4th Svo ed. Copy ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 506 Swift (Jonathan) TRAVELS into several REMOTE NATIONS of the WORLD, in Four Parts, by LEMUEL GULLIVER, with separate pagination to each part, second Ed., portrait and 6 maps, 2 vols, 8vo, calf, Printed for Benj. Motte, 1727 £6 TUBBOR SLQUERIS PENINSULAM AMCENAM) CIRCUMSPICE GIFT OF REGENT LLHUBBARD .::: CAPTAIN LEMUELIVER OF IIIAT Starter. Sheppard.S. Compofitum jus, fafque animi fanctofque receffus Mentis,e incoctum generofo pectus honefto. TRAVELS Swift SWEATP INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations OF THE WORLD In FOUR PARTS. By LEMUEL GULLIVER, Firft a SURGEON, and then a CAPTAIN of feveral SHIPS. To which are prefix'd, Several Copies of VERSES Expla- planatory and Commendatory; never be- fore printed. VOL. I. The SECOND EDITION. the authen it #hiift is LONDON: Printed for BENJ. MOTTE, at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleet-ftreet. MDCCXXVII. fi Hubbard. Imag. Voy. PR 3724 •G8 1727a IA Cop.2 : Ma© VAIT 11772 OTHI LOW Regent &. L. Huttand at 8-28-1923 2 vols BYD Reince 196 ジ ​14 HA TO QUINBUS FLESTRIN the Man-Mountain. An ODE. བས་ས་གནས་པའི་ས་མ་ས་ད་ས་གས་ད་ས་འབད་པ་དགས་པ་བ་བ་ངག་པ་ས་ By TITTY TIT, Efq; Poet Laureat to his Majeſty of LILLIPUT. Tranflated into English. abril mines DI I. rebiv N amaze jebook revo I Loft, I gaze! Can our Eyes of mo7 Reach thy Size? May my Lays absoH asistaM odri bre nsonD Swell with Praiſe edkup zimna a 2 Worthy )( Worthy thee! Worthy me! Mufe infpire, All thy Fire! Bards of old Of him told, When they faid Atlas Head Propt the Skies: See! and believe your Eyes! MAOS II. See him ftride Vallies wide: Over Woods, Over Floods. When he treads, Mountains Heads Groan and fhake; Armies quake, Left )( < Left his Spurn Overturn Man and Steed: Troops take heed! Left and Right, Speed your Flight! Left an Hoft Beneath his Foot be loft. yalbuf Turn'd afide From his Hide, III. Safe from Wound Darts rebound. From his Nofe Clouds he blows; When he ſpeaks, Thunder breaks! When he eats, Famine threats; Log M a 3 When )( When he drinks, nug aid fled Neptune ſhrinks! nuevo Nigh thy Ear, beste hus heM In Mid Air, I bead slet 2007T On thy Hand Jgisi bon As I Let me ftand, agil So fhall I, or broge Lofty Poet, touch the Skyst 20 III s azut ΠΟΤΗ oder abuolƆ ednog sit notw lexcord subovdT 21good asdW ensando Shine The Ms of evolv The Lamentation of GLUMDALCLITCH for تیری the Lofs of GRILDRIG. A PASTORAL, Soo OON as Glumdalclitch mift her pleafing Care, She wept, fhe blubber'd, and the tore her Hair. No British Mifs fincerer Grief has known, biaworl Her Squirrel miffing, or her Sparrow flown. flown.» She furl'd her Sampler, and liawl'd in her Thread, And ftuck her Needle into Grildrig's Bed; Thien ſpread her Hands, and with a Bounce let fall Her Baby, like the Giant in Guild-hall. Guild-halla» I In Peals of Thunder now fhe roars, and now She gently whimpers like a lowing Cow. wal Yet lovely in her Sorrow ftill appears 1 appears: o » Her Locks difhevell'd, and her Flood of Tears Seem like the lofty Barn of fome rich Swain, When from the Thatch drips faft a Shower of Rain. In "( In vain ſhe ſearch'd each Cranny of the Houſe, Each gaping Chink impervious to a Mouſe. "Was it for this (fhe cry'd) with daily Care "Within thy reach I fet the Vinegar? "And fill'd the Cruet with the acid Tide, "While Pepper-Water-Worms thy Bait fupply'd; "Where twin'd the Silver Eel around thy Hook, "And all the little Monſters of the Brook. "Sure in that Lake he dropt-My Grilly's drown'd. She dragg'd the Cruet, but no Grildrig found. .:. : ort "Vain is thy Courage, Grilly, vain thy Boaſt But little Creatures enterpriſe the moſt. "Trembling, I've ſeen thee dare the Kitten's Paw; "Nay, mix with Children, as they play'd at Taw; ct Nor fear the Marbles, as they bounding flew : "Marbles to them, but rolling Rocks to you. HT “Why )( < "Why did I trust thee with that giddy Youth? "Who from a Page can ever learn the Truth? "Vers'd in Court Tricks, that Money-loving Boy "To fome Lord's Daughter fold the living Toy; "Or rent him Limb from Limb in cruel Play, “As Children tear the Wings of Flies away: tear? bre "From Place to Place o'er Brobdingnag I'll roam, "And never will return, or bring thee home. "But who hath Eyes to trace the paffing Wind, "How then thy fairy Footſteps can I find? "Doft thou bewildred wander all alone, lade "In the green Thicket of a Moffy Stone, ba "Or tumbled from the Toadftool's flipp'ry Round, "Perhaps all maim'd, lie groveling on the Ground? "Doſt thou, imbofom'd in the lovely Rofe, "Or funk within the Peach's Down, repoſe? રોજ રી "Within the King-Cup if thy Limbs are ſpread, "Or in the golden Cowflip's velvet Head; "O "O fhew me, Flora,'midft thofe Sweets, the Flower "Where fleeps my Grildrig in the fragrant Bower! mal rave no sys? s moit cFV" "But ah! I fear thy little Fancy royes by "On little Females, and on little Loves;emos o 66 Thy Pigmy Children, and thy tiny Spouſe, "The Baby Playthings that adorn thy Houſe, 66 Doors, Windows, Chimneys, and the fpacious Rooms "Equal in Size to Cells of Honeycombs. 10 "Haft thou for theſe now ventur'd from the Shore, “ Thy Bark a Bean-ſhell, and a Straw thy Oar? Or in thy Box, now bounding on the Main ? "Shall I ne'er bear thy felf and Houſe again? And fhall I fet thee on my Hand no more, To fee thee leap the Lines, and traverſe o’er My fpacious Palm ? of Stature ſcarce a Span, "Mimick the Actions of a real Man? ، W CC No more behold thee turn my Watches Key, As Seamen at a Capftern Anchors weigh? bes Havlov aqillwo reblog oda a How 66 )( "How wert thou wont to walk with cautious Tread, "A Difh of Tea like Milk-Pale on thy Head? "How chaſe the Mite that bore thy Cheeſe away, "And keep the rolling Maggot at a Bay?" She ſpoke; but broken Accents ftopt her Voice, Soft as the ſpeaking Trumpets mellow Noife: She fob❜d a Storm, and wip'd her flowing Eyes, Which feem'd like two broad Suns in mifty Skies: O! ſquander not thy Grief, thofe Tears command To weep upon our Cod in Newfound-Land: The plenteous Pickle fhall preſerve the Fiſh, And Europe taft thy Sorrows in her Diſh. V bas band Coy holls TO 30T O ΤΟ Mr. LEMUEL GULLIVER, BitLes fic? The Grateful ADDRESS of the Unhappy HOUYHN HNMs, now in Slavery and Bondage in England. b'most 100 toba O thee, we Wretches of the Houyhnhnm Band, we w To Condemn'd to labour in a barb'rous Land, Return our Thanks. Accept our humble Lays, And let each grateful Houyhnhnm neigh thy Praife, O happy Taboo, purg'd from human Crimes, By thy fweet Sojourn in thofe virtuous Climes, Where reign our Sires! There, to thy Countrey's Shame, Reafon, you found, and Virtue were the fame. Their A )( Their Precepts raz'd the Prejudice of Youth, And even a Taboo learn'd the Love of Truth. 400 Art thou the firſt who did the Coaſt explore; Did never Taboo tread that Ground before? Yes, Thouſands. But in Pity to their Kind, Or fway'd by Envy, or through Pride of Mind, They hid their Knowledge of a nobler Race, t Which own'd, would all their Sires and Sons dif- grace, You, like the Samian, vifit Lands unknown, And by their wifer Morals mend your own. T Thus Orpheus travell❜d to reform his Kind, Came back, and tam'd the Brutes he left behind. 1669 vies no anay even doll. A You went, you faw, you heard: With Virtue fraught, Then fpread thofe Morals which the Houyhnhnms Morals wh taught. Our Labours here muſt touch thy gen'rous Heart, To fee us ftrain before the Coach and Cart; Compell'd, )( to bas Compell'd to run each knaviſh Jockey's Heat ! Subfervient to New-market's annual Cheat! With what Reluctance do we Lawyers bear, To fleece their Countrey Clients twice a Year? Or manag'd in your Schools, for Fops to ride, How foam, how fret beneath a Load of Pride! Yes, we are Slaves but yet, by Reafon's Force, Have learnt to bear Misfortune, like a Horſe. O would the Stars, to cafe my Bonds, ordain, That gentle Gulliver might guide my Rein! Safe would I bear him to his Journey's End, For 'tis a Pleaſure to fupport a Friend. But if my my Life be doom'd to ferve the Bad, may'st thou never want an eaſy Pad! J : bass o JOH avoringg billeqmo Houyhnhnm. nedr san MART 10 MART GULLIVER то Capt. LEMUEL GULLIVER; AN EPISTLE The Captain, fome time after his Return, being retir'd to Mr. Sympfon's in the Countrey, Mrs. Gulliver, apprehending from his late Behaviour Some Eftrangement of his Affections, writes him the following expoftulating, foothing, and ten- derly-complaining EPISTLE. W ELCOME, thrice welcome to thy native Place! What, touch me not? what, fhun a Wife's Embrace? Have I for this thy tedious Abſence born, And wak'd and wifh'd whole Nights for thy Return? b In )( In five long Years I took no fecond Spoufe; What Redriff Wife fo long hath kept her Vows? Your Eyes, your Nofe, Inconftancy betray; Your Noſe you ftop, your Eyes you turn away. 'Tis faid, that thou fhouldft cleave unto thy Wife; Once thou didst cleave, and I could cleave for Life. Hear and relent! hark, how thy Children moa Be kind at leaſt to thefe, they are thy own: Behold, and count them all; fecure to find The honeſt Number that left behind. you See how they pat thee with their pretty Paws: Why ſtart you? are they Snakes? or have they Claws? Thy Chriſtian Seed, our mutual Flefh and Bone: Be kind at leaſt to theſe, they are thy own. y are thy own. Biddel, like thee, might fartheft India rove; He chang❜d his Country, but retain'd his Love. There's Captain Pannell, abſent half his Life, Comes back, and is the kinder to his Wife. Yet )( Yet Pannell's Wife is brown, compar❜d to me, And Miſtreſs Biddel fure is Fifty three. Not touch me! never Neighbour call'd me Slut! Was Flimnap's Dame more fweet in Lilliput? I've no red Hair to breath an odious Fume; At leaſt thy Confort's cleaner than thy Groom. Why then that dirty Stable-boy thy Care? What mean thoſe Vifits to the Sorrel Mare? Say, by what Witchcraft, or what Dæmon led, Preferr'ft thou Litter to the Marriage Bed? Some fay the Dev'l himſelf is in that Mare : If ſo, our Dean fhall drive him forth by Prayer. Some think you mad, fome think you are poſſeſt, That Bedlam and clean Straw would ſuit you beſt: Vain means, alas, this Frenzy to appeaſe! That Straw, that Straw would heighten the Diſeaſe. b 2 My ) ( My Bed, (the Scene of all our former Joys, Witneſs two lovely Girls, two lovely Boys) Alone I prefs; in Dreams I call my Dear, I ſtretch my Hand; no Gulliver is there! I wake, I rife, and fhiv'ring with the Froft, Search all the Houfe; my Gulliver is loft! Forth in the Street I ruſh with frantick Cries; The Windows open; all the Neighbours rife: Where fleeps my Gulliver? O tell me where? The Neighbours anfwer, "With the Sorrel Mare. At early Morn, I to the Market hafte, (Studious in ev'ry thing to pleaſe thy Tafte) A curious Fowl and Sparagrafs I chofe, (For I remember'd you were fond of thoſe) Three Shillings coft the first, the laſt fev'n Groats; Sullen you turn'd from both, and call'd for Oats. १ Others )( ww Others bring Goods and Treaſure to their Houſes, Something to deck their pretty Babes and Spouſes; My only Token was a Cup like Horn, That's made of nothing but a Lady's Corn Sto 'Tis not for that I grieve; O, 'tis to fee The Groom and Sorrel Mare preferr'd to me! ~ H Theſe, for fome moments when you deign to quit, And (at due diſtance) ſweet Diſcourſe admit, 'Tis all my Pleaſure thy paft Toil to know, For pleas'd Remembrance builds Delight on Woe. At ev'ry Danger pants thy Confort's Breaſt, And gaping Infants fquawle to hear the reſt. How did I tremble, when by Thouſands bound, I ſaw thee ſtretch'd on Lilliputian Ground; When ſcaling Armies climb'd up ev'ry Part, Each Step they trod, I felt upon my Heart. I 19 But " But when thy Torrent quench'd the dreadful Blaże, King, Queen and Nation ſtaring with Amaze Full in my view how all my Husband came, And what extinguiſh'd theirs, encreas'd my Flame Thoſe Spectacles, ordain'd thine Eyes to fave, Were once my Prefent; Love that Armour gave. How did I mourn at Bolgolam's Decree! For when he fign'd thy Death, he fentenc'd me. When Folks might fee thee all the Country round For Six pence, I'd have giv'n a Thouſand pound. Lord! when the Giant-babe that Head of thine iant-babe that Head Got in his Mouth, my Heart was up in mine! When in the Marrow-bone I fee thee ramm'd, Or on the Houſe-top by the Monkey cramm'd; The piteous Images renew my Pain, And all thy Dangers I weep o'er again! But on the Maiden's Nipple when you rid, Pray Heav'n, 'twas all a wanton Maiden did! Glumdal- )( 02 Glumdalclitch too!with thee I mourn her Cafe, Heav'n guard the gentle Girl from all Difgrace! L O may the King that one Neglect forgive, gim o2 And pardon her the Fault by which I live!bubali Was there no other Way to fet him free? My Life, alas, I fear prov'd Death to Thee! O teach me, Dear, new Words to ſpeak my Flame; Teach me to wooe thee by thy beſt-lov'd Name! Whether the Stile of Grildrig pleaſe thee moft, So call'd on Brobdingnag's ftupendous Coaſt, When on the Monarch's ample Hand you fate, And hollow'd in his Ear, Intrigues of State: Or Quinbus Fleftrin more endearment brings, When like a Mountain you look'd down on Kings: If Ducal Nardac, Lilliputian Peer, Or Glumglum's humbler Title footh thy Ear; Nay, would kind Jove my Organs ſo diſpoſe, To hymn harmonious Houyhnhnm thro' the Nofe, I'd A " I'd call thee Houyhnhnm, that high founding Name, Thy Children's Nofes all fhould twang the fame. So might I find my loving Spouſe of courſe Endu'd with all the Virtues of a Horfe. bub ما می دانی egning PRVI * 2 $ PART In this copy مقبلة ther copy of 4 th ed. has after this top.," The words of the King of Porobdingnag". Fellow atil ፡፡ $ PART I. A VOYAGE to Lilliput. PART II. H A Voyage to Brobdingnag PART III. A Voyage to Laputa, Bal- nibarbi, Luggnagg, Glub dubdrib, and Japan. statini bas PARTV. 1 al bod: A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. 2013 ܐ A THE # THE PUBLISHER ジ ​* TO THE READER. HE Author of theſe . Travels, Mr. Lemuel Gulliver, is my antient and intimate Friend; there is likewife fome Relation be- tween us by the Mother's Side. About three Years ago, Mr. Gulliver growing weary of the Concourfe of curious The PUBLISHER, &c. curious People coming to him at his Houſe in Redriff, made a ſmall Purchaſe of Land, with a conve- nient Houſe, near Newark in Not- tinghamshire, his Native Country; where he now lives retired, yet in good Eſteem among his Neighbours. ALTHOUGH Mr. Gulliver was born in Nottinghamshire, where his Father dwelt, yet I have heard him fay, his Family came from Oxford- Shire; to confirm which, I have ob- ferved in the Church-Yard at Ban- bury, in that County, feveral Tombs and Monuments of the Gullivers. BEFORE he quittedRedriff, he left the Cuftody of the following Papers in my Hands, with the liberty to A 3 diſpoſe Fich * # vi The PUBLISHER * 21 diſpoſe of them as I fhould think fit. I have carefully perufed them three times: The Style is very plain and fimple; and the only Fault I find is, that the Author, after the manner of Travellers, is a little too Circumftantial. There is an Air of Truth apparent through the Whole; and indeed the Author was fo diftinguished for his Veracity," that it became a fort of Proverb among his Neighbours at Redriff, when any one affirm'd a Thing, to fay, it was as true as if Mr. Gulli- ver had spoke it. Ph By the Advice of feveral worthy Perfons, to whom, with the Au- thor's Permiffion, I communicated theſe Papers, I now venture to ſend Stoglib ! them & to the REA DE R. vii them into the World, hoping they may be at leaſt, for fome time, a better Entertainment to our young Noblemen, than the common Scrib bles of Politicks and Party. THIS Volume would have been at leaſt twice as large, if I had not made bold to ftrike out innumera- ble Paffages relating to the Winds and Tides, as well as to the Varia- tions and Bearings in the feveral Voyages; together with the minute Deſcriptions of the Management of the Ship in Storms, in the Style of Sailors: Likewife the Account of the Longitudes and Latitudes; wherein I have Reaſon to appre- hend that Mr. Gulliver may be a little diffatisfied: But I was refolved A 4 to viii The PUBLISHER, C. to to fit the Work as much a poſſible to the general Capacity of Readers. However, if my own Ignorance in Sea-Affairs fhall have led fairs hall have led me commit fome Miftakes, I alone am anſwerable for them: And if any Traveller hath a Curiofity to ſee the whole Work at large, as it came from the Hand of the Author, I ſhall be ready to gratify him. داشته ای برای تر As for any further Particulars relating to the Author, the Reader will receive Satisfaction from the firft Pages of the Book, asburis's 1 RICHARD SYMPSON. の ​TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote NATIONS OF THE WORLD. PART I. A VOYAGE to LILLIPUT. 18 LONDON: Printed in the Year MDCCXXVII. THE CONTENTS. To CHAP. I. HE Author gives fome Account of himself and Family. His firft Inducements to travel. He is ſhip- wreck'd, and fwims for his Life, gets fafe on Shoar in the Country of Lilliput, is made a Prifoner and car- ry'd up the Country. Page 1. CHA P. II. The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by Several of the Nobility, come to fee the Author in his Confinement. The Emperor's Perſon and Habit defcrib'd. Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language. He gains Favour by his mild Difpofition. His Pockets 26% The CONTENTS. xi 3 # Pockets are fearch'd, and his Sword and Pistols taken from him. CHA P. III. p. 25. The Author diverts the Emperor and his Nobility of both Sexes, in a very un- common Manner. The Diversions of the Court of Lilliput defcrib'd. The Author bath his Liberty granted him, upon certain Conditions. P. 47. r 7 CHAP IV. Mildendo the Metropolis of Lilliput de- fcrib'd, together with the Emperor's Palace. A Converfation between the Author and a principal Secretary, concerning the Affairs of that Empire. The Author's Offers to ferve the Em- peror in his Wars. CHA P. V. p. 65. The Author by an extraordinary Strata- gem, prevents an Invasion. A high Title P xii The CONTENTS. 3 Title of Honour is conferr'd upon him. Ambaſſadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefufcu and fue for Peace. The Empress's Apartment on fire by an Accident. The Author inftrumental in faving the rest of the Palace. p. 77. CHA CH A P. VÌ. Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput, their Learning, Laws and Customs, the Manner of educating their Children. The Author's way of living in that Country. His Vindication of a great Lady. CHAP. VII. p. 92. The Author being inform'd of a Defign to accufe him of High-Treafon, makes his Eſcape to Blefufcu. His Reception there. CHAP. VIII. p. 115. The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds Means to leave Blefufcu, and after fome Difficulties returns fafe to his native Country. p. 134€ 2008 Plate.I Part.I Page.I. Hogs P Mintaon I Good Fortune 1 Naffow SUNDA Sillabar SÚMÁTRA Straits of Sunda Mendendo Blefufcu Lilliput. Diſcovered, A.D.1699. cursioniste 識 ​2 10 .. Dimens Land. J TRAVEL S. PART I. AVOYAGE to LILLIPUT. CHAP. I. The Author gives fome Account of him- felf and Family. His firft Inducements to travel. He is fhipwreck'd, and fwims for his Life, gets fafe on Shoar in the Country of Lilliput, is made a Prifoner, and carried up the Country. M Y Father had a ſmall eftate in Nottinghamshire; I was the Third of five Sons. He fent me to Emanuel-College in Cambridge at Fourteen years old, where I refided Three years, and applyed myſelf clofe I 2 A VOYAGE .: cloſe to my Studies: But the Charge of maintaining me (although I had a very fcanty Allowance) being too great for a narrow Fortune, I was bound Apprentice to Mr. James Bates, an eminent Surgeon in London, with whom I continued four years; and my Father now and then fend- ing me fmall fums of Money, I laid them out in learning Navigation, and other parts of the Mathematicks, rufeful to thoſe who intend to travel, as I always believed it would be fome time or other my fortune to do. When I left Mr.Bates, I went down to my Father; where, by the affiftance of Him and my Uncle John, and fome other Relations, I got forty Pounds, and a promife of thirty Pounds a year to maintain me at Ley- den There I ftudied Phyfick two Years and ſeven Months, knowing it would be ufeful in long Voyages. SOON after my Return from Leyden, I was recommended, by my good Mafter Mr. Bates, to be Surgeon to the Swal- low', $ to LILLIPUT. W Jow, Captain Abraham Pannell Com mander; with whom I continued three Years and a half, making a Voyage or two into the Levant, and fome other Parts. When I came back, I refolved to ſettle in London, to which Mr. Bates, my Mafter, encouraged me, and by him I was recom- mended to feveral Patients. I took part of a fmall Houfe in the Old-Jury ; and being adviſed to alter my condition, I married Mrs. Mary Burton, fecond Daughter to Mr. Edmund Burton Hofier in Newgate-freet, with whom I received four hundred Pounds for a Portion. BUT, my good Mafter Bates dying in two years after, and I having few Friends, my Buſineſs began to fail; for my Con- fcience would not fuffer me to imitate the bad pra of too many among my Brethren. Having therefore confulted with my Wife, and fome of my Acquain- tance, to Sea. I determined to go a I was Surgeon fucceffively in two Ships, and made ſeveral Voyages, for fix Years, to A VOYAGE : to the Eaft and Weft-Indies, by which I got fome Addition to my Fortune. My hours of Leiſure I ſpent in reading the beft Authors ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number of Books; and when I was afhoar, in ob- ſerving the Manners and Difpofitions of the People, as well as learning their Lan- guage, wherein I had a great Facility by the ftrength of my Memory. * THE laft of theſe Voyages not prov- ing very fortunate, I grew weary of the Sea, and intended to ſtay at home with my Wife and Family. I removed from the Old-Jury to Fetter-Lane, and from thence to Wapping, hoping to get Bufi- nefs among the Sailors; but it would not turn to account. After three years ex- pectation that things would mend, I ac- cepted an advantageous Offer from Cap- tain William Prichard, Maſter of the Antelope, who was making a Voyage to the South-Sea. We fet fail from Briftol May 4, 1699, and our Voyage at firſt was very profperous, IT : to LILLIPUT. 5 IT would not be proper, for fome reaſons, to trouble the Reader with the Particulars of our adventures in thoſe Seas: Let it fuffice to inform him, that in our Paffage from thence to the Eaft- Indies, we were driven by a violent Storm to the Northward of Van Diemen's Land. By an Obfervation, we found our- felves in the Latitude of 30 Degrees 2 Mi- nutes South. Twelve of our Crew were dead by immoderate Labour and ill Food, the reſt were in a very weak condition. On the fifth of November, which was the beginning of Summer in thofe parts, the Weather being very hazy, the Sea- men ſpyed a Rock, within half a Cable's length of the Ship; but the Wind was ſo ſtrong, that we were driven directly upon it, and immediately ſplit. Six of the Crew,ofwhom I was one,having let down the Boat into the Sea, made a fhift to get clear of the Ship, and the Rock. We rowed by my Computation about three Leagues, till we were able to work no VOL. I. longer, B * 60 A VOYAGE باید در مهار شد # longer, being already ſpent with labour while we were in the Ship. We there- fore trufted ourſelves to the mercy of the waves, and in about half an hour the Boat was overfet by a fudden Flurry from the North. What became of my Companions in the Boat, as well as of thoſe who eſcaped on the Rock, or were left in the Veffel, I cannot tell; but con- clude they were all loft. For my own part, I fwam as Fortune directed me, and was puſh'd forward by Wind and Tide. I often let my Legs drop, and could feel no bottom: But when I was almoft gone, and able to ftruggle no longer, I found myfelf within my depth; and by this time the Storm was much abated. Declivity was fo fmall, that I walked near a Mile before I got to the fhore, which I conjectur'd was about eight a-clock in the Evening. I then advanced forward near half a Mile, but could not diſcover any fign of Houfes or Inhabitants; at leaft I was in fo weak a condition, that I did not obferve them. I was extremely The * tired, to LILLIPUT. Ne tired, and with that, and the Heat of the weather, and about half a pint of Brandy that I drank as I left the Ship, I found myſelf much inclined to fleep. I lay down on the Grafs, which was very ſhort and ſoft, where I flept founder than ever I remember to have done in my life, and as I reckoned, above Nine hours; for when I awaked, it was juft Day-light. I attempted to rife, but was not able to ftir: For, as I happened to lie on my back, I found my Arms and Legs were ftrongly faſtened on each fide to the ground; and my Hair, which was long and thick, tied down in the fame man- ner. I likewife felt ſeveral ſlender Li- gatures across my body, from my Arm- pits to my Thighs. I could only look upwards; the Sun began to grow hot, and the Light offended mine Eyes. I heard a confuſed Noiſe about me, but in the poſture I lay, could fee nothing except the Sky. In a little time I felt ſomething alive moving on my left Leg, which ad- vancing gently forward over my Breaſt, B 2 came 8 A VOYAGE * came almoſt up to my Chin; when bend- ing mine Eyes downwards as much as I could, I perceived it to be a Human crea- ture not Six inches high, with a Bow and Arrow in his Hands, and a Quiver at his Back. In the mean time, I felt at leaft forty more of the fame kind (as I con- jectured) following the firft. I was in the utmoſt aſtoniſhment, and roared fo loud, that they all ran back in a fright; and ſome of them, as I was afterwards told, were hurt with the Falls they got by leaping from my fides upon the ground. However, they foon returned, and one of them, who ventured fo far as to get a full fight of my Face, lifting up his hands and eyes by way of Admiration, cryed out in a fhrill but diftinct voice, Hekinah Degul: The others repeated the fame Words feveral times, but I then knew not what they meant. I lay all this while, as the Reader may believe, in great Un- eafineſs: At length ftruggling to get looſe, I had the fortune to break the Strings, and wrench out the Pegs that faftened my Left to LILLIPUT. 9 Left arm to the ground; for, by lifting it up to my Face, I difcover'd the me- thods they had taken to bind me; and, at the fame time, with a violent Pull, which gave me exceffive pain, I a little looſened the Strings that tied down my Hair on the Left fide, fo that I was juſt able to turn my Head about Two inches. But the Creatures ran off a fecond time, before I could feize them; whereupon there was a great Shout in a very fhrill accent, and after it ceaſed, I heard one of them cry aloud, Tolgo Phonac; when in an inſtant I felt above an Hundred Arrows difcharged on my Left hand, which pricked me like ſo many Needles; and befides they fhot another Flight into the Air, (as we do Bombs in Europe) whereof many, I fuppofe, fell on my Bo- dy (though I felt them not) and fome on my Face, which I immediately cover- ed with my Left hand. When this fhower of Arrows was over, I fell a groaning with Grief and Pain, and then ſtriving again to get loofe, they difcharged an- other B 3 10 A VOYAGE other Volly larger than the firſt, and ſome of them attempted with Spears to ſtick me in the Sides; but, by good luck, I had on me a Buff Jerkin, which they could not pierce. I thought it the moſt prudent method to lie ftill, and my de- fign was to continue fo till night, when my Left hand being already looſe, I could eafily free myſelf: And as for the Inha- bitants, I had reafon to believe I might be a match for the greateſt Armies they could bring againſt me, if they were all of the fame fize with him that I faw. But Fortune diſpoſed otherwiſe of me. When the People obferved I was quiet, they diſcharged no more Arrows: But by the Noiſe I heard, I knew their num- 'bers encreaſed; and about Four yards from me, over-againft my Right ear, I heard a knocking for above an hour, like that of people at work; when turn- ing my head that way, as well as the Pegs and Strings would permit me, I ſaw a Stage erected about a Foot and a half from the ground, capable of hold- 是 ​" ing 2. to LILLIPUT. 1 I I ing Four of the Inhabitants, with two or three Ladders to mount it: From whence one of them, who feemed to be a Perſon of Quality, made me a long Speech, whereof I understood not one Syllable. But I fhould have mentioned, that before the Principal perfon began his oration, he cryed out Three times Langro Dehul fan: (theſe words and the former were afterwards repeated and explained to me.) Whereupon immediately about Fifty of the Inhabitants came, and cut the Strings that faftened the Left fide of my head, which gave me the liberty of turn- ing it to the Right, and of obferving the Perſon and Gefture of him that was to ſpeak. He appeared to be of a middle age, and taller than any of the other Three who attended him, whereof one was a Page that held up his train, and feemed to be fomewhat longer than my Middle finger; the other Two ftood one on each fide to fupport him. He acted every part of an Orator, and I could obſerve many Periods of Threatnings, В 4 and 12 A VOYAGE # and others of Promiſes, Pity, and Kind- nefs. I anſwered in a few words, but in the moſt fubmiffive manner, lifting up my Left hand and both mine Eyes to the Sun, as calling him for a Witneſs; and being almoſt famifhed with Hunger, having not eaten a Morfel for fome hours before I left the Ship, I found the De- mands of nature fo ftrong upon me, that I could not forbear fhewing my Impa- tience (perhaps against the ftrict Rules of Decency) by putting my finger frequent- ly on my mouth, to fignify that I wanted Food. The Hurgo (for fo they call a great Lord, as I afterwards learnt) under- ſtood me very well. He defcended from the Stage, and commanded that ſeveral Ladders fhould be applyed to my Sides, on which above an Hundred of the Inha- bitants mounted, and walked towards my Mouth, laden with Baskets full of Meat, which had been provided, and fent thi- ther by the King's Orders upon the firſt In- telligence he received of me. I obferved there was the Flefh of feveral Animals, but to LILLIPUT. 13 but could not diſtinguiſh them by the Tafte. There were Shoulders, Legs, and Loins fhaped like thofe of Mutton, and very well dreffed, but fmaller than the Wings of a Lark. I eat them by Two or Three at a mouthful, and took Three Loaves at a time, about the bigneſs of Musket Bullets. They fupplyed me as they could, fhewing a thouſand marks of Wonder and Aftoniſhment at my Bulk and Appetite. I then made another fign that I wanted Drink. They found by my eating that a fmall quantity would not fuffice me, and being a moſt ingenious people, they flung up with great dexterity one of their largeft Hogfheads, then rol- led it towards my Hand, and beat out the Top; I drank it off at a Draught, which Imight well do, for it did not hold Half a pint, and taſted like a ſmall Wine of Bur- gundy, but much more delicious. They brought me a Second Hogfhead, which I drank in the fame manner, and made figns for more, but they had none to give me. When I had perform'd theſe Wonders W 14 A VOYAGE wonders, they fhouted for joy, and danced upon my breaft, repeating feveral times as they did at firſt, Hekinah Degul. They made me a fign that I ſhould throw down the two Hogfheads, but firſt warn- ed the people below to ftand out of the way, crying aloud, Borach Mivola, and when they ſaw the Veffels in the air, there was an univerſal ſhout of Hekinah Degul. I confeſs I was often tempted, while they were paffing backwards and forwards on my body, to feize Forty or Fifty of the firſt that came in my reach, and daſh them againſt the ground. But the remembrance of what I had felt, which probably might not be the worſt they could do, and the Promiſe of Ho- nour I made them, for fo I interpreted my ſubmiſſive behaviour, foon drove out theſe Imaginations. Befides, I now con- fider'd myſelf as bound by the Laws of Hoſpitality to a People who had treated me with ſo much Expence and Magni- ficence. However, in my thoughts I could not fufficiently wonder at the In- trepidity ... * to LILLIPUT. 15 trepidity of theſe diminutive Mortals, who durft venture to mount and walk upon my Body, while one of my Hands was at liberty, without trembling at the very fight of fo prodigious a Creature as I mult appear to them. After fome time, when they obſerved that I made no more demands for Meat, there appeared before me a Perſon of high Rank from his Im- perial Majefty. His Excellency having mounted on the ſmall of my Right Leg, advanced forward up to my Face, with about a Dozen of his Retinue. And, pro- ducing his Credentials under the Signet Royal, which he applyed cloſe to mine Eyes, fpoke about Ten minutes, without any figns of Anger, but with a kind of determinate Refolution; often pointing forwards, which, as I afterwards found, was towards the Capital City, about Half a mile diftant, whither it was agreed by his Majeſty in Council that I muſt be con- veyed. I answered in few Words, but to no purpoſe, and made a fign with my Hand that was looſe, putting it to the other } 16 A VOYAGE other (but over his Excellency's Head, for fear of hurting him or his Train) and then to my own Head and Body, to fig- nify that I defired my Liberty. It ap- peared that he understood me well e- nough, for he ſhook his head by way of diſapprobation, and held his hand in a poſture to fhew that I must be carried as a Priſoner. However, he made other Signs to let me underſtand that I ſhould have Meat and Drink enough, and very good Treatment. Whereupon I once more thought of attempting to break my Bonds, but again, when I felt the ſmart of their Arrows upon my Face and Hands, which were all in Blifters, and many of the Darts ſtill ſticking in them, and ob- ferving likewiſe that the number of my Enemies encreaſed, I gave tokens to let them know that they might do with me what they pleaſed. Upon this the Hurgo and his Train withdrew with much Ci- vility and chearful Countenances. Soon after I heard a general Shout, with fre- quent repetitions of the words, Peplom Selan, TOUKO to LILLIPUT. 17 Selan, and I felt great numbers of the people on my Left fide relaxing the cords to fuch a degree, that I was able to turn upon my Right, and to eaſe myſelf with making water; which I plentifully did, to the great aftonifhment of the people, who conjecturing by my motions what I was going to do, immediately opened to the Right and Left on that fide, to avoid the Torrent which fell with fuch noiſe and violence from me. But before this, they had dawbed my Face and both my Hands with a fort of Ointment very plea- fant to the Smell, which in a few mi- nutes removed all the ſmart of their ar- rows. Theſe Circumftances, added to the Refreſhment I had received by their Victuals and Drink, which were very nouriſhing, diſpoſed me to fleep. I flept about Eight hours, as I was afterwards affured; and it was no wonder, for the Phyficians, by the Emperor's Order, had mingled a ſleepy Potion in the Hogfheads of Wine. Ir J 18 AVOYAGE ja. Ir feems that upon the first moment I was diſcovered fleeping on the ground after my Landing, the Emperor had early notice of it by an Expreſs, and deter- mined in Council that I fhould be tyed in the manner I have related (which was done in the Night while I flept) that Plenty of Meat and Drink ſhould be ſent me, and a Machine prepared to carry me to the Capital City. THIS Refolution perhaps may appear very bold and dangerous, and I am con- fident would not be imitated by any Prince in Europe on the like occafion; how- ever, in my opinion it was extremely Pru- dent as well as Generous. For fuppofing theſe People had endeavour'd to kill me with their Spears and Arrows while I was afleep, I fhould certainly have awaked with the firft Senfe of Smart, which might fo far have rouzed my Rage and Strength, as to have enabled me to break the Strings wherewith I was tied; after which, as they to LILLIPUT. 19 they were not able to make Reſiſtance, ſo they could expect no Mercy. F Theſe people are moſt excellent Mathe- maticians, and arrived to a great perfection in Mechanicks by the countenance and encouragement of the Emperor, who is a renowned Patron of Learning. This Prince hath ſeveral Machines fixed on Wheels for the carriage of Trees and other great Weights. He often builds his largeſt Men of War, whereof ſome are Nine foot long, in the Woods where the Timber grows, and has them carried on theſe Engines three or four hundred yards to the Sea. Five hundred Carpen- ters and Engineers were immediately fet at work to prepare the greateſt Engine they had. It was a Frame of Wood raiſed Three inches from the ground, about Seven foot long and Four wide, moving upon Twenty two wheels. The Shout I heard was upon the arrival of this Engine, which it ſeems ſet out in Four hours after my Landing. It was brought parallel ! 20 A VOYAGE parallel to me as I lay. But the princi- pal Difficulty was to raiſe and place me in this Vehicle. Eighty Poles, each of One foot high, were erected for this pur- pofe, and very ſtrong Cords of the big- nefs of Packthread were faftened by Hooks to many Bandages, which the Workmen had girt round my Neck, my Hands, my Body, and my Legs. Nine hundred of the ftrongeſt Men were em- ployed to draw up theſe Cords by many Pulleys faftned on the Poles, and thus in leſs than Three hours, I was raiſed and flung into the Engine, and there tyed faft. All this I was told, for while the whole operation was performing, I lay in a profound fleep, by the force of that fo- poriferous Medicine infuſed into my Li- quor. Fifteen hundred of the Emperor's largeſt Horſes, each about Four inches an an half high, were imployed to draw me towards the Metropolis, which, as I faid, was Half a mile diftant. ABOUT to LILLIPUT. 21 ABOUT Four hours after we began our Journey, I awaked by a very ridicu lous Accident; for the Carriage being ſtopt a while to adjuſt fomething that was out of order, two or three of the young natives had the curiofity to fee how I looked when I was afleep; they climbed up into the Engine, and advancing very ſoftly to my Face, One of them, an Of- ficer in the Guards, put the fharp end of his Half-pike a good way up into my Left noftril, which tickled my Noſe like a Straw, and made me fneeze violently: whereupon they ftole off unperceived, and it was Three weeks before I knew the cauſe of my awaking fo fuddenly. We made a long March the remaining part of that day, and reſted at night with Five hundred Guards on each fide of me, half with Torches, and half with Bows and Arrows, ready to ſhoot me if I ſhould offer to ftir. The next morning at Sun-rife we continued our march, and arrived within Two hundred yards of the VOL. I. City- C 22 A VOYAGE City-Gates about Noon. The Emperor, and all his Court, came out to meet us, but his Great Officers would by no means fuffer his Majefty to endanger his Perfon by mounting on my Body. AT the place where the Carriage ſtopt, there ſtood an ancient Temple, eſteemed to be the largeſt in the whole Kingdom, which having been polluted fome Years before by an unnatural Murder, was, according to the Zeal of thoſe People, look'd on as Prophane, and therefore had been applied to common Ufes, and all the Ornaments and Furniture carried away. In this Edifice it was determined I ſhould lodge. The The great Gate fronting to the North was about Four foot high, and al- moſt Two foot wide, through which I could eaſily creep. On each fide of the Gate was a ſmall Window not above Six inches from the ground: into that on the Left fide, the King's Smiths conveyed Fourfcore and eleven Chains, like thofe that hang to a Lady's Watch in Europe, and to LILLIPUT. 23 and almoſt as large, which were locked to my Left leg with Six and thirty Pad- locks. Over-againſt this Temple, on t'other fide of the great Highway, at Twenty foot diſtance, there was a Tur- ret at leaſt Five foot high. Here the Emperor afcended with many principal Lords of his Court, to have an opportu- nity of viewing me, as I was told, for I could not fee them. It was reckoned that above an Hundred Thouſand Inha- bitants came out of the town upon the fame errand; and in fpight of my Guards, I believe there could not be fewer than Ten thouſand, at feveral times, who mounted upon my body by the help of ladders. But a Proclamation was foon iffued to forbid it upon pain of death. When the Workmen found it was impof- fible for me to break looſe, they cut all the Strings that bound me; whereupon I roſe up with as melancholy a difpofition as ever I had in my life. But the noife and aſtoniſhment of the People at feeing me rife and walk are not to be expreſſed. С 2 The 1. 24 A VOYAGE The Chains that held my Left leg were about Two yards long, and gave me not only the liberty of walking backwards and forwards in a Semicircle; but being fixed within Four inches of the gate, al- lowed me to creep in, and lie at my full length in the Temple. CHAP. to LILLIPUT. 25 מער פמ, CHAP. II. The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by Several of the Nobility, come to fee the Author in his Confinement. The Emperor's Perfon and Habit defcrib'd. Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language. He gains Favour by his mild Difpofition. His Pockets are ſearch'd, and his Sword and Piftols taken from him. W HEN I found myſelf on my feet, I looked about me, and muſt confeſs I never beheld a more entertaining Profpect. The Countrey round appeared like a con- tinued Garden, and the inclofed Fields, which were generally Forty foot fquare, reſembled ſo many Beds of Flowers. Theſe Fields were intermingled with C 3 Woods 26 A VOYAGE Woods of half a Stang, and the talleſt Trees, as I could judge, appeared to be Seven foot high. I viewed the Town on my Left hand, which looked like the painted Scene of a City in a Theatre. I had been for fome hours extremely preffed by the neceffities of nature; which was no wonder, it being almoſt Two days fince I had laft disburthened myſelf. I was under great difficulties between Urgency and Shame. The beſt expedient I could think on, was to creep into my Houſe, which I accordingly did and ſhutting the Gate after me, I went as far as the length of my Chain would fuf- fer, and diſcharged my body of that unea- fy load. But this was the only time I was ever guilty of fo uncleanly an Action; for which I cannot but hope the candid Reader will give fome allowance, after he hath maturely and impartially confi- dered my cafe, and the diftrefs I was in. From this time my conftant Practice was, as foon as I rofe, to perform that buſineſs A # to LILLIPUT. 27 buſineſs in open Air, at the full extent of my Chain, and due care was taken every morning before company came, that the offenfive matter fhould be car- ried off in Wheel-barrows by Two Ser- vants appointed for that purpoſe. I would not have dwelt fo long upon a circumftance, that perhaps at firſt fight may appear not very momentous, if I had not thought it neceſſary to juſtify my character in point of Cleanlineſs to the world; which I am told fome of my Maligners have been pleaſed, upon this and other occafions, to call in queftion, WHEN this Adventure was at an end, I came back out of my Houſe, having oc- cafion for freſh Air. The Emperor was already defcended from the Tower, and advancing on Horſe-back towards me, which had like to have coft him dear for the Beaſt, though very well trained, yet wholly unuſed to ſuch a Sight, which appeared as if a Mountain moved before him, reared up on his hinder Feet: But C 4 ; that 28 A VOYAGE that Prince, who is an excellent Horſe- man, kept his Seat, till his Attendants ran in, and held the Bridle, while his Mafter had time to difmount. When he alighted, he furveyed me round with great admiration, but kept without the length of my Chain. He ordered his Cooks and Butlers, who were already prepared, to give me Victuals and Drink, which they puſhed forward in a ſort of Vehicles upon Wheels till I could reach them. I took thoſe Vehicles, and ſoon emptied them all; Twenty of them were filled with Meat, and Ten with Liquor, each of the former afforded me two or three good mouthfuls, and I emptied the Liquor of Ten Veſſels, which was con- tained in earthen Vials, into one Vehicle, drinking it off at a draught, and ſo I did with the reft. The Empreſs, and young Princes of the Blood, of both Sexes, attended by many Ladies, fate at fome diſtance in their Chairs; but upon the Accident that happened to the Emperor's Horfe, they alighted, and came near his Perfon, 3 to LILLIPUT. 29 Perfon, which I am now going to de- ſcribe. He is taller by almoſt the breadth of my Nail, than any of his Court, which alone is enough to ſtrike an Awe into the Beholders. His Features are ſtrong and maſculine, with an Auftrian Lip and arched Noſe, his Complexion olive, his Countenance erect, his Body and Limbs well proportioned, all his Motions grace- ful, and his Deportment majeſtick. He was then paft his Prime, being Twenty eight years and three quarters old, of which he had reigned about Seven, in great felicity, and generally victorious. For the better convenience of beholding him, I lay on my fide, fo that my Face was parallel to his, and he ſtood but Three yards off: However, I have had him fince many times in my hand, and therefore cannot be deceived in the defcription. His Dreſs was very plain and fimple, and the Faſhion of it between the Afiatick and the European; but he had on his Head a light Helmet of Gold, adorned with Jewels, and a Plume on the Creft. He <: 30 A VOYAGE He held his Sword drawn in his hand, to defend himſelf, if I fhould happen to break looſe; it was almoſt Three inches long, the Hilt and Scabbard were Gold enriched with Diamonds. His Voice was fhrill, but very clear and articulate, and I could diſtinctly hear it when I ftood The up. Ladies and Courtiers were all moft mag- nificently clad, ſo that the Spot they ſtood upon feemed to refemble a Petticoat ſpread on the ground, embroidered with Figures of Gold and Silver. His Imperial Majefty fpoke often to me, and I returned an- fwers, but neither of us could underſtand a fyllable. There were feveral of his Priefts and Lawyers prefent (as I con- jectured by their habits) who were com- manded to addrefs themſelves to me, and Ifpoke to them in as many Languages as I had the leaſt ſmattering of, which were High and Low Dutch, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, and Lingua Franca; but all to no purpoſe. After about Two hours the Court retired, and I was left with a ſtrong Guard, to prevent the Im- pertinence, to LILLIPUT. 3 1 pertinence, and probably the Malice of the Rabble, who were very impatient to croud about me as near as they durft, and fome of them had the impudence to fhoot their Arrows at me as I fate on the ground by the Door of my houſe, where- of one very narrowly miffed my Left eye. But the Colonel ordered Six of the Ring-leaders to be feized, and thought no Puniſhment fo proper as to deliver them bound into my hands, which fome of his Soldiers accordingly did, pufhing them forwards with the But-ends of their Pikes into my reach; I took them all in my Right hand, put Five of them into my Coat-pocket, and as to the Sixth, I made a Countenance as if I would eat him alive. The poor Man fqualled terribly, and the Colonel and his Officers were in much pain, eſpecially when they faw me take out my Penknife: But I foon put them out of fear; for, looking mildly, and immediately cutting the Strings he was bound with, I fet him gently on the ground, and away he ran; I treated the reft 32 A VOYAGE reft in the fame manner, taking them one by one out of my Pocket, and I obſerved both the Soldiers and People were highly obliged at this mark of my Clemency, which was repreſented very much to my advantage at Court. TOWARDS night I got with fome diffi- culty into my Houſe, where I lay on the ground, and continued fo to do about a Fortnight; during which time the Em- peror gave orders to have a Bed prepared for me. Six hundred Beds of the com- mon Meaſure were brought in Carriages, and worked up in my houſe; an hun- dred and fifty of their Beds fown toge- ther made up the Breadth and Length, and theſe were Four double, which how- ever kept me but very indifferently from the Hardneſs of the Floor, that was of fmooth Stone. By the fame Computa- tion they provided me with Sheets, Blan- kets, and Coverlets, tolerable enough for one who had been fo long enured to Hardſhips as I. As to LILLIPUT. 33 As the news of my arrival ſpread through the Kingdom, it brought prodi gious numbers of rich, idle, and curious People to ſee me; fo that the Villages were almoſt emptied, and great neglect of Tillage and Houfhold Affairs muft have enfued, if his Imperial Majeſty had not provided, by feveral Proclamations and Orders of State, againſt this Inconve- niency. He directed that thoſe who had. already beheld me, ſhould return home, and not preſume to come within Fifty yards of my Houſe without Licenſe from Court; whereby the Secretaries of State got confiderable Fees. IN the mean time, the Emperor held frequent Councils to debate what courſe fhould be taken with me; and I was af- terwards aſſured by a particular Friend, a Perfon of great Quality, who was looked upon to be as much in the Secret as any, that the Court was under many difficulties concerning me. They ap- prehended 34 AVOYAGE prehended my breaking looſe, that my Diet would be very expenfive, and might cauſe a Famine. Sometimes they deter mined to ftarve me, or at leaſt to ſhoot me in the face and hands with poiſoned arrows, which would ſoon diſpatch me : But again they confidered, that the Stench of fo large a carcafe might produce a Plague in the Metropolis, and probably ſpread through the whole Kingdom. In the midſt of theſe confultations, feveral Officers of the Army went to the door of the great Council-Chamber; and two of them being admitted, gave an account of my behaviour to the Six Criminals a bove-mentioned, which made fo favou rable an impreffion in the breaft of his Majefty and the whole Board in my behalf, that an Imperial Commiffion was iſſued out, obliging all the Villages Nine hundred yards round the City, to deliver in every morning Six beeves, Forty fheep, and other victuals for my fuftenance; to- gether with a proportionable quantity of Bread, and Wine, and other Liquors : FA for I to LILLIPUT. 35 for the due payment of which his Ma- jeſty gave Affignments upon his Trea- fury. For this Prince lives chiefly upon his own Demefnes, feldom except upon great occafions raiſing any Subfidies up- on his Subjects, who are bound to attend him in his Wars at their own expence. An Eſtabliſhment was alfo made of Six hundred perfons to be my Domeſticks, who had Board-wages allowed for their maintenance, and Tents built for them very conveniently on each fide of my door. It was likewife ordered, that Three hundred Taylors ſhould make me a Suit of Cloaths after the fashion of the Coun- trey: That Six of his Majefty's greateſt Scholars fhould be employed to inftruct me in their Language: And, laftly, that the Emperor's Horfes, and thoſe of the Nobility and Troops of Guards fhould be frequently exerciſed in my fight, to accustom themſelves to me. All theſe Orders were duly put in execution, and in about Three weeks I made a great pro grefs in learning their Language; during which 36 A VOYAGE which time, the Emperor frequently ho noured me with his Viſits, and was plea- fed to affift my Maſters in teaching me. We began already to converfe together in fome fort; and the first Words I learnt were to expreſs my defire that he would pleaſe to give me my Liberty, which I every day repeated on my knees. His Anſwer, as I could apprehend it, was, that this muſt be a work of Time, not to be thought on without the Advice of his Council, and that firſt I muſt Lumos Kelmin peffo defmar lon Empofo; that is, ſwear a Peace with him and his King- dom. However, that I fhould be uſed with all kindneſs, and he adviſed me to acquire by my Patience, and difcreet Behaviour, the good Opinion of himſelf and his Subjects. He defired I would not take it ill, if he gave orders to cer- tain proper Officers to fearch me; for probably I might carry about me ſeveral Weapons, which muft needs be dange- rous things, if they anſwered the Bulk of fo prodigious a perfon. I faid, his Majeſty fhould 5. 8 to LILLIPUT. 37 fhould be fatisfied, for I was ready to ftrip myſelf, and turn up my Pockets before him. This I delivered part in Words, and part in Signs. He replied, that by the Laws of the Kingdom I must be ſearched by Two of his Officers; that he knew this could not be done without my Conſent and Affiftance; that he had ſo good an opinion of my Generofity and Juſtice, as to truft their Perfons in my hands: That whatever they took from me ſhould be returned when I left the Country, or paid for at the rate which I would fet upon them. I took up the Two Officers in my hands, put them first into my Coat-pockets, and then into every other Pocket about me, except my Two Fobs, and another fe- cret Pocket I had no mind fhould be ſearched, wherein I had ſome little Ne- ceffaries that were of no confequence to any but myſelf. In One of my Fobs there was a Silver Watch, and in the o- ther a ſmall quantity of Gold in a Purfe. Theſe Gentlemen, having Pen, Ink and VOL. I. Paper D 38 A VOYAGÉ Paper about them, made an exact Inven- tory of every thing they faw; and when they had done, defired I would fet them down, that they might deliver it to the Emperor. This Inventory I afterwards tranſlated into English, and is word for word as follows. 份 ​IMPRIMIS, In the Right Coat-pocket of the Great Man Mountain (for fo I interpret the words Quinbus Fleftrin) after the ftricteft fearch, we found only one great piece of coarfe Cloth, large enough to be a Foot-cloth for your Ma- jefty's chief Room of State. In the Left Pocket, we faw a huge Silver Cheft, with a Cover of the fame Metal, which we the Searchers were not able to lift. We defired it fhould be opened, and One of us ftepping into it, found himſelf up to the mid leg in a fort of Duft, fome part whereof flying up to our Faces, fet us both a fneezing for ſeveral times toge- ther. In his Right Waftcoat-pocket, we found a prodigious bundle of white thin Subſtances, to LILLIPUT. 39 Subftances, folded one over another, a- bout the bignefs of Three men, tied with a ftrong Cable, and marked with black Figures; which we humbly conceive to be Writings, every Letter almoſt half as large as the Palm of our Hands. In the Left, there was a fort of Engine, from the Back of which were extended Twenty long Poles, reſembling the Pallifado's be- fore your Majeſty's Court; wherewith we conjecture the Man Mountain combs his head, for we did not always trouble him with Queſtions, becauſe we found it a great difficulty to make him underſtand us. In the large Pocket on the Right fide of his middle Cover, (fo I tranflate the word Ranfu-Lo, by which they meant my Breeches) we faw a hollow Pillar of Iron, about the length of a Man, faſtened to a ſtrong piece of Tim- ber, larger than the Pillar; and upon One fide of the Pillar were huge pieces of Iron ſticking out, cut into ftrange Fi- gures, which we know not what to make of. In the Left pocket, another Engine D 2 of 40 A VOYAGE of the fame kind. In the finaller pocket on the Right fide, were feveral round flat pieces of white and red Metal, of dif ferent bulk; fome of the white, which ſeemed to be Silver, were fo large and heavy, that my Comrade and I could hardly lift them. In the Left pocket were Two black Pillars irregularly fhaped: We could not, without difficulty, reach the top of them as we ftood at the bottom of his pocket. One of them was co- vered, and feemed all of a piece: But at the upper end of the other, there appeared a white round Subſtance, about twice the bignefs of our Heads. With- in each of theſe was encloſed a prodigi- ous Plate of Steel; which, by our orders, we obliged him to fhew us, becauſe we apprehended they might be dangerous Engines. He took them out of their Cafes, and told us, that in his own coun- try his practice was to fhave his Beard with one of theſe, and to cut his Meat with the other. There were two pockets which we could not enter: Theſe he called '' to LILLIPUT. 41 called his Fobs; they were Two large Slits cut into the top of his middle Co- ver, but ſqueezed cloſe by the preffure of his Belly. Out of the Right Fob hung a great Silver Chain, with a won- derful kind of Engine at the bottom. We directed him to draw out whatever was faſtened to that Chain; which ap- peared to be a Globe, half Silver, and half of fome tranfparent Metal: For on the tranſparent fide we faw certain ftrange Figures circularly drawn, and thought we could touch them, till we found our Fin- gers ftopped by that lucid Subſtance. He put this Engine to our Ears, which made an inceffant Noife like that of a Water- mill: And we conjecture it is either fome unknown Animal, or the God that he worſhips; but we are more inclined to the latter Opinion, becauſe he aſſures us, (if we underſtood him right, for he ex- preffed himſelf very imperfectly) that he feldom did any thing without confulting it: He called it his Oracle, and ſaid it pointed out the Time for every Action 2 D 3 of 42 A VOYAGE of his life. From the Left fob he took out a Net almoft large enough for a Fiſherman, but contrived to open and fhut like a Purfe, and ferved him for the fame uſe: We found therein feveral maffy pieces of yellow Metal, which if they be real Gold, muft be of immenfe value. HAVING thus, in obedience to your Majeſty's Commands, diligently fearched all his Pockets, we obferved a Girdle a- bout his Waift made of the Hide of fome prodigious Animal; from which, on the Left fide, hung a Sword of the length of Five men; and on the Right, a Bag or Pouch divided into Two Cells, each Cell capable of holding Three of your Ma- jeſty's Subjects. In one of theſe Cells were feveral Globes or Balls of the moſt ponderous Metal, about the bigness of our Heads, and required a ftrong Hand to lift them: The other Cell contained a heap of certain black Grains, but of no great bulk or weight, for we could hold above A to LILLIPUT. 43. above Fifty of them in the palms of our Hands. THIS is an exact Inventory of what we found about the body of the Man- Mountain, who uſed us with great ci- vility, and due refpect to your Majeſty's Commiffion. Signed and Sealed on the Fourth day of the Eighty ninth moon of your Majefty's aufpicious Reign. Clefren Frelock, Marfi Frelock. WHEN this Inventory was read over to the Emperor, he directed me, although in very gentle terms, to deliver up the feveral Particulars. He firſt called for my Scymiter, which I took out, Scab- bard and all. In the mean time he or- dered Three Thouſand of his choiceſt Troops (who then attended him) to fur- round me at a diſtance, with their Bows and Arrows juſt ready to diſcharge: But I did not obferve it, for mine Eyes were wholly fixed upon his Majefty. He then defired me to draw my Scymiter, which, although " D 4 44 A VOYAGE although it had got fome Ruft by the Sea-water, was in moſt parts exceeding bright. I did ſo, and immediately all the Troops gave a Shout between Terror and Surprize; for the Sun fhone clear, and the Reflexion dazled their Eyes as I wa- ved the Scymiter to and fro in my hand. His Majefty, who is a moft magnanimous Prince, was lefs daunted than I could ex- pect; he ordered me to return it into the Scabbard, and caft it on the ground as gently as I could, about Six foot from the end of my Chain. The next thing he demanded was One of the hollow Iron Pillars, by which he meant my Pocket- piftols. I drew it out, and at his defire, as well as I could, expreffed to him the uſe of it; and charging it only with powder, which by the clofenefs of my Pouch happened to cape wetting in the Sea (an inconvenience againſt which all prudent Mariners take fpecial care to provide) I firſt cautioned the Emperor not to be afraid, and then I let it off in the Air. The Aftoniſhment here was much % to LILLIPUT. 45 much greater than at the fight of my Scymiter. Hundreds fell down as if they had been truck dead; and even the Em- peror, although he ftood his ground, could not recover himſelf in fome time. I delivered up both my Piftols in the fame manner as I had done my Scymiter, and then my Pouch of Powder and Bul- lets; begging him that the former might be kept from the Fire, for it would kindle with the ſmalleſt Spark, and blow up his Imperial Palace into the Air. I likewife delivered up my Watch, which the Em- peror was very curious to fee, and com- manded Two of his talleft Yeomen of the Guards to bear it on a Pole upon their Shoulders, as Dray-men in England do a Barrel of Ale. He was amazed at the continual Noiſe it made, and the Motion of the Minute-hand, which he could ea- fily diſcern; for their Sight is much more acute than ours; and asked the Opinions of his learned Men about him, which were various and remote, as the Reader may well imagine without my repeating; although 46 A VOYAGE although indeed I could not very perfect. ly underſtand them. I then gave up my Silver and Copper Money, my Purſe with Nine large pieces of Gold, and fome fmaller ones; my Knife and Razor, my Comb and Silver Snuff-box, my Hand- kerchief and Journal-book. My Scymi- ter, Piſtols, and Pouch, were conveyed in Carriages to his Majeſty's Stores; but the rest of my Goods were returned me, I had, as I before obferved, one pri- vate Pocket which eſcaped their fearch, wherein there was a pair of Spectacles (which I fometimes ufe for the weakneſs of mine eyes) a Pocket Perſpective, and feveral other little Conveniencies; which being of no confequence to the Empe- ror, I did not think myſelf bound in Honour to diſcover, and I apprehended they might be loft or ſpoiled if I ventured them out of my poffeffion. CHAP. to LILLIPUT. 47 CHA P. III. The Author diverts the Emperor and his Nobility of both Sexes, in a very un- common Manner. The Diverfions of the Court of Lilliput defcrib'd. The Author bath his Liberty granted him, upon certain Conditions. M Y Gentleneſs and good Beha- viour had gained fo far on the Emperor and his Court, and indeed upon the Army and People in general, that I began to conceive hopes of getting my Liberty in a fhort time. I took all poffible methods to cul- tivate this favourable difpofition. The Natives came by degrees to be leſs appre- henfive of any Danger from me. I would fometimes lie down, and let Five or Wiged AL Six 48 A VOYAGE Six of them dance on my hand. And at laft the Boys and Girls would venture to come and play at Hide and Seek in my hair. I had now made a good progreſs in underſtanding and ſpeaking their Lan- guage. The Emperor had a mind one day to entertain me with feveral of the Country Shows, wherein they exceed all Nations I have known, both for Dexte- rity and Magnificence. I was diverted with none fo much as that of the Rope- dancers, performed upon a flender white Thread, extended about Two foot, and Twelve inches from the ground. Upon which I fhall defire liberty, with the Reader's patience, to enlarge a little. THIS Diverfion is only practifed by thoſe perſons who are Candidates for great Employments and high Favour at Court. They are trained in this Art from their youth, and are not always of noble Birth, or liberal Education. When a great Office is vacant either by Death or Difgrace (which often happens) Five or * to LILLIPU T. 49 or Six of thoſe Candidates petition the Emperor to entertain his Majefty and the Court with a Dance on the Rope, and whoever jumps the higheſt without fal- ling fucceeds in the Office. Very often the Chief Minifters themſelves are com- manded to fhew their Skill, and to con- vince the Emperor that they have not loft their Faculty. Flimnap, the Treaſurer, is allowed to cut a Caper on the ftrait Rope, at leaſt an Inch higher than any other Lord in the whole Empire. I have ſeen him do the Summerſet ſeveral times together upon a Trencher fixed on the Rope, which is no thicker than a common Pack- thread in England. My Friend Reldre- Sal, Principal Secretary for private Affairs, is, in my opinion, if I am not partial, the ſecond after the Treaſurer; the reft of the Great Officers are much upon a Par. THESE Diverfions are often attended with fatal Accidents, whereof great num- bers are on record. I myſelf have ſeen Two or Three Candidates break a Limb. But A VOYAGE 50 But the Danger is much greater when the Miniſters themſelves are commanded to Thew their Dexterity; for by contending to excel themſelves and their Fellows, they ſtrain fo far, that there is hardly One of them who hath not received a Fall, and fome of them Two or Three. I was affured that a Year or Two before my arrival, Flimnap would have infallibly broke his Neck, if One of the King's Cuſhions, that accidentally lay on the ground, had not weakened the force of his Fall. THERE is likewiſe another Diverfion which is only fhewn before the Emperor and Empreſs, and Firft Minifter, upon particular Occafions. The Emperor lays on a Table Three fine filken Threads of Six inches long. One is Purple, the other Yellow, and the Third White. Theſe Threads are propofed as Prizes for thoſe perſons whom the Emperor hath a mind to diſtinguiſh by a peculiar mark of his Favour. The Ceremony is performed in 1 to LILLIPUT. SI in his Majeſty's great Chamber of State, where the Candidates are to undergo a Tryal of Dexterity very different from the former, and fuch as I have not obſerv- ed the leaſt reſemblance of in any other Countrey of the old or the new World. The Emperor holds a Stick in his hands, both ends parallel to the Horizon, while the Candidates advancing one by one, fometimes leap over the Stick, fometimes creep undert backwards and forwards feveral times, according as the Stick is advanced or depreffed. Sometimes the Emperor holds one end of the Stick, and his First Minifter the other; fometimes the Miniſter has it entirely to himſelf. Whoever performs his part with moſt Agility, and holds out the longeft in leap- ing and creeping, is rewarded with the Purple coloured Silk; the Yellow is given to the next, and the White to the Third, which they all wear girt twice round a- bout the middle; and you fee few great Perfons about this Court who are not adorned with one of thefe Girdles. THE 3 52 A VOYAGE THE Horſes of the Army, and thoſe of the Royal Stables, having been daily led before me, were no longer fhy, but would come up to my very feet without ftarting. The Riders would leap them over my hand as I held it on the ground, and One of the Emperor's Huntſmen, upon a large Courfer, took my Foot, Shoe and all; which was indeed a pro- digious Leap. I had the good fortune to divert the Emperor One day after a very extraordinary manner. I defired he would order ſeveral Sticks of Two foot high, and the thickneſs of an ordinary Cane, to be brought me; whereupon his Majeſty commanded the Mafter of his Woods to give directions accordingly; and the next morning Six Wood-men arrived with as many Carriages, drawn by Eight Horfes to each. I took Nine of theſe Sticks, and fixing them firmly in the ground in a Quadrangular Figure, Two foot and a half ſquare, I took four other Sticks, and tyed them parallel at each Corner, about Two 8 to LILLIPUT. 53 3: Two foot from the ground; then I faftned my Handkerchief to the Nine Sticks that flood erect, and extended it on all fides till it was as tight as the top of a Drum; and the Four parallel Sticks rifing about Five inches higher than the Handkerchief, ferved as Ledges on each fide. When I had finiſhed my Work, I defired the Emperor to let a Troop of his beſt Horſe, Twenty four in number, come and exercife upon this Plain. His Majeſty approved of the Propoſal, and I took them up one by one in my hands, ready mounted and armed, with the pro- per Officers to exerciſe them As foon as they got into order, they divided into Two Parties, performed mockSkirmiſhes, diſcharged blunt Arrows, drew their Swords, fled and purfued, attacked and retired, and in fhort diſcovered the beſt Military Diſcipline I ever beheld. The parallel Sticks fecured them and their Horfes from falling over the Stage; and the Emperor was fo much delighted, that he ordered this Entertainment to be re- VOL. I. E peated بگیرید W 54 A VOYAGE 淼 ​2 peated feveral days, and once was pleafed to be lifted up, and give the word of Command; and, with great difficulty, perfuaded even the Emprefs herſelf to let me hold her in her cloſe Chair within Two yards of the Stage, from whence fhe was able to take a full view of the whole performance. It was my good fortune that no ill Accident happened in thefe Entertainments, only once a fiery Horſe that belonged to one of the Cap- tains pawing with his Hoof ftruck a hole in my Handkerchief, and his Foot flip- ping, he overthrew his Rider and him- felf but I immediately relieved them both, and covering the Hole with one hand, I fet down the Troop with the other, in the fame manner as I took them up. The Horſe that fell was ſtrained in the Left ſhoulder, but the Rider got no hurt, and I repaired my Handkerchief as well as I could; however, I would not truſt to the ſtrength of it any more in fuch dangerous Enterprizes. 3119 y ...... Jas ABOUT to LILLIPUT. 55 ABOUT TWO or Three days before I was fet at liberty, as I was entertaining the Court with thefe kind of Feats, there arrived an Exprefs to inform his Majefty that fome of his Subjects riding near the place where I was first taken up, had feen a great black Subftance lying on the ground, very odly fhaped, extending its Edges round as wide as his Majefty's Bed- chamber, and rifing up in the middle as high as a Man; that it was no living Creature, as they at firft apprehended, for it lay on the grafs without motion, and fome of them had walked round it feve- ral times: That by mounting upon each others Shoulders, they had got to the top, which was flat and even, and ſtamping upon it they found it was hollow with- in; that they humbly conceived it might be fomething belonging to the Man- Mountain, and if his Majefty pleaſed, they would undertake to bring it with only Five horfes. I prefently knew what they meant, and was glad at heart to re- ceive E 2 -- 56 A VOYAGE 慘 ​鬟 ​ceive this Intelligence. It feems upon my firſt reaching the ſhore after our fhip- wreck, I was in fuch confufion, that be- fore I came to the place where I went to fleep, my Hat, which I had faftned with a String to my Head while I was rowing, and had ſtuck on all the time I was fwim- ming, fell off after I came to land; the String, as I conjecture, breaking by fome accident which I never obferved, but thought my Hat had been loft at fea. I intreated his Imperial Majefty to give or- ders it might be brought to me as foon as poffible, defcribing to him the Uſe and the Nature of it: And the next day the Waggoners arrived with it, but not in a very good condition; they had bored two Holes in the Brim, within an Inch and half of the Edge, and faftned Two Hooks in the Holes; thefe Hooks were tyed by a long Cord to the Harneſs, and thus my Hat was dragged along for above half an English Mile: But the Ground in that country being extremely fmooth and le- vel,it received lefs damage than I expected. Two to LILLIPUT. 57 A Two days after this Adventure, the Emperor having ordered that part of his Army which quarters in and about his Metropolis to be in a readineſs, took a fancy of diverting himſelf in a very fin- gular manner. He defired I would ſtand like a Coloffus, with my Legs as far a- funder as I conveniently could. He then commanded his General (who was an old experienced Leader, and a great Patron of mine) to draw up the Troops in cloſe Order, and march them under me, the Foot by Twenty four in a breaft, and the Horſe by Sixteen, with Drums beat- ing, Colours flying, and Pikes advanced. This Body confifted of Three thouſand Foot, and a Thoufand Horfe. His Ma- jeſty gave orders, upon pain of Death, that every Soldier in his march fhould obſerve the ſtricteſt Decency, with regard to my Perfon; which, however, could not prevent ſome of the younger Officers from turning up their Eyes as they paffed under me. And, to confefs the Truth, ه ها E 3 my 58 A VOYAGE my Breeches were at that time in ſo ill a condition, that they afforded fome op- portunities for Laughter and Admiration. I had fent fo many Memorials and Pe- titions for my Liberty, that his Majeſty at length mentioned the Matter firft in the Cabinet, and then in a full Council; where it was oppofed by none, except Skyreſh Bolgolam, who was pleafed, with- out any provocation, to be my mortal Enemy. But it was carried againſt him by the whole Board, and confirmed by the Emperor. That Minifter was Galbet, or Admiral of the Realm, very much in his Mafter's Confidence, and a Perfon well verſed in affairs, but of a morofe and four Complexion. However, he was at length perfuaded to comply; but pre- vailed that the Articles and Conditions upon which I ſhould be fet free, and to which I muſt ſwear, fhould be drawn up by himſelf. Thefe Articles were brought to me by Skyrefh Bolgolam in perfon, attended by Two Under-Secre- taries, to LILLIPUT. 59 taries, and feveral Perſons of Diftinction. After they were read, I was demanded to fwear to the performance of them; firft in the manner of my own countrey, and afterwards in the method preſcribed by their Laws; which was to hold my Right foot in my Left hand, to place the Mid- dle finger of my Right hand on the Crown of my head, and my Thumb on the Tip of my Right ear. But becauſe the Reader may perhaps be curious to have ſome idea of the Style and Manner of expreffion peculiar to that People, as well as to know the Articles upon which I recovered my Liberty, I have made a a Tranflation of the whole Inftrument word for word, as near as I was able, which I here offer to the publick. GOLBASTO MOMAREN EVLAME GUR- DILO SHEFIN MULLY ULLY GUE, moft Mighty Emperor of Lilliput, Delight and Terror of the Univerſe, whoſe Domini- ons extend Five thouſand Bluftrugs (a- bout Twelve miles in Circumference) to the E 4 60% A VOYAGE the Extremities of the Globe; Monarch of all Monarchs, taller than the Sons of Men; whofe Feet prefs down to the Center, and whofe Head ſtrikes againſt the Sun: At whofe Nod the Princes of the Earth fhake their Knees; pleaſant as the Spring, comfortable as the Summer, fruitful as Autumn, dreadful as Winter. His moft fublime Majefty propoſeth to the Man-Mountain, lately arrived to our Celeſtial Dominions, the following Ar- ticles, which by a folemn Oath he ſhall be obliged to perform, FIRST, The Man-Mountain fhall not depart from our Dominions, without our Licenſe under our Great Seal. 2d, HE fhall not prefume to come in- to our Metropolis, without our exprefs Order; at which time the Inhabitants fhall have Two hours warning to keep within their Doors. 3d, to LILLIPUT. 61 3d, THE faid Man-Mountain fhall confine his Walks to our principal High Roads, and not offer to walk or lie down in a Meadow or Field of Corn. 4th, As he walks the faid Roads, he fhall take the utmost care not to trample upon the bodies of any of our loving Subjects, their Horfes, or Carriages, nor take any of our faid Subjects into his hands, without their own confent. 5th, IF an Expreſs requires extraordi- nary Dispatch, the Man-Mountain fhall be obliged to carry in his pocket the Meffenger and Horſe a Six days Journey once in every Moon, and return the faid Meſſenger back (if fo required) fafe to our Imperial Prefence. 6th, HE fhall be our Ally againft our Enemies in the Ifland of Blefufeu, and do his utmoſt to deftroy their Fleet, which is now preparing to invade Us. 7th, 62 A VOYAGE 3 F # th, THAT the faid Man-Mountain fhall, at his times of leifure, be aiding and affifting to our Workmen, in help-. ing to raiſe certain great Stones, towards covering the Wall of the principal Park, and other our Royal Buildings. 8th, THAT the faid Man-Mountain fhall, in Two Moons time, deliver in an exact Survey of the Circumference of our Dominions by a Computation of his own Paces round the Coaft. LASTLY, That upon his folemn Oath to obferve all the above Articles, the faid Man-Mountain fhall have a daily Allowance of Meat and Drink fufficient for the Support of 1728 of our Subjects, with free acceſs to our Royal Perſon, and other marks of our Favour. Given at our Palace at Belfaborec the Twelfth Day of the Ninety firft Moon of our Reign. # I fwore to LILLIPUT. 63 I ſwore and fubfcribed to theſe arti- cles with great Chearfulneſs and Con- tent, although fome of them were not fo honourable as I could have wifhed which proceeded wholly from the ma- lice of Skyreſh Bolgolam the High Ad- miral: Whereupon my Chains were im- mediately unlocked, and I was at full liberty; the Emperor himſelf in perfon did me the Honour to be by at the whole Ceremony. I made my Acknowledg- ments by proftrating myſelf at his Ma- jeſty's Feet: But he commanded me to rife; and after many gracious expreffions, which, to avoid the cenfure of Vanity, I fhall not repeat, he added, that he hoped I should prove a uſeful Servant, and well deferve all the Favours he had already conferred upon me, or might do for the future. THE Reader may pleaſe to obferve, that in the laſt Article for the recovery of my Liberty the Emperor ftipulates to allow ། W 64 A VOYAGE allow me a quantity of meat and drink fufficient for the fupport of 1728 Lilli- putians. Some time after, asking a Friend at Court how they came to fix on that determinate number; he told me, that his Majeſty's Mathematicians, having taken the Height of my Body by the help of a Quadrant, and finding it to ex- ceed theirs in the proportion of Twelve to One, they concluded from the Simi- larity of their bodies, that mine muſt contain at leaſt 1728 of theirs, and con- fequently would require as much Food as was neceſſary to ſupport that number of Lilliputians. By which, the Reader may conceive an idea of the Ingenuity of that People, as well as the prudent and exact Oeconomy of fo great a Prince. A CHAP. to LILLIPUT. 65 CHA P. IV. Mildendo the Metropolis of Lilliput de fcrib'd, together with the Emperor's Palace. A Converfation between the Author and a principal Secretary, concerning the Affairs of that Empire. The Author's Offers to ferve the Em- peror in his Wars. HE Firſt requeſt I made after I had obtained my Liberty, was, that I might have li- cenſe to ſee Mildendo, the Metropolis; which the Emperor eafily granted me, but with a ſpecial charge to do no hurt, either to the Inhabitants, or their Houſes. The People had no- tice by Proclamation of my defign to vifit the Town. The Wall which en- compaffed it, is Two foot and an half high, 22 # A 66 A VOYAGE high, and at leaſt Eleven inches broad, fo that a Coach and Horſes may be driven very fafely round it; and it is flanked with ftrong Towers at Ten foot diſtance. I ftept over the great Weſtern Gate, and paffed very gently, and fideling through the Two principal Streets, only in my fhort Waistcoat, for fear of damaging the Roofs and Eves of the Houſes with the Skirts of my Coat. I walked with the utmoſt circumfpection, to avoid treading on any Stragglers, that might remain in the Streets, although the Orders were very ſtrict, that all people fhould keep in their houſes, at their own peril. The Garret Windows and Tops of houſes were fo crowded withSpectators,that I thought in all my Travels I had not feen a more populous place. The City is an exact Square, each fide of the Wall being Five hundred foot long. The two great Streets which run crofs and divide it into Four Quarters, are Five foot wide. The Lanes and Alleys which I could not enter, but only viewed them as I paffed, are from Twelve 3 to LILLIPUT. 67 Twelve to Eighteen inches. The Town is capable of holding Five hundred thou- fand Souls. The Houſes are from Three to Five Stories. The Shops and Markets well provided. THE Emperor's Palace is in the Cen- ter of the City, where the Two great Streets meet. It is inclofed by a Wall of Two foot high, and Twenty foot dif- tant from the Buildings. I had his Ma- jeſty's permiffion to ftep over this Wall; and the Space being fo wide between that and the Palace, I could eafily view it on every fide. The outward Court is a Square of Forty foot, and includes Two other Courts: In the inmoft are the Royal Apartments, which I was very de- firous to fee, but found it extremely dif ficult; for the great Gates, from one Square into another, were but Eighteen inches high, and Seven inches wide. Now the Buildings of the outer Court were at leaſt Five foot high, and it was impof- fible for me to ftride over them, with- out 4 68 A VOYAGE 2% 2 out infinite damage to the Pile, though the Walls were ſtrongly built of hewn Stone, and Four inches thick. At the fame time the Emperor had a great de- fire that I fhould fee the Magnificence of his Palace; but this I was not able to do till Three days after, which I ſpent in cutting down with my Knife fome of the largeſt Trees in the Royal Park, a- bout an Hundred yards diftant from the City. Of theſe Trees I made Two Stools, each about Three foot high, and ſtrong enough to bear my Weight. The People having received notice a Second time, I went again through the City to the Pa- lace, with my Two Stools in my hands. When I came to the fide of the outer Court, I ftood upon One Stool, and took the other in my hand: This I lifted over the Roof, and gently fet it down on the Space between the firſt and ſecond Court, which was Eight foot wide. I then ſtept over the Buildings very conveniently from one Stool to the other, and drew up the firſt after me with a hooked Stick. By 3 to LILLIPUT. 69 By this contrivance I got into the inmoft Court; and lying down upon my Side, I applied my Face to the Windows of the middle Stories, which were left open on purpoſe, and diſcovered the moſt ſplen- did Apartments that can be imagined. There I faw the Emprefs, and the young Princes in their feveral Lodgings, with their chief Attendants about them. Her Imperial Majeſty was pleafed to fmile very graciouſly upon me, and gave me out of the Window her Hand to kifs. BUT I fhall not anticipate the Reader with farther Deſcriptions of this kind, becauſe I referve them for a greater Work, which is now almoft ready for the Preſs, containing a general Defcription of this Empire, from its first Erection, through a long Series of Princes, with a particu- lar Account of their Wars and Politicks, Laws, Learning, and Religion; their Plants and Animals, their peculiar Man- ners and Cuſtoms, very curious and with other Matters VOL. I. ufeful; my chief defign F at O A VOYAGE at preſent being only to relate fuch E- vents and Tranſactions as happened to the publick, or to myfelf, during a Re- fidence of about Nine months in that Empire. ONE morning, about a Fortnight af ter I had obtained my liberty, Keldrefal, Principal Secretary (as they ftyle him) of private Affairs, came to my Houſe, attended only by one Servant. He or- dered his Coach to wait at a diſtance, and defired I would give him an hour's Au- dience; which I readily confented to, on account of his Quality and perſonal Me- rits, as well as the many good Offices he had done me during my Solicitations at Court. I offered to lie down, that he might the more conveniently reach my Ear; but he chofe rather to let me hold him in my hand during our converſa- tion. He began with Compliments on my Liberty, faid he might pretend to fome Merit in it; but, however, added, that if it had not been for the preſent Situ- to LILLIPUT. 71 ።። Situation of things at Court, perhaps I might not have obtained it fo foon. For, faid he, as flourishing a Condition as we may appear to be in to Foreigners, we labour under Two mighty Evils; a vio- lent Faction at home, and the danger of an Invaſion by a moft potent Enemy from abroad. As to the first, you are to un- derſtand, that for above Seventy moons paſt, there have been Two ftruggling Par- ties in this Empire, under the Names of Trameckfan, and Slameckfan, from the high and low Heels on their Shoes, by which they diftinguiſh themſelves. It is alledged indeed, that the high Heels are moſt agreeable to our ancient Conftitu tion: But however this be, his Majefty hath determined to make uſe of only low Heels in the Adminiftration of the Government, and all Offices in the gift of the Crown, as you cannot but ob ferve; and particularly, that his Majefty's Imperial Heels are lower at leaſt by a Drurr than any of his Court; (Drurr is a Meaſure about the Fourteenth part F 2 of 72 A VOYAGE of an inch.) The Animofities between thefe Two parties run fo high, that they will neither eat nor drink, nor talk with each other. We compute the Trameck- fan, or High-heels, to exceed us in num- ber; but the Power is wholly on our fide. We apprehend his Imperial High- nefs, the Heir to the Crown, to have ſome Tendency towards the High-heels; at leaft, we can plainly difcover one of his Heels higher than the other, which gives him a Hobble in his Gait. Now, in the midſt of theſe inteftine Difquiets, we are threatned with an Invafion from the Iſland of Blefufcu, which is the o- ther great Empire of the Univerſe, al- moſt as large and powerful as this of his Majeſty. For as to what we have heard you affirm, that there are other King- doms and States in the world, inhabited by human Creatures as large as yourſelf, our Philoſophers are in much doubt, and would rather conjecture that you dropt from the Moon, or One of the Stars; be- cauſe it is certain, that an hundred Mor- tals 2 to LILLIPUT. 畿 ​73 tals of your Bulk would, in a fhort time, deſtroy all the Fruits and Cattel of his Majeſty's Dominions. Befides, our Hi- ftories of Six thouſand Moons make no mention of any other Regions, than the Two great Empires of Lilliput and Ble- fufcu. Which Two mighty Powers have, as I was going to tell you, been engaged in a moſt obſtinate War for Six and thirty Moons paft. It began upon the follow- ing Occafion. It is allowed on all hands, that the primitive way of breaking Eggs before we eat them, was upon the larger End: But his prefent Majefty's Grand- father, while he was a Boy, going to eat an Egg, and breaking it according to the ancient practice, happened to cut one of his Fingers. Whereupon the Emperor his Father publiſhed an Edict, command- ing all his Subjects, upon great Penalties, to break the ſmaller End of their Eggs, The People ſo highly refented this Law, that our Hiftories tell us there have been Six Rebellions raiſed on that account; wherein one Emperor loft his Life, and anothe F 3 74 A VOYAGE another his Crown. Theſe Civil Com- motions were conftantly fomented by the Monarchs of Blefufeu; and when they were quelled, the Exiles always fled for Refuge to that Empire. It is computed, that Eleven thouſand Perfons have, at feveral times, fuffered Death, rather than ſubmit to break their Eggs at the ſmaller End. Many hundred large Volumes have been publiſhed upon this Controverfy: But the Books of the Big-Endians have been long forbidden, and the whole Par- ty rendred incapable by Law of holding Employments. During the Courſe of thefe Troubles, the Emperors of Ble- fufcu did frequently expoftulate by their Ambaffadors, accufing us of making a Schifm in Religion, by offending againſt a fundamental Doctrine of our great Pro- phet Luftrog, in the Fifty fourth Chapter of the Brundecral (which is their Al- coran.) This, however, is thought to be a mere Strain upon the Text: For the Words are thefe; That all true Believers fball break their Eggs at the convenient End: : ܂܂ to LILLIPUT. 75 4- End: And which is the Convenient end, ſeems, in my humble opinion, to be left to every man's Confcience, or at leaſt in the power of the Chief Magiftrate to determine. Now the Big-Endian Exiles have found fo much credit in the Emperor of Blefufcu's Court, and fo much private Affiftance and Encouragement from their Party here at home, that a bloody War hath been carried on between the Two Empires for Six and thirty moons with various Succefs; during which time we have loft Forty Capital Ships, and a much greater number of ſmaller Veſſels, toge- ther with Thirty thouſand of our beſt Seamen and Soldiers; and the Damage received by the Enemy is reckoned to be fomewhat greater than ours. However, they have now equipped a numerous Fleet, and are juſt preparing to make a Defcent upon us; and his Imperial Ma- jeſty placing great Confidence in your Valour and Strength, hath commanded Me to lay this account of his Affairs be- fore You. F 4 I de- 76 A VOYAGE I defired the Secretary to prefent my humble Duty to the Emperor, and to let him know, that I thought it would not become Me, who was a Foreigner, to interfere with Parties; but I was rea- dy, with the hazard of my Life, to de- fend his Perfon and State againſt all In- vaders. 签 ​CHAP. - to LILLIPUT. 77 CHAP. V. The Author by an extraordinary Strata- gem, prevents an Invasion. A high Title of Honour is conferr'd upon him. Ambaffadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefufcu, and fue for Peace. The Empress's Apartment on fire by an Accident. The Author inftrumental in faving the rest of the Palace. orlw HE Empire of Blefufeu is an Ifland fituated to the North- North-Eaft fide of Lilliput, from whence it is parted on- ly by a Channel of Eight hundred yards' wide. I had not yet feen it, and upon this notice of an intended Invafion, I avoided appearing on that fide of the Coaft, for fear of being difcovered by fome of the Enemies Ships, who had received Opry. . 78 A VOYAGE received no Intelligence of me, all In- tercourſe between the Two Empires ha- ving been ſtrictly forbidden during the War, upon pain of Death, and an Em- bargo laid by our Emperor upon all Vef- fels whatſoever. I communicated to his Majefty a Project I had formed of feizing the Enemy's whole Fleet; which, as our Scouts affured us, lay at anchor in the Harbour ready to fail with the firſt fair Wind. I confulted the moſt expe- rienced Seamen, upon the depth of the Channel, which they had often plummed, who told me, that in the middle at High- water it was Seventy Glumgluffs deep, which is about Six foot of European mea- fure; and the reſt of it Fifty Glumgluffs at moft. I walked towards the North-Eaft Coaft over-againſt Blefufcu, and lying down behind a Hillock, took out my ſmall Pocket Perfpective-Glafs, and viewed the Enemy's Fleet at anchor, conſiſting of about Fifty Men of War, and a great number of Tranfports: I then came back to my Houſe, and gave order (for to LILLIPUT. 79 (for which I had a Warrant) for a great quantity of the ftrongeft Cable and Bars of Iron. The Cable was about as thick as Packthread, and the Bars of the length and fize of a Knitting-needle. I trebled the Cable to make it ſtronger, and for the ſame reaſon I twiſted Three of the Iron Bars together, bending the Extremi- ties into a Hook. Having thus fixed Fifty Hooks to as many Cables, I went back to the North-Eaſt Coaſt, and putting off my Coat, Shoes, and Stockings, walked into the Sea in my Leathern Jerkin, about half an hour before High-water. I wa- ded with what hafte I could, and ſwam in the middle about Thirty yards till I felt ground; I arrived at the Fleet in lefs than half an hour. The Enemy was fo fright- ed when they faw me, that they leaped out of their ſhips, and fwam to fhore, where there could not be fewer than Thirty thouſand Souls. I then took my Tackling, and faftning a Hook to the hole at the Prow of each, I tied all the Cords together at the End. While I was thus employed, 80 A VOYAGE employed, the Enemy diſcharged feveral thouſand Arrows, many of which ftuck in my Hands and Face; and befides the ex- ceffive fmart, gave me much diſturbance in my Work. My greateſt Apprehenfion was for mine Eyes, which I fhould have infallibly loft, if I had not fuddenly thought of an Expedient. I kept among other little Neceffaries a pair of Spectacles in a private Pocket, which, as I obferved before, had fcaped the Emperor's Search- ers. Theſe I took out and faftned as ſtrong- ly as I could upon my Nofe, and thus armed went on boldly with my Work in fpight of the Enemies Arrows, many of which ftruck againſt the Glaffes of my Spectacles, but without any other effect, further than a little to difcompofe them. I had now faftned all the Hooks, and tak- ing the Knot in my hand, began to pull; but not a Ship would ftir, for they were all too faſt held by their Anchors, fo that the boldest part of my Enterprize remained, I therefore let go the Cord, and leaving the Hooks fixed to the Ships, I refolutely cut to LILLIPUT. 8 I cut with my Knife the Cables that faſt- ned the Anchors, receiving above Two hundred Shots in my Face and Hands; then I took up the knotted end of the Cables to which my Hooks were tyed, and with great eafe drew Fifty of the Enemies largeſt Men of War after me. a THE Blefufcudians, who had not the leaft imagination of what I intended,were at firft confounded with aſtoniſhment. They had ſeen me cut the Cables, and thought my Deſign was only to let the Ships run a-drift, or fall foul on each other: But when they perceived the whole Fleet moving in order, and faw me pulling at the end, they ſet up fuch ſcream of Grief and Defpair, that it is almoſt impoffible to defcribe or conceive. When I had got out of danger, I ftopt a while to pick out the Arrows that ſtuck in my Hands and Face, and rubbed on fome of the fame Ointment that was given me at my first arrival, as I have formerly mentioned. I then took off my Specta- cles, I 82 A VOYAGÈ cles, and waiting about an hour till the Tide was a little fallen, I waded through the middle with my Cargo, and arrived ſafe at the Royal Port of Lilliput. THE Emperor and his whole Court ftood on the shore expecting the Iffue of this great Adventure. They ſaw the Ships move forward in a large Half-moon, but could not difcern me, who was up to my Breaſt in Water. When I ad- vanced to the middle of the Channel, they were yet more in pain becauſe I was under Water to my Neck. The Em- peror concluded me to be drowned, and that the Enemy's Fleet was approaching in a hoftile manner: But he was foon eafed of his Fears, for the Channel grow- ing fhallower every ftep I made, I came in a ſhort time within hearing; and hold- ing up the end of the Cable by which the Fleet was faftned, I cried in a loud Voice, Long live the most puissant Em- peror of Lilliput! This great Prince re ceived me at my landing with all poffi- A ble to LILLIPUT. 83 ble Encomiums, and created me a Nar- dac upon the ſpot, which is the higheſt Title of Honour among them. His Majeſty defired I would take ſome other Opportunity of bringing all the reſt of his Enemy's Ships into his Ports. And fo unmeafurable is the Am- bition of Princes, that he ſeemed to think of nothing less than reducing the whole Empire of Blefufcu into a Province, and governing it by a Vice-Roy; of deftroy- ing the Big-Endian Exiles, and compel- ling that People to break the ſmaller end of their Eggs, by which he would remain the fole Monarch of the whole World. But I endeavoured to divert him from this Deſign, by many Arguments drawn from the Topicks of Policy as well as Juſtice: And I plainly protefted, that I would never be an Inſtrument of bring- ing a Free and Brave People into Slavery. And when the Matter was debated in Council, the wifeft part of the Miniſtry were of my opinion. THIS 84 A VOYAGE THIS open bold Declaration of mine was fo oppofite to the Schemes and Po- liticks of his Imperial Majefty, that he could never forgive it; he mentioned it in a very artful manner at Council, where I was told that fome of the wifeft appear- ed, at leaſt, by their filence, to be of my opinion; but others, who were my fecret Enemies, could not forbear fome Ex- preffions, which by a fide-wind reflect- ed on me. And from this time began an Intrigue between his Majefty, and a Jun- to of Miniſters maliciouſly bent againſt me, which broke out in leſs than Two months, and had like to have ended in my utter Deſtruction. Offo little weight are the greateſt Services to Princes, when put into the ballance with a Refuſal to gratify their Paffions. ABOUT Three weeks after this Ex- ploit,there arrived a folemn Embaffy from Blefufcu, with humble Offers of a Peace; which was foon concluded upon Condi- tions. 1 to LILLIPUT. 85 tions very advantageous to our Emperor, wherewith I fhall not trouble the Reader. There were Six Ambaffadors, with aTrain of about Five hundred Perfons, and their Entry was very magnificent, fuitable to the Grandeur of their Mafter, and the Im- portance of their Bufinefs. When their Treaty was finiſhed, wherein I did them feveral good Offices by the Credit I now had, or at leaſt appeared to have at Court, their Excellencies, who were privately told how much I had been their Friend, made me a Viſit in form. They began with many Compliments upon my Valour and Generofity, invited me to that Kingdom in the Emperor their Mafter's Name, and defired me to fhew them fome Proofs of my prodigious Strength, of which they had heard fo many Wonders; wherein I readily obliged them, but ſhall not trou- ble the Reader with the Particulars. WHEN I had for fome time enter- tained their Excellencies to their infinite Satisfaction and Surprize, I defired they VOL. I. would G 86 A VOYAGE would do me the Honour to preſent my moft humble refpects to the Emperor their Mafter, the Renown of whoſe Vir tues had ſo juſtly filled the whole World with Admiration, and whofe Royal Per- fon I refolved to attend before I returned to my own Countrey: Accordingly, the next time I had the honour to ſee our Emperor, I defired his general Licence to wait on the Blefufcudian Monarch,which he was pleaſed to grant me, as I could plainly perceive, in a very cold manner; but could not gueſs the Reafon, till I had a Whiſper from a certain perfon, that Flimnap and Bolgolam had repreſented my Intercourfe with thofe Ambaffadors as a mark of Difaffection, from which I am fure my heart was wholly free. And this was the first time I began to conceive fome imperfect Idea of Courts and Minifters. It is to be obſerved, that theſe Am- baſſadors ſpoke to me by an Interpreter, the Languages of both Empires differing as much from each other as any Two in 'bluow Europe; to LILLIPUT. 87 Europe; and each Nation priding itſelf upon the Antiquity, Beauty, and Energy of their own Tongues, with an avowed Contempt for that of their Neighbour; yet our Emperor, ftanding upon the ad- vantage he had got by the feifure of their Fleet, obliged them to deliver their Cre- dentials, and make their Speech in the Lilliputian Tongue. And it muſt be confeffed, that from the great Intercourſe of Trade and Commerce between both Realms, from the continual Reception of Exiles, which is mutual among them, and from the Cuſtom in each Empire to ſend their young Nobility and richer Gentry to the other, in order to polifh themſelves, by ſeeing the World, and underſtanding Men and Manners; there are few perfons of Diſtinction, or Merchants, or Seamen, who dwell in the Maritime Parts, but what can hold converfation in both Tongues, as I found fome Weeks after, when I went to pay my refpects to the Emperor of Blefufcu, which in the midft of great misfortunes, through the Malice G 2 of 88 A VOYAGE & of my enemies, proved a very happy Adventure to me, as I fhall relate in its proper place. THE Reader may remember, that when I figned thofe Articles upon which I reco- vered my Liberty, there were fome which I disliked upon account of their being too fervile, neither could any thing but an extreme Neceffity have forced me to fubmit. But being now a Nardac, of the highest Rank in that Empire, fuch Offi ces were looked upon as below my dig nity, and the Emperor (to do him juſtice) never once mentioned them to me. How- ever, it was not long before I had an opportunity of doing his Majefty, at leaſt, as I then thought, a moft fignal Service. I was alarmed at midnight with the Cries of many hundred People at my Door; by which being fuddenly awaked, I was in fome kind of terror. I heard the word Burglum repeated inceffantly: Se- veral of the Emperor's Court making their way through the Croud, intreated me to LILLIPUT. 89 14% me to come immediately to the Palace, where her Imperial Majefty's Apartment was on fire, by the careleſneſs of a Maid of Honour, who fell afleep while fhe was reading a Romance. I got up in an inſtant; and Orders being given to clear the way before me, and it being like- wife a Moon-fhine Night, I made a ſhift to get to the Palace without tramp- ling on any of the People. I found they had already applied Ladders to the Walls of the Apartment, and were well provided with Buckets, but the Wa- ter was at fome diftance. Theſe Buckets were about the fize of a large Thimble, and the poor people fupplied me with them as fast as they could; but the Flame was fo violent, that they did little good. I might eaſily have ftifled it with my Coat, which I unfortunately left behind me for hafte, and came away only in my Leathern Jerkin. The Cafe feemed wholly defpe- rate and deplorable, and this magnificent Palace would have infallibly been burnt down to the ground, if, by a Prefence G 3 of 90 A VOYAGE # of mind, unufual to me, I had not fud- denly thought of an Expedient. I had the evening before drank plentifully of a moſt delicious Wine, called Glimigrim (the Blefufcudians call it Flunec, but ours is eſteemed the better fort) which is very Diuretick. By the luckieft Chance in the world, I had not difcharged my- ſelf of any part of it. The Heat I had contracted by coming very near the Flames, and by my labouring to quench them, made the Wine begin to operate by Urine; which I voided in fuch a quan- tity, and applied fo well to the proper places, that in Three minutes the Fire was wholly extinguished, and the reft of that noble Pile, which had coft fo many ages in erecting, preſerved from deftru- &tion. 160 It was now day-light, and I returned to my houſe, without waiting to con- gratulate with the Emperor; becauſe, al- though I had done a very eminent piece of Service, yet I could not tell how his Majefty to LILLIPUT. 91. Majeſty might refent the manner by which I had performed it: For, by the fundamental Laws of the Realm, it is Capital in any Perfon, of what Quality foever, to make water within the Pre- cincts of the Palace. But I was a little comforted by a meſſage from his Majeſty, that he would give orders to the Grand Jufticiary for paffing my Pardon in form; which, however, I could not obtain. And I was privately affured, the Emprefs, conceiving the greateſt Abhorrence of what I had done, removed to the moſt diſtant fide of the Court, firmly reſolved that thoſe Buildings fhould never be re- paired for her ufe; and, in the preſence of her chief Confidents, could not for- bear vowing Revenge. de viiteng of dat O has CHAP G 4 920 A VOYAGE །རི།། 会 ​WR DE CHAP. VI. Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput, their Learning, Laws and Customs, the Manner of educating their Children, The Author's way of living in that Countrey, His Vindication of a great Lady, LTHOUGH I intend to leave the Defcription of this Empire to a particular Treatife, yet in the mean time I am con- tent to gratify the curious Reader with fome general Ideas. As the common fize of the natives is fomewhat under Six inches high, fo there is an exact Propor- tion in all other Animals, as well as Plants and Trees: For inftance, the talleſt Horſes and Oxen are between Four and Five inches to LILLIPUT. 93 inches in height, the Sheep an Inch and a half, more or less; their Geeſe about the bigness of a Sparrow, and fo the fe veral Gradations downwards, till you come to the ſmalleſt, which, to my fight, were almoft invifible; but Nature hath adapted the Eyes of the Lilliputians to all Objects proper for their view: They fee with great exactneſs, but at no great diſtance. And to ſhow the ſharpneſs of their fight towards Objects that are near, I have been much pleaſed in obferving a Cook pulling a Lark, which was not ſo large as a common Fly; and a young Girl threading an invifible Needle with in- viſible Silk. Their talleft Trees are a- bout Seven foot high; I mean ſome of thofe in the great Royal Park, the Tops whereof I could but juſt reach with my Fift clenched. The other Vegetables are in the fame proportion; but this I leave to the Reader's imagination. I fhall fay but little at prefent of their Learning, which for many Ages hath flouriſhed 94 A VOYAGE flouriſhed in all its branches among them: But their manner of writing is very pecu- liar, being neither from the Left to the Right, like the Europeans; nor from the Right to the Left, like the Arabians; nor from up to down, like the Chineſe; nor from down to up, like the Cafcagians; but aflant from one corner of the paper to the other, like Ladies in England. THEY bury their Dead with their Heads directly downwards, becauſe they hold an opinion, that in Eleven thouſand moons they are all to rife again, in which period the Earth (which they conceive to be flat) will turn upfide down, and by this means they fhall, at their Refur- rection, be found ready ftanding on their feet. The Learned among them confefs the Abfurdity of this Doctrine, but the Practice ſtill continues, in compliance to the Vulgar. THERE are fome Laws and Customs in this Empire very peculiar, and if they were ریاچه شد .. to LILLIPUT. 95 were not fo directly contrary to thoſe of my own dear Countrey, I fhould be tempted to ſay a little in their juftification. It is only to be wifhed, that they were as well executed. The firft I fhall mention, relates to Informers. All Crimes againſt the State are puniſhed here with the ut- moſt ſeverity; but if the Perſon accuſed maketh his Innocence plainly to appear upon his Tryal, the Accufer is immediate- ly put to an ignominious Death; and out of his Goods or Lands, the innocent Per- fon is quadruply recompenfed for the Lofs of his Time, for the Danger he under- went, for the Hardſhip of his Impriſon- ment, and for all the Charges he hath been at in making his Defence. Or, if that Fund be deficient, it is largely fup- plied by the Crown. The Emperor does alfo confer on him fome publick Mark of his Favour, and Proclamation is made of his Innocence through the whole City. THEY look upon Fraud as a greater. Crime than Theft, and therefore ſeldom fail ६ # } عیوب شده که در ایران 96 A VOYAGE fail to puniſh it with Death; for they al- ledge, that Care and Vigilance, with a ve- ry common Underſtanding, may preferve a man's Goods from Thieves, but Honeſty has no fence againſt fuperior Cunning: and fince it is neceffary that there fhould be a perpetual Intercourfe of Buying and Selling, and dealing upon Credit, where Fraud is permitted or connived at, or hath no Law to puniſh it, the honeft Dealer is always undone, and the Knave gets the advantage. I remember when I was once interceding with the King for a Criminal who had wronged his Maſter of a great Sum of Money, which he had received by order, and ran away with; and hap- pening to tell his Majefty by way of ex- tenuation, that it was only a Breach of truft; the Emperor thought it monftrous in me to offer, as a Defence, the greateſt Aggravation of the Crime: And truly I had little to ſay in return, farther than the common Anſwer, that different Nations had different Cuſtoms; for, I confefs, I was heartily afhamed. Bod : AL- 3 to LILLIPUT. 97 ALTHOUGH We ufually call Reward and Puniſhment the Two Hinges upon which all Government turns, yet I could never obſerve this Maxim to be put in practiſe by any Nation except that of Lilliput. Whoever can there bring ſuf- ficient proof that he hath ftrictly obferved the Laws of his Country for Seventy three moons, hath a claim to certain Pri- vileges, according to his Quality and Condition of Life, with a proportionable Sum of Money out of a Fund appropria ted for that uſe: He likewife acquires the Title of Snilpall, or Legal, which is ad- ded to his Name, but does not deſcend to his Pofterity. And theſe people thought it a prodigious Defect of Policy among us, when I told them that our Laws were enforced only by Penalties without any mention of Reward. It is upon this account that the Image of Juftice, in their Courts of Judicature, is formed with Six eyes, Two before, as many behind, and On each fide One, to fignify Circum- ſpection; * 98 A VOYAGE ſpection; with a bag of Gold open in het Right hand, and a Sword fheathed in her Left, to fhew ſhe is more difpofed to Reward than to Puniſh. 10IN chufing Perfons for all Employ- ments, they have more regard to good Morals than to great Abilities; for, fince Government is neceffary to Mankind, they believe that the common fize of Human Underſtandings is fitted to fome Station or other, and that Providence ne- ver intended to make the Management of publick Affairs a Myftery, to be compre- hended only by a few Perfons of fublime Genius, of which there feldome are Three born in an Age: But they fuppofe Truth, Juſtice, Temperance, and the like, to be in every man's power; the practice of which Virtues, affifted by Experience and a good Intention, would qualify any Man for the Service of his Countrey, except where a Courſe of Study is required. But they thought the want of Moral Vir- tues was fo far from being fupplied by fupe- te to LILLIPUT. 99 fuperior Endowments of the mind, that Employments could never be put into fuch dangerous hands as thoſe of Perſons fo qualified; and at leaſt, that the Mi- ftakes committed by Ignorance in a vir- tuous Difpofition, would never be of fuch fatal confequence to the Publick Weal, as the Practices of a Man whofe Inclina- tions led him to be Corrupt, and had great Abilities to manage, and multiply, and defend his Corruptions. ; IN like manner, the Disbelief of a Divine Providence renders a Man unca- pable of holding any Publick Station for fince Kings avow themſelves to be the Deputies of Providence, the Lilliputians think nothing can be more abfurd, than for a Prince to employ fuch men as dif- own the Authority under which he acts. IN relating theſe and the following Laws, I would only be underſtood to mean the original Inftitutions, and not the moſt ſcandalous Corruptions into 3 which 100 A VOYA G E which theſe People are fallen by the degenerate nature of man. For as to that infamous Practice of acquiring great Employments by dancing on the Ropes, or Badges of Favour and Diſtinction by leaping over Sticks, and creeping under them; the Reader is to obferve, that they were first introduced by the Grandfather of the Emperor now reigning, and grew to the preſent height, by the gradual in- creaſe of Party and Faction. INGRATITUDE is among them a ca- pital Crime, as we read it to have been in ſome other Countries; for they reaſon thus, That whoever makes ill Returns to his Benefactor, muft needs be a common Enemy to the reſt of Mankind, from whom he hath received no Obligation, and therefore ſuch a Man is not fit to live. THEIR Notions relating to the Du- ties of Parents and Children differ ex- tremely from ours. For, fince the Con- junction of Male and Female is founded upon A to LILLIPUT. for upon the great Law of Nature, in order to propagate and continue the Species, the Lilliputians will needs have it, that Men and Women are joined together like other Animals, by the Motives of Con- cupifcence; and that their Tenderneſs to- wards their Young proceeds from the like natural Principle: For which reaſon they will never allow, that a Child is under any obligation to his Father for begetting him, or his Mother for bringing him into the World; which, confidering the Mife- ries of human Life, was neither a Benefit in itſelf, or intended fo by his Parents, whoſe Thoughts in their Love-Encoun- ters were otherwife employed. Upon theſe, and the like Reaſonings, their Opinion is, that Parents are the laft of all others to be trufted with the Educa- tion of their own Children: And there- fore they have in every town publick Nurſeries, where all Parents, except Cot- tagers and Labourers, are obliged to fend their Infants of both Sexes to be reared and educated when they come to the Age VOL. I. H of J £ vi 102 A VOYAGE ... *** of Twenty moons, at which time, they are fuppofed to have fome Rudiments of Docility. Thefe Schools are of ſeveral kinds, fuited to different Qualities, and to both Sexes. They have certain Pro- feffors well skilled in preparing Children for fuch a condition of life as befits the Rank of their Parents, and their own Capacities as well as Inclinations. I fhall firſt ſay ſomething of the Male Nurſe- ries, and then of the Female. THE Nurſeries for Males of noble or eminent Birth, are provided with grave and learned Profeffors, and their ſeveral Deputies. The Clothes and Food of the Children are plain and fimple. They are bred up in the principles of Honour, Juftice, Courage, Modefty, Clemency, Religion, and Love of their Countrey; they are always employed in fome Bufi- neſs, except in the times of Eating and Sleeping, which are very fhort; and Two hours for Diverſions, confifting of bo- dily Exerciſes. They are dreffed by Men till 4.. to LILLIPUT. 103 till Four years of age, and then are obliged to dress themſelves, although their Quality be ever fo great; and the Women Attendants, who are aged pro- portionably to ours at Fifty, perform only the moſt menial Offices. They are never ſuffered to converfe with Servants, but go together in finall or greater num- bers to take their Diverfions, and always in the preſence of a Profeffor, or one of his Deputies; whereby they avoid thoſe early bad Impreffions of Folly and Vice to which our Children are fubject. Their Parents are fuffered to ſee them only twice a year; the Viſit is to laſt but an hour. They are allowed to kifs the Child at meeting and parting; but a Profeffor, who always ftands by on thoſe occafions, will not fuffer them to whi- fper, or uſe any fondling Expreffions, or bring any Prefents of Toys, Sweet-meats, and the like. THE Penfion from each Family for the Education and Entertainment of a H 2 Child, 2 A VOYAGE 104 Child, upon failure of due payment, is levied by the Emperor's Officers. THE Nurſeries for Children of ordi- nary Gentlemen, Merchants, Traders, and Handicrafts, are managed propor- tionably after the fame manner; only thoſe deſigned for Trades, are put out Apprentices at Eleven years old, whereas thoſe of Perſons of Quality continue in their Nurſeries till Fifteen, which answers to One and twenty with us: But the Confinement is gradually leffened for the laft Three years. IN the Female Nurferies, the young Girls of Quality are educated much like the Males, only they are dreffed by or- derly Servants of their own Sex, but al- ways in the preſence of a Profeffor or Deputy, till they come to drefs them- felves, which is at Five years old. And if it be found that theſe Nurfes ever pre- fume to entertain the Girls with frightful or foolish Stories, or the common Follies bido pra&tifed to LILLIPUT. 105 practiſed by Chamber-maids among us, they are publickly whipped thrice about the City, impriſoned for a Year, and baniſhed for life to the moſt deſolate part of the countrey. Thus the young Ladies there are as much afhamed of be- ing Cowards and Fools, as the Men, and deſpiſe all perfonal Ornaments beyond Decency and Cleanlineſs: Neither did I perceive any Difference in their Edu- cation, made by their Difference of Sex, only that the Exerciſes of their Females were not altogether fo robuft, and that fome Rules were given them relating to domeſtick Life, and a fmaller compaſs of Learning was enjoined them: For the Maxim is, that among People of Qua- lity, a Wife ſhould be always a reaſon- able and agreeable Companion, becauſe ſhe cannot always be young. When the Girls are Twelve years old, which among them is the marriageable Age, their Pa- rents or Guardians take them home, with great expreffions of Gratitude to the Profeffors, and feldom without Tears 逛 ​H 3 of 106 A VOYAGE of the young Lady and her Compa- nions. IN the Nurſeries of Females of the meaner fort, the Children are inftructed in all kinds of Works proper for their Sex, and their ſeveral degrees: Thoſe intend- ed for Apprentices are difmiffed at Nine years old, the reft are kept to Thirteen. THE meaner Families who have chil- dren at theſe nurſeries, are obliged, be fides their annual Penfion, which is as low as poffible, to return to the Steward of the Nurſery a ſmall monthly fhare of their Gettings, to be a Portion for the child; and therefore all Parents are limited in their Expences by the Law. For the Lilliputians think nothing can be more unjuft, than for people, in fub- fervience to their own Appetites, to bring Children into the World, and leave the Burthen of fupporting them on the Publick. As to Perſons of qua- lity, they give Security to appropriate a certain to LILLIPUT. 107 certain Sum for each Child, fuitable to their Condition; and theſe Funds are always managed with good Husbandry, and the moſt exact Juſtice. THE Cottagers and Labourers keep their children at home, their Buſineſs be- ing only to till and cultivate the Earth, and therefore their Education is of little confequence to the Publick; but the Old and Diſeaſed among them are fupported by Hofpitals: For Begging is a Trade unknown in this Kingdom. AND here it may perhaps divert the curious Reader, to give ſome account of my Domeſticks, and my manner of living in this Countrey, during a Refidence of -Nine months and Thirteen days. Ha- ving a Head mechanically turned, and being likewife forced by neceffity, I had made for myſelf a Table and Chair con- venient enough, out of the largeſt Trees in the Royal Park. Two hundred Semp- ftreffes were employed to make me Shirts, and H 4 * #16 108 A VOYAGE 渠 ​and Linen for my Bed and Table, all of the ſtrongeſt and coarſeft kind they could get; which, however, they were forced to quilt together in feveral Folds, for the thickeſt was fome degrees finer than Lawn. Their Linen is ufually Three inches wide, and Three foot make a Piece. The Sempftreffes took my meaſure as I lay on the ground, one ftanding at my Neck, and another at my Mid-leg, with a ftrong Cord extended, that each held by the end, while the third meaſured the length of the Cord with a Rule of an Inch long. Then they meaſured my Right thumb, and defired no more; for by a mathematical computation, that twice round the Thumb is once round the Wrift, and fo on to the Neck and the Waift, and by the help of my old Shirt, which I diſplayed on the ground before them for a Pattern, they fitted me ex- actly. Three hundred Taylors were em- ployed in the fame manner to make me Clothes; but they had another Contri- vance for taking my meaſure. I kneeled down, 2 "875 to LILLIPUT. 109 down, and they raiſed a Ladder from the Ground to my Neck; upon this Ladder one of them mounted, and let fall a Plum- line from my Collar to the Floor, which juſt anſwered the length of my Coat but my Waiſt and Arms I meaſured my- felf. When my Clothes were finiſhed, which was done in my houfe (for the largeſt of theirs would not be able to hold them) they looked like the Patch- work made by the Ladies in England, only that mine were all of a Colour, I had Three hundred Cooks to dreſs my Victuals, in little convenient Huts built about my houſe, where they and their Families lived, and prepared meTwo difhes a-piece. I took up Twenty Waiters in my Hand, and placed them on the Table, an Hundred more attended below on the Ground, fome with Difhes of Meat, and fome with Barrels of Wine, and other Liquors, flung on their Shoul- ders; all which the Waiters above drew up as I wanted, in a very ingenious man- ner, E 110 A VOYAGE 3 ner, by certain Cords, as we draw the Bucket up a Well in Europe. A Difh of their Meat was a good Mouthful, and a Barrel of their Liquor a reaſonable Draught. Their Mutton yields to ours, but their Beef is excellent. I have had a Sirloin fo large, that I have been for- ced to make Three bits of it; but this is rare. My Servants were aſtoniſhed to fee me eat it Bones and all, as in our Coun- trey we do the Leg of a Lark. Their Geefe and Turkeys I ufually eat at a Mouthful, and I must confefs they far exceed ours. Of their ſmaller Fowl I could take up Twenty or Thirty at the end of my Knife. ONE day his Imperial Majefty being informed of my way of living, defired that himſelf and his Royal Confort, with the young Princes of the Blood of both Sexes, might have the Happineſs (as he was pleaſed to call it) of dining with me. They came accordingly, and I placed 'em upon Chairs of State on my Table, juſt over- 試 ​to LILLIPUT. III over-againftime, with their Guards about them. Flimnap the Lord High Treaſurer attended there likewife, with his White Staff; and I obſerved he often looked on me with a four Countenance, which I would not ſeem to regard, but eat more than usual, in honour to my dear Coun trey, as well as to fill the Court with admiration. I have fome private Rea- fons to believe, that this Vifit from his Majefty gave Flimnap an opportunity of doing me ill Offices to his Mafter. That Miniſter had always been my fecret E- nemy, though he outwardly careffed me more than was ufual to the Morofenefs of his Nature. He reprefented to the Emperor the low Condition of his Trea- fury; that he was forced to take up Money at great Difcount; that Exchequer Bills would not circulate under Nine per Cent. below Par; that in fhort I had coft his Majesty above a Million and a half of Sprugs (their greateſt Gold Coin, about the bigness of a Spangle;) and upon the whole, that it would be adviſeable in the II 24 A VOYAGE ܃ the Emperor to take the fift fair occa fion of difmiffing me. I am here obliged to vindicate the Re- putation of an excellent Lady, who was an innocent Sufferer upon my account, The Treaſurer took a fancy to be jea- lous of his Wife, from the Malice of fome evil tongues, who informed him that her Grace had taken a violent Af- fection for my Perfon, and the Court- Scandal ran for fome time, that she once came privately to my Lodging. This I folemnly declare to be a most infamous Falfhood, without any grounds, farther than that her Grace was pleaſed to treat me with all innocent marks of Freedom and Friendſhip. I own the came often to my houſe, but always publickly, nor ever without Three more in the Coach, who were uſually her Sifter and young Daughter, and fome particular Acquain- tance; but this was common to many other Ladies of the Court. And I ftill appeal to my Servants round, whether they ļ to LILLIPUT. 113 7 they at any time faw a Coach at my door without knowing what Perfons were in it. On thofe occafions, when a Servant had given me notice, my Cuf tom was to go immediately to the door; and after paying my refpects, to take up the Coach and Two horfes very care- fully in my hands (for if there were Six horſes, the Poftillion always unharneſſed Four) and place them on a Table, where I had fixed a moveable Rim quite round, of Five inches high, to prevent Accidents. And I have often had Four Coaches and horſes at once on my Table full of Com- pany, while I fate in my Chair leaning my Face towards them; and when I was engaged with one Sett, the Coachman would gently drive the others round my table. I have paffed many an afternoon very agreeably in theſe Converſations. But I defy the Treaſurer, or his Two In- formers (I will name them, and let 'em make their beſt of it) Cluftril and Drun- lo, to prove that any Perfon ever came to me incognito, except the Secretary Rel drefal ¿ # W 114 A VOYAGE drefal, who was fent by exprefs Com- mand of his Imperial Majeſty, as I have before related. I fhould not have dwelt fo long upon this Particular, if it had not been a Point wherein the Reputation of a great Lady is fo nearly concerned, to fay nothing of my own; though I had then the Honour to be a Nardac, which the Treaſurer himſelf is not; for all the World knows he is only a Clumglum, a Title inferiour by one degree, as that of a Marquifs is to a Duke in England, al- though I allow he preceded me in right of his Poft. Thefe falfe Informations, which I afterwards came to the know- ledge of, by an accident not proper to mention, made Flimnap the Treaſurer fhew his Lady for ſome time an ill coun- tenance, and me a worfe; and although he was at laft undeceived and reconciled to her, yet I loft all credit with him, and found my Intereſt decline very faft with the Emperor himſelf, who was indeed too much governed by that Favourite. CHAP. t to LILLIPUT. 115 CHAP. VII. The Author being informed of a Defign to accufe him of High-Treafon, makes his Eſcape to Blefufcu. His Reception there. B EFORE I proceed to give an account of my leaving this Kingdom, it may be proper to inform the Reader of a pri- vate Intrigue which had been for Two months forming againſt me. I had been hitherto all my life a ftran- ger to Courts, for which I was unqua- lified by the Meanneſs of my condition. I had indeed heard and read enough of the Difpofitions of great Princes and Miniſters; but never expected to have found 3 t # 116 AVOYAGÉ found fuch terrible effects of them in fo remote a Countrey, governed, as I thought, by very different Maxims from thofe in Europe: to my WHEN I was juſt preparing to pay my attendance on the Emperor of Ble- fufcu, a confiderable Perfon at Court (to whom I had been very ſerviceable at a time when he lay under the higheſt diſpleaſure of his Imperial Majefty) came Houſe very privately at night in a cloſe Chair, and without fending his Name, defired admittance: The Chair- men were difmiffed; I put the Chair, with his Lordfhip in it, into my Coat- pocket; and giving orders to a truſty Ser- vant to ſay I was indifpofed and gone to fleep, I faſtened the Door of my houſe, placed the Chair on the Table, according to my uſual cuſtom, and fate down by it. After the common Salutations were over, obferving his Lordship's counte- nance full of concern; and enquiring into the reaſon, he defired I would hear him 3 to LILLIPUT. 117 him with patience in a matter that highly concerned my Honour and my Life. His Speech was to the following effect, for I took notes of it as foon as he left me. You are to know, faid he, that feve ral Committees of Council have been lately called in the moſt private manner on your account: And it is but Two days fince his Majefty came to a full Re- folution. You are very fenfible that Skyris Bol- golam (Galbet, or High Admiral) hath been your mortal Enemy almoſt ever fince your Arrival. His original Reaſons I know not, but his hatred is much en- creaſed fince your great Succeſs againſt Blefufcu, by which his Glory, as Admiral, is obfcur'd. This Lord, in conjunction with Flimnap the High Treafurer, whoſe Enmity against you is notorious on ac- count of his Lady, Limtor the General, Lalcon the Chamberlain, and Balmuff the Grand Jufticiary, have prepared Ar- VOL. I ticles I • * 118 A VOYAGE ticles of Impeachment against you, for Treafon, and other Capital crimes. wolla THIS Preface made me fo impatient, being conſcious of my own Merits and Innocence, that I was going to interrupt; when he entreated me to be filent, and thus proceeded. hockeds hi ba Our of Gratitude for the favours you have done me, I procured Information of the whole Proceedings, and a Copy of the Articles, wherein I venture my Head for your ſervice. Articles of Impeachment againſt Quinbus Fleftrin (the Man-Mountain.) ARTICLE I WHEREAS, by a Statute made in the Reign of his Imperial Majefty Calin Deffar Plune, it is enacted, That whoever shall make water within the Precincts of the Royal Palace, fhall be liable to the Pains and Penalties of High- Treafon: sy to LILLIPUT. 119 : Treafon Notwithstanding, the faid Quinbus Fleftrin, in open breach of the faid Law, under colour of extinguiſhing the Fire kindled in the Apartment of his Majeſty's dear Imperial Confort, did ma- liciouſly, traiteroufly, and devilishly, by diſcharge of his Urine, put out the faid Fire kindled in the faid Apartment, ly- ing and being within the Precincts of the faid Royal Palace, againſt the Statute in that cafe provided, &c. against the Du- ty, &c. ARTICLE II. Liech THAT the faid Quinbus Fleftrin ha- ving brought the Imperial Fleet of Ble- fufcu into the Royal Port, and being afterwards commanded by his Imperial Majefty to feize all the other Ships of the faid Empire of Blefufcu, and reduce that Empire to a Province, to be governed by a Vice-Roy from hence, and to deftroy and put to death not only all the Big- Endian Exiles, but likewife all the peo- ple of that Empire, who would not im- mediately I 2 120 A VOYAGEÉ * & mediately forſake the Big-Endian Hereſy: He, the faid Fleftrin, like a falſe Traitor againſt his moſt Aufpicious, Serene, Im- perial Majefty, did petition to be excuſed from the faid Service, upon pretence of unwillingneſs to force the Confciences, or deſtroy the Liberties and Lives of an innocent people. کچھ ARTICLE III. THAT, whereas certain Ambaffadors arrived from the Court of Blefufcu to fue for Peace in his Majefty's Court: He, the faid Fleftrin, did, like a falfe Traitor, aid, abet, comfort, and divert the faid Ambaſſadors, although he knew them to be Servants to a Prince who was lately an open Enemy to his Imperial Majefty, and in open War againft his faid Majefty. ARTICLE IV. THAT the faid Quinbus Fleftrin, con- trary to the Duty of a faithful Subject, is now preparing to make a Voyage to the Court and Empire of Blefufcu, for which he to LILLIPUT. 121 ཏྟཱ ཀ……… རི he hath received only verbal Licence from his Imperial Majefty; and under Colour of the faid Licence, doth falfly and trai- terouſly intend to take the faid Voyage, and thereby to aid, comfort, and abet the Emperor of Blefufcu, fo late an Enemy, and in open War with his Imperial Ma- jeſty aforefaid. THERE are fome other Articles, but theſe are the moſt important, of which I have read you an Abſtract. In the feveral Debates upon this Im- peachment, it muſt be confeffed, that his Majefty gave many marks of his great Lenity, often urging the Services you had done him, and endeavouring to ex- tenuate your Crimes. The Treaſurer and Admiral infifted, that you ſhould be put to the most painful and ignominious Death, by fetting fire,on your Houſe at night, and the General was to attend with Twenty thousand men armed with poifoned Arrows to fhoot you on the I 3 Face : 122 A VOYAGE Face and Hands. Some of your Servants were to have private orders to ftrew a poiſonous Juice on your Shirts, which would foon make you tear your own Flefh, and die in the utmoft Torture. The General came into the fame opini- on, ſo that for a long time there was a Majority against you. But his Majefty refolving, if poffible, to fpare your Life, at laft brought off the Chamberlain. UPON this Incident, Reldrefal Prin- cipal Secretary for private Affairs, who always approved himself your trueFriend, was commanded by the Emperor to de- liver his Opinion, which he according- ly did; and therein juftified the good Thoughts you have of him. He allowed your Crimes to be great, but that ftill there was room for Mercy, the moſt commendable Virtue in a Prince, and for which his Majefty was fo juftly celebrated. He faid the Friendship between you and him. fo well known to the World, that perhaps the most honourable Board might Vicky 그 ​A to LILLIPUT. 123 might think him partial: However, in obedience to the Command he had re- ceived, he would freely offer his Senti- ments. That if his Majefty, in confi- deration of your Services, and purfuant to his own merciful Difpofition, would pleaſe to ſpare your Life, and only give order to put out both your Eyes, he hum- bly conceived that by this expedient, Juſtice might in fome meaſure be fatif- fied, and all the World would applaud the Lenity of the Emperor, as well as the fair and generous Proceedings of thofe who have the Honour to be his Coun- fellors. That the lofs of your Eyes would be no impediment to your bodily ftrength, by which you might ftill be ufe- ful to his Majefty. That Blindneſs is an addition to Courage, by concealing Dan- gers from us; that the Fear you had for your Eyes was the greateſt Difficulty in bringing over the Enemy's Fleet, and it would be fufficient for you to fee by the Eyes of the Minifters, fince the greateſt Princes do no more. I 1 4 THIS # 給 ​124 A VOYAGE 巛 ​TML of y THIS Propoſal was received with the utmoſt Diſapprobation by the whole Board. Bolgolam, the Admiral, could not preſerve his temper; but rifing up in Fury, faid, he wondered how the Secre- tary durft preſume to give his opinion for preſerving the Life of a Traitor: That the Services you had performed, were, by all true Reaſons of State, the great Ag- gravation Crimes; that you, who were able to extinguifh the Fire, by dif charge of Urine in her Majefty's Apart- ment (which he mentioned with horror) might, at another time, raiſe an Inunda- tion by the fame means, to drown the whole Palace; and the fame Strength which enabled you to bring over the E- nemy's Fleet, might ferve, upon the firſt Diſcontent, to carry it back: That he had good Reaſons to think you were a Big- Endian in your heart; and as Treafon begins in the Heart before it appears in Overt-Acts, fo he accufed you as a Traitor on that account, and therefore infifted you fhould be put to death. THE to LILLIPUT. 125 THE Treaſurer was of the fame opi- nion; he fhewed to what ftreights his Majefty's Revenue was reduced by the charge of maintaining you, which would foon grow infupportable: That the Se- cretary's Expedient of putting out your Eyes was fo far from being a Remedy a- againſt this Evil, it would probably en- creaſe it, as it is manifeft from the com- mon practice of blinding fome kind of Fowl, after which they fed the faſter, and grew fooner fat: That his facred Majefty, and the Council, who are your Judges, were in their own Confciences fully con- vinced of your Guilt, which was a fuf- ficient Argument to condemn you to death, without the formal Proofs re- quired by the ſtrict Letter of the Law. BUT his Imperial Majefty fully deter- mined againſt capital Punishment, was graciouſly pleaſed to fay, that fince the Council thought the lofs of your Eyes too eafy a Cenfure, fome other may be inflicted AL 126 A VOYAGE 200 # bend the inflicted hereafter. And your Secretary humbly defiring to be heard again, in anſwer to what the Treaſurer had objected concerning the great Charge his Majeſty was at in maintaining you, faid, that his Excellency, who had the fole diſpoſal of the Emperor's Revenue, might eafily provide againſt that evil, by gradually leffening your Eſtabliſh- ment; by which, for want of fufficient Food, you would grow weak and faint, and lofe your Appetite, and confequently decay and confume in a few months neither would the Stench of your Carcafs be then fo dangerous, when it should become more than half diminiſhed ; and immediately upon your death, Five or Six thoufand of his Majefty's Subjects might, in Two or Three days, cut your Flesh from your Bones, take it away by Cart-loads, and bury it in diftant parts to prevent Infection, leaving the Skele- ton as a Monument of Admiration to Pofterity. THUS to LILLIPUT. 127 THUS by the great Friendship of the Secretary, the whole Affair was compro- miſed. It was ftrictly enjoin'd, that the Project of starving you by degrees fhould be kept a Secret, but the Sentence of put- ting out your Eyes was entered on the books; none diffenting except Bolgolam the Admiral, who being a Creature of the Empreſs, was perpetually inftigated by her Majeſty to infift upon your Death, fhe having born perpetual malice againſt you, on account of that infamous and illegal method you took to extinguiſh the Fire in her Apartment. IN Three days your Friend the Secre- tary will be directed to come to ... houſe, and read before you the Articles of Impeachment; and then to fignify the great Lenity and Favour of his Majefty and Council, whereby you are only con- demned to the lofs of your Eyes, which his Majeſty doth not queftion you will gratefully and humbly fubmit to; and Twenty 128. A VOYAGE Y.. Twenty of his Majefty's Surgeons will attend in order to fee the Operation well performed, by diſcharging very fharp- pointed Arrows into the balls of your Eyes, as you lie on the ground. I leave to your Prudence what mea- fures you will take. and to avoid ſufpi- cion, I muſt immediately return in as private a manner as I came. His Lordship did fo, and I remained alone, under many Doubts and Perplex- ities of Mind. Ir was a Cuſtom introduced by this Prince and his Miniftry (very different, as I have been affured, from the Practices of former times) that after the Court had decreed any cruel Execution, either to gratify the Monarch's Refentment, or the Malice of a Favourite, the Emperor made a Speech to his whole Council, expreffing his great Lenity and Tenderneſs, as Qua- lities known and confeffed by all the World. to LILLIPUT. 129 World. This Speech was immediately publiſhed through the Kingdom; nor did any thing terrify the people fo much as thoſe Encomiums on his Majefty's Mercy; becauſe it was obferv'd, that the more theſe Praiſes were enlarged and in- fifted on, the more inhuman was the Pu- niſhment, and the Sufferer more inno- cent. And as to myself, I must confefs, having never been defigned for a Courtier either by my Birth or Education, I was fo ill a Judge of things, that I could not diſcover the Lenity and Favour of this Sentence, but conceived it (perhaps er- roneouſly) rather to be rigorous than gen- tle. I fometimes thought of ſtanding my Tryal, for although I could not deny the Facts alledged in the ſeveral Articles, yet I hoped they would admit of fome Exte- nuations. But having in my Life peruled many State-Tryals, which I ever obſerved to terminate as the Judges thought fit to direct, Idurft not rely on fo dangerous a Decifion, in fo critical a Juncture, and againſt fuch powerful Enemies. Once I وی کر دی ہے 8 was # 130 A VOYAGE was ſtrongly bent upon Refiftance, for while I had liberty, the whole Strength of that Empire could hardly fubdue me, and I might eaſily with Stones pelt the Metropolis to pieces; but I foon rejected that Project with Horror, by remembring the Oath I had made to the Emperor, the Favours I received from him, and the high Title of Nardac he conferred upon me. Neither had I fo foon learned the Gratitude of Courtiers, to perfuade my felf that his Majefty's prefent Severities quitted me of all paft Obligations. AT Ar laft I fixed upon a Refolution, for which it is probable I may incur fome Cenfure, and not unjustly; for I confefs I owe the preſerving mine Eyes, and con- fequently my Liberty, to my own great Raſhneſs and want of Experience: be- cauſe if I had then known the nature of Princes and Minifters, which I have fince obſerved in many other Courts, and their Methods of treating Criminals lefs ob- noxious than myſelf, I ſhould with great ala- # to LILLIPUT. 131 * alacrity and readineſs have fubmitted to fo eafy a puniſhment. But hurry'd on by the Precipitancy of Youth, and having his Imperial Majefty's Licence to pay my attendance upon the Emperor of Blefuf- cu, I took this Opportunity, before the Three days were elapfed, to fend a Letter to my Friend the Secretary, fignifying my Refolution of ſetting out that morning for Blefufcu purſuant to the leave I had got; and without waiting for an anſwer, I went to that fide of the Ifland where our Fleet lay: I feized a large Man of War, ty'da Cable to the Prow, and lift- ing up the Anchors, I ftript myſelf, put my Cloaths (together with my Coverlet, which I brought under my Arm) into the Veffel, and drawing it after me between wading and ſwimming, arrived at the Royal Port of Blefufcu, where the People had long expected me; they lent me two Guides to direct me to the Capital City, which is of the fame name. I held them in my hands till I came within Two Hun- dred Yards of the Gate, and defir'd them to fignify 8 132 A VOYAGE # fignify my Arrival to one of the Secreta ries, and let him know, I there waited 'his Majeſty's Commands. I had an An- ſwer in about an hour, that his Majeſty, attended by the Royal Family, and great Officers of the Court, was coming out to receive me. I advanced an Hundred yards. The Emperor and his train alighted from their Horſes, the Empress and Ladies from their Coaches, and I did not perceive they were in any Fright or Concern. I lay on the Ground to kifs his Majefty's and the Empreſs's Hand. I told his Ma- jeſty that I was come according to my Pro- mife, and with the Licence of the Empe- ror my Maſter, to have the Honour of feeing fo Mighty a Monarch, and to offer him any Service in my power, conſiſtent with my Duty to my own Prince; not mentioning a word of my Difgrace, be- cauſe I had hitherto no regular Informa tion of it, and might fuppofe myſelf wholly ignorant of any fuch Deſign; neither could I reaſonably conceive that the Emperor would difcover the Secret while Ž to LILLIPUT. 133 while I was out of his power: Wherein, however, it foon appeared I was deceived. I ſhall not trouble the reader with the particular account of my reception at this Court, which was fuitable to the Gene- rofity of fo great a Prince; nor of the Difficulties I was in for want of a Houſe and Bed, being forced to lie on the ground, wrapt up in my Coverlet. J 愁 ​VOL. I. K CHAP. " jj 134 A VOYAGE CHAP. VIII. The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds Means to leave Blefufcu; and, after Jome Difficulties, returns fafe to his native Countrey. 14 HREE days after my arrival, walking out of curiofity to the North-Eaſt Coaſt of the Iſland, I obferved, about Half a league off, in the fea, fomewhat that looked like a Boat overturned. I pulled off my Shoes and Stockings, and wading Two or Three hundred yards, I found the Object to approach nearer by force of the Tide, and then plainly faw it to be a real Boat, which I fuppofed might, by fome Tempeſt, have been driven from a Ship; whereupon I returned immedi- ately towards the City, and defired his Im- perial to LILLIPUT. 135 perial Majefty to lend me Twenty of the talleſt Veffels he had left after the lofs of his Fleet, and Three thouſand Seamen under the Command ofthe Vice-Admiral. This Fleet failed round, while I went back the ſhorteſt way to the Coaſt where I firſt diſcovered the Boat; I found the Tide had driven it ftill nearer. The Sea- men were all provided with Cordage, which I had beforehand twifted to a fuf ficient ftrength. When the Ships came up, I ftript myſelf, and waded till I came within an Hundred yards of the Boat, af ter which I was forced to fwim till I got up to it. The Seamen threw me the end of the Cord, which I faftned to a Hole in the fore-part of the Boat, and the other end to a Man of War: But I found all my labour to little purpoſe; for being out of my depth, I was not able to work. In this neceflity, I was forced to fwim behind, and puſh the Boat forwards as often as I could, with one of my hands; and the Tide favouring me, I advanced fo far, that I could just hold up my Chin and feel the Ground. K 2. 136 A VOYAGE Ground. Irefted Two or Three minutes, and then gave the Boat another fhove, and fo on till the Sea was no higher than my Arm-pits; and now the moft labori- ous part being over, I took out my other Cables which were ftowed in one of the Ships, and faft ning them firft to the Boat, and then to Nine of the Veffels which attended me; the Wind being favourable, the Seamen towed, and I fhoved till we arrived within Forty yards of the Shore, and waiting till the Tide was out, I got dry to the Boat, and by the affiftance of Two thouſand men, with Ropes and En- gines, I made a fhift to turn it on its bottom, and found it was but little da- maged. # I fhall not trouble the reader with the difficulties I was under by the help of certain Paddles, which coft me Ten days making, to get my Boat to the Royal Port of Blefufcu, where a mighty con- courſe of people appeared upon my ar- rival, full of wonder at the fight of fo prodi. & to LILLIPUT. 137 prodigious a Veffel. I told the Emperor that my good fortune had thrown this Boat in my way, to carry me to fome place from whence I might return into my native Countrey, and begged his Majefty's orders for getting Materials to fit it up, together with his Licence to depart; which, after fome kind expoftu- lations, he was pleaſed to grant. I did very much wonder, in all this time, not to have heard of any Expreſs relating to me from our Emperor to the Court of Blefufcu. But I was after- wards given privately to underſtand, that his Imperial Majefty, never imagining I had the leaſt notice of his Defigns, be- lieved I was only gone to Blefuſcu in performance of my Promife, according to the Licence he had given me, which was well known at our Court, and would return in a few days when that Ceremony was ended. But he was at laſt in pain at my long abfence; and, after confulting with the Treasurer, and the reft of that K 3 Cabal, 138 A VOYAGE Cabal, a Perfon of Quality was difpatched with the copy of the Articles againſt me This Envoy had Inftructions to reprefent to the Monarch of Blefufcu, the great Lenity of his Mafter, who was content to puniſh me no further than with the lofs of mine Eyes; that I had fled from Juſtice, and if I did not return in Two hours, I fhould be deprived of my Title of Nar- dac, and declared a Traitor. The Envoy further added, that in order to maintain the Peace and Amity between both Em- pires, his Mafter expected, that his Brother of Blefufcu would give orders to have me fent back to Lilliput, bound Hand and Foot, to be puniſhed as a Traitor. THE Emperor of Blefufcu having ta- ken Three days to confult, returned an Anſwer confifting of many Civilities and Excuſes. He faid, that as for fending me bound, his Brother knew it was im- poffile; that although I had deprived him of his Fleet, yet he owed great Ob- ligations to me for many good Offices I 8 had to LILLIPUT. 139 had done him in making the Peace. That however both their Majefties would foon be made easy; for I had found a prodi- gious Veffel on the Shore, able to carry me on the Sea, which he had given or- der to fit up with my own Affiftance and Direction, and he hoped in a few weeks both Empires would be freed from fo infupportable an Incumbrance. WITH this Anfwer the Envoy re- turned to Lilliput, and the Monarch of Blefufcu related to me all that had paft, offering me at the fame time (but un- der the ſtricteſt Confidence) his gracious Protection, if I would continue in his Service; wherein although I believed him fincere, yet I refolved never more to put any confidence in Princes or Minifters, where I could poffibly avoid it; and therefore, with all due acknowledgments for his favourable Intentions, I humbly begged to be excuſed. I told him, that fince Fortune, whether good or evil, had thrown a Veſſel in my way, I was re- K 4 folved 140 A VOYAGE folved to venture myſelf in the Ocean, rather than be an occafion of difference between two fuch mighty Monarchs. Neither did I find the Emperor at all diſpleaſed; and I diſcovered by a certain Accident, that he was very glad of my Refolution, and fo were most of his Mi- nifters, THESE Confiderations moved me to haften my departure fomewhat fooner than I intended; to which the Court im- patient to have me gone, very readily contributed. Five hundred Workmen were employed to make two Sails to my Boat, according to my directions, by quilting Thirteen fold of their ſtrongeſt Linen together. I was at the pains of making Ropes and Cables, by twiſting Ten, Twenty or Thirty of the thickeſt and ſtrongeſt of theirs. A great Stone that I happened to find, after a long ſearch, by the Sea-fhore, ferved me for an Anchor. I had the Tallow of Three hundred cows for greafing my Boat, and other uſes. I was 3. A to LILLIPUT. 141 I was at incredible pains in cutting down fome of the largeſt Timber Trees for Oars and Mafts, wherein I was, however, much affifted by his Majefty's Ship-Car- penters, who helped me in fmoothing them, after I had done the rough work. A In about a month, when all was pre- pared, I fent to receive his Majefty's Com- mands, and to take my leave. The Em- peror and Royal Family came out of the Palace; I lay down on my Face to kiſs his Hand, which he very graciouſly gave me; fo did the Emprefs, and young Princeſs of the Blood. His Majefty pre- ſented me with Fifty purſes of Two hun- dred Sprugs a-piece, together with his Picture at full length, which I put im- mediately into one of my Gloves, to keep it from being hurt. The Ceremonies at my Departure were too many to trouble the reader with at this time. I ftored the Boat with the carcaffes of an Hundred oxen, and Three hundred fheep, ? 142 A VOYAGE : 2. ſheep, with Bread and Drink propor tionable, and as much Meat ready dref fed as Four Hundred cooks could pro- vide. I took with me Six cows and Two bulls alive, with as many yews and rams, intending to carry them into my own country, and propagate the breed. And to feed them on board, I had a good bundle of Hay, and a bag of Corn. I would gladly have taken a Dozen of the natives, but this was a thing the Emperor would by no means permit; and befides a dili- gent fearch into my Pockets, his Majeſty engaged my Honour not to carry away any of his Subjects, although with their own conſent and defire. HAVING thus prepared all things as well as I was able, I fet fail on the Twenty- fourth day of September 1701, at Six in the morning; and when I had gone a- bout Four leagues to the Northward, the Wind being at South-Eaft, at Six in the evening, I deſcryed a ſmall Iſland about Half a league to the North-Weft. I ad- vanced 2. to LILLIPUT. 143 vanced forward, and caft anchor on the Lee-fide of the land, which feemed to be uninhabited. I then took ſome refreſh- ment, and went to my reft. I flept well, and I conjecture at leaft Six hours, for I found the day broke in Two hours after I awaked. It was a clear night. I eat my breakfaſt before the Sun was up; and heaving anchor, the Wind being favour- able, I fteered the fame courſe that I had done the day before, wherein I was di- rected by my Pocket-Compafs. My in- tention was to reach, if poffible, one of thoſe Iſlands, which I had reaſon to be- lieve lay to the North-Eaft of Van Die- men's Land. I discovered nothing all that day; but upon the next, about Three in the afternoon, when I had, by my com- putation, made Twenty four leagues from Blefufcu, I defcryed a Sail fteering to the South-East; my courſe was due Eaft. I hailed her, but could get no anfwer; yet I found I gained upon her, for the Wind flackned. I made all the fail I could, and in Half an hour ſhe ſpied me, then hung * 144 A VOYAGE ܀܂ hung out her Antient, and diſcharged a Gun. It is not eafy to exprefs the joy I was in upon the unexpected hope ofonce more ſeeing my beloved Countrey, and the dear Pledges I had left in it. The Ship flackned her Sails, and I came up with her between Five and Six in the evening; September 26; but my heart leapt with- in me to ſee her English Colours. I put my Cows and Sheep into my Coat- Pockets, and got on board with all my little Cargo of Provifions. The Veffel wasan English Merchant-Man, returning from Japan by the North and South Seas; the Captain, Mr. John Biddle of Deptford, a very civil Man, and an ex- cellent Sailor. We were now in the Latitude of 30 Degrees South, there were about Fifty men in the fhip; and here I met an old Comrade of mine, one Peter Williams, who gave me a good charac- ter to the Captain: This Gentleman treated me with kindneſs, and defired I would let him know what place I came from laft, and whither I was bound; which to LILLIPUT. 145 which I did in few words, but he thought I was raving, and that the dangers I un- derwent had difturbed my head; where- upon I took my black Cattle and Sheep out of my Pocket, which, after great aftoniſhment, clearly convinced him of my Veracity. I then fhewed him the Gold given me by the Emperor of Ble- fufcu, together with his Majefty's Picture at full length, and fome other Rarities of that countrey. I gave him Two Purſes of Two hundred Sprugs each, and pro- miſed, when we arrived in England, to make him a Preſent of a Cow and a Ship big with young. OC I fhall not trouble the reader with a particular account of this voyage, which was very profperous for the moſt part. We arrived in the Downs on the 13th of April 1702. I had only one misfor- tune, that the Rats on board carried a- way one of my Sheep; I found her Bones in a hole, picked clean from the fleſh. JET 翊 ​146 A VOYAGE flefh. The reft of my Cattle I got fafe on fhore, and ſet them a grazing in a Bowling-Green at Greenwich, where the Fineneſs of the Grafs made them feed very heartily, though I had always feared the contrary: neither could I poffibly have preſerved them in fo long a Voyage, if the Captain had not allowed me fome of his beſt Bisket, which rubbed to Pow- der, and mingled with Water, was their conftant food. The fhort time I con- tinued in England, I made a confide rable profit by fhewing my Cattle to many Perſons of Quality, and others: And before I began my ſecond Voyage, I fold them for Six Hundred pounds. Since my laſt return, I find the breed is confiderably increaſed, eſpecially the Sheep; which I hope will prove much to the advantage of the Woollen Ma- nufacture, by the Fineness of the Flee- ces. m to I stayed 妛 ​to LILLIPUT. 147 ران with my I ftayed but Two months with Wife and Family; for my infatiable De- fire of feeing foreign Countries would fuffer me to continue no longer. I left Fifteen Hundred pounds with my Wife, and fixed her in a good houſe at Red- riff. My remaining Stock I carried with me, part in Money, and part in Goods, in hopes to improve my for- tunes. My eldeſt Uncle John had left me an Eſtate in-Land, near Epping, of about Thirty pounds a Year; and I had a long Leafe of the Black Bull in Fet- ter-Lane, which yielded me as much more: fo that I was not in any danger of leaving my Family upon the Pariſh. My Son Johnny, named fo after his Uncle, was at the Grammar-School, and a towardly Child. My Daughter Betty (who is now well married, and has chil- dren) was then at her Needle-work. I took leave of my Wife, and Boy and Girl, with tears on both fides, and went on 148 A VOYAGE, &c. * www on board the Adventure, a Merchant- Ship of Three hundred Tons, bound for Surat, Captain John Nicholas of Le- verpool Commander. But my Account of this Voyage must be referred to the Second Part of my Travels. The End of the First Part. M ez gm bab. .: To glasl SUB Y JB CSW MinƆ ylbuswon & How won at onlw) not aw (nomb vato evsel doce I )( 15 111110 2011 2911513118 The WORDS of the top eidrasiw simë dime King of BROBDINGNAG, As ha I held Captain GULLIVER between his Finger and Thumb for the Infpection of the Sages and Learned Men of the Court. nwo eid lonzo, ove 1 Injangy rhiw ¿¡lift spa N Miniature fee Nature's Power appear hts top 10 also oH. Which wings the Sun-born Infects of the Air, Which frames the Harveſt-bug, too ſmall for Sight 10 And forms the Bones and Mufcles of the Mite! Here 20 Here view him ftretch'd. The Microſcope ex- plains, That the Blood, circling, flows in human Veins; See, in the Tube he pants, and ſprawling lies, Stretches his little Hands, and rolls his Eyes! Smit with his Countrey's Love, I've heard him prate Of Laws and Manners in his Pigmy State. By Travel, generous Souls enlarge the Mind, Which home-bred Prepoffeffion had confin'd; Yet will he boaft of many Regions known, But ftill, with partial Love, extol his own, He talks of Senates, and of Courtly Tribes, Admires their Ardour, but forgets their Bribes; Ir. but forgets algie adi hupit pot Loit ads to blot b Of )( 12. Of hireling Lawyers tells the juft Decrees, Applauds their Eloquence, but finks their Fees. Yet who his Countrey's partial Love can blame? 'Tis fure ſome Virtue to conceal its Shame, The World's the native City of the Wife; He fees his Britain with a Mother's Eyes; Softens Defects, and heightens all its Charms, Calls it the Seat of Empire, Arts and Arms! Fond of his Hillock Ifle, his narrow Mind Thinks Worth, Wit, Learning, to that Spot confin'd; Thus Ants, who for a Grain employ their Cares, Think all the Buſineſs of the Earth is theirs. Thus Honey-combs feem Palaces to Bees; And Mites imagine all the World a Cheeſe. When # )( : When Pride in fuch contemptuous Beings lies, In Beetles, Britons, Bugs and Butterflies, of 191 Shall we, like Reptiles, glory in Conceit? Humility's the Virtue of the Great. ; kW odsto quo viden sd FiloW SIT ¿esya chudioMerhi wa sin test H email) eat in ensuigied bar bolo and IamA bas barolo to se ode of diso gid to brow $ b2ac53 pod arisdr (299 03 2003 و تیم پرده برقی HoWelaidT Pods in andT admonopol ant Shod's 's bloW sia lla enigerni zaiM ba A PART LOBA TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations OF THE WORLD. PART II. A VOYAGE to BROBDING NAG. aksidan. LONDON: Printed in the Year MDCCXXVII. # your EXOOⱭM-Wolf odt så bestial ፡፡ : + + ཨཱ! + *i¥ *; ORDI ... MOKID JALO BRAEKV LEVA-ET ΛΕ * 1. # THE CONTENTS. A CHAP. I. Great Storm defcribed; the Long- boat fent to fetch Water; the Au- thor goes with it to discover the Coun- trey. He is left on Shore; is feized by one of the Natives, and carried to a Farmer's Houfe. His Reception there, with feveral Accidents that happened to him. A Defcription of the Inha- bitants. Page 1. CHA P. II. quo ADefcription of the Farmer's Daughter. The Author carried to a Market- L 2 Town, The CONTENTS. بدانة Town, and then to the Metropolis. The Particulars of his Journey. CHA P. III. p. 30. The Author fent for to Court. The Queen buys him of his Mafter, the Farmer, and prefents him to the King. He dif putes with his Majesty's great Scho- lars. An Apartment at Court provided for the Author. He is in high Favour with the Queen. He ftands up for the Honour of his own Countrey. His Quar- rels with the Queen's Dwarf. p. 43 CHA P. IV. The Countrey defcribed. A Propofal for correcting modern Maps. The King's Palace, and fome Account of the Me- tropolis. The Author's way of tra- velling. The chief Temple defcribed. -do Ma Wong P thairma P. 67. CHAP. " The CONDENTS. CHA P. V.3. Several Adventures that happened to the Author. The Execution of a Criminal. The Author fhews his Skill in Navi- gation. tot volanoOp. 78. CHAP. VI. nator oli Several Contrivances of the Author to pleaſe the King and Queen. He fhews bis Skill in Mufick. The King enquires into the State of Europe, which the Author relates to him. The King's Obfervations thereon. CHA P. VII. p. 1ot. The Author's Love of his Countrey. He makes a Propofal of much advantage to the King, which is rejected. The King's great Ignorance in Politicks. The Learning of that Countrey very imperfect and confined. The Laws, and military Affairs, and Parties in the State. L3 p. 122. CHAP. The CONTENTS. sabitka % CHA P. VIII. The King and Queen make a Progress to the Frontiers. The Author attends them. The manner in which he leaves the Countrey very particularly related. He returns to England. p. 138. BY M fasily M TARO TRAVELS. 参 ​BROBDINGNAG Lorbrulgrudo Flanflafmico # Diſcovered, AD 1703 as 3. Plate, II Part II Page.1. NORTH AMERICA Streights Annian CBlanco St Sebaſtian NEW ALBION C Mendocino Mount StMartin Pto St Francis Drake P Monterey TRAVEL S. PART II. A Voyage to BROBDING NAG. CHAP. I. A great Storm defcribed; the Long boat fent to fetch Water; the Author goes with it to diſcover the Countrey. He is left on Shoar; is feized by one of the Natives, and carried to a Farmer's Houfe. His Reception there, with fe- veral Accidents that happen'd to him. A Defcription of the Inhabitants. H AVING been condemned by nature and fortune to an ac- tive and reſtleſs Life, in Two months after my Return, I a- gain left my native Countrey, and took L 4 fhipping 2 A VOYAGE to ས ་ ན་ ་ི ایران ¿ ſhipping in the Downs on the 20th Day of June 1722, in the Adventure, Captain John Nicholas a Cornish Man Com- mander, bound for Surat. We had a very profperous Gale till we arrived at the Cape of Good-hope, where we landed for freſh Water, but difcovering a Leak we unfhipped our Goods, and winter'd there; for the Captain falling fick of an Ague, we could not leave the Cape till the end of March. We then fet fail, and had good Voyage till we paffed the Streights of Madagaſcar; but having got North- ward of that Ifland, and to about five Degrees South Latitude, the Winds, which in thofe Seas are obferved to blow a conſtant equal Gale between the North and Weft from the beginning of December to the beginning of May, on the 19th of April began to blow with much greater Violence, and more Wefterly than ufual, continuing fo for Twenty days together, during which time we were driven a little to the Eaft of the Molucca Iflands, and about Three Degrees -40 ph A. b A ཉ་ * BROBDINGNAG. 3 % Degrees Northward of the Line, às our Captain found by an obfervation he took the Second of May, at which time the Wind ceaſed, and it was a perfect Calm, whereat I was not a little rejoyced. But he, being a Man well experienc'd in the Navigation of thoſe Seas, bid us all pre- pare againſt a Storm, which accordingly happen'd the day following: For a Southern Wind, called the Southern Monfoon, began to fet in.ne FINDING it was like to overblow, we took in our Sprit-fail, and ftood by to hand the Fore-fail; but making foul Weather, we look'd the Guns were all faſt, and handed the Mizen. The Ship lay very broad off, fo we thought it bet- ter fpooning before the Sea, than trying or hurlling. We reeft the Fore-fail and fet him, we hawl'd aft the Fore-fheet; the Helm was hard a Weather. The Ship wore bravely. We belay'd the Fore- down-hall; but the Sail was ſplit, and we hawl'd down the Yard, and got the Sail into 4 A VOYAGE to 4 ܀ ' 12 B into the fhip, and unbound all the things clear of it. It was a very fierce Storm; the Sear broke ftrange and dangerous. We hawl'd off upon the Lanniard of the Whipſtaff, and helped the Man at Helm. We would not get down our Top-Maft, but let all ftand, becauſe ſhe fcudded before the Sea very well, and we knew that the Top-Maft being aloft, the Ship was the wholefomer, and made bet. ter way through the Sea, feeing we had Sea-room. When the Storm was over, we fet Fore-fail and Main-fail, and brought the Ship to: Then we fet the Mizen, Maintop-fail, and the Foretop-fail. Our Courfe was Eaſt North-eaft, the Wind was at South-weft. We got the Star-board Tacks aboard, we caft off our Weather- braces, and Lifts; we fet in the Lee- braces, and hawl'd forward by the Wea ther-bowlings, and hawl'd them tight, and belayed them, and hawled over the Mizen-Tack to Windward, and kept her full and by as near as fhe would lye. : 2. www DURING BROBDINGNAG. DURING this form, which was fol- lowed by a ſtrong Wind Weft-fouth-weft, we were carried by my computation a- bout Five hundred leagues to the Eaft, fo that the oldeſt Sailor on board could not tell in what part of the world we were. Our Provifions held out well, our Ship was ftaunch, and our Crew all in good health; but we lay in the utmoſt diftrefs for Water. We thought it beft to hold on the fame courfe rather than turn more Northerly, which might have brought us to the North-weft parts of Great Tar- tary, and into the Frozen Sea. ON the 16th Day of June, 1703, a Boy on the Top-maft difcovered Land. On the 17th we came in full view of a great Ifland or Continent (for we knew not whether) on the South fide whereof was a fmall Neck of Land jut- ting out into the Sea, and a Creek too fhallow to hold a Ship of above One hundred tuns. We caft anchor within a League of this creek, and our Captain fent : 鉴 ​Ő A VOYAGE to fent a Dozen of his men well armed in the Long-boat, with Veffels for Water if any could be found. I defired his leave to go with them, that I might fee the coun- trey, and make what difcoveries I could. When we came to land, we faw no Ri- ver or Spring, nor any fign of Inhabitants. Our men therefore wander'd on the fhore to find out fome freſh Water near the fea, and I walked alone about a Mile on the other fide, where I obferved the countrey all barren and rocky. I now began to be weary, and, feeing nothing to entertain my curiofity, I returned gently down towards the Creek; and, the Sea being full in my view, I faw our men already got into the Boat, and rowing for life to the Ship. I was go ing to hollow after them, although it had been to little purpoſe, when I ob- ferved a huge Creature walking after them in the fea, as faft as he could: He waded not much deeper than his knees, and took prodigious ftrides: But our men had the start of him Half a league, and the 2422 * M BROBDINGNAG. 7 the Sea thereabouts being full of fharp- pointed Rocks, the Monfter was not able to overtake the Boat. This I was afterwards told, for I durft not ſtay to ſee the iffue of that adventure; but ran as faſt as I could the way I firft went; and then climbed up a fteep Hill which gave me ſome proſpect of the countrey. I found it fully cultivated; but that which firft furprized me was the length of the Grafs, which in thofe grounds that feem- ed to be kept for Hay, was above Twen- ty foot high. I fell into a high Road, for fo I took it to be, though it ferved to the inhabi- tants only as a foot Path through a Field of barley. arley. Here I walked on for fome time, but could fee little on either fide, it be- ing now near Harveft, and the Corn ri- fing at leaſt Forty foot. I was an Hour walking to this end of the field, which was fenced in with a Hedge of at leaft One hundred and twenty foot high, and the Trees fo lofty that I could make no com- putation A 8 A VOYAGE to 蓉 ​$ putation of their Altitude. There was a Stile to paſs from this field into the next. It had Four fteps, and a Stone to crofs over when you came to the upper- moft. It was impoffible for me to climb this ftile, becauſe every Step was Six foot high, and the upper Stone above Twenty. I was endeavouring to find fome Gap in the hedge, when I difcovered one of the Inhabitants in the next field advan- cing towards the ftile, of the fame fize with him whom I faw in the fea purfu- ing our Boat. He appeared as tall as an ordinary Spire-fteeple, and took about Ten yards at every ftride, as near as I could guess. I was ftruck with the ut- moft fear and aftoniſhment, and ran to fear and a hide myſelf in the corn, from whence I faw him at the top of the ftile, look- ing back into the next field on the right hand, and heard him call in a voice ma- ny degrees louder than a Speaking Trum- pet; but the Noife was fo high in the air, that at first I certainly thought it was Thunder. Whereupon Seven Mon- fters : * BROBDINGNAG. 9 fters like himſelf came towards him with Reaping-hooks in their hands, each Hook about the largeneſs of Six Scythes. Theſe people were not fo well clad as the first, whoſe fervants or labourers they ſeemed to be. For, upon fome words he spoke, they went to reap the corn in the field where I lay. I kept from them at as great a diſtance as I could, but was forced to move with extreme difficulty, for the Stalks of the corn were fometimes not a- bove a Foot diſtant, ſo that I could hardly fqueeze my body betwixt them. How- ever, I made a fhift to go forward till I came to a part of the field where the corn had been laid by the Rain and Wind. Here it was impoffible for me to advance a ftep; for the Stalks were fo interwoven that I could not creep thorough, and the Beards of the fallen Ears fo ftrong and pointed that they pierced through my clothes into my flesh. At the fame time I heard the Reapers not above an Hundred yards behind me. Being quite. difpirited with toil, and wholly over- come $ .. J $ 4 ΤΟ DAVOYAGE to LE come by grief and defpair, I lay down between Two Ridges, and heartily wifhed I might there end my days. I bemoaned my defolate Widow, and Fa- therless Children. I lamented my own folly and wilfulneſs in attempting a Se- cond Voyage against the advice of all my friends and relations. In this terrible agitation of mind I could not forbear thinking of Lilliput, whofe Inhabitants looked upon me as the greateſt Prodigy that ever appeared in the world; where I was able to draw an Imperial Fleet in my hand, and perform thofe other acti- ons which will be recorded for ever in the Chronicles of that Empire, while Pofterity fhall hardly believe them, al- though atteſted by Millions. I reflected what a mortification it must prove to me to appear as inconfiderable in this nation as one fingle Lilliputian would be among us. But, this I conceived was to be the leaſt of my misfortunes: For, as human Creatures are obferved to be more fayage and cruel in proportion to * dbye their He BROBDINGNAG. II their Bulk, what could I expect but to be a Morfel in the mouth of the first among theſe enormous Barbarians that ſhould happen to feize me? Undoubt- edly Philofophers are in the right when they tell us, that nothing is great or little otherwife than by Comparifon. It might have pleaſed fortune to let the Lillipu- tians find fome nation, where the peo- ple were as Diminutive with refpect to them, as they were to me. And who knows but that even this prodigious Race of Mortals might be equally overmatch- ed in fome diftant part of the world, whereof we have yet no difcovery? SCARED and confounded as I was, I could not forbear going on with theſe reflections, when one of the reapers ap- proaching within Ten yards of the Ridge where I lay, made me apprehend that with the next ſtep I fhould be fquaſhed to death under his Foot, or cut in Two with his Reaping-hook. And therefore when he was again about to move, I fcreained VOL. I, M I 2 A VOYAGE (to fcreamed as loud as fear could make me. Whereupon the huge Creature trod fhort, and looking round about under him for fome time, at laſt efpied me as I lay on the ground. He confidered a while with the caution of one who endeavours to lay hold on a ſmall dangerous animal in fuch a manner that it ſhould not be able either to ſcratch or to bite him, as I myſelf have fometimes done with a Weafel in Eng- land. At length he ventured to take me up behind by the Middle between his Fore-finger and Thumb, and brought me within Three yards of his eyes, that he might behold my fhape more perfectly. I gueſſed his meaning, and my good for- tune gave me fo much Prefence of mind, that I refolved not to ftruggle in the leaft as he held me in the Air above Sixty foot from the ground, although he grievously pinched my fides, for fear I fhould flip through his fingers. All I ventured was to raiſe mine eyes towards the Sun, and place my hands together in a fupplica- ting pofture, and to fpeak fome words in ぶ ​Ang # BROBDINGNAG. 1 3 in an humble melancholy tone, fuitable to the condition I then was in: For I apprehended every moment that he would daſh me againſt the ground, as we ufually do any little hateful Animal which we have a mind to deftroy. But my good ſtar would have it, that he appeared pleaſed with my voice and ge- ftures, and began to look upon me as a Curiofity, much wondering to hear me pronounce articulate words, although he could not underftand them. In the mean time I was not able to forbear groaning and fhedding tears, and turn- ing my Head towards my Sides, letting him know, as well as I could, how cru- elly I was hurt by the Preffure of his Thumb and Finger. He feemed to ap- prehend my meaning; for, lifting up the Lappet of his Coat, he put me gently into it, and immediately ran along with me to his Mafter, who was a fubftantial Farmer, and the fame perfon I had firft ſeen in the field. " M 2 THE # ... 74 14 A VOYAGE to THE Farmer having (as I fuppofed by their talk) received fuch an account of me as his fervant could give him, took a piece of a ſmall Straw, about the fize of a Walking-ſtaff, and therewith lifted up the Lappets of my Coat; which it ſeems he thought to be fome kind of covering that nature had given me. He blew my Hairs afide to take a better view of my Face. He called his hinds about him, and asked them (as I afterwards learned) whether they had ever ſeen in the fields any little Creature that reſembled me. He then placed me foftly on the ground upon all four, but I got immediately up, and walked flowly backwards and for- wards, to let thofe people fee I had no intent to run away. They all fate down in a Circle about me, the better to ob- ferve my motions. I pulled off my hat, and made a low Bow towards the farmer, I fell on my Knees, and lifted up my Hands and Eyes, and ſpoke feveral words, as loud as I could: I took a Purſe of Gold out of my pocket, and humbly preſented 6 BROBDINGNAG. 15 preſented it to him. He received it on the Palm of his Hand, then applied it cloſe to his eye, to fee what it was, and afterwards turned it feveral times with the point of a Pin (which he took out of his Sleeve) but could make nothing of it. Whereupon I made a fign that he fhould place his Hand on the ground. I took the Purſe, and opening it, poured all the Gold into his Palm. There were Six Spanish pieces of Four Piſtoles each, befides Twenty or Thirty fmaller Coins. I ſaw him wet the Tip of his Little fin- ger upon his Tongue, and take up one of my largeſt Pieces, and then another, but he ſeemed to be wholly ignorant what they were. He made me a fign to put them again into my Purſe, and the Purſe again into my pocket, which after offering to him ſeveral times, I thought it beſt to do. THE Farmer by this time was con- vinced I muſt be a Rational creature. He spoke often to me, but the Sound of M 3 his 16 A VOYAGE to his voice pierced my ears like that of a Water-Mill, yet his words were ar- ticulate enough. I anfwered as loud as I could in ſeveral Languages, and he often laid his ear within Two yards of me, but all in vain, for we were wholly unintelligible to each other. He then fent his Servants to their work, and taking his Handkerchief out of his Pocket, he doubled and fpread it on his left Hand, which he placed flat on the ground with the palm upwards, making me a fign to ſtep into it, as I could eaſily do, for it was notabove a Foot in thick- nefs. I thought it my part to obey, and for fear of falling, laid my felf at length upon the Handkerchief, with the remainder of which he lapped me up to the Head for further fecurity, and in this manner carried me home to his houfe. There he called his Wife, and fhewed me to her; but fhe fcreamed and ran back, as Women in England do at the fight of a Toad or a Spider. However, when ſhe had a while feen my behaviour, and 41 ܃ BROBDINGNAG. 17 and how well I obferved the figns her Husband made, fhe was foon reconciled, and by degrees grew extremely tender of me. bou gebaut bodi It was about Twelve at noon, and a ſervant brought in Dinner. It was only One ſubſtantial difh of Meat (fit for the plain condition of an Husband-man) in a Diſh of about Four and twenty foot Diameter. The company were the Farmer and his Wife, Three Chil- dren, and an old Grandmother: When they were fat down, the Farmer placed me at ſome diſtance from him on the Table, which was Thirty foot high from the floor. I was in a terrible fright, and kept as far as I could from the Edge for fear of falling. The Wife minced a bit of Meat, then crumbled fome Bread on a trencher, and placed it before me. I made her a low Bow, took out my Knife and Fork, and fell to eat, which gave them exceeding delight. The Miſtreſs fent her Maid for M 4 # " 18 A VOYAGE to w: * ; for a ſmall Dram-cup, which held about Three gallons, and filled it with drink, I took up the veffel with much difficulty in both hands, and in a moſt reſpectful manner drank to her Ladyfhip's Health, expreffing the words as loud as I could in English, which made the company laugh fo heartily, that I was almoſt deafned with the noife. This liquor taſted like a ſmall Cyder, and was not unpleaſant. Then the Mafter made me a fign to come to his trencher fide but as I walked on the Table, being in great furprize all the time, as the indul- gent reader will eaſily conceive and ex- cufe, I happened to ftumble againſt a Cruft, and fell flat on my face, but re- ceived no hurt. I got up immediately, and obferving the good people to be in much concern, I took my Hat (which I held under my arm out of good man- ners) and waving it over my head, made Three Huzza's to fhew I had got no miſchief by my fall. But advancing for- wards toward my Mafter (as I fhall hence- forth به ارامه :: BROBDINGNAG. 19 forth call him) his youngeſt Son who fate next him, an arch Boy of about ten Years old, took me up by the Legs, and held me fo high in the Air, that I trem- bled every limb; but his Father fnatch- ed me from him, and at the ſame time gave him fuch'a Box on the left Ear, as would have felled an European Troop of Horſe to the earth, ordering him to be taken from the table. But, being afraid the Boy might owe me a fpight, and well remembring how mischievous all Children among us naturally are to Sparrows, Rabbets, young Kittens, and Puppy Dogs, I fell on my knees, and pointing to the boy, made my Mafter to underſtand, as well as I could, that I de- fired his fon might be pardoned. The Father complied, and the lad took his ſeatagain; whereupon I went to him and kiſſed his hand, which my Maſter took, and made him ftroak me gently with it. In the midſt of dinner my Miſtreſs's favourite Cat leapt into her lap. I heard ... 20 A VOYAGE to heard a Noife behind me like that of a Dozen Stocking-Weavers at work; and turning my Head I found it proceeded from the purring of this Animal, who ſeemed to be Three times larger than an Ox, as I computed by the View of her Head, and one of her Paws, while her Miſtreſs was feeding and ftroaking her. The Fierceness of this Creature's Coun- tenance altogether difcompofed me; though I ftood at the further end of the Table, above Fifty foot off, and although my Miſtreſs held her faft for fear fhe might give a fpring, and feize me in her talons. But it happened there Was no danger;for the Cat took not the leaft notices of me when my Mafter placed me within Three yards of her. And as I have been always told, and found true by experience in my travels, that flying, or difcovering Fear before a fierce animal, is a certain way to make it purſue or attack you; fo I refolved in this dangerous juncture to fhew no man- ner of concern. I walked with Intre- pidity 竈 ​BROBDINGNAG. 21 pidity Five or six times before the very Head of the Cat, and came within half a Yard of her; whereupon fhe drew her felf back, as if he were more afraid of me: I had lefs apprehenfion concerning the Dogs, whereof Three or Four came into the room, as it is ufual in Farmers houſes; one of which was a Maftiff equal in bulk to Four Elephants, and a Grey-hound fomewhat taller than the Maſtif, but not fo large.or WHEN dinner was almoſt done, the Nurfe came in with a Child of a Year old in her arms, who immediately fpy'd me, and began a fquall that you might have heard from London-Bridge to Chel- fea, after the ufual Oratory of infants, to get me for a Play-thing. The Mo- ther out of pure indulgence took me up, and put me towards the Child, who preſently ſeized me by the Middle, and got my Head in his Mouth, where I roared fo loud that the Urchin was frighted, and let me drop; and I fhould infal- 22 A VOYAGE to infallibly have broke my neck if the Mother had not held her Apron under me. The Nurfe, to quiet her babe, made uſe of a Rattle, which was a kind of hollow Veffel filled with great ftones, and faſtned by a Cable to the Child's waft: But all in vain, ſo that ſhe was forced to apply the laft remedy by giving it fuck. I must confefs no Ob- ject ever difgufted me fo much as the fight of her monftrous Breaft, which I cannot tell what to compare with, ſo as to give the curious reader an Idea of its Bulk, Shape and Colour. It ftood prominent Six foot, and could not be leſs than Sixteen in circumference. The Nipple was about half the bigness of my Head, and the Hew both of that and the Dug fo varified with Spots, Pimples and Freckles, that nothing could appear more nauſeous: For I had a near fight of her, fhe fitting down the more con- veniently to give fuck, and I ftanding on the table. This made me reflect upon the fair skins of our English Ladies, who appear BROBDINGNAG. 23 appear fo beautiful to us, only becaufe they are of our own fize, and their De- fects not to be ſeen but through a Mag- nifying-Glaſs, where we find by experi- ment that the ſmootheft and whiteft skins look rough and coarfe, and ill coloured.* I remember when I was at Lilliput, the Complexions of thofe diminutive people appeared to me the Faireft in the world, and talking upon this fubject with a perſon of Learning there, who was an intimate friend of mine, he faid that my Face appeared much fairer and fmoother when he looked on me from the ground, than it did upon a nearer view when I took him up in my hand, and brought him cloſe, which he confef- fed was at firſt a very ſhocking fight. He faid he could diſcover great Holes in my skin, that the Stumps of my beard were Ten times ftronger than the Briftles of a Boar, and my Complexion made up of feveral colours altogether difagreeable: Although 24 A VOYAGE to a although I muſt beg leave to fay for my felf, that I am of my Sex as fail as thoit } and Countrey, and very little funburnt by all my travels. On the other fide, difcourfing of the Ladies in that Em- peror's Court, he uſed to tell me, one had freckles, another too wide a mouth, a third too large a nofe, nothing of which I was able to diftinguish. I con- fefs this reflection was obvious enough; which however I could not forbear, left the Reader might think thofe vaft Crea- tures were actually deformed: For I muſt do them justice to fay they are a comely Race of people; and particularly the Features of my Mafter's Countenance, although he were but a Farmer, when I beheld him from the height of Sixty foot, appeared very well proportioned. SH. n enidbodt voy a fit to env WHEN dinner was done, my Mafter went out to his labourers, and as I could difcover by his voice and gefture, gave his Wife a ftrict charge to take care of me. I was very much tired and difpofed tigu to Thares 6 BROBDINGNAG. 25 to fleep, which my Miftrefs perceiving, fhe put me on her own bed, and covered me with a clean white Handkerchief, but larger and coarfer than the Main-fail of a Man of War. 2 I flept about Two hours, and dreamed I was at home with my Wife and Chil- dren,which aggravated my forrows when I awaked and found my felf alone in a vaſt room, between Two and Three hun- dred foot wide, and above Two hundred high, lying in a bed Twenty yards wide. My Miſtreſs was gone about her houfhold affairs, and had locked me in. The bed was eight yards from the floor. Some natural Neceffities required me to get down; I durft not prefume to call, and if I had, it would have been in vain with fuch a Voice as mine at fo great a diſtance from the room where I lay to the kitchen where the Family kept. While I was under theſe circumftances, two Rats crept up the curtains, and ran ſmelling backwards and forwards on the bed.One of them 26 A VOYAGE to t them came up almoſt to my Face, where- upon I rofe in a fright, and drew out my Hanger to defend myſelf. Theſe horrible Animals had the boldneſs to attack me on both fides, and one of them held his Fore-feet at my Col- lar; but I had the good fortune to rip up his belly before he could do me any miſchief. He fell down at my feet, and the other feeing the fate of his Comrade, made his efcape, but not without one good Wound on the Back, which I gave him as he fled, and made the blood run trickling from him. After this exploit I walked gently to and fro on the bed, to recover my Breath and Lofs of Spirits. Thefe Creatures were of the fize of a large Maftiff, but in- finitely more nimble and fierce, fo that if I had taken off my Belt before I went to fleep, I muſt have infallibly been torn to pieces and devoured. I meafured the tail of the dead Rat, and found it to be Two yards long wanting an Inch; but it went against my ftomach to ma .... 2 % $ BROBDINGNAG. 27 to drag the Carcafs off the bed, where it lay ftill bleeding; I obferved it had yet fome Life, but with a ftrong flaſh croſs the neck I thoroughly diſpatched it. ling the Main s Soon after my Miftrefs came into the room, who feeing me all bloody, ran and took me up in her hand. I pointed to the dead Rat, fmiling and making other figns to fhew I was not hurt, whereat ſhe was extremely rejoyced, cal- to take up the dead Rat with a pair of tongs, and throw it out of the window. Then the fet me on a table where I fhewed her my Hanger all bloody, and wiping it on the Lappet of my Coat, returned it to the Scabbard. I was preffed to do more than one thing, which another could not do for me, and therefore endeavoured to make my Mif trefs underſtand that I defired to be fet down on the floor; which after fhe had done, my Bafhfulneſs would not fuffer me to expreſs myfelf farther than by pointing to the door, and bowing feve- VOL. I. N ral 28 A VOYAGE to ral times. The good Woman with much difficulty at laft perceived what I would be at, and taking me up again in her hand, walked into the Garden where fhe fet me down. I went on one fide about Two hundred yards, and beckoning to her not to look or to follow me, I hid myſelf between Two Leaves of Sorrel, and there diſcharged the neceffities of nature. I hope the gentle reader will excufe me from dwelling on thefe and the like Particulars, which however infignificant they may appear to grovelling vulgar minds, yet will certainly help a Philo- fopher to enlarge his thoughts and ima- gination, and apply them to the Benefit of Publick as well as Private life, which was my fole defign in prefenting this and other accounts of my Travels to the world; wherein I have been chiefly ftu- dious of Truth, without affecting any or- naments of Learning or of Style. But the whole Scene of this voyage made fo vogelwod bris M по ftrong BROBDINGNAG. 12 29 識 ​ftrong an Impreffion on my mind, and is fo deeply fixed in my memory, that, în committing it to Paper, I did not o- mit one material circumftance: How- ever upon a ftri&t review, I blotted out feveral Paffages of lefs moment which were in my first Copy, for fear of being cenfured as tedious and trifling, whereof Travellers are often, perhaps not without juſtice, accuſed. # ¿ ܀ Be 输 ​514/ ܀ N 2 HESE 360 % - 竑 ​CHAP. las : # 30 LA VOYAGE to -2048 .. www. CHA P. II. A Defcription of the Farmer's Daughter. The Author carried to a Market- Town, and then to the Metropolis. The Particulars of his Journey. شور که از اشاره M Y Miſtreſs had a Daughter of Nine years old, a child of for- ward Parts for her age, very dextrous at her Needle, and skilful in dreffing her Baby. Her Mother and fhe contrived to fit up the Baby's Cradle for me againft night: The Cra- dle was put into a fmall Drawer of a Cabinet, and the Drawer placed upon a hanging Shelf for fear of the Rats. This was my Bed all the time I ftay'd with thoſe people, though made more conve- nient by degrees, as I began to learn their Language, and make my wants known. This young Girl was fo handy, that after TAHO I had sth BROBDINGNAG. 31 I had once or twice pulled off my cloaths before her, fhe was able to drefs and un- drefs me, though I never gave her that trouble when he would let me do either myſelf. She made me Seven fhirts, and ſome other Linen of as fine Cloth as could be got, which indeed was coar- fer than Sackcloth; and thefe fhe con. ſtantly wafhed for me with her own hands. She was likewife my School- miſtreſs to teach me the Language: When I pointed to any thing, fhe told me the name of it in her own tongue, fo that in a few days I was able to call for whatever I had a mind to. She was very good natur'd, and not above Forty foot high, being little for her age. She gave me the name of Grildrig, which the Family took up, and afterwards the whole Kingdom. The Word imports what the Latins call Nanunculus, the Ita- lians Homunceletino, and the English Mannikin. To her I chiefly owe my Prefervation in that countrey: We ne- ver parted while I was there; I called her N 3 my :.. 32 A VOYAGE/to # my Glumdalclitch, or little Nurfe: And I fhould be guilty of great Ingratitude if I omitted this honourable mention of her Careand Affection towards me,which I heartily wish it lay in my power to re- quite as ſhe deferves, inftead of being the innocent but unhappy Inftrument of her Difgrace, as I have too much reafon to fear. * IT now began to be known and talked of in the neighbourhood, that my Ma- fter had found a ſtrange Animal in the field about the bignefs of a Splacknuck, but exactly ſhaped in every part like a human creature; which it likewiſe imi- tated in all its actions; feemed to ſpeak in a little language of its own, had al- ready learned ſeveral words of theirs, went erect upon Two legs, was tame and gentle, would come when it was cal- led, do whatever it was bid, had the fi- neft Limbs in the world, and a Complex- ion fairer than a Nobleman's Daughter of Three years old. Another Farmer who lived BROBDINGNAG. 33 lived hard by, and was a particular friend of my Maſter, came on a viſit on pur- poſe to enquire into the Truth of this ftory. I was immediately produced, and placed upon a Table, where I walked as I was commanded, drew my Hanger, put it up again, made my reverence to my Maſter's Gueft,, asked him in his own language how he did, and told him he was welcome, juft as my little Nurſe had inftructed me. This Man, who was old and dim-fighted, put on his Spectacles to behold me better, at which I could not forbear laughing very heartily, for his Eyes appeared like the Full-Moon fhin- ing into a chamber at Two windows. Our people, who difcovered the cauſe of my Mirth, bore me company in Laugh- ing, at which the old Fellow was fool enough to be angry and out of counte- nance. He had the character of a great Mifer, and, to my misfortune, he well deſerved it by the curfed advice he gave my Maſter to fhew me as a Sight upon a Market-Day in the next town, which N 4 was 34 A VOYAGE to! : : 芝 ​A .. Peters was Half an hour's riding, about Two and twenty miles from our houfe. I guef fed there was fome mifchief contriving, when I obferved my Mafter and his Friend whispering long together, fametimes, pointing at me; and my Fears made me fanfy that I overheard and underſtood fome of their words, But, the next morning Glumdalclitch my little Nurfe told me the whole matter, which ſhe had cunningly picked out from her Mother, The poor Girl laid me on her bofom, and fell a weeping with fhame and grief, She apprehended fomé miſchief would happen to me from rude vulgar folks, who might ſqueeze me to death or break one of my Limbs by taking me in their hands. She had alfo obferved how mo deft I was in my nature, how nicely I re- garded my Honour, and what an Indig- nity Ifhould conceive it to be expofed for Money as a publick Spectacle to the mean eft of the people. She faid, her Papa and Mamma had promifed that Grildrigfhould be hers, but now fhe found they meant to BROBDINGNAG. 35 to ferve her as they did laft year, when they pretended to give her a Lamb, and yet, as foon as it was fat, fold it to a butcher. For my own part, I may truly affirm that I was lefs concerned than my Nurſe. I had a ftrong hope which ne- ver left me, that I fhould one day re- cover my Liberty; and as to the Igno- miny of being carried about for a Mon- fter, I confidered my felf to be a perfect Stranger in the Countrey, and that fuch a Misfortune could never be charged upon me as a Reproach if ever I fhould return to England; fince the King of Great Britain himſelf, in my condition, muſt have undergone the fame Diſtreſs, My Maſter, purſuant to the advice of his Friend, carried me in a Box the next Market-day to the neighbouring Town, and took along with him his little daugh- ter my Nurſe upon a Pillion behind him. The Box was cloſe on every fide, with a little Door for me to go in and out, and a few Gimlet-holes to let in Air. * 36 A VOYAGE to 233 Air. The Girl had been fo careful to put the Quilt of her baby's bed into it, for me to lye down on. However, I was terribly fhaken and difcompofed in this journey, though it were but of Half an hour. For the Horſe went about Forty foot at every ſtep, and trotted fo high, that the Agitation was equal to the rifing and falling of a Ship in a great ftorm, but much more frequent: Our Journey was fomewhat further than from London to St. Albans. My Mafter alight- ed at an Inn which he uſed to frequent; and after confulting a while with the Inn-keeper, and making fome neceffary Preparations, he hired the Grultrud, or Cryer to give notice through the town of a ſtrange Creature to be feen at the fign of the Green Eagle not fo big as a Splacnuck (an Animal in that Countrey very finely fhaped, about Six foot long) and in every part of the body refembling an human creature, could ſpeak ſeveral words, and perform an hundred divert ing tricks. راوه ته وه I was BROBDINGNAG. 37 I was placed upon a Table in the largeſt room of the Inn, which might be near Three hundred foot ſquare. My little Nurſe ftood on a low Stool clofe to the table, to take care of me, and di- rect what I fhould do. My Mafter, to avoid a croud, would fuffer only Thirty People at a time to fee me. I walked about on the table as the Girl command- ed; fhe asked me Queſtions as far as fhe knew my Underſtanding of the language reached, and I answered them as loud as I could. I turned about feveral times to the company, paid my humble re- fpects, faid they were welcome, and uſed fome other ſpeeches I had been taught. I took up a Thimble filled with liquor, which Glumdalclitch had given me for a Cup, and drank their health. I drew out my Hanger, and flouriſhed with it after the manner of Fencers in England. My Nurſe gave me part of a Straw which I exerciſed as a Pike, having learn- ed the art in my youth. I was that day fhewn to Twelve Sets of company, and F Phi * 38 A VOYAGE to and as often forced to go over again with the fame Fopperies, till I was half dead with weariness and vexation. For, thoſe who had ſeen me made fuch wonderful Reports, that the people were ready to break down the Doors to come in. My Maſter for his own Intereſt would not fuffer any one to touch me except my Nurſe; and, to prevent dan- ger, Benches were fet round the Table at fuch a diftance as put me out of every body's reach. However, an unlucky School-boy aimed a hazel Nut directly at my head, which very narrowly mif- fed me; otherwiſe, it came with fo much violence that it would have infallibly knocked out my brains, for it was almoſt as large as a ſmall Pumpion: But I had the fatisfaction to ſee the young Rogue well beaten, and turned out of the room. My Mafter gave publick notice, that he would fhew me again the next Mar- ket-day, and in the mean time he pre- pared a more convenient Vehicle for me, which he had reafon enough to do; for Altido I was Ast BROBDINGNAG. 39 : was fo tired with my firft Journey, and with entertaining company for Eight hours together, that I could hardly ftand upon my legs, or fpeak a word. It was at leaſt Three days before I recover- ed my ftrength; and that I might have no reft at home, all the neighbouring Gentlemen from an Hundred miles round, hearing of my fame, came to fee me at my Maſter's own houſe. There could not be fewer than Thirty perfons with their Wives and Children (for the Countrey was very populous;) and my Mafter de- manded the rate of a full room when- ever he fhewed me at home, although it were only to a fingle family. So that for fome time I had but little eaſe every day of the week (except Wednesday which is their Sabbath) although I were not carried to their town. was li My Mafter finding how profitable I to be, refolved to carry me to the moft confiderable Cities of the king- dom. Having therefore provided himself with :::: 4 A VOYAGE to 40 with all things neceffary for a long jour ney, and fettled his affairs at home, he took leave of his Wife, and upon the 17th of August 1703, about Two months after my arrival, we fet out for the Me tropolis, fituated near the middle of that Empire, and about Three thouſand miles diſtance from our houfe: My Mafter made his Daughter Glumdalclitch ride behind him. She carried me on her Lap in a Box tyed about her Waft. The Girl had lined it on all fides with the fofteft Cloth fhe could get, well quilted underneath, furniſhed it with her Baby's bed, provided me with Linen and other Neceflaries, and made every thing as con- venient as fhe could. We had no other tas company but a Boy of the houfe, who rode after us with the Luggage. al doble My Mafter's Defign was to fhew me in all the towns by the way, and to ftep out of the road for Fifty or an Hundred miles, to any Village or Perfon of Quali ty's houſe where he might expect cuftom. diw We 300- 3 3 BROBDINGNAG. 41 We made eafy journies of not above Seven or Eightſcore miles a Day: For Glum- dalclitch, on purpofe to fpare me, com- plained fhe was tired with the trotting of the Horſe. She often took me out of my Box at my own defire, to give me Air, and fhew me the Countrey, but al- ways held me faft by a Leading-ftring We paffed over Five or Six Rivers many degrees broader and deeper than the Nile or the Ganges; and there was hardly a Rivulet ſo ſmall as the Thames at Lon- don-Bridge. We were Ten Weeks in our Journey, and I was fhewn in Eighteen large Towns befides many Villages and private Families. ON the 26th Day of October, we ar- rived at the Metropolis, called in their language Lorbrulgrud, or Pride of the Universe. My Mafter took a lodging in the principal Street of the City, nor far from the Royal Palace, and put our Bills in the ufual form, containing an exact Deſcription of my Perfon and Parts. He 42 A VOYAGE to : .. Jilli He hired a large room between Three and Four hundred foot wide. He pro- vided a Table Sixty foot in diameter, upon which I was to act my part, and palifadoed round Three foot from the Edge, and as many high, to prevent my falling over. I was fhewn Ten times a day to the Wonder and Satisfaction of all people. I could now fpeak the lan- guage tolerably well, and perfectly under- ftood every word that was ſpoken to me. Befides, I had learned their Alpha- bet, and could make a ſhift to explain a Sentence here and there; for Glumdal- clitch had been my Inftructer while we were at home, and at leiſure hours du ring our Journey. She carried a little Book in her pocket, not much larger than a Sanfon's Atlas; it was a common Treatife for the ufe of young Girls, giv ing a fhort account of their Religion; out of this ſhe taught me my Letters, and interpreted the Words. 21763 pus nöl,'i ynilonoligin CHAP. Off BROBDINGNAG. 43 CHA P. III. The Author fent for to Court. The Queen buys him of his Mafter, the Farmer, and prefents him to the King. He dif putes with his Majefty's great Scho- lars. An Apartment at Court provided for the Author. He is in high Favour with the Queen. He flands up for the Honour of his own Countrey. His Quar- rels with the Queen's Dwarf. T HE frequent Labours I under- went every day made in a few weeks a very confiderable change in my health: The more my Mafter got by me, the more unfatiable he grew. I had quite loft my Stomach, and was almoſt reduced to a Skeleton. The Farmer ob- ferved it, and concluding I foon muſt dye, refolved to make as good a hand of me as he could. While he was thus reaſoning VOL. I. 44 A VOYAGE to s 晶 ​reaſoning and refolving with himſelf, a "Slardral, or Gentleman Ufher came from Court, commanding my Mafter to carry me immediately thither for the Diverfion of the Queen and her Ladies. Some of the latter had already been to fee me, and reported ftrange things of my Beauty, Behaviour, and good Senfe. Her Maje fty and those who attended her were be- yond Meafure delighted with my De- meanor. I fell on my knees, and begged the honour of kiffing her Imperial Foot; but this Gracious Princefs held out her little Finger towards me (after I was fet on a Table) which I embraced in both my Arms, and put the tip of it, with the utmoſt reſpect, to my Lip. She made me fome general queftions about my Countrey and my Travels, which I an- fwer'd as diftinctly and in as few words as I could. She asked whether I would be content to live at Court. I bowed down to the board of the Table, and humbly anfwered, that I was my Mafter's Slave, but if I were at my own difpofal, I fhould enincloer 器 ​BROBDINGNAG. 45 fhould be proud to devote my Life to her Majeſty's Service. She then asked my Maſter whether he were willing to fell me at a good price. He, who ap- prehended I could not live a Month, was ready enough to part with me, and demanded a Thouſand pieces of Gold, which were ordered him on the ſpot, each piece being about the bigness of Eight hundred Moydores; but, allowing for the proportion of all things between that Countrey and Europe, and the high price of Gold among them, was hardly ſo great a fum as a Thouſand Guineas would be in England. I then faid to the Queen, fince I was now her Majefty's moſt humble Creature and Vaffal, I muft beg the favour, that Glumdalclitch, who had always tended me with fo much care and kindneſs, and understood to do it fo well, might be admitted into her fer- vice, and continue to be my Nurſe, and Instructor. Her Majefty agreed to my Petition, and eafily got the Farmer's con- fent, who was glad enough to have his O 2 Daughter : 46 A VOYAGE to ... Daughter preferred at Court; and the poor Girl herſelf was not able to hide her Joy: My late Maſter withdrew, bid- ing me farewell, and faying he had left me in a good Service; to which I re- plyed not a word, only making him a flight bow. THE Queen obferved my coldneſs, and when the Farmer was gone out of the Apartment, asked me the reafon. I made bold to tell her Majefty that I owed no other obligation to my late Mafter, than his not dafhing out the brains ofa poor harmleſs Creature found by chance in his field; which Obligati- on was amply recompenced by the gain he had made in fhewing me through half the Kingdom, and the price he had now fold me for. That the Life I had fince led, was laborious enough to kill an Ani- mal of ten times my ftrength. That my Health was much impaired by the con- tinual drudgery of entertaining the Rab- ble every hour of the day, and that if my Mafter 3 BROBDINGNAG. 47 e Maſter had not thought my life in danger, her Majefty, perhaps, would not have got fo cheap a bargain. But as I was out of all fear of being ill treated under the pro- tection of fo great and good an Empreſs, the Ornament of Nature, the Darling of the World, the Delight of her Subjects, the Phoenix of the Creation; fo, I hoped my late Maſter's apprehenfions would ap- pear to be groundleſs, for I already found my Spirits to revive by the Influence of her moſt Auguſt Preſence. THIS was the fum of my Speech, delivered with great Improprieties and Hefitation; the latter part was altoge- ther framed in the Style peculiar to that people, whereof I learned fome Phraſes from Glumdalclitch, while fhe was cary- ing me to Court. THE Queen giving great allowance for my Defectiveneſs in fpeaking, was however ſurpriſed at fo much Wit and good Senfe in fo diminutive an Animal. 0 3 She 48 A VOYAGE to % She took me in her own hands, and carried me to the King, who was then retired to his Cabinet. His Majefty, a Prince of much Gravity, and auftere Countenancé, not well obferving my fhape at first view, asked the Queen after a cold manner, how long it was fince fhe grew fond of a Splacnuck? for fuch it feems he took me to be, as I lay upon my breaft in her Majeſty's Right hand. But this Princeſs, who hath an infinite deal of Wit and Humour, fet me gently on my feet upon the fcrutore, and commanded me to give His Majefty an account of myſelf, which I did in a very few words; and Glumdalclitch, who attended at the Cabinet door, and could not endure I fhould be out of her fight, being admitted, confirmed all that had paſſed from my Arrival at her Fa- ther's Houſe. THE King, although he be as learned a Perfon as any in his Dominions, and had been educated in the ftudy of Phi- lofophy, 45%% BROBDINGNAG. 49 ።። loſophy, and particularly Mathematicks; yet when he obferved my fhape exactly, and faw me walk erect, before I began to fpeak, conceived I might be a piece of Clock-work, (which is in that coun- trey arrived to a very great perfection) contrived by fome ingenious Artift. But, when he heard my Voice, and found what I delivered to be regular and ratio- nal, he could not conceal his Aſtoniſh- ment. He was by no means fatisfied with the relation I gave him of the manner I came into his Kingdom', but thought it a Story concerted between Glumdalclitch and her Father, who had taught me a Sett of words to make me fell at a higher price. Upon this imagi- nation he put feveral other Queſtions to me, and ftill received rational Anfwers, no otherwiſe defective than by a foreign Accent, and an imperfect Knowledge in the language, with fome ruftick Phrafes which I had learned at the Farmer's houſe, and did not fuit the polite Style of a Court, 04 HIS 1 Y 50 A VOYAGE to His Majeſty ſent for Three great Scholars who were then in their weekly waiting (according to the cuftom in that countrey.): Thefe Gentlemen, after they had a while examined my Shape with much nicety, were of different opinions concerning me. They all a- greed, that I could not be produced ac- cording to the regular laws of Nature, becauſe I was not framed with a capa- city of preferving my life, either by Swiftnefs, or climbing of Trees, or dig- ging Holes in the Earth. They obſer- ved by my Teeth, which they viewed with great Exactneſs, that I was a car- nivorous Animal; yet moft Quadrupeds being an Overmatch for me, and Field- Mice, with fome others, too nimble, they could not imagine how I fhould be able to ſupport myſelf, unleſs I fed upon Snails and other Infects, which they offered by many learned argu- ments to evince that I could not pof- fibly do. One of theſe Virtuofi feemed tq # BROBDINGNAG. to think that I might be an Embry, or abortive Birth. But this opinion was rejected by the other Two, who obfer- ved my limbs to be perfect and finiſhed, and that I had lived feveral years, as it was manifefted from my Beard, the Stumps whereof they plainly diſcovered through a Magnifying-Glafs. They would not allow me to be a Dwarf, becauſe my Littleness was beyond all Degrees of compariſon; for, the Queen's favourite Dwarf, the ſmalleſt ever known in that kingdom, was near Thirty foot high. After much debate, they concluded u- nanimouſly that I was only Relplum Scalcath, which is interpreted literally, Lufus Naturæ ; a Determination exactly agreeable to the Modern Philofophy of Europe, whofe Profeffors, difdaining the old evafion of occult Caufes, whereby the Followers of Ariftotle, endeavour in vain to diſguiſe their ignorance, have invented this wonderful Solution of all Difficulties to the unspeakable advance- ment of human knowledge. AFTER وار میشید : 52 A VOYAGE to ZC AFTER this decifive. Conclufion, I entreated to be heard a word or two. I applied myſelf to the King, and affured His Majefty that I came from a countrey which abounded with feveral Millions of both fexes, and of my own ftature; where the Animals, Trees, and Houſes were all in Proportion, and where by confequence I might be as able to de- fend myſelf, and to find ſuſtenance, as any of his Majefty's Subjects could do here; which I took for a full Anfwer to thoſe Gentlemens Arguments. To this they only replied with a fmile of Con- tempt, faying, That the Farmer had inftructed me very well in my Leffon. The King, who had a much better Un- derſtanding, difmiffing his learned Men, fent for the Farmer, who by good for- tune was not yet gone out of town: Having therefore firſt examined him pri- confronted him with me and the young Girl, his Majefty began to think that what we told him might poffibly y, and li # BROBDINGNAG. 53 poffibly be true. He defired the Queen to order that a particular care fhould be taken of me, and was of opinion, that Glumdalclitch fhould ftill continue in her office of tending me, becauſe he obſerved we had a great affection for each other. A convenient Apartment was provided for her at Court; fhe had a fort of Governeſs appointed to take care of her education, a Maid to drefs her, and Two other fervants for menial offices; but, the care of me was wholly appropriated to herſelf. The Queen commanded her own Cabinet-maker to contrive a Box that might ferve me for 3 Bed-chamber, after the Model that Glumdalclitch and I fhould agree upon. This Man was a moft ingenious Artiſt, and according to my directions, in Three weeks finiſhed for me a wooden Cham- ber of Sixteen foot fquare, and Twelve high, with Safh Windows, a Door, and Two Clofets, like a London Bed-chamber. The Board that made the Cieling was to be lifted up and down by Two Hinges, to ·54 A VOYAGE to انا گام می ده * to put in a Bed ready furniſhed by her Majeſty's Upholſterer, which Glumdal- clitch took out every day to air, made it with her own hands, and letting it down at night, locked up the Roof over me. A nice Workman, who was fa- mous for little curiofities, undertook to make me Two Chairs, with Backs and Frames, of a Subſtance not unlike Ivory, and Two Tables, with a Cabinet to put my things in. The Room was quilted on all fides, as well as the Floor and the Cieling, to prevent any Accident from the Carelefnefs of thoſe who car- ried me, and to break the Force of a Jolt when I went in a Coach. I de fired a Lock for my Door to prevent Rats and Mice from coming in: The Smith after ſeveral Attempts made the fmalleſt that was ever feen among them, for I have known a larger at the Gate of a Gentleman's houfe in England. I made a fhift to keep the Key in a Pocket of my own, clitch might loſe it. fearing Glumdal- The Queen like- wife BROBDINGNAG. 55 wife ordered the thinneft Silks that could be gotten, to make me Cloaths, not much thicker than an English Banket, very cumberſome till I was accuſtomed to them. They were after the faſhion of the Kingdom, partly reſembling the Perſian, and partly the Chineſe, and are a very grave decent Habit. THE Queen became fo fond of my company, that fhe could not dine with- out me. I had a Table placed upon the fame at which her Majefty eat, juſt at her Left elbow, and a Chair to fit on. Glumdalclitch ſtood upon a Stool on the Floor, near my Table, to affift and take care of me. I had an entire Set of Sil- ver Diſhes and Plates, and other Necef- faries, which in proportion to thoſe of the Queen, were not much bigger than what I have ſeen of the fame kind in a London Toy-ſhop, for the furniture of a Baby-houſe: Theſe my little Nurſe kept in her pocket in a Silver Box, and gave me at meals as I wanted them, al- ways 妝 ​$ 56 A VOYAGE to ways cleaning them herſelf. No Però fon dined with the Queen but the Two Princeffes Royal, the elder Sixteen years old, and the younger at that time Thir- teen and a month. Her Majefty uſed to put a bit of meat upon one of my difhes, out of which I carved for myfelf; and her diverfion was to ſee me eat in Mini- ature. For the Queen (who had indeed but a weak ftomach) took up at one mouthful, as much as a dozen English Farmers could eat at a meal, which to me was for fome time a very naufeous fight. She would craunch the Wing of a Lark, bones and all, between her teeth, although it were Nine times as large as that of a full grown Turkey; and put a bit of Bread in her mouth, as big as Two Twelvepenny Loaves. She drank out of a golden Cup, above a Hogfhead at a draught. Her Knives were twice as long as a Scythe ſet ſtrait upon the handle; the Spoons, Forks, and other Inftruments were all in the fame proportion. I remember when Glum- dalclitch 6 BROBDINGNAG. 57 dalclitch carried me out of curiofity to fee fome of the Tables at Court, where Ten or a Dozen of theſe enormous Knives and Forks were lifted up toge- ther, I thought I had never till then be- held ſo terrible a fight. Ir is the custom that every Wednef day (which, as I have before obſerved, was their Sabbath) the King and Queen, with the Royal Iffue of both fexes, dine together in the apartment of his Majefty, to whom I was now become a great Favourite; and at theſe Times my little Chair and Table were placed at his Left hand before one of the Salt- fellers. This Prince took a pleaſure in converfing with me, enquiring into the Manners, Religion, Laws, Government, and Learning of Europe, wherein I gave him the beft account I was able. His Apprehenfion was fo clear, and his Judgment fo exact, that he made very wife Reflexions and Obſervations upon all I faid. But, I confefs, that after I had 58 A VOYAGE to $ had been a little too copious in talking of my own beloved Countrey, of our Trade, and Wars by Sea and Land, of our Schiſms in Religion, and Parties in the State; the Prejudices of his educa- tion prevailed fo far, that he could not forbear taking me up in his Right hand, and ſtroaking me gently with the other, after an hearty Fit of laughing, asked me whether I were a Whig or a Tory. Then turning to his First Minifter, who waited behind him with a White ſtaff, near as tall as the Main-maft of the Royal So- verain; he obſerved how contemptible a Thing was human Grandeur, which could be mimicked by fuch diminutive infects as I: And yet, faid he, I dare engage, theſe Creatures have their Titles and Diſtinctions of Honour, they con- trive little Neſts and Burrows, that they call Houſes and Cities; they make a figure in Dreſs and Equipage; they love, they fight, they difpute, they cheat, they betray. And thus he con- tinued on, while my colour came and went di BROBDINGNAG. 59 went ſeveral times with indignation to hear our noble Countrey, the Miſtreſs of Arts and Arms, the Scourge of France, the Arbitreſs of Europe, the Seat of Vir tue, Piety, Honour, and Truth, the Pride and Envy of the World, fo contemptu- ouſly treated. BUT, as I was not in a condition to reſent Injuries, fo, upon mature thoughts, I began to doubt whether I were injured or no. For, after having been accuſtom- ed ſeveral months to the fight and con- verſe of this people, and obferved every object upon which I caft mine eyes to be of proportionable Magnitude, the Horror I had firft conceived from their Bulk and Afpect was fo far worn off, that if I had then beheld a company of English Lords and Ladies in their Finery and Birth-day Cloaths, acting their feveral Parts in the moſt courtly manner of Strutting, and Bowing, and Prating; to ſay the truth, I fhould have been ſtrongly tempted to laugh as much VOL. I. P at 60 A VOYAGE to at them as this King and his Grandees did at me. Neither indeed could I for- bear ſmiling at myſelf, when the Queen uſed to place me upon her hand towards a Looking-glafs, by which both our Perſons appeared before me in full view together; and there could nothing be more ridiculous than the Compariſon: So that I really began to imagine my- felf dwindled many degrees below my ufual fize. 4 NOTHING angred and mortified me fo much as the Queen's Dwarf, who being of the loweſt ftature that was ever in that countrey (for I verily think he was not full Thirty foot high) became infolent at ſeeing a Creature fo much beneath him, that he would always affect to fwagger and look big as he paffed by me in the Queen's Antichamber, while I was ſtanding on fome Table talking with the Lords or Ladies of the Court, and he feldom failed of a ſmall word or two upon my Littleness; againſt # which BROBDINGNAG. 61 which I could only revenge myſelf by calling him Brother, challenging him to wreſtle, and fuch Repartees as are ufual in the mouths of Court Pages. One day at dinner this malicious little Cubb was fo nettled with fomething I had faid to him, that raiſing himſelf upon the Frame of her Majefty's Chair, he took me up by the middle, as I was fitting down, not thinking any harm, and let me drop into a large Silver Bowl of Cream, and then ran away as faſt as he could. I fell over head and ears, and if I had not been a good ſwimmer, it might have gone very hard with me; for Glumdalclitch in that inftant happened to be at the other end of the room, and the Queen was in fuch a Fright that fhe wanted Pre- fence of mind to affift me. But my little Nurſe ran to my relief, and took me out, after I had ſwallowed above a Quart of Cream. I was put to bed; however I received no other damage than the lofs of a Suit of Cloaths, which was utterly fpoiled. The Dwarf was foundly whip- P 2 .... ped, * 62 A VOYAGE to 憋 ​www. · ped, and as a further Punishment, forced to drink up the Bowl of cream, into which he had thrown me; neither was he ever reſtored to favour: For, ſoon after the Queen beſtowed him to a Lady of high Quality, fo that I faw him no more, to my very great fatisfaction; for I could not tell to what extremity fuch a malicious Urchin might have carried his refentment. He had before ferved me a fcurvy trick, which fet the Queen a laughing, although at the fame time fhe were hear- tily vexed, and would have immediately cafhiered him, if I had not been fo ge- nerous as to intercede. Her Majefty had taken a Marrow-bone upon her Plate, and after knocking out the Marrow, placed the Bone again in the Diſh erect as it ſtood before; the Dwarf watching his opportunity, while Glumdalclitch was gone to the fide-board, mounted upon the Stool fhe ftood on to take care of me at meals, took me up in both hands, and fqueezing دخول ادويه 器 ​BROBDING NAG. 63 fqueezing my legs together, wedged them into the Marrow-bone above my Waft, where I ftuck for fome time, and made a very ridiculous figure. I believe it was near a minute before any one knew what, was become of me, for I thought it below me to cry out. But, as Princes feldom get their meat hot, my legs were not fcalded, only my ftockings and breeches in a fad condition. The Dwarf at my entreaty had no other puniſhment than a found Whipping, # I was frequently rallied by the Queen upon account of my Fearfulneſs, and fhe uſed to ask me whether the People of my countrey were as great Cowards as my- felf. The occafion was this. The King- dom is much peſtered with Flies in fum- mer, and theſe odious Infects, each of them as big as a Dunstable Lark, hardly gave me any reſt while I fat at dinner, with their continual humming and buz- zing about mine ears. They would fometimes alight upon my victuals, and P 3 leave 64 A VOYAGE to leave their loathfomeExcrement or Spawn behind, which to me was very viſible, though not to the Natives of that coun- trey, whoſe large Opticks were not fo acute as mine in viewing fmaller Objects. Sometimes they would fix upon my Noſe or Forehead, where they ftung me to the quick, fmelling very offenfively, and I could eaſily trace that viſcous mat- ter, which our Naturalifts tell us enables thoſe Creatures to walk with their feet upwards upon a cieling. I had much ado to defend myſelf againſt theſe deteſtable Animals, and could not forbear ftarting when they came on my face. It was the common practice of the Dwarf to catch a number of theſe Infects in his hand, as School-boys do among us, and let them out fuddenly under my noſe on purpoſe to frighten me, and divert the Queen. My Remedy was to cut them in pieces with my Knife as they flew in the air, wherein my Dexterity was much admired. I re- BROBDINGNAG. 65 # zzes I remember one morning when Glum- dalclitch had fet me in my box upon a Window, as fhe ufually did in fair days to give me air (for I durft not venture to let the Box be hung on a Nail out of the Window, as we do with Cages in England) after I had lifted up one of my Saſhes, and fat down at my table to eat a piece of Sweet Cake for my Break- faft, above Twenty Wafps, allured by the fmell, came flying into the room, hum- ming louder than the Drones of as many Bagpipes. Some of them feized my Cake, and carried it piece-meal away, others flew about my Head and Face, confound- ing me with the noiſe, and putting me in the utmoft terror of their Stings. However I had the Courage to rife and draw my Hanger, and attack them in the air. I diſpatched Four of them, but the reft got away, and I preſently ſhut my Window. Theſe Creatures were as large as Partridges, I took out theirStings,found them an Inch and a Half long, and as P 4 ſharp } * { 12. 66 A VOYAGE to fharp as Needles. I carefully preſerved them all, and having fince fhewn them with ſome other curiofities in feveral parts of Europe; upon my return to Eng- land I gave Three of them to Gresham College, and kept the Fourth for myſelf. & 經 ​ni A CHAP. M A BROBDING NAG. 67 ہے نہیں CHA P. IV. G The Countrey defcribed. A Propofal for correcting modern Maps. The King's Palace, and fome Account of the Me- tropolis. The Author's way of tra- velling. The chief Temple defcribed. I NOW intend to give the reader a fhort Deſcription ofthis coun- trey, as far as I travelled in it, which was not above Two thouſand miles round Lorbrulgrud the Metropolis. For, the Queen, whom I always attended, ne- ver went further when the accompanied the King in his Progreffes, and there ftaid till his Majeſty returned from viewing his Frontiers. The whole Extent of this Prince's dominions reaching about Six thouſand miles in Length, and from Three to Five in Breadth. From whence I can- not but conclude that our Geographers of Europe are in a great error, by fuppofing nothing 68 A VOYAGE ‘to nothing but Sea between Japan and California; for it was ever my opinion, that there muſt be a balance of earth to counterpoiſe the great Continent of Tar- tary; and therefore they ought to cor- rect their Maps and Charts, by joining this vaft Tract of Land to the North-weſt parts of America, wherein I fhall be rea- dy to lend them my afſiſtance. THE Kingdom is a Peninſula, termi- nated to the North-eaſt by a Ridge of Mountains Thirty miles high, which are altogether impaffable by reafon of the Volcanoes upon the tops. the tops. Neither do the moſt Learned know what fort of mortals inhabit beyond thoſe mountains, or whether they be inhabited at all. On the Three other fides it is bounded by the Ocean. There is not one Sea- port in the whole Kingdom, and thoſe Parts of the Coafts into which the Rivers iffue are fo full of pointed Rocks, and the Sea generally fo rough, that there is no venturing with the fmalleft of their Boats, BROBDINGNAG. 69 Boats, fo that theſe people are wholly excluded from any Commerce with the reſt of the world. But the large Rivers are full of Veſſels, and abound with ex- cellent Fiſh, for they feldom get any from the Sea, becauſe the Sea-fiſh are of the fame fize with thoſe in Europe, and confequently not worth catching; where- by it is manifeft, that Nature in the Pro- duction of Plants and Animals of fo ex- traordinary a bulk is wholly confined to this Continent, of which I leave the reaſons to be determined by Philofo- phers. However, now and then they take a Whale that happens to be dafh- ed againſt the Rocks, which the common people feed on heartily. Theſe Whales I have known fo large that a Man could hardly carry one upon his Shoulders; and ſometimes for curiofity they are brought in Hampers to Lorbrulgrud: I faw one of them in a Diſh at the King's Table, which paffed for a Rarity, but I did not obſerve he was fond of it; for I think indeed the Bignefs difgufted him, al- though 70 A VOYAGE to 鉛 ​though I have ſeen one ſomewhat larger in Greenland. THE Country is well inhabited, for it contains Fifty one Cities, near an Hun- dred walled Towns, and a great num- ber of Villages. To fatisfy my curious reader, it may be fufficient to defcribe Lorbrulgrud. This City ſtands upon al- moſt Two equal Parts on each fide the River that paffes through. It contains above Eighty thouſand Houſes, and about Six hundred thouſand Inhabitants. It is in length Three Glong luns (which make about Fifty four English Miles) and Two and a half in breadth, as I meaſured it myfelf in the Royal Map made by the King's Order, which was laid on the ground on purpoſe for me, and extend- ed an Hundred Feet; I paced the Dia- meter and Circumference feveral times barefoot, and computing by the Scale, meaſured it pretty exactly. THE King's Palace is no regular Edi- fice, BROBDINGNAG. 71 fice, but an heap of Buildings about Se- ven miles round: The chief Rooms are generally Two hundred and Forty foot high, and broad and long in proporti- on. A Coach was allowed to Glumdal- clitch and me, wherein her Governeſs frequently took her out to fee the town, or go among the fhops; and I was al- ways of the party, carried in my Box; although the Girl at my own defire would often take me out, and hold me in her hand, that I might more conveniently view the Houſes and the People as we paffed along the Streets. I reckoned our Coach to be about a Square of Weft- minſter-Hall, but not altogether fo high; however, I cannot be very exact. One day the Governeſs ordered our Coach- man to ſtop at ſeveral Shops, where the Beggars, watching their opportunity, crouded to the fides ofthe Coach, and gave me the moſt horrible Spectacles that ever an English Eye beheld. There was a Woman with a Cancer in her Breaſt, ſwelled to a monftrous fize, full of holes, 3 in 23 72 A VOYAGE to in Two or Three of which I could have eafily crept, and covered my whole body. There was a fellow with a Wen in his Neck, larger than Five Woolpacks, and another with a couple of wooden Legs, each about Twenty foot high. But, the moſt hateful Sight of all was the Lice crawling on their clothes. I could fee di- ftinctly the Limbs of thefe vermin with my naked eye, much better than thoſe of an European Louſe thro' a Microſcope, and their Snouts with which they root- ed like Swine. They were the firſt I had ever beheld, and I fhould have been curi- ous enough to diffect one of them, if I had proper Inſtruments (which I unluckily left behind me in the Ship) although in- deed the Sight was fo naufeous, that it perfectly turned my ftomach. BESIDE the large Box in which I was ufually carried, the Queen ordered a ſmaller one to be made for me, of about Twelve foot ſquare, and Ten high, for the convenience of travelling, becauſe the other ü BROBDINGNAG. 73 other was fomewhat too large for Glum- dalclitch's Lap, and cumberſome in the Coach; it was made by the fame Artiſt, whom I directed in the whole contri- vance. This travelling Cloſet was an exact Square with a Window in the mid- dle of Three of the Squares, and each Window was latticed with Iron Wire on the outſide, to prevent accidents in long journies. On the fourth fide, which had no Window, two ftrong Staples were fixed, through which the Perfon that car- ried me, when I had a mind to be on horſeback, put in a Leathern Belt, and buckled it about his Wafte. This was always the office of fome grave truſty Servant in whom I could confide, whe- ther I attended the King and Queen in their Progreffes, or were difpofed to fee the Gardens, or pay a vifit to fome great Lady or Miniſter of State in the Court, when Glumdalclitch happened to be out of order: For I foon began to be known and eſteemed among the greateſt Officers, I ſuppoſe more upon account of their Majefty's 74 A VOYAGE to ... Majefty's Favour than any Merit of my own. In journies, when I was weary of the Coach, a Servant on horfeback would buckle my Box, and place it on a Cuſhion before him; and there I had a full Profpect of the Countrey on Three Sides from my Three Windows. I had in this Clofet a Field-bed and a Ham- mock hung from the Cieling, Two Chairs and a Table, neatly ſcrewed to the Floor, to prevent being toffed about by the A- gitation of the Horfe or the Coach. And having been long uſed to Sea-Voyages, thoſe Motions, although fometimes very violent, did not much diſcompoſe me. WHENEVER I had a mind to ſee the Town, it was always in my Travelling- Cloſet, which Glumdalclitch held in her Lap in a kind of open Sedan, after the fa- ſhion of the countrey, born by Four Men, and attended by Two others in theQueen's Livery. The People who had often heard of me, were very curious to croud about the Sedan, and the Girl was com- plaifant BROBDINGNAG. 75 # plaifant enough to make the Bearers ftop, and to take me in her hand that I might be more conveniently feen. I was very defirous to fee the chief Temple, and particularly the Tower be- longing to it, which is reckoned the higheſt in the Kingdom. Accordingly one day my Nurfe carried me thither, but I may truly fay I came back diſappointed; for, the height is not above Three thou- fand foot, and reckoning from the Ground to the higheſt Pinnacle top; which allow- ing for the difference between the fize of thofe people, and us in Europe, is no great matter for admiration, nor at all equal in proportion, (if I rightly remem- ber) to Salisbury Steeple. But, not to detract from a Nation to which during my life I fhall acknowledge my felf ex- tremely obliged, it must be allowed that whatever this famous Tower wants in Height is amply made up in Beauty and Strength. For the Walls are near an Hun- dred foot thick, built of hewn Stone, whereof VOL. I. Q ار ما 2 76 A VOYAGE to whereof each is about Forty foot ſquare, and adorned on all fides with Statues of Gods and Emperors cut in Marble larger than the Life, placed in their ſeveral Nich- es. I meaſured a Little finger which had fallen down from one of theſe Statues, and lay unperceived among fome rub- biſh, and found it exactly Four foot and an inch in length. Glumdalclitch wrap- ped it up in a Handkerchief, and car- ried it home in her Pocket to keep a- mong other Trinkets, of which the Girl was very fond, as Children at her age uſually are. THE King's Kitchen is indeed a noble Building, vaulted at top, and about Six hundred foot high. The great Oven is not fo wide by Ten paces as the Cupola at St. Paul's: For I meaſured the latter on purpoſe after my return. But if I fhould deſcribe the Kitchen-grate, the prodigious Pots and Kettles, the joints of Meat turning on the Spits, with ma- ny other particulars, perhaps I fhould be 6 hardly : 40 BROBDINGNAG. 77 B hardly believed; at leaſt a ſevere Critick would be apt to think I enlarged a little, as Travellers are often ſuſpected to do. To avoid which cenfure, I fear I have run too much into the other extream; and that if this Treatiſe fhould happen to be tranflated into the Language of Brob- dingnag, (which is the general name of that Kingdom) and tranfmitted thither, the King and his People would have rea- fon to complain that I had done them an injury by a falſe and diminutive Repre- ſentation. His Majefty feldom keeps above Six hundred Horſes in his Stables: They are generally from Fifty four to Sixty foot high. But, when he goes abroad on folemn days, he is attended for ftate by a Militia Guard of five hundred Horſe, which indeed I thought was the moſt fplendid Sight that could be ever beheld, till I faw part of his Army in Battalia, whereof I fhall find another occafion to 望 ​ſpeak. Q 2 CHAP. 78 WAS: $957 AVOYAGE to % CHAP. V. Several Adventures that happened to the Author. The Execution of a Criminal. The Author fhews his Skill in Navi- gation. I www SHOULD have lived happy e- nough in that countrey, if my Littleneſs had not expofed me to feveral ridiculous and troubleſome accidents; fome of which I fhall venture to relate. Glumdalclitch often carried me into the Gardens of the Court in my fmaller Box, and would fometimes take me out of it and hold me in her hand, or fet me down to walk. I remember, before the Dwarf left the Queen, he fol- lowed us one day into thofe Gardens, and my Nurſe having fet me down, he and I being cloſe together, near fome Dwarf Apple-trees, I muft need fhew my Wit 6/ by BROBDINGNAG. 79 by a filly Allufion between him and the Trees, which happens to hold in their language as it doth in ours. Whereup- on, the malicious Rogue watching his opportunity, when I was walking un- der one of them, fhook it directly over my Head, by which a dozen Apples, each of them near as large as a Bristol Bar- rel, came tumbling about my ears; one of them hit me on the back as I chanced to ſtoop, and knocked me down flat on my face; but I received no other hurt, and the Dwarf was pardoned at my de- fire, becauſe I had given the Provoca- tion. ANOTHER day Glumdalclitch left me on a ſmooth Grafs-plot to divert myſelf while ſhe walked at fome di- ftance with her Governefs. In the mean time there fuddenly fell fuch a violent fhower of Hail, that I was immediate- ly by the force of it ftruck to the ground: And when I was down, the Hail-ftones gave me fuch cruel bangs all over the Q 3 body # 80 A VOYAGE to body, as if I had been pelted with Ten- nis-balls; however I made a fhift to creep on all Four, and fhelter myſelf by lying flat on my face on the Lee-fide of a border of Lemmon Thyme, but fo bruiſed from head to foot that I could not go abroad in Ten days. Neither is this at all to be wondered at, becauſe Nature in that Countrey obferving the fame proportion through all her opera- tions, a Hail-ftone is near Eighteen hun- dred times as large as one in Europe, which I can affert upon experience, hav- ing been fo curious to weigh and mea- fure them. BUT, a more dangerous Accident hap- pened to me in the fame Garden, when my little Nurfe believing fhe had put me in a ſecure Place, which I often en- treated her to do, that I might enjoy my own thoughts, and having left my Box at home to avoid the trouble of carry- ing it, went to another part of the Gar- den with her Governeſs and fome Ladies of BROBDINGNAG. 81 % of her acquaintance. While fhe was abſent and out of hearing, a ſmall white Spaniel belonging to one of the chiefGar- diners, having got by accident into the Garden, happened to range near the Place where I lay. The Dog following the Scent, came directly up, and taking me in his mouth ran ftrait to his Mafter, wagging his tail, and fet me gently on the ground. By good fortune he had been ſo well taught, that I was carried between his Teeth without the leaft hurt, or even tearing my clothes. But, the poor Gardiner, who knew me well, and had a great kindneſs for me, was in a terrible fright. He gently took me up in both his hands, and asked me how I did; but I was fo amazed and out of Breath, that I could not ſpeak a word. In a few minutes I came to my ſelf, and he carried me fafe to my little Nurſe, who by this time had returned to the Place where ſhe left me, and was in cruel agonies when I did not appear, nor an- fwer when she called; fhe feverely repri- Q4 manded J 82 A VOYAGE to manded the Gardiner on account of his Dog. But, the thing was hufhed up, and never known at Court; for the Girl was afraid of the Queen's Anger, and truly as to myſelf, I thought it would not be for my reputation that fuch a ſtory ſhould go about. THIS Accident abfolutely determin- ed Glumdalclitch never to truft me abroad for the future out of her fight. I had been long afraid of this Refolution, and therefore concealed from her fome little unlucky Adventures that happened in thoſe times when I was left by myſelf. Once a Kite hovering over the Garden made a ſtoop at me, and if I had not refolutely drawn my Hanger, and run under a thick Efpalier, he would have certainly carried me away in his talons. Another time walking to the top of a freſh Mole-hill, I fell to my neck in the hole through which that Animal had caft up the earth, and coined fome Lye not worth remembring, to excuſe my- felf A BROBDINGNAG. 83 felf for fpoiling my cloaths. I likewife broke my Right fhin against the fhell of a Snail, which I happened to ſtumble over, as I was walking alone, and think- ing on poor England. I I cannot tell whether, I were more pleaſed or mortified to obſerve in thoſe folitary Walks, that the ſmaller Birds did not appear to be at all afraid of me, but would hop about within a Yard diſtance, looking for worms, and other food with as much Indifference and Security as if no creature at all were near them. remember, a Thrufh had the confidence to ſnatch out of my hand with his a piece of Cake that Glumdalclitch had juft given me for my breakfaft. When I attempted to catch any of theſe Birds, they would boldly turn againſt me, en- deavouring to pick my fingers, which I durft not venture within their reach; and then they would turn back uncon- cerned to hunt for Worms or Snails, as they did before. But, one day I took Bill a thick 綳 ​? # 84 A VOYAGE to 7 a thick Cudgel, and threw it with all my ftrength fo luckily at a Linnet, that I knocked him down, and feizing him by the neck with both my hands, ran with him in triumph to my Nurfe. How- ever, the Bird, who had only been ſtun- ned, recovering himſelf, gave me ſo ma- ny Boxes with his Wings on both fides of my head and Body, though I held him at Arm's length, and was out of the reach of his Claws, that I was Twenty times thinking to let him go. But I was foon relieved by one of our Servants, who wrung off the Bird's Neck, and I had him next day for dinner by the Queen's com- mand. This Linnet, as near as I can re- member, ſeemed to be ſomewhat larger than an Engliſh Swan. THE Maids of Honour often invited Glumdalelitch to their apartments, and defired fhe would bring me along with her, on purpoſe to have the pleaſure of ſeeing and touching me. They would often ſtrip me naked from top to toe, and *. BROBDINGNAG. 85 and lay me at full length in their Boſoms; wherewith I was much diſguſted; be- caufe, to ſay the truth, a very offenfive Smell came from their skins; which I do not mention or intend to the diſadvan- tage of thoſe excellent Ladies, for whom I have all manner of refpect; but, I conceive that my Senfe was more acute in proportion to my Littleneſs, and that thoſe illuftrious Perfons were no more diſagreeable to their Lovers, or to each other, than People of the fame Quality are with us in England. And, after all, I found their natural Smell was much more fupportable than when they uſed Perfumes, under which I immediately fwooned away. I cannot forget that an intimate Friend of mine in Lilliput took the freedom in a warm day, when I had used a good deal of Exercife, to com- plain ofa ftrong Smell about me, although I am as little faulty that way as moſt of my Sex But I fuppofe his faculty of Smelling was as nice with regard to me, as mine was to that of this people. Up- on 86 A VOYAGE to on this point, I cannot forbear doing juftice to the Queen my Miſtreſs, and Glumdalclitch my Nurſe, whoſe Perſons were as fweet as thoſe of any Lady in England. THAT which gave me moft uneafi- neſs among theſe Maids of Honour, when my Nurſe carried me to vifit them, was to ſee them ufe me without any manner of ceremony, like a Creature who had no fort of confequence. For, they would ſtrip themſelves to the skin, and put on their Smocks in my preſence, while I was placed on their Toylet di- rectly before their naked Bodies, which, I am ſure, to me was very far from be- ing a tempting Sight, or from giving me any other emotions than thoſe of Hor- ror and Diſguſt. Their Skins appeared fo coarſe and uneven, fo variouſly coloured when I faw them near, with a Mole here and there broad as a Trencher, and Hairs hanging from it thicker than Pack-threads; to as fay BROBDINGNAG. 87 fay nothing further concerning the reft of their Perfons. Neither did they at all fcruple while I was by to diſcharge what they had drunk, to the quantity of at leaſt Two Hogfheads, in a Veſſel that held above Three Tuns. The hand- ſomeſt among theſe Maids of Honour, a pleaſant frolickfome Girl of Sixteen, would ſometimes fet me aftride upon one of her Nipples, with many other tricks, wherein the Reader will excufe me for not being over particular. But, I was ſo much diſpleaſed, that I entreat- ed Glumdalclitch to contrive fome ex- cufe for not ſeeing that young Lady any more. 233 ONE day, a young Gentleman who was Nephew to my Nurfe's Governeſs, came and preſſed them both to fee an Execution. It was of a Man who had murdered one of that Gentleman's in- timate acquaintance. Glumdalclitch was prevailed on to be of the company, very much againſt her inclination, for fhe was natu- 88 A VOYAGE to f ww હું : naturally tender-hearted: And, as for myſelf, although I abhorred fuch kind of ſpectacles, yet my curiofity tempted me to ſee ſomething that I thought muft be extraordinary. The Malefactor was fixed in a Chair upon a Scaffold erected for the purpoſe, and his Head cut off at a blow with a Sword of about Forty foot long. The Veins and Arteries ſpouted up fuch a prodigious quantity of blood, and fo high in the air, that the great Jett d'eau at Versailles was not equal for the time it lafted; and the Head when it fell on the Scaffold floor, gave fuch a bounce, as made me ſtart, although I were at leaſt Half an Engliſh mile diftant. THE Queen, who often uſed to hear me talk of my Sea Voyages, and took all occafions to divert me when I was me- lancholy; asked me whether I under- ftood how to handle a Sail or an Oar, and whether a little exerciſe of Rowing might not be convenient for my health. I anſwered, 念 ​382 BROBDINGNAG. 89 answered, that I understood both very well. For although my proper Employ- ment had been to be Surgeon or Doc- tor to the Ship, yet often upon a pinch, I was forced to work like a common Mariner. But, I could not ſee how this could be done in their countrey, where the ſmalleſt Wherry was equal to a Firſt rate Man of War among us, and fuch a Boat as I could manage would never live in any of their Rivers: Her Majefty faid, if I would contrive a Boat, her own Joyner ſhould make it, and fhe would provide a place for me to fail in. The Fellow was an ingenious Work- man, and by my inftructions in Ten days finiſhed a Pleaſure-boat with all its Tackling, able conveniently to hold Eight Europeans. When it was finifh- ed, the Queen was ſo delighted, that ſhe ran with it in her Lap to the King, who ordered it to be put in a Ciſtern full of Water, with me in it, by way of tryal, where I could not manage my two Sculls or little Oars for want of room. But, the j 耋 ​A 90 A VOYAGE to the Queen had before contrived ano- ther Project. She ordered the Joyner to make a wooden Trough of Three hun- dred foot long, Fifty broad, and Eight deep; which being well pitched to pre- vent leaking, was placed on the floor along the Wall, in an outer room of the Palace. It had a Cock near the bottom to let out the Water when it began to grow ftale, and Two Servants could ea- fily fill it in Half an hour. Here I often uſed to row for my own diverfion, as well as that of the Queen and her Ladies,. who thought themſelves well entertain- ed with my skill and agility. Some- times I would put up my Sail, and then my buſineſs was only to fteer, while the Ladies gave me a Gale with their Fans; and when they were weary, fome of the Pages would blow my Sail forward with their breath, while I fhewed my Art by fteering Starboard or Larboard as I plea- fed. When I had done, Glumdalclitch always carried back my Boat into her Clofet, and hung it on a Nail to dry. IN 24 13. BROBDINGNAG. 91 * In this exercife I once met an acci- dent which had like to have coft me my life. For, one of the Pages having put my Boat into the Trough, the Governeſs who attended Glumdalclitch, very of ficiouſly lifted me up to place me in the Boat, but I happened to flip through her Fingers, and fhould have infallibly fal- len down Forty foot upon the Floor, if by the luckiest chance in the world, I had not been ſtopp'd by a Corking-pin that ſtuck in the good Gentlewoman's Stomacher; the Head of the Pin paffed between my Shirt and the Waft-band of my Breeches, and thus I was held by the middle in the air till Glumdalelitch ran to my relief. ANOTHER time, one of the Ser- vants, whoſe Office it was to fill my Trough every Third day with fresh Wa- ter, was ſo careleſs to let a huge Frog (not perceiving it) flip out of his Pail. The Frog lay concealed till I was put VOL. I. into R .. 92 A VOYAGE to 岁 ​into my Boat, but then ſeeing a reſting Place, climbed up, and made it lean fo much on one fide, that I was forced to balance it with all my weight on the other, to prevent overturning. When the Frog was got in, it hopped at once Half the length of the Boat, and then over my Head, backwards and forwards, dawbing my Face and Clothes with its odious Slime. The largeneſs of its Fea- tures made it appear the most deformed Animal that can be conceived. How- ever, I defired Glumdalclitch to let me deal with it alone. I banged it a good while with one of my Sculls, and at laſt forced it to leap out of the Boat. BUT, the greateſt Danger I ever un- derwent in that kingdom, was from a Monkey, who belonged to one of the Clerks of the Kitchen. Glumdalclitch had locked me up in her Cloſet, while fhe went ſomewhere upon buſineſs or a vifit. The Weather being very warm, the Cloſet Window was left open, as well BROBDINGNAG. 93 well as the Windows and the Door of my bigger Box, in which I uſually liv- ed, becauſe of its Largenefs and Conve- niency. As I fat quietly meditating at my table, I heard fomething bounce in at the Cloſet Window, and skip a- bout from one fide to the other; where- at although I was much alarmed, yet I ventured to look out, but stirred not from my feat; and then I faw this frolickfome Animal, frisking and leap- ing up and down till at laft he came to my Box, which he ſeemed to view with great pleaſure and curiofity, peeping in at the door and every window. I re- treated to the farther corner of my Room, or Box, but the Monkey look- ing in at every fide, put me into fuch a fright, that I wanted prefence of Mind to conceal myſelf under the Bed, as I might eaſily have done. After fome time ſpent in peeping, grinning, and chattering, he at laft efpyed me, and reaching one of his paws in at the door, as a Cat does when the plays with a Mouſe, R 2 : ? 94 A VOYAGE to NEA Si a Mouſe, although I often ſhifted place to avoid him, he at length caught hold of the Lappet of my Coat (which being made of that Countrey Cloth, was very thick and ftrong) and dragged me out. He took me up in his right Fore-foot and held me as a Nurſe does a Child fhe is going to fuckle, juft as I have feen the fame fort of Creature do with a Kitten in Europe: And when I offered to ftruggle, he fqueezed me fo hard, that I thought it more prudent to fubmit. I have good reaſon to believe that he took me for a young one of his own Species, by his often ftroaking my Face very gently with his other paw. In thefe Diverfi- ons he was interrupted by a Noiſe at the Closet Door, as if fome body were opening it; whereupon he fuddenly leaped up to the Window at which he had come in, and thence upon the Leads and Gutters, walking upon Three Legs, and holding me in the fourth, till he clamber'd up to a Roof that was next to ours. I heard Glumdalclitch give a fhreek at BROBDINGNAG. 95 at the moment he was carrying me out. The poor Girl was almoſt diſtracted: That quarter of the Palace was all in an uproar; the Servants ran for Ladders; the Mon- key was ſeen by hundreds in the Court fitting upon the ridge of a Building, holding me like a Baby in one of his Fore-paws, and feeding me with the o- ther, by cramming into my mouth fome Victuals he had ſqueezed out of the Bag on one fide of his Chaps, and patting me when I would not eat; whereat many of the Rabble below could not forbear laughing; neither do I think they justly ought to be blamed, for with- out question the Sight was ridiculous e- nough to every body but my felf. Some of the people threw up Stones, hoping to drive the Monkey down; but this was ſtrictly forbidden, or elſe very probably my Brains had been dafhed out. THE Ladders were now applied, and mounted by feveral Men, which the Mon- key obferving, and finding himſelf al- R 3 moft " 96 A VOYAGE to 243 * moſt encompaffed; not being able to make ſpeed enough with his Three legs, let me drop on a ridge Tyle, and made his eſcape. Here I fat for fome time Three hundred Yards from the ground, expect- ing every moment to be blown down by the Wind, or to fall by my own Gid- dineſs, and come tumbling over and over from the Ridge to the Eeves. But an honeft Lad, one of my Nurfe's Footmen, climbed up, and putting me into his Breeches Pocket, brought me down fafe. I was almoſt choaked with the filthy ftuff the Monkey had crammed down my throat; but, my dear little Nurfe picked it out of my mouth with a fmall Needle, and then I fell a vomit- ing, which gave me great relief. Yet I was fo weak and bruifed in the fides with the Squeezes given me by this odi- ous Animal, that I was forced to keep my bed a Fortnight. The King, Queen and all the Court fent every day to en- quire after my health, and her Majefty made # ܀ BROBDINGNAG. 97 made me ſeveral Vifits during my fick- nefs. The Monkey was killed, and an Order made that no fuch Animal fhould be kept about the Palace. WHEN I attended the King after my Recovery, to return him thanks for his favours, he was pleaſed to rally me a good deal upon this Adventure. He asked me what my Thoughts and Spc- culations were while I lay in the Mon- key's Paw, how I liked the Victuals he gave me, his manner of Feeding, and whether the freſh Air on the Roof had fharpned my Stomach. He defired to know what I would have done upon fuch an occafion in my own Countrey. I told his Majefty, that in Europe we had no Monkeys, except fuch as were brought for Curiofities from other places, and ſo ſmall, that I could deal with a dozen of them together, if they pre- fumed to attack me. And as for that monstrous Animal with whom I was fo lately engaged, (it was indeed as large B 4 as 2 A VOYAGE to 98 as an Elephant) if my Fears had fuffer- ed me to think fo far as to make uſe of my Hanger (looking fiercely and clap- ping my Hand upon the Hilt as I fpoke) my when he poked his Paw into Cham- ber, perhaps I should have given him fuch a Wound, as would have made him glad to withdraw it with more haft than he put it in. This I delivered in a firm tone, like a perſon who was jealous left his Courage ſhould be called in queſtion. However, my Speech produced nothing elfe befides a loud Laughter, which all the Reſpect due to his Majefty from thoſe about him could not make them con- tain. This made me reflect how vain an attempt it is for a man to endeavour doing himſelf Honour among thoſe who are out of all degree of Equality or Compariſon with him. And yet I have feen the Moral of my own Behaviour very frequent in England fince my re- turn, where a little contemptible Var- let, without the leaft Title to Birth, Per- fon, Wit, or common Senfe, fhall pre- fume & BROBDINGNAG. 99 fume to look with Importance, and put himſelf upon a foot with the greateſt Perfons of the kingdom. I was every day furniſhing the court with fome ridiculous Story; and Glum- dalclitch, although fhe loved me to ex- cefs, yet was arch enough to inform the Queen, whenever I committed any fol- ly that she thought would be diverting to her Majefty. The Girl who had been out of order, was carried by her Gover- neſs to take the air about an Hour's diſtance, or Thirty miles from town. They alighted out of the Coach near a fmall Foot-path in a Field, and Glum- dalclitch fetting down my Travelling box, I went out of it to walk. There was a Cow-dung in the path, and I muſt needs try my activity by attempting to leap over it. I took a Run, but unfor, tunately jumped fhort, and found myſelf juft in the middle up to my knees. I waded through with fome difficulty, and one of the Footmen wiped me as clean as 1992 100 A VOYAGE to as he could with his Handkerchief; for I was filthily bemired, and my Nurfe confined me to my Box till we returned home; where the Queen was ſoon in- formed of what had paffed, and the Footmen fpread it about the Court, fo that all the Mirth, for fome days, was at my expence. " CHAP. BROBDINGNAG. IOI CH A P. VI. Several Contrivances of the Author to pleafe the King and Queen. He fhews his Skill in Mufick. The King enquires into the State of Europe, which the Author relates to him. The King's Obfervations thereon. I USED to attend the King's Levee once or twice a week, and had often feen him under the Barber's hand, which in- deed was at firft very terrible to behold. For, the Razor was almoft twice as long as an ordinary Scythe. His Majefty ac- cording to the cuſtom of the countrey was only fhaved twice a week. I once prevailed on the Barber to give me fome of the Suds or Lather, out of which I picked Forty or Fifty of the ftrongeſt Stumps of hair. I then took a piece of fine & 102 A VOYAGE to fine Wood, and cut it like the back of a Comb, making feveral Holes in it at equal diſtance with as fmall a Needle as I could get from Glumdalclitch. I fixed in the Stumps fo artificially, fcraping and floping them with my Knife towards the points, that I made a very tolerable Comb; which was a ſeaſonable ſupply, my own being ſo much broken in the teeth, that it was almoſt uſeleſs: Nei- ther did I know any Artift in that coun- trey ſo nice and exact, as would under- take to make me another. , AND this puts me in mind of an Amuſement wherein I ſpent many of my leiſure hours. I defired the Queen's Woman to fave for me the Combings of her Majeſty's Hair, whereof in time I got a good quantity, and conſulting with my Friend the Cabinet-maker, who had received general orders to do little jobbs for me; I directed him to make Two Chair-frames, no larger than thoſe I had in my Box, and then to bore little Holes BROBDINGNAG. 103 Holes with a fine Awl round thoſe parts where I defigned the Backs and Seats; through theſe holes I wove the ſtrongeſt Hairs I could pick out, juft after the manner of Cane-chairs in England. When they were finiſhed, I made a preſent of them to her Majefty, who kept them in her Cabinet, and uſed to fhew them for Curiofities, as indeed they were the wonder of every one that beheld them. The Queen would have had me fit upon one of theſe Chairs, but I abſolutely refuſed to obey her, proteſting I would rather die a thouſand deaths than place a difhonourable part of my body on thoſe precious Hairs that once adorned her Majefty's Head. Of thefe Hairs (as I had always a Me- chanical Genius) I likewiſe made a neat little Purſe about Five foot long, with her Majeſty's Name decyphered in Gold Letters, which I gave to Glumdalclitch, by the Queen's confent. To fay the truth, it was more for Shew than Ufe, being not of ſtrength to bear the weight of % 104 A VOYAGE to of the larger Coins, and therefore fhe kept nothing in it, but fome little Toys that girls are fond of. THE King, who delighted in Mufick, had frequent Conforts at court, to which I was fometimes carried, and fet in my Box on a table to hear them: But, the Noife was fo great, that I could hardly diſtinguiſh the Tunes. I am confident that all the Drums and Trumpets of a Royal Army, beating and founding to- gether juſt at your ears, could not equal it. My practice was to have my Box removed from the places where the Per formers fat, as far as I could, then to fhut the Doors and Windows of it, and draw the Window-curtains; after which f found their Mufick not difagreeable. I had learned in my youth to play a little upon the Spinet. Glumdalclitch kept one in her chamber, and a Maſter attended Twice a week to teach her: I call it a Spinet, becauſe it fomewhat re fembled that Inftrument, and was play'd upon ∞ BROBDINGNAG. 105 upon in the fame manner. A fancy came into my head that I would enter- tain the King and Queen with an Eng- lish Tune upon this Inftrument. But this appeared extremely difficult: For, the Spinet was near Sixty foot long, each Key being almoſt a Foot wide, fo that, with my Arms extended, I could not reach to above Five keys, and to preſs them down required a good ſmart ſtroak with my fift, which would be too great a labour, and to no purpoſe. The Method I contrived was this; I pre- pared Two round Sticks about the bigness of common Cudgels, they were thicker at one end than the other, and I covered the thicker ends with a piece of a Mouſe's Skin, that by rapping on them, I might neither damage the tops of the Keys, nor interrupt the Sound. Before the Spinet a Bench was placed about Four foot below the Keys, and I was put upon the Bench: I ran fide- ling upon it that way and this, as faft as I could, banging the proper Keys with my 4 JAYMESE A VOYAGE to 106 16. my Two Sticks, and made a fhift to play a Jigg, to the great fatisfaction of both their Majefties: But, it was the moſt violent Exerciſe I ever underwent, and yet I could not ftrike above Sixteen Keys, nor, confequently, play the Bafs and Treble together, as other Artiſts do; which was a great difadvantage to my performance. 瘀 ​THE King, who as I before obſerved, was a Prince of excellent underſtanding, would frequently order that I ſhould be brought in my Box, and fet upon the table in his Clofet. He would then command me to bring one of my Chairs out of the Box, and fit down within Three yards diſtance upon the top of the cabinet, which brought me almoft to a level with his face. In this manner I had ſeveral converfations with him. I one day took the freedom to tell his Majefty, that the Contempt he diſcover- ed towards Europe, and the rest of the world, did not feem anfwerable to thoſe excellent Y BROBDINGNAG. 107 excellent Qualities of the Mind he was Maſter of. That, Reafon did not ex- tend itſelf with the bulk of the Body: On the contrary, we obferved in our countrey that the Talleft perfons were uſually leaſt provided with it. That a- mong other Animals, Bees and Ants had the reputation of more Induftry, Art, and Sagacity than many of the larger kinds. And that, as inconfiderable as he took me to be, I hoped I might live to do his Majefty fome fignal fervice. The King heard me with attention, and began to conceive a much better opi- nion of me than he had ever before. He defired I would give him as exact an account of the Government of Eng- land as I poffibly could; becauſe, as fond as Princes commonly are of their own Cuſtoms (for fo he conjectured of other Monarchs by my former diſcourſes) he fhould be glad to hear of any thing that might deſerve imitation. IMAGINE With thyfelf, courteous VOLT. S Reader, * * > 1 108 AVOYAGE to Reader, how often I then wifhed for the tongue of Demofthenes or Cicero, that might have enabled me to celebrate the Praiſes of my own dear native Coun- trey in a Stile equal to its Merits and Felicity. I began my difcourfe by informing his Majesty that our Dominions con- fifted of Two Iflands, which compoſed Three mighty Kingdoms under one So- vereign, befides our Plantations in A- merica. I dwelt long upon the Ferti- lity of our Soil, and the Temperature of our Climate. I then spoke at large upon the Conftitution of an English Parliament, partly made up of an illuf- trious Body called the Houſe of Peers, Perſons of the nobleft Blood, and of the most ancient and ample Patrimonies. I defcribed that extraordinary Care al- ways taken of their Education in Arts and Arms, to qualify them for being Counſellors born to the King and King- dom, to have a fhare in the Legiſlature, to 2. BROBDINGNAG. 109 to be Members of the higheſt Court of Judicature from whence there could be no Appeal; and to be Champions al- ways ready for the defence of their Prince and Countrey by their Valour, Conduct and Fidelity. That theſe were the Or- nament and Bulwark of the kingdom, worthy Followers of their moſt renown- ed Anceſtors, whofe Honour had been the Reward of their Virtue, from which their Pofterity were never once knowh to degenerate. To theſe were joined ſeveral holy Perſons, as part of that Af fembly, under the Title of Biſhops, whofe peculiar buſineſs it is, to take care of Religion, and of those who inftruct the people therein. Theſe were fearched and fought out through the whole Nation, by the Prince and his wifeft Counsellors, among fuch of the Priesthood as were moſt deſervedly diftinguished by the San- Atity of their Lives, and the Depth of their Erudition; who were indeed the ſpiritual Fathers of the Clergy and the People.. S & THAT IIO A VOYAGE to THAT, the other part of the Parlia- ment confifted of an Affembly called the Houſe of Commons, who were all prin- cipal Gentlemen, freely picked and cul- led out by the people themſelves, for their great Abilities, and Love of their Countrey, to reprefent the Wiſdom of the whole Nation. And, theſe Two Bodies make up the moſt auguft Affem- bly in Europe, to whom, in conjunction with the Prince, the whole Legiſlature is committed. I then defcended to the Courts of Juftice, over which the Judges, thofe venerable Sages and Interpreters of the Law, prefided, for determining the dif- puted Rights and Properties of Men, as well as for the Puniſhment of Vice, and Protection of Innocence. I mentioned the prudent Management of our Trea- fury; the Valour and Atchievements of our Forces by Sea and Land. I computed the Number of our People, by reckoning how # -46" BROBDINGNAG. III how many Millions there might be of each Religious Sect, or Political Party among us. I did not omit even our Sports and Paftimes, or any other Par- ticular which I thought might redound to the Honour of my Countrey. And, I finiſhed all with a brief hiftorical ac- count of Affairs and Events in England for about an Hundred years paft. THIS Converſation was not ended under Five Audiences, each of ſeveral hours, and the King heard the whole with great attention, frequently taking Notes of what I fpoke, as well as Mc- morandums of ſeveral Queſtions he in- tended to ask me. WHEN I had put an end to theſe long difcourfes, his Majefty in a Sixth Audience confulting his notes, propo- fed many Doubts, Queries, and Objec tions, upon every Article. He asked, what Methods were uſed to cultivate the Minds and Bodies of our young No- S 3 bility, 112 A VOYAGE to # bility, and in what kind of Bufinefs they commonly ſpent the firft and teachable part of their Lives? What Courſe was taken to ſupply that Affembly when any noble Family became extinct? What Qualifications were neceffary in thoſe who were to be created new Lords? Whether the Humour of the Prince, a Sum of Money to a Court-Lady, or a Prime Minifter, or a Defign of ftrength- ning a Party oppofite to the publick In- tereſt, ever happened to be motives in thofe Advancements? What Share of Knowledge thefe Lords had in the Laws of their Countrey, and how they came by it, fo as to enable them to decide the Properties of their Fellow-fubjects in the laſt Reſort? Whether they were always fo free from Avarice, Partialities, or Want, that a Bribe, or fome other finifter View, could have no place among them? Whe- ther thoſe holy Lords I spoke of were always promoted to that Rank upon account of their Knowledge in religious Matters, and the Sanctity of their Lives, had 绋 ​BROBDINGNAG. 113 had never been Compliers with the times while they were common Priests, or fla- viſh proſtitute Chaplains to fome Noble- whofe Opinions they continued fer- vilely to follow after they were admitted into that Affembly? man, He then defired to know what Arts were practifed in electing thoſe whom I called Commoners: Whether, a Stranger with a ftrong Purfe might not influence the vulgar Voters to chufe him before their own Landlord, or the moſt confiderable Gentleman in the Neigh- bourhood? How it came to pass, that People were fo violently bent upon get- ting into this Aſſembly, which I allow- ed to be a great Trouble and Expence, often to the Ruin of their Families, with- out any Salary or Penfion? Becauſe this appeared fuch an exalted ftrain of Vir- tue and publick Spirit, that his Majefty feemed to doubt it might poffibly not be always fincere: And he defired to know whether fuch zealous Gentlemen S 4 could [ 114 A VOYAGE to could have any views of refunding them- felves for the Charges and Trouble they were at, by facrificing the publick Good to the Defigns of a weak and vicious Prince in conjunction with a corrupted Miniſtry. He multiplied his Queſtions, and fifted me thoroughly upon every part of this Head, propofing number- lefs Enquiries and Objections, which I think it not prudent or convenient to repeat. UPON what I faid in relation to our Courts of Juſtice, his Majefty defired to be fatisfied in feveral points: And, this I was the better able to do, having been formerly almoſt ruined by a long Suit in Chancery, which was decreed for me with Cofts. He asked, What Time was uſually ſpent in determining between Right and Wrong, and what degree of Expence. Whether Advocates and Orators had liberty to plead in Cauſes manifeftly known to be unjust, vexatious, or oppreffive, Whether Party in BROBDINGNAG. 115 in Religion or Politicks were obſerved to be of any weight in the Scale of Juſtice. Whether thoſe pleading Orators were perfons educated in the general Knowledge of Equity, or only in pro- vincial, national, and other local Cuf toms. Whether they or their Judges had any part in penning thoſe Laws which they affumed the Liberty of interpreting and gloffing upon at their pleaſure. Whe- ther they had ever at different times pleaded for and againſt the fame Cauſe, and cited Precedents to prove contrary Opinions. Whether they were a rich or a poor Corporation. Whether they re- ceived any pecuniary Reward for plead- ing or delivering their opinions. And particularly whether they were ever ad- mitted as Members in the lower Senate. He fell next upon the Management of our Treaſury; and faid, he thought my Memory had failed me, becauſe I compu- ted our Taxes at about Five or Six millions a year, and when I came to mention the Ifſues, 116 A VOYAGE to Iffues, he found they fometimes amount- ed to more than double; for, the notes he had taken were very particular in this point, becauſe he hoped, as he told me, that the Knowledge of our Conduct might be uſeful to him, and he could not be deceived in his Calculations. But, if what I told him were true, he was ſtill at a lofs how a Kingdom could run out of its Eftate like a private Perfon. He ask- ed me, who were our Creditors? and, where we ſhould,find money to pay them? He wondred to hear me talk of fuch chargeable and extenfive Wars; that, certainly we muſt be a quarrelfome Peo- ple, or live among very bad Neighbours, and that our Generals muſt needs be richer than our Kings. He asked what buſineſs we had out of our own Iflands, unleſs upon the Score of Trade or Treaty, or to defend the Coafts with our Fleet. Above all, he was amazed to hear me talk of a 'mercenary ftanding Army in the midſt of Peace, and among a Free People. He faid if we were governed by & BROBDINGNAG. 117 by our own Conſent in the perfons of our Repreſentatives, he could not ima- gine of whom we were afraid, or a- gainſt whom we were to fight, and would hear my Opinion, whether a pri- vate Man's Houſe might not better be defended by himſelf, his Children, and Family, than by half a dozen Rafcals picked up at a venture in the Streets, for fmall Wages, who might get an Hundred times more by cutting their Throats. He laughed at my odd kind of A- rithmetick (as he was pleaſed to call it) in reckoning the Numbers of our peo- ple by a Computation drawn from the feveral Sects among us in Religion and Politicks. He faid, he knew no rea- fon, why thoſe who entertain Opinions prejudicial to the Publick, fhould be obliged to Change, or fhould not be obliged to conceal them. And as it was Tyranny in any Government to re- quire the firſt, ſo it was Weakneſs not to 9: Th 118 A VOYAGE to to enforce the fecond: For, a Man may be allowed to keep Poiſons in his cloſet, but not to vend them about for Cordials. HE obferved, that among the Diver- fions of our Nobility and Gentry, I had mentioned Gaming. He defired to know at what Age this entertain- ment was uſually taken up, and when it was laid down. How much of their Time it employed, whether it ever went fo high as to affect their Fortunes. Whe- ther mean vicious People by their Dex- terity in that Art might not arrive at great Riches, and fometimes keep our very Nobles in Dependance, as well as habituate them to vile Companions, wholly take them from the Improve- ment of their minds, and force them by the Loffes they have received, to learn and practife that infamous Dexte- rity upon others. HE was perfectly aſtoniſhed with the hifto- BROBDINGNAG. 119 hiftorical Account I gave him of our Affairs during the laſt Century, proteſt- ing it was only an heap of Confpiracies, Rebellions, Murders, Maffacrees, Revo- lutions, Baniſhments, the very worſt Ef- fects that Avarice, Faction, Hypocrify, Perfidiouſneſs, Cruelty, Rage, Madneſs, Hatred, Envy, Luft, Malice, or Ambi- tion could produce. His Majefty in another Audience was at the pains to recapitulate the Sum of all I had ſpoken, compared the Queſtions he made with the Anfwers I had given; then taking me into his hands, and ftroaking me gently, delivered him- ſelf in theſe words, which I fhall never forget, nor the manner he ſpoke them in. My little Friend Grildrig, you have made a moſt admirable Panegyrick upon your Countrey: You have clearly prov- ed that Ignorance, Idlenefs and Vice may be fometimes the only Ingredients for qualifying a Legiflator; that Laws are beſt explained, interpreted, and applied by $ 120 A VOYAGE to by thoſe whofe Intereſt and Abilities lye in perverting, confounding, and eluding them. I obferve among you fome Lines of an Inſtitution, which in its Original might have been tolerable, but theſe half erafed, and the reft wholly blurred and blotted by Corruptions. It doth not appear from all you have ſaid, how any one Virtue is required towards the procurement of any one Station among you, much less that Men are ennobled on account of their Virtue, that Prieſts are advanced for their Piety or Learn- ing, Soldiers for their Conduct or Va- lour, Judges for their Integrity, Senators for the Love of their Countrey, or Counsellors for their Wiſdom. As for yourſelf (continued the King) who have ſpent the greateſt part of your life in travelling, I am well difpofed to hope you may hitherto have eſcaped many Vices of your Countrey. But, by what I have gathered from your own relation, and the Anſwers I have with much pains wringed and extorted from you, I cannot but BROBDINGNAG. 121 but conclude the Bulk of your Natives, to be the moſt pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever fuffer- ed to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth. 3 6 Sady J 3 4. CHAP. 122 A VOYAGE to CHA P. VII. The Author's Love of his Countrey. He makes a Propofal of much advantage to the King, which is rejected. The King's great Ignorance in Politicks. The Learning of that Countrey very imperfect and confined. The Laws, and military Affairs, and Parties in the State. 回​够 ​i OTHING but an extreme N Love of Truth could have hin- dred me from concealing this part of my ſtory. It was in vain to diſco- ver my Reſentments, which were always turned into ridicule; and I was forced to reft with patience while my noble and moſt beloved Countrey was ſo injuriouſly treated. I am heartily forry as any of my readers can poffibly be, that fuch an occafion was given: But this Prince happen- BROBDING NAG. 123 happened to be fo curious and inquifi- tive upon every Particular, that it could not confiſt either with Gratitude or good Manners to refufe giving him what fa- tisfaction I was able. Yet thus much I may be allowed to fay in my own vin- dication, that I artfully eluded many of his Queſtions, and gave to every point a more favourable Turn by many de- grees than the ftrictnefs of Truth would allow. For, I have always born that laudable Partiality to my own Countrey, which Dionyfius Halicarnaffenfis with ſo much juſtice recommends to an Hif- torian. I would hide the Frailties and Deformities of my Political Mother, and place her Virtues and Beauties in the moſt advantageous light. This was my fincere endeavour in thoſe many diſcour- ſes I had with that Monarch, although it unfortunately failed of Succeſs. Bur, great allowances fhould be giv en to a King who lives wholly fecluded from the rest of the world, and muſt VOL, I. T therefore 124 A VOYAGE to 2 therefore be altogether unacquainted with the Manners and Cuſtoms that moſt pre- vail in other Nations: The want of which Knowledge will ever produce ma- ny Prejudices, and a certain Narrowness of Thinking, from which we and the politer Countries of Europe are wholly exempted. And it would be hard in- deed, if fo remote a Prince's Notions of Virtue and Vice were to be offered as a Standard for all Mankind. To confirm what I have now faid, and further to fhew the miſerable Effects of a confined Education, I fhall here in- fert a Paſſage which will hardly obtain Belief. In hopes to ingratiate myſelf farther into his Majefty's favour, I told him of an Invention diſcovered between Three and Four hundred Years ago, to make a certain Powder, into an heap of which the ſmalleſt ſpark of Fire fal- ling, would kindle the whole in a Mo- ment, although it were as big asa Moun- tain, and make it all fly up in the air together, BROBDINGNAG. 125 * together, with a Noife and Agitation greater than Thunder. That, a proper quantity of this Powder rammed into an hollow Tube of Brafs or Iron, accor- ding to its Bignefs, would drive a Ball of Iron or Lead with fuch a Violence and Speed as nothing was able to fuftain its Force. That the largest Balls thus dif- charged, would not only deftroy whole Ranks of an Army at once, but batter the ſtrongeſt Walls to the ground, fink dowh Ships with a Thouſand Men in each, to Sea; and when link! ed together by a Chain, would cut through Mafts and Rigging, divide Hun- dreds of Bodies in the middle, and lay all wafte before them. That we often put this Powder into large hollow Balls of Iron, and diſcharged them by an En- gine into fome City we were befieging, which would rip up the Pavements, tear the Houſes to pieces, burft and throw Splinters on every fide, dafhing out the Brains of all who came near. That I knew the Ingredients very well, which the bottom of the la wwe T 2 were P 126 A VOYAGE to were cheap, and common; I underſtood the manner of compounding them, and could direct his Workmen how to make thoſe Tubes of a Size proportionable to all other things in his Majefty's King- dom, and the largeſt need not to be above an Hundred foot long; Twenty or Thirty of which Tubes charged with the proper quantity of Powder and Balls, would bat- ter down the Walls of the ftrongeſt Town in his Dominions in a few hours, or deſtroy the whole Metropolis, if ever it ſhould pretend to difpute his abfolute Commands. This I humbly offered to his Majeſty as a ſmall Tribute of Acknow- ledgment in return of ſo many Marks that I had receiv'd of his Royal Favour and Protection. THE King was ftruck with Horror at the deſcription I had given of thoſe terri- ble Engines, and the Propofal I had made. He was amazed how fo impotent and groveling an Infect as I (theſe were his Expreffions) could entertain fuch inhu- man BROBDINGNAG. 127 + man Ideas, and in fo familiar a manner as to appear wholly unmoved at all the Scenes of Blood and Defolation, which I had painted as the common Effects of thoſe deſtructive Machines, whereof he faid, fome evil Genius, Enemy to Man- kind, muſt have been the firſt Contriver. As for himſelf, he protefted, that altho' few things delighted him fo much as new Diſcoveries in Art or in Nature, yet he would rather loſe half his Kingdom than be privy to fuch a Secret, which he commanded me, as I valued my life, ne- ver to mention any more. A ſtrange Effect of narrow Principles. and ſhort Views! that a Prince poffeffed of every Quality which procures Vene- ration, Love and Efteem; of ftrong Parts, great Wiſdom and profound Learning, endued with admirable Talents for Go- vernment, and almoft adored by his Subjects, fhould from a nice unneceffary Scruple, whereof in Europe we can have no conception, let flip an Opportunity T 3 put 128 A VOYAGE to Put into his hands, that would have made him abfolute Mafter of the Lives, the Li- berties, and the Fortunes of his People. Neither do I fay this with the leaſt In- tention to detract from the many Vir- tues of that excellent King, whofe Cha- racter I am fenfible will on this account be very much leffened in the opinion of an Engliſh reader: But, I take this De- fect among them to have rifen from their Ignorance, they not having hitherto re- duced Politicks into a Science, as the more acute Wits of Europe have done. For, I remember very well, in a Dif courſe one day with the King, when I happened to ſay there were feveral Thou- fand Books among us written upon the Art of Government, it gave him (direct- ly contrary to my intention) a very mean opinion of our Understandings. He profeffed both to abominate and de- fpife all Mystery, Refinement, and In- trigue, either in a Prince or a Minifter. He could not tell what I meant by Se- crets of State, where an Enemy or fome & rival BROBDINGNAG., 129 He rival Nation were not in the Cafe. confined the Knowledge of governing within very narrow Bounds; to com- mon Senſe and Reafon, to Juſtice and Lenity, to the fpeedy Determination of civil and criminal Cauſes; with fame other obvious Topicks which are not worth confidering. And, he gave it for his Opinion, that whoever could make Two Ears of Corn, or Two Blades of Grafs to grow upon a Spot of ground where only one grew before, would de- ſerve better of Mankind, and do more ef ſential Service to his Countrey than the whole Race of Politicians put together. THE Learning of this people is very defective, confifting only in Morality, Hiftory, Poetry and Mathematicks,where- in they muſt be allowed to excel. But, the laſt of theſe is wholly applied to what may be uſeful in life, to the improve- ment of Agriculture and all mechanical Arts; fo that among us it would be little efteemed. And as to Ideas, Entities, Ab- ftractions T 4 130 A VOYAGE to 逃 ​ftractions and Tranſcendentals, I could never drive the leaſt Conception into their heads. No Law of that Countrey muft exceed in Words the number of Letters in their Alphabet, which confifts only in Two and twenty. But indeed, few of them extend even to that Length. They are expreſſed in the most plain and fimple terms, wherein thoſe People are not mercurial enough to diſcover above one Interpretation. And to write a Com- ment upon any Law is a capital Crime. As to the Decifion of civil Cauſes, or Proceedings againſt Criminals, their Pre- cedents are ſo few, that they have little reaſon to boaſt of any extraordinary Skill in either. THEY have had the Art of Printing, as well as the Chinese, time out of mind. But their Libraries are not very large; for that of the King's, which is reckoned the biggeft, doth not amount to above M B BROBDINGNAG. 131 ábove a Thouſand Volumes, placed in a Gallery of Twelve hundred foot long, from whence I had liberty to borrow what books I pleaſed. The Queen's Joyner had contrived in one of Glum- dalclitch's rooms a kind of wooden Machine Five and twenty foot high, formed like a ſtanding Ladder, the Steps were each Fifty foot long: It was indeed a moveable pair of Stairs, the loweſt end placed at Ten foot diſtance from the Wall of the Chamber. The book I had a mind to read was put up leaning a- gainſt the Wall. I first mounted to the upper Step of the Ladder, and turning face towards the Book, began at the my top of the Page, and fo walking to the Right and Left about Eight or Ten paces according to the Length of the lines, till I had gotten a little below the level of mine eyes, and then defcending gradu- ally till I came to the bottom: After which I mounted again, and began the other Page in the fame manner, and fo turned over the leaf, which I could ፈ eafily 132 A VOYAGE to cafily do with both my hands, for it was as thick and ſtiff as a Paft-board, and in the largeſt Folio's not above Eighteen or Twenty foot long. THEIR Stile is clear, maſculine, and ſmooth, but not florid, for they avoid nothing more than multiplying unnecef- fary Words, or uſing various Expreffions. I have peruſed many of their Books, eſpecially thoſe in Hiftory and Morali- ty. Among the reft, I was much divert- ed with a little old Treatife, which al- ways lay in Glumdalclitch's Bed-cham- ber, and belonged to her Governeſs, a grave elderly Gentlewoman, who dealt in Writings of Morality and Devotion. The Book treats of the Weakneſs of Human kind, and is in little eſteem ex- cept among the Women and the Vul- gar. However, I was curious to fee what an Author of that Countrey could fay upon fuch a Subject. This Writer went through all the ufual Topicks of European Moralifts, fhewing how dimi- nutive, BROBDINGNAG. 133 nutive, contemptible, and helpleſs an Animal was Man in his own nature; how unable to defend himſelf from the Inclemencies of the Air, or the Fury of wild Beafts. How much he was excel- led by one Creature in Strength, by an- other in Speed, by a third in Forefight, by a fourth in Induftry. He added, that Nature was degenerated in theſe latter declining Ages of the world, and could now produce only ſmall abortive Births in compariſon of thofe in ancient times. He faid it was very reaſonable to think, not only that the Species of Men were originally much larger, but alſo that there must have been Giants in former ages, which, as it is afferted by Hiſtory and Tradition, ſo it hath been confirmed by huge Bones and Sculls ca- fually dug up in feveral parts of the Kingdom, far exceeding the common dwindled Race of Man in our days. He argued, that the very Laws of Nature abfolutely required we ſhould have been made in the beginning, of a fize more large ፡8- 4 134 A VOYAGE to large and robuſt, not fo liable to Deftru Єtion from every little Accident of a Tile falling from an Houſe, or a Stone caſt from the Hand of a Boy, or of being drowned in a little Brook. From this way of Reaſoning the Author drew feveral more Applications uſeful in the Conduct of life, but needlefs here to repeat. For my own part, I could not avoid reflecting how univerfally this Ta- lent was ſpread of drawing Lectures in Morality, or indeed rather matter of Diſcontent and Repining from the Quar- rels we raiſe with Nature. And, I be- lieve upon a ftri&t Enquiry, thoſe Quar- rels might be ſhewn as ill-grounded a- mong us, as they are among that People. As to their military Affairs, they boaſt that the King's Army confifts of an Hun- dred and Seventy fix thouſand foot, and Thirty two thouſand Horfe: If that may be called an Army which is made up of Tradefmen in the feveral Cities, and Farmers in the Countrey, whofe Com- manders BROBDINGNAG. 135 manders are only the Nobility and Gen- try without Pay or Reward. They are indeed perfect enough in their Exerciſes, and under very good Difcipline, where- in I faw no great Merit; for, how fhould it be otherwiſe, where every Far- mer is under the Command of his own Landlord, and every Citizen under that of the principal Men in his own City, choſen after the manner of Venice by Ballot? I have often ſeen the Militia of Lor- brulgrud drawn out to Exercife in a great Field near the City, of Twenty miles fquare. They were in all not a- bove Twenty five thousand Foot, and Six thouſand Horſe; but it was impoffible for me to compute their Number, con- fidering the ſpace of Ground they took up. A Cavalier mounted on a large Steed might be about an Hundred foot high. I have ſeen this whole Body of Horſe upon a Word of Command draw their Swords at once, and brandiſh them in the ܂ $ 136 A VOYAGE to the Air. Imagination can figure nothing fo grand, fo furprifing, and fo aftonifh- ing. It looked as if Ten thouſand Flaſh- es of Lightning were darting at the fame time from every Quarter of the Sky. I was curious to know how this Prince, to whoſe Dominion there is no accefs from any other Countrey, came to think of Armies, or to teach his People the practice of military Difcipline. But I was foon informed, both by Conver- fation, and reading their Hiftories. For, in the Courſe of many ages they have been troubled with the fame Difeafe to which fo many other Governments are fubject; the Nobility often contending for Power, the People for Liberty, and the King for abfolute Dominion. All which, however happily tempered by the Laws of the Kingdom, have been fometimes violated Cach of the Three Parties, and have once or more occafioned Civil Wars, the laft whereof was happily put an end to by this Prince's Grandfather 8 BROBDINGNAG. 137 S Grandfather by a general Compofition; and the Militia then fettled with com- mon Conſent hath been ever fince kept in the ſtricteſt Duty. : seg 4: wóad 准 ​CHAP. 安 ​3 # 138 A VOYAGE to : CHA P. VIII. The King and Queen make a Progress to the Frontiers. The Author attends them. The manner in which he leaves the Countrey very particularly related. He returns to England. I HAD always a ſtrong impulſe that I ſhould ſometime recover my Liberty, though it was impoffible to conjecture by what means, or to form any Project with the leaft hope of fucceeding. The Ship in which I failed was the firft ever known to be driven within fight of that Coaſt, and the King had given ftri&t Orders, that if at any time another appeared, it ſhould be taken afhore, and with all its Crew and Paffengers brought in a Tumbril to Lorbrulgrud. He was ftrongly bent to get me a Woman of my own fize, by 起 ​8 BROBDINGNAG. 139 by whom I might propagate the Breed: But I think I fhould rather have died than undergone the Difgrace of leaving a Pofterity to be kept in cages like tame Canary Birds, and perhaps in time fold about the kingdom to Perfons of Qua- lity for Curiofities. I was indeed treat- ed with much kindneſs; I was the Fa- vourite of a great King and Queen, and the Delight of the whole Court, but it was upon fuch a foot as ill became the Dignity of Human kind. I could never forget thoſe domeſtick Pledges I had left behind me. I wanted to be among Peo- ple with whom I could converfe upon even terms, and walk about the Streets and Fields without fear of being trod to death like a Frog or a young Puppy. But, my Deliverance came fooner than I expected, and in a manner not very common: The whole Story and Cir- cumſtances of which I fhall faithfully relate. I had now been Two years in this U VOL. I. Countrey; # 140 A VOYAGE to .. Countrey; and, about the beginning of the Third, Glumdalclitch and I attended the King and Queen in a Progreſs to the South Coaft of the Kingdom. I was carried as uſual in my Travelling-Box, which, as I have already defcribed, was a very convenient Cloſet of Twelve foot wide. And, I had ordered a Hammock to be fixed by filken ropes from the Four corners at the top, to break the Jolts, when a Servant carried me before him on horseback, as I fometimes de- fired, and would often fleep in my Ham- mock while we were upon the road. On the Roof of my Cloſet, not directly over the middle of the Hammock, I or- dered the Joyner to cut out a Hole of a Foot fquare to give me air in hot wea- ther as I flept, which Hole I fhut at pleaſure with a Board that drew back- wards and forwards through a Groove. WHEN We came to our Journey's end, the King thought proper to pass a few days at a Palace he hath near Flanflafnic, a City * S BROBDING NAG. 141 a City within Eighteen English miles of the Sea-fide. Glumdalclitch and I were much fatigued; I had gotten a fmall Cold, but the poor Girl was fo ill as to be confined to her chamber. I longed to ſee the Ocean, which muſt be the only Scene of my Eſcape, if ever it fhould happen. I pretended to be worſe than I really was, and defired leave to take the fresh air of the Sea, with a Page whom I was very fond of, and who had fometimes been trufted with me. I ſhall never forget with what Unwilling nefs Glumdalclitch conſented, nor the ftrict Charge ſhe gave the Page to be careful of me, burſting at the fame time into a flood of tears, as if ſhe had ſome foreboding of what was to happen. The Boy took me out in my Box about Half an hour's walk from the Palace towards the Rocks on the Sea-fhore. I ordered him to ſet me down, and lifting up one of my Saſhes, caft many a wiftful me- lancholy look towards the Sea. I found myſelf not very well, and told the Page U 2 that }: 142 A VOYAGE to that I had a mind to take a nap in my Hammock, which I hoped would do me good. I got in, and the Boy fhut the Window cloſe down to keep out the Cold. I foon fell aſleep, and all I can conjecture is, that while I flept, the Page thinking no danger could happen, went among the Rocks to look for Birds-eggs, having before obſerved him from my window fearching about, and picking up One or Two in the Clefts. Be that as it will, I found myſelf ſuddenly a- waked with a violent Pull upon the Ring which was faftned at the top of my Box for the conveniency of carriage. I felt my Box raiſed very high in the air, and then born forward with prodigious ſpeed. The first Jolt had like to have ſhaken me out of my Hammock, but afterwards the Motion was eaſy enough. I called out feveral times as loud as I could raiſe my voice, but all to no purpoſe. I look- ed towards my Windows, and could fee nothing but the Clouds and Sky. I heard a noiſe juſt over my head like the clap- ping B હું BROBDINGNAG. 143 ping of Wings, and then began to per- ceive the woful condition I was in; that fome Eagle had got the Ring of my Box in his Beak, with an intent to let it fall on a Rock like a Tortoife in a Shell, and then pick out my Body and devour it. For the Sagacity and Smell of this Bird enable him to diſcover his Quarry at a great diſtance, though better concealed than I could be within a Two inch Board. IN a little time I obferved the noiſe and flutter of Wings to encreaſe very faſt, and my Box was toffed up and down like a Sign-poft in a windy day. I heard feveral Bangs or Buffets, as I thought, given to the Eagle (for fuch I am cer- tain it muſt have been that held the Ring of my Box in his Beak) and then all on a fudden felt myfelf falling perpen- dicularly down for above a Minute, but with fuch incredible Swiftneſs that I al- moſt loſt my Breath. My Fall was ſtopped by aterribleSquaſh,that founded louder to U 3 mine है 144 A VOYAGE to Jurili mine ears than the Cataract of Niagara; after which I was quite in the dark for another Minute, and then my Box began to rife fo high that I could fee Light from the tops of my Windows. I now perceived that I was fallen into the Sea. My Box, by the weight of my Body, the Goods that were in, and the broad Plates of Iron fixed for ftrength at the Four corners of the top and bottom, floated about Five foot deep in water. I did then, and do now fuppofe that the Eagle which flew away with my Box was pur- fued by Two or Three others, and forced to let me drop while he was defending himſelf againſt the reft, who hoped to fhare in the Prey. The Plates of Iron faftned at the bottom of the Box (for thoſe were the ſtrongeſt) preſerved the Balance while it fell, and hindred it from being broken on the furface of the water. Every joint of it was well grooved, and the Door did not move ọn Hinges, but up and down like a Saſh, which kept my Cloſet ſo tight that very 4 little BROBDINGNAG. 145 ما little Water came in. I got with much difficulty out of my Hammock, having firft ventured to draw back the Slip- board on the Roof already mentioned, contrived on purpofe to let in Air, for want of which I found myſelf almoft ftifled. How often did I then wifh myfelf with my dear Glumdalclitch, from whom one fingle Hour had fo far divided me! And I may ſay with truth, that in the midst of my own misfortunes I could not forbear lamenting my poor Nurſe, the Grief ſhe would fuffer for my lofs, the Diſpleaſure of the Queen, and the Ruin of her Fortune. Perhaps many Tra- vellers have not been under greater Dif- ficulties and Diftrefs than I was at this juncture, expecting every moment to fee my Box daſhed in pieces, or at leaft over- fet by the first violent Blaft, or a rifing Wave. A Breach in one fingle Pane of Glaſs would have been immediate Death: Nor could any thing have preferved the Windows U 4 146 A VOYAGE to € Windows but the ftrong Lettice Wires placed on the outſide againſt accidents in travelling. I faw the Water ooze in at ſeveral Crannies, although the Leaks were not confiderable, and I endeavour- ed to stop them as well as I could. I was not able to lift up the Roof of my Clofer, which otherwife I certainly fhould have done and fate on the top of it, where I might at leaſt preſerve myſelf ſome hours longer than by being fhut up, as I may call it, in the Hold. Or, if I escaped theſe Dangers for a day or two, what could I expect but a mi- ferable Death of Cold and Hunger! I was Four hours under theſe circumftan- ces, expecting and indeed wiſhing every moment to be my laſt. I have already told the Reader, that there were Twoftrong Staples fixed upon that fide of my Box which had no Win- dow,and into which the Servant who uſed to carry me on horfeback would put a lea- thern Belt, and buckle it about his Wafte. ... Being BROBDINGNAG. 147 Being in this difconfolate ftate, I heard or at leaſt thought I heard fome kind of gra- ting noiſe on that fide of my Box where the Staples were fixed, and foon after I began to fanfy that the Box was pulled, or towed along in the Sea; for I now and then felt a fort of tugging which made the Waves rife near the tops of my Windows, leaving me almoſt in the dark. This gave me fome faint hopes of Relief, although I was not able to imagine how it could be brought about. I ventured to unſcrew one of my Chairs, which were always faftned to the Floor; and having made a hard ſhift to ſcrew it down again directly under the Slip- ping-board that I had lately opened, I mounted on the Chair, and putting my mouth as near as I could to the hole, I called for help in a loud voice, and in all the languages I underſtood. I then faftned my Handkerchief to a Stick I uſually carried, and thruſting it up the Hole, waved it ſeveral times in the air, that if any Boat or fhip were near, the Seamen * 148 A VOYAGE to 你 ​WIDEST. W Seamen might conjecture fome unhappy Mortal to be ſhut up in this Box. I found no effect from all I could do, but plainly perceived my Cloſet to be moved along; and in the ſpace of an Hour or better, that fide of the Box where the Staples were, and had no Window, ftruck againſt fomething that was hard: I apprehended it to be a Rock, and found myſelf toffed more than ever. I plainly heard a Noiſe upon the Cover of my Cloſet, like that of a Cable, and the grating of it as it paffed through the Ring. I then found myſelf hoiſt- ed up by degrees at leaft Three Foot higher than I was before. Whereupon, I again thruſt up my Stick and Hand kerchief, calling for help till I was al- moft hoarfe. In return to which, I heard a great Shout repeated Three times, giving me fuch Tranfports of joy as are not to be conceived but by thofe who feel them. I now heard a tramp- ling over my head, and fomebody cal ling 2 BROBDINGNAG. 149 ling through the Hole with a loud voice in the Engliſh Tongue; if there be any body below let them fpeak. I anſwer- ed, I was an Englishman, drawn by ill fortune into the greateft Calamity that ever any creature underwent, and beg- ged, by all that is moving, to be de- livered out of the Dungeon I was in. The Voice replied, I was fafe, for my Box was faftned to their Ship; and the Carpenter fhould immediately come, and faw an hole in the Cover, large e- nough to pull me out. I anſwer'd, that was needlefs, and would take up too much time, for there was no more to be done, but let one of the Crew put his Finger into the Ring, and take the Box out of the Sea into the Ship, and fo into the Captain's Cabbin. Some of them upon hearing me talk fo wildly thought I was mad; others laughed; for indeed it never came into my head that I was now got among People of my own Stature and Strength. The Car- penter came, and in a few minutes faw- ed 150 A VOYAGE to : 3 ed a Paffage about Four foot ſquare, then let down a ſmall Ladder, upon which I mounted, and from thence was taken into the Ship in a very weak condi- tion. THE Sailors were all in amazement, and asked me a Thouſand Queſtions, which I had no inclination to anſwer. I was equally confounded at the Sight of ſo many Pigmies, for fuch I took them to be, after having fo long accuſtom- ed mine eyes to the monftrous Objects I had left. But the Captain, Mr. Tho- mas Wilcocks, an honeſt worthy Shrop- fhireman, obferving I was ready to faint, took me into his Cabbin, gave me a Cor- dial to comfort me, and made me turn in upon his own bed, adviſing me to take a little reſt, of which I had great need. Before I went to fleep I gave him to un- derſtand that I had fome valuable Fur- niture in my Box too good to be loft; a fine Hammock, an handſome Field- Bed, two Chairs, a Table and a Cabinet: That BROBDINGNAG. 151 : That my Cloſet was hung on all fides, or rather quilted with Silk and Cotton: That if he would let one of the Crew bring my Cloſet into his Cabbin, I would open it there before him, and fhew him my Goods. The Captain hearing me utter theſe Abfurdities, concluded I was raving: However, (I fuppofe to paci- fy me) he promiſed to give order as I defired, and going upon Deck fent fome of his men down into my Cloſet, from whence (as I afterwards found) they drew up all my Goods, and ftripped off the Quilting; but the Chairs, Cabinet and Bed-ſted being ſcrewed to the floor, were much damaged by the Ignorance of the Seamen, who tore them up by force. Then they knocked off fome of the Boards for the uſe of the Ship, and when they had got all they had a mind for, let the Hulk drop into the Sea, which by reaſon of many Breaches made in the bottom and fides, funk to rights. And indeed I was glad not to have been a Spectator of the Havock they made; be- caufe 152 A VOYAGE to cauſe I am confident it would have fen- fibly touched me, by bringing former Paffages into my mind, which I had ra ther forget. I SLEPT fome hours, but perpetual- ly disturbed with Dreams of the Place I had left, and the Dangers I had efca-. ped. However, upon waking I found my ſelf much recovered. It was now about Eight a clock at night, and the Captain ordered Supper immediately, thinking I had already fafted too long. He enter- tained me with great kindneſs, obſerv- ing me not to look wildly, or talk in- confiftently; and when we were left a- lone, defired I would give him a rela- tion of my Travels, and by what acci- dent I came to be fet adrift in that mon- ftrous wooden Cheft. He faid, that a- bout Twelve a clock at noon, as he was looking through his Glafs, he fpied it at a diſtance, and thought it was a Sail, which he had a mind to make, be- ing not much out of his courfe, in hopes # BROBDINGNAG. 153 hopes of buying fome Biſcuit, his own beginning to fall fhort. That upon coming nearer, and finding his error, he fent out his Long-boat to diſcover what I was; that his Men came back in a fright, fwearing they had ſeen a ſwimming Houſe. That he laughed at their Folly, and went himſelf in the Boat, ordering his men to take a ſtrong Cable along with them. That the Wea- ther being calm, he rowed round me feveral times, obferved my Windows, and the wire Lettices that defended them. That he diſcovered two Staples upon one fide, which was all of Boards, with- out any paffage for Light. He then com- manded his men to row up to that fide, and faſtning a Cable to one of the Sta- ples, ordered them to tow my Cheft (as he called it) towards the Ships. When it was there, he gave directions to faften another Cable to the Ring fixed in the Cover, and to raiſe up my Cheft with Pullies, which all the Sailors were not able to do above Two or Three foot. He faid, 步 ​154 A VOYAGE to 餐 ​faid, they faw my Stick and Handker- chief thruſt out of the Hole, and con- cluded, that ſome unhappy Men muſt be ſhut up in the Cavity. I asked whether he or the Crew had ſeen any prodigi- ous Birds in the Air about the time he firft diſcovered me. To which he an- fwered, that difcourfing this matter with the Sailors while I was afleep, one of them faid, he had obferved Three Eagles flying towards the North, but remarked nothing of their being larger than the ufual Size, which I fuppofe must be impu- ted to the great Height they were at; and could not gueſs the reafon of my Que- ftion. I then asked the Captain how far he reckon❜d we might be from Land; he faid, by the beſt computation he could make, we were at leaft an Hundred Leagues. I affured him, that he muſt be miſtaken by almoft Half, for I had not left the Countrey from whence I came above Two hours before I dropt into the Sea. Whereupon he began a- gain to think that my brain was difturb- ed, . Juko #3 8 BROBDINGNAG. 155 ed, of which he gave me a hint, and adviſed me to go to bed in a Cabbin he had provided. I affured him I was well refreſhed with his good Entertainment and Company, and as much in my fenſes as ever I was in my life. He then grew ferious, and defired to ask me freely whether I were not troubled in mind by the Conſciouſneſs of fome enor- mous Crime, for which I was puniſhed at the Command of fome Prince, by ex- pofing me in that Cheft, as great Cri- minals in other Countries have been forced to Sea in a leaky Veffel without Provifions: For, although he ſhould be forry to have taken ſo ill a man into his Ship, yet he would engage his word to ſet me ſafe on fhore in the firſt Port where we arrived. He added, that his Suſpicions were much increaſed by fome very abfurd Speeches I had delivered at firſt to the Sailors, and afterwards to himſelf, in relation to my Cloſet or Cheft, as well as by my odd Looks and Behaviour while I was at fupper. VOL. I. X I beg- s Je smell! 156 A VOYAGE to I begged his patience to hear me tell my Story, which I faithfully did from the laft time I left England to the moment he firſt diſcovered me. And, as Truth always forceth its way into rational minds; fo, this honeft worthy Gentle- man, who had fome tincture of Learn- ing, and very good Senfe, was imme- diately convinced of my Candor and Ve- racity. But further to confirm all I had faid, I entreated him to give order that my Cabinet ſhould be brought, of which I had the Key in my Pocket (for he had already informed me how the Sea- men difpofed of my Clofet) I opened it in his preſence, and fhewed him the fmall Collection of Rarities I made in the Countrey from whence I had been fo ftrangely delivered. There was the Comb I had contrived out of the Stumps of the King's Beard, and another of the fame Material, but fixed into a paring of her Majefty's Thumb-nail, which ferved for the Back. There was a col. lection Au BROBDINGNAG. 157 lection of Needles and Pins from a Foot to Half a yard long. Four Wafp Stings, like Joyner's Tacks: Some Combings of the Queen's Hair: A gold Ring which one day ſhe made me a Preſent of in a moſt obliging manner, taking it from her Little finger, and throwing it over my Head like a Collar. I defired the Captain would pleaſe to accept this Ring in return of his Civilities, which he abſolutely refufed. I fhewed him a Corn that I had cut off with my own hand from a maid of Honour's Toe, it was about the bigneſs of a Kentiſh Pip- pin, and grown fo hard, that when I returned to England, I got it hollowed into a Cup and fet in Silver. Laftly, I defired him to fee the Breeches I had then on, which were made of a Mouſe's Skin. I could force nothing on him but a Footman's Tooth, which I obferved him to examine with great Curioſity, and found he had a fancy for it. He X 2 received 158 A VOYAGE to .... received it with abundance of thanks, more than fuch a Trifle could deſerve. It was drawn by an unskilful Surgeon in a miſtake from one of Glumdalclitch's Men, who was afflicted with the Tooth- ach, but it was as found as any in his head. I got it cleaned, and put it into my Cabinet. It was about a Foot long, and Four inches in Diameter. THE Captain was very well fatisfied with this plain Relation I had given him; and faid, he hoped when we re- turned to England, I would oblige the World by putting it in Paper, and mak- ing it publick. My Anfwer was, that I thought we were already over-ftocked with Books of Travels: That nothing could now pass which was not extraor dinary, wherein I doubted fome Authors lefs confulted Truth than their own Vanity or Intereft, or the Diverfion of ignorant Readers. That my Story could contain little befides common Events, without thoſe ornamental Defcriptions of * BROBDINGNAG. 159 of ſtrange Plants, Trees, Birds, and other Animals, or of the barbarous Cuſtoms and Idolatry of favage People, with which moſt Writers abound. However, I thanked him for his good Opinion, and promiſed to take the matter into my thoughts. He ſaid he wondered at one thing very much, which was to hear me ſpeak fo loud, asking me whether the King or Queen of that Countrey were thick of hearing. I told him it was what I had been uſed to for above Two Years paft, and that I admired as much at the Voices of him and his men, who ſeemed to me only to whif per, and yet I could hear them well e- nough. But, when I ſpoke in that Countrey, it was like a man talking in the Street to another looking out from the top of a Steeple, unleſs when I was placed on a Table, or held in any Per- fon's Hand. Itold him I had likewiſe ob- ſerved another thing, that when I first got into 160 A VOYAGE to # честява into the Ship, and the Sailors ftood all about me, I thought they were the moſt little contemptible Creatures I had ever beheld. For, indeed, while I was in that Prince's Countrey, I could never en- dure to look in a Glaſs after mine eyes had been accuſtomed to fuch prodigious objects, becauſe the compariſon gave me ſo deſpicable a conceit of myſelf. The Captain faid, that while we were at fupper, he obſerved me to look at every thing with a fort of wonder, and that I often feemed hardly able to contain my laughter, which he knew not well how to take, but imputed it to fome Diſorder in my brain. I an- fwered, it was very true, and I wonder. ed how I could forbear, when I faw his Diſhes of the fize of a filver Three- pence, a Leg of Pork hardly a Mouth, ful, a Cup not fo big as a Nut-fhell: and ſo I went on, defcribing the reft of his Houfhold-ftuff and Provifions after the fame manner. For although the Queen had ordered a little Equipage of all : BROBDINGNAG. 161 all things neceffary for me while I was in her ſervice, yet my Ideas were wholly taken up with what I faw on every fide of me, and I winked at my own Little- nefs as People do at their own Faults. The Captain underſtood my Raillery very well, and merrily replied with the old English Proverb, that he doubted mine Eyes were bigger than my Belly, for he did not obferve my Stomach fo good, al- though I had fafted all day; and conti- nuing in his mirth, proteſted he would have gladly given an Hundred Pounds to have ſeen my Cloſet in the Eagle's Bill, and afterwards in its Fall from fo great an height into the Sea; which would certainly have been a moſt aſtoniſhing object, worthy to have the Deſcription of it tranfmitted to future ages: And the Compariſon of Phaeton was fo ob- vious, that he could not forbear applying it, although I did not much admire the Conceit. 20 THE Captain having been at Tonquin, was 4. રો 162 A VOYAGE to was in his return to England driven North eastward to the Latitude of 44 Degrees, and of Longitude 143. But meeting a Trade Wind Two days after I came on board him, we failed Southward a long. time, and coafting New-Holland kept our Courſe Weft-fouth-weft, and then South- fouth-west till we doubled the Cape of Good-hope. Our Voyage was very pro- fperous, but I fhall not trouble the rea- der with a Journal of it. The Captain called in at One or Two Ports and fent in his Long-boat for Proviſions and freſh Water, but I never went out of the Ship till we came into the Downs, which was on the 3d Day of June 1706, about Nine months after my Eſcape. I offered to leave my Goods in fecurity for pays ment of my Freight; but the Captain proteſted he would not receive One Far- thing. We took kind leave of each other, and I made him promiſe he would come to ſee me at my Houſe in Redriff. I hired a Horſe and Guide for Five Shillings, which I borrowed of the Captain. As : BROBDINGNAG. 163 OFW As I was on the road, obferving the Littleneſs of the Houfes, the Trees, the Cattle and the People, I began to think myſelf in Lilliput. I was afraid of tram- pling on every Traveller I met, and often called aloud to have them ftand out of the way, fo that I had like to have got- ten One or Two broken Heads for my Impertinence. on Wei Jin on now forico W via for be flol bad I bobrik OLVE WHEN I came to my own Hou for which I was forced to enquire, one of the Servants opening the Door, I bent down to go in (like a Goofe under a Gate) for fear of ftriking my Head. My Wife ran out to embrace me, but I ftooped lower than her Knees, thinking fhe could otherwife never be able to reach my Mouth. My Daughter kneeled to ask me Bleffing, but I could not fee her till The aroſe, having been fo long. uſed to ftand with my Head and Eyes erect to a- bove Sixty foot; and then I went to take her up with One hand, by the Wafte. I looked VOL. I. Y 164 C. A VOYAGE, looked down upon the Servants and One or Two Friends who were in the Houſe, as if they had been Pigmies, and I a Giant. I told my Wife fhe had been too thrifty, for I found the had ftarved her- felf and her Daughter to nothing. In fhort, I behaved myſelf fo unaccounta- bly, that they were all of the Captain's opinion when he firft faw me, and con- cluded I had loft my Wits. This I men- tion as an Inftance of the great Power of Habit and Prejudice, IN a little time I and my Family and Friends came to a right underſtanding: But my Wife protefted I ſhould never go to Sea any more; although my evil Deſti- ny fo ordered that ſhe had not Power to hinder me, as the reader may know hereafter. In the mean time I here con- clude the Second Part of my unfortunate Voyages. The End of the Second Part. C 滚 ​要 ​您 ​幾 ​VIFT 3: 2 is the Author of the present 38 orth * 2 2. 齿 ​