ROBINSON CRUSOE em AS ***** eve 262 267-778 TANT FOLEY ་་་་་་་ On ROBINSON CRUSOE R OBINSON CRUSOE always wished to go to sea, but his father and mother would not consent, so he ran away from home and boarded a merchantman which was sail- ing for the South Seas. One night a severe storm came up and the ship was wrecked against the rocks of an island, and all the sailors were drowned, excepting Crusoe, who was washed ashore. As soon soon as as it was daylight, Crusoe made a raft of some timbers and went back to the ship and took off a great many things, among them, a gun, pistols, some powder, and tools of all kinds. He also found a dog and two cats, which had been on board and had JATELTIRIL ZMEN man 1 not been drowned. מווינר When Crusoe again reached the shore, he began to build a hut for himself and a place for the dog and and the cats. He made for himself a table and a chair, and from the skins of some wild goats he had killed he made a suit of clothes, and an umbrella to protect him from the hot hot rays of the sun. One day while he was sitting at the entrance to his hut, he saw some young goats, which he managed to capture by digging small pits, into which the goats fell. He took the goats into the hut and they soon soon became very tame indeed. Crusoe also managed to capture a parrot which he taught to talk. After Crusoe had completed the building of his hut, he made a boat, so that he might visit other parts of the island. There were a great many fish in the water surrounding the island, so Crusoe made some fishing lines and nets with which to catch them. One day he saw some turtles, which Illu از 29 Buy العالم FOU 호 ​ he killed by means of a bow and arrows which he had made when he first landed on the island. He also shot many of the birds inhabiting the island, which, with the fish and Man קומיישוה! IMAM מיוחד. LINTOHIO RICO => Li Am. Ma the turtles, he used for food. These were a great treat to him after having had nothing to eat but the flesh of the goats. Crusoe was walking about the One day while Crusoe the island with his gun over his shoulder, and his dog trotting by his side, he saw the imprint of a human foot in the sand, which so alarmed him that he ran back to the hut and did not again venture out for two or three days. Finally he climbed to the top of a tree and saw some savages on the the beach preparing to kill a man, who lay bound so that he could not move. Crusoe watched the savages and discovered that they had eaten one man and were evidently evidently preparing to cook and eat another, so he shot at them and the noise sc terrified the savages that they ran to to their boats, forgetting their prisoner. Crusoe released the prisoner, who, when he was free, threw himself on his knees and mutely begged not to be killed, so Crusoe took him as Crusoe took him as a servant, and named him Friday, because it was on Friday that he found him. Crusoe taught his servant many useful things, and together 1 D O BOR they built a large boat, in which to make a voyage to some of the farther islands. While they were waiting for fine weather, they saw some canoes full full of savages, who were evidently coming to the island to kill and eat another prisoner, whom they were bringing with them. After the savages had landed, Crusoe and Friday attacked them with their attacked them with their guns and drove them back into the sea, killing a great many of them. In their haste to get away, the savages forgot all about the canoe in which was tied their prisoner; so Friday went to release him, and, to his great joy, found it was his father. The man was very weak, was very weak, so Crusoe and Friday carried him to the hut and gave him food and drink. Crusoe and Friday made many trips in their boat and visited the nearby islands, where they had numerous adven- tures, finding on their journeys a number of queer animals and birds, which they killed and took to the hut with them, using the flesh of the birds for food and the skins of the animals for clothing. Crusoe had to make clothing for him- self and Friday out of the skins of animals, as the clothing he secured from ANL the ship had en- tirely worn out. Crusoe and Friday had many encounters and frequent fights with the savages STA ՊՐ 1 V T Libe вый ли Mode but their arrows were no match for the guns which he and Friday used; so they had little fear of being killed, and were not afraid to visit every part of the island and also the ނ ||IM Mu 1/1m Mit trans in пи سے ~-~~ 3.-F hello the adjoining islands, where they found many savage tribes, who were constantly fighting among themselves, and with whom it was a a practice to cook and eat their prisoners. One morning, when Crusoe and Friday were walking about the island, they looked out across the water and saw a ship flying the English flag, so they pushed their boat out into the sea and made signs to the ship that they wished to be taken aboard. The sailors at first thought that the two men were of the savage tribes and would not permit them aboard, but Crusoe spoke a few words in English, and the sailors welcomed both him and Friday. The Captain of the ship agreed to take Crusoe back to England, SO island in charge of he and Friday left the Friday's father, and together they sailed away for England and home. After again visiting the island and finding that the former savages, who were now quite civilized, had formed a colony, Crusoe returned to his old home in England. Jay When Crusoe became an old man, he would take the children on his knees and tell them of his wonderful adven- tures, and what a good, faithful servant Friday had been, for poor Friday was no longer with him, he having died no the way to England. on Wor 'Gull!!!' mag. Voy. ... T46-115506 a. I fou 一个​人​, عدما дві E. S. BROWN COMPANY is undisputably recognized as the shopping centre of southeastern Massachusetts. Shoppers can economize at this department store without sacrificing variety or quality, which explains why we have the tremendous patronage in Fall River and the surrounding cities and towns. 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