} ADID 1837 ARTES LIBRARY SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UNUM TUEBOR SI-QUERIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE GIFT OF LLHUBBARD AN ACCOUNT Of Several LATE Voyages & Diſcoveries TO THE SOUTH and NORTH. TOWARDS The Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, the vaſt Tracts of Land beyond Hollandia Nova, &c. ALSO Towards Nova Zembla, Greenland or Spitsberg, Groynland or Engrondland, &c. BY Sir JOHN NARBOROUGH, Captain JASMEN TASMAN, Captain JOHN WOOD, and FREDERICK MARTEN of Hamburgh. To which are Annexed a LARGE Introduction and Supplement, GIVING An Account of other N A VIGATIONS to thofe Regions of the GLOBE. The Whole Illuftrated with CHARTS and FIGURES. London: Printed for Sam. Smith and Benj. Walford, Printers to the Royal Society, at the Prince's Arms in S. Paul's Churchyard, 1694. Regent Regent .. RL. L. Husband 11~18-1925 To the Honourable SAMUEL PEPYS, Efq; SECRETARY OF THE Admiralty of England, то K.CHARLES and K.JAMES II. SIR, T HE Defign of this Dedication is neither to flatter, nor to beg; but barely to preſent you with a fim- ple and hearty Acknowledgment of your Kindneſs and Generoſity to the Publick, in communicating your exact Memorials, in advancing the Progrefs of Uſeful Know- ledge, and encouraging Men of Letters, or Invention: which Noble Endowments of A = Mind The Epiftle Dedicatory. Mind render'd you moft Worthy of thoſe High Stations, wherein you have been E- minent, as well in the Chair of Philofophy, as Navigation; and the fame will preferve you through all Ages in the good Efteem of the beft part of Mankind. No Revo- lution, no Storm, no Time, can fhake fuch Foundations. Monumentum Ære perennius. Sir, Your moſt devoted Servants, Samuel Smiths Benjamin Walford ! A THE V THE BOOKSELLER'S PREFACE, OR INTRODUCTION. T HE Advantages of taking judicious and accurate Journals in Voyages and Itineraries, are fo great and many, as the Improvements of Geography, Hydrography, Aftronomy, Na- tural and Moral Hiftory, Antiquity, Merchan- dife, Trade, Empire, &c. that few Books can com- pare with them either for Profit or Pleaſure. There- fore Ramufio, the De Brys, Hackluit, Purchas, John de Laet, Thevenot, &c. have begun a very commendable Design, and their Works are like to be always useful. The Collection now publiſhed, containing ſome curi- ous Voyages, and accurate Journals, never before printed, both towards the South and North, beyond and through the Magellan Streights; as alfo to Greenland or Spitsberg, Nova Zembla, and Groneland or Groyneland. 'Twill be necessary to A 3 premife vi The Introduction. ! premife in general, what other Navigators have gone before to thofe parts, and what additional Knowledge may be reap'd from the enfuing Work; in doing of which, we shall obferve Order of Place and Time. First of fome Difcoveries and Navigations towards the Southern Parts of the Globe, South-Weft and South-Eaft. A. D. 1519. Ferdinand Magalianes, a Portu- gueſe Gentleman,upon ſome diſguſt taken at his Master King Emanuel, applied himself to the Court of Ca- file, offering to make great Discoveries of the rich Spice-Ïflands by the Weft, and to fail round the Globe. He was furnish'd with five Ships and 250 Men, by the Command of Charles V. They departed from Sevil August 10.1519. and after having in vain attempted to pass through by the great River La Plate, and having winter'd in Fort S. Julian, they found out a great Streight leading into the South Sea, called af- terwards, by the Inventor's Name, the Magellan Streight; through which he was the first that paffed from the Atlantick into the Pacifick Ocean, and fo round the Globe home again by the Molucco's and Cape of Good Hope, having spent above three years in this Circumnavigation. Entring the Streight of his own Name, he found on the Shoar many Sepul- chres or Graves, whither the Inhabitants refort in the Summer time to bury their Dead; he alfo obferv'd a great Whale thrown up, and many Bones. Anno Dom. 1525. Garcias de Loyafa a Spani- ard, entred into Magellan's Streight, and gave ·Names to feveral Places; as did alfo Simon de Alca- zova in the year 1534. Afterwards the Bishop of Placentia fitted out three Ships, in the Tear 1539, ་ \ oñ¿ The Introduction. Vii one of which got through the Streights of Magellan to Arica in Peru. Anno Dom. 1577. Sir Francis Drake, with five Ships and Barks, and 164 Men, began his Fa- mous Voyage round the Globe; failing through the a- forementioned Streight of Magellan to the Coafts of Peru, New Spain, Mexico, and California; re- turning to England, by the East Indies, and Cape of Good Hope. Captain John Winter mas feparar ted from Sir Francis upon their Entrance into the South Sea, and by Storms was forced back again into the Streights of Magellan, through which he repaf- fed home, being the first that failed from the Paci fick into the Atlantick Ocean, through thefe Streights. Ladriller, a Spaniard, being fent from Chili, to attempt this paſſage, was driven back ly Storms and the approach of Winter. Anno 1579. the Viceroy of Peru, thinking that Sir Francis Drake was failed to the Magellan Streights, equipt Don Sarmiento in the Port of Lima with two Ships to pursue him. This Spaniard coafted Chili and Patagonia, entring the Streights, and ſo paffed to Brafil. Sarmiento npon his return to Spain, pere fraded Philip II, to fend two Colonies to plant and fortifie in the Streights of Magellan, in order to prevent and obstruct the Navigations, Depredations, or Settlements of the English and Dutch in thofe parts; but they all miſcarried partly by Shipwrack, partly by Famine, and the Barbarities of the Pata gons. This happened in the years 1584, 1585, 1586. The Project was contrary to the Advice of the Duke of Alva, A 4 Sir viii The Introduction. Sir Francis, in the Magellan Streight, fam feve ral of the Patagons, or Inhabitants, in their Canoes and Huts; their Boats were made of the Barks of Trees and Seal Skins very artificially interwoven, the Head whereof was femilunar. They painted their Fa- ces either with an Earth or a Vegetable. In their Huts, made of Boughs and Skins of Fishes, he found Sea-Wolves and huge Muscles, whofe Shells they ſhar- pen fo with rubbing of Stones, that they cut every thing with them. Their Fresh Water was kept in Vef- fels made of the Barks of Trees, and their Veftments were chiefly made up of the Skins of Penguins, Seals, and other Animals peculiar to the Climate. Anno Dom. 1586. The third Circumnavigation of the Globe was undertaken and performed by Tho- mas Candish Efq; who very profperously finish'd that in two Tears and two Months, which took both Magellanus and Sir Francis Drake three years in compaſſing.. Anno 1593. Sir Richard Hawkins made his Voyage into the South Sea by the fame Sreight that the aforementioned Navigators did before him. He gives the most accurate Defcription of the Tree that bears the famous Winter-bark, fee his Obfervations in fol. Printed 1622. pag. 88. This Spicy Aro- matick Tree (ſays he) bears Leaves of a whitiſh Green, not unlike the Afpen; and bears its Fruit in Cluſters like the Hawthorn, but that it is green; each Berry of the bigness of a Pepper- corn, and every one of them containing within four or five Grains or Seeds, twice as big as Mu- ftard Seed, which broken are white within and bite like the good Pepper; the Bark hath the Taſte The Introduction. ix Taſte of all Sorts of Spices, very Stomachick and Medicinal. We found it in all places of the Streights where any Trees grew. Here are a- bundance of Mufcles, very refreſhing Diet and full of Pearl; alſo Limpets, and incredible Num- bers of Penguins and Seals. Anno Dom. 1598. The Fourth Circumnaviga tion of the Globe was performed by Oliver Noort a Dutchman, his chief Pilot being Captain Melis an Engliſhman, who had accompanied Mr. Candifh in his Voyage. This Noort fteer'd much the fame Courfe with Magalianes, Drake, and Candiſh, having Spent near three years in encompaffing the Earth. He fam, upon the Land of Patagonia, fome Deer, a fort of Bufalo, and Oſtriches. We may note here, that in the Year 1589, the Delight of Briſtol, one of the Conforts of John Chidley Efq; and Mr. Paul Wheel, got into the Streights of Magellan ; but meeting with Misfor tunes, was forced back, having reach'd only Cape Froward. Alfo in the year 1598. Verhagen's Fleet, under Sir James Mahu, Simon de Cordes, Sebald de Wert, &c. wherein William Adams, was chief Pilot, fuffered great Miferies in thefe Streights. This Sebald de Wert gave Clufius a defcription of the Winter-bark-Tree growing up and down Patagonia. They preferv'd themselves mith Geeſe, Ducks, vaft large Muſcles, Penguins, Seals, &c. Returning out of the Streight, and failing Southwards they discovered Sebald's Ifles. Anno Dom. 1614. George Spilbergen General of a Dutch Fleet of fix Ships, paffed through the Streights of Magellan and the South Sea to the Eaft X The Introduction. Eaſt Indies, from whence he returned by the Cape of Good Hope to the Texel, having been out about three years. This was the Fifth Čircumnavi- gation of the Globe. Ann. Dom. 1609, 1610. Pedro Fernandez Gi- ros a Portugueſe, and Captain Ferdinand de Quir a Spaniard, do both affirm, That they failed at feve- ral times above 800 Leagues together on the Coast of a Southern Continent, until they came to the height of 15 degrees of South Latitude, where they found a very fruitful, pleasant, and populous Coun try. Giros began to take his Course in the height of the Streights of Magellan. This vaft Tract of Land perhaps may be one fide of, or may belong to, Janſen Talmen's Land, Van Diemen's Land, Zelandia Nova, Hollandia Nova, Carpentaria, and New Guiney; which the Dutch afterwards coafted, detected, and gave Names to many Bays, Rivers and Capes, in the Tears 1619, 1622, 1627, 1628, 1642, and 1644. from the Equinoctial to 44 deg. South Lat. The Hollanders have indeed made the greatest Difcoveries towards the South Terra Incognita, which they have not yet divulg'd. Dirk Rem- brantfe about 15 or 16 years ago publiſhed, in Low Dutch, a Short Relation cut of the Journal of Cap- tain Abel. Janſen Tafman upon his Discoveries of the South Terra Incognita in the year 1642, to the Southward of Nova Hollandia, Vandemen's Land, &c. 'Tis remarkable that all the Circumnavigators of the Globe enter'd into the Eaft Indies, either by the Philippines or the Molucco's, being peradventure hindred from paſſing round more Southwards by that vast • 1 The Introduction. xi vaft long Chain of Land, which feems to stretch almost from the Equinoctial to the 50 degree of South Lat. Therefore they generally fteer'd upon the South Sea, either for the Iſles of Salomon, or thofe called the Ladrones. Anno Dom. 1615. Will. Cornelius Schouten of Horn, and Jacob le Maire of Amfterdam, under- took the Sixth Circumnavigation of the Globe, by a new Paffage Southwards from the Streights of Ma- gellan in Terra del Fuogo, which they happily dif covered and paffed, finding out Sebald's-Ifles, Sta- ten-Land, Maurice-Land, Barnevelt-Ifles, and fo by Cape Horn, in the 57 deg. of S.Lat. they found out a new way into the South Sea, called ever fince Le Maire's Streight, in this Voyage they gave Names to feveral Islands and Countries, returning to Hol- land by the East Indies, having been out two years and Eighteen days. Aftewards a Spaniſh Fleet, under Bartolemeo Garcias de Nodal, Anno 1618. failed through Le Maire's Paffage: and in the year 1623. part of Prince Maurice his Fleet steered the fame Course, difcovering fome fmall Ifles. Nodal faw People near Le Maire's Streight, all painted and clad with Birds Skins; they fed upon yellow Flowers like Marigolds. Anno 1643. Brewer, or Brower, went another way into the South Sea, by a Paffage called after his own Name, which is caft of Le Maire's Streight; int whether Brewer went through a New Streight with Land on each fide, or had a wide Sea on the Eaft we cannot inform you, having never seen the Diary of his Voyage; but most Maps make it a new Streight, the perhaps he might fail near the fame Courfe xii The Introduction. 1 i Courſe which Captain Sharp afterwards did; they who have his Voyage may foon determine this Doubt. The Southern part of Terra Magellanica, com- monly called Terra del Fuego, from the great Fires Seen upon it by the Sailors; feems, by the Obferva- tions of the Dutch, to be divided into many Ifles and Streights leading into both Seas. The Country appears mountainous, with fair and green Vallies, Springs, Rivulets, and much Herbage. The Creeks are fit for Shipping, Water and Wood being plenti- ful. The Air is tempestuous from the vast quantity of V apours from both Oceans. The Natives paint their Bodies, and deck themselves with Shells and Skins. They make their Baskets and Nets of Ruſhes, out of which they twist Lines, and hanging Hooks made of Stone, and baited with Muscles, they take abundance of Fish. Their Knives are made of sharpened Bones, and all their Arrows are armed with them. Their Ca- noes are like the Venetian Gondola's. For the Defcri- ption of the Northern part of Terra Magellanica, commonly called Patagonia, we refer the Reader to Sir John Narbrough's Journal, printed at the be- ginning of this Collection. Anno 1669. His Majefty of Great Britain, His Royal Highnefs the Duke of York, and feve- others of the Nobility, defign'd a better Discovery of Chili; in order whereunto two Ships were fent out under the Conduct of that great Navigator and worthy Commander Sir John Narbrough, who re- turned June 1671, having been out above two years, paffing and repaffing the Streights of Magellan, and coafting Patagonia and Chili. His Obfervations and Draughts are the most judicious and exact of of any that went before him. Anno 1 The Introduction. xiii Anno 1680. and 1681. Captain Sharp made ma- Žy bold Adventures on feveral Iſlands and Coafts in the South Sea. In his return, he being quite out of all hopes of recovering the Streights of Magellan, or thofe of Le Maire or Brewer, was forced to feek for a Paffage farther South than by Cape Horn; he went to about 60 deg. South Lat. meeting with many Islands of Ice, Snow, Frofts and Whales, departing from a Small Place, named by him the Duke of York's I- fland, in the South Sea, he steered near 800 Leagues to the Eastward, and afterwards as many to the Weftward. The first Land he faw in those three Months was the Iſland of Barbadoes; ſo that Land in the Streight of Le Maire, and in Brewer's Paffage, must be Iſlands, and not join'd to any great Southern Continent, as fuppos'd by fome. Since thefe Attemps and Undertakings, Several English Ships have paſſed into the South Sea both by the Streights of Magellan, and by the South of Cape Horn; but what Trade they manage in thoſe Parts, or what Difeoveries they have made, or what Articles and Treaty they are engaged in with the Spaniard, we cannot inform the Reader, being no Merchants our felves, nor having feen any Fournals or Voyages of those Quarters of the World, befides thofe before-mentioned. In thefe Navigations to the Streights of Magellan, through the South Sea; and by the Eaft Indies home again, the Common things noted in the ſeveral Voy- ages, (befides the Winds, Longitudes, Latitudes, Variations of the Compafs, Tydes, Soundings, &c.) are Flying Fiſhes, Dolphins, Albacores, Bo- nito's, Sharks, Tropick Birds; The Sea Weeds called xiv The Introduction. called Sargaffo and Tromba; the Aromatick Tree bearing Winter's Spicy Bark; Guanico's, or Indi- an Sheep, a Species of fmall Camels; Infinite Numbers of Penguins, Seals, Mufcles, Whales, Oſtriches, &c. Thefe obferved in failing to and through the Streights of Magellan, by the feveral Navigators aforementioned. ་ i In the Iflands on the South Sea, Coco-trees, Plantanes, Bonana's, Pine Apples, Indian Figs, Limes, Hogs with Scent-bags on their Backs, a fort of Coney, Monkeys, Goats, Turtle, Al- monds of four forts, Sugar Canes, Oysters on Trees, &c. Entring upon the Molucco's, Nutmeg Trees with Mace, Clove Trees, Birds of Paradife, and great Heats. On the Islands of Java, Sumatra and Borneo, the Faufel Palm or Arek, Pepper Shrubs, Betele Shrubs, Jacks, Mango's, Durio's, Cajou's, Jambo's, Pa- paio's, Arbor Rays, Arbor Triftis, Bambou's, Ginger, Cardamums, Lacca Trees, Benzoin Trees, Camphire Trees, Tamarinds, Caffia, Mi- robolanes, Cubebs, Coftus, Galanga, Bangue, Dutroy, Snake-wood, Calambac, Lignum Aloës, &c. Towards the Gulf of Bengal, Elephants, Rhi- nocerots, Lions, Tygers, Crocodiles, &c. Up- on the Maldives and Ceylon, Maldiva Nuts float- ing, Woods of Cinamon Trees, Oranges, Li- mons, Plantations of Rice, great Varieties of Palms, &c. At the Cape of Good Hope, Hippopotami, Zebra's, Gazells, Jacalls, Flammants, Penguins, Pelicans. The Introduction. XV Pelicans, Oſtriches, Caffowares, vast numbers of Divers, Duckers, and other Sea Birds, great Va- rieties of Cruftaceous and Teftaceous Animals, of Lizards, Serpents, &c. 甫 ​At the Canary Islands, feveral Vulcano's, Brimstone, the Fountain Tree in Ferro, the Rho- dium Plant, Euphorbium, Dates, Gum Dragon Trees, &c. But we must note here, that befides and fince the aforementioned Navigators and Voyagers, more particular and fuller Obfervations have been made up- on feveral of thofe parts of the World towards the Eaſt and Weſt Indies, by Phyfitians and Others, who have refided long in thofe Regions, or elfe recei- ved rich Collections from thence. But as to the moft Northerly Countries all we have is from the Navigators. The best of whofe Obfervations are all contained in the Volume we here publiſh. 'Tis now high time to haften to the North, and to give a fhort Chronological Account of the feveral Na- vigations and Diſcoveries made towards the North Eaſt and North Weft, viz. Nova Zembla, North Eaſt Greenland or Spitsberg, and North Weſt Greenland, commonly called Groneland and En- gronelandt. Anno Dom. 1380. Nicolo and Antonio Zeni, two rich Venetians and Brothers, failed from Gi- braltar, intending for Flanders and England, but by great Storms were driven Northwards to Frife- land, Iceland, Groneland or Engronland, for which we refer the Reader to Hackluyt and Pur- chas. Anno *Vi The Introduction. Anno Dom. 1497. John Cabot and Sebaftian Cabot his Son, Venetians, were fent out of Eng land by Henry VII. Thefe, after their Return, gave an Account and Draught of fome North Weſt parts of America, and brought four of the Natives batk with them. Anno Dom. 1553. Sir Hugh Willoughby ment out to discover a North Eaft Paffage, and failed a- bove 160 Leagues North Easterly from Seynam, which ties in 76 deg. North Lat. Tis very proba ble he landed on Nova Zembla and Greenland, from whence the Cold and Ice forced him to return more Southerly, till he came to Arzina, a River in Lapland; where, the next Spring, that great Man with all his Company were found frozen to death in the Ship, in this year the Ruffia Company began to TWO ST incorporate. A # + Anno Dom. 156. Stephen Burrows, fearching a Paffage by the North Eaft to the Indies, failed to 80 deg. 7. min. and thence to Nova Zembla, ha- ving been in all likelyhood upon Greenland, by the defolate Land, the blue Ice, and great numbers of various Fowls, which he mentions! บ About this time the Ruffia Company was efta- blished, and fent yearly Ships and Factors, and pre- Lently after Ambaſſadours from Queen Elizabeth a Ann: Dom. 1578, 1577, 1578 Sir Martin Forbifher, made three feveral Voyages to find out a North Weft Paffage, in which he made feveral mem Difcoveries of great Sreights, Bays, Iflands and Capes, as well as Land on both sides, to all which he gave Names. His Men brought home great flore of glittering Marchafites, which the London Gold- finiths The Introduction: xvii fmiths took to be Gold Oars. He met with Inhabi- tants on the Shores of the Streight called by his Name; their Canoes were made of Seal-skins at top, but wood Keels: They exchanged Salmon and other Fish, for Toyes: In their Tents abundance of Red Beans were found, like unto thofe of Guinca: But more of Frobisher's Obfervations in our Supple- ment at the end of this Work. Anno Dom. 1580. Arthur Pct, and Charles Jackman, failed all over thefe Northern Seas, and paffed into Waigats Streights, plying along the Eaft part of Nova Zembla, fo far as the Ice would give them leave, and finding no poffibility of Paffage, returned back the latter end of the year. Anno 1583. Sir Humfrey Gilbert, by the infti- gation of Secretary Walfingham, failed to New- foundland, and the great River of S. Laurence in Canada, which he took Poffeffion of in the Name of Queen Elizabeth, and fetled a Fishing-Trad: there. An. Dom. 1585. Mr. John Davis was employ'd to ſearch out to the North-Weft, beyond where Fro- bifher went he made further Discoveries in thofe Parts; which fee in Hakluyt, and Purchas. This Davis made three Voyages to the North-West: Du ring his stay at Cape Defolation, he found many pieces of Fur andWooll, like to Beaver, and exchang- ed Commodities with the Country People. Upon the Rocks and in the Mofs, grew a Shrub whofe fruit was very sweet, full of red juice like Currans, perhaps 'tis the fame with the New-England Cranberry, or Bear-Berry, (call'd fo from the Bears devouring it very greedily;) with which we make Tarts. Vitis Idæa paluftris fructu majore apud Joffelin, de ( a ) Nova xviii The Introduction, Nova Anglia. The Natives often repair'd to him in their Canoes, bringing with them Stag's Skins, white Hares, Small Cod, dry Caplin ; feveral Copper Oars, Muſcles, &c. In his returning out of the Fre- rum Davis (See our Chart of the Northern Reigons) he meets marvellous ftore of Sea Fowl, and Cod, Woods of Pine-Apple, Spruce, Elder, Ewe, or Tew, Withy, Birch, Geefe, Ducks, Black-Birds, Thruſh, Jayes, Partridge, Pheasant, &c. Black Pumice-ftones, and Salt, kerned upon the Rocks, white and glifter- ing; Unicorn, and other Whales. See more of Da- vis in our ſupplement at the end of this Volume. ས 1 J 1 An. Dom. 1594, 1595, 1596. William Barents, a Dutchman, made three feveral Voyages to the North-East, at the Charge of the United Provinces, in the last of which, he was compell'd to winter in Nova Zembla, about the 75 deg. of North Lat. In thefe Voyages they Difcovered Bear, or Cherry- Ifland, and went upon Greenland. Thefe Dutch Navigations were written by Gerart de Veer, and contain great variety of curious Obfervations, to which Mr. Boyle owns himself much beholden, in the compofing his Hiftory of Cold. They converfed with, and defcribed the Samoyeds; coafted Nova Zembla, giving Names to feveral Points, Capes, Bays, Iflands, &c. They difcovered the Bernacle Goofe, or Clakis, fitting upon their Eggs, under the 80th. deg. North Lat. They give good Defcrip- tions of the Whales, Morfes, Birds, &c. and relate Phænomena of Cold (during their melancholy winter Abode there) with ingenuity and judgment. } An. The Introduction. xix B An. Dom. 1611. That worthy Seaman Sir Tho mas Button, Servant to Prince Henry, pursued the North-West Discoveries, at the inftigation of that glorious young Prince. He paffed Hudfons Streight, and leaving Hudfons Bay to the South, failed above 200 Leagues to the South-West-ward, over a Sea a- bove 80 Fathom deep, and difcovered a great Con- tinent, called by him New Wales; where, after much mifery and fickneſs in his wintering at Port Nelfon, he beat and fearched the whole Bay with great Industry, called afterwards Button's Bay, even back again almost to Digge's Ifland. He difcover- ed the great Land he called Cary's Swans-neft. Many men were loft during his abode in that River, named by him Port Nelfon, in North Lat. 57 deg. to min. tho he kept three Fires in his Ship all the Winter, and was Jupply'd with great store of white Partridges, and other Fowl, of which his Company reported to have kill'd 1800 Dozen, befides fome Deer, ·Bears, and Foxes. On the Shores of thofe North- Weft Bays grows abundance of Orpine, Sorrel, and Scurvygrafs, very much Angelica, whofe Root the Gronelanders eat. They kill Morfes, and make their Cords, or Ropes of Whalebone. is In the years 1610, 1612, 1615, 1626. Mr.Hud- fon, James Hall, and William Baffin, proceeded much further in the North-Weft Parts, giving Names to their feveral Difcoveries; which may be seen in the Northern Maps, and in the Collection of Voyages, as alſo in our Supplement at the end. The King of Denmark obferving the progress of his Neighbours in the Northern Seas, began to fend out Ships for making Diſcoveries, in the year 1605, (a2) 1606, xx The Introduction. 1606, 1607, but thefe performed little. At laft in the year 1619, he equipp'd John Munck with two Ships, who tracing Forbither and Hudfon, came to the 63 deg. 20 min. where he was forced to winter, and called it Muncks Harbour, and the Country New Denmark. (It Seems to be near Diggs Iſland.) See Muncks Voyage, Printed in French at Paris alſo our Supplement at the end. In 1608. Henry Hudfon was fent out by the English Company to difcover the North Pole; he proceeded to the 82 deg. of Lat. as alfo did Thomas, Marmaduke of Hull, 1612. who (am diver's Iflands beyond that, and gave names to divers Places upon Greenland. He went upon Nova Zembla in June and July, and obferved Deer feeding here and there on green places, tho at that very time of the year it freezes in that Climate. In the year 1610. the Company began to apply themselves to the killing of Morfes, and to the Whale Fishing, which they found most plentiful about Cherry Ifland, and Greenland; they began alfo to find thofe long Bones commonly called Unicorns Horns. In the years 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614, 1617, 1619, 1620, 1622. the Engliſh Company, finding thefe Northern Expeditions fo very profitable, encreas'd the number of their Shipping to 13, or 14 yearly, under the Conduct of Poole, Fotherby, Edge, Heley, and others, who gave names to feveral Sounds and Points, &c. Tet we find little worth relating of Greenland till 1630. in which year fome English, commanded by Captain Goodler, were forced to wander up and down the Country, and to Winter there. A full Relation whereof The Introduction xxi whereof being Publiſhed by Dr. W. Watts, we shall re- fer the Reader thereunto. Some English alfo wintered in Greenland in the year 1633. and another Company in 1634; the laft all perished there. In theſe feveral Navigations to Greenland, our Men gave Names to many places, as Hackluit's Headland, Whale-Bay, Horn-Sound, from the long Bones call'd the Unicorns, Ice-Point, Bell Foint, Low- nefs-Ifle, Black-Point, Cape-Cold, Ice-Sound, Knotty Point, Decr-Sound, Smiths-Bay, Hope- Inland, Edges Inland, Wyches Ifland, Bear-ifland, Charles Iland. Afterwards the Dutch gave other Names of their own to theſe places, which has bred fome confuſion in Maps and Books. Our men that wintered in Greenland, 1630. loft the light of the Sun October 14. and faw him not again till February 3. Thofe that faid there in 1633, Say, that Octob. 5. was the last day they per- ceived the light of the Sun, tho they had a twilight, by which they could read, till Octob. 17. On the 22. the Stars were plain to be feen all the 24 hours, and fo continued all Winter. Jan. 15. they perceiv ed, for 6 or 7 hours about noon, fo much light as to read by it. Feb. 12. they faw the Rays of the Sun upon the tops of the Mountains, and the next day his whole Body. Our men that remained in Greenland, 1634. left in writing before they perihed, that the Sun disappeared October 10. and was feen again Feb. 14. The Dutch that wintered in Nova Zem- bla in 1596. lost the Sun on Novemb. 4. but the Moon in her highest degrees was feen night and day. Jan. 24. they fam the edge of the Sun above the FI- (a3) 1 rizon. xxii The Introduction. rizon. The difference of theſe appearances, doth not proceed from different Refractions, but from the dif- ference of Latitude, in which the English and Dutch wintered, tho the cold in Nova Zembla exceeded that felt in Greenland. In thefe Countries there is a continued Day for four or five months in the year, as well as a perpetual Night for three months, So for the most part there is either aight, or all Darkness. LA The English that were neceffitated to winter in Greenland, liv'd upon Venison (of which there is great ſtore, perhaps 'tis of the Rhin-deer) upon Mor- fes, Bears, Foxes, &c. The Bears Flesh was tole- rably pleaſant and wholfom, but the Liver made their skins peel off; which was alſo obſerved by the Dutch that wintered in Nova Zembla. As the Sun and Day-light began to appear, the Fowls, and Foxes crept abroad, for which they fet Traps and Springs, and so took vast numbers: The Foxes proved whol- fom Food, for by it the Dutch were alſo relieved in their Scurveys. In May they found great store of Eggs laid by Willocks. The cold had prodigious Effects on our Men in Greenland, and on the Dutch in Nova Zembla, as blistering and ulcering their Flesh, freezing their Sack and spirits, Stopping their Clocks, freezing every thing by the fire fide; all which Captain James fuffer'd in the Ifland of Charleton, tho only in the 51 Deg. of North Lat. whereas the Engliſh and Dutch winter'd in 75 and 78 Deg. of North Lat. In the building of Houses, Tents, and Cabins, upon thefe melancholy occafions, 'twas found expedient to make them under ground, and to line them with the skins of Beafts, thereby to key out the Sharp impresions of the air. Au- The Introduction. xxiii V Authors are a little confus'd in the Hiftory of Whales, fome reckon up 10 Species, but Wormius and Bartholine, make them up 22. giving them va- rious Names from their difference in Colours, in Fins, in Teeth, in Whalebone, in Spouts, in Oyl, in Sperma Ceti, &c. Rondeletius, Gefner, Bel- lonius, Schonveld, Faber, Clufius, and Tulpius, Seem indeed defcribe 6 or 7 diftinct forts of Whales, as the Balena Vulgaris, the Balæna Vera, the Orca or Balana dentata,(perhaps our Grampus,) the Phyfeter or Whirle-Pool, the Cete or Pot-Walfiſh, the Monoceros or Unicorn Whale. The Trumpa Whale or Spouter,may perhaps be the Phyfeter,and the Sperma Ceti Whale the Pot-Walfish,thothe Spout and Sperma Ceti may be common to many of them. We find in the Philofophical Tranſactions, Numb. 205. An Account of Whales by Sir Thomas Sybbalds, who has had opportunities of viewing them on the Goafts of Scotland, and therefore feems to be more exact than other Writers; but we having never read this Book, must be content to refer the Reader to it; expecting in the mean time more clear diftinctions of them from the Excellent Mr. Ray, in his intended Synopfis of Fishes and Birds. Anno Dom. 1653. The King of Denmark re- folv'd to advance the Northern Trade and Difcove- ries, and therefore equipp'd, and fet out three Ships, with Orders to take the most exact Account of all the Coafts and Places they came at, and to Report them at their return with all poffible Curiofity, that there- by the Voyage might be every way beneficial. They paffed the Weygat Streights, and found fom: Inha- bitants of Nova Zembla in their Canoes, or little Fishing- (a4) xxiv The Introduction. Fiſhing-Boats: Theſe people were very nimble on Foot, and were cloathi'd with Veftments of the Skins of great Birds, like Penguins, and Pelicans, with the Feathers upon them. Their Boots were made of the Hides of Morfes, or great Seals; they had Qui- vers at their backs full of Arrowes, with a Hatchet of Fiſh-Bones; their Temper untractable and indocil, abhorring our Beer, Spirits, and Meats. Leaving Nova Zembla they fteer'd to Greenland. Thefe Countries afford no Trees, or Shrubs, except a little Juniper, and a few dwarf Firs; abundance of Mofs, Heath, a fort of Cabbage, Lettice, Scurvygrafs, Sorrel, Snake-weed, Harts-tongue, a kind of Strawe berry, divers fpecies of Ranunculus, and Houfeleek. In the Holes and Rocks infinite quantity of Fowls Nefts, whofe dung with the moss washed down, makes a mould in the Valleys or Clefts, which produce the aforementioned Plants; otherwife the Country is ge- nerally made up of vast heaps of Rocks, broken Stones, and Ice heaped up from many Generations. Of Water-Fowl there is incredible variety, and in fo great abundance, that with their flight they darken the Sun, and cover the Sea. There are alfo great quan- tities of Dog-Fiſhes, Lobſters, Gernels, Star-Fish, Mackrel, Dolphins, &c. a fort of Sea-Spider found. in Whales Stomachs. For all which fee the French Relations of the Daniſh Voyages, Printed at Paris both by M. Peyrere, and Martiniere. Y Anno Dom. 1630. Captain Luke Fox was fent out in His Majefties, Pinnace the Charles, Victu aled for 18 Months, young Sir John Wolftenholme being Treasurer, to fearch out a North-Weſt Paffage, He traced Frobisher, Hudfon, Davis, Baffin, and Button, The Introduction. XXV Button; meeting with Whales, much Ice, and Fowls. Hebuilt a Pinnace in River Nelſon, where he found Several remains left there by Sir Thomas Button : he obferved abundance of ſmall ſpruce Fir-Trees on both fides that River moft covered with mofs, and other forts of Trees, but fmail; the Valleys had good grafs, Black-Berries, Strawberries, Vetches, Venifon, &c. but no Natives or Inhabitants to be met with in this place, tho in other parts of these Seas he fam fe- veral Savages. Captain James departing from Eng- land foon after Captain Fox, upon the fame defign, they both met and carefs'd each other near Port Nel- fon, in the month of Auguft. Fox got home before winter, but the other was forced to stay till the next Summers Of which, more in the following Pà- ragraph, and in our Supplement at the end: 1 $ > Anno 1631. The most ingenious Captain Tho- mas James was employ'dby the inquifitive Merchants of Bristol, to attempt and difcover a North-Weft Paffage into the South-Sea, and was defigned for fo difficult a work by King Charles the Firft; who was pleaſed to command him to publiſh his Voyage in the year 1633: wherein he gives a very accurate and ju dicions Account of the hardships both in going, win- tering, returning; as alfo of the Streights, Capes, Bays, Tydes, Soundings, Variations of the Com- país, and of the Natural Rarities both Philofophi cal and Mathematical, together with a Plat or Card, and divers Tables. Out of this Journal Mr. Boyle confeffes that he took many Paffages and Phenomena related in his Hiftory of Cold. This excellent Na- vigator feems to be of opinion, that there is no paf- fing by the North-Weft to China, Japan, &c. His Reaſons xxvi The Introduction. * Reaſons may be read at large in his Journal printed at London, in Quarto, 1633. Ter in the year. 1667. this defign was renewed, and undertaken by Several of the Nobility of England, and Merchants of London, who equipp'd and fent out Zachariah Gillam Commander in the Nonfuch Ketch: he paf- fed through Hudfon's Streights, then into Baffins Bay, to the Latitude of 75. from thence Southerly to the Lat. of 51. or thereabruts, in a River now called Prince Ruperts River: he found here a friend- ly Correfpondence with the Natives; built a Fort called Charles Fort; returned with good fuccefs; and laid the Foundation of an advantageous Trade in thoſe parts: But in the year 1687. this place was ſeized upon by the French. See more of Captain James's Voyage and Diſcoveries in our Supple- ment at the end. 曩 ​Anno 1671. Frederick Martens, an Hambur- ger, undertook the Greenland Voyage, upon a de- fire, as may be fuppos'd, in great part to fatisfte the Curiofity and Enquiries of the Royal Society; which he performed in his admirable Diary printed in High Dutch in Quarto, being affifted therein by the fa- mous Fogelius. Anno 1676. The induftrious and most ingenious Captain Wood, was again fent out by his Majeſty King Charles the Second, to make a more perfect Discovery of the North-Eaſt Parts for a paffage to the Eaft-Indies. He went no further than the 76 Degree of North Lat. where he loft his Ship on the Coast of Nova Zembla. His opinion is, there is no failing this North-Eaft Way to China, Japan, &c. The like opinion Captain James hath given of the The Introduction. xxvii the North-Weſt Paſlage, being both perfwaded there- unto by the ftretching of the Land, by the diftra- ction and reverſion of half Tides, by the motion of the Ice, &c. befides the Fogs, Snow, Frofts, vaft Iſlands of Ice, and the Weather, are infuperable. Mr. Witſen in his Letter to the Royal Society Anno 1691. writes against the North-Eaſt Paffage to Japan: he retracts his former Opinion of making Nova Zembla join upon the Continent with Tar- tary, having fince been better inform'd. He thinks the Tartarian Points may run very far North, and perhaps reach to America. Captain Wood fancies, that Nova Zembla and Greenland are the fame Con- tinent, If theſe Conjectures of Captain James, Cap- tain Wood, and Mr.Witfen, concerning the North- Eaſt, and North-Weſt Paffages to the Eaft-Indies fhould not be true, yet the difficulties of failing thoſe ways would be invincible. } But now it feems convenient to come to the preſent Work, and to give an account what is contained therein. The Authors are Four, viz. Sir John Nar- borough, Captain Janſen Taſman, Captain Wood, and Frederick Marten. I. Sir John Narborough is fo well known in Eng- land, and ſo famous beyond the Seas, that I need fay nothing of his great Abilties. His Voyage into the South-Sea is mentioned before, but this is the first time of Publishing it. II. Captain Abel Janſen Taſman's Voyage from Batavia in the Ifland of Java, to the South Terra Incognita is the more confiderable, in that 'tis the Diſcovery of a New World, not yet known to the English. Tis xxviii The Introduction. Tis probable by Abel Janfen Tafman's Navigati- on, that New Guinea, New Carpentaria, and New Holland, are a vaft prodigious Ifland, which he feems to have encompaffed in his Voyage, fetting out from Batavia to Maurice Ifle, East of Mada- gafcar; from whence, bearing away South to 49 deg. of South Lat. and then Eaft and by North to Lat and 44, he fell upon thofe new Tracts of Land call'd Van Diemen's, and afterwards upon New Zealand, to the South-East of New Holland; returning to Batavia through part of the South Sea (wherein he Difcover'd new Ilands) and fo Northwards of New Guinea to the Molucco's, and Java. 42 III. Captain Wood was a most excellent Naviga- tor: He, together with Sir Cloudfly Shovel, ac- companied Sir John Narborough to Chili: After wards he was fent by Charles II. to Difcover a North- Eaſt Paſſage to China and Japan by Nova Zembla and Tartary; of which you have here an Abſtract never Printed before. IV. Frederick Marten of Hamburgh Published his Obfervations made in Greenland in the High Dutch, a Language little understood in England. His Voyage being the left and best was much defired here, it being full of Draughts and curious Remarks; the Copying and Tranflating of which, are perform'd with all poffible diligence. These four make up the Volume, together with many new Carts and Defigns, drawn upon the feve- ral places, which do much illuftrate the Work, and improve both Natural and Mathematical Science. To theſe we thought fit to tack a Supplement con- taining fome Obfervations on Groneland, or Engrone land, The Introduction. xxix land, as alſo upon fome Northern Iſlands, North- Eaft, and North-Weft. 1 'Tis to be lamented, that the English Nation have not fent along with their Navigators fome skilful Painters, Naturalifts, and Mechaniſts, under pub- lick Stipends and Encouragement, as the Dutch and French have done, and still practife daily, much to their Honour as well as Advantage. The English have Capacity, Industry, and Fudgment in theſe Mat- ters, equal to, if not beyond their Neighbours, Sint Mæcenates, We are apt to imitate a certain Prince in every thing, except in the most glorious and beft Part of him, viz. The Encouraging and Reward- ing great Men in all Profeffions, and the promot- ing Arts and Sciences with his Treafure: A Secret which fome Miniſters think not fit to practiſe, or per- haps may be infenfible of, for want of penetration. This makes a great Figure in the prefent and future Ages, covers many Spots and Deformities, and fe- cures the beft Heads, and Hands to carry on, and effect great Deſigns. 1- ? 5 } CON. ? CONTENTS OF THE { INTRODUCTION. NAvis Avigations towards the South, from page 6, to p. 15. As thofe of Magellan, Drake, Candifh, Hawkins, Olivert Noort, Sebald de Wert, Spilbergen, Fernandez Giros, Taſman, Schouten, and Le Maire, Brewer, Sharp, and others. Terra Magellanica Defcribed, î p. 12 General Occurrences in the Southern Navigati- ons 1 $ P. 13, 14, 15. Navigations towards the North from p 15, to 26. As thofe of Zeni, Cabot, Willoughby, Burrows, Forbiſher, Fet, Jackman, Gilbert, Davis, Ba- rents, and Gerart de Veer, Button, Hudfon, Hall, Baffin, Munck, Goodler's Wintering in Greenland. Obfervations on that Country, from p. 21. to 24. Obfervations and Difcoveries by Captain Fox, Cap- tain James, Gillam, and others; of the North- Eaft, and North-West Paffages, p. 26, 27. Of New Guinea, Carpentaria, Hollandia Nova, Zelandia Nova, p. 28. What wanted in our Engliſh Navigations, p. 29. A A TABLE of the Principal Matters contained in Sir John Narbrough's Voyage to the Streights of Magellan ; Captain Tafman's Voyage for a further Diſcovery of Terra Incognita Australis ; Captain Wood's for finding a North-East Paſſage to China and Japan; and Captain Flawes Journal from Nova Zembla to Eng. land. A } Armiger, Sir John Narbrough's Lieutenant, kindly en- tertained, &c. by the Captain of Fort S. Jago, p. 98. Goes to Fort St. Peter, and why, p. 99. Kept Prifoner there, p. 100. His Letter to Captain Narbrough, p.101. Left behind, · 1 III Anchors, three found beyond Cape Gregory,&c. p. 126 Baldavia Harbour, its Latitude, &c. p. 85. The Traffick thereof, P. 93. Three Rivers empty themselves into it, p. 106. A conjecture concerning it, p. 106, 107. The Tackle for Ships in this place, what, p. 107. A de- fcription of the Harbour and Country adjacent, p. 108, 109, &c. Batchellour Pink attends upon Sir John Narbrough, ber Burthen, how Mann'd, Victualled, &c. p. 2, 4. In- ftructions to the Mafter thereof, and from whom, p. 9, 10, 11, 12. Lofes fight of the Sweepstakes, and is Teen no more, Bezoar-ftone, whence taken, Cape Blanco, Defcription thereof, p. 31. Its P. 23 p. 32, 33 Latitude, p.41 Cape Froward, a description of it, p. 70. Its Latitude, Longitdue and Meridional Distance, p. 71 Cape 1 The Contents. Cape Holland defcribed, together with feveral other Capes, Ilands, and Bays, p. 7 ´ Cape Quad defcribed, p. 76. The distance between it and Cape Munday, Cape Munday, its defcription, Ibid. p. 46, 47 Cape Defiada defcribed; its Latitude, Longitude, and meridional distance, p. 78 Cape Pillar, its Lat. Longit, and meridional distance, F.78 Cape Gallery defcribed Chile, the chief Place of America for Gold, P. 112 P. 92 Cooe, (Hugh) Trumpeter on board Sir John Narbrough, taken Prifoner by the Spaniards at Baldavia, was left bebind, Direction Ifles, their number, where, P. III P. 114 Don Carlos fet afhore in Noman's Ifland, and why, p. 84. Never beard of more, a p. 87, &c. distance be- The Bay or P. 75. 124 Elizabeth Ifland defcribed, p. 66, 57. The tween it, and S. Jerom's River, P. 74. River of this Ifland defcribed, Flawes (Captain William) His Journal of Voyage from Nova Zembla to England in the year 1676, from p. 171, to p. 185. His opinion of the faid Voyage, with a Relation of his mifcarriage therein, and fome Obferva- tions thereupon, p. 185. &c. Fonchiale, the chief Town in the Madera's; its Latitude, P. 3 Fortescue (John) Gent. Taken Prifoner by the Spaniards at Baldavia, and left behind by Sir John Narbrough, P.I p. 112 Freſhwater Bay. See Elizabeth Iſland Highway (Thomas) Linguist, on board Sir John Nar- brough, taken Prifoner by the Spaniards in Baldavia, there, S. James's Fort in the hands of the Spaniards, p. 86. The intercourse there between Sir John Narbrough's Lieute- mant, and the Captain of the Fort- p. 87. Their enter- tainment, p.. 88, 89 their Habit Indians of the Country about Port S. Julian, &c. p 49, 50, 51, A further account of them, p. 53 P. Indian The Contents. Indians of Elizabeth Iſland their Character, p. 63, 64, Indians of Chile deſcribed Lizzard in Engl. Its Latitude Madera, a Deſcription thereof 65,66,70 2 p. 103 P. 2 p. 2,3 Magellan (the Streights of) not paſſable for Ice at the lat- ter end of April, p. 45. A Defcription of the Magel- lannick Streights, p. 61, &c. The length thereof from Cape Virgin Mary to Cape Deffeada, p. 78. The fafeft way to enter thefe Streights Le Mair's Iſland defcribed, p. 37. St. Maries Ile its Latitude, p. 95. Mayo Ifle, a Defcription thereof p. 116,117, &c. When so named ibid. Its Product and Air Mocha Island, its Defcription, Latitude, &c. Mullets, 700 caught at a time P. 96 P. 4, 5 P.95 p. 125 Narbrough (Sir John) receives his Commiffion, p. 1. Gees on Board the Sweepftakes, ibid. 1 p. 2. Arrives at Madera Steers for St. Jago, p. 4. Caufes bis Men to be let blood, and why, ibid. and p. 14. Going a shore at Mayo he brings off fome Salt, p. 5. Buys Provifions of the Ilanders, ibid. Comes to Port Praya in St. Jago Iſle, and what happen'd, p. 6,7. Is ordered to Sail to the Sireights of Magellan, p. 8. His Instructions to Mr. Fleming of the Batchellor Pink for the better find- ing each other after feparation by Storm, or otherwife, P. 12,13. His Order he kept on Board, and his Obfer- vations, p. 14 15. Defcription of the Country about Cape Blanco,p. 21. Lofes fight of the Batchellor Pink, p. 23. His project to discover the People of the Country about Seals Bay ineffectual, p, 29, 30. Kills 400 Seals p.30. Takes poffeffion of Port Defier, and all the Land in the Country thereabouts for King Charles II. p. 40. Sails for Port St. Julian, p. 42. He Eats Foxes and Kites, p. 49. Twelve of his Men lame, the manner Pi thereof, p. 52. Returns to Port Defier, p. 56. Enters the Mouth of the Streights of Magellan, p. 60. Goes a- fhore on Elizabeth Iſland, p. 63. His conference with (b) 19 In. The Contents. 19 Indians, ibid. and 64,65,66. His way of failing, p. 85. Difcourfes with the Spaniards of St. James's Fort, P. 90. &c. Sends Men afhore in St. Mary Ifle, and why, p. 96, 97. His difcourfe to two Indians, p. 102. His Letter to Lieutenant Armiger, p. 104. Re- turns from Baldavia, and what way, P. I 12, 113, &c. His Journal continued, and by whom, p. 121. Sets fail from Port Defier for England. Pafs Cape Blanco Cape Virgin Mary, St. Michaels, p. 127, 128. Puts into Angria in the Terceras, p. 128. Within fight of Scilly p. 129 Narbrough's Island, its Products and Defcription, p.81,82 Noman's Island, its Latitude and Defcription p. 83. Nueftra Senora di Socoro, an Ifland, its Meridian and Longitude, p. 8o. Defcribed p. 80, 81 Oſtriches, about Seals Bay, their shape and colour p,29.30 Penguin Iſland defcribed, p. 24, 25. Its Latitude, p.41. A vast numbers of Penguins bere, p. 56. guin, what A Pen- p. 58,59 Latitude, p. 41. P. 127 P. 7,8 Port Defier defcribed, p. 25, 26. Its Sir John Narbrough returns thither Port Praya, a Defcription thereof Port St. Julian, and the Country thereabout defcribed, p. 42, to p. 56, The distance between it and the Flat Ifland, P. 43. Its Longitude, Latitude, and Meridional diſtance, P. 44. Vaft quantities of Salt bere P. 45 Port Famen, Its Defcription and Latitude, p. 67, 68.~ An account of the Product of the Country and River there- about Seals, a defcription of them p. 69, 121 P. 30,31 Seals Bay defcribed, and the Country thereabouts, p.23,24, 25, 26,27,28,29 Smelts of an extraordinary bigness P. 123 Spaniards at Fort St. James in Baldavia, their Policy, to furprize Sir John Narbrough, together with the Ships. Crew, p.89. Are kind to Lieutenant Armiger,. p. 98 Spiring's Bay, a Defcription thereof P. 24 Sweepſtakes, The Contents. Sweepſtakes, ber Burthen, how Mann'd, Victuall'd, &c. p. I. Her Cargo, p. 2. Crew reduced to eat Peafe in- stead of Bread p. 83 Tafman (Abel Janfen) Sails from Batavia with two Ships, the Heemskirk Tacht, and Seehane Fly-Boat towards the Terra incognita Auſtralis, in which Voy- age be fets down many things worth notice; but bis Tract being but a short Journal of the fame de die in diem, I refer the Reader to it (without drawing any Contents thereof from p. 131. to 143 ( p. 107,108 P. 71 Veffels (Spanish) Several forts of 'em Wood's Bay, why fo call'd Wood (Captain John) bis delightful and profitable Relati- on of a Voyage for diſcovery of a North Eaſt Paſſage to China and Japan, from p. 143, to p. 155. His Jour- nal thereof from p. 155, top. 171, Contents of Frederick Martens Voyage into Spitzbergen and Greenland. Of Pag. 1 F the Voyage from the Elbe to Spitzbergen Of their Voyage bome again from Spitzbergen to the P 14 P. 29 P. 39 Elbe Of the external Fate and appearance of Spitzbergen p. 16 Of the Sea, and divers Storms and Tempefts Of vaft Mountains and Fields of Ice, and the great diffi- culty of failing Of the Air and wonderful changes of the Weather P. 45 Of the Plants of Spitzbergen. Of a Plant with Aloe- Leaves. Of Small Houfleek. Of Crow's-Foot. Of Scurvy- Grafs. Of an Herb like Stone-crap. Of a Snakeweed. Of an Herb like unto Mouſe-Ear. Of a Plant like un- to Periwinkle. Of an Herb like a Strawberry. Of Rock Plant from p. 55. top 70 Of the Animals but chiefly the Birds about Spitzbergen. Of Birds with Toes or divided Feet. 1. Of a Snite. 2. Of the Snow Bird. 3. Of the Ice Birds. Of the broad or webfooted Birds. Of the Rathfher. Of the Pigeon. Of the The Contents. the Lumb. Of the Mew called Katge-gebef. Of the Burgemeister. Of the Rotgis. Of the Struntjager, (or Dung-hunter.) Of the diving Parrot. Of the moun- tain Duck. Of the Kirmew. Of the Mallemuck. The Red Geefe, a Bird called John of Ghent, like a Stork from p. 72. to p. 98 Of four footed Beafts. Of the Hart and Deer. Of the Fox. Of the white Bear. Of the Sea-Dogs, called Rubbs and Seales. Of the Sea-Horfe, or Morfe from p.99 to 112 Of Cruftaneous Fish. Of the Sea Craw-fish without a Tail, or Sea Spider. Of the Garnels or Prawns. Of the leffer Garnels or Shrimps. Of the Loufe of the Whale. Of the Star-fish, two forts. Of the Macarel. of the Dragon fish. Of the Dolphin. Of the Butskopf, or Places head. Of the Saw fish, or Sword fish. Of the white Fish. Of the Unicorn. Of the Hay, feveral forts from p. 113 to p. 129 Of the Whales about Spitzbergen, and bow they differ from other Whales, with an exact defcription of all the parts of a Whale, and to what uses they are applied from p. 130 to p. 144 Of the fever ways of catching Whales from p.145 to p.156 How they mannage the dead Whales : feveral ways of Trying out of the Train-Oil from the Fat from p.197 to p.164 Of the Finn-fill being the length of a Whale, but much lefs in bulk p. 165 Of Rotz fishes and Sea-qualms. Of the Sea May-fly. Of the Snail Slime-fish. Of the Hat Slime-fish. Of the Rofe like shaped Slime fish. Of the Slime fish like a Cap. Of the Slime fish like a Fountain from p. 166 to p.175. A Contents of the Supplement. Deſcription of Cherry and other Iſlands from p.179 John Mayens Iland Groenland or Engroenland. The Difcovery of Freezland or Frifeland to p. 184 P. 185 p. 18- P. 20€ A ¿ 512-70101241220115121 KERAJAANIRRAHEIMAME: 4884|3|||ALATAN 5J FOR?|||||||et||| 52 1 IMAGININD... 287 S 53 ! OUTH BALTI BABSM/UM: 19:49||……¶FINIT S E A LA SENATUTARIISASIEGE BIKESTUARIS2005. 288 tilb mafujal. 4:0 PMID SHANTI 2 ENREMTIDE 2,89 Baldava Villarica Iles of direction or Four Miles Com 14 Sugarisaf. 171. Variation Eaſt Anno bys. H3.4 54 FOLIEROFON, MA G A. ! C. Piller ས 4.1 Gallere Sand bay Cumbafsumbara 293 290 B Anagada E de Andres Cofta de Baxas Elega 42 Chillve Punta de terra nova Cofta Deferta 4:3 Castro B Sinfondo -4: 4: No-mans I Coronales ALF יזי 292 293 294 ANNABEND ROUN DEUPURI!!! LEAMATEITI TERRA:11: 4.5 416 47 4:9 51 53 SOUTH SEA lage broken hills RS. Doming a Narboroughs Ifle Round Ifles CDiego Gallego P.St Steven C. de S. Andrew Cde Ochavario V. Nraftra, Šenova. Aqui Seperdio PAT TA GONUM Diego Gallego REGIO Je st Albra St Gullen Pdel Gada or Corco Victoria CDifcada E sam Savage People here diey have Boats C. Monday Serania CQuad Acon Sin Salida Sierra Novada I.Elizabeth I P de los Leones Cabo Redondo A.con Sardinis C. de S. Hellena Rde Camaron CBlanco Springe RDones CLook out Woods' hill Plane Fills S2Tzes Beach head PS. Iulian CFair weather ¿Virgin Mary B.Possession Entrance C Gregory C. Gallant C.Holland P Famin Froward Riders B Whale Bay land nAakes Monmouth QK Forland Penguin I. + E difton Magellan Streights 1. Entreada de Sabafima C 28 Penas TERRA DEL FUO GO 57 I.Digo Raniras A rocky Country Sounds runing into & land Craggy broken land A Cursed Rocky land I fan people here : Mountators Maridius land Straight la Maire Straten land Ist Huon Sulefe 7 de Goncals y.“ de „Ś Iljonce C Horn 10 Gornevelds I Habiable land and good grou Where Light Smelts of a great length Sundy point man Scroms Sound Streights Sound Here Indians came on Beatl the Ship poor and naked 20 Fictoria ނ Fun hills ན་ Tuesday Bay Dileada ? Iſland Bay Love CVpwright Mussell Cove I Stuart Sculp: aladinhofazantinska,da, 1 287 ARINGILLATGALATIAN The land of desolation all Craggy, OLIAMINAATETESI DA GAMINGJANLEHRINGING. on 288 a * CQuad Amighty Rocky Country which is pe is perpetuall Snow Riders Bav great Mussell? Mussell Bay: many Atusells with much Pearl in them JAYAARDE KLONITOR 12 18 M Morent mifery Batchelors River + Fork Road Elizabeth's Bay good riding here Pico To the Honble Sam: Pepys Esq 1 This Mapp of the. STREIGHTS of MAGELLAN Drawn by SIoNarbrough is humbly Dedicated, by Sam Smith and Benj: Wallford. --- 1 UPUSSITERIET RIEMPILATE 295 Pag: the Sea Shoar high Chalk halls Steep up. Grass land no Tmber Low Bay Shoalds 19 29 20 20 52 29 4.5 29 12 47 20 34 Shoalds 4.9 40 Copling mills Baleges A Good Graſs Country AGrajs land no Timber and little fresh water iP Mari ། ༤ Man: Exage nespic here of a ammon stature they have Beats Good Bland The Woods begin good land 7 & 10 18 18 20 10 20 20 30 98 28140. B A good Grass&wood Country 6 2614 378 Lifer Earb arbor Berry Plane Revall Road & Good plane land Bay Gregory ¿Gregory 5 23 65373614 29 40 20 25 725 Fortres ލ ލ ތ 25° ་་ 8-7-8 & Entrance Rocks like Alses ears ARAA 30 8 7 19 23 dry Flats -22-24 28 Et 20 CVirgin Mary BPossession Sand Fall Cliffs 25 23 30 36 36 36 36 36 30-38 40 36 26 39 30 30 39 39 52 + 32 28 27 39 725 30' 39 28 2,7 TTIILILLESTEMTIDI 2,5 39 25 18 20 TTT 354+30 Brakes should water 25 10 Fish Love South Ullter dry at lon wat Many Savage People here they make many Fires. 30 20 30130 MAGELLAN STREIGHT Queen Katharines Forland Variation. 17.2 Anno 1670 35 36 ¿Brand Geese here 20 30 Mam People here 25. 4.0 Here fresh water_runns ISE امر 1 down in many places Good Inchoring here Snow hills ༡༠ 100 A Grass land many People here Savage: : tauny Indians of a good Stature A "Grass land many People here 23 A Grass land. 2 24 300 Fresh water Bay S Large trees here. Cordes Bay Andrew's Bay Gallant グーク ​C. Gallant HS+ Whale SoundI sa many Whales herr IB • Whale Blay Koo MADAMIANELL HEALT 289 до play H iquanogy 23 25 10+ P. Famin good riding and good fishing here High Snow hills Snow mount roward Woods Bay 4.8 + 10 00 261 1.0 KING CHARLES CMonmouth A great Sound The people in this land paſs over & Streights in Boats or Canou's made of & Rine of Trees. SOUTH LAND Paraketti's Bay for here we see green Birds like Parraketto's A Grass and woody land good fresh: water The people in this Country have Boats I lay ahoar here 4 days and nights. Fogg hills A Rocky Mountainous desolate land, the tops of the Mountain: covered with Snon continually, the Aire Cold: Open Sound TERRA DEL FUOGO A kata A&t. 11 it LABRILID JAMI KLAIDIS: WAHILI LARG. H 490 DAAGAGA - 1.4. 1. FIGURATUGINEINHEA BATTERIER CHARLIJION 292 KLIINIKOISITORS AZOLERATED A Scale of twenty Leagues. 2 32 6 9 | 5 28 2nd 3 32 33 34 26 27 28 29 JURRELATIN 5 20 25. 20 Names of Several Islands ·A· Elizabeths Ife a graſs land · B.St Bartholemews I. or Penguins I. C. St Georges I, or Penguins I. D. Charles's I regular Wood land. E.Iames I. a great deal of Wood. F.Monmouth I a great deal of wood. GRuperts I. wood. in the Streights: HLord Arlingtons I. 1. Earle of Sandwith's I. K-Secretary Wrens . L . L.Whale Point. MCMiddleton N.Westminster I a rocky I. O The Lawyers I all rocks. 292 293 294 t 53 AFAELJER. 544227*942520F111'1 295 54 LEESTIKEEL. (1) A JOURNAL KEPT BY Captain John Narbrough, &c. M AT 15. 1669. This day being Satura day, Í received from the Honourable Mr. Wren, Secretary to his Royal Highneſs the Duke of Tork, my Com- miſſion to Command his Majeſty's Ship the Sweep Stakes, the Ship being at Deptford, in the River of Thames near London. Sunday September 26. 1669. Set out at his Ma- jefty's proper Coft,one of his own Ships named the Sweepstakes, Burthen 300 Tuns, with 36 great Ord- nance, and all other Munition proportionable; manned with 80 Men and Boys, victualled for fourteen Months,at whole allowance of all Provi- fions both good and wholefom, having Oät-meal for Fiſh, and four Tuns and an half of Brandy in lieu of Beer, ſtores of all forts compleat for twelve months, with provifion of Craft to take Fiſh and Fowls, a feyne Net, and hooks, and lines, and fif gigs, and harping Irons, twelve Fowling pieces, B with 2 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage with fhot, and pigs of Lead to make Shot, if occa fion, &c. And the Batchelour Pink, burthen 70 Tuns, with four great Ordnance, and all other Munition proportionable; mann'd with nineteen Men, one Boy, victualled for twelve months, at whole allowance of all Provifion good and whole- fom, as the Sweepſtakes had, and ftores proportio- nable for the time, and Craft to take Fiſh and Fowl, &c. Having a fort of Goods to the value of three hundred pounds,as followeth, Knives, Siffers, Glaf- fes, Beads, Hatchets, Bills, Hoes, Nails, Needles, Pins, Pipes, Bells, Boxes, &c. Daffels Linnen, Cloth, Ofenbrigs, Tobacco, and Pipes, &c. to trade with the Natives, at his Majefty's Charge. Wedneſday September 29. Hazy weather, the Wind to the North-weſt and by Weſt, a freſh gale: Iftood to the South-weft-ward as near as I could; this day at twelve a Clock, the Lizard bore North of me a little Eaſterly, diſtance about 12 Leagues, according to my account; Latitude by account, is 49 d.35 m. This day I ſpoke with a French Banker: Lizard in England lies in the Lat. of 50d. 10 m. and in Longitude Eaft, from the Meridian of the Weft part of St. Michael, one of the Iſlands of the Azores 18 d. 30m. From the Lizard I take my de- parture, and keep my daily account of the diffe- rence of my Longitude from that Meridian. October the 17. I made the Madera; which Iſland is high Land, and irregular in Hills, with Wood on the top and down the fides; Planted with Vines: there is fome Sugar made in the Iſland; the Inhabitants Portuguefes. The City of Fonchiale is 1 to the Streights of Magellan. 3 is the Metropolis, and is fituated in a Bay on the South part of the Ifland, cloſe to the Sea fide, wal- led next the Sea, and well fortified with Ord- nance; freſh water comes running into the Sea in the middle of the Bay, in a fair Rivulet from un- der an Arch in the Wall; the fhoar-fides are great pebble ſtones in the Bay, and Rocks in the other places; the Road is foul ground, to the Eaſt part of it: the Ships ride in fhot of Ordnance of the City: this City is about an Engliſh mile in length, and three quarters of a mile in breadth. The Defarts are barren rocky Ifles of a good heighth,and lie at the South-eaft point of Madera, above a mile diftant from the fhore; there is wa- ter enough between Madera and the Defarts in the midway, and no danger; the Defarts trent to the South-eaft. Fonchiale Bay in the Ifle of Madera lies in the Latitude of 32 d. 10m. North, and in Lon- gitude Weft from the Lizard of England 10 d. 1 m. and Meridian diſtance 143 Leagues. Sunday being the 17th. fair Weather and little wind at North-weft, Courfe by my Compafs South-weft. I make my true Courſe from Fon- chiale Bay,till to day at noon South-fouth-weft,di- ftance, failed 34 miles fix tenths departure Weſt 13 miles; Diff. Lat. oo d. 32 m. Lat. by account 31 d. 38 m. Meridian diftance from the Lizard' Weft, 147 leagues, 1 mile; Longitude from the Lizard Weft 10d. 17 M. Difference of Longitude from Fonchiale Weft o0 d. 16 m. To day at noon I faw the Iſland of Madera, bearing Nb. E: the body of the Ifle diſtant by eſtimation 11 leagues; it makes in a bluff body at the Weft end, and treats to the B 2 Eaft: 4 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Eaſt: Courſe by the Compaſs this afternoon SW. little wind to night; I fhaped my neareſt Courſe for the Iſland of St. Jago with all the fail I could make, the Batchelour Pink in Company; I gave order to my Maſter to make the beſt of his way to St. Jago Inland, but not to leave the Company of the Batchelour. Saturday October 23. The wind at N.b. E. a gale: this day in the forenoon I croffed the Tropick of Cancer, all my men in good health, I praife the Al- mighty God for it: many of my men that had been with me in the Indies formerly, were let blood; for I take bleeding in theſe hot Climates to be a great preſerver of health, diverting Ca- lentures; I experienc'd it in two Voyages before to the Ifland of St. Helena, and in one to the Coaſt of Guinea, where ſeveral of my men under that distemper, were preferved by bleeding; in all theſe Voyages I was never fick one day, nor in two years time in the Mediterranean Sea, nor at the Canaries; for when I came near the Equino- Etial I always breathed a Vein. Thurſday October 28. the Wind at Eaſt-North- Eaſt a ſtiff gale; this Morning I faw the Iſle of Mayo bearing S. b. W. diſtant by eſtimation eight Leagues; it makes a high Hill, and Craggy to the Eaft part, and low land towards the fhore-fide, to the North-weſt part of the Iſland; it lies from Bo- naviſt S. b.W. diſtant near 18 leagues. This day at 11 a Clock I anchored in the Road in feven fa- thom water, fandy Ground, about a mile from the fhore; the Northernmost point of the Road bear- ing N.N.W. half a point to the Weſt, and the Sou- I مجھ thern to the Streights of Magellan. 5 thern point of the Road, bearing South-eaſt from diſtant about a mile and an half: there are me; craggy Rocks to the South of the Road on the fhore fide, but to the North a low fandy fhore; the Road is on the North-weſt and by Weſt part of the Iſland in a ſmall fandy Bay; there's the Salt- pond a bow's fhot from the Sea in the low flat Land; freſh water is very ſcarce here: I went a- fhore preſently after I had anchored, and found a heap of Salt of about 20 Tuns; I got aboard a- gain immediately, and fent the Long-boat afhore, which brought off 2 Tuns and, the Suff came in fo much that no more could be got off; we halled the Seyne here, and caught abundance of good Mullets, with fome Cavalle and filver Fiſh; one of the Iflanders a Negro came aboard, whom I fent afhore, to tell the People that if they brought down fome Cattle I would buy fome of them; I rode here all Night; fair Weather, the Wind Ea- fterly. This fide of the Ifland is dry land with- out wood; here are many Goats, and Guinea Hens. Friday October 29. fair Weather, the wind at NE. a fine gale: this Morning I fent my Boat a- fhore, and bought of the Iſlanders fome Goats at a piece of Eight per Head,and 8 Cows excellent good meat at 6 pieces of Eight a Cow, giving the skins again; my men caught a great many Fiſh with the Seyne, which this day we fplit, and laid in pickle four Hours, then dried them to keep, which they will a long time in any Climate, as I have experienced in other Voyages, and are very good Victuals at Sea: I made what diſpatch I B 3 could 6 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage could to be gone for St. Jago Ifland. This day in the forenoon, a Ship paffed by to the Weftward on the South fide of the Ifle, and in the afternoon we faw feveral Ships coming from the North- ward, which were the Portugueſe Fleet bound for Brazil; they halled into Port Praya in the le of St. Jago to water: this night I weighed, and ftood away at twelve a Clock South-fouth-weft for Port Praya, with the Pink in Company; I touched at the Ifle of May for Salt, which I knew would be a great help to get Proviſions in the Voyage. Saturday October 30. fair wind at North-eaſt and by North a freſh gale. This Morning I fteered South-weft for the South fide of St. Jago, where is the Road of Port Praya, lying near South-weft from the Road of the Ifle of May, and diſtant nine Leagues. This day at 12 a Clock I caft my beſt Bower-anchor in Port Praya Road, in 10 fathom rough Ground, the Eaft Point bore Eaft of me, and the Weft Point about Weft-fouth-weft, about half a mile off; I could not go into the beft of the Road, the Portuguese Fleet of about thirty fix Sail riding in it; the Great Padre Eternel Admiral, bound for Brazil, is a very great Ship and well built, they ſay ſhe is in Burthen 1700 Tuns, fhe hath Ports for three Tier of Guns flush, but now fhe had but eighty, and poorly mann'd with Sea- men, and fo were all the reft, fix Frigats might have taken moſt of the Fleet. At my coming in to Anchor, the Admiral faluted me with feven Guns, I thanked him with as many; Captain Fran- cis Wilkfheir in the Jerufalem fired five, I returned him to the Streights of Magellan. 7 him three; fo did the Reer-Admiral, and I re- turn'd the Complement in the like number, feveral of the Fleet fired three, whom I anſwer'd in con- clufion with three for all. I rode on the broad fide of the Admiral, and faluted the Fort with five Guns, which return'd three, then I fent my Lieu- tenant afhore to ask leave of the Governour to wa- ter, which he granted forthwith; my Coopers, got the Cask ready, and this Evening put one boat's lading aboard. Sunday Octobor 31. fair Weather, the wind at North-eaſt a fine gale. This Morning Don Carolus went afhore to Pryam; with much ado I got off a boats lading of Water, for the Portuguese boats were filling too, and a great many Soldiers at the watering place fnatch'd fome of our mens Hats off, and run away, wherefore I would not let my men go any more this day for fear of quarreling. This Bay of Port Praya, as they call it, is no Port, but a fine round Bay, having high ſteep Cliffs on the Eaſt fide,and in the bottom a ſteep Hill,where the Caſtle is, that hath but four Guns, and is of no force; there is a ſmall Fort on the top of a Hill on the Eaft fide, which hath three Guns. On the North-weſt part of the Bay the fhore is gravelly and fandy, and there's a Grove of Coco-nut trees : A freſh water Rivulet runs down into the Valley, and thence through the Sand foaks into the Sea: this Water is in great quantity, very good, and keeps well at Sea: to the weft part of this Bay lies a fmall Iſland cloſe on the fhore, which has Grafs on it that may be cut off for Cattle, which I did; this Road is no fafeguard for Shipping, for a Man B 4 of Sir John Narbrough's Voyage of War may take any Ship out of the Bay, without receiving any damage from the Forts afhore, and with Fire-Ships a whole Fleet may be ſpoiled at pleafure; for it's a freſh gale every day,and there's but two points of Land by which a man may fetch into any part of the Bay; alfo the Bay lies open to the Sea from the Eaft, Southerly to the W.S.W. I called for my Lieutenants and Maſter, and acquainted them, that I had Orders to fail from thence to the Coaſt of America to the South- ward of the River of Plate, to the ftreights of Magellan, through which we were to paſs into the South Seas, and that we muſt ſhape our Courſe to make the ſhorteſt way of it, and be careful to keep Eaſterly enough of it, to weather the fhoals of Brazil, called the Abroholls, lying in and about eighteen degrees of Southerly Latitude, for the Wind blows for the moſt part thereabouts between the Latitude of ten South, and the Latitude of twenty South, at Eaft by South and Eaft South- caft freſh gales; whilft this paſs'd,in came the Ma- fter, and told me all things were ftowed, and the Wind at E. b.N. freſh; I concluded with him that our beft Courſe at preſent would be South and by Eaft, and as we got Southerly and the Wind grew large, we might alter our Courſe when we would': we fteered a Point or two from the Wind, that the Ship might have freſh way through the Sea. I ordered my Mafter to fteer South and by Eaſt by the Compafs, and my Lieutenant to call all hands to Prayer, read Service, and beg'd of God Almighty a profperous Voyage, continuance in Health, and love to one another, and that we might profper in this Undertaking, &c. In- to the Streights of Magellan. ୨ Inftructions for Mr. Humphrey Fleming, Com- mander of his Majeſty's hired Pink the Batche- lour; By vertue of an Order from His Royal Highness, dated the twenty ninth day of Auguſt 1669. to me directed. You are hereby required to fail with his Ma- jeſties hired Pink the Batchelour, which you are Commander of, and to keep Company with his Majeſties Ship the Sweepstakes to the Coaft of America to the Southward of Rio de la Plata, and along the Coaſt of America to the Southward, till you come to the Strights of Magellan, lying in about 53 Degrees of South Latitude; through which you are to pafs into the South Sea, and fail along the Weſt Coaſt of America Northerly, till you come as high as Baldavia, which lies in about 40 Degrees of South-lat. there you fhall receive further Orders from me, or in my abfence, from the Commander in Chief on board his Majeſties Ship the Sweepstakes, in cafe you keep Company with her, whoſe Company you are not to depart from or leave,upon any occafion whatſoever, as you will anſwer the contrary at your peril, unleſs you have Order from me fo to do, or in my abſence from the Commander in Chief on board her; You are alſo to underſtand,that you are to be employed by me as I fhall fee occafion to employ you, to diſco- ver Lands, Bays, Havens, Rivers or Streights, &c. The 10 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage The Deſign of this Voyage on which you are employed, being to make a Diſcovery both of the Seas and Coaſts of that part of the World, and if poffible to lay the foundation of a Trade there. You are not to meddle with the Coaft of America, nor fend on fhore, unleſs in cafe of great neceffi- ty, till you get to the Southward of Rio de la Plata; and you are not to do any injury to fuch Spaniards as you fhall meet with, nor meddle with any place where they are planted: You are to take Obfervations with as much Accuracy as you can, and alſo to cauſe your Mate and Company to do the like, to obferve all Headlands, Iflands, Bays, Havens, Roads, Mouths of Rivers, Rocks, Shoals, Soundings, Courfes of Tides, flowings and fettings of Currents, where you come, both in the North and South Seas, &c. and caufe Draughts and Deſigns to be made of them; and alſo you are to take notice of all Trade-Winds, &c. you meet with, and of the Weather, and eſpecially to obferve Harbours in the Streights of Magellan; You are in all places where you land to obferve the nature of the Soil, and what Fruits, Woods, Grain, Fowls, and Beaſts it produces, and what Stones and Minerals, and what Fiſh the Rivers and the Sea doth abound with; You are to do your utmoſt to procure of the Minerals to carry to Eng- gland, and to deliver them to His Royal High- nefs's Secretary. You are alfo to mark the tem- per and inclinations of the Indian Inhabitants, and where you can gain any Correſpondence with them, you are to make them fenfible of the great Power to the Streights of Magellan. 11 + Power and Wealth of the Prince and Nation to whom you belong, and that you are fent on purpoſe to ſet on foot a Trade, and to make Friendſhip with them; but above all for the Ho- nour of our Prince and Nation, you are to take care, that your Men do not by any rude behavi- our or injuries to them, create an Averfion in them to the English Nation; but that on the other fide they endeavour to gain their Love by kind and civil Uſage toward them, and whosoever ſhall act otherwife, you are to correct him or them for fo doing, which you are to acquaint your Men with, that they be not ignorant. You are to be careful of your Provifions and Liquor, and to husband it to the best advantage, that there be no waftful Expence made of it, nor of your Ships Furniture, as Sails, Anchors, Cables, and Rigging, &c. and that you endeavour at all places where you come to get Provifions, Wood and freſh Water, fo as you do not endanger your Ship and Men, which you are to be very careful of, and in no caufe to ex- pofe any one of your Men to the hazard of his Life, but always be careful that they be well guarded, and be watchful, for there have been many cut off by their own neglect. You are to be careful to keep a good Command aboard over your Men, and in cafe any mutinous pra- ctice happen under your Command, you are forthwith to make it known to me. You are to be careful to have your Ship kept fweet and clean for the preſervation of your Men's healths: And God profper us. Given 12 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Given under my Hand on board his Majeſties Ship the Sweepstakes, riding at the Iſland of Saint Fago, in Port Praya Road, November 5. 1669. John Narbrough. To Captain Humphrey Fleming, Commander of the Batchelour Pink, theſe. 1 Inftructions for the better finding each other, after Separation by Chance, foul Weather, or otherwise. You are hereby required to Sail with his Majefties hired Ship the Batchelour under your Command, and to keep Company with his Majeſties Ship the Sweepstakes, along the Coaſt of America,to the Southward of Rio de la Plata,to Port St. Julian on that Coaſt, which lies in about 49 d. 20m. South Latitude, which your Draughts mention. In cafe of Separation at Sea in this Voyage from each other you are to uſe all means to endeavour to meet again, that is to ſay, by looking well abroad at Sea, and ſo to obſerve the Order in your failing Inftructions, to know each other at fight: the next Poft of Rendezvouz will be at Port St. Julian, which is on the Coaſt of America, as is faid before; You are to make all the haft that you can thither, and to ſtay for the Sweepstakes there two whole Months, if you get thither before her, and fhe fhall do the like for you; 1 to the Streights of Magellan. 13 you; In your way thither, after you have paſ- fed to the Southward of Rio de la Plata, 'twill be beſt for you to Sail along the Coaſt of America, to fee if you can fall with me, and to make Cape Blanco which lies in about 17 d. 20m. South La- titude, and fo to Port St. Julian, where you are to ſtay; you may alfo enquire for me at Port De- fir, which lies in about 48 d. South-Lat. If I fhall come to any place and be gone again before you come thither, I will leave a piece of Board nailed to a Pole or a Tree, engraven, mentioning the Ship's name, and the day of my departure, and the next Port I intend to go to; I defire you would do the fame, and at Port St. Julian I will do likewiſe, and alſo leave an Order for you tied to a Pole, being put in a glaſs Bottle; the Pole fhall be placed on the Ifland which lies in the Har- bour at the Weft end thereof, where I fhall build a Tent; pray be careful to look for it, and I ſhall do the fame for you; it may be I may have an opportunity to touch on the Coafts as I fail a- long, if I can find any Trade with the Natives; you may be fure where ever I come to find thoſe Memorials of my being there before you; fo God profper our Intentions. Given under my Hand at Port Praya, Road on Board the Sweepstakes riding there at the Iſland of St.Jago, Novemb. 5. 1669. } John Narbrough. To Captain Humphrey Fleming, Commander of the Batchelour Pink. December 14 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage D¹ Ecember 4. Many flying Fish feen to day, and Bonetto's, Sharkfifh, and Albycores, a Fift larger than a Bonetto, but of that Mackrel fhape, and feaveriſh Diet, they live upon the flying Fith like the Bonetto's; to day we caught fomo of them with Hooks, and one Shark; our Men eat them both, and account the Shark a good Fiſh. December 7. To day the Cooper found two Buts of Beer had leaked out: this day all of us. drank Water only, for it was ever my order that the meanest Boy in the Ship fhould have the fame allowance with my felf, fo that in general we all drank of the fame Cask, and eat one fort of Pro- viſion, as long as they lafted: I never permitted any Officer to have a better piece of Meat than what fell to his Lot,but one blinded with a Cloth ferv'd every Man as they were called to touch and take, by which means we had never any Dif- ference upon that ſcore. ny Saturday December 18. All the Ship's Compa- God be praiſed in good health, moſt of them were let blood after I had crofs'd the Tropick of Cancer, and none troubled with the Calenture in this Voyage. Whilft I am in the hot Weather I allow a quart of Vinegar to 6 Men per Week, and alfo to eat with their freſh Fiſh, which I divide equally a- mong the whole Ship's Company, be it little or much, or caught by whomfoever. ✔ Friday December 24. I find great Difference within this 48 hours between my dead Account, as 1 to the Streights of Magellan. 15 as we call it, which is kept by the Log, and the Obfervations I made thefe 2 days when the Sun was on the Meridian; for I find I have gone more Southerly by 12 Miles than the Log allows; I can't perceive any variation, and the Log is well kept, and the half minute Glafs good; I judge the Current ſets to the Southward,now the Winds are at the Eaft, and the Moon near the full. December 30. This Afternoon I took an Azi- muth, and find fix degrees ten minutes variation Eaſterly, my Obfervation being of a good one; fair Weather to Night at 9 a Clock, Nebeles ma- jor was very vifible in the Heaven, and ſeems to be a piece of the Milky-way broke from it; the Southern Conftellations appear which are near the Pole Antarctick, the Camelion, the Bird of Pa- radife, the Tail of little Hydra, and the Water- Snake, which are all fmall Stars of the 5th and 6th Magnitude; no Pole-ſtar nor any Star fit for Obſervation to be feen within 15 degrees of the Pole, the Crofers Stars of the firft and fecond Magnitude are good for Obfervation, and are in this form when they are on the Meridian above the Polc. Diſtance from the Pole. 31″ 50° * Diſtance from the Pole. 34". 50'. Distance from the Pole. 33". 10'. The black Cloud. * Distance from the Pole. 34". 50'. * A of the 2. Mag. Some 16 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage 1 Some Fowls flying to and fro,a kind of Sea-gulls, and Gannet a black Sea-Fowl as big as a Pi- geon,and fome large ones of that kind, three Tro- pick Birds flying over the Ship of a grey Colour, with a long ſpired Tail as big as Pigeons. Some Bonetto's taken to day; A great broad flat Fiſh like a Scate following the Ship, called by the Seamen a String-Ray, having a long Tail and a fharp bow at the end of it, when it pricks a Man it puts him to much pain, they are called by fome Cloke-fifhes, the leffer fort are good to eat. January 5. Variation of the Compaſs by an Amplitude in the Morning 06 d. 46 m. Eaft; this Afternoon I brought the Ship to, and founded one hundred and eighty four fathom right down, and had no ground; I being thwart of the Shoals of Brazil cauſed me to found, I thought the Sea look'd whiter than ufual, variation at Sun-fet 6 d. 46 m. Eaft; little Wind this Afternoon, at Eaſt by North; I made all the Sail I could, Stay-fails,Steer- ing-fails, Boats-fail and Bonadventure mifen, all fet to draw away Southerly, fome Fowls flying o- ver the Ship which we call Men of War, they prey on flying Fish, &c. January 14. Few Fiſh feen, now and then a fmall Bonetto taken, fmall Sea-Fowls call'd Black Nodies flying to and fro, and 2 Curlieus flying to the Eaſtward. January 24. I judge a Current ſets out of the River of Plate, for I find nine miles more to the Southward than I expected; I have been careful my Courſe and Variation, which is but 18 d. of 20 m. to the Streights of Magellan. 17 20m. Eaſt, by an amplitude taken to Night; I am open of the mouth of the River of Plate, founded to Night, but no ground at one hundred and forty five Fathom; Wind at North and by Eaft, all Night clofe Weather; I fteered South- weft and by South. Monday January 31. Calm this Morning at 8 a Clock the Wind came to the North-weſt a fine gale; at eleven a Clock the Wind went round the Compaſs, and came to North; with much thun- der, lightning, and fome rain; very dark Clouds, cold hafey Weather; feveral ſpots of Sea-weeds driving in the Sea, and a great many Sea-fowls of a brown colour ſwimming in it: ſmooth Water; Courſe ſteered is South-weft by my Compaſs; this day one main ſhroud and one fore-ſhroud broke, and to ftrope of the Main-jeer block; Variation of Sun-rifing by an Amplitude is 19 d. 43 m. Eaft; all my Men in good health, God be praiſed. All the Albycores, Bonettos, and flying Fish have quite left the Ship; no Fiſh to be feen but Whales. Tueſday February 1. Cloudy foggy Weather this Morning, and little Wind at South-eaft. I ſtood to the South-weftward, I faw abundance of Sea-fowl flying to and fro; ftriking about the weeds for fmall Fifh, feveral beds of Sea- weeds driving by the Ship; it fell calm this Af- ternoon; many ſmall Shrimps about the Ship, and eight young Seal-fiſhes cloſe to it; they were as big as an ordinary Spaniel-dog, of a black co- lour, and went away to the Weftward; this Af- ternoon a freſh gale at South-fouth-eaft; Ifteer'd C away 18 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage : away Southward and by Weft by my Compaſs; the Air as cold here on a ſudden, as 'tis in Eng- land in September. Theſe Seas are very much ex- poſed to fudden Gufts and variable Winds, for the Wind has run round the Compafs twice or thrice a day theſe 3 days, the Sea-water is chang- ed whiter than the ufual colour, whence I conje- cture, I muſt be in Soundings, alfo by my account of Longitude, kept from the Lizard, I am not 1 d. 28 m. off from Land, according to Mercator's Draught: This Evening I founded, but had no ground at 130 Fathom; Wind at South a fine gale: Iftcer'd in Weft-fouth-weft; at ten a Clock to Night, I obferved the Water to riple as if it were over a fhoal, and had ground at feventy Fathom; I caufed the Head-fails to be braced to the Maft, and founded; fine red Sand inclining to grey at 70 Fathom. 8 ΙΩ February 2. Meridian diſtance from the Lizard, Weft 839 Leagues, 2 miles .; Longitude at Noon from the Lizard Weft 49 deg. 43 m. little Wind this Afternoon, and fair Weather; we lay fometimes one way, fometimes another; Wind at South-weſt and by South a finall gale. I hoifted out my Boat, and founded, but no ground at 140 Fathoms; I tried the Current with my Boat, but found little or none worth notice: the Sea ripled in many places; I founded on them,but no ground at 108 Fathom; feveral Beds of Sea-weed driving to and fro in knots; thefe Weeds are five or fix Fathom long, in ftrings, with broad leaves on them of a brown colour, at the root hangs a Clod or Rock of 2 or 3 pound weight; feveral Sea- Fowls to the Streights of Magellan. 19 } Fowls flying and fwimming near the Ship; it be- ing quite calm, my Men kill'd ſome of them with their Birding-pieces, for they were very tame, not moving at the report of a Gun; they are very like to Sea-Gulls, and good meat; fome Seals and Whales ſeen. February 5. were feen feveral beds of Rock- weed, and Sea-Fowls, much like Gannets; fome black, others white, pied, and grey; fmall Seal- fiſhes like ſo many Dogs, for their Heads refemble Bull-dogs, which they'l keep above Water a long time, and look at the Ship; they are very nimble at diving and skipping out of the Water: This Afternoon at feven a Clock I was in the Latitude of 41 degrees South, and in Longitude, Weſt from the Lizard of England, 52 deg. and 50 min. and in Meridian diſtance from the Lizard 895 Leagues; Meridian diftance from Port Praya, 616 Leagues, Longitude from Port Praya, Weft, 36 d. 34m. This Night I adviſed with Don Carolus where it would be beſt for us to hale in with the Land, in what Latitude, or at what Cape or Harbour on this Coaſt of America, being now to the South- ward of the River of Plate, and according to my Inſtructions, before the Coaſt to be diſcover'd, and a Trade ſet on foot with the Natives; He told me I might do what I would, for he did not underſtand the Coaft, nor where 'twas inhabited ; 'twas his whole Difcourfe in the Voyage, that he had been here in a Galley, and knew all the Coaſts from the River of Plate to the Streights, and thorow the Streights all along the Weſt Coaſt C 2 to 20 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage to Baldavia and Lima; being arrived here, as far as I can perceive by him, he knows nothing of the matter, nor any thing appertaining to Navi- gation; all I can fancy of him is, that he may have liv'd with a Weft-Indian Governour, whom he has heard talk of theſe Parts. ; February 8. at 7 a Clock this Afternoon the Wind came to the Weft South-weft, a ſtiff gale. I food to the Southward; much Rock-weed pafs'd by the Ship to day, and ſeveral Sea-Fowls feen very cold for the Seafon, being Summer, which Don Carolus began to complain of, and told me, he did not think we fhould have come ſo far Southerly; I fhew'd him by my Plates how far we were to go through the Streights, and a- long the Weft Coaft; he faid, the Spaniards went to Chile a nearer way; I anfwer'd, 'twas into the River of Plate and over Land, which we could not do. My Company are all in good health, but fome of a puny Race grow weak in being fo long on Shipboard; I give them Vinegar once a Week, which is very good to prevent the Scurvy in their Mouths; alfo I order'd every Man to waſh his Mouth, Face and Hands before he receive his daily Allowance of Bread, and appointed one Man to fee it performed; if any neglected it, the Steward kept their Allowance for one day; like- wile every Man is commanded to keep himſelf clean,and free from Lice, upon forfeiture of his dai- ly Allowance to the Party accufing him; by theſe means the Ship is kept neat, fweet and clean, tho' the dirty foggy Weather is a great Enemy to this Difcipline. Feb. to the Streights of Magellan. 21 February 19. I founded often to day, and had fifty and fifty three Fathom; dark black Sand with fome bright fine Sand in it; Beds of Rock- weed, Seals, and Porpoifes, fuch as are in the Eu- ropean Seas, ſeen to day; three Whales, many Fowls flying about. and fome Penguins in the Sea, ſwimming near the Ships; at 2 a Clock in the Afternoon the Wind was at E. b. S. a ſtout gale and a great Sea; I ftood to the Southward,clofe haled under my Courſes; the Pink half a Mile to Wind-ward of me under her's; fhe out-fails us now it blows, and puts us paft our Top-fails, and ſteers along with us with only her Main-ſail ſet; the Sea runs lofty. Monday February 21. At a quarter of an hour paſt eight this Morning I faw the Land bearing Weft of me, and diftant about 4 Leagues: I founded, and had 21 Fathom; fmall Stones and Sand; ſtill I ſtood in Weſt by my Compafs. The Land makes but an ordinary heighth towards the Sea fide, but farther up, round high Hills, and looks reddiſh; the Northermoft Land I could fee, which was Cape Blanco, bore North-north-weſt of me about two Leagues, and the Southermoft Land at the face of the Cape. The Land trented away to the Southward of me Southweſterly, of an ordinary height by the Water fide,but up in the Land are Hills like Tables on the top, a little higher than the reft; the Land makes in Hills and Valleys all along, like Downs of an ordinary heighth, at nine a Clock this Morning I braced the Head-fails to the Maft, and lay fo half an hour till the Fog cleared up, that I might make C 3 the 22 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage the Land plainly, being within five miles of the fhore fide, which made a kind of Bay, breached on the fhore; I founded, and at 17 Fathom had rough ground, with ſome ſmall ſtones drawn up in the Tallow of the Lead, which was dinted by Rocks; between nine and ten a Clock there was a fine clear, by which I faw the Land very plain- ly; it look'd reddiſh like feared Grafs; no Woods to be ſeen on any of the Hills or Valleys, but all as bare as the Graſs-Downs in England; I durft not ſend my Boat a-fhore for fear of lofing her in the Fog, or being funk at the fhore, whereon the Sea breaks very much: the Wind was at North and by Eaft; a freſh gale blew almoſt along the fhore, and being out but 24 hours before, made the Sea run high; the Land lies by the Sea-fide South-fouth-weft, and North-north-eaft, as far as I could fee to the Southward; no fire or fmoak to be feen upon the Land. Courſe made true after ſeveral Courſes, from yeſterday Noon till to day at nine a Clock, when I was 3 Leagues off the Land; true Courfe is Weft 6 d. 50m. Northerly diſtance; failed fifty miles ſeven tenths. Departure Weft, 50 miles; difference of Longitude Weft 1 d. 15 m. difference of Latitude North od. 6 m. Latitude by account is 47 d. 14m. South; no Obfervation this three days being foggy Weather. Meridian diſtance from the Lizard Weſt 1014 League, 1 mile, 7 tenths, Longitude at 9 a Clock, from the Lizard, Weft, 61 d. 56 m. 6 tenths, Longitude from Port Praya Weft, 44 deg.38 m. 5 tenths. Meridian diſtance from Port Praya Welt, } 735 to the Streights of Magellan. 23 735 Leagues, I mile, 5 tenths. Variation of the Compaſs Eafterly, 18 Degrees. I concluded we had fhot paft Port Defter Har- bour in the Fog, for the Iſlands and Rocks which we ſaw, were Penguin, and other Iſles lying about it, which lies to the Southward of the Harbour of Port Defter. Many Seals, Penguins, pied Porpoiſes, and feveral Sea Fowls, &c. feen to day. Thurſday Febr. 24. Hafey Weather; Wind at Weſt-north-weſt, a freſh gale. I fent Men up to the Top-maſt-head to look abroad; this Morn- ning no fight of the Pink; I judge ſhe muſt be in Port Defier: I weighed about 8 a Clock this Morning, and ſtood to the Northward with my Ship; I went in my Pinnace along the fhore to the Northward, whilft the Ship fail'd in the Offing, about two Leagues from the fhore: the Shore- fide is in Beaches and fcatter'd Rocks; in many places the Tide of Flood was with us: at the North-end of Seals Bay, lies a fmall rocky Iſland copling up like a Haycock. It is cover'd with grey-colour'd Fowls Dung; a very ftrong Tide runs here, between the Ifland and the Main, 'tis a little more than a Cables length from the Point of the Main; there's a great many broken Rocks about it by the Sea-fide; here the main Land is low and fandy, up the Country in large Downs and Hills; without Wood or freſh Water any where: On this Ifland are abundance of Seals, and Sea Fowls; we gave it the name of Tomahauke I- fland, from an Indian Club lost here, called by the Caribbe-Indians at Surinam a Tomahauke, 'tis all a craggy Rock, a little bigger than Stal-Island, and C4 is 24 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage is eight Leagues to the North-north-eaſt: diſtant from it to the Northweſt of this Ifland, is a deep rounding Bay, called in the Charts Spiring's Bay, wherein lie three fmall Iſlands of an indifferent height: the Land, in the Country over this Bay is large high Hills, Rocks lie in the North part of the Bay; I crofs'd it in the Pinnace, amd found- ed as I went over, and had 21 Fathom, rough ground in the mid-way: 'tis feven Miles broad, and near 3 Leagues deep; it rounds with a turning up to the North-north-weftward, behind a Point farther than I faw; upon which rounding Point ftand black Rocks, which make like a ragged Building, and a Tower in it: at my coming in with the Land, I fail'd clofe under this fhoar with my Boat; the fhore is ftecp, black Rocks, and low Bays, with Pebble-ftones and fandy Beaches; green Grafs on the Hills, no Wood nor freth Wa- ter to be feen; at the North-eaft Point of this Spiring's-Bay, the Land makes out full like a fore- land; a fair high Land in large plain Hills, with fandy fmall Bays; at the face of this Foreland lie fix rocky Iflands; one is a Musket-fhot off the Main, the reſt farther off; the outwardmoſt is the biggeſt, a Mile from the Point of the Main, and is called Penguin-Ifland; it is indifferent high at the ends and low in the middle; 'tis near three quarters of a Mile long, North-north-eaſt and South-fouth-weft, and near half a Mile broad Eaſt and Weft; it is all craggy Rocks, except in the loweſt part of the middle,which is gravelly, and in the Summer time has a little green Grafs; the great black Gannets lay their Eggs here, and the Pen- i guins, to the Streights of Magellan. 25 guins, all over the Iſland upon and under the Rocks in Holes; Seals lie all about the fides, on the tops of the higheſt Rocks and in the middle of it; the number of Seals, Penguins, and Sea- Fowl upon theſe Iſlands, is almoft incredible to them that never faw them; for the multitude of each Creature that's there daily, is numberleſs: the Six Iſlands are full of Seals, but the Penguins frequent the biggeſt moſt; I put a-fhore at one of them, and took into my Boat three hundred Pen- guins, in less than half an hour, and could have taken three thouſand in the time, if my Boat would have carried 'em, for 'tis but driving 'em in flocks to the fhore, by the Boats fide, where two or three Men knock them on the head with fhort Truncheons, and the reft heave them into the Boat; the Seals will run over a Man,if he does not avoid 'em; mean time the Ship was ſtanding to the Northward; about 2 Leagues off many broken Rocks and foul ground lie among thefe Iſlands, and without the Point of the outermoft it makes a great ripling, which is the ſtrength of the Tide, reverſed from the Iflands against the o- ther Tide; to the Northward of thefe Iflands is a Bay, four Leagues long, and a League and half deep; in the Northweſt thereof lies the Harbour of Port Defter, which we could fee from Penguin Islands, bearing North-north-weft from Penguin Iland, di- ſtant about 3 Leagues: about the middle of this Bay are ſteep white Cliffs, near two miles long; the upper part of the Cliff has black ſtreaks down a fourth part, caufed by the Water drain- ing down on it; the Land is plain on the top of chefe 26 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage thefe Cliffs, but further into the Country high rounding Hills and Downs, and toward the Wa- ter-ſide low; on the South part of the Bay are craggy Rocks on the Main like great Walls; near the Sea there's a fandy Cove, to hale a Boat up in foul Weather; the Cove is juft under theſe wall-like Rocks. Saturday Feb. 26. Fair Weather, the Wind at Weft, a ſtiff gale. I kept a Light out all Night, that the Pink might fee if fhe came along; the first part of the Night a great Fire was made on the fhore for the fame purpoſe: Cold weather: this Morning at 7 a Clock I manned both my Boats, and went into the Harbour; the Ship rode moored at the Harbour-mouth,within the Muſcle- bank, in fix Fathom at low Water; I fent my Men upon the Hills on the North fhore to look a- broad for the Pink, and make a Fire in the dry Graſs, that ſhe might fee the fmoak if ſhe were thereabouts, but they could not fee her; I found- ed the Harbour in many places to day at low Wa- ter, and found it a very good one for great Ships to ride in, provided they have good Cables and Anchors; I fearched the fhore, but found no Wood, and very little freſh Water; on the hilly and large Downs, very few Buſhes, but dry, long Grafs growing in tufts and knots; the Soil is gravelly and dry, in fome Valleys well mixt with black mould; no People, fire or fimoak but our own to be feen; I faw feveral places where they had lain, behind Bufhes upon Grafs, which they had plucked up, and that they had made fmall fires, and roafted Lumpets and Mufcles; there lay to the Streights of Magellan. 27 lay Wooll, Feathers, bones of Beafts, and fhivers of Flints; I went to a Flag which I left on a Hill yeſterday with Beads at it, but finding no body had been at it, let it ftand; no Beaſts ſeen any where, except two Hares running over the Hills: this day we were taken up with viewing the Har- bour, fo that we did not advance above a mile and a half into the Land: in the Valleys between the Rocks grows abundance of wild Peafe, which had green leaves and blewiſh bloffoms, both tafting like green Peaſe-leaves in England,growing on vines and tangled together; alfo very fweet finelling Herbs much like Tares, very green, and white and yel- low Flowers, likewife green Herbs much like Sage, but grow in knots near the ground like Lettice; thefe Herbs with the Peafe-leaves, made a good Sallad to refreſh fuch as were inclining to the Scurvy; for want of which freſh Trade feveral of my Men were falling into it. Here are abundance of very good Mufcles, and Limpets on the Rocks, and an Ifland frequented by many Seals, and Fowls; in the River were pied Divers as big as Ducks, fome of them grey and black fhags; Ducks and other Sea-Fowls breed on them amongſt the Rocks and Buſhes to day I went upon one of theſe Iſlands, and caught as many young black Shags in their Nefis as loaded the Pinnace; when I have diſcovered better the particulars of the Fowls and other things feen here, I will mention them hereafter: Night coming on, and it begin- ning to blow hard, I went aboard with Herbs, Fowls, and what elſe I had got to day; and di- vided all things equally among the Company, the Boys 28 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Boys Dividend being as large as my own, or any Man's; it blew very hard this Evening, and look- ed very black in the South-weft, an ordinary gale; I kept a Light out all Night in the Poop for the Pink: this day all the Company eat of young Seals, and Penguins, and commended them for good Food; I judged this a very fit Harbour to fit the Ship in, for the main Maſt muſt be un- rig'd, and a new gang of fhrouds fitted, and Bal- lalt be had; and it might be a means to fall in with the Pink, for from the tops of the Hills we could fee a great way into the Sea, fo that if fhe fhould come near the Coaft, we could not mifs her. We found 2 Springs of freſh Water, one in a Valley cloſe by the Water-fide, in a gully above the Ship, half a mile up the River; the other up a Valley between the Rocks, juſt a-breſt where the Ship rode, about half a mile from the River's fide, right from Coopers-Bay in the fame Valley; thefe Springs are but ſmall,and the Water's a little brackish or faltifh, for in the dry Valleys the Earth is naturally faltifh; the Ground and Rocks have a white Rhime of Salt-petre hanging on them; I went into the Land 2 miles North-weft, and faw the Country hilly, and dry Land without Wood or Water; fome craggy Rocks and Valleys, low, but dry and of a Salt-petre nature; here and there fome Buſhes with prickly Branches, and Leaves like White-Thorn Buſhes in England; the leffer Buſhes have (mall dry Gauls growing on them, with a ſmall dry Seed as hot in the Mouth as Pepper; not a Tree to be feen: the Soil is gra- velly to the Streights of Magellan. 29 velly and fandy generally, with tufts of dry fear- ed Grafs growing on it; I digged in feveral places but faw nothing but gravelly Sand and Rocks; no fort of Metals or Minerals; I looked alfo a- mong the broken Rocks for Metals, but faw no fign of any; from the tops of the Hills I could fee a great way into the Land, which is all Hills and Downs like Cornwall: toilfom travelling to thoſe that were not uſed to it; I could travel as far in an hour as many of my Men could in two; to day we ſaw nine Beaſts feeding on the Grafs, very like Deer, but larger, and had longer Necks, but no Horns; reddith coloured on the Back and aloft, whitifh under their Bellies and up their Flanks; when we had got within a Fur- long of them they fell a neighing like Horſes, one anſwered another, and then all run away. Tueſday March 1. Fair Weather this Morning, Wind at North, a fine gale and a cold Air. This Forenoon I filled the Casks out of the Spring, and dug them deeper; I fet up a long Pole with a white Cloath upon it, on a Hill near a mile into the Land, where 'twas moſt likely to be feen by the Inhabitants; with it I left Beads, a Looking- glafs, a Knife, a Hook and an Hatchet, to invite the People of the Country to fhew themſelves, for I was willing to fee 'em, that I might difcover what they had; but though I went about the Hills this Afternoon, I could fee neither People, Fire, nor Smoak. I faw three Oftriches, but could not get near enough to make a fhot at them; they were feeding on Graſs, and at firſt fight of me ran. away; I had a Greyhound with me, which I turn'd loofe 30 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage looſe upon 'em, who gave Chafe to one of them, and at laſt gave her a turn, which fhe recovered, took to the Hills, and fo efcaped; they are grey coloured, and larger than a great Turky-cock in England; they can't fly, but have long Legs, and truſt to their running: I faw two handfuls of Wooll among the Grafs, where the Natives had made a Fire; it was the Spanish red Wooll, which they bring out of India, and very fine; I brought it away with me, and fet the Greyhound at 3 of the large Beaſts like Deer, but they were too ſwift for him: Night coming on I returned on Board; at 7 a Clock this Night the Wind came to the North, a freſh gale, and hafey Weather; no fight of the Pink to day: I could fee a long way on the Sea: at 10 a Clock it rain'd, and the Wind came to the South-Eaſt. Friday March 4. Fair Weather this Morning, the Wind at Eaſt, a fine gale, I went ashore and filled freſh Water,the reft of the Seamen fitted rig- ging; this day at 12 a Clock I went with both the Boats, and forty Men to Seal-Island, into the Har- bour, every Man with his Staff and Club; we landed, drove the Seals up together, befet them round, and in half an hours time killed four hun- dred young and old; ftriking them on the head kills them preſently; as foon as they were knock- ed down we cut their throats, that they might bleed well whilſt they were hot; then loading both the Boats with them, I carried them to the Bay where the Tent was, landed, and laid them upon the Rocks; to Night the Boat fetch'd them all off: the great Male Seals are as big as Calfs and re- femble i to the Streights of Magellan. } femble a Lion in their fhaggy Necks, Heads, and Faces, as well as in their Roar; the Females are like Lioneſſes before, only they are hairy all over like a Horſe, and fmooth, and the Male is fmooth all over his hind-parts; their fhape is very deform- ed, for their hind-part tapers till it come to a point, where grow two Fins or Feet, two more grow out of their Breaft, fo that they can go on Land a great pace, and climb Rocks, and Hills of a good height; they delight much to lie and fleep afhore; fome are very large, upwards of eigh- teen Foot in length, and thicker about than a But in the Bilge,and exceffive fat; there are thouſands fourteen foot long, the common fort are about five foot and all very fat; they'l gape at you when you come to them, as if they would devour you, and 'tis labour enough for two Men to kill one of the great ones with a Hand-fpike, which is the beft Weapon for that purpoſe. Saturday March 5. Fair Weather, Wind at South-west, a fine gale. This Morning we went a- fhore to flay fome Seals, and cut the Bodies in good handfom pieces, and falted it up well in Bulk on Deal-boards, afhore, that the blood might drain from it; the Meat looks as well and as white as Lamb, and is very good Victuals now, but when 'tis a little falt it will eat much better; thoſe we drefs'd were all young Seals, for they fucked their Dams, who as foon as they come afhore bleat, im- mediatly come her young ones, and bleat about her like Lambs, and fuck her; one old Female fuckles four or five, and beats away other young ones that come near, whence I believe they have four 32 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage four or five at a time; the young ones which we killed and eat were as big as a midling Dog; we cut the fat off of the Great ones, and made Oil of it for the Lamps, and other uſes in the Ship; the Oil of the young ones we fried, and eat with our Provifions; it is very fweet, and good to fry any Food with; our Men will have it to be as good as Olive Oil; moſt of my Men to day gathered of thoſe green Peaſe-leaves and other Herbs for Sal- lads, which fome eat raw, fome boiled; it is re- freſhing to their Bodies. I Sunday March 6. Blowing Weather, Wind at Weft: This day, after Prayers, I went afhore on the South-fide of the River, and travelled eight miles into the Land, South-weft and by Wèft, ha- ving twelve armed Men with me; my Lieute- nant went up the River in the Boat nine or ten miles, to fee for People that way; my other Lieu- tenant went on the North-fide with ten armed Men to fee for People, and view the Land ; found in my Travels one of thofe great Beafts like a Deer, dead and whole, the Vermin had not touched him; all his Back had pretty long Wooll of the colour of dried Rofe-leaves, and down his fides, his Belly white Wooll; he was as big as a fmall Colt, he had a long Neck, a Head like a Sheep, fo was his Mouth and Ears; his Legs very long, and Cloven-footed like a Deer, a fhort bufhy Tail of a reddish colour; no Horns nor e- yer had any, it was a Male: I believe thefe Beaſts are Peruvian Sheep; (Guianacoes) I had his Paunch opened, and fearched for the Bezoar-ftone in it, and in the Pipe to the Stomach, I turned them in- fide to the Streights of Magellan. 33 fide outward, but found none; I had heard West- Indian Spaniards fay, that they have taken the Bezoar-ſtone of Guianacoes,and therefore opened this, which I take to be the fame Beaft: In tra- velling to day I faw feveral herds of them, fome- times ten, thirty, or forty together; I could not get near enough to fhoot at them; they neigh like young Horſes, and ſo wander away: I faw nine Oſtriches, but they would not ſuffer me to come within ſhot of them; I let the Greyhound at them, but they out-run him up the Hills: we faw a Fox, a wild Dog, and five or fix Hares, of which the Greyhound killed one; they are ſhaped like Engliſh Hares, and much larger, and inſtead of a Tail have a little ftub about an inch long, without Hair on it; they have holes in the ground like Coneys: no Woods to be feen, only a few Buſhes like White-Thorns. The Land is dry, of a fandy gravelly Soil, in large rounding Hills, not very high, but in Downs and Valleys, bearing nothing but Grafs; here and there are gullies of freſh Water in the Valleys, which is made in the Winter-time when the Snow diffolves: I faw fe- veral places of falt Water in the Land, which is occafioned by the natural faltneſs of the Earth; here are no Fruits nor Herbs: When I was at the fartheft, and on a Hill, I could not fee any fign of People, or Woods, but ftill Hills and Valleys as far as we could defery; no Birds to be ſeen but Kites, which are like thofe in Europe, and ſmall Birds like Sparrows, and Linnets; fome Flies and Humble-bees here: we faw fome ſmall four-foot- ed Animals running in the Grafs; fpeckled-Grey, D fhaped 34 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage fhaped like a ſmall Creature in England called an Eft, Newt or Lizard; no Adder nor Snake, nor any venomous Creature; Cattle would live here very well, fuch as Horfes, Cows, Sheep, Goats, &c. Evening growing upon us, I returned to the Ship, and 'twas within Night when we got aboard our Boat, and ten a Clock when we entered the Ship; I found on Board my Lieutenant that went up the River, but they which went on the North-fide were not come back; up the River they faw five fmall Iſlands, which had Sea-fowls on them and Buſhes for fewel; the River grows broader up- wards and has feveral Rocks in it; on the fhoar they faw Guianacoes, Oftriches, and Hares; no People, Fire or Smoak; they faw where People had been, and Fires made, and Muſcles and Lum- pets roaſted; no freſh Water nor Wood, nor any Metal or Mineral; the Land hilly with Grafs on it: At twelve a Clock to Night thoſe that went on the North-fide came aboard; they had been about eight miles into the Land North-weſt, and faw no People, but found where People had been, and made Fires in the Grafs, and Grafs laid to fire the Bufhes; alfo where fome had lain on open places, and fet little Buſhes in Half-moons, to fhel- ter them from the Weather; on the top of a Hill they made a fire with Graſs to ſee if any would anſwer them; they fat down by it all day, but could fee none made any where elſe: the Land is in rounding large Hills, not very high, but like Downs, as the Coaſt of Yorkſhire about Burling- ton; no Woods nor Trees feen, nor freſh Water; here and there a Buſh growing in a Valley; indif- ferent to the Streights of Magellan. 35 ferent good Graſs; the Soil gravelly and fandy, and ſome ridges of Rocks; they faw Guianacoes, Oſtriches, Hares, and Kites; feveral little Crea- tures like Efts; no kind of Fruit or Berry, Mi- neral or Metal: I charged them as they travelled in any Gullies where Water had run to ſearch for grains of Gold, or other Metal, &c. for Gold is found in grains in fuch Gullies, and much Gold is found in the Land on the other fide, not two hundred Leagues diſtant from us; much Salt-pe- ter hangs on the Earth where Water has been, in a kind of Flower; the plaſhes of Water they met with were as falt as Brine, which the Earth made. I ſaw Smelts here eighteen Inches long lying dead on the Shore, but hitherto have not feen one Oyſter, or other thell-Fish, Crawfiſh, Lobſter, or Crab, though 'tis poffible the place may have 'em all. Whilft we were ſtanding by the Water-fide, a Seal chaſed on ſhore a Fiſh as large as a Mackrel and like a Mullet; one of the Men took it up, and dreſſed it, when he came on Board, 'twas excel- lent good; here must be a great quantity of Fish to maintain all the Seals, Penguins, and other Fowls that live upon nothing elſe, and yet are all ex- tream fat, and innumerable in multitude; befides what Creatures we have not feen yet; I have feen Seals in this Harbour fwimming with their heads above Water, with large Fish in their Mouths. Sunday March 13. Indifferent Weather, Wind at Weft, a freſh gale; The Air cold this Morning. I went up the River in my Boat with fourteen Men armed; I paft the Ifland, where the brushy Bulhes D 2 36 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Buſhes are, and where we took the young Shags; there the River grows broader, near a mile from the North fhore over to the South, and conti- nues that breadth four miles, then it be- comes narrower, and turns away to the South- weſt; at this turning is an Ifland of a mean height and Rocky, bearing fome ſmall Bufhes and Grafs; I went upon it, and faw a Poft of five foot long fet up (it had been the timber of a Ship) with a piece of Board about a foot fquare nailed to it, at the foot of it one of my Men took up a piece. of Sheet-Lead, and gave it to me, it had this In- ſcription engraven on it, MDCX V. EEN SCHIP ENDE EEN IACHT GENAEMT EENDRACHT EN HOORN GEARRIVEERT DEN VIII DECEMBER VERTROKEN MET EEN SCHIP D'EENDRACHT DEN X: IANVARY: MDCXVI C: IACQUES LE MAIRE S. WILLEM CORNS SCHOVTS ARES CLASSEN IAN CORNS SCHOTS CLAES IANSSEN BAN Ti to the Streights of Magellan. 37 In a hole of the Poft lay a latten or tin Box, (which we found by a long Plug that ſtuck in the hole) with a fheet of written Paper encloſed in it, but fo eaten by the ruft of the Box, that 'twas not to be read; I cut out with my Knife up- on a Board the Ship's Name, and the date of the Year and Month, which I nailed to the Poft; and brought away the Lead with me, aud named the place Le Mair's Island: we found on it ſeveral pie- ces of Boards, of the Wreck of ſome Ship, that had been burned; they were drove up here by the Tide; the People of the Country can't get upon this Ifland: From hence I went on the North fide of the River two miles into the Land ; 110 Trees to be ſeen, but many Oſtriches and Guiana- coes in many places; the Soil is marly and good, the Hills not very high, but plain large Downs, with Grafs on them all over; digging in two or three places I found fandy dry ground near a foot deep, then Marle: In my opinion it might be made excellent Corn-ground, being ready to Till; 'tis very like the Land on New-market Heath; no People to be feen; I fearched the Gullies and bro- ken Rocks, for grains of Gold or Minerals, but found neither: I returned to the Boat again, row- ed farther under the fhore, landed, and mounted a ſteep high Hill to view the Country; on the top of this rocky Hill grow fmall Bushes: I could fee the courſe of the River a long way further,and the Land all Grafs; here and there a white fpot of Marle on the fide of a Hill; no People to be ſeen nor Boats on the River; I came down to the Boat: feveral Creeks run from hence a mile or two into the D 3 + 38 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage 60 the Land: I crofs'd the River to the South-eaft fhore; we made the Boat faft in a Creek in a Val- ley, and went all hands up the Land three miles we faw many Guianacoes, and Oftriches, but could not come within fhot of them; I faw the Foot- ſteps of five Men that had been upon the Oar ; I meaſured my Foot with them, which was larger and longer by half an Inch than any of them; we could not fee any People: it being near Night we plucked up Grafs, and laid it to the best advan- tage for fhelter; here we lay all Night, keeping watch two by two; cold Air to Night, wind at Weſt. Monday March 14. Fair Weather but cold. This Morning by day-light we turn'd out, and marcht into the Land four miles South-weft and by South; we could not find any freſh Water; we made a Fire on the Graſs, but faw no fign of any People; we faw Guianacoes, Hares, Foxes, wild Dogs, pretty large, and a grey Cat like an Engliſh one, running up the Hills: to day we caught an Armadillo; the Dogs put her to ground; they have holes like Co- neys; we foon dug her out, 'twas as big as a great Hedg-hog, and not much unlike one; the Arma- dillo is cafed over the Body with a ſhell, ſhutting one under another like fhells of Armour ; the Dogs could not hurt her: we faw Rats in many places, and a kind of Polecat, with two white ftreaks on the Back, all the reſt black; our Dogs killed two of them; they ftink much, feveral O- ftriches, fome Partridges and many Kites: the Land in fair Hills without Wood or freſh Water; the Soil a fandy Gravel with Grafs all over it; no Mineral to the Streights of Magellan. 39 Mineral or Metal feen. This afternoon we return- ed to our Boat, and went through a Creek two miles long, which is dry at low Water, and not more than thirty foot broad; it makes a fair Iſland of a mean heighth, plain on the top, and Graſs growing all over it, but no Wood nor Wa- ter upon it; the greateſt part of it is a fandy marly Soil; 'tis two miles long, and half a mile broad 40 the Greyhound killed two Hares on it preſently, and we faw above twenty; I called it Hare-Ifland; it is adjacent to the South-fhore; eight miles up the River from the narrow, I went down the River and went aboard: this Evening cold Air, Wind at Weſt, a ſtout Gale; towards Morning it came to the North; I cannot perceive the Indians have any Canoas or other Boats here. March 24. Blowing Weather, Wind at Weft. We fetch'd all our things off the fhore, and got the Ship ready to Sail; I went a-fhore on the South- fide to the peeked Rock, and found it a natural Rock, ſtanding on a ſmall round Hill, as if it had been built there by Man; it hath a Cleft on the top of it as big in circumference as a But: 'tis near forty foot high above the Hill it ftands on; about it lie little lumps of Rocks; I faw nothing elſe worth notice, fo I return'd to the Ship; the big- geſt ſtick growing in or near this Harbour, or in the Countries as far as we went, which was twenty Miles, would not make a Helve for a Hatchet, but there are Buſhes which will ferve for firing at Sea: before Night I had all things on Board, and the Ship fitted with intent to fail next Morning, and look'd along the Coaſts for the Pink, till I arrived D 4 at 40 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage at Port St. Julian's Harbour; freſh Water is ſcarce in Port Defter Harbour in the Summer-time; the places from whence I fetch'd Water, are ſmall Springs on the North-fide, out of which I filled near forty Tuns; the firſt Spring is on the North- fide, as you enter the Harbour half a mile up a Valley,in a gully of Rocks: it bears North-north- weft from the lower Rock; that we called Peckets Well, is a mile up the River, within a Bow-fhot of the falt Water, 'tis in a gully: the Land in theſe Valleys has very green and fweet Grafs, and a- bundance of wild Peaſe; fmall Nut-galls growing on the Buſhes, but in no great quantity, and but few Buſhes; Salt may be made here, for on the Shore-fide, and on the Rocks I gathered feveral handfuls of good Salt. March 25. Gentlemen, You are by me defired to take notice, that this Day I take poffeffion of this Harbour and River of Port Defier, and of all the Land in this Country, on both Shores, for the uſe of his Majeſty King Charles the Second, of Great Britain, and his Heirs; God fave our King, and fired three Ordnance. Saturday March 26. Wind at Weſt, a ſtout Gale. I ftood to the Northward; this Morning at fix a Clock when the Sun appeared above the Eaſt Horizon, the Moon fet in the Weft-horizon, being eclipſed at London at Eleven a Clock, ten minutes in the Forenoon; but here at fix a Clock thirty minutes paft, which gives four hours forty minutes difference of time, between the Meridian of London and the Meridian of Cape Blanco; which Cape lies in the Latitude of 47 d.20m. South; ** to the Streights of Magellan. 41 South; on the South-eaſt Coaſt of America,where I faw this Eclipſe 70 degrees in Longitude to the Weftward of the Meridian of London, by this Ob- ſervation; I could not fee the whole Eclipfe the Heavens being clouded; I find Cape Blanco, by my account of Sailing, to lie in the Longitude of 69 d. 16 m. to the Weftward of the Meridian of London; If the Moon had not been clouded, I might have been exact in the Longitude, but I prefume my Account is not much out. Cape Blanco lies in the Latitude of 47 d. 20 m. South; and in Longitude from the Lizard, Weſt, 61 d. 56 m. and in Meridian diſtance from the Li- zard, Weft, 1014 Leagues, 1 Mile. . Port Defter in America, lies in the Latitude of 47 d. 48 m. South, and in Longitude from the Li- zard, Weſt, 61 d. 57 m. Meridian diſtance from the Lizard, Weft, 1015. Leagues, 2 Miles, .. h Penguin Island, or the plentiful Ifles, Latitude 47 d. 55 m. South, and in Longitude from the Li- zard, Weſt, 61 d. 57 m. Meridian diſtance from the Lizard, Weft, 1014. Leagues, 2 Miles Variation of the Compafs here is Eaſterly 17 d. 30m. April 1. The Sweepſtakes off of Seal's Bay in the Latitude of 48 d. 10 m. South, on the Coaft of Patagonia. Saturday April 2. Fair Weather this Morning, Wind at North-north-weft, a fine gale. I filled at Day-light, and fteered away South-fouth-weft, and South and by Weft by my Compafs, as the Coaft lies; I failed along in twenty Fathom-wa- ter: black Sand diftant from the thore near three Leagues; 42 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Leagues: this forenoon at nine a Clock, I faw a ſmall flat Iſland to the Weftward of me, about a League off the Land; it lies in the Latitude of 48 d. 40m. South; the Land againſt it is high, in large Hills, and fome round copling tops; two Leagues more to the Southward, the Land is low, in a great Plain, and a Beach by the Sea-fide, but the ſhore againſt this Ifland is rocky; I was two Leagues Eaſt from the flat Iſland, and had twenty three fathom black Sand; I haled clofe in for the fhore, and fail'd within five Miles of it; all along from this Iſland to Port St. Julian I founded as I fail'd along, and had 18 or 20 fathom fine black Sand; the Land is low in a Valley; the Sea-lhore is a Beach, here and there a Rock; it is in a long Beach for four Leagues; after you are to the Southward of the Flat-Iſland one League, the ſhore lies South-fouth-weft and North-north-eaft; at the South-end of this Beach in-land are high round Hills, but at the Sea-fide is a ſteep white Cliff, of an indifferent heighth with a black ſtreak in it; over the Cliff the Hill rounds up to the top, ha- ving fome fmall black Buſhes growing on the fide; no Wood or Trec ſeen. In this Bay is Port St. Julian; the Harbour's mouth is in the middle of the Bay, but you cannot fee it without, for one Point ſhutting in the other; you muſt fend your Boat in to difcover the Har- bour at Low-water, and the Bar without, for 'tis a barred Harbour: the Land in the Country over Port St. Julian, on the Weft-fide, is high copling round Hills, like blunt Sugar-loaves on the top; is the higheſt Land I faw in all the Country, and to the Streights of Magellan. 43 and there are no fuch Hills befides on the Coaſt; the Land is plain to the South without any Hill, as far as we could fee at this time: this Afternoon it proved a Calm; I anchored in the Bay before St. Julian, in twelve fathom Water, black oary Land, the Harbour's mouth bearing Weft-fouth- weſt of me, about two Leagues off: I fent in my Boat to diſcover the Harbour, and fee if the Pink was there, which returned to Night at fix a Clock ; my Lieutenant told me there was a fafe Harbour, and Water enough for a bigger Ship, but no Pink, nor any fign of her having been there; now I de- fpaired of ever ſeeing her more, after my hopes. were fruftrated here; nevertheless I doubted not the fuccefs of my Voyage, though the Company thought 'twould be dangerous being a lone Ship, a ftormy Sea to fail in, and unknown Coafts to fearch out, and if we fhould happen to run a- ground any where, could expect no relief; theſe fufpicions I foon put out of their Heads, by telling them of the great Riches of the Land, and that Captain Drake went round the World in one Ship, when in thoſe days there were but ordinary Na- vigators; and was it for us to question our good fortune, who beyond Compariſon are better Sea- men, if we would put our felves in Action; and for me, I would expofe no Man to more danger than my ſelf in the Attempt. Calm to Night; I rode faſt, a ſmall Tide running where I rode; the Water ebb'd near three fathom perpendicular: it is near nine Leagues from the Flat Ifland to Saint Julian, South-fouth-weft and North-north-east as the ſhore lies. i The 44 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage The Mouth of Port Saint Julian, in Latitude 49 d. 10m. South, and in Longitude from the Li- zard 63 d. 10m. and in Meridian diſtance from the Lizard, Weft 1030 Leagues; by an Amplitude here, the Compaſs has varied 16 d. 10 m. Eaſt. Wedneſday April 13. Fair Weather, Wind at Weft, a ſmall gale. Frofty and cold Air, no fign of the Pink: I went afhore and haled the Seyne on the Eaft-fide; at the first of the Flood we caught five hundred Fiſhes, as big as large Mul- lets, and much like them, grey, and full of Scales: fome as big as a Man's Leg; we caught them all in four hours time, returned aboard, and divided them among the whole Ship's Company: they eat admirably well; many good Mufcles lie on the Rocks, and Oyſter-fhells on the Shore-fide, and growing in Veins on the Rocks, but no Meat in them: Wind at Weft to Night, a freſh gale. Monday April 18. Wind at South-west, a ftiff gale. Cold Air and fome Snow this Morning; the Winter is come ſtrong and ſtormy, fo that 'twill be impoffible to hold the Coaft into the Streights; for the Wind blows altogether from the Weft or Weft-foutherly, and in fuch Gufts as will force a Ship off the Coaſt. This day I ordered my Purſer to ferve the Company Brandy-wine for their Al- lowance, at a Quart per Week a Man: I got a Boats lading of the Wood of the Country aboard for firing; to Night it blew hard at South-weft; all the Company eat falt Seal, and Penguins for their Allowance: fweet and very good Meat,and keeps well and long in Salt. Friday to the Streights of Magellan. 45 Friday April 22. Wind at South-weſt, a ſtiff gale,and cold Air. This Morning I went aſhore on the North-weft fide with twenty Men to the Salt- pond, which is rufted all over like a Pavement, with very white and good Salt, two Inches thick, for two miles long: in February here's Salt e- nough to fill a thouſand Ships; we filled two Bags and laid up near two Tuns out of the Water, for there was Water over the Salt, which began to decay with the Rain and Weather beating on it: at Night I returned aboard, we brought as much Salt with us as filled a Punchion, very good white Stone-falt, whiter than French-Salt, and of a very pleaſant ſmell; I faw fome Guianacoes, and Oftri- ches: the Hills and Valleys dry Earth, and Grafs on them: on the higher Hills lies Snow, no Peo- ple, but many places where they had made fires, and lain under a Bufh for fhelter; no Mineral or Metal, Tree, or Fruit. Wedneſday April 27. Cloſe Weather, and little Wind; a cold Air, it freezes hard, the Ice; bears a Man. Thurſday April 28. Wind at Weft and by South, a fine gale, cold frofty Weather. We un- rig'd the Ship, and made all fnug, intending to Winter in this Harbour; the Ice will not fuffer us to paſs the Streights; the Winds are ſo ſtormy,and generally out of the Weſtern quarter; the Nights fo long and cold, that the paffage is impoflible this Winter. The Port I found ſafe to ride in, and good refreſhment to be had of Fowls: as Ducks, Peekes, and Divers, &c. In the Spring I may be ready to fail to the Southward, when we fhall have 46 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage have the year before us, and the Sun in the Sou- thern Signs, which will give long Days and fhort Nights, and temperate Weather; Wind at North- north-eaſt this Evening, and Rain: it blew a great ftorm to Night, the Boat funk at the Ship's ftern, and loft the Oars: lefs Wind towards Night, and veared to the Weft. : ; Friday May 6. Wind at Weft-north-weſt, a fine gale. I went a-fhore on the North-weft fide with thirty Men, and travelled ſeven or eight miles up the Hill, faw no People: the Land is great Grafs- Downs in moſt places; and on the tops of the Hills, and in the Ground are very large Oyſter- fhells they lie in Veins in the Earth,and in the firm Rocks and on the fides of Hills in the Country; they are the biggeſt Oyſter-ſhells that ever I faw fome fix, fome feven Inches broad, yet not one Oyſter to be found in the Harbour; whence I con- clude, they were here when the Earth was form- ed: no fign of Mine or Metal, no Woods or Tree; We found a good Spring of freſh Water up in the Hills, it drains into falt Water-fwafhes: We faw feveral Salt-water Ponds fix miles in the Land, made by the faltneſs of the Earth; we faw Oftri- ches, Guianacoes, and a Fox. I made a Fire on the top of the higheſt Hill, but could fee no anſwer ; I returned aboard with my Company very weary; fome of my Men fetched Salt to day: fair Wea- ther to Night. Friday May 13. Indifferent Weather, Wind at Weft-fouth-weſt, a fine gale. This day we fetch- ed Salt: a Gentleman of my Company, Mr. John Wood, walking on the Island of Justice, found three fmall to the Streights of Magellan. 47 fmall pieces of Gold Wire in two Muſcle-fhells: which Shells were made together by a green Gût- ftring: the Gold was to the value of two fhillings Engliſh, and had been hammered, the wire as big as a great Pin. Monday June 6. Cloudy cold Weather,Wind at South-weft, a freſh gale. This day I went a-fhore with fixteen Men, and travelled ten miles Weſt into the Land; the Hills there are covered with Snow: 'tis very cold, we could not go any fur- ther for Snow; and the Air is fo cold that we could not endure to lie on the ground; on the Hill that I was on, we could fee nothing but Hill beyond Hill; no Woods, nor Trees, nor Buſhes, all grafs Downs: the Land is flat on the tops of the Hills; freſh Water runs down in feveral places, which is melted Snow, and when the Water leaves running, there's no Snow. I faw many Guiana- coes, and Oſtriches; no People or fign of any: cloſe by the Water-fide we faw many places,where they had lain on open Hills in the Snow, and fome places where they had killed and eat Guianacoes and Oſtriches; they make but ſmall Fires with little ſticks; I do not find they roaſt their fleſh at them, for we faw fome raw Flefh hanging to the. Bones, which they had gnawed with their Teeth: their Fires are only to warm their Children's Fin- gers, as we imagine: I gathered fome handfuls of Guianacoes Wool that lay here; I am perfuaded theſe People muft needs fee us travelling to and fro every day, but won't come near or be feen by us: they live like wild Beaſts, or rather worſe, for ſometimes they muſt be in great want of Food; here's 48 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage here's neither Fruit, Root, or Herb for it: The Land is a dry gravelly Soil, with Sand, and in many places a Marle two foot below the Surface; the Grafs, which is dry, grows in knots, not very long but thick; in the Valleys the Earth is of a Petery or nitrous Nature; Oftriches feen; no fign of Metal or Mineral; I and my Company have looked in moſt places where we travelled for it: to Night we got down but very weary. Tueſday June 7. clofe dark Weather, Wind at North-eaſt and by Eaſt, a fair gale: a new Moon to day, fine Weather to Night, but cold ; the Stars near the Pole Antartick are very vifible; fome of the fmall Stars in the Con- ftellation of little Hydra are near the Pele; Here are many good Stars near the Pole, good for Ob- fervation, of the firſt and ſecond Magnitude: the Star at the South-end of Ariadne, the Star at Hy- dra's Head; the Star in the Peacock's eye, and the Stars in Tucan's bill, and the Stars in Tucan's thigh and back; the Stars in Grus's head and wing and body; but the brighteft Stars are the Stars in the former foot of Centaurus and the Crofters; the o- ther Stars are of the third, fourth and fifth Mag- nitude: The two Clouds are feen very plainly, and a fmall black Cloud, which the foot of the Crofs is in, is always very vifible when the Crofi- ers are above the Horizon, as they are alway here in theſe Latitudes. The Heavens in this South Hemiſphere are as the Heavens in the North He- mifphere; but no Stars within eighteen degrees of the Pole fit for Obfervation; no Pole-ftar, as the Star in the Tail of the little Bear is in the North. to the Streights of Magellan. 49 North: the Air cold to Night, but very healthy for ſtirring Men; I have not had my Finger ached as yet; a Man hath an excellent ftomach here; I can eat Foxes and Kites as favourily as if it were Mutton; every Fox and Kite as we kill, we eat, which is ever now and then one killed. Nothing comes amifs to our ftomachs, not one Man com- plains of cold in his Head or of Coughs. Young Men well grown and of good ſhape are moſt fit for this Country, it being a dry and an hungry Air, and Provifions to be got with pains. The Oſtriches are nothing fo big as the Oſtriches in Barbary, nor of the Colour nor Feather; theſe are grey on the Back, and ſhaggy Feathers of no uſe, and the Feathers on their Bellies are white; they have long Legs and fmall Wings; they cannot fly; they have a long Neck, and a fmall Head, and beaked near like a Gooſe; they are much like a great Turky-cock, and good lean dry Meat and fweet: to Night I came aboard; it blew freſh at Weſt. Wedneſday Fun: 22. Wind at Weft-north- weft, a ftout gale. This day I went ashore on the Eaſt-ſide, faw no People; this day Mr. John Wood went ashore on the Weſt fide, and three Men with him; they were armed; they travelled into the Land Weft and by North about four miles; where they ſaw ſeven People of the Country on a Hill, making a noife and wafting them to the Ship: Our Men went up the rife of the Hill to them; three of the Indian Men came to Mr. Wood with their Bows and Arrows in their Hands, and a looſe skin about their Bodies, and a Furr-skin about E 50 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage about their Heads, and pieces of skins about their Feet, and all the other parts of their bodies na- ked; they were painted red and white on their Faces; they would not come fo near as to let our Men touch them, but ftepped back as you mo- ved forward; they continuing their noiſe, and wafting with their Hands towards the Ship, and and kept talking, but no Man could underſtand them: they repeated Ozfe, Ozfe, very often; they have an harſh Speech and ſpeak in the Throat; they received any thing that you caft to them on the ground. Mr. Wood gave them a Knife, and a Shafh, and a Neckcloath, and a bottle of Brandy: they would not drink ; Mr. Wood could not per- ceive any Bracelets they had, or any thing about them fave their Skin: they are People of a middle ſtature, and well-fhaped; tawny Olive-colour'd, black Hair, not very long: they ſeem to be of a rude behaviour, for they returned nothing for what they received, nor took no notice of any thing; the reſt of their Company ſtayed at the Hill: they can endure much cold, for their Legs, Buttocks, and lower parts are naked. Mr. Wood was taller than any of them,and he judged the eld- eft of the three to be upwards of forty years old, the other thirty. They ſeemed to be very fearful; they took their own time, and went away into the Land. Mr. Wood returned aboard and acquaint- ed me with what he had feen. This Night we faw a Fire in the Hills. It blew hard to Night at Weft. They have fmall Dogs with them; they would not have come near our People, if they had not fallen accidentally in the Hills and Valleys with to the Streights of Magellan. 51 with them. I have thought that they have heard of the cruel dealings of the Spaniards, and dare not truft us. Saturday July 2. Wind at Weft, a fine gale. I went a-fhore on the Eaft-fide; we killed a great Guianacoe with the Greyhound. I looked in his Paunch for the Bezoar-ftone, but found nothing. I travelled to and fro but faw no People: I faw where People had made earthen Pots, and had glafed them, for there lay fome of their ſtuff run together at Night I went aboard. : Sunday July 3. Wind at South, cloſe Weather. The Guianacoe weighed, cleaved in his Quar- ters, two hundred and fifty pounds neat. He ferved all the Company for a days Fleih, and is good Meat. Tueſday July 12. Clofe Weather, and little Wind at North and by Weft. I went up to the head of the Harbour, but faw no People: There is in the Fullers-Earth Cliffs at the head of the Harbour, a Vein made like rotten Ifing-glaſs; I took fome out, but cannot find it good for any thing: I digged in the Cliff, but faw nothing to be taken notice of. I faw in two places pieces of floor Timbers of a Ship; they have laid a long time rotting. We faw that the biggeſt of theſe Buſhes here, have been cut down by fome Chri- ftian People. I faw wooden Plates, and a piece of Cork, and a piece of an old Oar: fome Chriftian Ship had been here formerly. I lay afhore to Night. Sunday July 31. Fair Weather, Wind at South- weſt, a ftiff gale. The Weather as cold as it is E 2 in 52 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage in England in the height of Winter, and the Air rather ſharper and dryer; I have now twelve Men lame with the cold, and their Legs and Thighs are turned as black as a black Hat, in fpots, the cold having chilled the Blood; yet they uſe ba- thing and ſtuping thofe places, and all that they can to prevent it, but it rather encreaſeth on them than otherwiſe: Thefe are fuch People as I could not make ſtir by any means; they that ſtir are as well as any Men in the World can be. Tueſday August 2. Clofe Weather, Wind at South-weſt, a gale and cold Air. We fall on fit- ting of our Rigging and getting the Ship fit: Here are hundreds of Guianacoes in companies near the Water-fide my Greyhound is lame, fo that I cannot make her run; alfo here are many Oftri- ches, together with many green Plovers at the Water-fide, and fome Swans, but not full fo large as ours: They are white, fave a black Head, and half the Neck and Legs black: Here are fome white Geeſe; as European Geefe, the brant-Geefe are fome white, fome black and grey; The Mal- lards and Ducks are grey; and the Teals are grey. Tueſday August 16. Clofe Weather, Wind at Weft and at North-weſt, a fine gale. I fent the Boat for Water to a Swash on the Eaft-fide; two of my Men faw two of the People of the Coun- try on the Eaſt-fide behind a Buſh; my Men went toward them; they went away and left a bundle of Skins under the Buſh; my Men made figns to fpeak with them, but they would not ſtay; my Men did not go after them but fat down, they would not ſtay; they were but of a middle fta- ture: to the Streights of Magellan. 53 ture: my Men brought the Bundle aboard to fhew it to me, and two mungrel Dogs, which were cou- pled together. I opened the Bundle and it was feveral bags of Skins, with red Earth and white Earth, and Soot or Paint in a Bag: this is the Trade they paint themſelves with; they had Flint-ftones and Arrow-heads in the Bundle; I fearched the Bundle all over to fee for grains of Gold, but could not find any: There were Brace- lets of Shells, and bits of Sticks, and braided Thongs, and Arrows, and Mufcle-fhells, and Ar- madillo-fhells, and a ſmall point of a Nail in a ſtick for a Bodkin: Their Skins were pieces of Seal-skins, and pieces of Guianaco-skins, fewed together with ſmall Guts; all very old and full of holes, and ſmelt of greaſe: There were pieces of Flints made faſt with a green Gut, in the ſplit of a Stick, which they hold faſt to knock their Ar- row-heads into fhape: There were alfo pieces of Sticks to get Fire with. This was all that was in the Bundle; it was made faft with Leather-thongs, braided round like Whip-cord, and the Dogs were coupled with fuch ftrings: The Muſcle- fhells are their Knives. I put all things up in the Bag, and made it faft. Their Dogs are much of the Race of Spanish Dogs; a good large mungrel Cur,but very tame; any Man might handle them; they were grey in colour,and painted red in ſpots: they were very lean; there were two great Staves of four foot long, which was tough Cane in ſhort joints: I carried them a-fhore next day. Tueſday August 30. Foggy clofe Weather this Morning, Wind at North. We travelled away E 3 Weſt 54 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage ; Weft into the Land ten or twenty miles farther: The Land all dry, with Grafs, and Buſhes in fome places like Thorns; the Hills high, and many, and Snow on the tops; no Woods, nor Trees to be ſeen; Freſh-water comes running out of the Hills in a fine Rivulet; no Fruit; many fedgy Buſhes grow on the Brink, and brave green Grafs, and a green Herb of a pretty ftrong hot tafte; fome Teal in the Water, and Water-birds; this is all I faw about the Rivulet. Many large Ponds in the Country, but falt Water in thofe Ponds we faw Fowls like Herons, but all red; in the Val- leys we faw hundreds of Guianacoes in a compa- ny, and twenty twenty Oſtriches: fome Hares and fome Partridges, greyer and bigger than ours; fome Snipes and ſmall Birds; feveral Penne-wrens: we faw feveral Kites, and fmall Hawks, and Owls; we caught two Armadilloes: I faw two Foxes and a wild Dog, and many brant-Geefe: the Land is in Hills and Valleys as far as we could fee, and bad travelling on foot; the Soil is gravelly and dry Sand, of a Salt-petre nature; the Grafs in fome places long and dry, and in fome places fhort and dry; the Hills are rounding aloft like large Downs: We faw red Earth in fome places, ſuch as the Indians ufe; we faw the Footſteps of Peo- ple in many places in the Clay, and places where they had been, and had killed Guianacoes, and made a fire there; I gathered Guianacoes-Wooll, and Oſtriches Feathers were ſcattered about the place, and Bones: there lay the Skulls of three People, no fleſh on them; they were very clean, and no larger than the Skulls of European Men; fmooth to the Streights of Magellan. 55 ſmooth and even Teeth, clofe fet; one of thoſe Skulls was broken. Whether theſe People be Man-eaters or not I cannot tell; I judge they have Wars one with another, by reafon here are fo few People in this great Land, and food enough to live on, and the Land all clear and good Pa- fturage for Cattle, and no Mountains; in all the Land there are Plains and graffy Meadows: here wants only Wood to build with; if that were here, it would be as good a Land as any part of America, for the Country is very healthy. This Afternoon it rained, and was very thick and fog- gy, fo as we could not tell which way to go, al- though we had a Compafs with us; for there is no going into the Land without one, becauſe a Man will miſtake his way, the Country is fo in great Plains and Downs: We were very much wet and cold; We got to Buſhes, and there made a Fire and dried our felves: we ſtayed here all Night; we neither heard nor faw any thing to Night. open Tueſday September 1. 1670. Clofe haſey Wea ther, the Wind at North, a ſmall gale, ſo as I could not Sail this day; we tried for Fish, but caught none, the Water is fo cold. I was on the Land, when I was at the fartheft, twenty five miles Weft-north-weſt from the Harbour-mouth, and all things as I faw I have mentioned, excepting ſome ſmall Creatures like Efts, which run in the Grafs; no manner of Snake or venomous Crea- ture have I ſeen in this Country; here are fome Earth-worms, and Caterpillers, and other Buggs, but few in number: no wild Beaft of prey, or E 4 any 56 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage any other thing to annoy the Inhabitants, but Cold and Hunger: Here lics a large Country, open to receive any Inhabitants from forcin Parts, and large enough to fatisfie the Undertakers: The Land would produce European Grain,if plant- ed here, and breed Cattle. September 16. I confidering my Men, being very weak, thought it moſt fit to go for Port De- fier, and there to refreſh the Men, for I knowing there I could have what Penguins and Seals, I would have, which are good Provifions; alfo I do intend to falt up a quantity of each, to carry to Sea with me,to lengthen out my Provifions. This Forenoon I fteered from St. Julian North-north- eaſt, and made what Sail I could to get to Port Defier: This Night it was a fmall gale, and veered to the Weft-fouth-weft; I judge it beft to make my eafie Sail in the Night, for fear of run- ning up with the Eady Stone-Rocks before day- light. Wedneſday September 21. Fair Weather to day, the Wind veerable round the Compafs. This Morning I had both the Boats laden with Seals, and Penguins and Penguin-eggs; ten Men may kill ten thouſand Penguins in less than an hours time; the Seals and Penguins are numberless: a Man cannot pafs on the Ifland for them. This Evening I got on board and landed our lading a- fhore; fair Weather to Night. The Eggs are very good Nouriſhment, and the Fat ferves for Oil to the Lamps. Thurſday September 22. Fair Weather, Wind at Weft. This day I divided the Eggs amongſt the to the Streights of Magellan. 57 the Men: we skinned the Seals and the Penguins, and falted the Fleſh in bulk on the Rock, and co- vered it to keep the Wind from it: good Wea- ther and little Wind to Night. up Friday September 30. The Wind at North this Morning; this forenoon it came to the South- eaſt, and blew hard, and rained. This day I went the River about ten miles, and Don Carolus with me, and ten Men to fee for People: we lay out all Night on the South-fide, but faw no People; this Night the People of the Country came to our little Well, which is up in the Valley, and ſtole an Iron Pot, and three fuits of Cloaths of the Mens, that were laid there a drying, with fome other Lin- nen; but did not meddle with the Beads, which are hung up on a Pole on the Hills, and they will not come near it nor meddle with it: The Peo- ple of the Country have made in a Valley, the form of the Ship in Earth and Bufhes, and ftuck up pieces of ſticks for Mafts, and redded the Buſhes all over with red Earth; the Model I ima- gine is to record our Ship, for they cannot have any Records but by imitation: This Fancy we let alone untouched, only I laid a firing or two of Beads on it and came away: clofe Weather to Night. Thefe People muſt certainly have recei- ved fome injury in former times, from fome Peo- ple that have been here in Shipping, otherwiſe they would come in fight of us; or elſe they have heard of the cruel dealings of the Spaniards to- ward the Indians, where they lived near: I have uſed all endeavours poffibly by fair means to haye Conference with them, but all is in vain. Tueſday 58 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Tueſday October 11. The Wind at Weſt-ſouth- weft, a ftout gale; very cold, Hail and fleety Snow to day. Our Men are all in good health and are lufty and fat, thoſe which had the Scurvy are got very well with eating of freſh Meat, and fuch green Herbs as they can get on the ſhore, as green Peaſe-leaves and fuch trade; they mince it, fry it with Eggs and Seal-oil; and it hath raiſed every Man in as good health as they were at our coming out of England: We fare very well, and have great plenty of good Provifions: Here is Proviſion enough of Seals and Penguins, if falt be plenty, to lade Ships; I can confidently fay, that on the Island of Penguins there are more Seals and Penguins at this prefent, than three hundred Tuns of Cask can hold, when dreſſed and falt- ed, befides what are going off and coming on; If any Men fhould have occafion for provifions of Fleſh, if they have Salt, here they may furniſh themſelves with what quantity fhall feem fit for them, and I can affure them it will laſt four Months fweet, if not longer, if care be taken in bleeding, and dreffing, and falting, as I have pre- fcribed before; the Salt may alfo be had at Saint Julian's Salt-pond in Summer-time; alſo I believe that Salt may be made at Port Defier in the Sum- mer-time, for here is fome dried Salt on the holes of the Rocks: Here are feveral Flats, where Men may make Pits and let in Salt-water, and ſo make Salt, as I have ſeen in other places. The Penguin is a Fowl that lives by catching and eating of Fiſh, which he dives for, and is nimble in the Water; he is as big as a brant- very goofe, to the Streights of Magellan. 59 goofe, and weighs near about eight pounds; they have no Wings, but flat ftumps like Fins: their Coat is a downy ftumped Feather; they are blackiſh, grey on the Backs and Heads, and white about their Necks and down their Bellies: they are ſhort legged like a Gooſe, and ſtand upright like little Children in white Aprons, in companies together: they are full-necked, and headed and beaked like a Crow, only the point of their Bill turns down a little they will bite hard, but they are very tame, and will drive in herds to your Boats-fide like Sheep, and there you may knock them on the head, all one after another, they will not make any great haft away: Here are a great many Sea-Pies, and Ducks, and Ox-Birds, and Sea-Mews, and Gulls, and white Sea-Pigeons, and white-breafted Divers, and Dobchicks. October 13. I weighed, and failed out of Port Defier, ſtanding Southward. Octob. 16. I was in Lat. 49 d. 8 m. South. Octob. 19. I paffed by the Cape, called Beachy-Head by our Men, and the Hill of St. Ives, Lat. 50 d. 10m. The Compafs has variation 16 d. 37 m. Eaſterly. The Land here makes in a Bay, where the River of St. Cruce goes in. Octob. 21. We paffed by Cape Fair-weather in 51 d. 30 m. South-Lat. Here goes on the River of Gallegoes. Octob. 22. We came to Cape Virgin- Mary, at the entrance of the Streight of Magellan. Cape Virgin-Mary, at the North-entrance, lies in the Latitude of 52 d. 26m. And in Longitude, from the Lizard in England, Weft, 65 d. 42 m. Meridian 60 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Meridian diſtance from the Lizard in Leagues, Weft 1062. Leagues. Variation of the Compafs here I find to be Eaſterly, 17 Degrees. Here is Anchoring all about this Part of the Streights, in the fair way from Cape Virgin-Mary, till you come into the Narrow. I did not find much Tide any where hereabout, but in the Narrow, and there the Tide runs ftronger than it does in the Hope a good matter; the floud Tide fets into the Streights, and the Ebb fets out; it keepeth its courſe, as on other Coafts: it is fix hours Floud and two hours Ebb; it rifeth and falls near four Fathom perpendicular; it is an high Water here, on the change day of the Moon at eleven of the Clock, as far as I could perceive. Many beds of Rock-weed are driving to and fro here. This day at two of the Clock I was a-breaſt of Point Poffeffion; Ifteered from thence Weſt-north-weſt about two Leagues, and then Weſt and Weſt- fouth-weft, and South-weft and by South, round- ing by the North-fhore: As I fhoaled my found- ings I had 22, and 18, and 16, and 12, and Fathoms, fandy, and fometimes gravelly Ground and pebble Stones; I failed, rounding the ſhore being unacquainted, and could not tell certainly where the Narrow lay, for it was ſhut in one Land with the other, fo as I could not fee the opening: I was open of the Narrow at five a Clock, having a fine gale at North-north-eaſt. I fteered in South- weft and by South into the chops of it, but could not get paſt a League into it; the Tide being bent out and run ſo ſtrong as I could not ſtem it; 9 I to the Streights of Magellan. 61 I was in danger of running the Ship againſt ſteep Rocks, which lie in the North-fide, fhe taking a fhear with the Tide, and the Wind was a fresh gale at North-north-eaſt. There grew long Rock- weed on the Rocks; I went and founded over them, and had five foot Water on them, and four- teen Fathom by the fide of them, next the Chan- nel: they come trenting from the point of the Nar- row of the North-fide, a mile off. At fix of the Clock the Wind came to the North; at eight of the Clock it came to the North-weft; it fell very dark and rained much; I was forced to fall back again out of the Narrow as well as I could the fhore I could not fee, it was fo dark; it fell a flat Calm, I finding twenty five Fathom Water, pebble Stones and oary; I anchored and rode all Night; little Wind at South-weft, and dark. It is eight Leagues from the firſt Narrow to the fecond, and fomething better; the Courſe from one to the other is Weft and by South, and Eaſt and by North. This Reach from the firſt Narrow to the fecond is feven Leagues broad, from the North-fhore to the South-fhore; it fhews like a little Sea when one comes into it, for we could not fee to the fecond Narrow, till I had failed therein three Leagues or more. At the point of the fecond Narrow, on the North-fhore; up to the North-eaſt-ward a mile or two, there is a Bay on the North-fhore, and a white Cliff of an ordinary height, which is called Cape St. Gre- gory: In this Bay you may ride in eight Fathom Water, fine clean fandy Ground, and a good half mile off the fhore; This is a good Road, if the Wind 62 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Wind be between the North-eaft and the South- weft to the Weftward; the Winds are given moſt to blow on the Weſtern-quarter. As I failed tho- row the ſecond Narrow, I founded in the fair way, and had twenty eight, and thirty Fathom fmall ftones: The North-fhore on this Narrow makes in a Bay at the Eaft-point,and is white Cliffs all the way through: This Narrow lies throughout Weſt-ſouth-weft, and Eaft-north-eaft, and at the Weſt-end of the Narrow the Land is ſteep up, in white Cliffs, and the South part rounds away in a Fore-land: The South-fhore rounds away South- eaſt from this Fore-land, and then it trents away to the Southward in low Land: The North-fhore of this Narrow or Streight, rounds up to the Northward in white Cliffs, and falls into fhores; there goes in a Harbour which hath four Fathom in the Channel, at High-water; it is a flat round Harbour within, and oary; I called this Oaz-har- bour: When you are at the Weft-part of this Nar- row, you will ſee three Iſlands come open, which fhew to be ſteep up Cliffs: they lie Triangle-wife one of another; they are four Leagues diftant from the Narrow, Weft-fouth-weft: The fmalleſt and Eaſtermoft Ifle is called St. Bartholomews, the biggeſt and Wefter-moſt is called Elizabeth; the middle-moft and Souther-moft is called S.George's, and by fome Penguins-Ifle, and indeed there are many Penguins on it. This Evening I got up to Elizabeth's, and anchored in eight Fathoms and an half fine black Sand, two miles off the Ifland. The Eaft-point bears South and by Eaſt of me: fair Weather all Night, the Wind at South and by Weſt. This to the Streights of Magellan. 63 This Morning I went aſhore on Elizabeth-Island, and at my landing nineteen of the Countrey-peo- ple came off the Hills to me: I had Conference with them, and exchanged Knives and Beads for fuch things as they had: which were Bows and Arrows, and their Skin-Coats, which are made of young Guianacoes skins ; I gave them a Hatchet and Knives, and Beads, and Toys, Trumps, &c. they feem'd to be very well-pleafed; I fhewed them Gold, which they would have had; I made them figns, that if they had any, I would give them Knives and Beads, &c. for it, or if any where in the Land: I laid Gold and bright Copper into the Ground, and made as if I found it there, and looked to and fro on the Earth as if I looked for fuch things; they looked one on another and fpake to each other fome words, but I could not perceive that they underſtood me,or what I meant ; nor that they knew Gold, or any other Metal: they would gladly have had every thing they faw; they tried to break the Boats Iron-grapenel with ftones, and would have carried it away; I let them alone, and obferved their actions and be- haviour, which was very brutish: they catched at every thing they could reach, although I caufed them to fit down, and I put ſtrings of Beads about their Necks; ftill they defired more: My Lieu- tenant Peckett danced with them hand in hand, and ſeveral of my Men did dance with them, and made all the fhew of Friendſhip as was poffible; My Lieutenant changed his Coat for one of theirs, for they deſired it becauſe it was red, which co- lour they much efteem: I was in great hopes I might 64 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage might find Gold among them; I gave them all the courteous reſpect I could: After two hours Conference with them, I made figns I would go and get more things and come again to them; They went, and would have us to Land again un- der a Cliff, which I judge was their Defign, to heave ftones into the Boat to fink her, for the place was very convenient for fuch a purpoſe: They fet themſelves down on the Grafs, and im- mediately ſet fire on the Grafs on the fide of the Bank: by what means they got Fire fo fuddenly I could not underſtand. I went and founded the Channel between Elizabeth-Iſland, and St. Bartho- lomew's-Iſland, and found it a fair Channel to Sail through, of a mile broad neareſt and deep Wa- ter: in the middle thirty eight Fathom, and nine and ten Fathom near the Shore-fide, gravel- ly Sand. Theſe People are of a middle ftature, both Men and Women, and well-limbed, and roundish Faced, and well fhaped, and low Fore-headed; their Noſes of a mean fize, their Eyes of the mean and black; they are fmooth and even toothed and cloſe fet and very white; fmall Ears: their Hair is fmooth flag Hair, and very black and harsh on the fore-part, even and round; and the Locks of a mean length, both Men and Women alike: they are full Breaſted, they are tawny Olive-coloured, and redded all over their Bodies with red Earth and Greaſe; their Faces dawbed in fpots down their Cheeks with white Clay, and fome black ſtreaks with fmut, in no Method; their Arms and Feet the like they have fmall Heads and fhort Fingers; to the Streights of Magellan. 65 Fingers: they are active in Body, and nimble in going and running; their Cloathing is pieces of Skins of Seals, and Guianacoes, and Otters skins ſewed together, and ſewed ſoft; their Garment is in form of a Carpet, of about five feet fquare, or according to the largeneſs of the Perfon; this they wrap about their Bodies, as a Scottish Man doth his Plading: they have a Cap of the Skins of Fowls, with the Feathers on; they have about their Feet pieces of Skins tied to keep their Feet from the Ground: they are very hardy People to endure cold; for they feldom wear this loofe Skin when they are ſtirring, but are all naked of Body from Head to Feet, and do not fhrink for the Wea- ther; for it was very cold when I faw them, and the Hills all cover'd with Snow: they have no Hair on their Bodies nor Faces, nor any thing to cover their privy Parts, excepting fome of the Women, which had a Skin before them; other- wife the Men and Women are cloathed alike; only the Men have Caps and the Women none: The Women wear Bracelets of Shells about their Necks, the Men none; the Men are fomewhat larger than the Women in Stature, and more ful- ler Fac'd; the Men have a harsh Language, and fpeak ratling in the Throat, and grofs; the Wo- men fhiller and lower: they pronounce the word Urfah, but what it means I could not underſtand, nor one word they fpake; if they did not like any thing, they would cry Ur, Ur, ratling in their Throats: their Food is what they can get, either Fiſh or Fleſh: they are under no Govern- ment, but every Man doth as he thinks fit; for F they 66 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage  they had no reſpect to any one, nor under any O- bedience of any in this Company; neither did they make any fhew of Worshipping any thing, either Sun or Moon, but came directly to us at our firſt going on Land, making a noife, and e- very Man his Bow ready ftrung, and two Arrows a Man in their Hands: their Bows are about an Ell long, and their Arrows are near eighteen Inches long, and neatly made of Wood, and head- ed with Flint-ſtones,neatly made broad-Arrow-fa- fhion,well faftned to the Arrow; and the other end is feathered with two Feathers, and tied on with the Gut of fome Beaft, when it is green and moiſt the Bow-ftring is fome twifted Gut. Thefe Peo- ple have very large mungrel Dogs, much like the race of Spanish Dogs, and are of feveral colours: I did not fee any other domeftick Creature they have, neither could I at this time fee their Boats; for they lay at the other end of the Iſland,next the Main; they waited on this Iſland for an opportu- nity of fair Weather, to go to the other Iflands for Penguins, there being great numbers of thoſe Birds on the fouthermoft of the three Iſlands, and many other white-breaſted Divers. October 30. To Night I anchored in a ſmall Bay in eleven fathom Water, gravelly Ground, half a mile off the Shore; no Tide runs here as to thwart up a Ship; the Water rifeth and falls perpendicular ten Feet. This Bay hath two Ri- vulets of freſh Water in it, and good Timber- trees of eighteen Inches through, and near forty Feet long: the Wood is much lik a Beech; here are wild Currant-trees, and many fuch like Bushes: the to the Streights of Magellan. 67 [ , the Woods are very thick and green, and much old Wood lies on the Ground, ſo as there is no travelling into the Woods. I was a-fhore looking to and fro here three hours: I called this Fresh- water Bay; this is near nine Leagues to the South- ward of Sweepstakes Bay; Sand-point is a mean low Point, lies out more than the other Points of the Shore, and few Trees grow on it. It is fix Leagues from Fresh-water Bay, to Port Famen South and North from the one to the point of the other: that neareſt Port Famen cannot be ſeen, as you come from the Northward, till you come to bring the Point S. Anne up on the North- weſt of you, for the Bay lies up in a little hook North-weſt,and the Land on the Weſt-ſide of the Bay is low in a Point, and fandy, and fome Grafs grows on it, and much drift-Wood lies on it like a Carpenters-yard: a little within Land from the Water-fide grow brave green Woods,and up in the Valleys, large Timber-trees, two foot throughout and fome upwards of 40 Feet long; much like our Beech-timber in England; the Leaves of the Trees are like green Birch-tree Leaves, curiouſly ſweet the Wood fhews in many places as if there were Plantations for there are feveral clear places in the Woods, and Graſs growing like fenc'd Fields in England; the Woods being fo even by the fides of it, and on Point Saint Anne as you come failing from the Northward, you will fee good Buſhes and tall Trees grow on the very point of it: This Point is rocky on the Shore-fide, but no dan- ger lies of it; you may be bold on it to get into Port Famen Bay. F 2 Here 68 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Here is good Wooding, and Watering, and good catching of Fifh with the Seyne or Net: I ha- led above five hundred large Fiſhes a-fhore at one hale, much like to a Mullet, all ſcaly Fiſhes, here are many large Smelts of twenty Inches long, and many Anchovies, and fome ſmall made Scates: Here is great plenty of Fish, fo much as we feed wholly on it, and falt up much of the Mullets and Anchovies. Here grow many Trees of good large Timber, forty Inches through: the Leaves are green and large, much like Bay-tree Leaves in England; the rind is grey on the out-fide and pretty thick rined thick rined; this Rind or Bark of theſe Trees, if you chew it in your Mouth, is hotter than Pepper and more quicker; it is of a ſpicy fmell when it is dry; I cut of the Bark and made uſe of it in my Peaſe, and other Proviſions inſtead of Spice, and found it very wholeſom and good: wee fteeped it in our Water, and drank it, and it gave the Water a pretty flavor. There grow of thefe Trees in the Woods, in many places in the Streight on both Shores, and on the Coafts on both fides of Patagonia, before you enter them. This may be the Winter-bark of the Shops, which has an Aromatick pepper-like or ſpicy taft. Port Famen lies in the Lat. of 53 d. 35 m. South; 53d. and in Longitude Weft,from the Lizard, 68 d. 9 m. and Meridian diftance 1092. Leagues Weft,as my Account is in my Sailing: this Voyage, I give no credit to the plain Sailing: therefore this Meridian diſtance fignifies very little as to Navigation. I travelled in many places, but could not fee any Fruit-trees, or Oak, or Afh, or Hafel, or any ^ to the Streights of Magellan. 69 any Timber like ours in England: Here are but two forts of Timber in all theſe Woods, and one is the Pepper-rind Tree, which is indifferent Wood, and the other is the Timber much like Beech: Here are the beſt and biggeſt Trees in all the Streights; here are Trees of two foot and an half through, and between thirty and forty feet long; there may be great Planks cut out of them. I could not fee any grains of Metal or Mineral in any place, and I looked very carefully in Gul- lies, and places where Water had guttered. Here are fome Herbs to be plucked up, as we boiled for Salleting, and green Grafs with it,which relifh- ed pretty well. The Land in the Woods is dry, and of a gravelly and fandy Soil, and fome places good brown Earth; it is bad travelling in the Woods for old Trees and Under-woods: the Woods trent all up on the fides of the Hills; the Land all about on the North-weft and Weſt of Port Famen, trents up to very high Hills, and the In-land is very high Hills; for we can fee the tops of them all barren and ragged, peeping over thofe Mountains next to the Shore-fide; much Snow lies continually on them: the Land on the South-fhore is very high and peaked. I faw many Ducks and brant-Geefe on the Shore-fides, and in the freſh Waters, together with fome Whales fpouting in the main Channel. I do verily believe that in thefe Mountains, there is fome Metal either Gold or Copper, for the Man that went aboard pointed up to the Mountains, and ſpake to me when I fhewed him my Ring. Thefe People eat up the Provifion which F 3 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage which was carried to them, and greaſed them- felves all over with the Oil,and greafed their Skin- Coats with it I made figns to them to go and get fome Gold and bring it to me: fome of them went away to their Boats, the reft fat ftill on the Grafs, talking one to another, and point- ing to the Ship. Their Language is much in the Throat, and not very fluent, but uttered with good deliberation: I could not perceive but only the younger were obedient to the elder, and the Women were in obedience to the Men; for I took the Mens Coats and put about the Women, but the Men would not fuffer them to keep the Coats long, and themſelves to be naked, but took the Coats from the Women, and put them about themſelves: I proffer'd them to exchange one of my Lads for one of theirs, and they laugh- ed; but the Indian Lad would not go with me, but hung back: I gave to the Men Knives and Fiſh-hooks, and to the Lads Jews-trumps and Pipes, and to the Women Looking-glaffes and Beads. I did this to gain their loves, and in hopes to have Trading with them for the future; they refus'd Brandy. Cape Fromard is the fouthermoft Land of the great Continent of America, and it is very high Land on the back-fide of it; the Face is fteep up, of a Cliff of Rocks, and it is blackish grey, of a good height, and deep Water very near it. I founded with my Boat cloſe to it, and had forty Fathom: A Man may lay a Ship cloſe to the face of the Cape, for there is Water enough: there is no Ground in the Channel at two hundred Fa- thoms, to the Streights of Magellan. 71 thoms, and but little Tide, or any ripling as I faw, but a fair Channel to fail throughout; of three Leagues broad from the North-fhore to the South- fhore. It is beſt for a Ship to keep nearer the North-fhore than the South-fhore; for the Winds are more generally of the Weſtern Quarter. Cape Froward, in Magellan Streights, lies in the Latitude of 53 d. 52 m. South. And in Longitude Weſt, from the Lizard, in England 68 d. 40 m. Weſt. And in Meridian diſtance in Leagues 1099. and two Miles Weſt. The Compaſs hath fixteen degrees of Varia- tion Eaſterly at Cape Froward. As to the Fir- lining Points I cannot ſay any thing; I wanted a Needle..... November 4. 1670. I was in Wood's Bay, called fo by my Mate's Name. November 5. I was a- breft of Cape-Holland; near which lies Cape Co- ventry and Andrew's Bay, alfo Cordes and Foftcues Bay, Cape and Port Gallant: but for a more exact Situation of the feveral Promontories, Bays, Ports, Rivulets, Soundings, &c. I refer the Reader to the large Draught of the Magellan Streights, drawn by my own Hand on the place. A-breft of the Bay, two Leagues off, is the Inland which I called Charles-Ifland and Monmouth-Island; more to the Weſt-ward is James-Iland, and Ru- perts-Iland, and the Lord Arlingtons-Iſland, and the Earl of Sandwich's-Island, and Secretary Wren's Island: this Reach I called English Reach; a League more to the Weſt-ward of Foftcues Bay is Cape-Gallant, F 4 The | 72 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage The Streight fhews now as if there were no farther paffage to the Weftward; for the South Land rounds up fo much to the North-Weftward, that it fhuts againſt the North-Land to a Man's fight. At this diftance I faw two large openings into the South-Land, one oppofite to Charles-I- fland, the other more to the Weſtward, up of the round South Bite; there I faw many Whales fpouting, that place I called Whale-Bay: I faw feveral Brant-geeſe and Ducks here: I left in the Indians Houfes Beads and Knives, in hopes of fur- ther Commerce: I faw on the South-fide, a Fire made in the Grafs by the Natives. From the pitch of Cape-Froward, to the pitch of Cape-Holland, the Streight lies in the Channel Weft and by North, neareſt, and is diſtant full five Leagues; and from the pitch of Cape-Holland, to the pitch of Cape-Gallant, the Streight lies in the Channel, Weft and by North, a little Northerly, and is diſtant eight Leagues: From the pitch of Cape-Gallant, to a low Point three Leagues to the Weftward, the Streight lies in the Channel North- weft and by Weft, a little Northerly: This Reach is not more than two miles broad, from the North-fhore to the Iflands, which I called The Royal Ifles when I was a-breft of the Wefter- moſt Iſland, which I called Rupert's-Ifland, I bee ing on the middle of the Channel with the Ship, fhot off one of my Sakers with Sakers with a fhot, and the fhot lodged cloſe to the Iflands fide. This low Point, a breſt of Rupert's-Ifland, on the North fhore, I called Point-Paffage. This Evening at fix of the Clock, I was hot paft Point-Paffage, half a mile to the Streights of Magellan. 73 a mile to the Weftward of it; having a fine Ea- fterly gale. Monday November 7. Cloudy gufts, foggy Weather, the Wind at Weft, and fometimes at North-weft: I rode faft all day cloſe aboard the fhore. This Afternoon I went in my Boat over to the South-fide, oppofite to Elizabeth's-Bay, at the Point called Whale-point, for the many Whales ſpouting thereby. I travelled up the Hills two miles, but could not fee any Gold or Metal; the Land very irregular and Rocky, with mofsy kind of Grafs growing on it, and yery boggy and rot- ten; for I thruſt down a Lance of fixteen feet long, into the Ground with one hand very eaſily: Here grow many Juniper Trees, fome of a foot throughout, the Wood not very ſweet: Here I faw many brant-Geeſe and Ducks, much Snow on the inland Mountains, fo as I could not travel any farther I returned down to the Boat again; I faw where the Natives had been by the evening of the Grafs, but I could not have a fight of any. Here are many good Mufcles on the Rocks of five Inches long, and good Fish in them, and many feed Pearls in every Muſcle: Here are alſo large Limpets and Sea-eggs among the Rocks. All the Ripling is not worth the taking notice of, for it is but an hours time on both Tides Ebb and Floud, when the Tide runs ftrong; neither are the Tides any thing prejudicial to the Navi- gation of the Streight, but rather advantagious to help to turn from Road to Road either way: For I have had a benefit of them in plying from place to place, The Weather indifferent this After- noon; 74 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage noon; I went a-ſhore after I had done Sounding but faw no People nor any Metal; the Woods very thick, and feveral Trees of the hot Bark, the other Trees much like Beech-timber: fome Ducks and brant-Geeſe ſeen on the Shore-fide. The Streight in this Reach between Elizabeth's Bay and St. Jerom's River is about two Leagues, broad and high Land on the South-fide; which hath feveral brave Coves on it like the Wet-dock at Deptford, and fafe to lay Ships in them from either much Wind or any Sea. This Bay I called Mu- fcle-Bay, for in it there are many and great plen- ty of good Muſcles. The Shore-fides are rocky, fteep too in moſt places; no Ground in the main Channel at an hundred Fathom; alfo in the Bays on the South-fide it is deep Water, and ſmall Iſlands lie in the Bays, and cloſe along the South- ſhore lie fmall Iſlands. Here are many Whales, and I ſaw many Penguins, and fome Seals The Shores are woody on both fides, but ragged Tim- ber and boggy Ground; the tops of the Hills bare Rocks and irregular: feveral ſtreams of Snow-water run down in the Cliffs of the Hills, two Leagues to the Weftward of Elizabeth's-Bay. On the North-fhore the Land is low and woody near the Water-fide, and up of a Valley in this Low-land: In this Valley there runs a freſh Wa- ter-River; I went into it with my Boat: It is but ſhallow at low Water, hardly Water enough for my Boat Here I faw feveral Arbors of the Indians making, but no People. This River is a very convenient place to lay Shallops, or fuch like ſmall Veffels in it; they may go into it to the Streights of Magellan. 75 it at high Water, for the Tide riſeth here eight or nine feet: this River I called by the name of Batchelor's River. Before the mouth of this River, in the Streights, there is good anchoring, in nine, or ten, or twelve Fathom Water, fandy Ground; a fair birth off the Shore: the Tide runs but or- dinary, and the Floud-tide comes from the Weft- ward, and the Tide that comes out of St. Fe- rom's Channel, makes a ripling with the Tide that comes along the ftream of the Streight: I called this Road that is before Batchelor's-River, Tork- Road: This is a good place to ride in with We- fterly Winds, for here cannot go any great Sea; neither ſhall a Man be embayed; that if a Cable give way, he may have the Streight open to carry it away; for the Wefterly Winds are the greateſt Winds that blow here by the Trees, for they all ſtoop to thefe Winds, and lean to the Eafterward, and the Weft-fide of all the Trees that ftand o- pen, are made flat with the Winds: the tops of the Mountains look to the Eaſtward; the Eafter- ly Winds feldom blow ftrong here as to what I have obferved. By the Shore-fide which lies open to the Eaſt, the Grafs grows down to the Water- fide, and they are the greener Shores, and the Trees are ftreight and tall on the Eaft-fide of the Hills, but on the Weft-fhores, the Grafs and Trees are much weather-beaten, worn away, and crippled, and the Shore-fides much tewed with the furge of the Waters. At Cape Quad, the Lands fhut one with the o- ther, as if there were no farther paffage: but as you make nearer to it, you will fee the opening more 76 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage 1 more and more, as the Streight rounds there more to the Northward again. Cape Quad is on the North-fhore; and it is a ſteep up Cape, of a rocky greyish Face, of a good height before one comes at it it fhews like a great building of a Caſtle; for it points off with a Race from the other Mountains, fo much into the Channel of the Streight, that it makes fhutting in againſt the South-land, and maketh an Elbow in the Streight: the Streight is not paft four miles broad here, from fhore to fhore; and the Land is fteep too on both fides, and rocky; the Mountains high on both Shores, and craggy barren Rocks: fome Trees and Buſhes growing here, and much Snow on the Mountains on both fides. Oppofite to Cape Qoad on the South-fide, there is a fine large Bay, which is called Rider's Bay: I did not go into it; if there be Anchoring in it, it is a fair Road for any Winds: the Water is very deep here in the Channel, no Ground at one hundred Fathom: this part of the Streights, from Point Paffage to Cape Quad, is the moſt crooked part of all the Streight; therefore I called this Crooked-Reach. Here are two fmall Iſlands in the North-fhore, to the Eaſtward of Cape Quad. November 14. This Morning I was a-breft of Cape-Munday, fo I called it, it being a Cape on the South-fide, and is diſtant from Cape de Quad about thirteen Leagues: the Streight here is a- bout four miles broad, and the North-fhore makes into theLand with great founds and broken Iſlands; the Land on both Shores is high rocky Hills, and barren, very little Wood or Grafs growing on them: to the Streights of Magellan. 77 them: Here at Cape Munday, the Streight grows broader and broader to the Weftward, but keeps all one Courſe, North-weft and by Weft to Cape Upright; which is a ſteep upright Cliff on the South-fide, and it is diftant from Cape Munday four Leagues. Here the Streight inclines to the Weftward near half a Point: the Streight lies from Cape Munday Weft-north-weſt, half a Point Northerly right out into the South-Sea, if you be in the middle of the Channel, or nigh the North-fhore; I find little or no Tide to run here, or Current: no Ground in the Channel at two hundred Fathom, a Musket fhot off the Shore on either fide. Here run into the South-fhore many Sounds and Coves; I have failed fair along by the South-fhore all this day; for the North- fhore makes in broken Iſlands and Sounds: Here lie all along the South-fhore feveral fmall Iſlands, but no danger, for they are all ſteep too: the Streight is a very fair Channel to fail throughout. This day at Noon, I was a-breaſt of an Iſland, which lies on the North-fide of the Streight, I cal- led it Westminster-Ifland; there lie a great many Iſlands between that and the North-fhore, and to the Eaſtward and Weftward, as alfo fome broken Ground, and Rocks lie about it: Theſe Iſlands I called The Lawyers, and this Ifland which I called Westminster-Island, is an high rocky Iſland fhewing like Westminster-Hall; the Streight is five Leagues broad, between Westminster-Ifland and the South- fhore; but between that and the North-fhore, there are many rocky Iſlands and broken Ground. The 78 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage • The Streight lies from Cape Munday to Cape Deffeada Weft-north-west, and Eaft-fouth-eaft, half a point Northerly, and half a point Southerly neareſt, and they are diftant from one another near fifteen Leagues: from Cape Quad to Cape Deffeada, it is about twenty eight Leagues; and the Streight lies near North-weſt, and by Weſt from Cape Quad into the South-Sea, and near in one Reach, which I called Long-Reach: and fome of my Company called it Long-Lane. This part may properly be called the Streights for it is high Land all the way on both Shores, and barren Rocks, with Snow on them; and in- deed from Cape Quad into the South-Sea, I called this Land South-Defolation, it being fo defolate Land to behold. Cape Deſſfeada lies in the Latitude of 53 d. 10m. South. In Longitude Weft from the Lizard of Eng- Land 72 d. 56m. And in Meridian diſtance 1149. The Compaſs hath 14 d. 10m. Variation Ea- fterly here. 1 Cape Pillar lies in the Latitude of 53 d. 5 m. In Longitude Weft from the Lizard of Eng- land d. 49 m. 72 And in Meridian diſtance 1148. Leagues Weft. I make the whole length of the Streights of Magellan, from Cape Virgin-Mary to Cape Deffeada, with every Reach and turning, to be one hun- dred and fixteen Leagues: and fo much I failed from the one Sea to the other, according to my eſtimation. The 1 to the Streights of Magellan. 79 The beſt Land-fall in my Opinion, is to make the face of Cape Deffeada for to come out of the South-Sea to go into the Streight of Magellan; they lie in East and Weft at the firſt, till you come a-breft of Cape-Pillar; then the Courfe is South- eaſt and by Eaſt neareſt. Be careful to keep the South-fhore in fair view; for the North-fhore is broken Iſlands and Sounds, that a Man may mi- ſtake the right Channel or Streight, and ſteer up into one of them, as he comes out from the South- Sea, if he loſe fight of the South-fhore. Here lie four fmall Iſlands at the North part of the mouth of the Streight, in the South-Sea; they lie pretty near together: the Eaftermoſt ſtands fingly by it felf, and is round copling up of a fair height like an Hay-cock, or Sugar-loaf: the o- ther three are flattiſh; they lie from Cape-pillar North-north-weft,by the true Compaſs 6 Leagues off; they are diſtant from Cape-Victory, near four Leagues South-weft; I called them The Islands of Direction; they are good wiſhing to fall with the Mouth of the Streight. November 26. The Land makes in Iſlands, ly- ing near the main Land, is high and large Hills In-land, which ftretch North and South, fome Snow lying on the tops of the higheſt Hill. At eight of the Clock I made the Iſland of Nuestra Sennora del Socoro; in the Spanish Tongue it is cal- led The Iſland of our Lady of Sucore; I ſteered with it North-eaſt and by Eaſt; it made rounding up at the Eaſtermoft end, and lower in the middle than at either end it maketh with a ridge run- ning from one end to the other, and Trees grow- ing 80 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage ing on it: the Shore-fide is rocky on the South- fide of the Iſland, and ſome broken Rocks lie near the Shore-fide, and on the South-east end of the Iſland there ſtand two peaked copling Rocks clofe to the Shore; they are white on the top with Fowls dung. The Ifland is of a fine heighth, and all woody on the North-fide of it; the Trees grow down to the Water-fide, and fresh Water runs down in five or fix Gullies: the Woods are all green, and very thick ſpicy Trees, Meridian diſtance at Noon from Cape-pillar, Eaſt 20 d. om. 4 ten. Longitude at Noon from Cape-pillar, Eaft 1 d. 19 m. Longitude at Noon, from the Lizard, Weft 71 d. 42 m. Meridian diſtance at Noon, from the Lizard, Weft 1128 leag. 2 mil. 9 ten. The Ifland Nuestra Senora di Socoro, lies in the Latitude of forty five degrees South, and in Lon- gitude Eaſt from Cape-pillar one degree nine- teen minutes; Meridian diſtance from Cape-pil- lar, Eaſt 20 leag. O min. 4 ten. Meridian diſtance from the Lizard, Weft 1128 deg. 2 min. 9 ten. Longitude from the Meridian of the Lizard, Weſt 71 deg. 42 min. The Compaſs hath eleven Degrees, Variation Eaſterly here. I went a-ſhore with my Boats for freſh Water, which I had them laden with preſently; for here is freſh Water enough, and very good; I fearched the Shore what I could, I faw an old Hutt or Arbour to the Streights of Magellan. 81 Arbour of the Indians making, and ſeveral ſticks that were cut, but all old done. I could not fee any fign of People on the Ifland now; I believe the People come rambling to this Iſland from the Main in the beſt ſeaſon of the Year to get young Fowls: for I do not fee any thing elſe in the Iſland for the fuftenance of Mans Life; I could not fee any kind of Mineral or Metal: the Soil is a fandy black Earth, and fome Banks of Rocks : the Iſland is irregular, and grown all over with impene- trable thick Woods, fo as I could not fee the in- ward part of it: the Woods are ordinary. Tim- ber, none that I faw was fit to make Planks of; the nature of the Wood is much like Beech and Birch,and a fort of heavy Wood good for little but the fire, it is white: no Fruit or Herbs; very little Graſs, the Woods are fo thick; much kind of long fedgy Graſs; no wild Beaſt to be feen; feveral fmall Birds in the Woods like Sparrows: there are ſeveral Fowls like Kites in the Woods, feveral · black and white brant-Geefe and pied Shags, and other fuch Sea-Fowls, as Pinks and Sea-mews what elſe the Iſland affords I cannot tell. I made a Fire on the Shore, in hopes to have ſome an- fwer of it on the Main, but had not. At Noon I went aboard, and fent my Boats a-fhore again for more Wood and Water, whilft the Weather permitted landing. November 30. This Forenoon I was over on the main fide, the Ship lay off, and in. I went a- fhore with my Boat on an Iſland which lieth ad- jacent to the Main: There runs a Channel be- tween that and the Main, and many Rocks lie G in :. 82 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage in it, and foul Ground, fo as I durft not venture the Ship in it. This Iſland ſhewed as if it had been the Main, till I went to it with the Boat; being about four Leagues long from the North- point to the South-point, and in fome places a League broad. The Ifland is of a mean height, and in fome places two Leagues broad, and grown all over with Woods very thick: the Timber is fuch like as is on the Ifle of Socoro: I could not fee any kind of Mineral or Metal in it; the Shore-fide fandy in many places, and rocky in o- thers; the Earth on this Ifland is of a fandy black foil, but very wet with the continual Rains that are here. Not finding this noted in my Draughts, I called it after my own Name Narbrough's-Iland; I took poffeffion of it for his Majefty and his Heirs: I could not fee any People, or any fign of them here. ; South-east from Narbrough's-Ifland on the Main diſtant about three Leagues, there runs into the Land a River or Sound, and fome broken ground lies before it. The Shore-fide is rocky, and the Hills are high in the Land on both fides of it this opening lies in Eaſt and Weſt, I take it for that place which in the Draughts is called Saint Domingo. This place lies in the Latitude of forty four Degrees, fifty Minutes South; and more to the Southward thereof lie many round coplin high Iſlands grown over with Woods: all along the Coaſts as far as I could fee, there lie Iſlands adjacent to the Main, and they are of a great height. This to the Streights of Magellan. 83 This Day all the Bread in the Ship is expend- ed: all the Company of the Ship, my felf as well as any other, eat Peaſe in lieu of Bread; my Com- pany are all indifferent well in health, I thank God for it, being ſeventy two in Company: no Fiſh to be taken with Hooks: many Porpuffes feen, and ſome Whales; feveral Sea-Fowls feen fwim- ming to day: much Wind to Night at North- weft; I ride faſt, but doubtful of my Cable. No-Man's Island lies in the Latitude of forty three Degrees, forty feven Minutes South, and in Longitude Weft from the Lizard in England feventy one Degrees, thirty two Minutes. And in Meridian diſtance from the Lizard of England, one thouſand one hundred and twenty fix Leagues and one Mile; and in Meridian diſtance from Cape-pillar Eaft, twenty two Leagues, two Miles, and two tenths; and in Longitude Eaſt from Cape- pillar, one degree, twenty nine minutes .. The variation of the Compals is ten Degrees Eaſterly here. This Iſland is that which the Draughts make to lie at the South-end of the Ifland of Caftro, at the Mouth of the going in of that Channel, which is between Caftro and the Main; the Draughts are falſe in laying down of this Coaft; for they do not make any mention of the feveral Iſlands that lie on it, but lay it down all along to be a ftreight Coaſt: the Latitude of moſt places are laid down very near as what I have found. Here are many Iſlands adjacent on the Coaſts more Southerly, in the Latitude of forty five and an half, but none are laid down. G 2 Decem • 84 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage December 15. Don Carlos was put a-ſhore, and carried with him a Sword, and a Cafe of Piſtols, and his beſt Apparel, and a Bag with his Beads and Knives; together with Sciflars, Looking- glalles, Combs, Rings, Pipes, Jews-harps, Bells and Tobacco; all which things he had of me to give to the Natives. At feven of the Clock Signior Carlos was fet a-fhore, on the South-fide of the Harbour of Baldavia without the Mouth of it a Mile, in a ſmall fandy Bay, about two Miles with- in Point Gallere, between the Point and the Mouth of the Harbour. When he was a-fhore, he took his leave of my Lieutenant, and bad him go a- board and look out for his Fire in the Night. He went from the Boat along the Sea-fide in the path toward the Harbour's Mouth: the Men in the Boat faw him go along for the diftance of a quar- ter of a Mile, till he turned behind a point of Rocks out of fight. The Shore-fide is low and fandy, and fome fcattered Rocks lie in it: the Land rifeth trenting to large Hills: the Land is all woody and very thick, that there is no tra- velling but by the Water-fide. My Lieutenant went a-fhore to the edg of the Woods, and ga- thered ſeveral green Apples off the Trees: for there grow Apple-trees on the Shore-fide, much like our European Winter-Fruit; the Apples are bigger than Walnuts with their fhells on; whether theſe Trees were planted by the Spaniards, or grow na- turally in the Country, I cannot tell. I do not find any Current or Tide to fet on this Coaſt, that is any way prejudicial to Naviga- tion; neither do I find the Winds to blow Trade: but to the Streights of Magellan. 85 but they are veerable, and are given to blow hard on the Weſtern Quarter,and rain much. The Mouth of the Harbour of Baldavia on the Coaſt of Chile, in the South-Sea, lieth in the La- titude of 39 d. 56 m. South. 56m. And in Longitude, Weft from the Lizard of England 70 d. 19 m. And in Longitude Eaft, from Cape-pillar 2 d. 41m. And in Meridian, diſtance from Cape-pillar, Eaſt 41 leag. 2 mil. I .3 The Account I make by my failing from the Meridian of the Lizard, according to my daily Account of my Ships way: I do not make any Account of plain Sailing to be fit for Seamen to obferve; but the beſt Navigation is by Mercator, failing according to the Circle of the Globe, which I ever failed by, and keep my Account of Eaſting and Weſting by Longitude, which is the beſt and moſt certain Sailing,to give the true defcripti- on of the Globe. I have noted down the Meridian diſtance I made daily, whereby fuch Navigators and Seamen as know better, may have that to give them the knowledge of the diſtances of Places, according to their Underſtanding, Moft of our Navigators in this Age fail by the Plain Chart, and keep their Accounts of the Ships way accordingly, although they fail near the Poles; which is the greateſt Errour that can be commit- ted; for they cannot tell how to find the way home again, by reaſon of their miſtake; as I have fome in the Ship with me now that are in the fame Errour, for want of Underſtanding the G 3 true 86 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage true difference of the Meridians, according to their Miles of Longitude, in the ſeveral Lati- tudes. I could with all Seamen would give over failing by the falſe plain Card, and fail by Merca- tor's Chart, which is according to the truth of Navigation; But it is an hard matter to convince any of the old Navigators, from their Method of failing by the Plain Chart; fhew moſt of them the Globe, yet they will walk in their wonted Road. At eight of the Clock in the Forenoon my Boat put from me, and rowed to the Shore with. in point Gallery, to the place where Don Carlos was landed: I laid off and on with the Ship before the Port; the Boat rowed all along the Shore by the place where Don Carlos was landed, and along the Shore into the Harbour: at the Points on the South-fide of the Harbour ftands a fmall Fort of feven Guns called S. James's Fort: My Boat came fuddenly on it, and before they perceived it to be a Fort, they were within fhot of it. The Spa- niards flood on the Shore; and wafted with a white Flag, and called to them; My Lieutenant rowed to them, and asked of them what Coun- try they were? they anſwered, of Spain: They asked my Lieutenant of what Country he was? He anſwered, of England; they asked him to come a-fhore, which he did, in hopes to have ſeen Don Carlos there, for that path that Don Carlos went in when he was landed, led directly to this Fort by the Sea-fide, and it was not a Mile from the Fort to the place where he was landed, fo as he muft go to this Fort, and be upon it before he was aware of it, unleſs he knew it before. The path to the Streights of Magellan. 87 path went all along between the Woods and the Sea: In the Woods there is no travelling, they are fo thick, and grow on the fide of an Hill; the Fort ſtands juft by the Wood-fide on a race of the Bank, of five yards afcent from the Sea, with a bank of Earth caft up before the Ord- nance, and flight Pallifadoes plac'd in an Half- moon, four yards diftant from the Guns to the Southward, which Pallifadoes are to keep the Natives from running violently on the Ord- nance: fo theſe Spaniards guard themfelves with long Lances againſt the Natives in the Fort. The Spaniards have Match-lock Mufquetoons, but they are very ordinary ones, and they are as filly in uſing them. At my Lieutenants landing, about twenty Spa- niards and Indians came to the Water-fide in Arms, and received him and his Company a-fhore, and carried him ſome twenty yards from the Water- fide up the race of the Bank, under a great Tree, where the Captain of the Fort, and two other Spa- nish Gentlemen, received him under the fhade with great Courtefie, after the Spaniards Ceremony; they fat them on Chairs and Benches placed about a Table, under the fhade; for the Sun fhone very warm, it being a very fair Day. The Spa- nish Captain called for Wine, which was brought to him in a great Silver Bowl; He drank to my Lieutenant, and bid him welcome a-fhore, and caufed five of his Ordnance to be fired, being glad to fee Engliſh Men in this place, and told him that this was Baldavia, fpeaking very kindly, and how welcome they were to him: After every G 4 one 88 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage } one had drank, and my Lieutenant had thanked him for his Entertainment, he defired my Gentle- men to fit down, and he diſcourſed with them, and asked from whence they came, and what way they came into this Sea, and what their Captains Name was, and if there were Wars in England? My Lieutenant anſwered him to his demands: My Lieutenant asked him, if they were in peace with the Indians? He answered, that they were at Wars with them round about, wafting his Hand round the Harbour, and that they were valiant People and very barbarous, and fought on Horfe- back,and did them much ſpoil; and that two days before, the Indians came out of the Woods and killed a Captain, as he ftood at his Duty by the fide of the Fort, and cut off his Head and carried it away, ſticking on their Lance. Hefhewed my Lieutenant the place where the Indians came out of the Woods, and the place where the Man was killed. They feem to be very fearful of the In- dians, for they will not ftir any way, but they will have their Piece or their Lance with them. It is a manifeft fign they are much affraid of the Indians: alfo they have no more ground than the Fort; neither do they clear any of the Woods on this fide of the Harbour, nor walk at a Mufquet- fhot diflance from the Pallifadoes, along the Woods-fide. The Spaniards fay that the Indians have much Gold, and that their Armour for their. Breft is fine beaten Gold, &c. In the Afternoon a Dinner was brought out of the Fort to the Tent, where they were,and placed on the Table: The firft Courfe was Soppas, then Olleos, to the Streights of Magellan. 89 Olleos, then Pullets, then freſh Fiſh, all drefled with hot Sawce, and very good Diet it was; the laft Courſe was Sweet-meats: every Courſe was ferved in Silver Diſhes, and all the Plates were Silver, and the Pots and Stew-pots, and all the Utenfils belonging to the dreffing of the Provi- fions were Silver; the Bafon wherein they brought Water to waſh their Hands was in like manner made of Silver, very large, and the Hilts of the Soldiers Swords were Silver, but the Hilts of the Officers Swords were Gold of good value: More- over, the Plate at the But-end of the Stock of their Muſquetoons was of the fame Metal, and the Pipe that the Rod runs in was Silver; as alfo the tip of the Gun-ftick, and their Tobacco- Boxes, and Snuff-Boxes, and the Staves which they walk with were headed and ferrelled with Silver, and ferrelled on the joints with Silver. In- deed they are Maſters of much Silver and Gold, and it is but little eſteemed among them. Their boaſting was Plata no vallanada muchoro in terra. Four Spanish Gentlemen defired to go aboard with my Lieutenant, and fee the Ship, and Pilot her into the Harbour, if I would come in, which they did not queftion but I would, as I under- flood afterward by a Spaniard that came aboard to me, who revealed to me their whole Defign, how they intended to ſurpriſe the Ship, which I ever took care to prevent, giving them no oppor- tunity: For it hath been a general practice with the Spaniards in America, to betray all forein In- tereft in theſe parts; as I had read of their trea cherous { 90 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage cherous dealings with Captain Hawkins at Saint Juan de Ulloa. I had much Difcourfe with the Spanish Gentle- men this day concerning Baldavia, and the Coun- try of Chile: They tell me they have much Gold here at Baldavia, and that the Natives do much hinder their getting of it; for they are at cruel Wars with them,and will not permit them to plant any thing near here about,nor at Baldavia, but they come and deſtroy it with Fire. And that the Na- tives are very cruel and barbarous; if they take any Spaniard they cut off his Head, and carry it away on their Lances end. Thefe Spaniards tell me that they live here, as the Spaniards do at Ma- mora in Barbary, having their Enemies round a- bout them. Thefe Spaniards fay, that the Indi- ans are tall Men, and of a Gigantick ſtature and extreamly Valiant, and that they fight on Horſe- back, eight and ten thouſand Men in Arms, and well difciplin'd. The Indians have much Gold; and their Weapons are long Lances, and Bows, and Arrows, and Swords, and fome Mufquets, which they have taken from the Spaniards, and know how to uſe them in Service; taking alſo Ammunition, &c. The Indians are very popu- lous in the Land about Baldavia, and at Orfono, and on the Iſland of Caftro, and at Chile, and that they have much Gold on theſe parts about Or- fono, and Chilue, and that they trade with the Spa- niards, and give them Gold. have fix great This Captain faid, that they Ships going yearly from Lima to Iſlands, to the Port of Mannelos, and that they the Philippine have to the Streights of Magellan. 91 ; have a great Trade with the Chineſes; and that theſe Ships fail from the Calleo, that is the Port of Lima in the Month of January, and their paffage is but little more than two Months, from Lima to the Port of Mannelos, and they fail it within the Tropicks, and have much Eaſterly Winds and they return back by the Northwards, to gain the Wefterly Winds, which brings them to Cali- fornia, and to the Port of Aquapulco, which lieth on the Weft-Coaſt of Nova España,and from thence they come to Panama, and then to the Port of Lima. They bring rich Lading, much Silks and other rich Commodities, and Spices and Callicoes. The Mannellos have a great Trade with the Japone- fes and Chineſes, which is very beneficial to them. The Captain demanded of me whither I was bound? I anſwered him, I was bound for China, and that I had rich Lading for that Country; and that I only touched in at this place, knowing here were Settlements of the King of Spains Subjects, hoping here to have Wood and freſh Water, and refreſhing for my Men, whereby I might the bet- ter proceed on my Voyage. He faid, I fhould have what the Country would afford, and that the Captain of the Fort had fent for Proviſions for me, and that I might have Water on the Shore-fide, pointing his Hand to the place which was near by; the Captain faid, it was Aqua del oro (which is Water of Gold in Engliſh.) This faying cauſed me to laugh; then he faid, it came running from the Hills where they find Gold, and that there was Gold in that Rivulet. I asked him how they get the Gold? He faid, they waſh the 92 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage the Earth which is in the Mountains, and find the Gold in the Bowl or Tray when the Earth is wafhed out. And they buy much Gold of the Indians, which they gather in the Gullies of the Hills, which is washed in there by the Rains, and fnow diffolv'd, which defcend from the high Moun- tains, which they fay are very high and barren Rocks, thirty Leagues In-land from the Sea-fhore. The Land between thofe barren Hills and the Sea-fhore, is mighty good Land, and the Country very fruitful, abounding in many Plains, and much Cattle that the Indians have, as Horfes and Cows,and Goats and Sheep, which they have taken from the Spaniards, fince they came into this Country. The Spaniards call the high rocky Mountains the Andes, and fay that thofe Andes run all along the Land from Magellan Streights in a row to S. Martha, which is in Terra firma, not far from Cartagean. ? .། { The moſt Gold in all the Land of America is in Chile, as what is known at this time. But I find the Spaniards have but little knowledge of the Land all along to the Southward, from Balda- via to the Streights Mouth, as far as I can under- ftand by them, excepting at the Ifland of Caftro: There they have a Settlement, and on the Main against Caftro at a place called Orfono: At thefe two places they have good ftore of Gold, and there are many Indians: but farther Southerly than Caftro, they know nothing of the Country, or of the Sea-Coaft. Caftro lieth in the Latitude "of 43 d. 30m. the South end of the Ifland, and the North end lies in the Latitude of Hd. 40 m. to the Streights of Magellan. 93 40 m. It is a fine Iſland, and near the Main, there grows good Wheat on it. The Spaniards are but few in number there, but there are many Indians, and thoſe too valiant and of a large ftature; but not Giants as I underſtand : Thefe Indians have Wars with the Spaniards, and will not fuf- fer them to ſearch the Country for Wealth. A Ship brought from Lima Proviſions for the City of Baldavia and the Forts, and Cloaths, and Ammunition, and Wines, and Tobacco, and Su- gar; and fhe lades away from Baldavia Gold and Bezoar Stone, and red Wool, &c. and Indian Slaves that the Spaniards take here in theſe parts; they carry them to Peru,and make perpetual Slaves of them there; and the Indians of Peru they bring hither, and make Soldiers of them againſt the Chile-Indians, of which Soldiers there are many hereabout, whom my Men faw when they were at the Fort. There were about thirty Indians and Muftefes Soldiers there, and fome fixteen white Men who were Officers. Moreover, the Spaniards make ufe of the Peru-Indians to Trade with the Chile-Indians for Gold, although they are at Wars. For they of Chile without doubt are de- firous of Trade, whereby they may furniſh them- felves with Knives, and Sciffers, and Combs, &c. which are wanting among them; as alfo with Arms that many times by ſtealth are fold to them, although they be prohibited; Traders will be dealing; fo as they can get benefit, they do not confider the future danger by its means, provided it miſs them at the prefent. J I 94 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage I asked them how far it was to Baldavia? they anſwered me, three Leagues, and that the Boats could go up to it, and that it was fituated by the fide of the River and the Plains, and that there were five great Ordnances in a Fort to command the City, and that there were one thouſand In- habitants in the City of all forts of Men, Women and Children. I asked him, if there were any paffage by Land from Baldavia to the other parts of Chile? they faid there was, and they fent eve- ry Week, but they went with good Guards to go fecure from the Indians. Then I asked them if they built Shipping here? they ſaid no, but at Velperrazeo they did build great Ships. I asked them who lived in the Iſland of Mocha? they faid Indians, many Men and Women, and that they were Poco amigo's to them; in English, they were but fmall Friends to the Spaniards. There are many Sheep, Goats, Hogs and Hens, which the Indians will fell for Hatchets, Knives and Beads. As to the Iſland of St. Mary, the Spaniards are Ma- fters of it, and have a Fort on it with five Guns, but few Spaniards live there: it is plentiful of Provifions, as Hogs, and Sheep, and Corn, and Potatoes and they faid there is ſome Gold, that the Indians have on the Iſland of Mocha, but they will not part from it. The Spaniards did not care for anfwering me to fuch things as I would gladly have heard of thefe parts; for I laid the Draught of all that Coaft on the Table before them, and asked them who lived at this Port, and who lived at that at fome places they would fay the Spa- niards lived there, and at fome the Indians, but they to the Streights of Magellan. 95 they did not care to answer my defires, but frame other Diſcourſes to wave mine. I find that they are but little acquainted on the Coafts to the Southward of Baldavia; they fay, they have Spa- niards living on the Iſland of Caftro, and that much Corn grows there, more eſpecially European Wheat; and that on the Main there are Spaniards living at a place called Orfono, which is againſt Caftro, and that there they have Gold, and there are many Indians, I asked him if Shipping could go in between Caftro and the Main? they could not tell me, or would not; but they ſaid ſome Ships went thither, which come from Lima with Furniture for the People. The Anchoring at the Ifland of Mocha is on the North-north-caft part of it, in a fandy Bay in eight Fathom Water near the Shore; a North-eaſt Wind is the worſt Wind for the Road: on the South-fide of Mocha there lies a ledg of Rocks, and fome broken Rocks on that part of the Iſland, ſcattered from the Shore. The Anchoring at the Iſland of St. Mary is on the North-fide in a fine fandy Bay, in eight or nine Fathom Water, a fine Birth from the Shore ; the North-north-west Wind is the worst Wind for that Road. There is Wood and fresh Water on both the Iſlands, as the Spaniards report. The Tides are but mean on the Coaft, and the Flood comes from the Southward, and rife about eight or nine feet Water. The Iſland of Mocha lies in the Lat. of 38 d. 30 m. South. The Iſland of St. Mary lies in the Lat. of 37 d. 14 m. South, They 96 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage They have Apples, and Plums, and Pears and Olives, Apricocks, Peaches, Quinces, Oranges, Lemmons, and many other Fruits: There are alfo Musk-Melons, and Water-Melons,&c. Theſe Spaniards report it to be the fineſt Country in the whole World, and that the People live with the greateſt Luxury of any on the Earth; they enjoy their Health with fo much delight, and have fo much Wealth and Felicity, that they compare the Land to Paradife, abounding above other Coun- tries with all Delights for Mankind. I faw a good Teſtimony of the healthineſs of the Country; for theſe four Men who are on Board, are as well-complexioned Men as ever I faw in my days; and the People a-fhore, both Men and Women of the Spaniards are well-com- plexioned People, of a ruddy colour, and ſeem to be mighty healthy. Some of the Men are very corpulent, and look as if they came from a very plentiful Country, where there is great ftore of Provifions, and abundance of Gold and Silver. December 17. 1670. There went a-fhore in the Boat eighteen of my beſt Men I had in the Ship, and Men of good Obfervation to infpect into matters of this Concern, which I had ac- quainted them with; as touching the manner of the Harbour, and the Fortifications the Spaniards have, and the difpofition of the People; and that it was my whole defire to have Confer cnce with the Natives of the Country that are at Wars with the Spaniards, if by any means pof fible it may be obtained; for it is my whole de- fire to the Streights of Magellan. 97 fire to lay the Foundation of a Trade there for the English Nation for the future; for I fee plainly this Country is loft for want of the true knowledg of it. My Men in the Boat obferved the Harbour and the Fortifications, and took good notice of the People. The Spaniards bought feveral things of my Boats Crew: and paid for what things they bought in good Pillar pieces of Eight; they would not part from any Gold, although my Men were defirous to have fome rather than Silver for their Goods: neither would they part from any Bread in payment, pretending that they fhould have Bread to morrow from Baldavia. The things which they bought of my Men at this time, were two Fowling-pieces, which coft in England about twen- ty fhillings a piece, and the Spaniards gave fix- teen pieces of Eight apiece for them; and Cafes of Knives of three fhillings the piece in England, the Spaniards gave five pieces of Eight for them; and for fingle ten-penny Wires, they gave a piece of Eight a piece for them; and for ordina- ry Leather-gloves, of ten pence the pair, they gave a piece of Eight a pair; for Broad-Cloath- Coats of the Seamens, which coft fixteen fhil- lings in England, they gave nine pieces of Eight for a Coat: They were very defirous to buy Cloaks, and pieces of Bays-cloath. The Men were very gallant in Apparel in their Pluſh- Coats, and under-Garments of Silk and Silver wrought together, and good Linnen, and good Flanders Laces, and broad about the Crown of of their Hats, in fashion of an Hat-band, and a great Silk-fcarf with Gold Lace on the ends of H it, 98 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage it, that was croſs over their Shoulders: a ſhort Cravat of Linnen about their Necks, and a Cane in their Hand headed with Silver; their Shoes, and Stockings, and Breeches after the Spanish fa- ſhion. They were very kind to my Lieutenant and Men, and treated them very courteouſly. They were not permitted to go into the Fort, but were entertained in a Tent by the Fort. Four of the Spaniards Wives would needs go into the English Boat, and fit down on the Benches, to fay that they had been in a Boat which came from Europe. Theſe were very proper white Women born in the Kingdom of Peru of Spanish Parents: they never had been in Europe. The Spaniards have fome Indian Women to their Wives: the Women were all well Apparelled in Silks after the Spaniſh faſhion, and about their Necks great Gold Chains, and Pendants at their Ears of Saphir Stones, &c. The Captain of St. Jago's Fort prefented my Lieutenant with a Silver Tobacco-box, and a Sil- ver-headed Cane, and a Plume of Oſtriches Fea- thers, which he wore on his Hat at the fame time: the Feather of the Plume is but ſmall, nothing fo good as the Barbary-Feather: this Plume was of red, and white, and blew Feathers died in the Country. I faw another Plume which a Spanish Gentleman gave to Mr. Wood, which was black and large, and a very fair one,made of the Oftri- ches Feather of the Country. There are many Oſtriches in the plain Lands, and Guianacoes, which are the Beaſts that bear the red Wooll, whereof Hats are made in England. There is much of A: to the Streights of Magellan. 99 of this Wooll in the Kingdom of Peru and Chile. My People could not by any means come to Converſe with the Natives who are at Wars with the Spaniards, and have the Gold, without viola- ting the Spaniard's Power: for on the Shore with- in the Harbour, the Indians made a Fire by the Woods fide, and hung out a white Flag on a long Pole, and kept wafting of it a long time. My Lieutenant would have gone in his Boat to them, but the Spaniards would not permit him, and faid that they were their own People who lived there. My Seamen which came aboard in my Boat, came to me, and told me, that the Lieutenant had been at Fort St. Jago, and had deliver'd my Mef- fage there to the Captain, but he had no Order for my fetching of Water, and that he wifhed my Lieutenant to go to Fort St. Peter; which he did, and a Frier and two Spaniards went over with him in the Boat, the Flag of Truce flying in the Boat, and the Trumpeter founding, according to my Order, all the time till they landed at the Fort. At their Landing, the Lieutenant was received very courteouſly by feveral Spanish Gentlemen, and defired to walk up to the Governour; which my Lieutenant did to a Tent where the Go- vernour was; the Governour received the Lieutenant very kindly, and deſired him to fit down. My Lieutenant prefented my refpects to the Governour, and delivered to him the Cheeſe and Butter, together with the Spice, Glaſſes and Tobacco-pipes, which I fent to him, and acquaint- ed him, that I fent him to defire to know if he would be pleaſed to permit my Boat to Water # 2 to 100 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage { to day, for my Boats lay ready, and had the Cask in them, and I waited his Anſwer. The Gover- nour cauſed my Lieutenant and Mr. Fortefcue to fit down, and drank to them in a Silver Bowl with Chile Wine? He gave no Anſwer to the Lieutenant at prefent, but ſent an Officer and Soldiers and feized on my Boat; My Lieute- nant defired to know what the meaning was that poffeffion was taken of the Boat? The Gover- nour anſwered, he had Order from Don Pedro de Montaies, Captain General of Chile, to keep them till the Ship was brought into the Har- bour under the command of the Caſtle, and he was forry he had no more Officers of the Ships in poffeffion. A Letter to the Streights of Magellan. 701 Vera Copia. A LETTER from Lieutenant Armiger to Captain Narbrough. Sir, M² Y felf and Mr. Fortefcue are kept here as Prifoners, but for what cauſe I cannot tell; but they still pretend much Friendship, and say, that if you will bring the Ship into the Harbour, you shall have all the Accommodation that may be, Sir, I need not adviſe you further, I am, Thomas Armiger. December 18. 1670. John Fortescue. I examined my Seamen which came in my Boat from the Lieutenant, and they related to me the whole matter, and they believed that the Spa- niards had a defign to betray the Ship, but they could not agree among themfelves: I talked with the two Indians that came aboard, they could ſpeak the Spanish Tongue indifferently well; they told me that I was a Friend to the Indians of the Mountains, and that I was not a Spaniard: they H 3 would 102 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage would needs know of me where my Country is, and if I would come again; I made them an- fiver, that my Country is a little way off, on the other fide of the Sea,and that I would come again, and bring Knives, Hatchets, Beads, Glaffes, &c. and live in the Country with them, and that they fhould fee my Country; and that my King would give them many things, and they fhould live with us; and that my King is the greateſt King in the World, and Commands all other Kings, and that our Names are English; the Indians laughed and ſeemed to be very glad I bad them acquaint the Indians of the Mountains, or In-lands, that I came to fpeak with them, and that I was their Friend, and would give them many Hatchets, and Knives, and Swords, &c. if they would come to me, and that I came purpoſely to ſpeak with them; and that my Master the Great King of England, hath fent them many things, and would willingly fee them. } After theſe People had heard all that I faid to them, they fat for a time mute, and confidering of the Kindnefles they received from me and my Company, and that they must go a-fhore again under the Command of the cruel Spaniards, they weeped extreamly, and uttered thefe words, Numbra Spanalos muccho Deablo, &c. In English it is, The Spaniſh men are much Devils, &c. I verily believe that theſe poor innocent Creatures fpeak truth, for they are great Devils in abufing theſe poor Souls fo unmercifully as they do. In fight of my Men the Spaniards with a great Staff would ftrike an Indian on the Head as he talked with him, to the Streights of Magellan. 10} him, and beat him all along, for no cauſe at all ; but this they do to fhew their Greatneſs and Im- periouſneſs. The beſt Name the Spaniards can afford to call an Indian by, is Dog, and Devil, and fuch like Names. Thefe Indians fay, that there is much Gold in the Land, and that the Spaniards have much Oro ; I gave to each of theſe Indians a Knife,and a ſmall Looking-glais, and fome Beads: they were very thankful, and I put them in mind again to ſpeak to the Indians of the In-land, that I would give them Knives and Glaffes if they would come to me. I was in great hopes all this time, that I fhould have the opportunity to ſpeak with my Golden Friends, by the means of thefe People; for they feemed to be glad of the Meffage, or of the things which I gave them to do it. Thele People are of a middle ftature, ftrongly fet and well-flethed; they are tawny coloured, and have long black flaggy Hair; their Features tolerable, of a fomewhat melancholy Coun- tenance; they are very active in Body, and hardy in enduring of Weather or Diet They wear fmall Caps on their Heads like to Moun- teers, and their Garment is a long Mantle; but moſt of their Garments are a fquare piece of Wol- len Cloth like a Carpet, of their own weaving of the Wool of Guianacoes: they cut an hole in the middle of this Carpet through which they put their Head, and it hangs upon their Shoul- ders, and covers their whole Bodies like a Cloak, when it is buttoned down before. Some have theſe Cloaks fo long as it reacheth down to their middle- H 4 f 104 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage middle Leg, and fome to the Knee; fome wear half-Stockings on their Legs, but no Shoes nor Shirts: fome have Breeches after the Spanish Fa- fhion, but cloſe to their Thighs and Knees. A NOTE which I fent to Lieutenant Armiger, encloſed in a Letter. L Ieutenant, take what notice you can of the Fortificatin of the Fort, and what Strength they have of People in it, and whether they are able to withſtand a Ship; and what quantity of Provifions they have in it; and whether Don Carlos be there; fend me an Ac- count thereof by John Wilkins; I will uſe all endeavours to have you off, when I underſtand the firength of the place. I remain your loving Friend, John Narbrough. Burn all the Letters you receive from me, and in cafe of Examination 1 December 4 to the Streights of Magellan. 105 December 18. 1670. This Evening I took the Suns Amplitude with my Compaſs, and I had a good Obfervation. I find the variation of the Compass to be eight Degrees ten Minutes Ea- fterly. I do much reaſon with my ſelf as to the Va- riation, that it differs fo much in the fame Lati- tude, between the Eaft and Weft-fide of the Land of America; for on the Eaſt-fide as I failed in the Latitude of forty Degrees, I found the Compafs to have twenty Degrees variation Eaſterly, by feveral good Obſervations, which I took with the fame Inſtrument as I now do ufe, which is a large Azimuth Compaſs; and here I find but eight De- grees and ten Minutes variation; and it is but eight Degrees of Longitude more Weſterly in the fame Parallel, differing between theſe Óbferva- tions, and the difference of Variation. I find the Land to be but one hundred and twenty five Leagues broad, from the Eaft-fide to the Weft-fide, in the Latitude of forty Degrees South of the Equinoctial; certainly the attractive quality of the Magnet, muſt be very powerful in the Eaſtern part of the Land, more than in the Weſtern, which caufeth the difference: yet I ad- mire, being on both fides of the Land, the Com- pafs fhould always have the fame variation Eaſterly. I was of the Opinion that the va riation would have been Weſterly on the Weil- fide, it being Eaſterly on the Eaft-fide: but I find the contrary by experience; therefore I believe that the attractive quality is not much in this part of America, but in fome other part more to น 106 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage to the Eaſtward than I was; for if the attractive quality had been in this Land,and I failing on both fides of it, the variation muſt have been Eaſterly on the one fide, and Weſterly on the other. This Diſcourſe I leave to a better Underſtanding; for I am not as yet fatisfied what occaſioneth the variation and the great difference of it,although I have been on ſeveral Voyages, and have made great benefit of the Underitanding of the va- riation of the Compafs, in directing of the true Courſe, &c. In the Port of Baldavia there are three fair Rivers, which come out of the Country, and empty themſelves into the Port with a brisk ftream of freſh Water, which caufeth the ftream always to fet out of the Harbour, and the Waters to be freſh juſt within the Harbours-mouth: one Ri- ver runs up into the South-caft part of the Har- bour into the Country; another River runs into the Country to the Eaſtward, on the back-fide of St. Peter's Fort: the third River runs into the Country, about the North-point of the Harbours- mouth, between the point and the North-end of St. Peter's Iſland: it runs up in the North-Eaſt- ward, and nine or ten Mills ftand upon the River from the Harbours-mouth. The City of Balda- via is fituated on the Bank of the River,as the Spa- niards tell me. I judge this City of Baldavia is but a ſmall place, and kept only as a Garrifon, and a place for Trade with the Indians for Gold, Bezoar- ftones, Guianacoes-Wooll, &c. The Spaniards that were aboard, and the Indians faid, that there were to the Streights of Magellan. 107 were but five great Guns in it, and three hundred Men. I know that they ſpeak of the moſt of every thing in the matters as concerning their ſtrength and number of Men. I believe that theſe Rivers may run into the Country a long way, and the Spaniards to have but little knowledge in the inward parts of this Country: for the Indians will not fuffer the Spaniards to fearch into the In-lands. I believe alſo that theſe Rivers are not Navigable for Ship- ping; for the Bark which was there would cer- tainly have gone up the River to the City of Bal- davia, and delivered her Goods there, and not troubled themſelves to carry the goods up in Boats, and fmall flat-bottomed Barges, which they have there for the purpoſe: The Barges are built much like our Weft-Country Barges, and ſmaller by much. Theſe Boats or Barges will carry about ten or twelve Tuns: they iteer with a Rudder, and have one Maft and Sail, as our Barges have; the Sail is made of Cotton-cloth, and the Ropes are made of the rind of Mangrove Trees; and in- ftead of Anchors, they have wooden Crab-claws or Kellocks. Anchors of Iron and Grapnels are. ſcarce in theſe Countries: Ropes and Cables of Hemp are alſo ſcarce there, and good Fir-mafts much wanted in all theſe Countries for their Ships. The Mafts for their Ships are made of white Cedar, and fuch like Wood; they are very heavy and fhort-grained,and will break ſhort.There are not any Fir-trees growing in all the Land: Good Workmen for the building of Ships are al- fo much wanted here, and Seamen. The 108 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage The ſmaller Boats which they have here are Canoas, being cut out of the Body of a large Tree, and ſhaped fomewhat like a Shallop at the ends: fome are thirty feet long, and built one ftrake of Board upon them, to raiſe them higher on their fides; they will carry near twenty Men a piece fome are rowed with Oars, and ſome are leſs, and rowed with Paddles: thofe which are walt, have a great Beam laſhed faft along each fide without Board, which keeps them from over- fetting. Theſe Boats are very ill built, for I faw not any one of them fit to row in any Sea-gate, or for any Service, or to carry any Perfon of Qua- lity in. The Indians are the Spaniards Slaves to row them to and fro, and to do all manner of labour; for the Spaniards will not lay their Hands to any thing in that nature, accounting it beneath them to foul their Fingers with Work; for they fcorn to be Servants one to another, let the one be never ſo Potent, and the other not worth the Rags which he weareth: yet he fcorns to be a Servant to him, and live in America. The Land about the Harbour of Baldavia is of a good height, and in Land it riſeth in large Hills: it is low by the Water-fide, and the Shore is fandy in fome Bays, and broken fhatty bits of glittering Rocks like Gold, lie fhatter'd along by the Shore-fide. All the whole Country is over- grown with green Woods,as what I could fee of it, and by the Rivers fides: there is no travelling in the Woods, they are fo thick with Under-brush, old rotten Trees, and Leaves, and fuch Trash. The to the Streights of Magellan. 109 The Harbour is near a Mile and an half broad, and the Guns cannot command from one fide to the other: St. Peter's Fort is near two Miles from the Harbours mouth; any Ship may come in and beat them from their Guns, in St. Jago Fort, and in St. Andrew's Sconce, which are on the South- weft fide of the Harbour. After you are in, Saint Peter's Fort can do very little or no hurt at all to your Ship, excepting it be accidental dropping fhot. The Spaniards have no Plantation on this South-weft fide, they only keep the Forts for poffeffion, that no forein Ship may come and have the Port free to ride in, and Trade with the Natives. The Harbour is like a Sound, after one is within the Mouth of it toward the South part. Here grow many good Canes on the Shore- fide, fuch as are brought from the Eaft-Indies, which are called Bamboas ; theſe are very ſtiff Sticks, firm and heavy; they grow among the Trees on the fides of the Woods like Vines, and wind about the Trees: fome are above twenty feet long, and taper from the root to the top, like an Angling-Rod. All Commodities which come from Europe are very dear here, and fcarce, for they have none brought to them, but by the way of Panama, and by the River of Plata, which pafs through feveral Merchants hands before they come into thefe parts, and the tranſporting of them from place to place, is very chargeable. Many alfo are but of little eſteem, here being fuch plenty of them: French Hollands, Silks, Flanders-Laces, Silk- ftockings, 110 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage ſtockings, Ribbaning, French Linnen, Looking- glaffes, and fuch like Commodities were much enquired for here, and would have fold at great Rates. Gun-powder for Fowling-pieces, is worth a piece of Eight per pound: and Bird-fhot is worth two Ryals of Plate a pound, and a Ryal and an half a pound. All Commodities of European Workmanſhip are of great worth here, as I under- ſtand; and believe that more Northerly on the Coast of Chile about Vale Parazo, and Coquinto, and Areca, where there are more Inhabitants, Commodities would bear a much greater price than what I mention, and there would vent grea- ter quantities: for Silver is more plentiful by much in theſe parts than at Baldavia, they be- ing nearer the Mines of the Potofea; for the Silver of Potofea comes down to the Port of Areca, and from thence it is carried to Lima by Sea I am of Opinion that the moſt advantageous Trade in the World,might be made in theſe parts, if it were but follow'd, and that leave were grant- ed by the King of Spain for the English to Trade freely in all their Ports and Coafts: for the Peo- ple which inhabit there are very defirous of a Trade: but the Governours durft not permit it without Orders, unlefs fuch Ships of force were to go thither and Trade per force, and not take notice of the Governours; which might be eafily performed by four Ships of twenty and thirty pieces of Ordnance a Ship; and I believe that the Natives in the Southern parts of Chile, about Caftro, to the Streights of Magellan. 111 Caftro, and Orfono, and at Baldavia, would be brought to a rich Trade of Gold, when once they grew to be acquainted with thoſe that ſhould be employed on the defign, and they did but uſe them civilly at the firft, and gain their loves; which may be eaſily done by giving them Knives, Sciffars, Glaffes, Beads, Combs, Hatchets, and the like Commodities, and treat them kindly. For what I underſtand by the Indians, who were aboard of me, they are Mafters of the Golden part of the Country. My intent being, if Weather permit me, to fail all along the Coaft from Baldavia to the Southward, till I come to the Streights-Mouth at Cape Defade. I came in great hopes to meet with the Indians in fome part of the Coaſts, and to Trade with them for Gold, and to find good Har- bours. I refolve alſo to ſee in at the Iflands of Caftro and Orfono, and try what I can find among thofe Spaniards who are fettled there, and whe- ther they live accordingly as the Spaniard in- formed me here. The Names of the four Men of my Company, whom the Spaniards detained at Baldavia, and whom I left there. Thomas Armiger Lieutenant, aged forty Years, and born in Norfolk. John Fortescue Gentleman, aged twenty feven Years, and born in Kent. Hugh Cooe Trumpeter, aged twenty eight Years, and born in Wappen. Thomas 112 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Thomas Highway Linguift, aged thirty five Years, and born in Barbary of Moorish Parents : He turned Chriftian and lived in London. This Thomas Highway is a Tawny-Moor; he fpeaks the Spanish Tongue very clear, for he had lived for- merly at Cadiz with an English Merchant, All theſe four were very healthy found Men, and of good Preſence and Spirit; which gives me great hopes that they will live to give an Account of that Country, and of their Travels. Cape-Gallery, which is the outermoſt Point on the South-fide of the Harbour of Baldavia, lieth in the Latitude of thirty nine Degrees, fifty ſeven Minutes, South of the Equinoctial; as alfo in Lon- gitude to the Weftward of the Meridian of the Lizard of England, ſeventy Degrees, twenty Mi- nutes, according to my Account; and in Meri- dian diſtance, one thoufand one hundred and eight Leagues Weft; and in Longitude Eaft from the Weſt-mouth of Magellan Streights and Cape- Pillar, two Degrees and forty Minutes; and in Meridian diſtance 42 Leagues neareſt, according to my reckoning. Thursday December 22. This Morning it prov'd very fair Weather; at Day-light the Wind was at South-weft, a fresh gale; the Sea indifferent fmooth: I plied to the Windward along the Coafts, and was about three Leagues off the Shore, ſomewhat to the Southward of Cape-Gal- lery, out of fight of the People of Baldavia; for the Cape was thut in with the Land to the North- ward of the Harbour. At twelve of the Clock I had to the Streights of Magellan. 113 had a good Obfervation of the Sun with my Quadrant; and I found my felf in the Latitude of 40 degrees 3 minutes South: I was then three Leagues off the Shore, and could not get ground at eighty Fathom. I was to the Southward of Bal- davia Harbour. December 31. This afternoon it blew hard at N. W. and rained; I fteered South-weft and by South, by my Compafs, this Afternoon and to Night. Here are feveral forts of Porpus Fishes in theſe Seas, unlike ours in Europe: fome pied white and black, and fome grey and large ones. Rainy Weather to Night, and no Obſervation to be made of the Shore. · January, Anno Dom. 167;. Sunday, January L. Raw, cold, cloudy Wea- ther; Rain and fome Hail, the Wind at N. W. a ftout gale, and a great Sea: I was much afraid that I fhould loſe my Main-maft, it fetched fuch way, and broke the ſpikes that faſtned the Fetches with working. I fteered S. S. W. to ease the Ship from rolling what I could. After ſeveral Courſes made from Saturday Noon till to day Noon, I make the true Courſe to be South 39 oom. Wefterly, and diſtance, failed 105 Miles, and departure Weft 66 Miles, and difference of Longitude ror d. 37 m. 4 tenths: difference of Latitude 1 d. 22 m. 3 tenths: Latitude by Ac- count 47 d. 47 m. South. d. Wednesday January 4. Indifferent fair Wea- ther, the Wind at North-weft, and fometimes at W.N.W. a fine gale: I kept on my Courſe South. Some Porpus Filles feen to day, and fome Whales I and A 114 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage and Sea-Fowl: many little Peterels. This Morn- ing I took the Suns Amplitude, and I find the Compass to have 10 Degrees z 8 Minutes varia- tion Eaſterly; My Courfe made. true from Tuef- day Noon till to day Noon, is South; diſtance failed 84 Miles, and the difference of Latitude is 1 d. 24 m.8 tent. Lat. by good Obfervation of the Sun on the Meridian 51 d. 31 m. South: Meridian diſtance from Point-Gallery, Weft 70 leag.r mil, 5 ten. Longitude at Noon from Point-Gallery, Weft 4 d. 48 m. 4 ten. Longitude at Noon from the Lizard, Weſt 75 d. 3 m. 4 ten. Meridian diſtance from the Lizard, Weft 1178 Leagues, 1 Mile, 5 Tenths. I Friday January 6. Hafey, foggy Weather this Morning, the Wind at W. S. W. a ftout gale: I fteered in for to make the four Iflands, which I called the Ifles of Direction, or to make Cape Dea hade: My Courfe was E. N. E. by my Compass, the Nights being but fhort, and light; for the Moon was at the full, fo that I could fee at fome time clear a League before us. At four of the Clock this Morning, it being fair day-light, I caufed the Lead to be caft forth, but could not get ground at eighty Fathom: I reckon my my ſelf about ten Leagues from Cape De- fiad, and on the Latitude of 52 d. 53 m. South. A little paft four of the Clock, it cleared up on the Eaft Horizon: we looked well abroad, and faw the four Ifles, called The Directions, which lie at the Mouth of the Streights N. N.W. from Cape Defiade, diftance from thence abought eight Leagues. Thefe Iflands made in four Hommac- cors like Hay cocks, when I faw them they bear N. E. to the Streights of Magellan. 115 N.E. of me, diſtant about four Leagues: they lie in the Latitude of 52 d 42 m. and at five of the Clock the Iſlands bore North of me, diftant three Leagues off; I founded, but could not get ground at 70 Fathoms; I ſaw Cape Deftade; it cleared up, for the Fog was much on the Hills; the Cape was E.S. E. of me, diftant near eight Leagues: the tops of the ragged Hills, or rocky Spires were clouded with the flying Fog, fo as I could not fee the Cape fooner; for in clear Weather, the Land at Cape-pillar and Cape Deftade may be ſeen fif teen or fixteen Leagues, it is fo high and ragged. I fteered by Cape-pillar Eaft and by South, the Wind at Weft-fouth-weft, a freſh galė; a great humming Sea ran here, which came out of the South-weft; I faw the Sea break upon broken ground, which lieth at leaſt four Leagues from the point of Cape Defiade Weft into the Sea, and many Rocks that were funk, and prints of Rocks above Water, which the Sea breaketh terribly: theſe lie off Cape Defiade about two Leagues, and a League, and ſome not half a Mile off, very dan- gerous. As I came nearer the Streights-mouth, I raiſed the Land on the North-fide by Cape Victory, and the broken Iſlands within the Streights, which I called Westminster Ifle, and the Lodgers Ifle: they make ragged in Hillocks at the first fight. At nine of the Clock Cape-pillar bore South of me, being diftant about a Mile and an half from me. I 2 No 116 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage No Tide or Current as I could perceive, fer either in or out of the Streights, fo as to preju- dice Navigation. 4 Ι The difference of Longitude, Eaſt is 1 d. 39m. tenths: the Latitude by my Account now, is but 52 d. 51 m. South: but formerly my Account of the Latitude of this place, was South 52 d. 58 m. Meridian diſtance at 9 of the Clock,from Point Gallery, Weft 35 leag. 00 mil. .. { Longitude at 9 of the Clock, from Point Gal- lery, Weft 2 deg. 43 min. 1o. Longitude at 9 of the Clock, from the Lizard, Weſt 73 d. 3 m. to. 3 Meridian diſtance at 9 of the Clock, from the Lizard, Weft 1153 leag. 00 mil. to. I find but very little Tide or Current in this Sea of Mare del Zur; for I am but 3 Minutes of Longitude out of my Account, in failing between Cape-gallery and Cape-pillar, forwards and back- wards. At any time if you have a defire to enter the Streights of Magellan at the Weft-mouth, it will be ſafeſt in my Opinion, to bear in for the Land, in the Latitude of 52 Degrees, and 50 Minutes South, and then you will fee the four Ifles of Direction, which lie before the Mouth of the Streights, fomewhat toward the North-fide; they lie North-north-weft from Cape-pillar, near eight Leagues diftant. Theſe Iſlands may be known, for there are but four of them, and they be but of an indifferent height, and but ſmall, and bare ir- regular Rocks, and they be near together: the Eaſtermoft Ifle is near a Mile diſtant from the o- ther to the Streights of Magellan. 117 ther three, and it is peeked up like a Sugar-loaf: the Sea breaks much on theſe Ifles with Wefterly Winds, &c. Cape-pillar is the fteep Point of Rocks on the South-fide of the Streights-mouth, at the entring into the Streights; Cape Defiade is the Weſterly Point, for it falleth off from Cape-pillar near South-weft, and they are diftant about two Leagues one from another, which is the Face of the Lands between theſe two Capes: for at the Point of Cape Defiade, the Land on the South-fide of the Cape trents off to the South-fouth-eaſt- ward, all high ragged rocky Mountains: what I faw of it, at the pitch of Cape Defiade, there lię many ſhatter'd Rocks which are above Water, and fhew like the Ruins of old Houfes: and there are ledges of Rocks that are funk, which lie near four Leagues off of the Cape, Weft; the Sea breaks much on them, and they are dangerous: they lie in the Latitude of 53 d. 10m. South, by my rec- koning; I called thefe Rocks The Judges; they are near ten Leagues diftant South and by Weit from the Isles of Direction, ſo broad is the firſt opening of the Streights; for when you can but once fee the Land, to make it, there is no dan- ger; but a Stranger that fhould paſs out of the South-fea, and had not paffed the Streights be- fore, will find it very difficult to pass the Streights from the Weſt to the Eaft; for at the first entring into it out of the South-fea, as we call it, there are many Openings and Sounds on the North- fide, which feem fairer for a paffage than the Streight it felf doth: therefore it is beft to keep the South-fide, far aboard all along from Cape-pil- Į 3 lar, 1 118 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage lar, which is the point at the Entrance: the Courſe will be Eaft and by South for a Mile or two, and then Eaſt-fouth-eaſt, and South-eaſt and by Eaſt: ſo the Channel lieth to Cape Quade. The North-fide of the Streights from Cape Vi- ctory, all along to the Eastward to Cape Froward, is all a ragged, rocky, mountainous, defolate Country; many high rocky Iſlands, and ſmall Rocks, and fucking Rocks lie on the North-fide of the Streights, at coming out of Mare del Zur, fifteen Leagues in diftance into the Streights to the Eaſtward. There alfo run great Sounds and Waters into the North-Land, which fhew like a paffage more than the Streights doth. There is no fafety for a Ship to keep the North-fhore a- board in this part; for here lie fo many Iſlands and Rocks, fo that if the Weather prove foggy and thick, a Man may miſtake the right Chan- nel, and ſteer in among the broken Iſlands and Rocks, fo far as to endanger his Ship, if the Wind be Weſterly, and it is for the moſt part of the Winter there, very thick and foggy. Here are many Sounds and Coves on the North-fide, between Cape-Victory and Cape Quad: but how far they run into the Land, I know not. I wanted a Sloop, or fome other fmall Veffel, to diſcover thoſe Sounds: and many other places in the Streights, which I would gladly have feen. January 6. In Tufday-bay and Iſland-bay, there grow thick fhrubby Bufhes on the lower Land, which have many Berries like Hurts growing on them: theſe Buſhes grow in a moffy loofe Earth, which licth four or five Feet thick on the Rock'; thefe to the Streights of Magellan. 119 theſe Buſhes will ferve for Fuel: there grows alſo long fedgy Grafs very thick; many Geefe and Ducks do make their Nefts and breed in it, and other Sea-Fowl: here are Ducks, white and pied brant-Geefe, grey Gulls, Sea-Mews, Sea-Divers and Penguins on the Water; I could not fee any People now, but fome have been there; for I faw where they had made Fires, and an Arbour. Here are Muſcles and Limpets on the Rocks, but as for other Fiſhes I faw none. I rowed two Miles up the Sound, and could have gone farther, but it rained fo much, and blew fo hard, as I durft not be abſent from the Ship; the Water is mighty deep in the Sound. At Night I got aboard, my Seamen were joyful to fee me, for they were a- fraid that the Ship would have broke loofe in the time of my abſence. Much Rain to Night, and Fogs, the Wind at Weſt-ſouth-weft, a fhort gale at Night; I rode faſt on the ſmooth Water, ha- ving the Point on the North-weft of me: Here is a great deal of fresh Water comes running in ftreams down the fides of the bare rocky Moun- tains into the falt Water; many Whales fpouting to and fro in theſe Bays and Sounds,and fome Seals on the Rocks: this part is very defolate, and a mere Chaos, &c. At eight of the Clock this Evening, I anchored before the place called Batchelors River, in nine Fathom Water, clear fandy Ground, two Cables length from the fhore. Here is very good clear fandy-ground before the River, and good Ancho- ring in fix, or ſeven, or eight, or nine, or ten, or eleven Fathom: a fine barth of fhore,and good Ri- 1 4 ding 120 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage ding with Weſterly Winds, and Northerly: the worlt Wind is a South-Wind, for it blows right on in this Reach; but there cannot go much Sea here; for the Streight in this Reach is but two Leagues broad. This Batchelors River is near five Leagues to the Eaſtward of Cape Quade, and two Leagues to the Eastward of St. Jerom's Channel: on the North-fide of it, the Tide runs of an in- different ſtrength in this place, both Ebb and Flood; it fets in and out of St. Jerom's Channel, rifing and falling about eight or nine Feet per- pendicular: here is not above ten Foot Water at a High-water, at the going in of Batchelor's River. This River is a good Harbour for Barks and Sloops, or the like. This River lieth in a Valley, and a fine Grove of green Trees grows on the Weſt Point: At the entrance here is very good freſh Water, and a good place to Wood at. dian People or Natives frequent this place often; for here are many Arbours, which are their Houſes: Calm Weather to Night, and Foggy; I rode faſt, the Ship being moored. The In- Sunday January 8. Calm Weather, and a fine warm Sun-fhine; This Morning at Day-light, I went in my Boat with twenty Men into Batchelor's River, and rowed four Miles up the Creek, or River, which was as far as the Boat could the go; Water being high: the River ends in a ſmall Creek, coming out of a Lake of fresh Water, in a Valley amongſt the Hills: we made the Boat faſt, and marched all into the Land five or fix Miles, being ſtop'd from going further, by Hills rifing very ſteep,and Mountains, and impenetrable Woods: to the Streights of Magellan. 121 Woods: we made feveral Fires, but could not fee any fign of them fo far in the Land. No Beaſt or other Creature to be feen; many ſmall ſtreams of freſh Water come running from the fnowy Mountains, with great Falls from the ſteep Rocks: we looked in many places of the Earth, and in the ſtreams of Water for Gold, &c. but found none, nor any other Metal or Mineral: Here grow on the Buſhes many ſmall red Berries, much likę Hurts, very good to eat; the Graſs-Land iş very looſe and Boggy: the Rocks are a kind of white Marble; the Trees like thofe at Port Fa- men; here are ſmall Pepper-trees. To Night Igor on Board; Calm Weather: I rode faft with the Ship. Here ends Sir John Narbrough's Manufcript Journal, which we ſhall continue home to England, from the MS Diary, taken by Sir John's ingeni- ous Lieutenant, Nathaniel Pecket. Wedneſday January 11. Fair Weather,Wind va- riable, from South-eaft to South-weft. This Morn ing we made the beſt of our way to get into Port Famen; Here we had Fiſhes from the Shore to Fiſh our Main-maſt: At twelve a Clock we Anchored in nine Fathom Waaer. This place afforded what we wanted, as very good large Trees for Fishes: good Water, good wild Fowl, good Fiſh, like Mullets, and large Smelts. Here we fitted our Ships Mafts, and Rigging as well as we could Careen'd her, and filled our Casks with good freſh Water, and took as much Wood aboard, as we thought fit. 7 Fanuary ㅗ ​122 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage January 16. Fair Weather, and little Wind, Weſterly. This Morning the Lieutenant was or- dered to go up with the Boat in Segars River, as high as he could with convenience, and to fee for Indians: He went up about nine Miles, but could not get higher with the Boat, by reaſon of the Trunk-timber, and fhoalinefs in the Water. So I landed, and went up two Miles by Land to ſee for Indians: but I could not fee any, nor any thing worth the Obfervation. How far the River runs up, I know not, for I faw not the end of it: fo I returned a-board again. January 29. Fair Weather, and little Wind at South-west. This Morning the Captain went over with the Pinnace to the South-fhore to fee for Indians, and if there were an Harbour for Ship- ping, fhort of Port Famen. This day came an In- dian to the Point of Port Famen, and made a Fire; and I went a-fhore to fee what he had: but he had neither Bow, nor Arrow, nor any thing elſe to the value of a Farthing: I would have had him come a-board with me, but he would not; as far as I underſtood by the Signs he made to me he had been a Slave to fome other Indians, and had run away from them, and was travelling home. > Tuesday January 31. Fair Weather, Wind va- riable. This Evening the Captain came a-board again, having been over on the South-fhore, to fee for an Harbour, but could find none, nor fee any Indians. Saturday February 4. Fair Weather, Wind at Weft by North. This Morning, at four a Clock We to the Streights of Magellan. 123 we fet Sail for Port Famen, and at eleven a Clock we were ſhort of Fresh-water Bay; and at fix a Clock in the Evening, we Anchored in twelve Fathom Water, in a fine fandy Bay, about four Leagues to the Northward of Freshwater Bay. February 5. Fair Weather, but very much Wind, at South-west, and Weft-fouth-weft. This Morn- ing the Captain fent me to Freshwater Bay to fee for Indians, but I faw none there, fo I returned a- gain aboard. February 7. Fair Weather, Wind Northerly. This Morning the Captain ordered me to take the Pinnace, and to go along the North-ſhore, and between Elizabeth's Ifland and the Shore, to fee for Indians. In the Afternoon, it blew hard Nor- therly, that we could not row a head; fo I put back into a fandy Bay, and went a-fhore, and ſtay- ed there all Night; and in this Bay we haled the fame, and got a great many good and large Smelts: Smelts of twenty Inches long, and eight Inches about. Wedneſday February 8. Fair Weather, Wind Weft-fouth-weſt. This Morning at four a Clock, I run down the Streights with the Pinnace, keep- ing the North-fhore a-board, and run betwixt it and Elizabeth's Ifland, but faw no Indians: yet faw feveral places, where they had been very lately, and where they had built their Canowes. From Cape Defiade to Elizabeths Iſland, there is Wood and freſh Water plenty; but from Eliza- beths Ifland, to Cape Virgin-Mary, Wood and freſh Water is very ſcarce to come by. This Afternoon at three a Clock, I got a-board again, and at four a Clock i i 124 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage ; a Clock, we came to an Anchor in eight Fathom Water, black Sand; we rid within a Mile of the North-fhore: St. Georges, and St. Bartholomew's Iſland were both fhut in one,and they bore South- fouth-eaft of me; and Elizabeths Ifland bore South and by Eaſt And here we rid with the Ship all Night. February 9. Fair Weather, Wind Weſterly. This Morning the Captain fent me to fee for In- dians, but I could fee none; yet I fell with a good Harbour for fmall Veffels, on the North-fide, and at the South-end of a great deep Bay, thwart of Elizabeths Ifland; the entrance of this Harbour is not a Bow-fhot from fide to fide: I founded it, and there was twelve foot Water at a low Water; but within there was three Fathom Wa- ter, at low Water: From the entrance of this Harbour to the upper end of it, is about feven Miles; Here is in this Harbour great ftore of Geeſe and Ducks; and a-fhore there is great ſtore of Heath-berries, and Hicts, and fmall Black- berries, good and well-tafted; but I faw no In- dians, fo I returned a-board again; the Captain went into another Harbour, a Mile to the South- ward of the fecond Narrow on the North-fhore, and founded, and had four Fathom Water in it; it is very broad within, and there is great ſtore of Sea-Crabs. Saturday February 11. Fair Weather, Wind va- riable. This day the Captain ordered me to go with the Pinnace, and diſcover the North-fhore, and if I could with convenience difcover fome part of the South; and to go to the firſt Narrow, and to the Streights of Magellan. 125 and there to ſtay for the Ship; fo I went through the fecond, and landed on the South-fide, in a fine fandy Bay, or Cove, expecting to fall with Indi- ans, for I faw a many Fires up in the Land; I went up about five or fix Miles, but could fee no Indians. Then the Night coming on, I re- turned again to the Boat, and there we pitched a Tent to lie in, and lay all Night; and at High- water we fet the fame thwart a Pond of Water, and there it ſtood until Low-water; then we hal- led the Pond all over, and haled a-fhore about 700 good and large Fiſh like Mullets. This Land is very dry, barren Land, and nothing to be ſeen in it worth the Obfervation. February 12. Fair Weather, Wind Northerly. This Morning I went over to the North-fhore, and there I fell with a fine fandy Bay; I founded it, and had 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Fathom Water a- bove half a Mile from the Shore. This Bay is be- tween the ſecond Narrow, and Cape Gregory; clofe under Cape Gregory; this Cape is about five or fix Miles to the Eaſtwards of the fecond Narrow: here I landed, the Winds being Northerly, a freſh gale, and haled the Boat up dry; and went up into the Country to fee for Indians, but faw none, and I returned to the Boat again, where we pitched our Tent, and lay all Night. February 13. Fair Weather, and a freſh gale of Wind Wefterly. This Morning I run all along the North-fhore from Cape Gregory,to the firſt Nar- row and I was no fooner entred into the firſt Narrow, but I ſaw three Anchors, which lay up above High-water Mark, in a ſmall fandy Cove: : there 126 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage there I landed,and haled up the Boat; and fearch- ed about to fee if we could fall with any Guns, or other Trade. One of the Men found an Iron Commander for fome Ships Poop: one of thofe Anchors were twelve Foot long in the Shank, and the other two were eleven Foot a piece, and they were all Spanish Anchors. The Land here is barren, dry Land, and affords neither Wood, nor freſh Water; and for the ſpace of five,or fix Miles about, the Land is full of Rats; they have Holes in the Ground like Coney-burroughs: their Food I fuppofe to be Limpet, for there is great ſtore of Limpet-fhoals lying clofe to their Holes: I faw no Indians here, nor any thing worth Obfer- ving. Night coming on, we here pitched our Tent, and lay all Night; here are very good fandy Bays on the North-fide, all the way betwixt. the first and fecond Narrow: for I founded all along as I came down in the Boat, and had ten and twelve Fathom Water, a good Burth off. Tueſday February 14. Clofe, hafey Weather, with fome Rain, and very much Wind Wefterly. This Morning I faw the Ship coming down the Streights; and after the was through the Narrow, they brought her to, and I got a-board; and we made all the Sail we could, and by Night we got clear of the Streights into the North-fea; and at three a Clock Cape Virgin-Mary bore North-weft; a Point Northerly, diftance 4 Leagues. Thurſday February 23. Fair Weather, the Wind variable, from the North-north-weft, to the Weft- north-weft. This Evening at nine a Clock, we came to an Anchor in 22 Fathom Water, fandy Ground to the Streights of Magellan. 127 Ground on the South-part of America, in the Lat. of 47 d. 16m. South; and then Cape-Blanco bore North-north-west of me,diſtant about fix Leagues. February 24. Fair Weather, and little Wind, Northerly. This Morning we weighed, to go to Port Defire-Bay, and in the Evening at fix a Clock we Anchored in the Bay, in fourteen Fa- thom Water. · 1 February 25. Fair Weather, and a freſh gale of Wind Eaſterly. This day the Long-boat went into Port-Defire for fresh-Water, but could not fill above five or fix Puncheons; for there was no more to be had there, and all they brought a- board was brackish: Fair Weather, Wind variable. Sunday February 26. Fair Weather, and a freſh Wind at South-fouth-weft. This Morning we fet Sail from Port-Defire, to go for England; and at twelve a Clock, I was in the Latitude of 47 deg. 10m. South. And then Cape-Blanco bore North- weſt of me, but not by the Compafs; for here is a Point and half variation Eaſterly and at four a Clock Cape-Blanco bore Weft-north-west of me, by the Compafs, diſtance nine Miles, and then we had twenty Fathom Water: but when it bears Weft-north-weft from you, and you are 8 Miles off, you will have but ten Fathom Water. Here is very good Sounding all the Coaſt along, from this Cape to Cape Virgin-Mary, which lies in 52 d. 15 m. South. Within five Leagues off the Main, and 30 Fathom Water; and 10 you will have 50, and 55 Fathom 25 you will have Leagues off, Water, it is black oafie Sand. Wedneſday 128 Sir John Narbrough's Voyage Wednesday May 17. The Weather fair. This Evening at fix a Clock, we faw the Ifland of Saint Mary, one of the Ifles of Azores, it bore Eaft- north-eaſt of me, diſtant about fixteen Leagues by Eſtimation fair Weather, Wind at South- eaſt. May 19. Fair Weather, Wind Eafterly. This Morning at ſeven a Clock, the Town of Puntele- gada, upon the Ifland of St. Michaels, one of the Iles of Azores, bore North of me, diftant about two Miles; and my Longitude difference from Cape-Blanco to this Town is My Meridian diſtance from Cape-Blanco to this Town is Leagues, Miles, Tenths, Eafting this Town, lying fo far to the Eaſtward of the Cape. This day the Captain fent me a-fhore to Puntelegada, to enquire News from England, whe- ther we had War, or Peace with any other Nation, or not; and I was informed by Mr. Richard Nu- cheufon, that we had War with none, but the Ar- ged-Men. So I returned a-board again, and we made all the Sail we could for England. - Tueſday May 23. Fair Weather, and much Wind at North-eaft; our Proviſions being almoſt done, and but little Water in the Ship; we bore up to go for Angria at the Terceras. May 24. Clofe,hafey Weather,and a freſh gale of Wind at North-eaft and by North. This Forenoon we Anchored in Angria-Rode, in fixteen Fathom Water. Friday May 26. Fair Weather, and little Wind at North-eaſt. This Forenoon we fet Sail out of Angria-Rode, to go for England. Saturday to the Streights of Magellan. 129 Saturday June 10. 1671. It was hafey, dirty Weather, Wind at S. W. This morning I faw Scilly, at feven a Clock; it bore N. E. by N. of me, diſtant about 5 Leagues; and at fix a Clock in the Afternoon the Lizzard bore North of me, diſtant about 3 Leagues. Now, I make my dif- ference of Longitude, from Cape Blanco to the Lizzard in England, to be 60 d. 45 m. %. and my Meridian diſtance is 840 Leagues; I am ſo far to the Eaſtwards of the Cape. Σ K 4 Rela- 131 A Relation of a Voyage made towards the South Terra Incognita; extracted from the four- nal of Captain Abel Janſen Taſman, by which not only a new Paffage by Sea to the Southward of Nova Hollandia, Vande- mens Land, &c. is diſcovered, and a vaſt Space of Land and Sea incompaffed and fail- ed round, but many confiderable and inftru- Etive Obfervations concerning the variation of the Magnetical Needle in parts of the Worlds almoft Antipodes to us: and ſeveral other curious remarks concerning thofe Places and People are ſet forth. Not long fince Published in the Low Dutch by Dirk Rembrantfe, and now in English from Dr.Hook's Collections. I N the year 1642. Aug. 14. He fet Sail with two Ships from Batavia, to wit, the Yacht Heemskirk and the Fly-boat Seehane; and the 5. of September came to an Anchor at the Ifland Mauritius 20 d. South Latitude, and 83 d. 48 m. Long. They found this Iſland 50 Dutch Miles more Eaſterly than by their reckon- ing, which make 3 d. 33 m. of Longitude. The K 2 8. of i32 A Voyage made by Captain Tafman izz • 8. of October they departed from thence, and went nearly South, till the 40, or 41 d. having North-welt var. 23, 24, and 25 d. to the 22. of October. From that time they bore away Eaft, fomewhat Southwardly, till the 29. when they were in South Latitude 45 d. 47 m. Longit. 89 d. 44 m. variation North-west 26 d. 45 m. The 6. of November they were in South Latitude 49 d. 4 m. Long. 114 d. 56 m. N. W. var. 26 d. with much dirty, mifty, windy, and gufty Weather, and with hollow Waves out of the S. W. and S. fo that we could not conceive there could be any Land very near upon theſe Points. thefe Points. November 15. Latitude S. 44 d. 3 m. Longitude 140 d. 32 m. N. W. var. 18 d. 30m. which decreaſed apace, fo that on the 21. being in 158 d. Longitude, the variation was no more than 4 d. The 22. being the next day, their Compaſs would not ſtand ſtill as it ought, therefore they gueſſed there was here fome Mines of Load-itone, for that their Compaſs ſtood not ſtill upon any of the eight Points. The 24. of November in South Latitude 42 d. 25 m. and their middle Longitude of 163 d. 50m. they faw Land E. by N. diftant from them 10. Miles, which they named Anthony van Die- mens Land. Here the Compaſs ſtood right at this Land in the Longitude of 163 d. 50 m. They had much flormy bad weather, fo they went a- way S. by E. along the Coaſt to 44 d. of South Latitude, where the Land runs away E. and after N. E. and northerly: here in the Longitude 167 d. 55 m. and Latitude 43 d. 10 m. they came to Anchor in a Bay, which on the 1. of December towards the South Terra Incognita. 133 December they named Frederick Hendricks Bay: They heard as they thought the noiſe of Men, but faw none; they faw alfo two Trees about two or two and a half Fathom thick, and 60, or 65 Foot high below the Branches; the Bark of theſe Trees was cut with Flint, peeled off in form of Steps, to help the Inhabitants to climb them, and take the Birds Nefts thereon: thefe Steps were about 5. Foot afunder, fo that we muſt ei- ther conclude thefe People very great, or elſe that they have ſome unknown trick to make uſe of the faid Steps for climbing theſe Trees. In the one Tree the Steps feemed fo freſh and green as if it had not been four days fince they were cut: the noiſe of men, and the play which they heard was much like that of a Jews-Trump, or little Gom, which was not far off, but they faw no body. They faw the footing of wild Beaſts having Claws like a Tyger, and of other Beafts: They found alfo Gum of the Trees, and Gum- Lac of the Ground. The Ebb and Flood was here about three Foot. The Trees ftood not thick, nor incumbred with thick buſhes or un- derwood: they faw likewiſe in ſeveral places the fmoak of fire. Here they did nothing but only fet up a Stake with the Companies mark, and a Princes Flag thereon; there was here 3 d. N. E. variation. December 5. S. Lat. 41 d. 34 m. Long, 169 d. they went away E. from Anthony van Diemens Land with purpoſe to run away E. to the Long. of 195 d. to find the Iſlands of Solomon. December with S. Lat. 42 d. 37 m. Long. 176 d. 29 m. N E. variation 5 d. Decemb, 12. they had hollow Waves K 3 9. out f 134 A Voyage made by Captain Taſman out of the S.W. therefore from that Quarter no Land is to be expected. December 13. Latitude S. 42 d. 10 m. Longi- tude 188 d. 28 m. N.E. variation 7 d. 30 m. they had Land in fight which was very high and hilly, and which in the Charts is now called New Zea land; they went N. Eaſtwards along the Land as the Chart fhewed it, till they Anchored in a Bay, in South Latitude 40 d. 50 m. Longitude 191 d. 41.m. N. E. variation 9 d. and that on the 18. of December 1642. Theſe Inhabitants were rough of voice, thick and grofs made, they came not within a Stones caft on Board of us, and blew feveral times on an Inftrument which made a noiſe like a Moorifh Trumpet, in anfwer thereto we blew ours. Their colour was between Brown and Yellow; they had black Hair, bound faft and tight upon the crown of their Head, in the fame manner as the Japanners have theirs be- hind their Head, and near as long and thick of Hair, upon which ftood a great thick white Feather: their Clothes were of Mats, others of Cotton, but their upper parts were naked. December 19.thefe Antipodes began to be fome- what bolder, and more free, fo that they indea- voured to begin a Truck or Merchandize with the Yacht, and began to come on Board; the Com- mander feeing this began to fear, left they might be fallen upon, and fent his Boat or Prow with feven Men to advertiſe them that they ſhould not truſt theſe People too much: they went off from the Ship, and not having any Arms with them, were fet upon by theſe Inhabitants, and three or four towards the South Terra Incognita. 135 four of them were killed, and the reft faved themſelves by ſwimming: this they indeavoured to revenge, but the water going high they were hindred; this Bay was by them for this reaſon named Murderers Bay, as it is marked in the Charts. From this Bay they went on E. and found the Land all round about them: It ſeems a very good Land, fruitful, and well ſcituated, but by reaſon of the bad Weather and Weſt Wind they had a great deal of trouble to get out. The 24. of December becauſe the Wind would not well fuffer them to go to the Northward, they not knowing if they fhould find any Paffage to the North, and the Flood coming out of the S. E. they concluded to go back again into the Bay, and there ſeek a Pallage; but the 26. the Wind better ferving, they went away Northerly fome- what to the Weft. January 4. 1643. in South Latitude 34 d. 35 m. Longitude 191 d. 9 m. N.E. variation 8 d. 40m. they came to the N. W. cape of this Land, and had hollow Waves out of the N. E. and therefore doubted not there muſt be a great Sea in the N. E. whereupon they were glad, as having now gotten a Paffage. Here lay an Ifland which they named three Kings Island, to which they went to refreſh themſelves, and being come near they faw upon the Hill thirty or thirty five Men, being of tall Stature (as well as might be difcerned from far) with Sticks or Clubs, who called to them with harsh or loud voices, but they could not underſtand them and thoſe Men when they walked made very wide paces or fteps. In turning about this Iſland there appeared K 4 } ; 136 A Voyage made by Captain Taſman appeared very few Men, and they faw little or no Cultivated Land, but only found a freſh River, where our People intended to get freſh water, but by fome unlucky accident were prevented; whereupon it was refolved to go with an Eaftern Courſe to the Longitude of 220 d. and then Northward to the South Latitude of 17 d. and from thence Weftward to the Cocos and Horns Iflands, firft difcovered by William Scouten; and then if not fooner to recruit, for they had indeed been upon Anthony van Diemens Land, but had met with nothing, and upon New Zealand they had not fo much as once been a-fhore. Jan. 8. in S. Latitude 30 d. 25 m. Longitude 192 d. 20m., N. E. variation 9 d. they had great Waves out of the S. E. fo that upon that Point no Land can be hoped. January 12. South La titude 30 d. 5 m. Longitude 195 d. 27 m. N. E. variation 9 d. they had hollow Waves out of the S. E. and S. W. January 16. in S. Latitude 26.d. 29 m. Longitude 199 d. 32 m. N. E. vari- ation 8 d. 2 The 19. in S. Latitude 22 d. 35 m. Longitude N. E. variation 7 d. they faw an 204 d. 15 m. Inland about two or three Miles round, high, fteep and barren in appearance; they would willingly have come nearer to it, but could not, becaufe of the S. E. and S. S. E. Wind; they gave it the name of Piilftreets Islands, becauſe of the multitude of thofe Fowls; the next day they faw again two Iflands. The 21. of January in Š. Latitude 21 d. 20 m. Longitude 205 d. 29 m. N. E. variation 7 4 d. they came to the Norther moſt towards the South Terra Incognita. 137 moſt Iſland, which was the biggeſt and not high; they gave it the name of Amsterdam, and the other Middleburgh. On this Amfterdam they got many Hogs, Hens, and all forts of Fruits; the Inhabitants were friendly, had no Weapons, and appeared to know no evil, excepting that they take the liberty to Steal: there the Current is not great, the Ebb runs near N. E. and the Flood S.W. a S.W. Moon makes high Water, and it flows fe- ven or eight Foot at leaft; the Wind is continu- ally S. E. and S.S. E. wherewith the Yacht Hem- skirk was a drift, but faved her felf off the Iſland, yet took in no Water, which here was not eafie to come by. January 25. in South La- titude 20 d. 15 m. Longitude 206 d. 19 m. N. E. variation 6 d. after having feen feveral little Iſlands they came to the Inland Rotterdam, as you fee it in the Chart. The People were friendly and without Arms as the former, but likewife very thieviſh: here they got freſh Water and other refreſhment; they went through this Ifland, and found the Cocos or Clappus Trees in great plen- ty, planted orderly one by another, and Gardens whofe Beds were made fquare and very hand- fome, and fet with all forts of Fruit Trees, which in almoſt all places were planted in a right Line, fo that it was a pleaſure to behold them, on all fides giving a fragrant and delightful fmell. From this Inland Rotterdam they departed, and faw ſome other Iſlands which you fee in the Chart, and now defigned according to their former re- folution to go away North till the 17. degree of South Latitude, and then Weft; not to pass by the 138 A Voyage made by Captain Talman the Traitors and Hornefe Ifland; they had the Wind at S. E. and E. S. E. February 6. in South Latitude 17 d. 19 m. Longitude 201 d. 35 m. they were intricated a- mong about eighteen or twenty Iſlands, which were all incompaffed with Sands, Shoals, Banks and Rocks, which Iſlands are marked in the Charts by the name of Prince Williams Islands and Hemskirks Shoals. February 8. In S. Latitude 15 d. 29 m. Longi- tude 199 d. 31 m. they had a great deal of Rain, and hard Wind out of the N. E. and N. N. E. with hafey and dark Weather, and fearing left they might be more Weftwardly than by their Reckoning, that they might not fall to the South- wards of Nova Guinea, or on unknown Coafts; alſo by reaſon of the windy dark Weather they concluded to go on N. or N. N. W. to 4, 5, or 6 d. of South Latitude, and then away Weft to Nova Guinea, and fo to be in lefs danger. February 14 in South Latitude 16 d. 30 m. Longitude 193 d. 35 m. till this time they had every day Rain with Storms, but now 'twas more Calm they halled the Ship Seahaen and found their Reckonings to agree. : d. February 20. in S. Lat. 13 d. 45 m. Long. 193 35m. they had ftill thick, dark, mifty and rainy Weather, the Sea coming out of all Quarters, and the Wind variable. February 26. Lat. S. 9 d. 48 m. Long. 193 d. 43 m. the Wind was conftantly N.W. they had not had one dry day in twenty one. March 2. Lat. S. 9 d. 11 m. Long. 192 d. 46 m. N. E. variation 10 d. the Weather and Wind va- riable. towards the South Terra Incognita. 139 riable. March 8. Latitude South 7 d. 46 mi Longitude 190 d. 47 m. Weather and Wind as before. March 14. South Latitude 10 d. 12 m. Longitude 186 d. 14m. N. E. variation 8 d. 45 m. Before this, for twelve days time, they could get no Obfervation, becauſe every day it was thick, dark, and dirty Weather with much Rain. March 20. South Latitude 5 d. 15 m. Longitude 181 d. 16 m. N. E. variation 9 d. the Weather grew better. March 22. South Latitude 5 d. 2 m. Longitude 178 d. 32 m. good Weather with Eaſterly Trade Wind'; they got' fight of Land four Miles Weft from them: it was a number of fmall Iſlands, about twenty in all, named in the Charts Onthong Java, which lye about ninety Miles from the Coaſt of Nova Guinea. March 25. South Latitude 4 d. 35 m. Longitude 175 d. 10m. variation 9 d. 30 m. they were up with the Iſlands of Mark, all found by William Scouten and John le Mair, being fourteen or fifteen in number: The Natives are Savage, and have their black Hair tyed up like the Rogues of Murderers Bay in Nova Zealandia. March 29. they pafled by Green Ifland: the 30. by St. Johns Island. April 1. in South Latitude 4 d. 30 m. Longitude 171 d. a m. variation 8 d. 45 m. they reached the Coaſt of New Guinea at a Cape called by the Spaniards Cabo Saint Maria, and went along the Coaſt which lies about N. W. to Anthony Caens Island, Gardeners Iſland and Fiſhers Island, to the Promontory called Struis Hook, where the Land falls away S. and S. Eaſtwardly which they fol- lowed, and went Southerly until they fhould difco 140 A Voyage made by Captain Tafman diſcover the Land, or elſe find a Paffage to the South. April 12. S. Latitude 3 d. 45 m. Longi- tude 167 d. 00 m. N. E. variation 10 d. here they had a fudden Earth-quake, that all they that were faſt aſleep came up out of their Cab- bins very much affrighted, imagining that the Ship had ftruck upon a Rock, but cafting the Lead, found no ground; they had afterwards ſeveral ſhakes of the Earth-quake, but never fo violent as the firft: they were then within the Struis Hook, ftanding into the Bight Bay of Good Hope. April 14. South Latitude 5 d. 27 m. Longitude 166 d. 57 m. N. E. variation 9 d. 15 m. Here they faw the Land from the E. N. E. into the S. and fo on to the S. S. W. they intended to find a Paffage between both, but found this to be all one Land even into the Weſt, wherefore they turned their Courſe Weſtward a- long the Coaſt, and had much Calms. April 20. in S. Latitude 5 d. 4 m. Longitude 164 d. 27 m. N.E. variation 8 d, 30 m. by night they came by the Burning Iſland, and faw a great Fire come out of the top of the Hill; of which alfo William Scouten writes they went between this Ifland and the Main, and faw many Fires cloſe by the Water, as towards the middle of the high Hill; whence they argued this to be a populous and well in- habited Ifland: they had along this Coaſt of Nova Guinea much Calms, and faw frequently drift Wood, as fmall Trees, Bamboes and other filth, from the Land that came out from the Ri- vers, which made them conclude that there are many Rivers, and that it muſt be a good Land. : 1 The towards the South Terra Incognita. 141 ད The next day they paft the Burning Mountain, and went along the Shore W. N. W. April 27. in South Latitude 2 d. 10 m. Longitude 156 d. 47 m. they thought they were at the Iland Moa, but it was Jama a little more Eaſterly than Moa; here they got many Coco-Nuts and other things: The People were wholly black, and what they heard our People fpeak they could very perfectly repeat, which is a certain fign that their Language is very copious in Words, and difficult to be pro- nounced, becauſe they uſe much the Letter R. and fometimes two or three times in a Word. The next day they came before Moa, where like- wife they got much refreſhment; here by reafon of contrary Winds they ſtayed till the 6. of May, fo that they Trucked for near 6000 Coco-Nuts, and 100 Bundles of Pyfanghs; about the be- ginning of their Traffick on the Iſland Moa, whether malicioufly or otherwife, one of our Company was hurt with an Arrow ſhot by one of the Inhabitants: whilft this paſt they were getting their Ships nearer to the Land, where- with this People were fo frighted, that of their own accord they brought aboard him that had fhot the Arrow, for us to do with him what we pleaſed, and from that time they were better to be ſpoken withal, whether it were in their Traffick or otherwife, fo that our People took pieces of Iron Hoops and fitted them into Hafts, and made them ſomewhat bright and ſharp, and ſo put them off for Knives. It is pro- bable they ſtill remember what befel them with William Scouten 27. years before: 'Twas in the year 142 A Voyage made by Captain Tafman, &c. year 1616. July 16. for they having dealt ve- ry traiterouſly and perverfly with him; Jacob le Mair went with the Ship cloſe to the Land be- tween the Iſlands, and ſhot with his great Guns along the Strand, and into the Woods, fo that the Bullets flew through the Trees with a great noiſe, whereupon thefe Negroes fled, and durft not once peep out; but at length they grew very tractable. May 12. in S. Lat. ○ d. 54 m. and Long. 153 d. 17 m. N. E. variation 6 d. 30 m. they failed along the N. fide of William Scoutens Ifland; it feems that the People are nimble, and that the Ifland is well inhabited, it is about 18 or 19 Miles long. May 18. S. Lat. o d. 26 m. Long. 147 d. 55 m. N. E. variation 5 d. 30 m. they had paft the Cape of good Hope and come to the Weft end of New Guinea, a broken Point of Land. They had much variable Calm and con- trary Winds with rain: From hence they went Southward for Seram, and came on the North fide thereof. On the 27. of May they went on through the Streights to the North of Boure or Bouton, and fo for Batavia where they arrived June 15. in South Latitude 6 d. 12 m. and Lon- gitude 127 d. 18 m. the Voyage was finiſhed in ten Months. ་ A ! LENNÍMAJUT 70 H KUKUTAMAN PART 250 • The Polar Circle 290 180 250 160 240 230' PART\S UNKNO 1 N 120 Polar Circle Captain Wood 110 Pag.143. Part of TARTA- RY MANGGA 100 Fluſban P. Defire. Orange I. Ice P. Goldbay nAs P. lands Jam P. Speed ill T.York Will Baren's I Cross I Annu bay. Bear P K-Charl haven P. Here the Hollanders pintered an 1596. Snow Wills Truft P. Naan P Admirals L NOVA ZE MBL A. Bereford Black P. Deep bay Plancio. Langent Lombay Drie Cant Hackluits -Headland. Charl Saddle I. Smiths ing Purchas. Fair Kaden Knotty + Des Purchas I Defire ENLAND Blac BeLP Hornia Heves S. Fremans Inle Hopeles PLook out. Wefter Edges Nearo N Wyches Land. H&E ORTH THE CCold Hold with -hope Befobia Soifcoigorod LEU COMORIA. Tene feia R. MOLGOM. LOPPIA Mangan _ZALA. Morgochum Tara SA Bela Obb R. THE STILL SEA. Black I. Coslintfark. rofs P. Laurence bay v Me al havey trails States I Twiſt ayga Zery MOIEDA. P OB DORA Polum Māra R. PÈTZORA • Noxinfeoy Barefova. Ob Oufe SIBE Joust Zilme Papinongera Prizora ORA Achora ho Vergateria Pechorfkoy Zavorol. FROZEN SEA the 2 Ilands Dolyo Colgoy C. Candino M CON U R. Cherry or Bear I, THE Wardhufe. North Kin North Cape. Maggero Suro Kegor Cola Mourmans MA RK Enora koy MuscovITICK LAPLAND Lepo Kimi FIN Lap- Terikoy Leporie mark Bellamore koy Leporie Tamme Dap mark Tornead Lula Lapm Irine Buhleag 3. Pitha Pithcao R Lapm Umia meao rapan stora Angerma -ma. RW AY HE BOTNIC BAY. Lampas. •Mezen. Pineg W I A Waga R Archangel Colmogro. • S'Nicolas. THE WHITE SE Solowski I. Soma Kargapol CARELIA R RIA or Tobofca. Yrlist. B Tumen. OF Oby R. oned Tobol R. PERMIA. O 1 CZEREMIS TARTARS Iugh. R. er LUGOWI. USTIUG Ofel. Vfting. Dunna R Vologda. Suchani Y Vologda. WHETHNAL RAUTALA ME WREPU Th DENTAL 140 ar O THUND 记 ​6c OF AME Briggs Bay. formerly Jubberts Hope NEW DENMARK Hope Philips Port Nelfon -check. Munck's Winter harbor: NEW SOUTH WALES. BUTTONS BAY. New Severn. Ne ultra NEW NORTH WALES. C.Southampton Forl Caries Swans nest. C.Penbrock Mare Chriftianum. Mansfield 1. Hacluits Smith's Jand. L Confort Seahorse P. Notingham 1 Mi Diggs Westerho Salibury I. K:James's C Charles 300 LAMES'S BAY. Weston, I. E Bristol's L CMonmouth Darbyl Here Cap lames wuderd 1651 STM:Roes1. Car Here Hudson wintered aº 16n. Mare Novum. 1 Henrietta Maria. 1 HU DSONS BAY Bay of Gods Deliverance 65 Merchants Iles Clones. EP RICA NOVA BRITAN- -NIA S9a Lancasters. Alder Jonas -Sound Sound. BAFFINS Cumberland Iles. Pilenry's C. Hola with hope. Hope Advanced HUDSONS QuAnn For- Land Salvage STRAITS. I. of Gods mercies. CElisabeth. 200 A MAP of NORTH EAST AND NORTH WEST Parts of the POLE Reſolution 1 Buttons I. BAY St Thomas Smiths Bay. Kacluits I Wale Sound. Westerholm Sound. S! Dudley Digs C. Sanderfons Tower Mount Raleight Dyers C Cumberland's Bay. Chalfingham DAVI R IT S. Bedford T Ca L. Darcies the three fles Horn found. Hope Sanderfon. Womens Illes. London Coast Fiste R Bafe Bartier. Merchants Cchidley. Han R. Price ford Rombeles ford Cunningham ford. Denmarex haven QueAnn's C. Gilbert's S. Warm C S. Cockin's S Afe Hoopbay C.Comfort CDesolation C. Chrift Z Bear S Locks- Jand FORBISHERS F LA N forland Warwick STRAITS. under P. A 85 Clan Prop Naf R. Landz R. 1994 19 175 Albag J. Mayens I Stromoe R Good hope. Whites C. C.Diſcord. Nordfiord. Kalla fiord. Skaga kaga fiord. fword. Bearfo ro Aluygford Trim P C. Stray Tokuls for Isa fiord er moldfness Hales I. H Ondut Glama. Norderfor Lecefter P. C. Bovet Ledno Banar Cabara Aquas Sanestol •Spagia. FREESLAND, Ocibar Ranes Roveas Godmees Forand Hane CReik Hola Gruma I. kialkandiford. Hop fiflits fiord. Papel Staphoy Kine. ISELAND Gardar Skalholt Keplawick. Selvoge Westmannal C. Hekla. Sneland Breit anga nefs. Hofna fiord Reidt frond Bern fiord. Pap I. 65 Horna fiord. THE DEUCA LIDONIA Sandos Sudero Fero Wapenberg. Farewell. Q.Elifabeths forland 340 350 360 L 60 Videroe Sainam SEA Swino Barroe. 11: $1 20 310 320 330 Schetland I S W Е Cape 50 (C. Iland I. D/E llount M. P Letter stands for Point R. River Sound S 40 30 20 143 ▲ Relation of a Voyage for the Diſcovery of a Paffage by the North Eaft, to Japan and China; Performed in his Majefties Ship the Speedwel, and Profperous Pink, Anno Domini 1676. Where is shewed the Reaſons and Grounds of the probability of a Paffage before the Attempt, with some good Obfervations made in the faid Voyage, by Captain John Wood. T O Write a full Relation of all thofe Navigators that have attempted to find a Paffage by the N. E. to China and Japan will be needleſs, fince their Narratives have paffed moſt Hands, they being Recorded in Hackluit and Purchafs; but my in- tent is to fhew wherein thoſe failed that have formerly undertaken it, and then to fhew the probable Reaſons that induced me to undertake the faid Voyage, with the event thereof. A The firſt that ever Attempted the faid Voyage was Sir Hugh Willoughby in the year 1553. with three Sail of Ships, and he failed to the North Cape of Finmarke, and then into the Lat. of 72. where he faies he faw Land; but to this day it cannot be found again, and I am of Opinion that it was ſome Fog Bank that he faw; for in my 144 A Voyage for the Discovery my return Home, I run over the fame place where our Chard-Makers lay down that Land: but cer- tain it was that by foul Weather he was forced into a Harbor in Lapland, called Arzena, where by the continuance of bad Weather he could never re- turn out, but was there frozen to Death with all his Ships Company: fo that of this Voyage there was no Light given to find a Paffage that way. The fecond that Attempted was one Captain Stephen Burrough, afterward Comptroller of the Navy to Queen Elizabeth. In the Year 1556. he fet forward and paffed the North Cape, and failing farther Eaſterly, difcovered the Waygates, that is the Streight that runneth between the South part of Nova Zembla, and the Sammoyds Country, where he entred, and believing that Sinus, or by the Eaſtward of the Streights, to be a free and open Sea, he returned with hope of Paffage that way to China and Japan. The third that Attempted was Captain Arthur Pett, and Captain Charles Jackman, in the Year 1580. being fent out by Queen Elizabeth to follow the Track of Burroughs; fo fetting forwards they came to the Waygates, and paffed the Streights, and came into the Sea to the Eastward, where they met with fuch a vast quantity of Ice and bad Weather, that they with great Hazard, Peril, and Labour were forc'd to return, but by foul Wea- ther loft one the other, and Pett was never heard of fince; fo the Paflage through the Waygates was in England laid by, as thought not poffible that way, and then the Hollanders undertook it. The of a North-East Paffage. 145 The fourth that Attemped it was William Bar- rans, a well Experienced Navigator and Artiſt, fent out of Holland by Prince Morrice in the Year 1606. He failed into the Waygates, but being entred, he found the fame Incumbrance with Ice that Pett and Jackman had done before; fo tafting of the Water, and finding of it freſh, which neither Burrough, Pett, nor Jackman had obferved; he returned without any hope or pro- bability of a Paffage that way: but this not dif- couraging him, he refolved a fecond Adventure to the Northward of Nova Zembla, to fee what might be Performed that way. So in the Year 1607. he fet forward, and arrived on the Coaſt of Nova Zembla in the Lat. of 73. where he met with Ice; and fo coafted the Shore till he came to the Lat. of 76. where he could get no farther, and by the Ice was there driven on Shore, and his Ship broke in peices by. it, and he confined to Winter there, where they all indured the greateſt extremity of Cold that ever Mortals did: the Winter being paſt they with difficulty, in two Boats, got to Cola in Lap- land, but before their arrival there William Bar- rans dyed, to the great grief of all his Com- pany. The next that Attempted it, was that famous Diſcoverer of our own Nation Mr. Henry Hudſon, in the Year 1610. but he being difheartned by the Voyage of Barrans, attempted but little. So the thought of a Paffage by the North-Eaft was wholly laid afide, till of late within this Year or two fome Novile Accidents happening; L the : 146 A Voyage for the Diſcovery the Opinion of the North-Eaſt was received in fome, and fomething relating thereunto was printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society. * Now will I come to the Reaſons of that in- duced me to believe there was a probability of a Paffage, and then the caufe of my undertaking of the faid Voyage. My firſt Reaſon was grounded on the Opinion of William Barrans before fpoke of; which was, that Nova Zembla and Greenland being 200 Leagues diſtance between one and the other, that if he had Steered away North-Eaft from the North Cape, which would have brought him in the mid-way betwixt the two Lands, that then he might have probably found an open Sea, free from Ice, and fo Confequentlyra Paffage; and in that Opinion he remained to his dying day; for he did verily believe that the Ice was not to be met off of either Shore more than 20 Leagues, and the reft to be free and open, and that his being too near the Shore of Nova Zembla was the caufe of his meeting fo much Ice, which was the overthrow of his Voyage, and if he had lived, he had purpofely intended another Voyage, and to have failed the mid-way. The fecond Reaſon that made me believe a Paffage, was a Letter fent out of Holland; which is Publiſhed in the Tranfactions of the Royal Society, which affirmeth, the Grand Zar of Mofcovia had caufed a particular Survey of the Land of Nova Zembla, and that they had found it to be no Iſland, but to joyn to the main Land of Tarta- ria, and that to the Northward of it was a free and open Sea. The of a North-East Paffage. 147 } + The third was a Journal, Printed in Holland, of a Voyage from Batavia to Japan, wherein the Ship was caft away upon Cored, à Peninfula of Chind, where by the Natives they were made Slaves. The Relator having been there 16 years, at laft eſcaped to Japan, and writ this Journal, wherein amongst other Obfervations he Relates this; that in a Bay on the Coaſt of Corea, there doth at feveral times drive in dead Whales with English and Dutch Harping Irons in them, which if true had been a great Argument of a Paffage. The fourth was a Relation of Mr. Joſeph Moxons, who being in Holland above 20 years fince, heard a Dutchman relate (as he did believe the real Matter of Fact) that he had been un- der the Pole it felf; and that it was as warm there as it was at Amfterdam in Summer time. The fifth was a Relation of one Captain Goulden, who had made above thirty Voyages to Greenland, and this he did relate to his Majeſty; that being at Greenland fome twenty Years ago, he was in Company with two Hollanders to the Eastward of Edges Ifland, and that the Whales not appearing on the Shore, the two Hollanders were refolved to go farther Northerly, and to Fish amongst the Ice; fo they departed from him and went to the Northward, and in a Fortnights time returned to him again, and gave it out, that they had failed unto the Lat. of 89. that was within one Degree of the Pole, and that they did meet with no Ice, but a free and open Sea, and that there run a very hollow grown Sea L2 like 148 A Voyage for the Discovery like that of the Bay of Bifca. Mr. Goulden be- ing not fatisfied with the bare Relation, they produced him four Journals out of the two Ships, which teftified the fame, and that they all agreed within four minutes one of the other. The fixth Inducement that made me believe there was a Paffage, was a Relation from the fame Captain Goulden, which was, that all the drift Wood that they found at Greenland, was eaten with a Sea-Worm to the very Heart, which if ſo, it muſt of neceffity come out of a Hot Climate; for Experience fheweth, that the Worm biteth in no Cold Country, therefore it could not be ſuppoſed that it came from any other Country than Jedzo, Japan, or fome Land there- about. 1 The ſeventh Argument was another Narration Printed in the Transactions, of two Ships of late that had attempted the Paffage, failed 300 Leagues to the Eastward of Nova Zembla, and had after proſecuted the Voyage, had there not a difference arofe betwixt the Undertakers and the East-India-Company, againft whofe Intereſt it was to fuffer it to be found out; fo they being a Body, and more powerful than the other, fuppreffed it. Theſe feven were the main Arguments, though I had many more, that Converted me into the Opinion of there being a poffibility of a Paſſage to the Northward of Nova Zembla, to China and Japan; thefe being as I fuppofed, or as any Man would have done, if he had well confider- ed them, to be Matter of Fact, and no Fables. Befides of a North-East Passage. 149 Beſides theſe Arguments, I had fome grounded upon Reaſon and Nature, which feemed to be affiftant in the Deſign of the Attempt, fuppofing the aforefaid Arguments to be true, and there being no Land nor Ice in the way as an Obſtacle to hinder it. The firſt was, That being near the North-Pole in the Summer time, it might be as warm as un- der the Artick or Antartick Circle, or warmer than with us in the Winter time; for under the Pole it felf, in June the Sun being 23 degrees high, and having no Depreffion towards the Ho- rizon, but always fwimming about at the fame hight, might illuminate that part of the Hemif- phere with more heat than it doth ours in Win- ter, when he is no more then 15 degrees high, when he is at the higheſt, that is on the Meri- dian, and not more than eight Hours above the Horizon; or that it might be as hot as any place near either Polar Circle, becauſe there the Sun hath a Declination toward the Horizon, and fo the Atmoſphere hath almoſt as much time to cool, as it hath to heat, which under the Pole fhould have no intermiffion. And one Argument to fa- vour this Opinion, was the Relation of moft Greenland Traders, who affirm, that the farther North they go on the Coaſt of that Land, that they meet with more green Herbs and Grafs, than they do to the Southward, and confequent- ly more Deer.. The fecond was (that which I moft feared) which was foggy Weather, which I did imagin, if it fhould happen, it could not at the fame L 3 time 150 A Voyage for the Discovery time blow hard; becauſe it is ufual in all other Climates, when Wind happeneth, to difperfe the Fog; fo that if it fhould fo happen, one might lie by, or make little way till Wind came that one might fee before them. The third was the Solution of a. Doubt that moft men had fancied, which was, that if one came near the Pole, the Septenteral Declination of the Needle of the Compafs fhould be quite taken away, which would of neceffity follow if the Pole of the World, and the Pole of the Magnet were all one; which I am certain is not, but is placed fo far off, that one might go under the Pole of the World, if Land or Ice did not hinder, with this fuppofition, that one muſt know where the Pole Magnetical is, to allow the Va- riation that will there happen. Having confidered all thefe Arguments and Reaſons, with many more I met with, which will be too tedious to Relate; and the poffibility of a Paffage being now imprinted in my Mind and Inclination, I do intend to thew the Reaſons in fhort, that induced me to undertake the faid Voyage, The firft was, That the King, whom God Pre- ferve, fhould Reap the Honour and Glory there- of, and his Subjects the Profit. Secondly, There being no Actions within the Hemiſphere of His Majefties Dominions wherein any vacancy was, but all being fupplyed, I chofe, rather than to be Idle, to apply my felf to His Majefty for the Profecution of the Defign; and being advifed to it by a great many of the beſt > Mer- of a North East Paffage. 151 1 Merchants of the City of London; where, after divers Confultations with them, and the Reaſons and Arguments before-mentioned being debated, it was by many thought Practicable, and by more thought Profitable to the Nation: the par- ticulars to relate would fwell into a confiderable Volume. The third Reaſon was peculiar to my ſelf, though when known, to the Uſe and Benefit of all Mankind; which was, that having for fome years paft framed an Hypotheſis of the motion of the two Magnetical Poles, for two fuch there be; and by the Obſervations of all, or moft that writ of that Subject, with my own Obſervation, and coftly Experiment upon a great many Places of the Superficies of the Terreftrial Globe; I having found out their Motion very near, and thereby the Inclination of the Magnetical Needle under the Horizon, in all Latitudes, and all Longitudes; and Variation of the Compaſs may be found in any place in this World, without affiſtance of any other Luminary. But not being fo fully fatisfied as I might be, if I could come fo near the Pole as was fuppofed, it prompted my Inclination, as far as any other Argument whatever, to Attempt this Voyage. So having all thefe Reafons that there was a Paffage, and Reafons for me to undertake it; F advanced. The firft ftep to it was, I drew a Polar Draught, whereing I traced all thofe Navigators that had Attempted the North-Eaft, which I prefented to His Majefty, and Royal Highness, and applyed my felf to them with the Reaſons afore- L 4 152 A Voyage for the Discovery · aforefaid: which after their Royal Confideration, and Confult with many Merchants, and Seamen, that had uſed to Sail Northward; and if thought by all feafable, His Majefty was Graciouſly pleaſed to grant me the Speedwell Frigot, to be Manned and Victualled at his Royal Charge, with all other Appurtenances thereunto belong- ing. But becauſe in all Attempts of this Nature it was not Convenient to venture one Ship alone, for the many Accidents that are incident to a fingle Ship in an Enterprize of this Nature; Therefore His Royal Highness the Duke of Tork. " The Honourable John Lord Barklet. Sir Joseph Williamfon. Sir John Bankes. Mr. Samuel Peepps: Captain Herbert. Mr. Dupey. Mr. Hoopgood.. 1 Theſe Eight Honourable Perfons, at their own proper Charge, bought a Pink, called the Pro- Iperous, of the Burthen of a Hundred and twenty Tuns, fitted her to Sea, Men, Amunition, Pro- vifion, and Merchandize, which was fuch as was Reaſonably purpoſed to Vend on the Coaft. of Tartaria, or at Japan, if a Paffage had been found. Now the Ships being fitting out, the Speedwell at Deptford in the King's Yard, where the Builder, Mr. of a North-Eaft Paffage. 153 Mr. John Sish, took no ordinary Care in Strength- ning her, and in her Shething, which was as well performed as in any Ship that ever failed on the Sea. Thus being fitted, I was to fatisfie moſt People the Advantage to our Nation that would accrue, if there was a Paffage. The firſt Advantage that I purpoſed, was, that on the Coaſt of Tartaria, it being a cold Cli- mate, we might Vend our English Cloth, which now is grown a Drug; and certain it is that they wear Cloth which is fent them from Ruffia and Mofcovia, which before it arrive at their Hands muſt needs be very Dear in the Price; fo if one could come on their Coaft, one might Vend a great deal more, and abundance Cheaper. The fecond Advantage, as would have been, that in fix Weeks one might have failed to Japan, which in the other Way is nine Months; and the Paffage that way being as hazardous and perillous as this would have been, if there had been any Paffage by the North-Eaft; for by the South way, all the way betwixt Bantam and Ja- pan are an innumerable Company of Sands, Sholes, and Iſlands, where many Ships are yearly loft, and all that way one muſt turn up to Windward, and be in perpetual fear of the Hollanders, whom if we meet, they do their utmoſt indeavours to De- ftroy us. Then if there had been a North-Eaſt Paſſage, and that one might Sail in fuch a fhort time to Japan, the King might fend out Men of War to Japan, and force them to Trade; which the other way is not to be done, becauſe they cannot carry Provi- 154 A Voyage for the Discovery 1 Provifion for fo long time; befides the certain Diſeaſes that are incident to Ships, that have ma- ny Men in hot Weather, renders it unpracticable: thefe and many other Reafons I ufed, which would be too tedious to Relate, they being as yet freſh in the memory of moft I told them to. Now after all thefe Arguments and Reaſons, the time of the Year growing on for us to be gone, we made our Ships ready for the Sea, be- ing as well fitted for a Diſcovery as ever any Ships were; having on Board each Ship fixteen Months Provifion of all forts, with Sixty eight Men and Boys in the Speedwell, and eighteen Men in the Profperous. 1 ? : Fournal, 1 of a North-East Paffage. 155 Journal, In His Majefties Ship the Speedwell, Captain John Wood Commander, Bound for the Discovery of a Paffage to the Eaft- Indies, by the North-Eaft: Sailing about Nova Zembla, and Tartary, and fo to Japan. 1676. S Unday, May 28. the Wind at S. W. failed from the Buoy of the Noar in Company of the Profperous, Captain Flames Com- mander, being bound upon the Diſcovery with us. 1 At Eight at Night the Naze Land boar Weft; North about fix Leagues, we fteered away North- eaſt, and North-north-eaft. ་ Monday, May 29. The Wind at South-weft, and Weft-fouth-weft, a freſh Gale with Showers of Rain. Courſe per Compaſs between the North-eaft and the North; diſtance failed by the Log 73 Miles, true Courfe Protracted fince laft Night Eight a Clock to this Day Noon, is North 28 d. Faft difference of Lat. 68 Miles, and depar- ture Eaſt from the Naze Land 36 Miles; Lat. by Judgment, as in the Margent. Thick cloudy Weather. Tuesday, May 30. From yesterday Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind variable from South-weft to ! 156 A Voyage for the Discovery to the South-eaſt, thick cloudy Weather, and a freſh Gale. Courſe per Compaſs North-north-weft and North-weft by North; diſtance failed by the Log 95 Miles, true Courſe is North 28 d. Weft, diſtance of Lat. 83 Miles, departure Weft 45 Miles, Lat. per Judgment; Meridian diſtance Weft nine Miles. Wednesday, May 31. From yeſterday Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds variable with Calms and Rains. Courſes per Traverfe; true Courfe Pro- tracted, with all impediments allowed, is North 43 d. Weft 60 Miles, difference of Lat. 42 Miles, departure Weft 40 Miles Lat. per Judgment 54d. 13 m. Lat. by a good Obfervation at Noon 55 d. 30m. at which time the Land between New-Castle and Berwick bore Weſt about 8 or 9 Leagues: Meridian diftance Current from the bearing of the Land, and the Lat. is 88 Miles, 50 Fathom Water: faw two Ships ſtanding to the Southward, but would not fhow their Colours. Thurſday, June 1. From yeſterday Noon to this Day Noon, a freſh Gale from the Weſt by South to the South-weft. Courfe per Compafs between the North, and the North-weft; diſtance failed by the Log 76 Miles, true Courſe Protracted is North 16 d. Weft Lat. by a good Obſervation 56 d. 41 m. departure Weft 21 Miles. At nine in the Morning we gave Chaſe to a Scotch Fiſherman, and at Noon came up with her, and bought fome Fiſh of him; at Noon a hard Gale fteered away North, being about feven or eight Leagues from the Land, between Montrofs and Edenburgh: we ſteered along, 1 the of a North-East Paffage. 157 the Courſe North by Eaft till eight a Clock. Friday, June 2. From yesterday Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds variable with fair Weather. Courſe per Compafs North; diftance failed by the Log 117 Miles, but by a good Obfervation 120 Miles, Lat. 58 d. 41 m. Winds from the Weft-fouth-weft to the South-weft. : At two a Clock a great guſt of Wind at North- weft with Rain; we hand our Top-fails, and at three it blew a Storm of Wind; we lay a Try under a Main-fail till ten a Clock, then fent our Fore-fail. 2 ? Saturday, June 3. From yeflerday Noon to this day Noon, true Courſe Protracted Leeward way, and all impediments allowed is North Eaſt 42 Miles, Lat. by a good. Obfervation is 59 d. 23 m. Meridian diſtance from the Naze Land is 100 Miles: at Noon faw a ſmall Iſland, called Foril, lying to the South of Shetland, bearing Weft- north-weſt about four Leagues: in the Afternoon little Wind. Note that we found the Ship more to the Weftward than expected being cauſed by a vari- ation of 6 or 7 d. Eaft. Sunday, June 4. This Forenoon little Wind, with Calms till about 12 at Noon, at which time fprung up a Gale Weft-north-weſt blowing very hard; we ply to windward, and turned into Brace- Sound, and anchored in nine Fathom Water, right againſt the Town called Lerwick; here is the remains of a Fort that was built in the time of War with Holland, but upon the Peace with the Hollanders it was demolished, for fear any other Nation 158 A Voyage for the Diſcovery Nation might come and take it, and ſo keep it. : Saturday, June 10. Rid ftill till Saturday feven a Clock, at which time Weighed, the Wind at South-weft; we took in a Pilot, and failed out through the North end of Brace Sound, having three Fathom Water over the fhalloweſt place Sunday, June 11. At four in the Morning Scau bore Weft by North about fix Leagues; a freſh Gale at South-weft, hafey Weather. From four in the Morning till twelve at Night Courſe North-north-eaſt, diſtance failed by the Log 35 Miles true Courfe allowed from the bearing of the Land is North-eaft 41 Miles, dif- ference of Lat. 30 Miles, Lat. by Judgment 61 d. 26 m. Meridian diſtance from Shetland 30 Miles Eaft. From yesterday Noon to this Day Noon, a ftrong Gale at South-west, Weft-fouth-west, Weft and Weſt-north-weſt. Courſe per Compaſs North- north-eaſt, diſtance failed by the Log. 147 Miles, difference of Lat. 135 Miles, departure Eaſt 56 Miles, Lat. by Judgment 63 d. 42 m. Meridian diſtance Eaſt 86 Miles; thick cloudy Weather, at Noon little Wind. Tuesday, June 13. From yeſterday Noon to this Day little Wind, and variable, with Calms from the North-west to North-north-eaft; we ply to windward. True Courfe Protracted, all impedi ments allowed, is North-north-eaft 23 Miles, dif ference of Lat. 21 Miles North, departure Eaſt 8 Miles, Lat.by Judgment 64 d. 03 m. Meridian diſtance 94 Miles, Lat. by a good Obſervation 64 d. 03 m. Wed of a North-East Paffage.. 159 Wednesday, June 14. From the 13. Noon to this Day Noon the Winds variable, with freſh Gales, Rains, and little Winds. Courfe per Tra- verfe, between the North-eaſt and the North, di- ſtance failed by the Log 92 Miles, true Courfe Protracted, all impediments allowed, is North 18 d. difference of Lat. 81 Miles, departure Eaſt 30 Miles, Meridian diſtance 124 Miles. Thursday, June 15. From the 14. Noon to this Day Noon the Winds variable, with Calms from the Weft to the South-weft. Courſe per Compaſs North-north-eaft; diſtance failed by the Log 67 Miles, true Courfe Protracted, with allowance, is North 22 d. Eaft, difference of Lat. 62 Miles, departure Eaſt 26 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 66 d. 26 m. Meridian diftance 150 Miles Eaft. At Noon broke our Main Topfail-Yard, being rot- ten in the Slings; thick hafey Weather. 2 Friday, June 16. From the 15. Noon to this Day Noon, a freſh Gale at Weft-north-weſt, and Weft-fouth-west, with Rains and thick Weather. Courſe per Compafs North-north-eaft, and North- caft by North; diftance failed per Log 126 Miles, true Courſe Protracted, is North 30 d. Eaft, dif- ference of Lat. 108 Miles, departure Eaſt 63 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 68 d. 14m. Meridian diſtance 223 Miles. Saturday, June 17. From the 16. Noon to this Day Noon, a freſh Gale at Weft-north-weſt and Weft, with Rain and cloudy Weather. Courfe per Compafs North-eaft, diftance failed by the Log 127 Miles, difference of Lat. 90 Miles, departure Eaft 90 Miles, Lat per Judgment 69 d. 48m. 160 A Voyage for the Diſcovery 1 48 m. Meridian diſtance 303 Miles, but by a good Obfervation at Noon Lat. 69 d. 53 m. dif ference of Lat. between the Dead Reckoning and Obfervation is 9 Miles, which imputed to a wefterly variation, which is found by an Azi- muth 7 d. Meridian diſtance Corrected is 300 Miles; fair Weather. ► Sunday, June 18. From the 17. Noon to this day Noon, the Wind from Weft-north-weſt, to the Weſt-fouth-weft, fair Weather. Courſe per Compaſs North-eaft by Eaft; diftance failed by the Log 83 Miles, true Courfe Protracted, and variation allowed, is Eaft 33 d. North, differénce of Lat. 47 Miles, by Obfervation, departure 66 Miles, Lat. by a good Obfervation 70d. 30 m. Meridian diſtance 367 Miles Eaft. Yeſterday and this Day we ſaw many Whales. Monday, June 19. From the 18. Noon to this Day Noon, a freſh Gale at Weft by South; thick hafey Weather with Rains; at feven a Clock in the Forenoon ſaw many Sea Fowles, more than at any time yet, with many Jubarteffes: at ten a Clock faw the Land, being the Iſlands that lie about 20 Leagues to the Weftward of the North Cape; true Courſe allowed for variation, is North- north-eaft; diſtance failed by the Log 135 Miles, difference of Lat. 50 Miles, departure Eaft 30 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 71 d. 20 m. Meridian diſtance 497 Miles. At Noon the Iſland Sanden bore South by Eaft; about 8 or 9 Leagues off this Ifland is a high craggy Land, with fome Snow on the Land. . Tuesday, of a North East Paſſage. 161 Tuesday, June 20. From the 19. Noon to this day Noon, Courſe per Compafs between the Eaft-north-eaft and the North-eaft; diftance failed by the Log 128 Miles, true Courſed allowed for the variation, is North 43 d. Eaft, difference of Lat. 91 Miles, departure 88 Miles Eaſt, Lat. per Judgment 72 d. 51 m. Meridian diſtance 585 Miles. From yeſterday Noon to this day Noon, the first 12 Hours a fresh Gale at South-west, but the laſt 12 Hours much Wind, with ſmall Rains and great Fogs: faw many Sea Fowles. Wedneſday, June 21. From the 20. to the 21. Noon, a ſtiff Gale with Gufts, and fmall Rains. Courfe per Compafs North-eaft, diftance failed by Log 35 Miles, true Courſe allowed by varia- tion, is North 40 d. Eaft, difference of Lat. 103 Miles, departure Eaft 86 Miles, Lat. per Judg- ment 74 d. 34 m. Meridian diftance 671 Miles: thick cloudy Weather, faw many Sea Fowles. Thursday, June 22. From the 21. Noon to this 22. Noon, Courfe per Compaſs North-eaſt, di- ftance failed per Log 116 Miles, true Courſe al- lowed by variation, and Leeward way, is North 43 d. Eaft, difference of Lat. 85 Miles, depar- ture Eaſt 79 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 75 d. 59m. Meridian diſtance 750 Miles Eaft: the Wind at North-weft a freſh Gale, Weather variable, fome- time cloudy, and fometimes fair, but very cold. At Noon we ſaw Ice right a Head about a League off, we failed clofe to it, and found it to lie away Eaft-fouth-eaft, and Weſt-north-weſt, we bore away Eaft-fouth-caft along the Ice: in the Afternoon we had fome fmall Snow, and very cold Weather. M Friday, } 162 A Voyage for the Discovery Friday, June 23. From yeſterday Noon to this Day Noon, we fteered along the Ice, finding it to have many openings, which we failed into, but found them to be Bays, our true Courſe failed along the Ice, the variation allowed, was Eaſt 14 d. South 77 m. Lat. per Judgment 75 d. 41 m. difference of Lat. 19 m. departure 74 Miles, Meridian diſtance 824 Miles, Wind N. N. W. At Noon we founded and had 158 Fathom foft green Oar, and found the Current to fet South-fouth-eaſt; we have found very ſmooth to Leeward of this Ice, and in fome places found pieces of the Ice driving off a Mile, fometimes more or leſs from the main body of the Ice; find- ing it to be in ſeveral ſtrange ſhapes, reſembling Trees, Beafts, Fifles, Fowles, &c. The main Body of the Ice being low, but very Craggy, being many pieces lying cloſe together, and fome a top of each other, and in fome places we faw high hillocks of blue colour, but all the reft of the Ice very white, as though it were Snow. In fome places we faw drift Wood amongſt the Ice, we took up fome of the Ice and melted it, and the Water very freſh and good: this Day we found very cold and freezing. Saturday, June 24. From the 23. Noon to this Day Noon little Wind at North by Weſt, we fteered cloſe along the Ice, failing into every opening, but could not find any Pallage through, neither could we fee over the Ice in any place from our Topmaft-Head; true Courfe Protracted, as we failed along the Ice, is Eaſt 34 d. South difference of Lat. 24 Miles South, departure Eaſt 34 Miles, of a North East Paffage. 163 34 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 75 d.18 m. but by a good Obfervation at Noon the Lat.74 d. 50 m. the difference between the Dead Lat. and the obſerved Lat. is 28 Miles, which difference hath been cauſed by the Current ſetting South-fouth-eaſt. At Noon we founded and had 128 Fathom Water, and the Current as yeſterday Southi- fouth-eaft: this laft 24 Hours fair Weather, with little Winds, having ſome ſmall Fogs, but laſted not above half an Hour at a time. Meridian di- ftance 858 Miles. Sunday, June 25. From the 24. Noon to this Day Noon, little Wind, with Calms, and the moft part foggy, ſo that we durft not venture in the Ice, but lay by, and ftood off; true Courfe Protracted is Eaft 30 d. South difference of Lat. 13 Miles, South departure Eaft 19 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 74 d. 37 m. Meridian diftance 877 Miles, Eaft Wind variable from the North-weſt to the Weft-fouth-weſt. At One in the Afternoon the Fog broke up, hard freezing Weather, our Rigging and Sails frozen, for as faft as the Fog fell it freezed. Monday, June 26. From the 25.Noon to this Day Noon little Wind from the North-weſt to North; Courſe per Compaſs between the Weſt- fouth-west, and the North-eaft; diftance failed by the Log 63 Miles, difference of Lat. 7 Miles North, departure Eaft 58 Miles; true Courfe Protracted is Eaft 7 d. North Lat. per Judgment is 74 d. 40m. Meridian diſtance 935 Miles. 1 At Noon we ſtood in clofe with the Ice, and faw fomething to move, we judging it might be M 2 Sear 1 164 AVoyage for the Discovery 1 Sea-Horfes, or Morfes, lying on the Ice, we fent our Boat to fee, and they found two Sea-Horfes upon the Ice: they fired feveral fhot at them, but could not kill them: notwithſtanding that they were much wounded they got into the Water, and fo went under the Ice. We have found the Ice to lie away Eaft, thefe 24 Hours the Wind at North, and very cold, and at 12 at Night 70 Fathom green Oar: at 9 in the Evening faw Land, the North part of it bearing Eaſt, and the South part South-eaft, being high and covered with Snow, about 15 Leagues off. Sounded and had 125 Fathom. Tuesday, June 27. From Monday the 26. to Tues- day 27. little Wind from the North-weft to the North by Eaft, with Calms: we kept clofe with the Ice, and found it joyn to the Land of Nova Zembla; true Courfe Protracted is Eaft by North 30 Miles, difference of Lat. 16 Miles, departure Éaft 29 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 74 d. 46 m. Me- ridian diftance 964 Miles, at Noon 83 Fathom Water, about 6 Leagues from the Shore, we rowed in towards the Shore, and found the Ice to lie about 5 Leagues from the Shore, we went out of our Boat on the Ice, and killed a young Sea-Horfe, or Mors, and faw many more, but could not kill them with Muskets, notwithſtand- ing we fired 7 Muskets into one of them, nei- ther could we come to lame them; for they get into the Sea before you can come to them; they keeping Watch, and are very fhy, always lying on the brink of the Ice, ready to take the Sea. We Sounded and had 80 Fathom Water green Oar, } Z of a North Eaft Paffage. 165 Oar, at which time we faw the Ground plain, being very ſmooth Water. Meridian diſtance from the Ship to the Land 15 Miles, which maketh Meridian diftance from the Land to this place 980 Miles. # Wednesday, June 28. From the 27. Noon to this Day Noon, very little Wind, but the moft part Calm from the North to the Weft; true Courfe Protracted Weft-north-weft 10 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 74d. 46 m. Meridian diſtance 970 Miles. In the Afternoon ftood in cloſe with the Ice, and found it to joyn to the main Land; at Night flood off from the Ice. Thursday, June 29. From the 28 Noon to this Day Noon, little Wind, with Rains: we ftood. away from the Ice to Sea; trué Courfe allowed is South 27 d. Weft 20 Miles, difference of Lat. 16 Miles, departure 8 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 74 d. 40 m. Meridian diftance 964 Miles. At Noon the Wind at Weft and Weft and by South, a fine Gale, but very foggy Weather; we ſtand away South to get from the Ice, we being in- bayed in it. At rr at Night the Profperous Pink fired a Gun, and bore down upon us, crying out Ice on the Weather-Bow, with that we clap'd the Helm hard a Weather, Veered out the Main- Sheet to Ware the Ship; but before the Ship could Ware, and bring to upon the other Tack, She ftruck on a ledge of Rocks which lay funk. From 12 at Noon to 11 at Night thick foggy Weather, the Wind from the North-weft to the Weft by South. Courfe per Compafs between the South-weft, and the South by Weft, cloſe Haul'd; M 3 but 166 A Voyage for the Difcovery but at Night the Profperous Pink faw the Sea break on the Weather-Bow, bearing down upon us cryed out it was the Ice; with that we preſently bore up round to bring to upon the other Tack, but our Ship not wearing round, run on a ledge of Rocks, there ftuck faft, but Captain Flames Ship got clear, wearing more rounder: we fired feveral Guns to give Captain Flames notice of our diftrefs, we uſed all means poffible to get her off, by carrying out a Haffer and Anchor, and ſtaving of Water and Beer, and throwing Provifion over Board, but could not get the Ship off, for the Water did Ebb, and the Ship Sued above 3 Foot; but when the Flood came it brought a great Sea with it, and the Ship beat very hard: we ufed all means to heave her off, but could not, and the Ship making Water more than we could Pump; with that we cut our Mafts by the Board, and fent our Yaul unto the Shore to diſcover fome place to Land, at whofe return aboard brought word that there was landing, with that we got up Bread out of the Bread Room, and brought it up into the great Cabbin and the Carpenter made ready to fave fome Tools, and neceffaries to Rebuild our Long-Boat to fave our lives, if fo neceffitated, that Captain Flawes fhould not return to us. So about 12 at Noon we got all our Men afhore, except two which were drowned in the Pinnace, by a Sea which broke into her, juſt as ſhe put off from the Ship fide: having Bread, Powder, and Proviſions in her, and all loft with the Pinnace. Alfo, to our great grief, haying nothing but the Long- : Boat, of a North East Paffage. 167 Boat, to truſt in, to fave our lives, which could not carry above 30 Men of 70. We ufed all means to fave Bread, but the Ship filling up to the upper Deck, we were forced to leave her, having faved but two Bags of Bread, with fome pieces of Pork, and a little Cheefe: this being all on Shore, we carried our Provifions, and other Ne- ceffaries, upon a Hill, where came to vifit us one of the Natives, which was a Prodigious great white Bear, which one of our Men fhot at, and as we fuppofed hit her, which made her run away: with that we made all haft to build us a Tent to keep us from the cold, and to keep our Provi- fions dry, having faved Canvas for the purpoſe, which we laid over Oars and Spars, and threw up a Trench of Earth round us, to preſerve us from Wild Beafts; but all this time indured much cold, moſt of our Men being wet, and having no firing; therefore all our Hopes and Prayers were that God would fend us the Ship afhore. Friday, June 30. A freſh Gale, and very foggy, with a great Sea; our Ship began to fplit, and much Wreck came afhore; fo that we got Oars, Spars and Deals, to build us Tents, and firing, of which we faved as much as we could; but the Weather proved very foggy to our great grief, being we could not expect Captain Flames as long as the Fog continued. The Wind at Weſt- north-weſt. Saturday, July 1. The Wind at North-weſt a freſh Gale, the Ship brake in pieces, fo that we had much Wreck came afhore, and Provifions, which we indeavoured to fave with much pains M 4 and 168 A Voyage for the Discovery and trouble, the Sea breaking much on the Shore, and the Weather very cold and foggy. We faved two Casks of Flower, fome Brandy, and a Butt of Beer, and a Cask of Oil: the Flower did us great kindneſs to fave our Bread, for we made of the Flower Pan-Cakes, and Pudding, and baked Cakes on Stones, to our great refreſhment. Sunday, July 2. The Wind at Weft, and very foggy; we faved more Flower, Butter, and a few pieces of Beef and Pork, the Cask being Staved. The Gunner as he was faving of Provi- fion, there came a great White Bear to him, which he fhot at, and fell'd her down, but fhe rofe again and at him; with that there came more Men and fired at her: fhe was a very great one, and very Fat, and the Flesh very good, and look'd delicate, and Eat well. Saturday, July 8. The Wind at Weft-north- weft; a very great/Fog, and all our Men in great deſpair of our feeing Captain Flames: we beginning to confider our moſt miferable Condi- tion, and contriving how to fave our Lives; the Long-boat not being able to carry above 30 Men, and a Deck built on her, and her Waft raifed; with that we concluded to lengthen her 12 Foot, and to carry all our Men; but upon conſiderati- on of wanting Materials, and the Carpenters bad affiftance, the Men would not agree to have her cut aſunder, for fear fhe could not be lengthened; but were willing to Travel by Land towards the Waygates, in hopes to find fome Raffia Lodges. With that we began to raife her Waft, and build a Deck, the Weather continuing very foggy till Satur 1 of a North-East Paffage. 169 Saturday Morning, at which time we efpyed Captain Flames to our great joy; with that we made preſently a great Fire, and fent our Yaul to meet him, who immediately faw our Fire and ſteered into us, and fent his Boat to help to bring off our Men; with that we broke up our new Work, which was done to our Long-Boat, and Lanched her; and about Noon got all on Board Captain Flames, in good Health. This is on it to a pelt 410 very bove ! i Fournal 171 Fournal on Board the Profperous, Captain William Flawes Com mander, From Nova Zembla to England. 1676. S Unday, July 9. From the 8. 12 at Night to this 9. 12 at Noon, the Winds variable, with Fogs and fmall Rain; we ſtand off to the Weſtward: true Courfe Protracted, with allowance for variation, is Weft 8 d. South, difference of Lat. 8 Miles, departure 67 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 73 d. 42 m. Meridian diſtance, from Point Staten, being the Weſtermoft Land off of Nova Zembla, and the laft Land we faw, 67 Miles: very cold Weather. Monday, July 10. From the 9. Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds variable from the South-weſt by Weft, to the Weft, and fo to the North, and North-north-caft, with fmall Rain, great Fogs, and very cold Weather; true Courſe Protracted is Weft 35 Miles, variation allowed 12 d. Weft; Meridian diſtance 102 Miles: a great Sea from the Weſtward. Tueſday, July 11. From the 10. Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds variable from the North- north-eaft to the North-weft. Courſe per Compafs Weft by South; diſtance failed by the Log 102 Miles, 172 A Voyage for the Discovery 3 Miles; true Courfe, allowed for variation, is Weft 68 & South, diſtance of Lat. 34 Miles, de- parture 96 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 73 d. 06 m. Meridian diſtance 198 Miles: thick cloudy Weather, and very Cold. Wednesday, July 12. From the 11. Noon to this Day Noon, little Wind and variable, with Calms, fmall Rains, and Fogs: diſtance failed by the Log 27 Miles, between the Weft by North, and the Weft by South; true Courfe allowed, with all impediments is Weft: at Noon Lat. by Obfervation 73 d. 34 m. which is 34 Miles more northerly than expected; the variation, I fup- poſe, came from the Lat. we departed from on Nova Zembla; Meridian Diſtance Corrected is 222 Miles Weft: at Noon calm and fair Wea- ther. Thursday, July 13. From the 12. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind variable from the Weſt to the South-fouth-weſt a freſh Gale; we ply to the Weftward cloſe Haul'd. Courfe per Compass be- tween the South-fouth-weft, and the Weft-north- weft; true Courfe Protracted, all impediments allowed, is Weft by North North 69 Miles, dif- ference of Lat. 17 Miles, departure 59 Miles; Lat, by Judgment 73 d. 51 m. Meridian diftance 279 Miles: Cold cloudy Weather, with fmall Rains. I 2 Friday, July 14. From the 13. Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds variable from the South- fouth-weft to the Weft-north-weft a freſh Gale, and fometimes little Wind: we ply to the Weft- ward, fometimes on one Tack, and fometimes on of a North-Eaft Paffage. 173 on the other; true Courſe Protracted, all impe- diments allowed, is Weft-fouth-weft South; difference of Lat. 9 Miles South, departure Weft 20 Miles. Lat. per Judgment 73 d. 35 m. Meri- dian diſtance 299 Miles. Saturday, July 15. From the 14. Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds freſh, with gufts from the North-weft to the Weft: we ply to the Weftward, fometimes to the Southward; diftance failed by the Log 70 Miles, true Courſe Protracted is South-weft 33 d. 45 m. difference of Lat. 52 Miles, Departure Weft 34 Miles, Lat. per Judg ment 72 d. 43 m. Meridian diſtance 333 Miles: cold and cloudy. Sunday, July 16: From the 15. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind at Weft-ſouth-weft, and Weft by South, a freſh Gale; but from 8 at Night, till 8 in the Morning much Wind, we lay a try under a Main-fail: true Courſe Pro- tracted Leeward-way, and variation allowed, is North by Weſt 4 Weft 31 Miles; difference of Lat. 30 Miles, departure Weft 7 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 73 d. 13 m. Meridian diftance 340 Miles: Rain with very thick Weather. Monday, July 17. From the 16. Noon to this Day Noon, little Wind from the Weft by North to the Weft, with Rains, Fogs, and Calms: we ply to the Weftward cloſe upon a Wind; true Courſe Protracted, all impediments allowed, is Weft by South 4 Weft; diſtance of Lat. 3 Miles, departure 2.3 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 73 d. 19m. Meridian diſtance 360 Miles: at II in the Fore- noon the Wind came up at South-fouth-eaſt, and foggy. 3 Tuesday. 174 A Voyage for the Discovery Tuesday, July 18. From the 17. Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds from the South to the Weft-fouth-weft: we ply to the Weſtward cloſe haul'd, between the Weſt and North-weft; di- ſtance failed by the Log 87 Miles; true Courſe Protracted is Weft by North North 80 Miles, 44 diſtance of Lat. 18 Miles, departure 77 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 73 d. 28 m. Meridian diftance 437 Miles: thick foggy Weather. Wednesday, July 19. From the 18. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind at South-weſt, and South- fouth-weft, with very thick Fogs. Courſe per Compaſs Weſt-north-weft and Weft, cloſe Haul'd; diſtance failed by the Log 74 Miles, true Courſe, variation and Leeward-way allowed, is Weft- north-weſt North 70 Miles, difference of Lat. 32 Miles, departure 60 Miles, Lat. per Judg- ment 74 d. Meridian diſtance 497 Miles: at Night much Wind, we hand our Top-fails. 1 2 Thurſday, July 20. From the 19. Noon to this Day Noon, for the moſt part much Winds at Weft-fouth-weft, and South-weft, with great Fogs: we ply cloſe upon a Wind North-welt by Weſt, and Weſt-north-weft; diſtance failed by the Log 65 Miles; true Courſe, variation and Lee-way allowed, is North-north-weſt Weſt, diſtance of Lat. 55 Miles, departure 33 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 74 d. 55 m. Meridian diſtance 530 Miles. 之 ​Friday, July 21. From the 20. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind from the South-weſt to the Weft. Courſe per Compafs South by Weft upon one Tack, and Weft-north-weſt on the other, clofe of a North-Eaft Paffage. 175 3 4 clofe Haul'd; diſtance failed by the Log 61 Miles; true Courſe Protracted, all impediments allowed, is South by Weft & Weft 48 Miles, diſtance of Lat. 45 Miles, departure 16 Miles, Lat. per Judg- ment 74 d. 12 m. very thick, foggy and cold, till about Noon it cleared up. Saturday, July 22. From the 21. Noon to this Day 4 in the Morning, the Wind at South-weſt by Weft, and South-weft, with thick Fogs. Courfe Weſt by North, and North-north-weſt 46 Miles, at which time it was very foggy Weather: we faw many Willocks, and other Sea Fowles more than ufual, which made us think that we were near the Land of Cherry-Ifland: we caft the Lead, and had 60 Fathom, a rough Sand, with that we Tack'd and ſtood off South-fouth-eaſt, and South-eaſt by Eaft 9 Miles, till Noon, at which time we Sounded, and had 78 Fathom Lat. at 4 in the Morning by Judgment 74 d. 26 m. Meridian diſtance 589 Miles, at which time I was, by my Reckoning, 13 Leagues Weft from Cherry- Ifland, according to the Meridian diſtance I made from the Cape to Nova Zembla, and from Nova Zembla back here; Lat. at Noon, by Judgment, 74 d. 20 m. Meridian diſtance 582 Miles. Sunday, July 23. From the 22. Noon to this Day Noon the Winds variable, with great Fogs, from the South-fouth-eaft to the Weft-north-west. Courſe per Compafs between the South-weſt and the Weft; diſtance failed by the Log 91 Miles; true Courſe Protracted is South-weft by South 87 Miles, difference of Lat. 76 Miles, departure 43 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 73 d. 08 m. Me- ridian 176 A Voyage for the Diſcovery 1 ridian diſtance 625 Miles: At Noon no ground with 160 Fathom Lines. Monday, July 24. From the 23, Noon to this Day Noon little Winds, and variable, with Calms true Courſe allowed is South-fouth-weſt Weft 22 Miles, diftance of Lat. 18 Miles, de- parture 11 Miles, Lat per Judgment 72 d. 50m. Meridian diftance 636 Miles. 3. 4 Tuesday, July 25. From the 24. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind variable, with fresh Gales from North by Weft to the Eaſt with Fogs. Courſe between the Weft-fouth-west and South- weft; diſtance failed by the Log 88 Miles, true Courſe allowed for 9 d. variation is South-west Wefterly, diftance of Lat. 54 Miles, departure 69 Miles, Lat. per Judgment 71 d. 56. m. Meri- dian diftance 705 Miles. 24 Wednesday, July 26. From the 25. Noon to this day Noon, the Wind variable from the Eaft by North to the South, with thick Fogs. Diſtance failed by the Log 73 Miles; Courſe per Com- pafs between the South-weft by Weft and Weſt- north-weft: true Courfe Protracted is Weſt i South, diſtance of Lat. 7 Miles, departure 67 Miles. 2 Thursday, July 27. From the 26. Noon to this Day Noon, the Winds from the South to the South-weft, with great Fogs. Diſtance failed by the Log 68 Miles, true Courfe allowed Weſt South, difference of Lat. 7 Miles, departure 62 Miles Weſt. Friday, July 28. From the 27. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind from the South-fouth-weſt to of a North-East Passage. 177 J to the South-eaſt. Courſe per Compaſs between the Weft by North, and the South-weft, clofe upon a Wind; diſtance failed by the Log 85 Miles; true Courſe Protracted is South-weft by Weft 4 80 Miles, diſtance of Latitude 46 Miles South, departure 64 Miles Weft: thick Fogs with fmall Rain. Saturday, July 29. From the 28. Noon to this Day Noon, much Wind from the South to the South-weft: we tryed under a Main-fail three Watches; true Courſe allowed is Weft 15 Miles! Sunday, July 30. From the 29. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind variable from South-eaft to the South, and fo to the North-weft, with fud- den gufts, with much Rain, then little Wind: at 8 this Morning much Wind at North-weft; true Courſe Protracted, all impediments allowed, is South-fouth-weft 66 Miles; diſtance of Lat. 60 Miles, departure 25 Miles. Monday, July 31. From the 30. Noon to this Day Noon, much Wind at North-weft, with Rain. Courſe per Compafs South-weft by South, and South-weft; diftance failed by the Log 104 Miles; true Courſe allowed for Leeward-way and variation South by Weft Weft; difference of Lat. 103 Miles, departure 11 Miles; Lat. per Dead Reckoning 68 d. 13 m. but by Obſervation 68 d. oom. departure accordingly Corrected 15 Miles; Meridian diftance 953 Miles. I 2 Tuesday, August 1. From the 31. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind variable from the North- weſt to the South-weft by Weft: diſtance failed N by 178 A Voyage for the Diſcovery by the Log 80 Miles; we ply to Windward: true Courſe Protracted, variation and Leeward-way allowed, diſtance Weft-fouth-weft, difference of Lat. 72 Miles, departure 51 Miles: thick cloudy Weather, with fome ſmall Rains and Fogs. Wednesday, August 2. From the 1. Noon to this Day Noon, from the South by Weſt to the South- weſt, thick Fogs. Courſe Courſe per Compaſs between the Weft by South, and the Weft-north-west; diſtance failed by the Log 51 Miles, true Courſe allowed is Weft by North, difference of Lat. 12 Miles, departure 49 Miles; Lat. per Judgment 67 d. 50 m. but by a good Obfervation Lat. 67 d. 55 m. at Noon clear Weather. Thursday, August 3. From the 2. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind from the Weft to the South-fouth-weft, with Fogs and Rains. Courſe per Traverſe; we ply to Windward; true Courſe Protracted, is South-fouth-weft; diftance of Lat. 21 Miles, departure 10 Miles; at Night much Wind at South, we lay under a Main-fail. Friday, August 4. From 8 at Night to this Day Noon a Storm of Wind at South, and S. S. W. True Courſe Drift, and all impediments allowed, is North-weſt by North Weft; difference of Lat. 18 Miles, departure 16 Miles: at Noon lefs Wind, we fet our Fore-fail. 1 4 Saturday, August 5. From the 4. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind from the Weft by South to the North-west, a very cold Storm: true Courſe al- lowed is South by Eaft, difference of Lat. 75 Miles, departure 15 Miles: in the Afternoon little Wind. Sunday, of a North-East Paffage. 179 Sunday, Auguft 6. From the 5. Noon to this Day Noon freſh Gales, and little Wind from the Weft-north-weft to the Weft-fouth-weft. True Courſe allowed South Eaft, diſtance of Lat. 67 Miles, departure 8 Miles. I + Monday, August 7. From the 6. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind at South and South-weft, fometimes much Wind, and then Calm again. True Courſe allowed per Judgment is Weſt-north- weſt North 53 Miles; difference of Lat. 22 Miles, departure Weft 47 Miles; at Noon the Wind came about to the Weft-north-weſt, much Wind, and at 8 it blew a Storm at North- weft. 4 Tuesday, August 8. From yesterday 8 at Night to this Day Noon, a Storm of Wind at North- weft, we run away with our Fore-fail Reeft. Courſe per Compafs South-fouth-weſt; diſtance failed by the Log 116 Miles, true Courfe al- lowed is South, diſtance of Lat. 107. Miles, de- parture Weſt 5 Miles. Wednesday, August 9. At 3 in the Morning a freſh Gale, faw many Willocks, and other Sea- Fowls, and at 5 we faw the Land Eaft-fouth-eaft from us; being high Land, and making like Iſlands, being the Ifles of Fero. At Noon Lat. by a good Obfervation 61 d. 45 m. at which time the Weſtermoſt Iſland bore Eaſt about 8 Leagues off. Diſtance failed from yeſterday Noon to this Day Noon 120 Miles; true Courſe allowed South by Weſt Weſterly, diſtance of Lat. 116 Miles, departure 26 Miles; Lat. per Judgment L 4 N 2 62 d. 180 AVoyage for the Discovery 62 d. 04 m. diſtance between the Dead Lat. and the obſerved Lat. 20 Miles; fo that the Ship is 20 Miles more Southerly, and confequently more Wefterly; Meridian diſtance 1129 Miles, but by Correction 1136 Miles: we faw a fmall Veffel, and gave chafe to her, but fhe made from us. Thurſday, August 10. From the 9. Noon to this Day Noon, a freſh Gale at North-weft. Courſe between the South and Eaft-fouth-eaft to get clear of the Iſlands in the Night; diſtance fail- ed by the Log 102 Miles; true Courſe Pro- tracted is South-eaft by Eaft South, diftance of Lat. 58 Miles, departure 76 Miles: fpoke with the Ship we ſaw yeſterday, being a Lyn-Man come from the Iſland. Friday, August 11. From the 10. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind at North-north-weft. Courſe per Compaſs South-eaft by eaſt; diſtance failed by the Log 83 Miles: at Noon the Ifland Foule bore North-eaft by Eaſt about 3 Leagues off: the Wind came about at South. Saturday, August 12. From the 11. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind variable, with great gufts, and Rain: at Noon the Ockney Iflands bore Weft about 4 Leagues; the Ockney Ifles are low, fuch as we faw at the fame time we faw Fair Ifle, be- ing high Land, and about 6 Leagues off: we found the Tide of Flood to fet in very ſtrong between the Ockney and Fair Ifles, At 8 at Night came a fudden ſtrong guft, and put us under a Main-fail Reeft, at which time Catnefe bore by Judgment about 8 Leagues off, Weſt 1 of a North-East Paffage. 181 Weft by South; we tryed away South-eaft, the Wind at Weft-fouth-weft, a great Storm. Sunday, August 13. From laft Night 8 a Clock to this Day 4 in the Afternoon, a great Storm of Wind from the Weft by South to the Weft-north- weſt; we tryed away under a Main-fail Reeft, making her way good by Judgment South-eaſt 37. Miles. Lat. per Judgment 58 d. 16 m. depar- ture from Catnofe 47 Miles Eaft; faw many Pitterals about the Ship: at Night lefs Wind. Monday, August 14. From the 13. Noon to this Day Noon, a freſh Gale. Courſe per Compafs South; Lat. per a good Obfervation 56 d. 38 m. fair Weather. Tuesday, August 15. From the 14. Noon to this Day Noon, little Wind from the Weft-north-weſt. Courſe per Compafs. South; diftance failed by the Log 53 Miles; fair Weather: ar Noon the Wind came at South; we ftood in for the Land, fpake with two fishing Buffes under English Co- lours, but they were Dutch; at 6 at Night we got in with the Land, about 2 Leagues to the Northward of Tinmouth Castle; we tack'd and ftood off, the Wind at South. Wednesday, August 16. The Wind from the South to the South-fouth-eaft. At Noon Tin- mouth Caſtle South-weſt about 2 Leagues off; we ply to the Southward. Thursday, August 17. From the 16. Noon to this Day Noon, the Wind at Weft-fouth-weft. At Noon much Wind, we Reeft our Courſes, and ftand along the Shore to the Southward; at 2 a Clock Flambrough Head Weſt about 2 Miles. N 3 Friday, 1 182 A Voyage for the Discovery { Friday, August 18. The Wind at Weft-fouth- weſt. At Noon we anchored a League to the Northward of Cromer, the Tide being spent. Saturday, August 19. At 6 in the Morning Weighed with the Tide, and turned up Tarmouth Roads, anchored right againſt the Town; at 8 at Night Weighed and turned up above the Pier and anchored, the Tide being ſpent ; the Wind at South-weſt. Sunday, Auguſt 20. At 8 in the Morning Weighed with the Tide of Flood, and turned to Windward; at 4 in the Afternoon anchored with the Tide of Ebb in Southwole-Bay in 8 Fathom Water, the Church bearing North-north-weſt; Winds from the South-fouth-weft to the South- fouth-eaſt, a freſh Gale. Monday, Auguft 21. At 8 at Night Weighed with the Tide of Flood, and turned up into Al- brough Road, and anchored there: at 4 the next Morning Lieutenant Whitlock went ahore at Al- brough to take Horfe for London. At 9 in the Morning Weighed with the Tide of Flood, the Wind at Weft-fouth-weft, a freſh Gale, and turned up into the Sleeway, and an- chored there, about 5 in the Evening in 9 Fa- thom Water, the Naze Land bearing Weft by North. Tuesday, August 22. At 10 a Clock Weighed, the Wind at Weft-fouth weſt, and turned to Windward with the Flood. At 5 in the Morning anchored upon the Tide of Ebb, two Miles below the Middle ground. AF A of a North-East Paffage. 183 At Noon Weighed with the Flood, and turned to Windward, the Wind at Weft by South, at 6 anchored below the Shore. Wednesday, August 23. The Wind at Weſt-north- weft; at 4 in the Morning Weighed Anchor, and turned up a Mile above the Buoy of the Noar, and anchored upon the Ebb about 8 a Clock. At one a Clock Weighed Anchor, the Wind at Weft-north-weſt, we turned up the River, Now, N 4 + 185 { Now, after the JOURNAL, Ido intend to fhew my Conceptions of the Said Voyage, and a true Re- lation of our Mifcarriage; with Jome Obfervations made in the faid Voyage. T HE firſt was the following the Opini- on of William Barrans, that was to fteer directly North-eaft from the North Cape, and to fall in the mid- way betwixt Greenland and Nova Zembla: fo having made the Land to the Weſtward of the North Cape, the 19. Day of June, I ſteered a- way: North-eaft by Compass, which was not fo much by the true Courfe, becauſe of the variati- on that is there Wefterly; and the 22. Day at Noon we faw the main Body of Ice, being in the Lat. of 76d. and about 60 Leagues to the Eaſtward of Greenland. At the firſt feeing of Ice, I did imagin it had been the Ice that joyned to Greenland; and that if I went more Eafterly there might be a free Sea; fo I ran clofe by the Ice, it lying away Eaft-fouth-eaft, and Weft- north-weſt, and every League, or leſs, that we ran, I 1 186 A Voyage for the Diſcovery ran, we met with a Cape of Ice; fo when we were about that, we could fee no Ice to the Northward; fo ftanding in North-eaft, fometimes two Glaffes, that is one hour, we could fee more Ice a Head, and, then we were forced to go out the fame way we came in, and thus I continued Coaſting the Ice, fometimes with great hopes of a clear Sea, and then again difheartened by fee- ing more Ice; till at laft I had no hopes at all, which was when I faw the Land of Nova Zembla, and the Ice joyn to it. So here the Opinion of William Barrans was Confuted, and all the reſt of the Dutch Relations, which certainly are all forged abufive Pamphlets; as alfo the Relati- ons of our own Countrymen. But certainly, if Men did really confider the many individual dangers and mifchiefs that comes upon the broaching of fuch untruths, they would never do it; for I do now verily believe that if there be no Land to the Northward of the Lat. of 80 d: that the Sea that is there is all frozen, and always continueth fo; for I that could get no farther than 76 d. found it fo frozen without intermiffi- on; and ſome of the Ice that we faw, that was on the main Body of it, had been conveyed 10 Degrees more Southward, would have taken fome Centuries of Years to Thaw it: for the looſe Ice that lay about the Edges of the main Body, was not more than a Foot thick in fome pieces above the Superficies of the Water, and the reſt of the Cake that was funk, was more than 18 Foot below. So I conclude that thoſe vaſt Mountains that were on the main Body were all of a North-East Paffage. 187 { all on Shore, as of neceffity they muſt, if they hold the fame proportion; and confidering the ſhallowneſs of the Water, which I found all along the Ice, which in the mid-way between the two Lands, I found to be no more than 70 Fathom, was doubtless a fign that to the Northward is Land, and that the main Body of Ice that lyeth crufted about the Shore, may be 20 Leagues or more, and that Nova Zembla and Greenland are the fame Continent; for if there had been any Paffage, there would have been fome Current, which I could never, or very hardly find to be any, and the little that was run Eaſt-fouth-eaſt along the Ice, which is nothing elfe but a ſmall Tide which rifeth fome 8 Foot. Thus the Ice having been an obſtacle in our way, as alſo the cauſe of my coming fo far to the Eaſtward, which before I never intended. I will come to the misfortune that happened to us in the loſs of our Ship: which was thus, being amongſt the Ice the 29. Day of June in the Morning, we had like to have been incloſed in it: it proving likewife foggy Weather, I ftood out to the Southward, thinking to lye there till fairer Weather, or to ſpend ſome time to the Southward, and then come up to the Ice again, to fee if there might be any alteration in it as to its removal either Eaft, Weft, North, or South; but all this Day it proved foggy dirty Weather, the Wind being at Weft; fo we lay South-fouth- weft with the Stem, and by our Judgment and Reckoning, the Weftermoft Land of Nova Zem- bla bore from us Eaft-fouth-eaft, that was 4 Points 1 under 188 A Voyage for the Discovery under our Lee Bow. But fuch was our misfor- tune that it proved not fo, for about 10 of the Clock Captain Flames, being upon our Weather Quarter, fired a Gun and bore to me, and called out that there was Ice a Head; then I looking out a Head, faw fomething white juft under the Bow, which preſently I perceived to be a breath, and no Ice; now if I had ſtaied with the Ship, Captain Flames being to Windward, I fhould have been on Board of him, and then certainly we had been both loft, fo I was forced to bear up with hope that I might get clear of it; but the Ship being a great while wearing ftruck on the Rock, her Head lying to Seaward, which if it had not, but that the Broadfide had been to the Sea we had all perished without Gods great mercy: Captain Flames in the mean time (being a fhorter Ship) wore round, and came cloſe un- der our Stern, and with great Providence eſcaped, and ſtood off to Sea: here we lay beating on the Rock in moſt cruel manner for the space of 3 or 4 hours, ufing all poffible means to fave her, but all in vain, for it blew fo hard that it was impoffible to carry out an Anchor capable to do us any fervice, though we had an opportunity to carry a ſmall Anchor, and warp to hall another out by, which fignified but little: the Ship all this while lay, and at the end of 4 or 5 hours we faw Land clofe un- der our Stern, to the great amazement of us all, which before we could not fee for the foggy Weather; fo I commanded the Men to get out our Boats before our Maft came by the Board, which was done. I fent the Boatswain toward : the of a North-East Paffage. 189 the Shore in the Pinnace, to fee if there was any poffibility of landing, which I much feared, be- cauſe the Sea ran fo high. In half an hour he returned with this answer, that it was impoffible to fave a Man, the Sea ran fo high, and the Snow being in high Clifts on Shore was unacceffible, which was but bad tidings: fo then it was high time to think on the fafety of our Souls, and we went all together to Prayers, to befeech God to have Mercy on us, for now nothing but indi- vidual ruin appeared before our Eyes: after Prayers being done it proved a little clearer Weather; and I looking over the Stern faw a fmall Beach directly with the Stern of the Ship, where I thought might be fome poffibility of landing; fo I fent the Pinnace again with fome Men to be landed, but they durft not venture on Shore; fo I fent the Long-Boat with fome 20 Men to Land, who attempted it, and got Shore; fo they in the Pinnace feeing that, fol- lowed them and their Men likewife, and both returned on Board again : now the Men on the Shore fent to me defire fome Fire-Arms and Am- munition, for there was many Bears on Shore; fo I cauſed to be put into the Pinnace two Barrels of Powder that we had faved dry, before the Ship was belged, and ſome ſmall Arms, and fome Proviſion, with my own Papers, and Mony; but as ſhe put off from the Ship fide, a Sea over- fet her, fo that all was loft, with the life of one Man, by name John Bofman, being Coopers Mate, and feveral others taken up for dead; the Long-Boat being then on Shore to Land more fafe on Men, 190 A Voyage for the Discovery Men, and they hearing us call from aboard, (when as then we could not fee the Shore) they came on Board and faved the Men, but the Pin- nace was all broke to pieces, which was no ſmall grief to us; fo the Long-Boat being on Board, and the Sea running prodigious high, the Boat- fwain and ſome others would compel me and the Lieutenant to leave the Ship, faying that it was impoffible for the Boat to live any longer in that Sea, and that they had rather be drowned than I; but defiring me when I came on Shore (if it were poffible) to fend the Boat again for them: fo I being half way on Shore the Ship over-fet; ſo I made all the haft poffible to Land them Men I had in the Boat, and having landed them I went off to the Ship again to fave thoſe poor Men that had been fo kind to me before: fo with great hazard I got with the Boat to the Quarter of the Ship, and they came down the Ladder into the Boat, only one Man who was left for dead, which was one that had been caft away in the Pinnace, whofe name was Alexander Frazor, a very pretty Saylor. So I returned to the Shore and got fafe to Land, though very wet and cold; fo we hauled up the Boat on Shore, and went up the Land about a flight ſhoot, where our Men were making a Fire, and a Tent with Canvas and Oars, which we had faved for that purpoſe; fo we lay all that Night very cold, wet, and weary. The next Morning the Man that we left on Board recovered, and got unto the Mizen-Top; for that Maft we left ſtanding when we came away, the other we had cut all down. The of a North-East Paffage. 191 The Ship laboured and beat violently, but it blew fo hard, and the Sea ran ſo high that it was impoffible to fave him; fo the Weather con- tinuing blowing, with extreme Fogs, and with Froſt and Snow, and all the ill compacted Wea- ther that could be imagined together. We built more Tents to preſerve our felves, and the Ship breaking in pieces came all afhore to the fame place where we landed, which ferved for fhelter and Firing; befides there came to us fome Hogfheads of Flower, and Brandy good ftore, which was no little Comfort in our great Extre- mity. Here we lay betwixt hope and deſpair, hoping for fair Weather that Captain Flames might find us, which was impoffible that ever he fhould do if it continued foggy; and fome de- fpairing of his being fafe, but that he might be Loft as well as we. But fuppofing we never was to ſee him again, I was refolved to try the utmoſt to fave as many as I could in the Long-Boat; in order thereunto we raiſed her two Foot, and laid a Deck upon her to keep the Sea out as much as was poffible, and with this Boat and 30 Men (for the could carry no more) I intended to Row and Sail to Ruffia; but the Mennot being fatisfied who ſhould be the Men, began to be very un- ruly in their mind and behaviour; every one having as much feaſon to ſave himſelf as ano- ther, fome holding Confultation to ftave the Boat, and all to ran the like Fortune. But here Brandy was our beft Friend, for it kept them al- waies Fox'd, fo that in all their Deſigns I could prevent them; ſome were of the mind to go by Land, 192 A Voyage for the Discovery Land, but that I knew was impoffible to any Man; neither had we Provifions, nor Ammuni tion to defend us from the Wild Beaſts; and if it had been paffable, that is any going on the ground for Bogs, that they would have met with Rivers that they knew not whether to go: fo there be- ing no probability of going by Land, nor for any to attempt going in the Boat, without forty Men having been firft deftroyed. I will leave it to the confideration of any, whither we were not in a very miſerable condition without Divine Providence: to Write my thought I had at that time, to fave as many Men as I could, it is not pertinent at all to the Diſcourſe, fince it cannot but be imagined to be Tragical. The Weather continued till very bad with Fogs, Snow, Rain, and Froft, till the 9. Day of our being on Shore, which was the 8. Day of July, when in the Morn- ing it cleared up, and to our great joy, one of the Sailors cried out a Sail, which proved Cap- tain Flawes, as reaſonable may be imagined; fo we fet fire to our Town that he might fee where we was, which he preſently faw, fo came to us, and fent his Boat to us (but before I went off) I Writ a brief Relation of the intention of the Voyage, with the Accidents that had befallen us, and put it in a Glafs-Bottle, and left it in the Fortification I had there built. So by twelve a Clock we all got fafe on Board, but left all on Shore that we had faved from the Ship; for we much feared it ſhould prove foggy again. Now 1 193 1 Now I intend to give a brief defcri- ption of the Land, and the Obſer- vations I made there. N Ova Zembla, is fo called by the Ruffians, which fignifieth New Land in their Language; to prove it is either an Ifland, or whither it joyneth to the Continent of Tartaria, would be a very hard Task, nor is it certainly known to any; for by Circumſtances I think it impoffible to prove, and by Experience the fearch thereof is fo impoffible that it will hardly be tryed. But let it be either, I think the matter is not much, fince it is the moſt miſerable Country that lyeth on the Foundation of the Earth; a Coun- try moſt part of it covered perpetually with Snow, and that that is bare is not to be walked on, be- ing like Bogs, upon whofe Superficies grows a kind of Mofs, which beareth a ſmall blue and yellow Flower, and this is all the Product of the Earth of this Country. Under the fuperficies of this Earth, about two Foot deep, after we had dug fo low, we came to a firm Body of Ice; which, as I think, was never heard of before: fo thefe Men that did imagin, if they were forced to Winter to the Northward, would dig Caves in the Earth to preſerve themſelves from cold, would find here 194 A Voyage for the Discovery here but very bad Lodging. The Snow lieth here contrary to what it doth in any other Coun- try; for in all other Climates the Snow melteth fooneſt away near the Sea fide, but here the Sea beateth againſt the fnowy Clifts, which in fome places are as high as either of the Forelands in Kent: the Sea has wafhed underneath the Snow a prodigious way, and the Snow over hanging, moſt fearful to behold, and up from the Water fide, upon the firft Ridge of Hills, the Snow was melted till you come to the next Ridge, which are Mountains, and they all the way up are covered with Snow, which I believe hath lain there evere fince the Creation; but after we' had afcended this, which in fome places was al- moſt Perpendicular, we came to the top of all the Mountains, as we fuppofed, for we could not fee far; for we could hardly fee one the other the Fog was fo thick, and remained fo all the time we were in the Country; but on the top of thefe Hills we found it bare from Snow, and in- different good walking. The beft that I found in the Country were only Bears: I continued on the top of thoſe Hills fome two hours, and went as far as was convenient, that we might find the way back again. Here I found. the Track of many large Deer, alfo we found an Horn of Beam of Deer; befides Deer, there be abundance of large White Bears, and fome Foxes, and a little Creature much like a Coney, but not fo big as a Rat; and fome few little Birds like Larks, and thefe be all the Beafts or Fowls we found in the Country. Every quarter of a · بد Mile of North-East Paffage. 195 } ; Mile there runneth down from the Hills into the Sea a ſmall Rivulet of very good Water, which is melted from Snow. Upon the Hills we found abundance of Slate-ftone, which made it good walking; but at the Sea fide, where the Rivu- let came down, we found very good Black Marble, with White Veins in it. The Point where we loft our Ship I called Point Speedill: the high Hills I called King Charles's Snow Hills; and the next Point to the Southward, which is the Weſtermoft Point of Nova Zembla, I named James Foreland, and the Point to the Northward, Tork Point. Point Speedill lieth in the Lat. of 74 d. 30 m. North, and in the Longitude Eaft from the City of London 63 d. oom. The variation of the Compaſs is 13 d. Weft, and it is full Sea at South-weft Moon. The Tide rifeth 8 Foot, and fetteth directly upon the Shore, which is a certain fign that there is no Paffage to the Northward. The Sea Wa- ter, about the Ice and Land, is very falt, and much falter than any I ever tafted, and a great deal heavier, and I may certainly fay the cleareft in the World, for I could fee the ground very plain in 80 Fathom Water, which is 480 Foot, there being few Steeples fo high as that was deep, and I could fee the Shells at the bottom very plain. If the Voyage had fucceeded, I fhould, God willing, have given, a more full and nice account of all the Experiments I had, and ſhould have made, eſpecially thofe of the Magnet, which I forbare here to mention, becauſe I intended to Publish 196 AVoyage for the Discovery, &c. Publiſh them in a Treatife by themſelves: fo having with the Ship loft all my Papers, and with them all I had in the World befide; I moſt humbly beg Pardon that I have given no more Ample a Relation. A Collection of Curious Travels and Voy ages in two Tomes. The first containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolff's Itinerary into the Eaſtern Countries, as Syria, Palestine, or the Holy Land, Armenia, Mefopotamia, Affyria, Chaldea, &c. Tran- flated from the High Dutch by Nich. Staphorst. The ſecond in taking many parts of Greece, Afia Minor, Egypt, Arabia Felix, and Petræa, Ethiopia, the Red Sea, &c. From the Obfervations of Mon- fieur Belon, Mr. Vernon, Dr. Spon, Dr. Smith, Dr. Huntingdon, Mr. Greaves, Alpinus, Veflingius, Thevenot's Collections, and others. To which are added three Catalogues of fuch Trees, Shrubs, and Herbs as grow in the Levant. By John Ray, Fellow of the Royal Society. London. Octavo 1693. Printed for S. Smith and B. Walford, at the Prince's Arms in S. Pauls Church-Yard. The Voyage to Spitzbergen A [Place this Page 1 TABLE O F The Wind and Weather in the Voyage to SPITZBERGEN. 21E. Winds and rain Foggy and very cold Storms and rain Warm funshine and calm Foggs and wind Very fair and warm Wind, foggs, and cold Frost Sunshine all day and night The fame Stormy all day Day of Mon. April 1671. Wind. Weather. 15 N. E. 15N. 16E. 17E. Latitude. D.of M. Wind. Weather. Latitude. Gloomy, with ſunſhine IS/W. The fame 18 E. The fame ཤེ ཀ ཀ 56° 16 Foggs, with wind The fame 57. 17 S. 19 S.W. & by W. 58° 49' 18 59° 20S. W. & by S. 19 Stormy, with rain 61° 20 21S. W. The fame 62° 12' 22S. W Windy, cold, and rain 65° 22 23S. W. Cloudy 24S. W. 66. 14' Stormy and cloudy 23 25S. W. 26E. 28 N. E ward Stormy and ftormy Windy 30N. May IN. W. and funſhine by turns ༡ N.W.& by W. Cold fnow and mifty 4N. W. Snow, hail, and gloomy 5 N.W. & by N. 6N. W. 7 High winds at night,rainy, with 68° 49′ hail and fnow, the wind eaſt- 27 N. E. & by E. Very cold, with hail and ſnow, 29 N. E. & by N. Foggy all day Foggs, with rain and ſnow Very cold & windy, with fnow 2N.W.& by W. Cold winds 24 25S. E. 26 28 71° 3' 29 July 2 3 4 기 ​Windy 8N. W 9 N. W. 10 IIS. Moderately cold, and funfhine Snow, ftorms, hail and froſt Moderate Froft 8S. W. & by S. Cloudy and cold 9S.W. & by W. The fame 10N.W. & by W. Cold and high winds IIN.W. & by W. Stormy 12 Fair weather and calm Sunſhine and pretty warm Gloomy, and not cold Sunshine The fame The fame Snow and rain Windy Warm funfhine, and calm Stormy, with fnow and rain Gloomy funfhine 13 N. E. & by E. The fame 14N. E. & by E. Foggs all day Foggs, with cold wind Wind and fnow Gloomy funfhine and celd Fair weather and calm The fame Storms and fnow Rain all day Fogg all day Warm and funfhine The fame ISN. W. 16 17W. 70° 3' 18 12 N. 13 N. Stormy and very cold The fame 19 14 N. E. 20S. W. Fair and funfhine 15N. E. 16 N. 17N. E. & by N. Hard froft 75° 22' 21 75. 33. 22 Sunfhine, cold and windy 23 18 N. E. & by N. Calm weather 24 75° 35' 19N Gloomy, funfhine, and calm 20N. Calm and very cold 22S. 23 Sunshine 29 N. W. 77. 24. Storms, rain, and fnow Aug. N.W. 2 E. 3N. E. 4 S. E. & by E. Very foggy, and calm The fame 24/S. 25N. W. 26 W 27/5. 28 29S. 30S. E. June IN. W. Windy and cold Snow and funſhine by turns Calm Clear and windy Hard froft and cloudy Fair and calm Sunſhine 2N. E. & by N. Hard froſt and clear 3N. E. 4 N. 5/N. 6N. 7 8 ∞ a 9N. E. ION. 11 N. I 2 13 14 W t Snow and Stormy Snow and rain, and changeable Stormý with funſhine Foggy Fair and funfhine Foggs and fnow Cloudy Winds and fnow Sunshine and windy Cold and ftormy Windy and foggy Cold winds 25/S. W. 26 27 S. W. 30N. W. S. E. & by S. 6S. E. & by S. 7 8S. E. 9/S. E. IOS. W. II 12 S. W. N. 13 N. W. 14 N. W. ISN. W. Cloudy and cold,and night-fogs The fame Gloomy Very cold Fogs, and windy Storms, fogs, and rain Fogs and froft Gloomy, funſhine, and cold Cloudy and calm High wind,& ftormy,with rain Windy and gloomy The fame Dark, cloudy, and windy The fame, but lefs wind Rain, after noon fair Stormy, with rain Fair funfhine Winds, clouds, and funſhine 16N.W.& by N. Windy and gloomy 17N. W. Fair weather and warm 18 The fame 19 The fame (77° 20 The fame 21 The fame 66° 47′ P 2 H h m A b f h ། N- b a P x Tab: A.Tu ነ S 1 ! THE FIRST PART OF THE VOYAGE 1 INTO Spitzbergen and Greenland: CONTAINING The Paffages of the whole Voyage, toge- ther with fome Account of the Weather, from the 15th of April to the 21th of August, An. 1671. CHA P. I. Of the Voyage from the Elbe to Spitz- bergen. WⓇ E fet Sail the 15th of April, 1671. about noon from the Elbe.The Wind was North-eaft. At night, when we came by the Hilge land, it bore to North- weft. The name of the Ship was Jonas in the Whale, Peter Peterſon of Frifeland Maſter. B The 2 The firft Part of the Voyage } The 27th we had ftorms, hail and fnow, with very cold weather, the wind North-eaſt and by eaſt, we were in 71 degrees, and came to the Ice, and turned back again. The Iland of fohn Maien bore from us South-weſt and by weft, as near as we could gueſs within ten Miles. We might have feen the Inland plain enough, but the Air was haizy and full of fogs and fnow, fo that we could not fee far. About noon it blew a ftorm, whereupon we took down our Top-fails,and furling our Main- fail, drove with the Miffen-fail towards South- eaſt. The 29th it was foggy all day, the wind North east and by north, we came to the Ice, and failed from it again, as you may fee in the Plate A. The 30th, the firft Sunday after Eafter, was foggy, with rain and fnow, the wind at North, at night we came to the Ice, but failed from it again; the Sea was tempeftuous, and toffed our Ship very much. The 3d of May was cold, fnowy, with hail, and mifty Sun-fhine, the wind North-weſt and by weft, the Sun fet no more, we faw it as well by night as by day. The fourth we had ſnow, hail, and gloomy Sun-fhine, with cold weather, but not excef- five, the wind at North-west, the weather e- very day unconftant. Here we faw abundance of Seales, they jump'd out of the water before the Ship, and which was ftrange, they would ftand half out of the water, and as it were dance together. The sth in the forenoon it was moderately cold, and Sun-fhine, but toward noon darkiſh and cloudy, with fnow and great froft, the wind + into Spitzbergen and Greenland. 3 , wind North-weft and by North. We faw dai- ly many Ships, failing about the Ice, I obfer- ved that as they paffed by one another, they haled one another, crying Holla, and asked each other how many fish they had caught but they would not flick ſometimes to tell more then they had. When it was windy,that they could not hear one another, they waved their Hats, to fignifie the number caught. But when they have their full Fraight of Whales, they put up their great Flag as a fign thereof; then if any hath a Meffage to be fent, he delivers it to them, as you may fee in the Plate A by A. The 7th we had moderate froft, clouds and fnow with rain. In the evening we failed to the Ice, the wind was quite contrary to us, and the Ice too fmall, wherefore we failed from it. In the afternoon we faw Spitzbergen, the South point of the North-foreland, we fuppofed it the true Harbour. The Land appeared like a dark Cloud, full of white ſtreeks; we turned to the Weft again, that is, according to the Compaſs, which is alfo to be underſtood of the Ice and Harbour. The 9th was the fame weather, and cold as before, the Wind South-weft and by weſt. In the afternoon a Fin-fifh fwam by our Ship, which we took at firſt to be a Whale, before we faw the high fins of his tail, and came near to it. We had let down our Sloop from the Ship, but that labour was loft, for he was not worth taking. From the 25th of April to this day, we had not taken the Sun's altitude, we were then in 70 degrees and 3 minutes, and failed towards the North and the Ice. It may feem ftrange, that we ſo often failed to the Ice and from it B2 again The first Part of the Voyage ! again, but I fhall give you a reaſon for that hereafter. The 12th it was ftormy and exceffive cold, the wind North and we had the greateſt froſts in this Month of May. On the 14th the wind was North-weft, fine weather, with Sun fhine, we were within 75 degrees and 22 minutes. We told twenty Ships about us, the Sea was very even, and we hard- ly felt any wind, yet it was very cold. In this place the Sea becomes fimooth pre- fently again after a ftorm, chiefly when the wind blows from the Ice; but when it blows off the Sea, it always makes a great Sea. The fame day we faw a Whale not far off from our Ship, we put out four Boats from on board after him, but this labour was alfo in vain, for he run under water, and faw him no more. On the 19th we had a dull Sun-fhine, the wind was North, and it was fo calm that we could hardly feel it; we rowed in the Ship- boat to the Ice, and killed two Sea-hounds or Seales; there were fo many of them on the Ice that they could not be numbred. On the 20th it was exceeding cold, fo that the very Sea was all frozen over; yet it was fo calm and ftill, that we could hardly perceive the wind, which was North; there were nine Ships in our Company which failed about the Ice; we found ftill the longer we failed the bigger the Ice. On the 21th (which was the fourth Sunday after Eafter) we failed into the Ice in the fore- noon, with another Hamburger-fhip, called the Lepeler, with 8 Hollanders. We fixed our Ship with Ice-hooks to a large Ice-field, when the Sun was South-weft and by fouth; we num- bred ! # a a Him b Tab:1 * F into Spitzbergen and Greenland. } numbred 30 Ships in the Sea; they lay as it ༣༠ were in an Harbour or Haven (as you may fee Plate A at B.) Thus they venture their Ships in the Ice with great hazzard. On the 30th it was fair weather in the morn- ing, fnowy about noon, the wind was South- weſt and very calm. We rowed in the great Sloop, before the Ship, farther into the Ice. In the morning we heard a Whale blow, when the Sun was in the Eaft, and brought the Whale to the Ship, when the Sun was at South-weft and by eaft; the fame day we cut the Fat from it, and filled with it 70 Barrels (which they call Kardels.) By this fifh we found abundance of Birds, moſt of them were Mallemucks, (that is to fay fooliſh Gnats) which were fo greedy of their food, that we kill'd them with flicks. This fifh was found out by the Birds, for we faw every where by them in the Sea where the Whale had been, for he was wounded by an Harping-Iron that ſtuck ſtill in his fleſh,and he had alfo fpent himfelf with hard fwimming; he blowed alſo very hollow, he ftank alive, and the birds fed upon him. This Whale fermented when it was dead, and the fteam that came from it inflamed our eyes, and made them fore. See Tab. A at a. This fame night Cornelius Seaman iloft his Ship by the ſqueezing and crushing together of the Ice, for in this place are very great Sheets or Iflands of Ice, and the Seamen call it Weft-Ice,be- caufe it lieth towards the Weft, as you may fee in the Plate B marked with b. > On the 2d of June we had a fevere froft in the forenoon, and in the night we faw the Moon very pale, as it ufed to look in the day time in our Country, with clear Sun-fhine B 3 where 6 The first Part of the Voyage whereupon followed mift and fnow, the wind North-eaft and by north. " In the morning, June the 4th, we were a hunting again after a Whale and we came fo near unto one, that the Harponier was juft a going to fling his Harpoon into her, but ſhe funk down behind, and held her head out of the water, and fo funk down like a ftone (as is to be ſeen by d on the cut A) and we ſaw her no more; it was very like that the great Ice-field was full of holes in the middle, fo that the Whale could fetch breath underneath the Ice. A great many more Ships lay about this fheet of Ice, one hunted the Whales to the other, and fo they were frighted, and became very thy. So one gets as many fifhes as the o- ther, and fometimes they all get one. We were there feveral times a hunting that very day,and yet we got never a one. On the 8th it was foggy,and fnowed all day; we faw that day very many (Sea-dogs or) Seales on the Ice about the Sea-fide, fo we fet out a Boat and killed 15 of them., On the 12th it was cold and ftormy all day, at night Sun-fhine; he that takes not exact no- tice, knows no difference whether it by day or night. On the 13th in the afternoon it was windy and foggy, we were in 77 degrees; we failed along by the Ice fomewhat eafterly towards Spitzbergen, as is to be feen in the Čut A at e. That night we faw more then 20 Whales that run one after another towards the Ice; out of them we got our fecond fifh, which was a male one; and this fifh, when they wounded hini with Lances, bled very much, fo that the Sea was tinged by it where he fwam:we brought } him ! into Spitzbergen and Greenland. 7 . him to the Ship when the Sun was in the North: for the Sun is the Clock to the Seamen in Spitzbergen, for elfe they would live without order, and miſtake in the ufual feven weekly days. On the 14th it was cold and windy,the night foggy, the wind blew Welt, that day we came to Hans Lichtenberg. We arrived at Spitzbergen, June the 14th. Firſt we came to the Foreland thereof, then to the feven Ice-bills or Mountains, then we paffed the Harbour or Bay of the Hamburgers, Mag- dalens, English men and Danes, and failed into the South-bay we were followed by 7 Ships, 3 Hamburgers and 4 Hollanders, as is to be feen by a in the Plate C. For here it is juft the fame, as when they will fail into the Ice, if more then one is there, for no body cares to be the firſt, becauſe they do not know in what condition the Harbour or the Ice is within. In our Voyage thither we faw no Ice at all, un- til we came to Spitzbergen, for the wind had blown it all away; in the night we did cut off the fat of the fish, and filled with it 65 Kardels or Veſſels.- That night we failed with three Boats into the English Harbour or Bay, and faw a Whale, and flung into him three Harpoons, and threw our Lances into him; the Whale run under- neath the fmall Ice, and remained a great while under water before he came up again, and then ran but a very little way before he came up a- gain; and this he repeated very often, fo that we were forced to wait on him above half an hour, before he came from underneath the Ice. The Harpoons broke out at length, and we loft him. On the Ice we faw two great Sea-borfes B 4 or 8 The first Part of the Voyage or Morfes, that were got upon the fheet of Ice, through a hole that was in it, and were afleep; we cut off their return by covering the hole with a piece of Ice; then we awaken'd them with our Lances, and they began to defend themſelves for a while before they were killed. We faw alfo many White-fish. On the 22th we had very fair weather, and pretty warm; we were by Rehenfelt (Deersfeild) where the Ice ftood firm: we faw fix Whales, and got one of them that was a male, and our third fifh; he was killd at night when the Sun ftood weftward: this fifh was kill'd by one man, who flung the Harpoon into him; and kill'd him alfo, while the other Boats were bu- fie in purfuing or hunting after another Whale. This fifh run to the Ice, and before he died, beat about him with his tail; the Ice fetled a- bout him fo that the other Boats could not come to this Boat to affift him, till the Ice fe- parated again, that they might row, when they tied one Boat behind the other, and fo towed the Whale to the great Ship,where they cut him up into the Veffels, and filled with him 45 Bar- rels. This night the Sun fhined very bright- ly. On the 29th we had fair weather, Sun-fhine and calm. On the fame day we failed before the wide Harbour or Bay, where we found a great quantity of the fat of a Whale, three Vef- fels full, together with the Image of St. Nicho- las, which stood behind a Ship that was loft, diving in the Sea. There was alfo here and there ſtill much Içe. On the ift of July about noon, two Whale came near to our Ship; we faw that they had a mind to couple together; we fet our Boat } for into Spitzbergen and Greenland. for them, and the Harpoonier hit the female, which when the other found, he did not ftay at all, but made away. The female run all along above the water ftraight forward,beating about with her tail and fins, fo that we durft not come near to lance her; yet one of our Harpooniers was fo fool hardy to venture too near to the fish,which faluted him with a ſtroak of her tail over his back fo vehemently, that he had much ado to recover his breath again. Thoſe in the other Boat, to fhew their valour alſo, haften'd to the fish, which overturned their Boat, fo that the Harpoonier was forced to dive for it, and hide his head underneath the water; the reft did the fame; they thought it very long before they came out, for it was cold, fo that they came quaking to the Ship again. In the fame morning a Whale appear'd near our Ship before the wide Harbour, we put out four Boats from our Ship after him, but two Holland Ships were about half a League from us, one of them fent out a Boat towards us; we ufed great diligence and care to take him, but the fish came up juft before the Dutchman's Boat, and was ftruck by him with a Harpoon. Thus he took the bread out of our mouths. On the 2d of July we had Sun-fhine ail day and night long, and it was pretty warm with- al; about midnight we went a hunting, and caught the fifth fifh, who was a male; we cut the fat off, and flung it into the Forecaſtle. This is done when they are very bufie in Whale catching, that they may not lofe time, then they cut great pieces off of the Whale, that they may have done the fooner, for it doth not harm the fat if it should lie fo for feveral days; nay, fome reckon it to be the better for 10 The first part of the Voyage ! for it, but that cannot be, for the fat runs away from it. On the 4th we had Sun-fhine all day and night. We ſtill were Whale-hunting, and that night we got the fixth fifh, a male alfo, he held 49 Kardels of fat. On the 3d and 4th day of July we faw more Whales than we did in all our Voyage. On the 5th of July in the forenoon it was bright Sun-fhine, and pretty warm, in the af ternoon it was foggy, at night Sun-fhine again, which lafted all the night. We hunted all that day long, and in the morning we ftruck a Whale before the Weigatt; this fifh run round about under the water, and fo faftned the Line whereon our Harpoon was about a Rock, fo that the Harpoon loft its hold, and that fish got away. This Whale did blow the water fo fierce- ly, that one might hear it at a Leagues di- itance. The fame day about noon, the wind fouth, and Sun-fhine, we got the feventh fiſh, which was a female, and had 45 Kardels of fat; this we cut alfo into the Hold, and fo we failed from Weigatt, a little toward the weft before the Mufcle-Harbour, where we dropped our An- chor; we were employed with cutting the great pieces of fat into leffer pieces, to fill our Kardels with them: in the mean while the wind turned to North-weft and weft, and the fingle Anchor was dragg'd by the Ship, fo we dropped another, and would have weigh'd up the former, but our Cable broke, the Anchor being faftned to a Rock." On the 6th we had the fame weather, and warm un-fhine all night. Hard by us rode a Hol 'S and the Ships crew bufie in cutting the into Spitzbergen and Greenland. II the fat of a Whale, when the fiſh burft with fo great a bounce, as if a Canon had been dif charged, and befpattered the Workmen all o- ver. On the 8th the wind turned North-weft, with fnow and rain. We were forced to leave one of our Anchors, and thank'd God for get- ting off from Land, for the Ice came on fierce- ly upon us; at night the wind was laid, and it was colder, although the Sun fhined. On the 9th we got another male Whale, be- ing the eighth, which was yellow underneath the head; we filled with him 54 Kardels with fat; the Sun fhined all night. On the 12th we had gloomy Sun-fhine all day. At night we failed with three Boats into the Ice before the Weigatt, and got three white Bears, an old one with two young ones, they fwam in the water like fifh. On the Ice lay abundance of Sea-borfes, and the further we came into the Ice there were the more of them, we rowed up to them, and when we came near to them we killed ten of them, the reft came all about our Boat,and beat holes through the fides of the Boat, fo that we took in a- bundance of water, we were forced at length to row away from them becauſe of their great number, for they gathered themſelves more and more together; they purfued us as long as we could fee them, very furiouſly. Afterwards we met with another very great one who lay in the water faft afleep, but when he felt our Harpoon within him he was very much fright- ned, and ran away before the Boat again,where he was foon eaſed of his fright by our Lances. We faw but very few Whales more, and thofe we did fee were quite wild, that we could not come } £ 2 The first Part of the Voyage come near them. That night it was fo dark and foggy, that we could hardly fee the Ships length; we might have got Sea-borfes enough, but we were afraid of loofing our Ships, for we had examples enough of them that had loft their Ships, and could not come to them a gain, but have been forced to return home in other Ships. When after this manner any have loft their Ships, and cannot be feen, they diſcharge a Cannon from the Ship, or found the Trumpets, or Haut-boys, according as they are provided in their Ships, that the men that are loft may find their Ship again. On the 13th we had cloudy Sun-fhine, the wind towards night turned to North-east and by caft. The Ice came a floating down apace, we failed from the South-eaft Land to the weft, and we could but juft get through by the North fide from the Bear Harbour or Bay. We failed on to the Rebenfelt (or Deer-field) where the Ice was already fixed to the Land, fo that we could but juft get through; we failed further to the Fogelfanck (Birds-fong) as you may fee by in the Plate D. Then we turned toward the Eaft with a North-eaft wind, in company with twelve Ships more, to fee whether there were any more Whales left, with George and Cornelius Mangelfen, and Michael Appel, who fail ed in four fathoms water, and touched upon the wreck of a Ship that was loft there. On the 14th in the morning we failed ftill amongst the Ice, the wind being North-eaft and by eaft; we had a fogg all that day, with Sun-fhine, with a Rainbow of two colours white and pale yellow, and it was very cold, and we faw the Sun a great deal lower. 点 ​On into Spitzbergen and Greenland. 13 C On the 15th it was windy, cold, and foggy the whole day; the wind turned North-welt, and the Ice came on in abundance, fo that we could hardly fail, for it was every where full of ſmall ſheets of Ice. At this time there were many fhips befet with Ice, in the Deer or Muſcle-Bay. We failed all along near the fhoar, and at night we entred the South-Harbour (marked with in the Cut D) where 28 Ships lay at Anchor, 8 whereof were Hamburgers, the reſt Dutchmen. From that time, when we failed out of the South-baven, we kept always within fight of the Land, and faw it always, except it was foggy; and fo long the Skippers ftay by the Ice, to fee whether there is any more Whales to be had. That night we fetched water from the Land, near the Cookery of Har- lingen, out of a hole, marked by b in the Plate C. On the 16th in the morning we ſaw the Moon, and afterwards it was windy, with a- bundance of fnow. On the 18th we had fair weather, with Sun- ſhine, and we were alſo becalmed that we could not fail, wherefore we towed with a Boat into the Danish Harbour, to gather fome Herbs from the Rocks. In the South-Haven rode 30 Ships at Anchor. On the 19th we had warm Sun-fhine and fair weather, but in the night ſtormy and rain. On the 20th ſtorms, rain, and a great deal of fnow, the wind South-weſt. On the 21th rain all day long. CHAP. } 14 The first part of the Voyage CHAP. II Of our home Voyage from Spitzbergen to the Elbe. O N the 22th day of July in the morn- ing, when the Sun was North-eaft, we waied our Anchors, and failed out of the South-Haven: we had a fogg all day long, and Sun-fhine at night; in the night we faw abundance of Fin-fishes. On the 24th it was fo warm with Sun-fhine that the Tarr wherewith the Ship was daubed over melted; we drove, it being calm, before the Haven or Bay of Magdalen. On the 25th it was cloudy, and Sun-fhine but cold withal; at night we came to the Fore- lands; the night was foggy, the wind South- weſt. On the 26th we had the very fame wea- ther all day, the Sun was very low in the night. , On the 28th we turned from the fide of the North-Foreland towards the weft, when the Sun was South-eaft ; and we did fail South- weft and by west towards the Sea; then we changed our Courfe fouthwards, and ftood South-east. On the 29th, 30th, and 31th we failed South-eaſt and by fouth all along by the Land, the fouth fide of the Foreland was 8 Leagues from us, bearing North-eaft, then we failed South-weft and by fouth, it was very cold with a into Spitzbergen and Greenland. 15. a North-west wind. We faw daily abundance of Fin-fifhes, but no more Whales. On the 9th of Auguft it was windy all day, with a gloomy Sun-fhine in the forenoon; it cleared up towards noon; the wind was South- eaft, when we took the Meridian heighth of the Sun, and were at 66 degrees 47 minutes; we failed South-weftward all along the Nor- thern fhoar of the Country. On the 13th, being Sunday in the morning, the wind was North-weft, ftormy, with rain and weft winds. In the night we had very clear Moon and Star-light. In the morning we ſaw the northern part of Hitland, we failed fouthward; after the rain we ſaw Fair Ifle, and failed in betwixt Hitland and Fair-Ifle,firft South- weft, and afterwards South-weft and by fouth, and then fouthward. ( On the 20th it was fair weather, warm Sun-fhine, and fomewhat windy. When the ſomewhat_windy. day began to appear we faw Hilgeland, South- eaftward of us, when we failed South-eaft; there we took in a Pilot, on purpoſe chofen by the Magiftrates of Hamburg. On the 29th it was fair weather, and warm Sun-fhine all day; we failed before the Elbe, and lay at Anchor by the firſt Buoy (called the Red-Buoy) in the afternoon we weighed our Anchor, and failed to Kucks-Haven; in the night we had thunder, and lightning, and rain. The End of the first Part. THE 16 THE SECOND PART OF THE VOYAGE то SPITZBERGEN: CONTAINING The Deſcription of Spitzbergen. СНАР. I. Of the External Face and Appearance of Spitzbergen. T IIE lowermoft parts of thefe Coun- tries that are called Spitzbergen, from the fharp and pointed Hills or Moun- tains, (for Spitz is pointed) are fituated under 76 degrees and 30 minutes. We failed to the 81th deg. and no Ship ventured farther that year; а " w. Ww? Tab: C. Pa to Spitzbergen. 17 year; but how far this Country is extended to the North, is ftill unknown. It feemeth, becauſe the Ice ftands firm, and floats not, as that in the Sea doth, that there fhould be land not far behind it. As the higheſt Countries are furrounded with Mountains, as a Fortification is with Walls and Works, fo are thefe Countries naturally fur- rounded with high Hills. The inward Condition of this Country we do not know, but it feemeth, fince we fee one Hill behind another, that it is fo throughout the whole Country. At the Muscle-Haven, or Muscle-Bay, we find plainer and leveller Ground; and the farther we fail toward the Eaft, the Ground groweth the lower, yet it is all ftony, and with pro- ſpects of ſmaller Hills; it doth not look at all as if it could be inhabited by Men. I believe alſo that the Land there muft of neceffity be lower and lower; for elfe we fhould fee it higher above the other, as we do the other Mountains. Concerning the Beafts that live on this Land, I believe they come over the Ice in the Spring, when the Ice ſtands firm, into thefe Countries, and that the fame way they go away from thence again, when the long nights begin. Concerning the Birds, we have partly a good account of them, their places and food is known, as I fhall mention when I come to write of them. When on the 18th of June, on a Sunday in the forenoon, we firft came to the Foreland of Spitzbergen; the foot of theſe Mountains look- ed like fire, and the tops of them were cover- with foggs; the fnow was marbel'd, and look'd C as } 18 The fecond Part of the Voyage as if it were boughs or branches of Trees, and gave as bright and glorious a fhining or glofs to the Air or Skies, as if the Sun had fhin'd. When the Mountains look thus fiery, a hard ftorm generally enfùes. Thele Countries are in the Winter encom- paffed with Ice from divers places, according as the winds blow; as if it be Eaft from Nova Zembla, if North-weft from Greenland, and the Ifland of John Mayen: it alfo happeneth fome- times that the Land is begirt with Ice in the Summer, as they have often feen,that go thither every year. But when the Ice comes floating on too hard, or in too great a quantity, then the Ships make to the Harbours, Havens, Bays or Ri- vers, as they call them, that run up into the Country; the wind ufeth to receive us fome- thing unkindly, when we fail into them, roar- ing over the dry Hills with fmall Whirl-winds. The water in thefe Rivers is falt. We meet here with no freſh Streams or Ri- volets; nor did I ever fee a Spring there. Of fome Rivers we know their beginning, of others it cannot be found out, becauſe of the danger of the Ice, which they are never free from; fome becauſe of the hidden Rocks underneath the water, which are difcovered by the vehement breaking of the Sea, or by great quantity of white foam. The Names of the Havens you find all in order one after another in the Map of Spitz- bergen, as far as we have been. Thefe Havens they reckon to be the ſafeſt, viz. the Safe-Harbour, and the South and North- Bay, which are the moſt known of any in Spitzbergen. The to Spitzbergen. 19 • The other Havens, of what names foever, we commonly fail by, becauſe they lye open to the Sea. Others we paſs by becauſe of the conſtant Ice that is in them, and the hidden Rocks. In the South or North-Haven or Bay,ride com- monly the moſt Ships; I told feveral times ten, twenty, nay thirty Ships, that lay at Anchor, as you may fee in the Plates C and D, marked with c and d. Concerning the Birds, we fee abundance more of them by and on the Land, then a- mong the Ice, chiefly when they hatch their Eggs; we do not find they make their Neft up with far-fetcht things, neither do they gather any thing for them from Norway, Schetland, or the like. The Seeds of feveral Herbs might grow in Spitzbergen, but the Herbs nature hath beftow- ed on thofe Countries are fuch as are fit for the Diſeaſes and Diftempers that are common there. We faw abundance of Sea-borfes by Spitz- bergen, on the low Land, and upon the Ice; but we ſaw but very few Seales on the Ice there about. The Country (as is aforefaid) is ftony, and quite throughout it are high Mountains and Rocks. Below, at the feet of the Mountains, ftand the Hills of Ice very high, and reach to the tops of the Mountains; the Cliffs are filled up with Snow; wherefore thefe Snow-Mountains fhow very ftrange to thofe that never faw them before, they appear like dry Trees with Bran- ches and Twigs, and when the Snow falleth upon them they get Leaves as it were, which C 2 foon 10 The Second Part of the Voyage foon after melt, and others come in the room of them. There are ſeven large Ice-Mountains in a Line in theſe Countries, that lye between the high Rocks, which look of a glorious blew co- lour, as alfo is the Ice, with a great many cracks and Holes in them; they are hollowed out, melted away, and cut in Groves by the rain and fnow-water that runs down; they are increaſed greatly by the Snow, as the other Ice that ſwimmeth in the Sea is alfo: they are aug- mented likewife by the melted Snow from the Rocks, and from the Rain that falls on them. Theſe feven Mountains of Ice are eſteemed to be the higheſt in the Country; indeed they fhewed very high as we failed by them, under- neath the Snow look'd dark from the fhades of the Skies, which fhewed very neat and cu- rious, with the blew cracks where the Ice was broken off. About the middle of the Mountains fome foggy Clouds hovered over; above theſe the Snow was very bright. The true Rocks look't fiery, and the Sun fhin'd pale upon them, the Snow giving the Air a bright reflection. They were covered with Clouds, fo that you could fcarce fee the tops of them. Some of thefe Rocks are but one ftone from the bottom to the top, appearing like an old decayed Wall; they fmell very fweet, as the green Fields do in our Country in the Spring when it rains. See cc in the Plate C. The ſtones for the moſt part are vein'd dif- ferently, like Marble, with red, white, and yellow at the alteration of the weather the ftones fweat, and by that means the Snow is ftained to Spitzbergen. 21 ftained or coloured; and alſo if it raineth much, the water runs down by the Rocks, and from thence the Snow is tinged red. On the foot of the Mountains, where no mounts of Ice ftand, lye great loofe Rocks, as they chance to be fall'n one upon the other, with Caves and Holes, fo that it is very ticklish walking upon them; both great and fmall Stones or Rocks are mixt together: theſe ftones are of a grey colour, or grey with black veins, they glifter like Silver-oar. Moft of the Rocks that are at the bottom of the Mounts are like the Pebles we pave our Streets withal. On theſe Rocks grow all forts of Herbs, Graves, and Mofs very plentifully; they grow up in the two Months of June and July, from the feed to bear feed again. Look f in the Plate C. The Herbs grow thickeft where the water runs or falls down from the Hills, (and alfo where they are defended from the North and Eaft winds) from whence always fome Duft or Mofs is carried down with it, which after a long time becomes Earth (yet it is rather dung than a true earth) and the Birds do con- tribute by their dung towards it. Thefe Mountains feem as if they were Earth at top by reafon of the height, but when you are at the top of them, they are Rock as well at the top as the bottom, which we alſo fee, when great pieces of them fall down. If ftones are flung down from thefe Mountains,it founds as if it thundred with an Echo and Rattling in the Valleys, as if very great pieces were thrown off from the top of them. The Mountains alfo are full of cracks wherein the Birds make their Nefts; they all fly down from the Mountains to feek their food in the C 3 water; 22 The fecond Part of the Voyage water; fome eat the Carrion of Fiſhes, others eat fmall Fishes and Shrimps, as I fhall fay, when I treat of the Birds. There are alfo White-Bears, Deer and Foxes in theſe Countries. The Bear liveth upon dead Whales or dead Men; the Fox feeds upon Birds and their Eggs; and the Deer eat the Herbs. One may conjecture at the height of thefe Mountains by this, when the Skies are not very clear, the Mountains ſtand,to about the middle, in the Clouds; fome of them look as if they were a coming down every moment, as in the Plate D at f. The reaſon why the lowermoft Hills do not feem fo high,is becauſe fo very great ones ftand near them. A Ship with its Mafts and Rig- ging, is no more to be compared with thefe Mountains, than a fmall Houſe with a high Steeple. The Miles ſeem alfo to be very fhort, but when you go to walk them upon the Land, you find it quite another thing, and you will foon be tired; and alſo becauſe of the rough- nefs and ſharpneſs of the Rocks, and for want of a Path, you will foon get warm be it ne- ver fo cold: a new pair of Shoes will not laft one long here. We went in the night, when it was a very clear Sun-fhine, upon one of the Rocks near the English Haven, about a Mile long, to look after a Whale that had got away from us; in the middle of this Harbour others were a row- ing in their Long-Boats, which we could hard- ly difcern: a great part fell down from one of thefe Mountains, which founded very loud. The Mountains look'd black,ftrip'd with veins of Snow. It was fo calm that we could hardly perceive any breeze of wind, and not very cold. 2 : a Tab. D. pag. to Spitzbergen. 23% cold. The fhoar was very full of Sea-horses, which roared ſo that we could hear them a great way off, as if fome Bulls had bellowed. In the Country we travel thus; We take along with us two or more Guns and Lances, to refift the Highway-men the Bears, but one is foon tired, as I faid before, becauſe of the ftones and the loofe Ice, whereon it is very troubleſome to walk. As many as I have feen of thefe Mountains are fituated thus; The higheft are from the Foreland to the Mufcle-Haven (or Muſcle Bay :) after the Foreland follow the feven Ice Mounts, which are very high Mountains; and they are called fo from the Ice-Hills that fill up the Val- leys, or lye between the Rocks. Theſe moun- tainous Rocks are not fo fharp or pointed at the top as the two foremoſt Rocks at the Haven of Magdalen are. Then cometh the Haven of the Hamburgers, Magdalen, the English and Danish Harbour, and at laft the South-Haven. At the Magdalen-Haven the Rocks lye in a round or femi-circle, at each fide by one ano- ther, ftand two high Mountains that are hol- low within, as if they were dug out: after the fashion of a Breaſt-work, with points and cracks at the top, like Battlements; at the bot- tom within the Hill, ftands a Snow-hill that doth reach to the very top of the Mountain, like a Tree with branches and twigs; the other Rocks look rudely. In this South. Haven the Ships ride at Anchor between high Mountains; on the left as we fail into it, is a Hill called the Beehive in the Cut C and D, marked with g; called fo from its refemblance of a Beehive: clofe to it lieth a large and high Mount, called the Devils Huck, C 4 com- 24 The Second Part of the Voyage 1 commonly covered with a fogg,and if the wind bloweth over it, it darkneth the Haven, and fecmeth as if it fmoaked, filling the Haven therewith; on the top thereof are three fmall white Hills covered with Snow, in the Cut C and D, marked with b; two of them ftand near to one another. In the middle of this Harbour is an Iſland in the Cut C marked with, which is called the Dead-man's Island becauſe they bury the dead men there after this manner; They are put into a Coffin, and co- vered with a heap of large ftones, and not- withstanding all this, they are fometimes eaten by the white Bears. 3 I have feen no other fort of Ground but great ftones at Spitzbergen, fo that the froſt can- not penetrate far into fuch Ground. I admi- red that the Snow was at that time all melted away, and in the Cliffs between the great Rocks was no more Snow to be feen, although the holes were very deep. I fancy that abun- dance of rain had fallen in the Spring,and that the weather had been tolerable, or elſe we muſt have feen more Snow there. There are alfo more finall Iſlands here and there in this Harbour, that have no particular names, but are called Birds Islands, becauſe we gather thereupon the Eggs of Mountain Ducks and Kirmeums. Then you come to Schmeremburg, fo named from Schmer, which fignifieth greafe; there are ſtill Houſes ſtanding, formerly built by the Dutch, where they ufed to boil their Train-Oil. Some Dutchmen once attempted to ftay there all the Winter, but they all perifht: in the Cut C it is marked with k It ! to Spitzbergen 25 It is obfervable that a dead Carkafe doth not eafily rot or confume; for it has been found, that a man buried ten years before, ftill re- mained in his perfect shape and drefs; and they could fee by the Crofs that was ftuck upon his Grave, how long he had been buried. Theſe Houſes are now from year to year deſtroyed and burnt. This year were yet ſtanding feveral Houſes, like a little Village, fome whereof were then burnt. Over-againſt Schmerenburg were alſo ſeveral Houſes ftanding, and a Kettle or Boyler; they call that place the Cookery of Harlem. This year four Houſes remained, whereof two were Ware-houſes, in the others they dwelt. They are built after this fashion,not very large; there is a Stove before with a Ceiling at top, and behind a Chamber taking in the whole breadth of the Houſe: the Ware houfes are fomething larger; therein were ftill feveral Barrels or Kardels that were quite decayed, the Ice ftand- ing in the fame fhape the Veffels had been of. An Anvile, Smith's Tongs, and other Tools. belonging to the Cookery, were frozen up in the Ice. The Kettle was ftill ftanding as it was fet, and the wooden Troughs ftood by it. From thence you may go to the English Haven; on the other fide is the place where the dead are buried; this is fomething even, like earth, but it is levelled on purpofe. Behind theſe Houſes are high Mountains; if one climbeth upon thefe, as we do on others, and doth not mark every ſtep with Chalk, one doth not know how to get down again. When you go up, you think it to be very eafie to be done but when you are to defcend, it is very difficult ; and 26 The fecond Part of the Voyage and dangerous, fo that many have fallen and loft their lives. The River there is called the South Harbour, or Bay; and if the Ships fuffer any damage at Sea, they refit there. At the entry into the South Harbour, in the Valley between the Mountains, is collected great quantities of fresh Water from the Snow and Rain, upon the fhoar ftand abundance of Kardels or Barrels; we ufed this Water for our Victuals, and other occafions: it is alfo found in the Clifts of the Icy-hills on fhoar; but true Springs out of the Ground I never faw in Spitz- bergen. The fhoar there is not very high, but the water is deep, there was no Ice at all to be feen in it, from whence I conclude that it had not been a fevere Winter; for it is impoffible that the Ice could have been melted in fo fhort a time, not only here, but alſo in the English Ha- ven or Bay, where the Ice ftood firm ftill, and hardly lay above half a Fathom under wa- ter. The Ice doth melt much fooner in Salt- water than in freſh River-water, but yet it is impoffible that fo thick Ice could have melted in fo fhort a time. We faw alfo that the Snow melted on the tops of the high Rocks, and the water ran down, although it was there much colder then below; yet above and below it melted alike differently from what I obferved fince in Spain in the Month of December 1672. the wind being North-weft, when the Rain fell below about a quarter of a League, yet above it the Mountains were all covered with Snow, all in the freight Line, one not higher than the other, as if they had been levell'd. 1 In to Spitzbergen. 27 In the Northern Haven or Bay, lyeth a very large Mountain, flat at top ;/this Inland is cal- led the Birds Song, from the great number of them that build and hatch there; for when they fly up, they make fo great a noife, that one can hardly hear his own words: This is marked with b in the Cut D. Befide theſe there are more lands named in the Map, as the Clifted Rock, and fuch other. The Rebenfeld is a low Land, and it is cal- led fo from the Deer commonly feen there. I was informed that it is all Slats, that ſtand up edgewife, fo that it is very troubleſome to go on, it is all over-grown with Mofs. There is a Hill upon it that looketh like fire. Behind the Rebenfeld are high Mountains again, they are not pointed at top, they lye as it were in a Line; by the Rehenfeld runs up a River into the Country, and is called the Halfmoon-Bay, from its fhape. On the other fide of the River is a Mountain, flat at the top, and full of cracks all filled up with Snow.Then cometh the Liefde-Bay (Bay of Love) where two Hills ftand together very like unto Spitzbergen at Magdalens Bay, and thoſe two Harbours are very much like one another. Then we come to lower Ground behind the Mufcle Harbour, where the Grafs was fo high, that it covered our ankles, as far as we went. Next is the Weibgatt, or the Straights of Hindelo- pen. The Weibg att is called fo from the Winds,(for weiben fignifieth blowing) becauſe a very ftrong South-wind bloweth out of it. On the Bear- Haven, upon the Land, are all red ftones. Behind the Weibgatt followeth the South-west Land, which is alfo low; it feemeth as if it was adorned with finall Hills: then follow the feven Ilands which we could fee. We 28 The fecond Part of the Voyage We faw no Ships go any farther, neither could I underftand that ever any Ships did go farther, nor can they go fo far every year to- wards the Eaſt, becaufe of the danger of the Ice that ſwimmeth, and is brought from thence by the wind and ſtream. In May and June is the beſt fiſhing in the Ice between the land of John Mayen and Spitz- bergen. In July and August the Whales run Eaſtward by Spitzbergen, we faw at the latter end many Whales that run to the Weigatt. It is unknown whether the Haven of this Wei- gatt goeth through the Country, or no. But this is not that Weigatt whereof ſo many things are written. More I do not know of this Country. Rocks and Snow and Ice-hills we find in abundance there, and the Creatures that live upon them, fhall defcribe hereafter. CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 29 CHAP. II. Of the SE A. HE Waves begin to raiſe themſelves at firft from a fmall breeze of wind, and by the increaſe and continuance of the breeze they grow longer, higher and bigger. The Sea is not immediately made rough in the beginning of high winds, but the Waves fwell by degrees and flowly, until they come to be as bigg as Mountains; then they expand and break themſelves, and fall over with dafh- ing and foaming, as you may fee by k in the Cut D. Then the following Wave from behind raif- ith it again, with much curled and foaming Scum, neatly fpotted with the white Foam, looking like Marble. This breaking and foam- ing of the Waves is fucceffively repeated. So the fwelling Waves continually follow one another, moving before the wind with a quick motion, but when thefe Waves are fhort, they dafh over the Ship, and break much, fo that the Ship is hardly able to live. In ftormy weather little Waves curle on the top of the great ones, and leffer again upon them. The 1 30 The Second Part of the Voyage ་ The Ships do not feel theſe ſmaller Waves but only the great ones, that are called Sea-Moun- tains, which heave and mount the Ship with them, but nevertheleſs fhe always keeps her ftrait way through theſe unpathed Waves,which is wonderful to behold. In a hard ftorm the froth of the Sea drives like duft, and looketh as when the wind driveth the Snow along upon the Ice, or as the Duft of the Earth does in dry weather, and you fee the Sea every where to look like curled Ice, that when it is a freezing is hindred from it by the wind, all covered with a white foam, and one Wave blows over the precedent, with a great roaring and noiſe, as if a Water-mill were a going; and this fame noife the Ships make likewife when they cut through the Sea. It is alfo to be obferved, that the Waves dafh against one another when the wind changeth, and cross over through one another, with great daſhing over the Ships, before they move all one and the fame way. I did not obferve here the Seawater fo clear, nor found it fo falt as near the Ice; it may be by reafon of the fhallow ground or bottom, and the many freſh Rivers that run into it; or becauſe the Froſt cleareth the water more. Concerning the manner of their Sailing; they fail and change their Ways and Sails according as they think fit. If there be a freſh Gale, they make uſe of all their Sails; if a ſtorm, with the two lowermoft Sails, whereof they call the firft the Fock or Fore-fail, the middlemoſt Schumfer or Main-fail, and the third the Bafan or Mizen- fail. In to Spitzbergen. 31 In hard ftorms they furl the fore Sail, and fail only with the Main-Sail and the Mizen- fail. In the greateſt ſtorm of all, with thefe Sails reefed or half tied in, as they call it, or with the Mizen-fail half furled up; this they do becauſe the Ship goeth the ftedier by reafon of the wind, for elfe it would rowle too much up and down in the Sea, and the water would dafh in too much on the fides thereof. One man ſtands always at the Helm to fteer the Ship, but in hard weather ten men can hardly hold the Helm, wherefore they faften it with a Tackle, and fo let it go too and fro, as the Compaſs directs them. In and after a ftorm we have oftentimes ftrangers come to vifit us in our Ships, viz. Blackbirds, Starlings, and all forts of fmall Birds, that have loſt their way in a ftorm from theland, and fly to the Ships to fave themſelves, and prolong their lives, when others fly about till they are ſpent, and then fall into the Sea, and are drowned. The Lumbs, and other Water fowl, come not near us; which I mention on purpofe to con- fute the erroneons Opinion of fome, that be- lieve that the before-mentioned Birds come to the Ships as Meffengers, to bring the ill news of bad weather. Yet notwithſtanding, thefe following figns or marks commonly fore-tell a ftorm or hard weather, when great fifh come near to the Ships in great numbers, when they play,dance, rowl about, and leap out of the water, which is not always playing in them, but rather their Bodies are afflicted with fome pain or other. We faw feveral Whales in the Sea, that threw them- 32 The fecond Part of the Voyage ! themſelves about as if they were fick, or a dying. When the Sea is tempeftuous, it is not to be thought that it doth proceed from the Sea only, but a hard and tempeftuous ftorm and wind followeth upon it,that fendeth the Waves like Meffengers before it, until it arriveth it felf with a tempeft; but this is not to be un- derſtood of the North-fea, but only of the Sea betwixt Hitland and Spitzbergen. When the Air is fo difpofed, as the Stars do not only look bigger, but as if they were more in number alfo, it is a great Prognoftication, and often proveth true alfo ; It is a fign that the Air is full of Mift, which caufeth upon changing of the Froft, great foggs, and a high wind follows foon after. At night, when the Sea dafheth very much, it fhines like fire, the Sea-men call it burning: This fhining is a very bright glance, like unto the luftre of a Diamond. But when the Sea fhines vehemently in a dark night, and burns; a South or Weft-wind followeth after it. At the ftern of the Ship, where the water is cut through, you fee at night very deep under water, bubbles rife and break, then this fhining or luftre is not there. Hitherto we have difcourfed of the North- fea, but next of the Waves between Hitland and Spitzbergen; near Hitland the ftream runneth very fwift toward the North, and it grows daily colder. It is to be obſerved, that here the Waves of the Sea run longer, almoſt as they do before the narrow Channel between England and France in the Spanish Sea, (and what hath been obferved to Spitzbergen. 33 obſerved heretofore of the rowling and tof fing of the Sea belongeth properly to this) with a continual toffing of the Ships, which maketh the men Sea-fick. The vomiting and fickneſs is attributed to the Sea-water; but it really proceedeth from the great and continual motion of the Body, when oftentimes we are forced to creep on all four. Neither Meat nor Drink tafts well, the head akes and is giddy, and they are always reach- ing to vomit. Coftiveneſs of the Bcdy doth generally accompany this Diftemper, and the Urine is highly tinged. I reckon it no more then if one is not uſed to ride in Coaches or Waggons; only that it is always accompanied with a bad ftomach and reftlefnefs. The beſt Remedies for this Diftemper, I believe,are Aromaticks chewed in ones mouth, as Cinamon, Cloves, Galengal, Ginger, Nut- megs, and the like. Many think to drive this Diftemper away with fafting, but they will find themſelves miſtaken. Some drink Sea- water, and believe that will make them vo- mit, which notwithſtanding is not occafioned by the Sea-water,but by the loathfomneſs there- of. To take away the ill tafte out of ones. mouth, in my opinion, the best means is to eat and drink plentifully, it eaſeth quickly; neither ought one to fleep too much, but keep in the Air, and look into the Wind, and to walk up and down in the Ship, is alſo very proper. But now let us return to the Waves again, they rife, although it be not windy, as high as Mountains, very ſmooth, and run away as D 34 The fecond Part of the Voyage far as one can difcern them, which is to be underſtood when the Sea is turbulent, where- upon quickly a hard Gale of wind followeth. In a form the Waves run after the fame man- ner, as is juft now faid, but with many curl- ing and foaming whirls, as is defcribed in the ftorm of the North-fea. Thefe Waves run a great way, fo that you may fee between them at a great diſtance. If any Ships be in your Company, often- times you cannot ſee them. Thele Waves are a great deal larger then in the North-fea, and have alfo greater power when they fall over, but do not dafh fo eafily over the Ships as they do in the North-fea. The Waves in the North-fea are prefently lay'd after a ftorm, but the commotion of thefe laft- eth often to the third day; if it be never fo calm, the Ships are moved very violently that you cannot walk, fit, or lie; it is beſt to keep in the middle of the Ship, for before and behind the Sea beats hard againſt them. The Sails are driven againſt the Mafts, and have no fteadiness from the wind. If in a brisk Gale of a full wind the Sails are all full and round, the ship fails beft upon the Sea. There is as great difference in Ships, as to failing, as there is in Horfes, concerning eafineſs and fwiftnefs: the motion of the Ships is therefore different; the ftilnefs and quietnefs, when nothing is tumbled up and down in the Ship, furthereth alfo failing very much. The Ships fwim fomething higher in the Sea then they do in Freſh-water; for there is almoſt a foot difference in a Ship with the fame loading. 'Tis generally agreed upon, that one 3 may ? to Spitzbergen. 35 may fee a Ship in a calm Sea three, or three and a half German Miles off, and beyond that diftance the Sea lofeth it felf in the Air, and the Air in the Sea. If a Ship faileth, on the main Sea at one and half German Miles di- ftance, you have loft the fight of half the Ship; at two Miles you fee only the upper- moft Maft, at three Miles diftánce you fee only the Flagg, and when it goeth farther, you have quite loft it. Land and Mountains may be feen at a great diftance at Sea; we faw Spitzbergen at twelve Miles diſtance off at Sea; the Country looked like a black Cloud full of white ftroaks, as is in the Cut D marked with a, b, c, g, h, i. Near the Ice of this Sea it is coldeft where the Waves are quiet; and the Sea-water is fo clear, that at twelve and moré Fathoms deep you may fee the bottom. There is no ground to be found near the Ice to drop an Anchor. It is alfo to be obferved, that according to the colour of the Skies, the colour of the Sea is changed. If the Skies be clear, the Sea looks as blew as a Saphir; if it is covered fomewhat with Clouds, the Sea is as green as an Emerald; if there be a fog- gy Sun-fhine, it looketh yellow; if it be quite dark, like unto the colour of Indico; in ſtormy and cloudy weather, like black Sope, or exactly like unto the colour of black Lead. If the wind be quite calm, one may hear beating or knocking at a great diftance on the the Sea, by which we alſo obſerve the Whale hears, as fhall be mentioned in its proper place. D 2 Among 2.6The Second Part of the Voyage 36 . Among the Ice the ftream runs South- wards, which we obferved by our driving back a great way. At the Muscle-Haven the ftream ran Northwards. Thoſe that fail year- ly to thofe places, cannot give any certain in- formation concerning ebbing and flowing; only they have obferved the water to be high- er about the Land, when the winds have been higher then at other times. And this I have alfo obferved, that if there was an or derly or continual ebbing and flowing, the Eggs of the Birds would be drowned upon the Iſlands. Certain information, concerning ebbing and flowing, is not eaſily to be had, I know no more of it then what I have writ- ten. : CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 37 CHA P. III. Of the ICE. N the Months of April and May the weſt Ice breaks, becauſe it lyeth Weſtward, which drives difperfed in the Sea, by the Iſland of John Mayen, and reacheth to Spitz- bergen, where at that time it was firm ftill, as you may fee in the Plate A marked with The difference between the Ice of Spatar bergen, and that of our Country, is, that it is not ſmooth there, fo as to flide upon it. Neither is it fo clear nor tranfparent, nor fo fharp and cutting, but a great deal harder, and is not eaſily broke or ſplit; but it looketh likeft unto the Ground-Ice of the Rivers in our Country, or like unto Loaf-fugar. Where the Ice is fixed upon the Sea, you fee a fnow-white brightnefs in the Skies, as if the Sun fhined, for the Snow is reflected by the Air, juft as a Fire by Night is; but at a diſtance you fee the Air blew or blackish: where there is many fmall Ice-fields, that are as the Meadows for the Seales, you fee no luftre or brightneſs of the Skies. > The Sea dafheth against thefe Ice-fields which occafioneth feveral fine Figures; not that they are naturally framed fo, but juft as Ice flowers on our Glafs-windows, get all forts of figures; for theſe are framed by the daſhing of the Sea, like unto Mountains, Stee - D 3 › ples. 38 The Second Part of the Voyage ples, Tables, Chappels, and all forts of Beafts. Thefe Ice-fields are a great deal deeper un- der water, then they are high above it, and are of a paler colour under water then above the top of them might be called the Kernel and Marrow of the Ice, becauſe the colour is much deeper then that of the other. The higheſt colour is delicate blew, of the fame colour with the bleweft Vitriol, fomewhat more tranfparent, yet not fo clear as that in our Country, which you may fee through, let it be never fo thick; it is as hard as a ſtone,and it is not eafily fplit or cleav'd, because it is fpumgy, like unto a Punice ftone. Among this Ice the Ships fail up and down, until they come to bigger Ice-fields, for the fmall ones incumber the Sea, that the Ships fail often a- gainſt them and perith; for when the winds arife the Waves drive against the Ice-fields, as if it was againſt Rocks, and beat the Ships to pieces. When we are paffed by thefe fmall Ice- fields that fwim at a great diſtance from one another, then we fail in between them, and draw a fmall Ice-field behind the ftern of our Ship, that it may be the fooner ftopt, and kept from fwift failing, without letting the Sails ftrike, for elfe it might eafily run againſt an Ice-field. Every Ship's Mafter is left to his free-will, whether he will fail into the Ice, be- caufe in the Spring the Whales are in great numbers feen there in the Weft Ice, as they call it. • The Mafters do not willingly fail in a- mongſt the Ice, when it is dark, or foggy, or ftormy, which must be expected in the Spring, and the fmall fheets of Ice fwim up and down • in to Spitzbergen. 27 in the Sea, which the Skippers muſt avoid, left they loſe their Ships. It may ſeem ſomething ftrange, that they fail fo often to the Ice and back again, but there is the fame reafon for it as is in hunting after Deer, if we do not find Whales in one place, we muſt ſeek them in others; for the fortune in ketching of Whales is like the Chances of Gaming, and there is no great underſtanding required to find them: fome fee and catch more then they defire, and others but at half a mile diftant from them, fee not one,which is very common. When they go in amongst the Ice, the men ftand ready with great Ice-hooks to keep them off, that the Ship may not run againſt them. The farther you fail into, and amongſt the Ice, the greater Ice-fields you fhall foe, fo that you cannot look over them; for about the Weft, as they call it, are larger Ice-fields to be feen then about Spitzbergen, quite white at the top, covered with Snow, fo that there is but ill walking upon them, becauſe you fall deep into the Snow. (See A marked with 1, and B marked c.) The prints of the Bears footing we ſaw on the fhoar of the Ice-fields, for they ſeek their Prey in the water, which is the dead Carkafes of the Whales, the Foxes generally_accompany them, for their choicer food of Birds is here ſcarcer then at Spitzbergen, for they flock not together, but fly fingly. When they fail fome Miles into the Ice, where there is pretty large Ice-fields, they joyn their Ships to them with great Ice-hooks, faſt- ned to ftrong Cables, where they lie at An- chor, D 4 40 The Second Part of the Voyage chor, feveral Ships about the fame Ice-field, but they rather chofe to be alone, becauſe they are an hindrance to one another in Whale- catching, and the hunting of them from one to another maketh them fhie. Amongst the Ice we find no great Waves, but it is pretty ſmooth, even when it is fome- what ftormy. All the danger is from one Ice- field being bigger then the other, and the little ones fwiming fafter then the great ones, which often caufeth a ſtoppage, fo that they crowd upon one another, not without great danger of the Ships, which are often catcht between, and broken by them. See the Plate B at a. The Seamen hinder the preffing on of the Ice as much as in them lieth, with great Ice. hooks; but what ſmall help this affordeth them daily experience teftifies fufficiently. In fair weather the mifchief is as foon done as in tempeftuous, becauſe the Ice drives in the Sea either with the ftream or wind, as either of them is the more prevalent,crafhing and grind- ing against each other, whence the danger arifes to the Ships, for after fuch a manner many Ships perish. See Plate B. They fay that a dead Whale tied to the Ship, is the beft defence againſt the Ice. Others hang the Tails and Fins about their Ship,which way is not to be rejected, for it is of great ufe to them to prevent the danger of the fqueez- ing of the Ice; they have examples, that in fuch fqueezing of the Ice a dead Whale hath preferved them. The to Spitzbergen. 41 The Ice rifes out of the Sea as high as a Mountain; the ftriking of them together makes fo great a noife, that one can hardly hear his own words; and from this joyning together of the Ice, the great Ice-hills are made, that drive up and down in the Sea. Other great Ice fields are not fo high as the Ice hills, yet notwithſtanding they are hard- Jy ever quite plain, and without a Hill; you fee the Ice under water as deep as you can fee. It is all of a blew colour, but the deeper you look the purer blew you fee; which beautiful colour changes with the Air, for if it be rainy weather, this colour groweth paler. I alfo have often ſeen the Ice underneath the water very green, the occafion whereof was the troubled Air, whence the Sea affumeth this colour. I wonder that upon the largeſt Ice-fields no high Mountains are feen, as are feen where the Ice grinds and dashes one againſt the o- ther. I am of opinion, that the Ice melts to- wards the bottoms, for one may fee it fpungy; for elfe, if one would compute from the be- ginning, it must have reached the very ground, even in the middle of the depth of the Sea. I have feen in Spitzbergen white Ice that was frozen quite curled, it look'd juſt like Su- gar-candy, was very hard and thick, and fwam even with the Seas furface. The Ships are not always in this danger of ſqueezing for often times there is little or no Ice to be feen there, although you are a great way in the place where it ufually is; but as foon as a wind arifes, you would admire from whence > fo 42 The Second Part of the Voyage fo great a quantity of Ice fhould come in lefs then an hours time. At the greateſt Ice-fields of all, Ships do not always ride the fafeft; fince by reafon of the bigness, and the motion of the Sea, theſe Ice- fields break, not without danger. A When fuch Ice-fields break they part a- funder, which caufeth a Whirl-pool in the Sea, where all the out-parts prefs to the Cen- tre, and by that means the pieces of the Ice- fields raiſe themfelves up, and dash and grind against each other. When we came to 71 degrees in the Month of April we faw the firft Ice, and fo we failed up and down by the Ice, until that Month was ſpent, for fo early in the year no body dares venture himfelf into or amongſt the Ice, by reaſon of the ftormy winds and fome times the Ice is ftill fixed, and ftands firm, and therefore there is but a few Whales feen, for underneath the Ice they cannot breathe. Into the Ice we failed at 77 degrees and 24 minutes, and drove with that fheet of Ice towards the South. In this Month, and alfo in the following Month of May, are the moft Whales feen here, which run towards the Eaft, and we follow them all along by the Ice to Spitzbergen. Near to the Land finaller Ice-fields are feen, becauſe the Ice cannot give way by reafon of the Land, which caufeth greater grinding and breaking, and upon that account fmaller Ice than is in the open Sea. Yet for all this, fome greater Ice-Mountains are ſeen there] that ftand firm.on the fhoar, and never melt at bottom, but increafe every year higher and higher, to Spitzbergen. 43 higher, by reaſon of the Snow that falls on them, and then Rains that freezes, and then Snow again alternately; and after this manner the Icy-hills increafe yearly, and are never melted by the heat of the Sun at the top. Theſe Ice-Mounts change their firſt colour in time by the Air, by Rain and by the Clouds, and the faireft blew that can be, is feen in the cracks of thefe Ice-hills. From thefe fame Ice-hills, oftentimes break off great pieces, that fwim in the Sea, and is more compact than the other Ice by far. I once faw one of thefe pieces that was curiously workt and car- ved, as it were, by the Sea, like a Church with arched Windows and Pillars, the Doors, and Windows hung full of Icikles, on the infide thereof I faw the delicateft blew that can be imagined; it was bigger than our Ship, and fomewhat higher than our ftern, but how deep it was under water, I cannot exactly tell Near unto the Muſcle-Haven, a great Ice-hill came driving towards our Ship, that was as high as our Poop, and went fo deep under water, that it took up our Anchor, which lay fifteen Fathoms deep. I have alſo ſeen feverat others, and of other figures, viz. round and foursquare Tables, with round and blew Pil lars underneath, as in Plate B marked with f: the Table was very ſmooth and plain at the top, and white with the Snow; at the fides hung down a great many Icikles cloſe to one another, like a fringed Table-cloth; Lbelieve that near forty men might have fat about it. I have feen of thefe Tables with one foot, and with two or three Pillars, and abundance of Seales fwam about it. The Diſhes that furniſht this Table, were a piece of Ice like an Horfes head, 44 The Second Part of the Voyage head, and a Swan, I doubt they were but falt. You muſt obſerve that this Ice becometh very fpungy by the daſhing of the Sea, and from thence grows falt, like Sea-water, and thence alfo changeth its colour, viz. from the Sea and Rain-water mixt with it; for you fhall commonly fee the Water look blew or yellow, if you walk under water,with your eyes open, and look upwards. The other Ice, as far as it is above water, is of a taſte like other Ice, but that below the Sea falt like the Sea-water. When we arrived at Spitzbergen, the Ice at Rebenfelt was as yet fixed, but a few days after- wards it was driven away by the winds. The Ice begirts thefe Countries on all fides: as the Wind fets either from the Island of John Mayen, Old Greenland, and Nova Zembla. We found at this time, that the Ice reached from the other fide of Spitzbergen, and the Ships failed between the Ice and the Land, as if it were in a River. As foon as this Ice is drove thither by the winds, the Ships muft give way, or go into the Harbour, until the Winds have blown or driven the Ice away, or elſe they are loft; but if there be other Ships that eſcape, the men are faved. On this Ice I did not fee many Sea-bounds, but a great many Sea-borfes, and many Birds and Fowl. We failed ftill on till we faw the Seven Islands, but could go no farther. CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 45 CHAP. IV. Of the AIR. HE Froft is unconftant in our Coun- TH try but it is not fo in Spitzbergen. In the Month of April, at 71 degrees, it was fo cold that we could hardly keep warmth with- in us. They ſay that in this Month, as alſo in May, the hardeſt Froſts happen every year. All the Rigging, by reafon of its being wet, is covered over with Ice, and ſtiff. > They do not fend their Ships fo foon as they did a few years ago, and yet they come time enough there, for if they arrive too early, there is nothing for them to do, becauſe the Ice is not yet diffipated, and therefore but few Whales to be feen. In the two firſt Summer Months of Spitz- bergen, their Teeth chatter in their Heads com- monly, and the Appetite is greater than in any other Countreys. The Sun fets no more after the third day of May, and we were about 71 degrees, when we could fee as well by night as by day. I cannot fay much of conftancy of the wea- ther in theſe two firft Months, for it chang. ed daily. They fay alfo, if the Moon appears cloudy and mifty, with a ftreaky Sky, that then there commonly follows a ftorm. Whe- ther the Moon doth prognofticate fuch ftorms, I cannot tell, becauſe we have obfèrved, that after 46 The ſecond Part of the Voyage after we have ſeen the Moon, in a clear Sky, the Air has grown foggy, which happeneth of- ten, chiefly if the wind changes. When the Hills fhow fiery, it is from Foggs, which af- ter fpread themfelves every where, and the Cold encreafeth: Thefe Foggs look blew, like Indico, and black afar off, which upon chang- ing of the Weather are driven along by the wind, fo that in less than half an hour the Sea is fo covered with a thick Fogg, that you can hardly fee from one end of the Ship to the other. On the 14th of May the Air was bright and clear, and yet very cold; we could fee the Whales farther off in the Sea, then ufually at this time: We could not diftinguish the Air from the Sea, for it fhewed as if the Ships danced in the Air like naked Trees or Poles. After the fame manner Spitzbergen looks at a distance like a Cloud; the Mountains are fo reflected by the Sea, that he that knows not the Country very well, cannot easily difcern it from the Air; and fo other Countries very often appear. The other three Months, June, July, and August, were very calm. Concerning the Cold, it is much according to the quality of the Winds; fo North and Eaft winds caufe very intenfe Frofts; fo that one can hardly keep alive, efpecially if the wind blows hard. Weft and South winds, when fomewhat conſtant, cauſe much Snow, and fometimes Rain alfo, and moderate cold. The other winds of the 22 according 32 to the Compass, whatever names they have, are changed by the Clouds, fo that fometimes when to Spitzbergen. 47 when the wind was Southweſt and by South in one place, at a few Miles diftance, there blows quite another wind. What heat the Sun oftentimes affords we faw by our Eyes watering, and the tears that ran continually down our Cheeks. Yet this fevere Cold is not always, as is already men- tioned, for if it were, how could any Herbs grow there. Neither is there every year a conftancy of winds or weather ruled by the Moon, but an alteration, as is in other places, fometimes a milder, and fometimes a feverer Winter. Skilful Ship mafters and Harpooners, com- mend thoſe years for Whale catching, that have not many foggy and cloudy days. Whether, according to the New and Full Moons, the Spring-tydes happen, cannot be known. Such clear skies as we have fometimes in a Summers day, with pleafant curled Clouds, I have not feen at Spitzbergen; but on the con- trary, feveral dark and foggy ones. Rifing Thunder-clouds I have not feen, nor ever heard of any body that had ſeen them. Above the Ice the Air appears white, from whence we know where the firm or fixed Ice lies, as I have before obferved in the Chapter of the Ice. In the two laft Summer Months, chiefly in July, before the Weigatt, the Sun fhin'd fo warm, that the Tarr of the Ship between the Seames, where the wind could not come at it, melted. There 48 The Second Part of the Voyage There is hardly any difference of Cold be. tween Night and day, yet at Night when the Sun fhineth, it feemeth to one that rightly confidereth it, as if it was only clear Moon- light, fo that you may look upon the Sun, as well as you can upon the Moon ; fo that thereby one may diftinguifh Night and Day from each other. Increaſe of Cold, and changing of the Compaſs, we did not obſerve as far as we went. It is alſo to be obferved, that the Froft doth not let a dead Body be confumed eafily in the Ground, as is already obferved, in the Chapter of the Defcription of Spitzbergen. The ſecond day of August, in our Voyage homeward, we obferved the Sun firſt to fet. Concerning the Meteors generated in the Air, I obferved that the Rime fell down in the fhape of finall Needles of Snow into the Sea, and covered it as if it was fprinkled all over with Duſt theſe ſmall Needles increaſed more and more, and lay as they fell cross one over the other, and looked very like a Cobweb; they are formed by the cold of the Air, and increaſed to that degree, that the Sea feemed covered by them, as with a Skin, or a tender Ice, which had the taſte of Freſh-water; as alfo the Sea-water that is taken up into the high Air is changed, and falleth down again in fweet or freſh Rain. This hapneth in clear Sun-fhine and intenſe cold weather, and it falleth down as the Dew doth with us at Night invifibly, in dull wea- ther; when the Sun doth not fhine, you can- not fee this; but you fee it plainly, if you look when the Sun fhines towards a fhady place; for to Spitzbergen. 47 for then it ſparkles as bright as Diamonds; fhews like the Atoms in Sun-fhine, all day long it falleth in fo fmall Particles, that no- thing ſticks or hangs on your Cloaths of it to make them wet. At Noon when the Sun fhines very warm, theſe finall Needles melt in the Air, and fall down infenfibly like Dew. Sometimes we fee in our Country, fome- thing a little like theſe fmall Needles, which is what we call Rime, and falleth from the Trees in Atoms like Duft. This is fmall Snow, and may be ſeen as well in the Shade as in the Sun. Thefe Needles are not the Exhalation or Vapour that uſes in cold Weather, to ſtick to the Hair of Men and Beafts. I must not forget, that we fee in thefe falling Needles a Bow like a Rain-bow of two colours, white and a pale yellow, like the Sun, reflected by the dark Shadows of the Clouds. After this I proceed to the Defcription of an other Bow, which I call a Sea-bow. This is ſeen when the Sun fhines clear and bright, not in the great Waves, but in the Atmoſphere of the Sea-water, which the Wind blows up, and which looks like a Fog. Commonly we fee this before the Ship, and fometimes alfo be- hind to the Lee-ward (fo they call that fide of the Ship towards the Sea) over-againſt the Sun, where the Shadow of the Sail falleth. It is not the Shadow of the Sail, but a Bow fheweth it felf in the Shadow of the Sail. We fee this pleaſant reflexion, in the fmall drops of the Salt-water of feveral colours, like the Rain- bows in the Skies, that are feen over-againſt the dark Clouds. E This 50 The Second Part of the Voyage This brings to my Mind another Phænome- nor, viz. that in the Clouds near the Sun, a very bright Light is feen, like a Parelion or Mock-fun. Thefe Lights are called Weather- galls by the Sea-men. This bright Light we find in the lower-moft Air, in the dark fhady Clouds, that are not unlike to a Cloud of Rain, becauſe it is full of drops, wherein the Sun is reprefented, as things are in a Looking-glaſs. This clearness of the Sun caufeth a Heat, which drives from it a Rain-bow, figured by the Sun, which Bow are the Drops that by the Heat of the Sun are changed into a Vapour or Fog, and this Vapour fhews like fmoak in the Air, when the Cold remits, wherein thefe Colours are no more feen. But in thefe raifed Drops, as aforefaid, the Sun reprefents it felf, and caufeth thefe Co- lours, which are truly diftinct, and reprefent Blew, Yellow and Red; which are the three primary Colours of the Bow. Concerning the bignefs thereof, I did confi- dered and minded the Bow that I faw in Spitz- bergen, and found that it moved about with the Sun by Day and by Night, and that it appear- ed much bigger in the Morning, Evening, and at Night, than in the Day-time. 1 will not mention the Whirlwinds which are unknown in thefe cold Countries; that ufed to take up the Water into the Air: But yet I will not omit the finall Whirlwinds, that proceed from the high Mountains, from whence the Wind recoils, and fo turneth- round about, We Pag: 51. Tab: E A N° 2 D во E * FX Nº No 2. ** *** ** No 4 ***** N°6. to Spitzbergen. 51 We fee farther in Spitzbergen, that the Sea as well as the other Waters, fends forth a Va- pour, when the Cold encreaſes, which Vapour is turned into Rain in the Air, or into Snow, and it ſmelleth like a Fog or fteaming Wa- ter. It is likewife an Obfervation there, that when we fee great Vapours or Fogs in the Air, and that fuch a Vapour rifeth almoſt every moment in a clear Sun-fhiny Day, without Wind or other Caufes, the cold Weather is a- bout to remit: But when the Air is overbur- dened by theſe Vapours, the Clouds are diffi- pated, and they laft a great while with con- ftant Wind. Such Vapours as we fee in the Air, ftick to our Cloaths and Hair like Sweat. Out of theſe ſmall vaporous Drops the Snow is firſt generated: Firft of all you fee a fmall Drop, as big as a ſingle Sand in the Plate E marked with A. This is augmented or en- creaſed by the Fog, until it cometh to be like unto a Shield or Plate with fix corners as clear and tranfparent as Glafs, to theſe fix corners fticks the Fog like Drops, as B. then it freezes and fplits afunder, fo that you fee the Figure of a Star, as C. which yet is ftill frozen together; until in time it is quite parted or divided aſun- der one from the other, and then you fee a Star with fix Points, as D. which Points are not yet quite frozen, becauſe there are ſtill hanging fome wet drops between the Points until at length it affumes the perfect Form of a Star, with Points ferrated at the fides, like Ferne, on the Points whereof ſtill hang fome Drops, as you fee at E, which are loft at laft, and fo it is turned into an exact and perfect E 2 Star ; a'. 52 The Second Part of the Voyage Star: And this is the Formation of the fnowy Star, which is feen in the fevereft Froft fo long until at laft it lofeth all its Points. See F. as to the many forts of Snow that fall in Spatz- bergen, and in what Weather I have made theſe following Obfe vations and Diftinctions, Number 1. in the Plate of E. fheweth the Snow that falleth, when it is tolerable cold and rainy withal, then it falls like unto fmall Rofes, Needles and fmall Corns. When the cold Weather doth remit the Snow falleth like Stars, with many points like the Leaves of Ferne. Plate E. Numb. 2. If it be only a Fog, and it fnoweth much, it looketh as you fee Numb. 3. If it is very cold and windy like Numb. 4. When it is very cold and not windy withal, the Snow falleth like unto Stars in a clufter, becauſe the Wind cannot blow them afunder, like Numb. 5. When the Wind was North-West, or the Skies were thick of Clouds, and it was ftormy withal, there fell Hail that was round and oblong all over full of Prickles, and of the fame bignefs as you fee it at Num- ber 6. There is many more forts of ftarry Snow to be feen, with more Points, and fome like unto a Heart, but they are all generated after the fame manner, by the Eaftern and Northern Winds. The needly Snow is generated by Westerly and Southerly Winds: If the Snow is not difperfed by the Wind, it falleth down in cluſters. But when the Wind driveth it, Stars or Needles only fall, every piece by it ſelf, like the Atoms in the Sun. Thus to Spitzbergen. 53 Thus much have I obferved hitherto of the Snow, and find that alfo when it is cold and a North Wind blows, all forts of Snow, both ftarry and of other fhapes, fall as well in thefe Countries as in Spitzbergen. The End of the Second Part. THE E 3 54 1 THE THIRD PART OF THE VOYAGE то SPITZBERGEN. CHAP. I. Of the Plants of Spitzbergen. Enerally the Figures of the Plants I here prefent you with were all drawn by the Life upon the place when they were fresh, and of their natural fize, except the Rock-plant with but one Leaf, and the Plant like Horfe- Tail, that ftands by it, which becaufe of their largenefs could not be well drawn fo big at the to Spitzbergen. 55 the Life. All the Herbs and the Moffes grow upon the Grit and Sand of the Stones, where the Water falleth down, and on that fide of the Hill which the Eaft and North Winds cannot eafily come at. The Plants owe much of their growth to the Dung of the Birds. There were a great many fmall Herbs, which for want of time I could not delineate, but I purpoſe to do it hereafter, if God bleifeth me with Life and Health, when I make my fecond Voyage thither. I omitted the white Poppy, whereof we ftuck the Flowers in our Hats; the whole Plant was but about a Span long. Befides I have not mentioned the Red Sorrel, I mean that which was fhewed to me at Bremen by the Dutch Gardener, which was of the fame fize, but the Leaves of that of Spitzbergen are Red. I defire the courteous Reader to accept at prefent of theſe for a Sample, to fhew him that on thefe rough, barren and cold Mountains, there yet grow fome Plants, for the Nourish- ment both of Man and Beaft. The Herbs grow to their perfection in a fhort time, for in fune, when we fitft arrived at Spitzbergen, we faw but very little Green, and yet in July most of them were in flower, and fome of them had their Seeds already ripe, whence me may ob- ferve the length of their Summer. I proceed to the Defcription of thofe Plants, which I had time to delineate, and begin with thofe, that put forth their Leaves only at, and about their Roots, and have but few or no Leaves on their Stalks. E 4 Then 56 The Second Part of the Voyage 1 Then fhall follow thofe that have fingle Leaves on their Stalks; then thoſe that have pairs of Leaves or oppofite ones, afterward thofe with three Leaves, and then conclude with the imperfect Plants. 17 CHA P. II. Р. Of a Plant with Aloe-Leaves. T is a very pretty Herb, and puts forth thick, prickly and fad green Leaves like thofe of Aloes, a brown naked Stalk, about half the length of your Finger, whereon hang round Heads of Flefh-coloured Flowers in Bunches, which are hardly to be difcerned by the naked Eye, one Flower clofe above ano- ther, and near to one another Tab. G. marked with a. Sometimes two Stalks fhook out of one Plant, one bigger than the other. Yet each Stalk has two of theſe Bunches of Flowers. I could not delineate its Seed for want of time. The Root confifts of many ſmall Fibers. We gathered it in great plenty on the 17th. of July, behind the Cookery of Harlem, in the running Water. I know not well, to what kind this may be referred. Cafpar Bauhin maketh mention of an Herb in his Prodromus of his Amphitheater of Plants in the 5th. Book and 15th. Chapter,which he calls Limonium Maritimum, which he de- 1 fcribeth to Spitzbergen. 57 fcribeth with ſmall, roundiſh and thick Leaves, like Houſe-leek, between which fpread forth fmall Stalks with pale red Flowers; but the Root doth not agree with our Plant, for his is long, red and parted at top, whereas this Root confifts in many fmall Fibers, and is not red. CHAP. III. Of Small Honfe-leek HE Leaves of this are indented and very THE like thofe of our Dafies, for which I should have taken it alfo had not it been for the Flow- er, only the Leaves are thicker and more juicy, like thofe of Houfe-leek, or, as we call it, thofe of the leffer Houfe-leek: The Leaves grow round about the Root, betwixt them is a ſmall Stalk of the length of your little Finger, which is round and hairy, and generally without Leaves, fave only where it divides into ano- ther Stalk, at which place is a fmall Leaf. The Flowers grow in ſcaley Heads (like unto the Flowers of Stachas) are of a brown co- lour, and have five pointed Leaves, as I think with five finall Chives within, like unto the Flowers of Wall-pepper or Stone-crop. I found only the Flowers, for the Seed was not yet ripe. The Root is fomewhat thick and ftrait, with many ftrong and thick Fibers from the fides of it; it may be referred to the Houſe- leeks, 58 The third Part of the Voyage leeks, and called finall indented or crenated Houſe-leek, with fcaly Heads. This Plant I found in the Danish Harbour or Bay on the 18th. of July, it is figured in Tab. F. at a. CHA P. IV. Of Crows-foot. Some of thefe Plants are figured in the Tab. Gat c and e, and the Tab. H at c, and in the Tab. I at d. Thefe four following Plants are all Crows- feet, only diſtinguiſhed by their Leaves. The firſt and fourth in Tab. G at c, and in Tab. I at d, are very like one another as to their Leaves, whereof they have both two forts, the undermoft broader, and not ſo much cut, and the uppermoft finaller and deeper divided, yet they differ in this, that the firſt doth not grow fo high, and puts out many Leaves out of one and the fame Root, but the fourth in Tab. I at d, hath but one long Stalk, whereon ſprouted out one fingle Leaf at a place. The fourth hath yellow Flowers, but whether the firft hath yellow ones (which I fuppofe) I cannot well remember. The Flowers of the fourth hath five Leaves, broader at the ends and ſmaller at the bottom; they grow out of a rough Perianthium or Cup that is fplit into five Pag: 58. Tab: F Ъ а Pag: 59 Tab: G C d a L Pag: 59. Tab: H. 2 a to Spitzbergen. 59 five alſo. See Tab. I at d. The Flowers of the firſt have fix Leaves, they are fmall and the Seed-veffels are like one another. The Roots are differing, that of the firſt hath many finall Fibers, and the fourth hath a thicker and longer, with tender and ſmall Fibers. The firſt burns the Tongue like Perficaria or Flea-bean, but ſomewhat less than in our Countries. The Leaves of the fourth do not burn fa. I found them both in the Danish Haven, the firſt in great quantities; they flower in July. The fecond hath fomewhat differing Leaves from the two former, for although the lower- moſt Leaves agree with them of the firft, yet they are lefs, and thoſe that grow higher, and come up after the lowermoft, are in two places deeper cut, fo that the first part of the Leaf that ftands out before, is not very unlike a Tongue, but the two fides are but a little indented in Table G it is marked with e. There is alſo a difference in the Leaves of this Plant, as well as in the two before menti- oned, for the Leaves that are neareſt to the Flowers are ſmall and deeply cut, and that with two incifions, and it burns the Tongue. The Flower is finall, and hath fix and fome- times feven Leaves. The Seed-veffel is like un- to the former, only it is lefs. The Root is like that of the firft, only it hath more Fibers; there is alſo a kind of thick fheath that fur- roundeth the Stalk, as is alfo to be ſeen in the fourth. I found this Plant near the firft, im the Danish Haven the 16th. of July. The third is yet fmaller, but fuller of Leaves, on- ly 60 The third Part of the Voyage 41 ly they are lefs, and not fo deep cut, although they have alfo four Incifions like the fecond, in this I did not find that difference in the Leaves, between the lowermoft and thoſe that are nearer the Flower, it is in the Tab. H marked with c. The Flower is of five white Leaves, its Seed-veffel I could not yet fee. Its Roots are fmall Fibers, I found it in the South Haven on the Sixteenth of July; it burns the Tongue, the Leaves are thick and juicy. I found in the fame place another fmall Plant, exactly like to thefe, only the Flowers thereof were of a purple Colour, and the Leaves not fo juicy; wherefore I did not draw it. This CHA P. V. Of Scurvy-graß His Scurvy-graß fends forth a great many Leaves from one Root, that fpread them- felves round about it upon the Ground. The Stalk grows out of the middle of thefe Leaves, which is a great deal lower than in our Coun- try, with a few Leaves underneath the Sprouts. The Flowers are of four white Leaves, they grow many on the fame Stalk one above the other, when one Flower fades, another cometh in its room when the Flower is paft; the Seed appears in a longifh Box, as you may fee in the to Spitzbergen. 61 the Figure; when on the contrary in ours the Seed is found in a round one. The Root is white, fomewhat thick and ftreight, with ſome fmall Fibers below. A great quantity of this Plant is found on the Rocks, where they are not much expoſed to the Eaft and North Winds; I found it moft in the South, English, and Danish Havens, the Earth was quite covered with it in the Da- niſh. It was the firſt Herb I found in Spitzbergen, when we Landed the first time, it was fo fmall that I could hardly difcern it to be Scurvy- grafs, but afterwards we found it in its full perfection, and it feeded in the Month of July. It is obfervable, that the Leaves of this Herb have but little fharpness at Spitzbergen, and therefore it is much weaker than the Scur- vy-grafs of our Countries, fo that we eat it in- ftead of Salads in Spitzbergen, which we could not do our Scurvy-grafs. My Figure is like that cut, given in the Third Book, and the 35th. Chapter of the Ger- man Herbal of Matthiolus. See Tab. H at a. CHAP. 62 The third Part of the Voyage ! CHAP. VI. Of an Herb like Stone-crap. THis Plant is doubtlefs a kind of a Stone-crop, but the Leaves are rough or hairy, not fo thick, nor fo juicy as ours are, neither doth it burn or bite, like unto ours. Before the Flower fully appears, it looks like unto that of Efula; but when it is quite blown and opened, it is of a purple Colour, and hath fometimes five, fometimes fix, and fometimes I have feen nine Leaves, the Stamina of the Flower I did not tell, neither did I ever fee the Seeds thereof. The Root thereof is very finall, and one Plant grows cloſe to the other. We found this Herb on the low Lands of the Eng- lifh Haven. Afterwards we found abundance of it amongſt the Moffes on the 26th. of June. In the Tab. F. it is marked with e, and in the Tab. I. with a. CHAP. Tab: I. pag: bz. 62. to Spitzbergen. 63 ↓ CHAP. VII. Of a Snake-weed. fmall His is a fmall Snake-weed, and is found very rarely in Spitzbergen; the undermoft Leaves of this Plant are the biggeft, but they are not above the bredth of ones Nail, they grow fingly on the Stalk, yet not above three of them, except the lowermoft: the nearer the Flower, the ſmaller they are; they have with- in, not far from the edge many fmall knobs or fpots anſwering to the points of the Leaves, wherein the Veins or Nerves are terminated, beſides the Leaves are not quite plain, but fomewhat rumpled at the brims. Out of the Root fprouts forth fometimes fingle and fome- times double Stalks, as you may fee in the Cut, and this by-ftalk is always fomewhat lower than the chief Stalk. The Flower grows in a clofe Spike, with many finall Fleih-coloured Flowers, it was fo fimall, that I forgot to tell the Leaves there- of: The Seeds were not then come to matu- rity. The Root fheweth of what kind the Plant is, and wherefore it may be called Biftorta or Snake-weed, for it lieth twifted in the Ground, it is about the thickness of your little Finger where thickeft, hath fmall Fibers, is brown without, and Fleſh-coloured within, and of an aftringent Taſte. 1 64 The third Part of the Voyage I found this Herb in the Danish Harbour, on the 18th. of July. My Figure agrees moft with that which Camerarius hath given in the Fourth Book and Third Chapter of Matthiolus, its marked with a in the Tab. I. CHAP. VIII. Of an Herb like unto Mouſe-ear. THis Herb bringeth forth fmooth edged Leaves by pares, they are rough and like Moufe-ear. The Stalks are fmooth at their firſt putting out, but afterwards they grow rough, where the uppermost Leaves grow, they are roundifh at the bottom. At the end of the Stalk groweth a white Flower, out of its Perianthium, the number of its Leaves I did not tell, nor had I time enough to obferve the Seed. The Root is round and flender, with fmall and tender Fi- bers. It feemeth, this Plant fhould belong unto the hairy or rough Alfine, and perhaps it may be the third or fourth kind of the hairy Alfine, of Dodoneus in the Fifth Book and Tenth Chap- ter of his firſt Latin Herbal, if the Leaves of his were not cut, as thefe are not. I gather- ed this Plant in the South Haven, on the 17th. of July. See d in Tab. G. CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 65 CHA P. IX. Of a Plant like unto Periwinkle. THis Plant runneth upon the Ground, and bringeth forth roundish Leaves by pairs on creeping Stalks. The Leaves as I think are like thofe of Peri- winkle, but they are fomewhat rounder, and the largeſt of them are bent in before. The Stalk is fomewhat knotty and woody. The Flower appeareth at firft, wrapt up like a Leaf, but after it is grown out a little more, one may fee it to be a Flower, it grows out between the Leaves on the fame Stalk. The colour and fhape of thefe Flowers, I could not at that time obferve, becauſe they were not yet blown, much lefs could I gather the Seed. The Root is long, flender, round, woody and knotty, it hath fmall branched Fibers at the bottom: I found it in the South Bay, be- hind the Cookery of Harlem on the 19th. of June, and 17th. of July. Since I neither faw the Flower nor Seeds, and in probability, it would have put forth more Leaves; I cannot determine, whether it be the Pyrola minima, whereof Clafius giveth us a Cutt and Defcription in the Fifth Book of his rare Plants,in the 20.Chapter; or whether it may be Pfeudochama baxus of the Hortus Eichstetenfis, F which 66 The third Part of the Voyage which is given by Clufius, in the 72th. Chapter of the before-mentioned Book, by the Name of Anonymos Colutea flore, and accurately de- fcribed, and Camerarius in his Hortus, giveth it us under the Name of Anonymos Pervince folio. In the Tab. G. it is marked with b. CHA P. X. Of an Herb like a Strawberry. of Thi His agreeth in its Leaves with the Straw- berry, for it hath three cut Leaves on the end of the Stalks, and its Flower hath com- monly fives Leaves (feldom but four) and is like a Strawberry Flower, the Stalks are round and rough, and fo are the Leaves. On the Stalks you fee two Leaves one againſt the other of a differing figure and bignefs, for one looketh like a Hand, and the other like a Finger, the fize alfo is different, for fome have but three Fingers, and others have more. The Flower is yellow, the Leaves of the Flowers are roundish, how many, I obferved not: The Root is woody, fomewhat thick with fmall Fibres, a little fcaley at the top, it taftes dry and aftringent like Tormentill. In the Herbals I could find none liker it, than that which Lobelius calleth Fragaria Syl- veftris minime Vefca five fterilis, and in the uni- verfal Iferdumifh Herbal, in the 70th. Chapter of the 17th. Book, by the Name of Fragaria non fragifera vel non vefca, yet it differs in the Flower and Leaf; for the Leaves in my Plant are cut deeper, and the Flower of his is white. In Tab. H. it is marked with b. CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 67 1 СНАР. XI. Of the Rock Plant. THis Plant belongeth to thofe called Wier by the Dutchmen, and Fucus in Latin. It has a broad flat Stalk like a Leaf, and yet there fprout out of it many equally broad Leaves like it, as Twigs out of a Tree, at the the top of the Stalks there are little narrow lon- gifh Leaves, fome have five, others feven of thefe, of a yellow Colour, as the Herb is alfo, and they are tranfparent like Glew, I know a not whether one may take them for its Flow- ers. Cloſe to theſe there grow other oblong Leaves, that are hollow, and as it was blown up, and fill'd with Wind, and many leffer Bladders round about cloſe to one another: The Leaves that are blown up have nothing in them but Wind; for when I preffed them to- gether, they gave a little bounce, whether thefe fmall Bladders have Seeds in them or no, I could not obſerve. The Seamen informed me, That from the Seeds of that Plant, the fmall Sea Snails are produced, but I am not fatisfied, whether they proceed from thefe Bladders, or from Eggs as our Snails do. It may be after the fame manner, as we find on many Leaves in our Country, Bladders filled up with the Seeds of Worms or Caterpillers, yet I dare not affert it, becauſe I had no op- portunity, to fearch narrowly into the Matter 47 the Root groweth out of the Rocks, where F 2 fore 68 The third Part of the Voyage 1 fore I call it a Rock Plant, it hath fome Fi- bers, and is ſometimes round; I found this Herb in great plenty, firft in the South Bay, near the Cookery of Harlem, where we take up the Water; then in the Muffel Haven at Spitz- bergen; then at Cales in Spain. When this Herb is dried, it looketh brown and blackish, it gives and groweth wet again when a South or Weft Wind blows, becaufe of the Salt that penetrates it; but when the Wind is Eaft or North it is ftiff and dry. Among all the Figures that I have feen, I find none liker than that given in the 39th. Book, and the 5oth. Chapter of the Iferdunijh Herbal, by the Name of Alga Marina Platyceros porofa, only that this is porous or fpongy and white. In the Tab. F. it is marked with b. The Leaves of the great Rock Herb, are very like unto a Man's Tongue, it is on each or both fides curled, but plain before and not curled, through the middle of it run two black Stroaks or Nerves to the Stalk, and on the out- fide of them appear many black ſpots, within the black ftroaks, on each fide, to the middle- moft plain ftroak; the Herb is adorned with fmall curles, in the middle it is quite ſmooth to the Stalk, on the end of the Leaf, next the Stalk, are two white ftroaks almoft to the middle of the Leaf, bending round outwards, if they were quite clofed, they would make an Oval. The Leaf is above fix Foot long, and yel low, and the Stalk yet longer; the Stalk is round and ſmooth, of a yellow colour like un- boiled Glew, near the Root it is thicker than at the Leaf, and it fmells of Muffels, The to Spitzbergen. A 69 The Root hath a great many Branches that are divided again, and ftick very clofe unto the Rock underneath the Water. The whole Plant groweth under Water feveral Fathoms: When we wayed our Anchor, we pulled it up in great quantity from the Ground. Together with this Herb we pulled up the hairy Plant that ftands by it, about fix Foot long, and it is very like an Horfes Tail, only that here and there it hath fome fmall knobs like nitty Hair, or fuch as are ſplit at the ends; the whole Plant was browner of colour than the former, and its Roots was fixed unto the former. In theſe Plants were fome rediſh Worms wrapt or folded up like Caterpillers, with many Legs. They are figured Tab. P. at i. > The Herb was like Dodder, wherefore it may be call'd Water or Rock Silk. Amongſt all the Icons that I have feen in printed Herbals, I find it comes neareft to that hairy Plant which Antony Donat, in his Book of Plants, growing about Venice, calleth in his fecond Book, Mufcus argenteus Marinus, fimilis Pluma, only this is not as white as Silver, but rather yellow or browniſh. Of theſe two Herbs we found great plenty in the South Haven on the 20th. and 21th. of July. There is another Sea Plant, which I called Sea-grafs, whereof there is plenty in the Eng- lifh Haven underneath the Water above eight Foot long. The Leaves were about two or three Fingers broad, of a yellow Colour like Glew, and tranfparent, ending in a blunt point, at the top fmooth edged, without nicks or prickles F 3 70 The third Part of the Voyage prickles, every where plain and even, the Leaves grew from the Root round about it, as it were out of one hole in the Tab I. it is marked with b. C. The End of the Third Part. I } i THE } } THE FOURTH PART OF THE VOYAGE то SPITZBERGEN, OF THE ANIMALS of Spitzbergen. The PREFACE of the Animals, but chiefly of the Birds in general. THE Animals of Spitzbergen here defcri- bed, are either thofe with two or with four Legs. About Spitzbergen alfo are fome Creatures that live only in the Water, and have no Legs (except one would take their Fins, that are about their F 4 Breaft, { 71 1 72 The fourth Part of the Voyage Breast for Legs, becauſe as bereafter ſhall be ſhewn, their Fins are jointed like Legs underneath the Skin.) Some live in the Water, and also upon the Ice and Land, and have either two or four Legs. We will begin with them that have two Legs, or with the Birds whereof the most live upon the Water, and but few of them upon the Ice or Land. ་ CHAP I. Of Birds with Toes or divided Feet. F Land-birds I obferved but one fort: OF Viz: I. Of a Snite. This Snite which is alfo called the Strand- runner (becauſe it keepeth about the Strand) is no bigger than à Lark. Its Bill is narrow, thin, and corner'd with- all. Our Snites Bills are at the farther end broader and roundish, and cut in with croſs notches like a Rafp to rafp Wood withal; fo that the whole upper Jaw and Bill looketh ex- actly like a Rafp with its handle. Our Snites ane alfo bigger than thofe of Spitzbergen, other- wife they are very like one another in Shape and Colour; this Bill both above and below is four fquare, of a brownish colour, and about two Inches long. The Head is roundiſh, and of the fame thickneſs with the Neck. { Their Feet are made of three divided Claws before, and one behind which is very fhort, their Legs are not very long. It is of the co- lour Tab: K. pag: 73- Ъ C to Spitzbergen. 73 lour of a Lark; but when the Sun fhines upon it, it fhews blewish, very like thoſe two Colours obferved on our Ducks Necks when the Sun fhines upon them. They feed upon the little gray Worms and Shrimps. ✔ We ſhot ſome of them in the South Harbour, near the Cookery of Harlem, they had not the taſte of Fish at all. See Tab, K. at a. II. Of the Snow-bird. The Snow-bird is no bigger than a Sparrow, and like a Linnet in his Shape, Bill and Co- lour. The Bill is fhort and pointed, its Head of the fame thickneſs with its Neck. The Legs are alſo like the Linnets, their Feet are divided into three fore Claws, with longiſh crooked Nails, the hinder Claw is fomewhat fhorter, but hath a long bended Spur, or Nail. The Legs are grayish, and not very long. From their Head over all their Belly to the Tail they are white like Snow, but all over their Backs and Wings they are gray. Some of them are gray all over, but theſe are little Ones, I can tell nothing of its finging, only that it whiffeleth a little, as Birds ufe to do when they are hungry. When we failed near the Ice, they came in great flocks to us in our Ship, near the Iſland of John Mayen, and were fo tame, that you could take them up with your Hands. They run upon the Ice where I only faw them, and not upon the Land, which is the reaſon that they are called Snow birds. } They 74 The fourth Part of the Voyage + They kept with our Ship till we catch'd the firft Whale, and after that the other Birds fright- ned them away. We fed them with Oatmeal, but when their Bellies were full, they would not fuffer them- felves to be taken up. We put. fome of them in a Cage, and hung them up in the Cabin, but they did not live long. We eat fome of them, and they were not of an unpleaſant tafte, but very lean. If I may give my Opinion, why the Birds flie to the Ships, I believe that they are ftray'd from the Island, and that fo the Hunger compels them to the Ships for Food. Tab. K. at b. III. Of the Ice-birds. I faw alfo in the English Haven, a very beau- tiful Ice-bird, which was fo tame, that we might have taken him up almoſt with our Hands, but we would not go too near him with our Gun, for fear that we fhould fhoot him all in pieces, and fo fpoil his curious Feathers, fo we mif- fed him, and he flew away. The Sun fhined at that time upon him,which made him look like Gold, fo as it dazled our Eyes almoft. He was as big as a ſmall Pigeon. I would willingly have delineated him, if we could have catched him. I faw but this one of the Kind. CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 75 CHA P. II. Of the Broad or Web-footed Birds. TH Here are feveral forts of theſe about Spitzbergen. Some of them have thin pointed Bills, others have thick and broad ones. Some of the thick billed ones have them di- vided or parted as the Malle-mucken (mad Gnats in English) others have undivided ones, as the Parret fo called. There is alſo a confiderable difference in the Heels of thefe Birds, for fome of them have Heels, as the Mountain-duck, Kirmeu and Malle- mucks: Others have them not at all, as the Burgermeister, Rathfher, Strundjager, Kutyegehf, Par- ret, Lumbe, Pigeon, and the Red Goofe; no Wa- ter fticks to their Feathers no more than on the Swans and other Water Fowl, for it runs off from them, as if they were oiled all over. Some are Birds of Prey, others not. There is alfo a difference in their flying. Some flie like unto a Partridge, as that cal- led the Pigeon, others like Swallows, as the Lumbs and Red Geefe, others like the Mews, as the Mallemucke, Rathfher and Strundjager, others like the Stork, as the Burgermeister. The Birds of Prey are, the Burgermeister, Rathfher, Strandjager, Kutyegehf and Mallemucke. There is alfo a great difference in their Fleſh the Birds of Prey are not fo good to eat as the others, except you hang them up by their Legs for fome days, that the Train Oil may run out of them, and the Air blow through them, and 76 The fourth Part of the Voyage and then you do not tafte the Train Oil fo ftrong, for elſe it would make you vomit. The Pigeons, Parrets, Red Geefe and Ducks, are the moſt fleſhy, the old Lumbs have a very tough and dry Flesh,not to difparage the Rotges, Kirmews and young Lumbs when boiled, and the Fat taken away from them, and afterwards fryed in Butter; for then one may make a fhift to eat them; but if you ſhould eat their Fat, it would vomit and diforder the Stomach very much. Theſe Birds except the Strundjager, Kirmew and Mountain-duck, all make their Nefts upon the high Rocks, where they are fecured from the Foxes and Bears; but ſome of them make their Neſts higher than others. They fit in fo great numbers or flocks upon the Rocks, chiefly at the time when they hatch their Young ones, which is about the latter end of June, and beginning of July, that if they flie up when the Sun Thineth, they fhade the Ground like a Cloud, and make fo great a noife, that one Man can hardly hear the other. The Kirmews and Mountain-ducks, and alfo the Strundjagers, make their Nefts on low Grounds, (that one would think that the high Water muft needs run over them) on the fmall Iſlands, where they are fecure from the Foxes, but not from the white Bears, for they ſwim in the Water from one Iſland to the other. We took up great ftore of their Eggs. The Nefts of theſe Birds are not all made after the fame manner. For the Mountain-duck makes its Neſt of the Feathers of its own Belly, mixing them with Mofs. The Feathers of thefe Nefts are not the Edder Down, brought us from Iſland, for that cometh from great Birds (that the Inhabi- tants to Spitzbergen. 77 tants there call Edder) and cofteth when it is cleanfed from the Mofs a Crown a Pound, as I have been informed; But the Feathers of the Mountain-ducks of Spitzbergen, which they call Down, the Seamen put into their, Pillows, and Straw-facks, which if they fhould be clean- fed would be more worth. The Kirmew layeth their Eggs upon Mefs, and fo do the Rotges. The Nefts of the rest of the Birds were too high for us, fo that we could hardly, and not without great difficulty reach them. If it be never fo dark by reafon of a Mift, yet every Bird knoweth how to find their own Neft again, and flyeth directly to it. Concerning the Names of the Birds I have made ufe of thofe, that the Seamen have given them formerly, according to their own Fancy, that he that heareth them called by thefe Names, may alſo know how to find them by them in this Book. Some of theſe Birds, as Lumbs, Strundjagers, Mallemucks, Kirmews, and the Mews called Kutyegelfen, I have alfo feen about England, Scotland and Ireland; and alfo in the Spanish Seas, nay even upon the Elve by Hamburg, I have heard the Kirmew and Kutyegehf cry, but there is a difference, as well between the Beafts as Men of other Countries. 1. Of the Rathfher. Firſt of the Rathfher (or Alderman in Eng÷ lifh) for this is the firft of the thin billed Birds that have three Claws, and is called fo by the Seamen, becauſe he is a very ftately and hand- fome 28 The fourth Part of the Voyage fome Bird, but lefs than that which they call Burgermeister (or Major in English.) This Bird hath a fharp, narrow and thin Bill, and hath only three Claws or Toes, that are joined together by a black Skin, but he hath no Claw behind. His Legs are not very long, and black, as the Eyes are alfo. This Bird is whiter than the Snow, for when you fee him upon the Ice, you may diftinguiſh him from the Snow; he fhews very beautiful, with his white Body, his black Bill and Eyes, black Legs and Feet, and befides he is very well ſhaped. His Tail is pretty long and broad, like a Lady's Fan. His Cry is fomewhat lower than the little Kirmews, as if he did fay Kar, when the cries Kir, he fpreads his Wings and Tail out when he flies, as the Strundjager or Crow doth. He doth not willingly fwim in the Water as the other Birds do, nor doth he much care for wetting his Feet, but he ftays rather where it is dry, yet he loves Fifh.mightily; and fo the Proverb that we commonly fay of the Cats is true of him; The Cat loves to eat Fish, but does not love to wet her Feet. I have feen him upon the Ice feed on the Dung of a Sea-horfe, upon whofe Body he will reft while he is alive, as Crows will do in our Countries. He flieth commonly alone by himſelf, but where there is a Prey they flock in great numbers. I did delineate them in the fhallow Corner (called fhallow Point) in Spitzbergen, on the 10th. of July, when we fhot him, he was not wild at all, fo that I could have knock'd him down with the Gun. See Tab. L. at a. II. of Tab: L pag: 78. a a : b to Spitzbergen. 79 11. Of the Pigeon. The Pigeon, or rather the Pigeon-diver, is al- fo one of the beautifulleft Birds of Spitzbergen. It is of the bignefs of a Duck, the Bill is fone- what long, thin and fharp pointed, at the point the upper Bill is fomewhat crooked, a- bout two Inches long and hollow within. It hath but three red Toes on its Feet, with crooked Claws; it hath fhort redith Legs, and a fhort Tail. Some of theſe Birds are black all their body over; but others, and fo was that which I de- lineated; about their Wings, and in the middle they are white pyed with black, but under- neath the Wings they are quite white; others are in the middle of their Wings quite white; their Bill is red within; the Tongue is allo red and hollow; they cry like young Pigeons, whence they have their Name, for they are in nothing elſe like them. In their Crops I found Shrimps, or Prawns, and fmall Sand-ftones. They do not flie high over the Sea, and their flight is very like the Partridges: They do not flie many together as the Lumbs, but ufually by pares, and fometimes one alone by its felf. They can keep a great while under Water; wherefore they may be called Diving Pigeons But chiefly when they are purfed by Men, or if their Wings be hurt by a Shot,they will dive and keep a great while under Water; and fome times they get underneath the Ice, and there' they are fuffocated,they were as nimble and quick underWater (if their Wings or Feet are not quite fhot off) as we could row with our Boat. Their Fleth ¡ 80 The fourth Part of the Voyage Fleſh is good to eat when the Fat is taken a way from it, if afterwards it be fryed in But- ter. The firft Diving Pigeon I got the 23th. of May on the Ice, and afterward at Spitzbergen, where they are feen more frequently. See Tab. L. at b. III. of the Lumb. This Bird is the likeft in his Bill unto the Diving Pigeon, only it is fomewhat ftronger and crookeder. He hath black Feet, with three black Toes, and as many black Nails; his Legs are black alfo and fhort. He is quite black at the top, but underneath his Belly even to the Neck he is ſnow white; his Tail is fhort. His Cry is very unpleaſant, moft like that of a Raven, and they cry more than all the o ther Birds, except the Rotger-divers, he is big- ger than the Diving Pigeon, as big as a mid- ling Duck. In their Crops I find fmall Fiſh and Prawns, and alfo fome Sand-ftones; and one of them flying over our Ship dropp'd a large red Prawn into the Ship. I alfo delinea- ted it in the mentioned place. They fay likewife, that fmall freſh River Fish are their Prey; but this I carmot relate for certain. When they have young ones, they common- ly fit by the old ones one or two on the Water, who teach them to dive and fwim. After the old ones have brought their young in their Bill, from the Rocks to the Water, the Prey- ing Bird called Burgermeister fometimes catches the young ones, when the old ones are not prefent, to Spitzbergen. 81 } preſent, and ſometimes when they are alſo, for they are not able to reſiſt them. They love their young ones fo well, that they will be killed before they will leave them, (and will defend them as a Hen doth her Chickens, fwimming about them) at other times they are very hard to be fhot; for as foon as they ſee the Fire, they are immediately under Water, or fly away. They fly in great flocks, with pointed Wings like Swallows, and move their Wings much in their flight. One can hardly know the young Lambs from the old ones, at the firſt fight, if you do not take exact notice of their Bills; for the upper part turns beſide the under part, at the point, and the undermoſt beſide the uppermoft, as you fee in the Croſs- Bill, yet not fo much in theſe and it is commonly done in the 15th, 16th, tổ the 20th year of their Age. The old ones are full of Flefh, but it is very dry and tough, and therefore unpleaſant to eat. ; They boil them like the Pigeons, and fcum off the Fat when they boil, then they fry them in Batter. I did not fee them upon the Ice, but abundance of them upon the Mountains: They go waddling from one fide to the other, like the diving Pigeons. I have feen many Thouſands of them together in the Danish Har- bour, on the Mountains, on that fide where the Eaft and Northern Winds could not blow hard or not fully upon them, (and fo do all other Birds chufe fuch places on the Mountains for their Habitations) where the Herbs do grow. But I faw not fo many by the Haven of Mag- dalen, where I drew my Figure on the 25th of July. Afterwards I faw fome of them in the G Spa- 82 The fourth Part of the Voyage } Spanish and North Sea, not far from the Heilg land. See Tab. M at a. IV. of the Mew called Kutge-gehef. , This is a beautiful Mew, and is called Kutge-gebef, becauſe it cryeth fo: He hath a Bill fomewhat bent, as the Burgermeister; on the undermoſt part of its Bill is a fmall knob or rifing: About his black Eyes he hath a red circle, as the Burgermeister; and he hath but three Claws, joyned together with a black Skin. The Legs are alfo black, and but fhort; the Tail is fomewhat long and broad, like a Fan. 1 All the Belly is as white as Snow; the Wings and Back are grey, and the point of the Wings black. He is almoft as big as an ordi- nary Mew, but fomething lefs than the Strunt- jager. When we cut the fat off from the Whales, we faw abundance of them fly by the Ship, and heard them cry. When the Seamen have a mind to catch fome of them, they bait their Hooks with a piece of Whales Fat, and fo tye the Hooks to a Line, and fling it into the Sea, and fo they catch not only thefe, but all the other Birds of Prey. He flieth with fmall Wings as a com- mon Mew, and dives not. His Food is the Fat of the Whale. He is hunted by the Strunt- jager (in English Dung-hunter) who leave him not till he dungs, which the Strunt-jager eats. K 4 This I could hardly believe at firft, until af terwards I faw it my felf very often: That which I drew was catched by our Ship-boys with Tab: M. pag: 82. Ъ a F 4 to Spitzbergen. 83 with a Hook, in the South Haven. I did pecu- liarly obſerve in this Bird, that it uſed to ſwim upon the Water, and hold its Head up againſt the Wind, if it was never fo great a Storm; and fo we found whole flocks of them fwim upon the Water together. : " This is not only to be underſtood of this Bird, but alſo of all the reft, for they look againſt the Wind, that their Feathers may not be blown afunder and opened; for if they fhould fit or fwim with the Wind, their Fea- thers would be blown afunder by the cold Wind, and fo the Cold would get in between them to their Skin, which perhaps might pre- judice their Health, for Birds are covered with their Feathers as Men are with their Clothes. And fo, when they fly up, they prefs againſt the Wind with their Bodies, and expand their Wings, and fo fly away very fwiftly; alfo their Feathers would be entangled, fo that they could not have a fure and fteddy flight, but faulter in their flying, like Birds that learn to fly. There is but little Meat upon them; we eat but the Legs and the Breaſt, for the Wings are nothing but Skin and Bone. We have a Proverb, and ſay, Thou art as light as a Mew This we may very well fay of thefe Mews. I have feen them fince in the Spanish Sea, and alfo in the North Sea, but yet they differ from thefe; and fo do the Beafts of all Countries. See Tab. N. it is marked with a. G v. of 84 The third Part of the Voyage V. Of the Burgermeister 1 1 A t The Burgermeister (in. Engliſh Major) is the biggeſt of all the Birds of Spitsbergen, wherefore this Name is given him as being the Chief of them.. His Bill is crooked, of a yel- low colour, narrow and thick; his Under-bill is fomewhat rifing or knobby at the point or end, a great deal more than the Kutge gebefs, which looketh very pretty, as if he had a Cher- ry in his Mouth; he hath longish Noſtrils, and a red Ring about his Eyes, as I mentioned when I fpoke of the Kutge-gebef; he hath but three Claws, of a grey colour, his Legs are grey, and not quite fo long as thofe of a Stork, yet he is almoft equally big with him. His Tail is broad, like a Fan, and white, which is chiefly to be underſtood of thefe Birds when they fly; his Wings are of a pale colour, and fo is all the Back, but the Wings are white at the tip, and fo. is the whole Body. He builds his Neft very high in the Clifts of the Rocks, where you can neither ſhoot nor catch them any other way; which was the reafon I could not fee their Nefts, I have feen fometimes two, three and four of their young ones together; we shoot moft of them when we draw a dead Whale behind our Ship,where they flock in great numbers, and bite off great pieces of the fat of the Whale; at other times we muſt ſhoot at them a great diſtance, as at other wild Birds, fuch as Ravens, Herns, and the like. A His to Spitzbergen. 85 ༌ His Cry is like the Cry of fome Ravens that I have fometimes heard; he flyeth in the Air like a Stork; he preys upon young Lumbs as the Hawk doth upon all forts of Birds; he feeds alfo upon the fat of the Whale, whereof he doth ſwallow down pieces as big as ones. Hand whole. : The Mallemucks are mightily afraid of him, they will lye down before him (when they are upon the Carcafs of a dead Whale) then he bites them about the Neck, which I believe doth not hurt them much, becauſe they have a very thick Skin,, for elfe they would oppofe and re- fift him, or fly away, but they do not matter it, neither will they leave their Meal for his biting. I have feen him alfo about the Sea- Horfes, whofe Dung he eats. He flyeth com- monly fingle, except when they meet at their Prey. He loves to reft on the water, but doth not care much for diving; we fhot one before the Weibegat, on the roth day of July. You fee him at c in the Tab. L. VI. Of the Rotges. This Bird is a Diver, and might be rather called the Diving Rotge. His Bill is crooked, but fhort, fomewhat thick, of a black colour ; his Feet have but three Claws, with as many black Nails, and are joyned by a black Skin; his Legs are fhort and black; he is almoft allĺ over black, except his Belly, which is white. • Some of this kind have their Wings fpotted with white and black, like the diving Pigeon; no Water ſticketh to their Feathers, no more than to a Swans; they are moſt of them like Hair on a very thick Skin: Their Tail is fhort. They G 3 86 The third Part of the Voyage i They are very much like a Swallow in their fhape; I took them at firft to be Swallows, fór they fly like them; they are in great flocks to- gether, as the Swallows are when they are about to hide themſelves againſt the Winter. They go wabbling from fide to fide, as the Divers do; they cry very loud Rotter, tet, tet, tet, tet, at firft high, and fo by degrees lower and lower; and this their calling or crying is the occafion of their Name. They make more noiſe than any other Bird, becauſe their Voice is fhriller; but the Lumbs in this are not much inferiour to them, although they cry lower; the Burgermeifter, Rathfher, and the whole crew of Birds of Spitzbergen ftrike in with them, fo that one can hardly hear another's words. adw gol The calling or crying of the Rotges amongſt one another founds almoft, at a distance, as if you hear a great many Women fcolding toge ther: They are fomewhat bigger than a Star- ling. They build their Nefts in the Clifts of the Rocks, yet not all of them, for fome make their Nefts upon the Hills or Mountains, of Mofs, where we found them, and we killed abun- dance of their young ones with Sticks. They feed upon the grey Worms that are like Craw- fish, which are delineated hereafter: They allo eat the red Shrimps or Prawns. We got the firſt of them on the Ice on the 29th day of May, and afterwards more of them by Spitzbergen. They are very good Food, and the belt next the Strandrunner, are fleshy and fattiſh; we boyl and then roaft them. In Tab. they are mark'd with b. VII. of to Spitzbergen. 87 VII. Of the Struntjager (or Dung-hunter.) This Bird hath a Bill fomewhat blunt be- fore, and crooked, and is thick; if I remem ber, it is black. He hath but three Claws, which are joyned together with a black Skin; his Legs are not very long; his Tayl, which is like unto a Fan, hath this mark, that one Feather thereof ftands out before all the reft: He is black on the top of his Head: His Eyes are black; about his Neck he hath a dark yellowish Ring of Circle; his Wings, as well as his Back, are brown; un- derneath his Belly he is white; he is fomewhat bigger than the Mew called Kutge.gebef he hunts and flies in the Air after the Mew Kutge- gehef, fo long torments her, until fhe avoideth her Dung, on which this Bird feeds, which he catches dexteroufly before it falls down into the Water; and this is the reafon why they call him Strunt-jager, in Engliſh the Dung- bunter. · He flyeth with the Mews, called Kutge gebef, which do not fear him in the leaft, and they are both equally fwift in their flying, but when he intends to make them dung, he hunts them and makes them cry out very loud, but he him- felf feldom cries: He generally keepeth but to one Mew, but if two or three of the Mews be together, and one makes her eſcape from him, then he hunts the other two, and flyeth fome- times above and fometimes underneath them. I could never fee him hunt after any other Birds,but once I faw him fly after a Mallemuck, but I faw him foon leave her, perhaps becaufe her Dung did not pleaſe him. I am of opinion G 4 that 1 88 The third Part of the Voyage that this Dung, becauſe it is thin, ferves him inſtead of Drink, for elſe he eats the Fat of the Whale for his Food: He builds his Neft not very high. He goes upright upon his Legs, like the Bur- germeister, Rhatfher, or Kutge-gehef. It is a rare Bird, and I faw but very few of them: He flies commonly alone; I faw very feldom two or three of them together; he flies like the Rhat- fher, or like a Crow, but his Wings are fome- what more pointed at the ends. He hath a loud Voice, when he cries it founds as if he did fay, 1 Ja. To fome it feem- eth, if it be at a diſtance, as if he cried, Jo ban. His Fleſh is not better than that of the other Birds of Prey. I got him on the 11th of July near to the Dear-haven, or Dear-bay, in Spitzbur- gen; afterwards I ſaw this Bird behind Scotland, hunt after the new Kutge-gehef. In the Tab. Z it is marked with d. VIII. Of the Diving Parret. L This is commonly called the Parret. Amongſt all the web-footed Birds that have three Claws, this hath a peculiar Bill; and becauſe it ſeem'd to thoſe that gave him this Name to be like that of a Parret, therefore they called him alfo a Parret ; but in truth his Bill is not at all like that of a Parret, its Bill is broad, and full of flender ftrokes of feveral colours, viz. red, white, and the broad part thereof is black; the uppermoft as well as the undermoft are both pointed; the uppermoft arch is red, and his upper Bill hath a thin bended Hook; the undermoft hath a yellowish arch, and is to- wards the end downwards cut off fomewhat floap- to Spitzbergen. 89 floaping: The upper part of its Bill, as well as the lower part, is about three fingers broad, and about the fame length, if you meafure the upper and undermolt together: He hath on the up- per Bill four arched or bended oblong pitted holes, and on the lower he hath as many, al- though the furthermoft is not altogether fo plain. Theſe holes or pits of the upper and lower Bill make together a Half-moon; and the parts that are elevated make in the fame manner, as well as the pitted or hollow ones, a Half- moon. By theſe holes are as many raiſed or eleva- ted parts; the uppermost of them is as broad as the three furthermoft ones together, and hath underneath on each fide a longifh hole, which without doubt are his Noftrils; but the undermoſt on the under Bill is about a Straws breadth broader; the upper broad part is blackish, and fometimes blew. On this broad part of the upper Bill that is thus elevated above the reft, is towards the Eye a long whitish piece of Cartilage that is full of holes, whereon you fee towards the inner part of the Mouth fomething like a Nerve, which alfo reacheth towards the under part, and there endeth itſelf, whereby the Bill is opened and fhut. His Feet have alfo but three Claws, joyned with a red Skin between them, with three fhort and ftrong Nails; the Legs are but ſhort, and of a red colour; he walks wabbling. About his Eyes he hath a red ring, and above this Ring ftands upright a little Horn, and un- derneath the Eyes lyeth another little, longifh, black Horn crofs over; as you may fee in the Figure. His 9༠ The fourth Part of the Voyage i His Tail is fhort: The Head is black at the top unto the Horn; but his Cheeks are white; about his Neck he hath a black Ring; all his Back and Wings alfo, at the top or the outſide, are black, but underneath the Belly is white. They fly either fingly or by pairs, and have fharp pointed Wings like the Lumbs. He will keep a great while under Water. He eats like the reft, red Shrimps or Prawns, fmall Fish and Worms, and alſo the Sea-fpiders and Star-fish, for I found fomething in his Stomach that look- eth like pieces thereof, but they were almoſt digeſted. He hath more Fleſh upon him than the di- ving Pigeon, and is very good to eat. Inever faw him among the Ice. This whereof Ï fhew you the draught was fhot at Schmerenberg in Spitzbergen, on the 20th day of June, but after- wards we got feveral more. In the Tab. K fee d. IX. Of the Mountain-Duck. Hitherto we have defcribed the web-footed Birds that have three Claws that are not divi- ded, that I faw and got about Spitzbergen; I muft now defcribe thofe that have undivided Feet with four Claws, whereof I found three forts, viz. the Mountain Duck, Kirmew, and Mallemucke. The Mountain-Duck is a kind of our wild Duck, or rather wild Goofe, for fhe is of the bigness of a middling Goofe, and is more like a Gooſe about the Bill. It is a very handfom Bird, becauſe of its delicate fpotted Feathers. They dive under Water as other Ducks do. The Drake hath black and white fpotted Fea- thers, to Spitzbergen. 91 སཧཱུྃཝཏཾ thers, and the Duck hath Feathers of the co- lour of a Partridge. The hindmoft Claw is broad and fhort, with a fhort Nail; the Tail is bobb'd, like that of other Ducks. I could find nothing in their Maws or Gizzards that could make me certain of their Food, but only Sand-ftones. They fly a great many of them in flocks like other wild Ducks; when they do fee any Men, they hold up their Heads and make a very long Neck. They make their Nefts upon the low flands; they make them of the Feathers of their Bellies, which they mix with Mols; but theſe are not the fame Feathers which are called the Edder down. We found their Nefts with two, three, or four Eggs in them, the moſt whereof were rot- ten when we came to Spitzbergen, but fome of them were good to eat; they are of a pale gréen, ſomewhat bigger than our Duck-eggs; the Seamen made an hole at each end, and fo blew the White and the Yolk out, and ftrung the Shells upon a Packthread. I would have brought fome of them to Hamburgh, but they began to ftink, fo that I was forced to fling them away, although the Shells were entire. Theſe Ducks have a very good Flesh,we boyl'd and roafted them as we did the other Birds, but the fat of them we flung away, for it tafted of Train-oyl, and made us vomit. The Ships that arrived at Spitzbergen before us got a great many of them. Thefe Mountain-Ducks are not at all fhy, or afraid of Men, when we first arrive there, but afterwards they grow quite wild, fo that you can hardly come near enough to fhoot them. That which I have drawn here was fhot in the South 92 The fourth Part of the Voyage 1 South Bay (in Spitzbergen) on the 18th of June; it is marked with c in the Tab. M. с X. Of the Kirmew. .:: The Kirmen hath a thin fharp-pointed Bill, as red as Blood; fhe fhews very large, efpeci- ally when fhe ftands upright, becauſe of her long Wings, and Feathers of her Tail, but when the Feathers are off, there is no more Meat than upon a Sparrow. It is peculiar to this Bird to have very fharp pointed Wings, and its Tail is longer than that of a Swallow, and as long as the longeſt Feather of the Wings. Becauſe of thefe long and fharp-pointed Fea- thers in her Wing and Tail, fhe might very properly be called the Swallow-mew, but it is commonly called Kirmew from its Cry. The Claws, as well as the Skin between them, are as red as Blood; the Nails are black on all the four Claws; the hindmoft Claw is very little: The Legs are fhort and red: It hews very brisk and pert when it ftands upright on its Legs. The Head at the top is black, like a black Cap; the fides of the Head are Snow white, and the whole Body is of a Silver co- lour, or white enclining to grey; the Wings and Tail are white underneath; one fide of the Feathers of the Wings are black. All theſe differing colours, together with the Blood-red Bill, red Legs and Feet, make her very beauti- ful her Feathers are thready or hairy; fhe flies fingly, for fo I ſaw her always in the South Haven, and in other places where we were. Where their Nefts are they fly in great num- bers; thefe they make of Mofs. One can hard- ly Tab⋅N.Pag: 93. C F ! Ъ a חול ་་དད་ " " to Spitzbergen. 93 ly difcern their Eggs from their Nefts, for both of them are of a dirty white, but the Eggs have black ſpecks; they are of the bignefs of a Pi- geon's Egg; I eat of them at Spitzbergen, and found them very good, they tafted like the Lapwings Eggs; the Yolk was red, and the White blewith; they are very fharp-pointed at one end. She defends her Neft and Eggs, and flies directly at a Man, biting and crying. It is the fame with her as what we fay of the Lap- wing; fhe endeavours to defend all the Mea- dow, and yet cannot defend her own Neft. I brought about thirty of their Eggs with me to Hamburgh, but they were rotten and ſtunk. It is a kind of a Hawk,and throws herſelf into the Water, as other Mews do. I am of an opinion, that fhe feeds on the fmall grey Worms, and perhaps on Shrimps and Prawns, for I found no other Food they could get. · I fhot but one fingle Bird of them flying, which I did not eat of, becaufe the large fhot had torn it very much. This Bird is quite grey in our Countries, which differs much from that of Spitzbergen, whoſe Feathers are much finer. That here deli- neated, was shot, by the Birds Song in Spitzber- gen, on the 20th of June. See it Tab. N, at b. XI. Of the Mallemucke. This Bird hath a remarkable Bill, which is feverally divided: The uppermoft Bill hath next to the Head oblong and fmall Noftrils; underneath them groweth out as it was a new Bill, that rifes up, is crooked and very ſharp- pointed. The 94 The fourth Part of the Voyage 1 } The under part of the Bill confifts partly of four pieces, two whereof meet in a point to- gecher downwards,the other two gape upwards; the two undermoft that meet in a point, meet exactly with the point of the upper Bill. The hinder Claw of the Feet of this Bird is very fmall, of a grey colour, and fo are the other Claws and the Skin between them. The Tail is fomewhat broad, the Wings are longish after the manner of the Kirmew. They are not al- ways of the fame colour; fome are quite grey, which we take to be the oldeft, others are grey on their Back and Wings, but their Head and Belly are white, which are the young ones: This is generally thought, but I am of opinion, that this difference of colour proceeds rather from a difference in kind than from a difference in age; for the grey ones I only faw about Spitzbergen, but the grey and white ones, al- though I have feen fome few of them at Spitz- bergen, yet we faw abundance more about the North Cape, and alfo about Hitland and England. He flies like a great Mew, hovers near the Water with a very ſmall motion of his Wings. They do not avoid a Storm as our Mews do, but they take good and bad together, as it hap- pens; ours bend themfelves like an Ear of Corn with the Wind, which the Mallemucks do not: They do not much care for diving, but when they wash themselves they fit upon the Water, and put their Wings a-croſs one over the other: They fly fingly; when they go to fly up they wabble a great way before they can raiſe themſelves upon the Wind, but the Lumbs and Parrets that have but fmall Wings do it more. When they ran upon the Deck of the Ship, they could not fly up before they came to to Spitzbergen. 95 to a place where a ftep went down, or from fome advantageous rife. They flock in great numbers when we catch Whales, and light down upon the live Whales, bite them in their Backs, and pick out great pieces of his fat,even when he is yet alive, and when we cut up the dead Whales, there came fo many of them about us, that we could not imagine from whence they could all come, fo that we were forced to kill them with Sticks and with broad Nets in Frames, fuch as they ufe in the Tenis- Court, to be rid of them: They are fo bold, that they would not fly away, although they faw us come upon them, but fuffered them- felves to be killed in great numbers, which we hung upon the Tackle of our Ship. But after they began to be more fhy of us, and would not ftay fo long. They flock in fo great numbers after the Whales, that many of them are diſcovered by them; wherefore I fan- cy, that he flings up fome fat when he blows the Water out, which the Mallemucks eat. But a great many more, when the Whale is woun- ded, follow the bloody track left in the Water, for then they are numberlefs. They alfo often diſcover a dead Whale, and fo we get them fometimes without any great trouble. His Name is given him, becauſe he is fo filly or mad (which the Dutch call Mall) to fuffer himſelf to be ſo eaſily killed, whereunto is put the word Mucke, which fignifies a Gnatt, be- caufe they are as numerous as Gnatts; fo that the Name Mallemucke fignifieth as much as filly Gnatts, or mad Gnatts. They eat fo much of the fat of the Whales, till they fpew it up again, and tumble them- felves over and over in the water until they vo- mit 96 The fourth Part of the Voyage mit up the Train oyl, and then they begin to eat afreſh, until they grow weary of eating: They bite one another, and fight together, which is very good ſport, abo a piece of Fat, fiercely, although there is enough for them all, and to ſpare. When they are full they reft upon the Ice or Water. I really believe it is the moft devou- ring Bird of all, for he eats till he can ftand no longer, but falls down. He bites very hard, but the Burgermeister bites yet harder, to whom he ſubmits himfelf, and lies down before him to be bit by the Burgermeifter, which he does very feverely, yet the Mallemucke feels little or nothing of it, his Feathers are fo thick ; which I conclude, becauſe he is not eaſily ſhot, but will endure a great blow; nor is it eaſie to kill him with á Stick at one blow. When they ſteer themſelves in the Water with their Legs, they have continually an eye upon their Prey, yet they mind both the Man and their Prey; but if you have a long Stick, they can- not get up fo foon or ſwift but you may have a blow at them. He is the firft and commoneft Bird of all you fee in Greenland; they cry all together, and it founds afar off as if they were Frogs. He walks but ill upon the Land and Ice, like a Child that juſt learns to go, but he underſtands better to fly; you fee him always near unto the furface of the Water, for he is very light. Of all the Birds of Prey, I believe, he hath the leaft Meat on him. He builds his Neſt high on the Mountains, yet not fo very high as the Burgermeifter, yet it was too high for me, I could not come at them. His Breaft and Legs only are to be eaten, they are tough, and tafte ftrong of Train oyl; when 1 you to Spitzbergen. 97 you will eat them you muft hang them up by the Legs, that the Fat of the Whales, or the Train-oyl, may run out of them, for two or three days, and at the Wind may blow thro' them, and throft pierce them alfo; then you lay them into fresh Water, that the rank- neſs may be drawn out, afterwards boil and fry them in Butter. They are every where feen in the North Sea, as I have faid before, yet they are differing. This that you fee here I did defign among the Ice the firft of June. Tab. N at c. CHAP. III. Of fome other Birds that I did not A catch or delineate. Mongſt theſe are the Red Gees,which were fhewn unto me as they were fiying: They are Geefe with long Legs, that fly in flocks; there is many of them in Ruffia, Nor- way, and Jutland. Then I faw another Bird flying fingly with broad Feet, a very handſom Bird, called fohn of Ghent; it is as big as a Stork, and of the fame ſhape with white and black Feathers; he hovers in the Air, and moveth his Wings but very little; when he cometh to the Ice he' turns back again. It is a kind of a Hawk, and I have reafon to believe that he hath a very fharp fight, for he fhoots down from a great height into the Water. They fay, that the Brains of this Bird are in great esteem, but for what I could never learn. II He 98 The fourth Part of the Voyage He is alfo feen in the Spanish Sea, and every where in the North Sea, but moſt commonly he is feen where they catch Herrings. I was alfo informed, that a black Crow was feen in Spitzbergen; other Birds are not feen there, except it may be now and then a fingle one that ftrays and fo cometh thither, as the Crow did. All theſe Birds come at certain times, and abide at this place as long as the Sun fhines; afterwards, when the Cold begins to encrcafe, and the Nights lengthen, every one of them returns to its own place again. When they are going from thence they gather all together, and when they are all met they fly away, every kind by themfelves, which hath been very often obferved: Whence I con- clude they cannot live in this intolerable cold place in the Winter. They reft as well upon the Water as the Land, (and when they fly up they look againſt the Wind) for elfe they would quite be tired in this long Journey. Whether the Mew called Rathfher, that does not love the Water, performs its Journey in one day, I cannot tell; or whether Neceffity compels him to reft upon the Water. Which way thofe Birds that have divided Claws on their Feet, as the Snite, the Snow- bird, and the Ice-bird, get over the Water, I know not. CHAP. Tab: 0.Pag: 99. b. C a to Spitzbergen. 99 CHA P. IV. Of the Four-footed Creatures. TH I. Of the Hart or Deer. HIS is not very unlike unto the Hart, it hath cloven Feet like it, and its Horns are alfo like unto a Hart or Elke; they have three or four branches on each fide, which are about two inches broad,and about a foot long; their Ears are long, and Tail very fhort: He is of a greyish yellow colour, like an Hart or Deer. When they ſee a Man they run away; if you ftand ftill they ftand alfo, then you muft im- mediately fire at them if you have a mind to hit them. They eat the Herbs and Grafs. They are every where about Spitzbergen, but above all in the Rene-field (or Deers-field) that hath its Name from thence, where they'r very plentiful, and alfo upon the Foreland near the Mufcle haven. I never faw them fwim in the Water. As I was informed, fome Men did kill 15 or 20 of them on the Vogel-fong (Birds-fong) the meat thereof roafted is of a very pleaſant tafte: We killed fome of them prefently, at our first arrival in the Spring, that were very lean; wherefore we may conclude, that they remain in this barren and cold Country of Spitzbergen all Winter long, and are contented with what they can get. See Tab. O, at a. # 2 II. of 100 The third Part of the Voyage II. Of the Fox. Between our Foxes and thofe of Spitzbergen there is no great difference; one of them 1 law run by our Ship, very near it, his Head was black and Body white: They make fuch a noifè, as afar off it founds as if a Man laugh'd. We faw them alfo run on the Ice. Their Food falls but ſhort there, they live upon Birds and Eggs. They go not at all into the Water; we were hunting one of them in the South Haven, and had furrounded him with twenty Men, the Water was on one ſide of him, and we en- deavoured to drive him into it, but he would not, but jumped through one Man's Legs, and run up into the Mountains,where we could not follow him. The Ships Crew inform'd me, that when he is hungry he lies down as if he was dead, until the Birds fly to him to eat him, which by that trick he catches and eats. But I believe that this is a Fable. Tab. O, fee b. III. Of the white Bear. Thefe Bears are quite otherwife fhaped than thofe that are ſeen in our Country; they have a long Head like unto a Dog, and a long Neck, and they bark like Dogs that are hoarfe, and all their whole Body is much otherways fhaped than ours. They are flenderer in the Body, and a great deal fwifter. Their Skins are brought to us, which are very comfortable to thofe that travel in the Winter; they prepare or dress the Skins at I 1 Spitz- to Spitzbergen. 101 Spitzbergen after this manner: They heat Saw- duft, and tread thefe Skins in it, which fucks up the Fat, and the Skins become to be dry, after the fame manner as we uſe to take out fpots of Fat out of fine Linnen or other Clothes, when we hold it againſt the Sun : They are of the fame bignefs as ours, great and ſmall : Their Hair is long, and as foft as Wool their Nofe and Mouth are black before, and their Talons alfo black: The fat of their Feet mel ted out, is uſed for pain of the Limbs; it is al- fo given to Women in travail, to bring away the Child; it caufes alfo a plentiful Sweat. The faid Fat is very fpongy, and feels very foft; it is best to try it up there prefently: I ftrove to keep it until I fhould come home, but it grew foul, rancid, and ftinking. I believe it would be very good to try it up with Orris- root, for then it would remain the longer good and fmell well. The other is like Suet when it is tryed up, it becometh thin like Train-oyl, or the fat of Whales: But this is not to be compared to the other for Vertue and Goodnefs, it is only ufed in Lamps, where it does not ftink fo much as the Train-oyl: The Skippers me't it out there, and bring it home with them to fell it for Train-oyl. Their Flefh is whitith and fat, like that of a Sheep, but I did not care to try how it tafted, for I was afraid that my Hair would turn grey before its time, for the Seamen are of opinion, that if they eat of it, it makes their Hair grey. They fuckle their Young with their Milk, which is very, white and fat, as I obferved, when we cut up an old fuckling She one. They fay our Bears have a very ft Head, but I found the contrary in thefe H. 3 ! 702 The third Part of the Voyage thefe at Spitzbergen, for we ftruck them with large and thick Cudgels, upon their Heads, with fuch blows that would have knock'd down a Bullock, and yet they did not matter it at all. When we had a mind to kill them, we were forced to run them through with our Laun- ces. They fwim from one fheet of Ice to the other, they alſo dive under Water, when they were at one fide of our Long-boat, they did dive, and came up again on the other. They alfo run upon the Land. I did not hear them roar fo as ours do, but they only bark. We could not difcern the young ones from the old ones, but only by the two furthermoft long Teeth, which in the young were hollow within, but thofe of the old ones were clofe and folid. If you burn their Teeth, and powder them, and give them inwardly, it difperfeth coagulated Blood. The young ones keep con- ftantly cloſe to the old ones; we obferved that two young ones and an old one would not leave one another, for if one ran away, it turn'd back again immediately as foon as it did hear the others, as if it would come to help them. The old one run to the young one, and the young one to the old one, and rather than they would leave one another,they would fuffer themſelves to be all killed. They feed upon the Carcaffes of Whales, and near them we killed the moft: They alſo eat Men alive when they have an opportunity to mafter them: They remove or roll away the Stones of the burying places, open the Coffins, and eat the dead Men, which many have feen, and we can alſo conclude it from hence, be- caufe we find the dead Mens Bones lye by the Coffins 1 to Spitzbergen. оз Coffins that are opened. They alfo eat Birds and Eggs. We kill them with Guns, or any other way we can. We caught three of them, one whereof I drew after the life, on the 13th of July. What becometh of thefe Bears and Foxes in the Winter-time I do not know,in the Summer they have in fome places, for a few months, Proviſion enough, but in the Winter, when the Rocks and Hills are covered with Snow, there is but very little to be had for them; yet being it is fuppofed that the Deer ftay alfo there all Winter long, I believe that theſe Beafts do the fame. Tab 0, fee e. IV. Of the Sea-dogs, called Rubbs and Seales. I have ftill two more Beafts to defcribe, that live as well in the Water as on the Land and Ice, and they have alfo on their Feet five Claws like Fingers, that are joyned together with a thick Skin, like unto the Feet of a Goofe: The moſt known of thefe is the Seale, which they alfo call Salldogg and Rubbe, in the German Language; the Head thereof is like unto a Dog's Head, with cropt Ears: Their Heads are not all alike, for fome are rounder, and others longer or leaner: he hath a Beard about his Mouth, and Hair on the Nofe and the Eye- lids, yet feldom above four: the Eyes are very large, hollow, and very clear: their Skin is grown over with fhort Hair: they are of feve- ral colours, fpotted like Tygers, fome are black with white fpots, fome yellow, fome grey, and others red their Teeth are fharp like a Dogs, wherewith he can bite off a Stick as thick as ones Arm: On their Toes they have black, H 4 long, 104 The third Part of the Voyage long, and ſharp Nails or Claws; their Tail is fhort; they bark like hoarfe Dogs; their little or young ones mew like Cats; they go lame behind; they can climb upon the high Ice, whereon I faw them fleep, chiefly when the Sun fhined, wherein they take great pleaſure, but when it is ftormy weather they muſt march off and leave it, for the Waves of the Sea beat with great violence againſt it, as if it were againſt Rocks, as I have mentioned already in the Chapter of Ice. We faw moſt of them upon the Ice about the Weſt ſide near to the fhoar, where there was an incredible number of them, that if the Mafier of a Ship fhould not catch Whales enough, they might lade their Ship with Seales only; and we have Examples that little Ships have taken their Lading only of them, but it is very troubleſome to flea them: Nor are they all alike fat at the time when we arrive there. By Spitzbergen we fee but a few of them, but inftead of them there is plenty of Sea-horſes. Where many Seales are feen, that is not a good place to catch Whales in. It feemeth as if they leave but very little for the Whale to live up- on, becauſe there is fo great a number of them. They feed upon fmall Fishes, as far as I could underſtand, we cut open feveral of them, and found nothing in their Stomachs but great and long whitish Worms of the thicknefs of ones little Finger. We come up to them where they lye upon the large theets of Ice; we make a great noife with fhouting, which aftonifheth them perhaps, or elfe out of novelty they hold up their Nofes very high, and make a long Neek, as our Grey-hounds do, and bark: In this to Spitzbergen. 105 1 this fright of theirs we ftrike them with Half- pikes, or long Poles upon their Nofes, and knock them down half dead, but for all that, they recover themſelves, and rife again: Some of them ftand upon their defence, bite at, and run after the Men, and they run as faſt as a Man, and their lame way of going doth not hinder them at all, for they fhove themſelves along juſt like an Eel: Some run from the Ice to the Water, and leave a yellow Dung behind them, which they ſquirt cut at their Hunters, as the Hern does: They ftink naturally abomi- nably. Others ftand in the Water with half their Belly, and look about them to fee what is done upon the Ice: When they are going to dive under the Water, they hold up their No- fes, and make a long Neck: When they jump from the Ice under Water, and alfo when they make a dance of Seales, as they call it, about the Ships, they conftantly dive with their Heads under water. They have their young ones by them, one whereof we took away with us to the Ship alive, but it would not eat any thing, but did mew juft like a Cat, and if we touch'd him he would fnap at us, fo we killed him. The biggeft of them that I have feen were from five to eight foot long, out of which we cut fo much fat, that we filled half a Bar- rel with it. He that I have drawn here was eight foot long. Their Fat is about three or four Fingers thick, it covers the Flefh juft under the Skin, and we do flea it off as a Skin: This Fat yields the beft Train-oyl; the Flesh is quite black. They have abundance of Blood, as if they were only filled up with it. They have great Livers, Lungs, and Hearts, which we eat after we have drawn out the ranknefs with Water, 106 The fourth Part of the Voyage : Water, we boil them, but this Dish is very loathfom, ſo that I could not eat it, it taſted fo of Train-oyl. He hath abundance of Guts, which are very fmall: I found no Fat within them; their parts of generation is a hard Bone, like unto that of a Dog, about a ſpan long, co- vered with Sinews; fome were hardly fo long as your little finger, and yet they were not young ones neither. The Cryftal of their Eye is not of the fame colour always, for fome were like a Cryftal, others white, others yellowish, others reddish; they are bigger than a Pea; if one will keep them he muft let them dry gent- ly, or one may wrap them in Linnen Rags, and fo lay them in a moift place, for elfe they fly or crack to pieces. I am informed, that when they couple they are very fierce, ſo that a Man dares not come near them upon the Ice, then they bring their Long boats near the Ice, and fo kill them out of the Boats. They do not quickly dye when the Blood is almoſt all run out, after they have been mortally woun ded and flea'd, they ftill live, and it looks ill to fee them tumble themfelves about in their own Blood. We had an Example of that in him that was eight foot long, for when he was flead, and moſt of the Fat cut off, notwithſtanding all the blows he had had upon his Head and Nofe, he would ſtill fnap at us, and bite about him, and took hold of a fhort Pike with his Teeth after fuch a rate, as if nothing ailed him. Then we run a fhort Pike through his very Heart and Liver, and there ran out as much Blood as if it had been a Bullock. Maſters of the Ships will not fuffer thefe nafty doings in their Ships, for it fouls them mighti- ly. Not only this was fo vivacious, but all the The reft to Spitzbergen. 107 reft are the fame, for when we thought that they lay dead in our Long-boats, they fnapt about them, fo that we were forced to kill them For Sports fake I went once along with them upon the Ice, and run one through the Body with my Sword feveral times, which he did not matter at all; I fell into the Snow up to my Knees, and he barked at me, and offe- red to bite me, which I avoided, and when I got up again I ran after him, and gave him fe- veral wounds more, which he was not concer- ned at, but ran ſwifter than I could, and flung himfelf off from the Ice into the Sea, and went down to the bottom. Tab. P, fee a. V. Of the Sea-horfe, called by fome the Morfe. The Sea-borfe is not unlike unto the Seale in the fhape of the Body, only is much bigger than the other: He is as big as an Ox: Their Legs are alfo like thofe of the Seale, for they have five Claws as well on the fore as the hin- der Feet, but they have only fhort Nails: Their Head is thicker, and rounder, and alſo much ftronger: Their Skin is an inch thick, chiefly about the Neck, covered with fhort Moufe- coloured Hair, fome reddifh, fome grey, fome have but little Hair, and are mangy, and full of Scarrs that are bitten, and look as if they were flea'd; every where about their Joints their Skin is full of Lines, as the inſide of a Man's Hand: They have two great and long Teeth in their upper Jaw-bone, that hang down below their under Lips, that are about a foot and two foot long, fometimes they are longer; The young ones have no great Teeth at 108 The fourth Part of the Voyage at all, but they grow in time as they grow ol- der. All the Sea-horfes have two firm long Teeth; yet I have feen old ones that had but one; it may be that fometimes they loofe them when they fight, or otherwife they may fall out of themſelves, for I obferved that fome of them had foul, hollow, rotten Teeth. Theſe two long Teeth are eſteemed beyond Ivory, becauſe they are fo very white, and are dearer; they are cloſe and firm within, and heavy, but the Root thereof is hollow. Of their Teeth are made Knife-hafts, Boxes, &c. The Jut- landers make Buttons for their Clothes of the other Teeth. Their Mouth is very broad be- fore, like a Bullocks, whereon grow above and underneath feveral Briftles that are hollow within, and of the bignefs of a Straw: Of thefe Briftles the Seamen make Rings, which they wear on their Fingers for the Cramp. Above the uppermoft Beard they have two femicircular Noftrils, whereout he blows the Water, like the Whale, yet with a lefs noife. Their Eyes are at a good diftance from the Nofe; they have Eyelids as other fourfooted Beafts have; his Eyes are naturally as red as Blood when he doth not turn them, and I could fee no difference when they were mo- ved, for they always turn'd their Eyes when they did look upon me, and then they look much uglier, though they are never handfom. Their Ears are fomewhat higher than the Eyes, but very near to them, which are like thofe of the Seales. Their Tongue is at leaſt as big as a Neat's, when it is but newly boiled it may be eaten, but if it is laid by for two or three days, it becomes rank, like Train-oyl. Their Neck is very thick, wherefore he does not readily turn : to Spitzbergen. 109 turn his Head about, and this is the reaſon why he turneth his Eyes generally. Their Tails are fhort, like thofe of the Seale. From their Fleth we cut no Fat, it is all mixed together like unto Hogs-fleſh, to which it is the likeft: Their Heart and Liver we did eat; they tafte well enough, chiefly where we have no great variety of Difhes. Their Yards are of a hard Bone, about two foot long, thick at the bottom, and leſs before, ſomewhat bent in the middle, at the fide towards their Belly it is flat, but it is round without, and it is every where covered over with Sinews. They turn alfo Knife hafts and other things out of this Bone. What their Food is I cannot certainly tell, they may perhaps eat both Herbs and Fish; that they eat Herbs, I conclude from hence, that their Dung looks like Horſe-dung: That they eat Fish I judge, becauſe when we cut the Fat off a Whale one of them did often take the Skin with him under Water, he did al- fo fling it up, and catch it again. The Burger- meiſter doth eat his Dung, as is faid before when I writ of the Birds. The Sea borfes keep gene- rally about Spitzbergen, for amongst the Ice- hills I faw none. They lye upon the Ice, as I have already mentioned in the Firſt Part, by the 12th of July very naftily, as the Seales in great numbers, and roar moft terribly. They dive with their Head under the Water before, like the Seales. They fleep and fnore, not on- ly upon the Ice, but alfo in the Water, fo that we take them feveral times for dead ones. They are very ftout and undaunted Crea- tures, they ſtand by one another as long as they have Life, and if any of them be wounded they make to the Long-boat, notwithſtanding that 110 The fourth Part of the Voyage that the Men ftrike, and cut, and pufh at them; fome will dive under the Water near unto the Long-boats, and cut holes in them with their great Teeth under Water; and others without any fear at all make to the Boat, and ftand up with half their Body out of the Water, and endeavour to get into the Boat. In fuch a Battel a Sea-horfe did once ftrike with his Teeth or Tufhes into the Boat, and took hold of our Harponier with his long Tooth, between his Shirt and the Waftband of his Breeches, fo that the Waftband broke, other- wife he had pulled him under Water. When they roar, if they are imitated, they ftrive which fhall get underneath the Water, and fall a fighting and biting one another till they fetch Blood: Others ftrive to fet at liberty the Sea-horſes taken by the Men, ftriving before each other to get to the Boat, biting and gnaſh- ing with their Teeth, and roaring terribly: They never give over fo long as one of them is alive, and if you are forced to fly, becauſe of their unspeakable number, they will follow the Boat till you loſe them out of fight, for they cannot follow far, their great number hin- dring one another. This we found by Weihegat by Spitzbergen, where they got together in great numbers, and made our Boat take in Water, fo that we were forced to flee, yet they followed us as long as we could fee them, on the 12th day of July. We take them only for their Teeth: You fhall fee almoſt a hundred of them before you find one that hath good Teeth, for fome of them are but finall, others have but one, and others none at all. I fave to Spitzbergen. 111 I faw one in the English Haven lying on a ſheet of Ice, at firſt we took him to be a Seale, but we found it was an old, bald, and mangy Sea-horfe. We gave him fome blows, which he took, and dived under Water. When they fee them lye upon the Ice, or hear them roar, they row with their Boats to them, where they lye in great numbers, but I believe one of them keeps watch, for I have feveral times obferved that one of them did ftrike him that was next to him with his Tooth, and fo it went on: When they awake they rife up and ftand upon their fore-foot, look terribly, and roar, and ſtrike with their long Teeth into the Ice for madneſs, and fo draw themfelves along by the help thereof, when they run apace, or climb upon the Ice, as the Seales do. Their greateſt ftrength lyeth in their Head, and their Skin is thickeſt about the Neck, it is thicker than that of an Elk, and it is alfo a great deal firmer; wherefore if they were dreffed like an Elk's Skin, they would ferve inftead of the beſt Buff- coat. When great multitudes of them lye up- on a ſheet of Ice, and they do awake and fling themſelves into the Sea, you muſt keep off your Boat at a distance from the Ice, until the grea- ter part of them are got off, for elfe they would jump into the Boat to you, and overfet it, whereof many Inftances have been; then the Harponier runs after them on the Ice, or het darts his Harpon out of the Boat at the Sea- horfe, who runs on a little until he is tired, then the Men draw on the Rope or Line again, and fetch him to the Boat, where he begins to refift to his utmoſt, biting and jumping out of the Water, and the Harponier runs his Launce in- to him till he is killed. When they dart the Har- 112 The fourth Part of the Voyage Harpoon at them, they always take the oppor- tunity to do it when he is precipitating himſelf from the Ice, or when he diveth with his Head under Water, for then his Skin is fmooth and extended, and therefore the Harpoon ftriketh through the Skin on his Back the better; but when he lyeth and ſleepeth his Skin is looſe and wrinkled, ſo that the Harpoon does not pierce the Skin, but falls off. The Harpoon for a Sea-horfe and the Launce alfo are fhort, of the length of one fpan, or one and a half, and an inch thick, and the wooden Staff thereof is about fix foot long; the Harpoon for a Whale is much too weak to pierce his thick Skin withal, yet both of them are very well tem- per'd, and of good tough Iron, and not much hardened. When the Sea-borfe is killed, they take his Head only and leave the reft, this they carry on board, where they cut out the Teeth'; the two great ones belong to the Owners or Merchants of the Ship, but the fmall Teeth are not eſteem'd. I cannot but mention that we went by a Field of Ice, where fo many Sea- borfes lay that the weight of them made the Ice even with the Water, but when they were jumped off into the Sea, we could hardly ftep out of our Boat upon it, fo high was it rifen out of the Water. It was related to me, by them that uſed this Greenland Trade every Year, as a certain Truth, that once when they had no good fortune to catch Whales, they rowed with their Boats to the Mufs Island, which was full of Sea-borfes, they ventur'd upon them couragiouſly with cutting, ftriking, pushing, and fhooting, fo that they killed a very great many of them of them; but when they faw that ftill more and more of them got together, they laid the 1 a Pag:13. Tab P C 131 e * Ъ j 1 Tab: P ཀྱང་ཚད་མ་ J с f f. a to Spitzbergen: 113 the dead Sea-horſes round about them, and flood in the middle of them, as in a Caſtle, leaving a place open where the others might come in to them, as through a Gate; and after this man- ner they have killed feveral hundreds of them, and made a good Voyage of it, for fome years ago their Teeth have been in greater eſteem than now. The Figure of this Beaſt you may fee in the Tab. P, marked with b. CHAP. V. Of the Crustaceous Fish that I ob- ferved. I Found two forts of them, viz. Crawfiſh and Starfish; of the Crawfish I faw four forts, the Sea-pider, as the French-men call them, the red Prawn, the fmall Prawn, or the little fmall Shrimp, and the Whale's Loufe. The Starfish I put to them alfo, becauſe they have their Arms or Legs, wherewith they move themſelves, and are incruftrated with Shells. I. Of the Sea Crawfiſh without a Tail, or Sea Spider. This fort of Crawfish has no Tail, but fix Feet and two Claws. They are elfe very like Lob- fters in the fhape of their Body. They are ofa dark brownish colour, fomewhat prickly on their Backs, and hairy all over their Body. I have ſeen many of this kind with fix Feet and I two 114 The fourth Part of the Voyage two Claws, in my Voyage to Spain, whereof I have alfo made a draught in my Voyage into Spain, (which I fhall, God willing, communi- cate to the Curious) but they differ from theſe of Spitzbergen, in their Bignefs and Head; this of Spitzbergen hath a Head like a Lobſter, but the male of them that I ſaw in my Voyage to Spain, made with its Head and Tail juft the fhape of a Lute. I did not eat any of the Spitzbergen Sea Crawfish, neither have I drawn them at Spitzbergen for want of time, for I thought to have them brought along with me, but they were carried away by the Rats. I got them in the English Haven, on the 19th of June I afterwards faw them in the North Sea, not far from England, where we bought from the Hilgeland-Fishermen a great Tarbut, in whofe Stomach we found a Sea Crawfiſh two fpans long when its Feet were fpread out. II. Of the Garnels or Prawns. , Betwixt our Prawns and thofe of Spitzbergen is no difference, only that thofe of Spitzbergen are red before they are boiled. Their Head is peculiar, confifting of two parts, with feveral Horns; the whole Head is broad, at the end of the Head are the Eyes, which ſtand out as Crawfiſhes do; he doth not look downwards, but ftreight before, and fidewards. The Scale of his Back is like a Back-piece of Armour, which alfa behind the Head, in his Neck, is fomewhat bended in, and behind it,is a Prickle. After that follow fix Plates, like the Armour for the Arms and Legs, and about the brims there- cfare fmall black ſpots, as if they were the Nails of the Armour. Thefe Plateslye exactly round one to Spitzbergen. US one upon the other. The Tail confifteth alfo of five parts; when he expands it, it is like the Tail of a Bird. He hath two Claws before, the further part whereof looks fomewhat like the Phangs of a Tooth-drawer. He hath 18 Legs, whereof thofe that are neareſt to the Claws are the ſhorteſt. The firſt eight Legs have four Joints, whereof the uppermoft is the longeft, and the undermoft the ſhorteft: They are not hairy at all. The ten hindmoft Legs, whereof the furthermoft are the longeſt, and the uppermoft Joint is much thicker and fhor- ter than the lowermoft long ones have but two Joints, the Feet whereof are fomewhat bended under, and are hairy. On thefe hind- moft and undermoft Joints grow out two fhoots below, on the reft but one. He fhoots very ſwiftly along in the Water. He was as big as I have delineated him, according to the Life. They are Food for the Birds, as I have men tioned before. III. Of the leffer Garnel or Shrimp. I have alfo taken notice, in my Voyage to Spitzbergen, a fort of Shrimps that are like, Worms; the Head thereof is like the Head of a Fly; it hath on the foremoſt part of its Head two Horns ſtanding out; it hath Scales like the Hog-loufe; its Back is round, and broad down- wards; it hath 12 Legs; on each ſide of the foremoſt Scale it hath three Legs; after you have told four Scales more, there is on each fide three Legs more; they are no bigger than I have drawn them. The Birds eat them as their beſt Food, being always in great numbers in thoſe places where thefe Worms were. I 1 Femibiot 1 116 The third Part of the Voyage found great plenty of them in the Danish Har- bour, between and underneath the Stones in the Water; afterwards on the Eighth of July I found them in the Muffel-haven. I have alfo found them in the Seed of the Whales that fwam upon the Water. See c in the Tab. P. IV. Of the Loufe of the Whale. The Whale's Loufe hath no refemblance at all to our Lice, except in the Head, and therefore it belongs rather to the Cruftaceous Animals. Their Scales are as hard as thofe of the Prawns. They have a Head like a Loufe, with 4 Horns; the two fhort Horns that ſtand out before have two knobs,like Kettledrum-fticks;the two other bended Horns are fharp before. Its Head hath almoft the ſhape of an Acorn, is cut very deep behind. It hath two Eyes, and but one No- fril. The Neck is not made of ſtiff Scales,but its Skin is like that between two Scales or Plates of a Lobſter. It hath fix Plates on the Back; the foremoſt of them is fhaped like a Weaver's Shutle. The Tail might be compa- red unto a Shield, but it is very short. On the foremoft Plate it hath Feet fhaped like a Sythe; they are round before, and bent, like the firft Quarter of the Moon; but on the infide they are toothed like a Saw, and at the end thereof there is a fharp point: On each fide of the fe- cond and third Plait grow out four Legs that are his Oars they have a fhort Joint below, wherein theſe Oars are moved; thefe they lay in a cross one over the other, upon their Back, when they feed upon the Whale; or they put them upwards together, as the Vaulters do when they jump over Swords: The fix hindmoft Legs to Spitzbergen. 117 Legs are like thofe of a Crawfish; they have three Joints on each Leg, the foremoft where- of are crooked like a Half-moon, but before, or on their ends they are very fharp pointed, ſo that they can take firm hold as well of the Skin of Men as of that of the Whale, fo that you must cut them in pieces before you can pull them from the Skin. He that will have them alive, muft cut the Skin of the Whale out with them. They fit on certain places of the Whale's Body (as between his Finns, on his P- denda, and on his Lips) where he cannot eafily rub himſelf, and bite pieces out of his Skin, as if the Birds had eaten him. Some Whales are full of Lice, and others have never a one: The warmer the Weather is, the more Lice they get, as I am informed. The Figure that I give you here I delineated in the Muffel-barven, on the 7th of July. See Tab. Q at d. V. Of the Star-fish. I have feen but two forts of thefe in my Voyage, the firft of them hath five Points or Rays like Legs; it is quite otherwife fhaped than thofe that I have feen in the North, Spa- nifh, and Mediterranean Seas. It is of a red co- lour: Above, upon the plain of its Body it hath five double rows of ſharp knobs or grains; between each of theſe double rows is a fingle row of the fame knobs, fo that in all there is 15 rows of knobs on the whole plain. Theſe 15 rows together make a Star of five outward bended points. 1 3 As 118 The third Part of the Voyage As for the reft, this Plain looketh like the Back of a Spider, but if he is turned he looketh neatly, and in this poſture is feen in the middle a five-corner'd plain Star, which I take to be its Mouth, which he can open and draw toge- ther like a Purfe. Round about this Star are fmall black Spots, in rows, of the shape of a Star. Further forwards, about the middle Star or his Mouth, a broader one is, like unto the Flower of the Crowsfoot. From the middle Star pro- ceed five Legs or Arms, which have no knobs where they begin, but begin firft to have fome behind the Flower like fhaped Star, on both fides to the end. The knobs between the Legs are foft to the touch, like the Skin of an Egg. Their Legs are fcaley, about three fingers breadth long, broader at their beginning, where they have knobs, and afterwards by degrees they grow narrower. Between the Scales on both fides the Knobs come out commonly three or four together, and look like Warts. When he fwims in the Water he ſpreads out theſe Knobs on each fide, juft as a Bird doth his Feathers when it is going to fly. See Tab. P, } at d. Of the Second Starfish. Beſides this, another fine Starfish came to my Hands, which rather ought to be called the Coralfish, becauſe he is like Twigs of Coral, for which I took them alfo, before I perceived that he was alive. This is of a brighter colour than the other, for the other is dark red. Its Body hath ten corners, and it hath a Star above with as many Rays; each of theſe one may compare un- to Spitzbergen. 119 unto a Sail of the Windmills that the Children run againſt the Wind withal, or to a piece of fuch Croffes that are broad before, and narrow where they meet together; that is to fay, of the fhape of a Dove-tail: It feeleth rough: The lower part of the Body is very neat; in the middle thereof is a Star with fix points, which I take to be his Mouth: About the Mouth he is foft, to the place where his Legs begin: Be- tween the beginning of his Legs he had foft Cavities. His Legs are where they begin thick, and have in the middle a longifh hollow or gutter, which feeleth foft; on the Brim they are adorned with Scales that lye one over the other, no otherwife than if they were a row of Coral, but underneath the Scales are twifted, and have in the middle forwards fmall black Strokes, but the Scales lye over one another like unto the Plaits of the Crawfish: Befides, where the Legs come out of the Body, they fpread themfelves double into Twigs, and are, as is faid before, hollow in the middle, until the place where they divide themſelves into fe- veral Branches, and fo grow flenderer by de- grees. The undermoft fmall Branches are fca- ley all round, but not twiſted like Ropes; they are ſharp pointed on their ends like unto the Feet of a Spider, wherefore the Seamen call them Sea-fpiders. When they fwim in the Water they hold their Legs together, and fo they row along. I had one of this fort that was a fpan long, from the extremity of one Foot to the other; but this I have delineated is lefs. The biggeſt are the handſomeſt for colour. They dye foon after they are out of the Water, and when they are a dying they bend their Legs towards the Mouth. The 1 4 Body, 20 The third Part of the Voyage 7 : Body, when it is dead, foon breaks to pieces, which is the reaſon that I could not keep the great ones. See Tab. P, at e. Rondeletius, in his Book of Fish, hath delineated one of the fame ſhape, but this is not the fame fpecies, for his is black; neither do I find the Plaits in his, except he that drew it did not obſerve them. Some of both theſe forts I got on the fifth of July, before the Weikegat, where a Whale made his eſcape from us, becauſe the Line whereunto the Harpoon was faften'd was entangled about a Rock: On this they hung, and ſo I got them alive. Before CHAP. VI. Efore I come to treat of the Whale, I think it convenient to fay fomething of fome Finn'd Fiſhes, which I met withal in my Voy- age to Spitzbergen, fome whereof are propaga- ted by the shooting of their Row, and others bear and bring forth young ones alive. I will begin with the Firſt kind, whereof the firſt that I met withal was the Fiſh that we call Macarel. I. Of the Macarel. This Fiſh is like unto a Herring in his fhape, but hath on his Back a large Finn, and fome- what below it a very fmall one. Then lower there is another greater and broader one, but not J 121 to Spitzbergen. not fo high as the uppermoft: Underneath this are five fmall ones, that are all of the fame big- neſs, and at an equal diſtance one from ano- ther. Very near to the Tail there is another lefs one; fo that on the whole Back there is two great ones, and feven little ones. Near unto the Gills is a Finn on each fide: Under- neath the Belly there are again on each fide one almoſt of the fame bigness of that that is near to the Gills. Underneath towards the Tail is one of the fame bignefs of the third on the Back. Behind this there are again five of an equal bignefs; and below that ſtill a leſs one; fo that thofe of the lower part of the Back are equal to thofe of the lower part of the Belly. Their Head is like unto that of a Herring. He hath a great many fmall holes on the Cover of his Gills, and alfo underneath the Eyes. They have a great variety of colours, that look more glorious when they are alive than when they are dead, for when they are a dying the colours fade and grow pale. From his Back towards the Side he hath black Stroaks. The upper- moft part of his Back is blew till to the mid- dle, and the other half underneath it is green, and as if fome blew did fhine through it. Un- derneath his Belly he is as white as Silver, and his Finns are white every where. All the co- lours of this Fifh fhine like to a Silver or Gol- den Ground, done over with thin, tranſparent or illuminating colours. Their Eyes are black. It is the beautifuleft Fish of all that ever I faw. This that I defcribe here was catched in the North Sea; afterwards, on the 27th day of June, in the Year 1673. we did catch fome Macarels behind Scotland, by the Iſland of St. Kilda, which were half blind; it is occafio- ned 122 The fourth Part of the Voyage ned by a black Skin that groweth over their Eyes in the Winter, and cometh off again in the beginning of the Summer. We do not fee them in the Winter, for they run towards the North: In the Summer we fee them in the North Sea, and I have ſeen them alfo in Spain. We caught them after the following manner; we faſtened a Bullet that weighed about two or three pounds to a Line, about a Fathom di- ftance from the end, whereon we had faftened a Hook; this Hook we baited with a piece of a red Cloth, and fo we flung it into the Sea, and towed it behind our Ship, then when the Macarel doth fwiftly fhoot at it, he bites upon the Hook, and fo is hung, which you preſently perceive by its pulling, as you do when you catch any other Fiſh, notwithſtand- ing that the Rope of its own accord doth pull or draw very hard, by reafon of the Sea, fo that if you ſhould rowl it about your Hand, it would benumb your Hand in a little time to that degree, that you would not be fenfible, if one fhould cut it; wherefore they tye their Ropes to the carved Work on the Stern of the Ship, fo that fometimes many of them are tyed to the Ship by one another, when the Ship fails apace, but this doth hinder the Ship very much in its failing, and I dare fay two ſuch Ropes draw as much as a Man's Strength. They catch them alfo with Herring, with a piece whereof they bait the Hook, at which they bite ſooner than at a red piece of Rag or Cloth. They eat beft if you boil, or broil, or roaft them freſh as they are caught, or dry them: They are hard to be digefted. II. Of to Spitzbergen. 123 II. Of the Dragon-fiſh. It is peculiar to this Fish to have two Finns on his Back, the foremoſt whereof hath very long Strings, about two inches high above the Back; the hindmoſt Finn of the Back is not fo high, but yet it goeth a great way all along the Back, and hath no fuch Strings. He hath no Gills, in the room of them he hath two blowing holes in his Neck, and on each ſide of thefe holes there are two fhort Finns, and un- derneath thefe, on each fide a broad one: Un- derneath his Belly he hath a long very narrow Finn, that reaches to the Tail. His Head is oblong, compofed of many Bones: He hath before on his Nofe a raifed part: His Tail is about an inch broad: His Body is long, thin, and roundish, of a greyish Silver colour, and fhining His Shape is likeft to that of a young Hay, as well the Head as the reft of the Body. They are caught between the Bears-Ifland and Spitzbergen. We got one off of Hitland, when our Cook flung out his Bucket for Water, in which he took up one with fome ſmall Fish of the fhape of an Herring, but they were not bigger than a joint of your little Finger. Our Seamen informed me of fome other finall Fifh, that are in the deep holes between the high Mountains, in the South Haven. III. Of the Dolphin. This is alſo a common Fish, becauſe we fee them in great numbers, every where in the Sea, chiefly before a Storm or hard Weather, for then they jump in great numbers out of the Sea, like 124 The fourth Part of the Voyage like Seales. The Head of it, chiefly the Nofe, is very like that of the Place's Head.Its Mouth is full of little fharp Teeth. He hath a Finn on the middle of his Back, which is hollowed out towards the Tail, like an Half-moon. On its. Belly are two Finns, like thofe of the Whale; thefe Finns are not like them of fmall or little Fiſhes, that are boney, joined together with a thin Skin, but they are all over flefhy, and co- vered with a thick Skin, and made of jointed Bones within. The Tail is broad, and of the fame ſhape as that of the Whale, but it is not cut in, and is crooked from one end to the other, like a Sickle. He hath two finall round Eyes. The greateſt part of the Body is of a black colour, but the Belly is white; they are five or fix feet long. They run very fwift againſt the Wind, as an Arrow: They are ge- nerally caught by chance. Becaufe Figures thereof are in other Books, I did not think it convenient to delineate him. IV. Of the Butskopf, or Place's Head. The Butskopf's Head is blunt before, where- on is a Bill or Beak of an equal bignefs all-along, which diftinguishes him from the Dolphin, which is thicker behind, and more pointed be- fore. The Finns are like thofe of the Dolphin, but the foremoſt on his Belly are liker thofe of the Whale; its Tail is alfo liker a Whale's. He hath a Spout-bole above in his Neck, whereout he ſpouts the Water, but not with fuch a ftrength, nor fo high as a Whale doth. There is alfo a difference in the found of the Fishes, for this, when he bloweth out Water, makes but a fmall noife, but the blowing of a Whale roareth 1 1 to Spitzbergen. 125 roareth that you may hear it afar off. His Eyes are very ſmall in proportion to his bigneſs. I have feen them fixteen, eighteen, and fome- times twenty foot long. Their Back is of a brown colour; the Head brown and marbled; underneath their Belly they are white. They run very near unto the Ships, fo that one may puſh at them with a Stick, and they keep up with a Ship for a long time, which other Fishes do not, for when they fee the Ships they are afraid of them. They all fwim againft the Wind, as Whales, Finn-fish, and Dolphins. I am of opinion, that they endeavour to run away from the Storm, and that they find fome Pain or other in their Bodies fome days before, for you fhall fee fome Fiſh tumble about ſtrangely in the Water, which I do not take to be play- ing, and this generally continues until their Tormenter the Eaft Wind ceafes. We faw ano- ther fort of great Fishes, that might rightly be called Butskopf, for their Head is quite blunt before, and have a Finn that ftands up three times higher than the other Butskopf has; they are fomewhat of a darker brown colour, but of the fame bignefs. We faw them tumble feve- ral times out of the Water; one might easily take them, becaufe of their high Finn that ftands on the top of their Back. They are not Sword-fish, nor of the fame kind we call Tum blers, which we fee between the Elbe and the Hilgeland. V. Of the White fish. I do not by this Name mean the Fish we call fo here in our Country, that are but ſmall, but I mean a bigger fort, as large as a Butskopf, in 126 The fourth Part of the Voyage in ſhape like a Whale, and without Finns on his Back; he hath two Finns on his Belly, as I am informed by others that have caught them. The Tail is like unto a Whale's. He hath a Spout hole on his Head; he hath alfo an Hoffel on his Head like a Whale. He is of yellowish white colour. He hath fat enough in propor- tion to his bignefs; I was told by them that had caught one, that they did fill a Barrel of Fat from one; but this Fat is very ſoft, and the Harpoon eaſily breaks out, wherefore they do not care to catch them. When we fee plenty of them, the Skippers fay, it is a fign of a good year for catching of Whales; for, if thefe find good Food, the Whales find the fame alfo. We faw on the 19th of June fome hundreds of them. VI. Of the Unicorn. The Unicorn is but feldom ſeen in theſe parts, neither had I the good Fortune to meet with one in all my Voyage; and yet fometimes ma- ny of them are feen. I do not find that the Cuts that I have feen in fome Books agree with the deſcription that I heard thereof; for I was informed, that he hath no Finn on his Back, as he is drawn, he hath alfo a Spout-bole in his Neck. When they ſwim fwiftly in the Water they fay that they hold up their Horns, or ra- ther Teeth, out of the Water, and fo go in great fhoals. The Shape of their Body is like a Seal; the undermoſt Finns, and the Tail, are like unto thofe of the Whale. The Skin of fome of them is black, fome like a grey dapled Horfe; underneath their Belly they are white. They are from fixteen to twenty foot long. They to Spitzbergen. 127 They ſwim very ſwiftly, that although they are feen, yet they are but feldom caught. VII. Of the Saw-fifh, fometimes called the Sword fish. This Fish hath his Name from a Saw, which is a long broad Bone fixed to his Noſe,that hath on each fide many pointed Teeth or Peggs, like a Comb. He hath two Finns on his Back, the uppermoſt of them is like the Butskopf's, the undermoft hath behind, towards the Tail a hollowneſs like unto a Sickle. Underneath his Belly he hath four, on each fide two, the upper- moſt thereof towards the Head are the broadeft and longeſt, but the lowermoft are ſomewhat fhorter,and narrower; they ftand directly un- derneath the uppermoft Finns of the Back. The Tail is like unto a piece of Board, where- on the Dyers widen or ftretch their Stockins, which is pointed behind and underneath. The Tail is not divided, &c. Towards the under- moft Finn of the Back the Tail is thinner. The other fhape, from the top to the Tail, is like a Man's naked Arm. The Noftrils are oblong. The Eyes ftand high out of his Head. Their Mouths are juft directly underneath the Eyes. They are in bignefs from two to twenty foot. Thefe Saw or Sword-fifh are great Enemies to the Whale and Finn-fish. Many of them gather about him, and they do not leave the Whale un- til they have killed him, then they eat of him only the Tongue, all the reft they leave behind them, as doth appear by the Whales that are killed by the Sword-fish. I faw my felf, in our Home-voyage or Return, a Fight between a Whale J 128 The fourth Part of the Voyage 4. Whale and a Sword-fifh, where both of them made a great buftie, beating and jumping about; and I understood that in calm Weather the Seamen let then alone until the Whale be killed, where they take him without any trou- ble. But if they fet out their Long boats after the Whale, they frighten the Sword-fifh, and fo the Whale efcapes. VIII. Of the Hay. There are ſeveral forts of them; they have two Finns on their Backs, the higheſt whereof is like to the uppermost of the Butskopf, but the lowermoft is of an equal breadth at the top and bottom, but it is hollowed out like a Sickle: He hath fix Finns underneath his Belly, where- of the foremoſt two are the longeſt, and ſhaped like a Tongue, but the two middlemoft are fomewhat broader than thofe towards the Tail, and of the fame ſhape; the two laft underneath by the Tail are of an equal breadth from top to bottom, fomething fhorter than the middle ones. The Tail is of a peculiar fhape, like un- to one half part of that of the Sword-fish, but it is fplit below; and the other part is like a Leaf of a Lilly. He hath a long Nofe. The whole Fish is long, round, and thin, and he is thickest towards the Head: his Mouth is fhap'd as that of the Sword-fish; it is full of fharp Teeth,three upper and three under rows, one by the other: his Eyes ftand fomething more out before than behind, after the fame falhion as thofe of the Sword-fifh, they are oblong, and very clear: he hath five Gills on each fide, as the Sword-fifh: his Skin is hard and thick, and rough if you touch it or ftrike it upwards; it is of a greyish CO- to Spitzbergen. 129 colour; they are from one fathom long to three: It is a very devouring Fish, and bites great pieces from the Whale, as if they had been dug out with Shovels. They devour of many Whales, all the Fat underneath the Water, and this is the reaſon that the Seamen fay, They bave caught half a Whale that was dead. And the Birds do help them alfo, and what is not ta ken away underneath, ferments out at the top. They have a large Liver, whereof they make Oyl. Out of their Backs we cut the Flesh,which we hang up for fome days in the open Air, then we boil and roaft it, and this tafts very well, when we have nothing that is better. They do not fling away the Hays in Spain, but fell them: The little ones are the beft. They are very eager after Man's Flesh, and eat many a Man that goeth to ſwim or wash in the Sea, whereof we have many_Inftances. They are cafily caught after the following manner; we take a great Hook faftned to a ftrong Iron Chain, baited with a piece of Fleſh, and let it hang down into the Sea; the Hay, as foon as he doth perceive it, fnaps at it, and is catch'd; but when the Hay perceives that he is faft, he doth uſe his utmoſt endeavour to bite off the Hook, which he cannot for the Iron. ! K CHAP. : 130 The fourth Part of the Voyage THE CHAP. VII. Of the Whale. ; HE Fiſh properly called the Whale, for whofe fake our Ships chiefly undertake the Voyage to Spitzbergen, is differing from other Whales in his Finns and Mouth, which is without Teeth, but instead thereof long, black, fomewhat broad, and horny Flakes, all jagged like Hairs he differs from the Finn-fish in his Finns, for the Finn-fifh hath a great Finn on his Back, but the Whale, properly fo called, hath none on his Back and there is two Finns behind his Eyes of a bignefs proportionable to the Whale, covered with a thick black Skin, delicately marbled with white Strokes or as you fee in Marble, Trees, Houfes, or the like things reprefented. In the Tail of one of the Filhes was marbled very delicately this number 1222 very even and exact, as if they had been painted upon it on purpoſe. This marbling on the Whale is like Veins in a piece of Wood, that run ftreight through, or elfe round about the center or pith of a Tree; and fo go both white and yellow ftrokes through the thick and the thin ftrokes, that is like Parchment or Vellam, and give to the Whale an incompara- ble Beauty and Ornament. When thefe Finns are } cut up, you find underneath the thick Skim Bones that look like unto a Man's Hand ; when it is opened, and the Fingers are expan- ded or fpread, between thefe Joynt's there are Riff Sinews, which flye up and rebound again if 1 ་་་་ ་་་ C ・ , roi s : 14 1391834. Dus @ המו . LASERIM IS C ན པ h k f Tab: Q: pag: 130 to Spitzbergen. 131 if you fling them hard against the Ground, as the Sinews of great Fish, as of a Sturgeon, or of fome four footed Beafts generally do. You may cut pieces of theſe Sinews of the bigness of your Head, they fqueeze together when thrown on the Ground, and fo rebound very high, and as fwift as an Arrow from the String of a long Bow. The Whale hath no other Finns but theſe two wherewith he fteers him- felf, as a Boat is rowed with two Oars. Their Tail doth not ftand up as the Tails of almoſt any other Fish, but it doth lye horizon- tal, as that of the Finn-fish, Butskopf, Dolphin, and the like, and it is three, three and an half, and four fathoms broad. The Head is the third part of the Fish, and fome have bigger Heads; on the upper and under Lip are thort Hairs before. Their Lips are quite plain, fomewhat bended like an S, and they end un- derneath the Eyes before the two Finns à Above the uppermoft bended Lip he hath black Streaks, fome are darkish brown, and they are crooked as the Lips are. Their Lips are finooth, and quite black, round like the quarter of a Circle;when they draw them together they lock into one another: Within, on the upper- moft Lip is the Whale-bone, of a brown, black, and yellow colour, with ftreaks of feveral co- lours, as the Bones of a Finn-fifh. The Whale- bones of fome Whales are blew, and light blew, which two are reckoned to come from young Whales. In one of my Cutts here you may fee the Whale-bone in the Tab. Q marked with a. In the other Cutt, where his Mouth is fhut up, you do not fee the Whale bone. Just before, on the under Lip, is a cavity or hole which the upper Lip fits exactly into, as a Knife into a Sheath. K 3 132 The third Part of the Voyage Sheath. I do really believe, that he draws the Water that he bloweth out through this hole, and foI have been informed alfo by Sea- men. Within his Mouth is the Whale-bone, all hairy as a Horfe's Hair, as it is alfo in the Finn- fifh, and it hangs down from both fides all about his Tongue. The Whale-bone of fome Whales is fomewhat bended like unto a Cimeter, and others like unto a half-Moon. The ſmalleſt Whale-bone is before, in his Mouth, and behind towards his Throat; and the middlemoft is the greateſt and longeft, it is fometimes about two or three Men's length, from whence you may eaſily conjecture how large this Fish must be. On one fide, all in a row, there is two hundred and fifty pieces of Whale bone, and as many alfo on the other fide, which maketh five hundred in all, and there is more over and above this number, for they let the leaſt Whale-bone of all remain, be- cauſe they cannot well come at it to cut it out, becauſe it is very narrow where the two Lips meet together. The Whale-bone is in a flat row one piece by the other, fomewhat bended within, and towards the Lips every where like a half-Moon. The Whale-bone is broad at the top, where it ſticketh faſt to the upper Lip, every where overgrown with hard and white Sinews towards the Root, fo that between two pieces of Whale- bone you may put in your hand. Theſe white Sinews look like boiled Sea catts or Black-fiſh (in Spanish called Cattula la Mar) they are of a pleafant Smell, ſo that we might eat of them; they are not tough at all, but break as eaſily as Cheefe, but they did not tafte fo well; when they to Spitzbergen. 133 they putrifie or rot they fmell horribly, juſt like unto a foul or rotten Tooth. Where the Whale bone is broadeft, as underneath by the Root, there groweth fmall Whale-bone, the other greater, as you fee fmall and large Trees one amongſt the other in a Wood. I believe the ſmall Whale-bone doth not grow bigger, as one might think that ſome of the great pie- ces thereof might come out, and that fo this fmall Whale-bone might grow up again in the room thereof, or as in Children the Hair grows again when cut off; but it is not fo, for this Whale-bone is quite another fort, for it is from one end to t'other of an equal thickneſs,and full of long Jacks like Horfes Hair. The Whale- bone is underneath narrow and pointed, and all overgrown with Hair, that it may not hurt that that is young: But without the Whale- bone hath a Cavity, for it is turned juſt like unto a Gutter wherein the Water runs, where it lyeth one over the other, as the Shields or Plaits of Craw-fish, or the Pan-tiles of an Houſe, that lye one over the other, for elſe it might eaſily wound or hurt the under Lips. I am of opinion that one might ufe Whale-bone in any thing that we ufe Boards for, for they make of Whale-bone, Boxes, Knife-hafts, Walking-ſticks, and the like. I fhould think that out of the Hair of the Fish might be made fomething, as the Spaniards do out of the wild Sempervive Aloes, (by them called Savila) they prepare it like Flax or Hemp, and fo make Packthreads Clothes and the like Manufactures of it. To cut the Whale-bones out is alfo a peculiar Trade, and abundance of Iron Tools belong thereunto. The lower part of the Whale's Mouth is commonly white. The Tongue ly- K 3 eth * $34 1 The third Part of the Voyage eth amongſt the Whale-bones; it is very cloſe tyed to the undermoft Chap or Lip; it is very large and white, with black ſpots at the edges: It is a foft fpongy Fat, which cannot eafily be cut; it makes a great deal of work to the Cutter (for fo they call the Man that doth cut the Fat into fmall pieces with a large Knife, which cannot well be done with other Knifes, be- caufe it is tough and foft) wherefore they fling the Tongue away, elfe they might get five, fix or ſeven Barrels of Train-oyl out of it; but, as I faid before, they fling it away, becauſe of its foftnefs; and this is the most pleafing Food for the Sword-fish. Upon his Head is the Hovel or Bump before the Eyes and Finns: At the top of this Bump, on each fide, is a Spout-hole, two over-against one another, which are ben- ded on each fide like an S, or as the hole that is cut on a Violin, whereout he doth blow the Water very fiercely, that it roars like a hollow Wind which we hear when the Wind blow- eth into a Cave, or againſt the corner of a Board, or like an Organ-pipe. This may be heard at a leagues diftance, although you do not fee him by reafon of the thick and foggy Air. The Whale bloweth or fpouts the Water fierceſt of all when he is wounded, then it founds as the roaring of the Sea in a great Storm, and as we hear the Wind in a very hard Storm. Behind this Bump the Whale is fome- what more bended in than the Finn-fish, yet when they fwim you cannot well difcern one from the other, except you obferve it very exactly, for it is only the Finn on the Finn- fifh's Back that diftinguiſhes him from the Whale. The Head of the Whale is not round at the top, but fomewhat flat, and goeth down floaping, like to Spitzbergen. 135 like unto the tyling of an Houfe, to the under Lip. The under Lip is broader than the Whale is in any part of the Body, and broadeft in the middle; before and behind it is fomething narrower, according to the fhape of the Head. In one word,all the wholeFiſh is shaped like un- to a Shoomaker's Laft, if you look upon it from beneath. Behind the Knob or Bump where the Finns are, between that and the Finns, are his Eyes, which are not much bigger than thofe of a Bullock, with Eye-lids and Hair, like Mens Eyes. The Cryftal of the Eye is not much bigger than a Pea, clear, white, and tran- fparent as Cryſtal; the colour of fome is yel- lowish, of others quite white: The Seale's are three times as big as thofe of the Whale. The Eyes of the Whale are placed very low, almoſt at the end of the upper Lip. Some bring along with them from spitzbergen fome Bones, which they pretend to be the Ears of the Whale; but I can fay nothing to this, becauſe I never faw any; but thus much I do remember, that I have heard them fay that they lye very deep. The Whale doth not hear when he ſpouts the Water, wherefore he is eaſieſt to be ftruck at that time. His Belly and Back are quite red, and underneath the Belly they are commonly white, yet fome of them are Coal black; moſt of them that I faw were white. They look very beautiful when the Sun fhines upon them, the ſmall clear Waves of the Sea that are over him gliften like Silver. Some of them are marbled on their Back and Tail. Where he hath been wounded there remaineth always a white Scar. I underſtood of one of our Har- pooniers that he once caught a Whale at Spitz- bergen that was white all over. Half white I have K 4 136 The third Part of the Voyage have feen fome, but one above the reft, which was a Female, was a beautiful one; fhe was all over marbled black and yellow: Thofe that are black are not all of the fame colour, for fome of them are as black as Velvet, others of a Coal black, others of the colour of a Tench. When they are well they are as flippery as an Eel, but one may ſtand upon them, becanfe they are fofoft, that the Fleſh thereof giveth way to our weight: And the outward Skin is thin, like Parchment, and is eaſily pulled off with ones Hands when the Fish grows hot. I know not whether the Skin is thus burnt by the inward heat of the Fish when he lies dry a floating upon the Water. The Sun beams feem not to have fo great power as to dry the Skin fo. We found our firft Whale was fo much heated by his hard (wimming that he ſtunk alive; we could pull off great pieces of the Skin, of the length of a Man, which we could not do to other Fishes that were not fo much heated: But from Whales that have been dead fome days, and are dry, where alfo the Sun fhines upon them, or when it doth not rain, one may pull off a great deal of the Skin, but it ftinks bafely of Train-oyl, or Fat, that ferments thro? the Pores of the Skin. I know not what ufe to make of this Skin, but I have feen Women tye their Flax with it about the Diſtaff. The Whale lofeth this beautiful white colour when it groweth dry, for before there is more black amongſt it, which maketh the white fhew the better, neither doth the black look fo well after it is dry, for it groweth then brownish. When you hold the Skin againſt the light, you fee many fmall Pores in it, where the Sweat co- meth through. (.. The to Spitzbergen. 137 The Yard of the Whale is a ftrong Sinew, and according as they are in bignefs, fix, feven or eight foot long, as I have feen my ſelf. Where this Yard is fixed the Skin is doubled, fo that it lies juft like a Knife in a Sheath, where you can fee nothing of the Knife but only a little of the Haft. The part of Genera. tion in the Female is juft fhaped like as that of four-legged Beafts. At the fides of Pudendum ftand out the two Breafts, with Nipples on them, like unto thofe of Cows: Some of theſe Breaſts are quite white, fome are ſpeckled with black and blew fpots, like a Lapwing's Egg. When they have no young ones they have but fmall Breafts. I am informed, that when they couple together they ftand upright, clofe to one another, with their Heads out of the Water; which feemeth very probable, becauſe they cannot keep long under Water, and chiefly in fuch a heat. They fay that they have but two young ones at a time, for they have never found more than two young ones within them. How long they carry their young is not eafily determined; fome fay they go as long as a Cow, but it is very uncertain, he that will believe it may. The Sperm of a Whale, when it is freſh, fmells like Wheaten-flower that is boiled in Water, when it is ftill hot it is very white ; one may draw it out in Threads like hot Seal- ing-wax, Glew, or the like; when it groweth cold it turnsto a Musk-colour,and fmells ftrong, and little red Worms grow in it, like unto the grey ones, that you may fee in the Tab. P.mar- ked with C. I have tryed feveral ways to keep this Sperm ſweet and fresh, but I could never make it like unto that Sperma-cæti which the Apothecaries fell in their Shops. One may dip of 138 The fourth Part of the Voyage of this Sperm whole Pails-full out of the Water, for as well this as that of the Sea-borfes and Seals fwims upon the Sea like Fat, and we ſee abun- dance of it in calm weather, fo that it doth make the Sea all foul and flimy. I tryed to dry this Sperm of a Whale in the Sun, and it lookt like Snot,and when the thin Slime was dry. ed away from it,looked like unto Fila meteorica, fave only that they are thicker and more heavy. Another parcel I boiled in Sea-water, juft as I took it out of the Water, until the Water was evaporated from it, then I had fome Sea-falt, and a nafty brown Slime. The third parcel I boiled in freſh Water, and afterwards again in Sea-water, and the longer I kept it afterwards the more it ſtunk, and the harder it grew. The fourth parcel I intended to keep in the Salt Water, with an intention to carry it along with me to Hamburgh, but it diffolved in the Water, like Glew, and the Water became foul and ftinking, fo that I could no ways make it like the Sperma-ceti of the Apothecaries. Where the Yard doth begin it is four-fquare, conſiſting of many ftrong Sinews; if you dry them they are as tranfparent as Fifh-glew; out of theſe Sinews the Seamen make twilted Whips. Their Bones are hard, like unto them of great four-footed Beafts, but porous, like unto a Spunge, and fil- led with Marrow, when that is confumed out they will hold a great deal of Water, for the holes are big, like unto the Wax of a Honey- comb. Two great and ſtrong Bones hold up the under Lip, they lye one againſt the other, and both of them make a Figure like unto an Half-moon, but one alone by itſelf makes a Fi- gure like to a quarter of the Moon. Some of thefe Bones I faw at Spitzbergen, lying on the Strand to Spitzbergen. 139 Strand, about 20 foot long, of a very white colour, as if they had been calcined. Our Sea- men bring fome of thefe along with them home, to thew us how big fome Whales are, which are already whitened to their Hands, for thoſe that come fresh from a Whale ſtink abominably, be- caufe of the Marrow that is in them. Their Fleſh is courſe and hard, and it doth look like unto that of a Bull; it is intermix'd with many Sinews; it is very dry and lean when it is boi- led, becauſe their Fat is only between their Fleſh and Skin: Some looks green and blew as our Pouder'd Beef, chiefly where the Muſcles meet together; if one lets it lye a little, it grows black and flinking. The Flefh of the Tail boils tendereft, and is not quite fo dry as that of the Body. When we have a mind to eat of a Whale, we cut great pieces off before the Tail, where it is four-fquare, and boil it like other Meat; good Beef I prefer far before it, yet rather than be ftarved, I advife to eat Whale's Flesh, for none of our Men dyed of it, and the French-men did eat almoft daily of it, they fling it fometimes on the tops of their Tubs, and let it lye until it is black, and yet they eat it for all that. The Flesh of a Whale, as well as that of the Seales, is alone by itſelf, and the Fat at the top thereof, between the Flesh and Skin. It is about fix inches thick on the Back and Bel- ly, but I have alfo feen it a foot thick, upon a Finn, according as they are great or little Filh. The Fat of their under Lip is thicker than two foot, and is the thickeſt of all the Whale. The Tongue, as I have faid before, is faften'd to it, but very foft, but it cofts too much labour to cut it. The Fat of fome Whales is much thicker than than that of others, as it is t with 140 The fourth Part of the Voyage with other Animals or Men, where one is much leaner than another. In the Fat are little Si- news, interſperſed which hold the Oyl, as a Sponge does Water, which one may ſqueeze out: The other ſtrong Sinews are chiefly about the Tail, where it is thinneft, for with it he turns and winds himſelf, as a Ship is turned by the Rudder, but his Finns are his Oars, and ac- cording to his bignefs he rows himſelf along with them as ſwiftly as a Bird flies, and doth make a long track in the Sea, as a great Ship doth when under Sail, fo that it remains divi- did for a while. The Whales of the North Cape (they are ſo cal- led, becauſe they are caught between Spitzber- gen and Norway) being not fo big, therefore do not yield fo much Fat as thofe of Spitzbergen, for of thofe of the North Cape you fhall not fill above ten, twenty, or thirty Cardels of Fat; the middling fort of thofe of Spitzbergen yield commonly feventy, eighty, or ninety, and they are about fifty or fixty foot long. Our biggeſt Whale was fifty three foot long, and we cut off him as much Fat as filled feventy Cardels; his Tail was about three fathom and an half broad. The Skipper Peter Peterfon of Friesland informed me, that they found a dead Whale, whereof they did cut as much fat as filled One hundred and thirty Cardels, his Tail was three fathom and an half broad, but he was not much longer than our biggeft, as one may gueſs by the Tail alfo, yet much thicker and fatter; from whence one may infer, that they do not grow much longer, but only in thickneſs or fatnefs, as we daily fee: Nor did I ever hear that a bigger or fatter Whale was ever caught, and even thofe but feldom, for if there were many fuch, our Ships to Spitzbergen. 141 Ships could not hold fo much Fat as is cut from ten, fifteen, or twenty Whales, as fome of them have fometimes taken in. Over the Fat is, befides the uppermoſt thin Skin already deſcribed, another Skin of about an inch thick, proportionable to the bigneſs of the Whale; it is coloured according to the colour of the Fish; if the Fish be black, this undermoſt thick Skin is fo; if the outmoſt Skin that is like Parchment is white or yellow, the thick one underneath it is of the fame colour. This thick Skin is not ftiff nor tough at all, fo that one might drefs it like Leather, but it dries juſt like unto the Fungus that grows on Elder, which we call Jews-ears, which are thick and turgid when they are green and freth, but brittle when they are dried; where- fore this Skin is not efteemed at all. This and the uppermoft thin Skin that covers this, are the occafion that the Whale, which I take to be the ſtrongeſt and biggeſt of all Creatures in the Water, cannot make ufe of his Strength, becauſe they are too foft to do much. I have nothing to relate of the inward parts of the Whale, but only that his Guts feem to be of a Flesh colour; they were full of Wind, and the Dung that was within them was yel- low. The Food of the Whale, as it is believed, are the fmall Sea-fnails, the Draught whereof you may fee at c, in the Tab. Q, whereof I have made mention in another place, which fome take for Spiders; whether thefe afford fuch great nouriſhment, I cannot exactly tell. Some Tay, that they live only by the Wind, but then methinks they muſt have nothing in them but Wind, which I found otherwife. I was infor- med 1 142 The fourth Part of the Voyage : med by others, that about Hitland a ſmall Whale was caught, had about a Barrel of Herrings in his Belly. They are finaller Whales than thofe we catch at Spitzbergen, but there is more dan- ger in catching of them, they being lefs and nimbler than the great ones, to whom the Water doth not fo eafily give way as to thefe, for they jump and play in the Water, and keep their Tail commonly above Water, fo that one dare not come near to them to launce them. Concerning the Whale's Valour, we do find that he is not very couragious, according to his ftrength and bignefs, for if he fees a Man or a Long-boat, he goeth under Water, and runs away. I did never fee nor hear, that out of his own Malice he endeavour'd to hurt any Man, but when he is in danger; what then he doth is of neceffity, and then he doth not va- lue a Man no more than a Sand, nor a Long- boat, for he doth beat them all into Splinters. His Strength may be guefs'd by the Filhermen that catch with great Nets other Fishes, when they are going to draw their Nets towards the Land what a great Strength they muſt uſe, which is nothing at all to be compared to his Strength The Whale doth fwim fometimes away with fome thouſand fathoms of Rope-line, fwifter a great deal than a Ship can fail, or a Bird can fly, fo that it makes their Heads gid- dy; yet a great Ship is too many for him, for although he fhould ſtrike againſt it with his Tail, yet it doth him more hurt than he does The Ships > The Whales keep, in the Spring, Weftward from Spitzbergen, near old Greenland and the Iſland of John Majen; then they run Eaftwards to Spitzbergen: After them come the Finn-fish, and to Spitzbergen. 143 and then there is no more Whales feen. It is probable they go after a tolerable cold place ; for after that, I have ſeen Finn-fish in the Spanish Sea in the year 1671. in the Month of Decem- ber, and in the Year 1672. in January, and alſo afterwards in the year 1673. in the Straights of Gibralter in March, and alfo in the Mediterra- nean. : He ſwims againſt the Wind, as all other Whales or great Fifh do. The Sword-fish is his mortal Enemy,he might rather be called Comb- fifh, becauſe his long Tooth is on each fide full of Teeth or Prickles, moſt like a Comb. In our Home-Voyage to Hamburg I faw an Exam- ple of this Enmity of a Northcaper-Whale and at Sword-fish, near to Hitland, they fought and ftruck at one another fo vehemently, that the Water flew about like Duft, ſometimes one and fometimes the other was uppermoft; the wea- ther was a little ftormy, or elfe we had ftayed to have ſeen the end of the Battel, fo we were forced to leave them. The dead Whale killed by the Sword-fifh ftinks at a great diſtance, but not preſently, and thoſe that have been wounded fome days before they are caught ſmell the worft, and drive high above the Sea-water, when others drive even with the Water; and fome fink. The Whales have, as well as other Beaſts, their peculiar Diftempers and Ailments, but I can only write of what I know by Hear-fay. An ancient and experienc'd Harpoonier infor- med me, that he did once catch a Whale that was very feeble, and that all his Skin, but chiefly near unto the Tail and Finns, hung like Films, as if they were old Rags dragg'd along be- 144 The fourth Part of the Voyage behind him, and that he was quite lean, fo they made but very little Train-oyl of his fat, for the fat was quite white, and light withal as an empty Honey-comb. Before a Tempeft they beat the Water, that it doth fly about like unto Duft, with their Tail; but they have the greateſt ſtrength when they ftrike fide- wards as if they did mow, fo that one might think that they were in a great agony, and a dying. They are mightily tormented by the Lice, whereof I have treated more at large above: The Draught of this Loufe you may fee at d, in the Tab. Q The Wounds that are given unto the Whale by the Harpoons, into the fat, heal up again of their own accord, for the Salt-water cannot ftick on it. Many fuch Fishes are caught, that have been ſtruck by others with a Harpoon, and are healed up again, and ſo have white Scarrs. : CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 145 CHAP. VIII. How they Catch the Whale. First, ft, it is to be obſerved, that when it is like to be a good Year to catch Whales in, there is many White-fish to be ſeen before: But where we ſee many Seales, there we do not expect to meet with many Whales; for they fay, that they eat up the Food of the Whale, wherefore the Whales will not ftay in fuch empty places, but go to find out better, and fo come to Spitz- bergen, for there, at the Shoar, we ſee great plenty of the fmall Sea-fnails, (you may fee them marked with e in the Tab. Q) and per- haps fome other fmall Fish. They are caught after the following manner: When they fee Whales, or when they hear them blow or fpout, they call in to the Ship, Fall, fall; then every Body must be ready to get into the Long boat that he doth belong to, commonly fix Men go into every Long-boat, and fometimes feven, according as the Long-boats are in bignefs, they all of them row until they come very near un- to the Whale, then doth the Harpoonier arife, who fits always before in the Boat, where the Harpoon or the ſharp Iron made like unto an Arrow fixed to a Stick, doth alfo lye on the foremoſt Board of the Long-boat, which the Seamen call the Staffen, that is, the broad piece of Wood that cometh up before the Boat from L the 146 The fourth Part of the Voyage the bottom, and ftands up higher than all the reft. But when the Whale runs ftreight down. towards the bottom underneath the Wa- ter, then he doth draw the Rope very hard, fo that the upper part of the Long boat is even with the furface of the Water; nay, he would certainly pull it down to the bottom, if they fhould not give him Rope enough: This he doth commonly where the Sea is deepeſt; and this doth require an incredible force to draw fo many hundred fathoms of Rope under Water. This giveth me occafion to remember, that when we on the 27th of April, in the Year 1672. did fling out our Lead, near St. Kilda, behind Scotland, into the Sea, where it was 120 fathom deep when the Weather was calm, and when we would pull it up again, it was fo heavy that 20 Men had much to do to heave it. The Harpoonier taketh his Harpoon, and holds the Point or the Iron thereof, together with the Fore-runner, towards his Left hand: this is a Rope or Line of five or feven fathom long, about an inch thick, and is laid up round like a Ring, that it may not hinder the Harpoon when it is flung, for as foon as he doth fling or dart the Harpoon this Line follows, for it is more plyable than the reſt that are faſtened to it, wherewith they purſue the Whale. It is made of the fineſt and fofteſt Hemp, and not daubed with Tarr, but it doth fwell in the Water, and fo it grows hard. The Harpoonier darts his Harpoon with the Right hand at the Fish; as you may fee by m in the Tab. A. When the Whale is hit with the Harpoon, all the Men that are in the Long boat turn themſelves about and look before them, and they lay their Oars nimbly upon the fides of the Long-boat. There is to Spitzbergen. 147 is a Man in the Long-boat, whofe buſineſs it is to look after the Rope; as you may fee at N, in the Tab. A; for in each of thefe Long-boats there is a whole heap of Lines, between the two Seats or Benches; this Heap is divided in- to three, four, or five parts, and each of themt is of eighty, ninety, to one hundred fathoms long. The firft of them is tyed to the Fore- runner, or fmall Line; as the Whale runs under the Water, they tye more and more Line to it, and if in one Boat there fhould not be enough, they make uſe of thofe that are in the other Long boats. Theſe Ropes or Lines are thickef and ftronger than the Fore-runner, and are made of ftrong and tough Hemp, and Tarred over. The Line-furniſher, or the Man that doth look after the Ropes, and alfo the other Men that are in the Long-boat, muſt have great care that the Ropes or Lines may not be en- tangled when they run out fo fwift, or that they may not run towards the fide of the Long- boat, for then the Long-boat would be over- fet, and many Men lofe their Lives, if other Long boats were not near to their affiftance. The Line muſt run juft before, in the middle of the Long-boat, that is called the Stave by the Seamen, and by reafon of this ftrong and violent motion the Wood and Rope, would be fet on fire. But to prevent this,the Harpoonier hath a wet Rag tied to a Stick (like unto a Mop) ready at hand, wherewith he wets the Wood without ceafing. The other three Ment that are in the Long-boats take alfo care of the Lines, as well when they are let out, as when they are taken in again, and when they cannot hold it with their Hands, they wind it about the Staves of the Boat, and fo they do top it L 2 front 148 The fourth Part of the Voyage from going any further. Another that is cal- led the Steerman, ftands behind in the Long- boat, as you may fee by o in the Tab. A, and fteers the Boat with an Oar, and he takes great care, and minds the Rope, to fee which way it runs out, for if it doth go towards either fide, and doth not run juft before over the Stave, he fo guides the Boat, that it may run exactly out before. The Whale runs away with the Long- boat as fwift as the Wind. If the Harpoonier can, he doth dart the Harpoon juft behind the Spout-hole of the Whale,or in the thick Fat of his Back, where they alfo do launce him, for that maketh him ſpout Blood fooner than if woun- ded in any other place, and dye fooner than if you ſhould launce them into their Belly, or through the Guts. The firft Whale we caught fpouted Blood, in fuch a quantity, that the Sea was tinged by it where-ever he fwam, where. unto the Mallemucks flock'd in great numbers, as I have mentioned before. They alfo launce the Whales near their privy parts, if they can come at it, for if they are run in there it doth pain them very much; nay, even when they are almoſt dead, if you run in your Launce thereabout, it caufes the whole Body to trem- ble. For the most part they do not much mind where they launce or push them, for there is no time to take great deliberation, but they ſtrike at him as well as they can. But about the Head the Harpoon can do him no hurt, becauſe the Fat is but very thin there upon the Bones, which the Whales know as well as we; for when they find themſelves in danger, fo that they cannot efcape the Harpoon, they rather leave their Head than their Back unde- fended, for there the Harpoon breaks out eafier, and to Spitzbergen. 149 ↓ and fo the Whale gets away, like one that hath no mind to fight any longer. The Ufe of the Harpoon is, to tye, as it were, the Whales with them, that they may not run away: It is fha- ped like an Arrow before, as you may fee at f, in the Tab. Q; it hath two ſharp Beards, they are fharp at the edge, and have a broad Back, like unto a Hatchet that is fharp before and blunt-behind, or on the Back, fo that it may not cut with its Back, for elfe it would tear out and all your Labour would be loft. The Iron Handle is thicker behind than before, and it is hollow, whereinto they put the Stick, as you may fee in the Tab. Q, marked with b. Be- fore this hollow part, the Fore-goer is fa- ften'd or tyed, that is to fay the foremoſt Rope, as you may fee in the Tab. Q, marked with i. Thoſe are the beſt Harpoons that are made of clean and fine Steel, and are not hardened too much, fo that you may bend it without fnap- ping, for oftentimes Two hundred Pounds are loft (for a midling Whale is eſteem'd at fo much) in a minutes time for want of a good and well- temper'd Harpoon. The Wooden Stick is fa- ftened within the Iron Collet or Funnel of the Harpoon, with Packthread wound all about the Iron; fomewhat higher up, about two fpans off, there is a hole made through the Stick, as you may fee marked with k, in the Tab. Q The Harpoon is light behind, and heavy to- wards the point, or before, like an Arrow, that is made heavy before with Iron, and light be. hind with Feathers, fo that fling it which way you will, it doth fall always upon the point. Through this hole cometh a piece of Pack- thread, wherewith the end of the Fore-runner is faftened to the Handle or Stick of the Har poon, ← L 3 150 The fourth Part of the Voyage 1 poon, but this is foon torn off, and it ferveth for nothing more after the Harpoon fticks in the Body of the Whale; neither is the Wooden Handle of any further uſe, and fo it doth foon come out from the Iron. When the Whale is ftruck with the Harpoon, all the other Long- boats row out before, and take notice which way the Line doth ftand, and ſometimes they pull at the Rope or Line (as you may fee in the Tab. A, marked with p.) If it is ſtiff and heavy, the Whale doth draw it ftill with his might; but if it doth hang loofe, fo that the Long boat is before and behind equally high out of the Water, then the Men pull in the Rope again, (as you may fee in the Tab. A, marked with q) and the Rope-giver layeth it down in very good order (as you may fee at , in the Tab. A) round, and one row above the other, that if the Whale fhould draw on again, he may have it ready to give him 'with- out being entangled. Here is alfo this to be obferved, that if the Whale runs upon the level they muſt not give him too much Rope, for if he fhould turn and wind himfelf much and of ten about, he might easily wind the Rope about a Rock or heavy Stone, and fo faften it to it, and fo the Harpoon would come out, and all the Labour would be loft; which hath often hapred, and we ourſelves loft one that way. The other Long-boats that are towed behind, wherein the Men Took all before them, and fit ftill, and let the Whale draw them along: If the Whate doth rowl upon the Ground, fo that the Long boats or Sloops lye ftill, they draw their Lines in again by degrees, and the Rope- mafter doth lay them down again in their pro- per places, as they had been laid before. When • they to Spitzbergen. 151 1 they kill the Whale with Launces, they alſo pull their Lines in again, until they come near to the Whale, yet at fome diſtance, that the others may have room to launce: But they muſt have great care, that all the Lines of every Sloop may not be cut off together, becauſe fome Whales fink, and others do fwim even with the Water when they are dead, which no body can tell before- hand, whether they will do one or the other. The fat ones do not fink preſently after they are freſh killed, but the lean ones fink immediately after they are dead, but after fome few days they come up again, and ſwim on the Water: But it would be too long a while for a Man to ftay until he cometh up again, and the Sea is never fo quiet that one can ftay long in the fame place, and where the Sea is quiet, and without Waves, there the Stream doth_carry. the Ships and the Ice along together, fo that we fhould be forced to leave the Whale unto others, that would find him dead ſome days af- ter. 'Tis true, this is the eaſieſt way to catch Whales, but it is very nafty and ſtinking work; for long and white Maggots grow in their Fleſh, they are flat like unto Worms that breed in Mens Bellies, and they fmell worfe than ever I fimelt any thing in my Life. The longer the Whale lies dead in the Water,the higher he doth fwim above it; fome fwim a foot high above the Water, others to their middle, and then they do burſt eafily, and give a very great re- port. They begin immediately to ftink, and this encreaſes hourly, and their Fleſh boils and ferments like unto Beer or Ale, and holes break in their Bellies, that their Guts come out. If any Man is enclined to fore Eyes, this Vapour enflames them immediately, as if Quicklime > L 4. was 152 The fourth Part of the Voyage was flung into them. But when the live Whales rife and fwim again,fome of them are aſtoniſh'd, others wild or ftark mad: To thofe that are wild we come foftly or gently from behind, as we do when we are going to trapan them; for when the Wind is down, the Weather calm, and Air ferene, fo that the Sea doth not foam or roar, the Whales hear immediate- ly the ftriking of the Oars. ♪. If many fmall Ice-fheets lye near to one another, fo that we cannot follow the Whale with our Sloops or Long-boats, we fetch in our Line with all might and ftrength, and if with one or more pulls we can fetch out the Harpoon it is well, if not, we chop off the Rope or Line. The Whale is best and furet ftruck with a Harpoon when he fpouts Wa- ter, as is already faid above, for we do ob- ferye, that when they lye ftill and very quiet, that they then liften, and are fometimes un- der, and fometimes above Water, fo that their Back doth not quite dry, and before we are aware of it he flings up his Tail behind out of the Sea, and fo bids us good-bwy; as you may fee at, in the Tab. A. The Whales may eafily be caught when the Air is very ferene and clear, and the Sea quiet, and where there float neither great nor fmall Ice-fheets, fo that we may go in between them with our Boats or Sloops, to follow them; for at the Ice-fields the Whales do commonly lye and rub them- felves at them, perhaps by reafon of the Lice that bite them. Beſides, againſt the Ice-fheets the Sea beats, dafhes, and foams, with fmali curling Waves, fo that the Whales do not ob- ferve nor mind the ftriking of the Oars, and fo they are easily ftruck with the Harpoon. It is • 2: 1 * 1: very to Spitzbergen. 153 very dangerous to kill a Female, chiefly when fhe is big with young, for they defend them- felves, very long, and are harder to be killed than a Male one. Oftentimes the Long-boats wait fix or feven hours, nay, a whole day, for a Whale, before they fee one. ; ì L འ Where great quantity of fmall Ice is crowded together, there it is alfo very dangerous, and hard to come to the Whale, for he is fo cun- ning, that when he perceives where the Ice is he retires thither immediately. The Harpoo- nier ftands at the Head of the Long boat, and doth draw on the Rope, as you may fee at p, in the Tab. A, to try whether it is heavy or light; if it feels heavy, fo that we are afraid that it will pull the Boat under Water, then we give him more Rope, if he runs ftreight out before, he draweth the Sloops after him. If he doth run underneath a great Ice-field, the Harpoonier taketh a Knife into his Hand, as you may fee at R, in the Tab A, which they call the Chopping-Knife, and if the Ice- field be hollow, or pungy, or full of holes in the middle, fo that the Whale can fetch breath underneath it, and the Rope is not long enough to follow him, and if the Ice be feveral miles long, they draw the Rope in as much as poffibly they can, until it be freight, and then he chops it off, loofing the piece of the Rope whereon the Harpoon is faftened, that fticketh in the Body of the Whale, yet not with- out great lofs, for oftentimes they run away with the Lines that belong to five and more Sloops. It happens very often, that they run to the Ice with the Long-boats, fo that, they dafh againſt it, as if they would break it into pieces, which alfo very often happens. But 1 when $54 The fourth Part of the Voyage when the Whale rifes again, they oftentimes fling one or two more Harpoons into him, according as they find he is tired more or lefs, then he dives under Water again. Some fwim or run even all along on the Water, and they play with their Tail and Finns, fo that we muft have great care that we may not come too near them. When the Whales fling their Tails about after this manner, they wind the Line about their Tail, fo that we need not to fear the Harpoon tearing out, for then they are ty'd ftrong and firm enough with the Rope, After they are wounded, they fpout with all their might and main, fo that you may hear them as far off as you may a Cannon; but when they are quite tired, it cometh out only by drops, for he hath not ftrength enough to force the Water up, and therefore it founds as if you held an empty Mug or Bottle under Water, and the Water runs into it. And this found is a certain fign of his feeblenefs, and that he is going to expire. Some Whales blow Blood to the very laft, after they have been wounded, and thefe dafh the Men in the Long- boats moft filthily, and dye the Sloops as red as if they were painted with a red colour; nay, the very Sea is tinged red all along where they fwim. Thofe Whales that are mortally wounded heat themfelves, that they reek while they are alive, and the Birds fit on them, and eat on them while they are ftill alive. When the Whales blow up the Water, they fling out with it fome fattifh fubftance that floats upon the Sea, like Sperm, and this Fat the Mallemucks devour greedily, of which feveral thouſands at- tend him, fo that a Whale often hath more At- tendants than a King hath Servants; as you may to Spitzbergen. 155 may fee by T, in the Tab. A. Sometimes allo the Harpoons break out; then often Long- boats of other Ships attend, and as foon as they fee that the Harpoon is come out, they fing their own into him, and the Whale is theirs, al- though the firft Harpoon hath almoſt killed the Whale, yet if he doth get loofe, the ſecond Par- ty claims him, and the firft muft look for ano- ther. Sometimes at the fame time two Har- poons,belonging to two feveral Ships, are truck into the Whale, fach ones are divided equally, and each one hath half; as you may fee at MM, in the Tab. A; the other two, or three, or more Sloops, as many as there is of them, wait for the Whale's coming up again, and when they fee that he is tired, they kill him outright with Launces. In doing this is the greateft danger, for the firft that do fling the Harpoon into him are drawn long by the Whale, and are at a good diftance from him, but thofe that kill him with Latinces are as well upon his Body as at his Sides, according as the Whale turns and winds himſelf, and they receive many fe- vere Blows. Here the Steerfinan muft take care to obſerve how the Whale runs and turns himſelf about, that the Harpoonier may reach him with his Launces; all the other Men in the Sloops row diligently, fometimes forwards, and fometimes backwards, which they call rowing on and ftriking, and when the Whale lifts up himſelf out of the Water, he commonly doth ftrike about with his Tail and Finns, that the Water dasheth up like Duft. A Long-boat he values no more than Duft, for he can beat it all into fhatters at a blow: but a great Ship is too hard for him, and if he ſtrikes againſt it with his Tail, he feels it more than the Ship, ་ for 156 of the Voyage The fourth Part T for he doth fo paint the Ship with; his own Blood, that it maketh him very feeble. A good Steerman is next unto the Harpoonier moſt uſeful in the Sloop; he fteers with one Oar, and, doth look out before; the other four Men turn their Back to the Head, and look to- wards the Stern, therefore doth the Steerman and Harpoonier always cry, Row on, or strike, that is to fay, row near to the Whale, or eife keep farther off. The Launces have a Wooden Stick or Handle above two fathoms long, or fomewhat fhorter than a Pikeftaff; as in the Tab, you may fee at g; the Iron thereof is commonly a fathom long, and pointed before like unto a Pike; it is made of Steel or tough Iron, that it may bend without breaking: for after you have made a deep hole in his Body with your Launces, you poke into it with them one way, and the other way, as they do when they poke for Eels, as you may fee at Z, in the Tab. A; but if he doth get one or more out of your Hands, you take another, for every Sloop hath at leaſt five, fix, or feven, and yet fometimes he has them all out of three, four, or more Boats fticking in his Body. J ** i * { 4 ! S } 17 CHAP. to Spitzbergen. 157 CHAP. IX. What they do with the dead Whale. A Fter the Whale is killed they cut off his Tail; fome keep the Tail and Finns, and hang them up at the outfide of their Ship, for that defends them from the Ice when it pref feth upon the Ship: The Tail hinders the Boat in its courfe, becauſe it doth lye crofs, and that is the reaſon why they cut it off. Before the Tail they faften a piece of a Rope, and at the other end at the Stern of the laft Sloop, as you may fee in the Tab. A, marked with W. There is in all four or five Sloops faſtened to one ano- ther behind, and fo they row one behind the other to the great Ship. When they have brought the Whale to the Ship, they tye it with Ropes faft to the Ship; that part where the Tail is cut off they faften to the fore-part of the Ship, and the Head towards the Stern, about the middle, near the great Shrowds of the Mainmaſt on the Larboard of the Ship; it is feldom that a Whale doth reach farther than from the Poop to the middle of the Ship, ex- cept the Veffels are very fmall; as you may fee at X, in the Tab. A. By the Larboard is to be underſtood that fide of the Ship that is at your Right Hand as you go from before towards the Stern; but that fide of the Ship that is on your Right Hand as you go 158 The fourth Part of the Voyage go from the Stern towards the Fore-part is cal- led Star-board, becauſe you go from the Steer forward. Whoever of the Ships Crew fees a dead Whale, cries out Fish mine, and therefore the Merchants must pay him a Ducat, for his Care and Vigilance. Many of them climb often up into the Maft, in hopes to have a Ducat, but in vain. When the dead Whale is thus faftened to the Ship, two Sloops hold on the other ſide of the Fish or Whale, and in each of them doth ftand a Man or Boy, that has a long Hook in his Hands, wherewith he doth hold the Boat to the Ship, and the Harpoonier ftands before in the Sloop, or upon the Whale, with a Leathern Suit on, and fometimes they have boots on. Underneath the Hook are fome sharp Nails fixed, that they may be able to ftand firm, for the Whale is very flippery, fo that one may ea- fily fall, as upon flippery Ice. Theſe two Men that cut the Fat off have their peculiar Wages for it, viz. about four or five Rix Dollars. Firft, they cut a large piece from behind the Head, by the Eyes, which they call the Ken- ter piece, that is as much as to fay the Winding- piece; for, as they cut all the other Fat all in rows, from the Whale towards the end, fo they cut this great Kenter-piece larger and wider than all the reft. This piece, when it is cut round about from the Whale, reaches from the Water to the Cradle, (that is the round Circle that goeth round about the middle of the Maft, and is made in the fhape of a Basket) from whence you may guess at the bigness of a Whale. Aftrong and thick Rope is fixed to this Kenter-piece, and the other end is fixed un- derneath to Spitzbergen. 159 derneath the Cradle, whereby the Whale is as it was born up out of the Water, that they may come at it, and by reaſon of the great weight of the Whale, the Ship leans towards that fide. One may judge how tough the Fat is, for in this piece an hole is made, through which the Rope is faftened, yet not deep into the Fat, wherewith they turn the Fifh at pleafure; as you may fee at K, in the Tab. A. Then, as is before faid, they cut another piece down hard by this, that is alſo halled up to the Ship; as you may fee at L, in the Tab. A; and then in the Ship they cut it into lefs pieces about a foot fquare. Theſe two Men have in their Hands, as well as thofe that ſtand on the Whale, long Knives, wherewith they cut theſe fquare pieces. Thefe Knives are, with their Hafts, about the length of a Man; and the more the Fat of the Whale is loofened, juft as the Hide is flea'd from an Ox, the higher muft they pull up the Fat with their Pulleys, that they may cut it the eaſier. And when they have drawn up this Fat, the Men take it in to them into the Ship, and loofen the Rope that it was fafte- ned unto. The Rope is faftened with a Ring, whereinto they put a great Iron Hook, which is faſtened to a ſtrong Tackle, and alſo fome- times, before in the Ship, are fixed two other Tackle, wherewith all the Fat is drawn up into the Ship. In the Ship ftand two Men, with Hooks as long as a Man, wherewith they hold the great piece of Fat, which the two Men cut into ſquare pieces with their long Knives. By them ftands another, that hath a fhort Hook with a Ring in his Hands, which he thrufts in- to the pieces of Fat that are cut fquare, and puts it upon the Bench or Dreffing-board,where it 160 The fourth Part of the Voyage : it is cut by others into lefs pieces. The two firſt Men with their long Knives, that cut the large pieces of Fat, ftand near the Larboard of the Ship, at that fide where the Whale is fixed, and the other Men that afterwards cut it into lefs pieces, ftand on the other fide called Star- board, as you may fee at I, in the Tab. A. When it is a good time to catch Whales, and they will not lofe it, they tow fometimes fe- veral Fish behind their Ship, and catch more; and they cut only the great pieces of Fat of them, and fling them underneath into the Ship. But when they have no more Veffels to put their Fat into, they fail into an Harbour; or if it be calm weather, and not windy, they ftay in the Sea, and faften themſelves to a fheet of Ice, and fo they drive along with the Stream. The other Men cut the Fat into fmall pieces, on a Table; on the further fide of the Table is a Nail faftened, whereunto they faften a Hook, which they put into the Fat, that it may lye fteddy when they cut it into fmall pieces, the Fat is tough to cut, wherefore it muft lye firm. That fide whereon the Skin is they lay under- moft, and fo cut the Fat from it by pieces. The Knives wherewith they cut the Fat into ſmall pieces are less than the other, about three foot long with their Hafts. They all cut from them that they may not be bedaubed with the Fat, which might occafion a fhrinking up and lame- ness of the Sinews of their Hands and Arms. One of them cuts the foft and tough Fat into ſmall pieces with a long Knife; this Man they call the Chopper, and he is mightily daubed, wherefore he doth hang about him all forts of Rags and Clouts he can get. The Fat of fome Whales is white, of others yellow, and of fome red. to Spitzbergen. 161 red. The white Fat is full of fall Sinews, and it does not yield fo much Oyl as the yellow. The yellow Fat that looks like Butter is the beſt. The red and watery Fat cometh from dead Whales, for in the place where the Fat runs out the Blood fettles in its room,and yields the worſt and leaft Oyl. Before the Table is a Gutter made of two Boards nailed together, whereinto the ſmall or minced Fat is flung; by it ſtands a Boy that fhuffles the Fat by de- grees into a Bag that is fixed to the end of the Gutter, and is like unto a Pudding-bag, fo long that it reaches down into the Ship; out ofthis Bag the Fat runs down into a Tub or Wooden Funnel, which they put upon empty Veffels or Cardels, as they call them, and the Men that are below in the Ship fill them with it, and fo it is kept until they try it up into Train-oyl. When the Fat is cut off from one fide of the Whale, before they turn him, they cut out the Whale-bone in one entire piece, and this is fo heavy, that all the Ship's Crew hath enough to do to pull it up. They make ufe, for that pur- pofe, of a peculiar fort of Hooks, two whereof they fix on the fides, and one on the middle of it, very well provided with ftrong Tackle, as you may fee in the Tab. R, and afterwards they cut out the Whale-bone of the other ſide of the Fiſh, and draw it up alfo with Pulleys into the Ship, where it is cut into fuch pieces as they bring it hither in. The Whale bone doth only belong to the owners of the Ship, and the others that run their hazard, whether they catch few or many Whales. The reft, which take their Pay by the Month, receive their Money when they come home, whether they have caught many or none, and the Lofs M or 162 The fourth Part of the Voyage or Gain falls upon the Merchants. The Hooks that they crane up the Whale-bone withal are made on purpofe for it, like a Beam of a pair of Scales; on each end are two fharp points, which they knock in between the Whale-bone; in the middle of the Beam is faſtened a long Handle with a Ring, whereon the Ropes are faſtened; on this Handle there are fixed two other crooked Hooks like Birds Claws; in the Ring where the Ropes are faftened is another crooked Hook, at the top faftened by a Ring, fuch a one as we make uſe of here when we wind any thing up by a Crane; but in the mid- dle between thefe two Hooks is faftened ano- ther Rope, which keeps the lowermoft Hook fteddy; the two hindmoſt points are knocked into the Whale-bone behind, and the two fore- moſt ſhort ones before, which hold the Whale- bone faft between them when it is wound or pulled up. The dead Whales, when the Fat is cut off of them, they let float, and are the Food of the Birds of Prey, when they are hungry, but but they had rather have dead Whales that have ftill their Fat left on them. The white Bear is generally not far off, whether there be any Fat left on them or no, and look like Dogs that only feed upon Carrion, and at that time their white Furr is turned into a yellow colour, and at the fame time they fhed their Hair, and their Skins are worth very little. Where a dead Whale is near we fee it by the Birds, whereof are many, and alfo the white Bears difcover it, as you may fee at g in the Tab. B, chiefly in the Spring, when but a few Whales are caught, for then they are greedy of their Prey; afterwards when many Whales float on the Sea, they have. their to Spitzbergen. 163 their Bellies full, and we do not find fo many by a Whale, becauſe they are difperfed. CHAP. X. Of the Trying out of the Train-oyl from the Fat. Formerly the Dutch did try out their Train- oyl in Spitzbergen, at Smerenberg, and about the Cookery of Harlingen, where ſtill, for a re- membrance, all forts of Tools belonging there- unto are to be ſeen, whereof I have made men- tion before. The French-men try up their Train- oyl in their Ships, and by that means many Ships are burnt at Spitzbergen, and this was the occafion of the burning of two Ships in my time. They try out their Train-oyl at Spitz- bergen, that they may load the more Fat in their Ships; and they believe it to be very pro- fitable, for they go their Voyage upon part, that is to fay, they receive more or lefs, accor- ding to what they catch: But I do not ac- count it Wiſdom to fill up the room of the Ship with Wood, where they might fow Veifels. But our Country-men, as I told you before, put the Fat into the Veffels, wherein it doth fer- ment juſt like Beer, and I know no inftance that ever any Veffel did fly in pieces, although they are ſtopt up very clofe, and fo it becometh for the greateſt part Train-oyl in them. Of the fresh Fat of Whales, when it is burnt out you lofe Twenty in the Hundred, more or lefs, ac- M 2 cording 1 164 The fourth Part of the Voyage cording as it is in goodnefs. At the place where they try up the Fat into Train-oyl, near Hamburgh, they put the Fat out of the Veffels into a great wooden Trough or Tub, and out of this two Men empty it into a great Kettle that ftands near it, that doth hold two Cardels of Fat, that makes 120, 130, and fometimes 140 Gallons: Underneath this Copper that is made up with Bricks they put the Fire, and fo they boil it, and try it up into Train-oyl, as you try up other Fat. This Copper is very well fecured, as the Dyers Coppers ufe to be: it is very broad and flat, juft like a Frying-pan, made of Copper. When the Fat is well try ed or fryed out, they take it out of the Pan with fmall Kettles, into a great Sieve, that the liquid only may run through, the reft is thrown away. This Sieve ftands over a great Tub, which is above half filled with cold Water, that the hot Train-oyl may be cooled, and that what is unclean and dirty of the Blood and other Soil may fall to the bottom, and only the clear Train-oyl fwim at the top of the Water, like other Oyl. In this great Tub or Trough is a finall Spout or Tap which doth run out over another as big as aTub,out of which the Train- oyl runs into another Tub, when it is almoſt ready to run over, which is alfo filled with cold Water to the middle,wherein it is more cooled, and becomes clearer, and more refined than it was before. In this Trough is another Spout, through which the Train oyl runs into the Warehouſe into a Vatt, whereout they fill it into Cardels or Veffels. Some have but two Tubs. A Cardel or Hogfhead holds 64 Gallons. A true Train oyl Barrel doth hold 32 Gallons. The Greaves they try up the fecond time, and make to Spitzbergen. 165 1 make brown Train-oyl out of it, others that think it not worth their while fling them away. T CHAP. XI. Of the Finn-fish. HE Finn-fish is of the length of a Whale, but in bulk the Whale is three times as big. They know the Finn-fish by the Finns that are upon his Back, near unto his Tail, and alfo by his vehement blowing and ſpouting up of the Water, which the Whale doth not do. His Knob on the Head is fplit in length, that is at his blowing hole, through which he forces up the Water higher than the Whale, and with more fierceness, which is not fo high as that of the Whale, neither is the Back bended or den- ted in fo much. His Lips are of a brownish colour, and like a twisted Rope. On his upper Lip the Whale-bone hangs, as it doth on the Whale; but whether he doth open and fhut his Mouth there are different Opinions: Some be- lieve that he cannot open his Mouth, yet this is not true; but he doth not always run open Mouth'd, that the Whale-bone may not hang out of his Mouth at the fides, as it doth in Whales, for elſe he can open his Mouth if he pleaſes. Within his Mouth, between the Whale-bone, he is all over hairy, like unto Horſes Hairs, which grows within to the Whale-bone that is but new growing, and it is M 3 of 166 The fourth Part of the Voyage of a blew colour. The other Whale-bone is of a brown colour, and dark brownish with yellow ftroaks, which are efteemed to be the oldeſt : The blew Whale-bone cometh from young Whales and Finn fishes. He is not as black as Velvet, as the Whale is, but like a Tench. The ſhape of his Body is long and ſmall, nei- ther is he fo fat as a Whale, wherefore we do not much care to catch him, for he doth not pay us for our Labour. It is much more dan- gerous to kill him than to kill a Whale, be- caufe he moves quicker, and beats about him with his Tail, and from him with his Finns, fo that we dare not come near unto him with our Sloops or Long-boats, for the Launces kill him fooneft. I was informed, that once fome, be- fore they were aware of it, did fling, by a mi- ftake, their Harpoon into a Finn-fish, where- upon he drew both Boat and Men, all on a fud- den, underneath a large Ice-fheet before they were aware of it, and not one of them efcap'd. His Taillies flat, like unto that of the Whale. When thefe Finn-fifhes appear we ſee no more Whales. The Train-oyl of the Whale is uſed by feve- ral, viz. by the Frize-makers, Curriers, Cloath- workers, and Soap-boilers; but the greateft ufe that is made of it, is to burn it in Lamps inſtead of other Oyl. The Greenland Ships carry 30 or 40 Men, and fometimes more, chiefly the great Ships, that have fix Sloops belonging to them, fuch Ships hold from 800 to 1000 Cardels of Fat; the leſs Ships have commonly fewer Cardels or Veffels, from 400 to 700, and have commonly five Sloops or Boats belonging to them. There alfo go Galliots to Spitzbergen to catch Whales; > they to Spitzbergen. 167 they have three or four Sloops belonging to them: Some put the Sloops upon the Deck of the Ships, others hang them overboard, as they do at Spitzbergen, when they are amongst the Ice, that as foon as they call Fall, fall, they may immediately let down their Sloops into the Water. Then there remains onboard in the Ships the Steerfman, the Barber, the Chyrurgion, the Cooper, and a Boy, to look after the Ship; the Skipper or Commander himſelf goeth out with the reft of the Men, for they are all obli- ged to go a Whale catching In each Ship there are fixty Launces, fix Sea-horfe Launces, forty Harpoons, ten long Harpoons wherewith they ftrike the Whales under Water, fix fmall Sea-horfe Harpoons, thirty Linas or Ropes, and each of them is about eighty or ninety fathoms long. When they go a hunting they take along with them into each Sloop two, and fometimes three Har- poons, fix Launces, two or three Sea-horfe Launces, three Lines, and five or fix Men, ac- cording to the bigness of the Sloops, therein is the Harpoonier, Line-keeper or Giver, and the Steerfman: They all row equally, until they come near to the Whale, except the Steerfman, for he guides the Boat with his Rudder. They alfo have in each Sloop a Chopping-knife, to cut off the Rope when they cannot follow the Whale, and a Hammer, and other Inftruments, as Hatchets, Drags, and feveral forts of Knives, wherewithal they cut the Whales. Meat and Drink is alfo given them according to the ufual Cuſtom, he that will have better muft take it along with him. Lazy Fellows are in this Voyage troubled with the Scurvy, but thoſe M 4. that 168 The fourth Part of the Voyage that fear neither Air nor Wind, and beftir themſelves, eſcape pretty well; elfe the Scurvy is the common Diffemper in this Voyage, be- fides Feavers, Impofthumes, and other acciden- tal Distempers, and therefore the Chyrurgion muft take care to provide himſelf. CHAP. XII. Of Rotz-fiſhes and Sea-qualms. Otz-fish (or Slime-fishes) I call thefe, that in themfelves are nothing elſe but Slime, and they are tranfparent. I have obferved fe- veral kinds of thefe, fome whereof have parts like Finns, as that fame which I call the Sea May-flye. Others are like unto the flat Snails, only inſtead of Finns they have Stalks like un- to Feathers, Befides thefe, I have ſeen four other forts, that are quite differing in fhape from the others, and are called Sea qualms by the Seamen, as if they were a thick Scum of the Sea coagulated together. They are alfo called after the Latin Name Sea-nettles, becauſe they cauſe a burning Pain like unto Nettles. I have formerly had fome Thoughts, that the Rotz or Slime fishes might be a Seed flung out and fo pu- trefied, and that they did caufe this burning Pain by reaſon of their putrefaction;and fo I did think that they received their fhape or form according to the feveral kinds of Fishes from whence they came, and that fome did take after Thorn to Spitzbergen. 169 Thornbacks, others after Whales, and the like; but this doth not feem to be agreeable to Rea- fon, for I have confidered it better fince, and find Life to be a far more noble thing, than that it fhould proceed from putrefied Seed caft away. They cleanſe the Sea mightily, for all the filth and uncleannefs fticks to them, juſt as a Burr doth unto Cloth. I. Of the Sea-May-flye. Theſe fmall Fish are very like unto the Sea- nettles, becauſe of their tranfparent Body, and they alfo diffolve like the fame, if you hold them in your hand. They have two Finns under- neath, about the Neck, which are likeft unto thoſe of the Whale. They are in their ſhape like unto our white Rowls, broad and thick in the middle, and thin and pointed at each end. As for the reft of the Body, it is very like unto our May-flye, fave only that the Tail or Body is all along thicker, and only begins to be pointed towards the end. The Head is broad and round, fplit in the middle; it hath fmall Horns about the breadth of a Straw; on his Head be- fore it hath two rows of fix red little Knobs, three of them in each row; whether they be Eyes or no I cannot exactly tell. Its Mouth is divided or ſplit. From his Mouth down into his Belly are its Guts, which one may easily fee becauſe of its tranfparency. It is of yellow and black colour; but the colour of the whole Fish is like unto the White of an Egg He moves in the Water juft like a Sea-nettle. I have drawn him here in his proper bignefs. I am of opinion, that the Birds feed upon them, be- caufe the Lumbs, Pigeon-divers, and Parret- divers, 1 170 The fourth Part of the Voyage 1 divers are plentifully feen in thofe places where theſe Fiſh or Sea-Infects are feen. The fame that I have delineated here I found in the South Bay in Spitzbergen, on the 20th of June; in the Tab. P it is marked with f. II. Of the Snail Slime-fiſh. Thefe are alfo quite tranfparent, like unto the Sea-nettles, but they are flat, and wound about like a Snail, and fo we find upon the Land the Shells of fuch flat Snails. It is very remarkable, that out of the utmoſt part of him come two Stalks, like unto the Beam of a pair of Scales, hairy or rough on each fide, like unto a Feather. With theſe Stalks he moves himfelf up and down like the Sea-nettle. They are of a brown colour: They fwim in great numbers in the Sea, as numerous as the Duft in the Sun. It is believed that the Whales feed upon them, but I cannot believe that they can be fo nouriſhing a Food for the Whales, as to make them fo fat; I rather believe that the Lumbs, Pigeon-divers, and the Parret-divers feed upon them. They are not bigger than I have delineated them. We faw many of them in the South Harbour at Spitzbergen, on the 20th day of June. Amongst the Ice I faw none. The Seamen take theſe fmall Fish for Spiders, and I fhould alfo have taken them to be fuch, if I had not had them in my Hand, and looked more curiouſly upon them, and found that they had no affinity at all with the Spiders. In the Tab. Qit is marked with e. III. Of to Spitzbergen. 171 III. Of the Hat Slime-fifh. Its upper part is like the Funguffes or Toad- ftools, for it is as it were a round and thick Stalk, that goes juft into the middle of the Head. It hath a blew Button or Knob, that is as thick again as the Stalk: And this upper part may alſo be compared unto fuch a Straw Hat as our Women wear. From the Stalk down- wards it doth grow thick again, and round, yet it is a great deal lefs than the Button. I have ſeen them force themfelves up from below, and then from the top down again, juft as a Stick that is forced down underneath the Water reboundeth up again. I got them in the North Sea, between Holly-Land and the Elbe, where the Sea-water mingles with that of the Elbe. I have alfo feen them at Kuck's- Haven in the Elbe. And I am alſo informed, that fometimes they come as far down as to Freyburg. By reafon of its fhape, it may be called The Hat Slime-fifh, or Stalk Slime-fifh. - IV. Of the Rofe-like-fhaped Slime-fifh. This Slime-fifh is as round as a Circle, yet in his circumference between his double ftrokes a little indented. The Rays fpring out fin- gle from the middle of the Body, and there are fixteen of them in number, but they divide themſelves into two branches, where they run fomewhat cloſer together, and are ſplit in two. The Body thereof is white and tranfparent, as is 1 172 The fourth Part of the Voyage is mentioned before; he draws it together, and opens it again as he pleaſeth; but the Rays or Spokes are brownish red. On the end of thefe Spokes, towards the outward circumference are feveral Spots, 32 in number. In the middle of this Plate is another fmall Circle, and from the circumference of that the before-named Spokes begin. It is hollow within, which Cavity may perhaps be his Belly, wherein I found two or three of the fmall Shrimps. Round about did hang down feven brown finall Threads, like fpun Silk, or like unto the Threads that flye in the Air about Autumn; he cannot move thefe. I believe he weigh'd about half a pound; he was about half a ſpan broad; the Threads were about a fpan long. This fort we got about Hitland. One might very well call him the Plate, or Rofe-like Slime- fish, by reafon of his figure and fhape. I have heard fome relate, that the Macarels do fuck their Colour out of theſe two, but I cannot affirm it, but leave it undecided, until I can affert it by my own Experience. Thefe three firft Sea-qualms are numerous in the North Sea as Atomes in the Air, but about Spitzbergen we do not find many of them. I have feen them fwim at top only in calm weather, but in ftor- my weather they fink to the bottom. V. of to Spitzbergen. 173 V. Of the Slime-fiſh like a Cap. At Spitzbergen, near the Mufcle-Harbour, on the 8th of July, when the weather was calm, I ſaw two forts of Slime-fish, whereof one had fix, the other eight Corners: That with fix Corners had alſo fix purple Streaks with blew Brims. Between theſe Streaks the Body is divi- ded like unto a Pumpkin into fix Ribs. From the middle of his Body hang down two Threads that are red like Vermilion, and rough, of ſmall Hairs, they are fhaped like unto the Letter [V] I did not fee him move them when he fwam. Within his Body he hath other broader Streaks, of a purple co- lour, and on the edges or brims of a lightiſh blew one; they repreſent themſelves like un- to a great [W] The whole Body is as white as Milk, and not fo tranfparent as the Body of that that cometh next. It is fha- ped juſt like a Cap with Corners, wherefore one might call it the Cap-like Fifh. It is about as big again as it is delinea- ted here. It weighed about two ounces. I did not perceive, when I had him in my Hand, that he did burn me, but it diffol- ved like Snot or Slime. In the Tab. P it is marked with VI. of 174 The fourth Part of the Voyage ; t VI. Of the Slime-fifh like a Fountain. The fixth and laſt is a very notable Fiſh; it hath a hole at the top like unto a Quill of a Goofe (that may perhaps be his Mouth) which goes into a cavity like a Funnel, where- fore we might call him a Funnel-fish. From this hole come down four Strokes, two and two, exactly oppoſite to one another; two of them are cut tranfverfedly, and two are not cut. Thofe that are not cut are about half the breadth of a Straw, and the others that are like unto the Back bones of a Snake, are as broad as a Straw; both of them come down beyond the middle of the whole Body. From the middle of the Funnel come down four others, like unto the Back-bones of a Snake, and they come down lower than the others; fo that all of them make eight in number. They changed their colour as we looked upon them, into blew, yellow, and red, with fuch delicate colours as a Rainbow. They looked in my Eyes to be like unto a Fountain with eight Streams or Spouts, wherefore we might call it a Fountain-fish with eight Streams. Within him came down from the end of the Funnel fome- thing like a Cloud that divides itſelf into rows, which I take to be his Intrails. Where the be- fore-mentioned outward Streaks end themſelves the Body is first bent in fomewhat, then it turns round, and there it hath many fmall Streaks. The whole Body is as white as Milk, of the fame bigneſs as it is here delineated. I believe it weighed about four ounces. I did not per- to Spitzbergen. 175 perceive that he did burn ones Skin, but he did, like him I mentioned before, diffolve like Slime. Since I have feen other forts of thefe Sea- nettles in the Spanish Sea, that weighed feveral pounds, and they were of a blew, purple, yel- lowish, and white colour, that burn more vio- lently than thoſe of the North Sea; they fuck themſelves fo cloſe to the Skin, that they raiſe Blifters, and cauſe ſometimes St. Anthony's Fire. The Cutts whereof, together with the Deſcription, I hope to communicate to the Reader at another time. This is marked with b in the Tab. P. A SUP- A SUPPLEMENT To Capt. Wood's and Marten's North-Eaſt Voyages. CONTAINING Some Obfervations and Navigations to the North-West, of Groneland, and other Northern Regions. N The Whale fishing & killing of Morses. Supplem? Tab S.Pag: 179- : ¡ 179 Á SUPPLEMENT To Capt. Wood's and Marten's North-eaft Voyages, &c. CHERRY- and other Iſlands. O UR Men conceive Greenland to be bro-Northern ken Land, or a great number of Iſlands fflands at leaft, very near to one another. On the Weft fide they difcovered as far as 82 deg. the moſt Northerly Point they called Point Purchas, there they found very many Iflands, which they thought not worthy to give Names to, being careful only to take notice of thofe fix or eight Harbours which were commodious for their Fishing. On the Eaft fide, they went no farther than 8 deg. be- caufe the Dutch difturbed their Trading on that fide. There are alfo many Iflands, fome of which are named, as Hope-Îfland, diſcovered in Hope- 1613, which may be that the Dutch call Wil- İfland; loughby's-land, or John Mayen's Island, though in- deed it correfponds well to neither; but rather to the later. It belongeth to Greenland, and is N 2 島 ​• 180 ¦ A Supplement to Edges- Iland. Wyches- Ifland. Cherry- Ifland. Morfs- fhing. but a fmall Inland, and lies North-eaft and South-weft; whereas the Countrey sir H. Wil loughby landed upon, was a large Countrey, (inafmuch as he failed many days by the fide of it) and lies North and South, which muft be Greenland. Edges Inland was difcovered 1616, by Capt. T. Edge, who had inade that Voyage ten times. Wyches-Ifland (fo called from a Gen- tleman of that Name) was found out 1617, but there being nothing remarkable come to our knowledge concerning thefe, we pass them over. Only it is worth noting, that both the Whale and Morfs-fifhing was known and pra- &tifed 800 years ago, as appears by the Relation which Other the Norwegian made to his Lord Alfred King of England; where he alfo faith, that the Morffes were hunted for their Teeth, which were mightily esteemned. Cherry-Iland, when firft difcovered I know not, but it received not its Name, nor was known to be of any profit till 1603, when a Ship fet out at the charges of Sir Francis Cherry touched upon it, and found there fome Lead, and a Morffes Tooth; but ftayed not to fifh, becauſe the year was too far fpent. However, they called it (in honour of Sir Francis Cherry, for whofe ufe they took poffeffion of it) Cherry- Iland. / I. In 1604 a Ship fet fail (Mr.Welden the Mer- chant, and Stephen Bennet the Mafter) from Lon- don, April 15, and arrived at Cola in Lapland May 1. They ftayed in Lapland till July 1 and July 8. they came in fight of Cherry; and they came to an Anchor on the South fouth-eaft fide, but, becauſe of the Stream, could not land: fo that they failed round about the Ifle, and at length anchored two miles from the Shore. Going t the North-east Voyages. 18 1 Going on Land, one of them with his Gun kil- led as many Fowl as almoft laded their Boat. July 9. they found on Shore nothing but ftore of Foxes; that part of the Iſland was in 74 deg. 45 min. July 10. they weighed Anchor, and flood into another Bay, and came to an Anchor in eight fathoms, where they faw an incredible number of Morffes fwimming in the Sea. Coming to fhore, they eſpied a vaft company of them lying on the Ground, they fhot at them with three Guns they carried with them, but with all their Weapons they could kill but fifteen of above 1000, that lay there like Hogs huddling together on heaps, but they found as many Teeth as filled an Hogfhead, Before the 13th, they killed near 100 more, making uſe only of their Teeth. ' In 1605. the fame perfons went again, arri- ving there July 2. They went on Shore, and July 6. flew abundance of Morffes, and not only with Shot, as they did the year before, but with Launces dexterously uſed, directing them to certain places of their Bodies; they began alfo to boil their Blubber, and made ele- ven Tuns of Oyl, (five of their Bellies will yield one Hogfhead) and abundance of Teeth. Here alfo they found a Lead-mine under Mount - mifery, and brought away about Thirty Tun of the Oar. In 1606. the fame Ship with the fame Per- fons was fent again, and landed July 3, in 74 deg. 55 min. where they ftayed till the Ice was all cleared; for the Morffes will not come to Shose till the Ice be all vanished, where, at one time in fix hours, they flew betwixt Seven and Eight Hundred Morffes, and Two great N 3 Bears; 1 182 A Supplement to Morsjes. Bears; they made 22 Tuns of Oyl, and 3 Hogfheads of Teeth. In 1608. June 21, was fo hot that the melted Pitch ran down the fides of their Ship: in fe- ven hours time they flew above 900 Morffes, making 31 Tuns of Oyl, and above 2 Hogsheads of Teeth, befides 40 more. They took alive into their Ship two young Morffes, a Male and Female; the Female died, the Male lived ten weeks in England, where they taught it many things. In 1610. at another Voyage with two Ships, they killed many Bears, and faw divers young ones, no bigger than young Lambs, very gamefome and lufty; they brought two of them into England. Much Fowl alfo they flew, and many Seals; and June 15. fet up an Enfign in token of poffeffion of the Ifland for the Mufcovia Company in Gull Island they found three Lead mines, and a Coal mine on the North fide of the Ifland. Three Ships more alfo came to fifh at Cherry-Ifland, they kil- led 500 Morffes at one time,at other times near 300 more, one Man killing 40 with his Launce at one days hunting. 2 The Morfs, Walrufh, Horfe-whale, Rofma- rus, or Sea horfe, (for fo he is by the Ancients often called, though of late they have difcove- red another Fiſh not unlike him, with freight Teeth, which they call the Sea-horfe) hath a Skin like a Sea-calf, (with fhort and fad yellow Fur) a Mouth like a Lion; if any, hardly di- fcernable, Ears, yet they hear well, and are frighted with noife; (which alfo is faid of the Whale, that he is driven away with the found of a Trumpet) large Breaft, fhort Thighs four Feet, and upon each Foot five Toes with fhort fharp Nails, the North-east Voyages. 183 Nails, with which they climb the Ice; and as large as a great Ox, having a great femicircular Tusk growing on each fide of their upper Jaw, which are very much valued, efpecially by the Northern People, partly for their ufes in Medi- cines, as to make Cramp-rings, (which they make alfo of the Briftles upon his Cheeks) to refift Poiſon, and other malignant Difeafes, wherein they are at leaft equal to that called the Unicorn's Horn; but more for their Beau- ty, which is equal to, if not furpaffing Ivory. The heaviness of it makes it much fought after for Handles of Swords. Their Skins being dreffed, are thicker than two Ox-hides, yet light, and excellent to make Targets against Darts and Arrows of the Savages. They feed upon Fish and Herbs, and fleep, if there be Ice, upon that ; where if furprized, the female caſts her young ones (of which the hath commonly two at a time) into the Sea, and her felf after them, fwimming away with them in her Arms; and if provoked, after fhe hath fecured them, returning many times to fet upon the Boat, in- to which if ſhe can faften her Teeth, fhe will eafily fink it. But if they be farther from the Water, they all arife up together, and with their weight and force falling upon the Ice, endea vour to break it; as they did when furprized by Jonas Pool in 1610, where himfelf and divers of his Men eſcaped drowning very narrowly; one of them being in the Sea, the Morffes fet upon him with their Teeth, but with very great labour and hazard of his company he escaped Death, though fore wounded. Frequently alfo they fleep on the fhore, and if they have con- venience, upon an high and ſteep place. They always go in great companies, and fet one to N 4 keep 184 A Supplement to keep watch; which if furprized afleep, 'tis an eafie matter to kill all the reſt; but if he give warning by grunting, they clap their hinder Feet under their two Tusks, and fo roll into the Sea. But if they be caught on plain ground, yet are they hardly flain, being both ſtrong and fierce, and all hafting one way to the Water. The Dutch at firft were very much troubled to kill them, their Shot the Beaft valued not much, their Hatchets and Half-pikes would not pierce them; nor did they think they could be killed, except truck with great force in the midft of the Forehead. The firft time they fet upon them, of 200 they could not kill one, but went for their Ordnance to fhoot them. Our Men, after a little experience, found the way to di- fpatch them with Javelins,as is before rehearſed. Some imagine this to be John Mayen's Ifland, but it feems rather that is is not; for the Nor- thermoſt point of that is in 71 d. 23 m. whereas this is 74 d. 55 m. except the Dutch be not fo accurate in their Obfervations and Calculations as were to be wifh'd, which I much fufpect, v. Nova-Zembla. Befides, Cherry-Ifland is round, not frequented with Whales, but Morffes. Our Men alfo have travelled it on Foot from North to South, which on Mayen's Island cannot be done; and though they tell many particulars of the place, yet they never mention the great Beerenberg. Hope-Ifland indeed is a long land, lies much what as they fay of Mayen's, and hath been vifited by the Whale-fifhers, but it is more No th than they place their Inland. The itch of afcribing Difcoveries to themfelves hath brought (as I fear) Confufion both in this and many other matters of this nature. JOHN the North-east Voyages. 185 • Jo JOHN MAYEN's Ifland. Ohn Mayen's Iſland, fo called from the name of the firſt Diſcoverer, (as the Dutch pretend) feems by the English to be called Hope-land, or if not, I know not whether the English have been upon it. It fee as not to be of any great confequence, all that is fpoken of it being that it extends in length fron South-weft to North- eaft. The farther it fhoots out in length, the more contracted and narrower it grows in breadth; fo that in the middle the distance is very fmall between both Shores. Before the Whale-fiſhing was removed to Greenland, in the Summer-time this Iland was much frequented by the Seamen whom Trade invited thither and the Iſland was well known to most of the Northern Adventurers of Europe; but fince the Whales have deferted thofe Shores, and have removed their Sea-quarters farther to the North, the Seamen and Fiſhermen have been forced to follow their Prey to Greenland. For it feems the Whales, either weary of the place, or fenfible of their own danger, do often change their Har- bours. In the Spring time the weſtern fide of the Iſland is not fo much enclofed with Ice, as that which lies in the North, where it runs out into the Sea,with a fharp point behind the Moun- tain of Bears; for on this fide, all the year long, the Ice never removes from the Shore, above ten miles; and in the Spring time fo befieges it, that there is no paffage through it. For which reaſon the Mariners, who are bound for this Iland, ufe all the care they can to avoid the ¿ Eaſtern, 186 A Supplement to 1 Eaſtern, and to make directly to the Weſtern Shore, there to lye while the Fishing-feafon con- tinues; if by mifcarriage they come upon the Eaft-fide, they are then forced to fetch a com- paſs about the North part of the Iſland, where- by they are not only expofed to the terrible winds that blow off from Bears-Mountain, but alſo to the dangers of the floating Ice: for here the Sea flows from South to North,and ebbs from North to South. At the Northern end of the Iſland appears the Bears-Mountain, of a prodigious height, and fo perpendicularly freep, that it is impoffible to climb to the top of it. This Mountain, from the Bears there frequently feen, called Beerenberg or the Bears-Mountain, at the bottom takes up the whole space between the Eaſtern and the Weſtern Shore; on the North fide it leaves a little room for leveller ground to the Ocean; and being of prodigious height, may be defcryed 30 miles off at Sea. The Sea-coaft lies thus: 1. Noords-hoeck, or the Northern Angle, is the extream point ſhooting out to the North. 2. Ooft boeck is the molt Eaſtern point. Ysbergh, mark'd 1, 2, 3, are three Mountains of Ice, or rather vaft heaps of con- gealed Snow, which diffolved by the heat of the Sun, falls from the top of Bears-Mountain, but upon the Sun's retiring freezes again. 3. Zuydooft heeck is the South-eaft Angle. From this point the Shore extends itſelf from Eaft to Weft to a little Iſland, and then winds again to the Weſt and South; in fome places not paffa- ble by reafon of its fteepness, in others fmooth enough. 4. Cleyn Sand-bay or Little Sand-bay, Eyerland, or Eggland, being certain Rocks full of Birds; here, about a Musket fhot from the fhore, the Sea is Go fathom deep, and a little far- ther, The Habits of the Gronelanders: Supplem Tab R. Tag 187. the North-east Voyages. 187 } ther, the founding line will not reach to the bottom. 5. Groote Hoot-bay or great Wood-bay, by reafon of the great pieces of rotten Timber, that are there found. In this, which is the nar- roweſt part of the Iſland, are certain Mountains not very ſteep, from the top whereof any per- fon calling them that ftand upon either fhore, may be heard by both. 6. Cleyn Hoot-bay, or Little Wood-bay. 7. English Bay, and feveral others, to which the Dutch have given fuch Names as they thought fit. * 1 GRONELAND. tion. ма Alled alſo Groenland, Groinland, and more The Name anciently Engroenland, lies (as the Iflan- and Situa ders fay) like an Half-moon about the North of their Countrey, at the diftance of four days failing. But it feems not to lye fo much Eaft, but rather on the North of America. From Cape Farewell, in 60 deg. 30 min. on the South, it is unknown to how many degrees in the North. The Eaft and Weft are encompass'd by two great Oceans, but at what degrees of Longitude is not yet difcover'd. Only Mr. Fotherby found it near the Coaſt of Graneland, in 71 deg. and the South of Greenland to be above two hundred Leagues. It is faid to have been difcovered firft by a Ancient Norwegian Gentleman, whofe Name was Eric Discoveries Rotcop, or Red Head; who having committed a Murther in Ifeland, to fave his Life, refolved to adventure to another Country, whereof he had heard 188 A Supplement to Norwegi- heard fome obfcure flying Reports. He fucoee- dod fo well, that he arrived in a fafe Harbour called Sandſtafm, lying between two Mountai- nous Promontories; the one upon an Ifland over againſt Groneland, which he called Huidfer- hen, or White Shirt, becauſe of the Snow upon it: the other on the Continent, called Huarf Eric. He winter'd in the dfland, but when the feafon fuffer'd,pafs'd into the Continent: which becauſe of its greenness and flourishing he called Groneland. Thence he fent his Son to Olaus Trugger King of Norway, to get his Pardon, which was eafily granted, when he was inform'd by him of this new Difcovery. Whereupon divers Gentlemen adventur'd to plant there,who multiplying, not long after divided the whole Country into the Eaſtern and Weſtern, and built two Cities, Garde and Albe. In Albe was a Biſhop's See, and a Cathedral Church dedica- red to St. Anthony; the Seat alfo of the Viceroy fent thither from time to time by the Norwegian. They write alfo of a great Monaftery called of St. Thomas, wherein was a Spring, whofe Water was fo hot, that it dreffed all their Meat; and being conveyed into the Cells and other Rooms in Pipes, heated all the Monaftery as if it had been fo many Stoves. They fay alfo, that this Monaftery is built all of Pumice-ftones, and that this hot Water falling upon them, mixeth with the outer parts, and produces a fort of clammy matter, which ferves inftead of Lime. But what the Norwegians conquered or pof- By the feffed in this Country was an inconfiderable corner of that large Continent. Themfelves mention a Nation, whom they call Skrelingers, to have inhabited in the middle of the Land, abs. but the North-east Voyages. 189 but what they were we know not. But whe ther their Paucity expofed them to the merci- lefness of the Natives, or whether it were an Epidemical Difeafe, which they called the black Plague, which fwept away not only most of that Nation in Groneland, but alſo the Mer- chants and Mariners in Norway, that maintai- ned that Traffick; or whether it were fome other Reaſon, which is now forgotten: fo it is, that fince 1349, little Intelligence hath defcen- ded to us concerning Groneland, till ſeeking the North-weft paffage to China, occafioned more knowledge of it. In 1389. they fay, that the King of Denmark fent a Fleet thither, with in- tention to re-establish his Dominion in thoſe parts; but that being caft away, difcouraged him from any further Enterprize; till now of late Chriftian IV. renewed fomewhat again of that Navigation, of which by and by. In 1406. the Bishop of Drontheim fent a Prieſt (called Andreas) to fucceed Henry Bishop of Garda, if dead; if alive, to return and bring notice of the ftute of the Church there. But Andreas never came back; nor hath there been fince any further care taken to fupply Bifhops, or maintain Chriftianity there. There is a Relation in Purchas's Pilgrim, par. 3. of one Ivor Boty a Gronelander, tranflated 1560, out of the Norweighish Language, which gives a ſuffici- ently particular account of all the places in that Country inhabited by Chriftians, but nothing befides. The occafion of our Voyages to thofe Coaſts Later Dif was to find out a way to China, &c. by the coveries by North-west, which had been fruitlefly fought the English. toward the North-eaft, The 5 190 A Supplement to Sir Martin The first whom we read to have ſearched the Frobisher. North-west for a paffage, was Martyn Frobisher, Sir Hum. who in 1576, with two Barks coming to the height of 62 deg. found a great Inlet, called by him Forbiſher's Straits, whereinto having failed 60 leagues with main Land on either fide, re- turned. He found there a certain Oar, which he conceived to be of Gold; and the next year he made a fecond Voyage to fetch a quantity. of it, but it proving to be nothing but black Lead, anſwer'd not expectation; yet they found a Silver Mine, which lay fo deep and faft in the Rocks, that they could not dig it. They melted Gold alfo, but in very finall quantities, out of feveral Stones they found there upon Smith's Ifle. They found alfo a dead Fiſh, of about twelve foot long, not unlike in ſhape to a Porpoife, having an Horn fix foot long (fuch as is commonly called Unicorn's Horn) growing out of his Snout, which is ftill kept at Windfor. In 1578. he went out again upon a Difcove- ry, wherein paffing as far as he thought good, he took poffeffion of the Land in the name of Queen Elizabeth, calling it Meta incognita. In 1583. Sir Humphrey Gilbert upon the ſame Gilbert. defign went to the great River of St. Lawrence, in Canada, took poffeffion of the Countrey, and fetled a Fishing-trade there. This Voyage I fuppofe was made upon fuggeftion of a Greek Mariner, who affured fome of our Nation, that himſelf had paffed a great Strait, North of Vir- ginia, from the Welt or South Ocean, and offe- red to be Pilot for the Diſcovery, but died be- fore he came into England. In the North-east Voyages. 191 In 1585. Mr. John Davis was employ'd with Mr. Davis two Barks to the ſame ſearch. The firſt Land he came to, he named the Land of Defolation, and is one part of Groneland; then he arrived in 64 deg. 15 min. in Gilbert's Sound, where they found a great quantity of that Oar which Frobisher brought into England, and alfo Lapis Specularis. Thence they went to 66 deg. 40 min. to Mount Raleigh, Totnefs Sound, &c. where they ſaw ſome few low Shrubs, but nothing elſe worth noting. In 1586. he made a fecond Voyage to the fame place, where he found amongst the Na- tives Copper Oar, as alfo black and red Copper. Thence they fearched many places Weftward, and returned with good hopes of diſcovering the defired paffage. In 1587. he made a third Voyage, to 72 deg. 12 min. the Compaſs varying to 82 deg. Weft- ward, the Land they called London-Coast; and there they found an open Sea, and forty leagues between Land and Land, thinking this to be the moſt likely place to find the paffage; and it was from him called Fretum Davis. Thus from time to time proceeded the difco- Mr. Hud- very of theſe Countries, but now not upon (on. hopes of a paffage to the Indies, but for the pro- fit of Trading; till Mr. Hudson, in 1610, after he was fatisfied that there was no paffage North- eafterly, was fent to make a Tryal here alfo. He proceeded an hundred leagues farther than any before had done; and gave Names to certain places, as Defire provokes, Ifle of God's Mercies, Prince 192 A Supplement to M James Hall. Mr. Baffin. Prince Henry's Cape, King James's Cape, Queen Ann's Cape, and the like; but the Ice hindered him from going further, and the Sedition of his Men from returning home. In 1612. James Hall returning into England, and with him William Baffin, who difcovered Cockin's Sound, in the height of 65 deg. 20 min. which differed in Longitude from London 60 deg. 30 min. Weftward. They faw alfo the footing of a great Beaft they fuppofed an Elk, or the like. James Hall was killed in the Boat by a Native pretending to trade with them. They tryed the Mine at Cunningham's River, which the Danes had digged before, and found it to be nothing worth. There were Rocks of very pure Stone,finer and whiter than Alabaſter, and Angelica growing plentifully in many places, which the Savages ufe to eat. In 1615. Mr. Baffin was fent again; he found Fair-Point to differ in Longitude from London 74 deg. and 5. min. Weftward. But the chief thing they diſcover'd was, that there was no paffage in the North of Davis Straits, it being no other than a great Bay; but that profit might be made by fiſhing for Whales, Morffes, and Unicorns, of which there are good ftore. In 1616. Mr. Baffin went again. In Sir Tho. Smith's Sound, 78 deg. Lat. their Compafs va- ried 56 deg. Weftward, the greateſt variation that is any where known. Defpairing to diſco- ver their defired North-weft paffage, they retur ned home, and fince that we hear of no more Voyages made from England upon that deſign, except by Capt. James, in 1631. This the North-east Voyages. 193 This Ingenious and moft Skilful Navigator, Capt. Tho. James was pefter'd with much Ice in thefe North-weft Seas in June and July, failing from Cape-Farewell, by the Ifland of Refo- lution, to Mill's and Nottingham Ifles, as alfo that call'd Mansfield, from whence he fteer'd over a great Bay to the Weftward, near Port-Nelfon, and named the Land New South Wales. He met hereabouts with Capt. Fox, in one of his Majefty's Ships, who had been in Port-Nelfon, but they were foon parted by bad weather. Capt. James continued to roving up and down thefe Seas, and giving Names to his Diſcoveries, as Cape Henrietta Maria, Lord Wefton's Island, The Earl of Bristol's Island, Sir Thomas Roe's Ifland, Earl of Danby's Island, Charlton Island, where he winter'd in the Lat. of 52 deg. 03 min. from whence he returned home in 1632. having built a little Pinnace out of his Ship, in which he paffed over to Cary's Swans-Neft, and fo by Cape Charles and Salisbury-Ifle homewards, ha- ving made many additional Diſcoveries beyond Hudson, Button, and Baffin. This Ifland (faith Capt. James) and all the reft (as well as the Main) is a light white Sand, cover'd over with a white Mofs, and full of Shrubs and low Buſhes, excepting fome bare Hills and Patches, where the Sand will drive with the Wind like Duft. 'Tis full of Trees, as Spruce Firrs,and Juniper, which together with the Mofs will take fire like Torches or Flax. We found great ftore of an Herb like Scurvy- grafs, which boil'd, did extreamly refreſh us. We faw fome Deer, abundance of Foxes, a few Bears, and fome little Beaſts. In May there came fome Fowl, as Ducks and Geefe, white Q Par, 194 A Supplement to By the Danes. Partridges we faw; Fiſh we could never fee any in the Sea, nor any Bones of Fiſh on the Shore fide, excepting a few Cockle-fhells. The Muskitoes upon our coming away in July were moſt intolerable, there being no Fence againſt them. The Climate (of the Ile of Charleton) is moſt unnatural, the Days in Summer being ex- ceffive hot, and the Nights fharp Frofts, even to an inch thickneſs in the Ponds, and all this in June and July. Here are divers forts of Flies, as Butter-flies, Butchers-flies, Horfe-flies, infi- nite numbers of Ants and Frogs, plenty of Vetches, which recover'd our Scorbutick Men. And yet that which is moſt wonderful, the Winter is as fevere here as in any place lying 30 degrees more Northerly. The King of Denmark alſo, partly to advance the Trading of his own, and partly to renew his ancient Pretence to that Country, if any thing fhould be diſcover'd worth the claiming, whilst the English were bufie in theſe Difcove- ries, fet out two Ships and a Pinnace 1605..the Admiral was Capt. John Cunningham a Scot, Godske Lindenaw a noble Dane was Vice-Admi- ral, the chief Pilots were James Hall and John Knight, Englishmen. Godske arrived son. fome part of the Countrey where he traffick'd fome fmall matters with the Natives, took two of them, and returned into Denmark. The. other two Ships arrived at Cape Farewell, thence went to Frobisher's Straits, gave Daniſh Names to divers places, traded with the Natives, of whom they brought away three, and found certain Stones in a place called Cunningham's Ford, out of an hundred pound of which were extracted twenty-fix ounces of fine Silver. In I the North-east Voyages. 195 In 1606. he fent again four Ships and a Pin- nace, Godske Lindenaw Admiral, and James Hall Pilot-General, they brought away five of the Natives. In 1667. James Hall was fent again, but the Seamen mutining as foon as he came to the Coaft, brought the Ship back again into Den- mark, without any thing done. The King of Denmark fet out two Ships more, under Chriftian Richardson an Holfteiner, With Norwegian and Ifelandish Mariners, who re- turned before they faw Shore. More of their Expeditions we know not, till 1619, when he fent out John Munck with two Ships. They ar- rived fafe at Cape Farewell, 60 deg. 30 min. where their Tackle was fo frozen, and full of Ificles, that they could not handle them; the next day was fo hot; that they could not endure their Clothes, but wrought in their fhirts. The South part of Hudson's Bay he called Mare No- vum; that part towards Groneland, Mare Chri- ftianum. He arriv'd in 63 deg. 20 min. where he winter'd, and called it Munck's Winter-barbour and the Country New Denmark, (it ſeems to be near Digg's Iland.) In that long Winter he there endured, little of note happen'd, but that in April it rained, and then came thither vaft quantities of Fowls, of divers forts, to breed in thofe quiet, undisturbed places. Of all his Company, which was forty-fix in one Ship, and fixteen in the Pinnace, fcarce fo many were left alive, as were able to bring the Pin- nace thorow very horrid dangers, to their own Country. If 196 A Supplement to Gronelan- If any one defire to know what became of ders in the eight Gronelanders brought at feveral times Denmark. into Denmark, the account is this: The King ▸ commanded great care fhould be taken of them, appointed certain perfons to attend them, to give them liberty enough, fo as they prevented their eſcape. No Neceffary or Convenience was wanting; their Food fuch as they could eat, Milk, Butter, Cheeſe, Fleſh, and Fifh, but raw. They could eat no Bread, nor boil'd Meat, but nothing ſo much abhorr'd by them as Wine, or Brandy. Their pleaſanteſt Beuvrage was Train- Oyl. But whatever was done to, or for them, could never take away that Melancholy and Chagrin which they continually lived in for the want of their beloved Country. They could never be brought to learn much of the Danish Language, or to apprehend any thing of Chriſtian Religion. Three of them were fent back towards their own Country 1606. the moſt towardly and hopeful, who might ferve for In- terpreters and Brokers to the Danes; but two of them, Oxo and Omeg, died in the Ship, and the third (becauſe the Danes durft not land or trade by reafon of the great numbers of Natives that appeared in Arms on the Coaft, ready to re- venge them that had been before carried away) was brought back into Denmark, to his former Treatment. An Ambaffador arriving there from Spain, the King was pleafed to fhew him thofe Savages, and their dexterity in rowing, which was by all the Spectators admired. The Ambaffador fending them Money, one of them had the courage to buy him Clothes after the Danish Fashion, got a Feather in his Cap, Boots and Spurs, and all things ala cavaliere; he came " བ ་ alfo the North-east Voyages. 197 alſo to the King, and defired to ſerve him ; but this fervor was quickly decay'd, and the poor man returned to his fadnefs and complaints. Some of them endeavoured to get to Sea in their little Boats, but being retrieved, dyed of Me- lancholy. Two lived divers years at Koldingen in Jutland, where they were employ'd in diving for Pearl-Mufcles; in which their skill and dexterity was fuch, that every one that faw them believed they had practifed the fame employ- ment in their own Country. Such Succefs they had,that the Governour promiſed himſelf great Profit thereby; and that in a fhort time he fhould fell Pearls by the quart, if they continued. But his Covetoufnefs deftroyed his Gain; for not content with what they fished in Summer, he alſo compelled them under the Ice in Win- ter time; where one of them fell into fuch a Diſeaſe, from the cold fo contracted, that he dyed. After whofe death the other never en- joyed himſelf; but finding an opportunity, he got his little Boat, and before he was overtaken got to the main Sea. But being brought back, they repreſented to him the impoffibility of his ever getting home to Groneland; but he flighted their Advice, and told them, That he intended to go northward fo far, and when he was there the Stars would direct him into his own Country. } The Country is moftly all High-land and The Soil, Mountains, cover'd with Snow all the Year, but &c, of the fouthern parts more than the northern, Groneland They have very little or no Wood growing. there, except fome few Buſhes, and not many Plants or Herbs; confequently not many Beafts 0 3 there 198 A Supplement to there nouriſhed, but their chief fubfiftence is upon Fishing. There are divers Mountains, which promife rich Mines of Metal; and fome have been found to contain it actually, others only to make a fhew. The Inhabitants know neither fowing nor planting; tho' the Soil feem'd to be fertile and pleafant, efpecially be tween the Mountains. The northern parts, by reafon of the terrible Ice and Cold, are wholly undiſcover'd; the fouthern confift of many Ilands, different in fhapes and bignefs: which feems to be the reafon, that in theſe Seas are many various and ſtrong currents, and (as Ivor Boty faith) very many dangerous Whirlpools towards the Weft and North, none of which however have been found by our Mariners. The Country feems much fubject to Earth- quakes, elfe very healthful; only it was obfer- ved, that those who went thither infected with any Venereal Diſeaſe grew worfe immediately, and could not there be cured. Which they at- tributed to the purity of the Air, perhaps they might have done it more rationally to the Cold. Beafts. Ivor Boty fpeaks much alfo of their great numbers of Cows and Sheep; but our Men found no Beaſts there, but Bears, Foxes, (very many of which are black) Rain-Deer, and Dogs, whereof are two forts, a bigger, which they uſe to draw their Sleds; and a leffer, which they feed for their Tables. Our Men obſerved this peculiarity both in their Foxes and Dogs, that their Pizzles were of Bone. Tho it is very likely, that there are the fame forts which are in Lapland and Samoieda ; but our 1 the North-eaft Voyages. 199 our Men have not fearched any more than the Shores, both becauſe of their fhort ftay, and the Treachery of the Inhabitants. Of Fishes there is great both Plenty and Va- Fiſhes. riety, Whales, Seals, Dog-fiſh; but in theſe are caught the greateft quantity of Sea Unicorns, whoſe Horns are fo much efteemed, and kept as Rarities in the Cabinets of Princes. The Natives here are fo well ftored with it, that they have fufficient both for truck and their own ufe. They make of them ( beſides other Utenfils) Swords, and Heads for their Darts and Arrows; which they work and grind with Stones, till they make them as fharp-piercing as ours. This Horn grows in the Snout of the Fiſh, and is his Weapon, wherewith he fears not to fight the Whale, and to affault and fome- times endanger a Ship. The Fifh itſelf is as large as an Ox, very ſtrong, ſwift, and hard to be caught, except left on the Shore by the Tide, or entangled by the Weeds. Fowls are here in great abundance and varie- Fowls. ty. Our Men have feen thofe they call Baß- Geefe, or fuch as once a year come to breed in the Baß, a famous Rock or Ifland near Edin- burgh. The Natives alfo have a very great Art and Dexterity in making and fetting Snares and Springs to catch them; which they do chiefly for their Skins and Feathers. Two or three of our Men with their Guns killed in one day Fifteen hundred, and found them worſe tafted, but better clothed than thofe of the fame kind in theſe Countries; they could not eat them till flay'd, their Skins being very thick, tough, 04 and 200 A Supplement to 11 of the and more cover'd with Feathers; which alfo were not eaſily pluck'd off; which is the reaſon that the Natives drefs their Skins as they do thofe of Beafts, and Seals, and make Garments of them, uſing them to all purpoſes like other Furrs; with the Feathers outward in Summer, inward in Winter: which is alfo obferved in all other cold Countries, as well as Groneland. All Perfons, that have been there, give a North light wonderful and ftrange account of a certain North-light, as they call it, not eafily conceived by them who have not feen it. It appears ufu- ally about the time of the new Moon, and tho' only in the North, yet doth it enlighten the whole Country: fometimes alfo Norway, Ifeland, and even theſe Regions of ours, as Gaffendus (vita Piresk, & exercit. In Do&torem Flud) faith, himſelf obferved, and at large defcribes. Nor fhould I much doubt to affirm, that it is that which is ſometimes feen in England, and eſpeci- ally in the Northern parts, call'd Streaming. It is faid to be like a great Pillar (or Beam) of Fire, yet darting out Rays and Streams every way, moving alſo from place to place, and lea- ving behind it a Mift or Cloud; continuing alfo till the Sun-beams hide it. Division of The Country ſeems to be inhabited by di- theCountry vers Nations, differing in habit, manners, and language. Thofe whom James Hall found and brought with him, differed much from thoſe with whom Gotske Lindenaw had to do. That part which the Norwegians are faid to have an- ciently poffeffed, was an inconfiderable part of that whole Country, and they found feveral Na- the North-east Voyages. 201 Nations there befides themſelves; govern'd by feveral Kings; tho' they write not, that they had Wars one with another, but only againſt them. Our late Diſcoverers in 66 deg. 50 min. found a Country which the Natives (as they could underſtand them) called Secanunga, who alſo faid, that they had a great King, carried upon Mens Shoulders, and they called him Ca- chico. But more particulars than thefe, I find not. The Inhabitants are generally of a low fta- Inhabitants ture, black hair, flat nos'd, broad fac'd, lips tur- ned up, and of a ripe Olive colour, fome of them alfo quite black. Their Women (for their greater ornament doubtlefs) ftain their faces in blew, and fometimes in black ftreaks, which colour they let into the Skin, by pricking it with a fharp Bone, that it will never be taken nor worn out. In all things they reſemble the Samoieds and Laplanders. They are very active and ſtrong, yet could fome of our English run fwifter, and leap farther than any of them; but they were hard enough for any of ours at wraftling. They are alfo very couragious, and fometimes defperate; for rather than be taken by our Men, they would throw themfelves down the Rocks and Mountains. Extreamly thievifh, treacherous, and revengeful they pro- ved; nor could any kindneſs or fair-dealing win them; but as true Barbarians, never omit- ted any opportunity of fulfilling their Defires; they would ſteal when they faw the Mariners look upon them. After they had been well ufed and treated at their Tables, they would ſhoot at, fling Stones, wound and kill our Men, ་ if 202 A Supplement to 1 ✔ if they could. Yet are they apprehenfive enough, and quickly conceive yours, and ex- prefs their own meaning. If they had not feen what was asked them, they winked, or cover'd their Eyes; if they underſtood not, ftopt their Ears, and the like. They delight exceedingly in Muſick, to which they would keep time both with their voice, hands, and feet: wonderful alfo affectionate one to another, and to their Country. In one Voyage there went a Danish Mariner, with black hair, flat nos'd, and other, though not very exact, refemblances of a Grone- lander; as foon as they faw him, they came about him, kiffed him, hung upon him, and fhewed to him all poffible demonftrations of Kindneſs and Affection. And thoſe who were in Denmark never enjoy'd themſelves, nor had any content, but continually pined away, and languiſh'd with Difcontent for their condition, and love of their country. Their Religion, fuch as it is, feems to be unto the Sun; for when our People invited them to converfation, bartering, &c. they held up their hands towards the Sun, and cried Yotan; nor would they come near us, till our men had done the like. But John Munck, and divers others, having gone farther into the country, found images, fuch as we make of Devils, with horns, beaks, claws, cloven feet, &c. very ill made; Altars alfo and quantities of Bones of Beaſts, as of Deer, Foxes, Dogs, and the like, near unto them. They feem alfo, as all Idolaters, given to Enchant- ments and Sorceries. Our men have feen them lying flat upon the Earth, and muttering their Prayers or Charms into the Ground, worship- ing the Devil, whofe proper habitation they con- the North-east Voyages. 203 conceive to be under them. In fome Difeafes they tye a ſtick to a great ftone, to which they pay their Devotions; and if they can lift it up eafily and lightly, they think their Prayers are heard, and Recovery granted. In Winter they retire from the Sea fide, unto the warmer Val- leys, where they have their Houſes and Towns, which are commonly Caves at the foot of an hill, round like an Oven, cloſe to one another, and paffages in the inner parts from one to ano- ther; their Doors, which are low and round, open to the fouth; and they dig trenches alfa to draw away the water that falls or drains from the hill. The entrance, and fome part of their houſe, ſtands without the cave, which they frame very handfomly and commodioufly of the ribs of Whales join'd artificially at the top, and cover'd with Seals-skins. They raife alfo one part of their floor higher than another, which they ftrow with moſs to ſleep upon. But in their fiſhing-time they have Tents, which they remove from place to place in their larger Boats. They fet up four Poles, and cover them with Skins, which ferves very well in fummer when fiſhing is done, they return with them to their Houſes. Their manner of bartering, is to make two heaps, one of fuch things as they deſire, the other of what they would part with ; and they ceafe not to take away from the one or other, till the Trade is ballanced. The chiefeft things of ours which they valued, were Knives, Needles, little pieces of Iron, Looking- glaffes, &c. for theſe they would fell their Bows and Arrows, their Boats, and ftrip themſelves of their Clothes, but never, like fome other Barba- rians, fell their Wives and Children. Their 204 A Supplement to Their Cloa thing. Their Boats Their clothing is either of Birds-skins, with the Feathers and Down upon them, or Seals, Dogfish,or the like. Seals they ufe moſt in their fiſhing, becauſe that fish there abounds, and are eafily deceived, by feeing one clad in their own Livery befides, that thefe kind of Furs are not fo apt to be wet, though dip'd in Water. They wear the hair fides outward in fummer, inward in winter, and in great colds carry two or more fuits one upon another. They drefs their Skins very well, making them dry, foft, and durable,and fow them alfo very ſtrong with Sinews of Beafts, and Needles made of Fifh- bones. But in nothing do they fhew fo much Art, as in their Boats or Canoes. They are made of that we call Whalebone,about an inch thick and broad, and theſe not fet like ribs, but all along from prow to poop, faft fowed to one another with ſtrong Sinews, and covered over with Seals-skin. They are from ten to twenty foot long, and about two foot broad, made like a Weaver's Shutle, ſharp at both ends, ſo that he can row either way; and in making this pointedneſs they are of all things moft curious, for therein confifts the (trength of their Veffel. In the middle of it are the ribs, both to keep the fides afunder, and to make the hole in the covering, wherein the Rower fits. They have a deck made of the fame materials, which is cloſely faften'd to the fides, in the midſt where- of is a round hole, as big as the middle of a Man; fo that when he goes to Sea, he fets himſelf in that hole, ftretching out his feet for ward the North-eaft Voyages. 205 ward into the hollow of the Boat; he ftops up the hole ſo cloſe with his frock, or looſe upper garment, that no water can enter, tho' it were in the bottom of the Sea. His frock is ftrait tyed at the hand-wrifts, and to his neck, and his capouch fowed alfo cloſe to it; fo that if the Boat be overturned or overwhelmed in the Sea, he rifes up again, without any wet either upon his Skin or in his Boat. They have but one Oar, which is about fix foot long, with a paddle fix inches broad at either end; this ferves him both to ballance his Boat and move it which he doth with that incredible fceleri- ; ty, that one of our Boats with ten Oars is not able to keep company with them: The Danish relation faith, that they rowed fo fwift, that they even dazled the Eyes of the Spectators; and tho' they croffed frequently, yet never in- terfered or hit one another. Their fifhing ordinarily is darting; their darts Their Fib are long, ftrongly barbed, and at the other end ing. have Bladders faftened to them, that when they have ftruck the Fiſh, he may ſpend himſelf with ftrugling to get under water, which yet he can not do, and fo is eaſily taken. Beſides thefe, they have greater Boats for the removing their Tents and other Utenfils, as alfo to carry their Fish they have caught to their Houſes; theſe are thirty and forty foot long, and have fometimes ten, and fometimes more feats for Rowers. Cardinal Bembus (in his Ve- netian Hiſtory) faith, that in his time one of thefe,with feven Perfons in it, was by ftorm caft upon the coaft of Britany. I know not whether it 206 A Supplement to it be worth mentioning, that they have Kettles and Pans made of Stone (fome fay of Load- ftone) that endures the fire wonderfully, but not having tools fit to hollow them fufficiently, they make up the edges of Whalebone. Its Difco- veries. : L FREES LAND, FRISE LAND or leth in 60 deg. more wefterly than any part of Europe: diftant from Ifeland leagues. It is reported in bignefs not to be much leffer than England; a ragged and high land, the mountains cover'd with fnow, and the coaft ſo full of drift Ice, that it is almoſt inacceffible. It was firft difcovered to us by Nicolao and Antonio Zani, two Venetian Gentlemen,that were here fhipwrack'd. They defcribe the Inhabi tants to be good Chriftians, very civil, and to be governed by a great Lord whofe Name was Zichmay, whofe mighty conquefts, and ſtrange accidents may be read in Hackluit. It is not our bulinefs to write or repeat Romances. Thoſe men whom our Seamen (touching there accidently) faw, were like in all things to the Gronelanders, both in features of body, and man- ner of living, as much as they could judge fo like, that many of them thought it continued to Groneland; in which opinion alfo they were confirmed by the multitudes of the lands of ice, which the North-east Voyages. 207 which coming from the north, argued land to be that way for many of our Mariners hold, that falt water doth not freeze, but that all the Ice they find in the Sea comes from the Bays, and mouths of freſh-water Rivers; for the ice it felf is fweet and freſh, being diffolved, and ferves to all purpoſes, as well as Spring or River water. Befides, the falt Sea (they fay) is always in motion, and fo cannot freeze. But the Dutch, who winter'd in Nova Zembla, took notice,that the ſalt water freez'd, and that two inches thick in one night. There feems to be good fifhing every where upon the coaft. In their foundings they brought up a fort of pale Coral, and little Stones clear as Cryſtal. They call'd it West England. and one of the higheſt mountains they called Charing-Croß. THE EN D. カー ​