[R Everett 45. FEX LIBRIS CAPTAIN LEMUEL GULLIVER LUCIUS LEE HUBBARD Hubbard : IMAS Vay, PR 3724 17270 CAPTAIN LEMUEL GULLIVER of Redriff, Etat fuæ LVIII. Compositum jus, fasque animi, sanctosque receffus mentis, & incoctum generoso pectus honesto. TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote NATIONS OF THE WORLD. By Capt. LEMUEL GULIVER, Faithfully Abridged. LONDON: Printed for J. STONE, againſt Bedford Row, and R. KING, at the Prince's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCCXXVII, Res Lucius L. Hubbard 10927-192 10-27-1922 409730 THE Publiſher of the Abridgment, - TO THE READER. A S the Original of Capt. Gulli- ver's Travels, is generally com plain'd of, as too expensive, and may, without Injury to the celebrated Author, be reduced into a nar-- rower Compass; the Undertakers of the prefent Edition, were led to think, that a faithful Abridgment of this Hiftcry, as it would leffen the Expence, might meet with Acceptance. It must be confeffea, that Undertakings of this Nature are: liable to Exceptions, and are frequently charg'd with depriving the Original of thofe Ornaments which recommend it to. A 2 ther PREFAC E. the Judicious; because many of them, through ill Management, have neither answered the Intention of the Author, or Satisfaction of the Reader: But we hope this under Confideration, will anſwer the Ends of both. It is true, that fome Paf- fages in the Original, which the Gene- rality of Mankind have thought immo. deft and indecent, are entirely omitted, and many trivial Circumſtances contra- Eted into a very narrow Compass : But, at the fame Time, we may truly ſay, that Care hath been taken to make the Hifto- ry as uniform, and the Connexion as just and Smooth, as the Nature of the Per- formance would allow. N. B. We think it neceſſary, to take Notice in this Place, That, since the be- ginning of this Work, the Proprietor of the Original, having_conceiv'd himſelf injur'd by the Undertaking, has made feveral indirect Attempts to put a Stop to it, upon a wild Suppofition that it was the very Copy, and not an Abridgment, ( tho' he had not ſeen a Twelfth Part of the Work) even contrary to his own Aſſurances, that he would refer it to Arbitration, and wish it PREFA C E. it Success, if it should prove to be an Abridgment; and having pleaded fuch Exemptions in his own Favour, that he himself, in like Cafes, never thought any Body elfe intitled to; we shall briefly enumerate a few of the many Instances, wherein the Practice of Abridgments has been follow'd, and, as it were, esta- bliſh'd, by Cuſtom and the Example of feveral confiderable Men in the "Book- felling Trade, Viz. The Philofophical Tranfactions, for 20 Years, abridg'd by Mr. B. Motte. Mr. Locke's Effay on Human Under- ftanding. The Statutes at large. The State Tryals. Collier's Dictionary. Cambden's Britannia. L'Eftrange's Fofephus. Religion of Nature delineated. Bp. Burnet's History of his own Times. Mr. Bingham's Antiquities. Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum. The Hiftory of England, in 4 Vols. Kettlewell of Obedience. Coggeshall's Art of Meaſuring. Robinson Crufoe's Adventures. Many PREFA C E.. Many others might be added, but thoſe above are thought fufficient to convince any young Bookfeller, what the Practice has been, where the Books have been put at an extraordinary Price to the Publick, either from the Bulk of the Work, or the Art and Avarice of the Proprietor. THE 99606 THE CONTENTS. CHAP. I. The Author's Account of himself and Family, His first Inducements to Travel. After being Shipwreck'd, he gets fafe on Shore in Lilli put, &c. CHAP. II. The Emperor of Lilliput comes to fee the Au- thor, &c. Learned Men appointed to teach him the Language. He gains Favour ly his Mildness. His Pockets fearched, &c. CHAP. III. He diverts the Emperor in an uncommon Man- ner. The Diversions of the Court defcrib'd. Liberty granted him upon certain Condi- tions, &c, SHAP CONTENT S. CHA P. IV. The Metropolis of Lilliput defcrib'd, with the Imperial Palace. A Converfation concern- ing the Affairs of that Empire. He offers to ſerve the Emperor in kis Wars. CHAP, V. By a Stratagem he prevents an Invafion. A Title is conferr'd on him. The Emperor of Blefufcu fues for Peace. The Auther inftru- mental in extinguishing a Fire in the Empress's Apartment. CHAP. VI. The Learning, Lars, and Customs, of Lilli- put. The Education they give their Chil- dren. The Author's Way of living. He vindicates a great Lady. CHAP. VII. A Defign being form'd against the Author, be fcapes to Blefufcu. His Reception there. CHAP. VIII. After Jome Difficulties ke returns to his own Country. THE TRAVELS. PART I. A Voyage to LILLIPUT. CHA P. I. The Author's Relation of Himfelf and Family. His first Inducements to Travel. After being Shipwreck'd, be fwims for bis Life; gets fafe on Shore in the County of Lilliput. Made Prifoner, and carry'd up the Country. કું M Y Father, though a Man of no great Fortune, in Notttingham- fire, had that Care in the Edu- cation of his Children, that at the Age of Fourteen he fent me to Emanuel College in Cambridge, where I continued, till, through fome Alteration in his Affairs, he thought proper to remove me to Lon- B don 2 A VOYAGE don. I was there bound Apprentice to a Surgeon, Mr. James Bates, for the Space of Four Years; at the Expiration of which, for Three Years, I improv'd my felf in the Study of Phyfick, at Leyden. On my return Home, I obtain❜d to be Surgeon of the Swallow Man of War, and made feveral Voyages in her to the Le- vant, and other Parts: But marrying as foon as I came from Abroad, I refolv'd to fettle and follow my Profeffion; this I did, till Buſineſs failing through lofs of Friends, eſpecially my Mafter, I was oblig'd, a fecond time, to go to Sea, and made fe- veral Voyages to the Eaft and left-Indies. The Hopes I had of Bufinefs, from my Acquaintance among the Seamen, made me fettle in Il'apping at my return Home : But this not anfwering Expectation, I undertook a Voyage to the South-Seas, which prov'd profperous for fome Time. It is not proper, for fome Reafons, to be particular in our Adventures in thoſe Seas. We fet fail thence to the East-Indies, and, in our Paffage, after the Lofs of many of our Crew, we found our felves to the North-Weft of Van Diemen's Land, in the Latitude 30° 2' South. On the 5th of November, the Begin- ning of Summer, in that Country, we split on a Rock, and but Six of the Crew, of whom to LILLIPUT. 3 whom I was one, made fhift to get in the Boat. We row'd till hard Labour had fo exhauſted our Strength, that we fubmitted to the Mercy of the Waves. Half an Hour was ſcarce expired, but the Boat was over-fet, and every Man obliged to fhift for himfelf. What became of my Compa- nions I know not, but, as good Fortune would have it, as I was almoft ſpent with fwimming, I found my felf within my Depth. Being thus happily landed, I walk'd a Mile before I reach'd the Shore, and then finding no Signs of Houfes or In- habitants, and being thoroughly fatigued, I flept on the Ground till next Morning : When I awaked, I was furprized to find my felf fo faſtened to the Ground that I could not rife. Atlentgh I heard a con- fufed Noife about me, but in the Pofture I lay, being on my Back, could fee no- thing. In a little time, I felt fomething come up to my Chin, in the Shape of an Haman Creature, not fix Inches long, with a Bow and Arrow in his Hand, and a Quiver at his Back. Immediately I felt fo many of the fame Species upon me, that in Confternation roaring out, they leapt from me upon the Ground. One more bold than the reft ventur'd to return, and loɔking me full in the Face, cry'd, with a fhrill Accent, Hekinah Degul: the others B 2 4 A VOYAGE others repeated the fame. In ftruggling I got my left Arm loofe, which they no fooner perceiv'd, than one of them cry'd, Tolgo Phonac, and prefently follow'd fuch a Volley of ſmall Darts, that pricked like fo many Needles upon my Hands and Face. Some attempted to thrust Spears into my Sides, but they would not pierce my Buff Jerkin. I thought it moſt pru- dent to lie ftill till Night, before I at- tempted to get loofe, but Fortune dif- pofed otherwife of me. At a little Di- ftance from me they erected a Stage, capa- ble of holding four of the Inhabitants; it was about a Foot and an Half from the Ground This they mounted with Lad- ders, from whence a Principal amongſt them cry'd out, three times, Langro De- bul fan. Whereupon they immediately loofened my Head, which gave me an Op- portunity of turning to view the Perfon on the Stage, who appear'd to be a Perfon of good Grace and Deportment. He made an Oration, in which I could perceive, by his Geſtures, fome Marks of Threats, others of Pity and Compaffion. I anfwer'd with all the Signs of Submiffion I could, and fignified that I wanted Food. The Hurgo, for fo they called the Lord, underſtanding me, order'd Ladders to be fet to my Sides, by which means the Inhabitants 7 brought to LILLIPUT. 5 brought Baskets of Provifion to my Mouth. It was the Fleſh of different Ani- mals, well dress'd, but exceeding ſmall, as was the Bread alfo: They ſeem'd much furprized at my Bulk and Appetite. I then made a Sign for fomething to drink: They flung me one of their largeſt Hog- fheads, which I drank off at a Draught, and then a fecond, for they ſcarce held half a Pint each. The Wine was delicious, and I could have drank more of it if they had brought it me. They made me a Sign to throw down the empty Hogfheads after they had warned the People to ſtand out of the Way. I had often a Mind to ſeize Forty or Fifty of them as they paffed backward and forward upon my Body, had not the Remembrance of the Darts, and Submiffion I had made, and their Ho- ſpitality towards me, prevented it: How- ever, I could not fufficiently wonder at the Intrepidity of thefe diminutive Mortals, who durft venture to walk on the Body of a Creature ſo prodigious as I muſt appear to them. After fome time there appear'd a Perſon of the firſt Rank, ſent by his Imperial Majefty, who mounting on the Sinall of my Right Leg, with his Retinue, advanced up to my Face, and producing his Credentials, made a fhort Speech, fig- nifying my Removal to the Capital City. B 3 I 6 A VOYAGE I made Signs that I fhould be glad of my Liberty; but he ſhook his Head, and held his Hand in a Pofture to fhew that I muſt be carry'd Prlfoner, but fhould be civilly treated. The Smart I felt from the Ar- rows, on my Hands and Face, made me fear to rifque attempting my Efcape. I therefore gave Tokens of Submiffion to their Power: Upon this the Hurgo, and his Train withdrew. Soon after I heard a general Shout, with thefe Words, Pe- plom Selan, and I felt great Numbers of People loofing the Cords on my Left Side, fo that I was able to eaſe my ſelf by turn- ing on the Right: But before this, they had dawbed my Face and Hands with an Ointment, which foon removed the Smart occafioned by the Arrows. This Circumſtance, added to the Refreſhment I had taken, difpofed me to fleep: I flept about eight Hours, as I was afterwards told, and it was no Wonder, for, by the Emperor's Order, the Phyficians had min- gled a fleepy Potion with the Wine I had drank. It feems that from the very Mo- ment they firft difcover'd me, all that had paffed was refolved in Council, and that I ſhould be removed, in a Machine, to the Capital City. This Refolution, perhaps, may appear very bold and dangerous, and, I am con- fident, to LILLIPUT. 7 fident, would not be imitated by any Prince in Europe on the like Occafion; however, in my Opinion, it was prudent as well as generous: For had they endea- deavour'd to kill me with their Darts and Spears, the Effects of the Pain would fo far have rowzed my Rage and Strength as to have been able to break the Ties, after which, as they were unable to refift, fo they could expect no Mercy. The Emperor is fo great an Encourager of Learning, that the People are arrived to great Perfection in the Mathematicks and Mechanicks; they have Machines for the Carriage of Trees, and great Weights, and often build their largeſt Men of War in the Woods, whereof fome are Ninc Feet in Length, and convey them by En- gines to Sea. Five Hundred Men were at Work to prepare the Engine I was to be carry 'd on: It was Seven Feet long, Four wide, and Three Inches high. It was brought Parallel to me as I lay, and with much Difficulty, by the Affiftance of 900 Men, and a valt Number of Pullies, I was at laft raiſed and flung into the En- gine, which was drawn by 1500 of the Emperor's largeſt Horſes. After Four Hours Journey I awaked; for the fopori- ferous Medicine had continued its Effect all the Time of my being removed into B 4 the 8 A VOYAGE the Carriage, by the oddeft Accident ima- ginable. Two or three of the young Na- tives having the Curiofity to fee how I look'd when I was afleep, one of them, an Officer of the Guard, thruſt the End of his Half-Pike up my Nofe, and made me fneeze violently; this, I was told, was the Caufe of my waking fo fuddenly. We made a long March that Day, and reſted at Night, with a ftrong Guard furround- ing me. The next Day the Emperor, and his Court, came to meet us, with- in a fmall Diſtance of the Town. At the Place where the Carriage ftopt, there ftood a Temple, which had been applied to common Ufe, fince its having been polluted by an unnatural Murder: In this it was determined I fhould lodge. The North Gate was Four Foot high, and two Foot wide, near which I was faftned by my Left Leg, with a large Number of fmall Chairs. When they found I was fo faſt that I could not get loofe, they cut the Cords that tied me, and imme- diately 1 roſe up, to the Aftoniſhment of the People about me. CHA P. to LILLIPUT. 9 CHA P. II. The Emperor of Lilliput, with his Nobility, come to ſee the Author. His Perfon and Habit defcribed. Learned Men are ap- pointed to teach him the Language; who gains Favour by his mild Difpofition. His Pockets are fearched, and Sword and Piftols taken from him. L Ooking around me as I ftood, I beheld a moſt entertaining Pro- fpect, from the Beauty and Re- gularity of the Fields and Gar- dens, which were agreeably bedeck'd with Flowers. The City, on my Left Hand, appear'd like the painted Scene of a City in a Theatre. Due Care was taken to keep my Apartment free from any Filth that might be occafion'd by the Neceffities of Nature, which daily employ'd two of the Servants. As I was taking Air at the Gate, the Emperor, who was already de- fcended from a Tower juft by, and advancing towards me, had like to have been thrown from his Horfe, which was affrighted at fo unufual a Sight, had not his Attendants ran in and held the Bridle while he dif mounted. When he alighted he furveyed. B 5. me 10 A VOYAGE me with Admiration, and order'd his Ser- vants to give me Victuals and Drink, which was brought in Wheel Machines, within my Reach. I foon emptied Twenty, which were fill'd with Meat, and Ten with Liquor. The Emprefs, with the reft of the Royal Family, fat at fome Diſtance, in their Chairs, but alighted on Account of the Accident which happened to the Emperor's Horfe, and came to him; whom I am now going to defcribe. He is taller than the reft of his Court, by the Length of my Nail, which ftrikes an Awe into his Beholders. His Features are ftrong, with an Auftrian Lip, and arch'd Nofe: His Complexion Olive; his Countenance erect, his Body, and Limbs, well propor- tion'd; his Motions, and Deportment, graceful and majeſtick. He was then Twenty-eight Years old, and had reign'd Seven fucceſsfully. I lay down, that I might the better fee him: However, I have had him fince often in my Hand, and, therefore, cannot be deceiv'd in the De- fcription. His Drefs between the Afiatick and European, with a Golden Helmet and Plume on the Creft. His Sword was in his Hand, whofe Hilt and Scabbard was Gold, enrich'd with Diamonds. The Ladies and Courtiers were magnificently clad. His Majefty often fpoke to me, and he to LILLIPUT. It he commanded his Priefts and Lawyers (as I guefs'd by their Habits) to fpeak alfo, but I could not anſwer in any Language to be underſtood. When the Court retired, a ſtrong Guard was left to prevent the Infolence of the Rabble; one of whom narrowly miffed hitting my left Eye with an Arrow. Six of thofe, who fhot at me, were or- der'd to be brought bound to me to be puniſh'd; I put Five of them in my Pocket, and the Sixth I threatned to eat. He was terribly affrighted, efpecially when I pulled out my Penknife, which I made no other ufe of, than to cut the Strings which tied them, and then let them go one after the other. This Mark of Cle- mency was reprefented much to my Ad- vantage at Court. At Night I went into my Houfe, where I had lain a Fortnight on the Ground: During which Time, by the Emperor's Order, they had prepared me a Bed, com- pofed of fome Hundreds of their own, with proper Coverlets to it. Although it indifferently kept me from the Hardness of Stones, it was tolerable for one enured to Hardſhips as I was. The News of my Arrival fpreading, his Majefty, by Procla- mation, order'd all thofe who had feen me, to return Home to their Affairs, and not 12 A VOYAGE rot to come within Fifty Yards of my Houſe, without Licence from the Secretary of State, which confiderably encreaſed his Fees. The Emperor, and Court, in the mean Time, were under great Difficulties how they fhould act concerning me, as I was afterwards affured by a particular Friend. The Fear of my breaking loofe, the Appre- henfions of a Famine, from the Expence of my Diet, occafion'd Refolutions either to kill or ſtarve me. But they apprc- hended the Stench of my Carcafe might occafion a Plague, and probably infe& the whole Kingdom. During theſe De- bates, two Officers of the Army, who were admitted into the Council Chamber, gave an Account of my Clemency to the Pri- foners deliver'd up to me, which made fuch an Impreffion, that his Imperial Majeſty, iffued out a Commiffion, obliging all the Villages 900 Yards round the City, to bring in, every Morning, Six Beeves, Forty Sheep, and other Food, for my Sufte- nance, with proportionate Quantities of Bread, Wine, and other Liquors; and give Affignments on his Treafury for the Payment: For this Prince lives chiefly up- on his own Demefncs, unless it be upon great Occafions, and his Subjects attend him in War at their own Expence. An Eſtabliſhment of 600 Domeſticks was made 1 to LILLIPUT. 13 made, who had Tents built on each Side of my Door; and 300 Taylors were or- der'd to make me a Suit of Cloaths after the Faſhion of the Country; and fix of the beſt Scholars to teach me the Language : And, laſtly, that the Horſes of the Em- peror, and Nobility, fhould be exerciſed in my Sight, to accuftom themſelves to me. Theſe Orders were duly executed. In three Weeks I made a great Progrefs in that Language, and was honoured fome- times by the Emperor's Inftructions in it. The first of my Converfation began by craving my Liberty, which I daily re- peated on my Knees. His Anfwer was, It could not be without the Advice of his Council, and that Peace muſt be firſt fworn to him and his Kingdom. He ad- vifed me, in the mean time, to be pa- tient, and to acquire his good Opinion, and that of his Subjects, by my Conduct. He defired I would not take it ill if he fent Officers to fearch me, urging, That proba- bly a Man of my Bulk might carry dan- gerous Weapons, if they anfwer'd my Stature. I told his Majefty I was ready to fatisfy him. He replied, That by the Laws of the Kingdom, I muſt be fearched by two Officers, which could not be done without my Confent and Affiftance; that he had that Opinion of my Juftice, and Generofity, 14 A VOYAGE Generoſity, as to truſt their Perfons in my Hands; that whatſoever they took ſhould be return'd, or paid for at my own Price. I took the Officers in my Hand, and put them into all my Pockets, except my two Fobs, where I had a Watch, and a little Money; and they having Pen, Ink, and Paper, took the following Inventory, which I afterwards tranflated into Engliſh. Imprimis. In the right Coat-Pocket of the Great Man Mountain (for fo I tran- flate the Words Quintus Flefrin) we found one great Piece of coarfe Cloth, large enough to be a Foot-cloth for your Ma- jeſty's chief Room of State. In the left, a huge Silver Cheft, which was Knee deep, full of Duft, which, flying up to our Faces, fet us a fheezing. In the right Waiſtcoat Pocket, a large Bundle of thin Subſtances, folded one over another, and tied with a Cable, mark'd with black Fi- gures like Writing, every Letter almoſt half as large as the Palm of our Hands. In the left, an Engine, from the Back of which were extended Twenty long Foles, refem- bling Pallifado's, wherewith he combs his Head. In the long Pocket, on the Right- Side of his Breeches, an hollow Pillar of Iron, of a Man's Length, faftned to a ftrong Fiece to LILLIPUT. 15 Piece of Timber larger than the Pillar; and upon one Side of the Pillar were huge Pieces of Iron fticking out in different Fi- gures. In the left Pocket, another of the fame. In the fmaller Pocket on the right Side, were feveral round Pieces of white and red Metal, fome whereof appeared to be Silver, and fo large, that we could hardly lift them. Out of the right Pocket, clofe to his Belly, hung a great Silver Chain; we directed him to draw out whatfoever was faften'd to it, which ap- pear'd to be a Globe, half Silver, half transparent Metal, under which are Fi- gures circularly drawn. It makes an in- ceffant Noife when put to the Ear. We fuppofe it to be his God, for this, he tells us, points out Time for all his Actions. Out of the left, he took a Net, large enough for a Fisherman, but ferv'd for a Purfe in this were feveral yellow maffy Pieces, which are of immenfe Value, if they are Gold. Having, thus in Obedience to your Majefty's Commands, fearch'd all his Pockets, we difcover'd a Belt about his Waift, made of the Hide of fome large Animal, to which hang a Sword of the Length of Five Men and a Boy; and a Pouch, which contain'd a Number of Globes, of a heavy Metal, of Two diffe- rent Sizes. This 16 A VOYAGE This is an exact Inventory of what was found upon the Man Mountain. Sign'd and feal'd, on the 4th Day of the 89th Moon of your Majeſty's glorious Reign. Clefren Frelock, Marfi Frelock. The Emperor having firſt order'd Three Thouſand of his choiceft Troops, with Bows and Arrows, to furround me, direct- ed me to deliver up the Farticulars of the Inventory. First, I drew my Scymiter, then return'd it into the Sabbard, and threw it on the Ground, at a little Diſtance before me. The next was one of the Pocket Piftols, which I drew out, and, to fhew him the Ufe of it, charg'd it with a little Powder, which happen'd to eſcape the Wet. I firſt caution'd the Emperor not to be afraid, and then fir'd it in the Air. Their Aftonifhment was fo great at the Report, that Hundreds fell down as if they had been kill'd; even the Empc- ror could not recover himfelf in fome time, tho' he ſtood his Ground. Then I deli- ver'd my Piſtols up, and the Fouch, giving him a Caution of the Gunpowder. After- wards I gave them all the rest of my Goods; but he return'd me all but my Scymiter, to LILLIPUT. 17 Scymiter, Piſtols, and Watch: The laſt of which he was amaz'd at, both from the Noife, and the Motion of the Hand, which he obferv'd. Two of the ſtrongeſt Men carry'd it upon a Pole on their Shoul- ders; and my Scymiter and Piſtols were convey'd in Carriages. I had a Pair of Spectacles, and Pocket Perfpective, in a private Pocket, and a few other Conve- niencies, which I did not difcover, appre- hending they might be fpoiled, if I ven- tur'd them out of my Poffeffion. اری بانه CHAP. 18 A VOYAGE S CHA P. III. The Author becomes familiar with the Natives. He defcribes the Diversions of the Court of LILLIPUT; and diverts the Emperor and Nobility in a very un- common Manner. The Author bas bis Liberty on certain Conditions. M Y Gentleness and good Beha- viour had fo far gain'd on the Emperor and his People, that they were under no Apprehen- fions of Danger from me; the very Chil- dren would frequently come and play about me, and dance in my Hand. I had now made a good Progrefs in fpeaking the Language. The Emperor had a Mind to divert me with the Shows of the Country, in which they exceed all other Nations in the World, for Dexterity and Magnificence. They are particularly famous for Rope- dancing, which Diverfion is only practis'd by thoſe who ſtand Candidates for high Employ- to LILLIPUT. 19 Employments. They are train'd up to it from their Youth, and are not always of high Birth or Extraction: And whofoever of the Candidates excells in this Art, fuc- ceeds in the vacant Office. The chief Mi- nifters are often commanded to fhew their Skill, to convince the Emperor they retain their Faculty. Flimmap, the Treaſurer, I have feen perform Wonders. Reldrefal, the Se- cretary of State for private Affairs, is fecond to him; and the reſt of the great Officers are much upon a Par. Thefe Diverfions are often attended with broken Limbs, eſpecially upon the Emulation amongſt the Prime Minifters. The dexterous Flimnap had once broke his Neck, had he not fell upon one of the King's Cushions, which accidentally lay on the Ground. There is another Diverfion, which is fhewn only before the Emperor, the Empreſs, and the first Minifter, when his Majefty has a Mind to give fome peculiar Mark of his Favour. The Prizes are Three Silken Threads, One Purple, One Yellow, and the Third White. The Candidates are to ſhew their Dexterity, by leaping over, and creeping under a Stick, which the Emperor holds in his Hand, parallel to the Horizon. Sometimes the Prime Minifter holds one End of it; fometimes he has it entirely to himfelf. The moft active is rewarded 20 A VOYAGE rewarded with the Purple, the next with the Yellow, and the Third with the White, which they all wear girt twice round the Middle. You fee few Perfons of Diftinction about the Court who are not adorn'd with one of thefe Girdles. The Horfes of the Army were no longer fhy; the Riders would leap them over my Hand, as I held it on the Ground. I had the good Fortune one Day to di- vert the Emperor in an extraordinary Man- ner. I defir'd ſeveral Sticks, Two Foot high, fhould be brought me; which was accordingly done next Morning. I took Nine of them, which I fix'd in the Ground in a Quadrangular Form, on the Tops of which I extended my Handkerchief, very tight, making a Ledge with Four other Sticks, rifing about Five Inches above the Handkerchief: This done, I defir'd the Emperor to let a Troop of his beſt Horſe exerciſe upon this Plain. He confented; and I lifted them up one after the other, ready mounted and arm'd, with proper Officers to exercife them; and I may fay I never faw better military Difcipline in any Part of the World. The Sticks above the Handkerchief fecur'd them from fall- ing; and but one Accident happen'd, which proceeded from an Officer's Horfe pawing a Hole in my Handkerchief, which threw T to LILLIPUT. 2 I threw him down; the Horfe ftrain'd his Shoulder, but the Rider got no Hurt. The Emperor had this Diverſion repeated, and was once pleas'd to give the Word of Com- mand himſelf. As I was entertaining the Court with thefe Kind of Exploits, an Ex- preſs was brought, that a great black Sub- ſtance was found lying near the Place where .I was firſt diſcover'd; its Edges extending very wide, and rifing up in the Middle a Man's Heighth, or more; that having got to the Top, they found it even, but found- ed hollow under Foot: This they imagin'd belong'd to the Man Mountain; and, if his Majefty pleas'd, would undertake to bring it. I knew what they meant, and rejoic'd heartily at the Intelligence; for I thought it had been loft at Sea, though I remember it was faftened with a String to my Head, as I was rowing; but by what Accident I loft it, when I came on Shore, I was in fuch Confufion, that I know not: I intreated his Majefty that it might be brought me, and defcrib'd to him the Ufe of it. The next Day it arriv'd, but in no good Condition; for they had bored Holes in the Brim, and faften'd it to a Cord, by which it was dragg'd along the Ground above half a Mile. Two Days after this Adventure, the Emperor having order'd that Part of his Troops quarter'd about 22 A VOYAGE about his Metropolis, confifting of Three Thouſand Foot, and One Thouſand Horſe, to be in Readinefs, diverted himſelf by making them march between my Legs, whilft I ftood like a Coloffus. They were order'd to march with the ftricteft De- cency, upon Pain of Death; which, how- ever, did not prevent fome young Officers from looking upwards as they paffed un- der me; and, to tell you the Truth, my Breeches were in fo ill a Condition at that Time, that they afforded fome Opportu- nities of Laughter and Admiration.~`I had preſented fo many Memorials for my Li- berty, that at length his Majeſty open'd the Matter to his Council, where it was oppos'd only by Skyref Bolgolam, who was Admiral of the Realm, and a Man well vers'd in Fublick Affairs, but of a morofe Temper: However, he was at Jength perfuaded to comply, and drew up the Conditions upon which I was to have my Freedom. Thefe Articles he brought to me himself, attended by Two Under- Secretaries, and feveral Perfons of Diftin- ction. After they were read, I fwore to them, in the Manner of my own Country, and afterwards, according to their Laws, which was by holding my Right-foot in my Left-hand, to place the Middle-finger of my Right-hand on the Crown of my Head, to LILLIPUT. 23 Head, and my Thumb on the Tip of my Right-ear. But, to give you an Idea of the Stile, and Manner of Expreſſion pecu- liar to that People, and the Articles of my Liberty; I have tranflated the whole, which I here offer to the Publick. Golbafto Momaren Evlame Gurdillo She- fin Mully Ully Gue, Delight and Terror of the Univerſe, whofe Dominions extend to the Extremities of the Globe, at whofe Nod the Princes of the Earth tremble; his moſt fublime Majefty propoſeth the following Articles to the Man Mountain, which by folemn Oath he ſhall be oblig'd to perform. 1. He ſhall not depart our Dominions without Leave, under our great Seal. II. He fhall not enter our Metropolis without Order. III. He fhall confine his Walks to the High Roads. IV. As he walks, he fhall take Care that he trample not on our loving Subjects, or wharfoever belongeth to them, or handle them, without their own Confent. V. If 24 A VOYAGE V. If an Expreſs requires Diſpatch, he ſhall be oblig'd to carry the Meffen- ger and Horſe Six Days Journey once a Month, and return him fafe, if fo requir❜d. VI. He fhall be our Ally againſt the People of Blefufcu, and defend us to the Utmoſt of his Might. VII. That he fhall be aflifting to our Workmem, in carrying Stones for our high Walls, and other Buildings. VIII. That the faid Man Mountain fhall in Two Months Time deliver in an exact Survey of the Circumference of our Dominions, by a Computation of his own Paces round the Coaſt. Laftly, That upon his folemn Oath to obferve theſe Articles, he fhall have daily Proviſion, fufficient for One Thousand, Seven Hundred, Twenty Four of our Subjects; and other Marks of Favour. Given at our Falace, at Belfaborac, the 12th Day of the 91ft M0013 of our Reign. I fwore to LILLIPUTUT25 . . I fwore, and fubfcrib'd to theſe Ar- ticles, whereupon I was immediately fet at Liberty in the Prefence of the Em- peror, at whofe Feet I proftrated my- felf; but he commanded me to rilè, and added, after many kind Expreffions, that he hoped fhould continue to deferve his Favours. The Reaſon why Food fufficient for One Thousand, Seven Hundred, Twenty Four of the Natives was allotted me, for my daily Subfiftence, proceeded from an exact Survey the Mathematicians made of my Body, which they found to be in Fro- portion to one of theirs, as One I houſand, Seven Hundred, Twenty Four is to One: So great is the Ingenuity of this People, as well as the prudent and exact OEconomy of the Prince. C CHAP 26 A VOYAGE EXCHODRO BLBSD CHA P. IV. MILDENDO, the Metropolis of LILLIPUT, and the Emperor's Palace, defcribed. The Author's Conversation with the Principal Secretary concerning EUROPE: And bis Offers to ferve the Emperor in his Wars. W HEN I firft had my Liberty, I obtain'd Leave to fee Mildendo, the Metropolis, with ftrict Charge not to hurt the Inhabitants or their Houſes. The People had Notice of my coming, by Proclamation. The Walls of the City are Two Foot and Half high, and Eleven Inches broad, flank'd with ftrong Towers, at Ten Foot Diſtance. I ftept over the Weſtern Gate, and paſs'd fideways along the Two principal Streets in my Waiſtcoat, left I fhould damage the Houſes with the Skirts of my Coat. Strict Orders had been given, that nobody ſhould ftir out of their Doors. It appear❜'d to be a populous Place, by the Number of Inhabitants to LILLIPUT. 27 Inhabitants I faw at the Windows and Tops of the Houſes. The City is Five Hundred Foot fquare, and is divided in- to Quarters by the Two great Streets; abundance of Alleys and Lanes go from them, too narrow for me to enter. The Houfes are from Three to five Stories: The Shops and Markets well provided. At the Meeting of the great Streets is the Emperor's Palace, furrounded by a Wall, which I had the Liberty to ſtep over, but could not fee his Majeſty's Apart- ment, the Gates being very low, without ſtepping over the Houfes into another Court; but was prevented, by the Heighth of the Houfes, which were Five Foot, till by means of Two Stools, which I maa on purpoſe, I could ftep over from one Stool to the other. By this Contrivance I got into the inmoft Court, and lying down on my Side, I difcover'd the moft magnificent Apartments imaginable: I faw the Royal Family, and had the Honour of kiffing her Imperial Majefty's Hand out of the Window. I fhall not trouble the Reader with farther Particulars, de- figning in a fhort Time to publish a gene- ral Deſcription of this Empire. I come now to relate the Tranſactions which hap- pened C 2 28 A VOYAGE pened during my Nine Months Reſidence in that Empire. About a Fortnight after I had obtain'd my Liberty, I had a Vifit from the prin- cipal Secretary Reldrefal, who compliment- ed me on my Liberty, and faid he might pretend to fome Merit in it; and added, that it was occafion'd by the prefent Situa- tion of Affairs at Court: For, faid he, tho' our Condition appears flouriſhing to Foreigners, we labour under Two Evils; Faction at Home, and Danger of Inva- fion from Abroad. As to the Firſt, for Seventy Moons we have had contending Parties, under the Names of Trameckfan and Slameckfan, from the different Heighth of the Heels of their Shoes. It's faid, that high Heels are the moſt agreeable to our ancient Conftitution; but his Ma- jefty admits only of low Heels in the Ad- miniſtration of Government, and the Of fices of the Crown. You may particu- larly obferve that his Majefty's Imperial Heels are lower than the reft of the Court. All Society between the Two Parties is loft by theſe Animofities; tho' we have the high Heels exceed us We imagine, his Imperial Heir to the Crown, tends the Power, in Number Highness, the to- to LILLIPUT. 29 towards the high Heels, for we can dif- cover one of his Heels higher than the other, which makes him limp in his Gait. Now, in the midſt of theſe Diſcontents, we are threaten'd with an Invafion from the Island of Blefufcu, the other large and powerful Empire; for our Philofo- phers give no Credit to what you tell us of other Parts of the World inhabi- ted by Feople of your Size; neither do our oldeft Hiftories mention any other great Empires than Lilliput and Blefuſcu; which Two Powers have been engag'd in War for Six and Thirty Moons paſt, which happen'd on this Occafion. The primitive Way of breaking Eggs before we eat them, was on the larger End; but his prefent Majefty's Grand- father, when he was a Boy, cutting one of his Fingers by breaking an Egg the old Way, the Emperor, his Father, pub- lifh'd an Edict, commanding all his Sub- jects, upon great Penalties, to break the fmalleft End of their Eggs. This Law was fo refented by the People, that Six Rebellions have been rais'd on that Ac- count, in which one Emperor has loſt his Life, and another his Crown. Thefe Commotions have always been fomented C 3 by 30 A VOYAGE by the Monarchs of Blefufcu, which Coun- try is a Place of Refuge for the Exiles. Eleven Thouſand have fuffer'd Death ra- ther than ſubmit to the new Way of breaking their Eggs. Many Hundred Volumes have been publifh'd in this Con- troversy; but thofe of the Big-Endians are prohibited, and themfelves render'd incapable, by Law, of holding Employ- ments. The Emperor of Blefufcu has accus'd us, by his Embaffadors, of ma- king a Schifm in Religion, by offend- ing, in a fundamental Point, againſt the Doctrine of Luftrog, in the 54th Chap- tcr of the Brundecral, which is their Alcoran: But the Text is ftrain'd, for the Words are; All true Believers fhall break their Eggs at the convenient End and which that is, fhould be left to eve- ry Man's Confcience, or to the chief Magiftrate, to determine. The Big-En- dian Exiles have gain'd fo much Cre- dit at the Court of Blefufcu, as to have been able, by their Infinuations, to raife a War, which hath lafted Thirty Six Moons. Great Loffes have been fuftain'd on both Sides; but that of the Enemy is reckon❜d greateft. However, as they threaten a Defcent with a nu- ; merous to LILLIPUT. за merous Fleet, his Majefty, from the Con- fidence he has in your Valour and Strength, order'd me to lay this Account before you. I defir'd, that, with my humble Du- ty to his Majefty, he would affure him I was ready to hazard my Life againſt any Invaders of his Empire. C 4 CHAP. } A VOYAGE 32 REVENGERSONAL) DSO CHA P. V. The Author, by an extraordinary Stratagem, prevents an Invasion: For which he is bonour'd with an high Title. Embaſſa- dors are fent from Blefufcu to fue for Peace. The Emprefs's Apartment being on Fire, the Author faves the rest of the Palace. T HE Ifland of Blefufcu is fitua- ted to the North-East of Lil- liput; from whence it is fepa- rated only by a fmall Channel, whofe greateſt Depth, in the Middle, at High-Water, is about Six Foot, in other Flaces Five. As they had receiv'd no Ac- count of me, all Intercourfe between the Two Empires being forbidden, I com- municated to his Majefty a Project of feizing the Enemy's whole Fleet. I went and took a View of it from behind a Hill, with my Perfpective Glafs; and when 1 E to LILLIPUT. 33 when I came home, obtain'd a Warrant for a Quantity of Cables and Iron Bars. The Cables were like Packthread, and the Bars of Iron of the Size of Knit- ting Needles; but this I made fit for my Purpoſe, by twifting Three of them together, and bent the End of the Wire into a Hook. 1 provided Fifty Hooks, faften'd to as many Cables, which an- fwer'd the Number of the Enemy's Fleet; then pulling off my Coat, Shoes, and Stockings, I waded till I came near the Middle, and with little fwimming I foon came to the Fleet. At my Approach, the Enemy foon left their Ships: I then took my Tackling, and faften'd a Hook to the Prow of each Ship, and tied the Ends of all the Cords together. But, during the Time of this Employment, the Enemy fo pefter'd my Hands and Face with their Arrows, that my Eyes were in Danger, till I bethought myfelf of a Pair of Spectacles I had in my Pocket, which prov'd an excellent Shield for my Eyes, againſt thofe fmall Arrows. I had now faften'd all my Hooks, and taking the Knot in my Hand, began to pull, but could not ftir a Ship; because of the Anchors. I refolucely cut all the Cables with my Knife, that faften'd the Anchors, C 5 and 34 AVOYAGE and then, with the greateſt Eafe, drew Fifty of their largeſt Men of War after me. The Blefufcudians, aftonifh'd at what I was doing, only imagin'd my Defign was to let the Ships run a-drift; but when they perceiv'd the whole Fleet mo- ving after me, 'tis impoffible to conceive their Marks of Grief and Deſpair. When I was out of the Reach of their Arrows, I ſtopp'd, and pick'd out thoſe which Stuck in my Hands and Face, and anoint- ed them with fome Ointment that was given me at my firft Arrival; and wait- ing till it was Low-Water, I waded over with my Cargo, and arriv'd fafe at the Royal Port of Lilliput. The Emperor and the whole Court, who ftood on the Shore, expecting the Event of this Ad- venture, were much much in Pain whilſt I was up to the Chin in Water. They faw the Ships move forward, without difcerning me, and concluded the Fleet was failing in an hoftile Manner, and that I was drowned. But their Fears foon diffipated as I drew nigh, and when I came within Hearing, I cry'd in a loud Voice, Long live the moft Puiffant Emperor of Lilliput. The Prince re- ceiv'd me on Shore with the greateſt Encomiums, and gave me the higheſt Title to LILLIPUT. 35 Title of Honour among them. So vaft is the Ambition of Princes, that his Ma- jefty defir'd I would take an Opportu- nity of bringing the reft of the Enemy's Ships; and then propos'd to reduce that Kingdom into a Province, and deſtroy the Big-Endian Exiles, By many Ar- guments, drawn from the Topicks of Po- licy and Juftice, I endeavour'd to divert his Defign; and told him I would not be an Inſtrument of bringing a free and brave People to Slavery. After ferious Debates in Council, my Opinion was agreed to by the wifeft Part of the Miniſtry. This Declaration of mine agreed fo ill with his Majefty's Politicks, that he frequently mention'd it, by Way of Reflection, which was farther ftrength. ned by fome Infinuations of my private Enemies And from this Time, his Ma- jefty and a Junto of Minifters form'd an Intrigue, which in Two Months had like to have ended in my Deſtruction. Of fo little Weight are the greateſt Ser- vices done to Princes, when balanc'd againſt a Refuſal to gratify their Paf- fions. About Three Weeks after, Six Embaffadors were fent from Blefaron, with humble Offers of Feace, which was foon concluded, to the Advantage of our Em- perox 36 A VOYAGE peror. When the Treaty was ended, wherein I ufed what Intereft I had at Court in their Favour, I receiv'd a for- mal Vifit from their Excellencies, who made me many Compliments on my Va- lour and Generofity, and defir'd me to give them fome Proof of my Strength, in which I readily oblig'd them. After I had given Proof of my Strength to their Satisfaction and Surprize, I de- fired they would do me the Honour to preſent my moft humble Refpects to the Emperor, their Mafter, whofe Virtues had fo juftly fhone, to the Admiration of Mankind, and whofe Royal Perfon I refolv❜d to attend, before I return'd to my own Country. Accordingly, the firſt 'Time I had the Honour to ſee our Em- peror, he granted me Leave, at my Re- queft, to wait on the Blefufcudian Mo- narch; but with that Indifference, that I could not guess the Reafon, till it was whiſper'd to me by a certain Per- fon, that Flimmap and Bolgolam had re- prefented my Intercourfe with the Am- baffadors as a Mark of Difaffection: Hence I began to have an imperfect Idea of Courts and Minifters. It is to be re- mark'd, that thefe Ambaffadors ſpoke to me by an Interpreter; the Languages of to LILLIPUT. 37 1 of both Empires differing as much from each other, as any two in Europe, and each Nation valuing itfelf on the Beauties and Antiquity of its own. However, thro' the Trade and Commerce between them, together with the Cuſtom of each Empire's fending their young Nobility to poliſh themſelves in the Underſtanding of Men and Manners, there are Perfons of Diftin- ction that can hold Converfation in both Tongues, as I found after; which, in the midst of my Misfortunes, through the Malice of my Enemies, prov'd of fingular Service. It was not long before I had an Oppor- tunity of being uſeful to his Majefty, oc- cafion'd by a Fire which broke out in her Imperial Majefty's Apartment, which was occafion'd thro' the Neglect of a Chamber- maid. I was alarm'd at Midnight by the People, to come to their Affiftance, who had already apply'd Ladders to the Walls of the Apartment, and were well provi- ded with Buckets, but the Water was at fome Diſtance. I was fupply'd with what Water they had; but, thro' the Smallneſs of the Buckets, it did little good. In this Exigency, if I had not thought of an Expedient, the whole Palace had been burnt to the Ground. I had, the Night before, 38 A VOYAGE before, drank plentifully of a Sort of Wine which prov'd very diuretick, and luckily happening to operate at this Time, I voided it in fuch Quantity, that in Three Minutes the Fire was extinguifh'd. I went home, without waiting to congratulate with his Majefty, left he ſhould refent the Man- ner by which I perform'd it; for no body is permitted to make Water within the Precincts of the Palace, on Pain of Capi- tal Punishment. The Emperor would freely have pardon'd me, had not the Em- preſs conceiv'd fuch an Abhorrence at the Action, that fhe remov'd to the moſt di- ſtant Part of the Court, and refolv'd thofe Buildings fhould never be repair'd for her Ufe. CHAP. to LILLIPUT. 39 1 CHAP. VI. Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput. Their Learn- ing, Laws, and Customs. The Manner of Educating their Children. The Author's Way of Living in the Country. His Vin- dication of a great Lady. A Ltho' I intend to defer giving a particular Hiſtory of this Em- pire, I fhall however make fome general Obfervations upon it. As the common Size of the Natives is under Six Inches high, the fame Propor- tion extends throughout all other Animals and Vegetables of the Empire, and Na- ture has adapted the Eyes of the Lillipu- tians proportionate to the Objects before them. As an Inftance of this Symmetry, I cant help obferving, that I faw a Cook pulling a Lark not fo large as a common Fly, and a young Girl threading a Needle, inviſible to me, with invifible Silk. Í could juſt reach to the Tops of their higheft Trees. Learning has flouriſh'd for many Ages among them, in all its Bran- ches; but their Manner of Writing is very peculiar, 40 A VOYAGE { peculiar, being neither from left to right, or right to left, or from upwards down, or from downward up; but from one Corner of the Paper to the other, like La- dies in England. They bury their Dead with their Heads downwards, from an Opi- nion that the Earth in Eleven Thouſand Moons will tnrn upſide down, by which means they will be found ftanding on their Feet at the Refurrection. Which Doctrine is rejected by the Learned, though the Practice continues in Compliance to the Vulgar. There are feveral Laws, though contrary to thofe of my own Country, I wiſh were as well executed. The firft re- lates to Informers. All Enemies againſt the State are punuifh'd here with the ut- moſt Severity: But if the Perfon accuſed appears innocent upon his Trial, the Ac- cufer is put to Death, and full Compen- fation made to the innocent Perfon for his Hardſhip and Charges, and his Inno- cence proclaimed throughout the City. Fraud is puniſh'd with Death here, as being a Crime againſt which Honeſty has no Fence, whilft Care and Vigilancy is Se- curity againſt common Theft: For fince Credit is neceffary in Trade, where Fraud is permitted and connived at, or hath no Law to punish it, the honeſt Dealer is kept under, to LILLIPUT. 41 A under, and the Knave gets the Advan- tage. I once interceded with the King for a Criminal who had run away with his Maſter's Money, which he had received upon Order, and, to extenuate his Crime, faid it was a Breach of Truſt only; he was furprized that I fhould offer that in Defence which was the greateft Aggrava- tion of that Crime; which made me hear- tily afham'd. Although Rewards and Pu- niſhments are the Hinges of Government, no Nation puts this Maxim in Practice but that of Lilliput: Where, if a Man can bring fufficient Proof that he has ftrictly obſerved the Laws of his Country Seventy- three Moons, he has feveral Privileges grant- ed him, with a Sum of Money. When I told them our Laws were inforc'd by Pe- nalties only, they thought it a great Defect. It is on this Account that the Image of Juftice, in their Courts of Judicature, is formed with fix Eyes, two before, as many behind, and one of each Side, to fignify Circumfpection; with a Bag of Gold in the right Hand; in the Left, a Sword undrawn, to fhew fhe is more dif- poſed to reward than punish. In chufing Perfons for Employments, more Regard is had to their Morals than Abilities, and believing that Providence never intended the 42 A VOYAGE the Management of publick Affairs a My- ftery, imagine they are adapted to the Ca- pacity of common Underſtandings; and as Truth, Juftice, and Temperance, are in every Man's Power, the Practice of thofe Virtues, affifted by Experience, may qua- lify a Man to ferve his Country except where a Courfe of Study is requir'd. But they think the want of Moral Virtues, fo far from being fupply'd by fuperior En- dowments of the Mind, that Employments cannot be put into more dangerous Hands; and, at leaſt, that an ignorant Miſtake, in a virtuous Mind, can never be of fuch fatal Confequences as the corrupt Practices of a Man able to multiply and defend his Corruptions. In like manner the disbelieving a Divine Providence incapacitates a Man of holding any publick Station: For fince Kings are the Deputies of Providence, they think it very abfurd in a Prince to employ a Man who difowns the Authority under which he acts: I mean here only the Laws originally inſtituted, and free from the Corruptions that have ſince crept in amongſt them. As to the acquiring great Offices, by the infamous Practice of Rope-dancing, it was introduc'd by his prefent Majefty's Grandfather, and height- ned by the Increaſe of Party and Faction. Ingratitude, 1 to LILLIPUT. 43 Ingratitude is punifh'd with Death, for, they fay, whoever makes ill Returns to his Benefactor, muſt be an Enemy to the reſt of Mankind to whom he is not oblig'd, and therefore not fit to live. The Lilli- putians differ from us in their Notions of the Duty of Parents and Children; and hold, that the great Law of Nature acts in us, as in other Animals, by the Motives of Concupifcence, to propagate our own Species, and that the Tenderneſs towards the Young proceeds from the fame Princi- ple. They, therefore, think the Child is under no Obligation to its Parents for bringing it into the World. For thefe Reafons the Parents ought leaſt to be truſted in the Education of their Chil- dren, and therefore they have publick Nurferies for their Education from Twen- ty Moons old, to the Age of Fif teen Years. Thefe Schools are fuited to the different Qualities and Con- ditions of the Parents, for both Sexes. The Nurferies, for Males of noble Birth, are provided with learned Profeffors, under whom they are bred in the Principles of Honour, Juftice, Religion, and Love of their Country. All their Time is employ'd in Study, except that of eating, and two Hours Diverſion, which is daily allow'd them 44 A VOYAGE them in Bodily Exercife. At four Years of Age they drefs themfelves, and have aged Women to perform their menial Offices. To avoid the early bad Impreffi- ons of Folly and Vice, they are not fuffer'd to converfe with Servants, and take their Diverſions in the Prefence of the Profeffor, or one of his Deputies. Their Parents are allow'd to ſee them twice a Year, and then but an Hour: They may kifs them at mecting and parting, but are not fuf- fer'd to whiſper, or ufe any fondling Ex- preffions. The Penfion, for the Education of a Child, upon failure of Payment, is levy'd by the Emperor's Officers. The Nurſeries for Children, of an inferior Rank, are manag'd after the fame Manner, only thoſe deſign'd for Trades are put out Ap- prentices at Eleven Years Old, which an- fwers to One and Twenty with us. In the Female Nurferies, the Manner of Edu- cation is almoſt the fame, only they are attended by Servants of their own Sex, and have a fmaller Compafs of Learning injoyn'd them. And if it be found that thefe Nurſes entertain the Girls with fright- ful Stories, too common among us, they are publickly whipt through the City, im- prifon'd for a Year, and baniſh'd to the moſt remote Part of the Country. Thus the young to LILLIPUT. 45 young Ladies there are as much afham'd of appearing Cowards and Fools, as the Men, and defpife all perfonal Ornaments beyond Cleanlinefs and Decency. When they are Twelve Years of Age, or mar- riageable, they arc taken Home by their Parents with Expreffions of Gratitude to the Profeffors for their Care. In the Nur- feries of Females, of the meaner Sort, they are inftructed in Works proper for their Sex. The moft mean, who have Chil- dren at theſe Nurfcries, pay a Share of what they get monthly, befides the an- nual Penfion, which ferves afterward to be a Portion for the Child: For they think it moſt unjuft, that People ſhould have Children to be a Burthen to the Publick. Labourers and Cottagers Children are kept at Home to cultivate the Earth. The infirm are fupported in Hofpitals: For no Beggars are allow'd in the King- dom. It may divert the Reader to give fome Account of my Manner of Living in this Country. I made my felf a Table and Chair, out of the largeft Trees I could get. Two Hundred Sempftreffes were em- ploy'd in making me a Shirt, Sheets, and Table Linnen. They took Meaſure of the Length of my Body with a Cord, and then of the Thicknefs of my right Thumb, by 46 A VOYAGE + by which Means they computed the Big- neſs of the reſt of my Body. The Three Hundred Taylors, who were employ'd to make me Cloaths, contrived otherwife; they raiſed a Ladder againſt me as I was kneeling, upon which one of them mount- ed, and let fall a Plumb-Line from my Collar to the Floor, which anſwered the Length of my Coat; but my Waift and Arms I meafured my felf. When they were finish'd, which was done at my Houfe; they look'd like Patch-work, only they were all of a Colour. Three Hun- dred Cooks, who had convenient Huts about my Houfe, drefs'd my Victuals, and prepared two Diſhes a piece. I took up Twenty Waiters on the Table; the reſt attended below, to fling the Diſhes of Meat and Liquors I wanted, which the others drew up by Cords. The Meat was fo fmall, that a Surloin of Beef ferved only for three Bits, the reſt in Proportion. His Imperial Majefty had the Curiofity of feeing me dine, attended by his Trea- furer Flimmap, who look'd at me with a four Countenance, which I feem'd not to regard, but eat more than'ufual, to fill his Majefty with Admiration. I have Reafon to believe this Vifit from his Majefty gave Flimmap an Opportunity of doing me ill Offices. to LILLIPUT. 47 { er his Offices. He had always been my fecret Enemy, though he outwardly carefs'd me, and repreſented to the Emperor, the low Condition of the Treafury; the Diſcount in circulating Exchequer Bills; the vaſt Sums I had coft him, for which Reafons he adviſed him to diſmiſs me. 1 am here obliged to vindicate the Reputation of an excellent Lady, who was an innocent uf- ferer upon my Account. The Trea took it in his Head to be jealo s Wife: Some malicious Tongues F ng informed him, that he had anti- on to my Perfon, and that the once pa d me a private Vifit. This I folemnly declare to be a moſt infamous Falfhood, but muſt ſay fhe was pleafed to treat me with all inno- cent Marks of Freedom and Friendship. I own the often came publickly, but not without her Sifter and young Daughter, and fome other Acquaintance, as other Ladies did. I appeal to my Servants, whether, when a Coach ftopt at my Door, they were ignorant who were in it. On thefe Occafions, upon my Servants No- tice, I went and paid my Refpects, and then took up the Coach and Horfes, and fet them upon my Table. I have had four Coaches at once upon it, full of Com- pany, and have paffed the Afternoon very agreeably 48 A VOYAGE agreeably in their Converfations. But I defy the Treaſurer, and his Informers, Cluftril and Drunlo, to prove I have re- ceiv'd any Perfon Incognito, except Reldre- fal, who was fent by his Majefty's Com- mand. I had not dwelt fo long upon this, if the Lady's Reputation was not nearly concern'd, to fay nothing of my own, though I had the Honour to be a Nardac, and the Treafurer only a Clum- glum, a Title a Degree inferior, but has the Precedence in the Right of his Poft. Thefe Informations occafion'd Flimnep to fhew his Lady an ill Face, and me a worfe; he was at laft reconcil'd to her, but from that Time my Intereſt declin'd, the Emperor being over-rul'd by his Fa- vourite. CHAP. to LILLIPUT. 49 SANOHAVICE CONTAC CHAP. VII The Auther being inform'd of a Deſign to accufe him of High Treafon efcapes to Blefufcu. His Reception there. Efore I give an Account of my leaving this Kingdom, I muit inform you of a private In- trigue which had been carried on against me for two Months. I had in- deed heard of the Difpofition of Princes, and Courts, but from the Meannefs of my Condition was unqualified for them: Neither could I have thought to find fuch terrible Effects of them in a foreign Coun- try. As I was preparing to wait on the Emperor of Blefufcu, a confiderable Per- fon, whom I had ferv'd when under Dif- grace, came privately to my Houſe in a Chair, and defired Admittance, without fending his Name. The Chairmen were difmiffed: I put the Chair, with his Lord- fhip, into my Pocket, and gave Orders to day I was indifpos'd, and gone to Bed. Ifet D the 50 A VOYAGE the Chair upon the Table, and obferving his Lordship full of Concern, I inquired into the Reaſon, and he defired me to hear him in a Matter that concern'd my Honour and Life. Several Committees of Council have been held on your Account, and two Days fince his Majefty came to a Refolution. You are fenfible that Skeyris Bolgolam, the High Admiral, is your Enemy, whofe Glory you have obſcur'd as Admiral, by your Succefs againſt Blefufcu. This Lord, in Conjunction with Flimnap, Limloc the General, Lalcon the Chamber- lain, and Balmuft the Grand Jufticiary, have prepared Articles of Impeachment against you for Treafon, and other Crimes. Confcious of my Innocence, I was going to interrupt him, but he defir'd my Si- lence, and faid, that, in Gratitude for paſt Favours, he had got a Copy of the whole Proceedings, at the Hazard of his Head. The Four principal Articles in Subſtance are theſe, First, That according to a Statute, made in the Reign of Calin Deffar Plune, you are liable to the Penalties of High Treafon, for making Water within the Precincts of the Royal Palace; moſt maliciouſly, traiterouſly, and to LILLIPUT. 5¢ and devilishly, under Colour of ex- tinguiſhing the Fire in her Imperial Majeſty's Apartment. Secondly, That like a falfe Traitor to his Serene Imperial Majefty, you re- fuſed to ſeize the other Ships of the Empire of Blefufcu, and reduce it to a Province, by which Means an End might have been put to the Big Endian Herefy in that Iſland; upon Pretence of being unwilling to Force the Confciences, or deftroy the Lives and Liberties of an innocent People. Thirdly, That you did aid, abet, comfort, and divert, the Embaffadors of Ble- fufcu, who came to fue for Peace, although you knew them to be Ser- vants to a Prince who had lately been in open War againſt his Imperial Majefty. Fourthly, That contrary to the Duty of a faithful Subject, you are now preparing to make a Voyage to the Court of Blefufcu, only upon verbal Licence from his Majefty; and, un- der Colour of the faid Licence, do falfly and traiteroufly intend to take D 2 the 52 A VOYAGE the faid Voyage, with a Defign to aid, comfort, and abet, the Empe- ror of Blefufcu, fo lately in open War with his Imperial Majefty. There are fome other Articles, but theſe are the moſt important. I affure you his Majefty gave feveral Marks of his Lenity in the Debates upon this Impeach- ment, often urging the Services you had done him, and endeavouring to extenuate your Crimes: But the Treaſurer and Ad- miral infifted that you ſhould be put to the moſt painful and ignominious Death, by fetting your Houfe on Fire by Night, and the General to attend with Twenty Thouſand Men, armed with poifoned Ar- rows, to fhoot you on the Face and Hands. Some of your Servants were to have pri- vate Orders to ftrew a poiſonous Juice on your Shirts, which would make you tear your own Fleſh, and die in the greateſt Agonies. The General came into this Opinion: But his Majeſty brought off the Chamberlain, refolving to fave your Life, if poffible. Reldrefal, the principal Se- cretary for private Affairs, was command- ed to give his Opinion, which he did, and therein juftified the good Thoughts you entertain'd of him. He allowed your Crimes to LILLIPUT. 53 Crimes were great, but that there was ſtill Room for Mercy, the moſt commendable Virtue in Princes, and for which his Ma- jefty was fo juftly renown'd. He faid, the Friendſhip between you was fo well known, that he might be thought partial; however, in Obedience to his Majefty's Command, he would offer his Sentiments: That if his Majefty, from his Merciful Dif- polition, would fpare your Life, in Con- fideration of paſt Services, and only order your Eyes to be put out, that, in his humble Opinion, Justice would be fa- tisfy'd in fome meafure, and Mankind would extol the Lenity of his Majeſty, and the generous Proceedings of his Coun- fellors. That you might be uſeful to his Majefty by your Strength, after the Lofs of your Eyes. That Blindneſs is an Ad- dition to Courage, by concealing Danger from us. That in the Enterprize againſt the Enemy's Fleet, the Fear of your Eyes was the greateſt Difficulty, and that it you faw by the Eyes of the Minifters it was fufficient, fince the greateſt Princes do no more. This Propofal was rejected by the whole Board. The Admiral rofe in a Paffion, and faid, He wondered how the Secretary durft give his Opinion for faving the Life of a Traytor, whofe very Ser- vices D 3. 54 A VOYAGE vices were Aggravations of his Crimes; urging, that you who are able to extin- guish fuch Fires by Difcharge of Urine, might raiſe an Inundation, and drown the whole Palace; and that the fame Strength, which enabled you to bring the Enemy's Fleet, might ferve, upon the leaſt Diſcon- tent, to carry it back. That he had Rea- fons to think you was a Big-Endian in your Heart; and, as Treafon begins in the Heart, before it appears in Övert Acts; fo he accuſed you as a Traytor, and there- tore infifted you ſhould be put to Death. The Treaſurer, who was of the fame Opi- nion, fet forth the Streights his Majefty's Revenue was reduced to by the Charge of maintaining you: That the Secretary's Expedient of putting out your Eyes, fo far from being a Remedy, would increaſe that Evil; as is manifeft from that Practice of blinding Fowl that they may feed faſter, and be the fooner fat: That his Majefty and Council, who are your Judges, being fully convinc'd of your Guilt, was fuf- ficient to condemn you without formal Proofs. But his Majefty, determin'd againſt Capital Punishment, was pleas'd to ſay, that fince the Lofs of your Eyes was thought too eafy, fome other might be inflicted hereafter. Your Friend the Secre- to LILLIPUT. 55 Secretary humbly defiring to be heard again, anfwer'd to what the Treaſurer had faid concerning the great Charge his Majefty was at in maintaining you, by telling him, as he had the fole Difpofal of the Emperor's Revenue, he might gradually leffen your Eſtabliſhment; by which means, for want of Food, you would decay in few Months, and that the Stench of your Carcafs then would not be fo dangerous: That your Flesh might be cut from the Bones, and Five or Six Thouſand Men take it away in two or three Days, leaving the Skeleton as a Mo- nument of Admiration to Pofterity. Thus the Affair was com-promifed, by your Friend the Secretary. The Project of ftarving you was ftrictly enjoin'd to be kept fecret: But the other Sentence was entered on the Books, none diffenting but Bolgolam, who, being a Creature of the Emprefs's, was continually initigated by her to infift on your Death, her Malice having begun from the Time you took that infamous Method of extinguiſhing the Fire in her Apartment. In three Days the Secretary will be order'd to come and read the Articles to you, and then fignify the Lenity of his Majefty, and the Puniſh- ment to be inflicted, which his Majefty D 4 doth 56 A VOYAGE doth not queftion you will humbly fub- mit to. Twenty of his Majefty's Sur- geons will attend to fee the Operation well perform'd, which will be by fharp Arrows difcharg'd into the Balls of your Eyes as you lie down. Take what Meaſures your Prudence directs; and, to avoid Su- fpicion, I must return immediately as pri- vately as I came. He did fo, and left me alone under many Doubts and Per- plexities of Mind. It was a Cuſtom in- troduc'd by this Prince and Miniftry (different from the Practices of former Times) that after the Decree of any cruel Execution, to gratify the Monarch's Re- fentment, or the Malice of a Favourite, the Emperor made a Speech to his Court, expreffing his I.enity and Tenderness con- fefs'd by all the World. This Speech was immediately publifh'd through the Kingdom. The more thefe Encomiums were enlarged, or infifted on, the People obferv'd, the more inhuman was the Pu- niſhment, and the Perfon more innocent. As to my felf, I was fo little a Courtier that I could not difcover the Lenity of the Sentence, but thought it rather rigo- rous than gentle : I fometimes thought of ſtanding my Trial; for, though I could not deny the Facts, I hoped they would admit to LILLIPUT. 57 admit of fome Extenuation. But having obferv'd, in many State Trials, that they always terminated as the Judge di- rected, I would not rely on fo dange- rous a Decifion against fuch powerful Enemies. Once I was bent upon Re-. fiftance, knowing I could eafily fubdue: the whole Empire, and deſtroy the Me-- tropolis with Stones; but remembring the Oath I had made to the Emperor, and the Title of Nardac, which he had ho- nour'd me with, I rejected that Project with Horror.. At laft, I fixed upon a Refolution, for which I may probably incur fore Cenfure, and not unjustly, for, I confefs, I owe the preferving my Eyes and Liberty to my own Rafhneſs, becauſe had I known then the Nature of Princes and Minifters, I have fince obferv'd at other Courts, and their Me- thods of treating Criminals, lefs obnoxi- ous than my felf, I fhould here fully have fubmitted to the Punishment. But, hurry'd on by my Youth, and having his Majefty's Licence to go to Blefufiu, I took this Opportunity, before the three Days elapfed, to acquaint my Friend the Secretary with my Refolution of fetting out to Blefufcu that Morning; and with- out waiting an Anfwer, went to the D 5 Side 58 A VOYAGE Side of the Inland where the Fleet lay. 1 feized a large Man of War, and faſt- ning a Cable to the Prow, I ftripp'd, and put my Cloaths and Coverlet (which I brought under my Arm) into the Veffel, and drawing it after me, got fafe to the Royal Port of Blefufcu, where they expected me. I had two Guides to the Capital City, which is of the fame Name. I held them in my Hands, till I came near the Gates of the City, and defired they would fignify my Arrival to the Secretary, and let him know I waited his Majefty's Commands. I had Anſwer, That in an Hour, his Majefty, attended by the Royal Family, was coming to receive me. I advanced to meet the Emperor, and his Train, who alighted from their Coaches, with- out any Concern. I kiffed his Majefty's and the Emprefs's Hand as I lay on the Ground; and, told him, I came ac- eording to my Promife, and with the Licence of the Emperor my Mafter, to have the Honour of feeing fo great a Monarch, to offer what Service was confiftent with the Duty to my Prince. I mention'd nothing of my Difgrace, nei- ther could I reafonably conceive the Em- peror would diſcover the Secret when I was not in his Power but herein I ; foon to LILLIPUT. 59 foon found my felf deceived. I fhall not trouble my Reader with a particu- lar Account of my Reception, which was fuitable to the Generoſity of the Prince, nor of the Difficulties I under- went for want of Houſe and Bed; being forced to lie on the Ground, wrapt up in my Coverlet. CHA P. 60 A VOYAGE CHAP. VIII. The Author luckily finds Means to leave BLEFUSCU: And, after fome Diffi- culties, returns to his native Country. HREE Days after my Arri- val, my Curiofity leading me to view the Coaft, I obfer- ved, about a League off at I Sea, fomewhat like a Boat overſet. pulled off my Shoes and Stockings, and wading Two or Three Hundred Yards, I found the Tide drove the Object nigher, and then found it was a real Boat; which, 1 fuppos'd, might have been driven from a Ship by a Storm. Whereupon I re- turn'd, to the City and obtain'd Leave to have Twenty of the largeſt. Veffels of the Fleet left, and Three Thoufand Seamen, under the Command of a Vice- Admiral. The Fleet fail'd round, while I went the neareſt Way to the Coaft: 1 found it was driven nearer; and when the Ships came up, I ftripp'd and fwam up to LILLIPUT. 61 up to it. The Seamen threw me Cord- age, which I had provided before: This I faften'd to the Head of the Boat, and the other End to a Man of War, but was ftill forc'd to fwim behind, and puſh it forward as often as I could. The Tide favouring me, I advanc'd till I could feel Ground. I waited to reſt a little, and faſtening the Boat to Nine of the Ships, the Wind being fair, we brought her near the Shore; where, when the Tide was out, by the Affiftance of Two Thousand Men, we turn'd her, and found her but little damag'd. I fhall not trouble the Reader with the Difficulties I had of getting the Boat to the Royal Port of Blefufcu, where a vaft Concourfe of People appear'd, full of Wonder, to fee a Veffel to large. I told the Emperor, good Fortune had thrown this in my Way, that I might return Home; and begg'd proper Materials to fit it up, and his Leave to depart; which, after fome kind Expoftulations, he granted. I wonder'd no Exprefs had been fent, relating to me, from our Emperor to the Court of Ble- fufcu; but afterwards underſtood his Im- perial Majefty only thought I was gone to Blefufcu in Performance of my Pro- mife, but finding I did not return, he at 62 A VOYAGE at length confulted the Treaſurer, and the reſt of the Cabal, who advis'd him to fend a Perfon of Diftinction, with a Copy of the Articles, againft me. The Envoy had Inftructions to repreſent the Lenity of his Mafter in the Punishment affign'd; that I had fled from Juſtice; and if I did not return in Two Hours, fhould be depriv'd of my Title, and de- clar'd a Traitor. And farther added, that in order to maintain the Peace and Amity between the Two Nations, he expected I fhould be fent back to Lil- liput, bound Hand and Foot, to be pu- nifh'd as a Traitor. The Emperor of Blefufcu, after Three Days Confideration, return'd this Anfwer: That as for fending me bound, his Bro- ther knew it was impoffible; that altho' I had depriv'd him of his Fleet, he was ftill oblig'd to me for my good Offices in making the Peace; that both their Majefties would foon be made eafy, for I had found a prodigious Veffel on Shore, able to carry me to Sea, which was fitting up, by his own Direction; and that both Empires would foon be freed from fo infupportable an Incumbrance. The Envoy return'd to Lilliput with this Anſwer, and the Monarch of Ble- fujou to LILLIPUT. 63 { 1 fufcu told me all that had pafs'd, offer- ing his gracious Protection (but with the ftricteft Confidence) if I would ſtay in his Service. I thank'd him, and begg'd to be excus'd; refolving never more to place any Confidence in Princes and Mi- nifters, when I could avoid it. I told him, that fince Fortune, whether good or bad, had thrown this Veffel in my Way, I refolv'd to venture on the Ocean, rather than be the Occafion of Difference between Two fuch mighty Monarchs. I diſcover'd afterwards that he was very glad of my Refolution, and fo were moſt of his Minifters. Upon theſe Confide- rations, I haften'd my Departure, to which the Court, impatient to have me gone, readily contributed. Five Hun- dred Workmen were employ'd to make me Sails; Cables and Ropes I made my- felf, by twifting Twenty or Thirty of the ſtrongeſt of theirs together; a large Stone I found on the Sea Shore, ferv'd me for an Anchor; I had the Tallow of Three Hundred Cows to greaſe my Boat ; and was at incredible Pains in cutting down the largeſt Trees for Oars and Mafts, wherein I was affiſted by his Majefty's Ship - Carpenter in fmoothing the Work. All being ready in about a Month, 64 A VOYAGE Month, I fent to receive his Majefty's Commands, and take Leave. The Em- peror, with his Family, came out of the Palace, and graciously gave me his Hand to kifs, as I lay down; fo did the Em- prefs, and the Princes of the Blood. His Majefty made me a Prefent of Fifty Purfes, of Two Hundred Sprugs each, with his Picture at Length, which I put into my Glove to preferve it. The Cere- monies at parting are too many to trouble the Reader with. I took Provifion, con- fifting of an Hundred Oxen, and Three Hundred Sheep, with Bread and Drink proportionable, and as much Meat as Four Hundred Cooks could provide. I took Six Cows and Two Bulls alive, in- tending to propagate the Breed, and had Hay and Corn to feed them. I would have taken fome of the Natives, but his Majeſty had engag'd my Honour not to carry away any of his Subjects, altho' with their own Confent. All Things be- ing prepar'd, I fet fail on the 24th of September, 1701; and being about Four Leagues to the Northward, the Wind at South-Eaſt, I defcry'd a fmall Iſland about Half a League to the North-Weft. 1 caft Anchor on the left Side of the lfland, which feem'd uninhabited; took fome to LILLIPUT. 65 i fome Refreſhment, and went to reft. I flept well, till within Two Hours of Day- break; I eat my Breakfaſt before Sun- rife; and the Wind being fair, I hea- ved Anchor, and fteer'd my Courſe the fame as the Day before, wherein I was directed by a Pocket Compafs. My In- tention was to reach one of thoſe Iſlands, which I had Reafon to believe lay North- Eaft of Van Diemen's Land. I difcover'd nothing that Day, but the next in the Afternoon, being about Twenty Four Leagues from Blefufcu, by Computation, I defcry'd a Sail, fteering to the South- Eaft: My Courfe was due Eaft; I hail'd her, but had no Anſwer; the Wind flack- ning, I gain'd upon her, and in Half an Hour fhe efpy'd me, and hung out her Ancient, and difcharg'd a Gun. My Joy was inexpreffible, at the Hopes I had of feeing my native Country, but more when I perceiv'd fhe had Engli Colours. I put my Cows and Sheep into my Pockets, and got on Board with my fmall Cargo of Provifions. It was an English Veffel returning from Japan by the North and South Seas, the Captain Mr. John Biddel, of Deptford, a civil Man, and a good Sailor. We were in 32° South Latitude, and here I met with an 66 A VOYAGE an old Comrade, Peter Williams, who gave me a good Character to the Cap- tain. He us'd me kindly, and defired to know whence I came, and whither I was bound. I told him in few Words, but he thought me diſtracted, till I pro- duc'd the fmall Cattle, which convinc'd him of my Veracity: I fhew'd him the Money given me by the Emperor of Blefufcu, with his Majefty's Picture: I gave Two Purſes, of Two Hundred Sprugs each, and promis'd him a Cow, and Sheep, big with Young, when we came to England. I fhall not trouble the Rea- der with the Particulars of this Voyage, which was profperous for the moſt Part. We arriv'd in the Downs the 13th of April, 1702. I had only one Misfor- tune, that the Rats run away with one of my Sheep, which I found in a Hole, the Fleſh pick'd from the Bones. reft of my Cattle I got fafe on Shore, which fed heartily upon the Graſs in Green- wich Bowling-Green. I could not have preferv'd them fo long a Voyage, had not the Captain allow'd me fome fine. Bisket, which I mix'd with Water for their conftant Food. I made a confi- derable Profit of them, the fhort Time I ftay'd in England, by fhewing them The to to LILLIPUT. 67 to Perfons of Quality, and fold them at laft for Six Hundred Pounds. The Breed is much encreas'd, efpecially the Sheep, which, I hope, will prove advan- tageous to the Woollen Manufactory, from the Fineneſs of the Fleece. Iftay'd but Two Months with my Wife and Family; my inſatiable Defire of feeing foreign Countries would not fuffer me to continue longer. I left Fifteen Hundred Pounds with my Wife, and fix'd her in a Houſe at Redriff; the Remainder I carry'd with me, to improve it. I had, befides this, an Eſtate of Thirty Pounds a Year left me by my Uncle, and a Leaſe of the Black- Bull in Fetter-Lane; fo that my Family was provided for. My Boy and Girl were both at School, but I took my Leave of them and my Wife, and went on Board the Adventure, a Merchant Man, bound to Surat, Captain John Nicholas, of Liverpool, Commander. But fhall refer my Account of this Voyage to the Second Part of my Travels. The End of the First Part. TRAVELS TRAVELS F INTO SEVERAL Remote NATIONS OF THE WORLD. By Capt. LEMUEL GULLIVER. PART II. A Voyage to BROBDINGNAG. LONDON: Printed in the Year MDCCXXVII. [71] THE CONTENTS. A CHA P. I. Great Storm happen'd. The long Boat fent to fetch Water. The Author goes to difcover the Country. Is left on Shore, and feiz'd by one of the Natives, and carry'd to a Farmer's Houfe. His Re- ception: With feveral Accidents. Defcription of the Inhabitants. A CHAP. 72 CONTENT S. CHA P. II. A Defcription of the Farmer's Daughter. The Author is carry'd to a Market- Town; and then to the Metropolis. The Particulars of bis Journey. CHA P. III. The Author is fent for to Court. The Queen buys him, and prefents him to the King. He difputes with his Ma- jefty's great Scholars. An Apartment at Court provided for him. He is in Favour with the Queen. He maintains the Honour of his own Country, and quar rels with the Queen's Dwarf. CHA P. IV. The Country defcrib'd. A Propofal for cor- recting modern Maps. The King's Pa- lace, and fome Account of the Metro- polis. The Author's Way of travelling. The chief Temple defcrib'd. CHAP. CONTENTS. 73 CHAP. V. Several Adventures of the Author. The Execution of a Criminal. fhews bis Skill in Navigation. CHAP. VI. The Author The Author's Contrivances to please the King and Queen. He fhews his Skill in Mufick. The King enquires into the State of Europe; which the Author re- lates. The King's Obfervations. CHA P. VII. The Author's Love of his Country. makes a Propofal of much Advantage to the King, which is rejected. King's Ignorance in Politicks. He The The Learning of the Country. Their Laws. Military Affairs. And Parties. E CHAP. 74 CONTENT S. CHA P. VIII. The King and Queen make a Progress to the Frontiers. The Author attends them. The Manner in which he leaves the Country. He returns to England. TRAVEL S. I TRAVELS. PART II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. CHAP. I. A Great Storm happen'd. The long Boat fent to fetch later. The Author goes to diſcover the Country. Is left on Shore, and feiz'd by one of the Natives, and carry'd to a Farmer's Houfe. His Re- ception: With feveral Accidents. Defcription of the Inhabitants. B A EING condemn'd by Nature and Fortune to an active and reſtlefs Life, I left my native Coun ry, and went on Board the Ship formerly mention'd, on the zoth E 2 of 776 A VOYAGE of June, 1702. We had a profperous Gale, till we arriv'd at the Cape of Good Hope, where we landed to take in freſh Water, but difcovering a Lake, and the Captain falling fick, we ftay'd till the End of March. We fet Sail, and had fair Weather till we paft the Streights of Ma- dacgafcar. But having got Northward of that Ifland, and to about Five Degrees South Latitude, the Wind began to Blow with greater Violence, and more Weſterly than ufual, and continued fo for Twenty Days, till we were driven to the Eaſt of the Molucca Iſlands, and about Three De- grees Northward of the Line, as we found by Obfervation; at which Time it was a perfect Calm. I was rejoyced till the Cap- tain, who was an experienced Man, bid us prepare for a Storm, which according- ly happened the next Day. I fhall not trouble the Reader with the Particulars of our Management at Sea during this Storm, which was followed by a strong Weſt South-Weft Wind. We were car- ried, by Computation, about Five Hun- dred Leagues to the Eaſt, ſo that our old- eſt Sailors knew not in what Part of the World we were. Our Provifions held out well, our Ship was ftaunch, and Crew in good Health, but we lay in the utmost Diftreis to BROBDINGNAG. 77 I Diftrefs for Water. We chofe to hold the fame Courſe, rather than turn Northerly, which might have brought us into the frozen Seas. On the 16th Day of June 1703, a Boy on the Top-maft difcover'd Land. On the 17th we came in full View of it; on the South Side, whereof was a ſmall Neck of Land, jutting into the Sea, and a Creek too fhallow for a Ship of above One Hundred Tun. We caft Anchor, and the Captain fent the Boat, with a Dozen Men armed, to feek for Water. defired to go along with them that I might fee the Country. When we came ahoar, we faw no River or Spring, or Sign of Inhabitants. Our Men wandred about for Water, but I walked alone, about a Mile another Way, to obferve the Country, which was barren and rocky. I had fatisfy'd my Curiofity, and was re- turning towards the Creek, when I per- ceived our Men in the Boat rowing for Life to the Ship. I was going to hallow after them, when I obferv'd a huge Crea- ture walking towards them as fast as he could: He waded not much deeper than his Knees, and took vaſt Strides: But our. Men having the Start of him, and the Bottom being rocky, he could not over- take the Boat. I ran back the Way I E 3 firſt 78 1 AVOYAGE 1 first went, and getting upon a ſteep Hill, had fome Profpect of the Country. It was well cultivated, but I was furprized at the Length of the Grafs for Hay, which was above Twenty Foot high. I found a high Road, for fo I thought, though it ferved the Inhabitants for a Foot Path, through a Field of Barley. Here I walk- ed about, but could fee nothing for the Height of the Corn, it being at leaſt For- ty Foot high. I was an Hour walking to the End of this Field, which was fenced with a Hedge a Hundred and Twenty Foot high; the Height of the Trees I could not compute. At the End of this Field there was a Stile to pafs into the next, which I could not climb. It had four Steps fix Foot diſtance each, with a Stone at the Top, twenty Foot high. I was endeavouring to find a Gap in the Hedge, when I diſcover'd one of the In- habitants of the Size with him I had feen follow our Boat. He feemed as tall as an ordinary Church Steeple, and took about ten Yards at a Stride. Being in the ut- moſt Aſtoniſhment, I ran to hide my ſelf among the Corn, where I faw him at the Top of the Stile, and looking back, he called in a Voice like the Noife of Thun- der: Whereupon feven Monſters like him- felf to BROBDINGNAG. 79 felf came towards him with reaping Hooks in their Hands, each as large as fix Scythes. Thefe, by their Cloaths, feem'd to be Labourers to the first, and upon fome Words he spoke, they began to reap the Corn in the Field where I lay. I kept at as great a Diſtance as I could, but was forced to move with great Difficulty, the Stalks of the Corn growing fo cloſe that I could hardly fqueeze between. I went on forward till I came to a Place where the Corn was fo interwoven with the Rain and Wind, that I could go no farther; at the fame Time the Reapers were with- in a Hundred Yards of me. Being difpi- rited with Toil, and overcome with Grief and Defpair, I lay down between two Ridges, and heartily wifh'd I might end my Days there. I bemoan'd my deſolate Widow, and fatherless Children, and la- mented my Folly in attempting another Voyage. In this Dilemma I reflected on Lilliput, whofe Inhabitants look'd on me as the greateſt Prodigy in the World, where I was able to draw an Imperial Fleet in my Hand, with other Actions which will be recorded for ever in that Empire, and hardly believed by Poſterity, though atteſted by Millions. What Mor- tification muft it be to appear to them now E 4 as 80 A VOYAGE as inconfiderable as a Lilliputian among us? This was not the greateft of my Misfor- tune, for as Human Creatures are ob- ferved to be cruel in Proportion to their Bulk, I expected to be a Mouthful to the firſt who ſhould lay hold on me. Philofo- phers rightly obferve, That nothing is great or little but by Compariſon: And perhaps the Lilliputians might find a Peo- ple as diminutive to them as they were to me, and this huge Race of Mortals even be over-match'd in fome unknown Part of the World. Amazed and con- founded as I lay, I could not forbear theſe Reflections: But one of the Reapers be- ing within ten Yards of me, I apprehend- ed that I fhould be crush'd to Death by his next Step, or cut in two with his Reaping-Hook: Therefore, when I per- ceiv'd him going to move, I cry'd out as loud as Fear could make me, whereupon he trod fhort, and looking round him, at laſt efpied me on the Ground. He pauſed a while like one who endea- vours to take hold of a fmall dangerous Animal in fuch manner that it cannot bite him. At length he ventur'd to take me up behind, by the Middle, between his Fore-finger and Thumb, and brought me within Three Yards of his Eyes, that. he to BROBDINGNAG. 81 he might view me diftinctly: And hold-- ing me Sixty Foot from the Ground, I re- folved not to ſtruggle, though he pinched my Sides, for fear of flipping between his Fingers. All I ventur'd was, to lift up my Eyes toward the Sun, and my Hands in a fupplicating Poſture, and to utter fome- thing in a Tone fuitable to my Condition:: For I apprehended every Moment he would daſh me to the Ground, as we do› hateful Animals we have a Mind to de--- ftroy. But as good Fortune would have it, he appear'd much pleas'd with my Voice and Geſtures, and feemed to won- der at my Words, though he did not un-- derſtand them. In the mean time, by. my Groans and Tears, and other Signs, I let him know how much I was hurt by the Preffure of his Finger and Thumb': He feem'd to apprehend me, and lifting up the Lappet of his Coat, he put me into it, and ran immediately with me to his Maſter the Farmer, who was the fame Perfon I had firſt ſeen in the Field. The Farmer, who had receiv'd fome Account of me from his Servants, took a Piece of fmall Straw, and lifted up the Lappets of my Coat with it, which it ſeems he thought was a natural Covering; and blew my Hairs afide the better to ſee my Face. E $ 4 He น 82 A VOYAGE He called his Hinds about him, and asked them (as I was afterward told) Whether they had ever feen in the Fields a fmall Creature that refembled me? He then placed me gently on the Ground upon all Four, but I immediately got up and walked flowly about, to fhew I had no Intent of running away: They all fat round me the better to obferve my Acti- ons. I pulled off my Hat to the Farmer, and bowed: I fell on my Knees, and lifted up my Hands and Eyes, and fpoke feveral Words as loud as I could. I took u Purfe of Gold out of my Pocket, which 1 prefented to him. He received it in the Palm of his Hand, looked nearly at it, and turn'd it about with a Pin he took from his Sleeve, but could make nothing of it: Whereupon I made a Sign that he ſhould put his Hand on the Ground, which he did, and I poured the Money into his Hand; they were Spanish Pi- ftoles But he wetted his Finger with the Tip of his Tongue, and took up one of the largeſt Pieces, but feem'd not to know what they were. He made Signs that I might put them in my Pocket, which I thought was beft, after I had offer'd them feveral times. The Farmer feem'd con- vinc'd I was a rational Creature, and fpoke to BROBDINGNAG. 83 ſpoke to me; but the Sound of his Voice, though articulate, pierced my Ears con- fufedly I anfwer'd him, but to no Pur- pofe. He then fent his Men to Work, and taking his Handkerchief, he ſpread it on his Hand, and made Signs for me to ſtep into it. I obeyed him, and he wrapt me up fo that I could not fall out, and carry'd me Home to his Houſe, He call'd his Wife to fhew me to her, but fhe ſcream'd, and ran back, like the Wo- men in England at the Sight of a Mouſe. But ſhe was foon reconcil'd to me, when ſhe had ſeen my Behaviour to her Hus- band. About Twelve at Noon, a Servant brought in Dinner, which was one fub- ſtantial Piece of Meat, brought in a Diſh, about Four and Twenty Foot Diameter. The Company were the Farmer, and his Wife, and three Children, and a Grand- mother. When they were fat, the Far- mer placed me upon the Table, fome Di- ftance from him. The Height of the Table being Thirty Foot, I kept as far from the Edge as I could, for fear of fal- ling. The Wife minced me fome Meat, and crumbled fome Bread upon it, and placed it before me on a Trencher. I made them a low Bow, took out my Knife and Fork, and fell to eat, which gave 84 A VOYAGE gave them great Satisfaction. great Satisfaction. A finall Dram Cup was brought to me, fill'd with Drink, which held Three Gallons. 1 took it up, with much Difficulty, in both Hands, and in English drank to their good Healths, which made the Company laugh fo loud, that I was ftunn'd at the Noife. The Liquor was pleaſant, and taſted like Cyder. The Maſter made me a Sign to come to the Edge of his Trencher, but walking with Surprize, I ftumbled at a Cruft, and fell on my Face, without re- ceiving any Hurt. I got up, and find- ing the good People concern'd, I took off my Hat and gave three Huzza's, to hew I had got no Miſchief. But ad- vancing toward my Mafter (as I fhall hereafter call him) his youngeſt Son took me by the Legs and lifted me fo high, that every Limb of me trembled, but his Father fnatching me from him, gave him a Box on the Ear fufficient to fell an European Troop of Horfe. I was afraid the Boy ſhould refent my being the Occa- fion of the Blow, and therefore made Signs to his Father to pardon him. The Father complied, whereupon I went and kiffed his Hand, and he made his Son ſtroke me gently. In the midſt of the Dinner, the Cat jump'd upon my Miftrefs's Lap; to BROBDINGNAG. 85 ! Lap; I heard a Noife behind me like Stocking-Weavers at Work, which after- ward I found was only the Purring of the Cat. She appear'd three times bigger than an Ox, with a Countenance fo fierce, that it altogether difcompofed me, though fhe was Fifty Foot from me: But it hap- pened there was no Danger, for when my Maſter placed me very near her, ſhe took no Notice of me, and I walked without Fear five or fix times before the Head of the Cat, and came within half a Yard of. her, whereupon fhe drew back, as if ſhe was moſt afraid of me. I had lefs Ap- prehenſion of the Dogs which came into the Room, as is ufual in Farmer's Houfes, one of which, a Maftiff, was equal in Bulk to four Elephants, and a Greyhound fomewhat taller than the Maftiff, but not fo large. We had no fooner dined, than the Nurſe brought in a Child, about a Year old, who fo fqualled at the Sight of me, that it might be heard from London- Bridge to Chelsea, to get me for a Play- thing. The Mother took me up, and put me toward the Child, who prefently feiz'd me by the Middle, and got my Head in his Mouth; but I roar'd fo loud, that the Urchin let me drop, and had in- fallibly broke my Neck, if the Mother had 86 A VOYAGE had not held her Apron under me. The Nurſe, to quiet the Babe, made ufe of a Rattle, which was a hollow Veffel with large Stones in it, and faſtened about the Child's Middle with a Cable. This not The anfwering, ſhe was obliged to give it fuck: And, I must confefs, I never was more difgufted than at the Sight of her Breaſt, which ſtood prominent Six Foot, and was Sixteen in Circumference. Nipple was half as big as my Head, but of that Hue, as well as the Dug, with Pimples and Freckles, that nothing could appear more naufeous. This made me reflect on the fair Skins of our English Ladies, which appear beautiful to the naked Eye, but through a magnifying Glafs coarſe and uneven. I remember when I was at Lilliput, the Complexions of thoſe diminutive People appear'd to me the faireſt in the World; and talking upon this Subject with a Man of Learning, who was my intimate Friend, he told me, I look'd much ſmoother when he faw me from the Ground, than when I had him. in my Hand, and confeffed, that at firſt Sight I was fhocking to him: On the other Hand, difcourfing of the Ladies in that Country, he told me of Imperfecti- ons which I could not diftinguiſh with my to BROBDINGNAG. 87 my Eyes I confefs this Reflection was obvious enough, which however I could not forbear, left the Reader might think theſe vaft Creatures actually deformed: For to do them Juftice, they are a come- ly People, and my Mafter, although a Farmer, when I beheld him from the Height of Sixty Foot, appear'd very well proportion'd. When Dinner was over, my Mafter went out to his Labourers, and left ftrict charge with his Wife, to take Care of me. My Miftrefs perceiv- ing I was fleepy, put me to Bed, and cover'd me with a clean white Hand- kerchief, larger and coarfer than the Main-fail of a Man of War. I flept and dreamed I was at Home with my Fami- ly, which encreafed my Sorrows when I waked and found my felf alone, in a Room of a vaft Extent and Height, and in a Bed Twenty Yards wide, and Eight Yards high from the Floor. I was preffed, by fome natural Neceffities which required me to get down, but durft not prefume to call; it would have been in vain if I had, the Kitchen, where the Family was, being at a great Diſtance from the Room where I lay. While I was under theſe Circumftances of the Size of a large Maftiff, two Rats, crept up- on 88 A VOYAGE on the Bed, one of them came up to. my Face; whereupon I rofe, and drew. out my Hanger, to defend my felf: 1. apprehended fo much Danger from them, that I ripped up the Belly of one who held his Fore-feet at my Collar: The: other feeing this, ran away, but not without a large Cut on his Back. Theſe Creatures were fo nimble and fierce, that. I fhould have been infallibly kill'd, if I had taken my Belt off before I went to Sleep. I meaſured the Tail of the dead Rat, and found it two Yards long, want- ing an Inch. My Miftrefs, who came pre- fently after into the Room, was fur- prized to fee me bloody : But taking me up in her Hand, I pointed to the dead Rat, and fhe immediately called the Maid. to take it up with a Pair of Tongues, and throw it out of the Window. preffed to do what another could not do for me, and endeavour'd to make my Miftrefs underſtand me, which, after ufing many Signs, I effected at laft. The good Woman took me up in her Hand, and going into the Garden with me, fet me upon the Ground. I went a good Di- ſtance from her, and hiding my ſelf be- hind two Leaves of Sorrel, I there dif I was charged to BROBDINGNAG. 89 charged the Superfluities of Nature. I hope the Reader will excufe my dwel- ling fo long on fuch Particulars, which, though they may appear low to a vulgar Mind, may be applied by a Philofopher to the Benefit of Mankind; which has been my fole Deſign in the Publication of thefe Travels, wherein I have chiefly confulted Truth, without affecting any Ornaments of Learning or Style. CHAP 90 A VOYAGE LO य CHA P. II. A Defcription of the Farmer's Daughter. The Author is carried to a Market Town, and then to the Metropolis. The Parti- culars of his Journey. M OY Miftrefs had a Daughter of Nine Years old, dextrous at her Needle, and dreffing a Baby. Her Mother and fhe contriv'd to fet up Doll's Cradle for me againſt Night. This they put into a Cabinet Drawer, and placed it upon a Hanging- Shelf for fear of the Rats. I had no other Bed during my ſtay there, though it was made more convenient, as I could make my Wants known. This Girl would drefs and undrefs me after fhe had once feen me do it; but I never troubled her when ſhe would fuffer me to do either my felf. She was likewife my School-miſtreſs, to teach me the Language, very good- natur'd, and not above Forty Foot high, being little of her Age. She gave me the Name to BROBDINGNAG. 91 Name of Grildrig, which the Family took up, and afterwards the reft of the King- dom. The Word imports what the Eng- lifh call Mannikin. I call'd her Glumdal- clitch, or little Nurfe, and ſhould be un- grateful in omitting this honourable men- tion of her Care and Tendernefs, which I wifh I could requite, inſtead of being the unhappy, though innocent, Inftru- ment of her Difgrace, which I have too much Reaſon to fear. It began to be known that my Mafter had found a ſtrange Animal in the Fields, of Human Shape, which feemed to fpeak in a Language of his own, and had learned feveral Words of theirs, performed all the Actions of an Human Creature, was fine ſhaped, and had the ſmootheft Complexion imagina- ble. This Talk induced a Neighbour, who lived juft by, to vifit my Maſter, on purpoſe to inquire into the Truth of the Story. I was produced, and fet upon the Table, where I did as I was commanded. This Man, who was old and dim-fighted, put on his Spectacles to view me the better, at which I could not forbear laugh- ing, for his Eyes looked like a Full Moon fhining into a Room at two Windows. Our People diſcovering the Occafion of my Laughter, bore me Company, at which, 92 A VOYAGE which, the old Fellow was Fool enough to be angry. He had the Character of a Mifer; and I believe he was, by the Ad- vice he gave my Mafter, to fhew me as a Sight the next Market-Day, at a Town, which was half an Hour's Ride, being about Two and Twenty Milcs off. I gueffed there was fome Miſchief hatching, by my Ma- fter and his Friend whispering together, which my little Nurfe difcovered to me next Morning; and laying me on her Bo- fom, fell a weeping, with Shame and Grief. She apprehended I fhould be hurt, by the Rudeness of the vulgar People; and know- ing how modeſt I was, and of what nice Honour, fhe thought I fhould conceive it an Indignity to be expofed, as a publick Spectacle, for Money to the meaneſt Sort of People. For my Part, I was lefs con- cern'd than my Nurfe; hoping, one Day, to recover my Liberty; and as to the Dif grace of being carried about for a Monſter, I confidered, I was a Stranger in the Country, and that No-body could charge me with it, when I returned to England. My Maſter took his Friends Advice; and` next Market-day, carried me in a Box, with my Nurfe behind him, on a Pillion: The Box was clofe, with a little Door for me to go in and out, and a few Gimblet- holes to BROBDINGNAG. 93 holes to let in Air. The Girl had taken Care, to put the Quilt of her Baby's Bed into it, for me to lie down upon: How- ever, I was violently fhaken, and difor- dered, by the Pace of the Horſe, who went about Forty Foot at every Step. My Mafter alighted at the Inn he fre- quented; and, confulting with the Inn- keeper, he hired the common Cryer to give Notice, that a ftrange Creature was to be feen, at the Sign of the Green-Eagle, not fo big as a Splacknuck, (an Animal in that Country finely fhaped, and about Six Foot high) refembling an human Creature; could ſpeak ſeveral Words, and perform a Hundred diverting Tricks. I was fet upon a Table, near Three hundred Foot fquare, in a large Room, with my little Nurfe ftanding by me, upon a low Stool. I walked about, as the Girl commanded me, and answered, what Queftions fhe asked me, as loud as I could. I addreſſed my- felf to the Company, to whom I paid my Refpects, and told them, they were well- come. I took up a Thimble-full of Li- quor, which Glumdalclitch gave me, and drank to their Health, and flourish'd my Hanger, after the Manner of an Engliſh Gladiator. I was, that Day, fhewn to Twelve different Companies, and repeated the 1 94 A VOYAGE the tome Fopperies to each, till I was half dead with Fatigue and Vexation. My Matter foffered No-body to touch me, but my Nurfe, and had fet Benches round the Table, to keep me out of every Body's Reach. However, an unlucky School- boy, threw a Hazle Nut at my Head, as big as a Pompion, which came with that Force, as to have knocked out my Brains, if it had hit me. But he was well beaten, and turned out of the Room. Publick Notice was given, that I ſhould be fhewn the next Market-day; and, in the mean time, my Maſter prepared a more conve- nient Vehicle for me, which he had Reafon to do; for I was fo tired with my firſt Journey, and entertaining the Company, that I could hardly stand or ſpeak for Three Days. I had no Reft at home, from the neighbouring Gentry's continu- ally flocking to fee me, (except Wedneſday, which is their Sabbath) although I was not carried to the Town. My Mafter, finding me ſo profitable to him, refolved to carry me, to the moft confiderable Ci- ties in the Kingdom; and accordingly, provided Things neceffary for a long Jour- ney. Upon the 17th of August, 1703, about Two Months after my Arrival, we fet out for the Metropolis, fituated near the to BROBDINGNAG. 95 the Middle of the Empire, and about Three Thouſand Miles diftant from us. Glumdalclitch rode behind her Father, and carried me on her Lap, in a Box tyed about her Waift, which fhe had made as eafy for me as he could. We had no other Company, but a Boy of the Houſe, who carried the Luggage. My Maſter defigned to fhew me in all the Towns by the Way; therefore, we made ſhort Journeys, of not above Seven or Eight- ſcore Miles a Day. My Nurfe often took me out of the Box to give me Air, and fhew me the Country; but always held me faft by the Leading-ttring. We paft over Five or Six Rivers, as large as the Nile and the Ganges; and there was hardly a Rivulet fo fmall as the Thames at London- Bridge. Our Journey lafted Ten Weeks; and I was fhewn in Eighteen large Towns, beſides Villages and private Families. We reach'd the Metropolis, call'd Lorbrulgrud; or, The Pride of the Univerfe, on the 26th of October. My Mafter took a Lodging in the principal Street in the City, and put out Bills, containing a De- fcription of my Perfon and Parts; and hired a Room proper for the Entertain- ment I was to give. I was ſhewn Ten Times a Day, to the Satisfaction and Ad- miration *- 96 A VOYAGE miration of the People. My Nurfe had carried a little Book in her Pocket, not much larger than Saufon's Atlas, out of this, at our Leifure-Hours, fhe fo far in- ftructed me in the Language, that, in fome Places, I could explain a Sentence. CHA P. to BROBDINGNAG. 97 CHAP. IV. The Author is fent for to Court. The Queen buys him, and prefents him to the King. He difputes with his Ma- jefty's great Scholars. An Apartment at Court provided for him. He is in Favour with the Queen. He maintains the Honour of his own Country, and quar- rels with the Queen's Dwarf. T HE frequent Labours I daily underwent, had fo impair'd my Health, that I was almoft re- duced to a Skeleton; which the Farmer obferving, was refolved to make as good a Hand of me as he could. While he was thus Reafoning, a Slardral, or Gen- tleman-Uſher, came from Court, com- manding my Mafter to bring me thither immediately, for the Diverfion of the Queen, and Ladies; fome of whom hav- ing feen me before, had reported ſtrange Things of my Behaviour, and good Senſe. F Her 98 A VOYAGE Her Majefty and Attendants, were de- lighted with my Demeanor; I fell on my Knees, and begg'd the Honour of kiffing her Imperial Foot, but fhe graciouſly of- fered her little Finger, which I embraced with both Arms, and put the Tip of it to my Lip with the utmoſt Reſpect. She asked me feveral Queſtions, which I an- fwered in as few Words as I could; and, among others, Whether I ſhould be content to live at Court? I anfwered, That, if I was at my own Diſpoſal, I would gladly de- vote myſelf to her Majefty's Service. She then asked my Mafter, Whether he would fell me at a good Price? he, thinking I could not live long, demanded a Thou- fand Pieces of Gold, which was immedi- ately paid him; which, though it was in very large Pieces, was, allowing the Pro- portion of all Things in that Country, to thofe in Europe, about the Value of a Thouſand Guineas. I then faid, that fince I was her Majefty's humble Slave, I beged the Favour, that Glumdalclitch, who had always tended me fo carefully, might be admitted into her Majefty's Service, and continue to be my Nurfe, and Inftructor. Her Majeſty agreed, and the Farmer con- fented, in hopes of his Daughter's Prefer- ment. The Girl was overjoy'd, and my late F to BROBDINGNAG. 99 late Mafter withdrew, bidding me fare- well; and faying, he left me in good Ser- vice: I made no Anfwer, but returned him a flight Bow. The Queen, when he was gone, having obſerved my Coldneſs, ask- ed me the Reaſon. I faid, I was only oblig'd to him, for ſparing the Life of an inno- cent Creature, for which he was fufficient- ly recompenfed by fhewing me, and the Price he had fold me at: That the Life I had led, by continually entertaining the Rabble, had fo altered my Health, that if he had not thought my Life in Danger, her Majefty would not have bought me fo cheap; but hoped, fince I was under the Protection of fo good an Empreſs, his Ap- prehenfions would prove groundleſs; for I already found my Spirits revive, by the Influence of her auguft Prefence. The Queen, allowing for my Defect in fpeaking, was furprized at fo much Wit and good Senfe, in fo diminutive an Animal. She took me in her Hands, and carried me to. the King, who being a Prince of much Gravity, and not well obferving my Shape, asked her, how long fhe had been fond of a Splacknuck, for fuch he took me to be, as I lay upon her Hand. But this Princefs, who has abundance of Wit and Good-hu- mour, fet me on my Feet, upon the Scru- tore, F 2 100 A VOYAGE tore, and commanded me to give an Ac- count of my felf, which, after I had done, was confirmed by Glumdalclitch, with all that had paffed fince my first coming. The King, though a Man of Learning in Phi- loſophy and Mathematicks, when he faw me walk, and view'd my Shape, con- ceiv'd I might be a Piece of Clockwork (which is arrived to great Perfection in that Country) contrived by fome inge- nious Artiſt: But, when he heard me fpeak, he could not conceal his Aſtoniſh- ment. He was not fatisfied with the Ac- count I had given of my coming into his Kingdom, but thought they had taught me a fet of Words to make me fell at a higher Price: Upon which he asked ſeve- ral Queſtions, and ftill received rational Anſwers, defective only by a foreign Ac- cent, and the want of knowing the Lan- guage. His Majefty fent for three great Scholars; who all agreed, after they had ftrictly examin'd me, that I was not pro- duced according to the regular Laws of Nature, as being incapable of preferving my Life, either by Swiftnefs, or climb- ing of Trees, or digging Holes in the Earth. They obferved me to be a car- nivorous Animal by my Teeth, yet moſt Quadrupeds being an Over-match for me, they to BROBDINGNAG. ΙΟΙ they could not imagine how I fupported my felf unleſs I fed upon Snails, which, by many learned Arguments they offered to evince, was impoffible. One of theſe Virtuofo's feemed to think I might be an Embrio, or abortive Birth. But this Opi- nion was rejected, from the compleat For- mation of my Limbs, and my having lived feveral Years, which appeared by my Beard, the Stumps whereof they plainly diſcover'd by a magnifying Glafs, They allow'd me to be too little for a Dwarf, the fmalleft ever known in that Kingdom, being Thirty Foot high. Af ter long Debate, they concluded I was on- ly a Relplum Scalcath, which literally in- terpreted is Lufus Natura; a Determina- tion agreable to the modern Philofophy of Europe: Whofe Profeffors, to avoid the occult Qualities of Ariftotle, have en- deavour'd to hide their Ignorance by this wonderful Solution. After this decifive Conclufion, I defir'd to be heard, and ad- dreffing my felf to his Majefty, affured him that I came from a Country, which abounded with Millions of my own Sta- ture, in both Sexes, and with Animals and Trees in Proportion; and where I could confequently get Suftenance, and defend my felf felf as well as any of his Ma- F 3 jeſty's 102 AVOYAGE jeſty's Subjects could do here: And this I thought a full Anſwer to thoſe Gentle- mens Arguments. To this they reply'd with Contempt, That the Farmer had taught me my Leffon well. The King, who had a better Underſtanding, difmiffed theſe learned Men, and fent for the Far- mer, who was ſtill in Town, and having confronted him, the Girl, and my felf, began to think it might poffibly be true, and defir'd the Queen to order that par- ticular Care ſhould be taken of me, and Glumdalclitch ftill continue in her Office. A convenient Apartment was provided for her at Court, with a Governeſs to take care of her Education: A Maid to drefs her, and two Servants for menial Offices. The Care of me was left wholly to her felf. The Queen order'd her own Cabinet-maker, an ingenious Artiſt, to make me a Box for a Bed-chamber as Glumdalclitch and I ſhould direct, which was furniſhed in three Weeks, and a Bed put in it by her Majeſty's Upholſter. A nice Workman, famous for little Curiofi- ties, undertook to make me two Chairs with Backs and Frames of a Subſtance like Ivory; and two Tables, with a Ca- binet to put my Things in. was quilted on all Sides, to The Room prevent my being to BROBDINGNAG. 103 being hurt by any Jolt when I went in a Coach. I had a Lock to my Door, which, though the ſmalleſt ever ſeen in that Country, was fuch as we have to the Gates of a Gentleman's Houfe in Eng- land. I kept the Key my felf, for fear Glumdalclitch fhould lofe it. I was or- der'd a Suit of Cloaths of the thinneft Silk that could be had, which was not much thicker than a Blanket. They were made after the Faſhion of the Country, and are a very grave decent Habit. The Queen grew fo fond of me, that I was always placed upon the Table, at her left Elbow, while fhe dined, with a Table and Chair for my felf; my Nurſe ſtand- ing by, to affift and take care of me. I had an entire fet of Silver Dishes and Plates, which were like thofe in a Toy- fhop, for the Furniture of a Baby-houfe,. if compar'd with the Queen's. Theſe my Nurſe kept in a Box in her Pocket, and always clean'd them her felf. No-body dined with the Queen but the two Prin ceffes Royal, the elder fixteen Yeats old, and the younger Thirteen. Her Majefty ufed to put a Bit of Meat upon one of my Diſhes, out of which I carved for my felf, and delighted to fee me eat. The Queen, who had but a weak Stomach, F 4 made I 104 A VOYAGE made but one Mouthful of as much as would ferve a Dozen English Farmers. She would craunch the Bones of the Wing of a Lark, though fix times bigger than an English Turkey, and put a Bit of Bread in her Mouth as big as two Twelve- penny Loaves. She drank out of a Gol- den Cup, above a Hogfhead at a Draught. Her Knives were two Yards long, and Spoons, and other Inftruments, in Pro- portion. Every Wednesday, (which was their Sabbath, as I obferv'd before) the King and Queen, with the Royal Iffue, dine together in his Majefty's Apartment, to whom I was now become a Favourite. At thefe Times my little Chair and Table were placed at his left Hand. He took a Pleaſure in enquiring into the Manners, Religion, Laws, and Government, of Eu- rope, wherein I gave him the beſt Account I could, who made admirable Reflections, and Obfervations, upon all I faid. In talking of my own beloved Country; of our Trade and Wars by Sea and Land, our Schifms in Religion, and Parties in State; he took me up in his right Hand, and gently ftroaking me with the other, after a violent Fit of Laughter, he ask'd me whether I was Whig or Tory? Then turning to his prime Minifter who waited behind to BROBDINGNAG. 105 behind him, obferved how contemptible Human Grandeur was, which could be mimicked by fuch diminutive Mortals as I; And yet, faid he, I dare ſaid he, I dare engage theſe Creatures have their Titles of Honour, their Houſes and Cities, and make a Fi- gure in Drefs and Equipage: They Love, Fight, Cheat, and Betray; and thus he went on, while my Colour came and went with Indignation, to hear our Country, the Miftrefs of Arts, and Arms; the Scourge of France; the Arbitreſs of Europe; the Seat of Piety, Honour, and Truth, fo contemptibly treated. But not being in a Condition to refent Injuries, upon mature Deliberation, I doubted whe ther I was injured or no: For I had been fo long accuſtomed to the Conver- fation and Magnitude of this People, that if I had beheld a Company of Englifla Lords and Ladies, in their Birth-day Cloaths, bowing and prating to one ano- ther, to fay the Truth, I fhould have been tempted to laugh at them, as much as the King, and his Grandees, did ar me. Neither could I forbear laughing when I compar'd my felf with the Queen in a Looking-glafs, and began really to imagine I was dwindled feveral Degrees below my ufual Size. Nothing mortified F $ me 106 AVOYAGE me fo much as the Infolence of the Queen's Dwarf, who would fwagger and look big as he pafs'd by me, and feldom failed of reflecting upon my Lit- tleneſs, againſt which I had no other Revenge than to call him Brother. One Day, at Dinner, this little Chub was fo angry at fomething I had faid, that, raifing himſelf upon the Frame of the Queen's Chair, he took me up by the Middle, and let me drop into a large Silver Bowl of Cream, and then ran away. It might have gone hard with me if I had not been a good Swimmer, for my Nurfe was at the other End of the Room, and the Queen fo affrighted fhe could not affift me: At laft my little Nurfe ran and took me out after I had fwallow'd a Quart of Cream. I was put to Bed, but receiv'd no other Damage than the fpoiling my Cloaths. The Dwarf was feverely whip'd, and was forced to drink up the Cream as a farther Puniſhment: And her Majefty foon after gave him to a Lady of Quality, fo that I faw him no more, to my great Satisfaction. He had ferved me a fcurvy Trick once before, which fet the Queen a laughing, although fhe was heartily vexed at the fame time. Her Majefty having 1 f -> to BROBDINGNAG. 107 + அ having emptied a Marrow-bone upon her Plate, fet the Bone upright in the Difh as it ftood before; the Dwarf taking his Opportunity, while my Nurfe was gone to the Side-board, got upon the Stool ſhe ſtood on to take care of me at Meals; took me up in both Hands, and fqueezing my Legs together, wedged them: into the Marrow-bone, above my Waift, where I ſtuck for a Minute, before they knew what was become of me; but, as Princes feldom get their Victuals hot, I had no other Damage than a greafy Pair of Breeches and Stockings. The Dwarf, at my Entreaty, had no other Puniſhment: than a found Whipping. The Queen frequently reproached me of my Fear- fulneſs, and asked me, Whether the Peo- ple of my Country were as great Cow- ards as my felf? This was occafion'd by my ſtarting at the Flies when they came upon my Face, each of them as big ass a Dunstable Lark. They would fome- times fettle upon my Victuals, and leave their Excrement, or Spawn, hehind;, which was vifible to me, though not to the Natives of the Country. I could eafily trace the vifeous Matter, which our Naturalifts tell us enables thofe Crea-- tures to walk with their Feet upwards, up- 1 ? 1 # ! on 108 A VOYAGE on a Ceiling. My only Remedy againſt theſe deteftable Animals was to cut them in Pieces with my Knife, as they flew in the Air, wherein my Dexterity was much admired. I remember one Morning, as my Box was fet upon the Window to give me Air, I lifting up one of my Safhes, and fitting down to eat a Piece of fweet Cake for my Breakfaſt, above Twenty Wafps came into my Room humming louder than the Drones of as many Bagpipes. Some feized my Cake, and carried it Piece- meal away; others flew about my Head and Face: At length I rofe and drew my Hanger, and attack'd them as they flew: I killed Four, and the reft got away, upon which I prefently fhut my Window. They were as large as Partridges, with Stings an Inch and Half long. I carefully preferved them, and when I came to England prefented three to Gresham Col- lege, and kept the Fourth for my felf. CHA P. to BROBDINGNAC. 109 CHA P. IV. The Country defcrib'd. A Propofal for cor- recting modern Maps. The King's Pa- lace, and fome Account of the Metro- polis. The Author's Way of travelling. The chief Temple defcrib'd. Intend to give the Reader a ſhort Deſcription of this Country as far as I travell'd in it, which was not above Two Thouſand Miles from the Metropolis. The whole Extent of that Princes Dominions is Six Thouſand Miles in Length, and from Three to Five in Breadth: Whence, I conclude, our Geographers miſtake, by fuppofing nothing but Sea between Japan and California, but I was always of Opi- nion, that there muſt be a Ballance of Earth to counterpoife the great Continent of Tartary, and their Maps fhould be cor- rected by adding this vaft Tract of Land to the N. W. Parts of America. The King- dom 110 A VOYAGE dom is a Peninfula, bounded by the Ocean on all Sides, except the North-Eaſt, where it is terminated by a Ridge of Moun- tains Thirty Miles high, which are im- paffible by reaſon of the Vulcanoes. And thofe Parts of the Coafts, where the Ri- vers iffue, are fo very rocky, and the Sea fo rough, that there is no venturing. in their ſmalleft Boats, fo that this Na- tion is excluded all Commerce with the reft of the World. But the large Rivers are cover'd with Veffels, and have great plenty of Fiſh. For they feldom have any from the Sea, becauſe the Sea-Fiſh are of the fame Size with thofe in Europe; hence it is manifeft, that Nature is en- tirely confin'd to this Continent in the Production of Plants and Animals of fo extraordinary a Bulk: However, they fometimes take a Whale which happens to be dafhed against the Rocks, which the common People feed very heartily on: They are fometimes fo large, that a Man can hardly carry onc upon his Shoulders; I faw one in a Difn, at the King's Table, which paffed for a Rarity, but his Ma- jefty was difgufted at the Bignefs of it, although I have feen larger in Greenland. The Country is well inhabited, and con- tains One and Fifty Cities, near One Hun- dred to BROBDINGNAG. 111 dred wall'd Towns, befides Villages. It may be fufficient to fatisfy the Reader to defcribe Lorbrulgrud. Almoft two equal Parts of this City ſtand on each Side a River, which runs through it. There are Eighty Thouſand Houſes, and above Six Hundred Thouſand Inhabitants; it is a- bout Fifty-four English Miles in Length, and Two and a Half in Breadth, as Í meaſured it my ſelf from a Map, which was laid on the Ground on purpoſe for me. The Royal Palace is no regular Edifice, but an Heap of Building, about Seven Miles round. The chief Rooms are Two Hundred and Forty Foot high, and long and broad in Proportion. My Nurſe and I had a Coach allow'd us, wherein her Governefs often took her to fee the Town, who always carry'd me with her in my Box, although the fometimes, at my own Defire, would take me upon her Hand, that I might fee the Houfes and People more conveniently. Our Coach was about the Square of Westminster-Hall, but not fo high. One Day the Governeſs order- ing the Coach to ftop, the Beggars watch- ing their Opportunity, came to the Sides. of the Coach, and difcovered fuch horrid Spectacles, that. I fhall avoid defcribing for 112 A VOYAGE 1 for the Sake of my Reader, left he fhould find them Naufeous. Befides the large Box, in which I was carried, the Queen ordered a ſmaller one to be made, of about Twelve Foot fquare, and Ten high, with a Window to Three of the Sides, latticed with Iron Wire on the Out-fide, to prevent Accidents in a long Journey; on that Side which had no Window were fixed two ftrong Staples, through which, when I had a Mind to go on Horfeback, the Servant put his Belt and 'buckled me to his Waift. This was the Office of fome grave trufty Servant, whom I could confide in, whether I at- tended the Queen, or paid a Viſit to fome great Man of the Kingdom, among whom I began to be efteem'd; but more, I fuppofe, upon his Majefty's Account, than any real Merit of my own. When I had a Mind to fee the Town, Glumdal- clitch carried me on her Lap, in my tra- velling Clofet, in an open Sedan, born by Four Men, and attended by two others in the Queen's Livery. The Girl would often make the Bearers ftop, to fatisfy the Curiofity of the People, who crowded to fee me. I was very defirous to fee the chief Temple, and particularly the Tower belong- to BROBDINGNAG. 113 belonging to it, which was reckoned the higheſt in the Kingdom. Accordingly one Day my Nurfe carried me, but I came back diſappointed; for although it be Three Thouſand Foot high from the Ground to the higheſt Pinnacle, yet al- lowing the Difference between the Size of thoſe People and us, the Steeple at Salis- bury is higher in Proportion ; but it hath that in Beauty and Strength, which it wants in Height; for the Walls are near a Hundred Foot thick, made with hewn Stone Forty Foot fquare, and adorned with Statues of Gods and Emperors on all Sides. I meaſured the little Finger of one which I happened to find below among the Rub- bifh, and found it exactly Four Foot and an Inch in length. My Nurfe carried it Home, to put among other Trinkets, of which Children are fond at her Age. The King's Kitchen is a noble Building, vault- ed at Top, and about Six Hundred Foot high. The great Oven is not quite fo wide as the Cupola of St. Paul's, by Ten Paces, having meaſured it fince my Re- turn. But was I to defcribe the Grate, Pots, Kettles, and other Utenfils, a Cri- tick would be apt to fay I talked like a Traveller. To avoid which Cenfure, I fear 114 A VOYAGE fear I have run into the other Extreme and if this Treatife fhould happen to be tranflated into the Language of Brobding- nag, and tranfmitted thither, they would charge me with having given a falfe and diminutive Reprefentation. CHA P. to BROBDINGNAG. 115 RAGMANIARDAS CHAP. V. Several Adventures that happened to the Author. The Execution of a Criminal The Author fhews bis Skill in Naviga- tion. Should have lived happily e- nough in that Country, had not my Stature made me liable to feveral ridiculous Accidents, fome of which I fhall venture to relate. My Nurſe, who often carried me into the Gardens of the Court, in my fmaller Box would fometimes take me out and hold me in her Hand, or fet me down to walk; fhe did fo once a little before the Dwarf left the Queen; he followed us into the Gar- dens, and as we happened to be together under fome dwarf Apple-Trees, I, to fhew my Wit, made fome Allufion between him and the Trees, which he happened to take; whereupon the unlucky Rogue watching his 116 A VOYAGE his Opportunity, when I was immediately under one of them, fhook it directly over my Head, and one of the Apples, as I fſtoop'd, hit me on the Back, and knock'd me flat to the Ground, but I received no other hurt. Another Day Glumdalclitch fet me upon a Grafs-plat, while fhe was walking with her Governeſs at fome Di- ſtance. In the mean Time, a Shower of Hail happen'd, which ftruck me to the Ground, and when I was down, I crawl'd to a Border of Lemon-Thyme, and fhel- ter'd my felf; but fo bruifed from Head to Foot, that I cou'd not go abroad in Ten Days. Neither is it a Wonder, fince Nature obferving the fame Proportion in all her Actions, a Hail-ftone is near Eigh- teen Hundred Times larger in that Coun- try, than in Europe. But a more dangerous Accident hap- pened to me in the fame Garden, when I thought my ſelf in a very fecure Place, which my Nurſe had chofen for me, and went to another part of the Garden with her Governeſs, and fome Ladies of her Acquaintance. While fhe was gone, a Spaniel, belonging to the Gardeners, hap- pened to range near the Place where I lay, and following his Scent, at laft came to me, and taking me up in his. Mouth, ran to BROBDINGNAG. 117 ran with me to his Mafter; he did me no harm, or even my Cloaths. The poor Gardener, who knew me, and had a Kindness for me, took me up, and asked me how I did, but I was fo affrighted, I could not ſpeak a Word. I came to my felf in a little Time, and he carried me fafe to my Nurſe, who had been at the Place where fhe left me, and was in cruel Agonies that I did not appear, or anfwer when ſhe call'd. She reprimanded the Gardener on account of his Dog; but the thing was hufh'd,and never known at Court, for the Girl was afraid of the Queen's Anger, and it was not for my Reputation that fuch a Story fhould go about. This Accident abfolutely determined my Nurſe never to truſt me out of her Sight for the future. I had been long afraid of this Re- folution, and therefore conceal'd feveral unlucky Accidents, which happen'd to me when I was alone. I cannot tell whether I was moſt pleaſed or mortify'd, to ob- ferve, in thoſe folitary Walks, that the finalleſt Birds were not afraid of me, and would eat their Food as if no Body was near them. A Thruſh once had the Con- fidence to take a Piece of Cake out of my Hand, which my Nurfe had given me for Breakfaſt; and when I attempted to 118 A VOYAGE to catch any of them, they would pick at my Fingers, and turn back to look for Worms or Snails, as they did before. But one Day I took a Stick, and threw it at a Linnet with all my Strength, fo luckily, that I knocked it down, and feizing it with both Hands, ran with it in Triumph to my Nurſe. The Bird being only ſtun'd recovered himſelf, and fo boxed me about the Head with his Wings, though I held him out at Arms-length, that I had a Mind to let him go; but one of the Ser- vants came and wrung his Head off, and I had him next Day for Dinner. This Linnet was as large as an Engliſh Swan. The Ladies of Honour often invited my Nurſe to their Apartments, and deſired ſhe would bring me along with her. They would often ftrip me, and lay me naked upon their Bofoms; at which I was dif gufted from the offenfive Smell that came from them. I would not be thought to mention this to the Difadvantage of the Ladies, (for whom I have a great Refpect) but conceive my Senfe was acute in Pro- portion to my Size, and that thoſe Per- fons were as agreeable to each other there, as we are in England. To prove what I fuppos'd, I remember when I was at Lil- liput, an intimate Friend, one warm Day, complain'd to BROBDINGNAC. 119 complain'd I had a ftrong Smell about me, although I am as little Faulty that way as most of my Sex. What gave me the greateſt Uneafinefs, when I went to vifit thefe Ladies of Honour, with my Nurſe, was to fee them ſtrip and ſhift themſelves before me, as if I was of no manner of Confequence, which gave me no other Emotions than thofe of Horror and Dif guft. Neither did they fcruple to diſcharge before me what they had drank, to the Quantity of Two Hogfheads at leaſt, in a Veffel that held above Three Tuns. The handſomeſt among theſe Maids of Honour, was a frolickfome Girl of Six- teen, who would fet me aftride upon one of her Nipples, with many other Tricks, which fo difpleafed me, that I entreated Glumdalclitch to contrive an Excufe for not ſeeing that young Lady any more. One Day a young Gentleman, who was Nephew to my Nurfe's Governeſs, came and preffed them both to fee the Execu- tion of a Man who had murdered one of his intimate Acquaintance. Glumdalclitch, though averſe to fuch Sights, was prevail'd on to go; and as for my felf, although I abhorr'd fuch Spectacles, my Curiofity tempted me to fee fomething extraordina- ry. The Malefactor was fixed in a Chair, upon 1 1 120 A VOYAGE upon a Scaffold, and his Head cut off at a Blow, with a Sword about Forty Foot long. The Blood fpouted fo high from the Veins and Arteries, that the great Fette d'Eau at Verſailles was not equal to it for the Time it lafted. The Queen, who had often heard me talk of Sea Voyages, asked me, whether I underſtood how to handle a Sail or an Oar, and whether a little Exerciſe of Rowing might not be convenient for my Health? I anſwered, that I underſtood both very well, but thought it impoffible to be done in their Country, where the ſmalleſt Boat is as large as a Firſt-Rate Man of War among us, and that fuch a Boat as I could manage, would not live in their Rivers. Her Majeſty ſaid, if I would contrive a Boat, her Joyner ſhould make it. I fet him to work, and by my Inſtructions he finiſhed it in Ten Days. The Queen was fo delighted when fhe faw it, that fhe ran with it to his Ma- jefty, who ordered me to try it in a Ci- ftern of Water, but here I could not ma- nage my Oars for want of room; but the Queen had ordered the Joyner to make a Trough a Hundred Foot long, Fifty Foot broad, and Eight deep, with a Cock towards the Bottom, to let out the Wa- } ter to BROBDINGNAG. 121 ter when we thought fit. In this I uſed often to row for my Diverfion, and the Entertainment of the Queen, and her La- dies. Sometimes I put up my Sail, and the Ladies afforded me a Gale of Wind with their Fans, or fome of the Pages would blow my Sail forward with their Breath, while I flew'd my Art by fteer- ing as I pleaſed. In this Exercife I once met an Accident, which had like to have coft me my Life. As Glumdalclitch's Go- vernefs very officiouſly lifted me up, to place me in my Boat, I happened to flip between her Fingers, and fhould have fallen to the Ground if a large Pin, which ſtuck in her Stomacher, had not luckily catch'd hold of my Cloaths, where I hung till my Nurfe ran to my Relief. Another time the Servant, whofe Bufi- neſs it was to fill my Trough, happened to let a huge Frog flip out of his Pail into my Boat, which, as I was rowing, leap'd into it, and then over my Head backwards and forwards, making my Face and Cloaths in a dirty Condition with his Slime; till at length I bang'd him about fo with my Oars, that he was forced to leap out of the Boat: But the greateſt Danger I was ever in, was from a Mon- key, who belong'd to the Kitchen. My G Nurfe 122 A VOYAGE Nurfe being gone out upon fome Bufi- nefs, had lock'd me up in her Clofet, and the Weather being very warm, had left the Window open, as well as the Door and Window of my Box. As I was fit- ting quietly, I heard fomething bounce in at the Cloſet Window, and skip about from one Side to the other. I ventur'd to look, without rifing from my Seat, and faw this frolickfome Creature, who ſeem'd to admire my Box, and peep'd in at the Door, and every Window. I retir'd to the Corner of my Room, but after peep- ing, and chattering a while, he efpied me, and reaching one of his Paws in at the Door, as a Cat does when the plays with a Mouſe, he caught hold of the Lap- pet of my Coat, and dragg'd me out, and held me as a Nurfe doth a fucking Child. I had Reaſon to believe he took me for a young one of his own Species, by his ſtroaking my Face very gently with his other Paw. He was interrupted in his Diverfions by a Noife at the Door, and fuddenly jumped to the Window, and thence upon the Leads to the Roof of the Houſe: I heard my Nurfe fhriek, and that Quarter of the Palace was all in an Uproar. The Monkey was feen by Hun- dreds of People holding me like an In- fant, to BROBDINGNAG. 123 fant, and cramming Victuals into my Mouth, which he fqueezed out of his Pouch, at which ridiculous Sight every Body laughed but my felf. Some threw Stones to drive him down, but this was forbidden, or elfe, very probably, my Brains had been dafh'd out. By this time Ladders were fet, and the Servants came up, ſo that Pug finding himſelf be- fet, let me drop upon a Ridge-Tyle, and made his Eſcape. Here I fat trembling Three Hundred Yards from the Ground, expecting to be blown down, or fall by my own Giddinefs, till an honeft Lad, one of my Nurfe's Footmen, got up to me, and putting me in his Breeches Pocket, brought me down fafe. I was almoſt choak'd with the Monkey's cramming; but my dear little Nurfe picked it out of my Mouth with a fmall Needle, and then I vomited, which gave me great Re- lief; yet was fo bruifed by the Squeez- ing this Animal had given me, that I kept my Bed for a Fortnight. The King and Queen fent every Day to enquire after my Health, and her Majefty made me feveral Vifits while I was ill. The Mon- key was kill'd, and an Order given, that none fhould be kept about the Palace. After my Recovery, I went to return his G 2 Majefty 124 A VOYAGE Majefty my hearty Thanks for his Fa- vours, who was pleafed to banter me, by asking how I liked the Victuals the Mon- key gave me, and the Air at the Top of the Houſe? He asked me, What I would have done, in my own Country, upon fuch an Occafion? I told him we had no Monkeys but what were brought from other Countries, out of Curiofity; but were fo fmall, that I could deal with a Dozen of them if they attack'd me: And as to this, (though he was as big as an Ele- phant) had I made ufe of my Hanger when he firft put his Paws into my Cham- ber, perhaps I fhould have given him fuch a Wound as would have made him glad to withdraw it with more Haft than he put it in. This I fpoke in fuch a Tone, clap- ping my Hand upon the Hilt of my Sword at the fame Time, that the Com- pany, notwithſtanding the Refpect due to his Majefty, could not refrain laughing. This made me reflect how vain it is for a Man to attempt doing himſelf Honour among thoſe who are out of all Degrees of Compariſon with him: And yet in Eng- land, fince my Return, I have ſeen a little contemptible Varlet, without the leaft Title to Birth, Perfon, Wit, or common Senfe, prefume to put himself upon a Foot to BROBDINGNAG. 125 9 Foot with the greatest Perfons of the Kingdom. I furnished the Court every Day with fome ridiculous Story or other, and my Nurſe, though fhe was very fond of me, was cunning enough to tell what fhe thought would be diverting to her Majefty. The Girl, who had been out of Order, was carried out into the Fields, by her Governeſs, to take the Air; they alighted, and Glumdalclitch fetting me down, I went out of my Box to walk. I happened to fee a Cows-Dung in the Path, as I was walking, and to fhew my Activity ran to jump over it, but leaping fhort, found my felf in the Middle, and waded through with fome Difficulty; the Footman wiped me clean, and my Nurfe confined me to my Box till we went Home. The Queen was foon informed of what had paffed, and the whole Mirth at Court, for fome Days, was at my Expence. G 3 CHAP 126 A VOYAGE CHAP. VI. Several Contrivances of the Author, to pleaſe the King and Queen. He fhews bis Skill in Mufick. The King enquires into the State of EUROPE, which the Au- thor relates: With the King's Obſerva- tions. A S I went once or twice a Week to his Majefty's Levee, I had feen him fhaved, which from the Length of the Razor, was terrible to behold. I once perfuaded the Barber to give me fome of the Suds, out of which I picked Forty or Fifty Hairs, and ſhaping a Piece of Wood like the Back of a Comb, I made feveral Holes in it with a Needle I got from my Nurſe, and fixed in the Stumps of Hair fo artifi- cially ſhaping the Points with my Knife, that I made a tolerable Comb; for mine was almoſt worn out, and there was no Artiſt in the Country could make me an- other. to BROBDINGNAG. 127 ; I other. This puts me in Mind of an Amuſement, wherein I have ſpent many Hours. I defir'd the Queen's Woman to fave the Combings of her Majefty's Hair for me, which, in Time, came to a good Quantity; I then employed the Cabinet- Inaker to make me two Chair Frames, no longer than thoſe I had in my Box, and bore, with a fine Awl, round thoſe Parts which I defigned for the Backs and Seats through theſe Holes I wove fome of the ſtrongeſt Hairs I could pick, in the man- ner of Cane - Chairs in England. made a Prefent of thefe Chairs to her Majefty, who look'd upon them as a great Curiofity. I abfolutely refuſed to fit upon thefe Chairs when her Majefty defired me, and proteſted I would rather die than place a diſhonourable Part of my Body up- on what had been an Ornament to her Head. I likewife made a Purſe of about Five Foot long, with fome of the fame Hairs, with her Majefty's Name in a Gold Cypher; this I gave to Glumdalclitch, by the Queen's Confent, for it was not big enough to bear the large Coin of the Country The King being a Lover of Mufick, had frequent Conforts at Court, to which I was carried in my Box, but was oblig- G4 cd 728 A VOYAGE ed to remove as far as I could from the Performers, and then ſhut the Doors and Windows of it, till I found the Mufick not difagreeable. I had learned to play on the Spinnet in my Youth, and my Nurfe having a Maſter to inftruct her on that Inftrument, a Fancy came into my Head, to divert their Majefties with an English Tune; but the Largeneſs of the Inftrument, which was Sixty Foot long, and the Diſtance of the Keys being a Foot, made it fo difficult, that I made uſe of the following Contrivance: I prepar'd two Sticks, fo covered at the End with Mouſe-skins, that the Spinnet could not be damaged, or the Sound interrupted, and having a Bench conveniently placed for me, with thefe two Sticks, I made Shift to play a Jigg to the Satisfaction of their Majeftics; but never underwent a harder Exercife in my Life. The King, who, as I obferved before, was a Prince of admirable Underſtanding, frequently ordered that I fhould be brought to him in his Clofet, where I have had feveral Converfations with him; and one Day I took the Freedom to tell his Ma- jefty, that his Contempt of Europe, and the reft of the World, did not feem an- ſwerable to thoſe excellent Qualities of the to BROBDINGNAG. 129 the Mind he was Maſter of. That the Ex- tent of Reaſon was not proportion'd to that of the Body; and that in our Country we obferv'd it to be contrary. That among other Animals, Bees and Ants are allowed to have more Induſtry and Sagacity than larger Animals; and that as inconfi- derable as he took me to be, I hoped to live to be of fignal Service to his Majefty. The King heard me with Attention, and began to conceive a better Opinion of me, than he had before, and defired I would give him as exact an Account of the Go- vernment of England as I poffibly could. Imagine then, Courteous Reader, how of ten I wiſh'd for the Tongue of Demofthe- nes or Cicero, to utter the Praife of my own dear Country, in a Style fuitable to its Merits and Felicity. I began my Dif- courſe, by informing his Majefty, that our Dominions confifted of two Iflands, which compoſed three mighty Kingdoms, under one Sovereign, befides our Plantations in America, and dwelt long upon the Fertili- ty of the Soil, and Temperature of the Climate. I then fpake of the Confti- tution of the Parliament, partly compofed of an illuſtrious Body, called the Houſe of Peers, who were of the moſt noble and ancient Families in the Kingdom. I de- fcribed G 5 } 130 A VOYAGE ſcribed the Care always taken in their E- ducation, to qualify them to be Members of the higheſt Court of Judicature, and Champions, for the Defence of their Prince and Country. That theſe were the Orna- ments and Bulwark of the Kingdom, wor- thy Followers of their renowned Ance- ftors, whofe Honour had been the Re- ward of their Virtues, from which their Poſterity were never known to degenerate. To thefe were joined feveral holy Perfons, chofe among thofe of the Priesthood, who are diftinguiſh'd by the Sanctity of their Lives, and profound Erudition, whofe Buſineſs is to take Care of Religion, and be the ſpiritual Fathers of Clergy and Peo- ple. That the other Part of the Parlia- ment confifted of an Affembly, called, The Houfe of Commons, who were all princi- pal Gentlemen, freely elected, by the Peo- ple themſelves, for their great Abilities. and Love of their Country, to reprefent the Wiſdom of the whole Nation. And that to theſe Two Bodies, in Conjunction with the Prince, the whole Legiſlature is committed. I then defcended to the Courts of Judicature, where the Interpreters of the Laws fit to determine the Rights and Properties of Men, as well for the Pu nifhment of Vice, as Protection of In- nocence. to BROBDINGNAG, 131 nocence. I mentioned the prudent Ma- nagement of our Treafury, and Power of our Arms, by Sea and Land. I com- puted the Number of People, by reckon- ing that of each Sect in Religion, and Party in Politicks. I omitted nothing that might redound to the Honour of my Country; and finiſhed, by giving the Hi- ftory of England, for One Hundred Years paft. I had five Audiences of the King before this Converſation was finiſh'd, who took Notes of what I had faid, and Memo- randums of what Queſtions he intended to ask me. When theſe Difcourfes were end- ed, his Majefty, in a Sixth Audience, propoſed many Queries upon each Ar- ticle. He asked firft, What Methods were taken to cultivate the Minds and Bodies of our young Nobility, and in what Manner they ſpent the firſt Part of their Lives? How that Affembly was fupply'd when a Family was extinct? And what Qualifications were neceffary in thofe pro- moted to the Peerage? Whether the Hu- mour of the Prince, or a Sum of Money rightly apply'd, or the Defign of Strength- ening a Party oppofite to the Publick Intereft, were ever Motives of Advance- ment? Whether thefe Lords were fufficiently Knowing in the Laws, to enable them to decide 132 A VOYAGE decide the Properties of their Fellow- Subjects? Whether Partiality and Bribes had no Place among them? And whether thofe holy Lords were always promoted for their Knowledge in Religion, and Sanctity of their Lives? And lastly, whether, when they were only Priefts, they had not been Compliers with the Times, and proſtitute Chaplains to fome Noblemen, whofe Opinions they meanly follow'd when they were admitted into that Affembly? He then asked me, Whe- ther any Arts were practifed in the Ele- ction of the Commoners? Whether a Stranger, with a long Purfe, could not be elected before a worthy Gentleman of the Neighbourhood? How it happened. that Gentlemen, at a great Expence, were refolutely bent to get into this Affembly, which is only a Trouble, without any Penfion or Salary? Becauſe this appeared fo exalted a Strain of Publick Spirit, that his Majeſty doubted its Sincerity, and de- fired to know, whether thefe zealous Gen- tlemen had no ways of refunding them- felves, by facrificing the Publick Good to the Deſigns of a vicious Prince, and cor- rupt Miniſtry? He multiplied his Objecti- ons and Enquiries to that Degree, that I think it not prudent to repeat them. His Majefty to BROBDINGNAG. 133 Majeſty defired to be fatisfy'd in relation to our Courts of Juſtice, in which I was the better able to fatisfy him, having been formerly almoſt ruined by a Suit in Chan- cery, which was decreed for me with Cofts. He asked, What Time was spent in the Determination of thefe Suits, and what was the Degree of Expence? Whether Advocates had the Privilege of pleading in Caufes known to be unjuft and oppref- five? Whether Party, in Religion and Politicks, was obferved to be of any Weight in the Scale of Juftice? Whe- ther thoſe concerned in the Pleadings were educated in the general Knowledge of Equity, or only in Provincial, National, or other Local Cuftoms? Whether they, or the Judges, had any Share in the making thofe Laws they have the Liberty of interpreting and gloffing upon at their Pleafure? Whether they had ever plead- ed for and againſt the fame Cauſe, and cited Precedents to prove contrary Opi- nions? Whether they were rich or poor, or received a pecuniary Reward for their Opinions, and particularly whether they were admitted as Members of the Senate? He came next to the Management of our Treafury, and faid, He thought I was miſtaken in computing our Taxes at about Five 134 A VOYAGE Five or Six Millions; but when I men- tioned the Iffues, he found they were fometimes double; for as he had taken particular Notes, hoping that the Know- ledge of our Conduct might be uſeful to him; he could not be deceived in his Cal- culations. He thought it ſtrange, if what I told him was true, how a Kingdom could run out of its Eftate, like a pri- vate Perſon; and asked me, Who gave us Credit? And how we propoſed to pay them? He wondered to hear me talk of long and expenfive Wars, adding, that we muft live in a bad Neighbourhood, or be a quarrelsome People, and that our Ge- nerals muſt needs be richer than our Kings. He asked me, What Bufinefs we had from our own Iflands, unlefs it was upon Trade, fome Treaty, or the Defence of our Coafts? Above all, he was furprized to hear me talk of a ftanding Army in Time of Peace, and among a free People. He faid, if we were governed by our Confent, in the Perfons of our Reprefen- tatives, he could not fee any Room for Fear; and left it to my Opinion, whe- ther a private Man's Houfe could not be better defended by himſelf and Family, than by picking up Knaves in the Streets for fmall Wages, who would get an Hun- dred to BROBDINGNAG. 135 dred Times more by cutting their Throats. He laughed at my calculating the Number of People, by a Computation drawn from the different Sects in Religion and Poli- ticks, and ſaid, he knew no Reaſons why thofe, who entertain'd Opinions contrary to the Intereft of the Publick, ſhould be obliged to change, or fhould not be oblig- ed to conceal them, and as it was Tyran- ny to require the Firft, fo it was Weak- nefs not to inforce the Latter, left they ſhould ſpread thofe Poifons under the Name of Cordials. He obferved that Gaming was a Diverfion among the No- bility, and defired to know at what Age they began it, and whether it ever affect- ed their Fortunes? And whether mean vicious People did not, by their Dexteri- ty, fleece the Nobility, and force them, by the Loffes they have fuftained, to pra- etife the fame infamous Arts upon others? He was amazed at the Hiftory I had gi- ven him of our laft Century, and faid it was only a Heap of Confpiracies, Rebel- lions, Murders, Maffacres, Revolutions, and Baniſhments; the very worſt Effects, the worſt Vices could produce. His Majeſty, in another Audience, took the Trouble to recapitulate what I had told him, and taking me by the Hand, deli- vered I 136 A VOYAGE vered himſelf in the following Manner My little Friend Grildrig, you have made a moſt admirable Panegyrick on your own Country. You have prov'd that Ignorance, Sloth, and Vice, may be the only Ingre- dients in qualifying a Legiflator; that Laws are beft explain'd by thoſe who have Abilities to confound and elude them. I obferve among you fome Lines of an Inſtitution originally tolerable; but half eraſed and blotted out by Corrup- tions. It does not appear, by all you have faid, that any one Virtue is required to the Advancement of any one to a high Station, much leſs that Priefts are ad- vanc'd for their Piety, Soldiers for their Valour, or Judges for their Integrity, Se- nators for the Love of their Country, or Counfellors for their Wifdom. As for your own Part, (continued the King) who have ſpent your Time in travelling, I hope you have efcaped the Vices of your Country; but from what I have obſerved in your whole Relation, I muſt conclude the Bulk of your Natives, to be the moſt pernicious Race that Nature ever fuffered to live upon the Face of the Earth. CHA P. to BROBDINGNAG. 137 1 ENECHINELODY CHAP. VII. The Author's Love of his Country. makes a Propofal of much Advantage He The to the King, which is rejected. King's great Ignorance in Politicks. The Learning of that Country very imperfect and confin'd. Their Laws. Military Affairs. And Parties in State. N Othing but an extreme Love of Truth could have hindered me from concealing this Part of my Story. My Refentments were ridicul'd, and I was forced to be patient while my Country was fo injurioufly treated. I am heartily forry, as any of my Readers can be, that fuch an Occa- fion was given; but the Curiofity of this Prince made him fo particular in his En- quiries, that in Gratitude and good Man- ners I was obliged to fatisfy him as well as I could: Yet this I may fay, in my own Vindica- J 138 A VOYAGE Vindication, that I artfully eluded many of his Queſtions, and gave a more fa- vourable Turn than the Strictneſs of Truth would admit: For I always bore that Partiality to my Country which Dio- nyfius Halicarnaffenfis recommends to an Hiftorian, willing to hide the Frailties. of it, and place its Virtues in the ſtrongeſt Light. This must be faid in favour of that Prince, that, as he lived fecluded from the reft of the World, he could not be acquainted with the Manners and Cuſtoms of other Nations; and it would be hard, indeed, if fo remote a Prince's Notion fhould be offered as a Standard for all Mankind. To confirm the miſera- ble Effects of a confin'd Education, I fhall here infert a Paffage which will hardly obtain Belief. In Hopes of ingratiating my felf with his Majefty, I told him of an Invention to make a certain Powder, one Grain of which, being fet on Fire, would kindle the Whole, though as big as a Mountain, and make it fly up into the Air, with a Noife like Thunder. I then took notice of the vaſt Force this Power had when put into a hollow Tube of Braſs or Iron, in throwing a Ball of Iron or Lead with that Violence, that no- thing could withſtand it. That I knew * the 7 to BROBDINGNAĠ. 139 the Ingredients very well, which were cheap and common, and underſtood the Manner of compounding them, and could direct his Workmen how to make thofe Tubes of a Size, proportion'd to all other Things in his Majefty's Domini- ons; Twenty or Thirty whereof would batter down the ſtrongeſt Walls in his Majeſty's Dominions. This I offer'd as an Acknowledgment in Return of fo many Marks of Favour and Protection re- ceived from his Majefty. The King was ftruck with Horror at the Defcription and Propofal, and was amazed that fo grove- ling an Infect as I (thefe were his Ex- preffions) could entertain fuch inhuman Ideas, and feem unconcerned at the Thoughts of fo much Blood and Defo- lation; and that it muſt be ſome Enemy to Mankind who was the firft Contriver of thofe Machines; and that, as to his own Part, he would fooner loſe half his King- dom, than be privy to a fuch Secret which he commanded me, as I valued my Life, never to mention any more. A Strange Effect of narrow Principles and fhort Views! that a Prince poffeffed of fo ma- ny good Qualities, and admirable Talents. for Government, and almoſt adored by his People, fhould, from a nice unneceffary Scruple, 1 140 A VOYAGE Scruple, whereof in Europe we have no Conception, let flip an Opportunity of making himſelf Mafter of the Lives, Li- berties, and Fortunes of his People. Nei- ther do I ſay this with the leaft Intention to detract from the many Virtues of fo excellent a King; but take it as a Defect among them from their Ignorance in Po- liticks For I remember, in a Difcourfe I had with the King, when I happened to mention ſeveral Thoufand Books among us written upon the Art of Government, it gave him a mean Opinion of our Un- derſtandings. He profeffed both to abo- minate and defpife all Myſtery, Refine- ment, and Intrigue in Prince or Minifter: That he did not underſtand what we meant by Secrets of State; that the Know- ledge of Governing being founded upon common Senfe and Reafon, whoever could make two Ears of Corn grow where only one grew before, would deferve better of Mankind, and do more Service to his Country, than the whole Race of Politici- ans together. The Learning of this People is very defective, confifting only in Mora- lity, Hiſtory, Poetry, and Mathematicks, wherein they muſt be allow'd to excel: But the laft of thefe is wholly applied to what may be uſeful in Life; fo that among to BROBDINGNAG. 141 among us it would be little eſteem'd ; and as to Metaphyficks, I could never make them in the leaft conceive. No Law of that Country muft exceed in Words, the Number of Letters in their Alphabet, which confifts only of Two and Twenty. They are written in the moſt eaſy Terms, wherein thoſe People cannot diſcover above one Interpretation, and it is a Capital Crime to comment upon any Law. They have had the Art of Printing, as well as the Chinese, Time out of Mind; but their Libra- ries are not very large: The King's, which is the biggeft, has a Thoufand Volumes, placed in a Gallery Twelve Hundred Foot long. As 1 had the Li- berty of borrowing what Books I pleaſed, the Queen's Joyner contriv'd me a Ma- chine, like a moveable Pair of Stairs, by mounting and defcending of which, I made ſhift to read fome of the largeſt Folio's. Their Stile is Clear, Mafculine, and Smooth, but not Florid, for they avo'd multiplying unneceffary Words, or ufing various Expreffions. I have pe- rufed feveral of them, and among the reft, was much diverted with one which belongs to my Nurfe's Governefs. This treats 142 A VOYAGE treats of the Weakneſs of Human-Kind, and is little eſteemed, except among the Women, and the Vulgar. The Author goes through the ufual Topicks of Eu- ropean Moralifts, fhewing how diminutive. and helpleſs a Creature Man is, incapable of defending himfelf from the Incle- mencies of the Air, or the Fury of wild Beaſts And added, That in thoſe latter Ages, the Race of Mankind was not to be compared to that of ancient Times, which was much larger; that the Truth of this did not only appear from Hiſtory and Tradition, but confirmed by huge Bones and Sculls cafually dug in feveral Parts of the Kingdom. He argued, That the very Laws of Nature requir'd that we ſhould have been made more robuſt in the Beginning, and not fo liable to Deſtruction from every little Accident. From this Way of Reafoning, the Author drew feveral moral Applications, which are needlefs to repeat. As to their Mili- tary Affairs, they boaft that the King's Army confifts of a Hundred and Seventy Six Thouſand Foot, and Thirty Two Thouſand Horfe; if that may be call'd an Army which is made up of Tradefmen and Farmers, whofe Nobility and Gen- try command them, without Pay or Re- ward. to BROBDINGNAG. 143 ward. Their Exercife and Diſcipline was perfect enough, confidering that every Farmer is under the Command of his Landlord, and every Citizen under that of the principal Men in his own City, chofen by Ballot, after the Manner of Venice. I have often feen the Militia of Lorbrulgrud exercife in a great Field near the City. They were not in all above Twenty-Five Thouſand Foot, and Six Thoufand Horfe. A Cavalier, mounted on a large Steed, gave the Word of Command, upon which they drew their Swords, and brandifh'd them in the Air. Imagination can figure nothing fo grand or furprizing: It look'd as if Ten Thouſand Flaſhes of Lightning were dart- ing at the fame Time from every Quarter of the Sky. I was curious to know how this Prince came to think of Armies, into whofe Dominions there is no Accefs from any other Country: But was foon in- form'd by reading their Hiftories, that, for many Ages, they have been troubled with the fame Difeafe, common to many other Governments; the Nobility often contending for Power, the People for Liberty, and the King for abfolute Domi- nion; which had once, or more, occa- fion'd 144 A VOYAGE fion'd civil Wars, the laſt of which was happily put an End to by this Prince's Grandfather by a general Compofition, and the Militia, then fettled by common Confent, hath ever fince been kept in the ſtrictest Duty. DAY CHAP. to BROBDINGNAG. 145 CHAP. VIII. The King and Queen make a Progreſs to the Frontiers. The Author attends them. The Manner in which he leaves the Country, particularly related. He returns to England. Had always a ſtrong Impulfe that I fhould one Day recover my Liberty, but by what Means, or how to contrive it, was im- poffible. The Ship in which I failed was the first ever driven within Sight of that Coaſt, and the King had given Orders if another appear'd, it fhould be brought to the Metropolis, with all its Crew. He was ſtrongly bent to get me a Woman of my own Size, by whom I might pro- pagate the Breed: But, I think, I fhould rather have died than undergone the Dif grace of leaving a Pofterity to be kept in Cages, and fold to the Nobility for Cu- riofities. I cannot fay but I was kindly H treated : 146 A VOYAGE treated, though not upon a Foot becoming the Dignity of Human Kind. I wanted to be among thofe I could freely converfe with, and walk about the Streets without Fear of being trod upon like a young Puppy. But my Deliverance came fooner than I expected, the Circumftances where- of I fhall faithfully relate. I had been Two Years in this Country, and about the Beginning of the Third, my Nurſe and I attended the King and Queen in a Progress to the South Coaſt of the King- dom. I was carried in my travelling Box as ufual, and had ordered a Hammock to be fixed in it to prevent my being jolted when a Servant carried me on Horfeback. On the Roof of my Cloſet, not directly over the Middle of my Ham- mock, I order'd the Joyner to cut a Hole, of a Foot fquare, to let in Air, while Í flept in hot Weather; which Hole I could open and ſhut at Pleaſure. When we came to our Journey's End, the King had a Mind to pafs a few Days at a Pa- lace he hath, not many Miles from the Sea-fide. Glumdalolitch and I were much fatigu'd, but the Poor Girl was oblig'd to keep her Chamber. I pretended to be worfe than I was, from an Inclination I had to fee the Ocean, which I knew muft be to BROBDINGNAG. 147 be the Scene of my Efcape, happen when it would; and defired leave to take the Air of the Sea, with a Page who had fometimes been entruſted with me. Glum dalclitch parted from me, as if what was to happen had been foretold. The Boy took me in my Box to the Sea-fhore, where I order'd him to fet it down, and lifting up one of my Safhes, caft many a wifhful melancholy Eye to the Sea. I told the Boy I was not very well, and would therefore try to take a Nap in my Hammock. I foon fell aſleep, and the Page, who imagin'd no Danger could happen, went to look for Birds Eggs in the Clefts of the Rocks; this I conjecture, having feen him, from my Window, pick up one or two before. I found my felf awak'd on a fudden, by a violent Pull upon the Ring faftned to the Top of the Box, which had almoſt tofs'd me out of my Hammock. I perceiv'd my Box rais'd into the Air, and moving with an eaſy though a fwift Motion. I called out feveral times, but to no purpoſe: I look'd towards my Windows, but could fee nothing but Sky and Clouds. I heard a Noife like the flapping of Wings over my Head, which made me certain that fome Eagle had got the Ring of my H 2 Box 148 A VOYAGE Box in his Beak, and would let it fall upon a Rock, like a Tortoife, and pick out my Body to devour it. In a little time the Noife and Flutter of Wings en- creaſed, and I found my felf toffed up and down, till on a fudden I fell per- pendicularly down for the Space of a Mi- nute, with that incredible Velocity, that I almoſt loft my Breath. My Fall was ftopp'd by a terrible Squaſh, which found- ed louder to me than the Cataract of Niagara; after which, I was in the Dark for another Minute, and then could fee Light through the Tops of my Windows. I perceived now that I was fallen into the Sea, and that my Box floated Five Foot deep in Water. The Plates of Iron, faftened to the Bottom of it, pre- ferved it from breaking on the Surface of the Water. Every Joint was well grooved, and the Door moving up and down, like a Safh, was fo tight, that very little Water came in. I got out of my Hammock with much Difficulty, having firſt opened the Hole at the Top of my Box to let in Air, for want of which I found my felf almoſt ſtifled. Although, in the midſt of theſe Misfor- tunes, I could not forbear reflecting on the Condition of my poor Gludalclitch, whofe to BROBDINGNAG. 149 whofe Ruin muſt confequently happen from this Accident. Many Travellers have not been in greater Diftrefs than I was at this Time, under Apprehenſions of feeing my Box dafh'd to Pieces, or over- fet; even the Breach of one fingle Pane of Glafs would have been immediate Death; nor could any thing have pre- ferv'd my Windows but the Iron Wire, which was placed on the Outfide to pre- vent Accidents in Travelling. I was four Hours, thus expecting every Moment would be my laft. The Reader, in a former Defcription of this Box, may re- member there were two ftrong Staples fixed to the Side which had no Window, into which a Servant put a Leathern Belt, and buckled it about his Waiſt when he carried me on Horſeback; I heard a Noiſe on that Side, and began to fancy my Box pulled, or towed, along in the Sea This gave me fome faint Hopes, and I ventur'd to unfcrew one of my Chairs, which was faſtened to to the Floor, by which means I got up to the Hole at the Top, and called out for Help in every Language I understood; and faftening my Handkerchief to a Stick, I thruft it through the Hole, and waved it in the Air, that if any Ship or Boat H 3 , was 150 A VOYAGE f 1 was near, they might come to my Relief. I found no Effect from what I had done, but, in about the Space of an Hour, that Part of the Box where the Staples were fix'd, ftruck againſt fomething that was hard, which I apprehended to be a Rock: At Length I heard a Noife, at the Top of my Clofet, like the grating of a Cable paffing through the Ring, and found my 1elf hoisted up, whereupon I thruſt up my Stick and Handkerchief, calling for Help, till I was almoft hoarfe; in Return to which I heard a great Shout, which gave me inexpreffible Joy. I now heard a trampling over my Head, and fome- bcdy calling, through the Hole, in the English Tongue; If there be any Body below, let them fpeak. I anfwered, I was an Englishman, drawn by ill Fortune into the greateſt Calamity ever Mortal underwent, and defired to be deliver'd cut of the Dungeon I was in, The Voice replied, I was fafe, and that the Car- penter fhould faw a Hole in the Cover large enough to take me out. I, not thinking I had got among People of my own Stature and Strength, anfwer'd, That one of them might put his Finger in the Ring, and take the Box out of the Sea, and fo into the Captain's Cabbin. Some of to BROBDINGNAG. 151 of them hearing me talk fo wildly, thought I was mad, and others laughed. The Carpenter foon came and made a Hole, through which I was taken into the Ship, in a very weak Condition. The Sailors amaz'd, ask'd mc a Thoufand Queſtions, and I was equally confounded at the Sight of fo many Pigmies, for fo they appear'd to me after the monftrous Objects I had fo lately feen: But the Captain, Mr. Tho- mas Wilcox, an honeft Shropshire-Man, obferving I was ready to faint, took me into his Clofet, and gave me a Cordial to comfort me, and adviſed me to take a little Reft upon it. Before I went to fleep, I told him the Furniture of my Box was too good to be loft, and if he would let one of the Crew bring it into his Cabbin, I would fhew him the Goods. The Cap- tain thought I was raving by my Dif courfe; however, to pacify me, he pro- mis'd it fhould be done, and, going upon Deck, order'd fome of the Men to go down into my Clofet, which they ftript, but not without Damage to the Bedſted, Chairs, and Cabinet, which were ſcrew'd to the Floor, and let the Hulk fink into: the Sea. I am glad I was not a Spectator- of the Havock they made, being confi-- dent; H 4. 152 A VOYAGE dent it would have brought fome Paffages to my Mind, which I was willing to for- get. I flept fome Hours, and found my felf much refreſhed when I awaked. The Captain thinking I had fafted too long, order'd Supper, and entertain'd me very kindly. When we were alone, he de- fir'd a Relation of my Travels, and by what Accident I came adrift in that mon- ftrous wooden Cheft. He faid, when he firſt ſpied it, he thought it a Sail, which he had a Mind to make, in hopes of buy- ing fome Biſcuit, his own beginning to fall fhort That coming nearer, he found his Error, and order'd his Long-boat out to diſcover what I was, and his Men came back in a Fright, fwearing they had feen a fwimming Houfe. He laughed at them, and went into the Boat himſelf, ordering his Men to take fome Cables with them. That rowing round me he diſcover'd the two Staples, and order'd his Men to faften a Cable to one of them, and tow my Cheft (as he called it) to the Ship. When it was there, he or- der'd them to raife it up with Pullies, which all the Sailors were not able to do above two or three Foot. I ! ! He to BROBDINGNAG. 153 He ſaid they faw my Stick and Hand- kerchief, and concluded fome unhappy Man muſt be ſhut up in that Cavity. I enquired, whether any of his Crew had obferved any prodigious Birds in the Air, about the Time they diſcovered me? He told me, one of his Men faid he had feen Three Eagles, flying towards the North, but were fo high, that they did not ſeem extraordinary large. I then asked the Captain, How far he reckoned we might be from Land? He faid, by the beſt Computation he could make, we were, at leaft, a Hundred Leagues. I affured him, he was miſtaken, for I had not left the Country I came from above Two Hours, before I dropp'd into the Sea. He again thought me diſtracted, and ad- vifed me to go to reft. I affured him, I was as much in my Senfes, as ever 1 was in my Life; upon which, he ſeriouſly asked me, Whether my being expofed in that Cheft, was not defigned as a Puniſh- ment for fome Crime I had committed ? for although he ſhould be forry to have taken fuch a Man into his Ship, he pro- mifed to fet me fafe on Shore at the firſt Port. He added, his Sufpicions were in- creaſed by my abfurd Speeches to the Sailors, as well as by my Looks and Be- haviour 154 A VOYAGE haviour at Supper. 1 begg'd his Patience to hear my Story, which I related faith- fully, from the Moment I left England, to his firſt diſcovering me; and as Truth foon prevails on rational Minds, he was foon convinc'd of my Candour and Ve- racity; but to confirm what I faid, I opened my Cabinet, and fhew'd him fome Rarities I had collected in the Country from whence I came. There was the Comb, which I had made of the Stumps. of the King's Beard, and another of the fame Materials, but fixed into the Parings of her Majefty's Thumb-Nail, which ferv- ed for the Back. A Collection of Pins and Needles, from a Foot to half a Yard long; Four Wafps Stings, like Joyners Tacks; fome Combings of the Queen's Hair; a Gold Ring, which the Queen took off her little Finger, and put it over my Head, like a Collar. I' offer'd to make him a Prefent of the Ring, but he abfolutely refuſed it. it. I fhew'd him a Corn I cut from a Maid of Honour's Toe, as big as a Kentif Pippin, which I after- wards made into a Cup, and fet in Silver. I could perfuade him to accept of nothing among my Curiofities, but a Footman's Tooth, which he received with abundance of Thanks. It was drawn by an unskil- ful to BROBDINGNAG. 155 ful Surgeon from one of my Nurfe's Foot- men, but was as found as any in his Head. This I kept as a Rarity, it being about a Foot long, and Four Inches in diameter. The Captain was very well fatisfied with this plain Relation, and faid, he hop'd I would oblige the World with it, by mak- ing it Publick. I anfwered him, That I thought there was too great a Number of Books on Travels; that nothing paffed but what was extraordinary, wherein I doubted, fome Authors lefs confulted Truth, than the Intereft or Diverfion of ignorant Readers. That my Hiſtory could contain nothing more than common Events, except the ftrange Products of the Country, and Cuſtoms of the People, with which moft Writers abound. How- ever, I thanked him for his good Opinion, and promiſed to think of his Propofal. Obferving that I fpoke very loud, he ask- ed me, Whether the King and Queen of that Country were thick of Hearing? I told him, The Height of the People, a- mong whom I had been for above Two Years paft, occafion'd my ſpeaking fo loud; and that I admired as much at the Voices of him and his Men, who feemed to me only to whiſper, and yet I could hear them well enough. I told him, that I 156 A VOYAGE ¡ 1 I likewife obferv'd, when I firſt entered the Ship, his Sailors appeared to me the moft minute, contemptible Creatures, I had ever beheld; for indeed, while I was in that Prince's Country, I could not endure to look in a Glafs, becauſe the Compariſon between the Inhabitants and my ſelf, gave me a deſpicable Conceit of my Stature. The Captain faid, he ob- ferv'd, that while we were at Supper, I feem'd amazed at every thing, and could hardly forbear Laughter, which he knew not well how to take, but imputed it to fome Diſorder in my Brain. I anfwered it was very true, and that well I might, when his Diſhes ſeemed to me of the Size of a Silver Three-pence, a Leg of Pork, but a Mouthful, and a Cup not fo big as a Nut-fhell; and fo I went on defcrib- ing the rest of his Houfhold-Stuff, and Proviſions after the fame Manner. For although the Queen had furniſhed me with a little Equipage of all Things ne- ceffary, my Ideas were wholly employ'd in what I faw about me, and I winked at my own Littlenefs, as People do at their own Faults. The Captain underſtanding my Raillery, reply'd, with the old English Pro- verb, That he doubted my Eyes were big- ger than my Belly; for he did not obferve my to BROBDINGNAG. 157 my Stomach extraordinary, though I had fafted all Day. And continuing his Mirth, vow'd, he would have given an Hundred Pounds to have feen my Cloſet in the Eagle's Beak, and its Fall into the Sea, which would have been an Object worthy of having the Defcription of it tranfmit- ted to Poſterity: And the Compariſon of Phaeton was fo obvious, that he could not forbear applying it, although I did not much admire the Conceit. The Captain having been at Tonquin, was, in his Return Home, driven North-Eastward to the Latitude of 44°, and of Longitude 143. But meeting a Trade-wind, we failed South- ward a long Time, and coafting New Hol- land, kept our Courfe Weft-South-Weft, and then South-South-Weft, till we doubled the Cape of Good Hope. We had a pro- fperous Voyage, but I fhall not trouble the Reader with a Journal of it. The Captain called in at one or two Ports, and took in Provifions and freſh Water. But I never left the Ship, till we arriv'd in the Downs, which was on the 3d of June, 1706. being Nine Months after my Ef cape. I offered to leave my Goods in Se- curity for Payment of my Freight; but he refufed to take any thing. We took kind Leave of each other, and I made him 158 A VOYAGE him promiſe he would come to fee me at my Houſe. I took Horfe for London, and as I was on the Road, obferving the Lit- tleneſs of the Trees, Cattle and People, began to think I was at Lilliput; and be- ing afraid of trampling on every Travel- ler I met, had like to have had my Head broke, for calling aloud to them to ftand out of the way. When I came to my own Houſe, one of the Servants opening the Door, I ſtooped to go in (like a Gooſe under a Gate) for fear of ftriking my Head. My Wife ran out to embrace me, but I ftoop'd lower than her Knees, think- ing fhe could not otherwife reach my Mouth. My Daughter kneeled to ask Bleffing, but I could not fee her till fhe rofe, having been uſed to Objects above Sxity Foot high, and look'd down upon every Body in the Houfe, as if they had been Pigmies, and I a Giant. I told my Wife ſhe had been too thrifty, for I found ſhe had ſtarved herſelf and her Daugh- ter. In fhort, I behav'd my felf in fuch a Manner, that they concluded I had loft my Senfes. This I mention as an Inſtance of the great Power of Habit and Preju- dice. In a little Time my Family and I came to a right Underſtanding, and my Wife proteſted I fhould go to Sea no more; to BROBDINGNAG. 159 more; but my evil Fate fo ordered it, that ſhe had no Power to prevent it, as the Reader may know hereafter. In the mean Time, I here conclude the Second Part of my unfortunate Voyages. · The END of the SECOND PART. TRAVELS. PART III. A Voyage to LAPUTA, BALNI- BARBI, LUGGNAGG, Glubb- DUBDRIB, and JAPAN. CHAP. I. The Author undertakes a third Voyage; is taken by the Pirates. The Malice of a Dutch- man. His Arrival at an Iland. He is re- ceived into Laputa. I Had not been long at home before Captain Robinfen, Com- mander of the Hopewell, a Ship of three hundred Ton, came to make me a Vifit. He complimented me on my Arrival, ask- B ing 2 A VOYAGE ing, whether I was refolved to fettle for Life? Adding, that he intended a Voyage to the East-Indies in two Months. He in- vited me at laſt, not without fome Apolo- gy, to be Surgeon to his Ship, with un- common Advantages; that, knowing my Experience in Sea Affairs, he would fol- low my Advice, as if I had a Share in the Command. I was fo thoroughly acquaint- ed with the Honefty of the Man, that I could not reject his Propoſals. Nothing was wanting but my Wife's Confent, which I obtained by the Profpect of the Ad- vantage it might be to her Children. We failed the 5th Day of August 1706, and arriv'd at Fort St. George the 11th of A- pril 1707, and refresh'd our Crew, many of whom were fick. Thence we went to Tonquin, where the Captain was reſolved to ſtay till the Goods were ready that he was to take on Board, which could not be in fome Months. To defray his Expen- ces, during his Stay, he bought a Sloop loaded with Goods, in which the Tonqui- nefe trade to the neighbouring Ilands; and, putting fourteen Men on Board, appoint- ed me Mafter, with Power to traffick, while he tranfacted his Affairs. After three Days Sail a Storm, arifing, drove us for five Days, North North Eaft, and then to LAPUTA, Ve. 3 then Eaſt, when we had better Weather.' The tenth Day we were chafed by two Pirates, who overtook and boarded us, our Sloop being deep laden; and find- ing us on our Faces, for fo I gave Order, they pinioned us and fet a Guard, while they fearched the Sloop. There was a- mong them a Dutchman, of fome Autho- rity, though not the Commander of the Ship, who, knowing us to be Englishmen, fwore we fhould be tied Back to Back, and caft overboard. I anfwered him in Dutch, which I fpoke pretty well, telling him who we were, and begging him, that as we were of the fame Religion, Neighbours, and in ftrict Alliance, he would prevail on the Captains to treat us with Compaf fion But this only inflamed his Rage, for he spoke with Indignation in the Ja- panese Language, often ufing the Word Chriftianos. One of the Pirate Ships was under the Commard of a Japaneſe Cap- tain, who, after fome Difcourfe with me, in broken Dutch, faid we fhould not die. Having faluted him, turning to the Dutch- man, I faid, I was forry to find more Pity from a Heathen than a Chriftian: But this malicious Reprobate gave me Cauſe to repent thofe rafh Words; for, though he B 2 could 4 A VOYAGE could not perfuade the Captains, in Breach of their Promife, to take away my Life, he, notwithſtanding, moved them to inflict on me a feverer Puniſhment. My Men were fent into the Pirate Ships; and, as to my felf, it was agreed on, that I fhould be fet a-drift in a ſmall Canoe, with only four Days Provifions, which the Captain was pleafed to double, not permitting any Man to fearch me. Ha- ving got down into the Cance, the Dutch- man, being on Deck, loaded me with Im- precations. A little before we faw the Pirates, I had obferved that we were in the Latitude of 46 N. and of Longitude 183, and, being at fome Diſtance from them, by my Pocket-Perſpective, I diſco- ver'd feveral Islands to the South-Eaſt, the neareſt of which I reach'd in about three Hours Sail. On this Ifland, though rocky, I got Birds-Eggs, and kindled fome Heath and dry Sea-Weed, to roaft them, eating no other Supper, that I might fpare my Provifions; and, ftrowing fome Heath under me, I flept pretty well un- der the Shelter of a Rock. The next Day I arrived at another Ifland, and thence failed to others, until at length I reached the laſt in my View, which lay South to LAPUTA, Oc. 5 1 South South Eaft of the former, though not in less than five Hours. I found, af ter failing almoft round it, a fmall Creek to land in, and obferved the liland to be all rocky, only that here and there were Tufts of Grafs and Sweet-Herbs. Ha- ving refresh'd my felf, I fecur'd the Re- mainder of my Provifions in a Cave, and gathered many Eggs, with fome Sea-Weed and parched Grafs, to roaſt them the next Day, for I was furnished with a Flint, Steel, Match, and Burning-Glaſs, to kin- dle a Fire. I ſpent the Night in a Cave, and made my Bed with Grafs and Sea- Weed, bat flept very little; for though I was weary, the Difquiets of my Mind kept me awake. I reflected on the mi- ferable Condition I was in; and think- it defperate, I had not the Heart to rife before the Day was far advanced. Walk- ing among the Rocks, the Sky being very clear, and the Sun fo hot that I was obli- ged to turn my Back to it, I obferved it became obfcured, though, methought, in a very odd and extraordinary Manner. I perceived a vaft dark Body between me and the Sun, that moved towards the Ifland, which appear'd to be two Miles high, and obfcured the Sun feveral Mi- B 3 nutes; 6 AVOYAGE nutes; but the Air was not much cold- er, nor the Sky more darken'd, than if I had been under the Shade of a Moun- tain. Approaching nearer to me, it ſeem- ed to be a folid Subftance, the Bottom flat, fmooth, and very bright, from the Reflexion of the Sea. About two hundred Yards from the Shore, I ftood upon a Height, and faw this great Body deſcend- ing almoſt to a Parallel with me, at leſs than a Mile's Diſtance. By my Pocket- Glafs, I plainly difcovered many People moving on the Sid s of it; but, what they were doing, I could not difcern. The Love of Life gave me fome Motions of Joy, and I was inclined to hope, that this Adventure might help to deliver me from my defolate Condition: But, at the fame Time, I was inconceivably aftonish'd to view an Ifland in the Air, inhabited by Men, who could (as it ſeemed) make it rife or fall, or put it in progreffive Motion, at their Pleaſure. Being then not difpofed to examine into the Nature of this Phenomenon, I choſe to obferve which Way it would move, for it feem'd for a while to ftand ftill. When it advanced nearer, I beheld its Sides, furrounded with Gradations of Galleries and Stairs, at certain Intervals, defcend- to LAPUTA, Oc. 7 • defcending from one to the other. In the loweſt of theſe I ſaw People fishing, and others looking on. Waving my Cap and Handkerchief towards the Ifland, and, upon its nearer Approach, calling to them as loudly as I could; I obferved a Croud gather to that Side which faced me, and found, by their Behaviour, that they faw me, though they made no Anſwer to my Shouting; for four or five Men ran haftily up to the Top of the Ifland, to receive Orders from fome Perfon in Au- thority on this Occafion. The Crowd increafing, in lefs than half an Hour the lowest Gallery appeared in a Paral- lel of lefs than an hundred Yards Di- ftance from me; and I addrefs'd them in the moft fuppliant Manner, but received no Anſwer. Thoſe who were next me feemed, by their Drefs, to be Men of Diftinction, who, conferring together earneftly, gaz'd often upon me. At laft one of them called out to me in a beau- tiful Dialect, in Sound like the Itali- an; and I anfwered him in that Lan- guage, hoping, at leaft, that the Ca- dence would be more pleafing to his Ears. My Meaning was eafily gueffed at, though we did not underftand each other; B 4 8 A VOYAGE other; for the People faw my Diftrefs, and made Signs for me to go towards the Shoar, which I did. The Island be- ing raiſed to a proper Heighth, the Verge directly over me, they let down a Chain, with a Seat fixed to the Bot- tom, in which they drew me up by Pullies. t CHAP. ་ to LAPUTA, Sc. 9 CHAP. II. The Humours of the Laputians defcribed. An Account of their Learning. Of the King and his Court. The Author's Recep- tion there. The Inhabitants liable to Fears and Perturbations. An Account of the Women. S foon as I alight, many People flock'd about me, fome of whom feem'd to be of better Quality. They beheld me with Attonifh- ment, as I did them, becauſe I had never before feen any Perfons fo fingular in their Shapes, Dreffes, and Complexions; having their Heads all reclined, one of their Eyes inward, and the other directly to the Zenith, and their upper Garments adorn'd with the Figures of Suns, Moons, and Stars, interwoven with thofe of many mufical Inftruments, fome of which are unknown to us Europeans. Several among the Crowd were cloath'd like Servants, B 5 with 10 A VOYAGE with a blown Bladder, fix'd like a Flail to the End of a fhort Stick, which they had in their Hands, in each of which Bladders were a few dried Peafe or ſmall Pebbles. I obſerv'd them to flap the Mouths and Ears of one another with theſe Bladders, which at firft, I thought to be an unaccountable Practice: But I foon learned, that their Minds are fo in- tenfely fixed on fpeculative Subjects, that they can neither fpeak themſelves, nor hear others, unlefs rouzed by an outward Touch on the Mouth and Ears. On this Account, they ufually keep a Flapper in their Families (in the Original Climenole) whofe Office it is, in Company, gently to ftrike the Mouth of the Speaker, and right Ear of the Hearer; and attend his Mafter alfo in his Walks, now and then flapping him on the Eyes, left, being wrapp'd in Thought, he fhould fall down a Precipice, hit his Head against a Poft, or, in the Streets, joftle others, or be joftled himself into the Kennel. By what has been faid, the Reader may underſtand the Proceedings of thofe People, as they conducted me to the Top of the Ifland, and thence to the King's Palace; for, in our Way thither, they often forgot what they were doing, leaving me to my felf, neither to LA PUTA, Oc. I I neither the Sight of my ftrange Habit and Countenance, nor the Shouts of the unthinking Vulgar, being able to move them, until they were rouzed by their Flappers. At length, arriving at the Pa- lace, I enter'd into the Prefence-Chamber, and beheld the King on his Throne, at- tended by Perfons of the prime Nobility. Near the Throne was a large Table full of Globes and all Sorts of mathematical Inftru- ments; but, notwithſtanding the Noiſe of our Entrance, and the Hurry of the Court, His Majesty took no Notice of us; for being intent on a Problem, we waited an Hour, before he had folved it. As foon as the King was at Leifure, two young Pages, ftanding by him with Flaps in their Hands, gently ftruck him, the one his Mouth, and the other his right Ear; which made him ftart like one fuddenly awak'd, obferve us, and recollect the Oc- cafion of our Attendance. Upon his ſpeaking to me, I was flapp'd alfō, tho' I made Signs that I had no need of fuch an Inftrument; which gave the King and the whole Court a very low Opinion of my Underſtanding. His Majefty, I ap- prehended, ask'd me feveral Queſtions, which I answered as well as I could : But when he found that I was a Stran gel 12 A VOYAGE ger to their Language, being a Prince very remarkable for Hofpitality; I was, by his Order, allowed an Apartment in his Palace, and two Servants to attend me. Four Perfons of Diftinction, belong- ing to the Court, honoured me with their Company at Dinner, and we were ferv'd with two Courſes, of three Difhes each. In the firft Courfe, we had a Shoulder of Mutton, cut in the Form of a Tri- angle; a Piece of Beef into a Rhomboides, with a Pudding into a Cycloid. The fe- cond Courſe was a couple of Ducks, trufs'd up like Fiddles; Sauſages and Puddings in the Shape of Flutes and Haut-boys,and a Breaft of Veal reſembling a Harp; our Bread being cut into Cones, Cylinders, and other mathematical Fi gures. I at this Time prefumed to ask the Names of many Things in their Lan- guage, which the Perfons of Quality, by the Means of their Flappers, were delighted in anfwering, thereby to increaſe my Ad- miration of their Abilities, when I fhould be able to converfe with them. My Com- pany withdrawing after Dinner, a Perſon, attended by a Flapper, came, by the King's Order, to teach me their Language, who brought with him Books, and all other Neceffaries, for that Purpofe. I took a Lift to LAPUTA, Uc. 13 Lift of many Words in Writing, pla- cing the Tranflations in Columns over against them, and, by the Care of my Tutor, I learn'd feveral fhort Sentences, which I alfo writ down. The Figures of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, the Zodiack, Tropicks, and Polar Circles, with thoſe of many Planes and Solids, were likewife fhewn me; and he taught me the Names of all the mufical Inftruments, deſcribing the general Terms of Art, by playing on each of them. Upon his leaving me, I rang'd all my Words and their Inter- pretations alphabetically; and thus, hav- ing a good Memory, I foon became ac- quainted with their Language. Laputa, which I have tranflated the Flying or Floating Iſland, is a Word, whereof I could not learn the genuine Etymology: They fay that Laputa is a Corruption of La- puntuh, which is derived from Lap, in the ancient obfolete Language, fignifying High, and Untuh a Governor But, this Derivation feeming to be ftrain'd, I rather think that Laputa was quafi Lap, outed, Lap fignifying frictly the Dancing of the Sun-Beams in the Ocean, and outed a Wing; and this Conjecture I ventured to propofe to the Learned among them. My Cloths being obferved to be very indif ferent, 14 A VOYAGE ferent, a Taylor was fent for to take my Meaſure for a new Suit, who did his Of- fice in a different Manner from the Tay- lors in Europe. He took my Height by a Quadrant, and deſcribed the Dimenfions of my Body with a Rule and Compaſſes; but, notwithſtanding, by miftaking a Fi- gure in the Calculation, my Cloths were wretchedly made, which is an Accident too frequent here to be much regarded. Being confined to my Chamber fome Days for want of Cloths, and by an In- difpofition, I made my Dictionary much larger; and, when I next waited on the King, understood many of his Words, and, after a Sort, returned him Anſwers. His Majefty having given Orders that the Inland fhould move North-Eaft and by Eaſt, to the vertical Point of Lagado, the Metropolis of his Dominions below up- on the firm Earth, which was about ninety Leagues diftant; we reached it in four Days and an half, tho' I was altogether infenfible of the progreffive Motion made in the Air by the Ifland. On the fecond Morning, the King himlelf, and the whole Court, having prepared all their mufical Inftruments, played on them for three Hours together, and quite ftunned me with their Noife. My Tutor, finding that I was 1 1 15 to LAPUTA, U'c. I was ignorant of the Meaning of this Performance, told me, that the People of this Ifland had their Ears adapted to. hear the Mufick of the Spheres, which always played at certain Times; and that the Court was now ready to bear their Part in whatever Inftrument they moit excelled. In our Voyage towards Lagade, by the King's Order, the Ifland ftopp'd over feveral Towns and Villages, that from thence he might receive the Peti- tions of his Subjects. To this Purpoſe, Packthreads were let down by fmall Weights at the Bottom, on which the People ftrung their Petitions, and fo they mounted up into the Air, like the Scraps of Paper faſtened by School-Boys at the End of the String that holds their Kite ; and Wine and Victuals, from below, were fometimes drawn up by Pullies. My mathematical Knowledge was of great Ufe to me, in acquiring their Phra- feology, as well as my Skill in Muſick; for their Language depends very much upon both thefe Sciences, and their Minds are perpetually employed about Lines and Figures. If they, for Inftance, praile the Beauty of a Woman, or any other Ani- mal, they deſcribe it by geometrical or mufical Terms; and. I obferved, that the very 16 A VOYAGE very Joints, which were ferv'd to the King's Table, were mathematically dif fected. Their Houſes are very ill built, the Walls Bevil, having not fo much as a right Angle in any Apartment; for as they defpife practical Geometry as vul- gar and Mechanical, fo, their Inftructions to their Work-men being too refin'd for their Capacities, they commit perpe- tual Blunders and Miftakes. They are dextrous enough, indeed, in the Manage- ment of the Rule, the Pencil, and the Divider, but, in the common Actions of Life, they are very awkward, and un- handy; and the floweft and moſt per- plexed in their Conceptions on all Sub- jects, except Mathematicks and Mufick, of any People that I have feen. They reafon very badly, and are extreamly given to Contradiction, unless they chance to be in the right, which is not often their Cafe. They are utter Strangers to Wit, Fancy, and Invention; nor have they any Words in their Language, to exprefs thoſe Ideas, the forefaid Sciences engroffing the whole Compaſs of their Thoughts. Moft of them, and eſpecially their Aftronomers, are much devoted to judicial Aftrology, altho' they are afham'd to own it publickly: But their ftrong Dif- to LAPUTA, UC. 17 3. Difpofition towards News and Politicks, always enquiring into publick Affairs, I chiefly admired. The fame Difpofition I have obferv'd among the greateſt Part of the Mathematicians I have known in Europe, tho' there doth not ſeem to be the leaſt Analogy between the two Sci- ences; unless they fuppofe, that, becaufe the finalleft Circle contains as many De- grees as the largest, the Government of the World requires no more Abilities, than the handling or turning of a Globe. But, in my Opinion, this Quality fprings from that natural Inclination in Mankind to be more curious and conceited in Af- fairs where they are leaft concerned, and for which they are leaft qualified, either by Art or Nature. Theſe People labour under continual Difquietudes, which arife from the various Changes they dread in the celeftial Bodies: e. g. that the Earth, by the conftant Approaches of the Sun towards it, will, in Procefs of Time, be abſorb'd; that the Face of the Sun muft, at length, be incrufted with its own Ef fluvia, and give no more Light; that the Earth very narrowly efcap'd a Bruſh from the Tail of the laft Comet, which would elfe have infallibly confum'd it; and that the next, which is to appear one 18 A VOYAGE one and thirty Years hence, will in al Probability deſtroy us; for if, in its Pe rihelion, it should approach within a certain Degree of the Sun (as according to their Calculations they find Reafon to dread) its Heat will become ten thouſand Times greater than that of red-hot glow- ing Iron; and, in its Aphelion, carry a blazing Tail ten hundred Thoufand and fourteen Miles in Length; fo that if the Earth fhould pafs within one hundred thouſand Miles of the Nucleus, or main Body of the Comet, it must, of course, be ſet on Fire, and reduced to Aſhes; that the Sun daily wafting its Rays, with- out any Nourishment to fupply them, will, in Time, be wholly confumed and annihilated; upon which must follow the Deſtruction of this Earth, and of all the other Planets that borrow their Light from the Sun. Such Apprehenfions, as theſe, do fo perpetually alarm them, that they can neither fleep with Comfort, nor have a Tafte for the common Plea- fures of Life. Upon their meeting an Acquaintance in the Morning, they, in the firft Place, enquire concerning the Sun's Health and Afpect, and whether there be any Hopes of avoiding the fa- tal Influence of the approaching Comet. This to LAPUTA, Sc. 19 This Kind of Converfation they enter in- to, with the fame Diſpoſition that Chil- dren exprefs, who delight in Stories of Apparitions and Hobgoblins, attend to them with Greedineſs, and yet dare not go to Bed for Fear. The Women of Laputa have a great Deal of Vivacity; they defpife their Huf- bands, and are very fond of Strangers, whereof many, from the Continent below, attend at Court, either about the Buſineſs of the feveral Towns and Corporations, or their own private Affairs, altho' they are much contemned, for the Want of the fame Endowments. Out of theſe, the La- dies chufe Lovers; but what's moft vex- ing is, that they act with too much Eafe and Safety, for, the Husband being al- ways rapt in Thought, if he be but fur- nish'd with Paper and Inftruments, and without his Flapper, the Miftrels and her Gallant may proceed, even to Enjoyment, before his Face. Tho' this lfland be the most delicious Tract of Ground in the World, and the Wives and Daughters live here in the most magnificent and plentiful Manner, being allowed to do whatever they pleafe; yet they look upon their Abode in it as a Confinement, and long to fee the Metropolis, which is not to be 20 A VOYAGE be done without a ſpecial Licenſe from the King; and this is not to be had with- out Difficulty, becauſe the Perfons of Qua- lity have often found it hard to prevail on their Women to return from below. I was informed, that a great Court-Lady, who had feveral Children, being Wife to the prime Minifter, the wealthieft Sub- ject in the Kingdom, a very comely Per- fon, exceedingly fond of her, and dwells in the fineft Palace of the whole Ifland, under the Pretence of Health, went to Lagado, and abfconded there feveral Months, till the King, fending a Warrant to fearch for her, fhe was diſcovered in an obfcure Eating-houſe all in Rags, hav- ing pawn'd her Cloths to fupport an old deform'd Footman, who daily beat her, and in whofe Company fhe was appre- hended much against her Will: But, al- though her Husband received her with all imaginable Kindnefs, not in the leaft re- proaching her, fhe foon found an Oppor- tunity of returning, with all her Jewels, to the fame Gallant, and hath not been heard of fince. The Reader may, poffibly, take this to be an European or English Story, rather than one of Laputa; he ought to confider, that the Caprices of Womenkind are not confined to any but parti- to LAPUTA, Sc. 21 particular Climate, but that they are much more uniform than can eaſily be conceived. In a Month's Time, I made a pretty good Proficiency in the Lan- guage, and, when I was admitted to wait on the King, could anfwer moſt of his Queftions. His Majefty was not in the leaft inquifitive about the Laws, Religion, Government, Hiftory, or Manners of the Countries where I had travelled, his Queſtions altogether turning upon the State of Mathematicks; and he received the Accounts I gave him, with no ſmall Contempt and Indifferences, tho' often rouz'd by his Flappers. CHAP. 22 A VOYAGE ZEIN ZEZE ZIJN KLAS GA CHA P. III. A Phanomenon accounted for by modern Phi- lofophy and Aftronomy. The great Improve- ments of the Laputians in the latter. The King's Method of fuppreffing Infurrections. Asked Leave of the King to fee the Curiofities of the Ifland, who was graciouſly pleafed to grant it, and appointed my Tutor to attend me. I was moft defirous to learn the Caufe of its feveral Motions, which I fhall now phi- loſophically relate to the Reader. The flying or floating Iſland is exactly circular, and, being 7837 Yards in Dia- meter, or about four Miles and a halt, contains ten thouſand Acres. It is three hundred Yards in Thicknefs; and the un- der Surface, which is viewed from be- low, is an even regular adamantine Plate, about two hundred Yards high, over which lie the feveral Minerals in their uſual Order, and, above all, is a rich Mould ten or twelve Feet deep. The Decli- to LAPUTA, Sc. 23 Declivity of the upper Surface is the 1 atural Caufe why all the Dews and Rains that fall on the Iland, are conveyed in fmall Rivulets to the Middle, where they are emptied into four large Bafons, each of which is about half a Mile in Circuit, and two hundred Yards from the Cen- ter. The perpetual Exhalations of the Sun in the Day-time, effectually hinder the Overflowing of the Water in thofe Bafons; and befides, the Prince can, at any Time, by raifing the Ifland above the Region of Clouds and Vapours, prevent the falling of Dews and Rains, for the higheſt Clouds cannot afcend higher than two Miles, according to the Naturalifts, and, at leaft, never were known to rife above that Heighth in Laputa. At the Center of this Ifland, there is a Chaſm a- bout fifty Yards in Diameter, which leads into a large Dome, therefore called Flan- dona Gagnole, or the Aftronomner's Cave, fi- tuated a hundred Yards beneath the up- per Surface of the Adamant. In this Cave are twenty Lamps always burning, which being reflected by the Adamant, enlight- ten every Part of it. This Place is the Repofitory for a vaft Variety of Sextants, Quadrants, Teleſcopes, Aftrolabes, and o- ther Aftronomical Inftruments. But the mont 24 A VOYAGE moft furpriſing Curiofity, on which the Fate of the Ifland has a Dependance, is a Loadſtone of prodigious Bulk, not un- like a Weaver's Shuttle, being fix Yards long, and in the thickest Part at leaſt three Yards over. It is fuftained by an Axle of Adamant paffing through its Middle, and is poiſed fo truly, that a very weak Hand can turn it; it is alfo hooped round with an hollow Cylinder of Adamant, four Feet in Depth and Thickneſs, and twelve Yards in Diameter, placed Hori- zontally, and upheld by eight adamantine Feet, each fix Yards high; and in the Middle of the concave Side there is a Groove twelve Inches deep, wherein the Extremities of the Axle are lodged, and turned round when there is Occafion. This Magnet is immoveable, for the Hoop and its Feet are of a Piece with the Body of Adamant, which conftitutes the Bot- tom of the Ifland. The Ifland rifes and finks, and moves from Place to Place, by Means of the Loadſtone; for, as to that Part of the Earth over which the King prefides, it is endued at one Side with an attractive, and at the other with a repul- five Power. If the Magnet be placed e- rect, with its attracting Extremity to- wards the Earth, the Ifland falls; but when to LAPUTA, &c. 25 L [ when the repelling End points downwards, it directly afcends, and if its Pofition be oblique, the Motion of the Iſland is fo too, the Forces of the Loadftone always acting in Lines parallel to its Direction. By this oblique Motion the Iſland is con- veyed to different Parts of the King's Dominions, but it cannot move beyond the Extent of them below, nor afcend above the Heighth of four Miles; becauſe, as the Aftronomers alledge, the magnetick Virtue does not extend farther than four Miles, and that the Mineral, which acts upon the Stone in the Bowels of the Earth, and in the Sea about fix Leagues from the Shore, is confined with- in the Bounds of the Monarch's Domini- ons, and the mighty Advantage of fuch a fuperior Situation rendered it eafy for a Prince, to reduce under his Obedience all Countries lying within the Attracti on of that Magnet. When the Stone is placed parallel to the Plane of the Ho- rifon, the Iſland ftandeth ftill, for, its Ends being equally diſtant from the Earth, acting with equal Force, the one in pul- ling downwards, the other in pushing up- wards, it can have no other Motion at all. C This 26 A VOYAGE This Magnet is under the Direction of certain Aftronomers, who place it in whatever Poſition his Majefty pleaſes, and employ the greateſt Part of their Lives, in making Obſervations upon the heaven- ly Bodies, wherein they are affifted by Glaffes much better than ours. By means of this Advantage, they have made many more Diſcoveries than our European Aftronomers; for their Catalogue of fix'd Stars contains ten Thoufand, tho' in the largeſt of ours we have not above a third Part of that Number. They have alſo diſcovered two ſmaller Stars, or Satellites, that revolve about Mars, the innermoft of which is diftant from the primary Planet three of his Diameters, and the outermoft five, the former re- volving in ten Hours, and the latter in twenty One and a half; fo that the Squares of their periodical Times are very near proportional to the Cubes of their Distance from the Center of Mars; from which it evidently appears, that they are under the Influence of that Law of Gra- vitation, by which are governed the other celeftial Bodies. It is confidently affirm- ed, that they have obferved no lefs than ninety three Comets, and exactly fettled their feveral Periods; if this be Fact, it is to LAPUTA, Si. 27 3 1 + is much to be wifh'd, that their Obſerva- tions were publish'd, which might bring the prefent defective Theory of Comets to as great Perfection as any other Parts of Aſtronomy. The King would be the moſt abſolute Prince in the World, if his Miniftry could be prevailed on to join with him; but theſe, being poffefs'd of Eftates below on the Continent, and reflecting upon the Uncertainty of a Court-Favourite's Office, would never confent that their Country fhould be enflaved. When any Town engages in a Rebellion or Mutiny, becomes factious, or will not pay the uſual Tribute, the Monarch hath two Ways of bringing them to Obedience. The milder Method is, by letting the Iſland hover over fuch a Town, and the Lands adjacent, which deprives the In- habitants of the Benefit of the Sun and Rain, and of Courſe afflicts them with Death and Diſeaſes; befides, if the Crime deferves it, they are pelted from above with large Stones, to avoid which, they creep into Cellars or Caves, whilst the Roofs of their Houfes are beaten to Pieces: But if, notwithſtanding all this, they perfift in their Obftinacy, he then has Recourfe to the laſt and fevereft Re- medy, C 2 28 A VOYAGE J medy, by letting the Ifland fall directly upon their Heads, which makes an uni- verfal Havock both of Houſes and Men: The Monarch is feldom driven to this Extremity, being himſelf unwilling to put it in Execution; and, fhould his Mi- nifters adviſe him to fuch an Action, it would not only expofe them to the Ha- tred of the People, but would be of great Prejudice to their own Eftates, which are all below, for the Ifland is the King's Demefn; but the moft weighty Reaton of the Prince's Averſeneſs to fuch a ter- rible Puniſhment, unleſs compell'd by the laft Neceffity, is, that if the Town to be deftroy'd have in it any tall Rocks, or abound in high Spires or Pillars of Stone, it might endanger the under Sur- face of the Ifland, tho' it be one conti- nued Piece of Adamant of vaft Thickneſs, by either cracking, through too great a Choque, or burfting, by too near an Ap- proach to the Fires from the Houfes be- low, as the Backs both of Iron and Stone often do in our Chimnies. The People, being appriz'd of this, know how far to proceed in their Obftinacy, where their Liberty or Property is concern'd う ​and the Prince, when moft provok'd, inſtead of laying a City in Rubbish, orders the Iland to LAPUTA, &c. 29 Iiland to defcend very gently, pretend- ing therein a Tendernefs for his Sub- jects, but in Reality for Fear of break- ing the adamantine Bottom; for, in this Cafe, it is thought, by all their Philofo- phers, that the Magnet could no longer fuftain it, but the whole Mafs muft fall into Confufion. It is a fundamental Law of this Kingdom, that reither the King, his two elder Sons, nor the Queen, till he is paft Child-bearing, fhall leave the Ifland. CHAP. C 3 30 AVOYAGE @@@@@@dexaexdex@ CHAP. IV. The Author, leaving Laputa, is convey'd to Balnibarbi, and arrives at the Metropolis. A Defcription of the Metropolis, and the Country adjacent. The Author hoſpitably entertained by a great Lord. His Conver- fation with him. HO' I was not ill ufed in this Ifland, yet I thought my felf too much neglected, and in fome Mea- fure defpifed; for, neither Prince nor People being verfed in any Branch of Knowledge, befides Mathematicks and Mufick, I was much their inferior in thefe Sciences, and therefore very little reſpected. On the other Hand, as I had feen all the Curiofities of the Ifland, I was extreamly willing to leave it, being heartily weary of its Inhabitants; for the People, being rapt in abftra&t Specu- lations, were very difagreeable Compani- ons, and I had none to converfe with, but to LAPUTA, Uc. 31 but Women, Mechanicks, Flappers, and Court-Pages, during two Months that I refided here, which rendered me very contemptible; and yet from thoſe Perfons alone I received reaſonable Anfwers. There was a great Lord at Court, who, becauſe he was a near Relation of the King's, met with Refpect, but was generally reckon'd the moft unthinking and ftupid Perfon among them. Though he had perform'd many important Services for the Crown, had uncommon natural and acquired Parts, and was a Perſon of Inte- grity and Honour; yet, 'tis reported by his Detractors, that he has often beat Time improperly, and that his Tutors could not, without great Pains, teach hinr to demonftrate the most obvious Propo- fitions in the Mathernaticks. This Noble- man, who gave me many Proofs of his Friendship, would often, in his Vifits, enquire about the Affairs of Europe, and liften to me very attentively, making alfo the wifeft Remarks on what was faid. He kept, indeed, two Flappers for State, who never attended him, except at Court or in Vifits of Ceremony, for they always withdrew, when we were toge- ther alone. This illuftrious Perfonage I made ufe of, to obtain Leave of the King C 4 32 A VOYAGE King for my Departure, which he did, with Regret; for he had made feveral advantageous Propoſals to me, which I refuted. On the 16th of February, I took Leave of the Prince and his Court, his Majefty making me a Prefent to the Value of about two hundred Pounds En- glish, and my Protector as much more, with a Letter to a Friend of his in the Metropolis; and, the Ifland then hover- ing about two Miles from it, I was let down in the fame Manner as I had been taken up. That Part of the Continent, which belongs to the Monarch of Laputa, is called Barnibarbi, and the Metropolis, Lagado. I was fomewhat fatisfied to find my felf on Terra firma, and went to the City without any Concern, being cloath'd like the Natives, and able to converſe with them. Having foon found out the Perfon's Houſe, to whom I was recom- mended, I delivered him the Letter from his Friend in the Ifland, and he gave me a very kind Reception; for this Lord, whoſe Name was Munodi, allowed me an Apartment in his own Houſe, where I remain'd, during my Stay in Lagado, and was treated in the moft obliging Manner. The to LAPUTA, Sc. 33 The next Morning, he took me in his Chariot to ſee the City, which is about half as large as London, but the Houſes are ftrangely built, and the greateſt Part of them want to be repaired. The People in the Streets walk'd faft, had a wild Afpect, their Eyes being fixed, and were moft of them in Rags. Paffing through one of the City-Gates, we went three Miles into the Country, where I obferved many Labourers at Work, with feveral Sorts of Tools in the Ground, but could not guess what they were doing, nor did I lee the leaft Hopes either of Corn or Grafs, tho' the Soil feem'd to be excel- lent. Theſe odd Sights, both in Town and Country, fill'd me with Admiration; and I made bold to defire my Con- ductor, that he would explain to me the Meaning of fo many buſy Heads, Hands,' and Faces, becauſe I did not find that they produced any good Effects; but, on the other Hand, I never faw a Soil to 10 wretchedly cultivated, Houfes fo ill contrived and ruinous, or any People, whofe Looks and Habit expreffed fo much Want and Mifery. The Lord Munodi was a Grandee of the firft Rank, and had been fome Years Governor of Lagado, but, by a Ca- C 5 Dal 34 A VOYAGE bal of Minifters, was removed for Infuf- ficiency; tho' the King treated him with Tenderneſs, as an honeft Man, but of a flender Capacity. In Anſwer to my En- quiry, my Lord told me, that I had not been long enough in the Country, to form a right Judgment of the Manners of its Inhabitants; that different Nations. had different Cuſtoms, with other Things to the fame Purpoſe. When we return'd to his Palace, he ask'd my Opinion about the Buildings, and how I lik'd the Drefs and Countenances of his Domefticks ; which he might with Safety do, becauſe all Things about him were magnificent, uniform, and polite? I answered, that the Defects, occafioned by the Folly and Po- verty of others, were prevented by his Lordship's Wifdom, Quality, and For- tune. He faid, if I would go with him to his Country - Houſe, about twenty Miles from the Town, where his Eſtate lay, we ſhould have more Time for fuch Converfation (as this; and when I had gratefully accepted this kind Invitation, it was determined that we fhould fet out the next Morning. As we proceeded in our Journey, he let me into the Me- thods ufed by the Farmers in managing their Lands, which to me were altogether unac- 1 to LAPUTA, Sc. 35 ค 1 unaccountable, for in very many Places I could not obſerve ſo much as a fingle Ear of Corn or Blade of Grafs: But, in the Space of three Hours, we came into a delightful Country, the Farmers Houſes at ſmall Diſtances, neatly built, the Land fenced, containing Vineyards, Cornfields, and Meadows, nor did I ever fee a more beautiful Profpect. His Excellency, ob- ferving my Countenance clear up, told. me with a Sigh, that here his Eſtate be- gan, and would continue the fame, until we came to his Houſe ; that his Coun- trymen defpifed him for managing his Affairs fo ill, and for giving fo bad an Example to the Kingdom; which, how- ever, was follow'd but by a very few, that were old, weak, and wilful, like himſelf.. At length we came to his Lordship's Houſe, a magnificent Structure, built according to the beft Rules of an- cient Architecture. The Fountains, Gar- dens, Walks, Avenues, and Groves, did all diſcover a nice Judgment, and ele- gant Tafte. Tho' I praifed every Thing I faw, his Lordfhip did not in the leaft take Notice of what I fpoke, until we were alone after Supper; when he told me with Concern, that he fear'd he mufl be obliged to demolifh his Houfes, both in 36 A VOYAGE in Town and Country, to rebuild them after the modern Mode, root up all his Plantations, and caft them into the ufual Form, and order his Tenants to do the fame, unleſs he would be cenfur'd as proud, fingular, affected, ignorant, capri- cious, and, perhaps, increaſe the King's Diſpleaſure. He affured me, that my Admiration would ceafe, or abate, when I fhould be inform'd of fome Particulars, which in all Probability I never was told at Court, the People there little regard- ing what happens below. The Sum of his Difcourfe was, as fol- lows, viz. That, forty Years ago, fome Perfons went up to Laputa, either on Bu- nefs or for Pleafure, who, being feveral Months there, at length return'd with a very ſmall fmattering of Mathematicks, altho' full of volatile Spirits acquir'd in that airy Region. That theſe Perſons, dilliking the Management of every Thing below, advanc'd Schemes for fetting all Arts, Sciences, Languages, and Mecha- nicks on a new Foot; and for this Pur- pofe obtained the King's Patent,for Found- ing an Academy of PROJECTORS in Lagado, the Humour taking fo very much with the People, that there is not a confiderable Town in the Kingdom with- out to LAPUTA, Sc. 37 out an Academy. In thefe Colleges the Profeffors invent new Rules and Methods- of Agriculture and Building, as alfo new Tools for all Trades and Manufactures, whereby one Man fhall do the Work of Ten, and a Palace may be fo built in a Week's Time, as to laft for ever, with- out repairing. They undertake likewiſe, to contrive a Method, by which the Fruits of the Earth fhall ripen, when we pleaſe, and produce an hundred Fold more than it does at preſent, with num- berleſs other great Propofals, tho' none of thoſe Projects are yet brought to Ma- turity, and the Country all the while lies wafte, the Houfes are ruinous, and the Inhabitants ftarving and in Rags. Thefe Things, inftead of being Diſcou- ragements to them, make them fifty Times more eager in the Purfuit of their Schemes, Hope and Defpair equally urg- ing them. My Lord further told me, that, for his own Part, being not of a projecting Spirit, he was content to tread in the Steps of his Anceſtors, live as they did, and act like them in every Particular; that a few others among the Quality and Gentry had done the fame, but were de- ſpiſed and hated, as Enemies to Art, ig- norant and regardleſs of their Country, pre 38 A VOYAGE preferring their own Eafe and Indolence to the publick Good. His Excellency being unwillnig to prevent the Pleaſure I ſhould have, in feeing the grand Aca- demy, concluded his Difcourfe, with de- firing me to obferve a ruinous Building on the Side of a Mountain, about three Miles diftant, of which he gave me the following Account: That he had a very ufeful Mill, within half a Mile of his Houfe, and turned by a Current from a large River, which not only ferved his own Family, but many of his Tenants: That, about feven Years ago, a Sett of thoſe Projectors propos'd to deſtroy this Mill, and build another on the Side of that Mountain, on the long Ridge where- of a large Canal muft be cut for a Refer- voir of Water, to be convey'd by Pipes and Engines to fupply the Mill; becauſe the Wind and Air upon a Height agi- tated the Water, and fo made it fitter for Motion; and becauſe the Water, defcend- ing from an Height, would turn the Mill with half the Current of a River, which runs more upon a Level: He faid, that not being at this Time very well with the Court, and prefs'd by many of his Friends, he fell in with the Propofal; and, tho' he had employ'd an hundred Men to LAPUTA, Sc. 39 In a Men, for two Years, the Defign mifcar- ried, the Projectors going off, laying the whole Blame on him, in abufing him ever fince, and putting others on the fame Project, with as great Affurance of Suc- cefs, and equal Difappointment. few Days we return'd to Lagado; and his Lordship, not caring to go with me to the Academy himſelf, where he was deſpis'd and hated, prevail'd upon a Friend of his to accompany me thither; and his Excellency was pleas'd to tell him, that I was a great Admirer of new Schemes, and a Perfon very curious and credulous, which was far from being falſe, for in my Youth I my felf had been a kind of a Projector. CHAP. 40 A VOYAGE CHAP. V. The Author admitted to fee the Grand Aca- demy of Lagado. The Academy defcribed at large. The Arts wherein the Profeſſors employ themselves. T HIS Academy is a Continuation of feveral Houfes on both Sides of the Street, which, becoming wafte, were purchaſed and applied to that Ufe. The Warden received me kindly, and I went for many Days to the Aca- demy. There is not a fingle Room without one or more Projectors, tho' I believe there are at leaſt five hundred Rooms. The firſt Projector I faw had a meagre Afpe&t, footy Hands and Face, with his Hair and Beard long, ragged, and fing'd in many Places; and his Cloths, Shirt, and Skin were all of a Colour. He had been eight Years labouring to extract Sun-Beams out of Cucumbers, which were to be kept in Vials hermetically fealed, towarm the Air 1 in + to LAPUTA, 5c. 41 } in inclement Seafons. He affured me, that, in eight Years more, he fhould be able to ſupply the Governor's Gardens with Sun-fhine at a reafonable Rate; but in the mean time he complained, that his Stock was near exhaufted, and intreated me to give him fomething, as an Encou- ragement to Ingenuity, and the rather, becauſe Cucumbers had been very dear this Seafon. I made him a fmall Prefent, his Lordship having furnished me with Money on Purpofe, becauſe he knew that they beg from all that go to fee them. Paffing into another Chamber, I could hardly forbear running back, being al- moft overcome with an horrible Stink ; but my Guide forced me forward, and conjured me in a Whifper not to give them the leaft Offence, which they would highly refent, fo that I durft not fo much as ftop my Nofe: This Cell belong'd to the moft ancient Student of the Academy, whofe Face and Beard were of a pale Yellow, his Hands and Cloths being dawb'd over with Filth. When I was prefented to him, he em- braced me very clofely; (which Compli- ment I could have very well fpared. ) This Projector, has been employed, ever. fince his Admiffion into the Academy, about 42 A VOYAGE about an Experiment to reduce human Ordure to its original Food, by feparating its feveral Parts, taking off the Tincture it receives from the Gall, caufing the Odour to exhale, and Scumming of the Saliva; and he is allowed every Week by the Society a Veffel of human Ordure, as big as a Bristol Barrel. Another I faw at work, to calcine Ice into Gunpowder, who fhew'd me a Trea- tife he had compos'd on the Malleability of Fire, which he defign'd to publiſh. There was a very ingenious Architect, who had projected a new Method of building Hou- fes, by beginning at the Roof and ending at the Foundation, wherein, he told me, he followed the prudent Examples of the Bee and the Spider. There was like- wife a Projector born blind, who had fe- veral Apprentices in the fame Condition: Their Bufinefs was to mix Colours for Painters, which they were taught by their Mafter to diftinguifh by the Senfes of Feeling and Smelling. I found them at this Time not very expert in their Lef fons, and their Profeffor himſelf was ge- nerally miſtaken; but, this Artift is, not- withstanding, encouraged and refpected by the whole Society. I was extreamly pleas'd with a Man in another Apart- ment, to LA PUTA, 43 c. ment, who had invented a Device, of ploughing Land with Hogs, to fave the Expence of Plows, Cattle, and Labour. If you would ufe his Method, in an Acre of Ground bury, at fix Inches Dif- tance, and eight in Depth, a Quantity of Acorns, Dates, Chefnuts, and other Things of which Hogs are fondeft; then drive fix Hundred or more of theſe Ani- mals into the Field, and in a little Time they will root up the Land, and make it fit for fowing, manuring it alſo with their Dung. It is certain, upon Trial, they found the Charge and Trouble very confi lerable, and the Crop very ſmall; yet it is not queftion'd but this Invention may admit of great Improvements. I obferv'd, in another Room, all the Walls and Ciel- ing hung round with Cobwebs, except a narrow Paffage left for the Artiſt to go in and out at: No fooner had I enter'd, than he loudly call'd to me, not to diſor- der his Webs. He was concern'd that the World had fo long given Way to a fatal Error, in ufing Silk-worms, when we abound fo much in Spiders, which in- finitely excel them, becauſe they know how to weave as well as fpin. He pro- pos'd further, that, by employing thoſe domeftick Animals, the Charge of dying Silks 44 A VOY A GE Silks would be wholly faved, which he made evident to me, by fhewing us a vaft Variety of Flies most beautifully co- lour'd, with which he fed his Spiders, affuring us that the Webs would derive a Tincture from them; and, as he was furniſh'd with Flies of all Colours, he hop'd to pleaſe every one's Fancy, as foon as he should difcover proper Food for them of certain Gums, Oils, and other glutinous Matter, to give a Strength and Confiftence to the Threads. I faw an Aftronomer, who propos'd to fix a Sun- Dial upon the Weather-cock on the Town-houſe, by adjusting the annual and diurnal Motions of the Earth and Sun to the accidental Turnings of the Wind. Upon my complaining of a Fit of the Cholick, I was led into the Room of a Phyfician, who was famous for curing this Diftemper by contrary Operations from the fame Inftrument. He was furniſh'd with a large Pair of Bellows, that had a long, flender, ivory Muzzle, which he convey'd eight Inches up the Anus; and, drawing in the Wind, he faid he could render the Guts as lank as a dried Blad- der. But if the Diſeaſe was more obftinate and violent, he put in the Muzzle, while the Bellows were full of Wind, which he dif to LA PUTA, Uc. 45 ་ > diſcharged into the Patient's Body, and then withdrew the Inftrument to repleniſh it, clapping his Thumb ftrongly againſt the Orifice of the Fundament; and this Operation being three or four times re- peated, the adventitious Wind, rufhing out, would bring the noxious along with it (like Water put into a Pump) and fo cure the Patient. Having feen him try both theſe Experiments on a Dog, I did not obſerve any Effect from the former. After the latter, the Animal was ready to burft, making a violent Diſcharge that was very offenfive to us. The Dog died on the Spot, and we left the Doctor at- tempting to recover him by the fame O- peration. We vifited many other Apart- ments, but, being ftudious of Brevity, I fhall not enter into an Account of all the Curiofities I obferv'd in them. As yet I had only feen one Side of the Academy, the other belonging to the Im- provers of fpeculative Learning, whom I fhall defcribe, as foon as I have taken No- tice of an illuftrious Perfon, who is call'd among them, The univerfal Artist. He told us, he had been for thirty Years employ- ing his Mind, for the Benefit of Mankind. He had as many Curiofities as fill'd two large Rooms, and fifty Men at Work. Some 46 A VOYAGE Some were condenfing Air into a dry tan- gible Subſtance, by extracting the Nitre, and percolating the aqueous or fluid Par- ticles; others foftening Marble for Pil- lows and Pincushions; whilft others were petrifying the Hoofs of a living Horſe, to keep them from foundering. The Artift himſelf was now very intent upon two important Defigns; the one to fow Land with Chaff, which, in his Opinion, con- tain'd the true feminal Virtue, as he de- monftrated by feveral Experiments, which were above my Comprehenfion. The o- ther was, by a Compofition of certain Gums, Minerals, and Vegetables, to hin- der the Growth of Wooll upon two young Lambs; and he hop'd, in Time, to pro- pagate the Breed of naked Sheep over all Parts of the Kingdom. Having crofs'd a Walk to the other Side of the Academy, where the Projectors of fpeculative Learn- ing refide; the firft I faw was a Profef for in a very large Room, with forty Pu- pils about him. After Salutation, he ob- ferv'd me to take particular Notice of a Frame, which almoſt fill'd the Room, and told me that I might, perhaps, wonder at his Project for improving fpeculative Knowledge by practical and mechanical Operations; but that the World would foon to LAPUTA, 47 c. foon be convinc'd of its Ufefulness; and he was fo vain as to fancy, that a fublimer Thought was never conceiv'd by any other Man. The Difficulty of attain- ing to Arts and Sciences, by the common. Method, he faid, was notorious to all; whereas, by his Contrivance, the moſt ig- norant, ac moderate Charge, and with a little boa ly Labour, may write in Phi- lofophy, Poetry, Politicks, Law, Mathe- maticks, and Divinity, having no Occa- fion for Genius or Study. Upon this he led me to theFrame,about the Sides where- of his Scholars ftood in Ranks, which was twenty Foot ſquare, plac'd in the Middle of the Room. The Superficies confifted of feveral Bits of Wood, about the Bulk of a Dye, tho' not all of a Size. Theſe were link'd together by flender Wires, and cover'd on every Square with Paper pafted on them, on which Papers were written all the Words of their Language, tho' without any Order, in their feveral Moods, Tenfes, and Declenfions. The Profeffor, juft going to fet his Engine at Work, defir'd me to obferve it: The Pu pils, by his Direction, took each of them hold of an Iron Handle, there being for- ty Handles plac'd round the Edges of the Frame, and, upon giving them a fudden Turn, 48 A VOYAGE Turn, the Difpofition of the Words was entirely tranfpos'd. Six and thirty Boys were appointed to read the Lines foftly, as they appeared upon the Frame; and, when they obferved three or four Words together, that might make Part of a Sen- tence, they dictated to the other four Lads who were Scribes. This Work was repeated ſeveral Times, and at every Turn the Machine was fo managed, that the Words fhifted into different Places, as the fquare Bits of Wood mov'd upfide down. Six Hours a-day the Pupils were thus employ'd; and the Profeffor fhew'd me a Collection of broken Sentences, in feveral Volumes in Folio, which he de- fign'd to join together, and out of fuch valuable Materials to give the Publick a compleat Body of all Arts and Sciences; which yet might be farther improv'd, and fooner difpatch'd, if a Fund were rai- fed to fet up five hundred fuch Frames in Lagado, and the Managers obliged to con- tribute, in common, what they had feve- rally collected. He told me, that this Invention had, from his Youth, taken up all his Thoughts; that the whole Vocabu lary was employ'd into his Frame, and that he had, with the utmoft Strictnefs, computed the general Proportion there is to LAPUTA, Sc. 49 is in the Book, between the Numbers of Particles, Nouns, Verbs, and other Parts of Speech. I, in the moſt reſpectful Manner, acknowledged the great Com- municativeneſs of this illuftrious Projector, and affured him, that, whenever it was my good Fortune to return to my na- tive Country, I would repreſent him as the fole Inventor of this wonderful En- gine, a Draught of which I had Leave to delineate on Paper; and that, altho' the Learned in Europe frequently fteal Inven- tions one from another, I would take par ticular Care to do him fo much Justice, that he fhould have the Honour to hime felf, without a Rival. We next vifited the School of Lane guage, where three Profeffors fat confult- ing, how to improve that of their own Country, for the doing of which two Pro jects were propofed. The first was to thorten Difcourfe, by contracting Poly- fyllables into one, and throwing out Verbs and Participles, becauſe, properly fpeak- ing, all Things are but Nouns. The o- ther Scheme was contrived to aboliſh ail Words whatſoever; and this was argued to be no fmall Advantage, in refpe&t of Health as well as Brevity; for every Word we ſpeak does, in fome Degree, D 50 A VOYAGE corrode, and thereby diminish our Lungs, and confequently contributes to fhorten our Days. An Expedient was therefore offer'd, that fince Words are no more than the Names of Things, it would be better for all Men to carry about with them fuch Things as were requifite to express what they are to difcourfe on. This Invention would certainly have prevailed, if theWo- men, joined with the Vulgar and Illiterate, had not threatened to raiſe a Rebellion, if they ſhould be denied the fame Liber- ty of ſpeaking with their Tongues, which was allow'd to their Anceſtors; fuch ob- ftinate implacable Enemies to Science are the common People. Many of the wifeft and moſt learned, notwithſtanding, com- plied with this new Scheme, which hath in it only one Inconvenience, that if a Man's Buſineſs be very great, and of ſe- veral Kinds, he is obliged to carry a pro- portionable Burthen of Things on his Back, unless he can afford one or two tout Servants to attend him. I have often feen two of thofe Sages ready to fink un- der the Weight of their Packs, like our Pedlars; who, meeting in the Streets, would lay down their Loads, open their Saddles, and converfe for an Hour toge- ther; then put up their Implements, af- fift to LAPUTA, &c. fift each other in refuming their Bur- thens, and take their Leave. A Man may carry Implements in his Pockets and under his Arms, fufficient to ferve for fhort Converſations, and at Home he can never be at a Lofs; therefore the Room, where Company meet that practiſes this Art, is furnish'd with all Things neceffary for this Sort of artificial Converſe. There was another great Advantage propos'd by this Expedient, that it might ferve as an univerfal Language in all civiliz'd Nations, whoſe Utenfils are generally of the fame Kind, or fo much alike, that their Uſes would be eafily understood; by this Means alfo Ambaffadors might treat with foreign Courts, tho' they were utter Strangers to their Tongues. When I was at the Mathematical School, I found the Mafter taught his Scholars, af- ter a Method ſcarce imaginable to us Eu- ropeans. The Propofition and Demonftra- tion were plainly written on a thin Wa- fer, with fuk made of a Cephalick Tin- Eture, which the Pupil was to fwallow up- on a fafting Stomach, and, for three Days after, live upon nothing but Bread and Water. As the Wafer digefts, the Tinc- ture mounts to the Student's Brain, car- rying the Propofition along with it: But D 2 as 52 A VOYAGE as yet the Succefs hath not been anfwer- able, partly by fome Miftake in the Quantity, and partly by the Perverſe- nefs of the Boys, to whom this Bolus is fo naufeous, that they commonly dif charge it upwards, before it can have any Influence, nor have they been hitherto prevailed with to abftain fo long as the Prefcription directs. CHAP. to LAPUTA, c. 53 MAAAAIA JANA AYA CHAP. VI. A further Account of the Academy. The Author propofeth fome Improvements which are honourably received. N the School of Political Pro jectors, I met with but little E- tertainment, the Profeffors being, in my Opinion, entirely mad, which is a Scene that always makes me melan- choly. Theſe unhappy Men were advan-- cing Projects for perfuading Princes to chufe none for their Favourites, but fuch as were furniſh'd with Wiſdom, Capacity, and Vertue; for inftructing Minifters to confult the Good of the Publick; for re-- warding Merit; and teaching Monarchs to ftudy their own Intereft, by placing it on the fame Bottom with that of their Subjects, and to fix none in any Offices that were not qualified to diſcharge them; with many other extravagant Chimera's, that never before enter'd into the Mind of Man to conceive, and eſtabliſh'd the D 3 old 54 A VOYAGE old Obfervation, that there is nothing fo wild and irrational which fome Philofo- phers have not afferted for Truth. But it muſt be confeffed, that all the Profef- fors of this Academy were not ſo vifio- mary; for among them there was a very ingenious Doctor, who feem'd perfectly to underſtand the whole Nature and Syftem of Government. This excellent Perfon was very uſefully employ'd in finding out proper Remedies for all Difeafes, incident to the various Kinds of publick Admini- ftration, whether they proceed from the Vices and Infirmities of the Governors themſelves, or from the Licentiouſneſs of their Subjects. For Example; fince it is allowed by all Writers and Reafoners, that there is a ftrict and univerfal Re- femblance between the natural and the political Body; Can any Thing be more manifeft, than that the Diſeaſes of both must be cured by the fame Medicines? It will not be denied, that Senates and great Councils are frequently troubled with redundant, ebullient, and other vi- cious Humours, with many Maladies of the Head, but more of the Heart; with violent Contractions of the Nerves and Sinews in both Hands, but eſpecially in the Right; with Spleen, Flatus, Verti- goes, to LAPUTA, Uc. 55 goes, and Deliriums; with fcrophulous Tumours fill'd with fœtid Corruption; with canine Appetites, and Crudeneſs of Digeftion, befides feveral others that need not be mention'd. The Doctor therefore laid down this Prefcription, that, upon the Meeting of a Senate, fome Phyfici- ans fhould attend them, on the three first Days of their Sitting, and, at the Cloſe of each Day's Debate, feel the Pul- fes of every Senator; then, having ma- turely confulted upon the Nature of the feveral Diſeaſes, aud Method of Cure, they should on the fourth Day return to the Senate Houfe, accompanied by their Apothecaries provided with effectual Me- dicines, and, before the Members fat, administer to them, feverally, Lenitives, Aperitives, Abftorfives, Corrofives, Re- ftringents, Laxatives, Cephalalgicks, Ite- ricks, Apophlegmaticks, &c. as each of their Cafes required, and, as you find theſe Medicines operate, repeat, vary, or omit them at the next Meeting. This Project would be very little expenſive to the Publick, and would be of great Ser vice for the Diſpatch of Bufinefs, in Countries where Senates have a Share in the legislative Power, by begetting Una- nimity, fhortening Debates, opening a few D 4 56 A VOYAGE 1 few Mouths, which are, at prefent, clo- fed, and clofing many more that are now open; reftraining the Petulancy of the Young, and correcting the Pofitive- nefs of the Old; rouzing the Stupid, and damping the Pert. Again, it being a common Complaint, that the Favourites of Princes have de- fective Memories, the Doctor adviſed, that whoever waited on a prime Miniſter, having told his Bufinefs with the utmoſt Brevity and Plainnefs, fhould, at his De- parture, give him a Tweak by the Nofe, or a Kick on the Belly, tread on his Corns, lug him thrice by the Ears, ſtick a Pin in his Breech, or pinch his Arm, and, on every Levee-Day, repeat the fame Operation, until either his Bufinefs were done, or he had received an abſo- folute Refufal. He farther prefcribed, that every Senator, when he had given his Opinion in the Senate-Houle, and defended it by Argument, fhould be obliged to vote directly contrary; be- cauſe, by this Means, the Reſult would infallibly iffue in the Good of the Pub- lick. To reconcile violent Partymen in a State, he offer'd an admirable Contri- vance; viz. Take an hundred Leaders of each Party, difpofing of them into Couples to LAPUTA, Sc. 57 Couples of fuch whofe Heads are neareft of a Size; then let two curious Artifts faw off the Occiput of each Couple at the fame time, that the Brain may be divided into equal Parts. When the Oc- ciputs are thus cut off, let them be in- terchanged, applying each to the Head of his oppofite Partyman. This feemas indeed, to be a Work that requires fome Nicety; but the Profeffor declar'd, that, provided it were perform'd with Exactness, the Cure would be infallible; for he argued, that the two half Brains, being left to debate the Point, within the Space of one Scull, would foon come to an Agreement, and produce Modera- tion and Regularity of thinking, in the Heads of thoſe, who fancy they are born only to watch and govern the Motion of the World: And the Difference of Brains, either in Quantity or Quality, the Doctor affured us from his own Knowledge, was a meer Trifle. I heard a very warm Difpute between two Pro- feffors, about the moft proper and con- venient Ways of raifing Money, without oppreffing the Subject. The one affirm'd the fairest Method would be to lay a Tax upon Vices and Folly, and the Sum, which every Man fhould pay, to be rated D5 by 58 A VOYAGE by a Jury of his Neighbours. The o ther was for taxing thofe Qualities of Body and Mind, for which Men chiefly value themſelves, and would have the Rate to bear Proportion to the Degrees of Excellency, the Decifion of which should be left entirely to their own Judgment. The greateſt Tax was upon Men that are moſt in Favour with the female Sex, and the Affeffments accord- ing to the Quantity and Quality of the Favours they have received, for which they are permitted to be their own Vouchers. Wit, Courage, and Politeneſs were alfo propos'd to be highly taxed, and collected in the fame Manner: But Honour, Juftice, Wifdom, and Learning were not to be taxed at all, being Quali- fications of fuch an extraordinary Na- ture, that no Man will either allow his Neighbour to have them, or value them- in himſelf. The Women were to be taxed, in Proportion to their Beauty and Skill in Drefs, which was to be determined by themfelves: But Conftancy, Chafity, good Senfe, and good Nature, were not rated, becauſe they would not anfwer the Charge of collecting. To keep Se- nators in the Intereft of the Govern- ment, to LAPUTA, 5c. 59 ment, it was propoſed that the Mem- bers should raffle for Employments, each of them firft taking an Oath, and giving Security that he would vote on the Side of the Court, whether he won or loft; and afterwards the Lofers, in their Turns, had the Privilege of raffling on the next Vacancy. This Method would keep alive the Hopes of all, for none would complain of broken Promifes, but impute their Difappointments to For- tune alone, whofe Shoulders are broader than thoſe of a Miniſtry. 7 Another Profeffor was pleafed to fhew me a Paper of Inftructions, for detecting Plots and Confpiracies againſt the Go- vernment. He directed Stateſmen to look into the Diet of all fufpected Perfons examine their Times of eating; how they lay in Bed, whether on the right or left Side; with which Hand they wip'd their Pofteriors; make a ftrict Search into their Excrements, and from the Co- lour, Smell, and Tafte, the Confiftence, the Crudeness, or Maturity of Digeſtion, judge of their Intention; becauſe Men are never fo thoughtful, as when at Stool, which he learn'd by repeated Experi- ments; for when he ufed, purely as a Trial, 60 A VOYAGE Trial, to confider about the beſt Way of murdering the King, his Ordure had a Tincture of Green, but quite the re- verfe, when he defign'd only to raiſe an Infurrection, or fet Fire to the Me- tropolis. The whole Difcourfe was very ingeniouſly written, and contain'd many curious Obfervations, uſeful for Politici- ans; but, in my Ópinion, was not a finifh'd Piece, as I freely told the Au- thor, offering, if he pleaſed to make it more compleat by fome Additions. He accepted of my Propofal with more Com- pliance than is common among Writers, particularly Projectors, declaring he would be glad to hear what I had to fay. I told him, that fhould I live in a Kingdom, where Plots and Confpiracies were in Vogue, either from the turbu lent Tempers of the meaner People, or might be improv'd to the Service and Advantage of the higher Rank among them, it would be my firft Care to coun- tenance and encourage the Fry of Difco- verers, Witneffes, Informers, Accufers, Profecutors, Evidences, Swearers, and all their fubaltern Inftruments; when I had a fufficient Number of them, of all Sorts and Capacities, I would place them un- der to LAPUTA, Sc. 6 1 der the Conduct of fome dextrous Poli- ticians, able both to protect and reward them. Men, thus qualified and empow- ered, might render Plots extreamly ufe- ful and advantageous; they might raiſe their own Characters, and paſs for moſt profound Stateſmen; they might give new Life to a crazy Adminiſtration; ftifle or divert general Difcontents; load their Pockets with Forfeitures, and ad- vance or fink publick Credit, as either beft answered their own private Ends. This might be done by firft determi- ning among themfelves, what ſuſpected Perfons fhould be accufed of a Plot; then particular Care is taken to fecure all their Letters and Papers, and put the Criminal in fafe Cuftody. Theſe Papers might be committed to the Ma- nagement of a Sett of Artifts, of Pene- tration, fufficient to diſcover the myfti- cal Meanings of Words, Syllables, and Letters. They fhould be allow'd to in- terpret them, as they pleaſed, give them a Senfe not only foreign, but directly contrary to their true Intent and Mean- ing: As, for Inftance, they may inter- pret, if it fuit their Fancies, a Sieve to fignify a Court-Lady, a lame Dog an Invader, 62 AVOYAGE Invader, the Plague a standing Army, a Buzzard a great Politician, the Gout a High-Prieft, a Chamber-pot a Committee of Noblemen, a Broom a Revolution, a Moufe- trap an Office, a Bottomless-pit a Treasury, Sink a Court, a Cap and Bells a Favourite, a broken Reed a Court of Justice, an emp- ty Tun a General, a running Sore an Ad- miniſtration. But, if this Method fhould fail, there are others more effectual ftill behind, by the Learned called Acrofticks and Ana- grams. First, might be found skilful and penetrating Men, who can difcern that all initial Letters have political Meanings. Thus N fhall mean a Plot, B a Regiment of Horfe, La Fleet at Sea. Or fecondly, who, by tranfpo- fing the Letters of the Alphabet, in any fufpected Paper, can find out the deepeſt Deſigns of a difcontented Par- ty. e. g. If I fhould write in a Letter to Friend, Our Brother Tom has just got the Piles, an Artift, this Way, could analyfe the Letters of that Sentence in- to the following Words; Refift, A Plot is brought Home. The Tower. Which is the anagrammatick Method. The Profeffor made me thank- ful to LAPUTA, Sc. 63 ful Acknowledgments for communicating thefe Obfervations, and promiſed to take honourable Notice of me in his Treatife; and, feeing nothing that could invite me to a longer Continuance in this Country, I entertained Thoughts of returning to England. CHAP. 64 A VOYAGE CHAP. VII. The Author, leaving Lagado, Maldonada. No Ship ready. a Trip to Glubbdubdrib. tion by the Governor. arrives at He takes His Recep- HE Continent, of which this Kingdom is a Part, extends it felf Eaftward to that unknown Tract of America, Weftward of Califor- nia, North to the pacifick Ocean, which is about an hundred and fifty Miles from Lagado, where there is a conveni- ent Port and much Traffick, with the great Ifland of Luggnagg, fituated to the North-Weft about 29 Degrees North Latitude, and 140 Longitude. Iland of Luggnagg lies South-Eastwards of Japan, about an hundred Leagues Dif- tance. There being a ſtrict Alliance be- tween the Japanese Emperor and the King of Luggnagg, the People of both The theſe to LAPUTA, Sc. 65 theſe Iſlands have frequent Occafions of Sailing from one to the other. I re- folved, therefore, to return this Way to Europe; and hired two Mules, with a Guide to conduct me, and carry my Baggage. I took Leave of his Excellency, my Protector, who had been fo gene- rous to me, and made me a handfome Prefent, at my Departure. I met with nothing remarkable in my Journey; and when I arrived at the Port of Mal- donada, there was no Ship in the Har- bour bound for Luggnagg, nor like to be for fome Time. The Town is about the Bignefs of Portſmouth; and I foon fell into fome Acquaintance, and was very kindly received. A Perfon of Diſtincti- on told me, that feeing it would be, at leaſt, a Month, before the Ships bound for Luggnagg could be ready, it might be an agreeable Amuſement for me to take a Trip to the Inland of Glubbdubdrib, about five Leagues off to the South-Weft. He offered himſelf and a Friend to be my Companions, and that I fhould be furnished with a convenient Barque for the Voyage. Glubb- + 66 A VOYAGE Glubbdubdrib, as nearly as I can tranf- late the Word, fignifies the Iſland of Sorcerers or Magicians. It is, in Extent, about one Third of the Isle of Wight, and very fruitful. It is governed by the Head of a particular Tribe, who are all Magicians. This Tribe marries. only among each other, and the eldeſt in Succeffion is Prince or Governor, who hath a magnificent Palace, and a Park of three thouſand Acres, furround- ed by a Wall of hewn Stone, twenty Feet high, in which are ſmaller Inclo- fures for Cattle, Corn, and Gardening. The Prince and his Family are attend- ed by Domefticks of an extraordinary Kind; for, by his Skill in Necromancy, he can call whom he pleaſeth from the Dead, and command their Service for twenty four Hours, but no longer; nor can he raise the fame Perfons again, in lefs than three Months, unleſs upon very unuſual Occafions. Arriving at the Ifland, about Eleven in the Morning, one of my Companions waited on the Governor, to defire Admittance for a Stranger, who came on Purpoſe to have the Honour of attending on his High- nefs. This being granted, we all three enter'd the Palace-Gate, between two Ranks to LA PUTA, Sc. 67 Ranks of Guards, arm'd and drefs'd af-- ter an antick Manner, whofe very Coun- tenances made my Flefh creep with an inexpreffible Horror. Having pafs'd thro' feveral Apartments between Ser- vants of the fame Sort, placed in Rows, as before, we at laft came to the Pre- fence-Chamber, where, after three pro- found Obey fances, and fome general Queftions, we were allowed to fit on three Stools near the loweft Step of the Governor's Throne. His Highneſs under- ftood the Language of Balnibarbi, tho' it differs from that of Glubbdubdrib, and defired me to give him an Account of my Travels; and, to convince me that 1 fhould be treated without Ceremony, he difmifs'd his whole Retinue with a Turn of his Finger, at which, to my Amazement, they vanished in an Inftant, like Vifions in a Dream, when we awake on a fudden. It was fome Time before I could recover my Spirits; but when the Prince allured me that I was in no Danger, and I obferved my Companions, who had often been entertaine in the like Manner, not in the leaft concerned, I took a little Courage, and related to his Highness a brief Hiftory of my va- rious Adventures, tho' not without fome Hefi- 68 A VOYAGE Hefitation, and frequently turning my Eyes to the Place where I had feen the domeftick Spectres. I, after this, had the Honour to dine with the Go- vernor, where another Sett of Ghofts ferved up the Meat, and waited at Table; and found my felf to be les terrified now, than I was in the Morning. Iftay- ed until Sun-fet, but humbly intreated the Governor to excufe my not accept- ing of his Invitation of lodging in the Palace. My two Friends and I lay at a private Houfe in the Town adjacent, which is the Metropolis of this little Iſland; and, the next Morning, purſuant to the Prince's Command, we returned to pay him our Duty. Thus, we continued in the Ifland for ten Days, the greateft Part of every Day with the Governor, and at Night in our Lodging. I foon became familiar to the Sight of Apparitions; fo that, a ter three or four Times, they did not give me any Emotion at all; or if I had fome Apprehenfions ftill remaining, my Curiofity over-ruled them: For the Go- vernor ordered me to call up whatever Perfons or Numbers among all the Dead, from the Beginning of the World unto the preſent Time, I fhould think fit to name, to LAPUTA, Sc. 69 E name, and command them to anſwer whatever Queſtions I would ask them; provided my Queftions were limited within the Compafs of the Times they lived in And he faid I might entirely depend upon their Veracity, for that Lying was a Talent of no Service in the lower World. I made my humbleft Ac- knowledgements to the Governor for fo remarkable a Favour. We were in an Apartment, from whence there was a fine Profpect into the Park; and, be- ing firft inclin'd to be amus'd with Scenes of Pomp and Magnificence, I de- fired to fee Alexander the Great, at the Head of his Army, juft after the Battle of Arbela; which upon a Motion of his Highneſs's Finger inftantly appeared in a Field under the Window, where we ftood. Alexander was called up in the Chamber: It was not without much Difficulty that I underſtood his Greek, and had but a little of my own. He alfured me, upon his Honour, that he was not poifoned, but died of a Fever by hard Drinking. Next I beheld Hannibal paffing the Alps, who told me he had not fo much as a Drop of Vinegar in his Camp. Cafar and Pompey appeared to my View at the Head of their Troops pre- 7༠ A VOYAGE prepared for an Engagement; and I faw the former in his laft great Triumph. I defired to fee the Roman Senate in one large Chamber, and an Affembly of a more modern Date in another. The firſt ſeemed to be compoſed of Heroes and Demi-Gods ; but the other of Pedlars, Pick-pockets, Robbers, and Bullies. The Governor, at my Requeft, ordered Ca- far and Brutus to move towards us. The Sight of Brutus ftruck me with a pro- found Admiration, and I at once dif covered the moft confummate Vertue, Intrepidity, and Steddinefs of Mind, the trueft Love of his Country, and Bene- volence to all Mankind, in every Fea- ture of his Countenance. I, with no fmall Pleaſure obferved, that thofe two Perfons kept a good good Understanding with each other, and Cafar freely own'd to me, that the moft illuftrious Actions of his Life were vaftly inferior to the Glory of taking it away. Brutus very often honoured me with his Company; and he told me, that his Anceſtors Ju- nius, Socrates, Epaminondas, Cato Junior, Sir Thomas More, and himſelf were al- ways together: A Setemvirate to which no Age of the World can add a Se- venth. It would be tedious to relate what to LAPUTA, Sc. 71 what a vaft Multitude of great Men were called up, to gratify my Defire of feeing the World in every Period of Antiquity in one View: But I had an inexpreffible Satisfaction in beholding the Deſtroyers of Tyrants and Ufur- pers, and the Reftorers of Liberty to oppreffed Nations. С НА Р. 72 A VOYAGE CHAP. VIII. A more particular Account of Glubbdub- drib. Antient and Modern Hiftory cor- rected. Aving an Inclination to fee thoſe Ancients, who were moft famous for Wit and Learning, I defired that Homer and Ariftorle might appear at the Head of all their Commentators; but thoſe were ſo numerous, that fome Hun- dreds were obliged to wait in the Court and outward Apartments of the Palace. I knew thofe two Heroes, at first View, and could diftinguish them not only from the Crowd, but from each other. Ho- mer was the taller and more comely Per- fon of the two, walk'd very erect, con- fidering his Years, and I never faw any Eyes more quick and piercing than his Ariftotle ftooped much, and carried a Staff in his Hand; having a meagre Com- plexion, lank and thin Hair, and an hollow to LAPUTA, 73 c. hollow Voice. They were both perfect Stran- gers to the rest of the Company, and I was informed in Whiſper by a Ghoft, that thefe Commentators kept at the greatest Distance from their Principals in the lower World, becauſe they were confcious of Shame and Guilt, in bafely misinterpreting the Senfe of thoſe Authors. I introduced Didymus and Euftathius to Homer, who, on my Account, ufed them better than they deferved, for he foon discover'd their Want of Genius to en- ter into the Spirit of a Poet. But Ariftotle could not bear the Sight of Scotus and Ra- mus, being out of all Patience when I gave him their Character; and he ask'd them, whether the reſt of their Tribe were as great Dunces as themſelves. I then defired, that Defcartes and Gaffendi might be called up, whom I perfuaded to explain their Syftems to Ariftotle. This renowned Philofopher inge- nuoufly confefs'd his own Errors in Natural Philofophy, becauſe he proceeded in many Cales upon Conjecture, as all Men muſt do and finding that Gaffendi, who had labour'd with all Skill to recommend the Doctrine of Epicurus, and the Vortices of Defcartes, were both of them exploded, he predicted the fame Fate to Attraction, which is fo much in Vogue at prefent. He faid, that Syftems of Nature were like Faſhions, which would vary in every Age; and that even thoſe who pre- dten to demonftrate them from Mathematical E Prin- 74 A VOYAGE Principles, would flourish but for a ſhort time. I employed five Days in Converfation with others of the ancient Learned, and be- held moſt of the firft Roman Emperors, Helio- gebalus's Cooks were called up to drefs a Dinner, but for want of Materials, they did not fhew much of their Skill. An Helot of Agefilaus prepar'd us a Difh of Spartan Broth, but I could not fup a fecond Spoonful. My Companions were obliged to return in three Days, which I spent in taking a View of the modern Dead, who had made the greateſt Figure in England, and other Countries of Europe; and having always admired old il- luftrious Families, I defired the Prince would call up a Dozen or two of Kings with their Anceſtors in Order, for eight or nine Gene- rations. But my Difappointment was great and unexpected; for, inftead of a numerous Train of crowned Heads, I faw in one Fa- mily two Fidlers, three brifk Courtiers, and an Italian Prelate; in another, a Barber, an Abbot, and two Cardinals. I have too much Reverence for Monarchs to dwell any longer on fo nice a Point; but as to Counts, Mar- queffes, Dukes, Earls, &c. I was not fo fcru- pulous. I confefs, I had fome Pleaſure, in finding my felt able to trace the Lineaments by which certain Families are diftinguished, up to their Originals. I could evidently dif cover, whence one Family derives a long Chin, and a fecond hath been ſtock'd with Knaves to LAPUTA, 'c. 75 Knaves for two Generations; why a third was crack-brain'd, and a fourth Sharpers; whence happen'd what Polydore Virgil fays of a certain great Houle, Nec vir fortis, nec fœmina cafta; how fome Families are diſtinguiſh'd by Cruelty, Falfhood, and Cowardife, as by their Coat of Arms; who firft brought the Pox into a noble Houfe, which hath lineally deſcended to their Pofterity. All which I could eafily accoun: for, when I faw fuch an Interruption of Lineages, by Pages, Lacquies, Valets, Coachmen, Game- fters, Captains, and Pick-pockets. I was chiefly offended at Modern Hiftory: For hav- ing examined all the Perfons most famous in the Courts of Princes, for an Hundred Years past, I found how the World had been mifled by disingenuous Writers, to afcribe the bravest Actions in War to Cowards, the fageſt Counſel to Fools, Integrity to Parafites, Roman Virtue to Villains, Piety to Atheiſts, Charity to Sodomites, Veracity to Informers; how many innocent and deferving Perfons had been condemned to Death or Banifhment, by Influence of great Minifters upon the Corrup tion of Judges, and the Malice of Faction; how many Knaves had been advanced to the higheſt Offices of Truft, Power, Dignity, and Profit; how great fhare in the Motions of Courts, Councils, and Senates, might be claim'd by Bawds, Whores, Pimps, Flatter crs, and Buffoons; how mean an Opinion I had of human Wisdom and Sincerity, when I was let into the true Springs and Motives of great * 76 A VOYAGE Enterprizes and Revolutions, and of the tri- fling Accidents to which they owed their Success. Here I found out the Roguery and Ignorance of the Writers of Anecdotes, or Secret Hiſtory, who ſend ſo many Princes to their Graves with a Draught of Poyfon; will relate the Dialogue between a King and his fift Minifter, where no Witneſs was by; un- lock the Thoughts and Cabinets of Ambaſſa- dors and Secretaries of State, and always have the Misfortune of being mistaken. Here I diſcover'd the fecret Caufes of many great and furprizing Events; how a Whore can govern the Back-ftairs, the Back-ftairs a Council, and the Council a Senate. A Ge- neral told us himself, that he got a Victory, merely by the Dint of Cowardife and ill Con- duct: And an Admiral, that for want of In- telligence, he conquer'd the Enemy, to whom he defign'd to betray the Fleet. Three Kings affured me, that, in their whole Reigns, they did never prefer any Perfon of Merit, unleſs by Miftake or Treachery: Neither would they do it, if they were to live again; and they prov'd with great Force of Reafon, that the royal Throne could not be fupported without Corruption, becaufe that pofitive, reftive Temper, which Virtue infuled into Man, was a conftant Clogg to publick Bufi. nefs. I enquir'd particularly, how many had procur'd to themſelves high Titles of Ho- nour, and vaft Eftates; and I confin'd my Enqui- to LAPUTA, 77 c. 4:4 Enquiry to a very modern Period; however, without grating upon prefent Times, becaufe I would by no means give Offence, even to Foreigners (for I hope it need not be told, that I do not, in the leaft, intend my native Coun- try in what I abhor on this Occafion) a great Number of Perfons concern'd were call'd up, and, upon a very flight Examination laid open fuch a Scene of Infamy, that I cannot reflect upon it without Serioufnefs. Perjury, Op- preffion, Subornation, Fraud, Pandarifm, and the like Infirmities, were fome of the moſt ex- cufable they had to mention, for which, as it were reaſonable, I gave great Allowance. But when fome declared that they ow'd their Ho- nours and Riches to Sodomy or Incefts; others to the Proſtitution of their Wives and Daughters; fome to the betraying their Prince or Country; others to poisoning, and more to the perverting of Juftice, to destroy the In- nocent: I hope I may be pardon'd, if I abate a little of that profound Respect I am natural- ly inclin'd to bear to Perfons of Rank and Dignity. Having often read of great Servi ces done to Princes and States, I defired a Sight of the Perfons by whom they were perform- ed. Upon Enquiry, I was inform'd that their Names were not to be found in Records, ex- cept a few whom Hiftory hath fet forth to be the bafeft Rogues and Traitors; but, as to the reft, I had never, fo much as once, heard of them. They all appear'd with dejected Looks, E 3 and 78 A VOYAGE and in a very mean Habit, most of them have ing died in Poverty and Difgrace, and the reft on a Scaffold or a Gibbet. There was, a- mong the reft, one Perfon, whofe Cafe feem'd to be ſomewhat extraordinary. A Youth, a- bout Eighteen Years old, ftood by his Side. He faid he had, for many Years, the Com- mand of a Ship, and, in the Sca-fight at Actium, had the Fortune to break the Enemy's great Line of Battle, fink three of their belt Ships, and take a fourth, which was the fole Caufe of Anthony's Flight, and of the following Victory. He farther told me, that, this War being ended, he went to Rome, and follicited at the Court of Auguftus, to be preferred to a larger Ship, whole Commander had been kill'd; but, without any Regard to his Merit, it was difpos'd of to a Youth, that had never been at Sea, the Son of Libertina, who wait- ed on one of the Emperor's Miltreffes. Re- turning back to his own Veffel, he was charged with Neglect of Duty, and the Ship given to a Page of Publicola the Vice-admiral'; upon which he retired to a poor Farm, at a great Diſtance from Rome, and there ended his Days, Being curious to know the Truth of this Story, I defired Agrippa might be call'd up, who was Admiral in that Fight; who confirm'd the whole Account, but with much more Advantage to the Captain, whofe Mo- defty had leffen'd or conceal'd a great Part of his Merit. I was aftonifh'd to find Corruption grown = to LAPUTA, Sc. 79 grown to fuch a Height, in that Empire, by the force of Luxury fo lately introduced which made me lefs admire at many parallel Cafes in other Countries, where all forts of Vices have prevail'd fo much longer, and where the whole Praife as well as Pillage hath been engrols'd by the chief Commander, who, perhaps had the leaft Right to either. As eve- ry Perfon call'd up, appear'd exactly, in the fame manner, he had done in the World, it gave me melancholly Reflections, to obſerve, how much the Race of Mankind had dege- nerated among us, for thefe Hundred Years paft: How the Pox had alter'd every Feature of an English Countenance, contracted the Size of Bodies, unbraced the Nerves, relaxed the Sinews and Mufcles, introduced a fallow Vifage, and rendered the Flesh looſe and rancid. I defir'd at length, that fome Eng- lish Yoemen of the old Stamp might be cal- led up, who, were once fo famous for the Sim- plicity of their Manners, Diet, and Habit, for Juſtice in all their Dealings, for their Spi- rit of Liberty, for their Courage, and Love of their Country. Nor could I be altogether unconcerned, upon comparing the Living with the Dead, to find how all theſe pure Native Virtues were proftituted by their Grand-Children, who, by felling their Votes, and managing at Elections, have acquir'd eve- ry Vice and Corruption that can poffibly be learned in a Court, CHAP. IX. E 4 80 AVOYAGE CHAP. IX. The Author's Return to Maldonada. He fails to the Kingdom of Luggnagg. Is confin'd. Is fent to Court. The Manner of his Ad- mittance. The King's great Clemency to his Subjects. HE Day of our Departure being come, I took Leave of the Gover nour of Glubbdubdrib, and we retur- ned to Maldonada, where, after a Fortnight's Waiting, a Ship was ready to fail to Luggnagg. My two Companions, and fome others, were fo kind as to fupply me with Proviſions, and fee me on board. I was a Month in this Voyage. We had one vio- lent Storm, which obliged us to fleer Weft- ward, to get into the Trade Wind, which holds for above fixty Leagues. On the 21st of April 1711, we failed in the River Clumeg- nig, a Sea-port Town at the South-Eaſt Point of Luggnagg, and caft Anchor within a League of the Town, making a Signal for a Pilot. Two of them came on board, in less than Half an Hour, who guided us between fome very dangerous Shoals and Rocks, in a Paf- fage to a large Bafin, where a Fleet may ride in Safety within a Cable's Length of the Town Wall, Some of the Sailors had told the to LAPUTA, Sc. 81 the Pilots, that I was a Stranger, and a great Traveller, who gave Notice of it to a Cu- ſtom-houſe Officer, by whom I was examined very ſtrictly upon my Landing. This Offi- cer fpoke to me in the Language of Balni- barbi; which, by reafon of much Commerce, is underſtood in that Town, eſpecially by Seamen, and thofe concerned in the Cuſtoms. I gave him a fhort Account of my Story, and made it as plaufible and confiftent as I could; but I thought adviſable to call myſelf an Hollander, becauſe I intended for Japan, and the Dutch were the only Europeans al- low'd to enter into that Kingdom. I there- fore told the Officer, that having been ſhip- wreck'd on the Coaft of Balibarbi, I was received up into Laputa, or the Flying Ifland, (which he had often heard of) and was now in my Way to Japan, from whence I might find an Opportunity of returning to my own. Country. The Officer faid, I must be con- fin'd till he could receive Orders from Court, for which he would write immediately, and hoped to have an Anſwer in a Fortnight. I was conducted to a commodious Lodging, with a Centry placed at the Door; tho' I had the Liberty of a large Garden, and was uſed with Humanity, being maintain'd all the Time at the King's Charge. I had Invita- tions from ſeveral Perfons, chiefly out of Cu- riofity, becauſe it was reported, that I came from Countries very remote, of which they Es never 82 A VOYAGE never heard. I hir'd a Youth, who came in the fame Ship with me to be my Interpreter; he was born at Luggnagg, but had lived fome time at Maldonada, and was a compleat Ma- fter of both Languages. By his Affiftance, I could hold a Converfation with thoſe that made me Vifits; but this confifted only of their Queſtions and my Anſwers. The Dif patch came from Court at the Time we ex- pected, and contained a Warrant for bring- ing me and my Retinue to Traldragdabh, or Trildrogdrib, by a Party of Ten Horfc. My whole Retinue was that poor Lad for an In- terpreter, and, at my Requeft, we had each of us a Mule to ride on. A Meffenger was diſpatch'd before us, to give the King Notice of my coming, and to defire that he would ap point a Day and Hour, when it would be hist Royal Pleaſure, that I might be admitted to lick the Dull before his Foot-flool. This Court Style I found to be more than a Matter of Form; for, upon my Admittance, I was com- manded to crawl on my Belly, and lick the Floor as I advanced; but, becauſe I was a Stranger, it was fwept fo clean, that the Duft did not offend me. This was a peculiar Fa- vour, not allowed to any but Perfons of the firft Rank. Nay, fometimes the Floor is flrew'd with Duft on purpoſe, if the Perfon to be admitted has powerful Enemies at Court; and I have ſeen a great Lord with his Mouth fo cramm'd, that when he crept to the pro- per to LAPUTA, &c. 83 per Diſtance from the Throne, he could not Ipeak a Word. Nor is there any Remedy, it being capital for thoſe who receive an Au- dience to fpit, or wipe their Mouths before his Majefty. There is, indeed, another Cu- ftom, which I cannot entirely approve of, when the King is inclin'd to put any of his Nobles to Death in a gentle Manner, the Floor is ftrew'd with brown Powder, of a deadly Compofition, which, being lick'd up, infallibly kills him in Twenty four Hours. But, in Juftice to this Prince's Clemency, (wherein it cou'd be wiſh'd the Monarchs of Europe would imitate him) it muſt be men- tion'd, that ftri& Orders are given to have the infected Parts of the Floor well wash'd, after every ſuch Execution; which, if his Servants neglect, they incur his royal Dif- pleaſure. In my Hearing, he ordered one of his Pages to be whipt, for maliciouſly omit- ting his Duty in this Particular; by which Neglect, a young Lord, of great Hopes, coming to an Audience, was poilon'd, altho' the King had then no Deſign againſt his Life. But this Prince was fo good, as to forgive the Page his Whipping, upon Promile of doing fo no more, without efpecial Orders. But to return from this Digreffion; when [ crept within four Yards of the Throne, I railed my felf gently upon my Knees; and then, ftriking my Forehead feven times upon the Ground, I pronounced the following Words, 84 A VOYAGE Words, as they had been taught me; Ickpling Glaffthnobb Squutferumm blbiop Mlafhnalt, Zwin tnodbalkguffh Slhiophad Gurdlubb Aſht. This Compliment is appointed by the Laws of the Land to be ufed by all Perfons admit- ted to the King's Prefence. It may be tran- flated thus: May your celeftial Majefty outlive the Sun eleven Moons and a Half. To this the King returned an Anſwer, to which I re- plied, as I had been inſtructed; Fluft drin Yalerick Dwaldom praftrad mirpush; which properly fignifies, My Tongue is in the Mouth uf my Friend, i.e. an Interpreter; upon which my young Man was introduced, by whole Help I anfwer'd as many Queſtions as the Prince could propofe in more than an Hour. What I spoke in the Balnibarbian Tongue, my Interpreter explained in that of Luggnagg. The King being highly pleaſed with my Com- pany, ordered his Bliffmarklub, or High- Chamberlain, to appoint a Lodging in the Court for me and my Interpreter, with a daily Allowance for my Board, and a large Purle of Gold for my other Expences. I stayed here three Months out of Obedience to the King, who made me feveral very great Offers: But I thought it more agreeable to Prudence and Juftice, that I fhould spend the Remainder of my Days with my own Family. CHAP. to LA PUTA, Uc. 85 I CHAP. X. The Luggnuggians commended. A particular Defcription of the Struldbruggs; with many Converfations between the Author and fome eminent Perfons concerning them. One HE Luggnuggians are polite and gene- rous; and altho' they be not without a Tincture of Eaftern Pride, yet they are courteous to Strangers, efpecially fuch as are countenanced by the Court. I was acquainted with many of them of the beſt Fashion, and by means of my Interpre- ter, our Converfation was pleaſant. Day in Company, I was afked by a Perfon of Quality, whether I had feen any of their Struldbruggs, or Immortals? I anfwer'd not, and intreated him to explain to me what they were. He told me, that fometimes, tho' very feldom, a Child was born in a Family with a red circular Spot in the Forehead, directly over the left Eye-brow, which was a fure Sign of its Immortality. The Spot he defcribed to be about the Compaſs of a filver Three-pence, which in time grew lar- ger, and changed its Colour; for, at Twelve Years of Age, it became green, but at Five and Twenty a deep Blue, and at Five and Forty it turned to a Coal black, and as large as 86 A VOYAGE as an English Shilling, never admitting any farther Alteration. He faid thefe Births were fo rare, that there were not above Eleven Hundred Struldbruggs of both Sexes in the Kingdom, of which about Fifty lived in the Metropolis, and among the reft, a Girl born about three Years ago: That thofe Births were the mere Effects of Chance, and the Children of the Struldbruggs were equally mortal with thofe of others. This Account, I must confefs, ftruck me with inexpreffible Tranfport; and the Relater underſtanding the Balnibarbian Language, I broke out in Expreffions, perhaps, too extravagant. I cry'd out in a rapturous manner, Happy Na- tion! where every Child hath, at leaft, a Chance for Immortality! Happy People! who have fo many living Patterns of ancient Virtue, and Mafters to teach them the Wif dom of all former Ages! But infinitely hap- py are thole Struldbruggs! who have their Minds free and undifturb'd, without any of thofe Fears and Depreffions caufed by the conftant Apprehenfion of Death. I expref- fed my Admiration, that I had not feen any of thefe excellent Perfons at Court, the black Spot on their Forehead being fo remarkable, that I could not have eafily overlook'd it; and it was impoffible fo judicious a Prince as his Majefty fhould be without fuch wife Countellois. Yet perhaps the Virtue of thofe Sages was too rigid for the Libertine Man- ners to LA PUTA, UC. 87 ners of a Court; and we often find, that young Men are too volatile, to be guided by the prudent Dictates of their Seniors. How- ever, fince the King was pleafed to allow me Access to his Royal Perfon, I was determin- ed, upon the next Opportunity, to deliver my Sentiments to him freely, and at large, by the Help of my Interpreter; and whether he would fall in with my Advice, or no, I was refolved to accept with Thankfulneſs the kind Offer his Majefty had made me, of an Establishment in this Country, that I might fpend my Life in the Company of thoſe il- luftrious Struldbruggs, if they would pleaſe to admit me. The Gentleman to whom I addrefs'd my Difcourfe, faid to me with a fort of Smile, that he was glad of any Occafion to keep me among them, and defir'd he might explain to the Company what I had spoke. He did fo, and they difcourfed together for fome time in their own Language; but I un- derstood not a Syllable of what they faid, nor could I learn from their Looks, how my Dif- courfe had affected them. After a fhort Si- lence, the fame Perfon told me, that his Friends and mine (for fo he call'd the Com- pany) were exceedingly pleas'd with my Rc. marks on the Happinefs and Advantages of immortal Life, and were defirous to be par- ticularly informed what Scheme of Living I fhould have propoſed to myſelf, had I been born a Struldbrugg. I replied, it was eafy to be 88 A VOYAGE be eloquent on fo fruitful and pleaſant a Sub- ject, especially to me, who had often amus'd my felf with Vifions of what I ſhould do, were I a great Man; and had often run over the Method of Life I ſhould chufe, were I fure to live for ever. Had I been born a Struldbrugg, as foon as I could difcover my own Happineſs, I would make uſe of all Arts and Means whatſoever to be rich. In the Purſuit of this Defign, by good Manage- ment I might expect, in Two Hundred Years, to be the wealthieſt Man in the Kingdom; then I would, from my earlieſt Youth, fet myſelf to the Study of Arts and Sciences, and fo, in time, excel all others in Learning. Laſtly, I would exactly fet down every re- markable Action and Event that happened in the Publick, impartially draw the Characters of the feveral Succeffions of Princes, and the chiet Miniſters of State, with my own Re- marks on cach Point. I would carefully re- cord the various Charges in Cuſtoms, Lan- guages, Habit, Diet and Diverfions; by all which Acquirements, I fhould become the Oracle of the Nation. I would never marry after Sixty, but live in an hofpitable manner, yet still within due Bounds. I would enter- tain myſelf in giving Inftructions to hopeful young Men, by proving, from my own Re- membrance, Experience and Obfervation, enforced by many Examples, the Uſefulneſs of Virtue in publick and private Life: But, for, i 1 to LAPUTA, Uc. 89 for my intimate and conftant Companions, I would chufe a Dozen from the most ancient down to my Contemporaries, of my owr immortal Fraternity. If any of theſe were indigent, I would furnish them with com- modious Lodges round my own Eſtate, and have fome of them daily at my Table, only mingling a few of the most deferving among you Mortals, whom Length of Time would teach me to lofe with little or no Regret, and treat your Pofterity after the fame man- ner, juft as a Man diverts himself with the annual Succeffion of Pinks and Tulips in his Garden, regardleſs that he has loft thoſe which withered the preceding Year. Theſe Struld bruggs and I would impart to each other our Obfervations and Memorials thro' the Courfe of Time, take Notice of the feveral Steps by which Corruption fteals into the World, and oppofe it in every Gradation, by perpe- tually warning and inftructing Mankind; which, fortified by our own Example, might prevent that Degeneracy of human Nature to juftly lamented in all Ages. To all this might be added the Pleaſure of beholding the various Revolutions of States and Em- pires, the Changes in the lower and upper World, ancient Cities buried in Ruines, and fmall Villages become the Seats of Monarchs; deep Rivers leffening into fhallow Brooks; the Sea leaving one Coaſt dry, and over- whelming another; the Diſcovery of Coun- tries 90 A VOYAGE } tries not yet known; Barbarity spreading over the politeft Nations, and the most bar- barous becoming civiliz'd. I fhould then obferve the Difcovery of the Longitude, Per- petual Motion, Univerfal Medicine, and many others, brought to the greateſt Perfection. We fhould likewife make wonderful Difco- veries in Aftronomy, by ourliving and con- firming our own Predictions, by difcerning the Progrels and Returns of Comets, with the Changes of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. I difcourfed upon many other Topicks, which my Love of Immortality and earthly Happi- nefs naturally fupplied me with. When I had done, the Company conferred together in their own Language, laughing at my Ex- pence. At length, the Gentleman abovemen- tion'd told me, that he was defired by the rett to correct a few Miftakes I had fallen into thro' the Weakuefs of human Nature, that there were no Struldbruggs any where but in this Country; for he found, when he was Ambaſſador to Balnibarbi and Japan, that the Natives look'd upon his Account of them as incredible as I did my felf, upon the firft Mention of it; that he obſerved in both thofe Places Long Life to be the univerfal Defire of Mankind; that they, who had one Foot in the Grave, were fure, as ftrongly as was poffible, to hold back the other; that the eldeſt regarded Death as the greateſt Evil, but in Luggnagg the Appetite of Living was not fo to LAPUTA, Sc. 91 fo eager from the Example of the Struldbrugg', which they had daily in their View. He told me, that my Scheme of Living was irratio- nal, becauſe it fuppofed a perpetual Conti- nuance of Youth, Health, and Vigour, which none could be fo vain as to expect; that the Queftion ought to be thus ftated, Whether, and how a Man would chufe to live for ever, under all the Diſadvantages that uſually attend Old Age? For altho' few would defire Im- mortality on thofe hard Conditions, yet in Balnibarbi and Japan, every Man would fain put off Death for fome Time longer, let it approach ever fo late; and I feldom heard of any one that died willingly, unless he labour'd under extreme Grief and Torture. And he appeal'd to me, whether, in the Courſe of my Travels, I had not obferv'd the fame ge- neral Difpofition. As for the Struldbruggs, he faid they usually acted like Morials, un- til they were Thirty Years of Age, and then by Degrees, they grew melancholy and de- jected, until they come to Eighty. This he learnt from their own Coniefion; for other- wife there being not above Two of Three of them born in an Age, it was impoflible to form a general Obfervation. When they arrive at Eighty Years, the utmoft Period of Living in this Country, befides the common Infirmitics of other Men, they have many more arifing from the difmal Profpect of ne- ver dying. They were not only opinionative, pcevith, 92 A VOYAGE peevish, covetous, furly, vain, talkative, but incapable of Friendſhip, and dead to all na- tural Affection, which never defcended be- low their Grandchildren. Envy and impo- tent Inclinations are their prevailing Paffi ons. Their Envy is chiefly directed to the Vices of the Young, and the Deaths of the Old. By reflecting on the former, they find themfelves cut off from the very Poffibility of Pleafure; and, as often as they fee a Funeral, they repine that others are gone to an Harbour of Reft, to which they must never arrive. They Remember no- thing but what happen'd in their Youth and middle Age, and that very imperfectly; and for the Truth or Particulars of any Fact, its fafer to depend on common Tradition, than their beft Recollections. The leaft miferable among them ſeem to be thoſe who turn to Do- tage; theſe meet with more Pity and Relief, becauſe they wart many ill Qualities that pre- vail in others. If a Struldbrugg marry one of his own Species, the Marriage is diffolv'd of Courfe, as foon as the younger of the Parties. comes to be Eighty; for the Law thinks it reaſonable that thofe, who are condemned, without any Fault of their own, to live for ever in the World, fhould not have their Mi- fery doubled by the Incumbrance of a Wife. When they have compleated their eightieth Year, they are look'd upon as dead in Law, their Heirs fucceeding to their Eſtates: only a ſmall to LAPUTA, Sc. 93 a fmall Pittance is referv'd for their Maintain- ance, and the poor ones are ſupported, by the Publick. After that Term of Years, they are held incapable of any Office of Truft or Profit, they cannot purchaſe Lands nor take Leafes, neither can they be Witneſſes in any Cauſe, no not even for the Decifion of Meers and Bounds. At Ninety, they lofe their Teeth and Hair; and, having no Tafte, they can nei- ther eat nor drink with Relish or Appetite, their Diſeaſes ſtill continuing without encrea- fing or diminiſhing. In Difcourfe, they for- get the common Apellations of Things and the Names of Perſons, even thoſe of their nearest Friends and Relations. On the fame account, they cannot amuſe themselves with Reading, becauſe their Memory will not car- ry them from the Beginning of a Sentence to the End, tho' this be the only Entertainment whereof they might, otherwife, be capable. The Language of this Country being in a per- petual Flux, the Struldbruggs of one Age, do not underſtand thefe of another, nor can they, in two Hundred Years Time, converfe at all, unless by a few general Words, with their Neighbours the Mortals, and fo they live like Foreigners in their native Country. I after- wards faw five or fix Struldbruggs of different Ages, the youngeſt about two Hundred Years Old; but altho' they were inform'd, that I was a great Traveller, they were not fo curi- ous as to afk me a Question; only defired I would 94 A VOYAGE would give them fome Slumfkudafk, or a To- ken of Remembrance, another Word for beg- ging, to evade the Law that ftrictly forbids it, becaule they have an Allowance, tho' a ve- ry fcanty one, from the Publick. They are defpis'd and hated by all People; when one of them is born, it's esteemed Ominous; and their Birth is fo particularly recorded, that you may know then Age by confulting the Registry, which hath not been kept above a Hundred Years, or at least hath been deftroy'd by Time or publick Commotions. But the common way of computing their Age is, by afking them what Kings or great Perfons they can remember, and then confulting Hiftory; for, to be fure, the laft Prince in their Mind did not enter upon his Reign, after they were eighty. They were the most mortifying Sight Lever faw, and the Women more hor- rible than the Men. Befides the ufual Defor- mities in extream Old-age, they acquir'd a pe- culiar inexpreflible Ghaftliness, in proportion to their Years; and, among half a dozen, I could cafily diſcover the eldeſt, altho' there was not above a Century or two between them. My Reader, by this time, will con- clude, that my Appetite for Immortality was much abated. I grew not a little afham'd of the pleafing Vifions I had indulged, and could chufe the moſt torturing Death rather than the Life of a Struldbrugg. The King, hearing of what paſt on this Occafion, ralli- ed 3 to LAPUTA, 95 c. ed me very pleaſantly, and wiſh'd I would fend a Couple of thofe People to England, to fortify my Country-men againſt the Fear of Death; but, this is forbidden by the fun- damental Laws of the Country, or elfe I fhould have fent them. I could not but think that the Laws of this Kingdom, concerning the Struldbruggs, where highly reaſonable; for as Avarice is the neceflary Attendant of Old-age, they muft, otherwife, in time be- come Proprietors of the whole Nation, and engroſs the Civil Power, which muſt end in the Ruin of the Publick. t CHAP. [ { ! 96 A VOYAGE CHAP. XI. The Author, leaving of Luggnagg, fails to Japan. From Japan, he returns in a Dutch Ship to Amfterdam, and thence to England. As Thought this Account of the Struld- bruggs might be fomewhat entertain- ing, becauſe it feems a little extraordi- nary; at least I cannot recollect that I have ſeen the like in any Book of Travels that hath come in my way: And if I am miſtaken, my Apology muſt be, that it's neceffary for Tra- vellers, who defcribe the fame Country, ve- ry frequently to infift on the fame Particulars, without incurring the Cenfure of having bor- row'd or tranſcribed from other Writers. there is a conftant Commerce between this Kingdom and that of Japan, it is not im- probable that the Japanese may have given fome Account of the Struldbruggs; but ftay- ing only a fhort Time in Japan, and being an entire Stranger to their Language, I could not make any Enquiries. However, I hope the Dutch, on this Hint, will be curious and able enough to fupply my Defects. The Prince having often made me confiderable Offers, and finding me fully determin'd to return to my own Country, was pleafed to give me his Licence to depart, with a Letter in I 97 to LAPUTA, &c. in my Favour, under his own Hand, to the Emperor of Japan. He likewife made me a Preſent of Four Hundred and Forty Four large Pieces of Gold (this Nation being very fond of even Numbers) and a red Diamond, which I fold in England for above Eleven Hundred Pounds. On the 6th of May 1709, I took Leave of his Majefty and all my Friends. The King ordered a Guard to con- duct me to Glanguenſtald, a Royal Port, to the Southweft Part of the Inland. In fix Days, a Veffel was ready to carry me to Japan, and I spent Fifteen Days in the Voy- age. We landed at Xamofchi, a Port-Town on the South-Eaft Part of Japan; the Town lyes on the Weſtern Point, where there is a narrow Streight, leading Northward into a long Arm of the Ocean, upon the North- Eaft Part of which, ledo, the Metropolis, ftands. When I landed, I fhewed the Cu❤ fton-house Officers my Letter from the King of Luggagg to the Emperor. They knew the Seal, which was as broad as the Palm of my Hand. The Impreflion was, A King lifting up a lame Beggar from the Earth. The Magiftrates of the Town received me as a publick Minifter, provided me with Carria- ges and Servants, and bore my Charges to ede, where being admitted to an Audience, I deliver'd my Letter, which was explained to the Emperor by an Interpreter, who di- rected me, by the Prince's Order, to fignify F my 98 A VOYAGE my Requeſt, and whatever it was, it fhould be granted for the fake of the King of Lugg nagg. This Interpreter was employ'd to tranf- act Affairs with the Hollanders; he foon guefs'd by my Afpect, that I was an European, and therefore repeated his Majefty's Command in Low Dutch. I anſwer'd, that I was a Dutch Merchant, fhipwreck'd in a very remote Country, from whence I travelled to Lugg- nagg, and then to Japan, where I understood my Countrymen often traded, hoping to get an Opportunity of returning into Europe. I therefore intreated his royal Favour, that I might be fafely conducted to Nangafac; and that, for the fake of my Patron, he would excufe the Ceremony of Trampling upon the Crucifix, becauſe I had been driven into his Kingdom by Misfortunes, without any De- tign of Trading. When this latter Petition. was interpreted to his Majefty, he, in a little Surprize, faid, he believed I was the firft Dutchman that ever made a Scruple in this Point, and that he queftioned whether I was an Hollander or no, but rather fufpected me to be a Christian. However, for the Reaſons I had offer'd, but chiefly to gratify the King of Luggnagg, he confented to grant me this fingular Mark of his Favour; but the Mat- ter must be managed with Caution, and his Officers commanded to let me país, as it were by Forgetfulness; for he affured me, that if this Secret fhould be known by my Country- men, 1 to LAPUTA, Sc. 99 Throat men, the Dutch, they would cut my in the Voyage. Having returned my Thanks for this extraordinary Favour, fome Troops being then on their March to Nangafar, the commanding Officer had Orders to conduct me thither, with fpecial Instructions about the Ceremony of the Crucifix On the 9th of June 1709, I arrived at Nangafac, after a fatiguing Journey, and foon became acquint- ed with fome Dutch Sailors belonging to the Amboyna ot Amfterdam, a Ship of 450 Tons. Having lived long at Leyden, puriuing my Studies, I fpoke Dutch well. The Seamen at once knew from whence I came lait, and were inquifitive about my Travels and Courfe of Life. I told them a Story as brief and plaufible as I could, concealing the greateft Part. As I knew many Perfons in Holland, it was caly for me to invent Names for my Parents, whom I reprefented to be obfcure People in the Province of Gelderland. I would have given the Captain, Theodorus Van Grult, what he pleaſed to demand for my Voyage; but finding I was a Surgeon, he was willing to take half the ufual Rate, pro- vided I would ferve him in that Capacity. Before we went on board, fome of the Crew often afk'd me, whether I had complied with the Ceremony above-mention'd. I evaded the Queſtion, by telling them in general Terms, that I had given Satisfaction to the Emperor and Court in all Particulars. How- F 2 ever, 100 A VOYAGE ever, a Rogue of a Skipper inform'd an Of- ficer, that I had not yet Trampled on the Cru- cifix; but the other having received Orders to let me pafs, gave the Rafcal twenty Strokes on the Shoulders with a Bamboo. which put a Stop to all fuch Enquiries. Nothing re- markable happened in this Voyage; we fail- ed with a fair Wind to The Cape of Good Hope, where we took in fresh Water. On the 16th of April, we arrived at Amfterdam, having loft only four Men in the Voyage. From Amfterdam I foon after fet Sail for Eng- Jand, and on the 10th of April we put in at the Downs. I landed next Morning, after I had been abfent from my native Country five Years and fix Months compleat. I fet out immediately for Rotherhithe, where I arrived at Two in the Afternoon, and found my Wife and Children in good Health. TRA- 1 1 L IOL Parnallig TRAVELS. PART IV. A Voyage to the Country of the HOUYHNH NM S. CHAP. I. 0%.:. The Author goes as Captain of a Ship. 13 Men mutiny, and confine him to his Cabbin, and fet him on shore in an unknown Land. He travels up the Country. The Yahoo's, a Arange Sort of Animal defcrib'd. The Au- thor meets two Houyhnhnms. I Continued at Home in a happy Condition with my Wife and Family, for the Space of five Months, had I known when I was well. But having an ad- vantageous Offer, of being Cap- tain of the Adventure, a Mer- chant-man of 350 Tons, I accepted of it: For I underſtood Navigation; and being F 3 weary DA VOYAGE F I weary of a Surgeon's Employment at Sea, I took a fkilful young Man in that Calling in- 10 my Ship. We failed from Portſmouth on the 2d of August 1710, and met Capt. Pocock of Briſtol, at Teneriff, who was going to the Bay of Campechy. On the 16th, a Storm parted us, and I heard fince, that his Ship was loft by his own Obftinacy, and none eſcaped but one Cabbin-Boy. I had feveral Men died in my Ship of Calentures, fo that I was obliged to recruit at Berbadoes and the Leeward Islands, where I was ordered to touch, but had Reaſon to repent, for I found that most of them had been Buccancers. had fifty Hands on board, and had Orders to trade with the Indians in the South-fea, and make what Diſcoveries I could. Thefe Rogues I had pick'd up corrupted my other Men, and confpired together to feize the Ship, which they executed one Morning, and bound me Hand and Foot, with Threats of throw- ing me over-board, if I offered to ftir. They forced me to fwear Submiffion to them, and then left me faften'd only by one Leg with a Chain, and a Centinel at my Door with his Piece charged, who was commanded to fhoot me, if I attempted my Liberty. They fent me down Victuals and Drink, and took the Government of the Ship upon themſelves; but could not turn Pyrates, as they defign'd, without more Hands. They fold the Goods of the Ship, and having loft many of the Crew, refol- I 3 to the HOUYHNHNMS. 103 refolved to go to Madagascar for Recruits. They failed many Weeks, but what Courſe they took, I know not, being all that time under Confinement. On the 9th Day of May 1711, one James Welch came and told me, he had Orders to fet me on Shore. I expo- ftulated with him, but in vain, neither would he tell me who was their new Captain. They forced me into the Long Boat, letting me take my best Cloaths, a Bundle of Linnen, but no Arms except my Hanger, and indeed were fo civil, as not to fearch my Pockets: They row'd about a League, and then fet me down on a Strand. I afk'd what Country it was? They all fwore they were as ignorant- of it as myſelf, and puſh'd off immediately, adviſing me to make hafte, for fear of the Tide. I walked forward in this defolate Con- dition, till I came to firm Ground, where I fat down to confider what I thould do. Be- ing a little refresh'd, I went up into the Coun- try, refolving to deliver my felf to the firit Savages met, and purchaſe my Life with what Toys I had about me. The Land was. divided by long Rows of Trees growing ir- regularly; there was Plenty of Graſs, and ſe- veral Fields of Oats. I walked very circum- fpectly, for fear of being fuddenly hot, and at length came into a beaten Road, where I perceived the Tracks of human Feet, fome of Cows, but moſt of Horfes. A lift, I obſerved ſeveral Animals in a Field, and fome F 4 of 104 AVOYAGE of the fame kind upon Trees; their Shape was very fingular and deformed, which a lit- le difcompofed me; fo that I lay down be- hind a Hedge to obferve them the better. Some of them coming nigher me, I obferved their Heads and Breatts were covered with a thick Hair, with Beards like Goats, and a long Ridge of Hair down their Backs, and the Foreparts of their Legs and Feet; but the reft of their Bodies were bare, and their Skins of a brown Colour. They had no Tails, nor any Hair upon their Buttocks, but on the Place. where they fit, which Nature had provided to defend them from the Ground; for this Pofture they uſed as much as any other. They could climb Trees like a Squirrel, and had sharp crooked Claws before and behind. The Females were not fo large as the Malcs, their Dugs hung between their Fore-feet, and of ten reach'd the Ground as they walk'd. Up- on the whole, I never faw fo difagreeable a Creature in my Life, nor one against which I naturally conceived a greater Antipathy. So that, thinking I had feen enough, I got up and purſued my Way along the Road, in hopes of meeting with fome Indian's Cabbin. I had not gone far, when I met one of those ugly Creatures coming directly to me. The ugly Moniter approaching me, diftorted his Fetures, and lift up his Forc-paw, but whe- ther out of Curiofity or Mifchief, I could not tell. I therefore drew my Hanger, and gave to the HOUYHNHNMS. 105 gave him a Blow with the flat Side, fearful of ſtriking with the Edge, left it might in- cenfe the Inhabitants againſt me, for killing or laming any of their Cattle. When the Beaſt felt the Smart, he roared fo loud, that a Herd of them came howling about me, making odious Faces: But I ran to a Tree, and leaning my Back againft it, kept them off with my Hanger. Several of the curfed Brood leapt upon the Tree, and difcharged their Excrements upon my Head, till I was almoft ftifled with Filth. In the midst of this Diſtreſs, I obferved them all to run away, at which I purſued the Road, wondering at the Reaſon of their Flight. But looking on my left Hand, I law a Horfe walking foftly in the Field, which, as I afterwards found, was the Caufe of thofe Animals leaving me fuddenly. The Horfe ftared at the fi ft Sight of me, but recovering himself, looked in my Face with fome Marks of Wonder, and walk- ed round me feveral times. I would have purfued my Journey, but he ftood in my way, looking mildly upon me, without offering the leaft Violence. We gazed at each other for fome time; at laft I put out my Hand to ftroke him, and ufed him as we do, when we are going to handle a ftrang: Horfe. But he fhook his Head at me with Dildain, and bent his Brows, gently railing his Fore-foot to re- move my Hand, and then neighed in fuch a manner, that I thought he was fpeaking to F5 him. ་ 106 AVOYAGE himſelf in a Language of his own. While he and I were thus employ'd, another Horie came up, and applying himſelf to the for- mer, they gently ftruck each other's right Hoof, and neigh'd alternatively with a va- rious Sound, which feemed almoſt articulate. They walked from me Side by Side, like Per- fons conferring together, often turning their Eyes towards me, as it were to watch, that I might not make my Eſcape. I was amazed to fee fuch Actions in brute Beafts, and con- cluded, that if the Inhabitants were endued with a proportionable Degree of Reaſon, they muſt needs be wife People. Encourag'd with this Thought, I refolved to go forward, till I could diſcover fome Houfe, or meet with any of the Natives, and leave the two Horfes to difcourfe together as they pleafed. But the firſt, which was a dapple grey, perceiving me to fteal away, neigh'd after me in fo ex- preffive a Tone, that I fancied I knew what he meant. Whereupon Iturn'd back to wait his Commands, but not without fome fear from this Adventure, as the Reader must eafi- ly believe, confidering my prefent Conditi- on. The two Horfes advanc'd to me, and look'd earnestly at my Hands and Face. The grey Steed fo difcompofed my Hat, by rub- bing it with his right Forefoot, that I took it off, to put it better upon my Head; where- at, both he and the brown Bay (which was the other's Colour) appeared furprized. The latter to the HOUYHNHNMS. 107 I latter felt the Lappet of my Coat, and find- ing it to hang loofe about me, they both look'd with Signs of Wonder. He ftroak'd my righa Hand, and feem'd to admire its Softnefs and Colour, but ſqueezed it fo hard between his Hoof and his Paftern, that I was forc'd to cry out; after which they uſed me more ten- derly. They neigh'd to each other at the Sight of my Shoes and Stockings, which they often felt, and ufed various Geftures, not un- like thofe of a Philofopher, when he is about to folve ſome difficult Phænomenon. In fhort, the Behaviour of theſe Animals was fo rational and judicious, that I concluded there muft needs be fome magical Metamorphofis of them- felves upon fome extraordinary Defign, or they were really furprized to fee a Man fo different from the natural Complexion and Habit of the Country. The Power of this Reflection made me venture to addreſs myſelf to them in the following manner. Gentlemen, If ye are Sorcerers, as I have reafon to believe, you can understand any Language; I therefore make bold to let your l'orſhips know, that I am a poor distress'd Englishman, drove by Misfortunes upon this Coaft, and intreat the Favour of riding on one of your Backs to the next Village. In re- turn of which Favour, (taking my Knife and Bracelet out of my Pocket) I will make you this Preſent. The two Creatures were filent, but ſeemed to liſten attentively; and when Í had done, they neigh'd to each other, as if they 108 A VOYAGE I they were engaged in ferious Converſation. obferved that their Language expreffed the Paffions very well; and the Words might be refolved into an Alphabet more eafy than the Chinefe. They often repeated the Word Ya- boo; and tho' I could not guefs at the Mean- ing of it, I endeavour'd to practiſe the Sound, and as foon as they were filent, I boldly pro- nounc'd Yahoo, imitating the Neigh of a Horſe at the fame time. At which, in a Surprize, they repeated the fame, as if they meant to teach me the right Accent. Ifpoke after them as well as I could, and found my felf fome- what improv'd. The Bay tried me with ano- ther Word, which reduced to our English Orthography, may be fpelt thus, Houyhnhnm. By repeated Tryals, I fucceeded fo well in this, that they both appear'd furprized at my Ca- pacity. After their Difcourfe was ended, the two Friends parted with the fame Compliment of ſtriking Hoofs, and made Signs for me to walk before; when flackened, one cry'd, Ilbuun, Hbuun, and I guefling his Meaning, made Signs, that I was weary, upon which he allow'd me to ftand a while to rett. CHAP. to the HOUYHNHNMs. 109 CHAP. II. The Author conducted by a Houyhnhnm to his Houfe. The Houfe defcrib'd. The Author's Reception. The Food of the Houyhnhnms. The Author is distress'd for want of Victuals. And his manner of feeding in this Country. uſe Aving travelled about three Miles, we came to along Timber Building, whole Roof was low, and covered with Straw. At the Sight of which, I began to be comforted, and took out my Toys, in hopes they would encourage the People of the Houfe to ule me kindly. The Horfe made me a Sign to go in first; the Room had a Imooth Clay Floor, and a Rack and Manger the whole length of it on one Side. There were three Naggs, and a Mare fitting down upon their Hams, and others employ'd in do- meftick Bufinefs. They feem'd but ordinary Cattle; however this confirm'd my former Opinion of the Wiſdom of that People, who could fo far civilize brute Animals. The Grey came in foon after, and neighed feveral times to them in a Style of Authority, and receiv- ed Anſwers. Beyond this Room were three others, to which you paffed through three Doors, oppofite to each other. We went to the laft, and here the Gray walk'd in firſt, beck- 110 A VOYAGE beckoning me to attend him. I waited in the fecond Room, and prepared my Prefents for the Maſters and Miftreffes of the Houfe, The Horſe neigh'd three or four times, and I wait- ed to hear fome human Voice, but obferved no other Returns, than a fhriller Voice in the fame Dialect, and began to think it must be fome great Perfon's Houfe, from the Difficul ty of Admittance: But that a Man of Qua- lity ſhould be ferv'd only by Horfes, I could not comprehend. I began to think my Brain was diſturb'd, and look'd about the Room, which I found furniſhed after the manner of the first, but more elegantly. In fhort Iab- folutely concluded it muſt be all Necroman- cy; but had not time to purfue my Reflecti ons, for the grey Horfe came and made me a Sign to follow him into the third Room, where I faw a handfome Mare, Colt and Foal, fitting on their Haunches, on Matts artfully made, and perfectly neat and clean. The Mare role up, and after obferving my Hands and Face, look'd contemptuously at me, and turn- ing to the Horfe, I heard the word Taboo men- tion'd between them, which tho' I did not underſtand, was foon better inform'd to my Mortification. For the Horfe beckoning to me with his Head, and repeating the Word Hluun Hhuun, he led me thro' a Court to a Building at fome diftance, where were three of thofe deteftable Creatures I had feen be- fore, feeding upon the Flesh of Animals and Roots, to the HOUYHNhNms. I I I $ Roots. They were faftened by the Neck, with ftrong Withes to a Beam, and held the Fleſh between their Claws, while they tore it with their Teeth. The Mafter Horfe order- ed a forrel Nagg, one of his Servants, to untye the largeſt of theſe Animals, and take him in- to the Yard; where they compared us toge- ther, and repeated the Word Taboo. My Hor- ror and Surprize were great, when lobferv'd a perfect human Figure. The Face was flat and broad, the Nofe depreffed, the Lips large, and Mouth wide; but thefe Differences are common to all favage Nations, whofe Natives lye groveling on the Earth, or are carried on their Mothers Backs. The Fore-feet of the Yaboo differed from my Hands, only in the Length of the Nails, Coaifenels of the Palms, and Hairinefs on the Back. Their Feet reſem- bled ours, and every part of the Body, except as to the Hairinefs and Colour. What feem'd moſt ſtrange to the two Horfes, was to fee the reft of my Body, fo different from a Yahoo, which was occafion'd by my Cloaths; but this they did not conceive. The forrel Nagg offer- ed me a Root, which he held beetween his Hoof and Paftern; this I fmelt to, and re- turn'd it as civilly as I could. He brought me a Piece of Affe's Flefh, which fmelt fo of fenfively, that I could not bear it; he then threw it to a Yahoo, who devoured it greedi- ly. He afterwards thewed me Hay and Oats, which I fignified was not Food for me; and indeed 112 A VOYAGE indeed began to apprehend that I muſt abfo- lutely ftarve, if I could not meet with fome of my own Species. The Mafter Horſe, ob- ferving how deteftable the Taboo appear'd to me by my Behaviour, fent him back to his Kennel. He then made Signs, by putting his Fore-hoof to his Mouth, to know what I would eat. But I could not anfwer him, to make him underftand me; and altho' he had, I ſaw no poffible way of contriving to get Nouriſhment. At this Juncture Ifaw a Cow going by, and expreffed a Defire of milking her. This anfwered my End, for he ordered a Mare Servant, to open a Room, where was good ſtore of Milk, in earthen and wooden Veffels, in an orderly and cleanly Manner. She gave me a large Bowl-full, which I drank off, and found myſelf refreſhed. About Noon Ifaw a Vehicle, drawn like a Sledge, by four Yahoo's, coming towards the Houle. There was in it an old Steed of Quality, who alight- ed with his Hind-foot forward, having hurt his left Fore-foot. He came to dine with our Horte, who received him very civilly. They dined in the beſt Room, and had Oats boil'd in Milk, for the fecond Courfe, which they warmed for the old Horfe, but the reſt eat them cold. Their Mangers were placed round in the middle of the Room, in which were fe- veral Partitions, round which they fat upon Truffes of Straw. Thus they dined with much Decency and Regularity, having eve- ry to the HOUYHNHNMS. 113 ry one his Mefs. The young Colt and Foal appeared very modeft, and the Mafter and Mistress very gay and complaifant to their Guest: The Grey ordered me to ftand by him, and much Difcourfe paffed between them con- cerning me, as I perceiv'd by their Looks, and frequent Repetition of the word Yahoo. I happened to wear my Gloves, which fo per- plexed the Maſter Grey, that he put his Hoof feveral times to them, fignifying that I should pull them off, which I did, and put them in- to my Pocket. Ifoon found the good Effects of this Behaviour, and was ordered to ſpeak thofe Words I understood; and while they were at Dinner, the Mafter taught me the Names for Oats, Milk, Fire, and Water, &c. which i pronounced after him, having a great Facility in learning Languages. When they had dined, the Mafter Horfe by many Signs, express'd a Concern, that I had nothing to cat. I pronounced the word Hluanh (which fignifies Oats in their Language) two or three times; for tho' I had refuſed them before, I confidered that I could make a Sort of Bread with them, which would keep me from ftary- ing. The Horle immediately ordered a Mare Servant, to give me a good Quantity of Oats. Thefe dried before the Fire, then rubb'd them to loosen the Hufks, which I winnow'd from the Grain. I ground them between two Stones, and made them into a Paſte with Water, which I toafted by the Fire, and eat with 114 A VOYAGE with warm Milk. It was at first an infipid Diet, though common enough in fome parts. of Europe; but grew tolerable in time, e pe- cially to one who had been under Neceffitics fo often. And I cannot but obferve, that I had not one Hour's Sickness while I ftaid in this lfland. 'Tis true I made fhift to catch a Rabbet or Bird with Gins made of Taboo's Hairs, and gathered wholeſome Herbs, which Iboil'd or eat like Sallet, with my Bread, and now and then made Butter, and drank the Whey. I was at a lofs for Salt at firft, but Cuſtom reconciled the want of it, and I am confident its Ufe is the Effect of Luxury a- mong us; and that it is only neceffary in the preferving of Fleſh; for we obferve no Ani mals to be fond of it but Man; and for my part, I could not endure the Tafte of it for fome time after I had left this Country. I have faid enough upon the Subject of my Diet; but thought it neceffary to mention this, left the World fhould think it impoffi- ble, I could find Suftenance in fuch a Coun- try for three Years together. When it grew towards Evening, the Mafter Horfe ordered me a Place to lye in; it was very near the Houſe, and feparated from the Stable of the Taboo's. Here I got fome Straw, and cover- ing my felf with my own Cloaths, flept very found. But was in a fhort time better accom- modated, as the Reader fhall know hereaf ter. CHAP. to the HOUYHNHNMS. 115 CHA P. III. The Author ftudies the Language, by the Affift- ance of his Mafter the Houyhnhnm. The Language defcribed. Several Houyhnhnms of Quality come to fee the Author. He gives his Mafter a ſhort Account of his Voyage. M Y principal Endeavour was to learn the Language, in which my Mafter (for fo I fhall henceforth call him) his Children and Servants inftructed me. For they look'd upon it as a Prodigy, that fo much Reaſon fhould appear in a brute Ani- mal. I enquired the Name of every thing, and corrected my bad Accent, by hearing the Words often pronounced, in which a forrel Nagg principally aflifted me. In fpeaking, they pronounce thro' the Nofe like the High Dutch, but their Language is more graceful and fignificant. The Emperor Charles V. made almoft the fame Obfervation, when he faid, that if he was to speak to his Horſe, it fhould be in High Dutch. My Matter, whole Curiofity of knowing what Animal I was, and from whence I came, fpent many leifure Hours to inftruct me, and hoped, by the Pro- ficiency I had made, I fhould foon be capa- ble of answering his Expectation. To help my Memory, I formed all I learn'd into the English 116 A VOYAGE English Alphabet, and writ the Words down with the Tranflations. And as I ventured to do this in my Maſter's Prefence, it cost me a great deal of Pains to explain to him what I was about; for the Inhabitants have not the leaft Idea of Books or Learning. In about ten Weeks, I began to underſtand his Quefti- ons, and in three Months could give fome to- lerable Anſwers. He was extremely defirous of knowing from what Part of the Country I came, and how I came to imitate à rational Creature, becauſe the Yahoo's (whom I refem- bled in thofe Parts he could fee) with fome Appearance of Cunning and mifchievous Dil- pofition, were the moſt unteachable of all Brutes. I told him, that I came over in a hollow Veffel made of Trees, and how my Companions had ferv'd me. But he replied, I muſt be miſtaken, or faid the thing which was not, they having no Word to exprefs Falfhood or Lying, for it was impoffible that there could be a Country where I had faid, or that Brutes could make a Veffel to move where they pleafed upon the Water. That no Houyhnhnm could make fuch a Veffel, or would trust Yahoo's to manage it. The Word Houyhnhnm, in their Tongue, fignifies a Horfe, and, in its Etymology, the Perfection of Na- ture. I told my Mafter, I was at a Lofs to exprefs myſelf, but hoped to be able to tell him Wonders in a fhort time. He ordered all his Family to inftruct me, spent two or three to the HOUYHNHNMS. 117 เ three Hours a Day himself for that Purpoſe. Several Horfes and Mares of Quality came to fee me, upon the Report that there was a wonderful Yahoo, who could fpeak like a Houyhnhnm, and feemed to difcover fome Glimmering of Reaſon. Theſe aſked me ma- ny Queſtions, and received fuch Anſwers as I could return; by which Advantages, in five Months, I underſtood all that was ſpoke, and could exprefs myſelf tolerably well. The ; Houyhnhnms, who came to fee me, could hardly believe me to be a Yahoo, from my Bo- dy being differently covered, and were afto- nished to obferve me without the ufual Hair or Skin, except on my Head, Face, or Hands but I discovered that Secret to my Mafter, about a Fortnight before. As it was my Cu- ftom every Night, when the Family was gone to Bed, to strip and cover my felf with my Cloaths, my Maſter ſent for me by his forrel Nagg one Morning, as I was faft afleep; my Cloaths fallen off, and my Shirt lying difor- derly, I awaked at the Noife, and obferved him to deliver his Meffage in Confufion; af- ter which, he went to his Mafter, and told him all he had diſcovered. When I was dreffed, I went to pay my Attendance upon his Honour, who afked the Meaning of what his Servant had reported; that I was different afleep and awake, and that my Body was whiter then than at another Time. I had hitherto concealed the Secret of my Drefs, to 118 A VOYAGE to be diftinguiſhed from that curfed Race of Yahoo's; but finding it in vain to do fo any longer, I therefore told my Mafter, that in our Country we kept our Bodies from Heat and Cold, as well as to avoid the Inclemen- cies of the Air, by covering them with the Hairs of certain Animals artfully prepared for that Ufe; that if he pleafed to give me his Command, I would foon convince him; he told me I might do as I pleafed. Whereupon I undreſs'd my ſelf before him, having a Re- gard to all neceffary Decency. He took my Cloaths one Piece after another, and looked diligently at them; then walked round me, and ftroak'd my Body gently; after which, he ſaid, I muſt be a raboo, tho' I differed ve- ry much from the reit of ny Species. in the Softneſs and Whitenefs of my Skin. and my Want of Hair on feveral Parts of my Body the Shape and Shortnels of my Claws, and my continual walking upright. He defired to fee no more, and gave me Leave to put on my Cloaths. I expreffed an Uncatinefs at his calling me by the Name of that odious Ani- mal, and begg'd he would not apply it to me, and give the fame Order to his Family of Friends who were fuffered to fee me; and defired he would keep the Knowledge of my falfe Covering to himself, at leaft, as long as my preſent Cloathing laited, and command his forrel Nagg to conceal it. All this he confented to, which was kept fecret till my Cloaths to the HouYMNHNMS. 119 Cloaths began to wear out, which I was for- ced to ſupply by feveral Contrivances. In the mean time, he defired me to apply my utmoſt Diligence in learning the Language, adding, that he had long waited with Impa- tience to hear the Wonders which I had to tell him. From thenceforward he took more Pains to inſtruct me, and brought me into all Company, whom he defired to treat me ci- villy, that I might be more diverting. Eve- ry Day when I waited on him, he would aſk me feveral Queftions concerning myſelf, and had already conceived by my Anfwers, fome general Ideas, tho' imperfect. It would be tedious to relate the particular Steps we made in Converſation; but the firft Account that I gave of myſelf in any Order or Length, was to the following Purpofe. That I came from a diſtant Country, as I had told him be- fore, in Company with Fifty of my own Spe- cies; that we travelled in a large hollow Vef- fel made of Wood, and larger than his Ho- nour's Houfe. I defcrib'd the Ship to him as well as I could, and with my Handkerchief explained the Manner how it was driven for- ward by the Wind. That a Quarrel arifing among us, I was fet on Shore, and walked on without knowing whither, till he delive- red me from the Perfecution of thoſe detefta- ble Yahoo's. He afked me who made the Ship, and how it was poffible, that the Houyhnhnms of any Country would leave the Management of 120 A VOYAGE of it to Brutes. I told him, I would proceed no farther in my Relation, unleſs I had his Promile that he would not be offended. He agreed, and I went on, affuring him that the Ship was made by Creatures of my own Spe- cies, who, in all Countries where I had tra- velled were the only rational Creatures. That at my coming into this Country, I was as much furprized at their Rationality, as they were at mine. I ſaid farther, that if good Fortune ever reſtored me to my native Coun- try, and I fhould relate my Travels hither, every body will think that I faid the thing: which was not; and that with all poffible Re- fpect to himself and Family, and under his Promiſe of not being offended, our Coun- trymen would think it improbable, that a Houyhnhnm fhould be the prefiding Creature in a Country, and a Taboo the Brute. のど ​{ CHAP. ! to the HOUYHNHNMS. 121 C CHAP. IV. The Houyhnhnms Notion of Truth and Falfhood. The Author's Difcourfe difapprov'd by his Ma- fler. He gives a farther Account of himself, and the Accidents of his Voyage. Y Mafter heard me with Marks of Un- Meafinefs in his Countenance; bec.ufe doubting, and not believing, are fo little known in this Country, that in fuch Circumstances, the Inhabitants are at a lofs how to behave themſelves. And I remem- ber, in fome Difcourfes concerning Manhood, in other parts of the World, I mentioned Ly- ing and falfe Mifreprefentation, which were Terms he comprehended with Difficulty, al- tho' he had an acute Judgment. And this was his Argument: That by the Ufe of Speech we understood one another, and received Information of Facts; now, if any one faid the thing which was not, thofe Ends are de- ftroyed; becauſe it cannot be properly faid, I underſtand him; being fo far from receiv- ing Information, that he leaves me worfe than in Ignorance; for I am induced to believe, that Black is White, and Short, Long. Thefe were his Notions of Lying, fo perfectly un- derstood among human Creatures. To return from this Digreffion. My Mafter could not G con 4:22 A VOYAGE • conceive the raboo's to be governing Animals in my Country, and defired to know whether we had any Houyhnhnms among us, and in what manner they liv'd. I told him, they grazed in Summer, and in Winter were kept in Houſes, when Taboo Servants were employ'd in feeding, keeping them clean, and making their Beds. I underſtand from all you have faid, reply'd my Mafter, that whatever Share of Reafon the Taboo's have, the Houyhnhnms are Maſters; and I heartily with our Taboo's were ſo tractable. I begg'd his Honour to excufe my proceeding any farther, left I ſhould fay fomething very difpleafing. But he infift- • ed that I ſhould tell him the best and woift. To obey him, I faid I muft own, that the Houyhnhnms among us, whom we called Horfes, were the most generous and comely Animal we had, and excelled in Strength and Swittnefs. That when they belong'd to great Men, they were employ'd in Travelling, Ra- cing, and Drawing of Chariots; and were well uled as long as they were found; but if otherwife, were fold, and labour'd hard till they died; after which, they were ftript of their Skins, and their Bodies devoured by Dogs and Birds of Prey. I deſcribed, as well as I could, our Manner of Riding, the Shape and Ufe of a Bridle, Saddle, a Spur and Whip, Harneſs and Wheels. I added, that we placed a fort of hard Subſtance to the Bottoms of their Feet, called Iron, to preferve 1 t 1 1 L their to the HOUYHNHNMS. 123 their Hoofs from being hurt. My Mafter, after ſome Expreffions of Indignation, won- dered how we durft venture on the Back of a Houyhnhnm; for he was fure, that the mean- eft Servant of his was able to shake off the ftrongeſt Taboo, and fqueeze him to Death. I antwered, that our Hories were trained up, when young, to the Ufes we intended them. That if they proved vicious, we uſed ſevere Methods to tame them; That we caftrated the Males, to make them more gentic; that they were fenfible of Rewards and Punith- ments, but have as little Reafon as the Ta- boo's of this Country. I had fome Difficulty to make him underſtand what I faid, their Language not being fo copious as ours, be- cauſe their Wants and Paffions are fewer. But Ican hardly exprefs his Refentment, at our favage Treatment of the Houyhnhnms, parti- cularly when I had explained the manner of caftrating Horles among us. He faid, if it were poffible there could be a Country, where Yahoo's alone were the governing Animals, they must be rational, becaufe Reafon will, in time, always prevail against brutal Strength. But confidering the Frame of our Bodies, efpecially mine, he thought no Creature ſo ill contriv'd, to employ reafon in the Offices of Life. Whereupon he defired to know, whe ther they refen.bled me, or the Taboo's of his Country. I affured him, that I was as well fhap'd as moſt of my Age; but that the younger, G 2 and #24 A VOYAGE : and the Females were fofter and whiter, efpe- cially the latter. He faid I differ'd in my Cleanliness from other Yahoo's; but in Point of real Advantage he thought I differ'd for the worſe. That the Nails of my Hinder- feet were of no Ufe, and as to my Fore-feet, he could not properly fo call them, having not feen me walk upon them, and thought they were too tender for the Ground. He then began to find Fault with other Parts of my Body; as, the Flatnefs of my Face, the Prominence of my Nofe, the Polition of my Eyes, with which I could not look fide- ways, without turning my Head. He knew not, what could be the Ufe of thofe feveral Clefts in my Feet behind; that they were too foft to bear the Hardness of Stones; and that my Body wanted a Fence against Heat and Cold, which I had the Trouble of putting on and off every Day. And lastly, that he obferv'd every Animal in this Country, natu rally abhorred the Taboo's, whom the weaker avoided, and the ftronger purlucd: So that, fuppofing us reafonable, he could not fee it was poffible to cure that Antipathy, which other Creatures had againit us; nor confe- quently, how we could tame, and make them erviceable. However, he faid he would de- bate the Matter no farther, being willing to hear the Hiftory of my Country, and Actions of my Life, before I came thither. Laflured him, I was defirous he should be fatisty'd; but to the HOUYнNHNMS 125 but doubted, whether I could explain myſelf to his Conception, promifing I would do my beft, to express myſelf by Similitudes, defiring. his Affiftance, if I wanted Words. I faid my Birth was of honeft Parents in England, a Country remote from this, by as many Days Journey, as the ftrongest of his Honour's Ser- vants could travel in the Annual Courſe of the Sun. That I was bred a Surgeon, whofe Em-- ployment is to cure Wounds or Hurts got by Accident. That my Country was governed by a Female Man, whom we call'd Queen, which I left to get Riches, that I might maintain my Family better, at my Return. That I was Commander of the Ship, with fifty re- hoo's under me, many of whom dying, I was forced to fupply them by others from feve- ral Nations; That our Ship was twice in Danger of finking, firft by a Storm, and fince, by ftriking againft a Rock. Here my Ma- fter interrupted me, by afking, how I could perfwade Strangers to venture, after the Lof fes I had fuftained, and the Hizards I had rur.. I faid, they were Men of defperate Fortunes, forced on account of their Poverty, or Crimes, to leave their native Country; fome were ru- in'd by Law-Suits, others fquandered away all they had, in Drinking, Whoring, and Gaming; fome fled for Treafon; many for Murder, Robbery, Perjury, &c. and that none of theſe durft return home, for fear of Punishment; and therefore were under a Ne- G 3 ceffity 126 A VOYAGE ceffity of feeking a Livelihood in other Places. During this Difcourfe, my Mafter interrupted me often, to explain the Nature, of the different Crimes I had mentioned ; And this Tafk took up feveral Days Conver- fation, before he could comprehend me. He was entirely at a lots to know, what could be the Ufe or Neceffity, of practising fuch Vices. To clear which, I endeavour'd to give him fome Ideas of the Defire of Wealth and Power, and of the terrible Effects of Luft, Malice, and Intemperance. All this I was forced to defcribe, by putting Cafes, and making Suppofitions. After which, he lift- ed up his Eyes with Amazement and Indig- nation; and defired I would give him fome particular Account of Europe, and efpecially of my own Country. СНАР. 1 to the HOUYHNHNMS. 127 CHAP. V. The Author, at his Mafter's Command, informs him of the State of England. The Caufes of War among the Princes of Europe. And explains the Engliſh Conftitution. E reader may pleaſe to obferve, that the following is an Extract of feve ral Difcourfes I had with my Maſter, containing the most material Points of our Converſation; his Honour often defiring ful- ler Satisfaction, as I improved in the Lan- guage. I gave him an Account of the State of Europe, as well as I could, as to Trade, Manufactures, Arts, and Sciences, and I an- fwered him, as Opportunity ferved, from the Subject of our Converfation; But fhall here. only take Notice of the Subftance of what paffed, without any Regard to Time or Cir- cumftances. My only Fear is, that I hall not be able to do Juftice to my Malter's Ar--- guments and Expreflions, for want of a due Capacity, as well as by a Tranflation, into our barbarous English. In Obedience there- fore to his Honour's Commands, I related the Revolution under the Prince of Orange, The long War with France, entered into by that Prince, and renew'd by his Succeffor, the Queen; wherein, the chief Powers of Chrift- GA 4 endom: 128 AVOYAGE * endom, were engag'd at this time. I com puted, that a Million of Taboo's might have been killed, a hundred Cities taken, and thrice as many Ships loft. He afk'd me, what were the ufual Motives of War among us? I an- fwer'd, many were the Motives, but fhould mention a few of the Chief. Sometimes the Ambition of Princes, to extend their Domi- nions: Sometimes the Policy of corrupt Mi- nitters, who engage their Mafters in a War, to divert the Clamour of the People againtt rheir Male Adminiftration. Difference in O- pinions, hath coft many Million of Lives: For inftance, whether Fief be Bread, or Bread Flef; whether the Juice of a certain Fruit be Blood or Wine; whether Whiffling be a Vice, or a Vertue; whether it is better to kiss a Poft, or throw it in the Fire; and what is the beſt Colour for a Coat, whether Black, White, Red, or Grey; and whether it ſhould be long or ſhort, narrow or wide, dirty or clean, with many more. And there are no Wars fo bloo- dy or lafting, as thofe occafioned by Differ- ence in Opinion; efpecially if it be in trivial Matters. Sometimes two Princes quarrel, who fhall take Poffeffion of the Dominions of a third, where neither of them have any Pretenfion of Right. Sometimes one Prince quarrels with another, for fear the other ſhould quarrel with him. Sometimes they enter in- to a War, becauſe the Enemy is too strong; and another time, becauſe he is too weak. Some- to the HOUYHNHNMS. 129 Sometimes our Neighbours want the things we have; or have the things we want, and we: fight till they take ours, or give us theirs. It is a juftifiable Cauie of War, to invade a Coun- try, when the People have been deſtroy'd by Peftlience or Famine, or in Faction among themielves. And fo it is, to enter into War againft our Ally, when one of his Towns lyes convement for us, or a Territory of Land, that would make our Dominions compleat. If a Prince fends Forces into a Nation, where the People are poor and ignorant, he may lawfully kill one half, and enflave the reft, to reduce them from their barbarous Cuftoms. It is an honourable and frequent Practice, when one Prince defires the Affiftance of an- other, to fecure his Dominions againſt Inva- fion, that the Affiftant, when he hath driven out the Invader, fhould poffefs himſelf of the Dominion, and kill or banish the Prince, whom he came to defend. Alliances by Blood, or Intermarriages, is a frequent Cauſe of War between Princes, and the nearer they are re- lated, the greater the Difpofition to quarrel. Poor Nations are Hungry, and Rich ones Proud; and Pride and Hunger will never agree. For thefe Reafons, the Trade of a Soldier is held the most honourable: A Soldier being a ra• boo hired to kill as many of his own Species as he can, who have never offended him. There are likewiſe another kind of Princes, in the Northern part of Europe, who not able G S to . 130 I AVOYAGE to make War themſelves, hire their Troops to other Nations, which is the beſt part of their Maintenance. What you have faid up- on the Subject of War, reply'd my Maſter, diſcovers the admirable Effects of that Rea- fon you pretend to. However, it is happy that the Shame is greater than the Danger; and that Nature hath made you incapable of doing much Miſchief. For your Mouths ly- ing flat to your Faces, you can hardly bite each other; then as to your Claws, they are fo fhort, that one of our Taboo's will drive a dozen of yours before him. And therefore, as to the Number flain in Battle, I cannot but think, that you have faid the thing which is not. Ifmil'd at his Ignorance in fuch Af- fairs, and fhaking my Head, gave him a De- fcription of Cannons, Mortars, Swords, Powder and Ball, and other warlike Prepara- tions and Machines, with the terrible Slaugh- ter they occafion'd, and the difmal Conte- quences they produc'd. And to fet forth the Valour of my Countrymen, I affured him, I had feen a Hundred Enemies blown up at once, and beheld the Pieces of dead Bodies fall, to the great Diverfion of the Specta- tors. I was going on, but my Mafter com- manded my Silence, and faid, Whoever un- derstood the Nature of Taboo's, might be- lieve it poffible for fo vile an Animal to be capable of the Actions I had mentioned; but as my Difcourfe had increafed his Abhorrence of ļ 1 f E to the HOUYHNHNMS, 131 of them, fo it gave him a Diſturbance in his Mind, to which he was a Stranger before. That altho' he hated a Taboo, yet he no more blamed them for their ill Qualities, than he did a Gnnayh (a Bird of Prey) for its Cruelty, or a fharp Stone for cutting his Hoof, But when a rational Creature could be ca• pable of fuch Enormities, he feared that the Corruption of that Faculty was worſe than Brutality it felf. He feemed confident there- fore, that inſtead of Reaſon, we had only fome Quality, adapted to encreaſe our natu- ral Vices; as the Reflection from a troubled Stream returns the Image of an ill fhaped Body, not only larger, but more diftorted. He added, that he had heard too much up- on the Subject of War, and defired to be in- formed, how fome of our Crew, whom I faid were ruined by Law, came to be ruined by that, which was intended for every Man's Prefervation. Therefore he defired to know what I meant by Law, and what fort of Peo- ple were Difpenfers thereof, by whofe Practi- ces, a Perfon's Property could be loft, instead of being preferv'd. And added, he faw no Occaſion for this thing call'd Law, fince all the Intentions and Purpoſes of it may be an- fwered, by following the Dictates of Nature and Reaſon. I aſſured his Honour, that Law was a Science I had not been converfant in, any more than by employing Advocates in. vain, upon fome Injuftices done me, by con- verling :. 132 A VOYAGE verfing with others, who had loft their For- tunes by the fame means, and had left their Country, under the Mortification of fuch Difappointments; however I would give him all the Satisfaction I was able. I faid, that thoſe who made Profeffion of this Science, were as numerous as Caterpillars; that they were of different Degrees, Diſtinctions, and Denominations. The Number of thoſe in this Profeffion was fo great, that the fair Income of the Profeffion was not fufficient for the Maintainance of the Multitudes who follow'd it. Hence it was found neceffary, to ſupply that by Artifice and Cunning, which could not be obtain'd by juft and honeft Me- thods. To bring which to pafs, many of our Youth were bred up in the Art of proving by Words, multiply'd for that Purpole, that White is Black, and Black bite, according as they are paid. The Greatness of their Al- furance gain'd upon the Vulgar, of whom they made Slaves, and got into their Hands. the largeſt ſhare of the Practice of their Pro- feffion. That theſe Practitioners were call'd Pettifoggers, (that is, Confounders or Defroy- ers of Right) as my Acquaintance and I were convinc'd, by being engag'd only with this Species of the Profeflion. I defired his Honour to understand, that the Ruin I com- plained of, and Defeription I had to give, re- lated to thoſe Sectaries only; and how thefe Misfortunes were brought upon us, I could not to the HOUYHNHNMS. 133 not better explain, than by giving an Exam- ple My Neighbour, faid I, I will fuppoſe, has a Mind to my Cow, and hires one of theſe Advocates to prove he ought to have her from me. I must then have another to de- fend my Right; no Man, according to the Rules of Law, being allow'd to speak for himielf. Now, in this Cafe, though I am the right Owner, I lie under two Difadvan- tages. First my Advocate being used to the defending of Faithood, is quite out of his Element, when he would argue for Right. The fecond is, that he muft proceed with Caution; for fince the Maintenance of fo ma- ny depends upon keeping up the Bufinefs, fhould he proceed too fummarily, he would incur the Hatred and Difpleafure of his Bre- thren, and be efteem'd a Leffener of the Pra- tice of the Law. This being the Cafe, I have but two Methods to preferve my Cow. The first is, to gain my Adverfary's Advocate over, by a double Fee: And the fecond, tor my Advocate not to infift on the Juftice of my Caufe, by allowing the Cow to belong to my Adverlary; for it hath been cbferved, that under the Management of fuch Practitioners, the wrong Side has the fairer Chance for Suc- cels; elpecially when it h ppens, as it did in mine and my Friend's Cale, and may have done fince, that the Perfon appointed to de- cide Controverfics of Property, or Tryals of Criminals, who fhould be chofen from the most 134 A VOYAGE moſt knowing of his Profeffion, by the Re- commendation of a Favourite, or Court-Mi- ftrefs, is taken out of the Sect aforemention'd; and befides, thro' Age and Infirmity, grown unactive and unattentive, and thereby incapa- ble of performing the Duty of his Office. In fuch Cafes, Decifions and Determinations may with reafon be expected on the wrong Side; fince thofe, who can take a long Harangue and great Noife for Reaſoning, are not much to be wondered at, if they infer the Weight of the Argument from the Heaviness of the Pleading. It is a Maxim among thofe Men, that whatever has been done before, may lawfully be done again; and therefore they take special Care, to record all Decifions for- merly made, even thofe, which, thro' Igno- rance and Corruption, have contradicted the common Rules of Justice, and Reaſon of Mankind. Thefe, under the Name of Pre- cedents, they produce as Authorities, to juſti- fy their inequitable Opinions. In pleading, they care not to enter into the Merits of the Caufe, but are loud, violent, and tedious, in dwelling upon Circumftances not to the Pur- pofe. For Inftance, in the Cafe juft menti- oned, they never defire to know, what Ti- tle my Adverſary hath to the Cow, but en- quire into the Colour and Length of her Horns, and whether the grazed in a fquare or round Field, whether he was milk'd at home, or abroad, &c. after which, they confult Pre- cedents, ་ to the HOUYHNHNMS. 135 cedents, adjourn the Cauſe from time to time, and in twenty or thirty Years it comes to an Iffue. It is likewife to be obſerved, that this Society has a particular Jargon, that nobody underſtands but themſelves, wherein all their Laws are written, which they take care to multiply; by which means, they have almoft confounded the very Effence of Truth and Falfhood, of Right and Wrong; fo that it may take thirty Years to decide, whether the Field left me by my Anceſtors, for fix Generations, belongs to me or a Stranger. In the Tryals of Perfons accuſed of Crimes against the State, the Method is more fhort and commendable; for if thoſe in Power take care to recommend one of this Clan, his Me- thod of Education and Practice makes it ea fy to him to condemn or acquit a Criminal, and at the fame time, ftrictly preferve all due Forms of Law. Here my Mafter interpo- fing, faid it was pity that Creatures of fuch prodigious Abilities of Mind, as thofe Advo- cates must be, were not employ'd to inſtruct others in Wisdom and Knowledge. In an- fwer to which, I affur'd his Honour, that the Buſineſs and Study of their Profeflion, took up all their Thoughts and Time, and that therefore, in all Points out of their own Trade, many of them were fo ftupid and ignorant, that it was hard to pick out of any Profeffion, a Set of Men more deſpicable in common Converfation, or greater Enemies. το 136 A VOYAGE to Knowledge and Learning, being equally dilpofed to pervert the general Reaton of Mankind, in every Subject of Converfation, as in that of their own Calling. CHAP. VI. The State of England continued. So well go- vern'd by a Queen, as to need no firft Mini- fter. The Character of one in fome Euro- pean Courts. Y Mafter could not underſtand what M incited thefe Lawyers to perplex and weary themselves, and engage in a Confederacy of Injuftice, only for the fake of injuring their Fellow Creatures; or what I meant by their doing it for Hire. This put me to a great deal of Pains, to defcribe the Uſe of Money, and Value of Metals: i told him, that when a Taboo had Store of this Subilance, he was able to purchaſe the no- bleſt Houſes, and most delicious Meats, and have his Choice of the most beautiful Fe- males. Therefore, fince Money alone could perform all this, our Taboo's thought they could not have enough, either to spend or fave, as they found themfelves inclined, from their natural Profufion or Avarice. That the Rich reaped the Fruits of the poor Man's Labour, the latter of which were a Thou- fand to the HOUYHNHNмS. 137 - fand to one of the former. That the Bulk of our People labour'd hard every Day for fmall Wages, to make a few live plentifully. I enlarged much on theſe Particulars, but his Honour was ftill to feek: For he went upon a Suppofition, that all Animals had a Title to fhare of the Productions of the Earth; and eſpecially thoſe who prefided over the reft. Therefore he defired to know what theſe coftly Meats were. Whereupon I men- tion'd various Sorts, and the Method of dref- fing them, which could not be done, with- out fending Ships to every Part of the World, as well for Liquors to drink, as for Sauces and other Conveniences. I affured him the whole Globe of Earth must be three times. gone round, before one of our better Female Taboo's could get her Breakfast, or a Cup to put it in. He faid, it must be a miferable Country indeed, which could not furniſh its Inhabitants with Food; and what he moſt wondered at, how fuch vaft Tracts of Land could be without Water, and the People obli- ged to fend over Sea for Drink. I reply'd, that England, (the Place of my Nativity) was reckoned to produce three times more. than the Inhabitants can confume, of all forts of Neceffaries for Life; but theſe were fent to other Countries, from whence, in Return - we brought the Materials of Difeafes, Folly and Vice, to feed our own Luxury. Hence it followed, that vaft Numbers are. compelled to 138 A VOYAGE to feek their Livelihood by Begging, Rob- bing, Cheting, Forfwearing, &c. every one of which Terms I took much Pains to make him underſtand. That Wine was not brought from other Countries, to fupply the Want of Drinks, but becaule it made us merry by deftroying our Senles; it raiſed our Hopes, and banished our Fears, and fupended every Office of Reafon for a time, and deprived us of the Ule of our Limbs, till we flept; al- though it must be confeffed, that we always awak'd fick and difpirited; and that the Ufc of this Liquor filled us with Difeafes, and rendered our Lives uncomfortable and short. That befides, the greateſt Part of our People ſupported themſelves by furniſhing Necefla. ries for the Rich, and for each other. For Inſtance, when I am at Home, and dreſſed, I carry the Workmanship of an Hundred Tradefmen upon my Back, and my Wife thereof five times as many. I was going on to tell him, that we had a Sort of People among us, who got their Livelihood by at- tending the Sick, and with much Difficulty bought him to apprehend what I meant. He eafily conceived, that a Houyhnhnm grew weak before he died, or fometimes broke a Limb by Accident; but thought it contradi- ctory to the Perfection of Nature, that Pains fhould breed in our Bodies, and defired to know the Reaſon of fo unaccountable an Evil. I told him, we fed upon a Thoufand things which to the HOUYHNHNMS. 139 which had contrary Operations; that we eat without Hunger, and drink without Thirft, fit up whole Nights to drink ftrong Liquors, which difpofed us to Sloth, and ſpoil'd the Conſtitution of our Bodies. That proſtitute Female Taboo's corrupted the Bodies of thofe who fell into their Embraces; that this and many other Diftempers were hereditary to us, there being hardly a Limb or Part of the Body exempt from fome M lady or other. To remedy which, I told him we had a Sort of People who pretend to profefs curing the Sick, and having fome Knowledge in this Faculty, would let him into the whole My- ftery of their Proceedings. The chief Caufe of all Diſeaſes is Repletion, whence they con- clude it neceſſary to evacuate the Body, either by the natural Paffages, or upwards by the Mouth. In the next Place, they contrive naufeous Compofitions from the different Spe- cies of Minerals, Vegetables, and Parts of Animals mix'd together, which the Stomach rejects with Loathing, and this they call a Vomit; or elſe from the fame Store-houſe, they make fome poifonous Addition, and or- der us to take it at the upper or lower Ori- fice, which relaxing the Bowels, drives all down before it, and this is called a Purge or a Glyfter: For Nature, as Phyſicians reaſon, having defigned the fuperior anterior Orifice for the Intromiffion of Solids, and the inferi- or for Expulfion, they confider, that in all Dif- 140 A VOYAGE Difeafes fhe is out of her Road, and there- fore, to bring her into it again, act in a con- trary manner, by interchanging the Ufe of each Orifice. But befides real Difeafes, we are fubject to imaginary ones, for which like Cures are invented, and with thofe our Female Yahoo's are chiefly infefted. Our Phyficians are fo well fkill'd in Prognofticks, that when real Diſeaſes are very malignant, they generally portend Death, which is always in their Power, when Recovery is not. And there- fore, upon unexpected Signs of Amendment,. after they have pronounc'd Sentence, rather than be accounted falfe Prophets, they know how to fkreen their Ignorance, by a fea fonable Dofe. They are likewife of Ule to Hufbands and Wives, to Elder Sons, to great Minifters of State, and often to Prin- ces. I had formerly difcourfed upon the Subje& of Government in general, and of our own excellent Conftitution in particular; but. having here accidentally mentioned a Minifter of State, he defired to know what Species of Taboo it was that went by that Name. I told him that our She Governor or Queen. having no Ambition to extend her Power to the Injury of her Neighbours, or Prejudice. of her Subjects, needed not a corrupt Miniftry to carry on or conceal any finifter Defigns, making the Laws of her Country the Rule of her Actions, and fubjected the Behaviour. of thoſe the entrusted with the Adminiftra-. ་ } tion to the HOUYH NHNMS. 141 tion of her Affairs, to the Cenfure and Exa- mination of her Great Council: But I added, when Princes grew indolent and careleſs of their Affairs, they made Ufe of fuch an Ad- miniftrator as I mentioned, under the Title of Chief Minister of State, the Deſcription of whom may be allow'd to be as follows. That he is a Perfon exempt from Joy or Grief, Love or Hatred, Pity or Anger, or at leaft makes uſe of no Paffion, but the Defire of Riches and Honour; he applies his Words to all Ules, but the declaring his own Mind. He never tells a Truth, but with an Intent that you should think it a Lie, and fo, vice verfa, he fpeaks worft of his Friends, and flatters his Enemies, and the worſt Mark of Friendship you can receive from him is a Promife, especially when it is confirmed with an Oath; after which every wife Man retires, and abandons all Hopes. There are three Me- thods of attaining this Honour: The first is, by knowing prudently how to dilpole of a Wife, Daughter, or Sifter; the next, by un- dermining a Predeceffor, and the last by a furious Zeal in publick Affemblies againſt the Corruptions of the Court. That thefe Mi- nitters having the fole Difpofal of Employ- ments, preferve a Power of bribing the Ma- jority of the Senate and Council; and at laſt, by an Act of Indemnity, live fecure upon the Spoils of the Publick. The Palace of a Chief Minifter is a Seminary for others in the fame Trade. 142 A VOYAGE Trade. The Servants. become Minifters of State, by imitating their Mafters, and practi- fing their Arts, and accordingly have a fub- altern Court paid to them by Perfons of Di- ftinction; and fometines by Force of Dexte- rity and Impudence, by Degrees become their Mafters Succeffors. He is commonly ground- ed by a Favourite Wench, or Footman, who are the Channels thro' which all Favours are convey'd My Mafter hearing me mention the Nobility of my Country, was pleafed to compliment me, by faying, he was fure I was born of fome noble Family, by my diffe- rent Shape and Cleanliness from all the Yahoo's of his Nation, and the Faculties of Speech. and Reafon, which I had to that Degree, that I paffed for a Prodigy among his Ac- quaintance. He made me obferve, that among the Houyhnhnms, the White, the Sorrel, and the Iron-Grey, were not fo well fhaped as the Bay, the Dapple-Grey, and the Black, nor born with equal Talents of Mind; and therefore continued as Servants, and never match'd out of their own Race. I thank'd his Honour for the good Opinion he con- ceived of me, and fatisfied him, that I was born of honeft Parents, of the lower Sort, who were juſt able to afford me a tolerable Education; and that Nobility differed from the Idea he had of it. That our young No- bility were bred up in Luxury and Eafe, who, as foon as their Years would permit, ruined their to the HOUYHNHNMS. 143 their Conftitutions among lewd Females, and when their Fortunes were almoſt ſpent, they married fome diſagreeable Perſon for take of her Money. That a weak Body, and lean Countenance were no uncommon Marks of a Great Man; and a healthy, robuft Mind was ſo far from being commendable in a Man of Quality, that the World was apt to think his real Father of an inferior Family, efpe- cially when the Imperfections of his Mind anſwer thoſe of his Body. CHAP. VII. The Author's great Love of his Country. His Mafter's Obfervation on the English Confti- tution and Administration, as defcribed by the Author, with parallel Cafes and Comparifons. His Mafter's Obfervations upon human Na- ture. HE Reader may wonder at the Repre- fentation I gave of my own Species, among a Race of Mortals, who con- ceived the vileft Opinion of human Kind, from my Reſemblance of the Yahoo's. But I must confefs, that the many excellent Vir- tues of thoſe Quadrupeds, placed in oppofite View to human Corruptions, had fo far clear'd my Understanding, that I look'd up- on the Actions of Men in a different Light. And 144 A VOYAGE And to deal candidly, i mult own I had a much fronger Motive, for the Freedom I took in this Reprefentation. I had not been a Year in this Country, before I contracted fuch a Veneration for the Inhabitants, that I refolved to pass the rest of my Days among them, in the Contemplation and Practice of the Virtues: But Fortune hindered my en- joying great a Felicity. However I have the Comfort to reflect, that I extenuated the Fault of my Country-mcn, as much as I durft, before fo ftrict an Exminer. For who will not be fway'd by fome Partiality to the Place of his Birth? When I had nfwered all his Queitions, and his Curiofity feemed fatified, he fent for me one Morning, and command- ing me to fit down at fome Distance, he faid, that, upon ferious Confideration of what I had related of my felf and Country, he look'd upon us a fort of Animals endued with f me little Reafon, which we made ufe of to encreaſe our natural Corruptions, and to ac- quire others, which Nature had not given us. hat we had divested our felves of the Abi- lities fhe had given us, and feemed to fpend our whole Lives in endeavouring to fupply them by our own Inventions. That, as to my fell, I had neither the Strength or Acti- vity of a Taboo, that I walk'd infirmly on my hinder Feet, and had found out a Con- trivance to make my Claws of no Ufe, and to take off the Hair of my Chin, which should fhelter to the HOUYHNHNMS. 145 ſhelter me from the Sun and the Weather. That I could neither run nor climb like my Brethren (as he call'd them) the Taboo's of his Country. That our Defects in Govern- ment and Law were owing to our Want of Reafon, and confequently Virtue, becauſe Rea- fon is fufficient to govern a rational Creature, which was therefore a Character we could not challenge, even from my own Account, in which he perceiv'd I had concealed feveral Particulars, and often faid the thing which was And what confirm'd him moft in this Opinion, was my Refemblance of the Taboo's in every Feature; and that by my Account of our Manners and Actions, he found no Difference in the Difpofition of our Minds. He faid, the Yahoo's were known to hate one another more than they did any other Ani- mals; and this they attributed to the Odiouf- nefs of their own Shapes, which every one could fee in others, but not in himself. He had therefore begun to think it commenda- ble in us to cover our Bodies, to conceal cur Deformities from each other. But he now found himſelf miſtaken in the Caufe of the Quarrels among thofe Brutes, and thought them to proceed from the fame as ours. For if (faid he) among five Yahoo's, you throw Food fufficient for Fifty, they will fight among themſelves, each willing to have it all to him- Self; and therefore when they feed abroad, a Servant is ufually employ'd to ftand by while H they 146 A VOYAGE し ​they eat. If a Cow happened to die, before a Houyhnhnm could fecure it for his own Taboo's, thofe in the Neighbourhood would come in Droves to feize it; upon which a terrible Battle would enfue, tho' they feldom killed one another, for want of fuch Inftru- ments of Death as I had defcribed; and if they find their Caufe mifcarry, they return home, and quarrel among themfelves. That in fome Fields, there are certain fhining Stones of different Colours, which the Taboo's are fo fond, of, that they dig them out of the Earth, and hide them by Heaps in their Ken- nels, and he never could difcover the Reafon of their extravagant Fancy for thefe Stones, but now he believed it might proceed from the fame Principle of Avarice I had afcribed to Mankind. And that in thofe Fields which abound with fuch Stones, the most frequent Battles are fought, occafioned by the perpe- tual Inroads of the neighbouring Taboo's. He' faid, it was frequent, when two Yahoo's dif covered fuch a Stone, and were contending for it, that a third would come and carry it away; which he would needs have refembled our Suits at Law; in which, for our Cre- dit, I would not undeceive him, that Deci- fion being much more equitable than many of our Decrees; becauſe the Plaintiff and De- fendant there loft nothing but the Stone they contended for; whereas our Courts of Equity would have kept on the Caufe, while either Lad to the HOUYHNHNMS. 147 had any thing left. My Mafter continued his Difcourfe, and faid that nothing rendered the Taboo's more odious, than the voracious Ap- petite of theſe Animals, for every thing that came in their way; and it was peculiar to their Temper, to be fond of what Food they got by Stealth ac a Diftance, altho' they had better provided for them at home. The Yahoo's are the only Animals in this Country ſubject to Difeafes, which are not contracted by any ill Treatment they meet with, but by the Naftiness and Greedinefs of that fordid Brute. He went on with fo many malicious Infinua- tions and Compariſons of this kind, that I am afhamed to repeat, and at laft allowed, that as to Learning, Government, and Arts, he found no Refemblance between the laboo's of his Country and ours. CHAP. VIII. The Author relates feveral Particulars of the Yahoo's, and the Virtue of the Houyhnhnms, The Education and Exercife of their Youth. Their General Aſſembly. SI ought to underſtand human Na- ture better than my Mafter; to I could more eafily apply the Chara- Eter of the Taboo's to my felf and Countrymen: And therefore begg'd the Fa- H 2 your 148 A VOYAGE vour of making my Obfervations of them among the Herds in the Neighbourhood, which he readily granted, and ordered me one of his Servants to attend me, without whofe Protection I durft not undertake the Adventure; and I narrowly escaped falling into their Clutches three or four times. I had Reaſon to believe they imagined me one of their own Species; for when I diſcovered my naked Arms or Breafts to them, they would imitate my Actions like Monkies, but with the greateſt Signs of Averfion. Altho' they are very nimble from their Infancy, I once caught a Cub of three Years old, but it fquauled and bit to that Degree, that a whole Herd of old ones approached at the Noife, upon which I let it go. I obſerved, that it fmelt very rank and difagreeable, and ſo bedaubed me with Filth, that I durft not venture into my Maſter's Prefence, till I was fufficiently aired. By what I could difcover of theſe Animals, they feemed the moſt in- docile Creature I had ever met with, which, in my Opinion, proceeds from their obftinate Difpofition. They are cunning and malici- cious, ftrong and hardy, but of a cowardly Spirit. It is obferved, that the red haired of both Sexes are moft libidinous, and exceed the rest in Strength and Activity. The Houyhnhnms keep the rahoo's they have Oc- cafion for in Hutts near their Houſes; but the reft feed abroad in the Fields upon what they " i to the HOUYHNHNMS. 149 they can get. They take to the Water from their Infancy like Frogs, where they often catch Fith, which the Females carry home to their Cubs. I hope the Reader will par- don my relating an odd Adventure. As I was bathing my felf one Day in a River, a young Female 1aboo, who perceived me, leap'd in- to the Water, and feeming inflamed with Defire, embraced me in fo rude a manner, that I was terribly affrighted, and roared out, till my forrel Nagg, who was grazing at a little Distance, gallop'd to my Relief; where upon the quitted me, and ftood gazing and howling on the Bank, all the Time I was putting on my Cloaths. As this Adventure was a Subject of Diverfion to my Mafter and his Family, it was no lefs Mortification to me; for I could no longer deny my Refem- blance of a Yahoo, it being proved by the- natural Propensity of the Females to me, as one of their own Species. Having been three Years in this Country, the Reader will expect I ſhould give him an Account of the Man- ners and Cuſtoms of the Inhabitants. As the Houyhnhnms are naturally endowed with vir- tuous Difpofitions and Reafon, this they cul- tivate, and are wholly governed by. Neither does Reafon there require any Solution, as among us, but ftrikes with Conviction at once, as it always muft, when uncompounded with Paffion or Intereit. Controverfies are unknown among the Houyhnhnms; and I re- H 3 member, 150 AVOYAGE 4 remember, it was with extreme Difficulty, that I made my Mafter understand the Mean- ing of the Word (Opinion) becauſe he laid, Reafon taught us to affirm or deny only what we were certain of. In like manner, when I explained our Syſtems of Natural Philofophy, he laugh'd to find rational Creatures value themselves upon a Knowledge, which, if certain, could be of no Ufe; wherein he agreed with the Sentiments of Socrates. And I have often fince reflected what Havock fuch a Doctrine would make in the European Li- braries, and what Paths to Fame would be fhut up by it in the learned World. Friend- fhip and Benevolence are the two principal Virtues of the Houyhnhnms, which extend to all Strangers as well as Neighbours. They obferve Decency without Ceremony. They have no greater Fondness for their own Colts, than thoſe of their Neighbours; but the Care taken in their Education proceeds from the Dictates of Reafon. And fay that Nature teaches them to love the whole Species, and it is Reafon only that maketh the Diftinction of Perfons, where they excel in Virtue. When the Matron Houyhnhnms have had one of each Sex, they leave the Company of their Conforts. This Caution is neceffary, to pre- vent the Country from being too numerous. But the inferior Race are allowed to produce three of each Sex, to ferve as Domefticks to the fuperior. In their Marriages, they take ftrict ₤ to the HOUYHNHNMS. 151 Arict Care to preſerve the Beauty and Come- linefs of the Breed from degenerating, by chufing fuch Colours as will not make a dif agreeable Mixture. They have no Terms to express Love, Prefents, or Jointure, but are joined by the mutual Confent of their Parents and Friends. This they reckon as one of the neceffary Actions of a rational Being: And the married Pair pafs their Lives in inutnal Friendship and Benevolence, which they bear to all others of the Species, without Jea- loufy or Difcontent. The Method of educa- ting their Youth is admirable. They are not fuffered to eat Oats, unless upon cert in Days, till they are Eighteen Years old, or Milk but rarely; they graze two Hours Morning and Evening with their Parents, and the Servants but an Hour, having their Grafs brought home to eat at their leifure Time. Tempe- rance, Industry, Exercife, and Cleanliness, are equally enjoin'd them; and my Mafter thought it abfurd in us to give the two Sexes different Education, whereby one Half of our Natives were good for nothing but bringing Children into the World. But the Houyhnhnms train up their, Youth in Exercife, by running Ra- ces up and down fteep Hills, and hard ftony Grounds. Four times a Year, the Youth meet to fhew their Proficiency in Running and Leaping. On this Festival, a Herd of Taboo's are driven into the Field, laden with Provisions for the Houyhnhnms, but are un- loaded, H 4 152 AVOY AGE loaded, and fent back again immediately, for fear of being noifome to the Company. Eve- ry fourth Year, at the vernal Equinox, there is a Repreſentative Council of the whole Na- tion, who enquire into the State and Con- dition of each Diftrict, with refpect to Ne- ceffaries; and where there is a Want, it is immediately ſupplied by voluntary Contribu- tion. Here the Regulation of Children is fettled. As for Inftance, a Houyhnhnm who hath two Males exchanges one for a Female; and when a Child hath been loft, and the Mother paft Breeding, it is determined what Family fhall breed another, to fupply the Defect, CHA P. IX. A grand Debate at the General Affembly, and how it was determin'd. The Learning of the Houyhnhnms. Their Buildings, manner of Burials. The Deficiency of their Language. NE of thefe Affemblies was held in my Time, whither my Mafter went, as Repreſentative of our District. In this the old Debate was revived, which was the only one ever known in the Country; whereof my Mafter gave me a very particu- lar Account. The Queftion was, Whether the Taboo's thould be exterminated from the Face to the HOUYHNHNMS. 153 Face of the Earth? One of the Members brought many Arguments for the Affirmative, alledging, that the Filthinefs, Deformity, and Malice of that Animal, was unfupporta- ble: That they privately fuck'd their Cows, and destroy'd their Oats and Grafs, with a Thouſand other Inconveniencies. He obfer- ved, that Yahoo's had not been always in that Country: That the two first were diſcovered upon a Mountain, but whether produced from Mud, or the Trafh of the Sea, was ne- ver known. That thefe propagated the Spe- cies, till the whole Country became fo infeft- ed with them, that a general Hunting was made, to deſtroy the old ones, and every Houyhnhnm, after that, kept two young ones, and tamed them for his own Ule. That it feemed true, that thefe Creatures could not be Ylnhniamſby, (or Aborigines of the Land) from the natural Hatred the Houyhnhnms bore to them. That the Inhabitants, to take the Yabo's into their Service, had neglected the Breeding of Affes, which, tho' not fo active. an Animal, was more comely, and lefs offen- five; and if their Braying be no agreeable Sound, it is preferable to the Howlings of the Taboo's. Several others fpoke to the fame Purpoſe, when my Mafter, who had bor- rowed the Hint from me, propofed an Expe- dient. He agreed in the Tradition which that Honourable Member mentioned who fpoke before, and affirmed, that the two Yahoo's HS firt 154 AVOYAGE first feen were driven over-fea, and being for- faken by their Companions, retired to the Mountains, and have fince degenerated from their original Species. The Reafon of his Affertion was founded upon his having a won- derful raboo, which most of them had heard of, and many of them had feen. He then related how he found me, and defcribed my Covering, with what Particulars I difcover'd to him of my felf, and Cuſtoms of my own Country; and that, among the rett, I men- tioned a Cuſtom of Caftrating the Houyhnhums when they were young; that it was calily performed, and he thought it no Shame to learn Wiſdom from Brutes. That, in the mean time, the Breed of Affes fhould be cul- tivated, which are more comely, and fit for Service feven Years younger. This was all he thought proper to tell me, and concealed one Particular, the unhappy Effect of which was the Chule of my fucceeding Misfortunes. The Houyhnhnms have no Letters, and con- fequently their Knowledge is all Traditional, which, from the Paucity of Events, and prudent Government of the People, is cafily preferved, without being a Burthen to the Memory. I have before faid, that they were fubject to no Difcafe. They are, however, provided with excellent Compofitions for the Cure of accidental Hurts in any Part of the Body. They calculate Time by the Revo- lution of the two Luminaries, and the Know- ledge to the HOUYHNH NMS. 155 ledge of their Eclipfes is the utmoft Progrefs in Aftronomy. In Poetry they must be al- lowed to excel all other Mortals, in Juftneſs of Similies, and Beauty in Defcriptions. The Topicks are generally Friendship and Bene- volence, or the Praites of Victors in Races, and other bodily Exercifes. Their Buildings, tho' rough and fimple, are contrived to keep them from the Injuries of the Weather. They are made of a fort of Tree which grows fharp pointed, and falls at the End of Forty Years by the leaft Storm. Theſe they ſtick into the Ground about ten Inches alunder, and weave Wattles and Oat Straw between. The Roof and Doors are made after the fame manner. The Houyhubums ufe the Hollow of their Fore feet between the Paftern and the Hoof, with that Dexterity, as to be able to thread a Necdle. This I faw a white Mare of our Family do with a Needle and Thread I lent her on Purpoſe. They milk their own Cows, and make their own Tools cut of a kind of Flint Stones, with which they cut their Corn, and do every other Part of Huf- bandry neceffary in that Country. The Taboo's draw home the She fs upon Carriages, and the Servants trample out the Grain, which they afterwards dry in the Sun. The Natives of this Country, if they can avoid Cafualties, die only of old Age, and are buried in the obfcureft Places, without any Grief of their Relations at their Departure, nor doth the dying 156 AVOYAGE dying Perfon diſcover the leaft Regret at his leaving the World. My Maſter once invited a Friend and his Family to his Houſe, and on the Day fixed, the Miſtreſs and her Children coming late, the excufed her felf, and ſaid, that her Hufband happened to fhnuwnh, (that •fignifies to retire to his first Mother) that Mor- ning, and it was a long time before her Ser- vants could find a convenient Place to bury him, and behaved her felf at our Houſe as chearfully as the rest. They generally live to be Seventy, or Seventy Five at most, and perceive a gradual Decay feveral Weeks be- fore they die, during which Time, they are vifited by their Friends, and about ten Days before Death, they return the Visits to the neareſt in the Neighbourhood, in a Sledge drawn by Yahoo's, and take a folemn Leave of their Neighbours with their ufual Eafe and Satisfaction. It may be worth obferving, that the Houyhnhnms have no Word to expres any thing evil but what comes from the ill Qua- lities of the Yahoo's; and they denote every Fault of a Child, or Omiffion of a Servant, by adding the Epithet Yaboo. For Inftance, bhum Taboo Whnabolm Taboo Tullnmndwihlma Laboo and an ill contrived Houfe, Tnholmbnmrohlnw Taboo. I could enlarge farther upon the Man- ners and Virtue of this People, but fhall refer the Reader to a Volume I fhall publish on that Subject, and proceed to relate my fad Cata- Atrophe. € CHAP. } [ 7 1 1 to the HOUYнNhnms. 157 CHAP. X. The Author's Economy, and happy Life among the Houyhnhnms. His Improvement in Vir- tue by converfing with them. Their Conver- fations. The Author's Mafter gives bim Notice to depart the Country. He fwoons away with Grief, but fubmits. He makes himself a Canoo, by the Help of a Fellow- fervant, and puts to Sea at a Venture. Had fettled my little Economy to my Heart's Content, having a Room a- bout fix Yards from the Houfe, which I had plaifter'd with Clay and Mud, to my own Fancy. I had beaten Hemp, which there grows wild, and made a fort of Tick- ing, which I ftuffed with Feathers of what Birds I had taken, and made myfelf Chairs by the Affiſtance of the Sorrel Nagg. And when my Cloaths were decay'd, Ilupply'd them with the Skins of Rabbets, and thofe of a fmall Animal call'd Nnubnoh which is very foft. I foal'd my Shoes with Wood, and when it was worn out, fupply'd it with the Skins of Taboo's dried in the Sun. I often got Honey out of hollow Trees, which I mix'd with Water, and eat with my Bread. I enjoy'd a perfect Health of Body, and tran- quillity of Mind, free from the Inconftancy of 158 A VOYAGE of a Friend, or Injury of an Enemy. I wanted no Flattery to court the Great, no Fence againſt Fraud or Oppreffion. Here was no Phyſician to deſtroy my Body,or Lawyer to ruin my For- tune; no Highwaymen, Gamefters, or Mur- derers, no Pride or Affectation; no Drunkard, no Whores, or Poxes; no lew'd expenfive Wives, no noify ranting Bullies, no Scoun- drels raifed from Nothing by their Vices; no Lords, Fidlers, Judges, or Dancing-Maſters. I had the Favour of being admitted into the Room, when there was Company, fome of whom would often aſk me Queſtions, which I thought was Time loft to anſwer, being highly delighted with their Converfations, which were fhort, but very fignificant, and the ftrictest Decency obferved without Com- pliment. Their Subjects are Friendship and Benevolence, Order and Economy, and fometimes the vifible Operations of Nature, or Tradition, upon Virtue, or the unerring Rules of Reaſon, and fometimes upon Poetry. I may own without Vanity, that my Prefence often afforded Matter of Difcourfe, by my Ma- fter's telling his Friends the Hiftory of me and my Country, which they commented up- on not to my Advantage. I freely confefs, the moſt uſeful Knowledge I ever acquired, was from theſe Converfations, and would fooner Jiften to them, than dictate to the wifeft Af- fembly in Europe. I admired their Strength and Comeliness, and had the Greateſt Vene- ration to the HOUYHNHNMS. 159 At first, I did not ration for their Virtues. feel that natural Awe which other Animals bore to them, which increafed fo at laft, that I was pleaſed they would diftinguish me from the rest of my Species. When I thought of my Countrymen, I confidered them as a- boo's indued with Speech, but making no other Ufe of Reafon, than to multiply and improve their Vices. If I chanced to fee my- felf in a Lake or Fountain, I ſtarted back with Horror and Deteftation of my felf, and could fooner bear the Sight of a common Ta- buo. I was fo delighted with the Houyhnhnms, that I began to imitate their Gait, and have fo long uted it, that my Friends tell me I trot like a Horfe, which I take for a great Compliment, and fhall not diſown, that, in Speaking, I am apt to fall into their Voice and Manner, and hear mylelf ridiculed with- out the leaf Mortification. In the midst of this Happiness, when I thought myself fet- led for Life, my Mafter fent for me one Morning, and obferving fome Perplexity in his. Countenance, after a fhort Silence, he told me, that in the laft general Affembly, it was taken as an Offence that he thould keep a Taboo (meaning myfelf) in his Family more like a Houybabam than à Brute, and fuffer him to converfe with him; that it was un- reaſonable, and what was never heard of be- fore. That they did therefore exhort him to employ me like the reft, or command me to 160 E A VOYAGE 1 to (wim back from whence I came. That the firft Propofal was rejected, becauſe, as I had fome Rudiments of Realon, I might be able to feduce thoſe Animals into the Mountains, and bring them in Troops by Night, to de- ftroy the Cattle. He added, that he was dai- ly preffed to put this Exhortation in Execu- tion, and could defer it no longer; and there- fore wished I would think of fome Contri- vance which would carry me Over-fea. He concluded, by faying, he would have kept me as long as I had lived, becauſe I had cured myſelf of ſeveral bad Difpofitions fince I had been among the Houyhnhnins. I ſhould here obferve to the Reader, that a Decree of the General Affembly is call'd Hnbloayn, fignify- ing an Exhortation; for they argue, that ara- tional Creature can only be adviled or exhort- ed, fince no Perſon can diſobey Reafon, with- out quitting his Claim to Rationality. My Maſter's Diſcourſe ftruck me with fuch unfup- portable Grief, that I fainted at his Feet, which made him conclude I was dead. When I recovered myſelf, I anfwered in a faint. Voice, that Death would have been too great a Hap- pinefs. That altho' I could not blame the Affembly's Exhortation, yet I thought it might have been lefs rigorous. That I could not fwim far, and many Materials would be want- ing to make me a Veffel, and therefore con- cluded myſelf devoted to Deſtruction. That the Profpect of Death was the leaſt Evil; for fhould J 1 7 1 1 to the HOUYHNHNMS. 161 fhould I, by fome extraordinary Fortune, fave my Life, how could I think of living among Taboo's, and relapfe into former Corruptions, for want of Examples of Virtue. That I knew the Affembly would not be prevail'd upon by my weak Reafons, and therefore, after returning my humble Thanks for the Offer of his Servants to affift me, in making a Veſſel, and defiring a reaſonable Time, I told him I would endeavour to preferve myſelf; and that if ever I faw my Native Country, I would be of uſe to my own Species, in pro- pofing the Virtues of the Houyhnhnms, as a Pattern to Mankind. He answered me very graciously, and allow'd me two Months to finiſh my Boat, which I afterward compaſſed in Six-Weeks, by the Affiftance of the Sor- rel Nagg. In his Company, I went first to the Shore, where my rebellious Crew had left me, whence looking on every Side into the Sea, I defcry'd an Ifland with my Pocket-glaſs, toward the Eaft, which I computed to be about five Leagues off, which Place I refolv'd should be the first of my Banifhment, let the Confequence be as it would. We finiſhed a fort of Indian Canoo, and covered it over with Taboo's Skins ftitch'd together with Thread of my own making. The Sails were of the Skins of the youngest of thofe Ani- mals, and I was provided likewife with four Paddles, and laid in Stock of boyl'd Rabbets, and Fowls, with two Veffels, one fill'd with Milk, 162 A VOYAGE Milk, and the other with Water. I tried my Canoo in a large Pond near my Mafter's Houfe, and made it ftaunch. It was after- wards drawn to the Sea-fide on a Carriage, by Taboo's, under the Conduct of the Sor- rel Nagg and another Servant. When the Day appointed for my Departure was come, I took leave of my Mafter and his Family, with the greatcft Grief imaginable. But his Honour having the Curiofity to fee me in my Canoo, got fome Friends to accompany him. I waited above an Hour for the Tide, and then obferving the Wind bearing towards the Ifland, to which I intended to ſteer my Courſe, I took a ſecond Leave of my Maſter, and paid my Reſpects to the rest of the Houyhnhnms; then getting into my Canoo, I pushed off from the Shore. 1 CHAP. I ( T 1 to the HOUYHNHNMS. 163 F CHA P. XI. The Author's dangerous Voyage. He arrives in New Holland, with Hopes to fettle there. Is wounded with an Arrow by one of the Natives. Is feized, and forced on board a Portugucze Ship. The Civilities of the Cap- tain. The Author comes to England. Began this defperate Voyage on the 15th of February 1714-15, and the Wind being favourable, I fet up my fmall Sail, by the help of which, and the Tide, I went at the Rate of a League and half an Hour. My Mafter and his Compa- -ny continued on the Shore, till I was almoft out of Sight, and I often heard my Friend the forrel Nagg crying out in his own Lan- guage, Take care of thy felf, gentle Yahoo. The terrible Idea I conceived of returning home, to live under the Government of ra- hoo's, made me refolve to land on the firft un- inhabited Ifland I could difcover, and there feek Neceffaries of Life, confidering that in this Solitude, I could reflect on the Virtues of the Houyhnhnms, without the Danger of falling into the Corruptions of my own Spe- cies. The Reader may remember, that when I was fet on Shore by my rebellious Crew, they folemnly fwore they knew not in what part of 164 A VOYAGE of the World we were; however, from what I over-heard among them, I believed we were about ten Degrees fouthward of the Cape of Good Hope; and altho' this was little more than Conjecture, I refolved to ſteer my Courfe Eastward, the Wind being full Weft. By Six in the Evening, I had gone about Eight- een Leagues Eattward, when 1 fpied a fmall Iland, which I foon reach'd, and difcover- ed it to be only a Rock with one Creek. I put in my Canoo, and climbing up a part of the Rock, could difcover Land extending from South to North. I lay all Night in my Caroo, and continued my Voyage next Morning, till I came to the South-East Point of New Holland. I faw no Inhabitants where I landed, and being unarmed, was afraid to venture far into the Country. Here 1 con- tinued three Days, living upon Shell-fish to fave my Provifions, and fortunately met with good Water. On the fourth Day, ventur- ing a little too far, Ifw feveral of the Na- tives, Men, Women, and Children, ftark naked round a Fire. One of them ſpy'd me, and gave Notice to the reft; five of them advancing toward me, I hafted to my Ca- noo, and ſhoved off, but before I could get far enough, one of them let flye an Arrow which wounded me on the Infide my left Knee, which I dreffed as well as I could, when I had paddled out of their Reach. The Wind being against me, I was at a loss what to do, for to the HOUYHNHNMS. 165 for I durft not venture to the fame landing Place. As I was looking about, I ſaw a Sail to the North North Eaft, and was in doubt, whether I ſhould wait for them or no ; but my Deteftation of the Yahoo Race prevailing, I turn'd my Canoo, and got into the Creek, from whence I fet out that Morning, and hid myſelf behind a Stone near a Brook. The Ship came within half a League of the Creek, and fent out her Long-boat to take in freſh Water. The Seamen found my Canoo, and looking about for the Owner, at laft found me lying on my Face behind the Stone. They gazed a while with Admiration at the Oddness of my Habit; at length one of the Seamen, in Portugueze, bid me to rife, and afk'd who I was. I understood him, and ri- fing up, faid, I was a poor Yahoo banished from the Houyhnhnms, and defired they would give me my Liberty. They admired at my answering in their own Language, but wondered what I meant by Taboo's and Houyhnhnms, and laughed to hear me ſpeak in a Tone like the Neighing of a Horfe. I trembled with Fear and Hatred, and offer'd to get to my Canoo, but they laid hold of me, and afked what Countryman I was. I told them I was an Englishman, and a poor Taboo, feeking fome Place to pass the Remain- der of his unfortunate Life. When they be- gan to talk, I thought nothing appeared more unnatural, and the honest Portuguese were $66 A VOYAGE were equally amazed at any Minner of utter- ing my Words. They fpe with much Hu- manity, and faid they would find two of the Crew back to the Ship, to receive the Cap- tain's Orders; and unless I gave them my Oath not to flye, would fecure me by Force. I comply'd, and in two Hours the Boat re- tun'd with the Captain's Orders to bring me on board. I begg'd for my Liberty, but in vain; and the Men having tied me with Cords, carried me on board the Ship into the Captain's Cabbin. The Captain, whofe Name was Pedro de Mendez, ufed me very courte- oufly, and offered me his Provifions, and what the Ship afforded, in Terms fo obliging, that I wondered to find fo much Civility from a Taboo. However, I remained filent and ful- len, and was ready to faint at the Smell of the Men. At laft, I defired fomething to ear out of my own Canoo; but he ordered me a Chicken and a Bottle of Wine, and then to be put to Bed in a clean Cabbin. I would not undrefs my felf, but lay down on the Bed-Cloaths, and getting up when I thought the Crew was at Dinner, I refolved to leap into the Sea, and fwim for my Life, fooner than live among Taboo's, but was pre- vented by one of the Men, and afterwards chained to my Cabbin. The Captain came to me, and defired to know the Reafon of fo defperate an Attempt, affuring me he was ready to do me all the Service in his Power. I gave to the HOUYHNHNMS. 167 I gave him a fhort Account of my Voyage, and my Three Years Rufidence among the Houyhnhnms: All which he looked upon as a Dream, at which I took great Offence, and afked him, if it was the Cuftom in his Coun- try, to say the thing which was not? and affured him I had almoft forgot what Falfhood meant, and was indifferent whether he believed me, or no. But however, in Return for his Fa- vours, I would give fo much Allowance to the Corruption of his Nature, as to answer any Objection he would make. The Cap- tain, who endeavoured to catch me in fome Part of my Story, at laft began to alter his Opinion; and the rather, becauſe he had been informed by a Dutch Skipper, who had been afhore upon a Continent South of New Hol- land, that he had obferved a Horfe driving before him feveral Animals refembling thofe I had defcribed; and added, that fince I pro- tefs'd fo inviolable an Attachment to Truth, I must give him my Word and Honour, not to attempt any thing against my own Life, or elfe he would continue me a Prifoner till we came to Lifton. I gave him my Promiſe, protefing at the fame time, that I would undergo the greatett Hardfhips, rather than Icturn to live among Tabeo's. We had a profperous Voyage, during which, in Grati- tude to the Captain. I concealed, as well as I could, my Antipathy to human Kind, and paffed the greateſt Part of my Time in my Cabbin, 168 ! A VOYAGE Cabbin, to avoid feeing the Crew. He of ten entreated me, to throw off my Savage Drefs, and would have lent me the beſt Suit of Cloaths he had; but I abhorred to cover myſelf with what had been upon the Back of a raboo, and only defired him to lend me two clean Shirts, and theſe I took care to wash myſelf, when they were dirty. We ar- rived at Lisbon, Nov. 5. 1715. At our land- ing, the Captain forced me to cover myfelf with his Cloak, to avoid the Importunities of the Rabble, and convey'd me to his own Houſe, and, at my Requeft, led me to the higheſt Room backwards. I conjured him to conceal the Story I had related, left I ſhould be in Danger of Imprifonment, or burnt by the Inquifition. The Captain perfwaded me at length to accept of a new Suit of Cloaths, and other Neceffaries, which I aired for twen- ty four Hours, before I would ufe them. The Captain's Family confifted only of himſelf, and three Servants, who were fuffered to wait at Table, and his whole Deportment was fo obliging, that I really began to tolerate his Company. He gain'd fo far upon me, firft by looking at the Window, then at the Door, that my Terror gradually decreaſed, and at laft I was bold enough to accompany him in- to the Street, having my Nofe well ſtopp'd with Rue or Tobacco. In ten Days, Don Pedro, whom I had acquainted with my Af- fairs, put it upon a Matter of Honour and Con- to the HOUYHNHNMS. 169 Conſcience, that I fhould go and live with my Wife and Children, and told me there was an English Ship in the Port ready to fail: And added, it was impoffible to find fuch an Ifland as i defired to live in: But I might pafs my Time as I pleafed at my own Houſe. I comply'd, and left Lisbon the 24th of Novem- ber. Don Pedro accompanied me to the Ship, and lent me Twenty Pounds to bear my Ex- pences. On the 5th of December 1715, we arrived in the Downs, and the fame Day I got fafe to Rotherhithe. My Wife and Fami- ly received me with exceeding Joy; and as foon as I entered the Houfe, my Wife took me in her Arms, and kiffed me; but not being uſed to the Touch of fuch odious Animals, I fell in a Swoon. It is now five Years fince my Return, and during the firit Year, I could not endure the Prefence of my Wife or Chil- dren. To this Hour they dare not prefume to touch my Bread, or drink out of my Cup. The firſt Money I laid out, was to buy two young Stone-Horfes, which I keep in a Sta- ble, free from Bridle or Saddle. Theſe and the Groom are my greatest Favourites, and they live in great Amity with me, and Friend- ship to each other. CHAP 170 A VOYAGE CHAP. XII. The Author's Veracity. His Defign in publifh- ing this Work. His Cenfure of Travellers who ſwerve from Truth. The Author clears bimfelf from any finifter End in Writing. An Objection anfwered. The Method of planting Colonies. His native Country com- mended. The Right of the Crown to thoſe Countries defcribed by the Author is justified. The Difficulty of conquering them. The Au- thor takes Leave of the Reader, propofeth his manner of Living for the future, gives good Advice, and concludes. HUS I have given the Reader a faith- ful Hiftory of my Travels, without aftonishing him with ftrange impro- bable Tales, my Deſign being more to inform than amufe, in which I think I have anfwer- ed the true End of a Traveller. I could hear- tily with a Law was created, to oblige every Traveller, before he publiſhed his Voyages, to make Oath before the Lord High Chan- cellor, that all he intended to print was ab- folutely true, to the beſt of his Knowledge, which would effectually prevent the Impofi- tion of grofs Falfities on the Reader. I have peruſed ſeveral Books of Travels, but fince I have been able to contradict their Accounts by to the HOUYHNHNMS. 171 by my own Obfervations, it has increafed my Indignation to fee the Credulity of Mankind fo abufed. Therefore, fince my Friends Fave thought my Endeavours might be acceptible to Mankind, I made this a Maxim, that I would ftrictly adhere to Truth, neither can I vary from it, as long as I retain the excellent Lectures of the virtuous Houyhnbams. I know the Fate of Travels is like that of Dictiona ries, funk into Oblivion by the Weight and Bulk of those who come after, and therefore lye uppermoft. And it is highly probabie, that hofe who vifit the Countries I have de- feril d may make fuch Additions, as will juftle me out of Vogue, and make the World for- get I was ever an Author. This would be a Motification indeed, if I wrote for Fame; bu. as I intended only the publick Good, I cant't be altogether difappointed. For who can read of the Houyhnhnms Virtues, with- out being ashamed of his own Vices? I fhall fay nothing of thofe Nations governed by Taboo's, among which the leaft corrupted are the Brobdingnagians, whofe Maxims in Mo- rality and Government it would be our Hap- pineſs to obſerve. I am pleaſed, to think that this Work of mine can't poffibly meet with Cenfure, fince I relate only Matters of Fact which happened in foreign Countries, where we have no Intereft whatever. I have avoid- ed the common Faults of Writers of Travels, and have meddled with no Party, but write.. I 2 པས, for 172 AVOYAGE } for the noble End of inftructing Mankind, to which I think I may claim a Superiority, from the Advantages I received by converfing with the excellent Houyhnhnms. I never fuf- fer a Word to pass, that may give the leaft Offence; fo that I may, in Juftice think my felf fecure against the Tribes of Reflecters or Obfervers. I confefs it was whispered to me, that I was bound in Duty, as a Subject of England, to prefent a Memorial to the Secre- tary of State, becauſe whatever Lands are diſcovered by a Subject, belong to the Crown. But I question whether it would be worth while to fubdue the Lilliputians, or prudent to attempt the Brobdinagians, or whether an English Army would be fafe with a Flying In and over their Heads. The Houyhnhnms Cell 19 indeed are not to we prepareu ror vv ar, out I ſhould never give my Advice for invading them, were I a Miniſter of State; but ſhould rather wish they were in a Capacity or Dif pofition to fend a fufficient Number of their Inhabitants, to teach us the Principles of Ho- nour, Truth, Temperance, Benevolence and Fidelity; the Names of which Virtues are ftill retained among us in fome modern, as well as ancient Authors. But I had another Reafon, which made me lefs forward to en- large his Majeſty's Dominions by my Difco- very. To tell the Truth, I was fcrupulous with relation to the diftributive Juftice of Princes in this Cafe. For Inftance, a Crew of F to the Hou YHNHNMS. 173 of Pirates are driven by Storm, they know not whither; they diſcover Land, and go on Shore to rob and plunder; they are kindly entertained by the harmleſs People, give a new Name to the Country, and take formal Poffeffion of it for the King, and fet up a rotten Plank, or a Stone for a Memorial. They murder fome of the Natives, and bring two or three home for a Sample, and get their Pardon. And here is the beginning of a new Dominion acquired with a Title of di- vine Right. Ships are fent, and the Inhabi- tants are butcher'd, and Princes tortured to diſcover their Gold; and this execrable Crew is a Modern Colony, fent to convert and civi- lize an idolatrous and barbarous People. But this Deſcription does by no means affect the English Nation, who may be an Example to the World for their Care in planting Colo- nies, and fending able Paftors to propagate Chriſtianity, and fupplying all their Colonies with virtuous Governours, and worthy Offi- cers, for the Adminiſtration of Juftice. But as the Countries I have defcribed do not a- bound with Silver, Gold, or Tobacco, I humbly conceive they are not proper Objects of our Valour. However, when I am law- fully call'd, Ifhall be ready to depoſe, that no European did ever vifit thefe Countries, before me, if the Inhabitants may be credited: Un- lefs a Difpute may ariſe about the two Yahoo's found upon the Mountain in Houyhnhnmland; 13 and ፡ 174 AVOYAGE and theſe I am apt to fufpect were English, having fome Lines of their Pofterity's Coun- tenances not throughly defaced. But how far this will make a Title, I leave to the Learned in Colony Law. Having thus an- fwered all that can be objected againſt me as a Traveller, I fhall take my Leave of the courteous Reader, and enjoy my own Spe- culations in my little Garden at Rotherhithe, and inſtruct the Yahoo's of my own Family in the Virtues of the Houyhnhnms, and habi- tuate myſelf by Degrees to human Creatures, and lament the Brutality of our Houyhnhnms, but always treat them with refpect for the Reſemblance they bear to my noble Maſter and his Family. I began laſt Week to ſuffer my Wife to dine with me; yet the Smell of a Yahoo being ftill offenfive to me, I keep my Noſe ftopt with fome fweet Herb or To- bacco, and hope in time to fuffer a Neigh- bour raboo in my Company, without Appre- henfions from his Teeth or Claws. My Re- concilement to the Taboo's would be more eafy, if they would be content with thoſe Vices and Follies only which Nature hath entitled them to. I am not in the leaft pro- vok'd at the fight of a Lawyer or a Phyfi- cian: But when I behold a deform'd Lump Imitten with Pride, my Patience is gone, be- ing unable to comprehend how ſuch an A- nimal, and fuch a Vice can tally together. The Houyhnhnms, who abound in all Ex- cllencies, I ! T J to the HOUYHNHNмS. 175 cellencies, have no Name in their Language for this Vice, neither can they diftinguish it among the deteftable Qualities of their Ta- boo's, for want of underftanding human Na- ture; but I who had more Experience, could obferve fome Rudiments of it among the wild Yahoo's. But the Houyhnhnms, who are governed by Reafon, poffefs their good Qualities, without more Pride than I fhould have for not wanting a Limb, which no Man would boaſt of, altho' he muſt be miferable without them. I dwell the longer upon this Subject, being defirous to make the Society of an English Taboo lefs unfupportable; and therefore defire all thofe touch'd with this Vice to keep out of my Sight. 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