THE *■ LIFE AN,; iiUUPRISING ADVENTURES ? OF rokixson crusqjb*-- Ol 10RK, MARINER. \ •;. • i. E?i:iCLASHED WITH ENGRAVIISGS., KLWBURYPORT* PUBLISHED BY J. G. TILTON. l,J! 1| BEQUEST UNIVERSITY or MICHIGAN k GENERAL LIBRARY .^^ L '•?"* i' 3 ;rKr^KV>:*iP T11K LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE I was born in York, in the year 1632, of a reputable family. My father was a native of Bremen; who by mer- chandising at Hull for some time, gained a very plentiful fortune. He married my mother at York, who received her first breath in that country: and as her maiden name was Robinson, I was called Robinson Kreutznaer, which not being easily pronounced in the English tongue, we are commonly known by the name of Crusoe. I was the youngest of three brothers. The eldest was a lieutenant-colonel in Lockhart's regiment, but slain by the Spaniards; what became of the other I could never learn. No charge nor pains were wanting in my education. My father designed me for the law, yet nothing could serve me but I must go to sea, both against the will of my father, the tears of my mother, and the entreaties of friends. One morning, my father expostulated very warmly with me. What reason, says he, have you to leave your native coun- try, where there must be a more certain prospect of con- tent ami happiness, to enter into a wandering condition of uneasiness and uncertainty? He recommended to me 4 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF Agar's wish, neither to desire poverty nor riches; that a middle state of life was the most happy; and that the high towering thoughts of raising our condition by wandering abroad, were surrounded with misery and danger, and often ended with confusion and disappointment. 1 entreat you, nay, I command you (says he,) to desist from these intentions. If you will go, (added he,) my prayers shall, however, be offered for your preservation; but a time may come, when desolate, oppressed, of forsaken, you may wish you had taken your poor despised father's counsel.—He pronounced these words with such a moving and paternal eloquence, while floods of tears ran down his aged cheeks, that it seemed to stem the torrent of my resolution. But this soon wore off; and a little after, I informed my mother that I could not settle at any business, my resolutions were so strong to see the w:orid, and begged she Would gain my father's consent only to go one voyage; which if it did not prove prosperous, I would never attempt a second. But my desire vain as my-folly in asking. My mother passionately expressed her dislike to this proposal, telling me that as she saw I was bent on my own destruction, eoa- tiary to their will and my diity,rshe would say no more, but leave me to myself to do whatever I ^pleased. I jivas then, I think,, nine teen yearn old, when one time being at Hull, I met a school-fellow of mine going along with hia father, who was master of a shipv*:t0 li*on4on; a&d acquainting him,* with my wandeiihg desires, he assured me of a free passage, m&d a pientifhl share of what -was neces- sary. .Thus*, without Lmpteirsg m;Messing^ Drtaking fare- well of ray parents, I took shipping on the 1st of Septem- ber, 1&51; UTpsaaAbe •&bd^i. SON. C R USO E 7 how I |iad made this, voyage for a trial .only, to proceed farther abroad. Upon which the old "gentleman turning to me3 said, Young man,, you ought never to,go to sea any more, hut to take this for a certain sign, that you will never prosper in a sea-faring condition. Sir, answered I, will you take the same resolution? It js a different case, said he, it is my calling, and consequently my duty; but as you have made this voyage for a trial, you see what ill-luck heaven has set before your eyes; and perhaps our miseries have been on your account, like Jonah in the ship of Tar- shisJi. But pray what are. you, and on what account did you, go to ^ea? Upon which, I very freely declared my whole story; at the end of which Jie made this exclamation, Ye sacred powers! what had I committed, that such a wretch should enter into my ship, to heap upon me such a deluge of miseries? But soon recollecting himself, Young maiij said he, if you do not go back, depend upon it, wher- ever, you go, you will meet with disasters, anil disappoint- ments, till your father's words are fulfilled upon you.r And sp we jparied. . , , . . I thought at first to return hpme; but shame opposed that good notion, as thinking I should be laughed at, by my neighbors and acquaintances. So strange is the nature of youth! They are not ashamed to sin, but yet ashamed to repent; and so far from being sorry for those-.actions for .which, they may be accounted fools, they think it folly to return to th^ir duty, which.ia,the principal mark of wisdom. iiis)iort, I travelled up .to London, resolving upon a.ypy- .ag$,a both sides: but finding ourselves over- powered with numbers, our ship disabled, and ourselves too impotent to have the least hopes of success, we were forced to surrender; and accordingly we were all carried prisoners into the port of Salee. Our men were sent to the Emperor's co«rt to be sold there; but the pirate captaia taking notice of me, kept me to be his own slave. In this condition, I thought myself the most miserable creature on earth, and the prophecy of my father came afresh into my thoughts. However, my condition, was better than I thought k to be, as will soon appear. Some hopes, indeed, I had that my new patron would go to sea figain, where he might be taken by a Spanish or Portuguese man of war, and then I should be set at liberty. But in this I was mistaken; for he never took me with him, but left me to look after his little garden, and do the drudgery of his house, and when he returned from sea, would make me lie in the cabin and look after the ship. I had no one that I could communicate my thoughts to, which were con- tinually meditating my escape. No Englishman, Irishman,, -or Scotchman here but myself: and for two years I could see nothing practicable, but only pleased myself with the imagination. After some length of time, my patron as I found, grew so poor, that he could not fit out his ship as usual; and then he used constantly, once or twice a week, if the weather was fair, to go out a fishing, taking me and a young Moorish boy to row the boat; and so much pleased was he with me for my dexterity in catching the fish, that he would often send me with a Moor, who was one of hit Jkinsraeta, and the youth before-mentioned, to cat^h a dish offish for him 10 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF Ork: morning, as we were at: sport, there arose such a thick fog, tljat we lost sight of the shore; and rowing, we knew not which \Vay, we labored all the night, and in the morning we found ourselves in the ooeaii, two leagues from land. However;'we attained1 there at length, and made the greatest haste, because1 our stomachs were exceedingly sharp and hungry. In'order to prevent such disasters for the future, my patron ordered'a carpenter to build a little state-room or cabin in the*iTridd4e of the long-boat:^ with a place behind it to steer and h&ul home the mainsheet, with other conveniences to keep him from the weather," as also lockers to put in al! manner of provisions; with a handsome shoulder-of-mutton sail gibing over the cabin. In this, he frequently took us out a fishing; and one time^ inviting two or three persons of distinction to go with Mm, laid in provisions extraordinary; providing also three fusees, with powder and shot, that they might have some sport fowling along the seaooast. The next morning, the boat was made clean, her ancients and pendants out, and every*thin£ ready: but their minds altering, my patron ordered its to go a fishing, for that his guests would cer- tainly sup with -him that night. Arid now I began to think of my deliverance indeed. In orSer to this, I persuaded the Moor to get some provisions on board, and to procure some powder and shot, pretending to kill sea-curlews, which he innocently and readily agreed to. In short, being provided with all* things necessary, we sailed but. When we had passed the castle, we fell to fishing4; J>irt though I knew there was a bite, I concealed the matter, in order to put farther out to sea. Accordingly we ran a league farther, When, giving the boy the helm, and preten- ding to stoor* for something, I seized Muley by surprise ROBINSON CRUSOE. 11 and threw him overboard. As he was an excellent sw^m- hier, he soon arose and made towards the boat; upon which I took out a fusee, and presented it at him: "Mttley/'said I, und they ran along the shore by me a long way.- Tbey liad no weapons in their hands, except one, ^ho *held a long «tick, which Xury told rne was a lance, With which they^eould kill at a great distance. I talked to {hena by signs, and made them sensible I wanted something lo eat; they beckoned to me to stop my boat, while two 6? ROBINSON CRUSOE. \q them ran up into the country, and in less than half an hour came back and brought vvith them two pieces of dry flesh, and some corn, which we kindly accepted; and to prevent any fears on either feide, they brought the food to the shore, laid it down, then went and stood a great way off, till we fetched it on board, and then came close to us again. But while we were returning thanks to them, being all we could afford, two mighty creatures came from the mountains, one as it were pursuing the other with great fury, which we were the ratherinelined to believe, as they seldom appear but in the night, and both these swiftly pas- sing by the negroes, jumped into the sea, wantonly swim ming about, as though the diversion of the waters had put a stop to their fierceness. At last one of them corning nearer to my boat than I expected, or desired, I shot him directly through the head, upon which he sunk immediate- ly, yet rising again, he would have willingly made to the shore, but between the wound and the struggling of the water, he died; before he courd reach it. . It is impossible to express the consternation the poor negroes were in at the fifing of ;my gun; much less can I mention their surprise, when they perceived the creature to be slain by it. I made signs to them to draw near it with a rope, and then gave it to them to haul on shore. It was a beautiful leopard, which made me Mesire its skin; and the negroes seeming to covet the carcass, I freely gave it to them. As for the Other leopard, it made to shore, and fan with a'prodigious swiftness out of sight. The negroes having kindly furnished me with water, and with what roots aWd grains their tjou^try afforded; I took my leave, and, af^er eleven days sail came in sight of the Cape de-Verd. flat the^feat distance' I was- from it, and fearing oontrary wirids would prevent me rekcrirag them, I b^gan t& gmw 16 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF melancholy and dejected, when upon a sudden Xury cried out, " Master, Master," looking as affrighted as if it was his master's ship sent in search of us. But I soon dis- covered she was a Portuguese ship. Upon which I strove for life to come up to them. But in vain had it been, if through their perspective glasses, they had not perceived us, and shortened tneir sail to let us come in. Encouraged at this, I set up my patron's ancient, and fired a gun, both as signals of distress; upon which they very kindly lay to, so that in three hours time I came up with them. They spoke to me in Portuguese, Spanish, and French, but none of these did I understand, till at length a Scots sailor called, and then I told him I was an Englishman, who had escaped from the Moors at Salee, upon which they took me kindly on board, with all my effects. Having a pleasant voyage to the Brazils, we arrived in the Bay de Todos los Santos, or, All Saints Bay, in twenty- two days after. And here I cannot forget the generous treatment of the captain. He would take nothing for my passage, gave me twenty ducats for the leopard's skin, and thirty for the lion's. Every thing he caused to be deliver- ed, and what I would sell, he bought. In short, I made 220 pieces of my cargo, and with this stock I entered once more, as I may say, into the scene of life. To be brief, I bought a settlement next to an honest and kind neighbor, born at Lisbon, of English parents, whose plantation joining to mine, we improved very amicably to- gether. Both our stocks were low: and for two years we planted only for food; but the third year we planted some tobacco, and each of us dressed a large piece of ground the ensuing year for planting sugar-canes. I was in some measure settled, before the captain who took me up departed from the Brazils, One day I went to R0BINS05 CR0SOE. 17 him, and told him what stock I had in London, desiring his assistance in getting it sent out to me; to which the good gentleman readily consented, but would only have me send for half my money, lest it should miscarry, which, if it did, I might still have the remainder to support me; and so taking letters of procuration from me, bid me trou- ble myself no further about it. And indeed, he not only procured the money I had drawn for upon my captain's widow, but sent me over a servant, with a cargo proportionable to my condition. He also sent me tools of all sorts, iron work and utensils necessary for my plantation. Wealth now increasing on me, and uncommon success crowning my prosperous labors, I might have rested happy in that middle state of life my father so often recommended; yet nothing would content me. Having lived four years in Brazil, I had not only learned the language, but contracted acquaintance with the most eminent planters, and even with the merchants of St. Salvadore, three of whom came one morning to me saying they had a secret proposal to make. After enjoining me to secrecy, they told me they had a mind to fit out a ship to go to Guinea, in order to stock the plantation with negroes, which as they could not be publicly sold, they would divide among them; and if J would go their supercargo in the ship, to manage the trad ing part, I should have an equal share of the negroes, without providing any stock. The thing indeed was fair enough, had I been in another condition: however, I could not resist the proposal, but accepted the offer, upon condi tion of their looking after my plantation. The ship being fitted out, and all things ready, we set sail the first of September 1659. We sailed northward upon the coast, from whence going farther into the ocean 18 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF out of the sight of land, we steered as though we were bound for the island Fernand de -Noremba, leaving the is- lands on the east, and then it was we met with a terrible tempest, wrhich continued for twelve days successively, so that the winds carried us wheresoever they pleased. In this perplexity one of our men died, and a man and a boy were washed overboard. When the weather cleared up a little, we found ourselves upon the coast of Guinea. Upon this the captain gave reasons for returning; which I-oppos- ed, counselling him to stand away for Barbadoes, which as I supposed might be attained in fifteen days. So altering our course, we sailed northwest and by west in order to reach the Leeward Islands; but a second storm succeeding, drove us to the westward, so that we were justly afraid of falling into the hands of cruel savages, or the paws of the devouring beasts of prey. In this great distress, one of the men, early in the morn- ing, cried out, Land! land! which he had no sooner said, than our ship struck upon a sand bank, and, in a moment, the sea broke over her in such a marine* that.we expected we should perish immediately. We knew not where we were, or upon what land we were driven, whether it was an island, or the main, inhabited or not inhabited, and we could not so much as hope that the ship would hold out many minutes, without breaking in pieces, unless the wind by a miracle should turn about immediately. While we stood looking at one another, expecting death every mo- ment, the mate lays hold of the boat, and with the help of the rest got her flung over the ship's side; into this we all got being eleven in number, and committed ourselves to God's mercy, and the wild sea. Aind now we saw that this last effort wotaM not 1>e a sufficient protection fi'dm death; so high did the «ea rise, that it^lvasimpossible the boat ROBINSON CRUSOE. 19 should live. As to making a sail, we had none, neither if we had could we make use of any. So that when we had rowed or rather were driven about a league and a half, a raging wave, like a lofty mountain came rolling astern of us, and took us with such fury, that at once it overset the boat. Thus being swallowed up in a moment, we had only time to call upon the awful name of God, and to implore, in dying ejaculations, his infinite mercy to receive our de- parting souls. Men are generally counted insensible, when struggling in the pangs of death; but while I wTas overwhelmed with water, I had the most dreadful apprehensions imaginable, for the joys of heaven, and the torments of hell, seemed to present themselves before me in these dying agonies, and even small space of time, as it were, between life and death. I was going I thought I knew not whither, in a dismal gulf unknown, and as yet unperceived, never to behold my friends, nor the light of this world any more! I strove however to the last extremity, whil# all my companions were overpowered and entombed in the deep; and it was with great difficulty I kept my breath till the wrave spent itself, and, retiring back, left me on the shore half dead with the water I had taken in. As soon as I got on my feet, I ran as fast as I could, lest another wave should pur- sue me, and carry me back again. But for all the haste I made, I could not avoid it, for the sea came after me like a high nimmtain, or a furious enemy; so that my business waslo hold my breath, and by raising myself on the water, to save myself by swimming.. The next dreadful wave buried me at once twenty or thirty feet deep, but, at jthe same time, carried, me with a mighty force and softness towards the shore^ w£he^ raising .myself, I held dift as well m'possible, till, at length/the water having sf>ent itself, £0 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF began to return, at which I struck forward, and feeling ground again with my feet, I took to my heels. Thus be- ing served twice more, I was at last dashed against a piec® of rock, in such a manner as left nve senseless, but recover- ing a little before the return of the wave, which no doubt would then overwhelm me, I held fast by the rock till those succeeding waves abated; and then fetching another run, was overtaken by a small wave, which was soon conquered. But before any more could overtake me, I reached the main land, where clambering up the cliffs of the shore, tired and almost spent, I sat down on the grass, free from the danger of the foaming ocean. No tongue can express the transports that my soul felt at this happy deliverance. I was rapt up in contemplation, and often lifted up my hands with the profoundest humility, to the Divine Power for saving my life; when the rest of my companions were all drowned. And now I began to cast my eyes around, and to behold what place I was in, and what I had next to do. I could see no house nor peo- ple; I was wet, yet had no clothes to shift me; hungry and thirsty, yet had nothing to eat or drink, no weapon to de- stroy any creature for my sustenance, nor defend myself against devouring beasts; in short I had nothing but a knife, a tobacco pipe, and a box half filled with tobacco. The darksome night coming upon me, increased my fears of be- ing devoured by wild creatures, my mind was plunged into despair, and having no prospect, as I thought, of life be- fore me, I prepared for another kind of death than what I had lately escaped. I walked about a furlong, to see if I could find any fresh water, which I did, to my great joy; and taking a quid of tobacco to prevent hunger, I got up into a thick bushy tree, and seating myself so that f could not fall, a deep sleep overtook me, and for that night, buri- ed my sorrows in a quiet repose. ROBINSON CRUSOE 21 It was broad day the next morning before I awoke, when I not only perceived the tempest was ceased, but saw the ship driven almost as far as the rock before-mentioned, which was about a mile from the place where I was.— When I came down from my apartment in the tree, I per- ceived the ship's boat two miles distant on my right hand, lying on shore as the waves had cast her. I thought to have got to her; but there being an inlet of water about half a mile's breadth between it and me, I returned again towards the ship, as hoping to find something for my more immediate subsistence. About noon when the sea was so calm that I could come within a quarter of a mile of her, it was to my grief I perceived, that if we had kept on board, all our lives would have been saved. These thoughts, and my solitude, drew tears from my eyes, though all in vain. So resolving to get to the ship, I stripped and leaped into the water; when swimming round her, I was afraid I could not get any thing to lay hold of; but it was my good for- tune to espy a small piece of rope hanging down so low, that, by the help of it, though with great difficulty, I got into the ship. Here I found that the ship was bilged, and had a great deal of water in her, her stern was lifted up against a bank, and her head almost in the water. All her quarter, and what was there, were free and dry. The pro- visions I found in good order, and losing no time, ate while I was doing other things. I also found some rum, of which I took a little; and now I wanted for nothing except a boat, which indeed was all, to carry away what was needful for me. Necessity occasions a quickness of thought. We had several spare yards, a spare topmast or two, and two or three large spars of wood. With these I fell to work* and slung as many of them overboard as I could manage, tying £2 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF every one of them with a rope that they might not drive away. This done, I went down the ship's side and tied four of them fast together at both ends, in form of a raft, and layihg two or three short pieces of plank upon them cross ?ways, I found it would bear me but not any consid- erable weight.. Upon which I went to work again, cutting a spare topmast into three lengths, adding them to my raft with a great derJ of labor and pains. 1 then first laying upon it all the planks and boards I could get, next lowered down three of the seamen's chests after I had filled them with bread, rice, three Dutch cheese, five pieces of dried goat's flesh, and some European corn, what little the rats had spared; and for liquors, 1 found several cases of bottles, in which were some cordial waters, and four or five gallons of arrack. By this time the tide beginning to flow, I per- ceived my coat, waistcoat and shirt .swim away which I had left on shore; as for my linen breeches and stockings, I swam with them to the ship; but I soon found clothes enough, though I took no more than I wanted for the pres- ent. My eyes were-chiefly on tools to work with, ajnd af- ter a long search, 1 found out the carpenter's chest, whicl I got safe down on my raft. I then looked for arms ar ammunition, and in the great cabin, found two good fowl ing pieces, two pistols, several powder horns filled, a small bag of shot, and two rusty swords. I likewise found three barrels of powder, two of which were good, but the thir$ had taken water, also two or three broken oars, two saws- an axe, and a hammer, ,-I tl^en put to sea, and in getting to shore had three encouragements. 1. A smooth calm sea: & Thetide rising and setting in to the.^qre: §s,XheHit- tle .wind, there was, blowing .towards land. 4^4er;; I^hy tailed ^houj:*a mile, Lftfpnd-the raft driving % Jit'tje (ffst^ete from thfspjaee where I first landed, and when I .perceived ROBINSON FINDS HIMSELF ON A DESOLATE ISLAND ', PROCURES A STOCK OF ARTICLES FROM THE WRECK J CONSTRUCTS HIS HABITATION; DREARINESS OF SOLI- TUDE; MODE OF RECKONING TIME J JOURNAL J SHOCK OF AN EARTHQUAKE J HIS ILLNESS AND AFFLICTION. ROBINSON CRUSOE. an opening of the land, with a strong current of 0ie tide running into it, upon which I kept the middle of the stream. But great was my concern, when on a sudden the forepart of my raft ran aground. But after some time, the rising of the water caused the raft to float again, and coming up a little river, with land on both sides, I landed in a little cave, as near the mouth as possible, the better to discover a sail, if any such providentially passed that way. Not far off, I espied a hill of stupendous height, sur- rounded with smaller hills about it, and thither I wiis re- solved to go and view the country, that I might see what part was best to fix my habitation in. Accordingly, arming myself with a pistol, a fowling piece, powder, and ball, I ascended the mountain. There I perceived I was in an is- land, encompassed by the sea, no distant lands to be seen, but scattering rocks that lay to the west; that it seemed to be a barren place, and as I thought only inhabited by wild beasts. I perceived abundance of fowls, but was ignorant of what kind, or whether good for nourishment. I shot one of them at my return, which occasioned a confused scream- ing among the other birds, and I found it, by its color and beak, to be a kind of hawk, but its flesh was perfect carrion. When I came to my raft I brought my effects on shore, which work spent that day entirely; and fearingjhat some cruel beast might devour me in the night time while I slept, I made a kind of hut, or barricade, with the chests and boards I had brought on shore. That night I slept very comfortably; and the next morning my thoughts were employed to make a further attempt to the ship, and bring away what necessaries I could find, before another storm should break her in pieces. Accordingly, I got on board as before, and prepared a second raft far better than the first; upon which, I brought away the carpenter's stores LIFE AND ABVENTURES OP t%o or^ftiree bags full of nails, a great jack-screw, a dozen or two of hatchets, and a grind-stone. I also took two or three iron crows, two barrels of musket-bullets, another fowling piece, a small quantity of powder, and a large bag full of small shot. Besides these, I took all the men's clothes I could find, a spare fore-top-sail, a hammock, and some bedding; and thus completing my second cargo, I made all the- haste on shore I could, fearing some wild beast might deltroy what I had there already. But I only fouriwa little wild cat sitting on one of the chests, who not seeming to fear me or the gun that I presented at her, I threw her a piece of biscuit, which she instantly ate and departed. When I had got these effects on shore, I went to work, in order to make me a little tent with the sail and some poles, which I had cut for the purpose, and having finished it, what things might be damaged by the weather, I brought in, piling all the empty chests and casks in a circle, the better to fortify it against any sudden attempt of man or beast. After this I blocked up the doors with some boards, and an empty chest turned the long way out. I then changed ofr&un and pistol, and laying my bed on the ground, slept as,OOTfortably till the next morning, as though I had been in a Christian country. JJpw, though I had enough to subsist me a long time, yet despairing of a sudden deliverance, and fearing that both ammunition and provision might be spent before such a thing happened, I saved as much as I could, and so long a§tthe sMp remained in that condition, I daily brought away one necessary or other; particularly, the rigging, sails, and cordage, some twine, a barrel of wet powder, some sugar, a barrel of meal, three casks of rum, and indeed what wast most welcbme to me, a whoie hogshead of bread. ROBINSON CRUSOB. 2§ The next time I %ent, I cut the cables in pieces, carried off a halser whole, with a great deal of iron work', and made another raft; but this being so unwieldy, by the too heavy burden upon it, and I not being able so dexterously to guide it as the former, both my cargo and myself were overturned. For my part all the damage I sustained was a wet skin; and at low water, after much labor in diving, I got up most of the cables, and some pieces of ffon. Thirteen days had I now been on the island, and eleven days on board, bringing away all that was possible. As I was going the twelfth |ime, the wind began to rise; however, I ventured at low water, and rummaging the cabin, in a locker, I found several razors, scissors, and some dozens of knives and forks, and in another, thirty-six pounds in pieces of eight, silver and gold. I wrapt the money up in a piece of canvass, and began to think <3f making an- other raft; but I soon perceived the wind beginning to rise, a fresh gale blowing from the shore, and the sky overcast with clouds and darkness. So thinking a raft to be in vain, I let myself into the water with what things I had about me; and it wTas with great difficulty I got ashore, when soon after it blew a fearful storm. That night I slept very contentedly in my little tent, surrounded with all my effects; but when I looked out in the morning, no more ship was to be seen. This much surprised me fpr the present: yet, when I considered that I had lost no time, abated no pains, and had got every thing useful out of her, I comforted myself in the best *£&&&«$ and entirely submitted to divine Providence, My next thought^ were, how I should defend: ^it.igeeiiBft 9j?f!dlf from savages and wild beasts* if any &mh wem m the island. Wh®ail considered the ground where I was, that it w$§ W9 LIFE AND ADVENTtJRES OF marshy, and had no fresh water neaf it, my resolutions were to search for a soil healthy and well watered, where I might not only be sheltered from the sun's scorching heat, but be more conveniently situated, as well to be secured from wild men, and beasts of prey, as more easily to dis- cover any distant sail, should it ever so happen. And indeed it was not long before I had my desire. I fountl a little plain near a rising hill, the front towards which, being as steep as a house-side, nothing could descend on me from the top. On the side of this rock was a little hollow place, resem- bling the entrance or door of a cave. Just before this place, on the circle of the green, 1 resolved my tent should stand. This plain did not much exceed a hundred yards broad, and about twice as long, like a delightful green before my door, with a pleasing, though irregular descent every way to the low grounds by the seaside, sheltered from the excessive heat of the sun. After this, I drew a semicircle, twenty yards in diameter, driving down two rows of strong stakes not six inches from each other. Then, with the pieces of cable which I had cut on board, I regu- larly laid them in a circle between the piles, up to their tops, which were more than five feet out of the earth, and then drove another row of piles, looking within side against them, between two or three feet high, which made me conclude it a little castle, impregnable by men and beasts. And for my better security I would have no door, but entered in and came out by the help of a ladder, which I also made. Here was my fence and fortress* into which I carried all my riches, ammunition and stores. After which, working oa the rockj what wki& the dirt and stones I dug out, I not only raised my grourld two feet, but made a little cellar to my mansion-hous«; and this cost me many days labor and ROBINSON CRUSOE. Wt pains. One day in particular, a shower of rain falling, thunder and lightning ensued, which put me in terror lest my powder should take fire, and not only hinder my neces- sary subsistence, by killing my food, but even blow up me and my habitation. To prevent which, I fell to making boxes and bags, in order to separate it, having by me near 1501b. weight. And thus being established as king of the island, every day I went out with my gun to see what I could kill that was fit to eat. I soon perceived numbers of goats, but very shy; yet having watched them narrowly, and seeing I could better shoot off the rocks than when in the low grounds, I happened to shoot a she-goat suckling a young kid; which, not thinking its dam slain, stood by her unconcerned; and when I took the dead creature up, the young one followed me even to the enclosure. I lifted the kid over the pales, and would willingly have kept it alive/ but finding it could not be brought to eat, I was forced, to slay it also for my subsistence. Thus, entered into as strange a state as erer any man was in, I had most melancholy apprehensions concerning my deplorable condition; and many times the tears would plentifully run down my face, when I considered how I was debarred from all communication with human kind* Yet while these desponding cogitations would seem to make me accuse Providence, other good thoughts would interpose and reprove me after this manner; "Well, supposing you are desolate, is it not better to be so, than totally perish? Why should you complain, when not only your life is pre- served, but the ship driven into your reach, in order to take what was necessary out of her for a subsistence? ** But to proceed: it was, by the account I kept, the thirtieth of September, when I first landed on this island* Aboutj twelve days after, fearing lest I should lose my reckoning SB LIFE jUSJ> ADVENTURES OF of tittie, nay even forget the sabbath days for want of pen, ink, and paper, X carved with a knife upon a large post, in great letters, I came on shore, Sep.. 30, 1659, and set it up in the similitude of a cross, on the sea shore where I landed. Every day I cut a notch with my knife on the sides of the square post, and that on the sabbath was as long again as the rest, and every first day of the month as long again as that long one. In this manner I kept my calendar, weekly, monthly, or yearly reckoning of time. But had" I made a more strict search ^as I did afterwards,) I need not have set up this mark. For among the parcels belonging to the gunner, carpenter, and captain's mate, I found those very things I wanted; particularly pens, ink, and paper; also I found two or three compasses, some mathematical instruments, dials, perspective glasses, books of navigation, three English Bibles, and several other good books, which I carefully put up. Here I cannot but call to mind, our having a dog and two cats on board, whom I made inhabi- tants with me in my eastle. Though one might think I had all the necessaries that were desirable, yet still I found sev- eral things wanting. My ink was daily wasting: I wanted needles, pins, and thread, to mend or keep my clothes to- gether: and particularly a spade, pick-axe, or shovel, to remove the earth. It was a year before I finished my little bulwark; and having some intervals of relaxation, after my daily wandering abroad for provision, I drew up this plan alternately, as creditor and debtor, to remind me of the miseries and the blessings of my life, under so many various Circumstances ROBINSON CRUSOE. 2§ I am cast upon a desolate island, having no prospect of a welcome deliverance. How miserable am I, sing- led out from the enjoyment or company of all mankind. Like a hermit (rather should I say a lonely ancho- rite,) am I forced forced from human conversation. My clothes, after some time will be,worn out, and then I shall have none to cover me. When my ammunition is wasjted, then shall I remain without any defence against wild men and beasts. I have no creature, no soul to speak to; none to beg assistance from. Some com- fort would it be to resound my woes where I am under- stood, and beg assistance where I might hope for relief. But yet I am preserved while my companions have^ perished in the raging sea. Yet set apart to be spared from death. And He, who has so preserved me can de- liver me from this condition. ♦ However, I have food to eat, and even a happy pros- pect of subsistence whilst life endures. At present I enjoy what is absolutely needful; and the climate is so hot, that had I ever so many I should hard- ly wear them. Yet even thus, I see no danger c " any to hurt me, as in Africa; and what if I had been cast away upon that coast. Is there not God to con- verse with, and is not he able to deliver thee? already has he afforded thee sustenance and put it in thy power to provide for thyself, till he sends thee a deliverance. And now, easing my mind a little by these reflections, I began to render my life as easy as possible. TO LIFE-JUT©; ADVENTURES OF I must here add to the description I hav^e given of my habitation that having raised a turf wall against the outside of it,-I thatehed it so close as might keep;k ftom thus, incle- mency-of the weather; 'I- also improved it within, enlarged my cave, and made a passage and a door in the rock, which came out beyond the pale of my fortification. I next pro- ceeded to make a chair and tablej and so began to study stieh mechanical arts as seemed to me practicable. When I wanted a plank or board, I hewed down a tree with my hatchet, making it as thin *vith my axe as possible, and then smooth enough with an adz, to answer my designs; yet though I could make no more this way than one board out of a tree, in length of time I got boards. enough to shelter all my stores, every thing being regularly placed^ an'd my guns securely hanging against the side of a rock. This made it a very pleasant sight to me, being the result :of vast labo* and great diligence; which leaving for awhile, and me to the enjoyment of, I shall give the reader an account of some parts of my journal from the day of my landing, till the, setting of my -habitation, as heretofore shown. JOURNAL, •Sg»Hi*»Eifoj9Qth, 1659, I, unhappy &okinson Crusoe, having sniSe*ed shipwreck, was driven en this desolate isl- and, which 1 named the Desolate Is*k*id g{ Ikspair, tfee test of mf*e*Hnpanions being swaitowed up, in the-tempest uoraamB&cbfTh&next day I spent in considerate t*'&Qstalks of rice;, expecting one day I should" reap, the fruitii^f my labor;:yet four years were e^pirea* before jtmoald allow my-soM to ^eatja&jr hartay.'bread,-.and ftiuch jbligffc'tiiiH* b$fere.2i&fed any lice^ Aftetiihis, mtk 'in#~ ROBINSON CRUSOE 35 fatigable pains and industry for three or four months, at last I finished my house on the 14th of April, having no way to go into it, but by a ladder against the wall. April 16. I finished-my ladder,- and ascended it; after- wards pulled it up, then let it down on the other side, and descended into my new habitation, where I had spate enough, and so fortified, that nothing could attack me without scaling the walls. But what does all human art and industry avail, if the blessing of God does not crown our labors?. Gr who can stand before the Almighty, when he streteheth forth his arm? For, one time as I was at the entrance of my cave, there happened such a dreadful earthquake, that not only the roof of the cave came tumbling about my ears, but the posts seemed to crack terribly at the same time. This put me. in a great amazement; and running to the ladder and getting over the wall, I then plainly knew it was an earth- quake, the place I stood on sustaining three terrible shocks in less than three minutes. But judge of my terror When i saw the top of a great rock roll- into the sea; I then ex- pected the island would be swallowed up every moment: and what made the scene still more dreadful, was to gee the sea thrown into the most violent agitations and disor- ders by tins tremendous accident. * •; For my part, I expected every moment to be swallowed up. -At the moving of the earth, *I was, as it were, sea- sick; and very much afraid lest the rock, under which was my fence and habitation, should overwhelm me and it in a lasting tomb. .,It was,not long after, when a horrible tempestfarose ;at the sarhe, time attended with a hurricane of w|i\4* ^Thrqe hours did this storm continue, and ia so violent a manner as to.tear the very trees up by the roots, which was sue- 36 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP ceeded by abundance of rain. When the tempest was over, I went to my tent; but the rain coming on in a furious manner, I was obliged to take shelter in the cave, where I was forced to cut a channel through my fortification, to let the water out. It continued raining all that night, and some time the next day. These accidents made me re- solve, as soon as the weather cleared up, to build me a little hut in some open place, walled round, to defend me from wild creatures and savages; not doubting, but at the next earthquake, the mountain would fall on my habitation and me, and swallow up all in its bowels. April 16—-20. These days I spent in contriving how and in what manner I should fix my place of abode. All this while, I was under the most dreadful apprehensions. When I looked round my habitation, every thing I found in its proper place. I had several debates whether I should move or not; but at length resolved to stay* where I was, till I found out a convenient place where I might pitch my tent. •April 22. When I began to put my resolutions in prac- tice, I was stopped for want of tools and instruments to work with. Most of my axes and hatchets were useless, occasioned by cutting the hard timber that grew on the island. It took me up a full week to make my grindstone of use to me; and at last I found out a way to turn it about with my foot, by help of a wheel and a string. April 30. My bread falling short, I allowed myself but t one biscuit a day. May 1. As I walked along the seashore I found a bar- rel of gunpowder, and several pieces of the wreck which the sea had flung up. Having secured these, I made to the ship, whose stern was torn ofFy and washed a great distance ashore; but the rest lay ir, tbe sands This, I KOBINSON CRUSOE. 37 suppose, was occasioned by the earthquake, t now re- solved to keep my old place of abode: and also to get to the ship that day, but found it impossible. May 3. This day I went on board, and with my saw sawed ofT one of the beams, which kept her quarter-deck. I then cleared the sand till flood. May 4. I caught some fish, but they were not whole- some. The same day, I also caught a young dolphin. May 5. This day also I repaired to the wreck, and sawed another piece of timber; and when the flood came, I made a float of three great planks, which were driven ashore by the tide. May 6—9. These days, I brought off the iron bolts, opened the deck with the iron crow, and carried two planks to land, having made a way into the very middle of the wreck. May 10—13. All this time I spent in bringing off great quantities of iron and timber. JWay 15. Took with me two hatchets on purpose to cut off some lead from the roll but all in vain, for it lay too low under water. May 24. To this day, I worked on the wreck, and with great difficulty loosened some things so much with the crow, that at the first blowing tide, several casks floated out, and several of the seamen's chests; yet that day nothing came to land t>ut pieces of timber, and a hogshead wliich had some pork in it. I continued working to the 15th of June; (except necessary times for food and rest,) and had I known how to build a boat, I had timber and planks enough; I had also near 100 weight of sheet lead. June 16. As I was wandering towards the seaside, I found a large tortoise or turtle, being the first I had seen iln thf island, though, as I afterwards found, there wmm many on the other side of it. 38 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF June 17. This day I spent in cooking it, found in het threescore eggs, and her flesh the most savory and pleasant I ever tasted in my life. June 18. I staid within this day, there being a continual rain; and it was somewhat more chilly and cold than usual. June 19. Exceedingly ill, taken with a trembling and shivering. June 20. Awake all night, my head racked with pain, and feverish. June 21. Sick unto death, and terrified with dismal ap- prehensions of my condition. Prayed to God more fre- quently, but very confusedly. June 22. Something better, but still uneasy in my mind. June 23. Again relapsed much as before. June 24. Mended a second time. June 25. A violent ague for seven hours, cold and hot fits, succeeded with faint sweats. June 26. Better, but very weak; yet I scrambled out, shot a she goat, brought it home, and broiled some of it; I would willingly have stewed it and made some broth, but had no pot. June 27. All this day I was afflicted with an ague; thirsty, yet could not help myself to water; prayed to God in these words: "Lord; in pity look upon me: Lord, have mercy upon me, have mercy upon me!" After this I fell asleep, wRich, when I awaked, I found had much refreshed me. I rose upj in a pensive manner, being so thoughtful that I could not go to sleep: and fearing the dreadful return of my distemper, it caused me to remember, that the Brazil- ians use tobacco for almost all diseases. I then went to my ehest, in order to find some, where heaven, ho doubt, directed mm to find a cure, both for sdul and body*; for ROBINSON CRUSOE. 39 there I found one of the bibles, which, till this time, I had neither leisure nor inclination to look into; I took both the tobacco and that out of my chest, and laid them on the table. Several experiments did I try with the tobacco. First, I took a piece of leaf, and chewed it; but it being very green and strong, almost stupified me: next I steeped it in some rum an hour or two, resolving when I went to bed, to take a dose of it: and, in the third place, I burnt some over a pan of fire, holding my nose over it sx> long as I could endure it without suffocation. In the intervals of this operation, though my head was giddy and disturbed by the tobacco, I took up the Bible to read. No sooner did I open, but there appeared to me these words, " Call on me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." At first, this sentence made a very deep impression on my heart: but it soon wore off again when I considered the word " deliver " was foreign to me. And as the child- ren of Israel said, when they were promised flesh to eat, "Can God spread a table in the wilderness?" in the like manner I began to say, Can God himself deliver me from this desolate Island? However, the words would still return to my mind, and afterwards made a greater impression upon me. As it now was very late, and the tobacco had dozed my head, I was inclined to sleep; but before I would lie down, I fell on my knees, and implored the promise that God had made to me in the holy Scriptures, that "if I called on hirn in the day of trouble, he would deliver me." With much difficulty I afterwards drank the rum, where- in I had steeped the tobacco, which flying into my head, threw me into such a profound sleep, that it was three o'clock the next day before I awoke; or rather I believe, 40 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF I slept two days, having certainly lost a day in my account, and I could never tell any other way. When I got up, my spirits were lively and cheerful; my stomach much better, being very hungry; and, in short no fit returned the next day, which was the 29th, but I found myself much altered for the better. Juhj 3. The fit quite left me, but very weak. In this condition, I often thought of these words, "I will deliver thee: " and while at sometimes I would think of the impos- sibility of it, other thoughts would reprehend me, for dis- regarding the deliverances I had received even from the most forlorn and distressed condition. I asked myself, what regard have I had to God for his abundant mercies? Have I done my part? "He has delivered me, but I have not glorified him;" as if I had said I had not owned and been thankful for these as deliverances, and how could I expect greater? So much did this sensibly touch my heart, that I gave God thanks for my recovery from sickness in the most humble posture. July 4. This morning I began seriously to ponder on what is written in the New Testament, resolving to read a chapter every morning and night, as long as my thoughts would engage me. As soon as I set about this work seriously, I found my heart deeply affected with the impiety of my past life. After this, I begged of God to assist me with his holy Spirit in returning to my duty. One day, in perusing the Scriptures, I came to these words, "He is exalted a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentanee, and to give remission:" Immediately I laid down the book, an$s with uplifted hands to heaven, loudly cried, f'O blessed Je$ust thou son,of David! Jesus, thou exalted Prince and Smr iour, give me repentance: M And, now indeed, I prayed ROBINSON CRUSOE 4! with a true sense of my condition, and a more certain hope, founded on the word of God. Now I had a different sense of these words, "Call on me, and I will deliver thee," that is from the dreadful load of guilt, which oppressed my sinful soul, and not from a solitary life: in a word, I came to this conclusion, that a deliverance from sin was a much greater blessing than a deliverance from affliction. To the 14th of July, I walked about with my gun, little and little at a time, having been reduced to the greatest ex- tremity of weakness. The applications and experiments I used were perfectly new: neither could I recommend them to any one's practice. For though it carried off the fit, it very much weakened me * and I had frequently convulsions in my nerves and limbs for some time. From hence I learned, that going abroad in rainy weather, especially when it was attended with storms and hurricanes of wind was most pernicious to health. I had now been above ten mon*ths in the island; and as I never had seen any of the human kind, I therefore accounted myself as sole monarch; and as I grew better, having secured my habitation to my mind, I resolved to make a tour round my kingdom, in order tp make new discoveries. The 15th of July, I began my journey. I first went to the creek, where I had brought my rafts on shore: and travelling farther found the tide went no higher than two miles up, where there was a little brook of running water, on the bank of which were many pleasant savannas or meadows, smooth, plain and covered with grass. On the rising parts, where I supposed the water did not reach, I perceived a great deal of tobacco growing to a very strong stalk. Several other plants I likewise found, the virtue of which I did not understand. I searched a long tiuafe for the cassava root, which I knew the Indians in that climate 4$ LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP made their bread of; but all in vain. There were several plants of aloes, though at that time I knew not what they were: likewise I saw several sugar-canes, but imperfect for want of cultivation. With these few discoveries, I came back that nighty and slept contentedly in my little castle. The next day, being the 16th, going the same way, bu farther than the day before, I found the country more adorned with woods and trees. Here I perceived different fruits in great abundance. Melons in plenty lay on the ground, and clusters of grapes, ripe and very rich, spread over the trees. You may imagine I was glad of this dis- covery, yet ate very sparingly, lest I should throw myself into a flux or fever. The grapes I found of excellent use; for when I dried them in the sun, which preserved them as dried raisins are kept, they proved very wholesome and nourishing, and served me in those seasons when no grapes were to be had. The night drawing on apace, I ascended up a tree, and slept very comfortably, though it was the first time I had slept out of my habitation. And when the morning came, I proceeded with great pleasure on my way, travelling about four miles, as I imagined, by the length of the val- ley. At the end of this valley I came to an opening," where the country seemed to descend to the west; there I found a spring of fresh water, proceeding out of the side of the hill, with- its crystal streams running directly east. And indeed here my senses were charmed with the most beauti- ful landscape nature could afford; for the country appeared so flo«rtshing, green and delightful, that to me it seemed like a planted garden. I then descended on the side of that delicious vale, when I found abundance of cocoa, orange, lemon, and citron trees, but very wild and barren ft* that time. As for the limes, they were delightful anc( ROBINSON CRUSOE. 43 wholesome, the juice of which I afterwards used to mix in water, whicn made it very cool and refreshing. And now I was resolved to carry home and lay up a store of grapes, limes and lemons, against the approaching wet season. So laying them up in separate parcels, and then taking a few of each with me, I returned to my little castle, after having spent three days in this journey. Before I got home, the grapes were so bruised that they were utterly spoiled; the limes indeed were good, but of those, I could bring only a few. July 19. Having prepared two bags, I returned thither again, but to my great surprise, found all the grapes spread about, trod to pieces, and abundance eaten, which made me conclude there were wild beasts thereabouts. To pre- vent this happening again, I gathered a large quantity of the grapes, and hung them upon the out branches of the tree, both to keep them unhurt, and that they might cure and dry in the sun; and having well loaded myself with Hmes and lemons, I returned once more to my old place of residence. And now, reflecting on the fruitfulness of this valley, the pleasantness of its situation, its security from storms, and the deligrhtfulness of the adjacent woods, I concluded I was settled in the worst part of the country, and therefore was thinking to remove my habitation. But when I considered again, tha{ though it was plea- sant, it was off from the sea-side, where there was a possi- bility, some time or other, a ship might either be driven or sail by; and that to enclose myself among hills and woods must certainly put an end to my hopes of deliverance; I re- solved to let my castle remain where Providence had first raced it. Yet, so delighted was I with this place, that made me a little kind of bower, surrounding it with a 44 LIFE ANI> ADVENTURES OF double hedge, as high as I could reach, well staked and filled with bulrushes: and having spent a great part of the month of July, I think it was the first of August before I began to enjoy my labor. August 3. Perceiving my grapes to be dry, I took them from the trees, and they proved excellent good raisins of the sun: the most of which I carried to my cave: and hap- py for me I did so, by which I saved the best part off my winter food. August 14. This day it began to rain; and though I had made me a tent like the other, yet* having no shelter of a hill to keep me from storms, nor a cave behind me to retreat to, I was obliged to return to my old castle, the rain continued more or less every day, till the middle of Octo- ber; and sometimes so violently, that I could not stir out of my cave for several days. This season I found my fam- ily to increase; for one of my cats that had ran away from me, and which I thought had been dead, returned about August, with three kittens at her heels, like herself; from these cats proceeded such numbers, that I was forced to kill and destroy them as I would do wild beasts or vermin To the 26th of this month, I could not stir out. it raining incessantly; when beginning to want food, I was compelled to venture twice, the first of which times I shot a goat, and afterwards found a very large tortoise. The manner of regulating my food was thus; a bunch of raisins served me for my breakfast; a'piece of good's flesh or turtle boiled for my dinner, and two or three, turtle eggs for my supper. While the rain lasted, I daily worked two or three howfrs at enlarging my cave, and, by degrees worked it on lowai»ds one side of the hill, and made a door or way but, which fiame beyond my fence or wall, and so 1 cairie in a®fl out this way. But after I had done this, I was troubled to see ROBINSON CRUSOE. 45 myself thus exposed; though I could not perceive any thing to fear\ a goat being the biggest creature 1 had seen upon this island. September 30*. Casting up the notches on my post, they amounted, to 365/1 concluded this to be the anniversary of my landing; and therefore, humbly prostrating myself on the ground confessing my sins, acknowledging God's righteotis judgments upon hie, and praying to Jesus jChrist to have mercy upon me, I fasted fbr twelve hours till the going down of the sun; and then eating a biscuit and a bunch of grapes, laid me on a bed, and with great1 comfort took my night's repose. Till this time, I seldom had dis- tinguished the Sabbath-day; but now I made a J^nger notch than ordinary for the days of rest, and divided the weeks as well as I could, though I found I had lost a day or two in my account. My ink failing soon after, I omitted in my daily memorandum, things of an indifferent nature, and contented myself to write down only the most remark- able events of my life. The rainy and dry seasons appear* ed now regular to me, and experience taught me how to provide for them; yet in one thing I am going to relate, my experience very much failed me: You may call to mind, what I have mentioned of some barley and rice which I had saved; about thirty stalks5of the former, and twenty of the latter; and, at that time, the sun's being in its South- ern position, going from me, together with the rains, made me conclude it a very proper season to sow hV Accordingly I dug up a piece of ground, with my wooden-spade, and dividing it in two parts, sowed about two thirds-of my seed, preserving by me a handful of each. And happy it was* I did so; for no rains falling, it was choked up, arid iaever appeared above the earth till the wet season canWagttihj and* fhen part of it grew, as if it had been newly sowh 46 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP I was resolved still to make another trial; and Seeking for a moister piece of ground near my bower, I there sow- ed the rest of my seed in February, which, by havino- the rainy months of March and April to water it, yielded a noble crop, and sprung up very pleasantly. I had still saved part of the seed, not daring to venture all; and by the time I found out the proper seasons to sow it in, and that I might expect every year two seed-times and two harvests, my stock amounted to above half a peck of each sort of grain, Jfo sooner were the rains over, but the stakes which I had out from the trees, shot out like willows, the first year after lopping their h<»ads. I was ignorant of tke tree I cut them from; but;they grew so regularly beautiful, that they jnade a most lively appearance, and so flourished in three years' time, that I resolved to cut more of them; and these soon growing made a glorious fence, as afterwards I shall observe. And now I perceived that the seasons of the year might generally be divided, not into summer and winter, as in Europe, but mto wet, and dry seasons, as in this manner. From i February J 5, ) Rainy, sw.i coming near the To- # JfyrU 15, I Equinox, 2 months. From C Jlpril 15, > Dry, sun getting north from Hie To \ JLugust 15, \ line, 4 months. From i Jfugml 15, > Wet, the sun being then come To ( October \5r $ back, 2 months. From ( October 15, $ Dry, sun running south of the To l February 15, $ line, 4 months. The wet seasons would continue longer or shorter, as the wind continued or ceased to blow. But having found the ill consequences of being abroad in the rain, I took care before hand to furnish myself with provisions: and, ROBINSON MAKES A TOUR TO EXPLORE HIS ISLAND—HE RE- TURNS TO HIS CAVE—HIS AGRICULTURAL LABOURS AND SUCCESS—HIS MANUFACTURE OF POTTER5T, AND CONTRI- VANCE FOR BAKING BREAD. EOBINSON CRUSOE. 47 during the wet months, sat within doors as much as possible. At this time I contrived to make many handy things that I wanted, though it cost me much labor and pains, before I could accomplish them The first I tried was to make a basket; but all the twigs I could get, proved so brittle, that I could not then perform it. It now proved of great use to me, that when a boy, I took great delight in standing at a basket maker's, in the same town where my father lived, to view his men at work: like other boys, being curious to see the manner of their working these things, and very officious to assist,: I perfectly learned the method of it, and wanted nothing but the tools. And it coming into my mind, that the twigs of that tree of which I made my stakes, might be as tough as a sallow, willow, or osiers growing in Eng- land, I resolved to make an experiment, and went the next day to my country seat, and found some fit for my turn; and after cutting down a quantity with my hatchet, I dried them in my pale, and when lit to work with, carried them to my cave, where I employed myself in making several sorts of baskets, insomuch that I could put in whatsoever I pleased. It is true, they were not cleverly made, yet they served my turn upon all occasions. But still I wanted two necessary things. I had no cask to hold my liquor, except two almost full of rum, a few bottles of an ordinary size, and some square case bottles; neither had I a pot to boil any thing m3 only a large kettle, unfit to make broth, or stew a.bit of meat: I wanted like- wise at the beginning of this, dry season a tobaooo-pipe; but for this I afterwards found an expedient. I kept myself employed in planting my second, row of, stakes. Bat remembering that when J travelled up to the fcrobk I had a mind'4o see the whole island, I now resumed my intention* and taking my dog, gun^ hatcfcet,. two jb|s- 48 LIFE JLND ADVENTURES OF cuit cakes, a great bunch of raisins, with a larger quantity of powder and shot than usual, I began my journey. Hav- ing passed the vale where my bower stood, I came within view of the sea lying to the west; when, it being a clear day, I fairly descried land, extending from the west to the southwest about 10 or 15 leagues, as I concluded; but could not say whether it was an island or a continent. Neither could I tell what this place might be; only thought it was part of America, and where I might have been in a miserable condition had I landed. Again I considered, that if this was the Spanish coast, certainly, one time or the other, I should see some ships pass by; and if it was not, then it must be the savage coast, between the Spanish country and Brazil, which abounds with cannibals or man eaters. As I proceeded forward, I found this side of the island much more pleasant than mine; the fields fragrant, adorned with sweet flowers and verdant grass, together with several very fine woods. There were parrots in plenty which made me long for one to be my companion; but it was with great difficulty I could knock one down with my stick; and I kept him at home some years, before I could get him to call me by name. In the low grounds I found various sorts of hares and foxes as I took them to be, but mueh different from those in England. Several of these I killed, but never ate them; neither indeed had I any occasion; for abounding with goats, pigeons, turtle, and grapes, I Could defy any mar- ket to furnish me a better table. In this journey I did not travel aodye two miles a day, because I took several turns and windings, to see what discoveries' I could make, re- turning weary enough to the plade where I designed to rest all night, which was either in a tree, or to a place which I surrounded with stakes, that no wild creature ROBINSON CRUSO&; 49 might suddenly surprise me. When I came to the sea- shore, I was amazed to see the splendor of it. Its strand was covered with shells of the most beautiful fish, and constantly abounding with innumerable turtles, and fowls of many kinds, which I was ignorant of, except those call- ed penguins. I might have shot as many as I pleased, but was sparing of my ammunition, rather choosing to kill a she-goat, which I did with much difficulty, on account of the flatness of the country. Now, though this journey produced the most pleasing satisfaction, yet my habitation was so much to my liking, that I did not repine at my being seated on the worst part of the island. I continued my journey, travelling abrjtit twelve miles further towards the east, where I set a great pile on the shore for a mark, concluding that my next journey should bring me to the other side of the island, east from my castle, and so round till I came to my post again. As I had a constant view of the country, I thought I could not miss my way; but scarce had I travelled three miles, when I descended into a very large valley, so Stir- rounded with hills covered with wood, that having nd guide but the sun, and to add to my misfortune, the weather prov- ing very hazy, I was obliged to return to my post by the seaside, and so backwards the same way I came. In this journey my dog surprised a kid, and would have killed it had I not prevented him. As I had often been thinking of getting a kid or two, and so raising a breed of tame goats to supply me after my ammunition was spent, I took this Opportunity of beginning: and, having made a collar for t*his little creature, with a string made of rope-yarn^ I brought it to my bower, and there enclosed and left hioi; and having spent a month in this Journey, at length I re- turned to p^y old habitation, 4 60 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF Hobody can doubt of my satisfaction, when I returned to my little castle, and reposed myself hammock. After my journey J rested myself a week, which time I employed in making a cage for my pretty poll. I now be- gan to recollect the poor kid I had left in the bower, and immediately went to fetch it home.v When I came there, I found the young ereature almost starved; I gave it some food, and tied it as before; but there was no occasion, for it followed m^e, like a dog; and as I constantly fed it, became so loving, gentle, and fond, that it commenced one of my domestics, and would never leave me. The rainy ''season' of the autumnal equinox being now come, I kepi the 30th of September in the most solemn manner, as usual, it being the third year of my abode in the island. I spent the whole day in acknowledging God's mercies, in giving thanks for making this solitary life as agreeable, and less sinful, than that of human society; and for the communication of his grace to my soul, in support- ing, comforting, and encouraging me to depend upon his Providence, and hope for hjs eternal presence in the world to come. Indeed, I often djd consider how much more happy I was,.in this state of life, than in that accursed manner of living.I formerly used; sometimes, however, when hunting, or viewing the country, the anguish of my soul would break out upon me, and my verylieart would sink within me, to thinjk of /the woods^ the mountains, the deserts I was in, anil Jbi|W I was a prisoner locked up within the eternal bars ana* bolts of the* ocean9 in an uninhabited wilderness, with- out nopes^aW without redemption. In this condition, *I wou|d Qftjsn Wring ^y han^8* ah<} weep like a child: ana* even sometimes in the middle of my work, this M wouIcT often tafeeme; and then I would sit down and sigh, looking ROBINSON CRUSOE. Ul on the ground for an hour or two together, till sach time as my grief got vent in a flood of tears. One morning, as I was fully employed in this manner I opened my Bible, when immediately I fixed my eyes upon these words, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee!" Surely, if God does not forsake me, w*hat matters it, since he can make me more happy in this state of life,* than if I enjoyed the greatest splendor in the world? And whenever I opened or shut the Bible, I blessed kind Providence, that directed my good friend in England io send it among my goods without my order, and for assisting me to save it from the power of the raging ocean. And now beginning my third year, my several daily em- ployments were these: First, My duty to Heaven, and dili- gently reading the Holy Scriptures which I did twice or thrice every day; Secondly, Seeking provisions with my gun, which commonly took me up, when it did not rain, three hours every morning; Thirdly, The ordering,curing, preserving, and cooking what I had killed, or catched for my supply, which took me up a great part of the day; for in the middle of the day, the sun being \n its height, it was so hot, that I could not stir out; so that I had but four hours in the evening to work in: and thei^the want of tools, of assistance, and skill, wasted a great dell of time to little purpose. I was no less than two and forty days, making a board fit for a long shelf which two sawyers, with their tools and saw-pit, would have cut out of tie same tree in half a day. It was of a large tree, as my board was to^he broad. I^vas three days in cutting it down, and two m6re in. lopping off the boughs, and reducing it to a piece oF timber. Thus I hacked and hewed off each side, till it be- came light to move; then I turned it, made on« side of ft smooth and flat as a board from end to end then turned it 6£ LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP downward, cutting the other side, till I brought the plank to be about three inches thick, and smooth on both sides. Any body may judge my great labor and fatigue in such a piece of work; but this I went through with patience, as also many other things, that my circumstances made neces- sary for me to do. The harvest months, November and December, Were now at hand, in which I had the pleasing prospect of a very good crop. Bu,t here I met with a new misfortune, for the goats and hares, having tasted of the sweetness of the blade, kept it so short that it had no strength to shoot up into a stalk. To prevent this, I enclosed it with a hedge, and by day shot some of its devourers; and my dog, which I had tied to the field-gate, keeping barking all night, so* frightened these creatures that I got entirely rid of them. But, no sooner did I get rid of these, than other enemies appeared; to wit, whole flocks of several sorts of birds, who only waited till my back was turned, to ruin me. So much did this provoke me, that I let fly, and killed three of the malefactors; and afterwards served them as they do notorious thieves in England, hung them up in chains as a terror to others. And, indeed, so good an effect had this, that they not only forsook the corn, but all that part of the island, so long as these criminals hung there. My corn having ripened apace, the latter end of De- cember, which was my second harvest, I reaped it with a scythe, made of one of my broad swords. I had no fatigue in cutting down my first crop, it was so slender. The ears I carried home in a basket, rubbing the grain out with my hands, instead of threshing it; and, when my harvest was over, found my half peck of seed had produced nearly two bushels of rice, and two bushels and a half of barley. And How I plainly foresaw, that, by God's goodness, I should ROBINSON CRtJSOE. 5$ be furnished with bread: but yet I was concerned, because I knew not how to grind or make meal of my corn, neither knew I how to bake it into bread. I would not, however, taste any of the crop, but resolved to preserve it against next season, and, in the meanwhile, use my best endeav- ors to provide myself with other food. But where were my labors to end? the want of a plough to turn up the earth, or shovel to dig it, I conquered by making me a wooden spade. The want of a harrow I sup- plied, by dragging over the corn a great bough of a tree When it was growing, I was forced to fence it: when ripe, to mow it, carry it home, thresh it, part it from the chaff, and save it. And, after all, I wanted a mill to grind it, a sieve to dress it, yeast and salt to make it into bread, and an oven to bake it. This set my brains to work, to find some expedient for every one of these necessaries, against the next harvest. And now having more seed, my first care was to pre- pare me more land. I pitched upon two large flat pieces of ground, near my castle, for that purpose, in which I sowed my seed, and fenced it with a good hedge. This took me up three months: by which time, the wet season coming on, and the rain keeping me within doors, I found several occasions to employ myself; and, while at work, used to divert myself with talking to my parrot, teaching him to know and speak his own name Poll, the first welcome worii I ever heard spoken in the island. I had been a long time contriving how to make earthen vessels, which I wanted extremely; and when I considered the heat of the climate, I did not doubt but, if I could find any such clay, I might botch up a poft, sytrong enough, when dried in the sun, to bear handlings and to hold any thing that was dry, as com, mealf and other things. $4 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF To be short, the clay I found; but- it-would occasion this most serious person to smile, to see what awkward ways I took, and what ugly misshapen things I made; haw many either fell out or cracked by the violent heat of the sun, and fell in pieces when they were removed, so that I think it was two months before I could perfect any thing; and even then but two clumsy things in imitation of earthen jars. These, however, I very gently placed in wicker baskets, made on purpose for them, and between the pot and the baskets; stuffed it full of rice and barley straw; and these I presumed would hold my dried corn, and per- haps the meal, when the corn was bruised. As for the smaller things, I made them with better success; such as little round pots, flat dishes, pitchers, and pipkins, the sun baking them very hard. Yet still I wanted one thing absolutely necessary, and that was an earthen pot, not only to hold my liquid, but also to bear the fire, which none of these could do. It once happened that as I was putting out my fire, I found therein a broken piece of one of my vessels, burnt hard as a rock, and red as a tile. This made me think of burning some pots; and having no notion of a kiln, or of glazing them with lead, I fixed three large pipkins, and two or three pots in a pile one upon another. The fire I piled round the outside, and dry wood on the top, till I saw the pots in the inside red hot, and found that they did not crack at all: and when I perceived them perfectly red, I let them stand in the fife about five or six hours, till the clay melted by the extremity of the heat, and would have run to glass had I €uffeied it;, upon which, I slacked my fire by degrees till the redness abated; and watching them till the morning, I found I had three very good pipkins, and tw& earthen pots, as well burnt and fit for my turn m I could desire, ROBINSON CRUSOE. 55 The first use to which I turned my pipkins was to make some salt, which 1 had long wanted. For this purpose, I filled them with sea-water, and kept it slowly boiling over the fire, till the whole of the water had boiled away ia steam, leaving, at the bottom of the vessel, a thin crust of salt, which I found very good for giving a relish to my food. The next concern I had, was to get me a stone-mortar to beat some corn in, instead of a mill to grind it. Here, indeed, I was at a great loss, as not being fit for a stone- cutter; anctmany days I spent to find out a great stone big enough to cut hollow and make fit for a mortar and strong enough to bear the weight of a pestle, that would break the corn without filling it with sand. But all the stones of the island being of a mouldering nature, rendered my search fruitless; and then I resolved to look out a great block of hard wood; which having found, I formed it by my axe and hammer, and then, with infinite labor, made a hollow in it, just as the Indians of Brazil make their canoes. When I had finished this I made a great pestle of iron-wood, and then laid them up against my succeeding harvest. My next business was to make me a sieve, to sift my meal and part it from the bran and husk. Having no fine thin canvass to search the meal through, I could not tell what to do. What linen I had was reduced to rags; I had goat's hair enough, but neither tools to work it, nor did I know how to spin it. At length, I remembered I had soms neckcloths of calico or muslin of the sailors, which I ha4 brought out of the ship, and with these, I made three small sieves proper enough for the work. I come now to consider the baking part. The want of an oven I supplied, by making some earthen pans very broad, but not deep. When I had a mind to bake, I made a great fire upon my hearth,the tijes of which I h&d made 66 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP myself, and when the wood was burnt into live coals, I spread them over it, till it became very hot; then sweeping them away, I set down my loaves, and whelming down the earthen pots upon them, drew the ashes and coals all around the butsides of the pots to continue the heat; and in this manner I baked my barley loaves, as well as if I had been a complete pastry cook, and also made of the rice, several cakes and puddings. It is no wonder that all these things took me up the best part of a year, since what intermediate time I had, was be- stowed in managing" my new harvest and husbandry; for in the proper season, I reaped my corn, carried it home and laid it up in the ear, in my large baskets, till I had time to rub, instead of thrashing it. And now indeed, my corn in- creased so much, that it produced me twenty bushels of oarley, and as much of rice, that I not only begaito use it freely, but was thinking how to enlarge my barns, and re- solved to sow as much at a time as would be sufficient for a whole year. All this while, the prospect of land, which I had seen from the other side of the island, ran in my mind. I still meditated a deliverance from this place, though the fear of greater misfortunes might have deterred me from it. For allowing that I had attained that place, I ran the hazard of being killed and eaten by the devouring cannibals; and if they were not so yet I might be slain, as other Europeans fiaa been, who fell into their hands. Notwithstanding all this, my thoughts ran continually upon that shore. I now wished for.,the long boat with the shoulder of mutton sail. I Vent to the ship's boat, that had been cast a gr,eat way on fte shpre in the late storm. She was removed But a little; aridher bottohi being turned up by the impetupsity and istlfgo of the waves and wind, I fell to work with all the ftOBINSON CRUSOE. 5? strength I had, and with levers and rollers I had cut from the wood, to turn her, arid repair the damages she had sus- tained. This work took me up three or four weeks, when finding my little strength all in vain, I fell to undermining it by digging away the sand, and so to make it fall down, setting pieces of wood to thrust and guide it in the fall. But after this was done, I was still unable to stir it up, or to get under it, much less to move it forward towards the water, and so I was forced to give it over. This disappointment, however, did not frighten me. I began to think, whether it was not possible for me to make a canoe or Perigua, such as the Indians make of the trunk of a tree. But here I lay under particular inconveniences; want of tools to make it, and want of hands to move it into the water, when it was made. However, to work I went upon it, stopping all the inquiries I could make with this very simple answer I made to myself, let's first make it, I'll warrant I'll find some way or other to get it along when it is done. I first cut down a cedar tree, which was five feet ten inches diameter at the lower part next the stump, and four feet eleven inches diameter at the end of twenty-two feet, after which it lessened for a space, and then parted into branches. Twenty days was I hacking and hewing it at the bottom, fourteen more in cutting off the branches and limbs, and a whole month in shaping it like the bottom of a boat. As for the inside, I was three weeks with a mallet and chisel, clearing it in such a manner, as that it was big enough to carry 26 men, much bigger than any canoe 1 ever saw ia my life, and consequently sufficient to transport me and all my effects to that wished for shore I so ardently desired. Nothing remained now, but indeed the greatest difficui- 8B life And adventures of ty, to get it into the water, it lying about 100 yards from it To remedy the first inconvenience, which was a rising hill between the boat and the creek, with wonderful pains and labor I dug into the surface of the earth, and made a de- clivity. But when this was done, all the strength I had was as insufficient to move it, as it was when I first made the attempt. I then proceeded to measure the distance of ground, resolving to make a canal, in order to bring the water to the canoe, since I could not bring the canoe to the water. But as this seemed to be impracticable to myself alone under the space of eleven or twelve years, it brought me into some sort of consideration; so that I concluded this also to be impossible, and the attempt vain. I now saw, and not before, what stupidity it is to begin work be- fore we reckon its costs, or judge rightly our own abilities to go through with its performance. In the height of this work my fourth year expired from the time I was cast on this island. At this time I did not forget my anniversary; but kept it with rather greater de- votion than before. For now my hopes being frustrated, I looked upon this world as a thing I had nothing to do with; and very well might I say, as father Abraham said unto Dives, "Between me, and thee there is a gulf fixed." And indeed I was separated from its wickedness too, hav- ing neither the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, nor the pride of life; I had nothing to covet, being lord, king and emperor over the whole country I had in possession, with- out dispute and without control: I had loadings of corn, plenty of turtles, timber in abundance, and grapes above measure. * What was all the rest to me? the money I had lay by me as despicable dross, which I would freely have given for a gross of tobacco pipes or a hand-mill to grind my corn: in a word, the nature and experience of these ROBINSON CRUSOE. 59 things dictated to me this just reflection. ,. That the good things of this world are no further good to us than as they are for our use; and that whatever we may heap up, we can but enjoy as much as we use and no more. These thoughts rendered my mind more easy than usual: every time I sat down to meat, I did eat with thankfulness, admiring the providential hand of God, who, in this wilder- ness had spread a table to me. And now I considered what I enjoyed, rather than what I wanted, compared my pre- sent condition with what I at first expected it should be; how I should have done, if I had got nothing out of the ship; that I must have perished before I had caught fish or tur- tles; or lived, had I found them, like a mere savage, by eating them raw, and pulling them to pieces with my claws, like a beast. I next compared my station to that which 1 deserved; how undutiful I had been to my parents; how destitute of the fear of God; how void of every thing that was good; and how ungrateful for those abundant mercies I had received from heaven, being fed, as it were by a mir- acle, even as great as Elijah's being fed by ravens; and cast on a place where there are no venomous creatures to poison or devour me; in short, making God's tender mer- cies matter of great consolation, I relinquished all sadness, and gave, way-to contentment. As long as my ink continued, which with wateTijI.made last as long as J could, I used, to minute dpw^n the days of,the months on which any ^remarkable thing happened. ^e n;ext thing that wasted after my ink, w^s the biscui|, wllich I haxf%-Q4ight out of the ship; an4 thoiiga I aflowf$ loysfijf but;0/n& ejifcs a day for abotit a twelvemonth, 5yet J wjja .q^ite out of >Ne&4 for aeaxly a yjsar, before I fgp^any cora of my oWp. In the next place, my clothes began to decay, and my 60 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF linen had been gone long before. However, I had preserv- ed about three dozen of the sailors' checkered shirts which proved a great refreshment to me, when the violent beams of the sun would not suffer me to bear any of the seamens' heavy watch-coats; which made me turn tailor, and, after a miserable botching manner, convert them to jackets. To preserve my head, I made a cap of goatskins, with the hair outwards to keep out the rain; which indeed served me so well, that afterward I made a waistcoat and open-kneed breeches of the same: and then I contrived a sort of um- brella, covering it with skins, which not only kept out the heat of the sun, but the rain also. Thus being easy and settled in my mind, my chief happiness was to converse with God, in most heavenly and comfortable ejaculations. For five years after this, I cannot say any extraordinary thing occurred to me. My chief employment was to cure my raisins, and plant my barley and rice, of both which I had a year's provision before-hand. But though I was dis- appointed in my first canoe, I made it, at intermediate times, my business to make a second of much inferior size: and it was two years before I had finished it. But as I perceived it would in nowise answer my design of sailing to the other shore, my thoughts were confined to take a tour round the island, to see what further discoveries I could make. To this intent, after having moved her to the water, and tried how she would sail, I fitted up a little mast to my boat, and made a sail of the ship's sails that lay by me. I then made lockers or boxes at the end of it to put in necessaries, pro^ vision and ammunition, which would preserve them 4vy ;either from the rain, or the spray of the seaf and* in the inside of the boat, I cut me a long hollow place to layjmy gun, and to kdep it dry, made a cover for it. My unTbrem, 1 fixed in a step in the stern, like a mast, to keep the heat ROBINSON CRUSOE. 61 of the sun off me. And now resolving to see the cireuni ference of my little kingdom, I victualled my ship for the voyage, putting in two dozen of my barley bread loaves, an earthen pot full of parched rice, a little bottle of rum, half a goat, powder and shot, and two watch-coats. It was the sixth of November, in the sixth year of my reign, or cap- tivity, that I set out on this voyage; which was much longer than I expected, being obliged to put farther out, by reason of the rocks that lay a great way in the sea. And indeed, so much did these rocks surprise me, that I was for putting back, fearing that if I ventured farther, it would be out of my power to return: in this uncertainty I came to anchor just off the shore, to which I waded with my gun on my shoulder, and then climbing up a hill, which overlooked that point, I saw the full extent of it, and so resolved to run all hazards. In this prospect from the hill, I perceived a violent current running to the east, coming very close to the point; which I the more carefully observed, thinking it dangerous, and that when I came to it, I might be driven into the sea by its force, and not able to return to the island: and cer- tainly it must have been so, had I not made this observa- tion; for on the other side was a like current, with this difference, that it set off at a greater distance; and I perceived there was a strong eddy under the land; so that my chief business was to work out of the first current, and conveniently get into the eddy. Two days I staid here, the wind blowing very briskly east southeast, which being contrary t%t the current, leaves a great breach of the sea upon..the point; so it was neither fit for me to keep too near the shore* on account of the breach; nor stand at t©f great distance for fear of the streams. That night thl wind abating, it gpg^so calm, that I venture^ out: aad tM LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF here Tmay be a monumeflt to all rash and ignorant pilots* for T was no sooner come to the point, and not above the boat's Tength from shore, but I was got intOf deep water, with a current like a mill-race, which 3rove my boat along so violently, that it was impossible for me to k^ep Hear the edge of it, for it forced me more and more out from the eddy to the left of me; and all I could do with my paddles was useless, there being no wind to help me. Now I began to look upon myself as quite lost, since, as the current ran on both sides of the island, I was very certain they must join again, and then I had no hopes but of per- ishing for want, in the sea, after what provision I had was spent, or before, if a storm should happen to arise. Who can conceive the present anguish of my mind at this calamity? with longing eyes did I look upon my little kingdom, and thought the island the pleasantest place in the universe. Happy, thrice happy desert, said I, shall I never see thee more? Wretched creature! whither am I going? Why did I murmur at my lonesome condition, when now I would give the whole wide world to be thither again? While I w^lS thus complaining, I found myself to be driven about two leagues into the sea; however, I labored till my strength was far spent, to keep rny boat as far north as 1 possibly coulti, to that side of the current where the eddy luf. About noon I perceived a little breeze of wind, spring up from the south so^heast, which overjoyed my heart* and I #p.s siill more'eiated, when in about half an hour, it blew a'gentle fine gale. 'Had any thick weather sprung lipV"I-E&4 been lost anbl^er way: for having no-o^mpass on borfr^,*l;ishorulii never have feuad ttie way to stfeer towards d&^la^ff once k: had 'disappeared; %ot if proving Hm contraryj I set tfp nciy mast a||airi,' spread my sail attd ^Qj)0 aWay ttotfhward, a$ mti'ch mlv ^t Wd #*tm ROBINSON CRUSOE. 63 -current. And no sooner did the boat begin to stretch away, ibut I perceived by the clearness of the water, a change of the current was near; for, where it was strong, the water was foul; and where it was clear the current abated. Those who have been in the like calamities With my own, may guess my present excess of joy, how heartily I ran my boat in the stream of this eddy, and how joyfully I spread my sail to the refreshing wind, standing cheerfully before it, with a smart tide under foot. By the assistance of this eddy, I*was carried above a. league home again, when, being in the wake of the island, betwixt the two -currents, I found the water to be in a sort of a stand. About four o'clock in the afternoon, I reached within a league of the island, and perceived the points of the rock, which caused this disaster^ stretching out, as I observed before, to the southward, which throwing off the current more southerly, had occasioned another eddy to the north. But having a fair brisk gale, I stretched across this eddy, and in an hour came within a mile of the shore, where I soon landed to my unspeakable comfort; and after an humble prostration, thanking God for my deliverance, with a resolution to lay all thoughts of escaping aside^ I brought my boat safe to a little cove, and laid me down to take a welcome repose. When I awoke, I was considering how I might get my boat home; and coasting along the shore I came to a good bay, which ran up to a rivulet or brook, where, finding a harbor, I,stowed her as safe as if she had beerj^ in a dry dock, made on purpose for her. I now perceived myself hot far from the place, whe^e before I had travelled on foot:. so taking nothing with mc, except iny gun and umbrella, I began my journey, and in the evening came to my bower, where 1 again laid me down to rest, I had not slept long before I awakened in €4 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF great surprise, by a strange voice that called me several times, "Robin, Robin, Robinson Crusoe, poor Rodm! Where are you, Robinson Crusoe? Where ar£ you? Wlitre have you been?" So fast was I asleep, that at first I did no* awake thoroughly; but half asleep, and half awake, I thought I dreamed that somebody spoke to me. But as the voice re- peated, "Robinson Crusoe," several times, being terribly frightened,,! started up in the utmost confusion; and, no sooner were my eyes fully open, but I beheld my pretty poll sitting on the top of the hedge, and soon knew that it was he that called me; for just in such bewailing language, I used to talk and teach him; which he so exactly learned, that he would sit upon my finger, and lay his bill close to my face, and cry, " poor Robinson Crusoe, where are you? where have you been? how came you here?" and such like prattle I had constantly taught him. Rut even though I knew it to be the parrot, it was a great time before I could adjust myself: being amazed how the creature got thither, and.that he should fix about that place, and ho where else. But now, being assured it could be no other than my honest "Poll," my wonder ceased, and reaching out my hand, and calling "Poll," the creature came to me familiarly, and perched upon my thumb, as he was wont;, constantly prating to me with "poor Robinson Crusoe, and how did I come here, and where had I been?" as if the-1)ird was overjoyed to see me, and so I took him home along with me. I was now pretty well cured of rambling to sea; yet I could wish my boat, which had cost me so much trouble and pains, on this side the island once more* but this, indeed was impracticable. I therefore began fa lead a very retired life, living nearly a twelve month in a very contented manner, wanting for nothing but converse- ROBINSON CRUSOE 65 tion. As to mechanic labors^ which my necessities obliged me to, I fancied I could, upon occasion, make a tolerable carpenter, were the poor tools I had to work withal, but good. Besides, as I improved in my earthen ware, I con- trived to make them with a wheel, which I found much easier and better, making my work shapely, which before was rude and ugly. But, I think I never was so much elevated with my own performance or project as when able to make a tobacco-pipe, which, though it proved, an awk ward clumsy thing, yet it was very sound, and carried the smoke perfectly well, to my great satisfaction. I also improved my wicker ware, made me abundance of necessary baskets, which, though not very handsome, were very handy and convenient to fetch things home in, as also for holding my stores, baidey, rice, and other pro- visions. My powder beginning to fail, made me examine after what manner I should kill the goats or birds, to live on, after it was all gone. Upon which I contrived many ways to ensnare the goats, and see if I could catch them alive, particularly a she-goat with young. At last I had my desire; for, making pit-falls and traps, baited with barley and rice, I found, one morning, in one of them, an old he goat, and in the other, three kids, one male, ttnd two females. tSo'boisterous was the old one, that I could not bring him away. But I forgot the old proverb, "That hunger will tame a lion:" for, had I kept him three or four days without provisions, and then given him some water with a little corn, he would have been as tame as a young kid. The othef creatures I bound with strings together; but I had gtafl(' difficulty, before I could bring them to my habitation, m was some time befotgibey would feed; but, throwing thej» 5 66 life AM-i>/Ai>*TOJtettiti a*1 sweet corn, it so much tempted them, that they began to be tamer. From hence I conclude ^na^ *f I designed to furnish myself with goat's flesh, when my ammunition was spent, the tamely breeding them up, like a flock of sheep about my settlement, was the only method I could take. I concluded also that I must separate the wild from the tame, or else they would always run wild as they grew up; and the best way for this, was to have some enclosed piece of ground, well fenced, either with a hedge or pale, to keep thern so effectually, that those within might not break out, nor those without break in. Such an undertaking was very great for one pair of hands; but as there was an ab- solute necessity for doing it, my first care was to find a convenient piece of ground, where there was likely to be herbage for them to eat, crater to drink, and cover to keep them from the sun. Here again, I gave another instance of my ignorance and inexperience, pitching upon a piece of meadow land so large, that had I enclosed it, the hedge or pale must have been at least two miles about. This thought came into my head, after I had carried it on, I believe) about fifty yards: I therefore altered my scheme, and resolved to enclose a piece of ground about loO yards in length, and 100 in breadth, large enough for as many as would maintain me, till such time as my flock increased, and then I could add more ground. I now vigorously prosecuted my work, and it about three months in hedging the fi>st piece; in which time I tethered the three kids in the best parjt of it; feeding them as near*me as possible, to make them fami- liar: and, indeed,,! very often would carry some ears of barley, or a handful of rice, and feed them out of my hand; % which they grew so, tame, that wj*eja fmy e^elosure wap finished, and I had let thorn loos#, Jhi^would run after r#e ROBINSON CRUSOfc. 67 for a handful of corn. This indeed answered my end: and in a year and a half's time, I had a flocft of about twelve goats, kids and all; and in two years after, they amounted to forty-three, besides what I had taken and killed for my sustenance. After which, I enclosed five several pieces of ground to feed them in, with pens to drive them into, that I might take them as I had occasion. In this project I likewise found additional blessings; for I not only had plenty of goat's flesh, but milk too, which, in the beginning, I did not so much as think of. And, indeed, though I had never milked a cow, much less a goat, or seen butter or cheese made, yet, after some essays and mis- carriages, I made me both, and never afterward wanted. How mercifully can the Almighty comfort his creatures, even in the midst of their greatest calamities? How can he sweeten the bitterest evils, and give us reason to mag- nify him in dungeons and prisons; what a bounteous table was here spread in the wilderness for me, where I expected nothing at first, but to perish for httnger. Certainly any one would have smiled to see me at dinner. There sat my royal majesty, an absolute prince arid tuler of my kingdom, attended by my dutiful subjects, whdm if I pleased, I could either hang, draw, quarter, give them liberty, or |ake it .away. When I dined, I seemed & king, eating alone, none daring to presume to do so till I had done. Poll as if he had been my principal court favorite, was the only person permitted to talk with me. Mg old) but faithful dog, now grown exceedingly crazy, contifriiaHy sat on my right hand; while my two cats sat on eadifsside of the table, expecting a bit from my hand, as a principal mark of my royal favor. These were not the ca*| !f had brought from the ship; they had been dsad 1ob% before. 6$ MFE AND ADVENTURES OF and interred near my habitation by mine own hand. But a eoaple of their young I had made tame; the rest ran wild into the woods, and in time grew so impudent, as to return and plunder me of my stores, till such time as I shot & great many, and the rest left me without troubling me anymore. In this plentiful manner did I live, wanting for pothing but conversation. One thing indeed concerned me, the .want of my boat; I knew not which way to get her found the island. One time I resolved to go along the shore by land to her; but had any one at home met such a figure, it would either have affrighted him, or made him burst into laughter; nay, I could not but mule myself at my habit, which I think in this place will he very proper to describe. The cap 1 wore upon my head, was great, high, and shapeless, made of a goat's skin, with a flap or pent-house hanging down behind, not only to ksep the sun from me, but to shoot the rain off from running into my neck, nothing being more pernicious than the rain falling upon the flesh in these climates. I had a short jacket of goat's skin, whose hair hung down such a length on each side, that it reached down to the calves of my legs. As for shoes and stockings, I had none, but made a resemblance of some- thing, I know not what to call them; they were made like buskins, and,laced on, the sides like*spatterdashes, barba-* fopsly shaped,,like fthe rest of my habit. , I had a broad hfH oT goat's skin .dried, girt round me with a couple of thongs, instead of buckles; on each of which, to supply £fa© feffcieucy of sword and dagger, hung my hatchet and itaiw. J had another beltj not so broad, yet fastened |n the aerae manner, _ which bung* over ray shoulder, and at the «nd of it, under my left arm? hung two pouches, made of goat's skin, to hold my powder and shot. My basket I ROBINSON CRUSOE 69 carriedpn ray back, and my gun on my .shoulder; and ever my head, a great clumsy ugly goat's skin umbrella, v.!neb however, next to my gun, was the most necessary laiag about me. A3- for my face, the color was not so .■swarthy as the Mulattoes, or as might have been expected from one who took so little care of it, in a climate within nine or ten degrees of the line. At one time my beard grew so long that it hung down above a quarter of a yard; but as I had both razors and scissors in store, I cut it all off, and suffered none to grow except a large pair of Ma- hometan whiskers, the like of which I had seen worn by some Turks at Salee, not long enough indeed to hang a hat upon, but of such a monstrous-size, as would have amazed any in England to have seen. But all this was of no consequence here, there being none to observe my behavior or habit. And so, without fear and without control, I proceeded on my journey, thf* prosecution of which took me up five or six days. I tra- velled along the sea-shore, directly to the place where 1 first brought my boat to an anchor, to get upon the rocks; but now having no boat to take care of, I went over land, a nearer way to the same height "that I wras before upon; when looking forward to the point of the rock, which lay out, and which I was forced to double with my boat, I was ^amazed to see the sea so smooth and quiet, there being no rippling motion, nor current, any more than in other places. And now I was convinced that by observing the ebb and flow of the tide, I might easily bring my boat round the island again. But when I began to think of putting it in ^practice, the remembrance of the late danger struck me with such horror that I took another resolution, though more laborious; and this was to make a second canoe, and so iuwe oae for one side of the island, and one for the other 70 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF I had now two plantations in the island; the {fjjpfftny little fortification, fort, or castle, with many large and spacious improvements, for by this time I had enlarged the cave behind me with several little caves, one within another, to hold my baskets, corn, and straw. The piles with which I made my wall were grown so lofty and great, as obscured my habitation. And near this commodious and pleasant settlement, lay my well cultivated and improved corn fields, which kindly yielded me their fruit in their proper season. My second plantation was that near my country seat or little bower, where my grapes flourished, and where, hav- ing planted my stakes, I made enclosures for my goats, so strongly fortified by labor and time, that it was much stronger than a wall, and, consequently, impossible for them to break through. As for my bower itself, I kept it constantly in repair, and cut the trees in such a manner, as made them grow wild, and form a most delightful shade. In the centre of this, stood my tent, thus erected. I had driven four piles in the ground, spreading over it a piece of the ship's sail, beneath which, I made me a sort of couch with the skins of the creatures I had slain, and other things; and having laid thereon one of the sailor's blan- kets, which I had saved from the wreck of the ship", and covering myself with a great watch-coat, I took up this place for my country retreat. Very frequently, from this settlement did I use to visit my boat, and keep her in very good order. And sometimes: would I venture in her a cast or two from shore, but no farther. But now I entreat your attention, whilst I pro- ceed to inform you of a new, buHnost surprising scene of life which here befell me. You may easily suppose, that, after having been here sa long, nothing could be more amazing than to see a humaa ROBINSON CRUSOE 71 creature. One day it happened, that going to my boat, I saw the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, very evident on the sand, as the toes, heels, and every part of it. Had I seen a monster of the most frightful shape, I could not have been more confounded. My willing ears gave the strictest attention. I cast my eyes around, but could satisfy neither the one nor the other, I proceeded alternately to every part of the shore, but with equal effect; neither could I see any other mark though the sand about it was as susceptible to take impression as that which was so plainly stamped. Thus struck with confusion and hor- ror, I returned to my habitation, frightened at every bush and tree, taking every thing for men; and possessed with the wildest idea! That night my eyes never closed. I formed nothing but the most dismal imaginations. In a word, all my religious hopes vanished, as though I thought God would not now protect me by his power, who had wonderfully preserved me so long. What various chains of events are there in the life of man! How changeable are our affections, according to different circnmslances! We love to-day, what we hate to-flw*row* we shun one hour, what we seek the next. Thisivas evident in me in the most conspicuous manner; for I, who had so much before lamented my condition, in being banished from all human kind, was now ready to expire, when I considered that a man had set his loot on this desolate island. But when I considered my station of life, decreed by the infinitely wise and good providence of God, that I ought not to dispute my Creator's sovereignty, who tod. an undoubted right to govern and dispose of his creatures as he thinks convenient; and that his justice and mem? could either punish or deliver me, I say, when I considered all this, I comfortably found it my duty to trust 72 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF sincerely in him, pray ardently to him, and humbly resign myself to his divine will. One morning, lying on my bed, these words of the sacred writings came into my mind, "Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." Upon this sentence, rising more cheerfully from my bed, I offered up my prayers in the most devout manner; and when I had done, taking up my Bible to read, these words appeared first in my sight, "Wait on the Lord, and be of good cheer, and he shall strengthen thy heart: Wait, I say, on the Lord." Such divine comfort did this give me, as to remove all cause of sadness upon that occasion. Thus, after a world of apprehensions and fears for three days and nights, I at last ventured out of my castle, and milked* my goats, one of which was almost spoiled for want of it. I next (though in great fear,) visited my bower, and milked my flocks there also; when growing bolder, I went down to the shore again, and measuring the print of the foot to mine, to see perhaps whether I myself had not occasioned that mark, I found it much superior in large- ness: and so returned home, absolutely convinced, that either some men had been ashore, or that the islstifd must be inhabited; and therefore that I might be surprised *be^ fore I Was aware. I now T>egan to think of providing for my security, and resolved**in my mind many different schemes for that pur- pose. I fit%$t proposed to cut down my enclosures, and turn my tame cattle wild into the woods, that tlie enemy might iiot find them, and frequent the island in hopes ©£ killing the sSrheV ''Secondly, I was for digging up nay ^wa* fiejds for the very same reason. And, lastly, I concluded to 'demolish rny bow^r, lest, seeing a place of human con- trivance, they might come farther, and rind out and attack me in my castle. ROBINSON CRUSOE/ $3 Sleep was an uttei stranger to my eyes that night; yet nature, spent and tired, submitted to a silent repose the next morning, and then joining reason with fear, I consid- ered, that this delightful and pleasant island might not be* so entirely forsaken as I might think; but that the inhab- itants from the other shore might sail, either with design of from necessity, by cross winds; and, if the latter cirenm* stance, I had reason to believe they would depart the firsi opportunity. However, my fear made me think of a place: of retreat upon an attack. I now repented that I had made my door to come out beyond my fortification; to remedy which, I resolved to make me a second one: I feU to work, therefore, and drove betwixt that double row of trees, which I planted above twelve years before, several strong piles, thickening it with pieces of timber and old cables, and strengthening the foot of it with earth which I dug out of my cave; I also made me seven holes, wherein* I planted my muskets like cannon, fitting them into frames resembling carriages. This being finished with indefatiga- ble industry, for a great way every where, I planted sticks1 of osiers like a wood, about twenty thousand of them, Fe&M ing a large space between them and my wall, that I might have room to see an enemy, and that they might not b& sheltered among the young trees, if they offered to approach the outer wall. And indeed, scarce two years had passed over my head, when there appeared a lovely shady §prwef and in six it became a thick wood perfectly impassable* For my safety I left no avenue to go in or* out;' instead ©£ which, I set two ladders, one to a part of the Tock which was low, and then broke in, leaving roonvto plaice anotrier ladder upon that; so that when I toot those down;-W-WUF impossible lor any man to descend without hurting himself; and if they had, they would still be at the ovbmte of my ?4 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF outer walL But while I took all these measures of human prudence for my own preservation, I was not altogether unmindful of other affairs. To preserve my stock of tame goats, that the enemy should not take all at once, I looked out for the most retired part of the island, which was the place where I had lost myself before mentioned, and there finding a clear piece of land, containing three acres, sur- rounded with thick woods, I wrought so hard, that in less than a month's time, I fenced it so well round, that my flocks were very well secured in it, and I put therein two he goats and ten she ones. All this labor was occasioned purely by fearful apprehen- sions, on account of seeing the print of a man's foot. And noti Contented yet with what I had done, I searched for another place towards the west part of the island, where I might also retain another flock. Then wandering on this errand more to the west of the island than ever I had yet done, and easting my eye^ towards the sea, methought I perceived a boat at a great distance; but could not possibly tell what it was for want of my spy-glass. I considered then, it was no strange thing to see the print of a man's foot; and concluding them cannibals, blessed God for be- ing cast on the other side of the island, where none of the savages, as I thought, ever eame. But when I came down the, fill to the shore, which was the south-west point of the island, I was soon confirmed in my opinion; nor can any one describe my horror and amazement, when I saw the groupd spread with sculls, hands, feet, and bones of human bodies; and .particularly, I perceived a space like a circle, in the midst of which had, been a fire, about which I con- jectured those wretches sat, and unnaturally sacrificed and devoured their fellow creatures. The horror and loathsomeness of this dreadful spectacle, ROBINSON CRUSOE. 75 both confounded my senses, and made me discharge from my stomach in an excessive manner. I then returned towards my habitation; and in my way thither shedding floods of tears, and falling down on my bended knees, gave God thanks for making my nature contrary to those wretches, and delivering rne so long out of their hands. Though reason and my long residence here had assured me, that the savages never came up to the thick woody part of the country, and that I had no reason to be appre- hensive of a discovery, yet such an abhorrence did I still retain, that for two years after, I confined myself only to ray three plantations; I mean my castle, country seat, and enclosure in the woods, though in process of time my dread- ful apprehensions began to wear away. Thus my circumstances for some time remained very calm and undisturbed; though indeed, the terror which the savages had put me in, spoiled some inventions, for my own conveniences. One of my projects was to brew me some beer: a very whimsical one indeed, when it is considered^ that I had neither casks sufficient, nor could I make any to preserve it in; neither had I hops to make it keep, yeast to make it work, nor a copper or kettle to make it boil. Perhaps, indeed, after some years, I might bring this to hear, as I had done other things. But now my inventions were placed another way; and day and night I could think of nothing but how I might destroy some,of these cannibals, when proceeding to their bloody entertainments; and so saving a victim from being sacrificed, that he mightv after- wards become my servant. Many were my contrivances for this purpose, and many more objections occurred, after I had hatched them. I once contrived to dig a hote, wader &e place where they made their fire, and put therein iive or six pounds of gunpowder, which wouM consequently 76 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF blow up all those that were near it; but then 1 was loth to spend so much upon them, lest it should not do that certain execution I desired, and only affright and not kill them. Having laid this design aside, I again proposed t& myself to lie privately in ambush in some convenient place, with my three guns double loaded, and let fly at them in the midst of their dreadful ceremony; and having killed two or three of them at every shot, fall upon the rest suddenly with my three pistols, and let not one mother's son escape,. This imagination pleased my fancy so much that I used to dream of it in the night time. To put my desigra in execu- tion I was not long seeking for a place convenient for my purpose, where unseen I might behold every action of the savages. Here I placed my two muskets, each of which was loaded with a brace of slugs, and four or five smaller bullets about the size of pistol bullets; the fowling piece was charged with nearly a handful of the largest swan shot, and in every pistol about four bullets. And thus all things being prepared, no sooner did the welcome light spread over the element, but I would issue forth from my castle, and from a lofty hill, three miles distant, try if I could see any invaders approach unlawfully to my kingdom. But having waited in vain two or three months, it grew very tiresome to me. I now argued with myself, k was better for me never to attack, but to remain undiscovered as long as I possibly could; that an opposite conduct would certainly prove de- structive; for as it was scarcely to be supposed I could kill them all, I, might be either overpowered by the remainder, or that some escaping might bring thousands to my certain destruction. And, indeed, reMgion took their part so much as to convince me how contrary it was to my duty, to be guilty of shedding human blood, innocent blood, innocent ROBINSON CRUSOE. 77 as to me in particular, whatever they are to one another; that I had nothing to do with it, but leave it to the God of all power and dominion, as I said before, to do therein what seemed convenient to his heavenly wisdom. And, therefore, on my knees, I thanked the Almighty for deliver- ing me from bloody guiltiness, and begged his protection that I might never fall into their hands. Thus giving over an attempt which I had rashly begun, I never ascended the hill on that occasion afterward; I only removed my boat, which lay on the other side of the island, and every thing that belonged to her, towards the east, into a little cove, that there might not be the least shadow of any boat near, or habitation upon the island. My castle then became my cell, keeping always retired in it, except when I went out to milk my she-goats, or my little flock in the wood, which was quite out of danger: for sure I was, that these savages never came here with ex- pectation to find any thing, and consequently never wan- dered from the coast; however, as they might have several times been on shore, as well before as after my dreadful apprehensions, I looked back with horror to think in what state I might have been, had I suddenly met them, slen- derly armed, with one gun only loaded with small shot; and how great would have been my amazement, if, instead of seeing the print of one man's foot, I had perceived fifteen or twenty savages, who, having once set their eyes upon me, by the swiftness of their feet, would have left me no possibility of escaping? These thoughts would sink and<•had a kind o£gravel upon it; no nau- seous venomous creatures to be seen here, neither any damp or wet about it. I could find no fault but in the ROBINSON CRUSOE. 79 entrance, and I began to think, that even this might be very necessary for my defence, and therefore resolved to make it my principal magazine* I brought hither two fowling pieces and three muskets, leaving only five pieces at my castle, planted in the nature of cannon. In a barrel of gun- powder, which I took out of the sea, I brought away about sixty pounds of good powder, which was not damaged; and this, with a great quantity of lead for bullets, I removed from my castle to this retreat, now fortified both by art and nature. I fancied myself now like one of the giants of old, who were said to live in caves and holes among the rocks, inac- cessible to any but themselves, or, at least, most dangerous to attempt. And now I defied both the cunning and strength of the savages, either to find me out or to hurt me, I think I was now in the twenty-third year of my reign, and my thoughts much easier than formely, having con- trived several pretty amusements, and diversions to pass away the time in a pleasant manner. By this time my pretty Poll had learned to" speak English, and pronounce his words very articulately and plain; so that for many hours we used to chat together after a very familiar manner, and he lived no less than twenty-six years. My dog, which was nineteen years old, sixteen of which he lived with me, died some time ago, of mere old age. As for my cats, they multiplied so fast, that I was forced to kill or drive them into the woods, except two or three which became my particular favorites. Besides these, I continually kept two or three household kids about me, which I taught to feed out of my hand, and two more parrots which could talk indifferently, and call Robinson Crusoe, but not so excellently as the, first, by my not taking so mueh pains with them. I had also several sea fowls which I had 80 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP wounded and cut their wings; and growing tame they used to breed among the low trees about my castle walls, all of which made my abode very agreeable. But what unforeseen events suddenly destroy the enjoy- ments of this uncertain state of life, when we least expect them! It was now the month of December, and the particu- lar time in my harvest, which required my attendance in the fields; when going out pretty early in the morning, be- fore it was day-light, there appeared to me from the sea- shore, a flaming light, about two miles from me at the east end of the island, where I had observed some savages had been before, not on the other side, but to my great affliction it was on my side of the island. Struck with a terrible surprise, and my usual apprehen- sions, that the savages would perceive my improvements, I returned directly to my castle, pulled the ladder after me, making all things look as wild and natural as I possibly could. In the next place, I put myself in a posture of de- fence, loaded my muskets and pistols, and committing my- self to God's protection, I resolved to defend myself till my last breath. Two hours after, impatient for intelligence, I set my ladder up to the side of the hill, where there was a flat place, and then pulling the ladder after me, ascended to the top, where laying myself on my belly, with my per- spective glass I perceived no less than nine naked savages, sitting round a small fire, eating as I supposed, human flesh, with their two canoes hauled on shore, waiting for the flood to carry them off again. The consternation I was in at this sight, especially seeing them near me, was very great; but when I perceived their coming must be always with the current of the ebb, I became more easy in my thoughts, being fully convinced, that I might go abroad with security all the time of flood, if they were not before landed. And, ROBINSON CRUSOE. 81 indeed, this proved just as I imagined; for no sooner did they all take boat and paddle away, but the tide made north- west. When I saw them gone, I took two guns upon my shoulders, and placing a couple of pistols in my belt, with my great sword hanging by my side, I went to the hill, where at first I made a discovery of these cannibals, and then saw there had been three canoes more of the savages on shore at that place, which with the r^st, were making over to the main land. But nothing could be more horrid to me, when going to the place of sacrifice, the blood, the bones, and other man- gled parts of human bodies appeared in my sight; and so fired was I with indignation, thaj; I was fully resolved to be revenged on the first that came there, though I lost my life in the execution. It then appeared to me, that the visits which they made to this island are not very frequent, it being fifteen months before they came again: but still I was very uneasy, by reason of the dismal apprehensions of their surprising me unawares; nor dared I offer to fire a gun on that side of the island where they used to appear, lest, taking the alarm, they might return with many hundred canoes, and then God only knows in what manner I should have made my end. Thus was I a year or more before I saw any of these devouring cannibals again. But to wave this, the following accident, which demands attention, for a while, eluded the force of my thoughts in revenging myself on those heathens. On the 16th of NMay (acording to my wooden calendar,) the wind blew exceedingly hard, accompanied with abun- dance of thunder and lightning all day, and succeeded by a very stormy night. The seeming anger of the heavens made me have recourse to my Bible. Whilst 1 was*serious- ly pondering upon it, I was suddenly alarmed with the noise 83 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF of a gun, which I conjectured was fired, upon the oeean. Such an unusual surprise made me start up in a minute; when, with my ladder, ascending the mountain as before, that very moment a flash of fire presaged the report of another gun, which I presently heard, and found it was from the part of the sea where the current drove me away, I could not but then think, that this must be a ship in dis- tress, and that these were the melancholy signals for a speedy deliverance. Great, indeed, was my sorrow upon this occasion; but my labors to assist them must have proved altogether vain and fruitless. However, f brought together all the .dry wood that was at hand, and making a pretty large pile, set it on fire on the hill. I was certain they plainly perceived it, by their firing another gun as soon as it began:to blaze, and after thattseveral more from the s^roe quarter. All night long I kept up my fire; and when the air cleared up, I perceived something a great way at sea,, directly easi,, but could not distinguish what it was., even with my glass, the weather being so very foggy out at sea. .However, keeping my eyes directly fixed upon it, and perceiving it did not stir, I p/esently concluded it must be a shjp at anchor, and so very hasty was §atisried, that, taking my gun, I went to t,he south-west part of the island, to* the same rocks .where I had been formerly driven -away ,by the current; in which time, the weather being perfectly Reared up, to my great sorrow, I perceived the wreck of a ship cast away upon those hidden pocks I had found when I was out with my boat; and which, by making a kind of an eddy, were the occasion of my preservation. When I considered seriously every thing concerning this fvreckj^Bd could perceiye no room to suppose any of* t$ena aaved, I cannot explain^ by any possible force of wpj^ds, what iQngiigs my soul on this occasion, ofteo breaking ROBINSON CRUSOE. 83 out in this manner. Oh! that there had been but two or three, nay, even one person saved, that we might have lived together, conversed with, and comforted one another! and so much were my desires moved, that when I repeated these words,cl oh! that there had been but one !" my hands would so clench together, and my fingers press the palms of my hands so close, that, had any soft thing been be- tween, they would have crushed it, while my teeth would strike together, and set against each other so strong, that it required some time for me to part them. Till the last year of my being on this island, I never knew whether or not any had been saved out of this ship. I had the affliction, some time after, to see the corpse of a drowned boy come on shore, at the end of the island which was next the shipwreck; there was nothing on. him but a seaman's waistcoat, a pair of open-kneed linen drawers, and a blue linen shirt, but no particular mark to guess what nation he was of. In his pocket were two pieces of eight, and a tobacco pipe, the last of which I prefered much more than I did the first. And now the calmness of the sea tempted me to venture out in my boat to this wreck, not only to get something necessary out of the ship, but perhaps, some living creature might be on board, whose life I might preserve. This had such an influence upon my mind, that immediately I went home, and prepared every thing necessary for the voyage, carrying on board my boat, provisions of all sorts, with a good quantity of rum, fresh water, and a compass: so putting off, I paddled the canoe along the shore, till I came to the northeast part of the island, from whence I was to launch into the ocean; but here the current ran so violently, and appeared so terrible, that my heart began to fail me; foreseeing, that if I was driven into any of these currents, I might be carried 84 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP not only out of the reach or sight of the island, but even inevitably lost in the boiling surges of the ocean. So oppressed was I at these troubles, that I gave over my enterprize, sailing to a little creek on the shore* where, stepping out, I sat me down on a rising hill, very pensive and thoughtful. I then perceived that the tide was turned, and the flood come on, which made it impracticable for me to go out for so many hours. That night, I reposed myself in my canoe, covered with my watch-coat instead of a blanket, the heavens being my tester. I set out with the first of the tide full north, till I felt the benefit of the current, which carried me at a great rate eastward, yet not with such impetuosity as before, as to take* from me all government of my canoe: so that in two hours I came up to the wreck, which appeared to me a most melancholy sight. It seemed to be a Spanish vessel by its building, stuck fast between two rocks; her stern and quar- ters beaten to pieces by the sea; her main-mast and fore- mast were brought off by the board; that is, broken short off. As I approached nearer, I perceived a dog on board, who, seeing me coming, yelped and cried: and no sooner did I call him, but the poor creature jumped into the sea, out of which I took him up almost famished with hunger and thirst: so that when 1 gave him a cake of bread, no ravenous wolf could devour it more greedily; and he drank to that degree of fresh water, that he would have burst him- self had I suffered him. The first sight I met with in the ship, were two men drowned in the cock-room, or forecastle, enclosed in one another's arms: hence I very probably suppoBed, that when the vessel struck in the storm, so high anil incessantly o*id the waters break in and oyer her, that the men not 6#ing ahle to bear it, were strangled by the constant rushing W MEDITATES HIS ESCAPE FROM THE ISLAND — BUILDS A CANOE — FAIL- URE OF HIS' SCHEME — RESIGNATION TO HIS CONDITION—MAKES HIMSELF A NEW DRESS — VISITS A WRECK AND OBTAINS MANY* STORES FROM IT — RESCUES A CAPTIVE FROM THE SAVAGES* WHOM HE NAMES "FRIDAY," AND MAKES HIS SERVANT. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 85 the waves. There were several casks of liquor, whethei wine or brandy I could not be positive, which lay in the lower hold; as were plainly perceptible by the ebbing out of the water, yet were two large for me to pretend to meddle with: likewise I perceived several chests, which I supposed belonged to the seamen, two of which I got into my boat, without examining what was in them. What became of the sailors I could not certainly tell; and all her riches sig- nified nothing at that time to any body. Searching farther, I found a cask, containing about twenty gallons full of liquor, which with some labor I got into my boat; in the cabin were several muskets, which I let remain there; but took away with me a great powder horn, with about four pounds of powder in it. I took also a fire- shovel and tongs, with two brass kettles, a copper pot to make chocolate, and a grid-iron; all which were extremely necessary tome, especially the fire-shovel and tongs. And so with this cargo, accompanied by my dog, I came away, tne tide serving for that purpose: and the same evening, about an hour within night, I attained the island, after th* greatest toil and fatigue imaginable. That night I reposed my weary limbs in the boat, resolv ing the next morning to harbor what I had gotten, in my new found under-ground grotto; and not carry my cargo home to my ancient castle. Having refreshed myself, and got all my effects on shore, I next proceeded to examine the particulars; and so tapping the cask, I found theliquoi* to be a kind of rum, but not like what we had at the Bra- zils, nor indeed near so good. At the opening of the chest, several things appeared very useful to me; for in- stance, I found in one, a very fine case of bottles, contain- ing the finest and best sort of cordial waters; each bottle *eld about three pints, curiously tipt with silver. I found 86 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP also two pots full of the choicest sweetmeats, and two more which the water had utterly spoiled. There were likewise several good shirts, exceedingly welcome to me, and about one dozen and a half of white linen handkerchiefs, and colored neckcloths, the former of which were absolutely necessary for wiping my face in a hot day; and in the till, X found thr^ee bags of money, in one of which, decently wrapt up in a piece of paper, were six doubloons of gold, and some small bars and wedges of the same metal, which I believe might weigh near a pound. In the other chest, I only found some clothes of very little value, and about two .pounds of fine glazed powder, in three flasks, kept as I believe, for charging their fowling pieces on any occasion, so that, on the whole, I made very little of this voyage. The money was indeed as mere dirt to me, useless and unprofitable, all which I would have freely parted with, for two or three pair of English shoes and stockings, things that for many years I had not worn, except those which I had lately taken off the feet of the unfortunate men I found •drowned in the wreck, yet not so good as English shoes either for ease or service. I found no gold in the second chest; so concluded that what I took from the first belong- €id to an officer^ the latter appearing to have a much infe- rior person for its owner. Hpwever, as despicable as the money seemed, I likewise lugged it to my cave, laying it tip securely, as I did the rest of my cargo, and intending fo seek out, and return it to the family of the unfortunate owner, if ever I should return to Europe; and after I had done all this* I returned back to my boat, rowing or pad- dling her akwjg till I c^rne to my old harbor, where I carefully laid her up, and so ma^e the best of my way to tRf castle. When I arrived there^, every thing seemed safe arid quiet; so that now, my only business wa#tia* repose fiofcm^oN crusoe. 87 myself aftermy wonted manner, and take care of my domestic affairs. But though I might have lived very easy, as" wanting for nothing absolutely needful; yet still I was more vigilant'than-usual, upon account of the savages, never going much abroad; or if I did, it was to the east part of the island, where-1 was well assured that the sav- ages never came, and where I might not be troubled to carry such a heavy load of weapons for my defence, as I waig obliged to do if I went the other way. Two years did I live in this anxious condition, in all which time, contrary to my former resolutions, my head Was filled with nothing but projects and designs how I might escape from this island; and so much were my wandering thoughts befit upon a rambling disposition,, that had I had the same boat that I went from Salee in, I should have ventured once more to the uncertainty, of the raging ocean. Haying retired to my castle, after my late voyage to the ship, my frigate laid up and secured, as usual, arid my condition the same as before, except being richer, though I ii&das little occasion for riches as the Indians of Peru had foir gold, Before the cruel Spaniards came among them; orie night in"'March, being the rainy season, in the four antl twentieth year of my solitude, I lay down vto sleep, Very well in health, without distemper, pain; or uncommon uneasiness either1 of body or mind; yet notwithstanding, I could noteornpose myself to sleep all the night long. All this tedious while, it is impossible to express what innumer- able thoughts came into my head. I traced quite ctver, t&e %hcile history of my life ra miniature, from my inmost remembrance of things till I came to this island y mad |hen proceeded to examine every action and parage that had occurred since I Itad taken ^ogseeskm of my kingdom. In 88 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF my reflections upon the latter, I was comparing the happy posture of my affairs in the beginning of my reign, to this life of anxiety, fear, and concern, since I had discovered the print of a foot in the sand; that while I continued without apprehension, I was incapable of feeling the dread and terror I now suffered. How thankful rather ought I to have been for the knowledge of my danger, since the greatest happiness a man can be possessed of is to have sufficient time to provide against it? How stupendous is the goodness of Providence, which set such narrow bounds to the sight and knowledge of human nature, that while men walk in the midst of so many dangers, they are kept serene and calm, by having the events of things hid from their eyes, and knowing nothing of those many dangers that surround them, till perhaps they are dissipated and vanished away. About a year and a half after, one morning early, I was very much surprised by seeing no less than five canoes all on shore together, on my side of the island, and the savages that belonged to them all landed, and out of my sight. Upon which, much dispirited and perplexed, I lay still in my castle; which, however, I put in a proper posture for an attack; and having formerly provided all that was necessary, was soon ready to enter upon an engagement, should they attempt it. Having waited for some time, my impatient temper would let me bear it no longer; I set my guns at the foot of my ladder, and, as usual, ascended up to the top of the hill at two stages, standing, however, in such a manner, that my head did not appear above the hill, so that they could not easily perceive me: and here, by the assistance of my perspec- tive glass, I observed no less than thirty in number around a fire, feasting upon what meat they had dressed: how they ftOSlNSON CRtfSOfc. 80 looked it, or what it was, I could not then perfectly tell; but they were all dancing and capering about the flames, using many frightful and barbarous gestures.- But while, with a curious eyet 1 wis beholding these Wretches, my spirit sunk within1 me, when I perceived them drag two miserable creatures from the boats, to act afresh the dreadful tragedy, as I supposed they had doae before. It was not long before one of them fell upon the ground, knocked down as I suppose, with a club or wooden sword, for that was their manner *f while tw# or three others went immediately to work, cutting Mm open for their cookery, and then fell to devour him as they had done the former: while the last unhappy captive was left by himself, till such time as they were ready for him. The poor creature looked round him with a sorrowful eye, trembling at the thoughts of death; yet seeing himself a little at liberty, nature, that very moment, as it were, inspired him with hopes of life: he started away from them, and ran, with in- credible swiftness, along the sands, directly to that past of the coast where my ancient and venerable castle stood. You may well imagine I was dreadfutty affrighted upon this occasion, when as I thought, they pursued him in a whole body, all running towards my palace. And bow, indeed, I expected that he would certainly fly to my grove for protection. However, my spirits beginning to recover, I still kept upon my guard; and I now plainly perceived, there were but three men out of the number fehat pursued him. I was infinitely pleased at the swiftness with which the poor creature ran from his pursuers, gaining so much ground upon them, that I plainly perceived, coald he thus hold it out for half an hour, there was not the. least-doubt hut he would save his life from the power of his enemies. Between them and my castle, there was a creek, tho 90 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF rery same which I sailed into with all my effects from the wreck of the ship, on the steep banks of which, I very much feared the poor victim would be taken, if he could not swim for his escape: but soon was I out of pain for him, wh^n I perceived he made nothing of it, though at full tide, but with an intrepid courage, spurred on by the sense of danger, he plunged into the flood, swimming over in about thirty strokes, and then landing, ran with the same incredible strength and swiftness as before. When the three pursuers came to the creek, two of them, who I per- ceived could not swim, happily for themselves, returned to their company, while the other, with an equal courage but much less swiftness attained the other side, as though he was resolved pever to give over the pursuit. And now or never, I thought, was the time for me to procure me a servant, companion, or assistant, and that I was decreed by Providence to be the instrument to save this poor creature's life. I immediately descended my two ladders with the greatest expedition; I took up my two guns, which, I said before, were at the bottom of them; and •getting up again with the same haste towards the hill, I made nearer the sea. In a word, taking a short cut down the hill, I interposed between the pursuer and pursued, hal- looing aloud to the latter, who venturing to look back, was no doubt, as much terrified at me as at the enemy from whom he fled. I beckoned to him, with my hand, to return back, and, in the meantime, advanced towards the pursuer. I was very unwilling to fire lest the rest should hear, though, at that distance^ I questioned whether they could or no; and being out of sight of the smoke, they could not easily have known what to make of it. The savage stopped as if he had been amazed; when, advancing towards him, I eould perceive him take his bow from his back, andf ROBINSON CRUSOE. 91 after fixing an arrow to it, preparing to shoot at me, and, without dispute, he might have lodged it in my breast; but in this absolutely necessary case of self-preservation, I immediately fired, and shot him dead, just as his hand was going to draw the fatal string. All this while, the savage, who had fled before, stood still, and had the satisfaction to see his enemy killed, as he thought, who designed to take away his life; so affrighted was he with the fire and noise of my piece, that he stood as it were like Lot's wife, fixed and immovable without either sense or motion. This dbliged me to halloo to him again, making the plainest signs I could to him to draw nearer. I perceived he under- stood these tokens, by his approaching to me a little way, when; as if afraid I should kill him too, he stopped again. Several times did he advance, and as often stop in this manner, till, coming more to my view, I perceived him trembling, as if he was to undergo the same fate. Upon which I looked upon him with a smiling countenance, and still beckoning to him; at length he came close to me, and kneeled down, kissed the ground, laid his head upon it, and taking me by the foot, set it upon his head; which, as I understood afterwards, was a token of swearing to be my slave for ever. I took him up, and making much of him, encouraged him in the best manner I could. The greatest astonishment that my new servant conceived, was at the manner of killing the savage at such a distance, without a bow and arrow; and such was his longing desire to know it, that he first pointed to the dead carcass, and then made signs to me to grant him leave to go to it. Upon which 1 bid him go, and, as well as I could, made him sensible IE jgrantedliis request. „ But when he came there how wonder- fully iras he struck with amazement! First, he turned it on and dancing as if he had been mad; and upon my demand- ing the reason of his behavior, "O joy," said he, "() glad! there see my country, there my nation, there white mans gether." And indeed such a rapturous sense of pleasure appeared in his countenance, that his eyes tiMd an uncommon sparkling and brightness, and such a strange eagerness, as if he had a longing desire to be in his own country again. This made me not so well satisfied with my ROBINSON CRUSOE. 107 man Friday as before; for by this appearance, I made no dispute, but that if he could get back thither again, he would not only be unmindful of what religion I had taught him, but likewise of the great obligation he owed me for his wonderful deliverance; nay, that he would not only in- form his countrymen of me, but accompany hundreds of them to my kingdom, and make me a miserable sacrifice, like those unhappy wretches taken in battle. Indeed I was very much to blame to have these cruel, and unjust suspicions, and must freely own I wronged the poor creature very much, who was of a quite contrary tem- per. And had he had that discerning accuteness which many Europeans have, he would certainly have perceived my coldness and indifference, and also have been very much concerned upon that account. As we were walking up the same hill another day, when the weather was so hazy at sea, that I could not perceive the continent, Friday, said I, don't you wish yourself to be in youi own country, your own nation, among your old friends and acquaintances? "Yes," said he, " me much O glad to be at my own nation." And what would you do there, Friday? Would you turn wild again, eat man's flesh, and be a savage as you were formerly? "No? no," (an- swered he, full of concern, and shaking his head,) ll Friday now tell them to live good, tell them pray God, tell them to eat corn, bread, cattle, flesh, milk, no eat man again." But surely, replied I, if you should offer to do all this, they will kill you; and to manifest their contempt of such in- struction, eat you up when they have done. He then put on a grave, yet innocent and smooth countenance, saying, "No, they no kill me, they willing love learn:" that is, that they would be very willing, to learn: adding withal, "that tneyiiad learned very much of the bearded mans 10fc LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF that came in the boat." Will you, said I, go back again, Friday? He smiled at that, and told me, that he could not swim so far. But, saM I, I will make a canoe for you: "Yes, master,*' said he, ls me go if you go, me no go if you stay." I go, Friday! why would you have them eat me up, and devour your kind master? *' No, no," said he, '" me make them no eat master, and me make them much love you; " that is, he would tell them how I had slain his enemies, and thereby saved his life, for which reason he would make them love me: and then he related to me, as well as he was able, how exceeding kind those of his na- tion were to the white, or bearded men, as he calleo" them, who in their great calamity, were driven into their country. It was from this time, indeed, I had strong inclinations to venture over, and use my utmost efforts, if possible, to join with these white bearded men, who undoubtedly were Spaniards or Portuguese; for, thought I, it must be cer- tainly a better and safer way, to escape when there is a good company, than for me alone, from an island forty miles off the shore, and without any assistance. Some days after, Friday and I being at work, as usual, at the same time di- verting oursejves with various discourses, I told him I had a boat which I would bestow upon him, whenever he pleas- ed to return to his own nation: and to convince him of the truth* of what I said, I took him with me to the other side of the island j where my frigate lay, and then taking it from under water, (for I always kept it sunk for fear of a dis- covery,) we both went into it to see how it would manage such an expedition. And really never could any be more dexterous in rowing tnan my faithful servant, making the boat go as fast again tits I eouta*. Well, now, Friday, said I, shall we now goto your much desired nation? But, instead of meeting with ROBINSON CRUSOE* 109 that cheerfulness I expected, he looked very dull and mel- ancholy at my saying so; which indeed at first surprised me, till he made me sensible, that his concern was about the boat's being too small to go so far a voyage. Upon which, I let him understand I had a much bigger; and ao cordingly, the next day, went to the place, where the first boat lav, \v**ich I had made^ when all the strength I had, or art 1 could use, failed me in my attempt to get it into the water: but now it having lain in the sun two and twenty years, and no care being taken of it all that while, it be- came in a manner rotten. My man told me, that such a boat would do very well for the purpose, sufficient to carry *' enough vittle, dring, bread," for that was his manner of talking. In short, my mind being strongly fixed, upon my design of going over with him to the continent, I very plainly told him, that we would both go and make a boat full as big, and more proportionable than that, wherein he might safely return to his own nation. Go your way, since you desire it, and leave me alone by myself, as I was before I saved your life. Never was any creature more thunderstruck than Friday was at these words, "Go me away, leave master away," said he, after a long silence, "No, no, Friday die, Friday live not master gone; " as though he had said, I neither can nor will live, if my master sends me from him. Friday felt towards me the greatest gratitude, and the most sincere love; he found me not only his deliverer, but his preserver and comforter; not a severe and cruel tyrant, but a ki»4> loving, and affable friend. He wanteU for bo manner of sustenance; and whenhe was jll, or out .of-order, I was his physician, not onfy for his body, but his soul; and therefore no wonder was it, that such an innocentcreatujie, long since divested of his former natural cruelty, should I'10 LIFE AN1> AD VENTURES OF have an uncommon concern at so cruel a separation from me, which pierced him to the very soul, and made him de- sire even to die, rather than live without me. After I had told Friday, in a very careless manner, that he should be at his liberty as soon as the boat was made, the language of his eyes expressed all imaginable confusion; when, immediately running to one of his hatchets, which he used to wear as a defensive weapon, he gives it into my hand, with a heart so full, that he could scarcely speak. Friday, said I, what is it you mean? What must I do with this? "Only kill Friday," said he, " Friday care not live long." But what must I kill you for? replied I again. "Ah, dear master; what made you Friday save from eat a me up, so keep long Friday, make Friday love God, and now Friday send away, never see Friday more." And while he spoke thus, the tears ran down his cheeks in such a plentiful manner, that I had milch ado to refrain from weeping also when I beheld the poor creature's affection: so that I was forced to comfort him in the best manner I could, which I did, by telling him, if he Was content ta abide with me, I should be ever willing to keep him. After Friday's grief was somewhat abated, more fully to convince tne of his affection, he said, " O master, me not care to be in my nation, leave you here, me desire nation learn good, that's all:" meaning, that his desire was for the conversion of that barbarous people: and that he wished me to go with him. And indeed, I began to desire to go afeo, from my late discourse with Friday, about these seven- teen white bearded*rilen, that had been driven upon the bar- barian coast; whom I deigned to^oin, as the only means to further our escape. To which intent, my man arid I went to search for a proper tree to fell, whereof we might inaks a perigua or canoe, to undejrtake the voyage; and. ROBINSON AND FRIDAY BUILD A CANOE TO CARRY THEM TO FRIDAY'S COUNTRY—THEIR SCHEME PREVENTED BY TFE ARRIVAL OF A PARTY OF SAVAGES—ARRIVAL OF AN ENGLISH VESSEL. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 11 indeed, we were not long in finding one fit for our purpose, there being enough of wood in the island to have built a fleet of large vessels, but the thing we principally wanted, was, to get one so near the water, that we might launch it after it was finished, and not commit so horrid a mistake as I had done once before. Well, after a great search for what was best and most convenient, Friday, at last, whose judgment in such affairs was much superior to mine, pitches upon a kind of wood the most fitting for it. But though my man exceeded me in the knowledge of the most proper tree, yet I showed him a much better and cleaner way to make a canoe than ever he knew before; for he was for burning the hollow or cavity of the tree, in order to make this boat; but I then told him how we might do with tools, teaching him at the same time how to use them, which indeed he did very dexterously; so that in a month's time we finished it, making it very handsome, by cutting the outside in the true shape of a boat. After this, it took us a full fortnight before we could get her into the water, which we did, as it were, inch by inch, upon great rollers* but when she was in, she would have carried twenty men,' with all the ease imaginable. As I was very weH pleased, you may be sure, at the launching of this man of war of mine, I was no less amazed to behold with what dexterity my man could manage her, turn her, and paddle her along. Weil, Friday, said I, what do you think of it now? Do you think this will carry us over? "Yes, master," said he, "we venture over well, though great blow wind." But my design wa$ yet farther, which he was insensible of; and that to make a mast and a sail, and provide her with an anchor and cable. As to a mast, that was no difficult thing at all to prdeilre: so fixing upon a straight young cedar tree, which f&uiMf 112 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF wear the place, (great plenty of it abounding in the island,) and setting Friday to c.qt, it down, I gave him particular directions how to shape and order it; but as to the sail, jthat I managed myself. I very well knew I had some old ones, or pieces of sails enough, which had lain six and twenty years by me; but not being careful to preserve Jthem, as thinking I should have no occasion to use them Any more, when I came to look over them, I found them almost all rotten, except two; and with these I went to work, and after a great deal of pains and awkward tedious stitching for want of needles, at length I finished a three- cornered ugly thing like that we call in England, a shoulder pf mutton sail, to go with a boom at the bottom, and a small sprit at the top, like those which our long-boats use, and which I very well knew how to manage, especially since it was like that which I hail in my patron's fishing-boat, when with my boy Xury9 I made my escape from the barbarian shor^e. It was nearly two months, I think, before I completed this irork, that i$, the rigging, and fitting up my mast and sails: and indeed theT were nicely done, having made a small stay, and a sail, or foresail to it, to assist, if we should turn to the windward; and, which was still more, I fixed a rodder to the stern of her, to steer with; and though I was but a very indifferent ship-wright, yet, as I w;as sensible of the great usefulness and absolute necessity q£ a thing like this, I applied myself to it with such a con- stant application, that at last I accomplished my design; but what with the many dull contrivances I had about, it, aii^ the failure of many things, it cost me as much, pains in ordering as in making the boat. Besides, when all this w^ $one, I had ray jeoan to £each what belonged to its aavigation, for though he very well understood bow to ROBINSON CRUSOE. 113 paddle a canoe alone, he was an utter stranger to a sail and a rudder, and was amazed when he saw me work the boat to and again in the sea, by them, and how the sail jibbed and filled this way or that way, as the course we sailed changed. After some time, and a.little use, I made all these things very familiar to him, so that he became an expert sailor, except in relation to the compass, and that I could make him understand but little of. But as it hap- pened, there was seldom occasion for it, there being but little cloudy weather, and scarcely any fog in those parts; the stars were always visible in the night, and the shore by day, except in the rainy season, which confined every one to his habitation. Thus entered into the seven and twentieth year of my reign or captivity, which you please, (the last three of which, blessed with the company of my man Friday, ought not to be reckoned,) I kept the anni- versary of my landing here with the same thankfulness to God for his tender mercies, as I did before; and certainly as I had great cause for thankful acknowledgment for my deliverance at first, I had much greater now for such sin- gular and additional testimonies of the care of Providence over me, in all my distresses of both body and mind, and the great hopes I had of being effectually and speedily delivered; for I had a strong impression upon my mind, that I should not be another year in this island. But, however, I still continued on with my husbandry, digging, planting, and fencing as usual: gathering and curing my grapes, and doing all other things that were necessary. And now the rainy season beginning to come on, obliged me to keep the longer within doors; but before this, I brought my new vessel into the creek, where I had landed my rafts, from the ship; so we waited for the months of November and December, in which I designed to venture over the ocean. 8 114 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF No sooner did the seasonable weather begin to draw near, but so much was I elevated with this new designed adventure, that I daily prepared for the voyage. The first thing that I thought on was, to lay by a certain quantity of provisions, as a sufficient store for su-h an expedition, intending in a week or a fortnight's time to open the dock, and launch out the boat for that purpose. But one morn- ing, as I was very busy upon something necessary for this occasion, I called Friday to me, and bid him go to the seashore, and see if he could find a turtle or tortoise, a thing which we commonly had once a week, as much upon account of the eggs, as for the sake of the flesh. He had not been long gone, but he came running back, as though he was pursued for life, and as it were flew over my outer wall, or fence, like one that felt not the ground, or steps he set his feet on: before I had time to inquire the reason of his precipitation, he cries out, "O dear master, O sorrow! sorrow! Bad! O bad!" Why, what 's the matter, Fri- day? said I. "O yonder, yonder," said he, "there be one, two, three canoes! two, three." Surely (thought I,) there must be six, by my man's way of reckoning; but on a stricter inquiry, I found there were but three. Well, Friday, said I, don 't be terrified. I warrant you we will defend ourselves against them.—But though I comforted him in the best manner I could, the poor creature trembled so, that I scarcely knew what to do with him: "O, master," said he, "they come look Friday, cut pieces Friday, cut a me up." Why, Friday, said I, they will eat me up as well as you, find my danger is as great as your's. But since it is so, we mmt resolve to fight for our lives. What say you? Can you fight Friday? "Yes," said he very faintly, "me ahosoi, me kill what I can, but there come g*eal many ROBINSON CRUSOE. 115 number." That's no matter, said I again, our guns will terrify those that we do not kill; I am very willing to stand by you to the last drop of my blood. Now, tell me, if you will do the like by me, and obey my orders in whatsoever I command? Friday then an- swered, "O master, me lose life for you, me die when you bid die." Thus concluding all questions concerning his fidelity, I ordered him to take the two fowling pieces, which we always carried, and load them with large swan- shot, as big as small pistol bullets; then I took four mus- kets and loaded them with two slugs, and five small bullets each; charging my two pistols each with a brace, I hung my great sword, as customary, naked to my side, and gave Friday his hatchet, as a most excellent weapon for defence. Thus prepared, I took my perspective glass, and went up to the side of the hill, to see what I could discover; and I perceived very soon, by my glass, that there were one and twenty savages, three prisoners, and three canoes, and their chief concern seemed to be the triumphant banquet upon three poor human bodies, a thing which by this time I had observed was very common with them. Upon which I called to Friday; and showing him a great tree, that was just at the corner of the wood, near which they were, I ordered him to repair thither, and bring me word, if he could plainly perceive their actions; accordingly he did as I commanded him, and came back with this melancholy story, that they were all about their fire, eating the flesh of one of their prisoners; and that another lay bound upon the sand, a little distance from them, whom they designed for their next sacrifice; and this he told me, was not one of their nation, but one of those very bearded men, who was driven by a storm into their country, and whom he had «© often spoken to me about. You may be suret that. 116 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF upon hearing this, my soul was ready to sink within me; when ascending up into a tree, I saw plainly, by my glass, a white man, who lay upon the beach of the sea, with his hands tied with flags or things resembling rushes, being covered with clothes, and seeming to be an European. From the tree where I took this prospect, I perceived an- other tree, and a thicket beyond it, about fifty yards nearer to them than where I was, which by taking a small circle round, I might come at undiscovered, and then 1 should be within half a shot of these devourers. I therefore got behind some bushes, which held all the way till I came to the other tree; and then I ascended to a little rising ground, not above eighteen yards distance, and there I had a full view of these creatures, and could perceive all their actions. Such a sight did then appear, as obliged me not to lose a moment's time. No less than nineteen of these dread- ful wretches sat upon the ground, close huddled together, expressing all the delight imaginable at so barbarous an entertainment; and they had just sent the other two to murder this poor unhappy Christian, and bring him limb by limb to their fire; for they were then just going to untie the bands from his feet Hereupon, immediately turning to my man, Now, Friday, said I, mind what I say, fail in nothing, but do exactly as you see me do. All which he promising to perform, I set down one of my mus- kets, and the fowling-piece upon the ground, and Friday did the same by his; and with the other musket I took my aim at the savages, bidding him to do the like; are you ready, said I; ^ Yes, master," said he; why then fire at them, said I; and at that very moment I gave fire likewise. I only killed one and wounded two; but my man Friday, taking his aim much better than I, killed two, and wounded KOBINSON CRUSOE. fft tliree. You may be sure they were in a dreadful con- sternatiori, at such an unexpected disaster; arid those who: had yet escaped our penetrating shot, immediately jirfnried upon their feet, but were in such a confusion, that they knew not which way to run or look; not knowing from whence their destruction came. We threw d^vPn our pieces, and took up others, giving a second dreadful vol- ley; hut as they were only loaded with swan-shot or small pistol bullets, we perceived only two of them fall, though many were wounded, who ran yelling and screaming about like mad creatures. Now, Friday, said I, lay down your piece, and take up the musket, and follow me. He did so with great courage, when showing ourselves to the sav- ages, we gave a great shout, and made directly to the poor victim, who would have been sacrificed, had not our first fire obliged the butchers, with three others, to jump into a canoe. By my order, Friday fired at them, at which shot I thought he had killed them all, by reason of their falling to the bottom of the boat; however he killed two, and mortally wounded a third. In, the meantime I cut the flags that tied the hands and feet of the poof creature, and lifting him up, asked him in the Portuguese tongue, What he was? he answered me in Latin, "Christianus* * but so very weak and faint, that he could scarcely stand or speak. And I next asked him, what countryman he was? He said "Espaniola," and then uttered all the thankful- ness imaginable for his deliverance. Signior, (said I, with as much Spanish as I was master of,) let us talk afterwards but fight now; here, take this sword and pistol, and, do what you can. And indeed he did s6 with such courage and intrepidity, that he cut two of them to pieces in an instant. I ordered Friday to run for the guns we had left at the tree, which he brought to me with great swiftiitsi, aad 11? LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP then I gave him my musket, while I loaded the rest. But now there happened a fierce encounter hetween the Span- iard and one of the savages, who made at him with one of their wooden swords; and though the former was as brave as could be expected, having twice wounded his enemy in the head; yet being weak and faint, the Indian had thrown him upon the ground, and was wresting my sword out of Ms hand, which the Spaniard very wisely quitting, drew out his pistol, and shot him through the body before I could come near him, though I was running to his assistance. As to Friday, he pursued the flying wretches with his hatchet, dispatching three, but the rest were too nimble for him. The Spaniard taking one of the fowling pieces, wounded two, who running into the wood, Friday pursued and killed; but the other, notwithstanding his wounds, plunged himself into the sea, and swam to those who were left in the canoe, which with one wounded, were all that escaped put of one and twenty. The savages in the canoe worked very hard to get out of our reach, and Friday was as eager in pursuing them: ami* indeed, I was no less anxious about their escape, lest after the news had been carried to their people, they should return in multitudes, and destroy us. So being re- solved topursue them, I jumped into one of their canoes, and t)id Friday follow me; but no sooner was I in, than, to my surprise^ 1 found another poor creature, bound hand and foot for the slaughter, just as the Spaniard had been, with very little life in him. Immediately I unbound him, and wojul*) have helped him up; but he could neither stand nor speak, but groaned so piteously, as thinking he was un- bound in order to be slain. Hereupon I bid Friday speak to hioi, and tell him of his deliverance; when pulling out Slj bottlg, I made the poor wretch drink a little, which, ROBINION CRUSOE. Iff! with the joyful news he had received, so revived his heart, that he sat up in the boat. As soon as Friday began to hear him speak, and look more fully in his face, it would have moved any one to tears to perceive his uncommon transports of joy; for he kissed, embraced him, hugged him, cried, laughed, hallooed, jumped about, danced, sung, then cried again, wrung his hands, beat his face and head, then sung and jumped about again, like a distracted crea- ture: so that it was a great while before I could make him speak to me, or tell me what was the matter with him; but when he came to the liberty of his speech, at last he told me it was his father. Here, indeed, I was infinitely moved to see that dutiful and tender affection this poor savage had to his aged parent. He would sit down by him in the boat, open his breast, and hold his father's head close to his bosom, half an hour together, to cherish him: then he took his arms and angles, which were stiff and numbed, with binding, and chafed and rubbed them with his hands; by which means, perceiving what the case was, I gave him some rum, which proved of great benefit to him. While we were busy in this action, the savages had getk ten almost out of sight; and happy it was we did not pursue them: for there arose from the northwest, such a violent storm, which continued all night long, that I could not sup- pose otherwise but that they were all drowned. After this, I called Friday to me, and asked him, if he had givea his father any bread? He shook his head, and said, "Nene, not one bit, me eat a up ail;" so I gave him a eake of bread out of a little pouch I earned for this eoi. I like- wise gave him two or three bunches of raisins for his father. Away he then runs out of the boat as if he was bewitched, J30 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF with such an extraordinary swiftness, that he was out of sight as it were in an instant; but, at his ..return, I perceiv- ed him slacken his pace, because he had something in his hand. And this I found to be, as he approached nearer, an earthen jug with some water for his father, with two more cakes of bread, which he delivered into my hands. Being very thirsty myself, I drank some of the water, of which when his father had drank sufficiently, it more reviv- ed his spirits than all the rum I had given him. I then, called Friday to me, and ordered him to carry one of the cakes, and some water to the Spaniard, who was reposing himself upon a green place under the shade of a tree, but so weak, that though he exerted.himself, he could not stand upon his feet. Upon which, I ordered Friday to rub and bathe his ankles with rum, as he did his father's. But every minute he was employed in this, he would cast his eyes towards the boat, w^here he left his father sitting; who suddenly disappearing, he flew like lightning to him, and finding he only laid himself down to ease his limbs, he returned back to me presently, and then I spoke to the Spaniard to let Friday help him, and lead him to the boat in order to be conveyed to my dwelling, where I would take care of him. Upon which, Friday took him upon his back, and so carried him to the canoe, setting him close by his father: and presently stepping out again, launched the boat off, and paddled it along the shore faster than I could walk, though the wind blew very hard too; and having brought them-feafe to the creek, away he runs to fetch the other canoe, which be brought to the creek almost aa soon as I gotto it b)r land;* then, wafting me over, he took our new guests out of the^boat; btit so weak were thqy,, that I was forced to make a kind of a hand-barrow; and when I came to my castle, not being willing to make an entrance into feOBItfsbN CRUSOE. l£l my wall, we made them a handsome tent, covered with old sails, and boughs of trees,' making two good beds of lice straw, with blankets to He upon and cover them. Thus, like an absolute king, over subjects who owed their lives to me, I thought myself very considerable. To get provisions for my poor weak subjects, I ordered Friday to kill me a yearling goat; which when he had done, I cut off the hinder quarters, and chopping it into small pieces, boiled and stewed it. putting barley and rice into the broth. This I carried into their tent, set a table, dined with them, and encouraged them. Friday was my inter- preter to his father, and indeed to the Spaniard "too, who spoke the language of the savages pretty well. After din- ner, I ordered Friday to fetch home ail our armsjr^m th& field of battle, and the next day to bury the deal bodies, which he did accordingly. And now I made Friday in- quire of his father, whether he thought those savages had escaped the late storm in theit canoe, and if so, whether they would not return with a force too great for us to re- sist? He answered, that he thought it impossible they could outlive the storm: or if they were driven southwardly, they would come to a land where they would as certainly be devoured, as if they were drowned in the sea. And sup- pose they had attained their Own country, the strangeness of their fatal and bloody attack would make them tell their people that the rest of them were -killed by thunder and lightning, not by the hand of man, but by two heavenly spirits (meaning Friday and me,) who were sent from above to destroy them. And this, he said, he knew, because he heard them say the sanie to One another. And mtfeed he Was in the right on'f; fbr I haVe? heard Since, that these four men gave out, that whoever went to that eiiehantea island, would be destroyed by fire from the gods. Itil LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF No canoes appearing some time after, as I expected, my apprehensions ceased; instead of which my former thoughts of a voyage took place, especially when Friday's father as- sured me I should have good usage in his nation. As to the Spaniard, he told me that sixteen more of his country- men, and Portuguese, who had been shipwrecked, made their escape thither; that though they were in union with the savages, yet they were very miserable for want of provisions and other necessaries. When I asked him about the par- ticulars of his voyage, he answered, that their ship was bound from Rio de la Plata to the Havana; that when the ship was lost only five men perished in the ocean; the rest having saved themselves in the boat, were now landed on the main continent. And what do they intend to do there? said I. He replied, they had concerted measures to escape by building a vessel, but that they had neither tools nor pro- visions, so that all their designs came to nothing. Suppos- ing (said I,) I should make a proposal, and invite them here, would they not carry me prisoner to New Spain? Ho answered no; for he knew them to be such honest men, as would scorn to act with such inhuman baseness to their deliverer: that if I pleased, he and the old savage would go over to them, talk with them about it, and bring me an answer: that they should all swear fidelity to me as their leader, upon the holy sacrament; and, for his part, he would not only do the same, but stand by me to the last drop of his blood, should there be occasion. These solemn assur- ances made me resolve to grant them relief, and to send these two over for that purpose; but when every thing was ready, the Spaniard raised an objection, which carried a Sreat deal of weight in it: "You know, Sir, said he, that aving been some time with you, I cannot but be sensible that your stock of rice and corn may be sufficient, perhaps, ROBINSON CRUSOE. 123 for us at present, but not for them, should they come over presently, much less to victual a vessel for an intended voyage. And therefore, my advice is, to wait another harvest, and in the meantime, cultivate and improve some more land, whereby we may have plenty of provisions, in order to execute our design." This advice of the Spaniard I approved extremely; and so satisfied was I of his fidelity, that I esteemed him ever after. And thus we all four went to work upon some more land, and against seed-time, we had gotten so much cured and trimmed up, as was sufficient to sow 22 bushels of bar- ley on, and 16 jars of rice, which was in short all the seed we had to spare. As we were four in number, and by this time all in good health, we feared not an hundred of Indians, should they venture to attack us; and while the corn was growing, I pitched upon some trees, fit to build us a large vessel, in case the Spaniards came over; which being mark- ed, I ordered Friday and his father to cut them down, ap- pointing the Spaniard, who was now my privy counsellor, tc oversee and direct the work. I likewise increased my flocks of goats, by shooting the wild dams, and bringing home their kids to my enclosure; nor did I neglect the grape season, but cured them as usual, though I had such a quan- tity now, as would have filled 80 barrels with raisins. And thus all of us being employed, they in working, and I m providing for them, till harvest came, God Almighty blessed the increase of it so much, that from twenty-two bushels of barley, we thrashed out two hundred and twenty, and the like quantity of rice, sufficient to victual a ship fit to carry me and all the Spaniards to any part of America. Thus the principal object being answered, by a sufficient stock of provisions, I sent my two ambassadors over to the main land, with a regal authority to administer the oaths of 124 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF allegiance and fidelity, and have an instrument signed un- der their hands, though I never asked whether they had pen, ink, or paper; when giving each of them a musket with eight charges of powder and bail, and provisions enough for eight days, they sailed away with a fair gale, on a day when the moon was at full. Scarcely a fortnight had passed over my head; but im- patient for their return, I laid me down to sleep one morn- ing, when a strange accident happened, which was ushered in by my man's coming running to me, and calling aloud, "Master, master, they are come, they are come.1' Upon which, not dreaming of any'danger, out T jumped from my -bed, put on my clothes, and hurried through my littld grove; when looking towards the sea, I perceived a boat, kbbut a league and a half distant, standing in for the shore, with a fair wind. I beheld they did not come from the side where the land lay on, but from the southmost end of the island. So these being none of the people we wanted- I ordered Friday to lie still, till such time as I came down from the mountain, which, with my ladder, I now ascended, in order to discover more fully what they were; and now, with the helpof my perspective glass, I plainly perceived an English ship, which I concluded it to be, by the fashion of its long boat; and which filled me with such uncommon transports °f j°y> th^ I cannot tell how to describe; and yet some secret doubts hung about me, proceeding from I know not what cause, as though I had reason to be on my guard. Not long it was, before I perceived the boat io approach the shore, as though they looked for a place wliere th%y might conveniently land; and at last they ran their Boat on the shore upon the beach, about half a mik distance; i^hich proved so much the happier for me, since, had the^ come into the creek, they had laoded just at my door, and might ROBINSON CRUSOE. 125 not only have forced me out of my castle, but plundered rne of all I had in the world. Now I was fully convinced they "were all Englishmen, three of whjom were unarmed and bound; when immediately, the first four or five leaped on shore, and took those three out of the boat as prisoners, one of whom I could perceive used the most passionate gestures of entreaty, affliction and despair, while the others in a less degree showed abundance of concern. Not knowing the meaning of this, I beckoned to Friday, who was below, to ascend the mountain, and likewise view this sight. "O master," said he to me, "you see English mans eat prisoners as well as savage mans." And do you think they will eat them, Friday? said I. "Yes," said Friday, " they eat a all up." No, no, said I, Friday, I am much more concerned lest they murder them; but as for eating them up, that I am sure they will never do. And now I not only Jamented my misfortune in not hav- ing the Spaniard and Savage with me, but also that I could not come within shot of them unperceived, (they having no fire-arms among them,) and save these three men, whom I thought they were going to kill with their swords. But some comfort it was to me, that I perceived they were set at liberty to go where they pleased, the rascally seamen scattering about as though they had a mind to see the place; and so long did they negligently ramble, that the tide had ebbed so low, as to leave the boat aground. Nor were the two men that were in her more circumspect: for having drunk a little too much liquor, they fell fast asleep; but one of them waking before the other, and perceiving the boat top fast aground for his strength to move it, he hallooed out to the rest, who made all possible expedition to come to him; but as Providence ordered it, all their force was inef- fectual to launch her, when I could hear them speak to one liS LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP another. "Why let her alone, Jack, can't ye, she'll float aext tide:" by which words I was fully convinced they were my own countrymen. I this while lay very quiet, as being fully sensible it could be no less than ten hours before the boat would be afloat, and then it would be so dark, that they could not easily perceive me, by which means I should be at more liberty to hear their talk, and observe ail their mo- tions; not but that I prepared for my defence: yet as I had another sort of enemy to combat with, I acted with more caution. I took two fusees on my shoulder, and gave Fri- day three muskets; besides my formidable goat-skin, and monstrous cap, made me look as fierce and terrible as Her- cules of old, especially when two pistols were stuck in my belt, and my naked sword was hanging by my side. The three poor distressed creatures, too anxious to get any repose, were, however, seated under the shade of a great tree, about a quarter of a mile from me. Upon which, without any more ado, I approached to- wards them, with my man following behind me, and, before I was perceived, I called aloud to them in Spanish, what are ye, gentlemen? At these words they started up in great confusion, when they beheld the strange figure I made; they returned no an- swer, but seemed as if they would fly from me: Gentlemen, (said I in English,) don't be afraid, perhaps you have a friend nearer than you expect. "He must be from heaven,'* said one of them, gravely pulling off his hat, " for we are past att help in this world." Alt help is from heaven, saii I, but Sir, as I have perceived every action between yo» arid these hrutes since your landing, only inform me how to* assist you, and I will io it to the utmost of my power. Am I talking with God or man? said he, m melting tears Are y©« of human kind, or an angel? "Sir," said ROBINSON; CRUSOE. 127 I, /'my poor habit will tell you I am a man, and an English* man, willing to assist you, haying but this servant only; here are arms and ammunition; tell freely your condition, can we save you?" The story, said he, is too long to relate, since our butchers arc so near: but, Sir, I was master of that ship, my men have mutined, and it is as a favor they have put my mate, this passenger, and me, on shore with- out murdering us, though we expect nothing but perishing here. ffAre your enemies gone?" said I. No, replied he^ (pointing to a thicket,) there they lie, while my heart trem- bles, jestj having seen and heard us, they should murder us all. "Have they fire arms?" said I. They have but two pieces, said he, one of which is left in the boat. He also told me, there were two enormous villains amongst them, that were the authors of this mutiny, who if they were killed or seized, the rest might be induced to return to their obedience. When he had given me all the satisfaction I could desire, I gave him and his two .companions each of them a gun, with powder and ball sufficient, and firing myself, killed one of the Captain's enemies, and wounded the other, who eagerly called for assistance; but the, Captain (who hac| reserve^ his piece,) coming up to him, " Sirrah," said he, u tis too l$te to call for assistance, you should rather cry to God to pardon your villainy :•' and so knocked him down with the etock of his gun: three others were also slightly wounded, who, at my approach, cried out for mercy. This the Captain granted, upon condition that they would swear to>e true to hinvin recovering the ship, wh^ch they solemnly di^: however, I obliged the Captain to teep^em hound. After which I sent Friday and tk® Capfainl'ji mate to secure the boat, and bring away the oars ami iajjfj, when the mer$ seeing the^r late distressed Gap« 128 LIFE AND ADVENTTJRES OF tain, now their conqueror, submitted to be bound also. And then it was, that having more liberty, I related the adven- tures of my whole life, which he heard with a serious atten- tion. After this, I carried him and his two companions into my little fortified castle, showed them all my conveniences, and, when this was over, we began to consider about re- gaining the ship: he said that there were twenty-six hands on board, who knowing their lives Were forfeited by the law, for conspiracy and mutiny, were so very hardened, that it would be dangerous for our small company to attack them. This was a reasonable inference, indeed; but some- thing we must resolve on, and immediately put in execu- tion: we therefore heaved the boat upon the beach so high that she could not shoot off at high water mark, and broke a hole in her not easy to be stopped; so that all the signals thev gave for the boat to ccme on board were in vain This obliged them to send another boat ashore, with ten men armed, whose faces the Captain plainly descried, the boatswain being the chief officer; but he said there were three honest lads among them, who were forced into the conspiracy. Hereupon, I gave him fresh courage, (for I had perceived he was in concern,) in the meanwhile securing ow prisoners, except two, whom we took to our assistance, we thought ourselves able enough to endure a battle When the sailors landed, and beheld their boat in that condition, they not only hallooed, but fired, for their com- panions to hear, yet they received no answer. This struck them with horror and amazement: thinking their compan- ions were murdered, they made as if they would return to the ship. I could perceive the Captain's countenance change at this, till, of W sudden, three men were ordered* to look after the boat; while the other seven leapt on shore, invader to search for their companions; and, indeed, they Robinson crusoe. 129 came to the brow of the hill, near my ancient castle, from whence they could see to a great distance in the woods, and there shouting and hallooing till tired and weary, they at length seated themselves under a spreading tree. My opinion was, that nothing could be done till night, when I might use some artifice to get them all out of the boat; but of a sudden they started up, and made towards the sea-side* hereupon I ordered Friday and the Captain's mate to go over the creek, and halloo as loud as they could, and so decoying them into the woods, come round to me again. And this, indeed, had good effect; for they followed the noise, till coming westward to the creek, they called for their boat to carry them over, and taking one of the men out of her, left two to look after her, having fastened her to the stump of a little tree on the shore. Hereupon im- mediately the Captain and our party passing the creek, out of their sight, we surprised them both, by the Captain's knocking down one and ordering the other to surrender upon pain of death, and who being the honestest of them all, sincerely joined with us. By this time it was pretty late; when the rest returning to their boat, which they fpund aground in the creek, the tide out, and the men gone, they ran about wringing their hands, crying it was an enchanted island, arid that they should be all murdered by spirits or devils. My men would willingly have fallen upon them, but I would not agree to hazard any of our party. But to be more certain, Friday and the Captain crawled upon their hands and feet, as near as possible; and'when the boatswain approached in sight, so eager was the Captain, that he fired, and killed him on the spot: Friday wounded the next man, and a third ran away. Ifereupon I advanced with my whole army; and it being dark, I ordered the man we had surprised in the boat,*to call them by their names, 9 ISO LIFE AND A^ AKiURES OP and to parley with them. Accordingly he called out aloud, "Tom Smith, Tom Smith!" He answered, "Who's that;" "Robinson!" answered the other, "For God's sake, Tom, surrender immediately, or you*re all dead men.55 "Who must we surrender tor' says Smith. "To our Captain and a large force here, who have taken me prisoner, wounded Will Fyre, and killed the boatswain." "Shall we have quarter then ?" said he. Hereupon the Captain calls out, "You Smith, you know my voice, surrender immediately, and you shall have your lives granted, except Will Atkins." Hereupon Atkins cries out, "What have I done, Captain, more than the rest, who have been as bad as me;" but that was a lie, for he was the person that laid hold of him, and bound him. However, he was ordered to submit to the governor's mercy, for such was I called. And so jaying down their arms, we bound them all, and seized on iheir boat. After this, the Captain expostulated with then*, telling item that the governor was an Englishman, who might ex- ecute them there; but he.thought they would be sent to England. Hereupon they implored the Captain to inter- cede for their lives, and begged they might not be sent to England. This answered our project for seizing the ship For, after sending them, fast bound, to the cave, I sent the Captain to treat with them in the governor's name, offering ihem pardon if they would assist in recovering the ship. Upon which, they all promised to stand by him till the ,ast drop of their blood; and whoever acted treacherously should be hanged in chains upon the beach. They were all released on these assurances: and then the Captain re- paired to the other boat, making his passenger Captain of h$£t and gave him four men well armed; while himself, his mate, and five more, went in. the other boat. By midnight ^ Jy M. ROBINSON ASSISTS AN ENGLISH CAPTAIN IN REDUCING HIS MU- TINOUS CREW—WHO SUBMIT TO H1M-EOBINSON LEAVES THE ISLAND. ROBINSON CRUSOE. 131 they came withiu ".all of the ship, when the Captain order- ed Robinson to haii her, and tell them that with great diffi- culty they had found the men at last. But while they were discoursing, the Captain, his mate, and the rest entered, and knocked down the second mate, and carpenter, secured those that were upon the deck, by putting them under hatch- es, while the other boat's crew entered and secured the fore- castle; they then broke into the round-house, where the mate, after some resistance, shot the pirate Captain through the head, upon which all the rest yielded themselves pris- oners. And thus the ship being recovered, the joyful signal was fired, which I heard with the greatest joy imaginable: nor was it long before he brought the ship to an anchor at the creek's mouth, where coming to me unawares, "There," says he, "my dearest friend and deliverer, there is your ship, and we are your servants:" a comfort so unspeakable as made me swoon in his arms, while, with gratitude to heaven, we were tenderly embracing each other. Nothing now remained, but to consult what we should do with the prisoners, whom he thought it was not sale to take on board. Hereupon, concerting with the Captain, I dressed myself in one of his suits, and sending for them, told them, that as I was going to leave t^e island with all my people, if they would tarry there, their lives should be spared; if not, they should be hanged at the first port they came to. They agreed to stay. Hereupon I told them my whole story, charging them to be kind to the Spaniards that were expected, gave them all my arms, and informing them of every thing necessary for their subsistence, I, and my man Friday, went on board. But the next morning two of the men came swimming to the ship's side, desiring the Captain to take them on board, though he hanged them af- terwards, complaining mightily how barbarously the other** 1'Sft fcOBlNSON CR CTSOE. used them. Upon which I prevailed with the Captain to take them in; and having received st>ine punishment, they proved more honest for the future. And so I bid farewell to this island, carrying along with me my money, my par- rot, unbrella, and goat-skin cap; .setting sail December 1£, 1887, after twenty-eight years, two months, and nineteen days' residence, and landing in England, June 11, 1688, after five and thirty years absence from my own country, which rendered me altogether a stranger there. ElfTj. JUFENILE BOOKS. i JOHN G. TILT ON, State*Stk'&f.t, N::^burypout, Publishes the following approved Juvenile Books, j THE GOOD GRANDMOTHER AND HEIJ. | OFFSPRING; a Tale, by Mrs. IIofi.axd, the \ author of«The Son of ;i G-?'-.mis,' ' The Officer's j Widow/ 'The Clergyman's Widow,' &c. fco.. I JACK HALLIARDS VOYAGFS AND, AD- | VENTURES, with Cr-ptrun Morrill—illustrated by numerous OD^ravir: js, from original designs. ROBINSON CRUSOE'S LIFE & SURPRISING ADVENTURES—-of York, Mariner—abridged , from a la?;e London edition, and embellished with engravings from late English designs. ;yv KEEPER'S TRAVELS IN SEARCH OF HIS^ MASTER, a new and beautiful edition, with elegant wood cuts. j k complete assortment of Juvesii^ Bp^&s*, com* j. prising" the, work': of Miss Edgewor£h ah&jVIr*. - Hofla'nd, Feter Farley's Tales, &c.;/vrith\p'?u;» erous Tor Eoons, abundantly illustrated;'v"ith beautiful engravings.