianer Mission in Michigan und Nebraska. Gütersloh, 1897. 8vo. pp. 39. 5759–60 French, Thomas Valpy. (First Bishop of Lahore, d. 1891.) Life and Correspondence, by H. Berks. Lond., 1895. 2 vols., 8vo. 5761 Friends' Address to their fellow citizens in behalf of the Indians. Phil., 1891. 16mo, pp. 55. 5762 Gale, Jas. S. (Am. Presb. Mission, Wönsan, Korea.) Korean Sketches. N. Y., 1898. 12mo. 5763 Gedenkboek van het halve-eeuwfeest der Vereeniging Eltheto te Utrecht ente Zeist, June 5, 1896. Utrecht, 1896. 4to. 5764 — uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarig bestaan van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. Rotterdam, 1897. 4to. 5765 Gedenkschrift van het 25-jarig bestaan der Nederlandsche Zen- dingsvereeniging gevestigt te Rotterdam op 2. Dec. 1883. Rot- terdam, 1883, 8vo, pp. 133. 5766 Genischen, M. Missionsarbeit hiben und drüben. (Methods, etc.) Berlin, 1897. 8vo. 5767 Gerhard, P. Geschichte und Beschreibung der Mission unter den Kohls in Ostindien. Berlin, 1883, 8vo, pp. 140. 5768 Gidney, W. T. Sites and Scenes : a Description of the Oriental Missions of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. Part I. Lond., 1897. 16mo. —7— 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 57.75 57.76 5777 Gidney, W. T. Missions to Jews: a Handbook of reasons, facts, and figures. 3 ed. Lond., 1897. 16mo. . Gill, W. W. From darkness to light in Polynesia, with illustra- tive clan songs. Lond., 1894. 16mo. Gilmore, G. W. Korea from its Capital. Phil., 1892. 12mo. Gilmour, James. (Missionary in Mongolia, d. 1891.) Life and Letters under the title, “James Gilmour and his boys.” By R. Lovett. Lond., 1894. 16mo. — More about the Mongols: selected from his diaries and papers. By R. Lovett. Lond., 1893. 16mo. Gordon, A. J. (Pastor of the Clarendon Church, Boston.) The Holy Spirit in Missions : Lectures upon the Graves Foundation, before the Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J. N. Y., 1893, 12mo. - - Gossnerscher Mission ; 50 Jahre Mission der. Berlin, 1886. 8vo, pp. 86. Gracey, L. R. Gist : A Handbook of Missionary Information, prečminently for use in Young Women's Circles. Cincinnati, 1893. 16mo. Graham, J. A. On the Threshold of three Closed Lands: The Guild Outpost in the Eastern Himalayas. Edinb. 16mo. 5777a Green, A. Presbyterian Missions. N. Y., 1893. 8vo. 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5.783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 — F. M. (Assoc. Editor of the Christian Standard.) Christian Missions, and Historical Sketches of Missionary Societies among the Disciples of Christ. St. Louis, 1884. 12mo, Gritton, J. (Formerly Missionary in India.) Pleading with Vedantists. Lond., 1881, 16mo. Grönlund, J. U. Om Lapparne och deras Gudar: Akademisk Afhandling. Upsala, 1848. 12mo, pp. 15. Grössel, W. Die Mission und die evangelische Kirche im 17. Jahrhundert. Gotha, 1897. 8vo. Grundemann, R. Nacht und Morgen in fernen Ländern : Ge- schichte von der Goldküste, und aus dem indischen Dorfleben. Berlin, 1891. pp. 32 and 32. - Gründler, W. Geschichte der Bawenda-Mission in Nord-Trans- vaal. Berlin, 1897. 8vo. Hall, M. J. (Missionary of the Ch. Missionary Society in Uganda.) Through my Spectacles in Uganda : The Story of a fruitful field. Lond., 1898. Sm. 4to. Hamlin, Cyrus. (Late Missionary of the Am. Board at Constan- tinople.) The American Board and Minneapolis. 1890. 8vo, pp. 12. Harms, Louis. Lebensbeschreibung; von Th. Harms. 6 Auf. Hermannsburg, 1887. 16mo. - Harris, J. R. and H. B. Letters from the scenes of the recent Massacres in Armenia. N. Y., 1897. 12mo. — S. F. (Vicar of Walton-le-dale.) A Century of Missionary Martyrs. Lond., 1897. 16mo. —8— 5789 Hartwig, T. (Lutheran Pastor in Juneau, Wis.) Zion unter den Heiden: Die Indianer in Britisch Columbia. Reading, Pa., m. d. 12mo, pp. 24. 5790 Harvard, W. M. (One of the Missionaries who accompanied Rev, Thomas Coke.) Narrative of the establishment and progress of the Mission in Ceylon and India. Lond., 1823. 12mo. 5791 Henry, B. C. Ling. Nam, or Interior Views of Southern China, including explorations in the island of Hainan. Lond., 1886. 12mo. 5792–93 Hertel, L. Den Nordiske Santhal Mission historisk fremstillet. 7 Hefte in 2. Kjøbenhavn, 1883–4. 12mo. 57930 Hindu Widows, The Lamentations of : by Pandit Narayan- Keshava Vaidya. Bombay, 1884. 16mo, pp. 16. 5794. Historical Sketches of the Missions under the care of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of the U. S. A. 4 ed. Phil., 1897. 12mo. 5795 Holmgren, J. Meddelande från Svenska Missionen i Kina. Stockholm, 1896. 16mo, pp. 64. 5796 Horne, C. S. History of the London Missionary Society, 1795– 1895, 2 ed. Lond., 1895. 12mo. 5797 Humphrey, S. J. Eshcol (Success of Missions). N. Y., 1893. 16mo. 5798 Hunter, W. W. The Hindu Child-Widow. Bombay, 1887, 8vo, pp. 48 (see 57930). 5798a Inglis, Walter. (Missionary in S. Africa, d. 1884.) Memoirs and Remains, by W. Cochrane. Toronto, 1887. 16mo. 5799 Institutum Judaicum, Schriften des. Nos. 1–17. Leipz., 1885–88. 12mo. 5800 Jay, Rose. A Missionary Family. Lond., 1897. 12mo. 5801 Jessup, H. H. (American Missionary in Syria.) The Women of the Arabs. Lond., 1874. 12mo. 5802 John, Griffith. (Missionary in China.) Sowing and Reaping. Lond., 1897. 16mo, pp. 63. 5803 — Spiritual Power for Missionary Work. Lond., n. d. 16mo. pp. 58. 5804 Johnston, Jas. (Formerly Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of England.) China and Formosa : The Story of the Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England. N. Y. [1897]. 12mo. 5805 — A Century of Protestant Missions and the Increase of the Heathen during the hundred years. Lond., 1867. 12mo, pp. 30. 5806 Jones, J. P. (Madura.) Preaching to Non-Christians (in India). 1889. 8vo, pp. 20. 5807 Kalkar, C. H. Den Danske Mission i Ostindien i de seneste Aar: Een Samling af Brieve. Kjøbenhavn, 1870. 8vo. 5808 Kjellgren, K. G. Hundra àr på Världsmissionsfältet: Om Lon- don Missionssällskapet. Stockholm, 1897. 12mo. 5808a Kip, W. I. (Prot. Episcopal Bishop of California. d. 1893.) The Early Jesult Missions in North America. N. Y., 1847. 12mo. —9— 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 58180, 5819 5820 5821 58210. 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 58270, Knight-Bruce, G. W. H. (Sometime Bishop of Mashoma-land.) Memories of Mashona-land. Lond., 1895. 16mo. Kolmodin, A. (Docent vid Upsala Universitet.) Från de Svartas Världsdel: Târesâdd i Uganda. Stockholm, 1891. 16mo. — Från “Soluppgängens Land”: Japan förr ock nu. Stock- holm, 1897. 16mo. — Indien såsom Missionsfält. Stockholm, 1897. 16mo. — Lundahl, Bengt Petter. (Missionär i Ostafrika, d. 1885.) Lif. Stockholm, 1897. 16mo, pp. 30. — Galla och Evangelium. Stockholm, 1885. 16mo. — En Blick på utvecklingen af Evang. Fosterlands-Stiftelsens Missionsarbete 1893–96. Stockholm, 1897. 16mo, pp. 20. Kühne, K. (Missions-Lehrerim.) Tagebuchblatter, beschrieben während der Jahre 1891 bis 1895 in Südafrika. 2 Auflage. Berlin, 1897. 12mo. Kunze, G. (Rheinischer Missionar.) Im Dienst des Kreuzes auf ungebahnten Pfaden. (Dampier Insel und Neu Guinea.) Bar- men, 1897. 8vo. Kurze, G. Rundfahrt durch die Londoner Südsee-Missionen mit dem Missionsdampfer “John Williams.” Berlin, 1896. 8vo. La Croze, M. V. (Bibliothecare du roi de Prusse, d. 1739.) His- toire du Christianisme des Indes. A la Haye, 1724. 16mo. — Histoire du Christianisme d’Ethiopée et Armenie. A la Haie, 1739. 16mo. Ladd, G. T. (Professor in Yale University.) Congregationalism and Foreign Missions. Boston, 1882. 12mo, pp. 40. Laestadius, L. L. (Missionar in Lappland, d. 1861.) En kyrklig Tidsbild, af J. A. Englund. Upsala, 1876. 8vo. Lang, J. M. The Expansion of the Christian Life. (Duff Lecture.) Edinburgh, 1897. 8vo. Laurie, T. (Formerly Missionary in Persia, d. 1897.) Woman and the Gospel in Persia. Chicago, 1887. 12mo. Leitch, the Misses. The Jaffna College and Medical Missions in North Ceylon. Occasional Letter, No. 10, 1896. Oblong 8vo, pp. 32. Lena Rensaa. (Zenana Missionär i Indien, d. 1896.) Nāgra drag ur hennes lif. Af J. Thulin. Stockholm. 16mo, pp. 40. Lewis, H. Rise and Progress of the Secundra Church Mission Orphanage at Agra, N. India. Agra, 1885. 16mo, pp. 81. Lloyd, E. Three African Chiefs, Khame, Sebele and Bathoeng. Lond., 1895. 16mo. Lowth, R. (Bishop of Oaxford, d. 1787.) Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts on Friday, Feb. 15, 1771 : with an abstract of the Charter and of the Proceedings of the Society from Feb., 1770, to Feb., 1771. Lond., 8vo, pp. Lucas, J. J. Krishna Pariksha : or, Krishna tested. Translated from the third Hindi edition. Edinb., 1884, 8vo, pp. 18. © e_º e e & © O . . . . s", ºr • e • Te 2 © e ſe 5828 Lyon, D. W. (Editor of the work.) Evangelization of China : . Addresses at five Conferences at Chefoo, Peking, etc., Sept. and Oct., 1896. Tientsin, 1897. 12mo. - 5829 Laessée, A, F, Bhilerne i Central-Indien. Kjøbenhavn, 1895. 12mo, pp. 36. 5830 Lºgstrup, T. (Sec. Danske Missionsselskab.) Vor Mission. Ejøbenhavn, 1892. 12mo. 5831 — Nordiske Missionaerer. (Statistik.) Kjøbenhavn, 1897. 12mo, pp. 39. 5832 Logan, R. W. (Missionary to Micronesia.) The Work of God in Micronesia. Boston, 1884. 12mo, pp. 16. 5833 Mackenzie, W. D. (Professor in Chicago Theol. Seminary.) Christianity and the Progress of Man, as illustrated by Modern Missions. Chicago, 1897. 12mo. 5834 McLean, J. The Indians of Canada; their manners and customs. 3 ed. London, 1892. 16mo. 5835 (Madagascar.) Historical Sketches : by the Soc. for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel. Lond., 1887. 12mo, pp. 31. 5836 (Madras.) Brief Survey of the History of Female Education in Madras. 1878. 16mo, pp. 34. 5837 Maples, Chauncey. (Pioneer Missionary in E. Central Africa & for 19 years and Bishop of Likoma, Lake Nyassa, d. 1895.) Life and Letters; by his Sister. Lond., 1897. 12mo. 5838 Maps of the Missions of the American Board. Boston, 1892. 12mo, pp. 5839 Martin, W. A. P. (President of the Imperial Tung-Wen College, Peking.) Chinese Legends and other Poems. Shanghai, 1894. 16mo. 5840 Martyn, Henry. Life by C. D. Bell. Lond., 1880. 16mo. 5841 Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese: giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices. Shanghai, 1867. 8vo. e 5842 Merensky, A. Kolonisation und Mission, Berlin, n. d. 12mo, pp. 12. 5842a —— Soll die Christliche Missions—thatigkeit einen nationalen Oder internationalen Charakter tragen P Berlin. m. d. 12mo, pp. 14. 5843 Miller, W. (Principal of the Madras Christian College.) Edu- cational Agencies in Missions. Madras, 1898. 8vo, pp. 21. 5844 Mirbt, C. (Professor of Church. History in the University of Marburg.) Der deutsche Protestantismus und die Heidenmis- sion im 19ten Jahrhundert. Giessen, 1896. 16mo, pp. 56. 5844a Missionary Concert Exercises (A. B. C. F. M.). Nos. 1–9, 12mo. 5844–45 Missionary Museum : or, an Account of Missionary Enterprizes in conversation between a mother and her children; India and Africa. New Haven, 1832. 2 vols. 24mo. 5846 Missionary Paper No. 1. View of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, Jan. 18; “igno.ip6. 24. — II – 5847 5848 . 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853. 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 Missionary Tracts of the American Board 1–16 (lacking 8, 18). Boston, 1847–1859. . 12mo. . . - . Missionskort for det Danske Missionsselskabs Arbeidsmark i Indien. Kjøbenhavn, 1893. 8vo, pp. 56. Missionswerksamheden i Palästina år 1882. Falun, 1883. 12mo, pp. 96. - Mohammedan brought to Christ : the Autobiography of the Rev. Imad-ud-din, of the Church Missionary Society's Mission at Amritsar, North India. Lond., 1885. 12mo, pp. 22. Moister, W. Africa : Past and Present. By an Old Resident. Lond., 1879. 12mo. Morillot, L’Abbé. Mythologie and Legends des Esquimaux du Groenland. Alençon, 1874 8vo, pp. 74. Monier Williams. See Williams. Mörner, C. Framställning af Paraguays och dithórande Jesuiter- missioners Historia : Akademisk Afhandling. Upsala, 1858. 8vo, pp. 101. - - Morrison, R. (“Protestant Missionary at Canton,” d. 1834.) Horae Sinicae : Translations from the Popular Literature of the Chinese. Lond., 1812. 8vo. Mott, J. R. (Secretary of the World's Student Christian Federa- tion.) Strategic Points in the World's Conquest: The Univer- sities and Colleges as related to the Progress of Christianity. N. Y., 1897. 16mo. - - —— The World’s Student Christian Federation ; Origin, Objects, etc. 1898, 8vo, pp. 28. - Muchmore, S. A. The Moghul, Mongol, Mikado and Missionary. Philadelphia, 1891. 2 vols. in one. 12mo. Muir, Wm. The Mohammedan Controversy and other Indian Articles, Edinb., 1897. 8vo. . . —— and others. Present-day Tracts on the non-Christian Reli- gions of the World. Lond., 1887. 16mo. Neethling, Wm. James, (Missionary in S. Africa, d. 1897.) Life, under the title: “Made exceeding glad.” By A. Murray. Lond. 24mo, pp. 64. - Nelson, A. P. (Pastorvid Svenska Kongregationalist-Församling- en i Fast Orange, N. J.) Missionen efter ett hundra àr. Wor- cester, Mass. 12mo, pp. 60. - - Neurdenburg, J. C. Godsdienst, Bijgeloof, Zinnelijkheid bij de Alifoeren in de Minahassa. 16mo, pp. 19. - . Newman, H. N. The Transition from Slavery to Freedom in Zanzibar and Pemba. Lond., 1898. 8vo. New England Company. Correspondence between the New Eng- land. Company in London and the Commissioners of the United Colonies in America, the Missionaries of the Company and others between the years 1657 and 1712, to which are added the Journals of the Rev. Experience Mayhew in 1713 and 1714. Lond., 1896. 8vo. -I2— 5865 Nixon, O. W. How Marcus. Whitman saved Oregon. 2 ed. Chicago, 1895, 12mo. 5866 Nottrott, L. Aus der Wendemission, Ein Beiträg zur kirch- lichen Heimatskunde für das Volk. Halle a. S., 1897. 8vo. 5867 — Der gegenwärtige Stand der Kols-Mission. Berlin, 1889. 12mo, pp. 30. 5867a Open Letter to the Churches [on Missionary Agencies in South India]. Madras, 1889. 8vo, pp. 20. 5868 Oyabe, J. A Japanese Robinson Crusoe. Boston, 1898. 16mo. 5869 Padmanji, Baba. Early Life, under the title: “Once Hindu now Christian,” an Autobiography, ed. by J. Murray Mitchel. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. 5870 Paton, Jno. G. (Missionary to the New Hebrides.) Autobiog- raphy. Vol. III. N. Y., 1898. 12mo. (See 5374, 5.) 5871 Pasumalai : A Half Century of a Missionary Institution. Ma- dura, 1895. 24mo. 5872 Paul, P. C. Die Mission in unsern Kolonien. Heft 1. Tongo und Kamerun. Leipz., 1898. 16mo. 5873 Pauli, J. Roberto dei Nobili und Christ. Friedr. Schwartz, zwei Missionare in Ostindien. Nürnberg, 1870. 24mo, pp. 100. 5874 Peery, R. B. (Of the Lutheran Mission, Saga, Japan.) The Gist of Japan : the Islands, their People and Missions. N. Y. [1897]. 12mo. PERIODICALS, (1) American. (Continued from 5381 in Catalogue No. 4.) NOTE. –The mark + shows that the Periodical is continued and regu- larly received. 5875–76 Baptist Missionary Magazine. 1897, '98. 4- Boston. 8vo. 5877–78 Bible Society Record. N. Y., 1897, '98. + 4to. 5879–80 Christian and Missionary Alliance. (Folio.) 1897, '98. 4- N. Y. 5881–82 Church at Home and Abroad. (Presbyterian Church, North.) Phil., 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. 5883–84 Deutscher Missionsfreund. (German Evangelical Symod of North America.) 1897, '98. 4- Phil. 4to. 5885 Foreign Missionary. (General Cowmcil of the Evangelical Luth- eran Church in North America.) Phil., 1897. 5886–87 Gospel in All Lands. (Methodist Episcopal Church.) 1897, '98. 4- N. Y. tº 5888 Kinamissionaeren. Tilegnet det Norsk-luth. Kirkefolk i America. 2^en Aarg. Madison, Minn., 1892. 8vo. 5889–90 Illustrated Christian World. (Weekly.) N. Y., 1897, '98, (dis- continued.) 4to. * 5891 Intercollegian. Vol. xxi. (Continuation of the Student Volun- teer.) N. Y., 1898. + 5891a Light and Life for Women. 1897, '98. 4- Boston. —I3— 5892–93 Missionary Herald. (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.) Boston, 1897, '98. + 5894–95 Missionary Review of the World, edited by Rev. A. T. Pierson. N. Y., 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. 5896 Olive Trees. (Reformed Presbyterian Church.) N. Y., 1898. + 5897 Review of Missions. (Methodist Episcopal Church, South.) Nashville, 1898. -- 5898–99 Spirit of Missions. (Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States.) N. Y., 1898. 4. 5900–03 Student Volunteer. iv. 1–6, 1896; v. 4–9, 1897; vi. 2, 3, 5, 7, 1898. N. Y. g (2) British and Colonial. 5904–05 Bible Society (British and Foreign) Reporter. Lond., 1897, '98. + 8vo. 5906–20 Central Africa, a Monthly Record of the work of the Universi- ties' Mission. i-xx, 1883–1897 (wanting vol. 5). 14 vols. Lond. 12mo. 5921–22 China's Millions. Lond., 1897, '98. 4- 4to. 5923 Chronicle of the London Missionary Society. Lond., 1897, '98. -- 4to. 5924–25 Church Missionary Intelligencer. Lond., 1897, '98. + 8vo. 5926–28 Church Missionary Gleaner. (Church Missionary Society.) Lond., 1896–98. 4- 4to. 5929–30 Church of Scotland Mission Record. Edinb., 1897, '98. + 4to. 5981 Darkness and Light. (Ceylon and Indian General Mission.) Lond., 1894. Sm. 8vo. g 5932–33 Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record. Edinb., 1897, '98. + 4to. 5934 Illustrated Missionary News. Lond., 1897, '98. 4- 4to. 5935–37 London Missionary Society: Quarterly News of Female Mis- sions. 1893, '94, '95. Lond. 8vo. 5938–39 Mission Field. (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) Lond., 1897, '98. -- . 12mo. 5940–41 Missions of the World (ed. by Rev. Calvin Carlyle). Lond., 1897, '98. 4- 5942–43 Missionary Herald. (Baptist Missionary Society.) London, 1897, '98. + 12mo. 5944–45 Missionary Record of the United Presbyterian Church. Edinb., 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. 5946–47 News from Afar, a Magazine for Young People. (London Mis- sionary Society.) Lond., 1897, '98. 4- 4to. 5948–49 Niger and Yoruba. Notes. Lond., 1897, '98. 4- 4to. 5950–58 North Africa. (North African Mission.) Lond., 1891–98. 4- 5959–60 Our Missions. (Friends' Foreign Missionary Association.) Lond., 1897, '98. -- 5961–62 Presbyterian Record. (Presbyterian Church in Canada.) Mon- treal, 1897, '98. + 8vo. 2 —I4— 5963–67 Regions Beyond. (London Institute for Home and Foreign Missions of the Congo Bololo Mission.) Lond., 1893–97. 8vo. 5968–69 Sierra Leone Messenger. Lond., 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. 5970–73 Zenana: or Woman's Work in India. (Zemana Bible and Med- ical Mission.) Vol. I–IV, 1894–1897. Lond. Sm. 4to. (8) German. 5974–75 Afrika (vom evangelischen Africa-Verein). 1897, '98. + Ber- lin. 8vo. 5976–77 Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift. 1897, '98. 4- Gütersloh. 8vo. 5978–79 Berichte der Rheinischen Missions-Gesellschaft. Barmen, 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. 5980–81 Berliner Missionsberichte. Berlin, 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. 5982 Biene (Die) auf den Missions-Felde. Herausgegeb. von Johannes Gossner. Bde I–VI in I. Berlin, 1834–1839. 4to. 5983–84 Calwer Missionsblatt. 1897, '98. -- Calw, 4to. 5985 Evangelische Heidenbote. Basel, 1897. 4to. 5986–87 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionsblatt. Leipz., 1897, '98. 4- (Wanting 1879.) 5988–89 (Die) Evangelischen Missionen. Herausg. von J. Richter. 1897, '98. -- Gütersloh. 8vo. 5990–91 Evangelisches Mission-Magazin. Basel, 1897, '98. + 8vo. 5991a Friedensbote: Missionsblatt der Gesellschaft sur Befórderung des Christenthums unter den Juden in Berlin : red. von F. W. S. Schwarz: d. neuen Folge, XIV Jahrgang, 1882. 8vo. 5992–93 Glaubensbote und Mittheilungen aus der Pilger-Mission. Bde I–VI. 1878–83. Basel. 2 Bde. 8vo. 5994–95 Hermannsburger Missionsblatt. Hermannsburg, 1897, '98. + 8vo. 5996–97 Missions-Blatt der Brüdergemeine. 1897, '98. + Herrnhut. 12mo. - 5997a — für Kinder 23 u. 24 Jahrg. Calw., 1864, '65. 1 Bd. 16mo. 5998 Missions-Freund. 1898. + Berlin. 4to. 5998a Mittheilungen aus der Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut, 1897, '98. + 5999 — des Frauen-Vereins für China, Redacteur I. Knak. Berlin, 1895 (broken). 12mo. 6000–01 Monatsblätter für öffentlichen Missions-Studien, 1897, '98. -- Calw. 12mo, 6002–07 Nachrichten aus und über Ostindien, Redacteur E. Genzken. No. 1, Jan., 1857–59, '60, '61, ’62. 6 Bde. (Imperfect.) Schwarz- enbeck. 12mo. - 6008–09 Nathanael : Zeitschrift für die Arbeit der evangelischen Kirche in Israel. Berlin, 1897, '98. 4- 12mo. 6010–19 Neueste Nachrichten aus dem Morgenlande. Ed. C. Hoffmann. XXV, 1881–XXXIV, 1890. Berlin. 8vo. 6020–21 Saat auf Hoffnung. (Quarterly.) Leipz., 1897, '98. + 12mo. 6022–23 Zeitschrift für Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft. Ber- lin, 1897, '98. 4- (Wanting Bd. I. See 5249.) —I5— (4) Dutch. 6024–26 Berichten van Eltheto, uitg. door Utrechtsche Studenten-Zen- dinggezelschap EA6ETQ H BAXIAEIA 2007. 50°te Jaargang 1896 (wanting Nos. 5, 6, 7); Jaarg. 1897 (complete); 1898, Nos. 1–10 (to March 30, wanting Nos. 8–13, 20, 23, 32). -- Utrecht. 4to. 6027 Ermeloo'sch Zendingsblad. Ermeloo, 1889–94. (Imperfect.) 6028 Maandbericht van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. Rotterdam, 1897. 6029–32 Mededeelingen van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenoot- schap. Rotterdam, 1895–98. 4- 8vo. (5) French. 6038 Bulletin Missionaire des Églises Libres de la Suisse Romande. Lausanne, 1897. 6034-35 Journal des Missions Evangéliques. Paris, 8vo, 1897, '98. 4- 6036–37 Le Missionnaire. Redigé par E. Barde, Professeur de Theo- logie a Genève, 1897, '98. + 8vo. (6) Swedish. 6038 Dakwala : Tidsskrift för Indisk Hjemmemission blandt Santhal- erne. 16 Aarg. Kjøbenhavn, 1895. 8vo. 6039–41 Lunds Missionstidning. Lund, 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. Also, Aarg., 1856. See 6252. 6042–43 Meddelanden från Studenten-Missionsföreningen i Upsala. 1897, '98, 8vo. 6044–46 Missionsförbundet. Stockholm, 1896, '97, '98. -- 4to. 6047–48 Missions Tidning under inseende af Svenska Kyrkans Missions- Styrelse. Stockholm, 1897, '98. 4- 8vo. 6049–50 Missionstidning (Fosterlands). Stockholm, 1897, '98. -- 6051 Missionswännen; Svenska Missionssälskapets Tidning. 1" Arg. Stockholm, 1873. 8vo. (7) Danish. 6052–53 Almindelig Kirketidende, utg. af J. Wahl. Kjøbenhavn, 1897, '98. 12mo. 6054–67 Christelig Samler, udg. af J. Wahl and L. N. Meier. Kjøben- havn, 1885–1898. 14 Bde. 12mo. 6068 Dansk Missions-Blad : utg. af det Danske Missionsselskab. Kjøbenhavn, 1897. Nos. 1–3. 6069–73 Nordisk Missionstidsskrift, udg. af J. Vahl. Kjøbenhavn, 1891–97. Bound in 4 vols.; also 1898. 4- 8vo. 6074 Santhal-Posten, udg. af den Dansche Comite for Santhalmis- sionen. II Aargang, 1897. Kjøbenhavn. 8vo. —I6— (8) Norwegian. 6075–76 Missionsblad, udg. af Komiteen for den Norske Kirkes Mission ved Schreuder. Christiania, 1897, '98. 4- 8vo.' 6077–78 Norsk Missionstidende, udg. af det Norske Missionsselskab. Stavanger, 1897, '98. + 8vo. (See 5369.) (9) India, China and Japan. 6079–80 Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal. 1897, '98. + Shang- hai. 6081 China Medical Missionary Journal. 1893–96. Shanghai. 8vo. With Index to Vols. I–IX, 1887–95. 6082–84 Indian Evangelical Review. (Quarterly.) Calcutta, 1894, '95, ’96. 8vo. 6085 Japan Evangelist. (American Missionaries in Japan.) 1897. -- Yokohama. (See 5881.) 6086 Missionary Recorder. (Monthly.) A Repository of Intelligence from Eastern Missions and a Medium of General Information. Vol. I. Foochow, Imp. 8vo, 1867 (then discontinued). 6087 Phillips, M. (of the London Mission, Madras.) The Cosmogony of the Vedas. Madras, 1887. 8vo, pp. 20. 6088 — The Church's Work in Heathendom ; how far it is affected by the Church's view as to the Heathen. 1890. 8vo, pp. 18. 6088a Pilkington (George Lawrence) of Uganda (Missionary of the Ch. Missionary Society, d. 1897). Memoir, by C. F. Harford-Bat- tersby. 2 ed. Lond., 1898. 12mo. 6089 Plath, H. K. C. (Missions Inspector, Berlin.) Die Erwählung der Völker im Lichte der Missionsgeschichte. Berlin, 1867. 8vo, pp. 48. 6090 — Gossners Segenspuren : Eine geschichtliche u. Missionsthe- oretische Reisebeschreibung. Berlin, 1898. 8vo. 6091 Pratt, Josiah. (Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, d. 1844.) Memoir, by his sons. Lond., 1849, 8vo. * 6092 Puaux, F. Les Bassoutos, une Mission Français au Sud de l'Afrique. Paris, 1881. 8vo, pp. 39, 6093 Quast, O. Kurze Geschuchte der Englisch-Amerikanischen Stu- denten missionsbewegung. Halle a. S., 1898. 24mo, pp. 28. 6094 Rabinowich [Rabinówitz] and his Mission to Israel. By Adolph Saphir. Lond., [1887 or later]. 12mo, pp. 32. 6095 Raikes, H. The Claims of Missions upon the Church of England. Eleven Lectures by Clergymen of the Church of England. London, 1846. 12mo. 6095a Rappard, C. H. Fünfzig Jahre der Pilger Mission auf St. Chrisch- ona. Basel, 1890. 12mo. 6096 Rasmussen, H. Mellem Singhalesere og Hinduer. Kjøbenhavn, 1895. 8vo. —I7— 6097 Reichelt, G. C. Die Himalaya-Mission der Brüdergemeine. Gü- tersloh, 1896. 8vo. 6098 Reid, Jno. (of Bellary, East Indies). Memoir, by R. Wardlaw. - Glasgow, 1845. 16mo. 6099 Reynolds, E. A further Accompt of the Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians of New England . . Set forth in certaine Letters sent from thence declaring a purpose of Printing the Scriptures in the Indian Tongue into which they are already Translated [by John Eliot]. London, 1659. Sm. 4to. (Re- printed, N. Y. 1865.) - REPORTS, Annual. 6100 Aborigines Protection Association for 1895. Sydney, 1896. 12mo. 6100a African Meth. Episc. Church. 1888, 12mo. 6101–03 Allgemeine evangelisch-prot. Missionsverein, 11, 12, 13 Bericht. Berlin, 1895–97. -- 8vo. 6104–07 American Baptist Missionary Union. 1887, '88 (wanting 1889), ’90, '91. Boston. 8vo. (See 2801.) 6108–13 American Bible Society 1816–1871, bound in 4 vols.; also 1897, '98. N. Y. 8vo. (See 2817, 4041, 5400.) 6114–15 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Bos- ton, 1897, '98. 8vo. 6116 — Jubilee Year of the Foochow Mission. 1896. 8vo. 6116a — Foochow Mission for 1897. 6117–18 — Foochow Medical Mission, 12, 13 Reports. 1884. 6119 — Kumiai Churches of Japan, May, 1898. 12mo. 6120 — Madura Mission for 1896. 12mo. 6121 — Marathi Mission for 1897, '98. 6122 — North China Mission for 1891, ’98. 6122a — Shansi Missions for 1897. 6123 — Almanac of Missions for 1899. pp. 44. 6124–27 American Free Baptist Mission in Bengal for 1890, '91, ’94, '96. Midnapore and Calcutta. 12mo. 6128 An Ting Hospital. (Am. Presbyterian Mission.) Pekin, 1888. 12mo. 6129 Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Sydney, 1891. (See 5410.) g 6130 Bangalore Tract and Book Society. 1892. Bangalore. 6131 Baptist Missionary Society. 1880. London. 12mo. 6132 — — The Indian Report for 1885. Calcutta. 8vo. 6133 — Foreign Mission Convention (10th Anniversary). Rich- mond, Va., 1890. 8vo. 6134–51 (Basel) Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft. 1860, '62, '66, '68, '80– 91, '93, '94, '96. (See 5417.) 6152–57 — German Evangelical Missionary Society in South Western India. 1883, '89–93. Mangalore. 8vo. 3 —18— 6158 Bengal Evangelistic Mission for 1894, Gopalgunge. 8vo. 6159–62 (Berlin) Gesellschaft zur Befºrderung der Evangelischer Mis- sionen unter den Heiden. Berlin, 1887–90. 12mo. 6163-68 — Frauen-Mission Verein. 1859, '60, '93, '94. Berlin. 6169–70 — Haupt-Verein für die Evangelische Mission in China. 1859, '60. Berlin. 12mo. 6171–76 Bible Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 1887, '88, '89, '91, ’94. Lond, 8vo. 6.177 Book and Tract Society for China. 1888. Glasgow. 8vo. 6178 British Syrian Mission Schools and Bible Work. 1895. Lond. 6179–81 Brüdergemeine. 1891, ’97, '98. Herrnhut. 6182 Calcutta Christian Book Society. 1893. 6183–85 Central African [Universities] Mission. 1888–90. Westminster. 16mo. 6186–89 Christian Literature Society for India, established in 1858 as a Memorial of the Mutiny. Lond., 1889-94. 6190–91 — Bombay Branch. Colombo, 1894, '95. 6.192 — Madras Branch. Madras, 1895. 6193 Christian Missionary Society of Victoria for 1894. Melbourne. 6194 Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. 1895. London. (See 2866.) 6195 — — Extracts from the annual letters of the Missionaries: Parts 2, 4–8, 1887, '88 ; Parts 1–5, 1890, '91. London. 6196-200 Church of Scotland Schemes for 1878, '88, '89, '91, ’95, '97. Edin- burgh. 8vo. (See 5463, 10890.) 6201 — Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Independent Sikkim. Dar- jeeling, 1890. Imp. 8vo. 6202 Day Spring and New Hebrides Mission for 1895. Sydney, 1896. 6203 Doopgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangeliever- breiding. 1888. (See 5498.) 6204–10 Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. 1889–95. 6211 Evangelisch Fosterlands Stiftelse, 1888. Stockholm, 1889. 6212–13 Evang.-Lutherische Mission zu Leipzig. 1889, '90. 6214 Female Association for Promoting Christianity among the Women of the East. 21st Report. Belfast, 1895. 6215 Finska Missions Sällskabet, 37 Arsberättelse, 1895. Helsing- fors, 1896. 6216–17 Free Church of Scotland, Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889, '91. 8vo. 6218 — — Missionary Reports. 1898. 8vo. 6219–23 Foreign Christian Missionary Society. (XII.) 1887–89, '91. Cincinnati. 8vo. 6224–26 Friends’ Foreign Mission Association. 1891, ’97, '98. London. (See 5501.) 6227–29 — Mission in Syria and Palestine. XIX. 1888, '89, '95. London. 6230–35 General Baptist Missionary Society. XXI. 1887–91. Derby, Eng. 8vo. —I9– 6236–39 Hawaiian Evangelical Association. 1891, '92, '95. Honolulu. (See 1280, 2846, 4115.) 6240–44 Indian Home Mission to the Santhals. 1882, '83, '86, '89, '90. Ebenezer. 8vo. (See 5517.) 6245 International Missionary Alliance. 6th Report. N. Y., 1893. 6246–47 Irish Presbyterian Mission in Gujurat, and the Zenana Mission for 1886, '87. Surat, 1888. 8vo. 6248–49 Kurku and Central Indian Hill Mission. 1894, '95. 6250 London Missionary Society. 1898. 6251–52 London Association in Aid of the Moravian Missions. Lond., 1890, '95. 6258 Lord’s-day Union for India. 1st Report. Calcutta, 1894. 12mo. 6253a. Melanesian Mission for 1884. Ludlow, 1885. 6254–59 Methodist Church in Canada. LXIII. 1887, '88, '89, '91, '93, '95. Toronto. 6260–64 — Episcopal Church (North) for 1877, '82, '84, '87. N. Y. 8vo. 6265 — — Woman's Foreign Missionary Society for 1888. Boston. 6266–70 — Episcopal Church (South). XL, 1887–91, ’94. Nashville, Tenn. 6271–74 Methodist New Connection. 1888–90, '94. London. 6275 — Protestant Church. 1894. Baltimore, Md. 6276–78 Mission to Lepers in India and the East. 1893, '94, '95. London. 6279–80 Missionary Training-Home and the Gospel for 1893, '95. Lon- don. 16mo. 6281 National Bible Society of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1897. 6282–84 Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. 1891–94. 8vo. 6285 New Zealand Church Missionary Association. 1895. Nelson, N. Z. 6286 Norske Bibelselskab. 1897. Christiania. 16mo. 6287 — Missionsselskab. 1898. Stavanger. 6288 Opthalmic Hospital at Canton. , 1852, 8vo. 6289–93 (Paris) Société des Missions Evangéliques. 1887, '89–91, ’95. 8vo. 6294–99 Pilgrim Mission for 1884, '86–91. St. Chrischona, near Basle. 16mo. 6300–04 Presbyterian Church in Canada. 1887–91. Toronto. 6305–07 — of England for 1887–89. London. 6308–15 — in Ireland. 1887–89. Belfast. 6316–24 — in the United States (South). 1873, '87–94. Baltimore and Nashville. 6325–27 Primitive Methodist Missionary Society. XLV. 1888–91. Lon- don. 6328–34 Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Proceed- ings of the Board of Missions at their 1st Annual Meeting, June. 1836; also 1837–41 and Triennial Meeting, 1838: with Sermons by J. John, 1838, J. S. Stone, 1839, and W. R. Whit- ingham, 1842, all bound in 2 vols. 8vo. Also 1886–87, '88, '89, '90, 94–95, '97. N. Y. —2O— 6335 Ramabai Association for 1898. Boston. 6336 Reformed (Dutch) Church in America. 1894, N. Y. 6837 — (German) Church in the U. S. IV. 1890, '93. Harris. burg, Pa. 6838–40 Rheinische Missions Gesellschaft. 1893–95. Bremen. 6341–46 Schleswig Holsteinische Missionsgesellschaft. 1886, ’87, '91-94. Brecklum. 6347 Seventh-day Baptist Missionary Society. 1896. Alfred, N. Y. 6348 Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 1787–1887. Cambridge, Mass., 1887. 4to. 6349–50 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 1890, '91, ’94. Lond. 6351–55 South American Missionary Society. 1887–90, '93, '94. London. 6356–62 Southern Baptist Convention. 1887–92, '94. Atlanta, Ga. 6363–65 Strict Baptist Mission. 1889, '91. '94. London. 6366–70 Svenska Missions-Sallskabets Direction. V. 1839, '40, '55–57, ’89, Stockholm. 6371 — Missionsförbundet. 1888. Stockholm. 16mo. 6372 Taufgesinnte Gesellschaft. 1889. Hamburg. 6373–77 United Methodist Free Churches. XXXI. 1887–91. London. 6378 United Brethren [Moravian]. 1891. Bethlehem, Pa. 6379–81 — in Christ. 1889, '90, '91. Dayton, O. 6382–87 United Presbyterian Church of Scotland. . 1887–91, ’95. Edin- burgh. 6388 e-º-º- Mission in Rajputana for 1885. Ajmere, 1886. 6389–92 United Presbyterian Church of North America. XXVIII. 1886, ’87, '94, '95. Philadelphia. 6393–4 Utrechtsche Zendingsvereeniging. 1888, '89. Utrecht. 6395–98 Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Society. 1889–91, ’94. Manches- ter, Eng. 6399-6405 Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. LXVI. 1880, '88, ’90, '91, ’95, '96. London. 6406 Zenana Conference of the Am. Evang. Lutheran Mission : South Krishna District. I. 1885. Guntur. 6407 Rodén, K. G. (Missionär i Ostafrika.) Om de Tigrétalande Folkstammarne och Missionsarbetet bland dem. Stockholm. 16mo, pp. 30. 6408 Roe, Bryan. (Methodist Missionary in West Africa, d. 1896.) Missionary Travels and Adventure in West Africa. By A. R. Johnson. Lond., 1896. 16mo. 6409 Ross, John. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.) Old Wang, the first Chinese Evangelist in Manchuria. Lond., 1889. 16mo. 6410 — J. S. The First Hundred Years of Foreign Missions. 2 ed. Toronto, 1898, 8vo, pp. 94. –2I– 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6422 6423 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 Row, R. Ragoonath, Catechism of the Aryan Religion [and other tracts]. Madras. 24mo, pp. — Rules of the Association for the Promotion of the Aryan Vedic Religion. Madras, 1886. 8vo, pp. 7. Saunders, Eleanor and Elizabeth. The Sister Martyrs of Ku- Cheng : Memoir and Letters by D. M. Berry. N. Y., 1897. 12mo. Schneider, H. G. Mapoon, oder wie man den Grund zu einer Mission legt. Herrnhut. n. d. 24mo, pp. 80. Schmidt, C. (Professor in Strasburg.) Social Results of Early Christianity. 2 ed. Lond., 1889. 12mo. Schneller, L. (Pastor in Köln.) In alle Welt l Auf den Spuren des Apostels Paulus von Antiochia bis Rom. Leipz., 1897. 12mo. Schreuder, P. S. (Missionary in India.) Liv och Wirksomhed, af D. Thrap. Christiania, 1877. 12mo, pp. 56. Schweren, H. N. Muhammedanismus i Afrika. Lund, 1892. 12mo. Scott, Wm. A. (Church of Scotland Mássionary at Blantyre, d. 1895.) Memoir, under the title: “A Hero of the Dark Con- tinent ;” by W. H. Rankine. Edinb., 1896. 16mo. Selkirk, J. Recollections of Ceylon, after a residence of nearly 13 years, with an account of the Church Missionary Society's operations in the Island. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Selwyn, J. R. (Sometime Bishop of Melanesia, d. 1878.) Pastoral Work in the Colonies and the Mission Field. Lond., 1897. 16mo. — Life and Work. By G. H. Curteis. 3 ed. Lond., 1889. 12mo. Sen, Keshub Chunder (d. 1884). The New Dispensation [Brahmo Somaj]. Calcutta, Brahmo Tract Society, 1884, 16mo, pp. 47. Sermon before the American Board, by N. Boynton. Boston, 1897. (See 5581.) Sim, Arthur Frazer (of the Universities' Mission to East Afrika, d. 1895). Life and Letters. Lond., 1897. 16mo. Simon, G. Die Missionspflicht der Deutschen Studenten. Halle a. S., 1896. 24mo, pp. 43. Slowan, W. J. Missions of the United Presbyterian Church : The Story of our Kaffrarian Missions. Edinb., 1894. 16mo. Smith, A. H. Sketches of a Country Parish [in Shantung, China]. n.d. 8vo, pp. 48. – D. En Resa genom Borannagallaernas Land: Ofversättning af K. Cederquist. Stockholm, 1897. 16mo, pp. 48. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1894, Lond. 8vo. 6480a Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Picture Book, show- 6431 ing its Origin, Scenes and Work. Lond., 1896. 4to. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Reg- ulations. Lond., 1887. 8vo, pp. 80. 6432 6433 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 -22- Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 1787–1887. Cambridge, Mass., 1887. 4to. Speer, R. E. (Sec. Presb. Board of Foreign Missions.) Missions and Politics in Asia. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. (Ste Chrischona) Cinquante années de la Mission des Pèlerins de Ste Chrischona. Bâle, 1893. 12mo, pp. 72. Stair, J. B. (Formerly Missionary in Samoa, d. 1898.) Old Samoa, or Flotsam and Jetsam from the Pacific Ocean. Lond., 1897. 16mo. Steere, Edward. (Third Bishop in East Central Africa, d. 1883.) Memoir, by R. M. Heanley. 3 ed. Lond., 1898. 16mo. Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam. The Bible and the Koran. Lond., 1877. 16mo. Stockfleth, N. V. Bidrag til Kundskab om Qvaenerne (Finns) i Norge. Christiania, 1848. 16mo, pp. 94. Storrs, R. S. (President of the American Board.) Foundation Truths of American Missions. Boston, 1897. 12mo, pp. 14. — Motives to Missionary Work. Boston, 1896. 12mo, pp. 16. — The Aim of Foreign Missions. Boston, 1895. 12mo, pp. 16. Stosch, G. (Pastor in Berlin.) Im fernen Indien : Eindrücke im Dienst der Lutherische Mission unter den Tamulen. Berlin, 1896. 12mo. —— Die Mission und die Sociale Frage, Mit Berucksichtigung der indischen Verhältnisse. Berlin. m. d. 12mo, pp. 16. Strong, E. E. (Editorial Secretary of the American Board.) Mission Stories of Many Lands: for Young People, with 340 illustrations. Boston, 1894, 8vo. —— —— In Lands Afar : for Young People. 2d Series. Boston, 1897. 8VO. Studentenbund für Mission ; Bericht ib. d. 1st Studenten-Kon- ferenz in Halle a. S. Halle. 1897. 8vo. Strümpfel, E. Wegweiser durch die wissenschaftliche und pas- torale Missionslitteratur. Berlin, 1898. 8vo, pp. 104. Taylor, J. Hudson. Summary of the operations of the China Inland Missions to the year 1872. London, 1872. 12mo, pp. 32. — Wm. (Methodist Bishop of Africa.) Our South American Cousins. N. Y., 1882. 16mo. —— The Flaming Torch in Darkest Africa. N. Y., 1898. Imp. 8vo. Temple, Sir Richard. (Governor of the Bombay and the Bengal Presidency.) A Layman’s Estimate of Missions in India. N. Y., 1883. 8vo, pp. 13. Thomssen, G. N. (of the Am. Bapt. Telugu Mission). Indische Levensbilder, für Belehrung und Unterhaltung für die Jugend. Cleveland, O., 1890. 16mo. Thornton, D. M. (Educational Sec. Student Volunteer Union.) Africa Waiting ; or, The Problem of Africa’s Evangelization. Lond., 1897. 16mo. Tiyo Soga, de eerste Kafferzendeling : Naer het Engelsch van J. A. Chalmers door F. L. Cachet. Amsterdam, 1888. 12mo. —23— 6455 6456 6457 6.458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6464a 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 The Travancore and Cochin Mission, S. India. Lond., 1886. 16mo, pp. 28. - Turner, G. (of the London Missionary Society). Samoa a Hundred Years Ago. Lond., 1884. 16mo. Uhlhorn, G. Kämpfe und Siege des Christenthums in der ger- manischen Welt. Stuttgart, 1898. 16mo. Unitas Fratrum of the Moravian Church : Missionary Manual and Directory. Bethlehem, Pa., 1892. 12mo, pp. 60. (Utrecht.) Studenten-Zendelinggezelscap EA8ero # Baozheta ovo, Gedenkboek van het halve eeuwfeest der Vereeniging 4 en 5 June 1896 te Utrecht en te Zeist. Utrecht, 1896. 4to. Vahl, J. (Sogneproest i Nørre Vedby og Nºrre Alslev, d. 1898.) Bºger angaaende Hedningemissionen og derhen hºprende AEm- ner Kjøbenhavn, 1884–1898. 8vo. — Beretning om den Evangeliske Alliances 8* Möte i Kjøben- havn, 1884. Kjøbenhavn, 1886. 8vo. —— Laesebog i den Evangeliske Missions-Historie. Kjøbenhavn, 1897. 12mo. (Vivekananda), Proceedings of the Public Meeting of the Hindu Community at the Town Hall of Calcutta to thank Swami Vivekananda and the American People. Calcutta, 1894, 12mo, pp. 42. Voskamp, C. J. (Missionar der Berliner Missionsgesellschaft in China.) Zerstörende und aufbauende Machte in China. Ber- lin, 1898. 8vo, pp. 80. — Unter dem Banner des Drachen und im Zeichen des Kreuzes. Berlin. n. d. [1898] 2 8vo. Waddilove, W. H. J. The Stewart Missions [in Upper Canada). London, 1888. 12mo. - Walker, T. and others. The Awakening of India. Calcutta. 82mo, pp. 43. —— W. A Trip round Ceylon. Colombo, 1886. 16mo, pp. 27. Wangemann, H. T. Das Berliner Missionshaus und seine Be- wohner. Berlin, 1882. 8vo. —— Hausordnung für die Bewohner des Missionshauses. Berlin, 1882. 8vo, pp. 47. —— Unterrichtsordnung des Berliner Missionsseminars. Berlin, 1882. 8vo, pp. 52. Warneck, G. (Professor der Theologie 2w Halle.) Evangelische Missionslehre: Der Betrieb der Sending. III. Abth. 1 Heft. Gotha, 1897. 8vo. (See 3191, 43.12.) —— Bürgerrecht der Mission im Organismus der theologischen Wissenschaft. Berlin, 1897. 12mo, pp. 21. — Welche Pflichten legen uns unsere Kolonien. Heilbronn, 1885. 8vo, pp. 123. . — Missionsstunden. Bd. II. Abtheil 1. 5 Aufl. Gütersloh, 1897. 8vo. (See 5613.) —24– 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 Warneck, G. Zur Abwehr und Verständigung. Offener Brief an Herrn Major Von Wissmann. Gütersloh, 1890. 8vo, pp. 48. — Die Stellung der evangelischen Mission zur Sklavenfrage. Gütersloh, 1889. 8vo, pp. 126. — Abriss einer Geschichte der Protestantischen Missionen von der Reformation bis auf die Gegenwart. 8 Aufl. Berlin, 1898. 8vo. Watt, Agnes C. P. Twenty-five Years' Mission Life in Tanna, New Hebrides. Paisley, 1896. 12mo. Webb, Sidney Roberts. Memorials of, under the title: “A Young Congo Missionary,” by W. Brock. Westcott, B. F. (Bishop of Durham.) Address on the Results of Missionary Work. [Lond.] 16mo, pp. 8. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. (Missionaries in Harpoot, Eastern Turkey.) Grace Illustrated: or, a Bouquet from our Mission- ary Garden. Boston, 1876. 16mo. Whitehouse, J. O. London Missionary Society; A Register of Missionaries and Deputations from 1796 to 1877. London, 1877. 4to. Whitman, Marcus. (Missionary to the Indians in Oregon, d. 1847.) Memoir. (See Nixon.) Williams, John, der Missionar der Sudsee, Leben und Wirken ; von W. F. Besser u. G. Kurze. Berlin, 1896. 8vo. —— Monier. (Professor of Sanskrit, Balliol College, Oacford.) Speech at the Meeting of the Church Miss. Soc., May, 1887, [against attempting any compromise between Christianity and the non-Christian religions and philosophies of the East]. 12mo, pp. 7. Wilson-Carmichael, Amy. From Sunrise Land : Letters from Japan. 2 ed., Lond., 1895. Sm. 4to. Wilson, W. B. Eye-Gate; or, The Value of Native Art in the Mission Field with special reference to the Evangelization of China. Lond., 1897. Oblong imp. 8vo. —— J. H. Christian Missions and Hinduism. Lond., 1894. Winston, W. R. (Missionary in Burmah.) Four Years in Upper Burma. Lond., 1892. 12mo. Year Book of Prayer for Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church U. S. A. Phil. 16mo, pp. 77. Young, E. R. On the Indian Trail: Missionary Work among the Cree and Saulteaux Indians. N. Y., 1897. 12mo. Zahn, F. M. Der Westafrikanische Branntweinhandel. Güters- loh, 1886. pp. 40. —25— III. WORKS COMPOSED OR TRANSLATED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. [Continued from 5667 in Catalogue No. 4.] 6491 Brown, S. R. (American Missionary in Japan, d. 1880.) Collo- quial Japanese, with an Introduction on the Grammatical Structure of the Language. Shanghai, 1863. 8vo. 6491a Krapf, L. (Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in East Africa, d. 1881.) Dictionary of the Suahili Language. Lond., 1882. Royal 8vo. 6492 Lists of Chinese Characters in the fonts of the Presbyterian Press. 8vo, pp. 6493 Lucas, J. J. (Missionary at Allahabad.) Literary Work of the Am. Presb. Mission, North India, including Bible Translation and Revision. 1886. 8vo, pp. 39. 6494 Macdonald, D. (21 Years Missionary in Efate, New Hebrides.) The Asiatic Origin of the Oceanic Languages: Etymological Dictionary of the Language of Efate. Lond., 1892. 16mo. 6495 Marshman, J. (of the Serampore Mission, d. 1837.) Chinese Grammar. Serampore, 1814, 4to. ' 6496 Riggs, S. R. (Missionary of the American Board to the Dakota Indians, d. 1883.) Dakota Grammar. Washington, 1893. 4to. 6497 Ross, J. Corean Primer. Shanghai, 1877. 12mo, pp. 89. 6498 Thomssen, G. N. (Am. Baptist Telugu Mission.) Teacher and the Sermon, in Telugu, 2 ed. Kurnool, 1894. 12mo. 6499 Wade, J. (Am. Baptist Missionary in Burmah, d. 1872.) Karen Vernacular Grammar. 2 ed. Rangoon, 1897. 12mo. 6500 Weitbrecht, H. U. Descriptive Catalogue of Urdu Christian Literature, with a Review of the Same and a Supplementary Catalogue of Christian Publications in the other Languages of the Panjab. Lahore, 1886. 8vo, pp. 86. Albyssinia. Rodén. Africa. Bertholid. Bowen. Grundemann. Moister. Schweren. Taylor. Thornton. Africa, East. Beskow. Kolmodin. Maples. Sim. Steere. Africa, Sowth. Bloomfontein. Christol. Coillard. Knight-Bruce, Kühne. Lloyd. Neethling. Puaux. Scott. Slowan. Tiyo Soga. Africa, West. ROe. Webb. Zahn. Allmanacs, American Board. Alramenians. Alcock. Harris. La Croze. Wheeler. Arya. Somaj. ROW. A ZW D E X. A testºralia. Sim. Schneider. Steere. Webb. JBasswtose Whitman. Christol. Williams, J. Puaux. Hlantyre. IBellary. Scott Reid, JB/oils. Ba'amo Somaj. Loesse. Sen. Bible Traynslation Cust. Lucas (6493). Biography. Alexander. Anderson. Becker. Binney. Burder. Chapman, Eliot. Franson. French. Gilmour. Harms. Inglis. Lena Rensaa. LOwrie. Lundahl (5813). Maples. Martyn. Mayhew (5864). Neethling. Nobili(see Pauli). Oyabe. Padmanji. Paton. Pilkington. Pratt. Reid. Roe. Saunders. Schreuder. Scott. Selwyn. JBºwrmah. Binney. (Burmah), R. C. Winston. Calabar (Old). Anderson. Catalogues. Auswahl. Bliss. Exposition. Memorial (Chinese). Strümpfel. Vahl. Ceylon, (Address.) Chandler. Harvard. Leitch. Muchmore. Selkirk. Wallzer. Children’s Books. Baierlein. Schneider. Strong. CJºld.- Widow. Hindu Widows. Hunter. China. Beach. Berry. China (6081). Cooper. DOOlittle. Drake. Edkins. Faber. Henry. Holmgren. John (Griffith). Johnsom. Lyon. Martin. Memorials. Morrison. Much more. Saunders. Smith. Voskamp. Wilson. Claiºns. Raikes. Colonization. Merensky. Paul. Warneck. Concert Eocercises Missionary. Conferences. Batavia. Bremen. Chefoo (see Lyon). Cleveland. Darlington. Liverpool. New York (6th). Student (Halle). Congo. Webb. —27— Jones. Kalkar. Kolmodin, La Croze. Lewis. Loesse. Much more. Muir. Padmanji. Plath. Rasmussen. Reichelt. Reid. Stosch. Thomssen. Vivekananda. Walker. Indians N. A. Brown. Eells. Evans. Friends. Fritschel. Hartwig. McLean. New Engl. Comp. Heynolds. Whitman. Young. Jaimispn. BOSe. Jaamaica. Bleeby. Japan. Brown (6491). Kolmodin. Much more. Oyabe. Peery. Wilson-Car- michael. Java. Brummund. Cachet. Jesuit Missions. Kip. Mörner. Jews. Rabinowich. Gidney. Institutum. Nathanael (6008). Saat (6020). Raffraria. Slowan. Tiyo Soga. JKohls. Gerhard. Nottrott. JKorea. Bishop. Gale. Gilmore. Lapland. Grönlund, Laestadius. Lectatºes. Parrows. Bartlett. Gordon. Lang. Mackenzie. Raikes. Madagascar. Borchgrevink. ESCande. (Madagascar.) Manch ve?"ia. ROSS. Maps. (Maps A.B.C.F.M.) Missionskort (Danish Society). Marty,’s. Harris. Mashona-land. Knight-Bruce. Medical Missions Alden. China (6081). Edinburgh (6204). Leitch. Melanesia. Selwyn. IMethods. Bliss. Genischen. Miller. Congregational- isºn. Ladd. Constantinople. Appeal. Cree Indians. Evans. IXampier Isl. Kunze. IDztff Lectatºes, Lang. JEssays. Burrell. Buss. Cust. Mackenzie. lºsgwim away. Morillot. IEthiopia. La Croze. I'ormosa, Johnston. Galla-land. Kolmodin. Smith. Gold Coast. Grundemann. Gºreenlwºnd. Egede. Morillot. Iſerero-land, Brincker. JHinduism, Brummund. Lucas. Wilson, J. H. India. Alberg. Andy. Barnes. Chamberlain. Chandler. D’Orsey. Gritton. Graham. lMicronesia. Logan. Mildmay. Cooke. Minahassa. Neurdenburg. Missions and So- cłal Progress. Dennis. Mackenzie. Schmidt. StoSch. Mohamedanism. Jessup. Mohammedan. Muir. Schweren. Stephens. irongolia te Gilmour. Motives. Gordon. Storrs. lNew Gwiºnea. Kunze. New Heba'ides. Macdonald (6494). Paton. Watt. Nyassa-land. Scott. Maples. Sim. Steere. Orange Free State Bloomfontein. Oregon. Eells. Whitman. JPalestime. Bird. Missionsverksam- heden. IParagway. Mörner. —28— JPersia. Laurie. Polynesia. Gill. Kunze. IReligions. Burrell. Tellinwood. Gritton. Muir. Phillips. ' lºopman Catholic IMissions. (Burmah.) Mörner. Itoºn andle Mission Berthoud. Samoa. Stair. Turner. Santals. Hertel. HISTORY OF MISSIONS AND Sermons. Beets. Lowth. South. Alºmerica. Taylor. Someth Seas. Kurze. Statistics. Dobbins. Grundemann. Løgstrup. Stories for Yowth. Baierlein. Gracey. Strong. Student JFedera- tion. Mott. Swecess. Humphrey. Temple. |Uhlhorn. Westcott. Syria. Bird. Jessup. Syrian Christians of St. Thomas. D'Orsey. Tanna. Watt. Telugws. Chamberlain. Thibet, Graham. Reichelt. Tigre-land. Rodén. Tongo. Paul. Transvaal. Gründler. Uganda. Hall. Kolmodin. Pilkington. Unive?"sities. Mott. Simon. Universities? Miss sion. Steere. Sim. Wends. Nottrott. Yo?"wba. ROe. 2wlats. Kielland. Zoºm 2i ba?". Newman. 2ervana. Alberg. Barnes. MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. 1 General or more particular Missionary History or Statistics: Bar- clay, Bliss, Christlieb, Dennis, Gracey, Green, Grössel, Johnston, Lang, Mirbt, Nelson, Ross, Speer, Strong, Vahl, Warneck. 2 History of Missionary and Bible Societies, including their Periodi- cals and Annual Reports: African Methodist Episcopal Church, 61000. American Baptist Missionary Union, 5875, 6104. Bible Society, 5877, 6108. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 56780–5688a, 5785, 5844a, 5846, 5847, 5891a, 5892, 6114–6123. Missionary Association, 5689. Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Mission, 6129. Baptist Missionary Society (London), 5942, 6131, 6132. Foreign Mission Convention (Richmond, Va.), 6133. Basle Missionary Society, 5712, 5983, 5985, 5990, 6134–51. Berlin Missionary Society. 5980, 6159, 6467–69. Bible Home and Foreign Missionary Society, 6171. British and Foreign Bible Society, 5904. Calcutta Christian Book Society, 6182. Ceylon and Indian General Mission, 5931. China Inland Mission, 5921, 6448. Christian and Missionary Alliance, 5879. Christian Literature Society for India, 6186–92. Church Missionary Society, 5733–34, 5924, 5926, 6091, 6194–95. Church of Scotland, 5929, 6196, 6201. Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Danish Missionary Society, 5807, 5830, 5848, 6068. Disciples of Christ, 5778, 6219. - Dutch Missionary Society (Nederlandsche Genootschap), 5764, 6028, 6029, 6282. Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society, 6204. Eltheto Society [in the University of Utrecht], 5763, 6024, 6459. Ermeloo Missionary Society, 6027. Evangelical African Union, 5974. Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, 6406. Evang. Fosterlands Stiftelse, 5815. Finnish Missionary Society, 6215. Foochow Mission, 6116, 6116a. Medical Mission, 6117. Foreign Christian Missionary Association, 6219. Free Baptist Society, 5757, 6124. Free Church of Scotland, 5932, 6216–6218. Free Ghurches of French Switzerland, 5703, 6032. Friends Foreign Missionary Association, 5959, 6224. Mission in Syria and Palestine, 6227. General Baptist Missionary Society, 6230. General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, 5885. General Evangelical Protestant Mission Union, 6022, 6101. German Evangelical Synod of North America, 5883. Gossner Missionary Society, 5775, 5982. Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 6236. IHermannsburg Missionary Society, 5994. Indian Home Mission to the Santhals, 6240. International Missionary Alliance, 6245. Irish Presbyterian Mission in Gujurat, 6246. Kumiai Churches of Japan, 6119. Kurku and Central Hill Mission, 6248. Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Society, 5986, 6212. London Missionary Society, 5796, 5808, 5818, 5928, 5935, 5946, 6250, 6481. London Institute for the Congo Balolo Mission, 5963. Association in Aid of the Moravian Missions, 6251. Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, 5768. Lord’s-day Union for India, 6253. Lund Missionary Society, 6039. tº Madura Mission, 5729, 6120. Marathi Mission, 6121. Melanesian Mission, 6253a. Mennonite Missionary Society (Holland), 6203, 6372. Methodist Church in Canada, 6254. Methodist Episcopal Church (North), 5886, 6260. (South), 5897, 6266. New Connection (English), 6271. . Protestant Church, 6275. gº Mission to Lepers in India and the East, 62.76. National Bible Society of Scotland, 6281. Nederlandsche Genootschap (see Dutch). Zendingsvereeniging, 5765. New England Company, 5725a, 5864, 6099. New Hebrides Mission, 6202. New Zealand Church Missionary Association, 6285. North African Mission, 5950. North China Mission, 6122. Norwegian Missionary Society, 5831, 6077, 6287. Church Missionary Society (Schreuder), 6075, 6417. Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, 6034, 6289. Pilgrim Mission, 5992, 6095a, 6294, 6434. Presbyterian Church in Canada, 5961, 6300. e in England, 5804, 6305. – in Ireland, 6308. — of Scotland, 5929 6196-6201. - — of the United States of America, 5777a, 5794, 5881, 6488. in the United States (South), 6316. Primitive Methodist Missionary Society, 6325. Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, 5898, 6328. Ramabai Association, 6835. - Reformed (Dutch) Church in America, 6336. (German) Church in the United States, 6337. Presbyterian Church (Covenanter), 5896. Rhenish Missionary Society (Barmen), 5978, 6338. St. Chrischona, see Pilgrim Mission. Santal Mission, 5793, 6038, 6074. Schleswig-Holstein Society (Breklum), 5755, 6341. Seventh-day Baptist Missionary Society, 6347. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 6430. Society for the Spread of Christianity Among the Jews, 5991a. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 5827, 5938, 6349, 64.30a. for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, 6348, 6432. South American Missionary Association, 6351. Southern Baptist Convention, 6356. Strict Baptist Mission, 6363. Student Volunteer Movement, 5891, 5900, 6093. Swedish Church, 6047, 6051, 6366. —31– Swedish Fosterland's Missionary Society, 5815, 6049, 6211. Missionary Union (Förbundet), 6044, 6371. |Universities' Mission, 5691, 5906, 6183. United Brethren (Herrnhut), 5996, 5998a, 6097, 6179, 6251. (Bethlehem, U. S.), 6378, 6458. in Christ (Dayton, U. S.), 6379. United Methodist Free Churches (England), 6873. United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 5944, 6382, 6427. of North America, 6389. Upsala Student Missionary Union, 6042. Utrecht Missionary Union, 6393. —— Student Missionary Society, 6459. Victoria Christian Missionary Society, 6193. Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Society, 6395. Wesleyan Missionary Association, 6399. Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church. —— Board of Missions (American Board), 5891a. Zenana Bible and Medical Mission, 5970. --* º }~4 FOURTH CATALOGUE OF THE FOREIGN MISSIONLIBRARY OF THE DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVER's ITY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. No. 4. JANUARY, 1897. NEW HAVEN : THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR PREss: 1897. FOURTH CATALOGUE OF THE FOREIGN MISSIONLIBRARY OF THE DIWINITY SCHOOL YAI E UNIVEERSITY, NEW HAVEN, CON N. No. 4. JANUARY, 1897. *mºmº-º-º-m-mºs NEW HAVEN : THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR PRESS : 1897. r1; 1-1 . X (T no, “k PREFATORY NOTE. In the present continuation of the catalogues of the Yale Library of Foreign Missions are contained the titles of 1029 volumes and pamphlets added since December, 1895. The whole number now on the shelves, and freely open to the members of all Departments of the University, is (by correcting two errors in the enumeration and adding several volumes transferred from the Trowbridge Reference Library marked thus (f) in the first cata- logue) 5431. The additions since 1895 consist of (1) the current Missionary literature of various countries for the year 1896, including the seventy missionary periodicals regularly received and bound at the close of the year; (2) a collection of Dutch and Scandinavian works, relating especially to Christian Missions in Sumatra, Java, the Celebes and other islands in the East Indian archipelago, which are now out of print, and have at length been obtained partly at the auction sale of the library of the late Dr. Neurdenburg, President of the Netherlands Missionary Society and partly by the energetic efforts of the Skandinavisk Antiqua- riat, an enterprising bookselling firm in Copenhagen; (3) a set, so far as they had not been previously obtained, of the translations of the Bible or portions of it made by missionaries and published at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the com- bination of which with the full set of the translations published or for sale by the American Bible Society and presented to the Divinity School a few years since by the eminent Christian philan- thropist, the Hon. William E. Dodge, deceased, of New York, forms an almost complete collection of these noble monuments of Missionary labor, in which honored representatives of the grad- uates of Yale in Syria, Persia, South Africa, Japan, the Gilbert Islands and other lands have had the privilege of bearing a part; and (4) books prepared by Missionaries in the vernacular languages of various Pagan countries, so far as they could be procured. To the friends at home and abroad by whose generous coöpera- tion this Historical Library has become a nearly complete reposi- tory of the American and European literature of Protestant Mis- sions, I desire once more to express my sincerest thanks. GEORGE E. DAY. Yale University. New Haven, Conn. January, 1897. CATALOGUE. INTO. IV". I, TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE, MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. II. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. III. WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. IV. INDEX. I. TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE OR PARTS OF IT MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. [Continued from 3303 in Catalogue No. 3..] 4538 Akra or Ga (Gold Coast, Africa), Psalms—Malachi. (J. A. Zimmermann.) Stuttgart, 1861–1865. 16mo. 4538a — Exodus-Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Proverbs. Basle, 1860. 16mo. 4539 Albanian (Albania), New Testament and Psalms. Constantino- ple, 1872. 12mo. 4540 Amharic (Abyssinia), Bible. (J. M. Flad and Mr. Argawo.) St. Chrishona, 1886, 8vo. 45400 — New Testament. (Abu Ruhh, Habessinus.) Basileae, 1870. 16mo. 4541 Amharic and Ethiopic, Gospels and Acts. Basle, 1874, 16mo, 4542 — — Romans to Revelation. Basle, 1878. 16mo. 4543 Armenian and Ararat, New Testament. London, 1895. 12mo, 4544 Armeno-Turkish, Bible. Constantinople, 1884. 16mo. 4545 Ashanti and Fanti, called Tshi (Chwee) (Gold Coast, West Africa), New Testament. (J. G. Christaller.) 3d ed. revised. Basle, 1878. 16mo. 4546 Balolo (Congo), Luke. Lond., 1893. 16mo. 4547 Batta (Sumatra), Old Testament. (P. Johannsen.) Elberfeld, 1894, 8vo. 4548 — — New Testament. (J. L. Nommensen.) Elberfeld, 1885. 16mo. 4549 Beaver Indian (near Beaver Lake, N. A.), Mark. 1886. 16mo. (A. C. Garrioch.) 4550 Bengali (Bengal), Bible. (Baptist Missionaries.) 7th ed. Cal- cutta, 1885, 8vo. 4550a Bengali and English New Testament. Lond., 1889. 8vo, — 2 — 45 5 1 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 45.75 4576 4577 4578 Bengali (Mussulman), Genesis and Part of Exodus. Calcutta, 1857. 8vo, — — Psalms. 8vo. Bondei (South of Mombasa, North of Zanzibar), Matthew. (T. P. Farler.) Lond., 1890. 16mo. Burmese (Burmah), New Testament. (A. Judson.) Boston, 1891. 16mo. Chaga (Kilimanjaro), Matthew ; Tentative edition. London, 1892, 16mo. Chamba or Takri (a Hill State of the Punjab), Matthew. (Dr. IHutcheson.) 1883. 8vo. — — John, 1883, 8vo. Chinese and Corean, Gospel of John. 8vo. Chipewayan (Canada, Athabasca), New Testament. (Archdeacon Rirkby.) Lond., 1881. 12mo. Chuana or Sechuana (Bechwana and Matabele-land), Bible. Lond., 1890. 8V.O. Corean (Corea), New Testament. (John Ross.) Lond., 1885. 12mo. Cree (Canada: Hudson's Bay), Bible. (W. Mason.) Lond., 1861. 8vo. Croatian (Croatia), Bible. (G. J. Danicic and V. S. Karadsic.) Pesth, 1874, 8vo. Epi or Baki (Epi, New Hebrides), Matthew. Lond., 1892. 16mo. Eskimo (Labrador), Joshua to Esther. (S. Weiz and Moravian Missionaries.) Stolpe, 1869. 12mo. — — Job to Song of Solomon. Stolpe, 1871. 12mo. — — New Testament. (T. Bourguin.) Stolpe, 1876, 1878. 12mo, Fang (West Equatorial Africa), Genesis. (A. W. Marling, d. 1896.) Lond., 1894. 16mo. — — Matthew. (A. W. Marling.) Lond., 1894. 16mo. Fanti (near Cape Coast Castle, West Africa), Genesis. Lond., 1888. 16mo. — — The four Gospels. (A. W. Parker.) Lond., 1886. 16mo. Fijian (The Fiji Islands), Bible. (Missionaries of the Wesleyan Missionary Society.) Lond., 1893. 8vo. Finnish (Finland), Bible. Berlin, 1880. 8vo. Formosan (Formosa), Matthew. (D. Gravius.) Amst., 1661, with corresponding versions in Dutch and English, ed. by W. Camp- bell, Lond. (Trubner), 1888. Sm. 4to. Galla (Shoa), Genesis. (J. L. Krapf.) St. Chrishona, 1872. 16mo. — — Exodus. (J. L. Krapf.) St. Chrishona, 1877. 16mo. — — Psalms. (J. L. Krapf.) St. Chrishona, 1872. 16mo. —— — New Testament. (J. L. Krapf.) “Debtera Sanebo, Habessino ex provincia. Efate oriundo, et quatuor Gallanis (SCHOLAN estirpe Ada, WARE e stirpe Nonno, DCHAGAN e stirpe Leka, et RUFO e stirpe Guma enixe auxiliantibus).” Basle, 1875, 12mo. — 3 — 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 Ganda, see Luganda. Georgian (Georgia), New Testament. Tiflis, 1879. 8vo. — — Psalms. 1879, 8vo. Gilbert Islands (Micronesia), Bible. (Hiram Bingham, Jr.) N. Y., 1893. 8vo. Giryama (East Africa), Matthew. [London], 1895. 16mo. — — Luke. (D. A. Hooper.) London, 1892. 16mo. — and Swahili (Mombasa). London, 1892, 16mo. Gogo (East Africa), Ruth and Jonah. Lond., 1893. 16mo. — — Matthew. (J. C. Price.) Lond., 1891. 16mo. — — Luke. Lond., 1887. 16mo. Graeco-Turkish Bible. Constantinople, 1892. 16mo. 4589–90 Gujarati (Gujarat, British India), Bible. (Missionaries in Bom- 4591 4592 4593 45.94 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 bay.) Surat, 1861. 2 vols. 8vo. — The New Testament, adapted to the language of the Parsees. Bombay, 1864, 8vo. Haida (Queen Charlotte's Islands), Matthew. (C. Harrison.) Lond., 1891. 16mo. Hausa and Arabic, (The Soudan), John i-ix. Lond., 1877, 8vo. Hindustani or Urdu, Bible (in Roman letters). Lond., 1893. 16mo. Ibo (The Niger, West Africa), The Four Gospels. (J. C. Taylor.) Lond., 1893. Igbira (West Africa), Matthew. (P. J. Williams.) Lond., 1891. 16mo. Japanese (Japan), Bible with References. Yokohama. Royal 8vo. 1891. Javanese (Java), New Testament. 8vo. Kabyli (Algeria and Tunis), Matthew. Lond., 1895. 16mo. — — Mark. Lond., 1893. 16mo. — — Luke. Lond., 1894. 16mo. Kaguru (East Africa), Matthew. Tentative edition. Lond., 1894, 16mo. - — — John. Lond., 1894. 16mo. Kanarese (South India), Bible. (German, London and Wesleyan Missionaries.) Bangalore, 1884. 8vo. Karen (Sgau Karen) (Burmah), Bible. (Francis Mason, d. 1874.) Rangoon, 1867. Royal 8vo. Kashmiri (Cashmere), New Testament. (T. R. Wade.) 1884. 8vo. Khasi (N. E. India ; Assam), Pentateuch. Lond., 1885. 16mo. — — Psalms. Lond., 1890. 16mo. — — Joshua–Job. Lond., 1891. 16mo. — — Psalms—Malachi. Lond., 1891. 16mo. Koi (Central India), Luke. (J. & Mrs. Cain.) Madras, 1889. 32mo. Kongo (Kongo and Stanley Pool), New Testament. (W. H. Bent- ley.) Lond., 1895. 12mo. Kumuki (Daghestan), Matthew. Lond., 16mo. Kwaguti (N. of Vancouver Island), Luke. (A. J. Hall.) Lond., 1894. 16mo. — 4 — 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 46200. 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 Lepcha, or Lepsha (Sikkim, Central British India), Genesis and Part of Exodus. Calcutta, 1874. 8vo. Lifu (Loyalty Islands), Bible. Lond., 1890. 8vo. Luganda (Uganda), Exodus. Lond., 1894. 32mo. — — Joshua. Lond., 1893. 32mo. — — Psalms. Lond., 1894. 32mo, — — Daniel, Lond., 1894. 32mo. — — New Testament. Lond., 1893. 32mo, Malagasi (Madagascar), Bible. (Revision by W. E. Cousins and others.) Lond., 1889. 8vo. - Malay, Low (Malacca: Sumatra), Gospels and Acts. (Klinkert.) Lond., 1888, 16mo. º Malayalam (Travancore and Malabar), New Testament. Cotta- vam, 1876. 8vo. Maori (New Zealand), Bible. (R. Maunsell, and Archdeacon Wil- liams.) Lond., 1887. 8vo. Maré or Nengonese (Loyalty Islands), New Testament and Psalms. (Jones and Creagh.) London, 1870 and 1877. 8vo. Mauritian Creole (Mauritius), Matthew. Lond., 1893. 16mo. — — — Mark. Lond., 1893. 16mo. Luke. Lond., 1893. 16mo. Mondari or Mandari (Chota Nagpur, India), Four Gospels. (N. Nottrott and L. Beyer.) Calcutta, 1881, 1890. 16mo. Motu (New Guinea), New Testament. (W. G. Lawes.) Lond., 1891. 12mo, Nama (Great Namaqua-land), Psalms. (J. G. Krönlein.) Cape Town, 1872, 8vo. ". Nepalese (Nepal), Luke, (W. Starb.) Calcutta, 1850. 8vo. — — Acts of the Apostles. (W. Starb.) Calcutta, 1877. 8vo. — — Matthew. (Scotch Missionaries.) Darjeeling, 1895. 8vo. Nguna (Nguna, New Hebrides), Genesis and Exodus. (P. Milne.) Dunedin, N. Z., 1892, 12mo. — — Mark, Luke, Acts, I John. (P. Milne.) Dunedin, N. Z., 1892. 12mo, Nias (Nias, Naku and Batw), Luke. (E. Denninger.) Lond., 1874, 32mo, Nyanja (near Lake Nyassa, East Africa), Nehemiah. (– John- son.) Lond., 1894, 16mo. Niué (Savage Island), Bible. (W. G. Lawes and George Pratt.) Lond., 1873, 8vo. Nupe (a tribe on the Niger), Matthew. (H. Johnson.) Lond., 1886. 16mo. 4641 — — Mark. (H. Johnson.) Lond., 1886. 16mo. 4642 — — Luke. (H. Johnson.) Lond., 1887. 16mo. 4642a — — John. (H. Johnson.) Lond., 1887. 16mo. 4643 Ojibwa (Canada and the U. S.), The Twelve Minor Prophets. (R. 4644 McDonald.) Lond., 1874. 32mo, Pangasinan (Luzon, Philippine Islands), Matthew. Madrid, 1888. 16mo, — 5 — 4645 Pangasinan (Philippine Islands). Mark. Madrid, 1888, 16mo. 4646 — — John. Madrid, 1888. 16mo. 4647 — — Acts. Madrid, 1888. 16mo. 4648 Panjabi (Punjab), New Testament. (J. Newton.) Lodiana, 1850. 12mo. 4649 Pashtu or Afghan (Afghanistan), Pentateuch. (W. Jukes, Pesha- war.) Lond., 1890. 12mo. 4650 — — Psalms. Lond., 1891. 12mo. 4651 — — New Testament. (T. J. L. Meyer,) Lond., 1890. 12mo. 4652 Pedi or Sepedi (North Transvaal), New Testament. Lond., 1890. 12mo. - - 4653 Persian (Persia), Old Testament: New Testament, (Henry Martyn). 6th ed. Lond., 1876. Royal 8vo. 4654 — — Bible : Revised by R. Bruce. Lond., 1895. 8vo. 4655 Popo (Dahomey), Genesis. (J. Rhodes.) Lond., 1895. 16mo. 4656 Raratongan (Hervey Islands), Bible. (Williams, Pitman & Buza- cott, revised by E. R. W. Krause and George Gill.) Lond., 1888, 8vo. e - 4657 Rifian (N. Morocco), Matthew. (W. Mackintosh.) Lond., 1883. 16mo. 4658 — — John. Lond. 16mo. 4659 Ruthenian (N. Russia, Transylvania), New Testament. 1880. 12mo. 4660 Sagalla (Galla), Mark. (J. A. Wray.) Lond., 1892. 32mo. 4661 Samoan (Samoa), Bible with marg. references. (Rev. Dr. Turner and others.) Lond., 1884. 8vo. 4662 Sanguir (Sangi Islands), New Testament. (F. Kelling.) London, 1883. 8VO. 4663 — — Psalms. (F. Kelling.) Lond., 1886. 8vo. 4664 — — Proverbs. (F. Kelling.) Lond., 1888. 8vo. 4665 Santali (N. W. Bengal), Matthew. (E. L. Puxley.) Calcutta, 1882. 16mo. 4666 — — Mark. Calcutta, 1884. 16mo. 4667 — — Luke. ...Bhowanipore, 1885. 16mo. 4667a — — Romans. Blowanipore, 1886. 16mo. 4668 — — John. Bhowanipore, 1887. 16mo. 46680 — — Acts. Calcutta, 1879. 16mo. - 4669 — — Psalms. (E. L. Puxley.) Calcutta, 1889. 16mo. 4670 Siamese (Siam), New Testament. Bangkok. 8vo. 4671 Sinhalese (India: S. Ceylon), Bible. (S. Coles and others.) Lond., 1894. 12mo. 4672 Sindhi (Sindh, Bombay Presidency), Genesis. (A. Burn.) Lond., 1882. Sm. 4to. 4678 — — New Testament, (J. Redman.) Lond., 1890. 4to. 4674 — — Proverbs. 8vo. 4675 — — (in Gurumukhi characters) John. (A. Burn.) Oblong 8vo. 1877. 4676 Sukuma or Kisukuma (Nassa, Speke Gulf, S. Victoria Nyanza), Mark. (E. H. Hubbard.) Lond., 1896. 16mo. — 6 — 4677 4678 46.79 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 Susu (Senegambia), New Testament. London, 1883. 12mo. Swahili (Mombasa, E. Africa), Old Testament. Lond., 1895. 8vo. — — New Testament. Lond., 1892, 12mo. Syrjenian or Ziryan (N. Russia), Matthew. Lond., 1882. 12mo. Tahitian (Tahiti), Bible, Oxford. 16mo. Tamil (S. India), Bible with marg. ref. Madras, 1880. Royal 8vo. — — The Five Books of Moses, 4 ed. Madras, 1827. 8vo. Taveta (E. Equatorial Africa), John. (A. R. Steggall.) Lond., 1892. 16mo. Telugu (India), Bible. Madras, 1881. Royal 8vo. Temne (Quiah, near Sierra Leone), Pentateuch. London, 1891, 1892, 16mo. — Psalms. (C. F. Schlenker.) Stuttgard, 1869. 16mo. — Matthew. (C. F. Schlenker.) Lond., 1865. 16mo. — Mark. (C. F. Schlenker.) Lond., 1867. 16mo. — Luke. (C. F. Schlenker.) Lond., 1867. 16mo. — John. (C. F. Schlenker.) Lond., 1867. 16mo. — Acts. (C. F. Schlenker.) Lond., 1867. 16mo. -— Romans. (C. F. Schlenker.) Lond., 1867. 16mo. Tobash (Sumatra), John. (N. Van der Tuuk.) Amst., 1859. 8vo. Tongan (Tonga, Friendly Islands), Bible. Lond., 1884, 8vo. Tukudh or Loucheux (Alaska), Four Gospels. R. McDonald. Lond., 1874. 12mo. Turki (Astrakan), New Testament. 1825. 8vo. Transcaucasian or Azerbijan (Turkey in Asia), Old Testament. Leipz., 1893, 8vo. — — New Testament, Leipz., 1891. 4to. Uzbek or Sart (Central Asia), Four Gospels, (Mr. Osbrunoff.) 8vo. Uripiv (Malekula, New Hebrides), Mark. Melbourne, 1893. 16mo. 4701a, Uvean (Uvea, Loyalty Islands), N. T.-Psalms, Lond., 1891. 8vo. 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 Yahgan (Tierra del Fuego), Luke. (T. Bridges.) Lond., 1881. 24mo. — — John. (T. Bridges.) Lond., 1886. 24mo. — — Acts. (T. Bridges.) Lond., 1883. 24mo. Yao (Blantyre), Mark. (A. Hetherwick.) Lond., 1889. 24mo. — — Acts. Lond., 1889. 24mo. — — Romans. Lond, 1891. 24mo, — — Corinthians. Lond., 1891. 24mo. — — Galatians—Philemon. Lond., 1894. 24mo. — — Hebrews and James. Lond., 1894. 24mo. Yiddish (Judaeo-German), Pentateuch. Lond., 1893. 8vo. Yoruba (Yoruba), Genesis—Ruth. Lond., 1889. 16mo. — — 1 Sam.—Solomon's Song. Lond., 1886. 16mo. — — Isaiah—Malachi. Lond., 1884. 16mo. — — New Testament. Lond., 1887. 16mo. — 7 — II. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. [Continued from 4345 in Catalogue No. III.] 4816 Adams, J. E. The Missionary Pastor. Helps for developing the Missionary Life of the Church. N. Y., 1895. 16mo. 4817 Aktenstücke betreffend das Ausscheiden der Missionäre Kempf, Näther und Mohn aus der Leipziger Mission. Leipz., 1892. 12mo. & 4818 Alexander, J. M. The Islands of the Pacific : From the Old to the New. N. Y., 1895. 12mo. 4819 (American Board.) N. Y. Tribune's Report of the Annual Meet- ing in the Broadway Tabernacle, Oct., 1889. N. Y. Royal 8vo, pp. 56. 4820 Anderson, R. (Luth. Proest, Brooklyn, N. Y.) Israelsmissionen i New York. Kjøbenhavn, 1887. 12mo, pp. 78. 4821 Anker, M. U. Kortfattet oversigt over det Norske Missionssel- skabs virksomhed i Sydafrika og paa Madagascar. Bergen, 1875. 16mo. 4822 Anthing, F. L. Mededeeling omtrent de Evangelisatie in Java. Amst., n. d. pp. 92. 4823 Ashe, R. P. (Missionary in Uganda.) Chronicles of Uganda. London, 1894. 12mo. 4824 Astrup, N. En Missionsreise gjennem Zulu-land, Swazi-land og Tonga-land og riget Umgaza. Kristiania, 1891. 8vo. 4825 Baierlein, E. R. (Ev.-luth. Missionar.) Nach und aus Indien, Reise in Culturbilder. Leipz., 1872. 12mo. 4826 — Die Ev.-Luth. Mission in Ostindien. 2 Hälfte. Leipz., 1872–1874. 12mo. 4827 Banks, M. B. Heroes of the South Seas. N. Y., 1896. 16mo. 4828 Barker (Lady). Zending en Zendelingen onder de Kaffers. Maritzburg, 1876. 12mo, pp. 18. 4829 Barnes, Irene H. Behind the Great Wall: the Story of the Ch, of England Zenana Missionary Society. Lond., 1896. 12mo. 4830 Barrows, J. H. The Triumph of the Christian Gospel. Chicago, 1896. 8vo, pp. 15. 4831 Barry, A. (Formerly Bishop of Sydney and Primate of Australia and Tasmania.) The Ecclesiastical Expansion of England in the Growth of the Anglican Communion. Lond., 1895. 12mo. 4831a Batty, Beatrice. Forty-two years amongst the Indians and Eskimos: Pictures from the life of Bishop John Horden. Lond., 1893. 12mo, 4832 Beach, H. P. (Formerly Missionary in China.) The Cross in the Land of the Trident. N. Y., 1895. 16mo. 4833 — Knights of the Labarum : Studies in the lives of Judson, Duff, Mackenzie and Mackay. Chicago, 1896. 12mo. 4833a Behrends, A. J. F. The world for Christ. (Graves Foundation in Syracuse University.) N. Y., 1896. 12mo, — 8 — 4834 Berg, G. van den. (Unterweiser van de Christelijke School te Monnikendam.) Personen en Feiten uit de Geschiedenis der Zending. 2 deelen, Zeist, 1887, 1888. 16mo. 4835 Bingham, Mrs. S. B. (Missionary in the Sandwich Islands, d. 1848.) Life, by her daughter, Mrs. Titus Coan. Chicago, 1895. 16mo, pp. 73. 4836 Bird, Isabella L. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. 2 vols. in one. N. Y., 1880. 12mo. 4887 Bloedel, A. G. Missionsbestyrelsens Ledelse af den danske Mis- sionsvirksomhed. Kjøbenhavn, 1870. 8vo, pp. 28. 4838 -Bliss, E. M. (Editor of the “Encyclopedia of Missions.”) Tur- key and the Armenian Atrocities. Boston, 1896. 12mo. 4839–40 (Bombay.) Report of the Third Decennial Conference at Bom- bay. Bombay, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. 4841 Bonnevie, H. Oversigt over hedningemissionens stilling i nutid- en. Udg. af de Norske Studenters Missionsforening. Kristi- ania, 1889. 8vo, pp. 24. 4841a Borth, C. G. Setsma, the Turkish Maiden. Phil., 1893. 16mo. 4842 Bowen, T. J. (Baptist Missionary in Yoruba.) Meroke: or Mis- sionary Life in Africa. Phil., 1858. 24mo. 4843 Brainerd, David, Missionary to the Indians (d. 1747). Life, by Jonathan Edwards. Boston, N. E., 1749. 8vo. 48430 —- Extract of the Life of, by John Wesley. 2d ed. Bristol, 1771. 16mo. 4844 — Missionary to the Indians and Pastor of a Church of Chris- tian Indians. Life, by Jonathan Edwards: to which is annexed Mr. Brainerd's Journal while among the Indians. Edinburgh, 1765. 8vo. 4844a — John (Brother of David Brainerd and his successor as Mis- sionary to the Indians of New Jersey, d. 1779.) Life, by T. Brainerd. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 4845 Brett, W. H. (40 years Missionary in British Guiana, d. 1886.) Memoir by W. H. Brett. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 4846 Brumund, J. F. G. Berigten omtrent de evangelisatie van Java. Amst., 1854, 8vo. 4847 Buchner, C. (Missionsdirektor.) Acht Monate in Südafrika : Schilderung der dortigen Mission der Brüdergemeine. Güters- loh, 1894. 8vo. 4848 Bunyan, C. E. Picture Book; Origin and Scenes of the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel. Lond., 1896. 4to. 4849 Burchell, Thomas. (Missionary in Jamaica, d. 1846.) Lebens- bild, von W. Hoffmann. Tübingen, 1850, 12mo. 4850 Buys, M. (Predikant in Nederlandsch-Indie.) Twee Jaren op Sumatra's Westkust. Amst., 1856. 12mo. 4851 Callaway, Henry. (First Bishop of Kaffraria.) Memoir by M. S. Benham. Lond., 1896. 12mo. 4852 — Polygamy a bar to admission to the Christian Church. Durban, 1862, 8vo, pp. 115. — 9 — 4853 Carey, Wm. (Evangeliebode an die Heidenen in Bengalen, d. 1834.) Leven, van J. Dowes, Jr. Groningen, 1856. 12mo. 4854 — Life, by J. B. Meyers. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. 4855 Carnegie, D. Among the Matabele. N. Y., n. d. 12mo. 4856 Casalis, E. (Missionary of the Paris Evangelical Society, d. 1891.) The Basutos, or 23 years in South Africa. Lond., 1861. 12mo. 4857 Catalogus van Voorwerpen en Modellen ter veraanschowelijking van het leven der bevolkingen van Java, Celebes, etc. Rotter- dam, 1874. 12mo, pp. 69. 4858 Callenberg, J. H. Nachricht von einem Versuch die verlassene Muhamedaner zur heilsamen Erkāntnis Christi anxuleiten. Sechstes Stuck. Halle, 1753. 16mo, pp. 92. 4859 Chalmers, Jas. Pioneering in New Guinea, 1877–1894, N. Y. 12mo. 4859a Chamberlain, J. (Missionary of the Reformed Church in America.) The Religions of the Orient : their beauties and their fatal defects. N. Y., 1896. 12mo., pp. 16. 4859b Champion, George (Pioneer Missionary of the American Board tim Zulu-land, d. 1841). Life and Journal, by Mrs. Henry Cham- pion. New Haven, 1896. 16mo. 4860 Cheever, H. T. Life in the Sandwich Islands: or, The Heart of the Pacific, as it was and is. N. Y., 1851. 12mo. 4861 China Mission Handbook. Shanghai, 1896. 8vo. 4862 Christ, H. Madagaskar : Ein bedrohtes evangelisches Missions- land. Basel, 1895. 16mo, pp. 48. 4863 Close, F. Union in Church Missions. Is it desirable or practica- ble? Lond., 1881. 12mo, pp. 16. 4864 Coan, Titus. (Missionary of the American Board in Hawaii, d. 1883.) Adventures in Patagonia : a Missionary’s Exploring Trip. N. Y., 1880. 12mo. 4865 Cockburn, G. John Chinaman; his Ways and Notions. Edinb., 1896. 12mo. 4865a Colin, E., and Suau, P. Madagascar et la Mission Catholique. Paris, 1895. Royal 8vo. 4866 Conrad, C. G. Ostindische Todenschatten. Berlin, m. d. 12mo, pp. 47. 4867 Cooley, W. D. Inner Africa laid open. Lond., 1852, 8vo. 4868 Coolsma, S. Twalf Voorlezingen over West Java. Het land, de bewohner en de arbeid der Nederlandsche Zendingsvereenig- ing. Rotterdam, 1879. 8vo. 4869 Coucheron-Aamot. Kineserne og Kristne Mission. Kristiania, 1894. 16mo, pp. 78. 4870 Cousins, G. (Editorial Secretary, London Missionary Society.) From Island to Island in the South Seas. 3 ed. Lond., 1894. 16mo. 4871 Cumming, C. F. G. At Home in Fiji. 2 ed. N. Y., 1889. 12mo. 4872 Cust, R. N. The Evangelization of the Non-Christian World. Lond., 1894. 12mo. : º — 10 — 4878 Cust, R. N. The Gospel-Message : Essays on Christian Missions to Non-Christian Races and Peoples. Lond., 1896. Post 8vo. 4874 Dahle, L. (Norske Missionsselskabets Secretoer.) Oversigt over det Norske Missionsselskabs Historie, hjemme og ude, 1842–93. Stavanger, 1894. 8vo, pp. 34. 4875 — Svar paa Invendinger og Angreb, Stavanger, 1894. 8vo, pp. 51. 4876 — Hvorfor driver vi Mission? Stavanger, 1895. 12mo, pp. 24. 4877 Dalton, H. Auf Missionspfaden in Japan. Bremen, 1895. 12mo, 4878 — Der Evang-Prot. Missionsverein in Japan. Ein Wort der Abwehr. Gütersloh, 1896, 8vo, pp. 43. 4879 Dennis, J. S. (Lecturer on Missions in Princeton Theol. Sem.) The Turkish Problem and the Status of our Missionaries. N. Y., 1896. 16mo, pp. 24. 4880 Dijkstra, H. Om de Wereld. De Protestantsche Zending ver- haald. Leiden, m. d. 12mo. 4881 Donselaar, W. M. Een oude en een nieuwe akker, Timor en Savoe. Rotterdam, 1870. 12mo, pp. 13. 4882 Downie, D. (Missionary at Nellore.) The Lone Star: History of the Telugu Mission of the Baptist Missionary Union. Phil., 1893. 12mo, 4883 Du Bose, H. C. The Dragon, Image and Demon; or the Three Religions of China, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. N. Y., 1887. 12mo. 4884 Dwight, H. O. Treaty Rights of American Missionaries in Tur- key. N. Y. [1896]. 16mo, pp. 20. 4884a Ebrard, J. H. A. Die Iroschottische Missionskirche des 6. 7, u. 8. Jahrhunderts. Gütersloh, 1873. 8vo. 4885 Eger, P. Wegweiser durch die volksthümliche Missions-Litera- tur. Berlin [1895]. 8vo, pp. 55. 4886 Evangelischen Missionen (Die) in den deutschen Kolonieen und Schutzgebieten. Berlin, 1896. 8vo, pp. 88. 4887 Evarts, Cornelius and Wisner. (Secretaries of the American Board.) Memoirs, by S. H. Cox. N. Y., 1885. 24mo. 4888 Ewald, Ferdinand Christian. (Judentmissionar, d. 1874.) Lebens- bild aus den neueren Judenmission, von J. F. N. de le Roi. Gütersloh, 1896. 12mo. 4889 Festbüchlein: Reden gehalten beinn Missionsjubelfest 1882 in Herrnhut. 8vo. (Bound with Merensky, A., Beiträge zur Kenntniss Süd-Afrikas, Berlin, 1875: and Rückblick auf unsere 150 jährige Missionsarbeit, von der Missions-Direction der evan- gelischen Brüder-Unitat. 1882. 8vo.) 4890 Flad, Martin. (Missionary of the Society for promoting Chris- tianity among the Jews.) A short description of the Falisha and Kamants, with a vocabulary of the Falisha language. St. Chrishona, 1866. 24mo, pp. 94. 4891 Flood, J. Grønland: Missionshistorie i Fortaellinger. Kristiania, 1873. 12mo, e°e *: , ; {º *- C. © wº — 11 — 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4.905 Flood, J. Laesning i Kvindeforeninger for Hedninge-og Jøde- Missionen. Kristiania. 16mo. Freeman, Thomas Birch. (Missionary Pioneer in Ashanti, Daho- mey and Egba, d. 1890.) Memoir by J. Milum. N. Y., n., d. 16mo. Fruits of Toil in the London Missionary Society, with Maps and Sketches. Lond., 1869, 4to. — Second Series. Lond., 1877. 4to. Galli, H. La Guerre à Madagascar: Historie anecdotique des expeditions Françaises de 1885 a 1895. Paris, 1896. Royal 8vo. Gedenkbuch der Rheinischer Missions-Gesellschafts. 50° Jahr Wirksamkeit. Barmen, 1878. 12mo. Goes, Benoit De. (Missionnaire voyageur dans l'Asie Centrale, d.s 1607.) Par J. Brucker. Lyon, 1879. Royal 8vo, pp. 40. Godgeleerdheid en Onderwijs. Gedachten over het Nederland- sche Zendelinggenootschap (in De Tijdspiegel, pp. 264-283). Arnhem, 1865. 8vo, pp. 19. Gollock, G. A. A Winter's Mails from Ceylon, India, and Egypt. Lond., 1895. 16mo. Gossner, Johannes Evangelist. (Pastor in Berlin, d. 1858.) Eine biographische Skizze nebst Uebersicht der Gossnerschen Missionsthätigkeit, Von J. D. Prochnow. Berlin, 1859, 12mo, pp. 114. — Gossner's Mission unter den Kols in Britisch Ostindien, 1845– 1895. Berlin, 1895. 8vo, pp. 18. Graafland, N. Wat is waarheid ten aanzien van de Zending in de Minahassaf Zutphen, 1866. 12mo, pp. 114. — S. E. Harthoorn's oordeel over het onderwijs in de Mina- hassa toegelicht. Rotterdam, 1867. 12mo, pp. 120. Gracey, J. T. (7 years Missionary in India.) Manual of Modern Missions (Protestant Missionary Societies). N. Y., 1893. 12mo. 49050 — Open Doors. Rochester, 1896. 12mo, pp. 64. 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 Graul, K. (Director der evangelisch-lwtherischen Mission zu Leipzig, d. 1864.) Reise nach Ostindien über Palästina u. Egyp- ten. Leipzig, 1854–56. 5 Bde. 8vo. Greene, F. D. (Late Missionary to Armenia.) Armenian Mas- Sacres. N. Y. 12mo, (Greenland, Labrador, etc.) Missioneni Nordpolar landene. Bear- beitet efter de Tydske. Kjøbenhavn, 1869. 12mo. Grønning, C. B. Om Missionen i Ostindien. Kjøbenhavn, 1860. 16mo, pp. 76. Griffis, W. E. Corea without and within. Phil., 1885. 16mo. de Groot, D. A. Het Christendom op de Zuidzee-eilanden. Gron- ingen, 1841. 8vo, pp. 40. Grundemann, R. Neuer Missions-Atlas, mit besonderer Berück- sichtigung der Deutschen Missionen. Calw., 1896. 4to. — Water Christliebs Abendunterhaltungen über die Heiden- mission, I–III. Berlin, n, d. 24mo, pp. — 12 — 4914 Gulick, Luther Halsey. (Missionary in Hawaii, Micronesia, Japan and China, d. 1891.) Life, by F. G. Jewett. Boston, 1895. 16mo. 4915 Guittart, Leendert Johannes (d. 1865) en de vereeniging tot bevordering der Zendingzaak te Rotterdam, 1865. 12mo, pp. 120. *. 4916 Haig, F. T. Modern Christian Missions in Arabia (by the Reformed Church in America). N. Y. 8vo, pp. 8. - 4917 Hahn, F. Harkhu der Aussätzige. Berlin. 12mo, pp. 23. 4918 Hardeland, O. Geschichte der Lutherischen Mission nach den Vorträgen des Prof. D. Plitt, bis auf die Gegenwart. II*. Hälfte. Leipzig, 1895. 8vo. (See 3437, where the first name is wrongly spelled Hardeling.) - 4919–20 Harenberg, J. C. Geschichte des Ordens der Jesuiten. Halle, 1760. 2 Bde, 4to. 4921 Hart, V. G. Western China. Boston, 1888. 12mo. 4922 Hipkansson, C. R. Kristendomen i Civilisationens tienst. Up- sala, 1888. 12mo, pp. 64. 4922a Haussmann, C. F. (Pilger-Missionar.) Bericht ilber die neueste Vorgänge in Abessinien. Basel, 1864. 12mo, pp. 24. 4923 Heber, Reginald. (Bishop of Calcutta, d. 1836.) Scholar an - Evangelist, by A. Montefiore. N. Y., m. d. 16mo. e 4924 — Life, by George Smith. Lond., 1895. 12mo. 4925 Hebich, Samuel. (Missionar 2w Mangalur, d. 1868.) Fünfzehn Vorträge. Stuttgart, 1861. 12mo. 4926 Heilmann, K. Der Missionsunterricht mach. Theorie und Praxis. Breslau, 1895. 8vo, pp. 31. 4927–28 Henrion, le Baron, Histoire des Missions Catholiques jusqu’à. nos jours. Paris, 1846–47. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 4929 Hepburn, J. D. (Missionary of the London Missionary Society in South Africa, d. 1893.) Twenty Years in Khama's Country, ed. by C. H. Lyall. 2 ed. Lond., 1895. 12mo. - 4930 Heringa, J. Redevoering over het godgewahige der onderneming van het Zendeling-genootschap. Utrecht, 1813. 12mo, pp. 40. 4931 Hermannsburger Volkskalender. 1897. 4to, pp. 94. 4931a. Hertel, L. Indisk Hjemmemission blandt Santalerne ved Børre- sen og Skrefsrud. Kolding, 1877. 12mo. 4932–33 — Den Nordiske Santhalmission historisk fremstillet, 7 Heften. Kjøbenhavn, 1883–84. 12mo. 4934 — Missionar Løventhal og Santhalmissionen. (Reprinted from the “Dahkwala.”) Kjøbenhavn, 1890, 8vo, pp. 44. 4935 Hinterócker, J. N. (R. C. Missionär in Australien, d. 1871.) Levensbild, von J. R. Faigl. Linz, 1896. 8vo. 4936 Hoff, V. J. Er Danmark for lille til at have en Hedningemission? Kjøbenhavn, 1883. 16mo, pp. 18. 4937 — V. J. Er vor Tid en Missionstid? Kjøbenhavn, 1867. 16mo, pp. 26. 4937a —— Missionstanker. Kjøbenhavn, 1891. 16mo. pp. 31. — 13 — 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 Hofstätter, A. L. Die Berechtigung und Schranke der Frauen- mission. Leipz., 1896. 8vo. pp. 24. Holm, J. Den evangeliske Mission i Aaret, 1843. Kjøbenhavn, 24mo, pp. 37. — Missions-Catechismus. Kjøbenhavn, 1843. 16mo, pp. 40. Hood, Geo. Historical Sketch of the Missions in South America under the charge of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pres- byterian Church. 3 ed. Phil., 1891. 12mo, pp. 38. Horden, J. (Bishop of Moosomee, d. 1893.) 42 years among the Indians and Eskimo. Lond., 1892. 16mo. (See Batty.) Hoyer, W. Folkene og Missionen. Bergen, 1882. 16mo. Hugenholtz, P. H. De werkzaamheid van het Nederlandske Zendeling-genootschap in Oost Indien. 8vo, pp. 22. Hunter, W. W. The Old Missionary. Oxford, 1896. 16mo. Ihle, A. Aaben Redegjörelse for Siloam og Ihle. Kjøbenhavn, 1889. 12mo, pp. 30. Ipsen, O. C. Kort Udsigt over den Danske Mission i Syd-Indien. Rjpbenhavn, 1887. 12mo. Jackson, S. Rise and Progress of the Presbyterian Church in Alaska. Washington, 1886. 8vo, pp. 13. — Statement of Facts concerning the difficulties in Sitka, Alaska, in 1885. Washington, 1886. 8vo, pp. 33. Jacobsen, V. Tolf billeder fra Santhalistan. Kjøbenhavn, 1888. 8vo, pp. 16. Jahrbuch der Sächischen Missions-Konferenz für das Jahr 1896. Leipzig. 16mo. Jansz, P. (Evangeliezendeling te Japara.) Java's Zendingveld. Amst., 1865. 12mo, (Japan.) History of the Church of Japan, written originally in French by Monsieur L'abbe de F, and now translated into Eng- lish by N. N. Vol. I. Lond., 1705. Sm. 4to. — How I became a Christian, by a Heathen convert. Tokyo, 1895. 16mo. pp. 199. Jellesma, Jelle Eeltjes. (Apostel van Java, d. 1858.) Levensbericht, met een woord van J. Kruijt. Leewarden, 1872. 16mo, pp. 84. Jellinghaus, Th. De Duitsche Zending onder de Kolhs. ’Gravens- hage. 8vo, pp. 22. - Jørgensen, S. E. Et Skyldregister Civiliserede Folkeslags gru- somheder mod lavstaaende Hedninger, 1894. 12mo, pp. 48. Johnston, Jas. Missionary Landscapes in the Dark Continent. N. Y., 1892. 12mo. Jones, Peter. (Wesleyan Missionary in Canada.) Life, by his widow. Toronto, 1860. 12mo. Josenhans, Joseph. (Missionsinspector in Basel, d. 1884.) Le- bensbild, von A. Hesse. Calw, 1895. 16mo. Jubilee Papers of the Central China Presbyterian Mission, 1844– 1894. Shanghai, 1895. 12mo, Kalkar, C. H. (President Evangelical Alliance at Copenhagen, d. 1886.) Missionen iblandt Jºderne. Kjøbenhavn, 1868, 12mo, — 14 — 4968 Kalkar, C. H. Den Danske Missionsselskabs Historie i de fyrge- tyve Aar. Kjøbenhavn, 1871. 8vo, pp. 57. 4964 — Israel og Kirken : Historisk Overblik over deres gjensidige forhold indtil de nyeste tider. Kjøbenhavn, 1881. 8vo. 4965 — Kirkens Virksomhed blandt Muhammedanerne indtil Con- stantinopels erobering af Tyrkerne. Kjøbenhavn, 1884, 8vo. 4966 Kautsch, H. and Hahn F. 50 Bilder aus der Gossnerschen Kols Mission, mit Text und Karte. Berlin, m. d. 8vo, oblong. 4967 King, J. Ten Decades: The Australian Centenary Story of the London Missionary Society. Lond. [1895.] 12mo. 4968 Klein, Augusta. Among the gods: Scenes in India. Edinburgh, 1895, 8vo. - 4969 Kleine Erzählungen aus der Mission in Afrika und China. Bd. II. Berlin, m. d. 24mo. 4969a Klumpp, F. W. Das Missions-Wesen. Ein Ueberblick tiber seine Wirksamkeit. Stuttgart, 1844, 8vo, pp. 68. 4970 Kolmodin, A. Kina och Västerlandet. Upsala, 1892, 8vo, pp. 40. 4970a Knox, G. W. (Professor of Systematic Theology in the Meiji Gakuin, Japan.) The Mystery of Life: a Syllabus of Lectures on Systematic Theology for the use of Japanese students. Tokyo, 1890. 12mo, 4970b — A Japanese Philosopher and other papers upon the Chinese Philosophy in Japan. Yokohama, 1892, 8vo, pp. 192. 4971 Krag, P. og Wulff, P. To Foredrag ved Israel-Missionsmódet i Bethesda, Apr. 1883. Kjøbenhavn. 16mo, pp. 18. 4972 Kragh, P. Episode af min Missionsvirksomhed i Nordgrønland, 1818–1828, Haderslev, 1874, 16mo, pp. 29. 4973–74 — Udtog af Dagbok. Haderslev, 1875. 2 delar. 12mo. 4974a Kreemer, J. (Zendeling-Leeraar te Malang.) De Zending in Oost- Java, 1889. 8vo, pp. 8. - 4975 Kühnle, K. (Lehrer im Missionshaws.) Die Arbeitsstätten der Bas- ler Mission in Indien, China, Goldküste und Kamerun. Basel, 1895, 8vo, pp. 76. a 4976 Kurze, G. Wie die Kannibalen von Tongoa Christen wurden. Leipz., 1894, 16mo, pp. 109. 4977 Lacroix, Alphonse François. (Missionnaire in India, d. 1859.) Leven, met en voorrede van P. H. Hugenholtz. Rotterdam, 1863. 16mo. 4978 Laflin, Mrs. G. H. Review of 25 years of the Woman's Presby- terian Board of Missions of the Northwest. Chicago, 1896. 12mo, pp. 15. 4979 Langhaus, E. F. Pietismus und āussere Mission von dem Rich- w terstuhl ihre Vertheidiger. Leipz., 1866. 12mo, 4980 Lee, D. and Frost, J. H. (Late of the Oregon Mission of the Meth. Episcopal Church.) Ten years in Oregon, N. Y., 1844. 12mo. 4981 Lemm, J. (Missionary in the Caucasus.) Gott will es! Bericht ilber den Mårtyrtod des Muhammedaners Stephanus Askjar. Leipz., 1895. 12mo, — 15 — 4982 Leonard, D. L. A. Hundred Years of Missions. N. Y., 1895. 12mo. 4983 Löventhal, Edward. (Danish Missionary at Vellore, India.) Til den Danske Menighed af Folkekirken. 2' Oplag met en Efter- skrift, Kjøbenhavn, 1871. 8vo, pp. 72. 4994–95 — Tvangfri Haefter indeholdende meddelelser om Löven- thals Mission ved Bestyrelsen her hjemme. I. II. Kolding, 1887. 12mo, pp. 46, 32. 4996 — Efter 16 Aar i Indien : Et Ord til den Danske Menighed. Ejøbenhavn, 1890, 8vo, pp. 63. 4997 — Indien, For og Nu. Odense, 1895. 8vo. 4998 Lücke, Fr., Missionsstudien, oder Beyträge zur Missionswissen- schaft. Göttingen, 1841. 12mo, pp. 51. — Lyall, C. H. Twenty years in Khama's Country. See Hepburn. 4999 Mackay, G. L. (35 years Missionary in Formosa.) From far Formosa. N. Y., 1896. 12mo. 5000 McFarlane, S. Among the cannibals of New Guinea. Story of the New Guinea Mission of the London Missionary Society. Lond,, 1888. 16mo. - 5001 McKerrow, J. History of the Foreign Missions of the Secession and United Presbyterian Church. Edinburgh, 1867. 8vo. 5002–4 Magic Lantern Lectures on Foreign Mission Lands. China, pp. 29. Persia, pp. 29. Syria, pp. 24. (Pres. Ch. U. S. A.) 5005 Marshall, Elsie. (Martyred at Wha-Sang, China, 1891.) Letters, entitled, “For His Sake.” N. Y., 1896. 12mo. 5006 Mason, G. E. Round the Round World, on a Church Mission. Lond., 1892. 12mo. 5007 Martin, W. A. P. (President of the Imperial Tungwen College, Peking.) Hanlin Papers, 2d Series. On the History, Philosophy and Religion of the Chinese. Shanghai, 1894. 12mo. 5008 — A Cycle of Cathay, or China, South and North, with Personal Reminiscences. N. Y., 1896. 12mo. 5009 Massaja, G. (R. C. Missionary to Abyssinia, d. 1869.) Miei tren- tacenque anni di Missione mell' alta Etiopia. Roma, 1895. 4to. 5010 Matthes, B. F. Verslag mijner reisen in de Binnenlanden van Celebes in de jaren 1857 en 1861, 8vo, pp. 75. 5011 Maxwell, E. B. The Bishop's Conversion. N. Y., 1892. 12mo, 5012 Meier, N. Saronsroser: Fortaellinger fra Israelsmissionen sam- lede fra mange lande. 2 Oplag. Odense, 1893. 12mo. 5013 Meinhold, Th. Sechs Proben für Missions-kindergottesdienste. Berlin, n, d. 12mo, pp. 31. 5014 Merensky, A. (Missions-Superintendent.) Deutsche Arbeit am Njassa, Deutsch Afrika. Berlin, 1894. 8vo. 5015 Messenger, Erasmus J. P. (Missionary of the Prot. Episcopal Church in Africa, d. 1846.) Life, by S. H. Tyng. Phil. 24mo. 5016 Miller, W. Scottish Missions in India. Madras, 12mo, pp. 55. 5017 Missionary Anecdotes. Phil., n. d. 16mo. - 5018 Missionsbilder mit Versen für Kinder V–VIII. Berlin, n, d. 24mo. — 16 — 5019 Missionskort for det Danske Missionsselskabs Arbeidsmark i Indien. Kjøbenhavn, 1893, 8vo, pp. 56. 5020–22 Missionsgeschichte in Heften : Süd-u. Ost-Afrika. A. Sandiliund CetSchwago: Kafferland u. Seinen Kriegensein. Berlin, 1879. 12mo, & B. Die Bassutho, Oder Das Land diesseitsu. jenseits des Vaal. Berlin, 1881, 12mo. C. Die Berliner in Transvaalen, 1882, 12mo. - 5023 Missionsplancher afbildande mârkligare handelser inom Hedna- verlden. Stockholm, 1876. Oblong 8vo. 5024 Mission Press in China. Shanghai, 1895, 12mo. 5024a Moffat, Robert. (English Missionary in South Africa, d. 1883). The Gospel among the Bechuanas and other tribes of Southern Africa. Phil., 1846. 24mo. - 5025 (Moravians.) Sketches of Moravian Missions among the Green- landers, Esquimeaux, N. A. Indians and Hottentots. Phil., - n. d. 24mo. 5026 — De Arbeid der Zending onder der Heidenen. Rotterdam, 1862. , - 5027 Morrison, Robert. (The Pioneer of Chinese Missions, d. 1834.) Memoir by W. J. Townsend. N. Y., n., d. 16mo. 5028 Myers, J. B. (Asst. Sec. Baptist Missionary Society.) The Congo for Christ : The Story of the Congo Mission. N. Y., 1895. 16mo. 5029 — S. A. Self-Sacrifice, or, the Pioneers of Fuegia. , Phil., 1861. 16mo. 5029a (Natal) Jubilee of the American Missions in Natal, 1835–1885. Natal, 1886. 8vo, pp. 60. 5030 Neander, J. Zenanamissionen in Indien. Stockholm, 1889. 12mo. 5031 (Nestorians of Persia.) Origin and Progress of that People, and of the Missionary Labors among them. Phil., 1848. 24mo. 5032 Neurdenburg, J. C. (Director of the Netherlands Missionary Society, d. 1895.) Godsdienst bij de Alfoeren in de Minahassa. Rotterdam, 1883. 12mo, pp. 19. 5033 Nevius, John L. (40 Years a Missionary in China, d. 1893.) w Life, by his Wife, Chicago, 1895. 12mo. 5034 (New York) Reports of Conferences of the Officers and Repre- sentatives of the Foreign Mission Boards and Societies. 1–4. N. Y., 1893-96, 8vo. 5035 Nielsen, F. En Jędemissionars Oplevelser. Kjøbenhavn, 1893. 12mo, pp. 30. 5036 Niemann, G. K. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der verbreiding van het Christendom. Rotterdam, 1864. 8vo, pp. 65. 5037 Niemeyer, H. A. Berichte des Missionarius Hupe (in Borneo). Halle, 1848. 4to, 5038 Nijland, E. Toegelichting bij de Zendingskaart van Nederl. Oost en West Indië. Utrecht, 1891. 12mo, pp. 16. — 17 — 50380. Nijland, E. Schetsen uit Insulinde. (The Indian Archipelago.) 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 Utrecht, 1893. 8vo. Nikolajen, S. H. (Missionar i Jerusalem, d. 1856.) Livsbilleder, af Pastor Bülow. 8vo, pp. 38. gº Nilsen, L. Omkring i Europa. Fortaellinger og historiske Oplys- inger om Jºderne og Jºdenmissionen. Mandel, 1891. 16mo, pp. 38. Non-Christian Religions of the World, by Sir Wm. Muir, Prof. Legge and others. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. Nottrott. (Gossner'scher Missionar in Ramschi.) Boston, 12mo, pp. 54. Ongole Conference. Second Quinquennial of the American and Canadian Baptist Telugu Missions. Madras, 1896. 8vo, pp. 38. Opwekkings-Reden voor het Nederlandsche-Zendelinggenoot- schap door F. Pleijte, 1831, J. Clarisse, 1826, H. Manger, 1829, H. Weijland, 1833, P. J. Laan, 1834. Rotterdam. 8vo pp. Opwekkend Woord van bestuurders van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap aan de Protestantsche Christenen in Nederland. Rotterdam, 1859, 12mo, pp. 21. Padfield, J. E. (Missionary of the Church Missionary Society.) The Hindu at Home, being Sketches of Hindu daily life. Madras, 1896. , 12mo. Page, J. Amid Greenland Snows. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. (Het) Parijsche Zendelinggenootschap werkzaam in Zuid-Afrika, vooral ook in Nederland aanprijzenswaard. 'S Gravenhage, 1847. pp. 81. Parker, Peter. (Missionary Physician in China, d. 1888.) Life, Letters and Journals, by G. B. Stevens. Boston, 1896. 12mo. Parmelee, M. P. (American Missionary in Armenia.) Home and Work by the Rivers of Eden. Phil., 1888. 16mo. Patteson, John Coleridge. (Missionsbischof von Melanesia, d. 1871.) Levensbild, von W. Baur. Gütersloh, 1877. 12mo. PERIODICALS, (1) American. (Continued from 3619 to 40240 in Catalogue No. 3.) Baptist Missionary Magazine. 1896. + (Complete from vol. xvi, 1836, to 1896, except July, 1851, June, '54, and May and June, 1883.) Boston. 8vo. Bible Society Record. N. Y., 1896. 4- 4to. Christian and Missionary Alliance. (Weekly.) 1896. + N. Y. 4to. Church at Home and Abroad. (Presbyterian Church North.) Phil., 1896. -- 8vo. (Complete, see 3625.) Deutscher Missionsfreund. (German Evangelical Synod of North America.) 1896. + St. Louis, Mo. 4to. (See 3638.) Foreign Missionary. (General Council of the Evangelical Luth- eran Church in North America.) Phil., 1896. -- 4to. 2 — 18 — 5057a. Foreign Mission Journal. (Southern Baptist Convention.) Rich- mond., Va., 1896. -- 8vo. 5058 Gospel in All Lands. (Meth. Episcopal Church.) N. Y., 1896. 4. (Complete, except vol. i., 1880. See 3644.) 5059 Herald of Mission News. (Reformed Presbyterian Church.) N. Y., 1896. 4- 8vo. 5059a Life and Light for Women. Boston, 1896. -- 12mo. 5060 Illustrated Christian World. (Weekly : founded by Bishop Wm. Taylor.) N. Y., 1896. 4- 4to. 5061 Methodist Review of Missions. 1896. -- Nashville. 8vo. 5062 Missionsbote. (General Council of the Lutheran Church.) Phil., 1896. -- 4to. 5063 Mission Field. (Reformed Church in America.) N. Y., 1896.4- 8vo. (Still wanting vols. i-iii. See 2058.) 5064 Missionary Guardian. (Reformed Chºwrch in the United States.) Phil., 1896. + (Complete. See 3671.) 5065 Missionary Herald. (Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.) Boston, 1896. + 8vo. (Complete. See 3674.) 5066 Missionary Record. (Cumberland Presbyterian Church.) St. Louis, 1896. + 8vo. (Wanting vols. i-xv, also Sept., 1890, and June, 1892.) 5067 Missionary Review of the World, edited by Rev. A. T. Pierson. N. Y., 1896. + 8vo. (Complete.) * 5068–70 Panoplist. Vols. iii-v, 1810–12. Boston. 8vo. (Now com- plete. See 3702.) 5071–86 Presbyterian Monthly Record of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America. Vol. xxii, 1871-xxxvi, 1885. Phil. 8vo. (See 2071.) 5087 Spirit of Missions. (Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States.) N. Y., 1896. + (Complete. See 3707.) 5088–93 Woman's Work for Woman. (Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church.) N. Y. v., 1890–Ki, 1896. (Wanting i-iv, vii.) 5094–95 Young People's Foreign Missionary Journal. I. 1895, '96, + N. Y. 4to. (2) British and Colonial. 5096 Bible Society (British and Foreign) Reporter. Lond., 1896. 4- 8vo. 5097 China’s Millions. Lond., 1896. -- 4to. 5098 Chronicle of the London Missionary Society. Lond., 1896. 4- 8vo. (Still wanting 1838–54. See 3725.) 5099 Church Mission Intelligencer. Lond., 1896. + 8vo. (Complete from the beginning. See 3731.) 5100 Church of Scotland Mission Record. Edinb., 1896. + 4to. (See 3734.) 5101 Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record. Edinb., 1896. + (See 3749.) — 19 — 5102 Gospel Missionary. (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) Vol. xv. New Series, 1895. + Lond. 4to. 5103 Illustrated Missionary News. Lond., 1896. 4- 4to. 5104–5 Madras Church Missionary Record. Vols. xlv., xlvi, 1845, '46. Madras. 8vo, 5106 Mission Field. (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) Lond., 1896. + 12mo. (Complete except 1875, '76. See 2205 and 3754.) 5107 Missions of the World. (Ed. by Rev. Calvin Carlyle.) Lond., 1896. + 4to. (See 3756.) 5108 Missionary Herald. (Baptist Missionary Society.) Lond., 1896, + 12mo. (See 2241.) 5109 Missionary Record of the United Presbyterian Church. Edin- burgh, 1896. + 8vo. (For vols. still wanting see 2236.) 5110 News from Afar, a Magazine for Young People. Lond., 1896, + 4to. (See 3763.) 5111 Niger and Yoruba Notes. Lond., 1896. 4- 4to. (See 3765.) 5112 Our Missions. (Friends' Foreign Missions Association.) Lond., 1896. 4- 12mo. (See 3767.) 5113 Presbyterian Record. (Presbyterian Church in Canada.) Mon- treal, 1896. + 8vo. (See 3780.) 5114 Sierra Leone Messenger. Lond., 1896. 4- 8vo. (See 3783.) 5115–55 Wesleyan Missionary Notices. XVII–LVIII. 1851-85. (Want- ing 1884 and 1888.) Lond. 12mo. (See 2376.) (3) German. 5156 Afrika. (vom evangelischen Afrika-Verein.) 1896. + Berlin. 8vo. 5157–60 Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift. 1888–90, '96, + (See 2378, 3804.) Gütersloh. 8vo. 5161–63 Berichte der Rheinischen Missions-Gesellschaft. Barmen, 1849, '50. 1896. 4- 8vo. (Still wanting 1848. See 2417.) 5164 Berliner Missionsberichte. Berlin, 1896. -- 8vo. (See 2534, 3808.) 5165 Calwer Missionsblatt. 1896. + Calw, 4to. (Still wanting 1859, '61–87. See 3846.) 5166 Evangelischer Heidenbote. Basel, 1895. 4- 8vo. 5167–68 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionsblatt. Leipz., 1896. 4- (Want- ing 1879. See 3854.) 5169–70 (Die) Evangelischen Missionen. Herausg. von J. Richter. I. 1895, 1896. H. Gütersloh. 8vo. 5171–76 Evangelisches Missions-Magazin. Basel, 1881, '82, '86–89, '96, 4- (Now complete. See 931, 2423.) 5177–92 Evangelischer Reichsbote. Missionsblatt des Berliner Haupt- vereins für die evangel. Mission in China. i-xv. Berlin, 1851–65. 4to. 5193. Friedensbote für Israel, herausg. von Zietheu. Schwarz. Ber- lin, 1863–66, 1869. (7 Bde in 1.) 4to. — 20 — 5194-5209 Hermannsburger Missionsblatt, 1879–92, 18964. Hermanns- burg, 8vo. (Now complete. See 3860.) 5210 Missions-Blatt aus der Brüdergemeine. ix. 1845. Hamburg. 4to. 5211 — der Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut, 1896. 4- 12mo, (See 3864.) 5212–28 —— für Israel. 1877, "78, '81–84, '86–95. 5229 — für Kinder, Calw, 1895. 16mo. 5230 Missions-Freund. Berlin, L.I. 1896. -- 8vo. 5231 Mittheilungen aus der Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut, 1896, + 8vo. 5232–46 Monatsblätter fur Öffentlichen Missions-Stunden. i, 1839, '43, '45, '72, '73, '88–96, + Calw, 12mo, (See 3871.) 5247 Nathanael : Zeitschrift für die Arbeit der evangelischen Kirche in Israel. Berlin, 1896. + 12mo. (See 3876.) 5248 Saat auf Hoffnung. (Quarterly.) Leipz., 1896. -- 12mo, (Com- plete. See 3879.) 5249 Zeitschrift für Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft. Ber- lin, 1896, + (Wanting Bd. I. See 2605.) (4) Dutch. 5250–57 Nederlandsch Zendingstijdschrift, onder redactie van P. Van Wijk, Jr. Luth. Pred. te Rotterdam. (Bi-Monthly.) i-viii, 1889–96. -- Utrecht, 8vo. (5) French and Swiss. 5258 Bulletin Missionnaire des Églises Libres de la Suisse Romande. Lausanne, 1896. + (See 2686, 3966.) 5259 Journal des Missions Évangéliques. Paris, 1896.4 8vo. (See 2687, 3969.) 5260 Revue des Missions Contemporaines. (Monthly.) 7” (85me) année. Bale, 1895. (Discontinued.) 5261 Le Missionnaire. Redigé par E. Barde, Professeur de Theologie à Genève, i. 1896, + 8vo. (6) Swedish. 5262 Lunds Missionstidning. Lund, 1896. 4- 8vo. (See 2742, 3972.) 5263 Meddelanden från Studentenmissionsföreningen i Upsala. 1896. + 8vo. (See 3975.) 5264 Missions Tidning, under inseendeaf Svenska Kyrkans Missions- Styrelse, utg. af C. Tornérhielm. 2* Aarg. 1877. 8vo. e 5265–74 Swenska Missionssälskabets Tidning. Stockholm, 1863—72, 4to. (7) Danish. 5275 Almindelig Kirketidende : udg. af J. Wahl. Kjøbenhavn, 1896. + 8vo. (Wanting from 1881–95, See 2762, 3989.) 5276–91 Dansk Missions-Blad; udg. af det Danske Missionsselskab. i, 1834—xii, 1845, 1882 (lacking Nos. 2, 24), '83–84, 1896, + 8vo. Kjøbenhavn. (See 2777, 3998.) 5292 — Indholdsfortegnelse. 1834–91, 8vo, pp. 28. – 21 – (8) Norwegian. 5293 Missionsblad, udg. af Komiteen for den Norske Kirkes Mission ved Schreuder. Christiania, 1896. + 8vo. (Complete. See 4016.) 5294-5337 Missions-Blad for Israel. xiv-lxix, 1877-1898. Christiania. 8vo. (Wanting vols. viii, 1879, '80, '85.) 5838-69 Norsk Missionstidende, udg. af det Norske Missionsselskab. Vols. 3-9, 16, 18-20, 22, 26-31, 34-36 and 40-50. 1896. + Chris- tiania. 8vo. (Wanting 1, 2, 10-15, 17, 21, 23-25, 32, 33, 37-39.) (9) China and Japan. 5370-80 Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal. Vols. xi, xii, xiv-xx, and 1896. + Shanghai. 8vo. (Still wanting 1882, '85-88, '90. See 1986 and 4021.) 5381 Japan Evangelist. (Am. Missionaries in Japan.) 1896. + Yokohama. 8vo. (See 4024.) 5382 Perry, C. Review of the Controversy between the Bishop of Colombo and the Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society. Lond., 1877. 12mo. pp. 88. & 5383 Petri, A. Ausbildung der evangelischen Heidenboten in Deutsch- land. Berlin, 1873. 8vo. 5384 Pfotenhauer, J. Die Missionen der Jesuiten in Paraguay. IIIte. Theil. (See 2784.) Gütersloh, 1893. 8vo. 5385 Pierson, A. T. The Miracles of Missions. Second Series. N. Y., 1895. 16mO. 5886 Plan eener Kostschool voor Kinderen van Zendelingen en andere Europeërs in Indië gevestigd. Rotterdam. 8vo. pp. 16. 5887 Plath, K. H. C. (Missionsinspektor in Berlin.) Evangelistik : Theorie und Geschichte der äusseren Mission. Berlin. 8vo, pp. 91. 5389 Poensen, G. De Zending en het leven des Gebied op Java. 'S- Gravenhage, 1891. 8vo. pp. 26. 5390 Pope, G. U. (Missionary of the S. P. G., Tanjore.) The Lutheran Aggression. A letter to the Tranquebar Missionaries. Madras, 1853. 8vo. pp. 54. 5891 Poulain, N. Oeuvre des Missions Évangéliques au point de vue de la Divinité du Christianisme. Genève, 1867. 12mo. 5392 Rahn, Cornelius, Vart ârhundrades förste Svenske Missionär Minnesteken. (d. 1853.) Stockholm, 1893. 12mo. 5393 Ramseyer, F. Album de la Mission de Bale. Quatre-Vingts vues de la Côte d'Or d'Afrique. Neuchatel, 1895. 8vo, oblong. 5394 - Album der Basler Missionsgesellschaft. Achtzig Ansichten von der Goldküste, Westafrika. Neuenburg, 1895. 8vo, oblong. 5395–97 Reid, J. M. Missions and Missionary Societies of the Methodist Episcopal Church, revised and extended by J. T. Gracey. 3 vols. N. Y., 1896. 12mo. (See 1180.) 5398 Reindorf, C. C. (Native pastor in service of the Basle Mission, Christiansborg, Gold Coast.) History of the Gold Coast and Asante from about 1500 to 1860. Basle. 8vo. 5399 Remus. Soll ich Mission treiben P, Ja oder Nein? Berlin, n.d. 12mo, pp. 31. REPORTS, Annual. 5400 American Bible Society. N. Y., 1896. + (For Nos. wanting see - 2817.) 5401–02 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1895, '96. Boston. 8vo. (Complete in 80 vols. See 2818, 2894.) 5403 — Marathi Mission for 1895. Satara. 12mo. 5404 — North China Mission. Shanghai, 1895. 8vo. 5405 — Coöperating with the Kumiai Churches in Japan. Oka- yama, 1894. 12mo. 5406–8 American Inter-Seminary Missionary Alliance. x, 1889, and xii, 1891. (Wanting i, iii—ix. See 4064.) 5409 Arabian Mission. No. xv., 1895. (Wanting i, ii, iv, vii, ix, xiv. ‘. See 4065.) 5410 Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Sydney, T 1895. 8vo. -ºm- American Baptist Missionary Union. Bost., 1896. (Now issued in the July number of the Baptist Missionary Magazine.) 5411–14 Baptist Missionary Society. London, 1826–53. 4 vols., bound. (See 4066.) 5415–17 (Basel.) Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft. 1876, ’78, '79. (See 4078 for Nos. wanting.) 5418 (Berlin.) Die Gesellschaft zur Befórderung der evangelischen Missionen unter den Heiden. 1856. (See 4070.) 5419–56 British and Foreign Bible Society from vol. xxxiii. 1837–1894. 37 vols. 8vo. Lond. (For vols. i-xxxii, see 2844.) 5457 Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut. 1895. 12mo. 5458 Brüder Unität. Herrnhut, 1845. 12mo. 5459–61 Church Missionary Society, Calcutta Auxiliary. 1822, '27, '55. Calcutta. 8vo. 5462 Church of Scotland Reports (Foreign). 1896. Edinburgh. 8vo. 5463 — — Schemes for 1896. Edinburgh. 8vo. 5465 Danish Mission : Work and Statistics for 1894. Madras. 8vo. pp. 23. 5466–95 Danske Missionsellskab, 1887–94. Kjøbenhavn. 8vo. 5496 Deutsche Lutherische Mission in Chota-Nagpur in Indien. Ber- - lin, 1870. 8vo. 5497–98 Doopgezinde Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Evangeliever- breiding in de Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen, 10* Verslag., 1858, and 40 Verslag., 1893. Amst. 8vo. (See 40900.) — 23 — 5499 Free Church of Scotland. 1895. Edinburgh. 8vo. (Complete from 1880. See 4103.) * 5500–01 Friends' Foreign Missionary Association. xxviii, xxix. Lond., 1895, '96. 8vo. 5502 Frie pstafrikanske Mission. 1890. Kristiania. 8vo. pp. 10. 5508–08 General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America. 1887–1895. Phil. 8vo. 5509–10 General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. (Biennial.) 1889, '91. Phil. 8vo. 5511 (Hamburg.) Evangelischer Missionsverein. 64°. Jahrsbericht. 1888. 12mo, - 5512 Hawaiian Evangelical Association. xxxii. Honolulu, 1895. 8vo. 5513–17 Indian Home Mission to the Santhals, 1891–1895. (Wanting 1893.) Ebenezer. 8vo. 5518 London Missionary Society, 101st Report. London, 1896. 8vo. (Still wanting 1815–16, 18–27, '70, "72, "78–81. See 4120.) 5519 Maatschappij ter Bevordering van het godsdienstigonderwijs in de Kolonie Suriname. 180° Verslag. 28° Jaar. 8vo, pp. 35. 5520 Melanesian Mission for 1894. Aukland. 4to. 5521 New Hebrides Mission for 1894. Sydney. 8vo. 5522–23 Norske Missionsselskab. 53* Aarsberetning. Stavanger, 1895, ’96. 8vo. (See 1157.) 5524 (Paris.) Société des Missions Évangéliques. LXVIII, 1893. (See 4158.) - 5525–29 Presbyterian Church of South Australia, for 1891–95. 5530 — of New Zealand. Aukland, 1895. 8vo. 5531 — of Otago and Southland. Dunedin, 1893. 8vo. 5532–36 — of the United States of America. 4, 40, 48, 49, 59. (1896.) (Now complete except 41–44, 46. See 3024, 4175.) 5537 Ramabai Association. 1896. Boston. 12mo. 5538–46 Rheinischer Missions-Gesellschaft, Berichte von. 1870, '73, '81, '83, '84, '87, '88, '90, '91, ’96. Barmen. 5547 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, for 1894. Lond., 1895. 8vo. (See 4220.) 5548 Utrechte Zendingsvereeniging gedurende 1887. Utrecht, 1888. 8vo. 5549 Zuid-Afrikaansch Zendeling Genootschap. 52* Verslag. Kap- stad, 1852, 8vo. 5550 Ricards, B. (R. C. Bishop.) The Catholic Church and the Raffer. Lond. and Dublin, n, d. 16mo. w 5551 Rice, Henry. (Missionary in India.) Native Life in South India. Lond., n. d. 16mo. 5552 Roberts, T. C. (Medical Missionary at Tientsin, China, d. 1894.) Life, by Mrs. Bryson. Lond., 1895. 12mo. 5553 Robertson, W. A. S. The Missionary Societies of Great Britain. Lond., [1871]. 8vo. pp. 32. — 24 — 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 Robinson, C. H. Hausaland, or 1500 miles through the Soudan. Lond., 1896. 8vo. Rogers, S. Centenary Missionary Hymnal. Lond., 1894, 12mo. Rpraam, T. Missionar Løventhals Missionssyn og hans Forhold til Santhalmissionen. Odense, 1891, 16mo. pp. 47. Rott, Ferdinand. (Des awf Borneo ermordeten Missionärs, 1859.) Leben, Wirken und Ende, Von O. Brauns. 2 Aufl. Her- mannsburg, 1861. 12mo, pp. 74. Rudin, W. Meddelser om Santal-Missionen. Upsala, 1882. 12mo, pp. 16. Rutgers, A. J. Liedergave geofferd op het altaar der Zending. [Rotterdam], 1869. 12mo, pp. 88. (Santal Mission.) Afskedsmódet i Kjøbenhavn med Missionaer Skrefsrud og Fru Bºrresen. Kjøbenhavn, 1884, 16mo. Schäffer, C. Der Missions-Herold, Oder Gespräche tiber die Heils- verkundigung durch die Apostel und Missionäre. Erfurt, 1866. 12mo, pp. 124. Schanz, H. En lille Samling af Foredrag angaaende den ydre Mission. Kjøbenhavn, 1887. 12mo. Scheve, E. Die Baptisten Mission in Kamerun, West Afrika. Berlin, 1891. 12mo, pp. 16. — Sendschreiben an die Freunde der Baptisten Mission in Kamerun. Berlin, 1891. 8vo. pp. 12. —— Blüthen und Früchte aus unserm Arbeitsfelde. Nos. 3, 4, 5. Berlin, 1894, '95, '96, 12mo. Schippers, M. H. Iets over den Stam der Bantiks. 1885. 12mo. pp. 12. +. Schneider, H. Ein Missionsbild aus dem westlichen Himalaya. Gnadau, 1880. 16mo. pp. 95. Schreiber, A. Fünf Monate in Südafrika. Barmen, 1894. 8vo. Schreiner, K. Morke og Lys i Hedningeverdenen. Stavanger, 1893. 12mo. pp. 20. (Schreuder.) Akstykker til Belysning af Forholdet mellem Bishop Schreuder og det Norske Missionsselskab. Stavanger, 1876. 8vo. Schuh, B. (Oud-Zendeling.) De Zending op het eiland Java. Schetsen uit mijn leven. Amst., 1864. 12mo, Schultz, Stephan. (Jewish Missionary, d. 1776.) Ein Beitrag zum Verständniss der Juden. Von J. de le Roi, Gotha, 1871. 8vo. * Schulze, A. M. Lehrbuch bei Judenbekehrungen, zugleich ein Hilfsmittel zur Unterscheidung des Alten und Neuen Testa- mentes. Leipzig, 1837. 8vo. Schuurman, J. Eene bede uit Batavia. Amst., 1869. 8vo. pp. 16. Scudder, John. (Missionary of the Am, Board to the Tamils, d. 1854.) Appeal to the Children and Youth of the United States of America in behalf of the heathen world. Phil., 1846. 16mo. — 25 — 5576 Self-Support in Mission Churches, by H. N. Cobb and others. N. Y., 1893. pp. 26. 8vo. 5577 — — Supplementary Report. N. Y., 1895. pp. 26. 8vo. 5578 Sell, E. (Fellow of the University of Madras.) The Faith of Islam. Lond., 1880. 12mo. 5579–81 Sermons before the American Board, by G. A. Gordon, 1895, 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 and E. N. Packard, 1896. (Still wanting 1828, '24, 26, ’30–34, '36–40, '42, '69. See 1353 and 3105a.) Ships (Missionary) connected with the London Missionary So- ciety. Lond., 1865. 16mo. pp. 104. Skrefsrud, L. O. Meddelser om Santal-Missionen. Upsala, 1888. 12mo, pp. 40. Smith, A. H. (32 years Missionary of the American Board in China.) Chinese Characteristics. 3d ed. N. Y., 1894. 12mo. —— Wm. (Missionary of the Church Miss. Soc.) Dwij: The Conversion of a Brahman to the Faith of Christ. Lond., 1850. 24mo. Sprensen, L. S. Den evangeliske Mission i Bagindien fra 1813– 1873. Kjppenhavn, 1875. 16mo. pp. 95. — V. Vor tids Missionsforwentninger og Missionsresultater. Kjøbenhavn. 1895. 12mo. -. - Stewart, R. (Missionary at Sialcot in the Punjab.) Life and Work in India, especially in the Mission of the United Presby- terian Church of North America. Phil., 1896. 8vo. Stock, S. G. Story of the year 1894-5. (Church Missionary So- ciety.) Lond. Sm. 4to. Storrs, R. S. (President of the American Board.) Motives to Missionary Work. Boston, 1896. 12mo. pp. 15. (Students’ Conference.) Make Jesus King : Report of the Inter- national Students' Missionary Conference at Liverpool. Lon- don, 1896. 8vo. Tahiti with the Gospel. Phil., 1834, 24mo. Taylor, R. Africa Illustrated : (Photographic) Scenes from Life in the Dark Continent. Secured by Bishop Wm. Taylor and Emil Holab. N. Y., 1895. Oblong 8vo. —— Wm., de Straatprediger, naar het Fransch van M. Lelièvre. Helder, 1872, 12mo. Terugblik vaneene Zendingzuster. Rotterdam, 1870. 24mo. pp. 34. Todd, E. S. Christian Missions in the 19th Century. N. Y., 1890. 16mo. Townaford, P. Les Missions Catholiques. I. Les Isles Sand- wich. Paris, 1881. 24mo. Trevor, G. India : its Natives and Missions. Lond., n. d. 16mo. Tristram, H. B. Rambles in Japan. N. Y., [1895?]. 12mo. Ulfers, S. Het optimisme in de Zending. Steenwijk. 12mo. pp. 48. Vahl, J. Er det Guds willie at Christendomen i vore Dage skal udbredes blandt Hedningerne, og hworledes kan dette ske paa den bedste maade? Kjøbenhavn, 1859. 16mo. — 26 — 5602 Vahl, J. Beskrivelse til Missionskortet. 6° Utgave. Kjøben- havn, 1880. 16mo. pp. 31. 5603 — Femte Tillaeg til fortegnelsen over Bºger angaaende Hed- ningemissionen. Kjøbenhavn, 1895. 8vo, pp. 48. (See 1424, 4298.) e 5604 — Missions to the Heathen in 1890–91. A Statistical Review. 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 Copenhagen, 1893. 8vo. pp. 24. (See 4297.) — Ib. for 1891–92. 8vo. pp. 29. —— Ib. for 1892–93. 8vo. pp. 27. - Van Soelen, J. C. S. De Christenkerk der Javanen te Modojo- warno. (Java.) 18mo. 7. d. Veenendaal, E. J. De Eskimos in Groenland en Labrador. Amst., 1879. 12mo. Voorhoeve, H. C. De evangelische Zending op Oost Java. 'S. Gravenhage, 1864. 8vo. pp. 31. Wallmann, J. C. Bladeren van den boom der Zending, aan kinderen verhaald. Amst., m. d. 12mo, pp. 72. Wangemann, H. T. (Director of the Berlin Missionary Society, d. 1894.) Leben und Wirken, von H. Petrich. Berlin, 1895. 8vo. —— Die Aufgabe und Arbeit der Berliner Missionsgesellschaft. Berlin, 1866. 12mo. pp. 113. Warneck, G. Missionsstunden I* Bd. Tie Mission im Lichte der Bibel. 4to Aufl. Gütersloh, 1895. 8vo. Waterhouse, J. (14 years English Wesleyan Missionary in Fiji.) The King and People of Fiji; containing a Life of Thakombau. Lond., 1866. 16mo. - Weddig, J. W. Th. De Zendingwetenschap : Hans Egede. 8vo. pp. 28. Westhoff, J. P. G. Zendings-Almanak. Amst., 1884. 24mo. pp. 73. Whately, Mary Louisa. (Missionary in Egypt, d. 1888.) Life and Work, by E. J. Whately. Lond., n. d. 12mo. Wherry, E. M. Woman in Missions; papers and addresses pre- sented at the Woman’s Congress of Missions in Chicago. N. Y., 1894. 12mo. Widdicome, J. In the Lesuto: a Sketch of African Mission Life. Lond., 1895. 12mo. - Wiersma, J. N. (Zendeling in Celebes.) Een tafereel uit de Mina- hassa. Rotterdam, 1865. 12mo. pp. 30. Wilberforce, S. Speeches on Missions. Lond., 1874. 12mo, Wilder, H. A. (American Missionary.) Review of Dr. Colenso's Remarks on Polygamy. Durban, 1856. 12mo, pp. 42. Willard, Mrs. E. S. Letters: under the title, Life in Alaska, ed. by her sister. Phil., 1884. 16mo. Williams, F. M. A New Thing: Incidents of Missionary Life in China. Lond., 1895. 12mo. — John. The Martyr Missionary of Polynesia. N. Y., m. d. 16mo. pp. — 27 — 5626 Williams, John. The Martyr Missionary of Erromanga. Phil., 1844. 24mo. 5627 — Monier. The Study of Sanskrit in Relation to Missionary Work in India. 1861. 12mo. pp. 61. - 5628 Wilson, J. (Missionary of the Church of Scotland.) The Doctrine of Jehovah ; a Sermon addressed to the Parsees. 3d ed. Edin- burgh, 1847. 16mo. 5629 —— S. G. (15 years Missionary in Persia.) Persian Life and Customs. N. Y., 1895. 12mo. 5630 Winslow, Harriet W. (Missionary in Ceylon, d. 1833.) Memoir, by Miron Winslow. Lond., 1840. 24mo. 5631 Wiseman, N. (Rektor des Englischen Collegiums 2w Rom.) Un- fruchtbarkeit der von den Protestanten zur Bekehrung ungläub- iger Völker unternommenen Missionen. Augsburg, 1835. 8vo. pp. 119. 5632 Wishard, L. D. A New Programme of Missions: to make the Colleges in all lands centers of evangelization. N. Y., 1895. 16mo. 5633 Wullschlägel, H. R. Beelden des nieuwen Levens, uit de Ge- schiedenis van den Zendelings-arbeid des Broedergemeente ; met voorrede von P. H. Hugenholtz. Rotterdam, 1849. 16mo. 5634 Year Book of Prayer for Foreign Missions of the Pres. Church, U. S. A., for 1897. N. Y. 16mo. pp. 77. 5635 Yeates, Thos. Indian Church History, or an account of the first planting of the Gospel in Syria, Mesopotamia and India, with a relation of the first Christian Missions in China. Lond., 1818, 8vo. * - 5636 Yonge, C. M. Pioneers and Founders, or Recent Workers in the Mission Field. (Eliot, Brainerd, Schwartz, Martyn, Carey, Marshman, the Judson family, Middleton, Heber, Wilson, Marsden, Williams, Gardiner, Mackenzie.) Lond., 1890. 12mo, 5637–38 Ziegler, C. Kurze Geschichte der Berliner Missionsgeselschaft, nebst den ihr zugehörenden Stationen in Südafrika. Eckarts- berga, 1857, 1864. 2 Bändchen. 16mo. III, WORKS COMPOSED OR TRANSLATED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. [Continued from 4536 in Catalogue No. 3..] 5640 Baller, F. W. Mandarin Primer; for the use of the China. In- land Mission. 3d ed. Shanghai, 1894, 8vo. 5641 Casalis, Eugène. (Missionnaire dans le pays des Bassoutos, d. 1891.) Etudes sur Langue Séchuana, et sur l’ origine et les progress de la Mission chez les Bassoutos. Paris, 1841. 8vo. 5642 Christaller, J. G. (Basle Missionary on the Gold Coast, d. 1896.) Grammar of the Asante and Fanti Language, called Tshi [Chwee, Twij. Basel, 1875. 8vo. — 28 — 5643 Christaller, J. G. Primer of the Ga or Akra Language. Basel, 1893, 16mo. pp. 39. 5644 — and Bohner. Uebungen in der Akra oder Ga-Sprache. Basel, 1890, 8vo. pp. 104. - 5645 Cousins, W. E. (Missionary of the London Missionary Society in Madagascar.) Concise Introduction to the Study of the Malagasy Language. 3d ed. Antananarivo, 1894. 8vo. 5646 Crowther, S, (Bishop of the Niger Territory, d. 1891.) Gram- mar and Vocabulary of the Nupe Language. Lond., 1864. 8vo. 5647 De Forest, J. H. (Missionary of the Am. Board in Japan.) Seek Truth and do good (in Japanese). Osaka, 1892. 16mo. 5648 Eliot, John. (The Apostle of the Indians, d. 1690.) The Indian Primer: or, The Way of training up our Indian Youth in the good knowledge of God. [Reprint.] Edinburgh, 1877. 16mo. 5649 —— Life and Works, (in Bibliography of the Algonquin Lan- guages, pp. 127–184), by J. C. Pilling. Washington, 1891. Imp. 8vo. 5650 Elmslie, W. A. (Of the Livingstonia Mission.) Introductory Grammar of the Ngoni (Zulu) Language, as spoken in Mom- bera’s Country. Aberdeen, 1891. 12mo. 5651 Gericke, J. F. C. (Missionary in Java, d. 1857.) Javaansche Spraakkunst door wijlen A. D. Cornets de Groot, en Woor- denboek, door T. Roorda. Amst., 1843. 2 St. 8vo. & 5652 Gundert, H. (Missionary in S. India, d. 1893.) Grammar of the Malayalam Language, 2d ed. Mangalore, 1868. 12mo. 5658 Horden, J. (Bishop of Moosomee, d. 1893.) A Grammar of the Cree Language as spoken by the Cree Indians of North America. Lond., 1881. 16mo. 5654 Judson, A. (Missionary in Burmah, d. 1850.) Grammar of the Burmese Language. Rangoon, 1883. 8vo. 5655 Kessler, J. (Late Missionary in Madagascar.) Introduction to the Language and Literature of Madagascar. Lond., 1870. 16mo. 5656 Krapf, J. (Missionary in East Africa, d. 1880.) Vocabulary of the Language of the Wakuafi Nation in the interior of Equa- - torial Africa. Tübingen, 1854. 8vo. 5657 Krönlein, J. G. (Missionary of the Rhenish Missionary Society.) The Calwer Biblical History in the Nama Language. Berlin, 1866. 12mo. 5658–59 Morrison, R. (Missionary of the London Miss, Soc., d. 1834.) A Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect. Canton and Macao, 3 vols, in two. 1828. 8vo. 5660 Rebmann, J. R. (Missionary in Eastern Africa, d. 1876.) Dic- tionary of the Kiniassa Language. St. Chrishona, 1877. 12mo, 5661 Rhenius, C. T. E. (Missionary at Tinmevelly, d. 1836.) Gram- mar of the Tamil Language. Madras, 1836. 12mo, 5662 Riggs, E. (Missionary of the Am. Board in Constantinople.) Grammar of the Modern Armenian Language. 2d ed. Con- stantinople, 1856. 12mo. — 29 — 5663 Schön, J. F. (Of the Church Missionary Society.) Grammar of the Hausa Language. Lond., 1862, 8vo. 5664 — Grammar of the Mendi Language. Lond., 1882. 16mo. 5665 Sparshott, T. H. (Formerly Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in East Africa.) A Nika-English Dictionary, compiled by the late L. Krapf and J. Rebmann. Lond., 1887. 16mo. 5666 Steere, E. (Missionary Bishop for East Central Africa, d. 1882.) Handbook of the Swahili Language as spoken at Zanzibar. 3d ed. Lond., 1885, 12mo. 5667 — Collections for a Handbook of the Nyamwezi Language. Lond., n. d. 16mo. — 30 — Albyssinia. Flad. HausSImann. Massaja. Africa. Johnston. Messenger. Taylor. Africa, Central. Cooley. Africa, East. Merensky. Africa, South. Anker. Astrup. Buchner. Carnegie. Casalis. Festbüchlein. Hepburn. (Natal.) Schreiber. Taylor, Wm. Ziegler. Africa, West. Bowen. Freeman. Ramseyer. Reindorf. RObinson. Allaska. Jackson. Willard. Ala'abia. Haig. Alrmenians. Bliss. Greene. Parmelee. Aishanti. Freeman. Reindorf. A W D F X. Atlases or Maps. Grundemann, Nijland. Vahl. Alw8tralia. King. JBoºntics, Schippers. JBowsetto-land. CaSSalis. Missiongeschichte. Widdicome. Bechuanas. Moffat, IBiograph.ºy. Bingham. Brainerd. Burchell. Callaway. Carey. Champion. Evarts. Ewald. GOes. GOSSner. Guittart. Gulick. Heber. Hinterócker. Jellesma. Jones. Josenhans. Lacroix. Marshall. Messenger. MOrrison. Nevius. Nikolajsen. Parker. Patteson. Rahn. Roberts. Bott. Schultz. Taylor. Wangemann. Whately, L. Williams. Winslow. IBo?"ºne O. Niemeyer. ROtt. IBurmah. SorenSen. Cazne?”00728. Scheve. Catalogues. (Catalogus.) Eger- Vahl. Celebes. Matthes. Wiersma. (See Minahassa.) Ceylon. Gollock. Winslow. China. China. Cockburn. Coucheron-Aamot. DuBOSe. Goes. Hart. (Jubilee.) ECOlmOdin. Marshall. Martin. (Mission-Press.) Morrison. Parker. Roberts. Smith, A. H. Williams, F. M. Yeates. Conferences, Mis- sionary. Bombay, 1892-3. New York, 1892-3. Ongole, 1896. Students, 1896. Congo. Myers. Coºrea. Griffis. Cºwledees, Ebrard. Dahomey. Freeman. IEgypt. Gollock. Whately. ICromanga. Williams. JEskimos. Batty. Horden. Veenendaal. JFalºishas. IFlad. Fiji. Cumming. Waterhouse. JFor"?rºosa. Campbell, 4874. Mackay. IF'wegia. Myers. Gold, Coast. Ramseyer. Reindorf. Greenland. Flood. (Greenland.) Kragh. Page. Veenendaal. Gwiazza. Brett. JBIawsaland, Robinson. IHawaii. Cheever. Tournaford. India. Baierlein. Barry. Beach. Conrad. Downie. GOSSner. Graul. Grønning. Heber. |BIugenholtz. Hunter. Ipsen. Jacobsen. Kautsch. Klein. Lacroix. Løventhal. Maxwell. Miller. (Missionskort.) Neander. Nottrott. Padfield. Rice. Smith. Stewart. Trevor. Williams, M. Yeates. Indians, N. Al. Brainerd. Japan. Bird. Dalton. Knox. (Japan.) Tristram. Java. Anthing. Brumund. COOlsma. Jantz. Jellesma. Kreemer. Niemann. Nijland. POensen. Schuh. Schuurman. Van Soeten. Voorhoeve. Jesuit Missions. Harenberg. Henrion. Pfotenhauer. Jews. Anderson. Ewald. Flood, ECalkar. Krag. Meier. Nielsen. Schultz. Schulze. IECaffraria. ECaffers. Barker. Missionsgeschichte. ICameroons. Scheve. JKohls. GOSSner. Jellinghaus. Kautsch. Nottrott. IKonds. Baierlein. Labrador, Veenendaal. JLectwºes, Behrends. Magic Lantern. Poulain. Lepers. Hahn. Madagascar. Anker. Christ. Colin. Galli. Tºſatabeles. Carnegle. IMedical Missions. Parker. Roberts. JMethodse Cust. lºſiºnal assa. (See Celebes.) Graafland. Neudenburg. Schippers. Mohamedamisºn, Callenberg. Kalkar. Lemm. Sell. lMolwkkas. DOnselaar. Mongols. Gilmour. IMoravians. Buchner. (Festbüchlein.) (Moravians.) Wullschlägel. IMotives. Dahle. Remus. Storrs. JNestoº"towns. (Nestorians.) JNew Gwiazea. Chalmers. McFarlane. JNew Hebrides. Kurze. INew Zealand. Page. Myassa-Land. Merensky. JPalestºne. Graul. IParagway. Pfotenhauer. IParsees. Wilson. IPatagonia, Coan. IPersia. Wilson. Polygamy. Callaway. Wilder. Polynesia. Alexander. Williams. Punjab. Stewart. Ič. Cath. Missions. Colin. Harenberg. Henrion. Hinterticker. (Japan.) Pfotenhauer. Ricards. Tournafond. Santals. Hertel. Jacobsen. ROrdam. Rudin. Santals. Skrefsrud. Self-Support. Self-Support. Sermons. Opwekkings-Reden. Schäffer. Sermons. Ships, Missionary. Ships. Siloam. Ihle. Soudan. Robinson. South America. Coan. Hood. Sowth, Seas. Alexander. Banks. Cousins. DeGroot. Statistics. Vahl. — 32 — Swccess. Tasmania. G-Ollock. Uganda. Dahle. Barry. Graul. Ashe. (Fruits.) Telwgat Mission. Mason. Langhaus. Downie Training of Mis- Union of Societies. PiersOn. ongole. 8tomaries. Close. Schreiner. o Petri SorenSen. Thºbe:. €1,11. TWoman’s Woºk. §: l Schneider. Tranquebar. Hofstätter. ullschlägel. Tonga-land. Pope. Wherry. Swºrzatra. Astrup. Transvaal. Yorwba, §: d Tizmoz". * Bowen. Wijland. o Schippers. Donelaar. Theºlº Zemana. Toºngoa. wrfcey. Swas i-land. Kurze. Bliss. Barnes. Astrup. Borth. Neander. Towa's (Mission). Dennis. Tahiti. Baierlein. Dwight. Zulu Land. Tahiti. Cousins. Greene. Astrup. HISTORY OF MISSIONS. 1 General or more particular Missionary History : Berg, Dijkstra, Gracey, Grundemann, Holm, Hoyer, Klumpp, Leonard, (Mis- sions Plancher), Niemann, Pierson, Platt, Robertson, Todd, Vahl. 2 History of Missionary and Bible Societies, including their Periodi- cals and Annual Reports : American Baptist Missionary Union, 4882, 5043, 5052 (5410a). American Bible Society, 5053, 5400. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 5065, 5401–5405, Arabian Mission, 5409. Baptist Missionary Society (London), 5108, 5411. Basle Missionary Society, 4975, 5166, 5393, 5394, 5415, 5637. Berlin Missionary Society, 5164, 5177, 5418, 5611, 5612. British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews. British and Foreign Bible Society, 5096, 5419. China Inland Mission. Christian Missionary Alliance, 5054. Church Missionary Society, 5099, 5382, 5459, 5589. Church of Scotland, 5100, 5462. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 5066. Danish Missionary Society, 4837, 4947, 4963, 5276, 5465, 5466. Dutch Missionary Society (Nederlandsche Genootschap), 4868, 4944, 5044, 5045. Free Church of Scotland, 5101, 5499. Free Churches of French Switzerland, 5358. Free East African Mission, 5502. Friends' Foreign Missions Association, 5112, 5500. — 33 — General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of North America, 5057, 5062, 5503. —— Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, 5509. German Evangelical Synod of North America, 5056. Gossner's Missionary Society, 4901, 4902, 4966. Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 5512. Hermannsburg Missionary Society, 5194. Indian Home Mission to the Santhals, 5513. Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Society, 4817, 4906, 5167. London Missionary Society, 4894, 4967, 5098, 5518. Løventhal Mission, 4934, 4983, 4994, 4996, 4997, 5556. Lund Missionary Society, 5262. Melanesian Mission, 5520. Mennonite Missionary Society (Holland), 5497. Methodist Episcopal Church, 4980, 5058, 5395. Methodist Episcopal Church (South), 6061. Nederlandsche Genootschap (see Dutch). New Hebrides Mission, 5520. Norwegian Missionary Society, 4874, 5838, 5522. Church Missionary Society (Schreuder), 5293. Students' Mission Union, 4841. Paris Evangelical Society, 5048, 5259, 5524. Presbyterian Church in Canada, 5113. of South Australia, 5525. of New Zealand, 5530. — of Otago and Southland, 5531. — of Scotland, 5100, 5462. of the United States of America,’ 4941, 4961, 5055, 5071, 5532. Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, 5087. Ramabai Association, 5537. Reformed (Dutch) Church in the United States, 5063. Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanter), 5064. Rhenish Missionary Society (Barmen), 4897, 5161, 5538. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 4848, 5102, 5106, 5390, 5547. South African Missionary Society, 5549. Southern Baptist Convention, 5057. Swedish Church Missionary Society, 5264. United Brethren (Herrnhut), 4889, 5025, 5026, 52.10, 5211, 5231, 5457, 5458. United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 5001, 5109. Upsala University Missionary Union, 5263. Utrecht Missionary Union, 5548. Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 5115, 5410. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, 4978, 5088. Board of Missions of the Congregational Churches, 5059a. *—- r & - = Fº :--— THIRD CATALOGUE. () F THE |FOREIGN MISSION IIBRARY DIVINITY SCHOOL YALE UNIvK.Rs.ITY, NEW HAVEN, CON N. No. 3. NOVEMBER, 1895. wºm--~~~-s—-sºº.-------. —-> *-*-*- := -- NEW HAVEN : - the TUTTLE, MoREHous E & TAYLOR PRESS : 1895. - TH | RD CATALOGUE OF THE FOREIGN MISSIONLIBRARY OF THE DIWINITY SCHOOL YALE UNIVERSITY, NEW HAVEN, CON N. No. 3. NOVEMBER, 1895. *w-ºn-ºm-º: NEW HAVEN : THE TUTTLE, MoREHOUSE & TAYLOR PRESS : . 1895. 1;7 YIT Wºno, 3 PREFATORY NOTE. In the present Supplement to the Catalogues of January, 1892, and April, 1893, are contained the titles of 1260 works added to the Yale Library of Foreign Missions since the latter date. The whole number now accessible to the members of all departments of the University and to others interested is 4435, which is a near approach to the proposed collection of the entire Foreign Mission- ary literature of the Protestant churches of all denominations and in all parts of the world, including also a few works of acknowl- edged authority on the Missions of the Roman Catholic Church. For the completion of this Historical Library on the broad basis contemplated at its establishment in 1891, is now only needed the addition of the remaining translations of the Scrip- tures and other works prepared by Foreign Missionaries, a few recent publications not received in season to find a place in the present Catalogue, and a small number of an earlier date which have become scarce and can only be obtained as special opportuni- ties occur. In the latter class are the lacking volumes or numbers required to complete some of the sets of the Missionary Periodicals and Annual Reports (see pp. 14–17, 18–20). It is hoped that these may yet in some way be obtained. To the Secretaries of the Foreign Missionary Societies in Europe and the United States, and to all other friends by whose generous interest and aid this library has been brought to its present state, especially to the venerable Dean Wahl, President of the Danish Missionary Society, Rev. Dr. Arthur F. Pierson, editor of the Missionary Review of the World, the Rev. Drs. A. C. Thompson and James S. Dennis, well known by their contribu- tions to Missionary literature, and the Rev. H. P. Lawson of the Ahmednagar Mission in India, sincere thanks are due and are hereby gratefully presented. : To the officers of the American Board of Commissioners fo Foreign Missions, the library is indebted for the recent gift of a unique collection of elementary books and booklets composed by its Missionaries in the work of reducing the languages of barbar- ous tribes to writing or teaching the rudiments of the common —iv — branches of learning (see p. 27). In some future age these feeble beginnings of a national literature in various pagan lands, if escaping the ravages of time, will be regarded with mingled curi- osity and interest as impressive memorials of the labor and patience of Christian Missionaries in laying a firm basis for Chris- tian civilization. Another gift which calls for special mention is the considerable number of Reports of various local stations in the East connected with Missionary Societies in Europe and America. The larger part of these documents, which often give valuable details not elsewhere found, relating to Foreign Missionary service, were collected by the late Dr. Edward A. Lawrence in his Missionary tour and used by him in the preparation of his able and most instructive work on Modern Missions in the East. It is hoped that the number of these local reports will be steadily increased by contributions from the various Missionary Stations. They are sure to be prized and will be carefully preserved. In the list of Missionary Periodicals which are regularly received, and bound at the close of the year (see pp. 14–17), are included nearly all issued at present in the United States, Great Britain and its Colonies, Central Europe and Scandinavia, India, China, and Japan. By means of these monthly and quarterly journals, many of which are conducted with signal ability, the latest intelligence in regard to the progress of the Christian faith in Pagan and Mohammedan countries is constantly and promptly supplied.” Should an Institute of Foreign Missions for the more perfect equipment of candidates for Missionary or Medical Service in non-Christian lands ever be added to the circle of Schools which constitute Yale University, its teachers and students would be provided at the outset, in this Collection, with the special works not to be found, except to a very limited extent, in even the largest libraries of general literature, but indispensable for the most thorough study of the propagation of Christianity in modern times. - GEORGE E. DAY. Yale University, New Haven, Conn., November 1, 1895. III. IV. CATALOGUE. NTO. III- TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE, MADE CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES OF WARIOUS COUNTRIES. INDEX. I. THANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE OR PARTS OF IT MADE 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284. 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 CHIEFLY BY MISSIONARIES. [Continued from 1530a in Catalogue No. 2.] Arabic, Bible. Beirut, 1865. 8vo. — New Testament with References. Beirut, 1864. 8vo. — Voweled New Testament. Beirut, 1862, 8vo. Armenian, New Testament. Lond., 1858. 12mo, Armeno-Turkish (Kurdistan). The Gospel according to Matthew. (J. L. Barton.) 1891. 24mo. Bulgarian, New Testament. 1882. 32mo. Bullom (West Africa). The Gospel according to Matthew. Lond., 1816. 16mo. - Carshun (Mesopotamia and some parts of Syria). New Testament. 4to. Chinese, New Testament (Morrison & Milne). 1823. 12mo. Eskimo (Greenland). The Book of Isaiah (Moravian Missionaries). Lond., 1837. 16mo. Garo (Assam) Genesis. (M. C. Mason.) Tura, 1882. 16mo. — Matthew and Mark. (Am. Baptist Missionaries.) Tura, 1884. 16mo. — Ephesians and Philippians. (M. G. Philips.) Tura, 1882. 16mo. Hindustani, or Urdu. The Psalms. (B. Schultz.) Halae, 1837. 16mo. - Mikmak (Nova Scotia), Exodus. Halifax, 1870. 16mo. — Gospel according to John. Halifax, m. d. 12mo. Suahili (East Africa), New Testament. 1883. 12mo. Syriac, Modern (The Nestorians), The Old Testament. (Mission- aries of the American Board.) Ooroomiah, 1858. 4to. —The New Testament, translated from the Peshito. Ooroomiah, 1860. 4to. — 2 — 3295 Tamil (The Carmatic and North part of Ceylon), The Gospel accord- ing to John. (J. P. Fabricius, d. 1760.) Madras, 1858. 24mo. 3296 — The Gospel according to Matthew. Madras, 1863. 16mo. 3297 — The Gospel according to Luke. Madras, 1845. 12mo. 3297a — The Gospel according to Luke. Madras, 1858. 24mo. 3298 Tibetan, The Four Gospels. Berlin, m. d. 8vo. 3299 — Acts and Revelation. Berlin, n. d. 8vo, 3300 Tonga (East Africa), Gospel according to Mark. Livingstonia, 1890. 24mo. 3301 Umgola (Angola). Matthew, Mark and John. Benguela, 1819. 16mo. * 3302 Zulu (South Africa), Genesis. (Missionaries of the American Board.) N. Y., 1863. 16mo. 3303 — Psalms of David. Port Natal, 1850. 12mo. II. WORKS ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. 3304 Anderson, John (Missionary at Madras, d. 1855). Life. See Braidwood. * 3305-7 — J. S. M. History of the Church of England in the Colonies of the British Empire. 2 ed. Lond., 1856. 3 vols. 16mo. 3308 — R. (Secretary of the Am. Board, d. 1880). Observations upon the Peloponnesus and Greek Islands. Boston, 1830. 12mo. 3309 — History of the Missions of the American Board of Commis- Sioners for Foreign Missions in India. Boston, 1874. 12mo. 3310 Arbousset, Th. Tahiti et les isles adjacentes. Paris, 1867. 12mo. 3311–12 Archief voor de Oude Hollandsche Zending. De Molukken, 1603–38. Utrecht, 1890–91. 2 deelen. 8vo. (See 116–19.) 3313 Armstrong, S. C. (Principal of the Hampton Institute, Va., d. 1893). Lessons from the Hawaiian Islands. N. Y., 1884. 8vo, pp. 29. 3314 Arnot, T. F. S. Bihe and Garenganze, or Four Years’ Further Work and Travel in Central Africa. Lond., 1893. 12mo. 3315 Atkinson, J. L., Prince Siddartha. Boston, 1893. 12mo. 3316 Ayerst, W. The Jews of the 19th Century. Lond., 1848. 12mo. 3317 Bacon, L. (Pastor 1st Church, New Haven, Conn., d. 1881). Dis- course at the funeral of Jehudi Ashmun, Esq., Agent of the American Colony of Liberia. New Haven, 1828. 8vo, pp. 36. 3318 — L. W. Correspondence relating to the troubles in the Turkish Missions of the American Board. N. Y., 1883. 8vo, pp. 46. 3319 Badley, B. H. (Missionary in North India). Tulsipur Fair: Glimpses of Life in North India. Lond., n. d. Small 4to. 3320 Baierlein, E. R. Im Urwalde: Bei dem roten Indianern. Dresden, 1894. 12mo, 3321 Bailey, W. C. Glimpses at the Indian Field and Leper Asylums in 1886–87. Lond., 1886. 12mo. 3322 Bainbridge, W. F. Around the World Tour of Christian Missions. 3 ed. N. Y., 1882, 8vo. — 3 — 3323 Becker, F. W. Eine Helden-Gestalt in der Juden-Mission des 19 Jahrhunderts. Von W. Becker. Berlin, 1893. 8vo, pp. 72. 3324 Barrett, R. N. The Child of the Ganges, a Tale of the Judson Mission. N. Y., 1890. 12mo. 3325–6 Barrows, J. H. The World's Parliament of Religions. Chicago, 1893. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo. 3327 Batchelor, J. (Missionary to the Aimw). The Ainu of Japan. N. Y. n. d. 12mo. 3328 Bate, J. D. (Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society, London). Examination of the claims of Ishmael as viewed by Muhommadans. Allahabad, 1884, 8vo. 3329 Beck, W. The Friends: Who they are—what they have done. Lond., 1893. 12mo. 3330 Begrich, F. Missionsgedanken. Gütersloh, 1885. 8vo, pp. 115. 3331 Bentley, W. H. (of the Baptist Mission). Life on the Congo. Lond., m. d. 16mo. 3332 Berry, J. C. Missionary Health, Vacations and Furloughs, 1883. 12mo, pp. 29. 3333 — T. S. Christianity and Buddhism : a Comparison and a Con- trast. Lond., n. d. 16mo. 3334 Bickersteth, M. Japan as we saw it. Lond., 1893. 8vo. 3335 Bishop, Isabella Bird. Among the Tibetans. N. Y., 1894. 12mo, 3336 Bixby, L. S. Outline History of the Foreign Missions of the Meth. Episcopal Church. Syracuse, 1876. 16mo. 3337 Blin, C. Voyage en Océania. Le Mans, 1881. 12mo. 3338 Bliss, I. G. (Agent of the Am. Bible Society, d. 1889). Twenty- five years of Bible Work in the Levant. N. Y., 1883, 8vo, pp. 24. 3339 Boegner, A. (Directeur de la Maison des Missions). La Táche Missionaire de l'Église. Paris, 1882. 8vo, pp. 24. 3340 Bombas, W. C. (Bishop of Selkirk, N. W. Territory). Northern Lights on the Bible. Lond., 12mo." 3341 (Bombay.) A Voice from Bombay in behalf of the Spiritual Wants of 550,000 Souls in heathen darkness. Lond., 1852. 8vo, pp. 34. 3342 Bose, Ram Chandra (of Lucknow, Ind.). Brahmoism, or History of Reformed Hinduism. Lond., 1884. 12mo. 3343–5 Bost, A. Histoire de l’établissement du Christianisme dans toutes les contrées depuis le temps de Jesus Christ. D'après l' allemand de C. G. Blumhardt. Genève, 1838. 3 Tom. 8vo. 3346 Bowen, J. Missionary Incitement and Hindoo Demoralization. 4. Lond., 1821. pp. 90. 8347–8 Bournbourg, l'Abbe de. Histoire de Canada et son Église et de ses Missions. Paris, 1852. 2 Tom. 8vo. 3349 Brower, H. (Missionary at Tangore). Prize Essay on Hindu Caste. Calcutta, 1851. 8vo. 3349a Bradbury, Jas. (34 years Missionary in India). India; its Condi- tion, Religions and Missions. Lond., 1884. 12mo. — 4 — 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 Brahmo Year-Book for 1881: The Theistic Churches of India. No. VI. Lond., 1882. 8vo. Braidwood, J. True Yoke-Fellows in the Mission Field: Lives of John Anderson and Robert Johnson. Lond., 1862. 8vo. Brainerd, David (The Apostle to the North American Indians, d. 1747). Memoir by J. Page. 2 ed. Chicago, m. d. 16mo. Briggs, B. (Secy. of the Imerina Committee of the London Mis- sionary Society). Ten Years' Review of Mission Work in Mada- gascar, 1870–1880. Antananarivo, 1880. 8vo. Buchanan, J. The Shiré Highlands, East Central Africa, as Col- ony and Mission. Edinb., 1885. 12mo. Bumby, John Hewgill (Missionary to New Zealand, d. 1840). Life, by A. Barrett. 2 ed. Lond. 1853. 12mo. Burchell, Thomas (?? years Missionary in Jamaica, d. 1846). Memoir, by W. F. Burchell. Lond., 1849. 12mo. Calderwood, H. Caffres and Caffre Missions. Lond., 1858. 12mo. Callery and Yvan. History of the Insurrection in China, with notices of the Christianity, Creed and Proclamations of the Insurgents. Lond., 1853. 12mo, Calvert : see Vernon. Campbell, B. M. Madagascar. Chicago, 1889. 12mo. — J. The Missionary's Farewell; Valedictory Services of the Rev. John Williams previous to his departure for the South Seas. N. Y., 1838. 16mo. — J. R. (Missionary in North India.) Missions in Hindustan. Phil., 1852. 12mo. Candidates in Waiting. Lond., 1892. 24mo. Canterbury and York. Reports of the Board of Missions on the Mission Field. Lond., 1894. 8vo. Carey, Wm. (Missionary in India, d. 1834). Life, by M. E. Far- well. Chicago and N. Y., 1888. 12mo. Chamberlain, J. (Missionary in the Arcot Mission). The Bible Tested, or the Bible in India. N. Y., 1879. 8vo, pp. 32. Chantepie de la Saussaye. Waarom ik het Nederlandsche Zende- linggenootschap heb verlaten. Rotterdam, 1864. 8vo, pp. 30. Chapman, Jas. (Bishop of Colombo, d. 1879). Life. Lond., 1892. 12mo. Christian Missions in the East and West in connection with the Baptist Missionary Society. Lond., 1873. 12mo. Church Missionary Society, History of, in Bengal. Calcutta, m. d. 12mo. — Atlas: 3 parts. Lond., 1887–1891. 8vo. Churton, E. T. The Missionary's Foundation of Doctrine. Lond. 12mo. Cobb, H. N. (Sec. of the Board of Missions of the Reformed Church in America). Far Hence : Letters from our Mission Fields in Asia. N. Y., 1893. 12mo, - — 5 — 3373 Cobbold, G. A. Religion in Japan: Shintoism, Buddhism, Chris- tianity. . Lond., 1894. 16mo. - 3874 Coillard, F. (Missionary of the Paris Missionary Society). La Mission au Zambèze. Paris, 1880. 8vo, pp. 36. 3375 — Christina Mackintosh (Missionaire au Zambèze, d. 1891). Une Femme Missionaire, par C. Ray. 2 ed. Paris [1892] 16mo. 3376 Colbeck, J. A. (Missionary of the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel, d. 1879). Letters from Mandalay. Quareborough, 1892. 12mo. 3377 Collet, S. C. Keshub Chunder Sen's English Visit. Lond., 1871. 12mo. 3378 Coolsma, S. De Bijbel en de Evangelische Zending. 1878. 16mo, pp. 29. 3379 Crüger, F. G. J. Christenlehre in Lebensbildern aus der Missions- geschichte. Berlin, 1857. 12mo. 3380 Crummell, A. The Future of Africa: Addresses, Sermons, etc., delivered in the Republic of Liberia. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. 3381 Cust, R. N. Notes on Missionary Subjects. 4 parts in one vol. Lond., 1888. 8vo. - 3882 — Africa Rediviva : or the Occupation of Africa by Christian Missionaries of Europe and North America. Lond., 1891. Sm. 4to. 3888 — Normal Addresses on Bible Diffusion. Lond., 1892. Sm. 4to. 3384–5 Dallet, C. (Missionaire Apostolique de la Société des Missions Etrangères). Historie de Corée. Paris, 1874. 2 Tom. 8vo. 3386 Davidson, J. N. History of the Stockbridge Nation. Milwaukee, 1893. 12mo, pp. 66. - 33860. De Forest, J. H. (Missionary of the Am. Board at Sendai, Japan). Brief Survey of Christian Work in Japan, with special reference to the Kumiai Churches and the American Board. Yokohama, 1892, 8vo, pp. 124. 8387 Dennis, J. S. (of the Am. Presbyterian Mission, Beirut, Syria). Foreign Missions after a Century. N. Y., 1893. 12mo. 3888 Dijkstra, H. Het Evangelie in onse Oost. Geschiedenis der Protestantische Zending in het tegenwoordige Indië, 2te deel. De Molukken. Leiden, 1893. 12mo. (1st vol. wanting.) 3889 Douglas, H. A. (Bishop of Bombay). Indian Missions. Lond., 1872. 8vo. pp. 65. 3390 — R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. Lond., m. d. 16mo. 3391 Droese, Miss (of Landowr, India). Indian Gems for the Master's Crown. Lond., 1892. 16mo. - - 3392 Duff, Alexander (Missionary to India, d. 1878). Life, by E. B. Vermilye. Chicago, 1890. 12mo. 3393 Dukes, E. A. Alltagsleben in China. Basel, 1892. 12mo. 3894 Duncan, M.A. A. Sabbath among the Tuscarora Indians. Glas- gow, 1819. 16mo. 3395 Dyer, Samuel (16 years Missionary to the Chinese, d. 1843). Memoir, by E. Davies. Lond., 1846. 16mo. — 6 — 3396 3397 3398 33980, 3399 8400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 34:10 34:11 3412 34:120, 34:13 3414 3415 3416 Ebner, J. L. (Missionar unter den Hottentotten). Reise nach Süd- Afrika. 1829. 8vo. Ellinwood, F. F. (Sec. Am. Presbyterian Board). The Great Con- quest: or Miscellaneous Papers on Missions. N. Y., 1876. 16mo. Ellis, W. Christmas Keepsake and Missionary Annual. Lond., on. d. 16mo. Evangelisch Zendingwerk: Eene roepstem tot Christenen. Am- sterdam, 1856. 12mo, pp. 33. - Fabri, F. Die Enstehung des Heidenthums und die Aufgabe der IHeidenmission. Barmen. 12mo. Female Agency. Among the Heathen. Lond., 1852. 16mo. Fenger, J. F. History of the Tranquebar Mission. Tranquebar, 1863. Sm. 4to, Finn, J. The Jews in China: their Synagogue, Scriptures, etc. Lond., 1843. 16mo. Fiske, E. T. Peculiarities in the Creeds of the Mahomedan and the Hindu which stand in the way of Conversion to the Christian Faith. Cambridge, 1849, 8vo. Fleming, F. Southern Africa. Lond., 1856. 12mo. Flickinger, D. F., and McKee, W. Missions among the Sherbro and Mendi Tribes, Western Africa. Dayton, 1885. 12mo. Foster, John. The Glory of the Age; an Essay on the Spirit of Missions. Boston, 1833. 24mo. Frere, Sir Bartle. Indian Missions. 3 ed. Lond., 1874. 16mo. Fries, W. Geschichten und Bilder aus der Mission: No. 12, Zeisberger; Nyassaland. Halle a. S., 1893. 12mo, pp. 34. (Friends.) Review of the work of Friends’ Foreign Mission Asso- ciation in Madagascar. Antananarivo, 1880. Fritschel, G. (Professor am. theol. Semimar, Wartburg, Iowa). Geschichte der Chrislichen Missionen unter den Indianern Nordamerikas im 17 u. 18 Jahrhundert. Nürnberg, 1870. 12mo. Gardiner, Allen F. (Founder of the South American Missionary Society, d. 1851). Visit to the Indians on the Frontier of Chili. Lond., 1841. 12mo. — The Story of, with Sketches of Missionary Work in South America. By J. W. Marsh. 2 ed. Lond., 1868. 16mo. Geddie, John (First Missionary to the New Hebrides, d. 1872). Life, under the title : Missionary Life among the Cannibals, by G. Patterson. Toronto, 1882, 12mo. Gibson, A. G. S. Thoughts on Missionary Work and Life. Lond., 1892. 16mo, pp. 43. º Gill, W. (Missionary in Raratonga). Gems from the Coral Islands, Eastern and Western Polynesia. Lond., 1856. 2 vols. 12mo. Gilmour, Jas. (London Mission, Peking). Adventures in Mongolia. Lond., 1892. 24mo. - Glen, Wm. (Missionary at Astrachan). Journal of a Tour from Astrachan to Karass, with Conversations with Mohammedans. Lond. 16mo. — 7 — 3417 Gobat, Samuel (Evangelischer Bischof in Jerusalem, d. 1879). Sein Leben und Wirken. Basel, 1884. 8vo. 3418 (Gossner Mission) Fünfzig Jahre Gossnerscher Mission. Berlin, 1886. 8vo. 3419 Graul, K. Principles of the Leipzig Missionary Society with regard to the Caste Question. Madras, 1851. 8vo, pp. 10. 3420 Greene, F. D. (Late Missionary in Turkey). The Armenian Crisis in Turkey. N. Y., 1895. 12mo. 3421 Greenland Missions and Biographical Sketches of some of the principal Converts. Dublin, 1830. 16mo. 3422 Groves, Anthony Norris (Missionary at Bagdad, d. 1853). Journal during a voyage from London to Bagdad. Lond., 1831. 12mo. 3423 — Memoir, by his Widow. Lónd., 1857. 12mo. 3424 Grove-Rasmussen, A. C. L. Uganda, et Christnet Land i Hjertet af Afrika. Odense, 1894. 12mo. 3425 Grundemann, R. (d. 1894). Missions-Studien und Kritiken in Verbindung mit einer Reise nach Indien. Gütersloh, 1894, 8vo. 3426–7 Guinness, Geraldine. Story of the China Inland Mission. 3 ed. Lond., 1894. 2 vols. 12mo. 3428 — H. G. Congo Recollections. Lond., 1890. 12mo, 3429 Gundert, Hermann (d. 1893). Die Evangelische Mission. 3 Aufl. Calw, 1894. 12mo. (See No. 314.) 3430 —Leben, von J. Hesse. Calw, 1894. 16mo. 3431 Haafner, J. Het Nut der Zendelingen en Zendeling-genootschapen. Haarlem, 1804. 4to. 3432 Hahn, H. Die Hoffnungen der katholischen Kirche in China. Frankf. a M., 1869. pp. 46. 3433 Halsted, T. D. Our Missions: A History of the Society for Pro- moting Christianity amongst the Jews, from 1806 to 1866. Lond., 1866. 8vo. 3434 Hamlin, Cyrus (Late Missionary in Turkey). My Life and Times. Boston, 1893. 8vo. 3435 Handboekje van de Geschiedenis der Zending. 2” druck. Rotter- dam, 1884. 16mo, pp. 77. 3436 Handleiding bij de algemeene kaart der Christelijke Zendings- posten. Rotterdam, 1846. 16mo, pp. 52. 3437 Hardeling, O. Geschichte der Lutherischen Mission nach den Vorträgen des + Prof. D. Plitt, bis auf die Gegenwart. 1° Hälfte. Leipzig, 1894. 8vo. 3437a (Hawaii.) Account of the visit of the French frigate L’Artemise to the Sandwich Islands. Honolulu, 1839. 8vo, pp. 14. 3437b Headland, E. Sketches of the Church Missionary Society Mis- sions. Lond., 1890, '91. 12mo. 3438–40 Heber, Reginald (Bishop of Calcutta, d. 1836). Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India from Calcutta to Bombay. 2 ed. Lond., 1828. 3 vols. 8vo. 3441–2 — Life, by his Widow. Lond., 1830. 2 vols. 4to. 3443 Hebich, Samuel (Basle Missionary in South India, d. 1868). Life, by two of his fellow laborers. Lond., 1876. 12mo. — 8 — 3445 3446 34.52 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 Heller, J. Prolegomena zu einer neuen Ausgabe der Nestoriani- schen Inschrift von Signan fu. m. d. 8vo, pp. 48. (Hermannsburg.) Afrikanische und Indische Reisebriefe der Her- mannsburger Missionsdirectoren. Hermannsburg, 1893. 8vo. Hervey, G. W. Story of Baptist Missions in Foreign Lands to the present date. St. Louis, 1885, 8vo. Hesse, J. Das Missionsjahrhundert. Züge aus dem Missionsleben der Gegenwart. Calw, 1893. 16mo. Hickok, M. J. The First Duty: a Missionary Sermon before the Synod of N. Jersey. N. Y., 1860, 8vo, pp. 39. Hislop, Stephen (Missionary of the Free Church of Scotland at Nagpur, d. 1863). Papers relating to the aboriginal inhabitants of the Central Provinces (of India). 1866. Royal 8vo. Hodgson, Charles (Assoc. Sec. Church Missionary Society, d. 1869). Memorial volume of. Lond., 1872. 12mo. Hoffmann, W. Die Christliche Literaturals Werkzeug der Mission unter den Heiden.—Die Bibelibersetzung. Berlin, 1855. 8vo, pp. 28. Hood, George. Do Missions Pay? or The Commercial Value of Missions. N. Y., 1872. 8vo, pp. 16. Hoole, E. Madras, Mysore and the South of India, a personal narrative. Lond., 1844. 12mo. Horne, M. (Late Chaplain of Sierra Leone). Letters on Missions. Andover, 1815. 24mo. Hough, J. The Missionary's Vade Mecum : Information and Sug- gestions for the use of Missionaries. Lond., 1882. 12mo. Hume, R. A. (Missionary of the American Board at Ahmednagar). Christianity tested by reason. Bombay, 1893. 8vo, pp. 16. Ingham, E. G. Sierra Leone after a hundred years. Lond., 1884- 12mo. Inglis, J. (33 years Missionary in the New Hebrides and New Zea- land). In the New Hebrides: Reminiscences of Missionary Life and Work, especially on Aneityum. Lond., 1887. 12mo. Isa, A. B. D. Food for reflection: a Historical Comparison be- tween Mohammedanism and Christianity. Lond., 1865. 3460–4 Jackson, S. Education in Alaska. Washington, D. C., 1889–92, 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 ’94. 8vo. (5 Reports.) Jenkins, R. C. The Jesuits in China and the Legation of Cardinal de Tournon. Lond., 1894, 12mo. Jameson, J. A. Responsibilities of American Merchants for the Conversion of the World to Christ. N. Y., 1855. 16mo. Jentzsch, F. (Missionar in China). Briefe aus China. Berlin, 1883. 8vo. Jessup, H. H. (34 years Missionary in Syria). The Mohammedan Missionary Problem. Phil., 1879. 16mo. Jew and Gentile : Report of a Conference of Israelites and Chris- tians regarding their mutual relation. N. Y., 1889. Royal 8vo. pp. 87. — 9 — 3470 John, Griffith (Missionary in China). China : its Claims and Call. Lond., 1882. 12mo, pp. 62. 3471 Johnson, A. B. Ein Gebirgsthal Afrikas, oder die Kirche in Regentstown in West Afrika. Hamburg, 1882. 16mo. — Robert (Missionary at Madras, d. 1853). Life. (See Braid- wood.) 8472 Johnston, J. Missionary Points and Pictures. Lond., 1892, 16mo. 3473 — James (M.D.). Reality against Romance in South Central Africa. Lond., 1893. Royal 8vo. 3474 — Samuel Fulton (d. 1861) and John William Matheson (d. 1862): (Canadian Missionaries in Tanna). Memoirs, by G. Patterson. Phil., 1864. 12mo. 3475 Josenhans, J. Atlas der evangelischen Missions-Gesellschaft zu Basel. 2 A. 1859, fol. 3476 Judson, Adoniram (Missionary in Burmah, d. 1850). Life, under the title : A Missionary of the Apostolic School, ed. by H. Bonar. Lond., 1870. 12mo, 3477 — Life, by J. H. Johnson. Chicago and N. Y., 1887. 12mo. 3477a Karsten, H. Geschichte der evangelisch-lutherischen Mission in Leipzig. Güstrow, 1893–4. 2 Theile, 8vo. 3478 Kennedy, Margaret S. (Missionary in Benares, d. 1891). Memoirs, by her husband, J. Kennedy. Lond., 1892. 12mo. 3479 Kesselring, H. (Professor in Zürich). Die Aufgabe der Protest- antischen Kirche u. Theologie in Bezug auf die àussere Mission. Zürich, 1884. 8vo, pp. 51. 3480 Keuchenius, W. C. Memorie betreffende de oprigting eener Maatschappij tot bevordering van de Christelijke belangen van Nederlandsch-Indie. Utrecht, 1866. 8vo, pp. xix, 44. 3481 Kingman, H. Index to the Chinese Recorder, vols. i-xx. Shang- hai, 1893. 8vo. 3482 Kingsmill, J. British Rule and British Christianity in India. Lond., 1859, 8vo. - 3483 Kitchen, M. A. A Japanese account of the Overthrow of Chris- tianity in Japan from ancient Japanese Manuscripts (Clippings from prob. “The Japanese Mail.”) Tokyo, 1885. 8vo. 3484 Knill, Richard (of St. Petersburgh, d. 1857). Life, by C. M. Birrell. Lond., 1860. 12mo. 3485 Krapf, J. L. (Vormals Missionar in Abessinien, d. 1880). Abessin- ien und den Aequator-Gegende. 2 Bde. in 1. 1858. 8vo. 3486 Kruijf, E. F. (Hoogleeraar te Groningen). Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap en zijne Zendingsposten. Groningen, 1894. Royal 8vo. 3487 (Labrador.) Missions in Labrador from their Commencement. Dublin, 1831, 16mo. 3488–9 Lacroix, M. Dictionnaire des Missions Catholiques. Paris, 1863–4. 2 Tom. Royal 8vo. 3490 Langdon, S. The Happy Valley: our New Mission Garden in Uva, Ceylon. Lond., 1890. 16mo. — 10 — 3491 Lapsley, Samuel Norvell (Missionary to the Congo Valley, West Africa, d. 1893). Life and Letters; by his father. Richmond, 1893. 8vo. 3492 Lasonder, E. H. Die geschiedenis der Christelijke Mission een belangrijk onderdeel der Christelijke Theologie. 2 druk. Utrecht, 1878. 8vo, pp. 40. 3493 (Lavigerie) (le Cardinal, d. 1892). L’Assaut des Pays Négres: Journal des Missionaires d'Alger dans l'Afrique Équatoriale. Paris, 1884. Royal 8vo. - 3494 Lawrence, E. A. (Pastor First Cong. Church, Baltimore, Md., d. 1894). Modern Missions in the East. N. Y., 1895. 12mo. 3495 Legge, J. (Professor of Chinese in the University of Oaxford). The Nestorian Monument in China. Lond., 1888. 8vo, pp. 66. 3496 Lemkes, H. J. Een Zendeling zonder Zendinggenootschap : Het leven van Johannes Meijer. Rotterdam, 1871. 12mo, pp. 130. 3497–8 Leonardi, G. Die Missionsgeschichte der Christlichen Kirche. Leipzig. 2 Bände. 12mo. 3499 Letters relative to Foreign Missions: Containing Several of Mel- ville Horne's Letters on Missions, etc. Andover, 1810. 16mo. 3500 Livingstone Anecdotes, by Dr. Macaulay. Lond., n. d. 24mo. 3500a, Lºgstrup, T. Nordens Missioner. 1893. Kjøbenhavn, 1893. 8vo. pp. 24. (See 1859.) 3501 (London Missionary Society.) Sermons preached in London at the formation of the Society, Sept. 22–24, 1795. Lond. : re- printed, Newburyport, 1797. 12mo. 3502 Looman, T. M. Zendelingsweduwe. Amsterdam, 1856. 16mo, pp. 161. 3503 —- Abbeokoeta : het onstaan en den vooruitgang der Zending in Yorriba. Amsterdam, 1860. 12mo. 3504 Lowe, Clara M. S. Punrooty : or, The Gospel winning its way among the Women of India. Lond., n. d. 16mo. 3505 Lucas, J. J. How shall we deal with Hindu and Mahommedan Enquirers who have more than one wife? Allahabad, 1886. 8vo, pp. 28. 3506 Lucius, E. (Professor in Strassburg). Die Kräftigung des Mis- sionssinnes. Strassburg, 8vo, pp. 38. 3507 Lutteroth, H. O-Taiti, Histoire et enquête. Paris, 1845. 8vo. 3508 Lyman, Henry (Martyr of Sumatrú, d. 1834). Memoir. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. 3508a Lyon, D. W. (Sec. Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Mis- Sions). Sketch of the History of Protestant Missions in China. Chicago, 1895. 12mo, pp. 26. 3509 Macfarlane, J. Jubilee of the World. Prize Essay on Missions. Glasgow, 1842. 12mo. 3510 Mackensie, J. (of the London Missionary Society). Ten Years North of the Orange River. Edinb., 1871. 12mo. - 3511–12 — J. Austral Africa. Lond., 1887. 2 vols. 8vo. 85.1% McDougall, F.T. (Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, d. 1886). #: "...Mºmbii, and also of Harriette, his wife. London, 1889. 8vo. 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 McMahon, R. (Deputy Commissioner British Burmah). The Rarens of the Golden Chersonese. Lond., 1876. Maps of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Lond., 1894. Royal 8vo. Marratt, J. Two Standard-Bearers in the East, Dr. Duff and Dr. Wilson. Lond., 1882. 8vo. - (Marattas.) Memorial Papers of the Marathi Mission, 1818–1881. Bombay, 1882. 8vo. Marshman, J. Thoughts on Propagating Christianity more effec- tually among the heathen. 2 ed. Serampore, 1827. 24mo. Marston, A. W. The Great Closed Land, a Plea for Thibet. Lond., [1894]. Sm. 4to. Martin, William (d. 1883) and Gavin (d. 1874: Missionaries in Rajputana). Life and Work. By W. F. Martin. Edinb., 1886. 12mo. Martyn, Henry (First Modern Missionary to the Mohammadans, d. 1812). Life, by George Smith. Edinb. and N. Y., [1894]. 8vo. — Life by Mrs. S. J. Rhea. N. Y., 1883. 12mo. — and Mills, Samuel J., Lives, by S. J. Rhea and E. G. Stryker. N. Y., m. d. 12mo. Matheson, John William (Missionary in Tanna). See Johnston, S. F. Medical Missions at the instance of the Edinburgh Medical Mis- sionary Society. Edinb., 1849. 16mo. Merrick, Jas. L. (Eleven years Missionary to the Persians, d. 1866). Life and Religion of Mohammed as contained in the Sheeah traditions of the Hyāt-Ul-Kuloob : translated from the Persian. N. Y. and Boston, 1850. Michelsen, O. (Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of Otago, New Zealand). Cannibals won for Christ : a Story of Missionary Perils and Triumphs in Tongoa, New Hebrides. Lond., [1892]. 12mo. Millard, E. C. The Same Lord: an account of the Mission Tour of the Rev. George C. Grubb in Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Lond., 1893. 8vo. - — and Guinness, L. E. South America, the Neglected Continent. Lond., 1894. Small 4to. Miller, S. (Professor in Princeton. Theological Seminary). Ser- mon delivered in the Middle Church, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 12, 1822, at the ordination of the Rev. Messrs. William Goodell, William Richards, and Artemas Bishop as Evangelists and Mis- sionaries to the Heathen. Boston, 1822. 8vo, pp. 48. Milman, Robert (Bishop of Calcutta, d. 1876). Memoir, by his Sister. Lond., 1879. 8vo. Missionary's Dream, by a Missionary. Lond., 1880. 16mo. Missionary Memorial. N. Y., 1846. 12mo. – Papers of the American Board, 1–23. Boston, n., d. 12mo, — 12 — 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 Missions-Vorträge bei der Versammlung der allgemein evangel- ische-protestantischen Missionsvereins in Weimar, von Furrer, Hesse. Bussu. and, Frankfurt a. M., 1884. Pp. 83. Moeler, J. A. Relation of Islam to the Gospel. Calcutta, 1847. 12mo, pp. 57. Moffat, Robert (Missionary in South Africa, d. 1883). Farewell Services in Edinburgh, Manchester and London. Lond., 1843. 16mo. Moister, W. Missionary Sermons. Lond., 1876. Moorhead, M. W. The Student Missionary Enterprize: Addresses at the Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement for For- eign Missions at Detroit. Boston, 1894. 8vo. Morgan, J. Reminiscences of the Founding of a Christian Mis- sion on the Gambia. Lond., 1864. 24mo. Morris T. M. A. Winter in North China. N. Y., 1892. 12mo, "Morrison, Mrs. A. M. (of the North India Mission, d. 1838). Memoir, by E. J. Richards. N. Y., 1843. 24mo. — Robert (Missionary to China, d. 1834). View of China for Philological Purposes. Macao, 1817. 4to. — Parting Memorial, consisting of Miscellaneous Discourses. Lond., 1826, 8vo. Mosheim, J. L. (Chancellor of the University of Göttingen, d. 1755). Memoirs of the Christian Church in China. Lond., 1850. 8vo, pp. 60. | Moseley, W. W. Origin of the First Protestant Mission to China. Lond., 1842, 8vo, pp. 60. Moule, A. E. (Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in China). China as a Mission Field, 2 ed. Lond., 1891. 16mo, pp. 80. — The Story of the Cheh-Kiang Mission. 4 ed. Lond., 1891 12mo. & Mozoomdar, P. S. Life and Teachings of Keshub Chunder Sen. Calcutta, 1887. 12mo, — The Faith and Progress of the Brahmo Somaj. Calcutta, 1882. 16mo. Muir, W. The Corán : its Composition and Teaching, and the Testimony it bears to the Holy Scriptures. 1878. 16mo. Murdock, J. Education in India : a Letter to the Marquis of Ripon. Madras, 1881. 8vo. Murray, A. W. (of the London Missionary Society). Missions in Western Polynesia. Lond., 1863. 8vo. — J. R. Hindu Pastors: the Ministry of the Indian Natives of the English Church. Lond., 1892, 12mo. Nath, Lala Baij (Chief Justice of Indore). Social Reform for the N. W. Province (India). Bombay, 1886. 8vo, pp. 55. Neesima, Joseph Hardy (Founder of Doshisha College, d. 1890). Life, by J. D. Davis. N. Y., 1894. 16mo. — 13 — 3557a Neudenburg, J. C. Over Zending-Methode. Rotterdam. 12mo, pp. 168. 3558 — De Christelijke Zending der Nederlanders in de 17* en 184° Eeuw. Rotterdam, 1891. 8vo. 3559 Nevius, J. N. (40 years Missionary in China, d. 1893). Methods of Missionary Work. Shanghai, 1886. 12mo, pp. 104. 3559a — Demon Possession (in China). Chicago and N. Y., 1894. 12mo. 3560–1 Nicholas, J. L. Voyage to New Zealand in Company with Rev. - Samuel Marsden. Lond., 1817. 2 vols. 8vo. 3562 Niekampii, J. L. Historia Missionis Evangelicae in India Orien- tali: in usum exterorum in linguam Latinam translata et aucta. Halae, 1747. 4to. - 3563 Nixon, F. R. The Cruise of the Beacon. Lond., 1857. 12mo, 3563a Nott, Samuel (Late Missionary at Bombay, d. 1869). Sermon on the Idolatry of the Hindoos, delivered at Franklin, Conn., with appendix. Norwich. 8vo, pp. 95. * 3564 Oehler, L. Alltagsleben in China. Basel, 1892. 16mo. 3565 Oliver, S. P. The True Story of the French Dispute in Madagas- - car. Lond., 1855. 8vo. - 3566 Onasch, H. C. Siegespalmen aus Ostindien. Gütersloh, 1893. 12mo. - - 3567 Orme, W. Defence of the Missions in the South Sea and Sand- wich Islands. Lond., 1827. 8vo. 3568 Osborne, D. (Missionary at Mussoorie, India). India and its Missions. Phil., 1884. 12mo. 3569 Oshikawa, Masayoshi (Japanese Missionary in Sendai, Japan). - Life and Work, under the title “Won by Prayer,” by A. R. Bartholomew. Phil., 1891. 16mo. 3570 Ostertag, A. Geschichte der Protestantischen Missionen von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart. Stuttgart, 1858. 8vo. 3571 Owen, W. Memorials of Christian Martyrs in the Indian Rebel- - lion. Lond., 1859. 16mo. 3572–8 Pagés, Leon, Histoire de la Religion Chrétienne au Japan depuis 1598 jusqu’à 1651. Paris, 1869. 2 Tom. 8vo. 3574–5 Paton, John G. (Missionary to the New Hebrides). N. Y., 1890. - 2 vols. 12mo. 3576 — Mrs. M. W. Letters and Sketches from the New Hebrides. 3 ed. N. Y., 1895. 12mo. 3576a Pauli, J. Die Evangelischen Missionen in Afrika. Erlangen, 1868–69. 8vo. 3577 Peggs, J. (Late Missionary at Cuttack, Orissa). India's Cries to British Humanity. 2 ed. Lond., 1830. 8vo. 3577a — Orissa : a History of the General Baptist Mission in that Province. Lond., 1846. 8vo. — 14 — PERIODICALS : (1) American. [Continued from 1973 to 2779 in Catalogue No. 2.] NOTE.-The mark–H shows that the Periodical is continued and regularly received. 3578–3619 Baptist Missionary Magazine (Monthly). Complete from vol. xvi, 1836 to 1895, except July, 1851, June, 1854, and May and June, 1883. 41 vols. Boston. 8vo. + 3620–22 Bible Society Record. N. Y., 1893–95. + 4to. 3623–25 Church at Home and Abroad (Presbyterian Church, North.) Philadelphia, 1893–95. -- (Complete, see 1988.) - 3626–38 Deutscher Missionsfreund. (German Evangelical Synod of North America.) i, 1884–Xii, 1895. -- St. Louis, Mo. 4to. 3639–41 Gospel in All Lands. (Methodist Episcopal Church.) Monthly. N. Y., 1893–95. 4. Royal 8vo. (Complete, except vol. i., 1880. See 2029.) 3642—44 Herald of Mission News. (Reformed Presbyterian Church.) - N. Y., 1893–95. 4- 8vo. - 3645–56 Israelite Indeed (The). Devoted to the illustration and defence of the Hebrew Christianity. Vol. i-viii. N. Y., 1857–1864. 8vo. 3659 Medical Missionary Record. (Monthly.) N. Y., 1886. Sm. 4to. 3660–63 Methodist Review of Missions. xiv., 1893–95. -- Nashville. 8vo. 3664-66 Mission Field. (Reformed Church in America.) 1893–95. + (Still wanting i-iii. See 2058.) 3667–71 Missionary Guardian. (Reformed Church in the United States.) Monthly. Philadelphia. i, 1891–1895. 4- 8vo. (Complete.) 3672–74 Missionary Herald. (Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign - Missions.) Boston, 1893–95. + 8vo. (Complete.) See 2061. 3675–78 — Record. (Cwmberland Presbyterian Church.) Vols. xvi- xix complete, except Sept., 1890, and June, 1892. St. Louis, 1890–95. 4- 8vo. (Wanting i-xv. See 2062.) 3679–88 — Review (Ed. by Rev. R.W. Wilder, d. 1887). Vol. i-x. 8vo. Princeton, N. J., 1878–87. (Complete.) 3689–91 — Review of the World. (Ed. by Rev. A. T. Pierson.) 8vo. N. Y., 1893–95. -- (Complete. See 2075.) 3692–3702 Panoplist. i-xvi, 1809–20 (Wanting vols. iii-v.) Boston. 13 vols., 8vo. 3704–06 Spirit of Missions. (Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States.) N. Y., 1893–95. 4 (Complete. See 2076.) 3707 Student Volunteer. i, Nos. 1, 3, 4. Chicago, 1893. 16mo. (2) British and Colonial. 3708–10 Bible Society (British and Foreign) Reporter. Lond., 1893–5. 4- 8vo. - 3711–13 China's Millions. Lond., 1893–5. 4- 4to. (See 2080.) 3714–21 Christian Work, or News of the Churches. Lond., 1866–70. 5 vols. 8vo. - — 15 — 3722–25 Chronicle of the London Missionary Society. Lond., 1864–67, '69–70. (Supplied, see 2103.) 1893–95. + 8vo. (Still wanting 1838–54.) 3726–31 Church Missionary Intelligencer. London, 1889–91, ’93–95. H- 8vo. (Now complete, see 2104.) 3732–34 Church of Scotland Mission Record. Edinburgh, 1879–91, ’93– 95. + See 2105. (Wanting May, 1885, and May, '88 ; also 1890 (all); most of ’77; 1878, March–July, Oct.–Dec. ; 1879, Jan.; '81, Sept.; '82, Jan., Feb., May.) 3736–46 Evangelical Christendom. (Evangelical Alliance.) Monthly. i, 1847–1865. (Wanting 1863, '64.) Lond. 11 vols. 8vo. 3747–49 Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record. Edinburgh, 1893– 95. + Sm. 4to. (See 2129.) 3750–51 Illustrated Missionary News. Lond., 1893–95. 4- 4to. (See 2139.) 3751a–55a Maritime Presbyterian. 1886, '87–90. New Glasgow, Nova - Scotia. 8vo. (Imperfect.) 3752–54 Mission Field. (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) Lond., 1893–95. -- 8755–56 Missions of the World. (Monthly, ed. by Rev. Gavin Carlyle.) Lond., i, 1894, 1895. -- 4to. 3757–59 Missionary Herald. (Baptist Missionary Society.) Lond., 1893–95. + (See 2241.) 3760–62 — Record of the United Presbyterian Church. Edinburgh, * 1893–95. 4- (See 2236 for vols. wanting.) 8763 News from Afar, a magazine for young people. (Monthly.) Lond., 1895. -- 8764–65 Niger and Yoruba Notes. (Monthly.) i, 1894, '95. 4- Lond. 12mo. 3766–67 Our Missions. (Friends Foreign Missions Association.) Lond., 1894–95. 4- 12mo. 3766–77 Our Sisters in Other Lands. (Woman’s Missionary Association of the Church of England.) Quarterly. Lond., 1879–91. Lond. 4to. 3778–80 Presbyterian Record, (Presbyterian Church in Canada.) Montreal, 1893–95. -- 8vo. 8781–83 Sierra Leone Messenger. (Quarterly.) Lond., 1893–95. 4- 8vo. 3784–99 South American Missionary Magazine. (South Am. Mission- ary Association.) Lond., vii, 1873-88. 16 vols. 8vo. (Want- ing vols. i-vi.) (3) German. 3800 Afrika. (vom evangelischen Afrika-Verein.) ii, 1895. 4. Berlin. 8vo. 3801 Allgemeine Missions-Zeitung, i, 1845. Hamburg. 8vo. 8802–4 — — Zeitschrift. 1893–5. 4. Gütersloh. 8vo. (Still want- ing, 1888–90. See 2378.) 3805–8 Berliner Missions-Berichte. Berlin, 1893–95. 4- 8vo. (See 2534.) 3809–12 Berichte der Rheinischen Missions-Gesellschaft. Barmen, 1892– 95.4 (Still wanting, 1848–50) 8vo. (See 2417.) — 16 — 3813–3846 Calwer Missionsblatt. (Monthly.) i, 1828–xxx, 1860. (Want- ing 1859, '61–87) 1892–95. -- Calw. 4to. (See 2419.) 3847–54 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionsblatt. 1878–82. (Wanting 1879.) 1893–95. + Leipzig. 8vo. (See 2464.) 3855–57 Evangelisches Missions-Magazin. Basel, 1893–95. 4- 8vo. (Still wanting 1881, ’82, '86–89. See 2423.) 3858–60 Hermannsburger Missionsblatt. 1893–5. + 8vo. (Still wanting 1879–92. See 2516.) 3861 Jahrbuch der Deutschen Protestanten-Vereins. Bd. i. Elber- feld, 1869. 8vo. 3862–64 Missions-Blatt der Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut, 1893–95, + 3865 Mittheiligungen aus der Brüder-Gemeine. Herrnhut. i., 1895. + 8vo. (Continuation of “Nachricht aus der Brüdergemeine.”) 3866 — von der Norddeutschen Missions-Gesellschaft. i. 1845, '50. Hamburg. 8vo. 3867–71 Monatsblätter für öffentlichen MissionsStunden : ed. Gundert u. Hesse. Stuttgart. (Imperfect.) 1888–92. 3872–73 Nachricht aus der Brüdergemeine. Gnadau, 1893–4. 12mo. (See 2556 and 3865.) 3874–76 Nathanael; Zeitschrift für die Arbeit der evangelischen Kirche an Israel. Berlin, 1893–95. -- 8vo. 3877–79 Saat auf Hoffnung. (Quarterly.) Leipzig, 1893-95. + (Com- plete: see 2600.) - 3880–82 Zeitschrift für Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft. (Quarterly.) Berlin, 1893–95, + 8vo. (Wanting Bd. I. See 2605.) (4) Dutch. 3883–99 Berigten aangaande de uitbreiding van Gods Koningrijk op aarde. D. i, 1847–58, '83–86. Utrecht, 16 deelen. 8vo. (Lacks '81, '82, '89-95. See 1003.) 3900 — uit de Heiden-wereld, uitgegeven door het Zendings- genootschap te Zeist. 8vo. 1837, '88, '46–74. 16 vols. (Want- ing 1839–45, 75–95.) 3901–14 — van de Utrechtsche Zendingsvereeningen. Utrecht. i-xvi, 1860–75. (Wanting 1869.) 8vo. 3915–32 Geillustrierd Zendingblad. Orgaan van het Java-Comité. Amsterdam, 1869, '70, "76–May, 1892. 4to. 3933–36 Maandberigten van het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. Rotterdam, 1892–95. -- 8vo. (See 2620.) 3939 Macedonier (De); Algemeen Zendingstijdschrift. Leiden, 1893. 8vo. (Discontinued. See 2620.) 3940–45 Mededeelingen van het Java-Comité. (Monthly.) iii-vii. Am- sterdam, 1864–68. 8vo. (Wanting i-ii.) 3946–48 — van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. (Quar- terly.) Rotterdam, 1892–95. + (Complete from 1857. See 2621.) 3949–61 Rijnsche Zending : Tijdschrift derbevordering van het Christen- dom in Nederlandsch Indie. Amsterdam, 1869–78, '81. 8vo. — 17 — (5) French and Swiss. 8962–66 Bulletin Missionnaire des Églises Libres de la Suisse Romande. Lausanne, 1891–95. -- 12mo. (See 2686.) - 3967–69 Journal des Missions Évangéliques. (Monthly.) Paris, 1893–95. + 8vo. (See 2687.) (6) Swedish. 3970–72 Lunds Missionstidning (Monthly.) Lund. 1893–95. 4- 8vo. 3973–75 Meddelanden från Studentenmissionsföreningen i Upsala. v. Aarg, 1–3, 1893: vi. 1, 2, 1894; vii. 1, 1895. + (See 1158 and 2743.) - (7) Danish. 3976–89 Almindelig Kirketidende: udg. af J. Wahl og O. S. Assens I—xiii. 1860–72. Kjppenhavn. 8vo. (See 2762.) 8989–98 Dansk Missions—Blad: udg. af det Danske Missionsselskab, 1879, '80, 85–90, '93–95.4 (Wanting 1881–84.) Kjøpenhavn. 8vo. (See 2777.) (8) Norwegian. 3999–4016 Missionsblad, udg. af Komiteen for den Norske Kirkes Mission ved Schreuder. Christiania. Aarg. I—xviii, 1876– 1895. -- 8vo. 4017–18 Norsk Missionstidende, udg. af det Norske Missionsselskab. Stavanger, 1894, '95. 4- 8vo. (See 2779.) (9) India, China and Japan. 4019–21 Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal. (Monthly.) Shang- hai 1893–95. + (Still wanting vols. xi-xxii.) gº-ººm- Index. (See Kingman.) 4022–24 Japan Evangelist. (Am. Missionaries in Japan.) Yokohama, i. 1893–95. 4- 8vo. 4024a Medical Missions in India. (Quarterly.) Adjmere, Rajputana. i. 1895. -- 12mo, 4024b Perkins, Justin (Missionary to the Nestorians, d. 1869). Missionary Life in Persia among the Nestorian Christians. N. Y., 1861. 16mo. 4025 Pétavel, W. Voyage du Missionnaire A. F. Lacroix au temple de Jogonnath. Neuchatel, 1850. 8vo, pp. 67. 4026 Pierson, A. T. The Divine Enterprise of Missions. N. Y., 1891. 12mo. 4027 – The New Acts of the Apostles, or, The Marvels of Modern Missions. (Duff Missionary Lectureship.) N. Y., 1894. 12mo. 4028 Plath, K. H. C. Gossner's Mission unter Hindus und Kohls. Berlin, 1889. 8vo. — 18 — 4029 Pond, E. (Pastor of the Church in Ward, Mass., and Professor : in Bangor Theol. Seminary, d. 1882.) Monthly Concert Lec- tures. Worcester, 1824. 12mo. 4030 — Samuel W. (d. 1891), and Gideon H. (d. 1878.) Two Volunteer Missionaries among the Dakotas. Labors, by S. W. Pond, Jr. Boston, 1893. 12mo. º 4081 Pool, J. J. The Land of Idols : or Talks with young people about India. Lowell, 1894. 12mo. 4032 Popitz, F. Sammlung von Missions-Predigten verschiedener Verfasser. Dessau, i, ii, 1855–1858. 8vo. - 4033 Portal, Sir Gerald. (British Commissioner to Uganda, d. 1894.) The British Mission to Uganda in 1893. Lond., 1894. 8vo. 4033a Presbyterian Church (in the U. S.). Historical Sketch of the Board of Foreign Missions. N. Y., 1887–88. pp. 28. 4034 Pressensé, E. Apostolat Missionarie. Paris, 1879. 8vo, pp. 31. 4085 Ragland, Thomas G. (Missionary in North Tinnevelly, d. 1858.) Life by T. T. Perowne. Lond., 1861. 12mo. 4086 Reichel, L. T. Missions-Atlas der Brüder-Unität. Herrnhut, 1860, fol. - 4037 Reid, G. (Missionary of the Am. Presbyterian Board.) Glances at China. Lond., m. d. 16mo. 4038 Reitsma, A. T. Geschiedkundig overzigt van de vestiging en uitbreiding des Christendoms op aarde. Groningen, 1856. 12mo. . REPORTS, Annual. 4039-41 American Bible Society. N. Y., 1893–95. -- (for Nos. wanting see 2817.) 4042–3 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1893–94. Boston. 8vo. (Now complete in 78 vols. : see 2818.) 4043a — in Coöperation with the Kumi-ai Churches of Japan, 1892. 12mo. 4044–49 — Madura Mission. Madura, 1884–87, '91, ’94. (See 2821.) 4050-58 — Marathi Mission. 1866, '68, '74, '75, '82, '91–94. (Still wanting 1867, '69–73, '76–81. (See 1264, 2822.) 4059–60 — North China Mission. 1893, '94. (See 1310.) 4061 American Missionary Association. 48th Annual Meeting at Hartford. 1892. 8vo. 4062–64 — Inter-Seminary Missionary Alliance. 1892–94, 8vo. > (Wanting Nos. i., iii-ix. See 2832.) 4065 Arabian Mission. Nos. 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. N. Y. 8vo. 4066 Baptist Missionary Society. Lond., 1819–24, '29, '34, '37, 42–56, '61–65, '67–92. 45 vols. (Wanting 25–28, '85–86, ’38–41, ’57, * - '60, '66. 8vo. - • 4067 — Indian Report for 1885. Calcutta, 1886. 8vo. 4068–78 (Basel) Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft. xxviii, 1853–1861, '86, ’88. (See 2870: still wanting i-xxvii, xxix-xxxix, also • 1887–94.) 4069–70 (Berlin.) Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft zur Befórderung der evangelischen Missionen unter den Heiden. Berlin, lxii, lxiii. 1885, '86. 4071 (Berlin.) German Evangelical Missionary Society in S. W. India. xlvii for 1886. Mangalore. - 4072–76 British and Foreign Bible Society. Lond., 1841, ’44, '45, "72. (Wanting 1837–9.) 4077–78 Brüdergemeine. Herrnhut, 1893, '94, 8vo. 4079–80 Christian Literature Society for India. Bombay Branch, Poona, 1894, 8vo. 4081 Church Missionary Society, Proceedings. Lond., 1891. 8vo. (See 740.) 4082 — Amritsar Mission. xxvi, for the year 1885. Lahore, 1886. 8vo. - 4083–84 — Fuh-Kien Mission. Annual letters 1885–6; 1886–7, 8vo. 4085–86 — Extracts from the annual letters of the Missionaries. Lond. Parts 2–8, 1887–88: 1–5, 1890–91. 8vo. 4087–89a Church of Scotland, Schemes for, 1892–95. Edinburgh. 8vo. 4089b — Darjeeling Mission Institution, for 1886–88. Darjeeling. Royal 8vo. 4090 Cumberland Presbyterian Church. xlvi, 1891. St. Louis. 8vo. (See 1269.) 40900. Doopgezinde Vereenigen tot bevordering der Evangeliever- breiding in de Nederlandsche overzeeische bezitting. 27 verslag. Amsterdam, 1875, 8vo. - 4091–93 Evangelical Lutheran Church, General Synod. Phil., 1889, '91. - 8vo. - 40930. Evangelisch-Lutherische Mission. lxviii-lxxiv. Leipzig, 1886– 1893. 12mo. 7 Nos. 4094–103 Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883, '85–91, '93, '94. (Now complete from 1880: see 2872.) - 4104 — Santal Mission for 1886. Calcutta, 1887. 4105–09 Friends' Foreign Missionary Association. Leominster and London, 1890–94. 8vo. 4110–13 — Medical Mission in Madagascar for 1889–92. Antanana- rivo. 12mo. 4114–15 Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 1893, '94. Honolulu. 8vo. 4116 Lodiana Mission, li. Lodiana, 1886. 8vo. 4117–20 London Missionary Society, 1837, 73, '93–95. 8vo. (Still - wanting 1815, 16, 18–27, '70, 72, '78–81. See 2940.) 4121 – Bengal Auxiliary, 67th Report. Calcutta, 1886. 8vo. 4122–23 — Reports of the Work in Madras for 1887, '88. Madras. 8vo. 4124 — — at Benares for 1885. Benares, 1886. 4125 — — in Ranikhet. Calcutta, 1887, '88. 8vo. 4126 — Travancore District Committee for 1887. Nagercoil, 1888. 8vo. 4127 — Medical Mission, South Travancore. Nagercoil, 1889, '93, 4128–9 — Mission Seminary, South Travancore. Nagercoil, 1886, '93. 4130 – Zenana and School work, at Nagercoil, S. Travancore, for 1887. Madras, 1888.) — 20 — Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. (Wanting from 1891 on. See 1303.) 4131 — North China Mission. Shanghai, 1885. 4132 — North India Conference. xxi, 1886. Lucknow, 8vo. 4133–56 Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap. 1846–69. Rotterdam. 8vo. (See Extract—Acten, 268.) 4157 Norske Missionsselskab. 52* Aarsberekning. 1894, Stavan- ger. 8vo. 4158 (Paris) Société des Missions Évangéliques, 69 Rapport, 1894. 4159–64 Periodical Accounts relative to the Baptist Mission. i-wi, 1800– ’18. Clipton and London. (Then continued under the title, Baptist Missionary Society.) 4164a–65 Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1893, '94, Toronto. 8vo. (See 2968.) 4166–75 — in the United States of America, 1838. Nos. 1 (1838), 2, 9, - 15, 24, 26, 45, 47, 50, 53. N. Y. (See 3024.) 4176–78 Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. N. Y., 1892–94, 8vo. - - 4179–4211 Reformed (Dutch) Church in America. xxv, 1857–lix, 1891. (Wanting xxvii, 1859, and xl, 1876.) N. Y. 33 vols. 8vo. 4212–16 — German Church in the United States. i-v, Triennial. 1878–93. Lebanon, Pa. 8vo. 4217 Rheinischer Mission in Java, 1869. Barmen. 12mo. pp. 50. 4218–20 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Lond., 1886, '92, '93, 8vo. (See 3037.) 4221–22 — in Connection with the Cambridge Mission to Delhi. 7th and 8th Reports, 1885, '86. 12mo. 4223 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge : Abstract of the - Annual Reports, from its connection with the East India Mis- sions, A.D. 1709 to the present day. Lond., 1814. 8vo. 4224–25 Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions : Report of the 1st International Convention at Cleveland, O. Boston, 1891. 8vo; 2d Convention at Detroit. Boston, 1894, 8vo. (See Moor- head, No. 3539.) - 4226 United Brethren in Christ. x1, 1893. Dayton, O. 8vo. 4227 Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Lond, 1887. (Still wanting 1858, '61, ’72, '90–95.) (See 3069.) 4228 — for the Madras District. xxi-xxix. Madras, 1836–48 : - Canarese Mission in the Mysore Territory. x–xiv. Bangalore, 1849–1853. 1 vol. 8vo. 4229 — in the Colombo District for 1885. Colombo, 1886. 8vo. 4230–5 woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian *: Church. xiv.–xx. Phil., 1884–1890. 12mo. 4236 — Board of Missions, presented at New Haven. 19th Report, 1887, 12mo, – 21 – 4238 Review of the Anti-Conversion Petition (of Parsees, Mussel- mans and Hindoos) in Bombay, by a Layman. Bombay, 1840. 8vo, pp. 41. 4239 Ribbentrop, Friedrich (Missionary in India, d. 1863). Leben, von W. Krüger. Bremen, 1873. 12mo. 4240 Richter, J. Evangelische Mission von Nyassa-Lande. Berlin, 1892. 12mo. 4241 – Uganda. Ein Blatt aus der Geschichte der evangelischen Mission und der Kolonialpolitik in Central Afrika. Gütersloh, 1893. 12mo. 4242 Righter, C. N. (Agent of the Am. Bible Society, d. 1856.) Life - and Letters, (under the title : The Bible in the Levant) by S. I. Prime. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. 4243 de le Roi, J. F. R. Die Mission der evangelischen Kirche an Israel. Gotha, 1893. 8vo. 4244 Römer, C. Kamerun : Land, Leute und Mission. 6 Aufl. 12mo. pp. 48. 4245 Rowley, H. (Formerly of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa.) Africa Unveiled. Lond., 1876. 12mo. - 4246 Ruthquist, Alexina Mackay. (Missionary in Nagpur, d. 1892.) Life : or, Singing the Gospel among Hindus and Gonds. Lond., 1893. 12mo. 4247 Saradon, A. Thèse Sur les Missions Évangéliques. Montauban, 1834. 8vo, pp. 23. 4248 Sawayama, P. Life and Work (entitled : A Modern Paul in Japan), by J. Naruse. Boston. 16mo. 1886. 4249 Schall, J. A. (Rom. Catholic Missionary in China, d. 1666.) Geschichte der chinesichen Mission, aus dem Lateinische über- setz von J. S. Mannsegg. Wien, 1834. 12mo. 4250-51 Schmidt, K. C. G. Lebensbeschreibungen der merkwürdig- sten evangelischen Missionare (Stephen Schultz, Wm. Carey, Deacar Schmid, B. Ziegenbalg, E. Gründler, T. Van der Kemp, Pliny Fisk, David Zeisberger, John Eliot, D. Brainerd, Rhenius, C. Buchanan. 6 Bändchen in 2. Leipzig, 1836-42. 12mo. 4252-53 – De Zegepraal des Christendoms : Geschiedenis van de invoering en uitbreiding des Evangelies door de Zendingen. 2 Stucken. Utrecht, 1845-6. 8vo. 4254-58 Schneider, H. G. Die gute Botschaft: Missionstractate der Brüdergemeine. (Kaila, Suriname, Paramaribo, Labrador, Gnadenthal.) Stuttgart, 1891. 5 Bde., 12mo. 4259 Schneider, J. Theologisches Jahrbuch auf das Jahr, 1895. (Heidenmission u. Die Missionen an Israel. pp. 212-288.) Gütersloh. 12mo. 4260 Schofield, Harold A. (First Medical Missionary to Shan-Si, China, d. 1883.) Memorials, by his brother. Lond., 1885. 12mo. 4261 Scott, A. M. Day-Dawn in Africa. (Cape Palmas.) N. Y., 1858. 12mo. v — 22 — 4262 4263 4264 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 Scudder, J. (Missionary to India.) The Redeemer's Last Command. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. Sermons, Missionary, preached by J. M. Mason, 1802, J. H. Livingston and others. 8vo. — before the Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, by J. Bates, 1825; A. Alexander, 1829; T. H. Skinner, 1843; M. Hopkins, 1845; I. Ferris, 1848; W. Adams, 1853; E. L. Cleaveland, 1863; J. B. Condit, 1864; L. P. Hickok, 1866; J. P. Thompson, 1867; A. J. Lyman, 1893; T. E. Clapp, 1894. (Still wanting '28, '30, 31, ’32, 34–40, '42, '69, '78.) See 1353 and 31050. — before the Foreign Missionary Society of New York and Brooklyn : by E. Mason, 1850; R. S. Storrs, 1851; M. S. Hutton, 1853; R. W. Clark, 1859; W. Clarke, 1860; H. W. Beecher, 1861; R. R. Booth, 1862; R. D. Hitchcock, 1863; J. P. Thomp- son, 1864; T. L. Cuyler, 1866. (See 3105.) Shaw, G. A. (London Soc. Missionary at Tamatave.) Mada- gascar of To-Day. Lond., 1886. 24mo. Sherring, N. A. (Missionary in Mirzapore.) The Indian Church during the Great Rebellion. 2 ed. Lond., 1859. 12mo. Simpson, A. B. Larger Outlooks on Missionary Lands: Jour- ney through Egypt, China, Japan, etc. N. Y., 1893. 8vo. — Wm. Overend. (Methodist Missionary in India, d. 1881.) Life, by S. Wray and R. Stephenson. Lond., 1886. 8vo. Smeding, H. Twee voorstellen aan vrienden der Protestant- ische Zendingen in N. Indie. 's Gravenhage, 1879. 8vo. pp. 30. Smith, Eli. (Missionary of the American Board to Syria, d. 1857.) Missionary Sermons and Addresses. Boston, 1833. 16mo. — George. The Conversion of India from Pantaenus to the Present Time. Lond., 1893. 8vo. — G. F. Uganda : its Story and its Claims. Lond., 1892. 8vo. pp. 60. - — J. Few. The American Lutheran Mission, with an appeal in its behalf. Albany, 1845. 8vo. pp. 50. (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) Account of the Society. Lond., 1706. Sm. 4to. - Sommerfelt, H. E. Den Norske Zulumission ; de firste 20 aar af Norske Missionselskab virksomhed. Christiania, 1865. 12mo. Sondermann, J. S. Tabellarische Uebersicht tiber die pro- testantischen Missionsgesellschaften, Missionsstationen und Missionare der Gegenwart. Nürnberg, 1846. 4to, Speckmann, F. Die Hermannsburger Mission in Afrika. Her- mannsburg, 1876. 8vo. - Squires, H. C. The Western India Mission of the Church Mis- sionary Society. Lond., 1887. pp. 28. * - Stevenson, J. Indian Home Mission to the Santhals and Colony of Assam. Edinb., 1884. 12mo, pp. 46. — 23 — 4282 4283 4284 .4285 4286 428, 4288 4289 4290 4291 4.299 4300 4301 4302 4303 (Tahiti.) The Night of Toil, or the Labors of the first Mis- sionaries in the South Sea Islands. 2 ed. Lond., 1844. 16mo. Talmadge, John V. Life: under the title, Forty Years in South China, by J. G. Fagg. N. Y., 1894. 12mo. Tanner, T. (Missionary in India.) Im Lande der Hindus. St. Louis, Mo., 1894. 12mo. Theal, G. M. History of the Boers in South Africa. Lond., 1887. 8V.O. Thoburn, J. M. Missionary Address: Methods, etc. N. Y., 1887. 12mo. Thomas, T. M. (of the London Missionary Society.) Eleven Years in Central South Africa. Lond., 1873, 8vo. Thompson, A. Great Missionaries. (Eliot, Brainerd, C. David, Williams, Van der Kemp, Campbell, Grant, Ziegenbalg, Schwartz, Carey, Martyn, Judson.) Lond., 1862. 12mo. — A. C. Protestant Missions: Their Rise and Early Progress. N. Y., 1894. 12mo. (Tinnevelly.) The Tinnevelly Mission in South India. Account of the Country and People. Lond., 1885. 12mo, pp. 24. Townsend Henry. (Forty years Missionary in West Africa and Founder of the Yoruba Mission, d. 1886.) Life, by G. Townsend. Lond., 1887. 12mo. — W. J. Madagascar: its Missionaries and Martyrs. Lond., [1892.] 12mo. - Tracy, C. C. Talks on the Veranda in a Far-away Land. Boston, 1893. 12mo. Treat, Selah B. (Sec. A. B. C. F. M., d. 1877.) Missionary Con- secration of Pastors. Cambridge, 1876. 8vo, pp. 10. Turner, Nathaniel. (Missionary in New Zealand, Tonga and Australia, d. 1864.) Life, by J. G. Turner. Lond., 1872. 12mo. (Uganda.) Eastern Equatorial Africa Mission of the Church Missionary Society. Lond., 1891. 16mo. Vahl, J. (Director of the Danish Missionary Society.) Missions to the Heathen in 1889 and 1890, a Statistical Review. Copen- hagen, 1892. 8vo, pp. 22. — Fjerde Tillaeg til Fortegnelsen over Bºger angaaende Hedningemissionen. Kjøbenhavn, 1893. 8vo, pp. 52. (See 1424.) Vanguard of the Christian Army. Lond., m. d. 12mo. Van Rhijn, L. J. (Afgevardige van het Nederlandsche Zen- delinggenootschap.) Reis door den Indischen Archipel. Rot- terdam, 1851. 8vo. Vernon, E. James Calvert : or From Dark to Dawn in Fiji. N. Y., n. d. 16mo. - Vindication of the Hindoos from the aspersions of Rev. Claudius Buchanan : by a Bengal officer. Lond., 1808. 8vo, pp. Voice from the Sanctuary on the Missionary Enterprise. Dis- courses delivered in America by C. P. McIlvaine, G. W. Doane, F. Wayland, W. R. DeWitt, Wm. Allen, N. S. S. Beman, Jno. M. Mason, Edw. Payson, Beriah Green, L. Woods, A. Barnes, A. Alexander, T. DeWitt, H. P. Tappan, D. Abeel, F. B. Thompson, Lyman Beecher, D. A. Clark, A. Dickinson, E. Yale, Justin Edwards, R. Anderson, T. H. Skinner, L. Bacon, S. Miller. Lond., 1845. 8vo. - 4304 Volunteer Movement : History, etc. Series No. 1, 3–11. Chi- cago, 1892–95. 24mo. 4805 Waldmeier T. en Flad, J. M., Ons Zendingwerk in Abessinié. Zwolle, 1870. 8vo. 4306 Wangemann, H. T. Ein Reise-Jahr in Süd-Afrika. Berlin, 1868. 8VO. 4307 — R. Südafrika u, Seine Bewohner. Berlin, 1881. 8vo. 4308 — Maléo und Sekuküni. Ein Lebensbild aus Südafrika. Berlin, n. d. 8vo. 4309 — Uebersichtkarte iiber die evangelische Missionsarbeit in Süd.-Afrika. Berlin, 1881. Imp. 8vo. 4310 Warneck, G. Die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen Mis- sion u. Cultus. Gütersloh, 1879. 8vo. • 4311 — Die Mission in der Schule. 4* Ausg. Gütersloh, 1887. 12mo. 4812 — Evangelische Missionslehre, II* Abth. (See 3191.) Gotha, 1894. 8vo. 4313 Warren, W. These for Those. Our indebtedness to Foreign Missions. Portland, Me., 1890. 12mo. 4314 Waugh, A. (One of the Founders of the London Missionary Society, d. 1837.) Memoir. N. Y., 1851. 12mo. 4315. Weidmann, C. Deutsche Männer in Afrika. Lexicon der * , hervorragendsten deutschen Afrika-Forscher, Missionare, etc. Lübeck, 1894, 8vo. 4316 Welsh, Wm. Report of a visit to Sioux, Ponkas and Chip- pewas. Phil., 1870. 8vo. pp. 28. 4316a Werndly, G. H. De Linguarum Orientalium et Indicarum cogni- tione necessaria theologo ad Indos profecturo. Amstelodami. Sm. 4to. pp. 32. 4317 Whately, E. Jane. Home Workers for Foreign Missions. Lond., n. d. 16mo. 4318 (Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society.) Report of the Jubilee Fund. Lond., 1869. 8vo. 4318a. Wheeler, L. N. (Methodist Missionary in China.) The For- eigner in China. Chicago, 1881. 12mo. 4319 (Wheelock.) Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School in Lebanon in Connecticut, New England; founded and carried on by that Faithful Servant of God, the Rev. Mr. Eleazar Wheelock. 2 ed. Lond., 1767. 12mo, pp. 62. 4320 Whitman, Marcus. (Martyred Missionary of Oregon, d. 1847.) The Pathfinder of the Pacific Northwest. By J. Edwards. Spokane. 8vo. pp. 48. 4321 Wiersma, J. N. Ervarigen gedurende mijn twalfjarig Zendingsleven. Rotterdam, 1876. 12mo. — 25 — 4322 Wigram, T. E. Tour to the Missions of the Church Missionary Society in 1886–87. Lond., 1887. 12mo. 4323 Wilks, M. Tahiti : Origin, Character and Progress of French Roman Catholic efforts for the destruction of English Protest- ant Missions in the South Seas. Lond., 1844. 4324 Willard, E. S. Kindashon's Wife: an Alaskan Story. 3 ed. N. Y., 1892. 12mo. 4325 Williams, S. Wells. (Missionary to China, and Professor of Chinese in Yale College, d. 1884.) The Controversy among Protestant Missionaries on the proper translation of the words God and Spirit into Chinese. Andover, 1878. 8vo. pp. 46. 4326 — Protestant Missions in China during the last half century since the death of Morrison. 8vo. pp. 20. 4327 — Address commemorative of, before the Medical Missionary Society of China. 8vo. pp. 7. 4328 — Autobiographical Sketch. From the Chinese Recorder, 1889. 8vo. pp. 8. 4329–30 Williamson, A. (Agent for the Bible Society of Scotland.) Journeys in North China, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia. Lond. 2 vols. 12mo. - 4331 Wilson, Capt. James. (d. 1814.) Memoirs. Containing an account of his Missionary Voyage to the South Sea. By John Griffin. Lond., n. d. 8vo. 4332 Woods, L. (Professor in the Theological Seminary at Andover, d. 1854.) Sermon delivered at the Tabernacle in Salem, Feb. 6, 1812, on occasion of the ordination of the Rev. Messrs. Samuel Newell, A.M.; Adoniram Judson, A.M.; Samuel Nott, A.M.; Gordon Hall, A.M.; and Luther Rice, A.B., Missionaries to the Heathen in Asia. Under the direction of the Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, 1812. 8vo. pp. 44. - 4333 Worcester, S. (Secretary of the American Board, d. 1821.) Address of the Prudential Committee of the A. B. C. F. M. to all Societies of every name auxiliary to the Board. Boston, 1820. 8vo. pp. 8. 4834 — S. A. (Missionary to the Cherokee Indians, d. 1859.) Examination of the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Samuel A. Worcester against the State of - Georgia : by Oglethorpe. Augusta, Ga., 1832, 8vo. pp. 32. 4335 — J. R. Japan as a Mission Field. Boston, 1881. 12mo. pp. 24. 4336–37 Wullschlägel, H. R. Lebensbilder aus der Geschichte der Brüdermission. Stuttgart, 1843. 2 Bde. 12mo. 4338–39 Xavier, Franz von. (Aus der Gesellschaft Jesu, d. 1552.) Briefe, tibersetz und erklärt von Joseph Burg. 3 Bde, in 2. Coblenz, 1845. 8vo. 4840 — Lettres, traduites par M. Lovys Abelly. Paris, 1660, 8vo. 4341–42 — Life and Letters. By H. J. Coleridge. Lond., 1872. 2 vols. 12mo. — 26 — 4842a Xavierii, F. De vita libri sex H. Tursellini e Societate Jesu, Coloniae Agrippinaae. 1610. 16mo. - 4343 Young, E. D. Nyassa. A journal of adventures whilst explor- ing Lake Nyassa, and establishing the settlement of Living- stonia. Lond., 1877. 12mo. 4344 — E. R. Trophies from African Heathenism. Lond., 1892. 12mo, 4345 — Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Camp-fires. Lond., 1893. 12mo. III, WORKS COMPOSED BY MISSIONARIES IN OR ON THE TVERNAC ULAR LANGUAGES OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. [Continued from 1510 in Catalogue No. 1, and 3275 in Catalogue No. 2.] 4346 Abbott, E. Catalogue of Marathi Literature during 80 years, 1813–1892. Bombay, 1892, 8vo. pp. 65. 4347 Barth, C. G. History of the Christian Church translated into Marathi. 8vo. 1850. - 4348 Bradley, D. R. (Missionary to Siam.) Old Testament History. 2 ed. Bangkok, 1855. 12mo, 4349 Bruce, H. J. (Of the A. B. C. F. Mission at Satara.) The Nat- ural History of the Marathi Bible. Calcutta, 1886. pp. 72. 4350 Burgess, E. Grammar of the Marathi language. Bombay, 1854. 8vo, 4351 Carey, Wm. (Missionary to India, d. 1834.) Grammar of the Bengalee language. 3 ed. Serampore, 1805. 8vo. 4352 Fleming, J. (Missionary of the American Board.) A short Sermon and Hymns in the Muskokee or Creek language. Boston, 1835. 24mo. 4353 Goodell, Wm. (Missionary in Constantinople, d. 1867.) Ser- mons in modern Armenian. N. Y., 1870. 12mo. 4354 Green, S. F. (Medical Missionary in Ceylon, d. 1884.) Physi- ology and Hygiene (in Tamil). Madras, 1867. 12mo. 4355 Gring, A. D. (Missionary of the German Reformed Church in the United States.) Chinese-Japanese English Dictionary. Yoko- hama, 1884. 12mo. & 4356 Grout, L. (Late Missionary of the American Board among the Zulus.) The Isizulu. Revised edition of a Grammar of the Zulu language. Lond., 1893. 8vo. - 4357 Horden, J. (Missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.) Bible and Gospel History in the language of the Cree Indians. Lond., 1892. 12mo. pp. 64. 4358 Krapf, J. L. (Missionary of the Church Missionary Society, d. 1881.) Elements of the Kisuáheli language. Tübingen, 1850. 8vo. 4859 Medhurst, W. H. (Of the London Missionary Society, d. 1857.) Dialogues for beginners. Shanghae, 1844. 8vo. — 27 — 4360 4361 4862 4363 4364 4365 . 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 Murdock, J. Classified Catalogue of the Tamil printed books. Madras, 1865. 12mo. Ousley, B. F. (Missionary of the American Board at Inham- bane, S. Africa.) Story of the Gospel in Xitswa (Sheitswa). Adams, Natal, 1888. 16mo. Perkins, Justin. (Missionary of the American Board among the Nestorians, d. 1869.) Commentary on Genesis. Ooroomiah, 1867. 12mo. Pilkinton, G. S. (Missionary of the Church Miss. Soc. in Uganda.) Handbook of Luganda (Grammar). Lond., 1892. 16mo. Rand, S. T. (Missionary to the Mikmak Indians, Nova Scotia.) Ferst Redin Buk in Mikmak. Lundon, 1854. 16mo. Renville, J. B. Precept upon Precept translated into Dakota. 24mo. Rhenius, C. T. E. (Missionary to India, d. 1838.) Tamil Gram- mar: Abridgment with additions and improvements by H. Cherry. 2d ed. Madras, 1845. 12mo. Riggs, E. R. (Missionary of the American Board.) Notes on Bulgarian Grammar. Smyrna, 16mo, pp. 24. Spaulding, L. (Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. in Ceylon, d. 1874.) Manual Dictionary of the Tamil language. Jaffna, 1842. 8vo. — English and Tamil Dictionary. 2 ed. Jaffna, 1852, 8vo. Turner, George. (Of the London Missionary Society.) Notes to the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Samoan dialect. Lond., n. d. 12mo. Van Hasselt, J. L. (Missionary in New Zealand.) (See Hasselt, No. 1753). Beginselen der Papoesch-Mefoorsche tael. Utrecht, 1868. 16mo, pp. 33. Whitney, J. F. Bible. Stories. (Marshall Islands.) 1882. 12mo. Williams, L. S. Discourse on Family Education and Govern- ment (in Choctaw). Boston, 1835. 12mo. Wood, G. W. and Riggs, Elias. Brief Christian Theology. (In Armenian.) Constantinople, 1856. 8vo. 4375-4536 Elementary Books (such as Primers, Spelling-books, Cate- chisms, Almanacs, Hymn books, Music books, Religious trea- tises, Phrase books, and books or booklets on Arithmetic, Geography, Geometry, etc.). in Bulgarian (58), Chinese (10), Hawaiian (11), Marathi (35), Modern Syriac (10), Tamil (10), Turkish (7), Zulu (8), Language of the Gilbert and Marshall Islands (12). — 28 — Albeokuta. Looman. Townsend. Abyssinia. Gobat. Waldmeier. Africa. Crummell. Cust. Hughes, 17740. Johnston. Pauli. Rowley. Speckmann. Alfrica, Central. Arnot. Bentley. Johnston. Lapsley. Thomas. Africa, East. Buchanan. Lavigerie. Richter. Rowley. Africa, South. Coillard. Calderwood. Ebner. Fleming. (Hermannsburg.) Mackenzie. Moffat. Schneider. Theal. Thomas. Wangemann. Young. Africa, West. Flickinger. Ingham. Johnson. Morgan. Römer. I W D Aº X. Scott. Townsend. .Alimºw. Batchelor. Allowska. Jackson. Willard. Amandabele. Thomas. .Almeity wºm, Geddie. Gill. Inglis. Armenians, Bacon. Greene. Tracy. Atlas or Maps. Ch. Miss. SOc. JOSenhans (Basel). Reichel. Wangemann. JBagdad. Groves. JBasswtos. Coillard. JBechwana–Land. Mackenzie. JBezzo.2°es, Kennedy. Bible Troºpas lation, Hoffmann. JBiography. Anderson. Becker. Brainerd. Bumby. Burchell. Calvert. Carey. Chapman. Coillard. Duff. Dyer. Gardiner. Geddie. Gobat. Groves. Gundert. Hamlin. Heber. Hebich. Hodgson. Johnson. Johnston. Judson. ECennedy. Enill. Lapsley. Livingstone. Lyman. McDougal. Martin. Martyn. Matheson. Milman. Morrison, A. M. Neesima. Paton. Pond. Ribbentrop. Eighter. Buthquist. Schofield. Simpson. Talmadge. TOWnsend. Turner. Waugh. Whitman. Williams. Wilson. Xavier. Blantyre. Buchanan. JBorneo. McDougal. JBrahmo Somaj. BOSe. (Brahmo Somaj.) Collet. JBuddhism, Berry. JBwºrm ah. Barrett. Colbeck. McMahon. Calcutta. Milman. Calvert. See Vernon. Cameroons. Bömer. Cape Palmas. Scott. Caste. BrOWer. Graul. Celebes. Wiersma. Ceylon. Langdon. China, Callery. Dukes. Dyer. GuinneSS. Hahn. Jenkins. Jentzsch. Morris. Moseley. Mosheim. MOule. Nevius. Reid. Schall. Schofield. Williamson. Conferences. Canterbury. Students'. Confucianism. Douglas. Congo. Bentley. Guinness. Lapsley. Constantinople. Hamlin. JDakotas. Pond. IEromanga. Gill. Fiji. Vernon. Gºnadenthal. Schneider. Gonds. Ruthquist. Gossner Mission. GOSSner. Plath. Greenland. (Greenland.) IIawaii. Armstrong. Orme. IIermannsburg Mission. (Hermannsburg.) §peckmann. IHervey Isles. Gill. IHottentots. Ebner. India. Anderson. Badley. Bailey. BOSe. Bradbury. (Brahmo Somaj.) Braidwood. Campbell. Collet. Dijkstra. Fenger. Frere. Grundemann. Heber. Hebich. (Hermannsburg.) Hoole. Kennedy. ECeuchenius. Kingsmill. Lowe. Martin. Milman. Mozoomdar. Murdock. Murray. Niekamp. Onasch. Osborne. OWen. Peggs. Petavel. Plath. Pool. Ragland. Ribbentrop. Ruthquist. Sherring. Simpson. Smith. Tanner. (Vindication.) Xavier. Indians, N. A. Baierlein. BombaS. BournbOurg. Davidson. Duncan. Fond. Young. Indians, S. A. Gardiner. Infant Marriage. Nath. Jamaica. Burchell. Japan. Atkinson. Bachelor. Bickersteth. Cobbold. DeForest. Kitchin. Neesima. Oshikawa. Sawayama. Java. Van Rhijn. Jerusalem. Gobat. Jews. Ayerst. Israelite, (See Periodicals.) Halsted. de le Roi. ICaffraria. Calderwood. JKoreºvs. McMahon. ICohls. Plath. Labrador. (Labrador.) Lepers. Bentley. Liberia. Crummell. Loyalty Islands. Gill. IMadagasca?". Briggs. Campbell. , (Friends.) Oliver. Shaw. Townsend. IMada'ats. Braidwood. HOOle. Simpson. Mandalay. Colbeck. IMangalore. Hebich. Medical Missions. (Medical Missions) Schofield, IMendi. Tucker. IMethods, Nevius. Neurdenburg. IMohammedantsm. Bate, Glen. Isa. Jessup. Merrick. Moehler. Muir. IMolwccas. (Archief). Dijkstra. IMongolia. Gilmour. IMoravians. Wullschlägel. IMosquito Coast. Schneider. INo.gpwr. Ruthquist. Native Ministry, Cust. Murray. JWestorians, Heller. Legge. Perkins. INew Caledoniae Gill. New Hebrides. Gill. Inglis. Johnston. — 30 — Matheson Michelsen. Murray. Paton. JNew Zealand. Bumby. Nicholas. Turner. INyassa-Land, Fries. Richter. Young. Orissa. Peggs, Parama ribo. Schneider. JPersia. Groves. Perkins. Polygamy. Lucas. Polynesia. Gill. Murray. Ita.jputama. Martin. Itaratonga. Gill. Ičegentstown, Johnson. IE. Cath. Missions Bournbourg. Dallet. Jenkins. Lacroix. WilkS. St. Mary’s. MOrgan. Sørzoo. Blin. Murray. Santals. Stevenson. Sarawak. McDougal. Self Swpport. Groves. Sherbºro. Flickinger. Sierra Leone, Ingham. South America. Millard. Sowth Seas, Wilson. Success. Young, R. Swºmatra, Lyman. Swºrdnam. Schneider. Arbousset. LutterOth. (Tahiti.) WilkS. Tanna. Gill. Johnston. Thibet. Bishop. Marston. Tinnevelly. Ragland. Tonga. Turner. HISTORY OF MISSIONS. Tongoa, Michelsen. Tranquebar. Fenger. Turkey. Greene. Hamlin. Tracy. Uganda. Grove-Rasmussen Lavigerie. Pilkinton, 4363. Portal. Richter. Smith, G. F. (Uganda.) Yorwba. LOOman. Townsend. Zambeze, Coillard. Zeisberger. Fries. 2ervana. Ruthquist. Zwlw8. Sommerfelt. 1 General or more particular Missionary History: Bost, #Dennis, +Gundert, (Handboekje), #Hardeling (Lutheran), Harvey (Baptist), +Hesse, Lawrence, Leonardi, Ostertag, Pauli, #Pierson, Reitsma, #Thompson, Schmidt, #Wahl. 2 History of Missionary and Bible Societies, including their Periodi- cals and Annual Reports: American Baptist Missionary Union, No. 3578. American Bible Society, 3620, 4039. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 3309, 3534, 3672, 4042–60. American Missionary Association, 4061. Arabian Mission, 4065. Baptist Missionary Society (London), 3368, 3757, 4066, 4159–64. tThe latest or most important. — 31 — Basle Missionary Society, 3855, 4068. Berlin Missionary Society, 2535, 3805, 4069, 4071. British and Foreign Bible Society, 3708, 4072. British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews, China Inland Mission, 3711, 3426. Church Missionary Society, 3369, 3437b, 3726,4081–86, 4322. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 3675, 4089b. Danish Missionary Society, 8989. Dutch Missionary Society (Nederlandsche Genootschap), 3486, 3558, 3933, 3946, 4133–56. Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, 4091. Free Church of Scotland, 3747, 4094–4104. Free Churches of French Switzerland, 3962. Friends' Foreign Missionary Association, 3409, 3766, 4105–13. German Evangelical Synod of North America, 3626. Gossner Missionary Society, 3418, 4028. Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 4114. Hermannsburg Missionary Society, 3445, 3858, 4279. Java Committee, 3915, 3940. Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Society, 3437, 3477a, 8847, 40930. London Missionary Society, 3501, 3722, 4117–30. London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, 3438. Lund Missionary Society, 8970. Maritime Presbyterian Church, 37500–55a. Mennonite Missionary Society (Holland), 4090. Methodist Episcopal Church, 3639-4131, 32. Methodist Episcopal Church (South), 3660. Methodist Protestant Church. Nederlandsche Genootschap (see Dutch). Norwegian Missionary Society, 3500, 4017, 4157, 4277. Norwegian Church Missionary Society (Schreuder), 3999. Paris Evangelical Society, 3967, 4158. Presbyterian Church in Canada, 3778, 4164a–65. of Scotland, 3732, 4087. of the United States of America, 3623, 4166–75. - Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, 3704, 4176. Reformed (Dutch) Church in America, 3372, 3664, 4179–4211. Reformed (German) Church in the United States, 3667, 42.12–6. Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanter), 3642. Rhenish Missionary Society (Barmen), 3809, 3949, 4217. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 4223. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 3752, 4218–22, 4276. South American Missionary Association, 3784. Student Volunteer Movement, 4224, 25. United Brethren (Herrnhut), 3862, 3865, 3872, 4077, 4336. — in Christ (U. S.) 4226. United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 3760. — 32 — TJtrecht Missionary Union, 3883, 8901. Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 4227–29, 4318. Woman's Missionary Association of the Church of England, 3766. Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, 4230. Board of Missions (American Board), 4236. Zeist Missionary Union, 3900. ERRATA (in Catalogue No. 1.) P. 6. For Abbo read Abbs. No. 187. For 1833 read 1883. 350. For Hasselt read Hassell. 357. For Hislok read Hislop. 493. * For A. M. read A. W. 1003. For uitbreiting read uitbreiding. 1360. For Shedd, W. G. F. read — W. G. T. 1407. For Thoburn, J. N. read — J. M. (In Catalogue No. 3.) 1715. For Gardiner, Allen T. read — Allen F. 1935. For Murray A. M. read — A. W. 1940. For Nevins read Nevius. 2107. For 1892 read 1890. 2778. For Missionsloesing read Missionslaesning. 2821. For 1863 read 1864. 2941. For the Gospel read Christianity. 3191. For Evangelische read Evangelischer. 3232. For Van read Von.