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IV. 611 Aargauische Weinbaugesellschaft. (Baden, in Academia de Jurisprudencia. (Carácas.) . . 1. 146 Switzerland.) . . . . . . 1. 37 37 Academia de Jurisprudencia teórico - práctica. Abbotsford Club. (Edinburgh.) . . . II. 225 (Mexico.-Academia de Derecho teórico-prác- tico.) . . . . . . . IV. . 638 Aberdeen Medical Society. (Aberdeen.) . . - I. Academia de Jurisprudencia y Derecho Real Abernethian Society. (London.) . . . Pragmático. (Mexico.) . . IV. 639 Academia Albertina. (Konigsberg.) Academia de la Historia, Real. (Madrid.) .. Academia Altorfiana. (Altdorf.-Schola Altor- . Academia de Medicina. (Mexico.) . . . IV. 639 fiana.) . . . . . . . 1. 13 Academia de Medicina de Madrid, Real. Academia Andegavensis. (Angers.) (Madrid.) . . IV. 616 Academia Argentinensis. (Strasburg.) .. : Academia de Primera Enseñanza. (Mexico.) . IV. 639 Academia Basiliensis. (Basle.) .. . . Academia de San Carlos, Real. (Valencia.) V. 9oj Académia Bibliográfico-Mariana. (Lerida.) . II. Academia de San Fernando, Real. (Madrid.) . IV. 616 Academia Cæsarea Linguarum Orientalium. Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas, Real. (Vienna.-Kaiserlich-Königliche Orientalische (Madrid. . . . . . . . IV. 613 Akademie.) . . . . . . Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curiosorum. (Ger- Academia dos Obsequiosos. (Sacavem.) . . V. many.) . . . . . Academia dos Singulares. (Lisbon.) . . . Academia Eberhardina. (Tubingen. Eberhard- 'Academia Carolina, Regia. (Lund.) . . . IV: 604 Karls-Universität.) . . . . . V. 964 Academia Christiana All artina. (Kiel.) . . II. 358 Academia Electoralis Moguntina Scientiarum Utilium. (Erfurt.) . . . . . II. 260 Academia Conimbricensis. (Coimbra.-Univer- Academia Electoralis Theodoro-Palatina. (Mann- sidade de Coimbra.) . . . . . . 165 Academia Cracoviensis. (Cracow.— Uniwersytet Jagielloński.) Academia Erlangensis. (Erlangen. Academia . . . . . 1. Fridericiana. . . . . . . II. 262 Academia das Bellas Artes. (Lisbon.) . . II. Academia Española. (Madrid.--Real Academia Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa. (Lisbon.) . II. 393 Española.) . . . . . . IV. Academia de Bellas Artes. (Barcelona.) . Academia et Universitas Vilnensis. (Wilňa.) V. Academia de Bellas Artes. (Palma.) . . Academia Farmacéutica. (Mexico.). . . IV. 639 Académia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona, Real. Academia Franekerana. (Franeker.) . . II. 279 (Barcelona.) . . . . . . Academia Friburgensis. (Freiburg in the Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, y Naturales, Breisgau.) . . . . . . Real. (Madrid.) | Academia Fridericiana. (Erlangen.) Academia de Ciencias Sociales y Bellas Letras. Academia Fridericiana. (Halle.) . . . II. 335 (Caràcas.) . . . . . . 1. 146 Academia de Ciencias y Letras. (Palma.). ; IV. 741 Academia Gandavensis. (Ghent.) . . . . II. 296 Academia de Cirugía, Real. (Madrid.) . . IV. 614 Academia Genevensis. (Geneva.) . . . II. 286 Academia de Derecho Español, Público y Privado. Academia Georgia Augusta. (Gottingen.) .' . II. 310 (Mexico.) . . . IV. 638 Academia Giessena. (Giessen.) . . ; II. 299 II. 284 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE II. 347 662 0 PART PAGE 1 Academia Græcensis Societatis Jesu. (Gratz.) . II. 315 Academia Regia Scientiarum. (Berlin.--Societas Academia Groningana. (Groningen.) . . . II. 327 Regia, etc.). . . . . . . I. 58 Academia Gustavo-Carolina. (Pernau.) . . V. 836 | Academia Regia Scientiarum Suecica. (Stockholm. Academia Hasso-Schauenburgica. (Rinteln.) . V. 868 -Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi.) .. V. 942 Academia Havniensis. (Copenhagen.) . . I. 168 Academia Regia Tubingensis. (Tubingen.-Eber.. . hard-Karls-Universität.) Academia Herbornensis. (Herborn.). . . . . . V. Academia Jenensis. (Jena.) . Academia Regia Viadrina. ii. (Frankfort on the 352 Oder. ---Universitas Francofurtana.) . . II. 283 Academia Imperatoria Wilhelma Argentoratensis. (Strasburg.-Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität.) ; V. 949 V. Academia-Rheno-Trajectina. (Utrecht.) . . V. 991 V. Academia Ingoldstadiensis. (Ingolstadt.) . . II. 354 Academia Rinteliensis. (Rinteln. - Academia Academia Inscriptionum et Litterarum Humani- Hasso-Schauenburgica.) : : : : V. 868 orum. (Paris.--- Académie des Inscriptions et | Academi’a Româna. (Bucharest. Societatea Aca- Belles-Lettres.) . . . . . . IV. 743 . IV. 743 demica Romana, etc.) . 1. 108 Academia Julia. (Helmstadt.) . . . . II. 354 Academia Rostochiensis. (Rostock.) . . . . V. 881 Academia Juris. (Orleans.) . · IV. 702 Academia Rudolph-Antoniana. (Wolfenbüttel.). V. 1008 Academia Kiloniensis. (Kiel.- Academia Chris- Academia Salisburgensis. (Salzburg.) . V. 927 tiana Albertina.) . . . . . II. 358 Academia Salmanticensis. (Salamanca.-Univer- Academia Leodiensis. (Liege.) . . . II. 389 sidad de Salamanca.). . . . . V. 919 Academia Lipsiensis. (Leipsic.) . . . II. 372 Academia Scientiarum. (Bologna.-- Istituto delle Academia Literarum Regia Monacensis. (Mu- Scienze, etc.) . . . . . . 1. 71 nich.) . . . . . . . Academia Scientiarum Boica. (Munich.-König- Academia Litterarum Caesarea Vindobonensis. liche Akademie der Wissenschaften.) . . IV. 663 (Vienna. Kuiserliche Akademie der Wissen- Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. (Saint Peters- schaften.) . . . . . . V. 978 burg.) . . . . . Academia Litterarum Regia Borussica. (Berlin. . . Societas Regia Scientiarum, etc.). Académia Sevillana de Buenas Letras, Real. I. . 58 (Seville.) . . . . Academia Liturgica Pontificia. (Coimbra.) . . I. 164 . . V.. Academia Sorana. (Soröe.) . . . . V. 938 Academia Lovaniensis. (Louvain.) . . . IV. 597 Academia Taurinensis. (Turin.-- Università.) . Academia Lugduno-Batava. (Leyden.) V. 969 383 . . II. Academia Marburgensis. (Marburg.) . . IV. 630 Academia tévrico - practica de Jurisprudencia. (Guanajuato.) . . . . II. 328 Academia Matritense de Jurisprudencia y Legis- Academia Turicensis. (Zurich. – Universität lacion. (Madrid. . . . . . IV. 611 Zürich.) . . . . . . . V. 1016 Academia Medico-Chirurgica Vilnensis. (Wilna.- Cæsarea Academia Medico-Chirurgica Vilnensis.) V. 1004 Academia Tyrnaviensis. (Tyrnau.) . . . V. 966 Academia Medico-practica de Barcelona, Real. Academia Veneta. (Venice.) . . V. 972 (Barcelona. . . . . . . I. 40 Academia Vilnensis Societatis Jesu. (Wilna. – Academia Médico-quirúrgica. (Puebla de los Academia et Universitas Vilnensis. . . V. 1003 Ángeles.) . . . . . . . V. 862 Academia Vitembergensis. (Wittenberg.) . :. V. 1005 Academia Médico-quirúrgica de Castilla la Viega, Academia Upsalensis. (Upsal.--Regia Academia Real. (Burgos. . . . . . I. 109 109 Upsaliensis.) . . . . . . V. 989 Academia Mexicana. (Mexico.) . . . IV. 639 Academia Vratislaviensis. (Breslau.—Universitas Academia Mussipontana. (Pont-à-Mousson.) . V. 852 Vratislaviensis.). . . . . . I. 92 Academia Nacional de San Carlos. (Mexico.). IV. 640 | Académie Celtique. (Paris.) . . . IV. 742 Academia Napoleone. (Lucca.) Académie d'Aérostation Météorologique. (Paris.) IV. 742 vitune. (Lucca.) . . . IV. 603 Academia Nemausensis. (Nîmes.) . . . IV. 697 Académie d’Aix. (Aix.-Société des Amis des Sciences, etc.) . Parisiensis. (Paris.-Université de Academia . . . I. . 8 . Paris.) . . . . . . . IV. 822 Académie d'Archéologie de Belgique. (Antwerp.) 1. 28 Academia Patavina. (Padua.-Università di Académie d'Architecture. (Paris.) . . . IV. 742 Padova.). . . . . . . IV. 738 Académie d'Arras. (Arras.-Société Royale, etc.). 1. 30 Academia Physico-Mathematica. (Rome.) . V. 869 Académie de Châlons-sur-Marne. (Châlons-sur- Academia Pragensis. (Prague.) . V. Marne.) . . . . . . 1. 151 Academia Quirina. (Rome.) . . V. 869 Académie de Clermont. (Clermont-Ferrand.) . I. 163 Academia Real da Historia Portugueza. (Lisbon.) 11. 398 Académie de France pour les Beaux-Arts. (Rome.) V. 869 Academia Real da Marinba e Commercio. Académie de la Val d'Isère. (Moutiers.) . . IV. 662 (Oporto.). · · · · · · IV. 702 Académie de Législation. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 742 Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. (Lisboa. --Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa.) i . Académie de l'Immaculée Conception. (Rouen.- Academia Regia Borussica. (Berlin.-Societas Confraternité de la Conception de Notre Dame.) V. 883 Regia Scientiarum, etc.). . . . . . I. 58 | Académie de l'Industrie Agricole, Manufacturière Academia Regia Christiana-Albertina. (Kiel.-- et Commerciale. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 742 Academia Christiana-Albertina.) . : . II. 358 Académie Delphinale. (Grenoble.) ; . . II. 326 Academia Regia Fredericiana. (Christiania.- Académie de Mâcon. (Macon.-Société des Sciences, Kongeligt Norsk Frideriks-Universitet. . . 1. 155 | Arts et Belles-Lettres, etc.) . :. . . IV. 608 QI Dt 854 58 Acadeonfraternité de la léo Conception. 5 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART · IV. 768 PART PAGE 1 Académie de Nancy. (Nancy.). . . IV. 670 Académie Impériale des Sciences, Arts et Belles- Académie de Nîmes. (Nîmes.) . . . IV. 697 Lettres de Caen. (Caen. — Académie des Académie de Reims. (Rheims.) . . . V. 865 Sciences, etc.) . . . . . . 1. 111 Académie de Sainte-Croix. (Orleans.) ... IV. 702 Académie Inupériale et Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres, etc. (Brussels.) . . . Académie de Saint Luc. (Paris.) . . . IV. 742 I. 42 Académie Nationale. (Metz.--Société des Lettres, Académie de Stanislas. (Nancy.--Société Royale etc.) . . . . . . . IV. 638 des Sciences, etc.) . . . . . IV. 670 Académie Nationale de l'Industrie Agricole, Manu- Académie des Beaux-Arts. (Paris.). . . IV. 742 IV. 742 facturière et Commerciale. (Paris.-Académie Académie des Belles-Lettres. (Marseilles.). . IV. 631 / de l’Industrie, etc.) . . . . . IV. 742 Académie des Bibliophiles. (Paris.). . . Académie Poétique de France. (Paris.) .. IV. 765 Académie des Jeux Floraux. (Toulouse.) . . v. 958 Académie Royale. (Metz.--Société des Lettres, etc.) IV. 638 Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Académie Royale Danoise de Peinture, Sculpture . (Paris.) . . et Architecture. (Copenhagen.) . . 1. 169 Académie des Palinods. (Rouen.- Confraternité Académie Royale de Belgique. (Brussels. - de la Conception de Notre Dame.). . . V. 883 Académie Impériale et Royale des Sciences et Académie des Poètes. (Paris.). . . . IV. 746 Belles-Lettres, etc.) . . . . . I. 97 Académie des Sciences. (Naples.-Reale Acca- Académie Royale de Chirurgie. (Paris.) . . IV. 765 · demia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere.) : . IV. 673 Académie Royale de Marine. (Brest.) . . I. 93 Acarlémie des Sciences. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 746 Académie Royale de Médecine. (Paris.). IV. 766 Académie des Sciences. (Troyes.) . . . v. 962 Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique. Académie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et (Brussels.) . . . . . . . 100 Belles-Lettres d'Aix. (Aix.--Société des Amis Académie Royale de Musique. (Paris.) . . IV. 767 des Sciences, etc.) . . . . . 1. 8 Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture. Académie des Sciences, Agriculture, Commerce, (Paris.) . Belles-Lettres et Arts, du Département de la .. . Somme. (Amiens.) . Académie Royale de Richelieu. (Richelieu.) . V. 867 . . . . Académie de Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Académie Royale de Savoie. (Chambéry.--Société (Caen.) Académique de Savoie, etc.). . . . I. . 152 . Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Aca:lémie Royale des Beaux-Arts. (Antwerp.) . I. 29 (Dijon.) . . . . . Académie Royale des Belles-Lettres. (Rochelle.). V. 869 Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Académie Royale des Médailles et des Inscriptions. (Nancy.-Société Royale des Sciences, etc.) .. (Paris. — Académie des Inscriptions.) : . IV. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Académie Royale des Sciences. (Amsterdam.- (Besançon.) . Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen.) . I. 18 Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Académie Royale des Sciences. (Berlin.-Societas (Clermont-Ferrand. ---Académie de Clermont.). Regia Scientiarum, etc.) . . . . I. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Académie Royale des Sciences. (Stockholm. (Lyons.) . . . . . . . IV. 606 Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi.) . V. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et (Rouen.) . . . . . . V. 883 Arts. (Bordeaux.) . . . . . I. 78. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Savoie. (Chambéry.--Société Académique de Beaux-Arts de Belgique. (Brussels.--Aca- Savoie, etc.) . . . . . 1. démie. Impériale et Royale des Sciences et Belles- Académie des Sciences et Belles-Lettres. (Beziers.) I. 67. Lettres, etc.) . . I. 97 Académie des Sciences et Lettres. (Montpellier.) IV. 650 | Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. (Brussels.-Académie Impériale Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles- et Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, etc.). I. 37 Lettres. (Toulouse.). . . . Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. | Academie van Beeldende Kunsten en Technische Wetenscbappen. (The Hague.). . . (Paris.) . . . . . . . IV. 760 Académie d'Horticulture. (Paris.) . . . Academischer Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Gratz.) . . . . . . . II. 315 Académie du Gard. (Nimes.--Académie de Nîmes.) IV. 697 Academy of Medicine. (New.York.) . . IV. 694 Académie Ébroïcienne. (Évreux.) . . . Academy of Medicine. (Philadelphia.) . . V. 846 Académie Française. (Paris.). . . . IV. 761 Academy of Medicine in Ireland. (Dublin.) . 1. 208 Académie Impériale de Médecine. (Paris. - Academy of Music. (Boston, Mass.) . . . I. 81 Académie Royale de Médecine, etc. . . IV. 766 Academy of Natural Sciences. (Philadelphia.). V. 846 Académie Impériale de Metz. (Metz.-Société des Lettres, etc.) . . Academy of Natural Sciences. (San Francisco, . . . . California. . . . . . . V. 928 Académie Impériale de Savoie. (Chambéry. Société Académique de Savoie, etc. . . . . Academy of Natural Sciences, Minnesota. (Min- I. 152 Académie Impériale des Beaux-Arts. (Saint Academy of Science. (Saint Louis, Missouri.) . . Petersburg.-Umnepamopckar Akademis Xy- V. 890 dogrcecm6o.) 903 Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Wisconsin. Académie Impériale des Sciences. (Saint Peters- -Madison, Wisconsin.) . . . . IV. 009 burg. - Academia Scientiarum Imperialis.) . V. 892 Academy of the Arts, American. (New York.) . IV. 689 IV. 638 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE 90 V. 975 . . . . , . 90 . . . Academy of the Fine Arts, Maryland. (Bal- Accademia di Padova. (Padua.) . . IV. 737 timore.) . . . . . . . . 1. 37 Accademia di Prosa e Poesia. (Padua.) . . IV. 738 Academy of the Liverpool Royal Institution. Accademia di Scienze, Belle Lettere ed Arti, (Liverpool.) . . . . . . II. 400 Reale. (Mantua.) . . . . . IV. 630 Accademia Agraria di Pesaro. (Pesaro.) . . V. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. (Palermo.) . IV. 740 Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, Reale. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, Agricultura ed : (Turin.) . . . . . Arti del Dipartimento del Mella. (Brescia.) I. Accademia Clementina. (Bologna.) . . . I. Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche, Reale. Accademia Costante d'Italia. (Italy.) . . II. 356 (Naples.). . . . . . . IV. 674 Accademia d’Agricoltura, Commercio ed Arti. Accademia di Udine. (Udine.). . . . v. 972 (Verona.) Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia, Reale. Accademia degli Ariostei. (Ferrara.) . . II. 268 (Naples.). . . . . . . IV. 674 Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalisti. (Naples.) IV. 673 Accademia Etrusca. (Cortona.) . . . I. 192 Accademia degli Etnei. (Catania.). . Accademia Filosofico-Medica di S. Tommaso Accademia degl' Immobili. (Alessandria.) d'Aquino. (Bologna.) . . . . . I. 70 Accademia degl'Incogniti. (Venice.) . . v. 973 Accademia Fiorentina. (Florence.) . . . II. 272 Accademia degl' Indomiti. (Bologna.) . Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali. (Cata- Accademia degl' Intronati. (Sienna.) . nia.) . . . . . . I. 150 Accademia degl' Investiganti. (Naples.). IV. 673 | Accademia Gioseffina. (Vienna.-Römisch-Kaiser- Accademia degl' Invitti. (Mantua.) . . . IV. 6301 ech - Königliche lich - Königliche' Josephinische medicinisch - Jos chirurgische-Akademie.) . . . . V. 984 Accademia degli Oziosi. (Naples.) . . IV. 673 Accademia Granellesca. (Venice.) . . . Accademia degli Unanimi. (Turin.) . . V. 966 Accademia Imperiale delle Scienze e Belle Arti. Accademia dei Disinvolti. (Brescia.) 1 (Genoa.--Instituto Ligure, etc.) . . . Accademia dei Filergiti. (Forli.) . . 277 Accademia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Accademia dei Filesotici. (Brescia.) . . I. 90 (Italy.) . . . . . . . II. Accademia dei Filoglotti. (Castelfranco.). Accademia Italiana Ligustica. (Genoa.) . . II. Accademia dei Filomati, Reale. (Lucca.) . . IV. 603 Accademia Medica. (Rome.) . . . . V. Accademia dei Gelati. (Bologna.) . . . I. 70 Accademia Palermitana del Buon Gusto. Accademia dei Lincei. (Rome.) . . , V. 870 (Palermo.) . . . : . IV. 740 Accademia dei Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti. Accademia Piazzese. (Piazza.) . V. 850. (Rome. . . . . . . . V. 871 Accademia Pistojese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Accademia dei Quiriti. (Rome.) . . . v. Reale. (Pistoia.) . . . . . Accademia dei Ricovrati. (Padua.) . . . IV. Accademia Pontaniana. (Naples. -Società Pon- taniana.) . . . Accademia dei Rozzi, Reale. (Sienna.) . V. . . . . . IV. Accademia Pontificia de' Nuovi Lincei. (Rome. Accademia dei Teologi Dogmatici delle Scuole Pie Accademia de Lincei, etc.) . . . . V. 870 di Firenze. (Florence.) . . . . Accademia Romana di Archeologia. (Rome.). V. 871 Accademia del Cimento. (Florence.) . . Accademia Simpemenia de' Filopatridi. (Parma.) Accademia del Disegno di San Luca. (Rome.). V. V. 833 Accademia Tiberina. (Rome.). . . V. 871 Accademia della Crusca. (Florence.) Accademia Valdarnese del Poggio. (Montevarchi.) IV. 650 Accademia della Fucina. (Messina.) . . IV. Accademia Virgiliana. (Mantua.—Reale Academia Accademia della Pace. (Rome.) . . . V. 871 Virgiliana, etc.) . . . . . IV. 630 Accademia della Pittura. (Verona.) . . y. 975 Accademici Accesi. (Palermo.) . . . IV. 740 Accademia delle Belle Arti, Imperiale e Reale. Accademici Affidati. (Pavia.). . V. 835 (Florence.) . . . . . 11. 273 . . Accademici Concordi. (Ravenna.) . V. 864 Accadenria delle Scienze. (Turin.) . . . V. Accademici Concordi. (Rovigo.) . . .. V. 886 · Accademia delle Scienze detta de' Fisiocritici. (Sienna. . . . . . . . Accademici Concordi del Seminario Arcivescovile. (Genoa.) . . . . . . . 11. 288 Accademia delle Scienze è Belle Lettere, Reale. Accademici di Banchi. (Rome.) . . . V. 872 Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. Accademici Ercolani. (Naples.-Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia.). . IV. 674 (Naples.) . . . . . . . IV. Accademici Eterei. (Padua.). .. IV. 738 Accademia delle Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. (Genoa.-Instituto Ligure, etc.) . . . II. Accademici Fantastici. (Rome.) . Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti, Accademici Filopierj. (Bologna.) .. Reale. (Naples.) . . . . . Accademici Infecondi. (Rome.) . Accademia di Belle Arti, Reale. (Venice.). . V. 974 Accademici Informi. (Ravenna.) . . V. 864 Accademia di Conferenze Storico - Giuridiche. Accademici Occulti. (Brescia.) .. . I. 90 (Rome.) . . . . . . . V. 871 Accademici Riaccesi. (Bologna.) . . . I. 70 Accademia Difettuosa. (Bologna.) I. 70, Accademici Trasformati.. (Milan.). TV 643 Accademia di Filosofia Italica. (Genoa.) . . 11. 288 Acclimatisation Society of Great Britain, Ireland, II. 288 Accademia di Giurisprudenza. (Turin.) . . V. 967 ) and the Colonies. (London.) . . . II. 401 637 . . (Naples. . . . . . . . IV. 673 1 nuvalodu und Date Lonco) . . . .872 . 70 . . . . INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 10 PART PAGE 340 951 II. 292 375 6 . V. 890 PART PAGE Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. (Melbourne.) IV. 633 Algemeen Onderwijzers-Vereeniging. (Rotter- Acclimatisations-Verein. (Berlin.) . . . I. 49 dam.) . . . . . . . V. Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh.) . II. 228 Allgemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz. (Zurich.) . V. 1014 Adelaide University. (Adelaide.) . . . I. 7 Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft. (Berne. Advocaten-Verein. (Hanover.). . -Schweizerische Gesellschaft.) . . 1. 65 Advocates, Faculty of. (Edinburgh.). Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die Ælfric Society. (London.) . . 401 gesammten Naturwissenschaften. (Switzer- Aerztlicher Verein. (Hamburg.) . 337 land.) . . . . . . . v. 952 Aerztlicher Verein. (Munich.). Allgemeiner Deutscher Cäcilien-Verein. (Munich.) IV. 662 Aerztlicher Verein, Württembergischer. (Stutt- | Allgemeiner Deutscher Lehrerverein. (Ger- gard.) . . . . many.) . . . . . . . 11. Agathynian Club. (New York.) . . IV. 689 Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein. (Leipsic.). Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Auck- Allgemeiner Deutscher Photographen-Verein. land. (Auckland.) . . . . . : (Germany.) . . . . . . 292 Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Allgemeiner Oesterreichischer Apotheker-Verein. (Calcutta.) . . . . . . I. 115 (Vienna.) . . . . V. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Saint Allmänna Svenska Landtbrucksmötet. (Sweden Helena. (Saint Helena.) . . . and Norway.) . . . . . . V. Agricultural Association. (Doncaster.) . . I. 200 Almindelig Dansk Landmands-forsamling. (Den- Agricultural Board of the American Institute. mark.) . . . . . . . 1. 198 (New York.) . . . . . . IV. 690 Alpen-Verein, Oesterreichischer. (Vienna.) . V. 983 Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland, Alpwirthschaftlicher Verein, Schweizerischer. Royal. (Dublin.) . . . . . I. 216 (Switzerland.) . . . . . . V. 954 Agricultural Society of England, Royal. (London.) III Altdorfische deutsche Gesellschaft. (Altdorf.) . I. 13 Agricultural Society of South Carolina. (Charles- Alterthums-Verein. (Vienna.) . . . V. 976 ton, South Carolina.) . . . . . 1. Alterthums-Verein, Württembergischer. (Stutt- Agricultural Society of Sumatra. (Sumatra.) . V. 951 gard.). . . . . . . V. 951 Agricultural Society of West Derby. (Derby, Altmärkischer Verein für vaterländische Ge- West.) . . . . . . . I. schichte und Industrie. 198 (Neuhaldensleben.) IV. · 680 Agri-Horticultural Society. (Madras.) . . IV. 609 | American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (Bos- Agri-Horticultural Society ton, Mass.) of the . . . . 1. . 80 Punjab. . (Lahore.). . . American Academy of the Arts. (New York.) · IV. 689 II. Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India. American Antiquarian Society. (Worcester, (Bomuay.) . . . . . . . I. 74 Mass.) . . . . . . . V. 1009 Akademia Wileńska (Wilna. -- Academia et American Association for the Advancement of Universitas Vilnensis.) . . . . . Science. (United States of America.). . Akademie. (Berne.) :. . . American Association for the Promotion of Akademie der Bildenden Künste. (Vienna.) . Social Science. (Boston, Mass.). . . I. 80 American Chemical Society. (New York.) . 689 Akademie der Künste, Königliche. (Berlin.) . I. American Entomological Society. (Phile- Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Cracow.—Towa- delphia.). . . . ; . V. 847 rzystwo Naukowe, etc.) . . . Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kaiserliche. American Ethnological Society. (New York.) . IV. 689 (Vienna.) . . . . . V. 978 | American Geographical and Statistical Society. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Königliche. (Mu- (New York.) :. nich.) . . . 663 | American Gynecological Society. (United States : IV. 663 of America.) Akademie für Forst- und Landwirthe, Königlich- . . · . . . V. 988 Sächsische. (Tharand.) . . American Institute. (New York.) . . . IV. 689 Akademie von Ham. (Hamburg.) . American Institute of Instruction. (Boston, Mass.) I. 80 Akademien för de Fria Konsterna, Kongliga. American Medical Association. (United States of (Stockholm.) . . . America. . . . . . . . V. 988 . . Akademija Umiejętności. (Cracow.— Towarzystwo | American Museum of Natural History. (New Naukowe, etc.) . . . . . I. 193 York.) · · · · · · IV. 690 A katemis Xy/oKeCTB). (Saint Petersburg.–Umne- American Numismatic and Archäological Society. pamopcran Akademia Sydovcecmev.). V. 903 (New York.) . . . . . . IV. Albany Institute. (Albany.) . . . . I. 9 American Oriental Society. (Boston, Mass.) I. 80 Albany Medical College. (Albany.) . . I. 9 American Pharmaceutical Association. (United Albert-Ludwigs-Universität. (Freiburg, in the States of America.) . . . . . V. 988 Breisgau.—- Academia Friburgensis.) . .. II. 284 American Philological Association. (United Alberts-Universität. (Greifswald.) . . . I States of America.) . . . . V. 988 Albrechts-Universität. (Konigsberg. -Academia American Philosophical Society. (Philadelphia.) v. 847 Albertina.) . . . American Social Science Association. (Boston, Aciekcahipo-HeBCkan Akademia. (Saint Peters- Mass.-American Association for the Promotion burg.) . . V. 900 of Social Science.) . . . . . I. 81 . . . . . IV. 689 11 12 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE 81 III. 201 American Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Architectural and Archäological Society, Liver- Manufactures and Commerce. (New York.) IV. 691 poul. (Liverpool.) . . . . . . ] II. 400 American Society of Civil Engineers. (New Architectural and Archäological Society of Dur- York.) . . . . . . IV. 691 ham and Northumberland. (Durham.) . I. American Statistical Association. (Boston, Mass.) I. Architectural and Archäological Society, Saint Amherst College. (Amherst.) . . . . 1. 14 Alban’s. (Saint Alban's) . . . . V. '887 Amsterdamsche Academie “Yver.” (Amsterdam. Architectural Association. (London.) . .. III. 403 -Nederduytsche Academie.). . 24 Architectural College of the Freemasons of the Analytical Society. (Cambridge.) . . . I. 119 Church. (London.) . . . . . III. 403 Anastatic Drawing Society. (Ashby-de-la-Zouch.) I. 30 Architectural Institute of Scotland. (Edinburgh.) II. 228 Anderson's College. (Glasgow.) . . . II. 300 Architectural Publication Society. (London.) . III. 403 Anglia Christiana. (London.) . 402 Architectural Society, London. (London.). . III. 495 Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Ireland. (London.) .. . 402 Northampton. (Northampton.) . . . IV. 698 Anthropological Society. (London.). . . III. 402 Architectural Society, Worcester. (Worcester.) . V. 1009 Anthropologische Gesellschaft. (Vienna.). . .V. 970 Architectural Society, Yorkshire. (York.). . V. 1013 Antiquarian and Archäological Society, Cumber- Architekten-Verein. (Berlin.) . . . 1. 50 land and Westmoreland. (Cumberland.) . I. 195 Archivo Histórico Nacional. (Madrid.) . . IV. 612 Antiquarian and Historical Society, Dorchester. Archiv-Verein. (Brunswick.) . . . . I. 96 (Dorchester, Mass.) . . . . . Археографическая Экспедиція. (Saint Petersburg. Antiquarian and Natural History Society of -Apæeoupaguucckas KOMMuccin.) . . V. 900 Orkney. (Kirkwall.) . . . . II. 363 Apxeorpapnyeckar Kommuccis. (Kiev.-Bpemeu- Antiquarian Association, Caerleon. (Caerleon.) . I. 113 ная Коммиссія для разбора древнихъ актов.) II. 361 Antiquarian Etching Club. (London.) . III. 403 Apxeorpadbu geckah KOMMuccis. Saint P Antiquarian Society, American. (Worcester, Mass.) V. 1009 Apxeorpadureckas KOMmuccis. (Tiflis. - ka- Antiquarian Society, Cambridge. (Cambridge.). I. 119 KA3Crun Apxeorpaduucckar Kommuccis.) . V. 957 Antiquarian Society, Orkney and Zetland. (Edin- Apxeorpabuveckan KOMMnccis. (Wilna.–Buien- burgh.) . . . . . . . II. 252 cras Apæcorpaquueckan KOMMuccin.) . . V. 1004 Antiquarische Gesellschaft. (Zurich.--Gesellschaft A pxeonorureckii HuctiityT.. (Saint Petersburg.) für Erforschung und Bewahrung Vaterländischer Apxeo.jortecciů Cit3Ib. (Russia. . . V. 837 Alterthümer.) . . . . . . V. 1015 Apxeonorueckoe 0611LCCTBO. (Saint Petersburg.- Antwerpsche Rederykkamer “de Olyftak." (Ant- Императорское Археологическо - Нумизма- werp.) . . . . . . . I. 29 MUYccroe Obuvccmbo.) . . . Apiarian Society, Western. (Exeter.) . . II 267 | ApxeopornycckOe ObilleCTBO. (Saint Petersburg.- Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothecaries of Eng- Императорское Русское Археологическое Об- land and Wales, Associated. (London.) ' III, 404 Usecinco.). . . . . . , V. 908 Apotheker-Collegium. (Nuremberg.) . . IV. 699 Apxeonor1IECKO - HYMI3MATII IECKO 06MeCTBO. Apothekerverein in Norddeutschland. (Germany.) II. 292 (Saint Petersburg. — Emnepamopcroe Apxeo- lovuuecko-HYMU3Mamuueckoe Oõusecinco.) . Aquilonaris Academia. (Bologna.) . . I. 71 . V. 907 " Art-Union, Royal Irish. (Dublin.) . Arbroath Horticultural and Natural History . . I. 218 Association. (Arbroath.) . . . . I. 30 Arundel Society. (London.) . . . . III. 403 Arcadia. (Rome.) . . . . . . . V. 872 Ärztlicher Verein des Grossherzogthums Baden. Archæological and Natural History Society, (Carlsruhe.) . . . . . 1. 147 Somersetshire. (Taunton.) 956 Ärztlicher Verein des Mittelrheins. (Darm- Archäological and Natural History Society, Wilts. stadt. . . . . . . . I. 196 (Devizes.) . . . . 199 Ashmolean Museum. (Oxford.) . . . IV. 722 Archæological Institute of America. (Boston, Ashmolean Society, Berkshire. (Reading.) . V. 864 Mass.) · · · · · · I. 81 Ashmolean Society. (Oxford.). . . . IV. 704 Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch of the Royal. Ireland. (Great Britain and Ireland.).' 316 (Bombay.) . . . . . . 1. 74 Archäological Society. (Delhi.) . . . I. 198 Asiatic Society of Bengal. (Calcutta.) . . I. 115 ’Apxacodoylan 'ETITPOTn. (Athens.) . . . 1. 31 Asiatic Society of Ceylon. (Colombo.-Ceylon 'Apxacoloylan 'Eralpla. (Athens.--'Elinvern 'Ap- Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.) . . 1. 167 Xacolorean 'Etaipia.) . . 31 Asiatic Society of China. (Hongkong.) . . II. 350 'Apgaioloyikos Eulloyos. (Athens.) . . . I. 31 Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Archäologische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . . 1. 49 49 Royal. (London.) . . . . . . III. 530 Archigymnasium Patavinum. (Padua.-Univer- Asiatic Society of Japan. (Yokohama.) . . V. 1013 sità di Padova.) . . . . . . Asociacion de Amigos de la historia natural del Archigymnasium Romanæ Sapientiæ. (Rome.). V. 873 Plata. (Buenos Ayres.) . . . . I. 109 Architecten- und Ingenieur-Verein. (Hanover.). II. 340 Assessores Collegii Antiquitatum. (Stockholm.). V. 946 Architectonischer Verein. (Hamburg.) . . II. 337 Associação dos Avogados de Lisboa. (Lisbon.). II. 398 Architectural and Archäological Society for the Associação dos Homens de Lettras do Brazil. (Rio County of Buckingham. (Aylesbury.). . I. 37 de Janeiro.) . . . . .'. V. 868 13 14 · INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART l'Aril .' · . Associação Maritima a Colonial. (Lisbon.) . II. 398 Astrophysikalisches Observatorium. (Potsdam.) v. 854 Associació d'Excursions Catalana. (Barcelona.) . I. 39 Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico. (Madrid.) IV. 612 Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apotheca- Ateneo de Cadiz. (Cadiz.) . . . . I. 111 ries of England and Wales. (London.) . III. 404 Ateneo di Treviso. (Treviso.). . .... V. 961 Associated Architectural Societies. (Great Bri- Ateneo di Venezia. (Venice.) ; ' . . , V. 9733 tain and Ireland.) . . . . . A tenéo Mexicano. (Mexico.) . . . . IV. 640 Associated Arts’ Institute. (London.) . . Athenæan Society. (Brunswick, Maine.--Bow- Association Belge de Photographie. (Brussels.). doin College.) . . . . . . I. 97 Association Bretonne. (Rennes.) . . Athenæum Amstelædamense. (Amsterdam.) . I. 15 Association des Médecins de Paris. (Paris.) . Athenæum Daventriense. (Deventer.) . . I. 198 Association des Médecins du Département des Athenæum Franequeranum. (Franeker.) . . II. 280 Bouches-du-Rhône. (Marseilles.) . . Athenæum Gedanense. (Dantzic.), . . I. 196 Association des Médecins du Département du Athénée de Niort. (Niort.) . . . Doubs. (Besançon.) . . IV. 697 . . . . Athénée des Arts. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 770 Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research. (London.) . . Athénée de Vaucluse. (Avignon.) . . . 1. 35 . . . Association for the Advancement of Science, Athénée Oriental. (Paris.-Société d'Ethnographie American. (United States of America.) . V. Américaine et Orientale.--Athénée Oriental. . IV. 813 Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Athenian Society. (London.) . . . . III. 406 American.' (Boston, Mass.) . . . I. 80 Athenian Virtuosi. (London.--Athenian Society.) III. 406 Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Aula de Diplomatica. (Lisbon.) . . . . II. 398 National. (New York.) . . . . IV. 694 Aungervyle Society. (Edinburgh.) . . . II. 228 Association Française pour l'avancement des Australian Horticultural and Agricultural Society. Sciences. (France) . . . . II. 278 (Sydney.). · · · · V. 954 Association générale des Médecins du Départe- Australian Museum. (Sydney.). . . . v. 954 ment de la Seine. (Paris.) : : . Ayrshire and Wigtonshire Archäological Associa- Association Lyonnaise des Amis des Sciences tion. (Ayr.) . . . . . . I. 37 Naturelles. (Lyons.) : : : . IV. 606 Association Nationale pour Favoriser les Arts en Belgique. (Brussels.) . . . .. Association Nationale pour l'Encouragement et le Développement de la Littérature en Bel- gique. (Liege.) . . . . . II. 389 Association Normande. (Caen.) . . . I. Association of American Geologists and Natu- Backus Historical Society. (Boston, Mass.) . I. 81 ralists. (United States of America.) . . V Badischer Ärztlicher Verein. (Carlsruhe.-Aerzt- Association of Architects. (London.) . III. 405 licher Verein des Grossherzogthums Baden.) . I. 147 Associatior of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers Ballad Society. (London.) . . . . III. 407 and Surveyors. (London.) . III. 405 Baltischer Verein für Förderung der Landwirth- Association of the Graduates of Union College. schaft. (Greifswald.) . . . . II. 320; (Schenectady.) . . . . . . V. 932 Bannatyne Club. (Edinburgh.) . . . II. 228 Association Polytechnique. (Paris.) . . IV. 769 Barrow Naturalists' Field Club. (Barrow.) . 1. 40 Association pour l'Encouragement des Études Bataafsche Maatschappij. (Leyden.). . . II. 386 Grecques. (Paris.) . . . . . IV. 770 Bataafsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. Association Scientifique Algérienne. (Algiers.). I. 12 (Haarlem.-Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche Maatschappij, etc.) . . . . . II. 320 Association Vétérinaire des Départements du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais. (Douai.) . . I. Bataafsche Maatschappij van Taal- en Dichtkunde. Association Zoologique du Léman. (Geneva.) . II. 286 (Amsterdam.) . . . . . . I. Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Associazione Agraria della Provincia de Grosseto. Wijsbegeerte. (Rotterdam.) . . . (Grosseto.) . . . . . II. 328 Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- Associazione degli Avvocati di Milano. (Milan.) IV schappen. (Batavia.) . . . . Associazione Ionia per promovere le Scienze, le Batavian Literary Society. (Batavia. — Bata- Lettere e le Arti nelle Isole Ionie. (Corfu. 1. 191 viaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- Associazione Medica. (Trieste.) . . . V. 962 schappen.) . . . . . I. 41 Associazione Medica Italiana. (Italy.) .. . II. 356 Bath and West of England Agricultural Society. Astro-Meteorological Society. (London.) . . III. 405 (Bath.—Bath and West of England Society for the Encouragement of Arts, etc.) . . . I. Astronomical Observatory, (Cambridge, Mass.). I. 143 Bath and West of England Society for the En- Astronomical Society. (London.) . . . III. 405 couragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manu- Astronomical Society, Cincinnati. (Cincinnati.). 1. 162 I factures, and Commerce. (Bath.) . . ACTPOHOMIYECKAS OócepBaropis. (Saint Peters- Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field burg.—Huxonaeeckar Iraonar Acmponomu- Club. (Bath.). . . . . . I. 45 ueckan Oốcepeamopis.) . . . . V. 912 Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Munich. Astronomische Gesellschaft. (Leipsic.) . . II. 375 - Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften.) . IV. 663 . 10- Ballad Soc; Cerein des Grosein. (Carl, llass.) - INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 16 74 PART PAGE PART PAGE Bayerische Musen-Gesellschaft. (Munich.) . IV. 663 Bombay Branch of the Royal · Asiatic Society. Bayerische Numismatische Gesellschaft. (Munich.) IV. 663 (Bombay.) . . . . . . Bayerischer Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. Bombay Geographical Society. (Bombay.) .. (Munich.) . . . . . . IV. 663 Boston Numismatic Society. (Boston, Mass.) I. 81 Bayreuthische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde, Buston Society of Natural History. (Boston, Mass.) I. 81 Historischer Verein für. (Bayreuth.). . Botanical Society. (London.) . . . . III. 422 Bayrisches Gewerbemuseum. (Nuremberg.) · IV. 699 Botanical Society of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh) . II. 239 Bedfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. (Bedford.) I. . 46 Botanic Society, Royal. (London.) . . . III. 531 . . . Belfast Literary Society. (Belfast.). . Botanische Gesellschaft, Regensburgische. (Ratis- bon.) . . . . . . . V. 863 Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. (Belfast.) Botanischer Verein. (Landshut.) . II. 367 Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. (Belfast.) . Botanischer Verein für die Provinz Brandenburg und die angrenzenden Länder. (Berlin.) : I. 51 Belfast Social Inquiry Society. (Belfast.). Botanisches Institut. (Wurzburg.) . V. 1010 Benares Institute. (Benares.) . . . Botanisk Forening. (Copenhagen.) . . I. Bengal Social Science Association. (Calcutta.) . 170 . Bowdoin College. (Brunswick, Maine.) . 1. 96 Bergacademie, Königliche. (Freiberg.) . . II. 284 I. 143 Bergischer Geschichtsverein. (Elberfeld.). . Boylston Medical Society. (Cambridge, Mass.). II. 260 Bergsmanua-Föreningen. (Hedemora.) Brabandsche Reden-rijck Camer 't wit Lavender, II. 344 . “Uyt Levender Jonst.” (Amsterdam.) . 1. 16 Berg- und hüttenmännischer Verein. (Ostrau, Bradford Club. (New York.) . . . . IV. 691 Moravia.). . . . . . . IV. 703 Berkshire Ashmolean Society. (Reading.). . V. 864 Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. . . . 1. 93 Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnolo- Bristol Naturalists' Society. (Bristol.) . . I. 94 gie und Urgeschichte. (Berlin.) . . British Archæological Association. (London.) . III. 422 Berliner Schachgesellschaft. (Berlin.) . . I. 50 British Archæological Society of Rome. (Rome.) V. 875 Berlinische Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache British Architects, Institute of. (London.) . III. 491 und Alterthumskunde. (Berlin.) . . British Association for the Advancement of Bernische Künstlergesellschaft. (Berne.) . . I. 65 Science. (Great Britain and Ireland.) . II. 318 Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. (Berwickshire.) I. 67 British Dental Association. (London.) . III. 423 Bethnal Green Branch Museum of the South British Homoeopathic Association. (London.) . III. 423 Kensington Museum. (London.) . . III. 584 British Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts. Bethune Society. (Calcutta.) ... .. . 1. 117 (London.) . . . . . . III. 424 Bible Society of Union College. (Schenectady.). V. 932 British Meteorological Society. (London.) III. 424 Bibliotheca Nacional. (Madrid.) . . IV. 621 British Museum. (London.) . . . . III. Biblioteca Universitaria. (Catania.) . . Dept. of Botany . . . , Biblioteca Nacional. (Rio de Janeiro.) . ; , , British and Mediaval Bibliothèque du Roi. (Paris. — Bibliothèque Antiquities . . , 429 Royale.) . . . . . . . ,, Coins and Medals - 429 Bibliothèque Impériale. (Paris. - Bibliothèque » Geology, Royale, etc.) . . . . . . IV. ,, Greek and Roman An- Bibliothèque Imperiale. (Saint Petersburg.- tiquities 430 Императорская Публичная Библіотека.) . „ Manuscripts . . 431 Bibliothèque Nationale. (Paris.--Bibliothèque „ Mineralogy . . , Royale, etc.) . Oriental Antiquities. 435 Biblothèque Royale. (Copenhagen. - Kongeligt Bibliothek.) . . „ Printed Books . . . . . . Bibliothèque Royale. (Paris.) . . IV. 770 „ Prints and Drawings . Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. (Brussels.) : 1. 101 » » Zoology . . . Birmingham Philosophical Society. (Birmingham.) I. , Unofficial Publications . . 441 Birmingham Society of Arts. (Birmingham.) . I. British Ornithologists' Union. (London.) . III. 448 Bishop Seabury Association. (Providence, Rhode British Pomological Society. (London.) . III. 448 Island) . . . . . . 861 British Topographical Society. (London.). III. 448 Blauwe Acoleye. (Rotterdam.) . . 882 Broedermin en Taelyver, Koninglyke Maet- Board of Agriculture. (London.) . . . III. 408 schappy. (Ghent.) . . . . . II. 296 Board of Agriculture, Maine. (Augusta.) . . I. 35 | Browning Society. (London.) . . . . III. 448 Board of Agriculture of the State of New York. Brown University. (Providence, Rhode Island.). V. 861 (Albany.) . . . . . . I. 9 Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. (Buffalo.) . I. 109 Bodleian Library. (Oxford.) . . . . IV: 723 Bureau de Consultation des Arts et Métiers. Böhmische gelehrte Privatgesellschaft. (Prague.) v. 851 (Paris.) . IV. 773 Böhmisches Museum. (Prague.--Společnost Vlas- Bureau des Longitudes. (Paris.) . . . IV. 773 tenského Musea, etc.). . . . . V. 858 Bürgervereinigung Liebenberg. (Vienna.). . V. 977 tu 430 TV 770 435 4313 438 438 » British min of Gherto, London, ce, Rih e 17 18 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE Burns Club Patokeolik Archeological Institute. I. 195 854 · · PART PAGE 1 Burlington College. (Burlington, New Jersey.), I. 110 Central Society of Education. (London.) . . III. 459 Burlington Fine Arts Club. (London.) . . III. 448 Central-Verein deutscher Zahnärzte. (Vienna.). V. 977 Burns Club. (Paisley.) . . . . . IV. 740 Centralverein für Handelsgeographie und För- Bury and West Suffolk Archæological Institute. derung deutscher Interessen im Auslande. (Bury St. Edmund's). . . . . I. 1101 (Berlin.) . . . . . . . 1. 51 Cercle Archéologique. (Mons.) . . . IV. 647 Cercle Archéologique de Termonde. (Dender- monde.) . . . . . . . Cercle Archéologique du Pays de Waes. (Saint Nicholas.-Oudheidskundige Kring van het Land van Waes.) . . . . . . V. 891 Cabinete Portuguez de Leitura. (Rio de Janeiro.) V. 868 Cesarko-Królewski Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Cäcilien-Verein, Allgemeiner Deutscher. (Munich.) IV. 662 (Cracow.— Uniwersytet Jagielloński.) . . Cadomensis Academia. (Caen.-Université.) . I. 113 Cesarsko-Królewskie Towarzystwo Gosporlarskie Caerleon Antiquarian Association. (Caerleon.) . I. 113 Galicyjskie. (Lemberg.) . . . . Cæsarea Academia Medico-chirurgica Vilnensis. Česká Lesnická Jednota. (Prague.) . . . (Wilna.) . . . . . . . V. 1004 | Česke Museum. (Prague.--Společnost Vlastenského Caesarea Regia Scientiarum et Litterarum Aca- Musea, etc.) . . . V. 858 demia. (Brussels.--Académie Impériale et Český Klub. (Prague.) . . . . . V. 858 Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, etc.) . I. Ceylon Agricultural Society. (Kandy.) . 357 Cæsarea Regia Scientiarum Universitas. (Pest. Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. -Császári Királyi Egyetem.) . . . V. 836 (Colombo.) . . . . . . . 167 Cæsarea Regia Societas Zoologico - Botanica. Chambre Royale d'Agriculture et de Commerce (Vienna.--Zoologisch-Botanischer Verein.) . V. 986 de Savoie. (Chambéry.) . I. 152 Calcutta School Book Society. (Calcutta.) . I. 117 | Chartes, École des. (Paris.). IV. 781 Caledonian Horticultural Society. (Edinburgh.). II. 239 Chaucer Society. (London.) . . . . III. 459 California Academy of Sciences.' (San Francisco, Chemical Society. (London.) . . . III. 461 California.-Academy of Natural Sciences.) . Chemical Society. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne.) . IV. 681 California State Agricultural Society. (Sacra- V. 887 Chemical Society, American. (New York.) . IV. 689 Chemische Centralstelle für öffentliche Gesund- Calliopean Society of Union College. (Schenec- tady.-Philomathean Society.) . . . V. 932 heitspflege. (Dresden.) . . . . I. 205 Calliopean Society, Yale College. Chester County Cabinet of Natural Science. (West (New Haven, . Chester.) . . . . . . V. 1002 Connecticut.) . . . IV. 685 . . . Calvin Translation Society. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 239 Chetham Society. (Manchester.) . . . IV. 622 Cambrian Archäological Association. (London.). III. 449 Chicago Historical Society. (Chicago.) . I. 154 China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. (Hong Cambrian Institute. (Tenby.) . . . . . V. 956 Kong.-Asiatic Society of China.). . . II. 350 Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (Cambridge.). I. 119 China Medico-Chirurgical Society. (Hong Kong.) II. 350 Cambridge Camden Society, etc. (Cambridge.) . II. 120 Chirurgical Society of Aberdeen. (Aberdeen.) I. - 3 Cambridge Entomological Society. (Cambridge.) 1. 121 Chirurgisch-medicinische Akademie, Königliche. Cambridge Hebrew Society. (Cambridge.) . 1. 121 (Dresden.) . . . . . . 1. 1. 205 Cambridge Philological Society. (Cambridge.) . I. 121 Christian-Albrechts-Universität. (Kiel.-Acade- mia Christiana Albertina.). II. 358 Cambridge Philosophical Society. (Cambridge.) . I. 121 Christiania Observatorium. (Christiania.). I. 154 Cambridge Union Society. (Cambridge.) . . I. 121 Christlicher Kunstverein. (Botzen.). . . 1. 87 Camden Society. (London.) . . . . III. 450 Chronological Institute. (London.) . . . III. 461 Camden Society, Cambridge. (Cambridge.) . I. 120 Churfürstliches Sanitäts-Collegium. (Dresden.). 1. 205 Canadian Institute. (Toronto.) V. 958 Cincinnati Astronomical Society. (Cincinnati.). I. 162 Canning Institute. (Calcutta.) . Cincinnati Society of Natural History. (Cincin- Carls-Academie. (Stuttgard.) . . . . V. 950 nati.) . . . . . . . I. 162 Car'sberg Laboratoriet. (Carlsberg.). . . I. 147 | Circolo Filologico. (Turin.). . . , V. 967 Carolinsk Institutet. (Stockholm.-Kongligt Caro- Císařsko-královská vlastenecko-hospodářská Spo- linsk Mediko-Kirurgisk Institutet.) lečnust. (Prague.) . . . . . V. 855 Carolinsk Mediko-Kirurgisk Institutet, Kongligt. Civil Engineers, Institution of. (London.) III. 492 · (Stockholm.) . . . . . . V. 941 Civil Engineers of Ireland, Institution of. (Dublin.) I. 213 Cavendish Society. (London.) . . . . III. 459 Classensk Literatur-Selskab. (Copenhagen.) . I. 170 Caxton Society. (London.) . . . . III. 459 Clifton College Scientific Sociey. (Clifton.) . I. 164 Celtic Society. (Dublin.) . . . . I. 208 Clinical Society. (London.) . . . . III. 462 Centraal Vee - artsenijkundig Genootschap. Club Africano di Napoli. (Naples.) . . IV. 673 (Netherlands.-Nederlandsch Vee-artsenijkundig Genootschap.) . . . IV. 774 . . . . IV Club Alpin Français. (Paris.). Central - Landwirthschafts - Schule. (Weihen- Club Alpino Italiano. (Turin.) . . . V. 967 stephan.) . . . . . . . V. 1001 Club of Deir. (Aberdeen.) . . . . 1. 3 I. 118 679 19 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE 146 1. IV111 Collegium Historicum So . . V. odo) . . . . . Cobden Club. (London.). . . . . .III. 462 Collegium Bononiæ. (Bologna.) . . . I. Colegio de Abogados. (Madrid.) ; : . IV. 612 Collegium Chirurgicum Amstelædamense. (Am-.. Colegio de Abogados. (Mexico.) . . IV. 640 sterdam.) . . . . . . I. 16 Collegium Complutense Sancti Cyrilli Discalcea- Colegio de Abogados. (Puebla de los Angeles.). V. 862 torum F. F. Ordinis B. Maria de Monte Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos, Real. (Madrid.) IV. 619 Carmeli. (Alcalá de Henares.) . . . I. 11 Colegio de Escribanos. (Mexico.) . . . IV. 640 Collegiurn Curiosorum. (Germany.) . . . II. 292 Colegio de Escribanos, Nacional. (Mexico.) . IV. 641 Collegium Ducale Supremum Sanitatis. (Bruns- Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela. (Caracas.). I. wick.) . . . . . . . . I. 96 Colegio de la Compañia de Jesus. (Alcalá de Collegium Ducale Wirtembergense. (Tubingen.) V. 963 Henares.) . . . . . . . . I. 11 Collegium Fratrum Discalceatorum B. Mariæ de Colegio del Salvador. (Buenos Ayres.) . . I. 109 Monte Carmeli Primitiva Observantiæ. Colegio de Medicina, Cirugía, y Farmacia del (Salamanca.) . . . . . . Reino de Navarra. (Pamplona.) . . TV 741 Collegium für Lebens - Versicherungs - Wissen- schaft. (Berlin.) . . . . . Colegio de Medicina y Cirurgia. (Cadiz.). i. I. 111 Collegium Hispanorum Bononiæ. (Bologna.) . Colegio de Minería. (Mexico.). . . . Collegium Historicum Societatis Literarum Cra- Colegio de San Ildefonso. (Lima.) , . • 11. 391 coviensis. (Cracow.— Towarzystwo Naukowe, Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Real y Primitivo. etc.) . : (Mexico.). · · · · IV. 642 Collegium Jurisconsultorum Rhodiginorum. : Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso de la Universidad (Rovigo.) . . . . . . V. 887 de Alcalá. (Alcalá de Henares.). . I. 12 | Collegium Medico-Chirurgicum. (Berlin.) . I. 51 Colegio Real de San Ildephonso. (Mexico.) IV. 640 Collegium Medicorum. (Bergamo.) . . I. 49 Colegio Seminario, Real. (Lima.) . . II. 391 | Collegium Medicorum. (Bologna.) . . I. 71 Colejio de N. S. del Rosario. (Bogotá.) . I. 69 Collegium Medicorum. (Rome.) . 875 Colejio Militar de Bogotá. (Bogotá.) I. 69 Collegium Medicorum Lugdunensium. (Lyons.) IV. 606 Collége de Douai. (Douai.) . . . . I. 202 Collegium Medicum. (Antwerp.) . 29 Collége des Maîtres Chirurgiens. (Paris.). i. IV. 774 Collegium Medicum. (Augsburg.) . . . I. 35 Collége des Médecins. (Liege.) . . Collegium Medicum. (Berlin.) . Collége Héraldique et Archéologique de France. Collegium Medicum. (Brussels.) . I. 101 (Paris.) • IV. 774 | Collegium Medicum. (Copenhagen.) I. 170 College of Fort Willlam. (Calcutta.) . 118 Collegium Medicum. (Gotha.) . . ; II. 310 College of Physicians. (Philadelphia.) . . 847 | Collegium Medicum. (The Hague.) . . II. 332 College of Physicians and Surgeons. (Fairfield, Collegium Medicum. (Nuremberg.) .. IV. 700 New York.) : ... . . . . Collegium Medicum. (Ratisbon.) . . V. 863 College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City Collegium Medicum. (Strasburg.) . . . V. of New York. (New York.) . . College of Physicians in Ireland, King and Collegium Medicum, Kongligt. (Stockholm.) . V. 941 Queen's. (Dublin.) . . . . . I. 215 Collegium Medicum Parisiense. (Paris.—College College of Preceptors. (London.) . . Royal de France.) . . . . . IV. 774 Collegium Mussipontanum. (Pont-à-Mousson. College of St. Augustine. (Canterbury.) . Academia Mussipontana.) . . . . V. 852 College of Surgeons, Royal. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 254 Collegium Papiense. (Pavia. - Università di College of Surgeons, Royal. (London.) . ; III. 539 Pavia.) . . . . . . . V. 835 Collége Royal de France. (Paris.) . . • . IV. 774 | Collegium Pharmaceuticum. (Nuremberg.) . IV. 700 Collegio Ancarano, Reale. (Bologna.) . I. 72 Collegium Philosophiæ et Medicinæ. (Ferrara.) II. 268 Collegio de' Conti, Cavalieri e Giudici. (Milan.) IV. 643 Collegium Posnaniense. (Posen.) . . . V. 853 Collegio degl'Ingegneri della Provincia di Pavia. Collegium Privatum. (Amsterdam.). . . I. 16 (Pavia.) . . . . . Collegium Regium. (Antwerp.) . . . I. 29 Collegio degl' Ingegneri ed Architetti in Milano.' Collegium Romanum Societatis Jesu. (Rome.). V. 876 (Milan.) . . . . IV. 643 Collegium Sanitatis. (Hamburg.) .. . Collegio de' Medici. (Florence.) . II. 238 . Collegium Tornacense. (Tournay.) . . V. 960 V. . Collegio de' Nobili. (Urbino.) . 991 Colonial Institute, Royal. (London.) . . Collegio de' Nobili, Romano. (Rome.) . III. 542 880 Colonial Society. (London. Royal Colonial In- Collegio de Santiago, Real y Mayor. (Huesca.) . II. stitute.) . . . . . . . III. 542 Collegio Fiorentino de' Barnabiti alla Querce. one Columbia College. (New York.) . . . IV. 691 (Florence.) . II. 273 Collegium Ambrosianum. (Milan.) . . . IV. 643 Columbian College. (Washington, Columbia.) . V. 997 Columbian Horticultural Society. (Washington, Collegium Archæographicum. (Saint Petersburg. Columbia.) . . . . . V. 998 --Apxcoipaßuueckan Kommuccin.) . : V. 9001 Comice Agricole de l'Arrondissement de Lille. Collegium Aromatariorum: (Rome.) . . V. 875 (Lille. . . . . . . . II. 390 Collegium Auriacum. (Breda.) . 88 | Comision de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos. Collegium Beatae Mariae Virginis. (Leipsic.), II. 377| (Gerona.) i . . II. 296 . . . . . IV I. 1459 SR V. 835 272 351 . . . 21 INDEX TO ACADÈMIES. PART PAGE IV. PART PAGE 1 Comitato Centrale per la Spedizione Antartica | Commission für slavische juridisch-politische Italiana. (Genoa.) . . . . ; II. 288 . Terminologie. (Vienna.) . . . . . V. 977 Comité Archéologique de Senlis. (Senlis.) V. 933 Commission Historique du Cher. (Bourges.) . I. 88 Comité Archéologique du Brabant. (Brussels.) . I. 101 Commission Historique du Département du Nord. Comité Archéologique du Diocèse de Bruges. (Lille.) . . . . . . . II. (Bruges.) I. 94 Commission i Kiøbenhavn for Oldsagers Opbe- Comité d'Archéologie Américaine. (Paris.) . IV. 775 varing, Kongelige. . (Copenhagen.) . I. 177 Commission Impériale Archéologique. (Saint . Petersburg. - Emnepamopcran Comité des Travaux Historiques et des Sociétes Apxeonoru- ueckas Kommuccin.). .. . . V. 903 Savantes. (Paris.) . . . IV. 775 Commission Royale d'Histoire. (Brussels.) . I. 101 Comité d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la Province ecclésiastique d'Auch. (Auch.) . i . I. 34 Commission Royale pour la publication des Anciennes Lois et Ordonnances de la Bel- Comité d'Histoire Vosgienne. (Épinal.) . . II gique. (Brussels.) . . . . . 1. 104 Comité du Musée Lorrain. (Nancy. – Société Commission Scientifique du Mexique. (Paris.) . IV. 775 d'Archéologie, etc.) . . . . . IV Commission zur Herausgabe bayerischer und Comité Flamand de France. (Dunkirk.). . I. 221 deutscher Quellen-Schriften. (Munich.) . IV. 663 Comité für die Landesdurchforschung von Böh- Confraternité de la Conception de Notre Dame. men. (Prague.- Oba Komitéty pro Přirodo- (Rouen.) . . . . . . . V. 883 vědecký Vyskum Země Ceské.) . . . Congrega de' Rozzi. (Sienna.) . . . . V. 937 Comité Historique des Arts et Mouuments. (Paris.) . . . . . . . . IV. 775 Congregazione de' Virtuosi. (Rome.) . . V. 878 Comité Historique et Archéologique de Noyon. Congregazione ed Accademia di Santa Cecilia. (Noyon.) . . . . . . . . IV. 699 (Rome.) . . . . . . Commissão Central Permanente de Geographia. Congrès Archéologique de France. (France.).. (Lisbon.). . . . . . II. Congrès Central d'Agriculture. (Paris.) . . IV. 776 Commissão Geologica de Portugal. (Lisbon.) . II. Congrès des Délégués des Sociétés Savantes des Commissie voor de statistieke Beschrijving der Départements. (France.) . . . . II. 278 Provincie Groningen. (Groningen.) . . II. 327 | Congrès Général de Statistique. (Europe.-Con- Commission Archéologique et Littéraire de l'arron- grès International de Statistique.). . . II. 264 dissement de Narbonne. (Narbonne.). . IV. 677 | Congrès Géologique International. (Europe.) . II. 264 Commission d'Archéologie d'Aix. (Aix.). . I. . 8 Congrès Homoeopathique. (Brussels.) . . 1. 105 Commission Départementale des Antiquitiés de Congrès International d'Anthropologie, etc. la Seine-Inférieure. (Rouen.) . . . V. (Europe.) . . . . . .. II. 264 Commission des Antiquités de la Seine-Inférieure. Congrès International des Américanistes. (Rouen.- Commission Départementale des Anti- L (Europe.) . . . . quités, etc.) . . Congrès International des Orientalistes. (Europe. Commission des Antiquités du Département de la - International Oriental Congress.) . . II. Côte-d'Or. (Dijon.) . . . . . Congrès International de Statistique. (Europe.). II. 264 Commission des Monuments et Documents his- Congrès Médical de France. (France.-Congrès toriques et des Bâtiments Civils du Départe- Médico-chirurgical de France.) . . . II. 278 ment de la Gironde. (Bordeaux.) . . 1. 78 Congrès Médico-chirurgịcal de France. (France.) II. 278 Commissione Archeologica Comunale. (Rome.- Commissione Archeologica Municipale, etc.) . V. 878 Congrès Méridional. (Toulouse.) . . . V. 959 Commissione Archeologica Municipale. (Rome.) v. 878 Congrès Météorologique. (Vienna.) . . . V. 977 Commissione Archeologica nella Provincia di Congrès Pénitentiaire International. (Europe.) . II. 265 Como. (Como.) . . . . . 1. 167 Congrès Périodique International d'Ophthalmo- Commissione Conservatrice dei Monumenti Storici logie. (Europe.) . . . . II. 266 e di Belle Arti di Terra d'Otranto. (Lecce.) II. Congrès Provincial des Orientalistes Français. Commissione di Antichità e Belle Arti in Sicilia. (France.). . . . . 11. 278 (Palermo.) . . . . IV. 740 740 Congrès Scientifiqne de France. (France.) . Commissione Municipale di Storia Patria e Belle Congress Deutscher Volkswirthe. (Germany.) . II. 292 Arti. (Carpi.) Congress für Alterthumskunde und Geschichte, Commissione Municipale di Storia Patria e di Internationaler. (Europe.) 266 Arti Belle. (Mirandola.) . . . . . Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. (New Commissione pe' testi di lingua nelle Provincie Haven, Connecticut.) . . . 683 dell'Emilia (Bologna.—Reale Commissione Connecticut Historical Society. (Hartford, Con- pe' testi di lingua, etc.) . . . . necticut.) . . . . . 343 Commissione Pontificale per la pubblicazione dei Conservatoire de Musique. (Paris.). . 776 Monumenti Cristiani. (Rome.) . . . Conservatoire Impérial des Arts et Métiers. Commissioners for publishing the Ancient Laws (Paris.) . . . . . IV. 776 and Institutes of Ireland. (Dublin.) . . Conservatoire Royale de Musique de Bruxelles. Commissioners on the Public Records of Ireland. (Brussels.) . . . . . . (Dublin.). i . . . . . I. 209 Conservatorio de Música y Declamacion, Real. Commission für die Adria. (Vienna.) . V. 979 (Madrid.) . . . . . . IV. Colecione Archeologica 278 INDEX TO. ACADEMIES. 24 PART PAGE PART PAGE III. 539 II Consiglio di Perfezionamento annesso al R. Isti- Deutsche Gesellschaft. (Gottingen. – Königliche tuto Tecnico. (Palermo.) . . . . IV. 740 Deutsche Gesellschaft.) . . . . . II. 313 Consistori dels Jochs Florals de Barcelona. (Bar- Deutsche Gesellschaft. (Jena.) . . . II. 353 celona.) .. . . . . . . 1. 39 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hydrologie. (Germany.) II. 293 Copernican Meteorological Society. (London). II. 464 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Copernicus-Verein für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Ostasiens. (Yedo.) . . . . . V. 1012 (Thorn.) . . . V. 956 | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und ge- Cornell University. (Ithaca, New York.) . . II. 357 richtliche Psychologie. (Neuwied.) . . IV. 681 Cornwall Medical Association. (Saint Columb.) . Deutsche Gesellschaft, Königliche. (Konigsberg.) II. 365 Cornwall Polytechnic Society. (Falmouth.) . II. 268 Deutsche Gesellschaft zu Berlin. (Berlin.) . I. 52 Corporation of Surgeons of London. (London.- Deutsche Gesellschaft zu Erforschung vaterländi- Royal College of Surgeons.). . . . . scher Sprache und Alterthümer. (Leipsic.- Corps des Ingénieurs des Mines de Russie. (Saint Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung und Be- Petersburg.--I opndi Encmumymo.) . . V. 902 V. wahrung vaterländischer Alterthümer.) . . II. 379 Corresponding Association for the Promotion of Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Verbesserung und Internal Improvements. (New York.) IV. 692 Veredelung der Muttersprache. (Leipsic. Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. (Gloucester.) II. 309 Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung und Be- Cottonian Society. (London.) . . . . III. 464 wahrung vaterländischer Alterthümer.) . . II. 379 Council of Education. (Bengal.) . . . I. 48 Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft. (Frank- Council of Law Reporting. (London.) fort on the Main.) . . . ; County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club. (Buck- Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. (Ger- hurst Hill.) . . many.) . . . . . . . . . II. 293 . . . . Császári Királyi Egyetem. (Pest.) . . Deutscher Verein zur Verbreitung gemeinnütziger Cuerpo Nacional de Ingenieros de Caminos, Kenntuisse. (Prague.) . . . . Canales y Puertos. (Madrid.) . . 612 Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein. Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and (Germany.) . . . . . . II. 293 Archæological Society. (Cumberland.) I. 195 Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. (Athens.) . I. 31 Cuvierian Society. (Cork.) . . . . I. 191 Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. (Rome. Cymmrodorion Society. (London.) . . . III. 465 Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica.) , . 878 Deutsche Seowarte. (Hamburg. — Norddeutsche Seewarte). . . . . . . II. 338 Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. (Weimar.). V. 1001 Deutschgesinnete Genossenschaft. (Amsterdam.). 1. 16 Deutschübende Gesellschaft. (Wittenberg.) ; V. 1008 : D. : Dichtlievend Kunstgenootschap onder de Spreuk, . Dalarnes Fornminnesförening. (Fahlun.) . . II. 267 | “Kunstliefde spaart geen vlijt." (Leyden.). II. 386. Danske Hedeselskab. (Aarhus.) . . . I. 3 Dickinson College. (Carlisle, Pennsylvania.) . I. 147 Dansk Historisk Forening. (Copenhagen.). I. 170 Dilettanti Society. (London.--Society of Dilet- Dansk Kunstforening. (Copenhagen.) Con . .. 1. 171 tanti.) . . . III. 575 Dante Gesellschaft, Deutsche. (Leipsic.) . . II. 377 Diplomatica, Aula de. (Lisbon.) . . . II. 398 Dartmouth College. (Hanover, New Hampshire.). II. | Diputacion Provincial de Sevilla. (Seville.) , V. 933 Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. (Daven- Diputacion Provincial de Zaragoza. (Saragossa.) V. 930 · port.) . . . . . . I. 197 Direzione degli Archivi Siciliani. (Palermo.) . IV. 740 Deputazione sugli Studi di Storia Patria per le Provincie di Toscana, dell' Umbria, e delle Doctorum in Gymnasiis Batavis Societas. (Nether- Marche, Reale. (Florence.) . . . II. 274 lands.—Genootschap van Leeraren aan de Neder- Deputazione Veneta di Storia Patria. (Venice.). v. 974 landsche Gymnasiën.) . . . . . . IV. 678 Deputazioni di Storia Patria per le Provincie Mo- Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. denesi e Parmensi, Reali. (Modena.) . (Dorchester, Mass.) . . . . 1. 201 Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesellschaft. (Dorpat.). 1. (Plymouth.) . . . . . V. Dresdener Architekten-Verein. (Dresden.) . I. 205 Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art. (Devonshire.).' I. Drontheimische Gesellschaft. (Drontheim. - Trondhjemsk Selskab, etc.) . . . Devonshire Society for the Encouragement of I. 208 . Agriculture and Industry. (Exeter.). .. 267 Ipy TBO Cpócke CAOBECHOCTI, afterwards Cpócko Deutsche Ackerbau-Gesellschaft. (Dresden.) . I. 205 Yueno Apy TBO. (Belgrade.) . I. 48 Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . I. 52 Dublin Society. (Dublin.) . . . . . 209 Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. (Leipsic.). Dublin Statistical Society. (Dublin.) . . I. 212 Deutsche Entomologische Gesellschaft. (Berlin. Dublin University Zoological and Botanical As- -Entomologischer Verein.) . . ; . I. 52 s ociation. (Dublin.) . . . . I. 220 Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . I. 52 Dudley and Midland Geological Society. (Dud- Deutsche Gesellschaft. (Bremen.) . . . I. 89 ley.) .. . .' . I. 220 341 25 26 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE Observatory. (Albany.. History and 1. 221.. Flen onvermoeide Arbeithem M PART PAGE Dudley Observatory. (Albany.) . . I. 9 Education, Central Society of. (London.) . III. 459 Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and . Education, Council of. (Bengal.) . . . I. 48 Antiquarian Society. (Dumfries.) . . “Een onvermoeide Arbeid komt alles te boven,". Durham College of Science. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne. . Genootschap der mathematische wetenschap- - University of Durham College of Physical pen, onder de spreuk. (Amsterdam.) . . I. 16 Science.) . . . . . . . IV. 683 Egyptian Society. (Cairo.) lan society. (Cairo.) . . . 1. 114 Ehstländische litterärische Gesellschaft. (Reval.) V. 865 Einträchtige Freunde. (Vienna.) .. . v. 997 OROHOMIYeckoe 06mecTBO. (Saint Petersburg. Императорское Вольное Экономическое Oougecmeo.) . . . . . . V. 910 Electrical Society. (London.). . . III. 495 Elektrotechnische Gesellschaft. (Frankfort on the Early English Text Society. (London.) Main.) . . . . . . . . II. III. 466 280 Eastbourne Natural History Society. (East- 'Elnvikn ’Apxacodoylan 'Etalpia. (Athens.). i I. 31 · bourne.) . . . . . . . . II. 225 | ElinverOS DIREKTTALDEUTiKos Sudloyos “'H 'Evotns.” East India Company's Observatory. (Madras.- (Cairo.) . . . . . . I. 114 Observatory.) . . . . . . IV. 'Elinikos Olhodoylkos Suldoyos. (Constantinople.) 1. 168 East India Marine Society. (Salem, Mass.) . V. 921 Elliott Society of Natural History. (Charleston, East Tennessee University. (Knoxville, Ten- South Carolina.) . . . . . I. 152 nessee.) . . . . . . II. 364 Engineers' Club. (Philadelphia.) . . . V. 847 Eberhard-Karls-Universität. (Tubingen.) . . V. 964 Engineers, North of England Institute of Mining Ecclesiastical History Society. (London.). III. 473 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne.) . . • IV. 682 Ecclesiological Society. (Cambridge.--Cambridge Engineers, Society of. (London.) . . . III. 576 Camden Society.) . . . . . I. 122 English Dialect Society . . . . . III. 474 Ecclesiological Society, New York. (New York.) IV. 694 English Historical Society. (London.) . . III. 476 École Centrale. (Besançon.) . . . . 1. 167 English Homeopathic Association. (London.) . III. 477 École Centrale d'Architecture. (Paris.) . . IV. 776 English Seminary. (Douai.) . . . . I. 20 École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures. (Paris.) IV. 776 Engravers, Society of. (London.) . . . III. 576 École Centrale des Quatre Nations. (Paris.) . IV. 777 Entomological Society. (London.) . . . III. 477 École Centrale des Travaux Publics. (Paris.) . IV. 777 Entomological Society, American. (Philadelphia.) v. 847 École de Médecine. (Montpellier.) . . . Entomological Society of Canada. (Toronto.) . V. 958 École de Médecine. (Paris.) . . . IV. 778 Entomological Society of New South Wales. École de Santé. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 780 (Sydney.). . . . . . . V. Entomological Society of Ontario. École des Chartes. (Paris.) . (Toronto.- . . . Entomological Society of Ontario.). . . V. École des Langues Orientales Vivantes. (Paris.- Entomological Society of Philadelphia. (Phila- École spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes.) delphia.—American Entomological Society.) . V. 847 École du Louvre. (Paris.) . . . . Entomological Society, Oxford University. (Ox- École Française. (Athens.) . . . . ford.) . École Impériale et Spéciale des Beaux-Arts. JHTOMO.IOCHTeckOe Oówecrbo. (Saint Petersburg. (Paris. --École Royale des Beaux-Arts, etc.) . IV. 782 - Pyccxoe 9HMOMO.102Uuecxoe Ovujecmeo.) , V. 917 Écule Impériale Polytechnique. (Paris.— École Entomologischer Verein. (Berlin.) . . . I. 52 Centrale des Travaux Publics, etc.) . . IV Entomologischer Verein. (Stettin.) . . . V. 939 École Normale Supérieure . . . . IV. 781 Entomologische Vereeiniging, Nederlandsche. École Polytechnique. (Paris.-École Centrale des (Netherlands.) . . . IV. 678 · Travaux Publics.) . . . . . IV. 781 Entomologiska Föreningen. (Stockholm.) . . v. 940 École Pratique des Hautes Études. (Paris. . IV. 782 Epidemiological Society. (London.) . . . III. 478 École Royale des Beaux-Arts. (Paris.) . . IV. 782 Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists École Royale et Spéciale des Langues Orientales Field Club. (Buckhurst Hill.) . . . I. 108 Vivantes. (Paris.- École Spéciale, etc.) . IV. 782 Erdélyi Muzeum-Egylet. (Klausenburg.) . II. 363 École Spéciale de Médecine. (Strasburg.). . V. 948 Erdélyi Országos Muzeum. (Klausenburg.-Erdélyi École Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Muzeum Egylet.) . . . . . II. 363 (Paris.) . . . . . . . . IV. 782 Erudita Societas Hungarica. (Hungary.) . . II. 351 École Supérieure de Pharmacie de Paris. (Paris.) IV. 786 Escuela de Medicina. (Mexico.) . . . IV. 641 École Supérieure des Lettres d’Alger. (Algiers.) 1. 12 Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Minas. (Madrid.) IV. 613 École Vétérinaire de Paris. (Paris.). . . IV. 786 Escuela Gratuita de las nobles Artes. (Barcelona.) I. 39 Edinburgh Geological Society. (Edinburgh.) . II. 239 Escuela Industrial Barcelonesa. (Barcelona.) . I. 39 Edinburgh Highland Society. (Edinburgh.- Escuela Nautica de Cartajena. (Carthagena, Co- Highland Society of Scotland, etc.) . . II. 250 lombia.) . . . . . 1. 149 Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, (Edinburgh.) . II. 239 Escuela Práctica de Minas. (Guanajuato.). .. II. 65 Entomologowy). ty of Ontario.). 328 2 , 28 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. . PART PAGB omos . . IV. 702 921 V. 921 Forerund.). :.. fortidsmindesme 280 PART PAGE 1 Escuela Superior de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado. Fonteinisten, Maetschappy van Rhetorika (Madrid ). . . . . i . IV. 613 : (Ghent.) . . ... Essex Archæological Society. (Colchester.) . I. 166 Föreningen för Sverikes Folkspråk och Forn- Essex County Natural History Society. (Sal minnen. (Orebro.) . . Mass.--Essex Institute.) . Föreningen för Smålands Minden. (Lund.) . IV. 604 Essex Historical Society. (Salem, Mass.— Essex Föreningen för Smålands Minnen. (Småland.). V. 938 Institute.). . . . . . . Förening för Skånes Fornminnen och Historia. Essex Institute. (Salem, Mass.) . . . (Lund.) . . . . . . IV. 604 Essex Society for the Encouragement of Agri- Forening til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers culture. (Chelmsford.) Bevaring. (Christiania.) . . . . I. 154 Essex South District Medical Society. (Salem, Fornskrift-Sällskapet, Svensk. (Stockholm.) , V. 947 Mass.) . . V. 922 Forstverein, Schlesischer. (Prussia.) . . V. 861 Estudias de San Isidro. (Madrid.). . . Forstverein, Ungarischer. (Presburg.) . V. 860 Escudios Reales. (Madrid. . . . IV. 613 Forstverein, Westgalizisches. (Wadowice.) . V. 996 'Etaipia tns Øvolkns Iotopias. (Athens.) . . I. 32 Fortnightly Club. (Berkeley, California.) .. .. Etching Club, Antiquarian. (London.) . . 402 Frankfurter Verein für Geographie und Statistik. ‘EOvlkov IlaverlotNulov. (Athens.-II averlornucov (Frankfort on the Main.) . . . . II. 280 'Obwyos.) . . . . . . . I. 32 Frankfurtische Gesellschaft zur Beförderung Ethnological Society. (London.) . . . III. 478 nützlicher Künste. (Frankfort on the Main.) Ethnological Society, American. (New York.); IV. 689 Frankfürtischer Gelehrtenverein für deutsche Europäische Gradmessung. (Europe.) . . II. 266 Sprache. (Frankfort on the Main.) . . . II. 281 Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. (Exeter.). II. 267 Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst, Gesellschaft für. (Frankfort on the Main.) . ... II. 281 Franklin College. (Athens, Georgia.) . . I. 34 Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. (Philadelphia.). . . . . . V. Frederiks-Universitet, Kongeligt Norsk. (Chris- tiania. . . . . . . . . 1. 155 Freiberger Alterthums-Verein. (Freiberg.) . II. 284 Facultad de Medicina. (Bogotá.) . . 1. 69 Freies Deutsches Hochstift für Wissenschaften, Facultad de Medicina. (Madrid.) ; . . IV. 613 Künste und allgemeine Bildung. (Frankfort on the Main.) : . . . . . II. 281 Facultad Médica. (Carácas.). . .: I. 146 Freye Oekonomische Gesellschaft. (Saint Peters- Facultad Médica. (Mexico.) . . . IV. 641 IV. 641 burg.—Hanepamopckoe Bononoe FKOHOMUUCC- Facultas Medicinæ Parisiensis. (Paris.-École de koe 0őlecinco.) . . . . . . V. 910 Médecine, etc.). . . . . IV. 778 | Friedrich-Alexanders-Universität. (Erlangen. - Facultas Theologiæ. (Paris.- Université de Paris.) IV. 822 Academia Fridericiana. . . . . II. 262 Faculté de Droit. (Montpellier.) . . . IV. 651 Friedrichs-Universität. (Erlangen. -- Academia Fridericiana.) . . . . . . . Faculté de Médecine. (Montpellier.- École de Médecine. . . . . . . . IV. 650 Friedrichs-Universität. (Halle.-- Academia Fri- dericiana.) . Faculté de Médecine. (Paris.-École de Médecine.) IV. 778 Faculté de Médecine. (Toulouse.) Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. (Berlin.) . . . V. 959 . Faculté des Lettres. (Lyons.) . Friedrich - Wilhelms - Universität, Rheinische. . . IV. ' 606 . (Bonn.) . . . . . . Faculté des Lettres de Bordeaux. (Bordeaux.). I. 78 Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid-, en Faculté de Théologie. (Nantes.) . : IV. 671 Taalkunde. (Leeuwarden. — Provinciaal Faculté de Théologie. (Paris.-- Université de Friesch Genootschap ter beoefening der Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid-, en Taalkunde.). . . II. 369 Paris.) . . . . . i IV. 822 Faculty of Advocates. (Edinburgh.). . . II. 240 Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft. (Germany.) . II. 294 Fédération des Sociétés d’Horticulture de Bel- Fürsten- und Ritter-Academie. (Berlin.) . . 1. 54 gique. (Belgium.) . . . Fürstlich Jablonowskische Gesellschaft. (Leip- Felibre de la Mar. (Marseilles.) . . . IV. 631 sic.) . . . . . . II. 377 * Fyens Stifts Literaire Selskab. (Odensee.). . IV. 701 Ferdinandeum. (Innspruck.) . Filomati, Reale Accademia dei. (Lucca.) . . IV. 603 Fyens Stifts Patriotiske Selskab. (Odensee.) . IV. 701 Finska allmänna Landtbruksmöte. (Abo.) . I. 6 Finska Läkare Sällskapet. (Helsingfors.) . . II. 346 Finska Vetenskaps Societet. : (Helsingfors.- Societas Scientiarum Fennica.) . . II. 346 Fioska Universitet. (Helsingfors.) . . . 11. 346 Gaelic Society. (Dublin.) . . . . . I. 212 Qu3HKO-MAADUHckOE 061JECTBO. (Moscow. -Socie- Gaelic Society. (Inverness.) . . . . II. 356 tas Physico-medica Mosquensis.) . . Gaelic Society of London. London.) . . III. 478 Flagstaff Observatory. (Melbourne.) . . IV. 634 Gartenbaugesellschaft des österreichischen Kaiser- Folk-Lore Society. (London.) . . . . III. 478 staates. (Vienna. .— Kaiserlich-Königliche Fondazione Scientifica Cagnola. (Milan.). . IV. 643 Gartenbaugesellschaft.) . . . . V. 980 . I. 47 IV. 29 30 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE 89 296 Gartenbau-Gesellschaft Flora. (Stuttgard.) , V. 950 Geographische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.-Gesell - Gartenbaugesellschaft, Kaiserlich - Königliche. schaft für Erdkunde.). . . i . I. 55 (Vienna.). . . . . . . . V. 980 Geographische Gesellschaft. (Berne.) . . 1. 65 Gartenbau-Gesellschaft, Praktische. (Frauendorf.) II. 283 Geographische Gesellschaft. (Bremen. - Verein Gelehrte Esthnische Gesellschaft. (Dorpat.) . I. I 201 für die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, etc.) , . Geographische Gesellschaft. (Hamburg.). Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich. ... (Zurich.). . . . . . . V. 1015 Geographische Gesellschaft. (Hanover.) . 340 . Genealogisk-biographisk Selskab. (Copenhagen.) I. 171 Geographische Gesellschaft. (Lubeck.) I. 171 . IV. 602 Genealogisk og heraldisk Selskab, Kongeligt Geographische Gesellschaft, Kaiserlich-Königliche Dansk. (Copenhagen.) . . . . 1. 177 (Vienna.) . . . . . . V. 980 Geneeskundig Genootschap. (Ghent.) . . II. | Geographisches Institut. (Weimar.) . . . V. 1001 Geneeskundig Genootschap, onder de Zinspreuk : Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West “ Servandis Civibus." (Amsterdam.) . . I. Riding of Yorkshire. (Leeds.). . General Committee of Public Instruction. Geological Society. (Dublin.) . . . I. 212 (Bengal.). . . . . . . . I. 48 | Geological Society. (London.) . . . 111. 479 General Land-Oeconomi- og Commerce-Collegium, Geological Society. (Manchester.) . . . IV. 626 Kongeligt. (Copenhagen.). . . . I. 179 Geological Society of Cornwall, Royal. (Pen- Geneva College. (Geneva, New York.) . . II. , 287 zance.) . . . . . . V. 835 Geological Society of Glasgow. (Glasgow.) . II. 300 Genootschap der mathematische wetenschappen, onder de spreuk: “Een onvermoeide arbeid Geological Society of Pennsylvania. (Phila- komt alles te boven.” (Amsterdam.) . . 1. 16 delphia.)· · · · Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbe- Geologische Gesellschaft. (Pest.) . . . geerte, Bataafsch. (Rotterdam.) . . V. 882 Geologische Reichsanstalt, Kaiserlich-Königliche. (Vienna.) . . . . . . V. 980 Genootschap der Wetenschappen, Zeeuwsch. Geologiska Föreningen. (Stockholm.) . V. 940 (Flushing.) . . . . . . 11. 276 Geologists and Naturalists, Association of Ameri- Genootschap “Met Tyd en Vlyt.” (Louvain.-- Tael en Letterlievend Genootschap, etc.). . IV. 602 can. (United States of America.) . . Geologists' Association. (London.) . . . III. 479 Genootschap “Natura Artis Magistra.” (Amster- I. dam.---Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap, etc.) 22 Georg Augusts-Universität. (Gottingen.- Aca- demia Georgia Augusta.) . . . . . II. 310 Genootschap “ Oefening kweekt kunst.” (Am- Georgetown College. (George Town, District of sterdam.). . . . . . I. 17 Columbia.) . . . . II. 289 Genootschap onder de Zinspreuk : “ Arti Salu- Georgia Historical Society. (Savannah.) . . V. 930 tiferæ." (Amsterdam.) . . . . I. 17 Georgia Pharmaceutical Association. (Georgia.) II. 289 Genootschap ter beoefening der Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid-, en Taalkunde, Provinciaal Friesch. Georgic Society. (London.) . . . . III. 480 (Leeuwarden.) . . . . . . 11. Germanisches Nationalmuseum. (Nuremberg.) . IV. 700 Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde. Germanisten-Versammlung. (Germany.) . . II. 294 (Amsterdam.) . . . . . . I. 17 Tepmaackii Apxeonoruteckii HacTutyTb. (Rome.) v. 878 Genootschap ter spreuke voerende “ Kunstmin Gesammtverein der deutschen Geschichts- und spaart geen Vlijt.” (Amsterdam.) . . Alterthums-Vereine. (Germany.) . II. 294 Genootschap tot Verdediging van den Christe- Geschichte und Alterthumskunde der Russischen lijken Godsdienst, Haagsche. (The Hague.) II. 332 Ostsee-Provinzen, Gesellschaft für. (Riga.) V. 867 Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz, Bataviaasch. (Batavia.) . . . . I. 41 Allgemeine. (Zurich.) . . . : V. 1014 Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft von Graubünden. Noord Braband, Provinciaal. (Bois-le-Duc.) 1. 69 (Coire.) . . . . . . . I. 166 Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Geschichtforschender Verein des Kantons Solo- Provinciaal Utrechtsch. (Utrecht.) . . V. 994 thurn. (Solothurn.) . . . . . V. 938 Genootschap van Leeraren aan de Nederlandsche Geschichts- und Alterthumsforschende Gesell- gymnasiën. (Netherlands.) . . . IV. 678 schaft des Osterlandes. (Altenburg.) . . 1. 14 Genootschap van Wapenhandel ter Spreuke Geschichts- und Alterthums-Verein. (Leisnig.) II. 381 voerende: “Voor Vrijheid en Vaderland.” Geschichts- und Alterthums-Verein. (Schleiz.) V. 933 (Leyden.) . . . . . . II. 387 Gesellschaft Correspondirender Aerzte und Wun- Geodätisches Institut. (Berlin.) . . . 1. 54 därzte, Helvetische. (Zurich.) . . . V. 1015 Teorpaduveckoe 0611[ecTBO. (Saint Petersburg.- Gesellschaft der Aerzte und Naturforscher Schwa- Императорское Русское Географическое Об- bens, Vaterländische. (Tubingen.) . V. 966 wecmbo.) . . . . . . V. 908) Gesellschaft der Aletophilorum. (Berlin.). . 1. 55 Geographical and Statistical Society, American. (New York.) . . . 620 Gesellschaft der Freunde geistlicher Aufklärung. TV . . . 1V. 689 (Moscow.--MockObchoe Obuyecmco J105umenei Geographical Society. (London.:-Royal Geo- Hylobnaro IIpoconduuenin.) . . . . IV. 659 graphical Society.) . . . . . III. 542 Gesellschaft der freyen Künste. (Leipsic.) . II. 377 Geographical Society, Bombay. (Bombay.) : 1. 74 Gesellschaft der Liebhaber der Wahrheit. (Ber- Geographical Society, Royal. (London.) . III. 542 lin.-Gesellschaft der Aletophilorum.) .' . I. 55 111. INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 32 PART PAGE 56 294 PABT PAGE Gesellschaft der Meistersänger in Memmingen. Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und gerichtliche (Memmingen.) . . . . . . IV. 636 Psychologie, Deutsche. (Neuwied.) : . IV. 681 Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Christiania. Gesellschaft für vaterländische Alterthümer. Videnskabs-Selskab.) . . . . . 1. 161 (Zurich. — Gesellschaft für Erforschung und Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Königlich-Böh- Bewahrung vaterländischer Alterthümer) . V.'1015 mische. (Prague.). V. 856 Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur, Westphäl- Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Königlich-Sächs- ische. (Minden.) . . . . . . IV. 640 ische. (Leipsic.) . . . . . . . II. 378 Gesellschaft für vaterländische Geschichte, Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Oberlausitzische. Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische. (Kiel.) II. 361 (Gorlitz.). . . . . . . II. 310 Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft und Kunst. 1 Gesellschaft des vaterländischen Museums in (Giessen.) . . . . . . II. 300 Böhmen (Prague.--Společnost Vlastenského Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. (Berlin.) I. Musea v Cechách.) . . . V. 858 | Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde West- Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. phalens. (Brockhausen.) . . . . I. (Germany.) . . . . . 11. 294 | Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Baukunst. Gesellschaft für ältere Deutsche Geschichtskunde. (Amsterdam.—Maatschappij tot befordering der (Germany.) · · · · · · Bouwkunst.) . . . . . 1. 23 Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesammten Urgeschichte. (Berlin: Berliner Gesellschaft Naturwissenschaften. (Marburg.) . . IV. für Anthropologie, etc.) . . . . 1. 50 Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Künste und Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und nützlichen Gewerbe. (Hamburg.) . . II. 338 Urgeschichte. (Munich.) . . . 63 Gesellschaft zur Beförderung des Flachs- und Gesellschaft für Archäologie und Numismatik. Hanfbaues in Preussen. (Berlin.) . I. 56 (Saint Petersburg.-Umnepamopckoe Apxeono- Gesellschaft zur Beförderung nützlicher Künste. гическо-Нумизматическое Общество.) (Frankfort on the Main.)” . II. 281 Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Geschichts- Gestriklands Fornminnesföreningen. (Gefle.). II. 286 kunde. (Freiburg in the Breisgau.) . .. de 400 Gewerbe-Verein. (Annaberg.) . . . . 1. Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Natur-Wissen- 27 schaften. (Freiburg in the Breisgau.-Natur- Gewerbe-Verein. (Coblenz.) . . . . I. 164 forschende Gesellschaft.) . . . . II. 285 Gewerbe-Verein für das Königreich Hannover. Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst und vater- (Hanover.) . . . . . . II. 340 ländische Altherthümer. (Emden.) . . II. 260 | Gezelschap van Utrechtse Heelmeesters. (Utrecht.) V. 992 Gesellschaft für Deutsche Philologie. (Berlin.). I. 55 | Gezelschap voor Friesche Taal- en Letterkunde. Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache und Alther- | (Leeuwarden.—Selskip for Friske Tael end thumskunde, Berlinische. (Berlin.) . . . I I. 511 Skriftenkennisse.) . . . . . 11. 370 Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissen- Gezelschap voor Friesche Taal- en Schriften- kennis. schaften, Allgemeine Schweizerische. (Swit- (Leeuwarden.-Selskip for Friske zerland.). . . . II. . . . V. 952 Tael end Skriftenkennisse.) . . . . . Gesellschaft für die Sammlung und Erhaltung Girard College. (Philadelphia.) . . . V. 848 vaterländischer Alterthümer, Königlich- Glasgow and Clydesdale Statistical Society. Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische. (Kiel.) II. 360 (Glasgow.) . . . . . .. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde. (Berlin.) . . I. 55 | Glasgow and West of Scotland Medical Associa- tion. (Glasgow.) . . . . . II. Gesellschaft für Erforschung und Bewahrung Vaterländischer Alterthümer. (Zurich.) : V. 1015 Glasgow Archaeological Society. (Glasgow.) . II. 300 Glasgow Pathological and Clinical Society. Gesellschaft für Frankfurts Geschichte und . . II. 281 (Glasgow.) . . Kunst. (Frankfort on the Main.). . . . . II. Tiabhan 01314eckan 06cepBatopia. (Saint Peters- Gesellschaft für Geburtshülfe. (Berlin.) . . I. 55 burg.-Observatoire Physique Central de Russie.) V. 912 Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Tiabhan Hukojaebckan 06cepBatopis. (Saint der Russischen Ostsee-Provinzen. (Riga.). V. 867 Petersburg.--Hukonaeeckan I'rabuar Acmpo- Gesellschaft für Hydrologio, Deutsche. (Ger- HOMUUeckan 06cepeamopin.) .. . .. V. 912 many.) · · · · · 1A. 13 Gli Oziosi. (Florence.) Ti . . . . . II. 274 Gesellschaft für Literatur und Kunst, Kurland- | Görlitzische Gesellschaft. (Leipsic.). . . II. 377 ische. (Mittau.) . . . . . IV. 646 Tophoe Yuujune. (Saint Petersburg.—Topuut Gesellschaft für Meteorologie, Oesterreichische. | Encinumymo.) . . . . . . V. 902 (Vienna.). . . . . . . . V. 983 Tophbi WhcthTYTK. (Saint Petersburg) ... V. 902 Gesellschaft für Mineralogie. (Dresden.) . . I. 205 Topuhi Kajerckii Kopnych. (Saint Petersburg. 1 Topubů Hucmumymo.) . . . . . V. 902 Geesellschaft für Musikforschung. (Berlin.) Görres-Gesellschaft. (Bonn.) . . , . I. Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. Götheborgska Wetenskaps och Witterhets Sam- (Dresden.) · · hälle. (Gottenborg.) . . . . . Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn, Götheborgs Kongliga Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Niederrheinische. (Bonn.) . . Sämhalle. (Gottenburg.) . . . . Gesellschaft für nützliche Forschungen. (Treves.) v. 961 Göttingischer Verein Bergmännischer Freunde. Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und (Gottingen.) . . . . . . II. 313. Alterthumskunde. (Greifswald.) . . II. 326 Goudbloem, De. (Saint Nicholas.) . . . V. 891 Glass Glamo ur de 11 HA I. 205 Götheboroslo . 1. I. 76 Sämhalle. (crou 33 34 . . INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 481 Historical Society, Maryland Portland, Maine.) PART PAGE PART PAGE Government Observatory. (Sydney.) ; . V. 954 Historical Society, Georgia. (Savannah.) . . V. 930 Grammatische Gesellschaft. (Leipsic:) . . II. 378 Historical Society, Maine.' (Portland, Maine.). V. 853 Grampian Club. (London.) . . . 480 Historical Society, Maryland. (Baltimore.) . I. : 38 Gresham Angling Society. (London.) . . III. 481 Historical Society, Massachusetts. (Boston, Mass.) I. 82 Grillparzer-Literatur-Verein. (Vienna.) . . V. 977 Historical Society, Moravian. (New York.) . IV. 693 Grossherzoglich Badischer Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. (Mannheim.) IV. 629 New Hampshire.) . . . . . I. 168 Grossherzogliches Museum. (Weimar.) . V. 1001 Historical Society, New Jersey. (Newark, Nero Gwyneddigion Society. (London.) . . III. 481 Jersey.) . . . . . . . . . IV. 681 Gymnasiorum Batavorum Doctores Societate con- Historical Society, New York. (New York.) . IV. 694 juncti. (Netherlands.—Genootschap van Lee- Historical Society of Delaware. (Wilmington, raren aan de Nederlandsche Gymnasiën.) . IV. 678 Delaware. . . . . . V. 1003 Gymnasium Academicum. (Altona.). . . I. 14 Historical Society of Galveston. (Galveston, Gymnasium Binoniense. (Bologna.--Universitas Texas. . . . . . . . . 285 Bononiensis.) . . . . . I. 73 Historical Society of Great Britain. (London.) . III. 489 Gymnasium Patavinum. (Padua.-Università di Historical Society of Montana. (Helena, Mon- Padova.) . . . . . . . IV. 738 | tana. . . . . . : . II. 345 Gymnasium Ultrajectinum. (Utrecht.) . . V. 993 Historical Society of Pennsylvania. (Phila- Gynæcological Society. (Boston, Mass.) . . 1. 82 delphia.) . . . . . . . V. 848 Historical Society of Quebec, Literary and. (Quebec.). . . . . V. 862 Historical Society of Science. (London.) . . III. 489 H. Historical Society, Rhode Island. (Providence, Rhode Island.) . . . . . V. 861 Haagsche Genootschap tot Verdediging van den Historic-Genealogical Society, New England. Christelijken Godsdienst. (The Hague.) . II. 332 (Boston, Mass.). . . . . I. 85 Hahnemann Publishing Society. (London.) III. 481 481 Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. , Hakluyt Society. (London.) ; . III. 481 (Liverpool.) . . . . . . II. 400 Hallands Fornminnes-Förening. (Halmstad.) . II. 337 Historisch-Antiquarischer Verein. (Schaffhausen.) V. 931 Hamilton Club. (New York.) . . . IV. 692 Historisch-Archæologischer Verein. (Treves.), V. 961 Hamilton College. (Clinton, New York.). . I. 164 Historische Commission der Provinz Sachsen. Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution. (Halle.) . . . . . . . . (Hamilton, New York.) II. 339 | Historische Gesellschaft. (Basle.) . . . Hanserd Knollys Society. (London.) . III. 487 Historische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . . . I. 56 Harleian Society. (London.) . .. . Historische Gesellschaft des Kantons Aargau. Harvard Art Club. (Cambridge, Mass.) . . I. 143 (Aarau.) . . . . . Harvard University. (Cambridge, Mass.) . . 1. 138 Historische Gesellschaft des Künstlervereins. Harveian Society. (London.) . . . III. 488 I. 89 Harz-Verein für Geschichte und Alterthum Historische Gesellschaft Züricher Theologen. kunde. (Wernigerode.) i . . . V. 1001 (Zurich.) . . . . . V. 1015 Hebrew Society, Cambridge. (Cambridge.) . 1. 121 Historische Kommission der Stadt Duisburg. “ Heilig Kruis Scherp Duer,” Maetschappij van (Duisburg.) . . . . . . Rhetorica onder de Kenspreuk. (Dixmude.). I. 200 Historischer Filial-Verein. (Neuburg.) . . IV. 680 Hellenic Society. (London.-Society for the pro- Historischer Kreis-Verein im Regierungsbezirke motion of Hellenic Studies.) . . . . 568 von Schwaben und Neuburg (Augsburg - Helsinglands Fornminnesällskap. (Hudiksvall.) II. 351 Historischer Verein im Oberdonau-Kreise, etc.). I. 35 Helvetische Gesellschaft Correspondirender Aerzte Historischer Verein. (Aarau.— Historische Gesell- und Wundärzte. (Zurich.) . . . schaft, etc.) . . . . . . I. 3 Hennebergischer Alterthumsfurschender Verein. Historischer Verein. (Bamberg.) . . . I. 39 (Meiningen.) . . . . . Historischer Verein. (Osnaburg.) . . . IV. 703 Heraldisch-Genealogischer Verein - Adler” in Wien. (Vienna.) . . . . . V. 977 Historischer Verein. (Saint Gall.) . . . V. 889 Herlovianer Samfundet. (Herlufsholm.) . . Historischer Verein der fünf Orte Luzern, Uri, Hibernian Academy of Arts, Royal. (Dublin.) . I. 216 Schwyz, Unterwalden und Zug. (Einsiedeln.) II. 239 Highland Society of Scotland. (Edinburgh.) . II. 250 Historischer Verein der Oberpfalz und von Regensburg. (Ratisbon.-Historischer Verein High Wycombe Natural History Society. (Wy- für den Regenkreis.) . . . . . v. 863 combe.) . . . . . . . . V. Historischer Verein der Pfalz. (Spire.) . , V. 939 Historical and Archäological Association of Ire- land. (Kilkenny.—Kilkenny Archæological Historischer Verein des Kantons Bern. (Berne.) 1. 65 Society, etc.) . . . . . . . II. 362 Historischer Verein des Kantons Thurgau. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. (Frauenfeld.) . . . . . . II. 283 (Cincinnati.) 163 Historischer Verein für Bayreuthische Geschichte Historical and Philosophical Society, Virginia. und Alterthumskunde. (Bayreuth.) ; . I. 45 (Richmond, Virginia.) Historischer Verein für das Grossherzogthum Historical Society, English. (London.) . . III. 476 Hessen. (Darmstadt. . . . . I. I. 196. 196 II. 336 Hellenic Soof Hellenic Stacällskap. (H 11 Für einen V. 1012). 867) . INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 36 • PART PAGE 1 Illinois PART PAGE 1 Historischer · Verein für den Niederrhein. Horticultural Society of Pennsylvania. (Phila- (Cologne.) . . . . ; I. 166 delphia.) . . . . . . .. V.. 848 Historischer Verein für den Regenkreis. (Ratis- Horticultural Society of Sydney. (Sydney.) . V. 955 bon.) . . V. 863 o Hortus Petropolitanus. (Saint Petersburg.—Hone- Historischer Verein für den Untermainkreis. раторскій Санктпетербургскій Ботани- (Wurzburg.). . - . . . . . V. 1010 . erinevado.) Canamnemepoypa V. 1010 V. 906 Historischer Verein für Ermland. (Mentz.) . IV. 636 Hrvatsko Arkeologičko Društvo. (Agram.) . 1. 7 Historischer Verein für Innerösterreich. (Gratz.) II. 315 Hunterian Club. (Glasgow.) . . . . II. 301 Historischer Verein für Kärnten. (Klagenfurt.) .' II. 363 Hunterian Society. (London.) . . . III. 490 Historischer Verein für Niederbayern. (Lands- Hydrographische Anstalt der K. K. Marine. hut. . . . . . . . II. 367 (Vienna.) . . . . . . V. 977 Historischer Verein für Niedersachsen. (Lune- Hydronomical and Nautical Engineers, Institu- berg.) . . . . . . IV. 605 tion of. (London.) . . . . . III. 493 Historischer Verein für Steiermark. (Gratz.) . II. 315 · Historischer Verein im Oberdonau-Kreise. (Augs- burg.) . . . . . . . I. 35 Historischer Verein im Rezat-Kreis. (Nuremberg.) IV. 701 Historischer Verein in Mittelfranken. (Nurem- Hj. berg: Historischer Verein im Rezat-Kreis.) . IV. 701 Historischer Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg. Jamaica Society of Arts. (Kingston, Jamaica.) II. 363 (Augsburg.—Historischer Verein im Oberdonau- Jardin des Plantes. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 786 Kreise, etc.) . . . . . . . I. 35 Iberno-Celtic Society. (Dublin.) . . . I. 213 Historischer Verein von und für Oberbayern. (Munich.) . . . . . . IV. 663 Jednota Českých Mathematiků. (Prague:) . 1. 856 Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Jefferson College. (Canonsbury, Pennsylvania.) . I. 145 Aschaffenburg. (Wurzburg. — Historischer Jennerian Society, Royal. (London.) . ; III. 544 Verein für den Untermainkreis.) . . . V. 1010 Illinois Natural History Society. (Bloomington.). I. 69 Historisch Gezelschap. (Utrecht.) . . . V. 993 Illinois State Agricultural Society. (Springfield, Historisch-philosophische Gesellschaft. (Breslau.) I. 90 Illinois.) . . . . . . . V. 939 Historisch-theologische Gesellschaft. (Leipsic.), II. 378 Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. . Hobart Free College. (Geneva, New York.) . II. 288. (Normal.). . . . . . IV. 698 Imnepatopckan Akademis XyfoxeCTBL. (Saint Hochteutsche Rechtsgelehrte Societat. (Leipsic.) II. 378 Petersburg.) . . . . . . Hohe Schule zu Altdorf. (Altdorf.–Schola Aldor- Hanepatopckar Akademia Haykb. (Saint Peters- fiana.) . · · · · · I. burg.-- Academia Scientiarum Imperialis.) . V. 892 Holbein Society. (Manchester.) . • IV. 626 | Императорская Академія трехъ знатнѣйшихъ Holländische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. XyPokeCTBb. (Saint Petersburg.–Umnepa- (Haarlem.-Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche торская Академія Художествъ.) . . V. Madtschappy, etc.) . . . . . . 11. 329 | Muneparopokaa Akademia H BOINCII, CEYINTYPH Hollandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, etc. * ApxitekTyph. (Saint Petersburg.-Umne- (Amsterdam. — Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Insti- раторская Академія Художеств.) . . V. 903 tuut, etc.). . . . . . . . I. 19 UutenaTonera Anxeonorueckaa Kommucci, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. (Saint Petersburg.) · · · · • · V. 903 (Haarlem.-Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche Императорская Медико-Хирургическая Академія Maatschappij, etc.) . . . . . (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . . . V. 904 Hollandsche Maatschappij te Haarlem. (Haar- (Saint cem.) . . . . . UL 330 ) Am nepatopckasi Uybdullah bhojioteka. Petersburg.) . . V. 904 Hollandsche Maatschappij van Fraaije Kunsten Hmoepatopcka Poccilickar Akademin. (Saint en Wetenschappen. (Amsterdam.) . . | Petersburg.–Pocciůckas Akademin.) . . V. 916 Homeopathic Association, British. (London.) . Императорской историко-филологический инсти- Homoeopathic Medical Society. (Albany.). . TyTh. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . Homøopathic Society, Irish. (Dublin.) . . I. 215 Umnepatopckiť Kazanckii Yaubepciitett. (Kasan. II. 357 Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. Императорскій Харьковскій Университетъ. (Haarlem.) . . . . . (Kharkov.) . · · · · II. Horticultural and Agricultural Society, Austra- Императорскій Московскій Университетъ. lian. (Syduey.) . . . . . . . . (Moscow.) . . . . . . IV. V. Horticultural Improvement Association. (Gee- | Императорскій Новороссійскій Университетъ. long.) . . . . . . (Odessa.). . . . . . . . IV. 702 Horticultural Society. (London.) . . i Императорскій Петербургскій Университетъ. (Saint Petersburg.--Hanepamopcriŭ Cahamne- Horticultural Society, Caledonian. (Edinburgh.) II. 239 mepoypicxiữ Vrubepcumemo.) . . . V. 906 Horticultural Society, Columbian. (Washington, | Императорскій Санктпетербургскій Ботанической Columbia. · · · · V. 998 Canb." (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . y. 906 Horticultural Society, Massachusetts. (Boston, Императорскій Санктпетербургскій Универси- Mass.) . . . . . . . I. 84 Terb.. (Saint Petersburg.). . . V 906 58 37 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 38 У , : . IV. IV. 908 PART PAGE 1 PART PAGE Императорскій Варшавскій Университеть. (War- Imperial University of Tokio. (Yedo.) . . V. 1013 ваш.) . . . . . . . V. 996 Imperial y Regia Universidad de México. (Mexico. Императорское Археологическое Общество. -Real, afterwards Nacional y Pontificia Uni- (Saint Petersburg.— Императорское Археоло- versidad, etc.) . . . . . . гическо-Нумизматическое Общество.) . IV. 642 . Incorporated Council of Law Императорское Археологическо - Нумизматиче- Reporting for England and Wales. ское Общество. (Saint Petersburg.) . . (London. --Council of Law Reporting.) . . . Императорское . . III. 464 Минералогическое Общество. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . . V. 907 Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. (Dublin.). 1. 213 Императорское Московское Общество Испыта- Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom. телей природы. (Moscow.-Общество Ислы- (London.) . . . . . . пп. 490 тателей Природы.) . . . . . Тү.. 659 Index Society. (London.) . . . . II. 491 Императорское Московское Общество Истории и Древностей Россійскихъ. (Mosco). — Импе- Indian Military College, Royal. (Addiscombe.) . I. 7 раторское Общество Исторi и Древностей Indisch Genootschap. (The Hague.). . . II. 332 Российскихъ.) . . . . . . IV. 655 Industrial and Technological Museum. Императорское Московское Общество Сельскаго bourne.) . . . . . . . . IV. 634 Хозяйства. (Moscow.) . . . . IV. 655 | Industrieller Club. (Vienna.) . . . . v. 978 Императорское Общество Испытателей природы. (Moscow. — Общество Испытателей При- Industriforeningen. (Copenhagen.) . . . І. 171 • роды.) . . . . . . . IV. 659 Ingenieur - Schule. (Carlsruhe. — Polytechnische Императорское Общество Исторiн и Древностей Schule. ) . . . . . . . I. 148 - Российскихъ. (Moscow.) . . . . IV. 655 655 | In Liefde Bloeyende, Rhetorijk-Kamer. (Amster- Императорское Общество Любителей Естество- dат.) . . . . . . . . 25 знанія, Антропологiни Этнографіи. (Moscow. I NoveHisti litterarij di Berna. (Berne.--Societas — Общество Любителей Естествознанія.) . 660 literaria Bernensis.) . . . . . І. 66 Императорское Общество Сельскаго хозяйства Institucion libre de Enseћanza. (Madrid.) . IV. 613 Южной России. (Odessa.) . . . 702 Institut Archéologique Liégeois. (Liege.). . II. 389 Императорское Русское Археологическое обще- Institut de Correspondance Archéologique. (Rome. ство. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . —Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica.) . V. 878 Императорское Русское Географическое Обще- Institut de France. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 786 - ство. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . ү. Institut d'Egypte. (Cairo.) . . . . . I. 114 Императорское Русское Историческое Общество. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . . ү. 910 Institut der Historischen Wissenschaften, König- liches. (Gottingen.) . . 314 Императорское Русское Общество Акклимати- зацій. (Moscoo.) (Saint Peters- . . . . . IV. 658 | Inst 658 Institut des Langues Orientales. burg.- Учебное Отдѣленіе Восточныхъ Язы- Императорское Русское Техническое Общество. ковъ.) . . . . . . . V. 918 (Saint Petersburg. — Русское Техническое . II. 278 Общество.) . Institut des Provinces de France. (France.) . . . . 917 . Императорское Вольное Экономическое Общество. Institut des Provinces et des Congrès Scientifiques. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . . V. 910 (France.) . . . . Imperial College of Engineering. (Yedo.). I. 114 . | Institut du Kaire. (Cairo.—Institut d'Egypte.) . V. 1012 Imperiale Institut Egyptien. (Alexandria.) . e reale Accademia dei Georgofili. . . I. 12 (Florence.— Reale Societa Economica, etc.) . II. 275 | Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung. Imperiale e Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. (Vienna.— Universitas Viennensis.) . . V. 985 (Florence.) . . . . . . II. 273 273 | Institut für Physiologie und Histologie. (Gratz.) II. 315 Imperiale e Reale Accademia Economica Agraria Institut Géographique International. (Berne.). I. 65 dei Georgofili. (Florence.—Reale Società Eco- Institut Historique. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 790 потіса.) . . . . . . . . 275 Institut Lazareff des Langues Orientales. Imperiale e Reale Società Toscana d'Orticoltura. (Moscow. — Лазаревскій Институтъ Восто- (Florence.). . . . . . . II. 273 чныхъ Языковъ.) . . . . . IV. 658 Imperiale Instituto Archeologico Germanico. Institut Météorologique Danois. (Copenhagen.- (Rome.-Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeo- Meteorologisk Institut.) . . . І. 185 logica.) . . . . . . . V. 878 Institut Météorologique de Norvège. (Christiania. Imperiale Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. (Venice. —Norsk Meteorologist Institut.) . . I. 159 — Reale Accademia di Belle Arti). . . V. 974 Institut National des Sciences et Arts. (Paris.-- Imperiale Reale Museo di Milano. (Milan.) . IV. 643 Institut de France.) . . . . . IV. 786 Imperiale Regia Accademia. (Milan. — Reale Institut National Genevois. (Geneva.) . . II. 286 Accademia di Belle Arti.) . . . . IV. 644 Institut Royal des Ingénieurs Néerlandais. Imperiale Regio Istituto del Regno Lombardo- (The Hague.-Koninklijk Instituut van Inge- Veneto. (Milan.) . . . . . IV. 644 піеurѕ.) . . . . . . . ІІ. 333 Imperiale Regio Istituto Politecnico di Vienna. Institut Royal Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg. (Vienna. — Kaiserlich-Königlich Polytechnisches (Luxemburg.) . . . . . . IV. 605 Institut. ) . . . . . . . V. 983 | Tnstitut Royal Météorologique des rays-Bays. Imperiale Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, (Utrechi.— Копіnklijk Nederlandsch Meteoro- Lеttеrе ed Arti. (Venice.). . . . . у. 974) logisch. Instituut.) . . . V. 993 INDEX TO. ACADEMIES. PART PAGE I. 213 PART PAGE 1 Instituť Royal pour la Philologie, la Géographie Internationaler Congress für Alterthumskunde et l'Ethnologie des Indes-Orientales Néer- und Geschichte. (Europe.) . . i . II. landaises. (The Hague.---Koninklijk Instituut International Oriental Congress. (Europe.) . II. 266 voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Neder- landsch Indië.). International Statistical Congress. (Europe. . . . . . 11. Congrès International de Statistique.) .... Institut Zoologique de Lille.. (Lille.) . Intime-Club. (Paris.) ;. . . . IV. 790 Institut zur Förderung der israelitischen Lite- ratur. (Leipsic.) . . . i . II. 378 Iona Club. (Edinburgh.). . . . . II. 251 Institute for the Advancement of Science, Plovios ‘Etaipia. (Corfu.) . . . . . I. 191 Victorian. (Melbourne.) . . . Irish Academy, Royal. (Dublin.) .. I. 216 Institute of Actuaries. (London.) . . Irish Archäological and Celtic Society. (Dublin. Institute of British Architects. (London.) . –Irish Archæological Society.) . . Institute of Engineers, South Wales. (Merthyr- Irish Archæological Society. (Dublin.) . . I. 213 Tydfil.) . . . . . . . I Irish Art-Union, Royal. (Dublin.) .:. I. 218 Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Irish Homoeopathic Society. (Dublin.) . : I. 215 (Longton.). · · · · · · Irish Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts, Institute of Mining Engineers, North of England. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne.) Royal. (Dublin.) . . . . . . . . . IV. Iron and Steel Institute. (Great Britain and Ire- Institute of Painters in Water Colours. (London. land.) . . . . . . . . -New Society of Painters in Water Colours.). . 1. 321 Institution Ethnographique. (Paris.) .... Isis. (Dresden.--Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis.) . . . . . . . I. 207 Institution for promoting the Fine Arts, Royal Islandsk Literatur - Selskab. - (Copenhagen. - Irish. (Dublin.) . . . . . Islenzka Lærdóms-Lista Félag.) . . . I. 174 Institution for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Scotland. (Edinburgh.) I. : Íslenzka Bókmėntafélag. (Copenhagen.) . 172 .. . Institution for the Promotion of Science, National. Islenzka Lærdóms-Lista Fèlag. (Copenhagen.) . I. 174 (Washington, Columbia.) . . . . 998 Íslenzka Þjóðvina-félagið. (Copenhagen.) . . I. 175 Institution of Civil Engineers. (London.). III. Istituto Convitto Rabbinico Lombardo - Veneto. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. (Padua.). . . . . . IV. 738 (Dublin.). . . . . • . I. 213 Istituto delle Scienze ed Arti Liberali. (Bologna.) I. 213 I. 71 Institution of Hydronomical and Nautical Istituto del Regno Lombardo-Veneto, Imperiale Engineers. (London.) . . . III. 493 Regio. (Milan.) 0. (uuan.) . . . . . . . IV. 644 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. (Birming- Istituto di Belle Arti, Reale. (Lucca.) .. IV. 603 ham. . . . . . . . . I. 68 Istituto di Belle Arti, Reale. (Naples.) ., . IV. 675 Institution of Naval Architects. (London.) . III. 493 Institution of South Wales, Royal. (Swansea.). V. Istituto d'Incoraggiamento alle Scienze Naturali, 952 Reale. (Naples.) : . . . . IV. 675 Institution of Surveyors. (London.) . III. 493 Istituto di Studi Superiori Practici e di Perfeziona- Институтъ Корпуса Горныхъ Инженеровъ. (Saint mento, Reale." (Florence.). . . . II. 274 Petersburg.--I'opudii Hucmumymo.) .. . V. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Instituto Agricola Catalan de San Isidro. (Bar- Reale. (Milan.) . . i IV. 644 celona.) . . . . . . . . I. Istituto Nazionale Italiano. (Bologna.) .. . I. 72 Instituto Archeologico. (Rome. — Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica.) . . . v. 878 Istituto Tecnico - Industriale - Professionale e di Marina Mercantile della Provincia di Genova, · Instituto de Ciencias, Literatura y Artes. Reale. (Genoa.) . . . . . II. 288 . (Mexico.). . . . . . . . IV. 641 Istituto Tecnico, Regio. (Udine.) . . . V. 972 Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica. (Rome.), Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Impe- Instituto Historico e Geographico Brasileiro. riale Regio. (Venice.) . . . . V. 974 (Rio de Janeiro. . cropiiko-0111010r1 Tecrifi VuctiTYTU. (Saint . . . . Petersburg. — Umnepamopcrii cmopuko- Instituto Ligure. (Genoa.) . . . . . II. 288 Du10.20rwuecriú Hacmumymv.) : : V. 906 Instituto Nacional de Geografia y Estadistica. Jüdisch-theologischer Verein. (Breslau.) . . I. 91 (México.). · · · · · · IV. Institutum Polytechnicum. (Copenhagen.--Poly. Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti. (Agram.) . technisk Læreanstalt.) . . . . . . I. 187 . . . . . Julius-Maximilians-Universität. (Wurzburg.) V. 1011 Institutum Regium Belgicum. (Amsterdam. Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut, etc.) . I.. 19 Juridical Society. (London.) . . . . III. 493 Institutum Theologicum Augustanæ Confessioni Juridical Society of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh.) .' II. 252 addictorum. (Vienna.) . . V. 978 Juridiska Föreningen. (Stockholm.) . . . V. 940 Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Juridiska Föreningen. (Upsal.) . . . V. 989 Schoone Kunsten, Koninklijk-Nederlandsch. (Amsterdan.) . . . . . I 19 Juristen-Facultät. (Heidelberg.—Universitas Ru- . 1. 1 perto-Carolina.). . . . . International Congress of Prehistoric Archæology. II. 344 (Europe.- Congrès International d'Anthropologie Juristische Gesellschaft. (Gratz.) . . .. II. 315 et d'Archéologie préhistoriques.) . . II. 264 Juristische Gesellschaft. (Vienna.) . . . V. 978 V. 902 39 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 42 PAGE 941 910 Kärntner Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft. (Klagen- furt.) . . ' II. 363 Karolinsk Mediko-Kirurgisk Institutet. (Stock- holm. — Kongligt Carolinsk Mediko-Kirurgisk PART PAGE Institutet.) . . . . . . . V. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Saint Кавказская Археографическая коммиссія. Petersburg.--Academia Scientiarum Imperialis.) v. 892 Kaiserliche Akademie der (Tiflis.) . Wissenschaften. . . . . . . . . Kazanckii Yuusepchterh. (Kasan. Mnepamop- (Vienna.). . . . . . . V скій Казанскій Университет.) . . Kaiserliche Freie Dekonomische Gesellschaft. -- . 357 (Saint Petersburg.— Императорское Вольное Казанское Общество Любителей Отечественной CHOBECHOCTY. (Kasan.) . Экономическое Общество.) . . 358 . . . . у. Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Akademie Kecskeméti Reformátusi Föiskolai Önképző Tár- der Naturforscher. (Germany. - Academia sulat. (Kecskemet.) . . Cæsarea Naturæ Curiosorum.) . . . Kent Archaeological Society. (Canterbury.) . I. 145 Kaiserliche Oeffentliche Bibliothek. (Saint Peters- Kentucky State Agricultural Society. (Frank- · burg.--Umnepamopcrar llynuunar Buónio- fort, Kentucky.). . . . . . II. 280 meka. ). . . . . . . . V. 904 Kerssouwken, Lovensche Rederykkamer. (Lou- Kaiserliche Universität. (Dorpat.) . . . 1. 201 vain.) . . . . . . . IV. 602 Kaiserlich-Königliche Akademie der Bildenden XapukovcKiỦ YuubepcHteth. (Kharkov.- Mnepa- · Künste. (Vienna.) . . . . . . mopcriŭ Sapokobckiŭ Yuurepcumemo.). . II. 358 Kaiserlich-Königliche Akademie der Orientali- Xupypruteckoe 061LECTBO. (Moscow.) . . IV. 658 schen Sprachen. (Vienna.—Kaiserlich-König- Художественно-Промышленный Музеумъ. liche Orientalische Akademie.) . . . V. 981 4y40 V (Moscow.) . . . . . . IV. 658 Kaiserlich-Königliche Centralcommission zur Er- Kieckan IyxoBhak Akademia. (Kiev.) . . II. 361 forschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale. Kielckoe ObiectBo EcTeCTBOHCIIHTare.Ieit. (Kiev.) (Vienna. . . . . . . . V. 979 II. 361 Kaiserlich - Königliche Gartenbaugesellschaft. Kilkenny Archæological Society. (Kilkenny.) . II. 362 (Vienna.). . . . . . . . V. 980 King and Queen's College of Physicians in Kaiserlich-Königliche Geographische Gesellschaft. Ireland. (Dublin.) . . . . I. 215 (Vienna.). . . . . . . . . V. 980 Kiøbenhavnsk Selskab af Lærdoms og Viden- V. Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. skabers Elskere. (Copenhagen.) . . I. (Vienna.). . . . . . . V. 980 Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat. - Kaiserlich - Königliche Hochschule für Boden- (Pest.) . V. 836 cultur. (Vienna.) . . . . . V. 980 Kisfaludy-Társasag. (Pest.) . . . V. 837 - Kaiserlich-Königliche Hofbibliothek. (Vienna.). V. 980 Kollegium, der Aerzte. (Nuremberg.- Collegium Kaiserlich - Königliche Landwirthschafts-Gesell- Medicum.) : : : : : . IV. 700 schaft. (Vienna.) . . . . . Komisyja Historyczna Towarzystwa Naukowego Kaiserlich-Königliche Orientalische Akademie. Krakowskiego. (Cracow. -- Towarzystwo (Vienna.) . . . . . . V. Naukowe, etc.) . . . . . . I. 193 Kaiserlich - Königliche patriotisch - ökonomische Kommisja Archeologiczna Wileńska. (Wilna.). V: 1004 Gesellschaft. (Prague. —- Císařskokrálovská Коммиссія для описанія губерній Кіевскаго Учеб- vlastenecko-hospodářská Společnost.) . . Haro Okpyra. (Kiev.) . . . . . II. 362 Kaiserlich - Königliches militär - geographisches KOMMiccia jis pa36opa ApeBHIXI AKTOBb. (Kiev. Institut. (Vienna.) . . . . . - Временная Коммиссія для разбора древних Kaiserlich-Königliche Statistische Central-Com- akin087.) . . . . . . . 11. 362 mission. (Vienna.) . . . . . . Kongelig lærde Skole. (Frederiksborg.) . . II. 283 Kaiserlich-Königliche Steiermärkische Landwirth- . . scbafts-Gesellschaft. (Gratz.) . I. 176 Kongeligt Bibliothek. (Copenhagen.) . . II. 315 Kaiserlich-Königliche Sternwarte. (Prague.) . V. 856 Kongeligt'Commissiop i Kiøbenhavn for Oldsagers Opbevaring. (Copenhagen.) : . .. I. 177 Kaiserlich-Königliche Sternwarte. (Vienna.) V. 982 Kongeligt Dansk genealogisk og heraldisk Sel- Kaiserlich-Königliche Theresianische Akademie. skab. (Copenhagen.) . I. 177 (Vienna.) . . . . . Kongeligt dansk geografisk Selskab. (Copen- Kaiserlich-Königliche Universität. (Vienna.-- hagen.) . . I. 177 Universitas Viennensis.) Vendido) . . . . . V. Kongeligt Dansk Landhuusholdningsselskab. Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-botanische Ge- (Copenhagen.) . . . . . I. 177 sellschaft. (Vienna.--Zoologisch – botanischer 990 Kongeligt Dansk Selskab for Fædrelandets His- Verein. . . . . . . . V. torie og Sprog. (Copenhagen. -- Kongeligt Kaiserlich-Königlich-Mährisch-Schlesische Gesell- Dansk Selskab til den Nordiske Histories og schaft zur Beförderung des Ackerbaues, der Sprogs Forbedring, etc.) . . . . 1. 178 Natur- und Landeskunde. (Brunn.) . . I. Kongeligt Dansk Selskab til den Nordiske His- Kaiserlich-Königlich Österreichisches Museum für tories og Sprogs Forbedring, etc. (Copen- Kunst, und Industrie. (Vienna.) . . 982 hagen.) . . . . . I. 178 Kaiserlich - Königlish - Polytechnisches Institut. Kongeligt Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. (Co- (Vienna.) . . . V. 983 penhagen.-Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab, etc.). . I. 175 Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität. (Strasburg.). V. 949 Kongeligt General Land- Oeconomi- og Com- Kansas State Historical Society. (Topeka.) . V. 958 merce-Collegium. (Copenhagen.) . . 1. 179 Kaisellesellscho hospodárs mili 855 KOM HET 95 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 44 PART PAGE 313 I. 155 205 • I. V. 941 V. V. V. 604 PABT PAGE Kongeligt Landhuusholdnings-Selskab. (Copen- Königliche Forst-Academie. . (Minden.) . . IV. 646 hagen.--Kongeligt Dansk Landhuusholdnings- Königliche freye Hof Academie der Mahlerey, selskab.) . . . . . . . I. 177 Bildhauerey und Bau-Kunst. (Vienna.- Kongeligt Medicinisk Selskab. (Copenhagen.) . I. 182 Kaiserlich-Königliche Akademie der bildenden Kongeligt Militaire Høiskole. (Copenhagen.) .. I. 179 Künste.) . ? Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. (Copen- Königliche Geologische Landesanstalt und Berg- akademie. (Berlin.) hagen. . . . . . . I. 179 . . . . Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. (Chris- Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. tiania.) . . . .. (Gottingen.) . . . . . . II. Kongeligt Norsk Videnskabers Selskab. (Dront- Königliche Gesellschaft für Nordische Alter- heim.--Trondhjemsk Selskab, etc.) I. 208 thumskunde. (Copenhagen.-Kongeligt Nor- disk Oldskrift-Selskab.) . . . . Kongeligt Norsk Universitet. (Christiania.- Kon- Königliche landwirthschaftliche Akademie. (Pop- geligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet.) . . pelsdorf.). V. 852 Kongeligt Selskab for Norges Vel. (Christiania.) I. Königliche Naturalienkammer. (Dresden.) . I. Kongeligt Videnskabernes Societet. (Copen- hagen.—Kiøbenhavnsk Selskab, etc.) Königliches Ethnographisches Museum. (Dresden.) 1. 206 Kongliga Academi. (Lund. --- Regia Academia Königliches Geodätisches Institut. (Berlin.- . . . . 1. Geodätisches Institut.) Carolina.) 54 . . . IV. 604 Königliches Institut der Historischen Wissen- Kongliga Akademien för de Fria Konsterna. (Stockholm.) . schaften. (Gottingen.) . . . . . II. 314 . . ... Kongliga Svenska Landtbruks-Academi. (Stock- Königliches Mineralogisches Museum. (Dresden. I. 206 holm.) . . . . . . : Königliche Societät der Wissenschaften. (Got- Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. (Stock- tingen.-Königliche Gesellschaft, etc) . II. 313 holm.) . . . . . . . Königliches Staats-Archiv. (Stettin.) . V. 940 Kongliga Svenska Vitterhets-Academi. (Stock- Königliches Stenographisches Institut. (Dresden. I. 206 holm.) . . . . Königliche Sternwarte. (Berlin.) .. I. 57 Kongliga Vetterhets-, Historie- och Antiquitets- Königliche Sternwarte. (Bogenhausen.) . . I. 69 Academi. (Stockholm.) . . . . V Königliche Sternwarte. (Gottingen.) . . II. 314 Kongliga Universitetet. (Lund.-Regia Academia Carolina.) . . . . . . . IV. Königliche Sternwarte. (Munster.) . . . IV. 669 Kongliga Universitetet. (Upsal.--Regia Academia Königliches Zoologisches Museum. (Dresden.) . I. 206 Upsaliensis.) . . . . . . . V. 989 Königliche Universitäts-Sternwarte zu Christi- Kongligt Biblioteket. (Stockholm.) . . . V. 941 ania. (Christiania. — Christiania Observato- Kongligt Carolinsk Mediko-Kirurgisk Institutet. rium.) . . . . . . . 1. 154 (Stockholm.) . . . . . . V. 941 Königlich-Preussische Märkische Ökonomische Kongligt Collegium Medicum. (Stockholm.) . V. 941 Gesellschaft. (Frankfort on the Oder.) . II. 282 Kongligt Krigs-Vetenskaps-Akademi. (Stock- Königlich-Preussische Märkische ökonomische Gesellschaft. (Potsdam.). . . . . V. 854 holin.) . . . . . . . V. 941 Kongligt Samfundet för utgifvande af Hand- Königlich-Preussische Rhein-Universität. (Bonn. skrifter rörande Skandinaviens Historia. - Reinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität.). (Stockholm.) . . . . . . V. 941 | Königlich-Preussisches Geodätisches Iustitut. Kongress Deutscher Volkswirthe. (Germany.-- (Berlin.—Geodätisches Institut.) . . . I. 54 Congress Deutscher Volkswirthe.) . . . II. 292 Königlich - Preussische Staats- und landwirth- Königlich-Bayerische Central Thierarzneischule. schaftliche Academie. (Eldena.) . . II. 260 Munich.) . . . . . . . IV. 663 Königlich-Sächsische Akademie für Forst- und Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissen- Landwirthe. (Tharand.) . . . . . 956 schaften. (Prague.) . . . . V. 856 Königlich-Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- Königlich-Dänische Acker-Akademie. (Glucks- schaften. (Leipsic.) . . . . II. 378 burg.) . . . . . . . Königlich - Sächsische Polytechnische Schule. Königliche Academie. (Münster.) . . . IV. 669 (Dresden.) . . . . . . I. 206 1. Königliche Akademie der Künste. (Berlin.) . I. 56 Königlich-Sächsischer Alterthumsverein. (Dres- Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. den.--Königlich-Sächsischer Verein für Erfor- (Berlin.-Societas Regia Scientiarum.) . . 1. 58 schung und Erhaltung vaterländischer Alter- thümer.) . . . . . . . I. 206 Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. V 669 Königlich-Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung (Munich.) . . . . und Erhaltung der vaterländischen Alter- Königliche Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissen- thümer. (Dresden.). . . . . I. 206 schaften. (Erfurt.-Academia Electoralis Mo- guntina Scientiarum Utilium.) . . . . II. 260 Königlich - Schleswig-Holstein - Lauenburgische Gesellschaft für die Sammlung und Erhal- Königliche Albertus-Universität. (Konigsberg. - tung vaterländischer Alterthümer. (Kiel.). II. 360 Academia Albertina.) . . . . . 11. 364 Königlich - Statistisch - topographisches Bureau. Königliche Bergacademie. (Freiberg.) . . II. 284 (Stuttgard.) . : : . . . V. Königliche chirurgisch-medicinische Akademie. Königlich-Ungarische Berg-und Forst-Akademie. (Dresden.) . . . . . . 1. 205 (Schemnitz.) . . . . . . . V. 931 V. Königliche Deutsche Gesellschaft. (Gottingen.) . 313 Koninglykė Maetschappy Broederminen Taelyver. Königliche Deutsche Gesellschaft. (Konigsberg.) II. 365 (Ghent.) . . . II. 296 1. 76 Königlicademia Albersdenie. 1- Pannische Akad 02 45 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE Koninklisterdam. demie PART PAGE 349 II. 333 осці Koninklijke Akademie te Delft. (Delft.) . . 1. 197 Koninklijke Akademie van Beeldende Kunsten. (Amsterdam.) . . . . . . I. 18 Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. (Amsterdam.). . . . . I. 18 Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Let- Lægeforening i Christiania. (Christiania.) . I. 159 teren en Fraije Kunsten. (Brussels.--Aca- Läkare-Sällskapet, Svensk. (Stockholm.) . . v. démie Impériale et Royale des Sciences et Landes-Oekonomie Collegium, Preussisches. (Ber- Belles-Lettres, etc.) . . . . . 1. lin.) . . . . . . . I. 1. 57 Koninklijke Akademie voor de Zee- en Land- magt. (Breda.--Koninklijke Militaire Aka- Landesuniversität. (Dorpat.-Kaiserliche Univer- sität.) . . . . . . I. 201 demie. . . . . . . . 1. Landhuusholdnings-Selskab. (Madison, Wisconsin. Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Tuinbouw. (Ley- - Wisconsin State Agricultural Society.) . IV. 609 den.) Landhuusholdningsselskab, Kongeligt Dansk. Koninklijke Militaire Akademie. (Breda.) (Copenhagen.) . . . . . . 1. 177 Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. (The Landtbruks-Academi, Kongliga Svenska. (Stock- Hague.) . . . . . . . holm.) . . . . . . . V. Koninklijk Instituut van Wetenschappen, etc. Land- und Forstwirthschaftliche Akademie. (Amsterdam.--Koninklijke-Nederlandsch Insti- tuut, etc.) . . (Hohenheim.—Lehranstalt, afterwards Akade- . . . . I. 19. mie, etc.). . . . . . . Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Land - und Forstwirthschaftlicher Verein des Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië. (The Hague.) . Herzogthums Braunschweig. (Brunswick.) 1. 96 . . . . . Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut van Weten- Landwirthschaftliche Gesellschaft. (Klausen- burg.) schappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. · · · · · · · (Amsterdam.) . . . . . . Landwirthschaftliche Landes-Anstalt. (San Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Insti- Michele.). . . . . . . V. 929 tuut. (Utrecht.) . . . . . Landwirthschaftlicher Club für Böhmen. (Prague.) V. 857 Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap. (Am- Landwirthschaftlicher Hauptverein für das König- sterdam.). . . . . . reich Sachsen. (Dresden.). . . . I. 206 Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap “Natura Landwirthschaftlicher Provinzial-Verein für das Artis Magistra.” (Amsterdam.): . . Fürstenthum Lüneburg. (Ulgen.) . . V. 988 Kunst-Föreningen. (Stockholm.) . . . V. 946 | Landwirthschaftlicher Provinzial-Verein für die Konstgenootschap “ Acta viros probant.” (Am- Mark Brandenburg und Niederlausitz. sterdam.) . . . (Frankfort on the Oder.) . . . . . II. . . . Konúngliga Norræna Fornfræda Fèlag. (Copen- Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. (Munich.) . . IV. 667 hagen.--Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab.) Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. (Stuttgard.—Würt- Kopnycı Topuhxb MukenepoBb. (Saint Peters- tembergischer Landwirthschaftlicher Verein.) . V. burg.- l'ophuŭ Hucmumymo.) . . . V. 902 Landwirthschaftlicher Verein, Bayerischer. Královská Česká Společnost Nauk. (Prague.- (Munich.) . . . . . . IV. 663 Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissen- Landwirthschaftlicher Verein der Provinz Sachsen schaften.) . . . . . . . . V. 856 und der sächsischen Herzogthümer. (Saxony) V. 930 Krigs-Vetenskaps Akademi, Kongligt. (Stock- Landwirthschaftlicher Verein für die Mark holm.) . . . . . . . 941 Brandenburg und die Niederlausitz. (Pots- Królewskie Towarzystwo Warszawskie Przyjaciół dam.) . . . . . . . V. 854 Nauk. . (Warsaw. Towarzystwo Warszawskie Landwirthschaftlicher Verein, Württembergischer. Przyjaciół Nauk.) . . . . . V. 297 (Stuttgard.) : : : : : : V. 1951 Kunstforeningen. (Copenhagen.) . . . I, 183 Landwirthschaftliche Vereine des Grossherzog- . Kunstgenºotschap. (Leyden.) . . . . II. 387 thums Hessen. (Darmstadt. · I. 197 Kunstgenootschap “Nil Volentibus Arduum.” Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft. (Zell.) . . V. 1014 (Amsterdam.) . . . . . . I. I. 23 23 | Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft für Croatien und “ Kunst is ons Vermaek,” Maetschappy van Rhe- Slavonien. (Agram.) . . . . I. 8 torika. (Ypres.) . . . . . V. 1013 Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft, Kaiserlich-König- Kunstlergesellschaft. (Berne.-Bernische Kunst- liche.' (Vienna.) . . . . . V. 981 lergesellschaft.) 65 Landwirthschafts - Gesellschaft, Oldenburgische. Künstler-Gesellschaft in Zürich. (Zurich.) . V. 1015 (Oldenburg.) . . . . . . IV. Künstlerverein. (Bremen.) Law Society of the United Kingdom, Incorporated. Künstlerverein Eintracht. (Vienna.) . . (London.) 490 V. 983 . . . Kunstverein von Solothurn. (Solothurn.) . . V. 938 Law Society, Punjab. (Lahore.) . . . II. 3613 Kunungliga Norræna Fornfræda Fèlag. (Copen- Лазаревскій Институтъ Восточныхъ Языковъ. I. (Moscow.) . hagen.-Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab.) . . . . . IV. 658 Kurfürstliche Akademie der nützlichen Wissen- Legatum Arnæ-Magnæanum. (Copenhagen.) . I. 183 schaften. (Erfurt. — Academia Electoralis Lehranstalt für Land- und Forstwirthschaft. Moguntina Scientiarum Utilium.) . . . II. 260 (Hohenheim.) . . . . . . II 319 Kurländische Gesellschaft für Literatur und Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. Kunst. (Mittau.) · · · · IV. (Leicester.) . . . . . . .. II. 373 ... 1 SI Kunungliga Kongeligt Nordiske vitzlichen Wissen fürstliche Akaberfurt. - Acom.) · 47 . nin tarina INDEX TO ACADEMIES, PART PAGE . . II. 372 M . . . . . . . . I. 23 Leicestershire Architectural and Archæological Society. (Leicester.) . . Leland Society. (London.) . . . . III. 494 Letterlievend Genootschap “Oefening kweekt rart PAGE kennis." (Paramaribo.) . . . . . IV. Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde Lettisch-literärische Gesellschaft. (Mittau.) . IV. 646 (Leyden.) . . . . II. 387 Library Association of the United Kingdom. Maatschappij " Felix Meritis." (Amsterdam.) . I. (Great Britain and Ireland.) . . . II. 321 Maatschappij ter bevordering van den Landbouw. Liceo Artístico y Literario. (Madrid.) . . IV. 613 (Amsterdam.) . Lincolnshire Topographical Society. (Lincoln.). II. 393 Maatschappij tot aanmoediging der Bouwkunde. Linnean Society. (London.) ... . . . III. 494! (Amsterdam.) .. Linnean Society of New England. (Boston, Maatschappij tot bevordering der Bouwkunst. · Mass.) . . . 23 . 1. I. 32 (Amsterdam.) Linnean Society of New South Wales. (Sydney.) V. 955 Maatschappij van Weldadigheid. (Amsterdam.). I. 24 Linnæan Society of New York. (New York.) .. IV. 692 Maatschappy “ Vaderlandsliefde.” (Brussels.). I. 105 Linnésk Samfundet. (Stockholm.) . . v. 946 Mácica Serbska. (Bautzen.) . . . . I. 45 Litauische literarische Gesellschaft. (Tilsit.) . v. 957 Maclurian Lyceum. (Philadelphia.) . . . V., 848 Literarischer Studenten Verein. (Breslau.) . I. 91 Madras Literary Society. (Madras.). . . IV. 610 Literarischer Verein. (Berne.) . . , I. 65 Madras University. (Madras.) . . . IV. 610 Literarischer Verein. (Nuremberg.). . . IV. 701 Maetschappij van Rhetorica onder de Kenspreuk Literarischer Verein. (Stuttgard.). . . V. 950 “ Heilig Kruis Scherp Duer.” (Dixmude.). 1. 200 Maetschappij van Rhetorica onder de Kenspreuk Literarisch-Geselliger Verein. (Stralsund.) “Nu, Morgen Niet.” (Dixmude.) . . I. 200 Literary and Antiquarian Society. (Perth.) . V. 836 Maetschappy der Belgische 836 Maetschappy der Belgische Letterkundigen. Letterk Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. (Brussels.) . . . . . . I. (Quebec.). . . . . . V. 862 | Maatschappena Maetschappy der Vlaemsche Bibliophilen. (Ghent.) II. 296 Literary and Philosophical Societ. (Liverpool.) II. 400 Maets Maetschappy gezegd Motionisten. (Grammont.). II. 314 Literary and Philosophical Society. (Manchester.) IV. 626 Maetschappy van Rhetorika “ De Fonteinisten." Literary and Philosophical Society. (New York.) IV. 692 L (Ghent.) . . II. 297 Literary and Philosophical Society. (South- Maetschappy van Rhetorika “de Kunst is ons ampton.) . , . . . . . V. 939 Vermaek.” Y. Y (Ypres.) . V. 1013 . Literary and Scientific Society. (Shanghai.) . V. 935 Maetschappy van Tael- en Letteroefening, onder Literary Club. (Manchester.) . . . IV. 626 Kenzin “Oefening Leert.” (Zomerghem:). V. 1014 Maetschappy van Tooneel- en Letterkunde met Literary Society. (Washington, Columbia.). Kenspreuk “ Yver en Broedermin.” (Bruges.) I. 94 Literary Society of Bombay. (Bombay.) . 1. 7+ Maetschappy van Vlaemsche Letteroefening, met Literatur-Selskab. (Copenhagen.) . . . 1. 185 Kenspreuk : “ De Tael is gansch het Volk.” Litterarischer Verein. (Naumberg.). ... . IV. 678 (Ghent.) . . . . . . . II. 297 Liverpool Academy of Arts. (Liverpool.) . . II. 400 Maetschappy voor Opvoeding en Onderwys. (Brussels.) . . . . . . . 1. 105 Liverpool Architectural and Archæological So- . Maetschappy " Yver en Broedermin.” (Bruges. ciety. (Liverpool.) . . . . . II. 400 Maetschappy van Tooneel- en Letterkunde met Liverpool Geological Society. (Liverpool.) . II. 400 II. 400 Kenspreule “ Yver en Broedermin.") . . I. 94 Liverpool Numismatic Society. (Liverpool.), II. 400 Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Liverpool Society of Fine Arts. (Liverpool.) . II. 400 (Hobart Town.) . . . . .. II. 349 Livländische Gemeinnützige und Dekonomische Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. V. 890 Societät. (Saint Helena.) (Riga.) . . . . . V. 867 | Lokal-Gewerbeverein. (Mentz.) . . . IV. 630 Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. (Toronto.) · · · · London and Middlesex Archævlogical Society. · V. 958 · (London.) . . . III. 937 Magnetical Observatory. (Singapore.) . . London Anthropological Society. (London.) . III. 495) Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory. (Simla.) . . . . . V. 937 London Architectural Society. (London.). III. 495 Magnetischer Verein. (Gottingen.) . . . II. 314 London Electrical Society. (London.) . III. 495 Magyar Akademia. (Pest.-Magyar Tudományos London Mathematical Society. (London.). . III. 495 Akademia.) . . . . V. 840 London Medical Society of Observation. (London.) III. 495 Magyar Gazdasági Egyesület. (Pest.) . . V. 839 Long Island Historical Society. (Brooklyn, N.Y.) I. 94 Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat. (Pest.) .. . V. 839 Lovensche Rederykkamer : “ Het Kerssouwken.” Magyar nyelv-mivelö Társaság. (Hermanstadt.). 11. 348 II. . (Louvain.) . . . . . . IV. 692 Maovar Magyarországi Kárpátegylet. (Hungary.). . II. Tower Canada Agricultural Society. (Montreal. IV. 653 Magyar Orvosi Könyvkiadó-Társulat. (Pest.) , V. 340 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. (Munich.) . IV. 668 Magyar Orvosok és Természetvizsgálók Nagy- Lycée des Arts. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 790 gyülése. (Hungary.) . . . . II. 351 Lyceum of Natural History: (New York.). . IV. 692 Magyar Theátrumi Társaság. (Pest.) . . V. 840 V. 998 358 49 50 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE 11 I. Magyar Történelmi Társulat. (Pest.) . . V. 840 Medical Society. (London.) . . . . III. 496 Magyar Tudományos Akademia. (Pest.) . . V. 840 Medical Society. (New Haven, Connecticut.) . IV. 683 Maine Board of Agriculture. (Augusta.) . . I. 35 Medical Society. (New York.) . . . . IV. 693 Maine Historical Society. (Portland, Maine.). V. 853 Medical Society, Aberdeen. (Aberdeen.) . . 1. 3 Maitland Club. (Glasgow.) . . . . II. 303 Medical Society, Bolyston. (Cambridge, Mass.) . I. 143 Maler-Akademie. (Nuremberg.) . . IV. 701 Medical Society, Essex South District. (Salem, Manchester New College. (Manchester.). . IV. 627 Mass.) . . . . . . . V. 922 Manx Society. (Douglas, Isle of Man.) . . 1. 204 Medical Society, Massachusetts. (Boston, Mass.) I. 84 Marinha e Commercio, Academia Real da. Medical Society, Philadelphia. (Philadelphia.) . V. 849 (Oporto.). . . . . . IV. 702 Medical Society, Rhode Island. (Providence, Marischal College. (Aberdeen.) .. . .. 3 Rhode Island.) . . . . . . . V. 861 Marnix-Vereeniging. (Utrecht.) . . . v. 994 Medical Society, Tennessee State. (Nashville.) · IV. 677 Maryland Academy of the Fine Arts. (Balti- Medical Society of Observation, London. (London.) III. 495 more.) . . . . . . Medical Society of the County of Kings. (Brook- Maryland Historical Society. (Baltimore.) . lyn, N.Y.) · . . . I. 94 Massachusetts Historical Society. (Boston, Mass.) I. 82 Medical Society of the North. (Inverness.) . II. 356 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. (Boston, Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Mass. . . . . . . . (Lancaster, Pennsylvania.) . . . II. 367 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Boston, Medical Society of Victoria. (Melbourne.) . IV. 634 Mass.) . . Medicinische Facultät. (Prague.) .. . . V. 857 Massachusetts Medical College. (Cambridge, Mass.) Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. . . . ** . . . .. . ..... Massachusetts Medical Society. (Boston, Mass.). . . ... (Jena. . . . . . . . II. 353 Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture. Medicinisk Selskab i Christiania. (Christiania.). I. 159 (Boston, Mass.) I. 85 Medico-Botanical Society. (London.) . . III. 497 Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati. (Boston, Medico-Chirurgical Society. (Bristol.) . . I. 93 Mass.) . . . . . . . I. 85 Medico-Chirurgical Society. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 252 Mathematical Society. (London.) . . . III. 496 Medico-Chirurgical Society. (Stilton.) . . v. 940 Mathematical Society, London. (London.) · III. 495 Medico-Chirurgica Schola Olisiponensis. (Lisbon.) II. 399 Matica Hrvatska. (Agram.—Matica Ilirska, etc.) Medico-Historical Society, New York. (New York.). IV. 695 Matica Ilirska. (Agram.) . I. 8 | Medico-Legal Society. (New York.) . . . IV. 693 Matica Slovenska. (Laybach.) . . . 368 Mejl KO-XupypridieckaA kajjemix. (Saint Peters- Matica Slovenska. (Szent Márton.) . . . V. 955 burg. — Umnepamopcran McdukoXupypia- Matice Česká. (Prague.--Společnost Vlastenského Ucckar Akademin.) . . . . . V. 904 Musea v Čechach.) . . . . . v. 858 Melbourne Medical Students' Society. (Melbourne.) IV. 634 Mariya Cpócka. (Pest.) . . . . . V. 844 Melbourne Observatury. (Williamstown.-Wil- . McGill College, University of. (Montreal.) liamstown Observatory.) IV. 653 . . . . V. 1003 Mecklenburgischer Patriotischer Verein. (Meck- Meteorological Society. (London.) . . . III. 497 lenburg-Schwerin.) . . . . . IV. 632 Meteorological Society. (Mauritius.) . . IV. 632 Médecins de Paris, Association des. (Paris.) . Meteorological Society, British. (London.) . III. 424 Médecins du Département de la Seine, Association Meteorological Society of Mauritius. (Port Louis, générale des. (Paris. . . . . IV Mauritius.) . . . . . . V. 852 Médecins et Pharmaciens de l'Isère, Société des. Meteorological Society, Scottish. (Edinburgh.) . II. 255 (Grenoble. . . . . . . 11. Meteorologisches Institut. (Berlin.) . III. 496 Medical and Chirurgical Society. (London.) . . 1. 57 Meteorologisk Institut. (Copenhagen.) . . 1. . Medical and Physical Society. (Calcutta.) I. 185 | Metropolitan Association of Medical Officers of Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. (Bom- Health. (London.) . . . . . bau.) . . . . . . . I. 75 Medical and Surgical Association, Provincial. “Met Tyd en Vlyt,” Tael- en Letterlievend (Great Britain and Ireland.) . . . I Genootschap. (Louvain.) . . : . IV. 602 Medical and Surgical Society of the University | Miami University. (Oxford, Ohio.). . . IV. 737 of the State of New York. (Albany.). : Michigan State Agricultural Society'. (Lansing.) II. 367 Medical Association, American. (United States of Michigan State Pomological Society. (Lansing.) II. 367 America.) . . Microscopical Society of London. (London.) . III. 497 Medical Association, National Eclectic. (Rochester, Microscopical Society of Victoria. (Melbourne.). IV. 634 New York.) . . . Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Medical College, Massachusetts. (Cambridge, Mass.) . . I. | . . 144 Engineers. (Barnsley.) . . . 1. 40 . . Medical College of New York. (New York.) . IV. 693 Midland Union of Natural History Societies. (Birmingham.) . . . . . . I. 68 Medical College of the State of South Carolina. (Charleston, South Carolina.) . . . I. 152 Militaire Høiskole, Kongelige. (Copenhagen.) .. Medical Institution of Geneva College. (Geneva, Militairt Samfund. (Christiania.) . . . New York.) . . . . . . II. 288 Militär - geographisches Institut, Kaiserlich- Medical Society. (Edinburgh.) . . . . II. 252 Königliches. (Vienna.) . . . . Méde Grenoba Chi 51 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 52 907 . . . . IV. PART PAGE 1 PART PAGE Militarische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . . . I. 57 Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Military Academy, Royal. (Woolwich.) . . V. 1008 (Brussels.) . . . . . . I. 105 Military Academy, United States. (West Point.) V. 1002 Musée Teyler. (Haarlem.—Teyler's Stichting.). II. 331 Military Service Institute of the United States. Museo Arqueológico Nacional. (Madrid.). IV. 613 (New York.) . . . . . . IV. 693 Museo Borbonico, Real. (Naples.) . IV. 676 Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. (Genoa.) . II. 283 Ireland. (Great Britain and Ireland.). . II. Museo di Milano, Imperiale Reale. (Milan.) . IV. 643 Munepadorureckoe OomecTBO. (Saint Petersburg. Museo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale. — Императорское Минералогическое об- (Florence.—Museum Regiun Florentinum, etc.) II. 274 wecmeo.) Museo Nacional. (Mexico.) . . . . IV. 641 Mineralogische Gesellschaft. (Saint Petersburg. — Императорское Минералогическое об- Museo Nazionale. (Naples. — Real Museo Bor- . . 2CCM80.) . . . . . V. bonico, etc.) 907 . . . . . . IV. 676 Mineralogisches Museum, Königliches. (Dresden.) 1. 206 Museo Patrio d'Archeologia. (Milan.) . . IV. 644 Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Institute of. | Museo Público. (Buenos Ayres.) . . . I. 109 (Longton.) . . . . . . IV. 597 Museo Tergestino di Antichità. (Trieste.) . V. 962 Mining Institute of Victoria. (Melbourne.) . IV. 634 Museum Cæsareum Palatinum Vindobonense. Ministers’ Institute. (United States of America.). V. 989 (Vienna.) . . . . . V. 983 Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. Muséum Calvet. (Avignon.) . . . . I. 36 (Minneapolis, Minnesota.) ; . Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. (Lyons.) . . IV. 606 Minnesota Historical Society. (Saint Paul, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. (Rouen.) . . V. 883 Minnesota.) . . Muséum d'Instruction Publique. (Bordeaux.) I. 78 Mittelrheinischer geologischer Verein. (Darm- Museum Francisco-Carolinum. (Linz.) . . II. 393 stadt.) . . . . . . . 1. 197 Museum Godeffroy. (Hamburg.) Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Asso- . . . II. 338 ciation. (Caerleon. — Caerleon Antiquarian Museum Historiae Naturalis Viennense. (Vienna. Association.) . . . . . I. 113 - Wiener Museum der Naturgeschichte.) . V. 986 Moravian Book Association. (Piladelphia.) V. 849 Museum Královstvi Českého. (Prague.-Společ Moravian Historical Society. (New York.) . IV. 693 I nost Vlastenskiho Musea v Cechach.) . . V. Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Deutsche. (Ger- Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. (Paris.) many.) ; . . . . . . Museum Nationale Hungaricum. (Pest.) . V. 839 MOCKOBCkan Ayxobhan Akademin. (Moscow.) . IV. 658 Museum of American Archæology and Ethno- Московскій Музей Прикладныхъ Знаній. logy, Peabody. (Cambridge, Mass.) . . 1. 145 (Moscow.) . . . . . . . . . IV. 658 Museum of Comparative Zoology. (Cambridge, Московскій Публичный и Румянцевскій музей. Mass.) . . . . . . . . . I. 145 (Moscow. . . . . . . IV. 659 Museum of Natural History, American. (New MOCKOBCkiii II YOHIHLI Myzeit. (Moscow. - IV. 690 Московскій IIубличный и Румянцевскій Museum Regium Florentinum. (Florence.) . II. 274 MI used.) . . . . . . . . . 659 Museu Nacional. (Rio de Janeiro.) . . . V. 869 MOCKOBckiii Yhi Bepcitet). (Moscow.—Hanepa- торскій Московский Университета.) . . 654 Museu Nacional de Lisboa. (Lisbon.) . . II. 399 Московское Археологическое Общество. Muzeum Techniczno-Przemysłowe. (Cracow.) 1. 192 (Moscow.) . . . . . . IV. Mystery and Commonalty of Barbers and І осковское Дворцовое Архитектурное Училище. Surgeons of London. (London.-— Royal Col- (Moscow) . . . . . . IV. 659 lege of Surgeons.) . • . . III. 539 Московское Общество Истории и древностей Рос- ciiicrix. (Moscow. -- Innepamopckoe 06- ugecmeo Hcmopiu u Ipconocmeü PocciückUX.) IV. 655 Московское Общество Любителей Духовнаго II pocbbmeuin. (Moscow.) . . . . IV. 659 Motett and Madrigal Society, Oxford University. (Oxford ). . . . . . . IV. 705 Nacional Colegio de Escribanos. (Mexico.) . IV. 641 Μουσειον και Βιβλιοθηκη της Ευαγγελικής Σχολης. Nacional y Pontificia Universidad de México. (Mexico.-— Real, afterwards Nacional y Ponti- Münzforscher-Verein zu Hannover. (Hanover.) II. 340 ficia Universidad, etc.) . . . . IV. 642 Musæum Minervæ. (London.) . . . III. 498 Nadání Palackého. (Prague.) . . . . V. 857 Musée Central des Arts. (Paris.) . . . IV. 791 Narodni Zemaljski Musej. (Agram.) . . 1. 8 Musée d'Anatomie de Strasbourg (Strasburg.) V. 949 Narragansett Club. (Providence, Rhode Island.). V. 861 Musée d'Art et d'Industrie. (Moscow.Xydo picecmeenuo IIPOMvw.1CHnut Nyzcü.) . . IV. 658 National Academy of Sciences. (Washington, Musée de l'Industrie. (Brussels.) . . . . 103 Columbia. . . . . . . Y. 998 Yusée d'Histoire Naturelle. (Caen.) . . 1. 112 National Association for the Promotion of Social ée d'Histoire Naturelle. (Toulouse.) . . V. 959 Science. (Great Britain and Ireland.). . . II. 321 National. (Amsterdam.-- Koninklijke Aca- National Association for the Promotion of Social e van beeldende Kunsten.) . . . I. 18 Science. (New York.) . . . . . IV. 964 York) : : : 'trecej . II. 274 N. 1 53. INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 54' V Il. II. 343 388 43 PART PAGE PART PAGE National Eclectic Medical Association. (Rochester, Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis. (Dres- New York.) . . . . . . . 869 den. . . . . . . . do National Institution for the Promotion of Science. Naturwissenschaftliche Landes-durchforschung (Washington, Columbia.) . . . . V. 998 von Böhmen. (Prague.-Oba Komitéty pro Nationalmuseum, Germanisches. (Nuremberg.) . IV. 700 Přirodovědecký Výskum země České.) i V. 857 National Observatory. (Washington, Columbia.- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Bremen.) . I. 89 Naval Observatory.) . . . . . V. 998 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Carlsruhe.) . I. 148 Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Hamburg.) . II. 338 (Penzance.) . . . . . . V. 835 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Kiel.) . ; II. 361 Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Magdeburg.). IV. 622 Dumfriesshire and Galloway. (Dumfries.). I. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. (Ratisbon, . Natural History and Philosophical Society, Belfast. Zoologisch-mineralogischer Verein.) . . V. 864 (Belfast.) . . . . . I. 46 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes. Natural History Society. (Glasgow.) . . II. 308. (Germany.) . . Natural History Society. (Montreal.). . IV. 653 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für das Fürsten- Natural History Society. (Port Louis, Mauritius.) V. 852 thum Lüneburg. (Luneburg.) . . IV. 605 Natural History Society, Devon and Cornwall. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Sachsen und (Plymouth.) . . . . . . V. 851 Thüringen. (Halle.) . 336 Natural History Society, Eastbourne. (East- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Steiermark. bourne.) . . . . . . 11. 225 (Gratz.) . . . . . . . 316 Natural History Society, High Wycombe. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein von Neu-Vorpom- (Wycombe.) . . . . . . 1012 mern und Rügen. (Greifswald.) . . Natural History Society of Hartford. (Hartford, Naturwissenschaftlich - medizinischer Verein. Connecticut.) . · · · · · (Innspruck.) . . . . . . II. 355 Natural History Society of Northumberland, Natuur- en Geneeskundige Correspondentie Socie- Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (New- teit. (The Hague.) . . . . . II. castle-upon-Tyne) :. : : : IV. 681 Natuurkundige Commissie in Oost-Indië. (Ley- . Natural History Society, Wernerian. (Edinburgh.) II. 258 den.) . . .. II. Natural History Society, Worcestershire. (Wor- Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch cester.) . . . . . . Indië. (Batavia.) . . V. 1009 . . . . I. Naturalienkammer, Königliche. (Dresden.) . I. 205 Naval Architects, Institution of. (London.) . III. 493 Naturalists? Club, Berwickshire. (Berwickshire.) 1. 67 Naval Observatory. (Washington, Columbia.) , V. 998 Naturalists' Field Club, Belfast. (Belfast.) . I. 46 Neapolitana Scientiarum Academia. (Naples. Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere.) IV. 673 Naturalists' Field Club, Tyneside. (Newcastle- upon-Tyne.) Nederduitsch tael- en letterkundige Genootschap. . . . . . . (Brussels.) Naturalists' Society. (Bristol.) . . . I. 94 . . . . . . . I. Nederduitsch Taelverbond. (Belgium.) . . I. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Basle.) . . . I. 41 . I. Nederduytsche Academie. (Amsterdam.) . 24 Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Berne.). . I. 65 Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Dantzic.) . (Netherlands.). .. . . IV. 678 Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Freiburg, in the Nederlandsche Huishoudelijke Maatschappij. Breisgau.) . . (Haarlem.) . . . . . . II. 330 Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Gorlitz.) . . 11. 309 Nederlandsche Maatschappij der Letterkunde. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Leipsic.) . . II. 378 (Leyden. — Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Zurich.) . . V. 1015 Letterkunde.) . . . . . . II. 388 Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens. Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter bevordering van Nijverheid. (Haarlem.-Nederlandsche Huis- (Coire.) . . . . . . . I. 166 houdelijke Maatschappij, etc.) . . . II. 330 Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Senckenbergische. Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der (Frankfort on the Main.) “) . . . . . . 281 II. Geneeskunst. (Amsterdam.) . . . I. 24 Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Halle.. (Halle.) II. 336 Nederlandsch-Indische Maatschappij van Nijver- · Naturforschende Privatgesellschaft. (Leipsic.). II. 379 heid en Landbouw. (Batavia.). Naturforschender Verein. (Riga.) . . . V. 868 | Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, etc. Naturhistorie Selskabet. (Copenhagen. . I. 185 (Amsterdam.-Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Insti- Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. (Hanover.) . II. 340 tuut, etc.). . . . . . 1. 19 Nerderlandsch Landhuishoudkundig Congres. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. (Nuremberg.) . IV. (Netherlands.) . . . . . . IV. Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rhein- Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres. (Nether- lande. (Bonn.) . . . . . I. 76 lands.) . . . . . . . IV. 679 Naturhistorischer Verein “ Lotos.” (Prague.). V. 857 Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut, Konink- Naturhistorischer Verein von Wisconsin. (Mil- lijk. (Utrecht.) . . . . . V. 993 waukee.) . · · · IV. 646 Nederlandsch Veera Nederlandsch Vee-artsenijkundig Genootschap. Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum. (Klagenfurt.) II. 363 (Netherlands.). . . IV. 679 Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. (Dresden.) I. 206 Newbury District Field Club. (Neubury.). IV. 681 106 196 U. 285 do 701 55 56 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGB 682 . . I. 85 935 Coloure PART PAGE 1 Newcastle Literary Society. (Newcastle-upon- Norsk Studentersamfund. (Christiania.) . . 1. 160 Tyne.) . . . Norsk Turistforening. (Christiania.) . . I. 160 ! New England Agricultural Society. (Boston, North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Mass.) . . (Shanghai.—Shanghai Literary and Scientific New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Society.) . . . . . . . (Boston Mass.). . . . 85 North East Society of Ireland for the Encourage- New Hampshire Antiquarian Society. (New ment of Agriculture. (Belfast.) . . 47 Hampshire.) . . . 683 North Lincolnshire Agricultural Society. (Brigg.) I. 93 New Hampshire Historical Society. (Concord, North of England Institute of Mining Engineers. New Hampshire.) . . . . . (Newcastle-upon-Tyne.) : New Hampshire Medical Institution. (Hanover, North Oxfordshire Archæological Society. (Ox- New Hampshire.) . . . . . ford.) . . . . . . . IV. New Hampshire Medical Society. (Concord, New North Western Dairymen's Association. (United Hampshire.) . . . . . . I. States of America.) . . . New Hampshire State Agricultural Society. Norwegisches Meteorologisches Institut. (Chris- (New Hampshire.) . . . . . IV. 683 tiania.—Norsk Meteorologisk Institut.) i New Jersey College. (Princeton, New Jersey.) . V. 860 Norwich Geological Society. (Norwich.) . . IV. 699 New Jersey Historical Society. (Newark, Nero Nova Scotian Institute of Science. (Halifax, Jersey.) . . . . . . . IV. 681 | I Nova Scotia.) . . . . . . II. 335 New Shakspere Society. (London.) . . . III. 498 Hobopoccifckit YhuBepchTerb. (Odessa.—Amne- New Society of Painters in Water-Colours. pamopcriú Hobopocciůckii Yuubepcumemo.). IV. 702 (London.) . . . . . . 499 | Новороссійское Общество Естествоиспытателей. New Sydenham Society. (London.) . . . III. 500 (Odessa.) . . . . . . . IV. New York Academy of Medicine. (New York.). IV. 694 Nouvelle Société des Peintres en Aquarelle. (Lon- don. -New Society of Painters in Water New York Ecclesiological Society. (New York.). IV. 694 Colours.) . . . . . . III. 499 New York Entomological Club. (New York.) . IV. 694 Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. (Montreal.) IV. 653 New York Historical Society (New York.) . IV. 694 Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. (Phila- New York Medico-Historical Society. (New delphia.). . . . . . V. 849 York.) · · IV. 695 Numismatic and Archäological Society, American. New York Meteorological Observatory. (New 1 (New York.) . . . . . IV. 690 York.) . . . . . . . IV. 695 Numismatic Society. (London.) . . . III. 503 New York Microscopical Society. (New York.). IV. 696 Numismatic Society. (Manchester.) . . . IV. 627 New York Phi Beta Kappa Society. (New York.) IV. 696 Numismatic Society, Boston. (Boston, Mass.) . 1. 81 New York State Agricultural Society. (Albany.) 1. 9 Numismatic Society, Liverpool. (Liverpool.) . II. 400 New York State Agricultural Society. (New . Numismatische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . . . I. 58 York.) . . . . . . . . IV. IV. 696. “ Nu, Morgen Niet,” Maetschappij van Rhetorica New Zealand Institute. (Wellington, New Zealand.) V. 1001 onder de Kenspreuk. (Dixmude.) . . 1. 200 Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte. (Saint Petersburg. Николаевская Главная Астрономическая Ocepeanopir.) . . . . . V. 912 Niederösterreichischer Gewerbeverein. (Vienna.) V. 983 Niederrheinische Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. (Bonn.) . . . I. 76 Oba Komitéty pro Přírodovědecký Výskum země Николаевская Академія Генеральнаго ІШтаба. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . . V. 912 České. (Prague.) . . . . . V. 857 Oberhessische Gesellschaft für Natur und Heil- Николаевская Главная Астрономическая Обсер- Batopix. (Saint Petersburg.) kunde. (Giessen.) . . . . . Nord-Böhmische Excursions-Club. (Leipa.) . II. 372 Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. (Gorlitz.) . . . II. 295 . Norddeutscher Chirurgen-Verein. (Germany.). . . Observatoire. (Toulouse.) . Norddeutsche Seewarte. (Hamburg.) . . II. 338 Observatoire d'Athènes. (Athens.). I. 32 Nordisk Litteratur-Samfund. (Copenhagen.) . I. 185 Observatoire de Montsouris. (Paris. Observatoire Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab, Kongeligt. (Copen- Royal, etc.) . . . . . . IV. 792 hagen.) . . . . . . . I. 179 Observatoire de Moscou. (Moscow.) . . . IV. ,659 Nordisk Selskab i London. (London.) . . III. 503 Observatoire Physique Central. (Paris.- Observa- Norfolk and Norwich Archäological Society. toire Royal, etc.) . . . . . . 792 (Norwich.) . . . . . . IV. 698 Observatoire Physique Central de Russie. (Saint Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Suciety. (Nor- Petersburg.) . . . . . . v. 912 wich.) . . . . . . . . IV. 699 Observatoire Royal. (Brussels.) . . . I. 106 Norsk Meteorologisk Institut. (Christiania.) . I. 159 Observatoire Royal. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 792 Norsk Oldskriftselskab. (Christiania.) . . I. 160 Observatorio Astronómico Argentino." (Buenos Norsk Selskab. (Copenhagen.) . . . . I. 187 Ayres.- Observatorio Nacional Argentino.) ; I. 109 Norsk Studenter-forbund. (Christiania.-Norsk Observatorio Astronómico de Chapultepec. (Cha- Studentersamfund.) . . . . . I. 160 pultepec.) . . . . . . I. 152 V. 912 57 . 58 . INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART . 10 PAGE Observatorio Fiѕico-Meteorico de la Habana. | Oekonomische Gesellschaft. (Coire.) . . I. 166 (Havanna, Cuba.) . . . . . . 11. 343 | Oekonomische Gesellschaft im Königreiche Sach- Observatorio Nacional. (Santiago.) . . . V. 929 | sen. (Dresden.) . . . . . І. 207 Observatorio Nacional Argentino. (Buenos Ayres.) I. 109 | Oekonomische Societät. (Leipsic.) . . . ІІ. 379 Observatorio Nacional Marina. (San Fernando, Oekonomisch-patriotische Societät. (Jauer.) . II. 352 І. of Leon.— Observatorio Real.) . . . V. 928 | Оesterreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie. Observatorio Real. (San Fernando, I. of Leon.). Т. 928 . (Vienna.). . . . . . . V. 983 Observatorium. (Batavia.) . . . . І. 43 | Оesterreichischer Alpen-Verein. (Vienna.) . у. 983 Observatorium Monacense. (Munich.) . . IV. 668 | Оesterreichischer Reichsforstverein. (Vienna.) . V. 984 Observatory. (Bombay.). . . . . . І. 75 Oesterreichischer Touristen-Club. (Vienna.) ; v. Observatory. (Madras.). . . . . IV. 611 Ökonomische Gesellschaft, Königlich-Preussische Obserwatoryum Astronomiczne Warszawskie. · Märkische. (Potsdam.) . . . . . V. 854 (Warsaw.) . . . . . . . Oldenburger Landesverein für Alterthumskunde. Общество Древне-Русскаго искусства. (Moscow.) IV. 659 (Oldenburg.) . (улиепогу.) . . . . . . . . . IV. 702 Общество Естествоиспытателей. (Кават.) . II. 358 | Oldenburgische Landwirthschafts - Gesellschaft. (Oldenburg.) . . . . . . IV. 702 Общество Естествоиспытателей. (Kiev.— Кіевское Общество Естествоиспытателей.) . . . ш. 361 Old Residents' Historical Association. (Lowell.) IV. 602 Общество Естествоиспытателей. (Odessa.Но- Oldskriftselskab, Nor:sk. (Christiania.) . . I. 160 вороссийское Общество Естествоиспыта- “Olyftak,” Antwerpsche Rederykkamer. (Ant- отелей.) . . . . . . . . IV. 702 werp.) . . . . . . . . І. 29 Общество Естествоиспытателей. (Saint-Peters- Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. burg. — Санктпетербургское Общество (Great Britain and Ireland.) . . . ІІ. 322 . Естествоиспытателей.) . . . . V. 918 Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft. (Heidelberg.) . Общество Испытателей Природы. (Moscoo.) . IV. 659 Oriental Congress, International. (Europe.) . ІІ. 266 Общество Истории. и Древностей. (Odessa.— Orientalische Akademie, Kaiserlich-Königliche. Одесское Общество Истории и Древностей.) IV. 702 (Vienna.) . . . . . . V. 981 Общество Истории и Древностей Россійскихъ. Orientalisches Museum. (Vienna.) . . . V. 984 (Moscow. — Императорское Общество Исто- Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and piwu Древностей Российскихъ.). . . IV. 655 Ireland. (London.) . Общество Любителей Древней Письменности. . . . . (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . . V. 912 912 Orkney and Zetland Antiquarian Society. (Edin- Общество Любителей Духовнаго Просвѣщенія. burgh.) . . . . . . . II. 252 (Moscow. — Московское Общество Любителей Ornithologischer Verein. (Vienna.) . . . . V. 984 Духовнаго Просвѣщенія.) . . . . IV. 659 659 Ortsverein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Общество Любителей Естествознанія. (Moscow.) IV. 660 zu Braunschweig und Wolfenbüttel. (Bruns- . Общество Любителей Кавказской Археологій. wick.) . . . . . . І. 96 (Tiftis.) . . . . . 957 Osservatorio Astronomico di Modena, Reale. . . V. 957 | OSse Общество Любителей Художествъ. (Moscoo.) . IV. (Modena.) . . . . . . IV. 647 Общество Любителей Отечественной Словесности. Osservatorio Astronomico, Reale. (Turin.) , V. 968 (Ќазап. — Казанское Общество Любителей Osservatorio della Regia Università. (Turin.- Отечественной Словесности.) . . . II. Universita-o8servatorio.) . . . . V.. 969 Общество Любителей Россійской Словесностн. | Ossөrvatorio di Brera, Reale. (Milan.) . . IV. 645 (Moscow.) 660 | Osservatorio di Napoli, Reale. (Naples.) . . IV. 675 Общество Любителей Россійской Словесности. Osservatorio Meteorologico Vesuviano, Reale. (Saint Petersburg. — Санктпетербургское Вольное Обијество Любителей Россійской - (Naples.) . . . . . . . IV. 675 Словесность.) . . . | Osservatorio, Real. (Palermo.) . . . IV. 740 Общество Распространенія Полезныхъ Книгъ. Ossianic Society. (Dublin.) . . . . І. 215 (Moscow.) . . . . . . . IV.. 661 Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Indus- Общество Русскихъ Врачей. (Saint Petersburg.) у. 916 trie, Kaiserlich-Königlich. (Vienna.). . V. 982 . Общество Сельскаго хозяйства. (Moscow.— | Oudheidskundige Kring van het Land van Waes. Императорское Московское Общество Сель- (Saint Nicholas.) . . . . . V. 891 скаго хозяйства.) . . . . . IV. 655 | Overijsselsche Vereenigіng tоt Ontwikkeling yan Общество Сельскаго хозяйства Южной Россін. Provinciale Welvaart. (Zooole.) . . v. 1018 (Odessa.— Императорское Общество Сель- Owens College. (Manchester.) . . . . IV. 627 скало Хозяйства Южной Россіи.) . . | Oxford Architectural Society. (Oxford. — Oxford Obstetrical Society. (London.) . . . ІІІ. 503 | Society for promoting the study of Gothic Одесское Общество Исторiн и Древностей. Architecture.) . . . . . . IV. 704 (Odessa.). . . . IV. 702 | Oxfordshire Agricultural Society. (Oxford.) . IV. 704 Odonto-Chirurgical Society. (Great Britain and Oxford Society for promoting the Study of Gothic Ireland.) . . . . . . . . . 322 Architecture. (Oxford.) . . . . Odontological Society. (London.) . . . ІІІ. 504 | Oxford Tutors' Association. (Oxford.) , , IV. 787 « Оefening Leert,” Maetschappy van Tael- en Oxford University Entomological Society. (Ox- Letteroefening. (Хотеrghет.) . . . V. 1014 | ford.) . . . . . . . . IV. 705 Оekonomische Gesellschaft. (Berne. — Schawei- Oxford University Motett and Madrigal Society. zerische Gesellschaft.) . . . . 1. 65 (Oxford.) . IV. 705 . а . IV. 59 60 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE 738 Philological Association, American. (United States of America. . . . . . . . V. 988 Philological Society. (London.) . . . III. 515 Ochodoy.kos Xulloyos IIapvaooos. (Athens.). i I. 33 PART PAGE Philologische Gesellschaft. (Wurzburg.). V. 1011 Pädagogische Gesellschaft. (Leipsic.) . 378 II. Philologischer Verein. (Berlin.) . . . 1. 58 Pädagogischer Verein. (Leipsic.) . . II. · 379 Philologisk-historisk Samfund. (Copenhagen.), I. 187 Pädagogischer Verein. (Vienna.) . . . V. 984 Philomathic Institution. (London.) . . . III. 515 Painters in Water-Colours, New Society of. Philosophical and Literary Society. (Leeds.) . (London.). II. 369 . . . III. 499 . . . Painters in Water Colours, Society of. (London.) III. 576 Philosophical Institute of Victoria. (Melbourne.- Royal Society of Victoria.) . . . . 635 Palæographical Society. (London.) . . . III. 510 Philoso 'Philosophical Society. (Adelaide.) . . . I. 7 Palæontographical Society. (London.) . . III. 510 Philosophical Society. (Edinburgh.. — Medical, Palestine Archæological Association. (London.). III. 510 afterwards Philosophical Society.) . . I. 252 Pali Text Society. (London.) . . . . III. 510 Philosophical Society. (Glasgow.) . . . II. 308 Ilavemiotulov 'Odwvos. (Athens.) . . . I. 32 Philosophical Society. (London.) . . . III. 515 Parker Society. (London.) . . . . III. 510 Philosophical Society. (Paisley.) . . ; IV. 740 Patavinorum Doctorum Collegium Pontificium. Philosophical Society. (Washington, Columbia.). V. 998 (Padua.). . . . Philosophical Society, American. (Philadelphia.) V. 847 Patavinum Archigymnasium. (Padua.-Univer- Philosophical Society of New South Wales. sità di Padova.) . . . . IV. 738 (Sydney.). . . . . . . V. 955 Pathological Society. (London.) . . . III. 513 Philosophical Society of Queensland. (Brisbane.) 1. 93 Patriotisk Sällskapet, Svensk. (Stockholm.) V947 Philosophical Society of Victoria. (Melbourne.). IV. 635 Patriotisk Selskab. (Copenhagen.) . . . I. 187 Philosophical Society, Yorkshire. (York.). . V. 1013 Peabody Academy of Science. (Salem, Mass.). V. 924 Philosophische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . I. 58 Peabody Museum of American Archäology and V. 952 Ethnology. (Cambridge, Mass.) . . . Phonographic Literary Society. (Sunderland.). I. 145 Pedagogiska Föreningen. (Stockholm.) . . V. 496 Photographic Society. (London.) . . . III. 516 Photographic Society. (Manchester.) . . IV. 627 Pedagogiska Föreningen i Finland. (Helsing- fors.) . . '. II. 346 Phrenological Society. (Edinburgh.) ... II. 252 Peloritana Accademia de' Pericolanti. (Messina.) IV. 637 Physical Society. (London.) . . . . III. 516 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. (Phi- Physical Society at Guy's Hospital. (London.) . III. 516 ludelphia.) . . . . . . V. 849 Physical Society, Royal. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 254 Percy Society. (London.) . . . . III. 513 Physicalische Privatgesellschaft. (Gottingen.) . II. 314 Permanente Commission der Mitteleuropäischen Physicians, Society of. (London.) . . . III. 576 Gradmessung. (Europe.) . . . . II. 267 | Physico-Medical Society. (London.) . . III. 516 Perthshire Society of Natural Science. (Perth.). V. 836 Physikalische Gesellschaft. (Berlin.) . . I. 58 TIerepóyprckii YuubepcHteth. (Saint Petersburg. Physikalischer Verein. (Frankfort on the Main). II. 281 — Императорскій Санктпетербургскій Уни- Physikalisch-medicinische Gesellschaft. (Wurz- bepcumemo.) . . . . . V. 906 burg) . . . . . . . V. 1011 Petöfi-Társaság (Pest.) . . . . . . V. 845 Physikalisch-medicinische Societät. (Erlangen.) II. 262 Peucinian Society. (Brunswick, Maine.--Boudoin Physikalisch-ökonomische Gesellschaft. (Konigs- College.) . . . . . . . 1. 97 berg.) . . . . . . . II. 366 Pharmaceutical Association, American. (United Physikalisch - ökonomische und Bienengesell- States of America.) . . . . . V. 988 schaft. (Lautern.) . . . . . II. 368 Pharmaceutical Society. (London.) . . . III. 514 Physiographisk Forening. (Christiania.) . . I. 160 Pharmaceutische Gesellschaft. (Saint Petersburg.) V. 916 Qvoloypapukov Movo ELOV. (Athens. — II a VETLO - Phi Beta Kappa Society. (Cambridge, Mass.) I. 145 anulov ’OOwyos, etc.) . . . . I. 32 Phi Beta Kappa Society. (Hanover, New Hamp- Physiographisk Sällskapet. (Stockholm.) . . V. 946 shire.) . . . . . . . II. Physiologisches Institut. (Amsterdam.) . . I. 25 Phi Beta Kappa Society, New York. (New York.) IV. 696 Physiologisches Institut. (Breslau.) . . 1. 91 Phi Beta Kappa Society, Union College. (Sche- Pioneer and Historical Society of Oregon. nectady.). . • . V. 932 (Astoria.) . . • I. 30 Phi Beta Kappa Society, Yale College. (New Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan. (Lan- Haven, Connecticut.) ; . . . IV. 687| sing.) . . . . II. 367 Philadelphia Medical Society. (.Philadelphia.). V. 849 Piusverein, Schweizerischer. (Switzerland.) V. 954 Philadelphian Society. (London.) . . III. 514 Plymouth Institution. (Plymouth.) . . ; v. 851 Philadelphia Society of Etchers. (Philadelphia.) v. 849 IIonuTexanueckiỦ Myzet. (Moscow.). . . IV. 661 Philiatri. (Copenhagen.). . . . . I. 187 Pollichia. (Neustadt on the Hardt.) .. IV. 680 Pkilobiblon Society. (London.) . . . III. 514 Polytechnic Society, Cornwall. (Falmouth.) . II. 268 Phili-Logian Society, William's College. (Wil- Polytechnikum. (Carlsruhe. — Polytechnische idamstown, Mass.) . . . . . V. 1003 Schule.) . . . . . . . I. 148. 342 . INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 62 PART PAGE .. . 1. 206 V. Real Seville.). (Madrid Polytechnische Schule. (Carlsruhe.) . . 1. Polytechnische Schule. (Hanover.) . . . II. 341 Polytechnische Schule, Königlich - Sächsische. (Dresden.) . . . PART PAGE Polytechnischer Verein für das Königreich Rada Ogólna Lekarska Królestwa Polskiego. (Warsaw.) . . . . V. 996 Polytechnisches Institut. Kaiserlich-Königlich. Ray Society. (London.). . . . . III. 516 (Vienna.) . . . . . . V. Polytechnisk Læreanstalt. (Copenhagen.) . I. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. (Madrid.- Real Academia de San Fernando, etc.) IV. 616 Pomologische Vereeniging. (Boskoop. - Vereenig- ing tot regeling en verbetering van de Vrucht- Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona. . . . I. . . soorten.) . . . 79 I. . (Barcelona.) 40 . . . . 1. Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y (Rome.--Accademia Romana, etc.) . . V. 871 V. Naturales. (Madrid. . . . .' IV. 613 Pontificio Istituto Statistico, Agrario, e d'Inco- Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. raggiamento. (Rome.) . . . . V. 879 (Madrid.) . . . . . . . IV. 613 Portland Society of Natural History. (Portland, Real Academia de Cirugia. (Madrid.) . . IV. 614 Maine.) . . . . . . . . V. 853 Real Academia de Derecho Español y Público. Powysland Club. (Welshpool.) . . . V. 1001 (Madrid.) . . . . . . IV. Prager Universität. (Prague. — Academia Pra- Real Academia de la Historia. (Madrid.). . IV. 614 gensis.) . . . . . . V. 854 Real Academia de Medicina de Madrid. (Ma- Praktische Gartenbau-Gesellschaft. (Frauendorf.) II. 283 drid.) . . . . . . . IV. 616 Presbyterian Historical Society. (Philadelphia.) 849 Real Academia de San Carlos. (Valencia.) . V. 970 Preussische Rhein-Universität. (Bonn.-Rhein- Real Academia de San Fernando. (Madrid.) . IV. 616 ische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität.) . . Real Academia Española. (Madrid.). . . IV. 617 Preussisches Landes - Oekonomie - Collegium. Real Academia Médico-Practica de Barcelona. (Berlin.). . . . . . . I. 57 . (Barcelona. . . . . . . I. 40 Prince Society. (Albany.) . . . . I. 10 Real Academia Médico-Quirúrgica de Castilla la Princeton College. (Princeton, New Jersey.-Nero Viega. (Burgos.) . . . . . I. 109 Jersey College.). . . Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras. Protestant Episcopal Historical Society. (New (Seville.). . . . . . , V. 934 York. . . . . . . . IV. 696 Real Biblioteca. (Madrid.) . . . . IV. 619 Providence Athenæum. (Providence, Rhode Island. . . . . . . . . . V. V. 8611 Real Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos. Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap ter beoefening (Madrid.) . . . . . . IV. 619 der Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid-, en Taal- Real Colegio de S. Nicolas. (Michoacan.) . . IV. 643 kunde. (Leeuwarden.) . . . . II. 369 Real Colegio Seminario. (Lima.) . . . II. 391 Provinciaal Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- Real Conservatorio de Música y Declamacion. schappen in Noord Braband. (Bois-le-Duc.) . I. 69 (Madrid.) . . . . . . IV. Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten Reale Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti. en Wetenschappen. (Utrecht.) . . . V. 994 (Turin.) . . . . . . . V. 967 Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Reale Accademia de Fisiocritici. (Sienna. --- (Great Britain and Ireland.) . . . II. 323 . Accademia delle Scienze detta de Fisiocritici.). V. 936 Provinciale Accademia delle Belle Arti. (Ra- Reale Accademia dei Filomati. (Lucca.) . . IV. 603 venna. . . . . . . . V. 864 Reale Accademia dei Georgofili. (Florence.- Provinzial-Verein für das Fürstenthum Lüneburg, Reale Società Economica di Firenze, etc.) . II. 275 Landwirthschaftlicher. (Ulzen.) . V. 988 Reale Accademia dei Lincei. (Rome.— Accademia Psi Upsilon Society. (United States of America.) v. 989 de Lincei.) . . . . . . V. 870 · Psychological Society of Great Britain. (London.) III. 516 Reale Accademia dei Rozzi. (Sienna.) . . V. 937 Psychical Research Society. (London.--Society Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. (Florence.- for Psychical Research.) . . . . III. 558 | Imperiale e Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti.) II. 273 II y6.11 4har blioteka. (Saint Petersburg. - Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. (Milan.) . IV. 644 Ennepamopcran TIyonuunaa Buoniomeka.) . V. 904 Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere. Punjab University College. (Lahore.) . . II. 366 (Naples.) . . IV. 673 Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti. (Naples.) . . . . . IV. Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. (Bologna.) : I. Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. (Venice.) . V. Realė Accademia di Medicina. (Turin.-Società Quekett Microscopical Club. (London.) . . III. 516 Medico-Chirurgica di Torino.) . . . V. 968 Queen's College. (Belfast.) . . Reale Accademia di Pittura e Scultura di Torino. Queen's College. (Birmingham.) . L (Turin.) . . . V. 967 . Reale Accarlemia di Scienze, Belle Lettere ed Queen's College. (Cork.). . 191 Arti. (Mantua.) . IV. 630 Queen’s Coilege. (Galway.) i Reale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Queen's University in Ireland. (Dublin.). . 1. 215 (Modena.) . . . . . . . IV. 1 47 68 285 63 64 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE Sociomica.) imica. (va Reale Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche. Real Sociedad Económica. (Madrid.--Sociedad (Naples.) . . . . . . IV. 674 | Económica.) . . . . . . IV. 620 Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia. Real Sociedad Económica. (Valencia.) . . V. (Naples.) . . . . . . 67+ | Real Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos Reale Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed del Pais. (Saragossa.) . . . . V. 930 Arti. (Lucca.—Accademia Napoleone, etc.). 603 Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais. Reale Accademia Medica. (Rome.- Accademia (Valladolid.) . . . . . . V. 971 Medica.) . . . . . . . V. 871 | Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais de Reale Accademia Medico-Chirurgica. (Turin.- Jerez de la Frontera. (Xerez de la Frontera.) V. 1012 Società Medico-Chirurgica.) . . . 968 Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais de Reale Accademia Peloritana. (Messina.) . . I la Habana. (Havanna, Cuba.- Real Sociedad Patriótica, etc.) . . . . . II. 343 Reale Accademia Pistojese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. (Pistoia.) . . . V. 851 Real Sociedad Económica de los Amigos del Pais . de Segovia. (Segovia.) . . . . Reale Accademia Virgiliana di Scienze, Lettere V. 933 ed Arti. (Mantua.) . . . . . Real Sociedad Patriótica de la Habana. (Havanna, I. Reale Collegio Ancarano. (Bologna.) . 72 . Cuba.) . . . . . . II. 343 Real Sociedad Patriótica de Sevilla. (Seville.). V. 934 Reale Commissione pe' Testi di Lingua nelle Provincie dell'Emilia. (Bologna.) . I. 72 Real Sociedad Tudelana de los Deseosos del Bien Público. (Madrid.) . Reale Deputazione sugli Studi di Storia Patria . . . . IV. 619 per le Provincie di Toscana, dell'Umbria, e Real Universidad de San Marcos. (Lima.) . II. 391 delle Marche. (Florence.). . . . II. 274 Real Universidad Literaria. (Seville.) . . V. 934 Reale Istituto di Belle Arti. (Lucca.) . . IV. 603 Real y Mayor Collegio de Santiago. (Huesca.) . II. 351 Reale Istituto di Belle Arti. (Naples.) . IV. 675 Real y Pontificia Universidad de México. (Mexico.} IV. 642 Reale Istituto d'Incoraggiamento alle Scienze Real y Primitivo Colegio de San Juan de Letran. Naturali. (Naples.) . . . . . (Mexico.) . . . . . . IV. 642 Reale Istituto di Studi Superiori Practici e di Rechtsgelehrte Societät, Hochteutsche. (Leipsic) II. 378 Perfezionamento. (Florence.) . . . Record Society for the publication of original Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed documents relating to Lancashire and Arti. (Milan.) . . . . . Cheshire. (Manchester.) . . . . IV. 627 Reale Istituto Ostetrico. (Parma. - Università di Reden-Rijckers Kamer “de Roode Roozen." Parma.) (Schiedam.) . . . . . . . . . . . V. 932 . Reale Istituto Tecnico. (Palermo.-Consiglio di Regalis Panhormitana Medicorum Academia. Perfezionamento, etc.) . . . (Palermo.) . . . IV. 741 . . . IV. Reale Istituto Tecnico Industriale-Professionale, Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft. (Ratis- e di Marina Mercantile della Provincia di bon.) . . . V. 863 Genova. (Genoa.) . . . . . Regia Academia Carolina. (Lund.). lina. (Lund.) . . . IV. 604 Reale Museo Industriale Italiano. (Turin.) . V. 968 Regii Academia Scientiaruin. (Munich. – König- Reale Osservatorio Astronomico. (Turin.) . V. 968 • L liche Akademie der Wissenschaften.) . . IV. 663 Reale Osservatorio Astronomico di Modena. Regia Academia Upsaliensis. (Upsal.) . . V. 989 (Modena.) . . . . . .. Regia Ancharana Schola. (Bologna. -- Reale Collegio Ancarano.) . . . . . Reale Osservatorio di Brera. (Milan.) . . I. 72 Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria. (Turin.), v. 968 Reale Osservatorio di Napoli. (Naples.) . . Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Pro- Reale Osservatorio Meteorologico Vesuviano. vincie di Romagna. (Bologna.) . . . I. 72 (Naples.). . . . . . . | Regia Deputazione Storica Romagnola. (Bologna. Reale Società Economica di Firenze ossia de' -Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Georgofili, etc. (Florence.) . . . II. 275 | Provincie di Romagna.) . . . . 1. 72 Reale Società Econoinica di Terra di Lavoro. Regia Schola Medico-Chirurgica Carolinensis. (Caserta.) . . . . . . I. 149 (Stockholm-Kongligt Carolinsk Mediko-Kirur- Reale Università. (Cagliari.) . . . . I. 114 | giska Institutet.) V. 941 Reali Deputazioni di Storia Patria per le Provincie Regia Scuola Ancarana. (Bologna._Reale Col- dell'Emilia (Modena.- Reali Deputazioni di legio Ancarano.) . . . . . I. 72 Storia Patria per le Provincie Mudenesi e Regia Societas Medica Havniensis. (Copenhagen. Parmensi. . . . . . . IV. 647 --Societas Medica, etc.) . . 1. 190 Reali Deputazioni di Storia Patria per le Pro- Regia Societas Scientiarum Bohemica. (Praque. vincie Modenesi e l'armensi. (Modena.) . IV. 647 -Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissen- Real Junta de Fomento de Agricultura y Comercio. schaften.). . . . . . . V. 856 (Havanna, Cuba. . . . . . II. 343 Regia Societas Scientiarum Upsaliensis. (Upsal.) v. 990 Real Museo Borbonico. (Naples.) . . . IV. 676 Regia Università. (Turin.--Universita.) . . V. 969 Real Observatorio de Madıid. (Madrid.). IV. 619 Regia Università de Bologna. (Bologna.--- Uni- Real Osservatorio. (Palermo.). . IV. 740 versitas Bononiensis.). . . . . I. 73 Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais. Regia Università degli Studi. (Naples.) . IV. 676 (Spain.) . . 939 Regia Università di Genova. (Genoa.) . . II. 289 Real Sociedad de Medicina y demas Ciencias de Regia Università di Padova. (Padua.-Università Sevilla. (Seville.) . . . . . V. 934 di Padova.) . . . . . . IV. 738 Regia Stockholphiteutet.) ANY . . . Y. DI 65 66 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE *-* - 25 Rom Society of Great neiety: (London EFES & - PART PAGE 1 Regia Università di Siena. (Sienna.) . . V. 937 Royal Colonial Institute. (London.) . . III. 542 Regio Istituto Tecnico. (Udine.) . . . V. 972 Royal Dublin Society. (Dublin. – Dublin So- Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettore ed Arti. ciety, etc.) . . . . . . 1. 209 (Venice.--Imperiale Regio Istituto Veneto di Royal Engineer Institute. (Chatham.) . . I. 153 Scienze, etc.) . . . . . . V. 974 Royal Florentine Museum. (Florence.-Museum “ Regt voor allen,” Vereeniging. (Amsterdam.). 1. 25 Regium Florentinum, etc.) ; . II. 274 Reichsforstverein, Oesterreichischer. (Vienna.). V. 984 Royal Geographical Society. (London.) . III. 542 Respublica Litteraria Umbrorum. (Foligno.) , II. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. (Penzance.) V. 835 Rheinische Friedrich - Wilhelms Universität. Royal Geological Society of Ireland. (Dublin.- (Bonn.) . . . . . . . Geological Society of Dublin.) . . . 1. 212 Rheinisch-Westphälischer Schulmänner-Verein. Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts. (Dublin.) . I. 216 (Munster.) . 669 Royal Historical Society. (London.—Historical Rhetorijk-Kamer “ In Liefde Bloeyende.” (Am- Society of Great Britain, etc.) . . . III. 489 sterdam.) . . Royal Horticultural Society. (London.- Horti- Rhode Island Historical Society. (Providence, cultural Society.) . . . . . III. 489 Rhode Island.) , . Royal Jennerian Society. (London.) . . III. 544 Rhode Island Medical Society. (Providence, Royal Indian Military College. (Addiscombe.). I. Rhode Island.) . . . . . . Royal Iustitute of British Architects. (London.- Ricercatori e Pubblicatori de' Documenti di Institute of British Architects.) . . . III. 491 Storia Napolitana e Siciliana. (Naples.) . IV. 676 Royal Institution. (Liverpool.- Academy of the Rijks-Archief. (The Hague.) . . . . II. Liverpool Royal Institution, etc.) . . . 400 Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie. (Leyden.) II. Royal Institution of Cornwall. (Truro.) . . V. 963 Rijks-Universiteit. (Groningen.-Academia Gro- Royal Institution of Great Britain. (London.) . III. 544 ningana.) . . . . . . . 11. 327 Royal Institution of South Wales. (Swansea.). V. 952 Rijks-Universiteit. (Leyden.--Academia Lugduno- Batava.) . . Royal Irish Academy. (Dublin.) . . . . .. II. 383 .. . . 1. 216 Robert College. (Constantinople.) . . . I. Royal Irish Art-Union. (Dublin.) . . . I. 218 Római Catholikus Gymnasium. (Klausenburg.) II. 363 Royal Irish Institution for Promoting the Fine Romano Collegio de' Nobili. (Rome.) . . V. 880 exts. (Dublin.) . . . . . I. Römisch-Germanisches Centralmuseum. (Mentz.) IV. '636 Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. (London.-Medical and Chirurgical Society, etc.) III. 496 Römisch-Kaiserliche Akademie der Naturforscher. Royal Medico-Botanical Society. (London.- (Germany. - Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curio- Medico-Botanical Society.) . . sorum.) . . . . III. 497 . . . . . II. Römisch-Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- Royal Microscopical Society. (London.-Micro- . schaften. scopical Society of London, etc.) III. 497 (Germany. - Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curiosorum.) . . . . . II. 290 Royal Military Academy. (Woolwich.) V. 1008 Römisch-Kaiserlich-Königliche Josephinische me- Royal Observatory. (Cape Town.) . . . I. 146 dicinisch-chirurgische Academie. (Vienna.) Royal Observatory. (Edinburgh.) . II. 254 Pocciickan Akademia. (Saint Petersburg.). . V. 916 Royal Observatory. (Greenwich.) . . . II. 323 Roxburghe Club. (London.) . . . . III. 519 Royal Physical Society. (Edinburgh.) . II. 254 Royal Academy of Arts. (London.) . . . III. 527 Royal Scottish Academy. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 254 Royal Academy of Music. (London.) . . III. 529 Royal Scottish Society of Arts. (Edinburgh.) . II. 254 Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of Royal Society. (London.) . . . . III. 546 British Guiana. (Demerara.) . . . I Royal Society of Arts and Sciences. (Port Louis, Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ire- Mauritius.Natural History Society.) . ; V. 852 land. (Dublin.) . Royal Society of Canada. (Montreal.) . . Royal Agricultural Society of England. (London.) III. Royal Society of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh.) . II. 254, Royal Archæological Society of Great Britain and Royal Society of Literature of the United King- Irelanıl. (Great Britain and Ireland.-Archæo- dom. (London.) . logical Institute, etc.) . . . II. . . . . . III. 552 Royal Artillery Institution. (Woolwich.) . . Royal Society of Musicians. (London.) . . III. 553 Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ire- Royal Society of New South Wales. (Sydney.). V. 955 land. (London.) . . . . . 530 Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. (Copen- hagen.—Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab.) I. 179 Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. (Edinburgh.) . . . I Royal Society of Tasnjania. (Hobart Town.-- Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horti- Royal Astronomical Society. (London.--Astro- culture, etc.) . . . . . . II. 349 nomical Society.) · · · · · Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horti- Royal Belfast Academical Institution. (Belfast.) 1. 47 culture, etc. (Hobart Town.) . . . II. 349 Royal Botanic Society. (London.) . . . Royal Society of Victoria. (Melbourne.) . . IV. 635 Royal College of Physicians. (Edinburgh.) . II. 253 Royal University of Ireland. (Dublin.) . . 1. 218 Royal College of Physicians. (London.) . III. 531 Royal Zoological Museum of the Netherlands. Royal College of Surgeons. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 254 (Leyden.-Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke His- Royal College of Surgeons. (London.) . III. 539 torie.) . . . . . . . II. 388 .. . . . 198 Rosa Miarri III 657 Rogal sture, etc. ety of painuania. 67 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART V. 906 v. 918 Royal Zoological Society of Ireland. (Dublin.). Russische Entomologische Gesellschaft. (Saint Petersburg.–Pyccxoe Jumomonoruueckoè 06- uecmeo.) . . . Russische Geographische Gesellschaft. (Saint Petersburg.-Innepamopcxoe Pycckoe Teorpa- gureckoe Obwecmbo.) . . . Russisch-Kaiserliche Gesellschaft für die ge- sammte Mineralogie. (Saint Petersburg. Императорское Минералогическое Об- WeCm6o.) . . . . . . Russisch-Kaiserliche Mineralogische Gesellschaft. (Saint Petersburg.— Императорское Минера- Oluyecxoe Obuecmbo.) . . . . Pyccroe ApxeonorITECKO OômeCTBO. (Saint Petersburg.–Umnepamopckoe Pycckoe Apxeo- логическое Общество.) Pycckoe IHTOMOdOrHqeckoe 0611ECTBO. (Saint Petersburg.) . . . . . . Pycckoe Teorpağuteckoe 06eCTBO. (Saint Peters- burg. — Emnepamopckoe Pycckoe Teorpagu- ueckoe Obwecmeo.). . . i Pycckoe ÜcropIeckOe OneCTBO. (Saint Peters- burg. — Ilmnepamopckoe Pycckoe cmopu ueckoe Oówecmeo.). . . . Pyccroe Texiuneckoe OomqecTBO. (Saint Peters- burg.) . . . PART PAGE I. 218 Canktretepbyprckii Yunbepciitert. (Saint Peters- burg.—-Императорскій Санктпетербургскій Y Hulbepcumemo.) . . . . . Ү. 917 | Санктпетербургское Археологическо-Нумизмат Ir- meckoe OomeCTBO. (Saint Petersburg.—Hane- раторское Археологическо-Нумизматическое Obwecmeo.) V. . . . . . . Санктпетербургское Общество Естествоиспыта- Tejeit. (Saint Petersburg.) . Санктпетербургское Вольное Общество Люби- 1 Tejeii Pocciiickoủ CiobeCHOCTH. (Saint Peters- burg.) . . . . . . . . . Santa Clara College. (Santa Clara. . . Schelde, Taelminnend Genootschap. (Antwerp.) Schiller-Verein. (Leipsic.) . . . . Schlesische Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cul- tur. (Breslau.) . . . . . y 912 Schlesischer Forstverein. (Prussia.) . . V. 917 Schlesischer Verein für Berg- und Hüttenwesen. (Breslau.) . . . . V. 908 Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft für die Sammlung und Erhaltung vater- ländischer Alterthümer. (Kiel.-Königlich- V. 910 Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft, etc.) Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft I. 29 200W4COkue vouyeCiN80.) . . . . V. I. 91 V. 861 II. 360 Oy V. • · · I 117 · Schola Aldorfiana. (Altdorf.). . . . 13 Schola Paulina. (Munster.) . . IV. 669 Schola Polytechnica. (Copenhagen.—Polytechnisk Læreanstalt.) . · · · I. 187 Schola Salernitana. (Salerno.) V. 922 Säcbsiscbe Akademie für Forst- und Landwirthe, Schola Torunensis. (Thorn.). V. 957 Königlich. (Tharand.) . . . . v. School Book Society, Calcutta. (Calcutta.) Sächsische Polytechnische Schule, Königlich. . I 206 School of Mines. (London.) . . (Dresden.) . III. 553 . Sächsischer Kunst-Verein. (Dresden.) . . I. 207 Sc School of Science applied to Mining and the Arts. (London.-School of Mines.) . . . Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung und Bewah- Schulmänner-Verein, Rheinisch-Westphälischer. rung vaterländischer Alterthümer. (Leipsic.) II. (Munster.) . . . . . . IV. 669 Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung und Erhal- Schulmeister Seminarium. (Hanover.) . . II. 341 tung der Vaterländischen Alterthümer, Königlich. (Dresden.) . . . . I. 206 Schweizerische geschichtsforschende Gesellschaft. 1. 206 Sacra Conimbricensis Facultas Canonica. (Coim- (Berne.) . · · · · I. 65 bra.- Universidade de Coimbra.) . . Schweizerische Gesellschaft. (Berne.) . . I. 65 Saint Albans Architectural and Archäological Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die gesammten Society. (Saint Albans.). V. 887 Naturwissenschaften. (Switzerland.--Allge- Saint Bees College. (Saint Bees.) . . . V. 888 meine Schweizerische Gesellschaft, etc.), . V. 952 Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Saint David's College. (Lampeter.) . . . II. 366 (Switzerland. Allgemeine Schweizerische Ge- Saint John's College, Annapolis. (Annapolis.) . I. 27 sellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissen- Saint Paul's Ecclesiological Society. (London.) . III. 553 schaften.). . . . . . V. 953 Sällskap för utarbetande af Skånes Historia och Schweizerische Paläontologische Gesellschaft. Beskrifning. (Lund.) . . . . IV. 604 (Switzerland.) . . . V. 953 Samfund af Videnskabsdyrkere. (Christiania.) . I. 161 (Switzerland.) . . . . . . V. 954 Samfundet för utgifvande af Handskrifter rorande Skandinaviens Historia, Kongligt. (Stock- Schweizerischer Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. holm.) . . . . . V. 1016 . . (Zurich.). V. 941 . . • . . Samfund for det Norske Folks og Sprogs Historie. Schweizerischer Piusverein. (Switzerland.) . V. 954 (Christiania.) . . . . . I. 161 Schweizerische Statistische Gesellschaft. (Switzer- Samfund til den danske Litteraturs Fremme. land. . . . . . . . . . V. 953 (Copenhagen.-Selskab til den danske Littera- Science Gossip Club. (Norwich.) . . . IV. 699 turs Fremme.) . . . . . . I. 190 Scientiarum et Artium Academia Slavorum Samfund til Udgivelse af gammel Nordisk Littera- Meridionalium. (Agram.-Jugoslavenska Aka- tur. (Copenhagen.) . . . . . I. 188 d emija Znanosti i Umjetnosti.) . . . I. 7 Sanitary Institute. (Great Britain.). . . II. 316 Scientific Association of Trinidad. (Trinidad.). V. 962 Sanitäts-Collegium, Churfürstliches. (Dresden.) I. 205 Scienziati Italiani (Italy.) . . . . II. 356 69 70 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE 255 159 Selskangen.) celse af Kilde 'PART' PAGE Scottish Academy, Royal. (Edinburgh.) , . II. 254 Sittingbourne Literary and Scientific Association. Scottish Arboricultural Society. (Edinburgh.) . II. 255 (Sittingbourne. . . . . . V. 937 Scottish Burgh Records Society. (Edinburgh.) . II. 255 Skandinavisk Literaturselskab. (Copenhagen.). 1. 190 Scottish Meteorological Society. (Edinburgh.) . II. Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskab. (Europe.) . II. 267 Scottish Society for promoting the Amendment Skandinavisk Selskab. (Christiania.) . . I. 161 of the Law. (Edinburgh.) . Skandinavisk Selskab. (Copenhagen.-Skandina- visk Literaturselskab.) c Literaturselskab.) Scottish Society of Arts, Royal. (Edinburgh.) . . II. . . . 1. 190 Scuola Italica. (Rome.) . Skånska landskapenshistoriska och arkeologiska . . . Förening. (Lund.). . . . . IV. 604 Section des travaux géologiques du Portugal. Smith College. (Northampton, Massachusetts.) . IV. 698 (Lisbon.—Commissão Geologica de Portugal.) II. Smithsonian Institution. (Washington, Columbia.) V. Seismological Society of Japan. (Yedo.). . V. 1013 Selskab af Lærdoms og Videnskabers Elskere, Social Inquiry Society, Belfast. (Belfast.) . I. 46 Kiøbenhavnsk. (Copenhagen.) . . . I. 175 Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima. (Lima. . . . . . . . II. 392 Selskab til historiske Kildeskrifters Oversæt- telse. (Arendal.) . . . . I. 30 Sociedad Antropológica Española. (Madrid.) . IV 620 Selskab for Danmarks Kirkehistorie. (Copen- Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, Real. (Spain.) hagen.) . . . . . . . , I. V. 939 188 . . • . Selskab for Folkeoplysningens Fremme. (Chris- Sociedad Central de Arquitectos. (Madrid.) . IV. 620, tiania:) . . . . . . I. 161 Sociedad de Agricultura. (Valparaiso.) . . V. 972 Selskab for Nordisk Konst. (Copenhagen.) . I. 189 Sociedad de Agricultura del Ampurdan.. Selskab for Norges Vel, Kongeligt. (Christiania.) I. (Figueras.) . . . . . . II. 268 Selskab for Trykkefrihedens rette Brug. (Copen- Sociedad de Bibliófilos Andaluces. (Seville.) . V. 934 hagen.) . . . . . . . I. 189 Sociedad de Bibliófilos Españoles. (Madrid.) . IV. 620 Selskab for Udgivelse af Kilder til dansk Historie. Sociedad de Ciencias Físicas y Naturales de (Copenhagen.) . . . . . . 1. 189 Carácas. (Caracas.) . . . . . I. 146 Selskab til den danske Litteraturs Fremme. Sociedad de Economia Política. (Madrid.). . IV. 620 (Copenhagen.) . . . . . . I. 190 Sociedad de Lengua Universal. (Madrid.). . IV. 620 Selskab til den Danske Sprogs og den Danske Sociedad de Naturalistas Neo-Granadinos. Histories Forbedring. (Copenhagen.-Konge- gota. . . . . . . . 1. 69 ligt Dansk Selskab til den Nordiske Histories og Sociedad Económica. (Guatemala.) . . . II. 328 Sprogs Forbedring.) . . . . . 1. 178 Selskab til den Nordiske Histories og Sprogs Sociedad Económica. (Madrid.) . . . IV. 620 Forbedring, etc., Kongeligt Dansk. (Copen- Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos del hagen.) . . . . . . . 1. 178 Pais, Reale. (Saragossa.). . V. 930 Selskab til de Skjønne Videnskabers Forfrem- Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais. (Cadiz.) 1. 111 melse. (Copenhagen.) . . . . Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais de Jerez Selskip for Frîske Tael end Skriftenkennisse. de la Frontera, Real. (Xerez de la Frontera.) V. 1012 (Leeuwarden.) . . . . . . . II. 371 Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais en la Pro- Seminario Conciliar de Santo Toribio. (Lima.). II. 392 vincia de Caracas. (Caracas.) . . I. 146 Seminarium Patavinum. (Padua.) . . . IV. 738 Sociedad Económica de los Amigos del Pais. (Leon.) . . . . . . II. Seminarium Pictaviense. (Poitiers.—Université de 382 Poitiers.) . . . 852 Sociedad Económica de los Amigos del Pais de . . . . V. 852 Segovia, Real. (Segovia.). . . . V. 933 Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (Frankfort on the Main.) · · · · II. 281 Sociedad Económica de México. (Mexico.). . IV. 642 Seventy-Six Society. (Philadelphia.) . . V. 849 Sociedad Económica, Real. (Valencia. . . V. 970 Severn Valley Naturalist's Field Club. (Welling- Sociedad Económica Segoviana de Amigos del Pais. (Segovia.—Real Sociedad Económica de ton.) . . . . . . , V. 1001 los Amigos del Pais de Segovia.) . . , V. 933 Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Deutsche. (Weimar.) V. 1001 Sociedad Española de Agricultura y Meteorología. Shakespeare Society. (London.) . . , III. 554 (Madrid.) . . . . . . IV. 621 Shakspere Society of Philadelphia. (Philadel- Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. (Madrid.) IV. 622 pha.) • • • . . . V Sociedad Foto-Tipográfico-Católica. (Madrid.). IV. 622 Shanghai Literary and Scientific Society. Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid. (Madrid.) . IV. 622 (Shanghai.) . . . . . . Sociedad Hahnemannianna Matritense. (Madrid.) IV. 622 Shropshire Archäological and Natural History Society. (Shrewsbury.) . . . . Sociedad Itineraria del Norte. (Cartago.) . . I. 149 Siebenbürgischer Karpathen - Verein. (Herm- Sociedad Libro de Economia Política de Madrid. anstadt.) . . . . . . . II. 348 (Madrid.--Sociedad Económica.) . . . IV. 620 Siebenbürgischer Verein für Naturwissenschaften. Sociedad Literaria. (Buenos Ayres.). . . I. 109 (Hermanstadt.) . . . . . . II. 348 Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica. Singapore Institution. (Singapore.). . . V. 937 (Mexico.). . . . • . IV. 642 Sinsheimer Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. (Mexico.) IV. 643 vaterländischen Denkmahle der Vorzeit. | Sociedad Mexicana de Industria Agrícola y Fabril. (Sinzheim.) . . . . . . V. 937 (Mexico.). · · · · · · IV. 643 5 71 72 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE . 968 . 961 . . Sociedad Patriótica de Carabobo. (Valencia.) . V. 971 Società Ligure di Storia Patria. (Genoa.) . . II. 289 Sociedad Patriótica de la Habana, Real. (Ha- . vanna, Cuba.) . . . . . II. 343 Società Medico-Chirurgica. (Parma.) . . V. 833 Sociedad Patriótica de Sevilla, Real. (Seville.). V. 934 Società Medico-Chirurgica di Torino. (Turin.). v. 968 Sociedad Rural Argentina. (Buenos Ayres.) . I. 109 Società Patriotica, diretta all'avanzamento dell' Sociedad Tudelana de los Deseosos del Bien Agricoltura, dello Arti e delle Manifatture. Público, Real. (Madrid.). . . . IV. 619 (Milan.) . . . . . . . IV. 645 Sociedad Valenciana de Agricultura. (Valencia.) v. 971 Società Pontaniana. (Naples.) . . . . IV. 676 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. (Lisbon.). II. 399 Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti. (Turin.) . V. 968 Sociedade Literaria-Patriotica. (Lis!on.) . II. 399 Società Promotrice di Belle Arti. (Genoa.) . II. 289 Sociedade Literaria Portuense. (Oporto.) . . IV. 702 Società Reale Borbonica. (Naples.)". . . IV. 677 Sociedade Propagadora dos Conhecimentos Uteis. Società Reale de Napoli. (Naples.) . . . IV. 677 (Lisbon.) . . . . . . . II. 399 Società Romana di Agricoltura e Manifatture. 399 Società Agraria di Torino. (Turin.). (Rome.) . . . . . . . V. 880 Società Albriziana. (Venice.) . . . . v. 975 Società Romana di Storia Patria. (Rome.). . V. 880 Società Alpina del Trentino. (Trent.) Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria. (Palermo.) IV. 741 Società Archeologica Novarese. (Novara.). IV. 699 Società Storica Comense. (Como.) . . . 1. 167 Società Colombaria Fiorentina. (Florence.) . II. 275 Società Storica Lombarda. (Milan.). . . IV. 645 Società Corografica. (Bologna.) . . . I. 73 Società Storico - Archeologica delle Marche. Società Crittogamologica Italiana. (Milan.) .. IV. 645 1 (Fermo.). . . . . . . II. 268 Società degli Amatori della Storia Patria. Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali. (Pisa.) . V. 850 (Florence.) . · · · · · II. 276 Societas Academica Scientiarum Hassiaca. (Gies- Società degli Artisti. (Milan.) sen.) . . . . . . . 11. 300 Società degli Ingegneri e degli Industriali di Societas Antiquariorum Nassoviensis. (Wies- Torino. (Turin.) . . baden.-- Verein für Nassauische Alterthums- . . . Icunde und Geschichtsforschung.) . . . V. 1002 Società degli Spettroscopisti Italiani. (Palermo.) IV Societas Artium Disciplinarumque Rheno-Trajec- Socictà degli Unanimi. (Turin.—Accadernia degli tina. (Utrecht.—Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genoot- Unanimi.) : . . . . V. 966 schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.) . . V. 994 Socielà dei Naturalisti. (Modena.) . . . IV. 647 Societas Artium et Doctrinarum Rheno-Trajec- Socictà del Gabinetto di Minerva. (Trieste.) . V. 962 tina. (Utrecht.—Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genoot- Società di Acclimazione ed Agricultura in Sicilia schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.) . . V. 994 (Palermo.) . . . . . . IV. 741 Societas Artium et Scientiarum Rheno-Trajectina. Società di Archeologia e Belle Arti per la Pro- (Utrecht.-Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap vincia di Torino. (Turin.) : . van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.) . . . V. 994 Società d'Incoraggiamento delle Arti e de' Mes- Societas Bipontina. (Deux-Ponts.) . . . 1. 199 tieri. (Milan.) . . . . . IV. 645 Societas Caritatis et Scientiarum. (Leipsic.) . II. 380 Società d'Incoraggiamento delle Scienze e delle Societas Cæsarea Naturæ Scrutatorum Mosquen- Arti. (Milan.) . . . . IV. 645 sis. (Moscow. — Obuyecmeo IIcnumameaca Società d'Incoraggiamento per le Arti, i Mestieri IIpu podul.) . . . . . . IV. 059 e l' Agricoltura. (Lucca.). . . . IV. 603 Societas Conantium. (Helmstadt.) . . . II. 3.16 Società di Pescicoltura Nazionale Italiana. Societas Entomologica Rossica. (Saint Petersburg. (Naples.) . · · · · • IV. 676 -Pyccroc Fimo.110.101UUCCkoe Võuncemoo.) : V. 917 Società di Storia Patria. (Naples.). · IV. 676 Societas Frisiaca, Historiae, Antiquitatis Lite- Società Economica di Firenze, Reale. (Florence.) II. 275 rarumque studiosa. (Leeuwarden. — Provin- ciaal Friesch Genootschap ter beoefening der Società Economica di Terra di Lavoro, Reale. Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid-, en Taalkunde.). II. 369 (Caserta.) . . . . . 1. 149 Società Entomologica Italiana. (Florence.) . II. 276 Societas Græca. (Leipsic.) . . . . II. 380 Società Filucritica de Firenze. (Florence.) . II. 276 Societas IIafniensis bonis artibus promovendis dedita. (Copenhagen.-Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab Società Filocritica Giuseppe Baretti. (Florence.) II. 276 II. 276 af Lærdoms og Videnskabers Elskere, etc.) . I. 175 Società Geografica Italiana. (Florence.) . . II. 276 Societas Jablonoviana. (Leipsic.—Fürstlich Jablo- Società Geologica. (Milan.) . . . . IV. 645 IV. 645 nowski'sche Gesellschaft.) . . . II. 377 Società Georgica di Montecchio nella Marca. (Mon- Societas Latina Alturfina. (Altdorf.) . . 1. 14 tecchio.) . · · · · IV. 650 Societas Latina Jenensis. (Jena.) . . . II. 353 Società Italiana. (Verona.) . . . . V. 975 Societas Literaria Bernensis. (Berne.) . . I. 66 Società Italiana d'Igiene. (Milan.) . . . IV. 645 • 645 Societas Literaria Poznaniensis. (Posen.--Towa- Socictà Italiana di Scienze Naturali. (Milan.- rzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk Poznańskie.) . . V. 853 Società Geologica, etc.) . . . . IV. 645 Societas Longobardica Historiae studiis promo- Società Italiana di Storia ed Archeologia. (Italy.) II. 357 vendis. (Milan. --Società Storica Lombarda.) IV. 645 Società Italiana per gli Studi Orientali. (Flor- Societas Medica Havniensis. (Copenhagen.) . I. 190 ence.) · · · · · · II. 276 Societas Meteorologica Palatina. (Mannheim.) . IV. 629 Società Ittiologica. (Verona.) . . . . V. 975 Societas Naturæ Curiosorum Transsilvanica Cibi- Società Letteraria Ravennate. (Ravenna.) . V. 864 niensis. (Hermanstadt.) . . . . II. 348 73 74 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE 36 175 | S. Societas Orientalis Germanica. (Germany.--- Société Académique du Var. (Toulon.) . V. 958 Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft.). . II. Société Acarlémique Indo-Chinoise. (Paris.) . IV. 793 Societas Pharmacopolarum Germaniæ. (Ger- Société Académique Religieuse et Scientifique du many.) . . . . . . . II. 295 Duché d'Auste. (Aosta.) . . . . I. 29 Societas Philohistorum Transsilvanorum. (Her- Société Aérostatique et Météorologique de France. manstadt.) . . . . . . 348 (Paris.) . . . . . . . IV. 793 Societas Philoloya Lipsensis. (Leipsic.) . . II. 380 Sucióté Agricole de Bruxelles. (Brussels.) II. 380 . I. 106 Societas Philologica. (Bonn.) . . . . Société Agronomique. (Klausenburg.-Landwirth- Societas Physico-Medica Basiliensis. (Basle.) . I. 41 schaftliche Gesellschaft.) . . . . II. 363 Société Américaine de France. Societas Physico-Medica Mosquensis. (Moscow.). IV. 661 (Paris.- Comité d'Archéologie Américaine.) . . . . . IV. 775 Societas Privata Taurinensis. (Turin.—Accademia Société Anatomique. (Paris.) . . IV. 793 delle Scienze.) . . . . . . V. 966 Société Archéologique. (Bordeaux.). . . 1. 78 Societas promovendo Florae Batavae studio. (Netherlands.- Vereeniging voor de Nederland- Société Archéologique. (Vervins.) . . . V. 976 sche Flora. . . . . . . IV 6791 Société Archéologique d'Avranches. (Avranches.) I. Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Société Archéologique de Grèce. (Athens. (Copenhagen. – Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift- 'Elinvern ’Apxaloloylan 'Eralpia.) . I. 31 Selskab.) . . . . . . . . I. 179 | Société Archéologique de la Province de Constan- Societas Regia Botanica. (Ratisbon.--Regens- tine. (Constantina.). . . 1. 168 burgische Botanische Gesellschaft.). . . V. 863 Société Archéologique de l'Arrondissement de Societas Regia Scientiarum. (Berlin.) . . I. 58 Dieppe. (Dieppe.) . . . . . I. 200 Societas Regia Scientiarum. (Gottingen.---König- Société Archéologique de l'Orléanais. (Orléans.) IV. 703 liche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften.) . . II. 313 Société Archéologique de Muntpellier. (Mont- Societas Regia Scientiarum Danica. (Copen- pellier.) . . . . . . . IV. 651 hagen.--Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab, etc.) . . 1. Société Archéologique de Namur. (Namur.) . IV. 670 Societas Regia Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandica. Société Archéologique de Nantes. (Nantes.) . IV. 671 (Batavia.—Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Ne- derlandsch Indië.) . . . . I. 43 Société Archéologique de Rambouillet. (Ram- bouillet.) . . . . . . . V. 863 Societas Scientiarum Fennica. (Helsingfors.) : 11. 347 Suciété Archévlogique de Sens. (Sens.) . . v. 933 Societas Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandica. (Bata- Société Archéologique de Tarn-et-Garonne. (Mont- via. --- Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Neder- auban.) . . . . . IV. 649 landsch Indië.) . . . . . . I. 43 Societas Scientiarum Upsalensis, Regia. (Upsal.) V. 990 Société Archéologique de Touraine. (Tours.) V. 960 Société Archéologique d’Eure-et-Loire. (Chartres.) 1. 152 Societät der Bergbaukunde. (Zellerfeld.) . .' V. 1014 Société Archéologique du Département de l'Aisne. Societatea Academia Româna. (Bucharest.) . I. 108 (Laon.) . . . . . . . II. 367 Societatea Geografică Română. (Bucharest.) I. 108 Société Archéologique du Département d'Ille-et- Societät für die gesammte Mineralogie. (Jena.). II. 354 Vilaine. (Rennes.) . . . . . Societät für Wissenschaftliche Kritik. (Berlin.) 1. 63 Société Archéologique du Finistère. (Quimper.) v. 863 Société Académique. (Cherbourg.). . . I. 154 Société Archéologique du Midi de la France. Société Académique d’Aix. (Aix. — Société des (Toulouse.) . . . . . . Amis des Sciences, etc.) . . . . 8 Société Archéologique et Historique de la Cha- rente. (Angoulême.). Société Académique d'Archéologie, Sciences et . . . I. . 27 Arts du Département de l'Oise. (Beauvais.) I. 46 Suciété Archéologique et Historique de l'Orléa- : Société Académique de Brest. (Brest.) nais. . I. (Orleans. — Société . Archéologique de 93 novsieunai orleans. - Soc I. IV. 70: Société Académique de Laon. (Laon.) . II. 367 Société Archéologique et Historique des Côtes-du- Société Académique de l'Arrondissement de Bou- Nord. (Saint Brieuc.) . . . . V. 888 logne-sur-Mer. (Boulogne-sur-Mer.) . . 87 | Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin. Société Académique de l'Aube. (Troyes. --Société (Limoges.) d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres, Société Archéologique, Scientifique et Littéraire. etc.) . . . . . . V. 962 (Béziers.) . . . . . . I. Société Académiqne de Maine et Loire. (Angers.) 1. 26 Société Archéologique, Scientifique et Littéraire Société Académiqne de Saint-Quentin. (Saint- du Vendômois. (Vendôme.) . . Quentin.--Société des Sciences, Arts, Belles- Société “ Architectura et Amicitia." (Amsterdam. Lettres et Agriculture.) . . . . V. 918 -- Vereeniying “ Architectura et Amicitia.") 1. 25 Société Académique de Savoie. (Chambéry.) . I. Suciété Asiatique. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 793 Société Académique des Hautes - Pyrénées. Société Belge-Brésilienne de Colonisation. (Brus- (Tarbes.). . . . . . . V. 956 sels.) . . . . . . . I. 106 Société Académique des Sciences, Arts et Belles- Société Bibliographique. (Paris.) . . . IV. 794 Lettres. (Falaise.) . . . . . II. 207 Société Botanique. (Lyons.) . . . . IV. 606 Société Académique du Côtentin. (Coutances.). 1. 192 Société Botanique de France. (Paris.) . . IV. 795 Société Académique du Département de la Loire Société Centrale d'Agriculture. (Rouen. --Société Inférieure. (Nantes.) . . . . IV.- 671 d'Agriculture du Département de la Seine In- Société Académique du Puy. (Le Puy-en-Velay.) II. 382 féricure.) . . V. 883 V: 19105 Socio Leon béolog 959 I 8 Societal valores 392 152 75 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE Société Centrale d'Agriculture de Belgique. Société d'Amateurs des Sciences et Arts. (Lille.). II. 390 (Brussels.) . . . . . . I. Société d'Anthropologie. (Paris.) . . . IV. 799 Société Centrale d'Agriculture de France. (Paris.) IV. 795 Société d'Archéologie. (Maestricht.). . . IV. 622 Société Centrale d'Agriculture de Nancy. (Nancy.) Société d'Archéologie du Département de la Somme. Suciété Centrale d'Agriculture du Puy-de-Dôme. (Amiens.). . . . . . . 1. 15 (Clermont-Ferrand.) . . . . . Société d'Archéologie et de Numismatique. (Saint Société Centrale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts Petersburg.--Imnepamopckoe Apxeonoruuecko- du Département du Nord. (Douai.) . . Hymuşmamuueckoe Oomecmeo.). . V. 907 Société Centrale d'Agriculture et d'Insectologie. Société d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de la Moselle. (Paris.) . . . . . . (Metz.) . . . . . . . IV. 638 Société Centrale des Architectes. (Paris.). IV. 797. 797 Société d'Archéologie, Littérature, Sciences et Suciété Centrale d’Horticulture. (Paris.). . IV. 797 Arts des arrondissements d'Avranches et de Société Chimique. (Paris.) . . . IV. 798 Mortain. (Avranches.-Société Archéologique d'Avranches.) . . . . . . I. 35 Société Cuvierienne. (Paris.) . . Société d'Archéologie Lorraine. (Nancy.). . IV. 670 Société d'Acclimatation. (Paris.) . . . IV. 798 Société d'Archéologie nationale. (Paris.) . . IV. 799 Société d'Agriculture. (Clermont, Oise.) . Société d'Agriculture. (Dunkirk.) . . . I. 221 Société d'Archéologie, Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres. (Mayenne.). . . . . IV. 632 Société d'Agriculture, Arts et Commerce du Dé- partement de la Charente. (Angoulême.) Société d'Archéologie, Sciences, etc. du Départe- . I. 27 ment de Seine-et-Marne. (Melun.) . . IV. 636 Société d'Agriculture, Commerce, Science et Arts Société d'Arcueil. (Arcueil.) du Département de la Marne. (Châlons-sur- . . . . I. 30 Marne.) . . . . . . . I. 151 Société de Biologie. (Paris.). . . . . IV. 799 Suciété d'Agriculture, d'Archéologie et d'Histoire Société de Botanique de Fraipont et Nessonvaux. Naturelle du Département de la Manche. (Fraipont.) . . II. 277 (Saint Lo.) . . . . . . V. 890 Société de Chimie Médicale. (Paris.) . . IV. 799 Socióte d'Agriculture, de Commerce et des Arts. Société de Chirurgie. (Paris.) . . . IV. 799 (Rennes.) . . . . Société d'Agriculture de Constantine. (Constan- Société de Climatologie Algérienne. (Algiers.) . I. 12 Société d'Économie Politique Belge. (Brussels.). 1. 106 Société d'Agriculture de la Généralite de Tours. Société de Géographie. (Geneva.) . . . II. 286 (Tours.) . . . . . Société de Géographie. (Lyons.) . . . IV. 607 Société d'Agriculture de l'Arrondissement de Saint- Société de Géographie. (Marseilles.). . . IV. 631 Omer. (Saint-Omer.) Société de Géographie. (Paris.) . . . IV. 799 Société d'Agriculture, des Belles-Lettres, Sciences et Arts. (Rochefort.) Société de Géograpbie Commerciale. (Bordeaux.) 1. 78 . . . . Société de Géographie d'Alger. (Algiers.). Société d'Agriculture des Cinq Cantons de la . I. 13 Suisse Romande. (Lausanne.) . Société de Géographie et d'Archéologie de la Pro- Société d'Agriculture, des Sciences et des Arts de vince d'Oran. (Oran.) . . . . IV. l'Arrondissement de Valenciennes. (Valen- Société de la Diana. (Montbrison.) . . . IV. 650 ciennes.) . . . . . . . Société de la Morale Chrétienne. (Paris.). . IV. Société d'Agriculture, du Commerce et des Arts. Société de l'École des Chartes. (Paris.-École (Boulogne-sur-Mer.) . . . . . I. 87 des Chartes.) . . . . . . IV. 781 Société d'Agriculture du Département de la Haute- Société de Législation Comparée. (Paris.) . IV. 800 Marne. (Chaumont.) . . . . Société d'Agriculture du Département de la Seine. Société de l'Histoire de Belgique. (Brus- (Paris. — Société Centrale d'Agriculture de sels.) . . . . . . . I. 106 France.) . . . . . . . 795 Société de l'Histoire de France. (Paris.) . . IV. 800 Société d'Agriculture du Département de la Seine Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français. (Paris.). IV. 806 Inférieure. (Rouen.) . . . . V. Société de l'Histoire de Normandie. (Rouen.) . V. 883 Société d'Agriculture et de Commerce. (Caen.). I. 112 Société de l'Histoire de Paris et de l'Île-de- Société d'Agriculture et d'Économie du Canton de France. (Paris.) . . . . . IV. 806 Vaud.' (Lausanne.) . . . . . 368 Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français. Société d'Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle et Arts (Paris.) . . . . . . . IV. 807 Utiles. (Lyons.) . . . . . Société de l'Histoire et des Beaux-Arts de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts, et Belles- Flandre Maritime de France. (Hazebrouck.) II. 344 Lettres de Bayeux. (Bayeux.) . . . Société de l'Histoire Naturelle du Département de Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles- la Moselle. (Metz.) . . . . . IV. 638 Lettres du Département de l'Aube. (Troyes.) Société de l'Industrie Minérale. (Paris.). . IV. 807 Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Société de Linguistique. (Paris.) . Arts. (Orleans.) . . . . . Société de Littérature Finnoise. (Helsingfors. Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts. (Angers.) I. -Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.) . . II. 347 Société de l'Orient Latin. (Paris.). . . IV. 807 Société de l'Union des Arts. (Metz.). . . IV. 6:38 Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Belles Lettres. (Mâcon. Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles- Société de Médecine. (Bordeaux.) . . . I. Ìettres, etc.) . . . . . . IV. 608 Société de Médecine. (Geneva.) . . . II. 287 te do Geostoraphie Oranian D Societe spuoghe sulture, a 77 778 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PAGE é 808 7 . . . . IV 80 Société de Médecine. (Lyons.). . . . IV. 607 Société des Archéologues et des Bibliophiles Société de Médecine. (Nancy.). . . . IV. 670 Lyonnais. · (Lyons.). . . IV. 607 Société de Médecine de Gand. (Ghent.) ... II. 297 Société des Archives Historiques de la Saintonge et de l'Aunis. (Saintes.) . . . . V. 889 Société de Médecine de Paris. (Paris.--Société de Santé, etc.) . . . . . Société des Archives Historiques du Département . . IV. 809. de la Gironde. (Bordeaux.) . . . I. 79 Société de Médecine Homoeopathique de Paris, (Paris.) . Société des Archives Historiques du Poitou. . IV. 807 . (Poitiers.) . . . . . . V. Société de Médecine Légale de France. (Paris.). IV. 808 Société des Arts. (Antwerp.) . . . . I. 29 Société de Médecine-pratique. (Montpellier.) . IV. 651 Société des Arts et des Sciences de Carcassonne. Société de Médecine publique et d'Hygiène pro- (Carcassonne.) . . . . . . I. 147 fessionnelle. (Päris.) uelle. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 808 Société des Arts et des Sciences d'Utrecht. Société d'Émulation. (Cambray.) . . . I. 119 (Utrecht. —Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap Société d'Émulation. (Roubaix.) . . . V. 882 van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.) . V. 994 Société d'Émulation de Bruges. (Bruges.) . I. 95 Société des Arts, Sciences et Belles-Lettres. (Saintes.). . Société d'Émulation de la Provence. (Marseillrs.) IV. 631 . . . . . V. 889 Société des Beaux-Arts de Caen. (Caen.) . . 1. 112 Société d'Émulation de La Vendée. (Napoléon.). IV. 677 Sociéte des Bibliophiles Bretons et de l'Histoire Société d'Émulation des Côtes-du-Nord. (Saint- de Bretagne. (Nantes.) . . . . IV. 671 Brieuc.) . . . . . . . V. 888 Société des Bibliophiles de Belgique. (Brussels.) 1. 106 Société d'Émulation du Département de l'Allier. (Moulins.) . . . . . . IV. 662 Société des Bibliophiles de Guyenne. (Bordeaux.) 1. 79 Société d'Émulation du Département des Vosges. Société des Bibliophiles de Mons. (Mons.). IV. 647 (Épinal.) . . . . . . . II. 260 Société des Bibliophiles 'de Montpellier. (Mont- Société d'Émulation du Jura. (Lons-le-Saunier.). IV. 597 pellier.) . . . . IV. 651 Société d'Émulation pour l'Histoire et les Anti- Société des Bibliophiles de Reims. (Rheims.) . V. 866 quités de la Flandre Occidentale. (Bruges.- Société des Bibliophiles de Touraine. (Tours.). V. 960 Société d'Émulation de Bruges.) . . . I. 95 Société des Bibliophiles du Béarn. (Pau.) ; V. 833 Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Na- Société des Bibliophiles Français. (Paris.) . IV. 810 tionale. (Paris.) . . . . . Société des Bibliophiles Languedociens. (Mont- Société Départementale d'Agriculture de la pellier.) . . . Nièvre. (Nevers.) . . . . . IV. 652 Société des Bibliophiles Liégeois. (Liege.). . II. 389 Société Départementale d'Archéologie et de Statis- tique de la Drome. (Valence.) . . V. 970 Société des Bibliophiles Normands. (Rouen.) . V. 885 Société de Pharmacie. (Bordeaux.) . . . Société des Bibliothèques Communales du Haut- Rhin. (Colmar.) Société de Pharmacie d'Anvers. (Antwerp.) . I. . 29 I. 166 . . . Société des Études Historiques. (Paris.— Institut Société de Pharmacie de Paris. (Paris.-École : Historique.) . . . . . . IV. 790 supérieure de Pharmacie.) . . . . IV. 786 Société des Études Japonaises, Chinoises, Tar- Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle. tares, et Indo-Chinoises. (Paris.) . (Geneva.). . IV. 811 . . . . . II. 287 . Société des Études Juives. (Paris.) . . Société des Agriculteurs de France. (Paris.) . . IV. 811 808 Société des Gens de Lettres. (Paris.) . . IV. 812 Société des Amateurs des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. (Paris.) . . . IV. 808 Société des Gens de Lettres Belges. (Brussels.- Maetschappy der Belgische Letterkundigen.) . I. 105 Société des Amis des Arts de Lyon. (Lyons.) . Société des Ingénieurs Civils. (Paris.) ... IV. 812 Société des Amis des Sciences, des Lettres, de l'Agriculture et des Arts. (Aix.) . . Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts. (Metz.) . IV. 638 Société des Amis des Sciences naturelles. (Rouen.) v. 885 Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts. (Nantes.). IV. 672 Société des Anciens Élèves de l'École de Grand- Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de Bar-le-Duc. Jouan. (Grand-Jouan. . . . . II. 315 (Bar-le-Duc.) . . . . . . I. 40 Société des Anciens Textes Français. (Paris.). IV Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts des Alpes- Maritimes. (Nice.) . Société de Santé de Paris. (Paris.). .,. IV. 809 . . Société des Médecins et des Pharmaciens de Société des Antiquaires de France. (Paris. l'Isère. (Grenoble.). . . . . II. 327 Académie Celtique.) . . . . . IV. 742 Société des Méthodes d'Enseignement. (Paris.) IV. Société des Antiquaires de la Morinie. (Saint- Omer.) · .. . . Société de Sphragistique. (Paris.). V. 891 . IV. 812 Société des Antiquaires de la Normandie. (Caen.) I. 112 Société des Professeurs de la Langue Française en Angleterre. (London.) 851 . Société des Antiquaires de l'Ouest. (Poitiers.). . V. Société des Sciences. (Cracow.— Towarzystwo Société des Antiquaires de Picardie. (Amiens.-- Naukowe, etc.). . . . . Société d'Archéologie, etc.) . . i . Société des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts, du Dé- Société des Antiquaires de Suède. (Stockholm. partement du Bas-Rhin. (Strasburg.). V. 949 Svenska Fornminnes-Förening.) . . V. 947 Société des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agri- Société des Antiquaires du Centre. (Bourges.) . I. 88 culture. (Saint-Quentin.) . . . . V. Société des Antiquités. (Cassel.) . . . I. 149 Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres.' Société des Aqua-Fortistes. (Paris.) . . IV. 810 (Mâcon.) . . . . . . . IV. 608 I. 79 D 808 / Société INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 80 PART PAGE PART PAGE Le centres et 369 I. 37 IV. 812 PART PACE Société d'His Société des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. (Or- Société d'Histoire, d'Archéologie et de Linguis- leans.-Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Belles- tique de Frise. (Leeuwarden.-Provinciaal Lettres et Arts.). . . . . . IV. 703 | Friesch Genootschap ter beoefening der Friesche Société des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde.) . . Tarn-et-Garonne. (Montauban.). . . IV. 649 Société d'Histoire, d'Archéologie et de Littérature Société des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du de Beaune. (Beaune.) . . . . Hainaut. (Mons.) . . . Société d'Histoire de la Suisse Romande. (Lau- . . IV. Société des Sciences et Arts. (Vitry-le-François.) sanne.) . . V. . . . . . II. Société d'Histoire du Canton de Fribourg. (Fri- Société des Sciences et des Arts. (Grenoble. bourg, in Switzerland.) 285 Académie Delphinale.) . . . . Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Châlon-sur- Société des Sciences et des Lettres. (Blois.) . I. 68 Sãoņe. (Chalon-sur-Saône.) . . . I. 151 Société des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Genève. l'Yonne. (Auxerre.). (Geneva.) . . . . . . II. 287 Société des Sciences Industrielles, Arts et Belles- Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la Mau- Lettres. (Paris.) . . . . . rienne. (Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne.) . . V. 890 Société des Sciences Médicales. (Paris.) . . Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la Moselle. Société des Sciences Médicales de la Moselle. (Metz.-Société d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, etc.) IV. 638 (Metz.) . . . . . . . IV. 638 Sociéte d'Histoire Naturelle. (Paris.) . . IV. 813 Société des Sciences Médicales et Naturelles de Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Strasbourg. (Stras- Malines. (Mechlin.) . . . . . . IV. 632 burg.) . . . . . . . V. 949 Société des Sciences Morales, des Lettres et des Société d'Horticulture de l'Orne. (Alençon.) . I. 12 Arts de Seine-et-Oise. (Paris.). . . IV. Société d'Horticulture de Paris. (Paris.) . IV. 814 Société des Sciences Naturelles. (Cherbourg. . I. 153 Société d'Horticulture et d'Acclimatation du Société des Sciences Naturelles. (Neufchâtel.) . IV. 680 Département de Tarn-et-Garonne. (Mont- Société des Sciences Naturelles de Saône-et-Loire. auban.) . . . . . . . IV. 650 (Chalon-sur-Saône.) . . . . . I. I. 151 151 Société d'Horticulture et d'Histoire Naturelle de Société des Sciences Naturelles de Seine-et-Oise. l'Hérault. (Montpellier.) . . . . IV. (52 (Versailles.) . . . . . . V. 976 Société du Berry. (Paris.-Société du Départe- Société des Sciences Naturelles de Strasbourg. ment de l'Indre, etc.) . . . . IV. 814 (Strasburg.--Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Société du Département de l'Indre. (Paris.) IV. 814 Strasbourg, etc.) . . . . . V. 949 Société du Magnétisme. (Paris.) . . . IV. 814 Société des Sciences Physiques. (Lausanne.) . II. 368 Suciété du Musmérisme Suciété du Mesmérisne. (Paris.) Paris . . . IV. 814 Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Société du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. (Stras- (Bordeaux.) . . . . . . l. 79 burg. Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Stras- Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. bourg.) . . . . . . . V. 949 (Toulouse.) . · . · · . . · . · V. 959 Société Dunkerquoise pour l'encouragement des V. Société des Sciences Physiques, Médicales et Sciences, des Lettres, et des Arts. (Dunkirk.) d'Agriculture. (Orleans.-Société d'Agricul- Société Dunoise. (Châteaudun.) . . . I. 153 ture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orléans.). IV. 703 Société Éduenne. (Autun.) . . . . I. 36 Sociéte de Statistique. (Marseilles.) . . . IV. 632 Suciété Entomologique de Belgique. (Brussels.). 1. 107 Société de Statistique de Paris. (Paris.) . . IV. 812 Société Entomologique de France. (Paris.) . IV. 814 Société de Statistique des Pays-Bas. (The Hague.) II. 335 Société établie pour l'exploration de Carthage. Société de Statistique des Sciences Naturelles et (Paris.) . . : . IV. 814 des Arts Industriels du Département de Société Ethnologique. (Paris.) . . . IV. 814 l'Isère. (Grenoble.). . . . . II. 327 Sociéié Française d'Archéuloyie. (France.) . II. 279 Société de Statistique du Département des Deux- Sèvres. (Niort.) . Sociéié Française de Numismatique et d'Ar- . . . . IV. 698 chéologie. (Paris.) . . . . . IV. 814 Société des Touristes du Dauphiné. (Grenoble.) II. 327 Société Française de Photographie. (Paris.) IV. 815 Société des Travaux Littéraires, Artistiques et Scientifiques. (Paris.) . . : . Société Française de Statistique Universelle. IV. 813 (Paris.) . . . . . . . IV. 815 Société des Vétérinaires de l'Ouest. (Nantes.), IV. 672 Société Française d'Hygiène. (Paris.) . . IV. 815 Société des Vétérinaires Suisses. (Zurich.) . V. 1016 Société Française pour la conservation et descrip Société des Vrais Liégeois. (Liege.). . . II. 390 tion des Monuments Historiques. (Caen.) . . I. 112 Société d'Ethnographie Americaine et Orientale. Société Gallicane de Médecine homeopathique. (Paris.) . . . . . . . IV. 812 (Paris.) . . Sociéte d'Étude des Sciences Naturelles de Nîmes. Société Géographique Impériale de Russie. (Saint (Nîmes.) . . . . . . . IV. 697 Petersburg.--Umnepamopckoe Pycckoe Teorpa- Société d'Études pour la Colonisation de la Guyane buueckoe Obuyecmeo.) . . . . V. 908 Française. (Paris.). . . . IV. 813 Société Géographque Roumaine. (Bucharest, Société d'Études Scientifiques. (Angers.) . . I. 26 Societatea Geografică Română.) . . . 1. 108 Société d'Études Scientifiques. (Lyons.). . IV. 607 Société Géologique de France. (Paris.) . . IV. 815 Société Géologique de Normandie. (Havre-de-Grâce.) II. 344 Société d'Histoire à Utrecht. (Utrecht. - Histo- risch Gezelschap.) . . . . V. 993 / Socié é Géologique du Nord. (Lille.) . . II. 391 (P IV. 815 81 82 . INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE PART PACE forwacomoe Obve Zoologique 34 Societiese onemogumo Société History bue et Archéolocht. Société Hahnemannienne. (Paris.) . , . IV. 816 Société Impériale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture Société Havraise d'Études Diverses. (Havre-de- et des Arts. (Lille.--Société d'Amateurs des . . . . Grâce.) . . . II. 344 Sciences et Arts, etc.) . . . . . 11. 391 Société Impériale d'Horticulture. (Paris.- Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles. Société Centrale d'Horticulture.) . . . IV. IV. 797 (Switzerland. - Allgemeine Schweizerische Ge- sellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaf- Société Impériale et Centrale d'Agriculture de . ten.) . . . . . V 952 France. (Paris.—Société Centrale d Agricul- ture de France, etc.) . . Société Héraldique et Généalogique de France. . . . 795 IV. (Paris.) . . : 816 Société Impériale et Centrale des Architectes. . . . . IV. 816 . Société Historique. (Montreal.) IV. 797 . . (Paris. --Société Centrale des Architectes.) . IV. 653 Société Impériale et Royale des Sciences. (Cra- Société Historique Algérienne. (Constantina.), I. 168 cow.- Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc.). . . I. 193 Société Historique, Archéologique et Littéraire de Société Impériale Polytechnique de Russie. (Saint la Ville d’Ħpres, etc. (Ypres.) . . . V. 1014 Petersburg.— Русское Техническое Общество.) V. 917 Société Historique de Compiègne. (Compiègne.). 1. 167 Société Impériale Russe de Géographie. (Saint Société Historique de Gascogne. (Auch.--Comité Petersburg.-- Unnepamopckoe Pyccxoe l'eoupa- d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la Province buucckoe Obwecnico. . . . . V. 908 ecclésiastique d'Auch.). . . . . I. 34 Société Impériale Zoologique d'Acclimatation. Société Historique de Provence. (Aiz.) . . 1. 8 (Paris. -Société Zoologique, etc.) . . . IV. 821 Société Historique du Département du Cher. Société Industrielle. (Mulhausen.) . . . IV. 662 (Bourges.—Commission Historique de Cher.) . I. 88 Société Industrielle de Reims. (Rheims.) .' . V. 866 Société Historique et Archéologique. (Langres.). II. 367 Société Industrielle de Rouen. (Rouen.) . . V. 885 Société Historique et Archéologique dans le Duché Société Internationale des Électriciens. (Paris.) IV. 816 de Limbourg. (Maestricht.-Société d'Archéo- Société Internationale des études pratiques d'Éco- logie, etc.). . . . . . . . IV. 622 nomie Sociale. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 816 Société Historique et Archéologique de Château- Société Khédiviale de Géographie. (Cairo.) . I. 115 Thierry. (Château-Thierry.) .. . Société Languedocienne de Géographie. (Mont- Société Historique et Archéologique de l'Arron- pellier.) . . . . . . . IV. 652 dissement de Pontoise et du Vexin. (Pon- Société libre d'Agriculture, Commerce, et Arts. toise.) . . . . . . . V. (Besançon.) . . . . . . 1. 67 Société Historique et Archéologique de Suissons. Société libre, d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et (Soissons.) . . Belles-Lettres du Département de l'Eure. Société Historique et Archéologique du Furez. (Evreux. — Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et (Montbrison.—Société de la Diana.) . -. I IV. 650 Arts, etc.) . . . . . . II. 263 Société Historique et Archéologique du Maine. Société libre d'Émulation de Liége. (Liége.) . II. 390 (Le Mans.) . . . . . 381 Société libre d'Émulation, du Commerce, et de Société Historique et Archéologique du Périgord. l'Industrie de la Seine Inférieure. (Rouen.). V. 885 (Périgueux.) : . . V. Société libre des Beaux-Arts. (Paris.) . . IV. 816 Société Historique et Littéraire de Tournai. Société libre des Sciences et Belles - Lettres. (Tournay.) . . . . . . V. 960 (Montpellier.) . . . . . . IV. 652 Société Hollandaise des Sciences. (Haarlem.- Société libre des Sciences, Lettres et Arts. Hollandsche, afterwards Bataafsche Maat- (Paris.) . . . . . . schappij der Wetenschappen.) . . . II. 329 Société Linnéenne. (Bordeaux.) . . . I. 79 Société Jersiaise. (Saint Helier.) . . . V. 890 Société Linnéenne de la Charente - Inférieure. Société Impériale d'Agriculture. (Moscou. (Saint-Jean-d'Angély.) . . . . V. 890 Императорское Московское Общество Сель- Société Linnéenne de Lyon. (Lyons.) . . IV. 607 ckaro Xo3atcmea. . . . . . IV. 655 Société Linnéenne de Normandie. (Caen.) . 1. 113 Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Industrie, Société Linnéenne de Paris. (Paris.) . . IV. 817 Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres du Départe- ment de la Loire. (Saint Étienne.) : . V. 889 Société Linnéenne du Calvados. (Caen.) . . I. 113 Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts. Société Linnéenne du Département de Maine-et- (Angers.—Société d'Agriculture, etc.) . . I. 26 | Loire. (Angers.) . . . Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, Société Linnéenne du Nord de la France. séant à Douai. (Douai.-Société Centrale (Amiens.) . . . . . . I. 15 d'Agriculture, etc.) . . . . . . 1. 203 | Société Littéraire. (Grenoble.). . . . II. 327 Société Impériale d'Economie Rurale. (Moscow. Société Littéraire de l'Université Catholique de — Императорское Московское Общество Louvain. (Louvain.) . . . . IV. 602 Ce.rockaro Xo3ntcmba.) . . . . IV. 655 Société Littéraire de Strasbourg. (Strasburg.). V. 949 Société Impériale de Médecine. (Constantinople. 1. 168 Société Littéraire et Historique de Québec. Société Impériale de Médecine. (Marseilles. (Quebec.--Literary and Historical Society, etc.) V. 862 Société Royale, etc.) . . . . . IV. 632 Société Littéraire et Scientifique. (Castres.) . I. 150 Société Impériale des Antiquaires de France. Société Littéraire Française de Brighton. (Paris.--Société Nationale, etc.) . . . (Brighton.) . . . . . . I. 93 Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscow. Société Littéraire Hellénique “L'Union.” (Cairo. (Moscow. -- Obwecmeo Ucnomamenei IIpu- – Ελληνικος Φιλεκπαιδευτικος Συλλογος podw.) . . . . . IV. 659 “ 'H 'Evorns."). . . . . . I. 114 . II. . IV. 810 817 LiUnion Sundovos S3 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 84 PART PAGE "uu II. part' PAGE Société Littéraire, Historique et Archéologique. Société pour la propagation de l'Architecture.. (Lyons.) . . . . . . . IV. 608 (Amsterdam.-Maatschappij tot bevordering der Société Littéraire, Historique et Archéologique du Bouwkunst.) . . . . . I. Docenartement dat dingue Baroulugquo uu 23 Département de l'Ain. (Bourg.) . . 1. 1. 87 Société pour la propagation des connaissances Société Littéraire, Scientifique et Artistique. Scientifiques et industrielles. (Paris.) . IV. 819 (Apt.) . . . . . . . I 29 Société pour la publication des Documents Société Mathematique de Bohême. (Prague.- Originaux de l'Histoire de France. (Paris. Jednota Českych Mathematiku.) . -Société de l'Histoire de France.) 856 800 . IV. . . Société Mathématique de France. (Paris.) 817 10 Société pour la recherche et la conservation des Monuments Historiques dans le Grand- Société Médicale. (Clermont-Ferrand.) . . I. 164 Duché de Luxembourg. (Luxemburg.) · IV. 605 Société Médicale d'Amiens. (Amiens.) I. 15 Société pour l'avancement des Arts. (Geneva... Société Médicale de Gand. (Ghent.-Geneeskundig Société pour l'Encouragement des Arts et de . Genootschap.) . . . . . . l’Agriculture.) . . . . . . II. 287 Société Médicale d'Émulation. (Paris.) . IV. 817 Société pour l'encouragement des Arts et de Société Médicale des Hôpitaux de Paris. (Paris.) IV. 817 l’Agriculture. (Geneva.) . . . . II. Société pour l'étude des Langues Romanes. Société Médicale du premier arrondissement de (Montpellier.) . . . . . . IV. Paris. (Paris.) · · · · IV. 817 Société pour l'étude des questions d'Enseigne- Société Médicale homoeopathique de France. ment Supérieur. (Paris.). . . IV. 820 (Paris.) . . . . . . . IV. 817 Société pour l'Instruction Élémentaire. (Paris. Société Médico-Chirurgicale de Bruges. (Bruges.) Í. 95 -Société pour l'Amélioration de l'Enseignement, Société Médico-chirurgicale des Hôpitaux de etc.) . . . . . . . IV. Lyon. (Lyons.) . . . . . IV. 608 Société Ramond. (Bagnères-de-Bigorre.) . . I. 37 Société Météorologique de France. (Paris.) . IV. 817 Société Rouennaise de Bibliophiles. (Rouen.), V. 886 Société Minéralogique de France. (Paris.) . IV. 817 Société Royale Académique de Nantes. (Nantes.. Société Montyon et Franklin. (Paris.) . . IV. 817 -Société Académique du Département de la Société Nantaise d'Horticulture. (Nantes.) . Loire Inférieure.) . . . . . IV. 671 Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France. Société Royale d'Agriculture de la généralité de Rouen. (Paris.--Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation, etc.) (Rouen.) . . . . V. . 886 Société Royale d'Agriculture Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France. de Limoges. . . . . . . (Paris.) . (Limoges.) 11. 392 . . . . . . Société Royale d'Agriculture des Pays-Bas. Société Nationale pour une traduction nouvelle des Livres Saints en Langue Française. (Leyden.—Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Tuin- II. 387 (Paris.). . . . bouw.) . IV. 818 Société Niçoise des Sciences Naturelles et Histo- Société Royale d'Agriculture de Toulouse. (Tou- riques. (Nice.) . . . . . IV. 697 louse.) . . . . . . . Société Royale d'Agriculture du Département Société Nivernaise des Sciences, Lettres et Arts. (Paris.--Sociélé Centrale (Nevers.) . . . . . de la Seine, etc. . . . IV. 680 d'Agriculture.) . . . . . .. IV. 795 Société Normande de Géographie. (Rouen.) .. Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Butanique. Société Oeconomique. (Berne. - Schweizerische (Ghent.) . . II. 298 Gesellschaft.) . . . . . . 65 Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Cummerce. Société Orientale. (Paris. . . . . IV. 818 (Caen.) . . . . . . I. Société Ornithologique Suisse. (Geneva.) . . II. 287 Société Royale d'Agriculture et des Arts du Société Paléontologique et Archéologique de l'ar- Département de Seine-et-Oise. (Versailles.) V. 976 rondissement judiciaire de Charleroi. (Mons.) IV. 649 Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique. Société Philanthropique des Vrais Liégeois. (Brussels.) . . . . . I. 107 (Liege.- Société des Vrais Liégeois.) . . II. 390 Société Royale de Médecine. (Marseilles.) IV. 632 Société Philologique. (Paris.) . .. . IV. 818 Société Royale de Médecine. (Paris.) Société Philomathique. (Bordeaux.) . . 1. 79 Société Royale de Médecine, Chirurgie, et l'har- Société Philomathique de Paris. (Paris.). IV. 818 macie. (Toulouse.) . . . . . V. 960 Société Philomathique de Verdun. (Verdun.), Société Royale d'Émulation. I. V. (Abbeville.) . . 3 Société Polymathique du Morbihan. (Vannes.). V. 972 Société Royale de Physique, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts. (Orleans.) . . . . IV. 703 Société Polytechnique Militaire. (Paris.). .. Société Royale des Antiquaires. (Paris.--Société Société Polytechnique-pratique. (Paris.). .. IV. 819 Nationale des Antiquaires de France.) . . IV. Société pour la conservation des Monuments Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. (Copen- Historiques d'Alsace. (Strasburg.) . V. 949 | hagen.—Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab.). 1. 179. Société pour la conservation des Monuments His- Société Royale des Beaux-Arts et de Littérature. toriques et des Euvres d'Art dans la Pro- (Ghent.) . . . . . . . II. 298 vince de Luxembourg. (Arlon.) . . Société Royale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres. Société pour l'amélioration de l'Enseignement (Ghent.). . . II. 298 Élémentaire. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 819 Société Royale des Sciences. (Montpellier.) . IV. 653 Société pour l'amélioration et l'encouragement Société Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et des Publications Populaires. (Paris.). . IV. 819 Arts. (Clermont-Ferrand.). . . I. 164 V. 886 975 Société mentaire. (Paris. et l'encouragement IV. 819 85 86 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE . 1. 152 , I. V. 952 PART PAGE Société Royale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufac- des Arts. (Lille.—Société d'Amateurs des tures and Commerce. (London.) . . III. 564 Sciences, etc.) . . . . . . II. Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts Société Royale des Sciences de Liége. (Liege.) . II. 390 in Ireland. (Dublin.-Royal Irish Art Union.) I. Société Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres. Society for the Illustration and Encouragement (Nancy.) . . . . . . . IV. 670 of Practical Science. (London.). . . III .567 Société Royale des Sciences, Lettres et Arts. Society for the Improvement of Medical and (Antwerp.) . . . . . . Chirurgical Knowledge. (London.). . III. 567 Société Royale des Sciences Médicales et Natu- Society for the Improvement of Naval Architec- relles. (Brussels.) . . . . . ture. (London.) . . . . . III. Société Royale d'Horticulture. (Paris.- Société Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts d'Horticulture.). . . . . and Manufactures. (New York.) : . IV. Société Royale du Canada. (Montreal.- Royal Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Society of Canada.) . . . . . ... (London.). . . . . . . III. 568 Société Royalé et Centrale d'Agriculture. Society for the Promotion of Popular Instruction. (Paris.- Société Centrale d'Agriculture.) . (London.). . . . . . . III. Sociéte Royale pour l'Encouragement des Sciences, Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in the des Lettres et des Arts, etc. (Arras.). . I. State of New York. (New York.) | 101k. (New York.) . . IV. 696 Société Savoisienne de Histoire et d'Archéologie. Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh (Chambéry.) . . . . . Manuscripts. (Abergavenny.) . . . I. 6 Société Scientifique et Littéraire du Limbuurg. Society for the Publication of Oriental Texts. (Tongres.) . . . . . . .. V. 957 (London.). . . . . . . 111. 568 Sociéte Scientifique Industrielle. (Marseilles.) . IV. Suciety of Antiquaries. (London.) . . III., 569 Société Séricicole. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 821 Society of Antiquaries. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne.). IV. 682 Société Suisse des Sciences Naturales. (Switzer- Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. (Edinburgh.) II. 255 · land. -- Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft Society of Artists of Great Britain. (London.) . III. 574. für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften.) Society of Arts. (London.-Society for the En- Société Topographique de Bouillon. (Bouillon.). I. couragement of Arts, Manufactures and Com- Société Vaudoise d'Utilité publique. (Lausanne.-- merce.) . . . . . . . III. 564 Société d'Agriculture, etc.) . . . . II. 368 Society of Arts, Jamaica. (Kingston.) . . II. 363 Société Vétérinaire des Departements du Calva- Society of Biblical Archæology. (London.) . III. 575 dos et de la Manche. (Bayeux.) . . Society of British Artists. (London.) . . III. 575 Sociéte Universelle d'Ophthalmologie. (Paris.). I Society of Dilettanti. (London.) . . . III. 575 Société Universelle pour l'Encouragement des Arts et de l'Industrie. (London.) . . III. 557 Society of Dutchess County for the Promotion of Agriculture. (Poughkeepsie.) Société voor Opvoeding en Onderwys. (Brussels.- . . . V. . Maetschappy voor Opvoeding en Onderwys.) . I. Society of Engineers. (London.) . . . 111. Société Zoologique d’Acclimatation. (Paris.) . IV. Society of Engravers. (London.) . . . III. Société Zoologique de France. (Paris.) . . IV. 822 Society of Hebrew Literature. (London.). 576 III. Society for Philosophical Experiments and Con- Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agri- versations. (London.) . . . . 557 culture in Scotland. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 256 Society for Promoting Agriculture. (Philadel- Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, pħia.) . . . . . . . lII. 552 . .. Royal. V. 850 (London.) . . . . . 111. Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge. Society of Musicians, Royal. (London.) . . III. 553 (London.) . . . . III. 557 Society of Natural History, Portland. (Portland, Society for Promoting Natural History. (London.) III. 558 Maine.) . . . . . . . V. 853 Society for Promoting Scientific Inquiries into Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo. (Buffalo.) 1. 109 Social Questions. (Dublin.) . . . I. 218 Society of Painters in Water Colours. (London.) III. 576 Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Society of Physicians. (London.) . . III. 576 Law. (London.) . . . . . III. 558 Suciety of Professional Musicians. (Wigan.) . V. 1003 Society for Psychical Research. (London.) . III Society of Public Analysts. (London.) . III. 577 Society for the Acclimatisation of Animals, etc. Society of Social Friends. (Hanover, New Hamp- (London. --Acclimatisation Society.) . . III. sbire.) . . . . . . . II. 342 Society for the Acquisition of General Know- Society of United Fraternity. (Hanover, Nero ledge. (Calcutta.) . . . . . Hampshire.) . . . . . . II. 342 Society for the Advancement of Learning. Sodalitas Academica Major Moguntipa. (Mentz.) IV. 636 (Columbia, South Carolina.). : Sodalitas Literaria Boiorum. (Augsburg.). . I. 35 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. (London.) . . . . . . Södermanlands Fornminnesförening. (Strengnäs.) V. 950 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in Somersetshire Archæological and Natural History China. (Canton.) . . . . . I. 145 Society. (Taunton.). . . . . V. 956 Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture Soransk Samfund. (Copenhagen.) . . . . I. 191 and Industry, Devonshire. (Exeter.) . . II. 267 Sorbonne. (Paris.— Université de Paris.) . . IV. 822 Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufac- South African Philosophical Society. (Cape tures and Commerce. (Barbadoes.) . . I. 39 Town. . . . . . . . I. 146 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 88 PART PAGE PART PAGE 33 . South Australian Institute. (Adelaide.) . . I.. 7 Straits Asiatic Society. (Singapore.) . . V. 937 South Carolina Historical Society. (Charleston, . Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society of South Carolina.) . . 152 | Great Britain and Ireland. (Singapore.-. Southern Historical Society. (Richmond, Vir- . Straits Asiatic Society.) . . . . . V. ginia.) . . . 867 Stroud Natural History and Philosophical Society. : South Kensington Museum. (London.) . . (Stroud.). . . . . . . V. 950 South Wales Institute of Engineers. (Merthyr Studenten-Corps of the Academia Rheno-Trajec- tina. (Utrecht.) . . . . . V. 992 Tydfil. . . . . . . . Spalding Club. (Aberdeen.) . . . . Studenterforening. (Christiania.) . . I. 161 Specola. (Bologna. Istituto delle Scienze ed Arti Students' Literary and Scientific Society. (Bom- bau.) . . . . . . . . I. 75 P. Liberali.) . . . . . . . . 1. Speculative Society of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh.) II. 256 Svenska Akademi. (Stockholm.) . . . V, 947 Spenser Society. (Manchester.). . . . IV. 627 Svenska Fornminnes-Föreningen. (Stockholm.). V. 947 Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen. (Stockholm.) V. 947 Společnost Vlastenského Musea v Čechách. (Prague.) . . . . . . V. Svenska Slöjd föreningen. (Stockholm.) . . V. 947 Spolek Českých Lékarů. (Prague.) . . . V. Svenska Trädgårds-Föreningen. (Stockholm.) , V. 947 Spolek Přátel Vědy a Literatury České. (Pilsen.) V. 850 Svensk Fornskrift-Sällskapet. (Stockholm.) . V. 947 Spottiswoode Society. (Edinburgh.) ... Svensk Läkare Sällskapet. (Stockholm.) . . V. 947 Svensk Patriotisk Sällskapet. (Stockholm.) . Cpócko Yeho ApylTBO. (Belgrade.Apyombo V. 947 Србске Словесности.) . . . . . . . I.. I. 48 Suffolk Archäological Association. (Ipswich.) . 48 II. 356 Staats- und landwirthschaftliche Academie, Köniy- Suffolk Institute of Archæology and Natural lich-Preussische. (Eldena.) . II. 260 History. (Bury St. Edmund's.) . . . I. 110 Staatswirthschaftliches Institut. (Marburg.) . IV. 631 Συλλογος προς Διαδοσιν των Ελληνικων Γραμματων. State Historical Society. (Iowa.) (Athens.). . . . . II. 356 Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. (Helsingfors.) II. 347 State Historical Society of Wisconsin. (Madison, Wisconsin.) . . v. 952 . . ** . . IV. 609 Surrey Archäological Society. (Surrey.) . . State Medical Society. (Albany.) . . . I. Surtees Society. (Durham.) . . . . . 221 State Microscopical Society of Illinois. (Chicago.) I. Sussex Agricultural Society. (Lewes.) . . II. 383 Statistical Association, American. (Boston, Mass.) Sussex Archæological Society. (Sussex.). V. 952 Swenska Litteratur-Föreningen. (Upsal.). . V. 990 Statistical Society. (London.) . . . . Sydenham Suciety. (London.). . . . III. 585 Statistical Society. (Manchester.) . IV. 629 Sydenham Society, New. (London.). . III. 500 Statistical Society, American Geographical and. Sydney Observatory. (Sydney. - Government (New York.) . . . . . . IV. Observatory.) . . . . . . V. 954 Statistical Society, Glasgow and Clydesdale. Syro-Egyptian Society. (London.) . II . (Glasgow.) . III. 587 . Szent-István Társulat. (Pest.) Statistikai Hivatal. (Pest.) . . . . V. . .. V. 845 Szkoła Główna Wielkiego Xięstwa Litewskiego. Statistische Gesellschaft, Schweizerische. (Switzer- (Wilna.-Academia et Universitas Vilnensis.). V. 1003 land.) . . . . . . . Statistischer Verein für das Königreich Sachsen. (Leipsic.) . . . Statistisches Bureau Vereinigter Thüringischer Staaten. (Jena.) . . Statistisch-topographisches Bureau, Königliches. (Stuttgard.) . . . . . . V. Steiermärkische Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft, Taalminnend Studenten-Genootschap onder Ken- Kaiserlich-Königliche. (Gratz.) . 315.1 spreuk: “'t zal wel yaan.” (Ghent.) . II. 298 Steiermärkisches Landes-Archiv. (Gratz.). . II. 316 316 Tael- en Dichtlievend Genootschap onder de spreuk, “Kunst word door arbeid verkreegen.”. Steirischer Gebirgsverein. (Gratz.) . . . II. 316 (Leyden.) . . . . . . II. Stenografen-Verein. (Linz.) . . . 393 | Tael- en letterlievend Genootschap: “Met Tyd Stenographisches Institut, Königliches. (Dresden.) I. 206 en Vlyt.” (Louvain.) . . . . II] Sternwarte. (Cracow.—Uniwersytet Jagielloński.). I. 1951" Tael is gansch het Volk, De,” Maetschappy van 1 Vlaemsche Letteroefening met Kenspreuk. Sternwarte. (Hamburg.) . . . . . II. 338 (Ghent.). . • : . . II. 297 Sternwarte. (Leipsic.) . . . . . II. 380 Taelminnend Genootschap de Schelde. (Antwerp.) 1. 29 Sternwarte, Kaiserlich-Königliche. (Prague.). V. 856 Tanári Egylet. (Pest.) . . . . . V. 846 Sternwarte, Kaiserlich-Königliche. (Vienna.) . V. 982 Technologisches Gewerbe-Museum. (Vienna.) . V. 484 Sternwarte, Königliche. (Gottingen.) . . II. 314 Texureckoe OomeCTBO. (Saint Petersburg. - St. Gallisch-Appenzellische Gemeinnützige Ge- Русское Техническое Общество.) . . V. 917 sellschaft. (Saint Gall.) . i . . Teknisk Forening. (Christiania.) . . . . I. 161 St. Gallische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft. (Saint Gall. - St.-Gallisch-Appenzellische Gemeinnüt- Tennessee State Medical Society. (Nashville.) . IV. 677 zige Gesellschaft.) . . . . . . . . . . V. 890 Tennessec University, East. (Knoxville.) . . II. 364 . 89 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 678 393 PART PAGE 1 PART PAGE Teutsche Gesellschaft. (Jena.—Deutsche Gesell- Vereeniging ter Bevordering der Oude Neder- schaft.) . . . . . . . II. 353 landsche Letterkunde. (Leyden.) . . . II. 389 Teyler's Stichting. (Haarlem.) . . . II. 331 Vereeniging tot Beoefening van de Geschiedenis Theological Translation Fund. (London.). . I. 587 der Christelijke Kerk in Nederland. (Amster- Thierarzneischule, Königlich-Bayerische Central. dam.) . . . . . . . . (Munich.). .. ' IV. 663 Vereeniging tot Beoefening van Overijsselsch Thomason Civil Engineering College. (Roorkee.) V. 880 Regt en Geschiedenis. (Deventer.) . Thüringisch-Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung Vereeniging tot bevordering der Inlandsch des vaterländischen Alterthums. (Halle.). II. 336 Ichthyologie. (Warnsveld.) . . . i Thüringisch-Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung Vereeniging tot regeling en verbetering van de des Vaterländischen Alterthums. (Naum- Vruchtsoorten. (Boskoop.) . . . I. burg.) . . . i . : . IV. Vereeniging tot Uitgave der Bronnen van het Topographical Society. (London.) . . . III. 588 Oude Vaderlandsche Recht. (Utrecht.) . V., Topographical Society, Lincolnshire. (Lincoln.) II. Vereeniging voor de Nederlandsche Flora. Topographical Society, Wiltshire. (London.) . III. 594 (Netherlands.) . . . . . . IV. Topographisk Selskab for Norge. (Christiania.). 1. 161 Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland. Towarzystwo Historyczne Polskie. (Paris.- (Amsterdam.) . . . . . . I. 25 Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie.) . . IV. 822 Ver Vereeniging voor Nederlandsche Muziekgeschie- Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie. (Paris.). IV. 822 denis. (Amsterdam.) . . ; . I. Towarzystwo Królewskie Przyjaciół Nauk (War- Verein baltischer Aerzte. (Rostock.). . . V. 882 saw. — Towarzystwo Warszawskie Przyjaciół Nauk.) . . . . . o V. 997 | Verein der deutschen Strafanstaltsbeamten. Towarzystwo Lekarskie Warszawskie. (Warsaw.) v. 997 (Bruchsal.) . . . . . . . I. Towarzystwo Naukowe. (Cracow.) . . . . 193 Verein der Erzdiözese Bamberg für christliche Kunst-Archäologie. (Bamberg.). . . I. 39 Towarzystwo Naukowe Młodzieży Polskiej w Paryżu. (Paris.) Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte. (Neu- . i . . . IV. 822 brandenburg.) Towarzystwo Nauk Scisłych. (Paris.) . . IV. 822 . . . IV. Towarzystwo Paryzkie Lekarzy Polskich. (Paris.) IV. 822 Verein der homöopathischen Aerzte Oesterreichs. (Vienna.). V. 984 Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne. (Lemberg.) . . II. 381 Verein der praktischen Thierärzte. (Saint Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk Poznańskie. Petersburg.) . . . . . . .V. 918 (Posen.) . . . . . . . V. 853 Verein deutscher Freimaurer. (Germany.). . Towarzystwo Rolnicze w Królestwie Polskiém. Verein deutscher Ingenieure. (Berlin.) (Warsaw.) . . . . . .. V. 997 : . I. Towarzystwo Warszawskie Przyjaciół Nauk. Verein deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner. (Germany.) . (Warsaw.) . . . . . . . . II. . V. 997 295 . . 11. Trevandrium Museum Society. (Trevandrum.). V. 961 Verein für Baukunde. (Stuttgard.) . . . V. 950 Verein für Christliche Kunst im Apostolischen Tromsö Museum. (Tromso.) . . . . V. 962 Vikariate (afterwards Bisthum, afterwards Trondhjemsk Selskab. (Drontheim.) . . . .I. 208 1 Diocese) Luxemburg. (Luxemburg.). IV. 605 Tudós Társaság, afterwards Magyar Tudományos Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden. Akademia. (Pest. — Magyar Tudományos (Berlin.) . . . . . . . I. 63 Akademia.) . . . . . . . V. 840 Verein für das Museum schlesischer Alterthümer. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. (Newcastle-upon- (Breslau.) . . . . . . I. 91 Tyne.) .. . . . . : . IV. 683 Verein für deutsche Statistik. (Germany.). . II. 296 Verein für die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt. (Bremen) I. 89 Verein für die Geschichte Berlins. (Berlin.) . I. 63 Verein für die Geschichte der Provinz Preussen. U-V. (Konigsberg.) . . . . . . II. 366 . Verein für die Geschichte Leipzig's. (Leipsic.), II. 380 Vaderlandsche Maatschappy te Hoorn. (Hoorn.) II. 350 Verein für die Geschichte Potsdams. (Potsdam.) V. 854 “ Vaderlandsliefde,” Maatschappy. (Brussels.) . I. 105 Verein für Erdkunde und Verwandte Wissen- Bapmabckiit YhilBepchteti. (Warsaw.—Hanepa- schaften. (Darmstadt.) . . . . I. 197 2торскій Варшавскій Университета.). . V. 996 | Verein für Erforschung des Vaterländischen Vaterländische Gesellschaft der Aerzte und Alterthums, Thuringisch-Sächsischer. (Naum- Naturforscher Schwabens. (Tubingen.) . V. 966 burg. . . . . . . . . IV. 678 Vaterländischer Verein. (Stade.) . . . V. 939 Verein für Erforschung und Erhaltung der Vater- Vaterländisch-historische Gesellschaft. (Zurich.) V. 1016 ländischen Alterthümer, Königlich-Sächsi- scher. (Dresden.) . . . . . 1. · Yuebroe Oribienie BocroqHWX'I A3HIKOBI. (Saint Verein für Förderung der Petersburg.) . . . Landwirthschaft, . . . . V. 918 Baltischer. (Greifswald.) . . . . II. 326 Vereeniging “ Architectura et Amicitia." (Am- . Verein für gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur För- sterdam.) . . . . . . . I. 25 derung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Vereeniging “Regt voor allen.” (Amsterdam.). 1. 25 (Gottingen.) . . II. 314 Vereeniging ter Beoefening der Geschiedenis Verein für Geschichte der bildenden Künste. van 'sGravenhage. (The Vague.) . . II. 3351 (Breslau.) . . . . . . . I. 92 10 HVI 91 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. 92 PART PAGE PART PAGE Verein für Geschichte der Deutschen in Böhmen. Verein für vaterländische Geschichte und Indus- (Prague.). . . . . . V. 859 i 859 trie, Altmärkischer. (Neuhaldensleben.) ; . IV. 680 Verein für Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. Verein für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Würt- (Berlin.) . . . . . . . I. 63 temberg. . (Stuttgard.) : . . . V. 951 Verein für Geschichte des Bodensee's und seiner Verein für Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Umgebung. (Lindau.) . . . . II. 393 Kenntnisse. (Kiel.— Verein nördlich der Elbe Verein für Geschichte und Alterthümer der Graf- zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kennt- schaft Mansfeld. (Eisleben.) . . . II. 260 nisse.) . . . . . . . . ll. 361 Verein für Geschichte und Alterthum Schlesiens. Verein für Volkswirthschaftlichen Fortschritt. (Vienna.) . (Breslau.) . V. 985 i, .. . . : c Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Verein für wissenschaftliche Heilkunde. (Konigs- mine (Frankfort on the Main-Gesellschaft für berg.) . . . . . . . Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst.) . . 281 Verein “Herold.” (Berlin.) . . . . I. 64 Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Verein “Hütte.” (Berlin.) . . 1. 64 Westfalens. (Munster.) . . . . IV. 669 Verein nördlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung natur- Verein für Geschichte und Topographie Dresdens wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. (Kiel.) . II. 361 und seiner Umgebung. Dresden.) . . 1. 207 Verein Nürnbergischer Künstler und Kunst- Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte. (Hamburg.) II. 338 freunde. (Nuremberg.) · . . · . . IV.. 701 Verein für Hansische Geschichte. (Lubeck.) . IV. 602 Verein praktischer Aerzte. (Prague.) . . V. 860 Verein für Heilkunde in Preussen. (Berlin.) . 1. 64 Verein Schleswig-Holsteinischer Aerzte. (Kiel.) II. 361 Verein für Heimathkunde des Kurkreises. Verein schweizerischer Ingenieure und Archi- (Wittenberg.) . . . . . . V. 1008 V. 1008 tekten. (Zurich.) . . . . . Verein für Hennebergische Geschichte und Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Landeskunde. (Schmalkalden.) . . . . V. V. 933 933 (Bonn.) . . . . . . 1. Verein für Hessische Geschichte und Landes- Verein von Freunden der Erdkunde. (Leipsic.) 11. 380 kunde. (Cassel.) . . . . . 150 | Verein von Geschichts-freunden zu Rheinberg. Verein für Kunst und Alterthum in Ulm und (Rheinberg.) : : : : : : V. 866 Oberschwaben. (Ulm.) . . . . V. 987 Verein zur Beförderung der Landwirthschaft in Verein für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich. Sondershausen. (Sondershausen.) . . V. 938 (Vienna.). . V. 984 Verein zur Beförderung der Volksbildung. Verein für Landwirthschaft und Gartenbau im (Oldenburg.) . . . . . . IV. 702 Kanton Zurich. :(Zurich.). . . V. 1016 Verein zur Beförderung des Garten baues in den Verein für Literatur und Kunst. (Mentz.) . IV. 636 Königlich Preussischen Staaten. (Berlin.). I. 64 Verein für Lübeckische Geschichte. (Lubeck.) . IV. 603 Verein zur Beförderung des Gewerbfleisses in Preussen. (Berlin.). . i I. Verein für Lübeckische Statistik. (Lubeck.) . IV. 603 Verein zur Erforschung der rheinischen Geschichte Verein für Meklenbürgische Geschichte und und Alterthümer. (Mentz.) . . . IV. Alterthumskunde. (Schwerin.) . . . V. 933 Verein zur Ermunterung des Gewerbsgeistes in Verein für Nassauische Alterthumskunde und Böhmen. (Prague.) . i . . : V. 860 Geschichtsforschung. (Wiesbaden.) . . V. 1002 Verein zur geognostisch-montanistischen Durch- Verein für Naturkunde. (Mannheim.) . . IV. I forschung des Landes Tirol und Vorarlberg. Verein für Naturkunde. (Presburg:) . . V. 860 (Innspruck.) : : : : : : II. Verein für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. . Verein zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher (Wiesbaden.) . . . . . . V. 1002 Kenntnisse. (Vienna.) . . V. 985 Verein für Natur- und Geschichts - Kunde. Verein zur Verbreitung nützlicher Kenntnisse (Hildesheim.) . . . . . . II. 349 durch gemeinfassliche Schriften. (Munich.). IV. 668 Verein für Naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung. Vergadering van Rijks-Vee-Artsen. (Netherlands. (Hamburg.) . . . . . . II. 339 -- Nederlandsch Vee-artsenijkundig Genoot- Verein für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. schap.) . . . . . . . IV. 679 (Hamburg.) Vermont State Historical Society. · · · · (Montpelier, · ... Vermont.). . . . . IV. 650 Verein für Numismatik. (Prague.). . Vernacular Literature Committee. (Calcutta.) . I. 118 Verein für öffentliche Gesundheitspflege. (Han- Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schul- over.) . . . . . . . II. 341 männer. (Germany.-Verein Deutscher Philo- Verein für Pommersche Statistik. (Stettin.) . logen, etc.) . . . . . . . 11. 295 Verein für religiöse Kunst in der Evangelischen Versammlung deutscher und ausländischer Orien- Kirche. (Berlin.) . . . . . 64 talisten. (Germany.-- Deutsche Morgenländi- Verein für Schlesische Insektenkunde. (Breslau.) I. sche Gesellschaft.) . . . . . II. 293 Verein für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde. (Her- Verulam Society. (London.) . . . . III. 588 manstadt.) 348 Vetenskaps Academi, Kongliga Svenska. (Stock- Verein für Socialpolitik. (Leipsic.) . . . II. 380 380 holm.) .. . . V. 942 Verein für Thüringische Geschichte und Alter- Veterinary Medical Association. (London.) . III. 588 thumskunde. (Jena.) . . . . II. 354 Vetterhets Historie och Antiquitets Academi, Verein für Vaterländische Geschichte, Statistik Kongliga. (Stockholm.) . . . . V. 946 und Topographie. (Vienna.) .' . .' V. 984 Victoria Iustituie. (London.) . . . . . III. 589 S AU I WO 40 i 93 94 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE n WIU LY = = 867 . ) . . . V. . PART PAGE Victorian Academy of Arts. (Melbourne.) . . IV. 635 Università di Siena, Regia. (Sienna.) . . V. 937 Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Univeísità Gregoriana. (Rome.-Collegium Ro- Science. (Melbourne.) . . . . IV. 635 manum Societatis Jesu.) . . . . V. 876 Victoria University. (Manchester.) . . . IV. 629 Universitas Altdorfiana. (Altdorf.-Schola Aldor- Videnskabs-Selskab. (Christiania.) . . . I. 161 fiana.) . . . . . . 13 Віленская Археографическая коммиссія. Universitas Bernensis. (Berne.) . . . (Wilna.) . . . . . . . V. 1004 Universitas Biturigensis. (Bourges.). . . Biljehckas Apxeodoraneckas KOMMiccis. (Wilna. Universitas Bononiensis. (Bologna.). I. 73 -Kommissja Archeologiczna Wileńska.) . V. 1004 Universitas Cæsarea. (Dorpat.-Kaiserliche Uni- Bilenckii Myzei pebrocteft. (Wilna.) . . versität.). . . . I. 201 Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society. Universitas Cassoviensis Societatis Jesu. (Ca- (Richmond, Virginia.) . Virginia.) . . V. schau.) . . . . . . I. 149 . Vlaemsche Bibliophilen, Maetschappy der. (Ghent.) II. 296 Universitas Coloniensis. (Cologne.). I. 167 Ungarische Geologische Gesellschaft. (Pest.- Universitas Conimbricensis, (Coimbra.-Univer- Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat.) . , V. 839 | sidade de Coimbra.) . . . . . I. 165 Ungarischer Forstverein. (Presburg.) . . V. 860 Universitas Duacensis. (Douai. — Université de Ungarischer Karpathen - Verein. (Hungary. - Douai.) . . . . . . . 1. 203 Magyarországi Kárpátegylet.) . . . II. 358 Universitas Francofurtana. (Frankfort on the Ungarischer Landes-Agricultur-Verein. (Pest.). V. 846 I Oder.) . . . . . . . II. Ungarischer Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Universitas Fridericiana. (Halle. — Academia (Pest. — Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Fridericiana.) . . . . . II. 335 . Társulat.) . . . . 836 Universitas Havniensis. (Copenhagen.--Academia, Union College. (Schenectady.) . . . . V. 931 afterwards Universitas Havniensis.) . . Union des Arts. (Marseilles.) . . IV. 632 Universitas Literarum Cæsarea Mosquensis. (Moscow.--Hanepamopcrii MOCKOGCK?Ŭ YH2- Union des Poètes. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 822 @cpcuinenz.) . . . . . . IV. United Service Institution. (London.) . . III. 589 Universitas Literaria Regia Fredericiana. (Chris- United Service Institution of India. (Simla.) V. 937 tiania. Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet.) I. 155 United States Military Academy. (West Point.). V. 1002 | Universitas Litteraria Berolinensis. (Berlin.-- United States Naval Academy. (Annapolis.) . I. 27 Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität.) . . . I. 53 United States Naval Institute. (Annapolis.)'. Universitas Litteraria Fennica. (Helsingfors. Finska Universitet.) . . . . .. . II. Universidad. (Alcalá de Henares.) . 11. 346 . . 1. 11 Uuiversitas Litteraria Friderica Guilelma. Universidad. (Caracas.) . . . . . I. 147 (Berlin.--Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität.) . I. 53 Universidad. (Cervera.) . . . . . . 1. 150 I. 150 Universitas Litterarum Jenensis. (Jena.--Aca- Universidad Central. (Madrid.) . . IV. 622 demia Jenensis.) . . . . . 352 Universidad de Alcalá, Colegio Mayor de San Universitas Litterarum Lipsiensis. (Leipsic.- Ildefonso de la. (Alcalá de Henares.). . 1. 12 Academia Lipsiensis.) . . . . II. Universidad de Barcelona. (Barcelona.) . . Universitas Lovaniensis. (Louvain.--Academia Universidad de Buenos Aires. (Buenos Ayres.). 109 Lovaniensis.) . . . . . . IV. 597 Universitas Marburgensis. (Marburg.- Academia Universidad de Çaragoça. (Saragossa.) . . V. 930 Marburgensis.) . . . . . . IV. 630 Universidad de Chile. (Santiago.) V. 929 Universitas Muguntina. (Mentz.) . . IV. 637 Universidad de Huesca. (Huesca.) . . . II. 351 Universitas Rinteliensis. (Rinteln. —- Academia Universidad de Mérida. (Merida.) . . . IV. 637 Hasso-Schauenburgica. . . . . . V. 868 Universidad de México, Real, afterwards Nacional Universitas Ruperto-Carolina. (Heidelberg.) . II. 344 y Pontificia. (Mexico.) . . . . IV. 642 Universitas theologica, philosophica ac medica. Universidad de Salamanca. (Salamanca.) . . v. 919 (Pavia.— Università di Pavia.) . V. 835 Universidad de San Marcos, Real. (Lima.) . II. 391 | Universitas Tubingensis. (Tubingen.-Eberhard- Universidad de Toledo. (Toledo.) . . . V. 957 Karls Universität.) . . . . . V. 964 Universidade de Coimbra. (Coimbra.) . . 1. 165 Universitas Viennensis. (Vienna.) . . . V. 985 Universidad Literaria Central. (Madrid.-Uni- Universitas Vilnensis. (Wilna. -- Academia et versidad Central.) . . . . . Universitas Vilnensis.) . . . . V. 1003 Universidad Literaria, Real. (Seville.) . . V. 934 | Universitas Vratislaviensis. (Breslau.) . . I. 92 Universidad Real de Valladolid. (Valladolid.) . V. 971 Universität. (Berlin.-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univer- Università. (Pisa.) . . . . . V. 850 sität.) . . . . . . . I. 53 Università. (Turin.) . . . . . V. 969 Universität. (Erfurt.) . . . . . II. 261 Università degli Scudi, Regia. (Naples.) . . IV. 676 Universität. (Innspruck.) . . . . II. 355 Universität. (Kiel.--Academia Christiana Alber- Università di Genova, Regia. (Genoa.) . . II. 289 tina.) . . . . . . . 11. 358 Università di Modena. (Modena.) : . IV. 647 Universität. (Konigsberg.- Academia Albertina.). II. 364 Università di Padova. (Padua.) . . . IV. 7338 Universität. (Rostock.--Academia Rostochiensis.) V. 881 Università di Parma. (Parma.) . V. 833 Universität. (Wittenberg.- Academia Vitember- Università di Pavia. (Pavia.). . . . V. 835 gensis.) . . . . . . V. 1008 40 95 96 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE ZAI IV. 279 V. 852 I. 26 . . . . · . . . . A 11 17 . . · . · . PART PAGE Universität Erlangen. (Erlangen. — Academia University of Dublin. (Dublin.) . . . I. 218 Fridericiana.) . . . . . . 11. University of Durham. (Durham.) . . . I. 224 Universität Freiburg. (Freiburg in the Breisgau. -Academia Friburgensis.) . . . . 11. 284 University of Durham College of Physical Science. Universität Leipzig. (Leipsic. - Academia Lip- (Newcastle-upon-Tyne.) . . . . 1V.. 683 siensis.) . . . II. 372 University of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh.) . . II. 257 Universität Zurich. (Zurich.). . . . V. 1076 University of Glasgow. (Glasgow.) . . . II. 309 Université. (Caen.) . . . . . I. 113 Université Catholique. University of King's College. (Fredericton.) . (Louvain. - Academia II. 283 Lovaniensis.) . . . . . . 597 University of King's College. (Windsor, Nova Université de Bale. (Basle.- Academia Basi- 200120.) . . . . . . . V. 1004 liensis.) . . . . . . . I. 40 University of London. (London.) . . . III. 591 Université de Douai. (Douai. . . . Université de France. (France.) .. University of Maryland. (Baltimore.) . . I. 38 Université de France. (Paris. — Université de University of McGill College. (Montreal.) . IV. 653 Paris.) . . . . . . 822 . University of Melbourne. (Melbourne.) . . IV. 635 Université de Gand. (Ghent.). Université de Liége. (Liege.--Academia Leo- University of Michigan. (Ann Arbor.) . . I. 28 diensis.) . . . . . . II. 389 University of Minnesota. (Minneapolis, Minne- Université de Nantes. (Nantes.) . . . IV. 672 sota.) . . . . . IV. 646 Université de Paris. (Paris.) . . . . IV. 822 University of Nashville. (Nashville.) : . IV. 677 Université de Poitiers. (Poitiers.) . . . . Université Libre d'Angers. (Angers.) .. University of Oregon. (Eugene City.) . . II. 263 Université Libre de Bruxelles. (Brussels.) . I. 108 University of Oxford. (Oxford.) . . . IV. 705 Academic Addresses, etc. 705 . Universités de Belgique. (Belgium.) I. . 47 Universitet. (Christiania.- Kongeligt Norsk Frede- Examinations . . . riks-Universitet.) . . . . . I. 155 Graduates Universitet. (Copenhagen.-Academia, afterwards History of the University, Universitas Havniensis.) . . . . I. 168 Prize Poems and Essays . Unirersitet. (Lund.— Regia Academia Carolina.) IV. 604 Statutes · Universitet. (Upsal.-Regia Academia Upsaliensis.) V. 989 Universitets-Jubilæets Samfund. (Copenhagen.) 1. 191 Colleges . . . You Bepchtero Coutaro B.najumipa. (Kiev.) . II. 362 Ashmolean Museum . University. (Wooster.) . . . . . V. 1009 Bodleian Library . Universiteyt tot Leyden. (Leyden. -- Academia Chancellors Court . 724 Lugduno-Batava.) . . . . . II. 383 Clarendon Press University and King's College. (Aberdeen.) . I. 5 Congregation . . · 725 University College. (Toronto.) . . . v. 958 Convocation . . University College of Wales. (Aberystwyth.) . 6 Lodging House Delegacy University of Aberdeen. (Aberdeen.) . . 1. 5 Radcliffe Library . . University of Alabama. (Tuscaloosa, Alabama.). V. 969 , Observatory. 729 University of Bombay. (Bombay.) . . . I. 75 Sheldonian' Theatre. University of Bonn. (Bonn.-Rheinische Friedrich- Taylor Institute Wilhelms-Universität.) . . . University Galleries, . University of Calcutta. (Calcutta.) . . Observatory . . 729 University of Cambridge. (Cambridge.). Appendix . . . . . . 729 Academic Addresses, etc. . . University of Pennsylvania. (Philadelphia.) . y. 850 Examinations . .. University of Rochester. (Rochester, New York.) v. 869 Graduates . University of St. Andrew's. (Saint Andrews.). V. 887 History of the University . University of Sydney. (Sydney.) . . . V. 955 Prize Puems .. University of the City of New York. (New Statutes. York.) . . . . . . . IV. 696 Appendix University of the Pacific. (Santa Clara.) . V. 929 Colleges . . University of the State of New York. (Albany.) 1. 10 Fitzwilliam Museum . University of Vermont. (Burlington, Vermont.). I. 110 Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate „ 137 University of Wisconsin. (Madison, Wisconsin.). IV. 609 Observatory . . . » 137 Uniwersytet Jagielloński. (Cracow.) ; . I. 195 Physiological Laboratory, | Voigtländischer Alterthumsforschender Verein. (Greitz.) . . . . . . . . Senate II. 326 University Library , 137 Voigtländischer Juristischer Verein (Plauen.). V. 851 Press . . . . „· 138 | Voigtländischer Vriksschullehrer-Verein. (Plauen.) V. 851 716 722 · . . · . · . . · 725 . . · · . . · . . 725 728 728 . , „ . · . . . · . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tu . . . . • . . . 137 . 97 98 . INDEX TO ACADEMIES. PART PAGE 991 . . . 11. . . . SP W. PART PAGE 1 Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft für die Säch- Wiener Museum der Naturgeschichte. (Vienna.) V. 986 sischen Lande. (Dresden.) . . . 1. 207 / Wiener Universität. (Vienna.-Universitas Vien- Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft für Mittel- in · · · V. 985 Deutschland. (Dresden. - Vollcswirthschaft- Willems-Fonds. (Ghent.) . . . . II. 299 liche Gesellschaft für die Sächsischen Lande.), I. 207 William Salt Archæological Society. (Stafford. V. 939 Volkswirthschaftlicher Verein. (Vienna.). . V. 986 Williams College. (Williamstown, Mass.) . . V. 1003 “Voor Vrijheid en Vaderland,” Genootschap van Wapenhandel ter Spreuke voerende. (Leyden.) II. 387 Williamstown Observatory. (Williamstown, Vic- toria.) . . . . . V. 1003 Vorarlberger Museums-Verein. (Bregenz.) . I. 88 Wilts Archäological and Natural History Society. Upfostrings Sällskap. (Stockholm.) . . . v. 947 . (Devizes.). . Upsala Läkareföreningen. (Upsal.). . . V. 991 991 Wiltshire Topographical Society. (London.) . III. 594 Upsala Läns Kongliga-Landthushållnings Sälls- Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. kap. (Upsal.) . . . . . (Madison, Wisconsin.). . . . . Uranian Society. (London.) . . . . 593 | Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. (Madison, Временная Коммиссія для разбора древних Wisconsin.) . . . . . . IV. 609 OKTOBI. (Kiev.) . Wisconsin State Horticultural Society. (Madison, · Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. (Utrecht.--Academia Wisconsin.) . . . . . . IV. 609 Rheno-Trajectina.) . . . V. 991 Wiskundige Genootschap onder de Zinspreuk : "Een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- boven." (Amsterdam.--Genootschap der Mathe- schappen, Provinciaal. (Utrecht.) . 994 matische Wetenschappen, etc.) . . . 1. 16 Utrecht Society of Arts and Sciences. (Utrecht.-- Wissenschaftlicher Verein in Zürich. (Zurich.) . V. 1017 Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.) . . . . . V. 994 Witte Acoleye. (Leyden.) . . . . II. 389 Wodrow Society. (Edinburgh.) . . . II. 258 Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. (Hereford.) . II. 347 Worcester Architectural Society. (Worcester.). V. 1009 Worcestershire Natural History Society. (Wor- cester.) . . . . . . . V. 1009 Workington Agricultural Society. (Workington.) V. 1010 Württembergischer Aerztlicher Verein. (Stutt- Wakefield Farmers' Club. (Wakeficli.) . . V. 996 gard.) . . . . . . . V. 951 Warton Club. (London.) . . | Württembergischer Alterthums-Verein. (Stutt- gard.) . Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archäologists' . . . . . . V. 951 Field Club. (Warwick.) . . . . V. 997 v 992 | Württembergischer Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. L (Stuttgard.) . . . . . . V. 951 V. Washington College. (Washington, Pennsylvania.) V. 1000 Wycliffe Society. (London.) . . . . III. 594 Washington University. (Saint Louis, Missouri.) V. 891 Wykeham Brotherhood for promoting the study Waterville College. (Waterville.) . . . V. 1000 of Ecclesiastical Arts. (London.) . ; III. 594 Watford Natural History Society and Hertford- shire Field Club. (Watford.) . . . V. 1000 Watt Club. (Greenock.) . . . . . II. 323 Welsh Manuscripts, Society for the Publication of Ancient. (Abergavenny.) . . . . . I. 6 Wermländsk Bergsmanna-Förening. (Christine- hamn.) . IV. 683 Yale College. (New Haven, Connecticut.) . . . . 162 . . . . UL. 593 Yorkshire Agricultural Society. (York.) . . Wernerian Club. (London.) V. 1013 Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Asso- Wernerian Natural History Society. (Edinburgh.) II. 258 ciation. (Huddersfield.) . . . II. 350 Western Apiarian Society. (Exeter.) . . II. 267 Yorkshire Architectural Society. (York.) . . V. 1013 Western Literary Institute. (Cincinnati.). . I. 163 Yorkshire Naturalists' Union. (Huddersfield Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical West Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society.) II. 350 Society. (Cleveland, Ohio.) . . . I. 164 Vo 164 Yorkshire Philosophical Society. (York.) . . V. 1013 Westgalizisches Forstverein. (Wadowice.) . V. 996 - Yver en Broedermin," Maetschappy van Tooneel- West London Scientific Association and Field en Letterkunde met Kenspreuk. (Bruges.). I. 94 Club. (London.) . . . . . III. 593 Westphälische Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur. (Minden.) . . . . . IV. 646 Westphälisch-ökonomische Societät. (Hamn.). II. 339 Westpreussischer Geschichtsverein. (Dantzic.). I. 196 West Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society. Zakład Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich. (Lem- (Huddersfield.) . . . . . . II. 350 berg.-Zakład Naukowy, etc.) . . . II. 381 Wetterausche Gesellschaft für die gesammte Na- Zakład Naukowy Imienia Ossolińskich. (Len- turkunde. (Hanau.). . . . . II. 340 berg.) . . . . . . II. 381 Weymouth Historical Society. (Weymouth, Mass.) V. 1002 Zaratoshtí Dínaní Khol-karnúrí Mandlí. (Bombay.) 1 75 Y. 2. 99 100 INDEX TO ACADEMIES. ' PART PART PAGE PART PAGE IV. 677 Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. (Flushing.) . Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. Melbourne.---Acclimatisation Society of Vic- toria.) . . . . IV. 633 Zoological Society. (London.). . . . III. 594 Zoological Society of Ireland, Royal. (Dublin.). I. 218 Zoologisch-botanischer Verein. (Vienna.). . V. 986 Zoologische Gesellschaft. (Frankfort on the Main.) II. 282 Zoologisches Museum, Königliches. (Dresden.). 1. 206 Zoològische Station. (Naples.) . Zoologisch Genootschap “Natura Artis Magistra." (Amsterdam. -- Koninklijk Zoologisch Genoot- schap, etc.) . . . . . . Zoologisch-mineralogischer Verein. (Ratisbon.). Zoologisch-zootomisches Institut. (Wurzburg.). Zürcherische Gesellschaft für vaterlandische Alterthümer. (Zurich.-Gesellschaft für Er- forschung und Bewahrung vaterländischer Alter- thumer.) . . . . . . . 1. 2 V. 864 V. 1012 V. 1015 ACADEMIES, ETC. ACADEMIES, etc. A Letter on the origin, nature, and ACADEMIES, etc. Catalogus Academiarum totius orbis dignity of the Degree of Doctor, more particularly in Christiani. Witebergae, 1554. 8º. 731. a. 18. Physick, conferred in Universities : first instituted by 12 leaves, without pagination. the Power of the Roman Pontiff, etc. [By D. De Coet- logon.] See DISCOURSES. Various ironic and serious - Jus academicum: or, a deſence of the peculiar juris- discourses on ... physick, etc. Pt. 3. 1749, etc. 8º. diction which belongs of common right to universities T. 324. (10–16.) in general, and hath been granted by royal charters, con- - See MIDDENDORPIUS (J.) Academiarum celebrium uni firm'd in parliament, to those of England in particular. versi terrarum orbis libri tres, nunc ... quarti libri Shewing that no prohibition can lie against their courts accessione locupletati. 1594. 8º. 273. a. 30. (1.) of judicature, nor appeal from them in any cause like that which is now depending before the Vice-Chancellor - Annuaire des Sociétés savantes de la France et de l'étranger. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Paris. An the proceedings in that cause [relative to the libel on nuaire, etc. 1846. 8º. 2097. d. Conyers Middleton, supposed to have been published by R. Bentley.] By a person concern'd. See REUSS (J. D.) Repertorium commentationum a London, 1722. 4º. 732. g. 2. societatibus literariis editarum, etc. 1801, etc. 4º. BB. 0. [Another copy.] 518. k. 7. (6.) Acta academica, præsentem academiarum, sucietatum litterariarum, gymnasiorum et scholarum statum illus- trantia ... 1733–37. 5 vol. Lipsiæ, [1734-38.] 4°. - [Another copy.] T. 652. (2.) P.P. 5085. 101. i. 50. [Another copy.] — [Another copy of vol. 1.] P.P. 5090. (2.) There is a slight variation in the titlepage of this copy. Bibliothecæ academicæ anni 1718, qua disputationes, orationes et programmata hoc anno vel primum edita Memoirs of Science and the Arts, or an abridgment vel recusa recensentur, sectio 1.(-12. anni 1719 sectio 1.). of the transactions published by the principal learned & Cum præfatione instituti rationem exponente. (Epilogus @economical societies established in Europe, Asia & atque indices.) Halæ Magdeb[urgicæ], 1719, 20. 4º. America. Vol. I. pt. 1. Deptford, 1793. 4º. 1179. f. 20. (1–163.) 732. g. 4. ACADEMIES. [AACHEN—ABERDEENCY 1 .] AACHEN. ABERDEEN [CONTINUED). See infra : AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, Spalding Club. ABERDEEN, Diocese of. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdo- nensis. Ecclesie cathedralis Aberdonensis regesta que AARAU, extant in unum collecta. [Edited by C. I., i.e. Cosmo Historische Gesellschaft des Kantons Aargau. Innes.] 2 vol. Edinburgi, 1845. 4º. Ac. 8244/10. Argovia. Jahresschrift der Historischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Aargau, durch E. L. Rochholz und K. Schröter. ABERDEEN, Kirk Session of. Selections from the records Jahrg. 1860, etc. Aarau, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 6922. of the kirk session, presbytery and synod of Aberdeen. In progress. [Edited by J. Stuart.] Aberdeen, 1846. 4º. Ac. 8244/11. Historischer Verein. ABERDEEN, University and King's College of. Fasti See supra :-Historische Gesellschaft, etc. Aberdonenses. Selections from the Records of the University and King's College of Aberdeen 1494-1854. [Edited by Cosmo Innes.] Aberdeen, 1854. 4º. AARHUS. Ac. 8244/16. Danske Hedeselskab. BARBOUR (JOHN The Brus. From a collation of the DALGAS (ENRICO MYLIUS VON) Hede-Moser og Kjærjorde, Cambridge and Edinburgh Manuscripts. [Edited by ved E. Dalgas. Med 4 Planer. Kjøbenhavn, 1876. 8º. C. Innes.) Aberdeen, 1856. 4º. Ac. 8244/18. 7077. ee. 1. BLAKHAL (GILBERT) A breiffe narration of the services ABBEVILLE. done to three noble ladyes, by G. B., preist of the Scots mission in France, etc. 1631-1649. [Edited by Société Royale d'Émulation. S. Stuart.] Aberdeen, 1844. 4º. Ac. 8244/8. Mémoires. Abbeville, 1833, etc. 8º. Ac. 230. In progress. BRODIE (ALEXANDER) of Brodie. The diary of A. Brodie [Another copy of vols. for 1867 and 1868.] ... 1652–1680, and of his son, James Brodie ...,1680- Ac. 230/2. 1685, consisting of extracts from the existing manu- scripts, and a republication of the volume printed at Statuts de la Société Royale d'Émulation d'Abbeville. Edinburgh in the year 1740. [Edited by D. Laing. ] Abbeville, 1830. 8º. Ac. 230/3. pp. lxxvi. xii. 560. Aberdeen, 1863. 4º. Ac. 8244/22. ABERDEEN. Aberdeen Medical Society. An account of the Aberdeen Medical Society, containing the laws, regulations, etc. Also a catalogue of the library. "Bberdeen (sic), 1796. 8º. T. 328. (10.) Third edition. Aberdeen, 1803. 8º. T. 321. (9.) CAWDOR, Thanes of. The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor: a series of papers selected from the Charter Room at Cawdor, 1236-1742. [Edited by C. Innes.] Edinburgh, 1859. 4°. &c. 8244/19 DEER, Book of. The Book of Deer. Edited for the Spalding Club by John Stuart. pp. clxix. 95. Edinburgh, 1869. 4°. Ac. 8244/21. Club of Deir. OGILVIE (GEORGE) Early Progress of Christianity in Buchan. Being two papers read before the Club of Deir. Aberdeen, 1873. 4º. Ac. 1481. PETER (JAMES) The Peat Mosses of Buchan: a paper read to the Club of Deir, etc. Aberdeen, 1875. 4º. Ac. 1481/2. GORDON (GEORGE) 1st Earl of Aberdeen Letters, illus- trative of public affairs in Scotland, addressed by contemporary statesmen to George, Eirl of Aberdeen, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland. 1681-1684. '[Edited by J. Dunn.] Aberdeen, 1851. 4º. Ac. 8244/13. Gordoy (JAMES) Parson of Rothiemay. Abredoniae utriusque descriptio. A description of both tons of Aberdeen. [Translated from the Latin.] With a selection of the charters of the Burgh. [Edited by C. I., i.e. Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh, 1842. 40. Ac. 8244/3. affairs, from 1637 to 1641. [Edited by J. Robertson and G. Grub.] 3 vol. Aberdeen, 1841. 4º. Ac. 8244. Marischal College. See infra :-University and King's College. A com- plete collection of the papers relating to the Union of the King's and Marischal Colleges of Aberdeen. 1787. 8º. 4735. a. (2.) The account of the Popes Procession at Aberdene, the 11th of January, 1689; which was delivered to the new elected Magistrats ... by the Students of Marischal- Colledge, with the Students Letter to the said Magistrats thereanent. See Scotch POETRY. Various Pieces of fugitive Scotish Poetry, etc. (1823, etc.] 8º. 1077. h. 31. GORDON (PATRICK) of Auchleuchines, General. Passages from the Diary of General P. G. ... 1633-1699. [Edited hy J. Robertson.] Aberdeen, 1859. 4°. Ac. 8244/20. GORDON (PATRICK) of Ruthven. A short abrilgement of Britane's Distemper, from . . . 1639 to 1649. [Edited by J. Dunn.] Aberdeen, 1844. 4º. Ac. 8244/7. Chirurgical Society of Aberdeen, Regulations. With a list of the Members (Catalogue of tbe Library), etc. Aberdeen, 1733. 8º. Ac. 3849. INNES (THOMAS) The Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland by T. Innes. A.D. LXXX.-DCCCXVIII. [Edited by G. Grub.] Aberdeen, 1853. 4º. Ac. 8244/15. Spalding Club. ABERDEEN, Burgh of. Extracts from the council register of the burgh of Aberdeen. 1398(-1625.) [Edited by J. Stuart.] 2 vol. Aberdeen, 1844–48. 4º." Ac. 8244/9. KEITH (JAMES) Field Marshal. A fragment of a Memoir of Field-Maishal J. Keith, written by himself. 1714 17.34. [Edited by T. Constable.] Edinburgh, 1843. 4º. Ac. 8244/5. ACADEMIES. LABERDEEN-ABO.] ABERDEEN [CONTINUED). ABERGAVENNY. Spalding Club. Society for the publication of Ancient Welsh Manu- ROBERTSON (JOSEPH Collections for a history of the scripts. shires of Aberdeen and Banff. [Vol. 2–5. Illustrations DWNN (LEWYS) Heraldic Visitations of Wales and part of the topography and antiquities of the shires of of the Marches, between the years 1586 and 1613, tran- Aberdeen and Banff. Vol. 1-1 edited by J. Robertson, scribed from the original manuscripts, and edited, with vol. 5 by G. Grub.] 5 vol. Aberdeen, 1843-69. 4º. numerous explanatory notes by Sir S. R. Meyrick. 2 vol. Ac. 8244/6. Llandovery, 1846. 4°. Ac. 5753/6. Vols. 2–5 are vols. 1-4 of the “ Illustrations, etc.” EDERYN, Davod Aur. Dosparth Ederyn Davod Aur; or, ROSE (HEW) A genealogical deduction of the Family the ancient Welsh Grammar, which was compiled by royal of Rose of Kilravock (by H. Rose , .. continued by command in the thirteenth century by Ederyn Davod L. Shaw), with illustrative documents from the family Aur... To which is added : Pum llyfr Kerddwriaeth, or, papers, and notes. [Edited by C. Innes.] the Rules of Welsh poetry; originally compiled by Edinburgh, 1848. 49. Ac. 8244/12. Davydd Ddu Athraw, in the fourteenth, and subse- quently enlarged by Simwnt Vycban, in the sixteenth SPALDING (JOHN) Memorialls of the trubles in Scotland century: with English translations and notes by John and in England. 1624–45. [Edited by J. Stuart.] Williams, Ab Ithel. 2 pt... 2 vol. Aberdeen, 1850, 51. 4º. Ac. 8244/14. Llandovery (printed], London, 1856. 8º. Ac. 5753/4. ✓ LLANDAFF.-The Liber Landavensis : Llyfr Teilo, or the STRATHBOGIE. Extracts from the Presbytery Book of Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff, Strathbogie. 1631-54. [Edited by J. Stuart.] from MSS. ... with an English translation and ... notes, Aberdeen, 1843. 4º. Ac. 8244/4. by the Rev. W. J. Rees. Llandovery, 1840. 8º. Ac. 5753. STUART (JOHN) The Miscellany of the Spalding Club. REES (WILLIAM JENKINS) Lives of the Cambro British [Edited by J.'S.] 5 vol. Aberdeen, 1841-53. 40. Saints of the fifth and immediate succeeding centuries, Ac. 8244/2. from ancient Welsh and Latin Mss. in the British Mu- STUART (JOHN Sculptured Stones of Scotland. 2 vol. seum, and elsewhere, with English translations, and Aberdeen, Edinburgh, 1856-67. fol. Ac. 8244/17. explanatory notes ; by W. J. R. Llandovery, 1853. 8º. Ac. 5753/3. See Rust (J.) Druidism exhumed ... Proving that WILLIAMS (EDWARD) called IOLO MORGANWG. Iolo Manu- the Stone Circles of Britain were Druidical Temples ; scripts. À selection of ancient Welsh Manuscripts in being an analysis ... of the treatises on “Stone Circles" prose and verse, from the collection made by ... in the late Spalding Club's “Sculptured Stones of E. Williams, Iolo Morganwg . . . With English trans- Scotland ” [by J. Stuart], etc. 1871. 8º. lations and notes by ... Taliesin Williams (Ab Iolo). 4504. aa. Llandovery (printed], London, Abergavenny, 1848. 8º. Ac. 5753/2. University and King's College. WILLIAMS (JOHN) M.A., Rector of Llanymowddwy. The Fasti Aberdonenses. Selections from the Records of the Physicians of Myddvai; Meddygon Myddfai; or, the University and King's College of Aberdeen, etc. medical practice of . . . Rhiwallon and his sons, of See supra : Spalding Club. ABERDEEN, University and Myddvai, in Caermarthenshire, physicians . . . From King's College of. Fasti Aberdonenses, etc. 1854. 4°. ancient Mss. ... with an English translation ... Trans- Ac. 8244/16. lated by J. Pugbe ... and edited by J. Williams. Welsh and Eng. Llandovery, 1861. 89. Ac. 5753/5. See FALCONER (D.) of Newtoun. D. Falconer appellant. The Principal and Masters of King's Colledge in Aber WILLIAMS (JOHN) M.A., Rector of Llanymowddwy. Bardd- deen, respondents. The Appellant's case. [1722. fol. as; or, a collection of original documents, illustrative 19. h. '1. (209.) of the theology, wisdom and usages of the Bardo-druidic See MIDDLETON (G.) Dr. G. Middleton, Appellant; Mr. system of the Isle of Britain. With translation and G. Chalmers, and the rest of the Masters and Regents notes. By ... J. Williams, Ab Ithel. 2 vol. D. J. Roderic: Llandovery, 1862, 74. 8º. Ac. 5753/7. of King's Colledge, Old Aberdeen, Respondents. The Vol. 2 ends incomplete at p. 168. No more has been Appellant's Case. [1721.] fol. 19. h. 1. (192.) printed. A complete collection of the papers relating to the Union of the King's and Marischall Colleges of Aberdeen. ABERYSTWITH. [Collected and published by J. Stuart.] University College of Wales. Aberdeen, 1787. 8º. 4735. a. (2.) The Calendar of the University College of Wales. [Another copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. 8364. bb. Sixth session, 1877–8. Manchester, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. P.P. 2506. dha. Syllabus of lectures on chemistry and natural history, delivered in the University and King's College. ABO. Aberdeen, 1825. 12º. 1148. b. l. Finska allmänna Landtbruksmöte. University of Aberdeen. Berättelse öfver förhandlingarna vid det första allmänna The Aberdeen University Calendar for ... 1864–65, etc. Finska Landtbruksmötet i Åbo 1847, utgifven af L. Alm. Aberdeen, 1864, etc. 8º. P.P. 2511. lb. Stockholm, 1849. 8º. 7076. c. In progress. Finska Universitet Catalogue of the General Library of the University of [Removed to Helsingfors in 1827). Aberdeen. 3 vol. Aberdeen, 1873, 74. 8º. See infra : HELSINGFORS. 11904. i. Statement in reference to the buildings of the Uni Universitas Litteraria Fennica versity of Aberdeen. Edinburgh, 1865. 8º. [Removed to Helsingfors in 1827]. 8364. cc. See infra : HELSINGFORS, -Finska Universitet. ACADEMIES. [AD DISCOMBE-ALBANY.] 8364. aa. Y ADDISCOMBE. AGRAM [CONTINUED). Royal Indian Military College. Landwirthschafts - Gesellschaft für Croatien und Slavonien. Memoir of the East India Company's Military Seminary [at Addiscombe]. MS. NOTE. (London,] 1842. 12º. Verhandlungen der Forst-Section der Landwirthschafts- Gesellschaft für Croatien und Slavonien im Jahre 1852. Redigirt vom Vorstande der Forst-Section. Report on the examination for admission to the Royal Agram, [1853.] 8º. 7075. bb. Indian Military College, Addiscombe, held at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, on the 16th January, 1860; with | Matica Hrvatska copies of the examination papers. London, 1860. 8º. 8827. e. See infra: Matica Ilirska, etc. Report of the examination for admission to the Royal Matica Ilirska, afterwards. Matica Hrvatska. Indian Military College, Addiscombe; held ... on the 16th May 1860; with copies of the examination papers. Poučna Knjižnica “ Matice Hrvatske.” London, 1860. 8º. 8305. C. u Zagrebu, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 8967/2. In progress. ADELAIDE. ŠENOA (AUGUST) Antologija pjesničtva Hrvatskoga i Srbskoga narodnoga i umjetnoga sa uvodom o poetici, Adelaide University. sastavio A. Šenoa. pp. xlviii. 404. The Adelaide University. Addresses delivered at the u Zagrebu, 1876. 8º. 11585. 1. 4. Inauguration by . . . Sir A. Musgrave ... and by the Vice-Chancellor ... A. Short ... Bishop of Adelaide, etc. VIDA (MARCUS HIERONYMUS) Bishop of Alba. Kristiada to pp. 34. W. C. Cox : Adelaide, 1876. 8°. 8366. g. 11. jest život idjela Isukrstova spjevana po G. Palmotiću. (Translated from the Latin of M. H. Vida. With a Philosophical Society. preface and life of G. Palmotić by A. T. Brlit.] Transactions and proceedings and report of the Philoso u Zagrebu, 1852. 8º. Ac. 8967 phical Society ... for 1877–78, etc. Adelaide, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 1976. Narodni Zemaljski Muzej. In progress. FRANCIS (GEORGE WILLIAM) F.L.S. The Acclimatisation godinu 1870. [With a preface by S. Ljubić.] of ... animals and plants, being a paper read before u Zagrebu, 1870. 8º. 7807. g. the Philosophical Society, Adelaide, etc. Adelaide, 1862. 8º. 7002. aa. Scientiarum et Artium Academia Slavorum Meridio- nalium. South Australian Institute. See supra : Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i JERVOIS (Sir WILLIAM FRANCIS DRUMMOND Addresses Umjetnosti. delivered at the laying of the Foundation Stone by ... Sir W. F. D. Jervois... R. Rees...and...T. King... With a sketch of the initiation and progress of the South AIX. Australian Institute, etc. pp. 29. W. K. Thomas & Co.: Académie d'Aix. Adelaide, 1879. 8°. 7959. b. 22. See infra: Société des Amis des Sciences, cte. 95. AGRAM. Académie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et Belles Lettres d'Aix. Hrvatsko Arkeologičko Društvo. Viestnik Hrvatskoga Arkeologičkoga Družtva. See infra : Société des Amis des Sciences, etc. u Zagrebu, 1879, etc. 8º. In progress. Commission d'Archéologie d'Aix. Rapport sur les fouilles d'antiquités qui ont été faites à Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti. Aix dans les premiers mois de 1841 (1842–44) par Rad, etc. u Zagrebu, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 741/2. M. Rouard. With an autograph letter from M. Rouard In progress. to M. Letronne.] 3 pt. Aix, 1841-44. 4º. 7707. f. 2. DANICHIĆ (DYURO) Korijeni s riječima od njih postalijem u Hrvatskom ili Srpskom jeziku. pp. iv. 369. Société Académique d'Aix, u Zagrebu, 1877. 8º. .Ac. 741/6. See infra : Societe des Amis des Sciences, etc. RAČKI (FRANJO) Acta conjurationem Bani P. a Zrinio et Com. F. Frangepani illustrantia. Izprave o uroti Société des Amis des Sciences, des lettres, de l'Agri- Bana P. Zrinskoga i Kneza F. Frankopana. culture et des Arts. Zagrabiae, 1873. 8º. Ac. 741. Recueil de Mémoires et autres pièces de prose et de vers, SCHLOSSER KLEKOVSKI (JOSIP KRASOSLAV) Fauna Kornjašah qui ont été lus dans les Séances de la Société, etc. trojedne kraljevine. pp. ii. 995, 58. Aix, 1819, etc. 8º. Ac. 233. u Zagrebu, 1877-79. 8º. Ac. 741/5. In progress. SOUTH SLAVONIANS. Monumenta historico-juridica Slavo-Société Historique de Provence rum Meridionalium. Zagrabiae, 1877, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 741/4. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la Ligue en Provence. Li Besaudun-Bausset-Cassaignes. Aix, 1866. 8º. SOUTH SLAVONIANS. Monumenta spectantia historiam 9230. h.' Slavorum Meridionalium. Zagrabiae, 1868, etc. 8º. Mémoires pur servir à l'histoire de la Fronde en In progress. Ac. 741/3. Provence. C. de Regusse—J. de Gaufridi. [Edited by ŠULEK (BOGOSLAV) Jugoslavenski imenik bilja. pp. J. L. G. Mouan.] pp. xx. 256. Aix, 1870. gº. xxiii. 564. u Zagrebu, 1879. 8º. Ac. 741/7. Ac. 6771. ACADEMIES. (ALBANY.] 10 ALBANY. ALBANY [CONTINUED). Albany Institute. New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions. Vol. 1, vol. 2, No. 1. First and Second Reports of the Special Committee Albany, 1830, 33. 8º. Ac. 3047. appointed by the Executive Board of the N. Y. State Agricultural Society, on the ... Rinderpest. [Compiled Albany Medical College. by A. B. Conger.) Albany, 1867. 89. Ac. 3530/2. Circular of the Trustees and Faculty of the Albany Medical College. (Catalogue and Circular of the Albany Second national trial of Plows and other implements, Medical College.-Circular of the Albany Medical College. For the years 1838, 1841 to 1845, 1853, 1867. [Albany, 1867.] 8º. 1881. c. (18*.) Spring Term, and 1853 Fall Term.] 9 pt. Albany, New York, 1838–53. 8°. 8365. cc. 2. (1.) List of Premiums and regulations for the Thirty-Second annual fair to be held at Elmira, etc. Albany, 1872. 8º. Board of Agriculture of the State of New York. 7074.' k. Journal of the Board of Agriculture. See PERIODICAL CARMALT (WILLIAM H.) Report of W. H. C., Commis- PUBLICATIONS.—Albany, New York. The Plough Boy, etc. sioner... for the investigation of abortion in cows, etc. Memoirs. vol. 2, 3. Albany, 1823–26. 8º. 2 pt. Albany, 1869, 70. 8º. Ac. 3530/3. Ac. 3529/3. FAILE (EDWARD G.) Address of the General Committee of the Board of Address delivered at the annual Agriculture of the State of New-York, to the County meeting ... by E. Ĝ. Faile. Albany, 1864. 8º. Agricultural Societies, etc. Albany, 1820. 8º. 7073. aaa. B. 731. (15.) GOULD (JOHN STANTON) Address delivered at the Annual Dudley Observatory. Meeting of the New York State Agricultural Society, Annals, etc. Albany, 1866, etc. 8º. 8567. d. ... By J. S. Gould. (Appendix.) Albany, 1867. 8º. 7074. h. In progress. Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory at Albany, Prince Society. August 28, 1856. (Poem by A. B. Street. Dedicated Publications, etc. Albany, N.Y., 1865, etc. 4º. to the American Association for the advancement of In progress. Ac. 9503. Science. Letter and Schedule of the Scientific Council.) Albany, 1856. 8º. 8562. d. [Another copy of “The Andros Tracts," vol. 3.] Defence of Dr. Gould, by the Scientific Council of the Boston, [Mass.], 1874. 4º. Ac. 9503/3. Dudley Observatory. Third edition. Albany, 1858. 8º. 8560. e. The Prince Society. Constitution (and list of members. The Dudley Observatory and the Scientific Council. Albany, 1873.] 40. Ac. 9503/2. Statement of the Trustees. Albany, 1858. 8°. 8560. dd. State Medical Society. See GOULD (B. A.) the Younger. Reply to the " Statement of the Trustees” of the Dudley Obser- Transactions of the ... Society ... For ... 1808 (20, 21, vatory. 1859. 8°. . 8562. d. 25, 28, 29–31, 35-41, 44, 47-50, 52-58, 60, etc.) Albany. 1808, etc. 8º. Ac. 3865. See THACHER (G. H.) A key to the “Trustee's In progress. Statement." Letters to the majority of the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory, shewing the mis- representations,...of their mis-statement. University of the State of New York. 1858. 8°. 8366. b.. Annual report of the Regents ... 1836 (38-40, 42-51, The Dudley Observatory. An address to the citizens 53–62, etc.) Albany, 1836, etc. 8º. Ac. 2686. of Albany ... on the recent proceedings of the Trustees, In progress. etc. Albany, 1858. 8º. 8560. a. Who withholds Co-operation ? Correspondence between [Another copy of the 67th Report.] 8366. dd. the Officers of the Board of Trustees of the Dudley Observatory, and the Director (B. A. Gould) of the same Fourth (sixth-fifteenth, etc.) annual report of the institution. Albany, 1858. 8º. 8560. dd. Regents of the University of the State of New York, on the condition of the State Cabinet of Natural Homoeopathic Medical Society. History, etc. Albany, 1851, etc. 8º. 7207. g. Transactions. Albany, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 3866. In progress. In progress. University of the State of New-York. College of New York State Agricultural Society. Physicians and Surgeons. (5 Circulars, etc.) The Cultivator ... published by the New York State [New York, 1811-23.] 80 & 4º. 1830. c. 1. (45.) Agricultural Society, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, --Albany, New York. Instructions from the Regents ... to the several Transactions, etc. (Together with an abstract of the academies subject to their visitation, prescribing the proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies, and requisites and forms of academic reports, etc. Revised of the American Institute.) 1841, etc. edition [by T. R. Beck]. Albany, 1845. 8º. Albany, 1842, etc. 8º. Ac. 3530. 8365. d. In progress. Circular of the Law School of the University of [Another copy of the vol. for 1865.] Ac. 3530. Albany, for the year 1851, 52. (Catalogue and Circular ... 1852-53, 1853–54, and 1854.) Albany, 1851-54. 8º. The Journal of the New-York State Agricultural Society. 8365. cc. 2. (3.) vol. 16, etc. Albany, 1867, etc. 8º. 734, In progress. Imperfect; wanting Nos. 1-10 and 12 of University of Albany. Circular of the Scientific vol. 16; 1, 2, 5, and 6 of vol. 17; No. 1 of vol. 18; and all Department. Courses of Instruction for 1852. after Nos. 5, 6 of vol. 20. Albany, 1851. 8º. 8365. ce. 2. (2.) ACADEMIES. [ALBANY-ALGIERS.] 12 ALBANY [CONTINUED). ALCALD DE HENARES [CONTINUED). University of the State of New York. Universidad. Results of a series of meteorological observations, made Constitutiones insignis collegii sancti Illefonsi, ac per in obedience to instructions from the Regents of the inde totius almæ Complutensis Academiæ ab illustris ... University, at sundry Academies in the State of New Francisco Ximenio Cardinali ... Academiæ unico funda- York from 1826 to 1850 (1850–63. . . with records of tore olim sancita. Compluti, 1560. fol. 731. 1. .15. (1.) rain-fall and other phenomena to 1871 inclusive) ... Compiled from the original returns and the annual Parecer de Theologos cerca de la prosecucion del reports of the Regents...by F. B. Hough, etc. derecho que la Magestad del Rey Don Philippo nuestro Albany, 1855–72. 4º. 8752. e. Señor tiene a los Reynos y Señorias de la Corona de Portugal. [Madrid ? 1580?] 4º. 1444. h. (2.) Manual of the Regents of the University of the State of New York. 1864. Albany, 1864. 12º. Begin. Señor. La Universidad de Alcala por Sí, y en 8366. b. nombre de la de Salamanca, y ambas juntas, etc. [A This Manual is a revised edition of “ Instructions to the petition to the King of Spain against the foundation of several Colleges and Academies," etc. a University in Madrid by the Jesuits. Alcalá ? 1626?) fol. 1322. 1. 3. (19.) Proceedings of the first anniversary of the University Convocation of the State of New York, held July 26th [Another copy.] 1322. k. 12. (23.) and 27th, 1864. Albany, 1865. 8º. Ac. 1690/2. Universidad.--Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso. University, etc.—Medical and Surgical Society. Por el Colegio Mayor de San Ilefonso de la Universidad Report of the Proceedings of the Medical and Surgical de Alcala. Con la Iglesia Colegial de San Justo y Pastor Society of the University of the State of New-York, de aquella villa. Sobre el patronazgo de la dicha Iglesia. during the winter of 1809, 10, etc. New-York, 1810. 8º. En el articulo de la remission, que esta pedida por el T. 257. (11.) Colegio mayor al Recetor de la dicha Universidad. Report of the Proceedings of the Medical and Surgical [Alcalá ? 1620?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (12.) Society of the University of the State of New York during the winter of 1810–11. Being the fourth session of the Society. New York, 1811. 8°. T. 94. (9.) ALENÇON. Société d'Horticulture de l'Orne. ALCALÁ DE HENARES. Bulletin. Alençon, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 3327. In progress. Colegio de la Compañia de Jesus. Relacion de un Milagro del Santissimo Sacramento que ALESSANDRIA. ha sucedido en el Colegio de la Compañia de Jesus de Alcala de Henares, etc. Alcala, 1619. fol. Accademia degli Immobili. T. 90*. (5.) Accademia...(Lavori accademici; prose; poesie.) Del secolo 19, colle 5. Alessandria, 1834. 4° Ac. 8838. Collegium Complutense Sancti Cyrilli Discalceatorum FF. Ordinis B. Mariæ de Monte Carmeli. ALEXANDRIA. Collegii Complutensis Discalceatorum Fratrum Beatæ Maria de Monte Carmeli Disputationes in tres libros | Institut Egyptien. Aristotelis de Animæ [sic]. Juxta ... Divi Thomæ Bulletin. Année 1862. No. 7. Paris, 1862. 8º. [Aquinatis] & scholæ ejus doctrinam, etc. Matriti, 1628. 8º. Ac. 2707. - Deuxième série. No. I., etc. Cairo, 1882, etc. 89. In progress. Ac. 10/4. Collegii Complutensis Sancti Cyrilli ... disputationes in Arist[otelis) dialecticam et phylosophiam naturalem. Mémoires ou travaux originaux présentés et lus à 4 vol. Lugduni, 1668, 67. fol. 31. g. 3. (1.) l’Institut Égyptien, publiés . . . sous la direction de M. B. Schnepp. Paris, 1862, etc. 4º. Ac. 10. [Another copy of Vols. 1-3.] 518. m. 8. In progress. Publica laetitia, qua . . .J. Martinus Silicaeus Archi- ALGIERS. episcopus Toletanus ab Schola Complutési susceptus est. [Edited by A. Gomez de Castro.] Compluti, [1546?] 49. Association Scientifique Algérienne. 11451. bb. Bulletin, etc. Alger, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 2862. Universidad. In progress. See infr. : SALAMANCA.-Universidad de Salamanca. Begin. | École Supérieure des Lettres d'Alger. Señor. La Universidad de Salamanca, y la de Alcala acuden a los pies de V. Magestad suplicandole...se sirva Bulletin de correspondance africaine. Antiquités liby- de favorecerlas, en la pretension que los Padres de la ques, puniques, grecques et romaines. [Edited by É. Compañia han movido... de fundar en esta Corte una Masqueray.] Alger, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 5350 Universidad, etc. [1626?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (20.) In progress. Société de Climatologie Algérienne. See ALCALÁ DE HENARES. Begin. Señor. La Villa de Bulletin. [Edited by L. E. Bertherand.j Alcala de Henares dize, etc. [X Memorial on the subject Alger, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 3558. of the jurisdiction of the Rector of the College of San In progress. Ildefonso of Alcalá. 1630?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (7.) POMEL (A.) Le Sahare. Observations de géologie et See PACHECO ZUÑIGA VALDES Y PECHA (E.) I. H. S. Por de géographie physique et biologique, avec des aperçus Don E. Pacheco Zuñiga Valdes y Pecha con Don B. de sur l'Atlas et le Soudan et discussion de l'hypothèse de Zuñiga sobre el Artículo de Fuerça del Rector de Alcala. la Mer Saharienne à l'époque préhistorique. [1620?] fol. 1322. l. 3. (10.) Alger, 1872. 8º. 7109. b. 13 14 ACADEMIES. [ALGIERS- AMIENS.] UN ALGIERS [CONTINUED). ALTDORF [CONTINUED). Société de Géographie d'Alger. Schola Aldorfiana. Africa. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie d'Alger. [Another copy.] Introductio novæ Scholæ Aldorfianæ [Edited by O. Mac Carthy.] Alger, 1880, etc. 8º. Noribergensium, etc. 2 pt. 273. a. 29. In progress. Ac. 6042. Panegyres Altorfianæ, una cum natali Academiæ Altor- ALTDORF. fianæ ; anno 1580 celebrato. Altorfii, 1581. 89. 731. c. 1. (1.) Academia Altorfiana. Programma coss. scholarcharum et totius ordinis sena- See infra : Schola Aldorfiana. torii reipub. Norimbergensis; quod ante promulgationem privilegiorum a S. Cæs. Majest. imperatorum affixum Altdorfische deutsche Gesellschaft. publice est, cum Tuiversitas Altorphii erigeretur anno Die Altdorfer deutsche Gesellschaft, von ... C.Frommann. ... 1623. Norimbergæ, [1623.] 4º. 731. e. 6. (3.) See HERRWAGEN (H. W.) Festgruss, etc. 1882. 89. 8357. e. 18. Solennitas et actus renunciationis et promotionis, qua Beschreibung eines alten deutschen evangelischen in Schola et Academia Altortiana Noribergensium primo gradus, et honores magisterii decernebantur, et confere- Codex. (Erste(-Achte) Fortsetzung, etc.) bantur quatuor honestis et eruditis viris ... anno 1581. Altdorf, 1763–65. 4º. 1214. b. Noribergæ, [1581.] 8º. 731. c. 1. (2.) Die kleine Geschichte des Nürnbergischen Schön bart- laufens wollte den ... Herrn G. C. W. Esenbeck ... / Societas Latina Altorfina. und Herrn A. M. Amthor ... zueignen die Altdorfische Commentatio de prima Manilii Astronomicorum erlitione Deutsche Gesellschaft. Altdorf, 1761. 4º. a J. Regiomontano Norimbergæ publicata qua simul... 7742. bb. 7. J. Scheubero... abitum felicissimum apprecatur Societas Hohe Schul zu Altdorf. Latina Altorfina [by G. C. Schwarz). COPIOUS MS. ADDI- See infra : Schola Aldorfiana. TIONS. Altorfië, (1764.] 4º. C. 16. h. 7. Schola Aldorfiana. Universitas Altdorfiana. See BAIER (J. J.) J. J. Baieri Biographiæ professorum See supra : Schola Aldorfiana. medicinæ qui in Academia Altorfina unquam vixerunt. ALTENBURG. 1728. 4º. 731. e. 9. (3.) Geschichts- und Alterthumsforschende Gesellschaft See KOEHLER (J. D.) Fasti Universitatis Altorfinæ. des Osterlandes. 1719, etc. 8º. 731. c. 2. Mittheilungen, etc. Altenburg, 1841, etc. '89. Ac. 7005. Acta Sacrorum Secularium quæ celebravit Academia In progress. Altorfina. (Altdorf, 1723.] fol. 732. 1. 1. (1.) ALTONA. Actus promulgationis privilegiorum Universitatis Alt- dorfinæ confirmatorum et amplificatorum festo sollenni Gymnasium Academicum. Petro-Paulino, 3 Kal. Julii 1697, celebratus. Accessit Exoptatissirnos dies natales ... Domini Christiani sexti renunciatio doctoriim theologiæ prima, cum progranı- ...et Dominæ Sophiæ Magdalenæ...in auditorio majori matum et actionum gratiarum auctario. Gymnasii Academici Altonani ... orationibus (De juris Altdorfii, 1698. 4º. 731. e. 1. (2.) Danici in Anglia vestigiis)... concelebrandos indicunt Another copy.] 1054. h. 20. (13.) Director et prufessores. Altonæ, [1743.] 4º. | Imperfect; wanting all before p. 173. 26. h. 19. (2.) Actus publicationis privilegiorum doctoralium Uni- versit. Altorph. Norimbergens., anno 1623 celebratus. AMHERST. Altorphi, 1624. 4º. 877. i. 12. Amherst College. Emblemata Anniversaria Academiæ Altorfinæ, stulio Amherst College. Catalogue of the Corporation, Faculty, rum juventutis exercitandorum causa proposita et vario and Students. Oct. 1820 (25–29, 31-33, 35, etc.) l'um orationibus exposita (1582-97). Amherst, 1820, etc. 8º. Norimbergæ, 1597. 1º. 636. y. 14. In progress. The “ Emblemata" for the years 1577-81 are wanting. Catalogue of the Officers and Students . . . 1823 (24 Fmblemata Anniversaria Academiæ Noribergensis quæ 36-46, 48, 50-59, etc.) Hartford, est Altorffii studiorum juventutis exercitandoruin cau-nâ Northampton, Amherst, 1823, etc. 12º. 8366. b. ab ann. 1577 ad ann. 1616. proposita ... atq; in iv. decadas distributa. Editio II. Nurebergę, 1617. 4º. In progress. 636. g. 15. Catalogus eorum qui murera et officia gesserunt quique Ausszug dern Emblematum unnd Schulgahen so die alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in Cullegio Am- hohe Schul zu Altorff der studierenden Jugendt jährlich herstiensi, etc. (1831, 34, 36, 39, 42, 54, 57.) 7 pt. ausszutheilen und fürstellen zu lassen. With a preface Amherstiæ, 1831-57. 8º. 8366. d. by L. Hulsius.] Impensis L. Hulsij : The Class of MDCCCXXXII in Amherst College. A Remem- Franckfurt-am-Mayn, 1603. 8º. 1459. a. 58. brance Catalogue, comprising a history of each member Index prælectionum atque exercitationum in Academia for the twenty-year's succeeding graduation. Compiled Altorfina a D. xx. Octobris anni MDCCC ad tempus usque by Z. C. Montague, etc. 1852. 8º. 8366. f. vernum anni sequentis instituendarum. (1801-9.) Altorfii, [1800-9.] 4º. T. 1952. (37-50.) AMIENS. Introductio novæ Scholæ Aldorfianæ Noribergensium, Académie des Sciences, Agriculture, Commerce, exposita aliquot doctorum virorum orationibus. Quibus Belles-Lettres et Arts du Département de la ar.cesserunt quædam poleyoueva et typus classium, Lat. ; Somme. item oratio funebris de obitu D. Recturis, Germ. Additis Mémoires. 10 tom. Amiens, 1835–57. 8º. Ac. 540. insuper legibus scholasticis. (Leges ac instituta Scholæ novæ Aldorfianæ Noribergensium.) Lat, and Germ. - Deuxième Série. 10 tom. Amiens, 1,858-73. 8º. (Oratio M. Helingi, de dignitate legum, etc.) 2 pt. Troisième Série. Amiens, 1874, etc. 8º. Noribergæ, 1576. 8º. 731. a. 2. In progress. etc. 80.0 1-0-29, 012-, 33366. a. 15 ACADEMIES. (AMIENS--AMSTERDAM.] 16 AMIENS [CONTINUED]. AMSTERDAM [CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences, Agriculture, Commerce, Bataafsche Maatschappij van Taal- en Dichtkunde. Belles-Lettres et Arts du Département de la Werken. 5 din. Amsterdam. 1804-10. go. Somme. Ac. 9007. Mémoire sur la question suivante, proposée par l'Acadé- Brabandsche Reden-rijck Camer 'tWit Lavender, mie... pour sujet de l'un des prix qu'elle devoit distribuer Uyt Levender Jonst. dans la séance publique du... 16 Août, 1809: “ Donner la description des voies Romaines...qui traversent la Antwoort op de Vraghe uytghegeven by de Brabandsche ... Camer...: Picardie, etc.” [Paris ? 1809.] 8º. T. 1279. (2.) • Wat's d'Ooorsaeck meest, waerom ’tverkeerde werelts Société d'Archéologie du Département de la Somme, rond, afterwards Société des Antiquaires de Picardie. Sich waenwijs su bedrieght, en bloeyd in alle sond ?' Ende op den reghel : De sulcke die zijn dwaes, en Bulletin 1841-55. Amiens (printed], Paris, 1844, etc. 8º. d'werelt achtse wijs. [In verse.] Amsterdam, 1613. 4º. In progress. Ac. 5343/2. 11555. d. Mémoires. 10 Tom. Amiens, 1838–50. 8º. Ac. 5343. [Another copy.] 11556. ccc. 6. (1.) Atlas du Tom. 3, 6, 7. Amiens, 1840–45. 8°. Collegium Chirurgicum Amstelædamense. Deuxième Série. 10 Tom. Amiens, Pharmacopoea Belgica, or the Dutch Dispensatory, revised Paris, 1851–65. 8º. and confirmed by the Colledge of Physitians at Amster- - Troisième Série. Paris, Amiens, 1867, etc. 8º. dam... Whereunto is added the compleat herbalist, etc. In progress. Rendred into English [by J. Rouland). London, 1659. 8º. 988. a. 8. Mémoires. Documents inédits concernant la Province. Amiens, 1845, etc. 4º. Ac. 5343/4. Pharmacopoea Amstelædamensis renovata. In progress. Amstelædami, 1726. 4º. T. 50. (9.) Société des Antiquaires de Picardie. Privilegien, Willekeuren en Ordonnantien betreffende het See supra : Société d'Archéologie du Département Collegium. Amsterdam, 1736. 4º. 551. d. 6. de la Somme. Collegium Privatum. Société Linnéenne du Nord de la France, Observationes anatomicæ selectiores Collegii privati Amstelodamensis. (Observationum ... pars altera.) Bulletin. [Edited by R. Vion.] Amiens, 1872, etc. 8º. [Edited by G. Comelin.] Amstelodami, 1667–73. 12º. In progress. Ac. 2836/2. 2 pt. 957. m. 1. Mémoires... Année 1866, etc. [Edited by - Le Correur, ur, Deutschgesinnete Genossenschaft. J. Garnier, and others.] Amiens, 1867, etc. 8º. Das Hochdeutsche Helikonische Rosentahl, das ist, Der Ac. 2836. In progress. Höchstpreiswürdigen Deutschgesinneten Genossenschaft Société Médicale d'Amiens. Erster oder neunstämmiger Rosen- Zunft (Zweiter oder Siebenfacher Lilien-Zunft Vorbericht), ausgefärtigt Société Médicale d'Amiens. Bulletin des travaux. Année durch den Färtigen [i.e. P. von Zesen]. 2 tom. 1861. Amiens, 1862. 8º. Ac. 3714. Amsterdam, 1669–79. 8º. 11521. aa. m, 1856-7° Deel. 1, et4240/13. Geneeskundig Genootschap, onder de Zinspreuk: AMSTERDAM. “ Servandis Civibus." Handelingen. 15 dln. Amsterdam, 1776-91. 8º. Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Ac. 3788. BAS (P. DE) De Residentie-Kaarten van Java en Madoera ... Met twee Kaarten. Amsterdam, 1876. 4º. Genootschap der mathematische wetenschappen, 10058. h. 3. onder de spreuk: "Een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven." Academia Regia. Archief. 3 dln. Amsterdam, 1856–70. 8º. See infra: Hollandsche Instituut, etc. Nieuw Archief voor wiskunde. Deel. 1, etc. Académie Royale des Sciences. Amsterdam, 1875, etc. 8º. See infra :-Koninglijke Academie van Wetens- In progress. chappen. Kunstoeffeningen over verscheide nuttige onderwerpen der wiskunde. 2 dln. Amsterdam, 1782–88. 8º. Amsterdamsche Academie “Yver." Ac. 4240. See infra :-Nederduytsche Academie. Wiskunstige verlustiging, in eene aaneenschakeling van uitgeleezene voorstellen, met derzelver ontbindingen. Athenæum Amstelædamense. 2 dlm. Amsterdam, 1793-95. 8º. Ac. 4240/2. Annales. See infra : LEYDEN. -- Academia Lugduno- Wiskunstig mengelwerk, in eene aaneenschakeling van Batava. Annales Academici. 1840, etc. 4º. Ac. 940. uitgeleezene voorstellen, met derzelver ontbindingen. See infra : LEYDEN. — Academia Lugduno-Batava. Ora- 2 dln. Amsterdam, 1798-1802. 89. Ac. 4240/3. tiones virorum in theologia clarissimorum, cum in Aca- Wiskunstige oeffeningen in eene aaneenschakeling van demia Iugduno-Batava tum Amstelædami, in illustri uitgeleezene voorstellen, beneveus een mengelwerk van Athenæo, etc. 1841. 4º. Ac. 940/2. uitgeleezene en andere wiskunstige verhandelingen. 4 pt. Amsterdam, 1806-1796-1816. 8º. Ac. 4240/4. Beschouwingen over het Athenæum Illustre en het onder- wijs in Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1861. 8°. 8309. f. Verzameling van voorstellen, door de leden van het Genootschap ... elkander tot onderlinge oefening Athenæum en Onderwijs te Amsterdam. Eeno repliek. opgegeven. 2 dln. Amsterdam, 1811--15. 8º. Amsterdam, 1861. 8º. 8309. cc. Ac. 4240/5. 17 18 ACADEMIES. [AMSTERDAM.] McConane web orbe AMSTERDAM [CONTINUED). AMSTERDAM (CONTINUED). Genootschap der Mathematische Wetenschappen, Genootschap ter spreuke voerende “Kunstmin spaart onder de spreuk: “Een onvermoeide arbeid komt geen Vlijt.” alles te boven." Begin. Aan den Weledelen Gestrengen Heer Mr Willem Verzameling van wiskundige voorstellen, door de leden Cornelis Backer, Hoofdschout . . . der Stad Amsteldam, van het wiskundige Genootschap ... elkander tot by de opening ter nieuwgebouwde Tooneelzaal van het onderlinge oefening opgegeven. 6 din. genootschap ter spreuke voerende “K. S. G. V." op Amsterdam, 1820–36. 8º. Ac. 4240/7. Saturdag den 12den November, 1785. [A copy of verses.) Amsteldam, (1785.] 8º. 11555. c. Verzameling van nieuwe wiskundige voorstellen, door de leden van het wiskundig Genootschap ... elkander tot onderlinge oefening opgegeven. 2 dln. Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Baukunst. Amsterdam, 1841-46. gº. Ac. 4240/8. See infra: Maatschappij tot bevordering der Bouwkunst. Nieuwe wis- en natuurkundige verhandelingen. 2 din. Amsterdam, 1844-54. 8º. Ac. 4240/10. Hollandsche Maatschappij van Fraaije Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verzameling van wiskunstige opgaven, door de leden van het wiskundig Genootschap ... elkander tot onder- Werken. Deel. 1-8. linge oefening opgegeven. 2 din. Amsterdam, Haag, Leyden, 1810-30. 8º. Ac. 945. Amsterdam, 1850-54. 8º. Ac. 4240/11. HUYGENS (KONSTANTYN) Volledige Dichtwerken van C. Verslagen van het verhandelde op de wetenschappelijke Huygens, met aanteckeningen van P. Leendertz, uitge- vergaderingen van het wiskundig Genootschap ... geven ...onder toezicht van Dr. N. Beets. gehouden gedurende de wintermaanden van de jaren Amsterdam (printed], Rotterdam, (1882, etc.] 80 1842–1852, door de leden te Amsterdam. In progress. Amsterdam, 1856. 8º. Ac. 4240/12. Hollandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, etc. Wiskunstige opgaven met derzelver ontbindingen van 1860 (1861, etc.). Amsterdam, 1860, etc. 8º. See infra : Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut, etc. In progress. Ac. 4240/14. Institutum Regium Belgicum. GELNER (JACOB DE) Meetkundige analysis, bevattende huofdzakelijk de toepassing der algebra op de meetkunst, See infra: Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut van bijzonderlijk in het oplossen der werkstukken en het Wetenschappen, etc. nasporen van de eigenschappen der figuren ; voorafgegaan door eene inleiding, handelende over de analysis der Kamer in Liefd' Bloeyende. ouden, benevens de behandeling en het gebruik der See infra: Rhetorijk Kamer“In Liefde Bloeyende." meetkundige plaatsen, etc. Amsterdam, 1811-13. 89. Ac. 4240/6. | Koninklijke Akademie van Beelde Koninklijke Akademie van Beeldende Kunsten. STAMKART (F. J.) Iets over het grondbeginsel der Musée National d'Amsterdam. Trente-deux planches virtuele snelheden, toegepast op de beweging van gravées à l'eau-forte. Par... W. Unger. wipbruggen, etc. Amsterdam, 1843. 8º. Ac. 4240/9. Amsterdam, (1875.] fol. 1788. c. 16. hingedr. N. Beeteic.). 80 945. (2.) Genootschap “Natura Artis Magistra." Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. See infra: Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap, etc. Jaarboek... voor 1857 (1858, etc.) Amsterdam, (1858, etc.] 8º. Ac. 944;6. Genootschap “ Oefening kweekt Kunst." In progress. Aan de Leden van het Genootschap Oefening Kweekt Verhandelingen. [Afdeeling Natuurkunde.] Kunst by het sluiten van hun Tooneel den 19den April Amsterdam, 1854, etc. 4º. Ac. 944/2. 1789. Amsteldum, 1789. 8º. 11557. aaa. In progress. - Afdeeling Letterkunde. Amsterdam, 1856, etc. 4º. Genootschap onder de zinspreuk "Arti Salutiferæ." In progress. Ac. 944 3. Bijdragen tot theoretische en practische Geneeskunde. 3 dln. Amsterdam, 1810-13. 80. Ac. 3790/3. Verslagen en Mededeelingen. (Afdeeling Natuurkunde.) 1853, etc. Amsterdam, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 944. Jaarboeken ... uitgegeven ... onder Redactie van H. In progress. de H. Lémon, C. J. Nieuwenhuys, F. H. Hartog, F. van der Breggen, W. H. Bloemröder (J. W. Kirchner, H. J. - Afdeeling Letterkunde. 1855, etc. van Houte en F. Buchner). Amsterdam, 1812-18. 8º. Amsterdam, 1855, etc. 8°. Ac. 3790. In progress. Geneeskundige Mengelingen, uitgegeven door H. de H. Adres der Natuurkundige Afdeeling, ... aan ... den Lemon, J. W. Kirchner, F. van der Breggen, H. J. van Minister van binnenlandsche zaken over de Wetsontwer- Houte, en F. Buchner (D. Donselaar). 2 dln. pen regelende geneeskundige aangelegenheden. Ansterdam, 1818–24. gº. Ac. 3790/2. Amsterdam, 1859. 8°. 7004. bb. Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde. Koninklijk besluit tot Vorming der Akademie ran Verhandelingen, etc. 8 din. Wetenschappen. Organiek reglement der Akademie. Amsterdam, 1791–1805. 8º. Memorie van Toelichting... Personele Staat der Akade- Nieuwe Verhandelingen. 5 din. mie... Lijst der ... Akademiën, waarmede de Akadenie Amsterdam, 1808–36. 8º. Ac. 3789. in Verbindung is. Ansterdam, 1855. 4º. 8355. f. Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het Genootschap, etc. See KARSTEN (s.) Cicero pro Roscio Amerino. Antwoord) 6 din. Nieuwe Prijs-Verhandelingen, etc. 8 din. op het rapport in de Koninklijke Akademie, etc. Amsterdam, 1791-1838. 39. Ac. 3789/2. 1861. 8º. 11396. d. 19 20 ACADEMIES. [AMSTERDAM.] AMSTERDAM [CONTINUED). AMSTERDAM (CONTINUED). Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Koninklijk - Nederlandsch Instituut van Weten- schappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. BERGH (L. PH. C. VAN DEN) Register van Hollandsche en Zeeuwsche oorkonden, die in de Charterboeken van Van Proces-verbaal van de eerste, etc, algemeene vergadering Mieris en Kluit ontbreken. Afdeel 1. van het... Instituut 1808(–1819). 13 pt. Amsterdam, 1861. 8º. 9407. aaa. Amsterdam, 1808–19. 4º. Ac. 943/19 CHABAS (FRANÇOIS JOSEPH) Les Pasteurs en Égypte. pp. 56. Amsterdam, 1868. 4º. 7703. h. 21. FRANCKEN (CARL MARINUS) Conjectanea critica ad C. Lucilii librorum decadem primam. (Extracted from deel 5 of the “Verhandelingen. Afdeeling Letterkunde.") Amstelodami, 1869. 4º. 11312. k 41. (6.) Proces-verbaal van de vereenigde zitting der vier classen ... op den 14den April 1841. [Amsterdam, 1841.] 4º. Ac. 943/20. Reglement van Orde voor de algemeene vergadering van het ... Instituut. [Amsterdam, 1843.] 4°. Ac. 943/21. (17.) Reglement voor het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut. [Septr 20, 1843.] [Amsterdam, 1843.] 4°. Ac. 943/21. (16.) MATTHES (B. F.) Over de Bissoe’s of heidensche priesters en priesteressen der Boeginezen. ... Met vier platen. Amsterdam, 1872. 4°. 4506. g. Eerste Klasse. MILLIES (HENDRIK CHRISTIAAN) Over eene nieuw ontdekte Afbeelding van den Dodo ... Met eene plaat. Amsterdam, 1868. 4º. 7284. f. Genees-heel-(vroed-)schei- (en natuur-)kundige verhan- delingen der Eerste Klasse, etc. 4 pt. Amsterdam, 1823–26. 4º. Ac. 943/10. MULLER (PIETER LODEWIJK) Regesta Hannonensia. Lijst van oorkonden betreffende Holland en Zeeland uit het tijdvak der regeering van het Henegouwsche Huis, 1299-1345, die in het Charterboek van van Mieris ont- breken. pp. viii 342. 's Gravenhage, 1881. 8º. 9407. g. 7. SIMPLICIUS, of Cilicia. Elu TALKLOV Eis ta 'ApLototeNous tepi Oúpavov únouvnua. Simplicii Commentarius in iv. libros Aristotelis de Caelo, ex recensione S. Karstenii mandato Regiae Academiae Disciplinarum Nederlandicae editus. Gr. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1865. 4° 8560. h. Reglement van orde voor de Eerste Klasse, etc. [Origi- nally printed Nov. 14, 1816; reprinted, with alterations, April 20, 1847.] [Amsterdam, 1847.] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (11.) Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Weten- schappen, uitgegeven door de Eerste Klasse, etc. 5 din. Amsterdam, 1848–52. 8°. Ac. 943. Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse ... Dl. 1-7. Amsterdam, 1812-25. 4º. Ac. 943/7. - Nieuwe verhandelingen ... Dl. 1-13. VROLIK (WILLEM) Catalogus der Boekerij van de Konink- lijke Akademie van Wetenschappen gevestigd te Amster- dam. Eerste Aflevering. Amsterdam, 1855. 80. No more of this edition was published. 824. h. 6. Verhandelingen ... Derde reeks. Dl. 1-5. Amsterdam, 1848–52. 4°. [Another edition.] In progress. Amsterdam, 1858, etc. 8º. 11900. h. [Another copy of dl. 1.] 462. i. 14. Een Woord over het Koninklijk-Academisch vraagstuk van de spelling der Nederlandsche plaatsnamen. Deventer, 1860. 8º. 12972. dd. 6. Verslag van de werkzaamheden der Eerste Classe. 1809–16. 8 pt. [Amsterdam, 1809–16.] 4º. Ac. 943/8. (2–9.) Verslag van de eerste(-twaalfde) openbare verga- dering der Eerste Klasse, etc. 12 pt. [Amsterdam, 1817-37.] 4º. Ac. 943/8. (11–20.) Koninklijk Instituut van Wetenschappen, etc. See infra: Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut, ete, Verslag ... door de Eerste Klasse ... betrekkelijk den haar opdragen last, nopens het stuk der buitenlandsche, en de sedert 1789 uitgevondene binnenlandsche tras of cement. (Amsterdam], 1809. 4º. Ac. 943/8. (1.) Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschap- pen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. See infra LEYDEN.-Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letter- kunde. OUDEMANS (A. C.) Taalkundig Woordenboek op de werken van P. C. Hooft, ter aanvulling ... van het Uitlegkundig Woordenboek op Hooft, uitgegeven door de tweede klasse van het voormalig Koninklijk Neder- landsch Instituut. 1868. 8º. 12972. ff. 6. FLORIJN (JACOB) Verhandeling over het sommeren en interpoleren van arithmetische seriën, door J. Florijn, lid van het ... Instituut... Uitgegeven door hetzelve Instituut. Amsterdam, 1816. 4º. Ac. 943/9. (1.) Tweede Klasse. Beschouwinghen over den aard en den werkkring van het ... Instituut ... uitgegeven door leden van het committé van presidenten, etc. Amsterdam, 1849. 8º. AĆ. 943/5. Jaarboek. 1847-51. 5 pt. Amsterdam, 1847-52. 8º. Ac. 943/6. Aanspraak [by J. Hinlopen] bij de opening van de eerste vergadering der Tweede Klasse ... 21 Slagtmaand 1808 : en Raporten, aangaande de rigting van derzelver werk- zaamheden, uitgebragt 19 Wintermaand 1808. [Amsterdam, 1808.] 4º. 943/21. (1.) Het Instituut, of Verslagen-en Mededeelingen, uitgegeven door de vier Klassen van het... Instituut. 1841-46. Amsterdam, 1841-46. 8º. Ac. 943/3. · Aanteekeningen op den vierde deel van den Spiegel Historiael van Jacop van Maerlant door J.H. Halbertsnia. Deventer, 1851. 8º. Ac. 9432/2. 21 ACADEMIES. (AMSTERDAM.] AMSTERDAM (CONTINUED). AMSTERDAM (CONTINUED). Koninklijk - Nederlandsch Instituut van Weten- Koninklijk - Nederlandsch Instituut van Weten- schappen, etc.-Tweede Klasse. schappen, etc.—Derde Klasse. Raport van de Commissie der Tweede Klasse ... betref Reglement van Orde voor de Derde Klasse, etc. (Nov. fende het voorstel over te doene voorlezingen (den 31st 1816.) [Amsterdam, 1843?] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (14.) van Oogstraand, 1809). [Amsterdam, 1809.] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (7.) Vierde Klasse. Reglement van Orde voor de Tweede Klasse, etc. (Sept. Reglement van Orde voor de Vierde Klasse, etc. (Nov. 1816.) [Amsterdam, 1843?] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (12.) 1816.) [Amsterdam, 1843 ?] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (15.) Veranderingen in het Reglement van Orde voor de Tweede Klasse ... ten gefolge der Wijzigingen van het Verhandelingen over de vraag: welke verdiensten algemeen reglement des Instituuts goedgekeurd bij hebben zich de Nederlanders... in het vak der toonkunst koninklijk besluit van den 12den Augustus 1843. verworven...? Door R. G. Kiesewetter en F. J. Fétis. [Amsterdam, 1843 ?] 4º. Bekroond en uitgegeven door de Vierde Klasse, etc. Ac. 943/21. (13.) Amsterdam, 1829. 4°. Ac. 943/18. Uittreksel uit het vehandelde in de vergadering van de Tweede Klasse 8 Zomermaand 1809. Verslag van de eerste(-achtste, tiende-dertiende) opens- [ Amsterdam, 1809.] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (4.) bare vergadering der Ýierde Klasse. 14 pt. [Amsterdam,] 1817-41. 4º. Ac. 943/17. Verhandelingen der Tweede Klasse. Deel 1-8. Haag; Amsterdam, 1818-43. 4º. Ac. 943/11. BLANKEN (JAN) J. Blanken...Beschouwing over de uit- strooming der Opper Rijn- en Maaswateren door de Neder- Nieuwe reeks van Verhandelingen der Tweede Klasse. landsche Rivieren tot in zee. Benevens de overwegingen 2 Din. Amsterdam, 1850, 51. 8º. Ac. 943/4. dezer beschouwing van ... Goudrian, Van Utenhove, Verslag (by D. J. van Lennep and J. Scheltema on a Moll en Donker Curtius, uitgegeven door de Eerste Klasse dissertation by Bilderdijk concerning the Goddess Nelia van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut, etc. lennia, etc. Dated Jan. 2, 1812]. Amsterdam, 1819. 4º. Ac. 943/9. (2.) [Amsterdam, 1812.] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (6.) GROOT (HUIG DE) the elder. H. Grotii ad J. Oxenstiernam Verslag van de Commissie der Taalkundige Werkzaam et J. A. Salvium, et J. Oxenstiernae ad Cerisantem, heden betrekkelijk de Bastaardwoorden uitgebragt in Epistolae ineditae ... Nunc primum edendas curavit de vergadering der Tweede Klasse ...op den 8sten Instituti ... classis tertia. Harlemi, 1829. 8º. van Bloeimaand 1809. [Amsterdam, 1809.] 4º. 10920. f. (2.) Ac. 943/21. (3.) Verslag, bij de Tweede Klasse ... door de Commissie sse... door de Commissie Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap. der Taalkundige Werkzaamheden uitgebragt, betrek Jaarverslag in de vier en twintigste algemeene Verga- kelijk de inrigting en vervaardiging van het Algemeen dering ... uitgebracht door ... C. Schöffer. pp. 28. Hollandsch Woordenboek (April 10, 1809). Amsterdam, 1882. 8º. 7755. h. 14. [Amsterdam, 1809.] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (9.) GOSSCHALK (J.) Het Kasteel te Muiden, zooals het was Verslag van de Kommissie der Tweede Klasse... betref- in het jaar 1873. Opgemeten en beschreven door J. fende het voorstel ter vergadering van den 28sten van Gosschalk, etc. Amsterdam, 1874. fol. 1707. b. (2.) Wintermaand 1. l. gedaan, met opzicht tot een Glossarium van verouderde woorden. [Amsterdam, 1816.] 4º. VRIES (A. D. DE) and MEIJER (D. C.) Catalogus van het Ac. 943/21. (5.) Amsterdamsch Museum van het Koninklijk Oudheid- Verslag uitgebragt by de Tweede Klasse ... wegens kundig Genootschap, etc. Amsterdam, 1877. 8º. de Brug of het Houten Voetpad ontdekt op de grenzen 7708. c. 36. van Drenthe en Westwoldingerland. Amsterdam, 1819. 4º. Ac. 943/12. (3.) Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap “Natura Artis Magistra." Verslag uitgebragt bij de Tweede Klasse, ... wegens een See SCHLEGEL (1.) De Dierentuin van het Koninklijk voorstel ten opzigte der Ware onderscheidingen van Zoologisch Genootschap...geschetst door...H. Schlegel. schijnbare synonijma. [Amsterdam, 1819.] 4º. Ac. 943/21. (10.) [1864? etc.] 4º. 7205. g. Voorstel van punten of onderwerpen voor de gedenk Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Aflev. 1-9. schriften der Tweede Klasse, etc. [Amsterdam, 1809?] 4º. Amsterdam, 1848-69. fol. 7107. f. Ac. 943/21. (8.) [Another copy.] 1822. a. Derde Klasse. Jaarboekje ... 1852, etc. Arnsterdam, [1851, etc.] 12º. Commentationes Latinæ Tertiæ Classis. Vol. 1-6. In progress. AC. 3570. Amstelod[ami], 1818–36. 4º. Ac. 943/15. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, ... onder Encomium dictum viro doctissimo et consultissimo W. - redaktie van P. Bleeker, H. Schlegel en G. F. Wester- Bilderdyk, ... ab H. Bosscha. [In verse.] man. [With coloured plates.] [Amsterdam, 1809.] 4°. Ac. 943/16. Amsterdam, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 3570/4. Gedenkschriften in de hedendaagsche talen, van de Derde In progress. Klasse, etc. Deel 1-5. Amsterdam, 1817-36. 4º. Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Zoologisch Ac. 943–14. Genootschap, etc. (Compiled by G. Janse.] pp. xii. 563. Prijsverhandelingen op de vraag: Welke zijn de regten, Amsterdam, 1881. 8º. 11902 i. 8. het aanzien en de waardigheid der regtsgeleerden in het Romeinsche rijk geweest...? (By A. C. Holtius and SCHLEGEL (HERMAN) De Toerako's afgebeeld en beschre- F. Frets.] Bekroond en uitgegeven door de Derde ven door H. Schlegel onder medewerking van G. F. Klasse, etc. Tweede druk. Amsterdam, 1826. 4º. Westerman, etc. Amsterdam, 1860. fol. Tab. 484. a. ile geweest uitgegedam, 1826;43113. (2.) | ACADEMIES. SAMSTERDAM.] 24 AMSTERDAM [CONTINUED). AMSTERDAM [CONTINUED). Konstgenootschap “Acta viros probant." Maatschappij tot bevordering der Bouwkunst. Mindate, blyeindende Treurspel, gerymt. [In five acts.] Afbeeldingen van oude bestaande gebouwen, uitgegeven Amsterdam, 1682. 8º. 11754. e. 13. door de Maatschappij, etc. 2 Aflev. Amsterdam, 1854-55. fol. Kunstgenootschap “Nil volentibus Arduum." 1734. C. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.) [Appendix.] Bygelichten Bouwkundige bijdragen. (Onder redactie van E. S. op 0. Vaenius Zinnebeelden uit Horatius (door het Heijnincx, J. C. de Leeuw en A. W. van Dam: Deel 4. Onder redaktie van I. Warnsinck, J. C. de Leeuw en Konstgenootschap Nil. Volentibus . Arduum.) 1682. 8º. N. S. Carlisch, en medewerking van ... D. D. Büchler, 12305. b. 4. (3.) A. C. Pierson, en A. N. Godefroy: Deel 5–7. Onder De Dichtkunst en de Schouwburg; Voorspel [in one act redaktie van I. Warnsinck, B. de Greef en N. S. Carlisch, and in verse). De twede Druk. (Benevens dichtkunstig en medewerking van ... D. D. Büchler, A. C. Pierson onderzoek en oordeel over het Treurspel van Orondates en A. N. Godefroy : Deel 8, etc.) en Statira. Antwoord op het Voor -en Nabericht by de Amsterdam, 1843, etc. 4º. Ac. 4807. Antigone gevoegd. Verdeediging van de Verloofde In progress. Konings-Bruid [by L. Meijer), en dichtkunstig Onder- zoek en Oordeel op het Tooneelspel zonder Tooneelspel, Nederlandsche Renaissance ... Niederlændische Renais- enz. enz. sance, etc. 604. Door het Kunstgenootschap “ Nil Volentibus Berlin, 1879, etc. fol. Arduum.") Amsterdam, 1719. 8º. 11755. aaa. (8.) In progress. Lyst van alle de Dichtkunstige Werken uit het Kunst- Verzameling van Bouwkundige Ontwerpen, bekroond en genootschap, etc. [Amsterdam, 1720?] s. sh. fol. uitgegeven door de Maatschappij tot bevordering der 11556. bb. (1.) Bouwkunst. Recueil de projets d'architecture, couronnés et publiés par la Société pour la propagation de l'Archi- Maatschappij “Felix Meritis." tecture à Amsterdam. Dutch and Fr. 12 Adev. Catalogus der Bibliothek van de Maatschappij Amsterdam, 1844-63. fol. 1730. d. 2. “Felix Meritis.” [Amsterdam,] 1855. 8º. 11900. cc. Maatschappij van Weldadigheid. AMERSFOORDT (JACOB POUL) Het Haarlemmermeer: oor- Erica. Jaarboekje der Maatschappij, etc. See infra : sprong, geschiedenis, droogmaking, wegen en vaarten, Jaarboekje der Maatschappij. etc. wijze van bestuur van het waterschap, cultur van den Jaarboekje. [Edited by A. F. Eilerts de Haan.] Jaarg. grond. Twee voordragten, etc. Haarlem, 1857. 8º. 1865–74. Steenwijk, Amsterduin, (1865–74.] 12º. 8775. d. [Continued as :] BAUMHAUER (E. H. VON) Voorlezingen over de Neder Erica. Jaarboekje der Maatschappij van Weldadigheid landsche nijverheid en de middelen om haar te ontwik voor 1875, etc. [Edited by A. F. Eilerts de Haan.] kelen. Haarlen, 1856. 8º. 7954. d. 6. Amsterdam, 1874, etc. 120. Ac. 2241/3. KOENEN (F. J.) De vroegere en latere Nederlandsche In progress. Handelspolitiek ... Vier voorlezingen. De Star, een Tijdschrift, etc. 8 Din. 8247. d. Amsterdam, 1819–26. 8º. Ac. 2241. [Continued as :) LIOTARD (J. T.) Het handelscongres te Brussel, Septem- De Vriend des Vaderlands. Een Tijdschrift, toegewijd ber 1856, in zijne strekking en uitkomsten beschouwd. aan den roem en de welvaart van Nederland, en in het Haarlem, 1856. 8º. 8247. d. bijzonder aan de hulpbehoeftigen in hetzelve. MOLSTER (J. A.) Voorlezingen over de Neutraliteit, vooral Amsterdam, 1827, etc. 8º. Ac. 2241/2. in verband met de scheepvaart der onzijdige volken. In progress. Haarlem, 1856. 8º. 6955. d. Musée National. Maatschappij ter bevordering van den Landbouw. See supra : Koninklijke Academie van beeldende Verbandelingen. 19 din. Kunsten. Amsterdam, 1778–1832. 8º. 963. k. 28–34. Atlas to deel 18. [Amsterdam, 1823. fol. Nederduytsche Academie. No more published. 452, h. 23. See APOLLO. Ghezelschap der Goden vergaert op de ... [Another copy of Deel 12.] 440. k. 11. Bruyloft van Apollo... met de eenighe en eerste ... 11556. cc. Academie, etc. 1618. 4º. Maatschappij tot aanmoediging der Bouwkunde. Bekroonde prijsvragen der Maatschappij tot aanmoedi- Bericht op de Vragen vande Amsterdamsche Academi ofte Narren- School, inghestelt by een Lit van de Bra- ging der Bouwkunde, uitgegeven door de Maatschappij bantsche Kamer ghenaemt t' Leliken onder de Doornen. 1731. b. Amsterdam, 1842. fol. 11556. cc. [Rotterdam ?] 1630. 4º. Nieuw Jaar Lieden wtghegheven by de Nederduytsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Bouwkunst. Academie, etc. Amsterdam, 1618. 80. 11556. bb. (2.) See supra: Maatschappij tot aanmoediging der Bouwkunde. Bekroonde prijsvragen der Maatschappij Verthooninghen, ghedaan by die vande Nederduytsche tot aanmoediging, der Bouwkunde, uitgegeven door de Academi. Door bevel van de E. Heeren deser Stede Amsterdam: tot onthaal van zyne Koninglijcke Majesteyt Maatschappij tot bevordering der Bouwkunst. 1842. fol. 1731. b. van Bohemen : in't Jaar 1621, den 6 Junij. Amsterdam, 1621. 4º. 11555. d. Afbeeldingen van de nieuw gebouwde Onze-Lieve- Vrouwe-berk, op de keizersgracht bij de Westermarkt, Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der to Amsterdam. ... In zeven platen. Geneeskunst. 1730. c. Amsterdam, 1856. fol. Sterfte-Atlas van Nederland. [Edited by H. A. Frijlink.] Afbeeldingen van den Nieuwe Ziekenhuis te Rotterdam Amsterdam, 1866. obl. fol. ontworpen en uitgevoerd door W. N. Rose ... Plans, Ac. 3789. conpes, et détails du Nouvel Hôpital à Rotterdam, projetés et exécutés par W. N. Rose, etc. Dutch and Fr." Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, ete. Amsterdam, 1845. fol. 1734. b. 2. See supra: Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut, etc. 25 ACADEMIES. [AMSTERDAM—ANGERS.] 26 Tini AMSTERDAM [CONTINUED). AMSTERDAM [CONTINUED). Physiologisches Institut. Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland. Studien des physiologischen Instituts zu Amsterdam. Overzicht der Naamlooze Vennootschappen volgens de Herausgegeben von A. Heynsius. Leipzig (printed], patentregisters over de jaren 1861/62/-1880/81. pp. 100. und Heidelberg, 1861. 8°, 7407. bb. 's Gravenhage, 1882. 8º. 8228. i. 38. Rhetorijk-Kamer“In Liefde Bloeyende.” Vereeniging voor Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis. Nieu Jaar Liedekens uytghegheven by de Retorijck Bouwsteenen. Eerste (etc.) jaarboek der Vereeniging kamer t'Aemstelredam “ In lied [sic] Bloeyende" vanden voor Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis. 1869–1872, etc. Jare vijfthienhondert eenentachtentich tot den Jare 1608. ſ Amsterdam, 1873, etc.] 8º. Ac. 5147. Amstelredam, [1608.] 80. - 11556. bb. (1.) In progress. Rederijck-Kunst, in rijm opt kortst vervat; hier by Tijdschrift der Vereeniging, etc. ghevoeght de Redenkaveling ende Letter-Kunsts grond- Amsterdam, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 5147/2. vesten: uytghegheven by de Kamer in Liefd' Bloe- In progress. yende t' Amstelredam. 4 pt. Wiskundige Genootschap onder de zinspreuk: “Een Leyden, 1587, 85, 84. 8º. : 12962. c. 20. onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven." Pts. 2-4 have each a distinct titlepage and pagination, and See supra : Genootschap der Mathematische are dated respectively 1585, 1585, and 1584. Wetenschappen, etc. Op de Comeet oft Ster met de Staert: Eglentiers IS Zoologisch Genootschap “Natura Artis Magistra." Nieuwe-Jaers-gift, in Liefd bloeyende op’t jaer 1619. [In verse.] Amstelredam, 1619. 4º. 1. 2423. (8.) See supra : Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap, etc. Treurklucht van Liefd Bloeyende. [In verse.] ANGERS. Amsterdam, 1634. 4º. 11556. cc. Academia Andegavensis. Twe-spraack van de Nederduitsche Letterkunst, ofte, De statu Andegavensis Academiæ Papirii Massoni rec- vant spellen ende eyghenscap des nederduitschen taals, toris oratio ; habita Andegavi in auditorio juris, nonis etc. [By H. L. Spiegel ?] Amstelredam, 1614. 8º. Nov. 1571. Lutetiæ, 1571. 8º. 731. b. 3. (1.) 1332. a. 9. Seminarium Theologicum Augustings Confessionis Société Académique de Maine et Loire. Amstelædamense. Angers, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 246. Annales. See infra: LEYDEN. - Academia Lugduno- In progress. Batava. Annales Accademici. 1840, etc. 4º. Procès-verbaux ... Années 1877, 1878, etc. Ac. 940. Angers, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 246/2. Société " Architectura et Amicitia." In progress. See infra : Vereeniging “Architectura et Amicitia." Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts. Société pour la propagation de l'Architecture. Mémoires. Tom. 1-6. Angers, 1831-49. 8º. Ac. 242. See infra: Maatschappij tot bevordering der - Deuxième Série. Vol. 1, vol. 2, liv. 1. Bouwkunst. Angers, 1850–51. 8º. Vereeniging “Architectura et Amicitia." - Nouvelle Péricde. Tom. 1, etc. Angers, 1858, etc. 8º. Verzameling van bekroonde ontwerpen. Recueil de In progress. projets couronnés. Amsterdam, 1881, etc. fol. 219. Statistique de Maine et Loire ... Première partie, statis- In progress. tique naturelle. Par M. Desvaux. Angers, 1834. 89. Vereeniging “Regt voor allen." AC. 245/3. Atlas. fol. Uitgaven van de Vereeniging “ Reyt voor allen” te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1857, etc. 12º. 3925. c. Statistique du département de Maine et Loire. pt. 1. In progress. Angers, 1842. 89. Ac. 245/4. Vereeniging tot beoefening van de Geschiedenis der Statistique horticole de Maine et Loire. Christelijke Kerk in Nederland. Angers, 1842. 8º. Ac. 245/5. Kerk-historisch Jaarboekje... onder leiding van W. Moll Société Impériale d'Agriculture ... Commission archéo- ... Nieuwe Reeks. Schoonhoven, [1864, etc.] 12º. logique de Maine et Loire... Répertoire archéologique de In progress. Ac. 2041. l'Anjou. 6 vol. Angers, 1859-63. 8º. Ac. 245/2. The previous series was entitled : “ Kalender voor de Pro- Société d'Études scientifiques. testanten in Nederland." Bulletin de la Société, etc. Angers, 1872, etc. 8º. Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland. In progress. Ac. 2837. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.--Amsterdam. Staatkundig Statuts. pp. 8. Angers, 1876. 8º. Ac. 2837/2. en staathuishoudkundig Jaarboekje...(Uitgegeren onder medewerking van de herren J. Ackerdijck, H. Ames Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts. hoff, etc. 1849–56. Uitgegeven door de Vereeniging See supra.: Société d'Agriculture, etc. voor de Statistiek 1857, etc.) 1849, etc. 8º. PP. 3897. Société Linnéenne du département de Maine-et- Algemeene Statistiek van Nederland. Beschrijving Loire. van den maatschappelijken toestand van het Neder- Annales. Angers, 1854, etc. 8°. Ac. 2838. landsche volk in het midden der negentiende eeuw. In progress. Leiden, 1870–73. 8º. Ac. 2442. Université Libre d'Angers. Jaarcijfers over 1881 en vorige jaren, omtrent bevolking, Université Libre d'Angers. Textes imprimés ou autr- landbouw, handel, belastingen, onderwijs enz. graphiés à l'usage du cours ésoterique de littérature 's Gravenhage, 1882, etc. 8°. Ac. 244/22. française. Paris, Angers (printed], 1877, etc. 4º. In progress. In progress. 1075. ACADEMIES. (ANGOULEME- ANTWERP.] 28 TII ANGOULÊME. ANN ARBOR. Société Archéologique et Historique de la Charente. University of Michigan. Bulletin. įrė série. 5 tom. Angoulême, 1845-53. 8º. Calendar of the University of Michigan. See infra : Ac. 5286. Catalogue of the Officers and Students, etc. 2e série. 4 tom. Angoulême, 1856–70. 8º. - 30 série. 4 tom. Angoulême, 1860-64. 8º. University of Michigan. A General Catalogue of the officers and graduates from its organization in 1837 to - 4e série. Angoulême, 1864, etc. 8º. 1864. Ann Arbor, 1864. 8º. Ac. 2685/5. In progress. Catalogue of the officers and students ... 1846 (1859, Le Trésor des Pièces Angoumoisines inédites ou rares, etc. | 1860, 1863-1869-70). 11 pt. Paris, 1873, etc.. 8º. Ac. 5286/2. Detroit, Ann Arbor, 1846–70. 8º. In progress. Continued as :7 Calendar of the University of Michigan, 1871-2, etc. Société d'Agriculture, Arts et Commerce du Dé- Ann Arbor, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 2685/4. partement de la Charente. In progress. Annales, etc. Tom. 1-15. Angoulême, 1819–33. 8º. Containing tom. 10 in duplicate. Ac. 3400. Catalogue of the Academic Senate of the University of Michigan and of those who have received its... degrees. Documents, mémoires et mélanges publiés sous les an Ann Arbor, 1871, etc. 8º. Ac. 2685/6. spices... de la Société d'Agriculture, etc. [Edited by E. In progress. The title on the wrapper reads : “ Triennial Gellibert des Seguins.] Catalogue of the University of Michigan." Angoulême, Paris (printed], 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 3400/2. In progress. Constitutional provisions, laws and by-laws of the Uni- versity of Michigan. Revised edition, adopted February ANNABERG. 16, 1864. Ann Arbor, 1864. 8º. Ac. 2685. Gewerbe-Verein. Report to the Board of Regents of the University of Gewerbe-Blatt für Sachsen ... [Successively edited by Michigan niade November 15th, 1853. By H. P. Tappan J. A. Schubert, Juehkel, H. Schubarth, R. Binder, C. A. ... President of the Board. (Annual Report of the Rabenstein, F. G. Wieck and J. G. Guenther.] Jahrg. President for 1866–1870, etc.) Ànn Arbor, 1853, etc. 8º. 1-9. [Dresden, Leipsic,] Chemnitz, 1834-44. 40. In progress. Ác. 26852. [Continued as :) Deutsche Gewerbe-Zeitung und Sächsisches-Gewerbe- Report, historical and statistical on the collections in Blatt ... Herausgeber J. G. Günther, F. G. Wieck. . Geology, Zoology, and Botany in the Museum of the Jahrg. 10–14. Leipzig und Chemnitz, 1845-49. 4º. University of Michigan, made to the Board of Regents, Neue Folge. Bd. 1-8. Leipzig, 1850–57. 4º. Oct. 2d 1863, by A. Winchell. Ann Arbor, 1864. gº. [Continued as:] Ac. 2685/3. F. G. Wieck's Deutsche Gewerbezeitung... Neue Folge. Bd. 9–10. Leipzig, 1858, 59. 4º. Report on a Department of Hygiene and Physical (Continued as:] Culture in the University of Michigan. By a Committee F. G. Wieck's illustrirte Deutsche Gewerbezeitung ... of the University Senate. Ann Arbor, 1870. 8º. Herausgegeben von W. Baensch (H. Hirzel, O. Dammer, 7687. b. A. Lachmann). Jahrg 25, etc. Leipzig, Berlin, 1860, etc. 4°. Ac. 4424. In progress. ANSPACH. ANNAPOLIS. Historischer Verein in Mittelfranken. Saint John's College, See infra: NUREMBERG.--Historischer Verein im Rezat- Catalogue of books belonging to the Library of St. John's Kreis, afterwards Historischer Verein in Mittelfranken. College, Annapolis Ma. (Annapolis,] 1847. 8º. 11903. C. United States Naval Academy. ANTWERP. Fag-Ends from the Naval Academy. Illustrated. A Académie d'Archéologie de Belgique. collection of naval poems, songs and autographs, chronologically arranged. New York, 1878. obl. 80. Anpales, etc. See infra : Bulletin et Annales, etc. 1871. a. 5. Bulletin et Annales. Tom. 1-4. Anvers, 1843-47. 8º. Manual of the Boat Exercise at the United States Naval Continued as : 1 Academy. Designed for the practical instruction of the Annales, etc. Tom. 5–20. Anvers, 1848–63. 8º. senior class in naval tactics. New York, 1868. 16º. 8806. aaa. 2e série. Tom. 1-10. Anvers, 1865–74. 8º. A textbook on surveying, projections and portable instruments. For the use of Cadet Midshipmen at the - ze série. Tom. 1, etc. Anvers, 1875, etc. 8º. U. S. Naval Academy. New York, 1876. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5513.. 8807. bb. 18. Bulletin, etc. Anvers, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 5513/2. United States Naval Institute. In progress. The Papers and Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute. New York, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 4398. L'Euvre de P. P. Rubens. Catalogue de l'Exposition organisée ... par l'Académie d'Archéologie de Belgique. In progress. Gravures, photographies, dessins, documents, etc. Seconde MORRIS (CHARLES) Commodore. The autobiography of édition. pp. xv. 196. Anvers, 1877. 8°. 7858. bb. 9. Commodore C. Morris . . . With portrait (after Ary Scheffer]and explanatory notes. [Edited by J. R. Soley.] BUDDINGH (D.) Académie d'Archéologie de Belgique. pp. 111. A. Williams & Co.: Boston [Mass.), 1880. 8º. De Cosmos en Zodiac van het oude Noorden of Scandi- Ac. 4398/2. navie, etc. Anvers, 1867. 8º. 4504. ccc. 29 ACADEMIES. [ANTWERP--ASTORIA.] . ion des $03 [by T. vanime édition de ANTWERP [CONTINUED). APT (CONTINUED). Académie Royale des Beaux Arts. Société Littéraire, Scientifique et Artistique. Catalogue du Musée d'Anvers. Troisième édition com- Mémoires de la Société, etc. See supra: Annales de plète. Réimpression de la deuxième édition de 1857 la Société, etc. et du Supplément de 1863 [by T. van Lerius]. Augmenté de la description des tableaux acquis postérieurement. Procès-Verbaux des Séances de la Société, etc. pp. 647. Anvers, 1874. 8º. 7854. bb. 17. See supra: Annales de la Société, etc. Antwerpsche Rederykkamer “de Olyftak." Bekroonde Stukken door de Antwerpsche Rederykkamer ARBROATH. de Olyftak ter gelegenheid van de plegtige inbuldiging Arbroath Horticultural and Natural History Asso- van bot standbeeid van P. P. Rubens den 15 Augustus ciation. 1840. Antwerpen, 1840. 8º. 10759. g. The Flora of Arbroath and its neighbourhood. Dicht en Prozastukken voorgelezen op de openbare zit pp. viii. 63. Arbroath, 1882. 8º. Ac. 3373. tiug van de Antwerpsche Rederykkamer “de Olyftak," den gen April 1848. Antwerpen, 1848. 8º. 12258. g. ARCUEIL. RYSWYCK (JAN THEODOOR VAN) Volledige Werken van lige Werken van Société d'Arcueil. T. van Ryswyck uitgegeven door de Antwerpsche Rederykkamer de Olyftak, met de medewerking van Het Mémoires de physique et de chimie. 3 tom. Taelverbend. [Edited by P. F. van Kerckhoven. Paris, 1807-17. go. 960. k. 1-3. Antwerpen, 1853. 8º. 11555. g. [Another copy.] 233. i. 16–18. Collegium Medicum. Pharmacia Antverpiensis Galeno-Chymica, etc. [With a ARENDAL. preface by M. Boudewyns.] Antverpiæ, 1661. 4º. 777. c. 15. Selskabet til historiske Kildeskrifters Oversættelse. Collegium Regium. Skrifter udgivne af Selskabet, etc. Illustrissimo ... Cornelio Francisco de Nelis xviii Ant- Arendal, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 7623. verpiensium episcopo in solemni ad Cathedram adventu In progress. 7 idus Junii 1785, musæ rethorices Collegii Regii Ant- verpiensis. Antrerpiæ, [1785.] 4º. 11630. c. 1. (9.) ARLON Société de Pharmacie d'Anvers. Société pour la Conservation des Monuments his- toriques et des Euvres d'Art dans la Province Journal de Pharmacie. (Table alphabétique des matières de Luxembourg: dans les tomes 1.-x.) Anvers, 1845, etc. 8º. Ac. 3792. In progress. Annales, etc. Arlon, 1851, etc. 4º. Ac. 5514. In progress. Société des Arts. Explications des peintures, desseins, sculptures, et gra- ARRAS. vures, exposés ... par les Membres de la Société. 5 pt. Anvers, 1789-93. 8º. 117. i. 24. Académie d'Arras. Société Royale des Sciences, Lettres et Arts. See infra : Société Royale, etc. Pierre Paul Rubens. Par E. Buschmann. An essay Société Royale pour l'encouragement des Sciences, published on the occasion of the erection of a statue in des Lettres et des Arts, afterwards Académie memory of Rubens at Antwerp.] Anvers, 1840. fol. d'Arras. Tab. 1248. c. Mémoires, etc. Arras, 1818, etc. 8º. Taelminnend Genootschap de Schelde. Table des matières [of Tom. 1-27] des Mémoires de HELMERS (JAN FREDERIK) De volledige Werken van l'Académie d'Arras, etc. Arras, 1854. 8º. Ac. 255. J. F. Helmers uitgegeven door het Taelminnend Genoot In progress. schap. 2 Deel. Antwerpen, 1844. 8º. 11556. g. Documents concernant l'Artois. AOSTA. Arras, 1872, etc. 8º. 8356. bb. In progress. Société Académique Religieuse et Scientifique du Duché d'Aoste. Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Vaast d'Arras, rédigé au XIIe siècle par Guimann, et publié pour la première Société Académique Religieuse et Scientifique du Duché fois... par M.... Van Drival. Lat. d'Aoste. (Comptes-rendus des Séances de la Société, etc.) Arras, 1875. 8º. 4629. bbb. 5. Aoste, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 5215. In progress. Nécrologe de l'Abbaye de St. Vaast d'Arras, publié ... APPENZELL. par M. le Chanoine Van Drival. (Latin Text.] Arras, 1878. 8º. Saint Gallisch-Appenzellische gemeinnützige Gesell- schaft. See infra : SAINT GALL. ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH. APT. Anastatic Drawing Society. Société Littéraire, Scientifique et Artistique. Anastatic Drawing Society. [A series of prints with , short preliminary descriptions of the subjects.] 9 vol. Annales. Année 1-5. Apt, 1865-71. 8º. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1855-63. 4º. Ac. 4641. [Continued as:] Procès-verbaux des séances de la Société, etc. 2me Série. 3 tom. Apt, 1873-80. 8º. ASTORIA. [Continued as:? Mémoires de la Société, etc. Nouvelle Série. Tom. 1, etc. Pioneer and Historical Society of Oregon. . Apt, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 250. Proceedings. Fourth annual Address. Reports of In progress. Officers, etc. Astoria, 1875. 80. Ac. 8362. de St. Taastatin Text:2. aaa. 17. ACADEMIES. [ATHENS.] 32 Τίυί. Ι. Ι. (Ο.) | Εταιρια της Φυσικης 10 ATHENS. ATHENS [coNTINUED). 'Αρχαιολογικη Επιτροπη. | Ελληνική Αρχαιολογικη Εταιρια. 'Εφημερις αρχαιολογικη, αφορωσα τας εντος της Ελλαδος Organisation de la Société Archéologique de Grèce. άνευρισκομενας αρχαιοτητας. 'Εκδιδομενη...υπο της Αρχαιο (Οργανισμος της Ελληνικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιριας.) Fr. λογικής Επιτροπής. Φυλλ. 1-52. 'Αθηνησι, 1837-59. 49. and Gr. 2 pt. Αthenes, 1848. 89. Αc. 5202. (1.) Imperfect ; wanting Φυλλ. 48. Ao. 5204. Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιριας. [Another copy of Φυλλ. 1-24.] Ρ.Ρ. 1931. de. 'εν 'Αθηναις, 1874, etc. 8ο. Ac. 5202/7. 'Αρχαιολογικη Εταιρια. In progress. See infra: Ελληνική Αρχαιολογικη Εταιρια. Πρακτικα της ιβ' γενικης συνεδριασεως της Ελληνικης 'Αρχαιολογικής Εταιριας. Actes de la douzienne réunion 'Αρχαιολογικος Συλλογος. générale, etc. Gr. and F. εν Αθήναις, 1848. 89. Αc. 5202 (2.) 'Επιγραφαι ανεκδοτοι ανακαλυφθεισαι και εκδοθεισαι υπό του Συνοπτικη εκθεσις των πράξεων της Αρχαιολογικής Εταιριας 'Αρχαιολογικου Συλλογου. Φυλλ. 3. 'Αθηνησιν, 1851-55. 49. 7703. bb. 1. απο τις 20 Ιουλιου 1858 μεχρι της 24 Μαϊου 1859. pp. 43. 'Αθηνησι, 1859. 89. Αc. 5202/6. Πρακτικά της επι του Ερεχθειου επιτροπης, η αναγραφή της αληθους καταστασεως του 'Ερεχθειου, γενομενη κατ' εντολης Συνοψις των πρακτικων της Αρχαιολογικής Εταιριας των του Αρχαιολογικου Συλλογου και εκδοθεισα δαπανη της 'Αθηνων. Έκδοσις δευτερα. Résumé, etc. Gr. and Fr. 'Αρχαιολογικής Εταιριας. Μετα πινακων λιθογραφικων οκτω. εν Αθήναις, 1846. 89. Ac. 5202. (3.) 'Αθηνησιν, 1853. 49. Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. Γενικος καταλογος των διαφορων φυσικων προιοντων των εν τω Mittheilungen. Athen, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 5205. Μ. υσειο της εν Αθήναις Εταιριας της Φυσικής Ιστορις [sic. In progress. By A. Lindermayer and C. Fraas.] -Register. Bd. I-v, 1878. 'εν 'Αθηναις, 1840. 89. 7205. aa. Das Kuppelgrab bei Menidi ... Mit neun Tafeln in Observatoire d'Athènes. Steindruck. (Ausgrabungsbericht von H. G. Lolling.) Publications. Athens, Leipzig (printed), 1861, etc. 4º. [With a preface by U. Koehler.] pp. 56. In progress. Ac. 4121. Αthen, 188ο. 49. 1707. a. 21. École Française. Πανεπιστημιον Όθωνος afterwards Έθνικον Πανε- Bulletin de l'École Française d'Athènes. Topographie, πιστημιον. : Archéologie, Linguistique (Numismatique, Philologie, 'Αναγραφη των επι το Ακαδημαϊκον έτος 1879-80 άρχων, etc. etc.). Athenes, 1868, etc. 80. Ac. 5206. pp. 20. εν Αθήναις, 1879. 89. Αο. 8839/11. In progress. 'Εκθεσις του ποιητικου διαγωνισμου του 1854. Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. [Athens, 1854.] 86. 11825. cc. Paris, 1877, etc. 89. Ac. 5506/2. In progress. Έκθεσις του ποιητικου διαγωνισμου του έτους 1857. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique. Δελτιον Ελληνικης εν Αθήναις, 1857. 89. 11825. cc. 'Αλληλογραφιας. [Written partly in French, and partly Έκθεσις του ποιητικου διαγωνισμου του έτους 1858. in Romaic.) 'Αθηνησι, [1877, etc.] 8°. Ac. 5206/3. 'εν 'Αθηναις, 1858. 8°. 11825. cc. In progre88. o 'Εκθεσις του ποιητικου διαγωνισμου του έτους 1862. DUCHESNE (L.) Abbé, and BAYET (CH.) Bibliothèque des εν 'Αθηναις, 1862. 80. Ac. 8839. Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. Mémoire sur une Mission au Mont Athos par MM. l'abbé Duchesne... Λογοι εκφωνηθεντες την 30 Σεπτεμβριου 1845 υπο του πρωην Bayet ... suivi d'un Mémoire sur un ambon conservé à πρυτανεως Κ. Ν. Βαμβα... και υπο... Κ. Θ. Μανουσου, Salonique... par M. Bayet. pp. 334. Paris, 1876. . 80. etc. pp. 17, 8. εν Αθήναις, 1845. 89. Αc. 8839/6. Ac. 5206/2. Εθνικον Πανεπιστημιον. Λογοι εκφωνηθεντες την 29 Σεπτεμβριου 1846 υπο του πρωην πρυτανεως Κ. Θ. Μανουση...και υπο... Κ. Α. Βενιζελου, etc. See infra : Πανεπιστημιον 'Οθωνος. pp. 24. εν Αθήναις, [1846.] 8°. Ac. 8839/5. Ελληνική Αρχαιολογικη Εταιρια. Λογοι εκφωνηθεντες την 10 Οκτωβριου 1848 υπο του πρωην 'Αρχαιολογικη Εφημερις, etc. [Edited by A. S. Rouso- πρυτανεως Κ. Ι. Σουτσου... και υπο... Κ. Φ. Ιωαννου επι της poulos.] Περιοδ. Β'., Τευχ. Α'-ΙΕ'. διαδοχης της πρυτανειας, etc. εν Αθήναις, 1848. 89. εν Αθήναις, 1862-74. 40. Ac. 8839/10. [Continued as] Λογοι εκφωνηθεντες παρα Γ. Α. Μαυροκορδατου επι της 'Εφημερις 'Αρχαιολογικη ... Περιοδος τριτη. πρυτανειας αυτου κατά το έτος 1849-50. [With a preface εν Αθήναις, 1883, etc. 49. Ac. 5202/4. signed : Φ. Π.] pp. ii. 119. εν Αθήναις, 185ο. 89. In progress. Αc. 8839/7. Λογοι εκφωνηθεντες την 28 Σεπτεμβριου 1854 υπο του πρωην [Another copy.] Ac. 5202/5. πρυτανεως Σ. Παλληκα...και υπο... Π. Αργυροπουλου, etc. ('atalogue des Figurines en terre cuite du Musée de la pp. 53. εν Αθήναις, 1853. 89. Αc. 8839/8. Société Archéologique d'Athènes, par J. Martha. 1880. Λογος εκφωνηθεις τηκε' 'Οκτωβριου 1870... υπο του πρωην See gupra : École Française. Bibliothèque, etc. Fasc. πρυτανεως κ. Π. Καλλιγα...παραδιδοντος την Πρυτανειαν τω 16. 1877, etc. 89. Αc. 5206/2. διαδοχω αυτου, etc. (Λογαριασμοι, έκθεσεις και έγγραφα Έπιγραφαι Ελληνικαι κατα το πλείστον ανεκδοτοι. διαφορα, σχετικά προς τα κεφαλαια της Λογοδοσιας ταυτης, εν Αθήναις, 186ο. Φυλλ. ά. 40. 7703. bb. 2. etc.) 'Αθηνησιν, 187o. 89. No more published. Λογος εκφωνηθεις υπο του πρυτανεως ... Κ. Παπαρρηγοπου- 'Εφημερις 'Αρχαιολογικη. See supra : Αρχαιολογικη λου, τη 22 Οκτωβριου, 1872, etc. pp. 33. 'Εφημερις. εν 'Αθηναις, 1873. 89. Ac. 8839/3. 33 ACADEMIES. (ATHENS--AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND.] 34 ATHENS [CONTINUED). ATHENS [CONTINUED). Πανεπιστημιον Όθωνος, afterwards Έθνικον Πανεπι- | Φιλολογικος Συλλογος Παρνασσος. στημιον. 'Εκθεσις περι της Σχολης των Απορων Παιδων. Σεπτεμβριος Λογος εκφωνηθεις την κγ' Οκτωβριου, 1873, ... υπο του 1873 – Οκτωβριος 1874. εν Αθήναις, 1874. 89. πρωην πρυτανεως Κ. Παπαρρηγοπουλου...παραδιδοντος την Ac. 8836/6. πρυτανειαν εις τον Κυριον Γ. Α. Μακκαν, etc. (Παραρτηματα Κανονισμος του εν Αθήναις Φιλολογικου Συλλόγου και Παρ- επτα, etc.) pp. 191. εν Αθήναις, 1874. 89. νασσος. εν Αθήναις, 1871. 89. Αρ. 8836/5. " Αο. 8839/4. Λογος εκφωνηθεις... την εικοστην έκτης Nοεμβριου 1878 [Another edition.] εν Αθήναις, 1875. 80. υπο Α. Αναγνωστάκη ... παραδιδοντος την πρυτανειαν ... Ac. 8836/14. Κ. Ν. Μ. Δαμαλα, etc. 1Πινακες, εκθέσεις και απολογισμοι.) Λογοδοσια των κατα το έβδομον έτος γενομενων, αναγνωσ- εν Αθηναις, 1879. 89. Αο. 8839/12. θεισα τη 15 Οκτωβριου 1872, υπο Ν. Δ. Λεβιδου, etc. pp. 143. 'Αθηνησι, 1873. 80. Αο. 8836/10. Περι του νεου κανονισμου του Πανεπιστημιου και της τυχης των εν Ελλαδι διδασκόντων κρισεις τινες. pp. 64. Λογοδοσια των κατα το θ' έτος γενομενων, αναγνωσθεισα τη 'Αθηνησι, 186ο. 89. " Αc. 8839/9. 13 Οκτωβριου 1873, etc. έν 'Αθηναις, 1874. 89. . Αc. 8836/4. “Ο ποιητικος αγων του 1853. [Athens, 1853.] 80. 11805. dd. Λογοδοσια των κατα το ιβ' και ιγ' έτος γενομενων, αναγνωσ- θεισα τη 20 Οκτωβριου 1878 υπο Θ. Α. Αθανατου, etc. Τα κατα την λγ΄ πρυτανειαν του Πανεπιστημιου. Υπο Ε pp. 176. 'Αθηνησιν, 1878. 89. Αc. 8836/12. Καστορχη, πρυτανεως. pp. ΧV. 300. εν Αθήναις, 1873. 8°. Ac. 8839/2. Λογοδοσια των κατα το δεκατον πεμπτον έτος γενομενων. Υπο Ε. Δραγουμη, etc. pp. 124. 'Αθηνησιν, Ι88Ι. 80. Τους φοιτηταις του Εθνικού Πανεπιστημιου εις ενθυμησιν Αc. 8836/13. αρχαιου συμμαθητου. [Documents relative to the changing the name of the university.] εν Αθήναις, 1863. 80. “Η κε' Μαρτιου, 1874. [Account of the proceedings at 8355. b. the anniversary festival.] εν Αθήναις, 1874. 8ο. Αc. 8836/8. IOANNου (Ρ.) Του “Ροδοκανακειου φιλολογικου διαγωνισ- BLACHOS (ANGELOS STEPHA.Nos) Περι Ι. Καρασουτσα και ματος εκθεσις, ήτοι κρισις των κατα την τριτην αυτου περιοδον των ποιησεων αυτου. Λογος απαγγελθεις... υπο Α. Σ. σταλεισων πραγματειων περι του “Ομηρικου ζητηματος, etc. [Signed P. Ioannou, E. Kastorches, C. Asopios.] Βλαχου. pp. 40. εν 'Αθηναις, 1874. 89. Αc. 8836/9. έν 'Αθηναις, 1865. 80. 11824. dd. BLACHOS (ANGELOS STEPHANος) Περι Π. Σουτσου και των KASTORCHES (EUTHOMIos) Θ. Π. Ροδοκανακη φιλολο- ποιησεων αυτου. Λογος απαγγελθεις ... υπο Α. Στ. Βλαχου. γικος αγων ήτοι κρισις [composed and delivered by E. pp. 48. εν Αθήναις, 1874. 80. 11840. bb. 11. Kastorches] των κατα την δευτεραν περιοδον εις τον αγωνα SARIPOLos (NICHOLAS Ι.) Περι του Παρελθοντος και του τουτον σταλεισων πραγματειων, περι του καθ' “Ομηρον οικιακου Μελλοντος της Ελευθεριας. Ομιλια...στενογραφηθεισα υπο βιου των Ελληνων, γενομενη εν τω Πανεπιστημιω, etc. Α. Γ. Αγγελοπουλου. εν Αθήναις, 1872. 89. εν Αθήναις, 1863. 8°. "11315. bb. 38. Αο. 8836/2. PosTOLAKAS (ACHILLES) Καταλογος των αρχαιων Νομισ Soursos (IOANNES Α.) Περι Πολιτευματων και Πολιτων. ματων χωρων, εθνων, πολεων και βασιλεων, του 'Αθηνησιν Διατριβη, etc. 'Αθηνησι, 1872. 89. Ac. 8836. 'Εθνικου Νομισματικου Μουσείου, κατατεταγμενων και περι- γεγραμμενων υπο Α. Π., etc. Φυσιογραφικoν Μουσειον. 'Αθηνησιν, αωο β' [1872,] etc. fol. 7756. h. In progress. See supra : Πανεπιστημιον 'Οθωνος, afterwards 'Εθνικον Πανεπιστημιον. Société Archéologique de Grèce. See supra : Ελληνική Αρχαιολογικη Εταιρια. ATHENS, GEORGIA. Συλλογος προς Διάδοσιν των Ελληνικων Γραμματων. Franklin College. Έκθεσις των πεπραγμένων απο της συστασεως αυτου μεχρι Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers, and Graduates of τουδε. 17 Απριλιου 1869-31 Δεκεμβριου 1871. Franklin College from its establishment in 1801, to the εν Αθήναις, 1872, etc. 89. Ac. 9762. annual commencement in 1836. In progress. Athens, [Georgia,] 1837. 8º. 8366. b. Έκθεσις των κατα το 1876 και 1877 πεπραγμένων. pp. 266. 'εν 'Αθηναις, 1878. 80. Αρ. 9762. AUCH. Φιλολογικος Συλλογος Παρνασσος. Comité d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la Province Νεοελληνικα Αναλεκτα. Περιοδικως εκδιδομενα υπο του ecclésiastique d'Auch. Φιλολογικου Συλλογου Παρνασσου, etc. Bulletin. (Vol. 5–10. Revue de Gascogne. Bulletin εν Αθήναις, 1871, etc. 89. Αο. 8836/7. Mensuel du Comité, etc. Vol. 11, etc. Revue de Gascogne. In progress. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Historique de Gascogne.) Paris, Auch (printed, 1860, etc.] 80. Ac. 6772. Recueil de contes populaires grecs, etc. Taken chiefly from the Kυπριακα of A. Sakellarios, and the Νεοελληνικα In progress. 'Avalekta of the “ Parnassos ” of Athens.] See COLLECTION. Société Historique de Gascogne. Collection des Chansons et de Contes Populaires. Vol. I. See supra : Comité de Histoire et d'Archéologie de 1881, etc. 129. 12430. aaa. 32. la Province ecclésiastique d'Auch. Παρνασσος, συγγραμμα περιοδικον κατα μηνα εκδιδομενον. εν Αθήναις, 1877, etc. 8ο. Ac. 8836/11. AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. In progress. Έκθεσις της Έφοριας της Σχολης των Απορων Παιδων | Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Auckland. [maintained by the “ Parnassos"). The Second Annual Report of the ... Society, 'Αθηνησιν, 1873. 89. Ac. 8836/3. Auckland, 1844. 89. Ac. 3549. 35 ACADEMIES. [AUGSBURG AUTUN.] AUGSBURG. AVIGNON [CONTINUED). Collegium Medicum. Athénée de Vaucluse. Pharmacopoeia Augustana ... a Collegio Medico ... Vie de Pétrarque by J. J. T. Roman] publiée par recognita, nunc septimum in lucem emissa. (Taxa seu l'Athénée de Vaucluse. Augmentée de la première pretium medicamentorum tam simplicium quam com traduction qui ait paru en Français, de la lettre adressée positorum, etc.) 2 pt. à la postérité par ce poète, etc. [by F. Tissot. The Augustæ Vindelicorum, 1622–21. fol. 777. i. 19. whole edited by the Marquis A. J. F. X. P. E. S. P. A. The titlepage is engraved. de Fortia d'Urban). Avignon, 1804. 12º. 10630. aa. Cura octava Collegii Medici recognita Hippocratica et Hermetica Mantissa locupletata recusa, etc. [Edited by Muséum Calvet. J. Henisius.] 2 pt. [Augsburg,] 1646. fol. 547. m. 5. Dons faits au Muséum Calvet depuis sa fondation jus- qu'au 31 Décembre 1838. Avignon, 1839. 8º. [Another edition.] Pharmacopoeia Augustana reformata 1402. g. (4.) et ejus Mantissa ; cum animadversionibus J. Zwelferi. Dons faits au Muséum Calvet l'année 1839. Annexa ejusdemq. autoris Pharmacopoeia Regia. Ap- Avignon, 1840. 8º. 1402. g. 5. pendix ad animadversiones in Pharmacopoeiam Regiam Augustanam, etc. 2 pt. Goudæ, 1653-58. 8º. Dons faits au Muséum Calvet, pendant les années 1840 à 777. b. 2. 1845. Avignon, 1846. 8º. 1402. g. 6. The Appendix has a separate titlepage and pagination and bears date 1658. With a second titlepage engraved. [Another copy.] 7707. aa. 30. (6.) D. V. Riedlini ... Medulla Pharmacopoeia Augustana ultimo editæ, continens ea præcipue medicamenta quæ AVRANCHES. auctor ex illa desumta frequenti usu experta habet ... cum annexis viribus ... quorumvis simplicium in sic Société Archéologique d'Avranches. dicta taxa pharmacopoeiæ annexa contentorum. 2 pt. 1 Mémoires. Avranches, 1842, etc. 8º. Ac. 5287. [Ulm,] 1707. 8º. 777. b. 13. In progress. Historischer Kreis-Verein im Regierungsbezirke von Société d'Archéologie, Littérature, Sciences et Arts Schwaben und Neuburg. des arrondissements d'Avranches et de Mortain. See infra: Historischer Verein im Oberdonau- See supra : Société Archéologique d'Avranches. Kreise, etc. AUSTRIA. Historischer Verein im Oberdonau-Kreise, afterwards Historischer Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg. Deutscher, afterwards Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein. See HERBERGER (T.) Die ältesten Glasgemälde im Dome zu Augsburg ... Mitgetheilt durch den historischen See infra : GERMANY. Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg, etc. 1860. 4º. 7705. cc. 9. AUTUN. Erster (zweiter, etc.) Jahrs-Bericht, etc. Augsburg, 1836, etc. 4º. & 8º. Ac, 7013. Société Éduenne. In progress. See PIGNOT (J. H.) Histoire de l'Ordre de Cluny, etc. (Publication de la Société Éduenne.) 1868. 8º. Zeitschrift [Edited by A. Steichele and C. Meyer). 4783. cc. Augsburg, 1874, etc. 8º. AC. 7013/2. In progress. Société Éduenne. Comte-rendu de ses travaux. 1836 à 1837. Autun, 1839. 8º. 735. h. Historischer Verein von Schwaben und Neuburg. Mémoires. 1844. Autun, [1844.] 8º. Ac. 5288/2 See supra : Historischer Verein im Oberdonau- Kreise, afterwards Historischer Verein von - Nouvelle Série. Autun, 1872, etc. 8º. Schwaben und Neuburg. In progress. Sodalitas Literaria Boiorum. Documents inédits pour servir à l'histoire de l'Autunois Paris, Autun (printed], 1865, etc. 4º. Ac. 5288. See THURNMAIER (J.) Aventinus. Imp. Henrici quarti In progress. vita. Ejusdem epistolæ... editæ... A sodalitate literaria Boiorum. ... Sodalitatis literaria Boiorum carmina. Musée d'Autun. Peintures. Autun, [1864.7 12º. 1518. 49. 1054. d. 1. (1.) 7854. bbb. AUTUN, Diocese of. Cartulaire de l'Evêché d'Autun AUGUSTA, MAINE. connu sous le nom de Cartulaire Ronge, publié d'après un manuscrit du XIIIe siècle, suivi d'une carte et d'un Maine Board of Agriculture. ponillé de l'ancien Diocèse d'Autun d'après un manuscrit Second (third) Annual Report of the Secretary of the du xiye siècle, par A. de Charmasse. pp. LXXXVII. 472. Maine Board of Agriculture. Augusta, 1858, etc. 8º. Autun (printed], Paris, 1880. 4°. 4629. g. 14. In progress. Ac. 3517. EUMENIUS. Traduction des Discours d'Eumène par M. l'Abbé Landriot et M. l'Abbé Rochet, accompagnée AVIGNON du texte. Précédée d'une notice historique et suivie de Athénée de Vaucluse. notes critiques et philologiques sur le texte et d'un précis des faits généraux par ... B. J. Rochet. Mémoires de l'Athénée ... contenant le compte rendu Lat. and Fr. Autun, 1854. 8º. 11396. g. des travaux de cette société depuis son institution, et le recueil des (it, vrages en prose et en vers, lus à sa séance ROSSIGNOL (CLAUDE) Des Libertés de la Bourgogne publique le 2 cumaire an XII. Avignon, an XII., 1804. gº. d'après les jetons de ses états, par C. Rossignol. Ac. 264. Autun, 1851. 8º. 7755. aaa. 7 00 37 ACADEMIES. [AUXERRE-BALTIMORE.] 38 AUXERRE BALTIMORE [CONTINUED). Société des Sciences historiques et naturelles de Maryland Historical Society. l'Yonne. The Maryland Historical Society and the Peabody Insti- Bulletin. Auxerre, 1847, etc. 8º. Ac. 2860. tute Trustees. A Report from a special committee of In progress. Tom. 2 imperfect. the Maryland Historical Society ... adopted at the Society's Monthly Meeting, March the 5th, 1866. Bulletin ... Tables analytiques. Première série. Baltimore, 1866. 8º. 8309. ee. Deuxième partie, 1857-1867. Par M. Demay (partie historique,) et M. Berthelot (partie scientifique). BANNEKER (BENJAMIN A Sketch of the life of B. Banne- Auxerre, 1875. 8°. Ac. 2860. ker ... read ... before the Maryland Historical Society, October 5th, 1854. [Baltimore, 1854.] 8º. CHALLE (A.) Histoire de l'Auxerrois, etc. 10882. c. Auxerre, 1878. 8º. Ac. 2860/2. BROWN (GEORGE WILLIAM) The origin and progress of QUANTIN (MAXIMILIEN) Cartulaire général de l'Yonne; civil liberty in Maryland ; a discourse delivered April 12, recueil des documents authentiques pour servir à l'his- 1850, being the fifth annual address to that association. toire des pays qui forment ce Département, publié par Baltimore, 1850. 8º. 9604. d. la Société des Sciences historiques et naturelles de l'Yonne sous la direction de M. M. Quantin. 2 tom. CARROL (CHARLES) Journal of C. C. during his visit to Auxerre, 1856, 60. 4º. 10172. dd. Canada in 1776 as one of the commissioners from Con- gress with a memoir and notes, by B. Mayer. QUANTIN (MAXIMILIEN) Recueil de Pièces pour faire Baltimore, 1845. 8º. Ac. 8398/2. suite au Cartulaire Général de l'Youne, publié ... sous la direction de M. Quantin ... XIIIe siècle. DONALDSON (THOMAS) American colonial history, an ad- Auxerre, 1873. 8º. 10172. dd. dress made by T. D.... Being the fourth annual address, etc. Baltimore, 1849. 8º. 9604. c. AYLESBURY. GILES (WILLIAM F.) The Annual Address, delivered before the M. H. S. ... December 17, 1860. Baltimore, 1867. 8º. Ac. 8398/5. Architectural and Archäological Society for the County of Buckingham. Records of Buckinghamshire. Pt. 1. Aylesbury, 1854. 8º. Ac. 5615. KENNEDY (JOAN PENDLETON) Discourse on the life and character of J. Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, being the second annual address. Baltimore, 1845. 8º. Ac. 8398. HARRIS (J. M.) Discourse on the life and character of Sir Walter Ralegh, being the Third Annual Address. Baltimore, 1846. 8º. Ac. 8398/3. AYR. Ayrshire and Wigtonshire Archæological Association. Archæological and Historical Collections relating to the Counties of Ayr and Wigton. [With a preface by R. W. C. Patrick. With plates.] Edinburgh, 1878, etc. 4º. Ac. 5766. In progress. [Another copy.] Ac. 8398/4. MAYER (BRANTZ) Fund-Publication, No. 1.-History, possessions and prospects of the Maryland Historical Society. Inaugural discourse of B. M. as President, etc. Baltimore, 1867. 8º. Ac. 8398/8. BADEN, IN SWITZERLAND. Aargauische Weinbaugesellschaft. Jahrheft der Aargauischen Weinbaugesellschaft. He- rausgegeben von T. Schmid. Jahrg. 1-4. Baden, 1868–71. 8º. Ac. 2522 No more published. MAYER (BRANTZ) Tah-gah-Jute or Logan and Captain M. Cresap; a discourse by B. M. Baltimore, (1851.] 8º. 10880. d. MORRIS (JOHN G.) The Lords Baltimore. [A family history.] pp. 61. Baltimore, 1874. 8º. 9905. cc. 17. (2.) MORRIS (JOHN G.) Martin Behaim the German Astro- nomer ... of the times of Columbus ; being the tenth annual discourse before the Maryland Historical Society on January 25th, 1855. By J. G. Morris. Baltimore, 1855. gº. Ac. 8398/7. PINKNEY (WILLIAM) D.D. Memoir of J. H. Alexander, D.D., etc. Baltimore, 1867. 8º. 4985. e. 58. (18.) BAGNÈRES-DE-BIGORRE. Société Ramond. Explorations Pyrénéennes. Ascensions des Hautes Cimes, . , . observations météorologiques, recherches scientifiques et archéologiques. Bulletin trimestriel ... Année 1866. Bagnères-de-Bigorre, (1866, etc.] 8º. In progress. Ac. 6023. SPOFFORD (AINSWORTH R.) The Founding of Washington City, with some considerations on the origin of cities and location of national capitals. An address, etc. pp. 62. Baltimore, 1881. 8º. Ac. 8398/9. Fund-Publication, No. 17. STREETER (SEBASTIAN F.) Fund Publication, No. 2. The first Commander of Kent Island (G. Evelin). Baltimore, 1868. 8º. Ac. 8398/6. BALTIMORE. Maryland Academy of the Fine Arts. Charter and by-laws, etc. Baltimore, 1838. 12º. 7805. a. University of Maryland. Memorial of the Trustees of the University ... and the Trustees of Baltimore College, to the legislature of Maryland. Baltimore, 1830. 86. 732. d. 14. (14.) 39 ACADEMIES. (BAMBERG-BASLE.] 40 BAMBERG BARCELONA (CONTINUED). Historischer Verein. Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona. Bericht über das bisherige Bestehen und Wirken des Real Académia de Buenas Letras de la Ciudad de Barce- historischen Vereines, etc. 11 pt. lona; origen, progresos y su primera junta general ... Bamberg, 1834-48. 8º. Ac. 7014. con los papeles que en ella se acordaron. Tom. 1. [Another copy of Bericht 2.] 11515. b. Barcelona, (1756.] 4°. 127. d. 24. HOEFLER (CARL ADOLF CONSTANTIN) Quellensammlung für Real Academia Medico-practica de Barcelona. fränkische Geschichte ... herausgegeben von Dr. C. SALVÀ Y CAMPILLO (FRANCISCO) Exposicion de la en- Höfler. 4 Bde. Bayreuth, Bamberg, 1849-53. 8º. señanza de medicina clinica en el real Estudio baxo Bd. 3, 4 were published at Bamberg. Ao. 7014/2. la direccion de la Real Academia medico - practica OESTERREICHER (PAUL) Geschichte der Burg und des de Barcelona. Año 1801. (Segundo - Tercer año.) Rittergutes Rabenstein. (Beilagen.) 2 pt. Por ... F. Salvà. 3 pt. Barcelona, 1802-18. 49. Bamberg, 1830, 8º. 10240. CC. 1150. g. 2. Each pt. has a separate titlepage and pagination. Verein der Erzdiözese Bamberg für christliche Kunst- Universidad de Barcelona. Archäologie. Beiträge zum Verständniss der Kirchen-Baukunst, mit Discursos leidos ante el claustro de la Universidad de Barcelona en el acto ... de la recepcion del Cate- besonderer Rücksicht auf Neubau, Restauration und Aus- dratico de Historia y elementos de Derecho Romano stattung. Ein Quartalblatt mit grösseren Abhandlungen Dr. D. J. Samsó y Ribera. Barcelona, 1864. 8º. und kleineren Notizen von G. G. Kallenbach. 5255. bb. Jahrgang 1. Bamberg, 1857. 8º. 7814. bbb. No more published. BAR-LE-DUC. BARBADOES. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Institution and first proceedings of the society ... established in Barbados, 1781 (1781-84). Barbados, [1781-84.] 8º. B. 676. (1.) Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de Bar-le-Duc. Mémoires, etc. 10 tom. Bar-le-Duc, 1871–81. 8º. Ac. 271. Deuxième série. Tom. 1, etc. 1882, etc. 89. In progress. BARNSLEY. Midland Institute of Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineers. BARCELONA. Transactions, etc. Vol. 7. pt. 49. Barnsley, 1880. gº. Academia de Bellas Artes. Ac. 3234. Album de la Exposicion Retrospectiva, de obras de pintura, escultura, arquitectura y artes suntuarias, BARROW. celebrada por la Academia de Bellas Artes de Bar- celona en 1867. Publicado por ... J. Serra y Gibert. Barrow Naturalists' Field Club. Segunda edicion. Barcelona, 1868. obl. 4º. Annual Report and Proceedings for ... 1877, etc. 1788. a. Barrow, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 3003. Associació d'Excursions Catalana. In progress. SANPERE Y MIGUEL (SALVADOR) Un Estudi de topono- mástica catalana ... Obra llorejada, etc. pp. xvi. 172. BASLE. Barcelona, Gerona [printed), 1880. 8º. 12941. h. 17. Academia Basiliensis. Consistori dels Jochs Florals de Barcelona. See B., H. Une visite à la Bibliothèque de l'Université Jochs Florals de Barcelona en 1859, etc. de Bâle, etc. 1880. 8°. Baroelona, 1859, etc. 820. f. 39. (6.) 8º. 11451. cc. In progress. Athenä Rauricæ ; sive, catalogus professorum Academiæ Escuela gratuita de las nobles Artes. Basiliensis ab a. 1460 ad a. 1778, cum brevi singulorum bio graphia. Adjecta est recensio omnium eiusdem Academia Relacion de los premios generales ... en junta general rectorum. (Adumbratio eruditorum Basiliensium meritis celebrada el dia 7 de septiembre de 1793. apud exteros olim hodieque celebrium. Adpendicis loco Barcelona, [1793.] fol. Ac. 4524. (2.) Athenis Rauricis addita.) 2 tom. Basileæ, 1778, 80. gº. 731. f. 8. Escuela Industrial Barcelonesa. Davidis Georgii Hollandi Hæresiarchæ vita et doctrina, Reglamento de la Escuela Industrial Barcelonesa. quamdiu Basileæ fuit. Tum quid post ejus mortem, Madrid, 1853. 8º. 7943. c. 15. (3.) cum cadavere, libris ac reliqua ejus familia actum sit. Per Rectorem et Academiam Basilien. ... conscripta. Instituto Agricola Catalan de San Isidro. MS. NOTES. P. Varnerus : Campis, 1559. 4°. Revista de agricultura práctica, economía rural, horti- 4886. c. cultura y jardineria . . . Bajo la direccion del socio [Another edition.] H. Curio: [Basle,] 1559. 4º. D. Isidoro de Angúlo. Tom. 1-17. Imperfect; wanting titlepage. 698. h. 1. (2.) Barcelona, 1852-68. 8º. Ac. 3389. Continued as :) [Another edition.] apud G. Simonem : Antverpiæ, Revista del Instituto Agricola Catalan de San Isidro. 1560. 8º. 697. a. 42. Tom. 18, etc. Barcelona, 1869, etc. 89. [Another edition.] See ScHARDIUS (s.) Historicum In progress. opus, etc. Tom. 3. (1574.] fol. 9326. e. 41 42 ACADEMIES. [BASLE-BATAVIA.] Kenegaderm Gone wolkenk · BOCA A. BASLE [CONTINUED]. BATAVIA [CONTINUED). Academia Basiliensis Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- Davidt Georis wt Hollandt, des Ertzketzers warafftege schappen. Histori syns leuens, und verfuerscher leer, van der tyt [Another edition of Dl. 1–3.] Verhandelingen, etc. an dat he to Basel gekomen is, und syns leuens handel. Batavia, 1781-87. 8º. 438. k. 10–12. Daer to wat sich nach syn afsteruen, mit hem und syne Derde druk. Deel 1, 2. Batavia, 1825, 26. 8º. verwanten, daer ter plaetse verlopen befft. Durch eene 438. k. 28. ehrwerdege Universitet der loflichen Stadt Basel, etc. [Basle ?] 1559. 8º. 1121. c. 53. (1.) Notulen van de algemeene en bestuursvergaderingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten, etc. Without pagination. Batavia, 1865 (1864), etc. 89. Ac. 975/2. La Vie et doctrine de D. George . . . Escrite par le In progress. recteur et Université de Basle. [Geneva?] 1560. 8º. 857. h. 1. (1.) Tijdschrift voor Indische taal,- land,- en volkenkunde, uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Gutachten der theologischen Facultät an einen hoch- kunsten en wetenschappen ; onder redactie der Heeren würdigen Kirchenrath von Basel, betreffend die Still- P. Bleeker, L. W. C. Kenchenius, J. Munnich en stellung des ... Cand. W. Rumpf jünger. E. Netscher. 3913. b. Basel, 1857. 8º. (J. A. van der Chijs, W. Storteubeker, J. J. van L. Brouwer, L. J. J. Michielsen.) Batavia, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 975. Historische Gesellschaft. In progress. See STOCKMEYER (J.) and REBER (B.) Beiträge, etc.... herausgegeben von der historischen Gesellschaft, etc. Alphabetische Lijst van Land-, Zee-, Rivier-, Wind-, 1840. 4º. 823. i. 9. Storm- en andere kaarten, toebehoorende aan het Bata- viaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Beiträge zur Geschichte Basels. (Beiträge zur Vater- Batavia (printed], 's Hage, 1873. 80. Ac. 975/4. ländischen Geschichte.) Basel, 1839, etc. 89. In progress. Ac. 6924. Het Bataviaasch Genootschap ... gedurende de eerste [Another copy of vol. 2.7 Beiträge zur Vaterländischen eeuw van zijn bestaan 1778–1878. Gedenkboek, etc. Geschichte. Basel, 1843. 8º. 1437. h. Batavia, (1878, etc.] fol. 1707. a. In progress. Basler Chroniken, herausgegeben von der Historischen Gesellschaft in Basel ... durch W. Vischer und A. Stern. Eerste (tweede) vervolg Catalogus der Bibliotheek, en Unter Mitwirkung von M. Heyne. Catalogus der Maleische, Javaansche en Kawi Hand- Leipzig, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 6924/2. schriften van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten In progress. en Wetenschappen [the latter by A. B. Cohen Stuart]. 2 pt. Batavia, 's Hage, 1872–77. 12º. Ac. 975/5. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. [Another copy of 1st supplement only.] 11904. g. Bericht über die Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel vom August 1834 (bis Juni 1852). CAIJS (JACOB ANNE VAN DER) Catalogus der Bibliothek 10 Thle. Basel, 1835–52. 89. Ac. 2867/2. van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten, etc. [Continued as:] Batavia (printed], 's Hage, 1864. 8º. 11902. d. Verhandlungen, etc. Basel, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 2867/3. Imperfect; wanting all of the preface before p. ix. In progress. Festschrift herausgegeben von der Naturforschenden CHIJS (JACOB ANNE VAN DER) Catalogus der Numis- Gesellschaft in Basel zur Feier des fünfzigjährigen Bes- matische afdeeling van het Museum van het Bataviaasch tehens, 1867. Basel, 1867. 8º. Ac. 2867. Genootschap, etc. Batavia, 1869. 8º. 7756. dd. Societas Physico-Medica Basiliensis. CLERCQ (F. S. A. DE) Het Maleisch der Molukken. Lijst der meest voorkomende vreemde en van het gewone Acta Helvetica, physico-mathematico-botanico-medica. Maleisch verschillende woorden zooals die gebrukt 8 vol. Basiliæ, 1751–77. 4°. 437. e. 14–19. worden in de residentiën Manado, Ternate, Ambon ... [Another copy of vol. 1-6.] 126. k. 11-14. Benevens eenige proeven van aldaar vervaardigde pan- toens, prozastukken en gedichten... Uitgegeven door het Nova acta Helvetica, etc. Vol. 1. Basileæ, 1787. 4º. Bataviaasch Genootschap, etc. Batavia, 1876. 4º. 437. e. 20. Ac. 975/8. [Another copy.] Ac. 605. EAST INDIES. Generale Nederlandsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Realia. Register op de Université de Bâle. generale resolutiën van het Kasteel Batavia, 1632-1805. See supra : Academia Basiliensis. Uitgegeven door het ... Genootschap, etc. Leiden, 1882, etc. 4°. Ac. 975. 10. In progress. BATAVIA. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- FRANCKEN (J. J. C.) and GRIJS (C. F. M. DE) Chineesch- schappen. Hollandsch Woordenboek van het Emoi dialekt ... uit- gegeven door het ... Genootschap, etc. pp. viii. 774. See FRIEDERICH (R. T. A.) Codicum Arabicorum in bib- Batavia, 1882. 4º. 12910. f. 14. liotheca Societatis Artium et Scientiarum quae Bataviae floret asservatorum Catalogum inchoatum a doct. R. HAPPART (GILBERTUS) Dictionary of the Favorlang Friederich absolvit ... L. W. C. van den Berg. Dialect of the Formosan language by G. H.... Translated 1873. 8º. 11900. c. 1. from the Transactions of the Batavian Literary Society, by W. H. Medhurst. Parapattan, 1840. 120. Verhandelingen, etc. Imperfect; wanting pp. 379-382. 12907. a. 30. Rotterdam en Amsterdam, Batavia, 1979, etc. 8º. & 4º. 438. k. 13. 27. & Ac. 975/6. HOLLE (K. F.) Tabel van Oud- en Nieuw-Indische Alpha- In progress. Deel 7 and 8 are partly in Dutch and partly betten. 2 pt. Batavia, 's Hoye, in English, and have a second titlepage in the lutter language. Buitenzory, 1882–1877. 8º. Ac. 975. 9. . After the 21st Deel the work appeared in 4º. Part 2 only, 1877, published and printed at Buitenzory. ACADEMIES. [BATAVIA — BATH.] 44 BATAVIA [CONTINUED). BATH, Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetens- Bath and West of England Agricultural Society. chappen. See infra: Bath and West of England Society for NETSCHER (E.) and CAIJS (JACOB ANNE VAN DER) De the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Munten van Nederlandsch Indië, beschreven en afgebeeld Commerce. door E. Netscher en...J. A. van der Chijs. Uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap, etc. Bath and West of England Society for the Encourage- Batavia, 1863. 4º. Ac. 975/7. ment of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. NORMAN (LEVYSSOHN) Katalogus der Ethnologische afdeeling van het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genoot- Letters and papers on Agriculture, planting, etc., selected schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. from the correspondence book of the Society instituted Batavia, 1868. 8º. Ac. 975/3. at Bath, for the encouragement of agriculture, arts, manufactures and commerce within the counties of Tweede Druk. [With a preface by J. A. van der Chijs.] Somerset, Wilts, Glocester, and Dorset, and the city and Batavia, 1877. 12º. Ac. 975/3. county of Bristol. To which is added, an appendix containing a proposal for the further improvement of agriculture, by a member of the society; and a trans- Batavian Literary Society. lation of M. Hirzel's letter to Dr. Tissot (or rather Dr. See supra: Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten Tissot's letter to M. Hirzel], in answer to M. Linguet's en Wetenschappen. treatise on bread-corn and bread. By another member of the society. [Vol. 1.] Bath, 1780. 8º. Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indië. 966. e. 29 Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae. Ver- [Another edition.] Vol. 1-14. Bath, 1783-1816. 8º. handelingen, etc. Batavia, 1856, etc. 4º. Ac. 3096/2. : 255. c. 13-24. & 255. d. 1, 2. In progress. The first volume is of the second edition, in which the error on the preceding title is corrected. At the sixth volume the Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië. designation of the society is altered to “ Bath and West of Deel 1–3. (Nieuwe serie, Deel 1-7; Derde Serie, Deel England Society, etc." 1-4; Vierde serie, Deel 1-6; Vijfde Serie, Deel 1-5; Sesde serie, Deel 1-5; Sevende Serie, Deel 1, etc.) [Another edition.] Vol. 1-6. Bath, 1788–92. 8º. Batavia, 1850, etc. 8º. Ać. 3096. 966. i. 19-21. - In progress. The first volume is of the third edition. The second and Alphabetisch Register op Deel 1.-XXX., etc. (Naam- third volumes are of the second. register.) '8Gravenhage, 1871, 72. 89. [Another edition.] Vol. 1-14. Bath, 1792–1816. 8º. 988. 1. 1–14. Nederlandsch-Indische Maatschappij van Nijverheid The first volume is of the fourth edition. The second and en Landbouw. third volums are of the third edition. The fourth and fifth Memorie handelende over het ontwerp van wet tot volumes are of the second edition. vaststelling der Tarieven van In-, Uit- en Doorvoer in Nederlandsch-Indië: gerigt aan de Regering door de [Another copy of Vols 1–9.] Ac. 3481/2. ... Maatschappij, etc. Batavia, 1865. 8º. 8022. cc. Journal of the ... Society ... for the year 1852 (1853– KRAJENBRINK (J. A.) Nota over de oorzaken der toene 68]. (General Index, etc.) Second Series. mende schaarschte en de hooge prijzen der Rijst, etc. London, 1853-70. 8º. Ac. 3481/4. Batavia, 1665. 8º. 1145. k. 1. - Third series. London, 1869, etc. 8º. VERBEEK (REINIER D.) De Mijnwetten in Nederlandscb- In progress. The first series appeared under the title of Indie, getoetst aan de beginselen van het Mijnrecht en “ Letters and papers on Agriculture," etc. van de Mijnhuishoudkunde. (Aanbangsel. De Fransche Mijnwetten van 28 Juli 1791 en van 21 April 1810.) Agricultural Customs and Covenants. Report of a pp. 235. 22. Batavia, 1879. 8º. 5695. bb. 4. Special Committee appointed by the Council of the ... Society (on the 22d January, 1859). With other Observatorium. documents. London, 1859. 8°. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Batavia. Meteorological observations A Catalogue of books belonging to the Bath and West. from January 1st, 1866 ... and Magnetical observations of England Society, etc. 1864. See RUSSELL (C. P.) from July 1st, 1867 . , . under the direction of P. A. A Catalogue of the Library of the Bath Royal Literary Bergsma. Batavia, 1871, etc. fol. 8752. k. and Scientific Institution, etc. Pt. 2. 1879, etc. 8º. In progress. 11903. c. 9. Rainfall in the East Indian Archipelago. First year A Catalogue of the Beasts ... and of the various agri- 1879, by Dr. P. A. Bergsma.-Regenwaarnemingen in cultural implements ... exhibited at the Society's show Nederlandsch-Indië, etc. Dutch. at Taunton . . . 1852. Taunton, 1852. 8º. 7077. d. Batavia, 1880, etc. 8º. 8755. h. In progress. Programme of the Grand Meeting at Bath, on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of June 1854. With a Plan of the Show- Societas Regia Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandica. Yard and Map of the City, also the Visitor's Guide, etc. Bath, [1854.] 18º. 7075. a. See supra: Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Neder- landsch Indië. Reports on the Exhibition of Implements at Cardiff.. 1858. London, 1858. 8º. 7077. e. Societas Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandica. See supra: Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Neder Rules and Orders of the Society, etc. Bath, 1777. 80. landsch Indië. Ac. 3481. belonging to see Royal Literary 45 ACADEMIES. [BATA—BELFAST.] 46 BATH [CONTINUED). BEAUNE. Bath and West of England Society for the encourage- Société d'Histoire, d'Archéologie et de Littérature de ment of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures and Beaune. Commerce. Société d'histoire ... Mémoires. Beaune, 1874, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5290. [Another copy.] Rules and Orders of the Society, etc. Bath, 1777. go. 7076. aaa. The List of Officers differs from that of the preceding Chronicques des faiz de feurent Monseigñr Girart de copy. Rossillon, a son vivant duc de Bourgoingne, et de dame Berthe, sa femme, fille du conte de Sans, que Martin [Another edition.) To which is added a list of ... Besancon fist esčpre en l'an MCCCCLXIX. [Translated from premiums for the years 1779, etc. Bath, 1779. 8º. the Latin, by J. Wauquelin?] Publiées pour la première T. 192. (10.) fois d'après le manuscrit de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune, [Another edition.] Bath, 1783. 8°. 7077. bb. augmentées des variantes des autres versions, enrichies de fac-simile, et précédées d'une introduction par L. de [Another edition.] Bath, 1785. 8º. T. 259. (3.) Montille. pp. xl. 586. Paris, Beaune [printed], 1880. 8º. Ac. 5290. 2. [Another edition.] Bath, 1786. 8º. T. 394. (3.) [Another edition.] Bath, 1799. 8º. T. 395. (3*.) BEAUVAIS. [Another edition.] Bath, 1802. 8º. T. 362. (4.) Société Académique d'Archéologie, Sciences et Arts Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. du Département de l'Oise. Bulletin, etc. No. 1-3. Beauvais, 1854, 55. 8º. Proceedings, etc. Bath, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 3004. No more published. Ac. 278. In progress. Imperfect; wanting No. 1. Mémoires. Beauvais, 1847, etc. 8º. Table générale. Tom. 1-x. Beauvais, 1881. 8º. ' BAUTZEN. In progress. Ac. 278/2. Macica Serbska. Časopis Towarstwa Maćicy Serbskeje (Redaktor [of BEDFORD. lětnik 1–5] J. E. Smoler [of letnik 6-20) J. Buk, Tof lětnik 21, etc.] M. Hórnik). Bedfordshire Architectural and Archäological Society. w Budysinje, (1848, etc.] 80. Ac. 8954. In progress. See infra: GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.-Associated Architectural Societies. Bedfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. BAYEUX. Abstract of Proceedings and Transactions... for the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres year 1875, 76. Bedford, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 3005. de Bayeux. In progress. Bulletin de la Société, etc. See infra: Mémoires, etc. Mémoires. Bayeux, 1842, etc. 8º. Ac. 275. BELFAST. In progress. The volumes for the years 1850-55 are entitled : “ Bulletin," etc. Belfast Literary Society. Select papers. Belfast, 1808. 4º. T.C. 15. a. 14. Société Vétérinaire des Departements du Calvados et The various papers in this collection have separate de la Manche. paginations. Mémoires. 1830–46, etc. Nos. 1-12, etc. Bayeux, Caen, 1830–47, etc. 8º. Ac. 3871/2. [Another copy.] B. 17. (3.) In progress. The meetings of the Society are held Imperfect; containing only Dr. W. Richardson’s “ Memoir alternately at Bayeux, Caen and St. Lo. on Fiorin Grass." [Another copy of No. 1-9.] Ac. 3871/3. Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. Proceedings ... for the Session 1872–73. (1873–74, etc.) Belfast, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 3036. BAYREUTH. In progress. Historischer Verein für Bayreuthische Geschichte Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. und Alterthumskunde. Guide to Belfast and the adjacent counties. By members Archiv für Bayreuthische Geschichte und Alterthums of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. kunde. Herausgegeben von E. C. Hagen und T. Belfast, 1874. 8º. 10390. bb. 30. Dorfmüller. Bd. 1. Bayreuth, 1828. 8º. Ac. 7015. Continued as: 7 Archiv für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde des Ober- Belfast Social Inquiry Society. Main-Kreises. Herausgegeben von E. C. Hagen und EDGAR (JOHN) The dangerous and perishing Classes. T. Dorfmüller. 2 Bde. Bayreuth, 1831-36. go. Belfast, 1852. 8º. 8276. c. [Continued as:] Archiv für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde von Ober HANCOCK (W. NEILSON) What are the causes of the franken. Herausgegeben von E. C. Hagen. Bd. 1, 2. distressed state of the Highlands of Scotland ? [3 Hefte each.] Bayreuth, 1838–44. 80. Belfast, 1852. 8º. 8276. c. ACADEMIES. [BELFAST-BENGAL.] 48 BELFAST [CONTINUED]. Belfast Social Inquiry Office. HANCOCK (W. NEILSON) What are the causes of the prosperous agriculture in the Lothians of Scotland ? Belfast, 1852. 8º. 8276. C. BELGRADE. Apyoimbo Cpácxe Crobechocmu, afterwards Cpocko Yueno Apyumbo. See Počić (0. M.) Prince. Cromeng, CpláckII, etc. (Књига друга: на свијет издало “Друштво Србске CIOBECHOCTII.") 1858, etc. 4°. 9135. ff. Гласникъ Дружтва Србске Словесности. y Beozpady, 1847, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 8831. Mac CORMAC (HENRY) On the connexion of atmospheric impurity with disease. Belfast, 1852. 89. 7406. c. MALCOLM (A. G.) The sanitary state of Belfast, with suggestions for its improvement. Belfast, 1852. 8º. 7686. d. THOMSON (JAMES) On Public Parks in connexion with large towns, with a suggestion for the formation of a park in Belfast. Belfast, 1852. 8º. North East Society of Ireland for the encouragement of Agriculture, etc. Proceedings at the meeting ... October 1826. Belfast, 1826. 8º. 1732. c. 28. (6.) Гласник Српског Ученог друштва; 2-ти одељак, Граћа 3a Hobijy Сpicky Hcropujy. y Beozpady, 1868, etc. 89. In progress. Ac. 8831/2. У Име Његове Светлости Књаза Србског М плана М. Обреновића IV. Наместниці Књажевског Досто- јанства ... одобрили смо подобравамо : Уређење Српскога Ученог друштва у Београду. (3 Iануара, 1869 r.) [Rules and Regulations of the Society. ] [Belgrade, 1869.] 8º. Ač. 8831/2. Dometian. KIBOT Cbetora Cabe. Halicao Iomentujah. На свијет издало “Друштво Србске Словесности трудом . Jahrnutia.” y buorpady, 1860. 8º. 4824. C. Rules and regulations. Belfast, 1826. 8º. 732. c. 28. (5.) Queen's College. The Belfast Queen's College Calendar. Belfast, [1851, etc.] 12º. P.P. 2513. n. In progress. NOVAKOVIĆ (STOJAN) Cpicka Buonnjorpachuja 3a hobijy KHIEBHOCT 1741–1867. CoctaBIIO C. HOBakoBiH. Ha свијет издало “ Српско Учено Друштво.” y buožpady, 1869. 8º. 2050. c. Србско Учено Друштво. See supra : Друштво Србске Словесности. Royal Belfast Academical Institution. Minutes of an inquiry taken before a Committee of the Joint Board of Managers and Visitors of the Royal Belfast Academical Institution, respecting the Moral Philosophy Class [under Professor Ferrie). (S. G. Fenton, Chairman.--Appendix.) Belfast, 1835. gº. 8364. cc. BENARES. Benares Institute. The Transactions of the Benares Institute, for the session 1864–65. Benares, 1865. 8º. Ac. 1935. BELGIUM. Fédération des Sociétés d'Horticulture de Belgique. Bulletin, etc. Gand, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 3351. BENGAL. In progress. Council of Education. Actes du Congrès de Botanique Horticole réuni à General Report (of the Council of Education) on Public Bruxelles sous les auspices de la Fédération des Sociétés Instruction in the Bengal Presidency, for 1842–43 (and d'Horticulture de Belgique . . . 1876. Rédigés par 1845–46]. 2 vol. Calcutta, 18431-46). 8º. Ac. 2696. M. E. Morren. pp. 82. Liége, 1877. 8º. Imperfect; the Report for 1845-46 wants titlepage and Ac. 3351/2. pp. 1-40. Les Floralies Russes de 1869. Exposition Internationale d'Horticulture et Congrès de Botanique qui ont eu lieu [Another copy of Vol. 1.] Ac. 2696/3. à St. Pétersbourg le 17 Mai, 1869. Rapport publié par . la Fédération des Sociétés d’Horticulture de Belgique. General report on public instruction in the lower Gand, 1869. 8º. 7054. g. provinces of the Bengal presidency for 1843–44-57–58– 60-64. Calcutta, 1844–65. 8º. Ac. 2696/4. In progress. Imperfect; wanting the Report for Nederduitsch Taelverbond. 1859-60. Werken. 4 Din. Gent, Antwerpen, 1851-56. 80. Ac. 9029. · General Committee of Public Instruction. No more published. Dl. 4 was published at Antwerp. Report of the general committee of public instruction of the Presidency of Fort William ... for ... 1836. Universités de Belgique. Calcutta, 1837. 8º. Ac. 2696. Annales des Universités de Belgique, ou recueil con- tenant les lois, arrêtés et réglement relatifs á l'enseigne General report of the late General Committee of Public ment supérieur, les mémoires couronnés aux concours Instruction for 1840–41 and 1841-42. universitaires, et d'autres documents académiques. Calcutta, 1842. 8°. Ac. 2696/2. Année 1842-1857. Bruxelles, 1843-59. 80. The report for 1842–43 was published by the Council of P.P. 1229. b. Education, the subsequent reports for the Lower Provinces 2e Série. Année 1858, etc. Bruxelles, 1861, etc. 80. were published by that Council, and those for the North- In progress. Western Provinces by the Education Department. 49 50 ACADEMIES. (BERGAMO-BERLIN.] .BERGAMO. BERLIN (CONTINUED). Collegium Medicorum. Archäologische Gesellschaft. Pharmacopoea, seu de usitatiorum medicamentorum JORDAN (HEINRICH) Vesta und die Laren auf einem componendorum ratione liber, Collegii Medicorum Pompejanischen Wandgemälde. Fünfundzwanzigstes Bergomensium opera nunc primum in lucem editus. Programm zum Winckelmannsfest ... Nebst einer FEW MS. NOTES. Bergomi, 1580. 4º. 777. c. 2. Abbildung. Berlin, 1865. 4º. 7702. g. 6. Altera editio ... cui, preter alia plurima ... accessit ... SCHILLBACH (CARL MORITZ RICHARD Beitrag zur grie- ponderum ac mensurarum, ex veterum non solum chischen Gewichtskunde. Sieben und dreissigstes Græcorum, & Romanorum, sed etiam Arabum & Neoteri- Programm zum Winckelmannsfeste ... Mit 2 Tafeln. corum traditione ... explicatio. Bergomi, 1581. fol. pp. 17. G. Reimer : Berlin, 1877. 4º. 7705. f. 8. 547. k. 15. (2.) | Architekten-Verein. See RICKERT (B.) Die kunstgeschichtlich-merkwürdig- Collegio de'... Medici di Bergomo ... tradotto dalla sten Bauwerke . . . Zusammengestellt von jüngern Latina nella vulgar lingua per ... T. Sanpellegrino ... Mitgliedern des Architekten-Vereins, etc. 1855. fol. In questa ... impressione ... migliorata e ... corretta. 1730. C. Brescia, 1628. 4º. 547. i. 5. Architektonische Entwürfe aus der Sammlung des Architekten-Vereins zu Berlin. Heft 1, 2. [12 plates.] Berlin, 1833, 55. fol. 1265. i. BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. [Another edition.] Achtzehn Tafeln. Fortnightly Club. Potsdam, 1837, 38. fol. 789. 1. 16. The Berkeley Quarterly: a journal of social science. Neue Auflage. Heft. 1-4. Potsdam, 1837-42. fol. Berkeley, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 2284. 1265. h. In progress. No more published. Heft 1, 2 only are of the “ Neue Auflage." BERLIN. Architektonisches Album. Redigirt vom Architekten- Academia Litterarum Regia Borussica. Verein zu Berlin durch Stüler, Knoblauch, Salzenberg, Strack. 20 Heft. Potsdam, 1838–62. fol. See infra : Societas Regia Scientiarum, etc. No more published. 1265. h. Academia Regia Borussica. Berlin und seine Bauten ... Mit 600 Holzschnitten, etc. See infra : Societas Regia Scientiarum, etc. 2 Thle. Berlin, Leipzig (printed), 1877. 8º. Ac. 4800/2. Notiz-Blatt des Architekten-Vereins ... enthaltend Academia Regia Scientiarum. Mittheilungen den Verein betreffend und eine Samm- See infra: Societas Regia, etc. lung practischer Abhandlungen, etc. Jahrg. 1833-(1846). Potsdam, 1840-47. 4º. Ac. 4800. Académie Royale des Sciences. Notiz-Blatt ... (Neue Folge.) Band. i. See infra : Societas Regia Scientiarum, etc. Berlin, (1847-50.] fol. No more published. Acclimatisations-Verein. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie Zeitschrift für Acclimatisation ... Herausgegeben von E. Kaufmann. Bd. 1-3. Berlin, 1858–60. 80. und Urgeschichte. Ac. 3568. Verhandlungen, etc. Jahrg. 1870, etc. 1871, etc. In progress. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. -- Berlin. Zeit- BUVRY (L.) Anbauversuche mit ausländischen Nutz- schrift für Ethnologie, etc. Bd. 3, etc. 1869, etc. pflanzen in Deutschland, angestellt auf Veranlassung 8º. des Akklimatisations - Vereins in Berlin. Heraus- P.P. 3863. b. gegeben von ... L. Buvry. Berlin, 1868. 8º. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Organ der Berliner Gesell- 1145. h. 18. schaft für Anthropologie, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Berlin. Archäologische Gesellschaft. DOERPFELD (w.) Uber die Verwendung von Terrakotten Berliner Schachgesellschaft. am Geison und Dache griechischer Bauwerke. Einund- Schachzeitung, in monatlichen Heften herausgegeben vierzigstes Programm zum Winckelmannsfeste der von der Berliner Schachgesellschaft. (Jahrgang 6,7 Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Von W. herausgegeben von Anderssen und Nathan; Jahrgang Dörpfeld, F. Graeber, R. Borrmann, K. Siebold. 8-11 von A. Anderssen und E. Kossak; Jahrgang 12 Mit 4 Tafeln, etc. pp. 31. Berlin, 1881. 4º. von A. Anderssen und J. Dufresne; Jahrgang 13-15 7705. f. 14. von A. Anderssen und M. Lange; Jahrgang 16 von M. FRIEDERICHS (CARL) Apollon mit dem Lamm. Einund- Lange, B. Suhle, und P. Hirschfeld; Jahrgang 17 von zwanzigstes Programm zum Winckelmannsfest der M. Lange und P. Hirschfeld ; Jahrgang 19 von M. Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin ... Nebst Lange; Jahrgang 20, 21 von E. V. Schmidt und I. Nachschrift von E. Gerhard, etc. Berlin, 1861. 4º. Minckwitz; Jahrg. 23–26 von J. Minckwitz.) 7702. e. 3. Berlin, Leipzig, 1846–71. 8º. [Another copy.] 7708. e. [Continued as:] Deutsche Schachzeitung. Organ für das gesammte HIRSCHFELD (GUSTAVUS) Athena und Marsyas. Zwei Schachleben. Unter Mitwirkung von A. Anderssen unddreissigstes Programm zum Winckelmannsfest der herausgegeben von J. Minckwitz. Jahrg. 27–31. No. 7. Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, etc. (Herausgegeben von Dr. C. Schwede Jahrg. 31. No. 8.- Berlin, 1872. 4º. 7703. e. 32; von J. Minckwitz, Jahrg. 33, etc.) Leipzig, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 5188. & 167. HUEBNER (EMIL) Relief eines Römischen Kriegers im In progress. The title of Jahrg. 15 and later years reads Museum zu Berlin. Sechsundzwanzigstes Programm as follows : “ Schachzeitung, gegründet von der Berliner zum Winckelmannsfest. Nebst einer Abbildung. Schachgesellschaft.” Jahrg. 1-13 were published at Berlin ; Berlin, 1866. 4°. 7702. g. 7. 14, etc. at Leipsic. 51 52 ACADEMIES. (BERLIN.) BERLIN [CONTINUED). BERLIN (CONTINUED). Berlinische Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache und Collegium Medicum. Alterthumskunde, Königliche Preussische und Churfl. Brandenburgische Gesetzurkunde der Berlinischen Gesellschaft für Medicinal Edict und Ordnung wie anch erneurte Apo- Deutsche Sprache, etc. Berlin, 1816. 4º. thecker Taxa ... herausgegeben ... von dero Collegio Ac. 9850/4. Medico. Die dritte Auffage, mit dem Frantzösischen With the autograph signatures of the Directors. vermehret. 2 pt. Germ. and Fr. Berlin, 1715. 4º. Pt. 2 has a distinct titlepage and pagination. 547. i. 16. Germania. Enthaltend sprachwissenschaftliche und geschichtliche Abhandlungen, Abdrücke und Erläute- [Another copy.] : 547. i. 17. rungen, kleine Stücke altdeutscher Sprache und Poesie, Pharmacopoea Borussica. MS. NOTES. Mittheilungen ... Herausgegeben durch F. H. von der Berolini, 1799. 4º. 1777. h. 18. Hagen. Bd. 1-10. Berlin, 1836–53. 8º. Ac. 9850. Each Bd. has a second titlepage, reading : “ Neues Jahr Pharmacopoea Borussica. Die Preussische Pharmakopöe, buch der Berlinischen Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache, etc." übersetzt und erläutert von F. P. Dulk. Dritte vermehrte Bd. I. wants pp. 193, 4, and all after p. 370. Bd. 11. ... Auflage (nebst einer Beilage), etc. 2 Thle. wants pp. 97-192. Leipzig, 1833, 34. 8º. 778. d. 1. Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Botanischer Verein für die Provinz Brandenburg Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft zu und die angrenzenden Länder. Berlin Berlin, 1868, etc. 80. Verhandlungen, etc. (Hft. 1-4. Jhrg. 6, 7, 9–11.) In progress. Redigirt ... von Dr. P. Ascherson. (Hft. 5 [and] Jhrg. 8, redigirt ... von Dr. P. Ascherson und Dr. T. Liebe. - Generalregister. Jahrg. 1-10. Bearbeitet von Dr. Jhrg. 12, redigirt ... von Dr. P. Ascherson, Dr. P. C. Bischoff. Berlin, 1880. 8º. Ac. 3904. Rohrbach, A. Treichel. Jhrg. 13-15, redigirt von Deutsche Entomologische Gesellschaft. Dr. P. Ascherson, A. Treichel, Dr. R. Sadebeck. Jhrg. 16, redigirt ... von ... Dr. L. Kny, A. Treichel, Dr. R. See infra: Entomologischer Verein, Sade beck. Jhrg. 17, redigirt...von...Dr. P. Ascher- son, Dr. L. Wittmack, A. Treichel. Jhrg. 18, redigirt Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. ... von ... Dr. P. Ascherson, Dr. E. Loew, A. Treichel. Zeitschrift, etc. [With plates.] Berlin, 1849, etc. 8°. Jhrg. 19, etc., redigirt ... von ... Dr. P. Ascherson In progress. Ac. 3137. und Dr. E. Koehne.) Berlin, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 3297. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hydrologie. In progre.s. See infra : GERMANY. Centralverein für Handelsgeographie und Förderung Deutsche Gesellschaft zu Berlin. deutscher Interessen im Auslande. Für Deutsche Sprache, Litteratur und Cultur-Geschichte. Die Deutschen Kolonien der Provinz Rio Grande do Sul, Eine Schrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Süd-Brasilien. pp. 17. Berlin, 1881. 4º. Herausgegeben von M. J. F. A. Kinderling, J. P. Willen- 10480. g. 3. bücher, M. E. J. Koch. Berlin, 1794. 8º. 816. g. 29. Geographische Nachrichten für Welthandel und Volks- Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. wirthschaft. Herausgegeben vom Central-Verein für See SHAKSPERE (w.) Handelsgeographie ... unter der ... Redaction von Dr. [Dramatic Works.] Shakespeare's 0. Kersten. Berlin, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 2538. dramatische Werke... herausgegeben durch die Deutsche In progress. Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. 1867, etc. 8º. 2300. c. Entomologischer Verein. Collegium für Lebens-Versicherungs-Wissenschaft. Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Mit Kupfertafeln. Journal. Bd. I., II., No. 1-1. Berlin, 1870-71. 8º. Redacteur Dr. G. Kraatz. (Inhalts-Verzeichniss ... No more published. Ac. 2537. 1863-1868 (1869–74). Zusammengestellt von M. Wahn- schaffe.) Jahrg. 1-18. Berlin, 1857–74. 8º. Ac. 3625. Collegium Medico-Chirurgicum. [Continued as :) Verzeichnis der Lectionen, wie selbige bey dem ... Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, etc. Jahrg. 19, Collegio Medico-Chirurgico im 1746, und 1747... gebalten etc. (Inhalts-Verzeichniss der Berliner entomologischen werden. Berlin, (1747.] fol. 777. 1. 1. (67.) Zeitschrift...1875–1880, und chronologisches Verzeich- niss der Arbeiten der einzelnen Autoren in Jahrgang 1-24, 1857-1880. Zusammengestellt von F. Blücher.) Collegium Medicum. Berlin, 1875-80. 8º. Dispensatorium Brandenburgicum, seu noria, juxta [Continued as : 1 quam in Provinciis Marchionatus Brandenburgici, medi Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift ... Redacteur: Dr. camenta officinis ... præparanda sunt, ... evulgatum a H. Dewitz. Bd. 25, etc. Berlin, 1881, etc. 8º. ... Collegio Medico. (Taxa seu pretium omnium offi- In progress. cinis Marchiæ usualium medicamentorum, jussu Sereni- tatis suæ Electoralis Brandenburgicæ statutum.) 2 pt. Vereinsangelegenheiten. (Berlin, 1880, etc.] 8º. Berolini, 1698. fol. 547. m. 7. (1, 2.) In progress. Ac. 3625/2. Pt. 2 has a separate titlepage and pagination. HEYDEN (LUCAS VON) Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien mit Einschluss derjenigen der Tyranischen Dispensatorium regium et electorale Borusso-Branden Länder, Turkestans und der chin sischen Grenzgebiete. burgicum ... Collegii Medici Regii cura et opera iterato etc. pp. xxiv. 224. Berlin, 1880, 1881. 80. editum, revisum, emendatum et auctum. MS. NOTES. Ac. 3625/3. Berolini, 1713. fol. 777. i. 23. (1.) SEIDLITZ (GEORG) Die Otiorhynchiden s. str. nach den morpbologischen Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen ihres [Another edition.] Locupletatum ab E. Fagino. Hautscelets vergleichend dargestellt. Erfordiæ, 1734. ful. 547. m. 9. Berlin, Dresden (printed], 1868. 8º. 7296. bb. 53 ACADEMIES. (BERLIN.] 54 TY BERLIN (CONTINUED). BERLIN [CONTINUED). Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. Fürsten-und Ritter-Academie. See ASCHERSON (F.) Urkunden zur Geschichte der Notification derer bey der ... Fürsten- und Ritter- Jubelfeier der Königlichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univer Academie das erste halbe Jahr durch zuhaltender Lec- sität, etc. 1863. 8°. 8355. dd. tionen in denen Studiis und Exercitien, etc. Cölln an der Spree, (1705.] s. sh. fol. 1387. f. (8.) Aktenstücke in der Angelegenheit des Privatdocenten Dr. Dühring, veröffentlicht durch die Philosophische Geodätisches Institut. Fakultät der ... Universität, etc. Berlin, 1877. 8º. Astronomisch-geodätische Arbeiten in den Jahren 1873, 8304. e. 5. (9.) etc. [Edited by T. Albrecht.] Berlin, 1875, etc. 4º. Amtliches Verzeichniss des Personals und der Studir- In progress. "Ac. 4301/14. enden anf der ... Universität zu Berlin. Auf das Winterhalbejahr von Michaelis 1844 bis Ostern 1845. Das hessische Dreiecksnetz. Mit 1 Dreieckskarte und (Auf das Winterbalbejahr von Michaelis 1848 bis Ostern 5 Situationsplänen. pp. vi. 230. Berlin, 1882. 4º. 1849.) Berlin, 1844-48. 8º. 8355. cc. Ac. 4301/9. Friderico Guilelmo Regiæ domus principi ... et Vic. Maassvergleichungen. 2 Hft. Berlin, 1872–76. 4º. toriæ conjugi ... hasce litteras ... in nuptiarum gratu- latione obtulit Universitas litteraria Berolinensis. Das Präcisions-Nivellement, ausgeführt von dem geo- (Berlin, 1858.] fol. 10703. i. dätischen Institute. Berlin, 1876, etc. 4º. In progress. Ac. 4301/10. Gesetze für die Studirenden auf der Königlich Preuss- ischen Universität. See PRUSSIA.—FREDERICK WILLIAM Das rheinische Dreiecksnetz. 3 Hft. III., King. Gesetze, etc. 1827. 4º. 8355. dd. Berlin, 1876–1882. 4º. Ac. 4301/8. Index Lectionum quæ ... per Semestre Æstivum 1819 a Bruns (HEINRICH) Die Figur der Erde. Ein Beitrag die 13 Aprilis instituentur. Berolini, [1819.] 4º. zur europäischen Gradmessung. pp. 49. B. 477. (20.) Berlin, 1878. 4º. Ac. 4301/12 Index Lectionum quæ ... in Universitate Litteraria Berolinensi ... instituentur per semestre hibernum FISCHER (A.) Professor, of Berlin. Der Einfluss der 1820-1821 (1832–1833, 1842-1843, 1845, 1847-1848, Lateralrefraktion auf das Messen von Horizontwinkeln. 1851-1857, 1860–61). 14 pt. Berolini, (1820–50.] 4º. pp. 73. Berlin, 1882. 4º. Ac. 4301/16. 8355. f. LOEW (MORITZ) Astronomisch-geodätische Ortsbestim- Instruction über die Erhebung der gestundeten Honorare. mungen im Harz, ... im Jahre 1881 ... ausgeführt von [Berlin, 1850.] 4º. 8356. f. ... M. Löw. pp. 32. Berlin, 1882. 4°. Ac. 4301/15. Oratio Nataliciis Friderici Guilelmi III., Regis Borus- sorum celebrandis Auctoritate Universitatis litterariæ PETERS (C. A. F.) Bestimmung des Längenunterschiedes Fridericæ Guilelmæ III. Aug. 1836 habita [by A. zwischen den Sternwarten von Göttingen und Altona. Boeckh). Addita est renuntiativ præmiorum, etc. F. P. pp. 101. Kiel, 1880. 4º. Ac. 4301/11. Berolini, [1836.] 40. 10703. h. SADEBECK (MORITZ) Register der Protokolle ... und Oratio Nataliciis Friderici Guilelmi III. Regis Borus Generalberichte für die europäische Gradmessung vom sorum celebrandis Auctoritate universitatis litterariæ Jahre 1861 bis zum Jahre 1850. pp. iv. 81. Fridericæ Guilelma D. 11. M. Aug. A. 1837 habita [by Berlin, 1883. 4º. Ac. 4301/2. A. Boeckh]. Addita est renuntiatio præmiorum, etc. F. P. Berolini, [1837.] 4º. 10703. g. SEIBT (WILHELM) Absolute Höhen der Festpunkte des Gradmessungs-Nivellements zwischen Berlin und Dene- Oratio Nataliciis Friderici Guilelmi III. ... celebrandis kamp. Auszug aus der Publication des Königl. Preuss. auctoritate Universitatis litterariæ Friderica Guilelmæ Geudätischen Instituts : “ Gradmessungs-Nivellement D. 11. M. Aug. A. 1839 habita [by A. Boeckh). Addita zwischen Swinemünde und Amsterdam." Zusammen- est renuntiatio præmiorum, etc. F. P. gestellt ron W. Siebt ... Mit einer Uebersichtskarte. Berolini, [1839.] 4º. 10703. g. pp. 24. Berlin, 1883. 8º. Ac. 4301/16. Reglement über die Meldung der Studirenden zu den SEIBT (WILHELM) Absolute Höhen der Festpunkte des Vorlesungen und die Bezahlung des Honorars auf der Gradmessungs-Nivellements zwischen Swinemünde und Königlichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin. Konstanz ... für den praktischen Gebrauch zusammen- [Berlin, 1831.] 4º. 8356. f. gestellt von W. Sieht ... mit einer Uebersichtskarte. pp. 52. Berlin, 1882. 8º. Ac. 4301, 17. Statuten. See Prussia.-FREDERICK WILLIAM III., King. Begin. [Fol. A. 2:] Wir Friedrich Wilhelm, etc. SEIBT (WILHELM) Gradmessungs-Nivellement zwischen [1816.] 4º. 8355. dd. Swinemünde und Amsterdam ... Bearbeitet von W. S. Mit zwei Tafeln und einer Übersichtskarie. pp. vi. 47. Statuten des Vereins zur Pflege kranker Studirenden Berlin, 1883. 4º. AC. 4301/16. auf der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, etc. 8355. dd. (2.) [Berlin, 1816?] 4º. SEIBT (WILHELM Gradmessungs-Nivellement zwischen Swineinünde und Konstanz ... Mit zwei Tafeln und Verzeichniss der Vorlesungen, welche von der Univer- einer Ubersichtskarte. pp. vii. 109. Berlin, 1882. 4º. sität zu Berlin ... gehalten werden. Ac. 43015. Berlin, [1820, etc.] 4º. 8355. f. SEIBT (WILHELM) Das Mittelwasser der Ostsee bei In progress. Imperfect; wanting the issues for the Winter Swinemünde ... Mit 8 Tafeln. pp. 93. halbenjahre of 1823 and 1825; those for the Sommerhalben Berlin, 1881. 4º. Ac. 4301/7. jahre of 1830, and 1833 to that of 1842 inclusive; those for the Winterhalbenjahre of 1845 to the Sommerhalbenjahre of 1847 SEIBT (WILHELM Präcisions-Nivellement der Elve, ... inclusive ; from the Winterhalbenjahr of 1848 to that of 1850 ausgeführt von W. Seibt ... Mit zwei Figurentafe-In inclusive; that for the Winterhalbenjahr of 1857, and from und einer Uebersichtskarte. 2 pt. the Winterhalbenjahr of 1859 to that of 1860 inclusive. Berlin, 1878-1881. 4º. Ac. 4301,6. 55 ACADEMIES. (BERLIN.] 56 etc. BERLIN [CONTINUED). BERLIN [CONTINUED). Geodätisches Institut. Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. WESTPHAL (ALFRED) Die Ausdehnungscoefficienten der Publikation ælterer praktischer und theoretischer Musik- Küstenvermessung. pp. 13. Berlin, 1881. 4º. Werke. vorzugsweise des xv und xvi Jahrhunderts, etc. Ac. 4301/4. Berlin, 1873, etc. 4° & 8º. Ac. 5144/2. WESTPHAL (ALFREI) Winkel- und Seitengleichungen, In progress. von ... A. Westphal. Ueber die Beziehung der bei der Stations-Ausgleichung gewählten Nullrichtung, von W. Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde. Werner. pp. 18. 28. Berlin, 1880. 4º. Ac. 4301/3. See FERBER (J. J.) Herrn J.J. Ferbers ... Untersuchung der Hypothese von der Verwandlung der mineralischen Geographische Gesellschaft. Körper in einander ... niit Anmerkungen vermehrt und See infra : Gesellschaft für Erdkunde. herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde, etc. 1788. 8º. B. 411. (3.) Gesellschaft der Aletophilorum. Beschäftigungen. 4 Bde. Berlin, 1775–79. 8º. Nachricht von der zu Berlin auf die Gesellschaft der 964. h. 1-4. Aletophilorum oder Liebhaber der Wahrheit geschlagenen Müntze. [Berlin,] 1740. 8º. 614. d. 24. (2.) Schriften. Bd. 1-6. Berlin, 1780–85. 8º. 438. i. 19-24. Gesellschaft der Liebhaber der Wahrheit. Bd. 7-11; Beobachtungen und Entdeckungen aus See supra: Gesellschaft der Aletophilorum. der Naturkunde. Berlin, 1787-93. 8º. 438. i. 25-29. Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Ur- Zweifaches Universalregister über die bisherigen Schrif- geschichte, ten der Gesellschaft ... nemlich: der vier Bände der Beschäftigungen, und der eilf Bände der Schriften. See supra : Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Berlin, 1794. 8°. 438. i. 29. (2.) Der Gesellschaft ... Neue Schriften. 4 Bde. Gesellschaft für deutsche Philologie. Berlin, 1795-1803. 4º. 449. h. 12-15. Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete Der Gesellschaft ... Magazin für die neuesten Ent- der germanischen Philologie. [Edited by E. Henrici, deckungen in der gesammten Naturkunde. 8 vol. K. Kinzel, H. Löschhorn.] Berlin, 1880, etc. 8º. Berlin, (1807)-18. 4º. B.B.T. In progress. 449. h. 16–23. Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Gesellschaft für Erdkunde. naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. Erstes Quartal 1836 Monatsberichte über die Verhandlungen der Gesell- (-Drittes Jahr 1838). Pt. 1-3. Berlin, 1837-39. 80. schaft. Redigirt von J. Lehmann und W. Mahlmann. No more published. Ac. 2925. Jahrg. 1-4. Berlin, 1840–43. 8º. Ac. 6075. Siezungsberichte ... aus den Jahren 1860 bis 1862 — Neue Folge. (Bd. 1-5 edited by W. Mahlmann: (1863, etc.). Berlin, 1862, etc. 4° & 8º. Ac. 2925/7. Bd. 6-10 by T. E. Gumprecht.] 10 Bde. . In progress. Only the years 1862–69 are in 4º. Berlin, 1844-53. 8º. Ac. 6075. Festschrift zur Feier des hundertjährigen Bestehens der No more published. Gesellschaft, etc. Berlin, 1873. 4º. Ac. 2925/6. Uebersicht der Aufsätze ... und Karten, welche in Vollständiges Systematisches Verzeichniss aller Ge- den Monatsberichten über die Verhandlungen der Ge- wächse Teutschlandes, zur Beförderung ihrer physica- sellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin ... (1840–1853) 80 lischen und ökonomischen Gescbichte von einem wie in der Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde (1853– Mitgliede der Gesellschaft [G. A. Honckeny), etc. 1863) enthalten sind. Berlin, 1863. 8º. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1782. 8º. 451. b. 36. 11902. bb. Verhandlungen. (Berlin, 1873, etc.] 8º. FICHTEL (J. E. VON) Geschichte des Steinsalzes und der Steinsalzgruben im Grossfürstenthum Siebenbürgen. In progress. Ac. 6075/3 & 994. Nürnberg, 1780. 4°. 725. h. 30. Zeitschrift... Als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift für allge- FICHTEL (JOHANN EHRENREICH VON) Nachricht von den meine Erdkunde im Auftrage der Gesellschaft heraus- Versteinerungen des Grossfürstenthums Siebenbürgen, gegeben von Prof. Dr. W. Koner. Berlin, 1866, etc. 8º. etc. 2 Thle. Nurnberg, 1780. 4º. 445. d. 8. In progress. Ac. 6075/2. [Another copy.] 457. a. 17. Zur Erinnerung an die Feier des fünfundzwanzig- jährigen Stiftungsfestes der Geographischen Gesellschait Gesellschaft zur Beförderung des Flachs- und Hanf- in Berlin, etc. (Auf Veranlassung des Vorstandes C. Ritter baues in Preussen. als Manuscript gedruckt.) Berlin, 1853. 8º. 10005. C. Mittheilunyen. 6 pt. Berlin, 1851-56. 8º. P.P. 2352. e. Zur Erinnerung an die Feier des dreissigjährigen Stift-Hi it. Historische Gesellschaft. ungsfestes der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde in Berlin am 18 April 1858. Berlin, 1858. 8º. 10004. f. Mittheilungen aus der historischen Litteratur, heraus- gegeben von der historischen Gesellschaft in Berlin, und Gesellschaft für Geburtshülfe. in deren Auftrage redigirt [Jahrg. 1-5] von Prof. Dr. R. Foss. (Jahry. 6, etc. von Dr. F. Hirsch.) Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 1-8. Berlin, 1846-55. 8º. Berlin, 1873, etc. 8°. A.c. 7326. Ac. 3777. In progress. Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. Monatshefte für Musik-Geschichte.... Redigirt von R. Königliche Akademie der Künste. Eitner. (Register zu den ersten zehn Jahrgängen, etc.) See DORN (H.) Das provisorische Statut der Kgl. Aka- Berlin (1869, etc.). 8º. Ac. 5144. demie der Künste in Berlin beurtheilt. 1875. go. In progress. 7807. f. 5. (6.) 57 58 ACADEMIES. [BERLIN.] BERLIN (CONTINUED). BERLIN (CONTINUED). Königliche Akademie der Künste. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein von Neu-Vorpom- Jahresbericht der Königlichen Akademie der Künste, mern und Rügen. abgestattet ... von Dr E. H. Toelken, etc. See infra: GREIFSWALD. Berlin, 1846. 4º. Ac. 4587. The half-title reads : “ Jahrbücher der Königlichen Aka- Numismatische Gesellschaft. demie der Künste zu Berlin." Mittheilungen. 2 Hft. Berlin, 1846-50. 8º. TOELKEN (E. H.). Uber den protestantischen Geist aller Ac. 5833. wahrhaften Kunst und deren neuere Entwickelung in Philologischer Verein. Deutschland, ein Vortrag ... nebst der Berichterstat- tung über die diesjährige akademische Preisbewerbung Jahresberichte, etc. 1873, etc. In progress. in der Architektur. Berlin, 1839. 4°. Zeitschrift für See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Berlin. 1401. k. The half-title reads : “ Jahrbücher der Königlichen Aka- das Gymnasialwesen, etc. Neue Folge, Jahrg. 8, etc. demie der Künste zu Berlin.” 1847, etc. 8º. P.P. 1211. Verzeichniss der Werke lebender Künstler auf der ... Philosophische Gesellschaft. Ausstellung der Königlicher Akademie, etc. Verhandlungen, etc. Leipzig, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 2737. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.--Berlin. In progress. Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. See infra : Societas Regia Scientiarum. Königliche Geologische Landesanstalt und Berg- akademie. Katalog der Bibliothek der Königlichen Geologischen Landesanstalt, etc. Berlin, 1876. 8º. B.B.G. Physikalische Gesellschaft. Die Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre 1845, etc. redigirt von G. Karsten. (W. Beetz, A. Krönig, O. Hagen, E. Jochmann, H. Kiessling, A. Kundt, G. Quincke, B. Schwabbe, Dr Wangerin.) Berlin, 1846, etc. 8º. In progress. Königliches Geodätisches Institut. See supra: Geodätisches Institut. Namen- und Sach-Register zu den Fortschritten der Physik. Band 1. bis xx. Bearbeitet von W. Barentin. Berlin, 1872. 8º. Ac. 3775. Societas Regia Scientiarum, afterwards Academia Regia Scientiarum. Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum, ex scriptis Societati Regiæ Scientiarum exbibitis edita. 7 tom. Berolini, 1710-43. 4°. 437. e. 10-13 "Another copy.] Berolini, 1749, 45-42:0,wana Königliche Sternwarte. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Königlichen Sterowarte zu Berlin. Herausgegeben von J. F. Encke. Berlin, 1840, etc. fol. 8564. i. In progress. Sammlung von Hülfstafeln der Berliner Sternwarte. Herausgegeben ... von W. Foerster. Berlin, 1869. 4º. 8564. i. FOERSTER (w.) Director der Berliner Sternwarte. Bericht der königlichen Sternwarte zu Berlin für das Jahr 1866, etc. Berlin, 1867. 8º. 8561. g. oll, 1749, 23-43. 40. Königlich Preussisches Geodätisches Institut. See supra : Geodätisches Institut. Preussisches Landes-Oekonomie-Collegium. Ueber die Anlage und Bewirthschaftung von Eichen- schälwaldungen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der mittleren Provinzen des Preussischen Staats. Nach Mittheilungen des Königl. Oberförster's Bando...und des Königl. Forstmeisters von Hagen ... herausgegeben vom Königl. Preuss. Landes-Oekonomie-Collegium. Berlin, 1854. 8º. 7075. d. Tom. 1 of this copy is of a later edition and dated 1749. J. Elsner Schediasma criticum quo auctores aliaque an- tiquitatis monumenta, inscriptiones item et numismata, emendantur, vindicantur et exponuntur. Ad continua- tionem tomi vir Miscellaneorum, etc. Berolini, 1744. 4º. 437. e. 13*. [Another copy.] 126. k. 18. (2.) Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et des Belles- lettres de Berlin, année 1745-(1769); avec les Mémoires ... tirez des registres de cette Académie. 25 tom. Berlin, 1746–71. 4º. 437. h. 1-k. 5. [Another copy.] T.C. 10. b. 2-25. Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Académie ... année 1770- (1786); avec l'histoire. 17 tom. Berlin, 1772-88. 4º. T. C. 11.' b. 1-17. [Another copy of Tom. 1-16.] 437. i. 1. Mémoires ... depuis l'avènement de Frederic Guil- laume II. au throne, Août 1786, jusqu'à (1804); avec l'histoire pour le même temps. 13 tom. Berlin, 1792-1807. 4º. T.C. 11. b. 19-23. & T.C. 12. b. 1-6. The second vol. is imperfect; wanting pp. 545–586. [Another copy of tom. 1-12.] Berlin, 1792-1807. 40. 437. i. 17-23. & 437. k. 1-5. Sammlung der Deutschen Abhandlungen, welche in der königlichen Akademie ... vorgelesen worden; in den Jahren 1788-(1803). 6 vol. Berlin, 1793-1806. 4°. T.C. 12. b. 13, 14. [Another copy.] 437. k. 6. Imperfect; wanting the vol. for 1790, 91. Meteorologisches Institut. Uebersicht der bei dem Meteorologischen Institute zu Berlin gesammelten Ergebnisse der Wetterbeobach- tungen auf den Stationen des Preussischen Staats und benachbartes für den Zweck verbundener Staaten für die einzelnen Monate des Jahres 1855. Berlin, [1856.] 4º. 8756. d. [Continued under the title of] Uebersicht der Witterung im nördlichen Deutschland ... 1856, etc. Berlin, (1857, etc.] 4º. 8756. d. In progress. Militärische Gesellschaft. Denkwürdigkeiten der militärischen Gesellschaft in Berlin. [Edited by F. W. von Aderkas.] Bd. 1-4. Bd. 5, Stück 1. Berlin, 1802-05. 8º. Ac. 4342. No more published. 59 ACADEMIES. [BERLIN.] 60 BERLIN (CONTINUED). BERLIN [CONTINUED). Societas Regia Scientiarum, afterwards Academia Societas Regia Scientiarum, afterwards Academia Regia Scientiarum. Regia Scientiarum. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie ... aus den Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum consilio et auctoritate Jahren 1804, etc. Nebst der Geschichte der Akademie Academiae ... editum ... Adjectae sunt tabulae lithu- in diesem Zeitraum. (Erster, zweiter Supplement-Band, graphae. Berolini, 1863, etc. 4º. 1701. d. 1854.) Berlin, 1815, etc. 4° & fol. Ac. 855/6. In progress. The Abhandlungen aus 1832 consist of Tabulae. Berolini, 1862, etc. fol. 4 Thle. the last three containing W. von Humboldt's work, In progress. " Über die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java.” See DESJARDINS (E.) Desiderata du Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum de l'Académie de Berlin, etc. [Another copy of vol. 1-4; 1804–1817.] 437. k. 9–12. 1873, etc. 4°. 1701. d. [Another copy of vol. 1-6; 1804–1821.] Ephemeris Epigraphica : Corporis Inscriptiunum Lati- T.C. 12. b. 17. narum supplementum. Edita jussu Instituti Archaeo- logici Romani (cura G. Henzeni, J. B. Rossii, T. Momm- Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen der Königlich Proussis- seni, G. Wilmannsii). chen Akademie der Wissenschaften von 1710–1870 in Romae, Berolini (printed), 1872, etc. 8º. 1702. b. alphabetischer Folge der Verfasser. In progress. Berlin, 1871. 8º. 2048. b. Deux discours sur la question proposée par l'Académie... Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen der König). Academie pour l'année 1767. (Si l'on peut détruire les penchants der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus den Jahren 1822 bis de la nature, ou en faire naître qu'elle n'ait pas produits; 1846 nach den Klassen zusammengestellt. et quels sont les moyens de fortifier les penchants, lors- Berlin, 1848. 8º. Ac. 855/3. qu'ils sont bons, ou de les affoiblir, lorsqu'ils sont mauvais, -upposé qu'on ne puisse pas les détruire en- Inhaltsverzeichniss der Abhandlungen der König). tièrement?) [Berlin, 1768.] 4º. T.C. 12. a. 24. (2.) Akademie der Wissenschaften aus den Jahren 1822 bis 1872. Nach den Klassen geordnet. Berlin, 1873. 8º. Discours adressé à l'Académie Royale des sciences avec un livre [by the Marquis M. H. de Saint-Simon] inti- Ac. 855/4. tulé “ Des Jacintes.” [Berlin, 1768.] 4º. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Ver- 1254. k. (1.) handlungen der ... Königl. Preuss. Akademie, etc. Discours prononcés dans le assemblées publiques ... de 1836-55. Berlin, 1836–55. 8º. l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres (Dis- [Continued as:] cours de M. Lambert. Eloge de M. de lremontval.) Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preuss. Akademie, etc. Berlin, 1765. 4º. 113. b. 22. Berlin, 1856–81, etc. 8º. Discours (sur l'amour propre) prononcé à l'assemblée [Continued as :] ordinaire de l'académie royale des sciences et belles- Sitzungsberichte der ... Akademie, etc. lettres de Prusse lo 2 Janv. 1770. [By Madame Berlin, 1882, etc. 8º. d'Arconville.] Berlin, 1770. 8º. T. 911. (2.) In progress. [Another copy.] 113. a. 61. - Register für die Monatsberichte ... vom Jahro 1836 bis 1858. Berlin, 1860. 8º. Ac. 855. Discours qui ont été lûs dans l'assemblée publique do l'Académie des Sciences do Berlin, tenue le 26 Janvier 1792. On a ajouté le plan du célèbre Leibnitz sur la Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Mitglieder.) culture ... de la langue Allemande. Berlin, 1792. 4º. [Berlin,] 1836. 8º. 8355. b. T. 949. (1.) Dissertationes ad quæstionem de evidentia ab Academia Beiträgo zur deutschen Sprachkunde. Vorgelesen in ... propositam spectantes. Berolini, 1764. 4º. der ... Academie der Wissenschaften. 2 Samul. T.C. 12. a. 23. (3.) Berlin, 1794, 96. 8º. Ac. 855/8. Dissertation qui a remporté le prix proposé par l'Aca- démie ... sur les anciens habitans des Marches, Germ. Brevis enarratio conditæ a ... rege Borussiæ Frederico With a French translation by M. de Boansobre), avec 1. in regia sua Berolinensi, Societatis Scientiarunn. les pièces qui ont concouru. Germ. [Prefixed is the Subjiciuntur diploma fundationis, leges institutionis, report on the competing essays by M. Pelloutier.] orationes sub inaugurationem habitæ, et catalogus mom Berlin, 1753. 4º. T.C. 12. a. 22. (4.) brorum societatis. (Continuatio 1, 2 catalogi, 1711- 14, etc.) Berol[ini, 1712-14]. 4º. Ac. 855/2. Dissertation sur l'ennui, presenté à l'Académie [by Titlepage mutilated. Frederick Jl. King of Prussia.] Berlin, 1768. 8º. T.C. 12. a. 24. (3.) Kurtze Erzehlung, welchergestalt von Sr. Kön. Maj. ... Dissertations sur la théorie des comètes qui ont con- Friedrich dem 1. in ... Berlin die Societæt der Wissen couru au prix proposé, pour l'année 1777. scbafften . . . gestiftet worden ... mit beifügung des Utrecht, 1780. 4º. 532. g. 21. Stiftungs-Briefs, der Einrichtungs-Gesetze ... und des Catalogi Membrorum. Berlin, 1711. 49. Entwurf der neuen Statuten, etc. Berlin, 1835. 89. 731. e. 2. (5.) 8704. cc. Choix des mémoires et abrégé de l'histoire de l'académie IIistoire de l'Académio ... depuis son origine jusqu'à ... [By I. H. S. Formey.] 4 tom. présent. Berlin, 1752. 4°. 437. k. 1. (1.) Berlin, (Paris), 1767. 12o. 273. a. 10-13 [Another copy.] T.C. 10. 6. 1. Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum, consilio et auctoritate Jugement de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles- Academiae Litterarum Regiae Borussicae cditum. lettres do Prusse, sur uno lettre prétendue de M. do Berolini, 1873, etc. 4°. 1704. b. Leibnitz. I'r. and Lat. Berlin, 1752. 89. In progrc88. 1103. b. 20. (1.) 67 62 ACADEMIES. [BERLIN.] 1 BERLIN (CONTINUED). BERLIN (CONTINUED). Societas Regia Scientiarum, afterwards Academia Societas Regia Scientiarum, afterwards Academia Regia Scientiarum. Regia Scientiarum. Lettres (de M. Enler, M. de Maupertuis, M. Merian) con BELTZ (URBAN NATHANAEL) Dissertation sur le son et sur cernant le jugement de l'Académie (à l'occasion de la | l'ouie, qui a remporté le prix proposé ... pour l'année lettre attribuée à Leibnitz.) Lat. and Fr. L. P. 1762. Germ. Berlin, 1764. 4º. Berlin, 1752. 89. 8356. bb. T.C. 12. a. 23. (2.) [Another edition.] Paris, 1753. 8º. Ac. 855/5. Cochius (LEONIIARD) Dissertation sur les penchans, qui a remporté le prix proposé pour l'année 1768. Germ. Mémoires de l'Acadéinie Royaio de Prusse (selected from Avec les pièces qui ont concouru : (Versuch, etc. von the “ Histoire, etc.” Années 1745-607 concernant l'ana ITerrn Garve.-Untersuchung, etc, von Meiners.--Préris towie; la physiologie ; la physique; l'histoire naturello; du discours qui a remporté le prix, par M. Bégnelin.) la botanique; la inineralogie, etc.; avec un choix do Berlin, 1769. 4º. T.C. 12. a. 24. (4–7.) ménioires de chimie et de philosophie speculative des discours préliminaires et des appendix. Par M. Paul. 2 tom. Avignon, 1768. 4º. 732. f. 9. DREYER (FRIEDRICII WILHELM) Zwoy Preisschriften by F. W. Dreyer and C. A. Hubert] über die ... aufge- [Another copy, with a continuation to 1769.] gebene Frage: Von der Anwendbarkeit dem Nutzer See BerryAT (J.) Recueil de Mémoires, etc. Partie oder der Schädlichkeit der Koppelwirthschaft, in der étrangère. tom. 8, 9, 12. 1755, etc. 4º. T.C. 3. a. 9. Mark Brandenburg, nebst einigen Schriften, welche das Accessit erhalten haben, und Bemerkungen des Etats- [Another edition, 1745-60.] 7 tom. Paris, 1770. 12º. ministers Grafen von Hertzberg über eben diesen Gegeri- 274. c. 27–33. stand, mit Beantwortung der Anmerkungen welche iler H. G. R. v. Wolff dagegen drucken lassen. 3 pt. The ordinances, statutes, and privileges of the Royal Academiy, erected by ... the King of Prussia, in ... Berlin, 1793. 80. 964. e. 14. Berlin. Translated from the origival [by J. Toland). London, 1705. 8º. 731. e. 2. (3.) DURADE (GEORG J.) Dissertations qui ont remporté les prix adjugés par l'Académie ... en 1766, sur la nutrition [Another copy.] See TOLAND (J.) An account of the (par M. Durade), et sur le vis d'Archimède (par J. F. courts of Prussia and Hanover. 1706. 8º. 171. i. 19. Hennert. Avec une pièce qui a concouru). Repertorium novi corporis constitutionum Prussico-Bran- Berlin, 1767. 4º. T.C. 12. a. 24. (1.) denburgensium præcipue Marchicarum, I. chronologicum II reale, oder deppettes Register über die neue sammlung FRISI (PAOLO) Dissertation sur le mouvement diurne do der Königlich Preussischen und Churfürstlich Branden la terre, qui a remporté le prix proposé ... pour l'année burgischen ... Orduungen, Edicte, Mandate, Rescripte 1754. Lat. (De effluxu aquarum ex vasis aperturam in u, s. w. welche in 50 Jahı güngen von 1751 bis 1800 latere habentibus, disquisitio mathematica. Auctore mit allergnädigster konigl. Bewilligung, durch Höchst J. Adami.) Berlin, 1756. 4°. T.C. 12. a. 22. (5.) Dero Acadeiuie der Wi-senschaften zum Druck befördert worden. Berlin, 1803. ful. 1235. l. JUSTI (JOHANN HEINRICII GOTTLOB Von) Dissertation qui Sammlung der Preiss- und einiger anderen Schrifften a remporté le prix proposé par l'Académie ... sur le über die, von der Academie vorgelegte Frage, Wie weit système des Monades (Von J.H. G. Justi). Germ. and Fr. die alten Römer in Deutschland eingedrungen? Vorkher avec les pièces qui ont concouru ; (viz.] (Methodus trac- gehet eine nülero Beurtheilung und Auflösung der tandi Infinita in Metaphysicis investigata à G. Ploucquet. selben Frage. Berlin, 1750, 51. 4º. 197. c. 13. De Elementis sive corporum principiis commentatis, ptr. The first dissertation has a French translation, with a Systema Mundi ... deductum ex principiis Monadicis. separate titlepage, and the date 1751. Primaria Monadologia Capita; accessionibus quibusdam confirmata, et ab objectionibus fortioribus vindicata. Sprachproben der Akademischen Buchdruckerei. 1847. Essai sur la question touchant les Monades de ... Leibnit... Vater Unser. [Specimens of the Lord's Prayer in fifteen Les Monades, Dissertation. G. W. Wegner's Wider- languages and characters.] Berlin, [1847.] ful. legung der Leibnitzischen Monadologie, und der ein- 1260. g. (10.) fachen Dinge.) Berlin, 1748. 49. T.C. 12. a. 21. Verzeichniss der Bibliothek der Königlichen Akademic der Wissenschaften in Berlin. Berlin, 1874. 80. KAESTNER (ABRAHAM GOTTLIELF) Pièce qui a remporté le 11903. C. prix sur le sujet des événemens fortuits, proposé ... Verzeichnis und kurze Beschreibung dor, weistontheils pour l'année 1751. Lat. and Ir.) Avec les pièces qui ausländischen, Bäume und Sträucher, die in dem Bota ont concouru. Lat., Germ. and F. Berlin, (1751.] 49. nischen Garten der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften T.C. 12. a. 22. (3.) in Berlin gezogen ... werden. Berlin, 1773. 8°. B. 181. (1.) MENDELSSOHN (MOSES) Dissertation qui a remporté le ADAMI (JACOBUS) Dissertation sur la résistance des prix proposé par l'Académie...sur la nature, les espèces fluides qui a remporté le prix proposé par l'Académie ... et les degrés do l'evidence; Germ. Avec les pièces qui pour l'annéc 1850. Lat. Berlin, 1752. 4º. ont concouru. Germ. Précis du discours qui a remporté L.C. 12. a. 22. (2.) le prix ... par M. Morian.) Berlin, 1764. 4º. T.C. 12. a. 23. (5. 6.) ALEMBERT (JEAN LE ROND D') Reflexions sur la cause générale des vents; pièce qui a remporté le prix pro- posé par l'Acadéinio ... pour l'an 1746. Par M. MEYEY (JOHANN JACOB) Dissertation sur les moyens D'Alembert ... à laquelle on a joint les pièces qui ont d'allier la physique et les mathématiques à l'oeconomio concouru. Lat. (Rocherches physiques et matématiques rurale, qui a remporté le prix pour l'année 1769. Gern. sur la théorie des vonts réglés.--Versuch einer Bestim - Anmerkungen des Herrn J. J. Meyen zu desselben mung der Gesetze der Winde wenn die Erde überall niit Abhandlung von der Verbindung der Oekonumie mit der einen tiefen Meere bedeckt wiro). Berlin, 1747. 4º. Mathematik, etc.) Berlin, 1770. 4º. T.C. 12. a. 20. (5-7.) | T.C. 12. a. 24. (8, 9.) TO I 63 64 ACADEMIES. [BERLIN.] BERLIN (CONTINUED). BERLIN (CONTINUED). Societas Regia Scientiarum, afterwards Academia Verein für Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. Regia Scientiarum. Märkische Forschungen. Berlin, 1841, etc. 8º. OLAFSEN (C. F. R.) Verzeichniss der von Bradley, Piazzi, In progress. Ac. 7325. Lalande und Bessel beobachteten Sterne ... berechnet und auf 1800 reducirt von ... C. F. R. Olufsen, (J. J. Verein für Heilkunde in Preussen. Morstadt, S. Fellöcker, Wolfers, Göber, Boguslawski, Steinheil, C. Bremiker, T. J. Hussey, Inghirami, Capocci, Medicinische Zeitung herausgegeben von dem Verein Hencke, F. Argelander, Harding)... Akademische für Heilkunde in Preussen. Jahrg. 1-26. Sternkarten, etc. Zone 0-23. 24 Blätter. Berlin, 1832-57. 4º. Berlin, 1830-58. 4º. 8567. k. Neue Folge. Redacteur Dr. E. Müller. Jahrg. Theil des Himmels, etc. Stunde 0–23. fol. 1-7. Berlin, 1858-64. 4º. AC. 3776. 14001. i. No more published. PIETSCH (JOHANN GOTTFRIED) Dissertation sur la généra- Verein für religiöse Kunst in der Evangelischen tion du nitre, qui a remporté le prix de l'Académie en 1749. (Pensées sur la multiplication du nitre, envoyées Kirche. par le docteur Pietsch, pourêtre jointes à sa disser- Kirchengeräthe. Hälfte 1. Berlin, 1860. fol. tation.) Berlin, 1750. 4°. No more published. 1811. d. 1. T.C. 12. a. 22. (1.) ROEHL (HERMANNUS) Inscriptiones Graecae antiquissimae / Verein “Herold.” praeter Atticas in Attica repertas ... edidit H. Roehl. Viertelsjahrsschrift für Heraldik, Sphragistik und Genea- pp. iv. 193. Berolini, 1882. fol. 7705. i. 9. logie. Redigirt von G. A. Seyler. 1874. Heft 1. (Von L. A. Clericus. 1874. Heft 2.-1879. Von [Another copy.] 1703. b. 2. A. M. Hildebrandt. 1880, etc.) Berlin, Würzburg (printed), 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 5933. WAITZ (J. H.) Abhandlung von der Electricität und In progress. deren Ursachen, welche ... den Preiss erhalten hat, aufgesetzt von J. H. Waitz. (Zweyte Abhandlung von Verein "Hütte." der Natur der Electricität. Dritte Abhandlung von den Eigenschaften, Wirkungen und Ursachen der Electricität. Sachregister technischer Journale zum Gebrauche für - Dissertation sur la cause de l'électricité des corps et Ingenieure, Architecten, Chemiker . . . Herausgegeben des phénoinènes qui en dépendent). Berlin, 1745. 8º. von dem Verein “Hütte.” Berlin, 1864, etc. 80. T.C. 12. a. 20. (1–4.) Ac. 4434. Epistola ad Amicum de instituta a Rege Prussiæ Acade Taschenbuch für Chemiker und Hüttenleute. ... Mit... mia Scientiarum Brandeburgica. Berolini, 1701. 4º. Holzschnitten. pp. xix. 952. 731. e. 2. (6.) Berlin, Altenburg (printed), 1883. 8º. 8906. de. 10. Societät für Wissenschaftliche Kritik. Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Kritik. [Edited by Verein zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Bartels, Boeckh, Bopp, Dirichlet, Dircksen, Gans, Hegel, Königlich Preussischen Staaten. von Henning, Hirt, Homeyer, Hotho, Fr. Hufeland, H. Verhandlungen des Vereins, etc. 21 Bde. Leo, Link, Marheineke, Pohl, C. Ritter, C. H. Schultz, Berlin, 1823-53. 4°. J. Schulze, von Streckfuss, Toelken, Varnhagen von Ense, Waagen, Wilken and Zuimpt.] Jahrgang 1827-38. Neue Reihe. Berlin, 1853, etc. 8º. Vol. 1-24. Stuttgart und Tübingen, Berlin, 1827–38. 4º. In progress. Ac. 3346 & 427. P.P. 4703. k. Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Verzeichniss von den Büchern, Zeitschriften und Broschuren der Bibliothek des Vereines, etc. Vierte Zeitschrift des Vereins ... Redigirt vom Director ... F. Grashof. B. 1-4. (Von F. Grashof ... R. Weber... Auflage. Berlin, 1852. 4°. Ac. 3346. R. R. Werner...H. Ludewig, Bd. 5-9. Von F. Grashof, R. R. Werner, K. List und H. Ludewig. Bd. 10, 11. Von Verein zur Beförderung des Gewerbfleisses in R. Ziebarth, Bd. 12-23. Von W. Bersch, Bd. 24, 25. Preussen. Von T. Peters, Bd. 26, ctc. Berlin, 1857, etc. 4º. Sitzungsberichte des Vereins ... 1877 (78, etc.) ... In progress. Ac. 4308. Redakteur : Dr. H. Wedding. Berlin, 1877, etc. 4. In progress. Ac. 4435/2. Wochenschrift des Vereines ... Redacteur : R. Ziebarth, Jahrg. 1877-81 (-I. Peters, Jahrg 1882, etc.) Verhandlungen. Jahrgang 1-37. Redakteur: E. L. Berlin, 1877, etc. 4º. Ac. 4308. 2. Schubarth. (Jahrg. 38–43. A. Altgelt. Jahrg. 44- 55. F. Reuleaux. Jahrg. 56. H. Wedding. Jahrg. Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden. 62, etc. A. Slaby.) Von H. Kempert. Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums. (Re Berlin, 1822, etc. 4º. dakteur : Zunz) Bd 1. Berlin, 1823. gº P.P. 6. In progress. No more published. Inhalts-Verzeichniss. Bd. 1-60. 1883. Ac. 4435. Verein für die Geschichte Berlins. Berlinische Chronik. Herausgegeben von dem Verein Universitas Litteraria Berolinensis. ... durch E. Fidicin. Berlin, 1868, etc. fol. See supra : Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität In progress. Verein für Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. Universitas Litteraria Friderica Guilelma. See RIEDEL (A. F.) Codex Diplomaticus Brandenbur- See supra: Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. gensis, etc. (Haupttheil 1. Bd. 10 ... fortgesetzt auf Veranstaltung des Vereines für Geschichte der Mark Universitat. Brandenburg.) 1838, etc. 4º. 9327. e. See supra: Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. 289. ACADEMIES. (BERNE.] 66 BERNE. BERNE (CONTINUED). Akademie. Schweizerische Gesellschaft, afterwards Ekonomische Litterarisches Archiv. Jahrg. 1-2. Gesellschaft. Bern, Winterthur, 1806-08. gº. Ac. 8948. No more published. Mémoires et observations recueillies par la Société. 1762–73. 33 pt. Berne, (1762]–76. 8º... Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft. 47. a. 7-23. See infra : Schweizerische Gesellschaft. Der Schweitzerischen Gesellschaft in Bern Sammlungen von landwirthschaftlichen Dingen. 2 Thle. Bernische Kunstlergesellschaft. Zürich, 1760, 61. 8º. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Kunst und des Kunst- Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen. Jahrg. 3-9. handwerks in Bern im 15, 16 und 17 Jahrhundert. Bern, (1762-69.] 8º. 940. g. 5. (Festschrift zur Eröffnung des Kunstmuseums in Bern, Jahrg. 3, 5-7 are each in 4 Stücke. Jahrg. 4, 8, & 9 1879.) Bern, 1879. 4°. Ac. 4556. each in 2. Geographische Gesellschaft. Kleine Schriften zur Land- und Stadtwirthschaft von der ökonomischen Gesellschaft in Bern, einzeln heraus- Jahresbericht ... 1878, 1879, etc. Bern, 1879, etc. 8°. gegeben. 13 pt. Bern, 1762-89. 8º. Ac. 6045. In progress. 971. a. 5, 6. [Another copy of pt. 1-5.] 234. e. 20. Historischer Verein des Kantons Bern. Abhandlungen, etc. 2 vol. Bern, Zürich, 1848–54. 8º. Essays on the Spirit of Legislation, in the encourage- ment of agriculture, population, manufactures, and [Continued as:] commerce .. Translated from the original French, which gained the premiums offered by the Society of Archiv des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Bern. Berne in Switzerland, for the best compositions on this Bern, 1855, etc. 8º. Ac. 6926. subject. London, 1772. 8º. 231. i. 2. In progress. Neue Sammlung physisch-ökonomischer Schriften heraus- Institut Géographique International. gegeben von der ökonomischen Gesellscbaft in Bern. Bulletins ... 1881, etc. Nouvelle série. 3 Bde. Bern, Zürich, 1779–85. 8º. 234. e. 17–19. Berne, 1881, etc. 8º. 918. [Another copy.] 971. a. 2. In progress. Bd. 1 is imperfect ; wanting titlepage, preface and list of members ; instead of its own titlepage it has that of Bd. 1 of Kunstlergesellschaft. an earlier series, entitled “Schriften," etc., 1760. See supra : Bernische Kunstlergesellschaft. Projet pour l'établissement de quelques sociétés corres- Literarischer Verein. pondantes pour l'avancement de l'agriculture, des arts Album des Litterarischen Vereins in Bern. et du commerce. Berne, 1761. 8º. 971. a. 7. Bern, 1858. 8º. Ac. 8947. Traité des arbres fruitiers, extrait des meilleurs auteurs par la Société Economique de Berne. Festgabe auf den 21 und 22 Juni 1853 in Bern. Traduit do l'Allemand & augmenté par un membre de ladite société. Bern, 1853. 8º. 11526. bb. 2 tom. Yverdon, 1768. 12º. 235. a. 4-5. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Societas literaria Bernensis. Mittheilungen, etc. Bern, 1843, etc. 8º. Ac. 2864. Excerptum totius Italicæ nec non Helvoticæ literaturæ In progress. pro anno 1758(–1762.) [Edited by the Societas literaria Bernensis.] 16 tom. Bernæ, (1758–62.] 8º. I Novellisti litterarij di Berna. Ac. 8946. See infra : Societas literaria Bernensis. [Another copy.] 272. C. 23. Oekonomische Gesellschaft. Estratto della Letteratura Europea per l'anno 1758 See infra : Schweizerische Gesellschaft. (-62.) 20 tom. Berna, (1758–62.] 80. P.P. 4129. e. Saint-Gallisch-Appenzellische Gemeinnützige Gesells- I sociétá Onconomic chaft. See supra: Schweizerische Gesellschaft. See infra : SAINT GALL. Schweizerische Geschichtsforschende Gesellschaft. Universitas Bernensis. Die Regesten der Archive in der Schweizerischen Indicem lectionum in Universitate Litterarum Bernensi Eidgenossenschaft. Auf Anordnung der schweizerischen inde a die xy Octobris mensis 1812 usquo ad diem 31 geschichtsforschenden Gesellschaft herausgegeben von Martii mensis 1843 habendarum proponit Rector et T. v. Mohr. 2 Bde. Chur, 1848-54. 4º. Ac. 6925/4. Senatus. Præmissa sunt C. F. Rheinwaldi conjectanea ad historiam et geographiam antiquam episcopatus Der Schweizerische Geschichtforscher. [Edited by Basileensis. Addita sunt cum mappa geographica I. R. Wyss and E. Stierlin.] Bd. 1–12. excerpta ex Maicarum libro, etc. Bernæ, 1843. +0. Bern, Neuenburg, 1812-40. 8°. Ac. 6925. 10195. e. No more published. Indicem lectionum in Universitate Literarum Bernensi. ... proponit Rector et Senatus. Præmissa est d. Schweizerische Gesellschaft, afterwards Ekonomische Renaldi. : . . Dissertatio de historia juris Tugiensium Gesellschaft. hujusque fontibus manuscriptis. Bernae, 1846. 4º. Recueil de mémoires concernants l'Economie Rurale, 5510. d. par une société établie à Berne. 2 tom. Zuric, 1760, 61. 8º. Die theologische Fakultät zu Bern und ihre Gegner. 47. a. 3. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik der neligiösen Richtungen [Another copy of Tom. 1 pt. 1, 2.] 971. a. 1. der Gegenwart. Zürich, 1864. 8º. 391) Qia. 67 68 ACADEMIES. [BERWICKSHIRE-BLOIS.] a Natura Philosophy of the J. Harrison BERWICKSHIRE. BIRMINGHAM [CONTINUED). Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. Birmingham Society of Arts. Proceedings. [Edinburgh? 1837, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3029. Birmingham Society of Arts . . . Exhibition 1841. In progress. Imperfect; commencing with No. 7. of Modern works of art. [A catalogue of pictures, etc.] vol. 1, p. 137: the series of the following numbers is also pp. 39. A. Allen : Birmingham, 1841. 40. incomplete. 7858. bb. 8. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. No. 1-3. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Edinburgh, 1834 [35]. 8º. T. 2050. (8.) Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. 1847, etc. [With plates.] Birmingham, 1849, etc. 8º. In progress. BESANÇON. - General index to Proceedings. 1847–1873. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Birmingham, [1876?] 8º. Ac. 4311. Séance publique, 1806, 16, 18–22, 24-29, 31-37, 40-66, etc. [Besançon, 1806, etc.] 8º. Ac. 282/2. Midland Union of Natural History Societies. In progress. The Midland Naturalist: the Journal of the Associated Natural History, Philosophical, and Archäological Mémoires et Documens inédits, pour servir à l'histoire Societies and Field Clubs of the Midland Counties. de la Franche-Comté. 3 tom. Besançon, 1838–44. 8º. Edited by ... E. W. Badger & W. J. Harrison. Ac. 282. London, Birmingham (printed], 1878, etc. 8º. Association des Médecins du Département du Doubs. Ac. 3001. De la Révision des Lois qui régissent la Médecine. Midland Union, etc. (Report of the Council, etc.) Rapport présenté au Conseil d'Administration dans sa Birmingham, (1882,] etc. 8º. Ac. 3001/2 séance du 30 Mars 1865, par le docteur Lebon. In progress. Besançon, 1865. 8º. 7680. bb. Club Alpin Français.-Section du Jura. Queen's College. See infra : PARIS. The Nineteenth Annual Report, 1845. Birmingham, (1845.] 16º. 732. 1. 24. (10.) École Centrale. An address delivered at the Queen's College. Oct. 1, Plans d'enseignement suivis par les professeurs a l'École 1846, by J. T. Law vice principal. Centrale du départenient du Doubs. Précédés d'un discours Birmingham, [1846.] 8º. 732. 1. 24. (8.) (par J. Droz) sur les améliorations faites à l'instruction dans cette école. Besançon, an ix. [1801.] 8º. Medical and Surgical Collegiate Education. [Course T. 733. (7.) of Studies, etc.] Birmingham, (1846.] 8º. Société libre d'Agriculture, Commerce et Arts. 132. 1. 24. (7.) Rapport général des mémoires présentés à la Société Medical and Surgical Collegiate Education. (Pro-· libre d'Agriculture, Commerce et Arts du Département du spectus.] Birmingham, [1846.] 8º. 732. l. 24. (3.) Doubs, depuis le 6 floréal an VII, époque de son établisse- ment, jusqu'au 15 ventôse de l'an VIII. Report from the Council to the Annual General Meeting, Besançon, an 8 [1800]. 8º. F. 479. (14.) 1846. Birmingham, 1846. 12º. 732. 1. 24. (11.) BÉZIERS. Académie des Sciences et Belles Lettres. Mémoires pour l'histoire générale du diocèse de Beziers tirés des registres de l'Académie. 1728. Relation de l'assemblée publique de l'Académie ... 12 Avril 1731– 1731. See infra : Recueil des lettres, etc. 1736, etc. 4º. Ac. 285. Recueil des lettres, mémoires et autres pièces, pour servir à l'histoire de l'Académie. 5 pt. Bésiers, 1736-28-31. 4º. Ac. 285. The Annual Report 1847. Birmingham, [1847.] 120. 732. 1. 24. (12.) The Calendar of Queen's College, Birmingham 1848. Edited by the Dean of the Faculty. [W. S. Cox.] Birmingham, (1847.] 12º. P.P. 2506. dy. Department of Medicine and Surgery. [Course of Studies, etc.] Birmingham, [1847?] 8º. 732. 1. 24. (5.) Departement of Literature and the Applied Sciences. Laws and Regulations, etc. Birmingham, (1847?] 8º. 732. 1. 24. (4.) The Queen's College ... Statement. Birmingham, (1847?] 12º. 732. 1. 24. (9.) Junior Department. [List of Officers' Laws and Regula- tions, etc.] Birmingham, (1848.] 8º. 732. 1. 24. (6.) Theological Department. [Prospectus.] Birmingham, (1850?] 89. 1890. e. (33.) Société Archéologique, Scientifique et Littéraire. ERMENGAUD (MATFRE) Le Breviari d’Amor de M. Ermenguad, suivi de sa lettre à sa soeur ſin verse]. ... Introduction et glossaire par G. Azaïs. 2 tom. Béziers (printed), Paris, [1862–81.] 8º. 11498. f. BIPONTUM. See infra : DEUX-PONTS. BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham Philosophical Society. Proceedings, etc. Birmingham, 1879, etc. In progress. BLOIS. Société des Sciences et des lettres. Bulletin, etc. See infra: Mémoires. Mémoires, etc. Blois, 1833. etc. 8º. Ac. 290. In progress. The title of tom. 8 reads : “ Bulletin de la Société," etc. 8º. Ac. 1192. 69 ACADEMIES. [BLOOMINGTON-BOLOGNA.] 70 BLOOMINGTON. BLOIS-LE-DUC [CONTINUED). Illinois Natural History Society. Provinciaal Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- Transactions ... Edited by C. D. Wilber. Second schappen in Noord-Braband. edition. Springfield, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 3046. Catalogus der Noord- en Zuid-Nederlandsche Munten, en In progress. der historie- en andere penningen van het Provinciaal Genootschap, etc. 's Hertogenbosch, 1860. 8º. 7755. bb. BOGENHAUSEN. HERMANS (CORNELIS RODOLPHUS) Noordbrabants Oud- Königliche Sternwarte. heden ... Met platen. 's Hertogenbosch, 1865. 8º. Ac. 948/2. Astronomische Beobachtungen angestellt auf der k. Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen von ... J. Soldner. (Thl. BOLOGNA. 2-5, edited by J. Lamont.] 5 Thl. Academia Scientiarum. München, [1824]–1838. 4º. See infra : Istituto delle Scienze, etc. [Continued as:] Observationes Astronomica in Specula Regia Monachi- Accademia Clementina. ensi [at Bogenhausen] institutæ, et ... editæ a J. See CAVAZZONI ZANOTTI (G. P.) Storia dell'Accademia Lamont, Vol. 6–15: or new series in 10 Vols. Clementina,...aggregata all' Intituto delle Scienze e Monachii, 1841-47. 4º. dell'Arti. 1739. 4º. 8356. g. [Continued as:] Accademia de' Gelati. Annalen der Königlichen Sternwarte [at Bogenhausen] Leggi ... col catalogo degli accademici viventi l'anno bei München, ... herausgegeben von ... J. Lamont. 1682. (Catalogo de principi dell'Accademia . . . 1590- Bd. 16, etc.: or new series, Bd. 1, etc. 1683.) 2 pt. Bologna, 1683. 4º. Ac. 8840. (2.) München, 1848, etc. 8º. In progress. Memorie, imprese e ritratti de' signori accademici Gelati di Bologna, raccolte nel principato del signor conte Beobachtungen des Meteorologischen Observatoriums Valerio Zani il Ritardato [by G. B. Capponi], etc. auf dem Hohenpeissenberg von 1792–1850, ... heraus- (Catalogo de' principi dell'Accademia ... dalla di lei gegeben von ... J. Lamont ... I. Supplementband zu pubblicazione l'anno 1590, sino al 1672.) den Annalen der Münchener Sternwarte. Bologna, 1672. 4º. Ac. 8840. (1.) München, 1851. 8º. 8564. e. and dd. [Another copy.] 133. c. 14. Jahrbuch der königlichen Sternwarte bei München für 1838 (etc.), verfasst und herausgegeben von Dr. J. [Another copy.] 658. e. 5. Lamont. München, [1837, etc.] 12º. Orazioni di Accademici Gelati di Bologna. L. P. In progress. P.P. 2364. b. Bologna, 1753. 4°. Ac. 8840/3. BOGOTA. Prose de' signori accademici, etc. [Edited by G. B. Capponi.] Bologna, 1671. 4º. Ac. 8840/2. Colejio de N. S. del Rosario. Recreationi amorose de gli Academici Gelati di Bologna. Programas de las materias que sostendran en examenes Bologna, 1590. 12º. 11426. a. publicos las clases del Colejio de N. S. del Rosario, etc. Bogotá, 1857. 8º. 8366. f. Rime de gli Academici Gelati di Bologna. Bologna, 1597. 12º. 11427. b. Colejio Militar de Bogota. [Another copy.] 1063. a. 8. (2.) Reglamento e instruccion para la disciplina, policia y Imperfect; wanting the last leaf containing the list of servicio del Colejio Militar de Bogota y de la Escuela Errata, the imprint and the date. Naautica de Cartajena. Dado por el Poder Ejecutivo en 18 de Octubre de 1848. Bogotá, (1848.] 8°, Accademia degli Indomiti. 8309. f. La Quadriga del Sole, impresa dell'Accademia de Facultad de Medicina. gl' Indomiti ... Discorso dello Stellato Indomito 0. Observations by the Faculty on the epidemic fever Montalbani. Bologna, 1646. 4º. 176. a. 28. (5.) which prevailed at Bogota in 1830.] [Bogota, 1831.] 4º. Accademia Difettuosa. 7560. aa. Rime dell'Accademia Diffettuosa. L. P. Sociedad de Naturalistas Neo-Granadinos. Bologna, 1717. 8º. Boletin de la Sociedad de Naturalistas Neo-Granadinos. Accademia Filosofico-Medica di S. Tommaso d'Aquino. Bogotá, 1860, etc. 8°. Ac. 3085. La Scienza Italiana. Periodico di filosofia, medicina e In progress. scienze naturali, pubblicato dall'Accademia Filosofico- Medica di S. Tommaso d'Aquino. [Edited by M. Ventu- roli.] Bologna, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 2803. BOIS-LE-DUC. In progress. Provinciaal Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- | Accademici Filopieri. schappen in Noord-Braband, All'eminontissimo signor Cardinale G. Mezzofanti See PAPE (J. D. W.) De Levensgeschiedenis van M. van Bolognese elevato all'onore della porpora Romana l'anno Rossem, etc. (Uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Genoot 1838. Applausi degli Accademici Filopierj. schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in Noord-Bra Bologna, 1838. 4º. *4866. d. band.) 1847. 8º. 10761. d. Accademici Riaccesi. Handelingen van het Provinciaal Genootschap, etc. La Tavola Rotonda. Cena dell' illustriss. Sig. F. Guas- 1837-56. 's Hertogenbosch, 1837-57. 8º. Ac. 948. tavillani. Allo stesso Signore ... Gli Acad. Riaccesi Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het ... Genootschap, etc. D.D. pp. 32. N. Tebaldini : Bologna, 1639. 4º. 's Hertogenbosch, 1853. 8°. 11900. cc. 11429. ee. 6. (3.) ed.) Tas Kunstogogovenerensgeschieden Weten 71 ACADEMIES. (BOLOGNA.] BOLOGNA (CONTINUED). BOLOGNA (CONTINUED). Aquilonaris Academia. Istituto delle Scienze ed Arti liberali. See BETTINUS (M.) M. Bettini Recreationuin Mathemati- Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti. carum Apiaria novissima duodecim ... Accessit coronidis 10 tom. Bononiae, 1834-49. 4°. loco appendix hujus operis pars præcipua, in qua sunt [Continued as:] defensiones contra oppositiones Novalmagesti, ope ac Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto. opera Aquilonaris Academiæ. 1660. fol. 529. m. 10. 12 tom. Bologna, 1850-61. 4º. - Serie seconda. 10 tom. Bologna, 1862–70. 4º. Collegium Bononiæ. Sacri ac venerandi juris utriusque Collegii Bonon. re- - Serie terza. Bologna, 1871, etc. 4º. sponsum pro libertate ecclesiastica. In progress. Bononiæ, 1607. 4º. 700. d. 6. (4.) Indices generales in novos commentarios Academiæ Scientiarum, etc. Bononiæ, 1855. 4º. [Another copy.] 175. f. 4. (4.) Indici generali della collezione pubblicata ... col titolo di Memorie in dodici tomi dal 1850 al 1861. Collegium Hispanorum Bononiæ. Bologna, 1864. 4º. See GENESIUS DE SEPULVEDA (J.) Historia de bello ad- ministrato in Italia ... ab Æ. Albornotio, etc. (Edited Indici generali dei dieci tomi della seconda serie delle by the Collegium, etc.] 1559. fol. 731. 1. 2. (2.) Memorie ... pubblicati dal 1862 al 1870. Bologna, 1871. 4º. Ac. 2802. Statuta collegij Hispanorum Bononiæ. Pinax librorum ; Synopsis Musæi, etc. See MARSIGLI (L. F.) Bononiæ, 1558. fol. 731. 1. 2. (3.) Count. Instrumentum Donationis ... in gratiam novæ ... Scientiarum Institutionis, etc. [1711.] ful. Collegium Medicorum. : 716. k. 10. Antidotarium [by U. Aldrovandi] à Bonon. Med. Collegio Primo decennio di osservazioni meteorologiche, fatte ampliatum. Cuin dupl. Tab., una præsidiorum, altera nella Specola di Bologna [belonging to the Institute), morborum. Bononiæ, 1606. 4º. 547. i. 2. ridotte, esposte, ed applicate da A. Palagi. Bologna, 1850. 4º. 8750. h. Commissione pe' testi di lingua nelle Provincie Istituto Nazionale It dell'Emilia. Memorie dell'Istituto ... Classe di fisica e mate- See infra : Reale Commissione pe' testi di lingua, matica. Tom. 1, 2 [each in 2 pt.). etc. Bologna, 1806-10. 4º. Classi di scienze morali, politiche, ec; di littera- Gymnasium Bononiense. tura, belle arti, ec. Tom. 1. 2 pt. See infra: Universitas Bononiensis. Bologna, 1809, 13. 4º. Ac. 75. Istituto delle Scienze ed Arti Liberali. Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. See GALVANI (L.) Opere ... raccolte e pubblicate per cura Brevi cenni storici intorno alla Pinacoteca della R. dell'Accademia, etc. 1841, etc. 4º. 715. k. 16. Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna. Bologna, 1872. 8º. . 7856. cc. Atti legali per la fondazione dell' Instituto. . . . per memoria degli ordini ecclesiastici e secolari che compon Reale Collegio Ancarano, afterwards Regia Scuola gono la città di Bologna. [Edited by the founder, L. F. Ancarana. Marsigli.] 10 pt. Bologna, 1728, 27. fol. 716. k. 19. Acta Regiæ Ancharanæ Scholæ anni 1764 restaurationis ejus primi. [Edited by P. Copeti.] De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Bononiæ, (1764.] 8º. 126. i. 7. Academia commentarii. [Edited by F. M. Zanotti. 7 tom. Bononiæ, 1731-91. 4º. 659. g. 6–15. Descrizione delle Feste fatte in Bologna il giorno XVIII. Tom. 2 is in 3 pts. and Tom. 5 in 2. dall'alino Reale Collegio Ancarano in occasione delle reali felicissime nozze de' Monarchi delle Due Sicilie [Another copy.] 435. e. 1-10. (Charles afterwards Charles III. King of Spain and Maria Tom. 1 of this copy is a reprint dated 1748. Amelia Walburga of Saxony). Bologna, 1738. 4º. 811. k. 49. [Another copy of tom. 1-6.] T.C. 7. 6. 2. Reale Commissione pe' testi di lingua nelle Provincie dell' Emiliæ. [Another copy of Tom. 2, pt. 3.] Ac. 2802/2. Collezione di Opere inedita o rare dei primi tre secoli Judicium de dissertatione A. Pacchioni de duræ matris della lingua : pubblicata per cura della R. Commis- usibus. See CALOGIERÀ (A.) Raccolta d'opuscoli, etc. sione, etc. Bologna, 1863, etc. 8º. 2328. f., etc. Tom. 3. 1728, etc. 12º. 247. b. 3. In progress. Il Propugnatore: studii filologici, storici e bibliografici Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de di varii soci della Commissione pe' testi di lingua. Bologne cuncernant l'histoire naturelle, la physique ex- Bologna, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 6500/2. perimentale, etc. Traduits et rédigés par M. Paul. In progress. Paris, 1773. 4º. 732. f. 11. Regia Ancharana Schola. [Another copy.] See BERRYAT (J.) Recueil de mé- See supra : Reale Collegio Ancarano. moires, etc. Partie étrangère. tom. 10. 1755, etc. 4º. T.C. 3. a. 11. Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Provincie Notizie dell'origine et progressi dell’Instituto ...e sue accademie, con la descrizione di tutto ciò, che nel See FRATI (L.) Delle cose operate nell'anno 1861 dalla medesimo conservasi, nuovamente compilate, etc. R. Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Provincie di Bologna, 1780. 8º. 272. y. 11. Romagna, etc. [1861.] 4º. 1858. c. 16. BERRYAT (J.) 10. 1755, etc. 11. Regia Romagna 73 ACADEMIES. [BOLOGNA-BOMBAY.] 74 BOLOGNA (CONTINUED). BOLOGNA [CONTINUED]. Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Provincie / Universitas Bononiensis. di Romagna. Guida del forestiere al Museo delle Antichità della Regia Atti e Memorie della Regia Deputazione, etc. Anno Università di Bologna. F. P. Bologna, 1814. 8º. 1-9. Bologna, 1862–70. 4°. 1707. b. 1. Philosophiæ ac medicinæ scholarum Bononiensis Gym- - Serie 2a Vol. 1. Bologna, 1875. 8º. Ac. 6495. nasii statuta, sub auspiciis ... Card. Justiniani, Bonon. None published during the years 1871 to 74. de latere legati. Instaurata 1609. Bononiæ, 1612. fol. 128. f. 14. (2.) Dei Monumenti istorici pertinenti alle provincie della Statuta et privilegia almæ universitatis juristarum Romagna. Serie seconda. Bologna, 1872, etc. 4º. gymnasii Bononiensis. Bononiæ, 1561. fol. 128. f. 14. (1.) - Serie terza. Bologna, 1874, etc. 4º. In progress. Ac. 6495/2. BOMBAY In 1877 this Academy and the “ Reali Deputazioni di Storia Patria per le Provincie Modenesi e Parmensi ” were Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India. united under the title of “ Reali Deputazioni di Storia Patria Transactions ... April-July) 1843. No. 1, 2. per le Provincie dell'Emilia" at Modena. Bombay, [1843.] 80. Ac. 3542. Regia Deputazione Storica Romagnola. Transactions of the Agri-Horticultural Society. 1852. Vol. 1. Bombay, 1852. 89. Ac. 3542/2. See supra: Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria Imperfect ; wanting pp. 1–119. per le Provincie di Romagna. Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Regia Scuola Ancarana. The Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic See supra : Reale Collegio Ancarano. Society. Edited by the Secretary [i.e. successively by A. B. Orlebar, J. G. Malcolinson, J. Bird, and Á. J. Regia Università de Bologna. Carter]. Bombay, 1844, etc. 8º. Ac. 8827. See infra: Universitas Bononiensis. In progress. Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. To the Società Corografica. Rev. J. Wilson, D.D., etc. [Address requesting his Dizionario corografico, georgico, orittologico, storico, etc. acceptance of the office of Honorary President of this della Italia. 5 pt. Bologna, 1781–83. 8º.. branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, with Dr. Wilson's 175. C. 1-5. reply.] [London, 1843.] fol. Ac. 8827/2. Società Medico-Chirurgica. The Vandidad Sádé of the Pársís in the Zand language, Opuscoli. 9 vol. Bologna, 1824-34. 8º. Ac. 3702. but Gujarátí character, with a Gujarátí translation, paraphrase and comment, according to the traditional Memorie. Seguito agli opuscoli. Vol. 1. interpretation of the Zoroastrians. By ... Frámji As- Bologna, 1838. 4º. Ac. 3702/2. pandiárji and other Dasturs. 2 vol. [Bombay, ] 1842. 8º. 761. f. 1, 2. Cenno storico sulla Istituzione della Società Medico Lithographed. Chirurgica di Bologna. (Prefazione tolta dal vol. VII. degli opuscoli della Società medesima.) The Vispard of the Pársís, in the Zand language by Bologna, 1830. 8º. 7481. bb. Gujarátí character, with a Gujarátí translation, para- phrase and comment, according to the traditional in- terpretation of the Zoroastrians. By ... Frámjí Specola. Aspandiárjí, and other Dasturs. [Bombay,] 1843. 8º. See supra : Istituto delle Scienze ed Arti Liberali. 761. f. 5. The Yaçna of the Pársís, in the Zand language, but Universitas Bononiensis. Gujarátí character, with a Gujarátí translation, para- See Th., M. P. BE. IV. Declaration du droit de legitime phrase and comment, according to the traditional inter- pretation of the Zoroastrians. By... Frámjí Aspandiárji succession, sur le royaume de Portugal ... Avec la and other Dasturs. 2 vol. [Bombay,] 1843. 8º. responce aux• consultations sur ce faites ... par les Docteurs des Universitez de Bologne ...& Pavie, pour 761. f. 3, 4. Catharine, Duchesse de Bragance, etc. 1582. 8º. 1195. a. 2. (1.) | Bombay Geographical Society. Annuario della Regia Università di Bologna. Anno Proceedings. June-August, 1839. [Bombay,] 1839. 8º. accademico 1874–75, etc. (Sulenne inaugurazione degli Ac. 6207/2. studi, etc. Ordine degli studi, etc.) Transactions from May 1844, etc. Bologna, 1874, etc. 80. Ac. 27. Bombay, 1846, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. - Index to the first seventeen volumes of the ... Catalogo dei lavori pubblicati dai professori, dai dottori Transactions. With catalogue of the library... by collegiati e dagli assistenti nella R. Università di D. J. Kennelly. Edinburgh, 1866. 8º. Ac. 6207. Bologna nel decennio 1864 al 1874. Bologna, 1875. 8º. 8356. cc. Literary Society of Bombay. Elenco de' medici, chirurghi, e farmacisti nei diparti- Lilawati; or, a treatise on arithmetic and geometry, by menti del Reno, Panaro, Crostolo, Basso Po e Rubicone Bhascara Acharya. Translated from the original San- ... pubblicato dalla Direzione di Polizia Medica presso scrit, by John Taylor. Bombay, 1816. 4º. l'Università di Bologna nell'anno 1808. 14053. d. 24. Bologna, (1808.] 80. 7306. b. 11. (14.) [Another copy.] 47. c. 9. 75 ACADEMIES (BOMBAY-BONN.] 76 U · BOMBAY [CONTINUED). BONN (CONTINUED). Literary Society of Bombay. Görres-Gesellschaft. Transactions. 3 vol. London, 1819-23. 4º. Historisches Jahrbuch, redigirt von Dr. G. Hüffer. T.C. 14. b. 3-5. Bd 1-3. (Von Dr. v. Gramick, Bd. 4, etc.) [Another copy of vol. 1.] 434. c. 4. Münster, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 2026/3. In progress. Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. CARDAUNS (HERMANN) Konrad von Hostaden, Erzbischof Transactions. Vol. 1-X. Bombay, 1838–51. 8°. von Köln, 1238-61. pp. xi. 164. Köln, 1880. 8º. Ac. 2026. New Series, 1-3, 4, 5–8. Bombay, 1853, etc. 8º. In progress. FRANZ (ADOLPA) Die gemischten Ehen in Schlesien. pp. VII. 132. Breslau, 1878. 8º. Ac. 2026. - General index to the Transactions ... No. 1 to 10. Bombay, 1852. 8º. Ac. 3870. Internationaler Congress für Alterthumskunde und Geschichte. Observatory. See infra: EUROPE. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Bumbay ... 1845 (1846, etc.). Königlich-Preussische Rhein-Universität. Bombay, 1846, etc. 4º. 8752. h. See infra: Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Univer- In progress. sität. Provisional Report on the Meteorological Observations made at Colaba, Bombay, for the year 1844. By G Buist. Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rhein- Cupar, St. Andrew's (printed), 1845. fol. 12602. i. 14. lande. Verhandlungen ... Herausgegeben [Jahrg. 1844 and Report on the Meteorological Observations made at 457 von ... L. C. Marquart, ([Jahrg. 1846-56] von ... Colaba, Bombay, from the 1st September to the 31st De J. Budge, [Jahrg. 1857-64] von ...0. Weber, [Jahrg. cenaber, 1842, with a general notice of the weather for 1865, etc.] von C. J. Andrä). Bonn, 1844, etc. 80. the year 1842. (Magnetic Observations. Observatory In progress. Ac. 2930. at Bombay. May, 1842-December 1843. Abstract of the monthly mean Readings of the Instruments, Ma- Niederrheinische Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heil- gnetic Observatory, Bombay. Curves of the observed kunde zu Bonn. readings of the Vertical, Horizontal and Declination Organ für die gesammte Heilkunde. Herausgegeben Magnetometers uncorrected for Torsion and Temperature, von der Niederheinischen Gesellschaft ... unter Redac- 1842–43.) By G. Buist. tion von M. E. A. Naumann, C. W. Wutzer, H. F. Kilian. [Bombay, 1842, 43.] 4º. & obl. 4º. 550. d. 16–18. 2 Bde. Bonn, 1840-43. 8º. Ac. 3778. Lithographed; the “ Curves” are in obl. 4º. No more published. Tracing of the wind-guage [sic] for 1842 and 1843, Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften, made at the Bombay Government Observatory. By Mathematik und Medicin, etc. Bonn, 1860. 4°. G. Buist. Bombay, 1844?] obl. fol. 8752. då. 3. 8704. f. Lithographed. Sitzungsberichte der Niederrheinischen Gesellschaft für Students' Literary and Scientific Society. Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bunn. Bonn, 1869. etc. In progress. Ac. 3778/2. Third Report of the Students' Literary and Scientific Society, and of its vernacular branch Societies. Pre es. Preussische Rhein-Universität. [Drawn up by R. T. Reid.] [Bombay,] 1852. 8º. 8256. bb. See infra : Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univer- Proceedings of the Students' Literary and Scientific sität. Society, Bombay, during 1856–57, 1857, 58, and 1868, 59. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. Bombay, 1860. 8º. Ac. 1952. Alberto ... Duci Saxoniae ... nuptiarum cum Victoria ... Britanniae Reginae factarum caussa S. P. D. ex University of Bombay. animi sententia gratulabunda litterarum Universitas The Bombay University Calendar. 1862–63 (1863-64, Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana. [In verse.] 1869–70). Bombay, 1862–69. 80. P.P. 2558. a. Bonnae, 1840. fol. 1856. b. 5. University of Bombay. Convocation for conferring Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte der degrees. [Bombay, 1862.] 12º. 8365. a. Königlichen Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universi- tät zu Bonn, angestellt und herausgegeben von ... Zaratoshtí Dínaní Hhol-karnarí Mandlí. F. W. A. Argelander. (Bd. 3, etc. unter Mitwirkung Pand Nâmah i Âdarbâd Mârâspand, or the Book of der Herren ... E. Schönfeld und ... A. Krüger.) Counsels by Â. M. ... Comprising the original Pehlevi Bonn, 1846, etc. 4º. text, its transliteration in Roman as well as Gujerathee In progress. characters, a complete translation in Gujerathee and a Anhang zum zweiten Bande, enthaltend Hülfsta- glossary ... of all words occurring in the text. By feln, etc. Bonn, 1852. 12º. 8564. e. Herbad Sheriarjee Dadabhoy, etc. (Haug's prize essay.) Peklewi & Gujar : Bombay, 1869. 8º. 761. e. 13. Bericht über das fünfzigjährige Jubiläum der ... Uni- versität ... herausgegeben von Rector und Senat. Bonn, 1868. 8º. 8355. bb. BONN. Denkschrift über die Parität an der Universität Bonn Görres-Gesellschaft. mit einem Hinblick auf Breslau und die übrigen Goerres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft im Preussischen Hochschulen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte katholischen Deutschland. Erste (zweite, etc.) Verein deutscher Universitäten im neunzehnten Jahrhunderte. schrift, etc. Köln, 1878, 77, etc. 80. Ac. 2026/2. Nebst Beilagen. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1862. 89. In progress. 8309. ee. ACADEMIES. [BONN-BORDEAUX.] 78 BONA BONN [CONTINUED). BONN [CONTINUED]. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. University of Bonn. Gutachten der Evangelisch - theologischen Facultäten See supra : — Rheinische Friedrich - Wilhelms - der Königlich Preussischen Universitäten über den Universität. Licentiaten B. Bauer in Beziehung auf dessen Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Synoptiker. Im Auftrage des vorgesetzten Hohen Ministeriums hera 118- BORDEAUX gegeben von der Evangelisch-theologischen Facultät der A Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. Berlin, 1842. 8º. 1350. h. Arts. Académie Royale, etc. Séance publique . . . 1819–36. Jahrbuch der Preussischen Rhein-Universität. [Heft 17 vol. Bordeaux, 1819–36. 8º. Ac. 297/2. 1-3 edited by E. M. Arndt and A. W. von Schlegel. The first vol. is without titlepage. Heft 4 by K. D. von Muenchow and J. F. F. Delbrueck.] Heft 1-4. Bonn, 1819–21. 8°. P.P. 4793. ac. Actes. Année 1-9. Bordeaux, 1839–47. 8º. No more published. [Continued as:] Die Rheinische Friedrich - Wilhelms - Universität zu Recueil des Actes de l'Académie. Année 10, etc. Bunn. [A Handbook.] Mit dreizehn Abbildungen und Bordeaux, 1848, etc. 8º. Ac. 297. zwei Plänen. Bonn, 1839. 8º. 8355. d. In progress. The University of Bonn : its rise, progress, and present Choix des moyens propres a soulever les navires sub- state. With a concise account of the college life of mergés, dans les lieux sujets au flux et reflux, recueillis Prince Albert ... By a member of the Middle Temple. dans les mémoires envoyés au concours ouvert par la London, 1845. 12º. 731. d. 29. Société des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, (1820?] 4º. 8805. f. HETTNER (FELIX) Katalog des Königlichen Rheinischen Clarissimorum virorum dissertationes physicæ Museums Vaterländischer Alterthümer bei der Uni- quæ præmium retulerunt.Burdigalæ. Tyrnaviæ, 1763. 8º. versität Bonn. [With a preface by F. Buecheler. 7 Bonn, 1876. 8º. 7707. dd. 27. (8.) 1135. g. 27. Recueil des Dissertations qui ont remporté le prix à l'Aca- KEKULÉ (REINHARD) Festschrift zur Feier des fünfzig demie ... (1715-1739.) 5 tom. jährigen Bestehens des Kaiserlich deutschen Instituts Bordeaux, 1715-41. 12º. 273. a. 5-9. für archäologische Correspondenz zu Rom am 21 April A collection of pieces separately published, with a general 1879. (Ueber ein griechisches Vasengemälde in akade title prefixed to each tom. mischen Kunstmuseum zu Bunn, von Dr. R. Kekulé.) Herausgegeben von der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms Table historique des travaux et publications de l'Aca- Universität, etc. Bonn, [1879.] 4º. 7704. h. 10. démie de Bordeaux (depuis 1712 jusqu'en 1875), par J. de Gères. Bordeaux, 1877. 8º. Ac. 297/3. Societas Philologica. Commission des Monuments et Documents histo- Liber Miscellaneus editus à Societate Philologica riques et des Bâtiments civils du Département Bonnensi. Bonnae, 1864. 8º. Ac. 9852. de la Gironde. Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Rapport présenté à Monsieur le ... Préfet du Départe- ment de la Gironde, ... 1841 (1842, etc.) Jahrbücher. Bonn, 1842, etc. 8º. Ac. 5453. Bordeaux, 1841-45. 8º. In progress. [Continued as :] BRAMBACH (WILHELM) Corpus Inscriptionum Rhena- Compte-rendu des travaux de la Commission, etc. narum; consilio et auctoritate Societatis Antiquariorum Bordeaux, 1846, etc. Rhenanae edidit G. Brambach. Praefatus est F. In progress. No reports were published for the years Ritschelius. Elberfeldiae, 1867. 4º. 7702. i. 8. 1856–61. FIEDLER (FRANZ) Die Gripswalder Matronen- und - Table...des matières contenues dans les Comptes- Mercuriussteine erläutert von F. Fiedler, etc. rendus de la Commission ... de 1840 à 1855. Bonn, 1863. 4°. 7708. ee. Bordeaux, 1865. 8º. Ac. 6776. KELLER (OTTO) Vicus Aurelii oder Ehringen zur zeit der Römer. Mit 1 Karte ... Lithographieen und ... Faculté des Lettres de Bordeaux. Holzschnitten ... Herausgegeben vom Vorstande des Annales. Bordeaux, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 8917. Vereins, etc. Bonn, 1871. 4º. 7703. e. In progress. WEERTH (ERNST AUS ’nı) Der Grabfund von Wald- Muséum d'Instruction Publique. Algesheim erläutert von E. aus ’m Weerth. Hierzu 6 Bulletin polymathique du Muséum d'Instruction Pub- Tafeln und 4 Holzschnitte. Fest-Programm zu Winck- lique de Bordeaux, ou journal littéraire, historique et elmanns Geburtstag ... herausgegeben vom Vorstande statistique du département de la Gironde, etc. 20 tom. des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Bordeaux, an XI. 1802–22. 8º. P.P. 4360. Bonn, 1870. 4º. 7709. k. Société Archéologique. WEERTA (ERNST AUS ’M) Der Mosaikboden in St. Gereon zu Cöln restaurirt und gezeichnet von T. Avenarius; Société Archéologique de Bordeaux. [Transactions, etc.] nebst den damit verwandten ... Mosaikböden Italiens. Bordeaux, 1874, etc. 80. Ac. 5297. Herausgegeben von E. aus ’m Weerth. Festschrift des In progress. Vereins, etc. Bonn, 1874. fol. 1702. e. Société de Géographie Commerciale. WILMOWSKY ( ) Die Römische Villa zu Nennig Bulletin ... 1874–76. No. 1, 2. und ihr Mosaik erläutert vom Domkapitular von Bordeaux, 1876–77. 8º. Wilmowsky. Herausgegeben vom Vorstande des Ve- reins ... Mit... acht Tafeln in Farbendruck. Séric 2. Ann. 1, etc. 1878, etc. 80. Bonn, 1865. fol. 1701. b. In progress. Ac. 2515/2. 79 ACADEMIES. [BORDEAUX-BOSTON, MASS.] 80 . BORDEAUX [CONTINUED). BOSKOOP [CONTINUED). Société de Géographie Commerciale. Vereeniging tot regeling en verbetering van de Association françoise pour l'avancement des Sciences. Vruchtsoorten. Groupe régional de Bordeaux. Société de Géographie Nederlandsche Flora en Pomona, beschreven en uit- Commerciale de Bordeaux. Questionnaire général gegeven door het bestuur der Pomologische Vereeniging (adressé ... à MM. les capitaines de navire, voyageurs te Boskoop. Met platen naar de natuur geteekend door et correspondants de la Société). A. J. Wendel. 2 Dln. Groningen, 1876–79. fol. Bordeaux, 1875. gº. Ac. 2515. 1825. a. Interleaved. Société de Médecine. BOSTON, MASS. Rapport sur la Vaccine présenté...au nom de la Société American Academy of Arts and Sciences. de Médecine de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, 1801. 8º. Memoirs of the American Academy, etc. Vol. 1-4. 7561. b. 1. (2.) Boston, Charlestown, Cambridge, 1785-[1819?] 4°. Société de Pharmacie. 434. d. 1. Observations présentées par la Société ... à Messieurs Vols. 2 and 3 are each in 2 pt. Vols. 4 is without titlepage. les Membres de la Commission ... pour rédiger un nouveau codex. [Signed by the President H. Besson.] [Another copy of vol. 1, 2.] 740. i. 16. Bordeaux, 1862. 8°. 7510. bb. Imperfect : vol. 1 wants list of errata. [Another copy of vol. 1.] T.C. 18. b. 23. Société des Archives Historiques du Département New Series. Cambridge, 1833, etc. 4º. Ac. 1730. de la Gironde. In progress. Archives historiques du Département de la Gironde. Paris, Bordeaux (printed], 1859, etc. 4°. Ac. 6775. Proceedings. Boston and Cambridge, 1848. 8º. In progress. In progress. Ac. 1730/2 & 75. A Report upon Phonotypy. From the proceedings of Société des Bibliophiles de Guyenne. the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Publications, etc. Bordeaux, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 8918. Cambridge, 1847. 8º. 12991. g. 2. In progress. ELLIS (GEORGE EDWARD) of Charleston, U.S. Memoir of Sir B. Thompson, Count Rumford, etc. Philadelphia, Société des Sciences physiques et naturelles. Cambridge (piinted, 1871.) 8º. 10881. eee. Mémoires, etc. Bordeaux (Paris), 1854, etc. 8º. A duplicate of the Memoir contained in the “ Complete In progress. Ac. 2840. Words of Count Rumford.” THOMPSON (BENJAMIN) Count Rumford. The Complete Société Linnéenne. Works of Count Rumford, etc. (Memoir of Sir B. Actes. See infra: Bulletin de l'Histoire Naturelle, etc. Thompson, Count Rumford, with notices of his daughter [Sarah Thompson] by G. E. Ellis.) 5 vol. Boston, Bulletin de l'Histoire Naturelle de la Société Linnéenne Cambridge (printed], 1870–75. 8°. Ac. 1730/4. de Bordeaux. Deuxième édition. Tom. 1-3. [Continued as :] American Antiquarian Society. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. Tom. 4, etc. See infra : WORCESTER, Mass. Bordeaux, 1826, etc. 8º. Ac. 2839. In progress. Tom. 1 and 2 only are of the second edition. American Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Société philomathique. Free Public Libraries. Suggestions on their foundation, ... with a selected list of books. [Prepared by the Sixième Exposition. Année 1844. Exposition des pro- Association.] Revised edition. New York, duits des arts et de l'industrie, instituée par la Société Cambridge, Mass. (printed], 1871. 8º. 11903. b. philomathique ... Rapport général. Seance publique du 19 Janv. 1845. Bordeaux, (1845.] 8º. 1400. d. Proceedings of the Conference of Charities, held in con- nection with the general meeting of the American Social Science Association, at Saratoga, September, 1876. Albany, N.Y., 1876. 8º. 8282. g. 1. BORGO. NOURSE (BENJAMIN F.) The Silver Question Papers Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini. read before the American Social Science Association ... See infra : TRENT.–Società Alpina del Trentino. By B. F. Nourse and ... W. S. Jerons. Boston, 1877. 8º. 8229. cc. 7. (15.) American Institute of Instruction. BOSKOOP. The Introductory Discourse and Lectures delivered in Boston [Worcester, New Bedford, and other places), Pomologische Vereeniging. before the Convention of Teachers and other Friends of See infra : Vereeniging tot regeling en verbetering Education, assembled to form the American Institute of van de Vruchtsoorten. Instruction, August 1830. Boston, 1831–61. 8º. & 12º. Ac. 2690. Vereeniging tot regeling en verbetering van de WHITMAN (JASON) Lecture on home preparation for Vruchtsoorten. school, etc. Boston, 1846. 8º. 8307. bbb. De Nederlandsche Boomgaard, beschreven en uitgegeven door het bestuur der Vereeniging ..., met afbeeldingen American Oriental Society. ... duor S. Be ghius ... Van eene Voorrede voorzien Journal. Boston, New York and London, door ... H. C. van Hall. 2 Deel. New Haven, 1849, etc. 8º. Ac. 8824 Groningen, 1864-68. 4º. Ac. 3349. In progress. ACADEMIES. [BOSTON, MASS.] 82 BOSTON, MASS. [CONTINUED). BOSTON, MASS. [CONTINUED). American Oriental Society. Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings, May, 1863. (May, 1874, 75.) Memoirs read before the ... Society... being a new [Boston, 1863–75.] 8º. Ac. 8824/2. series of the Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston, 1866, etc. 4º. Ac. 3042. American Social Science Association. In progress. See supra : American Association for the Promotion Act of Incorporation, Constitution and By-Laws, etc. of Social Science. Boston, 1836. 8º. Ac. 3042/7. American Statistical Association. Anniversary memoirs ... published in celebration of the Collections of the American Statistical Associations. fiftieth anniversary of the Society's foundation. 14 pt. Boston, 1847, etc. Ac. 2490. Boston, 1880. 4º. Ac. 3042/12 8°. In progress. Catalogue of the Library of the ... Society, etc. The Sixth Census of the United States. Ac. 3042/8. Boston, 1837. 8º. As published in the Merchants' Magazine, for February, 1845.7 Me Constitution and by-laws ... with a list of the members, morial to the Honorable the Senate and House of 1855. [Boston, 1855.] 80. Ac. 3042/6. Representatives. [Prepared for the American Statistical Association, by E. Jarvis and others.] Guides for Science-Teaching. [Edited by A. Hyatt.] [Boston ? 1845] 8º. 10411. cc. Ginn and Heath: Boston, Cambridge [Mass. printed], 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 3042/10. Officers of the American Statistical Association for the In progress. year 1872. [Boston, 1871.] 8º. 852. d. 1. (78*.) Jeffries Wyman. Memorial meeting of the Boston JARVIS (EDWARD) History of the Progress of Population Society of Natural History, October 7, 1874. of the United States. From 1790 to 1870. [Boston, Mass., 1874.] 8º. Ac. 3042/9. Boston, 1877. 8º. 10408. dd. 5. (9.) Objects and claims of the ... Society ... Prepared ... Archäological Institute of America. at the request of the Committee of associated Institutions of Science and Art, Jan. 1, 1861. Boston, 1861. 8º. First Annual Report of the Executive Committee, with Ac. 3042/5. accompanying papers. 1879–80, etc. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural His- Cambridge, Mass.), 1880, etc. 80. Ac. 5790. tory. Boston, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 3042/11. In progress. In progress. First annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. pp. 13. Gynæcological Society. [Boston, 1882, etc.] 8º. Ac. 5790/2. The Journal of the Gynæcological Society of Boston. In progress. Devoted to the advancement of the knuwledge of the diseases of women. Edited by W. Lewis...H. R. Storer Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute of America. ... G. H. Bixby, etc. Boston, 1869, etc. 8º. Williams & Co.: Boston, 1883, etc. 8º. Ac. 5790/3. In progress. Ac. 3859. In progress. Linnæan Society of New England. Regulations officers, and list of members. pp. 14. Mudge & Son : Boston, 1883. 8º. Ac. 5790/4. Report of a Committee of the Linnæan Society of New England, relative to a large marine animal, supposed to be a serpent, seen near Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in Backus Historical Society. August, 1817. [With two plates.] Boston, 1817. 8º. KING (HENRY M.) Early Baptists defended. A review B. 325. (2.) of Dr. H. M. Dexter's account of the visit to W. Witter, Massachusetts Historical Society. in “ As to Roger Williams," A paper, etc. pp. 49. See infra : New England Historic-Genealogical H. Gannett: Boston, 1880. 8º. Ac. 8401. Society. The New England Historic-Genealogical Society to the Members of the General Court of Massa- Academy of Music. chusetts; being a counter remonstrance ... to a Remon- First(-Twelfth Annual Report of the Boston Academy strance ..." of the Massachusetts Historical Society." of Music (1833-1844). (Report ... for the years 1845 1858. 8º. Ac. 5942,2. and 1846.) 13 pt. Boston, 1835–46. 89. Ac. 5173. Collections of the ... Society. 10 vol. Boston Numismatic Society. Boston, 1792-1809. 8º. American Journal of Numismatics, etc. Vol. 5, etc. pub- Vols. 4 and 5 are reprints, dated 1835. lished by the Boston Numismatic Society. See infra: - Second series. 10 vol. NEW YORK. — American Numismatic and Archäological Boston, Cambridge, 1814-16, 26, 32, 23. 8º. Society. American Journal, etc. 1866, etc. 8º. Vols. 5 and 6 contain W. Hubbard's " History of Nero Ac. 5893. England," forming one vol., with a continuous pagina- Constitution and Bye-Laws, etc. Boston, 1871. 4º. tion, and without the general titlepage ; vol. 7 and 8 are Ac. 5892. of the second edition, and vol. 9 is of a later edition, Boston Society of Natural History. dated 1832. Annual of the ... Society, etc. 1868–69, etc. Prepared Third series. 10 vol. by the Recording Secretary (S. H. Scudder). Boston, Cambridge, 1825-49. 8º. Boston, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 3042/3. Vol. 3 wants the titlepage. In progress. · Fourth Series. 10 vol. Boston Journal of Natural History, containing papers Boston, Cambridge (printed], 1852–71. 8º. and communications read to the ... Society, etc. 7 vol. Fifth Series. Boston, 1837–63. 8º. Ac. 3042. Boston, Cambridge (printed], 1871, etc. 8º. Imperfect; wanting No. 4 of vol. 6. In progress. Ac. 8400. 83 - ACADEMIES. (BOSTON, MASS.] 84 BOSTON, MASS. [CONTINUED). BOSTON, MASS. [CONTINUED). Massachusetts Historical Society. Massachusetts Historical Society. Proceedings of the... Society. 1791–1855. [Edited by MAJOR (RICHARD HENRY) The Voyages of the Venetian C. Deane and C. C. Smith.] 2 vol. Boston, Brothers Zeno to the Northern Seas in the fourteenth Cambridge [printed], 1879, 80. 8º. century. Boston, 1875. 8º. Ac. 8400/8. 1855, etc. (Edited by G. Livermore and C. One hundred copies printed from the “ Proceedings of the Robbins.] Boston, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 8400/2. ... Society." In progress. WINTHROP (ROBERT CHARLES) Memoir of the Hon. J. H. The Act of Incorporation, Laws and Circular Letter of Clifford, etc. [With photograph.] Boston, 1877. 8º. the Massachusetts Historical Society. 10882. d. 1. (19.) [Boston, 1794.] 8º. T. 175. (5.) WINTHROP (ROBERT CHARLES) Memoir of the Hon. Nathan A detached piece from vol. 4 of some collection. Sig. A-C, Appleton ... With and introduction and appendix. pp. 1–14. Boston, 1861. 8º. 10880. ee. The Act of Incorporation, with the additional Acts and By-Laws of the Massachusetts Historical Society; with Massachusetts Horticultural Society. a list of officers and resident members. [Report of the proceedings of the Society, etc., 1829.] Boston, 1873. 8º. Ac. 8400/4. See DEARBORN (H. A. S.) General. An Address, etc. 1833. 8º. 7055. f. Catalogue of the books, pamphlets, newspapers, maps... manuscripts, etc. in the Library of the Massachusetts [Report, etc. 1831.] See WARD (M. A.) An address, etc. Historical Society. Boston, 1811. 89. Ac. 8400/5. 1831. 8º. 7055. f. An historical journal of the American war. Extracted [Report, etc. 1833.] See EVERETT (A. H.) An address, from the publications of the Massachusetts Historical etc. 1833. 8º. 7055. f. Society. Boston, 1795. 8º. 1446. e. [Report, etc. 1835.] See RUSSELL (J. L.) A discourse, Lectures delivered in a course before the Lowell Institute etc. 1835. 8º. 7055. f. in Boston, by members of the Massachusetts Historical [Report, etc. 1836.] See WESTON (E.) An address, etc. Society, on subjects relating to the early history of Massachusetts. Boston, Cambridge (printed), 1869. 8º. 1836. 8º. 7055. f. 10412. h. [Report, etc. 1837.] See LINCOLN (w.) An Address, Proceedings ... in respect to the Memory of W. H. etc. 1837. 8º. 7055. f. Prescott, etc. Boston, 1859. 80. 10881. dd. Report of the transactions of the M. H. S., for...1837,8; [Another copy.] 10881. d. with preliminary observations by J. L. Russell. Proceedings of a special meeting of the Massachusetts Boston, 1839. 8º. 7055. f. Historical Society, December 16, 1873; being the one Transactions ... 1842–43. To which is added the hundredth anniversary of the destruction of the tea in Buston Harbour Boston, 1874. 8º. Ac. 8400/3. address delivered before the Society ... 16 Sept. (1843), by J. E. Teschemacher, esq. 2 pt. Boston, 1843. 8º. Report of a Committee appointed by the Massachusetts 7055. f. Historical Society on exchanges of prisoners during the A Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Horti- American Revolutionary War. Presented Dec. 19, 1861. cultural Society. Boston, 1873. 8º. Ac. 3374/2. Boston, 1861. 8º. Ac. 8400/6. Constitution and By-Laws of the Massachusetts Horti- Tribute ... to the memory of J. Quincy, July 14, 1864. cultural Society. Adopted July 3, 1875. Boston, 1864. 8º. Ac. 8400/7. Boston, 1875. 8º. Ac. 3374. Tribute ... to the memory of E. Everett, January 30, 1865. Boston, 1865. 4º. 840073 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Report of the Tribute ... to the Memory of G. Livermore. Secretary, including Reports...on the Physical Labora- Boston, 1866. 8°. 10882. g. tory and...on the Museum of Descriptive Geometry and Tribute to Walter Scott, on the one hundredth anniver Machinery. [Boston, 1871.] 8º. Ac. 4484/2. sary of his birthday ... August 15, 1871. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Eighth annual Boston, Cambridge (printed], 1872. 8°. 10856. ee. Catalogue of the officers and students, with a statement Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the of the courses of instruction. 1872-73. Second edition. Memory of their late ... Member and ... President ...! Boston, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 4484. J. Savage, etc. [Edited by C. Deane.] In progress. Boston, 1873. 80. Massachusetts Medical Society. APPLETON (NATHAN Memoir of the Hon. A. Lawrence, The Acts of Incorporation, together with the by-laws etc. Boston, 1856. 8º. 10881. d. and orders, of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Salem, 1806. 8º. T. 184. (13.) BELKNAP (JEREMY) Journal of a tour to the White Mountains in July, 1784. Printed from the original Address to the community on the necessity of legalizing manuscript, with a prefatory note by the Editor (C. the study of anatomy. Boston, 1829. 8º. Deane.-From the “ Belknap Papers," published by the 7420. d. ... Society). Boston, 1876. 8º. Ac. 8400/5. Medical Communications. Vol. xii. No. vii., etc. Boston, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 3861. HUBBARD (WILLIAM) A general history of New England from the discovery to 1680. Second Edition collated In progress. with the original as. (and edited by W. T. Harris. To Medical papers communicated to the Massachusetts which are added “the recently discovered pages of Medical Society. To which are subjoined extracts froin Hubbard's History” and a prefatory note by C. Deane.] various authors. Number 1. Boston, 1790. 8º. Boston, 1848[78]. 8º. 9602. C. T. 212. (8.) 10882. gg. 478). ""and l'ocented bond Edit 85 ACADEMIES. (BOSTON, MASS.] 86 BOSTON, MASS. (CONTINUED). · BOSTON, MASS. [CONTINUED). Massachusetts Medical Society. New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Triennial Catalogue and Directory of the ... Society. Memoirs of several deceased members of the New 1878. (1881, etc.) Boston, 1878, etc. 8°. 7679. e. 7. England Historic, Genealogical Society. Published at In progress. the charge of the Towne Memorial Fund. To which is prefixed a memoir of the founder of the fund (by J. W. Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture. Dean). With portraits. Boston, 1878. 8º. 10881. eee. 4. See infra: LONDON.-Board of Agriculture. On the culture Pp. 97–191 reprinted from the “ New England Historical of potatoes ... published by order of the Massachusetts and Genealogical Register.” Society, etc. 1798. 8º. 988. k. 3. (3.) The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Laws and Regulations of the Massachusetts Society for W. Cogswell, (S. G. Drake,) Editor. Vol. 1-10, etc. promoting Agriculture. Containing the names of its present officers and members ... with ... extracts from Boston, 1847-56, etc. 8º. Ac. 5942. foreign and domestick publications. Boston, 1793. 8º. In progress. . T. 302. (6.) New-England Historic-Genealogical Society. Report [Another copy.] T. 201. (3.) of its Heraldic Committee on the question, Was Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and preface. J. Leverett a Knight? Reprint from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. pp. vi. 22. Rules and regulations of the ... Suciety containing the Boston, 1881. 8°. Ac. 5942/8. names of its members, several important communications, etc. Boston, 1796. 8°. 988. k. 1. (1.) The New England Historic-Genealogical Society to the Members of the General Court of Massachusetts: being [Another copy.] T. 177. (5.) a counter-remonstrance of said society to a remonstrance or “ Memorial of the Massachusetts Historical Society" Papers on Agriculture, consisting of communications made to the ... Society ... with extracts from various against the petition of the former for a change in its publications. [With the premiums offered by the society, corporate name. Boston, 1858. 8º. Ac. 5942/2. abstracts of the accounts and lists of the members.] Notices of recent publications from the New England 9 pt. Boston, 1799–1810. 8º. 988. k. 1. (2-6.) & 988. k. 3. (1, 2, 4, 5.) | Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1876, etc. [Boston, 1876, etc.] 8º. Ac. 5942/6. The pt. for 1809 is intìtled “ Georgick Papers,” etc. In progress. [Another copy of pts. 2–5.] 988. k. 2. (2-5.) Proceedings . . . at the annual meeting, January 1, [Another copy of pt. 2.] 1254. e. 1873 (1874, etc.). Boston, - 1873, etc. 89. In progress. Ac. 5942/5. [Another copy of pt. 3.] B. 514. (4.) Tercentenary celebration of the birth of Shakspeare [Another copy of pts. 5–8.] 7055. f. by the New England Historic-Genealogical Society: Boston, 1864. 8º. 11765. g. The Massachusetts Agricultural Repository, and Journal. Vol. 3. Boston, 1814. 8º. 988. k. 4. Tribute to the memory of Edward Everett. This appears to be a continuation of the Papers on Agri Boston, 1865. 8º. 10880. ee. culture published by the Society. Inquiries by the Agricultural Society. CHAMBERLAIN (NATHAN H.) A Paper on New-England Boston, 1800. 8°. 988. k. 2. (1.) Architecture. Boston, 1858. 8º. 7820. e. [Another copy.] 988. k. 1. (2*.) DEAN (JOHN VARD) Sketch of the life of W. B. Towne, [Another edition.] [Boston ? 1800?] 8º. etc. [With a portrait.] pp. 16. Boston, 1878. 8°. 7075. f. 10881. eee. 15. (8.) Prizes for Arboriculture offered by the Trustees of FOWLER (WILLIAM CHAUNCY) Conditions of success in the ... Society, etc. Boston, 1876. 8º. genealogical investigations, illustrated in the character 7031. f. 8. (10.) of N. Chauncey. Boston, 1866. 8º. 10882. i. Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati. HOWELL (GEORGE ROGERS) Biographical sketch of J. List of Members of the Massachusetts Society of the Munsell ... To which is appended a genealogy of the Cincinnati. Including a complete roll of the original Mursell Family, by F. Munsell. (Reprinted from the members with brief biographies ... By F. S. Drake. New England Historical and Genealogical Register.) Boston, 1872. 8º. 8365. ee. pp. 16. Boston, 1880. 8º. Ac. 5942/7. DRAKE (FRANCIS s.) Memorials of the Society of the LEWIS (WINSLOW) An Address delivered at the annual Cincinnati of Massachusetts. [With portraits and auto- meeting of the ... Society ... 1863. Boston, graphs.] Boston, Cambridge [printed), 1873. 8º. Albany [printed], 1863. gº. 9917. f. Ac. 5983. [Another copy.] 9915. aa. New England Agricultural Society. Transactions of the New England Agricultural Society, LEWIS (WINSLOW) An Address delivered before the New etc. Boston, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 3527. England Historic-Genealogical Society at the annual In progress. meeting ... 1865 ... To which is added a Report of the Proceedings at said meeting. Boston, 1865. 80. New England Historic-Genealogical Society. 9602. f. Circular number two ... April 1846. SABINE (LORENZO) An Address before the New England [Boston, 1846.] 8º. 9915. a. Historic-Genealogical Society ... Sept. 13th, 1859, the hundredth anniversary of the death of Major General Constitution and By-Laws. Boston, 1858. 8º. James Wolfe; with ... illustrative notes, etc. Ac. 5942/3. Boston, 1859. 8º. 10825. d. ACADEMIES. (BOSTON, MASS. -- BREGENZ.) 88 BOSTON, MASS. [CONTINUED). BOURGES. New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Commission Historique du Cher. SHEPPARD (JOHN H.) Tercentenary Celebration of the Mémoires. Bourges (printed], Paris, 1857, etc. 8º. birth of Sbakspeare, by the New England Historic In progress. Ac. 6780. Genealogical Society ... Remarks and Ode by J. H. S. Boston, 1864. 8º. Société des Antiquaires du Centre. SLAFTER (EDMUND F.) Discourse delivered before the Mémoires, etc. Bourges, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 5291. ... Society ... March 18, 1870, on the occasion of the In progress. twenty-fifth anniversary of its incorporation. With proceedings and appendix. Boston, 1870. 8º. Société Historique du Département du Cher. Ac. 5942/4. See supru : Commission Historique du Chér. STEBBINS (SAMUEL) of Springfield, New Hampshire, Family of. A genealogy of the family of Mr. S. S., etc. pp. 31. Universitas Biturigensis. Ebenezer Watson : Hartford, 1771 (reprinted 1880?] 4º. Only 100 copies printed. 9916. de. 24. Confirmatio Juris ad Responsa et aliorum antecessorum. Tam in causa Elisabethæ, quam in causa Mechtildis. Prince Society. Per Doctores Biturigenses. (Augsburg ? 1551 ?] 4º. See supra : ALBANY, NEW YORK. certamen R. de Mailly, C. de Jassin, etc. [Bourges, 1634.] fol. 520. d. 29. (3.) BOTZEN. Imperfect; wanting titlepage. The first portion of the above title is in the words of the head-title. Christlicher Kunstverein. Beiträge zur Entwicklungs-Geschichte der kirchlichen Baukunst in Tirol . . . zweite Gabe des christlichen Kunstvereines, etc. [Edited by S. Knoflach.] BREDA. Bozen, 1863, etc. 8º. 7814. bbb. In progress. Collegium Auriacum. Album Mittelalterlicher Kunstwerke aus Tirol, den Inauguratio ... Scholæ ... ac Collegii Auriaci a cel- Deutschen Kunstvereinen gewidmet vom christlichen sissimo ... principe Frederico Henrico in urbe Breda Kunstvereine in Bozen. pt. 1. Bozen, (1865.] fol. erectorum, cum orationibus solemnibus ipsa inaugura- 386. tionis die et seqq. aliquot habitis. Breda, 1647. 4º. Der deutsche Antheil des Bisthumos Trient. Topo- 731. g. 10. graphisch-historisch-statistisch ... beschrieben von Koninklijke Akademie voor de Zee- en Landmagt. Mehreren, und herausgegeben von den Vereinen für See infra :Koninklijke Militaire Akademie. christliche Kunst und Archäologie in Bozen und Meran. [Vol. 1. edited by J. Thaler.] Koninklijke Militaire Akademie, afterwards Konink- Brixen, 1866, etc. 8º. 10205. dd. lijke Akademie voor de Zee- en Landmagt. In progress. Jaarboekje voor de Koninklijke Militaire Akademie. [Jaargang 1-7 edited by J. C. J. Kempees; Jaargang 8, BOUILLON. etc. edited by M. P. Lindo.] 18 Jaarg. Breda, [1851]-68. 8º. P.P. 2453. k. Société Typographique de Bouillon. Titlepage engraved. Each Jaargang is in 2 pts., each pt. Premier(-cinquième) recueil philosophique et littéraire having a distinct pagination and register. No more pub- de la Société Typographique de Bouillon. lished; the “ Kadetten-Almanalc” has taken the place of this Bouillon, 1769, 70. 8º. Ac. 9034. periodical. Koninklijke Militaire Akademie. Kadetten-Almanak voor 1868. Eerste Jaargang. [Edited by P. J. H. O. BOULOGNE-SUR-MER. van G., i.e. van Geelen.] Breda, (1867, etc.) 8º. Société Académique de l'Arrondissement de Boulogne- P.P. 2753. ka. In progress. sur-Mer. Hoe moet de Kon. Mil. Academie gereorganiseerd Bulletin ... 1864, etc. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1873, etc. 8º. worden? Schiedam, 1867. 8º. 8824. C. In progress. Ac. 299/2. De Koninklijke Militaire Akademie te Breda. Door Mémoires, etc. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1866, etc. 8º. een Oud Kadet. Arnhem, 1867. 8º. 8824. d. In progress. Ac. 299. De Militaire Akademie in 1867: een stem uit het Société d'Agriculture, du Commerce et des Arts. Kadettenkorps. Amsterdam, 1868. 8º. 8824. d. Procès-verbal de la Séance publique de la Société ... 1832 (34). 2 vol. Boulogne, 1833, 35. 8º. Ac. 298. Reglernent voor de Koninklijke Militaire Akademie. Ac. 4347. Mémoires ... 2e Série. Vol. 1, 2. 1834-39. Boulogne, 1837, 40. 8º. Ac. 298/2. BREGENZ. MWAS BOURG, Société Littéraire, Historique et Archéologique du Département de l'Ain. Revue de la Société, etc. Bourg, (1872, etc.] 8º. In progress. Ac. 5289. Vorarlberger Museums-Verein. Die Römer in Vorarlberg, von J. S. Douglas. Bauliche Ueberreste von Brigantium von S. Jenny I., 12. Rechenschafts-Bericht des Ausschusses des Vorarlberger Museums-Vereins in Bregenz. Innsbruck, 1872. 4º. 7704. bb. ; 90 .. 8.9 ACADEMIES. (BREMEN-BRESLAU.] BREMEN BREMEN [CONTINUED). Deutsche Gesellschaft. Verein für die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, afterwards Bremisch - niedersächsisches Wörterbuch, worin nicht Geographische Gesellschaft. nur die in und um Bremen, sondern auch fast in ganz Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in den Jahren Niedersachsen gebräuchliche eigenthümliche Mundart, 1869 und 1870, unter Führung des Kapitän K. Kolde- nebst den schon veralteten Wörtern und Redensarten wey, etc. [Edited by A. G. Mosle and G. Albrecht.] ... erkläret sind. 5 Thle. Bremen, 1767-71. 8º. Leipzig, 1874, etc. 8º. 10460. ff. 70. a. 19. In progress. Bremisch-niedersächsisches Wörterbuch, etc. pp. 424. Bremen, 1881. 8°. 12963, f. 23. ve #23. Verein für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. This work consists of additions to and corrections of the See infra: HAMBURG. preceding. Geographische Gesellschaft. BRESCIA. See infra : Verein für die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, afterwards Geographische Gesellschaft. y Accademia dei Disinvolti. Capitoli et precetti morali da pratticarsi et osservarsi Historische Gesellschaft des Künstlervereins. nell' Accademia dei Disinvolti. [A burlesque.] See infra: Künstlerverein. Brescia, (1750?] 8º. T. 2288. (6.) Künstlerverein. Accademia dei Filesotici. Bremisches Jahrbuch. Herausgegeben von der Abthei- Acta novæ Academia Philo-Exoticorum naturæ et artis. lung des Künstlervereins für Bremische Geschichte und Brixiæ, 1686. 12º. Ac. 37. Alterthümer. Bremen, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 7016/2. Imperfect ; containing only the numbers for March, April, In progress. May and June, 1686. Denkmale der Geschichte und Kunst der freien Hanse-Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, Agricultura ed Arti stadt Bremen. Herausgegeben von der Abtheilung des del Dipartimento del Mella, afterwards Ateneo di Künstlervereins für Bremische Geschichte und Alter Brescia. thümer. [Abthl. 1 by D. R. Ebmck and H. A. Commentarj della Accademia, etc. 1808–11. 4 vol. Schumacher. Abth. 2 by J. G. Kohl. Abthl. 3, Thl. 1 Brescia, 1808–12. 89. by A. Fitzer. Abth. 2, Thl. 2 by W. von Bippen.] 3 Abthl. Bremen, 1862-76 [77]. 4º. Ac. 7016. Commentarj dell' Ateneo. 1812–44. 29 vol. Brescia, 1814-45. 8º. Ac. 28. Johann Smidt. Ein Gedenkbuch zur Säcularfeier seines Geburtstags, herausgegeben von der Historischen Intorno varj antichi monumenti scoperti in Brescia, Gesellschaft des Künstlervereins zu Bremen, etc. dissertazione del dott. G. Labus. Relazione del Prof. Bremen, 1873. 8º. Ac. 7016/5. R. Vantini, ed alcuni cenni sugli scavi del Signor L. Basiletti, pubblicati dall' Ateneo Bresciano. L. P. EHMCK (D. K.) and SCHUMACHER (H. A.) Das Rathhaus Brescia, 1823. 4°. 573. m. 13. zu Bremen. Mittheilungen über die Geschichte seines Baues. Herausgegeben von der Abtheilung des Museo Bresciano illustrato. Vol. 1. Brescia, 1838. fol. Künstlervereins für Bremische Geschichte und Alter- 1266. k. thümer. Bremen, 1866. 8º. Ac. 7016/4. [Another copy.] L. P. 558. g. JUNGK (HERMANN) Die Bremischen Münzen. Münzen Estratto dai Commentari dell'Ateneo di Brescia, 10 und Medaillen des Erzbisthums und der Stadt Bremen mit geschichtlicher Einleitung. Bearbeitet von H. Marzo, 1878. [An Account of Dr. Pellizzari's discovery Jungk. Mit 39 Tafeln. Herausgegeben von der of a “ Psalterio di Sancti Hieronymo abreuiato," printed historischen Gesellschaft des Künstlervereins. at Florence and hearing date 1423. Together with Bremen, 1875. 8°. photographs of the titlepage and colophon.] Ac. 7016/3. (Brescia, 1878.] 8º. 820. f. 38. (8.) Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Accademici Occulti. Abhandlungen. Bremen, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 2874. Carmina Acad. Occultorum. Brixiæ, 1570. 8°. In progress. 11405. c. BUCHENAU (FRANZ Kritisches Verzeichniss aller bis Rime de gli Academici Occulti con lo loro imprese e dis- jetzt beschriebenen Juncaceen, nebst Diagnosen corsi. [By B. Arnigio.] Brescia, 1568. 40 neuer Arten. pp. vii. 112. Bremen, 1880. 8º. 639. k. 2. 7054. cc. 9. [Another copy.] 82. g. 23. FOCKE (W. o.) Synopsis ruborum Germaniae. Die deutschen Brombeerarten ausführlich beschrieben und BRESLAU. erläutert, etc. Bremen, 1877. 8º. Ac. 2874/2. Academia Leopoldina Naturæ Curiosorum. Verein für die Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, afterwards See infra: GERMANY.--Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Geographische Gesellschaft. Curiosorum. Deutsche Geographische Blätter. Herausgegeben von der ... Gesellschaft ... durch ... Dr. M. Lindeman. Academia Vratislaviensis. Bremen, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 6050. See infra : Universitas Vratislaviensis. In progress. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt 1869–1870. Vor- | Historisch-philosophische Gesellschaft. träge und Mittheilungen. [By C. Koldewey, and Abhandlungen. Breslau, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 865. others.] Berlin, 1871. 8°. 10460. ee. In progress. ACADEMIES. (BRESLAU.] 92 BRESLAU (CONTINUED). BRESLAU [CONTINUED]. Jüdisch-theologischer Verein, Verein für Geschichte der bildenden Künste. Vorträge gehalten im jüdisch-theologischen Verein in Beschreibung der Breslauer Bilderhandschrift des Frois- Breslau Ende Juni 1869. Leipzig, sart verfasst im Namen des Vereins ... als Festgeschenk Krotoschin (printed, 1869.] 89. 4034. da.“ für dessen Mitglieder von Dr. A. Schultz ... Mit einer Photographie und sechs autographirten Tafeln.. Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Akademie Breslau, 1869. 4º. 11902. g. der Naturforscher. See infra: GERMANY.-Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Schlesiens Kunstleben im dreizehnten und vierzehnten Jahrhundert. Verfasst im Namen des Vereins ... von Curiosorum. Dr. A. Schultz ... mit sechs autographirten Tafelp. Breslau, 1870. 4°. 7806. e. Literarischer Studenten-Verein. Fest-Album herausgegeben . . . zum 50jährigen Jubi Schlesiens Kunstleben im fünfzehnten bis achtzehnten läum der Universität zu Breslau den 3 August 1861. Jahrhundert. Verfasst im Namen des Vereins ... von Breslau, 1861. 16º. 11527. aaa. Dr. A. Schultz ... mit einer autographischen Tafel und ... Lichtdruckentafeln. Breslau, 1872. 4º. Physiologisches Institut. 7806. e. Studien ... Herausgegeben von R. Heidenhain. Verein für Geschichte und Alterthum Schlesiens. Leipzig, 1861, etc. 80. Ac. 3780. Zeitschrift des Vereins ... herausgegeben (Bd. 1-47 von In progress. Dr. R. Roepell. (Bd. 6, etc. von ... Colmar Grünhagen. Register zu Band 1.-V.) Breslau, 1855, etc. '8º. Schlesische Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur. In progress. Ac. 7330. Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veränderungen der schles- ischen Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur im Jahre Codex Diplomaticus Silesiae. [With a preface by 1824(-49). Breslau, 1825-50. 4°. R. Roepell.] Breslau, 1857, etc. 4º. &c. 7330/6. Ac. 866/2. In progress. [Continued under the title :) Achtundzwanzigster (neunundzwanzigster, etc.) Jah- Acta Publica. Verhandlungen und Correspondenzen resbericht, etc. Breslau, [1851, etc.] 4º. der schlesischen Fürsten und Stände. Namens des In progress. Vereins ... herausgegeben von H. Palm. Jahrgang 1618. Breslau, 1865. 4º. 9425. e. Bericht über die Verhandlungen der entomologischen Section im Jahre 1851(-55) von Gravenhorst. GRUENHAGEN (C.) Regesten zur Schlesiscben Geschichte [Breslau, 1852–56.] 40. Ac. 866/4. ... Herausgegeben von Dr. C. Grünbagen. Zweite ... vermehrte Auflage. Breslau, 1876, etc. 4º. Constitution der schlesischen Gesellschaft, etc. In progress. Ac. 7330/7. Breslau, 1810. 4º. Ac. 866. PEOTENHAUER (PAUL) Die Schlesischen Siegel von 1250 Denkschrift zur Feier ihres fünfzigjährigen Bestehens bis 1300 beziehentlich 1327 ... herausgegeben von ... herausgegeben von der schlesischen Gesellschaft für P. Pfotenhauer. Mit 26 ... Tafeln. pp. viii. 43. vaterländische Kultur. Breslau, 1853. - 4º. Breslau, 1879. 4º. 7757. i. 3. 7003. C. SCHULTZ (ALVIN) Die Schlesischen Siegel bis 1250. Im General-Sachregister der in den Schriften der schles Namen des Vereins für Geschichte und Alterthum ischen Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur von 1804 Schlesiens herausgegeben von A. Schultz. Mit 9 litho- bis 1876 incl. enthaltenen Aufsätze, geordnet in alpha graphirten Tafeln. Breslau, 1871. fol. betischer Folge, etc. pp. xii. 162. Breslau, 1878. 80. 7508. eee. | Ac. 866/5. Verein für Schlesische Insektenkunde. Verzeichniss der in den Schriften der Schlesischen Ge Entomologische Miscellen. Breslau, 1874. 8º. sellschaft ... von 1804 bis 1863 incl. enthaltenen Auf- Ac. 3624. sätze, etc. (Fortsetzung ... 1864 bis 1876 incl., etc.) Universitas Vratislaviensis. Breslau, (1868–78.] 80. Ac. 866/5. Universitati Litterariæ Viadrinæ post tria sæcula gloriose Cohn (FERDINAND JULIUS) Kryptogamen-Flora von peracta Francofurto Wratislaviam translatæ et cum Schlesien. Im Namen der ... Gesellschaft ... heraus- Leopoldina ... junctæ ... die ... XIV. Calend. Novemb. gegeben von ... Dr. F. Cohn. Breslau, 1876, etc. 8º. 1811 ... gratulationis causa 1. A. Barth, typographus. In progress. 7031. f. 17. [In 21 languages.] [Breslau, 1811.] fol. 1881. a. Ordo medicorumin Litterarum Universitate Vratislaviensi Schlesischer Verein für Berg- und Hüttenwesen. mutationem examinis medici inauguralis indicit. In Jahrbuch des Schlesischen Vereins ... Enthaltend : est commentatio chirurgica de mastitidis puerperarum A. Wochenschrift. . . . B. Beilagen. ... C. Namen- und sanatione. [Breslau, 1816.] 4º. T. 56*. (1.) Sacbregister. (Jahrg. 2-3. Redacteur Dr. H. Schwarz.) Jhrg. 1-3. Breslau, 1859-61. 4º. Ac 3225. & 287. Universitatis Literariae Vratislaviensis rector C. A. D. No more published. Jahrgänge 1 and 2 are each in 3 pts. Unterholzner cum senatu auspicia , novi rectoratus a Of Jahrgang 3 only the “Wochenschrift” was published. successore suo ... rite capienda indicit. Inest notitiil Jahrgang 2 is imperfect, wanting pages 9–24 of the librorum manuscriptorum, historiam Silesiacam spec- “ Beilagen." tantium, quos servat bibliotheca academica ſby G. A. H. Stenzel]. Vratislaviae, [1821.] 4º. Verein für das Museum schlesischer Alterthümer. Universitatis Literariae Vratislaviensis rector H. Steffens Schlesiens Vorzeit in Bild und Schrift. Namens des cum senatu auspicia novi rectoratus a successore suo .. Vereins ... herausgegeben von Dr. H. Luchs. (Erster, rite capienda indicit. Inest notitiae librorum manu- zweiter, etc. Bericht des Vereins, etc.) scriptorum, historiam Silesiacam spectantium, quos Breslau, 1870-59, etc. 4º. Ac. 5458. servat bibliotheca academica, continuatio. [By G. A. H. In progress. Stenzel.] Vratislaviae, (1822.] 4º. 9384. d. 93 ACADEMIES. (BRESLAU – BRUGES.] 94 TT BRESLAU (CONTINUED). BRISTOL [CONTINUED]. Universitas Vratislaviensis. Bristol Naturalists' Society. Annalen der klinischen Anstalten der Universität zu Breslau für Geburtshülfe und Krankheiten der Weiber Proceedings ... New Series.. London, und Kinder, herausgegeben von , . . J. W. Betschler. Bristol (printed], 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 3007. & 619. Bd. 1, 2. Breslau, 1832, 34. 8º. In progress. Ac. 867. C. G. Hufelandio ... die XXIV. Julii cibI5CCCXXXIII, sum Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Bristol morum in arte medica honorum semi-saecularia ... Naturalists' Society. May 1881. pp. 24. celebranti gratulatur ordo Medicorum Academiae Vratis- Clifton, 1881. 8º. Ac. 3007/3. laviensis interprete T. G. G. Benedict. Inest commen- tatio de diagnosi tumorum in ossibus fungosorum, adjecta tabula aeri incisa. Vratislaviae, [1833.] 4º. 7442. f. BROCKHAUSEN, Academiæ Jenensi Secularia tertia celebranti gratulatur Academia Vratislaviensis. Accedunt Gregorii Bar-Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde Westphalens. Hebræi Scholia in librum Jobi ... quæ denuo edidit ... notis criticis instruxit G. H. Bernstein (bool 1245) Der Gesellschaft ... Neue Schriften. Bd. 1. Düsseldorf, 1798. 4º. • Syr. and Lat. Vratislavia, 1858. 8º. Ac. 2933. 753. The “ Scholia” have a special titlepage. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. BREST. Long Island Historical Society. Académie Royale de Marine. Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society. Tables et Instruction propres à la détermination des Brooklyn, Albany (printed], 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 8365. longitudes en mer, pour l'année 1773. Brest, 1772. 8º. In progress. T. 959. (4.) Société Académique de Brest. [Another copy.] Ac. 8365. Bulletin, etc. Tom. 1-8. Brest, 1861-74. 8º. Ac. 300. Medical Society of the County of Kings. - Deuxième Série. Brest, 1874, etc. 8º. The Proceedings of the Medical Society of the County In progress. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1878, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3858. In progress. BRIGG. North Lincolnshire Agricultural Society. BRUCHSAL. North Lincolnshire Agricultural Society. A List of entries of agricultural implements ... for the 28th Verein Verein der deutschen Strafanstaltsbeamten. Annual Exhibition ... held at Market Rasen, etc. Brigg, (1865.] 8º. 7074. cc. Bd. 2, etc.) Heidelberg, Bruchsal printed], 1864, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2226. BRUGES. BRIGHTON. Société Littéraire Française de Brighton. Mélanges par V. Hugo, L. Blanc, C. Pascal, H. Testard, E. Chérifel La Grave (publiés par la Société Littéraire Française de Brighton). Bruxelles, 1869. 12º. 12238. b. Comité Archéologique du Diocèse de Bruges. Bulletin du Comité archéologique du Diocèse de Bruges. Cahier 1. Bruges, 1853. 4°. Ac. 5516. No more published. BRISBANE. Maetschappy van Tooneel- en Letterkunde met Ken- spreuk "Yver en Broedermin." Philosophical Society of Queensland. Bekroonde Wirken op Simon Stevin, gevolgd door eene BANCROFT (JOSEPH) Pituri and Tobacco. Read before naemlijst der Groote Mannen van Brugge. the Queensland Philosophical Society ... September 4th, Brugge, 1846. 8º. 12258. h. 1879. (With plates.] pp. 15. J. C. Beal: Brisbane, (1879.] 8º. Ac. 1967. Verzameling der bekroonde en der voornaemste Dicht- en Prozastukken, welke ter mededinging zijn ingezonden geweest ... op 29 September, 1850. Brugge, 1853. 8º. 12258. h. BRISTOL. Pryskamp gegeven, in 1835 (poems entitled “De Belgen The Bristol Medico-chirurgical Society. beminnaers van Kunsten en Wetenschappen," by F. I. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Bristol. - The Bristol Blieck, F. Rens, M. Doolaeghe]. Brugge, 1835. gº. Medico-Chirurgical Journal. ... Published under the 11565. cc. auspices of the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society, etc. 1883, etc. 8º. 144. Maetschappy " Yver en Broedermin." Transactions, etc. London, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. See supra: Maetschappy van Tooneel- en Letter- Ac. 3825. kunde met Kenspreuk “ Yver en Broedermin." 95 ACADEMIES. (BRUGES---BRUNSWICK, MAINE.] 96 BRUGES [CONTINUED). BRUNN [CONTINUED). Société d'émulation de Bruges. Kaiserlich - Königlich - Mährisch - Schlesische Gesell- Annales. Tom. 1-4. Bruges, 1839–42. 8º. schaft zur Befoerderung des Ackerbaues, der Natur- und Landeskunde. - 2e Série. 13 tom. Bruges, 1843–65. 8º. Mittheilungen, etc. [Third series.] Interim-Hauptre- Troisième Série. 10 tom. Bruges, 1866–75. 8º. dakteur: É. C. Weeber. (Notizen-Blatt der historisch- statistischen Section der K. K. Mähr.-S. Gesellschaft ... - Quatrième Série. Tom. 1, etc. Bruges, 1876, etc. 8º. Redigirt von C. d'Elvert.) Brünn, 1852, etc. 4°. In progress. Ac. 745/4. In progress. The “ Notizen-Blatt" is published as an Tables générales des Annales ... Tom. 1-4; le Série. Appendix to the volumes for 1855 and following years. Tom. 1–13, 2e Série ... Rédigées par F. H. d'Hoop. Bruges, 1870. 8º. Ac. 5517. Quellen-Schriften zur Geschichte Mährens und Österr.- Schlesiens. Monumenta rerum Bohemico-Moravicarum et Biographie des hommes remarquables de la Flandre Silesiacarum. Brünn, 1861, etc. 89. Ac. 745/3. occidentale. [By C. Carton, F. van de Putte, J. de In progress. Merseman and 0. Delepierre.] 4 vol. Bruges, 1843-49. 8º. 10759. h. Schriften der historisch-statistischen Section der k. k. m. schl. Gesellschaft, etc. (Redigirt von C. d'Elvert.) [Another copy of vol. 1 & 2.] 1330. f. Brünn, 1851, etc. 8°. Ac. 745/2. In progress. Recueil de chroniques, chartes, et autres documents, concernant l'histoire, et les antiquités de la Flandre- Verhandlungen der Forst-Section für Mähren und Occidentale. Première Série: Chroniques des Monastères Schlesien. [Edited by H. C. Weeber.] de Flandre. Deuxième Série : Chroniques générales de Brünn, 1850, etc. 8º. Ac. 745. la Province. Troisième Série: Documents isolés, In progress. chartes et keuren. Bruges, 1839, etc. 4°. Ac. 5517/4. After 1869, the title was altered to “ Verhandlungen der In progress. Forstwirthe von Mähren, etc." HOLLEBEKE (LÉOPOLD VAN) L'Abbaye de Nonnenbossche de l'ordre de Saint Benoît, près d'Ypres. 1101–1796. BRUNSWICK. Suivi du Cartulaire de cette maison. Bruges, 1865. 4º. Archiv-Verein. 4685. h. Urkundenbuch der Stadt Braunschweig. [Edited by HOLLEBEKE (LÉOPOLD VAN) Lisseweghe, son église & son L. Hänselmann.] Braunschweig, 1862, etc. 4°. abbaye. Bruges, 1863, etc. 4°. 10270. g. 2. In progress. Ac. 7018. In progress. Collegium Ducale Supremum Sanitatis. STIRUM (THIERRY DE LIMBURG) Count. Codex Diplomaticus Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum Brunsvicense, .... Flandriæ inde ab anno 1296 ad usque 1325; ou, Recueil Pharmacopoeis Ducatus Brunsvico-Wolfenbuttelania de documents relatifs aux guerres et dissentions suscitées Collegio Ducali Supremo Sanitati civium dicato in par Philippe-le-Bel, roi de France, contre Gui de Dam- normam præscriptum, etc. (Pretium, seu ... Taxa, etc.) pierre, comte de Flandre, publié et annoté par le comte 2 pt. [With a preface by J. B. Martinis.] T. de Limburg-Stirum. Bruges, 1879, etc. *4º. Brunsvici, 1777. 4º. 777. h. 15. In progress. 9407. gg. 2. The · Taxa’is separately paged. WEGENER (CASPAR FREDERIK) Vie de Charles le Bon, dissertation du Dr. Wegener. Traduite du Danois par Land- und Forstwi Land- und Forstwirthschaftlicher Verein des Herzog- un Bollandiste. Bruges, (1864?] 8º. 10663. dd. thums Braunschweig. Annalen der Deutschen Landwirthschaft, etc. Société d'Émulation pour l'Histoire et les Antiquités See infra: Land- und Forstwirthschaftliche Zeit- de la Flandre Occidentale. schrift, etc See supra : Société d'Émulation de Bruges. Land- und Forstwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift für Braun- schweig, Hannover und die angrenzenden Länder ... Société Médico-Chirurgicale de Bruges. Redigirt von C. Sprengel. Bd. 1-4. Annales ... Série 1 & 2. 24 tom. Bruges, 1840-63. 8º. Braunschweig, 1834-36. 8º. Ac. 3422. [Continued as] 3e Série. Tom. 1. Bruges, 1868, etc. 80. Ac. 3793. The publication was suspended between 1864 and 1867. Annalen der Deutschen Landwirthschaft . . . redigirt von Dr. C. Sprengel. Bd. 5. Braunschweig, 1836. gº. No more published. Ortsverein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde zu BRUNN Braunschweig und Wolfenbüttel. Kaiserlich - Königlich - Mährisch - Schlesische Gesell BRANDES (CARL) Bausekretär. Das ehemalige fürstliche schaft zur Beförderung des Ackerbaues, der Lustschloss Salzdahlum und seine Ueberreste. Ge- Natur- und Landeskunde. schichtsabriss und Beschreibung ... Mit 9 Holzschnit- Mittheilungen der k. k. Mährisch-Schlesischen Gesell- ten, etc. pp. 34. Wolfenbüttel, 1880. 8º. 10230. f. 1. schaft, etc. 57 Bde. Brünn, 1821-49. 4º. _ Neue Folge ... Hauptredakteur: J. C. Lauer. BRUNSWICK, MAINE. 2 Bde. Brünn, 1850-51. 8°. Bowdoin College. Alphabetisch-geordnetes Inhalts-Verzeichniss (1821– Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et 1849]... verfasst von F. Diebl. (Mit einem Anhange officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati die Jahrgänge 1850 und 1851 enthaltend.) 2 pt. sunt in Collegio Bowdoinensi, etc. 1810, 22, 25, 31, 34, Brünn, 1840-52. 4º. Ac. 745/4. 40. 6 pt. Portlandiæ, 1810-40 .89. 8366. d. Soole France en el action 97 98 ACADEMIES. [BRUNSWICK, MAINE-BRUSSELS.] BRUNSWICK, MAINE [CONTINUED). BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). Bowdoin College. Académie Impériale et Royale (afterwards Académie Catalogue of the officers and students ... Oct. 1823, 29, Royale) des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, etc. Nouveaux Mémoires. Bruxelles, 1820, etc. 4º. In progress. Ac. 985/7. Catalogue of the Alumni of Bowdoin College, resident in Portland, May, 1862. [Portland, 1863.] gº. Annuaire. Bruxelles, 1835, etc. 12º. Ac. 985. 8365. cc. In progress. College Roll of Honor. [A list of members of the Col- Bulletins de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles- lege who have served in the U.S. Army and Navy.] Lettres de Bruxelles. (Tables générales et analytiques [Brunswick, 1870.] 8º. du recueil des Bulletins ... 1re Série [by A. Siret].) 23 tom. Bruxelles, 1836–58. 8º. TUCKER (WILLIAM P.) A catalogue of the Library of Bowdoin College; to which is added, an index of sub- 2me Série. · Bruxelles, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 985/2. jects. Privately printed : Brunswick, 1863. 8º. In progress. 11902. f. Bowdoin College.-Athenaan Society. [Another copy of tom. 13, tom. 14. pt. 1.] Bruxelles, 1846, 47. 89. 747. b. Catalogue of the Athenæan Society of Bowdoin College. Instituted 1817, incorporated 1828. Brunswick, 1838. 8°. Rapport décennal des Travaux de l'Académie Royale ... depuis 1830; par M" A. Quetelet, Secrétaire, etc. (Ex- trait du tom. VII., no. 12, des Bulletins.) Bowdoin College.-Peucinian Society. [Brussels, 1840.] 8º. 11852. f. Catalogue of the Officers and members of the Peucinian Society, Bowdoin College. (Brunswick,] 1843. 8º. 8365. d. Bibliographie Académique, ou liste des ouvrages pu- bliés par les membres, correspondants et associés rési- dents. 1854. Bruxelles, 1855. 12º. Ac. 985/3. BRUSSELS. Biographie Nationale, publiée par l'Académie Royale ... de Belgique. [With prefatory note by C. Rogier and introduction by tbe Baron de Saint-Genois.] Bruxelles, 1866, etc. 8º. 2036. d. Académie Impériale et Royale (afterwards Académie [Another copy.] 10760. dd. See NAMUR (J. P.) Bibliographie académique Belge, ou répertoire ... des Mémoires ... publiés ... par l'... Académie de Bruxelles, etc. 1838. 89. 2048. d. Centième anniversaire de fondation (1772-1872). 2 tom. Bruxelles, 1872. 89. Ać. 985/5. Mémoires. 5 tom. Bruxelles, 1777–88. 4º. 431. e. 1-5. Tom. 5, published in 1788, has also a second titlepage describing it as tom. 1 of “ Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Acadé- mie.” It is divided into 2 sections,“ Science et Arts” and “ Histoire," each having a distinct titlepage, pagination and register. No more was published till after the reorganisation of the Academy in 1816. Mémorandum des Travaux de Botanique et de Physio- logie végétale qui ont été publiés par l'Académie Royale ... (1772-1871). Rapport séculaire par E. Morren. Bruxelles, 1872.' 89. 7031. bbb. 8. Seconde édition. Tom. 1-4. Bruxelles, 1780–83. 4º. T.C. 4. b. 11–14. Tom. 1 only is of the second edition. Tom. 2-4 are dupli- cates of the preceding copy. Imperfect; wanting tom. 5. ADENEZ, surnamed Le Roi. Bueves de Commarchis ... Chanson de geste publiée ... et annotée par M. A. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1874. 8º. Ac. 985/27. Mémoires sur les questions proposées par l'Académie Royale . .., qui ont remportés les prix ... en 1817 (-1825). Tom. 1-5. Bruxelles, 1818-26. 4º. ADENEZ, surnamed Le Roi. Les Enfances Ogier, par Adenés li Rois. Poëme publié pour la première fois ... et apnoté par M. A. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1874. 8º. Ac. 985/26. ADENEZ, surnamed Le Roi. Li Roumans de Berte aus grans piés ... Poëme publié d'après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal avec notes et variantes par M. A. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1874. 89. Ac. 985/22. [Continued as:] Mémoires couronnés en 1826(-1841) par l'Académie Royale, etc. Tom. 6–15, pt. 1. Bruxelles, 1827–41. 4º. Mémoires couronnés et Mémoires des savants étrangers, publiés par l'Académie Royale, etc. Ac. 985/6. Bruxelles, 1843, etc. 4º. In progress. ADENEZ, surnamed Le Roi. Li Roumans de Cléomadès ... publié pour la première fois d'après un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, à Paris, par A. Van Hasselt. 2 tom. Bruxelles, 1865, 66. 8º. Ac. 985/21. Mémoires couronnés et Mémoires des savants étrangers, publiés par l'Académie Royale ... Collection in-8°. Bruxelles, 1840, etc. 8º. Ac. 985/4. In progress. This collection consists of works entirely dis- tinct from those published in the 4º collection. BAUDOUIN, Son of Baldwin II., King of Jerusalem. Li Bastars de Buillon, faisant suite au roman de Baudouin de Sebourg, poëme du xive siècle publié pour la pre- nière fois d'après le manuscrit unique de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris par A. Scheler. pp. xxxiii. 340. Bruxelles, 1877. 8º. Ac. 985/25 [Another copy of tom. 1.] Ac. 985/4. 99 100 ACADEMIES. [BRUSSELS.] BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). Académie Impériale et Royale (afterwards Académie Académie Impériale et Royale (afterwards Académie Royale) des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, etc. Royale) des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, etc.. BORMAN (CAMILLE TH. F. M. DE) Chevalier. Le Livre des QUETELET (LAMBERT ADOLPHE JACQUES) Catalogue des Fiefs du Comté de Looz sous Jean d'Arckel, etc. principales apparitions d'étoiles filantes ... Mémoire lu Bruxelles, 1875. 89, Ac. 985/11. à la séance du 8 Juin 1839. pp. 61. Bruxelles, 1839. 4º. .: 8562. ff. 4. (1.) BRASSENIEX (WATRIQUET) de Couvin. Dits de Watriquet QUETELET (LAMBERT ADOLPHE JACQUES) Instructions pour de Couvin publiés pour la première fois d'après les l'observatiun des phénomènes périodiques. Manuscrits de Paris et de Bruxelles et accompagnés de [Brussels, 1842.] 4º. Ac. 985/8. ... notes, ... par A. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1868. 8º. Without tillepage. Ac. 985/23. CHASTELLAIN (GEORGES) Euvres de G. C., publiées par [Another edition.] [Brussels, 1843.] 4º. Ac. 985/8. M. le Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove. 8 tom. Bruxelles, 1863–58. 8º. Ac. 985/18. REIFFENBERG (FRÉDÉRIC AUGUSTE FERDINAND THOMAS DE) Baron. Notices et extraits des Manuscrits de la Biblio- CONDÉ (BAUDOUIN DE) Dits et Contes de Baudouin de thèque dite de Bourgogne, relatifs aux Pays-Bas; publiés Condé, et de son fils Jean de Condé, publiés ... et ac- par l'Académie Royale... pour faire suite à ses Mémoires compagnés de variantes et de notes explicatives par ... Par le Baron de Reiffenberg. Tom. 1. Pt. 1. A. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1866, etc. 89. Ac. 985/19. Bruxelles, 1829. 4°. 824. i. 18. In progress. No more published. FROISSART (JEAN) Euvres ... publiées, avec les vari SCHELER (AUGUSTE) Trouvères Belges du xije au xive antes des divers manuscrits, par M. le Baron Kervyn de siècle. Chansons d'amour, jeux-partis, pastourelles, dits Lettenhove. Chroniques. (Glossaire par M. A. Scheler.) et fabliaux par Quenes de Béthune, ... Gillebert de 25 tom. (Poésies, publiées par M. A. Scheler. 3 tom.) Berneville, ... publiés, d'après les manuscrits, et annotés Bruxelles, 1870, 67–77. 8°. Ac. 985/20. par M. A. S. pp. xxvii. 359. Bruxelles, 1876. 8º. Ac. 985/28. FROISSART (JEAN) Le premier livre des Chroniques de SCHELER (AUGUSTE) Trouvères Belges. Nouvelle série. J. Froissart. Texte inédit, publié d'après un manuscrit Chansons d'amour, jeux-partis, pastourelles, satires, dits de la Bibliothèque du Vatican, par M. le Baron Kervyn et fabliaux, par Gonthier de Soignies, Jacques de Cisoing, de Lettenhove. 2 tom. Bruxelles, 1863. 8º. ... Raoul de Houdenc, etc. publiés ... et annotés par Ac. 985./16. A. Scheler. pp. xxiv. 396. Louvain, 1879. 8º. GACHARD (LOUIS PROSPER) Retraite et mort de Charles- Ac. 985/24. Quint au monastère de Yuste. Lettres inédites (chiefly | Académie Royale de Belgique. in Spanish], publiées ... par M. G. 3 pt. Bruxelles, 1854, 55. 8º. Ac. 985/12. See supra: Académie Impériale et Royale (after- The 3 pts. consist of an Introduction and Tom. 1 and 2. wards Académie Royale) des Sciences et Belles- Lettres, etc. KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE (JOSEPH MARIE BRUNO CONSTANTIN Baron. Istore et croniques de Flandres, d'après les Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique. textes de divers manuscrits. Bruxelles, 1879, etc. 4º. Bulletin de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique. In progress. Ac. 986/22. 16 Tom. Bruxelles, 18421-57). 8º. Deuxième série. 9 Tom. Bruxelles, 1858-66. 8º. Bruxelles, 1867, etc. Troisième série. In progress. 8º. Ac. 3794. Mémoires de l'Académie, etc. Bruxelles, 1848, etc. 40. In progress. Ac. 3794/5. LE BEL (JEAN) Lies vrayes Chroniques de Messire J. Le Bel. Histoire vraye et notable des nouvelles guerres et choses avenues l'an mil CCCXXVI. jusques à l'an LXI. en France, en Angleterre ... et ailleurs. Et principale- ment des haults faitz du Roy Edowart d'Angleterre et des deux roys Philippe et Jehan de France. Publiées par M. L. Polain. 2 tom. Bruxelles, 1863. 8º. Ac. 985/17. MAERLANT (JACOB VAN) Alexanders Geesten van J. van Maerlant, met inleiding, varianten van HSS., aan- teekeningen en glossarium, ... in naam der Konink- lijke Akademie vau Wetenschappen, Letteren en Fraaije Kunsten, voor de eerste maal uitgegeven door F. A. Snellaert, etc. Brussel, 1860, etc. 80. Ac. 985/15. In progress. Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de l'Académie ... avec table alphabétique, 1° des noms d'auteurs; 2° des ouvrages anonymes. Premier supplément. Bruxelles, 1876. 8º. 11905. i. 11. MAERLANT (JACOB VAN) Der Naturen Bloeme van J. van Maerlant, met inleiding, varianten van HSS., aenteeke- ningen en glossarium ... voor de eerste mael uitgegeven door J. H. Bormans, etc. Deel 1. Brussel, 1857. 8º. Ac. 985/13. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothèque de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1846. 8º. 11902. bb. Célébration du vingt-cinquième Anniversaire de la Fondation de l'Académie Royale de Médecine... Exposé des travaux de la compagnie, pendant la période 1841- 1846. Bruxelles, 1867. 8º. · Ac. 3794/2. MAERLANT (JACOB VAN) Rymbybel van J. van Maerlant, met voorrede, varianten van HSS., aenteekeningen en glossarium ... uitgegeven door J. David, etc. 3 Din. Brussel, 1858–59. 80. Ac. 985/14. Mémoires des Concours et des Savants étrangers, publiés par l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique... Ac. 3794/4. In progress. Each “ Mémoire”? is separately paged. 101 ACADEMIES. (BRUSSELS.] 102 BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique. Commission Royale d'Histoire. WARLOMONT (E.) Louise Lateau. Rapport médical sur Compte-rendu des séances ... Deuxième série. 12 tom. la stigmatisée de Bois d'Haine, fait à l'Académie Royale Bruxelles, 1851-59. 8º. de Médecine de Belgique, au nom d'une Commission, etc. Bruxelles, Gand (printed], 1875. 8º. 4867. ee. 12. - Troisième série. 14 tom. Bruxelles, 1860-72. 8º. - Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. See supra: Académie Impériale et Royale (after- wards Académie Royale) des Sciences et Belles- Lettres. Quatrième série. Tom. 1, etc. Bruxelles, 1873, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 936. Table générale, chronologique et analytique des Chartes, Lettres, Ordonnances, Traités et autres documents con- tenus dans les 1re, 2e et ze séries des Bulletins de la Com- mission Royale d'Histoire : par J. J. E. Proost. Bruxelles, 1874. 8º. Ac. 986. Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. See supra : Académie Impériale et Royale (after- wards Académie Royale) des Sciences et Belles- Lettres, etc. Association Belge de Photographie. Bulletin. Bruxelles, Gand (printed], 1875, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5048. Table générale du Recueil des Bulletins de la Commis- sion Royale d'Histoire de Belgique (1re série, tome 1. à XVI.) rédigée par M. E. Gachet. (2me série, tome 1. à XII., par M. E. van Bruyssel.-3me série, tom. 1. à xiv., par J. J. E. Proost.) Bruxelles, 1852, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 986. Association Nationale pour favoriser les Arts en Belgique. La Renaissance. Chronique des Arts et de la Littéra- ture. Publié par l'Association Nationale pour favoriser les Arts en Belgique. Tom. 1-15. Tom. 16, no. 1. Bruxelles, 1839-54. 4°. P.P. 1931. p. d. No more published. ANTWERP, Diocese of. Synopsis actorum Ecclesiæ Ant- werpiensis et ejusdem dioceseos status hierarchicus ab episcopatus erectione usque ad ipsius suppressionem; liber prodromus tomi tertii Synodici Belgici. Edidit P. F. X. de Ram. Bruxellis, 1856. 8º. 4685. C. DES PREIS (JEAN) called d'Outremeuse. Ly Myreur des histors, chronique de J. des Preis dit d'Outremeuse. (Appendice ; Le Geste de Liège. [In verse.]) Tom. 1-3, 5, publiée par A. Borgnet. (Tom. 4, 6, par S. Bormans.) 6 Tom. Bruxelles, 1864-80. Ac. 986/11. This forms part of the “ Corps des Chroniques Liégeoises," which itself belongs to the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. ALVIN (L. J.) Documents iconographiques et typogra- phiques de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, etc. 1877. fol. · 1705. c. 5. ALWIN (LOUIS JOSEPH Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de F.J. Fétis acquise par l'État Belge. [With an introduction by L. J. Alvin.] Bruxelles, 1877. 8º. BB.G. Caesarea Regia Scientiarum et Litterarum Academia. See supra: Académie Impériale et Royale (after- wards Académie Royale) des Sciences et Belles- Lettres, etc. DEVILLERS (LÉOPOLD) Cartulaire des Comtes de Hainaut ... publié par L. Devillers. Bruxelles, 1881, etc. 4º. Ac. 986/23. In progress.- Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." DYNTER (EDMUNDUS DE) Chronique des ducs de Brabant, par E. de Dynter, en six livres, publiée ... avec des notes et l'ancienne traduction française de Jehan Wauquelin; par P. F. X. de Ram.-Chronica...Ducum Lotharingiae et Brabantiae ac Regum Francorum, etc. Collegium Medicum. Statuta ... ab amplissimo senatu sancita R. Fervacquio Latine editæ, etc. Bruxella, 1650. 4º. 551. b. 6. (3.) Pharmacopoea, auctior et correctior ... edita, opera ... sex Collegii Medici Assessorum (F. Verbeelen, J. Van Papenbroeck, etc.]. Bruxellæ, 1671. fol. 777. i. 21. Tom. 1 is in 2 pts. Belges inédites." Ac. 986/6. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Comité Archéologique du Brabant. Comité archéologique du Brabant, fondé à Bruxelles, le 6 Octobre 1868. Programme et Statuts. pp. 21. Bruxelles, 1869. 8º. 77709. bb. 48. GACHARD (LOUIS PROSPER) La Bibliothèque Nationale à Paris. Notices et extraits des Manuscrits qui concernent l'histoire de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1875, etc. 4º. Ac. 986/19. inédites." Commission Royale d'Histoire. See Philip II., King of Spain. Correspondance de Philippe II. ... (Ouvrage destiné à faire suite aux publi- cations de la Commission Royale d'Histoire.) 1848, etc. 4°. 805. h. 14. GACHARD (LOUIS PROSPER) Les Bibliothèques de Madrid et de l'Escurial. Notices et extraits des manuscrits qui concernent l'Histoire de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1873. 4º. Ac. 986/18. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." Compte-rendu des séances de la Commission, ... ou Recueil de ses Bulletins. 16 tom. Bruxelles, 1844-50. 8º. Tom. 1 is of the second edition. GACHARD (LOUIS PROSPER) Collection des Voyages des Souverains des Pays-Bas. Publiée par M. Gachard. Tom. 1,2. (Publiée par MM. Gachard et Piot. Tom. 3, 4)-82. 4 Tom. Bruxelles, 1874. 4º. . Ac. 986/16. 103 ACADEMIES. [BRUSSELS.] 104 BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). Commission Royale d'Histoire. Commission Royale d'Histoire. GACHET (ÉMILE LÉONARD JEAN BAPTISTE) Glossaire Roman MOUSKES (PHILIPP) Bishop of Tournay. Chronique rimée des Chroniques rimées de Godefroid de Bouillon, du de P. Mouskes (évêque de Tournay au treizième siècle), Chevalier au Cygne, et de Gilles de Chin ... Par E. publiée (pour la première fois, avec des préliminaires, un Gachet. [Pp. 412–447 by F. Liebrecht. Edited by commentaire et des appendices) par le Baron de Reiffen- A. Borgnet.] Bruxelles, 1859. 4º. Ac. 986/15. berg. 2 tom. Bruxelles, 1836, 38. 4º. Ac. 986/2. This work was originally published in the “ Monuments Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." pour servir à l'histoire des provinces de Namur, etc.” PERRENOT DE GRANVELLE (ANTOINE) Cardinal. Corres- GHENT. Relation des troubles de Gand sous Charles- pondance du Cardinal de Granvellé, 1565–1586, publiée Quint, par un anonyme; suivie de ... documents inédits par M. E. Poullet, etc. 2 Tom. Bruxelles, 1877, 80. 4º. sur cet événement, par M. Gachard. Ac. 986/8. Bruxelles, 1846. 4° Ac. 986/21. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites.”' GOFFINET (HIPPOLYTE) Cartulaire de l'Abbaye d'Orval, PIOT (CHARLES) Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Frond, depuis l'origine de ce monastère jusqu'à l'année 1365 publié par C. Piot. Bruxelles, 1870, 74. 4º. inclusivement, etc. pp. xxxviii. 800. Ac. 986/13. Bruxelles, 1879. 4º. Ac. 986/17. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites.” Part of the Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." Piot (CHARLES) Chroniques de Brabant et de Flandre. HEELU (JAN VAN) van Leeuwen. Chronique en vers de pp. xiv. 913. Bruxelles, 1879. 4º. 9405. i. 1. J. van Heelu, ou relation de la bataille de Woeringen, Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." publiée par J. F. Willems.-Rymkronyk van J. van Heelu betreffende den slag van Woeringen, van het jaer REIFFENBERG (FRÉDÉRIC AUGUSTE FERDINAND THOMAS DE) 1288, uitgegeven met ophelderingen en aanteekeningen, Baron. Monuments pour servir à l'histoire des provinces van J. F. Willems. Dutch. (Codex Diplomaticus.) de Namur, de Hainaut et de Luxembourg, recueillis et Bruxelles, 1836. 4°. Ac. 986/3. publiés pour la première fois par le Baron de Reiffenberg, Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." (Publication ... achevée par ... A. Borgnet.) Bruxelles, 1844, etc. 4º. Ac. 986/7. JEAN, de Stavelot. Chronique de Jean de Stavelot, publiée In progress.—Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges par A. Borgnet, etc. Bruxelles, 1861. 4º. inédites." Ac. 986/10. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." SMET (J. J. DE) Recueil des Chroniques de Flandre, publié . . . par J. J. de Smet.--Corpus chronicorum KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE (JOSEPH MARIE BRUNO CONSTANTIN Flandriæ, etc. Lat. Bruxelles, 1837, etc. 4º. Baron. Chroniques relatives à l'histoire de la Belgiqué Ac. 986/4. sous la domination des Ducs de Bourgogne ... Publiées In progress. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges par M. le baron Kervyn de Lettenhove. inédites." Bruxelles, 1870, etc. 4º. Ac. 986/14. In progress. Part of the “ Collection des Chroniques WAUTERS (ALPHONSE Table chronologique des Chartes Belges inédites.” et Diplômes imprimés concernant l'histoire de la Belgique KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE (JOSEPA MARIE BRUNO CONSTANTIN) mise en ordre et publiée ... par A. W. Bruxelles, 1866. 4°. Ac. 986/12. Baron. Codex Dunensis sive diplomatum et chartarum medii aevi amplissima collectio. Edidit J. B. M. C. In progress. Baro Kervyn, etc. Bruxelles, 1875. 4º. Ac. 986./20. [Another edition of tom. 1.] 9407. g. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE (JOSEPH MARIE BRUNO CONSTANTIN) Commission Royale pour la publication des anciennes Baron. Relations politiques des Pays-Bays et de l'Angle- terre sous le règne de Philippe II., etc., lois et ordonnances de la Belgique. Bruxelles, 1882, etc. 4º. Ac. 986. 24. Commission Royale pour la publication des anciennes In progress.-Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges lois et ordonnances de la Belgique. Procès-verbaux des inédites." Séances. Bruxelles, 1848, etc. 8º. 5695. b. In progress. KLERK (JAN DE Les Gestes des Ducs de Brabant, etc. De Brabantsche Geesten, of Rymkronyk van Brabant, Recueil des anciennes contumes de la Belgique, publié door Jan de Klerk, van Antwerpen (and an anonymous par ordre du Roi, sous les auspices du Ministre de la continuator), uitgegeven door J. F. Willems. Deel 1, 2 Justice, par les soins d'une Commission Spéciale. (door J. A. Bormans, deel 3), Dutch. 3 Deel. (Codex Bruxelles, 1867, etc. 4º. Diplomaticus, etc.) Bruxelles, 1839-69. 4º. In progress. Ac. 986/5. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites.”' Recueil des anciennes ordonnances de la Belgique. LE GLAY (A. J. G.) Revue des Opera Diplomatica de Bruxelles, 1855, etc. ful. 5684. h. Miraeus, sur les titres reposant aux archives départe- In progress. mentales du Nord, à Lille. Par A. Le Glay. Bruxelles, 1856. 8º. 819. h. 6. BOUILLON, Duchy of. Liste chronologique des édits et ordonnances de l'ancien Duché de Bouillon, de 1240 MOLANUS (JOANNES) Les quatorze livres sur l'histoire de à 1795. Bruxelles, 1865. 8º. 5695. b. la Ville de Louvain du Docteur...J. M., publiés d'après le manuscrit autographe, accompagnés d'une notice sur [Another copy.] 5405. ccc. la vie et les écrits de Molanus, de notes et d'appendices, par P. F. X. de Ram, etc. J. Molani ... Historiae Luva LIÉGE, Principality of Liste chronologique des édits et niensium libri xiv., etc. Lat. 2 vol. ordonnances de la Principauté de Liége de 974 à 1505 Bruxelles, 1861. 4º. Ac. 986/9. (de 1507 ... à 1794). 3 pt. Bruxelles, 1873-51. 8º. Part of the “ Collection de Chroniques Belges inédites." 5695. b. 5684. g-gg. 100 106 ACADEMIES. [BRUSSELS.] i BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). Commission Royale pour la publication des anciennes Nederduitsch tael- en letterkundige Genootschap. lois et ordonnances de la Belgique. Bijdragen van het Nederduitsch tael- en letterkundige NETHERLANDS. Liste chronologique des édits et ordon genootschap te Brussel. Jaerg. 1, 2. nances des Pays-Bas Autrichiens, de 1700 à 1750. Brussel, 1848-49. 8º. Ac. 9031. (1751–94.) 3 pt. Bruxelles, 1851-58. 8º. No more published. 5695. b. [Another copy of pts. 2 & 3.] 5695. b. Observatoire Royal. Annales de l'Observatoire Royal...Publiées (tom. 1-23) STAVELOT, Principality of. Liste chronologique des édits ... par ... A. Quetelet. (Tom. 24. Par ... E. Que- et ordonnances de la Principauté de Stavelot et de telet. Tom. 25. Par J. C. Houzeau.) Malmédy, de 650 à 1795. Par M. L. Polain. Bruxelles, 1834–77. 4º. 8750. h. Bruxelles, 1852. 8º. 5695. b. - Nouvelle Série. (Appendice.) [Edited by J. C. Congrès Homoeopathique. Houzeau.] 1878, etc. 4° Compte-rendu des travaux du Congrès Homoeopathique In progress tenu à Bruxelles. Session de 1856. See Paris. - Congrès Medical Homoeopathique. Compte rendu des travaux, etc. Rapport ... sur l'état et les travaux de l'Observatoire 1851, etc. 8º. Ac. 3726. Royal pendant l'année 1848 (1849, 1882) par ... A. Quetelet. Bruxelles, 1848–53. 8º. 8564. d. Conservatoire Royale de Musique de Bruxelles. Annuaire de l'Observatoire de Bruxelles, pour l'an 1834, Annuaire du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de par le Directeur A. Quetelet. Bruxelles, 1833, etc. 12º. Bruxelles. Bruxelles, Gand (printed, 1876, etc.] 8º. In progress. P.P. 2362. a. In progress. Ac. 5152. Almanach séculaire de l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles, Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Letteren par ... A. Quetelet. [Forming a complement to the en Fraije Kunsten. 56 Annuaire de l'Observatoire Royal."] Bruxelles 1854, etc. 12º. P.P. 2362. aa. See supra : Académie Impériale et Royale (after- In progress. wards Académie Royale) des Sciences et Belles- Lettres, etc. Catalogue des ouvrages d’Astronomie et de Météorologie qui se trouvent dans les principales bibliothèques de la Maatschappy “ Vaderlandsliefde." Belgique, préparé et mis en ordre à l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles; suivi d'un appendice qui comprend tous les Waeren Belg, of verzameling van stukken, uytgegeeven autres ouvrages de la bibliothèque de cet établissement. door de Brusselsche Maetschappy Vaterlandsliefde. With an introduction by J.C. Houzeau.] pp. xxiii. 645. 2 Aflev. Brussels, 1840, 41. 8º. Ac. 9030. Bruxelles, 1878. 8º. 11905. g. 21. No more published. Société Agricole de Bruxelles, Maetschappy der Belgische Letterkundigen. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Brussels. Journal d’Agri- DUYSE (BRUDENS VAN Het Klaverblad. Romancen, culture, etc. (publié sous la direction de la Société Legenden, Sagen. Brussel, 1848. 8º. Agricole). 1817, etc. 8°. P.P. 2335. 12580. bbb. LAVRY (CHARLES ADOLPHE JOSEPH) Euvres posthumes de société Belge-Brésilienne de Colonisation, C. Lavry. With a notice of his life by E. V. B., i.e. E. P. P. van Bemmel.] Bruxelles, 1851. 8º. De la Colonisation au Brésil. Mémoire historique ... Ac. 9032. sur la province de Sainte-Catherine, formant le deuxième rapport à la Société Belge-Brésilienne de Colonisation Maetschappy voor Opvoeding en Onderwys. ... par C. van Lede, etc. Bruxelles, 1843. 4º. Nouvelle psychologie du Dr. Beneke, composée d'après des 10481. h. principes méthodiques ; à l'usage des professeurs, insti- Société Centrale d'Agriculture de Belgique. tuteurs, etc., par Ĝ. Raue, ... Traduite de l'Allemand sur la 3e édition du docteur Dresslır... par J. Blockhuys, Journal de la Société Centrale d'Agriculture de Belgique. etc. Gand, 1861. 8°. Ac. 2644. Bruxelles, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 3462. In progress. Musée de l'Industrie. Société d'économie Politique Belge. Bulletin, ... redigé par J. B. A. M. Jobard. Tom. 1-40 (par ... E. Gauthy. Tom. 56, etc.) La Question Monétaire. Discussion à la Société d'Éco- Bruxelles, 1841, etc. 8º. Ac. 4445. .nomie Politique Belge le 16 Novembre 1873. In progress. Bruxelles (printed], Paris, 1874. 8º. Ac. 2346. Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Annales, etc. [With a preface by E. Dupont.] Bruxelles, 1877, etc. fol. & obl. fol. 1826. c. In progress. Société de l'Histoire de Belgique. Collection de Mémoires relatifs à l'Histoire de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1858, etc. 8°. Ac. 7540. In progress. Mémoires sur les terrains crétacé et tertiaires préparés a par feu A. Dumunt pour servir à la description de la Dates Société des Bibliophiles de Belgique. Carte Géologique de la Belgiqne, édités par M. Mourlon. Société des Bibliophiles de Belgique, établie à Bruxelles. 4 tom. Bruxelles, 1878–82. gº. Ac. 2959. Statuts. [Brussels,] 1839. 8º. Ac. 9033/3. 107 ACADEMIES. [BRUSSELS-BUDAPEST.] 108 BRUSSELS [CONTINUED). BRUSSELS (CONTINUED). Société des Bibliophiles de Belgique. Université Libre de Bruxelles. Le Bibliophile Belge. Bulletin trimestriel publié par la L'Université Libre de Bruxelles pendant vingt-cinq ans, Société des Bibliophiles de Belgique. [Edited by X. de 1834-1860. Statuts, discours, rapports, tableaux des Theux.] Bruxelles, 1866, etc. 80. Ac. 9033/2. cours et des professeurs, etc. Bruxelles, 1860. 8º.. In progress. 8355. aaa. Université Libre. Procès-verbal de la séance d'installa- Croy (CHARLES DE) Duke de Croy, etc. Une existence de tion (20 Nov. 1834), contenant les discours de M. Rouppe, Grand Seigneur au seizième siècle. Mémoires auto président, la composition du personnel des diverses facul- graphes du Duc Charles de Croy, publiés ... par le tés, le discours de M. Baron secrétaire, et les statuts de Baron de Reiffenberg. l'université. 2 pt. Bruxelles, 1834. 8º. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1845. 8°. . . Ac. 9033/4. (3.) T. 2100. (6-8.) Université Libre de Bruxelles. Année Acadéinique 1869– MALINÆUS (GULIELMUS) Lettres sur la vie intérieure de 1870. Discours d'ouverture prononcés ... par M. Van Charles Quint, écrites par G. van Male, publiées par le Schoor, ... J. B. Francqui, ... et ... G. Gluge. baron de Reiffenberg. Bruxelles, 1843. gº. Bruxelles, 1869. 8º. 8307. h. Ac. 9033/4. (2.) MARGARET, Consort of Alexander, Duke of Florence. Cur- respondance de Marguerite d'Autriche duchesse de Parme, avec Philippe II, suivie des interrogatoires du BUCHAREST. Comte d'Egmont et de quelques autres pièces, publiée, Academia Romana pour la première fois, par le baron de Reiffenberg. Bruxelles, 1842. 8°. Ac. 903314. (1.)! See infra : Societatea Academica Romana, ete. MÉRODE (RICHARDO DI) La Justification du seigneur R. de Societatea Academica Româna, afterwards Academia Mérode touchant sa querelle avec don R. de Benavides, Româna. publié avec une introduction par C. Ruelens. (Translate Lege, statute, regulamentu generale si personalu ale Academiei Romane 1879. pp. 56. Bucuresci, 1879. 8°. Bruxelles, 1867. 8º. Ac. 9033. Ac. 743. 3. Annalele Societatei Academice. Seri'a 1. 11 tom. Société des Gens de Lettres Belges. Bucuresci, 1878–80–79. 80. [Continued as :) See supra: Maetschappy der Belgische Letter- Annalele Academiei Romane. Seri’a 2. kundigen. Bucuresci, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 743. In progress. Société entomologique de Belgique. BIBLE.-Old Testament.-Psalms. [Roumanian.7 Psal- Annales de la Société, etc. Bruxelles, 1857, etc. 80. tirea publicată Românesce la 1577 de Diaconulă Coresi. In progress. Ac. 3645/2. Reprodusă (in facsimile, and also in Cyrillic and in Latin characters] cu unŭ studiŭ bibliografică şi unŭ glosară Comptes-rendus des séances de la Société entomologique comparativă de B. Petriceicu-Hasdeŭ. Editiunea Acade- de Belgique ... 23 septembre 1866, etc. miei Romane. Bucuresci, 1881, etc. 4º. Ac. 743. 2. Brussels, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 3645/3. In progress. In progress. Societatea Geografică Română. Catalogue de la bibliothèque de la Société entomologique Buletinul Societatii Geografice Romane ... Bulletin de de Belgique [by A. Preudhomme de Borre). la Société Géographique Roumaine. Roum. and Fr. [Brussels, 1871, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3645 Bucarest (1876, etc.] 8º. Ac. 6003. In progress. In progress. Statuts . . . révisés en Assemblée générale du 25 sep- Société Géografique Roumaine. tembre 1865. Bruxelles, 1866. 8º. Ac. 364514. See supra : Societatea Geografică Română. Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique. Bulletins de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique. BUCKHURST HILL. Bruxelles, Gand (printed), 1862, etc. 8º. , Ac. 3274. In progress. Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club, Société Royale des Sciences Médicales et Naturelles. Transactions, etc. Buckhurst Hill, 1880, etc. 8º. 324. In progress. Journal de Médecine, publié par la Société des Sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles ... J. R. Marinus MELDOLA (RAPHAEL) An Inaugural Address delivered rédacteur principal. Année 1843. Bruxelles, 1843. 8º. to the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' [Continued as:) . Field Club ... 1880. By R. Meldola. Journal de Médecine, de Chirurgie et de Pharmacologie, Buckhurst Hill, Woodford (printed), 1880. 8º. ... Année 1844(-1875.) [Vol. 3–41 edited by Dr. 10347. c. 2. (10.) Dieudonné, and Vol. 42–57 by Dr. Van den Corput. 7 Bruxelles, 1844, etc. 8º. BUDA. In progress. See infra : PEST. Société voor Opvoeding en Onderwys. BUDAPEST See supra: Maetschappy voor Opvoeding en Onderwys. See infra : PEST. hirivol. 3-41 den Corput: 3791. 109 110 ACADEMIES. BUENOS AYRES—BURY ST. EDMUNDS. BUENOS AYRES. BURLINGTON, NEW JERSEY. Asociacion de Amigos de la historia natural del Plata. Burlington College. Estatuts de la Asociacion, etc. Buenos Aires, 1855. 8º. | Address of the Trustees; prospectus of the preparatory 7004. cc. school. Burlington, 1846. 8º. 1369. h. (3.) Colegio del Salvador. El Progreso del Plata, ó la República Argentina desde Burlington College. Address of the Board of Trustees, 1852. Corona poética que los alumnos de retórica del etc.] Sixth edition. Burlington, 1848. 12º. Colegio del Salvador ... dedican á su patria en el dia de 8366. aaa. 1. (1.) la ... distribucion de premias del año 1872. Burlington College. Address of the Trustees. Seventh Buenos Aires, 1872. 89. 8180. k. 2. (5.) edition. (Appendix. A word or two with parents.) Burlington, 1848. 12º. 8366. aaa, 1. (2.) Museo Público. Anales del Museo Público de Buenos Aires, para dar á Proceedings of the Fourth of July 1850, at Burlington conocer los objetos de historia natural nuevos ó poco College. Burlington, 1850. 8º. 8365. e. conocidos conservados en este establecimiento. Por G. Burmeister. Buenos Aires, 1864, etc. 4°. Ac. 3084. In progress. BURLINGTON, VERMONT. Observatorio Astronómico Argentino. See infra : Observatorio Nacional Argentino. University of Vermont. Catalogue of the officers and students...Oct. 1823. [Burlington, 1823.] 8º. 8366. d. Observatorio Nacional Argentino. Observatorio Astronómico Arjentino. Discursos [by B. A. Gould and N. Avellaneda] sobre su inauguracion verificada el 24 de Octubre de 1871. Buenos Aires, 1872. 89. 8752. cc. 8. Catalogue of the officers and students ... Nov. 1834 (-1835). 2 pt. Burlington, 1834-35. 8º. 8366. d. Observatorio Astronómico y Oficina meteorológica de la República Argentina. Informes presentados... por... B. A. Gould. Buenos Aires, 1875. 8º. Ac. 4196. Catalogue of the Officers and Students... Oct. 1839. [Burlington, 1839.] 8º. 8365. c. Sociedad Literaria. El Aniversario de la Sociedad Literaria de Buenos Aires. Enero 1823. (Buenos Ayres ? 1823.] 4º. Ac. 9195. Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quive alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in Universitate Viridimontana. Burlingtoniæ, 1843. 80. tana. 8365. d. Catalogue of the corporation, officers and students of the University of Vermont. Oct. 1844. [Burlington, 1844.] 80. 8365. C. Sociedad Rural Argentina. See BUENOS AYRES, Province of. Código Rural de la Provincia de Buenos Aires ampliado con las modifica- ciones introducidas en el mismo por la Sociedad Rural Argentina. 1870. 8º. 6784. a. Anales de la Sociedad Rnral Argentina . . . Revista destinada á la defensa de los intereses rurales del pais, etc. [Edited by E. Olivera.] Buenos Aires, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 3538. In progress. A Catalogue of the corporation, officers, and students of the University of Vermont. Burlington, 1849. 8º. 8365. cc. 2. (25.) A Catalogue of the officers and students of the Uni- versity of Vermont and State Agricultural College. With a statement of the several courses of instruction. 1866–7. Burlington, 1866. 8º. 8366. cc. [Another copy.] Ac. 3538/2. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Memoria ... correspondiente al año 1868 (1870). 2 pt. BURY ST. EDMUNDS. Buenos Aires, 1869–70. 8º. Ac. 2694. Bury and West Suffolk Archæological Institute. Proceedings. Bury St. Edmunds, 1849, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5710. & 663. BUFFALO. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Hand Book of Ely Cathedral, etc. Bury St. Edmundš, [1851.] 12º. 4715. b. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Buffalo, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 3043. In progress. Archæological Guide to Ely Cathedral. L. P. Bury St. Edmunds, (1851.] 12º. This is another copy on large paper of the Hand-book of Ely Cathedral, etc., with a different titlepage. BURGOS. Real Academia Médico-Quirúrgica de Castilla la Suffolk Institute of Archæology and Natural History. Vieja. Hawsted and Hardwick. Papers read before the meeting .. Instruccion prophiláctico terapeútica del Colera-morbo of the Suffolk Institute of Archæology and Natural Asiático. Valladolid, [1834.] 4º. 7561. d. (3.) History. Bury St. Edmunds, 1854. 8°. 10351. f. 35. 4715. e. 111 112 ACADÈMIES. [CADIZ—CAEN.] CADIZ. CAEN [CONTINUED). Ateneo de Cadiz. Association Normande. Ateneo de Cadiz, científico, artístico y literario. [A periodical, published fortnightly as the official organ of 1. Association Normande. Comité de décentralisation. the Ateneo de Cadiz, edited by M. Ayllon y Altolaguirre. Organisation Cantonale. Question de la suppression ou August 22nd, 1858-Dec. 15th, 1859.] Tom. 1, No8, 1-50. de la conservation des Sous-Préfectures-Conseils Can- Cadiz, 1859[-58]. 5424. df. fol. tonaux. Caen, 1871. 8º. 1880. C. No more published. Association Normande. Comité de décentralisation. Organisation départementale, etc. Caen, 1871. 8º. - 8051. cc. Colegio de Medicina y Cirurgia. Association Normande. Comité de décentralisation. See SPAIN.-CHARLES V., King. Ordenanzas de S. M. que Procès-verbaux des séances, etc. Caen, 1871. 8°. se deben observar en el Colegio de Medicina y Cirurgia 8051. cc. establecido en la ciudad de Cadiz 1791. 8°. Cadomensis Academia. 7686. a. See infra: Université. Observatorio Real [removed in 1801 to San Fernando). Musée d'Histoire Naturelle. See infra : SAN FERNANDO, 1. of Leon. Annuaire ... publié par M. E. Eudes-Deslongchamps, etc. Caen (printed], Paris, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 2841. Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais. In progress. Memoria dirigida á la regencia provisional del reino.. Catalogue descriptif des trochilides ou oiseaux-mouches sobre un tratado de comercio con la Inglaterra, etc. aujourd'hui connus. Revue d'après les exemplaires du Cadiz, 1841. 4º. 8245. b. Musée de Caen par... E. Eudes-Deslongchamps... Avec planches. Caen (printed], Paris, 1880, etc. 80. SANCHEZ PALACIO (CÁrlos) and NAVARRO (VINCENTE) Una In progress. 7285. e. 14. Residencia de Invierno; estudia meteorológica y médico del clima de Alicante, como estacion invernal, publicado Société d'Agriculture et de Commerce. por la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País. pp. 32. Annuaire... pour l'année 1812. Caen, 1812. 8º. Alicante, 1882. 8°. 7687. f. 7. B. 665. (5.) Société des Antiquaires de la Normandie. Bulletin. Paris, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 5320. CAEN. In progress. Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres, after- Table générale alphabétique et analytique des matières wards Académie Royale, etc. contenus dans les cinq premiers volumes...1860-1869, Mémoires. 1823, etc. Caen, 1825, etc. 8º. Ac. 305/2. par M. Renault. Caen, 1872. 89. Ac. 5320/2. In progress. Mémoires. 1824–36. 10 tom. Caen, 1825–38. 8º... Atlas. 1825–36. 7 pt. Caen, 1825–37. 4º. Mémoire, qui a remporté le prix en 1788, sur la question Ac. 5320/2. proposée par l'Académie Royale des Belles-Lettres de Mémoires... 2e série. Vol. 1-10. Caen : “Existe-t-il des Mines de Charbon-de-terre daus les Environs de Caen? Quels sont les moyens les plus Paris, Caen, 1840–53. 4º. économiques de les exploiter?” Caen, 1789. 8º. ze série. Vol. 1, etc. Paris, Caen, 1855, etc. 4º. B. 233. (5.) In progress. Rapport général sur les travaux de l'Académie ... Table...des 24 premiers volumes. Par M. le Conseiller jusqu'au premier Janvier 1811. (Rapports... pour les Renault. Paris, 1863. 4º.. Ac. 5320/3. Années 1811-15.) Par P. F. F. Delarivière. 2 vol. Caen, 18111-16?). 8º. Ac. 305. GERVAIS (CHARLES) Musée de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie. Catalogue et description des objets d'art de l'antiquité, du moyen âge, de la renaissance, et des Prix le Sauvage. Rapport sur le Concours ouvert le temps modernes exposés au Musée. Rédigé par M. 26 Février 1858, l1 dans une séance extraordinaire ... le Gervais. L. P. Caen, 1865. 89, 7707. b. 40. (9.) 4 Déc. 1861 par M. Roulland, au nom d'une Commission composée de MM. Vastel, Roulland, etc. Caen, 1862. 8º. SAINT ÉTIENNE-LE-VIEUX, Church of. À Monsieur le Ac. 305/3. Ministre de l'Intérieur, la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie. [An address requesting him to take steps Académie Imperiale des Sciences, Arts et Belles- for the preservation of the church of St. Étienne-le- Lettres de Caen. Vieux, Caen.] Caen, 1850. fol. 1259. e. See supra : Académie des Sciences, etc. Société des Beaux-Arts de Caen. Association Normande. Bulletin de la Société, etc. Caen, 1856, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 4538. Annuaire des Cinq Départements de l'ancienne Nor- mandie, publié par l'Association Normande. Année Société Française pour la conservation et description 1–20. 1835–54. Caen, 1834-54, etc. 8º. des Monuments Historiques. In progress. Bulletin Monumental, publié sous les auspices de la Table générale... Par M. de Roissy, 1835–1859. Société . . . et dirigé par M. De Caumont. 10 tom. Caen, 1863. 8º. Ac. 412. (Table générale...Par l'Abbé Auber.) Paris, Caen (printed], 1834-44, 46. ĝº. Association Normande. (Officiers de l'Association Nor- 2e Série. 10 tom. (Table générale . . . Par M. inande. Plan d'une statistique générale des cinq dé- l'Abbé Auber.) partemens de l'ancienne Normandie, proposé par M. de Paris, Caen (printed], 1845-54, 61. 8º. Ac. 5296. Pracomtal.) Caen, 1833. 8º. Ac. 412/2. Tom. 5 imperfect. 113 ACADEMIES. [CAEN-CAIRO.] . 114 CAEN [CONTINUED). CAERLEON [CONTINUED). Société Française pour la conservation et description Caerleon Antiquarian Association, afterwards called the des Monuments Historiques. Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Asso- ciation. Bulletin Monumental, etc. 3e Série. 10 tom. (Table MORGAN (CHARLES OCTAVIUS SWINNERTON) Notes on the générale ... Par M. Renault.) ancient Domestic Residences of Tre-Owen, Killwch, and Paris, Caen (printed], 1855-54, 68. 8º. the Waen, by O. M. and T. Wakeman. Newport, 1861. 8º. - 4e Série. 8 tom. Ac. 5755/2. Paris, Caen (printed], 1865–72. 8º. MORGAN (CHARLES OCTAVIUS SWINNERTON) Notes on the - 5e Série. tom. 1-3...Par M. de Cougny. (tom. 4, Architecture and History of Caldicot Castle, Monmouth- etc. par M. L. Palustre.) shire. By O. Morgan...and T. Wakeman. Paris, Tours [printed], 1873, etc. 8°. Newport, 1854. 8°. Ac. 5755/5. In progress. Ac. 5296. MORGAN (CHARLES OCTAVIUS SWINNERTON Notice of a Société Linnéenne du Calvados, afterwards Société Tessellated Pavement, discovered in the Churchyard, Linnéenne de Normandie. Caerleon, by O. M.; together with an essay on mazes ...by... E. Trollope, with notes by A. Way. Bulletin. 10 vol. Cacn, 1856–56. 8º. Newport, 1866. 8º. Ac. 5755/4. - 2e Série. 10 vol. Caen, 1868–76. 8º. MORGAN (CHARLES OCTAVIUS SWINNERTON) Notices of --- 30 Série. Caen, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 2842. Pencoyd Castle and Langstone, by 0. M.; and T. Wake- In progress. man. Newport, 1864. 8º. Ac. 5755/3. Mémoires. Caen, Paris, 1824, etc. 8º. & 4º. MORGAN (CHARLES OCTAVIOS SWINNERTON) Notes on Went- In progress. Ac. 2842/3. wood, Castle Truggy and Llanvair Castle. By O. M. and T. Wakeman. (With plates.] Newport, 1863. 8º. Séance publique...1834(-36). 3 vol. * 10369. h. Caen, 1834-36. 8°. Ac. 2842/2. Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Associa- tion. Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Commerce. See supra: Caerleon Antiquarian Association. Précis des travaux de la Société... depuis son rétablisse- ment en 1801, jusqu'en 1810. Par P. A. Lair. (Tom. 1.7 Mémoires de la Société... Tom. 2–7. Caen, 1827-58. 80. [continued as :) CAGLIARI. Bulletin Mensuel, etc. Années 1858-68. Reale Università. Caen, 1859–69. 80. Cenni sulle attuali condizioni della R. Università di Cagliari. Cagliari, 1872. 89. 8309. df. -- Nouvelle Série. Caen, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 3398. In progress. Université. CAIRO Denonciation à la très-célèbre Université de Caen, de Egyptian Society. plusieurs propositions extraites des Thèses & Cahiers des Laws and regulations. Alexandrie, [1840?] 4º. Jésuites du Collèye du Mont, renouvellant la doctrine Ac. 12. déja condamnée par cette Université. [Caen?) 1762. 12º. Fifth (Sixth) Report, 1841 (42). [Cairo ? 1841, 42.) fol. 4092 b. 772. i. 1.' (125, 126.) Méinoires adressés au Parlement de Normandie par l'Université de Caen ; le premier, au sujet de Lettres de LINANT DE BELLEFONDS (MAURICE ADOLPIIE) Mémoire sur Maître-ès-Arts de Bourges, vendues par ceux qui se le lac Moeris. Alexandrie, 1843. 4º. 7703. g. (1.) disoient ci-devant Jésuites dans le Collége du Mont à YOUNG (TIIOMAS) Hieroglyphics; collected by the Caen ; le second, sur l'usurpation faite par les mêmes, du Egyptian Society, arranged by T. Young. [The larger Collége du Mont, etc. [Rennes ? 1762.] 120. portion of the work was published by the Royal Society 4092. bb. of Literature of the United Kingdom.] 2 vol. Prælectiones in Hippocratis Librum de Internis Affec London, 1823, 28. fol. 554. f. 7. tionibus, in publicis Medicor. Scholis Cadoneusis Aca- demiæ pro solenni Cathedræ vacantis disputatione habilæ. Edent: F. de St André. Cadomi, 1687. 12º. Ελληνικος Φιλεκπαιδευτικος Συλλογος « Η Ενοτης.” 539. c. 32. Κεκροψ, συγγραμμα περιοδικον του εν Καϊρω Ελληνικου Strenæ ad Senatum Populumque Cadomensen. φιλεκπαιδευτικου συλλογου “Η Ενοτης. Εκδιδομενον δις του Parisiis, 1598. 8º. 12301. aåa. 16. (2.) | unvos [by D. I. Oikonomopoulos). No. 1, 5, 19, 20, 21. év Kaïpw, év 'Ale avdpelo., 1876, 77. 8º. Ac. 13. CAERLEON. After tom. I. this periodical was published at Alexandria. Caerleon Antiquarian Association, afterwards called the Institut d'Egypte. Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Asso- See EPAEMERIDES. Annuaire de la République Fran- ciation. çaise, calculé pour le méridien du Kaire (par une com- MORGAN (CHARLES OCTAVIUS SWINNERTON) Goldcliff and mission de l'Institut). [1800.] 4°. P.P. 2581. d. the ancient Roman inscribed stone found there, 1878: together with other papers by O. Morgan. pp. iv. 35. Procès-verbaux des séances de l'Institut des Sciences et Newport, 1882. 8°. Ac. 5755/6. des Arts d'Égypte, imprimés en exécution d'un arrêté de l'Institut National, etc. Paris, an vil. [1799.] 4º. MORGAN (CHARLES OCTAVIUS SWINNER'TON) Notes on the 733. c. 11. (2.) ancient Domestic Resiilences of Pentre-Bachi,... and St. Julian’s, by 0. M. and T. Wakeman. Newport, 1860. 8º. F. 53*. (9.) [Another copy.] Ac. 5755. [Another copy.] F. 56*. (2.) 115 ACADEMIES. [CAIRO-CALCUTTA.] 116 CAIRO [CONTINUED). CALCUTTA (CONTINUED). Institut d'Égypte. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Mémoires sur l'Égypte, publiés pendant les campagnes Asiatic Researches or Transactions of the Society ... du Général Bonaparte, dans les années vi et vir. (VIII. Republished ... by Bihárilála Mitra and Mahendranath et ix.) 4 tom. Paris, au VIII–XI. [1800-1803.] 80. Ghosh ... A new edition. Calcutta, 1875, etc. 89. 978. g. 16–19. In progress. Ac. 8826/8. [Another copy.] 280. d. 7-10. Index to the first eighteen volumes of the Asiatic re- Institut du Kaire. searches, etc. Calcutta, 1835. 4º. 2098. e. See on pra : Institut d'Égypte. Recherches Asiatiques; ou, mémoires de la Société ... traduits de l'Anglois par A. Labaume ... Publiés par Société Khédiviale de Géographie. A. Duquesnoy. Paris, an XI. [1802.] 4º. Statuts, etc. Alexandrie, 1875. 8º. Ac. 6000. B. 473. (8.) Only pp. i-viii, 1-17, 1-16, and 2 folding tables of Arabic SCHWEINFURTH (GEORG) Discours prononcé ... à la verbs. Discours prie 1875, 6000/ Ac. 6000/2.. Société Litteraire Hellénique “L'Union." See supra : ‘Elnikos QLlektaidEUTIKOS Eulloyos -'H 'Evotns." [Another edition.] Revus et augmentés de notes pour la partie Orientale, philologique et historique, par M. Langlès: et pour la partie des sciences exactes et natu relles, par MM. Cuvier, Delambre, Lamarck, et Olivier. (Appendice. Journal météorologique tenu à Calcutta pir H. Trail, depuis le 1er Février, 1784, jusqu'au 31 Décembre, 1785.) 2 tom. Paris, an XIV., 1805. 4º. Ac. 8826/5. Analyse des mémoires contenues dans le xive volume des Asiatick researches ... avec des notes et un appen- dice; par L. Langlès. Paris, 1825. 4º. Ac. 8826/6. CALCUTTA. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. See SPRY (H. H.) Suggestions received by the Agricul- tural and Horticultural Society of India, for extending the cultivation ... of useful and ornamental plants, etc. 1841. 8º. 7077. dd. The Monthly Journal of the Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society of India. vol. 1.--11., No. 3. Calcutta, 1842, 43. 8º. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. vol. 11., No. 4, etc. Calcutta, 1843, etc. 8º. Ac. 3541/2. In progress. No number was issued for Oct. 1842. İm- perfect; wanting apparently about half vol. v. Proceedings of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. [Nos. for October and November, 18:39.] Calcutta, 1839. 80. Ac. 3542, 4. Proceedings ... March, 1841. Calcutta, 1841. 8º. Ac. 3542/4. Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. 8 vol. Calcutta, 1838–39–37-41. 8°. Ac. 3541. Vols. 1.-III. belong to a later edition, reprinted. Abhandlungen über die Geschichte und Alterthümer, die Künste, Wissenschaften und Literatur Asiens von Sir W. Jones und andern Mitglieden der ... Gesell- schaft. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von J. C. Fick ...durchgesehen, und mit Anmerkungen, ausführlichen Erläuterungen und Zu-ätzen hereichert von J. F. Kleuker. (Bd. 4: Das Brahmanische Religions-System im Zusammenhange dargestellt ... wie auch von den verschiedenen Ständen Indiens mit besonderer Rück- sicht auf Fr. Paullini a S. Bartholomæo Systema- Brahmavicum, etc....von J. F. Kleuker.) 4 Bde. Riga, 1795-97. 8º. 817. a. 17-18. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Paris. Extrait de la Revue philosophique, littéraire et politique. Notice du huitième volume des “ Asiatick Researches.” [1808.] 80. 817. b. 4. (9.) See. SÉDILLOT (J. J. E.) Notice des “Recherches Asiatiques, ou Mémoires de la Société établie au Bengale, pour faire des recherches sur l'histoire... et la littérature de l'Asie,” etc. [1807.] 8º. 817. b. 4. (8.) Journal of the Asiatic Society. Edited by J. Prinsep, vol. 1-7. Calcutta, 1832–38. 8º. 2097. h. & 2098. a, etc. New series. Edited by the acting Secretaries. 1839, etc. vol. 8, etc. Calcutta, 1840, etc. 8º. 2097. f. In progress. Vol. 16 wants titlepage and index ; vols. 17 and 18 are each in 2 pts. Asiatic Society of Bengal. See BLYTH (E.) Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum, Asiatic Society. Published by order of the Society. 1863. 8º. 17207. dd. . See THEOBALD (w.) Geologist. Catalogue of the Recent Shells in the Museum, Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1860. 8º. 7207. dd. Asiatick Researches ; or, transactions of the Society, in- stituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences and literature of Asia. vol. 1–20. Calcutta, 1788–1839. 4º. 2098. e. [Another copy of vol. 1-12.] 434. e. 1-12. [Another copy of vol. 1–14.] T. C. 14. b. 6–19. Asiatick Researches, etc. Printed verbatim from the Calcutta edition. vol. 1-11. London, 1801-12. 8º. Ac. 8826/4. Asiatick Researches, etc. Transactions of the physical class, etc. pt. 1. Calcutta, 1829. 4º. 2098. e. Useful Tables, forming an Appendix to the Journal of the Asiatic Society. [By J. Prinsep.] Calcutta, 1834. 8°. Ac. 8826/9. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Edited by the General Secretary. Calcutta, 1866, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 8826. Bibliotheca Indica; or a collection of Oriental Works published under the patronage of the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and the superintendence of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (Old Series & New Series.) Calcutta, 1848, etc. 8º. & 4º. . 14002. a. & b. In progress. 117 ACADEMIES. '[CALCUTTA.] 118 CALCUTTA [CONTINUED). CALCUTTA [CONTINUED). Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta School Book Society. Annual Report of the Asiatic Suciety of Bengal, for 1848. The leading principles of English Grammar. dslys Calcutta, 1849. 8°. Ac. 8826/3. •Str olejos, jo With a Persian trans- Financial Report [for the year 1848–49]. . lation by Âthim Ál-Din Hasan Belgrámí; published by [Calcutta, 1849.] 8º. Ac. 8826/4. the Calcutta School Book Society.] Pers. Calcutta, 1833. 8°. 757. c. 20. Catalogue of the Museum of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. Prepared by the librarian [Rājendralāla Mittra]. The nineteenth Report of the Proceedings of the... Calcutta, 1849. 8º. Ac. 8826/2. Suciety, etc. Calcutta, 1857. 8º. 7193. dd. Rules of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, etc. PRINSEP (JAMES) Snota sfogte 751651 An Epitome of Calcutta, 1869. 8º. 10055. ee. 1. (7.) Ancient History, containing a concise account of the Rules... Revised to November 15th, 1876. Egyptians, Assyrians, Persiaos, Grecians and Romans. Calcutta, 1876. 8º. Ac. 8826/7. [The English compiled by J. Prinsep; the Bengali version by J. D. Pearson of Chinsurah, and others.] List of Periodicals and Publications received in the Calcutta, 1830. 8º. 760. e. 27. Library of the Asiatic Suciety, etc. Calcutta, 1878. 8º. 11905. k. 21. (9.) Canning Institute. BEALE (THOMAS WILLIAM) The Oriental Biographical Report... for the sessions 1866-68. Calcutta, 1868. 8º. Dictionary... Edited by the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 8364. cc. under the Superintendence of H. G. Keene. pp. v. 291. College of Fort William Calcutta, 1881. 4º. 752. m. 14. Essays by the Students of the College of Fort William HEWITSON (WILLIAM C.) Descriptions of new Indian in Bengal. To which are added the Theses pronounced Lepidopterous Insects from the collection of the late ... at the public disputations in the Oriental Languages... W. S. Ātkinson... Rhopalocera, by W. C. Hewitson... February, - 1802. (Vol. II. III. Primitiae Orientales. Heterocera, ... by F. Moore ... With an introductory Containing the Theses in the Oriental Languages, etc.) notice by A. Grute, etc. 3 vol. Calcutta, 1802-4. 8º. 752. e. 9, 10. Calcutta, London (printed], 1879, etc. 4º. 7296. h. In progress. The College of Fort William, in Bengal. [Containing the official papers, and the literary proceedings of the RĀJENDRALĀLA MITTRA. The Sanskrit Buddhist Litera College ... during its first four years. Edited by C. ture of Nepal. By Rájendralála Mitra. [A catalogue Buchanan.] London, 1805. 4º. 731. 1. 13. raisonné of the collection of MSS. presented to the Society, preceded by a memoir of the donor.] pp. xlvii. [Another copy.] 128. e. 13. 340. Calcutta, 1882.. 8º. 14096. cc. Public disputation of the students ... before . . . Lord WILSON (HORACE HAYMAN) A Key to...H. H. Wilson's Minto...with his lordship's discourse. 15 Sept. 1810. system of transliteration. (Introductory notice by the Reprinted, London, 1811. 8º. T. 1081. (7.) Secretary to the Philological Committee [i?. M., i.e. Rājendralāla Mittra.]) [Calcutta, 1865.] 80% Public disputation of the students ... before ... Earl 12902. d. 1. (4.) Moira, ... with his lordship's discourse. 20 June, 1814. Reprinted, London, 1815. 89. 731. h. 5. (2.) Bengal Social Science Association. [Another copy.] 117. e. 55. Transactions ... Edited by the General Secretaries. First session. July 1867, etc. Calcutta, 1867, etc. 8º. Rules and regulations of the College of Fort William, In progress. Ac. 2394. enacted...on the 230 June 18+1 and ordered to be in force... instead of the preceding statutes, etc. The Bengai Social Science Association. Annual Meeting Calcutta, 1841. fol. A. 2696/6. of 1877. pp. 37. Calcutta, 1877. 8º. Ac. 2294. 2. Bethune Society. Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. Selections from the Bethune Society's Papers. Transactions, etc. vol. 1-9, pt. 1. Calcutta, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 1930. Calcutta, 1825-45. 8°. Ac. 3870/4. In progress. Laws and Regulations of the Medical and Physical Bethune Society. At a Monthly Meeting, etc. [Pro- Society of Calcutta. 1833. Calcutta, 1833. 8º. 7686. aa. ceedings Nov. 10, 1859 to April 12, 1860.] [Calcutta, 1859, 60.] 8º. 8355. bb. Society for the Acquisition of General Knowledge. The Proceedings and Transactions of the Bethune Selection of Discourses read at the meetings of the Society, from November 10th, 1859, to April 20th, 1869. Society for the Acquisition of General Kouwledge. [Edited by J. L., i.e. James Long.] Calcutta, 1870-62. 80. vol. 3. Calcutta, 1843. 8º. Ac. 2697. Ac. 1930/2. Vernacular Literature Committee. Calcutta School Book Society. First Report of the Vernacular Literature Committee. The Persian Reader; or, select extracts from various (Report of the Vernacular Literature Committee for Persian writers ( ...zow, la clsüo). [Edited by 1854, 55. Report of the transactions of the Vernacular Literature Society from Feb. 1856 to ... 30th June the Calcutta School Book Suciety.] Eng. & Pers. 3 vol. 1861.) 6 pt. Calcutta, 1852. 8º. Ac. 8825. Calcutta, 1824, 25. 8º. 757. d. 36. Begin. Calcutta 1856 ... Sir, I am directeil, etc. (Appeal on behalf of the Vernacular Literature Com- or, select extracts from various Arabic writers. Arab. mittee issued in May 1856.] [Calcutta, 1856.] s. sh. 4º. Calcutta, 1828. go. 14586. c. 1. 1882. a. 2. (98.) ,The Arabic Reader المنتخبات العربية .Arabie Reader 119 ACADEMIES. [CALCUTTA—CAMBRIDGE.] 120 CALCUTTA (CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED). University of Calcutta. Cambridge Camden Society, afterwards Ecclesiological The Calcutta University Calendar. Society. Calcutta, 1858, etc. 8º. P.P. 2549. a. See History. A Supplement to the History of Pues. In progress. Published by the Cambridge Camden Society. 1842. Ac. 5625/5. (7.) Alphabetical list of 89. Entrance Examination, 1860. passed candidates. Calcutta, 1861. 8. sh. fol. Report ... for 18401-44]. 5 pt. Tab. 455. C. Cambridge, 18401-44]. 8º. Ac. 5625/5. (3, 4.) Studies of the Calcutta University. From the Calcutta Review. By C. E. Tawney.] [Calcutta, 1865?] 8º. Transactions ... a selection from the papers read at the 8023. ee. 9. (5.) meetings 1839–45. Cambridge, 1841-45. 4º. Ac. 5625/15. Subjects of examination in the English language, ap- pointed by the Senate...for the Entrance Examination Report ... 1847-8-9. London, [1849.] 80. of December, 1860. pp. 221. [With plates.] Ac. 5625/5. (23.) Baptist Mission Press : Calcutta, 1859. 80. 12201. f. 4. Report ... 1854, 5, 6. London, [1856.] 8º. Subjects of examination in the English language, ap- Ac. 5625/5. (22.) pointed by the Senate of the Calcutta University for the [Form for the description of a Church.] First Examination in Arts of December, 1879. (Cambridge, 1840.] gº. 1401. g. (3.) Calcutta, 1877. 8º 12269. dd. 1. An argument for the Greek origin of the monogram University of Calcutta. Minutes for the year 1857(-60). | I.H.S. a paper read before the C.C.S. May 25, 1841. 4 vol. Calcutta, 1860, 61. 8°. P.P. 2549. b. With illustrative notes. [By B. Webb.] Cambridge, 1841. 8º. Ac. 5625/5. (9.) CAMBRAY. - Christian Altars. On the history of Christian altars. Cambridge, 1845. 8º. Ac. 5625/5. (19.) Société d'Émulation. Church enlargement and Church arrangement. Société d'Emulation ... Séance publique. 1817 (1818). Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Ac. 5625/5. (15.) 2 vol. Cambrai, 1817, 18. 89. Ac. 307. Vol. 1 is in 2 pt. A few words on the last publication of the Cambridye Camden Society, fi.e." Church enlargement and Church Mémoires de la Société ... Séance publique ... 1820, etc. arrangement,"] by a late Vice-President. Cambrai, 1820, etc. 8°. Cambridge, 1843. 89. 1145. g. 17. In progress. After 1825, the Mémoires are published · every second year ; the vols. for 1837, 39, 43, and 49 are [Another copy.] Ac. 5625/11. numbered respectively tom. 16, 17, 19, and 22, although, including the last-mentioned date the number of vols. is Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. only 18. No. 1-7. Cambridge, 1843-44. 8º. Ac. 5625/14. No more published. Album de dix-huit planches. (Les Miniatures des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Cambrai) [illus The Ecclesiologist. Published by the Cambridge trating an Essay in tum. 27, pt. 1]. Camden Society. vol. 1-29. Cambrai, 1860. 4º. Ac. 307. Cambridge, London, 1842-68. 8º. Ac. 5625. No more published. Vol. 5–29 printed in London. English Ecclesiology: a hand-book of English ecclesi- ology. London, 1847. 12º. Ac. 5625/3. CAMBRIDGE. A few hints on the practical study of ecclesiastical Academia Cantabrigiensis. antiquities, for the use of the Cambridge Camden See infra: University of Cambridge. Society. Second edition. Cambridge, 1840. 12º. Ac. 5625/4. Analytical Society. Third edition. Cambridge, 1842. 8º. Ac. 5625/7. Memoirs of the Analytical Society, 1813. Cambridge, 1813.40. Fourth edition. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Ac. 5625/9. 8531. g. A few words to church builders. [With an appendix, . containing lists of fonts, windows and roodscreens Cambridge Antiquarian Society. intended to serve as models.] Cambridge, 1841. Sº. Begin. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. [Prospectus.7 Ac. 5625/5. (10.) (Cambridge ? 1840 ?] 8. sh. 4º. Second edition. Cambridge, 1842. 89. Ac. 5625/8. 741. k. (8.) Report presented to the . . . Society, at its fourth Tenth edition with ... additions. 2 Nos. (eleventh, etc.) general meeting, etc. Cambridge, 1841. 8º. Ac. 5625/6. Cambridge, 1844, etc. 8º. Ac 5624/2 No. 2 is the third edition. In progress. A fow words to churchwardens on Churches and Church Publications. Cambridge, 1846, 40, etc. 4°. Ornaments, No. 1. Suited to country parishes. Fourth In progress. Ac. 5624/6. edition. Cambridge, 1841. 80. Ac. 5625/5. (11.) Publications ... Octavo Series. Cambridge, 1851. 8º. A few words to chuchwardens on Churches and Church In progress. Ac. 5624. & 313. Ornaments, No. 2. Suited to town and manufacturing Antiquarian Communications : being papers presented parishes. Cambridge, 1841. 12º. Ac. 5625/5. (12.) at the meetings of the ... Society. A few words to church wardens on Churches and Church Cambridge, 1859, etc. 8º. : Ac. 5624/2. Ornaments. Part 11. ... Sixth edition. In progress. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Ac. 5625/6. 121 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE.] 122 CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED). Cambridge Camden Society, afterwards Ecclesiological Ecclesiological Society. Society. See supra : Cambridge Camden Society. A few words to the parish clerks and sextons of country parishes. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Ac. 5625/5. (17.) | University of Cambridge. Second edition. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Ac. 5625/10. The Cambridge University Calendar; for ... 1796 (97, Funerals and funeral arrangements. 99, etc.). [Successively edited by B. C. Raworth, J. Beverley and others.] Cambridge, (1796, etc.] 12º. Ac. 5625/5. (21.) London, 1851. 80. P.P. 2506. dd.' & 2121. b. Illustrations of monumental brasses. [Edited by J. M. In progress. There appears to have been none published N., i.e. John Mason Neale.] Cambridge, 1846. 4º. for 1798. Ac. 5625/16. · The Calendar of Cambridge Local Lectures. Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. (A variety of working University Press, Cambridge, 1879, etc. 8º. drawings of details and fittings appertaining to Churches In progress. P.P. 2506. deb. and their precincts.) London, [1844-47-] 4º. Ac. 5625/17. Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. Second Series. [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC.] London, 1850–56. 4°. Ac. 5625/17. Academiæ Cantabrigiensis lacrymæ, tumulo nobilissimi The Orientator, a contrivance for ascertaining the equitis D. Philippi Sidneij sacratæ per A. Nevillum. orientation of churches. With a card. Londini, 1587. 4º. C. 34. h. 1. Cambridge, 1844. 32°. Ac. 5625/2. [Another copy.] 161. b. 20. Plans, sections and elevations of the Chancel of All Saints Church, Hawton, Nottinghamshire, with de- Threno-thriambeuticon. Academia Cantabrigiensis ob damnum lucrosum, et infoelicitatem foelicissimam, luc- scriptive account by G. G. Placé. Cambridge, 1845. fol. Tab. 1700. b. tuosus triumphus. Cantabrigiæ, 1603. 4°. 161. b. 21. The Claims of the Camden Society considered in [Another copy.] C. 24. e. (1.) connection with the Church of England, by a Member A presentation copy. of Trinity College. Cambridge [printed], London, 1842. gº. Ac. 5625/12. Epicedium Cantabrigiense in obitum ... Henrici, ... Principis Walliæ. Cantabrigiæ, 1612. 4°. .. 1213. 1. 13. (1.) Cambridge Entomological Society. [Another copy.] 161. b. 22. (1.) See infra: OXFORD.--Oxford (niversity Entomological Society. An accentuated list of the British Lepidoptera Lacrymæ Cantabrigienses in obitum ... Annæ, conjugis ... Published by the Entomological Societies of Oxford dilectissimæ Jacobi Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, et and Cambridge. 1858. 8º. 7296. d. (1.) Hiberniæ regis. Cantabrigiæ, 1619. 4º. 1070. 1. 11. See infra: OXFORD.--- Oxford University Entomological [Another copy.] 161. b. 23. Society. An accentuated list of the British Lepidoptera. The titlepage of this copy differs slightly from that of the Published by the Entomological Societies of Oxford and preceding. Cambridge. 1859. 8º. 7296. d. (2.) True Copies of all the Latine Orations, made and pro- nounced at Cambridge, Feb. 25th and 27th, 1622, by Cambridge Hebrew Society. the Vice-Chancellor and others of that Universitie. See BIBLE.-Old Testament.--Hosea. Hoshea. The See HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. The Harleian Miscellany, English version revised by the Cambridge Hebrew etc. vol. 10. 1808, etc. 4º. 2073. d. Society. 1873. 8º. 3166. bb. Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, de serenissimi principis reditu ex Hispanijs exoptatissimo, etc. Cambridge Philological Society. Cantabrigiæ, 1623. 4°. 1070. c. 18. (4.) Memoranda of the Cambridge Philological Society. [Another copy.) 161. b. 25. 1872, etc. [Cambridge, 1872, etc.] 80. Ac. 9905. In progress True copies of all the Latine Orations made and pro- nounced" at Cambridge ... by the Vice-chancellor Various readings in the speech of Demosthenes De TJ. Beale) and others ... in their entertainment of ... falsa Legatione. From the ns. (Sæc. XIV.) bequeathed Don Charles de Coloma, Ambassador for his ... Majestie by... R. Kerrich to the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. of Spaine ... and of ... Ferdinand Baron of Boyscot... With a. facsimile. By F. A. Paley, etc. With their translations into English. London, 1623. 4º. Cambridge, 1874. 8º. 11391. f. 811. é. 58. Cantabrigiensium dolor et solamen; scu, decessio ... Cambridge Philosophical Society. regis Jacobi Pacifici: et successio ... regis Caroli, Charter and bye-laws. [List of officors and fellows.] Magnæ Britanniæ ... monarchæ. Cantabrigiæ, 1625. 4º. Cambridge, 1832. 8º. T. 2100. (4.) 1070. l. 12. (4.) [Another edition.] Cantabrigiæ, 1625. 4º. Proceedings ... vol. III., etc. Cambridge, 1876, etc. 8º. There are additions to this edition. 161. b. 27. In progress. Ac. 3008/2. Epithalamium ... Caroli regis et H. Mariæ regina Transactions. vol. 1-6, etc. Cambridge, 1822-51. 4º. Magnæ Britanniæ ... a musis Cantabrigiensibus decan- In progress. Ac. 3008. tatum. Cantabrigiæ, 1625. 4º. c. 28. g. 22. (2.) Cambridge Union Society. [Another copy.] 161. b. 26. The Cambridge Union Society. Inaugural proceedings. Genethliacum ... Caroli et Mariæ, a Musis Cantabrigien- [Edited by G. C. Whiteley.] sibus celebratum. Cantabrigiæ, 1631. 4°. London, Cambridge (printed), 1866. 8º. 8365. aa. 161. b. 28. I 123 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE.] 124 WS CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED] CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge. [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, etc. (continued).] . [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, etc. (continued).] Anthologia in Regis exanthemata ; seu, gratulatio musa Academiæ Cantabrigiensis Swotpa; sive, ad Carolum 11. rum Cantabrigiensium de felicissime conservata Regis reducem, de regnis ipsi, musis per ipsum feliciter resti- Caroli valetudine. Ex Academiæ Cantabrigiensis tutis gratulatio. Cantabrigiæ, 1660. 4º. typographeo, 1632, 4º. C. 28. g. 22. (7.) E. 1032. (3.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 29. Threni Cantabrigienses in funere duorum principum, Henrici Glocestrensis, et Mariæ Arausionensis, serenis- Ducis Eboracencis fasciæ, a musis Cantabrigiensibus simi regis Caroli 11. fratris et sororis. raptim contextæ. Cantabrigiæ, 1633. 4º. Cantabrigiæ, 1661. 4º. E. 1082. (6.) 837. h. 18. (1.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 24. [Another copy.] 161. b. 34. Rex redux; sive, musa Cantabrigiensis voti damnas de Epithalamia Cantabrigiensia in nuptias... regis Caroli II., incolumitate et felici reditu regis Caroli post receptam Britanniarum monarchæ, et illustrissimæ principis coronam, comitiaq; peracta in Scotia. Ec Academiæ Catharina ... regis Lusitaniæ sororis unicæ. Cantabrigiensis typographeo, 1633. 4°. Cantabrigiæ, 1662. 4º. 161. b. 35. 1070. m. 40. (4.) Threni Cantabrigiensis in exequiis ... reginæ Henrietta [Another copy.] 161. b. 30. Mariæ ... Caroli secundi matris. Cantabrigiæ, 1669. 4º. 161. n. 10. Carmen notalitium, ad cunas illustrissimæ principis Lacrymæ Cantabrigienses in obitum ... principis Hen- Elisabethæ decantatum ... per humiles Cantabrigiæ rietta Caroli imi regis et martyris filiæ, ducissæ Aurelia- musas. (Cambridge,] 1635. 40. 837. h. 18. (3.) nensis. Cantabrigiæ, 1670. 4°. 837. h. 21. [Another copy] 161. b. 31. [Another copy.] 161. b. 36. Euvợdia; sive, musarum Cantabrigiensium concentus et congratulatio ad...regem Carolum de quinta sua sobole, Musarum Cantabrigiensium threnodia in obitum ... clarissima principe, sibi nuper felicissime nata. Georgii ducis Albæmarlæ, regiarum copiarum archistra- Ex Academiæ Cantabrigiensis typographeo, 1637. 4º. tegi, regis et regnorum Magnæ Britanniæ felicissimi . 837. h. 16. (3.) restauratoris. Cantabrigiæ, 1670. 4º. 161. n. 11. [Another copy.] 161. n. 7. Epicedia Cantabrigiensia in obitum . . . principis Annæ, ducissæ Eboracensis. Cantabrigiæ, 1671. 4º. Voces votivæ ab Academicis Cantabrigiensibus, pro 836. g. 42. novissimo Caroli et Mariæ principe filio, emissæ. Cantabrigiæ, 1640. 4º. 837. b. 16. (4.) Epithalamium in desideratissimis nuptiis . . . principum Guilielmi-Henrici Arausii, et Mariæ Britanniarum ab [Another copy.] 161. n. 8. Academia Cantabrigiensi decantatum. Cantabrigiæ, 1677. 4º. : 836. g. 48. Irenodia Cantabrigiensis: ob paciferum ... regis Caroli è Scotia reditum. Cantabrigiæ, 1641. 4º. [Another copy.] 161. n. 12. 837. g. 27. (2.) Hymenæus Cantabrigiensis (in ... principum Georgii [Another copy.] E. 179. (4.) Dani, Annæque Britannicæ nuptias). 1213. g. 40. The Petition of the Gentlemen and Students of the Universitie of Cambridge. Offered to both Houses [Another copy.] 161. b. 37. the 5 day of Januar., 1642, upon the arrival of that newes to them of the Bishops late imprisonment. With their Moestissimæ ac lætissimæ Academiæ Cantabrigiensis appeale to his ... Majesty. London, 1642. 4º. affectus, decedente Carolo II. succedente Jacobo 11. regibus E. 131. (18.) augustissimis, etc. Cantabrigiæ, 1684. 4º. 161. n. 13. Another edition.] See HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. The Illustrissimæ principis Ducis Cornubiæ et Comitis Pala- Harleian Miscellany, etc. vol. 6. 1744, etc. 4º. tini, etc. genethliacon. Cantabrigiæ, 1688. 4º. 185. a. 10. 161. n. 14. [Another edition.] See HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. Tbe Mnsæ Cantabrigienses... principibus Wilhelmo et Mariæ. Harleian Miscellany, etc. vol. 6. 1808, etc. 4º. Angliæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ regi ac reginæ, publicæ 2073. d. salutis ac libertatis vindicibus, etc. To the hon, the Lords and Commons now assembled in Cantabrigiæ, 1689. 4º. 1070. m. 1. (1.) Parliament, the humble petition of the University of [Another copy.] 161. n. 15. Cambridge (for exemption from rates and imposts). (Cambridge, June 6, 1643.] fol. 669. f. 8. (11.) Lacrymæ Cantabrigienses in obitum ... reginæ Mariæ. Cantabrigiæ, 1697. 4º. 161. b. 38. Oliva pacis ad illustrissimum celsissimumq; Oliverum, Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, de reditu ... regis reipub. Angliæ, Scotiæ et Hiberniæ dominum protec- torem ; de pace cum foederatis Belgis feliciter sancita Gulielmi III. post pacem et libertatem Europæ feliciter carmen Cantabrigiense. Cantabrigiæ, 1654. 4º. restitutam anno 1697. Cantabrigiæ, [1697.] fol. 11408. e. 837. m. 10. (5.) [Another copy.] 105. f. 38. [Another copy.] 161. b. 32. Threnodia Academia Cantabrigiensis in immaturum [Another copy.) E. 740. (2.) obitum ... Gulielmi ducis Glocestrensis. Cantabrigiæ, 1700. fol. 837. m. 11. (1.) Musarum Cantabrigiensium lectus et gratulatio : ille in funere Oliveri, Angliæ, Scotiæ et Hiberniæ protectoris ; Academiæ Cantabrigiensis carmina, quibus decedenti... hæc de Ricardi successione felicissima ad eundem. reyi Wilhelmo IIl. parentat; et succedenti ... reginæ Cantabrigiæ, 1658. 4º. 836. g. 47. Annæ gratulatur. Cantabrigiæ, [1702.] fol. 837. 1. 4. (3.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 33. [Another copy.] 105. f. 37. 125 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE.] 126 CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED]. CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge. [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, etc. (continued).] . Epicedium Cantabrigiense in ... Daniæ principem [EXAMINATIONS.] Georgium, angustissimæ reginæ Annæ conjugem, etc. Cantabrigiæ, 1708. fol. 112. f. 9. See COOMBE (J. A.) Solutions of the Cambridge Problems for ... 1840, 1841. 1841. 8º. 731, k. 23. Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, de puce ... reginæ Annæ auspiciis feliciter coustituta, anno 1713. Şee GREENHILL (A. G.) Solutions of the Cambridge Cantabrigiæ, [1713.] fol. 112. f. 11. Senate-House Problems and Riders for ... 1875, etc. Mæstissimæ ac lætissimæ Academiæ Cantabrigiensis car- 1876. 8º. 2242. b. mina funebria et triumphalia. Illis ... reginam Annam Quæstiones una cum carminibus, in magnis comitiis repentina morte abreptam deflet. His ... regi Georgio Cantabrigiæ celebratis 1730. Cantabrigiæ, 1733. 8º. Britannicum sulium optimis auspiciis ascendenti gratu- 837. h. 38. latur. Cantabrigiæ, 1714. fol. 112. f. 12. Cambridge classical examinations. [Edited by J. H. M., Academiæ Cantabrigiensis luctus, in obitum Georgii I. i.e. James Henry Monk, afterwards Bishop of Gloucester, ... Magnæ Britanniæ, etc. regis : et gaudia ob ... etc.] Cambridge, 1824. 8º. 731. i. 21. Georgii il. ... successionem pacificam simul et auspica- tissimam. Cantabrigiæ, 1727. fol. 837. m. 14. Second edition. Cambridge, 1826. 8º. 8356. bb. [Another copy.] 112. f. 14. Classical Examinations ; or, a selection of University Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, auspicatissimas scholarship and other public examination papers, and of Gulielmi principis Auriaci, et Annæ Georgii 11. Maguæ the question papers on the lecture subjects of the different Britanniæ regis filiæ natu maximæ, nuptias celebrantis. colleges in the University of Cambridge. Cantabritiæ, 1733. fol. 837. 1. 4. (16.) Cambridge, 1830. 8º. 732. g. 10. [Another copy.] 112. f. 16. Cambridge Classical Examinations. Second series ; con- Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, auspicatissimas taining question papers on the Greek Testament; Frederici Walliæ principis, et Augustæ principissæ Saxo- specimens of the examinations for Tyrwhit's Hebrew Gutbæ, nuptias celebrantis. Cantabrigiæ, 1736. ful. scholarships; and of the examinations for fellowships 112. f. 18. and scholarships at Trinity and St. John's Colleges. Cambridge, 1831. 8º. 732. g. 11. Pietas Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in funere serenissimæ principis Wilhelmina Carolinæ, et luctu augustissimi A Collection of Cambridge Senate-House Papers, in Georgii 11. Britanniarum, etc. regis. Homer, Virgil, Locke, and Paley's Philosophy, and [Cambridge,] 1738. ful. 112. f. 20. Evidences, as given at the Examination for B.A. Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, de reditu regis degrees. Cambridge, 1832. 12º. 8364. aaa. Georgii II. post pacem et libertatem Europæ feliciter The Examination Papers which were set before the candi- restitutam anno 1748. Cantabrigiæ, 1748. fol. dates for the three theological scholarships, founded by 112. f. 21. the late Rev. John Crosse, in the University of Cam- Academiæ Cantabrigiensis luctus, in ubitum Frederici bridge. Cambridge, 1833. 8º. T. 2090. (4.) ... Walliæ principis. Cantabrigiæ, 1751. fol. . 112. f. 22. Cambridge Problems: being a collection of the printed See infra : OXFORD.— University of Oxford. The English questions proposed to the candidates for the degree of Poems, collected from the Oxford and Cambridge Bachelor of Arts, at the General Examinations, from the verses on the death of ... Frederick, Prince of Wales. year 1801 to the year 1820 inclusively. 1751. 12º. 238. e. 1. London, 1836. 8°. 8365. f. Carmina ad nobilissimum T. Holles Ducem de Newcastle, Mathematical Problems and examples, arranged according inscripta, cum ad Academiam Cantabrigiensem Biblio to subjects, from the Senate-House examination papers, thecæ restituendæ causa in viserat, prid. Kalend. Maias, 1821 to 1836 inclusive; with an appendix containing the 1755. (Academiæ Cantabrigiensis gratulationes & Senate-House questions for 1837. Cambridge, 1837. 8º. plausus. [By various members of the University.]) 529. e. 35. Cantabrigiæ, 1755. fol. 11409. k. The Cambridge course of Natural Philosophy, being the Academiæ Cantabrigiensis luctus, in obitum regis demonstrations of the propositions in Mechanics and Georgii 11., et gratulationes in regis Georgii III. inau- Hydrostatics in which those persons who are not candi- gurationem. Cantabrigiæ, 1760. fúl. 835. m. 22. dates for Honours are examined for the degree of B.A. Cambridge, 1838. 89. 8704. b. [Another copy.] 112. f. 24. Cambridge Problems, proposed ... to the candidates for Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, auspicatissimas, mathematical honors, at the general examination 1843. Georgii III., Magnæ Britanniæ regis, et Charlottæ prin Cambridge, 1843. 8°. 732. c. 15. cipis de Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, nuptias celebrantis. Cantabrigiæ, 1761. fol. 828. 1. 12. The Senate-House problems for 1844: with solutions, by M. O'Brien and R. L. Ellis. Cambridge, 1844. 4º. [Another copy.] 112. f. 26. 732. i. 21. Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, natales auspicatis The Examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, simos Georgii Walliæ principis ... Georgii 111. Magnæ Cambridge, January, 1847. Cambridge, [1846.] 8º. Britanniæ regis, et ... Charlottæ reginæ filii celebrantis. 732. g. 30. Cantabrigiæ, 1762. fol. 112. f. 28. Cambridge Theological Papers : being those proposed in Gratulatio Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, in pacem ... the examination of candidates for the Crosse University Georgii III. Magnæ Britanniæ regis auspiciis, Europæ Scholarship, and in the Voluntary Theological Examina- feliciter restitutam, anno 1763. Cantabrigiæ, 1763. fol. tion. Edited by A. P. Moor. Cambridge, 1848. 8º. 112. f. 30. 732. g. 28. 127 ACADEMIES. (CAMBRIDGE.] 128 CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge. [EXAMINATIONS (continued).] [GRADUATES (continued).] Solutions of the Problems and Riders proposed in the Cantabrigienses Graduati ... ab anno 1659, usque ad Senate House examination for 1854. By the Moderators annum 1800, etc. Cantabrigiæ, 1800. 4º. 128. f. 17. and Examiners. With an appendix, containing the Graduati Cantabrigienses ... ab anno 1659 usque ad examination papers in full. Cambridge, 1854. 8º. 732. d. 46. ... 1823, etc. MS. NOTES. Cantabrigiæ, 1823. 8º. Interleaved. 8364. e. Cambridge Examination Papers : being a supplement to the University Calendar for the year 1856. Graduati Cantabrigienses ; sive Catalogus exhibens Cambridge, (1856.] 120. 8365. a. nomina eorum quos ab anno . . . 1760 usque ad ... Cambridge Examination Papers : being a supplement to 1856 gradu quocunque ornavit Academia Cantabrigi- the University Calendar for the year 1857. ensis, e libris subscriptionum depromptus. Cura J. Cambridge, (1857.) 12º. 8365. a. Romilly. Cantabrigiæ, 1856. 8º. 2121. e. Cambridge Examination Papers : being a supplement to Graduati Cantabrigienses : sive catalogus exhibens the University Calendar for the year 1858. With lists nomina eorum quos ab anno . . . 1800 usque ad ... of ordinary degrees, and of those who have passed the 1872 gradu quocunque ornavit Academia Cantabrigiensis, previous and theological examinations. e libris subscriptionum desumptus. Cura H. R. Luard. Cambridge, [1858.] 12º. 8365. a. Cantabrigiæ, 1873. 8º. 2121. e. Examination of Students who are not members of the Catalogus Cancellariorū, Procancellariorum, Procura- University. Examination papers, class lists, etc. for the torum, ac eorum qui in Achademia Cantebrigiensi ad examination held in December, 1858. gradum Doctoratus aspiraverunt .. , ab an. Dom. 1500 Cambridge, 1859. 80. 8364. e. ... ad annum 1571. See BRITISH CHURCH. De anti- Examination of Students who are not members of the quitate Britannicæ Ecclesiæ, etc. 1572. fol. University. First annual report of the Syndicate, pre- C. 24. b. sented to the Senate, May 31, 1859. A Register of the Doctors of Physick in our two Uni- London (Cambridge printed], 1859. 8º. 8364. e. versities of Cambridge and Oxford. Examination of Students who are not members of the [London?] 1695. 89. 1172. f. 9. (2.) University. Class Lists for the Examination held in An alphabetical list of the Members of the Senate of December, 1859 (1860, etc.). Cambridge, 1860, etc. 8º. the University of Cambridge. London, [1800.] 12º. In progress. 8367. cc. 8364. a. Accidence Papers [“ of those Students who are not Mem The names in the Cambridge triposes, from 1754 to bers of the University"] set in the previous examination, 1807 (both inclusive) alphabetically arranged. With December, 1866. Cambridge, 1867. 8º. 8364. aa. the prizes obtained by each person, affixed to their names. Prefaced by a short letter on the comparative University of Cambridge. Examination for Women. merits of the two universities, Oxford and Cambridge. Examination Papers, 1870, etc. [By B. Newton.] Bath, 1808. 12º. Cambridge, 1870, etc. 8º. : 8367. c. In progress. An Alphabetical List of the ... gentlemen who have gained honors and prizes in the University ... to the Cambridge University Examination Papers. Michaelmas year 1832; to which is now added a continuation to Term, 1871, etc. Cambridge, 1871, etc. 4°. 1836. Cambridge, 1836. 8º. 8364. aaa. In progress. 8367. ff. University of Cambridge. Examination for Women above eighteen years of age. Report of the Syndicate [HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY.] presented to the Senate, Oct. 30, 1871, with supplement- See CAIUS (JOANNES). De antiquitate Cantebrigiensis ary tables. Cambridge, 1871. 8º. 8367. c. Academiæ, etc. 1574. 4°. 731. b. 4. (1 & 2.) University of Cambridge. Local Examinations. Auswers, See CAIUS (JOANNES) Historiæ Cantebrigiensis Acade- translations, and solutions of the examination questions miæ ... liber primus (secundus). 1574. 4º. for the examination of boys and girls held in December, 1880. By some of the staff of the St. John's Wood High 731. b. 4. (3.) School for Girls: pp. 204. See CARTER (EDMUND) Writing Master in Cambridge. The T. Baines : London, 1882. 8º. 8367. aa. 5. history of the University of Cambridge, etc. 1753. 8º. 578. e. 1. A Guide to the Examinations for the Degree of B.A. See CooPER (C. H.) Annals of Cambridge, etc. University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1865. 8º. 1842, etc. 80. 2064. a. 8364. cc. Hints for the introduction of an improved Course of See Cooper (C. F.) Memorials of Cambridge, etc. Study in the University of Cambridge; and a propo 1858, etc. 80. 2366. h. sition for certain alterations both in the Ordinary and See COOPER (C. H.) and COOPER (T.) Athena Canta- Tripos Examinations. Together with an inquiry into the necessity and practicability of a further extension of brigienses, etc. 1850, etc. 8º. 2039. f. the study of Divinity. By a Resident Member of the See Dyer (GEORGE) A.B. History of the University University. Cambridge, 1835. gº. 8365. C. and Colleges of Cambridge, etc. 1814. 8º. 2064. a. [GRADUATES.] See DYIR (G.) A.B. The privileges of the University of Cambridge, etc. 1824. 80. 2064. a. Cantabrigienses Graduati; sive, catalogns, exhibens nomina eorum, quos, ab anno 1659 usque ad annum 1787, See FULLER (THOMAS) 1).D., etc. The history of the gradu quocunque ornavit Academia Cantabrigiensis; e University of Cambridge, etc. 1840. 8º. libris subscriptionum desumptus atque ordine alpha- 2064. a. betico compositus. Cantabrigiæ, 1787. 4º. See HUBER (V. A.) Die Englischen Universitäten. 2121. e. 1839, etc. 80. 731. h. 46 129 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE.] 130 antiquities of its or 300 year CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED]. University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge. [HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY (continued).] [PRIZE POEMS (continued).] See WALSH (B. D.) An historical account of the [Another copy.] Musæ Seatonianæ, etc. F. P. MS. NOTES University of Cambridge, etc. 1857. 8º. [by I. Reed]. London, 1773. 8º. 239. k. 5. . T. 2090. (8.) A duplicate of the preceding with a new titlepage. One of The foundation of the Universitie of Cambridge, with a twelve copies printed on fine paper. catalogue of the principall founders, and special bene [Another edition.] London, 1787. 8º. 11602. ccc. 4. factors of all the colledges, and total number of students ... and how the revenews thereof are and have been [Another edition.] Musa Seatonianæ ... from ... increased, etc. [By Gerard Langbaine.] 1750, to the year 1806. To which are added three London, 1651. 4º.. E. 628. (15.) poems, likewise written for the prize, by Mr. Bally, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Wrangham. 2 vol. [Another edition. With the Armorial bearings of the Cambridge, 1808. 8°. 81. a. 18, 19. Colleges, by J. Ivory.] Cambridge, 1672. 8. sh. fol. 1881. c. 3. (44.) Musæ Cantabrigienses ; seu carmina quædam numismate aureo Cantabrigiæ ornata, etc. [Edited by C. J. The history and antiquities of the University of Cam- Blomfield and T. Rennell.] Londini, 1810. 8º. bridge. In two parts. (1. Of its original and progress 1213. m. 35. in the reinoter ages, written above 300 years ago, by N. Cantalupe. 2. A description of the present colleges : [Another copy.] 78. e. 17. with an account of their founders and benefactors; Begin. [preceded by two mottoes] Non ego bello cano, as also of the former halls and inns, etc. By R. Parker. etc. [Two Latin poems: the first on the various pursuits To which are added, several charters granted to the of youth, the second on liberty: written by members of colleges, and some short information concerning the the University.) [Cambridge, 1812.] fol. authors above mentioned. Lastly, a catalogue of the . 1872. a. (48.) chancellors, etc.) Printed by T. W. for J. Bateman : Prolusiones Academicæ, præmiis annuis dignatæ... 1827. London, 1721. 8°. 731. i. 8. Cantabrigiæ, [1827.] 80." 732. c. 10. (48.) [Another copy.] 731. i. 9. · Prolusiones Academicæ, præmiis annuis dignatæ ... Several plates are inserted in this copy, and it has the 1828–1842. [With cuttings from newspapers, etc. autograph of R. Farmer. containing academical poems and intelligence.] 15 pt. Cantabrigiæ, [1828–42.] 8º. 732. c. 12 & 13. (1.) [Another copy.] J. Warcus : London, [1721.] 8º. 731. i. 4. With a new titlepage. Translations which have obtained the Porson Prize in the University of Cambridge, from 1817 to 1850. Gr. [Another copy.] J. Warner: London, (1721.] 8º. and Eng. Cambridge, 1850. 8º. 11762. d. With another new titlepage. 273. d. 6. Second edition (from 1817 to 1856). History of the University of Cambridge, illustrated by Cambridge, 1857. 8º. 732. c. 60. a series of engravings ... from drawings by R. B. Third edition. Continued to 1871. Harraden. Second edition. Cambridge, 1814. 4º. Cambridge, 1871. 8º. 11762. d. 732. g. 8. A history of the University of Cambridge, its Colleges, halls and public buildings. [By F. Shoberi, sen ?] 2 vol. Ackermann : London, 1815. 4º. 2064. e. [STATUTES.] Without the portraits of the founders. Statuta Academiæ Cantabrigiensis. [Another copy.] L. P. 127. i. 10. Cantabrigiæ, 1785. 4º. 128. e. 24. With the portraits. Collection of Statutes for the University and the Colleges of Cambridge: including various early documents. [Edited by J. Heywood.] London, 1840. 8º. 8364. e. (PRIZE POEMS.] Documents relating to the University and Colleges of See infra : OXFORD.-University of Oxford. Translations Cambridge. Published by direction of the Commis- of the Oxford and Cambridge Latin prize poems, etc. sioners appointed by the Queen to inquire into the state ...of the said University, etc. 3 vol. London, 1852. 8º. 992. f. 31. 1833. 8º. 8364. d. Cambridge Prize Poems; being a complete collection of Early Cambridge University and College statutes in the the English poems which have obtained the Chancellor's English language, collected by J. Heywood. gold medal in the University of Cambridge. London, 1855. 8º. 8364. e. London, 1818. 89. 992. f. 28. Statutes of the University of Cambridge, with some Third edition, enlarged. London, 1820. 80. Acts of Parliament relating to the University. pp. 232. 8364. a. Deighton, Bell & Co.: Cambridge, 1882. 8º. Fourth edition ... enlarged. London, 1828. 12º. 8367. bb. 4. 8364. aa. Statutes for the University of Cambridge and for the [Another edition.] A complete collection of the English Colleges within it, made, published, and approved 1878– Poems which have obtained the Chancellor's Gold 1882, under the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Medal in the University of Cambridge. New and Act, 1877 (40 & 41 Vict. c. 48). With an appendix of enlarged edition. Cambridge, 1859. 8º. 2288. b. Acts and Orders. [Edited, with a preface, by H. B., i.e. H. Bradshaw.] pp. lviii. 763. Musæ Seatonianæ. A complete collection of the Cam- University Press : Cambridge, 1883. 8º. 8367. c. 3. bridge prize poems, from the first institution of that premium by ... T. Seaton, in 1750, to the present time. Excerpta e statutis Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, præfec- To which are added, two poems . . . by Mr. Bally and turum interpretationibus, senatus decretis, et literis Mr. Scott. London printed, Cambridge, 1772. 8º. regiis, aliaque ad scholarium officium pertinentia. 11602. bbb. 5. Cantabrigiæ, 1733. 8º. 731. i. 3. (10.) 131 132 ACADEMIES. (CAMBRIDGEB .] CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge. [STATUTES (continued).] [APPENDIX (continued).] [Another edition.] Excerpta e statutis Academiæ Canta See infra : OXFORD.-University of Oxford. Reasons for brigiensis, etc. Cantabrigiæ, 1748. 8°. 8364. b. amending the clause for a drawback to be allow'd to the Universities, etc. [1711?] fol. 8223. e. (113.) [Another edition.] Cantabrigiæ, 1782. 8º. 8365. C. See infra : OXFORD.— University of Oxford. [Forty-three [Another edition.] Cantabrigiæ, 1785. 8º. portraits of the principal founders of Colleges at Oxford 8356. bb. and Cambridge, etc.] 1712, etc. fol. 561. e. 29. (1.) [Another edition.] Cantabrigiæ, 1803. 8º. . 731. i. 15. (2.) A copy of the poll, taken at the election for members of Parliament for the University of Cambridge, Aug. 22, [Another edition.] Cantabrigiæ, 1808. 8º. London, 1727. 4º. 731. i. 3. (8.) 8364. cc. [Another edition.] Cantabrigiæ, 1832. 80. The Academic; or, a disputation on the state of the 8365. bbb. University of Cambridge, and the propriety of the regulations made in it, 11 May and 26 June, 1750. By [Another copy.] Cantabrigiæ, 1832. 8°. 8364. C. John Green.] London, 1750. 8º. 272. g. 6. (4.) Statuta quædam Academiæ Cantabrigiensis in admissione Remarks on the Academic. London, 1751. 8º. ad gradus, etc. legenda, etc. Cantabrigiæ, 1684. 80. 8365. bbb. 731. i. 3. (2.) An authentic narrative of the late extraordinary pio- Statuta legenda in admissione baccalaureorum in medi- ceedings at [the University of] Cambridge against the cina, ad quorum observationem singuli tenetur. Westminsteįr club. [By T. Francklin, D.D.] [Cambridge, 1615?] 8. sh. fol. 835. m. 8. (2.) London, 1751. 8º. T. 1076. (6.) Trusts, Statutes and Directions affecting the Professor [Another copy.] 101. k. 27. ships, Scholarships and Prizes and other endowments of the University. pp. 315. [Another copy.] 272. g. 6. (6.) University Press : Cambridge, 1857. 8° 8364. bb. 3. Considerations on the expediency of making, and the Ordinationes Academia Cantabrigiensis. manner of conducting, the late regulations at the Cantabrigiæ, 1863. gº. 8364. C. University of] Cambridge. [By John Green.] London, 1751. 8°. 272 g. 6. (5.) [Another copy.] 101. i. 46. [APPENDIX.] An inquiry into the right of appeal from the chan- Querela Cantabrigiensis; or, a remonstrance by way of cellor, or vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge, apologie for the banished members of the ... University in matters of discipline: addressed to a fellow of a of Cambridge. [By J. Barwick.] See ENGLAND. college. To which is added, an appendix, containing Angliæ Ruina; or England's ruine, etc. 1647, etc. 8º. some observations on the “authentick narrative,” etc. *599. a. 19. [By T. Chapman.] London, 1951. 8º. Another edition.] See MERCURIUS, Rusticus. Mercurius 517. g. 26. (2.) Rusticus, etc. 1685. 8º. 292. e. 17. [Another copy.] 101. i. 47. A Poem attempting something upon the rarities of the [Another copy.] 272. g. 6. (8.) ... University of Cambridge. London, 1673. 4º. The opinion of an eminent lawyer [the Earl of Hard- 11631. bbb. 2. wickel, concerning the right of appeal from the vice- The Cambridge case, being a narrative of the proceedings chancellor of Cambridge to the Senate; supported by a against the Vice-Chancellour and Delegates of that Uni short historical account of the jurisdiction of the Uni- versity, for refusing to admit Alban Francis, a Bene versity. In answer to a late pamphlet, intitled, An dictine Monk, to the degree of Master of Arts, without inquiry into the right of appeal from the chancellor, etc. taking the oaths. London, 1689. fol. 514. l. 1. (24.) By a Fellow of a College [R. Hurd]. London, 1751. 8º. 517. g. 28. (1.) [Another copy.] 115. k. 46. [Another copy.] 518. k. 8. (4.) See infra : OXFORD.-University of Oxford. To the two [Another copy.] 272. g. 6. (7.) Universities : an Epistle, etc. 1691. fol. 11630. g. 2. Second edition. London, 1751. 8º. 8365. bbb. The University of Cambridge's Charge to D. Windsor, Esq., their new Member for the ensuing Parliament, etc. A further inquiry into the right of appeal from the [London, 1702 ?] 8. sh. fol. T. 100*. (78.) chancellor, or vice-chancellor of the University of Cam- bridge, in matters of discipline; in which the objections See infra: OXFORD. —- University of Oxford. Some of the author of a late pamphlet, intitled, The opinion of thoughts concerning the study of the laws of England an eminent lawyer concerning the right of appeal, etc. in the two Universities, etc. 1708. 4º. 518. i. 28. are fully obviated. [By T. Chapman.) London, 1752. 8º. 517. g. 26. (4.) Tho University of Cambridge vindicated from the impu- [Another copy.] 103. h. 13. tation of disloyalty it lies under, on the account of not addressing: as also, from the malicious and foul asper A letter to the author [T. Chapman] of A further sions of Dr B[ent]ly, late Master of Trinty College ; and inquiry into the right of appeal from the chancellor or of a certain officer and pretended reformer [R. Laughton] vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge. ir. in the said university. Written by the Author matters of discipline. [By J. Buckham ?7 TS. Thirlby]. London, 1710. 8º. 731. i. 5. (1.) London, 1752. 8º. 517. g. 26. (3.) [Another copy.] 699. h. 5. (2.) [Another copy.] 272. g. 6. (9.) 133 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE.] 134 on examineate in the the necessity s to Secription, 1834 91493. (4. CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE [CONTINUED]. University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge. [APPENDIX (continued).] [APPENDIX (continued).] A letter to the University...on a late resignation that See infra : OXFORD.-University of Oxford. Considerations of the Duke of Newcastle as prime minister]. By a on the great and various injuries arising from the course Gentleman of Oxford. London, 1756. 8º. of education pursued in the Universities of Oxford and 731. i. 3. (12.) Cambridge, etc. 1832. 8º. T. 1397. (9.) An address to the members of the Senate...on the The Cambridge petition examined; or, reasons against attention due to worth of character from à religious admitting the dissenters to graduate in the Universities : society, with a view to the ensuing election of a High with remarks on clerical subscription, and the necessity Steward. To which is added, a letter of Mr Jos. Mede of a church establishment. London, 1834. 8º. ... giving a particular account of ... the Duke of Buckingham's election in Charles the first's time. By a Master of Arts. London, 1764. 89. 731. i. 3. (13.) See PHILLPOTTS (H.) Bishop of Exeter. Speech ... on ... a petition from certain members of the Senate of A projecte, conteyninge the state, order and manner of Cambridge, etc. 1834. 8º. 8364. g. 2. governmente of the University of Cambridge, as it is now to be seen in the three-and-fortieth yeare of the See ROSE (H. J.) An Answer to “The Case of the Dis- raigne of our most gracious and soveraigne lady queen senters”; with some remarks upon the Cambridge Elizabeth. [Now first printed : edited by M. Lost.] petition. 1834. 8º. T. 1493. (3.) Cambridge, 1769. 4º. 599. k. 19. (16.) See infra: OXFORD.- University of Oxford. The Univer- [Another copy.] 786. 1. 15. (3.) sities and the Dissenters. 1835. 80. T. 1906. (14.) [Another copy.] 129. f. 2. See infra : OXFORD.-University of Oxford. Letters to the English public on the condition ... of the national [Another copy.] 105. e. 39. Universities, etc. 1836. 8º. T. 2090. (5.) See infra: OXFORD.—University of Oxford. Advice to The Poll on the Election of High Steward of the the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 1783. 16º. University of Cambridge ... November, 1840. Can- 101. h. 16. didates :... Lord Lyndhurst ... Lord Lyttelton. By General Customs and ceremonies of the University, H. Gunning. Cambridge, 1840. 8°. 809. f. 33. throughout the year. [Cambridge, 1790?] 8º. 8364. b. The interpretation of the composition between the University and King's-College. By a member of the The poll for the election of two representatives in Senate. Cambridge, 1846. 80. 8365. e. 1. (6.) Parliament, for the University ... May 8, 1807. Can- didates; Earl of Euston, Sir V. Gibbs, Viscount Pal The Poll at the election of Chancellor of the University merston, Lord H. Petty. By J. Beverley. ... when there were proposed for election ... the Cambridge, (1807.] 80. 809. e. 46. Prince Albert ... the Earl of Powis, etc. Cambridge, 1847. 8º. 8364. aa. See infra: OXFORD.—University of Oxford. Begin. In Chancery, Easter Term 1808. The Universities of Alma Mater; a satire [in verse] Dedicated to the col- Oxford and Cambridge v. Richardsons. [1808.] s. sh. 4°. legiate dignitaries on the banks of the Cam. 731. m. 14. (6.) London [Derby], 1848. 8º. 11645. ff. 12. (4.) The Poll for the election of the Woodwardian Professor The Government scheme of education in the University in the University of Cambridge, on Thursday, May 21, of Cambridge in reference to the appointment of Sir 1818. Candidates; A. Sedgwick ... G. C. Gorham. James Stephen to the Professorship of Modern History.] Canbridge, 1818. 8º. 8364. cc. 1. (3.) London, (Cambridge, printed,] 1850. 8º. Cambridge Commencement, 1819 ... Three miscel- · 8365. e. 2. (6.) laneous concerts ... Three sacred oratorios, etc. (A See infra : OXFORD.— University of Oxford. A few plain buok of the words ] Cambridge, (1819.] 8º. facts and observations relative to the two Universities, 7897. bbb. 1. etc. 1850. 8º. 8365. e. 2. (7.) Gradus ad Cantabrigiam; or, new University Guide to the academical customs and colloquial or cant terms, See infra : OXFORD.-University of Oxford. The public peculiar to the university of Cambridge, etc. By a right to the Universities, etc. 1851. 12º. Brace of Cantabs. London, 1824. 89. 731. i. 24. 8365. a. Occasional papers on University matters and Middle An inquiry into the true spirit and intent of the ten- Class education; together with full information as to year divinity-statute, with observations on the conduct local examinations and recent University changes. 2 pt. of Dr. Burrows, the editor of the Theological Review, Cambridge, 1858–59. 8º. 8365. d. in degrading the Cambridge Bachelors of Divinity below the Masters of Arts, etc. (By S. Perry.] Arms of the Colleges of Cambridge. (Arms of the Cam- London, 1825. 8º. T. 1000. (6.) bridge Professors.) London, (1863.] 8. sh. 8º. 840. m. 32. (105.) Alma Mater: or, Seven Years at the University of Cambridge. By a Trinity-Man [i.e. J. Wright). 2 vol. A few brief remarks on Cambridge University and London, 1827. 8º. 731. i. 27. College Reform, in reference to past and present legis- lation. By a Member of the Senate. London, 1870.80. Letter to the electors of the University of Cambridge, 8364. bb. from one of their body. [On the Catholic question.] The Student's Guide to the University of Cambridge London, 1827. 8º. T. 1191. (2.) ... Fourth edition, revised. 4 pt. Letters from Cambridge, illustrative of the studies, Deighton, Bell & Co: Cambridge, 1880, etc. 80. habits and peculiarities of the University. In progress. The first and second editions of this work London, 1828. 8º. 731. i. 28. are entered under the name of the original editor, J. R. Seeley. The third edition is entered under the initials Remarks on the actual state of the University of " J. R. S." Cambridge. London, 1830. 8º. 8364. c. 2242. a. 135 ACADEMIES. (CAMBRIDGE.] 136 CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). University of Cambridge.-Colleges. University of Cambridge.-Colleges. CHRIST'S COLLEGE. QUEEN'S COLLEGE. Argument in the case of the Poor's Rate charged on the Statuta Collegii Reginalis apud Cantabrigienses, anno Colleges of Christ and Emmanuel in the University of 1559 a regiis commissariis reformata : quibus accedunt Cambridge, 1768. Cambridge, 1768.] 8º. interpretationes statutorum a præside et sociis sancita. 6425. b. 48. (1.) Cantabrigiæ, 1822. 4º. 732. g. 9. (1.) For the Master of Christ's College only. Statuta Coll. Christi. Draft revised by the Master and Fellows, [Another edition.] [Cambridge, 1865?] fol. January 19, 1857. [Cambridge, 1857.] 80. 8365. g. 8364. co. A form for the commemoration of benefactors to be used CLARE COLLEGE. in the chapel of the college of St. Margaret and St. The practice of a college and the visitor's decision con- Bernard, commonly called Queen's College, Cambridge. cerning it, submitted to the consideration of the public Cambridge, 1823. 4º. 732. g. 9. (2.) in behalf of founders or benefactors, and of scholars in [Another copy.] 691. e. 6. the University of Cambridge, or, a copy of a letter from an eminent lawyer occasioned by the visitor's decision RIDLEY HALL. against the right of natives of the two counties of Theological Halls at Oxford and Cambridge: a report of Northampton and Lincoln to Mr. Freeman's foundation the speeches delivered at the opening of Ridley Hall, in Clare Hall; with an account of the case, and copies Cambridge, January 28th, 1881; and a sermon [on 1 Cor. of records [by J. Mapletoft]. London, 1755. 4º. xii. 22] preached ... by ... Sir E. Bayley. pp. 30. 127. b. 3. Hatchards : London, 1881. 8º. 4109. h. 18. (2.) CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca SAINT JOHN'S COLLEGE. Collegii Corporis Christi in Cantabrigia : quos legavit See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.- Cambridge. The Eagle. M. Parkerus, etc. Londini, 1722. fol. 619. m. 3. A magazine supported by members of St. John's [Another copy.] . 125. h. 3. College. 1858, etc. 8°. P.P. 6119. cf. See SHREWSBURY, Corporation of. The Mayor, Aldermen DOWNING COLLEGE. ...of Salop, Appellants. His Majesty's Attorney- The statutes of Downing College, in the university of General, at the relation of the Master, Fellows, and Cambridge. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. -- Scholars of St. Jobns College . . . respondents. The GEORGE III., King. Copy of his Majesty's royal charter Respondents case. [1726.] s. sh. fol. for founding ... Downing College, etc. 1800.' 4º. 816. m. 16. (22.) 732. g. 6. Admissions to the College of St. John, etc. [Edited by EMMANUEL COLLEGE. J. E. B. Mayor.] Deighton, Bell & Co. : See supra : Christ's College. Argument in the case Cambridge, 1882, etc. 8º. 8367. bb. of the Poor's Rate charged on the Colleges of Christ In progress. and Emmanuel . . . 1768. [1768.] 8º. Early Statutes of the College of St. John the Evangelist, 6425. b. 48. (1.) in the University of Cambridge. Now first edited, with GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. notes, by J. E. B. Mayor. Cambridge, 1859. 8º. Excerpta e Statutis Collegii de Gonville et Caius et e 8365. f. statutis Academiæ ... nunc denuo recensa. [Edited by SAINT PETER'S COLLEGE. J.J. Smith?] Cantabrigiæ, 1843. 8º. 732. C. 58. See YORKE (Hon. J.) successively Bishop of St. David's, of Gloucester, and of Ely. An account of the late dis- Trifolium Caianum in adventum Reginæ et Principis pute between the Bishop of Ely and the fellows of VIII. Kal. Nov. 1843. [By C. G. Prowett, W. B. Peter-House concerning the election of the Master of Trevelyan, and A. G. Day.] Privately printed : Cantabrigiæ, [1843.] 40. 274. k. 18. that College. [1788 ?] 8º. 837. i. 24. Begin. University of Cambridge. Peterhouse College. Rules of College. [Cambridge, 1848?] 80. SA description of St. Peter's College, with a list of 732. c. 57. masters, engraved views and costumes.] KING'S COLLEGE. London, 1796. fol. 103. h. 13. See supra : University of Cambridge. The inter 4 pages letterpress and 4 plates; apparently part of an pretation of the Composition between the University intended description of the whole University. and Kings College, etc. 1846. 8º. 8365. e. 1. (6.) TRINITY COLLEGE. See Eron COLLEGE. Registrum regale: sive catalogus ... præpositorum utriusque Collegii Regalis, Etonensis See Ely, Bishop of. A vindication of the Lord Bishop & Cantabrigiensis etc. 1774, etc. 4. of Ely's visitatorial jurisdiction over Trinity College, etc. 732. g. 3. 1732. 4º. 518. 1. 3. (3.) Report of the proceedings in the case of an appeal pre- ferred by the Provost and Scholars of King's College, Certaine prophesies presented before the king's majesty Cambridge, against the Provost and Fellows of Eton by the scholers of Trinity College... With some other College, to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln . . . By P. remarkable prophesies, etc, London, 1642. 4º. Williams. London, 1816. 8°. 731. 1. 19. E. 118. (41.) A true and impartial account of the present differences The appeal of King's College against the Fellows of between the Master [R. Bentley] and Fellows of Trinity Eton, respecting their holding ecclesiastical preferment College, in Cambridge, consider'd. In a letter to a with their fellowships ... also the answer of the latter gentleman some time member of that society. [By J. and reply of the former, with other documents relating Paris.] London, 1711. 8º. 731. i. 6. (6.) to the said case. To which are added, remarks, critical and explanatory, upon Mr. P. Williams' Report of the [Another copy.] T. 723. (4.) Pleadings in the said case. Cambridge, 1817. 8°. 8364. e. [Another copy.] T. 1682. (2.) fley) and in a Be. 137 ACADEMIES. (CAMBRIDGE.CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 138 : CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). . CAMBRIDGE (CONTINUED). University of Cambridge.-Colleges. University of Cambridge.—University Library. TRINITY COLLEGE. A Catalogue of Duplicates in the Royal Library at Cam- | An humble and serious representation of the present bridge. 2 pt. (Cambridge, 1742.] 80. 355. a. (2.) state of Trinity College, in Cambridge. In a letter to a noble lord. London, (1716.] 8º. 731. i. 7. (2.) A few remarks on the “New Library” Question (at present under discussion in our University). By a [Another copy.] T. 1860. (1.) Member of neither Syndicate [H. Coddington). Cambridge, 1831. 8º. 823. f. 33. (6.) The case of Trinity College; whether the crown or the Bishop of Ely be the general visitor: to be heard before A Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the Library the...Privy Council, Mar. 13, 1728. London, 1729. 4º. of the University of Cambridge. (By E. Hardwick, C. 732. h. 35. Babington, C. C. Babington, W. R. Collett, J. T. Abdy, W. W. Hull, J. H. Webster, J. Glover, H. R. Luard, [Another copy.] 731. i. 3. (9.) C. B. Scott, E. Ventris, T. Bendyshe, G. Williams and [Another copy.] 731. i. 6. (9.) J. E. B. Mayor.] Edited for the Syndics of the Uni- versity Press [by C. Hardwick, and H. R. Luard.] (A [Another copy.] 518. 1. 30. (6.) Catalogne of Adversaria and Printed Books containing Imperfect; wanting last leaf. MS. Notes, etc.) 6 vol. Cambridge, 1856–67. 8º. 2050. b. A Sermon [on Eph. V. 8] preached in the Chapel of Vol. 6 is the “ Catalogue of Adversaria, etc." Trinity College, Cambridge... Dec. 19, 1793, the day appointed for the conmemoration of the benefactors to Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts preserved in the that Society. [By R. E. Garnham.] pp. 22. University Library, Cambridge. By Dr. S. M. Schiller- [Cambridge ? 1793 ?? 8º. 4473. e. 5. (17.) Szinessy.-272 0102 Deighton, Bell & Co.: Cambridge, 1876, etc. 8º. 11905. g. [Another edition.] London, 1794. 8º. In progress. 4474. b. 111. (10.) University Library, Cambridge. Twenty-eighth Annual College, Cambridge). By a disappointed guest. pr. 8. Report to the Senate. 7 June, 1882. pp. 13. W. P. Spalding : Cambridge, 1881. 8º. Cambridge, (1882.] 4º. 1881. c. 16. (149.) 11645. ee. 44. (9.) Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit manuscripts in the Ode to Trinity College, Cambridge. London, 1812. 8º. University Library, Cambridge. With introductory 11641. f. 2. notices and illustrations of the palæography and chrono- logy of Nepal and Bengal. By C. Bendall. pp. xii. lvi. Fitzwilliam Museum. 2:25. University Press : Cambridge, 1883. 8º. Proceedings and letters relative to the grace of May 7, 14096. d. 15. 1864, concerning the Fitzwilliam Museum. Cambridge, 1864. 8º. 8364. cc. University Press. Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate. Orders established by the Delegates,' at a meeting, March 8, 1758, for regulating the prices of printing at Report...for 1871. Cambridge, 1871. 4º. 8365. ee. the University-Press. [Cambridge,] 1758. 40. 11899. bbb. 9. Observatory. Facts and observations relative to the State of the University Press. (Cambridge, 1809.] 8º. Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of 8364. c. Cambridge [vols. 1-8], by G. B. Airy ([vols. 9, etc.] by ...J. Challis, etc.) Cambridge, 1829, etc. 4º. In progress. 8567. g. Physiological Laboratory. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Studies from the Physiological Laboratory in the Uni- See supra: BOSTON, Mass. versity of Cambridge, edited by the Trinity Prælector in Physiology [M. Foster]. Pt. 2, 3. Cambridge, 1876, 77. 8º. 7404. c. 9. American Antiquarian Society. Imperfect; wanting pt. 1. See infra : WORCESTER, Mass. Senate. Collegium Cantabrigiense. An address to the Senate... relative to certain academic See infra: Harvard University. proceedings which occasionally take place, therein on the Lord's Day. Cambridge, London (printed], 1823. 8º. . 701. h. 16. (14.) Harvard University. The Cambridge Senate before Whitgift's statutes and the See HIGGINSON (T. W.) Harvard Memorial Biographies. University Bill of 1855. Cambridge, 1855. 8º. 1867. 8º. 10881. bbb. 8364. c. See LEIGHTON (R. F. Harvard Examination Papers. University Library. Collected and arranged by R. F. Leighton, etc. 1873, etc, 8º. 8366. aa. 3. Catalogus Orientalium MSS. Nummorum, aliorumque Cimeliorum, quibus Academiæ Cantabrigiensis Bibliothe Of the progresse of learning in the colledge at Cambridge cam locupletavii ... G. Lewis. [Cambridge? 1727.7 8º. in Massachusetts bay. See New ENGLAND. New 350. b. (15.) England's first fruits, etc. 1643. 4º. E. 87. (2.) 139 140 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE, MASS.] CAMBRIDGE, MASS. [CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE, MASS. [CONTINUED]. Harvard University. Harvard University. See SIBLEY (J. s.) Notices of the Triennial and Annual Rules, orders, and statutes of Harvard College instituted Catalogues of Harvard University, etc. 1865. 8º. by the President and Council of New England, 23rd 8366. g. July, 1686, presented at a meeting of the Massachusetts See THIES (L.) Catalogue of the Collection of Engravings Historical Society ... with remarks by the secretary bequeathed to Harvard College by F. C. Gray. [C. Deane]. Cambridge, 1876. 8º. 8366. e. 2. 1869. 80. 7355. h. The Laws of Harvard College. Boston, 1790. 8º. Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio Harvardino ... ab anno ”T. 84. (10.) 1642 ad annum (1803) alicujus gradus laurea donati [Another copy.) The Laws of Harvard College. sunt. (Catalogus senatus academici, eorum, qui munera Boston, 1790. 8º. T. 110. (: et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in Universitate Harvardiana, etc. (1806–1857, etc.) [Another copy.] 126. i. 6. (3.) MS. NOTES. Bostonia, [Another copy.] MS. NOTES. B. 503. (4.) Cantabrigiæ, 1776-1857, etc. 8º. 8366. e. In progress. The triennial of 1776 is mutilated; that of [Another edition.] (Amendments and additions ... 1779 is wanting. Dec. 1st, 1800-June 1st, 1803.) Boston, 1798[-1803]. 8º. Ac. 2692. [Another copy of the triennial for 1845.) 732. h. 24. The additions consist of 3 separate documents at the end [Another copy of the triennial for 1845.] 732. h. 21. of the book. Catalogus eorum qui in universitate Harvardiana, [Another edition.] Cambridge, 1807. 8º. Cantabrigiæ, in Republica Massachusettensi, ab anno 8366. d. 1642 ad 1782, alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt. [Another copy.] 8285. bbb. 55. (6.) Bostoniæ, 1782. 8º. 126. i. 6. (2.) [Another edition.] Cambridge, 1814. 8º. Catalogus, etc. 1642–1788. Bostoniæ, 1788. 8º. 8366. c. T. 212. The Statutes of the University in Cambridge relating to Catalogus....1642–1791. Bostoniæ, 1791. 8º. the degree of Doctor in Medicine. Boston, 1817. 8º. T. 84. (6.) 8366. c. (3.) [Another copy.] 126. i. 6. (1.) Laws of Harvard College. Cambridge, 1820. 8º. Catalogus eorum, qui adhuc in universitate Harvardiana 8366. c. (1.) ab 1642 alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, etc. [Another edition.] Statutes and Laws of the University Salem, 1806. 8º. 8366. e. in Cambridge, etc. Cambridge, 1825. 8º. This edition is pirated from the Official Catalogue. 8366. C. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University [Another edition.] The Statutes and Laws ... as re- in Cambridge, Octuber 1819–1824. vised and adapted ... on the 10th of June ... 1848. (Orders and Regulations of the Faculty, etc.) [With 8366. c. (4.) Cambridge, 1819–24. 8º. preface by E. Everett.) 2 pt. Cambridge, 1848. 8º. A Catalogue of the officers and students ... 1825(–28; 8366. C. 30; 32; 33, 35–46; 47, 2nd Term ; 49, 1st Term ; The Statutes and Laws of Harvard College, as revised 50, 1st Term; 51, 1st Term; 52, 53, 1st Term ; 54; 55; and adopted by the Corporation, etc. 56, 1st Term ; 57, 1st Term; 58, 2nd Term; 59, 2nd Cambridge, 1866. 8º. . 8366. cc. Term, etc.). Cambridge, 1825, etc. 12º. In progress. 8366. bbb. Statutes of the University in Cambridge, relative to the [Another copy of 1850–51.] 8365. cc. 2. (27.) degree of Doctor in Medicine. [Cambridge ? 1831?] 8º. . 8366. c. [Another edition.] Catalogue of the Officers and Students Statutes and Laws ... relative to Undergraduates. of 1836 (43; 52; 53, 1st Term). Cambridge, 1832. 12º. Cambridge, 1836–53. 12º. 8366. c. 8366. c. Imperfect ; wanting all except the Nos. above specified. [Another edition.] Laws of Harvard University rela- A Catalogue of the Students of Law in Harvard Uni- tive to Undergraduates. (Orders and Regulations of versity, from the establishment of the Law School. the Faculty, etc.) 2 pt. Cambridge, 1845. 12º. . 1836, 1839, 1842, 1845, 1851, etc. 8366. c. Cambridge, 1836, etc. 12º. 8365. c. Constitutional articles and legislative enactments rela- . In progress. tive to the Board of overseers and the Corporation of The Harvard University Catalogue. 1872, 73. (1873, H. U., also, rules and regulations of the Overseers. 74, etc.) 8365. d. Cambridge, 1873, etc. 8º. Cambridge, 1835. 8°. 8366. bbb. 1. In progress. By-laws, rules, and regulations of the Overseers... now Roll of students of Harvard College who have served in force. Cambridge, 1842. 8º. 8365. d. in the army or navy during the War of the Rebellion. Cambridge, 1865. 8º. 8366. aa. Orders and regulations of the Faculty of Harvard College, passed in conformity with the authority given Roll of Students of Harvard University who served in by the statutes of the University, July, 1863. the Army or Navy of the United States, during the War [Cambridge, 1863.] 8º. 8366. cc. of the Rebellion. Prepared ... by F. H. Brown. Cambridge, 1866. 8º. 8366. cc. Orders and regulations of the Faculty of Harvard College passed ... September, 1865. Second edition. Cambridge, 1869. 8º. 8366. cc. (Cambridge, 1865.] 80. 8365. ee. 4. Orders and regulations of the Faculty of Harvard A copy of the Laws of Harvard College, 1655. With an College ... September, 1868. [Cambridge, 1868.] 8º. introduction by S. A. Green. 8366. dd. Cambridge, 1876. 8º. 8366. e. 1. 141 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE, MASS.] 142 CAMBRIDGE, MASS. [CONTINUED). CAMBRIDGE, MASS [CONTINUED]. Harvard University. Harvard University The Annual Report of the President of Harvard Univer- Addresses at the Inauguration of T. Hill, as President sity to the Overseers ... for ... 1825(-53, 56, etc.). of Harvard College. (Address of J. A. Andrew, Governor Cambridge, 1827-58, etc. 8º. 8365. dd. of the Commonwealth ... Inaugural Address by T. Hill.) In progress. Cambridge, 1863. 8°. 8366. c. Treasurer's Report, etc. A collection of the Annual [Another copy.] 8366. cc. Reports and Statements of the Treasurer, from 1831-44, 46-52, 55, etc.] [Cambridge, U.S., 1831, etc.] 8º. [Another copy.] 8365. cc. In progress. 732. h. 28. Harvard College. Order of performances for Exhibition, Report upon the constitutional rights and privileges of ... May 5, 1863, etc. Cambridge, 1863. 8º. Harvard College; and upon the donations that have 8365. ee. 5. been made to it by this commonwealth. Harvard University. Order of exercises at the forty- [Boston,] 1821. 8º. 8365. d. seventh annual visitation of the Divinity School, .... July 14, 1863. Cambridge, (1863.) 89. 8365. ee. 6. Report of a Committee of the Overseers of Harvard College, on the Memorial of the resident Instructers. Havard College. Competitors for the Boylston Prizes (Cambridge,] 1825. 89. 8365. d. for Declamation. July 16. 1863. Proceedings of the overseers of Harvard University, (Cambridge, 1863.] 8º. 8366. dd. 3. the report accepted and the resolutions adopted by them Harvard College. Order of performances for Exhibition, ... 25 Aug. 1834, relative to the late disturbances in ... October 20, 1863. Cambridge, 1863. 8º. that seminary. Boston, [1834.] 89. 732. h. 27. 8365. ee. 7. Harvard College. Report on the Permanent Memorial The report of the Committee to whom was referred the (commemorative of the Graduates and Students of the report and resolutions of the President and fellows of College who have served in the army or the navy in Harvard University, respecting the introduction of the defence of the Union ... during the late rebellion). voluntary system in the studies of the mathematics, Boston, (1866.] 8º. : 8366. cc. Latin, and Greek. Cambridge, 1841. 8º. 8365. d. Q. B. F. F. Q. S. Alumnos collegii Harvardiani ... Harvard College. Class of 1869. Secretary's Report. T. Hill ... A. H. Bullock ... ad sollemnia academica [ Cambridge, 1869, etc.] 8º. 8365. dd. 1. a. s. 15 kal. sextiles A. 1866 celebranda ... invitant In progress. (hi juvenes ... S. A. B. Abbott, D. O. Abercrombie, etc.) Cantabrigiae, (1866.] 4º. Ac. 2692/2. Report to the Board of Overseers of Harvard College on the condition, needs, and prospects of the University. Harvard College. Class-Day, June 22, 1866 (June 21, Cambridge, 1869. 8º. 8365. ee. 1867, June 19, 1868, June 20, 1873). Programme and Odes. Cambridge, (1866–73]. 8º. Harvard University. Report of the Committee of the 11621. h. 1. (20, 30 & 31.) Board of Overseers to visit the College for the year Harvard College. Order of performances for exhibition, 1872–3 (1873–74], etc. Cambridge, 1874, etc. 89. ... October 23, 1866 (May 7, October 22, 1867, May 5, In progress. 8366. de. 2. 1868, October 27, 1868). Cambridge, (1866–68). 8º. 1881. C. (23.) The testimony of the president, professors, tutors and Harvard University. Order of exercises at the fifty- Hebrew instructor of Harvard College in Cambridge, second annual visitation of the Divinity School, ... against the Rev. MG. Whitefield and his conduct. July 16, 1867 (July 14, 1868). Boston, 1744. 8º. 1369. a. Cambridge, 1867, 68. 8º. 1881. C. (31.) Pietas et Gratulatio collegii Cantabrigiensis apud No- Alumnos Collegi [sic] Harvardiani ...ad sollemnia academica ... concelebranda ... invitant hi adulescentes vanglos, [upon the accessiou of George III.] Bostoni-Massachusettensium, 1761. 40 837. k. 20. artibus initiati T. J. Albert, G. B. Allen, etc. Cantabrigiae, [1868]. 4º. 8366. de. 3. [Another copy.] 11630. c. 2. (6.) Harvard College. Competitors for the Boylston prizes [Another copy.] 77. g. 11. for Declamation. July 16, 1868. [Cambridge, 1868.] 80. 1881. c. (32**.) (Theses) Illustrissimo J. Hancock ... Theses basce, Juvenes in artibus initiati...dedicant. Harvard University. [A syllabus of lectures, second Bostoniæ, [1788–92.] 8. sh. fol. 1231. f. (107–109.) term 1868–9.] [Cambridge, 1869.] 8º. 1881. C. (31*) The Foundation of the Massachusetts Professorship of Natural History, at Harvard College ... With docu- Harvard College. Order of performances for exhibition ments, relative to its establishment. ... May 4, 1869. Cambridge, (1869.]. 8º. Boston, 1805. 8º. T. 369. (2.) 8705. f. 1. (37.) Addresses at the inauguration of C. W. Eliot as President Course of instruction for under graduates in Harvard of Harvard College ... October 19, 1869. College, Oct. 1821, for the ensuing year. Cambridge, 1869. 80. 8366. de. [Cambridge, 1821.] 8º. 8366. c. (2.) Harvard College. Order of performances for exhibition Arrangement of lectures and recitations in Harvard ... October 26, 1869. Cambridge, 1869. 8º. University for the second term of the academic year, 8705. f. 1. (39.) 1838–9. Cambridge, 1839. 8º. 8365. d. The Necrology of Harvard College. 1869–1872. Arrangement of lectures and recitations ... for the first Cambridge, 1872. 89. 8365. de. term of the academic year 1840–41. Harvard College. Studies of the year 1873–74. Cambridge, 1840. 8º. 8365. d. [Cambridge, 1874.] 8º. 8365. bbb. 143 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE, MASS.) 144 ents. Boston@ge, Cambride to the late CAMBRIDGE, MASS. [CONTINUED]. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. [CONTINUED). Harvard University, Harvard University.-Harvard Memorial Fund. PEABODY (ANDREW PRESTON) Baccalaureate Sermon (by Final Reports of the Building Committee and of the A. P. Peabody, on Ps. cxix. 44, 45) and Oration (by F. Treasurer of the Harvard Memorial Fund to the G. Peabody) and Poem (by G. E. Merrill).' Class of Committee of Fifty, etc. Cambridge, 1878. 8º. 1869. Boston, 1869. 8º. 8366. cc. Ac. 2692/4. WILLIAMS (M.) Baccalaureate Hymn of the Class of 1868 ... Words by M. W. Hasty-Pudding Club. (Cambridge, 1868.] 8. sh. 8º. 11647. e. (123.) Catalogue of the Officers and Members of the Hasty- Alumni Hall: an appeal to the alumni and friends of Pudding Club in Harvard College. 1829 (1850, 55, 60.) Harvard College. Cambridge, 1866. 8º 8365. C. 4 pt. Cambridge, 1829-60. 8°. 8365. c. Fair Harvard : a story of American College Life. Library. [By W. T. Washburne.] New York, 1869. 8º. · 12707. bbb. Catalogus Bibliothecæ Harvardianæ, Cantabrigiæ Nov- A Statement of Facts, relative to the late proceedings Anglorum. 2 pt. Bostoniæ, 1790. gº. 822. f. 23. in Harvard College, Cambridge. Published by the The pagination is continuous. Students. Boston, 1807. 12º. 8366. aa. [Another copy.j 440. h. 20. Student-Life at Harvard. [A tale.] A catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University Boston, 1876. 8º. 12703. eee. 13. in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fourth edition. Cambridge, 1846. 8°. 823. g. 22. Astronomical Observatory. [Another copy.] Cambridge, 1858. 8º. 11900. f. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard Report of the Committee of the Association of the College. Cambridge, 1856, etc. 4°. 8562. h. Alumni of Harvard College (T. G. Cary and others] In progress. appointed to take into consideration the state of the College Library. Cambridge, 1858. 8º. Annual Report of the Director of the Harvard College 823. g. 69. Observatory. Presented to the visiting committee November 26, 1877, etc. Cambridge, 1877, etc. 8º. Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard In progress. 8567. d. College, appointed to visit the Library ... 1860. Boston, 1861. 8º. 8366. C. List of new Nebulae and Star-Clusters seen at the Observatory of Harvard College, 1817–1863. Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard Cambridge, 1863. 8º. 8561. bb. College appointed to visit the Library, for the year 1863; together with the accompanying documents. Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard Boston, 1864. 8º. 8366. cc. College appointed to visit the observatory in the year The annual report of the Librarian (J. L. Sibley ... 1862, together with the Report of the Director (G. P. 15 July, 1865. ^ Cambridge, 1865. 8º. 8560. d. Blond). Boston, 1863. 8º. 8365. ee. 2. Harvard College. Extracts from the laws relating to Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard the Library, March 1865. [Cambridge, 1865.] 8º. College appointed to visit the Observatory in the year 8705. f. 1. (38.) 1863; together with the Report of the Director, etc. Harvard College. Extracts from the laws relating to Boston, 1864. 8º. 8562. cc. the Library. November 1867. [Cambridge, 1867.] 8º. Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard 1881. C. (5*.) College appointed to visit the Observatory ... 1864; [Another copy.] 1881. C. (4***.) together with the Report of the Director ... 1865 First Report (1878) of J. Winsor, Librarian of Harvard (prepared by T. H. Safford). Boston, 1865. 8º. 8561. cc. University. Cambridge, 1878, etc.] 8º. Ac. 2692/5. In progress. ROGERS (WILLIAM A.) Catalogue of 618 stars observed at the Astronomical Observatory ... with the meridian Harvard University. Library Bulletin. No. 7, etc. circle during ... 1871-2, 1874, and 1875 ... Extracted (Cambridge, 1878, etc.] 8º. Ac. 2692/3. from volume xii. of the Annals. pp. 246–271. In progress. Cambridge, 1880. 4º. 8567. h. 2. Library of Harvard University. Bibliographical Con- SAFFORD (TRUMAN HENRY) On the right Ascension of the tributions. Edited by J. Winsor. Pole Star, as determined from observation, etc. [From Cambridge, 1879, etc. 8º. 11905. i. the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts, etc.] In progress. Cambridge, 1864. 8º. 8561. bb. Library of Harvard University. Special Publications. Cambridge, 1879, etc. 8º. BB. O. In progress. Boylston Medical Society. Catalogue of the past and present members of the Massachusetts Medical College. Boylston Medical Society of Harvard University. Boston, 1853. 8º. 7680. b. Abstract of the Medical Institution, established 1783. (Cambridge, 1783.] 89. B. 503. (4*.) A fragment, pp. 499–502, of the Massachusetts Magazine. Harvard Art Club. Annual circular of the Massachusetts Medical College, Papars of the Harvard Art Club. with a history of the medical department of Harvard Cambridge , 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 1736. 5.. University, a catalogue of graduates, etc. In progress. Boston, 1846. 8º. 7680. d. 145 ACADEMIES. [CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS—CARACAS.] 146 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS [CONTINUED). CAPE TOWN. Harvard University.-Museum of Comparative Royal Observatory. Zoology. Astronomical Observations, made at the Royal Observa- Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. tory, Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1834 (1836, etc.) [Edited by L. J. R. Agassiz.] under the direction of F. Maclear. (Cambridge, 1864, etc.] 8º. Ac. 1736/2. Cape Town, 1840, etc. 4º. 8567. f. In progress. In progress. Senate ... Annual Report of the Trustees of the Museum Observations made by F. E. Wilmot and others) at the of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College ... with the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at the Cape report of the Director. 1864, etc. Boston, 1865. etc. 8º. of Good Hope. Printed ... under the superintendence In progress. Ac. 1736. of ... E. Sabine. Vol. 1. Magnetical Observations, 1841 to 1846 ; with abstracts of the observations from Mémoirs, etc. Cambridge, 1864, etc. 4º. Ac. 1736/4. 1841 to 1850 inclusive. London, 1851, etc. 4.. In progress. Some of the vols. have a second titlepage In progress. 8752. g. which reads : “Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Tom- Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Royal parative Zoology, etc.” Observatory ... in the year 1856 (1857, etc.). Cape Town, 1871, etc. 8º. 8567. d. Peabody Museum of American Archäology and In progress. Ethnology. The Cape Catalogue of 1159 stars, deduced from obser- vations at the Royal Observatory, ... 1856 to 1861, First (second, etc.) Annual Report of the Trustees of reduced to the epoch 1860. Under the superintendence the Peabody Museum of Anierican Archæology and of E. J: Stone. Cape Town, 1873. 8º. 8567. d. Ethnology, etc. Cambridge, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 1735. In progress. South African Philosophical Society. O. B. K. Society. The Transactions, etc. Cape Town, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 1993. A Catalogue of the Members belonging to the Society of 0. B. K. 1806. (A Catalogue of the Fraternity of 0. B. K., Alpha of Massachusetts, Harvard University CARACAS. ... 1810, 14, 18, 29, 33, 36, 39, 42, 46, 49, 53. Cambridge, 1806–53. 8º. 8366. d. Academia de Ciencias Sociales y Bellas Letras. Certámen Literario que la Academia de Ciencias Sociales ... consagró á la memoria del Libertador Simon Bolivar, en el 28 de Octubre, etc. Carácas, 1869. 8º. CANONSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA.. 11450. dd. Jefferson College. Academia de Jurisprudencia. Catalogue of the officers and students of Jefferson College Reglamento de la Academia de Jurisprudencia. ... July 1839. Washington, Pa. [1839.) 8º. Carácas, 1842. 8°. 8356. bb. 8366. b. Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela. CANTERBURY. Anuario de observaciones de la oficina central del Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela para el año de 1862. [Edited College of St. Augustine. by L. J. Revenga.] Caracas, 1861, etc. 8º. The Calendar of the Missionary College of St. Augus- In progress. P.P. 2373. s. tine ... for ... 1851. Canterbury, [1850.) 12º. Reglamento del Colegio de Ingenieros de la República. P.P. 2506. di. Carácas, 1862. 8°. 8355. dd. St. Augustine's College Tracts. Nos. 1 and 2. Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela. Estracte del acta [ London, 1852.] 12º. 4418. e. de la sesion de 23 de Marzo de 1870, etc. [A report on the height of Caracas above the sea level. By A. Ernst.] Kent Archaelogical Society. [Caracas, 1870.] S. sh. 8º. 1852. d. 1. (78) Archaeologia Cantiana; being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society. London, 1858, etc. 8º. Facultad Médica. In progress. Ac. 5655. Manifiesto de la Facultad Médica ante el Congreso y el [Another edition.] Tab. c. 45. b. pueblo de Venezuela [in favour of a law regulating the In progress. importation and sale of medicines). Caracas, 1842. 8º. 7306. bb. 6. (2.) ROBERTSON (WILLIAM ARCHIBALD SCOTT) The Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral; its architecture, its history, and | Sociedad de Ciencias Físicas y Naturales de Carácas. its frescoes. pp. viii. 122. Vargasia. Boletin de la Sociedad de Ciencias Físicas y Mitchell & Hughes : London, 1880. 4º. 1734. a. 5. Naturales de Carácas. Caracas, 1868, etc. 4°. In progress. Ac. 3086. CANTON. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China. Proceedings relative to the formation of a Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China. Canton, 1835. 8º. Ac. 2695. - Second report. Canton, 1837. 8º. Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais en la Pro- vincia de Caracas. Memorias de la Sociedad ... en 1830. Carácas, 1831. 8º. : Ac. 2396. Anuario de la Provincia de Caracas de 1832 á 1833. Publicado por la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais de la misma povincia [sic]. [Edited by T. J. Sanavria.] Carácas, 1835. 4º. Ac. 2396. 2. 147 148 ACADEMIES. [CARACAS-CARLSRUHE.] CARACAS [CONTINUED). CARLSRUHE [CONTINUED). Universidad. Ingenieur-Schule, Breve Discurso con que los alumnos de la Catedra de See infra : Polytechnische Schule. Física de la ilustre Universidad Central de Venezuela consagran al S. Dr. J. M. Vargas su ultimo acto filosó- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. fico. Caracas, 1830. 8°. 8366. bb. Verhandlungen, etc. Carlsruhe, 1869, etc. 8º. Reclamacion de la Junta de Inspeccion y Gobierno de In progress. Ac. 2877. la ... Universidad Central de la República al Poder Ejecutivo, sobre las relaciones que ha librado destinando Polytechnikum. las rentas de los conventos suprimidos en esta Capital y See infra: Polytechnische Schule. las existencias ... de las que goza la Universidad á la fábrica del segundo cuerpo del convento de S. Francisco. [Subscribed T. J. Sanavria. Caracas, 1839. 8º. Polytechnische Schule. 8365. dd. Sammlung von Bauzeichnungen aus dem Gebiele der Sobre la organizacion y régimen de la Universidad de Wasser- und Strassenbaukunst bestehend in 120 Blät- Carácas. [Caracas, 1827.] 89. 8365. d. tern ... durch die Eleven der ... Polytechnischen This is No. 23 of a series ; pp. 255-317. Schule, unter Leitung von Lehrer Keller bearbeitet, etc. Carlsruhe, 1837. obl. fol. 1264. f. Catálogo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Caracas, etc. pp. viii. 279. Caracas, 1875. 4º. 11902. g. 3. Sammlung von Constructionen aus dem Gebiete der Wasser- und Strassenbaukunst. Als Fortsetzung der im HERNANDEZ SANAVRIA (TOMÁS JOSÉ) Discurso que la Jahr 1837 erschienenen Sammlung von Bauzeichnungen, Universidad de Carácas dedica á su protector . . . Simon etc. Vermittelst der Ueberdruckmanier durch die Inge- Bolivar ... Pronunciado ... en el acto literario que le nieur-Eleven der Polytechnischen Schule zu Carlsruhe ha consagrado aquella el dia 18 de Febrero de 1827. unter der Leitung ihres Lehrers M. Becker... bearbeitet. Carácas, 1827. 8º. 10602. h. 8. (1.) 1 te Abtheilung, enthaltend Brücken. 2te Abtheilung, enthaltend Schleussen & Welire. Abth. 1. Carlsruhe, 1842. obl. fol. 571. 1. 34. CARCASSONNE. Sammlung von Constructionen aus dem Gebiete des Société des Arts et des Sciences de Carcassonne. Eisenbahnbaues. Vermittelst der Ueberdruckmanier, durch die Ingenieur-Eleven der Polytechnischen Schule Mémoires. Carcassonne, 1849, etc. 8º. Ac. 262. (2.) in Carlsruhe ... bearbeitet. Als Fortsetzung der im In progress. Jahr 1837 erschienenen Sammlung von Bauzeichnungen Annuaire administratif, statistique et historique du aus dem Gebiete der Wasser- & Strassenbaukunst. Département de l'Aude. Carcassonne, 1869, etc. 89. 2 Abth. Carlsruhe, 1842. obl. fol. Tab. 817. b. In progress. Ac. 262. Sammlung ausgeführter Constructionen aus den Gebiete des Wasser-, Strassen- und Eisenbahnbaues bestehend aus 120 Blättern ... Nach den... Materialien der Ingenieur- CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA. schule des Grosh. bud. Polytechnikums zu Carlsruhe. Dickinson College. Zusammengestellt, geordnet & gezeichnet durch Eleven der genannten Fachschule, etc. Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum, qui munera et Carlsruhe, [1859.] obl. fol. 1818. b. officia academica gesserunt quiquo alicujus gradus laurea dovati sunt, in Collegio Dickinsoniensi, etc. (MS. ADDI- lite Folge (bestehend aus 120 Blättern). TIONS AND CORRECTIONS.] Carleoli, 1840. 8º. Carlsruhe, (1864.] obl. fol. 8366. e. Uebersicht der Frequenzverhältnisse der einzelnen Ab- theilungen des Polytechnikums in Karlsruhe in den Jahren 1850–1866. Stuttgart, 1867. 8. sh. fol. CARLSBERG (NEAR COPENHAGEN. 1811. a. 1. (44.) Sammlung ausgeführter Constructionen aus dem Gebiete Carlsberg Laboratoriet. des Wasser-, Strassen- und Eisenbahnbaues bestehend aus Meddelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. Udgivne ved 120 Blättern ... Nach den ... Materialien der Ingenieur- Laboratoriets Bestyrelse. Dan. and Fr. schule des Grush. bad. l'olytechpikums zu Carlsruhe. Kjøbenhavn, 1878, etc. 8º. 8908. bbb. Zusammengestellt, geordnet & gezeichnet durch Eleven In progress. der yenaunten Fachschule, etc. Carlsruhe, (1859.] obl. fol. 1818. b. CARLSRUHE. Die Eisenbahnbauten bei Kehl, Rheiulrücke, Bahnhof, Ärztlicher Verein des Grossherzogthums Baden. Kinzig Schutterbrücke ... gezeicbuet durch die Eleven des Ill. Curses Grosh : Bad: Ingenieur-Schule. Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Baden, etc. Carlsruhe, 1859/60. obl. fol. 1818. b. See infra : Mittheilungen, etc. Sammlung von grösstentheils ausgeführten Tunnel- u. Mittheilungen ... Besorgt durch Dr. R. Volz. Brücken-Portalen bestehend iu 50 Blättern. Nach den Jahrg. 1-11. Karlsruhe, 1847-57. 8º. von ... F. Keller ziir Verfügung gestellt gewesenen rContinued as :7 Materialien zusammengestellt, geordnet & gezeichnet Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Baden. Herausgegeben durch die Eleven des obern Curres der Ingenieurschule von Dr. R. Volz. Jahrg. 12–35 (von Dr. F. Neumann. am Grossb. Polytechnikum zu Carlsruhe. Jahrg. 36, etc.) Karlsruhe, 1858, etc. 89. Ac. 3754. Carlsruhe, (1862.] obl. fol. 1818. b. In progress. Sainmlung der wichtigeren Bauobjecte der Gr: had : Odenwaldbahn zwischen Heidelberg und Morbach ... Badischer Ärztlicher Verein. zusammengestellt und gezeichnet duri:h die Eleven der See supra : Ärztlicher Verein des Grossherzogthums Ilten Curses Ingenieur-Schule ... zu Carlsruhe. Baden. Carlsruhe, 1862, 63. obl. fol. 1818. b. 149 ACADEMIES. [CARLSRUHE-CERVERA.] 150 CARLSRUHE [CONTINUED). CASSEL [CONTINUED). Polytechnische Schule. Verein für Hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde. Sammlung ausgeführter Constructionen aus dem Gebiete Zeitschrift des Vereins, etc. 10 Bde. Kassel, 1837-65. 8º. des Wasser-, Strassen- und Eisenbahnbaues. Ite Folge... Ac. 7025. Zusammengestellt...durch Eleven der genannten Fach- schule im Laufe des Studienjahr's 1862–63. Supplement. 9 Bde. Kassel, 1840–1861. 8º. Carlsruhe, (1863, etc.] obl. fol. 1826. b. & (688.) Ac. 7025/2. - Zeitschrift. ... Neue Folge. In progress. Kassel, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 7025. Construktionen aus dem Gebiete des Eisenbahn-Baues. Zusammengestellt und gezeichnet von den Eléven des Supplement. Kassel, 1866, etc. 8º. III. Curses der Grossherzoglich Badischen Ingenieur- In progress. schule in Carlsruhe 1862, 63. Carlsruhe, [1864, etc.] obl. fol. 1818. C. Mittheilungen an die Mitglieder, etc. Jahrgang 1875, etc. Kassel, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 7025/3. In progress. In progress. Die Tauberthal-Bahn. Eine Sammlung der wichtigsten Mittelalterliche Baudenkmaeler in Kurhessen. Bd. 1. Bauobjecte zwischen Lauda und Wertheim ... Unter Kassel, 1866. fol. 1733. b. Leitung ... Herrn F. Keller zusammengestellt, geordnet & gezeichnet durch die Studirten des III. Curses der No more published. Ingenieurschule, etc. Carlsruhe, (1870 ? etc.] obl. fol. Die Baudenkmäler im Regierungsbezirk Cassel mit In progress. 131. Benutzung amtlicher Aufzeichnungen beschrieben und zusammengestellt von H. von Debn- Rotfelser ... und CARPI. Dr. W. Lotz. Cassel, 1870. 8º. 7814. cc. Commissione Municipale di Storia Patria e Belle Arti. CASTELFRANCO. Memorie storiche e documenti sulla città e sull'antico principato di. Carpi, etc. · Carpi, 1877, etc. 8º. Accademia de' Filoglotti. In progress. Ac. 6502. Alcune poesie inedite di argomento sacro degli Accademici Filoglotti di Castelfranco. CARTAGO. Padova, 1823. 8º. T. 2265. (2.) Sociedad Itineraria del Norte. Memoria y cuenta general que la junta directoria de la CASTRES. Sociedad Itineraria del Norte presenta a esta, de sus operaciones en el año de 1851. Costa Rica, 1852. 8º. Société Littéraire et Scientifique. 8776. a. Concours de 1860. · Éloge de Pellisson par Mlle. M. Gibaudan, etc. Toulouse, 1861. 8°. 10660. bb. CARTHAGENA, COLOMBIA. Escuela Nautica de Cartajena. CATANIA. See supra : BOGOTA. —Colejio Militar, etc. Reglamento Accademia degli Etnej. e instruccion para la disciplina, policia y servicio del Colejio Militar de Bogota y de la Escuela Nautica de Varii componimenti degli Etnei per la morte di Iynazio Cartajena, etc. (1848.] 8º. 8309. f. Vincenzo principe v. di Biscari. Catania, 1787. 4º. 662. c. 37. Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali. CASCHAU. Atti. 20 tom. Catania, 1825-43. 4º. Universitas Cassoviensis Societatis Jesu. - Serie seconda. 20 tom. Catania, 1844-66. 4º. SZTARAY (JOANNES SARCANDER) Count. Locum tenentes Ungariae sub regibus Austriacis, honoribus . . . Neo- -- Serie terza. Catania, 1867, etc. 4º. Ac. 2805. Baccalaureorum, cum in ... Universit. Soc. Jesu Casso- In progress. viensi . . . primâ Philosophiae laureâ ornarentur, ab illustrissima Poesi Cassoviensi D. D. D., etc. (In verse, Biblioteca Universitaria. by Count J. S. S.] Cassoviæ, [1753.] 8º. 9314. aa. 1. La Biblioteca Universitaria di Catania. Cenni storici e statistici. Catania, 1872. 8º. Ac. 2600. CELLE. CASERTA. Reale Società Economica di Terra di Lavoro. La Campania industriale, opera periodica pubblicata dalla Reale Società ... sotto la presidenza del cav. F. Verde. vol. 1-3. Caserta, 1841-44. 4º. Ac. 2300. See infra : ZELL, CERVERA. CASSEL. Universidad. Inscripciones y poesias con que se adornò el frontispicio de la Real y Pontif. Universidad de Cervera, en el arribo de la ... Señora Infanta de España y Princesa de Piemonte Doña Maria Antonia Fernanda. Cervera, [1750?] 4°. 9930. e. (6.) Société des Antiquités. Memoires. tom. 1. Cassel, 1780. 4º. Ac. 5472. 151 ACADEMIES. [CHALONS-SUR-MARNE-CHARTRES.] 152 CHÂLONS-SUR-MARNE. CHAMBÉRY [CONTINUED). Académie de Châlons-sur-Marne. Académie Royale de Savoie. Les moyens d'adoucir la rigueur des Loix Pénales en See infra : Société Académique de Savoie, etc. France sans nuire à la sûreté publique ... ou discours couronnés par l'Académie ... en 1780. 4 pt. Châlons-sur-Marne, 1781. 8º. a Chambre Royale d'Agriculture et de Commerce de Each pt. is separately paged. Savoie. Annales. Chambéry, 1836, etc. 8º. 742. c. 10, etc. Société d'Agriculture, Commerce, Science et Arts du In progress. Département de la Marne. Compte annuel et sommaire des travaux de la Société... Société Académique de Savoie, afterwards Aca- 1807–11. 5 pt. Chaalons, [1807-11.] 8º. démie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie. Compte rendu par la Société...1812. Châlons, 1812. 89. Mémoires. tom. 1-12. Chambéry, 1825–46. 8º. [Continued as:] Séance publique de la Société...1813. Châlons, 1813. 80. - Seconde Série. 12 tom. Chambéry, 1851-72. 8º. [Continued as:] Troisième Série. Chambéry, 1875, etc. 8º. Compte sommaire des travaux de la Société. 1813, 14. In progress. Châlons, 1814. 8°. [Continued as:] - Atlas. 1867, 72, 76, etc. 4º. & obl. 4º. Ac. 34. Séance publique ... 1816–56. Châlons, 1816-56. 8º. Documents. Chambéry, 1859, etc. 89. Ac. 34/2. Continued as: 7 Mémoires ... Année 1855–56, etc. Châlons, 1857, etc. 89. In progress. Ac. 308. In progress. No volumes of the “ Séance publique" were Société Savoisienne d'Histoire et d'Archéologie. published in the years 1825, 1831, 1837 and 1844. Mémoires et Documents. Chambéry, 1856, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5240. Table des travaux publiés dans les Mémoires de la Société ... 1807–1873. Dressée par M. A. Nicaise. Châlons-sur-Marne, 1875. 8º. Ac. 308/2. . CHAPULTEPEC. CHÂLON-SUR-SAÔNE, Observatorio Astronómico de Chapultepec. Anuario del Observatorio Astronómico de Chapultepec Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Châlon-sur para el año de 1881 [etc.]. Por ... A. Anguiano. Saône. México, 1880, etc. 80. Ac. 4197. Memoires. Années 1844, 45, 46. In progress. Châlon-sur-Saône, 1846. 8º. Ac. 309. Album. CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Memoires. Années 1847, etc. Châlon-sur-Saône, 1850, etc. 4°. Tab. 794. a. In progress. Original communications made to the Agricultural Society of South Carolina ; and extracts from select authors on agriculture. Charleston, 1824. 8º. 7076. b. Société des Sciences Naturelles de Saône-et-Loire. Bulletins. Chalon-sur-Saône, 1878, etc. 4º. In progress. de 284312. Elliott Society of Natural History. Journal of the Elliott Society of Natural History. Mémoires, etc. Chalon-sur-Saône, 1878, etc. 4º. Charleston, 1859, etc. 4°. Ac. 3038/2. In progress. Ac. 2843. In progress. Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Châlon-sur- Proceedings. Charleston, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 3038. Saône. In progress. CANAT (MARCEL). Documents inédits pour servir à l'his- toire de Bourgogne ... réunis et annotés par M. Canat. Medical College of the State of South Carolina. Chalon-sur-Saône, 1863, etc. 8º. : 10172. e. Annual circular of the Trustees and Faculty of the In progress. Medical College of the State of South Carolina. With a catalogue of the students and a list of graduates, DES MARCHES (A. s.) Histoire du Parlement de Bour- session 1857–8. Charleston, 1858. 89. 7679. C. gogne de 1733 à 1790. Complétant les ouvrages de Palliot et de Petitot. Châlon-S-S., 1851. fol. 9915. e. South Carolina Historical Society. NIEPCE (LÉOPOLD) Histoire de Sennecey et de ses seigneurs. Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society. Châlon-sur-Saône, 1866. 8º. 10171. d. Charleston, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 8370. In progress. CHAMBÉRY. CHARTRES. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Société Archéologique d'Eure-et-Loire. See infra : Société Académique de Savoie, etc. Mémoires. Chartres, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 5293/3. In progress. Académie Impériale de Savoie. Procès-verbaux. Chartres, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 5293/4. See infra : Société Académique, etc. In progress. 153 ACADEMIES. [CHARTRES—CHRISTIANIA.] 154 CHARTRES [CONTINUED). CHERBOURG [CONTINUED): Société Archéologique d'Eure-et-Loire. Société des Sciences Naturelles, etc. FAMIN (c.) Causerie sur les arts à propos des Musées de Société nationale des Sciences naturelles de Cherbourg. province. Chartres, 1869. 8º. Ac. 5293/2. Compte rendu de la séance extraordinaire tenue par la Société le 30 décembre 1876 à l'occasion du vingt- SOUCHET (JEAN BAPTISTE) Histoire du Diocèse et de la cinquième anniversaire de sa fondation. Ville de Chartres... Publiée d'après le manuscrit original de la Bibliothèque Communale de Chartres. [With a Ac. 2844/3. Cherbourg, 1877. 8º. biographical notice of J. B. Souchet by A. Lecocq.] 4 tom. Chartres, 1867–76. 8º. Ac. 5293. Société Académique. Mémoires. 1833, 1835, 1838, 1843, 1847, 1852, 1856, etc. Cherbourg, 1833, etc. 8º. CHÂTEAUDUN. Ac. 310. In progress. Société Dunoise. MABILLE (ÉMILE Cartulaire de Marmoutier pour le Dunois. publié par... E. Mabille. CHICAGO Châteaudun, 1874. 8º. Ac. 311. Chicago Historical Society. THIROUX (JEAN) Histoire abrégée de l'Abbaye de Saint Charter, Constitution, and By-Laws, with a list of Florentin de Bonneval...des R. R. P. P. ... J. Thiroux Officers, etc. Chicago, 1858. 8º. Ac. 8372. et ... Lambert. Continuée par l'Abbé Beaupère et M. Lejeune. Publiée... par... V. Bigot. BROWN (WILLIAM H.) An Historical Sketch of the early Châteaudun, 1875. 8º. Ac. 311/2. movement in Illinois for the legislation of slavery. Read at the annual meeting of the Chicago Historical Society...1864. Chicago, 1865. 8º. 8156. aaa. CHÂTEAU-THIERRY. REYNOLDS (JOHN) of Illinois. Reynolds' history of Société Historique et Archéologique de Château Illinois. My own times, embracing also the history of Thierry. my life. pp. xx. 395. Chicago Historical Society : Annales. Château-Thierry, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 6783. Chicago, 1879. 8º. Ac. 8372/2. In progress. WASHBURNE (E. B.) Sketch of E. Coles, Second Governor Statuts, etc. Château-Thierry, (1868.] 8º. Ac. 6783/2. of Illinois, and of the Slavery Struggle of 1823-4, etc. pp. 253. Jansen & Co.: Chicago, 1882. 8º. CHATHAM. Ac. 8372/3. State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Royal Engineer Institute. Transactions. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS—Chicago. Occasional Papers. Chatham, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 4354. The Lens, etc. 1872, etc. 8º. P.P. 1482. e. In progress. TREGELLAS (WALTER HAWKEN) Historical sketch of the Defences of Malta. pp. 26. Chatham, 1879. 80. Ac. 4354/2. CHRISTIANIA. This is a separate issue of one of the “ Occasional Papers" for 1879. Academia Regia Fredericiana. See infra : Kongeligt Norsk Frideriks-Universitet. CHAUMONT Société d'Agriculture du Département de la Haute-Christiania Observatorium. Marne. Meteorologische Beobachtungen an der Königlichen Rapport fait à la Société... par sa commission, composée Universitäts-Sternwarte zu Christiania 1837-63. [Edited des CC. Martial-Fontenay... Beugon...et Meschiny. by C. Fearnley.] Christiania, 1865. 4º. Paris, an XI. (1803.) 8º. 966. h. 34. (12.) 8750. dd. The title on the cover reads : “ Meteorologische Beobach- tungen. Aufgezeichnet auf Christiania Observatorium.” CHELMSFORD. Meteorologiske Jagttagelser paa Christiania Observa- Essex Society for the Encouragment of Agriculture. torium, 1864, etc. Christiania, 1865, etc. obl. 4º. An acconnt of the proceedings...of the...society... In progress. 8752. dd. instituted... Sept. 30, 1793. To which is added, the speech delivered by the Vice-president, etc. Bocking, [1794.] 89. 116. k 41 Forening til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring. Foreningen til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring. Aarsberetning for 1847 (for 1848, etc.) CHERBOURG. Christiania, 1848, etc. 40 & 8º. Ac. 5560/3. In progress. After 1854 it was published in 8°. Société des Sciences Naturelles. Mémoires. Cherbourg, 1852 (1853), etc. 8º. Ac. 2844. Arkaeologisk-historisk fortegnelse over Norges levninger In progress. af kunst og haandwerk fra middelalderen. Af N. Nico- laysen. Medfölger aarsber. J. Foren. ... J. 1854. Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de la Société Nationale des Christiania, 1855. 8º. Ac. 5560. Scieuces Naturelles de Cherbourg. Rédigé par A. Le Jolis. Pt. 2, livr. 1. Cherbourg, 1873. 8º. Register til Selskabets Skrifter, derunder indbefattet Ac. 2844/2. Aarsberetningen for 1875, i Forbindelse med Statistiske 2e édition. Cherbourg, 1881, etc. 8º. 11905. k. 36. Fundoversigter af N. Nicolaysen. pp. xvi. 86. In progress. Kristiania, 1876. 8º. Ac. 5560/3. 155 ACADEMIES. [CHRISTIANIA.] 156 7299. g. CHRISTIANIA [CONTINUED). CHRISTIANIA [CONTINUED). Forening til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring. Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. KREFTING (0.) Selje Klosterlevninger. Indberetning Gaver til det Kgl. Norske Universitet (i 3die og 4de om Antikvariske Undersøgelser 1866–1867 i Selje Kirke Kvartal 1862–1ste Qvai tal 1864). 2 pt. og Klosterruiner... Udgiven af Foreningen, etc. [Christiania, 1863, 64.] 12º. Ac. 2650. Kristiania, 1868. 4º. 4695. f. [Another copy of Kvart. 3, 4, 1862.] 8355. b. NICOLAYSEN (NICOLAY) Mindesmerker af Middelalderens Det Zoologiske Museum ved det . . . Universitet i Kunst i Norge udgifne af Foreningen til Norske Fortids- Christiania. Cylinder-Skabe. mindesmerkers Bevaring, med Text af N. Nicolaysen. [Christiania, 1863?] 8. sh. fol. 1880. d. (63.) Christiania, 1854, etc. fol. 1730. a. In progress. Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitets Legater og Stipendier. Fundatser og Reglementer, etc. NICOLAYSEN (NICOLAY) Norske Bygninger fra Fortiden. Christiania, 1867. 8º. 8355. b. (Norwegian buildings from former times.) Udgivue af Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Arktiske Fauna ... Foreningen... Med text af N. Nicolaysen. Universitetsprogram for første /alvaar 1878, etc. Christiania, (1859, etc.] fol. 1735. a. 14. Christiania, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. NICOLAYSEN (NICOLAY) Norske fornlevninger. En oply [Another copy.] Ac. 2650/7. sende fortegnelse over Norges fortidslevninger, veldre end reformationen og henførte till hver sit sted, af Bibliothek N. Nicolaysen. pp. xi. 859. Kristiania, 1862–66. 8º. Ac. 5560/2. Frederiks Universitets Bibliothek. Fortegnelse over . Published in 5 pts. and issued as a supplement to Aars- den Tilvæxt, som det Kgl.... Bibliothek bar erholdt i beretningen for 1861(-65) fra foreningen til Norske fortids- Aaret 1842. Christiana, 1843. 8°. 823. h. 20. mindesmerkers bevaring. Fortegnelse over den Tilvæxt, som det Kgl. Frederiks Universitets Bibliothek bar erholdt i Aaret 1850. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Christiania, 1851. 8º. 823. h. 21. See infra : Videnskabs-Selskab. Fortegnelse over den Tilvæxt, som det Kgl. Frederiks Universitets Bibliothek har erholdt i Aaret 1870 (1871, etc.) Institut Météorologique de Norvège. 11904. i. Christiania, 1872, etc. 4°. In progress. See infra : Norsk Météorologisk Institut. [Another copy.] 11902. g. 7. Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. See Man, Isle of, Kings of. Chronica Regum Manniae. .. To accompany the “Index Scholarum " of the University Den øldre Edda. Samling af Norröne Oldkvad for the year 1857. 1860. 8º. 1303. k. indeholdende Nordens aeldste Gude- oc Helte-Sagn : Diem naialem ... Regis Caroli Joannis ab Universitate udgivet efter de aeldste og bedste Haandskrifter, og Regia Fredericiana die 26 Januarii 1838 celebrandum, forsynet med fuldstaendigt Variant-Apparat af P. A. indicit Collegium Academicum. Jus nauticum recentius Munch. Christiania, 1847. 8º. 4505. e. quod inter Norvegos olim valuit, Latine reddidit paulisque [Another copy.] L. P. 4º. 4505 d. annotationibus adauxit P. A. Munch. This is a duplicate of the preceding, with a slight difference Christianiæ, [1838.] 4º. 6835. d. in the titlepage. Index scholarum in Universitate Regia Fredericiana...) Fagrskinna. Kortfattet Norsk Konge Saga, fra slut- anno 1848, (54–56)... habendarum. 4 pt. ningen af det tolfte, eller begyndelsen af det trettende Christiania, 1848–56. 4º. 8355. e. aar hundrede. Udgivet af P. A. Munch og C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1847. 8º. 9425. d. Akademiske Love for de Studerende ved det Kongelige Frederiks Universitet. Christiania, 1850. 8º. Speculum Regale. Konungs-Skuggsjá. Konge-Speilet, 8355. c. et philosophisk-didaktisk skrift, forfattet i Norge mod Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitets Aarsberet- Slutningen af det tolfte Aarhundrede. Tilligemed et samtidigt Skrift om den norske Kirkes Stilling til Staten. ning for 1850, etc. Kristiania, 1852, etc. 8º. [Edited by R. Keyser, P. A. Munch and C. R. Unger.] In progress. 8365. a. L. P. Christiania, 1848. 8º. 9425. d. Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitet i Chris- Saga Olafs Konungs ens Helga [by Snorri Sturluson). tiania. (List of the Professors, officers, graduates, etc.) Udförligere Saga om Kong Olaf den Hellige efter Christiania, [1851.] fol. 8355. f. det ældste fuldstændige Pergaments Haandskrift i det store Kongelike Bibliothek i Stockholmn. Udgivet Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitets Matrikel. efter Foranstalting af det Akademiske Collegiuni ved 1852. Christianin, [1852.] 8º. 8355. f. det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitet [by P. A. Forelosninger og øvelser i det praktisk-theologiske Munch and C. R. Unger]. Seminarium i andet Semester 1854. Icelandic. Christiania, 1853. 8º. 4826. d. Christiania, [1854.7 8. sh. 4º. 8365. f. ARNDTSEN (ADAM FREDERIK OLAF) Physikalske Medde- Solennia Academica Universitatis Literariae Regiae lelser... Efter foranstaltning af det akademiske Colle- Fredericianae ante l. annos conditae, die 2 Septembris gium udgivne af C. Hansteen. Universitets-Program for 2det Semester 1858. anni 1861, celebranda indicit Senatus Academicus. Christiania, 1858. 4º. 8706. f. Christianiae, 1861. 4º. 8355. f. BECK (CARL WILHELM) Recherches sur la Syphilis, Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitets Halvhun appuyées de tableaux de statistique tirés des archives dredaars-Text September 1861. Beretning og Act-tyk. des hôpitaux de Christiania. Christiania, 1862. 4º. ker. F. P. Christiania, 1862. 8º. 8355. f. 1830. a. 157 ACADEMIES. [CHRISTIANIA.] 158 CHRISTIANIA [CONTINUED). CHRISTIANIA (CONTINUED). Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. . Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. BLYTT (A.) Christiania Omegns Phanerogamer og KJERULF (THEODOR) Veiviser. ved Geologiske Excur- Bregner, med Angivelse af deres Udbredelse, samt en sioner i Christiania omegn... Universitetsprogram for Inledning om Vegetationens Afhængighed af Underlaget. andet Halvaar 1865. Christiania, 1870. 8º. 7029. e. Christiania, 1865. 4º. 7108. g. CHRISTIAN IV., King of Denmark and Norway. Kong MOHN (1.) Om Kometbanernes indbyrdes beliggenhed Christian den Fjerdes Norske Lovbog af 1604. Efter ...Udgivet og ledsaget med en indledning af C. Fearnley. foranstaltning af det Akademiske Kollegium ved det ... Universitets-Programm for første semester. Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitet udgiven af Christiania, 1861. 4o. 8560. f. F. Hallager og F. Brandt. Universitets-Program for MONRAD (MARCUS JACOBUS) De vi logicae rationis in andet halvaar 1855. Christiania, 1855. 8º. describenda philosophiae historia. Christianiae, 1860. 8º. 5725. d. 8485. d. Das (LUDVIG KRISTENSEN) Kong Christiern den förstes MONRAD (MARCUS JACOBUS) Det Kongelige Norske Norske Historie, 1448–1458 ... Festskrift til Universi- Frederiks Universitets Stiftelse, fremstillet i anledning tetet i Kjøbenhavn ved dets Firehundredaarsfest, etc. af dets halvhundredaarfest. ... Universitets Programm. pp. 153. Christiania, 1879. 8º. Ac. 2650/9. Christiania, 1861. 8º. 8355. cc. FEARNLEY (CARL) Résumé du Programme de l'Univer- REUSCH (HANS H.) Silurfossiler og pressede Konglome- sité de Christiania pour le 1er semestre, 1861. Intro- rater i Bergensskifrene ... Universitetsprogram for 1ste duction par ...C. Fearnley. (Mémoire sur la situation Halvaar 1883. (Udgivet af Professor ... T. Kjerulf.) réciproque des orbites des Comètes, par H. Mohn.) pp. 152. Kristiania, 1882. 8º. Ac. 2650/11. [Christiania, 1861.] 4º. 8356. f. SARS (GEORG OSSIAN) Norges Ferskvandskrebsdyr. GULDBERG (CATO MAXIMILIAN) Om Cirklers Berøring... Første Afsnit. Branchiopoda. I. Cladocera Ctenopeda. Udgivet af 0. J. Broch... Universitets-Programm for første semester. Med... plader. ... Prisbelønnet Afhandling. Efter der academiske Collegiums Foranstaltning udgivet som Universitets- Christiania, 1861. 4º. 8532. dd. program for 1ste Halvaar 1863, ved M. Sars. Hermed 4 GULDBERG (CATO MAXIMILIAN) and MOHN (HENRIK) lithographerede Plancher. Christiania, 1865. 4º. Études sur les mouvements de l'atmosphèra ... Pro- 7298. h. gramme de l'Université, etc. Christiania, 1876, etc. 4º. SARS (GEORG OSSIAN) On sume remarkable forms of In progress. 'Ac. 2650/5. animal life from the Great Deeps off the Norwegian Coast. [By G. O. Sars.] Partly from posthumous Manu- HANSTEEN (CHRISTOPHER) and FEARNLEY (CARL) Beschrei- scripts of M. Sars...With...plates. 2 pt. bung und Lage der Universitäts-Sternwarte in Chris- Christiania, 1872-75. 4º. 7298. f. tiania, von C. H. und C. F., auf Veranstaltung des Academischen Collegiums herausgegeben von C. H. SARS (MICHAEL) Beskrivelse over Lophogaster typicus, Christiania, 1849. 4º. 8562. f. en maerkvaerdig form af de lavere tiføddede Krebsdyr ... Universitetsprogramm for andet Halvaar 1862. [Another copy.] 8562. f. Christiania, 1862. 4°. 7296. dd. HERTZBERG (EBBE) Grundtrækkerne i den ældste Norske SARS (MICHAEL) Tagttagelser over den postpliocene Proces... Udgivet...ved Di F. Brandt... Universitets- eller gaciale formation i en del af det Sydlige Norge. program for første Halvaar 1874. Kristiania, 1874. 8º. Af M. Sars og T. Kjerulf. Christiania, 1860. 4º. 5725. c. 7108. d. HIORTDAHL (THORSTEIN HALLAGER) and IRGENS (MARIUS SARS (MICHAEL) Om de i Norge forekommende Fossile FREDERIK) Geologiske Undersøgelser i Bergens omegn dyrelèvninger fra qvartærperioden, et bidrag til vor ...Med et tillaeg om Fjeldstykket mellem Laerdal og Faunas Historie ... med 4 lithographerede Plancher. Urland samt om Profilet over Filefjeld, af T. Kjerulf. Universitetsprogram for føste Halvaar, 1864. Christiania, 1862. 4º. 7107. e. Christriania, 1865. 4º. 7108. g. HOLST (ELLING) Om Poncelets' Betydning for Geo SARS (MICHAEL) Om Siphonodentalium vitreum, en ny slaegt og art af Dentalidernes Familie ... Universitets- Halvaar 1879 ved S. Lie. Christiania, 1878. 8º. Programm for første halvaar 1861. Ac. 2650/8. Christiania, 1861. 4º. 7298. g IRGENS (MARIUS FREDERIK) and HIORTDAHL (THORSTEIN SCHÜBELER (FREDERIK CHRISTIA.V) Die Culturpflanzen HALLAGER) Om de geologiske forhold paa kyststraek- Norwegens. ... Mit einem Anhange über die “Altnor- ningen af Nordre Bergenbus aint ... Udgivet som Uni- wegische Landwirthscha't. Herausgegeber . . . als versitetsprogram for andet Hulvahr 1864, ved Th. Universitäts - Program ... mit einen Vorwort von Kjerulf. Hermed et farvetryt Kart, en Profilplade og C. Boeck. Christiania, 1862. 4°. 7030. i. nøgle Træsnit. L. P. Christiania, 1864. 4º. 7107. ee. SEUE (C. DE Windrosen des südlichen Nurwegens... KJERULF (THEODOR) Das Christiania-Silurbecken, che- Universitätsprogram für das erste Semester 1876, heraus- misch-geognostisch untersucht von T. Kjerulf. .... gegeben von H. Mohn... Mit... Tafeln. Herausgegeben von A. Strecker. Mit einer geognus- Kristiania, 1876. 4º. Ac. 2650/6. tischen Ubersichtskarte und Profilen. SEXE (SJURD AAMUNDSEN) Om Sneebraeen Folgefun.... Christiania, 1855. 4º. 7107. d. Udgivet som Universitetsprogram for andet Halvaar 1864. Hermed et Kart og nogle i Texten indtagne KJERULF (THEODOR) Omi Skuringsmærker, Glacialforma- Træsnit. L. P. Christiania, 1864. 4º. tionen, Terrasser og Strandlinier, samt om grundfjeldets 7107. ee. og sparagmitfjeldets...mægtiglied i Norge.-11. Sparag SYNNESTVEDT (A. S. D.) En anatomisk Beskrivelsu af de mitfjeldet ... Universitetsprogram for andet halvår paa Over- og Underextremiteterne forekommende Bursao 1872. (Continuation des considérations présentées dans Muscosae ... Prisbelønnet Afhandling ... udgivet af le programme de l'Université vol. I., 1871, sur l'épaisseur Dr. J. Voss ... Hemed 4 arvetrykte Pader. Universi- des formations les plus anciennes de la Norvège.) tets-Program for første Semester 1869. pp: viii. 92. Kristiania, 1873. 4º. Ac. 2650/10. Christiania, 1869. 4º. 7421. i. 159 ACADEMIES. [CHRISTIANIA.] 160 CHRISTIANIA [CONTINUED). CHRISTIANIA [CONTINUED). Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. Norsk Meteorologisk Institut. UNGER (CARL RICHARD) Postola Sögur. Legendariske Jahrbuch des Norwegischen Meteorologischen Instituts Fortællinger om Apostlernes Liv. deres Kamp for Kris für 1874 (1875, etc.). Herausgegeben von H. Mohn, tendommens Udbredelse, samt deres Martyrdød. Efter Christiania, 1877, etc. 4º. 8567. h. gamle Haandskrifter udgivne af C. R. Unger. Udgiven In progress. som Universitets-program for Andet Semester 1873. Icelandic. Christiania, 1874. 8º. Ac. 2650/2. MOHN (HENRIK) Température de la Mer entre l'Islande, With a photograph of the editor inserted. l'Ecosse, et la Norvège. Avec 5 cartes. Christiania, 1870. 8º. 8756. ee. UNGER (CARL RICHARD) Heilagra Manna Søgur. For MOAN (HENRIK) Det Norske Meteorologiske Instituts tællinger og Legender om Hellige Mænd og Kvinder. Storm Atlas, udgivet med Bistand af Videnskabsel- Efter gamle Haandskrifter udgivne af C. R. U.-Uni- skabet i Christiania af H. Mohn. Atlas des Tempêtes, versitetsprogram for første semester 1877. Icelandic. etc. Dan. and Fr. Christiania, 1870. fol. 2 pt. F. P. Christiania, 1877. 8º. Ac. 2650/3. 1801. b. Norsk Oldskriftselskab. WELHAVEN (JOHAN SEBASTIAN CAMMERMEYER) Cantate ved det Norske Universitets halvhundredaarfest. Aars (JONATHAN) Oldnorsk Formlære for Begyndere. [Christiania, 1861.] 4º. 11565. g. Kristiania, 1862. 8º. Ac. 9882. Pt. II. of " Det Norske Oldskriftselskabs Samlinger." Kongeligt Norsk Universitet. STURLUSON (SNORRI) Heimskringla, eller Norges Konge- sagaer af Snorre Sturlassør, udgivne ved C. R. Unger. Icel. pp. xxii. 854. Christiania, 1868 (-64.] 8º. Ac. 9882. 3. Pts. 4. 7, 9, 10, of " Det Norske Oldskriftselskabs Sam- Kongeligt Selskab for Norges Vel. linger." Beretning om det Kongelige Selskab ..., dets Tilstand UNGER (CARL BICHARD) Norrøne skrifter af religiøst og Virksomhed i Aaret 1867. Christiania, 1868, etc. 8°. Ac. 3472. Indhold. Udgivne af Ć. R. U. Christiania, 1868, etc. 8o. In progress. Ac. 9882/2. . In progress. Pts. 11, 12, 14, 16, etc. of “ Det Norske Oldskriftselskabs Samlinger." Königliche Universitäts-Sternwarte zu Christiania. See supra : Christiania Observatorium. Norsk Studenter-forbund. See infra: Norsk Studentersamfund. Norsk Studentersamfund. Norsk Magazin for Lægevidenskaben udgivet af Læge- foreningen i Christiania. Redigeret af C. Broeck, Vidar, et Ugeskrift, udgivet [August 5, 1832—Septem- A. Conradi, Chr. Heiberg, J. Hiort, F. Holst. 10 Bd. ber 3, 1834) af det Norske Studenterforbund. Redigeret Christiania, 1840–46. 8º. (Halvaargang 1.) af A. Schweigaard, J. Welhaven, P. A. Munch, F. Stang, C. W. Hjelm. [11. by the same and - Anden Række. Redigeret af F. C. Faye, C. W. U. A. Motzfeldt; III. by the same, C. A. Fougstad and Boeck, O. M. N. Lund, J. A. Voss, A. W. Münster, A. Stenersen : 1v. by J. Welhaven, P. A. Munch, U. A. etc. 24 Bd. Christiania, 1847–70. 8º. Motzfeldt, A. Stenersen and F. Stang.] 4 pt. Christiania, 1833–34. 4°. *Ac. 2650/4. Register . . . 2den Række, aarg. 1847-70, udarbeidet af Pts. 1-3 have each a separate titlepage and pagination ; F. Thaulow. Christiania, 1875. 8º. pt. 4 is without titlepage. - Tredie Række. Redigeret af Bidenskap, E. Winge, Nor, Tidsskrift for Videnskab og Literatur. 2 Bd. Lochmann, Nicolaysen, Schønberg (J. Heiberg, Christiania, 1840, 1. 8º. P.P. 4811. E. Bull, S. Laache). Christiania, 1871, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3804. Theologisk Tidsskrift for den norske Kirke, udgifet af den theologiske Forening i det norske Studentersamfund ved en valyt Redaktion. 7 Bd. Medicinisk Selskab i Christiania. Christiania, 1846–59. 8º. P.P. 165. d. Norsk Magazin for Lægevidenskaben, udgivet af det Mediciniske Selskab i Christiania. Anden Række. Norsk Turistforening. 1847, etc. See supra : Lægeforening i Christiania. Den norske Turistforenings Aarbog for 1868, etc. Norsk Magazin, etc. 1840, etc. 8º. Ac. 3804. Christiania, 1868, etc. 120 & 8º. Ac. 6118. In progress. Published in gº after 1868. Militairt Samfund. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. — Christiania. Norskt Norwegisches Météorologisches Institut. Militairt Tidsskrift.... Udgivet af det militaire Samfund See supra : Norsk Meteorologisk Institut. i Christiania. 1831, etc. 8º. P.P. 4021. cf. Norsk Meteorologisk Institut.. Norsk Meteorologisk Arbog for 1873. H. Mohn)...7de Aargang. pp. 156. Christiania, 1874. obl. föl.“ [Edited by Physiographisk Forening. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.— Christiania. Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, etc. Anden Rækkes. Udgives af den Physiographiske Forening, etc. 1823, etc. gº. P.P. 1996. f. 8567. h. 3. 16] 162 ACADEMIES. [CHRISTIANIA-CINCINNATI.] CHRISTIANIA [CONTINUED). CHRISTIANIA [CONTINUED). Physiographisk Forening. Videnskabs-Selskab. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. Udgives af den BUGGE (ELSEUS SOPHUS) Altitalische Studien, etc. pp. 88. Physiographiske Forening i Christiania. Bd. 1-9 Christiania, 1878. 86. Ac. 1054. 2. edited by C. Langberg, Bd. 10-15 by M. Sars and J. Kjerulf, Bd. 17-20 by G. 0. Sars and J. Kjerulf.] CASPARI (CARL PAUL) Alte und neue Quellen zur Ge- 20 Bd. Christiania, 1838–74. 8º. schichte des Taufsymbols und der Glaubensregel. Christiania, 1879. 80. 4325. cc. 5. – 2den Rækkes ... Udgivet ved J. Kjerulf, etc. Christiana, 1876, etc. 8º.. . Ac. 2978. [Another copy.] 3504. f., 9. In progress. HANSTEEN (CHRISTOPH) and DUE (CHRISTIAN) Resultate Samfund af Videnskabsdyrkere. magnetischer, astronomischer und meteorologischer See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Christiania. Magazin for Beobachtungen auf einer Reise nach dem östlichen Naturvidenskaberne, etc. (Bd. 5, 9. Udgivet af et Sibirien in den Jahren 1828–30. ... Gleichzeitige Beo- Samfund af Videnskabs-dyrkere.) 1823, etc. 8º. bachtungen v. Dr. Erman nach Kamschatka, v. G. Fuss P.P. 1996. f. pach Pekin, und v. Baron F. Wrangel und Lieut. Anjou in dem nördostl. Sibirien und auf dem Eismeere Samfund for det Norske Folks og Sprogs Historie. in ... 1821-1823 beigefügt. Mit drei Karten und einer Samlinger til det Norske Folks Sprog og Historie. Figur-Tafel. Anhang. Christiania, 1863. 4º. Bind 1-6. Christianiæ, 1833–38. 4º. Ac. 7720. 8562. f. LIEBLEIN (J.) Aegyptische Chronologie. Ein kritischer Selskab for Folkeoplysningens Fremme. Versuch. Christiania, 1863. 8º. 9061. d. Fridtjofs Saga. I Omskrift i det nyere Landsmaal ved MARTIN, Saint, Archbishop of Braga. Martin von Bra- I. Aasen, Kristiania, 1858. 8°, 11565. bb. cara's Schrift: De correctione rusticorum, zum ersten Njaals Saga, oversat af K. L. Sommerfelt. Med to Male vollständig und in verbessertem Text herausge- Karter. Udgivet af Selskabet for Folkeoplysningens geben, mit Anmerkungen begleitet und mit einer Ab- Fremme. 2det Tillægshefte til Folkevennen, 20 Aarg. handlung über dieselbe, sowie über Martins Leben und 1871. pp. vi. 234. Kristiania, 1871. 8º. übrige Schriften, eingeleitet. pp. cxxv. 4. 9425. bbb. 4. Christiania, 1883. 8º. Ac. 1054. 3. SUNDT (EILERT LUND) Om Piperviken og Ruseløkbakken. Pihl (0. A. L.) On Magnets ... Read before the Chris- Undersøgelser om Arbeidsklassens kaar og saeder i tiania Society of Sciences ... 1877. Christiania ... Udgivet af Selskabet for Folkeoplys Christiania, 1878. 8º. 8755. i. 8. ningens Fremme som 2det Tillaegshaefte til “Folke- vennens ” 7de Aargang. Christiania, 1858. 8º. SARS (MICHAEL) Oversigt af Norges Echinodermer. 8282. b. Christiania, 1861. 8º. 7298. d. Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskab. UNDSET (INGVALD) Norske Oldsager i fremmede Museer. En oplysende Fortegnelse ... Med ... Billeder ... Ud- See infra : EUROPE.--Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskab. givet af Kristiania Videnskabsselskab. Kristiania, 1898. 4º. 7706. de. 6. Skandinavisk Selskab. Forhandlinger, 1864–1866. Christiania, 1869. 8º. Universitas Literaria Regia Fredericiana. AC. 4452. The “ Forhandlinger” for 1864 and for 1865-66 have See supra : Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. respectively a special titlepage; the pagination is continuous throughout. | Universitet. Om Forhandlingerne den 12te Febr. d. A. af Norges See supra : Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks-Universitet. Forsvar i det Skandinaviske Selskab, fra norsk Stand- punkt. Christiania, 1867. 8º. Ac. 4452/2 CHRISTINEHAMN. Studenterforening. Wermländsk Bergsmanna-Förening. Beretning om den nye Studenterforenings Nordiske Höitid den 13de Januar. 1845, udgiven af Senioratet. Wermländska Bergsmanna-Föreningens Annalen 1866 Kjöbenhavn, 1845. 8º. 732. c. 29. (1867, etc.). Filipstad, 1867, etc. 8º. In progre88. Teknisk Forening. Register ... for åren 1852-1877. Upprättadt af Den tekniske Forening i Christiania. Beretning om T. Sjögren. 1878. 8º. Ac. 3227. Selskabets Virksomhed til Udgangen af 1847. [Edited 1877, etc., published at Karlstad. by J. Thaulow.] Christiania, 1848. 8°. 7954. cc. 12. Topographisk Selskab for Norge. CINCINNATI. Topographiske Journal for Norge, udgiven paa det cincinnati Astronomical Society. Topographiske Selskabs Forlag under Redaction af Hr. Professor og Rector Rosted. 10 Bd. (34 Hefte.) The act of incorporation, the constitution of the Society, Christiania, 1792–1808. 8º. P.P. 3980. the annual reports, etc. See BURNET (J.) The annual Wanting the titlepages of all but the 10th ol. address, etc. 1844. 8º. 8560. b. Videnskabs-Selskab. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. Christiania, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 1054. In progress. Cincinnati Society of Natural History. The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. J. Barclay : Cincinnati, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress Ac. 3053. 163 ACADEMIES. [CINCINNATI-COIMBRA.] 164 Agricultuentrale det. I va fare.. CINCINNATI [CONTINUED). CLERMONT-FERRAND [CONTINUED). Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Société centrale d'Agriculture du Puy-de-Dôme.. Transactions. Part second. vol. 1. Agriculture du département du Puy-de-Dôme par la .. Cincinnati, 1839. 8º. Ac. 8410. Société centrale ... de ce département, sous la direction de M. J. A. Baudet-Lafarge. - New Series. Cincinnati, 1873, etc. 8º. Clermont-Ferrand, 1860. 8º. 7076. ee. In progress. Ac. 8410/2. GALLAGHER (WILLIAM D.) Facts and Conditions of Pro- | Société Médicale. gress in the North-West. Being the annual discourse Rapport et discussion (by J. J. Boudant and A. Babu for 1850, before the Historical and Philosophical Society sur la Syphilisation. Clermont, 1863. 8º. of Ohio... With an Appendix, containing a sketch of 7640. bbb. the history of the Society, etc. Cincinnati, 1850. 8º. 10408. 'dd. 2. (4.) Société Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts. Western Literary Institute. Séance publique pour l'ouverture du Jardin Royal Botanique. Clermont-Ferrand, 1782. 8°. B. 194. (2.) Transactions of the fourth (fifth annual meeting of the Western Literary Institute, and college of professional teachers ; held in...1834. 2 pt. Cincinnati, 1835, 36. 8º. 732. c. 38, 39. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical CLERMONT, OISE. Society. Société d'Agriculture. Historical and archæological Tracts. [With plates and Bulletin de la Société d'agriculture de l'arrondissement maps.] Nos. 1-19. [Cleveland, 1870-73.] 80. Ac. 8412. (1.) de Clermont-Oise. vol. 1. [Clermont-Oise, 1836–40.] 8º. AC. 3401. [Another copy of Nos. 13, 14.] Ac. 8412. [Catalogue of] Pamphlets, memoranda and scraps in CLERMONT-FERRAND. pamphlet cases. 3 pt. [Cleveland, 1872–73.] 8º. Ac. 8412. (2.) Académie de Clermont. Annales scientifiques, industrielles et statistiques de l'Auvergne, par H. Lecoq. tom. 1. CLIFTON. [Continued as: 7 Annales scientifiques, littéraires et industrielles, publiées Clifton College Scientific Society. par l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Transactions, etc. London, 1871, etc. 8º. 363. Clermont-Ferrand. Sous la direction de M. H. Lecoq. In progress. 31 Tom. Clermont-Ferrand, 1828-58. 8º. [Continued as :) Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et CLINTON, NEW YORK. Arts de Clermont-Ferrand. Nouvelle Série. Clermont-Ferrand, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 312. Hamilton College, In progress. Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et Bulletin mensuel de l'Académie de Clermont, etc. officia academica gesserunt, quique aliquo gradu exornati Clermont-Ferrand, 1879, etc. 4º. Ac. 312/5. fuerunt in Collegio Hamiltonensi, etc. In progress. Romæ (New York,] 1840. 8º. 8366. e. Bulletin historique et scientifique de l'Auvergne. Clermont, 1881, etc. 8º. °Ac. 312/3. In progress. COBLENZ. Cartulaire de Brioude (Liber de honoribus Sto Juliano | Gewerbe-Verein. collatis], ... avec des notes et des tables par H. Doniol. Verhandlungen. Redigirt von Dr Mohr. Jahrgang 1-4. Clermont-Fd., 1860. 4°. 10172. f. Coblenz, 1836-39. 8º. Ac. 4436. Cartulaire de Sauxillanges, ... avec des notes et des tables par M. H. Doniol. Clermont-Fd., 1864. 4º. Ac. 312. COIMBRA. BROGIÈRE DE BARANTE (CLAUDE IGNACE) Baron. Notice Academia Conimbricensis. sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. le Comte de Montlosier ..., lue à la séance du 15 Sept. 1842, par M. le Baron de See infra: Universidade de Coimbra. Barante. Clermont-Ferrand, 1842. 80. 10660. bb. COUTHON (GEORGES A.) Documents inédits sur la Révolu- Acade Academia Liturgica Pontificia. tion française. Correspondance de G. Couthon... Suivie Collectio Institutionem Academiæ Liturgicæ Pontificiæ de L'Aristocrate converti, comédie en deux actes de exhibens, atque lucubrationes anni 1758 (-1762). In Couthon. Paris, 1872. 8º. Ac. 312/3. hanc formam redacta per D. Bernardum ab Annuntia- Only 115 comes printed. tione. Ann. 1-7. 5 vol. Collimbriae, 1760-62. 4º. Ac. 2008. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Sacra Conimbricensis Facultas Canonica. See supra : Académie de Clermont. See infra : Universidade de Coimbra. 165 ACADEMIES. [COIMBRA-COLOGNE.] 166 NI COIMBRA [CONTINUED). COIMBRA (CONTINUED). Universidade de Coimbra. Universidade de Coimbra. See RESENDE (L. A.) L. A. Resendii , .. de antiquitatibus Sanctissimæ Regina Elisabethæ poeticum certamen Lusitaniae, cæteraque historica quae extant opera, Conin dedicat ... Academia Conimbricensis [in Latin, Portu- bricensis Academiae jussu edita. 1790. 80. guese, Spanish and Italian, with sermons in Latin and 281. c. 11. Portuguese), etc. Conimbricæ, 1626. 4º. Annuario da Universidade de Coimbra. 11403. b. Coimbra, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 2699. Sensus sacræ Facultatis Theologica Conimbricensis In progress. circa Constitutionem Apostolicam, quæ incipit: Uni- genitus Dei filius, a ... Clemente Papa XI. editam, etc. Breviarium historicum de statu in quo erat Academia Conimbricæ et Romæ, 1717. 4º. 5016. e. (21.) Conimbricensis, quo tempore in illam invaserunt deno- minati Jesuitæ ; nec non de stragibus, quas ab illorum molitionibus et novorum statutorum publicatione, per Universitas Conimbricensis. pessæ sunt tum scientiæ omnes, tum professores ac See supra: Universidade de Coimbra. directores academici. [With an appendix, etc.] (Pro- bationes Appendicis Breviario historico subjectæ, etc.) 2 vol. Olisipone, 1774, 73, 76. 8º. 8356. aa. The second portion of the appendix (forming part of vol. 1). COIRE. has a separate pagination, and a separate titlepage, which reads : Litteræ Josephi I., etc., and is dated 1773. Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft von Graubünden. Catalogo dos pergaminhos do cartorio da Universidade Rätia. Mittheilungen . . . Herausgegeben von C. v. de Coimbra. [Edited with an introduction by G. V. Moor und C. Kind. Cur, 1863, etc. go. Ac. 6930. Monte Pereira.] pp. 135. Imprensa da Universidade : In progress. Coimbra, 1880.80. 11903. h. 5. Compendio historico do Estado da Universidade, ... no Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens. Zweiter Bericht über den Bestand und die Wirksamkeit trayos feitos nas Sciencias e nos Professores, e Directores der Naturforschenden Kantonalgesellschaft in Grau- que a regiam pelas maquinaçoēs, e publicaçoés dos novos bünden, etc. Chur, 1829. 8º. Estatutos por elles fabricados. Lisboa, 1771. 4º. (Continued as :] 732. i. 24. Jahresbericht ... Neue Folge. Chur, 1856, etc. 8º. [Another edition.] Lisboa, 1772. 8º. 732. b. 11. In progress. Ac. 2865/2. Ephemerides astronomicas calculadas para o meridiano Naturgeschichtliche Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Umge- do Observatorio Real da Universidade de Coimbra. bungen von Chur. Als Erinnerung an die 57. Ver- Coimbra, 1803, etc. 4°. P.P. 2363. aa. sammlung der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesell- In progress. schaft, etc. Chur, 1874. 8º. Ac. 2865. Estatutos da Universidade de Coimbra. Confirmados por el rey ... João o 4em ,.. 1653, etc. (Reformaçam Oekonomische Gesellschaft. dos estatutos feita ... 1612. Repertorio dos Estatutos. Regimento dos medicos, etc.) 3 pt. Coimbra, 1654. fol. Der neue Sammler: ein gemeinnütziges Archiv für 731. 1. 16. (3.) Bünden. Jahrg. 1-7. Chur, 1805–12. 89. Ac. 2314. No more published. Estatutos da Universidade de Coimbra, compilados debaixo da ... inspecção de el rei D. Jose I. pela Junta de Providencia Literaria ... roborados por sua magestade ... 28 de Agosto 1772. 3 Liv. Lisboa, 1773. gº. COLABA, EAST INDIES. 232. b. 8-10. Statuta Academiæ Conimbricensis, etc. Latinè reddita. Observatory. 3 vol. Olisipone, 1773, 77, 75. 8º. 8356. aa. See supra : BOMBAY.- Observatory. Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1878. Notice his- torique de l'Université de Coïmbre. (Organisation et COLCHESTER, état actuel de l'Université.) pp. 185. Lisbonne, 1878. 8º. Jus succedendi in Lusitaniae regnum Dominae Catharinae Transactions of the Essex Archäological Society for the regis Emmanuelis ex Edvardo filio neptis, doctorum sub years 1852, etc. Colchester, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 5645. Henrico Lusitaniae rege ultimo Coimbricens. sententiis In progress. confirmatum : nunc ab Lusitano anonymo (F. de Macedo] Latinitate donatum. Addita appendice de actu possi- dendi et jure postliminii serenissimi Regis Joannis iv. COLMAR. 3 pt. Parisiis, 1641. fol. 1323. k. Société des Bibliothèques Communales du Haut- Prædictiones Apologeticæ, sive flosculi præcursores ad Rhin. futurum fasciculum sententiarum. Additio ad censuram inofficiosæ censuræ et demonstratio novissima in qua præ Première séance annuelle, etc. [Report, etc.) veniuntur. .. aliqua, quibus Epitomes Author, ac Jūris- Colmar, (1864.] 8º. Ac. 8920. Civilis Doctores pro jure suo suadendo novum certamen inire moliuntur; et præcipuè disceptatur de veritate ac validitate Bullarum circa Canonicatum Lamecensem COLOGNE obtinendum Joanni v. eas dicavit ... Sacra Conim- bricensis Facultas Canonica. Nunc adauctas publici Historischer Verein für den Niederrhein. juris facit L. L. de Queiros, etc. Hispali, (1750?) fol. Annalen, etc. Köln, 1855, etc. 89. Ac. 7335. 5383. gs. In progress. 167 ACADEMIES. [COLOGNE-COPENHAGEN.] 168 COLOGNE [CONTINUED]. CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Universitas Coloniensis. New Hampshire Historical Society. See supra : LOUVAIN.- Academia Lovaniensis. Condem Collections. Concord, 1824, etc. 8º. Ac. 8415. natio ... libror. M. Lutheri, per quosda Magistros ... In progress. Lovanieñ et Colonien. facta. 1520. 4º. 697. h. 26. The act of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws of See BILLICK (E.) Iudicii Universitatis ... Coloniensis the New Hampshire Historical Society, etc. adversus calumnias P. Melanthonis, etc. defensio, etc. storical Society, ete: 355. co. Concord, 1823. 8º. 1545. 4º. 697. d. 20. Constitution and by-laws of the . . . Society, with the Censura Sacræ Facultatis Theologica Coloniensis; in names of members and officers. Concord, 1833. 12º. quatuor priores libros de Repub]. Ecclesiastica M. A. de 8365. a. Dominis quondam Archiepiscopi Spalatensis [consisting of “ Propositiones ex iv. lib. M. Antonii ..., selectæ, & New Hampshire Medical Society. per Facult. Theolog. Colon. damnatæ"]. Transactions (eighty-sixth (-91st] anniversary), etc. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1618. 8º. 874. f. 1. (2.) Concord, 1876–81. 8º. Ac. 3860. Censura Sacræ Facultatis Theologicæ Coloniensis, in quatuor priores libros de Republ. Ecclesiast. à M. A. de Dominis nuper editos. [Dated March 31, 1618.] [Cologne, 1618.] 8º. 874. f. 1. (3.) CONSTANTINA. Two leaves, without pagination, containing the “ Čen- en Société archéologique de la Province de Constantine. Annuaire. Année 1853–62. Constantine (printed], COLOMBO Paris, 1853–62. 8º. (Continued under the title of :] Asiatic Society of Ceylon. Recueils des notices et mémoires de la Société, etc. See infra: Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Vol. 1, etc. (Vol. 21. Tables générales des 20 premiers volumes.) Constantine (printed], Paris, 1863, etc. 8º. Society. In progress. Ac. 5349. sura.” Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Journal ... edited by the Secretary. Colombo, 1845, etc. 8°. Ac. 8830. In progress. (DS Société d'Agriculture de Constantine. BEYSSON (LÉONÉE) Société d'Agriculture ... Guide du Viticulteur en Algérie. Constantine (printed], Alger, 1875. 16º. Ac. 3415. COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. Société Historique Algérienne. Revue Africaine. Journal des travaux de la Société Society for the Advancement of Learning. Historique Algérienne. Alger, Paris, HARPER (WILLIAM). The South Carolina Society ...Pub Constantine, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 6915. lication No. 2. Dec. 1836. Anniversary oration de In progress. livered by W. Harper. Washington, 1836. 8º.. 8175. e. CONSTANTINOPLE. COMO. Ελληνικος Φιλολογικος Συλλογος. Commissione Archeologica nella Provincia di Como. Του εν Κωνσταντινουπολει Ελληνικου Φιλολογικου Συλλόγου Rivista Archeologica della Provincia di Como. Ta trepLow evta. 'Aro 1865 Aereußplov uexoi 1870 Macov. Como, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 5218. ¿v KwvotaVTIVOUTOR EL, 1871. 4º. In progress. [Continued as:] “Ο εν Κωνσταντινουπολει Ελληνικος Φιλολογικος Συλλογος ... 1870–71, etc. év KwvotaVTIVOUT OLEl, 1872, etc. 4º. Società Storica Comense. In progress. Ac. 9765. GIOVIO (BENEDETTO) Historia patria B. Jovii Novo- comensis. Ridotta a miglior lezione colla versione Robert College. Italiana e coll'aggiunta delle varianti desunte dai mano- scritti. Como, 1880, etc. fol. 217. Catalogue of the Officers, Graduates and Students of In progress. Robert College ... 1878–79. Constantinople, 1879. 80. 8365. dd. 7. Société Impérialé de Médecine. COMPIÈGNE. Gazette Médicale d'Orient. Constantinople, 1858, etc. 8º. Société Historique de Compiègne. In progress. Ac. 3696. Bulletin. Compiègne, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 6785/2. In progress. COPENHAGEN. Société Historique de Compiègne. Excursions archéolo- giques dans les environs de Compiègne. 1869–1874. Academia, afterwards Universitas Havniensis. Compiègne, 1875. 8º. Ac. 6785. Acta literaria, 1778. Hafniæ, [1778.] 4º. MAGNIENVILLE (R. DE) Le Maréchal d'Humières et le 431. i. 9. gouvernement de Compiègne, 1648–1694. Documents Extrait des Mémoires de l'Académie ... quant à la partie pour servir à l'histoire d'une ville de l'Île-de-France d'histoire naturelle années 1671–79, etc. See BERRYAT (J.) sous le règne de Louis XIV. pp. xi. 250. Recueil de mémoires, etc.—Partie étrangère. tom. 4,6,7. Paris, 1881. 8º. Ac. 6785. 3. 1755, etc. 4º. T. C. 3. a. 5. 169 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.) 170 COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Academia, afterwards Universitas Havniensis. Botanisk Forening. Festskrifter udgivne af det Lægevidenskabelige Fakultet Botanisk Tidsskrift, udgivet af den Botaniske Forening ved Kjøbenhavns Universitet i Anledning af Universi ... ved ... P. Heiberg. (Bd. 1, 2 af H. Kiærskou, tetets Firehundredaarsfest, Juni 1879. 5 pt. Bd. 3, 4.) 4 Bd. Kjøbenhavn, 1866–71. 8º. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8º. Ac. 1025/7. Ac. 3353. Festskrifter udgivne af det, mathematisk-naturvidenska- Anden Række. Redigeret af H. Kiærskow. belige Fakultet ... i Anledning af Universitetets Fire- 4 Bd. Kjøbenhavn, 1872-76. 8º. hundredaarsfest, Juni 1879. 5 pt. Tredje Række. Redigeret af H. Kiærskow. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8º. Ac. 1025/3. · Bd. 1, etc. Kjøbenhavn, 1877, etc. 8º. Festskrifter udgivne af det philosophiske Fakultet... In progress. i Anledning af Universitetets Firehundredaarsfest, Juni 1879. 3 pt. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8º. Ac. 1025/5. Classensk Literatur-Selskab. Bibliothek for Læger ... Udgivet af Directionen for Forelaesninger og Övelser ved Kjøbenhavns Universitet det Classenske Litteratur-Selskab. ([Bd. 8-30] Redi- og den Polytechniske Láereanstalt i Sommersemestret geret af....C. Otto.) 30 Bd. 1845, etc. Kjøbenhavn, [1845, etc.] 4º. and 8º. Kjøbenhavn, 1821-39. 8º. Ac. 3800. In progress. 8356. e. Ny Række. Redigeret af ...C. Otto. (Supple- Forhandlinger ved Kjöbenhavns Universitets Fest den ment Bind. Det kongelige Sundhedskollegiums 6 Juli 1840. Anledning af ... Kong Christian den Forhandlinger. 1843–46.) 15 Bd. Ottendes og Dronning Caroline Amalias ... Salving og Kroning. Udgivne efter Universitetets Anordning af ... Kjøbenhavn, 1839-47. 8°. 0. L. Bang. Kjöbenhavn, [1840.] fol. 731. m. 11. Tredie Række ... Redigeret af H. Selmer. (Sup- plementbind: Det kongelige Sundhedskollegiums Forsvar imod det hoiærværdige theologiske Facultets Forhandlinger ... 1847.) 11 Bd. Beskyldninger af tre theologiske Studenter. Kjøbenhavn, 1847–52. 8o. Kjøbenhavn, 1861. 8º. 3925. e. The “ Kongelige Sundhedskollegiums Forhandlinger" were Fortegnelse over de ... Studerende der i Aaret 1868–69 published in connection with this journal only during the years have tilendebragt Afgangsexamen ved de lærde skoler 1843-47 ; and again in and after 1862. eller Adgangsexamen ved Universitetet, etc. Fjerde Række ... Redigeret af... E. Dahlerup. Ac. 1025/2. Kjøbenhavn, 1868, etc. 8°. (Register :... Tredie og fjerde Række, 1847 til In progress. 1860.) 16 Bd. Kjøbenhavn, 1852–60. 8º. Index Scholarum et Exercitationum quae in Universitate Regia Hauniensi ... A. 1845 (-1851, et in Schola Poly- Femte Række ... Redigeret af ... A. Brünniche. technica A. 1846–51) habebuntur. 13 pt. (Supplementbind: Det kongelige Sundhedkolle- giums Aarsberetning for 1861, etc. Redigeret af Hauniae, (1845-51.] 4º. 8356. e. ... T. Bricka.) 20 Bd. Kjøbenhavn, 1860–70. 8º. Inter gaudia aulæ populique ob celebratas feliciter nuptias ... regii Frederici summos in scientiis honores - Sjette Række. Redigeret af Dr. J. C. Lehmann. octo viris doctis conferendos indicit rector et senatus Kjøbenhavn, 1871, etc. 8º. regiæ Academiæ, etc. [Copenhagen, 1774.] 4º. In progress. 128. a. 15. Fortegnelse over det Classenske Literatur-Selsabs Kjøbenhavns - Universitets Aarböger for 1837( - 47). og det kgl. chir. Akademies forenede Bogsamlinger. Udgivne af H. P. Selmer. Kjøbenhavn, [1838, etc.) 80. Udgiven af Directionen for det Classenske Literatur- In progress. Ac. 1025. Selskab. Kjøbenhavn, 1842. 8º. 822. g. 26. Kjøbenhavns Universitets - Journal, udgiven ved Professor J. Baden. 9 Aargang. Collegium Medicum. Kiøbenhavn, 1793[-1801]. 4º. P.P. 1173. b. Prodromus prævertens continuata acta medica Havni- ensia, etc. (Copenhagen,] 1753. 4º. 435. c. 8. Regentsens Visebog. Kjøbenhavn, 1833. 12º. 1461. c. Pharmacopoea Danica, regia autoritate a Collegio AAGESEN (ANDREAS) Festskrift udgivet af det rets- og Medico Hauniensi conscripta (Taxa, etc.). 2 pt. statsvidenskabelige Fakultet ... i Anledning af Hauniæ, 1772. 4°. 777. h. 10. Universitetets Firehundredaarsfest, Juni 1879. (Om Singulærsukcession i Formuerettigheder “inter vivos," | Dansk Historisk Forening, med særligt Hensyn til dansk Ret.) pp. 176. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8°. Ac. 1025/6. See GARDE (H. G.) Den dansk-norske Sømagts Historie, 1535–1700. Udgivet af den danske historiske Forening STHYR (H. VALDEMAR) Festskrift udgivet af det theo- 1861. 8º. 8806. c. logiske Fakultet ...i Anledning af Universitetets Historisk Tidsskrift ... Redigeret af C. Molbech. 6 Bd. Firehundredaarsfest, Juni 1879. (Lutheranerne i Kjøbenhavn, 1840-45. 8º. Ac. 7630. Frankrig i Aarene 1524–26.) pp. 298. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8º. Ac. 1025/4. · Nyt historisk Tidsskrift . .. Redigeret af C. Molbech, Bd. 1-4; af C. Molbech og N. L. Wester- Académie Royale Danoise de Peinture, Sculpture et gaard, Bd. 5; af N. L. Westergaard, Bd. 6. Architecture. Kjøbenhavn, 1847–56. 8º. Fondation de l'Académie ... établie à Copenhague, [in Historisk Tidsskrift. Tredje Række ... Redigeret 1754]. Copenhague, 1764. 4°. 127. d. 25. af N. L. Westergaard. (Bd. 1-3; af E. Holm, Bd. 4-6.) 6 Bd. Kjøbenhavn, 1858-68. 8º. Bibliothèque Royale. Fjerde Række. Redigeret af P. E. Holm. 6 Bd. See infra: Kongeligt Bibliothek. Kjøbenhavn, 1869–78. 8°. 171. ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.) 172 COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Dansk Historisk Forening. Islandsk Literatur-Selskab. - Historisk Tidsskrift. Femte Række. Redigeret af See infra: Íslenzka Lærdóms-Lista Fèlag. C. F. Bricka. 1879, etc. 8º. In progress. Íslenzka Bókmentafélag. Historiske Aarboger, til Oplysning og Veiledning i Beretning om det islandske Literaire Selskab. .. Nordens særledes Danmarks Historie. Udgivne ved den Særtryk af " Nordisk Boghandlertidende." danske historiske Forening af C. Molbech. Kjøbenhavn, 1871. 8°. Ac. 9052/11. Kidbenhavn, 1845, etc. 8º. Ac. 7630/3. In progress. Biskupa Sögur, gefnar út af hinu Íslenzka Bókmenta- Historisk-biographiske Samlinger, og Bidrag til den fèlagi. 2 Bd. Kaupmannahöfn, 1856–78. 8º. danske Sprog- og Literaturhistorie i ældre og nyere Tid. 4886. g. Følgehefter til det historiske Tidsskrift, udgivne for den Diplómatarium Islandicum. Íslenzkt Fornbréfasafn, danske historiske forening af C. Molbech. sem hefir inni að halda brèf og gjörninga, dóma og Kiøbenhavn, 1847, etc. 8º. Ac. 7630/2. máldaga, og aðrar skrár, er snerta Ísland eða Íslenzka In progress. menn. [Edited by J. Sigurdsson.] HAMMERICH (PETER FREDRIK ADOLPH) Den Hellige Kaupmannahöfn, 1857, etc. 8º. 9425. dd. Birgitta og Kirken i Norden, af F. Hammerich. In progress. Kjøbenhavn, 1863. 8º. 4827. bb. Íslenzkar Fornsögur, gefnar út af hinu Íslenzka PETERSEN (NIELS MATTHIAS) Bidrag til den danske Bókmentafélagi. Kaupmannahöfn, 1880, etc. 8º. Literaturs Historie. 2 vol. Kjøbenhavn, 1853-54. 8º. In progress. Ac. 9052/17. 816. l. 9, 10. RÖRDAM (HOLGER FREDERIK) Kjøbenhavn's Universitets Islenzk Sagnablöd, útgefin ad tilhlutan hins íslenzka Historie fra 1537 til 1621, af H. F. R. 4 Del. Bókmentafelags. 1816–26. 2 Bd. Kjøbenhavn, 1868–77. 8º. 8356. C. Kaupmannahöfn, 1826 (1818–26]. 4º. Ac. 9052/7. Deild 1 is a second edition. Del. 4 has a special titlepage which reads " Aktstykker og Breve," etc. Safn til sögu Íslands og Íslenzkra Bókmenta ad fornu VAUPELL (OTTO FREDERIK VON) Kampen for Sønderjyl- og nýju. Kaupmannahöfn, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 9052/8. land 1848–50, etc. 3 Del. Kjøbenhavn, 1863-67. 8º. In progress. 9425. bb. There is an additional titlepage to each Del., which reads : Skírnir, ný tiðindi hins Islenzka Bókmentafélags. “Krigen, etc.” Imperfect; wanting the general titlepage to (Skýrslur og Reikningar hins Íslenzka Bókmentafélags Del. 1. 1853–54, 1854–55, etc.) Kaupmannhöfn, 1827, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 9052/5. Dansk Kunstforening. Skýrslur um landshagi á Íslandi, gefnar út af hinu Hvilke Fordringer burde der vel isaer gjöres til Íslenzka Bókmentafélagi. Kaupmannhofn, 1855, etc. 4º. en Bygmester i Danmark med Hensyn til Landets In progress. Ac. 9052/6. nuværende Nodtörft og Culturtilstand, og hvorledes kunde den vordende Bygmester bedst saettes i stand til Sturlúnga-Saga, edr Islendinga-Saga hin mikla. [A.D. at opfylde disse Fordringer. Kjöbenhavn, 1834. 8º. 1116–1264; written by Sturla Thórðarson and others, Ac. 4447. and probably subsequently collected into one work by Thórðr Narfason.] (Saga Arna Biskups Þorlákssunar Genealogisk-biographisk Selskab. [of unknown authorship].) Nú útgengin á prent ad Genealogisk og biographisk Archiv, udgivet af det tilhlutun hins íslenzka bókmentafélags, eptir saman- genealogisk-biographiske Selskab. Bd. 1. Nº. 1-6. burd hinna merkilegustu handarrita er fengist gátu. Kjøbenhavn, 1840-42. 8º. Ac. 5946. [Edited by B. Thorsteinsson.] 2 Bd. Kaupmannahöfn, 1817–20. 40. 11565. e. Herlovianer-Samfund. Each Bindi is in 2 pts., each part having a distinct title- See infra : Herlufsholm. page, pagination, and register. A continuation of this chronicle A.D. 1264–1832, will be found in Espólín's “ Islands Arbækur." Industriforening. Maanedsskrift udgivet af Industriforeningen, etc. [Another copy.] 590. g. 26. See infra : Quartalsberetninger, etc. Tíðindi um Stjórnarmálefni Íslands (1854, etc.) gefin Qvartalsberetninger for Industriforeningen i Kjøbenhavn. út af hinu Íslenzka Bókmentafélagi. [For the period Redigeret af J. Wilkens, 1-5 Aargang. (Aargang 1854–6 edited by S. Skúlason, March 1856-59 by S. 6-12. Udgivne ved L. Bisserup.) 26 Aargang. Hansen, April 1859-60 by B. O. Thorberg and S. L. Kjøbenhavn, 1841-66. 8º. Jónasson, Jan. 19, 1860–63 by B. Thorberg. The . [Continued under the title of:] preface to Bindi 1. by J. Sigurðsson.] Maanedsskrift udgivet af Industriforeningen i Kjöben- Kaupmannahöfn, 1864[-55], etc. 8º. 5705. dd. havn. Redigeret af E. Brunn. Aarg. 1, etc. In progress. Kjöbenhavn, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 4448. In progress. Tímarit hins Íslenzka Bókmentafélags. Reykjavík, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 9052/16. Institut météorologique Danois. In progress. See infra: Meteorologisk Institut. Tvær Æfisøgur útlendra Merkismanna útgefnar af hinu Islenzka Bokmentafélagi. 1. Franklíns æfi. 2. Þarfur Institutum Polytechnicum. Maður í Sveit [i.e. I. F. Oberlin). See infra : Polytechnisk Læreanstalt. Kaupmannahöfn, 1839. 8º. 1453. d. 173 174 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.] COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Íslenzka Bókmentafélag. Íslenzka Bókmentafélag. ÁSMUNDSSON (EINAR) Um framfarir Íslands, ritgjörð, etc. KLOPSTOCK (FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB) Kloppstokks Messías, Kaupmannahöfn, 1871. 89. 8092. df. 3. (5.) einn hetju-diktr um endrlausnina, af Þyzku á íslenzku snúinn (in verse], af Jóni sál. Þorlákssyni.. . Útgefinn BJARNASON (THORKELL) Um Siðbótina á Íslandi, etc. ad tilhlutan ens íslenzka bókmentafélags. [With a pp. 177. Reykjavík, 1878. 8º. Ac. 9052. 14. biographical preface by T. Guðmundsson.] Kaupmannahöfn, 1838–34–38. 8º. 11525. d. BOHR (HENRIK GEORG CHRISTIAN) Fornaldarsagan íslenz- kuð og ánkin eptir Sögubók H. G. Bóhrs af P. Melsted. MELSTEÐ (PÁLL) Miðaldasagan eptir P. Melsted. Gefin Reykjavík, 1864. 8º. Ac. 9052/4. út af hinu Íslenzka Bókmentafélagi. Reykjavók, 1866. 8º. 12431. g. 3. ESPÓLÍN (JÓN) Íslands árbækur (A.D. 1264–1832] í sögu- MELSTEÐ (PÁLL) Nýja Sagan, etc. formi. 12 deild. (Registr, etc.) Reykjavík, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9052/9. Kaupmannahöfn, 1821-55. 4º. 590. g. 28. In progress. This forms a continuation of the history of Iceland con- tained in the Sturlunga Saga, published by the Society. ÓLAFSSON (ARNLJÓTR) Auðfræði, etc. pp. 222. Kaupmannahöfn, 1880. 89. Ac. 9052. 15. FISCHER (JOHANN GEORG) Eðlisfræði, eptir J. G. Fischer Pálsson (SVEINA) Æfisaga Jóns Egrikssonar... Saman- (i.e. a translation of his “ Elementar-Naturlehre,” founded on the “ Volks-Naturlehre" of J. H. Helmuth). tekin af ... S. Pálssyni eptir tilhlutan Amtmanns B. Thorsteinssonur, og af theim siðarstnefnda yfirséð og Med 250 myndum. Prentuð að tilhlutun hins Íslenzka Bókmentafélags. M. Grímsson íslenzkaði. löguð með andlitismynd og rithanda sýnishorni, útgefin á kostnað ens islenzka Bókmentafélags. Kaupmannahöfn, 1852. 89. 8705. cc. Kaupmannahöfn, 1828. 8º. : 1451. f. FRIDRIKSSON (HALLDÓR KRISTJAN Íslenzk Málmyn RASK (RASMUS CHRISTIAN Lestrarkver handa heldri dalýsing. Kaupmannahöfn, 1861. 8º. Ac. 9052. manna börnum með stuttum skiringargreinum um stafrofið og annað þartil heyrandi, samið af R. R. ... AS GÍSLASON (KONRÁD) Um Frum-Parta Ílenzkrar Túngu tilhlutun hins Íslenzka Bókmentafélags. í Fornöld. Eptir K. G., etc. Kaupmannahöfn, 1846. gº. Kaupmannahöfn, 1830. 8º. 1332. d. 1333. a. THÓRARENSEN (BJÀRNI) Kvæði B. T.'s, gefin út af hinu GUÐJÓNSSON (PÈTUR) Íslenzk Sálmasaungs- og Messubók ... Bókmentafjélagi. Kaupmannahöfn, 1847. 12º. með nótum. ' Kaupmannahöfn, 1861. 8º. 11557. df. Ac. 9052/2. THÓRÐARSON (GUNNLAUGR) Ritgjörð um Túna- og Eng- jarækt. Gefin út af enu Islenzka Bókmentafjelagi. GUÐMUNDSSON (SIGURDR) Skýrsla um Forngripasafn Íslands í Reykjavík. Gefin út af hinu Íslenzka Kaupmannahöfn, 1844. 12º. Ac. 9052/9. Bókmentafélagi. (1863–70. S. Guðmundsson samdi, THORKELSSON (JÓN) of Reykjavílc. Nokkur blöð úr Hauks- 1871, etc. S. Vigfússon samdi.). bók og brot úr Guðmundarsögu gefin út af Jóni Þorkels- Kaupmannahöfn, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9052/10. syni á kostnað bins Íslenzka Bókmentafélags. In progress. Reykjavík, 1865. 8º. Ac. 9052/3. GUNNLAUGSSON (BJÖRN) Tölvísi samantekin að tilhlutun THÓRODDSEN (JÓN THÓRÐARSON) Kvæði ... Gefin út af ... hins Íslenzka Bókmentafélags af ... B. G. hinn Íslenzka Bókmentafélagi. [With portrait.] Reykjavík, 1865, etc. 80. 8529. f. Kaupmannahöfn, 1871. 12º. Ac. 9052/12. In progress. TAÓRODDSEN (JÓN THÓRÐARSON) Maður og Kona. Skáld- HÁKONARSON (MAGNÚS) A. Thorvaldsens æfisaga, gefin saga. [Edited by Jón Sigurðsson, Eiríkr Jónsson and út af enu Islenzka Bókmentafélagi. Sigurdr L. Jónasson, with a biographical sketch of the Kaupmannahöfn, 1841. 8º. 1402. i. author by Jón Sigurðsson.] pp. xlviii. 437. Kaupmannahöfn, 1876. 120. Ac. 9052. 13. HJALTALIN (ÓDDR) Íslenzk Grasafrædi ... Útgefin ad VÍDALÍN (PÁLL) Skýringar yfir Fornyrði Lögbókar tilhlutun hins Íslenzka Bókmentafélags. þeirrar, er Jónsbók kallast, samdar af Páli lögmanni Kaupmannahöfn, 1830. 8°. 7032. d.. Vídalín. (Aefisaga Páls lögmanns Jónssonar Vídalíns. HOMER. Ilíons-Kvæði, 1.-XII. kviða ... B. Gröndal izlen- skrasett 1846 af Porði Sveinbjarnarsyni.) skaði. Reykjavík, 1856. 8º. Reykjavík, 1854. 8º. 11315. h. 1. There is a cancel of pp. 45-48. HOMER. Hómers Odysseifs-Kvæði gefið út af hinu Íslenzka Bókmentafélagi. Books 1-19 & 237 5 Islenzka Lærdóms-Lista Fèlag. Egilsson íslenzkaði. [Continued and completed by Ens Islendska lærdóms-lista felags skraa, eptir samkomu- B. Gröndal, the younger. In verse.] lagi sett oci lioos leidd i Kaupmannahøfn. Det Islandske Kaupmannahöfn, 1854. 8º. 11315. cc. 1. Literatur-Selskabs Vedtægter, efter fælles Overlæg sam- tykto og udgivne i Kiöbenhavn. Icel. & Dan." (For- HORATIUS FLACCUS (QUINTUS) Þýðing Brjefa Hórazar tegnelse paa det Islandske Literatur Selskabs Medlemmer eptir G. Magnússon og J. Porkelsson. Being a prose ...1780.) [Copenhagen], 1780. 8. 272. g. 16. translation of the Epistles, with notes, etc.] Iceland. Hft. 1. Reykjavík, 1864. 8º. Rit thess Islenzka lærdóms-lista félags. 1780-1793. 11385. h. 14 Bind. Kaupmannahöfn, 1781–96. 8º. Ac. 9051. JÓNSSON (GUÐMUNDR) Safn af Íslenzkum orðskviðum, In the 8th and subsequent vols. the word Konúngliga is fornmælum, heilræðum, snilliyrðum, sannmælum og prefixed to the designation of the society. málsgreinum, samanlesið og í stafrofsröð sett: af G. [Another copy of Bd. 1-7.] 274. c. 9-15 Jónssyni ... 'Utgefid að tilhlutan hins Íslenzka Bókmentafelags. [With a preface by B. Thorsteinssun.] [Another copy of Bd. 12.7 440. 1. 24. Kaupmannahöfn, 1830. 8º. 1074. k. 20. Imperfect; wantiny two leaves at the end. 5705. g. Podtagter, ettenahoin. Det samkomu- 175 176 . ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.] COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED]. COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Íslenska Þjoðvina-félagið. Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab, etc. afterwards Kongeligt Dansk Andvari, tímarit hins íslenzka Þjóðvinafélags. Videnskabernes Selskab. Kaupmannahöfn, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 9055. Dansk Ordbog udgiven under Videnskabernes Selskabs THRODDSEN (THORVALDR) Lýsing Íslands. pp. vi. 98. Bestyrelse. Tom. 1-5. A-R. Kiøbenhavn, 1793-1829. 4º.- Kaupmannahöfn, 1881. 8º. Ac. 9050. 829. k. 18–22. Regesta diplomatica historiæ Danicæ. Index chrono- Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab af Lærdoms og Videnskabers logicus diplomatum et literarum, historiam Danicam Elskere, afterwards Kongeligt Dansk Viden- inde ab antiquissimis temporibus usque ad annum 1660 skabernes Selskab. illustrantium, etc.—Chronologisk Fortegnelse over hidtil trykte Diplomer og andre Brevskaber til oplysning af See LANGEBEK (J.) Det Kongelige Danske Selskabs den danske historie, etc. Tom. 1. Havniæ, 1847. 4º. Begyndelse og Tilvext i de tre forste Aar 1745–1747. 2084. f. 1748. 8º. 8356. a. [Another copy.] See MOLBECH (C.) Det kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs historie. 1843. 8°. 8356. cc. Scriptorum à Societate Hafniensi bonis artibus promo- vendis dedita Danice editorum, nunc autem in latinum See NORDEN (F. L.) Voyage d'Égypte et de Nubie. sermonem conversorum interprete P.P[letz]. Pars prima [Edited by the “Kongelige Danske Videnskabers Sel (-tertia). Hafniæ, 1745-47. 4º. Ac. 1023/6. skab.”] 1755. fol. 453. b. 14, 15. [Another copy.] 126. i. 19. Nye Samling af det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. 5 Deel. Kjøbenhavn, 1781-99. 4º. Skrifter som udi det Kiøbenhavnske Selskab...ere frem- Ac. 1023. lagte og oplæste. 12 del. Kiøbenhavn, 1745-79. 4º. [Another copy of Del. 1, 2.] 128. a. 25, 26. 436. c. 5–10. In del. 11 the designation of the Society is changed to: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter “ Kongelige Videnskabers Selskab.” vor Aar 1800(-1812). 6 Bind. Kjøbenhavn, 1801-18. 4º. [Another copy.] 127. b. 16, 27. [Another copy of Bd. I.-V., VI., Hft. 1.] 435. b. 1-11. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab natur- videnskabelige og mathematiske Afhandlinger. 12 Del. ARREST (HEINRICH LUDWIG D') Siderum nebulosorum ob- Kiöbenhavn, 1824-46. 4º. 16. 40. servationes Havnienses...ab anno 1861 ad annum 1867 Ac. 1023/3. ... Editae jussu et expensis Societatis Regiae Scienti- [Another copy of Deel. 1.] 127. c. 21. arum Daniae. Havniae, 1867. 4º. 8564. g. BRAHE (TYCHO) T. Brahes Meteorologiske Dagboy, holdt Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs philoso- paa Uranienborg for Aarene 1582–1597. [With a preface phiske og historiske Afhandlinger. 7 Deel. Köbembaon, I823-45. 4. Ac. 1023/2. by F. R. Friis; an abstract of the diary, by P. La Cour, Dan. and Fr.; and an index of the historical notices [Another copy of Deel. 1, 2.] 127. c. 22. contained in it, by H. F. Rördam.] Udgiven som Ap- pendix til Collectanea Meteorologica, etc. pp. iv. 263, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. Ixxv. Kjøbenhavn, 1867. 8º. Ac. 1023/9. Femte Række. Naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk af- With a second titlepage: “ Appendice aux Collectanea deling. Kjöbenhavn, 1849, etc. 4º. Meteorologica...contenant le Journal météorologique de T. Historisk og philosophisk afdeling. Brahe, etc.” Kjöbenhavn, 1852, etc. 4º. Ac. 1023/4. FORCHHAMMER (JOHAN GEORG) Oversigt over det K. de V. In progress. S.'s Forhandlinger, og dets Medlemmers Arbeider i Ajret Historische Abhandlungen der königlichen Gesellschaft 1852, af G. Forchhammer. No 1. [Copenhagen, 1852.] 8º. der Wissenschaften zu Kopenhagen, aus dem Dänischen In progress. Ac. 1023/5. übersetzt, und zum Theil mit Vermehrungen und ÖRSTED (HANS CHRISTIAN) Mindeskrift over Hans Majes- Verbesserungen ihrer Verfasser, auch einigen eigenen tæt Kong Christian den Ottende. Kjøbenhavn, 1848. 4º. Annierkungen herausgegeben von V. A. Heinze. 8 Bde. Kiel, Altona, 1782-99. 80. 255. f. 6-12. 8756. 0. ÖRSTED (HANS CHRISTIAN) Oversigt over det kongelige Schriften der physischen Klasse, 1800. Herausgegeben Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets von C. C. Rafn. Aus dem Dänischen übersetzt. Bd. 1. Medlemmers Arbeider fra 31 Mai 1824 til 31 Mai 1825. Kopenhagen und Leipzig, 1801. 8º. 940. f. 7. Kjøbenhavn, 1825. 4º. Ac. 1023/7. [Another copy of Heft 1.] 449. e. 21. ÖRSTED (HANS CHRISTIAN) Oversigt over det ... Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider i Aaret Abhapıllungen die von der königlichen Dänischen Ge 1847. N° 1-6. 5 pt. [Copenhagen, 1847.] 8º. sellscbaft den Preis erhalten haben. Erste Sammlung. Wanting general titlepage. Ac. 1023/5. Copenhagen, 1781. 4º. 128. a. 20. Saxo, Grammaticus. Det i Angers fundne Brudstykke af Collectanea meteorologica sub auspiciis Societatis Scien et Haandskrift af Saxo Grammaticus (i.e. Saxo's Historia tiarum Danicæ edita. 3 Fasc. Haunia, 1829–45. 4º. Danica, Lat.). Udgivet i futolithografisk Facsimile af 8750. e. det... Selskab. [With a preface by C. W. Bruun.] Fasc. 1, containing the “ Observationes Meteorologicæ Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 4º. Ac. 1023. (8.) Apenroæ. . . factæ ab A. Neuber," is without general titlepage. Dansk historisk Almanak, udgiven af det Kongelige Kongeligt Bibliothek. Videnskabernes Societet. [By J. Langsbek, B. W. Lůx Notice historique sur la Bibliothèque Royale de Copen- dorph, C. Horrebov and others.] 23 pt. hague, 1844. [By N. C. L. Abrahams, being the intro- Kjøbenhavn, 1760[-1782). 12°. P.P. 2455. C. duction to his " Description des manuscrits français du Imperfect; wanting the provincial and district maps. moyen âge.”] [Copenhagen, 1844.] 8º. 822. h. 11. 177 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.) 178 COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Kongeligt Bibliothek. Kongeligt Dansk Landshuusholdningsselskab. Saxo, Grammaticus. Angers - Fragmentet af et Haand STEEN ( ADOLPH) Hovedlovene for Samfundets Hushold- skrift af Saxo Grammaticus (Fragmentum codicis mem niny, ved A. Steen. Udgivne af det Kgl. Landhushold- branacei Historiæ Danicæ Saxonis, antea in Bibliotheca ningsselskab. Kjøbenhavn, 1870. gº. Ac. 3467/3. Municipali Andegavensi, nunc in Bibliotheca Regia Haf- niensi asservatum). Med en Indledning udgivet af... STEPHENSEN (MAGNUS) De til Menneske-Føde i Island C. Bruun. (Lykønskningsskrift til Kjøbenhavns Uni- brugelige Fang-Arter og i Særdeleshed Botanisk-oecono- versitet ved det Firehundredaars Stiftelsesfest fra det misk beskrevne vid M. Stephensen ... Udgivet af det Store Kongelige Bibliothek.) pp. xxviii. 10. Kongelige Danske Landhuusholdnings-Selskab. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 4°. 9435. i. 2. Kiøbenhavn, 1808. 4º. B. 744. (10.) WEGENER (CASPAR FREDERIK) Doctor C. F. W's liden Kongelig Commission i Kjøbenhavn for Oldsagers Krønike om Kong Frederik og den Danske Bonde, etc. Opbevaring. Kjøbenhavn, 1843. 8º. Ac. 3467. Antiqvariske Annaler. Udgivne ved den Kongelige Commission...for Oldsagers Opbevaring. 4 Bd. Kongeligt Dansk Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie Kjøbenhavn, 1812–27. 80. Ac. 9048. og Sprog. Kongeligt Dansk genealogisk og heraldisk Selskab. See infra: Kongeligt Dansk Selskab til den Nor- · Lexicon over Adelige Familier i Danmark, Norge og diske Histories og Sprogs Forbedring..' Hertugdoñene, 2 Bind. [With 108 engravings.] (Sup. plement red C. C. L. v. Častenskiold.) Kongeligt Dansk Selskab til den Nordiske Histories Kiøbenhavn, [1780–1813]-1872. 4º. 1328. c. og Sprogs Forbedring, etc. Kongeligt dansk geografisk Selskab. See BIRCHEROD (J.) Bishop of Aalborg. Uddrag af Biskop Geografisk Tidskrift, udgivet af Bestyrelsen for det ... J. Bircherods historisk-biograpliske Dagboger ... UN- Selskab, og redigeret af Prof. E. Erslev. givne efter Beslutning af det Kongelige Danske Selskab, Kjøbenhavn, 1877, etc. 4º. Ac. 6109 etc. 1846. 8º. 1372. e. In progress. Danske Magazin indeholdende allehaande Smaa-Stykker og Anmerkninger til Historiens og Sprogets Oplysning. Kongeligt Dansk Landhuusholdningsselskab. 6 Bind. Kiøbenhavn, 1745-52. 4°. 153. d. 1-3. Det ... Selskabs Skrifter. 4 Del. Nye Danske Magazin, etc. 6 Bind. Kjøbenhavn, 1976–94. 8º. 964. k. 5–8. Kiøbenhavn, 1794-1836. 4°. Det ... Selskabs Skrifter. Nye Samling. 3 Bind. Bind 6 is without titlepage and has only 3 Hefte. Kjøbenhavn, 1808–15. 8º. Ae. 3467/2. - Danske Magazin ... Tredie Række, etc. Plan og Indretning for det Danske ... Selskab, oprettet 6 Bind. Kjøbenhavn, 1843-60. 4º. for at opmuntre, ved Priser og Premier, Landmanden, - Danske Magazin. Kjøbenhavn, 1861, etc. 4º. Konsteneren, og Handelsmanden, udi hans kongelige In progress. 150. f. I, etc. Majestæts samtlige Riger og Lande. Kiöbenhavn, 1769. 8º. 963. k. 6. Selskabets Anmerkninger over et Brev som nyligen er udgivet imod det Danske Magazin. Fortegnelse paa det kongelige ... Selskabs Medlemmer, Kiöbenhavn, 1746. 8º. 270. c. 24. (2.) fra Selskabets Begyndelse til den 29 Jan. 1770, 72–79, 1781-86, 88, 90, 92, 94. 19 vol. CANUTE, Saint, King of the Obotrites. Ludus de Sancto Kjöbenhavn, 1770-94. 8º. 963. k. 7–25. (1.) , Kanuto Duce. Et fædrelandshistorisk Skuespil fra Reformationstiden, udgivet ... ved S. B. Smith, etc. Det ... Selskabs Love, vedtagne at blive brugte den Kjöbenhavn, 1868. 4º. 11755. e. 6 Okt. 1774. Kjöbenhavn, 1774. 8º. 963. k. 27. HANSEN (CHRISTIERN) Dramatist. De tre ældste danske Fortegnelse paa de Priismaterier og Premier, som det Skuespil, " Christiern Hansen's Komedier," udgivne ... kongelige Danske Land-Huusholdings Selskab udsætter ved S. Birket Smith. pp. 147. Kjøbenhavn, 1874. 8º. for ... Aaret 1769, 71–73, 75–86, 88-95. 20 vol. 11755. cc. 2. Kjöbenhavn, 1790-94. 8º. 963. k. 7-25. (2.) & 963. k. 26. HEISE (CARL ARNOLD LEOPOLD) Diplomatariui Viber- gense. Breve og Aktstykker fra ældre viborgske Bidrag till Kundskab om de danske Provindsers nær Arkiver til Vibory Bys og Stifts Historie, 1200–1559 værende Tilstand i oekonomisk Henseende. Foran ... Udgivne ... af Å. Heise. Med 9 Afbeldninger. stallet... ved Landhuusholdningsselkabet.] Stykke 3, 12. pp. lx. 450. Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 89. Ac. 7631/3. Kjøbenhavn, 1826-39. '8º. 10281. d. LAURENSSEN (PEDER) Malungbogen (Orsagen oc een rett Femaarsberetning fra det Kongelige Landhuusholdnings forclaring paa then ny Reformats ordenering oc skick selskabs meteorologiske Comitee for 1861–1865. Ved om niesszen ... og anden rett Gudtstiennste ... som N. J. Fjord. (For 1866–70 Ved P. La Cour.) giort er udi then ... Stadt Malmø ... 1529). Udgiven Kjøbenhavn, 1867–72. 4°. Ác. 3467/4. ... ved H. F. Rørdam. Kjøbenhavn, 1868. 4º. No more published. A reprint of the Malmø edition of 1530. Ac. 7631. DREJER (SALOMON THOMAS NICOLAI) De danske Foderurter. NIELSEN (OLUF) Dueholms Diplomatarium. Samling af Udarbejdet paa Grundlag af Mag. S. Drejers " Anvisning Breve 1371–1539, der i sin Tid ere opbevarede i St til at kjende de danske Foderurter,” tredie Udgave, af Johannesklostret Dueholm paa Morsø. Udgivet ... Joh. Lange og E. Rostrup, etc. pp. 374. af O. Nielsen: Med 4 ... Af bildninger. [With a pre- Kjøbenhavn, 1877. 89. Ac. 3467. 5. face by P. G. Thorseu.] Kjøbenhavn, 1872. ` 8º. Ac. 7631/2. LIND (PETER ENGEL) Fortegnelse over Skrifter passende for Sognebibliotheker, 1844-1862. Forsættelse af Marck TAUSEN (HANS) Smaaskrifter af H. Tavsen, udgivne manns [“ Fortegnelse over Skrifter til Læsning for ... ved H. F. Rørdam. Kjøbenhavn, 1870. 8º. Menigmand.”] Kjøbenhavn, 1864. 8º. 11902. b. 12260. bbb. ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.] 180 :lsskrift for Olitt selskab. 3 bac, 5538/5. Tidskret til en til Stampbenhavn, 18 COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED! COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Kongeligt Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. See supra : Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab, etc. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord ... 1836–49. 5 tom. Copenhague, 1838-52. 8º. Kongeligt General Land- Oeconomi- og Commerce- Ac. 5538/7. Collegium. Hermod. Det nordiske Oldskrift Selskab tidende for 1825 og 1826. Besorget af R. Rask. See LEHMANN (M. C. G.) Der entdeckte Nutzen des København, 1825, 26. 8º. Ac. 5538/10 Seegrasses zum Füllen der Küssen und Polster ... herausgegeben durch das Konigl: Gen. Landes Oeko Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndighed, udgivet af det nomie u. Commerz-Collegium. 1814. 8º. Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 3 Bd. B. 216. (6.) Kiøbenhavn, 1832–36. 8º. Kongeligt Landhuusholdnings-Selskab. Tidskrift for nordisk Oldkyndighed. 2 Bd. (Bd. 1. See supra : Kongeligt Danskt Landhuusholdnings Forsøg til en videnskabelig dansk Retskrivningslære Selskab. med Hensyn til Stamsproget og Nabosproget, af R. Rask.) MS. NOTES. Kjøbenhavn, 1826–29. 8º. Kongeligt Militaire Høiskole. Ac. 5538/5. Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries at Copenhagen. Ledetraad ved Forelæsningerne i Danmarks Militaire Annual report. 1834. [Copenhagen, 1834.] 8º. Geographie ved den Kongelige Militaire Høiskole. F. 2100. (9.) (Ledetraad ved Forelæsningerne over den Danske Stats Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries ... Extract of Siatistik, eller statistiske Data, som Tillæg til Forelæs- ningerne over Danmarks Militaire Geographie, etc.) the statutes. [Copenhagen, 1834.] * 8º. F. 2100. (9*.) [By F. L. A. H. von Baggesen.] Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries [Reports of the [Copenhagen,] 1832, 33. 4º. 8824. f. general Anniversary Meetings 1838, 1839.] Eng., Fr., Dan. Copenhagen, 1839. 8º. Ac. 5538/13. Ledetraad ved Forelæsningerne over Danmarks Krigs- historie og Krigskunstens Historie [to 16607, ved den Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries at Copenhagen. kongelige militaire Høiskole. [By F. L. A. H. von General anniversary meeting, 15th February 1851. Baggesen.] 2 pt. [Copenhagen, 1834.] 4º. [Copenhagen, 1851.] 8º. &c. 5538/15. Ac. 4349. Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. Plan til den Kongelige militaire Høiskole 1830 (72 British and Irish section. [A prospectus.] Bilag.) [The preface is signed by F. C. von Bülow). Copenhagen, 1851. 8º. Ac. 5538/17. [Copenhagen, 1830.] 89. Ac. 4349/2. Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord à Copenhague. Rapport des séances annuelles de 1848–1851. Plan for den K. M. Høiskole. Begyndt 1ste November, [Copenhagen, 1851.] 8º. Ac. 5538/14. 18.,0, efter Interimsplan, allerhøiest approberet 22de August, 1830. Kjøbenhavn, 1834. 4º. 8825. d. Die königlighe Gesellschaft für nordische Alterthums- kunde zu Kopenhagen. Jahresversammlungen in den Plan for den Kongelige Militaire Höiskole, approberet Jahren 1848–1852. [Copenhagen ? 1853?] 80. den 12te Juli 1857. Kjöbenhavn, 1857. 4º. 17. m. 19. (103.) 8355. e. Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. Works presented to the Society 1855–1857. ([Report] Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Extrait de la Revue des Antiquaires du Nord. [With See ABRAHAMSON (J. N. B.) and MAGNÚSSON (F.) Docu- an] Extrait des Mémoires de la Société, etc.) 4 pt. menterede Oplysninger i Anledning af en antikritisk [Copenhagen, 1860.] 80. Ac. 5538/18. Erklaring fra Redactionen af “Maanedsskrift for Litte The pagination of pt. 2 begins with 197. ratur" ... mod den ... Bestyrelse af det Kongelige Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Séance nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 1831. gº. 1313. g. annuelle ... 1860. [Copenhagen, 1860.] 8º. Ac. 5538/16. See Rask (R. C.) Gjenmæle mod Anmældelsen af ... Société Royale des Antiqnaires du Nord ... 1860. C. C. Rafns Oversættelse af Jomsvikinga og Knytlinga (Aperçu du fonds permanent de la Société ... avec la (in Bd. 11 of the “Oldnordiske Sagaer," published by liste de ses membres fondateurs.) the Oldskrift-Selskab] i “Maanedsskrift for Literatur," etc. 1831. 80. Ac. 5538/3. [Copenhagen, 1860.] 8º. 12431. dd. 22. (1.) Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord ... Extrait des See RASK (R. C.) Gjensvar på Hr. B. Einarssons “Fore Statuts Constitutifs. [Copenhagen, 1860?] 8º. løbige Svar ...," med Hensyn til Anmældelsen ... af 7705. bb. 1. "Gjenmælet mod Bedommelsen ... over Professor Rafns Oversættelse af Jomsvikinga Saga og Knytlinga [in Atlas for Nordisk Oldkyndighed fremstillende Pröver Bd. 11 of the “Oldnordiske Sagaer," published by the fra Bronzealderen og fra Jernalderen. -- Atlas de Oldskrift-Selskab].” 1831. 8º. 11825. c. l'Archéologie du Nord, représentant des échantillons de Aarsberetning 1859, etc. [Copenhagen, 1859, etc.7 80. l'âge de Bronze et de l'âge de Fer. [With descriptions in Danish and French.] Copenhagen, 1857. fol. In progress. Ac. 5538/16. Ac. 5538. Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, ... 1836-63. Fornmanna Sögur, eptir gömlum handritum útgefnar Köbeload, [1837-63. 8%. Ac. 5538/4. að tilhlutun hins Norræna Fornfræda Félags. [Edited, tom. 1-3, and 12, in part, by S. Egilsson ; 1-6 and 11, Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 1866, etc. in part, by T. Guðmundsson ; 4, 5 and 11, in part, by Kjöbenhavn, 1866, etc. 8º. . Ac. 5538/4. T. Helgason; 8, 11 & 12, in part, 9 & 10 wholly, by "In progress. This is a continuation of the “ Annaler for F. Magnússon ; 12, in part, by N. M. Petersen; 1-5, Nordisk Oldkyndighed.” 8 and 11, in part, by C. Č. Rafn ; 1-3, 6 and 11, in part, 7 wholly, by R. C. Rask.] 12 Bind. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. 1843-63. 7 Bd. Kaupmannahofn, 1825–37. 8º. 1313. e. Kjöbenhavn, 1845–63. 8º. Ac. 5538/8. Each Bind, except Bind 12, has also a special titlepage. 181 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGENENAL 182 .] COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED]. COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED]. Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Oldnordiske Sagaer udgivne i oversættelse af det Nordiske EGILSSON (SVEINBJÖRN) Lexicon Poeticum antiquæ linguæ Oldskrift-Selskab. ([Bind 1.-III. and xi.] efter den af septentrionalis. (The Preface and “ Index siglorum" det nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab udgivne Grundskrift over by J. Sigurðsson.] Hafniæ, 1860. 8º. 12972. h. 3. satte af C. C. Rafn.) [Bind iv.-x. translated, Bind XII. compiled, by N. M. Petersen.] 12 Bd. GRÖNDAL (BENEDIKT) Clavis Poëtica antiquæ linguæ Kjøbenhavn, 1826–37. 8°. 1313. e. septentrionalis, quam e Lexico Poëtico S. Egilssonii Each Bind, except Bd. XII., has also a special titlepage. collegit et in ordinem redegit B. Gröndal (Egilsson). Bind I.-III. and X1. have, in addition, the second title. This Hafniæ, 1864. 8º. 12972. ff. 9. is a translation of the “ Fornmanna Sögur," published, 1825- 37, by the Society. JONSSON (ERIK) Oldnordisk Ordbog ved det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab af E. Jonsson. Scripta historica Islandorum de rebus gestis veterum Kjöbenhavn, 1863. 8º. 12972. k. 4. borealium, Latine reddita et apparatu critico instructa, etc. (Opera et studio S. Egilssonii.) 12 vol. RAFN (CARL CHRISTIAN) Antiquitates Americanæ, sive, Hafniæ, 1828-46. 8°. 1313. f. 1-6. scriptores septentrionales rerum ante-Columbianarum in Each vol., except vol. XIl., has also a special titlepage. America.--Samling af de i Nordens Oldskrifter inde- This is a translation of the “ Fornmanna Sögur," published holdte Efterretninger om de gamle Nordboers Opdagelses- 1825–37, by the Society. reiser til America fra det 10 de til det 14 de Aarhundrede. Edidit societas, etc. [Edited by C. C. Rafn, assisted by Grönlands historiske Mindesmærker udgivne af det F. Magnússon and S. Egilsson.] Hafniæ, 1837. 4º. Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. [Edited by C.C. 2085. g. Rafn and F. Magnússon. Cap. XXXII. by J. H. Breds- dorff, xxxiii. by C. Pingel, xxxiv. by J. J. A. Worsaae.] RAFN (CARL CHRISTIAN) Antiquitates Americanae ... 3 Bind. Kjøbenhavn, 1838-45. 8º. 9424. d. studio et opera C. Rafn. Antiquités Américaines, d'après les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Historiske Fortællinger om Islændernes Færd bjemme Scandinaves. (Mémoire sur la découverte de l'Amérique og ude, udgivne ... i Bearbejdelse efter de islandske au dixième siècle.) Copenhague, 1845. 4º. Grundskrifter ved N. M. Petersen. Bind 1-4. 9603. h. Kjøbenhavn, 1839-44. 8º. Imperfect; containing the “ Mémoire" only. 1313. g. RAFN (CARL CHRISTIAN) Antiquités de l'Orient: monu- Historisch-Antiquarische Mittheilungen, herausgegeben ments runographiques interprétés par C. C. Rafn, et von der königlichen Gesellschaft für nordische Alter publiés par la Suciété Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. thumskunde. Kopenhagen, 1835. 8°. 7705. b. 7. Livr. 1. Copenhagen, 1856. 7705. c. 1. • No more published. Islendínga Sögur. Eptir gömlum handritum útgefnar at tilhlutun hins Konúngliga Norræna Fornfræda RAFN (CARL CHRISTIA) Antiquités Russes d'après les Félags. [Edited by T. Guðmundsson and T. Helgason.] monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens 2 Bind. Kaupmannahöfn, 1829–30, 80. 1313. e. Scandinaves, éditées par la Société Royale des Anti- Each Bind has also a special titlepage. quaires du Nord. [Edited by C. C. Rafn, F. Magnússon and P. A. Munch, assisted by J. Sigurðsson, B. Snorrason, Islendinga Sögur, udgivne efter gamle IIaaudskrifter af S. Egilsson and others.] L. P. det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. [Bd. 1-2 Copenhagen, 1850, etc. 4º. 1312. l. edited by J. Sigurðsson and C. C. Rafn, with a preface In progress. to Bd. 1, by F. Magnússon ; Bd. 3 edited by C. Jónsson and K. Gíslason.] Kjöbenhavn, 1843, etc. 8º. RAFN (CARL CHRISTIAN) Remarks on a Danish Runio In progress. Ac. 5538/9. Stone, froin the eleventh century, found in the central Ledetraad til nordisk Oldkyndighed. [By N. M. Petersen, part of London. Copenhagen, 1854. 8°. 7708. c. 2. C. Thomsen, etc.] Kjöbenhavn, 1836. . 8º. Ac. 5538/11. - [Another copy.) F. P. 7708. C. Guide to Northern Archäology. Edited for the use of RAFN (CARL CHRISTIAN) Inscription Runique du Pirée English readers by the Earl of Ellesmere. interprétée par C. C. R., et publiée par la Sociéte Royale London, Copenhagen (printed], 1848. 8º. 2032. f. des Autiquaires du Nord. Copenhague, 1856. 8º. 7702. d. 9. [Another copy.] F. P. 813. f. 45. RAFN (CARL CHRISTIAN) Inscriptions Runiques du Slesvig Leitfaden zur Nordischen Alterthumskunde. (By N. M. méridional, interprétées par C. C. Rafn. (Extrait des Petersen, C. Thonisen, etc. Translated from the Danish, Mémoires des Antiquaires du Nord.) by C. Paulsen.] Kopenhagen, 1837. 8º. Ac. 5538/12. Copenhague, 1861. 8º. 7708. b. 2. Pp. 373-435 of the “ Memoires," with a titlepage prefixed. Njála. Á kostnað hins Konunglega Norræna Fornfræ- Hafjelags. Kaupmannahöfn, 1875. 8º. Ac. 5538/19. Kongeligt Medicinsk Selskab. Fordhandlinger i det Kong. Mediciniske Selskab i Saga af Tristram ok Ísönd [i.e. the fuller recension of Anledning af den Rigsdagen forelagte Lov om Frigivelse the Saga), samt Möttuls saga [an Icelandic version of the French fabliau “Le Mantel mautaillée": edited and af Lægepraxis. Kjøbenhavn, 1868. 8º. Ac. 3801. translated by Gísli Brynjúlfsson), etc. Icel, and Dan. pp. 456. Kjöbenhavn, 1878. 8º. 12430. i. 15. | Kongeligt Videnskabernes Societet. See supra : Kiøbenhavnsk Selskab,... afterwards Saga Jatvarðar Konúngs hins Helga, udgiven efter Kongeligt Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Islandske Oldböger. (Med Dansk Oversættelse af C. C. Rafn og J. Sigurðsson.) Kjöbenhavn, 1852. 89. 9425. d. Königliche Gesellschaft für Nordische Alterthums- An extract, pp. 1-43, from the “ Annaler for Nordisk kunde. Oldkyndighed," 1852, with a new titlepage prefixed. See supra : Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. 183 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.] 184 COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Konúngliga Norræna Fornfræda Félag. Legatum Arnæ-Magnæanum. See supra : Kongelig Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. See PARDESSUS (J. M.). Notice sur l'ouvrage intitulé “Hin furna lögbók Íslendinga sem nefnist Grágás, Kunstforening. T. 25*. (6.) etc. [1831.] 4º. Dansk Kunstblad, udgivet af Kunstforeningen. Hákonarbók. Hin forna Lögbók Islendinga sem nefnist, See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Copenhagen. Járnsida eðr Hákonarbók . . . Codex Juris Islandorumi Kunstforeningen i Kjøbenhavn, dens Historie og Virk Antiquus qui nominatıir Jarnsida seu Liber Haconis, somhed fra dens Stiftelse til 1863. Udgivet af Besty ex manuscripto ... Legati Arnæ-Magnæani editus. Cum relsen. Kjøbenhavn, 1864. 8º. 7805. cc. interpretatione L'itina, lectionibus variis, indicibus, præmisso historicu in hujus juris origines et fata ten- tamine a Th. Sveinbjörnsson conscripto. Kunungliga Norræna Forneræda Félag. Havniæ, 1847. 4º. 5725. f. See supra: Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Hungurvaka, sive historia primorum quinque Skalholten- sium in Islandia Episcoporum ; Pals Biskups saya, sive Legatum Arnæ-Magnæanum. historia Pauli Episcopi, et Páttr af Thorvalldi Vidförla, Anecdoton historiam Sverreri Regis Norvegiæ illustrans. sive narratio de Thorvalldo Peregrinatore ... ex manu- E codice membranaceo Bibliothecæ Arna-Magnæanæ, scripris Legati Magnæani, cum interpretatione Latina cum versione latina et commentario, edidit M. E. C. [by J. Olafsson], annotationibus, chronologia [by J. Werlauff. Iceland and Lat. Havniæ, 1815. 8º. Finnson), tabulis genealogicis & indicibus, etc. [by G. J. 10760. C. Thorkelin. The preface by G. Schøning.] Icel. and Lat. Hafniæ, 1778. 8º. 203. c. 15. Arnamagnæanske Haandskrifter i fotolitografiske Aftryk. Kjøbenhavn, 1869, etc. 8º. 9424. C. In progress. Íslenzkir Annálar, sive Annales Islandici ab anno Christi 803 ad annum 1430. Ex Legati Arnæ-Magnæani et Edda Sæmundar hinns Fróda. - Edda rhythmica Magnæ Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis melioris notæ seu antiquior, vulgo Sæmundina dicta ...cum inter codicibus ... cum interpretatione Latina, variis lectioni- pretatione Latina, lectionibus variis, notis, glossario, bus, prolegomenis, etc. [Commenced by A. Kall, con- etc. (Vita Sæmundi ..., autore Arna Magnæo, anno tinned by H. Einarson, T. Guðmundsson, J. Sigurðsson tationibus aucta [by Jón Eyríksson].-Gunnars slagr and E. C. Werlauff.] (De annalibus islandicis, imprimis (a poem, by Gunnar Pálsson ?].--Lexicon Mytholo. de illorum, quæ hic prodit, editione. Auuture E. C. ricum in vetusta septentrionalium carmina, quae in Werlauff.) Hafniæ, 1847. 4º. 9425. e. Edda Saemundina continentur.-Specimen Calendarii Gentilis veterum Gothorum, Danorum aut Scandina- [Another copy.) F. P. 9425. e. vorum ex Asia oriundi, etc. (both by Finnr Magnússon.- Pt. 1 & 2 edited by Gudmundus Mugnæus, Jón Jónsson, Jón 'Olafsson of Svefney, Finnr Magnússon and Gunnar Kormaks Saga sive Kormaki Degmundi filii vita. Isl. Pálsson ; Pt. 3 by Fionr Magnússon. The preface to Pt. 1 and Lat. Ex manuscriptis Leyati Magnæani cum is by Skúli Thórðarson Thorlacius; the preface to Pt. 2, interpretatione Latina [by Thorgeir Gudmundsen), dis- afterwards published under the title : “De carminibus persis Kormaki carminibus, {edited, with a preface, by mythico-historicis Edda Sæmundinæ,” is by Börge F. Magnússon,] ad calcem adjectis et indicibus persona- Thorlacius].) Icel. and Lat. 3 pt. rum, locoruna ac vocum rariorum. Hafniæ, 1832. gº. Hafniæ, 1787-1828. 4º. 85. g. 5–7. 590. f. 20. [Another copy of pt. 1.] L. P. 4º. Kristni-Saga, sive historia religionis Christianæ in Imperfect; wanting sheet Ii. 696. i. 13. (1.) Islandiam introductæ ; nec non Þáttr af Isleifi Biskupi, sive warratio de Isleifo Episcopo, ex manuscriptis Legati Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. Edda Snorronis Sturlaei. Magnæani cum interpretatione Latina (and preface by Icel. and Lat. Hafniae, 1848, etc. 8º. 11565. f. B. W. Lüxdorph], nutis, chronologia, tabulis genealogicis, In progress. & indicibus [by J. Finsson), etc. (Annotationes ſby J. Eyríksson] de Berserkis. De centenario argenti by Egils-Saga, sive Egilli Skallarigmii vita. Ex manu- B. Haldorsen].) Hafniæ, 1773. 8º. 201. a. 22. scriptis legati Arna-Magnæani cum interpretatiune latina, [by G. Magnæus and G. Paulsen,] notis, chro- There is also an engraved titlepage. pologia, [by T. Torfæus and A. Magnussen,] et tribus tabb. æneis. Icel. and Lat. Havniæ, 1809. 4º. Laxdæla-Saga. Sive Historia de rebus gestis Laxdölen- 590. h. 10. sium. [Edited by - Wium and G. Oddsson, with a preface by B. Thorlacius.] Ex manuscriptis Legati [Another copy.] 134. a. 1. Magnæani. Cum interpretatione Latina (T. G. Repp) Imperfect; wanting the 3 engraved tables. ... dissertationibus [by F. Magnússon, P. E. Muller aná Grágas. Hin forna Lögbók Íslendinga sem nefnist Grágás. E. C. Werlauff], et indicibus (T. Gudmundi). Codex Juris Islandorum antiquissimus, qui nominatur Hafniæ, 1826. -4º. 590. h. 11. Grágás ... cum interpretatione Lai.ina, [by T. Sveinbi There is also an engraved titlepage.' A presentation copy, örnson) lectionibus variis, etc. Præmissa commentatione historica et critica ... ab J. F. G. Schlegel conscripta. 2 pt. Icel. and Lat. Havniæ, 1829. 4º. 503. f. 3. Nials-Saga. Historia Niali et filiorum Latine reddita, Grágás, efter det Arnamagnæanske Haandskrift Nr. 334 cum adjecta chronologia, variis textus Islandici lectioni- fol., Staðarhólsbók (edited, with a preface, by V. Finseu ), bus, earumque crisi, nec non Glossario et Indice rerum udgivet af Kommissionen for det Arnamagnæanske et locorum. Accessere Specimina Scripturæ Codicum Leyat (som Festskrift, ctc.). Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8º. membraneorum tabulis æneis incisa. Sumtibus P. F. 5705. h. 2. Suhmii et Legati Arna-Magnæani. [Edited by J. Jónsou, [Another copy.] 5705. h. 6. Havniæ, 1809. 4º. 132. b. 1. 185 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.] 186 tabulis entitle, Lat pillepage .COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). Legatum Arnæ-Magnæanum, Nordisk Literatur-Samfund. Orkneyinga Saga, sive Historia Orcadensium a primâ Eriks Sællandske lov, udgivet ... ved P. G. Thorsen. Orcadum per Norvegos occupatione ad exitum seculi Kjøbenhavn, 1852. 89. P.P. 4800. b. duodecim. Saga hins helga Magnusar eyja Jarls; sive Nordiske Oldkrifter XIV. Vita Sancti Magni Insularum Comitis [principally translated from the Latin of Rodbertus, a Monk] ex Färöiske kvæder, samlede og besörgede ved V. U. Ham- MSS. Legati Arna-Magnæani cum versione Latinâ, varie mershaimb. Feröese and Dan. Heft. 1 & 2. tate lectionum, et indicibus ... Edidit J. Jonaeus. København, 1851-55. 8º. P.P. 4800. b. Icel. and Lat. Hafniæ, 1780. 4°. 590. h. 8. · No more published. Nordiske Oldskrifter XII., XX., etc. Hefte 1. bears the special title : “ Sjúrðar kvædi." [Another copy.] 150. e. 16. Regis Magni legum reformatoris Leges Gula-Thingenses Fóstbræðra Saga, udgivet ... af K. Gislason. Heft 1. [A.D. 1274], sive jus commune Norvegicum .. : cum Kjöbenhavn, 1852. 80. P.P. 4800. b. interpretatione Latina et Danica ... indice et Iv. No more published. Nordiske Oldslcrifter XV. tabulis æneis. [Edited by G. J. Thorkelin.] Icel., Danish, Lat. Havniæ, 1817. 4º. 27. e. 10. Grágás. Islændernes Lovbog i Fristatens Tid; udgivet With a second titlepage as follows : “ Magnus Konongs efter det kongelige Bibliotheks Haandskrift og oversat Laga-bæters Gula-Things-Läug." af V. Finsen. Iceland. and Dan. 2 Del. Kjøbenhavn, 1852-50–70. 8º. P.P. 4800. b. Sagan af Gunnlaugi Ormstungu ok Skalld-Rafni, sive Nordiske Oldskrifter XI., XVII., XXI., XXII., XXXII. Gunnlaugi Vermilinguis & Rafnis Poetæ vita. [Edited Issued originally in 5 Heft., but now forming 2 Del., each in by J. Eyríksson.] Ex Manuscriptis Legati Magnæani, 2 pt. cum interpretatione Latina, notis [on the Odes, by G. Pálsson), chronologia, tabulis genealogicis et indi- cibus tam rerum quam verborum [of the latter, by Grettis Saga, ved G. Magnússon, og G. Thordarson. J. Finsson, Bishop of Skalholt. Edited by J. Eyríks- Oversat af G. Thordarson, Iceland. and Dan. 2 Hefte. Kjøbenhavn, 1852-59. 8°. P.P. 4800. h. son). (De expositione infantum apud veteres Septen- trionales [by the Editor]-P. Vidalini de linguæ Nordiske Oldskrifter XVI. and XXV. septentrionalis appellatione Dönsk tunga commentatio- De vocibus Vikingr & Víking.) [With plates and Hávarðar Saga Ísfirðings, besørget og oversat af G. Thor- vignettes.] Hafnia, 1775. 4º. 590. h. 7. darson, med et Tillæg om Sagaen og Forklaring af There is also an engraved titlepage. Viserne, ved G. Brynjúlfsson. Icel, and Dan. Kjøbenhavn, 1860. 12º. P.P. 4800. b. [Another copy.] 136. a. 18. Nordiske Oldskrifter XXVIII. KAALUND (P. E. KRISTIAN Bidrag til en historisk- topografisk Beskrivelse af Island . . . Med . . . lito Hervarar saga ok Heidreks konungs, besørget af N. M. graferede Kort. Udgivet af Kommissionen for det Petersen, oversat af G. Thorarensen, etc. Icel, and Dan. Arnamagnæanske Legat. 2 Del. Kjøbenhavn, 1847. 12º. P.P. 4800. b. Kjøbenhavn, 1877–82. 8º. 9424. i. Nordiske Oldskrifter III. Literatur-selskab. LANG (HEINRICH) Det nye Testamente og Fremtidens Kirke, etc. [Translated from the German.] Kjøbenhavn, 1872. 89. Ac. 9054. Íslenzk forn-kvæði, ved S. Grundtvig og J. Sigurðsson. 2 DHl. Kjøbenhavn, 1854-59. gº. P.P 4800. b. Nordiske Oldskrifter xix., XXIV., XXVII. Kong Valdemar den andens Jyske Lov ... besørget af N. M. Petersen. København, 1850. 8°. Nordiske Oldskrifter IX. P.P. 4800. b. Meteorologisk Institut. Cartes synoptiques journalières ... Construites par N. Hoffmeyer. Sep. 1873-Nov. 1875. [Copenhagen, 1873–75.] obl. fol. 1833. b. 6. Lucidarius, en Folkebog fra Middelalderen, udgivet ... ved C. J. Brandt. Kjøbenhavn, 1849. 8º. Nordiske Oldslcrifter VII, P.P. 4800. b. Naturhistorie Selskab. Skrivter. 6 Bd. Kööbenhavn, 1790–1810. 8º. Bd. 1-5 are each in 2 pt. 750. b. 1-11. [Another copy of Bd. 1, 2, 4.] 964. e. 15–18. Oldnordisk Formlære, ved K. Gislason. Heft 1. Kjøbenhavn, 1858. 8º. P.P. 4800. b. No more published. Nordiske Oldskrifter XXIII. Schriften ... aus dem Dänischen übersetzt. Bd. I. Kopenhagen, 1793. 8º. 940. f. 8. Oldnordisk Ordföjningslære, af G. F. V. Lund. Kiøbenhavn, 1862. 89. P.P. 4800. b. Nordiske Oldskrifter XXIX.-XXXI. [Another copy.] 126. i. 11. Sagan af Birni Hitdoelakappa, besörget og oversat af H. Friðriksson, udgivet af det Nordiske Literatur-Sam- fund. 2 pt. Isl. and Dan. Kjøbenhavn, 1847. 8º. Nordiske Oldskrifter IV. 12450. bb. Nordisk Litteratur-Samfund. Bandamanna Saga, udgivet ... ved H. Friðriksson. Iceland. Kiöbenhavn, 1850. 8°. Nordiske Oldscrifter X. P.P. 4800. b. Bárðarsaga Snæfefellsáss, Viglundarsaga, Þórðarsaga, Draumavitranir, Völsapáttr, [edited and translated] ved G. Vigfússon. Icel. and Dan. Kjøbenhavn, 1860. 12º. Nordiskce Oldskrifter XXVII. P.P. 4800. b. Sagan af Helga ok Grími Droplaugarsonum [by Th. Ingjaldsson], besørget og ledsaget med en Analyse og Ordsamling af K. Gíslason, etc. 2 pt. Kjøbenhavn, 1847. 12º. P.P. 4800. b. "Nordiske Oldskrifter II. 187 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.] 188 TI COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). Nordiske Literatur-Samfund. Samfund til den danske Litteraturs Fremme. Sagan af Hrafnkeli Freysgoða, anden Udgave, besørget See infra : Selskab til den danske Litteraturs ved K. Gíslason og oversat af N. L. Westergaard, etc. Fremme. Icel. and Dan. 2 pt. Kjöbenhavn, 1847. 12º. Nordiske Oldskrifter I. P.P. 4800. b. . Samfund til Udgivelse af gammel nordisk Litteratur. Sagan af Þórði hredu, besörget og oversat ved H. Ágrip af Noregs konunga sögum. Diplomatarisk Udgave Friðriksson, etc. Icel. and Dan. 2 pt. ... ved V. Dahlerup. Icel. pp. Xxxvii. 132. Kjöbenhavn, 1848. 12º. P.P. 4800. b. København, 1880. 8º. Ac. 9057. Nordiske Oldskrifter VI. No. II. of the Publications of the Society. Skånske Lov og Eskils skånske Kirkelov, tilligemed Erex Saga [an Icelandic prose version of the French Andreae Sunonis lex Scaniae provincialis, Skånske metrical romance, by Chrestien de Troyes, entitled : Arvebog, og det tilbageværende af Knud den 68 og “ Erec et Enide"]. Efter handskrifterna utgifven af Valdemar den 28 Lovgivning vedkommende skånske Lov, G. Cederschiöld. Icel. pp. xii. 45. udgivet ... ved S. G. Thorsen. Kjøbenhavn, 1853. 8º. Köpenhavn, 1880. 8º. Ac. 9057. Nordiske Oldskrifter XVIII. P.P. 4800. b. No. III. of the Publications of the Society. Tvær Sögur af G. Súrssyni udgivne ... ved K. Gislason, Gyðinga Saga. En Bearbejdelse fra Midten af den 13. med en forklaring over Quadene af S. Egilsson. Iceland. Årh, ved Brandr Jónsson. [Founded on the First Book Kjøbenhavn, 1849. 8º. P.P. 4800. b. of Maccabees, Petrus Comestor's “ Historia Scholastica" Nordiske Oldskrifter VIII. and the “ Antiquitates Judaicæ" and “ De Bello Judaico" of Flavius Josephus.] Efter Håndskriften utgifven Valdemars Sællandske Lov, og Absalons Sællandske af Guðmundr Porðláksson. Icel. pp. xiv. 117. Kirkelov, udgivne ... ved P. G. Thorsen, København, 1881. 8º. · Ac. 9057. Kjøbenhavn, 1852. 8º. P.P. 4800. b. No. VI. of the Publications of the Society. Nordiske Oldskrifter XIII. Jómsvíkinga Saga, efter Arnamagnæanska Handskriften Vápnfirðinga saga, Þáttr af Þorsteini hvíta, Þáttr af No. 291. 4to. i diplomatariskt Aftryck utgifven af C. af Petersens. Icel. pp. xxiii, 136. København, 1882. 8º. Þorsteini stangarhögg, Brandkrossa Þáttr, besørget og Ac. 9057/2. oversat af G. Thordarson, etc. Icel. and Dan. 2 pt. Kjøbenhavn, 1848. 12º. P.P. 4800. b. Mandevilles Rejse, på dansk fra 15de århundrede, efter Nordiske Oldskrifter V. håndskrifter udgiven af M. Lorenzen. København, 1881, etc. 8°. Ac. 9057 Norsk Selskab. In progress. Poetiske Samlinger udgivne af et Selskab. 2 pt. Peder Smed. Et dansk Rim fra Reformatjonstiden, Kobenhavn, I775-83. 8. 11557. e. C. 1530. Efter det eneste kendte hele Tryk fra 1577 ... (I denne Lille Bog Lærer og vnderuiser Peder smid Patriotisk Selskab. Atzer bonde huad hand skal holde oc tro aff siele Messer, Siele gaffuer, Vigilies, Psaltere at læse ... Om Munck- See FORSØG. Forsøg i de skiønne og nyttige Videnskaber ernis bedregeri, Om Sacramenterne, oc auden saadan ved et patriotisk Selskab. 1761, etc. 8º. Vildfarelse, som haffuer verit brugit i Paffuens Kircke 12217. aaa. i mange Aar.) For Samſundet ... ved S. Grundtvig. Philiatri. pp. viii. sig. A-K. København, 1880. 8º. Philiatriens Forhandlinger, redigerede af Selskabets 11565. df. 9. Redactions-comite ... Fölgeblad til Ugeskrift for Læger. Riddara-rímur. Efter handskrifterna utgifna af T. Wisén. Kjöbenhavn, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 3799. Icel. Lund, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 9057 In progress. In progress. Philologisk-historisk Samfund. Udsigt over de norsk-islandske Skjalde fra gde til 14de Det philologisk-historiske Samfunds Mindeskrift, i An- Århundrede. Ved G. Thorláksson. pp. 185. ledning af dets femogtyveaarige Virksomhed 1854–1879. København, 1882. 8º. Ac. 9057/3. Essays by members of the Society.] Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8º. Ac. 9877. Schola Polytechnica. See supra : Polytechnisk Læreanstalt. Polytechnisk Læreanstalt. Forelaesninger og Övelser ved ... den Polytechniske Selskab til historiske Kildeskrifters Oversættelse. Læreanstalt, etc. See supra : Academia, afterwards See supra : ARENDAL, Universitas Havniensis. Forelaesninger, etc. [1845, etc.] 4º and 8º. 8356. e. Selskab for Danmarks Kirkehistorie. Index Scholarum et Exercitationum quae ... in Schola Polytechnica habebuntur. See supra : Academia, after- Kirkehistoriske Samlinger. 2 Bd. wards Universitas Havniensis. Index Scholarum, Kiöbenhavn, 1849-56. 8º. etc. [1845, etc.] 4º. 8356. e. Ny Kirkehistoriske Samlinger, udgivne . . . ved H, F. Rørdam (ved H. F. Rørdam og F. S. Rørdam Bd. 2). Regia Societas Medica Havniensis. Kiöbenhavn, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 2048. See infra : Societas Medica, etc. In progress. ELIAESEN (POVEL) P. Eliesens Danske Skrifter, udgivne Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. af Selskabet for Danmarks Kirkehistorie ved Č. E. See supra : Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Secher. Bd. 1. Kjøbenhavn, 1855. 8º. Ac. 2048/3. TC 189 190 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN.] COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). COPENHAGEN (CONTINUED). Selskab for Danmarks Kirkehistorie. Selskab for Udgivelse af Kilder til dansk Historie. GJELLERUP (s. M.) Biskop J. D. Jersin [life). Bidrag Mary, the Blessed Virgin, Monastery of, at Esrom. Codex til Danmarks Skole- og Kirkehistorie i det 17de Aarhun Esromensis. Esrom Klosters Brevbog udgivet ved O. drede af S. M. Gjellerup. Kjøbenhavn, (1868–70.] 8º. Nielsen, etc. pp. xxxiv. 334. Kjøbenhavn, 1880, 81. 8º. Ac. 2048/4. Ac. 7634. 3. HAMMERICH (PETER FREDERIK ADOLPH) En Skolastiker Selskab til den danske Litteraturs Fremme. (Ærkebiskop Anders Suneson) og en Bibeltheolog [The publications of this Society are treated as distinct Mester Matthias) fra Norden. Con their lives and and non-academical works, and catalogued accordingly.] works.] Kjøbenhavn, 1865. 8º. Ac. 2048/2. JÖRGENSEN (A. D.) Den nordiske Kirkes Grundlæggelse Selskab til den Danske Sprogs og den Danske His- og første Udvikling. pp. 906. (Tillæg. pp. ii.) tories Forbedring. København, 1874–78. 8º. Ac. 2048/5. See supra: Kongeligt Dansk Selskab til den Nor- Koch (L.) of Copenhagen? Den danske Kirkes Historie i diske Histories og Sprogs Forbedring. Årene 1801-1817. København, 1879, etc. 8º. 4685. bb. 8. Selskab til de Skjønne Videnskabers Forfremmelse. In progress. Pt. 1 only published by the society. Ny Samling af Skrifter udgivne ved Selskab, etc. Første Bind. Kjøbenhavn, 1824. 8º. Ac. 9053. Selskab for Nordisk Konst. HÖYEN (NIELS LAURITZ ANDREAS) Hellig-Aands Kirken i Wisby paa Gulland. Fire Tegninger af Architect J. D. Skandinavisk Literaturselskab. Herholdt med Forklaring af ... N. Höyen. Skandinavisk Museum. Ved et Selskab (det Skandina- Kööbenhavn, 1852. fol. 1818. C. viske Literaturselskab). 7 Bind. Kiøbenhavn, 1798-1803. 12º. Ac. 9048. Selskab for Trykkefrihedens rette Brug. Skrifter. Bind 1-23. Kiøbenhavn, 1805–1832. 8º. See OGIER, the Dane. Olger Danskes Krønike ... bear- Ac. 9048/2. beidet af N. Hanssen ... Udgivet af Selskabet for Tryk- kefrihedens rette Brug. 1842. 8º. 12450. b. 30. The 13th and 23rd volumes of the Skrifter contain classed lists of contents to both the Museum and Skrifter. Dansk Folkeblad, udgivet af Selskabet ... aarg. 1-4. Aarbog for Skandinaviens Literatur ... udgivet af det Redigiret af dets Skriftcommittee. aarg. 5-9. Redi- Skandinaviske Selskab i Kjøbenhavn. [Edited by F. giret af F. C. Olsen. C. F. Allen og D. G. Monrad. Fabricius.] Aar. 1851-53. Kiøbenhavn, 1836–44. 4°. Kjøbenhavn, 1852-54. 8º. P.P. 6518. C. - aarg. 10-14. Redigiret af D. G. Monrad og No more published. H. Hage. Kiøbenhavn, 1845-48. fol. Ac. 9056. Imperfect ; aarg. 9 wants Nos. 22, 23, 35, 36, 38, Sange ved Studentermöderne i Upsala, Lund, Kjøben- 42, 43, 60, 61, 69, 70 ; aarg 11, Nos. 42, 43. Dis- havn, Christiania. 1843, 1845, 1851, 1852, udgivne af continued after No. 4 of aarg. 14. det Skandinaviske Selskab i Kjøbenhavn. Kjøbenhavn, 1856. gº, 11565. b. Samling af fædrelandshistoriske Digte ... Redigiret af F. Fabricius. Kiøbenhavn, 1836. 8º. 1461. c. Til Minde om A. Oehlenschläger. To Taler og to Digte, udgivne af det Skandinaviske Selskab. Ny Samling of fædrelandske Sange ... Med Noder, etc. Kjøbenhavn, 1850. 8º. 10761. bb. CA continuation of the “ Samling af Danske Sange,” collected and arranged by H. Herız.] Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskab. Kjøbenhavn, 1846. 12º. 11565. c. See infra: EUROPE.—Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskab. Bohr (HENRIK GEORG CHRISTIAN) Peder Tordenskjold. En Levnetsbeskrivelse, etc. Kjøbenhavn, 1839. 120. Skandinavisk Selskab. See supra: Skandinavisk Literatur-Selskab. GARDE (HANS GEORG) Niels Juel. [A biography.] Kjøbenhavn, 1842. 12º. 10761. aa. Societas Hafniensis bonis artibus promovendis de- dita. LUPLAU (L. F.) Historie om Reformationens Indførelse See supra : Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab af Lærdoms i Danmark ... Andet Oplag. Kjøbenhavn, 1836. 12º. og Videnskabers Elskere, afterwards Kongeligt 4685. a. Dansk Videnskaberens Selskab. Selskab for Udgivelse af Kilder til dansk Historie. ERSLEV (KR.) and MOLLERUP (w.) Danske Kancelli- | Societas Medica Havniensis. registranter 1535–1550, udgivne ved K. Erslev og W. Societatis medicæ ... collectanea. 2 vol. Mollerup. pp. viii. 581. Kjøbenhavn, 1881, 82. 80. Havniæ, 1774, 75. 8º. 961. k. 5. Ac. 7634. 2. CHRISTIAN IV., King of Denmark and Norway. Kong Acta, etc. 2 tom. Havniæ, 1777, 79. 80. Christian den Fjerdes egenhændige Breve. Udgivne 255. f. 17, 18. ved C. F. Bricka og J. A. Fridericia, etc. [Another copy.] 256. e. 6,7 Kjøbenhavn, 1878, etc. 8º. 10920. k. 2. In progress. Acta. vol. 1-4. Hauniæ, 1783-1803. 8º. FREDERICK 1., King of Denmark and Norway. Kong 255. f. 19-22. Frederik den Førstes danske Registranter, udgivne ved Rector et Procancellarius cum Senata Academico summos Kr. Erslev og W. Mollerup, etc. pp. ix. 569. in arte medica honores ... A. R. Holtermann ... con- Kjøbenhavn, 1879. 8º. Ac. 7634. ferendos indicunt. Havniae, 1786. 80. T. 421. (2.) 10761. aa. 191 ACADEMIES. [COPENHAGEN—CRACOW.] 192 COPENHAGEN [CONTINUED). CORTONA. Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Accademia Etrusca. See supra : Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. See VALESIO (F.) of Rome. Museum Cortonense in quo vetera monumenta complectuntur quæ in Academia Etrusca...adservantur, etc. 1750. fol. 664. f. 10. Societas Regia Scientiarum Danica. See supra: Kjøbenhavnsk Selskab, etc. Florilegium ex volumine vi. noctium Corythanarum in quo descripta et expensa ab Academicis Etruscis com- Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. plura omnigenæ eruditionis monumenta. [Digested and edited by A. F. Gori.] Florentiæ, 1751. 8º. See supra: Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. 94. b. 2. Gemmae ex Dactyliotheca Academiae Etruscae Corto- Soransk Samfund. nensis Antiquitatum et Inscriptionum. Pars 1. Soransk Tidsskrift, udgivet af det Soranske Samfunds [Cortona? 1745?] 4º. 7708. d. 1. Bestyrelse. Kjøbenhavn, 1865, etc. 8º. Ac. 2649. The plates in this work are the same as those used by In progress. F. Valesio in his “Museum Cortonense,” folio : but all the figures except one are merely etched. Udvalg af Soranske Digte og Sange. Udgivne af Soransk Samfund ved S. Schandorph. (Fortsættelse af Soransk Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche pubblicamente lette Tidsskrift) pp. 129. Kjøbenhavn, 1872. 89. nell'Accademia, etc. 9 tom. Ac. 2649. Roma, Firenze, 1735-91. 4º. T.C. 9. b. 7-15. Tom. 1 is in 2 pts. Universitas Havniensis. See supra : Academia, afterwards Universitas Hav [Another copy.] 661. h. 9-13. niensis. Tom. 1 pt. 1 of this copy is a reprint dated 1742. [Another copy of tom. 1–7.] Ac. 5220. This copy also has the reprint as above. See supra: Academia, afterwards Universitas Hav- niensis. [Another copy of tom. 1, pt. 1, first edition.] Ac. 5220/2. Universitets Jubilæets Samfund. [Publications of the Society.] København, 1881, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2648. COUTANCES. Société Académique du Côtentin. CORFU. Mémoires. Coutances, 1875, etc. 8°. In progress. · Ac. 313. Associazione Ionia per promovere le Scienze, le Lettere e le Arti nelle Isole Ionie. Associazione Ionia per promovere le Scienze, le Lettere et le Arti, nelle Isole Ionie. (Progetto di Regolamento.) CRACOW. [Corfu, 1859.] 12º. Ac. 20. Academia Cracoviensis. See infra: Uniwersytet Jagielloński. 'lovlos 'Eralpla. II Paktika mms 'Iovlov 'Eralplas ... 'Ekdoevra 'no N. Zaute- | Akademie der Wissenschaften. dcov...kaL I. IIodura, etc. tom. 1. Kepkupa, 1861. 8º. Ac. 21. See infra : Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc. Akademija Umiejétności. CORK. See infra : Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc. Cuvierian Society. Contributions towards a fauna and flora of the county of Cesarko-Królewski Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Cork. The vertebrata by Dr. Harvey. The mollusca, See infra : Uniwersytet Jagielloński. crustacea and echinodermata by J. D. Humphreys. The flora by Dr. Power. London, 1845. 8º. 1253. d. Collegium Historicum Societatis Literarum Craco- viensis. Queen's College. See infra: Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc. Inaugural Address delivered at the Opening of Queen's College, Cork. By Sir R. Kane. With an account of be an account of | Komisyja Historyczna Towarzystwa Naukowego Kra- the general proceedings at the inauguration of the College. Dublin, 1849. 8º. kowskiego. 8308. d. See infra: Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc. . Queen's College, Cork. Address delivered at the public distribution of prizes, Oct. 25, 1850. By Sir R. Kane, vs. Muzeum Techniczno-Przemysłowe. ... President of the College. (Appendix. Distribution of prizes, etc.) Dublin, 1850. 80 8308. d. LUSZCZKIEWICZ (WŁADYSŁAW) B. Berecci architekt kaplicy Zygmuntowskiej...oraz kilka wiadomości w przydatku Queen's University in Ireland. Calendar of Queen's do... publikacyi p. t.: Album ozdób z kaplicy Zygmun- College, Cork. Dublin, 1851. 8º. 2121. c. towskiéj i t. d. pp. 35. Kraków, 1879. 80. Ač. 4457. 193 ACADEMIES. [CRACOW.] i. 194 CRACOW [CONTINUED). CRACOW (CONTINUED), Société des Sciences. Towarzystwo Naukowe, afterwards Akademija Umie- See infra : Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc. jętności. Rocznik zarządu Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie Société Impériale et Royale des Sciences. Rok 1873 (, etc.). 20 Krakowie, 1874, etc. 8º. See infra: Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc. In progress. Ac. 750/9. Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzeń Wydziału Filolo- Sternwarte. gicznego Akademii Umiejętności. See infra: Uniwersytet Jagielloński. w Krakowie, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 750/13. In progress. Towarzystwo Naukowe, afterwards Akademija Umie- Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzeń Wydziału His- jętności. toryczno-Filozoficznego Akademii Umiejętności. See BIELOWSKI (A.) Monumenta Poloniae historica, etc. w Krakowie, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 750/2. [Tom. 3, etc. published after the editor's death by the In progress. . * Akademija Umiejętności.”] 1864, etc. 4º. 9476. k. Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzeń Wydziału Mate- matyczno Przyrodniczego Akademii Umiejętności. See HELCEL (1. z.) Starodawne Prawa Polskiego pom- w Krakowie, 1874, etc. 3º. Ac. 750/14. niki, etc. (Tom. III., etc. wydany staraniem Komisyi In progress. Historycznej Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie.) 1856, etc. 4°. 5758. é. Bibliographische Berichte über die Publikationen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Krakau. Herausge- CZERWIAKOWSKI (IGNACY RAFAE) Opisanie roślin skry geben von ... Dr. Estreicher, Dr. J. Szujski, Dr. S. L. topłciowych (jednolistniowych, dwulistniowych) lekar Kuczyński. Krakau, 1876, etc. 4º. 11905. 1. 20. skich i przemysłowych... Botaniki szczególnéj część In progress. pierwsza(-szósta). 6 część. Kraków, 1849-63. 8º. Zbiór wiadomości do Antropologii krajowej, wydawany Ac. 750/16. staraniem Komisyi Antropologicznej Akademii Umieje- The half-title reads : “ Biblioteka Naukowa wydawana tności w Krakowie. Kraków, 1877, etc. 8º. straraniem Towarzystwa Naukowego z Uniwersytetem Jagiel- In progress. 10007. g. lońskim złączonego.' Archiwum do dziejów literatury i oświaty w Polsce. Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego z Uniwersytetem w Krakowie, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 750/22 Krakowskim połączonego. 15 tom. In progress. w Krakowie, 1817-33. 8º. Ac. 750. Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego z Uni- ESTREICHER (KAROL) Bibliografia Polska ; 120,000 druków wersytetem Jagiellońskim polaczonego. Poczet nowy. ... Wydanie Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego, Tom. 1, 2. Kraków, 1841-43, etc. 8°. . Ac. 750. etc. In progress. Kraków, 1870, etc. 8º. 2050. C. In progress. There is also a second titlepage in French, and a special Zabytki z dziejów oświaty i sztuk pięknych wydawane titlepage as follows : “ Bibliografia Polska XIX. stolecia," staraniem Towarzystwa Naukowego z Uniwersytetem bearing the date 1872. Jagiellońskim złączonego. Cracovia, 1849, etc. gº. [Another copy.] Ac. 750/5. In progress. 9475. C. HELCEL (ANTONI ZYGMUNT) A. Z. Helcla pism pozostałych Biblioteka Naukowa wydawana staraniem Towarzystwa wydanie pośmiertne ...'T. I. Dawne prawo prywatne Naukowego z Uniwersytem [sic] Jagiellońskim złączo- Polskie. [With a preface by M. Bobrzynski.] nego. Kraków, 1851, etc. 8º. w Krakowie, 1874, etc. 8°. Ac. 750/4. In progress. In progress. Album Photographique des objets d'art et d'antiquité MAJER (JÓZEF) Professor at Cracow. Zakłady Uniwersy- exposés par les soins de la Société Impériale et Royale teckie w Krakowie. Przyczynek do dziejów oświaty des Sciences à Cracovie en 1858 et 1859. krajowej podany, i pamięci pięciuset-letniego istnienia Varsovie, (1859?] fol. 1800. b. Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego poświęcony przez C. K. Monographia Opactwa Cystersów we wsi Mogile, opra- Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie. [Edited by J. cowana... przez Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie. Majer.] W Krakowie, 1864. 8º. 8355. bbb. 2 częśc. w Krakowie, 1867. 4º. 4650. f. MICHAŁOWSKI (JAKÓB) Przegląd krytyczny pierwszej większej połowy dzieła ..."J. Michałowskiego Księga [Another copy.] 4695. g. pamiętnicza " z dawnego rękopisma...wydana staraniem Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizyograficznej ... obejmujące ... Towarzystwa Naukowego ... 1864." pogląd na czynności dokonane w ciągu roku 1872 (1873, Lwów, 1865. 8º. 9475. cc. etc.) oraz materyaly do fizyografii Galicyi. POLAND. Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas w Krakowie, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 750/12 Poloniae illustrantia. Cracoviae, 1874, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. Ac. 750/15. Dwa pierwsze publiczne posiedzenia Akademii Umiejęt- POLAND. Acta historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia ności w Krakowie. 1. Posiedzenie w przeddzień czte- ab anno 1507 usque ad annum 1795. With a preface recbsetnéj rocznicy urodzin M. Kopernika d. 18 Lutego by J. Szujski. Cracoviae, 1878, etc. 80 Ac. 750/21. 1873, etc. w Krakowie, 1873. 4º. Ac. 750j6. In progress. Pamiętnik Akademii ... Wydziały: filologiczny i his POLAND. Scriptores rerum Polunicarum. toryczno-filozoficzny. w Krakowie, 1874, etc. 40. Cracoviae, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 750/11. In progress. Ac. 750/7. Pamiętnik Akademii ... Wydział matematyczno-przyro STASZEWSKI (MAURYCY) Jan Sniadecki. Jego stanowisko dniczy. w Krakowie, 1874, etc. 4º. Ac. 750/8. w dziejach oświaty i filozofii w Polsce. (Dodatki.) In progress. pp. 323, 76. w Krakowie, 1875. 8º. Ac. 750/18. 11850. g. 195 ACADEMIES. [CRACOW_DARMSTADT.] 196 239. CRACOW [CONTINUED). CUMBERLAND [CONTINUED). Towarzystwo Naukowe, afterwards Akademija Umie Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and jętności. Archæological Society. WALEWSKI (ANTONI) Dzieje bezkrólewia po skoņie NICOLSON (WILLIAM) successively Bishop of Carlisle and of Jana III. w Krakowie, 1874, etc. 89. Ac. 750/3. Derry, and Archbishop of Cashel. Miscellany Accounts of In progress. the Diocese of Carlile, with the Terriers delivered in to me at my primary Visitation. By W. Nicolson, late ZAKRZEWSKI (WINCENTY) Po ucieczce Henryka dzieje Bishop of Carlile. Edited by R. S. Ferguson. Bezkrólewia 1574–1575. pp. xvi. 440. London, Carlisle (printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 5630/2. w Krakowie, 1878. 8º. 9476. g. 7. ZARAŃSKI (STANISŁAW) Geograficzne Imiona Słowiańskie zestawione alfabetycznie według nazw ich Niemieckich, DANTZIC. Włoskich ... i Tureckich, etc. pp. X. 264. w Krakowie, 1878. 8º. Ac. 750. 20. Athenæum Gedanense. Catalogus lectionum et operarum publicarum in Athenæo Niemiecko-Polski słownik wyrazów prawniczych i ad- Gedanensi, hoc cursu annuo expediendarum propositus ministracyjnych. Wydanie drugie staraniem... Akade- Januario ineunte, 1692 (1705, 6). 3 pt. mii Umiejętności w Krakowie. w Krakowie, 1874. 8º. Dantisci, [1692.] 4°. 731. e. 3. (1, 1*, 2.) Ac. 750/10. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Towarzystwo Naukowe z Uniwersytetem Jagiel- Versuche und Abhandlungen. 3 Thle. lońskim złączone. Dantzig, 1747-56. 4°. 981. c. 21-23. See supra : Towarzystwo Naukowe, etc. Neue Sammlung von Versuchen und Abhandlungen. Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Bd. 1. Danzig, 1778. 4º. 434. b. 3. Tractatus almæ Universitatis Cracoviensis super aucto Neueste Schriften. Bd. 1, 2. ritate sacrorum generalium conciliorum universalem Danzig, Halle, 1820–31. 4º. Ac. 2935/2. ecclesiæ repræsentantium. See FONTANI (F.) Nova eruditorum deliciæ, etc. tom. 2. 1785, etc. 8o. GOEPPERT (HEINRICH ROBERT) and MENGE (A.) Die Flora 246. i. 14. des Bernsteins und ihre Beziehungen zur Flora der Ter- L'an MDCXXII., à Cracovie, Usurpation [of the Jesuits] sur tiärformation und der Gegenwart... Herausgegeben von l'Université. See JESUITS. Le Mercure Jésuite, etc. der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. tom. 1. 1631, etc. 8º. 860. e. 10. Danzig, 1883, etc. 4º. In progress. Regestrum Bursæ Cracoviensis Hungarorum nunc pri- mum ex autographo codice Bibliothecae Cracoviensis Westpreussischer Geschichtsverein, editum [by M**). Budæ, 1821. 8º. 8355. a. Pommerellisches Urkundenbuch ... Bearbeitet von Dr. Pamiętnik Wydziału Prawa i Administracyi w c. k. M. Perlbach. pp. xxxiv. 706. Danzig, 18[81, 82. 4º. Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Rok szkolny 1872–3 Ac. 7032. (etc.). Kraków, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 750/19. In progress. DARMSTADT. WEISSEC ) Resultate der an der Cracauer Stern-ärztlicher Verein des Mittelrheins. warte gemachten meteorologischen und astronomischen Beobachtungen. (Compiled by — Weisse.] See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Darmstadt. Correspon- Krakau, 1839. 4°. 8750. e. denzblatt für die mittelrheinischen Aerzte. Unter Mit- wirkung der ärztlichen Vereine des Mittelrheins, redigirt von Dr. H. Pfeiffer. 1867, etc. 8º. CRONSTADT, TRANSYLVANIA. P.P. 3028. bb. Verein für Siebenbürgische Ländeskunde. Historischer Verein für das Grossherzogthum Hessen. See infra : HERMANSTADT. Archiv für Hessische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Herausgegeben aus den Schriften des Historischen Vereins (Bd. I.-IV. Heft 1,] von J. W. C. Steines. (Bd. CUMBERLAND. IV. Heft 2-Bd. ix. von L. Baur; Bd. x. etc. von P. A. F. Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Walther.) Darmstadt, 1835, etc. 8°. Ac. 7037. Archæological Society. In progress. Transactions of the Cuniberland and Westmoreland Erster Supplementbandt [sic] ... Geschichte der Stadt Antiquarian & Archæological Society ... Editors : Grünberg, von C. Glaser, etc. 1846. 89. Ac. 7037/2. 1866-7 ... Canon Simpson ... 1868–73 R. S. Ferguson. Each vol. is in three parts. Bd. IV. Heft 1 has a second Kendal, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 5630. titlepage, which reads : “ Zur Urgeschichte der Wetterau... In progress. von P. Dieffenbach.” FERGUSON (RICHARD SAUL) Old Church Plate in the Dio Urkunden zur Hessischen Landes-, Orts- und Familien- cese of Carlisle: with the makers and marks. To which geschichte ... gesammelt und herausyegeben vou L. is added an account of the Municipal insignia and the Baur. Darmstadt, 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 7037/3. Corporation and Guild plate of Čarlisle. Edited by In progress. This forms part of the “ Archiv für Hessische R. S. F., etc. pp. viii. 326. Geschichte, etc.” Thurnam & Sons : Carlisle, 1882. 8º. Ac. 5630/4. Register zu den zwölf ersten Bänden des Archivs für GILPIN (w.) Prebendary of Salisbury. Memoirs of Dr. R. Hessische Geschichte, ... sowie zu den von den verbun- Gilpin ... and of his posterity in the two succeeding denen Geschichtsvereinen Cassel, Darmstadt, ... und generations: written in the year 1791 by Rev. W. Gilpin Wiesbaden in den Jahren 1852–1861 herausgegebenen ...: together with an account of the author, by himself : Periodischen Blättern, und den Quartalblättern des his- and a pedigree of the Gilpin Family. Edited by William torischen Vereins für das Grossherzogthum Hessen von Jackson. London, Carlisle (printed], 1879. 80. den Jahren 1861-1870, bearbeitet von F. Ritsert. Ac. 5630/3. Darmstadt, 1873. 8º. Ac. 7037. 197 ACADEMIES. (DARMSTADT-DEVENTER] 198 DARMSTADT [CONTINUED). DELHI. Historischer Verein für das Grossherzogthum Hessen. Acchæological Society. NICK (GUSTAV) Verzeichnis der Druckwerke und Hand Journal of the ... Society. September, 1850. schriften der Bibliothek des historischen Vereins, etc. Delhi, 1850. 8º. Ac. 5806. pp. viii. 207. Darmstadt, 1883. 8º. 11901. bb. 3. SCHAEFER (Q.) Die Denkmäler der Elfenbeinplastik des DEMERARA. Grossherzoglichen Museums zu Darmstadt in kunst- geschichtlicher Darstellung. Darmstadt, 1872. 80. Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British 7709. g. Guiana. Landwirthschaftliche Vereine des Grossherzogthums Timehri: being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Hessen. and Commercial Society of British Guiana. Edited by Entwürfe von Muster-Plänen für das landwirthschaft- E. F. im Thurn. J. Thorson : liche Bauwesen im Grossherzogthum Hessen. In 15 Demerara, 1882, etc. 80 . . Ac. 3546. lithographirten Blättern. Herausgegeben von den In progress. landwirthschaftlichen Vereinen, etc. Darmstadt, 1843. fol. 7815. df. Mittelrheinischer geologischer Verein. DENDERMONDE. See infra : Verein für Erdkunde und verwandte Cercle Archéologique de Termonde. Wissenschaften. Beiträge zur Geologie des Gross- Cercle archéologique de Termonde. Publications extraor- herzogthums Hessen ... Ergänzungsblätter zum Notiz- blatt... des mittelrheinischen geologischen Vereins. dinaires. Gand, 1876, etc. 8º.. Ac. 5521. In progress. 1858, etc. 8º. 7108. C. Karten und Mittheilungen des mittelrheinischen geolo- gischen Vereins. Geologische specialkarte des Gross- DENMARK. herzogthums Hessen und der angrenzenden Landesge- biete. Section Friedberg ... geologisch bearbeitet von Almindelig Dansk Landmands-forsamling. von R. Ludwig. (Section Giessen . . . von E. Dieffen- Beretning on de Danske Landmænds-Forsamling ...i bach. Section Büdingen...von R. Ludwig, etc.) Efteraaret 1845 (1846, etc.), og om sammes Forhand- Darmstadt, 1855, etc. 8°. Ac. 3125. linger. Kjøbenhavn, Haderslev, 1845, etc. 8°. Atlas. fol. · Ac. 3466. In progress. Beretning No. 7 alone was printed at Haderslev. Verein für Erdkunde und Verwandte Wissen- schaften. Notizblatt, etc. No. 1-46. Darmstadt, 1855–57. 8º. DERBY, WEST, HUNDRED OF. Ac. 605%. & 802.) | Agricultural Society of West Derby. - Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von L. Ewald. Agricultural Society of the hundred of West Derby ... Jahrg. 1-3. Darmstadt, 1858–61. 8º. Officers for the year. [List of premiums, etc.) III. Folge. Herausgegeben von L. Ewald. Liverpool, 1804. 12º. 10349. c. 9. (3.) Darmstadt, 1862, etc. 8°. In progress. Beiträge zur Geologie des Grossherzogthums Hessen und DEVENTER. der angrenzenden Gegenden. Ergänzungsblätter zum Notizblatt des Vereins für Erdkunde ... und des Athenæum Daventriense. mittelrheinischen geologischen Vereins. Annales. See infra: LEYDEN.--Academia Lugduno-Batava. Darmstadt, 1858, etc. 7108. C. 8°. Annales Academici. 1840, etc. 4°. In progress. Ac. 940. Over de Opheffing var het Athenæum en van de tweede DAVENPORT. ofdeeling van het Gymnasium te Deventer : en de ver- Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. vanging daarvan door eene inrigting van middelbaar onderwijs. Deventer, 1863. 8º. 8355. bbb. Proceedings. Davenport, Iowa, 1876, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3040. Vereeniging tot beoefening van Overijsselsch Regt DELFT. en Geschiedenis. Charters en bescheiden over de betrekking der Overijs- Koninklijke Akademie te Delft. Belsche Steden, bijzonder van Kampen, op het Noorden Verzameling van besluiten, betreffende de Koninklijke van Europa gedurende de dertiende en veertiende eeuw. Akademie to Delft. Delft, 1860. 12º. Ac. 950. 1251–1398. Deventer, 1861. 8º. 9405 dd. Koninklijk besluit houdende vaststelling van het regle BERKHOUT (P. J. TEDING VAN) Register op het Oud- ment voor de Koninklijke Akademie to Delft, benevens Archief van Hasselt, bewerkt door ... P. J. Teding van het voorloopig programma der studien en toelichtiny, Berkhout. pp. 447. Zwolle, 1883. 8º. Ac. 7450/2. door den directeur der Akademie (Keurenaer). 2 pt. 's Gravenhage, 1861. 8º. 8355. cc. BOECOP (ARENT TOC) Uittreksels uit het Dagboek van A. toe Boecop [1555–1573], volgens een HS. van de xviide Vierde Lustrum der Koninklijke Academie... A° 1862. eeuw. Deventer, 1862.8º. Ac. 7450. Gekostumeerde Optogt. [Eight coloured plates, drawn by W. B. Yzerdraad, with one leaf of letterpress. Coccius (GERARDUS) Kronijk van G. C. Lat.' Delft, (1862.] obl. fol. Tab. 583. a. Deventer, 1860. gº. . . . 9405. ee. 199 ACADEMIES. [DEVENTER--DONCASTER.] 200 oo DEVENTER [CONTINUED). DIEPPE. Vereeniging tot beoefening van Overijsselsch Regt en Société Archéologique de l'Arrondissement de Dieppe. Geschiedenis. Société Archéologique, etc. (Réunion annuelle de MM. DOORNINCK (JAN VAN) Geslachtkundige aanteekeningen les souscripteurs pour la recherche et la découverte des ten aanzien van de Gecommitteerden ten Landdage van antiquités. Séance du 27 Decembre 1827.) [Report.] Overijssel zedert 1610–1794, met eenige berigten Rouen, 1828. 8º. Ac. 5299. omtrent de voormalige Havezathen in dat Gewest, ver- zameld door Mr. J. van Doorinnck. Deventer, 1871. 8º. | Ảc. 7450/3. DIJON DUMBAR (GERHARD) Verhandeling over het Graafschap | Académie des Sciences. Arts, et Belles-Lettres. Goor en Beschrijving van de Heerlijkheid Almelo en Vriezenveen. Twee inuitgegeven Hoofdstukken van See MILSAND (P.) Notes et documents pour servir à den tegenwoordigen Staat van Overijssel door wijlen M l'histoire de l'Académie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles G. D. Deventer, 1859. 8º. 9405. ee. Lettres de Dijon, etc. 1871. 8º. 11899. g. 2. RACER (J. W.) Aanmerkingen omtrent de grondbegin- Mémoires. 2 tom. Dijon, 1769, 74. 8º. selen der zes eerste titels van het Landregt van Overijs- 986. a. 24, 25. sel. Door Mr J. W. Racer. [Edited by J. van [Another copy.] 128. a. 9, 10. Doorninck.] Deventer, 1866. 89. 5686. aaa. Nouveaux Mémoires ... pour la partie des sciences et UTRECHT.–Frederick III., of Baden,] Bishop. Officia arts. 1782–84. 1782 Semest. 1. 4 vol. Dijon, 1783–85. 8º. 986. 2. 26–29. Deventer, 1872. 89. Ac. 7450/5. Académie des Sciences ... Séance publique . . . 1819. (Mémoires . . . 1820-Séance publique ... 1821, 1823, 1825.) 5 pt. Dijon, 1819–25. 8º. Ac. 318. DEVIZES. Compte-rendu des travaux de l'Académie ... et Mé- Wilts Archaeological and Natural History Society. moires. 1843–44. 2 pt. Dijon, 1845. 8º. The Wiltshire Archæological and Natural History Mémoires de l'Académie ... 1845-50. 4 vol. Magazine, published under the direction of the Society Dijon, 1847-51. 8°. formed in that County, A.D. 1853, etc. The last 3 vols. are each in 2 pt. Devizes, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 5740. and 502. In progress. - Deuxième série. 1851–70. 16 tom. AUBREY (JOHN) Wiltshire. The Topographical Collec- Dijon, 1852–71. 8º. tions of J. Aubrey, A.D. 1659–70, with illustrations. Troisième série. Dijon, 1873, etc. 8º. Corrected and enlarged by J. E. Jackson. In progress. Ac. 318/2. Devizes, 1862. 4º. Ac. 5740/3. BLACKMORE (WILLIAM Some account of the Blackmore Commission des Antiquités du Département de la Museum. Devizes, (1868, etc.] 8º. Ac. 5740/2. Côte-d'Or, In progress. Mémoires, etc. Ann. 1832–35. Dijon, 1833–36. 8º. [Another copy of pt. 1.] 7709. e.. Recueil de planches lithographiées pour le compte rendu, etc. 1832–35. [Dijon, 1833–36.] 4º. DEVONSHIRE. Mémoires, etc. An. 1838, etc. Dijon, 1841, etc. 4º. In progress. Ac. 5295. Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art. DIXMUDE. Transactions of the Devonshire Association, etc. Plymouth, (1874, etc.].8º. Ac. 1200. Maetschappij van Rhetorica onder de Kenspreuk In progress. “Heilig Kruis Scherp Duer." Bandel der bekroonde Dicht- en Prozastukken in den DEUX-PONTS. drievoudigen Pryskamp uitgeschreven door de beide Maetschappyen van Rhetorica to Dixmude (viz. “ Heilig Societas Bipontina. Kruis Scherp Duer” and “ Nu, Morgen Niet,"] en welke See APULEIUS (L.) Madaurensis. [Works.] L. Apuleii aldaer heeft plaets gehad, etc. Dixmude, (1842.) 8º. opera ad optimas editiones collata; præniittitur notitia 12258. g. literaria studiis Societatis Bipontinæ, etc. 1788. 8º. Maetschappij van Rhetorica onder de Kenspreuk 160. f. 18. “Nu, Morgen Niet." See AUGUSTAN HISTORY. Historiæ Augustæ scriptores See supra: Maetschappy van Rhetorica onder sex ... Accedit index studiis Societatis Bipontinæ. de Kenspreuk “Heilig Kruis Scherp Duer." Bun- 1787. 8º. 159. e. 25. del der bekroonde Dicht- en Prozastukken in den drie- voudigen Pryskamp uitgeschreven door de beide Maet- See AUSONIUS (D. M.) D. Magni Ausonii opera ... Præ- schappyen van Rhetorica te Dixmude, etc. [1842.7 80, mittitur notitia literaria studiis Societatis Bipontinæ, etc. 12258. g. 160. f. 5. See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (C. C. Suetonius Tran- DONCASTER. quillus ... Praemittitur notitia literaria; acredit index, studïïs Societatis Bipontinae. 1783. 8°. 10605. d. * Agricultural Association. Mangel Wurtzel. Report of the committee ... on the See VIRGILIUS MARO (P.) [Works.] P. Virgilii Maronis advantages of Mangel Wurtzel as a fallow crop, founded opera ... cum notitia literaria, studiis Societatis Bipon on returns received in answer to the queries issued by the tinæ, etc. 1783. 8º. 160. f. 9. committee. London, 1830. 8º. T. 1371. (10.) - 1785. 8º. 201 ACADEMIES. [DONCASTER-DOUAI.] 202 DONCASTER (CONTINUED). DORPAT [CONTINUED). Agricultural Association. Kaiserliche Universität. The Turnip Fly. Report of the committee ... on the Уставъ Императорскаго Дерптскаго Университета. — Turnip Fly, and the means of its prevention. Statut der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat. Russ. and London 1834. 8º. 730. g. 23. (1.) Ger. Dorpat, 1820. 4°. 8355. d. [Another copy.] T. 1514. (1.) Album Academicum der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat. Zur Jubel-Heier ihres funfzigjährigen Bestehens, etc. Dorpat, 1852. 4°. Ac. 1090/3. DORCHESTER, MASS. Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. Facultäts-Schriften der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat, dargebracht zur Feier ihres funfzigjährigen Bestehens, Collections. No. 1. Memoirs of Roger Clap. 1630. [A etc. 5 pt. "Dorpat, 1852. 4º. 3475. e. reprint of the edition of T. Prince, 1731.] Boston, 1844. 12º. Ac. 8377. Each pt. has a separate titlepage and pagination. Collections. No. 2. Annals of the town of Dorchester, Die Kaiserliche Universität Dorpat während der ersten by J. Blake, 1750. Boston, 1846. 12º. Ac. 8377. fünfzig Jahre ihres Bestehens und Wirkens. Denk- schrift zum Jubelfeste, etc. Dorpat, (1852.] fol. Collections. No. 3. Journal of R. Mather, 1635. Ac. 1090. His life and death, 1670. [With dedicatory epistle by Das zweite Jubelfest der Ac. 8377. Kaiserlichen J. Mather.] Boston, 1850. 12º. Universität Dorpat. Funfzig Jahre nach ihrer Gründung gefeiert, Dorcbester. History of the town of Dorchester, Massa etc. Dorpat, 1853. 4°. Ac. 1090/2. chusetts. Nos. 1-7. Boston, 1851-58. 8º. 10412. d. Index Scholarum in Universitate Litteraria Caesarea Dorpatensi : .. 1858 ... habendarum. Insunt L. Merck- linii de Varronis tralaticio scribendi genere quaestiones. DORPAT. Dorpati, (1858.) 4º. Dorpater Naturforscher Gesellschaft. Index Scholarum in Universitate Litteraria Caesarea Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv- Ehst- und Kurlands. Dorpatensi ... 1859 ... habendarum. Praecedunt See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—-Dorpat. L. Mercklinii de Varrone Coronarum Romanorum mili- Gelehrte Esthnische Gesellschaft. tarium interprete praecipuo Quaestiones. Dorpati, (1859.] 4°. 7708. e. Verhandlungen. Dorpat, (1840), etc. 8º. In progress. . Ac. 9075/2. Festrede zur Jahresfeier der Stiftung der Universität Dorpat am 12 Decein ber, 1879, gehalten von E. Loening Schriften, etc. Dorpat, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 9075. ... Nebst den Mittheilungen über die Preis-Aufgaben In progress. sowie dem Universitäts-Jahresbericht für das Jahr 1879. JÜRGENS (M.) M. Jürgensi Ramatute nimme-kirri, ehk pp. 50. Dorpat, 1880. 4º. 8356. b. 4. (6.) Katalog ülle köige Eesti kele ramatute, mis aastal 1553 kunni 1863 aastani on wälja antud. Tarto Eestikele Landesuniversität. öppetud seltsi auuks wälja antud. Tallinnas, 1864. 8º. See supra : Kaiserliche Universität. 11900. bb. 12932. e. - mengestellt von F. R. Kreutzwald, verdeutscht (in verse See supra : Kaiserliche Universität. von C. Reinthal und Dr. Bertram. Dorpat, 1861–57. 80. 11586. g. LOHMEYER (CARL Des Herzogs Johann Albrecht zu Meklenburg Versuch auf Livland, von Dr. C. L. DOUAI. Dorpat, 1863. 8º. 9475. cc. Association Vétérinaire des Départements du Nord et Kaiserliche Universität. du Pas-de-Calais. See ZALLE (J.) Gedenkblätter an das fünfundsiebenzig- Association Vétérinaire des départements du Nord & du jährige Bestehen der Landesuniversität Dorpat, etc. Pas-de-Calais. Documents relatifs à l'épizootie. 1877. 4º. :8357. bb. 12. Douai, 1865. 8º. Ac. 3871. CraticTHIeckie MatepiajhI JIH Onpejtenir oome- 1 Collége de Douai. ственнаго положения лицъ получившихъ образование въ Императорскомъ Дерптскомъ Университетѣ съ 1802- See infra : English Seminary. 1852 roja. [By – Pfaff.] Cankmnemepoypiz, 1862. 8º. 8309. cc. English Seminary. Prælectiones semestres ... a calendis Aug. anni 1810 The First and Second Diaries of the English College, habendæ indicuntur a Rectore et Senatu Academico. Douay, and an Appendix of unpublished documents, Insunt tres epistolæ J. Graiæ, quarum duæ sunt anec edited by Fathers of the Congregation of the London dotæ. [Edited by C. Morgenstern.] MS. NOTE (in Oratory, with an historical introduction by T. F. Knox. pencil]. Dorpati, [1810.] fol. . 830. m. 15. See ENGLISH CATHOLICS. Records of the English Catho- F. G. W. Struve Observationes astronomicas institutas lics, etc. vol. 1. 1878, etc. 4º. 2214. h. in specula Universitatis Cæsarea Dorpatensis [in the Exemplar Literarum a quodam Sacerdote Collegii Anglo- years 1814, 15, 1818–30], publici juris facit Senatus rum Duaceni quondam Alumno ex Anglia ad idem Colle- Universitatis. vol. 1-8. gium transmissarum de Martyriis quatuor ejusdem [Continued under the title of:). Collegii Alumnorum (viz. T. Maxfield, T. Tupstal, Beobachtungen der Kaiserlichen Universitäts-Sternwarte - Atkinson, J. Thulis,] ob sacerdotium hoc anno 1616 Dorpat, herausgegeben von J. H. Mädler. in Anglia morte damnatorum. (Catalogus Martyrum Dorpati, 1817, etc. 4°, 8564. e. Collegii Anglorum Duaceni.) Duaci, 1617. 8º. In progress. 1126. a. 2. (1.) 203 ACADEMIES. [DOUAI--DOUGLAS.] 204 . DOUAI [CONTINUED). .. DOUAI [CONTINUED). English Seminary. Universite de Douai. Another edition. Exemplar Literarum ... Nunc re See DUPLESSIS D'ARGENTRÉ (C.) Bishop of Tulles. Collectio cusum. Dilingæ, 1617. 8º. 3932. a. Judiciorum de novis erroribus qui ab initio duodecimi seculi ad annum 1735 in ecclesia proscripti sunt et Coppie d'une lettre envoyée d'Angleterre au Semimaire notati. Censoria etiam Judicia insignium Academiarum, [sic] des Anglois à Douay. Par un Prestre qui avait été etc. 1728, etc. fol. 13. e. 4. autrefois de leur compagnie. Contenant l'histoire du martyre de quatre autres prestres' du mesme college ... Censure de la faculté de théologie sur quelques proposi- Traduivre du Latin en François, par le Sieur D. D. tions dont · Monseigneur de Barlemont, Archévêque de Jouxte la coppie imprimée à Douay, 1616. 8º. Cambray, Monseigneur Hanchin Archévêque de Malines, 1368. C. (3.) et Monseigneur D. Lindau, Evêque de Gand, ont deinandé l'examen, etc. Lettre de la faculté de théologie à M. O. Histoire du Collége de Douay; à laquelle on a joint Frangipani. 13 Août, 1591. See JESUITS. Annales de La Politique des Jésuites Anglois. Ouvrages traduits de la Société des soi-disans Jésuites, etc. tom. 1. la Langue Angloise. Londres [Paris ?], 1762. 12º. 1764, etc. 4º. 486. i. 11. 4092. b. Justificatio duorum sacræ theologiæ professorum Univer- Société Centrale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du sitatis Duacenæ contra ... calumnias libelli famosi cui Département du Nord, etc. titulus “ Lettre à un Docteur de Douay (sur les affaires de son Université," by H. Tournély under the name of See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Douai. Souvenirs de la A. Arnauld). See WAUDRIPONT (J. B. DE) Le faux Flandre Wallonne ... Publiés ... [tom. 14, etc.] sous Arnauld, etc. 1693. 4°. 4091. cc. 1. les auspices de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de Douai, etc. 1861, etc. 8°. P.P. 3500. e. Mémoires importans pour servir a l'histoire de la Faculté de Théologie de Douay, etc. [Douai ?] 1695. 4º. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Valenciennes. La Flandre 698. 1. 9. (9.) agricole et manufacturière; Journal ... publié ... sous les auspices des Sociétés d'Agriculture du Département DOUBS. du Nord, séantes à Douai, etc. 1834, etc. 8°. P.P. 2336. Département du Société Libre d'Agriculture, Com- merce et Arts. Séance publique ... 29 Nov. 1812. Douai, 1813. 8º. I See supra : BESANÇON. Ac. 410/3. Mémoires ... 1826–49. 1 Série. 13 tom. Douai, [1826]-50. 8°. DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN. - (Tables.) 4 tom. Manx Society. [Publications of] The Manx Society. Deuxième Série. Douai, 1852, etc. 8º. Douglas, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 8130. In progress. Ac. 410/2. Vol. I. An Account of the Isle of Vol. XIII. An English and Manx Bulletin Agricole de l'arrondissement de Douai. Man. By W. Sacheverell. Dictionary. Prepared from Douai, 1873, etc. 8º. Dr. Kelly's, by W. Gill and Ac. 410. 4. Edited by J. G. Cumming. 1859. J. T. Clarke. 1866. In progress. Vol. II. A Practical Grammar Vol. XIV. Memorials of “God's of ... Manks. By J. Kelly. TAILLIAR (EUGÈNE FRANÇOIS JOSEPH) Recueil d'Actes des Edited by W. Gill. 1859. Acre.” 1797. By J. Feltham 12e et 13e siècles, en la langue romane wallonne du Nord and E. Wright. Edited by Vol. III. Legislation by Three W. Harrison. 1868. de la France ; publié avec une introduction et des notes of the Thirteen Stanleys, Kings par M. Tailliar. Douai, 1849. 8º. Ac. 410. of Man. Edited by W. Mac Vol. xv. Antiquitates Manniæ. kenzie. 1860. Edited by "İ. G. Cumming. Vol. IV., VII., IX. Monumenta de 1868. Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, Insula Manniæ. Translated séant à Douai. and edited by J. R. Oliver. Vol. XVI. Mona Miscellany. 3 vol. 1860-62. Edited by W. Harrison. 1869. . See supra : Société Centrale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Département du Nord, etc. Vol. v. Vestigia Iusulæ Manniæ Antiquiora. By H. R. Oswald. Vol. XVI. Second Series. 1871. 1860. Vol. VI. Feltham's Tour through · Vol. XVII. Currency of the Isle Universitas Duacensis. the Isle of Man, in 1797 and of Man. Edited by C. Clay. See infra : Université de Douai. 1798. Edited by R. Airey. 186y. 1861. Vol. VIII. Bibliotheca Monensis : Vol. XVIII. The Old Historians of the Isle of Man. Edited by Université de Douai. a bibliographical account of W. Harrison. 1871. works relating to the Isle of See supra: LOUVAIN.---Academia Lovaniensis. Censuræ Man. By W. Harrison. 1861. Facultatum Sacræ Theologiæ Lovaniensis ac Duacensis Vol. XIX. Records of the Tyn. Vol. X. A Short Treatise of the super quibusdam articulis de Sacra Scriptura, gratia et wald and Saint John's Chapels Isle of Man. By J. Chaloner. in the Isle of Man prædestinatione, etc. By W. 1641. 4º. 1656. Edited by J. G. Cum- 1125. g. 9. (2.) | Harrison. 1871. ming. 1864. See supra : LOUVAIN. -Academia Lovaniensis. Censuræ Vol. XI. A Description of the Facultatum Sacræ Theologiæ Lovaniensis ac Duacensis Vol. XX., XXX, Mans Miscel- Isle of Man. By G. Waldron. Janies. Edited by W. Harrison. super quibusdam articulis de Sacra Scriptura, etc. 1731. Edited by W. Harrison. 1871, etc. 1683. 8º. 1159. f. 15. (2.) 1865. In progress. Vol. XII. An Abstract of the See supra: LOUVAIN.-- Academia Lovaniensis. Censuræ Laws, Customs, and Ordinances Vol. XXII., XXIII. Chronica Regum Facultatum Sacræ theologiæ Lovaniensis ac Duacensis, of the Isle of Man. Compiled Manniæ et Insularum. With super quibusdam articulis de Sacra Scriptura, etc. by J. Parr. Edited by J. Gell. notes by P. A. Munch. Re. Vol. 1. 1867, etc. · vised by Dr. Goss. 2 vol. 1724. 8º. 4255. a. In progress. 1874. 205 ACADEMIES. [DOUGLAS—DRESDEN.] 206 DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN [CONTINUED). DRESDEN [CONTINUED). Manx Society. Königliches Ethnographisches Museum. [Publications of] the Manx Society. MEYER (ADOLF BERNHARD Königliches Ethnogra- Douglas, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 8130. phisches Museum zu Dresden. I. Bilderschriften des Ostindischen Archipels und der Südsee, etc. Vol. xxiv. Bibliotheca Monensis. 1 Vol. XXVII (11., III., Records of Saint New edition. By W. Harrison. Mark's Chapel, Isle of Man. Jadeit- und Nephrit-Objecte, etc.) 1876. Compiled from Papers of J. T. Leipzig, 1881, etc. fol. 1700. c. 1. Clarke. By W. Harrison. Vol. XXV., XXVII. A History of In progress. 1878. the Isle of Man. Written by W. Blundell. 1648 - 1656. Vol. XXIX. An Account of the Edited by W. Harrison. 2 vol. Diocese of Sodor and Man. By Königliches Mineralogisches Museum. 1876, 77... W. Harrison. 1879.. Mittheilungen aus dem königlichen mineralogischen Vol. XXVI. Illiam Dhône and Museum in Dresden, herausgegeben mit Unterstützung the Manx Rebellion. 1651. Vol. XXXI. The Constitution of der General-Direction der königlichen Sammlungen für With introductory notice, by the Isle of Man. 1792. Edited W. Harrison. 1877. by R. Sherwood. 1882. Kunst und Wissenschaften. Cassel, 1876, etc. 40 In progress. Ac. 3216. 2 Basestiftetenen Schriften.com Königliches Stenographisches Institut. DRESDEN. · ZEIBIG (JULIUS WOLDEMAR) Geschichte und Literatur der Chemische Centralstelle für öffentliche Gesundheits Geschwindschreibkunst. (Nachträge ... nebst einem pflege. Namen- und Sachregister zum ganzen Werke.) Erster Jahresbericht der chemischen Centralstelle ... Dresden, 1863 (1860). 8º. 1268. c. 50. Herausgegeben von ... H. Fleck. Dresden, ZEIBIG (JULIUS WOLDEMAR) Geschichte und Literatur der Leipzig (printed], 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 3808. Geschwindschreibkunst ... Zweite, vermehrte ... und In progress. mit 41 Tafeln versehene Auflage. pp. 393. Dresden, 1878. 8º. BB. E. Churfürstliches Sanitäts-Collegium. Des Churfürst. Sanitäts-Collegii zu Dressden Vorschläge Königliches Zoologisches Museum. zur Cur-Art in Blattern. Dressden, 1772. 4°. Mittheilungen aus dem Ko Zoologischen Museum zu T. 608. (31.) Dresden. Herausgegeben ... von Dr A. B. Meyer. Deutsche Ackerbau-Gesellschaft. Dresden, 1875, etc. 4º. 1822. a. Jahrbuch ... 1861. Dresden, 1862. 8º. Ac. 3424. In progress. No more published. Königlich-Sächsische Polytechnische Schule, Dresdener Architekten-Verein. Mittheilungen, etc. Leipzig, 1864, etc. 4º. Ac. 4423. Dresdener Architektur-Album Bauten und Entwürfe, etc. In progress. Dresden, (1874–78.] fol. 1734. b. 13. Königlich-Sächsischer Alterthumsverein. Gesellschaft für Mineralogie. See infra : Königlich-Sächsischer Verein für Auswahl aus den Schriften der unter Werner's Mitwirk- Erforschung und Erhaltung vaterländischer Alterthümer. ung gestifteten Gesellschaft für Mineralogie zu Dresden. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1818, 19. 8º. Ac. 3217. | Königlich-Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung und Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. Erhaltung der Vaterländischen Alterthümer. Mittheilungen. Hft. 1-8. Dresden, 1835-54. 8º. Auszüge aus den Protokollen, etc. Jahr 1832 (1833). 2 pt. Dresden, 1833, 34. 8º. 7561. bb. Ac. 7042 No more published. Mittheilungen des Königlich Sächsischen Alterthums- Vereins historischen Inhalts. Dresden, 1852, etc. 8º. Ac. 5375. Isis. In progress. See infra : Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis. Die Gemälde des M. Wohlgemuth in der Frauenkirche zu Zwickau'... herausgegeben von Quandt. Königliche chirurgisch-medicinische Akademie. Dresden, [1839.] fol. 789. h. 21. Ihrem hoch verdienten Collegen E. A. Pech widmen zur Feier erfüllter funfzig im Staatsdienste vollbrachter Landwirthschaftlicher Hauptverein für das König- Jahre diese Denkschrift als Gedächtniss ihrer gemein- reich Sachsen. samen Wirksamkeit und als Ausdruck ihrer Verehrung See PERIOINCAL PUBLICATIONS.— Dresden. Landwirth- die Professoren der chirurgisch-niedicinischen Akademie. schaftliche Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von dem land- (Die Anfänge wissenschaftlicher Naturgeschichte ... im wirthschaftlichen Hauptverein für das Königreich christlichen Abendlande. Von L. Choulant.) Sachsen, etc. 1845, etc. 4º. P.P. 2355. b. [Dresden,] 1856. 4°. 7003. C. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Königliche Naturalienkammer. Dresdner naturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch für das Jahr Kurzer Entwurf der königlichen Naturlienkammer. 1845. Herausgegeben von A. Petzholdt. 2 Abth. Description du Cabinet Roial de Dresde touchant l'his- Populäre Vorlesungen über Naturwissenschaft gehalten toire naturelle. Germ. and Fr. im Jahre 1844-1845 in den allgemeinen Versammlungen Dresden und Leipzig, 1755. 4º. 435. g. 22. der . . . Gesellschaft ... und herausgegeben von A. Petzholdt. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1845. 8º. Ac. 2876. [Another copy.] 443. f. 36. No more published. 207 ACADEMIES. (DRESDEN-DUBLIN.] 208 DRESDEN [CONTINUED). DRONTHEIM (CONTINUED). Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis... Trondhjemsk Selskab, afterwards Kongeligt Norsk Allgemeine deutsche naturhistorische Zeitung. Im Videnskabers Selskab. Auftrage der Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden, und in Ver Det Trondhiemske Selskabs Skrifter. Deel 1-3. bindung mit...H. B. Geinitz, H. Gössel, A. F. Günther, Kiøbenhavn, 1761-65. 8°. 963. a. 1, 2. ... herausgegeben von C. F. Sachse. Jahrg. 1, 2. Continued as :1 Dresden (printed] & Leipzig, 1846, 47. 8º. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. Deel 4, 5. Kiøbenhavn, 1768–74. 8°. . . 963. a. 3. Neue Folge... herausgegeben von A. Drechs- ler. 3 Bde. Hamburg, [Another copy.] 273. a. 1-4. Dresden (printed], 1855-57. 8º. Ac. 2875. Nye Samling af det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers No more published. Skrifter. Bd. 1, 2. Kiøbenhavn, 1784-88. 4º. 436. c. 11. Sitzungs-Berichte . . . Redigirt von Dr. A. Drechsler. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrifter i (Jahrg. 1861–65, von C. Bley. 1870, etc.) det 19de Aarhundrede. Dresden, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 2875/2. Kjøbenhavn, Trondhjem, 1817, etc. 4º. Ac. 1060. In progress. In progress. Bd. 1 only printed at Copenhagen. SCHNEIDER (OSCAR) Naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Der Drontheimischen Gesellschaft Schriften aus dem Kenntniss der Kaukasusländer, etc. Dresden, 1878. 8º. Dänischen übersetzt. 4 Thle. 7298. ee. 3. Kopenhagen und Leipzig, 1765–70. 8º. Ac. 1060/2. Oekonomische Gesellschaft im Königreiche Sachsen. Owing to an alteration in the designation of the Society the title of Thl. 4 reads : “Der Königl. Norwegischen Landwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Schriften." dem Landwirtschaftlichen Hauptverein für das König- reich Sachsen in Gemeinschaft mit der Ö. G. zur [Another copy.] .. 274. k. 21. Dresden, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.--Europe.- [Another copy.] 964. k. 1-4. Saxony.--Dresden. Landwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift, etc. 1845, etc. 4º. . P.P. 2355. b. KLÜWER (LORENTZ DIDERICH) Norske Mindesmærker, aftegnede paa en Reise igjennem en Deel af det Nor- Schriften und Verhandlungen. Lief. 1-50. denfjeldske, og beskrevne af L. D. Klüwer ... Udgivne Dresden, 1818–44. 8º. Ac. 2325. af det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab i Trond- hjem. Christiania, 1823. 4º. 813. g. 22. GEYER (G.) Aus der Erfahrung. Vorträge und Bemerk- ungen über verschiedene Gegenstände der Volks- und DUBLIN. Landwirthschaft . . . Aus dem Zeitraume von 1828 bis 1866 vom Oekonomierath C. G. ... Gesammelt und Academy of Medicine in Ireland. herausgegeben von der Oekonomischen Gesellschaft im Transactions ... Edited by William Thomson. Königreiche Sachsen. Dresden, 1866. 8º. Fannin & Co. : Dublin, 1883, etc. 8º. Ac. 3855. 1145. g. 25. In progress. Sächsischer Kunst-Verein. Celtic Society. Verzeichniss der Mitglieder des Sächsischen Kunst- [Prospectus and. (Report of the Council . . . 27th Vereins im Jahre 1842. (Rechnung über die Einnahme February, 1849.) [Dublin, 1849.7 80. 741. k. (9.) und Ausgabe, etc.) Dresden, [1842.) 4º. Ac. 4561. In 1853 this Society was incorporated with the Irish Archaeological Society. Verein für Geschichte und Topographie Dresdens LYNCH (JOHN) Archdeacon of Tuam. Cambrensis Ever- und seiner Umgebung. sus, seu potius historica fides in rebus Hibernicis Dresdener Chronik vom 1 Juli bis 31 December 1869 Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata ... Edited, with translation ... Mittheilungen des Vereines. and notes, by ... M. Kelly. Lat. and Eng. 3 vol. Dresden, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 7043. Dublin, 1848-52. 8°. Ac. 5782. In progress. MAGH LENA. Cat Myhuiğe Jéana, or the Battle of Magh Leana ; together with Toċmarc Woméra, Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft für die Sächs or the Courtship of Moméra . . . Edited with transla- ischen Lande, afterwards für Mittel-Deutsch tion and notes, by E. Curry. Irish and Eng. land. Dublin, 1855. 80 . Ac. 5782/2. Die erste (zweite, etc.) Sitzung der Volkswirthschaft O'DONOVAN (JOHN Jeabar ya g-Ceart, or, the Book lichen Gesellschaft . . . Auszug aus den Stenograph of Rights, now for the first time edited, with translation ischen Berichten. Dresden, [1860, etc.] 4º. and notes, by J. O'Donovan. Irish and Eng. In progress. 8206. k. 1. Dublin, 1847. 8º. Ac. 5782/4. O'DONOVAN (JOHN) Miscellany of the Celtic Society. Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft für Mittel - The Genealogy of Corca Laidhe; Poem on the Battle of Deutschland. Dun, by Gilla-Brighde Mac Conmidhe, Docwra's tracts, See supra: Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft für several poems," pedigrees, and extracts. Edited by Sächsischen Lande. J. O'Donovan. Dublin, 1849. 8º. Ac. 5782/3. Commissioners for publishing the Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland. DRONTHEIM. Ancient Laws of Ireland. Senchur Mor. CA Col: lection of ancient Irish legal decisions.j ... And Drontheimische Gesellschaft. Athgabail; or, Law of Distress, as contained in See infra : Trondhjemsk Selskab, etc. the Harleian Manuscripts. [Edited from the preliminary translations of J. O'Donovan and Eugene O'Curry by W. N. Hancock, assisted by T. O'Mahony.] . Kongeligt Norsk Videnskabers Selskab. Irish and Eng. Dublin, 1865, etc. 89. 9509. cc. See infra : Trondhjemsk Selskab, etc. In progress. 209 ACADEMIES. [DUBLINBLIN 210 .] DUBLIN [CONTINUED]. DUBLIN [CONTINUED). Commissioners on the Public Records of Ireland. Dublin Society, afterwards Royal Dublin Society. Calendar [of patent rolls of Ireland, 5 and 6 Hen. VIII. The Journal of the Royal Dublin Society. 1856–57[-77]. to 35 Hen. VIII.] 2075. e. 7 vol. Dublin, 1858–78. 8º. Without titlepage. pp. 1–32. The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Calendar (1 James 1. to 16 James 1.]. . New series. Dublin, 1878, etc. 8º. Without titlepage. pp. 1-372. 2075. e. In progress. Ac. 3505. 2. & 265. Chartæ, privilegia, et immunitates (of Ireland, from The Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, Henry II. to Richard 11.]. 2075. e. New series. Dublin, 1877, etc. 4º. Ac. 3505. 7. Without titlepage. pp. 1–92. In progress. Reports (first, second, third, fourth, and fifth] from the General Index to the printed Proceedings of the commissioners appointed by His Majesty to execute the Dublin Society, in 50 volumes. Together with a measures recommended in an address of the House of Key of Reference to the Cross Indexes. Commons respecting the public records of Ireland. Dublin, 1814. 8º. Ac. 3505/2. With supplements and appendixes. 1810–15. Reports of the proceedings of the meetings held for the (London, 1815.] fel. 2075. f. discussion of subjects connected witn practical science [Another copy.] 2075. f. and art. 1848–1855. Dublin, 1855. 8º. Ac. 3505/3. [Another copy.] 22. h. 12. Catalogue of plants ... in the Dublin Society's Botanic Garden at Glasnevin. 2 pt. Dublin, 1802, 1. 8º. The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth reports 448. e. 34. from the commissioners, etc. With supplements and Catalogue of No. XIX. in the Map of the Dublin Society's appendixes. 1816–1820. [London, 1820). fol. Botanic Garden at Glasnevin. Containing the Herba- 2075. e. rium, or systematic arrangement of Herbaceous plants, [Another copy.] 22. h. 13. Cryptogamicks excluded. [Dublin, 1802 ?7 8º. Interleaved. T. 1571. (7.) The eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth, and the fourteenth and fifteenth Reports from the Commissioners, etc. The Royal Charter of the Dublin Society, to which are 1821-23 and 1824-25. London, [1825.] fol. added, the Society's Bye-Laws and Ordinances. 2075. f. Dublin (1814?] 8º. Ac. 3505/6.. [Another copy.] 22. b. 14. [Another edition.] Dublin, 1833. 8º. Ac. 3505/6. [Another edition.] [London, 1829.] fol. 2075. f. Begin. At a Meeting of the Royal Dublin Society, ... March 14, 1822...Report from the Committee to whom Inquisitionum in officio rotulorum Cancellariæ Hiberniæ were referred the Statistical Surveys and Mr. Fraser's asservatarum repertorium. [Edited by J. Hardiman.] Review of the domestic fisheries of Great Britain and 2 vol. Dublin, 1826–29. 8º. 2075. f. Iceland [sic] [Dublin, 1822.] 8º 8244. bbb. [Another copy.] 23. h. 6. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Dublin Society. [Another copy.] 2076. g. Dublin, 1839. 8º. 620. g. 33. Imperfect; wanting the first leaf of the preliminary Catalogue of the Library : 1. Catalogue, 1731–1839. By matter. J. F. Jones. 2. Supplement, 1839-49. By J. F. Jones. Rotulorum patentium et clausorum Cancellariæ Hiberniæ 3. Supplement, 1849-1859(-1862). By E. R. P. Colles. calendarium. 11901. bbb. vol. 1. pars. 1. 7 pt. Hen. II.-Hen. VII. Dublin, 1860-62. 80. [Edited by E. Tresham.] [Dublin,] 1828. fol. Catalogue of articles of Irish manufacture, produce and 2075. e. invention, exhibited at the Society's House, 30th June, [Another copy.] 2075. e. 1847. Dublin, 1847. 8º. 741. d. (2.) [Another copy.] 23. h. 8. The Report and adjudication of the Judges on the exhi- bition of Irish manufacture, prodnce, and invention, held Dublin Society, afterwards Royal Dublin Society. at the Society's house, June 1847. Dublin, 1847. 8º. 741. d. 1. Premiums offered by the Dublin - Society, for agricul- Catalogue of Works of Art. Dublin, 1862. 8º. ture, planting, and fine arts; also, premiums offered by the Farming Society ... and premiums of the London 7805. e.. Society extending to Ireland. See infra: Transactions. vol. 2. pt. 1. 1800, etc. 8°. 963. b. 21. ARCHER (JOSEPH) Statistical survey of the county of See BAKER (J. W.) Experiments in agriculture, made Dublin; with observations on the means of improve- under the direction of the ... Dublin Society. ment: drawn up for the consideration, and by order of the Dublin Society; with a map and index, etc. 1766, etc. 80. 966. e. 2. (1.) Dublin, 1801. 8º. 286. 1. 8. The Dublin Society's weekly observations. vol. 1. [Another copy.] 955. k. 30. Dublin, 1739. 12º. Ac. 3505/5. COOTE (Sir CHARLES) Bart., of Donnybrooke. Statistical [Another edition.] Glasgow, 1756. 8º. 274. b. 4. survey of the county of Monaghan, with observations on the means of improvement drawn up in the year 1801, Transactions. 1799(-1810). 6 vol. for the consideration and under the direction of the Dublin, 1800-10. 80. 963. b. 19-27. Dublin SocietyDublin, 1801. 8º. 579. g. 7. Vol. 1 and 2 are each in 2 pt. : many of the treatises have distinct titlepages. COOTE (Sir CHARLES) Bart., of Donnybrooke. Statistical survey of the County of Cavan, with observations on tho The Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. means of improvement, drawn up in the year 1801, for Dublin, 1848, etc. 8º. Ac. 3505. the consideration, and under the direction of the Dublin In progress. Society. Dublin, 1802. 89. 579. g. 8. 211 ACADEMIES. [DUBLIN.] 212 2 DUBLIN (CONTINUED). DUBLIN [CONTINUED): Dublin Society, afterwards Royal Dublin Society. Dublin Society, afterwards Royal Dublin Society. COOTE (Sir CHARLES) Bart., of Donnybrooke. Statistical V., C. [Another edition. The Art of Tanning, etc. survey of the County of Armagh, with observations on To which are added, Mr. Philippo's method of dying the means of improvement, drawn up in the years 1802, the Turkey leather, as approved of by the Society for and 1803, for the consideration, and under the direction the encouragement of Arts, etc. [Edited by C. V., i.e. of the Dublin Society. Dublin, 1804. 8º. 579. g. 12. C. Vallancey.] London, 1774. 120. 56. a. 33. DUBOURDIEU (JOHN) Statistical survey of the county of WELD (ISAAC) Statistical Survey of the County of Ros- Down. Dublin, 1802. 8º. 286. b. 9. common, drawn up under the direction of the Dublin Society. [With an appendix.] Dublin, 1832. 8º. DUBOURDIEU (JOHN) Statistical survey of the county of 579. g. 15. Antrim. (Appendix.) 2 pt. Dublin, 1812. 8º. Analysis of the Report, and epitome of the evidence 286. b. 6, 7. taken before a select Committee of the House of Commons in the session of 1836, on the Royal Dublin Society: FRASER (ROBERT) General view of the agriculture and together with notes and illustrations, by a Member of mineralogy, present state and circumstances of the the Society (M. R. D. S.). 2 pt. Dublin, 1836. 8º. county Wicklow; with observations on the means of Ac. 3505/4. their improvement. Dublin, 1801. 8º. 286. b. 16. No. XI. Return of Donations and Visitors to the Museum of the Royal Dublin Society for the year ending 31st MacEvoy (JOHN) Statistical survey of the County of December, 1846. [Dublin, 1847.] s. sh. 80, Tyrone, with observations on the means of improve- 1890. b. 3. (20.) ment, drawn up in ... 1801 and 1802, for the considera- tion, and under the direction of the Dublin Society. Dublin Statistical Society. [With an appendix.] Dublin, 1802. 8º. 579. g. 11. Journal of the Dublin Statistical Society. Eighth session. Dublin, 1855, etc. 8º. Ac. 2485. & 70. Mac PARLAN (JAMES) Statistical survey of the county of In progress. Donegal, etc. Dublin, 1802. 8º. 286. b. 10. Gaelic Society. Mac PARLAN (JAMES) Statistical survey of the county of Leitrim, etc. Dublin, 1802. 89. 286. b. 15. Transactions of the Gaelic Society established for the investigation and revival of ancient Irish Literature, etc. Mac PARLAN (JAMES) Statistical survey of the county of [Edited by T. O'Flanagan.] vol. 1. Dublin, 1808. 8º. Mayo, etc. Dublin, 1802. 8º. 286. b. 13. No more published. Ac. 8336. Mac PARLAN (JAMES). Statistical survey of the county Geological Society of Dublin, afterwards Royal Geo- of Sligo, etc. Dublin, 1802. 8º. 286. b. 14. logical Society of Ireland. RAWSON (T. J. Statistical survey of the County of See BALL (R.) LL.D. Annual Address delivered before Kildare, with observations on the means of improve- the Geological Society of Dublin, ... 1853, etc. ment; drawn up for the consideration, and by direction 1853. 8º. Ac. 3185/2. (5.) of the Dublin Society. [With addenda and plates.] Dublin, 1807. 8º. 579. g. 13 Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin. 10 vol.' Dublin, 1838–33–64. 8º. SAMPSON (GEORGE VAUGHAN) Statistical Survey of the [Continued under the title of :] County of Londonderry, with observations on the means Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland. of improvement, drawn up for the consideration, and 1864-67, etc. [New Series.] under the direction of the Dublin Society. With an Dublin, 1867 (1865, etc.] 80. Ac. 3185. appendix and plates.] Dublin, 1802. 8º. 579. g. 9. In progress. [Another copy.] 286. b. 12. A catalogue of the Museum of the Geological Society. [By F. M-Coy.) Dublin, 1841. 8º. Ac. 3185/3. DOLBY (THOMAS) An address delivered at the sixth annual meeting of the Geological Society ... 1837, by Colonel Colby ... To which is subjoined, the annual report, etc. Dublin, 1837. 8º. Ac. 3185/2. (3.) THOMPSON (ROBERT) Statistical Survey of the County of Meath, with observations on the means of improvement. Drawn up for the consideration, and under the direction of the Dublin Society. [With an appendix and plates.] Dublin, 1802. 8º. 579. g. 10. TIGHE (WILLIAM Statistical observations relative to the county of Kilkenny, made in the years 1800 and 1801. (Appendix.) 2 pt. Dublin, 1802. 89. 980. g. 12. [Another copy.] 286. b. 11. TOWNSEND (HORACE) the Elder. Statistical survey of the County of Cork, with observations on the means of im- provement; ... By H. Townsend. (Addenda. Appen- dix.). 3 pt. Dublin, 1810. 8º. 10390. e. 13. V., C. The Art of Tanning, and of Currying Leather ... With the processes for dying leather red and yellow, as practised in Turkey; collected from the French of ... De la Lande, and others, and published at the ex- pence of the Dublin Society. [Edited by C. V., i.e. Charles Vallancey.] Dublin, 1773. 12º. 7943. aa. 9. GRIFFITH (RICHARD) An address delivered at the fourth annual meeting of the Geological Society ... 1835, by R. Griffith ... To which is subjoined the annual report, etc. Dublin, 1835. 8°. Ac. 3185/2. (2.) LLOYD (BARTHOLOMEW) An address delivered at the third annual meeting of the ... society ... 1834, by the Rev. B. Lloyd ... To which is subjoined, the annual report, etc. Dublin, 1834. 8º. Ac. 3185/2. (1.) MALLET (ROBERT) Address, delivered at the (sixteenth) Anniversary Meeting, Feb. 10, 1847. By R. Mallet. Dublin, 1846. [sic] gº. Ac. 3185/2. (4.) Historical and Archäological Society of Ireland. See infra : KILKENNY.—Killcenny Archäological Society, etc. . 213 214 ACADEMIES. [DUBLIN.] DUBLIN [CONTINUED]. DUBLIN (CONTINUED). Iberno-Celtic Society. Irish Archæological Society. Transactions ... for 1820, vol. 1, part 1, containing a HY - MANY. The Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish commonly called O'Kelly's Country. Now first pub- writers, commencing with the earliest account of Irish lished ... With a translation and notes and a map of history, and carried down to ... 1750 ... By Edward Hy-Many, by J. O'Donovan. Irish and Eng. O'Reilly, Dublin, 1820. 4°. 2050. f. Dublin, 1843. 4º. Ac. 5783/5. Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. IRELAND. Tracts relating to Ireland. 2 vol. Dublin, 1841-43. 4°. Ac. 5783/2. The Law Examination Guide : containing all the ques- tions in Law and Practice, given at the final examination NENNIUS. Leabhar Breathnach annyo tir. The of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. With ... Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius. answers and references. Nos. 1, 2. Edited, with a translation and notes, by J. H. Todd. Dublin, (1871.] 8º. 6006. a. 9. The Introduction and additional Notes by the Hon. A. No more published. Herbert. [With the Society's Report for 1847-48.] Dublin, 1848. 4º. Ac. 5783/10. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. MAC FIRBIS (DUALD) Annals of Ireland. Three Frag- Transactions. vol. I. Dublin, 1845. 8º. Ac. 4319. ments, copied from ancient sources by Dubhaltach Mac Firbisigh; and edited, with a translation and notes ... Irish Archæological and Celtic Society. by J. O'Donovan. Irish and Eng. Dublin, 1860. 4º. See infra : Irish Archäological Society. 'Ac. 5783/18. MAC FIRBIS (DUALD) The Genealogies, Tribes and Irish Archæological Society. Customs of Hỳ-Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda’s Irish Archäological Society, etc. [Report read August 6, Country. Now first published from the Book of Lecan 1852.] [Dublin, 1852.] 4º. Ac. 5783. ... and from the genealogical manuscript of D. Mac- In 1853 the Society was united with the Celtic Society, and Firbis ... with a translation and notes, and a map of took the name of “ The Irish Archæological and Celtic Hy Fiachrach, by J. O'Donovan. Irish and Eng. Society." Dublin, 1844. 40. Ac. 5783/21. [Prospectus for the year] 1859. [Dublin, 1859.] 8º. The Miscellany of the Irish Archæological Society. Ac. 5783/17. (2.) vol. 1. Dublin, 1846. 4°. Ac. 5783/8. ADAMNAN, Saint, Abbot of Hy. The Life of St. Columba O’CLERY (MICHAEL) The Martyrology of Donegal. A ... The text. . . from a manuscript of the eighth Century; with the various readings of six other manuscripts... Calendar of the Saints of Ireland ; translated from the original Irish (of M. O'C.] by John O'Donovan. Edited, To which are added, copious notes and dissertations... with the Irish text, by J. H. Todd...and... W. Reeves. By W. Reeves. Dublin, 1857. 4º. Ac. 5783/16. Irish and Eng. Dublin, 1864. 8º. Ac. 5783/20. ALL SAINTS, Priory of, Dublin Registrum Prioratus Omnium Sanctorum, juxta Dublin. Edited from a manu- O'DUBHAGAIN (JOHN) The Topographical Poems of script in the Library of Trinity College, with additions J. O’D. and Giolla na Naomh Ö’Huidhrin. Edited in from other sources and notes. By R. Butler. the original Irish ... with translation, notes, and intro- Dublin, 1845. 4°. Ac. 5783/7. ductory dissertations by J. O'Donovan. Irish and Eng. Dublin, 1862. 8º. Ac. 5783/19. BUTLER (RICHARD) Dean of Clonmacnois. The Annals of Ireland. By Friar J. Clyn and Thady Dowling. To O'FLAHERTY (R.) A chorographical description of West gether with the Anuals of Ross. Edited by R. Butler. or H-Iar Connaught written 1684. Edited from a MS. Dublin, 1849. 4º. Ac. 5783/11. in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, with notes and illustrations, by J. Hardiman. Dublin, 1846. 4º. CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, Dublin. The Book of Obits 'Ac. 5783/9. and Martyrology of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church, Dublin, Edited O’KELLY (CHARLES) Macariæ excidium, or the destruc- from the original manuscript by J. C. Crosthwaite. With tion of Cyprus; being a secret history of the war of the an Introduction by J. H. Todd. Dublin, 1844. 4º. revolution in Ireland, by Colonel C. O'Kelly ... Edited Ac. 5783/6. ...with notes ; illustrations, and a memoir of the author and his descendants by J. C. O'Callayhan. COTTON (JOHN) Archbishop of Armagh. Acts of Archbishop Dublin, 1850. 4º. Ac. 5783/13. Cotton in his Metropolitan visitation of the diocese of Derry A.D. 1397; with a rental of the see at that time. PETTY (Sir WILLIAM) The history of the survey of Ire- Edited from the original roll ... with an introduction land, commonly called the Down survey, by Doctor and notes by ... W. Reeves, etc. Dublin, 1850. 4º. W. Petty, A.D. 1655–6. Edited ... by T. A. Larom. Ac. 5783/12. Dublin, 1851. 4º. Ac. 5783/14. CORMAC MAC CUILENNÁIN, King and Bishop of Cashel. Sanas Chormaic. Cormac's Glossary, translated and annotated STOKES (WHITLEY) Irish Glosses ; a mediaeval tract on by ... J. O'Donovan ... Edited with notes and indices, Latin Declension, with examples explained in Irish. To by Whitley Stokes. 0. T. Cutter : Calcutta, 1868. 4º. which are added the Lorica of Gildas, with the Gloss Ac. 5783/22. thereon, and a selection of Glosses from the Bouk of DUN NA N-GEDH. The Banquet of Dun na n-Gedh, and Armagh. Edited by W. S. Dublin, 1860. 4º. the Battle of Magh Rath, an ancient historical tale. Now Ac. 5783/17. (1.) first published ... with a translation and notes, by TODD (JAMES HENTHORN) Leabhar Jinuing. The Book J. O'Donovan. Irish and Eng. Dublin, 1822. 4º. of Hymns if the Ancient Church of Ireland. Edited Ac. 5783/3. from the original Manuscript in the Library of Trinity GRACE (JAMES) Jacobi Grace, Kilkenniensis, Annales College, Dublin, with translation and notes by J. JÍ. Hiberniae. Édited, with a translation and notes ... by Todd. 2 pt. Dublin, 1855-69. 80. Ac. 5783/15. R. Butler. Lat. and Eng. Dublin, 1842. 4º. The pagination is continuous: pt. 2 ends incomplete at Ac. 5783/4. p. 304. 215 ACADEMIESMT 216 . [DUBLIN.] DUBLIN [CONTINUED). DUBLIN [CONTINUED). The Irish Homeopathic Society. Queen's University in Ireland. LUTHER (C. W.) A concise view of the system of homeo Examination Papers for ... 1853; together with a list pathy, and refutation of the objections commonly brought of the Senate, Professors and Examiners, a copy of the forward against it. Second edition. Dublin, 1848. 8º. ordinance under which the examination was conducted, 7390. d. the order in which the various examinations were carried on, and lists of the candidates passed for degrees King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. and honors. Dublin, 1853. fol. 732. 1. 26. The Pharmacopoeia of the King and Queen's College of Only 10 copies of this collection of papers made. Physicians in Ireland. Translated... with observations ... by T. Morison ; [and an appendix.] Ordinances regarding the several courses of Study to be Dublin, 1807. 8º. 777. d. 25. pursued by candidates for degrees and diplomas from the Queen's University in Ireland. Dublin, 1853. fol. The Dublin Pharmacopoeia. Last edition. 8223. e. (59.) See infra : LONDON.—Royal College of Physicians. The Examination Papers for the year 1854; together with a Pharmacopoeias of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin list of the senate, professors, and examiners, etc. Colleges, etc. 1815. 8°. 777. d. 27. Dublin, 1854. fol. 732. 1. 29. The Pharmacopoeia of the King and Queen's College of Ordinance regulating the conditions, forms, and subjects Physicians in Ireland 1850. Dublin, 1850. 80. of the degree, diploma, and honor examinations for the 7510. e. (1.) year 1855. Dublin, [1855.) fol. 732. I. Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia of the King and [Another copy.] 732. 1. Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, 1850. Dublin, 1856. 8º. 7510. e. (2.) Ordinances regarding the several courses of study to be pursued by candidates for degrees and diplomas from the See infra : LONDON.—Royal College of Physicians. The Queen's University in Ireland. Dublin, 1855. fol. new London Pharmacopoeia, translated and arranged in 732. 1. a tabular form with the Edinburgh and Dublin Pharma- copoeias, etc. 1851. 8º. 7510. e. Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland. First (Second) Report, etc. (Annual Report ... . for See C., T. G. Clavis Pharmacopoeia Collegii Dublinensis; 1842–1844.) 5 pt. Dublin, 1841-44. 8º. or, a True Key to the Pharmacopoeia of the King and 7077. d. Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. 1825. 8º. The Reports for 1843, 44, have the “ Transactions” sepa- 797. d. 26. rately paged. Register of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, to which is appended a Roll of the Presidents Annual Report and Transactions ... 1813(-1845). 6 pt. and Fellows, from 1654 to 1865 ... Corrected to May Dublin, 1844–46. 8º. Ac. 3504. 22nd 1865. Dublin, 1865. 8º. 7680. aaa. The Agricultural and industrial Journal. The reports Transactions of the association of Fellows and Licentiates essays and transactions of the Royal Agricultural Im- of King and Queen's College, etc. 5 vol. provement society of Ireland. Dublin, 1840. 8?. Dublin, 1817-28. 8º. 255. d. 16, 17. 54. & Ac. 3854. In progress. P.P. 2293. a. Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland. Ossianic Society. Catalogue of Stock, ... Dairy Produce, Flax and Imple- Transactions of the Ossianic Society for the year 1853 ments, exhibited at the National Cattle Show of the (-58). 6 vol. Dublin, 1854–61. 8º. Ac. 8335. Society, at Killarney ... 1853. Dublin, 1853. 8º. 7077. d. Queen's University in Ireland, Royal Dublin Society. See infra : University of Dublin. The Medical Exami See supra: Dublin Society, etc. nation Papers of the University of Dublin, Queen's Uni- versity in Ireland, etc. 1866. 8°. P.P. 2513. oc. Royal Geological Society of Ireland. See BRADY (Right Hon. Sir m.) Bart. Report on the ... - See supra: Geological Society of Dublin, etc. Queen's University in Ireland, from June 19, 1852 to Sep. 1, 1853. 1853. fol. 732. 1. 28. Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts. The Queen's University Calendar. 1859 (-61, 66-82). See HAYES (M. A.) The Royal Hibernian Academy. A glance at its former management and recent proceed- Dublin, 1859–82. 12°. P.P. 2513. ob. & 2121. C. Imperfect; wanting the Calendars for 1862–65. 7856. c. ings. [1857.] 8º. A.B. degree and honor examination papers. 1852. Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, 1852. fol. 732. 1. 21. The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, [17883–1839, etc. 4°. Agriculture diploma and honor examination papers, 1852. In progress. Ac. 1540. & 2099. g. Dublin, 1852. fol. 732. 1. 23. [Another copy of vol. 1–12.] T.C. 15. a. 1–12. Law diploma and honor examination papers, 1852. Dublin, 1852. fol. 732. 1. 22. [Another copy of vol. 13.] 741. 1. 26. (2.) Imperfect; wanting several of the papers. M.D. degree and honor examination papers, 1852. Dublin, 1852. fol. 732. 1. 20. An index to the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy from ... 1786 to the present time. By N. Carlisle. The Senate, Professors, and Examiners. [A list.] Ms. London, 1813. 4°. CURRECTIONS. Dublin, [1853.] 8. sh. fol. 806. k. 15. (93.) [Another copy.] T.C. 15. a. 13. of the Roman. Carlisl. 1. 25 217 ACADEMIES. [DUBLINUR 218 .] DUBLIN [CONTINUED). DUBLIN [CONTINUED). Royal Irish Academy. Royal Irish Art-Union. The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Irish Fine Arts in Ireland. 1840-41 (etc.). The second Manuscript Series. Dublin, 1880, etc. 4°. Annual Report of the Committee of Selection of the In progress. 2099. g. Royal Irish Art-Union ; or, the Society for the encourage- ment of the Fine Arts in Ireland, etc. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, 1842, etc. 8º. Ac. 4705. Dublin, 1837, etc. 8º. Ac. 1540/4. In progress. In progress. Vol. 1 & 2 imperfect. Proceedings of the the Royal Trish Academy Irish Royal Irish Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts. MSS. series. Dublin, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 1540/5. Royal Irish Institution ... The prospectus, rules and In progress regulations, and a list of the subscribers ... Together with a report of the committee, etc. Dublin, 1814. 8º. Cunningham Memoirs. Dublin, 1880, etc. 4º. 7805. b. In progress. Ac. 1540. 6. Royal University of Ireland. Irish Academy. [Plan and lists of members.] The Calendar for the year 1883. [Dublin, 1785.] 4º. Ac. 1540. 1. Thom & Co.: Dublin, 1883, etc. 8°. P.P. 2513. obb. Charter and statutes. Dublin, 1786. 4º. In progress. Ac. 1540. (2.) Catalogue of the Library, Royal Irish Academy House, Royal Zoological Society of Ireland. ... Dublin. Dublin, 1822. gº. 823. g. 6. [Report and abstract of accounts read at the annual Circular, dated Dec. 10, 1840, relative to the opening meeting, May 3d, 1842.] [Dublin, 1842.] 4º. of a subscription for the purchase of the Dean of St. 8705. f. (17.) Patrick's Collection of Irish Antiquities.] Society for Promoting Scientific Inquiries into Social [Dublin?] 1840. 4º. 741. k. 16. Questions. [Circular, dated March 21, 1842, requesting subscriptions Report on the Legislative Measures requisite to facilitate for the purchase of the Dean of St. Patrick's collection of the adoption of commercial contracts respecting the Irish Antiquities.] [Dublin,] 1842. 4º. 741. k. (17.) occupation of land in Ireland. By R. Longfield. Dublin, 1851. 8º. 8206. e. Royal Irish Academy. Minutes of proceedings for November, 1174. [Dublin, 1874.] 8º. Ac. 1540/3. Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in [Photographs of antiquities in the Museum of the Royal Ireland. Irish Academy.] [Dublin, 1875, etc.] 4º. 1702. a. In progress. See supra: Royal Irish Art Union. A brief handbook for visitors to the Royal Irish Academy's Museum of Irish Antiquities. "South-East of Ireland Archäological Society Dublin, 1876. 8º. 7705. b. 46. (7.) See infra : KILKENNY.—Kilkenny Archäological Society, etc. Letter of Lord Sandon, Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education ... 9th of February, 1876; with | University of Dublin. resolutions thereon approved by the Council, and adopted The Dublin University Calendar, 1833-39, 1846, 47, by the Academy; together with a report of the Council 1850, etc.) Dublin, 1833, etc. 8º. in relation to that letter, etc. Dublin, 1876. 8º. In progress. P.P. 2513. o. & 2121. C. 7807. f. 3. (8.) Report of Council ... 22nd of May, 1876 [concerning a Dublin Examination Papers : being a supplement to the proposed amalgamation of the Science and Art Institu University Calendar, etc. Dublin, 1858, etc. 12º. tions in Dublin]. [Dublin, 1876.] 8º. In progress. 7807. f. 3. (9.) A Catalogue of Graduates who have proceeded to LEABHAR BREAC. Leabhar Breac, the Speckled Book, otherwise styled Leabhar Mór Dúna Doighre, the Great Degrees in the University of Dublin, from the earliest recorded commencements to July, 1866: with supple- Book of Dún Doighre; a collection of pieces in Irish and ments to December 16, 1868. [Compiled and edited by Latin, compiled ... about the close of the fourteenth century, etc. (A lithographic facsimile, with a descrip- J. H. Todd.] Dublin (printed], London, 1869. 80. 2121. d. tion of the MS. compiled by B. O'Looney, and a preface by S. Ferguson.] Dublin, 1876. fol. 1704. c. 2. [Another cops.] 8364. dd. LEABHAR NA H-UIDHRI. Leabhar na h-Uidhri: a collection Dublin Problems; being a collection of questions pro- of pieces in prose and verse in the Irish Language, com posed to the candidates for the Gold Medal at the piled and transcribed about A.D. 1100 by M. MacCeilea general examinations from 1816 to 1822 inclusive. chair: now for the first time published ſin facsimile) Which is succeeded by an account of the Fellowship from the original in the Library of the Royal Irish Examination in 1823. London, 1823. 8º. 731. h. 25. Academy, with an account of the Manuscript, a descrip- tion of its contents, and an index. [Edited by J. 1'. Dublin University Press Series. Dublin, 1878, etc. 80. Gilbert.] Dublin, 1870. 4º. Ac. 1540/2. In progress. 12203. k. LEINSTER, Book of. The Book of Leinster, sometime Examinations for Women. Examination papers of called the Book of Glendalough, a collection of pieces, 1880, and regulations for 1881. pp. 72. prose and verse, in the Irish language, compiled, in Hodges & Co. : Dublin, 1880. 89. 8365. bbb. 20. part, about the middle of the twelfth century; now ... published from the original manuscript in the Library The Medical Examination Papers of the University of of Trinity College, Dublin . . . With introduction, Dublin, Queen's University in Ireland, and the com- analysis of contents, and index by R. Atkinson. pp. 90, petitive examinations of the army and navy medical 410. Dublin, 1880. fol. 1854. c. 3. services. . Dublin, 1866. 8º. P.P. 2513. oc. Papers : bein, 1858, t.513. 0.a. 219 ACADEMIES. [DUBLIN--DUISBURG.] 220 DUBLIN (CONTINUED). DUBLIN (CONTINUED). University of Dublin, University of Dublin.—Trinity College. Military Class. The conditions of admission and the State of the case, respecting the right of the Provost of examination papers set at the entrance examination in Trinity College, Dublin, to exercise a controlling negative October 1857. Dublin, 1857. 12º. 8364. b. at the College Board. With the opinions of Counsel School of Engineering. Examination for Diploma, held thereon. Dublin, 1792. 8º. 8364. cc. 1. (1.) in April 1858. Dublin, 1858. 12º. 8776. a. The Student's Guide to the examinations in Trinity College, Dublin : being a series of questions proposed at School of Engineering. Examination for Diploma, held the several Undergraduate Examinations, etc. in ... 1857. Dublin, 1857. 12º. 8364. a. Dublin, (1874.] 12º. 8364. aa. Trinity College, Dublin. [Remarks, occasioned by the proposal to throw open the Fellowships and Scholarships to persons of all denominations.] [Dublin, 1870.] 80. Trinity College. 8364. bb. See CONCLAVE. The Conclave dissected : or, the character Trinity College.—Library, of the F[ellow]s of T[rinit]y C[olleg]e. [1725?] s. sh. fol. 839. m. 23. (102.) Catalogus Librorum, quibus aucta est Bibliotheca Col legii SS. Trinitatis ... juxta Dublin, anno exeunte Kal. See DUBLIN. P[rovost] and S[enior] Fe[llow]s of T[rinit]y Novembr. 1853. [Edited by J. H. Todd.] Crollege, Dublin, their Afddres]s to the L[ord] C[arteret), Dublinii, 1854. 80. 824. g. 17. etc. [1725?] S. sh. fol. 839. m. 23. (116.) Catalogus librorum impressorum qui in Bibliotheca See IRELAND, Church of.- Protestant Defence Association. Collegii ... Trinitatis ... juxta Dublin, adservantur. [Edited by J. H. Todd.] Dublinii, 1864, etc. fol. between the Committee of the Church of Ireland Pro- In progress. 11900. k. testant Defence Association and the Board of Trinity College, etc. [1873.] 8º. 4165. e. 2. (22.) Trinity College.—Museum. Chartæ et statuta Collegii Sacrosanctæ et individuæ A Catalogue of the Minerals in the Museum of Trinity Trinitatis Regina Elizabethæ juxta Dublin. MS. NOTES. College, Dublin. [By W. Stokes, W. Stephens, etc.] Dublinii, 1822. 8º. 8364. b. Part 1. Dublin, 1807. 8º. B. 664. (7.) “Given me by Dr. Kyle, Provost of Trinity College Dublin, in whose hand the MS. notes were originally written First (second, third) Report of the progress of the in pencil since inked over by myself.” MS. note of Dr. Dublin University Museum. 1846 (47, 48.) Bliss. Dublin, [1846–48.] 8º. 741. d. A descriptive Catalogue of the Simple Minerals in the Chartæ et statuta collegii Sacrosanctæ et individuæ systematic collection of Trinity College, Dublin. [By Trinitatis reginæ Elizabethæ juxta Dublin. (Edited by J. Apjohn.] Dublin, 1850. 8° 7105. aaa. H. H. G. Mac Donnell.] Dublinii, 1844. 80 732. c. 22 Trinity College.-Observatory. A translation of the charter and statutes of Trinity College, Dublin. Together with the library-statutes Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological and the rules of the University. To which is added, a Observatory at Trinity College, Dublin : under the table of expences for each degree. By R. Bolton. direction of ... H. Lloyd, etc. Dublin, 1749. 12º. 731. b. 22. Dublin (printed]; London, 1865, etc. 4º. 8752. g. In progress. The Compendium of Logic used in Dublin College: with a translation, critical commentary, and questions for Astronomical observations and researches made at Dun- exercise. By W. Thynne. ne. Dublin, 1827. sink, the Observatory of Trinity College. Third (fourth) 8º. Dublin, 1827 8486 cc. part. Hodges, Foster & Figgis : Dublin, 1879, etc. 4º. "8564. 1. 4. An enquiry, how far, the Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, is invested with a negative on the proceedings Zoological and Botanical Association. of the Senior Fellows, by the charter and statutes of the College. [By M. Young, Bishop of Clopfert and Kil Proceedings. With ... lithographic plates. vol. 1. mạcduach.] Dublin, 1790. 8º. 8364. b. (1.) Dublin, 1858 [1853, 59.] 80. Ac. 3593. No more published. A full and accurate report of the proceedings in the case of the Borough of Trinity College, Dublin, as heard before a Select Committe of the House of Com- DUDLEY. mons, A.D. 1791, etc. Dublin, 1791. 8°. 8364. b. (2.) Dudley and Midland Geological Society. Hermathena, a series of papers on literature, science and MURCHISON (Sir RODERICK IMPEY) Bart. The Inaugural philosophy, by members of Trinity College, Dublin. Address delivered ... at the first General Meeting of See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Dublin. the ... Society ... With the Report of the Committee. Musarum Lachrymæ: sive elegia Collegii ... Trinitatis London, 1842. 8º. 7109. b. juxta Dublin : in obitum ... Catharinæ, Comitissæ Corcagiæ, etc. [With the autograph of Humphrey Dyson.] Dublini, 1630. 4º. 1070. 1. 13. (9.) DUISBURG, Report of the proceedings at a Visitation holden in Trinity College, Dublin º... 1858, before the Vice- Historische Kommission der Stadt Duisburg. Chancellor of the University, and the Archbishop of Beiträge zur Geschichte der Stadt Duisburg. Dublin ... With an appendix. By J. F. Waller. Duisburg, 1881, etc. 8°. Ac. 7046. Dublin, 1858. 8º. 8364. d. In progress. 221 ACADEMIES. [DUMFRIES-DURHAM.] 222 DUMFRIES. DURHAM [CONTINUED). Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Surtees Society. Antiquarian Society. The Publications of the Surtees Society. Ac. 8045. The Transactions and Journal of the Proceedings of the Dumfriesshire & Galloway Natural History and Anti- Vol. 7. Catalogi veteres librorum Vol. 22. The Injunctions and quarian Society. Session, 1863, 1864. Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Dunelm. other ecclesiastical proceedings [Edited by B. Botfield.] 1840. of R. Barnes, Bishop of Dur- Edinburgh, 1864. 8º. Ac. 3032. Ac. 8045/7. ham, from 1575 to 1587. [Edited by J. Raine.] 1850. Vol. 8. Miscellanea biographica. Ac. 8045/21. Oswinus, Rex Northumbria. Vol. 23. The Latin hymns of DUNKIRK. Cuthbertus, episcopus, Lindis the Anglo-Saxon Church. farnensis. Eata, episcopus With an interlinear Anglo- Comité Flamand de France. Hangulstadensis. [Edited by Saxon gloss, etc. [Edited by James Raine]. 1838. J. Stevenson.] 1851. Annales. Dunkerque, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 5298. Ac. 8045/8. Ac. 8045/22. In progress. Vol. 9. Historiæ Dunelmepsis Vol. 24. A Memoir of R. Sur- scriptores tres, Gaufridus de tees ... by G. Taylor. With Société d'Agriculture. Coldingham, Robertus de Gray- additions by J. Raine. 1852. stanes, et Willielmus de Cham- Ac. 8045/23. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Valenciennes. La Flandre bre. [Edited by J. Raine.] agricole et manufacturière ; Journal ... publié ... sous 1839. Ac. 8045/9. Vol. 25. Baldon Buke, a survey les auspices des Sociétés d'Agriculture du département of the possessions of the See of du Nord, séantes à ... Dunkerque, etc. Durham, made ... 1183. With 1834, etc. 8º. Vol. 10. Rituale Ecclesiae Dunel- mensis. [Edited by J. Steven- P.P. 2336. a translation, an original docu- son.] Ang. Sax. Lat. [1841.] ment, and a glossary. By W. Société Dunkerquoise pour l'Encouragement des Greenwell. Lat. and Engl. Ac. 8045/10. 1852. Ac. 8045/24. Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts. Vol. 11. Chronicle of the war between the English and the Vol. 26. Wills and inventories Mémoires, etc. Dunkerque, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 322. Scots in 1173 and 1174 by from the registry of the Arch- In progress. Jordan Fantosme. With trans deaconry of Richmond, etc. lations, etc. by F. Michel. By J. Raine. 1853. 1840. Ac. 8045/11. Ac. 8045/25. DURHAM. Vol. 12. The correspondence, Vol. 27. The Pontifical of inventories, account rolls and Egbert, Archbishop of York, Architectural and Archäological Society of Durham law proceedings of the Priory A.D. 732-766. [Edited by W. of Coldinyham. [Edited by J. Green well.] Lat. [1853.] and Northumberland. Raine.] 1841. Ac. 8045/12. Ač. 8045/26. Transactions. 1862, 63. 2 pt. London, (1863–64.] 8º. Ac. 5635. Vol. 13. Liber Vitæ Ecclesiæ Vols. 28, 39, 43, and 48. The Dunelmensis; nec non obituaria Lindisfarne and Rushworth duo ejusdem ecclesiæ. [Edited Gospels. [Pt. 1, " St. Mat- Surtees Society. by J. Stevenson.] 1841. thew,” edited by J. Stevenson. Ac. 8045/13. Pt. 2-4, by G. Waring.] 4 pt. See BROWNE (J.) of York. Fabric Rolls and Documents 1854-65. Ac. 8045/27. of York Minster: or a defence of “the History of the Vol. 14. The correspondence of Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York," addressed to Robert Bowes of Ashe. [Edited Vol. 29. The inventories and the President of the Surtees Society. [Being a reply to account rolls of the Benedictine by J. Stevenson.] 1842. Ac. 8015/14, Houses or Cells of Jarrow and the Surtees “ Fabric Rolls of York Minster," edited by Monk - Wearmouth. [Edited the Secretary, J. Raine.] 1862. 4º. 10358. g. Vol. 15. A description ... of by J. Raine.] 1854. all the ancient monuments, Ac. 8045/28. See BROWNE (J.) of York. Fabric Rolls and Documents rites and customes within the Vol. 30. See Vol. 4. of York Minster:... [Being a reply to the Surtees monastical Church of Durham before the suppression, etc. “Fabric Rolls of York Minster," edited by J. Raine.] [Edited by J. Raine.] 1842. Vol. 31. The Obituary Roll of New edition, etc. 1863. 4º. 10358. g. Ac. 8045/15. W. Ebchester and J. Burnby, Priors of Durham, with notices Begin. A meeting will be held, etc. (Circular relative Vols. 16 and 19. Anglo-Saxon of similiar records preserved to the establishmeut of the Society.] and Early English Psalter, etc. at Durham, from the year 1233 downwards, etc. [Durham, 1834.] fol. Edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vol. [Edited by 806. k. 15. (95.) Ac. 8045/16. J. Raine.] 1856. Ac. S045/29. The Publications of the Surtees Society. Vol. 17. The correspondence of Vol. 32. Bishop Hatfield's Sur- Newcastle, 1835, etc. 8º. Ac. 8045. Matthew Hutton (Archbishop vey. By W. Greenwell: 1857. In progress of York, etc.). [Edited by J. Ac. 8045/30. Raine.] 1843. Ac. 8045/17. Vol. 1. Reginaldi monachi 1 Vols. 4, 30, 45, and 53. Testa- Vol. 33. Rural Economy in York: Dunelmensis libellus de ad.. menta Eboracensia ; or, wills shire in 1641, being the farming Vol. 18. The Durham household mirandis beati Cuthberti vir registered at York, illustrative and account books of H. Best. book. From Pentecost, 1530, tutibus, etc. [Edited by J. of tbe history, manners, lan- to Pentecost, 1534. [Edited 1857. Ac. 8045/31. Raine.] 1835. guage, statistics, &c., of the Ac. 8045. Province of York, from the by J. Raine.] 1844. Vols. 2 and 38. Wills and Inven- Vol. 34. The acts of the High Ac. 8045/18. · year 1300 downwards. Part 1. Commission Court within the torios illustrative of the history, [Edited by J. Raine.] 3 vol. Vol. 19. See Vol. 16. Diocese of Durbam. [Edited 1836–69. mauners, language, statistics. Ac. 8045/4. by W. H. D. Longstaffe.] 1858. &o., of the northern counties of England, etc. [Edited by J. Ac. 8045/32. Vol. 5. Sanctuarium Vol. 20. Duinel- Libellus de vita et Raine.] (Wills and Inventories mense et sanctuarium Beverla miraculis S. Godrici, Heremitæ from tue Registry at Durham. Vol. 35. The Fabric Rolls of cense. [Edited by J. Raine, de Finchale, auctore Reginalcio, Pt. 2.) [Pt. 1, edited by J. with a preface by T. C., i.e. Monachio Dunelmensi, York Minster. (Edited by J. ete. Ruine.] 1859. Raine; pt. 2, by W. Greenwell.] [Edited by J. Stevenson.] Ac. 8015/33. Temple Chevallier.] 1837. 2 pt. 1835-60. Ac. 80+5/2. Ac. 8045/5. (1847.] Ac. 8045/19. Vol. 36. The Visitation of the Vol. 3. The Towneley Mysteries. Vol. 6. The charters of endow Vol. 21. Depositions and other County of Yorke, begun in [Edited by J. Raine, with a ment, inventories and account ecclesiastical proceedings from Aº Dñi MDCLXV.; and finished preface by J. Hunter, and a rolls of tlic Priory of Fincha le, the Courts of Durhan., etc. Aº Dñi MDCLXVI. By W. glossary by J. Gordon.] 1836. etc. [Edited ljy the Rev. J. [Edited by J. Raine.] [1845.] Dugdale. [Edited by R. Ac. 8045/3. Raine.] 1837. Ac. 8045/6. AC. 8045/20 Davies.] 1859. Ac. S015/34. 1843-47. 223 ACADEMIES. [DURHAM.] 224 DURHAM [CONTINUED]. DURHAM (CONTINUED). Surtees Society. Surtees Society. The Publications of the Surtees Society. Ac. 8045. The Publications of the Surtees Society. Ac. 8045. Vols. 37 and 47. Miscellanea : 1 Vol. 53. See Vol. 4. Vol. 68. Selections from the Vol. 71. Breviarium ad usum comprising 1. The Works and Household Books of Lord W. insignis Ecclesie Eboracensis. Letters of D. Granville, Dean Vol. 54. The Diary (Ephemeris Howard of Naworth Castle. [Edited by S. W. Lawley.] of Durham [edited by G. vitæ) of A. De la Pryme, etc. [Edited by G. Ornsby.] 1878. vol. 1. 1880. Ac. 8045/58. Ornsby]. II. Ñ. Drake's Ac [Edited by C. Jackson.] 1870. AC. 8045/55. Vol. 72. See Vol. 69. Ac. 8045/44. count of the Siege of Ponte- Vols. 69 and 72. Cartularium fract Castle [by W. H. D. Vol. 55. See Vol. 52. Abbathiæ de Whiteby, Ordinis Vol. 73. The Family Memoirs Longstaffe]. III. A brief me- S. Benedicti. Edited by J. of the Rev. W. Stukeley. moir of Mr. Justice Rokeby Vol. 56. The Register, or Rolls, C. Atkinson.] 2 vol. 1879. [Edited by W.C. Lukis.] vol. 1. [by J. Raine]. 4 pt. 1861–65. of Walter Gray, Archbishop of Ac. 8045/56. 1882. Ac. 8045/60. Ac. 8045/35. York. [Edited by J. Raine.] Vol. 70. Ac. 8045/45. Dialogi Laurentii Vol. 38. See Vol. 2. 1872. Vol. 74. Memorials of the Church Dunelmensis Monachi ac Pri of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon. Vol. 39. See Vol. 28. Vol. 57. The Register of the oris. [In verse.] [Edited by Edited by J. T. Fowler.] * Guild of Corpus Christi, York. Vol. 40. Depositions from the J. Raine.] 1880. Ac. 8045/57. 1882. Ac. 8025/61. Castle of York, relating to [Edited by R. H. Skaife.] offences committed in the 1872. Ac. 8045/46. University of Durham. Northern Counties in the seven- teenth Century. [Edited by Vol. 58. Feodarium Prioratus A charter granted to the University of Durham, June 1, J. Raine.] 1861. Dunelmensis. A survey of the 1837. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— WILLIAM IV., estates of the Prior and Con- Ac. 8045/36. · vent of Durham con piled in King. A charter, etc. [1837.] 8º. 2121. b. Vol. 41. Heraldic Visitation of the fifteenth century. [Edited the Northern Counties in 1530, by W. Greenwell.] 1872. by T. Tonge, etc. Edited by Ac. 8045/47. A statute enacted by the Dean and Chapter, with consent W. H. D. Longstaffe. 1863. of the Bishop, for the University, established in con- Vols. 59 and 60. Missale ad Ac. 8045/37. usum insignis Ecclesiæ Ebora- nection with the Cathedral Church of Durham ; with Vols. 42 and 67. Memorials of censis. [Edited by W. G. regulations passed under its authority, by the Senate the Abbey of St. Mary of Henderson.] 2 vol. 1874. and Convocation of the University. Durham, 1836. 8º. Fountains. Collected and Ac. 8045/48. edited by J. R. Walbran. 2 vol. T. 2120. (9.) 1863-78. Ac. 8045/38. Vol. 61. Liber Pontificalis C. Bainbridge, Archiepiscopi [Another edition.] Durham, 1837. 8º. Vol. 43. See Vol. 28. Eboracensis. [Edited by W. P.P. 2506. d.o. (2.) Vols. 44 and 46. The Priory of G. Henderson.] 1875. Hexham, its chroniclers, en. Ac. 8045/49. The Durham University Calendar, etc. dowments, and annals. [Edited Vol. 62. The Autobiography of Durham, 1837, etc. 8°. P.P. 2506. d.o. & 2121. b. by J. Raine.] 2 vol. 1864-65. Mrs. Alice Thornton, etc. Ac. 8045/39. In progress. [Edited by C. Jackson.] 1875. Vol. 45. Ses Vol. 4. Ac. 8045/50. Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Vol. 46. See Vol. 44. Vol. 63. Manuale et Proces Observatory of the University, Durham, from October Vol. 47. See Vol. 37. sionale ad usum insignis 1849 to April 1852 ... by R. C. Carrington. Ecclesiæ Eboracensis. [Edited Vol. 48. See Vol. 28. by W. G. Henderson.] 1875. Durham, 1855. 8º. 8566. d. Vol. 49. The Survey of the Ac. 8045/51. County of York, taken by John Vol. 64. Acts of Chapter of the Rules and Regulations of the Durham University Union, de Kirkby, commonly called Collegiate Church of S. S. etc. pp. 11. Durham, 1872. 12°, 1250. c. 37. (14.) Kirkby's Inquest, etc. [Edited Peter and Wilfred, Ripon. A.D. by R. H. Skaife.] 1867. 1452 to A.D. 1506. [Edited by The Student's Guide to the University of Durham ; with Ac. 8045/40. J. T. Fowler.] 1875. information respecting expenses, scholarships, examina- Vol. 50. Memoirs of the Life of Ảc. 8045/52. Ambrose Barnes. [Edited by tions and degrees. pp. 144. Vol. 65. Yorkshire Diaries and W. H. D. Longstaffe.] 1867. “ Advertiser" Office : Durham, 1880. 12º8364. aaaa. 22. Autobiographies in the seven- Ac, 8045/41. teenth and eighteenth cen- Vol. 51. Symeonis Dunelmensis turies. [Edited by C. Jackson.] The University of Durham: what shall we do with it? Opera et Collectanea. [Edited 1877. Ac. 8045/53. By a Quondam Fellow. London, 1863. 8º. by J. H. Hinde.] vol. 1. 1868. 8364. c. ... Vol. 66. Chartularium Abbathiæ Ac. 8045/42. Vols. 52 and 55. The Correspond- de Novo Monasterio Ordinis Cisterciensis. (Edited by J. Durham University Junior Union Society. ence of John Cosin, Bishop T. Fowler.] 1878. of Durham, etc. [Edited by Ac. 8045/54. G. Ornsby.] 2 pt. 1869-72. Selected Papers, etc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 8045/43. / Vol. 67. See Vol. 42. In progress. 8367. cc. . ACADEMIES, ETC. PART II. EASTBOURNE. Eastbourne Natural History Society. Lists of the Local Fauna and Flora, by the Eastbourne Natural History Society, with Supplement, by F. C. S. Roper. Corrected to December, 1873. [Eastbourne, 1873.] 8º. 7207. aa. EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Abbotsford Club. The Romances of Rouland and Vernagu, and Otuel. From the Auchinleck manuscript. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Edinburgh, 1836. 2º. Ac. 8247/4. Account of the monastic treasures confiscated at the dissolution of the various houses in England. By Sir John Williams, Master and Treasurer of the Jewels to King Henry VIII. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. Àc. 8247/5. EDINBURGH. Abbotsford Club. Abbotsford Club. A List of the members; the rules ; and a catalogue of books printed for the ... Club, since its institution in 1833. [Edited by D. L., i.e. David Laing.] Edinburgh, 1866. 4º. Ac. 8247/33. Ancient Mysteries from the Digby Manuscripts, pre- served in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. [Edited by T. Sharpe.] Edinburgh, 1835. 4º. Ac. 8247. The Presentation in the Temple: a pageant, as originally represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry. Now first printed from the Books of the Company, with a prefatory notice. [Edited by J. B. Gracie.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. Ac. 8247/2. Compota domestica familiarum de Bukingham et d'Angouleme, 1443, 52, 63. Quibus annexae expensae cujusdam comitis in itinere, 1273. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4º. Ac. 8247/3. (1.) Emendations on the “Compota domestica,” [by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] [Edinburgh, 1841.] 4°. Ac. 8247/3. (2.) Historical memoirs of the reign of Mary, Queen of Scots, and a portion of the reign of King James the Sixth. [By Lord Herries. Edited by R. Pitcairn.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4º. Ac. 8247/6. Ecclesiastical Records. Selections from the minutes of the presbyteries of Saint Andrews, and Cupar, 1641-98, [Edited by G. R. Kinloch.] Edinburgh, 1837. 4º. Ac. 8247/7. Ecclesiastical Records. Selections from the minutes of the Synod of Fife, 1611-87. [Edited by G. R. Kinloch.] Edinburgh, 1837. 4º. Ac. 8247/8. State papers and miscellaneous correspondence of Thomas, Earl of Melros. [Edited by J. Maidment.) 2 vol, Edinburgh, 1837. 4º. Ac. 8247/9. Mind, will, and understanding, a morality. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Edinburgh, 1837. 40. Ac. 8247/10. The conclusion of the Morality only, being a supplement to the “ Ancient Mysteries" printed by the Cluð. 12.10 de mange gange twy wie 227 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] 228 Calculus Off WILLIAM Hnburgh. EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH (CONTINUED). Abbotsford Club. Abbotsford Club. Miscellany of the Abbotsford club. Vol. 1. [Edited hy Sire Degarre, a metrical romance of the end of the J. Maidment.] Edinburgh, 1837. 4º. Ac. 8247/11. thirteenth century. [Edited by D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1849. 4º. Ac. 8247/28. Arthour and Merlin; a metrical romance, now first edited from the Auchinleck MS. [by W. B. D. D. Turn A Penni Worth of Witte: Florice and Blauncheflour: bull.] Edinburgh, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8247/12. and other pieces of ancient English Poetry, selected from the Auchinleck Manuscript (by D. Laing]. Letters and state papers during the reign of King James the Sixth, chiefly from the manuscript collections of Sir Edinburgh, 1857. 4º. Ac. 8247/29. James Balfour of Denmyln. [Edited by J. Maidment.] Memoirs of the Insurrection in Scotland, in 1715. By Edinburgh, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8247/13. John, Master Sinclair ... With notes, by Sir W. Scott. Inventaire Chronologique des documents relatifs à [Edited by J. Macknight and D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1858. 4º. Ac. 8247/30. l'histoire d'Ecosse conservés aux Archives du royaume à Paris. Suivi d'une indication sommaire des Manu Stephen Hawes. The Conversyon of Swerers : a scrits de la Bibliothèque royale. [By J. B. A. T. Teulet..] joyfull medytacyon to all Englunde of the Coronacyon Edimbourg, 1839. 4º. Ac. 8247/14. of Kynge Henry the Eyght. [In verse. Edited by Davidis Humii de familia Humia Wedderburnensi Liber. D. Laing.] B. L. Edinburgh, 1865. 4º. Ac. 8247/32. [Edited by John Miller.] Edinburgi, 1839. 4º. A reprint of the edition printed by Wynkyn de Worde. Ac. 8247/15.. Ecclesiastical Records. Selections from the Registers of the Presbytery of Lanark. 1623–1709. [Edited by Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. J. Robertson.] Edinburgh, 1839. 4º. Ač. 8247/18. MACDONALD (WILLJAM RAE) On some problems in the calculus of finite differences. pp. 31. 740. e. 25. [Another copy.] [Edinburgh,] London (printed], 1876. 8º. 8507. e. 5. (3.) Jacobite Correspondence of the Atholl Family during the Rebellion 1745–46. [Edited by J. H. Burton and Architectural Institute of Scotland. D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1840. 4º. Ac. 8247/17. First (-fifth) Report of the Council of Management of The Romances of Sir Guy of Warwick, and Reinbrun the Architectural Institute of Scotland. his son. Now first edited from the Auchinleck MS. Edinburgh, 1850–54. 8º.' Ac. 4885/3. By W. B. D. D. T., i.e. William B. D. D. Turnbull.] Imperfect; wanting the third report. Edinburgh, 1840. 4º. Ac. 8247/18. Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Scotland. Le Roman des aventures de Fregus, par Guillaume Le Vol. I.-IV. Edinburgh, 1851-59. 8º. Ac. 4885. Clerc, trouvère du treizième siècle. Publié par F. Imperfect ; vol. III. and IV., each wanting all after pt. 1. Michel. Edimbourg, 1841. 4º. Ac. 8247/19. Transactions ... Session 1861(-65, 1866–71). Illustra- The Legend of St. Katherine of Alexandria, edited from tions of Scottish buildings. Edinburgh, (1862–71.] fol. a manuscript in the Cottonian Library, by J. Morton. 1733. C. London, 1841. 4º. Ac. 8247/20. Proceedings of the Architectural Institute of Scotland. Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edin- Session, 1852–53. Edinburgh, 1853. 8º. Ac. 4885/2. burgum. [Edited by J. Maidment.] A letter to the members of the Architectural Institute Edinburgi, 1841. 4º. Ac. 8247/21. of Scotland, by an ordinary member. The Chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores. Now Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. 7820. d. first printed from the original MSS. (Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Edinburgh, 1841. 4º Ac. 8247/22. Aungervyle Society. Extracta e variis Cronicis Scocie ; from the ancient [Publications. Edited by E. M. Goldsmid.] Manuscript in thc Advocates' Library at Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 9942/2. now first printed. [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.T. In progress. Edinburgh, 1842. 4º. Ac. 8247/23. Rules and list of members to June, 1882. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, Chief of the Edinburgh, 1882, etc.] 16º. Ac. 9942. Clan Cameron, with an introductory account of the In progress. history and antiquities of that family and of the neigh- bouring clans. [By John Drummond. Edited by J. Bannatyne Club. Macknight.] Edinburgh, 1842. 4º. Ac. 8247/24. See ANGUS, County of. The ancient sculptured Monu- Liber officialis Sancti Andree: Curie Metropolitane ments of the County of Angus, etc. [Edited for the Sancti Andree in Scotia sententiarum in causis consisto Bannatyne Club by P. Chalmers.] 1848. fol. rialibus que extant. Edinburgi, 1845. 4º. Tab. 1337. c. Ac. 8247/25. Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club publications. A Garden of grave and godlie flowers, by Alexander Edinburgh, 1833. 8º. G. 284. Gardyne (reprinted from the edition at Edinburgh, 1609.) The theatre of Scotish kings, by Alexander Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club publications since the Garden (reprinted from the edition at Edinburgh, 1709). institution of the Club in 1823. [Edinburgh,] 1841. 8º. Together with miscellaneous poems by J. Lundie (now Ac. 8248/119. first printed). [Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] [Another copy.] G. 284. Edinburgh, 1845. 4º. Ac. 8247/26. Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club publications, with a The Buke of the Ordor of Knyghthood. Translated chronological list of the members since 1823. from the French, by Sir Gilbert Hay. From the manu- [Edinburgh?] 1846. 8º. Ac. 8248/119. script in the Library at Abbotsford. [Edited by D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1847. 4º. Ac. 8247/27. [Another copy.] G. 284. 229 230 ACADEMIES. EDINBURGH.] EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Bannatyne Club. Bannatyne Club. Catalogue of the Books printed for the Members of the The Poems of George Bannatyne. 1568. (Edited by Bannatyne Club since its institution. D. Laing.) Edinburgh, 1824. 8º. [Edinburgh,] 1854. 12º. Ac. 8248/120. Robene and Makyne, and the Testament of Cresseid. The Bannatyne Club. List of members and the Rules, By Robert Henryson. [Edited by G. Chalmers.] with a catalogue of the books printed for the Bannatyne Edinburgh, 1824. 4º. Ac. 8248/6. Club since ... 1823. Edinburgh, 1867. 4º. Ac. 8248/116. [Another copy.] G. 269. (2.) Abstract of the Treasurer's accounts 1823-1828, etc. Nos. 1-6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14–16. [Edinburgh, 1828-46.] 4º. Report by T. Tucker, upon the settlement of the revenues G. 285. of Excise and Customs in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1824. 4º. G. 269. (3.) [Another copy of No. 3.] Ac. 8248/117. Abstract of the Treasurer's accounts, 1846. No. 17. Etchings, chiefly of views in Scotland. By J. Clerk. G. 174. Edinburgh, 1825. fol. [Edinburgh, 1847.] 4º. Ac. 8248/84. (2.) Abstract of the Treasurer's accounts. 1847-55. No. Auld Robin Gray; a ballad. By ... Lady Anne 18–26. [Edinburgh, 1848–56.] 4º. Ac. 8248/117. Barnard, born Lady Anne Lindsay. Edinburgh, 1825. 4º. G. 269. (4.) Notices relative to the Bannatyne Club, instituted in February, 1823; including critiques on some of its Recit de l’Expedition en Ecosse, l'an MD. XLVI; et de la publications. [Edited by J. Maidment.] Battayle de Muscleburgh. Par le Sieur Berteville, au Edinburgh, 1836. 4º. Ac. 8248/55. · Roy Édouard VI. [Edited by D. Constable.] Fifty copies printed for private circulation. Edinbourgh, 1825. 4º. G. 269. (5.) [Another copy.] G. 198. (2.) Hectoris Boetii Murthlacensiuin et Aberdonensium Epi- scoporum Vitæ, iterum in lucem editæ. At the Annual General Meeting ... Dec. 6, 1852: the Edinburgi, 1825. 4°. G. 175. (1.) Secretary ... begged to suggest ... a brief notice of Mr. Thomson's literary and antiquarian labours, etc. An Apology for Sir James Dalrymple of Stair ... By [Notice, etc.] [Edinburgh,] 1853. 40. Ac. 8248/118. Himself. Edinburgh, 1825. 4º. G. 269. (6.) The accounts of the Great Chamberlains of Scotland, The History and lifè of King James, being an account of the affairs of Scotland from the year 1566 to the year and some other officers of the Crown, rendered at the Exchequer, 1326–1453. [Edited by T. Thomson.] 1596; with a short continuation to the year 1617. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1817[-45]. 4º. Ac. 8248/79. [Edited by T. Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1825. 4º. The greater portion of this work was printed before the Ac. 8248/13. institution of the Club; part of it was presented by the [Another copy.] G. 176. (1.) editor in 1837, and the remainder at its completion in 1845. The discoverie and historie of the gold mynes in Scot- [Another copy.] G. 208–10. land. By Stephen Atkinson. Written in the year 1619. Vitæ Dunkeldensis Ecclesiæ Episcoporum, a prima sedis [Edited by G. L. Meason.] Edinburgh, 1825. 4º. fundatione ad annum 1515. Ab Alexandro Myln Ac. 8248/14. ejusdem ecclesiae canonico conscriptae. (Compotum [Another copy.] G. 175. (2.) Magistri Fabrice Pontis Dunkeldensis. 1513–16.) [Edited by T. Thomson.] Edinburgi, 1823, 31. 4º. Letters of John Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount Ac. 8248. (1.) Dundee, with illustrative documents. [Edited by G. The Compotum was printed as an appendix to the second Smythe.] Edinburgh, 1826. 4º. G. 175. (4.) edition of the Vitæ, and separate copies of it, together with De Vita, et Morte Roberti Rollok, Academiæ Edinburgenæ the preface and index, were struck off for this edition. Primarii, narrationes : auctoribus G. Robertson, et H. [Another copy.] G. 173. (1.) Charteris. Edinburgi, 1826. 4º. G. 175. (3.) Editio altera, cui accedit appendix (Compotum Magistri The Palice of Honour. By Gawyn Douglas, Bishop of Fabrice Pontis, etc.) cum nominum et locorum indice. Dunkeld. A fac-simile of the edition printed at [Revised by C. Innes.] Edinburgi, 1831. 4º. Edinburgh by John Ros for Henry Charteris in 1579. Ac. 8248/1. (2.) Edited by J. G. Kinnear.] Edinburgh, 1827. 4º. Poems, by Sir David Murray, of Gorthy. [A reprint of Ac. 8248/17. - The tragicall death of Sophonisba, London, 1611," and “ Coelia, containing certaine sonets. A paraphrase [Another copy.] · G. 178. (1.) of the civ. psalme. Edinburgh, 1615." Edited by T. [Another copy.] ON VELLUM. C. 21. d. Kinnear.] Edinburgh, 1823. 4º. Ac. 8248/2. [Another copy.] G. 173. (2.) Memoirs of his own life, by Sir James Melville, of Halhill. 1549–93. From the original manuscript. The buke of the Howlat. By Holland. [Edited by [Edited by T. Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1827. 4º. D. Laing.] B. L. Edinburgh, 1823. 4º. Ac. 8248/3. Ac. 8248/18. [Another copy.] G. 173. (3.) This was reprinted in 1833, for some members of the Maitland Club. See infra: GLASGOW.—Maitland Club. Teares for the death of Alexander, Earl of Dunfermeling, Lord Chancellor of Scotland. [By John Lyon. Re [Another copy.] G. 177. printed from the edition of 1622. Edited by J. Maid- ment.] Edinburgh, 1823. 4°. Ac. 8248/4. The Bannatyne Miscellany; containing original papers and tracts, chiefly relating to the history and literature [Another copy.] G. 173. (4.) of Scotland. [Edited by Sir W. Scott, D. Laing and Discours particulier d'Escosse; escrit ... par Messire T. Thomson.] 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1827-55. 4º. Jacques Makgill, clerc du Registre, et Jean Bellenden, Ac. 8248/19. clerc de la Justice. Edinbourg, 1824. 4º. G. 269. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 179-80. By of the chart. 4°:24811" 231 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] 232 W EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Bannatyne Club. Bannatyne Club. Two ancient Records of the Bishopric of Caithness, from Papers relative to the Regalia of Scotland. [.Including the Charter-Room at Dunrobin. Edinburgh, 1848. 4º. a reprint of: “A true account of the preservation of the 739. h. 9. regalia of Scotland ... By Sir G. Ogilvie. Edinburgh, A duplicate of pp. 1–24 of the Miscellany, vol. 3. 1701.” Edited by W. Beli.] Edinburgh, 1829. 4°. AĆ. 8248/30. Chronicon coenobii Sanctæ Crucis Edinburgensis, iterum in lucem editum. [Edited by R. Pitcairn.] [Another copy.] G. 186. (1.) Edinburgi, 1828. 40. Ac. 8248/20. The History of the House of Seytoun to the year 1559. By Sir R. Maitland of Lethington, Knight. With the [Another copy.] G. 178. (2.) continuation by Alexander Viscount Kingston to 1687. Thomae Dempsteri Historia ecclesiastica Gentis Sco Glasgow, 1829. 4º. G. 268. (1.) torum; sive, de scriptoribus Scotis. Editio altera. One of 101 copies purchased from the Maitland Club. [Edited by D. Irving. ] 2 tom. Edinburgi, 1829. 4º. Ac. 8248/21. Descrittione del regno di Scotia, di Petruccio Ubaldini. [Reprinted from the edition at Antwerp, 1588. Edited [Another copy.] G. 183. (4.) by A. Coventry.] Edimborgo, 1829. 4º. Ac. 8248/32. Extract from the despatches of M. Courcelles, French [Another copy.) G. 268. (2.) ambassador at the court of Scotland. 1586, 87. [Edited by R. Bell.] Edinburgh, 1828. 4º. Ac. 8248/22. Letters from Archibald Earl of Argyll to John Duke of Lauderdale. [Edited by Sir G. Sinclair and C. K. [Another copy.] G. 178. (3.) Sharpe.) Edinburgh, 1829. 4º. Ac. 8248/24. (2.) Siege of the castle of Edinburgh, 1689. [By W. R. Not published for the Club; copies were purchased for the Edited by R. Bell.] Edinburgh, 1828. 4º. members. Ac. 8248/23. [Another copy.] G. 188. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 178. (4.) Another copy. With MS. additions, being copies from Letters from Lady Margaret Burnet, to John, Duke several unpublished letters.] Edinburgh, 1829. 4º. of Lauderdale. Edinburgh, 1828. 4º. Ac. 8248/33. Ac. 8248/24. (1.) | The Diary of Mr. James Melvill, 1556–1601. [Edited Not published for the Club; copies were purchased for the by G. R. Kinloch.] Edinburgh, 1829. 4º. members. Ac. 8248/34. [Another copy.] G. 181. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 187. The history of the troubles and memorable transactions Memorials of George Bannatyne, 1545–1608. [Edited in Scotland, from 1624 to 1645. By John Spalding, by Sir Walter Scott. With a memoir of Bannatyne by [Edited by J. Skene.] 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1828, 29. 40. the editor, and an account of the contents of his manu- Ac. 8248/25. script, by D. Laing.) Edinburgh, 1829. 4º. [Another copy.] G. 182. (3.) Ac. 8248/35. [Another copy.] G. 188. (1.) Papers relative to the marriage of King James VI. of Scotland with the Princess Anna of Denmark, A.D. 1589, The Anatomie of Humors; and the Passionate Sparke of and the form and manner of her majesty's coronation at a Relenting Minde. By Simion Grahame. (Reprinted Holyrood House, A.D. 1590. [Chiefly from original MSS. from the editions 1609 and 1604. Edited by R. but including reprints of two tracts, printed at Edin- Jameson.] Edinburgh, 1830. 4°. Ac. 8248/36. burgh, by R. Waldegrave, in 1590, intitled : “ Stepa- VLOKLOV ad Scotiæ regem, babitum in coronatione reginæ [Another copy.] G. 188. (3.) 17 Maij 1590, per Andream Meluinum"; and : “ Verba A Relation of proceedings concerning the affairs of the Joann. Russelli jureconsulti pro senatu populoque Edin- Kirk of Scotland from August, 1537 to July, 1638. burgensi habita ad serenissimam Scotorum reginam By John, Earl of Rothes. [Edited by J. Nairne.] Annam, etc.” Edited by Sir J. T. Gibson Craig.] Ac. 8248/37. Edinburgh, 1828. 4º. Ac. 8248/26. [Another copy.] G. 190. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 176. (2.) The History of Scotland from the death of King James A Diary of the proceedings in the Parliament and Privy I. in the year 1436, to the year 1561. By John Lesley, Council of Scotland. May 21, 1700—March 7, 1707. Bishop of Ross. [Edited by T. Thomson.] By Sir David Hume, of Crossrigg. [Edited by J. Hope.] Edinburgh, 1830. 4º. Ac. 8248/38. Edinburgh, 1828. 4º. Ac. 8248/ 27. Not published for the Club; copies were purchased for the members; fifty copies were printed for general sale, of which [Another copy.] G. 181. (2.) this is one. Memoirs of his own life and times. By Sir James Turner. G. 191. 1632–70. From [Another copy.] the original manuscript. [Edited by T. Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1829. 4º. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland. By David Moysie. Ac. 8248/28. 1577-1603. From early manuscripts. [Edited by Not published for the Club; copies were purchased for the J. Dennistoun.] Edinburgh, 1830. 40. AC. 8248/39. members ; this is one of the copies printed for general sale. [Another copy.] G. 190. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 267. The buik of the most noble and vailzeand conquerour Les affaires du Conte de Boduel. L'an 1568. [Edited Alexander the Great. [In verse. Edited by W. H. by T. G. Repp.] Edinburgh, 1829. 4º. Ac. 8248/29. Miller?] Edinburgh, 1831. 4º. Ac. 8248/46. [Another copy.] G. 186. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 192. 233 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGE.T 234 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Bannatyne Club. Bannatyne Club. Hymns and sacred songs, by Alexander Hume. Re The Life of Lieutenant General Hugh Mackay, Com- printed from the edition of Waldegrave, 1599. B. L. mander in Chief of the Forces in Scotland, 1689 and (Ane afold admonitioun to the ministerie of Scotland. 1690. By J. Mackay. Edinburgh, 1836. 4º. By A. Hume, printed from a manuscript in the Advocates One of 101 copies purchased for the Club. G. 207. (1.) Library.) [Edited by J. G. Kinnear.] 2 pt. Edinburgh, 1832. 4º. Ac. 8248/41. Excerpta e libris domicilii Domini Jacobi Quinti, Regis Scotorum, 1525–33. Edinburgi, 1836. 4º. [Another copy.] G. 193. (1.) Ac. 8248/54. Criminal Trials in Scotland: compiled from the original [Another copy.]. G. 207. (2.) Records and MSS. with historical notes and illustrations. By R. Pitcairn. 3 vol. in 7. Edinburgh, 1833. 4º. Davidis Buchanani de Scriptoribus Scotis libri duo, nunc primum editi. [Edited by D. Irving.] One of 101 copies purchased for the Club. G. 199. 205. Edinburgi, 1837. 4º. G. 211. (2.) A Diurnal of remarkable occurrents, that have passed within the country of Scotland, since the death of King Liber Sancte Marie de Melros. Munimenta vetustiora Monasterii Cisterciensis de Melros. [Edited by C. James the Fourth, till the year 1575. From a MS. of the sixteenth century, in the possession of Sir J. Maxwell, Innes.] 2 toin. Edinburgi, 1837. 4º. Ac. 8248/56. of Pullock. [Edited by T. Thomson.] [Another copy.] G. 212, 13. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. Ac. 8248/43. The Seven Sages (translatit out of prois), in Scotish [Another copy.] G. 195. metre. By John Rolland of Dalkeith. (Reprinted from Collection of ancient Scottish Prophecies, in alliterative the edition at Edinburgh, 1578. Edited by D. Laing.] verse. Reprinted from Waldegrave's edition, 1603, (and B. L. Edinburgh, 1837. 4º. &c. 8248/57 collated with that by Hart, 1615.) [Edited by D. Laing.] B. L. Edinburgh, 1833. 4°. Ac. 8248/44. G. 211, (1.) [Another copy.] [Another copy.] G. 193. (2.) Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, e pluribus consar- cinatum circa A.D. 1400, cum continuatione diplomatum Memoirs of the war carried on in Scotland and Ireland, recentiorum usque ad A.D. 1623. [Edited by C. Innes.] 1689–91. By Major-General Hugh Mackay. With an Edinburgi, 1837. 4°. AC. 8248/58. appendix of original papers. [Edited by J. M. Hog, P. Fraser Tytler, and Ā. Urquhart.] [Another copy.] G. 214. Edinburgh, 1833. 4º. Ac. 8248/45. Ancient Scotish Melodies, from a manuscript of the reign [Another copy.] G. 194. of King James VI. With an introductory enquiry, illustrative of the history of the music of Scotland. By Instrumenta Publica, sive processus super fidelitatibus W. Dauney. Edinburgh, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8248/59. et homagiis Scotorum Domino Regi Angliæ factis, Not published for the Club, but copies were printed on Club A.D. 1291–96. [Edited by T. Thomson.] paper for the members, at its expense. Edinburgi, 1834. 4°. Ac. 8248/47. These documents are usually called the “ Ragman Rolls." Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford. By J. G. Cochrane. Edinburgh, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8253/45. [Another copy.] G. 193. (3.) This work was issued by the Maitland Club, Glasgow; Letters and Papers relating to Patrick Master of Gray, and copies were taken for members of the Bannatyne Club. afterwards seventh Lord Gray. Edinburgh, 1835. 4º. Correspondance Diplomatique de B. de Salignac de La G. 197. (1.) Mothe Fénelon, Ambassadeur de France en Angleterre, Chronica de Mailros, o codice unico in Bibliotheca de 1568 à 1575. [Edited by A. Teulet.] 7 vol. Cottoniana servato, nunc iterum in lucem edita, notulis Paris et Londres, 1838–40. 8º. G. 271–77. indiceque aucta. [Edited by J. Stevenson.] One of 101 copies purchased for the Club. Edinburgi, 1835. 1º. Ac. 8248/49. Syr Gawayne; a collection of ancient romance-poems, [Another copy.] G. 197. (2.) by Scotish and English authors, relating to that cele- brated Knight of the Round Table; with an intro- Philotus; a.comedy, reprinted from the edition of Robert Charteris (1603). duction, notes, and a glossary by Sir F. Madden. B. L. (Appendix ; containing Barnaby Rich's tale of Phylotus and Emelia.) [With a London, 1839. 4°. Ac. 8248/61. preface by D. Irving.] Edinburgh, 1835. 4°? [Another copy.] G. 215. Ac. 8248/50. [Another copy.] G. 198. (1.) De Arte Logistica Joannis Naperi Mercbistonii Baronis Libri qui supersunt. [Edited with introduction by M. Memoriales of transactions in Scotland, 1569–73. By Napier.] Edinburgi, 1839. 4º. G. 216. (2.) Richard Bannatyne, secretary to John Knox. [Edited One of 101 copies purchased for the Club. by R. Pitcairn.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4º. Ac. 8248/51. Not published for the Club; the requisite number of copies Ferrerii Historici Abbatum de Kynlos : una cum Vita were printed on Club paper for the members : this is one of Thomæ Chrystalli Abbatis. [Edited by W. D. Wilson, fifty copies printed on fine paper for private circulation. with preface by J. P. Muirhead.] Edinburgi, 1839. 40. Ĝ. 216. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 206. The Æneid of Virgil translated into Scottish verse by A Diary of public transactions and other occurrences, Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. vol. 1, 2. [Edited chiefly in Scotland, from January 1650 to June 1667. by G. Dundas.] Edinburgh, 1839. 4º. Ac. 8248/64. By John Nicoll. [Edited by D. Laing.) A third vol., containing an introduction, glossary, etc., in- Edinburgh, 1836. 4º. Ac. 8248/52. tended to complete the work, has not been published. [Another copy.] G. 196. [Another copy.] G. 287, 88. 235 ACADEMIES.' [EDINBURGH.] 236 EDINBURGH (CONTINUED). EDINBURGH (CONTINUED). Bannatyne Club. Bannatyne Club. Chronicon de Lanercost, 1201_1346 ; e Codice Cottoniano Leven and Melville Papers : letters and state papers nunc primum typis mandatum. [Edited by J. Steven chiefly addressed to George Earl of Melville, Secretary son.] Edinburgi, 1839. 4º. Ac. 8248/65. of State for Scotland. 1689–1691. [Edited by the Hon. W. H. Leslie Melville.] Edinburgh, 1843. 4. [Another copy.] G. 217. . Ac. 8248/77. [Another copy.] G. 266. Acts and proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland...1560-1618. [Edited by T. Thom Liber Ecclesie de Scon : munimenta vetustiora Monas- son.] 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1839–45. 4º. Ac. 8248/81. terii Sancte Trinitatis et Sancti Michaelis de Scon. Edinburgi, 1843. 4º. G. 231. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 218–20. Horn et Rimenhild. Recueil de ce qui reste des poëmes Historical Observes of memorable occurrents in Church relatifs à leurs avantures composés en Français en and State, from October 1680 to April 1686. By Sir Anglois et en Ecossois, dans les treizième, quatorzième, John Lauder of Fountainhall. [Edited by A. Urquhart quinzième et seizième siècles. Publié d'apres les manu- scrits de Londres, de Cambridge, d'Oxford et d'Edinburgh and D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. Ac. 8248/66. par F. Micbel. Paris, 1845. 4º. Ac. 8248/80. [Another copy.] G. 223. [Another copy.] G. 286. Roman de la Manekine, par Philippe de Reimes, trouvère Liber S. Marie de Calchou ; Registrum cartarum Abbacie du treizième siècle. Publié par Francisque Michel. Tironensis de Kelso, 1113–1567. [Edited by C. Innes.] Paris, 1840. 4º. Ac. 8248/68. 2 tom. Edinburgi, 1846. 4º. Ac. 8248/82. [Another copy.] G. 289, 90. G. 222. (1.) [Another copy.] The works of John Knox: collected and edited by D. Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree in Scotia. E Laing. 6 vol. Edinburgh, 1846–64. 89. Ac. 8248/112. Registro ipso in Archivis Baronum de Panmure hodie This work was edited for the Wodrow Society, but 112 asservato. [Edited by T. Thomson.] Edinburgi, 1841. 4º. copies were printed for the Bannatyne Club at its own G. 224. expense. Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis. Munimenta Ecclesie Liber S. Marie de Dryburgh, Registrum Cartarum Sancte Crucis de Edwinesburg. [Edited by C. Innes. Abbacie Premonstratensis de Dryburgh. [Edited by J. Edinburgi, 1840. 4º. Ac. 8248/70. Spottiswoode.] Edinburgh, 1847. 4º Ac. 8248) 83. [Another copy.] G. 221. Carte monialium de Northberwic: Prioratus Cister- ciensis B. Marie de Northberwic munimenta vetusta que Memoirs touching the Revolution in Scotland, 1688– supersunt. [Edited by C. Innes.] Edinburgi, 1847. 4º. 1690. By Colin, Earl of Balcarres. Presented to King James II. at St. Germains, 1690. [Edited by A. W. C. Ac. 8248/84. Lindsay, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres.] Liber Insule Missarum : Abbacie canonicorum regularium Edinburgh, 1841. 4º. G. 222. (2.) B. Virginis et S. Johannis de Inchaffery registrum vetus: Premissis quibusdam comitatus antiqui de Stratherne The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie, A.M., reliquiis. [Edited by C. Innes.] Edinburgi, 1847. 4º. Principal of the University of Glasgow, 1637–1662. Ac. 8248/85. [Edited, with a memoir of the life and writings of Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc. Registrorum Abbacie the author, by D. Laing.] 3 vol. de Aberbrothoc. Pars prior, registrum vetus, muni- Edinburgh, 1841, 42. 4°. Ac. 8248/73. mentaque eidem coetanea complectens 1178–1329. (Pars altera, registrum nigrum, necnon libros cartarum recen- [Another copy.] G. 225-27. tiores complectens 1329–1536.) [Edited by C. Innes and P. Chalmers.] 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1848–56. 4º. [Another edition.] : 739. g. 7-9. Ac. 8248/86. This edition was published for sale and not at the expense Historical notices of Scotish Affairs, selected from the of the Club. manuscripts of Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. 1661- 1688. [Edited by D. Laing.] 2 vols. Correspondence of George Baillie of Jerviswood, 1702 Edinburgh, 1848. 4º. Ac. 8248/87. 1708. [Edited, with a preface, by G. E. M. Kynynmond, Earl of Minto.] Edinburgh, 1842. 4º. G. 222. (3.) Registrum S. Marie de Neubotle. Abbacie Cister- ciensis Beate Virginis de Neubotle Chartarium Vetus. Registrum de Dunfermelyn. Liber Cartarum Abbatie Accedit appendix cartarum originalium. 1140-1528. Benedictine S.S. Trinitatis et B. Margarite Regine de [Edited by C. Innes.] Edinburgi, 1849. 4º. Dunfermelyn. [Edited by C. Innes.] Ac. 8248/89. Edinburgi, 1842. 4º. G. 228. The Darien Papers : being a selection of original letters and official documents relating to the establishment of Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, munimenta ecclesie a Colony at Darien by the Company of Scotland trading metropolitane Glasguensis a sede restaurata seculo to Africa and the Indies, 1695-1700. [Edited by John ineunte XII. ad reformatam religionem [Edited by C. Hill Burton.] Edinburgh, 1849. 4º. Ac. 8248/90. Innes.] 2 vol. Edinburgi, 1843. 4º. . Ac. 8248/75. Descriptive Catalogue of impressions from ancient Published at the joint expense of the Bannatyne and Scottish Seals... from A.D. 1054 to the Commonwealth, Maitland Clubs and issued by both. taken from original charters and other deeds. By H. [Another copy.] G. 229, 30. Laing. Edinburgh, 1850. 4º. Ac. 8248/91. One of 101 copies purchased for the Club. A Diary of the public correspondence of Sir Thomas Original Letters relating to the ecclesiastical affairs of Hope of Craighall, Bart. 1633-1645. [Edited by T. Scotland, chiefly written by, or addressed to...King Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1843. 4º. Ac. 8248/76. James the sixth after his accession to the English throne, 1603–25. [Edited by D. Laing, with a preface by B. [Another copy.] G. 231. (2.) Botfield.] Edinburgh, 1851. 40... Ac. 8248/92. 237 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.) 238 -1850. EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED]. Bannatyne Club. Bannatyne Club. · History of the Church of Scotland, beginning the year Original letters of Mr. John Colville, 1582–1603. To of Our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the reign which is added his Palinode... With a memoir of the of King James VI. By...John Spottiswood, Arch author [by D. Laing]. Edinburgh, 1858. 4º. bishop of St. Andrews... With biographical sketch and Ac. 8248/104. notes by the Right Rev. M. Russell. [Vol. 2, 3, edited Registrum Cartarum ecclesie Sancti Egidii de Edinburgh. by M. Napier.] 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1847-51. 8º. A series of Charters and original documents connected Ac. 8248/93. with the Church of St. Giles, Edinburgh. [Edited by This work was edited for the Spottiswoode Society, and D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1859. 4°. Ac. 8248/105. copies were printed at the expense of the Bannatyne Club for its members, with an additional titlepage to each vol. dated A catalogue of the graduates in the faculties of Arts, Divinity, and Law, of the University of Edinburgh, Registrum Honoris de Morton. A series of ancient since its foundation. [Edited by D. Laing.] charters of the Earldom of Morton; with other original Edinburgh, 1858. 8°. Ac. 8248/106. papers. [Edited by T. Thomson, assisted by A. Mac- donald, and the edition completed by C. Innes.] 2 vol. Papiers d'État, pièces et documents inédits ou peu connus Edinburgh, 1853. 4º. Ac. 8248/94. Bibliothèques et des Archives de France, et publiés pour Origines Parochiales Scotiæ. The antiquities, eccle- le Bannatyne Club d'Édimbuurg, par A. Teulet. 3 tom. Paris, [1851-60.] 4º. Ac. 8248/107. [By W. Anderson, J. Robertson, J. B. Brichan and J. MºNab. Edited by C. Innes.] F. P. See MIGNET (F. A. M.) Extrait... Rapport de M. Edinburgh, 1850–55. 4º. Ac. 8248/97. Mignet ... sur une publication intitulée, Papiers Vol. II. is in 2 pts., each of which has a distinct titlepage. d'État ... publiés pour le Bannatyne Club, etc. [Another cipy.] Edinburgh, 1851-55. 4º. 739. k. 1852, 4º. 739. f. 29. A duplicate of the preceding, with new titlepages. Tracts by Dr. Gilbert Skeyne, Medicinar to His Majesty Breviarij Aberdonēsis ad percelebris eccl'ie Scotoz [James I., King of Great Britain and Ireland. Edited, potissimuz usum et consuetudine Pars estivalis : de tõe with a biographical notice, by W. F. Skene.] et de scīs ac davitico psalterio congruenter per ferias Edinburgh, 1860. 4º. AC. 8248/108. diviso : cum Invitatorijs bymnis Antiphonis capitulis Responsorijs horis feriary comēoracionib' pâni curriculū Registrum Domus de Soltre, necnon Ecclesie Collegiate necno cõe scozz plurimazo vginū r matronaz ac diversozi S. Trinitatis prope Edinburgh, ... Charters of the scoz legēdis : q sparsim in incerto antea vagabantur : cum Hospital of Soltre, of Trinity College, Edinburgh, and Kalendario et mobiliū festorum tabula ppetua variis other Collegiate Churches in Mid-Lothian. [Edited by alijs adiūctis 7 de novo additis sacerdotib' plurimü o D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1861. 4º. Ac. 8248/109. necessarijs i Edīburgēsi oppido walteri chepmā merca- toris īpēsis impressa pridie nonas Junii. Anno salutis Tracts by David Fergisson, Minister of Dunfermline, nie r gie. x. M. supra et quigētesimū. (Pars hyemalis.) 1563–1572. [Edited by J. Lee.] Edinburgh, 1860. 8º. . L. 2 pt. [Edited by W. J. Blew.] &c. 8248/110. Londini, 1854. 4º. Ac. 8248/96. Inventaires de la Royne Descosse Douairiere de France. Catalogues of the jewels, dresses, furniture, books and Memoir of Thomas Thomson, Advocate. [By Cosmo paintings of Mary, Queen of Scots ; 1556–1569. [Edited Innes.] Edinburgh, 1854. 3º. Ac. 8248/99. by Joseph Robertson.] Edinburgh, 1863. 4º. Album of the Bannatyne Club. No. III. Ac. 8248/111. [Edinburgh, 1854.] 12º. Ac. 8248/121. Conciliae Scotiae. Ecclesiae Scoticanae statuta tam pro- vincialia quam synodalia quae supersunt. 1225–1559. A series of Etchings, chiefly of views in Scotland. By [Edited by J. Robertson.] 2 tom. Edinburgi, 1866. 4º. John Clerk, of Eldin. Edinburgh, 1855. fol. 1295. k. Ac. 8248/113. Royal Letters, Charters and Tracts, relating to the other papers from the Breadalbane Charter Room. Colonization of New Scotland, and the institution of [Edited by C. Innes.] Edinburgh, 1855. 4º. the Order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia. 1621– Ac. 8248/100. 1638. [Edited by D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1867. 4º. Letters from Roundhead Officers written from Scotland, Ac. 8248/114. and chiefly addressed to Captain Adam Baynes. July, Adversaria, notices illustrative of some of the earlier MDCL.-June, MDCLX. [Edited by J. Y. Akerman.] works printed for the Bannatyne Club. [By David Edinburgh, 1856. 4°. Ac. 8248/101. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1867. 4º. Ac. 8248/115. Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis, cui accedunt Cartæ A Bannatyne Garland, quhairin the President speaketh. quamplurimæ originales. [Edited by C. Iunes.] 2 pt. (Finis, quith the Knight of Abhotsford [i.e. "Sir W. Aberdoniæ, 1856. 4º. Ac. 8248/102. Scott].) B. L. [Edinburgh, 1823?] 8º. G. 270. (2.) Vita Sancti Columbæ: auctore Adamnano, Monasterii The Bannatyne Garland. Number second. (Finis, Hiensis Abbate. [Edited by W. Reeves.] quod Maister Patrick [i.e. P. F. Tytler].) B. L. Dublinii, 1857. 40. Ac. 8248/103. The Irish Archæological and Celtic Society, for which this [Edinburgh, 1823?] 8o. G. 270. (3.) work was originally printed, having invited the Bannatyne Ane richt pithie and pleasant Ballat of Bannatyne eftir Club to assist the publication by subscribing for copies, it was the maner of ane Garland, followis, jocund and merrie. resolved that the work should be circulated among the members B. L. Athenis (i.e. Edinburgh], 1824. 8º. G. 270. (4.) of the Bannatyne Club as one of the ordinary Club publica- tions, accompanied with an extra titlepage, etc. This copy has A Bannatyne Garland. (Finis, quod the Councillar of a second titlepage, with which it was issued to the Irish the Chekar (i.e. P. F. Tytler]) B. L. Archæological Society, as follows : “ The Life of St. Columba, Edinburgh, 1824. 8º. Ac. 8248/122. founder of Hy; written by Adamnan. . . To which are added · copious notes and dissertations... by W. Reeves, etc.” [Another copy.] G. 270. (5.) 239 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] 240 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED): EDINBURGH [CONTINUED] Bannatyne Club. Faculty of Advocates. Ane Bannatyne Garlande, brevit be Maister Patrick of See HALDANE (P.) Mr. P. Haldane in behalf of himself the Kingis Chekar (i.e. P. F. Tytler]. B. L. and His Majesty's Advocate for Scotland in behalf of the Dunedin, 1826. '8º. T. 1551. (3.) Crown. The Dean and Faculty of Advocates and principal Clerks of Session, Respts. The appellants' [Another copy.] G. 270. (6.) case. [1723]. fol. 19. h. 5. (15.) G. 270. (7.) See HALDANE (P.) Mr. P. Haldane, Advocate, and R. Dundas, His Majesty's Advocate, appellants. The Dean A New Bannatyne Garland ; compylit be Doctor Johan and Faculty of Advocates, respondents. The Respon- of the Hall Ryal [i.e. Dr. J. Jamieson]. B. L. dents' case. [1723.] fol. 19. h. 2. (16.) Sanct Paulis Mark, 1828. 8º. G. 270. (8.) Heads for a bill to amend the law concerning Taillies [Another copy.] G. 270. (9.) in ... Scotland. By the Faculty of Advocates. Edinburgh, 1765. 8º. 6583. b. (1.) Ane new Bannatyne Garland. (Finis, quod Maister Patrick [i.e. P. F. Tytler].) B. L. [A Collection of documents, comprising copies of letters, [Edinburgh,] 1829. 8º. Ao. 8248/123. extracts, memorials, reports and newspaper cuttings relative to the election of a librarian to the Faculty of [Another copy.] G. 270. (10.) Advocates.] [Edinburgh, 1771–1824.] fol. 11902. 1. Ane plesand Garland, being ane lytill and merrie con [A Collection of documents, issued by, or relating to, ceited Geste callit ye Coirne-clyppis. [Edited by R. the Faculty of Advocates, comprising single sheets, Pitcairn.] B. L. Sanct Androis. 8°. G. 270. (11.) newspaper cuttings, notices of meetings, resolutions, memorials, statements of accounts, extracts from minutes, [Another edition.] Sanct Androis. 8°. G. 270. (12.) letters, etc. Edinburgh, 1795-1866. 8°. 6573. bb. 7. Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Substance of the speeches delivered by some members of the Faculty of Advocates, at the meeting on the Transactions. Edinburgh, 1844 (1841), etc. 8º. 28th February, adjourned to the 2d of March, and at In progress. Ac. 3305. the meeting held on the 9th of March 1807, for con- sidering the Bill entitled “An act for better regula- Begin. The Botanical Society of Edinburgh was insti- tuted, etc. [Outline of 1st year's Proceedings. Office ting the Courts of Justice in Scotland,” etc. Bearers for 1837. 1132. d. 50. Extracts from Edinburgh, 1807. 8º. the Laws of the Society, and List of Members.] [Edinburgh, 1837.] fol. [Another copy.] 6573. b. (1.) 806. k. 15. (94.) First Annual Report, Laws and Transactions ; Session See SCOTLAND.—Lords of Session. Memorial of the Lords 1836, 37. (Second-Fifth annual reports and proceed- of Session, and report from the Committee of the Faculty ings. 1837–41.) 4 pt. Edinburgh, 1837–41; 8º. of Advocates, on the bill for better regulating the Courts ” Ac. 3305/2. of Session, etc. 1807. 8º. 6573. b. (5.) A Catalogue of British Plants, including the flowering Reasons of dissent from the resolutions of the Faculty plants, ferns, and characeæ. Third edition. of Advocates, 2nd March, 1807. Edinburgh, 1807. 8º. Edinburgh, 1851. 8º. 7030. d. 6573. b. (2.) Fourth edition, etc. Edinburgh, 1865. 8º. Second report of the committee appointed to consider 7028. aa. a bill, intituled, “An act to facilitate the adminis- tration of justice in . . . Scotland, by the introduction Caledonian Horticultural Society. of Trial by Jury in civil causes.” FEW MS. NOTES. Memoirs, etc. Vol. 1-4; 5, pt. 1. [Edinburgh, 1815.] 4º. 6573. f. (8.) Edinburgh, 1814–32. 8º. 37. a. 7–10. Third report of the committee appointed to consider a No more of vol. 5 published. bill, intituled, “An act to facilitate the administration of [Another copy of vol. 1.] 961. k. 7. justice in ... Scotland, by the introduction of Trial by Jury in civil causes.' [Edinburgh, 1815.) 4°. ' 6573. f. (10.) Calvin Translation Society. Remarks on the report of the committee of the Faculty Begin. The Calvin Translation Society. [A prospectus, of Advocates, appointed to consider the provisions of the containing proposals for reprinting Calvin's works.] bill for the better regulating of the process of the Courts [Edinburgh ? 1844?] 4°. 739. k. 15. of Law in Scotland. [By J. Saint Clair Erskine, 2nd Earl of Rosslyn.] London, 1825. 8º. 6573. b. (1.) For the publications of the Calvin Translation Society in 52 vols.) See CALVIN (J.) Final Report of the Committee on the Funds. Edinburgh, 1823. 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (14.) Edinburgh Geological Society. Report of the Committee appointed by the Faculty of Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868, etc. 8º. 434. Advocates to consider the new Act of Sederunt. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. In progress. 6573. bb. 7. (1.) Begin. Advocates Library, June 17, 1826. To the Dean Edinburgh Highland Society. of Faculty. Sir. We request that you will call a See infra : Highland Society of Scotland, etc. meeting of the Faculty ... for the purpose of reconsider- ing the Report of the Committee on the late Acts of Sederunt, etc. [Edinburgh,] 1826. 8°. Edinburgh Obstetrical Society. 6573. bb. 19. (4.) The Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society. Conclusion of a Report of the Committee on the Poor's Edinburgh, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 3850. Fund, 17 June 1826. [Edinburgh,] 1826. S. sh. fol. In progress. 6573. bb. 7. (5.) 241 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] 242 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Faculty of Advocates. Faculty of Advocates. Report to the ... Lords of Council and Session and Lord Statement as to the nature and duties of the office of Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court ... presented by Treasurer of the Faculties of Advocates. (8th Mar. a committee composed of united committees of the 1830.) [Edinburgh, 1830.] 8º. 6573. bb. 8. (7.) Faculty of Advocates, the Society of Writers to the Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty on Signet, and the Society of Solicitors before the Supreme Courts in Scotland on the Draught Act of Sederunt for the 10th March 1830, to take into consideration the sub- repealing certain subsisting Acts of Sederunt, etc. ject of a motion, " That the salaries presently payable by (Appendix. Draught Act of Sederunt.) the Faculty to the Collectors of Decisions be dis- [Edinburgh, 1827?] 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (12.) continued from and after the 1st of January 1831." (Appendix.) [Edinburgh, 1830.] 8º. Report of a committee of the Faculty of Advocates 6573. bb. 8. (10.) [appointed to take into consideration the state of the Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of practice in the Court of Session in carrying into effect Advocates on the new Judicature Bill. (16th April, the provisions of the statute 6 Geo. iv. c. 120, etc.] 1830.) Edinburgh, 1830. 8º. 6573. b. (1.) Edinburgh, 1827. 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (7.) Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of [Another edition.] Edinburgh, 1827. 8º. Advocates on the new Judicature Bill. (24th May 6573. bb. 7. (8.) 1830.) [Edinburgh, 1830.] 80. 6573. b. (2.) Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates on Minutes of a meeting of the Faculty of Advocates, held the Edinburgh Improvements Bill. Edinburgh, 1827. 8º. ...20 June, 1830. [Edinburgh, 1830.] 80. 6573. bb. 7. (9.) 6573. bb. 8. (12.) Report of the committee (of the Faculty of Advocates] Extract from the minutes of Faculty of 6th July, 1827. appointed to consider the proposed standing orders of [Regulation for the signature of papers drawn by the House of Lords, in regard to Scotish Appeals. counsel.] [Edinburgh, 1827.] 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (11.) Edinburgh, 1831. 8º. 6573. bb. 8. (25.) Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates, Report (March 1831) of committee of Faculty upon the (appointed to consider the subject of the times and con Improvements Bill. (Additional Report, April 1831, of ditions of the admission of intrants to the Faculty of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates on the Im- Advocates, and the propriety of requiring some pre provements Bill.) Edinburgh, 1831. 8º. liminary and some professional education, as well as the 6573. bb. 8.- (20.) propriety of an addition to the sum paid on admission. Report of the committee on the Improvement Bill. 18 December, 1828). Edinburgh, 1828. 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (15.) (5th July 1831.) [Edinburgh, 1831.] 80. 6573. bb. 8. (21.) [Another edition.] Edinburgh, 1829. 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (16.) Report of the committee appointed to consider the Bill brought into Parliament for regulating the Annuity Report by the committee appointed to “take into con Tax; and taking away the exemption of members of the sideration the present mode of the private examination College of Justice from payments of the said annuity of candidates.” [Edinburgh, 1829.] *80. tax. Edinburgh, 1833. 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (4.) 6573. bb. 7. (17.) Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty, on Advocates to consider. “ Whether, in the present state of 24th January, 1829, to inquire into the 'matters stated the funds, it is expedient that there should be more than in Mr. Repp's memorial. Edinburgh, 1829. 8º. one collector of Decisions appointed for each division of 822. f. 30. the court.” (6th Dec., 1833.) [Edinburgh, 1833.] 8º. Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty, on 6573. bb. 9. (3.) the 8th of July, to consider the case of Mr. Repp. Report by the committee appointed by the Faculty of Edinburgh, 1829. 8º. 6573. bb. 8. (1.) Advocates, to consider a Bill for the appointment of an Accountant-General in the Court of Session. Interim report by the committee appointed by the [Edinburgh, 1834?] 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (14.) Faculty of Advocates, to consider the new Bankrupt Bill. (Edinburgh, 1830?] 8º. 822. f. 39. Report by the committee upon the privileges of the Faculty, on the Bill of the Managers of the Charity Report by the committee appointed by the Faculty of Work-house for taking away the exemption of the mem- Advocates, to consider the Act of Sederunt for regulating bers of the College of Justice from payment of the Processes of Division of Commonties. assessment for the poor. Edinburgh, 1834. 89. [Edinburgh, 1830 ?] 8º. 822. f. 40. 6573. bb. 9. (6.) Report of the committee of the Faculty on the New Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of Police Bill. February 28, 1834. [Edinburgh, 1834.] 8º. Advocates, on the New Judicature Bill. 6573. bb. 9. (8.) Edinburgh, 1830. 8º. 822. f. 32. Begin. It was moved by the Solicitor General and agreed to “ that the committee be required to give in, Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of this session, a general Report upon the question of the Advocates, on the proposed table of fees. Faculty resigning their exemption from local taxation, Edinburgh, 1830. 8º. 6573. bb. 8. (4.) and particularly from the annuity; and if so, upon what conditions & in what mode.” Report by the Committee Begin. As the subjoined letters [dated 1 Feb. and 3 Tof the Faculty of Advocates] upon the privileges of the Feb. 1830, upon the introduction of certain Bills into College of Justice, in regard to the exemptions from Parliament affecting the jurisdiction of the Court of local taxes (6 Mar. 1834). (Dissent [by G. Brodiel.) Session and other Supreme Courts] were not at band [Edinburgh, 1834.] :89. 6573. bb. 9. (10.) when their import was ... stated by the Dean at the last meeting of the Faculty ... he has thought it right Dissent from the report of the committee on the privi- to direct thein to be printed, etc. leges of the Faculty, in regard to their exemption from [Edinburgh, 1830.] 8º. 6573. bb. 8. (3.) local taxes. [Edinburgh, 1834?] 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (7.) 243 ACADEMIES. (EDINBURGÈ.] 244 wan.) Suphine Sherife commit EDINBURGH (CONTINUED]. EDINBURGH (CONTINUED).: Faculty of Advocates. Faculty of Advocates. Final report of the committee on the privileges of the Begin. (By order of the Dean.) A meeting of Faculty Faculty, in regard to their exemption from local taxes. will be held on Wednesday 7th inst.... to take into con- [Edinburgh, 1835?] 8º. 822. f. 37. sideration the subjoined communication from the Town Council. (2 Dec., 1836.) [On a vacancy in the Chair Interim report by the committee appointed by the of Universal Civil History and Greek and Roman Anti- Faculty of Advocates, to consider the new Bankrupt quities in the University of Edinburgh.] Bill. [Edinburgh, 1835?] 8º. 822. f. 39. [Edinburgh, 1836.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (14.) Begin. [By Order of the Dean.] A meeting of the Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates, Faculty is called for Monday the 16th... to consider a on the Court of Session Establishment Bill, etc. Bill...entitled “A Bill for the better management of the Edinburgh, 1838. 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (16.) Charity Workhouse of the City of Edinburgh, etc." [Edinburgh, 1835.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (5.) Report of the committee appointed to enquire into the origin, design and utility of the theses, and to report on Report by the committee upon the privileges of the the expediency of taking steps to have the expence cun- Faculty, upon a Bill to be brought into Parliament fur nected with publishing them, commuted into a fixed regulating the annuity tax, and for repealing the ex- sum to be paid by intrants. (Jan. 20, 1838.) .. emptions of the members of the College of Justice, and Edinburgh, 1838. 89. 6573. bb. 10. (18.) other persons, from payment of that and other local taxes within the city of Edinburgh. Report of the committee of Faculty on the Bill for Edinburgh, 1835. 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (18.) regulating Sheriff Courts. (9th Feb., 1838.) Edinburgh, 1838. 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (17.) Report of committee on Bill respecting Registration of Sasines and other writings. Edinburgh, 1835. 8º. Begin. (By order of the Dean.) Supplementary Report 6573. bb. 10. (1.) by the committee of Faculty upon the Sheriff Courts Report of the committee appointed to consider the Bill Bill, as amended by the committee, and on recommit- brought into Parliament, for establishing in Scotland a ment. [Edinburgh, 1838.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (19.) uniform and efficient system of Registration of Births, Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates on Marriages and Deaths. Edinburgh, 1835. 8º. the qualifications of candidates. (July 5, 1838.) . 6573. bb. 9. (19.) [Edinburgh, 1838.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (20.) Report of the committee of Faculty on the Court of Session Establishment Bill, Edinburgh, 1835. 8º. Report on the pecuniary affairs of the Faculty of Ad- 822. f. 35. vocates. (Nov. 1838.) [Edinburgh, 1839.] 8º. Report by the committee appointed by the Faculty of 6573. bb. 10. (22.) Advocates, to consider the “Revised Draft Bill for an Begin. (A Meeting of Faculty will be held on Wednes- act for the Edinburgh Water Company.” (3 Mar., 1835.) day next, etc.) To the Faculty of Advocates, etc. [Edinburgh, 1835.] 80. *6573. bb. 10. (3.) [Documents relating to the bequest of G. Chalmers for the purpose of founding a new Infirmary.] Report by a committee of the Faculty, on a Bill for [Edinburgh, 1839.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (26.) abolishing, in Scotland, imprisonment for civil debts of a small amount, etc. (10 April, 1835.) Edinburgh, 1835. 8º. Resolutions adopted at a meeting of the Faculty of Ad- 6573. bb. 10. (6.) vocates held on the 28th of February, 1839. [Relating Report of the committee on the Court of Session. to a Bill. for increasing the salaries of some of the Establishment Bill. (Appendix.-Amendment on the Judges, and the alteration and extension of the periods Report . . . approved at a meeting of Faculty held ... of the sittings of the Court, etc. [Edinburgh, 1839.] '80. 9th July, 1835.) [Edinburgh, 1835.] 8º. 6573. bb. 1o." (25.) 6573. bb. 10. (7.) Begin. (By order of the Dean.) A meeting of Faculty is to be held...to consider this report. Report of the Begin. To be taken into consideration on Tuesday next Committee on the proposed additional clause to the Jury ...Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advicates Court Act of Sederunt. [Edinburgh, 1840?] gº. appointed “To consider the proposal of extended sittings 6573. bb. 10. (34.) of the Lords Ordinary at the end of the winter and - summer sessions.” [Edinburgh, 1836?] 8º. Report of the committee of Faculty on the proposed 6573. bb. 10. (8.) draft for a new Act of Settlement for Jury Business. [Edinburgh, 1840?] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (35.) Report of the committee of Faculty on the Bill for regulating Sheriff and Burgh Courts. Begin. (By order of the Dean.) A meeting of Faculty (Edinburgh, 1836.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (13.) is to be held... on Saturday next... to consider this Re- port. Report of the Committee appointed by the Report of the committee of Faculty on the Sheriff's Faculty to consider the Bill for the amendment of the Small Debt Bill. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. Law of Evidence in Scotland. [Edinburgh, 1840.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (9.) 6573. bb. 10. (31.) Begin. [By order of the Dean.] A meeting of Faculty Report of the committee on the proposed act of Sederunt is to be held... to consider this report...of the com for regulating the proceedings in Jury Cases. (7th Mar. mittee appointed to consider the regulations regarding 1840.) [Edinburgh, 1840.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (29.) the qualifications and admission of Advocates' First Clerks to act as agents before the Court of Session. Begin. [By order of the Dean.] A meeting of the (Mar. 7, 1836.) Edinburgh, 1836. 8º. Faculty is called for Monday the 16th Marcb]... to con- i 6573. bb. 10. (11.) sider a Bill introduced into Parliament by the Town Council entitled “A Bill for the better management of Begin. (By order of the Dean.) The Dean... feels it to the Charity Workhouse of the City of Edinburgh, etc." be his duty to call a meeting of the Faculty to consider Edinburgh, 1840. 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (30.) ... A Bill to regulate and equalize the assessment for the maintenance of the poor in . . . Edinburgh, etc. Minute of the meeting of the Faculty of Advocates, re- (Mar. 19, 1836.) [Edinburgh, 1836.] 8º. garding the Annuity and Pours' Rate Bill. (20th May, 6573. kb. 10. (12.) 1840.) Edinburgh, 1840.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (32.) 245 246 ACADEMIES BURGH. EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). . Faculty of Advocates. Extract from minutes of Faculty 21st January 1852... Report of the committee of Faculty on the Annuity-Tax Abolition Bill. [Edinburgh, 1852.] 8º6573. b. 1. (3.) EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Faculty of Advocates. Begin. Resolutions adopted by the Faculty on 4th July, 1840... Report of the Finance Committee appointed by the Faculty on 4th July 1840.) [Edinburgh, 1840.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (36.) Statement by the Treasurer of the Faculty of Advocates, in reference to a report by the Finance Committee lodged on 4th March 1841. (8th Mar. 1841.) Edinburgh, 1841. 8º. .6573. bb. 10. (37.) Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates, appointed to consider the two Bills relating to Feudal Investiture and Heritable Securities. Edinburgh, 1845. 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (2.) (By order of the Vice-Dean.) A meeting of Faculty is be held on Tuesday next ... to consider this Report ... Report of the Committee appointed to consider the pro- posal contained in a minute of a meeting of the Society of Advocates' first clerks. [Edinburgh, 1847.] 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (3.) Report of the committee appointed to consider the pro- posal contained in a minute of a meeting of the Society of Advocates' first clerks. [Edinburgh, 1847?] 8. sh. 8º. 1890. e. 3. (42.) Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of Advocates to consider the proposed Act of Sederunt. [Edinburgh, 1848?] 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (5.) [Another edition.] Edinburgh, 1848. 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (6.) Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of Advocates on the Bill for the amendment of the Law of Entail. (30th Mar. 1848.) [Edinburgh, 1848.] 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (9.) Report of the committee appointed to enquire into the state of the finances of the Faculty. (Dec. 23, 1848.) Edinburgh, (1848.] 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (10.) Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of Advocates to consider the bill “ to facilitate the pro- cedure in the Court of Session in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1849. 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (20.) Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of Advocates on the Bill to extend the benefits of the Act 11th and 12th Vict., c. 36; for the amendment of the Law of Entail in Scotland. [Edinburgh, 1850?] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (1.) Report of the committee of Faculty, appointed... to con- sider the bill “ to improve the administration of justice in the Court of Chancery, and in the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.” [Edinburgh. 1851.] 8º. 6573. b. Extracts from minutes of Faculty in 1852, in regard to Precedence at the Bar, etc. [Edinburgh, 1857.] gº. 6573. b. 1. (11.) Begin. Proof... Report by the committee on the Law of Evidence, etc. [Edinburgh, 1852?] 80. 8365. bb. 1. (1.) Report by the committee appointed to enquire as to the Property and Titles of the Faculty [Edinburgh, 1852.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (5.) Report by the committee on the Law of Evidence pre- pared in terms of the following remit, etc. (Edinburgh, 1852.] 8º.. 6573. b. 1. (2.) Report of committee of the Faculty of Advocates on the Law. of Evidence. [Edinburgh, 1852?] 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (22.) Report of the committee on A Bill (as amended on Report) intituled “ An Act to alter and amend an act of the fifteenth year of Her present Majesty, for amending the Law of Evidence in Scotland." [Edinburgh, 1852?] 89. 6573. b. 1. (6.) Report of the committee re-appointed by the Faculty of Advocates to watch the progress of the Bill to amend the Law of Evidence in Scotland.-Meeting 18th May 1852. [Edinburgh, 1852.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (4.) Report [upon the expediency of repealing so much of the statute 1617 C. 14 as gives to executors-nominate a right to a third part of the defunct's personal estate, etc. [Edinburgh, 1853?] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (2.) Report by the committee appointed to enquire into the State of the Finances of the Faculty. [Edinburgh, 1853.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (7.) Extract from minute of meeting of Faculty of 5th De- cember 1853, called for the purpose of considering the Report of the Committee on the proposed alteration in the Law of Moveable Succession, etc.... Supplementary Report. Edinburgh, 1853. 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (3.) Report of a committee appointed by the Faculty to con- sider the existing administration of the Bankrupt Law in Scotland, with a view to such alterations and improve- ments as might be suggested by the experience of the system, since the passing of the Act 2nd & 3rd Victoria, Chap. 41.” [Edinburgh, 1854?] 8º. 6573. bb. 5. (6.) [Another copy.] 6573. b. Report of committee appointed to consider the com- munication from the Mercantile Law Commission, and to prepare a reply to it. [Edinburgh, 1854?] 8º. 6573. bb. 5. (5.) Regulations as to Intrants, etc. [Edinburgh, 1854.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (5.) Report of the committee of the Faculty appointed to consider the Judgments Execution Bill, and the Bill to enable the Courts of Law to compel attendance of wit- nesses. Edinburgh, 1854. 89. 8365. bb. 1. (8.) Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates ou the Qualification of Intrants. July, 1854. Edinburgh, 1854. 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (7.) Second Report of the committee on the Qualification of Intrants. [Edinburgh, 1854.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (4.) Report on University Instruction in Law. [Edinburgh, 1855.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (9.) Begin. Edinburgh 9th March 1855. At a meeting of the Faculty of Advocates . . . for the purpose of considering the Bill introduced by Mr. M. Dunlop “to alter in certain respects, the Law of Intestate Moveable Suc- cession in Scotland”... the Committee were instructed to report on Mr. Dunlop's Bill... Report by the Committee, ...etc. [Edinburgh, 1855.] 8º. 6573. b. Report by the committee on the Court of Exchequer (Scotland) Bill. [Edinburgh, 1856.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (13.) Report by the committee on the Registration of Voter's (Scotland) Bill. [Edinburgh, 1856.] 80. 8365. bb. 1. (12.) [Another copy.] 8365. bb. 1. (10.) Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates on the Mercantile Law (Scotland) Amendment Bill. [Edinburgh, 1856.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (11.) Report by committee of Faculty on the Registers of Land Rights in Scotland. [Edinburgh, 1857?] 80. 8365. bb. 1. (20.) 247 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] 248 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH (CONTINUED). Faculty of Advocates. Faculty of Advocates.-Library. Report by the committee of Faculty on Precedence at Catalogue of the printed books in the Library of the the Bar. [Edinburgh, 1857.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (10.) Faculty of Advocates [commenced by S. Halkett and completed by J. A. Hjaltalín]. (Supplementary volume.) Report of committee of Faculty on the Registration of 7 vol. Edinburgh [printed] and London, 1863-79. 4º. Long Leases. [Edinburgh, 1857.j 8°. 8365. bb. 1. (18.) 11901. i. Report by the committtee of Faculty on the Legitimacy Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to Genealogy and Declaration Bill. [Edinburgh, 1858.] 8º. Heraldry, preserved in the library of the Faculty of 6573. b. 1. (14.) Advocates, at Edinburgh. [By W. B. D. D. Turnbull.] Report of the committee of the Faculty of Advocates re- London, 1852. 8º. 9914. k. garding Judicial Appointments in East India and the Only 10 copies printed. Colonies. [Edinburgh, 1858?] 8. sh. 8º. 1891. d. 1. (37.) Minute of the Curators of the Advocates' Library, March 2, 1827. Edinburgh, 1827. 8º. 822. f. 29. Amended Report by the committee of Faculty on the 6 Titles to Land (Scotland) Act (1858) Amendment Bill." Interim report of Library Committee. (3 March, 1827.) [Edinburgh, 1860.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (20.) Edinburgh, 1827. 8º. 822. f. 31. Report by the committee appointed to consider the Final Report of Library Committee. (June 1827.) English Bankruptcy and Insolvency Bill, in so far as Edinburgh, 1827. 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (10.) it affects Scotland. Edinburgh, 1860. 8º. 6573. b. 1. (16.) Report of the Curators regarding the Library. Report by the committee of Faculty on the “ Titles to Edinburgh, 1830. 8º. 822. f. 42. Land (Scotland) Act (1858) Amendment Bill.” Annual Report by the Curators of the Advocates' Library. [Edinburgh, 1860.] 8o. 6573. b. 1. (19.) [Edinburgh, 1831.] 8º. 6573. bb. 8. (17.) Report by the committee of the Faculty of Advocates Annual Report of the Curators of the Advocates Library. on the “ Husband and Wife Relation Law Amendment Edinburgh, 1832. 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (1.) (Scotland) Bill." [Edinburgh, 1860.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (15.) A Report by the Curators of the Library. (23 Feb. Report of the committee on Chalmers' Bequest. 1833.) Edinburgh, 1833. 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (2.) [Edinburgh, 1860.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (17.) Annual Report of the Curators of the Advocates Library. Report by the committee of the Faculty of Advocates, (17 Jan. 1834.) Edinburgh, 1834. 8º. appointed to consider the Summary Procedure (Scot- 6573. bb. 9. (5.) land) Act, 1864. [Edinburgh, 1865.] 80. Annual Report of the Curators of the Advocates Library. 6573. b. 1. (23.) Edinburgh, 1835. 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (17.) Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty to consider the Provisions of the Court of Sessions Bill. Annual Report of the Curators of the Advocates Library, Edinburgh, 1864. 8º. . 6573. b. 1. (21.) | 1837. [Edinburgh, 1837.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (15.) Report of the committee on the Administration of Annual Report of the Curators of the Advocates Library, Trusts Bill. [Edinburgh, 1864.] 8º. 1838. Edinburgh, 1838. 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (21.) 6573. b. 1. (22.) Memorial for the clerks of the practising Members of Annual Report of the Curators of the Advocates Library, Faculty. [Edinburgh, 1865.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (24.) 1839. [Edinburgh, 1839.] 8º. 6573. bb. 10. (23.) Regulations as to Intrants ... to be applicable to all Report of the Curators of the Library 1847, 48. (15th Intrants who have not before 20th July 1867 been found Jan. 1848.) [Edinburgh, 1848.] 8º. qualified in General Scholarship. 6573. bb. 11. (8.) [Edinburgh, 1866.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (25.) Report by the Curators of the Library. (15th Jan., 1851.) [Edinburgh, 1851.] 8º. 6573. bb. 11. (21.) Report of committee on Poors-Roll, etc. [Edinburgh, 1873.] 8º. 7687. ee. (2.) Report by the Curators of the Advocates' Library. (16th Jan., 1852.) [Edinburgh, 1852.] 8º. The Medal [of the Pretenderj: or, a full and impartial 6573. bb. 11. (23.) account of the late Proceedings of the Dean and Faculty of Advocates in Scotland relating to that affair. Report by the Curators of the Advocates' Library. (15 London, 1712. 8º. E. 2193. (1.) Jan. 1853.) Edinburgh, 1853. 8º. 6573. b. 1. (8.) The Scotch Medal decipher'd, and the new hereditary- Report by the Curators of the Advocates Library, to right men display'd : or, remarks on the late pro- the Anniversary Meeting of the Faculty . . . 1854. ceedings of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, (21 Jan. 1854.) [Edinburgh, 1854.] 80. upon receiving the Pretender's Medal (presented by the 8365. bb. 1. (6.) Duchess of Gordon), etc. London, 1711. 8º. Report by the Curators of the Advocates Library, to 601. e. 15. (5.) the Anniversary Meeting of the Faculty ... 1855. Library. (20 Jan. 1855.) [Edinburgh, 1855.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (10.) A catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Report by the Curators of the Advocates Library, to Edinburgh. [Pt. 1 by T. Ruddiman and W. Goodall; the Anniversary Meeting of the Faculty ... 1856. pt. 2, etc. by A. Brown.] 3 pt. (19 Jan. 1856.) [Edinburgh, 1856.] 8º. Edinburgh, 1742-1807. fol. 620. k. 6. 8365. bb. 1. (15.) There is an appendix to pt. 2, with a distinct titlepage and pagination; an intended appendix to pt. 3 does not appear to Report by the Curators of the Advocates Library to have been published. the Anniversary Meeting of the Faculty . . . 1857. (17 Jan. 1857.) [Edinburgh, 1857.] 8º." [Another copy.] 124. 1. 13-15. 8365. bb. 1. (17.) 249 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] 250 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Faculty of Advocates.-Library. Faculty of Advocates.--Library. Report by the Curators of the Advocates' Library to Report of the committee on Foreign Literature. the Anniversary Meeting of the Faculty ... January, [Edinburgh, 1857.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (19.) 1858. (11 Jan. 1858.) (Edinburgh, 1858.] 80. 6573. b. 1. (12.) Report by the committee appointed, on 15th January [Another copy.] 6573. b. 1.. (13.) 1868, to inquire into the condition of the Advocates' Library. (Appendix. Report by the Keeper of the Report by the Curators of the Advocates' Library to Library, S. Halkett.) [Edinburgh, 1868.] 80. the Anniversary Meeting of the Faculty . . . 1860. 11905. e. 1. (3.) (13 Jan. 1860.) [Edinburgh, 1860.] 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (21.) Report by Sub-Committee of the Faculty of Advocates Report by the Curators of the Advocates' Library to on the Catalogue of the Library. the Faculty. (12 June 1860.) [Edinburgh, 1860.] 8º. [Edinburgh, 1871.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (29.) 6573. b. 1. (18.) Report by committee of Subscribers and Donors to the Report of the Curators of the Library to the Faculty of Fund for printing the Catalogue of the Advocates' Advocates, at the Anniversary Meeting to be held on the 17th January 1872. [Edinburgh, 1872.] 8. Library. [Edinburgh, 1872.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (26.) 6573. b. 1. (34.) Report by committee of the Faculty of Advocates on Report by the Curators of the Library to the Faculty of proposal for a manuscript catalogue of the Library. Advocates, at the Anniversary Meeting ... held ... [Edinburgh, 1872.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (33.) January 1873. (1874. Report by the Keeper of the Advocates' Library. [1873, 74.]) 2 pt. Report by committee of the Faculty of Advocates on [Edinburgh, 1873, 74.] 8º. 7687. ee. (4.) the Catalogue of the Library. [Edinburgh, 1872.] 8º. Supplementary Report by the Curators of the Library, 6573. b. 1. (31.) as to the proposed application for a grant from govern- Begin. Sir, I am directed, etc. [Letters, etc. on the ment. (24 Jan. 1873.) [Edinburgh, 1873.] 8º. expediency of printing a catalogue of the Library of the 7687. ee. (5.) Faculty of Advocates.] [Edinburgh, 1872.] 4º. Special Report to the Faculty of Advocates [on the 6573. dd. 1. (5.) necessity of providing additional funds for the Library] by the Curators of the Library. [Edinburgh, 1873.] gº. Minute of Meeting of Subscribers and Donors to the 7687. ee. (3.) fund for printing the Catalogue of the Advocates' Library ... 26th February 1872. [Edinburgh, 1872.] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (27.) Begin. Advocates' Library, 28 November 1824. [Notice of a meeting to take into consideration the “means of Notes regarding the Catalogue Question. placing the Advocates' Library in a more eligible [Edinburgh, 1872 ?] 8º. 6573. b. 1. (30.) situation."] [Edinburgh, 1824.] 8. sh. 8º. 6573. bb. 7. (2.) Report of the committee on the Funds. With an Highland Society of Scotland, afterwards Highland appendix, relating to the purchase of a collection of and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Spanish books, which had constituted the library of the Prize Essays and Transactions ... To which is prefixed, family of Astorga.] Edinburgh, 1828. 8º. an account of the institution and principal proceedings 822. f. 44. of the Society, by H. Mackenzie. vol. 1-6. Begin. New Library. Resolution referred to in the dissent Edinburgh, 1799–1824. 8º. 255. d. 18-23. & Ac. 3500. and protest “That the proceedings of the Committee be approved of, in so far as relates to the immediate exe- vol. 7–14. (New series vol. 1-8.) cuting of the corridor. [A form of dissent for signature.] Edinburgh, 1829–43. 8º. [Edinburgh, 1830.] 8º. 6573. bb. 8. (8.) Transactions ... New series July 1843-March 1865. Statement connected with the building of the new Edinburgh, 1845-65. 8º. Ac. 3500. library of the Faculty of Advocates. Edinburgh, 1830. 80% 822. f. 33. Fourth series. 1866, etc. Report from the committee on the new library, March Aberdeen, Edinburgh, 1867, etc. 8º. 1830. Edinburgh, 1830. 8º. 822. f. 43. In progress. Vol. 1 published at Aberdeen. Report of the committee appointed by the Faculty of Index to the first, second, and third series of the Trans- Advocates to superintend the building of the New actions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Library, etc. (5th Mar. 1830.) [Edinburgh, 1830.] 8º. Scotland, from 1799 to 1865 . . . Compiled under the 6573. bb. 8. (6.) superintendence of F. N. Menzies, etc. 2 pt. Strictures (against Dr. D. Irving] on the management of Edinburgh, 1869. 8º. Ac. 3500. the Advocates' Library. By a member of the Faculty. Edinburgh, 1834. 8º. 822. f. 41. Chemical Department Report for 1882. Reprinted from the Transactions. [By A. P. Aitken.] pp. 59. Report from the committee of the Faculty of Advocates W. Blackwood & Sons : Edinburgh, 1883. 80.** appointed to superintend the erection of the new Library. Ac. 3500/4. (Appendix, etc.) [Edinburgh, 1834?] 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (9.) Catalogue of the Museum of the Highland and Agricul- tural Society of Scotland. (Geological and mineralogical Statement to the Faculty of Advocates, by the Curators Collections.) Edinburgh, 1843. go. 1400. C. of the Library, regarding the case of Mr. Repp. Edinburgh, 1834. 8º. 6573. bb. 9. (12.) The pagination begins at 109. Statement by the Treasurer of the Faculty of Advocates Catalogue of the Museum of the Highland and Agricul- relative to the proposed additions and alterations on tural Society of Scotland. Models of Agricultural Imple- their Library. [Edinburgh, 1856.] 8º. ments and Machinery: Edinburgh, 1844. 8º. 8365. bb. 1. (14.) The pagination begins at 11. 1401. d. 251 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] 252 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Highland Society of Scotland, afterwards Highland Juridical Society of Edinburgh. . and Agricultural Society of Scotland. A collection of styles; or a complete system of Con- Dictionarum Scoto-Celticum. A Dictionary of the Gaelic veyancing, adapted to the present practice of Scotland, Language . . . and vocabularies of Latin and English etc. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1787-94. 4°. 509. d. 4-6. words with their translation into Gaelic, etc. [Compiled by J. Macleod, assisted by E. Maclachlan, A. Irvine, and A complete system of Conveyancing ... Third edition. A. Macdonald; edited by M. Mackay.] 2 vol. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1826–28. 4º. 6573. f. Edinburgh (printed] and London, 1828. 4º. . . Vol. 3 is of the second edition. 2274. g. Fourth edition. vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1852–65. 8º. An Itinerating Agricultural Book Club bas been founded Vol. 1 is in three parts. 1383. h. in South Britain for disseminating the valuable practical information conveyed in the Quarterly Journal, prize Fifth edition. Bell & Bradfute : essays and transactions of the Agricultural Society of Edinburgh, 1881, etc. 8º. 6573. i. 2. Scotland. [A prospectus, with a list of the members of In progress. the Highland Society.] Brighton, 1836. 8º. 7076. aaa. Medical, afterwards Philosophical Society. Old and remarkable trees. [A collection of articles by See Essays. Medical Essays ... published by a Society members of the Highland Society. Edited by C. Innes.7 in Edinburgh [i.e. the Medical, afterwards Philosophical [Edinburgh, 1865-67.] 8º. Ac. 3500/2 Society]. 1733, etc. 8º. . 1150. c. 1-6. Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of 1747. 12º. 1150. b. 19. Scotland, appointed to inquire into the nature and authenticity of the poems of Ossian. Drawn up ... by 1771. 12º. 46. m. 12–17. H. Mackenzie, its Chairman. With a copious appendix, Essays and Observations, physical and literary, read containing documents on which the report is founded. Edinburgh, 1805. 8º. before a Society in Edinburgh, etc. 3 vol. 1461. f. Edinburgh, 1754-71. 8º. 988. k. 9, 10. [Another copy:] 79. d. 14. This is the Second Series of Essays published by the Society. In the First Series the name of the Society does not occur. Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of Scotland, to whom the subject of Shetland Wool was [Another copy.] Ac. 1484. referred. With an appendix, containing some papers, Essays and observations...read before the philosophical drawn up by Sir J. Sinclair and Dr. Anderson, in society in Edinburgh. Second edition. 3 vol. reference to the said report. Edinburgh, 1790. 8º. Edinburgh, 1771, 70, 71. 8º. 254. 1. 1-3. 1029. h. 4. (3.) Vol. 3 is a duplicate of those in the preceding copies. [Another copy.] 1102. h. 5. (14.) List of Members, laws, and library catalogue of the [Another copy.] B. 547. (2.) Medical Society of Edinburgh. [With appendixes to the List of Members, Laws, and Library Catalogue.] Report of the present state of the Agriculture of Scot- Edinburgh, 1820-27. 8º. 11901. c. (1.) land, etc. (Edited by Professor Wilson.) This volume is made up of several lists, catalogues, etc. Edinburgh, 1878. 80. Ac. 3500/3. issued at different dates, and in some cases being fragments of Report on Friendly or Benefit Societies, exhibiting the law larger publications. of sickness, as deduced from returns by friendly societies in different parts of Scotland. To which are subjoined Medico-chirurgical Society. tables, shewing the rates of contribution . . . Drawn up Transactions. Edinburgh, 1824. 8º. Ac. 3850/2. by a committee of the Highland Society. Edinburgh, 1824. 8º. 1027. h. 9. The Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. Session 1881-82, etc. Oliver & Boyd : Wool encouraged without exportation; or, practical Edinburgh, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 3850/3. observations on wool and the woollen manufacture. In In progress. two parts. Part 1, containing strictures on appendix No. 4, to a report made by a committee of the Highland Address to the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, society, on the subject of Shetland wool. Part 2, con delivered on the occasion of taking the chair of the taininy a brief history of wool, and the nature of the Society, December 17, 1856, by James Miller. woollen manufacture as connected with it. By a Wilt Edinburgh, 1857. 8º. 7680. C. shire clothier, F. A. S. [- Wansey.] London, 1791. 8º... B. 547. (6.) | Orkney and Zetland Antiquarian Society. CLEGHORN (JAMES) On the depressed state of Agriculture [Prospectus of the Society.] Edinburgh, 1831. 8.. ... Being the Essay for which the Highland Society of T. 1481. (5.) Scotland ... voted a piece of plate of fifty guineas value. Philosophieal Society Edinburgh, 1822. 89. 7077. e. See supra : Medical, afterwards Philosophical So- ciety. Institution for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Scotland Report of the Committee of Artists associated with the Phrenological Society. Institution for the encouragement of the fine arts in Transactions of the Phrenological Society, instituted Scotland. [Edinburgh, 1825.] 8º. 7806. C. (1.) Feb. 1820. Edinburgh, 1824. gº. 741. b. 27. 1882, etc." 1881-82, eto: Chirurgical Soo Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis; edited by the Iona Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland Report by the committee of management ... 1857. pp. 92. T. Constable : Edinburgh, 1857. 8º. 7808. b. 15. Ar. 8250. Edinburgh, 1839, 34-39. 8º. No more published. 253 254 "ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGH.] EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH (CONTINUED). Royal College of Physicians. Royal College of Physicians. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal College of Phy The Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians sicians of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1849. 8°. of Edinburgh. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1841. 12º. 822. d. 19. 777. a. 40. . Catalogue of the Library of the Royal College of Phy See infra : LONDON.—Royal College of Physicians. The sicians of Edinburgh. (Supplement, etc.-Second supple New London Pharmacopoeia, translated and arranged in ment.) Edinburgh, 1863-79. 4º. 11901. k. a tabular form with the Edinburgh and Dublin Pharma- copoeias, etc. 1851. 8º. . 7510. e. Charter and regulations of the... College...(List of the See RUTTY (J.) Observations on the London & · Fellows, Honorary Members, and Residents...from... 1681.) [Edinburgh,] 1789. 8º. 957. 1. 34. Edinburgh Dispensatories, etc. 1776. 8º. 46. b. 25. Historical Sketch and Laws of the Royal College of Report on examination of medical practitioners, drawn Physicians of Edinburgh, from its institution to August, up by a Committee of the Royal College of Physicians 1882. pp. 182. Printed for the Royal College of of Edinburgh. Privately printed : Edinburgh, 1833. 4º. Physicians : Edinburgh, 1882. 4°. 7680. ff. i. 7679. g. List of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Royal College of Surgeons. Edinburgh, 1806. 12º. T. 448. (8.) A collection of royal grants and other documents relative Narrative of the conduct of Dr. J. Gregory, towards the to the constitution and privileges of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. 1505–1813. Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Drawn up Edinburgh, 1818. 8º. Ac. 3850/6. and published by order of the College, ete. Edinburgh, 1809. 4º. . 432. 1. 15. List of Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh from ... 1581 to ... 1873. [Another copy.] 781. i. 29. Edinburgh, 1874. 89. 7687. e. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regii Medicorum Edinburgensis. Regulations to be observed by Candidates previous to · Edinburgi, 1722. 777. b. 15. 12º. their being taken upon trials for obtaining Diplomas [Third edition.] Edinburgi, 1735. 12º. 777. b. 16. from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1808. 8º. 7306. aa. 1. (24.) [Fourth edition.] Edinburgi, 1744. 12º. 777. b. 17. Royal Observatory. [Sixth edition.] L. P. Edinburgi, 1774. 8º. 44. f. 24. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observa- tory, Edinburgh. [Vols. 1-5, for 1834–1839] by T. [Seventh edition.] Edinburgi, 1783. 8°. 957. i. 29. Henderson. (Vols. 6–10, for 1840–1847] by the late T. Henderson... reduced and edited by...C. P. Smyth. [Eighth edition.] Edinburgi, 1792. 8º. 777. d. 16. [Vols. II, etc. for 1849, etc.] by C. P. Smyth.) Edinburgh, 1838, etc. 4°. 8566. e. [Another copy.] 956. k. 19. In progress. [Ninth edition.] Edinburgi, 1804. 8º. T. 448. (2.) Royal Physical Society. [Reprint of the ninth edition.] Edinburgi, 1805. 12º. Proceedings of the Roral Physical Society of Edinburgh. 46. b. 22. 1854-1858. Edinburgh, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 3033. [Tenth edition.] Edinburgi, 1817. 8°. 44. f. 10. In progress. [Another edition.] Additamentis aucta ab E. G. Bal- The Laws of the Royal Physical Society . . . as revised dinger. Bremæ, 1776. 8º. 46. m. 1. by a Committee appointed 1817, and continued till 1819; with the new laws, etc. Edinburgh, 1819. 30. Pharmacopoeia Edinburgensis ... Additamenta adjecit Ac. 3033/2. E. G. Baldinger. Editio in Germania altera. Royal Scottish Academy. Bremæ, 1784. 8º. 777. b. 18. Thirty-seventh (fortieth, etc.) Annual Report of the ... Pharmacopoeia Edinburgensis: or, the dispensatory of the Academy, etc. Edinburgh, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 4696. Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh. Translated In progress. .:. from the fourth edition of the Latin, and illustrated with notes, by P. Shaw...Fifth edition, with additions. The Exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy ... London, 1746. 8º. 7509. d. 1841 (1865). 2 pt. Edinburgh, [1841-1865.] 40. 7856. cc. The Pharmacopoeia...translated from the fourth edition. Notes on the Exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy, With ... notes on the Materia Medica, and observations 1861. Edinburgh, [1861.] 80. 7854. e. on the preparations ... to which are added, the prescrip- tions ... in use at the Royal Hospital. By W. Lewis." London, 1748. 8º. yeye. d. 17 | Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1852, etc. 8º. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory ... being an improve- In progress. P.P. 1718. a. ment upon the New Dispensatory by D' Lewis. Edinburgh, 1786. 8º. 777. d. 20. A Letter to the Ordinary Members of the Royal Scottish Fourth edition, with additions (by J. Rotheram). Society of Arts. By one of themselves. Edinburgh, 1857. 8º. 7855. e. COPIOUS MS. NOTES. Edinburgh, 1794. 89. 777. d. 23. The Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, 1813. Royal Society of Edinburgh. See infra : LONDON.-Royal College of Physicians. The Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Pharmacopoeias of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Edinburgh, 1788, etc. 4º. Colleges, etc. 1815. 8º. 777. d. 27. In progress. T. C. 15. b. 1, etc. & 2099. g. 255 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGA.) 256 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). Royal Society of Edinburgh. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. [Another copy of vol. 1-8.] Ac. 3034/4: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. 4 is imperfect, wanting the papers of the literary Edinburgh, 1852, etc. 4°. Ac. 5770/2. class. In progress. Proceedings, etc. [Edinburgh, 1840, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3034. [A Collection of Notices of Meeting, with cuttings In progress. containing reports of the proceedings of the Society, etc.] [Edinburgh, 1806-29.] 8º. 7704. aaa. 13. Abstract of a dissertation read in the Royal Society of Edinburgh... April, 1785, concerning the system of the Account of the institution and progress of the Society of earth, its duration and stability. [By J. Hutton.] the Antiquaries of Scotland. 2 pt. [Edinburgh, 1790?] 8º. 117. m. 57. Edinburgh, [1783-] 1784. 4º. Ac. 5770. (1, 2.) Imperfect; wanting titlepage of pt. 1. Scottish Arboricultural Society. Transactions of the . . . Society. [Another copy of pt. 2.] 112. e. 6. (Vol. VI., etc. edited . by J. Sadler.) Edinburgh, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 3501. (Report relative to the state of the Society of Scottish In progress. Imperfect; wanting vol. 1, pt. 1, 2; vol. 3, antiquaries, read 11 Dec. 1826, etc.) [signed] I. Skene, pt. 2, 3 ; vol. 5, pt. 3 ; vol. 6, pt. 3; and vol. 7, pt. 1. curator. [Edinburgh, 1827.] 4º. 117. h. 8. Scottish Burgh Records Society. Synopsis of the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries ABERDEEN, City of. Extracts from the Council Register of Scotland. [Compiled by D. Wilsun.] of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1625-1642 (1643–1747). | Edinburgh, 1849. 8°. 7709. aaa. [Edited by J. Stuart.] 2 vol. Printed for the DRUMMOND (JAMES) Principal Curator and Keeper of the Scottish Burgh Records Society : Edinburgh, 1871, 72. 4º. National Gallery of Scotland. Archaeologia Scotica. Ac. 8249/4. Sculptured monuments in Iona and the West Highlands. EDINBURGH. Charters and other documents relating to [With 100 plates.] pp. 19. Edinburgh, 1881. fol. the City of Edinburgh, etc. [Edited by J. D. Marwick.] 1700. a. 4. Printed for the Scottish Burgh Records Society : Edinburgh, NEAVES (CHARLES) Lord Neaves. An Address ... at the 1871, etc. 4°. Ac. 824973. conversazione meeting of the Society of Antiquaries of In progress. Scotland ... the 23d December, 1859. [Edinburgh; 1860 ?] 8º. 7708. aaa. 38. (5.) EDINBURGH. Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, etc. [Edited by J. D. Marwick.] STUART (JOHN) Memoir of the late A. H. Rhind, of Printed for the Scottish Burgh Records Society : Edinburgh, Sibster, [With extracts from his correspondence.] 1869, etc. 4º. Ac. 8249/2. Edinburgh, 1864. 8º. 10825. bbb. In progress. There are cancels of pp. 269–284, vol. 1.' STUART (JOHN) Records of the Priory of the Isle of GLASGOW. Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of May. Edited by J. Stuart. Edinburgh, 1868. 4º. Glasgow, A.D. 1573–1642. [Edited by J. D. Marwick.) Ac. 5770/4. pp. [8.] lvii. 497. Printed for the Scottish Burgh Records Society; Glasgow, 1876. 4°. Ac. 8249/6. STUART (JOHN) Records of the Monastery of Kinloss, with illustrative documents. Edited by J. Stuart. INNES (COSMO) Ancient laws and customs of the Burghs [With photographic illustrations. ] of Scotland, etc. [Edited by C. Innes, with a glossary Edinburgh, 1872. 4°. Ac. 5770/5. by J. D. Marwick.] Printed for the Scottish Burgh Records Society: Edinburgh, 1868, etc. 4º. Ac. 8249. Society of Improvers in the knowledge of Agriculture In progress. in Scotland. PEEBLES. Charters and documents relating to the Select transactions . . . directing the husbandry of the Burgh of Peebles, with extracts from the Records of the different soils for the most profitable purposes, and con- Burgh, A.D. 1165-1710. [Edited by W. Chambers. ] taininy other directions, receipts and descriptions, pp. [8.] lxxv. 456. Printed for the Scottish Burgh Together with an account of the society's endeavours to Records Society : Edinburgh, 1872. 4º. Ac. 824975. promote our manufactures. Prepared for the press by R. Maxwell, of Arkland. Edinburgh, 1743. 80. 966. f. 11. Scottish Meteorological Society. Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society. New [Another copy.] 966. g. 19. Series. Edinburgh and London, 1864, etc. 89. A treatise concerning the manner of following of ground, In progress. Ac. 4103. & 176. raising of grass-seeds, and training of lint and hemp. [By R. Bradley.] Edinburgh, 1724. 8º. 966. i. 18. Scottish Society for promoting the Amendment of the Law [Another copy.] 988. f. 7. Transactions ... Session 1868--69, etc. Edinburgh, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 2180. Speculative Society of Edinburgh. In progress. History of the Speculative Society ... from its Institu- tion in 1764. Edinburgh, 1845. 4º. Ac. 9165/2. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Laws of the Speculative Society of Edinburgh, instituted Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. in November 1764, for ... improvenient in literary Com- (.Archaeologia Scotica, etc.) vol. 1, 2, vol. 3, pt. 1. .. position and public Speaking. Edinburgh, 1805.8º. Edinburgh, 1792-1828. 40. T. C. 14. b. 20-22. Ac. 9165. There is a second titlepage which reads : “ Archaeologia Scotica, etc." Report of the Proceedings at the commencement of the hundredth session of the Speculative Society (1863). [Another copy of vol. 1.] 434, d. 24. Edinburgh, 1864. 4º. Àc. 9165/3. 257 ACADEMIES. [EDINBURGA.] 258 EDINBURGH [CONTINUED). EDINBURGH (CONTINUED). Spottiswoode Society. University of Edinburgh. FORBES (PATRICK) Bishop of Aberdeen. The Funeral The History of the late Proceedings of the Students of Sermons, orations, epitaphs, and other pieces, on the the colledge at Edenborough, which hath occasioned the death of Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen. From Kings proclamation for banishing them fifteen miles the original edition of 1635. With biographical memoir from the said city. In three several letters to a worthy and notes, by C. F. Shand. Edinburyh, 1845. 8º. citizen of London. [The third signed L. L.] Ac. 2079/3. London, 1681. fol. T. 2*. (28.) KEITH (ROBERT) Bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church in The first two letters were published under the title “ Scot- Fife. The history of the affairs of cburch and state in land against Popery...or An account of the...burning the Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation to ... Pope's effigies upon Christmas Day last 1680, in the city of 1568 ... With biographical sketch, notes, and index, etc. Edenborough,” etc. [Vol. 1 and 2 edited by J. P. Lawson; vol. 3 by C. J. Lyon.] 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1844-50. 8º. 115. i. 10. [Another copy.] Ac. 2079/5. SAGE (JOHN) a Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. Local Examinations.—Examination Papers, with class The Works of J. Sage: ... with memoir and notes. lists and supplementary tables, for...1866, etc. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1844-46. 8º. Edinburgh, 1866, etc. Ac. 2079/2. 8365. aa. 80. In progress. SPOTTISWOODE MISCELLANY. The Spottiswoode Miscellany; a collection of original papers and tracts, illustrative Noorwdia. In . . . Jacobi, Magnæ Britanniæ. . . Regis, chiefly of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Scotland. ... felicem in Scotiam reditum, Academiæ Edinburgensis (Edited by James Maidment.) 2 vol. congratulatio. Edinburgi, 1617. 4º. 237. g. 25. Edinburgh, 1844, 45. 8º. Ac. 2079/4. [Another copy.] C. 24. a. SPOTTISWOODE (JOHN) Archbishop of St. Andrews. The History of the Church of Scotland, beginning the year Professional Correspondence relative to the Chair of of our Lord 203 and continued to the end of the reign of General Pathology Tin the University of Edinburgh]; King James VI. ... with a biographical sketch and notes reprinted...from the public journals of Edinburgh, in by M. Russell. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1851. 8º. which they appeared in September 1841. Ac. 2079. Edinburgh, 1841. 8º. 7680. aaa. Report from the Senatus Academicus of the University University of Edinburgh. ...on the accommodation required in the New Buildings. An answer to the several attacks which have appeared Printed for the private use of the Architects engaged in against the University of Edinburgh. Together with a drawing plans for their completion. comparative view of the lectures of the late Dr. Gordon [Edinburgh, 1815.] 4º. ,8365. f. (1.) of Edinburgh, -of Mr. Abernethy of St. Bartholomew's Hospital,-of Mr. Wilson,—and of Mr. C. Bell, etc. Reports, &c. relative to the completion of the College [By Dr. J. Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1819. 8º. Buildings. For the sole use of the Trustees, as ordered 7686. C. (1.) by their minutes of 25th November, 1816. A Blast from the North. In vindication of the medical 8365. f. (6.) [Edinburgh, 1816.] 4º. graduates of Edinburgh against the... aspersions cast Statuta Solennia de doctoratus in medicina gradu in upon their literary and professional education through Academia Edinburgena capessendo, etc. the bye-laws of the London College of Physicians. By [Edinburgh,] 1813. 8. sh. fol. 1830. c. (10.) a Medical Graduate of Edinburgh. London, 1828. 8º. T. 1228. (15.) Thesaurus medicus Edinburgensis , norus: sive, dis- A catalogue of the graduates...of the University of putationum in Academia Edinensi, ad rem medicam per- Edinburgh, since its foundation. tinentium ab anno 1759...(ad hoc usque tempus delectus, See supra: Bannatyne Club. A catalogue, etc. ab illustri Societate Regia Medica Edinensi habitus. 1858. 8º. 8364. e. Tom. 2-4. Edinburgi & Londini, 1785. 8º. Wanting tom. 1. T. 222, 223, 224. Catalogus eorum qui gradum M. D....adepti sunt con- tinuatus ab anno 1798 usque ad annum 1806, etc. The Trustees for rebuilding the University of Edinburgh. See CATALOGUES. — Subdiv. I. — Edinburgh. - University [Being an explanation of a design for reducing the Library. Appendix prima ad editionem alteram catalogi original plan, made by R. Adam.] London, [1816.] 4º. librorurn in bibliotheca Academiæ Edinburgenæ, etc. 8365. f. (4.) 1805. 80. T. 109. (1.) The University Snowdrop : an appendix to the great trial; containing a selection of squibs... descriptive of A catalogue of the graduates in the faculties of art, the wars of the Quadrangle, and the consequences divinity and law, of the University of Edinburgh, since thereof. With...embellishments. [In verse.] its foundation. Edinburgh, 1858. 8º. 8364. e. Edinburgh, 1838. 8º. 11645. g. 51. (1.) Catalogus auditorum in Aula Græca privata (Catalogus auditorum in Aula Græca publica) 1807, 8. Wernerian Natural History Society. [Edinburgh, 1808 ?] 8º. 731. h. 2. (1, 2.) Memoirs. 1808–38. Vol. 1-7; vol. 8, pt. 1. Edinburgh, 1811–39. 8º. Ac. 3032/2. Edinburgh University Calendar for the Session 1858–59, etc. Edinburgh, 1858, etc. 8º. P.P. 2511. 1. a. [Another copy of vol. 1 ; vol. 2, pt. 2 ; vol. 5, pt. 1.] In progress. 431. b. 8. Eloodia Musarum Edinensium in Caroli Regis Musarum Wodrow Society. Tutani ingressu in Scotiam. Edinburgh, 1633. 4°. Begin. The Wodrow Society. (Prospectus. Laws of Without pagination. 11409. d. the Society, etc.) [Edinburgh, 1841.] 3. sh. 4º. 741. k. (33.) [Another cupy.] 1070. m. 40. (2, 3.) Imperfect; wanting “ Grampius Gratulation ... By Laws and List of the Members of the Wodrow Society. Douglas." Mutilated. Edinburgh, 1842. 8°. Ac. 2081. 259 ACADEMIES. (EDINBURGH, ERFURT.] 260 EDINBURGH (CONTINUED). EISLEBEN. Wodrow Society. Verein für Geschichte und Alterthümer der Graf- Annual report (first-fourth), laws and state of accounts schaft Mansfeld. of the Wodrow Society (1842–45]. Historische Karte der Grafschaft Mansfeld. [Published [Edinburgh, 1843-46.] 80. Ac. 2081/2. by the “ Verein für Geschichte und Alterthümer der Grafschaft Mansfeld.”] (Die Grafen von Mansfeld und BLAIR (ROBERT) The life of Mr. R. B....containing his ihre Besitzungen. Zugleich als Erläuterung der his- Autobiography from 1593 to 1636. With supplement torischen Karte der Grafschaft Mansfeld.) 2 pt. ...and continuation of the History of the Times to Eisleben, 1872. S. sh. fol. & 8º. 9914. i. 1680, by... W. Row. Edited...from the original manu- script by T. M'Crie. Edinburgh, 1848. 8º. Ac. 2081/13. ELBERFELD. BRUCE (ROBERT) Sermons from the original edition of 1590 and 1591 : with collections for his life by R. . Bergischer Geschichtsverein. Wodrow, now first printed; edited by W. Cunningham. Edinburgh, 1843. 8º. Ac. 2081/6. Zeitschrift des Bergischen Geschichtsvereins. Im Auf- . trage des Vereins herausgegeben von Dr. K. W. Bouter- CALDERWOOD (DAVID) The history of the Kirk of Scot wek und Dr. W. Crecelius. land ... Edited from the original manuscript by T. Bonn, Elberfeld (printed], 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 7340. Thomson. 8 vol. Edinburgh, 1842–49. 80. Ac. 2081/7. In progress. FERME (c.) A logical analysis of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, by C. Ferme, translated from the Latin by ELDENA. W. Skae,...and a commentary on the same epistle by Königlich - Preussische staats- und landwirthschaft- A. Melville, in the original Latin. Edited, with a life liche Academie. of Ferme, by W. L. Alexander, etc. Edinburgh, 1850. 8º. Ac. 2081/14. Jahrbücher... Herausgegeben von E. Baumstark, C. Haubner, J. C. Schauer, und F. Schulze. Bde. 1-3. KNOX (JOHN) The Works of J. Knox collected and Greifswald, 1848–53. 8º. Ac. 3447. edited by D. Laing. 6 vol. Edinburgh, 1846–64. 8º. Ac. 2081/12. 112 copies of this work were printed for the Bannatyne Club. EMDEN. LAING (DAVID) The Miscellany of the Wodrow Society, Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst und vaterländische containing tracts and original letters chiefly relating to Alterthümer. the ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland during the sixteenth Jahrbuch, etc. Emden (printed] und and seventeenth centuries, selected and edited by D. L. Aurich, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 5378. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1844. 8º. Ac. 2081/11. In progress. MELVILL (JAMES) The autobiography and diary of J. M. Verzeichniss der Gemälde in der Sammlung der Gesell- with a continuation of the diary, edited from manuscripts schaft, etc. [With a preface by — Starcke.] pp. vii. 70. by R. Pitcairn. Edinburgh, 1842. 89. Ac. 2081/3. Emden, 1877. 8º. Ac. 5378. 2. ROLLOCK (ROBERT) The Select Works of R. R. ... re SUUR (H.) Die Alte Kirche zu Marienhafe in Ostfries- printed from the original editions. Edited by W. M. land. .Abhandlung, herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Gunn. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1849, 44. 89. Ac. 2081/8. für bildende Kunst und vaterländische Alterthümer in Emden. Mit einem Titelbild, und Zeichnungen auf 16 Row (JOHN) The history of the Kirk of Scotland, from Tafeln. Emden, 1845. 4º. 4660. ee. the year 1558 to August 1637, with a continuation to July 1639 by his son J. Row. Edinburgh, 1842. 8º. Ac. 2081/4. ÉPINAL Scor (WILLIAM) An apologetical narration of the state and government of the Kirk of Scotland since the Comité d'Histoire Vosgienne. Reformation. Certain records touching the estate of Documents rares ou inédits de l'histoire des Vosges, the Kirk in 1605 and 1606. By J. Forbes. [Edited by rassemblés et publiés... par L. Duhamel, tom. 1, 2. D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1846. 89. Ac. 2081/10. (Par J. C. Chapellier et G. Gley, tom. 4, etc.) TWEEDIE (WILLIAM K.) Select Biographies, edited... by Épinal, 1868, etc. 8º. . Ac. 6909. W. K. Tweedie. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1845, 47. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2081/9. Société d'Émulation du Département des Vosges. WODROW (ROBERT) The correspondence of the Rev. R. Annales. Épinal, 1831, etc. 8º. Ac. 585. W. Edited from manuscripts by T. Mac Crie. Vol. 1-3. In progress. Edinburgh, 1842, 43. 8º. Ac. 2081/5. ERFURT. EINSIEDELN. Academia Electoralis Moguntina Scientiarum Uti- Historischer Verein der fünf Orte, Luzern, Uri, lium. Schwyz, Unterwalden und Zug. Acta Academiæ, etc. 2 tom. Der Geschichtsfreund. Mittheilungen des historischen Erfordiæ et Gothæ, 1757, 61. 8º. 963. a. 34. Vereins, etc. Einsiedeln, 1843, etc. 8º. In progress. [Another copy.] 274. c. 7, 8. Register...zu Band 1 bis und mit 20 (Bd. 21 bis Uebersetzungen und deutsche Abhandlungen. Heraus- und mit 30) bearbeitet von J. L. Brandstetter. gegeben von S. L. Hadelich. 2 Bde. Einsiedeln, 1865-77. 8º. Ac. 6940. Erfurt, Langensalza, (1762], 63. 8º. Ac. 2237/5. 261 262 ACADEMIES. [ERFURT—ESSEN.] ERFURT [CONTINUED). ERLANGEN. Academia Electoralis Moguntina Scientiarum Uti- Academia Erlangensis. lium. See infra : Academia Fridericiana. Acta...1776–1795. 12 vol. Erfurti, 1777-96. 4º. "'435. b. 12–17. Academia Fridericiana. [Another copy.] T. C. 5. a. 18-23. Historia Academiae Fridericianae Erlangensis. . . Addita Nova acta ... 1797–1808. Abhandlungen, etc. ' 4 tom. sunt scripta tam publica quam privata Academiae causa Erfurti, 1799–1809. 8º. Ac. 2237/3. concepta. Erlangae, 1744. fol. 732. l. 9. In German, excepting several pieces in tom. 1 which are in Die hundertjährige Jubelfeier der Universität Erlangen. Latin; most of the memoirs have distinct titlepages and 1843. Erlangen, [1843.] 49. pagination. 8355. f. [Another copy.] 256. C. 47. Zum Jubelfeste der Universität Erlangen am 23, 24 und 25 August 1843, etc. Inhalt: Ein Vierteljahrhundert [Another copy of tom. 1, 2.] Erfurti, 1799, 1802. 80. konstitutionellen Lebens in Deutschland. 963. k. 39. Erlangen, 1843. 8º. 1250. b. Tom. 1 is imperfect, wanting the first treatise. Narratio sæcularium Academiæ Erlangensis diei tertii, Abhandlungen. Neue Folge. Sammlung 1. quo die xxv. M. Augusti MDCCCXLIII. doctores honoris Erfurt, 1828. 4º. Ac. 2237/4. causa creati renunciabantur. Erlangæ, 1844. 4º. Wanting plates. This Samml. consists of four separate 8355. f. pieces, three of which are dated 1827 and the other 1826, Personalstand der Friedrich-Alexanders Universität Er- and a preface. langen in ihrem ersten Jahrhundert. Jahrbücher der königlichen Akademie gemeinnütziger Erlangen, 1843. 8º. 732. d. 24. Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Neue Folge. Erfurt, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 2237. Viro summo reverendo...G. D. J. Koch ... de quinqua- In progress. ginta annis post summos in medicina honores rite captos ...exactis,...gratulatur ordo medicorum, interprete D. Bericht über die Arbeiten und Veränderungen, welche C. de Siebold... Præmittitur dissertatio de finibus inter ...von 1 April 1845 bis dahin 1846..i vorgekommen regnum animale et vegetabile constituendis. sind. Erfurt, [1846.] 89 8703. d. Erlangæ, 1844. 4º. 1256. i. Denkschrift der königlichen Akademie gemeinnütziger Regem clementissimum eundemque Rectorem magnifi- Wissenschaften in Erfurt. Herausgegeben am Secular centissimum Maximilianum II. d. XXVI. Julii MDCCCLV. tage ihrer Gründung den 19 Juli 1854. venerabunde exceptum pie consalutat Universitas Fride- Erfurt, 1854. 8º. 8355. b. rico-Alexandrina Erlangensis [in a Latin ode]. CASSEL (SELIG, afterwards PAULUS) Eddische Studien. Erlangae, [1855.] 4º. 11409. i. (1. Fiölvinnsmál [sic]. Einleitung und Erläuterung Acta Seminarii Philologici Erlangensis. Ediderunt I. (with the text]. Icel. & Germ.) pp. xvii. 155. Mueller et E. Woelfilin. Erlangae, 1878, etc. 8º. Weimar, 1856. 8°. 11565. f. In progress. Ac. 2629. No more published. Friedrich-Alexanders-Universität. Königliche Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften. See supra : Academia Fridericiana. See supra: Academia Electoralis Moguntina Scien- tiarum Utilium. Friedrichs-Universität. See supra : Academia Fridericiana. Kurfürstliche Akademie der nützlichen Wissen- schaften, Physikalisch-medicinische Societat. See supra : Academia Electoralis Moguntina Scien- Abhandlungen. 2 Bde. tiarum Utilium. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1810–12. 4º. Ac. 3756. Universität. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen der physicalisch- Acten der Erfurter Universitaet ... Bearbeitet von Dr. medicinischen Societät zu Erlangen, redigirt von... E. v. J. C. H. Weissenborn. 1881, etc. In progress. Gorup-Besanez,...J. Gerlach,...Fr. Pfaff, etc. See infra : SAXONY. Geschichtsquellen der Provinz Erlangen, 1859 (1858), etc. 8º. Ac. 3756/2. Sachsen, etc. Bd. 8. 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 7161. In progress. Verkündungs Brieff der hochberüemptē Universitet Erd Verhandlungen... Mai 1865 (bis Mai 1870). Hft. 1, 2. fürt, zu schütz schirm un handhabung...M. Luthers (Sitzungsberichte der... Societat, etc. Hft. 3, etc.) Tagainst Johann von Eck]. Durch W. Russen verteüt Erlangen, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 3756/3. schet. [1521.7 4º. 3908. ccc. 64 In progress. 4 leaves, without pagination. ŞAnother edition.] Intimation der hochberüempten Arachniden. Herausgegeben von der physikalisch- Universitet Erdfurt, in Martinum Luther. Durch W. medicinischen... Societat, etc. 1812. 4º. B. 292. (3.) Rusen verteutschet. [1521.] 4º. 1226. a. 52. [Another edition.] Intimation der hochberuempten Universität Erlangen. Universitet Erdtfurt, in Marcinum Luther. Durch W. See supra : Academia Fridericiana. Rüsen verteutschet. [1521.] 4º. 3906. d. Hilaria Typographica Erfordiensia, das ist Historischer Bericht von der Jubel-Feyer welche zum Andencken ESSEN. der vor dreyhundert Jahren erfundenen Buchdrucker- Kunst am 27 Junii 1740 auf der ... Universität Erfurth Rheinisch-Westphälischer Schulmänner-Verein, ; begangen worden. Erfurth, [1740.] 4º. 823. e. 1. (2.) See infra : MUNSTER, 263 ACADEMIES. (EUGENE CITY-EUROPE.] 264 EUGENE CITY. EUROPE. University of Oregon. See W., M. Academiarum, quae aliquando fuere et Catalogue of the University of Oregon, Eugene City. hodie sunt in Europa, catalogus et enumeratio brevis, .1879-80. pp. 19. Eugene City, Oregon, etc. [1590.] 4º. 731. e. 10. (1.) Salem (printed], 1880. 8º. 8366. dd. 14. See Y., D. F. H. Dissertacion histórica sobre las Socie- dades, Colegios y Academias de la Europa, etc. 1788. 4º. 731. f. 11. ÉVREUX Mémoires de physique pure, sans mathématiques, de toutes les Académies de Sciences; rassemblés en un seul Académie Ébroïcienne. corps et rangés selon l'ordre de leur publication. Tom. 1. Bulletin...1833–37. 5 vol. Louviers, [1833–38.] 8º. 1665–67. Lausanne, 1754. 4º. 936. e. 4. Ac. 324. Uitgezogte verhandelingen uit de nieuwste werken van The vols. for 1834–37 are each in 2 pt. ; that for 1837 is de Societeiten der Wetenschappen in Europa en van imperfect. andere geleerde mannen. 10 Deel. Amsterdam, 1757-65. 8º. 964. g. 1-10. Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Départe- ment de l'Eure, Congrès Général de Statistique. See DRAMARD (E.) Société Libre d'Agriculture... Notice See infra: Congrès International de Statistique. historique sur la Société et ses Travaux, suivie des tables des matières contenues dans les vingt-quatre volumes composant les trois premières séries du Recueil 1830- Congrès Géologique International. 1860. 1865. 8º. Ac. 325/4. Bibliographie géologique et paléontologique de l'Italie par les soins du comité d'organisation du 2me Congrès Bulletin... Tom. 1, 2. Évreux, 1822, 23. 8º. Ac. 325. Géologique International à Bologne. [Edited by T. Taramelli and A. Portis.] pp. viii. 630. Journal d'Agriculture, de Médecine et des sciences acces- Bologne, Modena (printed], 1881. 8º. 11905. a. 7. soires, faisant suite au Bulletin, etc. Tom. 2–6. Évreux, 1825-29. 8º. Ac. 325/2. Congrès International d’Anthropologie et d'Archéo- Wanting tom. 1. logie préhistoriques. Recueil, faisant suite au Journal. 10 tom. International Congress of Prehistoric Archæology: Évreux, 1830–39. 8º. *Ac. 325/3. Transactions of the third session which opened at Norwich on the 20th August and closed in London on Recueil des Travaux de la Société. 20 Série. Tom. 1-7. the 28th August 1868: containing the papers read at Évreux, 1841-47. 8º. the Congress, with illustrations chiefly contributed by the authors, and an abstract of the discussions. 3e Série. Tom. 1-7. Évreux, 1853–63. 8º. London, 1869. 8º. Ac. 5600. - 4e Série. Évreux, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 325/4. Congrès International d'Anthropologie & d'Archéologie In progress. préhistoriques. Compte rendu de la 4e session, à Copenhague. Copenhague, 1869. 89. Ac. 5600/2. FORTIER (CHARLES) Le Département de l'Eure à l'Ex- position universelle de 1878. pp. 253. Congrès International d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie Évreux, 1879. 8º. Ac. 325/6. préhistoriques. Compte rendu de la cinquième session, à Bologne 1871; avec planches, etc. LENORMANT (CHARLES) De la découverte d'un prétendu Bologne, 1873. 8º. Ac. 5600. Cimetière Mérovingien à la Chapelle-Saint-Éloi, Eure. Rapport fait à la Société libre d'Agriculture, etc. Congrès International d'Anthropologie & d'Archéologie Évreux, 1855. 8º. 7705. bb. 29. (5.) préhistoriques. Compte rendu de la 6e session, Bruxelles, 1872. Bruxelles, 1873. 89. Ac. 5600/2. [Another edition.] Rapports faits à la Société libre Congrès International d'Anthropologie & d'Archéologie d'Agriculture, etc. [by à commission named by the préhistoriques. Compte rendu de la 7e session, Stock- Society.] Évreux, 1856. 8º. 7707. aaa. 43. (5.) holm, 1874. 2 tom. Stockholm, 1876. 8º. Ac. 5600. The first of these reports is the same as that by C. Lenormant published in 1855. A later edition of both is contained in the “ Recueil des travaux de la Société," etc. Congrès International des Américanistes. série 3, tom. 4. Congrès International des Américanistes. Compte- rendu de la première session, Nancy. 1875. PASSY (FRANÇOIS ANTOINE) Description géologique du Nancy (printed], Paris, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 6220. Département de l'Eure. Avec un appendice contenant In progress. des notes sur l'hydrologie...et la botanique de chaque commune, etc. (Notice biographique sur M. A. F. Congrès International des Orientalistes. Passy...Par M. E. Cosson.) Évreux, 1874. 4º. Ac. 325/5. See infra : International Oriental Congress. ROBIN (PAUL EUGÈNE) Dictionnaire du patois normand en usage dans le département de l'Eure, par MM. Robin, Congrès International de Statistique. Le Prévost, A. Passy, & De Blosseville, etc.. Compte rendu des travaux du Congrès général de Évreux, 1879, etc. 8º. 12950. h. 30. Statistique réuni à Bruxelles les 19–22 Sep., 1853. In progress. Bruxelles, 1853. 4°. Ac. 2401. Compte rendu général des travaux du Congrès Interna- Société libre d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles tional de Statistique dans ses séances tenues à Bruxelles, Lettres du Département de l'Eure. 1853, Paris, 1855, Vienne, 1857, et Londres, 1860. See supra : Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, Publié...sous la direction de M. le Dr. Engel. etc. Berlin, 1863. 4º. · Ac. 2401/4. 265 ACADEMIES. [EUROPE.] 266 Paris, EUROPE [CONTINUED). EUROPE (CONTINUED). Congrés International de Statistique. Congrès Périodique International d'Ophthalmologie. Compte rendu de la deuxième session du Congrès Inter Congrès d'Ophthalmologie de Bruxelles. Compte-rendu national de Statistique réuni à Paris les 10, 12, 13, 14 et publié au nom du bureau par le Dr Warlomont. Session 15 Septembre, 1855...Par les soins de M. A. Legoyt, de 1857. Paris, Bruxelles (printed], 1858. 89. etc. Paris, 1856. 4º. Ac. 2401. Ac. 3700/2. Compte rendu de la troisième session du Congrès Inter- Protocol over Forhandlingerne paa den Ophthalmologiske national de Statistique réuni à Vienne les 31 Août, 1, 2, Congres i Brüssel i September 1857, beträffende den 3, 4, 5 Septembre 1857, publié... sous la direction de M. Militære Diensygdem ; udgivet paa Dansk efter den Ch. Baron de Czoernig... par les soins de M. A. Ficker. trykte Original af J. C. Bendz. Kjöbenhavn, 1858. 8º. Ac. 3700. Vienne, 1858. 4º. Ac. 2401. Congrès Périodique International d'Ophthalmologie. Österreich auf dem statistischen Cougresse. Ein Rück Compte-rendu comprenant les procès-verbaux des séances, blick auf die dritte Versammlung des Internationalen les mémoires lus ou déposés, etc. rédigés, traduits et mis Congresses für Statistik zu Wien in September 1857. en ordre par M. le Dr. Power... publié sur l'édition Prag, 1858. 8º. 8223. c. anglaise par le Dr. Warlomont...et le Dr. Duwez... 4e session. Londres, 1872. Programme of the fourth session of the International Gand (printed], 1873. 80. Ac. 3700/3. Statistical Congress. London, 1860. 4º. Ac. 2401/9. Programme de la quatrième session du Congrès Inter- Europäische Gradmessung. national de Statistique, etc. Londres, 1861. 4º. Bericht über die Verhandlungen der vom 30 September Ac. 2401/5. bis 7 October 1867 (-23 bis 28 September, 1874) zu Report of the proceedings of the fourth session of the Berlin abgehaltenen allgemeinen Conferenz der Euro- International Statistical Congress, held in London, July päischen Gradmessung. Redigirt auf Grund der steno- 16, 1860, etc. [Edited by W. Farr.] London, 1861. 4o. graphischen Aufzeichnungen im Auftrage der permanen- ten' Commission von C. Bruhns,...W. Foerster,...A. Ac. 2401. Hirsch... Zugleich als General-Bericht für 1867 heraus- Congrès International de Statistique à Berlin. Pro gegeben vom Central-Bureau der Europäischen Grad- gramme de la cinquième session du 6 au 12 Septembre, messung. (Nachschrift ... General-Bericht ... für ... 1863. Berlin, [1863.] 4º. Ac. 2401/2. 1868–74.) Berlin, 1868–75. 4º. Internationaler Statistischer Congress in Berlin. Pro- [Continued as:] gramm der fünften Sitzungsperiode 6 bis 12 September, Verbandlungen...1876 (77, etc.)... redigirt von...C. 1863. Berlin, (1863.] 4º. Ac. 2401/3. Bruhns, A. Hirsch. Zugleich mit dem Generalbericht für...1875 (76, etc.), etc. Berlin, 1875, etc. 8º. Die Beschlüsse des Internationalen Statistischen Con- In progress. Ac. 4300. gresses in seiner v. Sitzungsperiode, abgehalten zu Berlin vom 6 bis mit 12 September 1863. Mitgetheilt und mit kritischen Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. Engel, etc. International Congress of Prehistoric Archæology. Berlin, 1864. 4º. 8223. f. See supra : Congrès International d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie préhistoriques. Rechenschafts-Bericht über die fünfte Sitzungsperiode des internationalen statistischen Congresses in Berlin. Veröffentlicht... von Dr. Engel. 2 Bde. Internationaler Congress für Alterthumskunde und Berlin, 1865. 4º. Ac. 2401. Geschichte. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Congresses...zu Congrès International de Statistique à Florence. Pro Bonn in September 1868. Herausgegeben von... E. A. gramme de la sixième session, etc. Florence, 1867. 4º. Weerth. Bonn, 1871. 4º. Ac. 5201. 8223. f. Compte-rendu des Travaux de la vie session du Congrès International Oriental Congress. ...réuni à Florence...1867, publié. . .sous la direction See DUCHÂTEAU (J. J. R.) Une Création scientifique du Doct. P. Maestri. Florence, 1868. 4º. Ac. 2401. Française. Le premier Congrès International des Solutions arrêtées dans la session du Congrès International Orientalistes, etc. 1875. 8º. 1434. h. de Statistique réuni à Florence en 1867, etc. [Edited by P. Maestri.] Florence, 1868. 4º. 'Ac. 2401/6. Congrès International des Orientalistes. 1re (2) circu- laire. Premier Congrès des Japonistes devant avoir lieu Congrès International de Statistique à la Haye. Septième à Paris...1873. Paris, (1873.] 8º. 12910. bb. session du 6 au 11 Septembre 1869. Première partie : programme. La Faye, 1869. fol. Ac. 2401/8. Congrès International des Orientalistes. Compte rendu de la première session, Paris, 1873. 3 tom. Report of the delegates to the International Statistical Paris, 1874–76. 8º. Ac. 8806. Congress held at St. Petersburg in August, 1872. Transactions of the second session ... held in London Washington, 1875. 8º. Ac. 2401/7. ...1874. Edited by R. K. Douglas. pp. viii. 456. Trübner & Co.: London, [Hertford printed,] 1876. 8º. Congrès Pénitentiaire International. Ac. 8806. Année 1872. Statistique pénitentiaire internationale. Verhandlungen des fünften Internationalen Orientalisten- Rome, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 2200. Congresses gehalten zu Berlin...1881. [Edited by C. In progress. F. A. Dillmann.] 2 Thle. Berlin, 1881, 82. 8º. Thl. 2 is in 2 pt. Ac. 8806. Le Congrès Pénitentiaire International de Stockholm. 15–26 Août 1878. Comptes-rendus des séances, publiés ...par le Dr Guillaume. 2 tom. Stockholm, International Statistical Congress. · Neuchâtel (printed], 1879. 8º. Ac. 2200/2. See supra : Congrès International de Statistique, 267 ACADEMIES. [EUROPË-FLORENCE. 268 EUROPE (CONTINUED]. - FALMOUTH. Permanente Commission der Mitteleuropäischen Cornwall Polytechnic Society. Gradmessung. Report of the Cornwall Polytechnic Society for 1833, Protokoll der Sitzungen der permanenten Commission etc., with the laws for the government of the Insti- Mitteleuropäischen Gradmessung in Leipzig...1865 (in tution, etc. Falmouth, Penryn, Penzance, (1833, etc.] Neuenburg...1866, in Wien...1867). 3 pt. In progress. Ac. 4465 Berlin; 1882. 4°. * Ac. 4301/18 Report of the Cornwall Polytechnic Society, for 1833. (The Second Annual Report ... 1834.) 2 pt. Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskab. Falmouth, reprinted, (1871.] 8º. Ac. 4465/3. Forhandlinger ved de Skandinaviske Naturforskeres A reprint of the First and Second Reports only. fjerde (syvende, etc.) möde. Christiania, Kjöbenhavn, Stockholm, 1847, etc. 8º. Ac. 2976. Transactions. No. 1. Falmouth, [1842.] 8º. In progress. Ac. 4465/2. FERMO. EXETER : Devonshire Society for the Encouragement of Agri- Società Storico-Archeologica delle Marche. culture and Industry. Atti, etc. Rocca S. Casciano, 1875, etc. 8º. Rules, Orders, and Premiums of the South Devon Divi. In progress. sion of the ... Society... With a List of the Subscribers, etc. Plymouth, 1792. 4º. 8275. cc. 16. FERRARA. Ac. 6505. Accademia degli Ariostei. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, Prose e Rime degli Accademici Ariostei lette nella Transactions. (Index.) 6 vol. Exeter, 1847–61. 4º. solenne adunanza del XIII. Giugno MDCCCXXXXI. assumendo Second Series. Vol. 1, etc. Exeter, 1867, etc. 40. il protettorato della città di Ferrara l'eminentissimo ... In progress. Ac. 5648. Cardinale G. F. Fransoni, etc. Ferrara, 1841. 4º. 898. i. 4. (14.) Western Apiarian Society. Collegium Philosophiæ et Medicinæ. Rules of the Western Apiarian Society, instituted for Ferrariensis Collegii Philosophiæ et Medicinæ Doctorum promoting the knowledge of the best method of managing Statuta nuperrime reformata. Ferrariæ, 1784. 4º. bees. E.ceter, (1800.] 12º. T. 405. (1.) 8356. g. [Another copy.] T. 416. (9.) FIGUERAS. Transactions. No. 1-5. Exeter, [1800-5.] 120. T. 405. (2.) Sociedad de Agricultura del Ampurdan. [Another copy of No. 1-4.] T. 422. (8.) La Granja; revista de Agricultura y biblioteca rural, periódico de la Sociedad de Agricultura del Ampurdan, [Another copy of No. 2, 3.] y órgano oficial de las Juntas Provinciales de Agricultura de Barcelona y Gerona ... Dirigido por ... N. Fages de Roma. 4 vol. Figueras, 1850-53. 8º. Ac. 3390. No more published. FAHLUN. T. 450. (2.) Bergsmanna-Föreningen. FLORENCE. See infra : HEDEMORA. Accademia del Cimento. Dalarnes Fornminnesförening. Atti e memorie inedite dell'Accademia ... e notizie Dalarnes Fornminnesförenings tidskrift. aneddote dei progressi delle scienze in Toscana. Pub- See infra : Dalarnes Fornminnesförenings årsskrift. blicate dal dottor G. Targioni Tozzetti. 3 tom. Firenze, 1780. 4°. 462. h. 2–5. Dalarnes Fornminnesförenings årsskrift (tidskrift). Tom. 2 'is in 2 pts. This world was originally published Falun, 1867, etc. 8°. Ac. 9062. under the title : “ Notizie degli aggrandimenti delle scienze In progress.-In pt. II., which was published in 1873, the fisiche accaduti in Toscana ... raccolte dal dottor G. Tar- gioni Tozzetti.” This is a duplicate of the copy entered under designation “ Tidskrift” is substituted for “ Årsskrift.” that name, with new titlepages. Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell'Accademia del FAIRFIELD, NEW YORK. Cimento ... e descritte dal Segretario di essa Accademia [L. Magalotti]. Firenze, 1666 [1667). fol. College of Physicians and Surgeons. 8704. g. Circular and Catalogue of the College of Physicians and The date 1666 occurs on the titlepage, but the Dedication Surgeons of the Western District of the State of New and the Privilege are each dated 1667. York, in Fairfield, Herkimer Co. Albany, 1839. 80. 8365. cc. 2. (19.) | [Another edition.] L. P. Firenze, 1666 [1667]. fol. 31. k. 1. This is another edition of the preceding, differing only in FALAISE. the ornamental engravings." Société Académique des Sciences, Arts et Belles [Another copy.] Firenze, 1667. fol. 434. i. 1. Lettres. This copy has the date 1667 on the titlepage. Mémoires. 1835. Falaise, 1836. 8º. Ac. 333. 1 [Another copy.] 536. m. 14. 269 ACADEMIES (FLORENCE.] 270 FLORENCE [CONTINUED). FLORENCE [CONTINUED). Accademia del Cimento. Accademia della Crusca. Saggi ... Terza edizione fiorentina preceduta da notizie See OTTONELLI (G.) Discorso sopra l'abuso del dire storiche dell'Accademia stessa (by V. Antinori) e seguitata sua Santita ... senza nominare il Papa ... con le da alcune aggiunte. [Edited by G. Gazzeri.] difese della Gierusalemme liberata del Signor T. Firenze, 1841. 4º. 715. k. 19. Tasso, dall'oppositioni degli Academici della Crusca. 1586. 8º. 73. a. 20. Ac. 2807. [Another copy.] A presentation copy to Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte.' See PELLEGRINO (c.) of Capua, the Elder. Replica Essayes of natural experiments made in the Academie di C. Pellegrino alla Risposta de gli Accademici del Cimento ... Englished by R. Waller. della Crusca, fatta contra il Dialogo dell'Epica London, 1684. 4º. 434. g. 6. poesia in difesa, come e' dicono, dell'Orlando Furioso dell' Ariosto. 1585. 8º. 11826. bb. Essais d'expériences physiques de l'Académie del Cimento Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, con tre indici (ann. 1667), avec des notes ou additions tirées de la delle voci, locuzioni, e proverbi Latini, e Greci, etc. traduction latine de Van-Musschenbroek. [Compiled chiefly by L. Salviati.] ED. PR. See BerryAT (J.) Recueil de mémoires, etc. l'artie Giovanni Alberli : Venezia, 1612. fol. 627. m. 10. étrangère. tom. 1. 1755, etc. 4º. [Another edition.] In questa seconda impressione ... Accademia della Crusca. riveduto e ampliato, etc. See MEDICI (L. DE') the Elder, called the Magnificent. Jacopo Sarzini: Venezia, 1623. fol. 12943. i. 2. Opere. (Edited by the Accademia della Crusca.] 1825. 40. : 640. m. 15. [Another edition.] In quest'ultima edizione ... am- pliato, etc. Per Combi, e La Noù : Venetia, 1686. fol. See PALLADIUS RUTILIUS TAURUS ÆMILIANUS. Volgariz- 827. m. 3. zamento di Palladio (dagli Accademici della Crusca), etc. [Another edition.] In questa terza impressione ... 1810. 4º. 7820. ff. accresciuto. Nella stamperia dell'Accademia della Cruscu : See PASSAVANTI (J.) Lo Specchio della vera Penitenzia Firenze, 1691. fol. 630. m. 13. ... dato in luce dagli Accademici della Crusca. 1725. 4º. 223. k. 13. Quarta impressione. 6 vol. Firenze, 1729–38. fol. 2117. e. Atti dell'imp. e reale Accademia della Crusca. (Breve [Another copy.] 70. i. 2-11. storia dell'Accademia ... Scritta dal segretario G. B. Zannoni.) 3 tom. Firenze, 1819–29. 40. Ac. 80/2. [Another edition.] Impressione Napoletana secondo [Another copy of tom. 1.] . T. C. 9. b. 16. I'ultima di Firenze. 6 tom. Napoli, 1746–48. fol. 625. 1. 10-14. See VILLARDI (F.) Sopra la lingua degli Atti [Another edition.] Oltre le giunte fatteci finora, cres- dell' Accademia della Crusca, etc. 1820. 8º. ciuto d'assai migliaja di voci e modi de' classici, le più T. 2492. (6.) trovate da Veronesi. (Vocabolario Toscano dell'arte del Adunanza solenne della R. Accademia della Crusca disegno, opera di F. Baldinucci. Voci, maniere di dire tenuta il 13 Settembre del 1868. (Rapporto generale e osservazioni di Toscani scrittori e per la maggior parie sui lavori dell'Accademia nell'anno corrente [by M. del Redi, raccolte e corredate di note da A. Pasta.) Tabarrini].— Intorno all'unità della lingua italiana, dis- [Edited by A. Cesari.] 7 tom. Verona, 1806-1804. 4º. corsi di N. Tommaseo.) Firenze, 1868. 8º. Ac. 80. 72. g. 3. Atti della R. Accademia della Crusca. Adunanza pub- The articles between parentheses are at the end of the blica del 6 di Settembre 1874. Firenze, 1874. 8º. seventh volume, and have each a distinct titlepage, register, Ac. 80/3. and pagination. Di una pubblica adunanza tenuta dagli Accademici della [Another copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES [by L. Angeloni?]. Crusca nel cortile del Palazzo Grande degli Strozzi in Keeper's Room. Firenze. (Dal Diario terzo dell'Accademia della Crusca.) [Another edition.] Ora puovamente corretto ed accres- [Edited by G. Palagi.] pp. 31. Firenze, 1880. 8º. ciuto da G. Manuzzi. 2 tom. Firenze, 1833-40. 11840. 1. 41. (1.) 8º. Each tom, is in 2 pts. 828. h. 2-5. Degli Accademici della Crusca Difesa dell' Orlandu Furioso dell'Ariosto, contra 'l dialoyo dell'epica poesia Quinta impressione. Fasc. 1-7. Firenze, 1843-49. fol. di Cammillo Pellegrino. Firenze, 1584. 8º. 1331. 1. 240. d. 3. (1.) [Another edition.] Ora novamente corretto ed accres- [Another copy.] 1161. d. 14. (2.) ciuto dal Cavaliere Abate G. Manuzzi. Seconda edizione, In this copy there is a slight variation at the end of the etc. 4 pt. Firenze, 1858–65. 4º. 12941. i. first page of the dedication. Quinta impressione. Firenze, 1863, etc. 4º. [Another edition.] See TASSO (T.) the Poet. [Apologia.] In progress. 12942. 1. Apologia, etc. 1585. 8º. 1063. e. 25. (1-3.) Appendice e correzioni al Vocabolario della Crusca ed al [Another edition.] See TASSO (T.) the Poet. [Apologia.] Dizionario enciclopedico d'Alberti di Villanuova e ad Apologia, etc. 1586. 8º. 1161. d. 38.° (1.) ogni altro lessico italiano. Milano, 1832. 80. [Another edition.]—Dialogo di N. degli Oddi in difesa 627. h. di C. Pellegrini, contra gli Accademici della Crusca. The head title is “ Nuovo Dizionario Italiano o sia com- See Tasso (T.) the Poet. [Worls.] Opere, etc. tom. 5. pendio della proposta del cavaliere V. Monti.” 1724. fol. 155. d. 8. Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, compendiato See ODDI (N. DEGLI) Dialogo ... in difesa di C. da un' Accademico Animoso [A. Zenoi, secondo l'ultima Pellegrini (on the subject of his “ Dialogo dell' Epica impressione di Firenze del 1691, etc. (Indice, etc.) Poesia," eniitled “Il Carrafa," in which he maintained 3 vol. Venezia, 1705. 4º. 12941. g. 1. the superiority of the "Gerusalemme Liberata” of Tasso over the “ Orlando Furioso” of Ariosto), Compendio del Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, contra gli Academici della Crusca. 1587. 8°. formato sulla edizione quarta del medesimo. 5 tom. 11825, bb. 14. Firenze, 1739. 4°. 71. a. 4-8. 1 271 272 ACADEMIES. [FLORENCE.] FLORENCE [CONTINUED). FLORENCE (CONTINUED). Accademia della Crusca. Accademia della Crusca. Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca compendiato See RAZZOLINI (L.) and BACCHỊ DELLA LEGA (A.) secondo la quarta ed ultima impressione di Firenze Bibliografia dei testi di lingua a stampa citati dagli corretta et accresciuta, etc. (Indice, etc.) 5 tom. Accademici della Crusca. 1878. 8º. Venezia, 1741. 4º. 12941. h. 6. 11904. cc. 12. The “ Indice” has a separate pagination and register. See ANGELUCCI (A.) Capitano d'Artiglieria. Agli errori del Vocabolario della Crusca, quinta impres- See TASSONI (A.) Annotazioni sopra il Vocabolario sione ... notati dal Professore A. Cerquetti, appen- degli Accademici della Crusca, etc. 1698. fol. dice, etc. 1879, etc. 8º. 12941. bb. 5. 67. h. 13. La Crusca in esame; o sia, raccontamento di quanto Quinto Centenario di F. Petrarca celebrato in Provenza. è accaduto per ocasione di una lettera scritta da Memorie della R. Accademia, etc. Firenze, 1874. 8º. un'amico all'altro; unito a due libricciuoli, che Ac. 80/4. hanno per titolo, primo, osservazioni sopra i vocaboli, Lettere inedite di alcuni illustri Accademici della Crusca così nomi che verbi, delli autori detti del buon che fanno testo di lingua. Seconda edizione rivista e secolo; secondo, ragioni esposte dalla lettera H per corretta. Firenze, 1837. 8º. 1454. c. la pretensione d'entrare in tutto il verbo volgare avere, etc. [By C. A. Donadoni, Bishop of Sebenico.] Ruolo degli antichi e moderni Accademici della Crusca. Amsterdam, 1740. 8º. 72. a. 28. See REDI (F.) Leitere, etc. 1825. 8º. 10910. f. Nuovo metodo per la lingua Italiana la più scelta ella Accademia de' Teologi Dogmatici delle Scuole Pie di . ...col quale si possono agevolmente ricercare, e Firenze. rinvenire ordinatamente i vocaboli, etc. cavati dal Vocabolario de'Signori Accademici della Crusca [by Leggi dell'Accademia ... pubblicate ed accettote nella G. A. Martignoni]. 2 vol. Milano, 1743-50. 40. generale assemblea il dì XVII. Febbraio MDCCLIX. Ed 1331. g. aumentate de Provvedimenti, e Riforme fatte fino a tutto il mese d'Aprile del corrente anno MDCCLXXIV. See B., G. P. Voci scoperte e difficoltà incontrate Firenze, 1774. 4°. 8356. g. sul Vocabolario ultimo della Crusca. [By G. P. B., i.e. Bergantini.] 1758. 4°. 71. c. 21. Accademia Fiorentina. See B., G. P. Raccolta di tutte le voci scoperte Notizie letterarie ed istoriche intorno agli uomini illustri sul Vocabolario ultimo della Crusca, e aggiunta di dell'Accademia Fiorentina. Pt. 1. Firenze, 1700. 4º. altre che ivi mancano di Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio. Ac. 8844. 1760. 4°. 71. c. 20. Novæ Academiæ Florentinæ opuscula, adversus Avi- See MONTI (v.) Proposta di alcune correzioni ed cennam et medicos neotericos, qui, Galeni disciplina aggiunte al Vocabolario della Crusca. neglecta, barbaros colunt. Venetiis, 1533. 4º. 627. b. 9-12. 1817, etc. 8º. 543. b. 20. (2.) [Another edition.] Lugduni, 1534. 8º. See MONTI (v.) Discorso ... e considerazioni sopra 1172. d. 1. (3.) alcune correzioni proposte dal Cavalier Monti al Vocabolario dell'Accademia della Crusca. Club Alpino Italiano. 1819. 8º. 627. h. 28. See infra : TURIN.- Club Alpino Italiano. Club Alpino Italiano. Sede di Firenze. Statuto, 1869. [1869.] 8º. Risposta d'un Accademico della Crusca ſi.e. G. 10196. aaa. Gazzeri] 'ad un amico che lo interrogava intorno all'imminente pubblicazione del Vocabolario. [In Collegio de' Medici. reply to the attacks of G. Gherardini.) Nuovo receptario composto dal famosissimo Chollegio Firenze, 1842. 8º. 12943. cc. 3. (3.) | degli eximii Doctori della Arte et Medicina della inclita cipta di Firenze. (Emēdato & correcto p maestro Hiero- See SOMIS DI CHIAVRIE (G. B.) Count. Giunte nymo di maestro Lodovico medico & ciptadino fiorātino Torinensi al Vocabolario della Crusca. 1843. 8º. dal pozzo toschanelli.) MS. NOTES. Firenze, 1498. fol. 826. h. 6. See. SALVI (D.) Osservazioni alle osservazioni [of P. Without pagination. Sig. A-c and a-1, in sixes, except Fanfani] sopra il nuovo Vocabolario [della Crusca), i and k, which are in eights. 88 leaves. Sig. c 6, b 2 etc. 1851. 8º. 12942. c. 1o. and 16 are blank. Recettario ... nuovamente mandato in luce. See MORTARA (A. E.) Indice delle edizioni citate Venetia, 1548. 12º. 1037. a. 3. dagli Accaderuici della Crusca nel loro Vocabolario. 1858. 169. 11900. a. El Ricettario dell'Arte, et Università de Medici, etc. Fiorenza, 1550. fol. 7320. h. See CERQUETTI (A.) Correzioni e giunte al Vocabo- lario degli Accademici della Crusca, etc. 1869. 8º. Ricettario Fiorentino (Ordini, Provisioni ... et addi- 12942. bb. tioni, etc.) MS. NOTES. (Florence,] 1567. fol. See CERQUETTI (A.) L'accuratezza della Crusca nel The titlepage is engraved. 7509. k. citare il Decameron dimostrata. 1875. 8º. 11825. i. 19. (10.) Ricettario Fiorentino di nuovo illustrato (by N. Neri, G. B. Benadic, etc.). (Ordini, provisioni, statuti, et See CERQUETTI (A.) L'accuratezza della Crusca nel additioni attenenti alli Medici, etc.) 2 pt. COPIOUS citare il Decameron dimostrata ... Lettera C. al MS. NOTES. Fiorenza, 1597. fol. : 547. m. 3. 1877. 8º. 11840. f. 9. (5.) Ricettario Fiorentino di nuovo illustrato [by N. Neri, See FANFANI (P.) Il Vocabolario novello della Crusca. G. B. Benadic, etc.). (Ordini, provisioni, capitoli, etc.) Studio lessicografico, filologico, economico. FEW MS. NOTES. Firenze, 1623. fol. 7509. k. 1876. 8º. 12943. bbb. 20. The titlepage is engraved. 7510. g. 273 ACADEMIES. [FLORENCE.] 274 FLORENCE CONTINUED). FLORENCE (CONTINUED). Collegio de' Medici. Museum Regium Florentinum, afterwards Museo Ricettario Fiorentino di nuovo illustrato [by A. Lorenzi, Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale. L. Pierucci, etc.] (Ordini, provisioni, statuti, et addi Annali del Museo ... 1808, 9. tom. 1, 2. zioni atteneuti alli Medici, Speziali, etc.) 2 pt. Firenze, 1808, 10. 4°. Ac. 2808. Firenze, 1670. fol. 547. m. 4. [Another copy.] 431. i. 11. Ricettario Fiorentino di nuovo illustrato [by G. Zam- boni, P. Fabbri, etc.] (Ordini, provisioni, capitoli, Annuario ... per l'anno 1857(-60). statuti et addizioni, etc.) P.P. 2378. m. Firenze, 1856–60. 8º. Firenze, 1696. fol. The titlepage is engraved. 7509, k. No more published. Archivio Meteorologico centrale Italiano nell'I. e R. Ricettario Fiorentino nuovamente compilato e ridotto Museo di fisica e storia naturale. [Edited by V. Antinori, all'uso moderno. 2 pt. Firenze, 1789. 4º. the director.] Prima pubblicazione. Firenze, 1858. 8º. 462. k. 18. . : 8752. dd. Collegio Fiorentino de' Barnabiti alla Querce. Synopsis Plantarum Horti Botanici Musei Regii Florentini, anno 1782. [Florence, 1782.] 8. sh. fol. A Leone XIII. Pontefice Massimo il Collegio Fiorentino B. 261. (4.) alla Querce. A collection of complimentary odes, etc., on his election to the Papacy.] Synopsis Plantarum ... anno 1783 (84). 2 pt. M. Ricci : Firenze, (1878.] 8o. 11409. gg. 4. [Florence, 1783, 84.] 8º. B. 193. (3.) Synopsis Plantarum ... anno 1793. Imperiale e reale Accademia dei Georgofili.. [Florence, 1793.) 4º. B. 48. (2.) See infra: Reale Società Economica di Firenze, etc. Auctarium ad Synopsim Plantarum ... ab anno 1793 ad annum 1795. [Florence, 1795.] 4º. B. 48. (3.) Imperiale e Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. Synopsis Plantarum ... anno 1797. (Auctarium I. ad Atti del Collegio dei professori della R. Accademia delle Synopsim Plantarum Horti Botanici ... hoc anno 1798.) Belle Arti di Firenze, dal 6 Giugno 1873 al 6 Gennaio 2 pt. [Florence, 1797, 98.] 4º. B. 92. (2, 3.) 1874. Con documenti. Firenze, 1874, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 4511. Gl’ Oziosi. Collezione dei progetti d'Architettura, premiati nei The Arno Miscellany ; being a collection of fugitive grandi concorsi triennali dall' ... Accademia ... in pieces written by the members of a Society called the Firenze; pubblicati per cura degli architetti L. Pasqui, Oziosi (viz. R. Merry, B. Greatheed, and others]. C. Lapi, P. Passeri ; ed incisi dall'Arch. A. Cappiardi. MS. NOTE. Privately printed : Florence, 1784. 8º. Firenze, 1828. fol. Tab. 1315. c. 11641. aaa. 1. [Another copy.] 239. k. 40. Description de l'I. et R. Académie des Beaux-Arts de Florence. Florence, 1836. 16º. 7855. a. Platonische Akademie. See supra : Accademia Platonica. Descrizione degli oggetti d'arte della Reale Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze, aumentata di un catalogo di tutti i maestri le opere dei quali son citate Reale Accademia dei Georgofili. in detta descrizione, etc. Firenze, 1869. 80. See infra : Reale Società Economica di Firenze, 7807. a. etc. Description des objets d'art de la Royale Académie des Beaux-Arts de Florence, etc. Florence, 1866. 8º. Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. 7805. aa. See supra: Imperiale e Reale Accademia delle [Another edition.] Florence, 1869. 8°. 7807. a. Belle Arti. [Another edition.] Florence, 1880. 8º. 7856. df. 20. Reale Deputazione sugli studi di Storia Patria per Galleria dell' I. e Reale Accademia delle belle Arti di le Provincie di Toscana, dell' Umbria e delle Firenze, pubblicata con incisione in rame da una società Marche, artistica (viz. A. Perfetti, and others], ed illustrata da See ITALIAN ARCHIVES. Archivio Storico Italiano, etc. chiare e intelligenti penne italiane. [With a preface by (Continuato a cura della R. Deputazione di Storia Patria V. Marchese.] Firenze, 1845. fol. 1261. e. per le provincie della Toscana, dell' Umbria e delle Marche. Serie terza.) 1842, etc. 8º. P.P. 3557. a. Imperiale e Reale Accademia Economica Agraria dei Documenti di Storia Italiana pubblicati a cura della R. Georgofili. Deputazione, etc. Firenze, 1867, etc. fol. Ac. 6508. See supra : Reale Società Economica. In progress. - fol Imperiale e Reale Società Toscana d'Orticoltura. Catalogo per la pubblica esposizione della I. e R. Società Toscana à' Orticoltura nel giardino del Signor C. Fran- chetti. Firenze, 1858. 8º. 7055. bb. Relazione sopra la pubblica mostra di frutti e di fiori avvenuta nel Settembre 1858, letta dal Signor Filippo Calandrini, segretario, etc. [Florence, 1858.) 8º. 7075. cc. Reale Istituto di Studi Superiori Pratici e di Per- fezionamento. Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto ... Sezione di Filosofia e · Filologia. Firenze, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 8848. In progress. Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto ... Sezione di Filosofia e Filologia--Accademia Orientale. Firenze, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 8848/5. In progress. uori 275 ACADEMIES, (FLORENCE-FLUSHING.] 276 FLORENCE (CONTINUED). FLORENCE (CONTINUED). Reale Istituto di Studi Superiori Practici e di Per- Società Colombaria Fiorentina. fezionamento. Memorie di varia erudizione della Società Colombaria Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto ... Sezione di Medicina e Fiorentina. (Notizie dell'origine e dell'istituto della Chirurgia e Scuola di Farmacia. Società ... del Sig. B. S. Peruzzi.) 2 vol. Firenze, 1876, etc. 8°. Ac. 8848/2. Firenze, Livorno, 1747, 52. 4°. 432. c. 14. In progress. [Another copy.] 127. b. 13. Pubblicazicni del R. Istituto ... Sezione di Scienze See CANTINI (L.) Iscrizioni che si trovano negli Atti fisiche e naturali. Firenze, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 8848/3. dell'Accademia Colombaria ... illustrate, etc. In progress. 1800, etc. 4º. 7704. c. 24. (1.) BECCARI (ODOARDO) Malesia. Raccolta di Osservazioni botaniche intorno alle piante dell'Arcipelago Indo- Società degli Amatori della Storia Patria." Malese e Papuano, pubblicata da 0. Beccari ; destinata Memorie due lette nella Società [by G. Fabbroni and principalmente a descrivere ... le piante da esso raccolte G. Bencivenni Pelli]. Firenze, 1803. 8º. in quelle regioni durante i viaggi eseguiti dall'anno 1440. f. 1865 all'anno 1876. Genova, 1877, etc. 4º. Società Entomologica Italiana. Ac. 8848/4. In progress. Bullettino della Società. Firenze, 1869, etc. 8º. MEUCCI (FERDINANDO) Le prime Osservazioni Meteoro- In progress. Ac. 3603. logiche. Studj sul clima di Firenze nella seconda metà del secolo XVII. [Firenze, 1873.] 4º. 8752. i. 1 Società Filocritica Giuseppe Baretti. Il Filocritico. Periodico della Società, etc. vol. 1. Reale Società Economica di Firenze ossia de' Geor- Firenze, 1870–71. 8º. Ac. 79. gofili, afterwards Imperiale e Reale Accademia dei No more published. Georgofili. See EPHEMERIDES. Lunario per i contadini della Toscana Società Filocritica di Firenze. per l'anno ... 1788. Compilato per decreto dell R. Accademia Economica dei Georgofili di Firenze. Relazioni della Società Filocritica di Firenze. Anno 1, (1787.] 12º. 449. a. 46. 1872. Firenze, 1873. 8º. Ac. 79/2. See TABARRINI (M.) Degli Studj e delle vicende della Società Geografica Italiana. Reale Accademia dei Georgofili. 1856. 8º. Bollettino della Società, etc. 12 vol. 7077. f. Firenze, 1868–75. 8º. Ac. 6010/6. Atti. 8 vol. Firenze, 1791–1817. 8º. - Indice Generale della Serie 1a. Roma, 1882. 8º. - Continuazione degli Atti, etc. tom. 1-30. Firenze, 1818–52. 8º. - Serie 11. Vol. 1, etc. Roma, 1876, etc. 80. In progress. — Nuova Serie. Vol. 1, etc. Firenze, 1853, etc. 8°. Memorie della Società Geografica Italiana. In progress. Ac. 3383. Roma, 1878, etc. 8°. Ac. 6010/5. Costituzioni della Imperiale e Reale Accademia In progress. Economico-Agraria dei Georgofili di Firenze. Statuto ... approvato nell' Assemblea generale del 26 Firenze, 1817. 4º. Ac. 3383/4. gennaio 1868. Firenze, 1869. 8º. Ac. 6010. Giornale agrario toscano, compilato dai signori R. Studj bibliografici e biografici sulla storia della geografia Lambruschini, L. de' Ricci, C. Ridolfi, etc. Edizione in Italia; pubblicati per cura della deputazione minis- seconda Firenze, 1834, 1829, etc. 8º. Ac. 3383/2. teriale istituita presso la Società Geografica Italiana In progress. Vol. 1, 2 are of the second edition. [with a preface by C. Correnti]. Roma, 1875, etc. 4º. Imperiale e Reale Accademia Economico-Agraria dei In progress. BB. I. Georgofili di Firenze. [Certificate of Membership of Dr. Studj sulla geografią naturale e civile dell'Italia, per G. R. Gray, together with other papers and mss.] cura della deputazione ministeriale istituita presso la [Florence,] 1843. s. sh. fol. 1889. d. 1. (46.) Società Geografica Italiana. Roma, 1875. 8°. Saggio di un corso di legislazione rurale. Estratto delle conferenze tenute nella biblioteca dell'I. e R. Accademia MIANI (GIOVANNI) Il viaggio di G. Miani al Monbuttu. dei Georgofili l'anno 1845. Firenze, 1846. 89. Note coordinate dalla Società Geografica Italiana, con 5357. C. carta. [Edited by C. Correnti.] Roma, 1875. 8º. R. Accademia dei Georgofili di Firenze. Conguaglio Ac. 6010/3. delle imposte fondiarie in Italia proposto al Parlamento. Società Italiana per gli Studi Orientali. Rapporto di una speciale deputazione letto nell' adunanza Annuario, etc. Roma, Firenze (printed], 1873, etc. 8º. del 26 Luglio 1863. Firenze, 1863. 8°. In progress. Ac. 8805. : 8225. bb. Royale Académie des Beaux-Arts. FLUSHING. See supra: Imperiale e Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen te Vlissingen, afterwards te Middelburg.. Royal Florentine Museum. See LANTSHEER (M. f.) Zelandia illustrada. Verzame- See supra : Museum Regium Florentinum, afterwards ling van Kaarten, portretten . . . Toebehoorende aan Museo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale. het Zeeuwsch Genootschap, etc. 1866, etc. 8º. 11902. cc. Verhandelingen, etc. 15 Din. Middelburg, 1769–92. 89. Società Colombaria Fiorentina. 963. i. 1–15. See CANTINI (L.) Memorie istoriche della Società ... In the year 1801 the seat of the Academy was removed to degl' anni 1800-1803, etc. 1803. 4°. 7704. c. 2. (2.) Middelburg. 277 ACADEMIES. [FLUSHING-FRANCE.] 278 FLUSHING [CONTINUED). FRANCE.. Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen te Association Française pour l'avancement des Vlissingen, afterwards te Middelburg. Sciences . Nieuwe Verhandelingen. Deel 1-5. Association Française pour l'avancement des Sciences. Middelburg, 1807-35. 8º. 964. h. 10–15. Comptes-rendus de la 1re (2me, etc.) session, etc. Most of the treatises have distinct titlepages and pagi Paris, Bordeaux (printed], 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 218. nation. In progress. Nieuwe Werken. Middelburg, 1845, etc. 8º.. Association 964. h. 16. Française pour l'avancement des In progress. Sciences.--Groupe Régional Girondin. Afbeeldingen. fol. 438. m. 16. [For the “Société de Géographie commerciale de - Bor- deaux" affiliated with the “ Association française, etc.":] Archief. Vroegere en latere mededeelingen voorname- See supra : BORDEAUX. --Société de Géographie Commerciale. lijk in betrekking tot Zeeland. Middelburg, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 954. Association Française. Groupe régional Girondin. In progress. Instruction élémentaire sur le Phylloxéra. Par M. Perez, etc. Verslag van het verhandelde in de algemeene vergadering Bordeaux, 1874. 8°. 7078. d. 3. (3. j ter viering van het Eeuwfeest van het Zeeuwsch Genout- schap... gehouden ... 7 April 1869. (Tweede Vervolg Congrès Archéologique de France. op den Catalogus der Bibliotheek ... door F. Nagtglas. Vervolg of den inventaris der handschriften ... door F. Congrès Archéologique de France. Inauguration de la Nagtglas. Catalogus der pendingen en munten ... door statue de Ronsard. Vendôme, 1873. 89. Ac. 5277. A. . G. Fokker. Catalogus der oud- en zeldzamheden ... door F. Nagtglas. Naamlijst van voorwerpen van zoologischen aard ... door Di J. C. de Man. Naamlijst Congrès des Délégués des Sociétés Savantes des van de vogels ... door L. J. de Manée. Naamlijst van Départements. in Zeeland verzamelde Coleoptera en Lepidoptera ... Congrès des Délégués des Sociétés Savantes des Départe- door P. de Bruijne. Naamlijst der mineraliën ... door ments. Rapport sur les Travaux et les Publications Di A. A. Fokker en Dr F. Seelheim. Catalogus der Académiques des Provinces pendant l'année 1860... Conchyliën ... door Dr Y. Keijzer.) 10 pt. d'après les renseignements communiqués au Congrès, Middelburg, 1869. 8º. Ac. 954/2. pendant la session d'Avril 1861(-62, etc.) par M. Challe. Caen, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 216. VREEDE (GEORG WILLEM M L. P. van de Spiegel eu In progress. zijne tijdgenooten–1737–1800 . . . Uit de nagelaten staatkundige geschriften, brieven en andere papieren van den Raadpensionaris. Toegelicht door Mi G. W. Congrès Provincial des Orientalistes Français. Vreede. Middelburg ; Utrecht (printed], 1874, etc. 8º. Congrès Provincial des Orientalistes Français. Compte- In progress. Ac. 954/3. rendu de la Session inaugurale. (1rº, etc. Session.) Paris, etc., 1875, etc. 80. Ac. 8807. The “ Inaugural Session" has a second titlepage reading : FOLIGNO. “ Athénée Oriental. Société pour la décentralisation des études asiatiques, africaines et océaniennes en France. Respublica Litteraria Umbrorum. Deuxième période." Acta. Ital. Fülginiæ, 1762. 4º. Ac. 8846. Congrès Médical de France. FORLI. See infra: Congrès Médico-chirurgical de France. Accademia de' Filergiti. Congrès Médico-chirurgical de France. See MARCHESI BUONACCORSI (C. v.) Memorie storiche dell' Congrès médico-chirurgical de France, etc. [Proceedings' Accademia de' Filergiti, etc. 1741. 4º. . 8356. cc. etc.] Paris, Rouen, Lyon (printed], 1863, etc. 8º. L'Api in Tributo; componimenti poetici de' Signori In progress. Ac. 3712. Accademici Filergiti per le Nozze del Marchese Giuseppe Albicini e la Marchesa Maria Teresa Millini. [Edited Congrès Scientifique de France. by O. Petrignani.] Forli, 1693. 4°. T. 44*. (15.) See Z., X. y. Des marques d'origine obligatoires et des Saggio di letterati esercizj de gli Accademici Filergiti di marques de qualité facultatives votées par le Congrès Forli ... Raccolti da 0. Petrignani, etc. Scientifique de Reims, etc. 1845. 8°. 8245. e. Forli, 1699. 8º. Ac. 8847. Congrès ... Première (Seconde, etc.) Session. Saggi de' letterati esercizj de’ Filergiti di Forlì, libro Rouen, etc., 1833, etc. 89. Ac. 215. secondo; l'accolti da O. Petrignani, etc. 3 pt. In progress. This Congress meets annually at different Forlì, 1714. 4º. Ac. 8847/2. towns; and the report of each meeting is printed at the town Each part has a special titlepage, but the pagination and in which it takes place. register are continuous. Congrès Scientifique de France, XXXIIIe session. Travaux de la Section de Médecine, etc. Nice, 1868. 80. FRAIPONT. 7679. h. Institut des Provinces de France. Société de Botanique de Fraipont et Nessonvaux. Mémoires. 1re série. Sciences physiques et naturelles. Flore de Fraipont, Nessonvaux et leurs environs ... tom. 1. Paris, Caen (printed], 1859. 4º. 713. l. 15. Exploration par la Suciété, sous la direction de M* M. Michel ... Étude des plantes récoltées depuis 1869 2e série. (Sciences historiques, etc.) tom. 1, 2. jusqu'en 1876. pp. 389. Verviers, 1877. 8º. Paris, Le Mans (printed], 1845-69. 4º. Ac. 3276. . 732. 1. 13-14. 279 ACADEMIES. [FRANCE-FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN.] 280 FRANCE [CONTINUED). FRANEKER [CONTINUED). Institut des Provinces ds France. Academia Franekerana. Bulletin bibliographique des Sociétés Sarantes des Leges, secundum quas ... Frisiæ ordines volunt alumnos Départements, contenant l'indication de leurs travaux et suos omnino componi. Lat. and Dutch. · celle des publications individuelles qui paraissent en See FRIESLAND.-Staten. Leges, etc. 1656. fol. province. 12 Nos. Paris, 1851-53. 80. Ac. 217/2. 731. 1. 4. (6.) No more published. Athenæum Franequeranum. Institut des Provinces de France. Exposition artistique Annales. See infra: LEYDEN.--Academia Lugduno- à Caen en 1855. Catalogue, etc. Caen, 1855. 8º. Batava. Annales Academici. 1840, etc. 4º. 7855. bb. Ac. 940. Institut des Provinces de France. Assises scientifiques de Metz. Septembre 1861. Metz, 1861. 8º. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. Ac. 217. Institut des Provinces de France. Assises scientifiques Kentucky State Agricultural Society. de Limoges. [Edited by P. de Cessac.] Report of the Kentucky State Agricultural Society to Limoges, 1867. 8º, Ac. 217. the Legislature of Kentucky, for the years 1856 and 1857 ... Prepared by R. W. Scott. Institut des Provinces et des Congrès scientifiques. Frankfort, Ky., 1857. 8º. Ac. 3515. Annuaire de l'Institut des Provinces et des Congrès scientifiques. 1851-58. Paris, 1851-58. 12º. Ac. 217/3. FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. - Seconde Série. 1859, etc. Paris, 1859, etc. 8º. In progress. Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft. Jahrbücher ... Redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Société Française d'Archéologie. Frankfurt a. M., 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 2881. Almanach de l'Archéologue Français. Par les membres In progress. de la Société française d'Archéologie. Caen, 1865-7. 12º. Ac. 5276. Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Ge- sellschaft ... Redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. (Beilage Université de France. Jahrg. XII., etc.) Frankfurt a. M., 1869, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2881/2. Règlement et Programmes du Baccalauréat és Lettres. Nouvelle Édition. Conforme aux dernières décisions ministérielles et notamment à la circulaire du 21 Mars, Elektrotechnische Gesellschaft. 1864. Paris, 1864. 12º. 8355. aaa. Elektrotechnisches Jahrbuch. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der angewandten Elektrizitätslehre. Mit... Règlement et Programmes du Baccalauréat és Sciences. Text-Abbildungen. Halle a. S., 1883, etc. 8º. Nouvelle édition. Conforme aux dernières décisions In progress. Ac. 4138. ministérielles et notamment à la circulaire du 21 Mars, 1864. Paris, 1864. 12º. 8355. aaa. Frankfurter Verein für Geographie und Statistik. Beiträge zur Statistik der freien Stadt Frankfurt, herausgegeben von der statistischen Abtheilung des FRANEKER. Frankfurter Vereins für Geographie und Statistik. Frankfurt am Main, 1858, etc. 40. 8223. c. Academia Franekerana. In progress. Articulen den ceconomum alleen betreffende. (Ordre ende Articulen, waer op die Studiosi, willende de Zur Statistik Frankfurts. Wohnplätze, Bevölkerung, Bursam frequenteren...sich sullen hebben te reguleren. Brod- und Fleischverbrauch, Gewerb- und Armenwesen. - Additionale Articulen den burse aengaende.) 3 pt. Herausgegeben von dem statistischen Comité des Frank- Franeker, 1656. fol. 731. 1. 4. (3–5.) furter geograph. Vereins. Grösstentheils nach amtlichen Quellen zusammengestellt von H. Meidinger. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecæ Publicæ, quæ est in Frankfurt am Main, 1848. 12º. 10261. c. ... Academia Franekerana. Franeleræ, 1656. fol. 617. I. 4. (1.) | Frankfurtische Gesellschaft zur Beförderung nütz.. [Another copy.] 731. 1. 4. (8.) licher Künste. Another edition.] (Statuta ad curam Bibliothecæ Lieder zur Feier des Stiftungs-Festes der Frankfurtischen pertinentes.) [Edited by A. Savois.] Franequera, 1713. fol. 124. g. 16. [Frankfort on the Main, 1830?] 8º. 11525. bb. The “ Statuta,” etc., have a distinct titlepage, dated 1712. Verhandlungen des Verein zur Beförderung des Garten- Instructie voor den inspector aengaende den inspectie und Feldbaues als Section der Frankfurtischen Gesell- oeconomiæ, etc. Franeker, 1656. fol. schaft zur Beförderung nützlicher Künste und deren 731. l. 4. (2.) Hülfswissenschaften. Eine Zeitschrift für praktische Statuta et leges Bibliothecae Academiae Franekeranae. Gärtnerei, Landwirthschaft und die verwandten Fächer. Franequenae, 1550 [1650]. fol. 617. I. 4. (2.) Bd. 1, 2 & 3. Hft. 1. Frankfurt am Main, 1839–46. 4º. P.P. 2249. c. [Another edition.] Franekeræ, 1656. fol. Frankfurtischer Gelehrtenverein für deutsche 731. 1. 4. (7.) Sprache. Statuta et leges fundamentales Academiæ Frisiorum, Abhandlungen, etc. Stücke 1-4. quæ est Franequeræ. Franequera, 1547 (1647). fol. Frankfurt am Main, 1818–24. 8º. Ac. 9824. 731. 1. 4. (1.) No more published. Stück 4 has also a special titlepage, [Another copy.] 617. 1. 4. (3.) and was printed at Offenbach. 281 ACADEMIES. (FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN--FRANKFORT ON THE ODER. 282 FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN [CONTINUED). FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN [CONTINUED). Freies Deutsches Hochstift für Wissenschaften, Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Künste und allgemeine Bildung. [Another copy of the Supplement to Bd. I. only.] Amtlicher Bericht über die erste Versammlung Deut Museum Senckenbergianum, etc. 445. d. 23. scher Meister und Freunde dor Erdkunde in Frankfurt a. M. Herausgegeben von dem ... Vorsitzenden Abhandlungen, etc. Frankfurt a. M., 1854, etc. 4º. [G. H. 0. Volger]... Mit einer Steindrucktafel. Ac. 2878/2. Frankfurt a. M., Leipzig (printed], 1865. 4º. Ac. 660. In progress. This is a revival of the Museum Senckenber- gianum, discontinued in 1845. Herrn Dr. phil. W. F. Volger ... beglückwünscht zum Jubelfeste ... das Freie Deutsche Hochstift, etc. (Das Bericht über die Senckenbergische naturforschende Steinsalzgebirge von Lüneburg ... mit Rücksicht auf Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. Von Juni 1869 bis Erdwissenschaft und Bergbiu beleuchtet von G. H. O. Juni 1870. Frankfurt a. M., 1870. 89. Ac. 2878/3. Volger.) Frankfurt a. M., 1865. 4º. 7105. ee. Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika von E. Rüppell DROSSBACH (MAXIMILIAN) Ueber den Ausgangspunkt Erste Abtheilung. Zoologie. 5 pt. und die Grundlage der Philosophie. pp. iv. 111. Frankfurt am Main, 1826-28. fol. 789. g. 1. Frankfurt a. M., Leipzig (printed], 1881. 8º. Each part has a distinct titlepage. No more published. 8463. df. 23. STOEHR (HANS ADAM) Allgemeines Deutsches Vereins S. T. a Soemmerring ... Societas naturæ curiosorum Handbuch. Statistisches Repertorium der Gelehrten Senckenbergia impetrati in facultate medica - summi Gesellschaften und wissenschaftlich - gemeinnützigen honoris... gratulatur. Inest L. Thilo dissertatio de solis Vereine der Staaten des dermaligen Deutschen Reiches maculis ab ipso... Soemmerringio observatis. Proemit- ... Herausgegeben vom Freien Deutschen Hochstifte. titur carmen gratulatorium auctore G. E. Weber. (With Frankfurt a. M., Regensburg (printed], 1873, etc. 8º. 4 Plates.] Francofurti ad Monum, 1828. 4º. 716. h. 19. In progress. Ac. 660/2. [Another copy.] 716. h. 18. Gesellschaft für Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst, Imperfect ; wanting plates 2 and 3. afterwards Verein für Geschichte und Alterthums- kunde. Societas aperiendis fontibus Rerum Germanicarum See BATTONN (J. G. Oertliche Beschreibung der Stadt Medii Ævi. Frankfurt am Main, von J. G. Battonn. Aus dessen See infra: GERMANY. -- Gesellschaft für ältere Deutsche Nachlasse herausgegeben von dem Vereine für Ge- Geschichtskunde. schichte ... zu Frankfurt a. M. durch ... L. H. Euler. 1861, etc. 8º. 10250. dd. Archiv für Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Heft 1–8. Frankfurt am Main, 1839-58. 8º. See supra : Gesellschaft für Frankfurts Geschichte Ac. 7049. und Kunst. — Neue Folge. Frankfurt a. M., 1860, etc. 8º. In progress. Zoologische Gesellschaft. Neujahrs-Blatt, den Mitgliedern des Vereins ... darge Der Zoologische Garten. Organ für die Zoologische bracht, etc. Frankfurt am Main, [1859, etc.] 4º. Gesellschaft. ... Herausgegeben von Di F. Weinland. Ac. 7049/2. Jahrg. 1-4 (von C. Bruch, Jahrg. 5, 6, fortgesetzt von In progress. Imperfect; wanting 1859–62. Dr Stiebel, F. C. Noll, etc.) Frankfurt a. M., 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 3565. & 958. BECKER (J.) Die Heddernheimer Votivband. Eine In progress. römische Bronze aus der Dr. Römer-Büchner'schen Sammlung. (Mit einer lithographischen Tafel.) Frankfurt a. M., 1861. 4º. 7703. f. 18. (9.) KOENIGSTEIN (WOLFGANG) Tagebuch des Canonicus W. FRANKFORT ON THE ODER. Königstein am Liebfrauenstifte über die Vorgänge seines Capitels und die Ereignisse der Reichsstadt Frankfurt Academia Regia Viadrina. am Main in den Jahren 1520 bis 1548 ... Zum ersten See Universitas Francofurtana. male nach der Originalhandschrift herausgegeben mit Ergänzung des verlorenen Theils aus den Schurgischen Collectaneen von ... G. E. Steitz (Anlagen). Königlich Preussische Märkische Ökonomische Frankfurt am Main, 1876. 8º. Ac. 7049/3. Gesellschaft. Gesellschaft zur Beförderung nützlicher Künste. See infra : POTSDAM. - Königlich Preussische Märkische Ökonomische Gesellschaft. Monatsblatt der ... ökonomi- Frankfurter Gewerbfreund, redigirt von Dr. R. Boettger schen Gesellschaften zu Potsdam und Frankfurth an der Jahrgang 1-6. Frankfurt am Main, 1839-44. 89. Oder. P.P. 1795. 1822. 8°. Ac. 2340. Physikalischer Verein. Jahres-Bericht des physikalischen Verein zu Frankfurt Landwirthschaftlicher Provinzial - Verein für die am Main für das Rechnungsjahr 1858–1859(-1862). 4 pt. Mark Brandenburg und Niederlausitz. Frankfurt a. M., [1859–62.] 8º. Ac. 4428. Zeitschrift ... redigirt von C. E. Kielmann und E. v. Schlicht, Bd. 1, 2. (Von E. v. Schlicht, Bd. 3-18.) Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. 18 Bde. Frankfurt a. d. 0.; Berlin; Museum Senckenbergianum. Abhandlungen aus dem Potsdam, 1845–63. gº. Gebiete der beschreibenden Naturgeschichte. Bd. 1-3. [Continued as:] Frankfurt, 1833-45. 4º. Ac. 2878. Monatsschrift ... redigirt von E. v. Schlicht. Bd. 1 has a supplement with a distinct titlepage and Berlin, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 3448. & 1055. pagination. In progress. 283 ACADEMIES. (FRANKFORT ON THE ODER-FREIBURG, IN THE BREISGAU.] 284 FRANKFORT ON THE ODER [CONTINUED]. FREIBERG. Landwirthschaftlicher Provinzial - Verein für die Freiberger Alterthums-Verein. Mark Brandenburg und Niederlausitz. Freiberger Alterthums-Museum. [A catalogue of its Amtlicher Bericht über die internationale Mähe-Ma contents.] Freiberg, (1861.] 8º. 7707. cc. 3. schinen-Konkurrenz, welche vom landwirthschaftlichen Provinzial - Verein fur die Mark Brandenburg und Gedenk-Tafeln zur Erinnerung an die Hauptmomente Niederlausitz vom 8 bis 11 Juli 1868 bei Berlin veran der Geschichte der Stadt Freiberg. Abdruck der im staltet worden ist. Im Auftrage des Haupt-Direkto “ Freiberger Alterthums-Museum" befindlichen Ge- riums herausgegeben von ... C. Filly. Mit 9 lithogr. schichts-Tafeln. [By H. Gerlach.] Tafeln, etc. Berlin, 1869. 8º. 7074. i. [Freiberg, 1861.] 80? 1870. d. (178.) Universitas Francofurtana. Königliche Bergacademie. - Notitia Universitatis. Catalogus librorum bibliothecæ. Kalender für den Sächsischen Berg- und Hüttenmann See BECMANN (J. C.) Memoranda Francofurtana, etc. ... 1827, (28). Freyberg, [1826, 27.] 80. 1676. 4º. . . 983. a. 24. [Continued as :) See BECMANN (J. C.) Catalogus Bibliothecæ publicae Jahrbuch für den Berg- und Hüttenmann ... 1829(-31). Universitat. Francofurtanæ. 1706. fol. Freyberg, [1828–30.] 8º. 731. 1. 10. (2.) [Continued as:] See BECMANN (J. C.) Notitia Universitatis Francofurtanæ, Kalender für den Sächsischen Berg- und Hüttenmann etc. 1707. fol. 731. 1. 10. (1.) 1832(-36). Freyberg, (1831–35.] 80. See infra: LEIPSIC. —- Academia Lipsiensis. Scriptorum [Continued as:] insignium, qui in celeberriuis, præsertim Lipsiensi, Jahrbuch für den Berg- und Hüttenmann. 1837(-72). Wittenbergensi, Franfordiana ad Oderam Academiis ... Freyberg, Dresden, [1836-71.] 8º. usque ad annum.. 1515 floruerunt, centuria, etc. Imperfect. Each volume of the “ Jahrbuch" for 1829-31 1660. 4º. 272. b. 6 wants the first 56 pages, containing the “ Kalender,” etc. Secularia sacra Academiæ Regiæ Viadrinæ, quibus sub [Continued as:] ...auspiciis... Regis Borussia...rectoris Academiæ... Jahrbuch für den Berg- und Hüttenwesen im König- natalem tertium ... devuta pietate celebravit, et secu reiche Sachsen auf das Jahr 1873 ... Herausgegeben larem annum tertium aperuit et clausit. 4 pt. ven C. G. Gottschalk. Freiburg, (1872, etc.] 8º. Francofurti ad Viadrum, (1707.] fol. 732. 1. 4. (1.) In progress. Ac. 3218. [Another copy.] 130. g. 12. (1.) Alphabetisches Sachregister ... des Kalenders für den This copy has an engraved portrait of J. F. de Rhetz Sächsischen Berg- und Hütten-Mann und zugehörigen inserted. Jahrbücher von 1827 bis mit 1840. Zusammengestellt von M. F. G. Dresden, [1841.] 8º.. Ac. 3218. FRAUENDORF. Regulativ für den Besuch der Königlichen Bergacademie Praktische Gartenbau-Gesellschaft. zu Freiberg und die Nachfolgende Vorbereitung zum Allgemeine Deutsche Garten - Zeitung. (Redakteur Berg- und Hüttendienst. Freiberg, Leipzig (printed), 1860. 8º. 8355. C. J. E. Fürst.) Jahrg. 1–21. Passau ; Frauendorf; Regensburg, (1823-43.] 4º. P.P. 2247. No more published under this title : afterwards united with other publications under the title of " Vereinigte Frauendorfer FREIBURG, IN THE BREISGAU. Blätter." Vereinigte Frauendorfer Blätter (Allgemeine deutsche Academia Friburgensis. Gartenzeitung), Obstbaumfreund, Bürger- und Bauern- zeitung) herausgegeben von der praktischen Gartenbau præcipue ecclesiasticam illustrandam. Collegit atque gesellschaft in Bayern Redigirt von J. E. Fürst edidit J. A. Rieggerus. Ulmæ, 1774. 8º. 272. g. 12. (E. Fürst, etc.) Passau; Frauendorf ; Landshut, [1844, etc.] 4º. P.P. 2247. Festgabe zur hohen Vermählungs-Feier der ... Prin- In progress. cessin Alexandrine von Baden Hoheit, von der Albert- Ludwigs-Universität zu Freiburg im Breisgau ... dar- FRAUENFELD. gebracht. (Die Feen in Europa : eine historisch-archäo- logische Monographie von ... H Schreiber.) Historischer Verein des Kantons Thurgau. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1842. 4° 4505. ee. Thurgauische Beiträge zur vaterländischen Geschichte. Prüfung der Ansprüche von Protestanten auf den Genuss J. Huber : Frauenfeld, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 6936. der Studienstiftungen an der Universität Freiburg, von In progress. der akademischen Stiftungskommission daselbst. Freiburg im Br., 1844. 8º. 3910. b. FREDERIKSBORG. Promemoria. Die Lehrfreiheit an der Universität Freiburg betreffend. Freiburg, (1860.7 80. Kongelig lærde Skole. 8355. f. Historiske Efterretninger om den K. I. S. ved F. samlede af F. P. J. Dahl. 2 Hefte. Kjøbenhavn, (1836.] 4º. Für unsere Universität. Ein Mahnwort ... Bei Gele- 8355. C. genheit der Eröffnung der ... Reichsuniversität Strass- burg. Freiburg, 1872. 89. 8306. d. 7. (2.) FREDERICTON. Die Urkunden über die der Universität Freiburg i. B. , zugehörigen Stiftungen (von 1497–1875), nebst den auf University of King's College. das Stipendien wesen bezüglichen Verfügungen. Her- The Statutes, Rules and Ordinances of the University, etc. ausgegeben von der akademischen Stiftungskommission. Fredericton, 1830. 4°. Ac. 2701. Freiburg i. Br., 1875. 8º. 8356. d. 3. 285 286 ACADEMIES. [FREIBURG IN THE BREISGAU-GENEVA. Ulschaft für Bewellschaft zur scau. (Erster ... von FREIBURG, IN THE BREISGAU CONTINUED). . GEELONG. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität. Horticultural Improvement Association. See supra: Academia Friburgensis. Transactions of the Horticultural. Improvement Associa- tion of the Western District: including the papers read, and extract of Proceedings, during the year ending Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Geschichtskunde. December 1861. Edited by S. Hannaford. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Ge Geelong, 1862. 8º. Ac. 3379. schichtskunde zu Freiburg im Breisgau. (Erster Jahres- bericht über die Wirksamkeit der Gesellschaft ... von ihrem ersten Sekretär E. Münch. - Eröffnungs-Rede gehalten von V. Botteck.) Band 1. GEERARDSBERGEN. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1828. 8º. Ac. 7054. See infra : GRAMMONT. No more published. GEFLE. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Ge- schichts-, Alterthums- und Volkskunde von Freiburg, dem Breisgau und den angrenzenden Landschaften. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 7054/2. In progress. Gestriklands Fornminnesförening. WIBERG (CARL FREDRIK) Gestriklands Runstenar, utgifne och förklarade af C. F. W. ... ritade och lithograferade af N. L. Söderholm ... Gestriklands Fornminnes före- nings Ărsberättelse för 1863–1864, etc. Gelfe, 1865, etc. 4º. 7707. cc. 23. In progress. Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Natur-Wissen- schaften. See infra: Naturforschende Gesellschaft. GENEVA. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Sechster und siebenter (achter) Jahresbericht ... vom Hofrath Schultze. 2 pt. Freiburg, 1828, 30. 8º. Ac. 2880/2. Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Natur-Wissenschaften zu Freiburg i. B. Redigirt vom Sekretär der Gesellschaft Dr. Maier, unter Mitwirkung von Prof. Ecker und Müller. Freiburg i. B., 1855, etc. 8º. Ac. 2880. Academia Genevensis. See GENEVA, Church of. Judicium Ecclesiæ et Academia Genevensis de concordiæ ecclesiasticæ inter Evangelicos studio. 1655. 4°. 3906. e. Leges Academicæ. Oliva Roberti Stephani : Genevæ, [1549.] 4º. 731. g. 26. L'Ordre du Collége de Genève. (Leges Academiae Genevensis. -Remis en lumière ... par les soins de C. Le Fort.) [Geneva, 1859.] 40. 8355. f. A Fac-simile reprint of the original edition as printed by Robert Estienne, Universität Freiburg. See supra: Academia Friburgensis. FRIBOURG, IN SWITZERLAND. Projet de loi sur l'Académie; avec les modifications pro- posées par la Commission du Conseil représentatif. Genève, (1835.] 8º. Ac. 608. Société d'Histoire du Canton de Fribourg. Archives, etc. Fribourg, 1845, etc. . 8º. In progress. Ac. 6938. Programme des Cours qui auront lieu dans l'Académie de Genève pendant ... 1839–1840. Genève, 1839. 80. 8355. cc. Some brief Remarks on the Letters of the Geneva and Oxford Universities, lately publish’d. London, 1708. 4º. 4106. b. FUNEN. See infra : ODENSE, Association Zoologique du Léman. Brot (a.) Étude sur les Coquilles de la famille des Nayades qui habitent le bassin du Léman. Genève (printed], Paris, 1867. 8º. 7298. dd. GALVESTON, TEXAS. Historical Society of Galveston. Historical Society of Galveston Series. Galveston, Texas, 1876, etc. 8º. In progress. LUNEL (GODEFROI) Association Zoologique du Léman. Histoire naturelle des poissons du bassin du Léman. With coloured plates.] Genève (printed] Bâle; Lyon, 1874. fol. 1822. C. Ac. 8551. Institut National Genevois. GALWAY. Bulletin de l'Institut National Genevois. Queen's College. Genève, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 610. Queen's University in Ireland. Calendar of Queen's In progress. College, Galway. Dublin, 1851. 8º. 2121. c. Mémoires de l'Institut National Genevois. Examination for Librarianship of the Queen's College, Genève, 1854, etc. 4°. Ac. 610/2. In progress. Galway. [Dublin? 1856?] fol. . 823. k. 26. Report of a competitive examination for the office of Société de Géographie. Professor of the Celtic Languages in the Queen's College, Le Globe. Journal géographique. Organe de la Société Galway. Dublin, (1856.] ®fol. 732. 1. 30. de Géographie. See infra : Mémoires, etc. 287 ACADEMIES. [GENEVA-GENOA.] 288 GENEVA [CONTINUED). GENEVA, NEW YORK (CONTINUED]. Société de Géographie. Geneva College, Medical Institution of. Mémoires. Catalogue of the Medical Institution of Geneva College, Bulletin. Genève, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 6046. for the session of 1841–2 (1843-4). In progress. After 1866 a collective titlepage was issued, Geneva, [1842]-44. 89. 8365. cc. 2. (20, 21.) which reads :-" Le Globe. Journal Géographique. Organe de la Société de Géographie de Genève pour ses Mémoires et Hobart Free College. Butletin." A Catalogue of the Library of Hobart Free College, in Geneva, N.Y. Geneva, 1859. 80. 11903. cc. Société de Médecine. Reflexions sur la maladie qui a commencé depuis quelques Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Hobart College années à attaquer le gros betail, en divers endroits de for the academical year, 1872–73. l'Europe... avec un reoueil de quelques autres pièces sur Geneva (1873.] 80. 8366. b. 2. ce sujet. Genève, 1716. 12º. 779. b. 18. Des medicinischen Collegii zu Genff... Bedencken, über GENOA. die seit einigen Jahren in Europa. . .grassirende Seuche unter dem Rind-Vieh... benebenst noch ein und andern Accademia di Filosofia Italica. hierzu behörigen Stücken und Hülffs-Mitteln.... Aus Saggi di Filosofia Civile, tolti dagli atti dell'Accademia dem frantzösischen Original... übersetzet, etc. di Filosufia Italica, etc. Genova, 1852, etc. 8º. Leipzig, 1716. 4°. 179. d. 25. (7.) In progress. 1249. k. Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle. Relazione delle adunanze preparatorie dell'Accademia di Filosofia Italica, tenute dal 5 Gennaio all' 11 Agosto Mémoires. Genève, 1821, etc. 4º. . Ac. 2870. del 1850. (Estratto dalla Revista Italiana.) In progress. [Genoa, 1850.] 8º. Ac. 2705. Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Genève. Accademia Italiana Ligustica. Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société, etc. GRÅBERG DI HEMSOE (GIACOMO) Relazione Accademica Genève, 1841, etc. 8º. Ac. 6941. pronunziata per aprire la seduta locale semipubblica In progress. della Accademia Italiana in Genova, 15 Aprile 1810. [With the author's autograph.] Pisa, 1810. 8". Rapport sur les travaux de la Société d'Histoire et 8356. aaa. 2. (1.) d'Archéologie de Genève. Genève, 1840. 8º. 7707. aaa. 42. (5.) GRÅBERG DI HEMSOE (GIACOMO) Relazione Accademica pronunziata per aprire la seduta locale semipubblica Régeste Genevois ou répertoire chronologique et analy- della Accademia Italiana in Genova il 20 Agosto 1810. tique des documents imprimés relatifs à l'histoire de la Genova, 1810. 8º. 8356. aaa. 2. (2.) ville et du diocèse de Genève avant l'année 1312. Publié par la Société, etc. [Edited by P. Lullin and C. Le Fort.] Genève, 1866. 40. 11902. k. Accademici Concordi del Seminario Arcivescovile, Il Trionfo della Libertà, trattenimento arcadico tenuto Société Ornithologique Suisse. dagli Accademici Concordi del Seminario Arcivescovile della Ligure Metropoli, allo svolgere del giorno anniver Bulletin. Genève (printed], et Bâle, 1865, etc. 4º. sario della ristabilita repubblica. Genova, 1798. 4º. In progress. Ac. 3560. T. 2497. (8.) Comitato Centrale per la Spedizione Antartica Société pour l'Avancement des Arts. Italiana. See infra : Société pour l'Encouragement des Arts Pubblicazioni. Genova, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 6011. et de l'Agriculture. In progress. Société pour l'Encouragement des Arts et de l'Agri- BOVE (GIACOMO) Patagonia. . Terra del Fuoco. Mari Australi. Rapporto del Tenente G. Bove, Capo della culture. Spedizione, al Comitato Centrale per le esplorazioni Mémoires. Genève, 1778. 4º. 127. c. 2. Antartiche. Genova, 1883, etc. 8°. 10481. h. In progress. Mémoire sur les moyens d'améliorer l'éducation des jeunes gens destinés aux professions étrangères aux Instituto Ligure, afterwards Accademia Imperiale delle lettres. Présenté au Conseil d'État par la Société pour Scienze e Belle Arti, and subsequently, Accademia l'avancement des arts. Genève, 1821. 8º. Ac. 4421. delle Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Memorie. vol. 1-3. Genova, 1806-14. 4º. Ac. 85. Rapporto della deputazione della Società...sui mezzi di moltiplicare i soccorsi in caso d'incendio, e specialmente di salvare la vita a coloro, che non possono uscire dalle Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. fabbriche incendiate senza rischio di perderla. Annali... pubblicati (vol. 1-7] per cura di G. Doria, See AMORETTI (c.) and SOAVE (F.) Opuscoli scelti sulle (vol. 8-12 per cura di G. Doria e R. Gestro,) etc. scienze, etc. tom. 14. 1778, etc. 4º. 981. h. 14. With plates.] Genova, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 2809. In progress. to Ligure, elle Artike ed Art.6-14. 40. GENEVA, NEW YORK. GENEVA, NEW YORK. Geneva College. Geneva College Register, for the academical year 1842–3. Geneva, [1842.] 8º. 8365. d. Reale Istituto Tecnico Industriale-Professionale e di Marina Mercantile della Provincia di Genova. Atti del R. Istituto, etc. vol. 1, 2. Genova, 1868, 69. 8º. Ac. 4405. No more published. 289 ACADEMIES. GENOAGERMANY.] 290 GENOA [CONTINUED). GERMANY [CONTINUED]. Regia Università di Genova. Acta Germanica; or the Literary Memoirs of Germany, Atti. Genova, 1869, etc. fol. Ac. 2602. etc. being a choice collection of what is most valuable... In progress. not only in the several Literary Acts, publish'd in different parts of Germany and the North ... but like- Laboratorio di Chimica generale della R. Università, etc. wise in the several Academical Theses or Dissertations Genova, 1870, etc. 8º. . 8907. g. in the several Faculties, at the Universities all over In progress. Germany, etc. Done from the Latin and High-Dutch, by a Society of Gentlemen. vol. 1. London, 1742. 4º. Osservatorio della R& Università di Genova. Relazione Ac. 631. sulle osservazioni magnetiche e meteorologiche fatte Acta Germanica, etc. vol. 1. London, 1743. 4º. dalla mezzanotte del 29 alla mezzanotte del 30 Agosto 462. h. 1. 1870, etc. [By P. M. Garibaldi.] Genova, 1870. go. This is another copy of the edition of 1742 with a new .8752. e. titlepage, Osservatorio delle Regia Università di Genova. Osser- vazioni magnetiche e meteorologiche fatte in occasione Celeberrimarum per Germaniam, Italiam, & Galliam dell'eclissi totale di sole del 22 Dicembre 1870, e di Academiarum clarissimorumque juris antecessorum res- quella parziale di luna del 6 Gennaio 1871. Relazione pousa. Ex quibus Nassaviensium actorum errores : & del Professore P. M. Garibaldi. Genova, 1871. 8º. Landtgråvij Hessiæ defensiones ostenduntur, etc. 8750. e. [Augsburg ? 1551?] 4º. 1245. a. 1. (9.) Osservatorio della R. Università di Genova. Le stelle Begin. Es ist leyder! [A paper condemnatory of the cadenti del periodo di Agosto 1871 osservate in Genova. Relazione del Professore P. M. Garibaldi. practice of “Pennalismus" in several Universities of Germany.] [1660 ?] fol. 8561. i. Genova, 1871. 8º. 836. m. 23. (22.) Imperfect; wanting all before sig. a. ii. Osservatorio della R. Università di Genova. Stato Nova Literaria, quæ disputationes ..theologicas, meteorologico della città di Genova per l'anno 1872. Relazione del dottore P. M. Garibaldi, etc.. juridicas, medicas et philosophicas, in præcipuis Ger- maniæ Academiis... recensent. [Edited by J. M. Burg- Genova, 1873. 8º. 8752. e. mann.] Lipsiæ, 1727. 4º. 818. h. 40. Osservatorio della R. Università di Genova. Osserva- zioni magnetiche fatte in occasione dell'eclissi anulare di sole del 28-29 Settembre 1875. ... Memoria del dott. Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curiosorum. P. M. Garibaldi. Genova, 1875. 8º. 8752. dd. 2. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. - Hanover. Bon plandia. Zeitschrift ... Officielles Organ der K. L. C. Akademie Società Ligure di Storia Patria. der Naturforscher, etc. 1853, etc. 4º. P.P. 2263: Atti. Genwa, 1858, etc. 89. Ac. 6510. See WEDELIUS (G. W.) Progressus Academiae Naturae In progress. Curiosorum, catalogo patronorum et collegarum expressus Rendiconto dei lavori fatti dalla Società ... negli anni a G. W. Wedelio. 1680. 4°. 728. c. 1. (7.) ... 1865–66, per il Segretario L. T. Belgrano. Genova, 1867. 8º. Ac. 6510/2. Miscellanea Curiosa, sive ephemeridum medico-physi- carum Germanicarum ... decuriæ 1-3. 1670–1705. 24 vol. Francofurti et Lipsiæ, Jenæ, Vratislaviæ et Bregæ, Società promotrice di Belle Arti. Norimbergæ, 1684, 1671-1706. 4º. 437. c. 1-d. 3. Società promotrice di Belle Arti in Genova. Album Vols. 1 and 3 are each of the second edition. della xyi. Esposizione, 1867. [Edited by R. Pratolongo.] Genoa, 1868." obl. 4°, 1754. a. [Another copy of Dec. 1, ann. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; dec. 2, anp. 5, 6; dec. 3, ann. 9, 10.] Ac. 2871/3. The pts. of Dec. 1 and 3, are first editions, those of Dec. 2, are of later editions. GEORGE TOWN, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. [Another copy.] T. C. 10. a. 1. Georgetown College. Most of the vols. of Dec. 1 and 2, are of later editions Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Georgetown than those in the preceding copy. The vol. containing ann. College, D. C. [Edited by J. Curley.) 4 & 5 of Dec. 1. i8 imperfect, wanting part of the appendix. New-York, 1852, etc. 4º. 8567. e. In progress. Ephémérides des Curieux de la Nature d'Allemagne, depuis l'année 1670 jusqu'en 1686, etc. See BERRYAT (J.) Recueil de mémoires, etc. - Partie GEORGIA. étrangère. tom. 3, 6, 7. 1755, etc. 4º. T. C. 3. a. 4. Georgia Pharmaceutical Association. Academiæ Cæsareo-Leopoldinæ. . . Ephemerides; sive, Proceedings, etc. Atlanta, Georgia, 1877, etc. 8º. observationum medico-physicarum a celeberrimis viris In progress. . .:::. Ao. 3933. ...communicatarum. Centuria 1-10. 5 vol. Francofurti et Lipsiæ; Noribergæ; Augustæ Vindelicorum, 1712–22. 4º. 432. 0. 9-13. GERMANY. Another copy.] Ac. 2871/4. Acta Academica præsentem Academiarum, Societatum Titlepage, and troo leaves at the beginning of vol. 5, Litterariarum, Gymnasiorum et Scholarum statum illus mutilated. trantia. 1733-37, 5 vol. Lipsiæ, [1733-37.] 4". [Another copy of Cent. 3, 4, 9, 10.] .T. C. 12. a. 11, 12. P.P. 5085, 291 · ACADEMIES. (GERMANY.] 292 et einum virii-54., a. 5-14. 101 etc.ogress Ver Naturto vole ele GERMANY [CONTINUED). GERMANY [CONTINUED). Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curiosorum. | Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curiosorum, Acta physico-medica... exhibentia Ephemerides, sive ob Sacræ Cæsareæ Majestatis mandato... leges. . . Academiæ servationes, historias et experimenta a celeberrimis ...confirmatæ, etc. Recusæ Halæ Magdeburgicæ, 1756. 4º. Germaniæ et exterarum regionum viris habita et com- €127. c. 1. (1.) municata. 10 vol. Norimberga, (17277–54. 4°. Salve academicum vel judicia et elogia super recens adornata academia, etc. (Leipsic] 1662. 8º. Vol. 1 is a second edition, without date. 1172. h. 2. (4.) [Another copy.] T. C. 11. a. 413. Synopsis observationum medicarum et physicarum quas Vols. 1 & 2 are second editions, vol. 2 dated 1751. Decuriæ III. au Centuriæ X. Ephemeridum...1670-1722, publicatarum continent adornata a W. A. Kellnero (cum Another copy of vol. 1-3.) Ac. 2871/5. præfatione A. E. Büchneri). 2 pt. Norimbergæ, 1739. 4º. Vol. 1 is a first edition dated 1727. Vols. 2 & 3 are second editions dated respectively 1747 and 1752. There is a second titlepage, beginning: Index universalis, etc. Nova acta physico-medica. tom. 1-12. T. C. 11. a. 16. [Another copy.] 435. b. 22. Tom. 13-23, etc. Norimbergæ, Erlangæ, etc., 1757- With a new titlepage, and without the second mentioned Ac. 2871. above. In progress. Tom. 9 and the subsequent vols. have each a [Another copy.) T. C. 11. a. 14. second titlepage : “Verhandlungen der Leopoldinisch-Carolini- With a new titlepage, and the original one prefixed to pt. 2. schen Academie der Naturforscher Band 1, etc." After tom. 9 each vol. is in 2 pts. Vols. 18 and 19 have each two Verzeichniss der Mitglieder der K. Leop. Carol. Aka- supplements, and vols. 21 and 22 each one supplement, in demie der Naturforscher, etc. Breslau, 1855. 8º. addition. 7004. a. [Another copy of tom. 1-9.] 437. d. 15-18 & e. 1-5.|| Allgemeiner Deutscher Lehrerverein. "Leopoldina, amtliches Organ der Kaiserlichen Leopol Zeitung ... herausgegeben von dem Vorstande in dino-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Natur Dresden : Berthelt ... Klee . . . Lansky . . . Steglich. forscher. Herausgegeben...von...D. G. Kieser (C. G. Jahrg. 1-3. Carus und W. F. G. Behn). Jena, 1859, etc. 4º. [Continued as:] In progress. Ac. 2871/2 & 124. Allgemeine deutsche Lebrerzeitung ... herausgegeben von A. Berthelt. Jahrg. 4(-16. Jahrg. 17, etc. von A, (Miscellanea Curiosa.] Index ... Dec. 1 & 2. Epheme- Berthelt. Unter Mitwirkung von F. Schnell). ridum Germanicarum . . . cum sylloge authorum, etc. Dresden, Leipzig, 1849, etc. 4º. . Ac. 2625. (Catalogus librorum medico-physico-mathematicorum, In progress. qui in bibliopolio W. M. Endteri... reperiuntur.-Index Decuriæ tertiæ Ephemeridum, etc.) 4 pt. Norimbergæ; Francofurti ad Moenum, 1695, 1713. 4º. Allgemeiner Deutscher Photographen-Verein. : 437. d. 4. Photographisches Archiv. Journal des Allgemeinen [Another copy.] T. C. 10. a. 8. deutschen Photographen-Vereins. Herausgegeben von Imperfect; wanting the Index to Dec. 3. P. E. Liesegang. Elberfeld, Berlin, 1860, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5042 & 957. Academiæ Cæsareæ... Bibliotheca physica medica mis- cella. . . præmittitur... præfatio A. E. Buchneri. Halæ Magdeburgicæ, 1755. 4º. ; 20 Apothekerverein in Norddeutschland. Denkschrift über den derzeitigen Standpunct und die [Another copy.] 127. c. 1. Verhältnisse der Pharmacie in Deutschland überhaupt, Historia morborum qui anno præteriti sæculi LXXXXIxno insbesondere in den Staaten, in welchen sich der nord- Vratislaviæ grassati sunt, adornata à Leopoldin. Academ. deutsche Apothekerverein verbreitet; entworfen von Natur. Curios. Collegis Vratislaviensibus. dem Directorium dieses Vereins. (Ergänzungsheft zum Vratislavia, 1701. 4°. 1167. h. 19. Maihefte des Archivs der Pharmacie pro 1845.) Hannover, 1845. 8º. 543. d. 10., Historia morborum qui annis 1699, 1700, 1701 Vratis- laviæ grassati sunt, à Colleg. Acad. Leopold. Nat. Curios. Vratislaviens. in lucem edita ... Accedit appendicis loco Collegium Curiosorum. tractatus de experientia, etc. 2 pt. Vratislavia, 1701. 4º. Geheime Unterredungen zwischen zweyen vertrauten 1167. h. 20. (1.) Freunden, einem Theologo Philosophizante und Philo- [Another edition.] Accedit..... Tractatus de experientia sopho Theologizante, von Magia Naturali ...wo be- wiesen wird, dass dieselbe eine natürliche, nützliche und 1. . II. Observationes practicæ de Hydrope Pectoris. zulässliche Wissenschafft sey. Nebst einer Widerleyung Præfatus est A. Haller. " Lausanna & Genevæ, 1746. 4º. 1164. i. 11. aller Objectionum und Anführung vieler raren und natürlichen Experimenten, zum Druck gegeben vom Historia morborum qui anno 1711. Vratislaviæ grassati Collegio Curiosorum in Deutschland. sunt à Colleg. Academ. Leopol. Nat. Curiosor. Vratis- Cosmopoli (Nuremberg), 1702. 8°. 1033. 6. 18. (4.) laviens. in lucem edita. Vratislaviæ & Lipsiæ, 1710. 4º. Imperfect; wanting the errata. 551. b. 61. Observationes practicæ de Hydrope Pectoris... à Colleg. [Another edition.] Cosmopoli, 1702. 8º... Acad. Leopold. Nat. Curios. Vratislaviens. editæ. 719. c. 3. (2.) Vratislaviæ & Lipsiæ, 1706. 4º. 1167. h. 20. (2.) Der Römisch-kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Congress deutscher Volkswirthe. auserlesene medicinisch-chirurgisch - anatomisch - chy Bericht über die auf Veranlassung der ständigen De- misch- und botanische Abhandlungen, aus dem Latein vutation des volkswirthschaftlichen Congresses am ischen in das Deutsche übersetzt. 20 Thle. [Th. 9–20, 4 August 1866 zu Braunschweig abgehaltene Versamm- edited by L. S. Müller.] Nürnberg, 1755-71. *4º. lung. Im Auftrage der ständigen Deputation erstattet 940. h. 1-18. durch A. Meyer, etc. Berlin, 1866. 80. Ac. 2318. 293 294 ACADEMIES. GERMANY.] : GERMANY [CONTINUED). Congress Deutscher Volkswirthe. Bericht über die Verhandlungen des neunten (fünf- zehnten, etc.) Congresses Deutscher Volkswirthe. 1867 (1874, etc.) Berlin, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 2318. . In progress. The meetings of this Congress are held in different towns. GERMANY (CONTINUED]. Deutscher, afterwards Deutscher und Oesterreichi- scher Alpenverein. Mittheilungen des Deutschen und Oesterreichischen Alpenvereins. Redigirt von Dr. T. Petersen. Frankfurt a. M., 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 6048/2. In progress. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hydrologie. Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft. Balneologische Zeitung. Correspondenzblatt der deut See KRAUSE (G.) Der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft schen Gesellschaft für Hydrologie. Herausgegeben von ältester Ertzschrein, etc. 1855. gº. 11850. h, Hofrath Dr. L. Spengler. Wetzlar, 1855, etc. 8º. In progress . Ac. 3752/2. Der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft Nahmen, Vorhaben, Gemählde, und Wörter: nach jedes Einnahme ordent- Die Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für lich in Kupfer gestochen [By M. Merian) und in Hydrologie während ihrer ersten Generalversammlung achtzeilige Reimgesetze verfasset. Das erste (-vierdte) zu Berlin...1855... herausgegeben von Dr Spengler. Hundert. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1646. 4º.. Wetzlar, Giessen (printed], 1855. Ac. 3752. 966. d. 23. Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Germanisten-Versammlung. Verhandlungen der ersten Versammlung deutscher und Album zur Erinnerung an die zweite Germanisten- ausländischer Orientalisten in Dresden, 1844. Versammlung zu Lübeck. [Being lithographed fac- Leipzig, 1845. 4º. Ac. 8815/4: similes.] (1847.] obl. 8º. 745. a. 11. Jahresbericht... für das Jahr 1845, 46. 2 vol. Verhandlungen der Germanisten zu Lübeck ... Sept. · 1847. Lübeck, 1848. 8º. Ac. 8815. Leipzig, 1846, 47. 8º. Ac. 633. Zeitschrift... herausgegeben von den Geschäftsführern. Gesammtverein der deutschen Geschichts- und (Herausgegeben unter der verantwortlichen Redaction Alterthums-Vereine. des Prof. Dr. R. Anger, Bd. 5, 6; des Prof. Dr. H. Brockhaus, Bd. 7-19; des Prof. Dr. L. Krehl, Bd. 20- Correspondenz-Blatt des Gesammtvereines der deutschen 27; des Prof. Dr. O. Loth, Bd. 28-33; des Prof. Dr. E. Geschichts- und Alterthums-Vereine. Im Auftrage des Windisch, Bd. 34, etc.—Supplement.) Directoriums des Gesammtvereines herausgegeben von Leipzig, 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 8815/2. ... M. L. Löwe (Jahrgang 1, 2). (Im Auftrage des In progress. Verwaltungs-Ausschusses des Gesammtrereins heraus- gegeben vom Archiv-secretär C. L. Grotefend ; Jahrgang . Register zu Bd. 1.-X. (Bd. XI.-XX., Bd. XXI.-XXX. 3–6.) Dresden, Hannover, etc. 1853, etc. 4º. von Prof. Dr. G. M. Redslob.) In progress. P.P. 1899. f. & 256. Leipzig, 1858, 72, 77. 8º. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, heraus- Beschreibung der deutschen Gaue. Bd. 1 & 2. Kassel, 1855-57. 8º. Ac. 7002 gegeben von der Deutschen Morgenländiscben Gesell- schaft unter der verantwortlichen Redaktion des Prof. No more published. Dr. H. Brockhaus, Bd. 1(-4; des Prof. Dr. L. Krehl, Bd. 5; des Prof. Dr. O. Loth, Bd. 6; des Prof. Dr. E. Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Windisch, Bd. 7, etc.). Leipzig, 1859, etc. 8º. In progress. 753. f. 9–14. Amtlicher Bericht über die [seventh, eighth, etc.) Versammlung, etc. Berlin, etc., 1829, etc. 4°. Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Morgendländ. Ac. 2873. ischen Gesellschaft. [By August Müller.] 2 Thle. In progress. This Society meets annually in different Leipzig, 1880–81. 8º. 11905. f. 20. towns, and the report of each meeting is usually printed at the town in which it takes place. Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht über die Morgen- ländischen Studien von October 1876 bis December Benachrichtigung an die Mitglieder der Gesellschaft ... 1877 . . . Herausgegeben von E. Kuhn und A. Socin. bei ihrer Versammlung im Hamburg im Sept. 1830. 2 Hefte. 1879. See supra : Zeitschrift, etc. Bd. 33. Hamburg, (1830.] 8º. T. 2100. (3.) (Supplement.) 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 8815/2. Hamburg in naturhistorischer und medicinischer Bezie- Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht über die Morgen hung, etc. Hamburg, 1876. 8º. Ac. 2873/2. ländischen Studien im Jahre 1879 (80, etc.) Ber- ausgegeben von E. Kuhn und A. Müller. 1881, etc. In progress. See supra : Zeitschrift, etc. Bd. 33, 34. Gesellschaft für ältere Deutsche Geschichtskunde. (Supplement.) 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 8815/2. See PERTZ (G. H.) Monumenta Germaniæ historica ... auspiciis societatis . . . edidit G. H. Pertz. [With WUESTENFELD (H. F.) Die Chroniken der Stadt Mekka, an account of the society.] 1826–37. fol. gesammelt und berausgegeben von F. Wüstenfeld. 2071. f, & 2072. f. Arab. and Germ. 4 Bde. Leipzig, Göttingen (printed), 1858–61. 8º. 14555. c. 6-9. Archiv der Gesellschaft ... zur Beförderung einer Each Bd. has a special, as well as a general titlepage. Gesammtausgabe der Quellenschriften Deutscher Ge- schichten des Mittelalters; [Bd. 1–3] herausgegeben von I. L. Büchler . ., und C. G. Dünige. (Bd. 4 von J. C. Deutscher, afterwards Deutscher und Oesterreichi- von Fichard. Bd. 5, etc. von G. H. Pertz.) Bd. 1-12. scher Alpenverein. Frankfurt a. M., Hannover, 1820, 19–74. 8º. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Alpenvereins ... Redigirt von [Continued as:] T. Trautwein (E. von Mojsisuvics, K. Haushofer. Beilage Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft, etc. 1878, etc.) München, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 6048. Hannover, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 7003 In progress. In progress. 295 296 ACADEMIES. (GERMANY–GHENT.] Ac. 2425. GERMANY [CONTINUED). GERMANY [CONTINUED). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde. Verein Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner. Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi See R. Die XXVI. Versammlung deutscher Philo- quingentesim. usque ad annum millesimum et quingen- logen, etc. 1869. 8º. 8304. aa. 1. (2.) tesimum. Hannoverae, Berolini, 1877, etc. 4º. Ac. 7003/2. In progress. Verein für Deutsche Statistik, Uber das Leben und die Lehre des Ulfila. Bruch- Zeitschrift des Vereins für deutsche Statistik. Unter stücke eines ungedruckten Werkes aus dem Ende des 4. Beyrath mehreren Mitarbeiter herausgegeben vom Dr. Jahrhunderts [attributed to Auxentius, Bishop of Freiherrn von Reden. 2 vol. Berlin, 1847-48. 4°. Silistria] im Namen der Gesellschaft ... herausgegeben No more published. und erläutert von G. Waitz. [With the Latin Text.] Hannover, 1840. 4º. 4886. e. Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schul- Versammlung männer. Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Akademie See supra : Verein Deutscher Philologen und der Naturforscher. Schulmänner. See supra : Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curio- sorum. Versammlung deutscher und ausländischer Oriental- ischen. Kongress Deutscher Volkswirthe. See supra : Deutsche Morgenländische Gesell- schaft. See supra : Congress Deutscher Volkswirthe. GERONA. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes. Berichte, etc. für die Jahre 1840 bis 184. Zweite, in Comision de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos. Zusammenhange abgedruckte Auflage. (Bericht ... Comision de Monumentos... Memoria acerca del mos áico für die Jahre 1846, etc.) romano descubierto en el presente año en la heredad Wernigerode, 1856, 47, etc. 4º. Ac. 2872. llamada Torre de Bell-lloch, situada en el llano de In progress. esta ciudad. Gerona, 1876. 8º. 7704. g. 16. (3.) Statuten... Vierte, umgearbeitete Ausgabe. Blankenburg, 1858. 8º. 7004. cc. GHENT. Norddeutscher Chirurgen-Verein, afterwards Deutscher Academia Gandavensis. Chirurgen-Verein. Annales...1817, 18—1827, 28. 11 vol. Zeitschrift ... für Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshülfe Gandavi, 1819–31. 4º. Ac. 989. unter Mit-Redaction von Kiesewalter, C. G. Günther, C. A. Franz, heransgegeben von A. W. Varges, Bd. Clinique Chirurgicale de l'Université de Gand ... Compte-rendu annual par E. F. Bouqué. . . Année 1–15. (Fortgesetzt von Dr. F. Küchenmeister, Neue Folge. Bd. 1-3; von F. Küchenmeister und H. Ploss, académique 1872–1873, etc. Gand, 1873, etc. 8º. Bd. 4-5, etc.) Magdeburg, Leipzig, 1847, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 989/2. In progress. Ac. 3751. Geneeskundig Genootschap. Römisch-Kaiserliche Akademie der Naturforscher. Adresse de la Société Médicale de Gand, à ses Concitoyens, See supra: Academia Vertoog Cæsarea Naturæ Curio- sur les bienfaits inappréciables de la Vaccine. van het Geneeskundig Genootschap der Stad Gand, etc. sorum. Gand, [1802.] 8º. 7561. b. Römisch-Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. aiten. Koninglyke Maetschappy Broedermin en Taelyver. See supra : Academia Cæsarea Naturæ Curio- Almanak der Koninglyke Maetschappy van Tooneel en sorum. Letterkunde “ Broedermin en Taelyver.” [By C. Rombaut.] Eerste Jaergang 1854. Gent, (1853.] 16º. Societas Orientalis Germanica. Ac. 9037. See supra : Deutsche Morgenländische Gesell Redevoeringen uitgesproken ter plegtige zitting der schaft. Koninglyke Maetschappy “ Broedermin en Taelyver" gehouden tot het overhandigen van het geschenk den Societas Pharmacopolarum Germaniae. Heere H. Van Peene, etc. Gent, 1851. 8º. Pharmacopoea Germaniae. Magdeburgi, 11795. cc. Halis Saxonum (printed], 1865. 8º. 7509. dd. Maetschappy der Vlaemsche Bibliophilen. Maetschappy der Vlaemsche Bibliophilen. [Publica- Verein deutscher Freimaurer, tions.] Gent, 1839, etc. 8º. Ac. 9035/2. In progre88. Mittheilungen aus dem Verein deutscher Freimaurer. Edited by J. G. Findel.] Leipzig, 1862, etc. 8º. No. 1. flet Beclach van Joncheer 2 SERIE. In progress. P.P. 1053. d. Jan Van Hembyse, Dichtstuk No. 1. Het Beleg van Gent ten der xvi. eeuw. 1839. Jare 965, naer een HS. van Gilles No. 2. Dagverhael van den Oproer de Voocht. 1845. Verein Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner. te Antwerpen in 1659. 1839. No. 2. Dit Sijn de Coren van der Verhandlungen der ersten (etc.) Versammlung deut- No. 3. Kronyk van Vlaenderen, Stad Antwerpen. 1852. scher Philologen und Schulmänner. van 580 tot 1467. 2 Din. 1840. No. 3. Der Vrouwen Heimely- Vürnberg, etc., 1838, etc. 4º. Ac. 2626. No. 4. Leven van Sinte Amand, kheid, dichtwerk der xiv. eeuw. In progre88. patroon der Nederlanden, dicht No. 4. Verhaol der Reformatie stuk der xiv. eeuw. 2 Dln. van de Abdy van Maegdendale [Another copy of Vers. 1-3.] Ac 2626. 1842, 43. ... 1468. 297 298 ACADEMIES. [Ghent.] GHENT [CONTINUED). GHENT [CONTINUED). Maetschappy der Vlaemsche Bibliophilen. Société de Médecine de Gand. . .. 2° SERIE (continued). 34 SERIE Bulletin. Gand, [1835, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3796/2 No. 5. Gewoonten, vryheden en omheden an | No. 1, 4, 7, 9, 12. Werken van Jan In progress.. privilegien der stad Sint-Truyen. L. van Ruusbrock. 6 Din, (1858)-68. BROECKX (C.) Essai sur l'histoire de la médecine belge No. 6. Het Spel van de v. Vroede No. 2. Het Boeck van al't gene avant le xixe siècle. pp. vii. 322. Gand, 1837. 8º. ende van de v. Dwaeze Maegden. datter gheschiedt is binnen 7679. f. 8. (1846.] Brugghe, sichtent Jaer 1477 .. tot 1491. 1859. Société Médicale de Gand. No. 7. Politieke Balladen, Re- / No. 3. Lamentatie van Zegher van See supra : Geneeskundig Genootschap. fereinen, Liederen en Spotgedich- Male behelzende wat datter aen- ten der xvi. eeuw. merkensweerdig geschiet is ten tyde van de Geuserie ... binnen Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique. No. 8. De Boec van Catone, een ende omtrent de Stadt von Annales de la Société ... Journal d'horticulture et des Dietsch leerdicht, etc. [1846.] Brugghe. 1839. sciences accessoires, rédigé per C. Morren. No. 9. Oudplaemsche liederen en No. 5. Dagboek van Jan de Pottre, Gand, (1845, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3275. 1549-1620, etc. 1861. andere gedichten der xiv. en xv. In progress. eeuwen. No. 6. De weerbare mannen van het Land van Waes, in 1480, Messager des Sciences et des Arts, etc. No. 10. Journal ofte dagregister 1552 en 1558. 1861. See infra : Société Royale des Beaux-Arts et des van onze reyse naer de Keyzer- No. 8. Tafereelen uit het leven van Lettres. lyke Stadt van Weenen, ten Jesus, een handschrift van de jare 1716. xve eeuw. 1863. Salon d’hiver. xvime exposition publique. No. 11. Verslag van 't Magistraet No. 10. Nederlandsche Historie Gand, 1817. 89. T. 2132. (7.) van Gent nopens de godsdien- door Augustijn van Hermelghen stige beroerten aldaer, 1566, 1567, Dl. 1. 1572–1583. 1864. Salon d'été. XViime exposition publique. etc. [1850.] No. 11. Jaerboeken van het sou- Gand, [1817.] 4º. B. 728. (16.) vereine Gilde der Kolveniers, No. 12. Het Leven van Philippus Busschieters en Kanonniers gezegd. Hoofgilde den Stauten, Hertoch van Bor- van Salon d’biver. XVIIIme exposition publique, etc. Sint gonien, ende van Margarita van Antone te Gent, door F. Vander Gand, [1818.] 4º. B. 728. (17.) Male, Gravinne van Vlaenderen haegen. Di. 1. 1867. ... door Broeder Bernaert De No. 13. Gedichten van Claude de [Another copy.] B. 31. (11.) Jonghe. Clerck. (1618-1640.) 1869. No. 13. Het Leven van Joannes | No. 14. Het leven van Pater P. Salon d'été. XIXme exposition publique, etc. den Onbevreesden, Hertoch van 1 T. van Hamme. 1871. Gand, (1818.] 4º. B. 31. (12.) Borgonien ... door Broeder Ber- -4° REEKS. naert De Jonghe. 1852. Salon d’hiver. xxme exposition publique. No. 1. Van die beroerlicke tijden Gand, 1819. 8º. B. 132. (13.) No. 14. De Grimbergsche Oorlog, in den Nederlanden en voorna- ridderdicht uit de xiv. eeuw. menlijk in Ghendt. 1566-1568. Dl. 1. 1852. Door Marcus van Vaernewijck CORNELISSEN (N.) Bouquet offert aux bienfaiteurs de ... uitgegeven door Ferd. Van- la Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique à Gand. No. 15. Memorieboek der Stad | derhaegen. 5 Di. 1874-81. Gand, [1816.] 8º. T. 2132. (6.) Ghent van 't J. 1301 tot 1737. | No. 2. Werken van Zuster Hade- Del. 1. 1852. wijch. Dl. 1. 1875. [Another copy.] B. 728. (15.) Maetschappy der Vlaemsche Bibliophilen. Wetten. Gent, 1839, etc. 8º. Ac. 9035. Société Royale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres. Messager des Sciences et des Arts ; recueil publié par le Maatschappij der Vlaamsche Bibliophilen te Gent. Société des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres, et par celle (Lijst der werken van de Maatschappij, etc.) pp. 3. d'Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand. Année 1823–30. Ghent, (1879.] 8º. 1881. c. 16. (99.) 6 vol. Gand, [1823-30.] gº. P.P. 4455. A successor to this work appeared in 1833 under the title : Maetschappy van Rhetorika “De Fonteinisten." “ Messager des Sciences et des Arts de la Belgique,” etc. Verzameling van alle de Nederduitsche Dichtstukken See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Ghent. die medegedongen hebben naar de Lauwerkroonen, uitgegeven door de Maatschappij van het Rhetorica Société Royale des Beaux-Arts et de Littérature. binnen Gend, den 27 julii 1812.* Gend, (1812.] 8º. 11805. k. 2. (2.) Annales de la Société Royale des Beaux-Arts et de Lit- térature, de Gand. Gand, 1844, etc. 8º. Ac. 4608. Het Zilveren Jubelfeest van Mevrouw Daenens, geb. In progress. Diana Robyn; gevrierd door de Koninglyke Maet- schappy van Rhetorika, De Fonteinisten, te Gent, op brent, OP | Taalminnend Studenten-Genootschap onder Ken- den 8 van Grasmaend 1844. Gent, (1844.7 8º. spreuk: “It zal wel gaan." 11556. c. Jaarsboeksen voor 1854. Gent, [1854.] 16º. Maetschappy van Vlaemsche Letteroefening, met Ac. 2645/2. Kenspreuk : "De Tael is gansch het Volk." Studenten-Almanak, uitgegeven door het Taalminnend Bydragen der Gazette van Gend voor Letteren, Kunsten Studenten-Genootschap...1855, 1856-1865, etc. en Wetenschappen. Jaerg. 1-4. Gent, 1836–39. 4°. Gent, (1854, etc.] 16º. Ac. 2645. Ac. 9036. No more published. In progress. Katalog van de Boeken der Maetschappy, etc. Gent, 1854. 8º. 11900. e. Université de Gand. Université de Gand. Année Académique 1863-1864. Société de Médecine de Gand. Ouverture solennelle des Cours . . . Discours & rapport Annales. Gand, 1835, etc. 8º. Ao. 3796. du recteur M: J. RoulezGand, 1863. 8º. In progress. 8356. bb. 299 ACADEMIÊS. [GHENT-GLASGOW.] 300 GHENT (CONTINUED). GIESSEN [CONTINUED). Université de Gand. Academia Giessena. Université de Gand. Année Académique 1870-1871. Joannis Georgii heredis Norwegiæ . . . Regimen Aca- Ouverture solennelle des cours. 1.1 Octobre 1870. demicum, in illustri Hessorum Giessena, anno 1609. Discours & Rapport de M. le Recteur C. Andries ...! Giessæ Hessorum. 1610. 4º. . 731. e. 3. (3.) Allocution de ...J. Fuerison. 'Gänd, 1870. 8º. . . . . 8356. bb. Pennalismi abrogatio et profligatio ex Academia Hasso- Université de Gand. Année Académique 1873-1874. Gissena. Gissa Hassorum, 1660. fol. . Ouverture solennelle des cours. 15 Octobre 1873. Dis- 836. m. 23. (20.) cours & rapport de M. le Recteur J. Fuerison. Allo Poetica major, per Academiæ Giesenæ nonnullos . pro- cution de ... F. Soupart. Gand, 1873. 8º. fessores ; præceptis, commentariis, observationibus et 8356. bb. exemplis, et veteribus et recentibus poetis, studiosè con- scripta. Editio ultima, denuo recognita, aucta & Willems-Fonds. elimata. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1647. 80. 1088. d. 3. Volks-Almanak voor 1853, etc., bevattende Verhalen, Triumphus academicus Scholæ Giessenæ seu carmina Liedjes, Anekdoten, enz ... Met Platen, etc. (Uitgaven syncharistica cum ab illustrissimo ... Ludovico, Hassia van het Willems-Fonds.) Gent, (1853, etc.] 16º. Lantgravio . . . privilegia academica Cæsarea publice In progress. * P.P. 2421. họ. solenni actu Scholæ Giessenæ conferentur, etc. Jaarboek van het Willems-Fond voor 1869. [Giessen, 1607.] 4º. 837. h. 3. (41.) Gent, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9038/2. In progress. Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Denkschriften der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft und Boone (FELIX a.) De Tooverdrank, etc. Kunst in Giessen. Bd. 1, Heft. 1. Giessen, 1847. 80. Gent, 1870., 80. . Ac. 9038/3. · No more published. Ac. 665. DEVIGNE (J. 0.) Kiezershandboek, of uitleggingen op de Belgische Kieswetten, etc. Gent, 1871. 8º. Oberhessische Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde, Ac. 9038/5. Erster (Zweiter, etc.) Bericht der Oberhessischen FREDERICQ (C. A.) Handboek van Gezondheidsleer voor Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde. (Mit 2 Tafeln alle standen ..Derde, verbeterde en vermeerderde und 1 Tabelle.] Giessen, 1847, etc. 8º. Ac. 2883. uitgave. pp. vii. 280. Gent, 1878. 8º.. Ac. 9038/7. In progress. GOETHEM (EM. VAN) De Pacificatie van Gent, historisch drama, in vijf bedrijven en acht tafereelen, etc. Societas Academica Scientiarum Hassiaca. Gent, 1876. 8º. 11754. f. 7. Acta philosophico-medica. Giessæ Cattorum, The words only. · Francofurti et Lipsiæ, 1771. 4º.. Ac. 2882. [Another copy.] 432. b. 6. HEREMANS (J. F.) Nederlandsche Dichterhalle. Bloem- Tezing uit de Nederlandsche Dichters van de vroegste tyden. 2 pt. Gent, 1858–64. 8º. 11555. dd. Kuss (J.) Overzicht der algemeene Kunstgeschiedenis. Bouwkunst, beeldhouwkunst, schilderkunst en toonkunst ... Naar de derde uitgave van het Duitsche werk GLASGOW “ Leitfaden für den Unterricht in der Kunstgeschichte” by J. Kuss] en andere bronnen vertaald en omgewerkt Anderson's College. door J. Vuylsteke. Gent, 1875. 89. Ac. 9038/6. Calendar of Anderson's College, Glasgow ... for Session 1878-79, etc. Glasgow, 1878, etc. 16º. MILL (JOHN STUART) Over Vrijheid... Uit het Engelsch In progress. P.P. 2511. lg. vertaald door P. van Canteren. Gent, 1870. 8º. Ac. 9038/4. The Euing Musical Library. Catalogue of the Musical SNELLAERT (FERDINAND AUGUSTIN) Vlaemsche Biblio · Library of ... W. Euing ... bequeathed to Anderson's graphie, of lyst der Nederduitsche boeken, van 1830 University, Glasgow, now called Anderson's College. tot 1855 in Belgie ạitgegeven. Gent, 1857. 8º. Glasgow, 1878. 8º. 7897. dd. 3. 11901. a.' SOPHIA *** De Menschen en de Dieren, door Mevrouw Geological Society of Glasgow. Sophia ***. Gent, 1869. . 12º. 12581. df. 17. Transactions, etc. Glasgow, 1868, 63, etc. 8º. VIJLDER (G. DE) Grondbeginselen der Werkdadige Vol. I. pt. 1 is of the second edition. Ac. 3183. Meetkunde, ten gebruike van werklieden en leerlingen van nijverheidscholen, met 265 houtsneden en 491 Glasgow and Clydesdale Statistical Society. vraaystukken. Gent, 1870. 8º.. . 8506. C. Constitution and regulations. (Transactions.) pt. 1. Glasgow, (1837.] 4º. 'Ac. 2481. Glasgow and West of Scotland Medical Association. GIESSEN See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Glasgow. The Glasgow Medical Journal, etc. (New Series. Edited by a Com- Academia Giessena. mittee of the Glasgow & West of Scotland Medical Christliches Bedencken, wie und welcher Gestalt Association.) 1828, etc. 8º. PP. 2875. Christliche Oberkeit den Juden unter Christen zu wohnen gestatten könne, und wie mit ihnen zu verfahren sey ... Sampt einer Vorrede der Theologischen Facultet | Glasgow Archaeological Society. in der Universitet zu Giessen. pp. 52. Transactions, etc. Glasgow, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 5773. Giessen, 1612. 4°. 4033. df. 3. In progress. 301 ACADEMIES. [GLASGOW.] 302 GLASGOW [CONTINUED). GLASGOW [CONTINUED). Glasgow Pathological and Clinical Society. Hunterian Club. Glasgow Pathological and Clinical Society. Discussion LODGE (THOMAS) Scillaes Metamorphosis : enterlaced with on the pathology of Phthisis Pulmonalis. Reprinted the unfortunate love of Glaucus . . . with sundrie other from the “Glasgow Medical Journal, etc. pp. 55. ... poems, etc. pp. 48. R. Jhones : London printed, Glasgow, 1881. 8º. 7306. bb. 18. (5.) 1589; Glasgow reprinted, 1876. 4º. Ac. 9945/29. LODGE (THOMAS) Wits Miserie and the World's Mad- Hunterian Club. nesse, etc. pp. 117. C. Burby: London printed, 1596; BANNATYNE (GEORGE) The Bannatyne Manuscript. Glasgow reprinted, 1879. 4°, Ac. 9945/39. Compiled by G. Bannatyne. 1568. [In verse.] Glasgow, 1873, etc. 4º. Ac. 9945/12. LODGE (THOMAS) The Wounds of Civill War... Set forth in the ... tragedies of Marius and Scilla, etc. [In In progress. verse.] pp. 78. London printed, 1594; CRAIG (ALEXANDER) The Poetical Works of Alexander Glasgow reprinted, 1875. 4º. Ac. 9945/22. Craig ... 1604_1631. Now first collected and NICCOLS (RICHARD) Sir T. Overburie's Vision. [In edited by D. Laing]. 6 pt. Glasgow, 1873. 4º. verse.]... 1616. With introduction by Mr. J. Maid- Ac. 9945/5. ment. Glasgow, 1873. 4º. Ac. 9945/13. GARDEN (ALEXANDER) A Theatre of Scottish Worthies; and the lyf, doings and deathe of W. Elphinston, Bishop ROWLANDS (SAMUEL) The complete Works of S. Row- of Aberdeen. [With an Introductory Notice, by D. lands, 1598-1628. Now first collected. 3 vol. Laing.] pp. xvi. 201. xviii. 85. Glasgow, 1878. 4º. Glasgow, 1880 (1872–80.] 4º. Ac. 9945. Ac. 9945/34. Vol. 1. HANNAY (PATRICK) The Poetical Works of P. Hannay ... With a memoir of the author [by D. Laing. ). Memoir on Samuel Rowlands. By E. W. Gosse. pp. 50, 250. N. Butter : London (printed), 1622. Bibliographical Index. Glasgow reprinted, 1875. 4º. Ac. 9945/26. The Betraying of Christ. Judas in despaire. The seuen words of our Sauior on the Crosse. With LODGE (THOMAS) An Alarum against Usurers, etc., ... other poems on the Passion. pp. 60. A. Islip: Hereunto are annexed the delectable historie of For- London, 1598. bonius, etc. [in verse]. pp. 91. S. Clarke: London printed, 1584; Glasgow reprinted, 1879. 4º. The Letting of Humours Blood in the head-vaine. Ac. 9945/41. With a new morissco, etc. [In verse.] London, 1600. LODGE (THOMAS) Catharos Diogenes in his singularitie. Wherein is comprehended his merrie baighting fit for all 'Tis Merrie when Gossips meete. [In verse.] pp. 45. mens benefits : christened by him, A Nettle for Nice G. Loftus : London 1602. Noses. pp. 66. J. Busbie: London printed, 1591, Glasgow reprinted, 1875. 4º. Ac. 9945/23. Greenes Ghost haunting Coniecatchers, etc. London, 1602. LODGE (THOMAS) The Divel conjured. pp. 89. Looke to it; for, I'le Stabbe ye. [In verse.] W. Mats : London printed, 1596, London, 1604. Glasgow, reprinted, 1875. 4º. Ac. 9945/21 Hell's broke loose. [In verse.] London, 1605. LODGE (THOMAS) The famous, true, and historicall life A terrible Battell betweene the two consumers of of Robert, second Duke of Normandy, surnamed . . the whole World: Time and Death. [In verse. Robin the Diuell, etc. pp. 90. N. S. and J. Busbie : London. London printed, 1591 ; Glasgow reprinted, 1878. 4º. Diogines Lanthorne, etc. [In verse.] London, 1607. Ac. 9945/37. Humor's Looking Glasse. [In verse.] LODGE (THOMAS) A Fig for Momus : containing pleasant London, 1608. varietie, included in Satyres, . . . and Epistles, etc. pp. 70. C. Knight: London printed, 1595; Vol. 2. Glasgow reprinted, 1878. 4°° Ac. 9945/35. Doctor Merrie-nan: or, Nothing but Mirth. [In LODGE (THOMAS) A Margarite of America. pp. 94. verse.] pp. 24. J. Deane : London, 1609. J. Busbie ; [London] printed, 1596; Glasgow reprinted. A whole crew of kind gossips, all met to be merry. 1876. 4º. Ac. 9945/30. [In verse.] pp. 36. J. Deane : London, 1609. LODGE (THOMAS) Phillis : honoured with pastorall The Knave of Clubbes. [In verse.] London, 1609. sonnets, elegies, and amorous delights, etc. pp. 84. J. Busbie : London printed, 1593; Glasgow reprinted, Martin Mark-All, beadle of Bridewell; his defence 1875. 4º. Ac. 9945/20 and answere to the Belman of London. London, 1610. LODGE (THOMAS) A Reply to S. Gosson's Schoole of The Knave of Harts. Haile Fellow, well met. [In Abuse, in defence of poetry, musick, and stage plays. verse.] pp. 48. G. Loftus : London, 1612. pp. 48. [London printed, 1580 ?7 Glasgow reprinted, 1879. 4º. Ac. 9945/40. More knaues yet? The Knaues of Spades and Diamonds. (Reprinted from the first edition.) [In LODGE (THOMAS) Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie : verse.] pp. 44. J. Tapp : London. found ... in his cell at Silexedra, etc. pp. 139. T. G. and J. Busbie ; London printed, 1590; A Foole’s bolt is soone shot. [In verse.] Glasgow reprinted, 1878. 4º. Ac. 9945/36. Londor, 1614. 303 ACADEMIĘS. [GLASGOW.7 304 GLASGOW [CONTINUED]. GLASGOW [CONTINUED). Hunterian Club. Maitland Club. The Melancholie Knight. (In verse.] pp. 44. [Another copy.] Babell, etc. G. 97. (3.) G. Loftus : London, 1615. The diary of Mr. John Lamont of Newton. 1649–71. A Sacred Memorie of the Miracles wrought by our [Edited by G. R. Kinloch.] Edinburgh, 1830. 4º. Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. [In verse.] pp. 50. Ac. 8253/7. B. Alsop : London, 1618. [Another copy.] G. 98. (1.) The Night-Raven. [In verse.] London, 1620. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland. By David Moysie, 1577-1603. [Edited by J. Dennistoun.] A paire of Spy-Knaves. [In verse. Reprinted from Edinburgh, 1830. 4°. G. 98. (2.) the unique fragment, 1620?] Good Newes and bad newes. [In verse.] Descriptions of the sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew, London 1622. compiled about 1710, by William Hamilton, of Wishaw. With illustrative notes and appendices. [Edited by Vol. 3. J. Dillon and J. Fullarton.] Glasgow, 1831, 24". Ac. 8253/12. Heaven's Glory, seeke it. Earts vanitie, flye it. Hells horror, fere it. pp. 281. [Another copy.] G. 99. M. Sparke: London, 1628. The Chronicle of Perth; a register of remarkable occurrences, chiefly connected with that city, from the The Famous History of Guy, Earle of Warwicke. year 1210 to 1668. [Edited by J. Maidment.] [In verse.] pp. 86. E. All-de : London, 1607. Edinburgh, 1831. 4º. Ac. 8253/10. Maitland Club. [Another copy.] G. 100. (1.) A collection of circulars, reports, etc. issued by the club. [Glasgow, 1828–35.] 8º. and 4º. Ac. 8253/78. Registrum Metellanum I. [Glasgow,] 1831. 4º. Ac. 8253/11. Catalogue of the works printed for the Maitland Club, [Another copy.] G. 100. (2.) instituted March, 1828; with lists of the members and rules of the club. [Edinburgh,] 1836. 4º. Notices and documents illustrative of the literary history Ac. 8253/38. of Glasgow, during the greater part of last century. The history of the house of Seytoun to the year 1559. [Edited by W. J. D., i.e. William James Duncan.) By Sir R. Maitland, of Lethington. With the continua Glasgow, 1831. 4º. Ac. 8253/14. tion by Alexander [Seton] Viscount Kingston, to 1687. [Edited by J. Fullarton.] Glasgow, 1829. 4º. [Another copy.] G. 100. (3.) Ac. 8253. [Another copy.] G. 94. (1.) The moral fables of (Esope, compyled into eloquent ... meeter, by) Robert Henrysun, reprinted from the edition Histoire de la guerre d'Ecosse pendant les campagnes of Andro Hart, (Edinburgh, 1621.) [Edited by D. 1548 et 1549. Par Jean de Beaugué. (Reprinted from Irving.] B. L. Edinburgh, 1832. 4º. Ac. 8253/15. the edition : pour G. Carrozet, Paris, 1556,-Edited by J. Bain.] Edimbourg, 1830. 4º. Ac. 8253/2. [Another copy.] G. 100. (4.) [Another copy.] G. 94. (2.) The Poems of William Drummond, of Hawthornden. A chronicle of the Kings of Scotland, from Fergus I. to [Edited by T. Maitland.] Edinburgh, 1832. 4º. Ac. 8253/18. James VI., in the year 1611. (Edited by J. W. Mackenzie.] Edinburgh, 1830. 4º. Ac. 8253/8 [Another copy.] G. 101. [Another copy.] G. 94. (3.) Registrum Monasterii de Passelet: carťas, privilegia, conventiones aliaque munimenta complectens a domo Clariodus; a metrical romance : printed from a manu fundata 1163 usque ad 1529. Ad fidem codicis ms. in script of the sixteenth century. [Edited by D. Irving, Bibliotheca Facultatis Juridicæ Edinensis servati, nunc with a preface by E. Piper.] Edinburgh, 1830. 4º. primum typis mandatum. [Edited by C. Innes.] Ac. 8253/9. Edinburgi, 1832. 4º. Ac. 8253/17. [Another copy.] G. 96. [Another copy.] G. 102. Register of ministers, exhorters and readers, and of their stipends after the period of the Reformation. [Edited Burgh Records of the city of Glasgow, 1573–81. [Edited by A. Macdonald.] Edinburgh, 1830. 8º. by John Smith.] Glasgow, 1832. 4º. Ac. 8253/16. Ac. 8253/5. [Another copy.] G. 103. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 97. (1.) Cartularium Comitatus de Levenax, ab initio seculi The Poems of Sir Richard Maitland, of Lethingtoun, decimi tertii usque ad annum 1398, ad fidem apographi Knight. With an appendix of selections from the in Bibliotheca Facultatis Juridicæ Edinensis servāti, poems of Sir John Maitland, Lord Thirlestane, and of Thomas Maitland. [Edited by J. Bain.] cum aliis mss. collati. [Edited by J. Dennistoun.] Ac. 8253/4. Edinburgi, 1833. 4°. Ac. 8253/24. Glasgow, 1830. 4º. [Another copy.] G. 97. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 103. (2.) Babell; a satirical poem on the proceedings of the Memoirs of the War carried on in Scotland and Ireland, General Assembly in the year 1692. [By Archibald 1689, 1691. By Major General Hugh Mackay. [Edited Pitcairne. Edited by G. R. Kinloch.. by C. F. Tytler and A. Urquhart.] Edinburgh, 1833. 40. Edinburgh, 1830. 4º. Ac. 8253/6. Ĝ. 104. 305 ACADEMIES. [GLASGOW.] 306 f Ac. 8253/33 GLASGOW (CONTINUED]. GLASGOW [CONTINUED). Maitland Club. Maitland Club. A diurnal of remarkable occurrents that have passed Letters to King James the Sixth from the Queen, Prince within the country of Scotland, since the death of King Henry, Prince Charles, the Princess Elizabeth and her James Iv. till the year 1575. From a Ms. of the sixteenth husband, Frederick, King of Bohemia, and from their century. [Edited by T. Thomson.] son Prince Frederick Henry. From the originals in the Edinburgh, 1833. 4°, Ac. 8253/23. library of the Faculty of Advocates. Thirty-five litho- graphed fac-similes, with introduction. Edited by Sir [Another copy.] G. 95. Patrick Walker and A. Macdonald.] Memoirs of his own life, by Sir J. Melville of Halbill; Edinburgh, 1835. 4º. Ac. 8253/35. 1549-93. From the original ms. (With a preliminary [Another copy.] G. 108. (2.) notice and notes by T. Thomson.] [Edinburgh, 1833.] 40. Ac. 8253/21. Certane tractatis for reformatioun of doctryne and This is a reprint of the edition printed for the Bannatyne maneris in Scotland. By Niniane Winzet, 1562–63. Club in 1827. [With a preface by D. Laing.] Edinburgh, 1435. 4º. Miscellany of the Maitland Club, consisting of original papers and other documents illustrative of the history [Another copy.] G. 108. (3.) and literature of Scotland. [Vol. I., II., edited by A. Reports on the state of certain parishes in Scotland, Macdonald and J. Dennistoun. Vol. IV. edited by J. made to His Majesty's Commissioners for Plantation of Robertson.] Vol. 1., II., Vol. IV., pt. I. Kirks, etc., in pursuance of their ordinance, dated Edinburgh, Glasgow, 1834-47. 4° Ac. 8253/25. April 12, 1627. [Edited by A. Macdonald.] Imperfect; wanting vol. III. Edinburgh, 1835. 4º. Ac. 8253/34. [Another copy of Vol. I.-III.] , G. 121-123. [Another copy.] G. 109. (1.) The works of George Dalgarno, of Aberdeen. [Edited Rob Stene's dream, a poem: printed from a manuscript by T. Maitland.] Edinburgh, 1834. 4º. Ac. 8253/29. in the Leightonian Library, Dunblane. [Edited by W. Fleming, W. Motherwell and J. Smith.] [Another copy.] G. 107. (1.) Edinburgh, 1836. 4º. Ac. 8253/52. Illustrations of Scottish History, from the twelfth to the [Another copy.] G. 109. (2.) sixteenth century. Selected from unpublished manu- scripts in the British Museum and the Tower of London. The Cochrane Correspondence regarding the affairs of [Edited by J. Stevenson.] Glasgow, 1834. 4º. Glasgow, 1745, 6. [Edited by J. Dennistoun.] Ac. 8253/28. Glasgow, 1836. 4º. Ac. 8253/37. [Another copy.] G. 107. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 109 (3.) Records of the burgh of Prestwick, in the sheriffdom of Ayr, 1470-1782. With an appendix and illustrative Index to a private collection of notices, entituled, Memo- notes. [Edited by J. F., i.e. John Fullarton.] rabilia of the city of Glasgow, selected from the minute- Glasgow, 1834. 4º. Ac. 8253/27. books of the burgh. 1587–1750. [By J. Smith.] [Another copy.] Ac. 8253/39. [Glasgow,] 1836. 4º. G. 105. (1.) Miscellaneous papers, principally illustrative of events [Another copy.] G. 137. in the reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. Scalacronica : by Sir Thomas Gray of Heton, Knight. [Edited by W. J. Duncan. With a preface by A. Mac, A chronicle of England and Scotland, from 1066 to George.] Glasgow, 1834. 4º. Ac. 8253/26. 1362. Now first printed from the unique manuscript. [Another copy.] G. 105. (2.) With an introduction and notes [by J. Stevenson). Fr. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. Ac. 8253/40. History of Mary Queen of Scots, a fragment; translated from the original French of Adam Blackwood. [Edited [Another copy.] G. 110. (1) by A. Macdonald; with a preliminary notice by T. Thomson.] Edinburgh, 1834. 4º. Ac. 8253/31. The life and death of King James the first of Scotland. [Edited by J. Stevenson.] [Edinburgh,] 1837. 4º. [Another copy.] G. 105. (3.) Ac. 8253/42. The Works of Sir Thomas Urquhart, of Cromarty, [Another copy.] G. 111. (1.) Knight. Reprinted from the original editions. [Edited by T. Maitland.] Edinburgh, 1834. 4º. Ac. 8253/30. Selections from unpublished manuscripts in the College of Arms and the British Museum, illustrating the reign [Another copy.] G. 106. of Mary Queen of Scotland, 1543-68. [Edited by J. Collections upon the lives of the Reformers and most Stevenson.] Glasgow, 1837. 4º. eminent Ministers of the Church of Scotland. By ... Robert Wodrow. [Edited by W. J. Duncan, and M. [Another copy.) G. 111. (2.) Leishman.] vol. 1, 2. Glasgow, 1834-48. 49. Ancient Scottish Melodies, from a manuscript of the Each vol. is in 2 pts. Ac. 8253/32 reign of King James VI. With an introductory enquiry [Another copy.] G. 135, 136. illustrative of the history of the music of Scotland. By W. Dauney. Edinburgh, 1838. 4º. G. 113. (1.) Papers relative to the Royal Guard of Scottish Archers in France. [With a reprint of the tract by A. Houston, Sir Beves of Hamtoun: a metrical romance. Now first entitled: “L'Escosse Française, etc. Paris, 1608." edited from the Auchinleck ms. [By W. B. D. D Turn- - Edited by A. Macdonald.] Edinburgh, 1835. 4º. bull.] Edinburgh, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8253,44. Ac. 8253/36. [Another copy.] G. 108. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 113. (2.) ished manni, ilustratidited, 13 41. 307 ACADEMIES. [GLASGOW.] 308 GLASGOW [CONTINUED). GLASGOW [CONTINUED] Maitland Club. Maitland Club. Catalogue of the library at Abbotsford. [By J. G. Analecta, or materials for a history of remarkable Cochrane.] Edinburgh, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8253/45. providences; mostly relating to Scotch Ministers and Extra copies were printed for the members of the Maitland Christians. By ... R. Wodrow. [Edited by M. L., i.e. Club, at the expense of J. G. Lockhart, an advertisement by Matthew Leishman.] 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1842, 43. 4º. whom is inserted in place of that by the author in the Ac. 8253/ 60. ordinary copies. [Another copy.] G. 131-34. [Another copy.] G. 112. Liber Ecclesiæ de Scon. Munimenta vetustiora Monas- Chronicon de Lanercost: 1201-1346. E codice Cotto- terii Sancte Trinitatis et Sancti Michaelis de Scon. niano nunc primum typis mandatum. [Edited by J. [Edited by C. Innes.] Edinburgi, 1843. 4º. Stevenson.] Edinburgi, 1839. 4º. Ac. 8253/46. G. 117. (2.) Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis. — Munimenta [Another copy.] G. 116. Ecclesie Metropolitane Glasguensis, a sede restaurata seculo ineunte XII. ad reformatam religionem. [Edited The Scottish Metrical Romance of Lancelot du Lak, now by C. I., i.e. Cosmo Innes.] 2 vol. first printed from a manuscript of the fifteenth century Edinburgh, 1843. 4º. Ac. 8253/61. ... With miscellaneous poems from the same volume. [Edited by J. Stevenson.) Edinburgh, 1839. 40. [Another copy.] G. 129, 30. Ac. 8253/48. [Another copy.] G. 114. (1.) Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis. Ecclesie Cathe- dralis Aberdonensis regesta quæ extant in unum collecta. De Arte Logistica Joannis Naperi Merchistonii Baronis [Edited by C. I., i.e. Cosmo Innes.] 2 vol. Jibri quæ supersunt. [With a preface by Mark Napier.] Edinburgi, 1845. 4º. Ac. 8253/63. Edinburgi, 1839. 4°. G. 114. 2. [Another copy.] G. 124, 25. Acts and proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, from 1560. (Appendix to the Booke Papers illustrative of the political condition of the of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, etc.) pt. 1 & 3. Highlands of Scotland, from 1689 to 1696. [Edited by Edinburgh, 1839–45. 4º. Ac. 8253/49, and 49*. J. MacConechy.] Glasgow, 1845. 4º. Ac. 8253/64. Imperfect; wanting part 2. [Another copy.] G. 117. (3.) [Another copy.] 3 pt. G. 118-20. Liber Collegii Nostre Domine : Registrum Ecclesie B. V. Letters to the Argyll Family, from Elizabeth Queen of Marie et S. Anne infra muros Civitatis Glasguensis. England, Mary Queen of Scots, King James VI., King 1549. Accedunt Munimenta Fratrum Predicatorum de Charles I., King Charles II., and others ... with an Glasgu. Domus Dominicane apud Glasguenses Carte appendix (and lithographed fac-similes. Edited by A. que supersunt 1244-1559. [Edited by J. Robertson.] Macdonald.] Edinburgh, 1839. 4°, Ac. 8253/50. Glasgue, 1846. 4°. Ac. 8253765. [Another copy.] G. 117. (1.) [Another copy.] G 172. Narrative of Charles Prince of Wales' Expedition to Memorials of Montrose and his times. [Edited by M. Scotland, in the year 1745. Edinburgh, 1841. 4º. Napier.] 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1848, 50. 4º. Ac. 8253/53. Ac. 8253/66. G. 126. (1.) Notices from the local records of Dysart. [Edited by W. Muir.] Glasgow, 1853. 4º. Ac. 8253/73. Documents illustrative of Sir William Wallace, his life and times. [Edited by J. Stevenson.] Selections from the Family Papers preserved at Caldwell. [Edinburgh,] 1841. 4º. Ac. 8253/54. [Edited by W. Mure.] 2 pt. Glasgow, 1854. 4°. Pt. 2 is in 2 vols. Ac. 8253/71. [Another copy.] G. 126. (2.) Oppressions of the sixteenth century in the Islands of Notices of original unprinted Documents preserved in Orkney and Zetland. From original documents. the office of the Queen's Remembrancer, and Chapter [Edited by D. Balfour.] Edinburgh, 1859. 4º. House, Westminster, illustrative of the bistory of Scot- Ac. 8253/75. land. Edited by J. Stevenson.] [Edinburgh,] 1842. 4º. Ac. 8253/56. [Autographs of members of the Maitland Club, with notices of contributions, etc.] Ms. 4º. Ac. 8253/79. G. 126. (3.) [Another copy.] . The Historie of the Kirk of Scotland. 1558–1637. By Natural History Society. J. Row. With additions and illustrations by his sons Proceedings, etc. Glasgow, 1868, etc. [William and John. Now first printed.] 8º. 2 pt. In progress. Ac. 3035. & 55. (Edinburgh,] 1842. 4°. Ac. 8253/55. [Another copy.] G. 127. Philosophical Society. The Coltness collections 1608–1840. [Edited by J. Proceedings, etc. 1841, etc. Glasgow, 1842, etc. 8º. Dennistoun.] [Edinburgh, 1842. 4º. .Ac. 8253/58. Ac. 1486. In progress. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage of vol. 1. [Another copy.] G. 115. Constitution of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron, of Locheill, chief of the Instituted 1802. Glasgow, 1845. 8º. Ac. 1486/2. Clan Cameron. With an introductory account of the history and antiquities of that family, etc. [Edited by Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Philosophical J. MacKnight.] Edinburgh, 1842, 40. G. 128. Society of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1846. 8°. 823. f. 60. 309 ACADEMIES. [GLASGOW-GOTTINGEN.] 310 GLASGOW [CONTİNUED). · GORLITZ [CONTINUED). University of Glasgow. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. See ANDERSON (J.) Professor of Natural Philosophy in the MOELLENDORFF (G. VON Die Regenverhältnisse Deutsch- University of Glasgow. Process is i concerning the lands... Im Auftrage der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft management of the revenue of Glasgow College, etc. zu Görlitz bearbeitet von G. von Möllendorff [and 1778. 4º... 8364. cc. completed by E. John]. Gorlitz, 1862. 8º. 8755. g: Academicæ Glasguensis xaplotnplov ad . . . Carolum Magnæ Britanniæ ... Regem ... Cùm ex Anglia, pro- Karte der Regenhöhen Deutschlands gezeichnet fectus in Scotiæ Regnum solenni ritu inauguraretur. von T. Schade. Gorlitz, 1862. fol. Edinburgi, 1633. 4º. 11409. bb. Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. The Glasgow University Calendar for the session 1826– See OETTEL (C. c.) Systematisches Verzeichnis der in 27 (1869, 70, etc.). Glasgow, (1826, etc.] 80. der Oberlausiz wild wachsenden Pflanzen. With a In progress. P.P. 2511. ld. preface subscribed, “ Die 0. L. Geselschaft der Wissen- schaften."] 1799. 8º. The College Album, a selection of original pieces edited B. 181. (2.) by Students in the University of Glasgow. Neues Lausitizsches Magazin. Glasgow, 1828. 8º. 12316. cc. 18. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Gorlitz. Inaugural addresses delivered by Lords Rectors of the Lausizische Monatsschrift. 14 Thle. (Neue Lausizische University of Glasgow. Edinburgh, 1848. 8º. Monatsschrift, herausgegeben von der Oberlausizischen 8365. f. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 18 Thle.) 32 vol. Introductory Addresses delivered at the Opening of the Gorliz, [17931-1808. . 8º. P.P. 3548. d. i. University of Glasgow, Session 1870–71. With a prefatory notice of the new buildings by Professor A. Die Bibliothek der Oberlausitzischen Gesellschaft der Thomson. Edinburgh (printed] and London, 1870. 4º. Wissenschaften alphabetisch verzeichnet [by J. G. Neu- 8365. bb. mann). 2 Thle. Görlitz, 1819. 8º. Ac. 2937. Library. Scriptores Rerum Lusaticarum. Sammlung Ober- und See F., w. A supplement to the catalogue of books in Niederlausitzischer Geschichtschreiber ... Neuer Folge the University Library, Glasgow. 1825. 8º. erster Band, etc. Goerlitz, 1839, etc. 8º. : 821. h. 9. In progress. 1194. k. 13, etc. Fourteenth Appendix to the Glasgow University Library Catalogue. 1851-52. Glasgow, (1852.] 8º. 824. e. 31*. GOTHA. Fifteenth Appendix to the Glasgow University Library Collegium Medicum. Catalogue, 1852–53. Glasgow, (1853.] 8º. 824. e. 31. Vertheidigung des zu Tonna ausgegrabenen Einhorns, wider ein lateinisches Schreiben [by W. E. Tentzel], von University of Glasgow Local Examinations. Scheme of dem daselbst ausgegrabenen Elephanten-cörper ... examinations for 1880, and report for 1879. Welche das Collegium Medicum in Gotha zum Druck James Maclehose : Glasgow, 1879. 8º. 8365. bbb. 11. befördert, etc. [Gotha ?] 1697. 4º. B. 240. (10.) ; GLOUCESTER. GOTTENBURG. Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. Götheborgska Wetenskaps och Witterhets Samhälle, Proceedings, etc. vol. 6. pp. 279-405. afterwards Götheborgs Kongliga Vetenskaps och Gloucester, 1877. 8 Ac. 3002. Vitterhets Samhälle. Det Götheborgska Wetenskaps ... Handlingar. Weten- skaps Afdelningen. Stycket 1-4. Witterhets Afdel- GLUCKSBURG. ningen. Stycket 1-4. Götheborg, 1778–97. 8º. "438. i. 16, 17. Königlich-Dänische Acker-Akademie. Götheborgs Kongl. Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Sam- Die Königlich-Dänische Acker-Academie, wie sie nach hälles Handlingar. Ny Tidstöljd. ihrem Sinn, Art, Ordnung und Zweck am Stiftungs Götheborg, 1850, etc. 8º. Ac. 1063 Tage den 13ten Julii, 1762, entworfen worden; nun- In progress. mehro ans Licht gestellet von einem Mitgliede derselben (P. E. Lüders). [With several dissertations.] Flensburg, 1763. 4º. 127. b. 8. GOTTINGEN. . GORLITZ. Academia Georgia Augusta. See S., I. D. Epistola præsentem Academiæ Gottingens statum exhibens. (1735.] 4º. 731. e. 3. (19.) Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Fünfundvierzigster Jahresbericht ... über die Wirksam- keit des Vereins vom Jahre 1854–55. See GLOCKER (C. F.) Geognostische Beschreibung der preussischen Oberlausitz, etc. 1857. 4º. 7107, d. See STADE, Lutheran Pastors at. Erklärung der Stader Conferenz lutherischer Pastoren auf die Denkschrift der theologischen Fakultät zu Göttingen, etc. 1854. 8º. 3913. a. See WOLFF (J. H.) Lutherische Antwort auf die Denk- schrift der theologischen Facultät zu Göttivgen. 1854. 8o.. 3913. b. Abhandlungen, etc. Görlitz, 1827, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2938. 311 ACADEMIES. [GOTTINGEN.] . 312 GOTTINGEN (CONTINUED]. GOTTINGEN [CONTINUED). Academia Georgia Augusta. Academia Georgia Augusta. Nachrichten von der G. A. Universität und der Königl. Academia Georgiæ Augustæ Prorector J. P. Waldeck Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. cum senatu civium suorum qui in certamine literario... Göttingen, [1845, etc.] 89. P.P. 4672. a. anni...1799... præmia... reportarunt nomina simulque In progress. Some of the “ Nachrichten" are bound up commentationum quæ ad certamen . . . admitti volent with the “ Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen” published by the argumenta... promulgat. Gottingae, [1799.) fol. “ Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften." T. C. 6. b. 9. (5.) Academiæ Georgiæ Augustæ Prorector T. C. Tychsen Catalogus lectionum publice et privatim in Academia cum senatu civium suorum qui in certamine literario... per æstatem 1736(-1738) habendarum. 3 pt. apni...1800... præmia... reportarunt nomina simulque Gottinga, (1736–38.] 4º. commentationum quæ ad certamen anni 1801...admitti 731. e. 3. (29, 31.) & 1184. i. 10. (5.). volent argumenta... promulgat. Gottingæ, [1800.) 4°. Catalogus praelectionum . .. per semestre aestivum T. Č. 6. b. 10. (5.) 1822 (per semestre æstivum 1824, 1828–1832, per Academiae Georgia Augusta Prorector G. J. F. Meister semestre hibernum 1827, 1829–1832) habendarum. cum senatu civium suorum qui in certamine literario... 12 pt. Gottingae, (1822–32.] 4º. 817. 1. 54. (1-12.) | anni...1801... præmia... reportarunt nomina simulque commentativnum quæ ad certamen anni 1802 admitti Verzeichniss der Vorlesungen, welche für den künftigen volent argumenta... promulgat. Gottinga, [1801.] 4º. Sommer des Jahres 1828 auf der hiesigen Universität T. C. 6. b. 11. (6.) ...angekündigt sind, etc. (Verzeichniss der Vorlesun- Academiae Georgiae Augustae inaugurationis sacra gen, etc. 1829–1831) 4 pt. Göttingen, (1828–31.1 8º. saecularia...celebranda in dies 17, 18, 19 Septembris... T. 2352. (5-8.) 1837 ... indicunt ... Prorector F. Bergmann et Senatus Oda Musica ... C. Münden ... oblata à primi ordinis Academicus. (Quam curam respublica apud Graecos et Gottingensis Gymnasii studiosis. Gottinga, (1708.] 4º. | Romanos literis...colendis...impenderit, quaeritur.) 557*. a. 27. (15.) Gottingæ, 1837. 4º. 8355. g. Georgiae Augustae Prorector et Senatus cives suos ad Index Scholarum publice et privatim in Academia festum Nativitatis Christi rite celebrandum cohortantur, Georgia Augusta per semestre æstivum anni 1847, etc. praemissa dijudicatione controversiae Serrianae et Promissa est disputatio de codicibus Juvenalis recte Sandinianae in testimonium Justini M. de Christo extra existimandis. Gottingæ, [1847.] 4º. 11352. e. Bethlehemun nato. Gottingae, 1744. 4º. T. 1479. (15.) Index Scholarum publice et privatum in Academia Vicennalia Brixiensia... Cardinalis...A. M. Quirini... Georgia Augusta per semestre aestivum anni 1851 ... celebrata in Academia Gottingensi. habendarum. Præmissa est disputatio de Philone Gottingae, [1748.] 4º. 126. i. 2. Larissaco [by H. C. Briegleb]. Gottinga, [1851.] 4º. 10605. f. Academiae Georgiae Augustae Prorector cum Cancellario Ueber die gegenwärtige Krisis des kirchlichen Lebens et Senatu Festi Nativitatis Christi dignam celebrationem insbesondere das Verhältniss der evangelischen Facul- civibus commendat, praemissa commentatione in locum täten zur Wissenschaft und Kirche. Zur Wahrung der Irenaei de nostra ignorantia aeternae generationis evangelischen Lehrfreiheit wider neuerlichst erhobene Christi. Gottingae, 1750. 4º. T. 1479. (16.) Angriffe. Eine Denkschrift der theologischen Facultät der Georg Augustus Universität an das Universitäts Academiæ Georgiæ Augustæ Prorector cum Senatu huratorium. Göttingen, 1854. 8º. 3913. d. Ferias Paschales religiose celebrandas civibus academicis indicit, præmissa commentatione de antiquo baptismi Erklärung der theologischen Facultät zu Göttingen in paschalis solempi. Goettingæ, 1759. 4°. T. 980. (12.) Veranlassuny ihrer Denkschrift uber die gegenwärtige Krisis des kirhlichen Lebens. Göttingen, 1854. 8º. Academiæ Georgiæ Augustæ Prorector J. S. Pütter, cum 3913. e. Senatu munificentiam regiam in constituendis præmiis Gutachten der theologischen Facultät zu Göttingen über ...celebrat simulque commentationum quæ ad certamen die in dem Erachten des Consistoriums zu Rostock gegen anni 1785 admitti volent argumenta... una cum legibus die Theologie des Dr. Baumgarten erhobene Beschuldi- more ac consiliis certaminis promulgat. gung fundamentaler Abweichung von der kirchlichen Gottingæ, [1784.] fol. T. C. 6. b. 1. (1.) Lehre. Gotha, 1859. 8º. 3925. g. De Academiæ Georgiæ Augustæ sollennibus semisæcu- laribus in A.D. XVII. Septembris, 1787 celebratis brevis narratio. Adjectæ ad calcem orationes, carmina, aliaque De statu Academiæ ... quæ Gottingæ est, brevis et vera (in German and Latin]. Gottingæ, [1787.] fol. narratio. [Gottingen, ] 1736. 4°. 731. e. 3. (28.) 618. 1. 17. Die Jubelfeyer der Georg-Augustus Universität ... an Erste allerneueste Nachricht, von der königl. Gross- ihrem funfzigsten Stiftungsfeste dem 17. Sept. 1787. Brittanischen neuen Universität Göttingen. Göttingen, 1787. fol. 125. 1. 1. Leipziger, 1735. 8º. 732. b. 30. Academiæ Georgiæ Augustæ Prorector J. S. Pütter cum Der gegenwärtige Zustand der Göttingischen Universi- Senatu civium suorum qui in certamine literario ... tät in zweenen Briefen an einen vornehmen Herrn im præmia . . . reportarunt nomina, simulque commenta Reiche. Göttingen, 1748. 4º. 272. e. 31. tionum quæ ad certamen. ..anni ... 1792 admitti volent argumenta ... promulgat. Gottingæ, [1791.] fol. Die Georg-Augustus-Universität ... in der Wiege, in ihrer blühenden Jugend, und reiffererm Alter. Mit unpartheiischer Feder entworfen von einem ihrer ersten Academice Georgiæ Augustæ Prorector J. F. Runde und nur allein noch übrigem, academischem Lehrer. cum Senatu civium suorum qui in certamine literario anni 1797 præmia . . . reportarunt nomina, simulque 274. k. 24. Göttingen, 1787. 8º. commentationum quæ ad certamen...anni 1798 admitti volent argumenta ... promulgat. Gottingæ, [1797.] 4º. Deutsche Gesellschaft. . T. C. 6. b. 8. (4.) See infra : Königliche Deutsche Gesellschaft, 313 ACADEMIES. [GOTTINGEN—GRAMMONT.] ii. 314 . GOTTINGEN [CONTINUED). GOTTINGEN (CONTINUED). Georg-Augusts-Universität. Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. See supra: Academia Georgia Augusta. Deutsche Schriften von der Königl. Societät der Wissen- schaften zu Göttingen herausgegeben. Bd. 1. Göttingischer Verein Bergmännischer Freunde. Göttingen und Gotha, 1771. 8º.. 962. a. 2. Studien... herausgegeben von J. F. L. Hausmann. [Another copy.] 245. g. 4. Göttingen, 1824, etc. 8°. Ac. 3220. In progress. Astronomische Mittheilungen von der königl. Sternwarte zu Göttingen. Göttingen, 1869, etc. 4°. 8750. e. Königliche Deutsche Gesellschaft. In progress. D. P. G. Werlhofs Gedichte, herausgegeben von der Erste Säcularfeier der Königlichen Gesellschaft der deutschen Gesellschaft in Göttingen, mit einer Vorrede Wissenschaften zu Göttingen am 29sten November 1851. ...A. Hallers. Hannover, 1749. 8º. 1. Zur Erinnerung an A. von Haller... Festrede gehalten 11526. ccc. 7. (1.) von R. Wagner. 11. Ein Blick auf die äussere Ueber den Kasten des Cypselus, ein altes Kunstwerk zu Geschichte der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissen- Olympia mit erhobnen Figuren; nach dem Pausanias. schaften zu Göttingen, in ihrem ersten Jahrhundert. Eine Vorlesung in der Kön. Deutschen Gesellschaft [by Vorgelesen von J. F. L. Hausmann, etc. aus dem fünften C. G. Heyne]. ..24 Feb. 1770. Göttingen, [1770.] 40. Bande der Abhandlungen, etc. Göttingen, 1852. 4º. 141, a. 4. Ac. 670/2. GAUSS (CARL FRIEDRICH) C. F. Gauss' Werke. Heraus- Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. gegeben von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissen- See supra : Academia Georgia Augusta. Nachrichten schaften zu Göttingen. Göttingen, [1863, etc.] 4º. von der G. A. Universität und der Königl. Gesellschaft In progress. 8530. i. der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, etc. [1850.] 8º. P.P. 4672. a. Königliches Institut der Historischen Wissenschaften. See Henricus, de Hervordia. Liber de rebus memorabi See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Gottingen. Historisches lioribus...Opus a Societate Literarum Regia Gottin Journal von Mitgliedern des königlichen Instituts zu gensi... editum. 1859. 4°. 9365. f. Göttingen, etc. 1772, etc. 8º. 273. f. 2-9. Commentarii Societatis Regiæ Scientiarum. [Edited by See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Halle. Allgemeine his- J. D. Michaelis. ] 1751-54. 4 tom. torische Bibliothek von Mitgliedern des königlichen Gottinge, 1752[-55]. 4º. 449. g. 1-4. Instituts der Historischen Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, etc. 1767, etc. 8º.. 260. b. 39-46. [Another copy.] T. C. 5. b. 1, 2. Königliche Societät der Wissenschaften. Novi Commentarii . . . 1769–77. [Edited by C. G. Heyne.] 8 tom. Gottingæ et Gothæ, 1771–78. 4º. See supra : Königliche Gesellschaft, etc. 449. g. 5-8. T. C. 5. b. 3-6. [Another copy.1 || Königliche Sternwarte. See supra: Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissen- Commentationes . . . 1778–1808. [Edited by C. G. schaften. Astronomische Mittheilungen von der Heyne.] 16 vol. Gottinga, 1779-1808. 4º. königl. Sternwarte ... Herausgegeben von der könig- 449. g. 9-17. lichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, etc. [Another copy.] T. C. 5. b. 7–14. 1869, etc. 4º. 8750. e. Commentationes... recentiores...1808–22. vol. 1-5. Magnetischer Verein. Gottingæ, 1811-23. 4°. . T. C. 5. b. 15 Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des magnetischen Vereins im Jahre 1836(-41.) Herausgegeben von C. F. [Another copy.] vol. 1-4. 449. g. 18-20 Gauss und W. Weber. Mit Steindrucktafeln. 6 vol. Göttingen & Leipzig, 1837-43, 8º. Ac. 4139. Commentationes. .. recentiores.' 1828–37. vol. 7, 8. Gottingæ, 1832, 41. 4º. Ac. 669. - Atlas. 1843.114º. Vol. 6 wanting. No more published under this title : the work is continued in German under the title “ Abhandlungen,” Physicalische Privatgesellschaft. etc. Auszug aus den Gesetzen der physicalischen Privat- gesellschaft zu Göttingen, zum Behuf ihrer Mitglieder. Abhandlungen. Göttingen, 1843, etc. 4º. Ac. 670. 1881. c. (80*.) In progress. Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen (afterwards Societas Regia Scientiar " Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen.”] Unter der Aufsicht See supra: Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissen- der königl. Gesellschaft, etc. 1753–1823. 214 Bde. schaften. : Göttingen, (1753-1823.) 8º. 252. a. 1-40.; 252. b. 1-37.; 252. c. 1-36.; 252. d. 1–34.; Verein für gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Förderung 252. e. 1–34.; 252. f. 1–33. der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Another copy of 1782-1819.) 961. a-i. Archiv... herausgegeben von Dr. J. Vogel, Dr. H. Nasse, Many of the volumes are imperfect. und Dr. F. W. Beneke. Göttingen, 1854, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3758. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen...1824, etc. Göttingen, [1824, etc.] 8º. P.P 4672. & 2097. a. GRAMMONT. In progress. Maetschappy gezegd Motionisten. See Marx (C. F. H.) Ueber die Wirksamkeit der Prysgedichten, ter beantwoording der vraeg: wat de Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen, etc. 1863. 8º. Schouwburg vermag op de Beschaving der Volkeren, etc. 11902. d. Geerardsbergen, 1838. 8º. 11555. cc. 315 ACADEMIES. [GRAND-JOUAN-GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.] 316. TTS . (reprische Landen. (Naim Lanang GRAND-JOUAN. GRATZ [CONTINUED). Société des anciens Élèves de l'École de Grand- Kaiserlich-Königliche Steiermärkische Landwirth- Jouan. schafts-Gesellschaft. Annuaire de la Société... par J. Rieffel. TRUMMER (FRANZ) Systematische Classification und Paris, 1865, etc. 8º.. . Ac. 2616. Beschreibung der im Herzogthume Steiermark vorkom- In progress. menden Rebensorten. [With a preface by F. X. Hlubek.] Grätz; 1841. gº. Ac, 3433/2. GRATZ. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Steiermark. Academia Greecensis Societatis Jesu. Mittheilungen. Graz, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 2905. Historia ducum Styriæ in tres partes divisa, augustissimo In progress. Romanorum Imperatori Carolo VI. ... dicata dedicataque ab Archi-ducali, et Cæsareo Collegio, et Academia PEBAL (LEOPOLD VON Das Chemische Institut der k. k. Græcensi Societatis Jesu. 3 pt. Græcii, 1728. fol. Universität Graz...Mit 8 Tafeln. pp. 28. 173. k. 16. Wien, 1880. 4?. · Ac. 2905/2. Series Regum Hungariæ, laureatis honoribus ... A. C. L. B. a Teuffenbach, dum in ... Universitate Steiermärkisches Landes-Archiv. Græcensi primâ AA. LL. & Philosophiæ laureâ ornaretur Wappen Buch, darinen aller Geistlichen Prelaten, Herré ...a Neo-Baccalaureis condiscipulis dicata, etc. L. und Landleut auch der Stett des · löblichen Fürsten- Græcii, [1733.] 12º. 9314. a. l. thumbs Steyer Wappen und Insignia, mit ihren farben, nach ordnung, wie die im Landthauss zu Grätz ange- Academischer Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. mahlt zu finden. (Neu aufgelegt durch das steier- Jahresbericht, etc. Graz, 1875, etc. 8° Ac. 2904. märkische Landes-Archiv.) Gedruckt zu Grätz, 1567; In progress. [reprinted], 1872. fol. 9905. e. Historischer Verein für Innerösterreich. Steirischer Gebirgsverein. Schriften. Heft 1, Gratz, 1848. 80. Ac. 7195. Jahrbuch für das Vereins-Jahr 1873(-74, etc.) Redigirt von J. Frischauf und A. Martinez. Graz, 1874, etc. 80. Historischer Verein für Steiermark. In progress. c. 6062. Mittheilungen. Gratz, 1850, etc. 8º. Ac. 7196/2. In progress. . GREAT BRITAIN. Beiträge zur Kunde steiermärkischer Geschichtsquellen. Gratz, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 7196. Sanitary Institute. In progress. The Calendar for the year 1878, etc. C. L. Marsh & Co.: London, [1878, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3820. Die steiermärkischen Schützen-Freiwilligen-Bataillone In progress. und ihre Leistungen in den Jahren 1848 und 1849. Herausgegeben von dem Ausschusse des historischen Journal of the Congress and Exhibition of the Sanitary Vereines für Steiermark. Gratz, 1857. 8°. 9078. c. Institute of Great Britain, held at Leamington, 1877. With list of members, . . Edited by L. Marsh. vol. 1. Steiermärkisches Landrecht des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet London, 1878. 8º. von Dr. F. Bischoff, etc. Graz, 1875. 8º. Ac. 7196/3. Continued as :) The Sanitary Register...and Journal of the Exhibitions Urkundenbuch des Herzogthums Steiermark, bearbeitet of the Sanitary Institute. vol. 2, 3. von J. Zahn. Graz, 1875, etc. 8º. 9366. h. · London, 1878[-79)...8º.. Ac. 3820/2. In progress. Incorporated after Dec. 1879. with “ The Sanitary Engineer.” Institut für Physiologie und Histologie. Report of the third congress of the Sanitary Institute Untersuchungen aus dem Institute für Physiologie und ... being volume 1. of the Transactions. Editors: H. C. Histologie in Graz. Herausgegeben von A. Rollett. Burdett, F. de Chaumont. London, 1880, etc. 8º.. Leipzig, 1870. 8º. 7406. f. In progress. Ac. 3820/3. Juristische Gesellschaft. SYMONS (G. J.) Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Mittheilungen. Graz, 1867, etc. 8º. 5549. aaa. Address upon Water Économy ... Delivered at the In progress. Annual Meeting, etc. E. Stanford : London, 1879. 8º. 8777. aaa. 3. Kaiserlich-Königliche Steiermärkische Landwirth- schafts-Gesellschaft, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. . HLUBEK (FRANZ XAVER WILHELM) Resultate der Wirk- samkeit der... Gesellschaft...vom Jahre 1829–1839... Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Zusammengestellt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Ireland. Dr. F. X. Hlubek. Grätz, 1840. 8º. Ac. 3433. The Archaeological Journal, etc. (Index to vols. 1-25.) London, 1845, etc. 89. Ac. 5602/3. & 2096. cd. HLUBEK (FRANZ XAVER WILHELM) Ein treues Bild des In progress. Herzogthumes Steiermark... herausgegeben von der k. k. Steiermärkischen Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft durch | [Another copy of Index to vols. 1-25.] BB. 0. ...F. X. Hlubek, etc. Gratz, 1860. 4º. 10201. g. British Archäological Association (afterwards Archæo- HLUBEK (FRANZ XAVER WILHELM) Versuch einer neuen logical Institute]. Second annual meeting, 1845, to be Charakteristik und Classification der Rebensorten, mit held in the city of Winchester, commencing Tuesday besonderer Rücksicht auf die im Herzogthume Steier Sept. 9 and closing Monday, September 15th. General mark vorkommenden, von Dr. F. X. Hlubek. arrangements for the week. [London, 1845.] 8º. Grätz, 1841. 8°. 1145. d. 53. 1890. b. 3. (4.) ... . . 317 ACADEMIES. [GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.] 318 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND [CONTINUED). | GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND [CONTINUED). Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Archäological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. [Notice to members of the Committees of the sections Report of the transactions at the annual meeting ... of History, and Early and Medieval Antiquities, attend held at Chichester...1853, etc. London, 1856. 80. ing the anniversary at Winchester, of the order of pro- Ac. 5602. ceedings upon Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1845.] Catalogue of antiquities, works of art, and historical Winchester, (1845.] 8. sh. 8º. 1890. b. 3. (5.) Scottish relics exhibited in the museum of the Archæo. Second annual meeting, 1845... Architectural Notes, for logical Institute... during their annual meeting, held in the use of the members. Winchester, [1845.) 8º. Edinburgh, July 1856, etc. [Edited by A. Way.] 7705. bb. Edinburgh, 1859. 8º. 7708. d. 2. Proceedings at the annual meeting ... at Winchester, This copy contains the illuminated plate of the Lennox September, 1845. London, [Oxford printed], 1846. 8º. Jewel. Ac. 5602. Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.- Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities of Old London. Papers read at the London Congress, the county and city of York, communicated to the July, 1866. London, 1867. 8º. Ac. 5602. annual meeting of the Archäological Institute, held at York, July, 1846; with a general report of the proceed- Report of the transactions and excursions of the ... ings of the meeting, and catalogue of the museum Institute...at their annual meeting at Northampton, formed on that occasion. July 30 to August 6, 1878... With a paper on the history London, [Oxford printed,] 1848. 8º. Ac. 5602. of the town and county of Northampton by... W. Monk, etc. Northampton, 1878. 8º. Ac. 5602/2. [Notice of the fourth annual meeting, 1847, to be held at Norwich, commencing Thursday, July 29 and termi- nating Thursday, August 5.] [London, 1847.] 8º. Associated Architectural Societies. 1890. b. 3. (1.) Associated Architectural Societies' Reports and Papers. Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities of London, [1851, etc.] 89. Ac. 5690. Norfolk and the city of Norwich, communicated to the In progress. annual meeting of the Archæological Institute ... held An Index to the first eight volumes of Reports & at Norwich, July, 1847, etc. London, 1851. 8º. Papers...containing an analysis of each paper, with an Ac. 5602. introduction, by...G. Rowe. Lincoln, (1867.] 8º. Fifth annual meeting, 1848, to be held at Lincoln. Ac. 5690. General programme of proceedings. A report of the papers read at the joint meeting of the [London, 1848.] 8º. 1890. b. 3. (2.) Architectural Societies of the Archdeaconry of North- Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities of ampton and the county of Lincoln, held at Stamford, the county and city of Lincoln, communicated to the May 1850. Revised by the authors. Together with an annual meeting of the Archæological Institute ... held account of the excursion, etc. Stamford, 1850. 8º. at Lincoln, July, 1848, with a general report of the pro- Ac. 5690/2. ceedings of the meeting, and a catalogue of the museum [Another copy.] P.P. 6056. (2.) formed on that occasion. London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 5602. A list of architects and artificers in church work ; Remarks on the Lincoln Archæological Institute together with a selection of books. Printed under the ſi.e. on the meeting of the Archæological Institute at superintendence of the Committee of the Architectural Lincoln), and on the increase of Popish buildings in Society of the Archdeaconry of Northampton. pp. 16. London, among five denominations of Dissenters, Privately printed : Uppingham, 1853. 89. 7814. bbb. 1. whose chapels were opened in the month of July 1848. By a Silent Observer. London, [1848.] 80. British Association for the Advancement of Science, 7707. a. Report of the first and second third, etc.) meetings of Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities of the British Association...in 1831...in 1832 (1833, etc.), Wiltshire and the city of Salisbury. Communicated to including its proceedings, recommendations, and trans- the annual meeting of the Archæological Instituto... actions. John Murray: London, 1833, etc. 8º. held at Salisbury, July, 1849. London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 5602. In progress. Ac. 1181. & 2021. a. Memoirs chiefly illustrative of the history and antiquities Index... from 1831 to 1860. London, 1864. 8º. of the county and city of Oxford, communicated to the annual meeting ... held at Oxford, June 1850. With a [Another copy of the Index.] BB. O. report of the general proceedings, etc. [Lists of Members at the meetings of 1838, 39, 41, 42, London, 1854. 8º. Ac. 5602. 54 and 59.] 1838–59. 8º. Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities of Bristol and the Western Counties of Great Britain ; [Minutes of meetings of the Council of the British with some other communications made to the annual Association in 1844.] 6 pt. [London, 1844.] 8º. meeting...at Bristol... 1851. London, 1853. 8º. Ac. 1181/7. Ac. 5602. First Report of the proceedings, recommendations, and Legend verified, on the occasion of the annual transactions of the British Association, etc. ineeting of the Archäological Institute of Great Ac. 1181/2. Britain and Ireland held at Bristol in 1851. [Another copy.] Ac. 1181/2. [Bristol? 1851?] 12º. 11646. bb. 35. Memorandum of subjects for examination recommended Memoirs, chiefly illustrative of the history and an- in the report for 1832. Cambridge, [1932.] 8º. tiquities of Northumberland, communicated to the Ac. 1181/5. annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute . . . held at Newcastle-on-Tyne in August 1852. 2 vol. General Meeting, Cambridge, June 24, 1833. Regula- London, 1858. 8°. Ac. 5602. tions, etc. Cambridge, (1833.] 8°. Ac. 1181/5. Vol. 2 has a second titlepage, reading : “ Feudal and [Another copy.] MS. CORRECTIONS. military antiquities of Northumberland. By C. H. Harts- Ac. 1181/5. horne.'' [Another copy.] MS. CORRECTIONS, Ac. 1181/5. 319 ACADEMIES. [GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.] 320 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND [CONTINUED). | GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND [CONTINUED). British Association for the Advancement of Science. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Address delivered at the Senate House at Cambridge The catalogue of stars of the British Association, con- June 25, 1833, on occasion of the opening of the third taining the mean right ascensions and north polar general meeting. By W. Whewell. distance of eight thousand three hundred and seventy Cambridge, 1833. 80. Ac. 1181/5. seven fixed stars reduced to Jany, 1, 1850 : together with their annual precessions, etc. With a preface by Lithographed signatures of the members who met at F. Baily. [Completed by W. S. Stratford, Dr. Robin- Cambridge. . .1833. With a report of proceedings ... son, J. Chalīis and R. Farley.] London, 1845. 4º. and ... list of the members. Cambridge, 1833 4º. 1262. g. Ac. 1181/12. Notes and Queries on Anthropology, for the use of [Another copy.] 1820. b. 13. travellers and residenis in uncivilized lands. [With Proceedings of the fifth meeting ... held in Dublin ... plates.] pp. xiv. 146. E. Stanford : London, 1874. 8º. 1835, with an alphabetical list of the members enrolled 10007. b. 8. in Dublin Dublin, 1835. 4º. Ac. 1181/13. On the best means for Promoting Scientific Education in Schools; a report presented to the General Committee Notices of communications to the British Associations for of the British Association for the Advancement of the Advancement of Science; at Dublin in August 1835. Science, at Dundee, 1867. London, 1868. 8º. London, 1836. 8º. Ac. 1181/4. 8308. bbb. Verhandlungen der im ... 1836 zu Bristol stattgefunde- A Paper on the lost Polar Expedition and possible nen sechsten Versammlung der Britischen Gesellschaft recovery of its scientific documents, read ... before the für die Beförderung der Wissenschaften. Aus dem Geographical Section of W. P. Snow. Englischen. Berlin, 1837. 8°. Ac. 1181/3. London, 1860. 8°. 10460. b. Meeting at Newcastle. Report of the local secretaries. Queries respecting the human race, to be addressed to Newcastle, 1839. 8º. Ac. 1181/5. travellers and others. Drawn up by a committee of the Association, appointed 1839. London, 1841. 8º. British Association... Eleventh meeting 1841. Journal 790. e. 22. of sectional proceedings. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6. First Report of the British Association Committee on Plymouth, (1841.] 8º. Ac. 1181/5. the treatinent and utilization of sewage. Drawn up at [Copy of a letter, dated April 2nd, 1841, written by the request of the Committee by Dr. B. H. Paul, and direction of the Council, and addressed to Mr. Nasmyth read ... at Exeter, in August, 1869, etc. in reply to his letter of March 19th.] London, 1870. 8º. 8775. bb. [London, 1841.] 8º. Ac. 1181/7. (1.) Reports of the Committee on Electrical Standards ap- British Association (confidential). [Report of the pointed by the British Association . . . Revised by Sir council respecting the suppression of Mr. Ā. Nasmyth's W. Thomson ... and F. Jenkin ... With a report to paper on the structure of the teeth.] Privately printed : the Royal Society on Units of Electrical Resistance, by (London, 1841.] 8º. Ac. 1181/6. ... F. Jenkin, and the Cantor Lectures, delivered by Prof. Jenkin ... Edited by ... F. Jenkin. British Association. Twelfth meeting, 1812. Journal London, 1873. 8º. 8756. ccc. of sectional proceedings. No. 1, 3, 4 & 5. Manchester, (1842.] 8º. Ac. 1181/5. From the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Second (third) Report of the Fifteenth meeting, 1845. Journal of sectional proceed- Committee ... appointed for the purpose of obtaining ings. No. 4, issued Saturday, June 21st. (No. 5, information respecting the phenomena of the Stationary issued Monday, June 23d.) Carnbridge, (1845.] gº. Tides in the English Channel and in the North Sea. Ac. 1181/5. 2 pt. Spottiswoode & Co.: London, (1879.] 8º. Bath, 1864. Authorised reprint of the reports in the 10496. bbb. 10. special daily editions of the 5 Bath Chronicle," etc. Association Britannique pour l'avancement des sciences. Bath (printed], London, [1864.] 9. 8705. ee. Rapport de la commission chargée d'obtenir des observa- British Association, 1865. Report of the proceedings at tions simultanées sur les marées de la Manche et de la the Birmingham Meeting. Carefully collated and Mer du Nord. I Spottiswoode et Cie. : revised by the various speakers. Londres, 1880. 10496. bbb. 8. R. Hardwicke: London, 1865. 8º. Ac. 1181/2. Suggestions to astronomers for the observation of the The British Association for the Advancement of Science. total eclipse of the sun on July 28, 1851. Drawn up Nottingham Meeting, August, 1866. Report of the by a Committee of the British Association. (Edin- papers, discussions, and general proceedings, edited by burgh.) Privately printed : London, [1851.] 8º. W. T. Robertson, etc. Nottingham (printed]: 8560. bb. R. Hardwicke ; London, (1866.] 8º. Ac. 1181/2. See ARMSTRONG (J.) Geologist. Catalogue of the Western Scottish Fossils, etc. [Published for the 1876 meeting Science Anglaise, son bilan au mois d'Août, 1868. Ré- of the British Association.] 1876. 8º. Ac. 1182/3. union à Norwich de l'Association Britannique pour l'avancement des sciences. [A translation of the pro- See SCOTLAND. Notices of some of the principal manu- ceedings of the Norwich meeting, 1868.] Par M. l'Abbé factures of the West of Scotland, etc. [Published for the Moigno. Paris, 1869. 12º. 8706. bbb. 1876 meeting of the British Association.] 1876. 8º. Part of “ Actualités Scientifiques, publiées par l'Abbé Ac. 1182/2. Moigno.” See SCOTLAND. 1. Notes on the Fauna and Flora of the Science Anglaise, son bilan au mois d'Août, 1869. Ré- union à Exeter de l'Association Britannique pour of the British Association.] 1876. 8º. Ac. 1182. l'Avancement des Sciences. [A translation of the pro Anthropology and the British Association, etc. [Re- ceedings of the Exeter meeting, 1869.] Par M. l'Abbé printed from the Anthropological Review.] Moigno. Paris, 1872. 12º. Ac. 1181/8. London, 1865. 8º. 10006. cc. Part of “ Actualités Scientifiques, publiées par l'Abbé Moigno." [Another copy.] 10006. cc. 321 322 ACADEMIES. [GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.] GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND [CONTINUED). | GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND [CONTINUED). British Association for the Advancement of Science. National Association for the Promotion of Social Begins. Copy of a letter [in verse] from a member of Science. the association of science, to a friend. [By G. F. Richard London Meeting, 1862. Addresses of the President, ... son.] [London, 1846.] 4º. 11645. c. Lord Brougham, and the presidents of departments : I. Sir F. Kelly. II. The... Dean of St. Paul's. III. The Iron and Steel Institute. Common Serjeant of London. IV. W. Fairbairn. v. R. The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. [With an M. Milnes. VI. T. Twiss. London, 1862. 8º. introduction by the Duke of Devonshire.] 8276. c. 1. London, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (printed], 1871, etc. 8º. Papers and discussions on Jurisprudence : being the In progress. Ac. 4460. & 497. transactions of the first department of the National Library Association of the United Kingdom. Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Lon- don Meeting, 1862. London, 1862. 89. 6025. b. Transactions and Proceedings of the first [etc.] annual meeting of the ... Association ..., 1878[, etc. Pt. 1.] Papers and discussions on Education : being the Trans- Edited by ... H. R. Tedder . . . and E. C. Thomas. actions of the second department of the National Asso- London, 1879, etc. 4º. Ac. 9115. ciation for the Promotion of Social Science. London In progress. Meeting, 1862. London, 1862. 89. 8276. c. 2. The Library Chronicle. A journal of librarianship and bibliography. [Edited by F. C. Thomas.] Papers and discussion on Punishment and Reformation: Davy and Sons : London, 1884, etc. 89. being the transactions of the third department of the Ac. 9115/2. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. In progress. London Meeting, 1862. London, 1862. 8º. Catalogue Raisonné of the Dainty Devices at the Ban- 8276. C. 4. quette of Sapience offered by the London Librarians to Papers and discussions on Public Health : being the their Foreign and Provincial Brethrene of the Library transactions of the fourth department of the National Association, etc. [By H. Stevens.] London, 1881. 240. Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Lon- 1881. c. 16. (93.) don Meeting, 1862. London, 1862. 89. 8276. c. 3. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Minera Papers and discussions on Social Economy: being the logical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. transactions of the fifth department of the National T'ruro, 1876, etc. 80. Ac. 3231. & 64. Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Lon- In progress. don Meeting, 1862. London, 1863. 80. 8276. c. 5. National Association for the Promotion of Social Report of proceedings at the seventh annual congress, Science. held in Edinburgh, October 1863. Reprinted ... from Transactions. ... 1857 (1858, etc.) the Scotsman. With portrait and memoir of Lord London, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 2260. Brougham. Edinburgh, 1863. 8º. 8276. b. 48. In progress. Social Science: being the Journal and sessional pro- Proceedings of the Education Department of the Na- ceedings of the National Association for the Promotion tional Association for the Promotion of Social Science. of Social Science. London, 1866, etc. 8º. Belfast Meeting, 1867. Belfast, 1867. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2260/2. & 432. 8364. bb. Lectures on Economic Science. Delivered under the [Another copy of vol. 1. No. 12.] 7641. c. 1. (7.) auspices of the Committee on Labour and Capital ap- pointed by the National Association for the Promotion National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Eighth [22nd, 25th] Annual Meeting (and congress].... of Social Science. London, 1870. 89. 8206. aaa. Programme of arrangements. September . . . 1864. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1878, etc.) [York, 1864-78, etc.] gº. 8285. bb. ... Report of the Council to the Annual Business In progress. Meeting of Members. July 21st, 1875. Social Science Meeting at Liverpool, 1858. Addresses London, 1875. 8º. 8277. cc. 12. of Lord John Russell on the law, and education, health and morals of the people; Lord Brougham, on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary: a manual for the Congress, history ... of cheap literature; Hon. F. Cowper, on the with a narrative of past labours and results, by J. L. education of the people ; Earl of Shaftesbury, on the Clifford-Smith ... With portraits. pp. viii. 190. health and physical condition of the people; Earl of London, 1882. 8º. Ac. 2260/3. Carlisle, on criminals and their reformation; Sir J. Stephen, on Colonies and Emigration; and Sir J. Napier, Hospital Management: being the authorised report of on the improvement of the law. 6 pt. a conference on the Administration of Hospitals, held London, Liverpool [printed, 1858). 12º. 8276. b. 47. under the ... management of the ... Association. ... Each part has a distinct titlepage, register, and pagina Edited by J. L. Clifford-Smith. pp. xii. 196. tion. Kegan Paul & Co.: London, 1883. 8º. 7687. f. Discussion on indisputability applied to Life Policies. (Extracted from the Insurance Gazette, etc.) Odonto-Chirurgical Society. Edinburgh, 1860. 8º. $223. b. Transactions ... October, 1868, etc. Trades' Societies and Strikes. Report of the Committee London, 1869. 80. Ac. 3821. on Trades' Societies, appointed by the National Associa- tion for the Promotion of Social Science, presented at the fourth annual meeting of the Association, at Glas- Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. gow, September, 1860. London, 1860. 8º. Transactions, etc. London, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 3832. 8276. d. 53 In progress. 323 ACADEMIES. [GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND-GREENWICH.] 324 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND [CONTINUED). GREENWICH [CONTINUED). Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Royal Observatory. The Transactions of the ... Association. 12 vol. [Continued as :] London, Worcester, 1833–44. 8°. Ac. 3822. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observa- - New Series. Worcester, 1845, etc. 8º. tory, Greenwich, in the year 1836(-40) under the In progress. Ac. 3822. direction of G. B. Airy, etc. [Series v.] 5 vol. London, 1837-42. 4º. 8566. f. The administration of Medical Relief to the Poor, under The vols. for 1839 and 1840 bear the title “ Astronomical the Poor-Law Amendment Act and other legislative and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations." provisions for the public health, considered in the [Continued in two divisions, under the titles :] Reports of the Poor-Law Committee of the Provincial (1.) Astronomical Observations made ... in the year Medical and Surgical Association. To which are ap 1841[-47): under the direction of G. B. Airy, etc. pended certain clauses suggested for insertion in the [Series vi.) 7 vol. London, 1843-49. 4º. contemplated Bill for the further amendment of the (2.) Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made Poor-Laws. London, 1842. 89. 551. c. 31. ... in the years 1840 and 1841(-47): under the direc- Homoeopathy. Report of the Speeches on irregular tion of G. B. Airy, etc. [Series VII.]' 7.vol. practice, delivered at the nineteenth anniversary meet- London, 1843-49. 4º. 8566. f. g. ing of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, [Continued as:] held at Brighton, etc. London, 1851. 8º. Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Obser- 7390. e. vations made ... in the year 1848 (1849, etc.) under the direction of G. B. Airy, etc. [Series VIII.] Royal Archæological Institute of Great Britain and London, 1850, etc. 4º. 8566. g. Ireland. In progress. See supra : Archäological Institute, etc. [Another copy of the first two series.] 49. h. 1, 2. and 49. g. 12–15. [Another copy of vol. 1 and 2 of Series 111.] 433. g. 8–12. [Another copy of pt. 5 of “ Astron. Observ.” for 1831.] GREENOCK. 8566. k. Watt Club. [Another copy of Appendix to “ Astron. Obsery." for WILLIAMSON (GEORGE) Memorials of the lineage, early 1837.] 8566. f. life, education, and development of the genius of James Watt. By G. Williamson. [Edited by J. Williamson, An Account of the Rate of the several Chronometers on with plates and facsimiles. With an autograph letter Trial at the Royal Observatory, for February 1822 from the Hon. C. Grey.] Edinburgh, 1856 40." ( February 1836). [London, 1822–36.) 4º. 10826. i. Imperfect; wanting pages 1-3 and 10-12, which have been supplied in Ms., and wanting accounts for the years 1837-1839. [Continued as :7 Weekly sums of the daily rates of Chronometers, selected for purchase by the Board of Admiralty, in...1840 (41) during their trial at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, GREENWICH. etc. (London, 1840, 41.] 40. [Continued as:] Royal Observatory. Rates of Chronometers on trial for purchase by the Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observa Board of Admiralty ... 1841 and 1842 (1842 and 1843), tory at Greenwich, from the year 1750 to the year 1762, etc. [London, 1842, etc.] 4°. 8564. g. by...J. Bradley, D.D., Astronomer Royal, etc. (Astro- In progress. nomical Observations, made . . . from ... 1762 to... 1764, by . . . N. Bliss, A.M., Astronomer Royal, etc.) An Account of the going of Mr. Manton's Chronometer (Vol. 1 edited by T. Hornsby, vol. 2 by A. Robertson.-- I (M.), in a vacuum at the Royal Observatory [and of Series 1.] 2 vol. Oxford, 1798-1805. fol. other chronometers from 1811-18167. 433. g. 13, 14. í London, 1816.) 8º. 8564. g. [Continued as :] Imperfect; wanting titlepage and pages 1-4. Apparently Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observa no account was published for the year 1812. tury at Greenwich, from ... 1765 to (...1810), by ... N. Maskelyne, B.D., Astronomer Royal, etc. [Series II.] Approximate Right Ascension and North Polar Dis- 4 vol. London, 1776-1811. fol. 433. g. 3–7. tance of 720 stars, from observations made at the Royal [Continued as:] Observatory at Greenwich. [By J. Pond.] Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observa- tory at Greenwich, in the years 1811 (-1824)..., by [London, 1829.] fol. 8566. k. J. Pond, etc. [Series III.] 5 vol. London, 1815–26. fol. 533. 1. 1-5. A catalogue of 1112 stars, reduced from observations [Continued as:] made at the Royal Observatory ..., from the years Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observa- 1816 to 1833. [By J. Pond.] London, 1833. fol. tory ...in ... 1825 (-1835) by J. Pond, etc. [The vol. 533. l. 11. (3.) for 1835 being by J. Pond and G. B. Airy.-Series iv.] Catalogue of the places of 1439 Stars ; referred to the 12 vol. London, 1825–36. fol. . 1st of January, 1840, deduced from the observations 533. l. 5–9. and 8566. k. made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich from 1836, Each vol. of this series consists of 4 quarterly parts, to January 1 to 1841, Dec. 31. [Edited by Sir G. B. Airy:] which is added, in the vols. for the years 1829–35 inclusive, London, 1843. 4º. 8566. f. (2.) a 5th part, or “ Supplement, containing the reductions of the. This is a duplicate of the Appendix No. 5 to “ Astron. observations." Observ." for 1842, with a titlepage and introduction added. 325 ACADEMIES. [GREENWICH-GRENOBLE.] 326 GREENWICH [CONTINUED). GREIFSWALD. Royal Observatory. Alberts-Universität. Catalogue of 2156 stars, formed from the observations See KRABBE (O.) Das Lutherische Bekenntniss und die made during twelve years, from 1836 to 1847, at the in der Sache des Prof. ... Baumgarten abgegebenen Royal Observatory, Greenwich. [By Sir G. B. Airy.] Gutachten der theologischen Facultäten zu Göttingen London, 1849. 4°. 8566. g. (2.) und zu Greifswald. 1859. 8°. 3913. e. This is a duplicate of the appendix to the “ Astronomical Observations " for 1847. It is generally known as the Greifswaldische Academische Zeitschrift. “ Twelve Year Catalogue.” See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Greifswald. Greifswaldisches Academisches Archiv. Eine Zeitschrift. History and description of the Water Telescope of the Bd. 1. 3 Hfte. Griefswald, 1817, 16. 8º. Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Extracted from the Ac. 2635. Introduction to the Greenwich Observations, 1871. No more published. Each Heft has a separate pagination [London, 1871.] 4º. 8560. h. and register. Observed Distances of the Fixed Stars and Planets from Gutachten der theologischen Facultät zu Greifswald the Zenith, in the year 1799. [London, 1811.) fol. über das Rostocker Consistorialerachten. [On M. Baum- 8566. k. garten's case.] Leipzig, 1859. 8º. 3914. b. · This is a duplicate of pp. 1-8 of 2d. pt. of vol. 4 of “ Astron. Observ.” Ser. II. Imperfect; wanting p. 9, on Baltischer Verein für Förderung der Landwirth- which this table terminates. schaft. Verhandlungen ... Herausgegeben von F. G. Schulze Reduction of the Observations of Planets, made at the (H. W. Pabst, C. Grebe, H. Schober, 0. Rohde, E. Seg- Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1750 to 1830; com nitz). 16 Heft. Greifswald, Anclam, puted ... under the superintendence of G. B. Airy, etc. Leipzig (printed), 1840–59. 8º. Ac. 3450. London, 1845. 4°. 8566. i. Ēeft. 9 is. imperfect, wanting all between pp. 128 & 145. Reductions of the Observations of the Moon, made at the Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und Alter- . Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1750 to 1830 (from thumskunde. 1831 to 1851): computed ... under the superintendence of G. B. Airy, etc. 3 vol. London, 1848–59. 4º. PYL (CARL THEODOR) Die Greifswalder Sammlungen 8566. i. vaterländischer Alterthümer und die Kunstwerke des Mittelalters u. der Renaissance im Besitz der Universität, Reduction of twenty years' photographic records of the der Kirchen u. Behörden und der Greifswalder Abtheil- Barometer and dry-bulb and wet-bulb Thermometers, ung der Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und and twenty-seven years' observations of the earth Alterthumskunde. Geordnet und beschrieben von... Thermometers, made at the Royal Observatory... under T. Pyl. Greifswald, 1869. 8º. 7702. C. 4. (5.) the direction of Sir G. B. Airy. London, 1878. 4º. PYL (CARL THEODOR) Margareta von Ravenna. Pom- 8564. l. 6. mersches Lebensbild aus dem funfzehnten Jahrhundert Report of the Astronomer Royal [G. B. Airy] to the von T. Pyl... Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Board of Visitors, ... 1836 (1837, etc.). (Address and Pommersche Geschichte und Alterthuniskunde, etc. Explanation by the Astronomer Royal presented to the Greifswald, 1865. 8º. 12552. g. 18. (4.) Board of Visitors ... at their special Meeting of 1843, Nov. 10. Address to the Individual Members of the Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein von Neu - Vorpom- Board ... 1853, June 4. Address ... to the ... Mem- mern und Rügen. bers of the Board ... 1855, October 18.) [London, 1836, etc.] 4º. 8564. g. Mittheilungen... Redigirt von... Frh. v. Feilitsch, Prof. Limpricht, und Dr Marsson. Berlin, 1869, etc. 80. In progress. In progress. Ac. 2940. Results of the Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1847 (1848, etc.) (under the direction of G. B. Airy.] Extracted from the Greenwich Observations (and published separately, with GREITZ, the addition of a special title-page.] (London, 1849, etc.] 4º. 8566, i. Voigtländischer Alterthumsforschender Verein. In progress. Variscia. Mittheilungen aus dem Archive des Voigt- The sum of the three equations of Aberration, Solar ländischen Alterthumsforschenden Vereins. Im Auf- Nutation, and Precession, of forty principal fixed stars, trage des Vereins Directorii (und in Verbindung [Lief. for every day of the year, in leap year, the first, second 4) mit D. J. Schmidt) herausgegeben von Diac. F. and third years after (for the years 1824-1839). [By Alberti. Lief. 1-4. Greiz, Leipzig, 1829–37. 89. Ac. 5385. J. Pond.] [London, 1832 ?] fol. 533. 1. 11. (1.) 533. 1. 10. (1.) [Another copy.] 8566. k. GRENOBLE. Tables containing the sum of the three equations of Academie Delphina. Aberration, Solar Nutation, and Precession, for twenty Bulletin de l'Académie Delphinale. (Les Travaux de three principal fixed stars [distinct from the 40 for la Société depuis 1836 jusqu'au 18 Dec. 1853.) 5 tom. which the tables were published previously), for every Grenoble, 1846–59. 8º. day in leap year, the first, second, and third years after 2me Série. 1856(-64). 3 tom. (for the years 1824-39). [By J. Pond.] . Grenoble, 1861-65. 8o. 533. 1. 11 (2.) zme Série. 1865, etc. Grenoble, 1866, etc. 8º. [Another copy.] 523. 1. 10. (1.) In progress. Ac. 340. and third day of thession, of forms of Abe 327 · ACADEMIES. (GRENOBLE-HAARLEM.] 328 GRENOBLE [CONTINUED). GRONINGEN (CONTINUED]. Académie Delphinale. Rijks-Universiteit. Documents inédits relatifs au Dauphiné. See supra: Academia Groningana. Grenoble, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 340/2. In progress. Société de statistique des Sciences Naturelles et des : Arts Industriels du Département de l'Isère. Bulletin, etc. 4 Tom. Grenoble, 1840-48. 8º. GROSSETO. - Deuxième Série. 7 tom. Grenoble, 1851-64. 8º. Associazione Agraria della Provincia de Grosseto.. Troisième Série. Tom 1, etc. Giornale dell'Associazione, etc. vol. 1-3. Grenoble, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 342 Firenze, 1848–50. 8º. Ac. 3383/3. In progress. This forms a portion of the “ Collezione del Giornale VERLOT (J. B.) Catalogue raisonné des plantes vascu- Agrario Toscano," and is published in conjunction with “ Atti laires du Dauphiné. Grenoble, 1872. 89. Ac. 342/2. dei Georgofili di Firenze, and the “ Bulletino Agrario." Société des Médecins et des Pharmaciens de l'Isère. Bulletin Médical du Dauphiné. Organe officiel de la Société des Médecins et des Pharmaciens de l'Isère, etc. Grenoble, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 3716. In progress. Société des Sciences et des Arts. See supra: Académie Delphinale. GUANAJUATO. Academia teórico-practica de Jurisprudencia. Primer Certamen juridico y literario de la... Academia ...do Jurisprudencia de la capital del Estado de Guana- juato, verificado en la noche del dia 1º de Enero de 1852, etc. México, 1852. 4º. 6785. aaa. (16.) Segundo Certamen juridico y literario de la... Academia, ...verificado en la noche del dia 15 de Mayo de 1852. México, 1852. 4º. 6785. aaa. (17.) Société des Touristes du Dauphiné. Annuaire de la Société des Touristes du Dauphiné. Grenoble, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 6025. In progress. Société Littéraire. Mémoires. 2 pt. Grenoble, 1787, 88. 8º. 247. h. 1*. Escuela Práctica de Minas. Anales de la Minería Mexicana...Publicada por los Antiguos Profesores de la Escuela, etc. tomo 1. México, 1861. 4º. 7104. cc. (1.) No more published. GRONINGEN. Academia Groningana. Annales Acadenviæ Groninganæ, etc. For the years 1816 to 1837.] 21 vol. Groningæ, 1818–39. 4º. Ac. 939. No more published. After the year 1837 the Annals of this University, with those of other Academies in Holland, were appended to those of the University of Leyden, under the title : “ Annales Academici.”—The Vols. for 1822–23 and for 1824-25 are on fine paper. Imperfect, wanting pp 65–72 of the “ Commentatió" of J. W. Tydeman, in the vol. for 1835–36. Effigies & vitæ Profcssorum Academiæ Groningæ & Omlandiæ ; cum historiola fundationis ejusdem Acad. Groningæ, 1654. fol. 731. 1. 3. (1.) [Another cory.] 134. a. 5. Jaarboek der Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen 1881–1882. (Vooruitgang en Natuurweten-clap. Redevoering... uitgesproken ... door Dr. R. S. Tjaden Moddernian.) 2. 66. Groningen, 1882. 8°. Ac. 939/2. Het voormalige en het tegenwoordige Akademiegebouw te Groningen, en derzelver plegtige Inwijding op 23-25 Augustus 1614 en 25–28 September 1850. Groningen, 1850. 8º. 8365. d. GUATEMALA Sociedad Económica. Segunda (tercura, quarta) Junta pública de la Real Sociedad Económica...de Guatemala. Nueva Guatemala, 1797–98. 4º. 8245. ee. 6, 9, 10. Discurso político económico, sobre la influencia de los Gremios en el estado, en las costumbres populares, y en los mismos artesanos. Reimpreso por la Real Sociedad Económica, etc. [Nueva Guatemala, 1800 ?] 4°. 8245. ee. (7.) Periodico de la Sociedad Económica de Guatemala. Año 1. [Guatemala,] 1815, 16. 16º. Ac. 2393. No more published. Memoria de los trabajos de la Sociedad Económica de amigos de Guatemala, con que dió cuento. ..et 10 de Enero de 1864, su secretario. Guatemala, 1864. 8º. 8308. g. Commissie voor de statistieke beschrijving der Pro- vincie Groningen. HAARLEM. Bijdragen tot de kennis van den tegenwoordigen staat Bataafsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. der Provincie Groningen. Stuk 1. Groningen, 1858. 8º. | See infra : Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche Maat- 10271. d. schappij, etc. 329 ACADEMIES. (HAARLEM.] 330 HAARLEM (CONTINUED). HAARLEM (CONTINUED). Holländische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche Maatschappij der See infra: Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche Maat- · Wetenschappen. schappij der Wetenschappen. Liste des publications des Sociétés Savantes et des Gouvernements, ainsi que des journaux scientifiques, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. qui se trouvent dans la Bibliothèque de la Société See infra: Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche Maat Hollandaise des Sciences de Harlem; et énumération schappij, etc. complère des mémoires contenus dans les diverses publi- cations de cette Société. 1 Janvier 1869. [By E. H. Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche Maatschappij der von Baumhauer.] Harlem, 1869. 8º. 11903. cc. Wetenschappen. Werktuig- en wiskundige verhandelingen uitgegeven MICHELOTTI (GIOVANNI) Description des fossiles des door de ... Maatschappij. See infra : Natuurkundige terrains miocènes de l'Italie septentrionale...Ouvrage... Verhandelingen. Del. 1. St. 3. 1799, etc. 8º. accompagné d'un atlas de 17 planches. Leide, 1847. 4º. 1256. k. 748. f. 1. See HENGEVELD (G. J.) Het wezen...der longziekte van MICHELOTTI (GIOVANNI) Études sur le miocène inférienr het Rundvee. Proeve ter beantwovrding eener... prijs- de l'Italie septentrionale, etc. Harlem, 1861. 4º. vraag, door de Maatschappij van Wetenschappen te Ac. 2953/5. Haarlem. 1847. 8°. 7295. cc. Hollandsche Maatschappij te Haarlem. . Verhandelingen. 30 Din. See infra: HOORN. – Vaderlandsche Maatschappij, etc. Haarlem en Amsterdam, 1754-93. 8º. Toneel Spel, in twee Afdeel ngen, ziende op de twee 985. a. 6–23 & 986. a. 1-15. Konstplaaten “Toegewijd aan alle de Leden van de laffelyke Vaderlandsche Maatschappij te Hoorn” en van Deel 9 is in 3 pt. 10-13, 16, 17, 19 and 20 are each in den Oeconomischen Tak der Hollandsche Maatschappij 2 pt. te Haarlem," etc. 1980. 8º. 11556. f. (4.) Beredeneerd Register ... der Verhandelingen, die in de XXVIII deelen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij ... voor- | Musée Teyler. komen. Door J. F. Martinet. (Wetten van de ... See infra: Teyler's Stichting. Maatschappije.) Haerlem en Amsterdam, 1793. 8°. 986. a. 16. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. 24 Din. Nederlandsche Huishoudelijke Maatschappij, after- Amsterdam, Haag, Haarlem, 1799–1844. 8º. wards Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter bevor- Imperfect; wanting Stul 3. deel 1. Ac. 2953/2. dering van Nijverheid. Tijdschrift ter bevordering van Nijverheid, zamengesteld [Another copy of Del. 1-6.] 963. b. 1. (Deel 1-4) door A. H. van der Boon Mesch, G. Wtte- waall, F. van Catz Smaller,burg, eu G. J. Verdam. Tweede Verzameling. 25 Dln. (Deel 5: door A. H. van der Boon Mesch, F. van Catz Haarlem, Leiden, 1841-68. 4º. Ac. 2953/6. Smallenburg; G. J. Verdam, S. Stratingh, P. J. I. de Fremery en H. C. van Hall.-Deel 6, 7: door A. H. van - Derde verzameling. Harlem, 1872, etc. 4º. der Boon Mesch, G. J. Verdam, P. J. I. de Fremery, en Ac. 2953/6. H. C. van Hall.- Deel 8–12 and 14: door A. H. van der In progress. This publication was suspended from 1869 Boon Mesch en H. C. van Hall.-Deel 13: door A. H. to 1871. van der Boon Mesch, H. C. van Hall en P. W. Alstorphius Grevelink.-Deel 15: door A. H. van der Boon Mesch, Wijsgeerige Verhandelingen. 2 Din. H. C. van Hall en E. van Voorthuyzen.) 15 Dln. and Amsterdam, Haarlem, 1821–22. 8º. Ac. 2953/3. one Index Vol. Haarlem, 1833-52. 8º. Letter- en oudheidkundige Verhandelingen. 3 Din. - Tweede reeks. Zamengesteld door A. H. van der Haarlem, 1815–20. 8°. Ac. 2953/4. Boon Mesch, H. C. van Hall, en E. van Voorthuyzen. 7 Din. Haarlem, 1853–59. 8º. Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Natur- elles publiées par la Société Hollandaise des Sciences à - Derde reeks. Redacturen: A. H. van der Boon Harlem et rédigées par E. H. von Baumhauer avec la Mesch, H. C. van Hall, E. van Voorthuyzen, D. Pas, collaboration de R. van Rees, J. van der Hoeven, etc. E. H. von Baumhauer, J. P. de Bordes. · La Haye, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 2953. Haarlem, 1860, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. Abhandlungen ... übersetzt und mit einigen Anmerk Handelingen der negen en zestigste (zeventigste, etc.) ungen versehen von A. G. Kästner. Thl. 1. 2 pt. Algemeene Vergadering van der Nederlandsche Maat- Altenburg, 1758. 8° 898. c. 13. schappij ter bevordering van Nijverheid. No more published. Haarlem, [1846, etc.] 8º. In progress. Waarneemingen op den huize Zwaanenburg, van de barometer, kracht en streeken der winden, luchts Algemeen Verslag wegens den staat van den Landbouw gesteltheid, etc. voor de jaaren 1744 en vervolgens in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, gedurende het jaar Haarlem, 1772. 8º. 963. b. 7. 1846 (1847, etc.) opgemaakt door eene Commissie uit de Nederland:che Maatschappij ter bevordering van Nijver- · Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte ... Arzneykunst heid. Haarlem, (1847, etc.] 8º. und Chirurgie, aus den Schriften der Haarlemer und . In progress. anderer holländischen Gesellschaften. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1775, 76. 8º. 898. c. 14, 15. Negende (tiende, etc.) vervolg der Prijsvragen, ter be- ... antwoording voorgesteld door de Nederlandsche Maat- Naturhistorische Abhandlungen der Batavischen Ge schappij ter bevordering van Nijverheid. · sellschaft... aus dem holländischen übersetzt von D. von Haarlem, (1847, etc.] 8. Halem. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1802. 8º. 970. i. 13. In progress. Ac. 4441. 331 332 ACADEMIES. (HAARLEM---THE HAGUE.] , HAARLEM (CONTINUED). THE HAGUE. Nederlandsche Huishoudelijke Maatschappij, after- Academie van Beeldende Kunsten en Technische wards Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter bevor Wetenschappen. dering van Nijverheid. Ziet toe, Artisten, Bouwkundigen en Industriëlen. De Catalogus der werktuigen, gereedschappen, granen, hout 's Gravenbaagsche Academie, etc. [Strictures upon the en wolsoorten in het Kabinet van Landbouw van's Rijks Academy, signed “Eenige Rotterdammers, vroeger leer- Hoogeschool te Leiden voorhanden. [By A. H. van der lingen der 's Gravenhaagsche Teeken-Academie."] No. 1. Buon Mesch.] Haarlem, 1851. 8º. Rotterdam, 1861. 8º. 7805. bb. The last four works were published with the various num- No more published. bers of the Tijdschrift, each however having its own distinct titlepage and pagination. The “ Prijsvragen" appear to be Collegium Medicum. . incomplete, as the pagination commences with p. 309. Pharmacopoea Hagiensis Communi Collegii Medici Ac. 4441. ejusdem loci opera adornata. (Statuta Collegii Medi- Handleiding tot de inlandsche Schaaps-teelt, inzonder corum Haga Batavorum.) Hagæ Comitum, 1659. 12º. heid met opzigt tot verbetering der wol; met afbeek- 775. a. 17. dingen der hoofd-vassen, etc. door A. Numan ... Over- [Another edition.] MS. NOTES. Hagæ Comitum, 1659. 4º. gedrukt uit het Tijdschrift ter bevordering van Nijver- 547. i. 11. heid. 2 Stuk. Haarlem, 1835, 36. 4º. 1256. i. [Another edition.] Hagæ Comitum, 1738. 4º. Staat van de Nederlandsche fabrieken volgens de ver- With a second titlepage, engraved. . slagen der gemeenten die aan het Ministerie van Binnenlandsche Zaken worden gevonden. Genootschap tot Verdediging van den Christelijken Haarlem, 1859. 8º. 8244. ee. Godsdienst, etc. See infra; Haagsche Genootschap, etc. Koloniaal Museum op het Paviljoen bij Haarlem. Over- zigt van het Museum als leiddraad voor de bezoekers. Haagsche Genootschap tot Verdediging van den (2de druk.) pp. 39. Haarlem, 1882. 8º. Ac. 4441/5. Christelijken Godsdienst, etc. EEDEN (FREDERIK WILLEM VAN) Koloniaal Museum op Prysverhandelingen, etc. [First series : for the years шо уеаrѕ het Paviljoen te Haarlem. Beschrijvende Catalogus 1786–1810.] (Register en Bladwijzer.) tevens handleiding tot de kennis der voortbrengselen 's Haage, 1787–1822. 8º. van de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Gewesten. [Edited [Continued as:] Nieuwe Verhandelingen, etc. [Second Series : for the by F. W. van Eeden.] Haarlem, 1882, etc. 8º. In progress. year 1811–35.] (Register en Bladwijzer.) Ac. 4441/5. den Haag, Leyden (printed], 1812–38. 8º. HENGEVELD (G. J.) Het Rundvee, zijne verschillende The vols. for 1811 and 1812 only were printed at Leyden. soorten, rassen en veredeling. Haarlem, [1864? etc.] 4° No volumes were published for the years 1823, 1824, 1825, In progress. Ac. 4441/4 1828, 1833. Besides the “ Register, etc." for 1811-1835 there is one for 1811-22. [Continued as :] Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter bevordering van Verhandelingen, uitgegeven door het Haagsche Genoot- Nijverheid. schap... nadeszelfs vijftigjarig bestaan. (Third series : See supra: Nederlandsche Huishoudelijke Maat for the years 1836–1850.) (Register en Bladwijzer, etc.) schappij, afterwards Nederlandsche Maatschappij 13 deel. 's Gravenhage, Leyden, 1839-62. 8º. ter bevordering van Nijverheid. Only the “ Register, etc.” was published at Leyden. [Continued as:] Société Hollandaise des Sciences. Werken van het Haagsche Genootschap... Vierde Reeks See supra: Hollandsche afterwards Bataafsche [for the years 1851–63.] 4 deel. Leiden, 1854-64. 8º. Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. - Vijfde Reeks (for the years 1864, etc.] Leyden, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 2042. Teyler's Stichting. In progress. Verhandelingen (over de Natuur-kunde, Dicht-Kunde, MANSSEN (W. J.) Het Christendom en de Vrouw. His- Historie-kunde, Teken-kunde, en Penning-kunde), uit torisch-apologetische studie, etc. pp. viii. 383. gegeeven door Teyler's Tweede Genootschap. 28 Stuk. Leiden, 1877. 8º. 8416. g. 15. Haarlem, 1781-1857. 4º. * Ac. 942/2. SCHEFFER (WESSEL) Het wijsgeerig Pessimisme van den - Nieuwe Reeks. Haarlem, 1873, etc. 8º. jongsten tijd. Verhandeling, etc. Leiden, 1875. 8º. : In progress. 8469. dd. 13. Indisch Genootschap. Verhandelingen, raakende den natuurlyken en geopen- baarden Godsdienst; uitgegeeven door Teyler's Godge- Handelingen en Geschriften, etc. leerd Genootschap. 36 deel. Haarlem, 1781-1860. 4º. Zalt-Bommel, 1854, etc. 8º. P.P. 3801. g. Ac. 942. In progress. Nieuwe Serie. Eerste deel, etc. Alphabetisch Register op den inhoud van werken be- Haarlem, 1868, etc. 8º. treffende 's Rijks overzeesche bezittingen en kolonien. In progress. Uitgegeven onder toezigt van het Indisch Genootschap. Archives du Musée Teyler. Harlem, 1866, etc. 4º. etc. 's Gravenhage, 1861, etc. 8º. P.P. 3801. f. In progress. Ac. 960. In progress. Catalogus der Bibliotheek van Teyler's Stichting. 1832. Beraadslaging over het Gouvernments-Kultuurstelsel op [Compiled by M. van Marum, the Director and Librarian.] Java, ook in verband met het Wetsontwerp tot regeling Haarlem, 1832. 8º. 620. e. 21. der grondslagen voor de vestiging van ondernemingen van landbouw en nijverheid in Nederland'sch Indië. Catalogue de la Bibliothèque du Musée Teyler à Harlem. 's Gravenhage, 1866. 8º. 8023. h. 1865. [Compiled by D. Lubach, the Librarian.] This is a separate issue of pp. 257–416 of the Society's Harlem, 1865. 8º. 11902. cc. transactions for 1865, and pp. 1–38 of those for 1866. 333 334 ; ACADEMIES. THE HAGUE.] THE HAGUE (CONTINUED). THE HAGUE (CONTINUED]. Indisch Genootschap. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal- Land- en Volken- Beraadslaging over het Landrentestelsel op Java. · kunde van Nederlandsch Indië. 's Gravenhage, 1868. 8º. 8022. ee. AA (P. J. B. C. ROBIDÉ VAN DER) Reizen naar Neder- landsch Nieuw-Guinea ondernomen...in de jaren 1871, 1. Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het Indisch Genootschap 1872, 1875-1876 door...P. van der Crab en J. E. Teys- ...Op nieuw bewerkt door J. Boudewijnse. mann, J. G. Coorengel en A. J. Langeveldt van Hemert s' Gravenhage, 1869. 8º. 11901. h. en P. Swaan, met geschied- en aardrijkskundige toelich- tingen door P. J. B. C. R. van der Aa. pp. xliii. 480. Institut Royal des Ingénieurs Néerlandais. '& Gravenhage, 1879. 8º. Ac. 7519. 9. See infra: Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. ABIÅSÅ. Abiåså, een Javaansch tooneelstuk,-Wajang Institut Royal pour la Philologie, la Géographie et -[in one act and in prose] met een Hollandsche vertal- l'Ethnologie des Indes-Orientales Néerlandaises. ing en toelichtende nota door H. C. Hummé, etc. Mal. See infra : Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal- & Dutch. 's Gravenhage, 1878. 8°. 761. c. 26. Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië. BLEEKER (P.) Nieuwe bijdragen tot de kennis der bevolkingstatistiek van Java. Verzameld door P. Bleeker. Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. 's Gravenhage, 1870. 89. 10057. de. Koninklijk Institut van Ingenieurs. Algemeen verslag van de werkzaamheden en notulen der vergaderingen. BROEK (W. PALMER VAN DEN) Javaansche vertellingen [The Hague, 1848, etc.] 8º. Ac. 4309. bevattende de lotgevallen van een Kantjil, een reebok In progress. en andere dieren. Voor de uitgave bewerkt door Dr. W. P. van den Broek. Mal. 's Gravenhage, 1878. 8º. Verhandelingen. 7 Stuk. 's Gravenhage, :1848–51. 8º. . Ac. 4309/2. : 761. c. 27. 1. CHIJS (JACOB ANNE VAN DER) Neêrlands streven tot [New Series.] 's Gravenhage, 1852, etc. 4º. openstelling van Japan voor den wereldhandel, uit In progress. Ac. 4309/3. officieele... bescheiden toegelicht. Amsterdam, 1867. 8º. Tijdschrift, etc. 's Gravenhage, 1870, etc. 4º. Ac. 7519/3. In progress. CROOCKEWIT (J. H.) Banka, Malakka, en Billeton. Ver- Register, 1869–1879. 1880. 4º. Ac. 4309/5. slagen... aan het Bestuur van Neêrlandsch Indië, in de Jaren 1849 en 1850. 's Hage, 1852. 89. Ac. 7519/4. Katalogus van eene verzameling Kaarten, berustende op de bibliothek der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Bijlage bij Java. Babad Tanah Djawi, in proza ... Javaansche de Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut vau Geschiedenis loopende tot het jaar 1647 der Javaansche Ingenieurs 1850. [The Hague, 1850.] 8º. jaartelling. Met aanteekeningen van J. J. Meinsma. Ac. 4309/2. (2.) 2 Stuk. Javan. 's Gravenhage, 1874–77. 8º. Répertoire de Cartes, publié par l'Institut Royal des Ac. 7519/5. Ingénieurs Néerlandais. Livr. 1-3. MILLIES (HENDRIK CHRISTIAN) Recherches sur les Mon- La Haye, 1854. 8º. 10005. d. naies des Indigènes de l'Archipel Indien et de la Pénin- sule Malaie. [Edited by G. K. Niemann.] Deuxième édition. La Hage, (1856, etc.] 8º. La Haye, 1871. 4º. 7755. g. 10005. f. In progress. Livr. 1-3 only are of the second edition. NIEMANN (G. K.) Bloemlezing uit Maleische Geschriften. Uittreksels uit vreemde tijdschriften, voor de leden van 2 stuk. 's Gravenhage, 1870, 71. 8º. het Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. ROSENBERG (C. B. H. VON) Reistochten naar de Geelvink- 's Gravenhage, 1864, etc. 4º. Ac. 4309/4. baai op Nieuw-Guinea' in de jaren 1869 en 1870... Met In progress. kaarten en afbeeldingen. 's Gravenhage, 1875. 4º. Ac. 7519/6. kunde van Nederlandsch Indië. SCHLEGEL (GUSTAV) Sing Chin Khao Youen. Urano- graphie Chinoise, ou preuves directes que l'astronomie Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van primitive est originaire de la Chine, et qu'elle a été Neêrlandsch Indië. Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk In- empruntée par les anciens peuples orientaux à la sphère stituut voor de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Neêr- chinoise ; ouvrage accompagné d'un atlas céleste chinois landsch Indië. 4 deel. 's Gravenhage, Amsterdam, [Utrecht printed), 1853-56. 8º. et grec. 2 pt. La Haye, Leyd (printed], 1875. 8°. Bijdragen, etc. Nieuwe Volgreeks. 8 deel. - Atlas (containing maps]. fol. Ac. 7519/7. Amsterdam, 1856–65. 8º. See DEVENTER (s. VAN) Alphabetisch Overzicht van het werk van...S. van Deventer...“Bijdragen tot de 's Gravenhage, 1866–76. 89. kennis van het landelijk stelsel op Java." Door J. Boudewijnse. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Insti- - Vierde Volgreeks. Deel 1, etc. tuut, etc. 1868. 8º. 8022. dd. 's Gravenhage, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 7519. In progress. Natuur- en Geneeskundige Correspondentie Societeit. Werken van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal- Land Verhandelingen... behelzende de weerkundige Waarnee- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië. Tweede muingen van het Jaar 1779. With a preface by the Afdeeling: Afzonderlijke werken. secretary, I. J. van den Bosch.] Deel 1. ` Afd. 1-3. Amsterdam, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 7519/2. 's Gravenhage, 1783. 8º. 42. d. 22. In progress. Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Rijks-Archiei. Nederlandsch-Indië... Verslag der feestviering van het Inventaris der verzameling Kaarten berustende in het vijf- en twintigjarig bestaan van het Instituut, etc. Rijks-Archief. [Eerste Gedeelte by P. A. Leupe. (Feestrede... uitgesproken door...T.C. L. Wijnmalen.) Tweede Gedeelte by J. H. Hingman.) 2 dln. 's Gravenhage, 1876. 8º. Ač. 7519/8. 's Gravenhage, 1867–71. 8º. 11902. o. 335 ACADEMIES (THE HAGUE-HALLE.] 336 se aus dem eariche Unisemerkungen mikers über in de drichs. Unin, allgeme THE HAGUE (CONTINUED). HALLE [CONTINUED). Société de Statistique des Pays-Bas. Academia Fridericiana. Résumé statistique pour le Royaume des Pay-Bas, 1850– Dissertationes philologicae Halenses cum praefatione H. 1881. pp. vii. 179. La Haye, 1882. 8. Ķeilii. 2 vol. Halis, 1873–76. 8º. 12902. d. 14. 8225. dd. 14. Dem kaiserlich deutschen archäologiscben Institut in Rom bringt zur Feier seines fünfzigjährigen Bestehens Vereeniging ter Beoefening der Geschiedenis van am 21. April 1879 ihren Glückwunsch die vereinigte 's Gravenhage. Friedrichs - Universität Halle - Wittenberg. (Nereiden Mededeelingen. 2 din. 's Gravenhage, 1863-67. 8º. mit den Waffen des Achill: ein Beitrag zur Kunst- mythologie, von H. Heydemann. Mit fünf Tafeln, etc.) No more published. Deel 2 is in 2 Aflev. Ac. 7480. pp. 23. Halle, 1879. 4º. 1706. c. 6. Verzeichniss der in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Halle HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, vorhandenen, seit 1830 erschienenen Zeitschriften, etc. Nova Scotian Institute of Science. [Compiled by 0. Hartwig.] pp. 23. Halle, 1882. 8º. 11904. cc. 18. Proceedings, etc. vol. 4, etc. [Halifax, 1876, etc.] 8º. CONRAD (JOHANNES) Professor of Political Economy at Halle. In progress. Ac. 3071. Sammlung nationalökonomischer und statistischer Ab- handlungen des staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars ... HALLE. Herausgegeben von Dr J. Conrad. Jena, 1877, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2320. Academia Fridericiana. Friedrichs-Universität. Auszüge aus den Privilegien, allgemeinen Statuten und * Gesetzen der Friedrichs-Universität. . See supra: Academia Fridericiana. See K ..... G (H. W.) Bemerkungen eines Akade- Historische Commission der Provinz Sachsen. mikers über Halle, etc. 1795. 8°. 10256. aa. 3. KOESTLIN (JULIUS) Martin Luther, der deutsche Re- See LANGE (J.) Des Herrn...J. Langens oder der formator . . . Festschrilt zur Feier des 400jährigen Theologischen Facultaet zu Halle Anmerkungen über Geburtstages Martin Luthers ... Vierte unveränderte des Herrn...C. Wolffens Metaphysicam, von denen... Auflage. pp. viii, 77. Halle a. d. Saale, 1883. 80. der ... Religion und Moralität entgegen stehenden 4886. h. 8. Lehren, etc. 1724. 4°. 8466. c. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Halle. See KEFERSTEIN (c.) Geognostische Bemerkungen über See LANGE (J.) Modesta disquisitio novi Philosophiae die basaltischen Gebilde des westlichen Deutschlands systematis rof C. von Wolff ... praemissa praefatione ... Herausgegeben von der naturforschenden Gesell- Ordinis Theol. in Academia Fridericiana [dje genuinis schaft zu Halle. 1820. 8º. 1255. e. verae philosophiae principiis. 1723. 4°. 8466. C. Abhandlungen. Bd. 1. Dessau und Leipzig, 1783. 8º. See LANGE (J.) Bescheidene. . . Entdeckung der falschen 954. h. 11. ...Philosophie in dem Wolffianischen Systemate Meta- [Another copy.] Ac. 2944/2. physico... Mit. . . Abfertigung der Anmerckungen [of C. von Wolff] über ein... Bedencken [of the Theological Neue Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Faculty of the University of Halle) von der Wolffia Halle. Bd. 1, 2 and Heft 1 & 2 of Bd. 3. nischen Philosophie. 1724. 4º. 8466. C. Halle, 1811, 9-11, 19, 14, 19, 17. 8º. Ac. 2944. No more published. Responsum der Juristischen Facultät zu Halle, worinnen von der Beschaffenheit des Teutschen Adels überhaupt Abhandlungen, etc. (Bd. 4, etc. redigirt von M. Schultze.) gehandelt, absonderlich aber deutlichen erwiesen wird, Halle, 1853, etc. 4°. Ac. 2944/6. dass der Bareuthische Adel oherhalb Gebürges sich der In progress. Hochfürstlichen Landes-Hoheit nicht entziehen könne. I tziehen könne.. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Sachsen und See STRUVE (B. G.) B. D. B. G. Struvii... disquisitio | Thüringen. de jure territorii clausi in terris Franconicis, etc. 1746. 4º. 1234. f. Zeitschrift für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. (Jahrg. 1854-62 redigirt von C. Giebel und W. Heintz. Responsum der Juristen-Facultät auf der... Universität Jahrg. 1863, etc. von C. Giebel und M. Siewert.) 33 Bde. Halle, in causa Nassau Hadamar nunc Salm, contra Halle, Berlin, 1853–69. 8º. Pöttingen und Kirchberg. [Halle,] 1709. fol. Neue Folge. Redigirt (1870) von C. G. Giebel 9365. g. 1. (8.) und M. Siewert. (1871, etc. von C. G. Giebel.) . Universitatis Fridericianae Geminae Halis consociatae Berlin, 1870, etc. gº. Ac. 2942. Prorector et Senatus s.d. civibus suis, etc. [Proclama In progress. tion regarding the celebration of the tercentenary of the Abhandlungen ... Herausgegeben von C. Giebel und W. University of Konigsberg.] Heintz Berlin, 1856, etc. fol. Ac. 2942. 2. Halis Saxonicis, 1844. 8. sh. fol. 1851. c. 10. (87*) . In progress. Die Universität Halle seit den Befreiungskriegen. Ver- Thüringisch-Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung des bindungswesen und Streben nach einem allgemeinen vaterländischen Alterthums und Erhaltung seiner Studentenleben daselbst. “ Academica," 3 Heft. Denkmäler. Sudenburg-Madgeburg, 1843. 8º. 8355. c. Erfurter Denkmäler. Herausgegeben von dem Thürin- Verzeichniss der im Zoologischen Museum der Univer- gisch-Sachsischen Alterthumsvereine. sität Halle-Wittenberg aufgestellten Rüsselkäfer. [By Šee infra : SAXONY. Geschichtsquellen der Provinz C. G. Giebel?] Halle, 1869. 8º. 1258. d. Sachsen, etc. Bd. 1. 1870, etc. 80. Ac. 7161. Verzeichniss der im Zoologischen Museum der Univer Neue Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der germanischen sität Halle-Wittenberg aufgestellten Säugethiere. (By Völker ... herausgegeben durch D. K. Rosenkranz. C. G. Giebel?] Zweite Ausgabe. Halle, 1866. 8º. Bnd. 1. Heft 1-4. Halle, 1832. 89. Ac. 7345/2. 7284. b. No more published. 337 ACADEMIES. (HALLE-HAMBURG.] 338 12 HALLE [CONTINUED]. HAMBURG [CONTINUED). Thüringisch-Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung des Collegium Sanitatis. vaterländischen Alterthums und Erhaltung seiner Codex medicamentarius Hamburgensis. Auctoritate Denkmäler. Collegii Sanitatis editus. Hamburgi, 1835. 8º. Neue Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete historisch-anti- 777. c. 36. quarischer Forschungen. In Namen des mit der Königl. / Deutsche Seewarte. Üniversität Halle-Wittenberg verbundenen Thüringisch- See infra : Norddeutsche Seewarte. Sächsischen Vereins... herausgegeben (Bd. 1–7] von... K. E. Förstemann, [Bd. 8] von J. Zacher, [Bd. 9) von... Geographische Gesellschaft. E. L. Dümmler und...J. 0. Opel, (Bd. 10, etc.] von... Erster (Zweiter) Jahresbericht der Geographischen Ge J. O. Opel. Halle, 1834, etc. gº. Ac. 7345. sellschaft in Hamburg 1873–74 (1874–75). Im Auftrago In progress. des Vorstandes erstattet von L. Friederichsen. Die Wittenberger Universitäts- und Facultæts-Statuten Hamburg, 1874, 75. 8º. vom Jahre MDVIII.... herausgegeben im Auftrage des mit [Continued as:] der koeniglichen Universität Halle-Wittenberg verbun- Mittheilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft 1876–77 denen Thueringisch-Sæchsischen Vereins zur Erfor- (1878–79, etc.). Im Auftrage des Vorstandes herausge- schung des vaterländischen Alterthums. [Edited with geben von L. Friederichsen. Hamburg, 1878, etc. 8º. an Introduction by J. G. T. A. A. Muther.] Lat. In progress. Ac. 6054. Halle, 1867. 4º. 8366. i. Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Künste und nütz- An die Mitglieder des... Vereins. [Financial report of lichen Gewerbe. the year 1834, including a list of contributors.] Verhandlungen und Schriften. 7 Bde. [Halle, 1835.] 8º. 9365. b. Hamburg, 1792-1807. 8º. Ac. 4423. [Another copy of Bd. 1-3.] 895. c. 12–14. Universitas Fridericiana. - Neue Folge. Hamburg, 1845, etc. 8º. Ac. 4423. See supra : Academia Fridericiana. In progress. Der Aufgabe der Hansestädte gegenüber dem deutschen Zollverein, so wie in Bezug auf eine gemeinsame deutsche Handelspolitik : Commissions-Bericht, etc. HALMSTAD. Hamburgh, 1847. 8º. 8245. e. Hallands Fornminnes-Förening. Ueber Gewerbe-Schulen und gewerbliche Museen. Hamburg, 1863. 8º. 8307. ccc. Hallands Fornminnes-Förenings Årsskrift 1868. Halmstad, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 7790 Berichte Hamburger Gewerbetreibender über die Pariser In progress. Ausstellung 1867 ... Mit Illustrationen in Lithographie und Buchdruck. Hamburg, 1868. 8°. 7957. bb." VOGHT (CASPAR VON) Baron. Ueber die vortheilhafteste Art Kochöfen in kleinen Wohnungen einzurichten. HAMBURG Hamburg, 1800. 89. 8715. c. Aerztlicher Verein. Museum Godeffroy. Gesetze. [Hamburg, 1830.] 4º. Ac. 3759. SCHMELTZ (J. D. E.) and KRAUSE (R.) Die ethnographisch- anthropologische Abtheilung des Museum Godeffroy ... Akademie von Ham. Ein Beitrag zur Kunde der Südsee-Völker ... Mit... Schriften. 2 Bde. Hamburg, 1844–47. 8º. Ac. 675. Tafeln, etc. pp. xliii. 687. Hamburg, 1881. 8º. 10007. g. 25. Bd. I. Abth. 1. Geschichte von Florenz. Studien Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. aus den Lehrjahren eines unzünftigen Freimeisters. 1844. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Hamburg, 1846, etc. 4°. Ac. 2885: Abth. 2. Das Buch der Länder von Schech Ebn In progress. Ishak el Farsi el Isztachri. Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt von A. D. Mordtmann. Nebst einem Vor- Norddeutsche Seewarte. worte von C. Ritter. 1845. Jahres-Bericht der Norddeutschen Seewarte, für das Abth. 3. Geschichte der Eroberung von Meso- Jahr 1868. Erstattet von W. v. Freeden. potamien und Armenien, vor. Mohammed ben Omar Hamburg, (1868, etc.] 4º. 10496. f. el Wakedi. Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt ... von In progress. In 1872 the title was altered to “ Jahres- B. G. Niebuhr. Herausgegeben...von A. D. Mordt- Bericht der Deutschen Seewarte." mann. 1847 Mittheilungen aus der Norddeutschen Seewarte, etc. Bd. II. Abth. 1. Die drei ächten und die vier un- Pt. 1-4. Hamburg, 1869–72. 4º. Ac. 4367. ächten Briefe des Ignatius von Antiochien. Herge. Monatliche Uebersicht der Witterung, etc. stellter und vergleichender Text mit Anmerkungen. Hamburg, Altona (printed, 1876, etc.] 8º. 1067. Von C. C. J. Bunsen. 1847. In progress. Abth. 2. Ignatius von Antiochien und seine Zeit. Sternwarte. Sieben Sendschreiben an A. Neander, von C. C. J. Publicationen der Hamburger Sternwarte. Herausge- Bunsen. 1847. geben von...G. Rümker. Hamburg, 1874, etc. 4º. In progress. 8752. dd. Architectonischer Verein. Hamburg : historisch-topographische und baugeschicht- Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte. ·liche Mittheilungen. Den Mitgliedern der xv. Ver- Zeitschrift des Vereines, etc. 3 Bde. sammlung deutscher Architecten und Ingenieure darge- Hamburg, 1841-51. 8º. bracht von dem Architectonischen Vereine. - Neue Folge. Hamburg, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 7061. Hamburg, Leipzig [printed], 1868. 8º. In progress. he Seewart jorddeutsche Freeden. 20496. finnes 339 ACADEMIES. [HAMBURG-HANOVER.] 340 Hamburger des Hermachens HAMBURG (CONTINUED). i HANAU. Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte. Wetterausche Gesellschaft für die gesammte Natur- Mittheilungen... Herausgegeben von Dr. K. Koppmann. :: kunde. Hamburg, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 7061/3. Annalen. Bd. 1-4. In progress. Frankfurt am Main, Hanau (printed], 1809–19. 4º. Ac. 2886. Geschichte des Hamburger Rathhauses. Nach den Bd. 4 has a second titlepage beginning : Neue Annalen. hinterlassenen Vorarbeiten des Herrn ...J. M. Lappen- berg bearbeitet von C. F. Gaedechens . . . Mit 6 Naturhistorische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Steintafeln. Hamburg, 1867. 4º. 10250. h. Wetterau, etc. Hanau, 1858. 89. 7002. aa. Hamburgisches Künstler-Lexikon. Bearbeitet von einem Ausschusse des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte. HANOVER. Bd. 1. Die bildenden Künstler. [Edited by 0. C. Gaedechens.] Hamburg, 1854. 8º. 7806. bb. Advocaten-Verein. Kämmereirechnungen der Stadt Hamburg, herausge Annalen. [Edited by J. C. F. Wachsmuth, E. Hantel- geben vom Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte. mann and C. Ebhardt.] 6 Hfte. Hamburg, 1869, etc. 8º. . Ac. 7061/2. Lüneburg, Hannover, 1832-36. 8º. Ac. 2120 In progress. Neue Folge. [Edited by Ebhardt, Hantelmann, Von den Arbeiten der Kunstgewerke des Mittelalters zu and Leonhardt.] Bd. 1, Bd. 2, Heft 1. Hamburg. XI. Blatt Abbildungen nebst Erläuterung Hannover, 1846–48. 89. Ac. 2120 [by C. F. Gaedechens, F. Stöter, and M. Gensler. Edited No more published. by J. M. Lappenberg]. Hamburg, 1865. 4º. 7806. e. Architecten- und Ingenieur-Verein. GẠEDECHENS (C. F.) Hamburgs Bürgerbewaffnung. Ein Beiträge zur Förderung der Kunst in den Gewerken. geschichtlicher Rückblick von C. F. Gaedechens ... Mit Bd. 1. Hannover, (1858–72.] 4º. 1259. c. 4 Tafeln Abbildungen in Farbendruck. No more published. Hamburg, 1872. 4°. 8825. e. Gutachten des Vorstandes und einer Commission des Verein für naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung. Architecten- und Ingenieur-Vereins für das Königreich Hannover, betreffend die zweckmässigste Einrichtung Verhandlungen . . . Im Auftrage des Vorstandes ver- von Abortsanlagen, insbesondere in der Stadt Hannover. öffentlicht von J.D. E. Schmeltz. Hamburg, 1875, etc. 8º. Hannover, 1863. 8º. 8776. e. In progress. Ac. 2885/2. Die Kunst im Gewerbe. Herausgegeben vom Hannover- Verein für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. schen Architecten- und Ingenieur-Verein, redigirt von E. Oppler. Hannover, 1872, etc. fol. Jahrbuch. Bremen, 1876, etc. 8°: Ac. 9822 In progress. 1809. a. 9. & 345. In progress. Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins für niederdeutsche Das Staatsbauwesen im ehemaligen Königreiche Han- Sprachforschung . . . Herausgegeben im Auftrage des nover und dessen Reorganisation nach den jetzigen Vorstandes [by C. Koppmann and W. H. Mielck]. staatlichen Verhältnissen. Denkschrift des Architecten- Hamburg, Hannover (printed], 1877, etc. 4º. und Ingenieur-Vereins zu Hannover. In progress. Ac. 9822/3. Hannover, 1867. fol. 7816. f. Niederdeutsche Denkmäler. Herausgegeben vom Verein | Geographische Gesellschaft. für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. Bremen, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 9822/2. Erster Jahresbericht der Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover, 1878. Hannover, (1879, etc.] 8º. In progress. In progress. Ac. 6053. HAMILTON, NEW YORK, Gewerbe-Verein für das Königreich Hannover. Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution, after- Mittheilungen. Lief. 1–69. Hannover, 1834-52. 4º. Ac. 4425. wards Madison University. Neue Folge. Hannover, [1853, etc.] 40. Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution ... Cata- In progress. logue of the Officers and Students for 1839-40; (1840- 41). 2 pt. [Hamilton, 1839, 40.] 80, 8366. b. Notizblatt. 1845–48. Hannover, 1845-48. 4º. Each pt. has a separate titlepage and pagination. Imperfect; wanting Blatt 1. 1845. Ac. 4425/2. (1.). Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Madison Uni- Verzeichniss der in den Sammlungen ... des Vereins... versity, for the Academic Year 1853–54. befindlichen Bücher, Maschinen, Modelle, etc. Hamilton, N.Y., 1854. 8º. 8365. cc. 2. (15.) Hannover, 1850. 8º. Ac. 4425/2. (2.) The first half century of Madison University, 1819–1869, Münzforscher-Verein zu Hannover. or the Jubilee Volume, containing sketches of ... living Numismatisch - sphragistischer Anzeiger and deceased alumni, with... portraits, etc. [Edited by Zeitung für B. F. Bronson, J. D. Cole, and others.) Münz-, Siegel- u. Wappenkunde. Hannover, 1870, etc. 8°. Ac. 5820. New York, 1872. 8º. 8365. de. In progress. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. HAMM. Einundzwanzigster (zweiundzwanzigster) Jahresbericht Westphälisch-ökonomische Societat. der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover, etc. Der westphälisch-ökonomischen Societät zu Hamm ver Hannover, 1871, 72. 8°. Ac. 2884. mischte Abhandlungen, zur Beförderung der Oekonomie, der Fabriken und Manufakturen, etc. Bd. 1. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für das Fürstenthum Halle, 1793, 94. 8º. Ac. 2334. Lüneburg. No more published. See infra : LUNEBURG. 341 ACADEMIES. [HANOVER-HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE.] 342 HANOVER [CONTINUED). HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE (CONTINUED). / Polytechnische Schule. Dartmouth College. Beschreibung der Zeichnungen von ausgeführten Dampf Order of declarations for the Prizes, at Dartmouth Col- Maschinen nach Originalblättern der Polytechnischen lege, July 30, 1835 ( ... July 28, 1836, July 27, 1837). Schule zu Hannover, und nach den besten englischen 3 pt. [Hanover, N.H., 1835–37.] 8º. 8366. b. und französischen Werken zusammengestellt und ge- zeichnet von den Studirenden der Maschinenlehre, auf Report of the case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College der Polytechnischen Schule zu Hannover, im Cursus against W. H. Woodward. Argued and determined in 1853/54. Hannover, 1854. 8º. 1800. b. the Superior Court of Judicature of... New Hampshire, Nov., 1817, and on error in the Supreme Court of the Polytechnische Schule zu Hannover. Sammlung von United States, Feb., 1819. By T. Farrar. Grundplänen verschiedener Zeiten. Portsmouth, N.H., [1819.] 80. 1132. k. 15. Hannover, [1854.] obl. fol. 1802. a. 2. (1.) [Another copy.] 8366. c. Ubersichtliche Zusammenstellung von Dachconstrac- tionen älterer u. neuerer Zeit. Hannover, [1854.] obl. fol. Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College and 1802. a. 2. (2.) Moors' Charity School; with a particular account of Verfassung der Polytechnischen Schule zu Hannover. some late remarkable proceedings of the board of trustees, Oktober 1863. [Hanover, 1863.] 8º. 8356. bb. from...1779 to...1815. [Hanover, N.H.? 1815?] 8º. 8365. d. (1.) Schulmeister Seminarium. Grundsätze der Anweisung künftiger Lehrmeister in A candid, analytical review of the “Sketches of the deutschen Schulen, in dem vom Königl. und Churfürst History of Dartmouth College, etc.” lichen Consistorio errichteten Schulmeister Seminario zu [Hanover, N.H.? 1815?] 8o. 8365. d. (2.) Hannover. Hannover, 1771. 8º. 273. d. 34. A vindication (of the official conduct of the trustees of Verein für öffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Dartmouth College, in answer to Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College... Published by the trustees. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Vereins für Concord, 1815. 8º. 8304. d. 1. (1.) öffentliche Gesundheitspflege zu Hannover. Hannover, 1875, etc. 80. Ac. 3761 See FREEMAN (P. R.) A Refutation of sundry aspersions In progress. in the “ Vindication” of the present Trustees of Dart- mouth College, on the memory of their predecessors. 1816. 8º. 8304. e. 3. (1.) HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Dartmouth College. Catalogus (Senatus Academici, et) eorum qui in Collegio Library. Dartmuthensi ... ab anno 1771 ad annum (1852, etc.) A Catalogue of the books in the library of Dartmouth alicnjus gradus laurea donati sunt. Leuphanæ, Andoverii, College. Concord (New Hampshire), 1825. 8º. Portimuthi, Concordiæ, Bostoniæ, Hanoverae, 1795–1852, 823. f. 59 etc 8º. 8366. d. In progress. New Hampshire Medical Institution. Catalogue of the Officers and Students...Oct. 1820(-28, 1830-57, etc.). Hanover, Concord, Haverhill, Newport, New Hampshire Medical Institution; Dartinouth Col- Claremont, Windsor, U.S., 1820, etc. 8º. 8366. b, c. lege, Hanover. [Rules and regulations.] In progress. There are two catalogues for each of the years [Hanover,] 1826. 8º. 1406. g. 1838, 40, 49. [Another copy of 1850, 51.] 8365. cc. 2. (26.) O BK Society. Dartmouth University... Order of Exercises for Com- mencement, 1817 (1818, 23, 25, 35–37. 42-44, 49, 54, 55, Catalogue of the Members of the New Hampshire Alpha etc.) [Hanover N.H., 1817.] 89, 8366. d. of the OBK Society, Dartmouth University (for the In progress. years 1814–15, 32, 38, 39, 41, 44, 51, 54). Andover, 1815, etc. 8º. 8366. e. The Charter of Dartmouth College. In progress. [Hanover ? 1796?] 4º. 8366. d. [Another edition.] Hanover, 1815. 8º. 8366. d. Society of Social Friends. Dartmouth College and the State of New-Hampshire. (From the New Hampshire Statesman and Concord Catalogue of the officers and members of the Society of Register, November 29th, 1828.) Social Friends,... Dartmouth College, 1839. [Concord N.H., 1829.] 8º. 8304. d. 2. (1.) Concord, 1839. 8º. 8366. d. Laws of Dartmouth College, etc. Catalogue of books in the Social Friends' Library, Dart- Haverhill, N.H., 1822. 8º. 8366. d. mouth College, March 1841. Hanover, N.H., 1841. 80. 823. f. 50. [Another edition.] Concord, 1825. 8°. 8366. d. [Another edition.] Hanover, 1828. 8°. 8366. b. Society of United Fraternity. [Another edition.] Hanover, 1837. 8º. 8366. d. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the United [Another edition.] Concord, 1842. 8º. 8366. d. Fraternity, Dartmouth College, April 1835. Windsor, Vt., [1835.] 8º. 822. h. 31. “ Opinion of the Superior Court of the State of New Hampshire, in the case of the Trustees of Dartmouth Catalogue of the officers and members of the Society of College versus W. H. Woodward pronounced . . . No United Fraternity,... Dartmouth College, 1840. rember term, 1817. Concord, 1818. 89. 8366. dd. Concord, N.H., 1840. 8º. 8366, d. 343 ACADEMIES. [HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT——HEIDELBERG.] 344 Ac. 3112. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. HAVRE-DE-GRÂCE. - Connecticut Historical Society. Société Géologique de Normandie. Collections, etc. Hartford, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 8375. Société Géoloxique de Normandie. Bibliographie Géo- In progress. logique de la Normandie. Havre, (1876. etc.] 80. In progress. Natural History Society of Hartford. Transactions, etc. No. 1. Hartford, 1836. 8º. Société Havraise d'Études diverses. Ac. 3045. Compte-rendu des travaux de la première année, etc. Havre, 1834. 8°. . HAVANNA, CUBA. [Continued as:] Résumé analytique des travaux de la secondeſ-xive) Observatorio Fisico-Meteorico de la Habana. année, etc. Havre, 1835-48. 8º. [Continued as: 7 Annuario del Observatorio Fisico - Meteorico de la Recueil des publications de la Société...de la 15°, etc. Habana, publicado por D. A. Poëy... Año primero 1862. année, etc. Havre, 1851, etc. Ac. 2612. 8752. k. 1. 8°. Habana, 1869, etc. fol. In progress. In progress. a de lae la Flan della 11. 2395. Real Junta de fomento de Agricultura y Comercio. HAZEBROUCK. Informe presentado a la Real Junta ... de esta Isla en sesion de 11 de Diciembre de 1833 en el espediente sobre Société de l'Histoire et des Beaux-Arts de la Flandre translacion, reforma y ampliacion de la escuela nautica Maritime de France. establecida en el pueblo de Regla refundiendola en un Mémoires de la Société, etc. instituto cientifico con arreglo a las necesidades del pais. Por la disputacion inspectora de dicho establecimiento, Bergues, Hazebrouck (printed], 1857. 8º. Ac. 6800. Habana, 1834. 8º. 600. 1. 23. (13.) The fly-leaf has only the words “ Instituto Cubano.” Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais de la HEDEMORA. Habana. Bergsmanna-Föreningen. See infra: Real Sociedad Patriótica, etc.. Förhandlingar vid Bergsmanna-Föreningens samman- komster i Hedemora, Februari 1859(-Februari 1865.-i Real Sociedad Patriótica de la Habana, afterwards Falun, December 1865, etc.) Real Sociedad Económica de la Habana. Falun, Gefle, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 3228. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Economica della Habana. 1869, 70 published ut Gefle. No. 13, 14. [Havanna, 1818.] 49. Ac. 2395. Memorias de la Sociedad ... Números 54-57 ... junio- setiembre (1824) sobre el influjo de los climas cálidos y HEIDELBERG. principalmente del de la Habana, en la estacion del calor. Programa propuesto por la Sociedad ... desen- Juristen-Facultät. vuelto y presentado por...J. Fernandez de Madrid. See infra: Universitas Ruperto-Carolina. Habana, 1824. 4º. Ac. 2395. Paged: pp. 471-588. Kurpfälzisch - Physikalisch - Oekonomische Gesell- Memorias...redactadas por una Comision de su seno, schaft. [tum. 17-20] (compuesta de los Sres H. J. J. Garcia See infra: LAUTERN. — Physikalisch - Oekonomische und y D. F. de Paula Serrano.-Segunda Epoca.) 20 tom. Bienen Gesellschaft. Habana, 1836–45. 8º. 'Ac. 2395/4. - Segunda Serie. Tom. 1-6. Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft. Habana, 1846–48. 8º. P.P. 1424. r. Bericht über die zehnte (zwölfte, etc.) Versammlung der Memorias... (Segunda Epoca). Segunda Edicion. No. Ophthalmologisc en Gesellschaft. Heidelberg 1877. Redigirt durch F. C. Donders, W. Hess, F. Horner u. 12, 13. Habana, 1847, 48. 8º. Ac. 2395/5. W. Zehender. 1877, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. Esposicion de las tareas que han ocupado á la real Erlangen. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, sociedad patriotica durante los años de 1825 y 1826; etc. (Beilageheft. Jahry. XV., XVII., etc.) 1863, etc. 8º. leida en junta general de 15 de diciembre por su secre- P.P. 3286. cc. tario D. J. Santos Suarez, etc. Habana, 1827. 4º. Verein der Deutschen Strafanstaltsbeamten. Ac. 2395/3. Acta de las juntas generales que celebro la Real Sociedad See supra : BRUCHSAL. Economica...en los dias 14, 15 y 16 de Diciembre de 1829, etc. Habana, 1830. 4º. Ac. 2395/6. Universitas Ruperto-Carolina. Ad illustrissimû Bavarie ducem Philippum... epistola Relacion historica de los beneficios hechos a la Real [by the “Doctores et Magistri vie moderne Studii Sociedad Economica, casa de benificencia y demas de- Heydelbergen.,” in praise of Marsilius de Ingben, the pendencias de aquel cuerpo por...F. D. Vives. Escrita founder of tbat University). Oratio [by M. de Inghen] por las comisiones reunidas de ambas corporaciones. continens dictiones clausulas et elegantias oratorias cū Habana, 1832. fol. 8285. f. 20. signis distinctis. Epigrāmata in... Marsiliū by various Estatutos de la Real Sociedad economica. . .aprobados writers), etc. 6. L. MS. NOTES. [Strasburg ? 1499?] 4º. por el rey, etc. Habana, 1833. 4º. Ac. 2395/2. Without pagination. 12933. g. 7. (3.) Estado general de la instruccion pública primaria de la R-chtsgutachten und Entscheidungen des Spruchcollegii Isla de Cuba en 1836, conforme á los datos reunidos por der Universität Heidelberg. Herausgegeben von ... la seccion de Educacion de la Real Sociedad, etc. C. Martin, etc. Bd. I. Heidelberg, 1808. 8º. Habaña, 1836. 4°. 1251. 1. (95.) No more published. 8356. bb. 345 ACADEMIES. (HEIDELBERG-HELSINGFORS] 346 HEIDELBERG [CONTINUED). HELMSTADT [CONTINUED). Universitas Ruperto-Carolina. Academia Julia. Rechtliches Erachten der Juristen-Facultät zu Heidel Bescheit des... Herrn Heinrichen Julii... Bischoffen zu berg über die verfassungsmässige Gültigkeit der Gross Halberstadt...in Sachen der philosophischen Facultät herzoglich Hessischen Verordnungen vom 2 October zu Helinstädt...wider...D. Hoffmannum, etc. 1850 und 17 September 1852, sowie über die Verpflicht See KLINGSPOR (E. F.) Kurtze... Betrachtung der von ung und Berechtigung des Richters, die Gültigkeit J. W. Petersen...eingebrachten... Erklärung, etc. landesherrlicher Verordnungen zu prüfen. Erbeten von 1693.. 4°. 3908. e. 10. (11.) den wegen Beitritts zum Deutschen National-Verein durch das Ministeriuin von Dalwigk in peinliche Unter Programma in funere H. Meibomii. [Issued in the suchung gezogenen Einhundert und neun Offenbachern. name of the Prorector and Senate of the Academy.] Frankfurt am Main, 1861. 8º. 5604. aaa. [Helmstadt,] 1700. fol. 835. 1. 7. (8.) Rechtsgutachten des Spruchcollegiums der Heidelberger [Another edition.] Helméstadj, [1700.) 49. Juristen-Facultät über die Verfassungsmässigkeit der 12301. dd. 6. (20.) preussischen Pressverordnung vom I. Juni, 1813. Some of the edges are cropped. Leipzig, 1863. 8º. 5606. C. Festschrift dem Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen [Another copy.] Helmestadi, 1700. 40;;. 1185. k. 2. (12.) Institut zu Rom zur fünfzigjährigen Stiftungsleier am 21. April 1873 überreicht von der Universität Heidelberg. Imperfect ; wanting the last six leaves. Zwei Alexanderköpfe der Sammlung Erbach und des Mémoires sur la pretendue Déclaration de l'Université Britischen Museums ... zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht de Helmstad, touchant le changement de Religion de la von K. B. Stark. Mit drei phototypischen Tafeln. Reine d'Espagne, Elizabeth Christina of Brunswick pp. 21. Leipzig, 1879. 4°. 7705. g. 11. Luneburg, Consort of Charles vi. Einperor of Germany, and sometime King of Spain.] Rotterdam, 1710. 8º. 611. a. 30. HELENA, MONTANA. [Another copy.] 856. d. 15. Historical Society of Montana. Ad venerandum præsulem J. Fabricium ... epistola qua Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana; viro . . , summe merito gratias agunt, eidemque novi with its Transactions, Act of incorporation, Constitution, editionem tomi quem de historia bibliotheeæ suæ con- Ordinances, Officers, and Members. scripserat, ... gratulantur Academiæ ... prorector et Helena, Montana, Cincinnati (printed], 1876, etc. 8º. professores. Helmæstadi, [1724.] 4º. In progress. Ac. 8418. 731. e. 4. (20.) Geschichte der ehemaligen Hochschule Julia Carolina zu Helmstedt. Helmstedt, 1876. 8º. HELMSTADT. 8304. d. 7. (4.) Academia Julia. Societas Conantium. Annales Academiæ Juliæ ex editis et manuscriptis inonu- Acta 1721, 22. See supra: Academia Julia. Annales mentis compositi. Semestre 1-15, 1720–28. Cum actis Academiæ Juliæ. pt. 1-4. 1722, etc. 8º. societatis Conantiuin (1721, 22, successively edited by 270. c. 18-21. C. D. Koch and G. S. Trever.] 12 pt. Helmstadii, 1722–28. 8º. 270. C. 18–21. [Another copy of Semestr. 1-10.] 731. c. 3. HELSINGFORS. Historica narratio de introductione Universitatis Juliæ, Finska Läkare-Sällskapet. et promulgatione privilegiorum, quibus ea per ... Imp. Finska Läkare-Sällskapets Handlingar. Maxaemilianum ll. nobilitate, et idib. iixbris a ... Julio, Helsingfors, 1841, etc. 8º. Ac. 3810. duce Brunsvicensi, etc. . . . confirmata ... est; continens In progress. cum solennitates, quæ in introductionis actu usurpatæ sunt, orationes in eodem actu diversis a personis Finska Vetenskaps Societet. habitas: tum quæ duobus proximis ante et post pro- mulgationem diebus gesta sunt. Per professores Uni See infra : Societas Scientiarum Fennica. versitatis Juliæ conscripta et in lucem edita. [Partly Lat. and partly Germ.] Helmstadii, 1579. 4º. Finska Universitet. 731. f. 6. (1.) Chronologiska Förteckningar och Anteckningar öfver Der Fürstl. Julius Universität zu Helmstedt., Schutz- Finska Universitets fordna Procancellerer, samt öfver rede wider dero höchstunbillige Verleumbdere, insonder- faculteternas medlemmar och adjuncter, från Universitets heit D. Æ. Strauchen Professorem zu Wittenberg. stiftelse inemot dess andra sekularår. Helmstadt, 1668. 4º. 731. f. 2. (4.) Helsingfors, 1836. 8º. 8355. d. Historia festi secularis . . . solenniter celebrati idibus Observationes Astronomicae in specula Universitatis Octobris anno 1676. Quio die seculum suum primum litterariae Fennicae factae ... Aboae A. A. 1824(-1828). finiebat et secundum feliciter auspicabatur Academia Universitatis nomine instituit ...F. G. A. Argelander. Julia quæ est Helmstadii Saxonum. Helmstadii, 1678. fol. 3 tom. Helsingforsiae, 1830–32. 0492 fol. fol. 8564. i. 731. 1. 7. (1.) See infra : ROSTOCK.--Academia Rostochiensis. Die vom Pedagogiska Föreningen i Finland. Obrist-Lieutenant C. Neubauern eingeholte... Responsa derer... theologischen Facultären zu Rrstock, Helinstädt Tidskrift utgifven af Pedagogiska Föreningen i Finland. und Rinteln, haben ... zum Druck befordern müssen... 1864, etc. (Årg. xv., etc. redigerad af C. Synnerberg:') J. H. Lochner,...C. W. Strömer, etc. 1695. 4º. Helsingfors, 1865, etc. 8°. Ac. 2656. 3908. e. 10. (3:) In progress. 347 ACADEMIES. (HELSINGFORS-HERMANSTADT.] 348 HELSINGFORS [CONTINUED). HERLUFSHOLM. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Herlovianer Samfund. Acta. Helsingforsiæ, 1842, etc. 4º. Efterretning om Herlovianese fra 1819–1853 ved T. A. In progress. Becker og P. E. Rosenörn. Udgivet af Herlovianer- samfundet. Kjöbenhavn, 1858. 80, 8356. b. Notiser ur Sällskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica För- handlingar Bihang till Acta Societatis Scientiarum J. L. Bernths Minde. Beretning am Festen paa Herlufs- Fennicae. Häftet. 1-3. Helsingfors, 1848–57. 4º. holm den 17de September 1859, udgivet af Herlovianer- Samfundet. Kjöbenhavn, 1860. 8°. 10761. aaa. - Ny Serie. Helsingfors, 1858, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 1094/2. Bidrag till Kännedom om Finlands natur och folk, etc. HERMANSTADT, Helsingfors, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 1094. 4. In progress." Häft. 3, 4 are entitled : “ Bidrag till Magyar nyelv-mivelő Társaság. Finlands Naturkännedom, ethnografi och statistik.” A Magyar nyelv-mivelo Társaság. Munkáinak elsö darabja. Szebenben, 1796. 8º. Ac. 7299. Bidrag till Finlands Naturkännedom, etnografi och statistik ... Nionde Häftet. Helsiagfors, 1863. 8º. Siebenbürgischer Karpathen-Verein. 10291. C. Jahrbuch, etc. Hermanstadt, 1851, etc. 8º. Ac. 6071. Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhand- In progress. lingar. 1838–1853, etc. Helsingfors, 1853, etc. 4° & 8º. Ac. 1094. Siebenbürgischer Verein für Naturwissenschaften, In progress. Pt. 1 & 4 are in 4º. ; pt. 5, etc. in 8°. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen, etc. Hermannstadt, 1850, etc. 8°. Ac. 2906/2. Société de Littérature Finnoise. In progress. See infra : Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. Societas naturæ curiosorum Transsilvanica Cibin- iensis. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. FUSS (MICHAEL) Flora Transsilvaniae excursoria, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Helsingfors. Suomi, etc. Cibinii, 1866. ", AĆ. 2906. ([1844–60] utgifven på Finska Litteratur-Sällskapets förlag.--[1863, etc.] toimittanut Suomalaisen Kirjalli- Kirjalli-Societas Philchistorum Transsilvanorum. suuden Seura. Toinen Jakso.) 1841, etc. 8º. P.P. 4852. d. Scriptores rerum Transsilvanarum cura et opera Socie- tatis Philohistorum Transsilv. editi et illustrati. Tom. 1. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia. Helsingissa, 1835, etc. vol. 1. complexum C. Schesaei ruinas Pannonicas. Ad- Ac. 9080. 8° & 4º. curante J. C. Eder.—Tom. 2. vol. 1, 2 complexum In progress. Of Osa 7 only pt. 1 was published. A. Simigiani historiam rerum Ungaricar. et Transsil- Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia. (Kan- vanic. Adcurante (vol. 1] J.C. Eder. ([vol. 2] accurante teletar taikka Suomen kansan wanhoja lauluja ja wirsiä. J. B. de Mildenberg.) Cibiniz, 1797-1840. 40. 1438. k. 8-10. (Edited by E. Lönnrot.]) Toinen painos. Osa 3. Helsingissä, 1864. 8º. Ac. 9080. Verein für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde. PALMÉN (E. G.) L'oeuvre demiséculaire de la Société de Archiv des Vereins, etc. 4 Bde. Littérature Fipnoise et le mouvement national en Fin- Hermannstadt, 1843–51. 89. lande de 1831 à 1881 ... Traduit de Finnois par H. F. Palmén. pp. 143. Helsingfors, 1882. 8º. Neue Folge. 6 Bde. Kronstadt, 1853–64. 8º. Ac. 9080/2. Ac. 7298. No more published. This work is a continuation of Universitas Litteraria Fennica. the “ Archiv für die Kentniss von Siebenbürgens Vorzeit See supra : Finska Universitet. und Gegenwart, herausgegeben von J. K. Schuller." HERBORN. Kirchliche Kunstdenkmäler aus Siebenbürgen. In Abbildungen. Mit kurzen Erläuterungen [by L. Reis- senberger.]... Herausgegeben vom Ausschuss des Vereins für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde. Hermannstadt, 1878, etc. 4º. Academia Herbornensis. Novi prorectoratus auspicia d. XXXI. Octobris 1800 rite capienda civibus indicit Academia Herbornensis. Inest de Zacharia Rosenbachio parratio. [By J. F. Beyer.] [Herborn, 1800.] 4º. B. 536. (4.) 421. Plates. fol. In progress. Gooss (CARL) Chronik der archäologischen Funde Siebenbürgens ... Festgabe, etc. Hermannstadt, 1876. 80, Ac. 7268/2. HEREFORD. Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions, etc. Hereford, 1867, etc. In progress. MUELLER (FRIEDERICH) Deutsche Sprachdenkmäler aus Siebenbürgen. Aus schriftlichen Quellen des zwölften bis sechszehnten Jahrhunderts gesammelt von F. M., etc. Hermannstadt, 1864. 8º. 12251. h. 8º. Ac. 3015. The Herefordshire Pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears. Edited by R. Hogg. London, 1878, etc. fol. In progress. 1563. 'S HERTOGENBOSCH. and pears. "Edise of the many containing See supra : BOIS-LE-DUC. 349 ACADEMIES. THILDESHEIM-AUDDERSFIELD.] 350 HILDESHEIM. HOHENHEIM [CONTINUED). Verein für Natur- und Geschichts-Kunde... Land- und forstwirthschaftliche Akademie. Erster Jahres-Bericht über den Verein für Kunde der See supra : Lehranstalt, afterwards Akademie, etc.. Natur und der Kunst im Fürstenthum Hildesheim, etc. [Hildesheim, 1845.] 8º. Ac. 7064/2. Zeitschrift des Museums zu Hildesheim. Abtheilung für Geschichte und Kunst. Bd. für Geschichte und Kunst. Bd. 1. HONKONG. Ac. 7064. Asiatic Society of China, afterwards China Branch of the Royal Asiatie Society. HOBART TOWN. . Transactions of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 5 pt. Hongkong, 1848–55. 8º. Ac. 8828. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. No more published. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological [Another edition of pt. 1.] Ac. 3828/3. Observatory at Hobarton ... [by J. H. Kay] and by the Antarctic Naval Expedition. Printed ... under the superintendence of ... E. Sabine. London, 1850, etc. 40. China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. In progress. 8752. g. See supra : Asiatic Society of China. Royal Society of Tasmania. See infra: Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horticulture, ete. China Medico-Chirurgical Society. Transactions ... for ... 1845-6. vol. I. Hongkong, 1846. 8°. 7680. bb. 15. Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for Horticulture, etc., afterwards Royal Society of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society, etc. HOORN. Hobart Town, 1851, etc. 8° & fol. Ac. 1960. In progress. The titlepages of some of the vols. read: Vaderlandsche Maatschappy te Hoorn. “ Monthly notices of the Papers and Proceedings, etc.” Toneel-Spel, in twee Afdeelingen [and in prose), ziende Imperfect, wanting 1856–62. op de twee Konstplaaten, “ toegewijd aan alle de Leden van de loffelyke, Ÿaderlandsche Maatschappy te Hoorn" Report for ... 1845, etc. Hobart Town, 1845, etc. 8º. ep van den“ Oeconomischen Tak der Hollandsche Maats- In progress. Ac. 1960/2. chappy te Haarlem" ... Door een vriend des Vader- Bye-laws for the regulation ... of the Gardens of the lands in de smaak der schrandere Graave van Nassau la Royal Society of Tasmania. [Hobart Town,] 1860. 8º. Leck en de Heer Schatz in een vloeibare en aangenaame Styl geschreeven. [With two folding plates.] 7054. bb. Amsterdam, 1780. 8º. 11556. f. (4.) Catalogue of plants in the Royal Society's Gardens, Queen's Park, Hobart Town, etc. [subscribed F. W. Newman). Hobart Town, 1857. 8º. 7029. bbb. Officers of the Society. (Fellows and Honorary Members.) HUDDERSFIELD. [Hobart Town, 1850.] 8º. Ac. 1960/2. West Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society, after- Rules of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land. wards Yorkshire Naturalists' Union. Hobart Town, 1848. 8º. Ac. 1960/3. The Naturalist: Journal of the West Riding Consoli- dated Naturalists' Society, and General Field Club Record ... Edited by C. P. Hobkirk and G. T. Porritt. HOHENHEIM. B. Brown: Huddersfield, 1875, etc. 8°. In progress. Ac. 3016 & 761. - Lehranstalt, afterwards Akademie, für Land- und Forst- wirthschaft. Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Associa- See MEYER (H.) of Hohenheim. Auswahl von 55 land tion. wirthschaftl. Geräthschaften entlehnt aus der Modell The Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Journal. sammlung der ... Lehranstalt ... zu Grosshohenheim. Published under the direction of the Council of the 1845. fol. 1256. l. Yorkshire Archäological and Topographical Association. London, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 5652. 7. Beschreibung der land- und forstwirthschaftlichen In progress. Akademie Hohenheim. Herausgegeben von dem Di- rektor und den Lehrern der Anstalt. Mit 18 Holz Report of the excursion to Wakefield and neighbour- schnitten und 3 lithographirten Karten. hood, 25 August, 1869. Reprinted from the “ Wakefield Stuttgart, 1863. 8°. 7076. g. Express." Wakefield, 1869. 8º. Ac. 5652. Uebersicht über die Organisation, die Zwecke, den Lehr- plan, ... der k. Württemb. land- und forstwirthschaft- Report of the Excursion to Pontefract, 31 August, 1870. Reprinted from the “ Pontefract Advertiser." lichen Akademie Hohenheim. Stuttgart, 1869. 8º. 7074. i. Pontefract, 1870. 8º. Ac. 5652/2. FUNKE (WALTER) Grundlagen einer wissenschaftlichen Excursion programme & arrangements at Fountains Versuchsthätigkeit auf grösseren Landgütern, zur Förde Abbey and Ripon, August 28th, 1872. rung der Wirthschaftslehre des Landbaues und zur Ripon, [1872.] 8º. Ac. 5652/3. Erweiterung der Agrarstatistik. Festschrift zum vier- hundertjährigen Jubiläum der k. Eberhard-Karls Uni Report of the Excursion to the City of York ... Re- versität in Tübingen. pp. xv. 251. Berlin, printed, with additions, from the “ Yorkshire Gazette.” Stuttgart (printed), 1877. 8º. 8356. h. 2. York, 1873. 8º. Ac. 5652/4. 351 ACADEMIES. [HUDDERSFIELD-JENA.] 352 HUDDERSFIELD [CONTINUED). .. JAUER... Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Associa- Oekonomisch-patriotische Societät. tion. Verhandlungen und Arbeiten der ökonomisch-patriot- Report of an excursion to the city of York, July 29th... ischen Societät der Fürstenthümer Schweidnitz und in union with the Royal Archäological Institute of Jauer im Jahre 1848. Als eine Forsetzung der neuen Great Britain and Ireland. Reprinted from the York Annalen aus den Original-Akten herausgegeben von Herald.' York, 1874. 8º. Ac. 5652/5. C. G. Igler. Breslau, Jauer (printed,] 1848. 8º. Ac. 2338. Twelfth annual excursion. Programme and arrange- ments at Selby and Hemingborough, etc. IBRAILA. W. B. Bellerby : Selby, 1878. 8º. Ac. 5652/6. Българско Книжовно Дружество. Yorkshire Naturalists' Union. IIepuojhCKO Concahue ... Ypexja ce oth ... B. I. See supra : West Riding Consolidated Naturalists' CTOfHoBa. Epauna, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 8832. Society. In progress. JIREČEK (JOSEF) KaronICD Ha HOBOÓLarap Ka-Ta KHIR- Biena, 1872. 8º. 2050. f. HUDIKSVALL. JENA. Helsinglands Fornminnesällskap. Academia Jenensis. Ordbog öfver Allmogeord i Helsingland utgifven af Annales ... edidit H. C. A. Eichstadius . . . 1821. Helsinglands Fornminnesällskap. [Edited by F. Wenn vol. 1. Jenæ, 1823. 4º. T. C. 6. b. 20. berg.] Hudiksvall, 1873. 4º. 12972. i. 2. No more published. Uppränning till grammatik för Delsbomålet, utgifven Sec infra: LEIPSIC.-Academia Lipsiensis. Fragstück af Helsinglands Fornminnesällskap. Andra förbättrade und Antwort ... der Theologen in den dreien Universi- upplagan. Hudiksvall, 1870. 8° 12972. ee. 12. (7.) teten zu Leipzig, Wittenberg und Jhena; von der Wit- tenbergischen Grundfest, etc. 1581. 4º. 3908. ccc. 18. See infra : LEIPSIC.—Academia Lipsiensis. Der Herrn Theologen in den dreien ... Universiteten Leiptzig, Wittemberg, und Jhena ... Bericht, aus was ursachen HUESCA. die Prediger zu Zerbst ... bisshero dem ... Werck der Concordien und desselbigen Apologia entgegen gesetzt Real y Mayor Collegio de Santiago. haben, etc. 1586. 4º. 3908. ccc. 24. Constituciones, y estatutos del real y mayor collegio ... Concilium oder Bedencken der Theologischen Facultet hechos y ordenados por ... Don J. de Brizuela ... en el año de 1624. zu Jehna ... Wegen jetziger Böhemischer Unruhe, etc. Huesca. 1624. Huesca, 1624. fol. fol. 731. 1. 15. (3.) [Jena,] 1620. 4°. 1054. i. 24. (15.) Universidad de Huesca. Begin. Collegii Juridici in Academia Salana h. t. De- canus J. V. Bechmann Irnerium sive Wernerum natione Estatutos que el obispo de Barbastro ha hecho y ordenado, Germanum ab initio artes liberales, bonamque litera- en la visita y reformacion de la Universidad de Huesca, turam Bononiæ docuisse, fama diuturni temporis cre- con comission de su sanctidad y magestad, año 1599. dimus, etc. [An invitation to a public exposition of (J. Azcoydi oratio ... habita die 11 mensis Aprilis ... Law by H. G. Gundelfinger, a candidate for the degree 1559. Eiusdem doctoris ... oratio habita die nuno of Doctor utriusque juris.] [Jena, 1662.] s. sh. fol. mensis Februarii 1600.) Çaragoça, 1601. fol. 1889. d. 1. (33.) 731. 1. 15. (2.) Von dem höchst-sträfflichen Müntz-Unwesen, rathsames ... Bedencken . . . Auf einhellige Meinung ... vieler vornehmer Theologorum durch die ... Theologische Facultät zu Jehna gestellet, etc. [Jena,] 1680. 4o. HUNGARY. 1391. i. Decanus Senior [J. A. Slevogt] et professores facul- Erudita Societas Hungarica. tatis medicæ ... in Academia Jenensi ... L. B. S. P. D. Planum erigendae Eruditae Societatis Hungaricae alte ſact conferring the degree of Doctor on C. M. Held). . rum elaboratius. (Candidati erigendae Eruditae Socie Jenæ, (1703.] 4º. T. 615. (1*.) tatis Hungaricae, et ratio facti in ea promovenda pro- Programma ad pompam solemnem exsequiarum Prorec- gressus.) 2 pt. Viennae, Jaurini, 1790, 91. 8º. toris H. F. Teichmeyeri ... ducendam p. p. in Academia 8356. bb. Jenensi. (Prorector ...J. G. Tympius ... cum profes- The pagination and register are continuous throughout both soribus reliquis s. d. civibus.) [Jenæ, 1744.] 40." pts. Pt. 1 was published at Vienna and pt. 2 at Raab. 7306. g. 1. (32.) Justa Suprema viro illustri ... J. A. Wedelio ... sol- Magyar Orvosok és Természetvizsgálók Nagygyülése. venda rite indicit Academia Jenensis. See HAAS (M.) Baranya. Emlékirat, mellyel a Pécsett [Jena, 1747.] fol. 7306. g. 4. (23.) ... összegyült magyar orvosok és természetvizsgálónak kedveskedik . . . Scitovszky János. 1845. 80 Memoriam ...C. G. de Voigt [hy H. C. A. Eichstadius) ... civibus commendat Universitas Litterarum Jenensis. Jenæ, 1813. 4°. 10602. i. 8. (7.) A magyar Orvosok és Természetvizsgálók 1847 (1863, 1864, etc.)... tartott viii. (ix., X., etc.) Nagygyülésének Novi prorectoratus auspicia. . .anno 1842 rite capienda történeti vázlata és munkálatai, etc. (Edited succes indicit Academia Jenensis. Memorabilia academia sively by G. Halász, J. Szabó, K. Kanka and F. Rómer, I. Fehér, and others.] Pest, 1863, etc. 4º. [By H. C. A. Eichstadt.] Jenæ, [1842.] 4º. In progress. Ac. 2916. 8356. f. 353 ACADEMIES. [JENA-INGOLSTADT.] 354 JENA (CONTINUED). JENA [CONTINUED). Academia Jenensis. Societas Latina Jenensis. Novi prorectoratus auspicia ... anno 1844 rite capienda Nova Acta ... edidit H. C. A. Eichstädt. vol. 1. indicit Academia Jenensis. Memorabilia Academiæ Lipsiæ, 1806. 8º. 256. c. 3. Jenensis II. 1. De vita et obitu Antonii lib. Bar. de Ziegesar. 2. De G. C. F. Succovii sacris muneris acade- Tertium Academiæ Jenensis seculum a Societate Latina mici semisæcularibus; scripsit H. C. A. Eichstadius. piis votis faustisque acclamationibus exceptum. Eas Jenæ, [1844.] 4º. 8356. f. collegit, disposuit atque edidit ...J. E. I. Walchius. . Jenæ, 1758. 8º. 117. a. 44. Index scholarum 1845 (1850, 53.) 4 pt. Jenæ, (1845-54.] 4º. 8356. f. Societät für die gesammte Mineralogie. Annalen... Herausgegeben von J. G. Lenz, und Adresse der zum Senate nicht gehörenden akademischen J. F. H. Schwabe. 2 Bde. Jena und Leipzig, 1802, 4. gº. Lehrer an den illustren Senat der Universität Jena. 987. i. 17. Jena, 1848. 8º. 8307. d. In Bd. 2 the designation of the Society is Herzogliche Societät, etc. Gesetze für die Studirenden der Gesammt-Universität zu Jena. Jena, 1851. 89, . 8355. b. Statuten. Jena, 1799. 8º. T. 836. (9.) Verzeichniss der Mitglieder. [Jena, 1799.] 8º. Verzeichniss der Lehrer, Behörden, Beamten, und “3131. 836. (9*.) Studirenden auf der ... Gesammt-Universität Jena ... Aufgestellt von C. Voigt. N° 60 (62, 63.-Aufgestellt : [Another edition.] [Jena, 1800?] 8º. von L. Walther. N° 65, 66). 5 Nos. Jena, 1856–59. 80. 8355. bbb. Statistisches Bureau Vereinigter Thüringischer Staaten. Ordo Jureconsultorum [cf the University of Jena] in... H. Ellis ... Musei Britannici Præsidem ..., Doctoris Büreaus vereinigter Thüringischer Staaten herausge- juris utriusque honores ... contulit, etc. geben von Dr B. Hildebrand. Jena, 1866, etc. 4°. [Jena, 1856.] s. sh. fol. Tab. 597. a. 1. (66.) In progress. 8223. df. Novi Prorectoris ... Caroli Nipperdey ... auspicia .... Teutsche Gesellschaft. indicit Academia Jenensis. *Adjecta est, Memoria C. Bachmanni et E. Reinholdi, edita ab C. Goettlingio. See supra : Deutsche Gesellschaft. Jenae, (1857.] 4º. . 10703. g. Verein für thüringische Geschichte und Alterthums- Pennalismus proscriptus profligatusqne ab Academia kunde. Jenensi. Jenæ, 1661. fol. 836. m. 23. (21.) Zeitschrift des Vereins für thüringische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. 8 Bde. Jena, 1852–71. 8º. Gäntzliche Abschaffung des schädlichen Pennal-Wesens Ac. 7068. auf der Universität zu Jehna, aus dem Lateinischen ... Thüringische Geschichtsquellen... Namens des Vereines übersetzt. [Jena,] 1661. fol. 836. m. 23. (19.) für thüringische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde ... herausgegeben von Dr. F. X. Wegele. 3 Bde. Das Eisenacher Attentat auf die Theologische Facultät Jena, 1854-59. 8°. . 9366. e. der Universität Jena im Jahre ... 1881 urkundlich dar- gestellt. pp. 68. Jena, Naumburg a/ S. (printed), 1881. 8º. Universitas Litterarum Jenensis. 3911. de. 19. (3.) See supra. : Academia Jenensis. Deutsche Gesellschaft. Sammlung der Schriften der Teutschen Gesellschaft in . JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, ausgegeben von G. Stollen. pp. 352. Jena, 1732. 8º. 12253. ee. 5. See infra: Xerez de la Frontera. Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. (Die Redactionscommission: Gegenbaur, Gerhardt, Geuther.) 7 Bde. Leipzig, 1864-73. 8º. [continued as: 7 Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft ... Neue Folge. Jena, 1874, etc. 8º. In progress. Denkschriften, etc. Jena, 1879, etc. 40. In progress. 1833. b. INGOLSTADT. Academia Ingoldstadiensis. See ROTMARUS (v.) Almæ Ingolstadiensis Academiæ tomus primus, in septem divisus partes: quarum 1. Acclamationes poeticas: II. Cancellarios, etc. com- plectitur. 1581. 4º. 731. g. 8. See ROTMARUS (v.) Annales Ingolstadiensis Academiæ, etc. 1782. 4º. 731. d. 25. Sibentzehen Artickel so die Doctorn, der ... Universitet Ingoldstatt für Ketzerisch verdimmet, vnd Mayster A. Seehofer võ München offentlich an vnser Frawen geburt Abent widerrufft hatt, in dem 1523 Jar. With à commentary by the Doctors of the University, [ Ingolstadt ? 1523.7 40. 1226. a. 34. Societas Latina Jenensis. Exercitationes Societatis Latinæ ... publicatæ ab ejus directore F. A. Hallbauero. 2 vol. Lipsiæ, 1741-43. 8º. 273. d. 38. Acta Societatis Latinæ ... edita ab ejus directore J. E. I. Walchio. 5 tom. Jenæ, 1752-56. 8º. Ac. 8951. [Another copy.] 255. e. 24-28. See LUTHER (M.) [Wider das blinde und tolle Verdammnis, etc.) Wider das blindt unnd Toll verdamnuss der Syben- zehen Artickel von der ... Universitet zü Ingolstat aussgangen, etc. 1524. 4º. 3905. ee. 8. 355 · ACADEMIES: [INGOLDSTADT-ITALY.] 356 INGOLDSTADT [CONTINUED). INVERNESS. Gaelic Society. Academia Ingoldstadiensis. De controversa Archeipiscopum (Herman v.] inter & Transactions. Inverness, 1872, etc. 89. Ac. 8260. Clerum ac Universitatem Colonięsem, In progress. sacrosancta Religione Christiana ... . Ingolstadiensis Universitatis judicium, etc. J. Gennepæus : (Ingolstadt?] 1545. 4º. Medical Society of the North. 3908. cc. 39. Rules adopted by the Medical Society of the North Responsum Juris, 1. De bona fide Landtgravij. 2. De for the regulation of their Fees. parte Mechtildis præscripta. Per Jureconsultos Ingol Inverness, 1818. 8º. Ac. 3851. stadienses & Lovanienses solemniter confirmatum. [Augsburg, 1551 ?] 4º. 1245. a. 1. (27.) Ordo studiorum et lectionum in quatuor facultatibus IOWA. apud Academiam...renovatus, etc. Ingolstadii, 1571. 4º. 731. e. 5. (13.) State Historical Society. The Annals of Iowa. Published quarterly by the State Consilium... in causa Waldeck contra Hessen, in quo de Historical Society . . . Edited by the Corresponding probatione, quem esse mediatè vel immediatè subjectum Secretary (F. Lloyd). Vol. IX. Nos. 1, 2. Imperio & de feudo comitatus Waldeck, uti & de collec Iowa State Press : Iowa, (1871.] 8º. Ac. 8529. tarum materia varia... pertractantur [by the Faculty of Law in the University of Ingolstadt). See KLOCKIUS (c.) O. Klockii . . . tractatus ... de contributionibus, etc. 1656. fol. 5505. i. 3. IPSWICH. Suffolk Archäological Association. Suffolk Archæological Association Regulations. INNSPRUCK. [Ipswich, 1846?] 8. sh. 8º. 10351. g. 19. (2.) Ferdinandeum. A list of members of the Suffolk Archäological Asso- Beiträge zur Geschichte, Statistik, Naturkunde, und ciation. [Ipswich, 1847 ?] s. sh. 8º. Kunst von Tirol und Vorarlberg. Herausgegeben von 10351. g. 19. (3.) den Mitgliedern des Ferdinandeums, von Mersi, von Pfaundler und Röggel. . 8 Bde. Innsbruck, 1825–34. 8º. Continued as :) ITALY. Neue Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums für Tyrol und | Accademia Costante d'Italia. Vorarlberg. Herausgegeben von den Kuratoren dessel- Costituzione dell'Accademia Costante d'Italia. ben. 12 Bdchn. Innsbruck, 1835–46. 8º. [Continued as:] [Padua, 1795.] 8º. Ac. 24. Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums, etc. Dritte Folge. Innsbruck, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 760. Accademia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. In progress. Atti dell'Accademia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. tom. 1, pt. 1, 2. Livorno, 1810. 8º. Ac. 25. Naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Verein. No more published. Berichte. Innsbruck, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 2907. Rapporto del Vice-Presidente d' Conservatori dell' In progress. Accademia Italiana sopra lo stato della medesima. [Leghorn, 1810?] 8º. 899. f. 1. (1.) Verein zur geognostisch-montanistischen Durch- forschung des Landes Tirol und Vorarlberg. Associazione Medica Italiana. Abriss der montanistischen Kenntnisse, mit einer Darstel- Atti del quarto congresso della Associazione Medica lung der benützungsfähigen Mineral-produkte Tirols und Italiana tenuto in Venezia nei giorni 11 a 18 ottobre Vorarlbergs. [Based upon the “Bergrecht” of J. Tausch, 1868. Venezia, 1869. 8º. 7680. bb. with additions by J. N. Friese.] Innspruck, 1839. 8º. 7104. aa. Scienziati Italiani. Bericht über die am 9. Mai 1846 abgehaltene achte Generalversammlung des Vereines, etc. Atti della primal-ottava, undecima) riunione degli Innsbruck, 1846. 8º. Ac. 3131. Scienziati Italiani, etc. 1839–46. Pisa, etc., 1840, etc. 4º. Ac. 2801/5. Erläuterungen zur geognostischen Karte Tirols und In progress. Schlussbericht der administrativen Direction des geog- Atti della prima riunione degli Scienziati Italiani nostisch-montanischen Vereines für Tirol und Vorarl- berg. Redigirt von ... H. v. Widmann. (Einleitung tenuta in Pisa nell' Ottobre del 1839. Seconda edizione, zur Orographie von Tirol und Vorarlberg von . . .M. aumentata, etc. Pisa, 1840. 4°. 8704. f. Stotter... Petrographische Erläuterungen zur geognost- Atti dei congressi degli Scienziati Italiani raccolti ed ischen Karte von Tirol, von J. Trinker... Höhenbestim- ordinati dall'Accademia degli Aspiranti naturalisti; con mungen von Tirol und Vorarlberg neu gesammelt. .. note e comenti. Editore L. Dorotea. Vol. 1-6. durch J. Trinker ... Schlussbericht des administrativen Napoli, 1844-45. 8°. Ac. 2801. Vereins-Directors. . . A. v. Widmann, etc.) 5 pt. Innsbruck, 1853. 4º. 7108. f. Diario della sesta riunione degli Scienziati Italiani con- Each pt. has a distinct pagination. vocati in Milano nel Settembre 1844. Con i lavori uniti senza interruzione sotto le rispettive sezioni Universität. l'elenco dei membri in ordine alfabetico distinti per Notizen über die erste academische Feldcompagnie der sezione e coll'aggiunta dei discorsi di alcuni presidenti. k. k. Universität in Innsbruck, 1848, etc. [With a preface signed G. B. C.] Milano, (1845.7 80. Innsbruck, 1853. 8º. 9314. c. Ac. 2801/2. 357 ACADEMIES. [ITALY—KIEL] 358 TINI тво ITALY [CONTINUED). KASAN (CONTINUED]. Scienziati Italiani. Казанскій Университет. Atti verbali della Sezione di geologia e mineralogia della See ѕuрта: Императорскій Казанскій Университети. VIII. riunione degli Scienziati Italiani ch' ebbe luogo in Genova nel Settembre 1846. Compilato da A. de Zigno. Казанское Общество Любителей Отечественной Словес- Padova, 1849. 49. Ас. 2801/3. ност. Торжество Казанскаго Общества и пр ... Труды Diario dell'ottavo congresso degli Scienziati Italiani con- Казанскаго общества и пр ... Книга I. vocati in Genova nel settembre 1846. Казань, 1815. 89. Ас. 9083. Genova, [1846.) 49. Ас. 2801/2. Общество Естествоиспытателей. Società Italiana di Storia ed Archeologia. Протоколы засѣданій Общества Естествоиспытателей при Società Italiana di Storia ed Archeologia. Statuti. императорскомъ Казанскомъ Университетѣ . . . Asti, 1869. 89. 8356. а. 1869-70 (1870-71) годъ. Издаваемые подъ редакціею ... М. Богданова. See supra : Императорскій Казан- скій Университетъ. Извѣстія, etc. 1870-71. ITHACA, NEW YORK. 1865, etc. 89. "Ас. 1097/2. Труды Общества Естествоиспытателей при император- Cornell University., скомъ Казанскомъ Университетѣ. Томъ І. (, etc.) издан- The Cornell University. Seoond (or rather first] general ный подъ редакціею Н. Ковалевскаго, Н. Леваковскаго, announcement. Second edition, with additions. н. Головкинскаго и м. Богданова. Albany [N. Y.], 1868. 89. . 8365 bb. Казань, 1871, etc. 49. - Ас. 2986. The Cornell University Register 1869–70, etc. Ithaca [N. Y.], 1870, etc. 8°. . Р.Р. 2521. h. In progress. KECSKEMET. The Library of Cornell University. Ithaсa, 1882, etc. 89. 109. Kecskeméti Reformátusi Föiskolai Önképző Tár- In progress. sulat. Emlékkönyv 1864. Szépirodalmi gyütemény, kiadja... Önképző-Társulat. Szeged, 1864. 16º. Ас. 9432. KANDY. No more published. Ceylon Agricultural Society. Proceedings of the Ceylon Agricultural Society for the half year ending the ist of July, 1842. KESMARK. Baptist Mission Press : Kandy, 1842. 8º. Ac. 3544. Magyarországi Kárpátegylet. Magyarországi Kárpátegylet évkönyve ... Jahrbuch des Ungarischen Karpathen-Vereines. Hung. and Ger. KASAN. Казва, Кésmark, Iglo, 1874, etc. 89. Ас. 2917. Императорскій Казанскій Университетъ. In progress. Jahrgang 2, 3, 6, etc. were published at Kesmark, and Jahrg. 5 at Iglo. Jahrg. 1-5 are in Hun- Ученыя Захиски, etc. Казань, 1834, etc. 80. & 49. garian and German; Jahrg. 6, etc. partly in Hungarian, Ас. 1097. | partly in German. In progress. During the years 1862-64 this work was divided into 2 sections called respectively : “ Omonnerie Ungarischer Karpathen-Verein, историко - филологическое" and " Отдѣлене физико- See supra : Magyarországi Kárpátegylet. Mamemamuueckoe.” Imperfect, wanting supplement to vol. for 1862. . Извѣстія, еtс. Казань, 1865, etc. 89. Ас. 1097/2. In progress. KHARKOV. Каталогъ Санскритскимъ, Монгольскимъ, Тибетскимъ, 1 императорски дароково | Императорскій Харьковскій Университеть. Маньджурскимъ и Китайскимъ книгамъ и рукопися мъ, RizНsKY (IVAN STEPANOVicн) Опытъ Риторики ..., въ Библіотекѣ Императорскаго Казанскаго Университета нынъ съ нѣкоторыми исправленіями и дополненіями хранящимся. Казань, 1834. 89. 11904. сс. 1. отъ сочинителя ... вторымъ тисненіемъ. Uebersicht des Fortschrittes und der Erfolge im Lehr- Харьков, 18o5. 89. Ас. 2652. fache der asiatischen Sprachen an der Universität Kasan. Kasan, 1842. 80. 732. d. 26. Сборникъ ученыхъ статей, написанныхъ професорами KIEL. Императорскаго Казанскаго Университета, въ память пятидесятилѣтняго его существованія. 2 tom. | Academia Christiana Albertina. Казань, 1856-57. 89. 8705. f. See infra : — WITTENBERG. — Academia Vitembergensis. Responsa und Belehrungen der dreyen theologischen MuỦAMMAD Ridhá, Sayyid. į , blandt emell who Facultäten zu Wittenberg, Rostock und Kiel, über „С 3). - (Acceбъ о- Cсейяръ или Семъ den ... Entwurff unvorgreifflicher Gedancken über vier den Gebrauch der Privat-Communion betreffende Планетъ содержащий исторію Крымскихъ Хановъ отт Gewissens-Fragen, etc. 1694. 49. 3908. е. 10. (2) Менгли-Гирей Хана 1-го до Менгли-Гирей Хана 2-го, т. е. съ да по 1159 г. ... Изданное ... подъ наблю Programma quo Vice-Prorector et Senatus Academiæ деніемъ Мирзы Казембека.) Turk. ad exsequias ... Cæsonis Grammii ... cives academicos Казань, 1832. 49. . 758. і. 15. invitat. Kilonij, 1673. 4º. 731. е. 5. (15.) 359 ACADEMIES. [KIEL.] 360 KIEL [CONTINUED). KIEL [CONTINUED). Academia Christiana Albertina. Academia Christiana Albertina. Programma quo Pro-Rector et Senatus A. Kiloniensis ad Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Alber- exequias Elisabetæ Arpeniæ...cives academicos invitat. tina per instans semestre hibernum a die ... 27 ... Kiloni, 1684. 4º. · 1090. l. 15. (49.) Ootobris...1845 usque ad Festum Paschalis 1846 publice privatimque habendarum. Inest P. W. Forchhammeri Prorector et Senatus Academiæ ... ad O. N. Lindholzii de Judicio ad Palladium nullo tempore Ephetis adempto ...exequias...cives... invitant. Kilonij, (1709.] 4º. commentatio. Kiliæ, [1845.] 4º. 5207. b. (2.) 731. e. 5. (16.) Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana Albertina Prorector et Senatus Academiæ Kiloniensis futuris dis- per instans semestre hibernum a die...XXVI. ... Octobris ciplinæ nostræ alumnis S. P. D. Kiel, (1725.] 4º. 1. . 1846 usque ad Festum Paschatis 1847 publice 526. k. 13. (16.) privatimque habendarum. Inest P. W. Forchhammeri Regiæ Academiæ Kiloniensis Prorector Procancellarius et de ratione, quam Aristoteles in disponendis libris de Senatus orationem sollemnem Augustissimi Regis natali animalibus secutus sit, commentatio. Kilæ, [1846.] 4º. ... habendam indicunt, etc. 7205. C. Kiliæ Holsatorum, [1783.] 4º. 152. b. 13. (4.) Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Alber- tina per instans semestre hibernum a die . . . 25... Regiae Academiae Christiano-Albertinae Prorector...et Octobris...1847 usque ad festum Paschatis 1848 publice Senatus solemnitatem saecularem in honorem ... G. H. privatimque habendarum. Inest P. W. Forchhammeri Kannegiesseri ... celebrandam indicunt. Praemissa est de Aristotelis Arte Poetica ex Platone illustrandæ coin- prolusio illustrans memorabile medii aevi monumentum, mentatio. Kiliæ, [1847.] 4º. 11805. o. quod ad medicinam forensem spectat responsum juris- consultorum Moguntinorum datum in caussa illustri, Chronik der Universität zu Kiel (during the year 1854). elogii medicorum aliorumque naturae scrutatorum Kiel, 1855. 4º. 8355. f. habito respectu. Kiliae Holsatorum, (1786.] 4º. T. 648. (5.) Schriften der Universität zu Kiel aus dem Jahre 1854, Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Alber- etc. Kiel, 1855, etc. 4º. Ac. 1030. tina per instans semestre hibernum à die ... 23 Octobris In progress. ... 1837 usque ad Festum Paschatis 1838 publice priva- timque habendarum. In'est P. W. Forchammeri ... Chronik der Universität zu Kiel (during the year 1855). de Pyramidibus commentatio. Kiliæ, (1837.) 4º. Kiel, 1856. 4º. 8355. f. 7705. c. 2. Index scholarum in Academia Christiana Albertina per Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Albertina instans semestre hibernum ... habendarum.. Inest G. per instans semestre aestivum . . . MDCCCXXXVIII. . . . Curtii Corollarium commentationis de nomine Homeri publice privatimque habendarum.-Inest G. G. Nitzschii scriptae. Kiliae, (i856.] 49, 11315. h. 24. (2.) commentatio de quibusdam Sophoclis, Taciti et Euripidis locis, ad instituendum interpretem insignibus. Die Universität Kiel. Gegenwart und Zukunft. Kiliae, (1838.] 4º. 731. d. 22. Kiel, 1871. 8º. Ac. 1030/2. Die Einweihungsfeier des neuen-Universitäts-Gebäudes Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Albertina zu Kiel, 24. bis 26. Oktober. Von Dr. F. Volbehr. per instans semestre hibernum... MDCCCXXXVIII. ... pp. 111. Kiel, 1876. 8°. Ac. 1030/4. MDCCCXXXIX. publice privatimque habendarum. Inest G. G. Nitzschii narratio brevis de Lobeckii Aglaophamo. Die Vorgänge der letzten Tage auf hiesiger Universität Kiliae, [1838.] 4º. 731. d. 21. ... Zugleich ein Wort über das heutige deutsche Studen- tenleben. Kiel, (1844.] 80. 732. g. 25. Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Albertina Zwei Rechtsgutachten der Juristen-Fakultäten auf der perinstans seinestre hibernum... MDCCCXXXIX ... MDCCCXXXX. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel und auf der publice privatimque habendarum...Inest G. G. Nitzschii ad Lobeckii Aglaophamum corollar. II. Königlich-Hannoverscher Georg-August- Universität zu Göttingen über die Preussische Pressverordnung vum Kiliae, [1839.] 4º. 732. h. 18. (3.) 1 Juni 1863. Berlin, 1863. 8º. 8309. cc. Academiæ Christianæ Albertinæ rector et senatus civibus Geschichte der theoloyischen Facultät [of the Univer- post exsequias G. S. Franckii qui . . . decessit Kiliæ d. sity of Kiel. By L. E. Carstens]. Kiel, 1873. 8º. XXVIII. m. martii a. MDCCCXL. Kiliæ, [1840.] 4º. AC. 1030/3. *1406. k. Academia Kiloniensis. Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Albertina See super : Academia Christiana Albertina. per instans semestre hibernum ... 1840 . . . 1841 publice privatimque habendarum.-Inest P. W. Forob- hammeri de Scamandro commentatio. Academia Regia Christiana-Albertina. Kiliæ, [1840.] 4º. 731, d. 24. See supra : Academia Christiana-Albertina. [Another copy.] 10125. C. | Christian-Albrechts-Universität. See supra: Academia Christiana Albertina. Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Albertina per instans semestre æstivum...MDCCCXLIII., etc. Königlich-Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesell- Kiliæ, 1843. 4º. 731. d. 23. schaft für die Sammlung und Erhaltung vater- ländischer Alterthümer, Index scholarum in Academia Regia Christiana-Alber- Erster Bericht, etc. Kiel, (1836, etc.] 8º. Ac. 7638/5. tina per instans semestre hibernum a die . . . 28. .. In progress. Octobris . . . 1844 usque ad Festum Paschatis 1845 publice privatimque habendarum. Inest P. W. Forch HANDELMANN (HEINRICH) and KLANDER (C. A.) Ver hammeri de Ephetis non ludibrio habitis commentatio. zeichniss der Münzsammlung des Museums vaterländi- Kiliæ, (1844.) 4º. 5207. b. (1.) scher Alterthümer in Kiel, etc. Kiel, 1863, etc. 80. Imperfect ; wanting the “ Index Scholarum." In progress. Ac. 5540/2 361 ACADEMIES. [KIEL-KILKENNY.] 362 Кто KIEL [CONTINUED). KIEV [CONTINUED). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Кіевское Общество Естествоиспытатлей. . Schriften. Kiel, 1873, etc. 89. Ас. 2971. Указатель Русской литературы по математикѣ, чистымъ In progress. и прикладнымъ естественнымъ наукамъ, медицинѣ и ветеринарій за 1876 (1877, etc.) годъ...подъ редакцією Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft für ...н. А. Бунге. Кіевъ, 1878, etc. 89. Ас. 2987 12. die Sammlung und Erhaltung vaterländischer In progress. Alterthümer. See supra : Königlich- Schleswig-Holstein-Lauen- | Коммиссія для описанія губерній Кіевскаго учебнаго округа. burgische Gesellschaft, etc. Труды Коммиссiн Высочайше учрежденной прих Иміс- Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft für раторскомъ Университетѣ Св. Владиміра для описанія губерній Кіевскаго Учебнаго Округа Подольской, Во- vaterländische Geschichte. лынской, etc. Кіевт, 1851, etc. 89. Ас. 6125. Archiv für Staats- und Kirchengeschichte der Herzog In progress. thümer Schleswig, Hostein, Lauenburg, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Kiel.. Университет Святаго Владиміра. Urkundensammlung der Schleswig-Holstein - Lauen Алфавитный указатель книгъ, поступившихъ въ библіо- burgischen Gesellschaft ... Namens der Gesellschaft теку Университета Св. Владиміра, съ 1854 по 1860 redigirt von A. L. J. Michelsen. Bd. 1, 2, 3; Abth. 1. г. включительно (въ 1861, 1862 году). З pt. Kiel, 1839-58. 49. Ас. 7638. Кіевъ, 1862, 63. 89. *11903. g. · Bd. 1 has a second titlepage which was issued with “ Nach- träge" in 1850.-Bd. 2 is in 4 pts., each having a separate Bp Временная Коммиссія для разбора древнихъ актовъ. titlepage. No'more published. Памятники, изданные Временною Коммиссiею для разбора древнихъ актовъ. Кіева, 1845, etc. 89. Nordalbiugische Studien. Neues Archiv, etc. 6 Bde. In progress. 1313. 1. Kiel, 1844-54. 8°. Ас, 7638/4. No more published. Архивъ Югозападной Россін. Кіевъ, 1859, etc. 89. In progress. Ас. 7870 /3. Jahrbücher für die Landeskunde der Herzogthümer Schleswig, Holstein, und Lauenburg ... redigirt von F. Lehmann und Dr. Handelmann. Mit Steindruck Очеркъ отношеній Польскаго Государства къ Право- Ас. 7638/5. славію и Православной Церкви. Кіевъ, 1866. 89. In progress. 3926. сс. GRABYANKA (GRIGORY) Дѣйствия презѣльной ... брани MICHELSEN (ANDREAS LUDWIG JACOB) Urkundenbuch Б. Хмелницкого, Гетмана Запорожскаго, съ Полякі,... zur Geschichte des Landes Dithmarschen, etc. въ року 1648,...начатой, еtс. (Приложения, Отрывки Altona, 1834. 49. 9340. h. изъ лѣтописи Л. Боболинскаго.) [Edited by І. Samchevsky.]. Кіевъ, 1854. 89. Ас. 7870/2. Verein für Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. VELICHко (SАMoi. VASIL'EVІсн) лѣтопись событiй въ See infra : Verein nördlich der Elbe zur Ver- Югозападной Россін въ хүII-мъ вѣкѣ. 2 том. breitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. Кіевъ, 1848-5 I. 89. Ас. 7870/5. tafel[n]. Kiel, und Dr. Hanauenburg Verein nördlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung naturwis- senschaftlicher Kenntnisse. Mittheilungen. Heft 8, 9. Kiel, 1868, 69. 8º. KILKENNY Ас. 2972. Verein Schleswig-Holsteinischer Aerzte. Kilkenny Archaeological Society, afterwards Historical Mittheilungen für den Verein, etc. and Archäological Association of Ireland. Kiel, 1866, etc. 89. Ас. 3803. Transactions of the Kilkenny Archæological Society. In progress. vol. 1, 2. 1849–53. Dublin, 1850-55. 80. [Continued as : Universität. Proceedings and transactions of the Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland Archeological Society. See supra : Academia Christiana Albertina. vol. 3. 1854, 55. Dublin, 1856. 80. [Continued as:] The Journal of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland KIEV. Archeological Society. New Series. 5 vol. Dublin, 1858-67. 89. Археографическая коммиссія. [Continued as :) See infra: Временная Коммиссія для разбора древних The Journal of the Historical and Archäological Asso- акоповъ. ciation of Ireland. Third Series. Dublin, 1868, etc. 80. In progress. Ас. 5785. Кіевская Духовная Академія. Сборникъ изъ лекцій бывшихъ Профессоровъ Кіевской The Annuary of the ... Society. Dublin, 1856, etc. 8º. Духовной Академіи, Архимандрита Іннокентія, Про- In progress. Ас. 5785/2. тојерея И. М. Скворцева, П. С. Авсенева (Архиман- дрита Өеофана) и Я. К. Амфитеатрова. 4 pt. Christian Inscriptions in the Irish Language. Chiefly Кіевъ, 1869. 89. Ас. 2052. collected and drawn by G. Petrie, ... and edited by Кіевское Общество Естествоиспытателей. M. Stokes. 2 vol. Dublin, 1872-78. 49. Ас. 5785/4. Записки Кіевскаго Общества Естествоиспытателей. Кіевъ, 187o, etc. 89. A 998 | Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. In progress. See supra : Kilkenny Archaeological Society. 363 ACADEMIES. (KING STON, JAMAICA-KONIGSBERG.] 364 KINGSTON, JAMAICA. KNOXVILLE, TENNESSE. Jamaica Society of Arts. East Tennessee University. The Transactions of the Jamaica Society of Arts.. vol. Reports of the Board of Trustees of the University of 1-3. Dec. 1854—Dec. 1857. Nashville ... Knoxville, etc. See infra : NASHVILLE, Tennessee.--University of Nashville. Kingston, Jamaica, (1854-5.] 4º. Ac. 1957. . No more published. -Reports, etc. 8365. C. Vol. 1 is imperfect, wanting Nos. 1858.. 8º. 7, 8, pp. 90–113. [Another copy.] 740. g. Imperfect; wanting all after Vol. II., No. 5. KONIGSBERG. Academia Albertina. See JUNG (A.) Die grosse National-Feier des dritten KIRKWALL. Universitäts-Jubiläums zu Königsberg. 1844. 8º. Antiquarian Natural History Society of Orkney. 1732. d. 6. First Annual Report. Kirkwall, 1846. 12º. See MASECOVIUS (C.) Aufrichtige Beschreibung der Bege- 741. a. 18. benheit zwischen E. Hoch- Ehrw. Theol. Facultaet zu Königsberg ... und ... G. Schævius, etc. 1712. 4º. KLAGENFURT. 3908. d. 7. See SAMUEL (s.) Ueber den protestantischen Charakter Historischer Verein für Kärnten. der Albertina. 1861. 8º. 3910. ee. 12. (2.) Archiv für vaterländische Geschichte und Topographie ... Verantwortlicher Redacteur G. Freiherr v. Ankers Honor exequialis . . . M. Pantelio ... exhibitus a ... hofen. Jahrg. 1-3. Klagenfurt, 1849-50-56. 8º. Rectore et ... Professoribus Academiæ Regiomontanæ. No more published. Ac. 7200. Regiomonti, [1699.] fol. 777. l. 1. (65.) Kärntner Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft. Die Alpenwirthschaft in Kärnten. [Edited by A. von Scheidlin.] Klagenfurt, 1873, etc. 80. Ac. 3436. In progress. Ad honorificam funerationem ... M. Pantelii ... cives suos invitat Rector et Senatus Acad. Regiomontanæ. Regiomonti, [1699.) fol. 777. 1. 1. (66.) a. It issbertykande Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum. PACHER (DAVID) and JABORNEGG-GAMSENEGG (MARCUS VON) Baron. Flora von Kärnten, etc. Klagenfurt, 1881, etc. 8º. 7031. b. In progress. Gravamina welche auf dem zu Königsberg Anno 1740 den 18 Julii gehaltenen Königl. Preussisch. 'n Land- Tage denen Hochlöblichen Ständen ... überreichet Rector & Senatus der Universität zu Königsberg ..., nebst die Bedencken so sich sämmtliche Drey Stände einander zugefertiget. (Abgenöthigte Ablehnung derer- jenigen Beschuldigungen, mit welchen einige Membra des Academischen Senatus zu Königsberg, die Theo- logische Facultat daselbst bey dem Land-Tage zu belegen bemühet gewesen.) [Konigsberg, 1740.] 4º. 9326. ał. 1. (2.) Ueber die Universitaet zu Koenigsberg. Ein Nachtrag zu Arnoldt und Goldbeck. [By J. D. Metzger.] pp. 94. Koenigsberg, 1804. 8º. 8357. aaa. 5. KLAUSENBURG. Erdélyi Muzeum-Egylet. See MIKÓ (1.) Count. Erdélyi Történelmi Adatok. (Köt. 4, etc.] Kiadja az Erdélyi Muzeum-Egyesület.) 1855, etc. 80. 9315.- a. Az Erdélyi Muzeum-Egylet Évhönyvei ... Szerkesztette Brassai S. Kolozsvártt, 1861, etc. 4º. Ac. 7300/4. In progress. Erdélyi Országos Muzeum Naptára az 1863(, etc.) dik ... esztendöre. Kolozsvártt, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 7300. In progress. Erdélyi Országos Muzeum. See supra: Erdélyi Muzeum Egylet. Programm zur Ankündigung der öffentlichen Reden, etc, (Reglement für die Königliche Bibliothek zu Königsberg in Preussen.) 2 pt. Königsberg, 1823. 4º. 8357. ccc. 2. (1.) Programm zur Ankündigung der Gedächtnissfeier der HH. J. F. von Rhod und F. von Groeben. (Reglement für das philologische Seminarium bei der Königlichen Universität zu Königsberg in Preussen.) pp. 8. Königsberg, 1825. 4º. 8357. ccc. 3. (6.) Landwirthschaftliche Gesellschaft. Élevage de l'espèce ovine. See ARENSTEIN ( Notes sur l'elevage du bétail, etc. 1856. 8°. 7105. e. Schafzucht ſin Siebenbürgen). Rindviehzucht-Schaf- zucht-Schweinezucht (in Galizien). See AUSTRIA.--Ministerium des Innern. Skizzen über die Zucht der Rinder, Schafe und Schweine im Kaiserthum Österreich, etc. 1856. 8º. 7295. g. Festum Resurrectionis Jesu Christi pie celebrandum indicunt Academiæ Albertinæ Prorector et Senatus. Anno 1843. Insunt conciones sacræ episcopi G. a Po- lentis festo resurrectionis J. Ch. et festo Pentecostes a 1524 in ecclesia cathedrali Regiomontana habita. Ex autographo edidit et præfatus est A. R. Gebser. Germ. [With the editor's prefaces, Lat.] Regiomonti Prussorum, [1843]. 4º. 1359. k. Római Katholikus Gymnasium. A Kolosvári Rom. Kath. nyilvános teljes Gymnasium Evkönyvei. Szerkeszté ugyanazon tanintézet tanári Rara. 185}, etc. Kolosvártt, (1852, etc.] 4º. Ac. 830. In progress. Die Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg. Eine Denk- schrift, etc. pp. 66. Königsberg, (1844.) 8º. 1048. h. 25. (1.) Drittes Secularfest der Königlichen Albrechts-Univer- sität. [Collection of verses.] pp. 16. Königsberg, (1844.] 8º. 1048. h. 24. (2.) Société Agronomique. See supra : Landwirthschaftliche Gesellschaft. Amtliche Nachrichten über die Feier des dritten Secu- larfestes der Albrechts-Universität zu Königsberg. Königsberg, 1844. 8º. 8355. d. 365 ACADEMIES. [KONIGSBERG-LAMPETER.] 366 KONIGSBERG [CONTINUED]. · KONIGSBERG [CONTINUED). Academia Albertina. Physikalisch-Ökonomische Gesellschaft. Gedenkbuch der zur dritten Jubelfeier Albertina's ver Schriften der königlichen physikalisch-ökonomischen sammelt gewesenen Commilitonen. Gesellschaft zu Königsberg. Königsberg, 1861, etc. 4°. Königsberg, 1844. fol. 8356. e. In progress. Ac. 2337/2. Lithographed. Beiträge zur Naturkunde Preussens, herausgegeben von Liederbuch der Alma Albertina. der königlichen physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft Königsberg, 1844. 16º. Ac. 2640. zu Königsberg. Königsberg, 1868, etc. 4º. Ac. 2337. Drei Gutachten des General-Concils der Universität . In progress. Königsberg die Universitäts-Refurm betreffend. Aus den Universitäts-Acten...abgedruckt. pp. 45. Verein für die Geschichte der Provinz Preussen. Königsberg, 1849. 8º. 1048. h. 24. (3.) Acten der Ständetage Ost-und Westpreussens. Statuten der juristischen Facultät der Königlichen Leipzig, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 7351. Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg. pp. 34. In progress. Königsberg, 1854. 4°. 8364. h. 2. (2.) Die preussischen Geschichtschreiber des XVI. und xvii. Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von dem Verein für die Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg. pp. 35. Geschichte der Provinz Preussen. Königsberg, 1854. 4º. 8364. h. 2. (3.) Leipzig, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 7351/2. Statuten der philosophischen Facultät der Königlichen In progress. Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg. pp. 33. Königsberg, 1854. 4°. 8364. h. 2. (4.) Verein für wissenschaftliche Heilkunde. Statuten der theologischen Facultät der Königlichen Königsberger medicinische Jahrbücher. Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg. pp. 35. Königsberg, 1858, etc. 8°. Ac. 3781. Königsberg, 1854. 4º. 8364. h. 2. (1.) In progress. Amtliches Verzeichniss des Personals und der Studi- rsonals und der Studio | Universität. renden auf der Königl. Albertus-Universität zu Königs- berg in Pr. für das Sommer-Semester 1863. (Winter See supra : Academia Albertina. Semester 1863/ 64.) Königsberg, (1863.] 8º. 8356. d. Bibliothek. LAHORE. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae et Universitatis Regimontanae. Fasc. I. Codices ad Agri-Horticultural Society of the Punjab. Jurisprudentiam pertinentes digessit et descripsit K.J. H. Steffenhagen. Accedit descriptio codicum juris qui Proceedings. Pt. 1, 2. Lahore, 1852, etc. 8º. Regimonti in archivo regio et in bibliotheca urbica In progress. Ac. 3542/3. atque Wallenrodtiana asservantur. 'Edited by J. Zacher.] Regimonti, 1861. 4º. 11901. k. Bye-Laws of the Agri-Horticultural Society of the Punjab, as passed... 15th Feb., 1853. (List of the Sternwarte. Members, 1st of April, 1853.) 2 pt. Lahore, 1853. 8º. Ac. 3542/5. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Königlichen Uni- versitäts-Sternwarte in Königsberg. [Abth. 1-21, com- Law Society, Punjab. prising observations from Nov. 12, 1813, to Dec. 26, Selected Papers of the Law Society, Punjab. (B. Powell, 1835, edited by F. W. Bessel ; Abth. 22–26, and 29, from Editor.) Lahore, 1868, etc. 89. Ac. 2195. 1836 to 1842, and 1846, by A. L. Busch ; Abth. 27, 28, In progress. 30, 31 and 33, from 1842 to 1845, 1847–57, by E. Luther and M. L. G. Wichmann; Abtb. 32, 34, etc., from 1857, Punjab University College by E. Luther.] Königsberg, 1815, etc. fol. 8564. i. Punjab University College Calendar, 1874–75. In progress. . Lahore, 1874, etc. 8º. P.P. 2569. a. Tabulæ Regiomontanæ reductionum Observationum In progress. Astronomicarum ab anno 1750 usque ad annum 1850 computatæ, auctore F. W. Bessel. Regiomonti Prussorum, 1830. 8º. 532. g. 13. LAMPETER. Albrechts-Universität. Saint David's College. See supra: Academia Albertina. The St. David's College Calendar for...1833. Llandovery, 1833. 12º. T. 2038 (13.) Königliche Albertus-Universität. See supra: Academia Albertina. The St. David's College Calendar for 1834(-36, 53-56, 74, etc.) (Supplement for...1857, 58.) Königliche Deutsche Gesellschaft. Llandovery, London, [1834, etc.] 8º. Ausführliche Beschreibung der Feierlichkeiten bei Ge In progress. P.P. 2506 df. & 2121 b. legenheit der...dem Könige Friedrich Wilhelm III... zu Königsberg in Preussen, 1798, geleisteten Erbhuldi- The Charters and Statutes of Saint David's College, etc. gung. pp. 214. Königsberg, [1798.] 8º. 9930. b. 3. Edited by William Basil Tickell Jones, Bishop of Historische und litterarische Abhandlungen der könig- St. David's.] pp. v. 60. Oxford, 1879. go. lichen deutschen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg Heraus- 8366 f. 4. gegeben von F. W. Schubert. Samml. 1-4. St. David's College, Lampeter : its assailants and de- Königsberg, 1830–38. 89. Ac. 7350. fenders. London, 1851. 8°. . . . 8365. b. 367 ACADEMIES. (LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA-LAYBACH.] 368 1-7. LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA. LA ROCHE-SUR-YON. Medical Society of the state of Pennsylvania Société d'émulation de La Vendée. Constitution of the Medical Society of the state of Penn See infra : Napoléon. sylvania. See PENNSYLVANIA, Commonwealth of.-Medical Convention, Proceedings of the state medical convention, held... LAUSANNE. 1848, etc. 1848. 8º. 7306. bb. 17. (10.) Société d'Agriculture des Cinq Cantons de la Suisse Romande. LANDSHUT. Journal, etc. Année 1. No. 1-4. Lausanne, 1860. 8º. Ac. 3418. Botanischer Verein. Société d'Agriculture et d'Économie du Canton de HOFMANN (J.) Flora des Isar-Gebeites von Wolfrats Vaud. hausen bis Deggendorf,... bearbeitet von J. H....und Feuilles d'Agriculture et d'Économie générale. tom. herausgegeben von dem botanischen Verein in Lands- Ac. 3417. hut. pp. lxiv. 377. Landshut, 1883. 8°. 7033. c. 8. Continued as :) Feuille du Canton de Vaud, ou Journal d'Agriculture Historischer Verein für Niederbayern. pratique, des sciences naturelles, et d'économnie publique, Verhandlungen. Landshut, 1846, etc. 8º. ac. 7118. faisant suite aux Feuilles d'Agriculture, etc. tom. 8–18. les progress. (Tom. 14, etc. publié sous la direction de Mr. D. A. Chavannes.) [Continued as :) LANGRES. Journal de la Société Vaudoise d'utilité publique, faisant suite à la Feuille du Canton de Vaud ; (tom. 1-14) Société Historique et Archéologique. publié par Mr. D. A. Chavannes. Mémoires. Langres, 1847, etc. 4º. Ac. 5310. Lausanne, 1812-46, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 3419. In progress. In progress. The publication of this world was suspended during the years 1847–52. Bulletin. Langres [printed], Paris, (1872, etc.] 8º. In progress. Ac. 5310/2. Société des Sciences Physiques. Mémoires...1783–88. 3 tom. Lausanne, 1784-90. 4º. 435. c. 12–14. LANSING. Tom. 2 & 3 are entitled : Histoire et Mémoires, etc. Michigan State Agricultural Society. [Another copy.] 127. d. 8–10. Transactions. [Edited by J. C. Holmes.] Lansing, 1849, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3525. / Société d'Histoire de la Suisse Romande. Vol. 1 is without titlepage. Mémoires et Documens publiés par la Société. List of premiums and rules and regulations of the six- Lausanne, 1838, etc. 8°. Ac. 6960. teenth annual fair, to be held at Kalamazoo,... September In progress. 20, 21, 22 and 23, 1864. (The Proceedings, Lectures and Discussions at the Winter Meeting...1864.) Société Vaudoise d'Utilité publique. Detroit, 1864. 8º. 7076. cc. See supra : Société d'Agriculture, etc. Michigan State Pomological Society. First Report, etc. Lansing, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 3375. LAUTERN. In progress. Physikalisch-ökonomische und Bienengesellschaft. Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan. Bemerkungen. 1769–83. 16 Bde. Mannheim und Lautern, 1770-85. 8°. 963. a. 5–20. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan, together with reports of county, [Another copy.] Ac. 2326. town, and district pioneer societies. Wanting Bd. 1. Lansing, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 8403. In progress. Vorlesungen. 1784–90. 5 Bde. Mannheim, 1785-91. 8º. 895. c. 6. Bde. 4 and 5 are each in 2 pt. In 1770 the title of this Society was altered to : Kurpfälzisch-" (or Kürfürstlich-) LAON. physikalisch-ökonomische Gesellschafft, and in 1783 its place Société Académique de Laon. of meeting was transferred to Heidelberg. Bulletin de la Société, etc. Laon, 1852, etc. 8º. [Another copy.] 962. k. 7-11. In progress. Ac. 352. Staatswirthschaftliche Vorlesungen der Churpffälzischen Bailliage du Vermandois. Élections aux États-Géné physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Heidelberg, raux de 1789. Procès-verbaux, doléances, cahiers et etc. 2 Bde. Mannheim, 1791–92. 8º. 1027. k. 14. documents divers publiés par la Société Académique de Bd. 1 is in 2 Abtheil.; of Bd. 2 the first Abth. only, Laon. Précédés d'une introduction et suivis de notices appeared. biographiques par É. Fleury, Lnon (printed], Paris, 1872. 8º. Ac. 352/3. LAYBACH. Mémoires sur La Ligue dans le Laonnois, par A. Richart. Matica Slovenska. [With an introduction by A. Dey.] Laon, 1869. 8º. Vojvodstyo Kranjsko (Koroško) v zemljepisnem, statis- Ac. 352/2. tičnem in zgodovinskem spregledu. Po spisu J. Erben-a Société Archéologique du Département de l'Aisne. (“ Vévodství Korutany a Krajina," etc.). 2 pt. Bulletin. No. 1-4. Laon, 1843, 44. 8º. Ac. 5280. ☺ Ljubljani, 1866. 8o. Ac. 3434. 369 ACADEMIES. [LECCE-LEEUWARDEN,] 370 LECCE. LEEUWARDEN [CONTINUED). Commissione Conservatrice dei Monumenti Storici Provincial Friesch Genootschap ter beoefening der e di Belle Arti di Terra d'Otranto. Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde. La Commissione conservatrice dei Monumenti storici e Wetten van het Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap, etc. di Belle Arti di terra d'Otranto al Consiglio provinciale. (Franeker, 26 Sep. 1827.) Relazione per gli anni 1874-75 del Duca S. Castrome Leeuwarden, Workum (printed], 1828. 8º. Ac. 965. diano. Lecce, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 5226. In progress. Wetten van het Friesch Genootschap van Geschied- Oudheid- en Taalkunde, gevestigd te Leeuwarden. GIORGI (COSIMO DE') Illustrazioni archeologiche. Ri- (Ieeuwarden, 8 Jul. 1844.) Workum, 1844. 8º. cerche sulle tombe di Rugge sugli incrostamenti e de- Ac. 965. positi dei vasi fittili in esse contenuti e sui mezzi adope- rati per distruggerli. Lecce, 1872. 8º. Friesche Oudheden. Afbeeldingen van merkwaardige 7704. f. 12. (5.) voorwerpen van wetenschap en kunst, gevonden in de archieven, kerken, kasteelen, terpen enz. van Friesland. In 32 platen met historische toelichtingen ... uitge- LEEDS. geven door het Friesch Genootschap ... te Leeuwarden. Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Leeuwarden, 1875. fol. 1707. a. 1. Riding of Yorkshire. Gesta Abbatum Orti sancte Marie. Ac. 1270. Proceedings, etc. Leeds, 1849, etc. 8º. Gedenkschriften van de Abdij Mariengaarde in Friesland. Naar het te In progress. Brussel bewaarde Handschrift uitgegeven, met inleiding, aanteekeningen en register, door A. W. Wybrands. Philosophical and Literary Society. Lat. pp. xxxiv. 275. Leeuwarden, 1879. 8º. Transactions. Vol. 1, pt. 1. London, 1837. 8º. Ac. 965/13. Ac. 1271/2. De Lex Frisionum uitgegeven en toegelicht door Dr. K. Forty-first (fifty-second, etc.) Report of the Council of Freiherr von Richthofen, naar Pertz' Monumenta Ger- the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society maniae bezorgd door het Friesch Genootschap van Leeds, 1861, 72, etc. 8º. Ac. 1271. Geschied- Oudheid- en Taalkunde, gevolgd door eene In progress. verhandeling over de zamenstelling van de Lex Fri- sionum van Dr. B. J. Lintelo de Geer. Lat. Leeuwarden, Worcum [printed], 1866. 8º. LEEUWARDEN. 5686. aaa. Friesch Genootschap van Geschied-, Oudheid-, en With a second titlepage reading : “ Lex Frisionum erlente Taalkunde. K. Libero Barone de Richthofen." etc. See infra: Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap ter Oude Friesche Kronijken. (Thet Freske Riim, met beoefening der Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid-, en aanteekeningen van E. Epkema, etc. 1835. — Gesta Taalkunde. Fresonum, ... met aanteekeningen ... van J. W. de Crane. 1837.—De olde Friesche Cronike, met aantee- Gezelschap voor Friesche Taal- en Letterkunde. keningen van ... van E. Epkema.-Gesta Frisiorum.- See infra: Selskip for Frîske Tael end Skriften- M. Alvini Tractatus. 1853.) Leeuwarden, 1853. 4º. Ac. 965/11. kennisse. With another titlepage reading : “ Werken, uitgegeven door het Friesch Genootschap," etc. Dl. II. Gezelschap voor Friesche Taal- en Schriftenkennis. See infra : Selskip for Frîske Tael end Skriften- Oude Friesche Wotten, uitgegeven door het Friesch kennisse. Genootschap, etc. (Bijeen verzameld en op nieuw nagezien door ... M. de Haan Hettema.) 2 deel. Leeuwarden, Worlum (printed], 1846-51. 8º. Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap ter beoefening der Ac. 965/7. Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid-, en Taalkunde. Verslagen, etc. Leeuwarden, [1828, ete.] 4º. and 8º. BOELES (WILLEM BOELE SOPHIUS) Frieslands Hoogeschool In progress. Ac. 965/10. en het Rijks Athenaeum te Franeker. Verslag 1–13 (for 1828–41) are in 4º., and the remainder Leeuwarden, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 965/14. in 8°, In progress. De vrije Fries, Mengelingen, uitgegeven door het Pro COEHOORN (GOSEWIJN THEODOOR VAN) Baron. Het leven vinciaal Friesch Genootschap, etc. [Edited by J. van van M. Baron van Coehoorn, beschreven door zijnen zoon Leeuwen, A. Telting and M. de Haan Hettema.] Deel G. T. van Coehoorn, uitgegeven en met aanteekeningen 1(-6. Nieuwe serie. Deel 1, etc.) vermeerderd door...J. W. van Sypesteyn, etc. French. Leeuwarden, 1839, etc. 8°. Ac. 965/6. Leeuwarden, Workum (printed], 1860. 8º. In progress. 10761 d. Friesch Jierboeckje foar it jier 1829(-35) trog it Friesch GOSLINGA (S. VAN) Mémoires relatifs à la guerre de Genootschip foar Schijd- Adheyte- in "Teal-Kinde. 6 succession de 1706-1709 et 1711 de S. van Goslinga, jiergong. Lieauwerd, [1829–35.] 12°. P.P. 4517. publiés par MM. U. A. Evertsz- et G. H. M. Delprat. °Ño vol. was published in 1832. The publication ceased Leeuwarden, Worcum (printed], 1857. 8°. 9073. d. after 1835. MERSWIN (RULMAN) Dat Boeck van den Oorspronck, een Catalogus der Bibliothoek van het Friesch Genootschap bandschrift [entitled : “ Von den neun Felsen ”], met ...opgemaakt in July 1848. Worlum, (1848.) 8º. inleiding en aanteekeningen, ... bewerkt ſand trans- Ac. 965/2. lated from the German) door G. H. van Borssuni [Another edition. Edited by I. Telting.] Waalkes. pp. 147. Leeuwarden, 1882. 8º. Leeuwarden, 1862. 8º. 11902. cc. Ac. 965/15. 371 ACADEMIES. [LEEUWARDEN-LEIPSIC.] 372 LEEUWARDEN [CONTINUED). LEICESTER. Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap ter beoefeningder Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde. Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society ... Report REITSMA (JOHANNES) Honderd jaren uit de geschiedenis of the Council ... 1855: and a selection of papers read der Hervorming en der Hervormde Kerk in Friesland, before the Society since its formation. eto. Leeuwarden, 1876. 8º. Ac. 965/12. Leicester, 1855. 8º. Ac. 1291. RIXTEL (PAULUS VAN) Proeliarius of Strijdboek, be- Leicestershire Architectural and Archäological vattende de jongste oorlogen in Friesland, in het jaar Society. 1518; beschreven door Broeder P. R. van R., vroeger Transactions. vol. 1-3. Leicester, 1866 [1862]–74. 8º. geheten Johannes Gruyter, Monnik ... Uit het Latijn Ac. 5661. vertaald en uitgegeven door ... J. G. Ottema. Leeuwarden, 1855. 8°. Ac. 965/5. LEIPA. TJAARDA (WORP) Prior of Thabor. Worperi Tyaerda ex Renismageest :.. Chronicorum Frisiae libri tres. Nord-Bohmische Excursions-Club. Edidit Societas, etc. Mittheilungen ... Redigirt von ... A. Paudler. Leovardiae, Worcumi (printed], 1847. 8º. B[öhmisch] Leipa, 1878, etc. 8º. 787. 9407. cc. In progress. TJAARDA (WORP) Prior of Thabor. W. Tyaerda van Rinsumageest, vierde boek der Kronijken van Friesland, LEIPSIC. bevattende de geschiedenis van de vijftiende eeuw, etc. is Academia Lipsiensis. Leeuwarden, Worlum (printed], 1850. 8º. Ac. 965/3. Urkundenbuch der Universität Leipzig von 1409 bis 1555 ... Herausgegeben von B. Stübel. pp. xiii. 653. VERVOV (FREDRICH VAN Enige gedenckweerdige ge- 1879. See SAXONY, Kingdom of. Codex Diplomaticus schiedenissen,... sommarischer wijze beschreven deur Saxoniae Regiae, etc. Hauptthl. II. Bd. 11. Jr. F. van Vervov, dewelcke hij eensdeels gesien, ... anderdeels ... gehoort ... heeft; dit alles na den 1882, etc. 40. 9326. ee. ouden stijl. Leeuwarden, Workum (printed], 1841. 8º. Acta Rectorum Universitatis Studii Lipsiensis inde ab Ac. 965/4. anno 1524 usque ad annum 1559 ... edidit F. Zarcke. [Leipsic,] 1859. 4°. 8355. g. Selskip for Frîske Tael end Skriftenkennisse. Die Statutenbücher der Universität Leipzig aus den See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. — Franeker. Iduna, etc. ersten 150 Jahren ihres Bestehens ... herausgegeben (Utjown fon da Selskip for frîske tael end scrifte- von F. Zarncke. Leipzig, 1861. 8°. 8355. g. kennisse.) 1845, etc. 8o. P.P. 4520. Questio expectatoria in alma uniuersitate lipsensi têpore Swanneblummen. Jierboekje for 1850 (1851, etc.) quodlibeti disputata. 6. L. COPIOUS MS. NOTES. Liowerd, 1849, etc. 8º. Ac. 9015. Tiptzck, 1498. 4º. 8357. cc. 16. In progress. 6 leaves without pagination ; 19 lines to the full page. BLOM (PH. VAN) De alde Frîske Wetten oer de Sédiken Scriptorum insignium, qui in celeberrimis, præsertim in 't liacht der skiednis biskôge; thruch M P. van Lipsiensi, Wittenbergensi, Franfordiana ad Oderam, Blom. Utjown thruch it Selskip, etc. Academiis usque ad annum 1515 floruerunt centuria, ab Liowerd, 1863. 8º. 5684. aa. auctore ejus temporis anonymo concinnata, nuno in lucem edita a J. J. Madero. Helmæstadii, 1660. 4°. COLMJON (G.) Beknopte Friesche Spraakkunst voor den 272. b. 6. tegenwoordigen tijd, ... uitgegeven door het Gezelschap voor Friesche Taal- en Letterkunde. Warhafftiger bericht und Kurtze Warnung der Theo- Leeuwarden, 1863. 8º. 12972. c. 5. logen, beider Universitet Leipzig und Wittemberg, von den ... zu Jhena im Druck ausgangenen Acten des SYTSTRA (H. s.) Klank- en Schriftleer der Friesche Colloquii, so zu Aldenburg inn Meissen gehalten. Taal, of eerste afdeeling der Friesche Spraakkunst Leipzig, 1570. 4º. 3908. e. 6. (1.) ... Uitgegeven door het Gezelschap voor Friesche Taal- Fragstück und Antwort, oder erklerung der Theologen en Letterkunde. Leeuwarden, 1856. 8º. 12972. ff. 16. (4.) in den dreien Universiteten zu Leipzig, Wittenberg und Jhena; von der Wittembergischen Grundfest, ſowen Societas Frisiaca, Historiae, Antiquitatis Litera- Catechismo, Exegesi, Dressnischen Consens, etc. rumque studiosa. Dresden, 1581. 4º. 3908. ccc. 18. See supra : Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap ter Der Herrn Theologen in den dreien löblichen Universi- beoefening der Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid, en teten Leiptzig, Wittemberg, und Jhena ... Bericht, aus Taalkunde. was ursachen die Prediger zu Zerbst ... bisshero dem Christlichen Werck der Concordien und desselbigen Société d'Histoire, d'Archéologie et de Linguistique Apologia entgegen gesetzt haben, unnd was von inen zu halten seye. Auch warauff, und wie fern man mit de Frise. ihnen kündte zu frieden sein. [Leipzic ?] 1586. 4°. See supra: Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap ter 3908. ccc. 24. beoefening der Friesche Geschied-, Oudheid- Serenissimæ atque Potentissimæ Dominæ Anna, Mag- en Taalkunde. næ Britanniæ ... reyinæ . . de felicissima Angliæ et Scotiæ Unione ... nomine Academiæ Lipsiensis gratu- latur J. B. Menckenius. Lipsiæ, [1907.] fol. LE FOREZ. On silic. 193. f. 9. Rector Academiæ Lipsiensis festum Reformationis Société Historique et Archéologique du Forez. Lutheri in vigiliis omnium Sanctorum ... celebrandum See infra : MONTBRISON.-Société de la Diana. intimat. [Leipsic, 1708.] 4°. 700. h. 12. (2.) 373 ACADEMIES. (LEIPSIC.] 374 LEIPSIC [CONTINUED). LEIPSIC [CONTINUED). Academia Lipsiensis. Academia Lipsiensis. Derer drey hohen Facultäten zu Leipzig Bedencken und Orationem quæ in memoriam E. G. Bosii ... habebitur respective Urthel, welche uber den zu Jena in der Heil. indicunt, et ad eam audiendam invitant decanus senior Christ-Nacht Anno 1715 passirten traurigen Casum mit ceterique Ordiuis Medici doctores et assessores. denen so genannten Teuffels-Bannern, auf Begehren Lipsiæ, [1789). 4º. T. 508. (3.) derer Hoch-Fürstl. Weymarischen Hrn. Commissarien, Academiae Lipsiensis in saeculi undevicesimi initiis den 6 Mart., 1716 ausgefertiget worden. pietatis monumenta. pp. xii. 151. Lipsiae, (1801.] 4º. [Leipsic, 1716.] 4º. 8630. g. (4.) 8357 l. 3. De epitritis Doriis dissertatio [by J. G. J. Hermann] Concionem funebrem, ... P. G. Schachero ... habendam scripta creationi XXXVIII. Philos. Doctorum et LL. indicit Rector Academiæ Lipsiensis. [With a bio- graphical sketch.] Lipsiæ, [1737.] fol. Lipsiæ, (1824.] 4º. 835. l. 7. (13.) 837. i. 20. Rector Universitatis Lipsiensis ad sacra natalia ... Ad memoriam anniversariam ... R. F. ... Baronis de Jesu Christi ... MDCCCXXIV. pie celebranda invitat. Silverstein ... celebrandam Rectorum Academiae ... Græeci et Romani scriptores cur rerum Christianarum invitant trium superiorum facultatum Decani, etc. raro meminerint. Commentatio prima (-tertia). (De Loto Ægyptia in nummis antiquis.) [Leipsic, 1824, 25.] 4°. [Leipsic, 1746.] B. 261. (2.) 899. e. 16. (2.) fol. Dissertatio de Hyperbole, scripta creationi XLI. Philos. Facultatis Medicae Decanus Senior et caeteri Doctores Doctorum et AA. LL. Mag. [With biographical notices ... memoriam ... A. F. Waltheri ... oratione anni by J. G. J. Hermann.] Lipsiæ, 1829. 4°. 835. h. 12. versaria ... recolendam indicunt. Lipsiae, [1747.7 4º. 7306. e. '14. (5.) Pro salute atque incolumitate inclitae quae Regimonti Prussorum est Academiae Albertinae ... in tertiis sacris Misericordiae limites in exercenda arte sistit et ereptum secularibus anno 1844 ... gratulans vovit Universitas sibi ... J. V. Harttramfftium ... lugens, ... orationem Litterarum Lipsiensis, etc. Lipsiae, [1844.] S. sh. fol. die XIV. Aug. 1756 ... habendam indicit Facultas 1851. c. 10. (100.) Medica Lipsiensis. Lipsiae, [1756.] 4º. Eingabe der medicinischen Facultät zu Leipzig in 7306. i. 2. (18.) Beziehung auf die Beilage des Allerhöchsten Decretes Ordinis Medici Decanus senior et caeteri doctores ... vom 29 November 1845 die chirurgisch-medicinische memoriam ... J. E. Hebenstreitii oratione ... re- Academie betreffend. Leipzig, 1846. 8º. 7680. C. colendam indicunt. (Fines officii medentium in morbis Rector Universitatis Lipsiensis D. L. de Pfordten sacra contagio nocentibus.) Lipsiae, (1758.] 4º. Pentecostalia ... pie celebranda indicit oratore D. A. 7306. e. 15. (8.) L. G. Krehl. ... Prefatio de doctoratu Lutheri, ... Ad memoriam ... R. F. Liberi Baronis di Silverstein et Vitae doctorum nuper creatorum. Lipsiae, (1846.] 4º. Pilnickau ... celebrandam, Rectorem ... invitant ... 4886. du. Decani seniores, etc. (De aquaeductu Carthaginensi.) Rector commilitonibus certamina propositis præmiis in [Leipsic, 1762.] 4º. 7306. e. 14. (6.) annum 1847 indicit. Præmissa est dissertatio de loco Callimachei hymni in Delum et quibusdam epigrammatis. Rector Academiae Lipsiensis memoriam instauratae Lipsiae, (1846.] 4º. 11335. h. Religionis Evangelicae oratione anniversaria . . . pie Decanus et reliqui professores Facultatis Juridicæ Lip- recolendam indicit. Lipsiae, (1768.] 4º. siensis memoriam C. F. Kees . . . pie celebrandam in- T. 2204. (16.) dicunt. Præmissa est disputatio C. F. Guentheri “ De Ad memoriam anniversariam ... R. F. Liberi Baronis usuris moræ in concursu creditorum locandis." de Silverstein et Pilnickau ... celebrandam ... invitant Lipsiæ, [1856.] 4°. 5207. e. trium superiorum facultatum Decani seniores reliquique Ordinarius senior et reliqui professores Facultatis Juri- assessores. (De Lucubrationis damnis.) dicæ Lipsiensis memoriam J. F. Mayeri . . . atque J. S. Lipsiae, [1769.] 4º. 7306. h. 11. (21.) Ackermanni ... pie celebrandam indicunt. Inest: Re- Memoriam ... O. G. Ludwigii ... die VII. Maii supe sponsum, quo quæstiones quædam de negotiis prodi- rioris anni rebus humanis erepti oratione solenni ſby gorum tractantur. [By C. F. Günther?] J. D. Reichel] recolendam ... indicunt Decanus ... Lipsiæ, (1856.] 4º." 5207. e. ceterique ... Ordinis Medicorum Lipsicorum Doctores Ordinarius senior et reliqui professores Facultatis Juri- ... Exponitur de Medicina per hypotheses corrupta. dicæ Lipsiensis memoriam J. G. Martini ... pie cele- [Leipsic, 1774.] 4°. T. 511. (36.) brandam indicunt. Inest dissertatio : De herede ex re certa instituto, eoque legatis vel fideicommissis onerato Rector Academiæ ... memoriam instaurationis sacrorum [by C. F. Günther) Lipsiæ, 1856. 4º. 5510. d. die 31 Octobris 1783 in æde Paulina celebrandam indicit. (Disseritur de Deo, Spiritu, ad popularem intelligentiam Ordinarius, Senior, et reliqui Professores Facultatis Juri- accommodate describendo.) Lipsiæ, [1783.] 4°. dicae Lipsiensis memoriam J. F. Mageri et J. S. Acker- T. 2170. (25.) manni ... pie celebrandam indicunt. Insunt observa- Rector Academiæ ... sacra pentecostalia die 30 Maii, tiones quaedam de testibus in locum deperditorum 1784 in æde Paulina celebranda indicit. (Ostenditur in subrogatis [by C. F. Günther]. Lipsiae, [1857). 4º. tradenda religione hoc etiam respiciendum esse, ut eam 6025. f. experiendo cognoscere christiani possint.) Ordinarius senior et reliqui Professores Facultatis Juri. Lipsiæ, [1784.] 4º. T. 2170. (21.) dica Lipsiensis memoriam J. F. Mageri ... atque J. S. Ackermanni... pie celebrandam indicunt. Inest disser- Decanus senior reliquique assessores Ordinis Medicorum tatio C. F. Güntheri : in causa damni, quod quis alteri Lipsiensis summas in arte salutari honores in ... S. Hirsch Burgheim ... collatos indicunt. De modo antiqua Germanica in foro debeant prævalere? (Ordi- funiculum umbilicalem deligandi disseritur. narius senior et reliqui Professores Facultatis Juridicæ [Leipsic, 1784.] 4º. T. 639. (15.) Lipsiensis memoriam J. G. Martini ... rite celebrandum indicunt, etc.) 2 pt. Lipsiæ, [1858?] 4º. [Another copy.] T. 639. (23.) 5505. d. 375 ACADEMIES. (LEIPSIC.] 376 Kabnie. 11858 ?) 4ecial, in additi LEIPSIC [CONTINUED). LEIPSIC (CONTINUED). Academia Lipsiensis. Astronomische Gesellschaft. Rector Universitatis Lipsiensis D. F. Tuch sacra pente- AUWERS (G. F. J. ARTHUR) Untersuchungen über verän- costalia... pie celebranda indicit interprete Dr. C. F. A. derliche Eigenbewegungen ... Zweiter Theil. Bestim- Kahnis... Inest de Angelo Domini diatribe. mung der Elemente der Siriusbahn. Publication der 4375. dd. Astronomischen Gesellschaft. VII. pp. 158. There is also a special, in addition to the general, title- Leipzig, Bonn (printed), 1868. 4º. Ao. 4140/2. page. BECKER (ERNST) Tafeln der Amphitrite, mit Berück- Personel-Verzeichni-g der Universität Leipzig für das sichtigung der Störungen durch Jupiter, Saturn und Mars entworfen von Dr. E. Becker. Publication der Sommersemester 1863. Leipzig, (1863.] 8º. 8356. bb. Astronomischen Gesellschaft. x. pp. xlviii. 106. Leipzig, 1870. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. Sammlung von Abhandlungen der Mitglieder der Juris- tenfacultät zu Leipzig. Leipzig, 1868, etc. 8º. BRUHNS (CARL CHRISTIAN) Catalog der Bibliothek der In progress. Ac. 2122. Astronomischen Gesellschaft, etc. (Drittes Supplement- heft zur Vierteljahrsschrift der Astronomischen Gesell- Commentationes philologae. Scripserunt Seminarii schaft, Jabrgang xiv.) pp. vii. 75. Leipzig, 1880. 89. Philologi Regii Lipsiensis qui nunc sunt et qui nuper BB. E. fuerunt sodales. Lipsiae, 1874. 8º. Ac. 2122/2. [Another copy.] See supra : Vierteljahrsschrift, etc. Jahrg. xiv. Supplementheft 3. 1866, etc. 8º. Reden gehalten in der Aula der Universität Leipzig Ac. 4140. beim Rectoratswechsel . . . 1874. [By A. Schmidt and G. A. L. Baur.] pp. 45. Leipzig, (1874.] 4º. BRUHNS (CARL CHRISTIAN) Hülfotafeln zur Berechnung 8356. h. 3. (6.) specieller Störungen, enthaltend die Rechtwinkligen Ekliptical-Coordinaten und die vom Orte des gestörten Mittheilungen des landwirthschaftlichen Instituts der Körpers unabhängigen Theile der störenden Kräfte für Universität Leipzig. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. die Planeten Venus, Erde, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Blonieyer. Berlin, Leipzig (printed], 1875, etc. 8º. und Neptun von 1830 bis 1864. Publication der Astro- In progress. Ac. 2122/3. nomischen Gesellschaft. I. Leipzig, 1865. 4º. 8560. g. Rector commilitonibus certamina eruditionis propositis praemiis in annum MDCCCLXXIX indicit. Praemissa est HARTWIG (ERNST) Untersuchungen über die Durch- L. Langii de plebiscitis Ovinio et Atinio disputatio. messer der Planeten Venus und Mars nach Heliometer- Typis X. Edelmanni, Lipsiae, (1878.] 4º. Ac. 2122/5. messungen auf der provisorischen Universitäts-Stern- warte zu Strassburg, etc. Publication der Astronomischen Die studentische Petition als Annex der allgemeinen Gesellschaft. XV. pp. 87. Petition betreffend die Einschränkung, der jüdischen Leipzig, Karlsruhe (printed], 1879. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. Machtstellung. Reden, gehalten [by students at the HOÜEL (G. JULES) Tables pour la réduction au temps en Leipsic University] in den am 22. Nov. u. 10. Dec. parties décimalés du jour. Publication der Astronom- (1880] zur Besprechung der Frage ... privatim ab- ischen Gesellschaft. IV. pp. 27. Leipzig, 1866. 4º. gehaltenen Versammlungen. (Zweite . . . vermehrte Ac. 4140/2. Doppel-Auflage.) pp. 32. Leipzig, 1881. 8º. 4033 f. 31. (1.) JUPITER, the Planet. Rechtwinkelige und Polarcoordi- naten des Jupiter nach Bouvards Tafeln, sowie Com- Academia Lipsiensis. Studentische Reformverbin ponenten der störenden Kräfte, mit denen Jupiter auf dung “ Alemannia." die Sonne wirkt von 1770 bis 1830. Publication der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. VI. pp. vi. 23. Die Farbenfrage. Ein Mahnwort an die studentische Leipziy, 1866. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. Reformpartei gerichtet von der studentischen Reform- verbindung Alemannia zu Leipzig. Leipzig, 1875. 8º. LESSER (OTTO) Tafeln der Metis, mit Berücksichtigung Ac. 2122/4. der Störungen durch Jupiter und Satum entworfen von Allgemeiner deutscher Musikverein. 0. Lesser. Publication der Astronomischen Gesell- schaft. II. Leipzig, 1865. 4º. Almanach des Allgemeinen deutschen Musikvereins. Leipzig, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 5135. LESSER (OTTO) Tafeln der Pomona, mit Berücksich- In progress. tigung der Störungen durch Jupiter, Saturn und Mars berechnet von Dr. 0. Lesser. Publication der Astro- Astronomische Gesellschaft. nomischen Gesellschaft. IX. pp. xii. 87. Leipzig, Altona (printed], 1869. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. Vierteljahrsschriit der Astronomischen Gesellschaft (Jabrg. 2-4, herausgegeben von C. Bruhns. Jahrg. OPPOLZER (THEODOR VON) Syzybien-Tafeln für den Mond 5-9 von A. Auwers and A. Winnecke. Jahrg. 10, etc. nebst ausführlicher Anweisung zum Gebrauche der- von E. Schoenfeld and A. Winnecke.—Supplement selben ... Publication der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. heft I., etc.) Leipzig, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 4140. XVI. pp. 48, 53. Leipzig, 1881. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. In progress. SCHJELLERUP (HANS CARL FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN) Genäherte AUWERS (G. F. J. ARTHUR) Fundamental-Catalog für die Örter der Fixsterne von welchen in den Astronomischen Zonen-Beobachtungen am nördlichen Himmel ... Publi Naclırichten, Band 1 bis 66, selbständige Beobachtungen cation der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. xiv. pp. 90. angeführt sind für die Epuche 1855 hergeleitet und ... Leipzig, Karlsruhe (printed], 1879. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. geordnet von H. C. F. C. Schjellerup. Publication der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. VIII. pp. 40. AUWERS (G. F. J. ARTHUR) Reduction der Beobachtungen Leipzig, Bonn (printed], 1867. 4º. Ac. 4140/2 der Fundamentalsterne am Passagen-instrument der Sternwarte zu Palermo in den Jahren 1803 bis 1805, SPOERER (G.) Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken zu und Bestimmung der mittleren Rectascensionen für Anclam ... Mit 23 lithographirten Tafeln. Publication 1805. Publication der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. v. der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. XIII. pp. 161. pp. 104. Leipzig, 1866. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. Leipzig, Carlsruhe (printed], 1874. 4º. Ac. 4140/2. 8564. g. 377 378 ACADEMIE SIC. dj, 1872 Ac. 4140/2. HIS orig, 1746-5delt, etc. 18 inhis LEIPSIC [CONTINUED). LEIPSIC [CONTINUED). Astronomische Gesellschaft. Grammatische Gesellschaft. WEILER (A.) Grundzüge einer neuen Störungstheorie Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen hervorgegangen und deren Anwendung auf die Theorie des Mondes. / aus G. Curtius' Grammatischer Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Publication der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. XII. pp. Leipzig, 1874. 8°. Ac. 9828. viii. 178. Leipzig, Karlsruhe (printed], 1872. 4º. Historisch-theologische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift für die historische Theologie . . . herausge- WEILER (A.) Uber das Problem der drei Körper im geben von C. F. Iligen, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICA- Allgemeinen und ins Besondere in seiner Anwendung TIONS.—Leipsic. Zeitschrift, etc. 1832, etc. 8º. auf die Theorie des Mondes. Publication der Astrono- P.P. 110. mischen Gesellschaft. Ill. pp. vi. 89. Leipzig, 1866. 4°. . Ac. 4140/2. Statuten der historisch-theologischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Leipzig, (1830?] 8º. Ac. 2028. WINNECKE (F. A. T.) Bestimmung der Parallaxe des zweiten Argelander'schen Sternes aus Messungen am Hochteutsche Rechtsgelehrte Societat. Heliometer der Sternwarte zu Bonn in den Jahren Allgemeines juristisches Oraculum, oder des Heil. 1857-1858. Publication der Astronomischen Gesell- Römisch-Teutschen Reichs Juristen-Facultät welche scbaft. XI. pp. 29. das Römisch-Teutsche bürgerliche und peinliche Recht Leipzig, Carlsruhe (printed], 1872. Ac. 4140/2. nach denen in Corpore Juris Civilis Romani befindlichen Büchern und Titeln derer Pandecten mit denen dahin Collegium Beatae Mariae Virginis. zugleich in Institutionibus und Codice nach denen Collegium Beatae Mariae Virginis in Universitate Lip- Titeln einschlagenden Materien...und nach Caroli Vti und andern peinl. Hals-Gerichts-Ordnungen . . . his- siensi. I. Der Zusammenhang des Collegii Beatae Mariae Virginis mit den Anfängen der Universität torisch und critisch gründlich abhandelt, etc. 16 Thle, Leipzig. Leipzig, [1859.] 8º. 4784. d. and Haupt-Register. Leipzig, 1746–54. fol. 1233. k. Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Institut zur Förderung der israelitischen Literatur. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft. (Bd. 4, Schriften herausgegeben vom Institute zur Förderung etc., herausgegeben durch Dr. J. A. Scartazzini.) der israelitischen Literatur unter der Leitung von L. Leipzig, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 8957. Philippson, A. Jellinek, I. M. Jost. (Jahr 5, 6 unter In progress. der Leitung von L. Philippson, I. M. Jost, A. M. Gold- schmidt.-Jahr 7, 8, etc., unter der Leitung von L. Deutsche Gesellschaft zu Erforschung vaterländ- Philippson, A. M. Goldschmidt, L. Herzfeld.) ischer Sprache und Alterthümer. Leipzig, 1855, etc. 8º.. Ac. 8956. In progress. Bd. 4 of the “ Geschichte der Juden, etc.," See infra: Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung which was issued in 1853, was not published in connection und Bewahrung, vaterländischer Alterthümer. with the “ Institut zur Förderung, etc." Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Verbesserung und Vere- Alphabetarische Liste der Förderer der israelitischen delung der Muttersprache (afterwards incorporated Literatur als Abonnenten des Instituts zur Förderung with the “ Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung der israelitischen Literatur in . . . 1855, etc. und Bewahrung vaterländischer Alterthümer." Leipzig, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 8956/3. In progress. See infra : Sächsischer Verein, etc. Jahresbericht des Instituts zur Förderung der israeliti- - Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. schen Literatur, etc. Leipzig, 1856, etc. 8º. · In progress. Ac. 8956/2. . See supra : GERMANY. Königlich-Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissen - Fürstlich Jablonowski'sche Gesellschaft. schaften. (Acta Societatis Jablonovianae de Slavis Lecho Czechoque Berichte über die Verhandlungen der... Gesellschaft, etc. item de veris Zichis, etc.) 2 tom. L. P. 2 Bde. [for 1846–48]. Leipzig, 1848, 49. 80. Ac. 700. Lipsiae, 1771, 72. 4º. 9476. h. After 1848 the “ Berichte” were published in two divisions, Vol. 1 is in 3 pts. ; pts. 1 and 2 have continuous pagina the “ Philologisch-historische Classe," and the “ Mathema- tion and register. Vol. 1 has no general titlepage. tisch-physische Classe,” which are catalogued separately. Abhandlungen bei Begründung der königlich Sächs- Berichte über die Verhandlungen der... Gesellschaft... ischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, etc. Mathematisch-physische Classe. Leipzig, 1849, etc. 80. Leipzig, 1846. 4º. Ac. 701. In progress. Ac. 700/3. & 1100. Berichte über die Verhandlungen der... Gesellschaft...' Preisschriften gekrönt und herausgegeben von der Fürst- Philologisch-historische Classe, etc. lich Jablonowskischen Gesellschaft, etc. Leipzig, 1849, etc. 89. Ac. 700/2. & 1100. Leipzig, 1847, etc. 8º. Ac. 701/2. In progress. In progress. Abhandlungen, etc. Leipzig, 1852, etc. 8°. Gesellschaft der freyen Künste. Ac. 700/4. In progress. Published in two series entitled respectively : Sammlung einiger ausgesuchten Stücke der Gesellschaft. “ Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe," and 3 Thle. Leipzig, 1754-56. 8º. 274. k. 25-27. “ Abhandlungen der philologisch-historischen Classe." Görlitzische Gesellschaft, afterwards Deutsche Ge- Magnetischer Verein. sellschaft. See supra : GOTTINGEN. Schediasma de Instituto Societatis Philoteutonica-Poe- ticæ, quæ sub præsidio J. B. Menckenii Lipsiæ congre- Naturforschende Gesellschaft. gatur, anno 1722 post quinque lustra feliciter superata, Sitzungsberichte, etc. Leipzig, 1875, etc. 8º. publicatum. Lipsiæ, [1722.] 4º. 125. k. 22. In progress. Ac. 2879. 379 ACADEMIES. (LEIPSIC.] 380 LEIPSIC [CONTINUED). LEIPSIC [CONTINUED). Naturforschende Privatgesellschaft. Societas Caritatis et Scientiarum. Nachricht von der am 31 Januar 1789 gestifteten natur Analecta ex omni meliorum literarum genere ... quæ forschenden Privatgesellschaft zu Leipzig. collatis operis ad publicos usus evulgat Societas Caritatis Leipzig, 1799. 8º. T. 2300. (2.) et Scientiarum. 2 tom. Lipsiæ, 1725-30. 4º. P.P. 4915. Oekonomische Societät. The pagination is continuous through both volumes. Landwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von dem Landwirthschaftlichen Hauptverein für das König- Societas Græca. reich Sachsen in Gemeinschaft mit der ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Dresden und der Leipziger ökonomischen Acte... ediderunt A. Westermannus, C. H. Funkhaenel. Societät. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. – Dresden. Vol. 1 præfatus est G. Hermannus. Vol. 1, 2. Landwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift, etc. 1845, etc. 4º. Lipsiæ, 1836-40. 8º. Ac. 9829. P.P. 2355. b. No more published. Schriften der Leipziger ökonomischen Societät. 8 Thle. Societas Jablonoviana. .. Dresden, 1771–90. 8°. 964. f. 4. See supra: Fürstlich Jablonowski'sche Gesell- Agriculturchemische Untersuchungen und deren Ergeb schaft. nisse, angestellt und gesammelt bei der landwirthschaft- lichen Versuchstation der Leipziger ökonomischen So- Societas Philologa Lipsiensis. cietät im Jahre 1851/2. Edited by W. Crusius.] Acta Societatis Philologae Lipsiensis. Edidit F. Rit- Leipzig, 1852. 8º. 7076. c. ' schelius, 2 tom. Lipsiæ, 1871-72. 8º. Ac. 9830/2. Pädagogischer Verein. Leipziger Blätter für Pädagogik. Herausgegeben vom Commentarii... Edi curavit C. D. Beckius. Vol. 1-3. Pädagogischen Vereine zu Leipzig. (Zweiter Jahrgang, vol. 4, pt. 1. Lipsiæ et Plavia, 1801-4. 8º. unter... Redaction des... Vorsitzenden... Dr. Panitz.) Ac. 9830. Leipzig, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 2637. Acta Seminarii Regii et Societatis Philologicæ Lipsiensis. In progress. Adjecta bibliotheca critica. Curavit C. D. Beckius. 2 vol. Lipsiæ, 1811, 12. 8º. 256. c. 1, 2. Pädagogische Gesellschaft. Libellus quo...C. D. Beckio faustum illum diem quo ante Vorträge gehalten in der Pädagogischen Gesellschaft... hos quinquaginta annos summis amplissimis philoso- Herausgegeben von...F. Dix. 1879. See SAMMELMAPPE. phorum ordinis honoribus rite ornatus est pie gratu- Pädagogische Sammelmappe, etc. Dritte Reihe. Heft 4, lantur Societatis Philologicæ et Reg. Seminarii Phil. etc. 1875, etc. 8°. 8304. dd. Lipsiensis die XXI. Mensis Februarii anni CDDCCCXXVIII. Insunt F. G. Sturzii novæ annotationes in Etymologicon Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung und Bewahrung Magnum Lipsiæ editum et C. F. A. Nobbii carmen ad vaterländischer Alterthümer, afterwards Deutsche Beckium cum indice sodalium et librorum utriusque Gesellschaft zu Erforschung vaterländischer. societatis. Lipsiæ, [1828). 4º. 12923. f. 7. (2.) Sprache und Alterthümer. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Leipsic.—Beyträge zur Statistischer Statistischer Verein für das Königreich Sachsen. critischen Historie der Deutschen Sprache, Poesie und See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Dresden. Staats-Hand- Beredsamkeit, 'herausgegeben von einigen Mitgliedern buch für das Königreich Sachsen . . . Heraugsegeben der Deutschen Gesellschaft in Leipzig. Bde. 1-5. vom Directorium des statistischen Vereins. 1732, etc. 8º. P.P. 4606. ga. (1837, etc.] 80. P.P. 2448. a. Erster (zweiter, etc.) Bericht an die Mitglieder des Mittheilungen. 18 Lief. Leipzig, 1833-49. 4º. Sächsischen Vereins, etc. 23 pt. Ac. 2428. Leipzig, 1825-48. 8º. Ac. 7073/2. Sternwarte. No more published. Resultate aus Beobachtungen auf der Leipziger Stern- Beiträge zur vaterländischen Alterthumskunde. Bd. 1. warte. Leipzig, 1870, etc. 4º. 8564. e. Leipzig, 1826. 8º. Ac. 7073/4. In progress. Jahresberichte der deutschen Gessellschaft ... Samm- Verein für die Geschichte Leipzigs. lung 1, die Jahre 1825 bis 1828 enthaltend. Schriften, etc. Ac. 7073/3. Leipzig, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 7074. Leipzig, 1829. 8º. In progress. Duplicate copies of the first four Berichte with a collective titlepage and preface. . Verein für Socialpolitik. Mittheilungen, etc. Bd. 1. Heft 1. Leipzig, 1856. 8º. Schriften Leipzig, 1873, etc. 8°. . Ac. 2322. Ac. 7073. In progress. Rundschreiben an die . . . Mitglieder der Deutschen Gesellschaft (from the Committee appointed to draw up Verein von Freunden der Erdkunde. the laws of the Society, transmitting the text of the Erster Jahresbericht des Vereins von Freunden der same]. [Leipzig, 1832.] 8º. Ac. 7073/5.. Erdkunde zu Leipzig, 1861, etc. Leipzig, 1862, etc. 80. In progress. Ac. 6055. Schiller-Verein. Gedenkbuch an Friedrich Schiller ... Am 9 Mai 1855 | Universitas Litterarum Lipsiensis. funfzig Jahre nach dem Tode Schiller's herausgegeben See supra : Academia Lipsiensis. vom Schiller-Verein zu Leipzig. (Vorwort von H. Wuttke.) Leipzig, (1855.] 8º. 10703. C. Universität Leipzig. [Another copy.] 10703. C. See supra : Academia Lipsiensis. 381 ACADEMIES. [LEISNIC-LERIDA.] 382 LEISNIG. LEMBERG [CONTINUED). Geschichts- und Alterthums, Verein. Zakład Naukowy Imienia Ossolińskich, Mittheilungen des... Vereins... Zusammengestellt und LUBIENIECKI (ANDRZEJ) Poloneutichia A. Lubienieckiego, ...herausgegeben von W. Haan. Leisnig, 1860, etc. 8º. z rękopismów Zakładu Naukowego Imienia Ossolińskich. In progress. Ac. 7075. Wiadomość o tém rękopismie i życiu Lubienieckiego zebrał A. Batowski. we Lwowie, 1843. 8º. 9475. .CC. LE MANS. TYNIEC, Monastery of. Codex diplomaticus Tiniecensis. Société Historique et Archéologique du Maine. Kodex dyplomatyczny Tyniecki, etc. Iwów, 1871, etc. 8º. • Ac. 7215/4. Revue Historique et Archéologique du Maine. In progress. Le Mans, Mamers [printed], 1876, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5321. 3. TYNIEC, Monastery of. Codex diplomaticus Monasterii Tynecensis. Kodeks dyplomatyczny Klasztorn Tynie- CHARLES (LÉOPOLD) Histoire de la Ferté - Bernard. ckiego... Wydali Dr. W. Kętrzyński i Dr. S. Smolka. Seigneurs — administration municipale-église-monu- 2 część. we Lwowie, 1875. 8º. 'Ac. 7215/6. ments-hommes illustres ... Publiée par...R. Charles, etc. Mamers, Le Mans, 1877. 8º. Ac. 5321. Z., X. Wiadomość o Ormianach w Polszcze. [Signed : X. Z., i.e. F. K. Zacharyjasiewicz, Bishop of Przemysl.] MONTZEY (CH. DE) Histoire de La Flèche et de ses Lwów, 1842. 8º. Ac. 721575. seigneurs. 3 vol. Le Mans, Paris, La Flèche (printed], 1877, 28. 8º. Ac. 5321. 2. LEON. NEPVEU DE LA MANOUILLÈRE (RENÉ PIERRE) Mémoires... publiés et annotés par...G. Esnault. (Table des noms Sociedad Económica de los Amigos del País. de personnes et de lieux, etc.) 2 tom. Estatutos para la Sociedad Económica de los Amigos Le Mans, 1877, 79. 8º. 4864. d. del País de Leon. Madrid, 1783. 4º. 9180. ccc. (3.) ja Bibliogranio de la publicado 865. 168. 2004. LEMBERG LEON, Isle of. Cesarsko - Królewskie Towarzystwo Gospodarskie Galicyjskie. Observatorio Real de la Isla de Leon. Rozprawy C. K. Galicyjskiego Towarzystwa Gospodar See infra : SAN FERNANDO, I. of Leon.-Observatorio Real. skiego. We Lwowie, 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 3435. In progress. Rozprawy Sekcyi Leśnej C. K. Towarzystwa Gospo- LE PUY-EN-VELAY. darskiego Galicyjskiego. 3 zesz. We Lwowie, 1853–55. 8º. ; Ac. 3435/2. Société Académique du Puy. Recueil des Chroniqueurs du Puy-en-Velay. Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne. Le Puy-en-Velay, 1875, etc. 4º. Ac. 6889. BARANOWSKI (BOLESŁAW) J. I. Kraszewski, jego życie i In progress. zasługi. pp. 72. We Lwowie, 1879. 8º. 10795. h. 9. Le Livre de Podio, ou Chroniques de Étienne Medicis, ...publiées... par A. Chassaing. 2 tom. Zakład Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich. Le Puy, 1869–74. 4°. Ac. 6889. See infra : Zakład Naukowy, etc. Zakład Naukowy Imienia Ossolińskich. LERIDA. Sprawozdanie z czynności Zakładu...za rok 1858 (etc.). Lwów, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 7215/2. Académia Bibliográfico-Mariana. In progress. Album en Obsequio de la Inmaculada Concepcion de Czasopism Naukowy księgozbioru publicznego Imienia la Santisima Virgen Maria, publicado en su fiesta del Ossolińskich. 1828 (zebrał,...i wyda) F. Siarczyński). dia 8 de Diciembre...1864. Madrid, 1865. 169. Rok 1. we Lwowie, (1828, etc.) go. . Ac. 2004. Imperfect; wanting the vols. for the years 1829–34. La Cinta de la Virgen de Tortosa. Leyenda sacra The publication was interrupted during the years 1835–41. puesta en verso español, de conformidad con el poema [Continued as:] heróico latino del P. J. Beltran y Rius...por D. L. Biblioteka Naukowego Zakładu Imienia Ossolińskich, Roca, etc. Span. and Lat. Barcelona, 1863. 12º. etc. (1842–44 edited by A. Klodziński; 1847 and 1848, tom. 1, edited by Szlachtowski and W. Pol.] 15 tom. 11450. aa. w Lwowie, 1842-48. 8º. Maria Inmaculada y su Academia. [By J. M. y F.j. The publication was interrupted during the years 1845–46, Barcelona, 1865. 16º. Ac. 2004. and 1849-61. Continued as :] La Mujer Pura. Estudio sobre la tradicion, la creancia Biblioteka Ossolińskich; pismo historyi, literaturze, vel dogma de la Inmaculada Concepcion de la Madre umiejętnościom i rzeczom narodowym poświęcone. Po- de Dios en el primer instante de su sér, por...F. A. czet nowy. Lwów, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 7215. Sanchez de Galvez, etc. Barcelona, 1864. 16º. In progress. Ac. 2004. El Paladin de Maria... por...J. Gras y Granollers, etc. BATOWSKI (ALEXANDER) Niektóre rękopisma księgozbioru Madrid, 1864. 16º. Ac. 2004. Zakładu Naukowego Imienia Ossolińskich, opisał tudzież wiadomość o nich i ich autorach dodał A. Batowski. Recuerdos Marianos; Ó, Alhama y su Madre, por F. A. we Lwowie, 1844. 8º. 11902. bb. Sanchez de Galvez. Barcelona, 1864. 16º. Ac. 2004. 383 ACADEMIES. [LERIDA-LEYDEN.] 384 LERIDA (CONTINUED). LEYDEN [CONTINUED). Academia Bibliográfico-Mariana. Academia Lugduno-Batava. La Señal de Predestinacion, por...F. A. Sanchez de Censure . . . vande Professoren der Theologie in de Galvez, etc. Barcelona, 1864. 89. 4405. ee. Universiteyt tot Leyden, over de belijdenisse ...van't gevoelen der ... Remonstranten ... door A. Walaeum Teodicea Mariana, compuesta por F. A. Sanchez de Galvez. ...in de Nederduytsche Sprake uytgegeven. Barcelona, 1864. 12º. Ac. 2004. Leyden, 1627. 4º. T. 2253. (19.) Verdediging van de Confessie der Remonstranten, teghen LEWES. de :.. beschuldiginghen die A. Walaeus ... in sijn Sussex Agricultural Society. dedicatie-brief aen de Staten Gener. voor de verduytschte Censure van de Confessie heeft uytghegheven. [By See Scott (EDMUND) Proceedings of the Sussex Agri- S. Episcopius.] [Antwerp?] 1627. 4º. T. 2253. (20.) cultural Society. 1801. fol. 36. h. 20. Consultatio theologica de Juramento in militia civica sancte praestando, data ad quaestiones quinque, quas LEYDEN. Deputati utriusq. Synodi Zuydt et Noort-Hollandiae in Academia Lugduno-Batava. causa conscientiae exhibuerunt...à facultate theologicâ Academię Lugduno Batavae. Defensa et vindicata . .. Annales Academiae Lugduno - Batavae, etc. (From per eiusdem facultatis theologos.-Theologische Consul- Nov. 6, 1815, to Feb. 8, 1837.] 22 vol. L. P. tatie, etc. Lat. and Dutch. Baerlem, 1629. 4º. Lugduni Batavorum, 1817–38. 4º. T. 2254. (24.) T.C. 4. b. 1-10 and Ac. 940. After vol. 22 a new series was commenced, comprising the Aenspraeck aende . . . Professoren van de Theologische Annals of this Academy, together with those of the Academies Facultegt tot Leyden over derselver Verantwoordinge of Utrecht, Groningen, etc., under the title : “ Annales teghen de Consideratien van hare consultaten gegeven Academici.” See infra. Only vol. 1-11 are on fine paper. op vijf Amsterdamsche vragen. [By J. Uitenbogaard.] [Antwerp,]. 1629. 4º. T. 2254. (19.) Annales Academici. [Containing the Annals of the Aca- demies of Leyden, Utrecht, and Groningen, and of the Nootwendige Verantwoordinge van de consulten der Athenæums of Franeker, Amsterdam, and Deventer, theologische faculteyt tot Leyden over sekere Vragen by and of the Theological Seminary at Amsterdam ; from de... Ghedeputeerde der beyder Hollantsche Synoden the year 1837.] Haga-Comitis, haer voorghedraghen, . ghestelt.. tegen de bittere. ... Lugduno-Batavorum. 1840, etc. 4º. Ac. 940. Consideratien, vervat in eenen ... brief van een onghe- In progress. Only the vols. for 1837, 38, and 39 were noemt Remonstrant [i.e. J. Uitenbogaard). published at the Hague. Leyden, 1629. 4º. T. 2254. (25.) Verkandelingen over eenige gewigtige stukken de Na- Proeve vande lasteringen . . . der Remonstranten ghe- tuurlyke Godgeleerdheid betreffende, in het Nederduits trocken...uyt haere Apologie, ende by forme van Voor- en in het Latyn geschreeven om te dingen naa den prys looper...in 't licht ghegeven door de Professoren der van het Stolpiaansche Legaat. Dl. 1-4. . Theologie in de Universiteyt tot Leyden. Van nieuws Leyden, 1766–38. 4º. 4375. f. oversien, endò gedruckt met een Antwoort op haren Deel 1 and 2 are each in 3 pts., and Deel 3 and 4 each Voor-looper. 2 pt. Leyden, 1630, 31. 4º. in 2 pts.; each pt. having a distinct titlepage and pagination, T. 2255. (11 & 19.) and ħaving been originally published separately. Pt. 2 has a separate titlepage and pagination. [Another copy of Dl. 1-3.] • 4375. f. Oprechte copie . . . Extract uyt de resolutien van de Curateurs over de Universiteyt tot Leyden... Behelsende Verhandelingen over eenige voornaame stukken van de de eygentlijcke reeden, waerom D. A. Heidanus van Kristelyke Zedenkunde, in het Nederduits en in het sijne Professie in de H. theologie is ghelicentieert, etc. Latyn geschreeven om te dingen naa den prys van het 's Gravenhage, (1676.] 4º. 106. g. 40. Stolphiaansche Legat. Dl. 1–7. Leyden, 1766–34. 4º. The titlepage is slightly mutilated at the bottom. 4375. f. Deel 1, 3, 4 and 6 are each in 2 pts., and Deel 5 and 7 Orationes virorum in theologia clarissimorum, cum in each in 3 pts., each part having a distinct pagination, and Academia Lugduno - Batava, tum Amstelaedami, in generally a distinct titlepage, and having been originally illustri Athenaeo et in Seminario Evangelico-Lutherano published separately. ab A. 1815–1837 habitae. Commentationes theologicae civium academiarum Belgicarum, aureo praemio ornatae [Another copy of Dl. 1-4.] 4375. f. in Academia Lugduno-Batava, ab anno 1815–1837. Verhandelingen betreffende de natuurlijke Godgeleerd- vol. 1, 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1841. 4º. Ac. 940/2. heid en de Christelijke Zedekunde. Uitgegeven door The Orations, etc., are separately paged. Curatoren van het Stolpiaanisch Legaat aan de Universi- teit te Leiden. Leiden, 1856, etc. gº. De Theologische Faculteit aan de Nederlandsche Hooge- 4374. f. scholen, naar aanleiding van het bij de Tweede Kamer In progress. ingediende Ontwerp van wet op het hooger onderwijs, Wetten ende Statuten van de Universiteyt tot Leyden door de Godgeleerde Faculteit aan's rijks Hoogeschool ... Tweede druk. Leyden, 1773. 4º. 8355. f. te Leiden. Leiden, 1868. 8º. 8305. dd. 20. (17.) Jaarboek der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. 1881–1882. (Dr. M. Ji de Goeje. Het Vaderland der Semietische Volken.) pp. liii. 39. Leiden, 1882. 8º. Ac. 9405. Ordeel der Professoren der Theologie tot Leyden van seker Boexken, dat L. Hornovius... heeft doen drucken ende aende ... Staten Generael, etc. overgegeven ... waer inne de.... Professoren...aenwysen hoe dwaes ... zijn die middelen ... tot Vrede ...die de selve... in...! zijn Boexken voorslaet. Uyt de Latynsche ... tale ... over geset. Met een Voor-reden, waerinne van ... dierghelycke voorslagen van Moderatie ... gediscoureert wort, etc.. Amstelredam, 1626. 4º. T. 2253. (5.) SPRUIJT (CORNELIUS BELLAAR) Proeve van eene geschiedenis van de leerder Aangeboren Begrippen ... uitgegeven door Curatoren van het Stolpiaansch Legaat aan de Universiteit te Leiden. pp. iv. 357. Leiden, 1879: 80. Ac. 940/3. 385 · ACADEMIES. (LEYDEN.] . 386 LEYDEN [CONTINUED]. LEYDEN [CONTINUED). Academia Lugduno-Batava.—Bibliotheek. Academia Lugduno-Batava. Catalogus Bibliothecæ Publicæ Lugduno-Batavæ. [Pro APPENDIX [continued]. Bibliothecarii munere gratiarum actio [an oration of D. Heinsius). Libri MSS. Arabici quos pro Academia Res curiosæ et exoticæ, in ambulacro Horti academici ex Oriente advexit J. Golius.) 2 pt. Lugduni Batavi conspicuæ. [Leyden, 1670?] 4°. B. 431. (5.) Lugd. Batavorum, 1860. 4º. 620. e. 18. The Catalogue of the “ Libri MSS. Arabici " has a Begin. Magnifice Rector, etc. (Sermo Academicus [by distinct pagination and register. J. Le Mort on retiring from the Professorship of Botany Catalogus Librorum tam Impressorum quam Manu and Chemistry].) [Leyden? 1716?] 4º. T. 24. (8.) scriptorum Bibliothecæ Publicæ Universitatis Lugduno- Batavæ [By J. Gronovius, S. Haverkamp, and C. Schaaf. Lugduni apud Batavos, 1716. fol. See SCHUYL (F.) Catalogue de ce qu'on voit de plus There is also a second titlepage engraved. 620. k. 10. remarquable dans la chambre de l'anatomie publiqne de l'Université de la ville de Leide, etc. 1735. 4º. Catalogus Codicum Orientaliuin Bibliothecæ Academia B. 582. 5. Lugduno Batavæ, (vol. 1 and 2] auctore R. P. A. Dozy (vol. 3 and 47 auctoribus P. de Jong et M. J. de Goeje Een woord over het Adres door de Literarische Faculteit [and A. Kuenen]). Lugduni Batavorum, 1881, etc. 80. te Leiden... aan den Minister van binnenlandsche zaken Ac. 940/4. In progress. aangeboden. Zwolle, 1861. 8º. 11825. f. Begin. Hac mea subscriptione publice profiteor, etc. Open Brief aan den HoogleeraarC.G. Cobet, door eene Com- (Form to be subscribed by students who borrow books missie uit het Leidsch Studenten-Corps, naar aanleiding from the Library of the University at Leyden.] Lat. van zijne Missive geplaatst in de Leidsche Courant van [Leyden, 1835?] s. sh. fol. 772, i. 1. (68.) 18 Februarij 1863. Leiden, 1863. 8º. 8309. g. De Toekomst van de Bibliotheek der Leidsche Hooge- school. 's Gravenhage, 1866. 8º. 11902. cc. See infra : UTRECHT.-Academia Rheno-Trajectina. Oorlog of Vrede? De strijd von het Utrechtsche en Leidsche Academia Lugduno-Batava.-Sterrenwacht. Studentencorps, etc. 1863. 8º. 8355. bbb. Annalen der Sternwarte in Leiden, herausgegeben von See infra: UTRECHT.-Academia Rheno-Trajectina. Wat Dr. F. Kaiser. (Bd. 1–3.- Von Dr. H. G. van de Sande was de Oorsprong ? Hue zal het einde zijn? Nog een Bakhuyzen, Bd. 4, etc.) Harlem, 1868, etc. 4°. woord over den strijd tusschen de Utrechtsche en In progress. 8567. f. Leijdsche Studenten-Corps, door een lid van het Verslag van den Staat der Sterrenwacht te Leiden, ... Utrechtste Studenten-Corps. 1864. 8º. uitgebracht door H. G. van de Sande Bakhuyzen. 8355. bbb. Amsterdam, 1873, etc. 8º. In progress.: 8752. c. Open brief aan de professoren der faculteit van letteren Catalogus van de boeken aanwezig in de Bibliotheek der en wijsbegeerte aan de Leidsche Hoogeschool. Op last Sterrenwacht te Leiden... Bijvoegsel bij de Annalen der van het Leidsche studentencorps geschreven door het Sterrenwacht. Collegium Civitatis Academicæ. ..supremum [requesting 's Gravenhage, Leiden (printed], 1881, etc. 8º. attention to a petition of the students]. In progress. 11905. c. 5. Leiden, 1867. 8º. 8309. ee. APPENDIX. See BLANKEN (G. H.) Het aantal Studenten aan de Hoo- Icones ad vivum delineatæ & expressæ, virorum clari geschool te Leyden van 1175, etc. 1869. 8º. orum qui præcipue scriptis Academiam Lugduno- 8356. bb. Batavam illustrarunt. G. Swanſen burg] fecit. With- out letter-press.] Lug[duni] Bat[avorum], 1609. fol. Het derde Eeuwfeest. Eene herinnering aan de Leid- 565. f. 4. (1.) sche Maskerades van vroeger en later. Benevens eene beschrijving van den gecostumeerden optocht te houden [Another edition.] Illustris. Academia Lugd. Batava; ter viering van het 300jarig jubilé der Leidsche Hooge- id est, virorum clarissimorum icones, elogia ac vitæ, qui school, etc. Leiden, 1875. 8º. eam scriptis suis illustrarunt. 9930. g. 12. Lugduni] Bat[avorum], 1613. 4º. 731. g. 16. (1.) 1575–1875. Academia Lugduno-Batava, monumentum The Portraits have been struck off the same plates as those virtutis, patriae gloria, libertatis praesidium. [A plate of the preceding edition. containing the names of the principal professors at that Illustriuin Hollandiæ et Westfrisiæ ordinum alma University during the above period.] Academia Leidensis, (id est, icones atque vitæ ... [Leyden, 1875.] 8. sh. fol. 1882. d. 1. (52.) Gulielmi, principis Aurangiæ. . . atque Mauritii, principis Aurangiæ ... itemque eorum qui . . . Academiæ huic See DERCKSEN (J. M. E.) Gedenkboek der Feestvieringen præfuerunt, etc.) Lugduni Batavorum, 1614. 4º. ter gelegenheid van bet driebonderdjarig bestaan der 731. g. 16. (2.) Hoogeschool te Leiden, etc. 1875. 80. 8357. dd. 2. [Another copy.] 8355. C. Bataafsche Maatschappij. Icones, elogia ac vitæ professorum Lugdunensium apud Batavos ; quibus addita sunt omnia Academiæ ornamenta, Spel-en-Lees-Boekje voor eerst-beginnenden, uitgegeven ære incisa. Lug[duni] Batav[orum), 1617. 4º. door de Bataafsche Maatschappij... Negende Druk. 132. b. 15. Leyden, 1805. 12º. 12962. aaa: 19. Fundatoris, curatorum et professorum celeberrimorum Dichtlievend Kunstgenootschap onder de Spreuk aliorumque illustrium virorum quorum gratia, favore, "Kunstliefde spaart geen vlijt." cura, doctrinaque Academia Lugduno-Batava incepit, auctaque et ornata est, effigies, necnon urbis, academiæ Proeven van poëtische Mengelstoffen, door het Dichtlie- ejusque horti, templorum notabiliorumque publicorum vend Kunstgenootschap onder de sprenk: “ Kunstliefde ædificiorum prospectus. [Edited by P. vander Aa.] spaart geen vlijt," en prijsvaarzen, behelzende den lof P. van der Aa, Leide, [1720?] fol. 731. m. 8. der dankbaarheid. 7 Deel. Leyden, 1774-80. 80. There are two titlepages; one in Latin, the other in French. 11555. C. 387 ACADEMIES. (LEYDEN.] 388 SI LEYDEN (CONTINUED). LEYDEN [CONTINUED). Genootschap van Wapenhandel ter Spreuke voerende: Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. “Voor Vrijheid en Vaderland.” Catalogus von de Bibliothek der Maatschappij van Vaderlandsche Liederen, etc. Derde Druk. 6 pt. Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden. 3 Din. Leyden, 1785. 8º. 11556. bb. Leiden, 1847–49. 8º. 824. f. 24. Enqueste ende Informatie upt stuk van der Reductie Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Tuinbouw. ende Reformatie van den Schiltaelen, voertijts getaxeert Annales d'Horticulture et de Botanique, ou Flore des ende gestelt geweest over de landen van Hollant ende jardins du royaume des Pays-Bas, et histoire des plantes Vrieslant. Gedaen in den jaere 1494. (Zettingen en cultivées et ornementales les plus intéressantes des omslagen van 1496, 1515 en 1518. Bijvoegsel op de possessions néerlandaises aux Indes Orientales, en uitgaven der Informatie van 1514 en der Enqueste van Amérique et du Japon. Publiée par la Société Royale 1496, etc.) Uitgegeven van wege de Maatscbappij der d'horticulture des Pays-Bas ... rédigée (vol. 1 only) par Nederlandsche Letterkunde. [Edited by R. Fruin.] ...P. F. de Siebold et W. H. de Vriese. 4 vol. Leiden, 1876. 8º. Ac. 9017/9. Leide, 1858–61. 8º. Ac. 3271. Informacie up den staet, faculteyt ende gelegentheyt van de steden ende dorpen van Hollant ende Vrieslant, Kunstgenootschap: “Kunst wordt door Arbeid ver om daernae te reguleren de nyeuwe schiltaele gedaen in kreegen." den jaere 1514. Leiden, 1866. 8º. Ac. 9017/5. Bataefsche Veldvreugd, ter gelegenheid van het huwelyk zyner ... hoogheid Willem den vijfde ... en Frederica ... Princesse van Pruissen, versierd met Zangen en HEIN, van Aken. Die Rose van Heinric van Aken, met Danssen, enz. Leyden, 1767. 8º. 636. č. 20. (11.) de fragmenten der tweede vertaling ... uitgegeven door ... E. Verwijs. Kunstgenootschap. 's Gravenhage; Amsterdam (printed], 1868. 4º. Ac. 9017/4. De Dood van Calas; Treurspel, [in three acts and in MAERLANT (JACOB VAN). J. van Maerlant's Spiegel His- verse.... Tweede Druk. Leyden, 1767. 8º. toriael. Leiden, 1859, etc. 4º. 11556. m. 636. c. 11. (5.) In progress. Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. OUDEMANS (A. C.) Taalkundig Woordenboek op de Nieuwe Bydragen tot Opbouw der Vaterlandsche Letter werken van P. C. Hooft, ter aanvulling en verbetering kunde. 2 Din. Leyden, 1763-66. 8º. Ac. 9017/6. van het Uitlegkundig Woordenboek op Hooft, uitgegeven door de tweede klasse van het voormalig Koninklijk Werken. 7 Din. Leyden, 1772-88. 4º. Ac. 9017/7. Nederlandsch Instituut. Leiden, 1868. 8o. 12972. ff. 6. Verhandelingen van de Maatschappy. 3 Din. Leyden, 1806–24. 8º. WILLEM, van Hildergaersberch. Gedichten van Willem [Continued as :] van Hildegaersberch... uitgegeven door Dr. W. Bisschop Nieuwe Werken van de Maatschappy, etc. 6 Dln. en Dr. E. Verwijs. 's Gravenhage, 1870. 8º. 11565. h. Dordrecht, 1825-44. 8º. [Continued as:] Natuurkundige Commissie in Oost-Indië. Nieuwe Reeks van Werken van de Maatschappy, etc. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der 10 Din. Leiden, 1846–57. 8º. Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen, door de leden [Continued as:] der Natuurkundige Commissie in Oost-Indië en andere Handelingen der jaarlijksche algemeene Vergadering schrijvers. Uitgegeven...door C. J. Temminck. Gere- van de Maatschappij, etc. (Handelingen en Medelingen digeerd door J. A. Susanna. van de Maatschappij, etc. Levensberigten der afgestor- Botanie. Leiden, 1839-42. fol. vene medeleden van de Maatschappij... Bijlage tot de Handelingen, etc.) [Leyden, 1860 etc.] 80. Ac. 9017. Zoologie. 1839-44. fol. In progress. Land en Volkenkunde. 1839-44. fol. Repertorium der verhandelingen en bijdragen, betreff- Insecta. [1839.] fol. 1820. d. ende de geschiedenis des Vaderlands, in mengelwerken Imperfect ; “Botanie” wants pp. 21–24. “ Insecta” wants en tijdschriften tot op 1860 verschenen. Door R. Fruin, titlepage; letter-press all after p. 248; and Plates all after J. T. Bodel Nijenhuis, L. J. F. Janssen, W. N. du Rieu, Plate 23. W. I. C. Rammelman Elsevier en J. de Wal. Leiden, 1863. 8º. BB. M. Nederlandsche Maatschappij der Letterkunde. Register van Academische Dissertatien en Oratien See supra : Maatschappij der Nederlandsche betreffende de geschiedenis des Vaderlands : aanbangsel Letterkunde. op het Repertorium von verhandelingen en bijdragen, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie. bijeengebragt ... door de Commissie van Geschied- en Oudheidkunde van de Maatschappij, etc. Notes from the Royal Zoological Museum of the Nether- Leiden, 1866. 8º, Ac. 9017/3. lands... Edited by Prof. H. Schlegel. Leyden, 1879, etc. 8º. . Ac. 3574. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Taal- en Letterkunde, In progress. uitgegeven vanwege de Maatschappij, etc. Leiden, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 9017/10. Rijksuniversiteit. In progress. See supra : Academia Lugduno-Batava... De Wetten van de Maetschappy, etc. Royal Zoological Museum of the Netherlands. [Leyden, 1775 ?] 4º. Ac. 2017/8. See supra: Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie. Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden. 1766-1866. Société Royale d'Agriculture des Pays-Bas. See Leiden, 1867. 8º. Ac. 9017/2. supra: Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Tuinbouw. 389 ACADEMIES. [LEYDEN-LILLE.] LEYDEN [CONTINUED]. LIEGE [CONTINUED]. Tael- en Dichtlievend Genootschap onder de spreuk, Société des Vrais Liégeois. “Kunst word door Arbeid verkreegen." 25° anniversaire de l'inauguration du règne de S. M. Prijsverhandelingen. Deel 1. Leyden, 1782. 8º. Léopold jer. Concours de Poésie Wallonne, institué par la 1209. b. 27. Société des Vrais Liégeois. Pièces couronnées. pp. 22. Liége, 1856. 8º. 11493. h. 100. Vereeniging ter bevordering der Oude Nederlandsche Letterkunde. Société Libre d'Émulation de Liége. Verslagen en Berigten, uitgegeven door de Vereeniging ter Bevordering der Oude Nederlandsche Letterkunde Annuaire, etc. Liége, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 1005/2. [Edited by P. J. Vermeulen, J. Tideman, W. J. A. In progress. Jonckbloet, P. Leendertz, J. G. de Hoop Scheffer, and Procès-verbal de la séance publique, etc. 1810–13, 17, M. de Vries]. Jaarg. 1-3. Leiden, 1844-46. 80 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 42, 50, 54, 58. Liége, 1810-58. 8º. 11555. f. Werken uitgegeven door de Vereeniging ter bevordering - Mémoires.- Nouvelle série. tome 1, etc. der Oude Nederlandsche Letterkunde. Jaarg. 1-5. Liége, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 1005. Leiden, 1844–48. 8º. Ac. 9019. In progress. Imperfect; wanting the procès-verbal for 1815. [Another copy of Jaarg. I., Aflev. 2, 3; III. 3.] 11555. f. Rapport sur les travaux de la Société ... depuis la der- Universiteyt tot Leyden. nière séance publique, par U. Capitaine. See supra; Acdemia Lugduno-Batava. Liége, 1858. 8º. 8355. dd. Société Philanthropique des Vrais Liégeois. Witte Acoleye. See supra : Société des Vrais Liégeois. Lusthof van Rethorica: Waer inne verhael gedaen . wordt, vande beschrijvingen ende t’samen-comsten der Société Royale des Sciences de Liége. Hollantscher Cameren vande Reden-rijckers, binnen Leyden geschiedt, den 26 Mey des Jaers 1596, ende de Mémoires. 20 tom. Liége, 1843–66. 8º. volgende dagen, met het gene aldaer gedaen, ende ver- - Deuxième Série. Liége, 1866, etc. 8º. handelt is. [Published by the Witte Acoleye of Leyden.] [Leyden, 1596 ?] 4º. 11555. d. Planches. 4º. Ac. 2961. In progress. LIEGE. Université de Liége. Academia Leodiensis. See supra : Academia Leodiensis. Annales. 1817–27. 9 vol. Leodii, 1821–29. 4º. Ac. 990. See supra : BELGIUM - Universités de Belgique. Annales LILLE. 1842, etc. Annales des Universités de Belgique, etc. 1843, etc. 8º. P.P. 1229. b. Comice Agricole de l'Arrondissement de Lille. Université de Liége. Réouverture solennelle des Cours. Archives de l'agriculture du Nord de la France. Année 1863–1864. Discours inaugural et rapport du Lille, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 3402. recteur M. A. Spring, etc. Liége, 1863. 8º. In progress. 8356. bb. Commission Historique du Département du Nord. Bibliothèque de l'Université de Liége. Catalogue des manuscrits. pp. vii. 589. Liége, 1875. 8º. Bulletin, etc. Lille, 1843, etc. 8º. Ac. 6875/2. 11905. g. 18. In progress. Association nationale pour l'encouragement et le Statistique archéologique du Département du Nord. développement de la Littérature en Belgique. 2 vol. Lille, Paris, 1867. 8º. Ac. 6875. Revue Belge, publiée par l'Association. 25 tom. Only 200 copies printed. The pagination is continued Liège, 1835–43. 8°. P.P. 4510. throughout. No more published; the work was afterwards united with the “ Revue de Liège." Institut Zoologique de Lille. Travaux de l'Institut, etc. Lille, (1879, etc.] 4º. Collège des Médecins. In progress. Ac. 3554. Règlement du Collège, etc. Liège, 1699. 4º. 551. b. 9. (4.) Société d'Amateurs des Sciences et Arts, etc. Institut Archéologique Liégeois. Séances Publiques. (1806–1808, 1811, 1819.) 5 Cahiers. Bulletin. Liége, 1852, etc. 8º. Ac. 5527. Lille, (1806-1819.] 8º. Ac. 355. In progress. Each Cahier is separately paged. Recueil des travaux de la Société. 1819–27. 4 vol. Société des Bibliophiles Liégeois. Lille, 1823–27. 8º. Ac. 355/2. BORMAN (CAMILLE TH. F. M. DE) Chevalier. Chronique de l'Abbaye de Saint Trond [by Abbot Rudolphus, C. Mémoires de la Société, etc. 1827–53. (Supplément à Moringus and others], éditée par le Chev. C. de Borman. l'Année 1853 et table générale de la 1re. Série 1856.) Lat. 2 tom. Liége, 1877. 8º. 4782. b. 9. Lille, 1829-56. 8º. VILLENFAGNE D'INGIHOUL (HILARION NOËL DE) Baron. IIe Série. 1854–63. 10 vol. Lille, 1855-64. 8º. Nouveaux mélanges historiques et littéraires. Euvres inédites ... publiées par X. de Theux. pp. 284. - IIIe Série. Année 1864, etc. Lille, 1865, etc. 8º. Liége, 1878. 8º. Ac. 9039. In progress. Ac. 355/2. 391 ACADEMIES. (LILLE-LIMOGES.] 392 LILLE [CONTINUED). LIMA (CONTINUED). Société d'Amateurs des Sciences et Arts, etc. Real Universidad de San Marcos. Séance solennelle et publique du' 23 décembre 1860, etc. Coleccion de las composiciones de eloquencia y poesía, [Report.] Lille, (1861.] 8º. Ac. 355/3. con que la Regia Universidad de San Marcos de Lima, celebro, en los dias 20 y 21 de Noviembre de 1816, el Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de la Société Impériale des recibimiento de... Don Joaquin de la Pezuela y Sanchez Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille. Muñoz de Velasco... Virey...del Perū, etc. (Elogio... Lille, 1870. 8º. 11903. CC. que... pronunció...J. Cavero y Salazar, etc. Sermon... que. . . dixo...J. J. Larriva y Ruiz.) 3 pt. Inventaire analytique et chronologique des Archives de Lima, 1816. 4°. Ac. 2698/2. la Chambre des Comptes à Lille. [By D. J. Godefroy. Revised by A. Le Glay and C. E. Å. de Coussemaker.] Constituciones de la universidad de Lima (1624.) Publié par les soins . . . de la Société Impériale des See PERU, Viceroyalty of.-PHILIP IV., King of Spain, etc. Sciences... de Lille. L. P. 2 pt. (Constituciones de la Universidad de Lima,) etc. Paris, Lille (printed], 1865. 4º. Ac. 355/6. [1624?] fol. 1324. i. 3. (18.) Mémoire sur les travail absorbé par les frottements, dans Constituciones y ordenanzas antiguas añadidas y mo- les crapaudines et dans les guides. (Mémoire sur les dernas de la real Universidad... Recogidas... por A. E. efforts que supportent la tôle et les rivets des chaudières de Salazar y Zovallas, etc. [Lima, ] 1735. fol. à vapeur cylindro-sphériques.) Par M. Mahistre. 128. f. 13. Lille, (1860.] 8º. 8766. bb. Prospectus rerum quas in Latino sermone... recitaturi Rapport sur les ouvrages de Numismatique de E. van sunt in Regia Divi Marci Academia...alumui de uni- Hende, par C. Verly. Lille, (1861.] 8°. 7755. b. versa grammatica examinandi, etc. Limæ, [1809.] 4º. 731. f. 39. Société Géologique du Nord. Tabla de las materias mas fundamentales e interesantas Mémoires. Lille, 1876, etc. 4°. Ac. 3119. de las matematicas puras que han cursado en la Real In progress. Universitad de San Marcas...1805 y 6; y presentan a examen D. M. Lopez, D. F. Barrera, D. G. Arauco, D. G. Société Impériale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et Candamo, D. M. Hinojosa, D. M. Espinusa, baxo la des Arts, etc. direccion de D. G. Paredes...1807. Lima, [1807.) fol. See supra : Société d'Amateurs des Sciences et B. 263. (9.) Arts, etc. Seminario Conciliar de Santo Toribio. Société Royale des Sciences de l'Agriculture et des Tabla de las materias cursadas el decimo tercio ano Arts. escolar en el Seminario de Santo Toribio por la que See supra : Société d'Amateurs des Sciences, etc. seran examinados sus alumnos en las dias 25 y siguientes de Diciembre, etc. Lima, 1863. 4º. 8355. f. LIMA. Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima. Colegio de San Ildefonso. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Lima. Mercurio Peruano, ...que da à luz la Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Begin (p. 3.] Illmo. et Rmo. D. D. D. Fry. Josepho Lima, etc. 1791, etc. 4º. P.P. 4095. Calixto de Orihuela. . . Divi Ildefonsi Collegium... hocce amoris, studii, et congratulationis monimentum. [Sub- jects for examination of Candidates in Theology. Pre- LIMOGES. ceded by Latin verses.] [Lima ? 1830?] 4º. Imperfect, beginning at p. 3. 1. f. 22. Société archéologique et historique du Limousin. Real Colegio Seminario. Bulletin de la Société archéologique et historique du Limousin. Limoges, 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 5312. Carta expresiva de la mas fina lealtad al Soberano remi- tida por el Real Colegio Seminario, etc. (Elogio del In progress. mismo Seminario al Excmo. Señor Don J. F. Abascal y Annales Manuscrites de Limoges dites Manuscrit de Sousa, etc.) (Lima, 1806.] 4º. 1446. i. (7.) | 1638 publiées sous les auspices de la Société... par E. Ruben, F. Achard, P. Ducourtieux... Avec deux planches Real Universidad de San Marcos. lithographiées. Limoges, 1872. 89. AC. 6877 Actuaciones literarias de la Vacuna. [Lima), 1807. 4º. Ac. 2698. Limoges. Registres Consulaires de la ville de Limoges. [Another copy.] B. 557. (22.) Publiés sous la direction de M. É. Ruben...avec le con- cours de MM. É. Hervy, J. Garrigou-Lagrange, G. De- El Cielo en el Parnasso, cartel del certamen poetico que bort et A. Chapoulaud. Limoges, 1867, etc. 8º. ofrece... La Real Universidad...al... Señor... A. J. de In progress. Ac. 6877/2. Mendoza Sotomayor y Camaño, Marques de Villa Gar- cia, etc. (El Theatro Heroico.) [By P. J. de Peralta Société Royale d'Agriculture de Limoges. Barnuevo Rocha y Benavides.] 2 pt. [Lima,] 1736. 40. 9930. dd. (2.) See EssAI. Essai analytique sur la richesse et sur. Pt. 2 appears to want a titlepage. l'inipôt, où l'on réfute la nouvelle doctrine économique, qui à fourni à la S. R. d’A. Limoges les principes d'un El Cielo en el Parnasso, certamen poetico con que la programme qu'elle a publié sur l'effet des impôts indi- Real Universidad...y en su nombre su rector A. E. de rects. 1767. 8º. 231. g. 36. Salazar y Zevallos...celebrò el ..recibimiento de S. E. TI. de Mendoza y Camano) en sus escuelas. Y la rela De la Fermentation des Vins, et de la meilleure manière cion de la festiva pompa y solemno aclamacion de su de faire l'eau-de-vie : mémoires qui ont concouru pour le entrada en esta ciudad. Que describe P. de Peralta Bar prix proposé en 1766, par la Société. Lyon, 1770. 8º. nuevo y Rocha. Lima, 1736. 4º. 731. f. 26. 7945. i. 26. ielo en el cal Universimaño, March 393 ACADEMIES. [LINCOLN—LISBON.] 394 LINCOLN. LISBON [CONTINUED). Architectural Society of the County of Lincoln. Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, etc. See supra : GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.--Associated Memorias. Nova serie. Lisboa, 1854, etc. 4º. Architectural Societies. In progress. Ac. 190/10. [Another copy of tom. 1.] 434. f. 2. Lincolnshire Topographical Society. A selection of papers relative to the County of Lincoln. Actas das sessões da Academia Real das Sciencias, etc. Read before the Lincolnshire Topographical Society, tom. 1-3. Lisboa, 1849–51. 3º. Ac. 190. 1841, 42. Lincoln, 1843. 4º. Ac. 6165. Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras, publicados debaixo dos auspicios da Academia... Sciencias mathematicas, phy- LINDAU. sicis, historico-naturaes, e medicas. Lisboa, 1857, etc. 8°. Ac. 190/2. Verein für Geschichte des Bodensee's und seiner • In progress. Umgebung. Sciencias moraes e politicas, e Bellas Lettras. Schriften, etc. Lindau, 1869, etc. 8º. AĆ. 6963. Lisboa, 1857, etc. 8°. In progress. In progress. Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. LINZ. Lisboa, 1868, etc. 8°. Ac. 190/3. In progress. Museum Francisco-Carolinum. Conferencias celebradas na Academia Real das Sciencias Vierter (fünfter-siebzehnter) Bericht über das Museum de Lisboa acerca dos descobrimentos e colonisações dos Francisco-Carolinum. Nebst der ersten (zweyten, etc.) Portuguezes na Africa. Lisboa, 1877, etc. 8º. Lieferung der Beyträge zur Landeskunde von Oester- In progress. Ac. 190/13. reich ob der Enns und Salzburg. Linz, 1840-57. 8º. 10205. dd. . Breves instrucções aos correspondentes da Academia... Wanting Berichte 6, 7, 9, and all after 17. sobre as remessas dos productos, e noticias pertencentes à historia da natureza, para formar hum museo nacional. DEEFTSCHMID (JOHANN) Die Flora von Oberösterreich, etc. Lisboa, 1781. 8º. B. 601. (5.) Linz, 1870, etc. 8º. 7033. f. In progress. [Another copy.] 272. g. 7. Stenografen-Verein. Estatutos. . . approvados por sua magestade, 15 Oct. 1834. Lisboa, 1834. 4º... Ac. 190/6. Stenografische Blätter aus Ober-Oesterreich. Heraus- gegeben vom Stenografen-Verein in Linz. (Jahrg. 6-9, [Another copy.] 9180. ccc. (22.) redigirt von M. Himmelbauer.) 9 Jahrg. Linz, 1862-70. 8º. P.P. 1896. ae. Catalogo das publicações da Academia Real das Sciencias Lithographed in short-hand. de Lisboa que se acham á venda nas lojas dos seus com- missarios, etc. Lisboa, 1865. 8º. 11903. bh. Catalogo das publicações da Academia Real das Sciencias LIPPE-SCHAUENBURG. . de Lisboa 1789 a 1876. pp. 67. Lisboa, 1876. 8º. 2048. b. See infra : SCHAUMBURG-LIPPE, An obituary notice of A. Herculano de Carvalho e Araujo. Dated 25 Oct. 1877.] [Lisbon, 1877.] fol. 1871. e. 2. (5.) LISBON Collecção de instrucções sobre a Agricultura, Artes, e Academia das Bellas Artes. Industria. Num. 1-14. Lisboa, 1831, 32. 4º. No more published. Ac. 190/4. Academia das Bellas Artes de Lisboa. Quinta expo- sição 1861. Descripção das obras de bellas-artes. Collecção de livros ineditos de historia Portugueza (tom. Lisboa, 1862. 8º. Ac. 4528. (2.) 1-3)... publicados de ordem da Academia... por José RODRIGUES (FRANCISCO DE ASSIS). Na sessão publica trien- Corrêa da Serra. (Tom. 4, 5, publicados... pela com- missão de historia da mesma Academia.) tom. 1-5. nal e distribuição de premios da Academia das Bellas- Lisboa, 1790–1824. 4º. 181. f. 12-16. Artes de Lisboa,...29 de Março de 1862, discurso pro- nunciado por F. de A. R. (Relatorio [signed by the [Another copy of tom. 1-3.] 431. 1. 14–16. Secretary].) Lisboa, 1862. 80. Ac. 4528. (1.) [Another copy of tom. 3-5.] 804. h. 3-5. Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, etc. Collecção de Monumentos ineditos para a Historia das See CATALOGUES.—Subdiv. I.-Lisbon. Catalogo das obras Conquistas dos Portuguezes em Africa, Asia, e America. impressas. . . pela Academia, etc. 1842. 4º. 822. e. 50. Publicada...sob a direcção de R. J. de L. F. Lisboa, 1858, etc. 4º. 9056. i. See EPHEMERIDES. Ephemerides nauticas, ou Diario astro- In progress. nomico... publicado per ordem da Academia, etc. Collecção de noticias para a historia e geografia das 1788, etc. 4º. 977. b. 18–20. naçõens ultramarinas, que vivem nos dominios Portu- Memorias. Tom. 1-12. (Tom. 1. Memorias desde 1780 guezes, ou lhes são visinhas. tom. 1-5 & tom. 7. até 1788. Tom. 2, 3. Memorias de Mathematica e Phy Lisboa, 1812-41. 4º. 1446. i. sica. Tom. 4–11. Historia e Memorias. Tom. 12. Me- Collecção de opusculos reimpressos relativos á historia morias.) Lisboa, 1797–1839. fol. T.C. 3. b. 10-21. das navegações, viagens, e conquistas dos Portuguezes. Historia e Memorias da Academia, etc. 2d serie. tom. Lisboa, 1844, etc. 8º. 1298. g. .. 1-3. Lisboa, 1843–56. fol. Ac. 190/10. In progress. 390 ACADEMIES. (LISBON.] 396 LISBON [CONTINUED). LISBON [CONTINUED). Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, etc. Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, etc. Collecção de opusculos sohre a Vaccina, feitos pelos socios Taboadas perpetuas astronomicas para uso da navegaçao da Academia Real das Sciencias, que compoem a Insti Portugueza. Lisboa, 1815. 4º. 738. g. 7. tuição Vaccinica, etc. Num. 1-13, Lisboa, 1812–14. 4º. Ac. 190/5. AGUIAR (A. A. DE) Sessão Publica da Academia Real das No more published. : Sciencias de Lisboa em 15 de Maio de 1877. Allocução Collecção das principales auctores da Historia Portu- do Vice-Presidente A. A. Aguiar, e relatorio dos trabal- gueza, publicada com notas pelo director da classe da lit- hos da Academia pelo Secretario J. M. Latino Coelho. teratura da Academia Real das Sciencias... Tom. 1, 2. Lisboa, 1877. 8°C Ac. 190/12. [Containing, Terceira parte da Monarchia Lusitana, (liv. ALBINO DA FONSECA BENEVIDES (ANTONIO) Diccionario de 8–11.) por A. Brandão.] Glossologia Botanica, ou descripção dos termos technicos Lisboa, 1806. 8º. 1444. b. de organographia, toxonomia, physiologia e pathologia No more of this series appears to have been published. vegetal. Com a exposição succinta das familias naturaes Collecção dos principales auctores da Historia Portu- e suas tribas actualmente adoptadas. Lisboa, 1841. 4º. 1253. f. gueza, publicada com notas pelo director da classe da lit- teratura da Academia Real das Sciencias... Tom. 1-6. [Another copy.] 744. d. [Containing, Liv. 1-6. Da Monarchia Lusitana, by AVELLAR BROTERO (F. DE) Compendio de Botanica, B. de Brito.Vida de B. de Brito, por A. da Visitação addicionado e posto en harmonia com os conhecimentos Freise.- Goographia antiga de Lusitania, por B. de actuaes desta sciencia. 2 tom. Lisboa, 1837–39. 4°. Brito.] Lisboa, 1806-1809. 8º. 1444. b. 1252. f. No more of this series appears to have been published. The Geographia is at the end of tom. 4 with a distinct pagination BARBOSA DU BOCAGE (J. v.) Sessaõ publica' da Academia and titlepage, and dated 1804. ... em 12 de Dezembro de 1875. Discurso recitado ... pelo Vice-Presidente ...J. V. Barboza du Bocage e Collecção systematica das leis e estatutos, por que se tem relatorio dos trabalhos da Academia pelo Secretario governado à Academia Real desde o seu estabelecimento geral interino J. M. Latino Coelho. Lisboa, 1875. 8º. até ao tempo presente. Lisboa, 1822. 4º. Ac. 190/7. Ac. 190/12. Diccionario da lingoa Portugueza. Tom. 1. A. BARREIROS (FORTUNATO JOSÉ) Memoria sobre os Pesos e Lisboa, 1793. 4º. 12491. k. 3. Medidas de Portugal, Espanha, Inglaterra. e França que se empregão nos trabalhos do Corpo de Engenheiros e da [Another copy.] 433. h. 1. Arma de Artilheria ; e noticia das principaes medidas da mesma especie, usadas para fins militares em outras Documentos Arabicos para a historia Portugueza, copi- naçoēs. Lisboa, 1838. 4º. 1397. g. ados dos originaes da Torre do Tombo...e vertidos em Portuguez por ordem da Academia... por J. de Sousa. BARREIROS (FORTUNATO JOSÉ) Principios geraes de Castra- Arab. and Port. Lisboa, 1790. 4º. 627. e. 26. (2.) metação, applicados ao acampamento das tropas Portu- guezas. Lisboa, 1838. 4º. 1397. g. [Another copy.] 177. a. 24 CONTO (MATTHEUS VALENTE DO) Astronomia spherica e Fontes proximas da Compilacao Filippina, ou indice das nautica. Lisboa, 1839. 4º. 1395. f. ordenações, e extravagantes, de que ... se derivou o Codigo Filippino. Publicadas de ordem da Academia DEMOSTHENES. A Oração da Coroa versão do original Real das Sciencias... por J. J. Ferreira Gordo. Grego, precedida de um estudo sobre a civilisação da Lisboa, 1792. 4º. 1377. e. 4. Grecia, pur J. M. Latino Coelho. Segunda edicão. pp. CDXVII. 105. Lisboa, 1880. 8º. Ac. 190/15. Memorias da Litteratura Portugueza. 8 tom. Lisboa, 1792-1814. 4º. T.C. 3. a. 20-27. Costa ALVARENGA (PEDRO FRANCISCO DA) Leçons cliniques sur les Maladies du Cour... Traduit du Portugais par Ac. 190/5. [Another copy of tom. 1-6.] ... E. Bertherand. Lisbonne, 1878. 8°. 7615. ee. 9. [Another copy of tom. 1-6.] 437. f. 4-9. COSTA DE MACEDO (JOAQUIN JOSÉ DA) Discurso lido em 22 Memorias de Agricultura premiadas pela Academia ... de Janeiro de 1843 na Sessão Publica da Academia Real. em 1787, 88 e 90. 2 tom. Lisboa, 1788, 91. 8º. TOn the history and prospects of the Academy:] ' P.P. 2351. C. Lisboa, 1843. 4º. 744. b. 2. [Another copy.] 962. a. 4. Costa QUINTELLA (IGNACIO DA) Annaes da Marinha [Another copy.] 234. c. 1. Portugueza. toin. 1, 2. Lisboa, 1839-40. 4º. No more published. 1196. h. 43. Memorias economicas da Academia... para o adianta- mento da agricultura, das artes e da industria em Por [Another copy.] 1196. h. 17. tugal e suas conquistas. 5 tom. Lisboa, 1789-1815. 4º. T.C. 3. a. 15. DIAZ DE BENJUMEA (NICOLAS) Discurso sobre el Palmerin de Inglaterra y su verdadero autor presentado á la Real [Another copy of tom. 1-3.] 437. f. 1-3. Academia, etc. Lisboa, 1876. 4º. 11826. k. 3. [Another copy of tom. 1-3.] P.P. 2351. b. FIGUEIREDO RIBEIRO (JOSÉ ANASTASIO DE) Synopsis chro- Memorias para a historia da Capitania de S. Vicente, nologica de subsidios ainda os maes raros para a historia hoje chamada de S. Paulo, do estado do Brazil. Publi e estudo critico (la legislação Portugueza: mandada cadas...por Fr. Gaspar da Madre de Deos. publicar pela Academia, etc. e ordenada por J. A. de F. Lisboa, 1797. 8º. 10480. e. Desde 1143(-1603). 2 tom. Lisboa, 1790. 4º. 5384. e. Portugaliæ monumenta historica a saeculo octavo post Christum, usque ad quintum decimum.... Scriptores. FRANCISCO DE SANTO LUIZ (F. J. SARAIVA), Cardinal. Vol. 1. Fasc. 1. (Leges et consuetudines. vol. 1. Glossario de vocabulos Portuguezes derivados das linguas Fasc. 1.) Olisipone, 1856, etc. fol. 804. k. Orientales e Africanas, excepto a Arabe. In progress. Lisboa, 1837. 4º. 627. e. 31. 397 398 ACADEMIES. [LISBON.] LISBON [CONTINUED). LISBON [CONTINUED). Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, etc. Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, etc. [Another copy.] 12943. dd. 1. SANTOS Cruz (FRANCISCO IGNACIO DOS) Memoria sobre os FREITAS TEIXEIRA SPINOLA DE CASTEL-BRANCO (JOSÉ DE) differentes meios de atalhar os incendios, de salvar as Elementos de algebra superior coordenados para uso dos pessoas, e os objectos delles ameaçados, e de os prevenir alumnos da Eschola Polytechnica, etc. quanto possivel, etc. Lisboa, 1850. 8°. 8755. C. Lisboa, 1843. 80. 8530. d. SILVA (JOAQUIM XAVIER DA) Breve tratado de Hygiene GRISLEY (GABRIEL) D. Vandelli ... viridarium Grisley Militar e Naval, offerecido á Academia R. das Sciencias, etc. Lisboa, 1819. 4º. : 7687. aaa. Lusitanicum, Linnaeanis nominibus illustratum. Olisipone, 1789. 8º. Ac. 190/9. Silva LOPES (JOAM BATISTA DA) Corografia ou Memoria economica, estadistica e topografica do Reino do Algarve. [Another copy.] : B. 217. (12.) Lisboa, 1841. 4º. 1300. f. [Another copy.] 234. a. (9.) Silva LOPES (JOAM BATISTA DA) Memorias para a historia HUEBNER (EMIL) Noticias archeologicas do Portugal ... ecclesiastica do Bispado do Algarve. Lisboa, 1848. 8º. traduzidas (from the German, and edited by A. S., i.e. 4625. d. Agusto Pereira do Vabo e Anhaya Gallego Soromenho], Academia dos Singulares. etc. "Lisboa, 1871. 4º. 7703. f. 6. Academias dos Singulares de Lisboa. 2 pt. LOPES DA COSTA ALMEIDA (ANTONIO) Roteiro Geral dos Lisboa, 1665-98. 4º. . 11452. e. mares, costas, ilhas e baixas reconhecidos no globo. Pt. 3, tom 1, 2; pt. 5, pt. 6, tom. 1, pt. 10, tom 1. [Another edition of pt. 1.] 11824. d. Lisboa, 1837-42. 4°. 1302. b. Certamen accademico, epitalamico ao...consorcio da ... Rainba D. Maria Francisca Isabela de Saboya, com o MELLO FRANCO (FRANCISCO DE) Tratado da educaçao ...monarcha Lusitano, D. Affonso VI., etc. fysica dos meninos, para uso da Naçaõ Portugueza, pub- Lisboa, 1667. 4º. licado por ordem da Academia Real das Sciencias de 9195. c. (13.) Lisboa por F. de Mello Franco, etc. Lisboa, 1790. 4º. 4 leaves. 'Without pagination. Slightly mutilated. 1178. e. 30. Academia Real da Historia Portugueza. MELLO FREIRE DOS REIS (PASCOAL JOSÉ DE P. J. Mellii Freirii ... Historiæ juris civilis Lusitani liber singularis Collecçam dos documentos, estatutos y memorias na ... Accedunt De Jure-consultis Lusitanis, et recta academia . ., anno 1721...ordenada pelo Conde de Vil- Patrii juris interpretandi ratione capita duo. larmayor; (1722–34, : . . pelo Marques de Alegrete Ma- Olisipione, 1788. 4º. 27. h. 14. noel Telles da Sylva.) 14 vol. Lisboa, 1721-34. fol. 131. g. 1-12. MUELLER (JOÃO GUILHERME CHRISTIANO) Discurso pro- nunciado na primeira sessão publica da Academia Real [Another copy of vol. 1-9.] Ac. 6681. das Sciencias de Lisboa depois da morte de seu fundador RODRIGUES DA COSTA (ANTONIO) De vita, el rebus gestis ... I. C. de Bragança, Duque de Lafões, etc. N. Alvaresii Pyreria, Lusitaniæ Comitis-Stabilis libri Lisboa, 1810. 4°. B. 744. (11.) duo, etc. [With 2 portraits.] L. P. Olisipone Occidentali, 1723. MUẢAMMAD IBN 'ABD ALLAH IBN MUẢAMMAD IBN IBRÁHÍM fol. C. 47. k. (ABÚ 'ABDALLAH) With the arms of Louis XV., King of France, on the Al Lawátí Al-Tanjí, called Ion binding. Batutak. Viagens extensas e dilatadas do celebre Arabe Abu Abdallah, mais conhecido pelo nome de Ben Batuta, traduzidas por José de Santo Antonio Moura. 2 tom. Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Lisboa, 1840. 4º. 14565. b. 16, 17. See supra : Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, etc. [Another copy of vol. 1.] 14565. b. 18. | Associação dos Avogados de Lisboa. NEVES FRANCO (JOAQUIM DAS) Ensaio sobre minas mili- Annaes. Lisboa, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 2108. tares; escripto.... para instrucção dos discipulos da In progress. escola do exercito. Lisboa, 1844. 8º. Ac. 190/14. Associacão Maritima e Colonial. PAIVA MANSO DE) Viscount. Historia do Congo, Annaes maritimos e coloniaes. Serie, 1-5, 6 [No 1–37. obra posthuma. Lisboa, 1877. 8º. 9061. ff. 2. Lisboa, 1840–46. 8º. Ac. 2508. REBELLO DA SILVA (LUIZ AUGUSTO) Corpo diplomatico Aula de Diplomatica. Portuguez, contendo os actos e relações politicas e diplomaticas de Portugal com as diversas potencias do Memorias para a historia das inquirições dos primeiros mundo desde o seculo XVI. até os nossos dias. Publicado reinados de Portugal, colligidas pelos discipulos da Aula ... por L. A. Rebello da Silva. Lisboa, 1862, etc. 4º. de Diplomatica no anno de 1814 para 1815, debaixo da In progress. . Ac. 190/11. direcção dos lentes proprietario e substituto da mesma aula. [By J. B. Ribeiro] (Additamentos. Documentos.) RESENDE (ANDRÉ DE) Vida do Infante Dom Duarte pelo 3 pt. Lisboa, 1815. 4°. 1444. h. Mestre de Rezende, mandada publicar pelo Academia The " Additamentos” and “ Documentos” have each a Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. [With a preface by J. distinct register and pagination. Correa da Serra.] Lisboa, 1789. 8º. 1448. f. Memoria para a historia das confirmações regias neste [Another copy.] B. 702. (2.) reino com as respectivas provas collegidas pelos discipu- los da Aula de Diplomatica [José de Santa Rita and RIBEIRO (JOAM PEDRO) Additamentos e retoques á “Sy Antonio da Assumpção] no anno de 1815 para 1816 nopse Chronologica.” Pelo conselheiro J. P. Ribeiro. debaixo da dirreção dos lentes proprietario, e substituto Lisboa, 1829. 40. 9195. c. da mesma aula. Lisboa, 1816. 4º. 9195. c. 399 ACADEMIES. (LISBON_LIVERPOOL.] 400 : LISBON (CONTINUED). LIVERPOOL. Commissão Central Permanente de Geographia. Academy of the Liverpool Royal Institution, after- Annaes, etc. Imprensa Nacional : Lisboa, 1876, etc. 8º. wards Liverpool Academy. In progress. Ac. 6021 (Catalogues.] First(-seventh) Exhibition of the Aca- Commissão Geologica de Portugal. demy of the Liverpool Royal Institution. 1828-30. (Catalogue of the eighth-twenty-sixth, Exhibition of Commissão Geologica de Portugal. Da existencia do the Liverpool Academy. 1831-50.) Homem em epochas remotas no valle do Tejo. Port. Liverpool, 1822-50. 4º. ' 7856. aaa. (2.) and Fr. Lisboa, 1865, etc. 4°. Ac. 3108/2. Imperfect; wanting the catalogue for 1843, for 1848, 49 In progress. and for all after 1850. Commissão Geologica de Portugal. Vegetaes fosseis. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Lisboa, 1865, etc. 4°. Ac. 3108. Proceedings and papers. Session 1.(-Session III.) 1849- In progress. 51. [With Ms. letters, printed circulars and other HEER (OSWALD) Contributions à la Flore Fossile du doouments relating to the Society interspersed amongst Portugal. pp. xiv. 51. Lisbonne, 1881. 4º. 427. the text.] Liverpool, 1849–51. 8º. 10349. cc. 3. Medico-chirurgica schola Olisiponensis. Proceedings and Papers. vol. 1-12. Liverpool, 1849-60. 8º. Catalogus plantarum horti botanici medico-cirurgicae [sic] scholao Olisiponensis anno MDCCCLII. [Edited by New Series. Liverpool, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 8100. B. A. Gomes & C. M. Ferreira da Silva Beiram.] In progress. Vol. 1, 2 of the original series are re- Olisipone, 1851. 8º. 7030. b. prints. Museu Nacional de Lisboa. Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. BARBOZA DU BOCAGE (J. v.) Meuseu Nacional de Lisboa. List of communications laid before the Literary and Secção zoologica. Catalogo das collecções ornitholo- Philosophical Society of Liverpool, since its institution gicas. Psittaci-Paragaios---Accipitres--Avez de Rapina in 1812, to the end of session tənth, 1821. (Columbae - Pombos - Gallinae Gallinaceos). [Com Liverpool, 1821. 8º. Ac. 1301/2. piled by J. A. de Lousa ; with an introduction by Reports of the proceedings of the... Society. 1844–1845, J. V. B. du B.] Junho de 1869 (Aug. de 1873.) 2 pt. etc. Liverpool, 1845, etc. 8º. Ac. 1301. Lisboa, 1869, 73. 8º. 7284. ee. In progress. Section des travaux géologiques du Portugal. The Laws (as revised A.D. 1848.) of the Literary and See supra : Commissão Geologica de Portugal. Philosophical Society of Liverpool, instituted ... 1812. Liverpool, 1848. 8°. Ac. 1301/3. Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Liverpool Academy of Arts. Pareceres. [Lisbon, 1876, etc.] 8º. Ac. 6020. 2. [Catalogues.] The Exhibition of the Liverpool Academy, In progress. 1811. The second (-1814. The fifth.) Boletim, etc. Lisboa, Porto, 1877, etc. 89. Ac. 6020. Liverpool, 1811-14. 4º. 7856. aaa. (1.) In progress. Liverpool Architectural and Archäological Society. CORDEIRO (LUCIANO) L'Hydrographie Africaine au xvje Proceedings. vol. I., II., pt. 1. Liverpool, 1852-55. 4º. siècle d'après les prémières explorations Portugaises. Ac. 5663. Lettres à M. le Président de la Société de Géographie de Liverpool Geological Society. Lyon. Lisbonne, 1878. 8º. 8752. cc. 3. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Liverpool Geo- Sociedade literaria patriotica. logical Society, etc. 2 vol. Liverpool, 1870-61-74. 80. [Continued as:] Jornal. 2 tom. Lisboa, 1822. 8º. P.P. 3715. Proceedings of the Society, etc. vol. 3, etc. Liverpool, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 3174. Sociedade propagadora dos Conhecimentos Uteis. In progress. See FREIRE (F. J.) Reflexões sobre a lingua Portugueza, escriptas por F.J. Freire, publicadas com algumas anno- Liverpool N ? Liverpool Numismatic Society. tações pela Sociedade, etc. 1842. 8º. 1331. b. Journal of the Liverpool Numismatic Society ... Edited by J. H. Gibson. Nos. 1, 2. O Panorama, jornal litterario e instructivo da Sociedade Liverpool (printed), London, 1873. 8º. Ac. 5883. propagadora, etc. vol. 1-15. Lisboa, 1837-58. 4º. No more published. No more published. P.P. 4092. Collecção inéditos publicados pela Sociedade, etc. No 1. Liverpool Society of Fine Arts. Lisboa, 1840. 8º. 10632. c. Exhibition of painting, sculpture and architecture 1858–9. (Catalogue.) Liverpool, (1858.] 4º. 7855. f. Royal Institution. LJUBLJANA. See supra : Academy of the Liverpool Royal Insti- See supra : Laybach. tution, etc. ACADEMIES, ETC. P A Ꭱ Ꭲ III. TIN LONDON. LONDON (CONTINUED). Abernethian Society. Anglia Christiana. The Abernethian Society, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Chronicon Monasterii de Bello. Nunc primum typis Report of Proceedings. Session 1873–74. mandatum. Londini, 1846. 8º. . Ac. 8110. London, 1874, etc. 89. 76874.. In progress. Giraldus Cambrensis de instructione principum. Libri III. [Edited by J. S. B., i.e. John S. Brower.] Acclimatisation Society of Great Britain, Ireland and Londini, 1846. 8º. Ac. 8110. the Colonies. Liber Eliensis, ad fidem codicum variorum. [Edited by Third annual Report of the Society for the acclimatisa- D. J. Stewart.] vol. 1. Londini, 1848. 8º. tion of animals, birds, fishes, insects and vegetables No more published. Ac. 8110. within the United Kingdom. London, 1863. 8°. Ac. 3586. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ælfric Society. Ireland. Ælfric Society. It is proposed to establish, etc. A The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great prospectus.] [London? 1842 ?] 8. sh. 4º. . 741. k. 1. Britain and Ireland. London, (1871, etc.] 80. Ælfric Society for the illustration of English history • In progress. 2021. b. and philology. The object of this Society, etc. SÅ prospectus.] [London? 1842 ?] 8. sh. 4°. 741. k. 2. Anthropological Society. The Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus, with an his Publications of the Anthropological Society of London. torical introduction (and English translation] by J. M. 6 vol. London, 1863–65. 8º. 2021. b. Kemble. Anglo-Sax. & Engl. London, 1848. 80 Ac. 8105/3. Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. The first London. 1863-4-1869). 3 vol: part containing the “Sermones Catholici," or Homilies of London, 1865-70. 8º. Ac. 6235/3. Aelfric. In the original Anglo-Saxon with an English The Anthropological Review. (Journal of the Anthro- version. By B. Thorpe. 2 vol. London, 1844-46. 80. pological Society of London.-The Popular Magazine of Ac. 8105. Anthropology. Nos. 1-4.) vol. 1-8. The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, with an English London, 1863–70. 8º. Ac. 6235/2. translation. By J. M. Kemble. Anglo-Sax. & Lat. No more published. 4 Nos. of the Magazine were pub- pt. 1. London, 1843. 8º. Ac. 8105/2. lished with the Review for 1866. nglish tra 1848. 8105/3. 403 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 404 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUEN]. Anthropological Society. Arundel Society. Journal of Anthropology. Edited by J. Beddoe, J. B. Descriptive notice of the drawings,... and miscellaneous Davis, H. Beigel, D. İ. Heath, C. İ. Wake. vol. 1, publications of the Arundel Society exhibited November, Nos. 1-3. London, (1870, 71.] 8º. Ac. 6235/4. 1855, in the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. No more published. After 1870 the “ Anthropological London, 1855. 8º. 7955. o. 34. 11. Society” was amalgamated with the Ethnological Society under the title of “ The Anthropological Institute of Great Catalogue of drawings from ancient Glass Paintings, by Britain and Ireland." the late C. Winston. [With an introduction by J. B. . Waring.] MS. NOTES (in pencil]. pp. 40. Antiquarian Etching Club. [London,] 1865. 8º. Ac. 4646/6. The Publications of the Antiquarian Etching Club. Special Exhibition of National Portraits on loan to the 5 vol. London, 1849-54. 4°. P.P. 1931. p. South Kensington Museum. Galleries and bays of the Only 100 copies printed. National Portrait Exbibition, 1866. Shown in seventy- seven photographs. [Published by the Arund 1 Society. ] Architectural Association Sketch Book. London, 1867. obl. 40. 1752. a. Architectural Assoriation Sketch Book, 1869-70 (1870– Classified List of photographs, taken for the Depart- 71, etc.). London, [1869, etc.] fol. ment of Science and Art, Drawings, Paintings, and In progress. Sculpture. Etchings of Objects of Art. [Published by - Analytical and topographical index [of] vols. 1-12. the Arundel Society.] London, [1867.] gº. [London, 1883.) 8o. 1733. b. 7958. b. 12. . Imperfect; wanting vol. 1, 2. Classified List of photographs taken for the Department of Science and Art. Precious Metals and Enamels. Architectural College of the Freemasons of the Carvings in Ivory, etc. London, (1867.] 8º. Church. 7958. b. 13. Proceedings. Part 1, 2. London, 1846, 47. 8º. Catalogue of the annual and occasional Publications of Ac. 4875. the Arundel Society, with table of painters, etc. The Laws of the College of the Freemasons of the London, 1879. 8º. Ac. 4646/4. Church, founded...1842, for the recovery, maintenance, The Bayeux Tapestry reproduced in autotype plates. and furtherance of the true principles and practice of With historic notes by F. R. Fowke. Architecture; with a list of the professors and officers. London, 1875. 4º. 2260. f. London, 1847. 4º. · 4785. g. LAYARD (Right Hon. Sir AUSTEN HENRY) The Brancacci chapel and Masolino, Masaccio, and Filippino Lippi. Architectural Publication Society. pp. 67. [London,] 1868. 8º. Ac. 464615. Detached Essays and Illustrations issued during the RUSKIN (JOHN) Giotto and his works in Padua: being Years 1848–52. London, 1853. fol. 1732. c. an explanatory notice of the series of woodcuts executed The Dictionary of Architecture. for the Arundel Society after the Frescoes in the Arena London, 1853, etc. fol. Chapel. London, 1854, etc. 4º. Ac. 4646/2. In progress. In progress. - Plates. fol. · · Tab. 1249. a. Arundel Society. VASARI (GIORGIO). The Life of Giovanni Angelico da The Arundel Society, etc. [Prospecius.] Fiesole, translated from the Italian of Vasari by G. A. London, [1849.] 40. 741. k. 4. Bezzi, with notts and illustrations. Chiswick, 1850. 4º. Nineteenth Annual Report...1868. London, 1868. fol. Ac. 4646/3. 1701. b. 21. The Arundel Society Pictures. From the Boston Daily Advertiser, Jan. 10, 1872. [By Mrs. D. A. Goddard.7° Twenty-first annual Report of the Council. [Boston, Mass., 1872.] 8. sh. 80. 7806. e. (14.) London, 1870. 8. sh. fol. 1890. e. 40. 2031. g. Twenty-ninth annual report of the Council. [London, 1878.] fol. 1701. b. 1. (65.) List of Members, corrected to August, 1866. [London, 1866.] 8º. Ac. 4646. Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothecaries of England and Wales. Transactions, etc. vol. 1. London, 1823. 8º. Ac. 3841/2. Associated Arts' Institute. Papers read hefore the Associated Arts’ Institute, 1868, 69. Edited by F. S. Potter. London, 1869, etc. 80, 7806. aaa. A List of Members of the Arundel Society, corrected to August, 1868. London, [1868.] 89. Ac. 4646. A List of Members of the Arundel Society, corrected to August, 1869, etc. London, (1869.] 8º. Ac. 4646. A List of Members ... Corrected to September 1870. London, (1870.] 8º. Ac. 4646. A List of Members of the Arundel Society corrected to September 1872. London, [1872.] 8º. : Ac. 4646. List of occasional (or extra) Publications produced (by the Suciety] during the last ten years. [London, 1866.] 8. sh. 4º. 1701. b. (23.) Association for the advancement of Medicine by Research. BOTMAN (Sir WILLIAM) Bart. The Address in Surgery. read at Chester,... 1866, at the ... meeting of the British Medical Association. pp. 39. J. W. Kolckmann : London, 1882. 89. 7404. bb. HUMPHRY (G. M.) Vivisection : what good has it done? A speech, etc. pp. 10. J. W. Kolclcmann. London, 1882. 89, 7404. bb. 405 ACADEMİES. [LONDON.] 406 · LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Association for the advancement of Medicine by Astronomical Society, afterwards Royal Astronomical Research. Society. MAC DONNELL (ROBERT) What has Experimental Physi Address and Regulations of the Astronomical Society of ology done for the advancement of the practice of London ... To which is subjoined the report of the Surgery? An address delivered...1877. pp. 20. Council to the first annual general meeting held J. W. Kolckmann : London, 1882. 8º. 7404. bb. February 9, 1821. London, 1821. 8º. Ac. 4175/4. SIMON (JOHN) Experiments on Life, as fundamental to Report of the Council of the Astronomical Society of the science of preventive medicine and as of question London to the sixth annual general meeting held 10th February 1826. London, 1826. 89. 8561. a. etc. pp. 27. J. W. Kolckmann : London, 1882. 8º. 7404. bb. Catalogue of the library of the Royal Astronomical Society, etc. [By J. W. W., i.e. J. W. Woollgar:] Association of Architects. London, 1850. 8°. 824. f. 10. Resolutions of the Associated Architects, with the Charter and Bye-Laws of the Royal Astronomical report of a committee by them appointed to consider the Society. 1831. London, [1831.] 8º. 8560. aaa. causes of the frequent fires, and the best means of pre- venting the like in future. [London, 1793.] 8º. [Another edition.] London, [1831.] 8º. .Ac. 4175/5. 1043. i. 3. [Another edition.] [London, 1831.] 8°. Ac. 4175/6. [Another copy.] 117. m. 52. [Another edition.] London, [1858.] 8º. Ac. 4175/5. Meridian Ephemeris of the Sun and Planets for the year 1835. London, 1835. 8º.. . P.P. 2373. nb. Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. Proceedings... Edited by L. Angell. London, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 4312. In progress. Proceedings of the District Meeting held at Merton, Surry, December 5, 1879. Edited by Graham Smith. pp. 34. E. & F. N. Spon : London, 1880. 8º. Ac. 4312. 2. Astro-Meteorological Society. Record of the Astro-Meteorogical Society. Nos. 1-5. London, (1861, 62.] 8º. 8752. bb. No more published. Meridian Ephemeris of the Sun and Planets for the year 1836: computed at the expense of F. Baily and printed for the Royal Astronomical Society. London, 1835. 8º. 8561. f. Meridian Ephemeris of the Planets for the year 1834. Constructed under the direction of Lieut. W. S. Stratford. London, 1834. 8º. P.P. 2373. na. See SOUTH (Sir J.) A letter...in reply to the obituary notice of... R. Sheepshanks by the President and Council of the Royal Society; and report of the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society to the thirty-sixth annual general meeting. 1856. 8°. 10826. b. Astronomical Society, afterwards Royal Astronomical Society. Memoirs. London, 1822, etc. 4º. In progress. Vol. 17 and the subsequent vols. are called half-vols., the vols. of monthly notices, etc., for the same dates being considered supplementary to them. A General Index to the first thirty-eight volumes .. of the Memoirs . . . Compiled ... by the Assistant Secretary (J. Williams). London, 1871. 8º. Ac. 4175. & 2022. f. Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society of London, containing abstracts of papers and reports of the pro- ceedings of the Society, etc. London, 1831, etc. 8º. & 4º. In progress. Vol. 8 and those subsequent to it are called half-vols., being considered as supplementary to the 4º. vols. of the Memoirs published at the same dates. After 1858 both works appeared in 4º. Athenian Society. A Description of the Academy of the Athenian Virtuosi with a discourse held there in vindication of Mr. Dry- den's Conquest of Granada ; against the Author of the Censure of the Rota. [By R. Leigh ?] London, 1673. 4º. 641. f. 12. (1.) The Athenian Gazette or Casuistical Mercury, resolving all the most nice and curions questions proposed by the ingenious [edited by J. Dunton in conjunction with R. Sault, S. Wesley and others, styling themselves the Athenian Society). Vol. 1-19. (Supplement to the 18+(-5th) volume of the Athenian Gazette containing the transactions and experiments of the foreign virtuosos ...to which is added an account of the design and scope of most of the considerable books printed in all languages.) (vol. 1-5.] London, 1691-96. fol. - J.R. Titlepages to vol. 9 and 10 are wanting. Each separate number bears the title of the “ Athenian Mercury.” [Another copy of vol. 13, No. 23.] 816. m. 19. (8.) See KEACH (B.) The Rector rectified ... Together with a reply to the Athenian Gazette, added to their 5th volume about Infant-baptism, etc. 1692. 16º. 4323. a. A General Index to the first twenty-nine volumes of the Monthly Notices of the... Society. Compiled ... by the Assistant Secretary (J. Williams). London, 1870. 89. Ac. 4175/2. & 2021. cc. [Another copy of the Index.] Ac. 4175/2. List of Fellows. June 1875 (1877, etc.) London, [1875, etc.] 8º. Ac. 4175/7. In progress. . Regulations of the... Society... To which is prefixed. an address explanatory of their views and objects. London, 1820. 8°. B. 676. (12.) See Norris (J.) Rector of Bemerton. Christian Blessed- ness ... To which are added, Reflections upon a late Essay concerning Human Understanding [by J. Locke] : with a reply to the remarques made upon them by the Athenian Society, etc. 1692. 8º. 4226. cc. 1693, etc. 8º. 1025. a. 8, 9. - 407 ACADEMIES. [London.] 408 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED], Athenian Society. Ballad Society. The Athenian Oracle : being an entire collection of all The Roxburghe Ballads. With short notes by W. Chap- the valuable questions and answers in the old Athenian pell,... and copies of the original woodcuts, etc. [Vol. 4, Mercuries. Intermixed with many cases in divinity, etc., edited by J. W. Ebsworth.] London, 1869, etc. 8º. history, philosophy, ... never before published. By a In progress. AĆ. 9928/2. Member of the Athenian Society (R. W. [or, rather S. W., i.e. Samuel Wesley]). 4 vol. London, 1703–28. 8º. 12316. g. 10. Board of Agriculture. A made-up copy, vol. IV. being of the third edition... Plan for establishing a Board of Agriculture and inter- Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1704. 8º. nal improvement. As intended to be proposed in par- P.P. 5425. liament by Sir J. Sinclair, April, 1793. (London, 1793.] 4º. 461. g. 18. (1.) Third edition. 4 vol. London, 1728. 8º. .P.P. 5426. Abstract of the proceedings of the Board... the first day The Athenian Oracle abridged, containing the most of it's assembling ... 4th Septr, 1793. [With letters valuable questions and answers in the original work, on from the president, and other papers relating to the history, philosophy, divinity, love, and marriage. business of the Board.] Ms. [1793-95.] 4º. London, 1820. 8°. P.P. 5427. 461. g. 18. (8, 10, 15, 17, 26.) The Athenian Spy: discovering the secret letters List of the members of the Board of Agriculture. which were sent to the Athenian Society by several ingenious Ladies... To which is added the way of a [London, 1793.] 4º. 461. g. 18. (3.) man with a maid; or, the whole art of amour. [With Agricultural surveys. Advertisement and programme.] a preface, signed: “New Athens.”] Second edition, enlarg'd. London, 1709. 12º. · 12314. aa. 31. (London, 1793.] 40. 461. g. 18. (9.) The Young Student's Library, containing extracts and Arrangement of the agricultural surveys, now carrying abridgements of the most valuable books printed in on under the direction of the Board, and the persons by England, and in the forreign journals, from the year whom they are respectively undertaken. sixty-five to this time. To which is added a new essay [London, 1794.] 40. 461. g. 18. (11.) upon all sorts of learning...By the Athenian Society. Also a ... table comprehending the contents of this List of names proposed for honorary members of the volume, and of all the Athenian mercuries and supple- Board. [London, 1794.] 4º. 461. g. 18. (12.) ments printed in 1691. London, 1692. fol. P.P. 5355. Queries proposed by the Board...to be answered by intelligent farmers. (London, 1794.] 4º. [Another copy.] 133. f. 7. 461. g. 18. (6.) See L., R. The History of the Athenian Society, etc. Sketch of a report to be laid before the Board... by the [1693 ?] fol. 816. m. 23. (135.) committee appointed to take into consideration the state of the waste lands and common fields of this Kingdom. See S., E. The new Athenian comedy containing the 7 pt. MS. NOTES [ by Sir J. Banks]. [London, 1794.] 4º. Politicks, Economicks, etc. of that... Society. 1693. 4º. 461. g. '18. (18.) 644. e. 61. Athenian Virtuosi. List of the Members. London, 1795. 4º. See supra : Athenian Society. 461. g. 18. (20.) [Blank Diploma of the Board, engraved. With] Expla- Ballad Society. nation of the Diploma. [London, 1795 ?] fol. & 4º. The Bagford Ballads. Edited, with introduction and 461. g. 18. (24.) notes, by J. W. Ebsworth... With copies of the original Resolutions submitted to the consideration of the Board woodcuts. In two divisions. Hertford, 1878,76–78. 8º. of Agriculture on the subject of the waste lands and Ac. 9928/5. commons. [1795?] 3. sh. fol. B. 294. (11.) The Amanda group of Bagford poems. Circa 1668. From the rare originals in the British Museum, etc. · Report of the committee, appointed by the Board ... to Collected and annotated, with... illustrations, by J. W. take into consideration the state of the waste lands and Ebsworth. pp. 475–554. Hertford, 1880.80. common fields of this kingdom. January, 1795. Ac. 9928/5*. (London,] 1795. 4º. 461. g. 18. (19.) Ballads from Manuscripts. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. [Resolutions of the Board . . . respecting the culture of London, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9928. potatoes. An advertisement. 13 Febr., 1795.] In progress. [London, 1795.] 8. sh. 4º. 461. g. 18. (21.) Captain Cox, his Ballads and Books; or R. Laneham's Hints respecting the culture of Potatoes, and the uses to Letter: Whearin part of the entertainment untoo the which they are applicable. [Proof for corrections. ] Queenz Majesty, at Killingworth Castl,... is signified; (London, 1795.] 4º. 461. g. 18. (22.) from a freend officer attendant in the Court [R. Lane- ham] ... Re-edited, with Fore words describing all the Hints respecting the culture and the use of Potatoes. accessible books...in Captain Cox's list, and the Com- (20 Feb., 1795. [London, 1795.] 4°. playnt of Scotland, ... by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1871. 461. g. 18. (23.) Ac. 9928/3. 8º. [Another copy.] 41. b. 16. (9.) Love-Poems and humourous ones. Written at the end of a volume of small printed books, A.D. 1614–1619, in [Circular of the President, giving notice of the pro- the British Museum, labelled “ Various Poems"...Put posed reconsideration, on 17 March. 1795, of certain forth by F. J. Furnivall. Hertford, 1874. 8º. parts of the statutes.] [London, 1795.] 8. sh. 4º. Ac. 9928 4. 461. g. 18. (25.) 409 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 410 0 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Board of Agriculture. Board of Agriculture. Report of the committee of the Board of Agriculture, Premiums offered by the Board of Agriculture. appointed to extract information from the county re [London,] (1804.) 8°. T. 1803. (5.) ports, and other authorities, concerning the culture and use of Potatoes. (15 June, 1795). London, 1795. 4º. General report on Enclosures. [With a preface by Sir 441. d. 10. (2.) J. Sinclair.) London, 1808. 8º. 988. g. 14. [Another copy.] B. 294. (1.) Particulars regarding the merino sheep imported by C. Downie of Paisley. In answer to certain queries trans- [Another copy.] 41. b. 16. (1.) mitted by Sir J. Sinclair to the Spanish shepherds who have the charge of them. From the communications to On the culture of Potatoes; extracted from communica the Board of Agriculture. London, 1810. 4º. tions made to the Board ... Published by order of the : B. 514. (9.) Massachusetts Society for promoting Agricnlture. Boston, Mass., 1798. 8º. 988. k. 3. (3.) A comparative statement of the food produced from arable and grass land ... With remarks on the late enclosures Circular letter to magistrates, with questions pro- ... drawn up from Mr. Archdeacon Heslop's pamphlet posed by the Board of Agriculture. 30 June, 1795.] on that subject; and the remarks of Messrs. Curwen, (London, 1795.] 4º. Boys, Culley and others : with additions and observa- B. 294. (2.) tions by W. Pitts, etc. London, 1812. 4º. On the present scarcity of provisions. [A circular, B. 471. (10.) 4 July, 1795.] [London, 1795.] 8. sh. 4º. Agricultural state of the kingdom, in February, March, . B. 294. (3.) and April, 1816 : being the substance of the replies to a Account of the experiments tried by the Board of Agri- circular letter, sent by the Board of Agriculture, to every culture in the composition of various sorts of bread, part of the kingdom. 2 pt. 10th November, 1795. [London, 1795.1 Sherwood, Neely and Jones : London, 1816. 8º. 40. 1027. b. 23. B. 294. (9 [Another edition.] C. Clement : London, 1816. 8º. [Another copy.] T. 17. (5 34. a. 26. [Another copy.] 102. h. 59. Communications to the Board ... on subjects relative to the husbandry and internal improvement of the country. [Another copy.] 41. b. 16. (4.) New series. vol. 1. Pt. 1. London, 1819. 8º. 35. a. 6. [Another edition.] (Introduction.--Appendix. Com- munications to the Board, of substitutes for wheat. N° 1.-VIII.) [London, 1795.] 4º. B. 294. (13.) ANDERSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture and rural economy of the county of Aberdeen, with observa- [Another edition.] (Appendix N° 1-XVI.) tions on the means of its improvement. London, 1795. 40. © B. 294. (14.) Edinburgh, 1794. 4°. Ac. 3484/8. (1.) List of the Members. London, 1796. 4º. [Another copy.] 41. b. 12. (1.) 461. g. 19. (1.) BAILEY (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the Plan for reprinting the agricultural surveys. By the county of Durham, with observations on the means of President of the Board of Agriculture (Sir J. Sinclair). its improvement. London, 1810. 8º. 988. i. 23. [London, 1796?] 8º. T. 177. (4.) [Another copy.] 290. d. 12. Additional appendix to the outlines of the fifteenth A duplicate of the preceding with a new titlepage dated chapter of the proposed general report from the Board... 1813. or the subject of manures. London, 1796. 4º. BAILEY (JOHN) and CULLEY (GEORGE) General view of 461. g. 19. (4.) the agriculture of the county of Cumberland. With [Another copy.] London, 1796. 40. 41. b. 16. (5.) observations on the means of improvement. London, 1794. 4º. 2031. e. (7). Circular (from the secretary, relative to the agricultural surveys; and “General view of the hints communicated [Another copy.] 41. b. 6. (8.) to the Board ... to remedy the scarcity,” etc.]. MS. BAILEY (JOHN) and CULLEY (GEORGE) General view of 15 June, 1796. [1796.] 4º. 461. g. 19. (3 the agriculture of the county of Northumberland, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/4. (7.) Hints on Vegetation, and questions regarding the nature and principles thereof, addressed to farmers, [Another copy.] 441. e. 17. (5.) nurserymen and gardeners. [By Sir J. Sinclair.] 41. b. 9. (4.) [Another copy.] London, 1796. 4º. 461. g. 19. (6.) BAILEY (JOHN) and CULLEY (GEORGE) General view of [Another copy.] 41. b. 16. (7.) the agriculture of the county of Northumberland. (General view of the agriculture of the county of Cum- See QUERIES. Queries relating to live stock [issued by berland by J. B. and G. C.-General view of the agri- the Board of Agriculture). [1796?] 4º. culture of the county of Westmoreland by A. Pringle. 461. g. 19. (5.) Preliminary observations by the Bishop of Landaff.) Communications to the Boards of Agriculture, on sub- Newcastle, 1797. 8º. 988. g. 3. jects relative to the husbandry and internal improvement BAILEY (JOHN) and CULLEY (GEORGE) General view of of the country. 7 vol. London, 1797–1813. 4º. the agriculture of the county of Northumberland ... T.C. 18. b. 16-22. Third edition. (General view of the agriculture of ... [Another copy of vol. 1-5, vol. 6, pt. 1.] Cumberland.—General view of the agriculture of ... London, 1797, etc. 4º. Ac. 3484/12. Westmoreland ... by A. Priogle.-Preliminary obcerva- tions by the Bishop of Llandoff.) London, 1805. 8º. List of the Members. London, 1803. 89. B. 727. (6.) 290. e. 2. os tun? (Appondie N° ) 2 411 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 412 00 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Board of Agriculture, Board of Agriculture. BAIRD (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the CRUTCHLEY (JOHN) General view of the agriculture in county of Middlesex, etc. London, 1793. 4º. the county of Rutland, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/4. (2.) Ac. 3484/5. (2.) (Second edition.] London, 1793. 4º. Ac. 3484/4. (3.) | [Another copy.] 41. b. 9. (6.) [Third edition.] London, 1793. 4º. Ac. 3484/4. (4.) DAVIES (WALTER) General view of the agriculture and domestic economy of North Wales; containing the coun- BATCHELOR (THOMAS) 'General view of the agriculture ties of Anglesey, Caernarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Meirio- of the county of Bedford, etc. London, 1808. gº. nydd, Montgomery. London, 1813. 8°. 287. e. 5. 959. h. 17. DAVIS (RICHARD) General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] 290. d. 2. county of Oxford, etc. London, 1794. 40. BEATSON (ROBERT) General view of the agriculture of Ac. 3484/5. (1.) the county of Fife, etc. Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. [Another copy.) 41. b. 9. (5.) Ac. 3484/9. (4.) Davis (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (6.) county of Wilts, etc. London, 1794. 4º. BELSCHES (R.) General view of the agriculture of the Ac. 3484/6. (3.) county of Stirling, etc. Edinburgh, 1796. 4º. [Another copy.] 41. b. 10. (6.) Ac. 3484/10. (11.) [Another edition.] London, 1813. 8°. 290. e. 5. [Another copy.] 41. b. 14. (9.) DICKSON (R. W.) General view of the agriculture of BILLINGSLEY (JOHN) General view of the agriculture in Lancashire ... Revised and prepared for the press by the county of Somerset, etc. London, 1794. 4º. W. Stevenson, etc. London, 1815. 8°. 7075. bb. Ac. 3484/5. (4.) DONALDSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of [Another copy.] 41. b. 9. (8.) 0.) 1 the county of Banff, etc. Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. [Another edition.] With considerable additions and Ac. 3484/8. (4.) amendments, etc. Bath, 1797. 8º. 7075. bbb. [Another copy.] 41. b. 12. (5.) Second edition. Bath, 1798. 8º. 988. g. 8. DONALDSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of the Carse of Gowrie, in the county of Perth, etc. [Another copy.] 290. d. 29. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/10. (7.) BISHTON (J.) . General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (7.) county of Salop, etc. Brentford, 1794. 4°. DONALDSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of Ac. 3484/5. (3.) the county of Elgin or Moray, lying between the Spey [Another copy.] 41. b. 9. (7.) and the Findhorn, including part of Strathspey, in the county of Inverness, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Boys (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the Ac. 3484/9. (3.) County of Kent, etc. Brentford, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/3. (6.) [Another copy.] . 41. b. 13. (5.) [Another edition. With additional remarks of several DONALDSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of ... gentlemen and farmers. London, 1796. 8º. the county of Kincardine; or, the Mearns, etc. 290. d. 17. London, 1795. 4º. Ac. 3484/9. (7.) [Another copy.] B. 515. (5.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (8.) Second edition, with amendments and additions. DONALDSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of London, 1813. 8º. 7077. ff. the county of Nairn, the eastern coast of Inverness-shire, BROWN (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the and the Parish of Dyke, and part of Edenkeillie, in the county of Derby, etc. London, 1794. 4o. county of Elgin and Forres. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/2. (1.) Ac. 3484/10. (5.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 7. (1.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 14. (5.) CLARIDGE (JOHN] General view of the agriculture in the DONALDSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of county of Dorset, etc. London, 1793. 4º. the county of Northampton ... To which is added an Ac. 3484/2. (3.) appendix, containing a comparison between the English and Scotch systems of husbandry. [Another copy.] 41. b. 7. (3.) Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/4. (8.) CLARK (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] 41. b. 9. (2.) county of Brecknock, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/7. (1.) Douglas (ROBERT) General view of the agriculture in [Another copy.] 41. b. 11. (4.) the counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk, etc. Edinburgh, 1798. 8º. 988. g. 7. CLARK (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the county of Hereford, etc. 287. e. 25. London, 1794. 4º. [Another copy.] ' Ac. 3484/3. (2.) DRIVER (ABRAHAM) and (WILLIAM) General view of the [Another copy.] • 41. b. 8. (1.) agriculture of the county of Hánts...(General view of the agriculture of the Isle of Wight...by the Rev. Mr. CLARK (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the Warner.- Postscript to the survey of Hampshire. In a county of Radnor, etc. London, 1794. 4º. letter...from A. Young.) London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/7. (6.) Ac. 3484/3. (1.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 11. (7.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 7. (8.) 413 ACADEMIES. (LONDONNDO VTIN .] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Board of Agriculture. Board of Agriculture. DUNCUMB (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the GRANGER (JOSEPH) General view of the agriculture of county of Hereford. London, 1805. 8º. 290. d. 19. the county of Durham, particularly that part of it extending from the Tyne to the Tees ... With the ERSKINE (JOHN FRANCIS) General view of the agriculture preliminary observations of Sir W. Appleby. of the county of Clackmannan, and some of the adjacent London, 1794. 4º. * Ac. 3484/2. (4.) parishes, situated in the counties of Perth and Stirling. 2 pt. Edinburgh, 1795. 4º. Ac. 3484/8. (7.) [Another copy.] 441. e. 17. (1.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (1.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 7. (4.) ESTCOURT (THOMAS) An account of the result of an GRIGGS, Messrs. General view of the agriculture of the effort to better the condition of the poor in a country county of Essex, etc. London, 1794. 40. village, etc. London, 1804. 49. B. 469. (14.) Ac. 3484/2. (5.) [Another copy.] FAREY (John) General view of the agriculture and 41. b. 7. (5.) minerals of Derbyshire, etc. 3 vol. HASSALL (CHARLES) General view of the agriculture of London, 1811-17. 8º. 953. e. 13-15. the county of Carmarthen, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/7. (3.) [Another copy.] 290. d. 7-9. In this copy the titlepage of the 2nd volume is dated 1813, [Another copy.] 41. b. 11. (5*) instead of 1815, as in the preceding. . HASSALL (CHARLES) General view of the agriculture of FINCA (GEORGE) Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham. Letter the county of Monmouth, etc. London, 1812. 8º. from the Earl of Winchilsea, to the President of the 290. d. 31. Board of Agriculture, on the advantages of cottagers HASSALL (CHARLES) General view of the agriculture of renting land. London, 1796. 4°. B. 294. (16.) the county of Pembroke, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/7. (5.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 16. (6.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 11. (6.) Foot (PETER) General view of the agriculture of the HEADRICK (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of county of Middlesex, etc. London, 1794. 4º. the county of Angus or Forfarshire. (Appendix.) 2 pt. "Ac. 3484/4. (5.) Edinburgh, 1813. 8º. 286. e. 11. [Another copy.] 441. e. 18. (1. HENDERSON (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of [Another copy.] 41. b. 8. (8.) the county of Caithness, etc. 2 pt. London, 1812. 8º. 988. i. 24. FORDYCE (GEORGE) Plan for ascertaining the effects of the different sorts of manures in promoting vegetation, [Another copy.] 287. e. 6. etc. London, 1795. 4º. B. 294. (12.) See SINCLAIR (Sir J.) Bart. An account of the im- [Another copy.] 41. b. 16. (3.) provements carried on by Sir J. Sinclair...on his estates in Scotland. Extracted from the Agricultural [Another edition.] London, 1796. 40. T. 17. (7.) Report [by J. Henderson] of the county of Caithness. 1812. 8º. B. 505. (14.) Fox (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the county of Glamorgan, etc. London, 1796. 4º. HENDERSON (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of Ac. 3484/7. (4 the county of Sutherland;... to which is annexed, a particular account of the more recent improvements in Fox (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the that county. London, 1812. 8º. 287. e. 14. county of Monmouth, etc. Brentford, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/4. (6.) HEPBURN (GEORGE BUCHAN) General view of the agri- [Another copy.] 41. b. 8. (9.) culture and rural economy of East-Lothian, etc. Edinburgh, 1794. 4°. 41. b. 14. (1.) FRASER (ROBERT) General view [of the agriculture of the county of Cornwall, etc. London, 1794. 4º. [Another copy.] Ac. 3484/10. (1.) Ac. 3484. (6.) Imperfect; wanting the appendix. [Another copy.] 41. b. 6. (7.) HERON (ROBERT) General view of the natural circum- FRASER (ROBERT) General view [of the agriculture) of stances of those isles ... which are distinguished by the the county of Devon, etc. London, 1794. 4º. common name of Hebridæ, or Hebrides ; of the various means which have been employed to cultivate and "Ac. 3484/2. (2.) improve them, etc. Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. [Another cory.] 41. b. 7. (2.) Ac. 3484/11. (3.) FULLARTON (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture [Another copy.) 41. b. 15. (1.) of the county of Ayr, etc. Edinburgh, 1793. 4°. Ac. 3484/8. (3.) HOLLAND (HENRY) General view of the agriculture of Cheshire, etc. London, 1808. 8º. 988. g. 13. [Another copy.] 41. b. 12. (4.) [Another copy.] 290. d. 5. Gooch (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture of the county of Cambridge, etc. London, 1813. 8º. HOLT (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the 290. d. 4. county of Lancaster, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/3. (7.) GRAHAM (PATRICK) General view of the agriculture of Stirlingsbire, etc. Edinburgh, 1812. 8º. 287. e. 13. [Another copy.] 41. b. 8. (5.) 415 416 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] . LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Board of Agriculture. Board of Agriculture. [Another edition.] General view of the agriculture of LLOYD (THOMAS) and TURNOR ( ) General view of the county of Lancaster, ... drawn up ... from the the agriculture of the county of Cardigan, etc. communications of J. Holt ... and the additional re London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/7. (2.) marks of several gentlemen and farmers in the county. London, 1795. 8º. · 41. b. 11. (5.) [Another copy.] 966. g. 9. (1.) LOWE (ALEXANDER) General view of the agriculture of [Another copy.] B. 515. (4.) the county of Berwick, etc. (Appendix. General view of [Another copy.] 290. d. 34. the agriculture of the county of Berwick ... by A Bruce.) London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/8. (5.) JAMES (WILLIAM) and MALCOLM (JACOB) General view of the agriculture of the county of Buckingham, etc. [Another copy.] 41. b. 12. (6.) London, 1794. 4º. AC. 3484. (3.) LOWE (ROBERT) General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] 41. b. 6. (4.) county of Nottingham, etc. London, 1794. 4º... "Ac. 3484/4. (10.) JAMES (WILLIAM) and MALCOLM (JACOB) General view of [Another copy.] 41. b. 9. (3.) the agriculture of the county of Surrey, etc.. 'Ac. 3484/5. (7.). [Another edition.] London, 1798. 8º. London, 1794. 4º... B. 517. (1.) [Another copy.] 1252. i. [Another copy.] 290. d. 32. MACDONALD (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of [Another copy.] 41. b. 10. (3.) the Hebrides ... together with a separate account of the JOHNSTON (BRYCE). General view of the agriculture of principal islands, etc. Edinburgh, 1811. 8º. the county of Dumfries, etc. 2 pt. London, 1794. 4º. 287. e. 20. Ac. 3484/9. (2.) MACKENZIE (Sir GEORGE STUART) Bart. General view of [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (4.) the agriculture of the counties of Ross and Cromarty London, 1813. 8º. 287. e. 9. JOHNSTON (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the county of Selkirk, etc. London, 1794. 4º. MARSHALL (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture Ac. 3484/10. (10.) of the central Highlands of Scotland, etc. 41. b. 14. (8.) London, 1794. 40. [Another copy.) Ac. 3484/11. (1.) JOHNSTON (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of [Another copy.] 41. b. 15. (3.) the county of Tweedale, etc. London, 1794. 4º. MARTIN (ALEXANDER) General view of the agriculture AĆ. 3484/10. (12.) of the county of Renfrew, etc. London, 1794. 4°. [Another copy.]. 41. b. 14. (10.) · Ac. 3484/10. (8.) [Another copy] 41. b. 14. (6.) KAY (GEORGE) General view of the agriculture of North Wales. (Anglesey, Caernarvonshire, Denbighshire, Flint- MAVOR (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture of shire, Merionethshire, Montgomeryshire) etc. 7 pt. Berkshire, etc. London, 1808. 8º. 290. d. 1. Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. AĆ. 3484/7. (7.) MAXWELL (GEORGE) General view of the agriculture of [Another copy.] 41. b. 11. (8.) the county of Huntingdon ... With an appendix, con- In this copy each pt. has a distinct titlepage. taining an accouut of the advantages to be derived from an improved outfal at the port of Lynn, etc. KEITH (GEORGE SKENE) A general view of the agriculture London, 1793. 4º. Ac. 3484/3. (5.) of Aberdeenshire, etc. Aberdeen, 1811. 8º. 988. k, 26. [Another copy.] 441. e. 17. (4.) [Another copy.] 287. e. 17. [Another copy.] 41. b. 8. (2.) KENT (NATHANIEL) General view of the agriculture of MIDDLETON (JOHN) View of the agriculture of Middlesex; the county of Norfolk, etc. London, 1794. 4º. with observations on the means of its improvement, and Ac. 3484/4. (7.) several essays on agriculture in general; ... accom- [Another copy.] 41. b. 9. (1.) panied by the remarks of several . . . gentlemen and farmers. London, 1798. 8º. 988. g. 6. Another edition. With additional remarks from [Another copy.] 290. d. 23. several ... gentlemen and farmers. Norwich, 1796. 8º. 988. g. 21. Second edition. London, 1807. 8°. 7076. cc. [Another copy.] 290. d. 25 MONK (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] London, 1796. 8º. 966. g. 18 county of Leicester, etc. London, 1794. 4°. A duplicate of the proceding, with a new titlepage. Ac. 3484/3. (8.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 8. (6.) KERR (ROBERT) General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick. 2 pt. London, 1813. 8º. MURRAY (ADAM) General view of the agriculture of the 287. e. 8. county of Warwick, etc. London, 1813. 8º. 290. d. 33. LEATHAM (ISAAC) General view of the agriculture of the East Riding of Yorkshire, and the Ainsty of the city NASMITH (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the of York, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/6. (5.) county of Clydesdale, etc. Brentford, 1794. 4°. Ac. 3484/8. (6.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 11. 1. [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (2.) LESLIE (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture of [Another edition.] Glasgow, 1798. 8º. B. 517. (2.) the counties of Nairn and Moray, etc. London, 1813. 8º. 287. e. 10. [Another copy.) 287. e. 23. 417 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 418 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Board of Agriculture. Board of Agriculture. PARKINSON (RICHARD) General view of the agriculture [Another edition. With additional remarks of several of the county of Huntingdon. London, 1813. 8º. ... gentlemen and farmers in the county. 290. d. 18. Edinburgh, 1795. 8º. 988. g. 1. PEARCE (WILLIAM General view of the agriculture in [Another copy.] 287. e. 22. Berkshire, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484. (2.) ROBERTSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture in [Another copy.] 41. b. 6. (3.) the county of Inverness, etc. London, 1808. 8º. PITT (WILLIAM) A general view of the agriculture of 287. e. 16. the county of Leicester; to which is annexed, a survey ROBERTSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture in of the county of Rutland, by R. Parkinson. 2 pt. the county of Perth, etc. Perth, 1799. 8º. 988. g. 10. London, 1809, 8. 8º. 290. d. 20. [Another copy.] 287. e. 26. Pirt (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture of the county of Northampton. London, 1809. gº. 290.'e. 1. ROBERTSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture in the southern districts of the county of Perth, etc. PITT (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture of the London, 1794. 4º. Ao. 3484/10. (6.) county of Stafford, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/5. (5.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 14. (5*.) [Another copy.] . 41. b. 10. (1.) ROBSON (JAMES) General view of the agriculture in the county of Argyll, and western part of Inverness-shire, [Another edition.]. . . With the additional remarks of etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/8. (2.) several ... gentlemen and farmers in the county. London, 1796. 8º. 988. g. 2. [Another copy.] 41. b. 12. (3.) [Another copy.] 290. e. 3. ROGER ( Rev. General view of agriculture of the county of Angus or Forfar ... drawn up under the direction PITT (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture of the of G. Dempster. (Preliminary observations by G. county of Worcester. London, 1813. 8°. 290. e. 6. Dempster.) Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/9. (5.) PLYMLEY (JOSEPH) General view of the agriculture of [Another copy.] 41. b. 12. (2.) Shropshire. London, 1803. 8º. 290. d. 30. RUDGE (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the POMEROY (WILLIAM TÆOMAS) General view of the agri county of Gloucester, etc. London, 1807. 8º. culture of the county of Worcester, etc. 2 pt. 290. d. 15. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/6. (4.) SHIRREFF (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] 41. b. 10: (7.) Orkney Islands, etc. 2 pt. Edinburgh, 1814. 8º. 966. g. 20. (1.) PRIEST (ST. JOHN) General view of the agriculture of Buckinghamshire. With an appendix, containing ex SHIRREFF (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the tracts from a survey of the same county, ... by Mr. Shetland Islands, etc. 2 pt. Edinburgh, 1814. 8º. Parkinson. London, 1813. 8º. . 290. d. 3. 966. g. 20. (2.) PRINGLE (ANDREW) General view of the agriculture of SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir John) Bart. Account of the the county of Westmoreland, etc. Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. origin of the Board of Agriculture, and its progress for Ac. 3484/6. (2 three years after its establishment. London, 1796. 4º. 461. g. 19. (7.) QUAYLE (BASIL) General view of the agriculture of the [Another copy.] 33. f. 21. Isle of Man, etc. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/4. (1.) SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Substance of Sir QUAYLE (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of J. S.'s Address to the Board of Agriculture on the first the Isle of Man, etc. London, 1812. 8º. 287. e. 30. day of its being assembled. [Septr. 4, 1793.] RENNIE (GEORGE) General view of the agriculture of the [London, 1793.] 4º. 461. g. 18. (4.) West Riding of Yorkshire. ..By Messrs. Rennie, Brown, SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Précis du discours and Shirreff. London, 1794. 4. Ac. 3484/6. (7.) du Chevalier J. S. ... aux Seigneurs Commissaires du [Another copy.) 441. e. 17. (6.) Bureau Britannique d'agriculture, assemblés ... le 4 Septembre, 1793. (Tournées provinciales agricul- [Another copy.] 441. e. 18. (2.) turales.) (London ? 1793 ?] 4º. 461. g. 18. (5 & 7.) [Another 'copy.] 41. b. 11. (2.) SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Substance of Sir J. Sinclair's address to the board ... 29 July, 1794. RENNIE (GEORGE) General view of the agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Surveyed by Messrs. Rennie, [London, 1794.] 4º. 461. g. 18. (16.) Brown, and Shirreff, 1793. With observations on the SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Substance of Sir means of its improvement, and additional information J. S.'s address to the Board of Agriculture, fourteenth since received ... By R. Brown. 2 pt. July, 1795. [London, 1795.) 4°. B. 294. (5.) Edinburgh, 1799. 8º. 988. g. 11. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] . 290. e. 8. SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. To the members of ROBERTSON (GEORGE) General view of the agriculture of the Board of Agriculture. [A letter relative to the wheat Kincardineshire, or the Mearns, etc. London, 1813. 8º. crops, etc. 11 Sept. 1795.] [Edinburgh ? 1795.] 4º. 287. e. 7. 'B. 294. (8.) ROBERTSON (GEORGE) General view of the agriculture of SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Address to tho the county of Mid Lothian, etc. Edinburgh, 1793. 4º. members of the Board of Agriculture, on the cultivation Ac. 3484/10. (2.) and improvement of the waste lands of this kingdom. [Another copy.] 41. b. 14. (2.) [London,] 1795. 4º. B. 294. (10.) . . 41. b. 16. (2.) -419 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 420 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Board of Agriculture. Board of Agriculture. SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Sir J. S.'s address STEVENSON (WILLIAM) General view of the Agriculture to the Board of Agriculture, on ... the twenty-fourth of the County of Surrey. London, 1813. 89. 7077. ff. of May, 1796. [London, 1796.] 4º. 461. g. 19. (2.) With a “ Map of the soil of Surrey," dated 1809. SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir John) Bart. Address to the STONE (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of thy Board of Agriculture ... the 22nd April, 1806, etc. county of Bedford, etc. London, 1794. 4º. [London, 1806.] 4°. B. 293. (4.) Ac. 3484. (1.) [Another copy.] . SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. General Report of 41. b. 6. (2.) the agricultural and political state of Scotland. Intro STONE (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the duction and plan of the work. (Sketch of chap. I.) county of Huntingdon, etc. London, 1793. 4º.. 2 pt. [Edinbirgh, 1812.] 80. B. 741. (10. 9.) Ac. 3484/3. (4.) SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. General Report of [Another copy.] 41. b. 8. (3.) the agricultural state, and political circumstances of STONE (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the Scotland; drawn up for the consideration of the Board | county of Lincoln, etc. London, 1794. 4º. of Agriculture ... under the directions of Sir J. Sinclair. Ac. 3484/3. (9.) (Appendix to the General Report, etc. 2 vols.) 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1814. 8º. 959. h. 12–16. [Another copy.] 41. b. 8. (7.) [Another copy.] 579. f. 1-5. STONE (THOMAS) A letter... to T. S. on his general view of the agriculture of the county of Lincoln. By a SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. General view of Holland Fen-Farmer. With a letter from Mr. Stone to the agriculture of the northern counties and islands of the Printer; and an answer thereto. Buston, 1794. 4º. Scotland, including the counties of Cromarty, Russ, . Ac. 3484/3. (10.) Sutherland, and Caithness, and the islands of Orkney and Shetland, etc. 2 pt. London, 1795. 4º. STRICKLAND (H. E.) A general view of the agriculture Ac. 3484/11. (2.) of the East-Riding of Yorkshire. York, 1812. 8º. 290. e. 7. [Another copy.] 41. b. 15. (2.) THOM (WALTER) Sketch of the Second Chapter of the SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Observations on General Report regarding the Agricultural and Political the means of enabling a cottager to keep a cow, by the State of Scotland. On the State of Property. Drawn produce of a small portion of arable land. up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture ... London, 1801. 4º. B. 293. (3.) by W. T., etc. Aberdeen, 1811. 89. B. 505. (13.) SINCLAIR (Right Hon. Sir JOHN) Bart. Plan for re THOMSON (J.) General view of the agriculture of the printing the agricultural surveys. [London, 1795.] 8º. county of Fife. Edinburgh, 1800. 8º. 287. e. 27. B. 294. (6.) TROTTER (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of the SINGER (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture, state of property, and improvements, in the county of Dum- cvunty of West Lothian, etc. Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484/10. (4.) fries, etc. Edinburgh, 1812. 89. 579. e. 8. 41. b. 14. (4.) [Another copy.] [Another copy.] 287. e. 15. TUKE (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the SMITH (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the Nurth Riding of Yorkshire, etc. London, 1794. 4°. county of Argyll, etc. Edinburgh, 1798. 8º. Ac. 3484/6. (6.) Without the map. 988. g. 5. [Another copy.] 41. b. 11. (3.) [Another copy:] 287. e. 24. Without the map. [Another edition.] 988. g. 12. SMITH (ROBERT) Baron Carrington. The Speech of ... [Another copy.] 290. e. 9. Lord Carrington, delivered at the Board of Agriculture, TURNER (GEORGE) General view of the agriculture of ... March 15, etc. London, 1803. 4º. B. 478. (9.) the county of Gloucester, etc. London, 1794. 4°. SMITH (SAMUEL) General view of the agriculture of Ac. 3484/2. (7.) Galloway; comprehending ... the Stewartry of Kirk [Another edition. With additions.] London, 1794. 4º. cudbright and Wigtonshire. London, 1810. gº. Ac. 3484/2. (8.) 287. e. 19. [Another copy.] 41. b. 7. (7.) SOMERVILLE (ROBERT) General view of the agriculture of VANCOUVER (CHARLES) General view of the agriculture East Lothian; drawn up ... from the papers of R. S. in the county of Cambridge, etc. 2 pt. London, 1805. 8º. 287. e. 29. London, 1794. 4º. Ac. 3484. (4.) SOMERVILLE (ROBERT) Outlines of the fifteenth chapter [Another copy.] 41. b. 6. (5.) of the proposed General Report from the Board of Agriculture, on the subject of manures. (Outlines of VANCOUVER (CHARLES) General view of the agriculture the appendix to the fifteenth chapter. --Addenda.) 2 pt. of the county of Devon. London, 1808. 8º. London, 1795. 4º. B. 294. (7.) 290. d. 10. SOUTER (VAVID) General view of the agriculture of the VANCOUVER (CHARLES) General view of the agriculture county of Banff. Edinburgh, 1812. 80. 287. e. 12. of the county of Essex, etc. London, 1795. 4°. STEVENSON (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture [Another copy.] 441. e. 17. (2.) of the county of Dorset. . London, 1812. 8º. 290. d. 11. [Another copy.] 41. b. 7. (6.) STEVENSON (WILLIAM) General view of the agriculture VANCOUVER (CHARLES) General view of the agriculture of the county of Surrey. London, 1809. 8º. of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight. 290. d. 27.) London, 1813. 8º. 290: d. 16. s) Generalondon, 1795: 3494/2. (6.) 421 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 422 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED]. Board of Agriculture. Board of Agriculture. URE (DAVID) General view of the agriculture in the YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Elder. On the advantages which county of Dumbarton, etc. London, 1794. 4º. have resulted from the Establishment of the Board of . Ac. 3484/9. (1.) Agriculture : being the substance of a Lecture read to that Institution, May 26th, 1809. By the Secretary to [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (3.) the Board (Arthur Young]London, 1809. 8º. . B. 734. (11.) county of Kinross, etc. 2 pt. Edinburgh, 1797. 4º. [Another copy.] 116. k. 46. Ac. 3484/9. (8. YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Elder. View of the agriculture of [Another copy.] .. 41. b. 13. (9.) Oxfordshire, etc. London, 1809. 8º. 290. d. 26. URE (DAVID) General view of the agriculture of the YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Younger. General view of the agricul- county of Roxburgh, etc. London, 1794. 40.. ture of the county of Sussex, etc. London, 1793. 4º. Ac. 3484/10. (9.) 'Ac. 3484/5. (8.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 14. (7.) [Another copy.] 41. b. 10. (4.) WALKER (D.) General view of the agriculture of the [Another edition.] London, 1808. 8º. 290. d. 28. county of Hertford, etc. London, 1795. 4º. . See MARSHALL (w.) Esq., etc. A Review of the Reports Ac. 3484/3. (3.) to the Board of Agriculture from the Northern Depart- [Another copy.] 441. e. 17. (3.) ment of England, etc. 1808. 8º. 35. a. 5. WEBSTER (JAMES) General view of the agriculture of See MARSHALL (w.) Esq., etc. A review (and complete Galloway, comprehending the Stewartry of Kirkud Abstract) of the Reports to the Board of Agriculture bright, and Shire of Wigton, etc. Edinburgh, 1794. 4º. from the Midland Department of England. 1815. 8º. Ac. 3484/9 (6.) 966. g. 16. [Another copy.] 41. b. 13. (6*.) See MARSHALL (w.) Esq., etc. A Review (and complete WEDGE (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of the Abstract) of the Reports to the Board of Agriculture from the Southern and Peninsular Department of county of Warwick, etc. London, 1794. 4º. England. Ac. 3484/6. (1.) 966. g. 17. 1817. 8°. [Another copy.] 41. b. 10. (5.) Board of Longitude. WEDGE (THOMAS) General view of the agriculture of the See infra : Commissioners of Longitude. County Palatine of Chester, etc. London, 1794. 4º. AC 3484. (5.) Botanical Society. [Another copy.] 41. b. 6. (6.) Proceedings. vol. 1. London, 1839. 8º. Ac. 3292. WHYTE (ANDREW) and MACFARLAN (DUNCAN) General view of the agriculture of the county of Dumbarton, etc. Regulations for the exchange and distribution of Speci- Glasgow, 1811. 8º. 287. e. 18. mens, etc.] London, 1843. 8º. Ac. 3292/2. WILSON (JOHN) General view of the agriculture of The London Catalogue of British Plants, published under the direction of the Botanical Society of London ; Renfrewshire, ... and an account of its commerce and manufactures. Paisley, 1812. 89. 287. e. 21. etc. Third edition. [By H. C. Watson and G. E. WORGAN (G. B.) General view of the agriculture of the Dennes.] London, 1850. 8º. 7055. e. county of Cornwall. London, 1811. 8º. 290. d. 6. Fourth edition. London, 1853. 8º. 7055. e. YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Elder. General view of the agricul- ture of Hertfordshire, etc. London, 1804. 8º. British Archäological Association. 290. d. 21. The Journal of the British Archäological Association, YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Elder. General view of the agricul- 1845, etc. London, 1845, etc. 8º. ture of the county of Essex. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8º. In progress. Vol. 1 wants the titlepage and index.. 290. d. 13, 14. - General Index to volumes 1–30. By W. de Gray YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Elder. General view of the agricul- Birch. London, 1875. 8º. 2096. a.b. & 617. ture of the county of Lincoln, etc. London, 1799. 8º. [Another copy of the Index.] . .. BB.O. 988. g. 9. Collectanea Archäologica: communications made to the [Another copy.] 290. d. 22. British Archæological Association. [Edited by T. J. YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Elder. General view of the agricul- Pettigrew.] London, 1861, etc. 4º. : Ac. 5601. ture of the county of Norfolk, etc. London, 1804. 8º. In progress. 290. d. 24. A report of the proceedings of the British Archäological YOUNG (ARTHUR) the Elder. General view of the agricul- Association at the first general meeting held at Canter- ture of the county of Suffolk, etc. London, 1794. 4º. bury, Sept. 1844. Edited by A. J. Dunkin. Ac. 3484/5. (6.) London, Gravesend, (printed, ] 1845. 8º. Ac. 5601/2. Only 150 copies printed. [Another copy.] 41. b. 10. (2.) A Report of the substance of the several speeches at the [Another edition.] London, 1797. 8º. 988. g. 4. Special General Meeting March 5, 1845. Appended to which are some observations upon the Proceedings. [Another copy.] 966. g. 9. (2.) Edited by A. J. Dunkin. London, Gravesend, (printed,] 1845. 8º. [Another copy.] 290. e. 4. 150 copies printed. Ac. 5601/2. (2.) . . 423 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 424 7856 e. LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). British Archäological Association. British Institution for promoting the Fine Arts, etc. A verbatim report of the proceedings at a special general Outline of proposals for the British Institution. (9 May, meeting of the members, 5th March, 1845. Taken in 1805.) [London, 1805.] 4º. *7806. e. (12.) shorthand by T. E. Jones. [With preface by T. Wright.] London, 1845. 80. Ac. 5601/3. An account of the British Institution' for promoting the fine arts in the United Kingdom, containing a copy of The Journal of the British Archæological Association. the by-laws, a list of the subscribers, etc. [Extract, containing an account of some dissensions in London, 1805. 8º. 117. i. 14. the society.] [London, 1845.) 8º. 1890. b. 3. (3.) By-laws of the British Institution, etc. A report of the proceedings of the ... Association, at (London, 1805 ?] fol. 124. h. 1. the fifth General Meeting, holden in ... Worcester. ... August 1848. Edited by A. J. Dunkin. [Catalogues of the annual Exhibitions of the works of London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 5601/2. living British Artists, from the commencement in 1806.] London, 1806–63. 4º. & 8º. Sixth Annual Meeting, Chester, 1849. A catalogue of The catalogues for 1853 and following years are in 8º. the Museum of Antiquities, exhibited at the King's There are two catalogues for the year 1811. This set is School, Chester. [Chester, 1849.] 8º. imperfect, wanting the catalogues for 1835, 1844-46, and 10349. co. 3. (2.) 1851. Chester Congress. Visit to Liverpool, 2nd August, 1849. [Another edition.] British Institution, etc. (Catalogues Liverpool, [1849.] 8º. 10349. cc. 3. (3.) of the annual exhibitions of the works of living British Artists, 1819 and 1820.] London, 1819, 20. 40 British Dental Association. 787. 1. 22. (1, 2.) The Key-plate in the catalogue for 1819 is imperfect, and The Monthly Review of Dental Surgery (being the in that for 1820 is wanting. Journal of the British Dental Association. Edited by A. Coleman ... J. Walker.) London, [1880.] 8º. An account of all the pictures exhibited in the rooms of Continued as: 7 the British Institution, from 1813 to 1823, with re- The Journal of the British Dental Association. Edited marks, critical and explanatory. L. P. by A. Coleman, J. Walker. Vol. 2, etc. London, 1824. 8º. 561*. c. 22. London, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 3831. & 315. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, were not published by the Association, Catalogues of the annual exbibitions of the works of Ancient Masters, from the commencement in 1813.) British Homeopathic Association. London, 1813, etc. 4º. and 8°. 7856. e. In progress. The catalogues for 1853 and following A circular paper on the treatment of Cholera, issued by years are in 8º. Besides the ordinary catalogue of the the British Homoeopathic Association.] Re-printed Echibition of 1814, there is a separate “ Descriptive cata- 1854. London, [1854.] 8º. 7560. e. logue [by J. Young) of the works of Hogarth” then exhibited. A similar “ Historical catalogue of Portraits” exhibited in Trutbs and their reception, considered in relation to the 1820 is wanting in this collection. The catalogues of the doctrine of Homoeopathy [by M. B. Sampson); to exhibitions of 1814, 1817 to 1838, 1840 to 1843 and 1845 which are added, various essays on the principles and to 1848 are imperfect; the preliminary leaves containing list statistics of Homoeopathic practice. Second edition ... of Governors, Subscribers, etc., being cut out. Published under the superintendence of the British Homeopathic Association. London, 1849. 8º. A Catalogue raisonnée of the pictures now exhibiting at 7390. e. the British Institution. Printed with a sincere desire Annals of the British Homoeopathic Society, and of the to assist the ... directors in turning the public attention London Homoeopathic Hospital. to those ... pieces which they have ... selected with London, [1860, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3843. & 28. the ... intention of affording the most favorable con- In progress. trast to modern art, etc. [By R. Smirke, R.A.] 3 pt. [London, 18151-1816. 4º. 7855. f. British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia published by the The Catalogue for 1816 is in two parts. No more British Homoeopathic Society. [With a preface by published. F. F. Quin and H. R. Madden.] London, 1870. 8º. 7510. de. British Meteorological Society. Second edition. [Edited by F. F. Quin and W. V. Proceedings. London, 1862, etc. 8º. Drury.] London, 1876. 8º. 7510. de. In progress. Ac. 4094/2. & 52. Third edition. [Edited by W. V. Drury.] pp. xix. Report of the Council of the British Meteorological 456. Society, read at the fifth(-seventh) annual general E. Gould & Son : London ; Bristol (printed], 1882. 8º. meeting. London, [1855, etc.] 8º. Ac. 4094. Ac. 3843. 2. In progress. 425 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 426 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). BRITISH MUSEUM. , Statutes and rules relating to the inspection and use of the British Museum, and for the better security and preservation of the same. By order of the Trustees. To which are prefixed the Acts of 26 Geo. II., 27 Geo. II. and 7 Geo. III. relating to the Museum.] MS. NOTES. London, 1768. 8º. 1044. b. 2. (4.) The Acts are separately printed, and bear date 1754. [Another copy.] 1044. b. 5. (4.) This copy has a different edition of the Acts dated 1754. [Another copy.] 1044. b. 6. (4.) [Another copy.] 1044. b. 3. (4.) Acts and votes of Parliament relating to the British Museum, with the statutes and rules thereof, and the succession of Trustees and Officers. London, 1805 8°. B. 482. (13.) [Another copy.] 1044. c. 36. (6.) Acts and votes of Parliament, statutes and rules, and Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. 3 pt. London, 1808. 8°. 440. i. 25. [Another copy of the supplement.] 1044. c. 36. (5.) [Another copy of the supplement.] 1044. c. 36. (7.) Acts and votes of Parliament relating to the British Museum, with the statutes and rules thereof, and the succession of Trustees and Officers. London, 1828. 8º. 1044. c. 13. [Another copy.] . G. 13875. Statutes and rules for the British Museum, as altered in consequence of the report of a committee of the Trustees, appointed 9th of February, 1833. London, 1833. 4º. G. 13903. Statutes and rules for the British Museum, revised 8th of June, 1839. London, 1839. 4º. G. 13904. Annual list of donations and bequests to the Trustees of the British Museum, 1828(–1830). 3 pt. London, 1830–31. 4º. 840. i. 40. [Another copy.] 620. i. 26. [Another copy of pt. 2 and 3.] 620. h. 35. [Another copy.] G. 13905–7. List of additions made to the collections ... in the years 1831(-1835). 5 pt. London, 1833-39. 8º. 732. f. 13. [Another copy of pt. 1, 2, 4, 5.] G. 13868. List of additions to the Natural History, Antiquities and Prints... in the years 1836–39. London, 1843. 8º. G. 13873. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. [With an introductory statement of the rise and progress of the Museum, and of its existing constitution, and an analytical syllabus of the library, etc. First edition.] London, 1808. 8º. 1044. c. 6. (1.) [Another copy.] 1044. C. 6. (2.) Imperfect; wanting pp. 7–10, and the analytical syllabus. [Another edition of the Introduction onlv.) London, 1808. 8º. 1044. c. 36. (4.) Second edition.] London, 1809. 8°. 7704. c. 26. Without the introduction. British Museum. Third edition. Synopsis, etc. London, 1810. 8º. 1044. c. 6. (3.) This and the following editions are without the analytical syllabus. Fourth edition. London, 1810. 8º. 1044. c. 6. (4.) Fifth edition. London, 1812. 8°. 1044. c. 7. (1.) Sixth edition. London, 1813. 8º. 1044. c. 7. (2.) [Another copy.] 954. k. 22. Seventh edition. London, 1814. 8°. 1044. c. 7. (3.) [Another copy.] 954. k. 23. [Another copy.] 277. k. 20. Eighth edition. London, 1814. 8º. 1044. c. 8. (1.) Ninth edition. London, 1815. 8°. 1044. c. 8. (2.) Tenth edition. London, 1816. 8°. 1044. c. 8. (3.) Eleventh edition. London, 1817. 8º. 1044. c. 8. (4.) Twelfth edition. London, 1817. 8°. 1044. c. 8. (5.) Thirteenth edition. London, 1818. 8º. 1044. c. 9. (1.) Fourteenth edition. London, 1818. 8º. * 1044. c. 9. (2.) Fifteenth edition. London, 1819. 8º. 1044. c. 9. (3.) Sixteenth edition. London, 1819. 8º. 1044. c. 9. (4.) Seventeenth edition. London, 1820. 8º. 1044. c. 9. (5.) Eighteenth edition. London, 1821. 8º. 1044. c. 10. (1.) Nineteenth edition. London, 1821. 8º. 1044. c. 10. (2.) Twentieth edition. London, 1822. gº. 1044. c. 10. (3.) Twenty-first edition. London, 1823. 8º. 1044. c. 10. (3.) Twenty-second edition. London, 1823. 8º. 1044. c. 11. (1.) Twenty-third edition. London, 1824. 8º. 1044. c. 11. (2.) Twenty-fourth edition. London, 1826. 8º. 1044. c. 11. (3.) Twenty-fifth edition. London, 1827. 8º. 1044. c. 11. (4.) Twenty-sixth edition. London, 1832. 8º. 1044. c. 11. (5.) Twenty-seventh edition. London, 1832. 89. 1044. c. 12. (1.) Twenty-eighth edition. London, 1834. 8º. ' 1044. c. 12. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 19204. Twenty-ninth edition. London, 1835. 8º. 1044. c. 12. (3.) [Another copy.] 1044. c. 12, (4.) [Another copy.] 1044. c. 33. [Another copy.] G. 19205 427 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] ... 428 . LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). British Museum. British Museum. Thirtieth edition. Synopsis, etc. London, 1835. gº.. Fifty-eighth edition. Synopsis etc. London, 1851. 12º. 1044. C. 31. (1.) 1403. b. (3.) Thirty-first edition. London, 1836. 8º. Fifty-ninth edition. London, 1852. 12º. 1044. c. 31. (2.) 1402. b. Thirty-second edition. London, 1837. 12º. 1044. b. 10. Sixtieth edition. London, 1853. 8º. 1403. b. (1.) Thirty-third edition. [With the names of the respective Sixty-first edition. London, 1854. 8º. 1403. b. authors.] London, 1837. 12º. 1044. b. 11. (1.) Sixty-second edition. London, 1855. 12º. [Another copy.]. . 1403. b. Sixty-third edition. London, 1856. 12º. Thirty-fourth edition. London, 1837. 12º. 1044. b. 11. (3.) 1403. b. This is a duplicate of the 33rd edition, with the titlepage Guide to the Exhibition Rooms of the Departments of of the 34th. Natural History and Antiquities. With an introduction by Sir A. Panizzi.] London, 1859. 89, 1401. e. Thirty-fourth edition. London, 1837. 12º. sous be outcode cerdoll, 1037 1044 h. 11.02 [Another edition.] London, 1862. 8º. 7207. f. Thirty-fifth edition. London, 1838. 12º. 1044. b. 12. (1.) [Another edition.] London, 1866. 8º. 7207. o. Thirty-sixth edition. London, 1838. 120.. [Another copy.] 7207. e. 1044. 12. b. (2.) [Another edition. With an introduction by John Thirty-seventh edition. London, 1838. 12º. Winter Jones.] London, 1869. 8º. 7207. dd. 1044. b. 13. (1.) [Another edition.] London, 1870. 8º. 7207. dd. Thirty-eighth edition. London, 1839. 12º. 1044. b. 13. [Another edition.] London, 1871. 8º. 7207. dd. London, 1039. 1014. b. 14. (1.) [Another edition.] London, 1877. 8º. 7207. e. 3. Fortieth edition. London, 1840. 12º. [Another edition.] London, 1878. 8°. 7207. e. 4. 1044. b. 14.( Forty-first edition. London, 1840. 12º. A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the British 1044. b. 15. (1.) Museum. [With an introduction by E. A. Bond.) London, 1879. 80. 7702. cc. 23. Forty-second edition. London, 1840. 12º. 1044. b. 15. (2.) [Another edition.] London, 1880. 7702. cc. 24, Forty-third edition. London, 1841. 12º. 1044. b. 16. (1.) [Another edition.] London, 1882. 7702. cc. 25. Forty-fourth edition. London, 1842. 12º. [Another edition.] London, 1883. 7702. c. 26. 1044. b. 16. (2.) Forty-fifth edition. London, 1843. 12º. 1402. b. [Another edition.] London, 1884. 8°. 7702. cc. 27. Forty-sixth edition. London, 1844. 12º. A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries in the British 1402. b. 28. Museum ... Departments of Geology and Palæontology [by H. Woodward), Mineralogy [by L. Fletcher], and Forty-eighth edition. London, 1845. 12º. Botany [by W. Carruthers. With an introduction by 1402. b. E. A. Bond]. pp. IV. 83. London, 1881. 8º. Forty-ninth edition. London, 1846. 12º. 7006. bb. 3. (1.) (1.) [Another edition.] London, 1883. 8º. Fiftieth edition. London, 1847. 12º. 1403. b. (2.) 7006. bbb. 21. Fifty-first edition. London, 1847. 120. A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the Departments 1403. b. of Mineralogy and Botany in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, South Kensington. Fifty-second edition. London, 1847. 12º. pp. 25. London, 1881. 8º. 7006. bb. 3. (3.) 1403. b. ( Fifty-third edition. London, 1848. - 12º. 1403. b. (1.) DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY. Fifty-fourth edition. London, 1849. 12º. Alphabetical List of Olividæ in the British Museum. From page 9 to 38 of Catalogue, December, 1864. Fifty-fifth edition. London, 1850. 12º. [Extract by R. N. Boyes.] [London, 1868 ?] fol. * 1403. b. (3.) 1822. a. Fifty-sixth edition. London, 1850. 1403. b. (1.) Alphabetical List of [Olives, described as) Volutas in the British Museum... From page 9 to 36 of Catalogue, Fifty-seventh edition. London, 1851. 12º. December, 1864. [Extracted by R. N. Boyes.) 1403. b. (2.) [London, 1868?] s. sh. fol. 1811. a. (30.) og e ai 429 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 430 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). British Museum. British Museum. [Department of Coins, etc, (continued).] DEPARTMENT OF BRITISH AND MEDIÆVAL ANTIQUITIES. Syuopsis of the contents of the British Museum . . . A guide to the Italian Medals exhibited in the King's Guide to the Christy Collection of Prehistoric Antiquities Library. By C. F. Keary. [With plates. Edited by and Ethnography. [By A. W. Franks.] R. S. Poole.] pp. xvii. 98. London, 1868. 12º. 7705. aa. 28. (6.) Longmans & Co.: London, 1881. 8º. 741. f. 2. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia of South Africa in the collection of the British Museum. By Richard Owen. London, 1876. 4º. 7203. g. 1. A Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their synonyms and the range in time of each genus and order. [By H. Woodward. With a preface by G. R. Waterhouse.] London, 1877. 8º. 7207. f. 1. Catalogue of the Fossil Foraminifera in the collection of the British Museum. By T. Rupert Jones. pp. xxiv. 100. London, 1882. 89. 7207. g. 1. DEPARTMENT OF COINS AND MEDALS. Veterum populorum et regum numi qui in Museo Bri- tannico adservantur. [By Taylor Combe.] F. P. London, 1814. 4°. 603. i. 25. [Another copy.] 456. b. 21. [Another copy.] 682. h. 12. [Another copy.] 138. e. 12. Description of the Anglo-Gallic Coins in the British Museum. [Arranged by T. Combe, completed by E. Hawkins.] London, 1826. 4°. 603. i. 26. [Another copy.] G. 13914. A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. (Vol. I. Italy, by R. S. Poole.- Vol. 11. Sicily, by B. V. Head, P. Gardner and R. S. Poole.- Vol. 111. The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Mæsia, Thrace, etc., by B. V. Head and P. Gardner.-Vol. iy. Seleucid Kings of Syria, by P. Gardner.-Vol. v. Macedonia, etc., by B. V. Head.-Vol. vi. Thessaly to Ætolia, by P. Gardner.- Vol. vil. The Ptolemies, Kings of Egypt, by R. S. Poole. Vol. viii. Central Greece, by B. V. Head.) [Edited by R. S. Poole.] London, 1873, etc. 8º. In progress. 7756. C. Roman Medallions in the British Museum. By H. A. Grueber. Edited by R. S. Poole. London, 1874. 4º. 2259. f. There is a second titlepage, which reads : “ Catalogue of the Roman Coins in the British Museum." Catalogue of Fossil Sponges in the Geological Depart- ment. By G. J. Hinde. [With a preface by H. Wood- ward.] London, 1883. 4°. 7207. 1. A guide to the exhibition galleries of the Department of Geology and Palæontology, etc. [By H. Woodward.] pp. 27. London, 1881. 80. 7006. bb. 3. (2.) DEPARTMENT OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. A description of the collection of ancient Terracottas in the British Museum; with engravings. [By Taylor Combe.] London, 1810. 4º. 1701. a. [Another copy.] 678. h. 13. [Another copy.] L. P. 558. f. [Another copy.] L. P. 139. i. 7. [Another copy.] G. 1808. [Another copy.] G. 1802. (2.) Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum. (Vol. 1., The Coins of the Eastern Khaleefehs.—Vol. 11., The Coins of the Muhammadan Dynasties.- Vol. III., The Coins of the Turkumán houses of Seljook, Urtuk, Zengee, etc.— Vol. IV., The Coinage of Egypt under the Fátimee Khaleefehs, the Ayyoobees, etc. Vol. V., The Coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain; and the Kings and İmams of the Yemen.-Vol. VI., The Coins of the Mongols.- Vol. VII., The Coinage of Bukhárá, etc.- Vol. VIII., the Coins of the Turks.) [By Stanley Lane Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole.] London, 1875, etc. 8º. In progress. A description of the Collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum. With engravings. [Pt. 1-4, by T. Combe; pt. 5, by E. Hawkins; pt. 6, by C. R. Cockerell; pt. 7-10, by E. Hawkins, assisted by S. Birch and C. T. Newton; pt. 11, by S. Birch.] Pt. 1-11. London, 1812–61. 4o. 673. h. 14–24. 2259. C. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum ... Select Greek Coins exhibited in electrotype. [By B. V. Head. Edited by R. S. Puole.] London, 1872. 8º. 7207. ccc. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum ... A guide to the select Greek and Roman coins exhibited in electrotype. New edition. By B. V. Head. [Edited by R. S. Poole.] pp. vii. 128. London, 1880. 8o. 7756. bbb. 8. A guide to the principal gold and silver Coins of the Ancients... With 70 plates ... By B. V. Head. Second edition. [Edited by R. S. Poole.] pp. vii. 128. London, 1881. 8º. 7755. aaa. 7. [Another copy.] 558. f. [Another copy of pt. 1-10.] G. 1803. [Another copy of pt. 1-8.] 1701. a. [Another copy of pt. 1-4.] 139. i. 5. [Another copy of pt. 1-4.] .. ' G. 1801. A Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum. [By S. Birch and C. T. Newton.] London, 1851, etc. 8º. 560. c. In progress. The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum. Edited by C. T. Newton. Oxford, 1874, etc. fol. 1704. a. In progress. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum ... A guide to the English Medals exhibited in the King's Library. By H. A. Grueber. With plates. Edited by R. Š. Poole.] pp. xxi. 172. Longmans & Co: London, 1881. 8º. 741. f. 1. A Guide to the Blacas Collection of Antiquities. [By C. T. Newton. Lomdom, 1867. 8. 7705. 28. ai. (1) 431 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 432 I . LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED.] British Museum. [Department of Greek and Roman Anti- British Museum. [Department of Manuscripts (continued). ] quities (continued).] [Another copy.] A catalogue of the Harleian Collec-' Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. tion of Manuscripts, etc. London, 1808–12. fol. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. First 433. i. 1. Vase Room. [By C. T. Newton.] London, 1867. 8º. 826. 1. 8–11. 7705. aa. 28. (2). [Another copy.] Second edition. London, 1868. 8°. 7705. aa. 28. (3.) [Another copy.] 126. i. 6. Third edition, London, 1869. 8º. 7705. aa. 28. (4.) A catalogue of the Manuscripts of the King's Library, etc. By D. Casley. 1734. 4º. See CASLEY (D.) A Fourth edition. London, 1871. 8°. 7705. aa. 28. (5.) catalogue, etc. 679. é. 23. Seventh edition. London, 1879. 80.: 7704. a. 27. A catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum. With indexes of persons, places and New edition. London, 1883. 8º. 7706. a. 11. matters. [By Sir H. Ellis and F. Douce.] 2 pt. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. De London, 1819. fol. 2050..g. partment of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Second Vase Room. [By C. T. Newton.] London, 1869. 8º. [Another copy.] 826. 1. 12. 7705. aa. 28. (7.) | [Another copy.] . 122. i. 10. [Another edition.] London, 1878. 8º. 7706. aa. Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum. New Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. De- Series. (Pt. 1. The Arundel Manuscripts (with fac- partment of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Bronze similes and illuminations.] Pt. 2. The Burney Manu- Room. [By C. T. Newton.] London, 1871. 8º. scripts. Pt. 3. Index.) [Edited by J. Forshall.] 4702. c. 1. (7.) London, 1834-40. fol. 620.". 17. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. De- partment of Greek and Roman Antiquities : Græco [Another copy.] G. 265. Roman Sculptures. [By C. T. Newton.] London, 1874. 8°. 7705. aa. 28. (9.) [Another copy of pt. 2.] 820. m. 15. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. De A catalogue of Manuscripts, formerly in the possession partment of Greek and Roman Antiquities: the sculp of F. Hargrave. ..now deposited in the British Museum. tures of the Parthenon. [By C. T. Newton.) 2 pts. [Edited by Sir H. Ellis.] London, 1818. 4º. London, 1880, 81. 8º. : 7706. aa. 824. i. 4. Prices of casts from ancient marbles, bronzes, etc. in [Another copy.] 620. i. 25. the British Museum. [London, 1857.] 8º. 7705. aaa. 5. [Another copy.] G. 479. Catalogue of re-productions from ancient marbles, A catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the British bronzes, &c. in the British Museum. Museum, hitherto undescribed . . . including the collec- London, [1874.] 8º. 7875. aaa. (2.) tions by Sir Hans Sloane, the Rev. Thomas Birch, etc. By S. Ayscough. 2 vol. London, 1982. 4º. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS. 682. h. 10, 11. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Cot- tonianæ, etc. Scriptore T. Smitho. 1696. fol. See · [Another copy.] 434. e. 13. SMITH (THOMAS) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Catalogus, etc. 682. i. 13. [Another copy.] 124. g. 5. A catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library Index to the Additional Manuscripts, with those of the deposited in the British Museum. [By J. Planta.] Egerton collection, preserved in the British Museum [London,] 1802. fol. 2050. g. and acquired in the years 1783-1835. [Compiled mainly by E. A. Bond. Edited by Sir F. Madden.] [Another copy.] 433. h. 7. London, 1849. fol. Catalogue Desk, R.R. [Another copy.] 620. 1. 16. List of Additions to the Manuscripts . . . in the years [Another copy.] 683. k. 18. 1836-40. [Edited by Sir F. Madden.] London, 1843. 8º. 122. i. 11. [Another copy.] Catalogue Desk, R.R. A catalogue of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts [Another copy.] G. 13874. ... preserved in the British Museum. Commenced by Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the H. Wanley, and successively continued by D. Casley, British Museum, in the years 1841–45. [Edited by Sir W. Hocker, and C. Morton, with an index by T. Astle. F. Madden.] 6 pt. London, 1850. 8º. 2 vol. London, 1759. fol. 1889. c. Catalogue Desk, R.R. The Preface is dated 1762. Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the [Another copy.] 434. k. 6,7. British Museum in the years 1846-1847. ¡Edited by [Another copy.] 682. i. 14, 15. Sir F. Madden. London, 1864. 8º. Catalogue Desk, R.R. [Another copy.] 122. i. 4, 5. Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the [Another copy of vol. 11.] 823. 1. 15. British Museum, in the years 1848–1853. [Edited by Imperfect; wanting the frontispiece. E. A. Bond.] London, 1868. 8º. [Another edition. Revised by R. Nares, S. Shaw, and Catalogue Desk, R.R. F. Douce.] With indexes of persons, places and matters Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British [by T. H. Horne]. 4 vol. London, 1808–12. fol.. Museum, in the years 1854–75. [Edited by E. A. Bond.; Catalogue Desk, R.R. 2 vol. London, 1875–77. 80: Catalogue Desk, R.R. . 433 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 434 LONDON [CONTINUED] LONDON [CONTINUED). British Museum. [Department of Manuscripts (continued).] British Museum. [Department of Manuscripts (continued).] Index to the Catalogue of Additions to the Manu Articles of Magna Carta. [An autotype of the original scripts in the British Museum, in the years 1854 articles submitted by the Barons and accepted by King 1875. [Edited by E. M. Thompson. pp. vi. 1575. John as the basis of Magna Carta; with letterpress.] London, 1880. go... Catalogue Desk, R.R. London (1884.] 8º. & s. sh. fol. 1882. d. 1. (99.) [Avother copy.] 11903. i. 8. Magna Carta. [An autotype of the original, with letter- Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British press.] [London, 1884.] °8º. & 8. sh. fol. 1882. d. 1. (100). Museum, in the years 1876–1881. [Edited by E. M. Thompson.] pp. vi. 616. London, 1882. 8º. [Autotype of a deed, preserved in the Department of Catalogue Desk, R.R. Manuscripts, whereby William Shakespeare and others Description of the Greek Papyri in the British Museum. mortgage a house within the precincts of the Blackfriars, [Edited by J. Forshall.] Pt. 1. L. P. London; dated 11 March, 1613.] London, 1839. 4º. 823. k. 6. [London, 1880.] 8. sh. fol. 1882. d. 1. (98.) Catalogue of a selection from the Stowe Manuscripts [Another copy.] Printed on folio paper. 822. 1. 13. exhibited in the King's Library in the British Museum [Another copy.] G. 1809. ... Illustrated with fifteen autotype facsimiles. [Edited by E. M. Thompson.] pp. iv. 83. London, 1883. 4º. · Catalogne of ancient Manuscripts in the British Museum. 11905. aa. 43. Pt. 1, Greek. Pt. 2, Latin. [By E. M. Thompson and G. F. Warner.] London, 1881–84. fol. 1704. d. 4. Wycliffe Exhibition in the King's Library. Arranged by E. M. Thompson. pp. xix. 68. London, 1884. 8º. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts 4999. bbb. 18. in the British Museum. By H. L. D. Ward. [Edited List of autograph Letters, original Charters, Great Seals, by E. M. Thompson.] London, 1883, etc. 8º. and Manuscripts, exhibited to the public in the Depart- In progress. Catalogue Desk, R.R. ment of Manuscripts. [By Sir F. Madden. August, Catalogo dos Manuscriptos Portuguezes existentes no 1851.] London, 1851. 120. 824. a. 15. Museu Britannico. See FIGANIÈRE (F. F. DE LA) Cata- [Another edition. November, 1851.] logo, etc. 1853. 8º. 824. 1. 41. (London,] 1851. 12º. 824. a. 16. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish language [Another edition.] A Guide to the autograph letters, in the British Museum. By Don Pascual de Gayangos. manuscripts, original charters, and royal, baronial, and (Edited by E. A. Bond.] London, 1875, etc. 8º. ecclesiastical seals, exhibited to the public in the In progress. Catalogue Desk, R.R. Department of Manuscripts. [By Sir F. Madden.] [Another copy.] 11904. k. London, 1859. 8º. 11900. C. Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts and Plans, and [Another copy.] L. P. 11900. e. of the topographical drawings in the British Museum. [Another edition.] London, 1862. gº 11900. C. [By J. Holmes." Edited by Sir F. Madden.] 3 vol. London, 1844. 8º. Catalogue Desk, R.R. [Another copy.] L. P. 11900. e. [Another copy of vol. 1, 2.] . G. 16907. [Another edition. London, 1866. 8º. 11900. aaa. Catalogue of the Manuscript Music in the British Museum. [By T. Oliphant. Edited by Sir F. Madden.] [Another edition. Edited by E. A. Bond.] London, 1842. 8º. London, 1867. 8º. 7897. d. 11900. aaa. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 16906. [Another edition.] London, 1869. 8º. 11901. aaa. Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac [Another edition.] London, 1870. 8º. Palimpsest. Edited by W. Cureton. Gr. 11900. aaa. London, 1851. 4º. 11315. i. 2. [Another edition.] London, 1878. 8º. 11903. bb. [Another copy.] L. P. 11315. k. 1. [Another edition. Edited by E. M. Thompson.] [Another copy.] ON VELLUM. C. 19. e. London, 1882. 89. 11903. bb. 24. Vetus Testamentum Græcum, e codice Ms. Alexandrino ... typis ad similitudinem ipsius codicis scripturæ Oriental MSS. fideliter descriptum. Cura et labore H. H. Baber. 3 tom. L. P. Londini, 1816–21-28.] fol. Catalogus Codicum manuscriptorum Orientalium qui in 467. i. 1-3. Museo Britannico įsservantur. Pars prima, Codices Syriacos et Carshunicus amplectens [by J. Forshall; [Another copy.] 6. i. 1-3. assisted by F. Rosen]. (Pars secunda, Codices Arabicos [Another copy.] ON VELLUM. C. 14. d. 3-8. amplectens (partly by W. Cureton ; continued and com- pleted by C. Rieu. Edited by Sir F. Madden). Pars Facsimile of the Codex Alexandrinus. (Old Testament. tertia, Codices Æthiopicos amplectens [by L. Dillmann. New Testament and Clementine Epistles. [Edited by Edited by Sir F. Madden].) 3 pt. E. M. Thompson.]) 4 vol. [London,] 1881, 83, 79. fci. Londini, 1838[-71). fol. 820. m. 10. Tab. 710. a. Photographic facsimiles of the remains of the Epistles [Another copy of pt. 1, 2.) G. 354. of Clement of Rome. Made from the unique copy Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, preserved in the Codex Alexandrinus. (Edited by Sir acquired since the year 1838. By W. Wright. 3 pt. F. Madden.] London, 1856. 4º. 1701. a. London, 1870–72. 4º. Catalogue Desk, R.R. Facsimiles of Ancient Charters in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Ethiupic Manuscripts in the British Edited by E. A. Bond.] 4 pts. London, 187378. fol. Museum acquired since the year 1817. By W. Wright. 1705. C. London, 1877. 4º. Catalogue Desk, R.R. 435 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 436 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). British Museum. (Department of Manuscripts (continued).] British Museum. [Department of Oriental Antiquities Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the British (continued).] Museum. By C. Rieu. 3 vol. London, 1879-83. 4º. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Assyrischen und Akka- Catalogue Desk, R.R. dischen Wörter im zweiten Bande der “ Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia” [by Sir H. C. Rawlinson] DEPARTMENT OF MINERALOGY, ... von J. N. Strassmaier. 1882, etc. See DELITZSCH (F.) Catalogue of Minerals, with references to the table cases and HAUPT (P.) Assyriologische Bibliothek, etc. Bd. 4. in which the species to which they belong are exhibited, 1881, etc. 40. 12903. h. 19. in the British Museum. [By M. Å. N. Story Maskelyne.] Inscriptions in the Himyaritic Character discovered London, 1863. 8º. 7107. aaa. chiefly in Southern Arabia, and now in the British [Another edition.] Index to the collection of Minerals, Museum. [By S. Birch.] London, 1863. obl. 4º. etc. London, 1866. 8°. 7105. aa. Tab. 761. a. Another edition of the Catalogue of Minerals, published in Inscriptions in the Phoenician Character, now deposited 1863. in the British Museum, discovered on the site of Car: [Another copy.] London, 1868. 89. 7104. b. thage, during researches made by N. Davis ... in 1856, A duplicate of the preceding with a new titlepage. 1857, and 1858. With the corresponding Hebrew transcript and Latin translation of the Inscriptions by [Another edition.] London, 1870. 8°. 7104. b. W. S. W. Vaux.] [London,] 1863. obl. 4º. Tab. 761. a. [Another edition.] London, 1878. 8º. 7106. f. 10. (4.) Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic Character, from the collections of the British Museum. (By [Another edition. Edited by Lazarus Fletcher. 7 S. Birch.] London, 1868. fol. 1700. C. London, 1881. 89. 7006. bb. 3. (5.) A Guide to the collection of Minerals. [By M. H. N. Facsimile of an Egyptian Hieratic Papyrus of the reign of Rameses III., now in the British Museum. [Con- Story Maskelyne.] London, 1868. 8º. 7104. aaa. taining “ detailed praises, adorations, and speeches of [Another edition.] London, 1869. 8º. 7104. b. the King." With a translation and introduction by S. Birch.] London, 1876. obl. fol. Tab. 1700. a. [Another edition.] London, 1870.8º. 7104. aaa. Catalogue of the collection of Minerals exhibited in the Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. De- partment of Oriental Antiquities. First and Second Mineral Department of the British Museum. [By M. Egyptian rooms. [By S. Birch.] London, 1874. 8º. H. N. Stury Maskelyne.] London, 1866. 8º. 7705. aa. 28. (8.) 8755. bb. [Another edition.] London, 1869. 8º. 7104. b. Assyrian Antiquities. Guide to the Kouyunjik Gallery. With four autotype plates. [Edited by S. Birch.] [Another edition.] London, [1871.] 8º. pp. iv. 190. London, 1883. 8° 7704. aa. 24. 8755. bb. [Another edition.] A Guide to the collection of DEPARTMENT OF PRINTED BOOKS, Meteorites, etc. (With an introduction by L. Fletcher.] London, 1881. 8o. 7006. bb. 3. (4.) Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico ad- servantur catalogus. [By P. M. Maty, S. Harper DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL ANTIQUITIES. and S. Ayscough.] 2 vol. Londini, 1787. fol. 2050. g. [Egyptian Monuments from the collection formed by the [Another copy.] 433. h. 4. National Institute...deposited in the British Museum. Twenty-one plates engraved by T. Medland, from draw [Another copy.] 683. k. 14, 15. ings by W. Alexander.] London, 1805-07. fol. [Another copy. With Ms. corrections, and some press- Without titlepage. No more published. 140. h. 16. marks of the books.] 683. k. 16, 17. Tablets and other Egyptian monuments from the [Another copy.] L. P. 127. h. 1. collection of the Earl of Belmore, now deposited in the British Museum. [Edited by E. Hawkins and S. Birch.] [Another cipy:] L. P. FEW MS. NOTES. 127. b. 2. London, 1843. fol. 551. b. 24. (2.) | Another copy.] 820. m. 8. 9. Papyri in Hieroglyphic and Hieratic Characters, froin Imperfect. Titlepage of vol. 2 and several other leaves the collection of the Earl of Belmore, now deposited in wanting. the British Museum. [Edited by E. Hawkins and S. Birch.] London, 1843. fol. 551. h. 24. (1.) [Another edition.] [Edited by Sir H. Ellis and H. H. Baber.] 7 vol. Londini, 1813-19. 8º. 2050. b. Select Papyri in the Hieratic Character, from the col- lections of the British Museum, with prefatury remarks, [Another copy.] 270. i. 1-8. [by S. Birch. Edited by E. Hawkins.] pt. 1, 2. Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. London, 1844-60. fol. 558. f. (Evited by Sir A. Panizzi.] vol. 1. Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian London, 1841. fol. 11900. k. Monuments, discovered by A. H. Layard. [Copied, and No more published. in part revised, by A. H. Layard, the remainder revised List of additions to the Printed Books ... in the years by S. Birch and Sir H. C. Rawlinson. The whole edited 1836–1888. London, 1843. 8º. G. 13872. by E. Hawkius.] London, 1851. fol. 559. f. The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia. (Prepared Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc. forming the for publication by ... Sir H. C. Rawlinson, assisted by geographical and typographical collection attached to E. Norris, vol. 1, 2; by George Smith, vol. 3, 4; by the Library of his late Majesty King George the third. 2 vol. London, 1829. 80. 2050. d. T. G. Pinches, vol. 5.) London, 1861, etc. fol. In progress. 559. f. [Another copy.] 2049. f. 1829. 8. Majesty Kinlection attacing the 437 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 438 22 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). British Museum. [Department of Printed Books (continued).] British Museum. Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the Library of the DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. British Museum. [By J. Zedner; with a preface by Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the British John Winter Jones.] London, 1867. 8º. Museum. Division I. Political and personal satires. Catalogue Desk, R.R. (Prepared by F. G. Stephens, and containing many [Another copy. MS. NOTES by J. Zedner.] descriptions by E. Hawkins.) [Edited by G. W. Reid.] 11904. k. 4 vol. [London,] 1870–83. 8°. Catalogue Desk, R.R. [Another copy.] 11901. cc. Vol. 3 is divided into 2 pts. Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Pali books in the British [Another copy.] 7854. b. Museum. By Dr. Ernst Haas. London, 1876. 4º. A descriptive catalogue of early prints in the British Catalogue Desk, R.R. Museum. [Edited by G. W. Reid. With plates.] Catalogue of Chinese printed books, manuscripts and London, 1879, etc. gº. drawings in the Library of the British Museum. By In progress. 7855. ff. R. K. Douglas. [With an introductory note by A descriptive catalogue of Playing and other Cards in G. Bullen.] London, Hertford (priņied], 1877. 4º. the British Museum. Acconi panied by a concise ... Catalogue Desk, R.R. history of the subject, etc. By W. H. Willsbire. [With Catalogue of books in the Library of the British Museum, a preface by G. W. Reid.] [London,] 1876. 8º. 2032. e. printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640. [Edited [Another copy.] 7913. ff. 1. by G. Bullen.] 3 vols. London, 1884. 8º. Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, repro- Catalogue Desk, R.R. duced by photographic process. [London,] 1882, etc. fol. A list of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room of In progress. Tab. 771. C. the British Museum. [By W. B. Rye. With a preface A guide to the Drawings and Prints exhibited to the by J. Winter Jones.] [London,] 1859. 8º. public in the King's Library. L. P. [By W. H. 11901. b. Carpenter.] London, 1858. 80. 7856. c. Second edition. [London,] 1871. 8º. Catalogue Desk, R.R. [Another edition.] London, 1859. 8º. 7856. c. [Another copy.] 11901. c. [Another edition.] London, 1862. 8°. 7854. d. Plan shewing the arrangement of the library of re- [Another copy.] L. P. 7854. e. ference in the New Reading Room, British Museum. (London,] 1857. S. sh. 4º. 1253. k. (82. [Another edition. Edited by G. W. Reitd.] Lithographed. London, 1867. 8º. 11900. aaa. (3.) [Another edition.] [London,] 1859. S. sh. 4º. Another copy.) London, 1874. 89. 7857. aa. 1253, k. (82.) A duplicate of the preceding, with altered dates. [Another edition.] [London, 1871.] 8. sh. 4º. A guide to that portion of the collection of Prints be- 1253. k. (83*.) queathed to the nation by the late F. Slade, Esq., 110W Hand-List of Bibliographies, classified catalogues, and ou exhibition in the King's Library. [By G. W. Reid.] indexes, placed in the Reading Room of the British London, 1869. 8º. 7855. aaa. Museum for reference. pp. 105. [By G. W. Porter. 7 London, 1881. 8º. [Another copy.] L. P. 7855. bb. 11904. bb 33. A guide to Drawings, Prints, and Illustrative Works, A short guide to that portion of the Library of Printed exhibited in the Second Northern Gallery. [By G. W. Books now open to the public. [By Sir A. Panizzi.] Reid.] London, 1883. 8º.. 7854. ccc. 10. London, 1851. 12º. 824. d. 13. [Another copy.] 824. a. 14. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY. A guide to the Printed Books exhibited to the public Catalogue of Books in the Department of Zoology ... in the Grenville Library and King's Library. [By Third edition (prepared by J. Ê. Harting). [Edited by J. Winter Jones.] London, [1858.] 80. 11900. C. A. C. L. G. Günther.] London, 1884. 8º. 11904. d. 15. [Another copy.] L. P. 11900. C. List of the specimens of British Animals in the collection [Another edition.] London, 1862. 8° 11900. C. of the British Museum. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] 17 pts. [Another copy.] L. P. 11900. e. London, 1848–55. 12º. 7207. b. [Anuther edition.] London, 1867. 8º. List of the specimens of British Animals in the collection 11900. a a. (1.) of the British Museum: Part v. Lepidoptera. By James Francis Stephens. [Revised and brought up to the [Another editiun.] [Edited by W. B. Rre.] present state of science by H. T. Staiuton and E. Shop- London, 1870. 80. herd. Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1856. 8º. [Another edition. Edited by G. Bullen.] 7207. b. London, 1880. 8º. 11903. bh. 25. This is another edition of pt. 5 of the “. List of ... British Animals, etc.” Luther Exhibition, 1883, in the Grenville Library, arranged by G. Bullen ... Printed Books, manu: cript. Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea, portraits, and medals, illustra ing tle life of Martin in the collection of the British Museum. By J. E. Luther, with biographical sketcli. pp. 42. Gray and G. R. Gray. London, 1859. 8º. London, 1883. 8º. 4999. bbb. 17. 7207. f. British Museum. Description of the New Reading Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings of Mammalia Room and Libraries. London, 1857. 8°. 7820. a. and Birds of Nepal and Thibet, prezented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museiim. [By J. E. Gray [Another edition.] London, 1884. 8°. 7820. a. 9. and G. R. Gray). London, 1846. 12º. 7207. b. **11901. aaa. 439 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 440 by 20mg 120. 72072b. (By LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). British Museum. [Department of Zoology (coniinued).] British Museum. [Department of Zoology (continued).] Second edition. Catalogue of the Specimens and Draw Hand-List of the Genera and Species of Birds, distin- ings of Mammalia and Birds of Nepal and Thibet, etc. guishing those contained in the British Museum. By London, 1863. 12º. 7207. b. G. R. Gray. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] 3 pts. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo- London, 1869–71. 8º. 7207. g. Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. “ Alert," Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. By 1881-2. (By various writers. With a preface by R. B. Sharpe. London, 1874, etc. 8º. 7207. f. A. C. L. G. Günther.] pp. xxv. 684. London, 1884. 80. In progress. 7208. g. 20. A guide to the Gould collection of Humming-Birds in List of the indigenous Mammalia and Birds that are the British Museum. By A. C. L. G. Günther.] wanting to the British Museum. [London,] 1881. 8º. 7006. bb. 3. (6.) [London, 1777 ?] S. sh. 4º. 458. a. 2. (2.) Second edition. [London,] 1883. 8°. 7285. a. 27. Mammalia. Third edition. [London,] 1884. 8º. 7285. a. 28. List of the specimens of Mammalia in the collection of Reptiles. the British Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1843. 12º. 7207. b. Catalogue of the specimens of Snakes in the collection of the British Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] [Another copy.] G. 19201. London, 1849. 12º. 7207. b. Catalogue of the specimens of Mammalia in the British Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the collection of the Museum. 3 pts. (By J. E. Gray.] British Museum. By A. Günther. [Edited by J. E. London, 1850–52. 12º. 7207. b. Gray.] London, 1858. 12º. 7207. b. Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachydermatous, and Eden- Catalogue of the specimens of Lizards in the British tate Mammalia in the British Museum. By J. E. Gray. Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1845. 12º. London, 1869. 8º. 7207. g. 7207. b. Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnæus,) in [Another copy.] G. 19200. the British Museum. By J. E. Gray. Catalogue of the Tortoises, Crocodiles and Amphis- London, 1872. 8º. 7207. e. baenians in the collection of the British Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1844. 12º. Hand-List of the Edentate, Thick-skinned, and Rumi- nant Mammals in the British Museum ... [With]... [Another copy.] G. 19198. plates of skulls, etc. By J. E. Gray. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the collection of the London, 1873. 8º. 7207. f. British Museum. By J. E. Gray. Pt. 1, 2. (Supple- Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum. ment, etc. Pt. 1, 2.) London, 1855, 6. 4°. Second Edition. By J. E. Gray. London, 1866. 8º. 7205. f. 7207. g. Hand-List of the specimens of Shield Reptiles in the British Museum, etc. By J. E. Gray. Supplement to the Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the London, 1873. 8°. 7207. f. British Museum. By J. E. Gray. London, 1871. 8º. 7207. dd. The Gigantic Land-Tortoises, living and extinct, in the collection of the British Museum. [With plates.] By Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats A. Günther. London, 1877. 4º. 7307. k. i. in the collection of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray. London, 1870. 8º. 7207. g. Amphibia. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the collection of the Catalogue of the specimens of Amphibia in the collection British Museum. By G. E. Dobson. [With a preface of the British Museum. London, 1850. 12º. by A. C.L. G. Günther, and plates.] London, 1878. 8º. 7207. b. (2.) 7207. f. 2. Catalogue of the Batrachia Gradientia s. Caudata and List of the Osteological specimens in the collection of Batrachia Apoda, in the collection of the British the British Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] Museum. Second edition. By G. A. Boulenger. [With London, 1847. 12º. 7207. b. plates.] pp. viii. 127: London, 1882. 8º. Birds. 7207. g. (3.) Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the collection of List of the specimens of Birds in the collection of the the British Museum. By A. Günther. [Edited by J. E. British Museum. [By G. R. Gray. Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1858. 8º. Gray.] Pt. 1-3, sect. 1-4, pt. 4 & 5. : 7207. f. London, 1844-68. 12º. 7207. b. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia, s. Ecaudata, in the collection of the British Museum. Second edition. By [Another copy of pt. 3.] G. 19202. G. A. Boulenger. [With a preface by A. Günther:7 Second edition. Part 1. Accipitres. pp. xvi. 495. Taylor & Francis : London, 1882. 8º. London, 1848. 12º. 7207. b. 7207. g. (2.) Fishes. Catalogue of the genera and subgenera of Birds, con List of the specimens of Fish in the collection of the tained in the British Museum. [By G. R. Gray.] British Museum. Pt. 1. Chondropterygii. [By J. E. London, 1855. 8º. 7207. b. Gray.] London, 1851. 12º. 7207. b. Catalogue of the Birds of the tropical islands of the Catalogue of Fish, collected and described by L. T. Pacific Ocean in the collection of the British Museum. Gronow, now in the British Museum. [Edited by By G. R. Gray. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] J. E. Gray.) London, 1854. 12º. 7207. þ. London, 1859. 8º. Catalogue of Apodal Fish in the collection of the British Catalogue of British Birds in the collection of the Museum. By J. J. Kaup. [Translated from the Ger- British Museum. By G. R. Gray. [Edited by J. E. man MS. by Sir J. Richardson, and edited by J. E. Gray.) Gray.] London, 1863. 8º. 7207. g. London, 1856. 89. 7207. f. 7207. f. 441 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 442 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED) British Museum. [Department of Zoology (continued).] British Museum. [Department of Zoology (continued).] Catalogue of the Lophobranchiate Fish in the collection Catalogue of the specimens of Neuropterous Insects, in of the British Museum. By J. J. Kaup. [Edited by the collection of the British Museum. By F. Walker, J. E. Gray.] London, 1856. 12º. 7207. cce. edited by J. E. Gray.] 4 pts. London, 1852, 53. 12º. Catalogue of the Fishes in the collection of the British 7207. C. Museum. By A. Günther. 8 vol. Catalogue of the specimens of Neuropterous Insects in London, 1859-70. 8º. 7207. g. the collection of the British Museum. "By Dr. H. Hagen. Pt. 1. Termitina. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] Arthropoda. London, 1858. 1207 *7207. c. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira, in the collection of the British Museum. By T. V. Wollaston. Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the collection of [Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1857. 8º. the British Museum. By J. O. Westwood. Edited by 7207. f. J. E. Gray. ] Pt. 1. London, 1859. 4º. 7207. 1. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries, in Catalogue of the specimens of Blattariæ in the collection the collection of the British Museum. By T. V. Wollaston. of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. [Edited [Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1864. 8º. by J. E. Gray.] London, 1868. 89. 7207. g. 7207. g. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects in the collection Catalogue of the specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria, of the British Museum. [Pt. 144 by Adam White, Pt. and supplement to the Blattariæ in the collection of the 6 by Frederick Smith. Edited by J. E. Gray.7 British Museum. By Francis Walker. [Edited by J. London, 1847–52. 12º. 7207. c. E. Gray.] London, 1869. 8º. 7207. g. Pt. 5 is entitled: “List of Coleopterous Insects, etc. Pt. 1.” List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the See supra. collection of the British Museum. (By E. Doubleday. List of the Coleopterous Insects in the collection of the Edited by J. E. Gray.] 4 Parts. London, 1844. 120 British Museum. Pt. 1, Cucujidæ. [By F. Smith. Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1851. 120. - Appendix. 1848. 12º. 7207. bb. 7207. C. Imperfect; wanting pt. 2. Illustrations of typical specimens of Coleoptera in the Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in the collection collection of the British Museum. By C. O. Waterhouse. of the British Museum. Part 1. Papilionidæ. [By G. [Edited by A. C. L. G. Günther.] R. Gray.] London, 1852. 4º.. 7203. f. London. 1879, etc. 8º. In progress. 7297. c. 3. List of the specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the collection of the British Museum. By G. R. Gray. Catalogue of Halticidæ in the collection of the British [Edited by J. E. Gray.] Pt. 1. Papilionidæ. Museum. By... Hamlet Clark. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] Pt. 1. London, 1860. 8º. London, 1856. 7027. bb. 12º. 7207. f. List of the specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Catalogue of the Hispidæ in the collection of the British Museum. [By F. Walker. By J. S. Baly. collection of the British Museum. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] Edited by J. E. Gray.] 35 pts. London, 1854-66. 12º. Pt. 1. London, 1858. 8º. 7207. f. In progress. 7207. bb. List of British Curculionidæ, with synonyma. By John Walton. Edited by J. E. Gray.1. Catalogue of the Diurnal Lepidoptera of the family of London, 1856. 12º. 7207. C. Satyrida in the collection of the British Museum. By A. G. Butler. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] List of the specimens of Hymenopterous Insects in the London, 1868. gº. 7207. g. ... British Museum. Chalcidites. [By Francis Walker. Edited by J. E. Gray.] 2 pt. London, 1846–48. 12º. Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius 7207. C. in the collection of the British Museum. "By A. G. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the collection of Butler. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1869. 8º. 7207. f. the British Museum. [By Frederick Smith. Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1853–59. 12º. 7207. i. Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera He- terocera in the collection of the British Museum. Pt. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the collection of the 1-3 by A. G. Butler, Pt. 4 by Lord Walsingham, Pt. 5 British Museum. By Frederick Smith. [Edited by J. E. by A. G. Butler.] London, 1877, etc. 4º. Gray.] Pt. 1. Apidæ. London, 1855. 8°. 7207. C. In progress. 7296. h. Second edition. London, 1876. 8º. 7297. b. 5. List of the specimens of Dipterous Insects in the collec- Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymenoptera, (Formicidæ, tion of the British Museum. [By Francis Walker. and Vespidæ,) in the collection of the British Museum. Edited by J. E. Gray]. 7 pt. London, 1848–55. 120. By Frederick Smith. [Edited by J. E. Gray.7 7207. C. London, 1858. 12º. 7207. ccc. List of the specimens of Hemipterous Insects in the Descriptions of new species of Hymenoptera in the col- collection of the British Museum. [By W. S. Dallas. Edited by J. E. Gray.] 2 pts. lection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith. . [With a preface by A. C. L. G. Günther.] 7207. c. London, 1851–52. 8º. London, 1879. 8º. 7207. f. 4. Catalogue of the specimens of Heteropterous-Hemiptera List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of in the... British Museum. By F. Walker. [Edited the typical specimens in the British Museum. By W. by J. E. Gray.] 7 pts. (Supplement.) 9 pts. F. Kirby. London, 1882, etc. 8°. 7207. f. London, 1867-73. 8°. 7207. g. In progress. List of the specimens of Homopterous Insects in the Catalogue of British Ichneumonidæ in the collection of British Museum. [By F. Walker. Edited by J. E. the British Museum. By T. Des vignes. [Edited by J. Gray). 4 pts. and : uppl. London, 1850–58. 12º. E. Gray.] London, 1856. 8º. 7207. c. 7207. c. 443 ACADEMIES. [London.] 444 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). British Museum. [Department of Zoology (continued).] British Museum. [Department of Zoology (continued).] · List of the Specimens of Myriapoda in the collection of Catalogue of the Bivalve Mollusca in the collection of the British Museum. Pt. 1. [By George Newport. the British Museum. Pt. 1. Placentadæ and Anomiada. Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1844. 12º. London, 1850. 12º. 7207. d. 7027. ccc. [Another copy.] G. 19199. Catalogus Concharum Bivalvium, quæ in Musæo Bri- tannico asservantur. [By G. P. Deshayes. Edited by Catalogue of Myriapoda, etc. Pt. 1. Chilopoda. By G. J. E. Gray.] Pt. 1. Veneridæ. Londini, 1853. 12º. Newport. London, 1856. 12º. 7207. c. 7207. ccc. List of the Speciinens of Crustacea in the collection of Polyzoa. the British Museum. [By Adam White. Eilited by J. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the collection of the E. Gray.] London, 1847. 12º. 7207. ccc. British Museum, etc. [By G. Busk, edited by J. E. Gray.] Catalogue of Crustacea in the collection of the British 3 pts. London, 1852–75. 12º. 7207. ccc. Museum. Pt. 1. Leucosidæ. [By T. Bell. Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1855. 120 7207. ccc. Vermes. Catalogne of the specimens of Ampliipodous Crustacea Catalogue of the species of Entozoa, or intestinal worms, in the collection of the British Museum. By C. S. contained in the collection of the British Museum. Bato. [Edited by J. E. Gray.j London, 1862. 89. By W. Baird. Edited by J. E. Gray.] 7207. g. London, 1853. 12º. 7207. b. Mollusca. A Catalogue of the British non-parasitical Worms in the Guide to the systematic distribution of Mollusca in the collection of the British Museum. By G. Johnston. British Museum. By J. E. Gray. Pt. 1. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1865. 8º. London, 1857. 8º. 7207. f. 7207. f. 3. Catalogue of the Mollusca in the collection of the Echinodermata. British Museum. 4 pts. [By J. E. Gray.] Catalogue of the recent Echinida, or Sea Eggs, in the London, 1849–53. 12º. 7207. ccc. collection of the British Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] List of the Mollusca in the collection of the British Pt. 1. London, 1855. 8°. 7207. ccc. Muscum. [By J. E. Gray.] Pt. 1. Volutidæ. London, 1855. 12º: 7207. ccc. Coelenterata. Catalogo of Phaneropneumona, or, torrestrial opercu List of the specimens of British Sponges in the collec- lated mollusca in the collection of the British Museum. tion of the British Museum. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] [By L. G. C. Pfeiffer, edited by J. E. Gray.1 London, 1848. 12º. 7207. d. London, 1852. 12º. 7207. ccc. Catalogue of Lithophytes or Stony Corals in the collec Catalogue of Pulmonata or Air-breathing Mollusca, in tion of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray. the collection of the British Museum. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1870. 8º. *7298. b. Part 1. London, 1855. 8°. 7207. ccc. Catalogue of Sea-Pens or Pennatulariida in the collec- Catalogue of Auriculida, Proserpinidæ and Trun tion of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, catellidæ, in the collection of the British Museum. By London, 1870. 8º. 1207. dd. L. Pfeiffer. [Edited by J. E. Gray.] London, 1857. 12º. 7207. C. List of the British Diatomaceæ in the collection of the List of the Shells of the Canaries in the collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. W. Smith. [Edited by British Museum, coll.cted by MM. Webb and Berthelut, J. E. Gray.] London, 1859. 12º. 7207. ccc. described and figured by A. d'Orbigny. [By J. E. Gray.] (Appendix, List of marine testaceous mollusca, collected by R. MacAndrew...in the Canary Islands.) UNOFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. London, 1854. 12º. 7207. ccc. Guides. List of the Shells of Cuba in the collection of the British Museum, collected by R. de la Sagra, described by A. A view of the British Museum : or, a regular account d'Orbigny. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1854. 12º. relating what is inost remarkable and curious to be seen 7207. ccc. there. Collected from several authentic reports, etc. MS. NOTES. [London, 1760?] 80. 1044. c. 2. (1.) Lint of the Shells of South America in the collection of the British Museum. Collected and described by A. T'he General Contents of the British Museum : with d'Orbigny. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1854. 12º. remarks. Serving as a directory in viewing that noble 7207. ccc. Cabinet. MS. NOTES. Dodsley, London, 1761. 8º. 1044. c. 14. List of Mollusca and Shells in the collection of the British Museum, collected and described by MM. [Another copy.] 1044. c. 36. (3.) Eydoux and Souleyet. [By J. E. Gray.] [Another copy.) London, 1855. °°7207. ccc. 1044. b. 4. (1.) 12º. Catalogue of the collection of Mazatlan Shells in the Second edition, etc. London, 1762. 12º. 955. b. 37. British Museum : collected by...F. Reigen. Described [Anothor copy.] 1403. b. (1.) hy P. P. Carpenter. [With additions and corrections. Edited by J. E. Gray.) [Another copy.) 230. h. 33. London, (Warrington printed,] 1857. 12º. Brittisches Musoum, nebst der Beschreibung des be- 7207. b. rühmten Naturalien- u. Antiquitäten-Cabinets des Hon. Noinenclature of Molluscous Animals and Shells in the Ritters H. Sloane . . . Aus dem Englischen nach der collection of the British Museum. Pt. 1. Cyclophoridæ. neuesten Ausgabe. [A translation of “ The General [By W. Baird. Edited by J. E. Gray.] Contents of tho British Museum.”] Berlin, 1764. 89. London, 1850. 12º. 7207. ccc. 1403. b. 445 ACADEMIES. (London.] 446 LONDON (CONTINUED]. LONDON (CONTINUED). British Museum. British Museum. A Guide to the beauties of the British Museum, etc. The British Museum in five sections; or how to view London, 1826. 8º. T. 1212.6 the whole at once. London, 1852. 12º. 1158. c. 30. [Another edition.] London, [1830?] 8º. One of the “ New Library of Useful Knowledge." 1044. b. 17. See NichoLS (THOMAS) of the British Museum A hand- [Another copy.) A Guide for the one-day visiter to the book for readers in the British Museum. 1866. 8º. British Museum. London, 1836. 8°. 1044. b. 8. Catalogue Desk, R.R. This is a duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage. See SHEPPARD (JOHN H.) A sketch of the British Museum. The British Museum. Egyptian Antiquities [by G. 1869. 4º. 10349. h. 26. (2.) Long). 2 vol. 1832–36. See infra: Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. See NICHOLS (THOMAS) of the British Museum. A handy- Library of entertaining Knowledge. book of the British Museum, etc. 1870. 89. The British Musoum. 1832, etc. 12º. 1157. a. 15, 16. 2032. b. The British Museum. Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles [by Sir H. Ellis). 2 vol. 1833. Sales of Duplicates. See infra: Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library of entertaining Knowledge. A catalogue of the duplicates [Books) of the British The British Museum. 1833. 12º. 1157. a. 19, 20. Museum; sold... April the 4th 1769 and nine following The British Museum. The Townley Gallery [by Sir days. MS. NOTES. (London, 1769.] 89. 820. i. 28. H. Ellis). 2 vol. 1836. [Another copy.] 824. b. 17. (2.) Sce infra : Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library of entertaining Knowledge. [Another copy.] 821. 1. 14. (1.) British Museum. The British Museum. 1836. 12º. Mounted in quarto, with prices and purchasers' names 1157. a. 17, 18. in MS. A visit to the British Museum ; containing a familiar A catalogue of the duplicate Books, Coins, and Medals of the British Museum ... sold ... by order of the departments of that establishment. With nunerous Trustees. (Ms. prices, and numerous names of pur- illustrations. London, 1838. 169. 1044. b. 9. (1.) chasers.] [London, 1788.] 80. 821. I. 14. (2.) Guide cards to the British Museum. Mounted in quarto. (London, 1840 ?] 8º. 1044. a. 7. A catalogue of a collection of Minerals : being dupli- A complete Guide to the British Museum forming a cates of the British Museum; likewise some elegant correct catalogue, etc. [By R. T. Scott, and J. Kesson.] mahogany (abinets, sold by auction ... June 24, 1803, London, 1843. 12º. 1402. b. and three following days. [London, 1803.] 8º. 350. b. (5.) Second edition. London, 1843. 12º. 1402. b. A catalogue of the very valuable duplicate Books of the The People's Handbook to the British Museum. British Museum. [With prices, and purchasers' names London, 1843. 16º. 1402. a. 6. in ms.] [London, 1805.] go. 821. 1. 14. (3.) A Guide to the British Museum, fully descriptive of all Mounted in quarto. the most interesting natural curiosities, works of art, A catalogue of the Prints and Books of Prints, duplicates Greek and Roman Sculptures, Egyptian Antiquities and of the British Museum... which will be sold by auction other objects worthy the attention of visitors. ... ... May 8, 1811, etc. [With prices and purchasers' Abridged from the Synopsis, sold at the Museum, by names in Ms.] London, 1811. 8º. 679. c. 28. (8). W. Mason. London, 1844. 8º. 1402. C. See FLETCHER (w.) A Guide to the British Museum. Part 1. of a Catalogue of the duplicate Minerals of the [1850?] 8º. 1403. b. British Museum, which . . . will be sold by auction ... June 16, 1816, etc. [London, 1816.) 40. The British Museum, historical and descriptive, etc. [By T. 482. (15.) D. Magsın.] 1850. See Chambers (w.) and (R.) Publishers. Chambers's In [Another copy. With prices in ms.] 726. d. 34. structive and Entertaining Library. 1848, etc. 8º. 1157. f. 1. (3.) A catalogue of the duplicate Buoks of the British Museuin: which will be sold by auction . . . May 18, See Vaux (w. S. W.). Handbook to the Antiquities in 1818. London, [1818.] 8º. 130. k. 10. (2.) the British Museum, etc. 1851. 89. The British Museum ; its Antiquities and Natural Catalogue of the valuable duplicate Books of the British History. A Hand-Book Guide for visitors. [By H. G. Museum... To which is addod... the transactions of the Clarke.] London, [1851.] 8º. 1403. b. various literary and scientific Societies... which will be sold by auction... February... 24 and... following days. [Another edition.] London, 1853. 8º. 1403. b. (With prices and purchasers' names in ms.) [Another edition.] London, 1857. 8º. 7707. aa. (London,] 1831. gº. 821. 1. 16. (1.) [Another edition.] London, (1861.] 8º. 7702. a. 29. Mounted in quarto. See JERROLD (W. B.) How to see the British Museum in Catalogue of the extensive and valuable duplicate books fuur visits. 1852. 18º. 1403. b. of the British Museum...which will be sold by auction ... March 12 and following days. [With prices and See Sims (R.) Handbook to the Library of the British purchasers' names in Ms.] [London,] 1832. 80. Museum. 1854. 12º. 2050. a. 821. I. 16. (2.) More pleasant mornings at the British Museum; or, the handy-work of Cication. Natural History Department. Catalogue of the valuable duplicato books of the Britishı By the author of “Pleasant mornings at the British Museum,...which will be sold lwy auction ...July 10. Museum," etc. London, (1858.] 12º. 7205. a. [London,] 1832. 8º. 821. 1. 16. (3.) o.Londand-Book cite An SS 447 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 448 by the Gramenet of the world be 6168/2. LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). British Museum, British Ornithologists' Union. A list of British Birds, compiled by a committee of the Miscellaneous British Ornithologists' Union. With a preface signed See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.—Commons, House of. by P. L. Sclater and H. T. Wharton.] pp. xxxi. 229. Report from the Select Committee on the condition, J. van Voorst: London, 1883. 8º. 7284. b. 12. management and affairs of the British Museum, etc. [1835.] fol. : 2048. g. British Pomological Society. Transactions of the British Pomological Society. 3 Nois. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.—Commons, House of. London, 1855-57. 80. Ac. 3365. Report from the Select Committee on the British No more published. Museum, etc. [1836.] fol. 2048. g. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the constitution and management of the British Museum, London, 1858. 8º. 1890. b. 3. (29.) with minutes of evidence. (Appendix.) Meetings to be held during the year 1858, ... and London, 1850. fol. 2048. g. Schedule of Premiums. [London, 1858.] Si sh. 4º. 1890. b. 3. (31.) See CHARLES I., King of Great Britain and Ireland. A complete collection of books and pamphlets, etc. [Being British Pomological Society. September 9th, 1858. an account of the collection brought together by G. [Proceedings At Ordinary Meeting of the Society. Thomason, now in the British Museum Library, where (London, 1858.] 8º. 1890. b. 3. (30.) it is known as the “ Thomason Collection," or the “King's Pamphlets."] [1685?] S. sh. fol. British Topographical Society. C. 18. e. 2. (124.) The British Topographical Society for conducting re- Directions to such as apply for tickets to see the searches in national and provincial history. (Outline of British Museum. [London, 1761 ?] s. sh. 4º. objects, etc.) pp. 13. London, 1881. 8º. Ac. 6168. 1044. C. 4. (2.) Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar-Angus, Letters on the British Museum. [By A. Thomson.] with the breviary of the register. Edited by ...C. Dodsley : London, 1767. 12º. B. 677. (5.) Rogers. (Historical noticos of the Abbots of Cupar. By Major-General A. S. Allan.) 2 vol. TAnother copy. 1403. b. 2. London, Edinburgh (printed], 1880. gº. Ac. 6168/2. Fragment of a tragedy lately acted at the British A duplicate, with a new titlepage, of the work bearing the Museum. [A burlesque, by S. Weston on the loss of same title published by the Grampian Club. certain prints from Mr. Cracherode's collection. (London, 1806.] 4º. 642. k. 35. 5. Browning Society. The Browning Society's papers. [Another copy.] B. 469. (16.) Trübner & Co.: London ; Bungay (printed), 1881, etc. 8º. Index to the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum. In progress. Ac. 9483. [By Sir N. H. Nicholas.] London, 1823. 12º. Illustrations to Browning's Poems. Part I. . . . Photo- Interleaved. 620. b. 22. graphs ... With a notice of the artists and the pictures Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations, with reference to by E. Radford. many other valuable genealogical and topographical Trübner & Co.: London ; Bungay [printed), 1882, etc. fol. manuscripts in the British Museum. [By Sir N. H. In progress. Ac. 9483/2. Nicholas.] Second edition (of “ Index to the Herald's Visitations,” etc.] London, 1825. 8º. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue Desk, R.R. Marc Antonio Raimondi... Catalogue [of the exhibition [Another copy.] 11901. b. of his works at the Burlington Fine Arts Club). London, 1868. 4º. Ac. 4644. See ART. The Art of making Catalogues for Libraries ; ur, a Method to obtain in a short time, a most perfect... Marc Antonio Raimondi, etc. [An account of the life Printed Catalogue of the British Museum Library. and works of Raimondi, by R. Fisher. 7 1856. 8º. 11900. c. London, 1868. 4º. Ac. 4644/2. ¡Photographs from drawings, sculptures, etc. in the Albert Dürer and Lucas Van Leyden ... Catalogue [of British Museum.] [London, 1857.] fol. 1750. c. an exhibition of their works at the Burlington Fine Arts Club]. London, 1869. 4º. Ac. 4644/3. See EDWARDS (EDWARD) First Librarian of the Free Library, Manchester. Lives of the founders of the British Mu Raphael Sanzio and Michel-Angelo Buonarroti ... Cata- seum, etc. 1870. 8º. 2040. f. logue (of an exhibition of their works at the Burlington Fine Arts Club). London, 1870. 4º. Ac. 4644/4. The Print Room of the British Museum. An enquiry : by the Ghost of a departed Collector. Exhibition of drawings in water colours by artists born London, 1876. 8º. 7807. f. 2. (5.) anterior to 1800, and now deceased . . . Revised edition. [With introductory remarks by W. R. D.] See London. – Metropolitan Police. Stolen from the London, 1871. 4º. Ac. 4644/5. British Museum on or about the 15th of June the under- mentioned articles, etc. [A description of certain gems, Exhibition of the works of Old Masters, 1871, etc. etc. stolen from the Museum, issued by the Police, etc.) London, 1871. 4°. Ac. 4644/6. 1877. 8. sh. fol. 1881. c. 16. (16.) Exhibition of drawings and etchings by Claude le See BIRCH (W. DE G.) and JENNER (H.) Early Drawings Lorrain. London, 1872. 4º. Ac. 4644/8. and Illuminations ... with a Dictionary of subjects in the British Museum. 1879. 8º. 2050. d. Exhibition illustrative of Turner's Liber Studiorum, etc. London, 1872. 4º. AC. 4644/7. Twelve Photographs of the Natural History Museum, etc. H. Dixon : London, 1881. 4º. 1815. cc. 6. [Another copy.] 7857. h. 449 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 450 1876.* marks as of LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Burlington Fine Arts Club. Cambrian Archæological Association. Drawings and sketches by ... David Cox and ... P. de The report of the fifth(-ninth) annual meeting of the Wint... Catalogue. London, 1873. 4º. Ac. 4644/9. ... Association, etc. Collected works of the late George Mason. Catalogue, London, Tenby ſprinted], 1851-55. 8º. Ac. 5751/2. etc. London, 1873. 4º. Ac. 4644710. The first four reports were not published in a separate form, but will be found in the 6 Archaeologia Cambrensis," A short description of the English and Continental for the years 1847-50. Porcelain exhibited June 1873. London, 1873. 4º. AC. 4644/11. Cambrian Archäological Association. Truro Meeting, Illuminated Manuscripts Catalogue. F. P. 1862. [Programme.] Penzance, (1862.] 8. sh. 8º. (London,] 1874. 4°. Ac. 4644/12. 1801. d. 1. (57.) Only fifty copies printed. . BARNWELL (EDWARD LOWRY) Perrot Notes; or some Exhibition of the works of Thomas Girtin. account of the various branches of the Perrot Family. London, 1875. 4º. Ac. 4644/14. London, 1867. 89. 9903. g. Exhibition of a selection from the work of Wenceslaus MORRIS (LEWIS) Surveyor of Crown Lands in Wales. Celtic Hollar. London, 1875. 4º. Ac. 4644/13. Remains. [Edited by D. S. Evans.] London, 1878. 80. Ac. 5751/3. Exhibition of the works of William Blake, etc. With introductory remarks by W. B. Scott. WESTWOOD (JOHN OBADIAH) Lapidarium Walliæ: the London, 1876. 4º. Ac. 4644/15. early inscribed and sculptured stones of Wales, delineated and described by J. O. Westwood. pp. viii. 246, and [Another copy.] 7856, d. 101 plates. Oxford, 1876–79. 4º. Ac. 5751/4. An exhibition of artistic painted glass from the 14th to the 19th century. Collected and arranged by the Marquis D'Azeglio. London, 1876. 4º. Ac. 4644/16. Camden Society. · A descriptive catalogue of the works of the Camden Catalogue of the Etched Work of Rembrandt, selected Society, stating the nature of their principal contents, for exhibition at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, with the periods of time to which they relate ... Accompanied introductory remarks by a member of the Club (F. S. by a classified arrangement and an index, etc. By Haden]. London, 1877. 4º. Ac. 4644. 24. J. G. Nichols. Westminster, 1862. 8º. 2073. b. Exhibition of Japanese and Chinese Works of Art. [Catalogue. Compiled by F. Dillon.] [Another copy.] Ac. 8113/76. London, 1878. 4º. Ac. 4644/17. Second edition. Westminster, 1872. 4º. 2073. b. Catalogue of Bronzes and Ivories of European origin, Begin. The Camden Society. [Prospectus.] MS. NOTES. exhibited in 1879. [With a preface by A. H.] [London, 1837 ?] 8º. 1890. b. 3. (9.) Ac. 4644/18. London, 1879. 4º. Exhibition of a selection from the work of C. Méryon. Report of the Council ... 1839(-1841). 3 pt. [With an introductory sketch of his life and works.] London, 1839-40. 4º. 1890. b. 3. (10.) pp. 49. London, 1879. 4º. Ac. 4644/19. Report of the Auditors, dated 29th April, 1840(-41). Exhibition of drawings in Water Colours by artists born London, 1840-41. fol. . 806. k. 15. (134. 135.) in or subsequent to 1800, and now deceased, or who, born previous to that date, have died since the exhi- Report of the Council. Report of the Auditors. bition of the Club in 1871, etc. [Introductory remarks [London,] 1852. S. sh. fol. 1890. b. 3. (11.) by J. L. R., i.e. J. L. Roget.] pp. xv. 55. London, 1880. 4°. Ac. 4644/20. [Publications of the Camden Society. Catalogue of a collection of Woodcuts of the German London, 1838, etc. 4°.7 School, executed in the xyth and xvith centuries. [By In progress. J. M.] pp. v. 20. London, 1882. 4. Ac. 464472i. 1. Historie of the arrivall of Edward iv. in England and Pictures, drawings, designs and studies by the late the finall recouerye of his Kingdomes from Henry vi. D. G. Rossetti, etc. [A catalogue, with a preface by A.D. M.CCCC.LXXXI. Edited by J. Bruce. 1838. H. V. Tebbs.] pp. 56. London, 1883. 4º. Ac. 4644/22. Exhibition of etchings by R. Zeeman and K. Du Jardin, [Another copy.] G. 13307 with illustrative drawings. [With introductory remarks signed J. L. R., i.e. J. L. Roget.] pp. 36. 11. Kynge Johan. A play in two parts. By John Bale. Edited by J. P. Collier. Ac. 4644/23. 1838. London, 1833. 4º. Ac. 8113/2. Cambrian Archäological Association. G. 13308. [Another copy.] Archæologia Cambrensis, a record of the antiquities of III. Alliterative poem on the deposition of King Richard Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Cambrian II. Ricardi Magdiston de concordia inter Ric. II. et Archæological Association. vol. 1-4. civitatem London. Edited by T. Wright. 1838. London, [Manchester printed], 1846-49. 8º. Ac. 8113/3. - New Series. vol. 1-5. [Another copy.] G. 13309. London, Tenby [printed], 1850–54. 8º. Third Series. Vol. 1–15. [Edited by H. L. IV. Plumpton Correspondence. A series of letters written Jones.] London, Tenby (printed], 1855-69. 8º. in the reigns of Edward iv., Richard III., Henry VII., and Henry VIII. Edited by T. Stapleton, with noiices of the Fourth Series. [Edited by D. S. Evans. 7 family of Plumpton. 1839. Ac 8113/4. London, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 5751. & 263. In progress. [Another copy.] G. 13310. alhis Kingdomes. 1838. Ac. 8113. 451 ACADEMIES (LONDON.] 452 our years of theint. edits11317. aerset to the Lipunter. 188113/8. LONDON [CONTINUED). · LONDON [CONTINUED). Camden Society. Camden Society. v. Anecdotes and traditions, illustrative of early English XVIII. Three early English metrical romances, with an History and Literature, derived from Ms. sources. Edited introduction and glossary. Edited by J. Robson. 1842. by W. J. Thoms. 1839. Ac. 8113/5. Ac. 8113/18. [Another copy.] G. 13311. XIX. The private diary of Dr. John Dee and the cata- logue of his library of manuscripts. Edited by J. O. VI. The Political Songs of England, from the reign of Halliwell. 1842. Ac. 8113/19. John to that of Edward II. Edited and translated by J. Wright. 1839. Ac. 8113/6. [Another copy.] G. 13325. [Another copy.] G. 13312. XX. An apology for Lollard Doctrines attributed to Wicliffe. Now first printed from a manuscript in the VII. Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen library of Trinity College, Dublin. With an intro- Elizabeth by Sir John Hayward, Knt.; edited by duction and notes by J. H. Todd. 1842. Ac. 8113/20. J. Bruce. 1840. [Another copy.] G. 13321. [Another copy.] G. 13314. XXI. Rutland Papers. Original documents illustrative of VIII. Ecclesiastical Documents; viz., 1. A brief history of the courts and times of Henry vii. and Henry VIII., the Bishoprick of Somerset from its foundation to the selected from the private archives of the Duke of Rutland. By W. Jerdan. 1842. Ac. 8113/21. Macro. ... Published by the Rev. J. Hunter. 1840. [Another copy.] G. 13328. [Another copy.] G. 13315. XXII. The Diary of Thomas Cartwright, Bishop of Chester ; commencing... August 1686, and terminating...October IX. Speculi Britanniæ pars : an historical and choro 1687. Now first printed from the original ms. in the graphical description of the county of Essex, by John possession of the Rev. J. Hunter (and edited by him). Norden, 1554. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 1840. 1843 Ac. 8113/22. Ac. 8113/9. [Another copy.] G. 13329. [Another copy.] G. 13316. XXIII. Original Letters of eminent literary men of the x. A chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of King Edward the Fourth, by John Warkworth. Edited sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries: with by J. O. Halliwell. 1839. Ac. 8113/10. notes and illustrations by Sir Á. Ellis. 1843. Ac. 8113/23. [Another copy.] G. 13317 [Another copy.] G. 13330. XI. Kemp's Nine Daies' Wonder; performed in a daunce XXIV. A contemporary narrative of the proceedings from London to Norwich. With an introduction and against dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery in notes by the Rev. A Dyce. 1840. Ac. 8113/11. 1324 by Richard de Ladreole, Bisbop of Ossory. Edited [Another copy.] G. 13318. by T. Wright. 1843. Ac. 8113/24. XII. The Egerton Papers. A collection of public and [Another copy.] G. 13331. private documents, chiefly illustrative of the times of XXV., LIV., LXXXIX. Promptorium Parvulorum sive Cleri- Elizabeth and James I. ... Edited by J. P. Collier. corum, Lexicon Anglo-Latinum princeps, auctore Fratre 1840. Ac. 8113/12. Galfrido Grammatico dicto ... Nunc ... commentariolis [Another copy.] G. 13319. subjectis ... recensuit A. Way. 3 tom. 1843-65. Ac. 8113/25. XIII. Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda, de rebus gestis [Another copy of tom. 1.] G. 13313. Samsonis Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Edmundi. Nunc primum typis mandata curante J. G. Rokewode. 1840. XXVI. Three chapters of Letters relating to the sup- Ac. 8113/13. pression of Monasteries. Edited by T. Wright. 1843. [Another copy.] G. 13320. Ac. 8113/26. XIV. Narratives illustrative of the contests in Ireland in [Another copy.] G. 13332. 1641 and 1690. Edited by T. C. Croker. 1841. Ac. 8113/14. XXVII. Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leyces- ter, during his government of the Low Countries, in the [Another copy.] G. 13326. years 1585 and 1586. Edited by J. Bruce. 1844. Ac. 8113/27. xv. The chronicle of William de Rishanger of the Barons' Wars. The miracles of Simon de Montfort; [Another copy.] G. 13333. edited by J. O. Halliwell. 1841. Ac. 8113/15. XXVIII. Croniques de London, depuis l'an 44 Hen. 11). [Another copy.] G. 13322. jusqu'a l'ap 17 Edw. III. Edited from a Ms. in the Cottonian library by G. J. Aungier. 1844. XVI. The Latin Poems commonly attributed to Walter Ac. 8113/28. Mapes. Edited by T. Wright. 1841. Ac. 8113/16. [Another copy.] G. 13334. [Another copy.] G. 13324. XXIX. Three books of Polydore Vergil's English History, XVII. The second book of the travels of Nicander comprising the reigns of Henry VI., Edward iv., and Nucius, of Corcyra : edited from the original Greek ms. Richard III., from an early translation preserved among in the Bodleian library, with an English translation by the mss. of the Old Royal Library in the British Museum. J. A. Cramer. 1841. Ac. 8113/17 Ac. 8113/29. [ánvihor copy.] G. 13323. [Another copy.] G. 13335. 453 4:54 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] ist. Edmundas. 1850. Ac. 8113/49. LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Camden Society. Camden Society. XXX. The Thornton Romances. The early English XLV. Certain Considerations upon the Government of metrical romances of Percival, Isumbras, Eglamour and England. By Sir Roger Twysden. Edited... by J. M. Degrevant. ... Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 1844. Kemble. 1849. Ac. 8113/45. Ac. 8113/30. XLVI. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James VI. of [Another copy.] G. 13337. Scotland. Edited by J. Bruce. 1849. Ac. 8113/46. XXXI. Verney Papers. Notes of proceedings in the Long XLVII. Chronicon Petroburgense. Nunc primum typis Parliament, temp. Charles I. From the original pencil mandatum, curante T. Stapleton [and J. Bruce]. 1849. memoranda taken in the house by Sir Ralph Verney. Ac. 8113/47. Edited by J. Bruce. 1845. Ac. 8113/31. XLVIII. The Chronicle of Queen Jane, and of two years [Another copy.] G. 13338. of Queen Mary, and especially of the rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat. Written by à Resident in the Tower XXXII. The autobiography of Sir John Bramston. Now of London. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1850. first printed from the original Ms. [Edited by Lord Ac. 8113/48. Bray brooke.] 1845. Ac. 8113/32. XLIX. Wills and Inventories from the Registers of the XXXIII. Letters from James Earl of Perth to his sister. Commissary of Bury St. Edmunds and the Archdeacon the Countess of Erroll, and other members of his family, of Sudbury. Edited by S. Tymms. 1850. Edited by W. Jerdan. 1845.. Ac. 8113/33. XXXIV. De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maiorum et L. Gualteri Mapes de Nugis Curialium distinctiones vice comitum Londoniarum et quedam, que contingebant quinque. Edited... by T. Wright. 1850. Ac. 8113/50. temporibus illis ab anno 1178 ad annum 1274. Cum appendice. Nunc primum typis mandata, curante LI. The pylgrymage of Sir R. Guylforde to the Holy T. Stapleton. 1846. Ac. 8113/34. Land. A.D. 1506... Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 1851. Ac. 8113/51. XXXV. The Chronicle of Calais, in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. to the year 1540. Edited ... by J. G. LII. Money's received and paid for secret services of Nichols. 1846. Ac. 8113/35. Charles II. and James II. from 30th March, 1679 to 25th December, 1688. Edited ... by J. Y. Akerman. XXXVI. Polydore Vergil's English History, from an early 1851. Ac. 8113/52. translation preserved among the Mss. of the Old Royal LIII. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. Edited Library in the British Museum. Edited by Sir H. Elli. by J. G. Nichols. 1852. Ac. 8113/53. vol. 1. 1846. Ac. 8113/36. [Another copy.] G. 13336. Liv. Promptorium Parvulorum. See xxv. . XXXVII. A relation, or rather a true account of the island Lv. The Camden Miscellany. See XXXIX. of England ; with sundry particulars of the customs of LVI. Letters and Papers of the Verney Family, down to these people, and of the royal revenues under King the end of the year 1639. Edited by J. Bruce. 1853. Henry the Seventh, about the year 1500. Translated from the Italian, (with the original text] with notes, bv Ac. 8113/54. Charlotte Augusta Snøyd. 1847. Ac. 8113/37. LVII. The Ancren Riwle; a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life. Edited and translated from a XXXVIII. Documents relating to the foundation and an- semi-Saxon MS. of the thirteenth century. By J. tiquities of the Collegiate Church of Middleham, in the Morton. 1853. Ac. 8113/55. County of York; with an historical introduction and incidental notices of the Castle, Town and neighbour LVII. Letters of the Lady Brilliana Harley... With an hood. By W. Atthill. 1847. Ac. 8113/38. introduction and notes by T. T. Lewis. 1854. XXXIX., LV., LXI., etc. The Camden Miscellany. Ac. 8113/56. London, 1847. 4º. Ac. 8113/39. LIX., LXI. A roll of the household expenses of R. de In progress. Swinfield, Bishop of Hereford, during part of the years 1289 and 1290. Edited by the Rev. J. Webb. 2 vol. XL. A Commentary on the services and charges of 1854, 55. Ac. 8113/57. William, Lord Grey (of Wilton, by his son Arthur, Lord Grey of Wilton. With a memoir of the author, and Lx. Grants, etc. from the crown during the reign of illustrative documents. Edited by Sir P. de M. Grey Edward the Fifth, from the oriyinal docket-book, as. Egerton. 1847. Ac. 8113/40. Harl. 443 : and two speeches for openiug Parliament by J. Russell, Bishop of Lincolu, Lord Chancellor. · With XLI. Diary of Walter Yonge, ... written at Colyton and an historical introduction by J. G. Nichols. 1854. Axminster, 1604—1628. Edited by G. Roberts. 1848. Ac. 8113/58. Ac. 811341. LXI. The Camden Miscellany. See XXXIX. XLII. The Diary of H. Machyn, Citizen and Merchant LXII. See Lix. Taylor of London, from A.D. 1550 to A.D. 1563. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1848. Ac. 8113/42. LXIII. Charles I. in 1646. Letters of King Charles the First to Queen Henrietta Maria. Edited by J. Bruce. XLIII. The Visitation of the County of Huntingdon, 1856. AC. 8113/59. under the authority of William Camden ... by his deputy N. Charles, Lancaster Herald, A.D. 1613. Edited LXIV. An English Chronicle of the reigns of Richard II., by Sir H. Ellis. 1849. Ac. 8113/43. Henry IV., Heury V., and Henry VI., written before the year 1471. With an appendix containing the 18th XLIV. The Obituary of Riclard Smyth, Secondary of the and 19th years of Richard II., and the Parliament at Poultry Compter, London, being a catalogne of all such Bury St. Edmunds, 25th Henry VI., and supplementary persous as he knew in their life: extending from additions froin the Cotturi. Ms. chronicle cailed “ Eulu- A.D. 1627 to A.D. 1674. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 1849. gium.” Edited by ... J. S. Davies. 1856. Ac. 811344. Ac. 8113/60. 11 455 ACADEMIES. [London.] 456 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Camden Society. Camden Society. LXV, The Knights Hospitallers in England : being the LXXXI. Parliamentary Debates in 1610. Edited, from report of Prior Philip de Thame to the Grand Master the Notes of a Member of the House of Commons, by S. Elyan de Villanova, for A.D. 1338. Edited by L. B. R. Gardiner. 1862. Larking. With an historical introduction by J. M. Kemble. 1857. Ac. 8113/61. LXXXII. Lists of Foreign Protestants, and Aliens, resident in England 1618–1688. From returns in the State Paper LXVI. Diary of John Rous, Incumbent of Santon Down- Office. Edited by W. D. Cooper. 1862. ham, Suffolk, from 1625 to 1642. Edited by M. A. E. Ac. 811378 Green. 1856. Ac. 8113/62. LXXXIII. Wills from Doctors' Commons. A selection LXVII., LXXXIV., cv. Trevelyan Papers prior to A.D. 1558. from the wills of eminent persons proved in the Pre- (Pt. II. A.D. 1446–1643.) Edited by J. P. Collier. rogative Court of Canterbury, 1495–1695. Edited by (Pt. III., with introduction to parts I., II., and III. J. G. Nichols and J. Bruce. 1863. Ac. 8113/79. Edited by Sir W. C. Trevelyan and Sir C. L. Tre- velyan.) 3 pt. 1857–72. Ac.: 8113/63. LXXXIV. Trevelyan Papers. See LXVII. LXVIII. Journal of Rowland Davies, Dean of Ross, from LXXXV. The Life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York, or M. March 8, 1688–9 to Sept. 29, 1690. Edited by R. Caul- Rawdon the second of that name. Edited by R. Davies. field. 1857 Ac. 8113/64. 1863. Ac. 8113/80. LXIX. The Domesday of St. Paul's of the year M.CC.XXII. ; or Registrum de visitatione maneriorum LXXXVI. Letters of Queen Margaret of Anjou and Bishop per Robertum Decanum, and other original documents Beckington, and others. Written in the reigns of Henry relating to the manors and churches belonging to the V. and Henry VI. Edited by C. Monro. 1863. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London, in the twelfth Ac. 8113/81. and thirteenth centuries. With an introduction, notes, LXXXVII. The Camden Miscellany. See XXXIX. and illustrations by W. H. Hale. 1858. Ac. 8113/65. LXX. Liber Famelicus of Sir James Whitelocke, a judge LXXXVIII. Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir G. Carew of the Court of King's Bench in the reigns of James I. ... Edited by J. Maclean. 1864. Ac. 8113/82. and Charles I. Edited by J. Bruce. 1858. LXXXIX. Promptorium Parvulorum. See xxv. Ac. 8113/66. LXXI. Savile Correspondence. Letters to and from Henry Savile, Envoy at Paris, including letters from relations between England and Germany at the con- his brother George, Marquess of Halifax... Edited by mencement of the Thirty Years' War. From the out- W. D. Cooper. 1858. Ac. 8113/67. break of the Revolution in Bohemia to the Election of the Emperor Ferdinand 11. Edited by S. R. Gardiner. LXXII. The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of (Second series, from the Election of the Emperor Dammartin. By Philippe de Reimes, a trouvère of the Ferdinand II., to the close of the Conference at Mühl- thirteenth century. Edited... by M. Le Roux de Lincy. hausen.) 2 vol. 1865–68. Ac. 8113/83. 1858. Ac. 8113/68. LXXIII. The Camden Miscellany. See XXXIX. XCI. Registrum sive liber irrotularius et consuetudi- narius Prioratus Beatæ Mariæ Wigorniensis : with an Lxxiv. Diary of the marches kept by the Royal Army introduction, notes and illustrations, by W. H. Hale. during the great civil war ; kept by R. Symonds. 1865. Ac. 8113/84. Edited by C. E. Long. 1859. Ac. 8113/69 XCII. Pope Alexander the seventh and the College of LXXV. Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton, ... With an appendix of documents, 1662–1680. With a catalogue of Dr. Bargrave's relating to his connection with the Powell Family. Museum. Edited by J. C. Robinson, etc. 1867. Edited by W. D. Hamilton. 1859. Ac. 8113/70. Ac. 8113/85. LXXVI. Letters from George, Lord Carew, to Sir Thomas XCIII. Accounts and Papers relating to Mary Queen of Roe, Ambassador to the Court of the Great Mogul, Scots. Edited by A. J. Crosby and J. Bruce, etc. 1615–1617. Edited by J. Maclean. 1860. 1867. Ac. 8113/86. Ac. 8113/71. XCIV., XCVII. History from Marble. Compiled in the LXXVII. Nar ratives of the days of the Reformation, reign of Charles II. by T. Dingley. With an intro- chiefly from the manuscripts of John Foxe the Martyr duction and descriptive table of contents by..J. G. ologist; with two contemporary biographies of Arch Nichols. 2 vol. 1867, 68. Ac. 8113,87. bishop Cranmer. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1859. Ac. 8113/72. xcv. Manipulus Vocabulorum. A dictionary of English LXXVIII. Correspondence of King James VI. of Scot- and Latin words, arranged in the alphabetical order of land, with Sir R. Cecil and others in England, during the last syllables, by Peter Levins. First printed A.D. the reign of Queen Elizabeth, etc. Edited by J. Bruce. 1570; now re-edited, by H. B. \\ huatley. 1867. Ac. 8113/88. 1861. Ac. 8113/73. LXXIX. Letters written by John Chamberlain during the XCVI. Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean, by reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited... by S. Williams. Sir K. Digby, A.D. 1628. Edited by J. Bruce. 1868. 1861. Ac. 8113/74. Ac. 8113/89. Lxxx. Proceedings, principally in the county of Kent, XCVII. See xciv. in connection with the Parliaments called in 1640, and XCVIII. See xc. especially with the Committee of Religion appointed in that year. Edited by L. B. Larking, from the collec [xcix.] Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle tions of Sir E. Dering, 1627–1644, with a preface by J. Temple...1602–1608. Edited by J. Bruce. Bruce. 1862. Ac. 8113/75. 1868. Ac. 8113/90. mittements called ity of Kent 457 ACADEMIES. (London.] 458 "wood. presumed to builton, and a XXXIX. LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Camden Society. Camden Society. c. Notes of the Treaty carried on at Ripon between King N. S. XIII. The Autobiography of Anne Lady Halkett. Charles I. and the Covenanters of Scotland, A.D. 1640, Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1875. .Ac. 8113/106. taken by Sir J. Borough. Edited by J. Bruce. 1869. Ac. 8113/91. N. S. XIV. The Camden Miscellany. See xxxIx. CI. El Hecho de los tratados del matrimonio pretendido N. S. xv. Letters of Humphrey Prideaux ... to John por el Principe de Gales con la serenissima Infante de Ellis, Under-Secretray of State ... 1674-1722. Edited España Maria, tomado desde sus principios...y ajustado, by E. M. Thompson. 1875. Ac. 8113/107 con los papeles originales desde consta por... Francisco de Jesus. Narrative of the Spanish Marriage Treaty, N. S. XVI. A Common-place Book of John Milton, and a edited and translated by S. R. Gardiner. Span. & Eng. Latin essay and Latin verses presumed to be by Milton. 1869. Ac. 8113/92. Edited by A. J. Horwood. 1876. Ac. 8113/108. CII. Churchwardens' Accounts of the Town of Ludlow, in N. S. XVI*. Revised edition. 1877. Ac. 8113/108. Shropshire, from 1540 to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by T. Wright. 1869. N. S. XVII. The Historical Collections of a Citizen of Ac. 8113/93. London (W. Gregory] in the fifteenth century. Con- CIII., N. S. XXIV. Notes of the Debates in the House of taining : 1. J. Page's Poem on the Siege of Rouen. Lords, officially taken by H. Elsing, Clerk of the Par- II. Lydgate's verses on the Kings of England. III. W. liaments, A.D. 1621 (1624 and 1626). Edited ... by Gregory's Chronicle of London. Edited by J. Gairdner. S. R. Gardiner. 2 vol. 1870–79. Ac. 8113/94. 1876. Ac. 8113/109. civ. The Camden Miscellany. See xxxix. N. S. XVIII. Documents relating to the proceedings against W. Prynne, in 1634 and 1637. With a bio- cv. Trevelyan Papers. See LXVII. graphical fragment by the late J. Bruce. Edited by S. R. Gardiner. 1877. Ac. 8113/110. New Series 1. The Fortescue Papers ; consisting chiefly of letters relating to State affairs, collected by John N. S. XX. See N. S. XI. Packer, Secretary to George Villiers, Duke of Bucking- ham. Edited by S. R. Gardiner. 1871. Ac. 8113/95. N. S. XXI. A Treatise on the pretended divorce between Henry VIII. and Catharine of Arragon. By Nicholas N. S. II. Letters and Papers of J. Shillingford, Mayor of Harpsfield. Now first printed from a collation of four Exeter, 1447-50. Edited by S. A. Moore. 1871. manuscripts. By N. Pocock. 1878. Ac. 8113/111. Ac. 8113/96. N. S. III. The Old Cheque-Book, or Book of Remem- N. S. XXII., XXIII. Correspondence of the Family of brance of the Chapel Royal, from 1561 to 1744. Edited Hatton, being chiefly letters addressed to Christopher, first Viscount Hatton, A.D. 1601–1704. Edited by E. M. by E. F. Rimbault. 1872. Ac. 8113/97. Thompson. 2 vol. 1878. Ac. 8113/115. N. S. IV. A true relation of the life and death of ... N. S. XXIV. See cir. William Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore. Edited by T. W. Jones. 1872. Ac. 8113/98. N. S. XXV. The Economy of the Fleete or an apologeti- N. S. V. The Maire of Bristowe is Kalendar, by Robert cal answeare of A. Harris, late Warden there, unto Ricart, Town Clerk of Bristol 18 Edward iv. Edited XIX. Articles sett forth against him by the prisoners. by Lucy Toulmin Smith. 1872. Ac. 8113/99. Edited by A. Jessopp. pp. xxii. 196. 1879. Ác. 8118/116. N. S. VI. Debates in the House of Common in 1625. N. S. XXVI. Documents illustrating the history of S. Edited, from a Ms. in the library of Sir R. Knightley, Paul's Cathedral. Edited by W. S. Simpson. pp. lxx. Bart., by S. R. Gardiner. 1873. Ac. 8113/100. 238. 1880. Ac. 8113/117. N. S. VII. Military Memoir of Colonel John Birch, by Rue, his secretary. With an historical and critical N. S. XXVII. The Hamilton papers : being selections from commentary, notes, and appendix, by . . .J. Webb... original letters in the possession of the Duke of Hamilton Edited by...J. W. Webb. 1873. Ac. 8113/101. and Brandon, relating to the years 1638–1650. Edited by S. R. Gardiner. pp. vi. 274. 1880. 4º. N. S. VIII., ix. Letters addressed from London to Sir Ac. 8113/118. Joseph Williamson while Plenipotentiary at the Con- gress of Cologne in...1673 and 1674. Edited by W. D. N. S. XXVIII. Three fifteenth-century Chronicles, with Christie, etc. 2 vol. 1874. Ac. 8113/102. historical memoranda by J. Stowe, ... and contem- porary notes of occurrences, written by him in the reign N. S. X. Account of the Executors of Richard Bishop of of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by J. Gairdner. pp. xxvii. London, 1303, and of the Executors of Thomas Bishop 206. 1880. Ac. 8113/119. of Exeter, 1310. Edited from the original mss. . .. by ...W. H. Hale...and...H. T. Ellacumbe. 1874. N. S. XXIX. The Register of the visitors of the Uni- Ac. 8113/103. versity of Oxford, from A.D. 1647 to A.D. 1658. Edited, with some account of the state of the University during N. S. XI., XX. A chronicle of England during the reigns of the Tudors, from A.D. 1485 to 1559 . . . By Charles the Commonwealth, by M. Burrows. pp. cxxxii. 593. 1881. Ac. 8113/120. Wriothesley, Windsor Herald. Edited, from a Ms. in the possession of... Lord H. H. M. Percy, by W. D. N. S. XXX. Catholicon Anglicum, an English-Latin Hamilton. 2 vol. 1875–77. Ac. 8113/104. Wordbook, dated 1483. Edited, from the Ms. No. 168 in the library of Lord Monson, collated with the addi- N. S. XII. The Quarrel between the Earl of Manchester tional ms. 15,562. British Museum, with introduction and Oliver Cromwell: an episode of the English Civil and notes by S. J. H. Herrtage . . . With a preface lov War. Unpublished documents relating thereto collected H. B. Wheatley. pp. lii. 432. Oxford, 1882. by J. Bruce, with fragments of a historical preface by Ac. 8113, 121. Mr. Bruce, annotated and completed by D. Masson. 1875. Ac. 8113/105. N. S, xxxi. The Camden Miscellany. See xxxix, by Lucy mwyn Clerk ºff Bris TT 459 ACADEMIES. [London.] 460 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Camden Society. Chaucer Society. N. S. XXXII. The Voyage to Cadiz in 1625. Being a A Six-Text Print of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in journal written by John Glanville. Edited by A. B. parallel columns from the following MSS. : 1. The Elles- Grosart. 1883. Ac. 8113. mere. 2. The Hengwrt 154. 3. The Cambridge Univ. Libr. Gg. 427. 4. The Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford. N. S. xxxiv. The political memoranda of Francis, fifth 5. The Petworth. 6. The Lansdowne 851. Edited by Duke of Leeds, etc. Edited by Oscar Browning. 1884. F. J. Furnivall. (A Temporary Preface to the Six-Text Ac. 8113. Edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. By F.J. Furni- vall. Ryme-index ... By H. Cromie.) A selection from the papers of Dr. S. Forman. [Edited London, (Bungay, printed, 1868, etc.] obl. 4º. and 8º. by J. O. Halliwell.] MS. NOTE [by Sir H. Ellis). In progress. Ac. 9924. [London, 1843.] 40. Ac. 8112. Without titlepage, pp. 1-40; being a "proof for considera- The Cambridge ms. ... of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. tion" of a work intended to have been published by the Edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1868, etc. 8º. Camden Society. Only sixteen copies printed. In progress. Ac. 9924/4. The Corpus MS. . . . of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Original Letters of the Duke of Monmouth in the Bod- Edited by F. J. Furnivall. leian Library. Edited by Sir G. Duckett, Bart. pp. 12. London, Bungay, printed,] 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9924/5. (London,] 1879. 4º. Ac. 8113/112. In progress. The Ellesmere Ms. of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Cavendish Society. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. (Ryme-index.... By H. Works of the Cavendish Society. 30 vols. Cromie.) London, [Bungay, printed,] 1868–75. 80° London, 1848–72. 8º. Ac. 3922. Ac. 9924/2. The Hengwrt Ms. of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Caxton Society. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, Bungay, printed,] 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9924/3. Publications of the Caxton Society. 16 vols. In progress. London, 1844-54, etc. 8º. Ac. 8114. The Lansdowne Ms. of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Galfredi Monumetensis Historia The Anglo-Norican Metrical Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Britonum. Edidit J. A. Giles. Romance of G. Gaimar. London, (Bungay, printed,] 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9924/7. 1844. Edited by T. Wright. 1850. In progress. Chronicon Angliæ Petriburgense. Walteri Abbatis Dervensis Epis- Cum cod. misto. contulit J. A. tolæ. Now first published by The Petworth MS. of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Giles. 1845. C. Messiter. 1850. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Scriptores rerum gestarum Wil- London, Bungay, printed,] 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9924/6. helmi Conquestoris. In unum Benedicti Abbatis Petriburgenis In progress. collecti ab ). A. Giles. 1845. De Vita et Miraculis S. Thomæ Cantuar. Published by the Supplementary Canterbury Tales. . . . Re-edited from Clironicon Heurici de Silegrave. Rev. Dr. Giles. 1850. the Duke of Northumberland's unique Ms., by F. J. Now first published by C. Anecdota Bedæ, Lanfranci, et Furnivall, ... and W. G. Stone. London, 1876, etc. 8º. aliorum. By the Rev. Dr. In progress. Ac. 9924/22. Epistolæ Herberti de Losinga, Giles. 1851. Osberti de Clara et Elmeri. A Parallel-Text Edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems. Nunc primum editæ à R. Radulfi Nigri Chronica. Now Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Anstruther. 1846. first edited by R. Anstruther. London, (Bungay, printed, 1871, etc.] obl. 4º. Alani, Abbatis Tewkesberiensis, 1851. In progress. Ac. 9924/15. scripta quæ extant. Edita ab Memorial of Bishop Waynflete. J. A. Giles. 1846. By Dr. P. Heylin. Now first Supplementary Parallel-Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems. Galfridi le Baker de Swinbroke, edited from the original Ms. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, etc. Chronicon Angliæ temporibus by J. Rouse. 1851. London, [Bungay, printed, 1871, etc.] obl. 4º. Edwardi II. et Edwardi III. Nunc primum edidit J. A. R. Grossetete Carmina Anglo- In progress. Ac. 9924/14. Giles. 1847. Normannica. Now first edited by M. Cooke. 1852. A One-Text print of Chaucer's Minor Puems, being the La Repulte du Conte de Warwick contre le Roi Edward Iv. Vita Quorundum Anglo- best text of each poem in the Parallel-Text Edition... Published' by. J. A. Giles. Saxonum. Edited by the Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 1849. Rev. Dr. Giles. 1854. London, (Bungay, printed,] 1871, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 9924/10. Central Society of Education. . Odd Texts of Chaucer's Minor Piems, edited by F. J. First (second, third) Publication. 3 pt. Furnivall. - London, [Bungay, printed,] 1871, etc. 8º. London, 1837-39. 12º. 716. c. 12–14. In progress. Ac. 9924/11. The Educator. Prize essays on the experiency and A Treatise on the Astrolabe; addressed to his son means of elevating the profession of the Educator in Lowys by G. Chaucer. A.D. 1391. Edited from the society. By J. Lalor, J. A. Heraud, E. Higginson, earliest mss. by... W. W. Skeat. London, 1872. 8º. J. Simpson and Mrs. G. R. Porter. London, 1839. 12º. Ac. 9924/16. 716. c. 11. A Parallel-Text print of Chaucer's Truilus and Criseyde, Chaucer Society. from the Campsall ms. of Mr. Bacon Frank, copied fir llenry v. wheu Prince of Wales, the Harleian ms. 2280 Chaucer Society. Second (third, etc.) report ..... in the British Museum, and the Cambridge University 1870–(73, etc.). [Bungay, 1870–73, etc.) 80. Library Ms., Gg. 4. 27. Put furth by F. J. Furnivali. In progress. AC. 9924/20. pp. 298. London, [1881, 82.] obl. fol. Ac. 9924/23. Hook 461 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 462 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Chaucer Society. Clinical Society. Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde (from the Harl. Ms. Transactions. London, 1868, etc. 8º. 3943) compared with Boccaccio's Filostrato. Translated In progress. by W. M. Rossetti. (Lydyate on Chaucer and his “ Troylus." From Arundel MS. 99, etc.) General index to the first twelve volumes of the Trans- London, 1873-83. obl. 4º. Ac. 9924/17. actions, etc. Ac. 3826. London, 1880. 8º. Autotypes of Chaucer Manuscripts. (Edited by F. J. Cobden Club. Furnivall.] [London, 1877, etc.] fol. Commercial Treaties: Free Trade and Internationalism. In progress. Tab. 1700. c. Four Letters, reprinted from the“ Manchester Examiner and Times.” By a disciple of Richard Cobden. Albertani Brixiensis Liber Consolationis et Consilii, ex London, Manchester (printed], 1870. 8º. quo hausta est fabula Gallica de Melibeo et Prudentia, 8228. bb. 1. (1.) quam, Anglicè redditam et the Tale of Melibe inscriptam, Ĝ. Chaucer inter Canterbury Tales recepit. Edidit Systems of Land Tenure in various countries. A series Thor Sundby. Londini, 1873. 8º. Ac. 9924/19. of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. London, 1870. 8º. 2240. C. Animadversions uppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones (in T. Speght's [Another edition.] London, (1876.] 8º. 8205. ee. 1. edition) of Chaucers works sett downe before tyme, and New edition. London, [1881.] 8º. 2240. a. now reprinted in the yere of our lorde 1598 sett downe by F. Thynne ... Now newly edited from the ms. in the Free Trade and Free Enterprise. Report of the pro- Bridgewater Library, with fresh collections for the ceedings at the dinner of the Cobden Club, June 28, lives of W. Thynne, the Chaucer editor, and F. T'hynne, 1873...Speech of...D. A. Wells... With preface by Sir L. Mallet, and list of members. London, 1873. 8º. “The Pilgrim's Tale,” by F. J. Furnivall, and a preface 8228. bb. 1. (3.) by G. H. Kingsley. London, 1876. 8º. Cobden Club Essays. Local Government and Taxation. Ac. 9924/21. Edited by J. W. Probyn. London, 1875. 8º. Essays on Chaucer, his words and works. [Edited by 2240. e. F. J. Furnivall.] [Another edition.] London, 1882. 8º. Ac. 2358. London, [Bungay, printed, 1868, etc.] 8º. In progress. Ac. 9924/9. Free Trade and the European treaties of commerce ; being : 1. Report of proceedings at the dinner of the Life-Records of Chaucer... Edited from the contemporary Cobden Club July 17, 1875...2. Correspondence on the enrolments by W. D. Selby. London, 1875, etc. gº. prospects of free trade in Germany, Austria, Italy, the In progress. Ac. 9924/18. United States, Australia, etc. 3. Discussion on the treaties of commerce, at a meeting of the Political Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canter- Economy Society of Paris ... With an introduction; bury Tales. London, [1872, etc.] 8º. Report of the Committee, 1875; list of members, etc. In progress. Ac. 9924/13. London, 1875. 8º. 8228. bb. 1. (4.) Trial-Forewords to my " Parallel-Text Edition of Correspondence relative to the Budgets of various Chaucer's Minor Poems” for the Chaucer Society, with countries. Edited by J. W. Probyn. a try to set Chaucer's works in their right order of time, London, 1877. 8º. By F. J. Furnivall. (Appendix to Trial-Forewords.) 8228. bb. 2. (3.) London, [Bungay, printed,] 1871. 8º. Ac. 9924/12, BASTIAT (FRÉDÉRIC) Popular fallacies regarding trade and foreign duties : being the “Sophismes économiques” ELLIS (ALEXANDER JOHN) On Early English Pronuncia of F. Bastiat, ... adapted to the present time by E. R. tion, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaurer, Pearce. pp. 79. Cassell & Co.: London, etc., 1882. go containing an investigation of the correspondence of 8228. bb. writiny with speech in England, from the Anglosaxon period to the present day...Including a re-arrangenient BEAR (WILLIAM E.) The Relations of Landlord and of...F. J. Child's Memoirs on the language of Chaucer Tenant in England and Scotland. [Published by the and Gower...By A. J. Ellis. Cobden Club, with a preface by J. W. Prohyn.] London, Hertford [printed], 1869, etc. 8º. London, 1876. 8º. 8228. bb. 2. (1.) In progress. Ac. 9924/8. BRODRICK (Hon. GEORGE CHARLES) English Land and English Landlords. An enquiry into the origin and Chemical Society. character of the English Land-System, with proposals The Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of for its reform. With an index. pp. viii. 515. London. Edited...(vol. 1, 2) by E. Ronalds. lõiol. Cassell & Co.: London, 1881. 89. 2240. c. London, 1849-62. 80. BRODRICK (Hon. GEORGE CHARLES) The reform of the The Journal of the Chemical Society of London. New English Land System. pp. 28. Series. Editor H. Watts. London, 1863, etc. 8º. Cassell & Co. i London, 1883. 89. 8228. bb. In progress. Ac. 3923 & 224. CAMPBELL (GEORGE DOUGLAS) Duke of Argyle. Essay on Index to the first twenty-volumes of the Journal of the the Commercial Principles applicable to Contracts for Chemical Society, 1848-1872; and to the Memoirs and the Hire of Land. London, 1877. 8º. Proceedings, 1841-1847. Compiled by H. Watts. 8228. bb. 2. (4.) London, 1874. 8º. Ac. 3923/2. [Another copy.7 BB. E. and Reciprocity. A speech, etc. pp. 38. Cassell & Co.: London, [1881.] 8°. 8228. b. 17. Chronological Institute. CROSS (JOHN KYNASTON) Imports, Exports, and the French Transactions. London, 1852, etc. 8º. Ac. 8111. Treaty. pp. 12. Cassell & Co.: London, 1881. 8º. In progress. 8228. bb. 9. 463 464 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Cobden Club. Company of Surgeons of London, afterwards Royal MALLET (Sir Louis) Reciprocity. A letter, etc. :: College of Surgeons. See infra : Royal College of London, (1879.] gº. 8228. bb. 2. (5.) Surgeons. Copernican Meteorological Society. . MEDLEY (GEORGE W.) The Reciprocity Craze. A tract The Journal of Astronomic Meteorology, and record of for the times. pp. 36. Cassell & Co.: London, 1881. 8º. 8228. bb. 8. the science and phenomena of the weather. Published by the “ Copernican Meteorological Society," etc. No. 1. MONGREDIEN (AUGUSTUS) Pleas for Protection examined. London, [1862.] 89. Ac. 4095. pp. 48. Cassell & Co. : London, 1882. 8º. No more published. 8228. bb. Corporation of Surgeons of London, afterwards Royal SLAGG (JOHN) Free Trade and Tariffs. A speech, etc. College of Surgeons. See infra : Royal College of pp. 16. Cassell & Co.: London, [1881.] 8º. Surgeons. 8228. bb. 10. Cottonian Society, STUART (J. M.) The History of Free Trade in Tuscany, ROGER, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) Rev. Genealogical etc. [Published by the Committee of the Cobden Club, Memoirs of the Families of Colt and Coutts. pp. 59. with a preface by J. W. Probyn.] London, 1876. 8º. London, Edinburgh (printed], 1879. 8º. Ac. 5961. 8228. bb. 2. (2.) A duplicate, with a new titlepage, of the world bearing the TORRENS (Sir ROBERT RICHARD) An essay on the Transfer same title published by the Royal Historical Society. of Land by Registration under the duplicate method operative in British Colonies. pp. 88. | Council of Law Reporting. Cassell & Co.: London, [1882.] 80. 8228. bb. The Law Reports. Court of Queen's Bench. Reported by W. Mills and H. Holroyd, and in the Bail Court, by WELLS (DAVID A.) Revenue of the United States. E. A. C. Schalch. (Court of Common Pleas, . .. by J. Official Report by...D. A. W... . Reprinted. [With a Scott and H. Bompàs. Court of Exchequer ... by J. preface by the Cobden Club.] London, 1870.80. Anstie and A. Charles. High Court of Admiralty, and 8228. bb. 1. (2.) Ecclesiastical Courts . . . by E. Browning. Courts of Der Cobden-Club. pp. 46. Probate and Divorce ... T. H. Tristram, Ř. Searle and Berlin, Görlitz (printed), 1881. 8º. 8229. bbb. 40. J. G. Middleton. Crown Cases reserved... by E. A. C. Schalch.) Edited by J. R. Bulwer. London, 1866, etc. go. 6126. bb. c. & cc. & 1002. College of Physicians. In progress. The title on the wrapper reads : “ The Law See infra : Royal College of Physicians. Reports. Common Law Series." The Law Reports. English and Irish Appeal Cases and Claims of Peerage before the House of Lords. Reported College of Preceptors. by C. Clark. (Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases before Calendar of the College. Instituted June, 1846. the House of Lords . . . by J. F. Macqueen.—Privy London, 1847. 8°. 732. d. 45. Council Appeals... by E. F. Moore.) London, 1866, etc. 8°. 6126. d. & dd. & 1002. The Calendar for the year 1880, etc. 8º. In progress. The title on the wrapper reads : “ The C. F. Hodgson & Son : London, 1880, etc. 8º. Law Reports. Appellate Series." In progress. P.P. 2506. an. The Law Reports. Equity Cases before the Master of Royal College of Preceptors, ... Pupils Examination the Rolls and the Vice Chancellors. (Chancery Appeal Papers...1857, etc. Second edition. Cases, including Bankruptcy and Lunacy Cases, etc. London, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 2663. Reporters : C. Marett, H. C. Jones, M. Ware, J. H. In progress. Fordham, E. Wingfield, J. Stirling, T. W. Gunning, J. J. Smale, J. W. de Longueville Giffard, T. F. Morse, [Another copy for 1862, 63 only.] 8305. cc. J. B. Davidson, F. G. A. Williams, W. D. Griffith.) Edited by G. W. Hemming. London, 1866, etc. 8º. A List of the Council, Board of Examiners, Fellows, In progress. . 6126. aa. b. & 1002. Licentiates, . . . and other members of the College of Preceptors. London, 1862, etc. 8º. 8305. cc. The Law Reports. The Public General Statutes ... In progress. with a list of the local and private acts passed in the twenty-ninth, ... thirtieth (Thirty-first, etc.), years of Lectures on Education : delivered before the members the reign of ... Queen Victoria, etc. of the College of Preceptors in...1871, etc. London, 1866, etc. 8º. 6126. e. & 1002. London, [1872, etc.] 80. 8309. df. In progress. In progress. The Law Reports. Digest of Cases decided in the House Answers to the College of Preceptors' Examination. of Lords, Privy Council, and the Superior Courts of Questions in English History, from 1847 to 1882. pp. Common Law and Equity and in the Admiralty and 210. Allman & Son : London, [1884.] 8º. Ecclesiastical Courts . . . From the commencement of 9506. bbb. 28. Michaelmas Term, 1865, etc. London, 1869. 8º. 6120. cc. 1. Answers to the College of Preceptors' Examination Questions in Scripture History, from 1847 to 1882. pp. The Law Reports. Digest of Cases decided in the 210. Allman & Son : London, [1884.] House of Lords, Privy Council, and in the Superior 8º. 3128. ee. 30. Courts of Common Law and Equity, and in the Ad- miralty...from the commencement of Michaelmas Term, Colonial Society. 1865 to the end of the sittings after Trinity Term, 1875. Compiled by M. Ware. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8º. See infra : Royal Colonial Institute. 6125. g. 12. 00 465 ACADEMIES. [London.] 466 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Council of Law Reporting. Cymmrodorion Society. The Law Reports ... Digest of Cases decided by the The depositions, arguments and judgment in the cause House of Lords, Privy Council, and the Superior Courts of the Churchwardens of Trefdraeth in . . . Anglesea of Common Law and Equity, and by the Admiralty and against Dr. Bowles... instituted to remedy the grievance Ecclesiastical Courts, and the Courts of Probate, Divorce, of preferring persons unacquainted with the British and Matrimonial Causes, and for Crown Cases Reserved, language to livings in Wales, etc. Published by the and by the Court of Appeal, the several Divisions of Society of Cymmrodorion. London, 1773. 4º. the High Court of Justice and the Chief Judge in Bank- 518. 1. 27. (6.) ruptcy, together with a Digest of the important Statutes This Society having come to an end about the close of the from the commencement of Michaelmas Term, 1865, to century, a new Society with the same name was established the end of Trinity Sittings, 1880. Compiled by M. in 1820 as a revival of the old one. Ware, J. E. Hall, and H. L. Fraser. 2 vol. London, 1882. 89. 2017. c. Transactions. [Pt. 1, 2 edited by J. H. Parry; pt. 3 by The Law Reports. Digest of Cases decided by the D. Lewis; pt. 4 by W. J. Rees.] vol. 1, 2. House of Lords, the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal; London, 1822–43. 8º. 872. m. 6. the Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Pt. 4 printed at Llandovery. and Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Divisions of the High Court of Justice; the Court for Crown Cases Re [Another copy of pt. 1-3.] Ac. 8226. served and the Chief Judge in Bankruptcy. From the Gwaith Lewis Glyn Cothi. The Poetical Works of commencement of Michaelmas Sittings, 1875, to the end Lewis Glyn Cothi. (With an “ Historical sketch of the of Trinity Sittings, 1878. Compiled by M. Ware and wars of the Rival Roses” by Tegid, i.e. John Jones. J. E. Hall. London, 1879. 8º. 6125. g. 13. Edited by W. Davies and J. Jones.] Oxford, 1837- The Law Reports . . . Digest of Cases decided by the [39?] 80. 872. m. 7. House of Lords and Privy Council, and by the Court of [Another copy.] 1160. 1. 5. Appeal, the several Divisions of the High Court of Imperfect; wanting the “ Historical Sketch, etc.," and all Justice, and tbe Chief Judge in Bankruptcy ; together after p. 280. with a digest of the important Statutes from the com- This second Cymmrodorion Society became extinct in 1843. mencement of Micbaelmas Sittings, 1880, to the end of A third Society with the same name was established in 1873. Trinity Sittings, 1883. Compiled by M. Ware, J. E. Hall and H. L. Fraser. pp. cxxxi. 1104. W. Clowes & Sons : London, 1884. 8°. 6125. i. 3. Y Cymmrodor, embodying the Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society . . . Edited by the Rev. Robert The Weekly Notes. Digest of cases not reported in the Jones. (Vol. 3, etc., edited by T. Powell.) : Law Reports . . . 1866 to ... 1879. Compiled by G. M. London, 1877, etc. 3º. Ac. 8227. White. . pp. x. 263. Clowes & Sons : London, 1880. 8º. In progress. The publication of “ Y Cymmrodor" was 6126. h. 2. suspended during the year 1879. The Law Reports. Registration Cases. 1868–1869 ANEURIN. The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd: an (1869–70, etc.). Edited by J. R. Bulwer. Reported by English translation, with copious explanatory notes; a J. Scott, H. M. Bompas. London, [1869, etc.] *gº. life of Aneurin ; and several lengtby dissertations illus. In progress 1002. trative of the “Gododin," and the Battle of Cattraeth. The Law Reports. Sessions Cases ... 1869 (1870, etc.). By ... T. Stephens. [London,] 1881, etc. 8°. Edited by J. R. Bulwer. London, (1869, etc.] 8º. In progress. Ac. 8227/5. In progress. 1002. CLYNOC (MORYS) Athravaeth Gristnogavl, le cair ụedi The Law Reports. Sessions Cases 1869–72 (etc.). Edited cynuuys yn grynno'r hol brifbynciau syd i gyfaruy do by J. R. Bulwer. London, 1872, etc. 8º. 6126. dd. dyn ar y phord i baradạys. Originally printed at Milan ſand edited by G. Roberts), A.D. 1568. Repro- In progress. duced in fac-simile from the unique copy in the pos- The Law Reports. Indian Appeals : being Cases in the session of H.I.H. Prince L. L. Bonaparte, etc. [With Privy Council on appeal from the East Indies. [vol. 1.] a preface by Prince L. L. Bunaparte.] pp. vii. 63. Reported by W. Macpherson ([vol. 2, etc.]... by H. London, 1880. 4º. Ac. 8227/3. Cowell.) London, 1874, etc. 8°. 6127. e. IOLO Goch. The Works of Iolo Goch, with a sketch of In progress. his life. Edited by the Rev. R. Jones. The Weekly Notes : being notes of cases beard and de- London, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 8227/4. termined by the House of Lords, the Superior Courts of In progress. Equity and Common Law, the Courts of Probate and Divorce, etc. London, 1866, etc. 4º. 6126. i. & 80. SALESBURY (WILLIAM) A Dictionary in Englyshe and In progress. Welshe moche necessary to all suche Welshemen as wil spedly learne the englyshe tõgue ... whereunto is pfixed a litle treatyse of the englyshe pronânciation of Cymmrodorion Society. the letters (1547). [London, 1877.] 4º. Ac. 8227/2. Gosodedigaethau anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmro- dorion, etc. Coustitutions of th- honourable Society of Dilettanti Society. See infra : Society of Dilettanti. Cymmrodorion. Welsh & Eng. Llundain, 1755. 40 108. bb. 2. | Early English Text Society. [Another edition.] Llundain, 1778. 4º. T. 921. (8.) Early English Text Society. Third annual report of the Committee, etc. [London, 1867, etc.] 8º. The British Zoology. Class 1, quadrupeds. 2, birds. In progress. Ac. 9925/50. [By T. Pennant.] London, 1766. fol. 550. f. 11. 1. Early English Alliterative Poems, of the West Midland [Additional plates.] London, 1766. fol. 550. f. 12. dialect of the fourteenth century ... Copied and edited [Another copy.] 38. i. 14. from a unique manuscript in the ... British Museum. With an introduction, notes, and glossarial index. By Without the additional plates. R. Morris. London, Hertford [printed], 1864. 8º. [Another copy.] 459. g. 1.1 Ac. 9925. Equitred by the House of notes of cases 467 468 · ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Early English Text Society. Early English Text Society, 2. Arthur: a short sketch of his life and history in 17. Parallel extracts from twenty-nine manuscripts of English verse ... Copied and edited from the Marquis of Piers Plowman. With comments. ... By W. W. Škeat. Bath's ms. By F. J. Furnivall. London, 1864. gº. London, 1866. 8º. Ac. 9925/17. Ac. 9925/2. 19. See 11. 3. Ane compendious and breue tractate (in verse] con- cernyng ye office and dewtie of Kyngis ... Laitlie com- 20. English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle de Ham- pylit be W. Lauder... Edited by Fitzed ward Hall. London, Hertford [printed], 1864. pole ... Edited from R. Thornton's Ms. (cir. 1440 A.D.) 8º. Ac. 9925/3. (1.) ... By G. G. Perry. London, 1866. gº. Ac. 9925/19. 4. Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight: an alliterative 21. See 10. romance-poem (ab. 1320-30 A.D.). By the author of Early English Alliterative Poems. Re-edited ... by R. 22. The Romans of Partenay, or of Lusignan, otherwise Morris. London, Hertford [printed], 1864. 8º. known as the tale of Melusine ; translated from the Ac. 9925/4. French of La Coudrette. ..Edited ... with an intro- 5. Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan duction, notes, and glossarial index, by W. W. Skeat. Tongue ... Be Alexander Hume. Edited ... by H. B. London, 1866. 8º. Ac. 9925/20. Wheatley. London, Hertford (printed], 1865. 8º. Ac. 9925/5. 23. Dan Michel's Ayen bite of Inwyt, or Remorse of Conscience. In the Kentish Dialect, 1340 A.D. Edited 6. Lancelot of the Laik: a Scottish metrical romance from the autograph Ms. in the British Museum, with an (about 1490–1500 A.D). Re-edited from a manuscript in introduction on the peculiarities of the southern dialect, the Cambridge Universiry Library, with an introduction, and a glossarial index, by R. Morris. notes, and glossarial index, by ... W. W. Skeat. London, 1866. 8º. Ac. 9925/21. London, Hertford (printed], 1865. 8°. Ac. 9925/6. 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, the Parliament of 7. The Story of Genesis and Exodus, an Early English Devils, and other religious poems, chiefly from the sony, about A.D. 1250. Now first edited, from a unique Archbishop of Canterbury's Lambeth MS. No. 853. Ms. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Edited by F. J. Furnivall. with introduction, notes, and glossary, by R. Morris. London, (Bungay, printed], 1867. 8º. Ac. 9925/22. London, Hertford (printed], 1865. 8. Ac. 9925/7. 25. The Stacions of Rome (in verse, from the Vernon Ms., 8. "Morte Arthure. [A poem.] Edited from R. Thorn- ab. 1373 A.D., and in prose, from the Porkington Ms., ton's MS. ... by G. G. Perry. No. 10, ab. 1460–70 A.D.) and the Pilgrims Sea-Voyage. London, Hertford (printed], 1865. 8º. Ac. 9925/8. With Clene Maydenhod'... Edited by F. J. Furnivall. A new edition, 1871. Edited by E. Brock. London, 1867. 8º. Ac. 9925/23. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1865 (or rather, 1871). 8º. 26. Religious Pieces in prose and verse. Edited from Ac. 9927. R. Thorntou's MS. ... By G. G. Perry. 9. Chaucer. Animaduersions uppon the annotacions London, 1867. 8º. Ac. 9925/24. and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucer's workes . . . sett downe by Francis Thynne. 27. Manipulus Vocabulorum: a rhyming dictionary of Now newly edited from the Ms. in the Bridgewater the English language, by Peter Levins (1570). Edited, with an alphabetical index, by H. B. Wheatley. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1865. 8º. Ac. 9925/9. London, Hertford [printed], 1867. 8º. Ac. 9925/25. 10, 21, 36. Merlin, or the early history of King Arthur: 28, 38, 54, 67, etc. The Vision of William concerning a prose romance ... Edited ... by H. B. Wheatley. Piers Plowman, together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet et With an essay on Arthurian localities, by J. S. $. Dobest, secundum wit et resoun, by W. Langland ... Glenuie. London, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 9925/10. Edited from numerous manuscripts, with prefaces, notes In progress. and a glossary, by ... W. W. Skeat.. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 9925/26. 11, 19, 35, 37, 47. Sir D. Lindesay's Works. The In progress. Monarche and other poems ... edited by J. Small ... Second edition, revised. 29, 34, 53, etc. Old English Homilies and Homiletic (Pt. 3–4. The Historie of ... W. Meldrum, etc. Trealises ... of the twelfth and tbirteenth centuries. Ane Satyre of the thrie Est:its, etc. Edited from mss. in the British Museum, Lambeth, and Edited by F. Hall. Pt. 5. The Minor Poems ... edited by J. A. H. Murray.) 5 pt. London, Bodleian Libraries; with introduction, translation and notes, by R. Morris. Bungay [printed], 1883, 1865-71. 8º. Ac. 9925/11. London, Oxford [printed], 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 9925/27. 12. The Wright's Chaste Wife ... A merry tale, by In progress. Adam of Cubsam ... Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 30. Pierce the Ploughman's Crede (about 1394 A.D.), [Second edition revised, 1869.] transcribed and udited from Ms. Trin. Coll., Cam., R. 3. London, 1865[-69]. 8º. Ac. 9925/12. 15, collated with Ms. Bibl. Reg. 18 B. XVII. in the British Museum, and with the old printed text of 1553; to 13. King Horn, with fragments of Floriz and Blaunche- which is appended God spede the Plough (about flur and of the Assumption of Our Lady, from a ms. ... 1500 A.D.) from MS. Lansdowne 762; by ... W. W. in the Cambridge University Library. Also,' from M$3. in the British Museum, the Assumption of our Lady, Ac. 9925/23. ... and fragments of the Floyres and Blancheflur. ... Edited, with notes and glossary, by J. R. Lumby. 31. Instructions for Parish Priests. By John Myrc. pp. xx. 142. London, Hertford [printed], 1866. 8º. Edited ... by E. Peacock. London, 1868. 8º. Ac. 9925/14. Ac. 9925/29. 469 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 470 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Early English Text Society. Early English Text Society. 32. The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, 46. Legends of the Holy Rood; Symbols of the Passion Stans Puer ad mensam, etc. The Bokes of Nurture of and Cross-Poems. In Old English of the eleventh, H. Rhodes and J. Russell. W. de Worde's Boke of fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries. Edited from mss. in Keruynge, the Booke of Demeanor, the Boke of Curtasye, the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries; with intro- Seager's Schoole of Vertue, etc. With some French duction, translations, and glossarial index, by R. Morris, and Latin poems on like subjects, and some forewords etc. London, 1871. 8º. Ac. 9925/39. on education in early England. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1868. gº. 47. See 11. Ac. 9925/30. 48. The Times' Whistle: or a Newe Daunce of Seven Satires, and other poems. Compiled by R. C., Gent. 33. The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry, ... [Richard Corbet, Bishop of Norwich ?] Now first translated from the original French into English in the edited from Ms. Y. 8. 3, in the Library of Canterbury reign of Henry VI., and edited ... from the unique Cathedral; with introduction, notes, and glossary, by manuscript in the British Museum, with an introduc- J. M. Cowper, etc. London, 1871. 8º. Ac. 9925/40. tion and notes, by T. Wright. London, Oxford (printed], 1868. 8º. Ac. 9925/31. 49. An Old English Miscellany; containing a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, Religious Poems 34. See 29. of the thirteenth century ... Edited, with introduction 35. See 11. and index of words, by Ř. Morris. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1872. 8º. Ac. 9925/41. 36. See 10. 50. See 45. 37. See 11. 51. Þe Liflade of St. Juliana, from two old English 38. See 28. manuscripts of 1230 A.D. With renderings into inodern English, by 0. Cockayne and E. Brock. Edited by 39, 56. The “Gest Hystoriale ” of the destruction of 0. Cockayne. London, Hertford (printed], 1872. 89. Troy: an alliterative romance translated from Guido de Ac. 9925/42. Colonna's - Historia Troiana.” Now first edited from 52, 72. Palladius on Husbondrie. [Translated into the unique Ms. in the Hunterian Museum, University of English verse.] From the unique ms.... in Colchester Glasgow, with introduction, notes, and a glossary by Castle. Edited by B. Lodge. With a ryme index ... G. A. Panton and D. Donaldson. edited by S. J. H. Herrtage. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1869–74. 8°. Ac. 9925/32. London, Hertford (printed], 1873-79. 8º. Ac. 9925/43 40. English Gilds. The original ordinances of more 53. See 29. than one hundred early English Gilds: together with the olde usages of the cite of Wynchestre; the ordi 54. See 28. nances of Worcester ... From original MSS. of the frur- 55, 70. Generydes, a romance in seven-line stanzas. teenth and fifteenth centuries. Edited, with notes, by Edited from the unique paper ms. in Trinity College, ... Toulmin Smith. With an introduction and glossary Cambridge ... by W. A. Wright. London, ... by his daughter Lucy Toulmin Smith. And a Bungay (printed], 1878 (1873–78]. 8º. Ac. 9925/44. preliminary essay in five parts, On the history and development of Gilds, by L. Brentano. 56. See 39. London, Oxford (printed], 1870. 89. Ac. 9925/33. 57, 59, 62, 66, 68, etc. Cursor Mundi. The Cursur o the 41. The Minor Poems of William Lauder ... Edited ... World. A Northumbrian poem of the XIyth century in four versions ... Edited by ... R. Morris. by F. J. Furnivall, etc. London, 1870. 8º. London, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 9925/45. Ac. 9925/3. (2.) In progress. 42. Bernardus de cura rei famuliaris [being a para- phrase in Scottish verse of Bernard's letter to Raymund), 58, 63, 73. The Blickling Homilies of the tenth century. with some early Scottish prophecies (in verse) ... from From the Marquis of Lothian's unique MS. A.D. 971. a Ms. KK. 1. 5 in the Cambridge University Library. Edited, with introduction, translation, notes and index Edited by J. R. Lumby. of words, by ... R. Morris. London, Hertford (printed], 1870. 8º. Ac. 9925/35. London, 1880 [1874-80.] 8º. Ac. 9925/46. 43. Ratis Raving, and other moral and religious pieces, 59. See 57. in prose and verse. Edited from the Cambridge Uni- versity Ms. KK. 1. 5, by J. R. Lumby. 60. Meditations on the Supper of our Lord, and the London, Hertford [printed], 1870. gº. Ac. 9925/36. Hours of the Passion. By Cardinal J. Bonaventura. ... Drawn into English verse by R. Manning of Brunne 44. Joseph of Arimathie: otherwise called the Romance (about 1315-1330). Edited from the MSS., ... with of the Seint Graal, or Holy Grail : an alliterative poem introduction and glossary, by J. M. Cowper. written about A.D. 1350, and now first printed from the London, 1875. 8º. Ac. 9925/47. unique copy in the Vernon ms. at Oxford. With an appendix, containing “ The Lyfe of Joseph of Armathy," 61. The Romance and Prophecies of Thomas of Ercel- reprinted from the black-letter copy of Wynkyn de doune. ... With illustrations from the prophetic litera- Worde ; “ De Sancto Joseph ab Arimathia,” first printed ture of the 15th and 16th centuries. Edited with intro- by Pynson A.D. 1516; and “The Lyfe of Joseph of duction and notes, by J. A. H. Murray. Armathia," first printed by Pynson A.D. 1520. Edited London, 1875. 8°. Ac. 992548. with notes and glossarial indices, by ... W. W. Skeat. 62. See 57. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1871. gº. Ac. 9925/37. 63. See 58. 45, 50. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care. With an English translation, the Litin 64. Emblems and Epigrames ... By Francis Thynne. text, notes, and an introduction. Edited by H. Sweet. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, Oxford (printed], 1871, 72. 8º. Ac. 9925/38. London, Bungay, printed,] 1876. 8º. Ac. 9925/49. 471 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 472 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Early English Text Society. Early English Text Society. 65. Be Domes Dæge, De Die Judicii, an Old English III. Caxton's Book of Curtesye, printed at Westminster version of the Latin poem ascribed to Bede. Edited about 1477-8 A.D., and now reprinted, with two MS. with other short poems, ... by J. R. Lumby. . copies of the same treatise, from the Oriel Ms. 79, and London, Hertford (printed], 1896. 8º. &c. 9925/51. the Balliol ms. 354. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, (Bungay, printed,] 1868. gº. Ac. 9926/3. 66. See 57. IV. The Lay of Havelok the Dane: composed ... about 67. See 28. A.D. 1280, formerly edited by Sir F. Madden for the Roxburghe Club, and now re-edited from the unique Ms. 68. See 57. Laud Misc. 108, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, by 69. Adam Davy's 5 Dreams about Edward n. The ... W. W. Skeat. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1868. 80. life of St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Ac. 9926) 4. Jeremie's (Jerime's) 15 Tokens before Doomsday. The v. Chaucer's translation of Boethius's “ De Consolatione Lamentation of Souls. [In verse.] Edited from the Laud Philosophiæ." Edited from the Additional ms, 10340 in MS. 622 in the Bodleian library by F. J. Furnivall, etc. the British Museum ... by R. Morris. London, 1878. 8º. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1868. 8º. Ac. 9926/5. 70. See 55. VI. The Romance of the Cheuelere Assigne. Re-edited from the unique manuscript in the British Museum, with 71. The Lay Folk's Mass Book, or the manner of hearing a preface notes, and glossarial index, by H. H. Ĝibbs. mass, with rubrics and devotions of the people. [An London, [Bungay, printed,] 1868. 8º. Ac. 9926/6. English metrical translation of the work of Dan Jeremy.] In four texts. And Offices in English, according to the VIII. Queene Elizabethes Achademy (by Sir H. Gilbert). use of York, from manuscripts of the 10th to the 15th A Booke of Precedence, the Orderiny of a Funerall, etc. century. With appendix, notes and glossary, by T. F. -Varging versions of the Good Wife, the Wise Man, etc. Simmons. London, 1879. 8º. Ac. 9925/53. -Maxims, Lydgate's Order of fools. A poem on heraldry, Occleve on Lords' Men, etc. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 72. See 52. With essays on early Italian and German books of Courtesy, by W. M. Rossetti & E. Oswald. 73. See 58. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1869. 8º. Ac. 9926/8. 74. The English Works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted. IX. The Fraternitye of Vacabondes by J. Awdeley ... Edited by F. D. Matthew. pp. vii. LI. 572. from the edition of 1575 in the Bodleian Library.-A London, Hertford (printed], 1880. 89. Ac. 9925/54. Caveat or Warening for commen cursetors vulgarely called vagabones, by T. Harman, ... from the 3rd edition 75. Catholicon Anglicum, an English-Latin Wordbook, of 1567 ... collated with the 2nd edition of 1567 ... and dated 1483. Edited from the Ms. No. 168 in the library with the reprint of the 4th edition of 1573.—A sermon of Lord Monson, collated with the Additional ms. 15,512, in praise of thieves and thievery by Parson Haberi vr British Museum, with introduction and notes, by S. J. H. Hyberdyne from the Lansdowne Ms. 98, and Cotton Herrtage ... with a preface by H. B. Wheatley. pp. Vesp. A. 25. Those parts of the groundworke of Conny- lii. 432. London, Oxford (printed], 1881. 8º. catching (ed. 1592) that differ from Harman's Caveat. Ac. 9925/55. Edited by E. Viles & F. J. Furnivall. 76. Aelfric's Lives of Saints, being a set of sermons on London, (Bungay, printed,] 1869. 8º. Ac. 9926/9. Saints' Days formerly observed by the English Church, x. The fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge edited from manuscript Julius E. VII. in the Cottonian Collection ... by ... W. W. Skeat. Anglo-Saxon and a Dyetary of Helth made in Mountyyllier, coinpyled by Eng. London, Oxford (printed], 1881, etc. 8º. A. Borde.--Barnes in the Defence of the Berde: a trea- In progress. Ac. 9925/56. tyse made, answerynge the treatyse of Doctor Borde upon Berdes. Edited, with a life of A. Boorde, and large 79. King Alfred's Orosius. Edited by H. Sweet. extracts from his Brevyary, by F. J. Furnivall. London, Oxford (printed), 1883, etc. 80. Ac. 9925/ 57. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1870. 8º. Ac. 9926/7. In progress. XI. The Bruce; or, the Book of the most excellent and EXTRA SERIES. noble prince, Robert de Broyss, King of Scots. [In verse.] Edited from Ms. G. 23 in the Library of St. 1. The Romance of William of Palerne: (otherwise John's College, Cambridge, ... with a preface, notes, known as the Romance of “ William and the Werwolf"). and glossarial index, by ... W. W. Skeat. translated from the French ... about A.D. 1350, tú London, [Bungay, printed,] 1870, etc. 8º. which is added a fragment of the alliterative romance In progress. Ac. 9926/10. of Alisaunder, translated from the Larin by the same XII., XXXII. England in the reign of King Henry the author, about A.D. 1340; the former re-edited from Eighth. Part 1. Starkey's Life and Letters. With an the unique ms. in the Library of King's College, Cam- appendix, giving an extract from Sir W. Forrest's Plea- bridge; the latter now first edited ... by ... W. W. sauut Poesye of Princelie Practise. Edited by S. J. Skeat. London, Bungay (printed], 1867. 8º. Herrtage. (Part 2. A dialogue between Cardinal Prile Ac. 9926. and T. Lupset ... By T. Starkey. Edited with preface, II., VII., XIV., XXIII., etc. On Early English Pronunciation, notes and glossary by J. M. Cowper.) with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, con London, 1878, 71. 8º. Ac. 9926/11. taining an investigation of the correspondence of writing XIII. A Supplicacyon for the Beggers. Written about with speech in England from the Anglosaxon period to ... 1529 by Simon Fish. Now re-edited by F. J. the present day ... Including a re-arrangement of ... Furnivall.— With a Supplycacion to our moste Sove- F. J. Child's Memoirs on the language of Chaucer and raigne Lorde Kynge Henry the Eyght (1544 A.D.), A Gower ... By A. J. Ellis. Supplication of the Poore Commons (1546 A.D.). [By London, Hertford [printed], 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 9926/2. H. Brinkelow ??, The Decaye of England by the great In progress. This work was also issued by the Philological multitude of shepe (1550—3 A.D.), edited by J. M. Cowper Society, and by the Chaucer Society. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1871. 8º. Ac. 9926/12. 473 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 474 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Early English Text Society. Ecclesiastical History Society. xv. The Select Works of Robert Crowley, ... namely, The Book of Common Prayer... according to the use of his Epigrams, ... 1550 ; Voyce of the last Trumpet, ... the United Church of England and Ireland, together 1550 ; Pleasure and Payne, ... 1551 ; Way to Wealth, with the Psalter... The text taken from the Manuscript ... 1550; an Informacion and Peticion. Edited, with Book originally annexed to Stat. 17 & 18. Car. II. c. 6. introduction, notes and glossary, by J. M. Cowper. (Ir.) With an historical introduction and notes, by London, [Bungay, printed,] 1872. 89. Ac. 9926/13. A. J. Stephens. L. P. 3 vol. London, 1849, 50. 8º. XVI. A Treatise on the Astrolabe; addressed to his son Ac. 2065/5. Lowys by Geoffrey Chaucer. A.D. 1391. Edited from FIELD (RICHARD) Of the Church. 4 vol. the earliest mss. by W. W. Skeat. Cambridge, 1847–54. 8º. Ac. 2065. London, Bungay [printed], 1872. 8º. Ac. 9926/14. HEYLYN (PETER) Ecclesia Restaurata ; or, the History XVII., XVIII. The Complaynt of Scotlande, vyth ane ex of the Reformation of the Church of England. By P. ortatione to the Thre Estaits to be vigilante in the Heylyn. With the life of the author by J. Barnard. deffens of their public veil. 1549. [Attributed to – Edited by J. C. Robertson. 2 vol. Wedderburn, to Sir J. Inglis or to Sir D. Lindsay. ] Cambridge, 1849. 8º. Ac. 2065/4. With an appendix of contemporary English tracts ... Re-edited from the originals, with introduction and STRYPE (JOHN) Memorials of T. Cranmer, Archbishop glossary, by J. A. H. Murray. of Canterbury, etc. 3 vol. Oxford, 1848–5. 8º. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1872. 8º. Ac. 9926/15. Ac. 2065/2. XIX. The Myroure of oure Ladye, containing a devotional See MAITLAND (s. R.) Remarks on the first volume treatise on divine service, with a translation of the offices of Strype's Life of Archbishop Cranmer, ... pub- used by Sisters of the Brigittine Monastery of Sion, at lished by the Ecclesiastical History Society. Isleworth. [By T. Gascoign?] . . . Edited from the 1848. 8. 4903. ee. 7. original black-letter text of 1530 A.D., with introduction WooD (ANTHONY À) Athena Oxonienses, an exact history and notes, by J. H. Blunt. London, 1873. 8º. of writers and bishops who have had their education in Ac. 9926/16. the University of Oxford... A new edition, with additions XX., XXIV., XXVIII., XXX., etc. The History of the Holy by P. Bliss. Vol. 1, containing the Life of Wood. Grail, Englisht [in verse], ab. 1450 A.D., by H. Lonelich Oxford, 1848. 8º. Ac. 2065/3. ... from the French prose ... of Sires R. de Borron. No more published. Re-edited ... by F. J. Furnivall. Fr. & Eng. Egyptian Society. London, 1874, etc. 8º. AC. 9926/17.: In progress. See supra : CAIRO. XXII. H Brinklow's Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, ... English Dialect Society. unto the parliament house of Ingland:... for the re- A Bibliographical List of... works... illustrative of the dresse of certen wicked lawes ... (About A.D. 1542), and The Lamentacyon of a Christen agaynst the Cytye of various dialects of English. Compiled by members of the English Dialect Society, and edited by ... W. W.. London, made by Roderigo Mors (A.D. 1545). Edited Skeat and J. H. Nodal. London, 1877, 73, 75. 8º. ... by J. M. Cowper. London, 1874. 8º. Ac. 9926/18. BB. T. XXV., XXVII. The Romance of Guy of Warwick ... Edited Miscellanies. London, 1876, etc. 80. 2274. e. ... by Dr. J. Zupitza. London, 1875, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. Ac. 9926/19. English Dialect Society. English Dialects and the XXVII., etc. The English Works of John Fisher, Bishop Society's work. [Consisting of extracts from various of Rochester... Now first collected by J. E. B. Mayor. journals, with a classified view of the five years' work.] London, Bungay (printed], 1876, etc. 8º. pp. 3. [Manchester ?] 1878. 8º. 2274. e. In progress. Ac. 9926/21. English Dialect Society. Seventh report. For ... 1979, XXXI. Alexander and Dindimus; or, the letters of Alex and Catalogue of the English Dialect Library. 2 pt. ander to Dindimus, King of the Brahmans, with the Manchester, 1879, 80.80. replies of Dindimus; being a second fragment of the An Early English Hymn to the Virgin . fifteenth alliterative romance of Alisaunder; translated from the century; and a Welshman's phonetic copy of it soon Latin about A.D. 1340–50; re-edited from the unique after: printed from two MSS. of the Hengwrt Collection Ms. in the Boilleian Library...by... W. W. Skeat. ...by F. J. Furnivall... Together with notes on the London, Bungay (printed], 1878. 80. Ac. 9926/20. Welsh phonetic copy by A. J. Ellis. pp. 36. XXXIII. The Early English versions of the Gesta Roman London, [Bungay, printed], 1880. 8º. Ac. 9935/3. orum. Formerly edited by Sir F. Madden for the Rox- ATKINSON (JOHN CHRISTOPHER) Cleveland Words. (Sup- burghe Club, and now re-edited from the mss. in British plementary): by ...J. C. Atkinson ... An Alphabet of Museum, Harl. 7333 & Addit. 9066, and University Library, Cambridge, Kk. I. 6. With introduction, notes, Kenticisnis: by...S. Pegge; A.D. 17:36 ... Surrey Pro- vincialisms : by G. L. Gower...Oxfordshire Words ; liyi glossary...By S. J. H. Herrtage. Mrs. Parker ... South-Warwickshire Words; by Mrs. London, 1879. 80. Ac. 9926/22. Francis. Edited by...W. W. Skeat. XXXIV.-XLI., etc. The English Charlemagne Romances. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1876. gº. 2274. e. . [Edited by S. J. Herrtage, S. L. Lee, etc.) London, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 9926/23. BRITTEN (JAMES) Old Country and Farming Words : In progress. gleaned from agricultural books. pp. xvii. 191. London, Bungay (printed], 1880. gº. 2274. e. Ecclesiastical History Society. BRITTEN (JAMES) and HOLLAND (ROBERT) A dictionary of The Book of Common Prayer... according to the use of English Plant-Names. London, 1878, eto. 8º. the United Church of England and Ireland, together with the Psalter ... The text taken from the Sealed Book for In progress. 2274. e. the Chancery ... With notes, legal and historical, by CHAMBERLAIN (EDITH L.) Mrs. A glossary of West Wor- A. J. Stephens. L. P. 3 vol. London, 1849-54. 8°. cestershire Words... With glossic notes by T. Hallani. Ac. 2065/6. pp. xxviii. 40. London, 1882. 8º. 2274. e. 2274. e. 475 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 476 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). English Dialect Society. English Dialect Society. COPE (Sir WILLIAM HENRY) Bart. A glossary of Hamp SKEAT (WALTER WILLIAM) Reprinted Glossaries... Edited shire words and phrases. London, 1883. 80. by ...W. W. Skeat. London, 1873, etc. 8º. 2274. e. In progress. 2274. e. COURTNEY (MARGARET ANN) Miss. Glossary of Words in SMITH (HENRY) Major, R.M. XXIII. Isle of Wight use in Cornwall. West Cornwall, by Miss M. A. C.- Words ; by . . . H. Smith ... and C. R. Smith. XXIV. East Cornwall by T. Q. Couch. pp. xv. 109. Oxfordshire Words, supplementary; by Mrs. Parker. London, Bungay [printed], 1880. gº. 2274. e. XXV. Cumberland Words, second Supplement; by W. DICKINSON (WILLIAM) A glossary of words and phrases Dickinson. XXVI. North Lincolnshire Words; by E. pertaining to the Dialect of Cumberland. Sutton. XXVII. Radnorshire Words; by . . . W. É. T. London, Bungay [printed], 1878[79.] 8º. Morgan. [Edited by W. W. Skeat.] pp. xii. 145. 2274. e. London, Bungay [printed), 1881. 8. 2274. e. EASTHER (ALFRED) A glossary of the Dialect of Almond- SWEET (HENRY) A History of English Sounds...(From bury and Huddersfield. Compiled by...A. Easther... the Transactions of the Philological Society, for 1873- Edited... by T. Lees. pp. xxviii. 152. 74. London, Hertford (printed], 1874. 8º. London, Bungay (printed], 1883. 8º. 2274. e. 2274. e. ELWORTHY (FREDERIC THOMAS) The Dialect of West TURNER (WILLIAM) Dean of Wells. The Names of Herbes Somerset . . . With an appendix. (Classified lists of ...A.D. 1548. Edited with an introduction, an index of words to illustrate West Somersetshire pronunciation... English names, and an identification of the plants enu- By A. J. Ellis.) From the Transactions of the Philo merated by Turner, by J. Britten. pp. vii. 134. logical Society, etc. London, Bungay [printed], 1881. 8º. 2274. e. London, Hertford [printed], 1875. 8º. 2274. e. TUSSER (THOMAS) Five Hundred Pointes of Good Hus- ELWORTHY (FREDERIC THOMAS) An outline of the grammar bandrie. ... The edition of 1580 collated with those of the Dialect of West Somerset ... From the Trans of 1573 and 1577. Together with a reprint, from the actions of the Philological Society for 1877, etc. unique copy in the British Museum, of “A Hundreth London, Hertford (printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 9935/4. Good Pointes of Husbandrie," 1557. Edited, with... Evans (ARTHUR BENONI) Leicestershire Words, Phrases notes, and glossary, by W. Payne and S. J. Herrtage. and Proverbs. Collected by...A. B. Evans ... Edited, London, Hertford (printed], 1878. 8º. 2274. e. with additions and an introduction, by Sebastian Evans. $. English Historical Society. j'p. xxxii. 303. London, Bungay (printed], 1881. 8º. 2274. e. Plan. [London ?] 1836. 8º. . 9504. g. FRIEND (HILDERIC) A glossary of Devonshire Plant Chronicon Ricardi Divisiensis de rebus gestis Ricardi Names . . . Reprinted from the Transactions of the primi, regis Angliæ. Nunc primum typis mandatum Devonshire Association for the advancement of Science, curante J. Stevenson. London, 1838. 8º. etc. pp. vi. 63. London, 1882. 8º. 2274. e. 2071. c. HARLAND (JOHN) A glossary of words used in Swaledale, [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/4. Yorkshire. London, 1873. 8º. rizshire London. 1872. 8º. 2274. e. [Another copy.] L. P. G. 13382. MOREMAN (WILMOT) Specimens of English Dialects. I. Gildas de Excidio Britanniæ. Ad fidem codicum manu- Devonshire. An Exmoor Scolding (in the propriety and decency of Exmoor language, between two sisters : W. 2071. c. Moreman aud T. Moreman ... Also an Exmoor Court- ship. The ninth edition, etc.). . . edited by F. T. [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/2. Elworthy . . . II. Westmoreland. A bran new Wark, [Another copy.] L. P. G. 13380. (by William de Worfat Ci.e. W. Hutton), containing a true calendar of his thoughts concerning good nebber Nennii Historia Britonum. Ad fidem codicum manu- hood.) Edited by ... Professor Skeat. pp. viii. 222. scriptorum recensuit J. Stevenson. Londini, 1838. 8º. London, Bungay [printed], 1879. 8º. 2274. e. 2071. c. NODAL (JOHN 7.) and MILNER (GEORGE). A glossary of [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/3. the Lancashire Dialect. 2274. e. [Another copy.] L. P.: Manchester, 1875, etc. 8º. G. 13381. In progress. Codex diplomaticus ævi Saxonici, opera J. M. Kemble. PATTERSON (WILLIAM HUGH) A glossary of words in use 6 tom. Londini, 1839-48. 8º. 2071. c. in the Counties of Antrim and Down. pp. xi. 118. [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/6. London, Bungay [printed], 1880. 8º. 2274. e. [Another copy of vol. 1-4.] L. P. PEACOCK (EDWARD) A glossary of words used in the G. 13383–86. Wapentakes of Manley and Corringham, Lincolnshire. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis monachi Gesta Regum An- London, [Bungay, printed,] 1877. gº. 2274. e. glorum, atque Historia Novella. Ad fidem codicum ROBINSON (C. CLOUGH) A glossary of words pertaining manuscriptorum recensuit T. D. Hardy. 2 vol. to the Dialect of Mid-Yorkshire; with others peculiar Londini, 1840. 8º. 2071. c. to Lower Nidderdale, to which is prefixed an outline [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/5. Grammar of the Mid-Yorkshire Dialect. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1876. 80., 2274. e. [Another copy ] L. P. G. 13387, 88. ROBINSON (F. K.) A glossary of words used in the neigh-| Venerabilis Bedæ opera historica. Ad fidem codicum bourhood of Whitby. London, 1876. 8º. manuscriptorum recensuit J. Stevenson. 2 tom. 2274. e. Londini, 1841, 38. 8º. 2071. C. Ross (FREDERICK) A glossary of words used in Holderness Each vol. has a second special titlepage stating its contents. in the East Riding of Yorkshire. By F. Ross,... [Another copy.] L. P. G. 13378-9. R. Stead,...and T. Holderness. London, Bungay [printed], 1877. 8º. 2274. e. [Another copy of vol. 1.] L. P. Ac. 8116. 477 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 478 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). English Historical Society. English Historical Society.. Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, sive Flores Historiarum, The Transactions of the Entomological Society...vol. 1. nunc primum edidit H. 0. Coxe. (Appendix, in qua Part the First. [A fragment, containing only the in- lectionum varietas additionesque quibus Chronicon istud troduction, by J. G. Children.] London, 1834. 8º. ampliavit et instruxit Matthæus Parisiensis.) 5 vol. 730. g. 28. (5.) Londini, 1841–44. 8º. 2071. C. Journal of Proceedings... Commencing January 6, 1840. [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/7. London, 1841. 8º. Ac. 3650/3. [Another copy.] L. P. G. 13389-93. By-Laws. [London, 1847 ?] 8º. Ac. 3650/5. F. Nicholai Triveti... Annales sex Regum Angliæ, qui [Another edition. With proposed alterations and ad- 1136–1307.) Ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum recen ditions.] London, [1847.] 80. Ac. 3650/5. suit T. Hog. Londini, 1845. 8º. 2071. c. Notice of a Special Meeting to be held Jan. 4th 1847, [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/8. to take into consideration the various alterations of, and [Another copy.] L. P. G. 13394. additions to, the Bye Laws of the Society.] Adami Murimuthensis Chronica sui temporis, nunc [London, 1846.] s. sh. 8º. 739. b. primum per decem annos aucta (MCCCIII–MCCCXLVI), cum Begin. From “the Proceedings," etc. 1850, p. 19. eorundem continuatione (ad MCCCLXXX) a quodam ano- [Extract from the Proceedings of August 5, 1850, com- nymo, ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum edidit et re- prising a complete list of the entomological and other censuit T. Hog. L. P. London, 1846. 8º. scientific publications of the Rev. W. Kirby, furnished Ac. 8116/9. by J. O. Westwood.] [London, 1850.] 80. [Another copy.] L. P. G. 13395. 739, b. Chronicque de la traïson et mort de Richart deux Roy MAC. LACHLAN (ROBERT) A catalogue of British Neu- d'Engleterre, mise en lumière d'après un manuscrit de roptera. Compiled by R. Mc. Lachlan. The Ephemeridæ la Bibliotheque Royale de Paris ... avec les variantes by . . . A. E. Eaton, etc. (A catalogue of British Hy- fournies par dix autres manuscrits, des eclaircissements menoptera ; Aculeata. Compiled by F. Smith, etc. A et un glossaire, par Benjamin Williams. L. P. catalogue of British Hymenoptera; Chrysididæ, Ich- Londres, 1846. 8º. Ac. 8116/11. neumonidæ, Braconidæ ... Evaniidæ. Oxytura. Com- Gesta Stephani, regis Anglorum et ducis Normannorum, piled by T. H. Marshall. A catalogue of British incerto auctore sed contemporaneo, olim ... ab A. Du Hemiptera, Heteroptera, and Homoptera...Compiled by chesne edita, denuo recensuit notisque illustravit. R. C. J. W. Douglas and J. Scott.) Being part of a proposed Sewell. L. P. Londini, 1846. 8º. Ac. 8116/10. General Catalogue of the Insects of the British Isles. Chronicon Domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, vulgo London, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 3650/4. Hemingford nuncupati ... de Gestis Regum Angliæ. In progress. Ad fidem manuscriptorum recensuit Hans C. Hamilton. 2 vol. L. P. Londini, 1848–9. 8º. Ac. 8116/13. Florentii Wigorniensis monachi Chronicon ex Chronicis, Transactions...for the year 1855(-59). 4 vol. ab adventu Hengesti et Horsi in Britanniam usque ad London, 1856–59. 8º. annum MCXVII. Cui accesserunt continuationes duae, - [New Series.] 1860, etc. London, 1862, etc. 8º. quarum una ad annum MCXLI, altera, nunc primum typis In progress. Ac. 3842. vulgata, ad annum MCCXCV perducta. Ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum brevique adnotatione paesim illustravit Ethnological Society. B. Thorpe. 2 tom. L. P. Londini, 1848–49. 8º. Ac. 8116/12. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. vol. 1, Henrici quinti, Angliæ regis, gesta [by J. de Bordin ?], 3, 4. Edinburgh, London, [1848–56.]: 89. Ac. 6234/2. cum chronica Neustriæ, Gallicè ab anno M.CCCC.XIV ad Transactions. New Series. 7 vol. M.CCCCXXII. (Extrait d'un manuscrit par G. Chastelain) London, 1861–69. 8º. ad fidem codicum manuscriptoruin recensuit, chronicami [Continued as:] traduxit, notisqne illustravit Benjamin Williams. The Journal of the Ethnological Society ... Edited by Londini, 1850. 8º. 2071. c. Professor Huxley, G. Busk, Sir J. Lubbock ... Sub- [Another copy.] L. P. Ac. 8116/14. editor, J. H. Lamprey. vol. 1, 2. London, 1869, 70. 80. Ac. 6234. Historia Rerum Anglicarum Willelmi Parvi...de New- After 1&70 this society was amalgamated with the “ An- burgh . . . Ad fidem codicum mannscriptorum recensuit thropological Society," under th” title of " The Anthropological H. Č. Hamilton. 2 vol. L. P. Londini, 1856. 8º. Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.” Ac. 8116/15. English Homoeopathic Association. Folk-Lore Society. The progress of Homoeopathy: a series of papers illus- Publications, etc. [London, 1878, etc.] 8º. Ac, 9938. trative of the position and prospects of medical science. In progress. London, 1847. 8°. 775. h. 10. Gaelic Society of London. Entomological Society. Ainm-chlarleabhraichean, thrachd agus ph ipeile-n, etc. Transactions. : Vol. 1. pt. 1, 2. London, 1807, 9. 8º. Catalogue of books, tracts and papers belonging to the Ac. 3650. Gaelic Society of London, with a list of the literary con- The Transactions of the Entomological Society of tributions and names of members, to which is prefixed London (1834-49). 5 vol. London, 1836–49. 8º. some account of societies formed for the preservation of national usages, and cultivation of the Gaelic language - New Series. 5 vol. London, 1850–61. 8º. and literature. London, 1840. 12º. 821. d. 9. Third Series. 5 vol. London, 1862–67. 8º. Fourth Series. London, 1868, etc. 8º. Geographical Society In progress. Ac. 3650/2. See infra: Royal Geographical Society. 479 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 480 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Geological Society. Geologists' Association. Geological inquiries. (London, 1810?] 12º. Catalogue of the Library. (Additions in 1879, etc.) B. 258. (11.) Compiled by the ... Librarian [B. B. Woodward). London, 1879, etc. 8º. 11905. e. 10. (7.) Transactions. vol. 1-5. London, 1811-21. 4º. T. C. 15. a. 15–19. In progress. CROMBIE (JAMES M.) The geological relations of the [Another copy.] 2030. f. Alpine Flora of Great Britain ... A paper, etc. pp. 19. Imperfect; wanting pt. 2, vol. 5. Lewes, (1878?] 8º. 7202. aaa. 15. (10.) - Second Series. vol. 1-7. London, 1824-45. 4º. 2030. f. Georgic Society. Proceedings ... vol. 1-4. November 1826(-April 1845). Rules and regulations of the Georgic Society, &c. London, 1834-46. 8º. Ao. 3171/4. Sommers Town, (London, 1793.] 8º. T. 131. (2.) Vol. 4 is imperfect, wanting Nos. 102 and 104. The pro- Grampian Club. ceedings were afterwards inserted in the Quarterly Journal. Report of the annual dinner of the Grampian Club..., [Another copy of No. 29.] 973. e. 17. (2.) 12th March 1875. pp. 23. [London,] 1875. 8º. Ac. 8241/15. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. [Another copy.] 12301. b. 32. Edited by the Vice-Secretary [D. T. Ansted, afterwards by T. R. Jones). London, 1845, etc. 8º. The Grampian Club for editing and printing works in In progress. Ac. 3171/2. & 2030. e. Scottish History and Antiquities. (Statement by the Council, etc.) pp. 14. London, 1879. 8º. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Geological Society, Ac. 8241/13. etc. Nos. 319–322, 444, etc. [London, 1876, etc.] 8º. Registrum Monasterii S. Marie de Cambuskenneth A.D. In progress. Ac. 3171/6. 1147–1535. [Edited, with an introduction, by W. A classified index to the Transactions, Proceedings and Fraser.] Edinburgi, 1872. 4°. Ac. 8241/4. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London ; The Charters of the Priory of Beauly, with notices of including all the memoirs and notices to the end of the Priories of Pluscardine and Ardchattan and of the 1885. By G. W. Ormerod. London, 1858. 8º. family of the Founder, J. Byset. By E. C. Batten. Ac. 3171/5. London, Edinburgh (printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 8241/6. Second edition, including all the memoirs and notices to [Another copy.] Ac. 8241/7. the end of 1868. (Supplement ... from 1869 to 1875 inclusive.) pp. x. 257. 51. London, 1870–76. 8º. This is a duplicate of the preceding with a different title- BB. E. page. 2030. e. Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail. [Another copy.] With introductory remarks by...C. Rogers. Without the supplement. London, Edinburgh (printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 8241/8. List of the Geological Society of London. Ac. 3171. Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of Coldstream with London, 1828, etc. 8°. In progress. Incomplete ; wanting the volumes published relative documents. Edited by...C. Rogers. previously to 1828 together with those for 1831, 1832, 1834, London, Edinburgh [printed], 1879. 8º. Ac. 8241/10. 1836, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1851, Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar-Angus, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1857 with the breviary of the register. Edited by ...c. Rogers. (Historical Notices of the Abbots of Cupar. Geological Society. [Statutes and queries.] By Major-General A. S. Allan.) 2 vol. London, [1810.] 120. T. 443. (3.) London, Edinburgh (printed), 1879,80. 8º. Ac. 8241/9. The Charter and Bye-Laws of the Geological Society, etc. A duplicate with a new titlepage of the work bearing the London, 1862. 8º. Ac. 3171/3. same title published by the British Topographical Society. Catalogue of the Books and Maps in the library of the BOSWELL (JAMES) the Elder. Boswelliana. The Common- Geological Society of London. London, 1846. gº. Place Book of James Boswell. With a memoir and 823. g. 47. annotations by C. Rogers ... and introductory remarks by... Lord Haughton. London, 1874. 80. Supplemental catalogue of the Books, Maps, Sections, 10854. ee. and Drawings in the library of the Geological Society of London. London, 1856. 80. 11900. d. HAY (Sir ALEXANDER) Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the minority of James the Sixth. With preli- Third Supplement-Catalogue of the library of the Geo- minary observations by...C. Rogers, etc. logical Society of London ... 1860–63. London, 1873. 8º. 9905. d. London, 1863. 8º. 823. g. 47* KINGTON, afterwards KINGTON OLIPHANT (THOMAS LAW- RENCE) The Jacobite Lairds of Gask. London, 1870. 8º. Catalogue of the library of the Geological Society of Ac. 8241/2. London. Compiled ... by J. Dallas. pp. 618. London, 1881. 8º. Ac. 3171/7. ROGER, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) Genealogical Memoirs of John Knox and of the Family of Knox. pp. 184. London, Edinburgh (printed], 1879. 8°. Geologists' Association. Ac. 8241/12. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. [London, 1859, etc.] 89. Ac. 3172. & 276. Roger, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) Historical notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith, and rehearsal of In progress. events which occurred in the North of Scotland from Annual report. Laws and List of Members. 1864 1635 to 1645 in relation to the National Covenant. (1867, etc.). Lewes, (1864, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3172/2. Edited from a contemporary Ms. By ... C. Rogers - In progress. pp. 65. London, 1877. 8º. Ac. 8241/14. 481 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 482 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Grampian Club. Hakluyt Society. ROGER, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) History of the Begin. The Hakluyt Society. [Prospectus.—Laws.- Chapel Royal of Scotland, with the Register of the List of Members, etc.] [London, 1849.] 89. Chapel Royal of Stirling, including details in relation 1890. b. 3. (13.) to the rise and progress of Scottish Music, and observa- tions respecting the Order of the Thistle. pp. ccliv. Report for 1848 (1849, etc.) [London, 1849, etc.] 8º. 126. Edinburgh, 1882. 8º. Ac. 8241/16. In progress. Ac. 6172/5. ROGER, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) Leaves from my ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE) Jesuit. The Natural & Moral History Autobiography. pp. vi. 376. of the Indies... Reprinted from the English translated London, Edinburgh (printed), 1876. 8º. Ac. 8241/11. edition of E. Grimston, 1604, and edited, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markham. (Map of Peru ; to ROGER, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) Monuments and illustrate the Travels of Cieza de Leon, in 1532–50; the monumental inscriptions in Ireland. 2 vol. Royal Commentaries of Garcilasso de la Vega, 1609 ; London, 1871, 72. 8º. Ac. 8241/3. and the Natural and Moral History of the Indies by... J. de Acosta, 1608. Issued with Acosta's History of · ROGER, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) Scotland Social the Indies.) 2 vol. London, 1880. 8º. Ac. 6172/54. and Domestic. Memorials oỂ life and manners in North The pagination is continuous. Britain. London, 1869. 8º. ALBUQUERQUE (AFFONSO DE) Governor of India. The com- SIMON (CUTHBERT) Liber Protocollorum M. C. Simonis mentaries of the great A. Dalboquerque, second Viceroy of Notarii publici et scribæ capituli Glasguensis ... 1499– India. Translated from the Portuguese edition of 1774, 1513. Also Renial Book of diocese of Glasgow...1509– with notes and an introduction, by W. de G. Birch. 1570. Edited by J. Bain,...and...C. Rogers. With London, 1875. 8º. Ac. 6172/47. facsimiles.] 2 vol. London, 1875. 8º. Ac. 8241/5. ALVARES (FRANCISCO) Priest. Narrative of the Portuguese Gresham Angling Society. Embassy to Abyssinia...1520–1527... Translated from Papers. [London, 1883, etc.] 8º. 7907. i. 9. the Portuguese, and edited, with notes and an intro- In progress. duction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. pp. xxvii. 416. London, 1881. 8º. Ac. 6172/56. Gwyneddigion Society. ANDAGOYA (PASCUAL DE) Narrative of the proceedings Gosodaethau a Rheolau Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion a of Pedrarius Davila in the provinces of Tierra Firme or sefydlwyd yn Llundain 1771. (Cerdd i'w chanu wrth Castilla del Oro, and of the discovery of the South Sea dderbyn cyfeillion, etc.) [London, 1800 ?] 12º. and the coasts of Peru and Nicaragua... Translated and 872. k. 15. (7.) edited, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markham. Cyhoeddiadau Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion yn Llundain London, 1865. 8º. Ac. 6172/32. ... 1800. 2 pt. [London, 1801.] 80. ASHER (GEORG MICHAEL) Henry Hudson, the Navigator. 872. 1. 20. (2.) The original documents in which his career is recorded, Awdlau coffadwriaeth am Goronwy Owen; sef testyn collected, partly translated, and annotated, with an Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion. 1803. [By Griffith introduction, by G. M. Asher. London, 1860. 8º. Williams and D. Owen.] Llundain, [1804.) ®8º. Ac. 6172/25. 872. 1. 20. (4.) BAFFIN (WILLIAM) The voyages of W. Baffin, 1612–1622. Awdlau ar destyn Gymdeithas y Gwyneddigion i TJournals and letters of Baffin, with the narratives of J. Gatonbe and R. Fotherbye.] Edited, with notes and Eisteddfod Llangefni, 1816 (sef Haeddedigol goffad- wriaeth am hynafiaid y Cymry, a ymdrechasant y’mhlaid an introduction, by C. R. Markham. pp. lix. 192. rhyddid). [By Richard Jones, called Gwyndaf Eryri, London, 1881. 80. Ac. 6172/55. and Gwilym Morganwg, i.e. W. Morgan?] BARBARO (GIOSAFAT) Travels to Tana and Persia, by Llundain, (1817.] 8º. 872. 1. 20. (17.) J. Barbaro and A. Contarini. Translated from the Italian by W. Thomas, . . . and by S. (or rather E.] A. Hahnemann Publishing Society. Roy, ... and edited with an introduction, by Lord The Halinemann Materia Medica. Edited by J. J. Stanley of Alderley. (A narrative of Italian travels in Drysdale.] pt. 1. London, 1852, etc. 4º. Persia, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Trans- In progress. lated and edited by C. Grey.) 2 pt. London, 1873. 8º. Ac. 6172, 44. DUDGEON (ROBERT ELLIS) The Pathogenetic Cyclopædia : a systematic arrangement and analysis of the Homoeo BARBOSA (DUARTE) A description of the Coasts of East pathic Materia Medica. Part 1, containing the symptoms Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the sixteenth of the Disposition, Mind and Head. (Repertory of the century... Translated from an early Spanish Manuscript Materia Medica pura, forming vol. 11. of the Pathogenetic in the Barcelona Library, with notes and a preface, by Cyclopædia.) 2 vol. London, 1850[-61.] 8º. the Hon. E. J. Stanley. London, 1866. 8º. Ac. 3844. Ac. 6172/33. DUDGEON (ROBEKT ELLIS) A Repertory; or, systematic BARTHEMA (LODOVICO) The Travels of L. di Varthema in arrangement and analysis of the Homoeopathic Materia Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Felix, in Medica. Liverpool, London (printed], 1878, etc. 89. Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 to 1508. Trans- In progress. Ac. 3844/2. lated from the original edition of 1510, with a preface, by John Winter Jones; and edited, with notes, and an HAHNEMANN (SAMUEL CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) Materia Medica introduction, by G. P. Badger. London, 1863. 8º. Pura... Translated from the latest German editions, by Ac. 6172/30. R. E. Dudgeon. With annotations by Richard Hughes. Liverpool, (London, printed), 1880, etc. 8º. BENZONI (GIROLAMO) History of the New World, by G. Benzoni ... shewing his travels in America from A.D. In progress. 1541 to 1556 : with some particulars of the Island of Canary. Now first translated and edited by Rear- Hakluyt Society. Admiral W. H. Smyth. London, 1857. 8º. Ac. 6172/19. *7509. g. 7510. g. anary: $6.with some travels in Am 483 484 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Hakluyt Society. Hakluyt Society. BERMUDAS. The Historye of the Bermudaes or Summer DRAKE (Sir FRANCIS) the Younger. The World encom- Islands (attributed to John Smith, Governor of Virginia). passed by Sir F. Drake, being his next voyage to that to Edited, from a Ms. in the Sloane Collection, British Nombre de Dios. [By Sir F. Drake, the Younger.] Col- Museum, by General Sir J. H. Lefroy. pp. xii. 327. lated with an unpublished manuscript of F. Fletcher. London, 1882. gº. Ac. 6172/57. With appendices...and introduction, by W. S. W. Vaux. London, 1854. 8º. Ac. 6172/14. BEST (GEORGE) Captain. The Three Voyages of M. Fro- bisher in search of a passage to Cathaia and India, by ENRIQUEZ DE GUZMAN (ALONZo) The Life and Acts of Don the North-West, A.D. 1576-8, reprinted from the first A. Enriquez de Guzman...A.D. 1518 to 1543. Translated edition of Hakluyt's voyages, with selections from from an original and unedited manuscript in the National manuscript documents in the British Museum and State Library at Madrid ; with notes and an introduction by Paper Office. By Rear-Admiral R. Collinson. C. R. Markham. London, 1862. 89. Ac. 6172/27. London, 1867. 8º. Ac. 6172/38. BONTIER (PIERRE) and Le VERRIER (JEAN) The Canarian, FLETCHER (GILES) Russia at the close of the sixteenth century. Comprising the treatise “ Of the Russe Com- or book of the conquest and conversion of the Canarians in... 1402, by J. de Béthencourt. Composed by P. B. monwealth," by G. F., and the travels of Sir J. Horsey, now for the first time printed entire from his own and J. le V. Translated and edited, with notes and an introduction by R. H. Major. London, 1872. 89. manuscript. Edited by E. A. Bond. London, 1856. 8º. Ac. 6172/18. Ac. 6172/40. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE) Narrative of a voyage to the GALVANO (ANTONIO) The Discoveries of the World, from West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599–1602, with their first original unto the year of our Lord, 1555. maps and illustrations . . . Translated from the original [Edited by F. de Sousa Tanares. Corrected...and pub- and unpublished manuscript, with a biographical notice lished in England, by R. Hakluyt; and reprinted with and notes, by A. Wilmere. Edited by N. Shaw. the original Portuguese text, and edited by Vice-Admiral London, 1859. 8º. Ac. 6172/21. Bethune. London, 1862. 8º. Ac. 6172/28. GONZALEZ DE CLAVIJO (RUY) Narrative of the Embassy of CIEÇA DE LEON (PEDRO DE) The Travels of P. de Cieza R. G. de C. to the Court of Timour, at Samarcand, de Leon, A.D. 1532-50, contained in the first (and second) 1403-6; translated for the first time, with notes, a part of his Chronicle of Peru. Translated and edited, preface, and an introductory life of Timour Bey, by with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markham. C. R. Markham. London, 1859. 80. 2 pt. London, 1864-83. 8º. Ac. 6172/31. Ac. 6172/24. Coats (w.) The Geography of Hudson's Bay : being the GONZALEZ DE MENDOZA (JUAN)The History of the great remarks of Captain W. Coats, in many voyages to that and mighty Kingdom of China and the situation thereof. locality, between the years 1727 and 1751. With an Compiled by J. Gonzalez de Mendoza, and now reprinted appendix, containing extracts from the Log of Capt. from the early translation of R. Parke. Edited by Sir Middleton on his voyage for the discovery of the North- G. T. Staunton; with an introduction by R. H. Major. West Passage...in 1741-2. Edited by J. Barrow. 2 vol. London, 1853, 54. 8°. Ac. 6172 13. London, 1852. 8º. Ac. 6172/11. HAKLUYT (RICHARD) Divers voyages touching the dis- Cocks (RICHARD) Merchant. Diary of R. C....1615–1622. covery of America and the Islands adjacent collected With correspondence. Edited by E. M. Thompson. and published by R. H. Edited with notes and an 2 vol. London, 1883. 8º. Ac. 6172/57. introduction by J. Winter Jones. London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 6172/7. COLOMBO (CRISTOFORO) Select letters of Christopher Columbus, with other original documents, relating to HAWKINS (Sir RICHARD) The observations of Sir R. his four voyages to the New World. Translated and Hawkins in his voyage into the South Sea, in the year edited by R. Å. Major. Lat., Span., & Eng. 1593. Reprinted from the edition of 1622. Edited by London, 1847. 80. Ac. 6172/2. C. R. D. Bethune. London, 1847. 8º. Ac. 6172. [Another copy.] ON VELLUM. C. 29. k. 14. HAWKINS (WILLIAM) Captain. The Hawkins' Voyages Only two copies printed on Vellum. (i.e. the voyages of W., Sir J., and Sir R. Hawkins during the reigns of Henry VIII., Queen Elizabeth, and Second edition. London, 1870. gº. Ac. 6172/39. James I. Edited, with an introduction, by C. R. Mark- ham. pp. LII. 453. London, 1878. 8º. Ac. 6172/51. CORREA (GASPAR) The Three Voyages of Vasco Da Gama and his Viceroyalty. From tho Lendas da India of HERBERSTEIN (S. VON) Notes upon Russia: being a trans- G. C.... Translated from the Portuguese, with notes and an introduction by the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. lation of the earliest account of that country, entitled Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii, by the Baron London, 1869. 89. Ac. 6172/37. S. von Herberstein... Translated and edited, with notes CORTÉS (HERNANDO) The Fifth Letter of H. C. to the . and illustrations, by R. H. Major. (Of the North-Eat Emperor Charles V., containing an account of his expe- frostie seas . . . etc. ... by R. Eden.) 2 vol. dition to Honduras. Translated from the ... Spanish London, 1851-52. 8º. Ac. 6172/10. by...P. de Gayangos. London, 1868. 8º. Ac. 6172/35. JORDANUS (CATALANI), Bishop of Columbum. Mirabilia descripta. The wonders of the East ... translated DAVIS (JOHN) Captain. The voyages and works of from the Latin original ... with ... a commentary, J. Davis... Edited, with an introduction and notes, by by...H. Yule, etc. London, 1863. 8º. Ac. 6172/29. A. H. Markham. (Notes on the “New Map" by C. H. Coote. The map of the world, A.D. 1600 called by LASSO DE LA VEGA (GARCIA) El Inca. First Part of the Shakspere, “The New Map, with the augmentation of Royal Commentaries of the Yncas ... Translated and the Indies.” To illustrate the voyages of J. Davis.) edited with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Mark- pp. xcv. 392, 16. London, 1880.80. Ac. 6172/53. ham. 2 vol. London, 1869–71. 8º. Ac. 6172/36. 485 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 486 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Hakluyt Society. Hakluyt Society. MAJOR (RICHARD HENRY) Early Voyages to Terra Australis RALEIGH (Sir WALTER) The discovery of the large, rich, ... A collection of documents, and extracts from early and beautiful Empire of Guiana, with a relation of the manuscript maps, illustrative of the history of discovery great and golden City of Manoa (which the Spaniards on the coasts of that ... island, from the beginning of call El Dorado), etc. performed in the year 1595, by Sir the sixteenth century to the time of Captain Cook. W. Ralegh. Reprinted from the edition of 1596 : with Edited, with an introduction, by R. H. M. some unpublished docunients relative to that country. London, 1859. 8º. Ac. 6172/23. Edited, with copious notes and a biographical memoir, by Sir R. H. Schomburgk. London, 1848. 8º. MAJOR (RICHARD HENRY) On the discovery of Australia Ac. 6172/3. by the Portuguese in 1601 ... Being a supplement to RUNDALL (THOMAS) Memorials of the Empire of Japan the volume of “ Early Voyages to Terra Australis." in the XVI. and XVII. centuries. Edited, with notes, [London, 1861.] 8º. Ac. 6172/23. (2.) by T. R. London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 6172/8. MAJOR (RICHARD HENRY) India in the fifteenth century. RUNDALL (THOMAS) Narratives of Voyages towards the Being a collection of narratives of voyages to India in North West, in search of a passage to Cathay and India, the century preceding the ... discovery of the Cape of 1496 to 1631. With selections from the early records of Good Hope; from Latin, Persian, Russian and Italian the East India Company, and from mss. in the British sources. Now first translated into English. Edited, Museum. London, 1849.8º. Ac. 6172/5. with an introduction, by R. H. M. 4 pt. SALÍL IBN Razík. History of the Imâms and Seyyids of London, 1857. 8º. Ac. 6172/20. 'Omân ... from A.D. 661–1856. Translated from the original Arabic and edited, with notes, appendices, and MARKHAM (CLEMENTS ROBERT) Expeditions into the Valley an introduction, continuing the history down to 1870, of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and by G. P. Badger. London, 1871. 4º. Ac. 6172/42. edited with notes by c. R. M.' London, 1859. 8º. Ac. 6172/22. SCHILTBERGER (JOHANNES) The bondage and travels of J. Schiltberger ... in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396– MARKHAM (CLEMENTS ROBERT) Narratives of the Rites 1427. Translated from the Heidelberg Ms. edited in and Laws of the Yncas. Translated from the original 1859 by ... K. F. Neumann, by ... J. B. Telfer ... Spanish manuscripts, and edited, with notes and an With notes by ... P. Bruun . . . and a preface, intro- introduction, by C. R. M. London, 1873. 8°. duction, and notes by the translator and editor. pp. Ac. 6172/43. xxxii. 263. London, 1879. 8º. Ac. 6172/52. MARKHAM (CLEMENTS ROBERT) Reports on the Discovery SIMON (PEDRO) The Expedition of Pedro de Ursua & of Peru. I. Report of F. de Xeres, Secretary to F. Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua in Pizarro. II. Report of M. de Astete on the Expedition 1560-1. Translated from Fray P. S.'s “ Sixth historical to Pachacamac. III. Letter of H. Pizarro to the Royal notice of the Conquest of Tierra Firme," by W. Bollaert. Audience of Atahuallpa. Translated and edited, with ... With an introduction by C. R. Markham. notes and an introduction, by C. R. M. London, 1861. 8º. Ac. 6172/26. London, 1872. 8º. Ac. 6172/41. Soto (FERDINANDO DE) The discovery and conquest of Terra Florida by Don F. de S. and six hundred Spaniards MARKHAM (CLEMENTS ROBERT) The Voyages of Sir J. ... written by a gentleman of Elvas, employed in all Lancaster, Kt., to the East Indies, with abstracts of the action, and translated out of Portuguese by R. journals of voyages to the East Indies, during the Hakluyt. Reprinted from the edition of 1611. Edited seventeenth century, preserved in the India Office, and with notes and an introduction, and a translation of a the Voyage of Captain J. Knight (1606), to seek the parrative of the expedition by L. Hernandez de Biedmi, North-West Passage. Edited by C. Ř. M." by W. B. Rye. London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 6172/9. London, 1877. 8º. Ac. 6172/49. STADE (HANS) The Ciptivity of H. Stade ... in ... MAYNARDE (THOMAS) Sir Francis Drake his Voyage, 1547-1555 among the wild tribes of Eastern Brazil 1595. Together with the Spanish account of Drake's (with a preface by J. Dryandri called Zychman). Trans- attack on Puerto Rico. Edited from the original Manu- lated from the German] by A. Tootal, ... and annotated scripts by W. D. Cooley. London, 1849. 80. by R. F. Burton. London, 1874. 8º. Ac. 6172/46. Ac. 6172/4. STRACHEY (WILLIAM) The historie of travaile into Vir- MIDDLETON (Sir HENRY) The Voyage of Sir H. M. to ginia Britannia, expressing the cosmographie and com- Bantam and the Maluco Islands ... From the edition modities of the country, together with the manners and of 1606. Annotated and edited by Bolton Corney. customs of the people ... Now first edited from the London, 1855. 8º. Ac. 6172/17. original manuscript by R. H. Major.' London, 1849. 8º. Ac. 6172/6. ORLEANS (PIERRE JOSEPH D) History of the two Tartar VEER (GERRIT DE) A true description of three Voyages conquerors of China, including the two journeys into by the North-East towards Cathay aud China, under- Tartary of Father F. Verbiest ... From the French of taken ... in the years 1594, 1595, and 1596 ... trans- P. J. d'Orleans ... To which is added Father Pereira's lated ... by W. Phillip. Edited by C. T. Beke. journey into Tartary ... From the Dutch of N. Witsen. London, 1853. 8º. Ac. 6172/12. Translated and edited by the Earl of Ellesmere: with This is a reprint of the edition of 1609, with the titlepage an introduction by R. H. Major. London, 1854. 8º. prefixed, which reads : “ The true and perfect description of Ac. 6172/15. three Voyages, etc.” PIGAJETTA (ANTONIO) The first voyage round the world, VEER (GERRIT DE) The three Voyages of W. Barents to by Magellan. Translated from the accounts of Pigafetta, the Arctic Regions, 1594, 1595, and 1596. [Translated and other contemporary writers. Accompanied by ori by W. Phillip.] First edition, edited by Č. T. Beke, ginal documents, with notes and an introduction, by 1853. Second edition, with an introduction, ly Lord Stanley of Alderley. pp. lx. 257. xx. Lieutenant K. Beynen. London, 1876. 8º. London, 1874. 8º. Ac. 6172/50. Ac. 6172/48. 487 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 488 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Hakluyt Society. Hanserd Knollys Society. WHITE (ADAM) A collection of documents on Spitz UNDERHILL (EDWARD BEAN) Tracts on liberty of con- bergen and Greenland, comprising a translation from science and persecution. '1614–1661. Edited ... with F. Marten's Voyage to Spitzbergen : a translation from an historical introduction, by E. B. U. 6 pt. I. de la Peyrère's Histoire du Groenland : and God's London reprinted, 1846. 8º. Ao. 2075. Power and Providence in the preservation of eight men in Greenland nine moneths and twelve dayes. Edited WILLIAMS (ROGER) The bloudy tenent of persecution for by A. W. London, 1855. 8°. Ac. 6172/16. canse of conscience discussed : and Mr. Cotton's letter examined and answered ... Edited ... by E. B. Under- YULE (HENRY) Cathay and the way thither; being a hill. London reprinted, 1848. 49. Ac. 2075/4. (1.) collection of medieval notices of China, translated and edited by ... H. Y. With a preliminary essay on the Harleian Society. intercourse between China and tbe western nations, etc. 2 vol. London, 1866. 8º. . Ac. 6172/34. The Publications of the Harlvian Society. London, 1869, etc. 8°. Ac. 5960. ZENO (NICOLÒ) the Elder. The Voyages of the Venetian In progress. Brothers N. & A. Zeno, to the Northern Seas, in the XIyth century, comprising the latest known accounts of Vol. 1. The Visitation of London 1 Vol.a. The Marriage, Baptismal, the lost colony of Greenland ; and of the Northmen in in the year 1568, taken by and Burial Registers of the Robert Cooke ... Edited by Collegiate Church or Abbey of America before Columbus. [Compiled from the letters J. J. Howard and G. J. Army St. Peter, Westminster. Edited of N. Zeno, by N. Zeno the Younger.] Translated and tage. 1869. and annotated by J. L. Chester. edited, with notes and an introduction, by R. H. Major. 1876. Vol. II. The Visitation of the London, 1873. 8º. Ac. 6172/45. County of Leicester in the year Vol. XI. The Visitation of the 1619, taken by William Camden County of Somerset in the year Hanserd Knollys. Society. ... Edited by J. Fetherston. 1623. Edited by F. T. Colby. The first annual report of the Hanserd Knollys Society 1873. 1876. for the publication of the works of early English and Vol. III. The Visitation of the Vol. XII. The Visitation of the other Baptist writers, 1845, 6. London, 1847. 8º. County of Rutland in the year County of Warwick in the year Ac. 2075/3. (2.) 1618-19, taken by Willianı 1619, taken by William Camden Camden ... and nther descents ... Edited by J. Fetherstone. The second annual report of the ... Society ... 1847–8. of families not in the Visitation. 1877. Edited by G. J. Armytage. London, 1848. 8º. Ac. 2075/4. (2.) Vol. XIII., XIV. 1870. The Visitatious of Essex by Hawley, 1552 ; The third anjinal report of the ... Society ... 1849–50. Vol. iv. The Visitations of the Herrey, 1558; Cooke, 1570 ; London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 2075/6. (2.) County of Nottingham in the Raven, 1612; and Owen and years 1569 and 1614, with many Lilly, 1631. To which are added, migrellaneous Essex other descents of the same BRAGAT (TIELEMAN J. VAN) A martyrology of the county. Edited by G. W. pedigrees from various Har- Churches of Christ, commonly called Baptists, during Marshall. 1871. leian Manuscripts: and an the era of the Reformation. Translated from the Dutch appendix containing Berry's of T. J. van B. Edited ... by E. B. Underhill. 2 vol. Vol. v. The Visitations of the Essex Pedigrees. Edited ... by W. C. Metcalfe. London, 1850, 53. 8º. County of Oxford taken in the 2 pt. Ac. 2075/6. (1.) years 1566 by William Harvey 1878, 79. ... 1574 by Richard Lee, .. BUNYAN (J.) The Pilgrim's Progress from this World and in 1634 by John Philpott Vol. XV., XVII. The Visitation to that which is to come . . Accurately printed from of London, Anno Domini 1633, ... and William Ryley ... the first edition, with notices of all the subsequent ... Together with the gatherings 1634, and 1635, made by Sr. alterations made by the author himself. Edited ... Henry St. George . . . Edited of Oxfordshire collected by by J. J. Howard and J. L. Richard Lee in 1574. Edited with an introduction by G. Offor. London, 1847. 8º. I and annotated by W. H. Chester. 2 pt. 1880, 83. AC. 2075/3. (1.) Turner. 1871. Vol. xvi. The Visitation of York- shire in the years 1563 and 1564, [Anuther copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES (by the Editor). Vol. VI. The Visitation of the made by William Flower .. Ac. 2075/10. County of Devon in the year Edited by C.B. Norcliffe. 1881. Imperfect; wanting pp. 5 to 36 & 197–212. 1620. Edited by F. T. Colby. 1872. Vol. XVII. See vol. xv. CANNE (JOHN) A necessity of separation from the Vol. VII. The Visitation of the Vol. XVIII, The Visitation of Church of England proved by the Nonconformists' priu- Cheshire in the year 1580, made by Robert Glover ... for ciples ... Edited ... by the Rev. C. Stovel. year 1615, taken by Richard William London reprinted, 1849. 8º. Flower, with ... St. George ... Edited by J. Ac. 2075/5. Fetherstone. 1872. additions and continuations including those from the Visi- DU VEIL (CHARLES MARIE) A commentary on the Acts of Vol. VIII. Le Neve's Pedigrees tation of Cheshire made in the the Apostles ... Edited'... by ... F. A. Cox, etc. of the Knights made by King With an appendix, containing London reprinted, 1851. 8º. Charles II., King James II., Ac. 2075/7. the Visitation of a King William III. and Queen part of Cheshire in the year 1533, made Mary, King William alone, and UNDERHILL (EDWARD BEAN) Confessions of Faith, and Queen Anne. Edited by G. W. by W. Fellows . .. for T. other public documents illustrative of the history of the Marshall. 1873. Bunolte ... und a fragment of the Visitation of the City of Baptists Churches of England in the 17th century. Vol. ix. The Visitation of the Edited ... by E. B. U. London, 1854. 8º. Chester in the year 1591, made County of Cornwall in the year by Thomas Chaloner ... Edited Ac. 2075/8. 1620. Edited by Lieut.-Colonel by J. P. Rylands. 1882. J. L. Vivian and H. H. Drake. Registers. 1877, etc. UNDERHILL (EDWARD BEAN) The records of a Church of 1874. In progress. Christ, meeting in Broadmead, Bristol. 1640–1687. Edited ... by E. B. U. London, 1847. 8º. The ... rules, report, and list of members for ... 1878. Ac. 2075/2. pp. 14. [London, 1878.] 8º. Ac. 5960/2. UNDERHILL (EDWARD) BEAN) Records of the Churches of Christ, gathered at Fenstanton, Warboys, and Hexham, am Harveian Society.. 1640-1720. Edited ... by E. B. U. London, 1854. 8º. Laws and List of the Members, etc. London, 1871. 12º. Ac. 2075/9. 7680. a. os of alle fately prints World 489 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 490 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Harveian Society, Horticultural Society. Harveian Medical Society of London. Report of the Bye-Laws for the Garden of the Horticultural Society of Committee for the prevention of venereal diseases ... London. London, 1822. 8º. 7073. c. July 1st, 1867. Edited by C. R. Drysdale ... aud J. B. Curgen ven. London, 1867. 8º. 7641. c. 1. (1.) Horticultural Society of London. Report of the Garden Committee on the formation and progress of the Garden. Historical Society of Great Britain. March 31, 1823 (1824). London, 1823, 24. 4º. 7032. i. Transactions of the Historical Society of Great Britain. vol. 1. pt. 1. London, 1871. 8º. Catalogue of fruits cultivated in the Garden of the Hor- ticultural Society of London, at Chiswick. New Series. Edited by C. Rogers. vol. 2, etc. London, 1826. gº. 969. c. 7. London, 1873, etc. 80. Ac. 8118. In progress. Imperfect; wanting vol. 1, pt. 2. Second edition. London, 1831. 8°. 442. c. 30. List of the Royal Historical Society. pp. 29. Charter and By-laws of the Horticultural Society of London, 1880. 8º. Ac. 8118/3. London. London, 1930. 8°. 7077. e. ROGER, afterwards ROGERS (CHARLES) Genealogical The Report of the Committee appointed... to enquire Memoirs of the Families of Colt and Coutts. pp. 59. into the income and expenditure, ..and the... manage- London, 1879. 8º. AC. 8118/2. ment of the Horticultural Society... March 2, 1830, etc. A duplicate, with a new titlepage, of the work, bearing the pp. 24. W. Nicol: London, 1830. 4°. 7054. i. 12. same title, published by the Cottonian Society. June, 1860. Estimate for Conservatory to be erected at Historical Society of Science. South Kensington from designs prepared by Captain The Historical Society of Science. (Laws of the Fowke. (A blank form, with details and plan of the Society.] [London ? 1840?] 4º. 741. k. (15.) Garden.] [London, 1860.] fol. 7032. e. The Historical Society of Science. [The Laws and List Royal Horticultural Society. Opening of the new of Members of the Society.] [London, 1840 ?) 8°. gardens at South Kensington. Programme for June 5, 1890. b. 3. (14.) 1861. [London, 1861.] 4º. 7055. d. A collection of letters illustrative of the proyress of science in England from the reign of queen Elizabeth to List of the Fellows of the Royal Horticultural Society. that of Charles II. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. Corrected to January, 1862. [London, 1862.] 8º. London, 1841. 8º. Ac. 3018. 7055. f. Popular Treatises on Science written in the Middle Royal Horticultural Society. Uncovering of the Ages in Anglo-Saxoil, Anglo-Norman and English. Memorial of the Exhibition of 1851, and Statue of Edited from the original manuscripts by T. Wright. H.R.H. the Prince Consort, in the presence of ... the London, 1841. 8º. Ac. 3018/2. Prince and Princess of Wales, 10 June 1863. Programme. London, 1863. 8º. 7958. bb. 2. Horticultural Society. List of the Fellows... Corrected to 30th June, 1868. Transactions. 7 vol. London, 1812–30. 4°. London, (1868.] 8º. Ac. 3371/3. T.C. 13. a. 1-7. [Another copy of vol. 1-6.] London, 1812, etc. 40. MURRAY (ANDREW) F.L.S. The Book of the Royal Horticultural Society. 1862-1863. By A. Murray. Ac. 3371. 2. Vol. 1 has the titlepage issued with pt. 1 dated 1807. With illustrations and photographs by J. Leighton, 'T'. Scott, and C. T. Thompson. London, 1863. 40. Vol. 6 is imperfect, wanting titlepage, all after p. 402 of the C. 43. d. 1. text, Index, etc. A Handbook to the Royal Horticultural Gardens. A Transactions ... Second Series. 3 vol. sketch of the history of the Royal Horticultural Society, London, 1835–48. 4º. Ac. 3371-2. and a description of the gardens at South Kensington. Journal. 9 vol. London, 1846–55. 8º. With illustrations. London, 1864. 8º. 7055. cc. - Now Series. Edited by M. J. Berkeley, etc. Hunterian Society. London, 1866, etc. 8°. Lc. 3370. Proceedings at the thirtieth anniversary meeting of the In progress. Hunterian Society, ... With the report, etc. Proceedings of the Horticultural Society of London. London, 1849. 80. 7679. b. &c. 3371. & 473. Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England In progress. and Wales. See supra : Council of Law Reporting. Almanac of the Royal Horticultural Society. [London, 1867, etc.] 12º. P.P. 2468. aa. Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom. In progress. The Law Society of the United Kingdom. Origin and objects of the Society: the Annual Report to the General List of the members of the Horticultural Society of Meeting held 18th June, 1850 ; etc. London, 1850. 80. London. [London, 1805.] 4º. T. 21. (1*.) P.P. 2501. c*. (2.) Regulations ... together with a list of the members. The New Law Courts. Statement by the ('ouncil of the London, 1805. 8º. T. 203. (3.) Incorporated Law Society on the subject of the suggested change of site. London, 1869. 80. 6145. bb. 1. The report of a committee of the Horticultural Society of Lindon. Drawn up... by T. A. Knight. Catalogue of Autograph Letters, historical...documents, London, 1805. 4º. T. 21. (5.) and engraved Portraits, forming part of the collection of a member of the Incorporated Law Society, exhibited by List of the Horticultural Society ... May 1819. pp. 30. the Society, etc. [London, 1882.] 4º. ' W. Bulmer & Co.: London, [1819.) 4°. 7054. i. 13. 11903. bbb. 491 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 492 1379. d. LONDON [CONTINUED]. LONDON (CONTINUED). Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom. Institute of British Architects, afterwards Royal Catalogue of the Mendham Collection : being a selection Institute of British Architects. of books and pamphlets from the library of the late Rev. Institute of British Architects. Address and regulations, J. Mendham, etc. [Presented by J. H. Collette to the explanatory of their views and objects, with a list of Incorporated Law Society.] (Supplement, etc. Com the members, and contributors to the collection, library, piled by J. Nicholson.) London, 1871-74. 8º. etc. as also the report of the proceedings at the opening 11904. h. general meeting...15 June, 1835. London, [1835.] 80. The Key to the Examination Questions, containing the T. 2100. (12.) Examiners' Questions from 1835 to 1849. With full Questions upon various subjects connected with Archi- answers. By the Editors of “ Law Students' Magazine." tecture, suggested for the direction of correspondents Second edition. 3 pt. London, 1849, 50. 8º. and travellers, and for the purpose of eliciting uniformity of observation and intelligence in their communications The Key to the Examination Questions...from 18:35 to to the Institute. [By T. L. Donaldson.] 1851... By the Editors of the “ Law Students' Maga- London, 1835. 8º. T. 2100. (13.) zine.” Third edition. London, 1851. 8º. Charter and bye laws of the Institute ... together with 1379. d. a list of members, the report of the Council read ... 1st Divisions 4 and 5 are of the second edition. No more May, 1837, etc. London, 1837. 4º. Ac. 4880/6. published. Report of the Select Committee on dilapidations, etc. The Examination Questions, with full answers: for 1859 (July 24, 1843.) London, 1844. 8º. Ac. 4880/7. and 1860. By the Editors of the “ Law Chronicle." London, 1860. 8º. 6146. bb. 2. Voluntary Examination. Regulations, etc. See LYNCH (H. F.) and SMITH (E. A.) An Introduction to London, (1863, etc.] 4º. Ac. 4880/8. the Final Examination : being a collection of all the In progress. questions in the papers set by the Incorporated Law General Conference of Architects, 1871. Report of Pro- Society ... with the answers, etc. 1874, etc. 8º. ceedings. London, [1871.] 4º. ĀC. 4880/9. . 6146. b. 20. Index Society. List of Members and appendix; additions to the Library Index Society. Publications, 1878, etc. and abstract of proceedings during the session 1877–78. Ac. 4880/10. London, 1879, etc. 8º. London, 1878. 4º. B. B. T. In progress. Catalogue of the printed books and manuscripts in the The Index Society. First annual report of the Cum- Library of the Royal Institute of British Architects. mittee ... 1879 [etc.]. [London,] 1879, etc. 8º. pp. iv. 184. London, 1865. 4º. BB. G. In progre88. Ac. 9122/2. Catalogues of the drawings, prints and photographs in CLARK (PERCEVAL) Index to Trevelyan's Life and Letters the Library of the Royal Institute of British Architects, of Lord Macaulay (Cabinet edition, 1878). pp. viii. 91. complete to end of the Session 1870–71. [Edited by S. Longmans & Co.: London ; Hertford [printed], 1881. 8º. W. Kershaw.] London, 1871. 4º. Ac. 4880/5. BB. T. Catalogue of the medals, busts, casts, marbles, and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. stones, in the Collection of the Royal Institute of British Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Architects, complete to end of the session 1873–74. Magazine. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—London. The pp. 14. London, 1874. 4°. Ac. 4880/11. Assurance Magazine, etc. Institute of Painters in Water Colours. See infra: New List of members of the Institute of Actuaries ... cor Society of Painters in Water Colours. rected to July, 1858, etc. pp. 20. C. & E. Layton : London, 1858. 80. Ac. 2565/3. Institution of Civil Engineers. Institute of Actuaries. Transactions. 3 vol. London, 1836–42. 4º. Ac. 4313/6. The Mortality Experience of Life Assurance Companies, collected by the Institute of Actuaries. Minutes of Proceedings ... Session 1837, etc. (Edited London, 1869. 8º. Ac. 2565. by C. Manby, vol. 7-17. Edited by C. Manby ... and J. Forrest, vol. 18, etc.) London, 1848, 42, etc. 8º. Institute of Actuaries' Life Tables Tables deduced In progress. Ac. 4313. from the mortality experience of Life Assurance Vol. 1 is a reprint of the edition of 1837. Companies as collected and arranged by the Institute, etc. London, 1872. 8º. Ac. 2565/2. - General Index, vol. 1–20, 21–30. · BB. E. Institute of British Architects, afterwards Royal Contents of the first, second, and third volumes of the Institute of British Architects. Transactions of the Institute of Civil Engineers, with the index of the first three volumes, and list of the Transactions, ... Sessions 1835–6. vol. 1. pt. 1, 2. members. 1 January, 1842. London, 1842. 4º. London, 1836. 4°. Ac. 4880. 740. 1. Papers read at the Royal Institute of British Architects, Charter, Bye-Laws, and List of Members of the Institu- Session 1853–54, (-1877–78). London, 1854–78. 4º. tion of Civil Engineers. London, 1867. 8º. Ac. 4880/2. Ac. 4313/3. Transactions. Session 1878-79, etc. [Another edition.] London, 1879. 8º. Ac. 4313/3. London, 1879, etc. 4º. Ac. 4880/3. In progress. [Another edition.] pp. 124. London, 1881. 8º. Ac. 4313/3. Proceedings. Session 1878–79, etc. London, 1879, etc. 4º. Ac. 4880/4. [Another edition.] pp. 132. London, 1883. 8º. In progress. Ac. 4313/3. 493 494 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Institution of Civil Engineers. Kings' College. Catalogue of the Library of the Institution of Civil King's College, London. Annual report presented to Engineers. [By C. Manby and J. Forrest.] the Court of Governors and Proprietors...1855. London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 4313/2. R. Clay : London, 1855. 8º. 8366. aaa. Second edition. [By C. Manby and H. S. Eaton.] Cor Student's hand-book for the Medical Department, for rected to Dec. 31, 1865. With an appendix. (Supple 1845. London, 1845. 16º. 1405. b. ment... containing the additions from Jan. 1, 1866, to October 31, 1870.) London, 1866–70. 8°. BB. E. 8365. ee. Address of Sir John Rennie to the Annual General Meeting Jan. 1846. London, 1846. 4º. Ac. 4313/7. Prospectus...1854–5 (1859). London, [1854-59.) 8º. The Education and Status of Civil Engineers, in the 1889. a. 3. (4.) United Kingdom and in foreign countries. Compiled The first book for the instruction of students in the from documents supplied to the Council of the Institution King's College. [A satire.] Second Edition. of Civil Engineers, 1868 to 1870. London, 1870. 8º. London, [1828.] 8º. T. 1274. (8.) 8775. bb. Second book. Lectures and examinations for King's The practical applications of Electricity. A series of College students. [A satire.] London, 1828. 8º. lectures delivered at the Institution ... Session 1882–83. T. 1274. (9.) pp. iv. 181. London, 1834. 8º. Ac. 4313/8. King's College and Mr. Maurice. No. 1. The Facts, Institution of Hydronomical and Nautical Engineers. by a Barrister of Lincoln's Inn London, 1854. 8º. The Official Gazette of the Institution, etc. No more published. 4108. d. 115. (8.) London, 1866, etc. 89. 1801. d. 31* In progress. Medical Society of King's College. Published Papers of the Institution, etc. (The Hydro- Transactions of the... Society... Edited by A. Meadows. nomical and Nautical Engineer. Ac. 3835 London, 1857. 8º. [A Journal.] No. 1-6. The Official Gazette, etc. No. 1-5.) London, 1866–68. 8º. Ac. 4391. Science Society of King's College. No more published. Mac MILLAN (WALTER G.) Alcohol . . . A paper, etc. pp. 25. London, 1881. 8º. 8907. de. 7. Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions ... Edited by E. J. Reed. Leland Society. London, 1860, etc. 4º. Begin. The Leland Society for the promotion of British In progress. Topography, etc. [A Prospectus.]. Index to ... volumes 1 to 21. London, 1881. 4º. [London, 1840.] 8. sh. 4º. 741. k. (18.) Ac. 4390. Linnean Society. Papers read before the Institution of Naval Architects at the twentieth session ... Reprinted from “ Engineering." Transactions. London, 1791, etc. 4º. Together with abstracts of the discussions. In progress. Vol. 15 is imperfect, wanting pp. 335-533. London, 1879. 4º. 1816. C. 8. - General Index to the Transactions, etc. vol. 1 to Institution of Surveyors. 25 (26–30). London, 1867–76. 4º. 2028. g. The Institution of Surveyors. Transactions : Session [Another copy of rol. 1-15.] T.C. 13. a. 8. 1868–69. London, (1869, etc.) 8º. Ac. 4315, & 764. In progress. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. [From November 1838 to June 1855.7 2 vol. International Statistical Congress. See supra : EUROPE. [London,] 1849-55. 8º. Ac. 3020/2. -Congrès International de Statistique. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Juridical Society. Zoology. London, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 3020. Papers read before the Juridical Society. In progress. London, 1855, etc. 8°. P.P. 1306. & 127. — Botany. London, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 3020. In progress. In progress. Proceedings, etc. [i.e. Minutes of meetings, etc.) King's College. [London, 1856, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3020. Donations and subscription shares to King's College, In progress. London, June 21, 1828. [London, 1828.7 40. T. 2120. (2.) Charter and bye-laws ... together with a patent of armorial ensigns, and a list of the Society. Statement of proceedings towards the establishment of London, 1802. 4º. 462. i. 20. King's College, London. With plans, copy of the charter, etc. London, 1830. 8º. 731. d. 16. List of the Linnean Society...1804. [London, 1804.] 49. T. 27. (12.) [Another copy.] T. 2120. (2*.) [Another edition.] [London, 1805.] 4º. T. 7. (3.) The King's College (London) Calendar for the year 1840. London, (1840, etc.] 8º. [Another edition.] [London, 1842.] 4º. In progress. P.P. 2506. a. & 2121. a. 2028. g. [Another edition.] [London, 1849.] 4º. Report presented by the Council to the General Court 7205. e. ...1836 (1844). 2 pt. R. Clay : London, 1836–44. 8º. 8366. dd. [Another edition.] [London, 1855.] 89. Ac. 3020 4. 495 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 496 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Linnean Society. Mathematical Society. Catalogue of the Natural History Library of the Linnean The articles of the Mathematical Society meeting ... in Society, etc. London, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 3020/5. Brown's-lane, Spitalfields,. . .1784. (A catalogue of the In progress. books, etc., belonging to the... Society.). London, 1784. 8°. B. 733. (3.) BELL (THOMAS) Address of T. Bell..., the President, together with obituary notices of deceased Members, by J. J. Bennett ... Secretary, read at the anniversary Medical and Chirurgical Society. meeting, etc. London, 1855. 8º. Ac. 3020/3. Medico-chirurgical Transactions. 18 vol. CHILDREN (JOHN GEORGE) An address delivered at the London, 1815, 13–33. 8º. anniversary meeting of the Zoological Club of the Linnean Society... Nov. 29, 1827. London, 1827. 8º. - Second Series. London, 1835, etc. 8º. T. 1606. (7.) Ac. 3840/2. In progress. Vol. 1 is a third edition, vol. 2 a second London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. edition. Transactions. London, 1856, etc. 8° Ac. 5668. - General index to the first eighteen volumes. (By In progress. J. F. South.] London, 1836. 8º. Ac. 3840/2. A Catalogue of the Antiquities and Works of Art ex- hibited at Ironmongers' Hall,... May, 1861. Compiled - General index to the first thirty-three volumes by a Committee of the Council of the London and of the Medico-chirurgical Transactions. [By J. Middlesex Archaeological Society. With numerous Hennen.] London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 3840/3. illustrations. [Edited by G. R. French.] 4 pt. L. P. London, 1869. 4º. Crach. Tab. 2. General index to the first fifty-three volumes of the Medico-chirurgical Transactions. [By B. R. Cass (FREDERICK CHARLES) South Mimms. [History of Wheatley.] London, 1871. 8º. 2023. f. the parish. With plates.] Westminster, 1877. 4º. 10351. h. 4. — [Another copy.] BB. C. London Anthropological Society. Proceedings, etc. London, 1857, etc. 8º. Ac. 3840. Anthropologia ; in which are included the Proceedings In progress. of the London Anthropological Society. [Edited by R. S. Charnock, J. B. Davis, etc.] (Supplement con Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Medical and taining the final proceedings of the... Society.) Vol. 1. Chirurgical Society of London. (Additions.) No. 4 London, 1874-76. 8°. Ac. 6235/5. 18. London, 1844–75. 8º. : 11901. bb. No more published. [Another edition. By B. R. Wheatley.] 3 vol. Suppt. London Architectural Society. 1, 2. London, 1879, etc. 8º. BB. C. In progress. Essays. 2 pt. London, 1808, 10. 8º. Ac. 4879. AIKIN (E.) An essay on the Doric Order of Architecture Ode, read at the centenary dinner of the Royal Medical ... Illustrated by figures of the principal antique ex- Society, February 17th, 1837. [London, 1837.] 8º. amples. London, 1810. fol. 1253. k. 11602. f. 2. (7.) Medical Society. London Electrical Society. Memoirs of the Medical Society of London, instituted The Transactions and the Proceedings of the... Society in 1773. vol. 1-3. London, 1787-92. 8º. Ac. 4178. from 1837 to 1840. London, 1841. 4º. Ac. 3823/3. [Another copy.] 740. 1. 1. [Another copy of vol. 1.] 958. f. 12. Proceedings of the ... Society, during the sessions 1841-2 and 1842–3. Edited by C. V. Walker. [Another edition.] vol. 1-5. London, 1792–99. 8º. London, 1843. 8º. 256. d. 1-5. Ac. 4178/2. Vol. 3 is a duplicate of that in the above copy. London Electrical Society Report of the Committee appointed... to test the action of an instrument invented Regulations of the... Society... instituted 1773. by Lieut. R. J. Morrison, and denominated by him a [London, 1775 ?] 8º. T. 229. (2.) portable Magnetic Electrometer. Read April 1838. [Proposed code of laws.] Begin. The committee ap- [London, 1838.] 8º. Ac. 4178/3. pointed by the Medical Society ... to revise their laws, deliver in the following code, as appropriated to the plan London Mathematical Society. of the Society, J. Coakley Lettsom, J. Sims. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. (London,] 1775. 8º. T. 229. (3.) London, (1865, etc.] 8º. Ac. 4265/2. In progress. [Another copy.] T. 140. (2.) Laws and Regulations of the Medical Society, insti- [Another copy of No. 1, vol. 1.] Ac. 4265/3. tuted... December 19, 1779. [London, ] 1783. 80. Rules of the London Mathematical Society : 15th Oc- B. 529. (5.) tober, 1866. [London, 1866.] 8º. Ac. 4265. [Another edition.] London, 1784. 8º. T. 506. (27.) List of Members of the... Society...1866, etc. Statutes [for 1833, 1844 and 1850.] 3 Nos. London, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 4265/3. London, 1833-50. 8º. Ac. 3823/4. In progress. [Another copy of 1844.] Ac. 3823/5. London Medical Society of Observation. [List of the Officers and Councillors (and Fellows) of What to observe at the bed-side and after death, in the Medical Society of London. April 1847. (April, Medical cases. [Edited by E. Ballard.] Second edition. 1842, Feb. 1850, and Sept. 1850.) 4 Nos. London, 1854. gº. 7320. a. London, [1847-50.) 8° Ac. 3823/6. . 497 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 498 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Medical Society. Musæum Minervæ. A Catalogue of Books contained in the Library of the The constitutions of the Musæum Minervæ. [By Sir F. Medical Society of London. London, 1803. 8º. Kynaston.] London, 1636. 4º. 731. n. 3. (1.) 11901. f. [Another copy.] B. 745. (6.) [Another edition.] 2 pts. London, 1829–56. 8º. Cropped. 824. e. 53. A letter from a medical gentleman in town to his friend [Another copy.] MS. NOTE. C. 40. c. 19. (1.) in the country, containing an authentic account of the Corona Minerva : or a masque presented before Prince difference between the Medical Society of Crane-Court, Charles his Highnesse ... at the Colledge of the Museum and Dr. Whitehead; during the late canvass for a Minerva. London, 1635. 4º. Č. 40. c. 19. (2.) physician to the London hospital. With a true copy of all the papers, etc. London, 1784. 8°. [Another copy.] 161. a. 17. T. 140. (5.) Medico-Botanical Society. Mystery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London, afterwards Royal College of Surgeons. Bye-laws of the... Society. [London,] 1828. 8º. Ac. 3846. See infra : Royal College of Surgeons. Transactions. Vol. 1, pts. 1-4. [Pt. 4 edited by W. H. Nam Shakespere Society Judd.] 2 pt. London, (1829–39.) 8º. Ac. 3846/2. The New Sbakspere Society's Transactions. 1874, etc. Meteorological Society. London, [1874, etc.] 8º. Ac. 9486. Transactions. In progress. vol. 1. London, 1839. 8º. Ac. 4093./2. The Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth. Reprint of Proceedings during the session 1838, 39 [and 1839-407. first Quarto, 1600. [Edited by B. Nicholson.] London, [1841.] 80. P.P. 1560. (2.) London, 1875. 4º. AC. 9487/5. The Quarterly Journal of Meteorology and Physical The Life of Henry the Fifth. Reprinted from the first Science, Jan. 1842--Oct. 1843. Edited by J. W. G folio, 1623. [Edited by B. Nicholson.] Gutch (and W. H. White). London, 1843. 8º. London, 1875. 4º. Ac. 9487/6. No more published. Ac. 4093. The Life of Henry the Fift ... The edition of 1623, Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society. newly revised and corrected, with notes and an intro- London, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 4093. & 52. duction by W. G. Stone. pp. cvi. 180. In progress. London, Bungay [printed], 1880. 8º. Ac. 9487/10. Modern Meteorology. A series of six lectures delivered King Henry v. Parallel texts of tbe first quarto (1600) under the auspices of the Meteorological Society in 1878. and first folio (1623) editions. Edited by Dr. B. Illustrated. London, 1879. 8º. 8755. h, 8. Nicholson. With an introduction by P. A. Daniel. London, Bungay (printed], 1877. 4º. Ac. 9487/9. The Meteorological Record. Monthly results of obser- vations made at the stations of the Meteorological Romeo and Juliet. Parallel texts of the first two Society, with remarks on the weather.. ,By W. Marriott. Quartos, (Q 1) 1597—Q2, 1599. Edited by P. A. E. Stanford : London, [1881, etc.) 8º. Ac. 4093/3. Daniel. London, 1874. 4º. Ac. 9487. In progress. Romeo and Juliet. Reprint of (Q° 1) 1597. Edited by Metropolitan Association of Medical Officers of P. A. Daniel. London, 1874. 40. Ac. 9487/2. Health. Romeo and Juliet. Reprint of Q° 2. 1599. Edited by Sanitary Tracts. Issued under the sanction of the P. A. Daniel. London, 1874. 4º. Ac. 9487/3. Metropolitan Association of Medical Officers, etc. No. 1. Vaccination. By E. Ballard. London, [1859.) 8º. Romeo and Juliet. Revised edition of the second, or No more published. 7686. d. 1599, quarto. Edited by P. A. Daniel. Ac. 9487/4. The Tragedie of Cymbeline. Reprinted from the first The Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London. folio, 1623, with collations of the second, third, and 3 vol. London, 1844-52. 8º. fourth folios, by W.J. Craig. pp. 145. - New Series. 16 vol. London, 1853-68. gº, London, Bungay [printed), 1883. 4º. Ac. 9487/11. Ac. 3022. The Two Noble Kinsmen. (By John Fletcher and [Continued as:] William Shakspere.) Reprint of the Quarto, 1634. The Monthly Microscopical Journal. Transactions of Edited by H. Littledale. the Royal Microscopical Society, and record of his London, Bungay [printed], 1876. 4º. Ac. 9487/7. tological research ... Edited by H. Lawson. 18 vol. London, 1869–77. 8º. Ac. 3022/2. [Another edition.] Pt. 1. Revised text and notes. [Continued as: 1 London, [Bungay, printed,] 1876. 4°. Ac. 9487/8. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, containing its Transactions and Proceedings, etc. Originals and Analogues, etc. London, 1875, etc. 49. London, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 3022/2. & 677. In progress. Ac. 9488. In progress. CHESTER (ROBERT) Poet. R. Chester's “ Love's Martyr, or, History, Constitution and Laws. London, 1840. 8º. Rosalin's Complaint” (1601); with its supplement, - Diverse Poeticall Essaies” on the Turtle and Phønix Ac. 3022/4. by Shakspere, Ben Jonsol, Geolgon Chapman, John Report of the first second, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, Marston, etc. Edited, with introduction, notes and illus eighth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth) anniversary, etc. trations, by...A. B. Grosait. London, 1841-52. 8º. Ac. 3022/3. London, Bungay (printed], 1878. é. Ac. 9489. d/2. 499 500 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). New Shakspere Society. New Society of Painters in Water-Colours, afterwards FURNIVALL (FREDERICK JAMES) The Digby Mysteries. 1. Institute of Painters in Water-Colours. The Killing of the Children. 2. The Conversion of St. Exposition de la Nouvelle Société des Peintres en Aqua- Paul. 3. Mary Magdalene. 4. Christ's Burial and relle. (Catalogue for 1851.] [London, 1851.] 4º. Resurrection, with an incomplete Morality of Wisdom, 7587. f. who is Christ (part of one of the Macro Moralities). Exhibition of Sketches and Studies. [Catalogues for Edited from the Mss. by F. J. Furnivall, pp. xxxii. 239. 1866–68.] London, 1866–68. 4º. 7857. f. London, Bungay [printed], 1882. 8º. Ac. 9489. c. 1. HARRISON (WILLIAM) Historical Writer. Harrison's De- [Another copy of 1866.] 7857. g. 6. scription of England in Shakspere's Youth. Being the New Sydenham Society. second and third books of his Description of Britaine and A Year Book of Medicine, Surgery, and their allied Englande. Edited from the first two editions of Holin- shed's Chronicle,... 1577, 1587, by F. J. Furnivall. ... sciences for 1859(-1864). Edited by Dr. Farley, Dr. H. Jones, Mr. Hulke, Dr. G. Hewitt, and Dr. Odling. (J. B. With Norden's Map of London, 1593, and notes on it by H. B. Wheatley. Sanderson, E. Montgomery, T. Windsor, J. Hinton, J. London, [Bungay printed] 1877 (1876], etc. 8º. M. Bright, C. H. Fagge.) 6 vol. London, 1860–65. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3838/8. Ac. 9489/4. A Biennial Retrospect of Medicine, Surgery, and their INGLEBY (CLEMENT MANSFIELD) Shakespeare's Centurie of allied sciences for 1865–6. Edited by Mr. H. Power, Dr. Prayse; being materials for a history of opinion on Anstie, etc. London, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 3838/16. Shakespeare and his works, A.D. 1591-1693 ... Second In progress. edition, revised, with ... additions by Lucy Toulmin Smith. pp. xxiii. 471. Report presented to the eleventh (twelfth, fourteenth, London, Bungay [printed], 1879. 80. Ac. 9489. etc.) annual meeting of the New Sydenham Society ... With list of works published. [London, 1869, etc.) 8º. INGLEBY (CLEMENT MANSFIELD) Shakspere Allusion-books. In progress. Ač. 3838/46. Edited by C. M. Ingleby. [With a supplement to the “ general introduction" by R. Simpson.] An Atlas of illustrations of Pathology, compiled (chiefly London, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 9486/2. from original sources) for the New Sydenham Society. In progress. London, 1877, etc. fol. Tab. 740. a. In progress. SPALDING (WILLIAM) Professor of Logic in the University of St. Andrew's. A letter on Shakspere's authorship of ... Atlas of Portraits of Diseases of the Skin. the Two Noble Kinsmen. , .. By... W. Spalding. New London, [1860?, etc.] fol. Tab. 740. a. edition, with a life of the author, by J. H. Burton. A descriptive Catalogue of the ... Atlas, ... compiled [Edited by F. J. Furnivall.] ... by J. Hutchinson. London, 1869, etc. 8º. London, [Bungay, printed,] 1876. 8°. Ac. 9489. d/1. In progress. Ac. 3838/21. STAFFORD (WILLIAM) Gentleman. W. Stafford's Com- Clinical Lectures on subjects connected with medicino, pendious or briefe examination of certayne ordinary com- surgery, and obstetrics. By various German anthors. plaints of divers of our countrymen in these our dayes. Selected (and translated] ... from the series published A.D. 1581 (otherwise called“ A Briefe Conceipt of English by ... Ř. Volkmann. London, 1876, etc. 80. Pollicy"). With an introduction by F. D. Matthew. In progress. Ac. 3838/27. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, [Bungay, priuted,] 1876. 4º. Ac. 9489/3. Memoirs on Diphtheria. From the writings of Breton- neau, Guersant, Trousseau, Bouchut, Empis, and Daviot. STUBBES (PHILIP) P. Stubbes's Anatomy of Abuses in Selected and translated by R. H. Semple. With a biblio- England in Shakspere's youth. ... Edited by F. J. Fur graphical appendix, by J. Chatto. London, 1859. 8º. nivall. 2 pt. London, Bungay [printed], 1877–82. 8º. Ac. 3838/3. Ac. 9489/4. The New Sydenham Society's Lexicon of Medicine and TELL-TROTH. Tell-Trothes New Yeare's Gift ... and the the allied Sciences. (Based on Mayne's Lexicon.) Edited Passionate Morrice. 1593. J. Lane's Tom Tell-Troths ... by H. Power ... and L. W. Sedgwick. Message, and his pens complaint. 1600. T. Powell's London, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 3838/34. Tom of All Trades. On the plain path-way to prefer- In progress. ment . . . 1631. The Glasse of Godly Love. (By J. Rogers ?) 1569. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Selected Monographs : Kussmaul and Tenner on epilepti- London, (Bungay, printed, ) 1876. 4º. Ac. 9489/2. form convulsions from Hæmorrhage. (Translated by E. VILES (EDWARD) and FURNIVALL (FREDERICK JAMES) The Bronner.) Wagner on the resection of bones and joints. (Translated by T. Holmes.) Graefe's three memoirs on rogues and vagabonds of Sbakspere's youth, described by iridectomy in iritis, choroiditis, and glaucoma. (Trans- J. Awdeley in his Fraternitye of Vacabondes, 1561-73, lated by T. Windsor.) London, 1859. 80. T. Harman in his Caveat for Common Cursetors, 1567-73, and in the Groundworke of Conny-catching, 1592. Ac. 3838/5. Edited by E. Viles & F. J. Furnivall in 1869 for the Selected Monographs: Czermak on the practical uses of Early English Text Society, and now reprinted. pp. the Laryngoscope. (Translated by G. D. Gibb.) Dusch xxx. 112. on Thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses. (Translated by G. London, Bungay (printed], 1880. 8º.. Ac. 9489/7. Whitley.) Schroeder van der Kolk on. Atrophy of the Brain. (Translated by W. D. Moore.) Radicke on the New Society of Painters in Water-Colours, afterwards application of Statistics to medical enquiries. (Translated Institute of Painters in Water-Colours.' by F. T. Bond.) Esmarch on the uses of cold in surgical Exhibition of the New Water Colour Society. Cata practice. (Translated by E. Montgomery.) logues for 1835–66.] London, (1835–66.] 4º. London, 1861. 8°. . Ac. 3838/9. 7857. f. Imperfect; wanting the Catalogues for 1836 and 1848. ADDISON (THOMAS) A collection of the published writings [Another copy of 1838, 39.] 786. e. 31. of ...T. Addison. ... Edited, with introductory preface ... by Dr. Wilks and Dr. Daldy. London, 1868. 8º. [Another copy of 1849? 7854. g. Ac. 3838/19. 501 ACADEMIES. [London.] 502 27 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). New Sydenham Society. New Sydenham Society. BEGBIE (JAMES WARBURTON) M.D. Selections from the GUTTMANN (PAUL) A handbook of Physical Diagnosis. works of the late J. W. Begbie ... Edited with a “Me Comprising the throat, thorax, and abdomen ... Trans- moir”] by D. Duckworth. pp. xxiv. 422. lated from the third German edition by A. Napier. London, 1882. 8º. Ac. 3838/42. pp. xii. 441. London, 1879. 8º. Ac. 3838/35. BERNUTZ (GUSTAVE LOUIS RICHARD) and GOUPIL (ERNEST) Clinical memoirs of the Diseases of Women. . . . Trans- HEBRA (FERDINAND) On Diseases of the Skin, including lated and edited by A. Meadows. 2 vol. the Exanthemata. By F. Hebra. (Vol. 3-5. By F. London, 1866–67. 8°. Ac. 3838/14. Hebra and M. Kaposi.) Vol. 1. Translated and edited by C. H. Fagge. [Vol. 2 by C. H. Fagge and P. H. BILLROTH (THEODOR) Clinical Surgery. Extracts from Pye-Smith, and Vol. 3-5 by W. Tay.] 5 vol. . the reports of surgical practice between . . . 1860–1876 London, 1866–80. 8º. . Ac. 3838/15. ... Translated . . . and edited, with annotations, by C. T. Dent... With ... lithographs, etc. pp. xx. 518. HIRSCH (AUGUST) Handbook of Geographical and Histori- London, 1881. 8º. Ac. 3838/39. cal Pathology ... Translated from the second German edition by C. Creighton. London, 1883, etc. 8º. BILLROTH (THEODOR) Lectures on Surgical Pathology In progress. Ac. 3838/44. and Therapeutics ... Translated from the eighth edition. 2 vol. London, 1877, 78. 8º. Ac. 3838/31. HUTCHINSON (J.) A descriptive Catalogue of the ... Society's Atlas of Portraits of diseases of the Skin. BRIGHT (RICHARD) Clinical memoirs on Abdominal See supra : Atlas. Tumours and intumescence ... Reprinted from the Guy's Hospital Reports.' Edited by G. H. Barlow. KOCH (ROBERT) Investigations into the etiology of Trau- London, 1861. 8°. Ac. 3838/6. matic Infective Diseases. Translated by W. W. Cheyne. pp. xiii. 74. CASPER (JOHANN LUDWIG) A Handbook of the practice of London, 1880. 8º. Ac. 3238/36. Forensic Medicine, based upon personal experience ... Translated from the third edition of the original, by G. KOLK (J. L. C. SCHROEDER VAN DER) Professor Schroeder vau der Kolk on the minute structure and functions W. Balfour. 4 vol. London, 1861–65. 8º. of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. And on Ac. 3838/10. the proximate cause and rational treatment of epilepsy. CHARCOT (JEAN MARTIN) Clinical lectures on Senile and Translated from the original... by W. D. Moore. 2 pt. Chronic Diseases... Translated by W. S. Tuke. With London, 1859. 8º. Ac. 3838/4. plates, etc. pp. xvi. 307. London, 1881. 8º. Ac. 3838/40. KRAMER (WILHELM) The Aural Surgery of the present CHARCOT (JEAN MARTIN) Lectures on the diseases of the day.... Translated by H. Power. ... With corrections nervous system ... Translated by G. Sigerson. 2 series. and...additions by the author. London, 1863. 8º. Ac. 3838/11. London, 1877-81. 8º. Ac. 3838/30. CHARCOT (JEAN MARTIN) Lectures on the localisation of LANCEREAUX (ÉTIENNE) A treatise on Syphilis, historical Cerebral and Spinal Diseases. ... Translated and edited and practical. ... Translated by G. Whitley. 2 vol. by W. B. Hadden. pp. xxxii. 341. London, 1883. 8°. London, 1868, 69. 8º. Ac. 3838/20. Ac. 3838/45. LATHAM (PETER MERE) The collected works of...P. M. COLLES (ABRAHAM) Selections from the works of A. Latham, with memoir by Sir T. Watson, Bart. Edited Colles, consisting chiefly of his practical observations on ... by R. Martin, etc. 2 vol. London, 1876–78. 8º. the venereal disease, and on the use of mercury. Edited, 'Ac. 3838/28. with annotations, by R. McDonnell. pp. xiii. 431. London, 1881. 8º. Ac. 3837/38. NEALE (RICHARD) The Medical Digest, being a means of ready reference to the principal contributions to DIDAY (PAUL) A treatise on Syphilis in new-born medical science during the last thirty years. children, and' infants at the breast. Translated by G. London, 1877. 8º. Ac. 3838/32. Whitley. London, 1859. 8º. Ac. 3838. NEUBAUER (c.) and VOGEL (J.) A guide to the qualitative DONDERS (FRANS CORNELIS) On the anomalies of accom- and quantitative analysis of the Urine... Fourth edition, modation and refraction of the eye. With a preliminary ...altered and enlarged... Translated by W. O. Mark- essay on physiological dioptrics ... Translated from the ham. London, 1863. 8º. Ac. 3838/12 author's manuscript by W. D. Moore. London, 1864. 807 Ac. 3838/13. NIEMEYER (FELIX VON) Clinical lectures on Pulmonary Consumption. Translated from the second German DUCHENNE (GUILLAUME BENJAMIN ARMAND). Selections from edition, by C. Bæumler, etc. London, 1870. 8º. the clinical works of Dr. Duchenne ... Translated, Ac. 3838/23. edited and condensed by G. V. Poore. pp. xxii. 472. RINDFLEISCH (EDUARD) A manual of Pathological Hist- London, 1883. 8º. Ac. 3838/43. ology... Translated by E. B. Baxter. 2 vol. FRERICHS (ERIEDRICH THEODOR) Ac. 3838/25. A London, 1872, 73. 8º. clinical treatise on diseases of the Liver. ... Translated by C. Murchison. SMELLIE (WILLIAM) Smellie's treatise on the theory and 2 vol. London, 1860, 61. 8º. Ac. 3838/7. practice of Midwifery. Edited with annotations and a GOOCH (ROBERT) Gooch on some of the most important memoir), by A. H. McClintock. 3 vol. diseases peculiar to women, with other papers. Prefatory London, 1876–78. 8º. Ac. 3838/29. essay by R. Ferguson. London, 1859. 8º. STOKES (WILLIAM) M.D., Regius Professor of Physic in the Ac. 3838/2. University of Dublin. A treatise on the diagnosis and GRIESINGER (WILHELM) Mental Pathology and Thera treatment of Diseases of the Chest. Part 1. Diseases peutics. ... Translated from the German (second edition) of the Lung and Windpipe . . . With memoir by Dr. by C. L. Robertson ... and J. Rutherford. Acland ... Edited ... by A. Hudson. pp. lv. 596. London, 1867. 8°. Ac. 3838/17. London, 1882. 8º. Ac. 3838/41. 503 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 504 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). New Sydenham Society. Obstetrical Society. STRICKER (s.) Manual of human and comparative Hist Rules for the general management of infants ... [drawn ology. Edited by S. S. ... Translated by H. Power, etc. up by a Committee appointed] by the Obstetrical Society 3 vol. London and Aylesbury, 1870–73. gº. 7581. bb. Ac. 3838/22 TROELTSCH (ANTON FR. VON) The Surgical Diseases of the Odontological Society. Ear. By Professor Tröltsch. The mechanism of the Transactions. Vol. 1. 1856-57 (1857–67). 5 vol. ossicles and the membrana tympani. By Prof. Helmholtz, London, 1858–67. 8º.. Translated from the German by J. Hinton. . - New series. London, 1868, etc. 8º. London, 1874. 8°. . Ac. 3838/26. In progress. Ac. 3845. & 816. TROUSSEAU (ARMAND) Lectures on Clinical Medicine, List of Members of the Odontological Society, etc. delivered at the Hotel-Dieu, Paris ... Translated and 1871(1876). [London, 1871-76.] 8º. Ac. 3845/2. edited, with notes and appendixes by P. V. Bazire (and J. R. Cormack]. 5 vol. London, 1868-72. 8º. Catalogue of the Museum of the Odontological Society Ac. 3838/18. of Great Britain. [Compiled by C. S. Tomes.] London, 1872. 8º. 7611. a. WARING (EDWARD JOHN) Bibliotheca Therapeutica, or Bibliography of Theraupeutics, ... with numerous . . . Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and annotations, and an appendix, containing the biblio- Ireland. graphy of British Mineral Waters. 2 vol. London, 1878, 79. 8º. Report of the proceedings of the first general meeting of BB. C. the subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund, with WUNDERLICH (CARL AUGUST) On the Temperature in the prospectus, report of the committee, and regulations. Diseases ... Translated from the second German edition London, 1828. 8º. T. 1207. (10.) by W. B. Woodman, etc. London, 1871. 8º. . Report of the proceedings of the second general meeting Ac. 3838/24. of the subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund. Nordisk Selskab i London. With the prospectus, report of the committee and regu- lations. London, 1829. 8º. Samling af Skrifter Bind. 1. Kööbenhavn, 1788. 8º. 752. g. 1. (2.) 12260. b. 8. Report of the proceedings of the third annual meeting North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. ... with the report of the committee, list of the sub- See infra : SHANGHAI. scribers, regulations, etc. London, 1830. 4º. 752. k. 2. (2.) Nouvelle Société des Peintres en Aquarelle. See supra : [Another copy.] 740. k. 3. (2.) New Society of Painters in Water Colours. [Another copy.] 817. b. 36. (6.) Numismatic Society. Report of the proceedings of the third annual meeting, The Numismatic Journal. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. etc. See infra : Royal Asiatic Society. Catalogue (Transactions of the Numismatic Society.) June 1836-- of the printed books, etc. 1830. 40. 620. i. 34. April 1838. 2 vol. London, 1837 [38]. 8º. A list of the subscribers to the Oriental Translation P.P. 1874. Fund; with its officers; and a catalogue of the works Proceedings. 1836–38. 2 pt. London, 1837, 32. 8º. published and printing by the fund. January, 1832. London, 1832. 8º. Ac. 5885. 11852. ff. The Numismatic Chronicle (after vol. 4 styled The Report of the proceedings of the fourth annual meeting, Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic etc. London, 1832. 8º. Ac. 8822 Society). Edited by J. Y. Akerman (and W. S. W. Vaux). [List of Members and Subscribers.] Vol. 1–20. London, 1839-59. 8º. See infra : Royal Asiatic Society. Royal Asiatic - New Series. Edited (Vols. 1-8) by W. S. W. Vaux, Society ... List of the Members, etc. [1843.] 8º. J. Evans and F. W. Madden. (Vols. 9–20, by W. S. W. Ac. 8820/5. Vaux, J. Evans and B. V. Head) 20 vol. List of works printed (and preparing for publication.) London, 1861–80. 8º. London, [1843.] 8º. 752. h. 15. - Third Series. Edited by J. Evans, W. S. W. Vaux, and B. V. Head. London, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 5885/2. "ABD AL-RAHMAN IBN ABÍ BAKR (JALÁL AL-DÍN ABU AL In progress. FADHL) Al-Suyútí. The History of the Temple of Jeru- salem : translated from the Arabic MS. of the Imám The Græco-Bactrian Coins [a memoir by H. H. Wilson). Jalal-Addin Al Síútí. With notes and dissertations. From the Proceedings of the Numismatic Society of By the Rev. J. Reynolds. London, 1836. 8º. London, 1837–38. pp. 32. 752. k. 7. Moyes & Barclay : London, [1839.] 8º. AHMAD IBN 'ALÍ IBN 'ABD AL-KADIR (TAKÍ AL-DÍN ABÚ AL 7756. de. 8. (1.) 'ABBAS) Al-Malcrízí. Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de Balloting List ... 1839-40. [London, 1839.] S. sh. 4º. l’Egypte, écrite en arabe par Taki-eddin-Ahmed-Makrisi, 741. k. (20.) traduite en français et accompagnée de notes philolo- giques, historiques, geograpbiques par M. Quatremère. Obstetrical Society. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1837-45. 4º. 752. 1. 18, 19. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London for Each tom. is in 2 pt. .. the year 1859, etc. London, 1860, etc. 89. Ac. 3830. AHMAD IBN MUHAMMAD IBN AHMAD IBN Yaiyá (SHIHÁB AL- In progress. DÍN ABU AL 'ABBÁS) The history of the Mohammedan Catalogue and Report of Obstetrical and other instru Dynasties in Spain; extracted from the Naf hu-t-tíb min ments exhibited at the Conversazione of the Obstetrical ghorni-l-Andalusi-r-rattib ... translated ... and illus- Society of London ... March 28th, 1866. With numerous trated with critical notes ... by P. de Gayangos. 2 vol. illustrations. London, 1867. 8º. 7580. aaa. London, 1840, 43. 4º. . 752. m. 1, 2. 505 506 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland. AHMAD IBN MUHAMMAD IBN IBRÁHÍM IBN ABÍ BAKR IBN DAVIS (Sir JOHN FRANCIS) Bart. The Fortunate Union; KHALLIKÁN (SHAMS AL-DÍN ABÚ AL 'ABBÁS) Al Barmaké Al a romance translated from the Chinese original. With Irbeli, called Ibn Khallikán. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical notes and illustrations. To which is added a Chinese Tragedy. 2 vol. London, 1829. 8º. 752. g. 1. de Slane. 4 vol. Paris, 1842–71. 4°. 10605. h. This copy contains the original Pt. 1 of Vol. III, which ELISHA, Vartabed. The history of Vartan, and of the was subsequently corrected and re-issued in the complete battle of the Armenians : containing an account of the volume. religious wars between the Persians and Armenians, by [Another copy.] L. P. 752. m. 9-13. Elisæus, Bishop of the Amadunians. Translated from This copy also contains the original Pt. 1 of Vol. III. the Armenian, by C. F. Neumann. London, 1830. 4º. 752. 1. 6. ‘ALÍ IBN 'AL-HUSAÍN 'Al-Masúdí (‘ABU AL-HASAN) El [Another copy.] 756. k. 3. (1.) Masúdí's Historical Encyclopædia, entitled, “ Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems,” translated from the Arabic FIRDAUSÍ. The Sháh Námeh of the Persian poet Firdausí, by A. Sprenger. Vol. 1. London, 1841. 8º. . translated and abridged, in prose and verse, with notes 752. g. 29. and illustrations. By J. Atkinson. pp. xxxi. 608. 752. f. London, 1832. 8º. [Another copy.] 752. g. 14. •ALÍ MUHAMMAD Khán. The political and statistical GARCIN DE TASSY (JOSEPH HÉLIODORE Histoire de la History of Gujarat [down to the year 1762 A.D.] trans- Littérature hindoui et hindoustani. 2 tom. lated from the Persian of Ali Mohammed Khán ... To Paris, 1839-47. 8º. 752. k. 5, 6. which are added copious annotations, and an historical GĦULÁM HUSAIN IBN HIDÁYAK ‘ALÍ. The Siyar-ul-Mu- introduction by J. Bird. London, 1835. 8º. takherin, a history of the Mohamedan power in India 752. k. 8. during the last century ... Revised from the translation APOSTLES. The Apostolical Constitutions or Canons of of Haji Mustefa, and collated with the Persian original, the Apostles in Coptic. With an English translation by H. Tattam. London, 1848. 8º. 752. h. 8. No more published. APOSTLES. The Ethiopic Didascalia ; or, the Ethiopic HĀN. Hän Koong Tsew, or the sorrows of Hān, a version of the apostolical constitutions received in the Chinese tragedy. Translated from the original, with church of Abyssinia. With an English translation. notes. By J. F. Davis. London, 1829. 40. Edited and translated by T. P. Platt. Ethiop. and Eng. 752. 1. 4. London, 1834. 4º. 752. 1. 22. [Another copy.] 756. k. 3. (3.) ARABIC MANUSCRIPTS. A critical essay on various manu ÅÁTIM TÁï. The Adventures of Hatim Taï, a romance. script works, Arabic and Persiap, illustrating the history Translated from the Persian, by D. Forbes. of Arabia, Persia, Turkomania, India, Syria, Egypt, London, 1830. 4º. 752. k. 1. Mauritania and Spain. Translated by J. C. from a Persian manuscript in the collection of Sir W. Ouseley, [Another copy.] 756. k. 3. (4.) the editor. London, 1832. 8º. 752. g. 13*. HUDSAILITES. Carmina Hudsailitarum quotquot in AWLIYÁÍ Efendi. Narrative of travels in Europe, Asia Codice Lugdunensi insunt. [Collected by’Abú S'aíd ’Al- and Africa, in the seventeenth century, by Evliyá Efendí. Hasan ibn 'Al-Husain ’Al-Sukkarí, redacted by 'Abú Translated from the Turkish, by J. von Hammer. Vol. 'Al-Hasan ‘Ali ibn 'Isa ibn 'Alí ‘Al-Rommání.] Arabice 1, 2. London, 1834-50. 4°. 752. I. 10, 11. edita adjectaque translatione annotationibusque illus- No more published. trata ab J. G. L. Kosegarten. The Hudsailian poems BAADRA Báhu. The Kalpa Sútra [by Bhadra Báhu) and ... edited in Arabic and translated with annotations. Nava Tatva: two works illustrative of the Jain Religion Arab. vol. 1., London, Greifswald (printed], 1854. 4º. and Philosophy. Translated from the Mágadhi. With 752. m. 4. an appendix containing remarks on the language of the HUSAIN ‘ALÍ IBN 'ABD Al-KáDIR KIRMANÍ. The history original by J. Stevenson. London, 1848. 8º. of Hydur Naik, otherwise styled Shums ul Moolk, 752. h. 7. Ameer ud Dowla, Nawaub Hydur Ali Khan Bahadoor, CHODZKO (ALEXANDER) Specimens of the popular poetry Hydur Jung; Nawaub of the Karnatic Balaghaut ... of Persia, as found in the adventures and improvisations translated from an original Persian manuscript ... by of Kurroglou, and in the songs of the peeple inhabiting W. Miles. London, 1842. 89. the shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally collected and translated with notes, by A. Chodzko. HUSAIN "ALÍ IBN 'ABD AL-KADIR KIRMANÍ. The history London, 1842. 8º. .752. g. 34.. of the reign of Tipú Sultán, being a continuation of the Neshani Hyduri. Translated from an original Persian CHOO-HUNG. The Catechism of the Shamans, or the . Manuscript by W. Miles. laws and regulations of the priesthood of Buddha in London, 1864 (1844]. 8º. 752. h. 5. China (by Chao Hung)... Translated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations (by Hung-Tean), HwUY LAN. Hoeï-lan ki; ou, l'histoire du cercle de by C. F. Neumann. London, 1831. 8°. 752. .y. 9. craie, drame en prose et en vers [in four acts] traduit du Chinois, et accompagné de notes, par Stanilas Julien. DABISTÁN. The Dabistan, or School of Manners, trans London, 1832. 8º. 752, g. 17. lated from the original Persian Tof the Muhammad Mulisan Jámí?] with notes and illustrations by D. Shea JAHANGIR. Memoirs of the Emperor Jahangueir, written and A. Troyer; edited with a preliminary discourse by by himself; and translated from a Persian manuscript, the latter, 3 vol. Paris, 1843. 8º. 752. h. 2-4. by Major D. Price. London, 1829. 4°. 752. 1. 2. 507 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 508 TTU LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and | Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland. JAPAN, Emperors of. Nipon o daï itsi Ran; ou, annales MUHAMMAD IBN 'ABD ALLAH IBN MUHAMMAD IBN IBRAHÍM des empereurs du Japon, traduites par I. Titsingh, avec (ABU “ABD ALLAH) Al-Lawátí Al-Tanjí, called Ibn Batútah. l'aide de plusieurs interpretès attachés au comptoir Hol The travels of Ibn Batūta; translated from the abridged landais de Nangasaki ; ouvrage revu, complété et cor Arabic manuscript copies preserved in the public library rigé sur l'original Japonais-Chinois, accompagné de of Cambridge. With notes illustrative of the history, notes, et précédé d'un aperçu de l'histoire mythologique geography, botany, antiquities, &c. occurring throughout du Japon, par J. Klaproth. Paris, 1834. 4º. the work. By the Revd. S. Lee. London, 1829. 4º. 752. l. 14. 752. 1. 1. [Another copy.] 9056. i. MUỦAMMAD IBN AHMAD (ABÚ AL-RAIHÁN) Al-Bérúní Al- Khuwárazmi. The Chronology of Ancient Nations. An JAUHAR. The Tezkereh al Vakiāt; or, private memoirs English version of the Arabic text of the Athâr-ul- of the Moghul Emperor Humāyun, written in the Persian bâkiya of Albîrûnî, or “ Vestiges of the Past," collected language by Jouher, a confidential domestic of his and reduced to writing by the author in A. H. 390–1, majesty. Translated by C. Stewart. London, 1832. 4º. A.D. 1000. Translated and edited, with notes and index, 752. l. 8. by C. E. Sachau. pp. xvi. 464. JOSEPH, Ben Joshua, the Priest. The chronicles of Rabbi W. H. Allen & Co.: London, 1879. 80. 752. I. 24. Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi. Translated from the Hebrew, by C. H. F. Bialloblotzky. 2 vol. MuỦAMMAD IBN AS'AD (JALÁL AL-DÍN) Al-Sadílčí Al-Dawání. London, 1835, 36. 8º. 752. g. 22. Practical Philosophy of the Muhammadan People ... being a translation of the Akhlāk-i-Jālāly... from the ÍŞVARA KRISHŅA. The Sankhya Kárika; or, memorial Persian,...with references and notes by W. F. Thompsoni. verses on the Sankhya philosophy by Iswara Krishna ; London, 1839. 8º. 752. g. 28. translated from the Sanscrit by H. T. Colebrooke. Also the Bhashya or commentary of Gaurapáda : translated, MUHAMMAD IBN JARÍR IBN YAZID IBN KHÁLID (ABÚ J'AFAR) and illustrated by an original comment, by H. H. Al-Tabarí. Chronique d'Abou-Djafar Mohammed Ta- Wilson. Sansk. & Eng. Oxford, 1837. 4º. bari fils de Djarir, fils d’Yezid ; (written originally in 752. 1. 17. Arabic) traduite sur la version Persane d'Abou Ali Mo- hammed Belami fils de Mohammed, fils d'Abd-Allah, Kálidása. Kumára Sambhava, Kálidásae carmen, d'après les manuscrits de la bibliothèque du Roi, par Sanskrite et Latine; edidit A. F. Stenzler. L. Dubeux. tom. 1. Paris, 1836. 4º. 752. 1. 23. Berlin, 1838. 4º. 752. 1. 21. Imperfect; wanting all after page 280. KÁLINÁSA. The Birth of the War-God, (Kumára Samb- hava,) a Poem by Kálidása. Translated from the San- MUHAMMAD IBN JARÍR IBN YAZID IBN KHÁLID (ABÚ JʻAFAR) skrit into English Verse by R. T. H. Griffith. Al-Tabaré. Chronique de Abou-Djafar Mohammed-ben- 752. h. 14. London, 1853. 8º. Diarir-ben Yezid Tabari, traduite sur la version persano d'Abou-Ali-Moʻhammed Belaʻmi ... par H. Zotenberg. KÁLIDÁSA. Raghuwansa, Kálidásæ carmen, Sanskrite et 4 tom. Paris, 1867-74. 8º. 752. h. 10-13. Latine; edidit A. F. Stenzler. London, 1832. 4º. 752. m. 5. MUHAMMAD IBN KHÁWAND SHár IBN MAHMUD, called KULTHUM Nání. Customs and manners of the women Mérſchwand. History of the Early Kings of Persia, from of Persia, and their domestic superstitions, translated Kaiomars... to the conquest of Iran by Alexander the from the original Persian manuscript (Kitábi Kulsum Great. Translated from the original Persian . .. with Naneh) by J. Atkinson. London, 1832. 8º. notes and illustrations, by D. Shea. London, 1832. gº.. 752. g. 18. 752. g. 19 LAOU-TSZE. Le Livre des Recompenses et des Peines, en MUHAMMAD IBN MUHAMMAD (ABÚ AL-NASR) Al-Jabbár Al- Chinois et en Français; accompagné de quatre cent • Utbí. The Kitab-i-Yamini, historical memoirs of the légendes, anecdotes et histoires, qui font connaître les Amír Sabaktagin and the Sultán Mahmúd of Ghazna... doctrines, les croyances et les moeurs de la secte des Translated from the Persian version of the contemporary Taossé. Traduit du Chinois, par S. Julien. Arabic Chronicle of Al Utbí (the composition of Násir Paris, 1835. 8°. . 752. g. 25. ibn Thafar ibn Sa'd Al-Jarbádakání] by J. Reynolds. London, 1858. 8º. 752. h. 9. MAHÁBHÁRATA. Harivansa; ou, histoire de la famille de Hari, ouvrage formant un appendice du Mahâbhârata, MUHAMMAD IBN Músá (ABÚ ‘ABD ALLAH) Al huwárazmi. et traduit sur l'original Sanscrit, par A. Langlois. 2 tom. The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa. Edited and Paris, 1834, 35. 4º. 752. l. 15, 16. translated by F. Rosen, Arab. and Engl. MuhamMAD 'Alí Hazín. The Life of Sheikh Mohammed London, 1830, 31. 8º. 752. g. 12. Ali Hazin, written by himself, edited from two Persian MUHAMMAD MUSTAJTB Khám Bahadat. The life of Hafiz- manuscripts, and noted with their various readings. ool-Moolk, Hátiz Rehmut Khán, written by his son, the By F. C. Belfuur. Pers. London, 1831. 8º. Nuwab Moost'ujab Khan Buba-door, and entitled Goo- 752. g. 3. (2.) listan-i-Rehmut. Abridged and translated from the MUHAMMAD ALÍ Hazín. The Life of Sheikh M. A. H. Persian by C. Elliott. London, 1831. 8°. 752. g. 6. written by himself; translated from two Persian Manu- MUẢAMMAD ŠÁVIŃ IBN MUHAMMAD SÁLIÀ ZUBAIRÍ IšFAHÁNÍ. scripts, and illustrated with notes explanatory of the The Geographical Works of Sádik Isfabáni. Translated history, poetry, geography, etc., which therein occur, by J. C. from original Persian mss. in the collection of by F. C. Balfour. London, 1830. 8º. Sir W. Ouseley, the editor. London, 1832. 8º. 752. g. 3. (1.) 752. g. 13. (1.) MUHAMMAD IBN 'ABD ALLAH (JAMÁL AL-DÍN ABÚ ABD ALLAH) Al-Táí Al-Jayyání, called Ibn Málik. Alfiyya : MUSTAFÁ IBN 'ABD ALLAH, called Haji Khalfa, or Kátib ou, la quintessence de la grammaire Arabe, ouvrage de Chelebí. The History of the Maritime Wars of the Djémal-Eddin Mohammed, counu sous le nom d'Ebn- Turks. Translated from the Turkish of Haji Khalifeh, Malec; publié en original, avec un commentaire, par by J. Mitchell. Chap. 1-4. London, 1831. 4º. Silvestre de Sacy. Arab. & Fr. Paris, 1833. 8º. 752. 1. 7. 752. g. 21. [Another copy.] 756. k. 3. (2.) 509 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 510 : LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland. MUSTAFÁ IBN 'ABD ALLAH, called 'ájí Khalfa, or Kátib VEDAS. Rigveda - Sanhita, liber primus, Sanskrite et Chelebí. Lexicon Bibliographicum et Encyclopædicum a Latine; edidit F. Rosen. Sansk. & Lat. Mustafa Ben Abdallah Katið Jelebi dicto et nomine Hají London, 1838. 4º. 752. 1. 20. Khalfa celebrato compositum ad codicum Vindobonen- sium, Parisiensium et Berolinensio fidem primum ededit, VEDAS. Translation of the Sanhits of the Samá Veda, Latinė vertit et Commentaris Indicibusque instruxit G. by J. Stevenson. London, 1842. 8°. 752. g. 33. Fluegel. Tomus primus(septimus, Catalogos Biblio- 'UMAR Búsnawí. History of the War in Bosnia during .thecarum Cahirensium ... et Constantino-politarum the years 1737, 8 and 9. Translated from the Turkish continens, etc.). Arab. & Lat. 7 tom. by C. Fraser. London, 1830. 89. Leipzig (printed], London, 1835–58. 4º. 752. 1. 25–28. 752. g. 85. MUSTAFÁ NA'ím, called Na'ímá. Annals of the Turkiste Yakkun Nattannawā: a Cingalese poem descriptive of Empire, from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian era. Trans- the Ceylon system of demonology to which is appended lated from the Turkish, by C. Fraser. vol. 1. . the practices of a Capua or Devil priest, as described by London, 1832. 4º. 752. 1. 9. a Budhist: and Holan Nattannawā: a Cingalese poem descriptive of the characters assumed by natives of NAKHODÁ MÚda. Memoirs of a Malayan family fi.e. Ceylon in a masquerade. Translated by J. Callaway Nakhodá Múda and his two sons], written by them ... Illustrated with plates from Cingalese designs. selves, and translated from the original by W. Marsden. London, 1829. 8º. T. 1288 (10.) London, 1830. 8º. 752. g. 4. YUNG LUN-YUEN. History of the Pirates who infested NÍMET ALLAH IBN HABÍB ALLAH. History of the Afghans, the China sea, from 1807 to 1810. Translated from the translated from the Persian of Neamé Ullah by B. Dorn. Chinese original, with notes and illustrations, by C. F. 2 pt. London, 1829–36. 4º. 1752. 1. 5. Neumann. London, 1831. 8º. . 752. g. 11. NIZĀMÍ, Ganjavī. Lailí and Majnún; a Poem (translated · ZAIN AL-DÍN. Tohfut-ul-mujahideen, an historical work in verse] from the original Persian of Nazámi by J. in the Arabic language. Translated into English by Atkinson. pp. viii. 127. London, 1836. 8º.. Lieut. M. J. Rowlandson. London, 1833. 8º. Imperfect; wanting pp. 99–110. 752. g. 26. 752. g. 20. ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Miscellaneous translations from Palæographical Society. Oriental Languages. vol. 1, 2. London, 1831, 34. 8º. The Palæographical Society. Facsimiles of ancient 752. g. 7. manuscripts. † 260 autotype plates with letterpress. I Edited by E. A. Bond and E. M. Thompson. 3 vols. OUSELEY (Right Hon. Sir GORE) Bart. Biographical notices of Persian Poets; with critical and explanatory London, 1873–83. fol. remarks. To which is prefixed a Memoir of Sir G. - Second Series. London, 1884, etc. fol. Ouseley, by J. Reynolds. London, 1846. 8º. In progress. 752. h. 6. - Oriental Series. [100 autotype plates with letter- Paul, of Aleppo. The travels of Macarius, patriarch of press.] Edited by W. Wright. Antioch: written by his attendant archdeacon Paul of London, 1875–83. fol. 1705. c. Aleppo, in Arabic. Translated by F. C. Belfour. 2 vol. 9 pt. London, 1829–36. 4º. 752. 1. 3. | Palæontographical Society. . Each pt. has a distinct titlepage. Imperfect; wanting Report of the Council to a General Meeting .... on the pt. 6. 23rd of March, 1848. [London, 1848.] 80. Ráma RÁJA. Essay on the architecture of the Hindús... 1890. b. 3. (18.) with forty-eight plates. London, 1834. 4°. [Publications of the Palæontographical Society.] 752. 1. 13. London, 1848. etc. 4º. °AC. 3200. Rin SIFÉE, of Sendai. San Kokf tson ran to sets: ou, In progress. aperçu général des trois royaumes : Traduit de l'original List of the Council, secretaries, and members...1851. Japonais. Chinois, par I. Klậproth. Paris, 1832. go. London, [1851 ?] 4°. Ac. 3200/2. 752. k. 3. - Plates and Maps. 4º. 752. m. 8. Palestine Archaeological Association. SANGERMANO () A description of the Burmese empire, The Palestine Archaeological Asscciation ... Address and plan adopted at the establishment of the Association, compiled chiefly from native documents, by the Rev. Father Sangermano, and translated from his ms. by W. 13th Sept., 1853. [London, 1853.] s. leaf. 8º. 1298. m. (44.) Tandy. Rome, 1833. 4°. 752. I. 12. Transactions. 3 Nos. London, 1854-55. 8º. TAHSÍN AL-Dín. Les Aventures de Kamrup, par Tahcin Ac. 5666. Uddin ; traduites de l'Hindoustani, par M. Garcin de Pali Text Society. Tassy. Paris, 1834. 8°. 752. k. 4. Journal of the Pali Text Society, edited by T. W. R. TÍMÚR, Great Khan of the Mongols. The Mulfuzât Ti Davids. London, 1882, etc. 8º. 14098. mūry; 'or, autobiographical memoirs of the Moghul In progress. emperor Timūr, written in the Jagtay-tūrky language, turned into Persian by Abu Talib Hussyny, and trans- ĀYĀRAMGA-SUTTA. The âyâramga-sutta ... Edited (with lated into English by Major C. Stewart. a preface containing nutes on Jaina-Prakrit Grammar) kiy London. 1830. 4°. 752. k. 2. (1.) H. Jacobi. Oxford University Press Warehouse : London, 1882, etc. 80. VAHRAM. Vahram’s Chronicle of the Armenian King In progress. 14098. b. dom in Cilicia, during the time of the Crusades. Trans- lated from the original Armenian, with notes and Parker Society. illustrations, by C. F. Neumann. London, 1831. 8º. The first second-thirteenth) Annual Report (1841-551. 752. g. 10. [London, 1842-55.] 89. Ac. 2077/9. 2. 511 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 512 S LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Parker Society. Parker Society. A general index to the publications of the Parker FULKE (WILLIAM) Stapleton's Fortress overthrown. A Society. Compiled ... by H. Gough. rejoinder to Martiall's Reply. A discovery of the dan- Cambridge, 1855. 8º. 2015. b. gerous rook of the Popish Church commended by [Another copy.] BB.A. Sanders. Edited by R. Gibbings. Cambridge, 1848. go. Ac. 2077/25. BALE (JOHN) Bishop of Ossory. Select Works ... con- taining the Examinations of Lord Cobham, Williain GRINDAL (EDMUND) Archbishop of Canterbury. The Re- Thorpe, and Anne Askewe; and the Image of both mains of E. Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited Churches. Edited by H. Christmas. by W. Nicholson. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Ac. 2077/13. Cambridge, 1849. 80. Ac. 2077/28. HOOPER (JOHN) Bishop of Gloucester. Early Writings BECON (THOMAS) The early Works of T. B. ... Edited ... Edited by S. Carr. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Ac. 2077/37. Ac. 2077/15. BECON (THOMAS) The Catechism of T. B. with other pieces written by him in the reign of Edward VI. HOOPER (JOHN) Bishop of Gloucester, etc. Later Writings Edited by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1844. 8º. of Bishop Hooper, together with his letters and other pieces. Edited... by C. Nevinson, etc. Ac. 2077/38. Cambridge, 1852. 80. Ac. 2077/16. BECON (THOMAS) Prayers and other pieces of T. B.... Edited by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1844. 8º. HUTCHINSON (ROGER) The Works of Roger Hutchinson. Ac. 2077/39. Edited by J. Bruce. Cambridge, 1842. 89. BRADFORD (JOHN) The Writings of J. B. ... Containing Ac. 2077/9. sermons, meditations, examinations, etc. Edited by A. JEWEL (JOHN) Bishop of Salisbury. The Works of J. Townsend. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1848–53. 8º. Ac. 2077/23. Jewel. Edited by J. Ayre. 4 pt. Cambridge, 1845-50. 80. Ac. 2077/41. BULL (HENRY) Christian Prayers and Holy Meditations as well for private as public exercise. Collected by H. B. KETLEY (JOSEPH) The two Liturgies A.D. 1549 and [A.D. 1566.] Cambridge, 1842. 12º. Ac. 2077. A.D. 1552 : with other documents set forth by authority in the reign of King Edward vi. Viz. the Order of BULLINGER (HENRY) The Decades of H. Bullinger Coinmunion, 1548. The Primer, 1553. The Catechism translated by H. I. (Student in Divinitie). Edited ... and Articles...1553. Catechismus Brevis, 1553. Edited by the Rev. T. Harding. 4 vol. Ac. 2077/27. by J. Ketley. Cambridge, 1844. 8º. Cambridge, 1849–52. 89. Ac. 2077/17. C'ALFHILL (JAMES) An answer to J. Martiall's Treatise [Another copy.] G. 20225. of the Cross. Edited by R. Gibbings. Cambridge, 1846. 8º. Ac. 2077/21. LATIMER (HUGH) Bishop of Worcester. Sermons (and remains)... Edited ... by ... G. E. Corrie. 2 vol. Clay (WILLIAM KEATINGE) Liturgical Services. Litur Cambridge, 1844, 45. 8º. Ac. 2077/20. gies and occasional forms of prayer set forth in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by W. K. C. NORDEN (JOHN) A Progress of Piety, whose jesses lead Cambridge, 1847. 8º. Ac. 2077/22. into the harbour of heavenly hearts-ense. Cambridge, 1847. 12º. Ac. 2077/3. CLAY (WILLIAM KEATINE) Private Prayers put forth by authority during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The NOWELL (ALEXANDER) A Catechism written in Latin by Primer of 1559. The Orarium of 1560. The Preces A. Nowell ... together with the same translated int') privatæ of 1564. The book of Christian prayers of 1578. English by T. Norton. Appended is a sermon preached With an appendix containing the Litany of 1544. by Dean Nowell before Queen Elizabeth ... January 11, Edited ... by W. K. C. Cambridge, 1851. 8º. 1563. Edited ... by G. E. Corrie. Cambridge, 1853. 8º. Ac. 2077/31. Ac. 2077/35. COOPER (THOMAS) successively Bishop of Lincoln and of Winchester. An answer in defence of the Truth against PARKER (MATTHEW) Archbishop of Canterbury. Corres- the Apology of Private Mass. To which is prefixed ... pondence of Matthew Parker ... Comprising letters the work answered, entitled “ An Apology of Private written by and to hiin from A.D. 1535 to his death Mass ;” an anonymous Popish treatise against. Bishop A.D. 1575. Edited ... by J. Bruce ... and the Rev. T. T. Jewel. Edited ... by W. Goode. Cambridge, 1850. 80. Perowne. Cambridge, 1853. 8º. Ac. 2077/33. Ac. 2077/4. PHILPOT (JOHN) The examination and writings of J. P., COVERDALE (MILES) Bishop of Exeter. Remains ... Edited Archdeacon of Winchester; martyr 1555. Edited by by G. Pearson. Cambridge, 1846. 89. Ac. 2077/19. R. Eden. Cambridge, 1842. 8º. Ac. 2077/10. COVERDALE (MILES) Bishop of Exeter. Writings and translations of Myles Coverdale. Edited by G. Parson. PILKINGTON (JAMES) Bishop of Durham. The Works of J. P. ... Edited ... by J. Scholefield. Ac. 2077/18. Cambridge, 1844. 8º. Cambridge, 1842. 8º. Ac. 2077/8. CRANMER (THOMAS) Archbishop of Canterbury. The Works of T. Cranmer... Edited by J. E. Cox. 2 vol. RIDLEY (NICHOLAS) Bishop of London. The Works of Cambridge, 1844-46. 8º. Ac. 2077/40. N. R. ... Edited by the Rev. H. Christmas. (Supple- FARR (EDWARD) Select Poetry, chiefly devotional, of the ment.) Cambridge, 1841[43 ?] 8º. Ac. 2077/6. reign of Queen Elizabeth. Collected and edited by E.F. ROBINSON (HASTINGS) The Zurich Letters, comprising 2 pt. Cambridge, 1845. 12º. Ac. 2077/2. the correspondence of several English Bishops and FULKE (WILLIAM) A defence of the sincere and true others, with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Trans- tongue, against the cavils of Gregory Martin. Edited lated ... and edited ... by H. R. Lat. and Eng. 2 series. by C. H. Hartshorne. Cambridge, 1843. 8º. Cambridge, 1842–45. 8°. Ac. 2077/11. Ac. 2077/14. Each vol. is in 2 pts. separately paged. 513 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 514 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Parker Society. Pharmaceutical Society. ROBINSON (HASTINGS) Original letters relative to the Transactions. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—London.-- English Reformation, written during the reigns of King Pharmaceutical Journal. 1842, etc. 8º. P.P. 3190. Henry VIII., King Edward VI., and Queen Mary: chiefly from the archives of Zurich. Translated .... and edited Calendar of the... Society...1867-68 (1873, etc.). ... by H. R. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1846, 47. 89. London, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 3924/3. Ac. 2077/12. In progress. The pagination is continuous through both vols. This The Registers of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Chemists forms a third series of the Zurich Letters. and Druggists : printed and published under the direc- ROGERS (THOMAS) The Catholic Doctrine of the Church tion of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain... of England, an exposition of the Thirty Nine Articles ... 1869 (1870, etc.) London, 1869, etc. Ac. 3924. Edited by J. J. S. Perowne. Cambridge, 1854. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2077/34. Objects, Charter, and Bye-Laws of the... Society, etc. SANDYS (EDWIN) Archbishop of York. The Sermons of London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 3924/2. Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York. To which are Synopsis of the Examinations adopted by the Board for added some miscellaneous pieces by the same author. Chemists and Druggists, etc. [London, 1865.] 8. sh. 8°. Edited by the Rev. J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1841. 8º. 778. k. 15. (22.) Ac. 2077/7. TYNDALE (WILLIAM) An answer to Sir T. More's dia- Catalogue of the Library of the . . . Society, etc. (Ap- lugue, the Supper of the Lord after the meaning of pendix . . . containing the additions to the end of the John vi. and i Cor. xi. and W. Tracy's Testament ex- year 1873.) 2 pt. London, 1853[-64.] 4º. pounded ... Edited ... by H. Walter. Interleaved. 11904. m. 3. Cambridge, 1850. 8º. Ac. 2077/30. Second edition. (List of additions, 1874–1878.) TYNDALE (WILLIAM) Doctrinal Treatises and Introduc- London, Frome (printed], 1874–78. 8º. Ac. 3924/4. tions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures. Catalogue of the Library of the .. Society, etc. Third Edited by H. Walter. Cambridge, 1848. gº. edition. Compiled by J. W. Knapman. Ac. 2077/24. London, 1880. 8º. BB. C. TYNDALE (WILLIAM) Expositions and Notes on sundry [Another copy.] portions of the Holy Scriptures, together with the Ac. 3924/4. Practice of Prelates. Edited by H. Walter. Catalogue of the collections in the Museum of the Phar- Cambridge, 1849. 8º. Ac. 2077/29. maceutical Society of Great Britain. Compiled by E. M. Holmes. London, 1878. 8º. WHITAKER (WILLIAM) A disputation on Holy Scripture Ac. 3924/7. against the Papists, especially Bellarmine and Stapleton Report of the Proceedings of the Fifth International ... Transla'ed and edited...by...W. Fitzgerald. Pharmaceutical Congress, London, 1881. [Edited by Cambridge, 1849. 8º.. Ac. 2077/26. the Pharmaceutical Suciety.] pp. xi. 299. WHITGIFT (JOHN) successively Bishop of Worcester, and London, 1881. 4º. Ac. 3924/8. Archbishop of Canterbury. The Works of J. Whitgift... BELL (JACOB) Historical sketcb of the progress of Edited by J. Ayre. 3 vol. Cambridge, 1851–53. 8º. Pharmacy in Great Britain. By J. Bell and T. Red- Ac. 2077/32. wood. pp. 415. London, 1880. 8°. 7510. ee. 25. WOOLTON (JOHN) Bishop of Exeter. The Christian Manual; or, of the life and manners of true Christians. Pharmaceutical Society.—North British Branch. Cambridge, 1851. 12º. Ac. 2077/5. Catalogue of the Library of the Pharmaceutical Society ... North British Branch. Pathological Society. Edinburgh, Frome (printed], 1876. 80. Ac. 39246. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. London, 1848, etc. 8º. Philadelphian Society. In progress. Theosophical Transactions by the Philadelphian Society. - General Index to first fifteen volumes...compiled No. 1-5. London, 1697. 4º. 108. C. 59. by T. Holmes. Vol. 16 to 25 [by B. R. Wheatley; with Propositions extracted from the Reasons for the founda- a preface by T. B. Peacock). tion and promotion of a Philadelphian Society, etc. London, 1864, 75. 8º. Ac. 3839. London, 1697. 4º. 4.139. bb. [Another copy of the Index.] BB. C. Another "edition of these Propositions will be found in No. 4 of the Theosophical Transactions." Percy Society. See PhiLADELPHUS, pseud. The state of the Philadelphian Begin. The Percy Society. (Council 1840-1. Laws. Society... in answer to a letter ... upon occasion of the Members' Names.) [London 1840?] 8º. Theosophical Transactions, etc. 1697. 4º. 1890. b. 3. (15.) 4139. bb. Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature Philobiblon Society. of the Middle Ages. Edited from original manuscripts Bibliographical and Historical Miscellanies. and scarce publications. 31 vol. London, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 9480. London, 1842, 40–52. 8º. Ac. 9120. Each vol. consists of separate works, published at various In progress. periods, each with a separate titlepage, pagination and The Expedition to the Isle of Rhe. By Edward Lord register. Vols. 1 & 7 are incomplete : vol. 1 wanting “ Songs Herbert of Cherbury. [Edited by the Earl of Puwis. and Ballads relative to the London prentices, edited by London, 1860. 4º. Ac. 9120/2. C. Mackay." Inventaire de tous les meubles du Cardinal Mazarin, The poems of John Audelay. A specimen of the Shrop dressé en 1653, et publié d'après l'original, conservé shire dialect in the fifteenth century. Edited by J. O. dans les Archives de Condé [by the Duke d’Aumale). Halliwell. London, 1844. 8º. Ac. 9480. 1 Londres, 1861. 4º. Ac. 9120,3. Londomarce publises Editelads, and po Each vol. 42, 40-52ons. 31 from oriu; 515 516 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Philobiblon Society. Philosophical Society of London. The Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare. By Annual Report of the Council for 1819–20 and other H. G. Bohn. With illustrations. London, 1863.] 80. Proceedings. London, 1820. 12º. 1890. b. 3. (19.) Ac. 9120/4. Photographic Society. Ancient Ballads and Broadsides published in England in the sixteenth century, chiefly in the earlier years of The Journal of the Photographic Society ... Edited by the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Reprinted from the A. Henfrey, vol. 1, 2. By J. R. Major, vol. 3. By W. unique original copies, mostly in the black-letter, pre- Crookes, vol. 4. By H. W. Diamond, vol. 5–12. By H. served in the library of H. Huth, Esq. [With a preface Diamond and J. Spiller, vol. 13. By J. Spiller, vol. 14. by H. Huth.] London, 1867. 46. Ac. 9120/5. By J. Spiller and H. B. Pritchard, vol. 15, 16.) Vol. Only fifty copies printed. 1-15 and Nos. 243–267 of vol. 16. London, 1853–76. 8º. Philological Society. The running title reads : “ The Photographic Journal." [Circular, dated May 9, 1842, respecting the formation Imperfect ; wanting No. 229. of the Society.] [London, 1842.] 4º. 741. k. (23.) - New Series. The Journal and Transactions of the Proceedings. 5 vol. London, 1844–54. 8º. Photographic Society of Great Britain. Ac. 9930. London, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 5051. & 569. [Continued as:] In progress. Transactions. London, [1854, etc.] 8º. Ac. 9930/3. In progress. Physical Society. [Another edition.] Proceedings. 1842–44. vol. 1. Proceedings. London, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 3019. London, 1854. 8º. Ac. 9930/2. In progress. [Proceedings.] Vol. 2. No. 33. [containing Dr. Beke's Illustrations of the Centimetre-Gramme-Second (C. G. S.) Paper" on the Languages and dialects of Abyssinia,” etc.) system of Units... By J. D. Everett. [London, 1845.] 8º. 739. b. 33. London, 1875. 8º. Ac. 2019/2. Castel off Loue. (Chasteau d'Amour, or Carmen de WHEATSTONE (Sir CHARLES) The Scientific papers of Creatione Mundi.) An early English translation of an Sir C. W. Published by the Physical Society, etc. old French poem by R. Grosseteste. Copied and edited London, 1879. 8º. Ác. 3019/3. from Mss. in the British Museum, and in the Bodleian Physical Society at Guy's Hospital. Library, Oxford, with notes, critical and exegetical, and Laws of the ... Suciety. London, 1783. 12º. glossary, by R. F. Weymouth. London, Berlin [printed], 1864. 8º. Ac. 9930/5. . T. 447. (6.) A list of the officers and members ... with a catalogue ELLIS (ALEXANDER JOHN) On early English Pronuncia- of the books. London, 1786. 12º. T. 478. (2.) tion, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer; containing an investigation of the correspondence of Physico-Medical Society. writing with speech in England from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day, preceded by a systematic Laws of the Physico-medical Society of London. Esta- notation of all spoken sounds by means of the ordinary 1. blished in the year 1771. London, 1774. 8º. T. 229. (1.) printing types. Including a re-arrangement of ... F. J. Child's Memoirs on the Language of Chaucer and Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Gower, and reprints of the rare tracts by Salesbury on See supra : GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. English, 1547, and Welch, 1567, and by Barclay on French, 1521. London, Psychological Society of Great Britain. Hertford (printed), 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 9930/4 Proceedings . . . 1875–1879. With a preface. (Pro- In progress. ceedings...1875–6.) 19 No. MORRIS (RICHARD) Liber Cure Cocorum. Copied and Privately printed : London, 1880 [1875-80). 8º. edited from the Sloane Ms. 1986, by R. M. (Supple- No more published. Ac. 3833. ment to the Transactions of the... Society for 1862.) Berlin, 1862. 8º. Ac. 9930. (2.) Quekett Microscopical Club. The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. MURRAY (JAMES AUGUSTUS HENRY) The Dialect of the London, 1868, etc. 8º. southern counties of Scotland: its pronunciation, grammar In progress. and historical relations. With an appendix . . ., and a linguistical map of Scotland. General Index. First Series. vol. 1-6. London, Hertford [printed], 1873. 8º. Ac. 9930/6. London, 1882. 8º. Ac. 3021. & 516. Philomathic Institution. Fourth (fifth, etc.). Report of the Quekett Microscopical Club, and list of members, etc. London, 1869, etc. go. The Philomathic Journal and Literary Review. Con- In progress. Ac. 3021/2. ducted by the Members of the Philomathic Institution. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—London. Catalogue of Microscopical Preparations in the Cabinet of the Microscopical Club. Lewes, 1872. 89. Lectures, Essays, and Discussions, literary and scien- Ac. 3021/3. tific, or Journal of the proceedings of the Philomathic Institution. 4 vol. London, 1826. 8º. Ac. 2665. Ray Society. This is a continuation of the Philomathic Journal. Report of the first annual meeting of the Ray Society, October 2, 1844 ... with the laws of the Society, list of Philosophical Society of London. Officers, members, etc. London, [1844.] 120. Statutes and Regulations of the Philosophical Society of Ac. 3023. London, instituted October 5, 1810. Reports on the progress of Zoology and Botany. 1841, [ London,] 1820. 8º. Ac. 3025/20. 1872. London, 1845. 8º. 2027. f. 517 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] :518 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Ray Society. Ray Society. Reports and papers on Botany. On the morphology of DOUGLAS (JOHN WILLIAM) and Scott (JOHN) The British the Coniferæ by Zuccarini, translated by G. Busk. On Hemiptera. Vol. 1. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. botanical geography, by Professor Grisebach. Trans London, 1865. 8º. 2027. f. lated by W. B. Macdonald and G. Busk. On vegetable cells by C. Nägeli, translated by A. Henfrey. Report on ESCHRICHT (DANIEL FREDERIK) Recent Memoirs on the Botany, by H. F. Link, translated by J. Hudson. Cetacea by Professors Eschricht, Reinhardt and Lilljeborg. London, 1846. 8º. 2027. f. Edited by W. H. Flower, etc. [With plates.] 4 pt. London, 1866. fol. * Ac. 3023/34. Reports on Zoology for 1843, 44. Translated from the The pagination and register are continuous. German [of A. J. Wagner, F. H. Truschel, W. F. Erich- son and O. T. v. Siebold] by G. Busk, A. Tulk, and FORBES (EDWARD) A monograph of the British naked- A. H. Haliday. London, 1847. 8º. 2027. f. eyed Medusa. London, 1848. 8º. Ac. 3023/28. Begin. Ray Society ... Officer ... Laws of the Ray GUENTHER (ALBRECHT CARL LUDWIG GOTTHILF) The Rep- Society, etc. (London ? 1848 ?] s. sh. 8º. tiles of British India. London, 1864. 4°. 741. k. (24.) Ac. 3023/35. HENFREY (ARTHUR) Botanical and physiological me- moirs.... The Phenomenon of rejuvenescence in nature AGASSIZ (LOUIS J. R.) Bibliographia Zoologiæ et Geologiæ. ...by A. Braun, translated by A. Henfrey. II. On the A general catalogue of all books, tracts, and memoirs on animal nature of the Diatomeæ ... by...G. Meneghini, zoology and geology. Corrected, enlarged and edited translated by C. Johnson. III. An abstract of the natu- by H. E. Strickland. 4 vol. London, 1848–54. 8º. ral history of Protococcus plurialis, by Dr. F. Cohn, by BB. E. G. Busk. Edited by A. Henfrey. London, 1853. 8º. ALDER (JOSHUA) and HANCOCK (ALBANY) A monograph of 2027. f. the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca...7 pt. London, 1845-55. 4º. Ac. 3023/26. HENFREY (ARTHUR) Reports and papers on Botany... Edited by A. Henfrey. London, 1849. 8º. ALLMAN (GEORGE JAMES) A monograph of the fresh-water 2027. f. Polyzoa including all the known species both British HOFMEISTER (WILHELM) On the germination, develop- and foreign. London, 1856. 4º. Ac. 3023/29. ment and fructification of the higher Cryptogamia, and on the fructification of the Coniferae ... Translated by BAIRD (WILLIAM) The natural history of the British F. Currey. London, 1862. 8º. 2027. f. Entomostraca. London, 1850. 8º. 2027. f. HUXLEY (THOMAS HENRY) The Oceanic Hydrozoa; a BLACKWALL (JOHN) A history of the spiders of Great description of the Calycophoridae and Physophoridae Britain and Ireland. [With 29 coloured plates.] pp. observed during the voyage of H.M.S. “Rattlesnake” vi. 384. London, 1861-64. 4°. Ac. 3023/32. in the years 1846-50. London, 1859. fol. Plates 14–16 are in duplicate, uncoloured. Ac. 3023/31. BOWERBANK (JAMES SCOTT) A monograph of the British LEIGHTON (W. A.) The British species of Angiocarpous Spongiadae, etc. (Vol. 4, edited, with additions, by... Lichens elucidated by their Sporidia. A. M. Norman.) À vol. London, 1864-82. 89. London, 1851. 8º. 2027. f. 2027. f. LUBBOCK (Sir JOHN) Bart. Monograph of the Collem bola BRADY (GEORGE STEWARDSON) A monograph of the free and Thysanura. [With coloured and other plates.7 pp. and semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands. X. 265. London, 1873. 8º. 2027. F. With plates. 1 2 vol. MAC INTOSH (WILLIAM CARMICHAEL) A Monograph of the The Ray Society : London, 1878–80. 8º. 2027. f. British Annelids. [With coloured and other plates.] London, 1873, etc. 4°. Ac. 3023739. BROWN (BOBERT) The miscellaneous Botanical Works of In progress. R. B. 2 vol. London, 1866–67. 8º. 2027. f. MASTERS (MAXWELL TYLDEN) Vegetable Teratology; an BUCKTON (GEORGE BOWDLER) Monograph of the British account of the principal deviations from the usual Aphides. [With coloured plates.] 4 vol. construction of plants... With ... illustrations by London, 1876–83. 8º. 2027. f. E. M. Williams. London, 1869. 8º. 2027. f. BURMEISTER (HERMANN) The organization of Trilobites MEYEN (FRANZ JULIUS FERDINAND) Outlines of the geo- deduced from their living affinities . . . Edited from the graphy of plants... Translated by M. Johnston. German by Professor Bell and Professor E. Forbes. London, 1846. gº. 2027. f. London, 1846. 4º. Ac. 3023/27. With a second titlepage in German. NITZSCH (CHRISTIAN LUDWIG) Nitzsch's Pterylography. CARPENTER (WILLIAM BENJAMIN) Introduction to the Translated from the German [by W. S. Dallas). Edited study of the Foraminifera. By W. B. Carpenter ... assisted by W. K. Parker...and T. R. Jones, etc. by P. L. Sclater. London, 1867. 4º. Ac. 3023/36. London, 1862. fol. Ac. 3023/33. OKEN (LORENZ) Elements of Physiophilosophy... From the German by A. Fulk. London, 1847. go." DARWIN (CHARLES ROBERT) A monograph on the sub-class 2027. f. Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Lepa- didæ, etc. (The Balanidæ, the Verrucidæ, etc.) PARKER (WILLIAM KITCHEN) A monograph on the struc- 2 vol. ture and development of the shoulder-girdle and sternum London. 1851-54. 8°. 2027. f. in the Vertebrata. London, 1868. 4°. Ac. 3023/37. DERHAM (WILLIAM) Memorials of J. Ray, consisting of RAY (JOHN) The correspondence of John Ray, consist- his life by Dr. Derham, biographical and critical notices ing of selections from the philosophical letters published by Sir J. E. Smith, and Cuvier and Dupetit Thouars. by Dr. Derham, and original letters of J. Ray, in the With his itineraries, etc. Edited by E. Lankester. collection of the British Museum. Edited by E. Lan- · London, 1846. 8º. 2027. f. kester. London, 1848. 8º. 2027. f. 519 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 520 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Ray Society. Roxburghe Club. STEENSTRUP (JOHAN JAPETUSSON) On the alternation The funeralles of King Edward the Sist. (Wherein are of generations : or, the propagation and development of declared the causers and causes of his death.) [In verse; animals through alternate generations ... Translated by William Baldwin. A reprint of the edition of 1560. from the German version of 7. H. Lorenzen, by G. Busk. Edited by J. W. Dodd.] B. L. London, 1817. 4º. London, 1845. 8º. 2027. f. . Ac. 8104/10. WILLIAMSON (WILLIAM CRAWFORD) On the recent Forami- [Another copy.] G. 80. (2.) nifera of Great Britain. London, 1858. fol. Cock Lorell's Boat, a fragment (reprinted from an · Ac. 3023/30. edition by Wynkyn de Worde, London). B. L. London, 1817. 40. Ac. 8104/11 Regia Societas. See infra : Royal Society, [Another copy.] G. 79. (3.) Roxburghe Club. Le livre du faulcon. [A reprint.] B. L. Certain bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis turned into English London, 1817. 4º. Ac. 8104/12. meter, by the Right Honourable Lorde, Henry Earle of [Another copy.] G. 80. (1.) Surrey. A reprint of the edition of 1557. Edited by Sir W. Bolland.] B, L. London, 1814. 4°. The Glutton's Feaver. By Thomas Bancroft. [A reprint Ac. 8104. of the edition of 1633. Edited by J. D. Phelps. [Another copy.] G. 78. (1.) London, 1817. 4º. Ac. 8104/13. [Another copy.] G. 80. (3.) Caltha Poetarum; or, the bumble bee. By T. Cutwode. [A reprint of the edition of 1599. Edited by R. Heber.] The Chorle and the Birde. The hors, the shepe, and London, 1815. 4°. Ac. 8104/2. the ghoos. [Reprints by Sir M. M. Sykes.] London, 1822. 4º. Ac. 8104/14 [Another copy.] G. 78. (2.) [Another copy.] G. 80. (5.) The three first books of Ovid de Tristibus, translated Daiphantus; or, the passions of love. By Anthony into English, by T. Churchyarde. [A reprint of the Scoloker. [A reprint of the edition of 1604.] edition of 1578.] B. L. London, 1816. 4º. Ac. 8104/3. London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/15. [Another copy.] G. 78. (3.) [Another copy.] G. 82. (2.) Poems. By Richard Barnfield. (The Encomion of Lady The Complaint of a Lover's Life. Controversy between Pecunia, or the praise of money. The complaint of a lover and a jay. [By T. Feylde.. Reprints from poetrie from the death of liberalitie. The combat editions printed by Wynkyn de Worde. Edited by T. F. betweene Conscience and Covetousnesse in the minde Dibdin.] B. L. London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/16. of man. Poems in divers humors.) [All reprints from the editions of 1598. Edited by J. Boswell.] [Another copy.] G. 81. (4.) Auchinleck Press, 1816. 4º. Ac. 8104/4. Balades and other poems by John Gower. Printed from the original manuscript. [Edited by Earl Gower.] [Another copy.] G. 79. (1.) Lat. & Fr. B. L. London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/17. Dolarnys Primerose; or, the first part of the Passionate [Another copy.] G. 81. (5.) Hermit. (By John Raynolds.) [A reprint of the edition by G. Eld, London, 1606.] London, 1816. 4º. Diana; or, the excellent conceitful Sonnets of H. Ac. 8104/5. Constable); supposed to have been printed either in 1592 or 1594. London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/18. [Another copy.] G. 78. (4.) [Another copy.] G. 81. (3.) Newes from Scotland, declaring the damnable life of Chester Mysteries. De deluvio Noe. De occisione Doctor Fian, a notable sorcerer, who was burned at innocentium. [Edited, with an introduction, by J. H. Edenbrough in Januarie last, 1591. [A reprint from a London edition probably of 1591. Edited by Sir H. Markland.] London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/19. Freeling.] B. L. London, 1816. 4º. Ac. 8104/6. [Another copy.] G. 80. (5.) [Another copy.] G. 78. (5.) Ceremonial of the marriage of Mary Queen of Scotts with the Dauphin of France. [A reprint of the “Discours A proper new interlude of the World and the Child, du grand et magnifique triumphe fait au mariage de otherwise called Mundus et Infans. [A reprint of the tresnoble. . .prince François de Vallois, Roy Dauphin, edition by Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1522.] B. L. etc. et de ... Madame Marie d'Estreuart, Royne London, 1817. 4º. Ac. 8104/7. d'Escosse. Rouen, 1558," edited by Sir H. Ellis, with a Ms. Presentation note by the editor.] [Another copy.] G. 79. (2.) London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/20. Hagthorpe revived ; or, select specimens of a forgotten [Another copy.] 143. d. 17. poet. [First printed in the reign of James 1. Edited [Another copy.] G. 81. (2.) by Sir S. Egerton Brydges.] Lee Priory, 1817. 4º. Ac. 8104/8. The solempnities and triumphes doon and made at the spousells and marriage of the King's doughter the Ladye [Another copy.] G. 79. (4.) Marye to the Prynce of Castile, Archeduke of Austrige Tafterwards Charles v.]. [A reprint by lithography Istoria novellamente ritrovata di due nobili amanti, from a London edition by Pynson, probably of 1507. (Romeo e Giulietta), da Luigi Porto. [A reprint of the Edited by Sir H. Ellis, with an autograph letter from edition by B. de Bendoni, Venice.] London, 1819. 4º. the editor to Sir J. Banks.] B. L. London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/9. Ac. 8104/21. [Another copy.] G. 79. (5.)! [Another copy.] G. 81. (1.) 078.) (All in the combat the "D: Scotts osons de va fait 521 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] - 522 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED]. Roxburghe Club. Roxburghe Club. The life of Saint Ursula (translata e sermone Latino in The metrical life of Saint Robert of Knaresborough. Anglicum, etc.) [A reprint from an edition by Wynkyn [Edited by J. Haslewood; with an introductory notice de Worde, London, without date.] Guiscard and Sigis by F. Douce.] London, 1824. 4º. Ac. 8104/33 mund (newly trāslated out of laten in to engysshe (sic), by Wyllym Walter, etc.) [A reprint from the edition [Another copy.] G. 85. (5.) by Wynkyn de Worde, 1532.] B. L. London, 1818. 4º. Ac. 8104/22. Informacõn for pylgrymes unto the Holy Londe. From a rare tract in the library of the Faculty of Advocates, [Another copy.] G. 80. (4.) Edinburgh. [A reprint from a work with Caxton's mark.] 6. L. London, 1824. 4º. Ac. 8104/34. Le Morte Arthur. The adventures of Sir Launcelot du Lake. [A romance, now first printed; edited with a [Another copy.] G. 86. (1.) glossary by T. Ponton.] London, 1819. 4º. Ac. 8104/23. The cuck-queanes and cuckolds errants, or the bearing [Another copy.] G. 84. (1.) down the inne, a comædye. The faery pastorall, or forrest of elues. [Each in five acts and in prose and Six bookes of Metamorphoseos in whyche ben conteyned verse.] By W-P- Esq. [i.e. the Hon. William Percy. the fables of Oryde. Translated out of Frensshe into With an introductory preface by J. Haslewood.] Englysshe, by W. Caxton. [With introduction and London, 1824. 4º. Ac. 8104/35. notes, by G. Hibbert.] B. L. London, 1819. 4º. Ac. 8104/24. [Another copy.] G. 86. (3.) [Another copy.] G. 82. (3.) The Garden Plot, an allegorical poem, inscribed to Chevelere Assigne. [A romance now first printed, with Queen Elizabeth. By Henry Goldingham. From an introduction and glossary by E. V. Utterson.] B. L. unpublished manuscript ... To which are added, some [London, 1820.] 4º, Ac. 8104/25. account of the author; and a reprint of his masque, per- formed before the Queen at Norwich, Aug. 21, 1578. [Another copy.] G. 84. (4.) [Edited by F. Wrangham.] 6. L. London, 1825. 4º. Ac. 8104/36. Two interludes : Jack Jugler (taken from the Amphi- truo of Plautus] and Thersytes. (Reprinted from [Another copy.] G. 86. (2.) London editions, probably of 1562. With introduction and glossarial index, by J. Haslewood.] La Rotta di Francciosi a Terroana novamente facta. La Lee Priory, 1820. 4º. Ac. 8104/26. Rotta de Scocesi. With an appendix containing letters relating to the battīe of Flodden Field, Lat. and notes to [Another copy.] G. 84. (3.) the whole work.-The first piece is a reprint from the edition : Romæ per M. Stephanum & M. Herculem socios, The new notborune mayd (upo ye passio of cryste). The anno 1513, the second is reprinted from an edition with Boke of Mayd Emlyn. [Reprints from editions by John date or place, but apparently printed at Rome, about the Skot, London, without dates.] B. L. same time.] London, 1825. 4º. Ac. 8104/37. London, 1820. 4º. Ac. 8104/27. [Another copy.] G. 86. (4.) G. 84. (2.) [Another copy.] Magnyfycence, an interlude. By John Skelton. [A re- Poems, written in English, by Charles, Duke of Orleans, print from an edition, supposed to have been printed by during his captivity in England, after the battle of Rastell at London in 1533. Edited by Sir J. Littledale.] Azincourt. With an introductory notice by G. W. B. L. London, 1821. 4°. Ac. 8104/28. Taylor.] London, 1827. 4º. Ac. 8104/38. [Another copy.] G. 84. (5.) [Another copy.] G. 87. Judicium, a pageant. Extracted from the Towneley Proceedings in the court-martial held upon John, master manuscript of ancient mysteries. [Edited with an in of Sinclair, Captain-Lieutenant in Preston's regiment, troduction and glossary, by F. D., i.e. Francis Douce.] for the murder of Ensign Schaw of the same regiment, B. L. London, 1822. 4º. Ac. 8104/29. and Captain Schaw, of the Royals, 17th October 1708, with correspondence respecting that transaction. [Edited [Another copy.] G. 85. (3.) by Sir W. Scott.] Edinburgh, 1828. 4º. Ac. 8104/39. An elegiacal poem on the death of Thomas Lord Grey of [Another copy.] G. 88. (2.) Wilton. By Robert Marston. London, 1822. 4º. Ac. 8104/30. The ancient English romance of Havelok the Dane, ac- [Another copy.] G. 85. (4.) companied by the French text, with an introduction, notes and a glossary, by F. Madden. London, 1828. 40 Selections from the works of Thomas Ravenscroft, a Ac. 8104/40. (1.) musical composer in the time of James the First. [London, 1822.] 4º. Ac. 8104/31. [Another copy.] G. 88. (1.) [Another copy.] G. 85. (1.) See SINGER (s. w.) Examination of the “Remarks on the glossary to ... Havelok," etc. 1829. 4º. Lælii Peregrini ... oratio in obitum Torquati Tassi ... Ac. 8104/40. (2.) ad Cynthium Aldobrandinum, Card. Ampliss. Editio secunda. [A reprint of the edition apud G. Facciotum, Gaufridi Arthurii, Monemuthensis Archidiaconi ... de Romæ, 1597. Edited by Sir E. Brydges, with remarks vita et vaticiniis Merlini Caledonii, carmen heroicum. on Tasso's life, by F. D. S.] [Printed from a manuscript. With summary by G. Ellis. ] Aurelia Allobrogum, 1822. 4°. Ac. 8104/32. Londini, 1830. 4º. Ač. 8104/41 [Another copy.] G. 85. (2.) 1 [Another copy.) G. 89. 523 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 524 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Roxburghe Club. Roxburghe Club. The ancient English Romance of William and the Wer Household Books of John, Duke of Norfolk, and Thomas wolf, edited, ... with an introduction and glossary, by Earl of Surrey, temp. 1481-1490. From the original F. Madden ſand with two letters “on Werewolves" by manuscripts ... Edited by J. P. Collier. A. H., i.e. the Hon. Algernon Herbert.] B. L. London, 1844. 4º. Ac. 8104/55. London, 1832. 4º. Ac. 8104/42. Historical Papers. Pt. I. (1. Castra Regia, a treatise [Another copy.] G. 92. on the succession to the Crown of England ... by Roger Edwards, 1568.-2. Novissima Straffordii : some account The private diary of William, first Earl Cowper, Lord of the proceedings against, and demeanor of, Thomas Chancellor of England. (Now first printed.) [Edited Wentworth, Earl of Strafford ... written in Latin ... by E. C. Hawtrey.] Eton, 1833. 4º. Ać. 8104/43. by Abraham Wright. — 3. The same, translated into English by James Wright.) G. 90. (1.) [Another copy.] [Edited by Philip Bliss and Bulkeley Bandinel.] London, 1846. 4º. The lyvys of Seyntys, translated into Englys be a Ac. 8104/56. doctour of dyuynite clepyd Osbern Bokenam, Frer Correspondence of Sir Henry Unton, Ambassador from Austyn of the convent of Stokclare. With introduc- Queen Elizabeth to Henry iv., King of France, in the tory preface by Viscount Clive, afterwards Earl of years 1591 and 1592. From the originals, and authentic Powis.] B. L. London, 1835. 4º. Ac. 8104/44. copies ... Edited by J. Stevenson. London, 1847. 4º. [Another copy.] G. 90. (2.) Ac. 8104/57. La vraie cronicque d'Escoce, Pretensions des Anglois The Love of Wales to their soveraigne Prince, expressed à la couronne de France. Diplome de Jacques vi. Roi in a true relation of the solemnity held at Ludlow ... de la Grande Bretagne. Drawn from the Burgundian 1616. Being the day of the creation of ... Charles, Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester, etc. [A reprint Library by R. Anstruther. London, 1847. 4º. of the edition of 1616. Edited by the Hon. R. H. Clive.] Ac. 8104/58. London, 1837. 4º. Ac. 8104/45. The Sherley Brothers, an historical memoir of the lives of Sir T. Sherley, Sir A. Sherley and Sir R. Sherley. [Another copy.] G. 283. By one of the same house (E. P. Shirley). Sidneiana, being a collection of fragments relative to Chiswick, 1848. 4º. Ac. 8104/59. Sir Philip Sidney, and his immediate connections. Now The alliterative romance of Alexander from the unique first collected, and partly first printed. [Edited by manuscript in the Ashmolean Museum. Edited by the S. Butler, Bishop of Lichfield.] London, 1837. 4º. Rev. J. Stevenson. London, 1849. 4º. Ac. 8104/60. Ac. 8104/46. [Another copy.] G. 90. (3.) Poema quod dicitur Vox Clamantis, necnon Chronica tripartita auctore J. Gower, nunc primum edidit H. O. The Owl and the Nightingale, a poem of the twelfth Coxe. Londini, 1850. 4º. Ac. 8104/61. century; now first printed ... with an introduction and glossary. Edited by J. Stevenson. London, 1838. 4º. Five old plays, illustrating the early progress of the Ac. 8104/47. English Drama. Edited by J. P. Collier. The Conflict of Conscience, 1581.–The rare triumphs of Love and [Another copy.] G. 83. (1.) Fortune, 1589.-The three Ladies of London, 1584.- The old English versions of the Gesta Romanorum, The three Lords and three Ladies of London, 1590.--A edited for the first time from manuscripts in the British Knack to know a Knave, 1594.) London, 1851. 4º. Museum and University library, Cambridge, with an Ac. 8104/63. introduction and notes by Sir F. Madden. The Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babyloyne and of London, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8104/48. Ferumbras his Sone who conquerede Rome. London, 1854. 4º. Ac. 8104 64. [Another copy.] G. 91. The Ayenbite of Inwyt, written in the dialect of the - Introduction to the old English versions of the Gesta county of Kent by Dan Michel of Northgate . . . 1340. Romanorum. London, 1838. 4º. Ac. 8104/49. Now first printed from the Autograph Ms. in the British One of 12 copies printed separately. Museum. Edited by J. Stevenson. London, 1855. 4º. Manners and household Expenses of England in the Ac. 8104/65. thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, illustrated by original Johannis de Garlandia De triumphis Ecclesiae, libri records. [Edited by T. Hudson Turner.] octo. A Latin poem of the thirteenth century... Edited London, 1841. 4º. Ac. 8104/51. ... by T. Wright. London, 1856. 4º. Ac. 8104/66. [Another copy.] G. 93. Poems of Michael Drayton from the earliest and rarest editions, or from unique copies. Edited by J. P. Collier. The Black Prince. An historical poem, written in London, 1856. 4º. Ac. 8104/67. French by Chandos Herald, with a translation and notes oy H. 0. Coxe. London, 1842. 4º. Ac. 8104/52. Literary Remains of King Edward vi. Edited from his autograph manuscripts. With historical notes, and a [Another copy.] G. 83. (2.) biographical memoir by J. G. Nichols. 2 vol. Three collections of English Poetry, of the latter part of London, 1857. 4º. Ac. 8104/68. the sixteenth century. [Reprints from editions by R. The Itineraries of William Wey ... to Jerusalem, Jones, London, 1578 and 1579. With an introductory A.D. 1458 and A.D. 1462; and to St. James of Compostella, notice by Sir H. Ellis.] London, 1844. 4°. A.D. 1456. From the original manuscript in the Bodleian Ac. 8104/53. Library. [With an introduction by A. Way; edited The decline of the last Stuarts. Extracts from the by B. Bandinel.] London, 1857. 4º. Ac. 8104/69. despatches of British envoys to the secretary of state. Map of the Holy Land, illustrating the itineraries [Edited by Lord Mahon.] London, 1843. 4º. of William Wey. In fac-simile from the original in Ac. 8104/54. the Bodleian Library, London, 1867. 4º. [Another copy.] . G. 170. Ac. 8104/70. 1 525 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 526 . LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED]. Roxburghe Club. Roxburghe Club. The Boke of Noblesse : addressed to King Edward the Liber Regalis, seu ordo consecrandi Regem solun. Ordo Fourth on his invasion of France in 1475. With an consecrandi Reginam cum Rege. Ordo consecrandi introduction by J. G. Nichols. COPIOUS MS. NOTES. Reginam solam. Rubrica de Regis exequiis. E codice London, 1860. 4°. Ac. 8104/90. Westmonasteriensi editus [by Earl Beauchamp]. The Introduction is interleaved. London, 1870. 4º. AC. 8104/83. Songs and Ballads, with other short poems, chiefly of Le Mystère de Saint Louis, Roi de France. Publié pour the reign of Philip and Mary. Edited, from a manu la première fois d'après un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque script in the Ashmolean Museum, by T. Wright. Nationale par Francisque Michel. London, 1860. 4º. AC. 8104/72. Westminster, 1871. 4º. Ac. 8104/84. De Regimine Principum ; a poem, by Thomas Occleve 2. Floriant & Florete. A metrical romance of the four- ... Edited, for the first time, by T. Wright. teenth century. Edited from a unique manuscript [in London, 1860. 4º. Ac. 8104/73. French] at Newbattle Abbey, by Francisque Michel. Edinburgh, 1873. 4º. Ac. 8104/85. Seynt Graal, or the Sank Ryal. The History of the Holy Graal, partly in English verse, by H. Lonelich The Hystorie of the moste noble Knight Plasidas [by (Skynner) (temp. Hen. VI. 1422–1461) and wholly in J. Partridge], and other rare pieces; collected into one French prose by Sires Robiers de Borron, from the book by Samuel Pepys, and forming part of the Pepysian original Latin, written by Jesus Christ ... Edited by Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. [Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 2 vol. London, 1861-63. 4º. H. H. Gibbs. With coloured illustrations.] Ac. 8104/71. London, 1873. 4º. Ac. 8104/86. _The old English version of Partonope of Blois. [Trans- lated from the French of Denis Piramus.] Edited, for A Fragment of Partonope of Blois, from a manuscript the first time, from manuscripts in University College at Vale Royal, in the possession of Lord Delamere. [Edited by Ř. C. N., i.e. Robert Cradock Nichols.) Library, and the Bodleian ... by W. E. Buckley. London, 1862. 4°. Ac. 8104/74. London, 1873. 4º. Ac. 8104/87. "An entirely different version of the story from that which Philosophaster, comoedia, nunc primum in lucem pro- is contained in the volume of Partonope printed by the ducta. Poemata, antehac sparsim edita, nunc in unum Roxburghe Club in 1862.” collecta. Auctore R. Burtono. [Edited by W. E. The Complete Poems of Richard Barnfield. Edited with Buckley.] Hertfordiæ, 1862. 4º. Ac. 8104/74*. introduction and notes by ... A. B. Grosart, etc. Robert of Brunnè's Handlyng Synne (written A.D. 1303); London, 1876. 4°. Ac. 8104/88. with the French treatise on which it is founded, Le The History of Grisild the Second : a narrative, in verse, Manuel des Pechiez by William of Waddington. Now of the divorce of Queen Katharine of Arragon. Written first printed from Mss. in the British Museum and Bod- by William Forrest, sometime Chaplain to Queen Mary I. leian Libraries. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. ... edited ... from the author's Ms. in the Bodleian Li- London, 1862. 4º. Ac. 8104/75. brary, by ... W. D. Macray. (Appendix. Specimens of Forrest's other works.) London, 1875. 4º. La Queste del Saint Graal : in the French prose of (as Ac. 8104/89. is supposed) Maistres Gautiers Map, or Walter Map.... Edited, from mss. in the British Museum, by F.J. Furni- The Apocalypse of S. John the Divine, represented by vall, etc. London, 1864. 4º. Ac. 8104/76. figures reproduced in facsimile from a Ms. in the Bodleian Library. [Described by H. 0. C., i.e. Henry Octavius [Another copy.] Ac. 8104/92. Coxe.] London, 1876. 4°. Ač. 8104/91. A Royal Historie of the excellent Knight Generides. Edited from the unique ms of J. Tollemache ... by F. J. Poems from Sir Kenelm Digby's papers, in the possession Furnivall. Hertford, 1865. 4º. of H. A. Bright. [Edited by H. A. Bright.] Ac. 8104/77. London, 1877. 4º. Ac. 8104/93. Copy-book of Sir Amias Poulet's Letters, written during his embassy to France (A.D. 1577). From a Ms. in the A tract on the Succession to the Crown, A.D. 1602. By Sir John Harington, of Kelston. Printed . . . from a Bodleian Library. Edited by O. Ogle. Pripted for the manuscript in the Chapter Library at York, and edited Roxburghe Club. London, 1866. 4º. Ac. 8104178. with notes and an introduction by C. R. Markham. Historia quatuor Regum Angliae, heroico carmine con- pp. XIV. 128. London, 1880. 4º. Ac. 8104/94. clusa, authore Johanne Herdo ... nunc primum edidit T. Purnell. Londini, 1868. 4º. Ac. 8104/79. Liber Henrici de Soliaco, Abbatis Glaston, et vocatur A. An inquisition of the Manors of Glastonbury Abbey, of Ruthven Correspondence. Letters and papers of P. the year M.C.LXXXIV. From the original manuscript in Ruthven, Earl of Forth and Brentford, and of his the possession of the Marquis of Bath. Edited, with family; A.D. 1615– A.D. 1662. With an appendix of preface and glossarial notes, by J. E. Jackson. pp. xiv. papers relating to Sir J. Urry. Edited from the original 193. London, 1882. 4°. Ac. 8104/95. Mss., by ... W. D. Macray. London, 1868. 4º. Ac. 8104/80. A Lamport Garland from the Library of Sir C. E. The pilgrimage of the lyf of the manhode, from the Isham, Bart., comprising four unique works 'hitherto French of Guillaume de Deguileville. Edited by W. A. unknown (Emaricdulfe. By E. C. Esquier. London, Wright. London, 1869. 4°. Ac. 8104/81. 1595. Celestiall Elegies. By T. Rogers Esquire. London, 1598. Vertues due. By T. P. Genileman. Correspondence of Colonel Nathaniel Hooke, Agent from London, 1603. A Commemoration on Sir C. Hatton. the Court of France to the Scottish Jacobites, in ... By J. Phillips. London, 1591). [Edited by C. Edmonds. 1703-1707. Edited from transcripts in the Bodleian London, 1881. 4º. Ac. 8104/96. Library, by ... W. D. Macray. 2 vol. There is a second titlepage, engraved. The four works London, 1870, 71. 4º. Ac. 8104/82. are in facsimile. 527 528 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON.[CONTINUED.? Roxburghe Club. Royal Academy of Arts. The King's Prophecie: or, Weeping Joy. Expressed Academic Correspondence, 1803. Containing extracts in a poem, to the honor of England's two great No. 2, from a correspondence with the Academies of solemnities. By Jos. Hall. [With a preface by W. E. Vienna & St. Petersburg . . . a summary report of the Buckley.] pp. xviii. 50. London, 1882. 4º. transactions ... 1802-3; and a description of public . Ac. 8104/97. Cephalus and Procris. Narcissus. By Thomas Edwards. the memory of distinguished naval and military officers, From the unique copy in the Cathedral Library, Peter- since the year 1798. Published by desire of the Academy, borough. Edited by ... W. E. Buckley. With an by P. Hoare. London, 1804. 40. 787. k. 8. (3.) appendix, etc. pp. xxxv. 358. London, 1882. 4º. [Another copy.] T. 927. (9.) Ac. 8104/98. The life and martyrdom of Saint Katherine of Alexan- [Another copy.] 127. d. 11. (2.) dria, Virgin and Martyr. Now first printed from a Academic Annals, published by authority of the Royal manuscript of the early part of the fifteenth century. Academy, etc. 1804–5. Collected and arranged by P. [Edited by H. H. Gibbs.] (The life of Saint Katherine. Hoare. London, 1805. 4°. B. 469. (18.) From the Royal MS. 17 A. XXVII., &c., with its Latin original from the Cotton Ms. Caligula, A. VIII., &c. Academic Annals of Painting, Sculpture and Archi- Edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by ... tecture, published by authority of the Royal Academy E. Einenkel.) 2 pt. London, 1884. 4°. of Arts, 1805-6, 1807, 1808–9 ... Collected... by P. Ac. 8104/99. Hoare. London, 1809. 4º. 562*. b. 23. Pt. 2 is a reissue of one of the publications of the " Early Copy of a memorial presented to Her Majesty's Govern- English Text Society." ment by the Royal Academy of Arts, on the subject of See HASLEWOOD (J.) Roxburghe Revels, and other the recommendations on Artistic Copyright in Paintings relative papers, etc. 1837. 4º. Ac. 8103. and Drawings contained in the Report of the Royal Commission on Copyright. pp. xv. [London, 1879.] 8º. 7807. f. 11. (11.) Royal Academy of Arts. [Catalogues of] The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, A catalogue of the Library of the Royal Academy 1769(-1858, etc.) [With a ms. Index from 1769 to 1841, (London,] 1802. 4º. 123. k. 5. bound in 4 vols.] [London, 1769, etc.] 4º. Ac. 4643. A catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Royal In progress. Academy of Arts, etc. [Compiled by H. R. Tedder. [Another copy. 1770.] 454. e. 18. (7.) “Observations on the contents of the Library” by S. A. Hart.] London, 1877. 8º. BB. G. [Another copy. 1783.] T. 1560. (14.) [Another edition.] [London, 1769, 70.] 7805. e. (75, 76.) The conduct of the Royal Academicians, while members Reprints of the first two exhibition catalogues. of the Incorporated Society of Artists of Great Britain, viz. from 1760 to their expulsion in 1769. With some Royal Academy of Arts, ... Exhibition of the Works of part of their transactions since. London, 1771. 8º. the Old Masters, ... 1870(–71, 75, etc.). 741. a. 13. (1.) London, [1870, etc.] 8º. & 4º. [Another copy.] 1417. g. 5. In progress. T'he Ear-wig; or an old womans remarks on the present General Index ... 1870-1879. exhibition of pictures of the Royal Academy; ...includ- [London, 1880.] 8º. 7854. d. & f. ing anecdotes of characters well known amongst the Abstract of the instrument of institution and laws, etc. painters, etc. London, 1781. 4º. 11630. e. 10. (1.) London, 1797. 8º. 272. g. 17. (1.) More Lyric Odes to the Royal Academicians, by a distant relation to the Puet of Thebes, and Laureate to the Abstract of the constitution and laws, etc. Academy. London, 1785. 4º. 11631. f. 1. London, 1815. 8°. Ac. 4643/2. (1). This is not the work of the same title by Peter Pindar. [Another edition. With a preface by W. Coningham. [Another copy.] 11631. g. 3. London, 1850. 89. 7805. b. Probationary Ode for the laureatship of the Royal [Another edition.] London, 1863. 8º. 7857. bbb. Academy. By a Tag-rag of the Sacred Nine. London, 1786. 4°. 11630. e. 11. (16.) Laws and regulations for the students. Rules and orders of the schools and library, and for the exhibition. A guide to the exhibition of the Royal Academy, for [London, 1797.] 8º. 272. g. 17. (2.) 1797; containing historical and biographical facts, illus- trating the principal pictures in the present exhibition ; Laws relating to the schools, the library and the students. together with the names of all the portraits. London, 1814. 8º. Ac. 4643/2. (2.) London, 1797. 4º. 561*. d. 8. (6.) [Another edition.] With preface by W. Coningham. A Concise Vindication of the conduct of the five suspended London, 1850. 80. 7805. d. members of the council, etc. By authority. [By J. S. Copley, afterwards Lord Lyndhurst.] Extracts from a correspondence with the Academies of London, 1804. 80. T. 934. (6.) Vienna and St. Petersburg on the cultivation of the arts of painting, sculpture and architecture in the Austrian [Another copy.] B. 727. (7.) and Russian dominions. To which is prefixed, a sum- niary account of the transactions of the Royal Academy [Another copy.] 58. f. 6. (1.) ...1801–2. By P. Hoare. London, 1802. 4º. A Concise Review of the Concise Vindication, etc. 787. k. 8. (2.) London, 1804. 8º. T. 934. (7.) Another copy.] 127. d. 11. (1.) [Another copy.] 58. f. 6. (2.) 14177 529 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 530 . LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Royal Academy of Arts. Royal Agricultural Society of England. The Rejected Pictures... with descriptive sketches of the General Index to the first series of the Journal of the several compositions by some ci-devant and other cognos ... Society, etc. London, 1865. 8º. BB. 0. centi (being a Supplement to the Royal Academy Cata- logue of 1815). To which are added a few of the secret General Index to the second series. vol. 1. to x. reasons for their rejection, by a distinguished member of London, 1875. 8º. BB. 0. the Hanging Committee. London, 1815. 8º. 1080. i. 23. (2.) Southampton Meeting. Hand-book for the week, with a diary of appointments, etc. Southampton, 1844. 12º. The Exhibition Catalogue of the Royal Academy,--the 10368. b. 17. 74th year, with critical and descriptive Remarks ... by the Editors of the Morning, Evening and Weekly Papers. A catalogue of the beasts, horses, sheep, and pigs, shown London, 1842. 8º. 786. e. 38. at the meeting of the Society at Newcastle-upon-Tyne ...1846, etc. pp. 56. A glance at the exhibition of the Riyal Academy. J. Rogerson : London, [1846.] 8º. 7291. ee. 23. London, 1850. 4º. 786. k. 42. A catalogue of the various agricultural implements, Notes fupon so] much of the Catalogue of the Present machines, and other articles for farm purposes, manures, Exbibition of the Royal Academy as relates to the works seeds, roots, &c., exhibited at the Society's show at New- of the Members. Wirh a report of the private view and castle-on-Tyne...1846, etc. pp. 165. the dinner, 1855. [In verse.] Privately printed. J. Rogerson : London, 1846. 7078. g. 12. London, 1855.) 80% 11650. bb. 46. Slightly mutilated. A catalogue of the beasts, horses, sheep and pigs, shown at the meeting of the Society at Exeter...1850, etc. See Ruskin (J.) Notes on some of the principal pictures London, 1850. 8º. 7077. d. exhibited in the rooms of the Royal Academy, 1855, etc. 1855, etc. 80. 2262. b. A catalogue of the beasts . . . shown at the meeting of the Society at Gloucester, July...1853, etc. The Royal Academy Review. A guide to the Exbibition London, 1853. 8º. 7294. e. of the Royal Academy of Arts, 1858(-1860) ... By the Council of Four. 3 pt. London, 1858–60. 8º. A catalogue of the various agricultural implements ... 786. i. 30. and other articles ... exhibited at the Society's Show at The Comic Guide to the Royal Academy for 1864. By Gloucester, July...1853, etc. London, 1853. 8º. the Gemini. London, 1864. 8º. 7857. bb. 7073. c. Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1869, etc. Liquid Manure the wealth of Towns. A letter addressed to the Royal Agricultural Society... by a practical man. London, (1869.] 8º. 7855. c. Shrewsbury, (1845.] 8º. : 7073. C. A Guide to the most notable pictures in the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1871. Forming a Companion to Die Königliche Landwirthschaftliche Gesellschaft von the Official Catalogue. London, 1871. 8º. England (Royal Agricultural Society of England) und 7855. cc. ibr Werk. Von M. Eyth. 1883. See FROMMEL (w.) and PFAFF (F.) Sammlung von Notes on some Pictures in the Royal Academy. By an Vorträgen, etc. Bd. ix, 1879, etc. 8º. 12208. e. Art Critic. London, 1871. 8º. 7857. bb. Notes on some pictures in the Royal Academy. By an | Royal Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Art Critic. London, 1872. 8º. 7857. bb. Ireland. See supra: GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Archæological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. The Royal Academy Album: a series of photographs from Works of Art in the Exhibition of the Royal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Academy of Arts, 1875. (1876, 1877. Edited by S. Transactions. 3 vol. London, 1827, 24, 35. 4º. Jennings.) 3 vol. London, 1875–77. fol. & 4º. Ac. 8820/2. 1754. C. [Continued as :/ An hour at the Academy, 1882. The one hundredth Tbe Journal of the Society. vol. 1, etc. and fourteenth exhibition. pp. 92. London, 1834, etc. 8º. Ac. 8820/3. Pickering & Co. : London, [1882.] 16º. 7857. a. 23. In progress. Royal Academy of Music, [Another copy of vol. 1, pt. 1, 2.] Ac. 8820. Royal Academy of Music. The rules and regulations. Committee of Correspondence of the Royal Asiatic Society [London, 1822 ?] fol. Basement. of Great Britain and Ireland. (List of the Committee. A List of Pupils received since 1822, 23, together with Prospectus of the Royal Asiatic Society. A discourse, a list of subscribers, etc. To which are added the rules read at a meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society ... 15th and regulations of the establishment. March, 1823, by H. T. Colebrooke.) London, 1829. 8º. London, 1848. 8º. . Ac. 5166. 817. b. 36. (7.) Catalogue of the printed books in the... Society's library; Royal Agricultural Society of England. and third report of the Oriental translation Committee. The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, etc. 25 London, 1830. 4º. 620. i. 34. vol. London, 1840-64. 8º. Proceedings of the tenth annual meeting ... May 11, - General Index to the first series of the Journal, etc. 1833, with the reports of the Council, etc. London, 1865. 8º. London, 1833. 8°. Ac. 8820/4. - Second Series. London, 1865, etc. 8°. . Royal Asiatic Society . . . anniversary meeting and twentieth (twenty-first, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, General Index to (vol. 1-10 of the second series, thirty-first) annual report of the council 1843, etc. 5 etc. London, 1875. 8º. Ac. 3485. • pt. London, [1843]-54. 8º. Ac. 8820/4. 531 532 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Royal College of Physicians. Royal Asiatic Society... List of Members, Committees, The catalogue of the Fellows and other members of the etc. 1843. London, [1843.] 8º. Ac. 8820/5. Royal College of Physicians, London, October . . . 1695. (A short account of the College . . . published by them- Ceylon Branch. selves, 1688.-Dr. Badger's queries to the monopoly and pretended College, etc.) [London, 1695.] 12º. See supra : COLOMBO.-Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic 551. a. 33. (1.) Society. [Another edition.] With some necessary amendments China Branch. and advertisements [by J. Badger). London, 1695. 8. sh. fol. 777. 1. 2. (8.) See supra : HONGKONG.-Asiatic Society of China, etc. [Another edition.] London, 1696. 8. sh. fol. Straits Branch. 777. k. 16. (14.) See infra : SINGAPORE.--Straits Asiatic Society, etc. A catalogue of the Fellows, Candidates, Honorary Fel- lows, and Licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians. Royal Astronomical Society. (1704–13, 1715–16, 1718–36, 1738-39, 1741-86.) London, 1904-86. fol. 777. 1. 2. (11, 13, 14, 15, 17.) See supra: Astronomical Society. In this entry are included two editions of the list for 1712. These lists are all on single sheets, and were separately Royal Botanic Society. . published. Quarterly Record, etc. London, 1880, etc. 8º. A catalogue of the Fellows, Candidates, and Licentiates Ac. 3292/3. In progress. of the Royal College of Physicians. 1830(-1839, 1841- The Royal Botanic Society of London. 1841. (List of 1843, 1845–1847, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1854, 1871, etc.). fellows, etc.] [London, 1841.) 8º. 7029. bbb. London, [1830, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3848/4. In progress. Royal College of Physicians. See MUNK (w.) The Roll of the Royal College of The Statutes of the Colledge of Physicians London, Lat. Physicians . . . compiled from the annals of the & Eng. (London,] 1693. 8º. 1168. c. 6. College, etc. 1861. 80. 7679. c. An appendix to the Statutes of the College of Physicians, - 1878. 8º. 7679. df. 10. London, wherein are contained several more new laws promulgated... Sept. 30, 1696. [London, 1696.] 12° 541. a. 33. (2.) Medical Transactions, published by the College, etc. vol. 1-3. London, 1785, 72, 85. 8º. 956. i. 10. The Oath taken by the Censors, who are the examiners Vol. 1 is of the third edition. of the College, before the President and the College, upon the day of their admission into their office. The Statute - vol. 4–6. London, 1813–20. 8º. Ac. 3848/2. concerning the admission of such as are to be licensed to Pharmacopoea Londinensis in qua medicamenta an- practise physick. [London, 1700?] 8. sh. fol. 777. 1. 1. (9.) tiqua et nova usitatissima, sedulo collecta, accuratissime examinata ... describuntur. Opera Medicorum Collegii Statuta moralia Collegii Medicorum Londinensium. Londinensis. E. Griffin, sumptibus J. Marriot: [Extracted from the Statutes.] Londini, 1722. 8º. Londini, 1618. fol. 777. i. 10. 551. a. 33. (12.) Another edition.] Pharmacopoeia Londinensis . . . Re- [Another copy.] T. 332. (2.) visa, denuo recusa ... auctior, etc. COPIOUS MS. NOTES (by Baron T. de Mayerne Torquet). Statuta Collegii sive communitatis Medicorum Londin- For J. Marriott : London, 1618. fol. 777. i. 11. ensis. L. P. [London,] 1765. 8º. 551. d. 8. [Another copy.] T. 70. (2.) [Another copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. 777. k. 5. Alterations in the present Statutes proposed to the Tertia editio. COPIOUS MS. NOTES [by Baron T. de College by their committee. [London, 1769.] 8º. Mayerne Torquet]. · For J. Marriott : London, 1627. fol. **T. 70. (1.) 777. k. 7. Statuta Collegii sive Communitatis Medicorum Londin- [Another copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. 777. k. 6. ensis. [With alterations.] [London, 1770?] 4º. [Another edition. [Titlepage only: to which are T. 58. (6.) appended, fragments of Statutes concerning physicians, Collegii Medicorum Londinensium Fundatores & bene- etc.). For J. Marriott : London, 1632. fol. factores. [London, 1662.] fol. 777. k. 16. (19.) 777. k. 16. (1.) Quinta editio. COPIOUS MS. NOTES. [Another copy.] 777. 1. 2. (1.) For J. Marriott : London, (1638.) fol. 777. i. 12. The above date is taken from the printer's address at the An exact account of all who are the present members of end. That of the titlepage, which is engraved, has been the King's College of Physicians in London, and others altered with a pen to 1639. authorized by them to practise in the said city, etc. London, 1676. 4º. 777. 1. 2. (2.) [Another editivn.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. Londini, 1650. fol. 777. i. 13. The names of the Fellows of the King's College of [Another copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. 777. i. 15. Physicians in London, and others authorized by them to practise in the said city, etc. London, 1683. 4º. [Another copy.] MS. NOTES. 777. i. 16. 77. 1. 2. (3.) [Another copy.] MS. NOTES. 777. k, 9. A catalogue of the Fellows and other members of the Royal College of Physicians, London, 1693(-1695). [Another copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. 777. k. 8. London, 1693-95. fol. 777. 1. 2. (5-7.) [Another copy.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. 777. i. 14. . 1 fol. 533 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 534 - - 1 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Royal College of Physicians. Royal College of Physicians. [Another edition.] FEW MS. NOTES. Londini, 1651. 12º. The Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians, 779. a. 16. London . . . Translated into English, with remarks by H. Pemberton. (A narrative of the Proceedings of the [Another edition.] Londini, 1662. 12º. 779. a. 17. Committee appointed by the College ... to review their [Another edition.]: COPIOUS MS. NOTES. Pharmacopoeia.) London, 1746. 89. 777. e. 10. Londini, 1668. 12º. 779. a. 18. The British Dispensatory, containing a faithful transla- [Another edition.] Londini, 1677. fol. 777. k. 10. tion of the New London Pharmacopoeia, published by the College of Physicians... to which are joined the ... Another edition.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES (by J. Martin). contents of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia ; with notes, Londini, 1678. 12º. 777. d. 1. &c. London, 1747. 12º. 777. b. 24. [Another edition.] Londini, 1721. fol. 777. i. 17. The New Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Phy- [Another edition.] Londini, 1724. 12º. 777. b. 20. sicians. Translated into English, with notes, etc. by [Another edition.] L. P. Londini, 1746. 4°.' T. Healde. London, 1788. 8º. . 777. d. 6. 777. i. 18. Second edition, corrected. London, 1788. 8º. [Another edition.] Londini, 1747. 12º. 777. b. 21. 7510. b. [Another edition.] Londini, [1787.] 8º. 777. d. 2. Sixth edition, revised, ... with an index, showing the Pharmacopoeiæ Londinensis specimen alterum. general doses of medicines. By J. Latham. London, 1793. 8°. 7510. de. [London,] 1787. 8º. B. 489. (2.) Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis. A new translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal Londini, 1788. 4º. 44. g. 1. College of Physicians of London of the year 1787. [Another edition.] Londini, 1788. 4º. 776. 1. 8. (2.) With notes...by an Apothecary. London, 1789. 8º. 777. d. y. [Another edition.] Londini, 1809. 4º. 44. h. 10. The Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians, Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis medicorum Londinensis 1788. Translated, etc. See MONRO (DONALD) 11.D. A 1809. Editio altera. Londini, 1815. 8º. Treatise on Medical and Pharmaceutical Chymistry, etc. 777. d. 3. (1.) vol. 3. 1788. 8º. 1037. 1. 2. [Another edition.] pp. xxxiv. 205. Londini, 1824. 8º. The Pharmacopoeia . . . 1809. Translated into English, 7509. ccc. with notes. Second edition...enlarged. By R. Powell. [Another edition.] pp. xxxiv. 160. Londini, 1824. 120. London, 1809. 8º. 1405. i. 777. a. 35. 777. d. 8. [Another edition.] London, 1836. 80. Third edition. London, 1815. 8º. 777. d. 4. [Another edition.] pp. xxxviii. 196. The Pharmacopoeias of the London, Edinburgh, and Londini, 1851. 80. 7510. d. Dublin Colleges, translated into English ; with an ap- pendix, containing a systematic arrangement of the [Another edition.] pp. xl. 215. Londini, 1851. 16º. materia medica, tables of changed names, and a posu- 7509. a. logical table. By J. Thomson. Edinburgh, 1815. 8º. The London Pharmacopoeia, with a literal interlinear 777. d. 27. translation...by T. Pollock. London, 1839. 80. 777. d. 5. The Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1809 : literally translated, and the chemical Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Londini Remedia, suc decompositions annexed. By G. F. Collier. cincte descripta ; atque serie alphabetica ... digesta ... London, 1821. 8º. 777. d. 9. Cura J[acoli] S[hipton] Pharmacopoei Loninensis). COPIOUS MS. NOTES. Londini, 1678. 12º. 777. a. 11. A Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the College of Physicians of London, 1824, explaining the chemical Editio altera...auctior... Annexus est catalogus simpli decompositions. By J. Pereira. London, 1824. 16º. cium ... Accessit manuale ad forum: nec non Pinax T.' 893. (5.) Posographicus. Cura J. Shipton. 3 pt. A translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College Londini, 1689. 777. a. 14 12º. Each part has a separate pagination. The “Manuale" of Physicians of London, 1824. With notes and illus- trations by R. Phillips. London, 1824. 8º. has a distinct titlepage. 777. d. 11. Editio tertia...auctior...Cura J. Shipton. Second edition. London, 1831. 8°. 777. a. 15. Londini, 1699. 12º. 777. g. 26. The Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians A physicall directory or a translation of the London Dispensatory made by the College of Physicians in of London, 1824. Translated into English by Sir G. L. London ... with many hundred additions, etc. By N. Tuthill. London, 1824. 8º. 777. d. 10. Culpeper. London, 1649. 4°. E. 576. (1.) A translation of the Pharmacopoeia ... 1836, with notes Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or the new London Dispen and illustrations by R. Phillips. Second editin. satory... Translated into English... by W. Salmon. London, 1837. 8º. 547. h. 21. London, 1678. 8º. A translation of the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis of 1836, The Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians with notes on the Materia Medica, etc. By T. Castle. [translated into English], with notes. .. by J. Quincy. London, 1837. 16º. 777. a. 39. London, 1721. 8º. 777. e. 4. Second edition. pp. viii. 260. The second edition. London, 1727. 8º. Ac. 3848/3. E. Cox : London, 1838. 8º. 7509. de. 28. 7999 e 1 535 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 536 . LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED.] Royal College of Physicians. Royal College of Physicians. À translation of the New Pharmacopoeia of the Royal Cursory Remarks on the new Pharmacopoeia. By College of Physicians of London, with notes and criti- Liquor Volatilis Cornu Cervi. [London,] 1788. 80. cisms, by G. F. Collier. London, 1837. 8º. .'T. 413. (1.) 777. h. 26. An analysis of the New London Pharmacopoeia. A translation of the Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis By R. White. FEW MS. NOTES. Newmarket, 1792. 8º. Medicorum Londinensis. Containing in addition the 777. d. 15. (1.) doses...also a Latin and English vocabulary... by A. F. Synop-is Pharmacopoeiæ Londinensis. Haselden. London, 1837. 12º. 777. b. 22. London, [Bath, printed,] 1810. 8º. T. 253. (7.) The Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians See PHILLIPS (R.) F.R.S. An experimental examina- of London for 1851. Translated by a Physician. tion of the last edition of the Pharmacopoeia Londin- London, 1851. 16º. 783. a. 31. ensis, etc. 1811. 8°. 7509. h. 9. Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College See PHILLIPS (R.) F.R.S. Remarks on the editio altera of Physicians . . . 1851. With notes and illustrations. of the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, etc. 1816. 8º. By R. Phillips. [Edited by J. D. Smith.] 777. d. 3. (2.) London, 1851. 80 7510. ee. 17. The Pocket Formulary: and synopsis of the Phar- macopoeias, etc. London, 1840. 24°. 777. a. 39. The New London Pharmacopoeia, translated and ar- ranged in a tabular form with the Edinburgh and The Prescriber's Pharmacopoeia : containing all the Dublin Pharmacopoeias . . . With practical remarks, by medicines in the London Pharmacopoeia . ; . By a P. Squire. London, 1851. 8º. 7510. e. Practising Physician. London, 1841. 24°. 777. a. 43. A translation of the New London Pharmacopoeia, in- cluding the New Dublin and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias, Second edition. London, 1843. 12º. 1779. a. 45. with a full account of... their contents; forming a com- plete Materia Medica. By J. B. Nevins. London, 1851. 12º. 7510. b. The King's Medicines for the Plague. Prescribed for the yeare 1604 by the whole Colledge of Physitians. Second edition. London, 1854. 8°. 7510. b. both spirituall and temporall. [A religious tract in which are incorporated some of the directions of the A translation of the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, 1851. College.] London, 1630. 12º. 1167. d. 28. See DIRECTORY. The chemical Directory, etc. [1851.] 8º. 778. c. 28. [Another edition.] London, 1636. 12º. 1167. d. 29. A complete translation of the Pharmacopoeia Londin- Another edition.] London, 1665. 8º. 1167. d. 30. ensis of 1851. See EPHEMERIDES. A new Medico-Statis Certain necessary directions as well for the cure of the tical Almanac for 1852. 1852. 8º. Plague, as for preventing the infection ... Set down by P.P. 2487. fa. the Colledge of Physicians by the Kings Majesties Hindoostanee version of the London Pharmacopoeia ... speciall command. With sundry orders commanded by [translated from the London edition of 1809 by P. his Majestie, etc. B. L. London, 1636. 4°. Breton]. Printed in lithography in the Persian charac- 1167. e. 42. ter for the use of the students of the native medical [Another copy.] · 235. d. 14. institution. [Calcutta,] 1824. 89. 760. f. 19. [Another edition.] London, 1665. 4º. Hindustani version of the London Pharmacopoeia, ed. 1167. e. 23. (1.) 1836. By G. G. Spilsbury ... and Samachurn Dutt... 1841. Done into the Persian from the Nagree character, 236. k. 27. (2.) [Another copy.] with ... an appendix: containing an abstract of the [Another edition.] Edinburgh, 1721. 12º. .. uses ... of all the preparations contained in the Cropped in binding. 7560. a. Pharmacopoeia. By F. J. Mouat. Calcutta, 1845. 8º. Another edition.] See COLLECTION. A collection of... 760. f. 14. pieces relating to the...Plague in...1665, etc. A draught for the reformation of the London Phar- 1721. 8º. 1167. e. 25. (3.) macopoeia, prepared for the perusal of the members of the College of Physicians, by their Committee, A paper delivered in by Dr Alston, Dr Bates, Dr etc. [London,] 1742. 8º. 777. d. 13. Hamens, Dr Micklethwait, on Monday. the 16th of October 1648 to the honourable Committee for Bathes Pharmacopoeia Reformata ; or, an essay for a refor- and Bath-stoves, from the Colledge of Physitians in mation of the London Pharmacopoeia, by a set of London. Together with an answer thereunto by P. remarks on the draught for a new one ... With Chamberlen. London, 1648. 4º. 551. b. 64. observations on some of the . . . modern dispensa- tories, etc. London, 1744. 89. 777. d. 14. [Another copy.] 551. b. 9. (3.) The plan of a New London Pharmacopæia, proposed Report on the nature and import of certain microscopic to the College of Physicians by their Committee ap bodies found in the intestinal discharges of Cholera. pointed for that purpose. Presented to the Cholera Committee by their Sub-Com- (London, 1745.] 80. mittee. London, 1849. 8º. 7560. b. See B., W. M.D. An appeal to the Royal College of Physicians, touching medical capacity : in a letter Report on Leprosy by the Royal College of Physicians, of thanks . . . for their late improvement of the prepared for, and published by her Majesty's Secretary Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. 1745. 4º. of State for the Colonies; with an appendix. . 546. d. 20. (23.) London, 1867. 4º. Ac. 3848. See RUTTY (J.) Observations on the London and The Nomenclature of Diseases, drawn up by a joint Edinburgh Dispensatories, etc. 1776. 8º. Committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians, · 46. b. 25. etc. London, 1869. 80. 2256. f. upy. 777. e. 28. (1.) 537 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 538 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED): Royal College of Physicians. .. Royal College of Physicians. Catalogus Librorum, instrumentorum chirurgicorum, The case of the College of Physicians, London, wherein rerum curiosarum, exoticarumque Coll. Med. Lond. quæ they are Defendants, in a writ of error retornable in habentur in Musæo Harveano... Curâ C. Merrett. Parliament, brought by one W. Rose an Apothecary in Lond[ini], 1660. 40. 821. h. 2. London, on a judgment obtained against him by the College...for practising physick...without License. 1172. h. 1. (5.) [Another copy of Sig. A 2-4.] [London, 1704?] fol. 777. 1. 1. (10.) Bibliothecæ Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis 821. h. 5. Catalogus. [London,] 1757. 8º. 816. m. 12. (26.) [Another copy.] [Another copy.] L. P. 125. d. 5. See Rose (w.) Apothecary. Observations upon the case of W. Rose, as represented by him to the... House of Lords upon his bringing the case before the said House by a See MERRETT (C.) A Collection of Acts of Parliament, writ of error, in order to have the judgment obtained · Charters, . . . and Judges' Opinions concerning those against him by the College of Physicians, in the Queen's Grants to the College of Physicians, London, etc. Bench, reversed. 1704. 4º. 1418. c. 47. 1660. 4º. 551. a. 8. See HUYBERTS (1.) A Corner-Stone laid towards the Begin. Whereas divers persons do illegally practice physick about this city of London, etc. [An order pro- building of a new Colledge that is to say, a new Body ħibiting all members of the College from holding consul- of Physicians) in London. Upon occasion of the Texa- tations with persons not legally authorised to practice tious. . . proceedings acted in the name of the... Colledge Physick.] 551. b. 58. [London, 1706.] 8. sh. of Physicians, etc. fol. 1675. 4º. 776. 1. 1. (6.). A short account of the institution and nature of the [Another copy.] 777. k. 16. (48.) College of Physicians, London. [London, 1686.] 4º. Without titlepage. Sig. B only. 551. a. 47. [Another copy.] 816. m. 12. (27.) [Another copy.] 777. k. 16. (37.) The Dispensarians are the patriots of Great Britain, [Another edition.] (Dr Badger's queries to the Monopoly protect the life of the Royal Family, the Nobility and and pretended College of Physicians.) Gentry, and the property of the poor, viz. the plenty and London, 1696. fol. 777. 1. 2. (10.) cheapness of medicines by the College Dispensary; or, the College... will cure the Physicians subjection to the See BADGER (J.). The case between Dr J. Badger, and Apothecaries, etc. London, 1709. 8°. 780. l. 3. (7.) the Colledge of Physicians, etc. (1688.] 4º. 551. b. 66. Begin. Dominus Praeses orat Excellentiam tuam (Dr The case of the College of Physicians, London. [On a eximie) ut Comitiis intersis, in aedibus Colegii, die proposed new Charter.] FEW MS. NOTES. hora tertia præcise, cum pileo et toga. [Three (London, 1688?] fol. 777. 1. 1. (4.) circulars directed to Sir Hans Sloane.] London, 1712?] fol. 777. 1. 1. (1-3.) [Another copy.] 777. k. 16. (20.) The blanks in these Circulars are filled up in Ms. An historical account of proceedings betwixt the College A Vindication of the College of Physicians from the of Physicians and Surgeons, since their incorporation. Reflections made upon them hy the Apothecaries in (London, 1690?] fol. 777. £. 16. (22.) parliament. [London, 1712?] 8. sh. fol. [Another copy.] 777. 1. 1. (47.) 816. m. 12. (21.) The Physicians reply to the Surgeons answer. [Another copy.] 777. 1. 1. (15.) (London, 1690?] fol. 777. k. 16. (25.) [Another edition.] [London, 1712 ?] 8. sh. fol. A short account of the proceedings of the College of 816. m. 12. (22.) Physicians, London, in relation to the sick poor of the Some remarks on the charter of the College of Physicians said city . . . with the reasons which have induced the ...and the Act of Parliament which confirms it. Wherein College to make medicines for them at the intrinsick value. the case is truly stated betwixt the Universities and the London, 1697. 4º. 551. b. 67. College. 2 pt. London, 1714. 8º. [Another copy.] T. 324. (8.) 551. 2. 33. (8, 9.) [Another copy.] T. 420. (1.) See CELER (LYSIPONIUS) pseud. The late censors deservedly censured... by the following answer to... A reply to the A brief account of the Dispensary, erected at the College reasons against the censors of the College of Physicians, of Physicians in Warwick Lane, London, for the relief of etc. 1698. 4º. 551. b. 68. the sick poor. [London, 1714?] fol. 777. 1. 1. (72.) The necessity and usefulness of the Dispensaries lately [Another copy.] 1777. k. 16. (34.) set up by the College of Physicians in London for the use of the sick poor. · Together with an answer to all the [Another copy.] 717. k. 16. (23.) ohjections rais'd against them by the Apothecaries or Answers to the objections of the Physicians against the others. London, 1702. 4º. 551. a. 54. Apothecaries, at the Bar of the House of Lords, March A farther account of the Dispensaries at the College of 24, 1723. [London, 1723.] 8. sh. fol. Physicians, and in St. Martin's Lane, Westminster, and 777. 1. 1. (27.) others to be erected in and about London, for the service An account of the progress of an epidemical Madness. of the Publick. (London, 1702?] fol. 777. 1. 1. (75.) In a letter to the President and Fellows of the College A further account of the Dispensary at the College of of Physicians. [A political satire.] London, 1735. 80. Physicians, and St. Martin's Lane, Westminster, and T. 735. (2.) others to be erected in London, for the service of the See Z., A. An address to the College of Phưsicians... Publick. [London, 1702?] fol. 777. I. 1. (74.) occasioned by the ... swarms of Scotch and Leyden This is different from the “ Farther account of the Dis Physicians who have assume the liberty...of practising pensaries,” etc. ... in England, etc. 1747. 8º. 7306. de. 1. (5.) 557 539 ACADEMIES. (LONDON. 540 3 T. 24. (1*.) LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED): Royal College of Physicians. Royal College of Surgeons. : An impartial enquiry into the legal constitution of the Representation to Government, of the Court of Assistants College of Physicians...shewing... how much they have of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, concerning deviated from their original institution. the propriety of appointing Surgeons on board of London, 1753. 8º. 518. k. 10. (1.) Merchant Ships bound to the West Indies, and other distant parts. London, 1802. 4º. T. 1688. (4.) [Another copy.] B. 469. (11.) [Another copy.] T. 1692. (1.) Reports from the Boards of Curators, of the Museum of the College, to the Court of Assistants of the Royal A letter from a Physician in town to his friend in the College of Surgeons in London. London, 1822[-31]. 8º. country: concerning the disputes...subsisting between - 7680. cc. the Fellows and Licentiates of the College, etc. Directions for 518. i. 15. (5.) collecting and preserving London, 1753. 8º. animals; addressed to the Board of Curators of the Museum of [Another copy.] T. 400. (2.) the Royal College of Surgeons...to professional...and other individnals, with an invitation for contributions to [Another copy:] T. 356. (5.) the Museum...which may conduce to the illustration of [Another copy.] 551. a. 63. (1.) the animal coconomy, etc. L.P. London, 1835. 4º. 7204. f. [Another copy.] T. 76. (9.) Annual report on the affairs of the Royal College of Minutes of the Proceedings of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. By the President. 1875–76. Physicians relating to Di I. Schomberg, from February London, 1876. 8º. Ac. 3836/6. the 6th, 1746, to December the 22nd, 1753. [With the Annual report of the Conservator to the Museum correspondence.] London, 1754. 8º. T. 356. (6.) Committee ...July 3rd, 1876. [London, 1876.] 89. A sketch of a preface to the Collection of Medical papers Ac. 3836/4. intended to be published by the College of Physicians Syllabus musculorum humani corporis in sex prælection- [by W. Heberden]. MS. NOTES. [London, 1767?] 4º. ibus ut hodie in Theatro Anatomico Chirurgorum Londin- 'T. 58. (5*.) ensium distinctus Londini, 1698. 4º. 781. d. 7. (3.) See CANTAB. Remarks on some late animadversions of a Licentiate upon the Constitution of Physic; intended to Fullaßos; seu, index nominum & actionum musculorum correct the misapprehensions of that author with regard humani corporis, ... Editio secunda. Londini, 1702. 4º. to the College of Physicians, etc. [1763.] 4º. 781. d. 7. (1.) [Another copy.] 781. d. 7. (4.) Case of the Licentiates and the Royal College of [Another edition.] Syllabus musculo, um corporis Physicians. [London, 1796.] 8º. T. 151. (1.) humani, etc. (London,] 1711. 4º. 548. i. 10. (1.) [Another copy.] T. 170. (2.) [Another edition.] [London,] 1716. 4º. 781. d. 7. (6.) See MOSELEY (B.) A Review of the Report of the Royal College of Physicians...on Vaccination. 1808. 8º. Editio altera. Londini, 1729. 4º. 548. i. 10. (3.) 1175. g. 33. (6.) Syllabus partium corporis, quæ urinæ excretioni, genera- Royal College of Surgeons. tioni, sanguinis circulationi, respirationi, vocificationi, The Charter and Bye-Laws of the Royal College of visui, auditui, nervis et olfactui inserviunt. Prælectioni- Surgeons. 2 pt. [London,] 1802. 8°. 7679. e. bus aptatus mox habendis in Theatro anatomico Chi- Pt. 2 has a distinct titlepage and pagination. rurgorum Londinensium. [By Frank Nicholls.] Londini, 1733. 4º. 548. i. 10. (5.) Bye-Laws, rules, and ordinances of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, 1817. 8º. 7686. d. Catalogue of the Hunterian Collection in the Museum of Abstract of the Bye-laws, Rules, and Ordinances of the the Royal College of Surgeons. 5 pt. Royal College of Surgeons, etc. London, 1820. 8º. London, 1830–31. 4º. 780. k. 18-22. 7680. aaa. Bye-Laws of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Catalogue of the specimens illustrating the Osteology and [London, 1826.] 8º. 7686. bb. Dentition of vertebrated animals . . . contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. By W. H. [Another edition.] [London, 1860.] 8º. 7321. c. Flower. London, 1879, etc. 8°. Ac. 3836/7. In progress. A general list of the members of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. London, 1812. 8°. 958. d. 25. Catalogue of the specimens of Entozoa in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. By T. S. List of the Members (Fellows and Licentiates in Mid Cobbold. London, 1866. 8º. 7610. bb. wifery of the Royal College of Surgeons). 1825, 29, 36- 64. London, [1825-64.] 8º. Description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic Sloth, [Continued as :) Mylodon Robustus, ... with observations on the osteology, Calendar of the Royal College of Surgeons, etc. natural affinities and probable habits of the Megatherioid [London, 1865, etc.] 8º. quadrupeds in general. By Richard Owen. In progress. Ac. 3836/5. & 2121. b. London, 1862. 4º. 1256. k. Wanting the volumes for the years 1837, 1856 and 1861. [Another copy.] 1256. k. Royal College of Surgeons. The Examination Papers, Descriptive catalogue of the Dermatological Specimens as set for the Preliminary Literary Examination of contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons Candidates for the Diploma of Member of the College,... of England. By Erasmus Wilson. London, 1870.40. conducted by Examiners of the College of Preceptors. 7481. k. London, [1860, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3836. In progress. Second edition. London, 1875. 4º. Ac. 3836/3. de mon 541 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 542 1974. 1. 1. (47.) LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Royal College of Surgeons. Royal College of Surgeons. Descriptive catalogue of the fossil organic remains of A classed catalogue of the books contained in the Library Plants contained in the Museum of the Royal College of of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Surgeons. London, 1855. 4º. 780. k. 37. London, 1843. 8º. BB. C. Descriptive catalogue of the fossil organic remains of See supra: Royal College of Physicians, An historical Reptilia and Pisces contained in the Museum of the Royal account of the proceedings betwixt the College of College of Surgeons. London, 1854. 4º. Physicians and Surgeons, since their Incorporation. 7207. h. [1690?] fol. 777. k. 16. (22.) Descriptive catalogue of the Osteological Series contained See supra : Royal College of Physicians. An historical in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. [By account of proceedings betwixt the College of Physicians Sir Richard Owen.] 2 vol. London, 1853. 4º. and Surgeons, since their incorporation. [1700?] fol. 180. k. 43, 44. Each volume has a distinct titlepage ; but the register and See supra: Royal College of Physicians. The pagination are continuous. Physicians reply to the Surgeons Answer. [1690?] fol. Descriptive catalogue of the Pathological Specimens 777. k. 16. (25.) contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. A few words on the Fellowship, with a suggestion con- [By E. Stanley and Sir J. Paget.] cerning the present crisis addressed to the president and London, 1846-49. 4º. 780. k. 30–34. council of the Royal College of Surgeons. Descriptive catalogue of the Pathological Specimens London, 1845. 80. 1406. g. contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. See HUNTER (J.) F.R.S. Observations...on Geology... Supplement. London, 1863. 4°. 780. k. Intended to serve as an Introduction to the Catalogue of his Collection of Extraneous Fossils. [Published by the Second edition, by Sir J. Paget... with the assistance of G. F. Goodhart...and A. H. G. Doran. Royal College of Surgeons.] 1859. 40. 780. k. 40. J. & A. Churchill: London, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 3836/8. Royal Colonial Institute. In progress. Proceedings of the Royal Colocial Institute. Descriptive catalogue of the specimens of Natural History London, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 2270. in spirit, contained in the Museum of the Royal College In progress. of Surgeons. Vertebrata. London, 1859. 40. The Royal Colonial Institute. Accouni of the dinner 780. k. 39. held at the Cannon Street Hotel ... 15th November, A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the Calculi and 1872, to celebrate the completion of Telegraphic Com- other animal concretions contained in the Museum of the munication with the Australian Colonies. Royal College of Surgeons. [Supplement hy T. Taylor.] [London, 1872.] 8º. 8756. bb. 3 pt. London, 1842–71. 4º. 780. k. 35, 36. Report of the Council ... on the Newfoundland Fishery Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the fossil organic Question. MS. NOTES [by J. Tobin). pp. 35. remains of Mammalia and Aves contained in the Museum Unwin Bros. : London, 1875. 8º. 8154. e. 6. (4.) of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Catalogne of the Library of the Royal Colonial Institute, London, 1845. 40. 780. k. 29. to October, 1881. pp. 29. London, [1881.] 89. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the Histological 11905. a. 5. Series contained in the Museum of the Royal College, etc. Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. 1. Elementary tissues of vegetables and animals. The Journal of the ... Society. [Vol. 23-32 edited by [By J. T. Duckett.] London, 1850. 4º. N. Shaw. Vol. 33, etc. by H. W. Bates.] 780. k. 41, 42. London, 1832, etc. 8º. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the Physiological In progress. Series of Comparative Anatomy contained in the Museum - General Index to the contents of the first ten of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. 5 vol. volumes. . . . Compiled by J. R. Jackson. [By Sir Richard Owen.] London, 1833-40. 4º. Vol. 3 is in two pts. 780. k. 23-28. London, 1844. 8º. General Index to the second ten volumes. ... Second edition. vol. 1. London, 1852. 4º. Compiled by G. S. Brent, etc. London, 1853. 8º. 780. k. 45. General Index to the third ten volumes. ... Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius, Compiled by ... H. Yule. London, 1867. 8º. Linn.). With illustrations of its external form and Ac. 6170 & 2058. a. internal structure. Drawn up by Richard Owen. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 1832. 4°. 780. k. 38. London. Sessions 1855–6(-1877–78), etc. 22 vol. Summary of the arrangement of the Hunterian Collection, London, 1857–78. 8º. in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, etc. Imperfect; wanting vol. 17, No. 3. London, 1813. 8º. Ac. 3836/2. - [New series.] London, (1879, etc.] 80. In progress. Ac. 6170/2. & 914. Synopsis of the arrangement of the preparations, in the Gallery of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Royal Geographical Society. Supplementary papers. etc. London, 1818. 8º. 1044. c. 15. (6.) John Murray : London, 1882, etc. gº. In progress. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Index to the catalogue af the Library of the Regulations. London, 1830. 12º. Ac. 6170/7. Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1853. Additions With pencil alterations adapting the rules to the Entomo- to the Index...1855.) Vol. 1.-vol. iv. pt. 1. logical Society. London, 1831-55. 8º. * 620. g. 26-28. [Another edition.] London, 1840. 12º. Ac. 6170/7. [Another copy of the Index and Additions.] [Another edition.] FEW MS. NOTES. London, 1846. 8º. 620. g. 29. Ac. 6170/7. 706. 543 ACADEMIES." [LONDON.] 514 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Royal Geographical Society of London. Royal Historical Society. Royal Geographical Society 1843. Report of the See supra : Historical Society of Great Britain, etc. Council. [London, 1843.] gº. Ac. 6170/8. Royal Horticultural Society. The Royal Geographical Society and its Labours. FEW MS. NOTES. London, 1846. 8º. Ac. 6170/9. See supra : Horticultural Society. A summary of the receipts and expenditure of Royal Royal Jennerian Society. Geographical Society from its foundation in July, 1830 to the 31st December, 1845 inclusive. Address of the Royal Jennerian Society for the extermi- [Dated, April nation of the Small-Pox, with the plan, regulations, and 16th, 1846.] [London, 1846.] 8. sh. fol. instructions for Vaccine Inoculation. London, 1803. gº, 1251. 1. (174.) 7560. a. Royal Geographical Society Balloting list, 25 May, 1846. [London, 1846.] 8. sh. 4º. 8223. e. (8.) A Report of the Royal Jennerian Society on the sup- posed failures of Vaccination at Kingwood, etc. Royal Geographical Society. 1846. Report of the (London, 1808.] fol. 712. n. 29. (20.) Council, read at the anniversary meeting, 25 May. [London, 1846.] 8º. 740. d. Royal Jennerian Society for the extermination of the small pox by the extension of vaccination ... founded Charter and Regulations of the Royal Geographical in 1803, etc. [Annual Report. With portrait of Society of London. London, [1859.] 8º. Ac. 6170/3. Dr. Jenner.] London, 1817. 8º. B. 529. (10.) [Another edition.] London, [1877.] 8º. Ac. 6170/3. Royal Institute of British Architects. Catalogue of the Library of the iroyal Geographical See supra: Institute, etc. Society, May 1865. (Supplement ... containing the additions from 1865 to December, 1870. Second supple- | Royal Institution of Great Britain. ment ... containing the additions from December, 1870, . See THOMPSON (B.) Count Rumford. Proposals for forming to the end of 1880.), 3 pt. London, 1865–82. BB.I. ...a Public Institution for diffusing the knowledge... [Another copy.] of mechanical inventions and improvements, etc. 11900. cc. 1799. 80. Without th: Supplements. 257. g. 1. (2.) Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geo- Prospectus . . . with a copy of the Charter, and a list of graphical Society, to December, 1870. [Conupiled by the subscribers. London, [1800.] 8º. B. 727. (4.) G. M. Evans.] London, 1871. 8º. Ac. 6170/6. [Another copy.] 127. c. 7. [Another copy.] BB.I. The Prospectus, Charter, Ordinances and Bye-laws... Catalogue of Map Room of the Royal Geographical Together with lists of the proprietors and subscribers, Society. March, 1881. pp. xxiv. 404. etc. London, 1800. 4º. 462. i. 19. John Murray: London, 1882. 8º. BB. I. b. Ordinances, Bye-Laws, and Regulations of the Royal African Exploration Fund. (Circular by the Special Institution of Great Britain. 1800. Committee appointed ... to administer the African [London, 1800.] 4º. B. 272. (5.) Exploration Fund.) [With a map.] [A collection of circulars, prospectuses, annual reports, [London, 1877.] 40.- and other documents, printed and in Ms., relating to the Rr:yal Institution, 1801-37, addressed to W. H. Pepy's.] Arctic Geography and Ethnology. A selection of papers 2 vol. (London, 1801--37.] fol. 1891. a. on arctic geography and ethnology. Reprinted and presented to the Arctic Expedition of 1875, by the ... The Charter and Bye-laws... together with a list of the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1875. 8º. proprietors and subscribers, the annual report of the Ac. 6170/5. visitors, and the regulations of the library and collection Hints to Travellers. Edited by a Committee of Council of reference. London, 1803. 8º. B. 727. (5.) of the Royal Geographical Society, consisting of ... [Another copy.] T. 1178. (2.) Sir G. Back, ... Sir R. Collinson, and F. Galton ... Fourth edition, edited by F. Galton, etc. [Another edition.] London, 1806. 12º. B. 676. (4.) London, 1878. 8º, 10024. aaa. 4. [Another edition.] London, 1807. 12º. B. 676. (5.) Fifth edition . . . enlarged. Edited ... by H. H. Proposed code of bye-laws. London, [1810.] 130. Godwin-Austen, J. K. Laughton, and D. W. Freshfield. 8308. b. 19. pp. xxv. 296. London, 1883. 8°. 10024. b. 21. [Another copy.] B. 676. (6.) On the Exploration of the North Polar Region. The proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society ... The Charter, Act of Parliament and bye-laws of the 23rd January, 1865, when a paper was read on the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with a list of above subject by ... Sherard Osborn, etc. members. London, 1823. 8º. Ac. 3024/5. London, [1865.] 80. 10460. bbb. [Another edition.] London, 1835. 8º. LACERDA E ALMEIDA (FRANCISCO JOSÉ MARIA DE The 8355. bb. Lands of Cazembe. Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in A list of the proprietors. . . April 1806. 1798. . Translated and annotated by Captain R. F. [London, 1806.] 8º. T. 1178. (3.) Burton ... Also Journey of ... P. J. Baptista and A. José across Africa from Angola to Tette on the Zam- A list of the proprietors... April 1807. Deze. Translated by B. A. Beadle, and a Resumé of the (London, 1807.] 12º. 740. a. 27. journey of MM. Monteiro and Gamitto. By Dr. C. T. Beke. Published by the Royal Geographical Society. List of the members...1818. (London, 1818.] 8º. London, 1873. 8º. Ac. 6170/4. B. 727. (17.) Royanted to the aphy and hology, Agelen 2 Societ speditlogy Selection 29%. 1.7./ 545 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 546 546 . in. LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Royal Institution of Great Britain. Royal Medico-Botanical Society. [Another edition.] [London, 1819.] gº. See supra : Medico-Botanical Society. B. 727. (18.) [Another edition.] [London, 1834.] 80. Royal Microscopical Society. Ac. 3024/2. See supra: Microscopical Society of London, etc. [Another edition.] (London, 1835.] 8º. Royal Society. Ac. 3024/2. The Charters (Lat.) and Statutes [Eng.) of the Royal [Another edition.] pp. 38. Society. [With additions in Ms.] London, 1728. 80. William Nicol : [London, 1839.] 8º. Ac. 3024/2. Ac. 3025/19. A list of members, officers, etc. with the Report of the [Another edition.] Diplomata (Lat.) et Statuta [Eng.) visitors. London, 1852, etc. 8º. Ac. 3024/2. Regalis Societatis, etc. Londini, 1752. 89. In progress. . 435. b. 27. Journals of the Royal Institution, etc. [March 1800- [Another copy.] 273. d. 23. May 1803.] Vol. 1 and vol. 2, part 1. [Another copy.] L.P. 740. c. 21. (10.) Londor, 1802[-3.] 8º. 257. g. 1. (1.) The register in 4º. Imperfect; wanting pp. 3–68. [Another copy of vol. 1.] 962. k. 20. [Another edition.] 2 pt. [London,] 1776. 4º. 2021. g. [Another copy of vol. 1, pt. 1. Vol. 2, pt. 1.] AC. 3024/6. [Another copy.] 740. g. 35. The first sheet of No. 1 in this copy is of a different [Another copy.] T. 41. (5, 6.) edition. [Another copy.] T. 1555. (6.) [Another copy of vol. 1. pp. 17-48.] T. 85. (8.) [Another copy.] 127. c. 6. The Journal of Science and Art. Vol. 1-6. [Continued as :) [Another edition.] Londini, 1819. 4º. 462. i. 18. The Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. Vol. 7--22. London, 1817-27. 8º. [Another copy.] 128. f. 12. Vol. 1 is of the second edition. .. 257. g. 2-24. Statutes. 1831. London, 1831. 4º. T. 26.* (6.) Index to the first twenty volumes. [Another edition.] London, 1847. 8º. Ac. 3025. London, 1826. 8º. 257. g. 22 A List of the Fellows of the Royal Society ... 1664 New Series. Jan. 1827—June 1829. 5 vols. (-1797). [London, 1664-1797.] ful. and 4º. London, 1827–29. 80. Ac. 3024/3. 1881. d. 1. (1.) Imperfect; wanting the lists for 1665, 73, 75, 76, 84, Another copy of vol. 1-8 of the First Series.) 85, 93, 94, 1700, 1707, 1709, 71, 73, 75-96. Vol. 1 of this copy is a first edition. 964. f. 13-20. [Another copy. for 1687, 1727, 31, 38, 41-51, 53, 54, [Another copy of vols. 1-3 of the New Series.] 57–65, 67.] 1881. d. 257. g. 25. [Another copy for 1727-48, -50, 51, -59–63.] See NEPTUNI, pseud. Remarks on a late publication, 1881. d. entitled “ Naval Construction," published (in the Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and Art, [Another copy for 1759, 60.] - 1881. d. edited at the Royal Institution in the autumn of A list of the Royal Society, instituted by King Charles 11. 1827. 1828. 8º. 8805. c. As also an advertisement shewing what subjects seem Journal of the Royal Institution, etc. Vol. 1, 2. most suitable to ihe ends of its institution. By – London, 1831. 8º. Ac. 3024/7. Thomas.] London, 1718. 8°. 740. c. 24. (3.) Vol. 2 imperfect ; no more published. Catalogus (membrorum) Societatis Regiæ. See VATER Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the (A.) Dissertativ...qua ductus salivalis in lingua, etc. Members of the Royal Institution; with abstracts of 1723. 4°. 1179. c. 17. (12.) the discourses delivered at the Evening Meetings. List of the Royal Society for... 1824. [Annual lists of London, 1851, etc. 8º. | Xe. 3024. the Council and Fellows] 1824, 1830–1833, 1837, 39, 41, In progress. 1842, 45-48, 50–54, 70, etc. [London, 1824, etc.) 4° Royal Institution of Great Britain. Syllabus of lectures In progress. T. 26.* (10, 11, 13–16.) & Ac. 3025/4. commencing after Easter. [London,j 1832. 8º. [Another copy for 1832, 33.] T. 26.* (12.) Ac. 3024/4. Begin. These are to yive notice that the Royal Society Lectures on Education, delivered at the Royal Institu- intends to return to their publick meetings on... the tion. London, 1855. 8º. 8307. f. 78. 12th of... November 1674, etc. No. 12. Additions to the Library of the Royal Insti (London, 1674.). s. sh. 4º. 740. c. 25. (11.) tution...from July 1868 to July 1869. With the autograph signature of Lord Brouncker, the [London, 1869.] 8º. 1889. d. 1. (28.*) President. Begin. . At a Council of the Royal Society...,for im- Additions to the Library of the Royal Institution of proving uatural knowledge, 28 Decemb. 1698; it was Great Britain froin July 1873 to July 1874. i.. considerer what should be done, in relation to the [Lundon, 1874.] 8º. 11904. bb. 1. (2.) arrears of weekly payments, due from several Follows. See BRANDE (w. T.) A descriptive Catalogue of the etc. [London, 1698.] 8. sh. 4º. 740. c. 25. (10.) British specimens deposited in the Geolugical Collection (A Sunmons to the Fellows of the Royal Society to of the Royal Institution. 1816. 80. B. 374. (5.) ineet for the election of tire Council and Officers on Dec. 1, 1712 ; with antograph signature of the President, Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Sir Isaac Newton.] [London, 1712.] 8. sh. 4º. See supra : Medical and Chirurgical Society, etc. I C. 18. e. 2. (75.) suita London, 1710, Societatis vilis in ling. 417. (12.) 547 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 548 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Royal Society. Royal Society. An Extract of the Minutes of the Royal Society, of A continuation to the alphabetical index of the matter February 19, 1746. [London, 1746.] 80. contained in the Philosophical Transactions. vol. 71– 8706. d. 120. 1781-1830. 2 vol. London, 1821–33. 4º. Instructions for the adjustments and use of the instru- 2021. g. ments intended for the northern expeditions. [Ry - Kater An index to the anatomical, medical, chirurgical and and others.] Printed by order of the Royal Society. physiological papers contained in the Transactions of London, 1878. 8º. B. 740. (11.) the Royal Society...from the commencement... to the end of 1813. [By J. B., i.e. James Briggs.] Statement of the Disbursements of the Society during Westminster, 1814. 4º. 462. f. 14. the years 1835–39.] [London, 1840.] 8º. 1890. b. 3. (23.) The Philosophical Transactions and collections [from 1665), to the end of ... 1700, abridg'd, etc. By J. Low- Begin. Royal Society of London, Somerset House. thorp. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1716. 4º. [Notice of a Special General Meeting convened by the 462. f. 1-3. Council for Feb. 11, 1847, “for the purpose of consider- Vol. 4, 5. 1700 to 1720. By H. Jones. 2 vol. ing and determining on the legality of the circumstances London, 1721. 4º. 462. f. 4, 5. under which the award of the Royal Medal in Physi- ology for 1845 was first recommended by the Physi- Vol. 6, 7. 1719 to 1733. By J. Eames and J. ological Committee,” etc. With cuttings from the Martyn. 2 vol. London, 1734. 4º. 462. f. 6, 7. “ Athenæum” upon the same subject.] MS. NOTES. [London, 1845.] 8º. 1890. b. 3. (22.) Index, vol. 1-7. London, 1735. 4º. 462. f. 7. (2.) - Vol. 8, 9. 1732 to 1744. By J. Martyn. 2 vol. Report of the Charter Committee. [June, 16th, 1846.] London, 1747. 4º. 462. f. 8, 9. 1890. b. 3. (21.) [London, 1846.] 8º. Vol. 10. 1743 to 1750. By J. Martyn. 2 vol. Statement of the receipts and payments of the Royal London, 1756. 4º. 462. f. 10, 11. Society between Nov. 29, 1847 and Nov, 30, 1848. 1251. 1. (173.) [Another copy of vol. 3-5, Index, and vol. 8–10.] London, 1755-56. 4º. 740. h. 5-12. Vol. 3 is of the first edition and vol. 4, 5 of the second. Philosophical Transactions, giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies and labors of the in The Philosophical Transactions...from 1700 (when Mr. genious in many considerable parts of the world (after Lowthorp ends) to 1720, abridged, etc. By B. Motte. wards : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 2 vol. London, 1721. 4º. 740. h. 13, 14. Begun as a periodical publication by H. Oldenburg, Each vol. is in 2 pts. and continued by him to June 1677, afterwards succes- A reply to the preface publish'd by H. Jones, with Waller, Sir H. Sloane, E. Halley, and C. Mortimer, up his abridgment of the Philosophical Transactions. [By B. Motte.] London, 1722. 4°. 740. c. 21. (9.) to March; 1752, from which date the publication has been superintended by a committee of the Society.7 Memoirs... being a new abridgement of the Philosophical London, 1665, etc. 4º. 2100. & 2101. Transactions. 1695–1735. By Mr. Baddam. 10 vol. In progress. 1738–41. 8º. 988. k. 12–21. Vols. 13-15 printed at Oxford ; vol. 41, 46-52, 57, 61 [Another copy.] Ac. 3025/22. and all after 62 are each in 2 pt. excepting vol. 90, 114 and Vol. 1 of this copy is called the second edition, and has a 119, which are each in 3 pt. and vol. 116 and 136 each in new titlepage dated 1739. 4 pt. Vol. 43 wants the original titlepage and dedication. Vols. 82–142 inclusive have no serial numbers, but those of - Second edition. 10 vol. London, 1745. 8º. the years. 272. f. 2-11. Only vols. 1-3 are of a different edition, the others are [Another copy of vol. 1-111, pt. 1. London, 1665-1821. 4º. duplicates with new titlepages. T.C. 16. a. 1. Vol. 17 wants titlepage, vol. 40 wants the Croonean Lec The Philosophical Transactions abridged. Vol. 1. pt. 1. ture, vols. 70 & 72 want the appendices. 1664-1672. [London, 1802.] 4º. 434. b. 10. Without titlepage ; pp. i–xv, 1–400. [Another copy of 1820, pt. 1.] 434. h. 11. The Philosophical Transactions...from their commence- - A general index or alphabetical table to all the ment in 1665 to 1800, abridged, with notes and biographic Philosophical Transactions from the beginniny, to illustrations, by C. Hutton, G. Shaw, R. Pearson. 18 July, 1677. Also a catalogue of the books mentioned vol. London, 1809. 4º. T.C. 13. b. 1–18. Medical Essays and observations relating to the practice betically. London, 1678. 4º. 2020. a. (2.) of physic and surgery ; abridged from the Philosophical [Another copy.] MS. NOTES. 740. h. 15. (1.) Transactions ... The Latin papers English'd, some remarks made, etc. By S. Mihles. 2 vol. [Another copy.] T.C. 16. a. 6. (2.) London, 1745. 8º. 43. f. 25, 26. A general index, etc. from Jan. 167} to Decr. 1693. Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical London, 1694. 4º. 2020. a. (2.) Transactions...from 1800, etc. vol. 1-6. London, 1832–54. 8º. Ac. 3025/21. [Another copy.] T.C. 16. a. 9. (2.) [Continued as:] A general index to the Philosophical Transactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society. vol. 7, etc. vol. 1-70. By P. H. Maty. London, 1787. 4º. London, 1856, etc. 8º. 2021. d. 2020. d. In progress. Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical [Another copy.] Ms. ADDITIONS [by J. Dryander.] 462. f. 12. Transactions...from 1800 to 1830. 2 vol. London, 1832, 33. 4º. Ac. 3025/14. [Another copy.] T.C. 16. b. 4. A re-imposition of the octavo edition. U 549 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 550 10 reen todom 8702 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Royal Society. Royal Society. Miscellanea Curiosa. Being a collection of some of the Pt. 10. Mélanges, observations, voyages : par A. L. principal phænomena in nature, accounted for by the Millin de Grandmaison. Paris, 1790. 8°. greatest philosophers of this age. Together with several 988. 1. 26. discourses read before the Royal Society. 3 vol. Pt. 11, 12. Antiquités, beaux arts (inventions et London, 1705–7. 8º. Ac. 3025/17. machines), par M. Millin de Grandmaison. 2 tom. Second edition ; to which is added a discourse of the Paris, 1789, 90. 8º. 288. l. 17, 18. influence of the sun and moon on human bodies, etc. By Extraict de la relation d'un gentilhomme anglois, sur un R. Mead... Fontenelle's preface of the usefulness of mineral semblable à de l'or battu en feuilles, trouvé en mathematical learning. (The laws of stereographick Mexique, tirée des Transactions Philosophiques, année projection, laid and demonstrated by J. Hodgson.) 3 1668." No 41. Description des mines de mercure de vol. 959. d. 1-3. London, 1708. 8º. Frioul [by W. Pope), extrait de l'année 1665 des Trans- Third edition. Revised and corrected by W. Derham. actions Philosophiques. Description des mines des 3 vol. London, 1726, 23, 27. 8º. 959. d. 4-6. diamans presentée à la Société Royale de Londres par le [Another copy.] 49. a. 25. grand Maréchal d'Angleterre, extrait des Transactions Philosophiques, année 1678. See BARBA (A. A.) Métal- A supplement to the Philosophical Transactions of July, lurgie, etc. tom. 2, 1751. 12º. 233. b. 35. 1670. With some reflexions on Dr. John Wallis his letter, there inserted. [By W. Holder.] Acta Philosophica Societatis Regiæ in Anglia, anno London, 1678. 4º. 740. c. 21. (4.) 1665–1670. Auctore H. Oldenburgio ... in Latinum versa interprete C. S. [The vol. for 1669 has: in A discourse of gravity and gravitation, grounded on Latinum versa a J. Sterpino.] 6 vol. experinental observations: presented to the Royal Amstelodami, 1674, 72, 74, 71, 81. 12º. Society the 12th of November, 1674. 434. a. 10–14. [London, 1674.] 4º. T. 915. (1.) Imperfect; wanting the titlepage. [Another copy of vol. 1-5.] 741. a. 1-5. A supplement to the Philosophical Transactions for the [Another edition of the vol. for 1669.] Ac. 3025/18. month of October, 1702... În Hippocratis aphorismos commentariolus. Authore M. Lister. Acta Philosophica...1665–69...nunc iterum, adjecto [London, 1702.] 4º. 740. c. 20. (3.) indice... editā. Lipsiæ, 1675. 4º. 125. i. 6. Several papers, most of which were read before the Royal Society in the year 1752, and were not printed in Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society. the last volume of the Philosophical Transactions. London, 1825. 4º. 819. 1. 32. 740. c. 25. (1.) London, 1753. 4°. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Literature in the Library of [Another copy.] 462. e. 10. (1.) the Royal Society. London, 1841. 8º. 11905. aa. 22. Lettre de Pékin, sur le génie de la Langue Chinoise, et Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the la nature de leur écriture symbolique...en réponse à celle de la Société Royale...de Londres sur le même Royal Society. London, 1839. 8º. BB. E. Descriptive catalogue of the portraits in the possession Guignes... relatifs aux mêmes matières. Par un Père de of tbe Royal Society. By C. R. Weld. la Compagnie de Jesus (P. M. Cibot. Edited by J. T. London, 1860. 8°. 7856. C. Needham.] Bruxelles, 1773. 4º. 622. e. 1. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800–1863(-1873). Com- [Another copy.] 68. c. 13. piled and published by the Royal Society of London, Transactions Philosophiques 1665–83, etc. See BERRYAT 8 vol. London, 1867–79. 4º. BB. D. (J.) Recueil de Mémoires, etc. Partie etrangère. tom. [Another copy.] 11904. m. 2, 4, 6, 7. 1755, etc. 4º. T.C. 3. a. 3, 5. Propositions for the carrying on a philosophical corre- Transactions Philosophiques. 1731–36. Traduites par spondence, already begun in the county of Sommerset, M. de Brémond. Paris, 1741, 40, 38. 4º. upon incouragement given from the Royal Society. Ac. 3025/15. London, 1670. 4º. 740. c. 21. (1.) Table des mémoires imprimés dans les Transactions Epistola ad Regiam Societatem Londinensem ; qua de Philosophiques...1665–1735. Par M. de Brémond. 3 nuperis Terræ-Motibus disseritur, et veræ eorum causa pt. Paris, 1739. 4°. Ac. 3025/16. eruuntur. Londini, 1693. 4º. 444. b. 31. [Another copy.] 462. f. 15. The Transactioneer, with some of his philosophical Abrégé des Transactions Philosophiques. Ouvrage fancies; in two dialogues. [A satire on Sir Hans Sloane traduit de l'Anglois et rédigé par M. Gibelin. and the Philosophical Transactions, by W. King, LL.D.] Pt. 1. Histoire naturelle. 2 tom. Paris, 1787. 8º. London, 1700. 8º. 740. c. 24. (1.) 988. 1. 15, 16. [Another copy.] 440. i. 19. (4.) [Pt. 2.) Botanique (agriculture, etc.) 2 tom. [Another copy.] 988. 1. 21, 22. Paris, 1790. 8°. T. 1818. (4.) Imperfect; wanting pp. 65–72. Pp. 57–64 are in dupli- cate. 2 tom. Paris, 1790. 8º. 988. 1. 23, 24. See SPRAT (T.) Bishop of Rochester. The History of the Pt. 6. Anatomie et physique animale: par M. Pinel. Royal Society, etc. 1702. 4º. 8704. dd. Paris, 1790. 8º. 988. 1. 25. An account of the late proceedings of the council of the Pt. 8. Matière medicale et. pharmacie : par MM. Royal Society, in order to remove from Gresham College Wilmet, Bosquillon (et Pinel). 2 tom. into Crane-court, in Fleet-street. In a letter to a Friend. Paris, 1789, 91. 8º. 988. 1. 19, 20. London, 1710. 8º. 740. c. 24. (2.) 551 "ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 552 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Royal Society. Royal Society. [Another copy.] An account of the late proceedings See PANIZZI (Sir A.) K.C.B., etc. Observations on the of the council of the Royal Society, etc. Address by the President, and on the statement by the London, 1710. 8º. 440. i. 24. (1.) Council to the Fellows of the Royal Society, respecting Mr. Panizzi, etc. [1838?] 8º. 11901. b. [Another copy.] 101. k. 31. Statement of facts concerning the proposed Election of See infra : PARIS.---Académie Royale des Sciences. A Officers and Council...for the ensuing year. dissertation on Royal Societies...containing... a descrip- [London, 1848.] 12º. °°740. b. 49. (1.) tion of a meeting of a Royal Society in London, etc. [A satire on the Royal Society.] 1750. 80. [Second edition.] [London, 1848.] 12º. 740. c. 24. (5.) 740. b. 49. (2.) See HILL (J.) M.D., etc. A Review of the Works of the [Third edition.] [London, 1848.] 12º. Royal Society, etc. 1751. 4º. 128. o. 9. 40c] - 740. b. 49. (3.) 1780. 4º. 8705. f. (Fourth edition.] [London, 1848.1 12°. See BIRCH (T.) The history of the Royal Society...in 740. b. 49. (4.) which the most considerable of those papers communi. See SOUTH (Sir J.) A Letter...in reply to the Obituary cated to the Society which have hitherto not been Notice of...R. Sheepshanks by the President and Council published, are inserted...as a supplement to the Philo of the Royal Society. 1856. 8º. 10826. b. sophical Transactions. 1756, etc. 40. 461. g. 28–31. See ENDEAVOUR, Ship. A journal of a voyage round the Correspondence concerning the Great Melbourne Tele- world, in His Majesty's Ship Endeavour in the years scope. 1852–1870. 3 pt. London, 1871. 8º. 1768, 1769, 1770 & 1771; undertaken in pursuit of 8560. bb. natural knowledge, at the desire of the Royal Society, See SMYTH (C. P.) The Great Pyramid and the Royal etc. 1771. 4º. B. 282. (1.) Society, etc. 1874. 8º. 7702. aaa. 1. (13.) [Extracts relating to the “ Dissensions and debates in the Royal Society," from the Remembrancer, the European Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Magazine and London Review, the Critical Review and Report of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Litera- the Monthly Review, all of April, 1784.] ture, at its first general meeting, on... the 17th day of [London, 1784.] 8º. 440. i. 24. (7.) June, 1823. London, [1823.] 40. Ac. 9125/5. An appeal to the fellows of the Royal Society, concern- ing the measures taken by Sir J. Banks, their president, List of the Royal Society of Literature. 1824. to compel Dr. Hutton to resign the office of secretary to London, 1824. 4°. Ac. 9125/4. the Society for their foreign correspondence; by a friend to Dr. Hutton. London, 1784. 80. 740. c. 24. (7.) Prospectus : Constitution : By-Laws. London, 1824. 40. Ac. 9125/3. [Another copy.] 440. i. 24. (3.) Royal Society of Literature. Annual Report: List of [Another copy.] 117. n. 44. (1.) members. 1824. London, 1824. 4º. Ac. 9125/4. [Another copy.] 274. k. 16. (3.) Annual Report. List of Members. 1825, etc. Supplement to the appeal to the fellows of the Royal London, 1825, etc. 4º. and 8º. Ac. 9125/4. In progress. Imperfect; wanting the reports for 1830, Society ; being letters taken from the Public Advertiser and Morning Post. (London, 1784.] 8º. 117. n. 44. (2.) 1832 to 1858 inclusive, and 1860. An authentic narrative of the dissensions and debates in Transactions. 3 vol. London, 1829–39. 4º. the Royal Society; containing the speeches at large of Dr. Horsley, Dr. Maskelyne, Mr. Maseres, Mr. Poore, - Second series. London, 1843, etc. 8º. Ac. 9125. Mr. Glenie, Mr. Watson, and Mr. Maty. In progress. London, 1784. 8º. T. 1081. (1.) Report of the Council of the Royal Society of Literature, [Another copy.] 440. i. 24. (2.) on some of the Mayer Papyri, and the palimpsest MS. of Uranius belonging to M. Simonides. With letters from [Another copy.] 117. n. 45. MM. Pertz, Ehrenberg, and Dindorf. London, 1863. 80. 11825. dd. [Another copy.] 274. k. 16. (1.) ADAM, of Usk. Chronicon Adæ de Usk. A.D. 1377–1404. An history of the instances of exclusion from the Royal Edited, with a translation and notes, by E. M. Thompson. Society, which were not suffered to be argued in the pp. xiii. 243. London, 1876. 8º. Ac. 9125/6. course of the late debates. With strictures on the for- mation of the Council, etc. By some members in the WRIGHT (THOMAS) Biographia Britannica Literaria: or minority. London, 1784. 8º. 440. i. 24. (4.) biography of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order. Anglo-Saxon [Another copy.] 117. n. 46. period. (Anglo-Norman period.) 2 vol. See KIPPIS (A.) 2308. e. London, 1842-46. 8º. Observations on the late contests in the Royal Society (concerning Dr. Hutton]. 1784. 8º. [Another copy.) 2039. f. 740. c. 26. (3.) The “ Introduction” to the “ Anglo-Norman period” in Science without a head, or the Royal Society dissected. Vol. 2 is wanting in this copy. By one of the 687 F.R.S....S.S.S. [A. B. Granville.] See supra : CAIRO.- Egyptian Society. YOUNG (THOMAS). London, [1830.] 8º. 740. c. 33. Hieroglyphics; collected by the Egyptian Society, etc. A statement of-circumstances connected with the late [The larger portion of the work was published by the election for the Presidency of the Royal Suciety. Royal Society of Literature, etc. 1823, etc.) fol. London, 1831. 8º. 1414. d. 5. 554. f. 7. 553 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 554 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Royal Society of Musicians. School of Science applied to Mining and the Arts. The Laws for the management and appropriation of the See supra : School of Mines. fund for the support of decayed musicians, members of the Royal Society of Musicians, and their families. Shakespeare Society. (London, 1790?] 8º. 112. a. 54. Begin. The Shakespeare Society. It is acknowledged, etc. [Prospectus.] [London, 1839?] 3. sh. 4º. [Another edition.] Revised...1882. pp. 38. 741. k. (28.) G. Woodfall: London, 1882. 8º. 8276. de. 13. (6.) Begin. The Shakespeare Society. It is remarkable, etc. Saint Paul's Ecclesiological Society. [Prospectus.] [London, 1840.] 4º. 741. k. (27.) Architectural Papers. London, 1879, etc. 8º. Report of the Council... to the first (second, etc.) Annual 7814. f. 3. Meeting of the subscribers, etc. [London, 1842, etc.] 8º. In progress. Each paper has a separate pagination. In progress. Ac. 9485/7. (2.) Transactions. London, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 5670. In progress. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, founder of Dulwich College, including some new particulars respecting Shakespeare, School of Mines. Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, Dekker, etc. By J. P. Annual Report of the Director General of... the Museum Collier. London, 1841. 8º. Ac. 9485. of Practical Geology. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. [Another copy.] G. 13348. Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Annual Report, etc. (1857, etc.] 8º. 7109. bb. The School of Abuse, containing a pleasant invective against poets, pipers, players, jesters, etc. By Stephen Annual Report of the Director General of... the School Gosson. With an introduction regarding the author of Science applied to Mining, etc. See GREAT BRITAIN and his works [by J. P. Collier). London, 1841. 8º. AND IRELAND. Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Ac. 9485/2. (1.) Annual Report, etc. [1857, etc.] 8º. 7109. bb. [Another copy.] G. 13349. (1.) Records of the School of Mines and of Science applied to the Arts. Vol. 1, pt. 1-4. London, 1852–53. go. An Apology for Actors. In three books. By Thomas Ac. 3230. Heywood. From the edition of 1612, compared with that of W. Cartwright. With an introduction and BAUERMAN (HILARY) A descriptive catalogue of the geo- notes [by J. P. Collier). London, 1841. 8º. logical, mining, and metallurgical models in the Museum Ac. 9485/2. (2.) of Practical Geology. London, 1865. 8º. 7106. bb. [Another copy.] G. 13349. (2.) HUNT (ROBERT) A descriptive guide to the Museum of Ludus Coventriæ. A collection of mysteries, formerly Practical Geology. With notices of the Geological Sur represented at Coventry on the feast of Corpus Christi. vey of the United Kingdom, the Government School of ...Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1841. gº. Mines, and the Mining Record Office. London, 1857. 8º. Ac. 9485/3. 7108. aaa. [Another copy.] G. 13350. Second edition. London, 1859. 8°. 7108. aaa. The debate between Pride and Lowliness : By Francis Third edition... partly re-written. London, 1867. 89. Thynn. Reprinted from the edition by John Charl- 7106. bb. wood. With an introduction and notes by J. P. Collier. HUXLEY (THOMAS HENRY) and ETHERIDGE (ROBERT) A cata- London, 1841. 8º. Ac. 9485/4. logue of the collection of Fossils in the Museuin of Prac [Another copy.] G. 13351. tical Geology, with an explanatory introduction. London, 1865. 8º. 7202. aaa. Patient Grissil: a comedy, by Thomas Dokker, H. Chettle, and W. Haughton. Reprinted from the ... MURCHISON (Sir RODERICK IMPEY) Bart. A catalogue of edition of 1603. With an introduction and notes (by J. the contents of the Mining Record Office in the Museum P. Collier). London, 1841. 8º. Ac. 9485/5. of Practical Geology, consisting of plans, and sections of mines and collieries, etc. London, 1858. 8º. [Another copy.] G. 13352. 7108. b. Extracts from the accounts of the Revels at Court, in PLAYFAIR (Sir Lyon) Museum of Practical Geology... the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I., from the Industrial Instruction on the Continent. Being the in original Office Books of the masters and yeomen. With troductory lecture of the Session 1852–1853. an introduction and notes by Peter Cunningham. London, 1852. 8º. London, 1842. 8º. Ac. 9485/6. RAMSAY (Sir. ANDREW CROMBIE) A descriptive catalogue of [Another copy.] G. 13353. the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology; with explanatory notices of their nature and mode of Notes of Ben Jonson's conversations with William Drum- occurrence, and of the places where they are found. By mond of Hawthornden, January, 1619. [Edited by D. A. C. Ramsay, H. W. Bristow, and H. Bauerman. Laing.] London, 1842. 8º. Ac. 9485/7. London, 1858. 8º. 7108. b. [Another copy.] G. 13354. - Second edition, with additions. The first sketch of Shakespeare's Merry Wives of London, 1859. 80. 7108. b. Windsor (1602). Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. London, 1842. 89. Ac. 9485/8. Third edition, partly rewritten. London, 1862. 8º. 7108. aaa. [Another copy.] G. 13355. Fools and Jesters: with a reprint of Robert Armin's SMYTH (WARINGTON W.) A catalogue of the Mineral Col- Nest of Ninnies, 1608. With an introduction and notes lections in the Museum of Practical Geology. .. By W. W. Smyth, T. Reeks, and F. W. Rudler. [by J. P. Collier]. London, 1842. 8º. Ac. 9485/9. London, 1864. 8º. 7106. bb. [Another copy.] G. 13356. 7107. e. 555 556 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] LONDON (CONTINUED.] LONDON [CONTINUED). Shakespeare Society. Shakespeare Society. Timon, a play. Now first printed. Edited by Alex The Shakespeare Society's Papers. 4 vol. ander Dyce. London, 1842. 8°. Ac. 9485/10. London, 1844-49. 8º. Ac. 9485/23. [Another copy.] G. 13357. [Another copy of vol. 1, 2.] G. 13368. Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil. By Thomas See CROKER (T. C.) Remarks on an article inserted Nash. From the first edition of 1592, compared with in the Papers of the Shakespeare Society (vol. 4, on later impressions. With an introduction and notes by Massinger's play of “ Beleeve as you list”). J. P. Collier. London, 1842. 8º. Ac. 9485/11. (1849.] '8º. 11764. bbb.. [Another copy.] G. 13358. The old Taming of a Shrew, upon which Shakespeare The first and second parts of King Edward iv. Histories founded his comedy, reprinted from the edition of 1594 by Thomas Heywood. Reprinted from the...first edi and collated with the subsequent editions of 1596 and tion of 1600, collated with one other in black letter, and 1607. London, 1844. 8º. Ac. 9485/24. with those of 1619 and 1626. With an introduction and notes by Barron Field. London, 1842. 8º. [Another copy.] G. 13370. Ac. 9485/12. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of a Midsummer [Another copy.] G. 13359. Night's Dream. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. A treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and Inter- London, 1845. 8º. Ac. 9485/25. ludes, with other idle pastimes. By John Northbrooke, [Another copy.] G. 13371. Barrister. From the earliest edition, about 1577. With an introduction and notes (by J. P. Collier). Shakespeare's play of King Henry the Fourth, printed London, 1843. 8º. Ac. 9485/13. from a contemporary manuscript. Edited by J. O. [Another copy.] G. 13360. Halliwell. London, 1845. 8º. Ac. 9485/26. The first sketches of the second and third parts of King [Another copy.) G. 13372. Henry the Sixth. Edited by J. Q. Halliwell. The Diary of Philip Henslowe from 1591 to 1609. London, 1843. 8º. Ac. 9485/14. Printed from the original manuscript preserved at [Another copy.] G. 13361. Dulwich College. Edited by J. P. Collier. London, 1845. 8º. Ac. 9485/27. Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer Night's Dream, illustrated by a comparison with Lylie's Endymion. [Another copy.] G. 13373. By...N. J. Halpin. London, 1843. 80. Ac. 9485/15. The Fair Maid of the Exchange; a comedy, by Thomas The Chester Plays : a collection of Mysteries founded Heywood : and, Fortune hy Land and Sea; a tragi- upon Scriptural subjects, and formerly represented by comedy, by Thomas Heywood and William Rowley. the Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide. Edited by Edited by Barron Field. 2 pt. London, 1845. 8º. T. Wright. 2 vol. London, 1843-47. 8º. Ac. 9485/41. . Ac. 9485/16. [Another copy.) . G. 13374. The Alleyn Papers. A collection of original documents illustrative of the life and times of Edward Alleyn, and The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom, an ancient interlude. of the early English stage and drama. With an intro- To which are added illustrations of Shakespeare and the duction by J. P. Collier. London, 1843. 8º. early English Drama. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. Ac. 9485/17. London, 1846. 8º. Ac. 9485/29. [Another copy.] G. 13362. [Another copy.] G. 13375. Honour Triumphant, and a Line of Life: two tracts by Memoirs of the principal actors in the plays of Shake- John Forde ... now first reprinted from the original speare. By. J. P. Collier. London, 1846. 8º. copies published in 1606 and 1620. London, 1843. 8º. Ac. 9485/30. Ac. 9485/18. [Another copy.] G. 13376. [Another copy.] G. 13363. Eight novels employed by English dramatic poets of the Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgatory: with notes, reign of Queen Elizabeth. Originally published by and some account of the life of Tarlton, by J. O. Halli- Barnaby Riche in the year 1851 (in the work entitled : well. London, 1844. 8º. Ac. 9485/19. “Riche his Farewell to Militarie profession"], and re- printed from a copy of that date in the Bodleian Library. [Another copy.] G. 13364. [Edited by J. P. Collier.] London, 1846. 8º. The true tragedy of Richard the Third; to which is Ac. 9485/31. appended the Latin play of Richardus Tertius, by Ralph Roister Doister, a comedy, by Nicholas Udall, and Dr. T. Legge ; both anterior to Shakespeare's drama. the tragedie of Gorboduc, by T. Norton and T. Sackville. With an introduction and notes by Barron Field. With introductory memoirs. Edited by W. D. Cooper. London, 1844. 8º. Ac. 9485/20. London, 1847. 80. Ac. 9485/32. [Another copy.] G. 13365. The moral play of Wit and Science, and early poetical The Ghost of Richard the Third, a poem printed in miscellanies. From an unpublished manuscript. Edited 1614, and founded upon Shakespeare's historical play. by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1848. 8°. Ac. 9485/33. Reprinted ... with an introduction and notes by J. P. Collier. London, 1844. 8º. Ac. 9485/21. Extracts from the registers of the Stationers' Company of works entered for publication between the years 1557 [Another copy.] G. 13366. and 1570(-87) with notes and illustrations. By J. P. Sir Thomas More, a play: now first printed. Edited Collier. 2 vol. London, 1848, 49. 8º. Ac. 9485/36. by A. Dyce. London, 1844. 8º.. Ac. 9485/22. [Another copy of vol. 1.).. Ac. 9485/34 -[Another copy.] G. 13367. This is a duplicate with a different titlepage. 1 557 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 558 De LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Shakespeare Society. Society for promoting Natural History. Inigo Jones. A life of the architect; by P. Cunning The rules and orders of the Society ... with a list of ham. Remarks on some of his sketches for masques the members. London, 1790. 8° T. 412. (4.) and dramas, by J. R. Planché: and five court masques ; edited from the original mss. of Ben Jonson, John [Another copy.] B. 676. (2.) Marston, etc. By J. P. Collier. Accompanied by *[Another edition.] London, 1791. 8º. T. 421. (8.) facsimiles of drawings by Inigo Jones, etc. London, 1848. 8º. Ac. 9485/35. Laws of the society ... revised and corrected in the year 1792. London, (1792.] 8º. T. 422. (4.) The first and second parts of the Fair Maid of the West;/ or, a Girl worth Gold. Two comedies by Thomas Her? | Society for promoting the Amendment of the Law. wood. With an introduction and notes, by J. P. Collier. The Law Amendment Journal, being the proceedings of London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 9485/37. the Society for promoting the Amendment of the Law. No. 1-16, 18. London, 1857-58. 8º. The remarks of M. Karl Simrock on the plots of Shake- P.P. 1345. C. & 135. speare's plays. With notes and additions, by J. O. Society for Psychical Research. Halliwell. London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 9485/38. Proceedings. Trübner & Co.: London, 1883, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3834. The Royal King, and Loyal Subject. A Woman killed with kindness. Two plays by Thomas Heywood. Society for the Acclimatisation of Animals, etc. With an introduction and notes by J. P. Collier. See supra: Acclimatisation Society. London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 9485/39. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Two historical plays (“If You know not Me, You know Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. [A Nobody," pts. 1 and 2) on the life and reign of Queen prospectus.] pp. 8. W. Clowes : London, (1825?] 89. Elizabeth. By Thomas Heywood. With an intro- 820. f. 23. (2.) duction and notes by J. P. Collier. London, 1851. 8º. | Ác. 9485/43. [Addresses of the committee 1831, 32. Treasurer's accounts 1830, 31, 32. Charter. List of Members, etc.] The Golden and Silver Ages. Two plays by Thomas London, 1832. 8º. T. 1574. (11.) Heywood. With an introduction and notes by J. P. [Papers, minutes, accounts, etc., from 1832 to 1841.] Collier. London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 9485/42. MS. NOTES [by Sir Henry Ellis and Sir Anthony Panizzi]. London, 1832–41. fol., 4º., & 8º. 818. 1. 20. A Defence of Poetry, Music, and Stage-plays. (A reply to S. Gosson's Schoole of Abuse.) By Thomas Lodge Report of the state of literary, scientific, and Mechanics’ ... to which are added by the same author An Alarum Institutions in England. With a list of such institu- against Usurers ; and the ... history of Forbonius and tions and a list of lectures. [By Thomas Coates.] Prisceria. With introduction and notes (by D. Laing). London, 1841. 12º. 731. f. 15. London, 1853. 8º. Ac. 9485/40. Address of Committee, June 1, 1843. List of Works, etc. London, 1843. 8º. 739. d. 33. Société des Professeurs de la Langue Française en Address of the Committee. [Announcing the suspension Angleterre. of the operations of the Society. 11 March, 1846.] London, 1846. 8°. 739. d. 34. Introduction aux annuaires de la Société. [With the statutes of the Society, original pieces in prose and British Almanac. verse, etc.] Londres, 1832. 12º. 740. a. 29. Companion to the Almanac. Société Royale. See supra : Royal Society. British Fourpenny Sheet Almanac. British Household Almanac. Société Universelle pour l'encouragement des Arts et de l'Industrie. British Penny Sheet Almanac. Annales de la Société ... Année 1154, 55. 2 pt. British Working Man's Almanac. Londres, 1854, 55. 8º. P.P. 1755. d. [For the above works :] See EPHEMERIDES. Imperfect; wanting the volumes for 1851-1853. The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Dif- [Another copy.) P.P. 1755. d. fusion of Useful Knowledge. [Edited by G. Long.] Vols. 1-4. London, 1842–44. 8º. 2036. a. No more published. Society for Philosophical Experiments and Con- versations. [Another copy.] 609.* i. Minutes. [Edited by B. Higgins.] London, 1795. 8º. The Gallery of Portraits, with memoirs. By A. T. 126. k. 2. Malkin.] 7 vol. London, 1833–37. 4º. 2035. g. Society for promoting Medical Knowledge. Penny Cyclopædia. The Penny Cyclopædia of the Society, etc. (Supplement. .--- Second Supplement.) Medical Communications. 2 vol. London, 1784, 90. 8º. [Edited by G. Long.] 30 vol. London, 1833-58. fol. 955. k. 1, 2. 2106. 'd, e. [Another copy of vol. 1.] Ac. 3824. The Penny Magazine. (New Series. Vol. 10-14.) [Edited by C. Knight.] 14 vol. London, 1832–45. fol. Medicinische Beyträge. [Translated from the English.] 2093.e. Thl. 1. Göttingen, 1785. 8°. P.P. 2950. [Continued as:] Knight's Penny Magazine. 2 vol. London, 1846. 89. [Another copy.] F.P. . 898. c. 11. No more published. 2092. h. 559 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 560 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Cylchgrawn y Gymdeithas er taenu Gwybodaeth Fudd History of ancient and modern Greece. [The former, by iol, am 1834. Dan olygiad , . . J. Blackwell. Rhif. F. Maſkin, reprinted from the “ Library of Useful Know- 1-18. Llanymddyfri, 1834, 35. 4º. Ac. 2668. ledge"; the latter, compiled by the editor froin various No more published. sources.] Edited by J. Frost. Boston (Mass. ], 1831. 8°. 1306. h. [Another copy.] ' Ac. 2668/2. History of the literature of Ancient Greece. By. K. O. The Quarterly Journal of Education. 10 vol. Müller. Vol. 1, vol. 2. pt. 1-4. [Translated from the London, 1831–35. 8º. 8306. e. German Ms. by G. C. Lewis.] London, 1840-42. 8º. The Working Man's Year-Book. 1835(36). No more published. 2103. h. London, [1834, 35.] 16º. P.P. 2493. b. History of Physical Astronomy, from the earliest ages to [Continued as:] the middle of the nineteenth century ... By R. Grant. The Working-Man's Companion, or Year-Book for London, 1852. 8º. 2242. e. 1837(-1840). London, [1836–39.] 16º. History of Rome. Division 1. [By H. Malden.) pp. 160. London, 1830. 8º. 2103. h. History of Rome... Division II. B.C. 390 to A.D. 31. [By Library of Useful Knowledge. W. B. Donne.] pp. 1–128. London, 1841, 42. 8°. An account of Lord Bacon's Novum Organon Scien- Incomplete ; wanting all after p. 128. 2103. h. tiarum. By the Rev. Dr. Hoppus. 2 pt. The history of Rome under the Emperors. The Augustan London, [1827.] 8º. 8705. c. Age. By ... Charles Merivale. pp. 160. The Art of Brewing. [By D. Booth]. London, 1841-43. 8º. 2103. h. London, 1829. 8º. 2103. i. The history of Spain and Portugal, from B.C. 1000 to A.D. 1814. [By Mrs. W. Busk.] London, 1833. 8º. Barlow's Tables of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube 2103. h. Roots, Reciprocals, of all integer numbers up to 10,000. Stereotype edition, examined and corrected by A. De The history of Switzerland, from the irruption of the Morgan). London, 1856. 8º. 8505. e. Barbarians to the present time. By A. Vieusseux. London, 1840. 8º. 2103. h. Chemical Manipulation and Analysis, qualitative and quantitative. By H. M. Noad. London, 1848. 8º. both by J. E. Drinkwater, afterwards Bethune), Newton 2103. h. adapted from the French of J. B. Biot by Sir H. Elphin- The Differential and Integral Calculus ... also ele- stone], Mahomet (by J. A. Roebuck], Wolsey [by Kathe- mentary illustrations of the Differential and Integral rine Thomson), Sir E. Coke [by E. P. Burke], Lord Calculus. By A. De Morgan. 2 pt. Somers [by D. Jardine], Caxton [by W. Stevenson), London, 1842. 8º. 2103. h. Blake (by J. G. Gorton], Adam Smith [by W. Draper), Dynamics, construction of machinery, equilibrium of Niebuhr [by Sarah Austin), Sir C. Wren (by C. H. Bel- lenden Ker], and Michael Angelo [by T. Roscoel. 13 pts. structures, and the strength of materials. By G. F. Warr ... Being a continuation of the treatises on Me- London, 1833. 8º. 2103. h. chanics in the Library of Useful Knowledge. A Manual for Mechanics’ Institutions. [By B. F. Duppa. London, 1851. 8º. 8703. e. With an appendix containing a classified catalogue of books and outlines of lectures on Natural Philosophy by The geography of America, and the West Indies. F. Webster, and outlines of lectures on Politics and [Edited by George Long. ] London, 1841. 8º. Political Economy by Lord Brougham.] 2103. h. London, 1839. 12º. 722. e. 33. The geography of Great Britain. By G. Long and Another copy.] London, 1846. 12º. 8308. bb. 11. G. R. Porter. Pt. 1: England and Wales. With a This is a duplicate of " A Manual for Mechanics' Institu- supplementary body of statistics, to ... 1850, by H. tions, etc.” with a new titlepage, and a portrait of Sir Clarke. London, [1850?] 8º. 2103. h. Humphrey Davy. History of the American Revolution. [By W. Sbep Manufacture of Iron. [By M. Needham.] herd.] 2 pt. London, 1830. 8°. . 2103. i. London, 1831. 8º. 2103. i. A history of the American Revolution... First American Mathematics. edition, etc. Boston, 1832. 12º. 9604. a. Vol. I., containing study and difficulties of Mathe- matics. (By Professor De Morgan.) Arithmetic A history of the Church, from the earliest ages to the and Algebra. (By Mr. Parker.) Examples of Reformation. By ... George Waddington 2 vol. the processes of Arithmetic and Algebra. (By London, 1833. 8º. 2103. b. Professor De Morgan.) Algebraical Expressions. The history of England under the House of Stuart, in- (By J. Drinkwater Bethune.) Theory of Al- cluding the Commonwealth, A.D. 1603-1688. [By R. gebraical Equations. (By . i. R. Murphy.-- Vol. II., containing Geometry. ... By P. Morton. Vaughan.] London, 1840. gº. 2103. 'b. Elements of Trigonometry. By W. Hopkins. The History of France. Pt. 1. A.D. 843–1529. By Sperical Trigonometry. By Professor De Morgan. E. Smedley.] London, 1836. 8º. 2103. h. " Algebraical Geometry. By . . . S. W. Waud. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8º. 2103. b. History of Greece, from the earliest times to its final Natural Philosophy. subjection to Rome. '[By. F. Malkin.] Vol. 1. 2103. h. London, 1829. 8º. Objects, advantages, and pleasures of Science. [By Lord Brougham.] Mechanics. [By [Another copy.] L. P. London, 1830. 4º. D. Lardner.] Hydrostatics. [By Lord Brougham.] 585. i. 22. Hydraulics. [By J. Millington.] Pneumatics. [By This is another copy of the 8vo. edition printed on 4to paper, D. Lardner.] Heat. [By – Ogg.] Optics, Double with a new titlepage. Only 130 copies printed. A presenta- refraction and polarisation of Light. (Both by Sir tion copy to R. Southey, with an autograph letter from A. T. D. Brewster.] * With an explanation of scientific Malkin. terms and an index. [By D. Booth.] 2103. h. 561 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 562 LONDON [CONTINUED): LONDON [CONTINUED). Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Natural Philosophy. A practical treatise on Manures...with...notes by the Vol. II. Popular Introductions to Natural Philosophy. American editor. Philadelphia, 1851. 12º. [By Jane Marcet.] Newton's Optics. [By D. Lardner.] 7077. bb. Description of Optical Instruments. [By A. Prit- A reprint of chap. 9–26 of “ British Husbandry." chard.] Thermometer and Pyrometer. [By T. S. Traill.] Electricity. Galvanisın. Magnetism. See JOHNSON (C. w.) Modern agricultural improve- Electro-Magnetism. [By P. M. Roget.] ... Index. ments : being a Supplement to the British Hus- [By D. Booth.] bandry of the Society. 1847. 8º. 2103. i. Vol. III. Astronomy. [By Sir B. H. Malkin.] History Darstellung der Landwirthschaft Grossbritanniens in of Astronomy. (By R. W. Rothman.] Mathe- ihrem gegenwärtigen Zustande. Nach dem Englischen matical Geography. [By E. Lloyd.] Physical bearbeitet von Dr. A. G. Schweitzer. [From the work Geography. [By H. J. Lloyd.] Navigation. [By entitled : “British Husbandry," by J. F. Burke, puh- Lord Wrottesley:] ... Index. [By D. Booth.] ” lished by the Society.] 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1839, 40. 8º. 7076. bb. Vol. Iv. Chemistry. [By J. F. Daniell.] Botany. [By Cattle; their breeds, management and diseases. With J. Lindley.] Animal Physiology. [By I. S. Šmith.] an index. [By W. Youatt.] London, 1834. 8º. Animal Mechanics. [By Sir C. Bell.] With an 2103. i. analytical index. Baldwin and Cradock: London, 1829-38. 8º. The Dog. By W. Youatt. London, 1845. 8º. > 2103. h. 2103. i. On the value of Annuities and Reversionary Payments, The Horse; with a treatise on draught, and a copious with numerous tables. By David Jones. 2 vol. index. [By W. Youatt.] London, 1831. 8º. 2103. i. London, 1843. 8º. 8505. d. New edition. London, 1843. 8º. 2103. i. Another copy.] To which is appended, A treatise on Probability, by Sir W. Lubbock, Bart....and J. E. See SPOONER (W. C.) Appendix to The Horse. Drinkwater Bethune. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8º. 1849. 8°. 2103. i. 2103. h. Sheep; their breeds, management and diseases. To This is a duplicate of the edition of 1843, with new title- which is added, the mountain shepherd's manual By pages; and with the addition of the Appendix. W. Youatt. London, 1837. 8º. 2103. i. Outlines of General History. [By T. F. Ellis.] Pt. 1, 2. London, 1828, 30. 8°. 2103. h. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Political Philosophy. By Lord Brougham. 3 pt. London, 1842, 43. 8º. 2103. h. An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, written in Egypt during the years 1833–35, [Another copy.. 2103. h. etc. By E. W. Lane. 2 vol. London, 1837, 36. 12º. Duplicate with a new titlepage to pt. 1. Imperfect; 1157. b. 11, 12. wanting pt. 3. The Architecture of Birds. [By James Rennie.] Practical Geometry, linear perspective and projection London, 1831. 12º. 1157. a. 2. ...By T. Bradley. London, 1834. 8º. 2103. h. The Backwoods of Canada, being letters from the wife On Probability. [By Sir J. W. Lubbock, Bart., and of an emigrant officer, illustrative of the domestic J. E. Drinkwater Bethune.] Pt. 1, 2. economy of British America. [By Catharine Parr London, 1830. 8º. 2103. h. Strickland, afterwards Traill.] London, 1836. 12º. 1157. a. 27. A series of Diagramas illustrative of the principles of Mechanical and Natural Philosophy and their practical The British Museum ; Egyptian Antiquities, etc. [By application. Drawn by H. Chapman. Part 1. Me- G. Long.) 2 vol. London, 1832, 36. 12º. chanics. London, [1842-46.] fol. 554. f. 5. 1157. a. 15, 16. The text is imperfect. The British Museum. Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. [By Sir H. Ellis.] 2 vol. London, 1833. 12º. Tables of Logarithms. London, 1839. 12º. 1157. a. 19, 20. 712. a. 35. The British Museum; the Townley Gallery. [By Sir [Another edition.] London, 1854. 12º. 8548. a. H. Ellis.] 2 vol. London, 1836. 12º. A treatise on Friendly Societies... With...an appendix, 1157. a. 17, 18. containing the Acts of Parliaments relating to Friendly The Chinese; a general description of the empire of Societies. By C. Ansell. London, 1835. gº. China and its inhabitants. By J. F. Davis. 2 vol. 2103. h. London, 1836. 12º. 1157. a. 25, 26. A treatise on the principles, practice, and history of [Another edition.] 2 vol. London, 1836. 12º. Commerce. [By J. R. MacCulloch.] London, 1831. 8º. 793. e. 28. 2103. i. Criminal Trials. 2 vol. [By D. Jardine.] A treatise on the theory of Algebraical Equations. By London, 1832, 35. 12º. 1157. b. 5, 6. R. Murphy. London, 1839. 8º. 2103. h. Vegetable Physiology. [By J. Lindley.] Second edition. Description and history of vegetable substances used in Pt. 1. London, 1827. gº. 2103. h. the arts and in domestic economy. Timber trees : fruits. No more published. London, 1829. 12º. 1157. a. 13. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. Selected from the “ Gallery of Portraits,” published by the Society for Library of Useful Knowledge.-Farmers' Series. the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.] 4 vol. London, 1838. 12º. British Husbandry; exhibiting the farming practice in 1157. b. 7–10. various parts of the united Kingdom. [By J. F. Burke.] [Another edition.] 2 vol. New York, 1845. 12º. 3 vol. London, 1834-40. 8º. 2103. i. 12205. d. 12, 13. 563 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 564 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. The Domestic Habits of Birds. [By James Rennie.] Exercises for the improvement of the Senses : for London, 1833. 12º. 1157. a. 8. young children. By the author of "Arithmetic fur young children." London, 1835. 16º. The Faculties of Birds. [By James Rennie.] 864. 1. 28. London, 1835. 12º. 1157. a. 7. Drawing for Young Children . . . By the author of The Hindoos. 2 vol. London, 1834, 35. 12º. “ Arithmetic for Young Children.” London, 1838. 16º. 7854. b. 7. 1157. a. 23, 24. Historical Parallels. By A. T. Malkin.] Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures 2 vol. London, 1831, 35. 8º. 1157. b. 1, 2. and Commerce. History of British Costume. [By J. R. Planché. The plan of the Society, etc. (London, 1755.] fol. London, 1834. 12º. 1157. b. 4. 1801. d. 1. (59.) Insect Architecture. [By James Rennie.] Begin. To the publick. [A specification of premiums London, 1830. 12º. 1157. a. 10. to be bestowed by the Society. ] 1801. d. 1. (59*.) [London, 1755.] 8. sh. fol. Insect Miscellanies. [By J. Rennie.] London, 1831. 12º. 1157. a. 12. [An advertisement of the intention of the Society to give a gold medal for the best essay on the natural Insect Transformations. [By J. Rennie.] history of Cobalt.] Eng. and Germ. London, 1830. 12º. 1157. a. 11. [London, 1756.] 4º. 1801. d. 1. (59***.) The Menageries. The natural history of monkeys, Premiums offered by the Society, etc. (1758–81.] 24 opossums, and lemurs. [By J. Rennie.] vol. 1. pts. London, 1758–81. 8º. Ac. 4470/6. London, 1838. 12º. 1157. a. 6. The pt. for 1766 is imperfect at the end. The Menageries. Quadrupeds, described and drawn [Another copy. 1759.] 740. b. 2. (2.) from living subjects. 3 vol. London, 1829-40. 12º. 1157. a. 3-5. [Another copy. 1765.] 740. b. 6. (2.) The New Zealanders. London, 1830. 12º. [Another edition. 1760.] 740. b. 2. (5.) 1157. a. 30. Paris and its historical scenes. 2 vol. Rules and orders of the Society, etc. (for 1760, 1761, London, 1831. 12º. 1157. a. 28, 29. 1763, 1766 and 1768.] 5 pts. London, 1760-68. 8º. Ac. 4470/7. Pompeii. [By G. Clarke.] 2 vol. . London, 1831, 32. 12º. 1157. a. 21, 22. A register of the Premiums and Bounties given by the Society ... from the original institution in 1754 to The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. Illus 1776, inclusive. London, 1778. fol. 788. h. 21. trated by anecdotes. [By G. L. Craik.] [Another copy.] 128. h. 7. London, 1830, 31. 12º. 1157. a. 1, 2. Begin. The Society ... propose ... to offer the ... Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. [By T. Keightley.] premium [of the gold medal, or one hundred guineas, for 1157. b. 3. London, 1837. 12º. a standard for weights or measures. With an abstract Vegetable substances used for the food of man. (By E. of the five claims produced in 1779 in consequence.] : Lankester.] London, 1832. 12º. 1157. a. 14. [London, 1779.] fol. 1801. d. 1. (59**.) Abstract of the premiums offered by the Society, etc. The Working-Man's Companion. [1783–90.] 8 pts. London, 1783-90. 8º. The Results of Machinery, namely, cheap production and Ac. 4470/8. increased employment, exhibited, etc. [By C. Knight.) Society ... of Arts ... Premiums offered in the Session London, 1831. 12º. 713. a. 15. (1.) 1823–1824. London, 1823. 8º. Ac. 4470/6. The Rights of Industry ... By the author of “The Society, etc. Premiums for the sessions 1840(-1847). Results of Machinery" [C. Knight). I. Capital and 3 pts. London, 1840-45. 8º. . Ac. 4470/6. Labour. The second edition. London, 1831. 12º. A List of the Society ... March 21, 1758 (1759–61, 713. a. 14. (2.) 1764–66, 1768, 1772). FEW MS. NOTES. Cottage Evenings. [By J. Conolly.] [London, 1758–72.] 18º. Ac. 4470/5. London, 1831. 12º. 713. a. 14. ( 740. b. 2. (1*.) The Physician. I. The cholera. [By J. Conolly.] London, 1832. 12º. 713. a. 15. (3 Transactions ... With the premiums, etc. vol. 1-41. London, 1789, 84–1823. 8º. Library for the Young. 257. e. 1-26. & 258. e. 1-15. Vol. 1 is of the second edition. Historical pictures of England. 2 vols. Transactions, etc. vol. 42–55. (vol. 56. Abstract of London, 1835, 36. 16º. 1210, d. 10, 11. proceedings and transactions ... during the session Historic Sketches. Spain and Portugal. 2 vols. 1844-45, etc.) 15 vol. London, 1824-45. 8?. London, 1835, 36. 16º. 1210. d. 12, 13. No more published ofter 1845. Ac. 4470. Uncle Oliver's Travels. Persia. 2 vols. Transactions of the Society . . . Supplemental volume, London, 1835-38. 16º. 1210. d. 14, 15. containing, I. Charter of Incorporation. II. Address of The Elder Brother. [By Louisa Mary Barwell.] Council. III. Papers read to the Society during the London, 1836. 16º. sessions 1846-7, 1847–8. London, 1852. 4º.. 1210. h. 19. Ac. 4470/2. Chivalry and Charity; illustrated by the lives of [Another copy of vol. 1-34, 36, 37.] Bertrand Du Guesclin and John Howard. 439. k. 1–30. 439. 1. 1-7. London, 1840. 16º. 1210. d. 25. Vol. 1 of this copy is of the first edition. 565 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 566 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. and Commerce. Auszug aus den Transactionen der Societät ... aus dem Proceedings of Conferences held by the India Committee Englischen, nebst Anmerkungen, übersetzt von J. G. of the Society, on subjects connected with the Arts, Geissler. Bd. 1. Dresden, 1795. 8º. 940. e. 3. Manufactures, and Commerce of India. The Journal of the Society of Arts, and of the Institu- London, 1869. 8º. Ac. 4470/16. (7.) tions in Union. London, 1852. 8º. Programme of instructions for delegates to the meetings In progress. Ac. 4470/3. & 919. to be held for the consideration of an Improved National Supplement to the “ Journal of the Society of Arts," System of Education. [London, 1870?] 8º. February 4th, 1870. Educational Organisation. Ac. 4470/16. (9.) [London, 1870.] 8º. Ac. 4470/16. (10.) A Gold Currency for India. Report of conferences held Notes of Proceedings ... Session xcv. pp. 17–28. by the India Committee of the Society of Arts. Reprinted (London, 1849.] 8º. Ac. 4470/15. (1.) from the Journal of the Society of Arts. London, 1870. 8º. 8235. k. 8. (4.) See DOSSIE (R.) Memoirs of Agriculture ... [including the earliest communications of the Society for the Report on the application of Science and Art to Street- Encouragement of Arts, etc.] 1768, etc. 8º. paving & Street-cleansing of the Metropolis. 988. g. 18–20. (London, 1872.] 8º. Ac. 4470/16. (11.) Report of the committee of the Society of Arts ... Reports on the London International Exhibition of together with the approved communications and evidence 1872, etc. London, 1872. 89. Ac. 4470/16. (12.) upon the same, relative to the mode of preventing the forgery of bank notes. London, 1819. gº. 439. 1. 7. Reports on the London International Exhibition of 1873, etc. 3 pts. London, 1873. 8º. [Another copy.] B. 521. (1.) Ac. 4470/16. (13.) Rights of inventors. First report from the committee Report of the committee on the means of protecting the on legislative recognition of the rights of inventors. Metropolis against conflagration. London, 1874. go. London, 1850. 8º. Ac. 4470/15. (5.) Ac. 4470/15. (4.) Statement of proceedings preliminary to the Exhibition Conference on the health and sewage of the towns, etc. of industry of all pations at a ... meeting ... February London, 1876. 8º. Ac. 4470/16. (14.) 8th, 1850. [To which is added the Royal Commission for the promotion of the exhibition, dated Jany. 3, 1850.] Report of second yearly Congress on Domestic Economy (London, 1850.] fol. 7955. f. 22. and Elementary Education, held ... at ... Manchester, etc., 1878. pp. 124. The Report of the committee appointed by the Council G. Bell & Sons : London, 1878. 8º. Ac. 4470/30. of the Society of Arts to enquire into the subject of Industrial Instruction. With the evidence on which National Water Supply. Notes on previous inquiries, the report is founded. London, 1853. 8º. prepared in connexion with the congress, held ... Ac. 4470/14. May, 1878. London, 1878. 8º. Ac. 4470/29. (A Collection of Prospectuses of the Educational Exhi Annual Conference on national water supply, sewage bition of 1854, issued by the Society of Arts; also and health. Held ... 1879. pp. 210. reports of educational societies, booksellers' catalogues, W. Trounce : London, 1879. 80. . Ac. 4470/29. etc., issued during the same year.] 3 vol. [London, etc., 1854.] 8º. 1889. a. 1-3. The Society of Arts Artisan reports on the Paris Uni- versal Exhibition of 1878. pp. ix. 664. Report of the Artistic Copyright Committee to the Sampson Low & Co.: London, 1879. 8º. Ac. 4470/31. Council. London, 1858. 8º. Ac. 4470/16. Uniform Musical Pitch. Report of the committee ap- A catalogue of the Pictures, Sculptures, Models, Draw- ings, Prints, etc. ... exhibited in the Great Room of the pointed by the Council of tho Society of Arts. London, [1859.] 8º. Society ... 21st of April, 1760 (1761, 63, 64). 4 pts. Ac. 4470/16. (4.) [London, 17601-64. 4°. 7805. 'e. (67–70.) Report ... by the special committee on the Statistics of Dwellings Improvement in the Metropolis. A catalogue of the Books, Pamphlets, and Maps belong- London, 1864. 8º. Ac. 4470/15. (6.) ing to the Society instituted at London, for the en- couragement of Arts, etc. London, 1790. 8º. Report on the committee on Dwellings for the Labouring T. 84. (8.) Classes. London, [1865.] 89. Ac. 4470/16. (5.) Catalogue of the library of the Society ... 1828. First report of the committee appointed to enquire into London, 1828. 8º. 824. g. 30. and report on the state of Musical Education, at bome and abroad. Together with the evidence taken before, A catalogue of the Select specimens of British Mann- and information collected by the Committee. 27 June, factures and decorative art, exhibited at the House of 1866. London, [1867:] go. Ac. 4470/16. (6.) the Society of arts, London. Chiswick, 1847. 4º. 7954. cc. 10. Reports of Artisans selected by a committee appointed by the Council of the Society of Arts to visit the Paris Catalogue of works of antient and mediaeval art, ex- Universal Exhibition, 1867. (Edited by C. Critchett.) hibited at the House of the Society of Arts, London, London, 1867. 8º. 7957. aaaa. 1850. [London,] Chiswick (printed], 1850. 4°. Information collected by the Society of Arts in relation Ac. 4470/80. to Musical Pitch in Continental Cities. Choice examples of Art Workmanship, selected from the London, (1869.] 8º. Ac. 4470/16. (8.) exhibition of ancient and mediæval art, at the Society of Arts, drawn and engraved under the superintendence Proceedings of a committee appointed by the Council of of P. de la Motte. London, 1851. 4º. 1269. h. 1. the Society, to report upon the best way of dealing with the Thames Embankment. London, [1869.] 89. A catalogue of an exhibition of Photography, exhibited Ac. 4476715. (4.) ... December, 1852. London, 1852. 4°. 7855. e. sical Pitch. tih Society of 4470/16. (4.) 567 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 568 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED]. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacturés Society for the improvement of Naval Architecture. and Commerce. Rules and orders of the Society, etc. Official Catalogue of the Educational Exhibition, held in London, [1791.] 8º. 533. c. 15. (2.) St Martin's Hall, July 4, 1854. . . . Edited by G. W. Yapp. London, [1854.]. 8º. Ac. 4470/13. [Another copy.] · 958. k. 16. (4.) The Examination Papers of the Society ... 1856. [Another copy.] 288. c. 14. (4.) London, 1856. 12º. Ac. 4470/11. An address to the Public (on the plan of the Institution; with a List of Members, etc.]. [London, 1791.] 8º. Society of Arts' Union of Institutes. Examination pro- 533. c. 15. (3.) gramme for 1858. London, 1857. 8º. Ac. 4470/15. (3.) [Another copy.] 958. k. 16. (2.) Society of Arts' Union of Institutions. Programme of [Another copy.] 288. c. 14. (2.) Examinations for 1859 (1860–75, 77). With an Ap- Some account of the institution, plan and present state pendix. Published by the Society of Arts. of the Society... with the preminms...list of members London, [1858–76.] gº. Ac. 4470/16. (2.) and the rules and orders. . . . To which are annexed, Society of Arts' Union of Institutes. Examination some papers on subjects of naval architecture, received · Papers set at the Society's Examinations held in May, by the committee. London, 1792. 89. B. 525. (7.) 1858(–74). Published by the Society of Arts. An address to the public from the Society...(List of London, 1858–74. 8º. " Ac. 4470/18. the Society.) [London, 1793.] 80...533. c. 15. (3.) Society of Arts' Union of Institutions. Commercial [Another copy.] T. 1916. (2.) Examinations. Programme for 1876. London, [1875.] 80. Ac. 4470/22. Premiums offered by the Society...and a list of the committee. ... To which is annexed, an account of Technological Examinations. Programme for 1873. Mr. J. Read's method of stopping the progress of fire on London, 1873. 89. Ac. 4470/19. board of ships. London, 1793. 8°. B. 525. (5.) Technological Examinations. Papers set in 1875. Report of the Committee appointed to manage the London, 1875. 8º. Ac. 4470/20. experiments of the Society for the improvement of Naval Architecture. [With plates.] London, 1794. 8º. Union of Institutions. Subjects for discussion classes. B. 524. (3.) London, 1862. 8º. Ac. 4470/16. (3.) The report of the committee for conducting the experi- Lectures on the results of the Great Exhibition of 1851, ments of the Society, etc. London, [1800 ?] 4º. delivered before the Society of Arts, etc. 2 Series. 433. e. 19. London, 1852, 53. 8º. Ac. 4470/10. [Another copy.] 59. e. 14. Lectures in Connection with the Educational Exhibition [Another copy.] 717. k. 21. of tbe Society of Arts ... delivered at St Martin's Hall. London, 1854. 8º. Ac. 4470/9. An Address to the public, from the Society for the improvement of naval architecture. Cantor Lectures . . . Reprinted from the “ Journal of [London ? 1820 ?] 8º. 1801. d. 2. (35.*) In progress. Ac. 4470/4. Society for the promotion of Hellenic Studies. How to learn and what to learn. Two lectures advo- The Journal of Hellenic Studies. cating the system of examinations established by the Macmillan & Co. i London, 1880, etc. 8º. Society of Arts ... By James Booth ... With an ap - Plates. pendix containing the programme of the examinations Macmillan & Co. : - London, 1880, etc. fol. 999. for 1857. London, 1856. 8º. Ac. 4470/15. (2.) In progress. A note on the pictures by J. Barry in the Great Room Society for the promotion of Popular Instruction. of the Society of Arts. By H. T. Wood. pp. 15. The Life of Luther, with notices and extracts of his 7807. f. 13. (6.) London, 1880. 8º. popular writings ; translated from the German of A Letter to the Members of the Society ... containing G. Pfizer by T. S. Williams ... With an introductory some remarks on the pictures to which the premiums essay by the author of “Natural History of Enthusiasm" were adjudged; with some observations on history [Isaac Taylor], etc. London, 1840. 8º. 4886. i. painting. London, 1761. 8º. Ac. 4470/12. Popular cyclopædia of natural science (Vols. 2 & 3 b Colonial Penny Postage; a statement of the facts and W. B. Carpenter]. 3 vol. London, 1841-43. 8º. arguments presented and discussed at a recent meeting 1252. d. of the Society of Arts. London, 1853. 16º. Society for the publication of Oriental Texts. 8247. aaa. Prospectus. [London ? 1840 ?] 8. sh. 4º. 741. k. (21.) Society for the illustration and encouragement of ABD ALLĀH IBN AHMAD. (HĀFIZ AL-DĪN ABŪ AL-BARAKĀT) Practical Science.. Al-Nasafī. Pillar of faith of the Sunnites. Being á Society for the illustration and encouragement of prac short exposition of the principal tenets of the orthodox tical Science. Gallery for the exhibition of objects Muhammadans . . . Edited by ... W. Cureton. · Arab. blending instruction with amusement, Adelaide Street, · London, 1843. 8º. 753. h. 8. and Lnwther Arcade, West Strand. Catalogue for 1835. ABD AL-WAHID IBN 'ALT (MUẢYI AL- DIN ABU MUỦAMMAD) Tenth edition. London, [1835.] 8º. [1035.] 8º. Ac. 4471. Al-Marrākushī. The History of the Almohades, precedeá by a sketch of the history of Spain, from the times Society for the improvement of Medical and Chi- of the conquest till the reign of Yusof ibn- Táshijádi rurgical Knowledge. and of the history of the Almoravides, by Abdo 'l- Wähn, ... Transactions. 3 vol. London, 1793–1812. 8º. Al-Marrákoshí. Now first edited... by R. P. A. Dozy. 255, d. 13-15.. Arab. Leyden, 1847. 8º. 1753. h. 7. 569 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.]. 570 PIN LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Society for the Publication of Oriental Texts. Society of Antiquaries. ATHANASIUS, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria. The Festal [Another edition.] London, 1870. 8º. Ac. 5665/8. Letters of Athanasius, discovered in an ancient Syriac version, and edited by W. Cureton. Syr. Members of the Society ... in the reign of Queen Eliza- London, 1848. 8º. 753. h. 4. beth, with some account of their lives and writings. See HEARNE (T. A collection of curious discourses. Vol. 2. [Another copy.] 753. h. 3. 1771. 80. 165. h. 20. Imperfect; wanting the text. BHAVABHŪTI. The Mahá Víra Charita, or the History of A List of the Members ... from ... 1717, to June 19, Ráma, a Sanscrit play, by Bhatta Bhavabhúti. Edited 1796. London, 1798. 4º. Ac. 5665/2. by F. H. Trithen. Sansk. & Prak. London, 1848. 4º. [Another copy.] 431. i. 10. (2.) 753. h. 5. DANDIN. The Daša Kumára Charita, or Adventures of [Another copy.] See NICHOLS (J.) F.S.A., Printer. Mis- ten Princes. A series of Tales, in the original Sanscrit. cellaneous antiquities, etc. vol. 2. 1791, etc. 4º. Edited by H. H. Wilson. London, 1846. 8º. 2061. c. 753. h. 14. See FENN (Sir J.) Three chronological tables exhibiting: EUSEBIUS, Pamphili, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine. a state of the Society of Antiquaries from ... 1572... Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, on the Theophania, or to ... 1784, etc. (an index to the prints published by the Divine Manifestation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Society of Antiquaries). 1784. 4º. *431. i. 10. (1.) Christ. A Syriac Version. Edited from an ancient A list of the Society ... April 10, 1759. manuscript recently discovered by S. Lee. Syriac. London, 1842. 8º. 1881. d. 1. (2.) 753. h. 13. London, 1759.) S. sh. fol. Printed in the Peshito Character. A list of the Society . . . April 23, 1772. MIR KHWAND (MUHAMMAD IBN KHAVAND SHAH) The [London, 1772.] 4º. 105. e. 45. (1.) History of the Atábeks of Syria and Persia ... Now first A list of the Society ... April 7, 1775. edited ... by W. H. Morley ... To which is added a series of fac-similes of the coins struck by the Atábeks, [London, 1775.] 4º. Ac. 5665/2. (1.) arranged and described by W. S. W. Vaux. Pers. A list of the Society ... April 24, 1775. London, 1848. 4º. 753. h. 2. [London, 1775.] 40 105. e. 45. (2.) MUHAMMAD IBN ABD AL KARĪM IBN AHMAD (ABŪ AL FAT'ů) Al-Shahrastānī. Book of religious and philosophical A list of the Society .. . April 10, 1777. Sects. Religious Sects. Now first edited from the col- [London, 1777.] 4°. Ac. 5665/2. (2.) lation of several mss. by W. Cureton. 2 Pt. Arab. A list of the Society :.. May 14, 1784-(May 12, 1785). London, 1842–56. 8º. 753. h. 1, 2. 2 pt. [London, 1784-85.] 4º. Ac. 5665/2. (3.) [Another copy of Pt. 1.] 753. h. 6. A list of the Society ... June 28, 1787. NIZĀMĪ, Ganjavī. Makhzan ul Asrár, The Treasury of [London, 1787.] 48. 105. e. 45. (3.) Secrets : being the first of the Five Poems or Khamsah A list of the Society ... April 23, 1789(-98.) 11 pt. of ... Nizami of Ganjah. Edited from an ancient manu- [London, 1789–98.] 4º. Ac. 5665/2. (4.) script, with various readings and a selected commentary by Ñ. Bland. Pt. 1, pp. 118. Pers. London, 1844. 40. April 24. 753. h. 11. The following notice appears on the fly leaf : “ The Preface List of the Society ... 1841(-44, 58, 67–77, etc.). with the English life of Nizami, the variants, and commentary, [London, 1841, etc.) 4º. Ac. 5665/2. will form a second part.” No more published. In progress. VEDAS.-Sanhita of the Sáma Veda. From Mss. prepared for the press by J. Stevenson, and printed under the supervision of H. H. Wilson. Sanskr. Queries proposed to gentlemen in the several parts of Great Britain, in hope of obtaining from their answers a London, 1843. 8º. 753. h. 12. better knowledge of its antiquities and natural history. YA'YĀ IBN SHARAF IBN MURRÍ IBN AL HASAN (MUHYÍ AL- London, 1754. 8º. 577. e. 27. (2.) DÍN ABÚ ZAKARÍYA) Al-Nawawí. The Biographical Dictionary of illustrious men chiefly at the beginning of A speech delivered to the society ... January 11, 1781, Islamism, by Abu Zakariya Yahya el-Nawawi; now first upon their removal into the apartments assigned to them edited from the collation of two Mss. at Göttingen and in Somerset House. By the Rev. Dr. Milles, president. Leiden by F. Wüstenfeld. Arab. [London, 1781.] 4º. 431. i. 10. (3.) Göttingen, 1842-45. 8°. 753. h. 15. [Another copy.] T. 37. (2.) Society of Antiquaries. [Another copy,] 127. d. 19. A copy of the Royal Charter and Statutes of the Society. London, 1752. 4º. Ac. 5665/8. (1.) Orders and regulations established by the council ... concerning forms and proceedings to be henceforth [Another edition.] London, 1759. 8º. observed in the transacting the business of the society. Ac. 5665/8. (2.) London, 1784. 8°. T. 244. (10.) [Another copy.] T. 425. (9.) Begin. Somerset Place. Society of Antiquaries. Notice [Another edition.] London, 1777. 80. of the anniversary election 1801. With the autograph Ac. 5665/8. (3.) signature of the Earl of Leicester, president.] Appended to this copy are the receipts of the treasurer for London, [1801.] S. sh. 4º. Ac. 5665/2. (7.) the admission fee and composition of the Rev. C. M. Crache- rode, Mar. 1787. Begin. Somerset Place.—Society of Antiquaries. A notice of election, etc. by the Earl of Leicester, presi- [Another edition.] London, 1800. 4º. Ac. 5665/8. dent, with his autograph signature.] [Another copy.] 128. e. 16. London, [1804.] 8. sh. 4º. Ac. 5665/2. (11.) 571 572 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Society of Antiquaries. Society of Antiquaries. Begin. Somerset Place.--Society of Antiquaries, etc. Catalogue of a collection of works on Pageantry be- [A notice of election, etc. by the Earl of Leicester, presi queathed to the Society of Antiquaries...by...F. W. dent, with his autograph signature.] Fairholt. [Edited by C. S. P. i.e. Charles Spencer Per- [London, 1805.] 8. sh. 4º. Ac. 5665/2. (14.) coval.] London, 1869. 8º. B. B. M. Minutes of Resolutions of May 11, 1852.] Catalogue of Roman Coins, collected by... T. Kerrich, (London, 1852.] 4º. 741. k. (3.) and presented by his son, R. E. Kerrich, to the Society of Antiquaries. Westminster, 1852. 8°. 7755. C. Society of Antiquaries. Draft of the New Statutes pro- Le Champ de Drap d'Or. The interview of Henry VIII., posed. [London, 1853.] 8º. Ac. 5665/8. King of England, and the French King Francis I., be- Begin. Society of antiquaries of London. Ata Council tween Guines and Ardres, in, ..June, 1520. From the held...the 1st of May, 1855, etc. original picture. Drawn by E. Edwards, engraved by Memorandum in reference to the injury done to the J. Basire. [London,] 1774. fol. 3. Tab. 24. (1.) character of ancient monuments under pretence of re [Another copy.] 1753. d. (7.) storation.] [London, 1855.] 8. sh. 4º. 1890. e. (12.) The departure of King Henry vIII. from Calais, July 25, Correspondence between the Society of Antiquaries and 1544, from a coeval painting at Cowdray. Drawn by the Admiralty respecting the Tides in the Dover Channel, S. H. Grimm. Engraved by J. Basire. with reference to the landing of Cæsar in Britain, etc. [London,] 1788. fol. 3. Tab. 24. (5.) London, 1863. 4°. 8805. g. [Another copy.] 1753. d. (8.) A description of an antient picture in Windsor Castle, representing the embarkation of King Henry VIII. at Archæologia;.or, miscellaneous tracts relating to anti- Dover, May 31, 1520, preparatory to his interview with quity, London, 1770, etc. 4°. 2096. e. f. the French King Francis I. By John Topham. In progress. London, 1781. 4º. 561.* d. 8. (5.) TAnother copy of vol. 1-21.7 T.C. 14. a. 1. [Another copy.] 577. g. 14. (2.) Vol. 1 is of the second edition dated 1779. [Another copy.] 59. i. 27. (2.) [Another copy of vol. 1-19.] 462. g. 1-10. [Another copy.] 604. f. 22. (9.) An index to the first fifteen volumes of Archæo- logia. [By N. Carlisle.] London, 1809. 4º. [Another copy.] 434. i. 10. (6.) 2096. g. [Another copy.] 59. h. 14. (2.) [Another copy.] 462. g. 19. (2.) [Another copy.] T. 3. (10.) [Another copy.] T.C. 14. b. 2. [Another copy.] 7856. e. (1.) An index to Archæologia ... Vol. 16-30 inclusive. A description of nine historical prints, representing [By N. Carlisle.] London, 1844. 4º. 2096. g. Kings, Queens, Princes, etc. of the Tudor family ; selected, drawn, and engraved from the original paint- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London... ings, by G Vertue . . . Republished by the Society. 1843–1859. London, 1849–59. 8º. [With the prints.] [London,] 1776. fol. 3. Tab. 24. (8–17.) - Second Series. 1859, etc. London, 1859, etc. 8º. A description of some ancient historical paintings, pre- In progress. Ac. 5665. served at Cowdray in Sussex, . . . representing : 1. The Vetusta Monumenta, quæ, ad rerum Britannicarum me- march of King Henry VIII. from Calais towards Boulogne; moriam conservandam, Societas Antiquariorum Londini II. T'he encampment of the English forces at Marquison; sumptu suo edenda curavit. Londini, 1747, etc. fol. and, 111. A view of the siege of Boulogne, in the year 557. h. 1544. [London, 1788.] 4º. 604. f. 22. (2.) In progress. Vol. 3 is a reprint, 3 years after the original [Another copy.] 7856. e. (3.) issue. The embarkation of King Henry VIII. at Dover, on the [Another copy of vol. 1-4. Vol. 5, pt. 1–32. Vol. 6, pt. 31st of May, 1520, preparatory to his interview with 1-17.] 137. h. 11-14. the French King Francis I. from the original picture. - An index to the first three volumes of Vetusta Drawn by S. H. Grimm. Engraved by J. Basire. Monumenta. [By N. Carlisle.] London, 1810. fol. [London,] 1781. fol. 3. Tab. 24. (3.) 550. g. 3. (2.) [Another copy.] 1753. d. (6.) [Another copy.] 137. h. 15. The encampment of the English forces near Portsmouth, together with a view of the English and French fleets at the commencement of the action between them on Catalogue of Antiquities, Coins, Pictures, and miscel the 19th of July, 1545, from a coeval painting at laneous curiosities in the possession of the Society of Cowdry, in Sussex. Engraved by J. Basire. Antiquaries...1847. Compiled from the minutes of the [London,] 1778. fol. 3. Tab. 24. (2.) Society's proceedings by A. Way. London, [1847.] 8º. 7708. c. 35. (1.) [Another copy.] 1753. d. (11.) The encampment of King Henry VIII. at Marquison, Catalogue of a Collection of Broadsides, in the possession July 1544, froni a coeval painting at Cowdray. Drawn of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Compiled by by S. H. Grimm. Engraved by J. Basire. R. Lemon. (Additional Broadsides... presented to the (London,] 1788. fol. 3. Tab. 24. (6.) Society by E. Peacock, etc.) Westminster, 1866. 8º. 11902. h. [Another copy.] 1753. d. (9.) 573 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 574 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Society of Antiquaries. Society of Antiquaries. An historical and descriptive account of the ancient. Some account of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, painting, preserved at Cowdray... representing the pro [by Sir H. C. Englefield,] illustrative of the plans, cession of King Edward vi. from the Tower of London, elevations and sections of that building (drawn by J. to Westminster, February 19th 1547, previous to his Carter, with the plans, etc.]. London, 1809. fol. coronation. [London, 1785 ?] . 4º. 604. f. 22. (3.) 12. Tab. 10. [Another copy.] 561*. d. 8. (3.) Some account of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, by J. Topham. Plans, elevations, sec- [Another copy.] tions and specimens of the architecture and ornaments of the remaining parts (drawn by J. Carter. With The procession of King Edward vi. from the Tower of additional plates, and descriptions of them, by Sir H. C. London to Westminster, February 19, 1547, previous to Englefield). London, 17951-1811.) fol. 12. Tab. 1. his coronation; from a coeval painting at Cowdry. This copy has the reprint of pa. 22, and duplicates of Drawn by S. H. Grimm. Engraved by J. Basire. plates 15-20. [London, 1787.] fol. 3. Tab. 24. (4.) [Another copy.] 688. k. 2. (1.) [Another copy.] 1753. d. (12.) Caedmon's metrical paraphrase of parts of the Holy A short account of Danegeld ; with some further par Scriptures in Anglo-Saxon, with an English translation, ticulars relating to Will. the Conqueror's Survey. By notes, and a verbal index, by B. Thorpe.. a Member of the Society of Antiquaries [P. C. W., i.e. London, 1832. 8º. Ac. 5665/5. Philip Carteret Webb]. London, 1756. 4o. [Another copy.] 690. e. 24. 577. h. 26. (1.) [Another copy.] 21. b. 19. Codex Exoniensis. A collection of Anglo-Saxon poetry, from a manuscript in the library of the Dean and [Another copy.] 7856. e. (6.) Chapter of Exeter, with English translation, notes, and indexes, by B. Thorpe. London, 1842. 8º. [Another copy.] 518. 1. 30. (3.) Ac. 5665./7. Imperfect; wanting pp. 35–38, containing “ Errata and A collection of ordinances and regulations for the Addenda.” government of the Royal Household, made in divers A short account of some particulars concerning Domes reigns, from King Edward III. to King William and Day Book; with a view to promote its being published. Queen Mary. Also receipts in ancient cookery. By a Member of the Society of Antiquaries of London London, 1790. 4º. 683. ¥. 14. (2.) [P. C. W., i.e. Philip Carteret Webb]." London, 1756. 4º. 577. h. 26. (2.) [Another copy.] 455. a. 4. [Another copy.] 21. b. 9. [Another copy.] 144. d. 14. Lazamons Brut, or chronicle of Britain; a poetical [Another copy.] 431. i. 10. (4.) Semi-Saxon paraphrase of the Brut of Wace. Now first [Another copy.) 7856. e. (7.) published from the Cottonian Manuscripts in the British Museum; accompanied by a literal translation, notes, [Another copy.] 518. k. 7. (5.) and a grammatical glossary. By Sir F. Madden. 3 vol. London, 1847. 8º. Ac. 5665/4. The siege of Boulogne by King Henry VIII., 1544; from a coeval painting at Cowdray. Drawn by S. H. Grimm. Liber quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobæ. Anno Engraved by J. Basire. [London,] 1788. fol. Regni Regis Edwardi primi vicesimo octavo. A.D. 1299 3. Tab. 24. (7.) & 1300. Ex codice Ms. in Bibliotheca sua asservato [Another copy.] 1753. d. (10.) typis edidit Soc. Antiq. Londinensis. (Observations on the Wardrobe Account of the 28th year of King Edward Some account of the Abbey Church of Bath [by Sir the first. By J. Topham.) [Glossary by R. Gough.] H. C. Englefield], illustrative of the plans, elevations Londini, 1787. 4º. 2070. C. and sections of that building [drawn by J. Carter, with the plans, etc.]. London, 1798. 141. e. 14. fol. [Another copy.] 12. Tab. 4. 683. h. 14. (1.) [Another copy.] [Another copy.] 12. Tab. 7. Some account of the Abbey Church of St. Alban, [by R. [Another copy.] 455. a. 3. Gough, J. Brown, and J. Nichols,] illustrative of the [Another copy of the Glossary only.] MS. ADDITIONS [by plans, elevations and sections of that building (drawn C. Ord]. 1331. k. (2.) by J. Carter, with the plans, etc. Edited by Sir H. C. Englefield]. London, 1813. fol. 12. Tab. 9. Magni rotuli Scaccarii Normanniæ sub regibus Angliæ. Opera T. Stapleton. tom. 1, 2. Londini, 1840–44. 8º. Some account of the Cathedral Church of Durham, by Ac. 5665/6. Sir H. C. Englefield] illustrative of the plans, elevå- tions and sections of that building (drawn by J. Carter, Report extraordinary of a late meeting of the Society of fol. Antiquaries, in a letter to “Punch.” with the plans, etc.]. London, 1801. 12. Tab. 6. [A squib.7 London, 1842. 8º. Ac. 5665/9. Some account of the Cathedral Church of Exeter, by C. Lyttelton, Bishop of Carlisle, and others,] illustrative Society of Artists of Great Britain. of the plans, elevations and sections of that building [drawn by J. Carter, with the plans, etc. Edited by A catalogue of the Pictures, Sculptures, Models, Draw- Sir H. C. Englefield and J. Windham]. ings, Prints, etc. exhibited by the Society ... 1761 (62, 64, 69). 5 pt. (London, 1761-69.] 40. London, (1797-1811?] fol. 12. Tab. 3. 7805. e. (71-74.) [Another copy.] 12. Tab. 5. Pt. 1 has a frontispiece and tail-piece by Hogarth. [Another copy.] 688. k. 2. (2.) [Another copy of Pt. 1.] 58. f. 7. more of the bibited by 160.1 403.05. e. (71-74. 575 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 576 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Society of Artists of Great Britain. Society of Dilettanti. A Review of the Exhibition at Spring Gardens, of the Les Antiquités inédites de l'Attique, contenant les Society of Artists of Great Britain ... The twenty-third restes d'Architectures d'Eleusis, de Rhamnus, de Sunium year of exhibiting. pp. 43, London, 1791. 8º. et de Thoricus ... Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais, aug- 7807. f. 11. (1.) menté de notes et de dessins par J. J. Hittorff. La Society of Arts. gravure des planches... par E. Olivier. See supra : Society for the encouragement of Arts, Paris, 1832. fol. 653. i. 9. • Manufactures and Commerce. The Bronzes of Siris now in the British Museum. An archæological essay, by P. O. Bröndsted. Society of Biblical Archæology. London, 1836. fol. 565. h. 13. Transactions. London, 1872, etc. 8º. Two letters from Athens (on certain anomalies in the In progress. Ac, 5669. & 166. construction of the Parthenon, etc.). By F. C. Penrose. [London, 1847.] 4º. 1265. e. 16. Proceedings... November, 1878, etc. London, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 5669/2. [Another copy.] 7707. e. 1. (8.) In progress. An investigation of the principles of Athenian Archi- The bronze ornaments of the palace gates of Balawat, tecture. By F. C. Penrose. London, 1851. fol. 560. f. Shalmaneser II. B.C. 859-825. Edited, with an introduc- tion, by S. Birch ... With descriptions and translations Portfolio of Greek Architecture; or drawing book of by T. G. Pinches. London, 1880, etc. fol. 559. f. Dilettanti Architectural Engravings, with descriptive In progress. text (taken from the Dilettanti work, entitled "The Unedited Antiquities of Attica"). London, 1858–9. 4°. Society of British Artists. 7816. c. The Exhibition of the Society of British Artists... | Society of Engineers. 1824, etc. [Catalogues.] Society of Engineers . . . Committee and Officers for London, (1824-51, 78.] . 4º. & 16º. 7856. d. 1861, etc. [Transactions for 1861, etc.] Imperfect; wanting the catalogue for 1849. There are [London,] 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 4314. two editions of the catalogue for 1839. In progress. Catalogue of the Winter Exhibition of the works of Society of Engravers. deceased and living British Artists, 1832-1834) 3 pt. The rules, orders and regulations of the Society of London, [1832–34.] 4º. 7856. d. Engravers, instituted at London, 1802. Society of British Artists . . . Winter Exhibition 1870 London, 1804. 8º. 960. h. 4. (1.) (1871, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79. Catalogue). Abstract of the rules, orders and regulations of the London, 1870–78. 4º. & 16º. 7857. cc. society, etc. (London, 1804.] 8º. 960. h. 4. (2.) Society of Dilettanti. [Another copy.] B. 739. (8.) Ionian Antiquities, published, with permission of the Society of Hebrew Literature. Society of Dilettanti, by R. Chandler, N. Revett, Publications of the Society of Hebrew Literature. W. Pars. Pt. 1-4. London, 1769, 97, 1840, 81. fol. Miscellany of Hebrew Literature. (Edited by ... 560. f. A. Löwy.) 2 vols. London, 1872–77. 8° [Another copy of Pt. 1, 2.) 459. g. 15. The Commentary of Ibn Ezra on Isaiah: edited ... and translated... by M. Friedländer. Vol. 1, 2. (Vol. Antiquities, published by order of the Society, etc.” 3, 4; Ibn Ezra Literature. Essays on the writings [Another copy of Pt. 1, 2.] of Abraham ibn Ezra. By M. Friedlaender.) 4 vols. 136. G. 1, 2. London, 1873–77. 8º. Ac. 9126. Specimens of Antient Sculpture, Ægyptian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman : selected from different collections Society of Painter Society of Painters in Water Colours. in Great Britain, by the Society of Dilettanti. (Preli Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Society of Painters minary dissertation on the rise, progress and decline of in Water Colours, etc. (from the commencement in 1805). antient sculpture. Prefatory remarks on the history London, 1805-79. 4°. 7855. f. and principles of antient sculpture.-An inquiry into Iinperfect; wanting the catalogue for 1855, 65, 67-73. the symbolical language of ancient art and mythology. There are two editions of the catalogue for 1830. By R. P. Knight, 1818. Reprinted by the Society of Gallery of the Society of Painters in Water Colours. Dilettanti.) Vol. 1, 2. London, 1809, 35. fol. [With a preface, signed J. M.] London, 1833. fol. 562. f. 561.* g. 17. The “ Inquiry," etc., has a distinct titlepage and pagi- Catalogues of the] Winter Exhibition of Sketches & nation. Študies by the Members. London, 1863, etc. 4°. [Another copy of vol. 1.] 55. i. 6. In progress. 7856. cc. Report of the committee... appointed by the Society to See RUSKIN (J.) Notes on some of the principal pictures superintend the expedition lately sent by them to exhibited in the rooms of ... (the Society of Painters in Greece and Ionia; containing an abstract of the voyage Water Colours). 1855, etc. 8º. 2262. b. of the mission, a list of the materials collected by thein, Society of Physicians. and a plan to facilitate the publication of those mate- Medical Observations and Inquiries by a Society of rials. London, 1814. 4°. T. 915. (10.) Pbysicians in London. 6 vol. London, 1757-84. 8º. Ac. 3823. The unedited Antiquities of Attica; comprising the architectural remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium and Second edition. Vols. 1, 2. London, 1758–62. 80. Ac. 3823/2. Thoricus. London, 1817. fol. 560. g. Vol. 1 only is of the second edition. Imperfect ; wanting [Another copy.] 136. g. 3. vols. 3–6. 1 577 ACADEMIES. [London.] 578 ! ra LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Society of Physicians. South Kensington Museum. Third edition. 6 vol. London, 1763–84. 8º. Inventory of the British water-colour paintings in the 49. b. 2-7. fine arts collections at South Kensington, with an in- Vol. 1 only is of the third edition, and vol. 4 is of the troduction by R. Redgrave. London, 1860. 8º. second edition. The other vols. are of the first edition. 7958. b. 21. (2.) Fourth edition. 6 vols. London, 1776, 64-84. 8º. A description of the building at South Kensington, 956. k. 2. erected to receive the Sheepshanks collection of pictures. Vol. 1 only is of the fourth edition ; vols. 3 & 4 are of By F. Fowke... With plans and illustrations. pp. 34. the second edition. The other vols. are of the first edition. Chapman and Hall : London, 1858. 89. 7958. d. 1. Guide to the Sonth Kensington Museum. By authority. Society of Public Analysts. April 1858, April 1860, Oct. 1860, Nov. 1861. 4 Nos. Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts, etc. Vol. 1. London, (1858–61.] fol. & 4º. 7958. i. 4. London, 1876. 8°. Ac. 3925. Catalogue of the Educational Division of the South No more published. Kensington Museum. Fourth edition. Proceedings of the “ Society of Public Analysts.” London, 1859. 8º. 7958. bb. 5 See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. London. The Analyst, etc. P.P. 1508. e. & 294. Fifth edition. London, 1860. 8º. London, [1876, etc.] 8º. 7958. bb. 6. Sixth edition. (Corrected to December 1860.) South Kensington Museum. London, 1860. gº. 7958. bb. 7. Catalogue of ornamental casts, third division, the Re- Seventh edition. (Corrected to July 1862.) naissance Styles ... By R. N. Wornum. With illustra- London, 1862. 8º. 7958. bb. 8. 7958. c. tions on wood, etc. London, 1854. '80. Eighth edition. (Corrected to January 1865.) Inventory of the objects forming the collections of the London, 1865. 80. °7958. bb. 9. (1.) Museum of Ornamental Arts... By J. C. Robinson. London, 1856. 8º. 7958. b. 4. Ninth edition. With a supplement brought down to November 1875. London, 1876. 8º. BB.C. [Another edition.] London, 1860. 8º. 7958. b. 20. (4.) A guide to the Food Collection in the South Kensington [Another edition.] London, 1860. 8°. Museum. By Edwin Lankester. London, 1859. 80. 7958. b. 21. (4.) 7958. 5. 20. (1.) [Another edition.] London, 1860. 8º. Second edition. London, 1860. 8º. 7958. b. 20. (2.) 7958. b. 20. (5.) Third edition. London, 1860. 8°, 7958. b. 20. (3.) [Another edition.] London, 1863. 8º. 7958. b. 20. (6.) Third edition. London, 1863. 8º. 7958. b. 20. (7.) This is a different issue from the preceding. A Catalogue of the Pictures, Drawings, Etchings, &c. in the British Fine Art Collections deposited in the New Price list of reproductions of works of art by means of Gallery at South Kensington. Being for the most part photography, electrotyping, casting, etc., selected from the gift of J. Sheepshanks. [With an introduction the South Kensington Museum ... with a historical by R. Redgrave.] London, 1857. 8°. 7856. d. sketch of the cartoons of Raffaelle at Hampton Court, [Another copy.] 7856. d. etc. [by G. Wallis]. London, 1859. 8º. [Another edition.] Seventh thousand. 7958. b. 22. (2.) London, 1859. 80. 7958. b. 19. (2.) [Another edition.] London, 1860. 8º. Eleventh thousand. London, 1860. 8º. 7958. b. 22. (6.) 7958. b. 19. (4.) [Another copy.] 7958. b. 22. (5.) Thirteenth thousand. 7958. b. 19. (5.) | The titlepage differs slightly from that of the preceding. A Catalogue of the British Fine Art Collections at Catalogue of the Collection illustrating construction and South Kensington. Fifteenth thousand. building material in the South Kensington Museum. London, 1861. 8º. 7958. b. 19. (6.) London, 1859. 8º. 7958. b. 19. Eighteenth thousand. London, 1862. 8º. Second edition. Edited by H. Sandham. 7958. b. 23. (3.) London, 1860. 8º. 7958. b. 8. Twentieth thousand. London, 1862. 8º. 7958. b. 23. (4.) [Another edition.] Second edition. London, 1861. 8º. 7958. b. y. A Catalogue of the National Gallery of British Art at Third edition. London, 1862. 8°. South Kensington, with a supplement containing works 7958. b. 6. by modern foreign artists and old masters. New edition. The South Kensington Museum of painting, sculpture, With an introduction by R. Redgrave.] & ornamental art. A handbook guide for visitors. London, 1878. 8º. 7958. bbb. 7. [With illustrations.] London, 1860. 8°. 7958. aa. A Catalogue of the historical series of Water-Colour Catalogue of “the Circulating Collections," of works of Paintings, illustrative of the rise and progress of the art art, selected from the Museum, at South Kensington : in England from 1710. Selected from the National intended for temporary exhibition in provincial schools Gallery of British Art at South Kensington. Introduc- of art. By J. C. Robinson...July 1860. tion. (Abridged from the Introduction to the Catalogue London, [1860.] 8º. 7958. b. 19. (8.) of Water-Colour Paintings in the National Gallery of British Art at South Kensington, by...R. Redgrave.) [Another edition.] May 1861. London, [1861.] 80. London, [1874.] 8º. 7857. bb. 7958. b. 19. (7.) Inventory of the pictures, drawings, etchings, etc. in the [Another edition.] January 1863. London, [1863.7 80. British Fine Art collections, deposited in the New 7958. b. 23. (5.) Gallery, etc. (With an introduction by R. Redgrave.] [Another edition.] May 1863. London, (1863.] 8º. London, 1859. 8º. 7958. b. 21. (1.) 1 7958. b. 23. (8.) 579 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 580 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). South Kensington Museum. South Kensington Museum. Notice of works of mediæval and renaissance sculpture, Examples of Art Workmanship of various ages and decorative furniture, etc. acquired in Italy, in the early countries. Musical Instruments in the South Kensing- part of the year 1859, for the South Kensington Mu ton Museum. With descriptions by C. Engel, etc. seum. By J. C. Robinson. London, 1860. 80 London, 1869. fol. 1803. C. 7958. b. 21. (3.) Fifty Etchings of objects of art in the South Kensington Catalogue of the collection of Animal Products, South Museum. Done by the students of the etching class, in Kensington Museum. [By P. L. Simmonds.] Second training as art teachers. Directed by R. J. Lane. edition. London, 1860. 12º. 7958. b. 19. (3.) Third Series. (Published by the Arundel Society.) 1812. b. Second edition. London, 1862. London, 1869. fol. 120. 7958. b. 23. (2.) Catalogue of the loan exhibition of Fans, 1870. With A duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage. illustrations. [Edited by S. Redgrave.] London, 1870. 4º. 7958. C. The Art Wealth of England. A series of photographs, representing fifty of the most remarkable works of art Chromolithographs of the principal objects of art in the contributed on loan to the special exhibition at the South Kensington Museum. (Pūblished by the Arundel South Kensington Museun, 1862. Selected and de Society.) Pt. 3. London, 1870. fol. 1811. d. scribed by J. Č. Robinson. The photographs by C. T. Thompson. [London,] 1862. fol. 1801. d. A descriptive catalogue of the Lace and Embroidery in the South Kensington Museum. By Mrs. Bury Palliser. Catalogue of the special exhibition of works of art of With fourteen illustrations. London, 187151870). 8°. the mediæval, renaissance, and more recent periods, on 7958. b. 23. (7.) loan at the South Kensington Museum, June 1862. Second edition. London, 1873. 8°. 7958. b. 24. (4.) Edited by J. C. Robinson. 5 pts. London, 1862. 8º. 7958. b. 1. Third edition, revised and enlarged by A. S. Cole. South Kensington Museum. Italian Sculpture of the London, 1881. 8º. 7958. bb. Middle Ages and period of the revival of Art. A descriptive Catalogue of the works forming the above [Another copy.] 7958. C. section of the Museum, with additional illustrative Textile Fabrics ; a descriptive catalogue of the collection notices. By J. C. Robinson. London, 1862. 4°. of church-vestments, dresses, silk stuffs, needlework and 7958. C. tapestries, forming that section of the Museum. By South Kensington Museum. Italian Sculpture of the Daniel Rock. London, 1870. 8º. 2264. e. Middle Ages and Period of the Revival of Art. A series of fifty photographs of works in the above section [Another copy.] 7958. h. of the Museum. Selected and arranged by J. C. Robin- A catalogue of Anglo-Saxon and other Antiquities, dis- son. The photographs executed by C. T. Thompson. covered at Faversham, in Kent, and bequeathed by W. London, 1862. fol. 1752. C. Gibbs ... to the South Kensington Museum. Compiled Special exhibition of objects of art on loan in the new by C. R. Smith. London, 1871. 8º. south court of the Art Museum, South Kensington, 7707. aaa. 44. (12.) June 1862. List of contributors, and abstract of their A first list of buildings in England having mural... respective loans. London, 1862. 8º. decorations. Of dates previous to the Middle of the 7958. b. 23. (1.) 16th Century. [By Robert H. Soden Smith.] The Architectural Museum, South Kensington Museum London, 1871. 8º. 7958. b. 21. (5.) ...Copy of a correspondence arising out of a report, Third edition, enlarged. By C. E. Keyser. pp. xciii. 402. submitted . . . from the council of the Architectural Museum to the Department of Science and Art, on the London, 1883. 8º. 7958. b. 27. formation of a National Museum of Architecture. A List of Reproductions in Metal Casting, Electrotype, [London, 1863.] fol. 7815. b. and Plaster acquired by the South Kensington Museum, A list of the wedding presents accepted by their Royal in the years 1869 and 1870. London, 1871. 8º.. Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, and ex- 7958. b. 23. (8.) hibited by their Royal Highnesses' permission at the List of objects in the Art Division, South Kensington South Kensington Museum, April 1863. Museum, acquired during the year 1870 (1871–73, 77, London, [1863.] 8º. 7958. b. 3. etc.) London, 1871, etc. 8º. 7958. bb. 1. In progress. Catalogue of the Naval Models in the South Kensington Museum. Part 1. Admiralty collection of models, etc. List of Objects in the Art Division, South Kensington Part 2. Collection of models from private sources. Museum, lent during the year 1870 (1871-73). 4 pts. London, 1871–74. 8º. 7958. b. 9. [With photographic illustrations.] 2 pts. London, 1865. go. 7958. b. 2. Reproductions in Metal. A classified and priced list of Catalogue of the first (second, third) special exhibition objects of Art reproduced in metal... as they appear in of National Portraits, etc. [Compiled by R. H. S. Smith, the South Kensington Museum. London, 1872. gº.. 7958. b. 23. (10.) J. Beck, R. F. Sketchley, and — Althaus. Edited, with introductory notices by S. Redgrave.] 3 pt. A Catalogue of a collection of models of ruled surfaces London, (1866–68.] 4º. 7958. h. constructed by M. Fabre de Lagrange; with an appendix ... by C. W. Merrifield. London, 1872. 8º. Examples of Art Workmanship of various ages and 7958. b. 24. (2) countries. Italian Jewellery as worn by the peasants A description of the Ivories Ancient & Mediæval in the of Italy. Collected by Signor Castellani, and purchased South Kensington Museum, with a preface by W. from the Paris Universal Exhibition for the South Maskell. London, 1872. 89. 7958. h. Kensington Museum. London, 1868. fol. 1812. a. [Another copy.] 2264. e. 1 581 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 582 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). South Kensington Museum. South Kensington Museum. Babbage's Calculating Machine, or difference engine. A Catalogue of the collection of Munitions of War,'. ..in description of a portion of this machine put together in the South Kensington Museum, etc. (Edited by H. 1833 and now exhibited... in the Educational Division Sandham.] London, 1875. 8º. 7958. b. 24. 8. of the South Kensington Museum. [By B. H. Babbage.] London, 1872. 89. 7958. bb. 3. Catalogue of models of Machinery, drawings, tools, &c. Catalogue of Chinese Objects in the South Kensington in the South Kensington Museum, etc. [Edited by H. Museum. With an introduction and notes, by C. Sandham.] London, 1875. 80. 7958. b. 24. (7.) Alabaster. London, 1872. 8º. 7958. b. 24. (1.) Dyce Collection. A catalogue of the Printed Books and Classified and descriptive catalogue of the Art Objects of Manuscripts bequeathed by . . . A. Dyce, etc. [With a Spanish production in the South Kensington Museum. biographical sketch by J. Forster, and a portrait.] With an introduction and notes by...J. F. Riaño. 2 vol. London, 1875. gº. ster, and 2050. Franto) 2050. f. London, 1872. 8º. 7958. b. 23. (9.) A descriptive catalogue of the Bronzes of European Catalogue of the loan exhibition of Ancient and Modern origin in the South Kensington Museum. With an Jewellery and Personal Ornaments 1872. [Edited, with introductory notice by C. D. E. Fortnum. an introduction, by R. H. S. Smith. With illustrations.] London, 1876. 8º. 2264. e. London, 1873. 4º. 7958. h. A descriptive catalogue of the Fictile Ivories in the Catalogue of the special exhibition of Ancient Musical South Kensington Museum. With an account of the Instruments, 1872. [Edited, with an introduction, by ('ontinental Collections of Classical and Mediæval Ivories. C. E., i.e. Carl Engel." With photographic illustrations.] By. J. O. Westwood. pp. xv. 547. London, 1876. 8º. London, (1873.] 40. 7958. h. 2264. c. A descriptive catalogue of the Maiolica, Hispano-Moresco, Drawings of Glass Cases in the South Kensington Persian, Damascus and Rhodian Wares, in the South Museum, with suggestions for the arrangement of Kensington Museum. With historical notices, marks specimens. London, 1876. 8º. 7958. i. 2. & monograms. By C. D. E. Fortnum. [With coloured 7958. i. plates.] London, 1873. 8º. [Another copy.] 7958. i. 3. Catalogne of the Special Loan Exhibition of decorative Handbook to the special loan collection of Scientific art needlework made before 1800. [Edited by A. S. Apparatus, 1876. London, 1876. 8º. 2266. b. Cole.] London, 1873. 8º. 7058. b. 24. (3.) Catalogue of the special loan collection of Scientific [Another edition.] London, 1874. 4º. 7958. i. Apparatus at the South Kensington Museum. Third edition. London, 1877. 8º. 7958. f. 2. Illustrated catalogue of electrotype reproductions of works of art. From originals in the South Kensington Guide théorique pour l'Exposition d'Appareils Scien- Museum. London, 1873. 4º. 7958. i. tifiqnes du Musée de South Kensington. 1876. Ancient and modern Furniture and Woodwork in the London, [1877.] 8º. 2266. b. South Kensington Museum. Described, with an intro Internationale Ausstellung wissenschaftlicher Apparate duction, by J. H. Pollen. [With photographic illustra im South Kensington Museum, London, 1876. Hand- tions.] London, 1874. 8º. 2264. e. buch, enthaltend Aufsätze uber die exacten Wissens- Catalogue of mercantile marine and naval models in the chaften und ihre Anwendungen. Deutsche Ausgabe South Kensington Museum. With classified table of herausgegeben durch R. Biedermann. contents, etc. [Edited by H. Sandham.] London, 1876. 8º. 7958. ee. 1. London, 1874. 8º. 7958. b. 24. (6.) Conferences held in connection with the special loan A Catalogue of the Paintings, Miniatures [by S. Red- collection of Scientific Apparatus. 1876. 2 vol. grave), Drawings, Engravings [by G. W. Reid], Rings London, (1877.] 8º. 7958. bbb. 5. und miscellaneous objects [by C. C. Black] bequeathed [Another copy of vol. 1.] 2266. b. by... Alexander Dyce. London, 1874. 8º. 7958. h. South Kensington Museum. Free Evening Lectures, Catalogue of the special loan exhibition of Enamels on delivered in connection with the special loan collection Metal. [Edited by J. H. Pollen.] London, 1874. 8º. of scientific apparatus, 1876. [London, 1878.] 8º. 7958. b. 24. (5.) 7958. bbb. 6. Classed Catalogue of the objects in the Art division of Reproductions of Carved Ivories. A priced inventory the Museum at South Kensington for the years 1852 to of the casts in “fictile ivory” in the South Kensington the end of 1870. Division 1-15. London, 1874. fol. Museum, etc. London, 1876. 8º. 7958. g. 3. Imperfect; wanting Division 2. 7958. i. Christian Mosaic Pictures. A catalogue of reproduc- A Description of the Trajan Column. By J. H. Pollen. tions of Christian Mosaics exhibited in the South Ken- London, 1874. 8°. . 2258. b. sington Museum. By J. W. Appell. A descriptive catalogue of the Musical Instruments in London, 1877. 8º. 7958. bbb. 3. the South Kensington Museum. By C. Engel. Pre- [Another copy.] 7958. b. 24. (9.) ceded by an essay on the History of Musical Instruments ... Second edition. London, 1874. 8º. 2264. e. A descriptive catalogue of the historical collection of Water - Colour Paintings in the South Kensington [Another copy.] London, 1874. 8°. 7958. h. Museum, with an introductory notice by J. Redgrave. Illustrated Catalogue of a Collection of ancient cutlery [With illustrations.] London, 1877. 8º. 2264. e. lent by A. Jubinal to the South Kensington Museum. London, 1874. 4º. 7958. h. Ancient and modern Gold and Silver Smiths' Work in the South Kensington Museum. Described with an An Inventory of Plaster Casts in various styles, includ- introduction by J. H. Pollen. [With illustrations.] ing the antique and the renaissance, acquired by the London, 1878. 8º. 2264. e. South Kensington Museum. London, 1874. 8º. 7958. g. 4. [Another copy.] L. P. 7958. i. 6. 583 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 581 11 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). South Kensington Museum. South Kensington Museum. Classified List of photographs of paintings and drawings. A list of works on Painting in the National Art Library. London, 1878. 8º. 7958. bbb. 8. [Edited by R. H. S. Smith.] pp. 47. London, 1881. 8º. 7958. f. Catalogue of Ship Models and Marine Engineering in the South Kensington Museum, etc. ¡Edited by Second edition. pp. vii. 157. London, 1883. 8º. - H. Sandham.] London, 1878. 8°. 7958. b. 24. (10.) 7958. b. 28. (4.) A descriptive catalogue of the Glass Vessels in' the Reproductions in metal. List of objects of art, repro- South Kensington Museum. With an introductory duced in metal by various processes, as they appear in notice by A. Nesbitt. [With coloured illustrations.] the South Kensington Museum, etc. London, 1878. 8º. 2264. e. Stationery Office : London, 1881, etc. 8°. 7958. cc. In progress. [Another copy.] L. P. 7958. i. 5. [Another copy.] 7958. bb. A descriptive catalogue of the Swiss Coins in the South Kensington Museum, bequeathed by ... C. H. Towns- [Another edition of pt. 1.] Elkington & Co.: hend. With introductory and historical notices by London, 1881. 8º. 7958. bbb. 9. R. S. Poole. London, 1878. 8º. 2264. e. Catalogue of the Jones Bequest in the South Kensing- A list of works on Furniture in the National Art ton Museum. pp. 82. London, 1882. 89. Library, South Kensington Museum. [With a note by 7958. b. 26. R. H. Š. S., i.e., R. H. S. Smith). London, 1878. 8º. A list of works on Gold and Silversmiths' Work and 7958. bbb. 10. Jewellery in the National Art Library. [Edited by List of Art Objects in the South Kensington Museum, R. H. S. Smith.] pp. 62. London, 1882. 80 and in the Branch Museum, Bethnal Green, lent during 7958. g. the year 1877. London, 1878. 8°. 7958. bbb. A list of works on Sculpture in the National Art Science Lectures at South Kensington. vol. 1. Library. pp. 31. London, 1882. 8º. BB. E. · London, 1878. 8º. . . 2264. f. A list of works on Ornament in the National Art Four of the lectures are reprints of those published in Library. [By R. H. S. Smith.] pp. 101.. 1876. London, 1882. 8º. BB. E. Catalogue of the Maps, Plans, and Views of London and Westminster collected by ...F. Crace. . . . By J. G. Second edition. pp. 102. London, 1883. 8º. . Crace. London, 1879. 8º. 7958. b. 28. (3.) 7958. c. 4. A list of books and photographs in the National Art A list of books on Lace and Needlework in the National Library, illustrating armour and weapons, etc. [Edited Art Library. [Edited by R. H. S. Smith.] by R. H. S. Smith.] pp. 68. London, 1883. 8º. London, 1879. 80. 7958. bbb. 9. 7958. b. 28. (1.) Catalogue of models of machinery, drawings, tools, &c., A list of books, photographs, etc., in the National Art in the South Kensington Museum, with classified table Library illustrating Metal Work. [By R. H. S. Smith.] of contents, and an alphabetical index of exhibitors and pp. vii. 141. London, 1883. 8º. 7958. b. 28. (2.) subjects. (Supplement.) London, 1880-82. 8º. 7958. bbb. A descriptive catalogue of the collection of Casts from Another copy.] 7958. bbb. the antique in the South Kensington Museum. By W. C. Perry. pp. xxviii. 122. London, 1884. 8º.. A list of works on Heraldry, or containing heraldic 7958. b. 28. (7.) illustrations, in the National Art Library pp. 31. [By R. H. S. Smith.] London, 1880. 8º. Bethnal Green Branch Museum. 7958. c. A brief guide to the Animal Products collection. [With [Another copy.] 7958. C. an introduction by H, Cole.] London, 1872. 8º. A catalogue of the first (second) circulating historical 7958. b. 21. (8.) series of water-colour paintings, illustrative of the rise A brief guide to the Food collection. First issue.. and progress of the art in England from 1710, etc. 2 pts. London, 1872. 8º. 7958. b. 21. (9.) London, 1881. 8º. 7958. b. 25. (1, 2.) Catalogue of the collection of paintings ... and other [Another copy of pt. 2.]. 7958. b. 28. (5.) works of art lent for exhibition ... by Sir R. Wallace. Catalogue of the special loan exhibition of Spanish and Bart., June 1872. By C. C. Black. Fourth edition. Portuguese Ornamental Art, South Kensington Museum, London, 1872. 8º. 7958. b. 21. (7.) 1881. Edited by J. C. Robinson. L. P. pp. 211. Chapman & Hall : London, 1881. 4º. *7958. i. 8. Catalogue of the Anthropological Collection lent by Colonel Lane Fox for exhibition in the Bethnal Green Examples of the works of art in the Museum, and of the Branch of the South Kensington Museum, June 1874. decorations of the building, with brief descriptions. By Colonel Lane Fox. With illustrations. 2 vol. Sampson Low & Co.:) London, 1874. 8º. 7958. bb. 4. London, 1881 (1880, 81]. fol. 1807. b. 1. Inventory of the Food collection. Arranged in alpha- Handbook of the collection illustrative of the wild betical order. (Corrected to June, 1874.) Silks of India, in the ... South Kensington Museum, London, 1874. 80. 7958. g. 5, with a catalogue ... and illustrations. By T. Wardle. Catalogue of a collection of articles of Japanese Art lent Eyre & Spottiswoode : pp. xii. 163. London, 1881. 8º. 7958. b. 25. (4.) .... by W. J. Alt. London, 1876.' 89. 7958. g. 1. [Another copy.] 7958. g. 6. Catalogue of a collection of Oriental porcelain and A list of works on Costume in the National Art Library. pottery lent [and described]... by A. W. Franks. [By R. f. 8. Smith.] pp. 70. London, 1881. 8º. London, 1876. 8º. 7958. g. 2. BB.E.: Second edition. London, 1878. 8º. 7958. f. 3. . son. 'h Konet of Spain. $. (5.) in the Nation, 1881. 8BB.E. 585 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] *586 LONDON (CONTINUED]. LONDON [CONTINUED). South Kensington Museum.-Bethnal Green Branch Sydenham Society. Museum. HÁRVEY (WILLIAM). The works of William Harvey. Catalogue of a special loan collection of Fuiniture. Translated from the Latin, with a life of the author, by With an introduction by G. Wallis ... With ... illus R. Willis. London, 1847. 8º. Ac. 3837/11. trations. Second edition. London, 1878. 8°. 7958. bbb. HASSE (CARL EWALD) An anatomical description of the The Commercial Products of the Animal Kingdom em diseases of the organs of Circulation and Respiration... ployed in the arts and manufactures, shown in the Translated and edited by W. E. Swaine, collection of the Bethnal Green branch of the South London, 1846. 8º. Ac. 3837/8. Kensington Museum ; briefly described by P. L. Sim- HECKER (JUSTUS FRIEDRICH CARL) The Epidemics of the monds. pp. 96. London, 1880. 4º. 7958. i. Middle Ages. From the German... Translated by B. G. [Another copy.] 7958. i. Babington. (A boke, or counseill against the disease commonly called the Sweate... By J. Caius.) Statistical Society. London, 1844. 8º. Ac. 3837/2. Proceedings. 1834(-37). Vol. 1. No. 1, 2, 8, 10. [Another edition.] London, 1846. 8º. Ac. 2465/3. (London, 1835–37.] 8º. Ac. 3837/3. Transactions. Vol. 1, pt. 1. London, 1837. 4º. HEWSON (WILLIAM) The works of W. Hewson. Edited, Ac. 2465/5. with an introduction and notes by G. Gulliver. London, 1846. 8º. Ac. 3837/9. Journal of the Statistical Society of London... London, 1839, etc. 8º. 2097. d. & 553. HIPPOCRATES. The genuine works of Hippocrates. Trans- · In progress. lated... with a preliminary discourse and annotations Statistical Society. Almanack for 1875, etc. by F. Adams. 2 vols. London, 1849. 8º. London, 1874, etc. 8º. : Ac. 2465/2. Ac. 3837/17. In progress. HUNTER (WILLIAM) Anatomia Uteri humani gravidi Regulations...with a list of the fellows, etc. tabulis illustrata... The Anatomy of the human gravid London, 1835. 8º.. Ac. 2465/4. uterus exhibited in figures. London, 1851. fol. Tab. 740. a. First Report of the Committee on Beneficent. Institu- KOELLIKER (ALBRECHT) Manual of Human Histology... tions. I. The Medical Charities of the Metropolis. Translated and edited by G. Busk and T. Huxley. London, 1857. 8º.. Ac. 2465. 2 vols. London, 1853-54. 8º. . Ac. 3837/23. Catalogue of the Library of the Statistical Society of KUECHENMEISTER (FRIEDRICH) On animal and vegetable London, etc. London, 1859. 8º. 11901. bb. Parasites of the Human Body... Translated from the [Another edition.] E. Stanford : London, 1884. 8º. second German edition by E. Lankester. 2 vols. Ac, 2465/7. London, 1857. 8°. Ac. 3837/29. Sydenham Society. LOUIS (PIERRE CHARLES ALEXANDRE) Researches · on List of the Officers and Members of the Sydenham Phthisis, anatomical, pathological and therapeutical. Society for...1845 (1849). London, [1845-49.) 8° Second edition, considerably enlarged. Translated by Ac. 3837/7. (2.) W. H. Walshe. London, 1844, Reprinted 1846. 8º. ARETAEUS. ’Apetalov KarTadokov ta Ewfoueva. The extant Ac. 3837/4. Works of Aretaeus . ;. Edited and translated by F. MUHAMMAD IBN ZAKARIYĀ (ABU BAKR). Al-Rāzī, etc. A Adams. Gr. and Engl. London, 1856. 89. treatise on the Small-Pox and Measles... Translated... Ac. 3837/28. by W: A. Greenhill. London, 1848. 8º. Ac. 3837/15. CHURCHILL (FLEETWOOD) Essays on the Puerperal Fever, OESTERLEN (FRIEDRICH) Medical Logic... Translated and and other diseases peculiar to women. Selected from the writings of British authors previous to the close of edited by G. Whitley. London, 1855. 8º. the eighteenth century. Edited by F. Churchill. Ac. 3837/26. London, 1849. 8º. Ac. 3837/19. OTTLEY (DREWRY) Observations on surgical diseases of the Head and Neck. Selected from the memoirs of the DUPUYTREN (GUILLAUME) Baron. On Lesions of the Vas- Royal Academy of Surgery of France. Translated and cular System, diseases of the rectum, and other surgical edited by D. Ottley. London, 1848. 8°. Ac. 3837/14. complaints ;being selections from the collected edition of the Clinical Lectures of Baron Dupuytren... Trans Paul, of Æginá. The seven Books of Paulus Aegineta lated and edited by F. Le Gros Clark. translated from the Greek; with a commentary em- London, 1854. 8º. Ac. 3837/24. bracing a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans and Arabians on all subjects con- DUPUYTREN (GUILLAUME) Baron. On the injuries and nected with medicine and surgery. - By T. Adams. diseases of Bones. Being selections from the collected 3 vol. London, 1844–47. 8º. edition of the clinical lectures of Baron Dupuytren... Ac. 3837/5. Translated and edited by F. Le Gros Clark. ROKITANSKY (CARL VON) Baron. A manual of Patho- London, 1847. 89. Ac. 3837/10. logical Anatomy. (A manual of general Pathological Anatomy; translated by W. E. Swaine. The patho- ERICHSEN (JOHN ERIC) Observations on Aneurism, selected logical anatomy of the abdominal viscera ; translated by from the works of the principal writers on that disease E. Sieveking. The pathological anatomy of the bones, from the earliest period to the close of the last century. cartilages, muscles, & skin...translated by C. H. Moore. Translated and edited by J, E. E. London, 1844. 8º. The pathological anatomy of the organs of respiration Ac. 3837/6. and circulation; translated by G. E. Day.) 4 vols. FEUCHTERSLEBEN ERNST VON) Baron. The principles of. London, 1854-49-50-52. 8º. Ac. 3837/18. · Medical Psychology ; being the outlines of a course of lectures by Baron E. von Feuchtersleben. Translated | ROMBERG (MORITZ HEINRICH). A manual of the Nervous ... by H. E. Lloyd. Revised and edited by B. G. Ba Diseases of Man... Translated and edited by E. H. ," bington. London, 1847. 8º. Ac. 3837/12.1. Sieveking. 2 vols. London, 1853. 8º. Ac. 3837/22. "..fo 587 588 ACADEMIES. [LONDON10 .] 1875–76. LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Sydenham Society. Theological Translation Fund. SCHWANN (THEODOR) Microscopical Researches into the Vol. 5. Dr. Friedrich Bleek's | Vols. 17, 22. A history of the accordance in the structure and growth of animals and Lectures on the Apocalypse. New Testament times. By A. plants. Translated... by H. Smith. London, 1847. 8º. Translated from the German, Haasrath. The Time of Jesus. Ac. 3837/13. [Edited by S. Davidson ] Translated by C. T. Poynting 1875. and P. Quenzer. 2 vols. SIEBOLD (CARL THEODOR VON) On Tape and Cystic Worms; 1878–80. with an introduction, on the origin of Intestinal Worms. Vol. 6. See Vol. 2 Vol. 18. See Vol. 9. ... Translated by T. H. Huxley. London, 1857. 8º. Vol. 7. See Vol. 3. Ac. 3837/29. (2.) Vol. 19. See Vol. 1. SIMON (J. FRANZ) Animal Chemistry with reference to origin of the Acts of the Vol. 20. See Vol. 16. the physiology and pathology of man. Translated and A postles, critically investi- gated. By E. Zeller, etc. Vol. 21. See Vol. 9. edited by G. E. Day. 2 vols. London, 1845, 46. 8º. Translated by J. Dare. 2 vols. Ac. 3837/7. Vol. 22. See Vol. 17. SYDENHAM (THOMAS) Thomæ Sydenham opera omnia. Vols. 9, 12, 18, 21, 26. Com- Vols. 23, 24. Commentary on Edidit G. À. Greenhill. Editio altera. mentary on the Prophets of the the Psalms. By G. H. A. Ac. 3837. Londini, Oxonii (printed], 1846. 8º. v. Ewald. Old Testament. · By G. H. A. Translated by E. von Ewald. Translated by Johnson. 2 vols. 1880, 81. SYDENHAM (THOMAS) The Works of T. Sydenham, tran J. Frederick Smith. 5 vols. Vol. 25. See Vol. 1. slated from the Latin edition of Dr. Greenhill, with a life 1875–81. of the author by R. G. Latham. .2 vols. Vol. 10. See Vol. 8. Vol. 26. See Vol. 9. London, 1848-50. 89. Ac. 3837/16. Vol. 11. See Vol. 1. Vols. 27, 29, 31. A short Pro- testant commentary on the THOMPSON (THEOPHILUS) Andals of Influenza, or epidemic Vol. 12. See Vol. 9. books of the New Testament. catarrhal fever, in Great Britain from 1510 to 1837. Edited by P. W. Schmidt and Prepared and edited by T. T. London, 1852. 8º. Vols. 13, 15. Paulinism : a con F. von Holzendorff. Trans- tribution to the history of lated by Francis H. Jones. Ac. 3837/21. primitive Christian theology, 3 vols. 1882-84. VELPEAU (ALFRED ARMAND LOUIS MARIE) A treatise on By O. Pfleiderer. Translated by E. Peters. 2 vols. 1877. Vol. 28. the diseases of the Breast and Mammary Region... Commentary on the Book of Job, with translation, Translated... by M. Henry. London, 1856. 8º. Vol. 14. See Vol. 1. by G. H. A. von Ewald. Ac. 3837/27. Translated by J. Frederick Vol. 15. See Vol. 13. . Smith. 1882. UNZER (JOHANN AUGUST) The principles of Physiology; Vols. 16, 20. The Church History by J. A. U.; and a dissertation on the functions of the Vol. 29. See Vol. 27. of the first three centuries. nervous system by G. Prochaska. Translated and edited By F. C. Baur. Translated Vol. 30. See Vol. 1. by T. Laycock. London, 1851. 8º. Ac. 3837/20. from the German by Allan Menzies. 2 vols. 1878, 79. Vol. 31. See Vol. 27. WEDL (CARL) Rudiments of Pathological Histology... Translated and edited by G. Busk. London, 1855. 8º. Topographical Society. Ac. 3837/25. CRESY (EDWARD) Illustrations of Stone Church, Kent; Syro-Egyptian Society. with an historical account by E. C. London, 1840. fol. 789. h. 6. Prospectus of the plans and objects of the Syro-Egyptian Society of London ... with a brief sketch of the con Trinity College. siderations which led to its formation. MS. ADDITIONS. London, 1844. 8º. Calendar for the academical year 1876, 77. Ac. 5667. London, 1876, etc. 8º. P.P. 2506. ah. Original Papers read before the Syro-Egyptian Society In progress. This College was " formerly known as “The of London. Vol. I. pt. I.-II. London, 1845-50. 89. Church Choral Society and College of Church Music.” Ac. 5667/2. The Journal of Trinity College, London, and of the Report of the correspondence and papers read at the institutions in union. New series. general meetings of the Syro-Egyptian Society ... Read London, 1880, etc. 8°. 330. at the general meetings, sessions of 1845 and 1846, 1846 In progress. and 1847 (1847 and 1848, 1848 and 1849, 1853 and 1854, 1854 and 1855, 1855 and 1856, 1857 and 1858). 7 pt. Verulam Society. [London, 18473–58. 8º. Ac. 5667/3. For the Reports of the Verulam Society: The triple Mummy Case of Aroeri-Ao ... Drawn by See BITTLESTON (A.) and WISE (E.) Reports of new J. Bonomi, and described by S. Sharpe. magistrates' cases, etc. 1846, etc. 8º. 1243. f. London, 1858. 4º. 7703. a. 9. BITTLESTON (A.) and WISE (E.) New practice cases, etc. Theological Translation Fund. 1847, etc. . 8o. 1243. f. Theological Translation Fund Library. London, 1873, etc. 8°. Cox (E. W.) Reports of cases in criminal law, etc. 2208. c. 1846, etc. 8º. 1243. f. In progress. Vol, 1. The history of Jesus of | Vols. 2, 6. Paul, the Apostle Cox (E. W.) and ATKINSON (H. T.) Registration Appeal Nazara, considered in its rela of Jesus Christ, his life and Cases. [1844, etc.] 8º. 6125. a. 2. tion with the national life of works, etc. By F. C. Baur. Israel, and related in detail. By Translated from the German WELFORD (R. G.) and others. Reports of cases in the Theodore Keim. Translated [by A. P.]. (Vol. 2 translated · law of real property, etc. 1846, etc. 8º. 1243. f. from the German. Vol. 1. 1873. by A. Menzies.) 2 vols. Vols. 1, 11, 14, 19, 25, 30. The 1873–75. Veterinary Medical Association. history of Jesus of Nazara. Vol. 1, second edition. Trans Vols. 3, 4, 7. The Religion of An abstract of the Proceedings of the Veterinary Medi- lated by A. Ransom. (Vol. 2 Israel to tbe fall of the Jewish cal Association, during its first(-fifth) session, 1836, translated by E. M. Geldart, state. By A. Kuenen. Trans- Vol. 3-6 translated by A. lated from the Dutch by A. H. 37(-1840-41). 5 vol. London, [1837-41.] 8º. Ransom.) 6 vols. 1876–83. May. 3 vols. 1874, 75. Ac. 3881. 1 589 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 590. LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Victoria Institute. University College, formerly University of London. See MEMBER. Scientia Scientiarum. Being some account Opening of the University of London for the Session of the origin and objects of the Victoria Institute, etc. 1828–9. A statement of the proposed method of tuition, 1865. 8º. 1704. bb. etc.] London, [1828.] 8º. 8365. e. 1. (1.) Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria. Institute ; Description of the building for the University of London. or, Philosophical Society of Great Britain. From the report of the Council to the proprietors, London, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 3026. & 965. 30 Sept. 1828. London, 1828. 8º. T. 2120. (1.) In progress. University of London. Special general meeting of Sixth Annual Report of the Council of the Victoria proprietors. [Notice of meeting.] (London, 1830.] 4º. Institute, etc. [London, 1872.] 8º. Ac. 3026/5. 1890. b. 3. (42.) The Credulity of Scepticism ; being the annual address The London University Calendar for...1831. read at the third anniversary of the Victoria Institute London, [1830.] 12º. P.P. 2506. ac. ... May 24th, 1869. By ... Robinson Thornton. London, (1869.] gº. Ac. 3026/2. The University College, London, Calendar for the session 1853, 4, etc. London, [1854, etc.] 8º. The Annual Address of the Victoria Institute, ... In progress. P.P. 2506. ae. delivered ... on the 22nd May, 1871. By ... W. J. Irons, etc. London, [1871.] 80. Ac. 3026/3. University of London. Distribution of the prizes and certificates of honours in the medical classes, 21 May, The Annual Address of the Victoria Institute, ... 1831. London, 1831. 8º. T. 2120. (3.) delivered ... on the 20th May, 1873, by ... T. P. Boultbee; ... to which is added the report for the year, University of London. Distribution of the prizes and and the paper of objects, etc. London, (1873.] 8º certificates of honour. Session 1831-32. 8º." Ac. 3026/3. T. 2120. (6.) The Annual Address of the Victoria Institute, ...de- University of London. Address from the Senate to the livered ... on the 15th June, 1874. By ... R. Thorn- Council in support of the application of the University ton. ... To which is added, the report for the year, etc. for a charter. pp. 15. J. Taylor : London, 1834. 8º. London, (1874.) 8º. Ac. 3026/4. 8367. b. 2. (4.) University of London. Address of the Senate to the The Uncertainties of Modern Physical Science. ... Council on the proposed establishment of a metropolitan Being the annual address of the Victoria Institute. ... university. pp. 16. John Taylor : London, 1835. 8º. 1876. By ... T. R. Birks. ... To which is added, the 8304. d. 9. (4.) report for the year. London, (1876.] 8º. 8708. bbb. 8. University of London. Distribution of the prizes and certificates of honour. Session 1834-1835. pp. 32. On the influence of true and false philosophy on the R. Taylor : London, 1835. 8°. 8365. bbb. 18. formation of character, being the annual address of the Victoria Institute, ... on the 4th June, 1877. By J. E. University College, London. Charter and Bye-Laws, Howard. London, [1878.] 8º. 8469. f. 5. (14.) [London, 1845 ?] 8º. 732. d. 44. United Service Institution. Pharmacopoeia ad usum Valetudinarii Collegii Univer- sitatis Londinensis accommodata. Londini, 1846. 32º. The Journal of the United Service Institution. Pub- 777. a. 42. lished under the authority of the Council. University College, London. Proceedings of the annual [London,] 1857, etc. 8º. P.P. 4029. ab. & 49. general meeting of the members of the College. ..29th In progress. February, 1860... Appendix. Regulations for the Fil- [Another copy of vol. 2, pp. 287–341, and vol. 3, liter Exhibition in Pathological Anatomy. pp. 1-16, 91-130.] 8767. bbb. 5. (12.) London, 1860. 8º. 8365. C. Quarterly report of donations to the museum and library Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting of the of the United Service Institution. No. 1-9. Members...1862, Report of Council, etc. [London, 1843-45.] 8º. 740, d. London, 1862. 8º. 8364. C. Fourteenth annual report of the council of the United University College... Proceedings at the annual General Service Institution. London, 1845. 8º. 740. d. Meeting of the Members . . . 1863. Report of Council, etc. London, 1863. 8º. Royal United Service Institution. (Design.-Byelaws.) 8364. C. pp. 7. Harrison & Sons : [London, 1882.7 80. University College... Proceedings at the annual Gezcial 8831. b. 15. (14.) Meeting...1866. Report of the Council, etc. University College, formerly University of London. London, 1866. 8°. 8308. bbb. Prospectus of the London University. pp. 3. Catalogue of books in the General Library and in the R. Taylor : London, [1825 ?] 4º. 1890. b. 3. (41.) South Library at University College. With an appen- dix. 3 vol. Taylor & Francis : London, 1879. 80. London University. [A circular from the secretary 11905. f. 15. announcing a general meeting of the proprietors for Feb. 6, 1826.] J. S. Hughes : London, [1826.] 4º. See HORNER (L.) Letter to the Council of the University 1890. 7. 3. (67*.) of London, etc. [In answer to a pamphet entitled": “Statements respecting the University of London, pre- Statement by the Council of the University of London, pared at the desire of the Council,” etc.] 1830. gº. explanatory of the nature and objeets of the Institution. 8367. b. 2. (2.) (Proprietors of Shares.) pp. 56, 20. London, 1827. 8º. 8364. cc. 1. (5.) See T., w. University of London. Statement of facts as to charter. [1835.) fol. 1852, d. 1. (6**) Second statement by the Council, etc. pp. 168. London, 1828. 89. * T. 2414. (3.) Observations on the probable failure of the London University; and thoughts on the present system of Second edition. pp. 177. London, 1828. 8º. education at Cambridge. By a Member of the Uni- 8364. de. 15. versity, London, 1825. 8º. 8364. bb. 16. 591 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 592 732. g. 732. g. 732. g. LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON (CONTINUED). University College.—Law Society of the University of University of London. London. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts...1841. Laws of the Law Society of the University of London. London, 1841. 8º. 732. g. MS. NOTES. London, 1833. 8º. 6005. b. Examination for the degree of Master of Arts...1841. Literary and Philosophical Society. London, 1841. 8º. 732. g. Essays read before the Literary and Philosophical Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws...1841. Society of University College, London. Session 1863-4. London, 1841. 8º. 732. g. London, 1865. 8º. Ac. 1330. Examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine... 1841. London, 1841. 8º. 732. g. University of London. Examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine... The London University Calendar, 1844, etc. 1841. London, 1841. 8o. London, 1844, etc. 120. P.P. 2506. aa. & 2121. b. In progress. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts...1842. P.P. 2506. aa. London, 1842. 8º. [Another copy.] Examination for the degree of Master of Arts...1842. University of London. General Register [of Graduates London, 1842. 8º. 732. g. and Undergraduates). April 1st, 1860 (1865, etc.). [London, 1860, etc.] fol. 8365. g. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws...1842. 'In progress. London, 1842. 8º. University of London. Minutes of the Senate for the Examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine... year 1854(-77). [London, 1855-78.] 8º. 1842. London, 1842. gº. 732. g. 8366. h. Examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine... Matriculation Examination. 1838. [London, 1838.] fol. 1842. London, 1842. 80. 732. g. 732. 1. 25. Examination for Matriculation...1843. [Another edition.] Matriculation, 1838. London, 1843. 8º. 732. g. 732. g. 14. (2.) (London, 1838.] 8º. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts...1843. Regulations ...on the subject of examinations for London, 1843. 8º. 732. g. degrees in Arts. [London, 1838.] 8º. T. 2414. (9.) Examination for the degree of Master of Arts...1843. Regulations...on the subject of degrees in Laws. London, 1843. 8º. 732. g. London, [1838 ?] 8º. T. 2414. (11.) Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws...1843 Examination for Matriculation...1839. London, 1843. 8º. 732. g. London, 1839. 8º. T. 2433. (3.) Examination for the degree of Doctor of Laws...1843. Regulations ... on the subject of examinations for London, 1843. 8°. 732. g. degrees in Arts. [London, 1839.] 8º. Examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine... 732. g. 14. (1.) 1843. London, 1843. 80. 732. g. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts...1839. Examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine... London, 1839. 80. T. 2433. (4.) 1843. London, 1843. 8º. 732. g. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws...1839. University of London. The Senate. Unconfirmed London, 1839. 8º. T. 2433. (5.) Minutes, March 10th 1847. [Containing the official Regulations of the University of London on the subject replies from the various Collegiate Bodies in connexion with the London University, in reference to the resolu- of examinations for degrees in Medicine. [London, 1839.] 8º. tions proposed by Dr. Jerrard for the introduction of T. 2414. (15.) Hebrew and the text of the Greek New Testament into Examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine... the Examination for the B. A. degree.], 1839. London, 1839. 80. T. 2433. (1.) London, 1847. 8º. 1890. b. 3. (25.) Examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine... Catalogue of the Library of the University of London. 1839. London, 1839. 8o. T. 2433. (2.) | Including the classical and mathematical works collected by... G. Grote, Esq., and... Professor A. De Morgan... ...zamination for Matriculation....1840. Compiled by T. Nichols, etc. London, 1873. fol. London, 1840. 8º. T. 2433. (9.) 1888. c. 1. This is the first proof of the Catalogue published in 1876. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts...1840. London, 1840. 8º. T. 2433. (10.) Catalogue of the Library of the University of London, including the Libraries of G. Grote and A. De Morgan Examination for the degree of Master of Arts...1840. (mainly compiled by T. Nichols). London, 1876. 80. London, 1840. 8º. T. 2433. (11.) 11902. dd. 2. Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Laws...1840. Metropolitan University. Remarks on the ministerial London, 1840. 8º. T. 2433. (12.) plan of a central university examining board. [By E. Edwards.] London, 1836. 8º. T. 2091. (6.) First examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine...1840. London, 1840. 8°. T. 2433. (6.) University of London. 1. Analysis of the Code Univer- sitaire of France. 2. Analysis of the statutes of the Second examination for the degree of Bachelor of University of Bonn (by W. P. Robertson). 3. Analysis Medicine...1840. London, 1840.8º. T. 2433. (7.) | and abstract, with reference to the University of Göt- Examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine... tingen, of the laws for students, and of the regulations relating to faculties. (By J. Berridge. Resolutions of 1840. London, 1840. 80. T. 2433. (8.) the Senate of the University of London with reference Examination for Matriculation...1841. to the Analysis of reports received from foreign Univer- London, 1841. 8º. sities.) 3 pt. [London, 1840 ?] 8º. . 731. h. 34. 732. g. 593 ACADEMIES. (LONDON.] 594 1 LONDON [CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). University of London. West London Scientific Association and Field Club. A Key to the Course of Mathematics for the University Annual Report...for 1875-6, with list of members, etc. of London; containing the solutions, or hints for the pp. 28. Clanricarde College Class Rooms : London, 1876. solution, of all the important questions [by T. Kimber). Ac. 3027/2. New edition. London, 1864. 8º. 8530. cc. The London Student's Manual: a Guide to Matriculation Wiltshire Topographical Society. and Graduation at the University of London. By a Laws and Regulations adopted at a General Meeting... Tutor and Fellow of his College, and a Graduate . . . of June 13, 1870...Officers of the Society for the year the University. London, Edinburgh (printed], 1868. 89. 1840–1... Members. [Devizes? 1840 ?] 8. sh. 4º. 8364. a. 16. 741. k. (32.) See G., J. First B. A. Examination : University of Lon AUBREY (JOHN) The Natural History of Wiltshire, by don. A handbook, etc. [1878.] 8º. 8364. aaa. 4. J. Aubrey... Edited and elucidated by notes, by J. Britton. London, 1847. 4º. 10368. h. 2. London University Matriculation Examination. Che- mistry papers...answered in full. By G. N. Stoker... BRITTON (JOHN) Memoir of John Aubrey, embracing his and E. G. Hooper. pp. 66. [1882.] See STEWART (w.) auto-biographical sketches, a brief review of his personal Publisher. Stewart's Educational Series. and literary merits, and an account of his works; with [1876, etc.] 8º. 12200. cc. extracts from his correspondence, etc. London, 1845. 4º. 739. k. London University Matriculation papers in English, for twelve years. Worked out in full as models. By... BRITTON (JOHN) The Wiltshire Archæological and Na- G. B. Cox. pp. 256. (1882.] See STEWART (w.) Pub tural History Institute. An address from J. Britton... lisher. Stewart's Educational Series. [1876, etc.] 8º. at the Congress of the Archæological Instituto at Salis- 12200. CC. bury, in July 1849. [London, 1849.] 8º. 1414. i. 1. (15.) London University Matriculation papers in Natural Philosophy for twelve years. Worked out in full as JACKSON (JOHN EDWARD) The history of the Parish of models. By E: P. Toy. pp. 189. [1882.] See STEWART Grittleton, in the County of Wilts, by J. E. J. With an (w.) Publisher. Stewart's Educational Series. introductory essay on... topographical literature, the [1876, etc.] 80. 12200. cc. sources, objects, and uses of national and local records, etc. by J. Britton. London, 1843. 4º. Ac. 5741. Matriculation. Latin Grammar and Composition for London University. Containing...the questions pro- posed...since the foundation of the University, etc. Wycliffe Society. (1882.] See STEWART (w.) Publisher. Stewart's Éduca Begin. The Wycliffe Society. [Prospectus.] tional Series. [1876, etc.] 8º. 12200. cc. London, 1843. 8º. 1890. b. 3. (27.) 8º. Uranian Society. CLARKSON (DAVID) Select Works of ...D. Clarkson. ... [A list of subjects proposed for discussion on the first Edited by ... B. H. Cooper. ... With historical notices Tuesday in each month during the present session, of the life and writings of the author, by ...J. Black- August 6th, 1839_March 23d, 1840.) burn. pp. xliv. 500. London, 1846. 8º. Ac. 2071/2. [London, 1839.] 8. sh. 4º. 8705. f. (16.) WICLIF (JOHN) J. Wiclif's Polemical Works in Latin, for Warton Club. the first time edited from the manuscripts, with critical The history of Fulk Fitz Warine, an outlawed Baron in and historical notes by R. Buddensieg. English edition. the Reign of King John. Edited from a manuscript 2 vol. Trübner & Co.: London, Leipzic (printed], 1883. preserved in the British Museum, with an English trans- Ac. 2071. lation and...notes, by T. Wright. London, 1855. 8º. AC. 8119. Wykeham Brotherhood for promoting the study of Early English Miscellanies, in prose and verse, selected Ecclesiastical Arts. from an inedited manuscript [i.e. the “Porkington A short address to Altar Societies, by the Wykeham Bro- Manuscript,"] of the fifteenth century. Edited by J. O. therhood. [With a second address on the objects of the Halliwell. London, 1855. 8º. Ac. 8119. (2.) Institution; and a list of the Officers, etc. subjoined.] 2 pt. London, 1846. 16º. 4107. a. 2. Latin themes of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Pub- Each pt, is separately paged. lished, for the first time, from the original manuscript in her own handwriting... Edited by A. de Montaiglon. London, 1855. 8º. Ac. 8119. (3.) Zoological Society. Songs and Carols from a manuscript in the British Proceedings of the committee of science and correspond- Museum of the fifteenth century. Edited by T. Wright. ence. 1830–32. 2 pt. [London, 1831, 32.] 8º. London, 1856. 8º. Ac. 8119. (4.) Ac. 3585/6. Proceedings. [London, 1833, etc.] 8º. 2029. c, d. Wernerian Club. In progress. The Wernerian Club. [Statement of the object of the Transactions. London, 1835, etc. 4º. Ac. 3585. Club and by-laws.] [London, 1845.] s. sh. 8º. In progress. 1890. b. 3. (26.*) The Wernerian Club Report. October, 1845. Reports of the Council and Auditors, etc. London, 1832, etc. 8º. London, 1845.] 8. sh. 8°. 1890. b. 3. (26.) Ac. 3585/3. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting report for 1834. West London Scientific Association and Field Club. List of the Members . . . 1835. (A List of the Fellows Proceedings, etc. (Inaugural address by...G. Henslow.) and honorary, foreign and corresponding members ... London, 1875, etc. . 8º. Ac. 3027. 1839, etc.) London, 1835, etc. 8º. Ac. 3585/4. In progress. In progress. 595 ACADEMIES. [LONDON.] 596 LONDON (CONTINUED). LONDON [CONTINUED). Zoological Society. Zoological Society. Guide to the gardens of the Zoological Society. March Statement by the President and certain members of the 1829 (drawn up by Mr. Vigors and Mr. Broderip). Council of the Zoological Society, in reply to observa- London, 1829.8º. T. 1606. (10.) tions and charges made by Colonel Sykes and others at the general meeting of the Society, on the 29th of April Catalogue of the animals preserved in the Museum ... last, etc. London, 1835. 8º. 7205. cc. September 1829. London, 1829. 8º. T. 1606. (9.) The Charter. By-Laws and Regulations. June 1834. Bye-Laws proposed by the Council (as amended) for the London, 1839. 80. Ac. 3585/5. government of the Zoological Society, etc. London, 1830. 8º. Ac. 3585/5. Hand-book for Visitors. With more than fifty illus- trations. pp. 114. R. Lyas : London, 1838. 8º. The gardens and menagerie of the Zoological Society 727. b. 8. delineated (being descriptions and figures in illustra Plan of the Gardens of the Zoological Society in the tion of the natural history of the living animals in the Regent's Park. London, 1851. 8. sh. 4º. Society's collection). [Edited by E. T. Bennett.] 2 7005. c. vol. ON INDIA PAPER. Chiswick, 1830-31. 8º. 444. d. 8-9. The Zoological Gardens : a description of the gardens and menageries of the Royal Zoological Society. pp. 32. [Another copy.] 2 vol. ON INDIA PAPER. H. G. Clarke and Co.: London, 1852. 8°. 7205. C. Chiswick, 1831. 8º. 444. d. 7. A duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage to vol. 1, [Another edition.] pp. 32. H. G. Clarke & Co. : dated 1831. London, (1853.1 12°. 7205. a. Popular Zoology, comprising memoirs and anecdotes of [Another edition.] pp. 64. H. G. Clarke & Co. : the quadrupeds, birds and reptiles, in the Zoological London, [1853.] 16º. 7205. a. Society's Menagerie, with figures. (To which is pre- A visit to the Zoological Gardens; or, something about fixed a descriptive walk round the gardens, etc.) animals. Dean & Sons : London, [1876.] 8º. London, 1832. 12º. 976. d. 17. 12809. g. 21. List of the animals in the gardens of the Zoological Uncle's Visit to the Zoological Gardens. [With illus- Society, with notices respecting them; and a plan of trations.] pp. 15. A. Hillman : Chepstow, [1881.] 8º. the Gardens. . . Eleventh publication. 12804. dd. London, 1833. 8º. T. 1606. (11.) Part of “ Hillman's Little Folk's Penny Library." ACADEMIES, ETC. P A Ꭱ Ꭲ Ꮩ . LONGTON, North Staffordshire. Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Transactions, etc. Longton, [1874, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3233. In progress. LONS-LE-SAUNIER. Société d'Émulation du Jura. Travaux de la Société, etc. Année 1863–65. Lons-le-Saunier, 1864, 65. 8º. [Continued as:] Mémoires de la Société, etc. Année 1866, etc. Lons-le-Saunier, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 360. In progress. LOUVAIN. Academia Lovaniensis. Condemnatio doctrinalis libroß Martini Lutheri, per quosdā Magistros nostros Lovanien, et Colonien, facta. Resposio Lutheriana ad eandem condemnationem. 1520. 4º. 697. h. 26. Without pagination. Sig. a-d. Artickel der Doctorn von Louen, zu welchen W. von Zwollen, Konigs Christiernen Forirer, Christlich hat yeantwort...darauff er zu Mechelen yio Niderlande ver- brand ist. Anno MUXXIX. des xx, tays Octobris. Mit einer Vorrede J. Bugenhagen Pomern. Wittemberg, 1530. 4°. 1226. a. Articuli orthodoxam religionem, sanctam fidem nos- tram respicientes. A sacræ theologiæ Professoribus Lo- vaniensis Universitatis æditi, per Sacratissimam Cesaream Maiestatem meritò confirmati, etc. [Louvain,] 1545. fol. 4650. f. (11.) Another edition.] Romæ, 1545. 8º. 672. a. 29. (3). Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and the leaf containing the Confirmation. LOUVAIŅ [CONTINUED). Academia Lovaniensis. Zwen und dreissig Artickel, die allgemeinen Religion und glauben belangend, von den Theologen der hohē Schul zu Löven, gantz neulich aussgangen. [Published in the name of Charles v.] [Wittemberg?] 1545. 4º. 1315. C. (24.) Another edition.] Haupt Artickel unsere rechte Re- ligion und waren Christlichen glauben belangent Durch die lerer der hohen Schul, zu Leven inn Brabant auss- gangen, Unnd durch Käy. Maie. bestetigt, etc. [Augsburg ?] 1545. 4º. 3906. d. (7.) See LUTH. (MART.) Wider die XXXII. Artikel der Theologisten zu Löwen, etc. 1545. 4º. 1315. C. 4. (25.) See STRASBURG, Preachers. Der newe glaub, von den Doctoren zů Löven... Mit Christlicher warnung dagegen durch die prediger zů Strassburg. 1545. 4º. 1315. с. (26.) Responsa Juris. 1. De duobus diversis sententiæ defini- tivæ capitibus, per cupulam Et, significatis. 2. De proba- tione bonorum per actores designatorum. 3. De trans- actione Colonieusi inter Landtgravios 4. De comitatu Catzenelnpogen sub investitura Cæsarea comprehenso. Per excelleniissimos professores, Lovanienses, Fribur- genses, Thubingenses, Ingolstadienses, Colonienses, Heydelbergenses, & Lipsenses. (Augsburg ? 1549?) 4º. 1245. a. (21.) See supra : INGOLSTADT- Academia Ingolstadiensis. Re sponsum Juris. 1. De bona fide Landtgravij. 2. De parte Mechtildis præscriptæ. Per Jureconsultos Ingol- stadienses & Luvanienses solenniter confirmatum (1551?] 4º. 1245. a. I. (27.) 59.9 ACADEMIES. [LOUVAINIVAIN600 . ] .LOUVAIN [CONTINUED). LOUVAIN (CONTINUED). Academia Lovaniensis. Academia Lovaniensis. See Socinus (M.) Confirmatio Juris ad Responsa Lova Privilegia nominationum Lovaniensium primum a Sixto niensium in Causa Mechtildis, etc. [1551 ?7 4º. IV. Summo Pontifice, deinde ab illius successoribus... 1245. a. 1. (32.) | accedentibus placetis Principum Belgii...concessa... una cum multis aliis ad hanc materiam spectantibus. Catalogi librorum reprobatorum et prælegendorum ex Leodij, 1665. 4º. 731. e. 5. (20.) judicio Academiæ Lovaniensis. Lovanii, 1550. 4°. 698. h. 3. (5.) Oordeel van de Doctoren inde H. Godtheit der Univer- siteyt van Loven raeckende de Nootsaekelijcheyt vande Les Catalogues des livres reprouvez, et de ceulx que lon liefde tot het waerachtigh berauw der sonden : bersocht pourra enseigner par ladvis de Luniversité de Louvain. end everkreghen door de eerweerdigho Heeren Pastoor's Avec ledict & mandement de la Majeste Imperiale (donne der Stede van Ghendt: met eeen cort verhael van't ...Augspurgh 25 Sep. 1550). 2 pt. gheno dien-aengaende t’sedert eenighe jaeren geschiet is. Louvain, 1550. 4º. 618. b. 43. Ghendt, 1669. 80. 699. b. 27. (3.) The Edict is identical with that which in other editions is dated from Brussels, 29 Ap. 1550. Deduction sommaire des raisons qu'a l'Université de Louvain de s'opposer à l'établissement des Jésuites dans Die erzelung und Register der verbotenen Bücher, Item, le seminaire de Liège, avec les pièces originales. der guten Bücher, etc. See GERMANY, Empire of. [Louvain? 1696?] 4º. 4785. g. (1.) Charles V., Emperor. Ordenung... vernewert im April Anno 1550, etc." [1550?] 4º. 697. c. 10. (1.) Dissertatio juris pro Academia Lovaniensi contra patres Societatis Jesu uti occupantes regimen Seminarii Leo- Cataloghe ende Intitulatie vanden quaden verboden diensis. [Louvain? 1696?] 4º. 4785. g. (2.) buecken, ende van andere guede, die men den jongen L'estat present de la Faculté de Tbéologie de Louvain ; scholieren leeren mach, na advys der Universiteyt van où l'on traite de la conduite de quelques uns de ses Théo- Loeven. Loven, 1568. 4º. 11902. b. logiens, & de leurs sentiment contre la Souveraineté & la Commentaria, in Isagogen Porphyrii et in omnes libros Svreté des Rois, & contre les IV. Articles du Clergé de Aristotelis de dialectica, olim .. consilio et ..sumptibus France, En trois lettres. Avec plusieurs pièces curieuses facultatis artium in .. Academia Lovaniensi, per .. peri- sur ces Matières. (Pièces servant de preuves, etc.) tissimos viros composita. Jam .. tertio .. recognita, Trevoux, 1701. 8º. 850. e. 14. emendata, . . & ad Argyropoli ac Boetij versiones .. ac Kort Vertoog ofte adstructie van het regt van Nomi- commodata. Lovanii, 1568. fol. 519. i. 13. natie het welke die Universiteyt van Loven, ende parti- culierlijck de Philosophische Faculteyt aldaer, toebehoort See ROME, Church of.—Paul 111., Pope. Bulles de N. S. tot de Geestelijcke Beneficien ende Officien in verscheyde Paul 111., Pie iv. et Grégoire xIII... Raisons de l'Univer- Bisdommen van Nederlant, etc. [Louvain, 1710?] fol. sité de Louvain...et aultres actes, touchant l'origine et 105. e. 8. (7.) progrés des Jésuites. [1624.] 8°. 4091. b. (3.) Deductio summaria rationum, ob quas Academici Lova- Censuræ facultatum sacræ Theologiæ Lovaniensis ac nienses non sunt cogendi, seminaria episcopalia, prius- Duacensis super quibusdam articulis de sacra Scriptura quam ordinentur, inhabitare. [Louvain? 1750.7 40. gratia et prædestinatione anno D. 1586. Lovanii scripto 107. b. 57. traditis. Purisiis, 1641. 44. 1125. g. 9. (2.) [A collection of theological theses, ranging between the Editio secunda. Parisiis, 1683. 8º. 1159. f. 15. (2.) years 1754 and 1771.] Lovanii, 1754-71. fol. 1896. a. 7. Editio nova aucta multis monimentis huc pertinentibus Jura et privilegia ejusque Academiæ Lovaniensis insti- [by M. Steyaert]. 2 pt. Parisiis, 1724. 8º. tutum. Argentorati, 1787. 8º. 107. c. 55. 4255. a. Remonstrance de l'Université de Louvain..., concernant See DUPLESSIS D'ARGENTRÉ (C.) Bishop of Tulles. Collectio l'établissement d'un Séminaire Général. judiciorum de novis erroribus. Qui ab initio duodecimi [Louvain, 1787.] 8º. 8355. b. 34. (4.) seculi... usque ad annum 1632, in ecclesia proscripti sunt et notati censoria etiam judicia...academiarum, Recueil de quelques mémoires curieux et intéressans pré- inter alias... Lovaniensis et Duacensis, etc. 1728, etc. sentés au gouvernement-général des Pays Bas, par l'Université de Louvain, en 1749, 1758 & 1784, concer- fol. 13. e. 4. nant les Séminaires Episcopaux, l'autorité du Souverain Censure de la faculté de théologie de Louvain sur quel- en matière de discipline ecclésiastique, etc. 1788. 8º. ques points de l'Écriture Sainte, de la grace et de la pré- 3925. C. (1.) destination enseignés à Louvain en l'année 1586 par Lessius et Hamelius Jésuites, 9 Sept. 1587. Justification Avis au public de la part de l'Université de Louvain : ou defense de la censure 17 Aout 1588. See JESUITS. [Stating that the publication of a work entitled “ Recueil Annales de la Société des soi-disans Jésuites, etc. tom. I. de quelques mémoires ... présentés au gouvernement général des Pays Bas par l'Université de Louvain, etc." 486. i. 11. 1764, etc. 4º. was not authorised by the University.] Le renard pris dans la personne de Ripalda, Jésuite, ou [Louvain,] 1788. 120. 107. d. 9. apologie des docteurs de la faculté de Theologie de Lou- [Another copy.] vain et des défenseurs de la doctrine de S. Augustin, sur 3925. c. (15.) les mystères de la grace et de la prédestination....contre Réflexions qui serviront à la réfutation du plan du Sémi- le libelle calomnieux et infamant que Ripalda avoit naire Général qui se trouve dans la brochure “Ex ore tuo composé et publié contre eux. See JESUITS. Annales de te judico" [entitled “Recueil de quelques mémoires la Société des soi-disans Jésuites, etc. Tom. 4. curieux, etc.”] malicieusement attribué à l'Université de 1764, etc. 4º. 486. i. 14. Louvain. [1788.] . 8º. 3925. C. (16.) Justificatio seu defensio censuræ Facultatis S. Theologiæ Lettre concernant l'Université de Louvain. 1788. 8º. Academiæ Lovaniensis, contra assertiones quasdam Pro- 3925. c. (13.) fessorum ibidem. Societ: nominis Jesu, de Scriptura Réflexions sur la requête ou mémoire presenté à l'As- sacra prædestinatione et gratia Christi. semblée générale des États de Brabant, par les Députés Parisiis, 1641. 4º. 1125. g. 9. (3.) de l'Université de Louvain, le 24 Mai 1787. [Another edition.] Parisiis, 1683. 8º. [Louvain,] 1788. 8º. 107. d. 27. 1159. f. 15. (3.). [Another copy.] 3925. e. (17.) 601 - ACADEMIES. [LOUVAIN.] 602 ates portes, etc. 9355. a Uni LOUVAIN [CONTINUED). LOUVAIN (CONTINUED). Academia Lovaniensis. Academia Lovaniensis. Begin. A son Eminence Monseigneur le Cardinal Arche Annuaire de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, etc. vêque de Malines. [An address signed “ Les Théolo Louvain, [1838, etc.] 12º. Ac. 2646. giens de l'Université de Louvain," stating their determi- In progress. nation not to co-operate in the establishment of the See ANDREAS (v.) Fasti Academici Studii generalis Lo- general seminary, etc.] Louvain, 1788. 12º. 108. a. 7. (2.) vaniensis, etc. 1635. 4º. 731. g. 3. Berigt aen het publiek van wegens de Heeren Theolo- 1650. 40. 125. k. 20. ganten der Universiteyt van Loven. [Louvain? 1788.] 12º. 3925. C. (12.) See RAM (P. F. X. DE) Analectes pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Louvain, etc. 1838, etc. 12º. Points que l'Université de Louvain a établis en diffé- 8355. aa. rentes lettres et réprésentations, soit aux États de Academia Lovaniensis.-Société littéraire de l'Uni- Brabant, soit au Gouvernement (on the constitution of versité Catholique de Louvain. the University). (Louvain ? 1788 ?] 12º. : Société littéraire de l'Université Catholique de Louvain. 108. a. 7. (18.) Choix de Mémoires. 6 tom. Louvain, 1848–53. 8º. [Another copy.] 3925. C. (14.) Ac. 2646/2. Requête des membres exilés de l'Université de Louvain, Genootschap “Met Tyd en Vlyt." presentée à Messeigneurs les Etats du Païs et Duché de See infra : Tael en Letterlievend Genootschap, etc. Brabant. [Louvain ? 1788.] 8º. 107. d. 25. Lovensche Rederykkamer: “Het Kerssouwken." [Another copy.] 8355. h. 34. (19.) Bekroonde Heldendichten en Zedenverhalen van den Copie d'une Lettre envoiée par un Membre de l'Uni- Letterkundigen Kampstryd uitgeschreven in 1852 door versité Tof Louvain] à Monsieur...[stating the grounds de Lovensche Rederykkamer. Brussel, Loven, 1855. 8º. upon which the writer felt himself under an obligation 11556. h. to defend the rights and privileges of the University; Tael- en Letterlievend Genootschap: “Met Tyd en dated “ Louvain, ce 24 Mars 1728.” With an appendix Vlyt." of documents]. [1788.] 8º. 3925. C. (10.) Jaarfeest... plegtig gevierd op 23 October 1842. Leuven, 1842. 8º. 11556. g. Mémoire pour l'Université de Louvain, présenté à son Excellencē le Ministre Plénipotentiaire le 18 Janvier, 1 Lettervruchten van het Leuvensch Genootschap Tijd on 1788. Signed “Le Recteur et autres de l'Université de Vlijt 1 Dichtstukken. (2 Prozastukken.) 2 pt. Louvain.” With an appendix of documents.] Antwerpen, 1845-47. 8º. 12258. g. Louvain,] 1788. 8º. 8355. b. 34. (13.) Algemeen Vlaamsch Idioticon, uitgegeven door het Réfutation d'une Brochure qui a pour titre : Mémoire Taal- en Letterlievend Genootschap. Met Tijd en pour l'Université de Louvain du 18 Janvier 1788, etc. Vlijt,” bewerkt door L. W. Schuermans, ... met de (Louvain,] 1788. 8º. : 8355. b. 34. (14.) medehulp van P. Du Bois .... en J. Lambrechts, onder het toezicht van J. David. Leuven, 1865–70. 8º.. Relation fidèle et détaillée de ce qui s'est passé à 12963. h. 7. Louvain relativement à l'Université le 6 le 15 et le 19 Universitas Lovaniensis. fevrier 1788. [Louvain, 1788.] 8º. 107. d. 22. See supra: Academia Lovaniensis. Recherches historiques sur l'érection, constitution, droits | Université Catholique. & privilèges de l'Université de Louvain, relatives à See supra : Academia Lovaniensis. la contestation actuelle. Correspondance épistolaire. No. 3. (Brussels ?] 1788. 8º. 107. d. 21. Imperfect; being only the “ Troisième Lettre.” LOWELL. Examen de la réponse que firent les Professeurs de Old Residents' Historical Association. Louvain aux deux premières questions dogmatiques qui leur furent proposées par le Cardinal-Archévêque de Contributions of the... Association, etc. Malines (Count J. H. von Franckenberg und Schellen- Lowell, Mass., 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 8399. dorf], le 10 Mars 1789. (Onderzoek over het antwoord, In progress. etc.) Fr. and Dutch. 2 pts. [1789.] 89.. 8079. c. 10. (6.) LUBECK. Louvain, le 6 Avril 1789. Réponse que la Faculté de Théologie a faite à la Dépêche du Gouvernement [of Geographische Gesellschaft. the Netherlands), du 31 Mars, concernant les prétendus Mittheilungen. Lübeck, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 6058. aveux, relatif à des Livre soi-disant suspects. pp. 3-6. In progress. [1789.] 8º. : 8079. c. 10. (11.) V. (ed.) Verein für Hansische Geschichte. v Consultatio doctorum Lovaniensium pro Monasteriorum Hanserecesse [from 1431–1476). Herausgegeben vom redintegratione. Consultation des Docteurs de Louvain; Verein für Hansische Geschichte. In progress. sur le rétablissement des monastères supprimés. Lat. See infra: MUNICH.-Königliche · Akademie der Wissen- and Fr. Bruxelles, 1790. 8º. 107. e. 30. schaften. Hanserecesse, etc. Abth. 2. 18:90, etc. 40. Annales. 1817–23, 24–26. vol. 1-6, 8, 9. Ac. 713/19. Bruxellis, Lovanii, 1821–27. 4º. Ac. 991. Hansische Geschichtsblätter. Leipzig, 1872, etc. 80. Mémoire sur le project de loi relatif à l'instruction In progress. Ac. 7079. publique, adressé aux membres du pouvoir législatif par Beiträge zur Nordischen Alterthumskunde. Heft 1. le Sénat académique de l'Université de Louvain ; pré Opfer und Grabalterthümer zu Waldhausen. cédé de celui que le Collége des curateurs ... à présenté Lübeck, 1844. 4º.. Ac. 7078/4. au roi, août 1834. Louvain, [1835.] fol. 732. 1. 8. No more published. 603 ACADEMIES. [LÜBECK—LUND.] 604 LUBECK (CONTINUED). LUND. Verein für Lübeckische Geschichte. Förening för Skånes Fornminnen och Historia." ; Codex Diplomaticus Lubecensis. Lübeckisches Urkun- Sammlingar till Skånes historia, fornkunskap och be- gegeben von dem Vereine für Lubeckische Geschichte.). M. Weibull...1868–69, etc. Lund, 1869, etc. 8º.. Lubeck, 1843, etc. 4º.. 1315. i. In progress. Ac. 7791/2. In progress. There is a second titlepage which reads : “ Urkundenbuch der Stadt Lübeck.” Föreningen för Smålands Minnen. Gubben Udds Krigsbedriften under den stora ofreden Siegel des Mittelalters aus den Archiven der Stadt 1808–9. Utgifwen af Föreningen ... Andra upplagan. Lübeck. 10 Hefte. Lübeck, 1856–79. 4º. 7708. e. 2. Lund, 1863. 80 12330. cc. 46. (5.) Zeitschrift des Vereins, etc. Lübeck, 1860 [1855.] 8º. Kongliga Academi. See infra: Regia Academia Carolina. In progress. 'AC. 7078. Kongliga Universitet. Verein für Lübeckische Statistik. See infra : Regia Academia Carolina. Verzeichniss der Arbeiten des Vereins für Lübeckische Statistik. [A collection of transactions, 1840–51.] Regia Academia Carolina. Lübeck, (1841-51.] 4º. Ac. 2435. Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Lunds Universitets Års- There is no general titlepage, but some of the transactions -skrift. Lund, 1865, etc. 4º. Ac. 1067. have a special titlepage, as well as a distinct pagination. In progress. Ad celebranda sollemnia quibus. Dr. C. J.. Hill novum LUCCA. clementissime sibi demandatum munus more majorum auspicaturus est, magnos literarum patronos .i. invitat Academia Napoleone, afterwards Reale Academia Regiæ Academiæ Caroliuæ Rector E. S. Bring. Londini Gothorum, 1831. fol. 8531. f. (1.) Memorie e Documenti per servire all' Istoria del Princi Sorgefest i anledning af ... Carl xiv. Johans död, firad pato Lucchese. Lucca, 1813, etc. 4º. 574. 1. 18. af Kong. Universitetet i Lund, den 9, 10 och 11 Maj, In progress. Incomplete; wanting pt. 1 of tom 5, and etc. Lund, 1844. · 4º. 11408. h. the whole of tom 6. According to a notice prefixed to pt. 2 Reglemente för Student-Examen vid Universiteterna i of tom. 5, the first pt. of that tom. had not then been printed. Lund och Upsala. Lund, 1855. 4º. Tom. 3-4 are each in 2 pt., separately paged. 8309. g. 8. In some of the tom. the work is entitled : “Istoria della città e stato, etc." Stadgar för den vid Lunds Kongl. Universitet stu- and " Istoria del Ducato di Lucca." derande Kalmare Nation. Lund, 1855. 8°. 8355. b. 23. Atti. Lucca, 1821, etc. 8º.. Ac. 58. Stadgar för den vid Lunds Universitet studerande In progress. Wermländska Nationen. Lund, 1855. 8º. Atti della Reale Accademia Lucchese in morte del 8355. bb. Marchese C. Lucchesini. (Nella morte del Marchese Stadgar för studerande Småländska Nationen vid Kongl. C. Lucchesini Orazione dell' avvocato L. Fornacciari, Academien i Lund, antagna år 1855. Lund, 1856. 80. etc.) Lucca, 1832. 4º. 898. b. 1. (4.) 8355. b. Lunds Universitets - Bibliotheks Accessions - Katalog. Reale Accademia dei Filomati. . 1856, etc. Lund, 1857, etc. 8º. 11900. b. Al Serenissimo ... Principe ... Don Carlo Lodovico di In progress. Borbone... Duca di Lucca...l'Accademia dei Filomati Mindeblade om det femte Nordiske Studentermöde i reunita solennemente, plaudendo al faustissimo suo Lund og Kjöbenhavn Juni 1862. Kjøbenhavn, 1862. 4º. ritorno. [Pieces in prose and verse.] Lucca, 1833. 8º. Ac. 1066. 899. d. 13. (5.) Bidrag till det Carolinska tidehvarfvets vittra literatur. Atti della Reale Accademia dei Filomati in morte di Ur Lunds Universitets Handskriftsamling. I. Sänger L. Papi, etc. (Elogio di L. Papi detto dal prof. G. Gian af en svensk fånge i Simbirsk, utgifņa af M. Weibull. nelli, etc.) Lucca, 1835. 8º. 898. e. 7. (1.) II. Svenska vitterhetsarbeten af A. Pydelius, utgifna af F. Braune, 2 pt. Lund, 1868. 8º. 11824. g. Atti ... degli anni 1844–45, etc. [With dedication by Each part has a separate titlepage and pagination. A. Mazzarosa.] Lucca, 1845. 8º. 4867. bb. (2.) Sällskap för utarbetande af Skånes Historia och Reale Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Beskrifning. See supra : Accademia Napoleone, etc. Skånes Historia och Beskrifning. 8355. dd. Reale Istituto di Belle Arti. Skåvska Skolvasendets Historia. Utarbetad i synnerhet Relazione storica sul R. Istituto di Belle Arii in Lucca, efter otryckta Källor, af J. E. Rietz. pp. 655. etc. Lucca, 1872. 89. 7806. df. 1. Lund, 1848. 8°. Skånes Konst historia för Medeltiden. Af C. G. Brunius. Società d' incorraggiamento per le Arti, i Mestieri e pp. vi. 704. Lund, 1850. 8º. l'Agricoltura. Elenco dei Signori Soci, etc. Anno 1841–42. Skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska [Lucca, 1842.] 8º. förening. 898. d. 2. (12.) Boksamling, utgifven af de skånska landskapens his- Processo 'verbale della estrazione che ha avuto luogo oggi toriska och arkeologiska förening. Lund, 1874, etc. 8º. 24 Settembre 1842, etc. (Lucca, 1842.] fol. In progress. Ac. 7791/3. 898. d. 2. (11.) Samlingar, uitgifna för de skånska landskapens historiska Processo verbale della estrazione che ha avuto luogo och arkeologiska förening af M. Weibull. oggi 26 Settembre 1843. [Lucca, 1843.] 8º. Lund, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 7791. 899. e. 8. (8.) In progress. Regolamento per le Scuole Tecniche della Società, etc. Universitet. Lucca, 1846. 8º. 899. e. 8. (3.). See supra : Regia Academia Carolina. 605 ACADEMIES. : (LUNEBERG-LYONS.] 606 LUNEBERG. LYONS. Historischer Verein für Niedersachsen. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts.., ... Vaterländisches Archiv des historischen Vereins für Mémoires couronnés ... par l'Académie des Sciences, Niedersachsen. Herausgegeben von v. Spilcker und Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon, sur l'utilité des Lichens, Broennenberg. (Jahrg. 1838, Heft 2-Jabrg. 1840. dans la médecine et dans les arts; par ... G. F. Hoff- Herausgegeben von A. Broennenberg. Jahrg. 1841-44. mann, ... Amoreux fils, ... et Willemet, etc. (Extrait Herausgegeben von A. Broennenberg, W. Havemann, du compte rendu par le Directeur, J. E. Gilibert. und A. Schumann.) Jahrg. 1835–44. Planches coloriées, représentant les échantillons de Lüneburg, 1836–46. 8º. draps de laine, teints avec divers lichens, etc.) [Mé- . [Continued as :] . moire 1, 2, Fr. Mémoire 3, Lat.] 2 pt. Archiv der historischen Vereins für Niedersachsen. Lyon, 1787. 8º. B. 113. Neue Folge. Jahrg. 1845-49. Hannover, 1845–51. 8°. Each pt. has a separate titlepage, pagination and register. [Continued as :) . Zeitschrift der historischen Vereins für Niedersachsen. Mémoires. Section des Lettres et Arts. 2 tom. Jahrgang 1850, etc. Hannover, 1854, etc. 8º. Lyon, 1845, 47. 89: Ac. 7085. - Classe des Lettres. (Nouvelle Série.) Tom. 1, etc. In progress. The “ Vaterländisches Archiv des historischen Lyon, 1851, etc. 8º. Ac. 364. Vereins für Niedersachsen” is a continuation of a periodical In progress. entitled: Vaterländisches Archiv, oder Beiträge zur all- seitigen Kenntniss des Königreichs Hannover, etc.” Mémoires. Section des Sciences. 2 tom. Lyon, 1845, 47. 8º. Urkundenbuch des historischen Vereins für Niedersach - Classe des Sciences. (Nouvelle Série.) Tom. 1, etc. sen. Hannover, 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 7085/2. Lyon, 1851, etc. 8º. Ac. 364/2. In progress. : In progress. Kirchen und Kapellen im Königreiche Hannover, Nach Table des Matières contenues dans les Mémoires publiés richten über deren Stiftung ... und Alterthümer, de 1845 à 1881 ... par le Dr. Saint-Lager. pp. 74. zusammengestellt von H. W. H. Mithoff ... Heft 1.: Lyon, 1882. 8º. • Ac. 364*. Gotteshäuser im Fürstenthume Hildesheim. Hannover, 1865. 4º. 4660. f. Comptes-rendus et extraits des procès-verbaux des In progress. séances de l'Académie. · Lyon, 1847. 8º. Ac. 364/2. (2.) Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Niedersach- Séance solennelle de rentrée des facultés de Théologie, sens. Hannover, 1883, etc. 8º. 9327. e. des Sciences, des Lettres, et de l'école préparatoire de In progress. médecine et de pharmacie de Lyon ... 1861. (De Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für das Fürstenthum l'influence du Mineur sur le progrès de la civilisation Lüneburg. d'après les données actuelles de l'archéologie et de la géologie ; par J. Fournet.) Lyon, 1861. 8º. Denkschriften ... Bd. 1. Monographie des Borazites, 8355. ee. 22. von G. H. 0. Volger. Hannover, 1855. 8º. 7107. d. Bulletin des Séances.. Lyon, 1865. gº. Ac. 364/3. Association Lyonnaise des Amis des Sciences LUXEMBURG. Naturelles. Compte rendu de l'année 1874, etc. Lyon, 1875, etc. 8º. Congres International des Américanistes. In progress. Ac. 2848. See supra : EUROPE, Collegium Medicorum Lugdunensium, Institut Royal Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg. Pharmacopoea Lugdunensis. 2 pt. Publications de la Section Historique de l'Institut, etc. Lugduni, 1628. 40. 547. i. 6. Luxembourg, 1868, etc. 4°. Ac. 5496/2. The titlepage is engraved. The date of the colophon is In progress. Pharmacopoea Lugdunensis reformata, etc. (Appendix de Chartes de la Famille de Reinach déposées aux Archives medicamentis chenicis.) Lugduni Gallorum, 1674. 4º. du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. 547. i. 14. Luxembourg, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 5937. In progress. Faculté des Lettres. Annuaire. Paris, Châteauroux (printed], 1883, etc. 8º. Société pour la recherche et la conservation des In progress. Ac. 8922. Monuments Historiques dans le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Publications de la Société, etc. Année 1–22. Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. Luxembourg, 1846–67. 4º. Ac. 5496. Lyon, 1872, etc. 4°. 1824, c. Année 23 forms vol. 1 of the publications of the Section In progress. Historique of the Institut Royal Grand-Ducal de Luxem- Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. Rapport ... sur bourg. les travaux exécutés en 1871 et 1872(-75, 80, 81) par Verein für Christliche Kunst im Apostolischen ... Dr. Lortet. Lyon, 1872–82. 89. 7004. df. Vikariate (afterwards Bisthum, afterwards Diocese) Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. Guide aux Luxemburg. collections de zoologie, géologie et minéralogie. Por Organ des Vereins für Christliche Kunst im Apostolischeu : A. Locard. Lyon, 1875. 8º. 7005. aaa. 3. Vikariate Luxemburg. Hft. 1-9. Jhrg. 1861-69. Luxemburg, 1862–70. 8º. Société Botanique. - II. Serie. Jhrg. 1, etc. Luxemburg, 1871, etc. 8º. Annales. Lyon, 1873, etc. 8º. In progress. P.P. 1898. bb. & 751. In progress. Ac. 3250. 1627. CS 607 · ACADEMIES, (LYONS–MACON.] 608 LYONS [CONTINUED). LYONS (CONTINUED). Société d'Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle et Arts Société Linnéenne de Lyon. utiles. DONNADIEU (A. L.) ' Recherches pour servir à l'histoire Compte rendu des travaux de la Société ... 1806-24. des tétranyques. Par A. L. Donnadieu. Avec atlas, etc. 17 vol. Lyon, 1807-24. 8º. Ac. 362. Lyon, 1875. 8º... : 7030. dd. 2. Mémoires ... 1825–34. 4 vol. Lyon, 1828–35. 8º. 362/2. Société Littéraire, Historique et Archéologique. Annales des sciences physiques et naturelles, d'agri- Publications ... 1858-60. Lyon, 1861. 80. culture et d'industrie. 1838-48. 11 tom. [Continued as :) Lyon, (1838–49.] 8º. Mémoires ... Année ... 1860-61 (61-62, etc.). Lyon, 1862, etc. 8º. AC. 53282. . Deuxième série. 1849-56. 8 tom.. . In progress. Lyon, [1850–56.] 8º. Le Centenaire de la Société ... 1778–1878. . pp. 229. Troisième série 1857–67. '11 tom. Lyon, 1880. 8º. Ac. 5328/3. Lyon, [1857–67.] 8º. Biographie Lyonnaise. Catalogue des Lyonnais dignes - Quatrième série. 1868–77. Lyon, 1869-78. 8º. de mémoire, rédigé par MM. Breghot du Lut et Pericaud - Cinquième série. 1878, etc. Lyon, 1879, etc. 8º. aîné, et publié par la Société littéraire de Lyon.. In progress. Ac. 362/3. Paris, Lyon (printed], 1839. 8º. 2036. f. Rapport. . .sur les établissemens formés par M. Poidebar [Another copy.] 1450. k. à St. Alban, au nom d'une commission par le Dr Terme. Cartulaire municipal de la ville de Lyon, priviléges, Lyon, 1823. 8º. Ac. 362. (2.) franchises, libertés et autres titres de la Commune. Notice sur Mr Deschamps... par le secrétaire (Grognier). Recueil formé au XIVe siècle par E. de Villeneuve, Lyon, 1824. 80. Ac. 362. (2.) publié d'après le manuscrit original, avec des documents inédits du xile. au xve. siècle, par M. C. Guigue. Rapport . . . par la commission composée de MM. St. Lyon, 1876. 4° 10173. g. 2. Didier, Trolliet, Pelletier, Gonin, et Gras; sur la pépinière départmentale du Rhone. Lyon, 1824. 8º. Polyptique de l'église collégiale de Saint-Paul de Lyon. Ac. 362. (4.) Dénombrement de ses tenanciers, possessions, cens et rentes, ... au treizième siécle, publié d'après le manu- Mémoire sur une éducation de vers à soie (en 1822) .. scrit original, avec des documents inédits, par M. C. par M. Bonafous. Lyon, 1823. 8º. Ac. 362. (3.) Guigue. Lyon, 1875. 4º. Ac. 5328. Société de Géographie. Registres consulaires de la Ville de Lyon, ou recueil des Bulletin. Lyon, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 6028. délibérations du Conseil de la Commune de 1416 à 1423, In progress. publiés d'après les procès-verbaux originaux par M. 0: De l'origine des anciens peuples du Mexique. Réponse Guigue. F. P. Lyon, 1882, etc. 4º. Ac. 5328/4. improvisée à la séance mensuelle de la Société de . In progress. · Géographie de Lyon, le 17 Décembre, 1874, par M. E. Société Médico-Chirurgicale des Hôpitaux de Lyon. Guimet. Lyon, 1875. 8º. Ac. 6028/2. Statistique des services de médecine des hôpitaux de Société de Médecine. Lyou, par le Dr. Mayet; ... avec le concours ... de M. Duchamp ... Première année. 1872. Rapport sur la Vaccine, fait au nom de la commission Lyon (printed], Paris, 1874. 8º. Ac. 3742. nommée par la Société de Médecine de Lyon. Lyon, 1801. 8º. 1175. g. 35. (2.) MACON [Another copy.] (0)| Académie de Mâcon. Société des Amis des Arts de Lyon. See infra: Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles Album Lyonnais. Vues pittoresqués de Lyon et ses Lettres, etc. environs, publiées par la Société des Amis des Arts de Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Belles Lettres. Lyon, dessinées et lithographiées par MM. Champin, See infra: Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles J. Coignet, etc. [Lyons,] 1839. fol. 1788. c. 14. Lettres, etc. Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres, afterwards Société des Archéologues et des Bibliophiles Lyon- Académie de Mâcon, etc. ; nais. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société ... 1821, 22, Société des Archéologues, etc. [List of members, in- 24-47. 10 vol. Mớcom, 182I-5L. 8. Ac. 366. stitution, organisation, etc.] Lyon, 1846. 8º. Ac. 5315. Imperfect; wanting the vol. for 1823. This Society is said to have never been constituted at all. Annales ... Rédigées et mises en ordre par L. Lenor- Only 50 copies printed. mand. (Tom. 1-3; par C. Pellorce, tom. 4-10; par A. Arcelin, tom. 11-15.) 15 tom. Société d'Études Scientifiques. Mẫcom, I85 I-77: 89. Bulletin, etc. Lyon, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 2849. - Série 2. Tom. 1, etc. Mâcon, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. • In progress. Ac. 366/3. Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Rapport fait à la Société ... 6 Sept. 1827 au nom de la Règlement de la Société. Lyon, 1832. 8º. Ac. 2847. commission chargée de l'examen des mémoires envoyés Annales. Lyon, 1836. 8º. au concours de cette année, par M. Boullée. Maco, I827: 8°. Ac. 366/2. Compte-rendu. 1839–44. 4 pt. Lyon, 1841--46. 8º. Cartulaire de Saint Vincent de Mâcon publié sous les Annales ... 1845–49. 2 vol. Lyon, 1847, 50. 8º. auspices et aux frais de l'Académie de Mâcon, par M. C. - Nouvelle série 1852, 53. Ragut. 1864. See FRANCE. Collection de documents Lyon, Paris, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 2847/2. inédits sur l'histoire de France. 1835, etc. 4º. . In progress. 2082. g. 609 ACADEMIES. [MADISON, WISCONSIN–MADRAS.] 610 MADISON, WISCONSIN. MADRAS (CONTINUED). Landhuusholdnings-Selskab. Agri-Horticultural Society. See infra : Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. Hortus Madraspatensis. Catalogue of plants, indigenous and naturalized, in the Agri-Horticultural Society's State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Gardens, Madras. [Edited by H. C.] First (second, etc.) Annual Report and Collections of Madras, 1853. 8º. 7055. h. the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, for ... 185-1, etc. Madison, 1855, etc. 8º. Ac. 8535. INGLEDEW (w.) Treatise on the culture of the red rose, strawberry, ... gooseberry ... and grape vine. ... In progress. With notes by R. Wight. pp. xxvii. 40. . A catalogue of the picture gallery of the State Historical Madras, 1837. 8º. 7078. de. 14. (2.) Society of Wisconsin, January 1, 1878. [Madison, 1878.] 89. 7807. f. 8. (8.) East India Company's Observatory. Catalogue of the Library of the ... Society. ... Pre- See infra : Observatory. pared by D. S. Durrie, ... and I. Durrie. (Supplement Madras Literary Society. 1-3, etc.) Madison, 1873, etc. 8º. 11904. g. 2. In progress. [List of the Members.] See supra: LONDON.-Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. - Royal University of Wisconsin. Asiatic Society ... List of Members, etc. [1843.] 80. State of Wisconsin. Third Annual Report of the Board . Ac. 8820/5. of Regents of the University of Wisconsin. 1851 (1877). Transactions. Pt. 1. London, 1827. 4º. Ac. 8829/2. 2 pts. Madison, 1851–77. 8º. 8365. cc. 3. (7.) Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University The Madras Journal of Literature and Science. ... Edited by J. C. Morris. Vol. 1-3. (By R. Cole, vol. ... for the year ending June 19, 1872. Madison, 1872, etc. 8º. P.P. 2521. n. 48. By R. Cole and C. P. Brown, vol. 9–12.) 17 vol. In progress. Madras, 1834-53. 8º. - New Series. 6 vol. 1857-61. Publications of the Washbourn Observatory of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Madison, 1882, etc. 8º. - Third Series. No. 1, 2. 1864-66. In progress. 8566. d. - 1878, etc. Edited by G. Oppert. 1879, etc. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Ac. 8829. In progress. — Vol. XIII. is imperfect. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Academy, etc. No. 1-5. Madison, 1870, 71. 8º. Ac. 1880. Barometrical Sections of India, showing the approximate altitudes of the localities through which they are drawn Transactions. Madison, 1872, etc. 8º. ... Published under the auspices of the Madras Literary In progress. Ac. 1880/2. Society. ... Edited by the Committee of the Society, with a description of the physical features of the country Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. ... by E. Balfour, etc. Madras, 1853. fol. Transactions of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, 1811. a. with an abstract of the correspondence of the Secretary "Y. Madras University. [Edited by A. C. Ingham?] Madison, 1852, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3533. Opening of the Madras University on the 14th April, 1841. pp. 34, IX. R. W. Thorpe : Madras, 1841. 8º. Aarsberetning fra Landhuusholdnings - Selskabet for 8366. cc. 6 Staten Wisconsin for aaret 1856. Inmansville, 1857. 12º. [Another edition.] pp. 52. 7075. aa. Pharaoh and Co.: Madras, 1852. 8º. 8310. c. 2. (1.) REID (DAVID BOSWELL) the Elder. The practical develop- ment of the resources of science, in relation to agriculture First (fourth-ninth) annual report from the governors and the health and habitations of the people. Outline of the Madras University 1842(1845–1850). 7 pt. of an address ... September 27th 1860, etc. Fort St. George Gazette Press : Madras, 1842-50. 8º. Madison, 1861. 8º. Ac. 3533/3. 8366. cc. 7. First (thirteenth) Annual Report from the Governors. Wisconsin State Horticultural Society. 1842–53, 54. 14 pt. R. Pharaoh and Co.: Report of the ... Society for the years 1864-5-6-7-8, Madras, 1852, 51–54. 8°. 8310. c. 2, 3. ..:(9) with a short historical sketch since its organiza Reports 1-11 only are reprints ; of reports 10 and 11, tion. Madison, 1868, 69. 8º. Ac. 3376. this collection contains both the original and reprints. Merged in 1870 in the Transactions of the same Society. The Madras University Calendar, etc. Transactions. ... Proceedings, essays and reports at the Madras, 1865, etc. 8º. P.P. 2567, a. annual winter meetings held at Madison, Feb. 1, 2 In progress. and 3, 1870, etc. Madison, 1871, etc. 8º. Ac. 3276/2. The Latin Text Books appointed by the Senate of the In progress. Madras University for the Entrance Examination of 1880. (With introduction and notes by G. U. Pope.) MADRAS. 2 pt. Addison and Co.: Madras, 1879. 12º. 12934. c. 38. Agri-Horticultural Society. See BARROW (C. M.) l'roceedings of the Agricultural and Horticultural The Poetical Selections prescribed for the Matriculation Examination of the University of Society of Madras (from July 22, 1839, to April 6, 1842). pp. 317. J. Gabell : Madras, 18391-42.] 80. Madras ... in December 1872, etc. 1871. 8º. Imperfect; wanting pp. 1-28. 7078. de. 14. (1.) 8356. b. See MACMILLAN (J.) M.A., of the Free Church of Scotland Proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Society, Mission. The English Text prescribed for the Matricu- held at the gardens on the 16th ... July 1862. lation examination of 1875, etc. 1874. 8º. [Madras, 1862.] 89. 7073. bb. 12269. bb. 611 ACADEMIES. (MADRAS–MADRID.) 612 MADRAS (CONTINUED). MADRID (CONTINUED). Observatory. Archivo Histórico Nacional. Meteorological Register kept at ... the East India Índice de los documentos del Monasterio de Sahagun, Company's Observatory at Madras, by J. Goldingham de la orden de San Benito, y glosario y diccionario ... and T. G. Taylor ..., for the years 1822–1843. geográfico de voces sacadas de los mismos. Publicados [Edited by T. G. Taylor.] Madras, 1844. fol. por el Archivo Histórico Nacional. (Edited by V.Vignau. 1262. i. 2 pt. Madrid, 1874. 8º.. °4785. i. 10. Madras Observatory Papers. By J. Goldingham, etc. Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico. Madras, 1827. fol. °533. 1. 12. Lista alfabética de los Socios del Ateneo ... en 31 de enero 1838. Madrid, 1838. 4º. 9180. dd. (22.) Result of Astronomical Observations made at the ... East India Company's Observatory at Madras by T. G. Discursos académicos del ... Ilmo. Señor D. J. Moreno Taylor. Vol. 1, for the year 1831. Madras, 1832. 4º. Nieto, precedidos de un discurso sobre su vida y obras 8562. f. del Excmo. Señor D. A. Cánovas del Castillo. Publícalos el Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid. Report on the Meteorological Observations made at pp. xxxviii. 454. Madrid, 1882. 8º. 12301. h. 33. Colaba, Bombay, from the 1st January to the 31st De- cember 1843. With a general notice of the weather for Biblioteca Nacional. the year 1843. By G. Buist. [Bombay, 1843, 44.] 4º. Decreto orgánico y reglamento de la Biblioteca Nacional, Lithographed. 8752. e. dados por S. M. en 3 y en 7 de Enero de 1857. MS. NOTE. Meteorological Observations (made at the ... East India Madrid, 1857. 8º. 11902. aa. Company's Observatory at Madras (from 1842-45, 1851 Á S. M. la Reina la Biblioteca Nacional. [A discourse 1855]). Madras, (1843–74.] 4º. 8752. i. 5. addressed to the Queen by J. E. Hartzenbusch at the laying of the foundation stone of the National Museum. Astronomical Observations made at ... the East India [Madrid, 1866.] 89. 12301. h. 22. (9.) Company's Observatory at Madras ... in the years Memoria para la Biblioteca Nacional, en...1874. [Drawn 1843–47. By T. G. Taylor. (For the years 1848–52. up by C. Rosell.] (Lista de las obras regaladas ... á la By ... W. K. Worster ... and W. S. Jacob.) Madras, 1844, etc. 4°. 8566. i. Biblioteca Nacional durante el año 1873.) Madrid, 1874. 8º. 11905. 1. 19. In progress. Memoria para la Biblioteca Nacional, en ... 1875 (1876). Horary Meteorological Observations made at the ... [Drawn up by J. E. Hartzen busch.] (Lista de las obras East India Company's Magnetical Observatory at Madras regaladas por autores, etc.) . Madrid, 1875, 76. 8º. by Captain S.O. E. Ludlow in the interval 1841-1846, etc. 11904. i. (Edited by T. G. T'aylor.] Madras, 1847. 4º. 8752. h. Breve noticia de la Biblioteca Nacional. Madrid, 1876. 8º. 824. k. 34. (2.) Report of the Government Astronomer (N. R. Pogson) | Colegio de Abogados upon the proceedings of the Observatory, in connexion Begin. Señor. La Congregacion de los Abogados desta with the total eclipse of the sup on August 18th, 1868, as observed at Masulipatan, Vunpurthy, Madras and Corte, por sí, y en nombre de los demas Abogados destos Reynos, dize, etc. (A memorial to the King in favour other stations in Southern India. (Madras, 1868.] 8º. 8561. dd. of the exemption of books from taxation.] [Madrid, 1635?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (33.) MADRID. [Another copy.] 1322. 1. 9. (8.) Dictamen de la Passantia del ... Colegio de Abogados Academia de Ingenieros de Madrid, dado á la consulta, que la ... Ciudad de Academia de Ingenieros. Gabinete de Instrumentos. Victoria hizo á dos Cavalleros Abogados del dicho ... ... Estado razonado de los objetos que contiene en 31 de Colegio. Sobre si debe defender el pleyto, puesto por . Diciembre de 1852. Madrid, 1853. 8º. Ac. 4304. 1 los Cabildos Ecclesiasticos de su comprehension para que revoque ... el Acuerdo ... en que permitiò la assistencia Academia Española. en la Capilla del Hospital de Santiago ... à los ... See infra : Real Academia Española. Padres A. A. de Croce, y J. A. de Iturri, ... para decir missa, etc. [Madrid, 1735.] fol. 5107. ff. 1. (11.) Academia Matritense de Jurisprudencia y Legis Observaciones sobre la instruccion del Procedimiento lacion. Civil con respecto a la Real Jurisdiccion Ordinaria de Acta de la sesión inaugural de la Academia Matritense 30 de Setiembre de 1853 por la Junta de Gobierno, Ex- ... celebrada el dia 3 de Enero de 1856. Decanos y una Comision especial del Colegio de Abo- Madrid, 1856. 8º. 5385. aa. gados de Madrid nombrada por la misma Junta. Madrid, 1853. 8º. 5385. aa. Acta de la sesion inaugural ... celebrada el dia 20 de Yoviembre de 1857. Madrid, 1857. 4º. Colegio Imperial de la Campañia de Jesus. 5385. d. 1 See MADRII), City of.—Colegio Imperial, etc. Indice de las obras existentes en la biblioteca de la Cuerpo Médico-Forense de Madrid. Academia Matritense de Jurisprudencia y Legislacion. La Iberia Médica. Periódico oficial de la Academia Madrid, 1850. 8º. 824. f. 39. Quirúrgica Matritense y del C. M. F. de Madrid, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Madrid. Breve noticia de los cuarenta jurisconsultos Españoles inscritos en las tres lápidas de la Academia Matritense Cuerpo Nacional de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales de Jurisprudencia y Legislacion. Madrid, 1857. 8º. y Puertos. 5385. d. Exposicion Universal de Paris de 1878.-Catálogo de los objetos referentes á obras públicas de España presen- Academia Quirúrgica Matritense. ados por el Cuerpo Nacional de Ingenieros de Caminos, La Iberia Médica. Periódica oficial de la A. Q. M., etc. Canales y Puertos. pp. 213. Madrid, 1878. 8º. Sce PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Madrid. 7957. bbb. 6. 613 ACADEMIES. [MADRID.] 614 8355. ee. MADRID [CONTINUED). MADRID [CONTINUED). Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Minas. Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. ESCOSURA Y MORROGH (LUIS DE LA) Historia del trata Resúmen des sus actas [by P. Gomez de la Serna) y miento metalúrgico del azogue en España . . . Memoria discurso [by A. Alcalá Galiano] leidos en la Junta premiada, etc. pp. 138. Madrid, 1878. 4º. pública general celebrada en 12 de Enero de 1862, etc. Ac. 3204. Madrid, 1862. 8º. PASTOR Y RODRIGUEZ (JULIAN DE) and (RAMON DE) His- Informe de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y toria de los impuestos mineros en España desde la ley Políticas sobre la reforma de las leyes de inquilinato y de ... Juan 1. hasta las vigentes; y exposicion razonada los medios de contener el aumento des proporcionado de de la clase y número de los que deberian establecerse. los alquileres de edificios. Madrid, 1863. 8º. Memoria premiada, etc. pp. 186. Madrid, 1878. 4º. Ac. 142/4. Ac. 3204/2. Catálogo de la Biblioteca de la Real Academia. Escuela Superior de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado. Madrid, 1864. 8º. 11900. dd. Reglamento provisional de la Escuela . . . aprobado por | Real Academia de Cirugía S. M. en 7 de Octubre de 1857. Madrid, 1857. 8º. 7805. aa. See infra: Real Academia de Medicina. Regla- mento general para el regimen literario é interior de las Reglamento de la Escuela... aprobado por S. M. en 9 de Reales Academias de Medicina y Cirugía, etc. Octubre de 1861. Edicion oficial. Madrid, 1861. 4º. 1831. 4º. 7679. aaa. (12.) 7856. bb. Real Academia de Derecho Español y Público. Estudios de San Isidro. Constituciones. Madrid, 1781. 4º. 9180. ccc. (5.) stitucion política de la Monarquía Española por los Lista de los individuos de la Real Academia de Derechu estudios de San Isidro de Madrid, en el dia 25 de Febrero ...y plan de sus exercicios literarios para el ... año de 1814. Madrid, 1814. 4º. 9180. C. (6.) de 1785(-1786). [Madrid,] 1785-6. 40. [Another copy.] 9180. dd. (1.) 9180. ccc. (2.) Real Academia de la Historia. Estudios Reales. See Cocchia (R.) Archbishop of Sirace. Los Restos de C. Oracion de los Estudios Reales al rey nuestro señor Colon ... Contestacion al Informe de la Real Academia Cárlos IIII. con motivo de su feliz exaltacion al trono. de la Historia, etc. 1879. 8º. 10629. ee. 32. Madrid, 1789. 4º. 12301. e. 1. (10.) See FLOREZ (H.) España sagrada, etc. (Tom. XXV., Facultad de Medicina. XXIX., XXX., XLII. Segunda edicion publícala la Real Preves noticias de la Facultad de Medicina de Madrid. Academia de la Historia.) 1776, etc. 80. Madrid, 1876. 8º. 7306. cc. 2. (2.) 4625. cc. Institucion libre de Enseñanza. See MADRAZO (P. DE) Resúmen de los acuerdos y tareas de la Real Academia de la Historia, etc. 1882. 89. Institucion libre de Enseñanza . . . Conferencias, etc. 11905. aa. 10. No. 1, 2, 7, 8. Madrid, 1877–78. 8º. 1040. Fastos. Ano 1-3. 3 tom. Madrid, 1739-41. gº. Liceo artístico y literario. Ac. 6629. Distribucion de los premios florales hecha por el Liceo Memorias. Tom. 1-4. Madrid, 1796-1805. 4º. en la sesion pública de 11 de Julio 1841. T.C. 3. b. 6-9. Madrid, 1841. 8º.. Ac. 8885. Memorias. Tom. 5–8. Madrid, 1817-52. 4º. Museo Arqueológico Nacional. . Ac. 6630/3. Noticia histórico-descriptiva del Museo Arqueológico Memorial Histórico Español: coleccion de documentus, Nacional, etc. Madrid, 1876. 8º. Ac. 5248. opúsculos y antiguedades, que publica la Real Academia de la Historia. Madrid, 1851, etc. 8º. Ac. 6630. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. In progress. See infra : Real Academia de San Fernando, etc. Boletin, etc. Madrid, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 663017 In progress. Real Academia de Ciencias exactas, físicas, y na- Oracion ... al rey don Carlos III. con motivo de su turales. exaltacion al trono. Madrid, 1759. 4°. Memorias, etc. Madrid, 1850, etc. 4º. Ac. 2825. 835. l. 7. (15.) In progress. Oracion de la Real Academia al rey N. S. con motivo del Resúmen de las Actas de la Real Academia . . . [for matrimonio de la serenisima infanta Doña Maria Luisa 1857-58, 58-59, & 59–60] por ... M. Lorente. For con el serenisimo Archiduque Pedro Leopoldo. 1860–61] por... A. Aguilar y Vela.). Madrid, 1764. 4º. 12301. e. 1. (13.) Madrid, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 2825/4. In progress. Oracion de la Real Academia... al rey N. S. con motivo Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia de Ciencias del matrimonio del principe de Asturias N. S. Carlos Exactas .i. en la recepcion pública de D. F. Saavedra Antonio con la serenisima princesa Luisa de Parma. Meneses. Madrid, 1862. 8º. 8705. f. Madrid, 1765. 4º. 12301. e. 2. (10.) Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas.. Oracion de la Real Academia...al rey N. S. con motivo del nacimiento del infante (Carlos Clemente). See Bustos y Castilla (R.) Marquis de Corvera. Dis- Madrid, 1771. 4º. 12301. e. 2. (11.) cu sos pronunciados ... al ser legalmente constituida la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. [Another copy.] 12301. e. 2. (13.) 1858. 8º. Oracion de la Real Academia...al rey N. S. con motivo Memorias. Madrid, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 142 del nacimiento del infante (Don Carlos). In progress. Madrid, 1780. 4º. 12301. e. 2. (12.) al serorales y Poli18355. ee. 615 ACADEMIES. [MADRID.] 616 MADRID [CONTINUED). MADRID [CONTINUED). Real Academia de la Historia. Real Academia de la Historia. Oracion de la Real Academia... al rey N. S. con motivo GENESIUS DESEPULVEDA (JOANNES) J. Genesii Sepulvedæ del nacimiento de los serenísimos Señores Infantes ... Opera . . . accurante Regia Historiæ Academia. Cárlos y Felipe. Madrid, 1783. 4º. 12301. e. 1. (3.) 4 vols. L. P. Matriti, 1780. 4°. 88. f. 6-9. Oracion de la Real Academia . . . al rey n. s. Carlos iv. JANER (FLORENCIO) Condicion social de los Moriscos de con motivo de su feliz exaltacion al trono. España : causas de su expulsion y consecuencias que Madrid, 1789. 4º. 12301. e. 1. (9.) esta produjo en el orden económico y político : obra Noticia de las actas y tareas de la Real Academia de la laureada...por la Real Academia de la Historia, etc. Historia, leida en junta pública de 22 de Abril de 1855. Madrid, 1857. 4º. 9180. h. Madrid, 1855. 8º. 9008. e. MENDEZ (FRANCISCO) Noticias sobre la vida y Viajes del Discursos leidos en las sesiones públicas que para dar Rmo. P. : . . E. Florez . . . Segunda edicion que con posesion de plazas de número ha celebrado desde 1852 notas y adiciones publica la Real Academia de la His- la Real Academia de la Historia. Madrid, 1858. 8º. toria. Madrid, 1860. 8º. 4866. cc. 1 9180. g. ROSSELL (CAYETANO) Historia del combate naval de Los Restos de Colon. Informe de la Real Academia... Lepanto ... Obra premiada por voto unánime de la al Gobierno de S. M. sobre el supuesto hallazgo de los Real Academia de la historia. Madrid, 1853. 4º. verdaderos restos de C. Colon en la Iglesia Catedral de 1323. i. Santo Domingo. [By M. de Colmeiro.] pp. vii. 197. Madrid, 1879. 8º. 10629. aaa. 17. SAEZ (LICINIANO) Demostraciou histórica del verdadero valor de todas las monedas que corrian en Castilla [Another copy.] 10629. aaa. 11. durante el reynado del Señor Don Enrique iv., y de su correspondencia con las del Señor D. Carlos iv. Con un Coleccion de Cortes de los reynos de Leon y de Castilla apéndice de instrumentos ... pnblícala la . . . Real dada á luz por la Real Academia. No. 1-38. Academia. Madrid, 1805. 4º. 812. k. 26. Madrid, 1836–45. 4º. . 1445. k. SALAS Y RODRIGUEZ (FRANCISCO JAVIER DE) Informe sobre Coleccion de fueros y cartas-pueblas de España, por la la obra intitulada Les Mariages Espagnols sous le règne real Academia de la Historia. Catálogo [of names of de Henri IV. et la régence de Marie de Médicis, escrita places at which laws or charters have been promul- en francés por M* J. (or rather F.] T. Perrens que por gated]. L. P. Madrid, 1852. 4º. Ac. 6630/4. encargo de la Real Academia de la Historia...emite... Diccionario Geográfico-Histórico de España, por la Real F. J. de Salas, etc. Madrid, 1871. 8º. Ac. 6630/5, Academia de la Historia. Seccion 1. comprehende el Real Academia de Medicina de Madrid. Reyno de Navarra, Señorío de Vizcaya, y Provincias de Alava y Guipuzcoa. Seccion II. comprende la Rioja ó Reglamento general para el régimen literario é interior toda la provincia de Logroño y algunos pueblos de la de de las Reales Academias de Medicina y Cirugía del Burgos.) 3 tom. Madrid, 1802-46. 4º. 179. d. 19-20. reino, etc. Madrid, 1831. 4º. 7679. aaa. (12.) Indice de los documentos procedentes de los monasterios Anales de la Real Academia de Medicina. y conventos suprimidos que se conservan en el Archivo Madrid, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 3708. de la Real Academia de la Historia, etc. In progress. Madrid, 1861. 8º. Ac. 6630/2. El Siglo Médico . . . Periódico oficial de la Real Aca- ALPHONSO, surnamed the Wise, King of Castile and Leon. demia de Medicina, etc. Las Siete Partidas del rey Don Alphonso el Sabio, See PERIODICAL PUBLCATIONS.—Madrid. cotejadas con varios códices antiguos por la Real Academia de la Historia. 3 tom. Madrid, 1807. 4º. Instrucciones populares para la preservacion del Cólera 503. f. 14–16. Morbo y curacion de sus primeros síntomas. Redactadas y publicadas por la Real Academia de Medicina de [Another edition.] Glosadas por G. Lopez. 5 tom. Madrid. Madrid, 1854. 16º. 7561. b. Paris, 1843-44. 4º. 1239. f. 1. ALPHONSO, surnamed the Wise, King of Castile and Leon Real Academia de San Fernando, afterwards Aca- Opúsculos legales del Rey Alfonso el Sabio, publicados y demia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. cotejados con varios códices antiguos por la Real Abertura solemne de la Real Academia de las tres bellas Academia de la Historia. 2 tom. Madrid, 1836. 4º. artes, Pintura, Escultura y Architectura con el nombre 710. k. 5. de S. Fernando, etc. Madrid, 1752. 4º. ARIAS DE MIRANDA (JOSÉ) Exámen crítico-histórico ... Ac. 4521. (1.) vel influjo que tuvo en el comercio, industria y pob- Relacion de la distribucion de los premios concedidos lacion de España su dominacion en América. Obra por el Rey, y repartidos ... á los discípulos de las tres premiada por la Real Academia de la Historia. nobles artes, Pintura Escultura, y Architectura. ... Madrid, 1854. 4°. 8155. f. 1753, etc. Madrid, 1754, etc. 4º. Ac. 4521. (2.) FERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO Y VALDÉS (GONZALO). Historia In progress. general y natural de las Indias, Islas y Tierra-firme del Estatutos de la Real Academia de S. Fernando. Mar Océano, por el Capitan G. Fernandes de Oviedo y Valdés . . . Publícala la Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid, 1757. 8º. Ac. 4521/4. cotejada con el códice original, enriquecida con las Reglamento interior de la Academia de Bellas Artes de enmiendas y adiciones del autor, é ilustrada con la vida San Fernando. Madrid, 1874. 8º. Ac. 4521/3. y el juicio de las obras del mismo, por D. J. Amador de los Rios. 3. pt. 4 tom. Madrid, 1851-55. 4º. AMADOR DE LOS Rios (JOSÉ) El Arte latino-bizantino en 1324. k. España, y las coronas visigodas de Guarrazar: ensayo FERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO Y VALDÉS (GONZALO) Las Quin- histórico-crítico. Madrid, 1861. 4º. . Ac. 4521/2. quagenas de la Nobleza de España ... Publicadas por la The half-title reads: “ Memorias de la Real Academia de Real Academia de la Historia, bajo la direccion del San Fernando." Académico de número D. V. de la Fuente. MANJARRÉS (JOSÉ DE) Teoría estética de la arquitectura. Madrid, 1880, etc. 4°. Ac. 6630/8. Obra premiada ... en ... 1866. Madrid, 1875. 4º. In progress. 7816. f. 7. 617 ACADEMIES. (MADRID.] 618 MADRID [CONTINUED). MADRID [CONTINUED). Real Academia Española. Real Academia Española. See CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (M. DE) El ingenioso hidalgo Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana, en que se explica, Don Quixote de la Mancha ... Nueva edicion, corregida el verdadero sentido de las voces, su naturaleza y calidad, por la Real Academia Española. 1780. 4º. .. con las phrases ó modos de hablar, los proverbios ó 673. k. 13–16. refranes, y otras cosas convenientes al uso de la lengua 1782. 8º. 243. h. 17. etc. ... Compuesto por la Real Academia, etc. (História de la Real Académia Española. Discurso ... sobre las 1787. 8º. 12491. bb. 32. etymologias. Discurso ... de la orthographía, etc. 6 tom. Madrid, 1726-39. fol. . 12941. k. 1819. 80. 635. d. 1, 2. [Another copy.] 71. g. 1. 1865. 8º. 12490. k. 8. Octava edicion. Madrid, 1837. fol. : 628. m. 15. See LARDNAZ Y MORANTE (E. DE) La Toma de Granada Nuevo Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana que com- por los Reyes Católicos D. Fernando y Da. Isabel. Ro prende la última edición íntegra muy rectificada y mance endecasílabo, impreso por la Real Academia mejorada del publicado por la Académia Española y Española, etc. 1779. 4º. 12301. e. 2. (8.) unas veinte y seis mil voces, acepciones, frases y locu- ciones, entre ellas muchas americanas añadidas por Don Fundacion y estatutos de la Real Academia Española. V. Salva. Paris, 1846. 4º . 2115. d. Madrid, 1715. 4º. T. 1303. (17.) - Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana compuesto por la Oracion de la Real Academia Española al Rey ... Don Real Academia Española, reducido á un tomo para su Carlos III. Cod. motivo de su exaltacion al trono. mas fácil uso. Madrid, 1780. fol. . 12941. k. 6. Madrid, 1759. fol. . 835. 1. 7. (16.) Segunda edicion. Madrid, 1783. fol. 70. h. 5. Oracion ... al Rey ... con motivo de la muerte del rey Tercera edicion. Madrid, 1791. fol. 12941. k. 5. padre Don Carlos III. Madrid, 1789. 4º. 12301. e. 1. (7.) [Another copy.] 1890. b. Oracion ... al Rey ... Don Carlos IIII. con motivo de Quarta edicion. Madrid, 1803. . 4º.: | 12942. 1. 1. su exaltacion al trono. Madrid, 1789. 4º. Diccionario de la Academia Española. Edicion abre- 12301. e. 1. (8.) | viada por D. V. Gonzalez Arnao, de la última hecha en Coleccion de las obras de eloquencia y de poesia pre Madrid en 1822. 2 pt. Paris, 1826. 89 miadas por la Real Academia. 2 pt. 12943. c. 13. Madrid, 1799. 8º. Ac. 144/3. Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana...compendiado por Don C. Pla y Torres, etc. Paris, 1826. go. Discursos leidos en las recepciones publicas que ha 12943. bb. 1. celebrado desde 1847 la Real Academia Española. 2 tom. Madrid, 1860. 8º. Ac. 144. Reglas que ha formado la Academia Española para la : correccion y aumento del Diccionario de la Lengua Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia Española en la Castellana. L. P. pp. 61. Madrid, 1764. 8º. recepcion pública del Señor Don J. Valera, etc. 12943. aaa. 27. Madrid, 1862. 8º. 11826. g. Paralello del Vocabolario della Crusca con quello... dell'Accademia Spagnuola. See MONTI (V.) Pro- Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia Española, en la posta di alcune correzioni ed aggiunte al Vocabolario recepcion pública de Don L. Gonzalez Brabo, etc. della Crusca. vol. II. pt. 1. 1817, etc. 8º... Madrid, 1863. 8°. : : ...627. h. 10. Sobre el Quijote y sobre las diferentes maneras de See DICTIONARIES. Novísimo Diccionario de la Lengua comentarle y juzgarlé. Discurso leido por ... J. Valera, Castellana que comprende la última edicion integra individuo de número de la Real Academia Española, en la junta pública que para solemnizar el aniversario de 1873. 4º. 12942. k. 5. su fundacion celebró dicho cuerpo ... el 25 de Setiembre, Fuero Juzgo en Latin y Castellano, cotejado con los mas etc. Madrid, 1864. 8°. 12490. k. 26. antiguos . . . códices por la Real Academia Española. (Glossarium vocum barbararum et exoticarum quæ in Resúmen de las tareas y actos de la Real Academia Libro Judicum continentur.-Glosario de voces anti- Española en el año académico de 1866 · 1867, etc. (En qüadas y raras que se hallan en el texto castellano.) los años 1871, etc.) Madrid, 1867, etc. 8º. pp. i.-xl. (vii.-xvi.] 231. Madrid, 1815. fol. In progress. 8356. g. 1856. a. 7. Sesion de la Real Academia Española á que asistió Imperfect; wanting the Latin text. The Discurso is S. M. el Emperador del Brasil. Madrid, 1873. 80. imperfect, wanting all after p. xl. The last leaf is slightly Ac. 144/7. mutilated. Academia Española. Año de 1875. Gramática de la Leuyua Castellana, compuesta por la Madrid, 1875. 24º. Ac. 144/3. Real Academia Española. Madrid, 1771. 80. 236. d. 32. Quarta edicion ... aumentada. Madrid, 1796. 8°. 12941. aaa. 24. · Biblioteca selecta de Autores Clásicos Españoles. Nueva edicion ... aumentada, etc. Paris, 1869. 80. Madrid, 1866, 67. 8º. 12943. bb. 19. Tom. I., II. La Araucana de Don Alonso de Ercilla., Nueva edicion ... aumentada. Madrid, 1874. 8º. . 2 tom. 1866. 12943. cc. 1. Tom. III. Farsas y Eglogas al modo y estilo pastoril Grammaire Espagnole ... traduite en Français, enrichie Castellano, fechas por Lucas Fernandez. 1867. de notes explicatives du texte ,. , augmentée de remar- ques detachées sur la langue espagnole ... de traités de Tom. IV.-VI. Comedias escogidas de D. Juan Ruiz la prononciation, etc. par F. T. A. Chalumeau de Ver- de Alarcon. 3 tom. 1867. Ac. 144/4. neuil. 2 vol. Paris, 1821. 8º. : 627. e. 19. 8407. g. 619 ACADEMIES. (MADRID.] 620 MADRID [CONTINUED). MADRID [CONTINUED). ** Real Academia Espanola.. Sociedad Antropológica Española. See GARCIA (s. v.) Exámen crítico de la nueva Estatutos de la Sociedad, etc. Madrid, 1865. 8º.. gramática Castellana de la Real Academia Espanola, .. Ac. 6223. etc. 1855. 8º. 12943. cc. 5. (4.) Revista de Antropología. Organo oficial de la Sociedad, Ortografía de la Lengua Castellana, compuesta por la etc. Tom. 1. Madrid, 1875. 8°. Ac. 6223/2. Real Academia Española. Nueva edicion ... aumen- tada. Madrid, 1754. 8º. 4 Sociedad Central de Arquitectos. Boletin de la Sociedad Central de Arquitectos, etc. Año Quarta impresion ... aumentada. Madrid, 1770. 8°. l. 1.2. Madrid. 236. d. 31. * [Continued as : 7 Sexta impresion, corregida y aumentada, Revista de la Sociedad Central de Arquitectos. Año Madrid, 1779. 8º. 12943. bb. 13. 3, 4. [Edited by M. Belmás.] Madrid, 1876, 77. 4º. Septima impresion, corregida y aumentada. [Continued as :) Madrid, 1792. 8°. 12943. a. 22. Revista de la Arquitectura nacional y extranjera. Año Nueva edicion. Gerona, 1823. 8º. 12941. aa. 25. 5, etc. (M. Belmás, Direotor.) Madrid, 1878, etc. 4º. : Ac. 4757/3. & 6. Oncena edicion, etc. Londres, 1837. 12º. In progress. 12942. aa. 29. Lista de los · Arquitectos Españoles publicada por la Prontuario de Ortografia de la Lengna Castellana, dis Sociedad, etc., 1878. Madrid, 1878. 80. Ac. 4557/2. puesto ... para el uso de las escuelas públicas por la Real Academia Española ... Segunda edicion, Reglamento de la Sociedad, etc. Madrid, 1878. 80. Madrid, 1845. 8º.'. Ac. 144/6. Ac, 4757. Mutilated.. " Sociedad de Bibliófilos Españoles. Siglo de Oro en las Selvas de Erífile, compuesto por Don AGUILAR (PEDRO DE) Memorias del Cautivo en la Goleta Bernardo de Balbuena. Edicion corregida por la Aca- de Túnez, el Alférez P. de Aguilar (mentioned by Miguel demia Española. Madrid, 1821. 80. 12491. c. 26. de Cerrantes Saavedra in Chapters 39-41 of Pt. 1 of Don Quixote del original en poder de Tyssen Amhurst, Esqf., Real Biblioteca. etc. [Edited by P. de Gayángos.] Madrid, 1875. 80. Ad Carolum Regem in Palatium novum Kal. Dec. An. Ac. 8886, 4. 1764 commigrantem, Regia Bibliotheca. Lat. and Span. [Madrid, 1764.] 4º. GARCÍA CEREZEDA (MARTIN) Tratado de las campañas y 11405. d. otros acontecimientos de los ejércitos del Emperador Real Colegio de Cirugía de San Cárlos. Cárlos v.... desde 1521 hasta 1545. [With an intro- duction by G. Cruzada Villaamil. 3 ton. Rules of the ... College, etc. See SOUTHEY (R.) Letters Madrid, 1873–76. 8º. Ac. 8886/2. written during a journey in Spain, etc. Vol. I. 1808. 12º. 10161. a. GNOPHOSO (CHRISTOPHORO) El Crotalun de C. Goophoso. Ordenanzas. See SPAIN.-Charles III , King. Real Cédula [In imitation of Lucian's Gallus.] Madrid, 1871. 8º. ... en que se aprueban ... las ordenanzas ... del Colegio Ac. 8886. de Cirugía, etc. 1787. fol. . B. 273. (13.) KNUST (HERMANN) Dos obras didácticas y dos leyendas Real Conservatorio de Música y Declamacion. sacadas de manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Escorial. Dalas á luz la Sociedad de Bibliófilos Españoles. [Edited, ..Reglamento Orgánico provisional, etc. Madrid, 1858. 8º. with an introduction, by H. Knust.] Madrid, 1878. 8º. 7896. a. 50. (2.) Ac. 8886/3. Real Observatorio de Madrid. PADILLA (PEDRO DE) Romancero. With an introduc- Instruccion sobre el eclipse de sol que ha de verificarse tion, signed: F. Ramirez de Arellano.] pp. xx. 595. el 18 de Julio de 1860. Publícala de órden superior el Madrid, 1880. 8º. Ac. 8886/9. Real Obserratorio de Madrid. Madrid, 1860. gº. 8560. c. RIOJA (FRANCISCO DE) Poesias de...F. de Rioja, corregidas Observaciones meteorológicas, efectuadas en el Real Ob con presencia de sus originales, añadidas é ilustradas con servaturio de Madrid desde 1º de Diciembre de 1866 al la biografía y la bibliografía del poeta por...C. A. de la 30 de Noviembre de 1867. [Edited by A. Aguilar.] Barrera y Leirado. Madrid, 1867. 8º. 11450. e. Madrid, 1868. 8º. 8567. d. Sociedad de Economia Política. Observaciones meteorológicas efectuadas en el Observa- torio de Madrid desde el dia 1º de Diciembre de 1871 al Discusion sobre la Enseñanza obligatoria. Sesiones de 30 de Noviembre de 1872. [With an introduction by 24 de Marzo y 7 y 15 de Abril. Madrid, 1858. 8º. 8309. d. 1. A. Aguilar.] Madrid, 1873. 80. 8564. d. 2. Sociedad de Lengua Universal. Resúmen de las observaciones meteorológicas efectuadas en la Península desde el dia 1º de Diciembre de 1871 al Estatutos de la Sociedad de Lengua Universal, etc. 30 de Noviembre de 1872. (Bajo la direccion del Observa- 12901. d. 25. (2.) Madrid, 1860. 8o. torio de Madrid.) (With an introduction by A. Aguilar. 7 Madrid, 1873. gº. 8564. d. 4. Sociedad Económica. Memorias. 5 tom. Madrid, 1780–95. 4º. Real Sociedad Económica. T.C. 3. b. 1-5 See infra: Sociedad Económica. Tom. 2-4 are each in 2 pt. ; tom. 6 ie in 7 pt. Real Sociedad Tudelana de los Deseosos del Bien [Another copy of tom. 1, 2.] 432. i. 21. Público Memorias. Tom. 1. Madrid, 1787. 4º. Ac. 2306. Oracion gratulatoria al nacimiento del infante D. Carlos en el dia v de Marzo 1780. Madrid, (1780.7 40. [Another copy.] 9180. dd. (2.) 12301. e. 2. (14.) 621 ACADEMIES. [MADRID-MANCHESTER.] 622 MADRID [CONTINUED). MADRID. [CONTINUED). . Sociedad Económica. Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. : Elogio fúnebre del ilustrísimo... señor D. M. Ventura de " - Anales, etc. Madrid, 1872, etc. 8º. .. Ac. 2826. ... Figueroa. Madrid, 1783. 40 1 2301. e. 3. (10.) In progre88. [Another copy.] .. .... : 12301. e. 5. (15.) | Sociedad Foto-Tipográfico-Católica. Oracion de la... Sociedad ... al rey nuestro Señor Don THERESA (DE CEPEDA], de Jesus, Saint. Vida de Santa Carlos IIII. con motivo de su exâltacion al trono. Teresa de Jesus, publicada por la Sociedad Foto- Madrid, 1789. 4º.. 12301. e. 1. (11.) Tipográfico-Católica, bajo la direccion del Dr. D. V. de i la Fuente, conforme al original autógrafo [of Saint Informe ... al real y supremo Consejo de Castilla en el Teresa). Madrid, 1873. 4º. 1858. e. 9. espediente de Ley Agraria estendido por ... G. Melchor de Jovellanos. Madrid, 1834. 49. 830. f. 7. (2.) Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid, Boletín de la Sociedad, etc. Madrid, 1876. etc. 8º. Catálogo de las Memorias ... y otros opúsculos ... que existen manuscritos en el archivo de la Real Sociedad In progress. Ac. 6018. Económica, etc. (Catálogo de las actas, memorias y Sociedad Hahnemannianna Matritense. opúsculos sueltos impresos por acuerdo de la Sociedad. Memoria sobre el colera- morbo Asiático publicada por la Catálogo de la libreria. Catálogo de las pinturas, etc.) Sociedad Hahnemannianna Matritense. Valencia, 1836. 8º. 8356. c. 22. (6.) | Madrid, 1848. 8º. . 7560. b. Exposicion que hace á las Córtes la Sociedad Económica Sociedad Libre de Economia Política de Madrid. Matritense sobre la injusticia y gravamen de la contri- bucion decimal ... redactada por su director ... D. A. See supra: Sociedad Económica Matritense. Sandalio de Arías, etc. Madrid, 1836. 4º. Universidad Central. 8244. bbb. (9.) Anuario de la Universidad Central. 1855–58. Junta pública estraordinaria, celebradá 11 de Febrero Madrid, 1855-58. 8º. : 1838 con motivo de la instalacion de la cátedra de fisiologia y patologia de los vegetales, con aplicacion á la Memoria acerca del estado de la enseñanza en la Univer- medicina y á la agricultura. [Reported by A. Blanco y sidad ... en el curso de 1858–59. Anuario de 1859 a Fernandez?] Madrid, 1838. 4º. Ac. 2301. 1860, etc. Madrid, 1859, etc. 8º. .P.P. 2388. g. In progress. Informe sobre el libre comercio terrestre y marítimo Programa de Lecciones para la Cátedra de primer año de 65 posesiones ó puertos francos Españoles en ultramar. de la carrera del Notariado. Madrid, 1852. 89. Madrid, 1858. 80. 8155. bb. 8309. f. Resúmen de las acciones virtuosas que ha de premiar la · Programa de Lecciones para la Cátedra de segundo año Sociedad Económica Matritense conforme á las declara de la Carrera del Notariado. Madrid, 1852. gº. ciones del jurado, en la sesion pública que ha de celebrar 8355. d. 16. ... el dia 19 de Marzo de 1861, etc. Madrid, 1861. 8°. | Universidad Literaria Central. See supra : Universidad Central. Sesiones celebradas en 7, 18 y 27 de Mayo y 2 de Junio de 1863. para discutir y examinar los obstáculos que se opopen á la reapertura de las Bolsas extranjeras para los MAESTRICHT. valores de crédito de España, y los medios mas á pro- pósito para conseguirla. Madrid, 1863. 8º. Société d'Archéologie, afterwards Société Historique 8206. dd. et Archéologique dans le Duché de Limbourg. Informe de la Sociedad Económica Matritense sobre los Annales de la Société, etc. 2 tom. . aparatos inventados para la enseñanza de la pronuncia Maestricht, 1854-58. 8º. Ac. 5501. cion á los sordo-mudos y la de la escritura usual para los No more published. ciegos, por ... C. Nebreda y Lupez. Madrid, 1872. 8º. 8309. dd. 27. (13.) Publications de la Société, etc. Maestricht, 1864, etc. 8º. In progress. De la explotacion y tarifas de los ferro-carriles Españoles. Dictámen de la Comision de la Sociedad Económica - Répertoire alphabétique, etc. 1863–83. Matritense redactado por ... F. de Bona. Maestricht, 1884. 8º. Ac. 5500 Madrid, 1877. 8º. : 8235. k. 17. Société Historique et Archéologique dans le Duché Dictámen de la Comision nombrada por la Sociedad de Limbourg. Económica Matritense para informar acerca de la im See supra : Société d'Archéologie, etc. portante cuestion de Amillaramientos ... redactado por él ponente D. F. Vallduvi y Vidal. pp. 15. Madrid, 1879. 8º. Ac. 2301/2. MAGDEBURG. La Cuestion de Canarias en la Sociedad Económica Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Matritense. Documentos que publica acerca de este Abhandlungen, etc. Magdeburg, 1869, etc. 80. asunto dicha Corporacion. pp. viii. 77. In progress. Ac. 2947. Madrid, 1881. 8º. 8042. g. 10. (2.) Sociedad Española de Agricultura y Meteorología. MANCHESTER. Revista Ilustrada de Agricultura, Industria y Co- Chetham Society. merciu, publicacion de la Sociedad Española de Agri- Begin. The Chethạm Society. [Prospectus.] cultura y Meteorología, por su director ... D. R. M. de .[Manchester ? 1842 ?] 4°, 741. k. (10.) Espejo y Becerra. No. 1–25. Madrid, 1871-77. 4º. The first(-second, etc.) Report of the Council of the The publication of this Review was suspended between 1871 ... Society. [Manchester, 1845, etc.) 4º. Ac. 8120. and. 1874. . In progress. 8407. g. 2. NO 623 : ACADEMIES. (MANCHESTER.] 624 2 pt. Ac. 8120. Ac. 8120. MANCHESTER (CONTİNUED). MANCHESTER [CONTINUED). Chetham Society. :: Chetham Society. Romains historical and literary connected with the Remains historical and literary connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester. Palatine Counties of Lancashire and Chester. Ac. 8120. Manchester, 1844, etc. 4º. Ac. 8120. In progress. Vol. 32, 34, 40, 44. The Private, Vol. 48, 64. A Catalogue of the Journal and Literary Remains Collection of Tracts for and Vol. 1. Travels in Holland, 1 Vol. 16. The Coucher Book of of J. Byrom. Edited by R. against Popery (published in the United Provinces, Eng Whalley Abbey. See Vol. 10. Parkinson. 2 vol. 1854-57. or about the reign of James land, Scotland, and Ireland, Ac. 8120. II.), in the Manchester Library · MDCXXXIV-MDCXXXV. By Sir Vol. 17. Warrington. in 1465, Each vol. is divided into 2 pts. founded by H. Chetham; in W. Brereton, Bart. Edited as described in a contemporary which is incorporated, with by E. Hawkins. 1844. rent-roll of the Legh Family Vol. 33, 51, 54. Lancashire and large additions and bibliogra- Ac. 8120. ... Edited (with a transla Cheshire Wills and Inventories phical notes, the whole of Vol. 2. Tracts relating to mili- tion and plan] by W. Beau from the Ecclesiastical Court, Peck's list of the tracts in . mont. 1849. AC. 8120. Chester. Edited by G. J. tary proceedings in Lancashire that controversy, with his re- during the great Civil War ... Piccope. 3 pts. 1857-61. . ferences. Edited by Thomas Vol. 18. The diary of the Rev. Edited by G. Ormerod. 1844. Ac. 8120. Jones. Manchester, 1859–65. H. Newcome, from September Ac. 8120. 30, 1661, to September 29, 1663. Vol. 34. Byrom Papers. See Vol. 3. Chester's Triumph Edited by T. Heywood. Vol. 32. Vol. 49, 50. The Lancashire in honor of her Prince 1849. . Ac. 8120. Lieutenancy under the Tudors Vol. 35, 41, 43, 46. The House [James 1st], as it was per- and Stuarts. The civil and formed upon St. George's Day, Vol. 19. Notitia Cestriensis. See and Farm Accounts of the military government of the 1610 ..Reprinted from the Vol. 8. Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe county, as illustrated by a original editions of 1610, with Vol. 20. The Coucher Book of Hall ... from September series of royal and other 1582 to October 1621. Edited an introduction and notes [by Whalley Abbey. See Vol. 10. letters. ... Edited by J. Ac. $120. by J. Harland. T. Corser]. 1844. 1856-58. Harland. 2 pt. 1859. Vol. 21, 22. Notitia Cestriensis. Ac. 8120. Ac. 8120. Vol. 4. The life of Adam See Vol. 8. Vol. 36. Worthington's Corres- Vol. 51. Lancashire and Che- Martindale written by himself ... Edited by R. Parkinson. Vol. 23. pondence. See Vol. 13. A Golden Mirrour; shire Wills. See Vol. 33. 1845. Ac. 8120. · conteining certaine pithịe and figurative visions prognostica- Vol. 37. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. 52, 55, 71, 77, 91, 100-102, Vol. 5. The state of parties in ting good fortune to England, Vol. 2. See Vol. 24. 106, 108. Collectanea Anglo- Lancashire before the Re- By Richard, Robinson, of Poetica : or, a bibliographical bellion of 1715 ..: By Samuel Alton. Whereto be adjoyned Vol. 38. Bibliographical Notices and descriptive catalogue of a Hibbert Ware. 1845.: certaine pretie poems written of the Church Libraries at portion of a collection of early on the names of sundrie both Turton and Gorton. By G. J. English Poetry, with occa- Vol. 6. Potts's Discovery of noble and worshipfull... Re- French. 1855. Ac. 8120. sional extracts and remarks Witches in the county of Lan printed from the only known biographical and critical. By caster. Vol. 39. The Farington Papers. Reprinted from the copy of the original edition of T. Corser. 5 vols. 1860-80. original edition of 1613. With 1589, in the British Museum, The Shrievalty of W. Ffaring- 2048. c. with an introduction and notes ton Esq., A.D. 1636. an introduction and notes by. Docu- Each vol. is divided into 2 pts. James Crossley. 1845. by T. Corser. 1851. ments relating to the Civil Ac. 8120. War; and an appendix con- Ac. 8120. Vol. 53, 56, 58. Mamecestre : taining a collection of letters being chapters from the early Vol. 7. Iter Lancastrense, a Vol. 24, 37, 57, 83, 96, 103, etc. taken from the Ffarington cor recorded history of the barony; poem, written 1636. By the Chetham Miscollanies. Edited respondence betweer the years the lordship or manor; the Rev. Richard James. Now by W. Langton. [Vol. 1-3.] 1.547and 1688. Selected ... vill, borough, or town, of Man- first printed. Edited, with (Vol. 5, etc.] by F. R. Raines.) and edited by Susan Maria chester, Edited by J. Har- notes and an introductory Manchester, 1851, etc. 4º. Ffarington. 1856. Ac. 8120. land. 1861, 62. Ac. 8120. memoir, by T. Corser. 1845. In progress. Ac. 8120. Ac. 8120. Vol. 25. Cardinal Allen's De- Vol. 40. Byrom Papers. Vol. 54. Lancashire and Ches- See Vol. 8, 19, 21, 22. Notitia Ces- hire Wills, See Vol, 33. Vol. 32. fence of Sir William Stanley's triensis; or, historical notices surrender of Deventer ... Vol. 41. Shuttleworth Papers. of the Diocese of Chester. By Vot. 55. Collectanea Anglo- Edited by T. Heywood. See Vol. 35. Francis Gastrell, Bishop of Poetica. Pt. 2. See Vol. 52. 1851. Ac. 8120. Exeter. Now first printed; Vol. 42. A history of the ancient with notes by F. R. Raines. Vols. 26, 27. The Autobiography Vol. 56. Mamecestre. Chapels of Didsbury and Chorl- See Vol. 4 vol. 1845-50. Ac. 8120. 53. of H. Newcome. Edited by R. ton, in Manchester parish, in- Vol. 9. The Norris Papers. Parkinson, 2 vol. 1852. cluding sketches of the town Vol. 57. Chetham Miscellanies. AC. 8120. Edited by T. Heywood. 1846. ships of Didsbury, Withington, Vol. 3. See Vol. 24. Ac. 8120. Vol. 28. The Jacobite Trials at Burnage, Heaton Norris, Řed- Vol. 10, 11, 16, 20. The Coucher Vol. 58. Mamecestre. See Vol. dish, Levenslıulme and Chorl- Manchester in 1694. From ton-cum-Hardy; together with 53. Book or Chartulary of Whalley an unpublished manuscript. · notices of the more ancient Abbey. Edited by W. A. Edited by W. Beamont. local families, etc. By J. Hulton. 4 vol. Vol. 59, 60. A history of the 1847-49. 1853. Ac. 8120. Booker. 1857. Ac. 8120. Chantries within the county Ac. $120. Palatine of Lancaster, being Vol. 12. The Moore Reutal. Vol. 29, 31, 66, 67, 70. The Vol. 43. Shuttleworth Papers. the reports of the Royal Com- Edited by T. Heywood. Stanley Papers. (Pt. 1. The missioners of Henry See Vol. 35. VIII., 1847. Earls of Derby, and the verse Edward vi. and Queen Mary. writers and poets of the six- Vol. 13, 36. The diary and Vol. 44. Byrom Papers. Edited by F. R. Raines. See teenth and seventeenth centu- Vol. 32. 1862. correspondence of Dr. John Ac. 8120. ries, by T. Heywood.-Pt. 2. Worthington. Edited by J. The Derby Household Books Vol. 45. Miscellanies: being a Vol. 61. 1. Abbott's Journal. Crossley. 1847, etc. ... by W. Ffarington. Edited selection from the poems and 11. The Trials at Manchester In progress. Ac. 8120. • by Ě. R. Raines.-Pt. 3. correspondence of the Rev. in 1694. Edited by Alexander Vol. 14. The journal of Nicholas Private Devotions and Mis Thomas Wilson, of Clitheroe. Goss. 1864. Ac. 8120. Assheton of Downham . . . for cellanies of James, seventh ... With memoirs of his life. part of the year 1617 and parts Earl of Derby. Edited by By F. Raines. 1857. Vol. 62. A Discourse of the of the year following. Inter- F. R. Raines.) 3 pt. Ac. 8120. Warr in Lancashire. [By spersed with notes from the . 1853–67. Ac. 8120. Edward Robinson ?] Edited Vol. 46. Pt. 3 is in 3 vols. lite of John Bruen ... Edited Shuttleworth Papers. by W. Beamont. 1864. See Vol. 35. by Rev. F. R. Raines, etc. Ac. 8120. 1848. Vol. 30. Documents relating to the Priory of Pen worthan, aud Vol. 47. A history of the ancient Vol. 63. A volume of Court Leet Vol. 15. The holy lyfe and his- other possessions in Lancashire Chapel of Birch, in Manchester Records of the Manor of Man- tory of Saynt Werburge, etc. of the Abbey of Evesham. Parish, including a sketch of chester in the sixteenth cen- By Henry Bradshaw, monk. Edited by W. A. Hulton. the township of Rusholme. tury. Compiled and edited by A fac-simile reprint, of the 1853. Ac. 8120. Together with notices of the J. Harland. 1864. Ac. 8120. edition by Pynson of 1521. more ancient local families, etc. Edited by E. Hawkins. 1848. Vol. 31. The Stanley Papers. By J. Booker. 1859. Vol. 64. Catalogue of Popery Ac. 8120.1 See Vol. 29. Ac. 8120. 1 Tracts. See Vol. 48. 1 Ac. 8120. Ac. 8120. 625 ACADEMIES. [MANCHESTER.] 626 Ac. 8120. 1866–74. MANCHESTER [CONTINUED). MANCHESTER [CONTINUED). Chetham Society. Chetham Society. Remains historical and literary connected with the General Index to the Remains historical and literary Palatine Counties of Lancashire and Chester. Ac. 8120. published by the Chetham Society. Vol. 1.-XXX. [By Vol. 65. Continuation of the Vol. 84, 85, 88. The Visitation C. S. Simms.] Manchester, 1863. 4º. Ac. 8120/2. Court Leet Records of the of the County Palatine of Lan- Manor of Manchester, A.D. caster made... 1664-5. By Geological Society. 1586–1602. Compiled and Sir W. Dugdale . . . Edited edited by J. Harland. 1.865. by ... F. R. Raines, etc. Transactions. 3 pt. 1872, 3. Ac. 8120. London, Manchester (printed], 1841, etc. 8º. Vol. 66, 67. The Stanley Papers. Vol. 86, 87. Annals of the Lords In progress. Ac. 3175. & 674. See Vol. 29. of Warrington for the first five centuries after the Conquest. Catalogue of the library of the... Society. Edited by Vol. 68, 72. Collectanea relating With historical notices of the J. Plant.... February 1875. Salford, (1875.] 80. to Manchester and its neigh- place and neighbourhood by bourhood, at various periods. 11903. bb. 1. Compiled, arranged, W. Beamont, etc. 1872. 2 pt. and edited, by J. Harland. 2 pt. | Holbein Society. 1866, 67. Ac. 8120. Vol. 88. Dugdale's Visitation of The Holbein Society. Draft of project. Lancashire. See Vol. 84. Vol. 69, 73, 93, 94. The Admis- Manchester, (1868.] 4º & fol. 7806. e. (6, 7.) Vol. 89, 90. The Dr. Farmer sion Register of the Man- chester School with some Chetham MS., being a common The Holbein-Society's Fac-simile Reprints. notices of the more distin- place-book in the Chetham Manchester (printed], London, 1869, etc. 4° & fol. Library, Manchester, temp. guished scholars. Edited by J. F. Smith, etc. 3 vol. Elizabeth, James I., and In progress. Ac. 4660. Ac. 8120. Charles I., consisting of verse and prose, mostly hitherto un Literary and Philosophical Society. Vol. 70. The Stanley Papers. published. Edited, with in- See Vol. 29. troduction and notes, by ... Memoirs. 5 vol. A. B. Grosart. 2 pt. 1873. Vol. 71. Collectanea Anglo- Warrington ; Manchester, 1785-1802. 8º. 255. d. 3-8. Ac. 8120. Poetica. Pt. 3. See Vol. 52. Vol. 91. Collectanea Anglo [Another copy.] . 959. k. 8–12. Vol. 72. Collectanea relating to Poetica. Pt. 5. See Vol. 52. Manchester, etc. See Vol. 68. Vol. 92. The History of the Second edition. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1789. 8º. Vol. 73. Manchester School Parish of Kirkham, in the Ac. 1360. Register. See Vol. 69. County of Lancaster. By H. Fishwick. 1874. - Second series. 15 vol. Manchester, 1805-60. 8º. Ac. 8120. Vol. 74. Three Lancashire Vol. 93, 94. Manchester School - Third series. Manchester, 1862, etc. 8º. Documents of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, com- Register. See Vol. 69. In progress. 255. d. 9-12. & Ac. 1360. prising, I. The Great De Vol. 95, 99. Abstracts of Inquisi- Lary Inquisition, Feb. 16, tions post mortem made by [Another copy of Second Series, vol. 1-3.] 1311. II. The Survey of 1320- C. Towneley and R. Dods- 959. k. 13–15. 1346. III. Custom Roll and worth. Extracted from manu- Rental of the Manor of Ashton- scripts at Towneley. Edited Proceedings. Manchester, (1858, etc.] 8º. under-Lyne, November 11, by W. Langton. 2 vol. In progress. Ac. 1360/2. 1422. Edited by J. Harland. 1875, 76. Ac. 8120. 1868. Ac. $120. Vol. 96. Chetham Miscellanies. Rules established for the government of the... Society, Vol 75. Lancashire Funeral Vol. 5. See Vol. 24. ...and a list of the members. Manchester, 1782. 4º. Certificates. Edited by T. W. Vol. 97. Contributions towards a T. 48. (9.) King. With additions by ... history of the ancient parish of F. R. Raines. 1864. Prestbury, Cheshire. By F. A short account of the institution and views of the... Ac. 8120. Renaud. 1876. Ac. $120. Society, etc. [Manchester, 1783 ?] 4º. T. 35. (9.) Vol. 76. . Observations and in Vol. 98, 110. The Visitation of structions divine and morall Lancashire and a part of [Another edition.] [Manchester, 1784 ?] 4º. T. 35. (17.) in verse, by Robert Heywood. Cheshire, made in the twenty- Edited by J. Crossley. 1869. fourth year of the reign of King Rules of the... Society, etc. Manchester, 1861. 8º. Ac. 8120 Henry the eighth, A.n. 1533, by special commission of T. Benalt. Ac. 1360/3. Vol. 77. Collectanea Anglo Edited by W. Langton. 2 pt. Poetica. Pt. 4. See Vol. 52. Catalogue of the books in the Library of the... Society. 1876-82.. Ac. 8120. Manchester, 1875. 8º. · 11903. bbb. 3. Vol. 78–80. Tracts written in Vol. 99. Towneley Inquisitions. the controversy respecting the See Vol. 95. legitimacy of Amicià, Daughter Vol. 100 - 102. Collectanea Literary Club. of Hugh Cyveliok, Earl of Anglo-Poetica. Pt. 6. See Proceedings of the Manchester Literary Club. Twelfth Chester, A.D. 1673-1679. By Sir Vol. 52. session. 1873–4. Manchester, [1874.] 12º. P. Leycester, Bart., and Sir T. Mainwaring, Bart. Reprinted Vol. 103. Chetham Miscellanies. Ac. 9129. from the collection at Peover. Vol. 6. See Vol. 24. Transactions of the Manchester Literary Club. Session Edited with an introduction, Vol. 104, 105. The history of 1874-5. Vol. 1. Manchester, London, 1875. 8º.. by W. Beamont. 1869. the Parish of Garstang in the [Continued as :) county of Lancaster Edited Papers of the Manchester Literary Club. With a report Vol. 81. The Visitation of the by Lieut.-Col. H. Fishwick. County Palatine of Lancaster, 2 pt. 1878, 79. Ac. 8120. of the proceedings of the Society for...1875-6 (1876–7, made in the year 1567, by Vol. 106. Collectanea Anglo- etc.) Vol. 2, etc. Manchester, 1876, etc. 8º. William Flower, Norroy King Poetica. Pt. 9. See Vol. 52. In progress. Ac. 9129/2. of Arms. Edited by : . .F. R. Raines. 1870. Ac. 8120. Vol. 107, etc. Inventories of A bibliographical list of books illustrating the Lanca- Goods in the churches and Vol. 82. shire dialect. By W. E. A. Axon. Reprinted from the chapels of Lancashire taken in The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, the year A.1). 1552. Elited Publications of the English Dialect Society, made in the year 1613, by R. by J. E. Bailey. 1879, etc. Bungay, 1875. 8°. BB. T. St. George, Norroy King of In progress. Ac. 8120. Arms. Edited by ... F. R. Vol. 108. Collectanea Anglo- Catalogue of water-colour drawings, sketches and studies, Raines. 1871. Ac. 8120. Poetica. See Vol. 52. by ... W. Hull, exhibited ... at a conversazione of the Vol. 83. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. 110. Benalt's Visitation of Manchester Literary Club, etc. pp. 8. Vol. 4. See Vol. 24. Lancashire. See Vol. 98. Manchester, Pendleton (printed], 1880. 8º. Ac. 9129/4. Ac. 8120. 627 ACADEMIES. (MANCHESTER.] 628 1 MANCHESTER (CONTINUED). MANCHESTER [CONTINUED). Literary Club. Spenser Society. A Glossary of the Lancashire Dialect. By J. H. Nodal BIBLE.—Old Testament.-Psalms. Exercises upon the and G. Milner. Manchester, 1875, etc. 8°. first Psalme. Buth in Prose and Verse. By G. Wither. In progress. Ac. 9129/3. [With the text.] pp. 188. Manchester, 1882. 4º. Ac. 9490/15. A list of Lancashire Authors, with brief biographical No. 34 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. and bibliographical notes. Edited by C. W. Sutton. Manchester, 1876. 8º. Ac. 9129/3. BODENHAM (J.) Bodenham's Belvedere ; or, the Garden of the Muses. Reprinted from the original edition of 1600. pp. xviii. 236. Manchester, 1875. 4º. pp. 8. Manchester, 1880. 8º. Ac. 9129/5. Ac. 9490/18. No. 17 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Manchester New College. CHURCHYARD (THOMAS) The Worthines of Wales... Literary and scientific department. Introductory dis- Reprinted from the original edition of 1587. B. L. courses delivered in Manchester New College, at the pp. vi. 107. Manchester, 1876. 4º. Ac. 9490/17. opening of the session of 1840. No. 20 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. London, [Manchester printed,] 1841. 8º. HEYWOOD (JOHN) Dramatist. The Proverbs and Epi- 731. h. 37. (1.) grams of John Heywood, ... Reprinted from the original Each discourse has a separate titlepage and pagination. (1562) edition, and collated with the second (1566) edi- tion; with an appendix of variations. Theological department. Introductory discourses de- Manchester, 1867. 4º. Ac. 9490. livered ... at the opening of the session of 1840. 3 pt. No. 1 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. London, 1841. 8º. 731. h. 37. (2.) KENDALL (TIMOTHY) Flowers of Epigrammes (selected), Numismatic Society. by T. Kendall ... Reprinted from the original edition of 1577. B. L. pp. xvi. 303. Manchester, 1874. 4°. Proceedings of the Manchester Numismatic Society. Ac. 9490/19 Vol. 1, 2, pt. 1. Manchester, 1864-71. 4º. Ac. 5888. No. 15 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. No more published. ROBINSON (CLEMENT) A Handefull of Pleasant Delites Owens College. ... Reprinted from the original edition of 1584. B. L. Introductory Lectures on the opening of Owens College. Manchester, 1871. 4º. Ac. 9490/6. Manchester, 1852. 8º. Ac. 2672. No. 8 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Rous (FRANCIS) the Elder. Thule, or Vertues Historie. A Catalogue of the MSS. and Printed Books bequeathed pp. viii. 152. Manchester, 1878. 4º. Ac. 9490/16. No. 23 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Manchester. Manchester, (1870.] 8º. 11904. f. [Another copy.] Ac. 9490. The Calendar of Owens College. Session 1871–2(-1873, TAYLOR (JOHN) the Water Poet. Works of John Taylor etc.). Manchester, 1871, etc. 8°. P.P. 2506. dh. the Water Poet, comprised in the folio edition of 1630. In progress. 3 vol. Manchester, 1869. [1863, 69.] fol. Observations on a Memorial to be presented to the Privy Ac. 9490/2. Council and a letter from the Chairman of Council of Nos. 2–4 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. the Yorkshire College. [Manchester, 1878.] 8º. TAYLOR (JOHN) the Water Poet. Works of John Taylor $306. df. 9. (2.) the Water Poet, not included in the folio volume of 1630. Annual Report of the Principal...1881. pp. 16. First (-fifth) collection. 5 vol. [Manchester ? 1881.] 8º. Manchester, (1870)-1877. 4º. Ac. 2672/2. Ac. 9490/5. No. 7, 14, 19, 21 of the Publications of the Spenser Six Introductory Lectures delivered in the Medical De- Society. partment of the... College...1884. By Dr. Culling WITHER (GEORGE) the Poet. Britain's Remembrancer. worth...and Dr. Ransome. With a preface by..... DI.D.C.XX.VIII. 2 pt. Manchester, 1880. 4º. Gaingee. pp. viii. 150. Ac. 9490/10. J. E. Cornish : Manchester, 1884. 8º. 7404. bbb. 12. Nos. 28 and 29 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Photographic Society. WITHER (GEORGE) the Poet. Haleluiah, or Britan's Second Remembrancer. 1641. 3 pt. Photographic Notes. See PERIODICAL, PUBLICATIONS. Munchester, 1879. 4º. Ac. 9490/13. London. Nos. 26 and 27 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Photographic Illustrations, by Members of the Man- WATSON (THOMAS) Poet. The 'Ekatourabia, or Passionate chester Photographic Society. No. 1. Centurie of Love ... Reprinted from the original edition Manchester (printed,] London, 1856. 4º. Ac. 5053. of (circa) 1581. B. L. Manchester, 1869. 4º. No more published. Ac. 9490, 4. No. 6 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. . Record Society for the publication of original docu- ments relating to Lancashire aud Cheshire. WITHER (GEORGE) the Poet. The Hymns and Songs of [Publications.] [London,] 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 8121 the Church. pp. 218. Manchester, 1881. 4º. Ac. 9490/12. In progress. No. 30 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Spenser Society. WITHER (GEORGE) the Poet. Juvenilia. Poems by G. BIBLE.—Old Testament.-Psalms. The Psalms,... tran Wither contained in the collections of his Juvenilia slated into lyrick-verse, by G. Wither. 2 pt. Manchester, 1881. 4º. Ac. 9490/14. Manchester, 1871. 4º. Ac. 9490/7. Vos. 31, 32 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Nos. 9–11 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. TM 629 ACADEMIES. [MANCHESTER-MARBURG.] 630 # MANCHESTER [CONTINUED). MANTUA. Spenser Society. Accademia degli Invitti, afterwards Accademia dei WITHER (GEORGE) the Poet. Miscellaneous Works of G. Timidi. Wither. Manchester, 1872, etc. 4º. Ac. 9490/9. Discorso, e Poesie recitate . . . dagli Accademici Timidi In progress. Nos. 12, 13, 16, etc, of the Publications of di Mantova in occasione della promozione alla sacra the Spenser Society. porpora di Monsignore Silvio Valenti [Gonzaga.), etc. . 4863. dd. WITHER (GEORGE) the Poet. Paralellogrammaton. pp. 138. Mantova, [1739.] 80. Manchester, 1882. 4º. Ac. 9490/11. Forming No. 33 of the Spenser Society's Publications.' · Accademia Virgiliana. See infra : Reale Academia Virgiliana, etc. Zepheria. [An amatory poem.] Reprinted from the original edition of 1594. Manchester, 1869. 4º. Reale Accademia di Scienze, Belle Lettere ed Arti. Ac. 9490/3. Memorie. Tom. 1. Mantova, 1795. 4º. Ac.. 90. No. 5 of the Publications of the Spenser Society. Regole della Accademia di Mantova per la Colonia Statistical Society. Filarmonica. Mantova, 1770. 8º. 7897. b. 9. Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. Elogio di C. Ottavio, Conte di Colloredo, scritto da G. Session 1858–59, etc. Manchester, 1859, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2455. G. Conte d'Arco. Mantova, 1787. 4º. 10631. ee. Prose e poesie in morte del Cavaliere S. Bettinelli ... Report of a Committee of the Manchester Statistical recitate dai socj della R. Accademia di Mantova e dai Society, on the state of education in the City of York, in Pastori Arcadi della colonia Virgiliana. 1836-1837, etc. London, Manchester (printed], 1837. 8º. Mantova, 1808. 8º. 10631. df. 8307. ccc. 33. (2.) Victoria University. Museo della Reale Accademia di Mantova. (Descrizione del Museo, etc.) Mantova, 1790. 8º. 7707. b. 2. The Victoria University Calendar for 1880–1 (1881-2, etc.) Manchester, [1880, etc.] 8º. P.P. 2506. dh. See LABUS (G.) Museo della Reale Accademia di In progress. Mantova descritto ed illustrato dal dottor G. Labus. 1837. 8°. 558. C. MANNHEIM. Reale Accademia Virgiliana di Scienze, Lettere ed Academia Electoralis Theodoro-Palatina. Arti. Historia et commentationes. 11 vol. Atti e Memorię, etc. Anno 1868. Mantova, 1868. 8º. Mannheimii, 1766-90. 4º. No more published. Ac. 65/2. 1. C. 5. a. 24–27 & T. C. 6. a. 1-7. Statuto della R. Accademia Virgiliana, etc. Another copy.] 462. e. 1-9. Mantova, 1869. 8º. Ac. 65. Wanting vol. 6. physicum and vol. 7 historicum. Primo saggio di Catalogo Virgiliano, ossia elenco delle Codex principis olim Laureshamensis Abbatiæ diplo- | opere manoscritte o stampate che riguardano il poeta P. Virgilio Marone esistenti in Mantova nel 1882. maticus ex aevo maxime Carolingico ... Edidit, recensuit et praefata est Academia-Elect. Scient. et Elegant. Lit. pp. 31. Mantova, 1882. fol. 11905. bb. 6. Theodoro-Palatina. [Edited by A. Lamey.] 3 tom. Mannheimië, 1768–70. 4º. 9340. f. MARBURG. [Another copy.] 206. a. 10-12 Academia Marburgensis. Grossherzoglich Badischer Landwirthschaftlicher Von einer ungewöhnlichen, und biss anhero in diesen Verein. Landen unbekannten, gifftigen . . . Schwacheit, welche Vorträge bei dem Centralfeste und der Preisvertheilung der gemeyne Mann dieser Ort in Hessen, die Kribel- des Grossherzoglich Badischen Landwirthschaftlichen kranckheit, Krimpffsucht, oder ziehende Seuche nennet Vereins abgehalten in Mannheim am 15ten und 16ten ...gestellet, durch die Professores Facultatis Medicæ October 1840. Heidelberg, 1841. 8º. Ac. 3423. der Universitet zu Marpurg in Hessen. pp. 75. Marpurg, 1597. 4º. 7561. e. 2. (5.) Kurpfälzisch - Physikalisch - Ökonomische Gesell- Fausta acclamatio : Quâ... nuptiis... Ottonis... Hassiæ schaft. Landyravii..., cum... Agneta-Margareta, Ascaniæ, &c. See supra : LAUTERN. — Physikalisch - Ökonomische und Principe, celebratis ; Academia Marpurgensis ... gratu- Bienengesellschaft. latur (Stylo Sturmiano). [In verse.] Societas Meteorologica Palatina. Marpurgi, 1617. 4º. 837. h. 12. (34.) Ephemerides. 12 tom. Mannheimii, 1783-95. 4°. Agonismata medica Marpurgensia in Academia Mar- T. c. 6. a. 8–16. purgensi habita. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1618. 4º. Each of the volumes from 1782 to 1786 and the volumes 1185. C. 3. for 1788 and 1793 have an appendix separately paged. Kurzer Medicinischer Raht wegen der jetzo grassieren- den Schwachheit. Uff gvädigen Befelch dess... Herrn [Another copy.] P.P. 2374. g. Georgen, Landgrafen zu Hessen . . . Von dero Fürst- lichen Gnaden Medicinischer Facultat (in the University Imperfect ; wanting the vol. for 1788 and the appendixes of Marburg) uffgesetzt und beschrieben. to 1782, 83 and 86. Marpurg, 1641. 4º. 1167. f. 18. (9.) [Another copy of 1787-90.] 456. a. 7. Rechtliche bedencken der ... Juristenfacultät zu Mar- burg, den Kirchenzustand der Gemeinde Melbach in der Verein für Naturkunde. Wetterau betreffend (1752–53). See PREUSCHEN (G. E. L.) Erster (zweiter, etc.) Jahresbericht des Mannheimer Dass ein Catholischer Landesherr in... Kirchensachen Vereins für Naturkunde. Mannheim, (1834, etc.] 8º. seiner Evangelischen Unterthanen zu erkennen nicht .. . In progress. Ac. 2888. befugt sey, etc. 1753. 4° 5175. C. (1.) 1 631 632 ACADEMIES. [MARBURG-MECKLENBURG-SCHWERINT suris la S. E. Marcur A. $19,415 MARBURG [CONTINUED). MARSEILLES [CONTINUED). Academia Marburgensis. Société de Statistique. Index Plantarum horti academici Marburgensis...1807. Annales des Sciences et de l'industrie du midi de la [Marburg, 1807.] 80. . T. 817. (22.) France. tom. 1–3. Marseille, 1832[-34.] 8º. . : Ac. 2415/2. Academiae Marpurgensis privilegia, leges generales et Répertoire des Travaux de la Société..., par une com- statuta facultatum specialia, anno MDCLIII. promulgata. mission spéciale, publié suus la direction de M. P. M. Edidit J. Caesar. Marburgi, 1868. 4º. 8355. g. Roux. Tom. 1-26 (du docteur S. E. Maurin, tom. 27- Amtliches Gutachten der theologischen Facultät zu 32; de M. A. Saurel, tom. 33–35; Ju Docteur A. Sicard, Marburg über die hessische Katechismus- und Bekennt tom. 36, etc.). Marseille, 1837, etc. go. Ac. 2415. nissfrage. Marburg, 1855. 8°. 3504. f. 10. (8.) In progress. See GILDEMEISTER (J.) Das Gutachten der theolo- Olo- Société Impériale de Médecine. gischen Facultät zu Marburg über die hessische Bekenntnissfrage, etc. 1859. 8º. 3913. e. See infra : Société Royale, afterwards Impériale de Médecine. Gratulationsschrift der Universität Marburg an das Kaiserlich deutsche Archäologische Institut in Rom ...|Société Royale, afterwards Impériale, de Médecine. Athena und Marsyas : Bronzemünze des Berliner Mu- Bulletin des Travaux, etc. Marseille, 1864, etc. 8º. seums von L. von Sybel. Mit...einer Steindrucktafel. In progress. Ac. 3717/2. pp. 17. Marburg, 1879. 4º. 7755. i. 11. Société scientifique industrielle. Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesammten Natur- BARRET (L.) Note sur l'aménagement des ports de wissenschaften. commerce, etc. Marseille, (1875.] 8º. Ac. 4411. Schriften. Bd. 1-3. Marburg, Kassel, 1823–32. 8º. 746. c. 1. Union des Arts. Staatwirthschaftliches Institut. Bulletin de l'Union des Arts, Marseille. Revue périodi- Abhandlungen des Staatswirthschaftlichen Instituts zu que des lettres, des sciences et des arts, etc. [Edited by Marburg [edited by J. H. Jung Stilling). J. L. Vidal.] Marseille, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 368. Offenbach, 1791. 8º. Ac. 7097. In progress. Universitas Marburgensis. MAURITIUS. See supra : Academia Marburgensis. Meteorological Society. Transactions ... (Proceedings and Transactions, etc.) MARSEILLES. edited by the Secretary. 1851, 1859, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 66. [Port Louis ?] Mauritius, 1853–66. 8º. Ac. 4114. Académie des Belles Lettres. Recueil de plusieurs pièces de poësie, présentées... pour Synoptic weather-charts of the Indian Ocean for... le prix de l'année 1727 ; avec les discours prononcés, et les February, 1861. Prepared and published under the ouvrages lus dans l'assemblée publique. auspices of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius Marseille, [1727.] 8º. 240. i. 40. Edinburgh, 1861. obl. fol. . 8752. k. 4. Recueil des ouvrages présentés à l'Académie, etc. [Marseille,] 1777. 8º. Ac., 367/2. MAYENNE. Mémoires. Marseille, an XI. [1803), etc. 89. Société d'Archéologie, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Ac. 367. Bulletin. Mayenne, 1865, etc. 4º. Ac. 369. In progress. The publication of the Mémoires was sus- In progress. pended in 1814 and not resumed until 1848. LUG Association des Médecins du Département des MECHLIN. Bouches-du-Rhône. Société des Sciences Médicales et Naturelles de Union Médicale de la Provence. Organe officiel des Malines. sociétés locales des Médecins du département des Bouches-du-Rhône et des Départements ... annexées à Réglement de la Société, etc. Malines, (1841 ?] 89. l'Association Générale des Médecins de France, publié Ac. 3795. sous la Direction d'un Comité de Rédaction. Annales, etc. Année 1-12. Marseille, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 3717. Bruxelles, Malines, 1841-56. 8º... Ac. 3795/2. In progress. Compte-rendu des travaux scientifiques de la Société... Felibre de la Mar. présenté en séance publique le 12 Novembre 1855, par La Calanco. Recuei de literaturo prouvençalo. Emé Mr. G. J. J. Van Melckebeke, etc. Malines, 1856. 89. la traducien franceso vis-à-vis. (La Calanque. Recueil 8704. dd. de littérature provençale, etc.) [Edited with a preface signed : E. E.] Marsiho, 1879, etc. 18º. Ac. 8923. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN. In progress. Mecklenburgischer Patriotischer Verein. Société de Géographie. Amtlicher Bericht über die Verhandlungen in der von Bulletin, etc. Marseille, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 6031. dem Mecklenburgischen Patriotischen Verein gestifteten In progress. . allgemeinen Versammlung zur Förderung der Industrie und des Wohlstandes der Inhaber kleiner Landwirth- Société d'Émulation de la Provence. schaften, Bauern, etc. zu Güstrow am 3 Nov. 1842. Mémoires. 1861, etc. Marseille, 1862, etc. 80. Von F. I. C. Pogge auf Zierstorff. Rostock, 1843. 8º. In progress. Ac. 505. Ac. 3425/2. 633 634 ACADEMIES. (MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN-MELBOURNE.] MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN (CONTINUED). MELBOURNE [CONTINUED]: Mecklenburgischer Patriotischer Verein. Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. :: Landwirthscbaftliche Annalen des Mecklenburgischen LEDGER (GEORGE) The Alpaca : its introduction into Patriotischen Vereins. (Zuerst herausgegeben von Australia, and the probabilities of its acclimatisation F. C. L. Karsten . . . fortgesetzt) von H. L. J. Karsten. there. A paper read before the Society of Arts, London 16 Bde. Rostock, Leipzig, 1846–61. 8º. . . , Republished by the Acclimatisation Society of In neuester Folge redigirt von E. John Jahrg. 1, Victoria. Melbourne, 1861. 8º. 1146. C. 35. etc. Wismar und Ludwigslust, Rostock, 1862, etc. 4º. MACKNIGHT (CHARLES H.) On the true Principles of In progress. : Ac. 3425. Breeding, developed in letters hy C. H. Macknight, ... Festgabe zur Feier der Haupt-Versammlung des Meck- and...Ă. Madden, etc. Melbourne, 1865. 8º. lenburgischen patriotischen Vereins in Parchim vom 1146. e. 11. 1 sten bis 4ten Juni 1864. Parchim, 1864. 16º. Flagstaff Observatory. 7943. a. 26. Results of the Meteorological Observations taken in the Colony of Victoria, ... 1859-1862; and of the nautical MEININGEN. Observations collected and discussed at the Flagstaff Observatory, Melbourne...1858-1862 [by] G. Neumayer. Hennebergischer Alterthumsforschender Verein. (Meteorological tables for the North and South Atlantic Archiv des Hennebergischen Alterthumsforschenden and the Southern Indian Ocean.) 2 pt. Vereins. Herausgegeben durch ... A. Gutgesell (F. C. Melbourne, 1864. 4°. 8750. g. Kümpel, G. Brückner). Lief. 1-5. Meiningen, 1834-45. 8º. Ac. 5380. 8752. f. [Another copy.] No more published. Each Lief. has, besides the above, a Discussion of the Meteorological and Magnetical Obser- second titlepage, which reads : “ Beiträge zur Geschichte vations made at the Flagataff Observatory, Melbourne, deutschen Alterthums, etc.” during the years 1858–1863 by G. Neumayer. Melbourne, 1867. 4º. 8752. h. Neue Beiträge zur Geschichte dentschen Alterthums. Herausgegeben von dem Hennebergischen alterthums- | Industrial and Technological Museum. forschenden Verein durch G. Brückner. 3 Lief. Meiningen, 1858–67. 8º. Reports and Papers of the Committee and Trustees, 9325. d. 1870, etc. Mason, etc. : Melbourne, 1872, etc. 8°. Die ehernen Denkmale Hennebergischer Grafen von In progress. 7959. b. 20. P. Vischer in der Stifts-Kirche zu Römhild gezeichnet, Industrial and Technological Museum. Lectures de- und beschrieben von A. W. Doebner ... herausgegeben livered in the Lecture room of the Museum during the von dem Hennebergischen... Verein. Spring Session of 1870. Melbourne, 1871. 8º. München, 1840. fol. 1730. b. Ac. 4497. Chronik der Stadt Meiningen von 1676 bis 1834. [Being Industrial and Technological Museum, Melbourne. a continuation of the “ Poligraphia Meiningensis” of Lectures delivered...during the Second Session of 1871. J. S. Gueth published in 1676. Compiled by E. Melbourne, 1872. 8º. Ac. 4497. Shaubach, -- Emmrich, — Maaser and L. Bechstein from MS. materials. With a preface by L. Bechstein.] Catalogue of the . . . Museum, 1873. [With an intro- Herausgegeben von dem Hennebergischen alterthums- ductory note by J. C. Newbery, Superintendent.] pp. forschenden Verein. 2. Thle. Meiningen, 1835. 4º. 96. Mason, etc. : Melbourne, 1873. gº. 7959. b. 21. Ac. 5390/2. Medical Society of Victoria. The Australian Medical Journal. Edited under the MELBOURNE. . superintendence of the Medical Society of Victoria. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—-Melbourne. The Australian, Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. etc. 1856, etc. 80. · P.P. 2889. f. The Rules and Objects of the Acclimatisation Society of Report on the prevalence of Phthisis in Victoria ... Victoria, with the report adopted at the first general meeting of the members, and a list of the officers, etc. December 19, 1877. Melbourne, (1877.] 8º. Melbourne, 1861. 8°. 7306. aaa. 12. (13.) 7293. g. Melbourne Medical Students' Society. The first(-sixth) Annual Report of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, etc. Melbourne, 1862–68. 8º. The Melbourne Medical Students' Society. 1882. Ac. 3598. [Annual Report.] pp. 7. Melbourne, 1882. gº. Ac. 3856. [Another copy of the ist report.] : Ac. 3598/2. Melbourne Observatory. Begin. The Acclimatisation Society, etc. [A review of See infra: WILLIAMSTOWN, Victoria.-Williamstown their past transactions, and a statement in reference to the grant of £4,000 by the Council of the Colony.] Observatory, etc. [Melbourne, 1864.] 4º. 1811. a. (12.) | Microscopical Society of Victoria, Answers furnished by the Acclimatisation Society ... The Journal of the Microscopical Society of Victoria. to the enquiries addressed to it by ... the Governor of Melbourne, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 3099. Victoria, at the instance of... the Secretary of State for In progress. the Colonies. Melbourne, 1864. 8º. 7205. aaa. Mining Institute of Victoria. A report of proceedings of the... Society, etc. Transactions of the Mining Institute of Victoria . .. Melbourne, 1866. 12° 7002. a. I Edited... by J. Braché. vol. 1. Melbourne, 1859. 80. Ac. 3236. Guide to the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society's | Gardens. By the Hon. Secretary to the Society. Second Philosophical Institute of Victoria, afterwards Royal edition. pp. 15. Society of Victoria. Sands & McDougall : Melbourne, 1896. 8º. Ac. 3598/4. See infra: Royal Society of Victoria. 635 • : . 636 ACADEMIES." (MELBOURNE- MENTZ.] MELBOURNE (CONTINUED). MELBOURNE [CONTINUED). . Philosophical Society of Victoria. University of Melbourne. Transactions of the Philosophical Society ... including Proceedings on laying the memorial stone of the Wilson the papers and proceedings of the Society for the ... Hall of the University of Melbourne by the Honourable year ending July 1855. vol. 1. Melbourne, 1855. 8º. Sir S. Wilson ... October 2nd, 1879. pp. xxxix. 42. Ac. 1980/2. Stillwell & Co.: Melbourne, 1879. 89. 8366. f. 8. The Philosophical Society was in July 1855 amalgamated with the Victorian Institute, under the title of the Philo- Catalogue of the Library of the University of Melbourne. sophical Institute of Victoria. London, 1856. 8°. 11900. c. Royal Society of Victoria. Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. Laws...adopted 1857. Melbourne, 1857. 8º. See supra : Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. 8707. d. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, MELUN. etc. [After vol. 4, continued as:) Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, etc. Société d'Archéologie, Sciences, Lettres et Arts du Melbourne, 1857, etc. 89. Ac. 1980/3. département de Seine-et-Marne. In progress. Bulletin de la Société d'Archéologie ... fondée à Melun, Report on the Resources of the Colony of Victoria. le 16 Mai 1864.. Meaux, 1865, etc. 8º. Ac. 533. Prepared by a Committee of the Royal Society of In progress. Victoria. Melbourne, 1860. 89. Ac. 1980/2. Progress Report of the Exploration Committee of the MEMMINGEN. Royal Society for Victoria, for 1861. Adopted at a Gesellschaft der Meistersänger in Memmingen. meeting of the Royal Society, held 14th April, 1862. Melbourne, (1862.] fol. Ac. 1980/6. Kurtze Entwerflung dess Teutschen Meister-Gesangs, allen dessen Liebhabern zugutem, wolmeinend hervor Progress Reports and final Report of the Exploration geben, und zum Truck verfertiget. Stuttgart, 1660. 4°. Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria, 1863. 1463. e. [Melbourne, 1863.] fol. Ac. 1980/7. MENTZ. Victorian Academy of Arts. The First (2nd, 4th, 8th] Exbibition of the Victorian Historischer Verein für Ermland. Academy of Arts, etc. [Catalogues.] Monumenta historiæ Warmiensis. Mainz, 1858, etc. 8º. Melbourne, 1870, etc. 4º. 7855. ff. 32. In progress. Ac. 7109. In progress. Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Victorian Institute for the advancement of Science. Ermlands ... herausgegeben vom Domcapitular Dr Eichhorn. Mainz, 1858, etc. 8º. Ac. 7109/2. Constitution and laws of the Victorian Institute for the In progress. Advancement of Science. Melbourne, [1854.] 8º. 8309. b. 25. Spicilegium Copernicanum (oder Quellenschriften zur Literaturgeschichte des Bisthums Ermland im Zeitalter [Another copy.] 8707. C. des N. Kopernikus). Festschrift des ... Vereins ... zum vierhundertsten Geburtstage des ... Domherrn N. Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute Kopernikus. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Hipler. for the Advancement of Science. For the Sessions Braunsberg, 1873. 8°. 8561. dd. 1854–1855. Melbourne, 1855. 89. Ac. 1980. The Victorian Institute was in June 1855 amalgamated with Lokal-Gewerbeverein, the Philosophical Society, under the title of, The Philo- sophical Institute of Victoria. Vorlegeblätter für Gewerbeschulen und technische Anstalten ... Herausgegeben von dem Lokal-Gewebe- verein in Mainz, gezeichnet von C. Roos. Hft. 1. University of Melbourne. Mainz, 1855. obl. fol. 1732. d. 1. See VICTORIA, Colony of.- Victoria, Queen, etc. Act of No more published. Incorporation (22 Jan. 1853) Statutes and Regulations of the University of Melbourne. 1855. 8º. Römisch-Germanisches Centralmuseum. 8365. cc. Die Alterthümer unserer heidnischen Vorzeit. Nach Minutes of the proceedings of the Council of the Uni den in öffentlichen und Privatsammlungen befindlichen versity of Melbourne ... May 3, 1853 (-18th April, Originalien zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von 1868). No. 1 (-309). dem Römisch-Germanischen Centralmuseum in Mainz, J. Férres : Melbourne, (1853-68.] fol. 8365. g. 4. durch dessen Conservator L. Linderschmit. 2 Bde. Mainz, 1858–70. 1º. Ac. 5476 & 407. Statutes and Regulations of the University of Melbourne. Melbourne, 1855. 8º. 8365. c. 5. Sodalitas Academica Major Moguntina. Antiquitates Christianorum [by F. X. Mannhardt), cum University of Melbourne, Act of Incorporation, statutes dissertationibus aliquot in fine additis. (Dissertatio and regulations. 1857. Melbourne, (1857.] 8º. J. Cabassutii de discrimine inter episcopos et presbyteros, 8365. c. etc.-E. de Azevedo et Disciplina Arcani et Liturgiis.- Melbourne University Calendar for ... 1858–59, etc. F. X. Zech de campanis et intrumentis musicis.). Melbourne, (1858, etc.] 12º. P.P. 2638. a. Moguntiae, 1769. 8º. 1364. a. In progress. Verein für Literatur und Kunst. Examination Papers, 1873–1874. (1875, etc.) Quartalblätter. Jahrg 1-5. Hft. 1-2. Melbourne, (1875, etc.] 12°. 8366. aa. Mainz, 1830–34. 8º. Ac. 8959. In progress. Each of Jahrg 1-4 is in 4 Hefte, separately paged. 637 ACADEMIES. [MENTZ-MEXICO.] 638 Ac. 5316. MENTZ [CONTINUED). METZ. Verein zur Erforschung der rheinischen Geschichte Académie Imperiale de Metz. und Alterthümer, See infra : Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts. Zeitschrift. Bd. 1. Mainz, 1845–51. 8º. P.P. 1897. d. Académie Nationale. Universitas Moguntina. See infra : Société des Lettres, etc. Catalogus chronologicus rectorum ... in Universitate | Académie Royale. Moguntina, etc. See KNODT (H.) De Moguntia litterata commentationes historicæ, etc. [1751.] 4º. See infra: Société des Lettres, etc. 817. £. 31. Société d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de la Moselle. MERAN. Mémoires ... Année 1860, etc. Metz, 1861, etc. 80. Christlicher Kunstverein. In progress. See supra : Botzen. BAUCHEZ (JEAN) Journal de J. Bauchez, ... publié ... d'après la nianuscrit original ... par MM. C. Abel et E. de Bouteiller. Metz, 1868. 8º. 1622. g. · MERIDA. Universidad de Mérida. Société de l'Histoire Naturelle du département de la Moselle. Estatutos de la Universidad, etc. Carácas, 1836. 8º. 8366. b. 12. Mémoires, etc. (Bulletin, etc.) 1-8. Metz, 1843–57. 8°. Ac. 2850. La Universidad de Mérida al público ilustrado di Vene- zuela. [A protest against the charges brought against Société de l'Union des Arts. the Academical body by J. F. Soto.] Mérida, 1849. 8º. 8356. bb. L'Union des Arts. Revue littéraire et artistique publiée sous les auspices de la Société de l'Union des Arts. MERTHYR-TYDFIL. 2 tom. Metz, [1852,] 4º. Ac. 4544. No more published. South Wales Institute of Engineers. Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts. Transactions. 1857 to 1859 (1860, etc.). Merthyr-Tydfil, 1859[58), etc. 8º. Ac. 4316. Mémoires : 1819–52. Metz, 1821–53. 8º. In progress. Imperfect; wanting No. 3, vol. 5 and the — Deuxième Série, 1852–71. Metz, 1853–71. 8º. titlepage and index of vol. 3. Tables générales des deux premières séries, 1819- 1871, Par J. Thilloy. Metz, 1873. 8º. MESSINA. Mémoires ... Troisième Série. 1871, etc. Accademia della Fucina. Metz, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 370. In progress. Il Duello delle Muse, overo trattenimenti carnevaleschi degli Accademici della Fucina. Trattenimento terzo Société des Sciences médicales de la Moselle. dell'anno 1669 con la raccolta di alcune rime facete Exposé des Travaux ... 1850–66. Metz, 1851-67. 8º. de' medesimi Accademici. [Edited by P. Gregori.] Ac. 3718. Napoli, 1670. 4º. 1063. 1. 1. Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la Moselle. Le Muse festegianti, estravagāze liriche degli Academici See supra : Société d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, etc. della Fucina. 2 pt. G. B. Ferroni : Bologna, 1646. 4º. 1161. k. 33. Prose degli Accademici della Fucina. Libro primo, nel quale si contengono vari discorsi raccolti dall' Immoto MEXICO. (Bartolomeo Pisa). D. A. Ferro : Monteleone, 1667. 4º. Academia de Derecho Español, público y privado. Ac. 8850. Solemine accion de gracias que la Academia de Derecho See COLONNE (G. DELLE) La storia della guerra di Troia Español ... de la capital de México da al Supremo ... Data in luce da gli Accademici della Fucina. Congreso de las Cortes Generales y Extraordinarias, por 1665. 4º. 1074. c. 23. haber dictado la constitucion política de la Monarquía Peloritana Accademia de' Pericolanti. Española. Celebrada el dia 15 de Marzo de 1813, etc. México, 1814. 4º. 6785. aaa. 1. Spiegazioni di due antiche mazze di ferro ritrovato in Messina nell'anno 1733, scritte dal Naufragante (J. F. [Another copy.] 9180. C. (7.) de' Quingles) e dall' Ardito (P. Aglioti), con le opposi- Exercicio literario que la Academia ... tuvo el dia zioni e note del Minacciato (G. Natoli Ruffo d'Alifia, 22 de Noviembre de 1813, etc. [Mexico,] 1814. 4º. Duca di Archirafi), del Timido (F. Natoli, Marchese di 6785. aaa. (2.) Camporitondo), e del Recuperato (1. Cesareo), e con le risposte de' medisini Naufragante ed Ardito, etc. Academia de Derecho teórico-práctico. Venezia, 1740. fol. 659. 1. 23. Coleccion de piezas literarias en prosa y verso con que 145. g. 11. se solemnizó el dia 8 de Febrero la apertura de la [Another copy.] Academia, . . . bajo la direccion del . : . Colegio de Reale Accademia Peloritana. Abogados del distrito federal, etc. México, 1835. 8º. 6785. aaa. (1.) Atti della R. Accademia Peloritana. Messina, 1878, etc. 8°. Ac. 93. [Another copy.] 11824. dd. (2.) In progress. Discursos presentados á la Academia de Jurisprudencia, Tornata generale straordinaria della R. Accademia Pelo ... en elogio del Exmo. Señor Don M. de la Peña y ritana. În onore di Vittorio Emanuele II., primo re Peña. De los cuales, el primero mereció el premio, el d'Italia, etc. Estratto dagli Atti della R. Accademia segundo el accessit, y el tercero su publicacion honrosa, Peloritana ... Anno 1. Messina, 1878. 8º. á juicio de la junta de consiliarios del ... Colegio de 10629. dd. 3. Abogados. México, 1850. 4º. .6785. aaa. (10.) 639 ACADEMIES. (MEXICO.] 640 8305. a. MEXICO (CONTINUED). MEXICO (CONTINUED). Academia de Jurisprudencia teórico-práctica. Academia Nacional de San Carlos. . . . . ., See supra: Academia de Derecho teórico-práctico. Catálogo de los objectos de bellas artes de que consta la segunda(-undécima) esposicion anual de la Academia, Academia de Jurisprudencia y Derecho real prag etc.. 10 Nos. México, 1850–58. 8°. 7807. aaa. mático. . Catálogo de las obras de bellas artes presentadas al Constituciones de la Academia Pública de Jurisprudencia público en la duodécima esposicion de la Academia teórico práctica y derecho real pragmático, erigida por Nacional de S. Carlos de México. Enero de 1862. el ilustre y real Colegio de Abogados de esta ciudad, etc. México, 1811. 4º. México, 1862. 4º. 7074. .cc. 1. (13.) . 6785. aaa. (3.) Estatutos de la Academia de Jurisprudencia,...formados Ateneo Mexicano." por la junta menor del Colegio de Abogados, conforme al Reglamento del Ateneo Mexicano aprobado por la junta los artículos 148 y 149 de los Estatutos del mismo de gobierno en el año de 1843. México, 1843. 8º. 6785. aaa. (7.) Colegio.. México, 1852. - 8º. Academia de Medicina, Colegio de Abogados. Reglamento de la Academia de Medicina Práctica de Estatutos, y constituciones del ... Colegio de Abogados México. México, 1824. 4º. 7679. aaa. (6.) ... de México, etc. Madrid, 1760. fol. 97171. h. 2. (15.) Método curativo del Sarampion. Extractado de un Estatutos, nuevamente reformados y añadidos, etc. parecer remitido al Supremo Gobierno por la Academia [Mexico,] 1808. 4º. 6785. aaa. (2.) de Medicina Práctica de México, sobre el origen, pro- gresos y curacion de la epidemia actual. Proyecto de Estatutos del ilustre Colegio de Abogados México, 1825. . 4º. 7679. aaa. (2.) de México. [Mexico,] 1827. 4º. 6785. aaa. (4.) Bases reglamentarias de la Academia de Medicina Prác- tica de México. [Mexico,] 1826. 4°. 7679. aaa. (8.) Estatutos ... Reformados en el año de 1828, etc. México, 1830. 4º. 6785. aaa. (5.) A los Señores director y catedráticos del Establecimiento Artículos de los Estatutos vigentes del ilustre y nacional de Medicina de esta capital en testimonio de gratitud, Colegio de Abogados de México, y algunas noticias los alumnos del mismo. México, 1836. 8º. conducentes á los señores matriculados en él, ó que 7680. d. quieran serlo. México, 1851. 4º. 6785. aaa. (6.) Periódico de la Academia de Medicina de Mégico. [Edited by L. Blaquiere.] Tom. 1. Mégico, 1836. 4º. · Estatutos del Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México. Ac. 3869. México, 1854. 4°. 6785. aaa. (8.) - Segunda Serie. Tomo I. Núm. 8. [Mexico], 1842. 8º. Ac. 3869. Alocucion del ... Colegio de Abogados de México (29 de Octubre de 1810). [By J. F. de Azcárate. Reseña histórica del Establecimiento de Ciencias Médicas [México, 1810.7 40. 9770. aaa. 12. (4.) de la capital de Mégico. Mégico, 1839. 4º. 7679. aaa. (18.) Representacion que ha dirigido al Soberano Congreso el Colegio de Abogados de México (Sept. 29, 1823]. Reglamento de la Academia de Medicina de Méjico. México, 1823. 4º. 6785. aaa. (2.) Méjico, 1841. 8°. 7680. b. [Another copy.] 7679. aaa. (15.) Lista de los individuos matriculados en el ... Colegio Imperfect; wanting the wrapper. de Abogados de México. Sirve para el año de 1837(-39). México, 1837(-39). 12º. 6785. a. Academia de Primera Enseñanza. Lista alfabética de los señores empleados é individuos Idea histórica de la fundacion de la Academia ... con matriculados en el ... Colegio de Abogados. [1840, 42, la oracion inaugural y oda leidas en su apertura. 46, 49, 51, 52, 55, 58, 65.] México, 1840–65. 16º. México, 1827. 8º. 8365. d. 6785. a. & 6785. b. (1–7.) [Another copy.] 8305. dd. 17. (6.) Exposicion que el Colegio de Abogados hace al Supremo Libro segundo de los Niños, ... para el uso de las escuelas Gobierno sobre que se derogue ó modifique el decreto de de nuestra nacion. [Mexico,] 1837. 12º. 6 de Octubre del corriente año. México, 1848. 4º. 12201. a. 26. 6785. aaa. (13.) Silabario metódico que en clase de proyecto ha dispuesto Colegio de Escribanos. la Comision de Ortología de la Academia de Primera Estatutos del Real Colegio de Escribanos de México, Enseñanza, etc. Méscico, 1856. 12º. 12942. aa. 36. aprobados por su Magestad en real cédula de 19 de Junio de 1792. México, 1793. 4º. 6785. aaa. (1.) Academia Farmacéutica. Reglamento de la Academia Farmacéutica de México, Colegio de Minería. aprobado en 14 de Marzo de 1839. [Mexico,] 1839. 4º. Anuario del Colegio ... de Minería. Año de 1845, 7675, aaa. (14.) 1848, 1859, 1863. México, 1846–64. 4°. Academia Mexicana. 7104. cc. (2.) Memorias de la Academia Mexicana, etc. No pts. published in the years 1847-48, 50–59 and México, 1876, etc. 8°. Ac. 1888. In progress. Colegio Real de San Ildephonso. ACAICO (IPANDRO) pseud. [i.e. José María Ignacio Montes Fundacion del Colegio Real de San Ildephonso, en diez de Oca y Obregon.] Poetas Bucólicos Griegos, tradu y siete de Enero de mil seiscientos y diez y ocho. [The cidos en verso castellano por I. A., con notas ... Edi Royal Charter and Statutes of foundation of the Colegio cion de la Academia Mexicana, etc. pp. xix. 405. Real de San Ildephonso.] pp. 6. [Mexico, 1618.] fol. México, 1877. 4º. 11335. i. 10. 4182. g. 2. (1.) 61-63. 641 ACADEMIES. [MEXICO.] 642 MEXICO [CONTINUED). MEXICO [CONTINUED). Escuela de Medicina. Real, afterwards Nacional y Pontificia Universidad de Reglamento interior de la Escuela de Medicina de México. México, etc. México, 1846. 4°. 7679. aaa. (16.) Estatutos y Constituciones (de la Imperial y Regia Universidad de México hechas con comission particular Método preservativo que debe observarse durante la do su Magestad (1 May, 1649]. México, 1668. fol. . epidemia de Cholera Morbus, y primeros socorros que 8356. i. 2. administrar á los atacados por ella. Formado por la Informe que la Real Universidad ... haze a el ... Señor Escuela de Medicina de México, etc. México, 1849. 16º. Virrey ... sobre los inconvenientes de la bebida de el 7321. e. i pulque. [Mexico, 1692.] fol. 8435. i. ... [Another edition.] México, 1850. 8°. 7561. a. Elogios fúnebres que la... Rl. Universidad de México dedicó a la buena memoria de...el Sr D. F. Rodriguez Escuela Práctica de Minas [of Guanajuato). : Navarijo. ... Los saca á luz...I. Rodriguez Navarijo, etc. See supra : GUANAJUATO. 2 pt. México, 1758. 4º. 4985. de. 34. (2.) Each pt. has a distinct pagination. Facultad Médica. Tierna Demonstracion, que la Real y Pontificia Uni- Acusacion contra el señor gobernador D. J. Gomez de la versidad de México hizo de su justo sentimiento en las Cortina, hecha por la Facultad Médica del distrito ante ... exequias del muy Iltre Sr. Dr. D. J. J. de Eguiara y las Cámaras del Congreso General. Mégico, 1836. 4º. Eguren...electo Obispo de Yucatan ... La saca à luz, y 9770. aa. 2. (13.) | dedica...D. A. de Quintela, etc. 2 pt. México, 1763. 4º. 4985. df. 8. Imperial y Regia Universidad de México. See infra : Real, afterwards Nacional y Pontificia Constituciones de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de México. Segunda edicion, etc. México, 1775. fol. Universidad, etc. “*8355. g. 2. Instituto de Ciencias, Literatura y Artes. Obras de eloquencia y poesía premiadas por la Real Universidad de México en el certámen literario que Reglamento para el Instituto de Ciencias, etc. celebró el dia 28 de Diciembre de 1790. Con motivo de · México, 1825. 8364. a. 10. 12º. la exaltacion al trono de nuestro... Monarca... Cárlos IIII., Rey de España, etc. México, 1791. 4º. Instituto Nacional de Geografia y Estadística, after- 10632. bbb. wards Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Esta- Each work has a separate pagination. Imperfect ; wanting dística. the last three leaves of sig. 12, and the first three of sig. 13. Boletin. Tom. 1.-XI. and Nos. 1, 2 of tom. XII. [Another copy.] L. P. México, 1861-52–65. 8º. 11450. f. Segunda Época. Tom. 1-4. [Another copy.] 11450. ee. 3. México, 1869–72. 4º. Manifiesto del ilustre Claustro de la Real y Pontificia - Tercera Época. Tom. 1, etc. Universidad de México, etc. (Octubre 5 de 1810.) [Mexico,] 1810. 4º. Ac. 6195. México, 1873, etc. 8º. 9770. aaa. 13. (6.) In progress. Suplemento á las Constituciones de la Nacional y Ponti- ficia Universidad de Mégico, que comprende los decretos Dictámen de la Comision nombrada por la Sociedad ... y reglamentos que rigen en ella desde su restable- para examinar la obra de D. F. Pimental intitulada : cimiento en el año de 1834. Mégico, 1839. fol. Cuadro descriptivo y comparativo de las lenguas in- 732. k. 10. dígenas de México. (Mexico, 1863.] 8º. Ac. 6195/3. Informe que dirije al Sr. Rector de Escuelas la Junta, Colecciou polidiómica Mexicana que contiene la Oracion que por comision del muy ilustre Claustro, visitó al cuarto Dominical vertida en cincuenta y dos idiomas indígenos establecimiento llamado de ciencias médicas, en cumpli- de aquella república. México, 1860. 4º. 12907. g. 1. miento del artículo 8º. del decreto de 31 de julio del presente año. México, 1834. 8º. 7679. aaa. (13.) [Another copy.] Ac. 6195/4. Imperfect; wanting the plate. Real y Primitivo Colegio de San Juan de Letran. Begin. Al Rey...Don Fernando VII. . . . El Real y Museo Nacional.. Primitivo Colegio de San Juan de Letran y comendadores juristas de San Ramon de México,...en celebrida de su Anales del Museo, etc. México, 1877, etc. 4º. felíz union con... Doña María Josefa Amalia ...consagra In progress. Ac. 1889. ...el Siguiente canto. México, 1820. 4º. Nacional Colegio de Escribanos. 11451. bbb. (2) Representacion que hace al ... Presidente de la Re- Sociedad Económica de México. pública, el Nacional Colegio de Escribanos, ... pidién- Estatutos de la Sociedad Económica de México. dole la derogacion de algunos artículos de la ley de México, 1831. 12º. 8180. a. Administracion de Justicia, de 29 de Noviembre del corriente año. México, 1858. 40. 6785. aaa. (12.) Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica. See supra: Instituto Nacional de Geografia y Observaciones sobre los puntos mas necesarios de reforma Estadistica, etc. . de la clase de Escribanos, para el mejor servicio del público y uniformidad de los mismos. Reunidas por la See MEXICO, Republic of.--Arista (m.) President. Ley de Comision de su Colegio, etc. México, 1864. 4º. 28 Abril de 1851, legalizando la ecsistencia de la Sociedad 6785. aaa. (14.) Mexicana de Geografia, etc. 1851. gº. 10481. bbb. (10.) Nacional y Pontificia Universidad de México. MOTA LÓPEZ PADILLA (MATIAS DE LA) Historia de la con- See infra: Real, afterwards Nacional y Pontificia quista de la Provincia de la Nueva-Galicia, escrita... en Universidad, etc. 1742. México, 1870. 4°. Ac. 6195/5. 643 ACADEMIES. (MEXICO—MILAN. 644 MEXICO (CONTINUED). MILAN [CONTINUED). Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Imperiale Regia Accademia delle Belle Arti, afterwards La Naturaleza. Periódico científico de la Sociedad Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. Mexicana de Historia Natural. Tom. I. II., II. 1-10. See infra: Reale Accademia di Belle Arti.. México, 1869–75. 8º. Ac. 3087/2. Imperiale Regio Instituto del Regno Lombardo- Sociedad Mexicana de Industria Agrícola y Fabril. Veneto, etc. Estatutos generales de la Sociedad, etc. Memorie. 5 vol. Milano, 1819–38. 4º. Ac. 110/4. México, 1828. 4º. 7074. cc. 1. (4.) This institution was afterwards reorganised as two separate bodies under the titles : I. R. Instituto Lombardo di Scienze, etc., See infra, and I. R. Instituto Veneto di Scienze, etc. . MICHOACAN. See infra : VENICE, Real Colegio de S. Nicolas. See supra : Imperiale Regio Istituto Lombardo di MORENO (JUAN JOSEPH) Fragmentos de la Vida y Virtudes Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti, afterwards Reale Istituto del Sr. D. Vasco de Quiroga, primer Obispo de la santa di Scienze, etc. See infra : Reale Istituto, etc. Iglesia Cathedral de Michoacan, y Fundador del Real y primitivo Colegio de S. Nicolas, Obispo de Valladolid... Museo Patrio d'Archeologia. Con notas críticas, en que se aclaran muchos puntos Gli Archi di Porta Nuova in Milano, memoria della históricos, y antiguedades Americanas, especialmente Consulta del Museo Patrio d'Archeologia. Michoacanenses. Sácalos á luz el mencionado Colegio [Milan, 1869.] 8º. 7708. c. 33. (16.) ... por mano de...R. J. Gutierrez Coronel. (Reglas y Ordenanzas para el gobierno de los Hospitales de Santa Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti. Fé de México, y Michoacan, etc.) 2 pt. Notizia delle opere di disegno... esposte nella Reale México, 1766. 4º. 4867. d. Accademia di Milano nel maggio dell'anno 1806, etc. Milano, [1806.] 80. Ac. 4513/3. MIDDELBURG, Discorso [by Ignazio Fumagalli), letto...in occasione Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. della solenne distribuzione de' premi dell' Imperiale Regia Accademia delle Belle Arti,..20 agosto 1819. See supra : FLUSHING. Milano, 1819. 8º. 7807. bbb. The half-title reads : “ Atti dell' I. R. Accademia delle MILAN. Belle Arti di Milano.”. Accademici Trasformati, Opere dei grandi concorsi premiate dall' I. R. Accademia delle belle arti in Milano, disegnate ed incise per cura Sonetti. Milano, 1548. 8º. 239. c. 23. dell'Architetto G. Aluisetti. 4 pt. Milano, 1847. fol. Associazione degli Avvocati di Milano, 1752. c. Relazione della Commissione costituita dall'Associazione Atti. Milano, 1857, etc. 8° & fol. Ac. 4518. degli Avvocati di Milano per lo studio del progetto di In progress. The pts. for 1858-50 are in fol., without legge presentato dal Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia nella titlepage. tornata del 18 Aprile 1868...e conclusioni adottate dall' Esposizione delle opere di belle arti nel Palazzo di Brera. Associazione...nelle sedute dei giorni 12, 15 e 19 Marzo Anno 1873. Milano, (1873.) 8º. Ac. 4513/2. 1869. Milano, 1869. 8º. Ac. 2102. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Collegio de Conti, Cavalieri, e Giudici. Giornale dell'I. R. Istituto Lombardo, etc. e Biblioteca La Nobilità, e Virtù trionfanti del tempo, accolte nel Italiana, compilata da varj dotti nazionali e stranieri. Campidoglio della Sapienza dagl' illustrissimi Abbati, e Continuation of " Biblioteca Italiana.”] See PERIODICAL Collegio de Signori Conti e Cavalieri Giurisconsulti con PUBLICATIONS.—Milan. Biblioteca Italiana, etc. l'occasione dell'ingresso nello stesso Collegio dell'emi- 1841, etc. 8º. P.P. 4187. nentissimo sig. Cardinale B. Erba Odescalchi, etc. Milano, 1714. 4º. Ac. 2001. Memorie, etc. Milano, 1843, etc. 4º. Ac. 110/5. In vol. ac, etc., the Memorie are divided into two classes ; Collegio degli Ingegneri ed Architetti in Milano. one of " Scienze matematiche e naturalii, the other of " Lettere Relazione della Commissione incaricata dell'esame del e Scienze morali e politiche." progetto dei canali concessi dal Governo ai Signori Ingegneri Villoresi e Meraviglia per l'irrigazione dell' Atti. 3 vol. Milano, 1858–64. 4º. Ac. 110/3. Alta Lombardia con acque derivabili dal Lago Maggiore, [Continued as:] Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze matematiche e naturali. e dal Lago di Lugano, etc. Milano, 1869. 8°. 8776. eee. Vol. 1-4. (Classe di Lettere e Scienze morali e politiche. Vol. 1-4.) Milano, 1864-67. 8º. Collegium Ambrosianum. - Serie seconda. Milano, 1868, etc. 8º. Costituzioni del Collegio e della Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Ac. 109/3. volgarizzate dal Dottore F. Bentivoglio ... col teste a In progress. The two publications are united in the second fronte. Let. and Ital. Milano, 1835. 4º. series. 8355. g. 14. [Another copy.] Ac. 109/4. Fondazione Scientifica Cagnola. Atti, etc. Milano, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 2810. Solenni Adunanze. Vol. 1. Fasc. 1-5. In progress. Milano, 1865–68. 8º. Ac. 109/2. Imperiale Reale Museo di Milano. Rapporto della commissione incaricata di riferire sulla controversia intorno agli Archi di Porta Nuova, etc. Mopete cufiche dell'I. R. Museo di Milano. Edited by Milano, 1869. 8º. 7807. bb. G. Cattaneo. After the list of corrections which closes the volume is a leaf entitled, “ Altre correzioni ed aggi Rapporti sui progressi delle Scienze. I. Sopra alcuni unte," bearing date 1821.] Milan, 1819. 4º. recenti studj di chimica organica...del dottor L. Gabba. 603. k. 2. Milano, 1870. 8º. Ac. 109/5. IDC 645 ACADEMIES. [MILAN-MODENA.] 646 tia filo buto Li etiratto da Faso, 13. (3.) MILAN (CONTINUED). MILWAUKEE. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze. Naturhistorischer Verein von Wisconsin. Relazione sulla malattia fillosserica, a cura della Com Jahres-Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins...für das missione eletta dal Reale Istituto Lombardo per lo studio Jahr 1877–78, etc. Milwaukee, 1877, etc. 8°. Ac. 3069. della fillossera della vite, etc. (Estratto dai Rendiconti In progress. del R. Istituto Lombardo. Serie II. vol. IX. fasc. II.) Milano, 1876. 8º. Reale Osservatorio di Brera. MINDEN. Pubblicazioni, etc, Milano, 1873, etc. fol. In progress. 8752. h. 1. | Königliche Forst-Academie. Società Crittogamologica Italiana. Vergleichende Darstellung der wichtigsten Längemaasse. Atti. Milano, 1878, etc. fol. Ac. 3243. Nach einer Bearbeitung für die Königl. Forstacademie zu Münden. Münden, 1870.] 8. sh., obl. fol. In progress. 1880. d. 1. (41*.) Memorie. Varese, 1883, etc. 4º. Ac. 3243/2. In progress. Westphälische Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur. Società degli Artisti. Westphälische Provinzial-Blätter. Verhandlungen der. Società degli Artisti in Milano. Regolamento interno Westphälischen Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur, organico per l'istituzione dei concorsi di belle arti. Bd. 1, 2, Bd. 3. Heft. 1 & 2, Bd. 4. Heft. 1. Milano, 1856. 8º. 7806. b. Minden, 1828-47. 8º. · Ac. 3454. Società d'Incoraggiamento delle Arti e de' Mestieri. No more published. Atti... per la solenne distribuzione de' premj assegnati all'industria, etc. 1844–56. Milano, [1844-56.] 8º. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. . [Continued as:] Memorie ed Atti. - Milan. 11857. etc.] 80. Ac. 4402. | Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. In progress. This work did not appear during the years Bulletin... with the Reports of Committees, address of 1848–50. The pts. for 1845, 46, 47 have each a supple- the president, list of officers... for 1874. ment, entitled : “ Continuazione degli Atti, etc." Minneapolis, 1874. 8º. Ac. 3044. Relazione annuale sulle operazioni della Società... Adu- nanza generale dei Socj 22 Marzo 1868. University of Minnesota. Milano, 1868. 8º. Ac. 4402/2. The University of Minnesota. The Calendar for... · 1874–75, etc. Minneapolis, (1874, etc.] 8º. Società d'Incoraggiamento delle Scienze e delle Arti. In progress. P.P. 2521. m. Giornale della Società. Tom. 1-8. Milano, 1808, 9. 8º. Ac. 108. Società Geologica, afterwards Società Italiana di MIRANDOLA. Scienze Naturali. Commissione Municipale di Storia Patria e di Arti Atti, etc. Milano, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 2806/2 Belle. In progress. Memorie storiche della città, e dell'antico ducato della Memorie. Tom. 1-4. Milano, 1865–71. 4º. Mirandola, pubblicate per cura dalla Commissione Muni- Ac. 2806. cipale, etc. Vol. 1, 2. Mirandola, 1872–74. 8º. No more published. Tom. 1, 3 and 4 were never com- Ac. 6530. pleted. Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Catalogo della Biblioteca a tutto dicembre, 1867. pp. 47. MITTAU. Milano, 1868. 8º. 2000/6. Kurländische Gesellschaft für Literatur und Kunst. Società Italiana d'Igiene. Jahresverhandlungen. Bd. 1 & 2. Mitau, 1819–22. 4º. Giornale, etc. Milano, 1879, etc. 8º. . Ac. 3710. No more published. Ac. 1100/2. Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Sendungen. [Edited by J. N. H. Lichtenstein, E. C. von See supra : Società Geologica, etc. Trautvetter, M. G. von Paucker, C. von Bursy and E. A. Pfingsten.] Bd. 1-3. Mitau, 1840–47. 4º. Ac. 1100. Società Patriotica, diretta all'avanzamento dell' Agri- No more published. coltura, delle Arti e delle Manifatture. Atti, 3 vol. Milano, 1783-93. 4º. 434. c. 1-3. Arbeiten. Heft 1–10. Mitau, 1847-51. 89. Each vol. is in 2 pt. No more published. Ac. 1100/3. [Another copy of vol. 1, 2.] 4Lettisch-literarische Gesellschaft. Società Storica Lombarda. Magazin, herausgegeben von der Lettisch-literärischen Archivio Storico Lombardo. Giornale della Società Sto-1. Gesellschaft. Mitau, 1828, etc. 8º. Ac. 9085. rica Lombarda. Milano, 1874, etc. 8º. - Indici, 1874–83. 1884. 8º. Ac. 6525. In progress. Bibliotheca historica Italica, cura et studio Societatis MODENA.. Longobardicae Historiae studiis promovendis. [Edited | Reale Accademia di Scienze. Lettere e d'Arti. by A. Ceruti.] Mediolani, 1876, etc. 4º. Ac. 6525/2. In progress. Memorie, etc. 2 vol. Modena, 1833-81, etc. 4º. Societas Longobardica Historiae studiis promovendis. - Serie 11. Vol. 1, etc. Modena, 1883, etc. 4º. See infra: Società Storica Lombarda. In progress. Ac. 92. In prochaft. Megeben 647 ACADEMIES. (MODENA—MONS.]. 648 MODENA [CONTINUED). MONS [CONTINUED). Reale Osservatorio Astronomico di Modena. Société des Bibliophiles de Mons. Atti...raccolti e ordinati da G. Bianchi. Tom. 1. . 'Iv. La Chronique du bon chevalier Messire Gilles de Modena, 1834. fol. .. . 8564. i. Chin, publiée d'après un manuscrit, etc. [Edited by R. No more published. H. G. Chalon.] Mons, 1837. 8º. “Ac. 9040/4. Bullettino meteorologico...compilato dal Professore D. V. Vision de Tondalus; récit mystique du douzième Ragona, etc. Modena, 1866, etc. 4º. 8750. e. siècle, mis en français pour la première fois par 0. Dele- In progress. pierre. Mons, 1837. 8º. Ac. 9040/5 Reali Deputazioni di Storia Patria per le Provincie dell'Emilia.. See infra : Reali Deputazioni di VI. La Défense de Messire A. de Lalaing, Comte de - Storia Patria per le Provincie Modenesi e Par- Hocstrate...contre les fausses et appostées accusations mensi afterwards per le Provincie dell' Emilia. des cas contenus ès lettres patentes d'adjournement per- sonnel impetrées à sa charge, par. la jactée et subreptice Reali Deputazioni di Storia Patria per le Provincie poursuite et remonstrance, ou requeste au Roy, du Pro- Modenesi e Parmensi, afterwards per le Provincie cureur Général de crime...Publiée...d'après l'édition dell'Emilia. originale de 1568; augmentée de la correspondance Atti e Memorie delle RR. Deputazioni, etc. [Edited by inédite du comte de Hoochstraeten avec Marguerite de A. Cappelli.] 8 vol, Modena, 1863–76. 4º. Parme...et d'une notice historique et biographique sur ce Seigneur. [Edited by G- d, i.e. L. P. Gachard?] Nuova Serie. Vol. 1, etc. 1877, etc. 8º. Moms, I838. 8. Ac. 904077. In progress. Ac. 6520. VII. Particuliarités curieuses sur Jacqueline de Bavière, Società dei Naturalisti. Comtesse de Hainaut. Première partie. [Edited by Annuario. Modena, 1866, etc. 8º. A. D., i.e. A. Decourtray.] Mons, 1838. 80. In progress. Ac. 9040/7. Indice generale. Anno I a Xv. Modena, 1882. 8º. VIII. Le Voeu du Héron : poème publié d'après un manu- Ac. 2812. scrit de la Bibliothèque de Bourgogne, etc. [Edited by Società Italiana delle Scienze. See infra : VERONA. R. C. and Ch. D., i.e. R. Chalon and C. Delecourt.] Mons, 1839. . 8°. Ac. 9040/8. Università di Modena. IX. Mémoires du Comte de Mérode d’Ongnies (written by Costituzioni per l'Università di Modena, ed altri studj himself], avec une introduction et des notes. 1665. negli stati di Sua Altezza Serenissima. [Edited by Baron F. de Reiffenberg.] Mons, 1840. 8º. Modena, 1772. 4°. Ac. 2603/2. Ac. 9040/9. Raccolta di elogj ed orazioni di genere dimostrativo com- X. Voyages et Ambassades de Messire G. de Lannoy... poste dai professori dell' Università di Modena. 2 vol. Seigneur de Santes; Willerval, Tronchiennes, Beaumont Modena, 1820–21. 8º. Ac. 2603. et Wahégnies. [Written by himself.] 1399-1450. (Cet The half-title reads : “ Fasti letterarj delle città di Mo- ouvrage a été publié par les soins de...C.P. Serrure, et dena e Reggio nel secolo decimottavo." d'après un manuscrit de sa bibliothèque.) Mons, 1840. 8°. Ac. 9040/10. XI. Les Mémoires de Messire Jean, Seigneur de Haynin MONS. et de Louvegnies, Chevalier, 1465-1477. (Dont les Cercle Archéologique. Srs de Haynin sont issus et descendans depuis l'an de Annales. Tom. 1-4. Mons, 1857-63. 8º. Ac. 5530. grasse 1400 [by F. de Haynin].) [Edited by R. H. G. Chalon.) 2 tom. Mons, 1842. 80. Ac. 9040. DEVILLERS (LÉOPOLD) Notice sur le Dépôt des Archives The pagination and register are continuous. de l'État, à Mons. L. P. Mons, 1871. 8º. [Another copy.] 11904. h. Ac. 9040/11. GUYSE (NICOLAS DE) Mons, capitale du Hainaut, avec XII. Livres de la Trésorerie des chartes du Hainaut (en- une chronologie résumée des Comtes jusqu'à Philippe-le- levés par ordre de Philippe le Bon, Duc de Bourgogne). 1435. Inventaire des meubles de l'hôtel de Guillaume iv. Beau... Notice historique, notes et traduction par J. E. (11.), Duc de Bavière, à Paris 1409. [Edited by A. Lacroix Demarteau. . Lat. & Fr. Mons, 1871. 8º. and A. Mathieu.] Mons, 1842. 8º. Ac. 5530/2. Ac. 9040/12. Société des Bibliophiles de Mons. XIII. Documents officiels inédits, publiés d'après les ori- 1. Gouvernement du pays d'Haynnau, depuis le trépas de ginaux des Archives Publiques, sur l'histoire monu- mentale et administrative des Eglises de Sainte-Wandru l'Archiduc Albert, d'heureuse mémoire, 1621. [Published et de Saint-Germain, à Mons; avec planches et notes. from a manuscript in the Archives de l'État, at Mons: edited by H. D. and R. C., i.e. H. F. Delmotte and R. [Edited by A. Lacroix and A. Mathieu.] Chalon.] Mons, 1835. 8º. Ac. 9040. (1.) Moms, 1843. 8°. Ac. 9040/13. XIV. Tableau fidèle des troubles et révolutions arrivés en [Another copy.]. Ac. 9040. Flandre et dans ses environs, depuis 1500 jusqu'à 1585, II. Rapport sur les antiquités de Mons, fait par le Ma par Beaucourt de Noortvelde ; avec une introduction et gistrat de cette ville à la fin du XVI.e siècle. Edited by des notes par 0. Delpierre. (Deuxième partie.) Č. D. and C. W., i.e. C. Delecourt and C. Wins.] Mons, 1845. '80, Ac. '9040/14. Mons, I836. 8. Ac. 9040. (2.) Only this second part was published by the Society, the first having been published previously. III. Ritmes et Refrains Tournésiens, poésies couronnées par le puy d'escole de rhétorique de Tournay, 1477–1491. xv. Guerre de Jean d'Avesnes contre la Ville de Valen- Extraites d'un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque publique de ciennes (par Simon Le Boucq), et Mémoires sur l'his- Tournai. [Edited by Fréd. H., i.e. F. Hennebert.] toire, la juridiction civile et le droit public du Hainaut, Nons, 1837. 8. Ac. 9040/3. particulièrement des villes de Mons et de Valenciennes ; recueillis et publiés par A. Lacroix. [Another copy.] Ac. 9040. Bruxelles, 1846. 8°. Ac. 9040/15 649 ACADEMIES. [MONS-MONTPELLIER.) 650 MONS [CONTINUED). MONTAUBAN (CONTINUED)... Société des Bibliophiles de Mons. Société d'Horticulture et d'Acclimatation du Dépar- · XVI. Annales de la Province et Comté du Hainaut, con- .tement de Tarn-et-Garonne. tenant les choses les plus remarquables advenues dans Expériences de pisciculture dans le jardin de la Société .. ceste Province, depuis l'entrée de Jules César jusqu'à la à Montauban. (Signed : E. Wallon.]. mort de l'Infante Isabelle; par F. Vinchant. [Edited [Montauban, 1860.] 12º. 7055. bb. by H. P. V. Descamps.] 6 tom. Bruxelles, Mons, 1848–53. 8º. Ac. 9040/16. MONTBRISON. Tom. 1-3 have the imprint Bruxelles, and tom. 4-6 that of Mons; but all were printed at Mons. Société de la Diana. Recueil de Mémoires et Documents sur Le Forez, pub- XVII. Albums et ceuvres poétiques de Marguerite d'Au- liés par la Société de la Diana. [With an introduction triche, Gouvernante des Pays-Bas ; publiés en entier by Testenoire-Lafayette.] pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits, etc. [Edited Saint-Étienne, Vienne (Isère) (printed?, 1873, etc. 8º. by E. L. J. B. Gachet.] G. L. Bruxelles, 1849. 8º. In progress. Ac. 6880. Ac. 9040/17. XVIII. Ditiers, Faits et Armoriés par Engherant Le Franc, Société Historique et Archéologique du Forez. héraut d'armes de Valenciennes, pour des noces de nobles See supra : Sociéte da la Diana. bourgeois, et pour la Confrérie des Damoiseaux de cette ville (xve siècle); publiés par A. Lacroix, etc. [In MONTECCHIO. verse.] Mons, 1856. 8º. Ac. 9040/18. Società Georgica di Montecchio nella Marca. XIX. Voyage de Georges Lengherand, Mayeur de Mons Memoria sulla maniera di estrarre l'olio dai vinaccioli, en Haynaut, à Venise, Rome, Jérusalem, Mont Sinaï & le o sia dalle granella dell'uva. Roma, 1781. 8º. Kayre, 1485–1486, avec introduction, notes, glossaire, 8246. aaa. (4.) &c. ; par le Marquis de Godefroy Ménilglaise, etc. Mons, I86I. 8. Ac. 9040/19. MONTEVARCHI. Accademia Valdarnese del Poggio. XX. Panégyriques (in verse] des Comtes de Hainaut & de Hollande, Guillaume I. et Guillaume II. Li dis dou boin Memorie Valdarnesi. Vol. 1-4. Pisa, 1835-55. 8º. conte Willaume, Graf Wilhelm von. Holland. Un poême Ac. 70. flamand du Xive, siècle. La mort du conte de Henau. Memorie scientifiche. Pisa, 1841. 8º. Ac. 70/2. Publié par les soins de M. C. Potvin. Mons, 1863. 8º. Ac. 9040/20. MONTPELIER, VERMONT. [Another copy.] 11475. f. Vermont State Historical Society. XXI. Perceval le Gallois, ou le Conte du Graal, publié Proceedings of the Vermont State Historical Society, d'après les manuscrits originaux par C. Potvin... Le October 19 and 20, 1869 (1870–72.) roman en prose. (Le poème de Chrestien de Troyes et Montpelier, 1869–72. 8º. Ac. 8525. de ses continuateurs d'après le manuscrit de Mons.) 5 tom. Mons, 1866-7o. 8. Ac. 9040/21. Collections of the Vermont Historical Society, etc. vol. 1, 2. Montpelier, 1870-71. 8º. Ac. 8525/2. XXII. Parties inédites de l'oeuvre de Sicile [J. d'En- ghien?] héraut d'Alphonse V., Roi d'Aragon... Précédées MONTPELLIER. d'une lettre, en forme de préface, et d'une introduction, par feu le P. Roland. Mons, 1867. 8º. Académie des Sciences et Lettres. Mémoires de la Section des Lettres. Année 1847, etc. Notice sur H. Delmotte, publiée par la Société des Ac. 378. Montpellier, 1847, etc. 4°. Bibliophiles Belges, etc. [With notes by F. Hennebert.] In progress. Moms, I826. 8°. Ac. 9040/2. Mémoires de la Section des Sciences. Only 100 copies printed for sale. Montpellier, 1847, etc. 4º. Ac. 378/2. In progress. Société des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Memoires de la Section de Médecine. Année 1849, etc. Hainaut. Montpellier, 1849, etc. 4º. Ac. 378/3. Mémoires et Publications. Année 1839, etc. In progress. Mons, 1840, etc. 8º. In progress. Seconde apologie de l'université en médecine de Mont- Société Paléontologique et Archéologique de l'arron- pellier. Répondant aux curieuses recherches des uni- dissement judiciaire de Charleroi. versitez de Paris et de Montpellier, faites par un vieil Documents & Rapports, etc. Mons, 1881, etc. 8º. docteur médecin de Paris [J. Bérault]. Envoyée à In progress. Ac. 5529. Monsieur Riolan, professeur anatomique, par un jeune docteur en médecine de Montpellier. Paris, 1653. 4º. 551. 6. 8. (8.) MONTAUBAN. Programmes des cours d'enseignement dans l'École de Société Archéologique de Tarn-et-Garonne. Santé de Montpellier, etc. Bulletin archéologique, publiée sous la direction de la [Montpellier), An. III. (1795). 8º. 1181. b. 1. (2.) Société archéologique de Tarn-et-Garonne. 7 tom. Opinion de l'École de Médecine de Montpellier sur la Montauban, 1869–79. 8º. Ac. 5304. nature, la marche et le traitement de la fièvre observée Société des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Tarn- dans les hôpitaux de cette commune, pendant les six premiers mois de l'an VIII. (Rapport fait à l'École de et-Garonne. Médecine de Montpellier, le 23 Ventôse, An 8, par... Recueil, etc. Montauban, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 373. S. Rogery...et C. Caizergues, etc.) In progress. Montpellier, An VIII. (1800). 4º. 1180. e. 4. (2.) 8° Ac. 9040/22. Mémoires de Ac. 1013. feole de Médecine. 651 652 ACADEMIES. (MONTPELLIER.] · MONTPELLIER [CONTINUED). MONTPELLIER [CONTINUED). École de Médecine. Société des Bibliophiles Languedociens. [Collection de Thèses, etc.] Montpellier, 1824, etc, 4º. Le premier Livret annuel de la Société des Bibliophiles 1181. 0. 14, etc. Languedociens pour l'année 1874. In progress. For the different Thèses in this collection, Montpellier, Lyon (printed], 1874. 8º. Ae. 8925/6. see under the names of the respective authors. Discours de la gloire de la France . . . par P. Gabriel. Notice des dessins sous verre, tableaux, esquisses, re Publié par A. Devars. Montpellier, 1873. 8º. cueils de dessins et d'estampes, réunis à la Bibliothèque 8050. dd. 5. de la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier. [By H. L'Entrée de la Duchesse de Montmorency à Montpellier, Kuelmholtz.] Montpellier, 1830. 8º. 1401. i. en 1617. Publiée par le C. de St. Maur. Montpellier, 1873. 8°. Faculté de Droit. Ac. 8925. Professeurs et Agrégés à la Faculté de Droit de Mont Les Folies de Daniel Sage, de Montpellier. Editées par pellier, 1160-1791. See MONTPELLIER BIOGRAPHY. | A. des Ménils. Montpellier, Lyon (printed], 1874. 80. Biographie Montpelliéraine. 1877, etc., 8º. Ac. 8925/7. 10664. d. 5. Les Gouverneurs du Languedoc, par P. Gariel. Préface Les Professeurs de Droit Français de la Faculté de par P. Sainctyon. Montpellier, Lyon (printed], 1873. 8º. Montpellier (1681 à 1791). Montp[ellier, 1862.] 40. Ac. 8925/5. 5424. dd. Maguelone Suppliante, par P. Gariel. Préface par Faculté de Médecine. A. Devars. Montpellier, 1873. 8º. Ac. 8925/4. See supra : École de Médecine. Un Projet gigantesque. en Languedoc au XVIIIe siècle Société Archéologique de Montpellier. [by-Joubert, entitled : “Mémoire sur la fabrique et le Mémoires. Montpellier, 1840, etc. 4º. Ac. 5317. | commerce de draps en Levant"] publié par J. Seeker. Montpellier, Lyon (printed], 1873. 8º. Ac. 8925/3. In progress. Thalamus Parvus. Le Petit Thalamus de Montpellier, Recueil de Pièces rarissimes relatives au siège de Mont- publié pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits origi- pellier par Louis XIII. en 1622, réunies pour la première naux, etc. [by MM. de St. Paul, --Grasset,-- Desmazes, fois et précédées d'une préface, par M. de la Pijardière. P. Blanc, Ē. Pegat, E. Thomes, E. Alicot). Montpellier, 1875. 8º. Ac. 8925. Montpellier, 1840. 4º. Ac. 5317/2. Requête des Enfants à naître. Facétie, publiée par E. Les coutumes de Perpignan, suivies des usages sur la Fraisse. Montpellier, Valence [printed], 1873. 80. dime, des plus anciens priviléges de la ville et de docu- 12316. d. 1. ments complémentaires, publiées en Latin et en Roman d'après les manuscrits, avec une introduction par J. Sociéte d'Horticulture et d'Histoire Naturelle de Massot-Reynier. Montpellier, 1848. 4º. Ac. 5317/3. l'Hérault. Société de Médecine-pratique. Manuel horticole pour le Midi de la France. Année 1873. Montpellier, 1873. 8º. Ac. 3329. Annals de la Société de Médecine-pratique de Mont- pellier ... ou recueil de dissertations et de mémoires Société languedocienne de Géographie. présentés et lus dans les séances . . . de cette Société ; rédigées par M. Baumes. Tom. 1–12. (Histoire de la Bulletin. Montpellier, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 6033. Société, etc. 5 tom.) 17 tom. In progress. [Continued as :) Annales Cliniques; ou journal des sciences médicales... Sociéte libre des Sciences et Belles-Lettres. publié... par J. B. T. Baumes. tom. 18–44. Recueil des bulletins, publiés par la Sociéte. 6 tom. Montpellier, 1803-17. 8º. Montpellier, 1803-14. 8º. Ac. 377. (Deuxième Série.) Rédigées par une commission présidée par J. F. Victor Bonnet. tom. 1-9. Société pour l'Étude des Langues Romanes. Montpellier, 1818–20. 8º. Revue des Langues Romanes. [Edited by A. M.] tom. [Continued as:] 1-8. Montpellier, 1870–75. 80. Nouvelles Annales Cliniques. tom. 1-3. - Deuxième série. 6 tom. Montpellier, 1822. 8º. Ac. 3719/4. Montpellier (printed), Paris, 1876–78. 8º. Actes... années 1804 à 1806. vol. 1. - Troisième série. tom. 1, etc. 1879, etc. 89. Montpellier, 1807. 4º. Ac. 3719/4. In progress. • Ac. 9809/2. No more appears to have been published. Publications spéciales de la Société, etc. Journal. 16 tom. Montpellier, 1840-48. 8º. Montpellier, 1876, etc. 89. Ac. 9809/6. Ac. 3719/2. In progress. This work appears to have been discontinued. Le Concours philologique et littéraire de l'année 1875.. Société des Bibliophiles de Montpellier. (Extraits des pièces couronnées.) Publications de la Société des Bibliophiles de Mont- Montpellier, [printed], Paris, 1875. 8º. Ac. 9809/4. pellier. BOUCHERIE (ANATOLE) Étymologies françaises et patoises. 1. L'Entrée de Madame de Montmorency à Mont Montpellier (printed), Paris, 1874. 8º. Ac. 9809/5. pellier. Réimpression de l'édition originale de 1617, précédée d'une notice, etc. BOUCHERIE (ANATOLE) Fragment d'une Anthologie Montpellier, 1873. 8º. Picarde (XIIIe siècle) par A. Boucherie. Montpellier, 1872. 8°. Ac. 9809/3. 2. Le Harlan des Églises de Montpellier. [By Jean Peck.] Réimpression faite ...d'après le seul BOUCHERIE (ANATOLE) La Vie de Sainte Euphrosyne. exemplaire connu de l'édition de 1622 . : . avec in Texte Romano - Latin du VIII-IXe Siècle, par A. troduction & notes [ by A. Atger]. Boucherie, etc. Montpellier (printed], Paris, 1872. 89. Montpellier, 1874. gº. Ac. 8924. Ac. 9809. 1 653 ACADEMIES. [MONTPELLIER---MOSCOW.] 654 4. MONTPELLIER [CONTINUED). MOSCOW [CONTINUED]. Société Royale des Sciences. Gesellschaft der Freunde geistlicher Aufklärung. Observations de l'eclipse totale de soleil, arrivée à See infra : Московское Общество Любителей Духовнато Montpellier 12 Mai, 1706. Par les Astronomes de la Просвѣщенія. .. Société. Montpellier, 1706. 49. 733. d. 1. (4.) | Императорскій Московскій Университет. Assemblée publique de la Société . . , tenue . . . le cin- quième decembre mil sept cens neuf. Торжественныя рѣчи въ полувѣковый Императорскаго Montpellier, 1710. 4º. 733. d. 1. (б.) Московскаго Университета Юбилей, говореңныя въ большой Аудиторіи онаго Іоня 30 дня 1805 года. Histoire de la Société . . . avec les mémoires de mathé [Moscow, 18o5.7 49. 432. d. 22. (2) matiques et de physique, tirés des registres de cette Imperfect; wanting sheets A and B. société. tom. 1. Lyon, 1766. 49. 432. і. 18. Orationes Academicae, sermone Latino et Franco-Gallico [Another copy.] Т. С. 1. 2. 12. habitae inter solennia anniversaria inaugurationis Uni- versitatis Literarum Caesareae Mosquensis semisæcu- Assemblée publique de la Société...1774. lаria, die 30 Junii A. 1805. Mosquae, [18o5.1 49. Montpellier, 1775. 49. 423. і. 12. Imperfect, wanting sheets A and B. 432. d. 22. (1) Assemblée publique de la Société . . . 1779(-80, 81.) 3 vol. Montpellier, 1780-82. 49. . . 432. i. 11. Объявление о публичныхъ ученіяхъ, въ Императорскомъ Московскомъ Университетѣ преподаваемыхъ, съ 1805 Assemblée publique de la Société. . .1788. года Августва 17 по 1806 Іюня 30, etc. (Catalogus pre- Montpellier, 1788. 49. 432. і. 13. lectionum in Universitate Literarum Caesarea Mos- quensi a. d. 17 Aug. A. 1805 habendarum.) Russ. and Lat. 2 pt. Mosquae, [18oj-об.] 49. 454. а. 24. MONTREAL. Catalogus praelectionum in Universitate ... Mosquensi Lower Canada Agricultural Society. a. d. 17 Aug. A. 1807 habendarum ... Prolusio de anti- Lower Canada Agricultural Society (Rules and regula- quissima pictura Russica, imprimis de tabulis pictis tions. Address to the public, etc.) Montreal, 1847. 8º. Capponianis, ... nonnullisque aliis ... Ecclesiae Graeco- 7076. с. Russicae veteribus Menologiis, artificio picturae insig- nibus, auctore J. T. Buhle. (Объявленіе, еtс. Вступле- Natural History Society. нie, etc.) Lat. and Russ. 4 pt. Constitution and. bye-laws... wіth directions for pre Mosquae, [18o7.) 49. 7854. f. 28. serving and forwarding objects of natural history, 1828. Montreal, 1828. 89. Ас. 3075. Указатель Императорскаго Московскаго Университета The Canadian Naturalist ... and Proceedings of the или краткое описаніе кабинетовъ и другихъ заведеній, Natural History Society of Montreal. Conducted by a находящихся при Университетѣ, etc. Committee of the... Society.-The Canadian Record of Москва, 1826. 129. 1258. f. Natural History and Geology, etc. See PERIODICAL Ученыя записки Императорскаго Московскаго Уні- PUBLICATIONS.—Montreal. The Canadian Naturalist and верситета. Част. 7–12. Москва, 1833-36. 89. Geologist, etc. 1857, etc. 8. Р.Р. 1989. h. Imperfect, wanting uacm. 1-6. Ас. 1105. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. Историческая записка, рѣчи, стихи и отчетъ Импера- Constitution and By-Laws. Engl. and Fr. торскаго Московскаго Университета, читанные ... по Montreal, 1866. 169. Ас. 5895. случаю его столѣтняго юбилея. Москва, 1855. 49. Ас. 1105 /3. The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal : Матерiалы для исторін письменъ Восточныхъ, Гре- published... by the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society ческихъ, Римскіхъ in Славянскихъ изготовлены къ столѣ- of Montreal. Edited by a Committee of the Society. тнему юбилею Императорскаго Московскаго Оунивер- Montreal, 1872, etc. 89. Ас. 5895/2. ситета трудам II, ... Петрова, Клина, менщикова и In progress. Буслаева. 7 pt. Москва авйе [1855). fol. 1803. а. Royal Society of Canada. The titlepage is printed in gold and colours. Proceedings and Transactions. . . for the years 1882, etc. (Mémoires et comptes rendus, etc.) Рѣчин (мысли о современныхъ нудахъ нашаго народнаго · Dawson Bros. : Montreal, 1883, etc. 4º. Ac. 1883. хозяйства, И. Бабета : нѣсколько словъ о Московских, In progress. Пехахъ, рѣчь ... М. Кттары) и Отчетъ (о состоянiн ... Московскаго Университета за 1859 годъ), произ- Société Historique. несенные въ торжественномъ собраніі ... Университета, Mémoires et Documents relatifs à l'histoire du Canada, 12-го января, 1860 года. Москва, 186o. 49. publiés par la Société, etc. 8223. f. Montreal, 1859, etc. 8º. Ас. 8556. [Another edition. Досква, 186o. 89. 8223. dе. 4. In progress. Празднованіе столѣгнеї годовщины Ломоносова 4 го Société Royale du Canada. Апрѣля 1765–1865 г. Императорскимъ Московскимъ See supra : Royal Society of Canada. Университетомъ. Москва, 1865. 89. 10790. ее. University of McGill College. Рѣч | Отчетъ произнесенныя въ торжественномъ со- Calendar of the University of McGill College. бранік императорскаго Московскаго Университета 12-го Montreal, 1861, etc. 8º. Р.Р. 2539. е. Января 1867 года. 2 pt. Москва, 1867. 89. In progress. Ас. 1105/2. DYUVERNUA (ALEKSANDR L'yoүІсн) Станиславъ Зноем- MOSCOW. скіll r Янъ Тусъ. Оборьбѣ академ IIческихъ націй въ Пражескомъ Университетѣ 1348 – 1409. Пражскій Физько-Медијинское Общество. эпизодъ низъ полемики между реалистами и номина- See infra : Societas Physico-medica Mosquensis. дистами. Москва, 187. 89. 8364. g. 1. і - - - - — — 655 . ACADEMIES. [moscow.] 656 N 2 Juin MOSCOW (CONTINUED). . MOSCOW [CONTINUED).. Императорскій Московскій Университет.. Императорское Общество Истории и Древностей Россій- MRocHEK-DROZDOVSKY (PETR NIKOLAEVІсн) Изслѣдованія | CKUX3. о Русской Правдѣ. Москва, 1881, etc. 8°. Временникъ, etc. 25 книг. Москва, 1849-57. 89. In progress. 5756. bbb. 13. Ас. 7880/3. SHEVUIREY (STEPAN PETRoүІсн) Біографическій•словарь ALEXIS PETRoyІсн, Tsarevich of Russia. Собраніе доку. Профессоровъ и преподавателей Императорскаго Мос- ментовъ по дѣлу Царевича Алексѣя Петровича, вновь ковскаго Университета, за истекающее столѣтіе со дня найденныхъ Г. В. Есиповымъ съ приложеніемъ разсуж- учрежденія Января 12-го 1755 года, но день столѣтняго денія М. Д. Погодина. Москва, 186т. 8°. . . юбилея, еtс. [Edited by S. P. Shevuіrеv.] Ас. 7880/5. 2 част. Москва, 1855. 80. * 10795. f. [Another copy.). 10790. f. Императорское Московское Общество Испытателей При- ANTONY (ALEKSYEI PANKRAT’EVICH. BOCHKOV), Igumen. Pyc- скіе поклонники въ Іерусалимѣ. (Edited by О. М. роды. Bodyansky.] рр. іх. 99. Москва, 1875. 89. See infra: Общество Испытателей Природы. Ас. 7880, 22. Воворимо, Battle of. Бородинское сраженіе. Императорское Московское Общество Истории ал Древ- Москва, 1872. 89. Ас. 7880/16. ностей Россійскихъ. This is « Чтенія въ Императорскомъ Обществѣ See infra: Императорское Общество Исторi, etc. Исторiv и Древностей Россійскихъ ... кн. 1-а 1872 г.” Императорское Московское Общество Сельскаго хозяйства. ВкороWICZ (твороZYJUSz) Изображеніе насилія, жестоко обращеннаго на слабую невинность. Записки о собы- Fête jubilaire célébrée à l'occasion du xxv-ème anni тіяхъ на Волыни и Подолѣ въ 1789 году, Ө. Бродовичај versaire des travaux de la Société Impériale d'Économie (Widok przemocy na słabą niewinność srogo wywarte. rurale de Moscаu le 24 май 1846. Moscoи, 1846. 89. ... Польскій текстъ и Приложенія.) [Edited by О. М. 7075. bb. Bodyansky. 2 pt. Москва, 1869. 85. Ас. 7880/9. Аналитическій каталогъ предметовъ выставки Сельскихъ DAI (VLADIMIR IVANOVІсн) Пословицы. Русскаго Произведеній въ Москвѣ съ 15-го Сентября по 1-е Народа. Сборникъ пословицъ. поговорокъ, реченій Октября 1852 года. (Прибавленіе.) 2 pt. ... загадокъ, повѣрiй и проч. Москва, 1862. 89. Москва, 1853-54. 89. 7032. h. Ас. 7880 /15. DEMIpoy (PAVEL GRIGов'EVІсн) Каталогъ Россійскимъ Краткий обзоръ пятидесятилѣтней дѣятельности Импера- книгамъ библіотеки Д. Г. Демидова, составленный имъ торскаго Московскаго общества Сельского хозяйства съ. 1820 по 1870 годъ. самимъ, издалъ В. Ундольскій. Москва, 1846. 89. Составленный Секретаремъ его Ас. 7880/14. Н. П. Горбуновымъ. pp. 23. Москва, 187. 89. DOLGORUKOV (IVAN MIKHAILOVICH) Prince. I ytellectie Ас. 3477. въ Кіевъ въ 1817 году. Москва, 1870. 89. See MASLOV (s.) Rapport sur les travaux de la Société Ас. 7880/11. Impériale d'Agriculture de Moscou ... 1858.. DRINov (11AR. STEPANоvісн) Заселеніе Балканскаго полу- 1859. 89. 7077. а. острова Славянами. pp. 174. Москва, 1873. 89. MEZHoy (YLADIMIR IZMAILovІсн) Ас. 7880/19. Библиографической указатель книгъ и статей, относящихся до обществъ ERMOLOV (PETR NIKOLAEVICH) General. AneBHI KI CHO- основанныхъ на началахъ взаимности, артелей, поло- шенії ... П. Н. Ермолова съ разными лицами за Кав- женія рабочаго сословiя и мелкой кустарной промыш- казомъ во второй половинѣ 1823 года. [Edited by ленности въ России. С. Петербург, 1872. 89. N. P. Ermolov.] pp. 90. Москва, 187i. 89. Ас. 3477/2. " Ас. 7880 / 20. FILARET, successively Bishop of Revel, Archbishop of Tver Императорское Общество Испытателей Природы. and Yaroslav, etc. Письма Московскаго и Коломенскаго See infra : Общество Испытателей Природы. Митрополита Филарета къ Гавраилу, Архіепископу Рязанскому | Зарайскому. [Edited by О. М. Во- Императорское Общество Истории и Древностей Россій dyansky. Москва, 1868. 80. Ас. 7880 /10. скихъ. GRINEVICH (ALEKSANDR) Алфавитный указатель къ Записки и Труды. Част. 1–2. Москва, 1815—24. 80. періодическимъ изданіямъ Императорскаго общества Ас. 7880 /в. Истории и Древностей Россійскихъ ... 1815—1882. Рускія достопамятности издаваемыя Обществомъ истории Москва, 1862. 89. 11903. і. и Древностей Россійскихъ. [Част. 2, 3 edited by D. GuBERTI (м. v.) Матерiалы для РусскойЇ Библіографії. Dubensky.] Част. 1-3. Москва, 1815-44. 89. Хронологическое обозрѣніе рѣдкихъ и замъчательных Ас. 7880/8. Русскихъ книгъ хүIII. столѣтія, напечатанныхъ въ России Списокъ печатныхъ книгамъ, рукописямъ, медалямъ. гражданскимь шрифтомъ 1725–1800. монетамъ и вещамъ различнымъ, принадлежащимъ Москва, 1878, etc. 8°. Ас. 7880. 26. Обществу истории и Древностей Россійскихъ, etc. Москва, 1827. 89. HEYSs (STEPHAN) Описаніе путешествия въ Москву 11903. сс. посла Римскаго Императора, Николая Варкоча, съ 22-го Русскій Историческift Сборникъ издаваемыії Обществомъ Іюля, 1593 года. [Translated from the German. With Исторiнк и Древностей Россійскихъ ... Редакторъ Про- a preface by A. Shemyakin.] pp. xii. 36, 8. фессорь Погодинъ. Тоді. 1-7. Москва, 1837-44. 80. Москва, 1875. 89. Ас. 7880. 24. Ас. 7880 /7. This is * Чттенія ва Императорскомъ Обеществ Чтенія, еtс. Москва, 1846. 30. Исторiv , Древностей Российскихъ ... 1874 г. кн. 4-я.” Ас. 7880/2. INNOKENTY (ILARION SMIRNOV], successively Bishop of [New series.] Чтенія, еtс. Москва, 1858, etc. 80. Pensa and of Saratov. . Письма ... Иннокентія, Епи- Ас. 7880/4. скона Пензенскаго и Саратовскаго къ Княгинѣ С. С. In progress. The publication of the “ Ymenin" was Мещерской 1817-1819 года. [Edited by О. М. Во- suspended during the years 1849-1857, its place being then dyansky.] pp. xii. 77.. Москва, 1875. 89. taken by the “ Временник.” Ас. 7880. 23. 657 ACADEMIES. (MOSCOW.] 658 — MOSCOW [CONTINUED). MOSCOW [CONTINUED). Императорское Общество Истори и Древностей Россій- | Императорское Русское Общество Акклиматизацій. - скихъ. Записки, etc. Москва, 1865. 80. Ас. 3578. KAZANSKY (Р.) Исправленіе церковно-Богослужебныхъ книгъ при Патріархѣ Филаретѣ. Сочиненіе ... п. Труды Императорскаго Русскаго Общества Акклимати- Казанскаго. Москва, 1848. 89. 3476. g. заціи животныхъ и растеній. Томъ 1. 1878–79. See infra: Обачество Любителей Естествознанія, еtс. KLEVANOV (ALEKSANDR SEMENoүІсн) Очеркъ истории Извѣстія, еtс. Томъ 25. 1866, etc. 49. Ас. 2991. Чешскаго вѣроисповѣднаго движенія ... Съ преди- словіемъ О. М. Бодянскаго. 2 част. Institut Lazareff des Langues Orientales. Москва, 1876. 80. Ас. 7880. 17. This is ' Чтенія въ Императорскомъ Обществъ Ис- See infra: Лазаревскій Институтъ Восточных Языковъ. торіи и Древностей Россійскихъ ... 1869-1875 года.” The pagination and register are continuous. | Хирургическое Общество. LEONTE'т (к. м.) Византизмъ и Славянство. [A political Лѣтоинсь Хирургическаго Общества въ Москвѣ. dissertation.] Москва, 187б. 80. Ас. 7880. 18. Москва, 1875, etc. 80. . . Ас. 3813. This is « Чrnенія в Императорском. Обачестве In progress. Истории и Древностей Российскихъ ... 1875 г. кн. ш.” MILORADoүІсн (GRIGORY ALEKSANDRovicн) Любечъ, Чер- дуо о тобеи ман. Художественно-Промышленный Музеумъ. ниговской губернін, Городницкаго уѣзда, еtс. [its history, GREEK MANUSCRIPTS. Сборникъ орнаментныхъ украшеній, topography, etc.). Москва, 187i. 89. Ас. 7880/13. почеринутыхъ изъ Греческихъ и древне Русскихъ руко- This is « Чопенія въ Императорскомъ Обществie Ис писныхъ книгъ съ X. по ХүІ. вѣкъ включительно. торіи и Древностей Россійскіх, ... 1871 года кн. 2-я.” Москва, 1874. ob. 49. 1816. а. 4. MONASHESTvo. Монашество и современные о нем, толки. RUSSIAN ORNAMENT. Histoire de l'Ornement Russe du рр. 39., Москва, 1874. 89. 3926. 1. 1. xe au Xyre siècle d'après les manuscrits. [With an NEKRASOY (IVAN STEPANOүІсн) Опытъ историко-литера- introduction by V. I. Butovsky.) 2 pt. турнаго изслѣдованiя о происхождении Древне-Русскаго Paris, 1870. fol. Tab. 443. а. Домостроя (Благовѣщенскаго Священника Сильвестра). І Москва, 1873. 89. 7943. і. 3. 11 | Лазаревскій Институтъ Восточныхъ Языков. Thіѕ іѕ «Чопенія въ Императорскомъ Обществѣ Ис L'Institut Lazareff des langues Orientales fondé à Moscou эпоріхи Древностеії Россійскихъ ... 1872 г., кн. 3-е.” par la famille de Lazareff ... Ouvrage traduit du russe PoGopIN (MIKHAIT. PETRovicii) Изслѣдованія, замѣчанiя и et de l'arménien ... et accompagné d'une notice his- лекцiн, М. Погодина, о Россійской истории. З том. torique et descriptive par É. Dulaurier. Москва, 1846. 89. Ас. 7880. Paris, 1856. 89. 8355. d. This work is continued in the “ Ymenia” published by the Society. Рѣчи и отчетъ произнесенные въ торжественномъ со- браніи Лазаревскаго Института Восточныхъ языковъ по Popov (NIKOLAI) Матеріялы для истории Безпoпoвщин случаю совершившагося пятидесятилѣтія. скихъ Согласії въ Іосквѣ, Өеодосіевцевъ Преобра Москва, 1865. 49. Ас. 9889. женскаго Кладбища и Поморской Монинскаго Согласія, собранные Н. Поповымъ. Съ приложеніемъ двухъ | Московская Духовная Академія. портретовъ. Москва, 187o. 89. 4695. f. Историческая записка о Московской Духовной Академін, по случаю празднованія ея пятидесятилѣтія. RusCHснINSKY (L. Р.) Религиозный бытъ Русскихъ по Москва, 1864. 89. Ас. 2053. (2) свѣдѣніяхъ иностранныхъ писателей XVI. и ХVІІ. вѣковъ. | Imperfect; wanting all after p. 34. Москва, 187i. 89. Ас. 7880/12, Сборникъ изданный Московскою Духовною Академією, SнEIN (Р. .) Русскiя Народныя Пѣсни, собранныя ІІ. В. Шейномъ. по случаю празднованія ея пятидесятилѣтія. Москва, 1870, etc. 89. Москва, 1864. 89. Ас. 2053. (1) In progress. 11586. h. SiмoyoysKY (PETR IVAxoүІсн) Краткое описаніе око- | Московскій Музей Прикладныхъ Знаній. зац комъ Малороссійскомъ народѣ и о военныхъ его Московскій музей прикладныхъ знанії. Матеріалы, дѣлахъ, собранное ... чрезъ ... Д. Симоновскаго, 1765 касающиеся устройства Музея, рѣчи, ироизнесенныя при года. [Edited by О. М. Bodyansky.] pp. 159, 17. его открытiн 30-го Ноября 1872 года, еtс. In progress. Москва, 1847. 89. Ас. 7880. 25. See infra : Общество Любителей Естествознанія, еtс. ЅтбR (LUDEvіт) Славянство и Міръ будущаго: посланіе Извѣстія, еtс. Том. 15, 17, etc. 1866, etc. 49. Ас. 2991. Славянамъ съ береговъ Дуная ... Переводъ неизданной н:мецкой рукописі, съ примѣчаніями В. Ламанскаго. Засѣданія Комитета Музея въ 1876 году. pp. 92. 1878. Москва, 1867. 4 8092. g. See infra : Общество Любителей Естествознанія, еtс. Извѣстія, etc. Toы. 22. 1866, etc. 49. Ас. 2991. UNDoL SKY (vuкої мікHAILOVІсн) Каталогъ Славяно- Русскихъ книгъ церковной печати библіотеки А. И. Кас Воскресныя объясненія коллекцій Политехническаго торина. Москва, 1848. 16°. 11903. а. Музея ... 1878-79 'годъ. По отдѣлу Прикладнаго UNDo'sKY (voкou MIKHAILovІсн) Замъчанія Для истории Естествознанія подъ редакціею А. Богданова. Церковнаго Пѣня въ Россіи. Москва, 1846. 89. See infra: Обгцeство Дюбестелей Естествознанія, еtс. 3478. g. Извѣетіл, еtс. Том. 36. 1866, etc. 49. Ас. 2991. YANISH (N. м.) Новгородская лѣтопись нея Московскія Московскі Музеї Прикладныхъ Знаній. Воскресныя передѣшки. pp. 96. Москва, 1874. 80. Ас. 7880. 21. объясненія коллекцій Политехническаго Музея. Томъ четвертый (пятый) 1880–81 (1881-82) годъ. Подъ Императорское Общество Любителей Естествознанія, редакціею ... п. п. Петрова. See infra: Общество Антропологiw w Этнографіо. Любителей Естествознанія, еtс. Извѣстія, еtс. Том. See infra : Общество Любителей Естествознанія, еtс. 42. 1866, etc. 49. Ас. 2991, 1. И . 1 . ! 17 659 вво ACADEMIES. (MOSCOW.] MOSCOW [CONTINUED). MOSCOW [CONTINUED). Московский Публичный и Румянцевскій музей. Общество Испытателей Природы. See infra: Saint Petersburg.-Императорская Публичная [Another copy of tom. 5 only.] 436. 1. 16. Библіотека. Матеріалы для нового устава Император- Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de ской публичной Библіотеки и Московскаго Публичнаго Moscou. [Edited successively, by G. Fischer de Wald- Музея. [1865.2 8°. Ас. 9092. heim and by C. Renard.] Moscou, 1829, etc. 8º. Хронологическій указатель Славяно - Русскихъ книгъ In progress. Ас. 2998. церковной печати съ 1491-го по 1864-й г. Jubilæum semisæcularem doctoris medicinæ et pbilo- Москва, 1871, etc. 89. 11904. і. sophiæ G. Fischer de Waldheim celebrant sodales In progress. Societatis Cæsareæ naturæ scrutatorum Mosquensis Отчеть...за 1873—1875C, etc.) г. (Каталогъ Дашковскаго die 12 Febr. 1847. [Moscow, 1847.] fol. 1258. і. Этнографическаго Музея. Составленъ. Н. Г. Кер- целли. Москва, 1877, etc. 89. 11904. 1. 7. вѣстникъ естественныхъ наукъ, издаваемый Император- скимъ московскимъ обществом. Испытателей При- In progress. роды. Редактор» [of том. 1–4]... К. Ф. Рулье. UNDo'sKY (v. м.) Славяно-Русскія руколиси в. м. Москва, 1854, etc. 49. Ас. 2988/3. Ундольскаго описанныя самихъ составителемъ ... съ In progress. No 1-го по 579-й. Съ приложеніемъ очерка собранія рукописей В. М. Ундольскаго, въ полном составѣ [by BREDIKHIN (THEODOR ALEKSANDROVICH) Quelques re- А, Viktorov]. Москва, 1870. 49. 11903. і. marques concernant mes recherches sur les comètes. рр. 20. Москва, 1884. 89. Ас. 2988/4. Московскій Публичный Музей. See supra : Московскій Публичный и Румянцевскій [Another copy.] Ас. 2988/5. Музей. EICHWALD (CARL EDUARD Von Analecten aus der Московское Археологическое Общество. Palaeontologie und Zoologie Russlands . . . Mit 3 Ta- Древности. Труды Московскаго Археологическаго feln. Moskau, 1871. 49. 7003. eee. Общества. Москва, 1865, etc. 49. Ас. 5575 /2. SOKOLOV (A.) Writer on Astronomy. Sur la queue du lor In progress. type de la Comète de 1858, v. pp. 14. GЕBTs (KARI KARLoүІсн) Археологическая топографія Москва, 1884. 8°. Ас. 2988/6. Томанскаго полуострова. Москва, 187o. 49. | Общество Истории и Древностей Россійскихъ. Ас. 5575. See supra: Императорское Овщество Московское Дворцовое Архитектурное Училище. Історіи и Древностей Россійскихъ. Памятники древняго Русскаго зодчества, снятые съ натуры и представленные въ планахъ, фасадахъ, разрѣ Общество Любителей Духовнаго Просвѣщенія. захъ, съ замѣчательнѣйшими деталями украшеній камен See supra: Московское Общество, еtс. ной высѣчки и живописи ... Составлены и изданы .. подъ руководствомъ ... Ф. Рихтера. [With short de- | Общество Любителей Естествознанія, afterwards Импера- scriptions by D. Dubensky and I. Zabyelin.] торское Общество Любителей Естествознанія, Антро- Москва, 1850, etc. fol. Tab. 1237. с. пологіи и этнографии. Извѣстія, еtс. In progress. Москва, 1866, etc. 49. Ас. 2991. In progress. Московское Общество Истории и Древностей Россійскіхъ. See supra : Императорское Общество Истории, еtс. Этнографихеская выставка 1867 года Императорскаго Общества Любителей Естествознанія, еtс. [With illus- Московское Общество Любителей Духовнато Просвѣщенія. trations. Edited by A. P. Bogdanov.] pp. 93. 1874. Чтенія, еtс. Москва, 1863, etc. 89. Ас. 2054. See supra : Извѣстія, еtс. Том. 29. 1866, etc. 49. In progress. Ас. 2991. SIL’VESTR, Archimandrite. Antwort auf die in dem alt Указатель Русской Этнографической Выставки, устро. katholischen Schema enthaltene Bemerkung von dem енной Обществом. Любителей Естествознанія, еtс. Heiligen Geiste . . . Aus dem Russischen übersetzt. Москва, 1867. 89. Ас. 6231. Ausgabe der Gesellschaft der Freunde geistlicher Auf- klärung. Saint Petersburg, 1875. 89. Ас. 2054/2. | Общество Любителей Художествъ. Художественный Сборникъ ... Подъ редакціею Графа Musée d'Art et d'Industrie. А. С. Уварова. Москва, 1866, etc. 80. Ас. 4630. See supra : Художественно-Промышленный Музеумъ. In progress. Observatoire de Moscou. Общество Любителей Россійской Словесности. Annales de l'Observatoire de Moscou. Publiées sous la Rédaction du Professeur Docteur T. Bredichin. Vol. 4, Труды Общества и пр.... Часть 1-20.—1812–20. СочII- ненія въ прозѣ и стихахъ Часть 1-7.—1822–28. etc. Moscoи, 1878, etc. 49. 8750. і. Москва, 1812-28. 89. In progress. Ас. 9087. Списокъ книгамъ Общества Любителей Россійской Сло- Общество Древне-Руссказо Искусства. весности, еtс. (Опись Россійскимъ и чужестранным Сборникъ на 1866 (1873, etc.) годъ, изданный Общест книгамъ въ Общество Словесности подареннымъ отъ ... вомъ Древне-Русскаго искусства, еtс. [Edited by G. D. Д. И. Вельяшева-Волынцева.) 2 pt. Filimonov.] Москва, 1866, etc. fol. Ас. 4631. [ Moscow,] 1823. 89. 11903. е. In progress. Засѣданія Общества Любителей Россійской Словесности Общество Испытателей Природы. [ from May 27, 1858-May 19, 1866]. Pt. 1–25. Ms. Запискіп, еtс. (Memoires de la Société des Naturalistes AppTIONS. Москва, [1859-66.] 89. Ас. 9088. de l'Université Impériale de Moscou. Tom. 1, 2, 4-6. Оть Общества Любителей Россійской СловесностІІ. ГА Nouveaux Mémoires, etc.) Moscou, 1806, etc. 4º. Ас. 2988/2. circular soliciting literary contributions. ] In progress. The Russian title occurs in tom. 1 only. Москва, [187o. 8. sh. 8. Ао. 9088/2 Tom. 2 is imperfect, wanting pp. 25-48, and 109–172. У ставъ и особыя положения Общества ... Изданіе третье. Tom. 3 was destroyed in the fire of Moscow. Москва, 186o. 89. 820. d. 9. (1) 661 ACADEMIES. (MOSCOW-MUNICH.] 662 Ас. 237/3. MOSCOW (CONTINUED). MOSCOW (CONTINUED]. бщество Дзюбителей Россійской Словесности. Universitas Literarum Cæsarea Mosquensis. Уставъ Общества, еtс. Москва, 1866. 49. See supra : Императорскій Московскій Университет. Ас. 9088. 3. DAL (VLADIMIR IVANOVІсн) Толковый Словарь Живаго Великорускаго языка В. И. Даля, etc. 4 част. MOULINS. Москва, 1863-66. fol. 12963. m. 1. Société d'émulation du Département de l'Allier. KARAMZIN (мІкоLAI MIKHAILovІсн) Письма Карамзина Bulletin de la Société, etc. Moulins, 1846, etc. 8º. къ А. ө. Малиновскому (1818-1826), и письма Грибов : In progress. Ас. 237. дова къ С. Н. Бѣгичеву (1816-1826) ... подъ редакціею CHAZAUp (м. А. ) Etude sur la chronologie des ... м. н. Донгинова. Москва, 186o. 80. . Sires de Bourbon (xe-X111e siècles), etc. 10920. h. Moulin8, 1865. 8°. KiBYEEVSKY (Р. v.) Пѣсни собранныя Д. В. Кирѣев- скимъ. Москва, 186o, etc. 80. 11585. k. REYNARD ( ) Leçons sur les lois et les effets du In progress. . Mouvement, etc. Moulins, 1866. 8º. Ас. 237 /4. MERZLYAKov (ALEKSYEI FEDORoyІсн) Стихотворенія А. Ө. Мерзлякова ... Напечатаны подъ редакціей MOÛTIERS. ... М. П. Полуденскаго. 2 част. Москва, 1867. 89. | Académie de la Val d'Isеrе. Ас. 9462. Recueil des mémoires et documents de l'Académie de la Общество распространенiя полезныхъ книги. Val d'Isère. Série des Documents. Уставъ Общества, еtс. Москва, 1861. 89. Ас. 2653. Мойtiers, 1866, etc. 89. Ас. 6881/2. In progress. Отчетъ Комитета Общества ... за первый годъ сущест Recueil des mémoires et documents de l'Académie de la вованія Общества. Мос.:са, 1862. 89. Ас. 2653/2. Val d'Isère. Série des Mémoires. Moutiers, 1866, etc. 8º. Ас. 6881. BYELYAEV (I.. v.) - , и Великій Князь Іоаннъ IV. . In progress. Васильевичъ Грозны:,, . ( сковской и всея Руси. Москва, 1866. 129. 10790. bb. MULHAUSEN. ZHELYABUZHSKY (E. p.) Русская басня въ жизнеоп- | Société Industrielle. саніяхъ ея главныхъ представителей: И. И. Хемницеръ, Statistique générale du Département du Haut-Rhin ... И. И. Дмитріевъ II ... Крыловъ ... 2-е изданіе ... mise en ordre par A. Penot. Mulhausen, 1831. 4º. исправленное. pp. vі. 114. Москва, 1874. 80. 1301. 1. 7. " 10795. ааа. 3. Bulletin. tom. 1-37, etc. Политехнической музей. Mulhausen, 1836, 33-50, etc. 89. Ас. 4413. Воскресныя объясненія коллекцій Политехническаго In progress. Tom. 1-5 are of the second edition. Музея въ 1877-78 году. Подъ редакціею А. Богданова. рр. іх. 59. 1878. See supra : Общество Любителей MUNICH. Естествознанія, еtс. Извѣстія, еtс. Том. 22. 1866, etc. 49. Ac. 2991. Academia Literarum Regia Monacensis. See PEUTINGER TABLE. Tabula Itineraria Peutingeria Воскресныя объясненія коллекцій Политехническаго denuo cum codice Vindoboni collata ... studio et opera Музея ... 1878–79 годъ. See supra: Общество Люби- Academiæ Literarum Regiæ Monacensis. 1824. fol. телей Естествознанія, еtс. Извѣстія, еtс. Том. 36. 210. h. 5. 1866, etc. 49. Ас. 2991. Academia Scientiarum Boica. Воскресныя объясненія коллекцій Политехническаго See infra: Königliche Akademie der Wissen - Музея. Томъ четвертый (пятый) 1880-81 (1881–82) | schaften. годъ. See supra : Общество Любителей Естествоз- нанія, еtс. Извѣстія, еtс. Том. 42. 1866, etc. 40. Aerztlicher Verein. Ас. 2991. See WIBMER (c.) Medizinische Topographie und Eth- Societas Cæsarea Naturæ Scrutatorum Mosquensis. nographie der 'k. Haupt- u. Residenzstadt München. Herausgegeben von einer Commission des Ärztlichen See supra: Общество Испытателей Природы. Vereins in München, etc. 1863. 89. 7686. bb. Societas Physico-medica Mosquensis. Die Deutsche Medicin im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Commentationes. vol. 1-2. Mosque, 1808-21. 49. Eine Festgabe dargebracht Herrn ... P. F. von Walther Ас. 3812. ... vom ärztlichen Verein zu München [containing also Протоколы засѣданій Физико-Медицинскаго Общества, a list of works written by P. F. von Walther), etc. pp. 80. [Munich, 1843.) 49. 773. 1. 25. (3.) учрежденнаго при Императорскомъ Московскомъ Унин- верситетѣ, за 1866 и 1867 годъ. Москва, 1868. 80. [Another copy.] 550. d. 9. In progress. Ас. 3811. Zur Aetiologie der Infectionskrankheiten, mit beson- Société Impériale d'Agriculture. derer Berücksichtigung der Pilztheorie. Vorträge See supra: Императорское Московское Общество Сель- yehalten in den Sitzungen des Aerztlichen Vereins zi1 скаго хозяйства. München. pp. 432. München, 1881 [188о). 89. "7561. аа. 19. Société Impériale d'Économie Rurale. Allgemeine Deutsche Cäcilie-Verein. See supra: Императорское Московское Общество Сель Ueber das Dirigiren Katholischer Kirchenmusik, nebst скаго хозяйства. Bemerkungen über den Gesangsunterricht. ... Dritte Vereinsgabe des allgemeinen deutschen Cäcilien-Vereins Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. für das Jalır 1870. Regensburg, (1870.] 8º. See supra : Общество Испытателей IIрироды. 7897. k. 14, — 663 ACADEMIES. (MUNICA.] 664 an 1 MUNICH [CONTINUED]: MUNICH [CONTINUED). Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. See infra: Königliche Akademie der Wissen Neue philosophische Abhandlungen. 7 Bde. schaften. München, [1778]-97. 4º. Ac. 713. Bayerische Musen-Gesellschaft. [Another copy.] .T.C. 4. a. 12–18. Neu-Fortgesetzter Parnassus Boicus oder Bayrischer Musen Berg, worauf verschidene Denck- und Lesswur- Neue historische Abhandlungen. 5 Bde. digkeiten aus der Gelehrten Welt, zumahlen aber aus München, 1779-98. 4º. T.C. 4. a. 19-23. ... Bayrn abgehandlet werdet. Erste(-sechste) Ver- - Neue historische Abhandlungen. 1804. 2 Bde. Buninlung. Augspurg u. Stadt München, 1803, 4. 8°. T.C. 5. a. am Hof & München, 1736, 37. 8º. Ac. 7120. Historische Abhandlungen. 5 Bde. Bayerische numismatische Gesellschaft. München, 1807-23. 4º. T.C. 5. a. 13–17. Mittheilungen der bayerischen numismatischen Gesell- schaft. München, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 5827. Abhandlungen... über Gegenstände der schönen Wissen- In progress. schaften. Bd. 1. München, 1781. 8º. T.C. 4. a. 1. Bayerischer landwirthschaftlicher Verein. Meteorologische Ephemeriden 1781–89. Jahrg. 1-9. Ergebuisse landwirthschaftlicher und agrikultur - 9 pt. [Munich, 1781–90.] 4º. T.C. 4. a. 24. chemischer Versuche an der Station des General-Comité [Another cory.] 1197. f. 1. des bayerischen landwirthschaftlichen Vereins in Mün- chen. Hft. 1-4. München, 1857-63. 89. 7073. C. Physikalische Abhandlungen. (1801-5). 2 Abth. München, 1803, 6. 8º. Ac. 713/22. Die Landwirthschaft in Bayern. Denkschrift. etc. München, 1860. 8º. 7075. cc. Denkschriften. 1808-24. 9 Bde. München, Sulzbach, 1809-25. 4º. T.C. 5. a. 3-12. Commission zur Herausgabe bayerischer und deutscher Quellen-Schriften. [Another copy of Bde. 1-5.] 431. k. 11-15. Quellen und Erörterungen zur Bayerischen und Deut- Bde. 2-1 are F.P. schen Geschichte. 9 Bde. München, 1856-64. 8º. Ueber den Astrios-Edelstein des Cajus Plinius 9340. e. Secundus; eine antiquarisch-lithognostische Abhandlung Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und von J. M. Güthe. Beylage zu den Denkschriften der... Urgeschichte. Akademie. München, 1810. 4°. 725. i. 11. Beiträge zur Anthropologie und Urgeschichte Bayerns. [Another copy.] T. 25.* (3.) Organ der Münchener Gesellschaft für Anthropologie [Another copy.] T. 965. (14.) ... Redaction : J. Ranke und N. Rüdinger. München, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 6229. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe, In progress. etc. München, 1832, etc. 4º. Ac. 713/4. In progress. Historischer Verein von und für Oberbayern. Abhandlungen der historischen Classe der Königlich Erster (zweiter) Jahresbericht. Erstattet durch F. A. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Freyherrn Zu-Rhein. (Dritter - vierzehnter Jabres- München, 1833, etc. 4°. Ac. 713/5. bericht ... durch J. von Stichaner. Funfzehnter, such- In progress. zehnter Jahresbericht ... Durch Dr M. von Deutinger. Siebzehnter, etc. Jahresbericht ... durch F. H. Grafen Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen Classe fundt.) München, 1839, etc. 8º. Ac. 7121. der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. In progress. München, 1835, etc. 4°. Ac. 713/6. Oberbayerisches Archiv für die vaterländische Ge- In progress. schichte. München, 1839-52, etc. 8º. Ac. 7121/2. Erster (-vierter) Bericht über die Arbeiten der mathe- In progress. Bd. 10 contains the “ Register über die ersten matisch-physikalischen Classe. 1807(-11.) 4 pt. zehn Bände." [Munich, 1808–11.] 4º. T. 949. (11.) Münchens merkwürdigste Strassen, Gebäude und Denk [Another copy.] T.C. 4. a. 26. male geschichtlich erläutert. München, 1860. 16º. Jahresbericht (1-6) der Akademie ... erstattet von dem 10261. aaa. General-Secretär derselben. 1808–13. 6 pt. Königlich-Bayerische Central Thierarzneischule. München, [1808]–13. 4º. T. 949. (12.) Die königlich-hayerische Central Thierarznei-Schule zu München im Jahre 1853. Jahresbericht-Abhandlungen. [Another copy.] T.C. 5. a. 1. [Edited by C. Fraas.] [Munich, 1853.] 89. Akademisches Taschenbuch für die Mitglieder. 7294. e. München, 1811. 80. Ac. 713/21. Thierärtzliche Mittheilungen. Herausgegeben von der Huldigung der königlich baierischen Akademie der k. b. Central-Thierarzneischule ... Redakteur .. Wissenschaften in München, zur Feier der fünfund- C. Hihn. Heft. 1-17. München, 1862–69. 8º. zwanzigjährigen... Regierung...des Königs von Baiern Ac. 3873. Maximilian Joseph den 16ten Februar 1824. Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. 8357. g. 34. Abhandlungen. 10 Bde. München, 1763–76. 4º. T.C. 4. a. 2-11. Dritter (vierter fünfter, sechster, achter, zehnter) Be- After Bd. 4 this work is divided into two series, containing richt über die Arbeiten der... Akademie...erstattet von respectively : “ Philosophische" and “ Historische Abhand- C. von Weiller. München, [1824-26.] 4º. Ac. 713/2. lungen.” . There are two Bde., each numbered 5. The Jahres-Bericht... erstattet in der öffentlichen Versamm- philosophical series is continued up to Bd. 9, but the lung zur Feyer des 66sten Stiftungstages 1825. Historical series is suspended until Bd. 10., which is also Münvhen, [1825.] 4º. Ac. 713/2. numbered - Hist. Abh. 11. B." This copy wants the Bd. Jahresbericht ... erstattet in der öffentlichen Versamm- of the “ Historische Abhandlungen." lung zur Feyer des 67 Stiftungstages 1826 von Fi de [Another copy of Bd. 1-6 and the historical Bd. 5.] Paula von Schrank. München, [1826 ?] 4º. 432. c. 2–8. Ac. 713/2. (1.) 665 666 ACADEMIES. (MUNICH.] B. 173. (3.) MUNICH [CONTINUED). MUNICH [CONTINUED). Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jahres-Berichte der Königlich Baierischen Akademie | Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des sechzehnten Jahre der Wissenschaften. Erster(-Dritter) Bericht. Hunderts, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Bayerns Für- München, [1829–33.] 4º. Ac. 713/2. stenhaus... Herausgegeben durch die Histor. Commission bei der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften. [Another copy of Bericht 1.] Ac. 713/2. München, Augsburg (printed], 1873, etc. 80. Gelehrte Anzeigen. Herausgegeben von Mitgliedern In progress. Ac. 713/17 der k. bayr, Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1-37. Die Chroniken der deutschen Städte vom 14 bis in's Oct. 1835-June 1860. München, 1835-60. 4º. 16 Jahrhundert. [Edited by K. Hegel.] Ac. 713/7. Leipzig, 1862, etc. 8°. Ac. 714/3. [Continued as :) In progress. Sitzungsberichte...Jahrgang 1860 (61-1870). Commentarius diplomatico-criticus super duplex Privi- München, 1860–70. 8º. Ac. 713/8. legium Austriacum Friderici I. et II. Imperatorum Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Jahrgang 1860–1870, etc. utrumque brevius et longius. [With the text of each.] München, 1872. 8º. Occasione notae, numero CVII. codicis Pataviensis vol. After 1870 each Jahrgang is divided as follows :] XXVIII. Mon. Boic. Sect II. additae, conscriptus; consen- Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe tiente Academia Scientiarum Boica vulgatus. [Edited der k. b. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München. by M. von Freyberg.] Monachii, 1831. 4º. 1871, etc. München, 1871, etc. 8º. 9325. dd. Deutsche Rechtssprichwörter, unter Mitwirkung der Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-philologischen und Professoren J. C. Bluntschli und K. Maurer gesammelt historischen Classe, etc. 1877, etc. und erklärt von E. Graf und M. Dietherr. Herausgegeben München, 1871, etc. 8°. durch die histor. Commission bei der Koenigl. Akademie In progress. der Wissenschaften. Nördlingen, 1864. 8º. 5511. i. Anzeige an das Publicum von den Gegenständen der Deutsche Reichstagsakten ... Herausgegeben durch die Witterungslehre. München, 1781. 4º. T. 948. (15.) historische Commission bei der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften. Catalogus Plantarum quae Monachii in Horto Regiae München, Stuttgart (printed), 1867; etc. 4º. Academiae Scientiarum anno MDCCCXIV, colebantur. In progress. 9327. f. Monachii, [1814.] 80, T. $17. (23.) Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte. Herausgegeben [Another copy.] B. 185. (3.) von der historischen Commission bei der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (under the [Another copy.] care of G. Waitz]. Göttingen, 1860, etc. 8º. . Vorlesungen an der Königlichen Akademie der Wissen- In progress. schaften (mathematisch-physikalische Classe), und an der Sach-Register zu Band. 1.-XX. Von Dr G. Buch- medicinisch-practischen Lehranstalt, Winter-Semester holz. 1880. Ac. 714. 1824/ 26. Anfang den 1ten November (Sommer-Semester 1825. Anfang den 1ten May.) Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland. Neuere München, 1824–25. fol. & 40. Ac. 713/13. (1.) Zeit ... Herausgegeben durch die Historische Commis- sion bei der... Akademie, etc. Ausserordentliche Sitzung der... Akademie der Wissen München, Stuttgart (printed], 1864, etc. 89. Ac. 714/4. schaften ... durch den Druck bekannt gemacht, zur In progress. Erinnerung an die funfzigjährige ruhmvolle Thätigkeit Dritte Auflage. München und Leipzig, 1881, etc. 8º. ihres ältesten Mitgliedes, des Herrn ... L. von Westen- In progress. 8008. h. 2. rieder. München, 1828. 4º. 10705. h. Hanserecesse. Die Recesse und andere Akten der Hau- Geschäftsordnung der Königlichen Akademie der Wis setage von 1256–1430 ... Jlerausgegeben durch die senschaften von seiner Majestät dem Könige, unterm Historische Commission bei der Königl. Academie der 4 August, 1829, genehmigt. München, [1829.] 4º. Wissenschaften. [With a preface by G. Waitz. Edited Ac. 713/11. by C. Koppmann.] (Hanserecesse [from 1431-1476]. Bulletin der königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Zweite Abtheilung. Herausgegeben vom Verein für Jahrgang 1849(-53). München, 1849–53. 4º. Hansische Geschichte . . . Bearbeitet von G. Frhr. von Ac. 713/3. der Rupp.) Leipzig, 1870, etc. 4°. Ac. 713/19. In progress. Almanach der Königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr 1855. München, [1854.7 80. Die historischen Volkslieder der Deutschen vom 13 bis 16 Jahrhundert, gesammelt und erläutert von R. von Ac. 713/9. Liliencron... Herausgegeben durch die historische Com- Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (herausgegeben von mission bei der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften. R. Freiherrn von Liliencron und ... F. X. Wegele)... (Nachtrag.) 5 vol. Leipzig, 1865-69. 8º. Herausgegeben durch die Historische Commission bei Ac. 714/2 der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften. The 5th vol. consists of the “ Nachtrag” only. Leipzig, 1875, etc. 8º. 2038. c. Jahrbücher der deutschen Geschichte... Herausgegeben In progress. . durch die historische Commission bei der königl. [Another copy.] Ac. 714/8. Academie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, Leipzig, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 714/5. Briefe und Acten zur Geschichte des dreissigjährigen In progress. Krieges in den Zeiten des vorwaltenden Einflusses der Monumenta Boica. Edidit Academ. Scientiar. Elect. Wittelsbacher... Herausgegeben durch die Histor. Com Monachii, 1763, etc. 4º. 173. e. 11–17 : 174. e. 1–18; mission bei der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften. & 173. 1. 1, etc. [Edited by C. A. Cornelius.] In progress. After vol. 27 each vol, has a second title- München, Augsburg (printed), 1870, etc. 8º. page : “ Monumentorum Boicorum Collectio nova. Vol. 1, In progress Ac. 714/7 etc.," and each is in 2 pts. O 667 668 7326 MUNICH [CONTINUED). MUNICH [CONTINUED]. Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. Monumenta saecularia. Herausgegeben von der könig See infra : ZURICH.—Universität Zürich. Zwei Rechtsgu- lich buyerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zur tachten der Juristenfakultäten von Zürich und München Feier ihres hundertjährigen Bestehens, ain 28 März über die Strafrechtliche Verfolgung des gesetzgebenden 1859. 6 pt. München, 1859. 4º. Ac. 713/12. Grossen Räthes des Kantons Luzern. 1850. 8º. 1132. e. 53. Münchner liistorisches Jahrbuch für 1866 (etc.). Heraus- Der Rector und Senat . . ., dem Herrn . . . Di F. Von gegeben von der Historischen Classe der K. Akademie Thiersch . . . Mit einer Abhandlung des Professors von der Wissenschaften, München, 1866, etc. 8º. Lasaulx über die prophetische Kraft der menschlichen In progress. Ac. 7141/6. Seele in Dichtern und Denkern. München, 1858. 4º. 8407. h. Observatorium Monacense. BAVARIA. Geschichte von Baiern für die Jugend und das Volk. [By L. von Westenrieder], etc. 2 Bde. Observatio transitus ? per discum o die astronomica München, 1785. 8º. 9325. bb. 19. 5ta Junii 1761 in observatorio Munacensi...facla. [Munich, 1761.] 4º. F. 962. (19.) BEETZ (w.) Der Antheil der k. bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften an der Entwickelung der Electri- Polytechnischer Verein für das Königreich Bayern. citätslehre. Vortrag, etc. pp. 31. München, 1873. 4º. See Fuchs (J. N. Von) Gesammelte Schriften des J. N. 732. i. 25. (2.) v. Fuchs .. Herausgegeben von dem Central-Verwal- FRIEDRICH (JOHANN) Ueber die Geschicht:chreibung tungs-Ausschusse des polytechnischen Vereins für das unter dem Kurfürsten Maximilian 1. Vortrag, etc. Königreich Bayern. 1856. 4°. 7954. e. München, 1872. 4º. Ac. 713/16. Anzeiger für Kunst- und Gewerbfleiss im Königreiche PRANTL (CARL VON Gedächtnissrede auf F. A. Tren Baiern. (Erster Jahres-Bericht über den Polytechnischen delenburg, etc. München, 1873. 4°. Ac. 713/15. Verein, etc.) Jahrgang 1-3. 1815–1817. [Edited by J. A. Ammann.] München, 1815–17. 4º. RADLKOFER (LUDWIG) Serjania sapindacearum genus Continued as :7 monographice descriptun. — Monographie der Sapin Kunst- und Gewerb-Blatt. Jabrgang 47, 1818–21. daceen-Gattung Serjania, etc. München, 1875. 4º. [Edited by J. A. Ammann.-Monatsblatt für Verbesse- Ac. 713/18. rung des Landbauwesens. Jahrg. 1.7 SCHELLING (FRIEDRICH WILHELM JOSEPH VON Rede zum München, (1818–21.] 4º. siebzigsten...Jahresiag der Akademie, von Schelling. Allgemeiner Anzeiger für Bayern mit besonderer München, 1829. 4º... T. 26*. (3.) Beziehung auf Künste, Handel und Gewerbe. Als Fortsetzung des Kunst- und Gewerb-Blattes. Jahrg. 8, SCHELLING (FRIEDRICH WILHELM JOSEPH. VON Rede zum 1822. Redigirt von P: L. Maréchaux. (Monatsblatt zwi i- und- siebzigsten . . . Jahrestag der Akademie ... ...des Lindbauwesens. Jahrg. 2.) am 28 März 1831 gebalten von Schelling. München, [1822.] 4º. München, 1831. 4º. T. 26*. (5.) Neues Kunst- und Gewerbblatt. Jahrgang 9-11 redigirt SCHELLING (FRIEDRICH WILHELM JOSEPH VON) Schelling's urch A. Ammann. Dieser Schrift wird beigegeben ; Rede zum fünf- und- siebzigsten Jahrestag der ... Das Monatsblatt für Bauwesen, etc. redigirt durch Akademie...anı 26 März (1834]. München, 1834. 8º. J. M. C. G. Vorherr, Jahrgang 3-5. T. 2100. (10.) München, 1823-25. 4°. STICHANER (JOSEPH VON Sammlung Römischer Denk- [Continued as :] mäler in Baiern . . . Mit lithographischen Abdrücken. Kunst- und Gewerbe-Blatt... (Redigirt von C. Schmitts, 2 Hefi. München, 1808. 4º. & fol. Ac. 713/14. J. A. Adam, F. E. Desberger, E. Herberger, C. G. Kaiser, F. Pauli, H. Schröder, Ch. Schmitz, v. Steinheil, | Another copy.] T. 988. (19.) J. B. Stölzel, K. Wolf, L. Zierl, etc.) Jahrg. 12–39. Imperfect; wanting the plates and the Beilagen to Hft. 2. Beylage dieser Zeitschrift: Monats-Blatt für Bauwesen, etc. Jahrg. 6-9. München, 1826-68. 4º.. THURNMAIER (JOHANN) Aventinus. Johannes Turmair's... [Continued as:] sämmtliche li'erke. [Edited by C. von Halm.] Bayerisches Industrie- und Gewerbe-Blatt.. (Jahrg. 1 München, 1880, etc. 80. Ac. 714/9. redigirt von A. Schels. Jahrg. 2–3, von C. Linde und In progress. Dr. C. Stölzel, Jahrg. 4-9, von G. Feichtinger, Jahrg. WESTENRIEDER (LORENZ VON Geschichte von Baiern, für 10, von D. Kester. Jahrg. 11, etc., von E. Hoyer.) die Jugend und das Volk. 2 Bde. München, 1785. 8º. München, 1869, etc. 4º. & gº. Ac. 4426. 9335. bb. 5. In progress. : This is a duplicate, with different titlepages, of the work *** Regia Academia Scientiarum. Resi publishe:l anonymously in the same year. See supra: Königliche Akademie der Wissen- See WESTENRIEDER (L.) Geschichte der haierischen ' schaften. Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1784, etc. 8º. 8356. C. Societas Philologorum Monacensium. Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. Acta Philologorum Monacensium... Edidit F. Thiersch. 3 tom. Norimbergæ, 1812[-20.] 80. 272. g. 8. Der Landwirthschaftliche Verein in Baiern mit Schlusse des Septembers 1811. [Yearly report, list of members, / Specula Regia. etc.] [Munich, 1811.] 8º. 967. b. 21. (4.) See supra : BOGENHAUSEN.-Königliche Sternwarte. Wochenblatt. Jahrgang 1, 2. i Hälfte, 1811, 12. München, [1811, 12.] 80. 967. e. 21, 22. 101 20 Verein zur Verbreitung nützlicher Kenntnisse durch gemeinfassliche Schriften. Die bayerische Gesetzgebung und Verwaltung im Be See RuNGE (F. F.) Grundriss der Chemie, etc. Heraus- reiche der Landwirthschaft. München, 1862. gº. gegeben von dem... Vereine, etc. 1848, etc. 8º. 7076. ee. 1142. h. 17. 669 ACADEMIES. [MUNSTER-NANCY.] 670 MÜNSTER. NAMUR. Königliche Academie. Société archéologique de Namur. Faustas Nuptias . . . principis Friderici Guilelmi cum Annales. Tom. 1-14. Namur, 1849–77. 8º. Victoria ... celebratas gratulatur Academia Regia Ac. 5531. Monasteriensis. [In verse. T Lat. & Germ. Protocole des délibérations de la municipalité de Monasterii, 1858. 4º. 11409. h. Namur du 26 Janvier au 25 Mars, 1793. Publié pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit déposé aux archives Königliche Sternwarte. communales [by J. Borgvet.] Namur, 1846. 4º. Resultate der in den 43 Jahren, 1833-1875, angestellten Ac. 5531/2. Sternschnappen-Beobachtungen; von D- E. Heis. BORMANS (STANISLAS) Les Fiefs du Comté de Namur, Cöln, Münster (printed], 1877. 4º. 8567. f. 4.. etc. Namur, 1875. 8º. Ac. 5531/3. Rheinisch-Westphälischer Schulmänner-Verein. NANCY. Museum. Redigirt von W. H. Grauert, D. Landfer- mann, B. Soekeland, Heinen, Schöne, Wilberg, etc.) | Académie de Nancy. Bd. 1.-V. Münster, Essen, Arnsberg, 1841-49. 80. Université Impériale. Académie de Nancy. Rentrée Ac. 2638. solennelle des facultés des Sciences et des Lettres et de Schola Paulina. l'École de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Nancy...1857 (1858). 2 pt. Nancy, 1857. 58. 8°. 7679. d. Melodia Carminis Scholastici, Literarii Ludi D. Pauli apud Monasterienses decantati, anno 1562. With the Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. inusical notes.] Lat. & Germ. Monasterij, [1562.] 8º. See infra : Société Royale des Sciences, etc. Without titlepage. 11409. aa. (7.) Académie de Stanislas. Carmen Scholasticum Ludi Literarii Paulini Monas- See infra: Société Royale des Sciences, etc. teriensis, anno millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo qnarto decantatum. [With the musical notes.] Comité du Musée Lorrain. (Munster, 1574.] 8º. 11409. aa. (6.) See infra : Société d'Archéologie, etc.. The last leaf is multilated. Société Centrale d'Agriculture de Nancy. Carmen Scholasticum Ludi Literarii Paulini Monas- Instructions pratiques sur la culture du tabac, émanées teriensis, anno 1576 decantatum. [With the musical de la Société Centrale d'Agriculture, etc. notes.] (Munster, 1576.]. 8º. 11409. aa. (5.) Nancy, [1858.] 8º. 7077. g. Société d'Archéologie Lorraine. Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde West- Bulletins, etc. 8 tom. Nancy, 1853, 1851-58. 8º. falens. [Continued as: 7 Archiv für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde West Mémoires de la Société d'Archéologie Lorraine. Seconde phalens. Im Namen des Vereins herausgegeben von Série. vol. 1, etc. Nancy, 1859, etc. 8º. Dr P. Wigand. (Jahrbücher... Jahrgang 1831, No8 1-4; In progress.-- Tom. 1 of the Bulletins is of the 2nd 1832, No 1; 1833, Nº 4; 1835, No 1; 1836, No 2, 3; edition. 1838, Nº 4.) 7 Bde. Tables des vingt-deux premiers volumes de Bulle- Hamm, Lemgo, 1828, 27, 29, 31-34, 36. 38. 8°. tins et Mémoires* et des quinze volumes de Documents Ac. 7355/2. sur l'Histoire de Lorraine preparées par M. A. Benoit, Each Bd. is in 4 Hefte ; each Heft, with the exception of revues et complétées par MM. C. Laprevote et H. Lepage. Hefte 14 of Bd. 1, and Heft 3 of Bd. 3, having a distinct Nancy, 1874. 8º. Ac. 5314. pagination. Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Alter- Journal de la Société d'Archéologie et du Comité du thumskunde. Herausgegeben von dem Verein für Dlusée Lorrain. Nancy, 1853, etc. 8º. Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Westfalens durch... In progress. Ac. 5314/2. J. Meyer und H. I. Erhard (Gehrken, Rosenkranz). Poésies populaires de la Lorraine. Nancy, 1854. 80. Bd. 1-10. Münster, 1838–47. gº. 11481. f. - Neue Folge. [Edited successively by Erhard, Recueil de documents sur l'histoire de Lorraine. [Edited Rosenkranz, C. J. Geisberg, W. E. Giefers and B. by H. L. and A. de B. i.e. Henri Lepage and Alexandre Hölscher.] Bd. 11–20. Münster, 1849-59. 8º. de Bonneval.] Nancy, 1870, etc. 80. 9230. dd. Dritte Folge. [Edited by W. E. Giefers and C. J. LACROIX (PIERRE) La Lorraine Chrétienne et ses monu- Geisberg, Bd. 21-25: by W. E. Giefers and H. ments à Rome. Nancy, 1854. 4º. Rump, Bd. 26–30.] Münster, 1861–72. 8º. 7705. bh. 29. (3.) · Vierte Folge. [Edited by W. C. Giefers and A. Société de Médecine. Heckelmann, Bd. 31, 32: by W. E. Giefers, H. Extrait des Registres de la Société de Médecine du Geisberg, Bd. 33–35: by W. E. Giefers & P. Nancy, etc. [On vaccination.] Nancy, (1802.] 80. Beckmann, Bd. 36-38: by A. Tibus and C. 7561. b. 1. (3.) Martens, Bd. 39, etc.] Münster, 1873, etc. 8º. Compte rendu des travaux de la Société de Médecine de Ac. 7355. Nancy pendant l'année 1859-1860-62.) 3 pt. Vancy, 1861-64. 8º. Ac. 3720. HOELZERMANN (LUDWIG) Lokaluntersuchungen die Kriege der Roener und Franken sowie die Befestigungsmanieren Sociéte Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, after- der Germanen, Sachsen und des spaeteren Mittelalters wards Académie de Stanislas. betreffend... Mit... Karten, etc. pp. viii. 123. Mémoires. 4 tom. MS. NOTES. Nancy, 1754-59. 12º. Münster, 1878. 4º. Ac. 7355/3. Tom. 1 is in 2 pt. Ac. 383. PHILIPPI (F.) Die Westfälischen Siegel des Mittelalters. Précis analytique des travaux de la Société, pendant le Münster, 1882, etc. fol. 405.. cours de l'an xiI. (de l'an XIII., etc.) 12 pt. In progress. Nancy, an xır. (1804)–1833. go. À c. 383/2 671 ACADEMIES. [NANCY—NANTES.] 672 NANCY [CONTINUED). NANTES [CONTINUED). Société Royale des Sciences, at Belles Lettres, after- Société des Bibliophiles Bretons et de l'Histoire de wards Académie Stanislas. . Bretagne. Mémoires. [3rd series.] 1833–66. 35 vols. Archives de Bretagne, etc. Nantes, 1833, etc. 4º. Nancy, 1835-67. 8°: Ac. 383/2. In progress. Ac. 8926/10. Tables alphabétiques des matières et des noms Documents sur l'histoire de la Révolution en Bretagne. d'auteurs contenus dans les trois premières séries La Commission Brutus Magnier à Rennes, par H. de la des Mémoires de l'Académie de Stanislas (1750– Grimaudière. Nantes, 1879. 4º; . Ac. 8926/5. 1866). Par M. Simonin. Nancy, 1867. 8°. L’Imprimerie en Bretagne au xve siècle. Étude sur les - 4e série. 1867–82. 15 tom. Nancy, 1868-83. 8º. incunables bretons, avec fac-simile...de la plus ancienne - 5e série. 1883, etc. Tom. 1, etc. impression bretonne. (Le Trespassement Nostre Dame.) Nancy, 1884, etc. 8º. In progress. 2 pt. Nantes, 1878. 4º. Ac. 8926/2. Rapport historique sur l'Académie de Nancy, où l'on Mélanges historiques, littéraires, bibliographiques, etc. indique la place qu'elle doit tenir, etc. Par le citoyen Nantes, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 8926/4. Coster [in the name of the Academy). Nancy, 1793. 4°. F. 58*. (5.) Le Roman d'Aquin, ou la Conqueste de la Bretaigne par le Roy Charlemaigne. Chanson de geste du XIIe siècle, Rapport sur l'établissement de la Société. publiée par F. Joüon des Longrais, pp. cxxvii. 239. Nancy [1803.] 8º. Ac. 383/2. Nantes, 1880. 4º. Ac. 8926/6. Séance publique. 25 Août, 1803. DELAVILLE LE ROULX (J.) L'Hôpital des Bretons à Saint- Nancy, an xi. [1803]. 8º. Ac. 383/2. Jean d'Acre au XIIIe siècle. pp. 24. Nantes, 1880. 8º. Société Royale... Séance publique du 14 Mai, 1829. Ac. 8926/9. Compte-rendu des travaux de l'année. DES FORGES MAILLARD (PAUL) Euvres Nouvelles de Des Nancy, 1829. 8°. Ac. 383/2. Forges Maillard, publiées avec notes, introduction et étude biographique, par A. de La Borderie et R. Ker- Compte rendu des Travaux de l'Académie pendant les viler. L. P. Nantes, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 8926/8. deux années écoulées depuis la Séance publique de 1833 In progress. Tor rather) (1831. Rapport sur l'Exposition des Beaux Arts et de l'Industrie 1833). Nancy, [1833.] 8º. MAILLARD (OLIVIER) Euvres Françaises d'O. M.-Ser- Ac. 383/2. mons et Poésies. Publiées d'après les manuscrits et les ADAM (LUCIEN) Les Patois Lorrains. pp. li. 459. éditions originales avec introduction...et notices par A. Nancy (printed], Paris, 1881. 8º. Ac. 383/3. de La Borderie. L. P. Nantes, 1877. 4º. Ac. 8926/3. [Another copy.] 12950. c. 12. SAINT-PAUL (JEAN DE) Chronique de Bretagne de J. de Saint-Paul... publiée avec notes et introduction par A. NANTES.. de la Borderie. pp. xxxii. 146. Nantes, 1881. 8o.. Faculté de Théologie. Ac. 8926/7 Censure portée par la Faculté..., contre les propositions Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts. du père J. H. Harivel, professeur de philosophie au Col Séance du 1er Juillet 1813... Discours, rapport, mémoires, lége des Jésuites de Vannes en 1721. Fr. and Lat. etc. Nantes, 1813. 8°. Ac. 385. [Nantes ?] 1722. 4º. 4091. g. Société des Vétérinaires de l'Ouest. Société Académique du Département de la Loire In- Séance des 12 Novembre 1859 et 12 Novembre 1860. férieure. Rapport sur les meilleurs moyens à employer pour Annales. Série 1-4. tom. 1-41. obtenir une loi sur l'exercise de la médecine vétérinaire, Nantes, 1830–70. 8º. par L. Le Cornué. Nantes, 1860. gº 7294. ff. Ser. 5. 9 tom. Nantes, 1871-79. go. Société Nantaise d'Horticulture. In progress. Les Arbres fruitiers de la Loire-Inférieure. Leur no- Ser. 6. tom. 1, etc. Nantes, 1880, etc. 8º. menclature descriptive et historique. Travail...rédigé Table alphabétique.. des matières contenues dans par M. J. de Liron d’Airules. Nantes, 1864. 8º. les Annales... 1798-1878. Par F. P. Doucin. 7073. bb. Nantes, 1879. 80. Ac. 387. Société Royale Académique de Nantes. Journal de la Section de Médecine. Vol. 1-11. See supra: Société Académique du Département Nantes, 1825–35. 8º. de la Loire Inférieure. Nouvelle Série. Vol. 12–42. [Continued as :] Leges et statuta inclytæ Universitatis Nannetensis. Lata Journal de Médecine de l'Ouest, etc. penultima die Octo. 1461 et promulgata 11 Octo. 1462. Nantes, 1867, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 387/2. Nannetis, 1653. 4º. 731. e. 6. (2*.) Création, institution, fondation et privileges de l'Uni- Société Archéologique de Nantes. versité... par le Pape Pie second et par François second Bulletin. Nantes, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 5319. et dernier Duc de Bretagne, avec les lettres de confirma- In progress. tion et amplification desdits privileges, concédées à ladite université par les... Roys de France, et arrests de la Société des Bibliophiles Bretons et de l'Histoire de cour de parlement dudict pais de Bretagne, contenant Bretagne. l'emologation et verification desdites lettres et donnez Bulletin, etc. Nantes, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 8926. par la conservation desdits privileges. Nantes, 1650. 4º. In progress. 731. e. 6. (1.) 291-79. 80. 673 ACADEMIES. [NANTES-NAPLES.) 674 NANTES [CONTINUED). NAPLES [CONTINUED). Université de Nantes. Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere. Les privilèges apostoliques et royaux de la faculté des Rendiconto della Reale Accademia, etc. Nuova serie. arts de l'Université de Nantes, avec les sentences, juge Anno 1-6. 1852–57. Napoli, 1852–57. 4º. ments, reiglements, ordonnances et décrets, tant de - Terza Série Napoli, 1860, etc. 4º. ladite faculté, que de ses juges conservateurs apostoliqnes Ac. 2813/2. et royaux, et des prévosts, maires, et eschevins ; avec In progress. None published for June 1850-Jan. 1852 ; les arrests de la cour de Parlement de Bretagno confir- July 1859-Jan. 1861; April 1861--May 1862. matifs desdits privilèges et jugements. Nantes, 1651. 4º. 731. e. 6. (2.) Istoria de' fenomeni del tremoto avvenuto nelle Calabrių, e nel Valdemone nell'anno 1783, (da M. Sarconi) posta NAPLES. in luce dalla Reale Accademia delle Scienze e dellé Belle Lettere di Napoli. (Della Macchina Equatoriale Mr- Académie des Sciences. moria del P. Eliseo della Concezione. Carta Corografica See infra : Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle della Calabria Ulteriore guista le... recenti osservazioni Lettere. e misure fatte dal P. Eliseo), etc. [Mith plates, frolin drawings by P. Schiantarelli, engraved by A. Zaballi.] Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalisti. Napoli, 1784. fol. 33. i. 1. Atti dei congressi degli Scienziati Italiani, raccolti ed ordinati dall'Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalisti. [Another copy.] 551. f. 18. See supra : ITALY.-Scienziati Italiani. Atti, etc. Imperfect ; wanting the text. 1844, etc. 8º. Ac. 2801. [Another copy.] 664. h. 10. Annali... Editore...G. Avellino. Vol. 1. . Imperfect; wanting the plates. Napoli, 1843. 8º. Ac. 2811. Istoria dell'incendio del Vesuvio, accaduto nel mese di Maggio dell'anno 1737, scritta per l'Accademia, etc. [By Accademia degli Investiganti. F. Serao.] Napoli, 1738. 4º. 725. i. 31. (2.) Ode in lode della famosa Accademia de Signori Investi- [Another copy.] 33. c. 19. ganti. Naples, [1680 ?] 4º. 33. d. 18. (9.) Seconda edizione, riveduta ed accresciuta di alquante Accademia degli Oziosi. annotazioni [by F. Darbes). Napoli, 1740. 8º. Le Leggi dell' Accademia degli Oziosi in Napoli, ritro- 954. a. 20. vate nella Biblioteca Brancacciana dal ... Commend. [Another copy.] 662. c. 17. (1.) C. Padiglione. pp. 34. Napoli, 1878. 8º. 11905. k. 27. [Another copy.] 664. b. 26. Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche. Quinta edizione. Ital. and Lat. 7107. d. Società Reale di Napoli. Atti dell' Accademia, etc. Neapolitanæ Scientiarum Academia de Vesuvii con- Napoli, 1863, etc. 4º. Ac. 96. flagratione quæ mense Majo anno 1737 accidit commenta- In progress. rius. [By F. Serao.] Neapoli, 1738. 4º. 664. b. 25. (1.) Accademia Pontaniana. [Another copy.] 664. c. 20. See infra : Società Pontaniana. Accademici Ercolani. [Another copy.] 234. g. 2. See infra : Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeo. The natural history of Mount Vesuvius, with the ex- logia. planation of the various phenomena that usually attend the eruptions of this celebrated volcano. Translated Club Africano di Napoli. from the original Italian, composed by the Royal CARERI () of Naples, and LICATA (G. B.) Relazione del Academy of Sciences at Naples entitled - Istoria dell' progetto di spedizione ad Assab, presentata dai Signori incendio del Vesuvio, etc.” by F. Serao.] Careri e Licata all' Assemblea Generale dei Socii ...con London, 1743. 12º. 7107. a. una carta geografica. pp. 25 Napoli, 1880. 8º. · 10097. dd. 11. (1.) Histoire du Mont Vésuve, avec l'explication des phéno- mènes qui ont coûtume d'accompagner les embrasements Museo Nazionole. de cette montagne; le tout traduit de l'Italien (of F. See infra : Real Museo Borbonico, etc. Serao]... Par M. Duperron de Castera. Paris, 1741. 12º. 954. a. 21. Neapolitana Scientiarum Academia. [Another copy.] 233. c. 36. See infra : Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere. Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti. Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere. Atti, etc. Napoli, 1865, etc. 4º. Ac. 96/3. Atti della Reale Accademia...dalla fondazione, sino all In progress. anno 1787. Napoli, 1788. 4º. 434. b. 4. Rendiconto, etc. Napoli,. 1863, etc. 4º. Ac. 96/6. In 1817. this Academy was made a section of the Società In progress. Reale Borbonica. Reale Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche. [Another copy.] 127. c. 3. Atti, etc. Napoli, 1864, etc. 4º. Ac 96/2. In progress. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze, sezione della Società Reale Borbonica. Vol. 1-6 (18 Serie). Rendiconto delle tornate e dei lavori della Reale AC- Napoli, 1819-1851. 4º. cademia, etc. Napoli, 1862, etc. 4º. & 8º. Ac. 96/5. [Continued as:] In progress. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze. Vol. 1, 2. Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia. Napoli, 1856, 57. 4º. Ac. 2813. Le antichita di Ercolano esposte. (Pitture. Tom. I.-4, Rendiconti delle Adunanze e de' Lavori dell'Accademia 7.-- Bronzi. Tom. 5,6.—Lucerne e candelabri. Tom. 8.) ...Sezione della Società reale Borbonica. 9 tom. [Tom. 1, 2 edited by 0. A. Bayardi, tom. 3–7 by P. Car- Napoli, 1842-50. tº. cani.] & tom. Napoli, 1757-92. fol. 140. i. 4-11 675 ACADEMIES. [NAPLES.] 676 NAPLÈS [CONTINUED). NAPLES (CONTINUED). Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia. Real Museo Borbonico, afterwards Museo Nazionale. The antiquities of Herculaneum ſedited by 0. A. See supra : Reale Accademia Ercolanese di Ar- Bayardi]; translated from the Italian, by T. Martyn. cheologia. Herculanensium voluminum quae super- and J. Lettice. [With J. Lettice's life, cut out of the sunt, etc. (Collectio altera. [Published by the directors Gentleman's Magazine.] vol. I. pt. 1. of the Naples Museum.]) 1793, etc. fol. London, 1773. 4°. : 561. d. 7703. i. No more published. Piaghe del Real Museo Borbonico. Herculanensium voluminum quae supersunt tomus [Naples?] 1860. 8º. 7702. b. 2. (5.). 1(-10). [Containing facsimiles of the manuscripts found at Herculaneum, with printed text and com- Catalogo del Museo Nazionale. Armi antiche. mentary. Tom. 1, 3 edited by C. M. Rosini, tom. 2 by Napoli, 1869. fol. 7703. d. 6. (4.) N. Ciampitti, tom. 4, 6 & 7 by A. A. Scotti, tom. 5 by Catalogo del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Collezione A. Octavianus, and tom. 8 by S. Cirilla.] Santangelo. Monete Greche. (Monete del medio evo.) Neapoli, 1793–1850. fol. 2 pt. Napoli, 1866, 67. fol. 1706. a. Tom. 5 and 6 are in two pts., each pt. having a separate pagination. Tom. 7 wanting. Catalogo del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Medagliere. - Collectio altera. [Containing facsimiles only; Monete greche, 2 pt. — Monete romane, 2 pt. — Monete published by the directors of the Naples Museum, del medio evo e moderne.—Matrici, punzoni e conii della and edited by G. Minervini.] 11 tom. R. Zecca. 6 pt. Napoli, 1870, 71. fol. Neapoli, 1862–76. fol. 7703. i. - 1706. a. . [Another copy of tom. 1.] Catalogo del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Raccolta epi- 144. g. 12. grafica. I. Iscrizioni Greche ed Italiche. 11. Iscrizioni Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanensium voluminum Latine. 2 pts. Napoli, 1867, 68. fol. 1706. a. explanationem pars prima. L. P.. Neapoli, 1797. fol. 144. g. 13. Catalogo del Museo ... Raccolta pornografica. No more published. Napoli, 1866. fol. °7703. d. 6. (3.) Il Porto di Miseno [by the Marquis Michele Arditi. Regia Università degli Studi. Published for the Academyl. [Naples, 1808.] 4º. Ragioni di precedenza nella Regia Università degli 898. i. 6. (3.) Studi a prò de' professori primari di Legge Civile, contro Imperfect; wanting titlepage. There is a half titlepage i professori primari de' Sacri Canoni. reading "Il Porto di Miseno.” [Naples? 1750?] 4º. 8307. g. 1. (1.) Memorie. 9 tom. Napoli, 1822-62. 4º. 558. e. Pro recuperata valetudine Ferdinandi I. Utriusque Dissertazione esegetico intorno all'origine ed al sistema Siciliae Regis Archigymnasii Neapolitani Officium. della sacra Architettura presso i Greci. [Congratulatory addresses and poems, mostly in Latin.] Napoli, 1831. fol. 140. i. 12* [Naples,] 1819. 4°. 10631. g. Reale Istituto di Belle Arti. Regolamento di servizio interno, etc. [With a prefatory letter signed, F. M. Avellino.] [Naples, 1831.] 4º. Relazione sulle origini e riforme diverse del R. Istituto 8356. f. di Belle Arti di Napoli. Napoli, 1872. 8º. Ac. 4515. Annuario dela Museo Zoologico della R. Università di Reale Istituto d'Incoraggiamento alle Scienze Na- Napoli, per A Costa. Napoli, 1862, etc. 4º. turali. In progress. Ac. 3550. See Costa (o. G.) Relazione intorno alla malattia do- minata ne'bachi da seta, nell'està del 1858, in risposta al Ricercatori e Pu Ricercatori e Pubblicatori de Documenti di Storia programma nel dì 8 Aprile 1858 pubblicato dal R. Napolitana e Siciliana. Istituto d' Incoraggiamento alle Scienze Naturali, etc. Codice diplomatico Longobardo dal 568 al 774, con 1859. 4º. 7295. h. osservazioni e note storiche di C. Troya, etc. vol. 1. parte 1, 2. . Napoli, 1845. fol. 558*. f. 29. Atti. 12 tom. Napoli, 1811-64. 4º.. * No more published. The work consists of pages 1-216 of - 2a serie. 17 tom. Napoli, 1864–81. 4º. vol. 1 only. _ 3a serie. Tom. 1, etc. Napoli, 1882, etc. 4º. Società di Pescicoltura Nazionale Italiana. In progress. Ac. 2815. Raccolta de' lavori eseguiti dalla Società ... riguardanti Elenco di Saggi de' prodotti della Industria Napolitana la Pesca e la Pescicoltura nel Mare Mediterraneo. [Pre- presentati nella solenne mostra del di 30 Maggio 1842. face signed De Negri e Compagni.] Napoli, 1871. *80. ÎNapoli, 1842. 4º. 788. d. 13. 7293. l. Società di Storia Patria. Reale Osservatorio di Napoli. Archivio storico per le Provincie Napoletane. Ragguaglio del Reale Osservatorio di Napoli eretto sulla Napoli, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 6534. Collina di Capodimonte. Napoli, 1821. 4º. 898. i. 6. (2.) Monumenti storici. Serie prima: Cronache. Napoli, 1881, etc. fol. 9166. k. 4. Annuario del Reale Osservatorio di Napoli, per cura del In progress. direttore E. Capocci. 1846. Napoli, 1845, etc. 12º. In progress. P.P. 2362. d. Società Pontaniana, afterwards Accademia Pontaniana. Atti. Vol. 1-3. Napoli, 1810-19. 40. Ac. 94. Reale Osservatorio Meteorologico Vesuviano. Atti. Napoli, 1832, etc. 4º. Ac. 94/2. Annali del Reale Osservatorio ... compilati da L. In progress. Palmieri. 4 vol. Napoli, 1859–70. 4º. - Nuova Serie. 1874, etc. Ac. 4042 Agli Scienziati d'Italia del vir. Congresso ; dono dell · In progress. Accademia Pontaniana. Napoli, 1845. 4º. Ac. 94/3. 677 ACADEMIES. [NAPLES—NETHERLANDS.) 678 NAPLES [CONTINUED). NASHVILLE (CONTINUED]. Società Pontaniana, afterwards Accademia Pontaniana. University of Nashville.' Tornata ordinaria del 21 Marzo 1847 [for the reception Reports of the Board of Trustees of the University of of Richard Cobden as a member of the Academy). Nashville, East Tennessee University at Knoxville, and [Naples, 1847.] 8º. 8207. h. (6.) West Tennessee College at Jackson. Nashville, 1858. 8º. 8365. C. Società Reale Borbonica. See NAPLES AND SICILY. - Ferdinand I., . . . Re ... delle Due Sicilie ... Regolamento della Società Reale Borbonica. (9 March, 1822.) 1822. 8º. NAUMBURG. 899. c. 21. (7.) Litterarischer Verein, Ragguagli de' lavori accademici della Società ... 1826 Album des Litterarischen Vereins in Naumburg a/S. (-30). 5 pt. Napoli, 1827-31. 4º. Ac. 2813/3. zur Feier seines fünf und zwanzigjährigen Bestehens.. Società Reale di Napoli. (Als Manuscript gedruckt.) Naumburg, 1846. 8º. [Consisting of three Academies.]. See supra : Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e Thüringisch-Sächsischer Verein für Erforschung des vaterländischen Alterthums. matematiche. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiet historisch-antiquarischer See supra : Reale Accademia di Scienze morali e Forschungen. Heft. 1-4. Naumburg, 1822–24. 4°: politiche. 9365. f. See supra : Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere Each Heft has a special, as well as a general, titlepage. e Belle Arti. Zoologische Station. NESSONVAUX. Erster Jahresbericht der Zoologischen Station in Neapel. Leipzig, 1876. 8º. Ac. 3552. Société de Botanique de Fraipont et Nessonvaux. Mittheilungen, ... zugleich ein Repertorium für Mittel- See supra : FRAIPONT. meerkunde. [Edited by A. Dohrn.] Leipzig, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 3552/2. In progress. NETHERLANDS. Zoologischer Jahresbericht für 1879 (1880, etc.)... Centraal Vee-artsenijkundig Genootschap. Redigirt von Prof. J. V. Carus. Leipzig, 1880, etc. 8º. In progress. See infra : Nederlandsch Vee-artsenijkundig Ge- Ac. 3552/3. nootschap... Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. [Edited by C. A. Doctorum in Gymnasiis Batavis Societas. Dohrn.] Leipzig, 1880, etc. 4°. 1825. a. 16. See infra : Genootschap van Leeraren aan de In progress. Nederlandsche Gymnasiën. NAPOLÉON. Genootschap van Leeraren aan de Nederlandsche. Gymnasiën. Société d'Émulation de La Vendée. Symbolæ Literariæ. 9 Fasc. Annuaire départemental, etc. Année 1-14. Amstelodami, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1837–48. 8º. Napoléon, 1855-69. 80 P.P. 4960. b. Table analytique, etc. La Roche-sur-Yon, 1871. 8º. Miscellanea Philologica et Paedagogica. 3 Fasc. - Deuxième Série. Année 1, etc. Trajecti ad Rhenum, Amstelodami, 1849–51. 8º. P.P. 4961. a. La Roche-sur-Yon, 1872, etc. 8º. Bijdragen tot de kennis en den bloei der Nederlandsche Table analytique ... par M. E. Louis. tom. 1-10. Gymnasiën voor 1851 (-59). Uitgegeven door het Ge- 1880. Ac. 395. nootschap van Leeraren aan de Nederlandsche Gym- - In progress. nasiën. Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, 1852-59. 8º. NARBONNE. [Continued as:] Tijdschrift voor die Nederlandsche Gymnasiën voor Commission Archéologique et Littéraire de l'arron 1863(-61, 63–66). Leiden, Zutfen, 1860-66. 8º. dissement de Narbonne. Ac. 2641. Bulletin de la Commission Archéologique et Littéraire No more published. The vols. for 1851 and 52 were de l'arrondissement de Narbonne. published at Amsterdam ; those for 1853-57 at Utrecht; Narbonne, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 5323. those for 1858–61 at Leyden ; and those for 1863-66 at In progress. Zutphen. No vol. was issued for 1862. Naamlijst der leeraren aan de Nederlandsche Gymnasien, NASHVILLE. latijnsche scholen, hoogere burgerscholen en burger- scholen. Zalt-Bommel, 1869. 80. 8305. bb. 77. 79.) Tennessee State Medical Society. Transactions of the twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Gymnasiorum Batavorum Doctores Societate con- : ... Society. Nashville, 1858. 8º. . 7680. c. . juncti. See supra: Genootschap van Leeraren aan de University of Nashville. Nederlandsche Gymnasiën. Laws of the University ... New Edition. Nashville, 1840. 8º. 8365. c. 23. Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. University of Nashville. Medical Departement. Cata Handelingen, etc. Deel 1, Stuk 1-4. logue of the Session of 1857–8 and announcement for the Leiden, 1854-56. 4º. Ac. 3627. Session of 1858–9. Nashville, 1858. 8º. 7680. b. No more published. VII 679 680 ACADEMIES. [NETHERLANDS NEUSTADT ON THE HARDT.] 680 Vereinshen Filialve Ac71218- NETHERLANDS [CONTINUED). NEUBURG. Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging.. Historischer Filial-Verein. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, uitgegeven door de Neder Jahresbericht des historischen Filial-Vereines zu Neu- landsche Entomologische Vereeniging, onder redactie burg a. d. D. für das Jahr 1844, etc. van ... J. van der Hoeven, ... M. C. Verloren, en ... [Neuburg ? 1844, etc.] 8º. S. C. Snellen van Vollenhoven (J. A. Herklots, A. W.M In progress. Published with the “ Monatliches Collecta- van Hasselt). 8 Deel. 's Gravenhage, 1858–65. 8º. neen-Blatt für die Geschichte der Sladt Neuburg,” etc. Repertorium der acht eerste Jaargangen (1e Serie 1858 tot 1865)...door... E. A. De Ros von Westmaas. NEUCHÂTEL. 's Gravenhage, 1869. 8º. Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die ge- sammten Naturwissenschaften. Tijdschrift ... uitgegeven ... onder redactie van J. van der Hoeven, A. W. M. van Hasselt, S. C. Snellen van See infra: SWITZERLAND. Vollenhoven (F. M. van der Wulp, E. T. G. Everts). Tweede Serie. 's Gravenhage, 1866, etc. 8º. Société des Sciences Naturelles. In progress. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neu- Repertorium (3de Serie, 1874-81.) 1882. châtel. Neuchâtel, 1847, etc. 8º. . Ac. 2868. Ac. 3627/2. In progress. VOLLENHOVEN (S. C. SNELLEN VAN Schetsen ten gebruike Mémoires. 3 tom. Neuchâtel, 1835-45. 4º. bij de studie der Hymenoptera. 4 pt. · Ac. 2868/4. 's Gravenhage, 1868-73. obl. fol. Ac. 3627/3. NEVERS. Nederlandsch Landhuishoudkundig Congres. Société Départmentale d'Agriculture de la Nièvre. Programme van het XXVIIIste Nederlandsch Landhuis Herd-Book des animaux de la race bovine charolaise houdkundig Congres, etc. Zierikzee, 1874. 8°. améliorée dans la Nièvre, connue sous le uom de Race Ac. 4438/3. Nivernaise, publié par la Société Départementale d'Agri OLDHUIS (B. W. A. E. SLOET TOT) Baron, and ITERSON culture,... ler Avril, 1864. Nevers, 1864. 80. (W. J. D. VAN) Proeve eener opgave van bouwstoffen 7295. bbb. voor eene geschiedenis en statistiek van den Neder- Société Nivernaise des Sciences, Lettres et Arts. landscheu landbouw. ... Opgesteld ingevolge opdragt van het XXIIIe ... Nederlandsch Landhuishoudkundig Bulletin. Nevers, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 400. Congres. 's Gravenhage, 1874. 8º. Ac. 4438. · In progress. BÉGAT (PROSPER) Notice sur l'imprimerie à Nevers. Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres. Newers, 1884. 8. 11899. h. Handelingen, 1849, etc. CROSNIER ( ) Abbé. Hagiologie Nivernaise ; ou, Gent, Amsterdam, etc., 1850, etc. 8º. vies des Saints ... qui ont édifié le Diocèse de Nevers In progress. P.P. 4549. 1. The meetings are held at various places in the Netherlands par leurs vertus. Livr. 1, 2. Nevers, 1858. 80. and Belgium, and the transactions of each are generally 4865. f. printed at the place of meeting. CROSNIER ( Abbé. Monograplıie de la Cathédrale de Nevers. · Nevers, 1854. 8º. e Nevers.. Nevers. 1854. 80 10172. dd. Nederlandsch Vee-artsenijkundig Genootschap. Verhandelingen over verschillende Vee-artsenijkundige CROUZET (HENRI) Archives communales de Nevers. onderwerpen, of kort verslag van het verhandelde in de Droits et priviléges de la Commune de Nevers. 1re série. ef rste en tweede (derde—twaalfde) algemeene Vergader- Newers, 1858, 8. 5425. g. ing van Rijks Vee-Artsen, gehouden ... 1848(-1855); DU BROC DE SEGANGE (L) La Faïence, les faïenciers et (van het Nederlandsch Vee-artsenijkundig Genootschap, les émailleurs de Nevers. Nevers, 1863. 4º. gehouden . . . 1856, etc.—Redacteur [of Vergadering 7943. b. 14. 11, 12.]: F. C. Hekmeijer.) 8 pt. Utrecht, 1855, 1852–61. 8º. Ac. 3874. MAROLLES (MICHEL DE) Inventaire des Titres de Nevers de l'Abbé de Marolles suivis d'extraite des titres de Societas promovendo Florae Batavae studio. Bourgogne et de Nivernois, d'extraits des inventaires des archives de l'eglise de Nevers et de l'inventaire des See infra: Vereeniging voor de Nederlandsche archives des Bordes, publié et ainoté par le Cte de Flora. Suultrait, etc. Nevers, 1873. 4º. . Ac. 400/4. Vereeniging voor de Nederlandsche Flora. RICHARD (GEORGES) Count de Soultrait. Armorial historique Prodromus Florae Batavae. In sociorum imprimis usum et archéologique du Nivernais. 2 tom. edendum curavit Societas promovendo Florae Batavae Nevers, 1879. 80. . Ac. 400/5. studio. 2 vol. [Leyden,] 1850-66. 8º. 2 vol. Vol. 2 is divided into 4 pts. 7005. f. NEUHALDENSLEBEN. Vergadering van Rijks-Vee-Artsen. Altmärkischer Verein für vaterländische Geschichte und Industrie. See supra: Nederlandsch Vee-artsenijkundig Ge- Erster (-eilfter) Jahresbericht ... herausgegeben von nootschap. J. F. Danneil. Neuhaldensleben, 1838-48. 8°. No more published. Ac. 7360. Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte. Archiv des Vereins . . . Herausgegeben (Jahrg. 1-20) von E. Boll. (Jahrg. 21-26 von E. M. Wiechmann, Jahrg. 27, etc, von C. Arndt.) Neubrandenburg; Güstrow, 1847, etc. 80 Ac. 2890. In progress. NEUSTADT ON THE HARDT. Pollichia. Neunter (vierzehnter-einundzwanzigster). Jahres- bericht der Pollichia ... Herausgegeben von dem Aus- schusse des Vereins. Neustadt a/H., 1851-63. 8º.. Ac. 2889/2. 681 ACADEMIES. (NEUSTADT ON THE HARDT-NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. 682 NEUSTADT ON THE HARDT [CONTINUED). I NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE (CONTINUED). Pollichia. Natural History Society of Northumberland, Dur- Statuten der Pollichia, eines naturwissenschaftlichen ham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Vereins für die Rheinpfalz. Dritte Ausgabe. Transactions. vol. 1, 2. Newcastle, 1831–38. 4º. Neustadt an der Haardt, 1862. 8º. :Ac. 2889. Ac. 3031/4. MEHLIS (CHRISTIAN Der Grabfund aus der Steinzeit Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and von Kirchheim a. d. Eck in der Rheinpfalz, etc. (Bei- Durbam. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1865, etc. 8º. Ac. 3030/2. gabe zum xl. Jahresberichte der Pollichia.) pp. 70. Dürkheim & Kaiserslautern, 1881. 8º. In progress. This work comprises the Proceedings of the 7708. aaa. 13. (5.) Natural History Society of Northumberland, incorporated with those of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, and NEUWIED. published together. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und gericht- ht Newcastle Literary Society. liche Psychologie. The Flower of Northumberland. A Northern ballad. Correspondenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft für Published by the Newcastle Literary Society. Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie. Heraus- Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1847. 8º. Ac. 9130. gegeben von deren Vorstand Dr Bergmann, Dr Mansfeld, North of England Institute of Mining Engineers, Dr Erlenmeyer, Dr Eulenberg. Redigirt von Dr A. A. Erlenmeyer. 13 Jabrg. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1853, etc. 8°. Neuwied, Berlin, 1854-66. 4º. & 8º. Ac. 3785/2. In progress. Ac. 3232. Illustrations of fossil plants : being an autotype repro- Die Verhandlungen der “deutschen Gesellschaft für duction of selected drawings. Prepared under the · Psychiatrie..." und der " Section für Staats-arzneikunde supervision of ... Dr. Lindley and Mr. W. Hutton, ... and Psychiatrie " wahrend der Versammlung zu Wien and now ... published by the North of England Insti- vom 16–22 September 1856. Redigirt von A. Erlen tute of Mining and Mechanical Edgineers. Edited by meyer. Neuwied, 1857. 8º. Ac. 3785/3. G. A. Lebour. London : Newcastle- upon-Tyn? [printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 3232/2. Archiv der deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und An account of the Strata of Northumberland and Dur- gerichtliche Psychologie, herausgegeben und redigirt ham, as proved by borings and sinkings. von Dr Erleumeyer, unter Mitwirkung von Dr Berg- mann, DMansfeld, und Dr Eulenberg. Jahrg. I-IX. A. Reid: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1881, etc. 8º. Neuwied, 1858–66. Ac. 3232/3. 4º. & 8º. Ac. 3785/3. In progress. Bd. 1 only is in 4º. Society of Antiquaries. First annual report of the Antiquarian Society, etc. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. (Being for the year 1813.) Newcastle, 1814. 4º. New Jersey Historical Society. 128. e. 14. Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society. 7 vol. Archæologia Aeliana, or miscellaneous tracts relating to [New York,] 1846–72. 8º. Ac. 8420/2. antiquity. 4 vol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1822–55. 4º. - New Series. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1857, etc. 8º. Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society. 1845 In progress. Ac. 5675. (-1866). 10 vol. Newark, N.J., 1847, etc. 8º. Proceedings, etc. Vol. 1. No. 25–35. - Second series. vol. 1, 2. [Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1857–58.] 8º. Ac. 5675/2. Nepark, NJ., 1869-72. 8. Ac. 8420. A Catalogue of the manuscripts, books, Roman and NEWBURY. otber antiquities, belonging to the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Newcastle, 1839. 8º. Newbury District Field Club. 11903. C. Transactions of the Newbury District Field Club ... [Another edition.] Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1863. 8º. designed to promote the knowledge of the natural 11901. bbb. history and antiquities of the neighbourhood. Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Report Newbury, 1871, etc. 8º. Ac. 3013. for the year 1848. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1849. 8º. In progress. "Ac. 5675/3. Newbury District Field Club...Officers for the year Chorographia : or, a survey of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1880, list of members, and report of the annual meeting. 1649 [By W. Grey Newcastle, 1813. fol. Newbury, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 3013/Z. 190. e. 19. In progress. A reprint of the original work published in 1649. Lapidarium Septentrionale : or, a description of the NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE.. monuments of Roman rule in the north of England. Edited by J. C. Bruce. Chemical Society. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1875, (1870–75.] fol. 7708. f. 3. Transactions. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1869, etc. 8º. An Index to the History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne by... Ac. 3928. & 62. In progress. J. Brand. Compiled by W. Dodd. pp. 28. Durham College of Science. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1881. 4°. 2063. d. See infra : University of Durham College of Physi- HINDE (JOHN HODGSON) A history of Northumberland... cal Science. Part 1. Containing the general history of the county; state of the district under the Romans, the Saxon and Natural History Society of Northumberland, Dur- Danish kings of Northumberland, the Official Earldom. ham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, With a narrative of events connected with the county Report... for the year ... 1830 (1833-1845). from the Norman Conquest to the accession of the House Newcastle, 1830–45. 8º. Ac. 3031. of Hanover. (A contribution... towards the completion Incomplete; wanting the reports for 1831, 1832 and of the history of Northumberland... by J. Hodgson.) 1839. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1858. 4º. 10350. g. 4. D : W-1 L " New Hampions of the , and 185%258 edited • Laden 683 ACADEMIES. [NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE—NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.] 684 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE (CONTINUED). NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT [CONTINUED). Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. Yale College. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. . Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale College, etc. 1846–64. 6 vols. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1850[-48.] 8º. New Haven, 1860, etc. 89. 4985. cc. Ac. 3030. In progress. In 1864 the. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' The Laws of Yale College... enacted... the sixth day of Field Club, were incorporated with those of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, and the Proceedings of October, A.D. 1795. New-Haven, 1800. 8º. the two Societies were published together under the title of 8365. cc. 6. Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and [Another edition.] New Haven, 1808. 8º.. . Durham. See supra : “ Natural History Society of North- 8365. cc. 7. umberland, etc.” [Another edition.] Nero-Haven, 1811. 8º. University of Durham College of Physical Science. 8365. cc. 8. University of Durham College of Physical Science, New [Another edition.] Nero-Haven, 1817. 8º. castle-upon-Tyne. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1879, etc. 8º. 8365. cc. 9. In progress. 8709. aa. [Another edition.] New Haven, 1825. 8º. 8365. cc. 10. NEW HAMPSHIRE. [Another edition.] New Haven, 1835. 8º. New Hampshire Antiquarian Society. 8365. cc. 11. The Constitution of the ... Society. Adopted No [Another edition.] New Haven, 1837. 8º. vember 19, 1873. With a list of...members. 8365. cc. 12. Bristol, [N.H.], 1874. 8°. . Ac. 5792/2. [Another edition.] New Haven, 1843. 80. . The Constitution of the... Society... Amended July 20, 8365. e. 1875. With a list of...members. [Another edition.] New Haven, 1848. 8º. Bristol, N.H., 1875. 8º. Ac. 5792/2. 8366. d. Collections of the... Society. Contoocook, 1874, etc. 8º. [Another copy.] New Haven, 1850. 8º. 8366. d. In progress. Ac. 5792. A duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage. New Hampshire State Agricultural Society, [Another edition.] New Haven, 1854. 8º. Transactions of the New Hampshire State Agricultural 8366. d. Society, fur 1850, 1851, and 1852. (For 1853, 57, com- [Another edition.] Nero Haven, 1856. 8º. piled by I. 0. Adams. For 1858 edited by J. C. A. 8366. d. Wiugate. For 1899, etc. Edited by A. Young.) Concord, 1853, etc. 8º. Ac. 3528. Order of Exercises at commencement, Yale College,... In progress. 1826 (29, 31-36, 38-58). New Haven, 1826–58. 8°. 8365. e. 31. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. Order of Exercises at the junior Exhilition, Yale College,. . .1835(-58). New Haven, 1835-58. 8º. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. 8365. e. 30. A statistical Account of the towns and parishes in the A circular explanatory of the recent proceedings of the State of Connecticut. Published by the Connecticut Sophomore Class, in Yale College. Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. I. No. 1. (A New-Haven, 1830. 8°. 8365. e. 12. statistical Account of the city of New Haven, by T. Dwight.) New Haven, 1811. 8º. 1303. 1. Reports on the course of instruction in Yale College by a committee of the corporation, and the academical Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and faculty. New Haven, 1830. 8º. 8365. e. 11. Sciences. New Haven, 1866, etc. 89. Ac. 1805. In progress. Catalogue of the subscriptions to the fund of one hundred thousand dollars for Yale College. Medical Society. Neu-Haven, 1833. 8º. 8365. e. 10. Cases and observations by the... Society. New Haven, 1788. 8º. T. 412. (6.) Catalogue of paintings belonging to Yale College ; de- posited in the south room of the Trumbull Gallery, Yale College. New-Haven, 1835. 8º. 8365. e. 14. '. The judgment of the Rector and Tutors of Yale College, concerning two of the students who were expelled ; Rules for the Biennial Examination, December, 1850. together witḥ the reasons of it. New London, 1745. 4º. [Examination Papers of the Sophomore Class of Yale 732. b. 37. College, for 1850-58.] [New Haven, 1850, etc.] 8º. Catalogus (Senatus Academici et) eorum qui in Collegio 8366. cc. 29. Yalensi ... ab anno 1702 ad annum 1778 (1781, 84, etc.) In progress. Without titlepage. Imperfect ; wanting alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt. No. 5 of the set for 1856. Novi-portus, 1778, etc. 8º. 8365. e.. Rules for the Biennial Examination. [Examination . In progress. Wanting triennial issues for 1787 and 1793. Papers of the Senior Class of Yale College, for 1851-58, A Catalogue of the graduates of Yale College, from etc.] [New Haven, 1851, etc.] 89.: 8366. cc. 30. 1702 to 1827 ; the names alphabetically arranged, with In progress. Without titlepage. Imperfect; wanting the year of graduating prefixed to each. No. 1 of the set for 1857... New Haven, 1827. 8º. 8365. e. Catalogue of the Paintings belonging to Yale College, Catalogue of the Faculty and Students of the Acadeinical etc. New Haven, 1852. 8°. 8365. e. (of the Medical Institution of Yale College. (Catalogue of the Officers and Students). Nov. 1814 (17, 19, etc.) Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins belonging to Yale New Haven, 1814, etc. 8º. 8385. e. College, deposited in the College Library. In progress. New Haven, 1863. 8º. 7755. bb. 685 ACADEMIES. [NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.] 686 NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT (CONTINUED). I NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT [CONTINUED). Yale College. Yale College. Addresses and proceedings including the Oration pro- Class of 1837. nounced by Rev. Dr. Bushnell, at the commemorative celebration, held July 26tb, 1865, in honor of the alumni Statistics of the Class of 1837. [New Haven, 1840.] 89. of Yale College who were in the Military or Naval 8366. f. Service of the United States during the recent war, etc. Statistics of the Class of 1837; from 1837 to 1847, with New Haven, 1866. 8º. 11903. cc. a notice of their meeting held at Yale College, August Four Years at Yale. By a Graduate of '69. 19, 1847, etc. New Haven, 1847. 8º. 8366. f. New Haven, 1871. 8º. 8365. bb. 26. Statistics of the Class of 1837; from 1837 to 1850, with Addresses at the Inauguration of Professor N. Porter, as a notice of their meeting held at Yale College, August President of Yale College, etc. 15, 1850, etc. New Haven, 1850. 8º. 8366. f. New York, Cambridge (Mass., printed], 1871. 8º. Records from 1837 to 1857 of the Class graduated at 8366. dd. 6. Yale College in 1837. With a notice of their fourth Needs of the University, suggested by the Faculties to meeting held at Yale College, July 29, 1857. Published the Corporation...and Friends of the Institution. July ... by B. Silliman, etc. New Haven, 1858. 8º. 10, 1871. [New Haven], 1871. 8°. 8307. g. 1. (20.) 8366. f. Yale Examination Papers. Collected and arranged by Class of 1840. F. B. Stevens. pp. 139. Ginn, Heath & Co.: Boston [Mass.], 1883. 8º. 12200. e. 4. Statistics of the Class of 1840; from 1840 to 1850, with a notice of their meeting held at Yale College, August 14, 1850. New Haven, 1850. 8º. 8366. f. Calliopean Society. Catalogue of the Library of the Calliopean Society, Yal Class of 1843. College, October, 1841. Nero Haven, 1841 89. 823. g. 32. (1.) A Record of the class of 1843. Yale College, etc. New York, 1859. 8º. 8366. f. [Another edition.] New Haven, 1846. 8º. 8365. cc. 5. (8.) Class of 1844. [Another copy.] 823. g. 2. (1. Statistics of the Class of 1844; from 1844 to 1847. Class of 1810. With a notice of their meeting held at Yale College, August 19, 1847, etc. New Haven, 1847. 8º. An Account of the meeting of the Class which graduated 8366. f. at Yale College in 1810, beld at New Haven, Aug. 18, 1840. [Compiled by E.T. Fitch.] Class of 1845. New Haven, 1840. gº. 8366. f. Statistics of the Class of 1845, in Yale College, from 1845 to 1850, etc. New Haven, 1851. 89. 8366. f. Class of 1813. Begin. Meeting of the Class of 1813, on the 16th and Class of 1847. . 17th of August, 1843. [New Haven, 1843.] 8º. The Secretary's Report of the Class of 1847, of Yale College. Read... August 14, 1850, etc. Class of 1817. New Haven, 1850. 8º. 8366. cc. Meetings and Statistics of the Graduates of the Class of Class of 1848. 1817, in Yale College, etc. Philadelphia, 1853. 8º. 8366. f. Statistics of the Class of Yale, 1848, from August, 1848, to July, 1852, etc. [With preface by H. M. Colton.] Class of 1821. New Haven, 1852. 8º. 8366. f. Meeting of the Class of 1821, on the annual commence- ment of Yale College, Sept. 14, 1831. Class of 1849. [New Haven, 1831.] 8º. 8366. f. An Account of the meeting of the Class of 1849 of Yale College, together with the Secretary's report, presented Proceedings of the Class of 1821, at their meeting held July 28, 1852, etc. New Haven, 1852. 8º. ... August 19, 1846. With a summary of the Record of 8366. f. the Class, from 1821 to 1846. New Haven, 1846. 8º. 8366. f. Class of 1850. Class of 1822. Statistics of the Class of 1850, of Yale College, presented July 27, 1853, by E. M. Jerome, etc. Class of A.D. 1822. [Proceedings at the meeting held in New Haven, 1853. 8º. 8366. f. 1845.] [New Haven, 1845.] 8º. 8366. f. Class of 1851. Class of 1824. Statistics of the Class of 1851, of Yale College. Presented Biographical-Sketches of the Class of 1824: compiled July 26, 1854, by W. W. Winthrop, etc. from authentic documents, etc. Norwalk, 1855. 80. Boston (Mass.], 1854. 8º. 8366. f. 8366. e. Class of 1836. Class of 1852. Proceedings of the Class of 1836, at their first General Statistics of the Class of 1852, of Yale College. Presented Meeting [August 21st, 1839]. New Haven, 1839. 8º. July 25th, 1855, by C. L. Ives, etc. 8366. f. New Haven, 1855. 8º. 8366. f. 687 ACADEMIES. [NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT --NEW JERSEY.] 688 NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT [CONTINUED] NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT [CONTINUED): Yale College. Yale College. Class of 1853. Statistics of the Class of 1853, of Yale College. By W. T. Gilbert, etc. New Haven, 1857. 8°. 8366. f. School of the Fine Arts. Gates of the Baptistery at Florence. By L. Ghiberti, etc. A series of photographs, with an introductory note by J. F. Weir.] [New Haven,] 1873. fol. 1733. d. 1. Class of 1854. Statistics of the Class of 1854, of Yale College, collected by M. N. Whitmore, etc. New Haven, 1858. 8º. 8366. f. Class of 1857. Biographical Record of the Class of 1857 ... With an account of the decennial meeting of the class. New Haven, 1870. 89. 8366. cc. Sheffield Scientific School. First (second, etc.) annual report of the visitors of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College . . . together with an historical statement respecting the School, etc. New Haven, 1866, etc. 8º. 8366. dd. In progress. Aim and Object of scientific education, as provided in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. New Haven, 1869. 12º. 8306. c. 1. (4.) The Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College briefly described. New York, 1870. 12º. 8366. b. Class of 1861. Decennial Record of the Class of 1861, Yale College, containing reports of Class Meetings, and a biographical sketch of each member. Cleveland, 1872. 8º. 8366. cc. Class of 1870. Report of the triennial Meeting of the Class of 1870, ... with biographical notices. New Haven, 1874. 8º. 8366. bb. 1. Divinity School. The Semi-centennial Anniversary of the Divinity School of Yale College, May 15th and 16th, 1872. New Haven, 1872. gº. 8366. cc. Society of Brothers in Unity. A Catalogue of the Society of Brothers in Unity ... founded 1768. New Haven, 1841. 89. 8365. e. 13. Catalogue of books belonging to the Society of Brothers in Unity; Yale College, Sept. 1832. [New Haven, 1832.) 8º. 823. f. 64. [Another edition.] June, 1838. MS. ADDITIONS. New Haven, 1838. 8º. 823. g. 53. [Another edition.] April, 1846. New Haven, 1846. 8º. 823. %. 33. Society of the Alumni. A General Catalogue of the Divinity School of Yale College. A brief biographical record of its members in the first half century of its existence as a distinct depart- ment. 1822–1872. Published by the Alumni. New Haven, 1873. 80. 8366. dd. 5. Hymn for the meeting of the Alumni, August 20, 1845. [New Haven, 1845.] 8. sh. 3434. c. Yale College in 1868(–1875): some statements respect- ing the late progress and present condition of the ... University. , :. By the Executive Committee of the Society of the Alumni. New Haven, [1868, etc.] 8º. In progress. 8365. ee. 3. Linonian Society. A Catalogue of the Members of the Linonian Society of Yale College ... 1832 (41). [New Haven,] 1832-41. 8º. 8365. e. 15. Catalogue of the Linonian and Brothers' Library, Yale College. New Haven, 1873. 8º. 11902. cc. 1. Oo Lycurgan Association. An address delivered at the formation of the Lycurgan Association, in Yale College. By a member of the junior class. New Haven, 1820. 4º.. 8365. c. 6. Phi Beta Kappa Society. Catalogue of the members of the Connecticut Alpha of| the QB K. (1808, 13, 21, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 47, 52.) | New Haven, 1808-52. 8º. 8366. e. 38. An Address delivered before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa in Yale College. By Willis Hall. New Haven, 1844. 8º. 8305. ee. 29. (11.) | Theological Department. A General Catalogue of the Theological Department of Yale College. Published by the Students. April, 1838, A triennial Catalogue of the Theological Department. ... Aug., 1841, 50. New Haven, 1838-50. 802. 8365. e. 29. Winchester Observatory. Report of the Board of Managers of the Winchester Observatory ... 1880–1881, to which is appended the Report of the Astronomer in charge of the Horological and Thermometric Bureaus (L. Waldo). New Haven, 1881. 8º. 8752. bb. 2. Report for the year 1881–1882, of H. A. Newtun, Director to the Board of Managers of the Observatory in Yale College ; ... to which is appended the Report of the Astronomer in charge of the Horological and Ther- mometric Bureaus (L. Waldo). pp. 5. 22. New Haven, 1882. 89. 8752. bb. 3. Yale revisited. A poem ... delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College ... By G. T. Dole. Published by the Society. New Haven, 1869. 8º. 11688. d. The College as an element of the State. An oration pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society ... July 21, 1869. By E. Washburne. Published by the ... Society. New Haver, 1870. 8º. 11903. cc. The Clocks of Gnoster-Town; or, Truth by Majority. A poem, pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society (of Yale College. By E. R. Sill. Published by the ... Society. New Haven, 1870. 89. 11687. g. NEW JERSEY. See infra: PRINCETOWN, New Jersey. 689 ACADEMIES. [NEW YORK.] 690 AC. De NEW YORK NEW YORK [CONTINUED). Agathynian Club. American Institute. Agathynian Club Publications. Ac. 9505. Report of a special Committee of the American Insti- No. 1. Advice to the officers of the British Army. By tute, on the subjeot of cash duties, the auction system, F. Grose, or John Wilkinson.] A fac-similo reprint of etc. Jan. 12, 1829. New York, 1829. 8º. the sixth London edition [1783]. With introduction 8226. b. and and notes. New York, 1867. 8º. American Institute. Report of the superintending agent. [New York, 1840.] 8º. No. 2. Polydori Virgilii de Rerum Inventoribus ; trans- Ac. 3532/2. lated into English by John Langley; with an account Premiums awarded by the Managers of the thirteenth of the author and his works, by W. A. Hammond. annual fair of the American Institute. See MASON (C.) New York, 1868. 8º. The oration on the thirteenth anniversary of the Ame- rican Institute, etc. 1840. 8º. . 7955. d. 33. (1.) American Academy of the Arts. . The Charter and By-laws. With an account of the Premiums awarded by the American Institute at the statues, busts, and paintings belonging to the academy. fourteenth (sixteeth, seventeenth) annual fair. New York, 1815. 8º. B. 492. (6.) New York, 1841-44.8°. 7955. d. 33. (2, 6, 12.) A discourse delivered before the American Academy of American Institute. Documents in relation to the mann- the Arts, by De W. Clinton. 23rd October 1816. facture of Silk and of Cotton and woollen goods in the New York, 1816. 8º. B. 492. (13.) City of New York.... Published by order of the... In- stitute. New York, 1844. 8º. 7955. d. 33. (10.) American Art Union. See infra : Apollo Association for the promotion of The second and third reports of the American Institute the Fine Arts in the United States. of the City of New York, made to the Legislature for the years 1842 and 1843. Albany, 1844. 8º. American Chemical Society. Ac. 3532. Proceedings. New York, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 3934. Annual report of the Trustees of the American Institute. In progress. ...1844 (1846). New York, 1845–6. 8º. Ac. 3532. Journal of the ... Society ... H. Endemann, Editor, etc. New York, 1879, etc. 8º. For the Annual Reports and Transactions of the Ame- Ac. 3934/2. In progress. rican Institute, 1847–57.] See NEW YORK, State of.- List of officers, ... members, etc. pp. 12. Assembly. Documents, etc. 1831, etc. 8º. 9708. a, b, c, etc. New York, 1881. 8º. Ac. 3934/3. Annual Report of the American Institute... for the American Ethnological Society. years 1861, ²62, etc. Albany, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 3532. Transactions. Vol. I.-III., pt. 1. In progress New York, 1845-53. 8º. Ac. 623. Charter and by-laws of the American Institute of the BERENDT (CARL HERMANN) Analytical Alphabet for the City of New York. New York, 1845. 8º. Mexican & Central American languages ... Reproduced Ac. 3532/3. in fac-simile by the American Photo-Lithographic Com- Memorial... to the Legislature of New-York (for a share pany. New York, 1869. 8º. 12907. dd. 5. of the Literature Fund). New York, 1846. go. American Geographical and Statistical Society. Ac. 3532/4. Charter and by-laws of the American Institute ... Bulletin of the American Geographical and Statistical Adopted May 3, 1866. New York, 1867. 8º. Society. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1852-57. 8º. Ac. 7915. cc. 19. Ac. 2495/2. Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical American Institute.-Agricultural Board. Society. Vol. I, No. 1-3. New York, [1859.] 4º. Report of the Committve on Horticulture, in conjunction Ac. 2495/3. with the Agricultural Board of the American Institute, Proceedings. Vol. 1., 11., No. 1. at their Seventeenth annual fair... October, 1844. New York, 1862, 63. 8º. Ac. 2495/4. [New York, 1844.] 8º. 7955. d. 33. (11.) The charter and by-laws of the American Geographical Report of the Committe on Horticulture in conjunction and Statistical Society. New York, 1852. 8º. with the Agricultural Board of the American Institute, Ac. 2495. at their Eighteenth annual fair. New York, 1845. 8º. 7955. d. 33. (16.) Report and Memorial on Syrian Exploration. New York, 1857. 89. 10076. g. American Museum of Natural History. Begin. The American Geographical and Statistical The first (second, etc.) Annual Report of the American Society. [Report of a select committee to devise a Museum of Natural History. New York, 1870, etc. 8º. system of taxation, etc.] [New York ? 1862?] 8º. In progress. Ac. 3049. Ac. 2495/5. CONKLING (FREDERICK A.). On the production and con- Bulletin, etc. [New York,] 1881, etc. 8º. sumption of Cotton. New York, 1865. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3049/2. Ac. 2495/6. MOWRY (SYLVESTER) The geography and resources of American Numismatic and Archäological Society. Arizona & Sonora : an address, etc. pp. 48. American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of the Washington, 1859. 8º. 10408. ee. 13. (7. American Numismatic & Archäological Society. (Editors C. E. Anthon and J. N. T. Levick.). vol. 1-4. American Institute. New York, 1866–70. 8º. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. – New York. Journal of - Vol. 5, etc. Published by the Boston Numismatic the American Institute, etc. 1836, etc. 80. Society. Boston (Mass.), 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 5893. P.P. 2317. In progress. 691 ACADEMIES. [NEW YORK.] 692 abia Colles he Officers asince 1843: 8365.condents of 8366. c. NEW YORK [CONTINUED). NEW YORK [CONTINUED). American Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Columbia College. Manufactures and Commerce, Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Columbia Col- Proof Copy. The American Society for the Encourage- lege; with the graduates since 1849. ment of Arts, etc. (Constitution and by-laws.) New York, [1852?] 8º. 8365. cc. 2. (11.) New York, 1875. 80. Ac. 4486. Centennial Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Columbia College, Founded A.D. 1754. American Society of Civil Engineers. New York, [1854.] 8°. . 8365. cc. 2. (12.) American Society of Civil Engineers. Rapid Transit and terminal freight facilities. Report of Committee Fifth Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of appointed... to investigate the best means of rapid the Law School of Columbia College for 1862–1863, with transit...in and about the City of New York. the triennial catalogue of the alumni. [New York, 1875.] 8º. Ac. 4320. New York, 1863–8. 8º. Statutes of Columbia College, revised and passed by the Bradford Club. Board of Trustees. May 1836. To which is prefixed an DRAKE (JOSEPH RODMAN) The Croakers. Poems.] By historical sketch of the College. New York, 1836. 8º. J. R. Drake and F. G. Halleck. First complete edition. 8366. b. New Yoric, 1860. 4º. .. Ac. 9506. Columbia College Library. Report of the Librarian No. 2 of the Bradford Club Series. (W. A. Jones) to the library committee. May 14th, LAURENS (JOHN) The Army Correspondence of Colonel 1862. pp. 23. New York, 1862.' 8º. 11903. i. 6. J. L., in the years 1777–8, now first printed from original Proceedings at the inauguration of F. A. P. Barnard as letters addressed to his father... With a memoir by W. President of Columbia College. ... October 3, 1864. G. Simms. New York, 1867. 4º. Ac. 9506. Published by Order of the Board of Trustees. No. 7 of the Bradford Club Series: only 80 copies New York, 1865. 8º. 8366. cc. printed. MURPHY (HENRY C.) Anthology of New Netherland, or, Catalogue of Minerals, with their formulæ and crystal- translations from the early Dutch poets of New York, line systems, prepared for the use of the students of the with memoirs ... by H. C. Murphy. School of Mines, of Columbia College. By T. Egleston. New York, 1865. 8o. Ac. 9506. ... Second edition. New York, 1871. 8º. 7106. bb. No. 4 of the Bradford Club Series. JAY (John) of Bedford, U.S. Columbia College. Her SOTO (FERDINANDO DE) Narratives of the career of H. de honourable record in the past, with a glance at her op- portunities in the future. Soto in the Conquest of Florida as told by a Knight of A centennial discourse, etc. Elvas, and in a relation by L. Hernandez de Biedma, pp. 48. New York, 1876. 8°. 8304. e. 9. (6.) Factor of the Expedition. Translated by B. Smith. L. P. New York, 1866. 4º. Ac. 9506. Corresponding Association for the promotion of In- No. 5 of the Bradford Club Series. ternal Improvements. Considerations on the Great Western Canal from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of Hudson to Lake Erie: with a view of its expence, New York. advantages, and progress. (The Northern Canal, from Charter. See infra : Medical Society. Report, etc. the Hudson to Lake Champlain.) [By C. G. Haines.] Brooklyn, 1818. 8º. T. 117. (8.) 1807. 8º. B. 492. (28.) Second edition. (Mr. Darby's letter on the Great An historical sketch of the origin, progress, and present Western Canal].) Brooklyn, 1818. 8º. "B. 492. (25.) state of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New York. [With a view of Geneva College. the College.] New York, 1813. 8º. 7680. aaa. (1.) Rutgers Medical Faculty.—Geneva College. [Circulars. Syllabus of the several courses of medical lectures de- New York, 1826, 1828, 29. 8º. & 4º. 1830. c. 1. (46.) livered in the College, etc. New York, 1814. 8º. Hamilton Club. Ac. 3862. Hamilton Club Series. No. 1. The Life of Alexander To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New- Hamilton. By John Williams (Anthony Pasquin). York... the Memorial of the College of Physicians and [Reprinted from the edition of Boston, 1804.] pp. 60. Surgeons, etc. [against tho granting of an act of incorpo- New York, 1865. 8º. Ac. 9508. ration to an association of physicians, denominating Only 60 copies printed. themselves the “ Medical Institution of New York.”7 [New York, 1816.] 8º. B. 492. (9.) Linnæan Society of New York. Transactions of the Linnæan Society of New York. Catalogue and Circular of the College of Physicians and L. S. Foster : New York, 1882, etc. 89. Ac. 3050. Surgeons of the University of the State of New York. In progress. New York, 1842. 89. 8365. cc. 2. (22.) Literary and Philosophical Society. Columbia College. Transactions. vol. 1. New York, 1815. 4º. Catalogue of Columbia College. . . Embracing the names Ac. 1828. of its trustees, officers, and graduates; together with a T.veeur and graduates; together with a Lyceum of Natural History, afterwards New York list of all academical honours conferred...from 1758 to Academy of Sciences, 1826 inclusive. New York, 1826. 8°. 8366. d. Annals of the Lyceum, etc. New York, 1824, etc. 80. Catalogue of Columbia College...from...1758 to ... Ac. 3048. 1836, inclusive. New York, 1836. 8º. 8366. b. 20. In progress. Vol. 2 is imperfect, wanting pp. 199–206, for which pp. 185–192 of vol. 1 have been erroneously sub- Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Columbia Col- stituted. lege; with the Graduates since 1844. Proceedings. [New York, 1870, etc.] 8º. New York, 1851. 8°. 8365. cc. 2. (10.) In progress. Ac. 3048/2. 693 ACADEMIES. [NEW YORK.] 694 NEW YORK [CONTINUED). NEW YORK [CONTINUED]. Lyceum of Natural History, afterwards New York National Association for the Promotion of Social Academy of Sciences. Science. Charter [dated April 20th, 1818), Constitution, and By Journal of Social Science: containing the transactions Laws of the Lyceum of Natural History ..., with a list of the American Association No. 1-5. of the Members, etc. 1864. [New York,] 1864. 8º. New-York: Boston (printed], 1869–73. 8º. Ac. 2288. 7003. aaa. A catalogue of plants growing spontaneously within in New York Academy of Medicine, thirty miles of the city of New York. Published by the Bulletin of the ... Academy, etc. Lyceum of Natural History of New York. [Edited by New York, 1862, etc. 8°. Ac. 3863. J. Torrey ?] Albany, 1819. 8º. 1253. e. In progress. New York Ecclesiological Society. Medical College of New York. The New-York Ecclesiologist. 5 vol. Medical College of New-York. [Prospectus.] New-York, (1848–53.] 8º. Ac. 5795. [New York, 1826.] 40. *1830. c. 1. (47.) No more published. Medical Society. New York Entomological Club. Report and address, delivered by the President; together Papilio: the organ of the New York Entomological Club. with the charter of the College of Physicians and Sur Devoted exclusively to Lepidoptera . . . Edited by H. geons in the city of New York. New York, 1807. 8º. Edwards, vol. 1-3; (by E. M. Aaron, vol. 4, etc.) T. 117. (8.) New York, 1881, etc. gº. 1076. [Auother cupy.] T. 121. (3.) In progress. Transactions of the Medical Society, of the State of New New York Historical Society. York for...1820, with the annual address by J. Stearns. The Constitution and Bye-Laws of the New-York His- Albany, 1820. 8º. 7679. b. torical Society. New-York, 1805. 8º. T. 257. (9.): Appendix I. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Medical Collections ... for the years 1809, 14, 21, 26, 29. 5 vol. Society of the State of New York, at its Annual Session New York, 1811–29. 80. Ac. 8425/6. in February, 1836 (in the city of Albany). Vol. 4 and 5 comprise : “ The history of the late province of [Albany ? 1835.] gº. 7680. aaa. (4.) New York, from its discovery, etc. By the Hon. William Smith.” By-laws of the Medical Society of the State of New York, with the rules of order, medical ethics, etc. Second Series. Vol. I.-III. pt. 1. Albany, 1846. 8º. 7680. aaa. (6.) New York, 1841–57. 8º. Ac. 8425/6. [Another copy of Series I., vol. 1, 2.] 959. k. 3, 4. Medico-Legal Society. Medico-Legal Society of the City of New York. [Pros [Another copy of Series I., vol. 1, 2.] 959. k. 5, 6. pectus and List of Members.] [New York, 1872.] 8º. 6095. b. 27. (8.) Collections of the New York Historical Society .. Publication Fund Series. New York, 1868, etc. gº. First Annual Dinner of the Medico-Legal Society of the In progress. Ac. 8425/8. City of New York ... Mar. 19, 1873. New York, 1873. 8º. 7687. bb. Proceedings of the New York Historical Society for Papers read before the Medico-Legal Society ... from the year 1843(-49). New York, 1844-49. 8º.. Ac. 8425/7. its organization. Fifth series. Revised edition. New York, 1874. 8º. Ac. 2187. The Charter and By-laws ... Revised March 1846. New York, 1846. gº. Ac. 8425/3. BELL (CLARK) Medico-Legal Society of New York. Valedictory address by C. Bell, ... on retiring from the Semi-Centennial Celebration : Fiftieth Anniversary of presidency of that Society, November 1875, with appeal the founding of the New York Historical Society. No. 20. for library and statement of library contributions. 1854. New-York, 1854. 8º. AC. 8425/4. New York, 1876. 8º. Ac. 2187/2. Proceedings . . . at the dedication of the Library, ... Military Service Institution of the United States. November 3, 1857. New York, 1857. 8º. 9603. c. Journal, etc. New York, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 4358. Commemoration of the Conquest of New Netherland, or In progress. its two hundredth anniversary. By the New York His- Moravian Historical Society. torical Society. [Consisting of “Oration on the Con- A memorial of the dedication of monuments erected by quest of New Netherland . . . By J. R. Brodbead.” the Moravian Historical Society, to mark the sites of " Appendix” and “Proceedings of the New York His- ancient missionary stations in New York and Connecti- torical Society in relation to the commemoration of the cut. [Edited by W. C. Reichel.] New York, Conquest of New Netherland, on its two hundredth anni- Philadelphia (printed], 1860. 8o. 4745. cc. versary.”] New York, 1864. 8º. Ac. 8425/2. Catalogue of the books, tracts, newspapers, maps, charts, National Academy of Design. views, portraits, and manuscripts, in the library of the Catalogue of the nineteenth [20th & 38th] annual exhi New York Historical Society. New York, 1813. 89. bition. New York, 1844-63. 8º. 1402. c. 31. Ac. 8425/6. (2.) The National Gallery of Design. Ceremonies on the Catalogue of printed books in the library of the New occasion of laying the corner-stone, October 21st, 1863, York Historical Society. New York, 1859. 8º. and the inauguration of the building, April 27th, 1865. 11901. C. L. P. New York, 1865. 4º. 7855. h. Catalı gue of the Museum and Gallery of Art of the See KURTZ (C. M.) National Academy Notes, including New York Historical Society. New York, 1862. 8º. 7806. CC. the complete Catalogue of the fifty-ninth Spring Exhi- bition, etc. 1884. 89.. 7857. b. 19. [Another edition.] Nero York, 1873. 8º. 7807. c. 695 ACADEMIES. [NEW YORK-NICE. 696 NEW YORK [CONTINUED). NEW YORK (CONTINUED). New York Historical Society. New York Microscopical Society. BLUNT (JOSEPH) An Anniversary Discourse, delivered The Transactions of the New York Microscopical before the New-York Histurical Society, etc. Society. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—New York. Neu-York, 1828. 8º. 12301. dd. 22. (5.) The American Quarterly Microscopical Journal, etc. [1878, etc.] 8º. . P.P. 1482. c. BRYANT (WILLIAM CULLEN A discourse on the life, character and writings of G. C. Verplanck, delivered New York Phi Beta Kappa Society. before the New York Historical Society. pp. 60. Circular to the members ... in relation to literary and New York, 1870. 89. 10881. eee. 15. (4.) scientific transactions. Schenectady, 1833. 8º. DAWSON (HENRY BARTON) The Assault on Stony Point, 732. d. 14. (9.) by General A. Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared for the New York State Agricultural Society. New York Historical Society. ... With a map, fac Memorial of Hon. W. Kelly. Presented to the New similes, and ... notes. Morrisania, N.Y., 1863. 4º. York State Agricultural Society, at the annual meeting, Ac. 8425/11. Jan. 22, 1873, by M. R. Patrick. Albany, 1873. 8º. DE PEYSTER (FREDERIC) An Address delivered before the 10882. ff. New York Historical Society on its sixtieth anniversary, Protestant Episcopal Historical Society. etc. (The early political History of New York.) : Collections of the Protestant Episcopal Historical Society New York, 1865. 8º. Ac. 8425/5. for the year 1851. New York, 1851. 8º. DE PEYSTER (FREDERIC) An address fon “ William the P.P. 862. e. third as a reformer"] delivered before the New-York Society for the promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Historical Society, at the celebration of its sixty-ninth Manufactures. anniversary ... By F. De Peyrter. [With portraits of William III. and Mary.] New York, 1874. gº. Transactions. Pt. 1, 2. New York, 1792, 94. 4º. Ac. 8425/9. 432. b. 1. DE PEYSTER (FREDERIC) The Moral and Intellectual Second edition. vul. 1. Albany, 1801. 8º. Influence of Libraries upon Social Progress. An address Ac. 3529. delivered before the New York Historical Society ..., [Another copy.] 439. g. 20. November 21, 1865. New York, 1866. 8º. Ac. 8425. The act of incorporation of this society expired in 1804. It was then re-incorporated under the title of Society for the [Another copy.] L. P. 11902. i. promotion of Useful Arts, etc. See infra. DE PEYSTER (J. WATTS) The Dutch at the North Society for the promotion of Useful Arts in the State Pole, and the Dutch in Maine. (Proofs considered of of New York, the early settlement of Acadie by the Dutch, being an Transactions. vol. 2-4. Albany, 1807-19. go. appendix, etc.) New-York, 18576-58]. 8º. Ac. 3529/2. 12258. g. (3.) [Another copy of vol. 2, 3.] 439. y. 21. GALLATIN (ALBERT) A memoir on the north eastern In 1824 this society was incorporated with the Albany boundary in connection with Mr. Jay's map. Together Lyceum of Natural History, under the title of Albany with a speech on the same subject by the Hon. D. Institute. See supra : ALBANY, Webster. New York, 1843. 8º. 1447. g. 16. University of the City of New York. JAY (JOHN) of Bedford, U.S. Commemoration of the The constitution and statutes for the present govern- battle of Harlem Plains on its one hundredth anniver ment of the University. New York, 1831. 8º. sary by the New York Historical Society. 732. d. 14. (30.) New York, 1876. 8º. Ac. 8425/11. [Another copy.] 732. d. 14. (12.) JONES (THOMAS) Justice of the Supreme Court of New York. History of New York during the Revolutionary War, History of the controversy in the University of the city and of the leading events in the other colonies at that of New York; with original documents and an appendix. By the Professors of the Faculty of Science and Letters. period. ... Edited by E. F. de Lancy. With notes, ... maps, and portraits. 2 vol. New York, 1879. 8º. New York, 1838. 8º. . 8365. bb. Ac. 3425 /13. Catalogue of the Officers, Alumni, and Students of the One of a series entitled : “ The John D. Jones Fund University. ... 1839–40(-1843–44). 4 pt. series of histories and memoirs." New-York, 1840. 89. 8366. d. STORRS (RICHARD SALTER) the Younger. The Early University of New York. Medical Department. Annual American Spirit, and the genesis of it. An address announcement of Lectures. Session 1841-42. delivered before the New York Historical Society, at New York, 1841. 8º. 8365. cc. 2. (23.) the celebration of its seventieth anniversary, etc. New York, 1875. 89. Ac. 8425/10. A general Catalogue (of the Council, the Faculties, and the Alumni) of the University, etc. (from the foundation New York Medico-Historical Society. of the Institution]. New York, 1864. 8º. 11902. d. The Medical Register of the City of New York, for the year ... 1865 (etc.). Published under the supervision NICE. of the “New York Medico-Historical Society." * See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—New York. The Medical Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts des Alpes- Register, etc. 1862, etc. 12º. P.P. 2528. gb. Maritimes, Annales, etc. Nice, 1865, etc. 8º. Ac. 435/4. New York Meteorological Observatory. In progress. Report of the Director of the New York Meteorological La Vida de Sant Honorat. Légende en vers provençaux, Observatory, Department of Public Parks, ... for ... par Raymond Féraud, troubadour niçois du xiile siècle. 1876, etc. New York, 1877, etc. 8º. . 8567. f. 7.. Avec de nombreuses notes explicatives par A. L. In progress. Sardou. Nice, (1875.] 8º Ac. 405. rical Society New York, forision 697 ACADEMIES. [NICE-NORWICH.] 698 NICE [CONTINUED). NIORT [CONTINUED). Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts des Alpes- Société de Statistique du Département des Deux- Maritimes. Sèvres. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Lérins, publié ... par... Revue Littéraire de l'Ouest, jſourn]al des travaux de H. Moris, E. Blanc. Lat. la Société de Statistique du Département des Deux- Paris, Lérins [printed), 1883, etc. 4º. 4785. k. 7. Sèvres. [Edited by - Biard.] tom. 1, 2. In progress. Niort, (1834-38.] 8º. Le Martyre de Sainte Agnès, mystère en vielle langue [Continued as:] provençale. Texte revu sur l'unique manuscrit original Mémoires de la Société, etc. tom. 3-20. accompagné d'une traduction littérale . . . et de ... Niort, 1839 (-1859). 8º. nutes par M. A. L. Sardou ... Nouvelle édition, en - 2me série. Niort, [1861, etc.] 8º. Ac. 316. richie de seize morceaux de chant du XIIe et du In progress. XIIIe siècle, notés suivant l'usage du vieux temps et reproduits en noration moderne par M. l'abbé Raillard. Bulletins de la Société, etc. Niort, (1864, etc.] 8º. Nice (printed], Paris, 1877. 80. Ac. 405/2. Ac. 316/2. ARAZI (JEAN) Histoire de de la ville d'Antibe, par ... In progress. Discontinued from June 1866,to January 1870. Jean Arazi. Publiée . . . sous les auspices . . . de la Notice des tableaux et autres objets d'art du Musée de Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts des Alpes-Maritimes Niort. Niort, 1858. 16º. 7857. a. ... Texte collationné, revu, corrigé et annoté par M. A.-L. Sardou ... et M. E. Blanc, etc. pp. 114. NORMAL. Nice, 1880. 8º. 10168. b. 7. SARDOU (ANTOINE LÉANDRE Les Grimaldi de Beuil. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Histoire d'une puissante Maison Féodale de l'ancien Bulletin. Peoria, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 3041. Comté de Nice. pp. 66. Nice, 1881. 8º. Ac. 405/5. In progress. SARDOU (ANTOINE LÉANDRE) L'Idiome Niçois, ses origines, sun passé, son état présent, Etude. Nice, (1878.] 8º. NORTHAMPTON. Ac. 405/3. Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of North- Société Niçoise des Sciences Naturelles et His- ampton. toriques. Bulletin, etc. Nice, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 2846. Reports and Papers read at the Architectural Societies of the Archdeaconry of Northampton, etc. In progress. See supra: GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Associated NÎMES. Architectural Societies. Academia Nemausensis. NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Academiæ Nemausensis brevis et modesta responsio ad professorum Turnoniorum Societatis, ut aiunt, Jesu Smith College, assertiones, quas theologicas et philosophicas appellant. Higher Education of Women. Smith College. [State- Londini, 1584. 8°. 1012. a. 21. (1.) | men's respecting the College, its founder, etc.) Another edition.] 1589. See JESUITS. Doctrinæ Jesui- [Northampton, 1872.] 8º. 8366. bbb. 2. tarum præcipua capita, etc. tom. 1. 1589, etc. 8º. 860. h. 1. Académie de Nîmes. NORWICH. Recueil des pièces lües dans les séances publiques et Norfolk and Norwich Archäological Society. particulières de l'Académie Royale de Nismes. Norfolk Archæology: or, miscellaneous tracts relating [Nimes,] 1756. 8º. Ac. 330/43. to the antiquities of the County of Norfolk, published Notice des Travaux de l'Académie du Gard, etc. (1804 by the Norfolk and Norwich Archæological Society. 11. Par M. Trélis. 1812–22. Par M. Phélip.) 8 vol. Norwich, 1847, etc. 8º. Ac. 5685. Nismes, 1805–22. 8°. Ac. 330. In progress. 1812-22 are in one vol., with a collective titlepage. Engraving (and description] of a gold niello, found at [Another copy of vol. 1.] 432. b. 5. Matlask, Norfolk, in the possession of R. Fitch, etc. Statuts de l'Académie du Gard. Nismes, 1805.7 80. L. P. [Norwich ? 1850.] 40. 7805. f. Ac. 330/4. Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. Report Académie Royale du Gard. (Mémoires.) 1832, etc. 1860 (1861, etc.) [Norwich, 1860, etc.] 8º. Nismes, 1832, etc. 8º. Ac. 330/2. In progress. Ac. 5685/2. In progress. Norfolk and Norwich Archæological Society, 1871. SA Academie du Gard. list of members, with the regulations.] See supra : Académie de Nîmes. Norwich, (1871.] 8º. Ac. 5685/3. Société d'étude des Sciences Naturelles de Nîmes. Views of the Gates of Norwich, made in the years 1792—3, by...J. Nipham ; with an historical introduc- CLÉMENT (CAMILLE) Études d'histoire naturelle ... tion, extracts from the Corporation Records and papers Euvres posthumes publiées par les soins de la Société of...J. Kirkpatrick..., by R. Fitch, etc. d'étude des Sciences Naturelles de Nîmes. With a Norwich, 1861. 4º. Ac. 5685/6. preface by J. Duval-Jouve, and a biography of C. Clément, by H. M. Vincent.] pp. xiii. 308. Illustrations of the Rood-screen at Randworth published Nîmes, 1879. 8º. 7206. h. 6. under the direction of the Norfolk and Norwich Archæo- logical Society. Drawn and lithographed by C. J. W. NIORT. Winter. Norwich, 1867. fol 7815. df. Athénée de Niort. Illustrations of the Rood-screen at Barton Turf pub- Mémoires de l'Athénée ... société libre des sciences et lished under the direction of the Norfolk and Norwich des arts du département des Deux-Sèvres. Sciences Archæological Society. Drawn and lithographed by physiques et mathématiques. Vol. 1. 3 pt. C. J. W. Winter, with descriptive notes, by...J. Gunń. Niort, (1809?] 8º. Ac. 315. Norwich, 1869. fol. 7815. df. 11. Par M. 72. 8º., with a collective titlepage b. 5. 699 700 ACADEMIES. [NORWICH-NUREMBERG.] NORWICH (CONTINUED). NUREMBERG [CONTINUED). Norfolk and Norwich Archeological Society. Bayrisches Gewerbemuseum. Illustrations of the Rood-screen at Fritton, published FRIEDRICH (CARL) Die Kammfabrikation, ibre Geschichte under the direction of the Committee of the Norfolk .. 'und gegenwärtige Bedeutung in Bayern. Eine Ausstel- and Norwich Archeological Society. Drawn and lithu lungsstudie. pp. 94. Nuremberg, (1883.] 8º. graphed by C. J. W. Winter, with descriptive notes by 7944. cc. 24. ...R. Hart. Norwich, 1872. fol. 7815. df. STOCKBAUER (JACOB) Nürnbergisches Handwerksrecht The Visitation of Norfolk in the year 1563. Taken by des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Schilderungen aus dem Nürn- W. Harvey, ... From Harleian mss. in the British berger Gewerbeleben, nach archivalischen Documenten Museum ... Edited by ... G. H. Dashwood ... and con- bearbeitet von Dr. J. Stockbauer, etc. [With a preface tinued by ... W. E. G. L. Bulwer, G. A. Carthew ... by Stegmann.] Nürnberg, 1879. 4º. 5510. eee. 3. W. Grigson... A. Jessopp. Norwich, 1878, etc. 8º. STOCKBAUER (JACOB) and OTTO (HEINRICH) Ac. 5685/4. In progress. Die antiken Thongefässe in ihrer Bedeutung für die moderne Gefäss- Pedes Finium: or Fines, relating to the county of industrie, etc. Nürnberg, 1876. fol. 1811. b. 9. Norfolk, levied in the King's Court from the third year of Richard I. to the end of the reign of John. Edited Collegium Medicum. by W. Rye. (The first twelve edited, with a preface, Pharmacorum omnium, quæ in usu potiss. sunt, com- by G. H. Dashwood.) pp. xix. 16. 154. ponendorum ratio, vulgo vocant Dispensatorium sive Norwich, 1881 (1863-81). 8º. Ac. 5685/5. Antidotarium. Ex optimis autoribus ... collectum, ac scholiis...illustratum, in quibus inprimis simplicia... Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society. explicantur. Autore V. Cordo ... opera ... Collegii Transactions. 1869, 70. Norwich, 1870. 8º. Medici . . . Repub. Norimbergensis ... emendatius ... Ac. 3028. auctius in lucem editum. Norimbergæ, 1592. fol. Norwich Geological Society. 547. 1. 4. (1.) Proceedings... Session 1877-78, etc. Entwurf einer Geschichte des Kollegiums der Aerzte in Norwich, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 3177. der Reichsstadt Nürnberg. In progress. Nürnberg, 1792. 4°. 780. h. 30. (1.) Science Gossip Club. Science Gossip Club ... Report of proceedings at the hal Collegium Pharmaceuticum. annual meeting...1880, etc. Norwich, (1880, etc.] 8º. Versuch einer Geschichte des Apothekenwesens in der In progress. 8709. bbb. 4. freyen Reichsstadt Nürnberg. [By J. F. Roth.] Dem... medizinischen Collegium by der Feyer seiner zwei- NOVARA. hundertjährigen Existenz...gewidmet von den... Mira Società Archeologica Novarese. gliedern des Nürnbergischen Collegii Pharmaceutici. [Nuremberg,] 1792. 4°. 780. h. 30. (2.) RUSCONI (ANTONIO) Avvocato. Società Archeologica Nova- rese. I Novaresi e la Lega Lombarda. Studio dell' Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Avvo A. Rusconi. Novara, 1875. 8º. Ac. 5228. Erster Jahresbericht... verfasst von...Dr W. Harless. RUSCONI (ANTONIO) Avvocato. Il mosaico antico della (Zweiter Jahresbericht ... verfasst von... Dr J. Müller. cattedrale di Novara. Rilievi, etc. pp. 23. Dritter [etc.] Jahresbericht.) Nürnberg, 1854, etc. 4º. Novara, 1882. 8º. ** 7707. df. 5. (2.) In progress. P.P. 6550. C. & 28. NOYON. Organismus des germanischen Nationalmuseums zu Nürnberg. (Abgedruckt aus dem ersten Band der Comité historique et archéologique de Noyon. Schriften des german. Nationalmuseums.) Société des Antiquaires de Picardie. Bulletin du Comité Nürnberg, 1855. 8º. 7705. cc. 19. (4.) de Noyon. Noyon, 1859, etc. 80. Ac. 5343/3. In progress. Münzsammlung des germanischen Nationalmuseums zu Cartulaire de Héronval. Publié par le Comité archéo- Nürnberg, etc. Nürnberg, 1856. 8º.: 7756. dd. logique de Noyon. [Edited, with a preface, by E. Denkschriften, etc. Bd. I. Abth. 1, Organismus und Tassus.] pp. xi. 110. Noyon, 1883. 4º. literarische Sammlungen. Abth. 2, Kunst- und Alter- · Ac. 5343/5. thums-Sammlungen. Nürnberg, 1856. 4º. Ac. 720. NUREMBERG. Das Germanische Nationalmuseum und seine Samm- Apotheker-Collegium. lungen. Wegweiser für die Besuchenden... Zweite... P. M die bisher gewöhnlichen Neujahrs-Geschenke be Auflage. Nürnberg, 1861. 8º. 7708. aaa. 38. (6.) treffend. An das verehrliche Publikum von dem Apo- thecker-Kollegium in Nürnberg. [Nuremberg), 1796. 89. Mittelalterliches Hausbuch. Bilderhandschrift des 15 T. 975. (2.) Jahrhunderts mit ... Text und facsimilierten Abbil- dungen. Herausgegeben vom Germanischen Museum. Bayrisches Gewerbemuseum.' Leipzig, 1866. fol. Ac. 720/6. Mittheilungen, etc. 1874, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. — Weimar. Kunst und Katalog der im Germanischen Museum befindlichen Gewerbe, etc. (Beilage, 1874, etc.) 1867, etc. 8º. Bautheile und Baumaterialien aus älterer Zeit. P.P. 1796. b. Nürnberg, 1868. 8º. 7709. g. Zur Eröffnungsfeier des Bayrischen Gewerbemuseums Die Sammlungen des Germanischen Museums ... Mit in Nürnberg am 25. Oktober 1874. Nürnberg, (1874) 8º. 7957. bbb. 1. Abbildungen, etc. Nürnberg, 1868. 8°. 7709. g. Gefässe der deutschen Renaissance (Punzen Arbeiten). Katalog der im Germanischen Museum befindlichen Herausgegeben vom Bayrischen Gewerbemuseum in Gewerbe und Stickereien, Nadelarbeiten und Spitzen Nürnbery... Vorwort [by O. von Schorn) und 9 Helio aus älterer Zeit. Mit Abbildungen. graphen. Nürnberg, 1878. fol. · 1811. b. 5. Nürnberg, 1869. 80. 7743. e. 1701 702 ACADEMIES. (NUREMBERG-ORLEANS.] en Dauer antyw ar fae. older NUREMBERG [CONTINUED). ODESSA. Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Императорскій Новороссійскій Университет. Gedenkbuch des Krieges 1870–71 und der Aufrichtung 3anicky, etc. Odecca, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 1110. des deutschen Reiches. Facsimiles der Denksprüche In progress. und Original - Handschriften der deutschen Fürsten, Feldherren und Staatsmänner im Germanischen Na- LEONTOVICH (TH.). Ücropir Pycckaro Upala...H3janie tionalmuseum zu Nürnberg. Nürnberg, 1873. 4º. Императорскаго Новороссійскаго Университета. 10902. h. Odecca, 1869, etc. 8°. . 5758. bb: In progress. ESSENWEIN (AUGUST) Quellen zur Geschichte der Feuer- waffen. Facsimilierte Nachbildungen alter Original- Императорское Общество Сельскао Хозяйства Юясной Poccir. zeichnungen.... Herausgegeben vom Germanischen Mu- seum. Leipzig, 1872–77. 4º. 1707. a. 6. SERGYEEV (I. D.) Kparkoe Hacrabienie o npefoxpauehill ротатаго скота отъ повальныхъ болѣзней и леченiir ero Historischer Verein im Rezat-Kreis, afterwards His- оть них простыми средствами ... І. Д. Сергѣева. torischer Verein in Mittelfranken, (Краткое наставленіе...Т. Я рона. Краткое наставленіс Jahrsbericht...für das Jahr 1830 (1831, etc.). ...0. Keijepa.) Odecca, 1865. 89. 7074. k. Nürnberg, Ansbach, [1831, etc.] 4º. Ac. 7133/2. In progress. Jahresberichte 1-9 were published at Nurem- в | Новороссійское Общество Естествоиспытателей. běrg, and the remainder at Anspach. 3aincen, etc. Odecca, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 2989 In progress. Kollegium der Aerzte. Одесское Общество Исторi u Древностей. See supra : Collegium Medicum. 3a\uckII. Odecca, 1844, etc. 4º. Ac. 5577. Literarischer Verein. In progress. Album des Literarischen Vereins in Nürnberg für 1856 OLDENBURG. (-70). Nürnberg, 1856–70. 8º. Ac. 8960. Oldenburger Landesverein für Alterthumskunde. Maler-Akademie. Bericht über die Thätigkeit des Oldenburger Landes- Die Geschichte der Nürnbergischen Maler-Akademie vereins für Alterthumskunde vom 1. März 1875 bis zum Gedächtniss ihrer hundertjährigen Dauer entworfen. dahin 1876. Oldenburg, (1876.] 80. Ac. 5392. Altdorf, 1762. 4º. Oldenburgische Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. Kurze Anleitung zur Verbesserung des Hopfenbaues auf den Geesten im Herzogthum Oldenburg. Mit einem Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Steindruck. Oldenburg, 1845. 12º. 7075. C. Nürnberg. Bd. 1-3. Nürnberg, 1852–66. 8º. Ac. 2891. Verein zur Beförderung der Volksbildung. Verein Nürnbergischer Künstler und Kunstfreunde. Bericht über den zu Oldenburg errichteten Verein, etc. Die Nürnbergischen Künstler, geschildert nach ihrem Oldenburg, 1846. 8°. 8355. dd. 42. (4.) Leben und ibren Werken. Herausgegeben von dem Vereine, etc. 4 Heft. Nürnberg, 1822–31. 4º. OPORTO. 7806. c. Academia Real da Marinha e Commercio. ODENSEE. Estatutos. (Lisbon, 1803.] fol. 705. b. 13. (10.) Sociedade Literaria Portuense. Fyens Stifts literaire Selskab. Annaes. No. 1-8. Porto, 1837-41. 8º. Ac. 8905. Stemmer fra den Danske Kirkes Reformations Tid. Udgivet i Anledning af Reformationens tredie Jubelaar, ORAN. etc. With an “Indledning" by N. Faber, and edited by C. H. Kalkar.] Odense, 1836. 4º. 1367. k. Société de Géographie et d'Archéologie de la Province d'Oran. Aktstykker, for største Delen hidtil utrykte, til Oplys- Bulletin trimestriel des Antiquités Africaines, ... publié ning især af Danmarks indre Forhold i ældre Tid. [Edited by C. P. Paludan-Müller, C. A. H. Kalkar, and J. L. ... sous la direction de... E. Poinssot & L. Demaeght, etc. Paris, Oran (printed], 1882, etc. 8º. 98. Robmann.] 2 Samling. Odense, 1841-45. 4º. 9425. cc. In progress. For Literatur og Kritik. Et Fjerdingaarsskrift udgivet ÖREBRO. af Fyens Stift literære Selskab. (Bind 1.) Redigiret Föreningen för Nerikes Folkspråk och Fornminnen. af c. Paludan-Müller.. (Bind II.--VI. redigiret af L. Förslag afseende Föreningens ... anslutning till Kongl. Helweg.) 6 Bd. Odense, 1843-48. 8º. Ac. 9058. Witterhets-, Historie- och Antiqvitets-Akademien. Aktstykker til Nordens Historie i Grevefeidens Tid. Örebro, 1861. 4º. 1881. c. (23*.) Udgivne af Fyen Stifts literære Selskab ved Dr. C. ORLEANS. Paludan-Müller. 2 Samling. Odense, 1852, 53. 4º. Ac. 7650. Academia Juris. Each “ Samling” has a separate titlepage and pagination. Respopsum Juris de recognitione seu revisione Darmstadt & aliorum beneficiorum Herbipolensium. Per Ante- Samlinger til Fyens Historie og Topographie, etc.: cessores florentissimæ Juris Aureliorum Academia. Odense, 1859, etc. 8º. 10280. dd. [Augsburg ? 1551 ?] 4º. 1245. a. 1. (23.) In progress. Académie de Sainte-Croix. Fyens Stifts Patriotiske Selskab. Lectures et Mémoires. Fyens Siifts Patriotiske Selskabs Historie. Et Bidrag Orléans (printed), Paris, 1865, etc. 8º. Ac. 8927 til den fyenske Kulturhistorie. Udgiven af Selskabet, In progress. Tom. 1 appeared originally under the title of ved J. Lauritsen. Odense, 1868. 8º... 8305. ee. 13. “ Études Chrétiennes de Littérature," etc. 703 ACADEMIES. CORLEANS-OXFORD.] 704 ORLEANS [CONTINUED). OXFORD Société Archéologique de l'Orléanais, afterwards Ashmolean Society. Société Archéologique et Historique de la Rules of the Ashmolean Society. (List of the Ashmolean l'Orléanais. Society for the year 1841.) pp. 11, Bulletin. Orléans, 1850, etc. 8º. Ac. 5324. Baxter : Oxford, [1841.] 120 . 8367. aa. 2. In progress. The Second Meeting of the Ashmolean Society, etc. [A Mémoires. Orléans, Paris, 1851, etc. 8º. handbill announcing a meeting of the Society.] Atlas [to tom. 4]. 4º. Ac. 5324/2. [Oxford, 1867.] 8. sh. 4º. 8708. c. 1. (17.) In progress. DAUBENY (CHARLES GILES BRIDLE) On the site of the HUOT (PAUL) Étude sur le Roman de la Rose par ancient city of the Aurunci, and on the volcanic M. P. Tuoti.. et Rapport par M. Mauge du Bois-des- phenomena which it exhibits. With some remarks on Entes . . . Publiés par la Société Archéologique de craters of elevation, on the distinction between Plutonic l'Orléanais. Orléans, 1853. 8º. 11826. ee. and Volcanic Rocks, and on the theories of volcanic action, which are at present most in repute. Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Oxford, 1846. 8º. 7702. aaa. 1. (2.) Bulletin des Sciences Physiques, Médicales et d’Agri- HUSSEY (ROBERT) An account of the Roman Road from culture d'Orléans, publié au nom de la Société (par J. L. Allchester to Dorchester, and other Roman Remains in F. D. Latour). 7 tom. Orléans, 1810-13. 8º. the neighbourhood : being the substance of a paper read [Continued as:] to the Ashmolean Society, Nov. 9, 1840. Apnales de la Société des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Oxford, 1841. 8º. 797. f. 3. Arts d'Orléans. 14 tom. Orléans, 1819–36. 8º. Continued as:] North Oxfordshire Archäological Society. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences, etc. Transactions. 1853–55 (1857, 58, 1878, etc.). 10 tom. Orléans, 1837-52. 8°. Oxford, [1856, etc.] 8º. Ac. 5693. Continued as : 7 Mémoires de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Belles- [Reports A.D. 1856–1857, 1859, 1865, 1867; with notes of Lettres et Arts d'Orléans. Nouvelle Série. excursions, 1870, 1871, 1874.] Orléans, 1853, etc. 8°. Ac. 415. W. Potts & Son : Banbury, (1857–75.] 8º. Ac. 5693/2. In progress. From February 5, 1819, to the year 1846, the Oxford Architectural Society. Society is entitled : “ Société Royale des Sciences, etc.” Tom. See infra : Oxford Society for promoting the study 6 of the Bulletin is in 2 pt. of Gothic Architecture. Société des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts. Oxfordshire Agricultural Society. See supra : Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Belles- Lettres et Arts. A treatise on the analysis and effect of Manures, by S. T. Wood. (A vocabulary of...chemical terms.) Société des Sciences Physiques, Médicales et d'Agri Chipping-Norton, 1813. 8º. B. 736. (1.) culture. See supra: Société d'Agriculture. Sciences. Belles. | Oxford Society for promoting the Study of Gothic Lettres et Arts d'Orléans. Architecture. The Rules and Proceedings of the Oxford Society for Société Royale de Physique, d'Histoire Naturelle et promoting the study of Gothic Architecture. 2 pt. des Arts. Oxford, 1839, 40. 8º. Ac. 4883. Essai sur la topographie d'Olivet. 2 pt. Proceedings... Easter and Trinity Terms, 1884. Orléans, 1784. gº. 282. d. 36. [Oxford, 1844.] 8º. Ac. 4883/2. OSNABURG Oxford Architectural Society. Report from Jan. MDCCCXLVIII. to July NDCCCXLIX. The Rules, List of Academia Carolina. Members, and Reports of Meetings. Oxford, [1849.] 89. Academia Carolina Osnabrugensis, sive Athenæum Ac. 4883/3. Christianum virtutis et eruditionis encyclopædiæ ac Bridge Queries. Oxford, [1842.] 8. sh. 4º. quirendæ a Carolo Magno imperatore... ante octingen- 741. k. (22.) tos annos institutum, nunc recenter ab illust. . . . D. A Guide to the Architectural Antiquities in the Francisco Guilielmo Episcopo Osnabrugensi ... restitu- Neighbourhood of Oxford. [Edited by J. H. P., i.e. tum :.. atque ab ... Imperatore ... Ferdinando II. John Henry Parker.] 4 pt. Oxford, 1842-46. 8º. confirmatum, anno 1630. 7 pt. [Osnaburg, 1631.] fol. 131. l. 1. Ac. 4883/4. Imperfect; wanting part of the index at the end. A Manual for the study of Monumental Brasses, with a descriptive catalogue of four hundred and fifty rubbings Historischer Verein. in the possession of the Oxford Architectural Society. Mittheilungen. Osnabrück, 1848, etc. 8º. Ac. 7145. [By H. A., i.e. Herbert Haines.] Oxford, 1848. 8º. 1264. e. In progress. ADDINGTON (HENRY) Some account of the Abbey Church OSTRAU, MORAVIA. of St. Peter and St. Paul at Dorchester, Oxfordshire. Oxford, 1845. 8º. 4705. e. Berg- und hüttenmännischer Verein. JIČÍNSKÝ (WILHELM) Katechismus der Gruben-Wetter- BUCKLER (J. C.) Elevations, sections, and details of St. Peter's Church, Wilcote, Oxfordshire. führung für Grubensteiger und Grubenaufsichtsorgane. Oxford, 1844. fol. 1263. g. 17. (3.) ... Herausgegeben vom berg- und huttenmännischen Verein in Mähr.-Ostrau. Mähr.-Ostrau, 1875. 8º. BUTTERFIELD (WILLIAM) Elevations, sections, and details 7106. f. 7. (8.) of Saint John Baptist Church, at Shottes broke, Berk- shire. Oxford, 1884. fol. . 1263. g. 17. (4.) OUDENARDE. CRANSTOUN (J.) Elevations, sections, and details, of the De Goudbloem. Chapel of St. Bartholomew, near Oxford. ' See infra: SAINT NICOLAS. Oxford, 1844. fol. 1263. g. 17. (2.) 705 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] -706 TI studied by us. Oo.. 1760. OXFORD [CONTINUED]. OXFORD [CONTINUED). Oxford Society for promoting the Study of Gothic University of Oxford. Architecture, [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC. (continued.)] HARRISON (JAMES PARK) Views and details of Saint Giles' Church, Oxford. Oxford, 1842. fol. The answere of the Vicechancelour, the Doctors, both 1263. g. 17. (5.) the Proctors, and other the heads of houses in the Universitie of Oxford...to the humble petition of the Oxford University Entomological Society. Ministers of the Church of England, desiring reformation The accentuated list of the British Lepidoptera, with of certaine ceremonies and abuses of the Church. [With hints on the derivation of the names. Published by the the Petition.] J. Barnes : Oxford, 1603. 4º. Entomological Societi's of Oxford and Cambridge. (List 4106. b. of authors and nomenclators whose names are adopted in [Another edition.] J. Barnes : Oxford, 1603. 4º. the Catalogue.) London, 1858. 8º. 7296. d. (1.) 698. g. 4. (1.) [Another edition.] London, 1859. 80. 7296. d. (2.) [Another copy.] T. 775. (7.) Imperfect; being only the titlepage, and “ Epistle. Oxford University Motett and Madrigal Society. dedicatorie." Begin. Oxford University Motett and Madrigal Society. [Another edition.] J. Barnes : Oxford, 1603. 4º. [Prospectus, Rules, etc.] MS. NOTE. 116. a. 17 [Oxford, 1846.] s. sh. 4º. 7897. bbb. (1.) [Another edition.] J. Barnes : Oxford, 1604. 4º. 731. k. 6. (2.) The first(-eighth [and last]) Annual Report of the... Society. Presented... Nov. 15, 1847. Ilium in Italiam. Oxonia ad protectionem Regis sui, Oxford, [1847-54.] 8º. 7897. bbb. (2.) omnium optimi filia, pedisequa. [A collection of Latin complimentary verses from the different colleges in The words of the Madrivals for practice on the open Oxford, with their arms. Edited by J. S., i.e. John night, June 4, 1850. Oxford, 1850. 12º. Sansbyry.] J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1608. 8º. 11621. aaa. 29. (1.) The words of the Madrigals for practice on ... July 2, Eidyllia in Obitum fulgentissimi Henrici, Walliæ 1851. Oxford, 1851. 12º. 11621. aaa. 29. (2.) Principis, etc. J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1612. 4º. 1213. 1. 13. (5.) The words of the Madrigals for practice on ... June 15, 1852. Oxford, 1852. 12º. 11621. aaa. 29. (3.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 42. The words of the Madrigals for performance. . . May 31, Justa Oxoniensium [on the death of Henry, Prince of 1853. Oxford, 1853. 12º. 11621. aaa. 29. (4.) Wales). (Lacrymæ Oxonienses stillantes in tumulum Illustrissimi... Principis... Henrici.) The words of the Madrigals for performance on ... Impensis Johannis Bill : Londini, 1612. 4º. June 24, 1854. Oxford, 1854. 12º. 11621. aaa. 29. (5.) 1213. 1. 13. (4.) The words of the Anthems, &c. to be sung on... Dec. 5, [Another copy.] 161. n. 5. 1854. Oxford, 1854. 12º. 11621. aaa. 29. (6.) [Another copy.] G. 17505. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the... Society. Epithalamia; sive, lusus Palatini in nuptias... Friderici, Oxford, 1853. 8º. 7897. bb. comitis Palatini ad Rhenum, &c., et... Elizabethæ, Jacobi ... Britanniæ Regis, filiæ primogenitæ. University of Oxford. J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1613. 4º. 1213. 1. 9. (7.) Oxford University Calendar. 1810. (1813–15; 17-52, etc.) [Edited successively by J. Walker, P. Bliss, and [Another copy.] 161. b. 43. others.). Oxford, 1810–1852, etc. 12º. [Another copy.] . G. 17499. P.P. 2506. C.C. & 2121. b. In progress. No calendar was published in 1811 01 1812. Justa Funebria Ptolemæi Oxoniensis, Thomæ Bodleii Equitis Aurati, celebrata in Academia Oxoniensi, mensis martii 29, 1613. J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1613. 4º. [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC.] 1213. 1. 9. (4.) Exequiæ illustrissimi Equitis, D. Philippi Sidnaei, [Another copy.] 161. b. 45. gratissimae memoriae ac nomini impensae. Ex officina Jacobi ara, ceu, in Jacobi... regis... reditum e Scotia in ...J. Barnesii : Oxonii, 1587. 4º. 161. b. 40. Angliam, Academiæ Oxoniensis gratulatoria. Funebria nobilissimi... Equitis H. Untoni, ad Gallos J. Lichfield et G. Wrench : Oxoniæ, 1617. 4º. bis legati regij, ibiq; nuper fato functi, charissimæ 1070. m. 5. (5.) memoriæ, ac desiderio, a musis Oxoniensibus apparata. [Another copy.) G. 17599. J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1596. 4º. 1070. l. 4. (2.) Academiæ Oxoniensis Funebria Sacra...memoriæ seren- [Another copy.] 161. n. 2. issimæ Reginæ Annæ ... Jacobi ... Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ et Hiberniæ Regis, ...sponsæ dicata. Oxoniensis Academiæ funebre officium in memoriam ... J. Lichfield et J. Short: Oxoniæ, 1619. 4º. 161. b. 46. Elisabethæ nuper Angliæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Reginæ. J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1603. 4º. [Another copy.] 161. n. 3. C. 24. e. (4.) Ultima Linea Savilii : sive, in obitum... Domini Henrici G. 17497 [Another copy.] Savilii, Equitis Aurati,... justa academica. Academiæ Oxoniensis Pietas erga ... Jacobum, Angliæ, J. Lichfield & J. Short: Oxonii, 1622. 4º. Scotia, Franciæ et Hiberniæ regem,... Elisabethæ nuper 1213. 1. 9. (8.) reginæ legitime...succedentem. Carolus Redux. [In verse.] (Ilavakadnulkos; sive, J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1603. 4º. 1070. m. 2. gratulatio pro Carolo Reduce, Oxoniensium nomine [Another copy.] G. 17496. recitata, a J. King.) 2 pt. Without the folding genealogical plates. The verso of the J. Lichfield & J. Short: Oxoniæ1623. 4º. 161. b. 47. last leaf containing, in the preceding, the “ Votum Typo [Another copy.1 [With a MS. acrostic on the same graphi,” is blank in this copy. subject, by T. Richards.] 1070. m. 6. 707 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] 708 OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC. (continued.)] [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC. (continued.)] Votiva; sive, ad...Jacobum, Magnæ Britanniæ... Regem, An answer to the Petition sent from the Universitie of de auspicato Caroli, Walliæ. principis, in regiam Hispani Oxford to the honourable Court of Parliament. cam adventu pia et humilis Oxoniensium gratulatio. London, 1641. 4º. 731. k. 6. (3.) F. Kyngstonus : Londini, 1623. 4º. 1070. m. 10. [Another copy.] E. 160. (10.) [Another copy.] 78. c. 18. Eucharistica Oxoniensia in ... Caroli ... Regis nostri e Camdeni Insignia. [Orations and poetry in honour of Scotia reditum gratulatoria. Oxoniæ, 1641. 4º. William Camden.] 837. g. 27. (3.) J. Lichfield & J. Short: Oxoniæ, 1624. 4º. 1070. I. 6. (7.) [Another copy.] E. 179. (5.) [Another copy.] G. 1308. (2.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 52. Epithalamia Oxoniensia in auspicatissimum . . . Caroli, IIpotelea Anglo-Batava pari plusquam virgineo Gui- Magnæ Britanniæ ... Regis cum Henretta Maria ... lielmo Arausii et Mariæ Britanniarum; Academia Oxo- Henrici Magni Gallorum Regis filia, connubium. niensi procurante. Oxoniæ, 1641. 4º. 1093. b. 89. J. Lichfield & G. Turner : Oxoniæ, 1625. 4º. 837. h. 16. (1.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 53. Oxoniensis Academiæ Parentalia, sacratissimæ memoriæ A letter sent from the Provost Vice-Chancellour of ...Jacobi... Regis.. . dicata. Oxford (i.e. J. Prideaux, Bishop of Worcester). To... J. Lichfield & G. Turner : Oxoniæ, 1625. 4º. the Earle of Pembroke, Lord Chancellour of Oxford. 1070. m. 7. (1.) Requesting protection for the University.7 Together [Another copy.] 161. b. 48. with his Lordship's answer to the said letter. 100. b. 25. Britanniæ Natalis. A collection of academical verses on the birth of Charles 11.] Oxoniæ, 1630. 4º. [Another copy.] G. 3826. 1213. g. 39. Musarum Oxoniensium 'Emißarnpa Serenissimæ Reyi- [Another copy.] 161. b. 39. narum Mariæ ex Batavia feliciter reduci Publico Voto Imperfect; wanting titlepage. D.D.D. Oxoniæ, 1643. 4º. E. 62. (14.) [Another copr.) G. 17501. [Another copy.] 161. n. 6. Vitis Carolina Gemma altera ; sive, auspicatissima Verses by the University of Oxford on the death of Ducis Eboracensis genethliaca, decantata ad Vada Isidis. Sir B. Grenvill, alias Granvill, kt., who was slain by Oxoniæ, 1633. 4º. 837. h. 18. (2.) the rebells at... Lansdown Hill, July 5, 1643. Printed [Another copy.] 161. b. 49. in 1643, and now reprinted. [Edited by H. Birkhead.] London, 1684. 4º. 840. h. 3. [Another copy.] G. 17787. [Another copy.] 79. C. 23. [Another edition.] Oxoniæ, 1633. 4° 11403. e. An humble petition of the University and City of Solis Britannici Perigæum. Sive itinerantis Caroli Oxford : presented to his Majestie, for a speedy accom- auspicatissima periodus. Oxoniæ, 1633. 4º. modation of peace, between himselfe and his high Courte • 1070. m. 40. (1.) of Parliament: with his Majesties answer. [Another copy.] G. 17502. Oxford printed, London reprinted. (1644). 4º. 1093. b. 1. Musarum Oxoniensium pro Rege suo soteria. anagramma: Carolus Britonum Rex. Tu Rex Librum Coronas, etc. The answer of the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of Oxoniæ, 1633. 4º. 837. g. 27. (1.) the University of Oxford, to the petition, articles of grievance, and reasons of the city of Oxon. Presented [Another copy.] G. 17503. (1.) to the committee for regulating the University of With a different titlepage. Oxford, 24 July, 1649. Second edition. Oxford, 1678. 4º. 731. k. 6. (4.) Flos Britannicus veris novissimi, filiola Carolo et Mariæ nata 17 Martii, anno 1636. Oxoniæ, (1636). 4º. [Another copy.] G. 3634. 837. h. 16. (2.) Musarum Oxoniensium 'Elacopopia; sive, ob foedera, [Another copy.] 161. b. 50. auspiciis. . .Oliveri, Reipub. Ang. Scot. et Hiber. Domini Musarum Oxoniensium charisteria pro... Regina Maria Protectoris, inter Rempub. Britannicam et Ordines Foderatos Belgii foeliciter stabilita, gentis togatæ ad recens e nixus laboriosi discrimine recepta. vada Isidis celeusma metricum. Oxoniæ, 1654. 4º. Oxoniæ, 1638. 4º. 1070. 1. 5. (5.) 1213. 1. 19. [Another copy.) 161. b. 51. [Another copy.] E. 740. (1.) Horti Carolini rosa altera. (Poems on the birth of Prince Henry, afterwards Duke of Gloucester. 7 [Another copy.] 161. b. 54. Oxoniæ, 1640. 4°. C. 28. g. 22. (9.) Britannia Rediviva. [Poems in Latin, Greek, English, [Another copy.] G. 17503. (2.) Hebrew and Arabic, on the Restoration of King To the high and honourable Court of Parliament, the Charles 11.] Oxoniæ, 1660. 4º. 836. g. 41. humble petition of the University of Oxford, in behalfe [Another copy.] E. 1030. (16.) of Episcopacy and Cathedrals. [Oxford), 1641. 4º. E. 156. (22.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 55. d'Ootmoedige Request van d'Universiteyt van Oxford Epicedia Academiae Oxoniensis in obitum ... Henrici ...nopende de stand der Bisschoppen ende Cathedralen. Ducis Glocestrensis. Oxoniæ, 1660. 4°. E. 1048. (5.) Getranslateert...na d'Engelsche Copie. [Middleburg ?] 1641. 4º. 8122. ee. 1. (5.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 56. 709 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] .i ., 710 710 OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC. (continued.)] [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC. (continued.)] Epicedia Academia Oxoniensis in obitum . . . Mariæ Comitia philologica in honorem ... Annæ ... Reginæ, principis Arausionensis. Oxoniæ, 1661. 4º. habita in Universitate Oxoniensi, Julii 16, 1702. E. 1082. (4.) Oxonii, 1702. fol. 837. m. 10. (7:) [Another copy.] 161. b. 57. [Another copy.] 105. f. 44. Domiduca Oxoniensis ; sive, musæ academicæ gratulatio ob auspicatissimum ... Catharinæ Lusitanæ, regi suo Epinicion Oxoniense; sive solennis gratulatio ob res desponsata, in Angliam appulsum. Oxoniæ, 1662. 4º. feliciter terra marique gestas a copiis ... Reginæ Annæ 1213. 1. 38. contra Gallos pariter ac Hispanos, 1702. [Another copy.] 161. b. 58. Oxonii, 1702. fol. 837. m. 10. (8.) Epicedia Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum...Henrietta [Another copy.] 105. f. 45. Mariæ, Reginæ Matris. Oxonii, 1669. fol. 112. f. 1. Epicedia Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum... Georgii, Plausus Musarum Oxoniensium ; sive, gratulatio Acade- Ducis Albemarliæ, etc. Oxonii, 1670. fol. miæ ob res prospere terra marique gestas, etc. 837. m. 9. (1.) Oxonii, 1704. fol. 837. 'm. 10. (9.) Epicedia Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum... Henri- [Another copy.] 105. f. 47. ettæ Mariæ, Ducissæ Aurelianensis. Oxonii, 1670. fol. 112. f. 3. [Another copy.) G. 2502. (1.) [Another copy.] 112. f. 2. Exequiæ ... Georgio, principi Daniæ ab Oxoniensi Comitia philologica habita Aug. 6, 1677, in gratulatione Academia solutæ. Oxonii, 1708. fol. solenni ub adventum expectatissimum Jacobi, Ormyndiæ 837. m. 10. (10.) ducis, Hiberniæ pro-Regis, et Universitatis Oxoniensis Cancellarii. Oxon., 1677. 112. f. 10. fol. 731. 1. 6. (2.) [Another copy.] [Another copy.] 105. f. 39. An answer to the address of the Oxford University, Supplex recognitio et gratulatio solennis Universitatis as it was printed at London, intituled : The Oxoniensis ... Feb. 21, 1685 oblata...Jacobo secundo, Humble Address of the University of Oxford, etc. Angliæ... Regi, etc. Oxonii, 1685. fol. London, 1710. 8º. 731. k. 8. (3.) 837. m. 10. (1.) [Another copy.] T. 1804. (6.) Sirena Natalitiæ Academiæ Oxoniensis in celsissimum Principem ſi.e. James Francis Edward, son of King [Another copy.] 104. a. 73. James 11]. Oxonii, 1688. fol. T. 21*. (3.) Academiæ Oxoniensis Comitia philologica in Theatro [Another copy.] 112. f. 4. Sheldoniano decimo die Julii A.D. 1713 celebrata: in Select copies of amusing verses, taken out of those two honorem ... Reginæ Annæ pacificæ. famous volumes, intitul'd, Strenæ Natalita Academiæ Oxonii, 1713. fol. G. 2502. (4.) Oxoniensis in celsissimum Principem, etc. See JAMES II., King of Great Britain and Ireland. State-amusements Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum ... Reginæ ... exemplified in the abdication of King James the Annæ, et gratulatio in ... Regis Georgii inaugura- Second, etc. 1711. 8º. E. 2187. (4.) tionem. Oxonii, 1714. fol. 112. f. 13. Vota Oxoniensia pro... Guilhelmo Rege et Maria Regina Exequiæ clarissimo viro Johanni Radcliffe, M.D. ab M. Britanniæ, etc., nuncupata; quibus accesserunt pane- Oxoniensi Academia solutæ. L. P. Oxonii, 1715. fol. gyrica oratio et carmina gratulatoria comitiis... habitis 835. m. 19. ... die 11 April, 1689. Oxonii, 1689. fol. 112. f. 5. Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum ... Regis Georgii 1. et gratulatio in ... Regis Georgii il, inaugura- A defence of the rights and privileges of the University tionem. Oxonii, 1727. fol. 112. f. 15. of Oxford : containing :-1, An answer to the petition of the city of Oxford, 1649. 2. The case of the Uni Epithalamia Oxoniensia (in ... Gulielmi Caroli Henrici versity of Oxford, presented to the House of Commons, Arausionensis, Annæque Britannicæ nuptias). Jan. 24, 1689. Oxford, 1690. 4º. Oxonii, 1734. fol. 835. m. 20. 731. k. 6. 5, 6. The Case, etc., has a distinct titlepage. [Another copy.] 112. f. 17. [Another copy. 126. k. 10. Gratulatio Academiæ Oxoniensis in nuptias... Frederici, Academiæ Oxoniensis gratulatio pro exoptato... Regis Principis Walliæ, et Augustæ, Principissæ de Saxe- Guilielmi ex Hibernia reditu. Oxoniæ, 1690. ful. Gotha. Oxonii, 1736. fol. 837. m. 15. 837. m. 10. (2.) | [Another copy.] 112. f. 19. [Another copy.] 105. f. 41 Pietas Academia Oxoniensis in obitum ... Regina 837. m. 10. (3.) [Another copy.] Carolinæ. Oxonii, 1738. fol.. 837. m. 16. Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum ... Regina Mariæ. Oxonii, 1695. fol. 644. m. 12. (1.) 112. f. 6. [Another copy.] Exequiæ desideratissimo Principi Gulielmo Glocestria [Another copy.] 105. f. 49. Duci ab Oxoniensi Academia solutæ. Oxonii, 1700. fol. 112. f. 7. Epicedia Oxoniensia in obitum ... Frederici, Principis Walliæ. Oxonii, 1751. fol. 644. m. 12. (2.) Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum ... Regis Gulielmi III. et gratulatio in exoptatissimam... Anna [Another copy.] 688. k. 5. Reginæ inaugurationem. Oxonii, 1702. fol. 105. f. 46. [Another copy.] 112. f. 23. ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] 1712 LOL OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. . [ACADEMIC ADDRESSES, POEMS, ETC. (continued.)] [EXAMINATIONS (continued.)] The English Poems, collected from the Oxford and Cam Palæstra Oxoniensis. [Examination papers chiefly bridge verses on the death of H.R.H. Frederick, Prince selected from papers which have been set in the Public of Wales. Edinburgh, 1751. 12º. 238. e. 1. Examinations at Oxford.] Oxford, [London printed,] 1873, etc. 8º. Epithalamia Oxoniensia ; sive, gratulationes in ... Regis In progress. 8367. a. Georgii 11. et ... Principissæ Sophiæ Charlottæ nuptias auspicatissimas. Oxonii, 1761. fol. 112. f. 25. Palæstra Oxoniensis. (Third edition.) Oxford, 1877, etc. 8º. 8367. aa. Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum ... Regis In progress. Georgii II. et gratulatio in... Regis Georgii 111. inaugura Examination of Women over eighteen years of age. tionem. Oxonii, 1761. fol. 644. m. 12. (3.) Examination Papers ... with the list of examiners and the regulations. Oxford, 1877, etc. 89. 835. m. 21. [Another copy.] 8367. b. In progress. [Another copy.) 112. f. 27. Delegacy of Local Examinations. First Annual Report on the Examination of Women above the age of eighteen Gratulatio solennis Universitatis Oxoniensis ob ... years, etc. Oxford, [1877, etc.] 89. 8367. b. Georgium Fred. Aug., Walliæ Principem, Georgio III. et In progress. Charlotta Reginæ auspicatissime natum. Oxford University Examination Papers for the degree of Oxonii, 1762. 112. f. 29. fol. Bachelor of Medicine and for the certificate in preventive medicine and public health ... 1877. Clarendon Press : [EXAMINATIONS.] Oxford, 1877, etc. 8°. 8367. dd. Begin. Quaestiones in S. Theologia (et in Philosophia) In progress. discutiendae in Vesperiis 11 Julii 1674. Special Exercises for Latin Prose at Oxford Responsions, Oxonii, 1674. fol. 816. m. 24. (22.) consisting of all the passages set in “ The Schools," during the past twenty years, arranged in chronological Begin. Quaestiones in S. Theologia [etc.] discutiendae order. pp. 34. Shrimpton & Son : Oxford, 1880.80. Oxonii in Vesperiis. 10. Julii 1680. Occonii, 1680. fol. 12935. df. 31. 816. m. 24. (28.) Special Exercises for Latin Prose at the “ First Public Questions proposed at the mathematical examinations in Examination” or “Oxford Moderations," Pass and Class. Oxford from the year 1828 to the present time. (Oxford Consisting of all the passages set in “ The Schools," mathematical examination, Easter term 1831.) 2 pt. during the past eighteen years, etc. pp. 40. Oxford, 1831. 8º. T. 1371. (15, 16.) Shrimpton & Son: Oxford, 1880. 8º. 11306. bbb. 13. Examination Papers for Class Candidates. Easter Term The Oxford Handbook of Logic, deductive and induc- 1831. Oxford. Oxford, 1831. 89. 8356. bb. tive ... for the use of candidates for Moderations, etc. pp. 28. Shrimpton & Son : Oxford, 1880. 12º. New Examination Statutes. Abstracts of their principal 8463. cc. 18. provisions, with a catalogue of books ... mentioned, etc. Questions and exercises in Advanced Logic for candidates Oxford, 1851. 8º. 731. f. 28. for honours at Moderations. Selected and arranged from the papers set at the Oxford Examinations. pp. 48. [Another copy.] 8364. d. J. Thornton : Oxford, 1881. 8º. 8463. c. 12. Under the statute “ De examinatione candidatorum qui Aids to “The Schools." non sunt de corpore Universitatis.” Examination papers Shrimpton & Son : Oxford, 1881, etc. 8º. and division lists, etc. for the examination held in June, In progress. 8367. aa. 1858-61. Local examination papers for ... 1862, etc.) Arithmetical Aids to Responsions, containing concise Oxford, [1858, etc.] 89. 8367. bb. rules, with examples worked out. pp. 52. J. Thornton : In progress. Oxford ; London, printed, 1883. 8°. 8503. df. 11. Under the Statute “ De examinatione Candidatorum qui The Oxford and Cambridge Examiner. English gram- non sunt de corpore Universitatis." (First (second, etc.) mar, parsing, and analysis, comprising the Oxford and annual Report of the Delegacy rendered to Convocation Cambridge examination papers from 1858 to the present ... 1858 (1859, etc.). Oxford, [1858, etc.] 8º. time, etc. pp. 127. Allman & Son: London, [1883.) 89. In progress. 8367. bb. 12983. aa. 70. Oxford University Examination Papers. Oxford, (1863, etc.] 89. 8367. aaa. [GRADUATES.] In progress. Doctors in all Faculty's appointed to meet the King, etc. [Another copy for 1863.] 8367. aa. 10. Tat his visit to Oxford. Being a list of Doctors and A duplicate of the preceding, with new titlepages. Masters of Arts, with the order of procession]. [Oxford,] 1687. S. sh. fol. 1850. c. 11*. The Oxford Examinations, tabularly arranged, from the See supra: CAMBRIDGE, — University of Cambridge. latest sources of information. Oxford [printed] (Graduates.) A register of the Doctors of Physick in and London, [1864.] 8. sh. fol. Tab. 1850. b. (70.) our two Universities, etc. 1695. 8º. 1172. f. 9. (2.) The Oxford Examinations. 1865. London and Oxford, A catalogue of Graduats in Divinity, Law, and Physick: [1865.] 8. sh. fol. Tab. 1850. b. (66.) and of all Masters of Arts, and Doctors of Musick; who have regularly proceeded, or been created in the Uni- The new Examination Statutes, with the Decrees of versity ... between 10 Oct. 1659, and 14 July, 1688. Convocation, and regulations of the Boards of Studies at To which are prefix'd (annexed), three continuations of present in force relating thereto. June 1872. proceeders to 28 March, 1705. (By R. Peers.] Oxford, 1872. 8º. 8365. bbb. Oxford, 1705. 8º. 731. b. 21. 713 714 ACADEMIES. [oXFORD.] • OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. [GRADUATES (continued).] [HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY (continued).] A catalogue of all Graduats... Between Oct. 10th, 1659, See HUBER (V. d.) Die Englischen Universitäten, etc. and Oct. 10th, 1726. [By R. Peers.] To which are 1839, etc. gº. 731. h. 46. added, the proceeders between 10th Oct., 1726, and 10th See HUBER (V. A.) The English Universities. Oct., 1727. Likewiss the Chancellors, High-Stewards, Vice-Chancellors, and Proctors, from 1659 to 1727. 1843. 8º. 731. h. 44, 45. Also, the Parliament-men for the said University, from See Wood (ANTHONY À) Historia et antiquitates Uni- the year 1603 to 1727. (The catalogue of Graduats, versitatis Oxoniensis. 1674. fol. 620. l. 18. etc. ... continued from Oct 10th, 1727 to Oct 10, 1735.) See Wood (ANTHONY À) The history and antiquities of 273. d. 5. Oxford, 17271-36] 8º. the University of Oxford. - 1792, etc. 4º. To Between Oct. 10. 1659, and Oct. 10. 1770. 2066. d. which are added the Chancellors, High-Stewards, Vice- See WOOD (ANTHONY À) The history and antiquities of Chancellors and Proctors, from 1659 to 1770 ; also the the Colleges and Halls in the University of Oxford, etc. Burgesses for the University from 1603 to 1770. (The Catalogue of Graduats., &c. ... continued from Oct. 10, 1786, etc. 4°. 2066. d. 1770 ... to Oct. 10, 1793.) Oxford, 1772[-93.) 8°. The Foundation of the Universitie of Oxford, with a 731. k. 13. catalogue of the principall founders and speciall bene- - Between Oct. 10, 1659, and Oct. 10, 1800. To, factors of all the colledges, and total number of students, which are added, the Chancellors ... from 1659 to 1800; magistrates, and officers therein being. And how the reve- the Burgesses from 1603 to 1800; and the matriculations news are, and have been increased from time to time, etc. and regents from 1701 to 1800. Oxford, 1801. 8°. [By Gerard Langbaine.] London, 1651. 4º. T. 1933. (7.) 273. i. 17. (1.) [Another copy.] E. 628. (14.) A catalogue of all Graduates ... between Oct. 10, 1800, and Oct. 10, 1810; to which are added, the Chancellors, [Another copy.] G. 3624. etc. Oxford, 1811. 8º. 731. k. 14. [Another copy.] G. 3636. (1.) [Another copy.] 273. i. 17. (2.) Academiæ Oxoniensis Notitia. [By W. Fulman.] · A catalogue of all Graduates ... between Oct. 10. 1659, T. 1933. (9.) Oxoniæ, 1665. 4°. and Oct. 10, 1814 ... the Chancellors ... from 1659 to [Another edition.] Londini, 1675. 4º. 731. k. 3. 1814, the Burgesses ..from 1603 to 1814, and the matriculations ... from 1701 to 1814.' 272. G. 29. [Another copy.] Oxford, 1815. 8º. 731. k. 15. [Another copy.] G: 3631. Another copy. ] [With additions in Ms. and cuttings Athena Oxonienses. An exact history of all the writers from newspapers, etc.] 8365. h, and bishops who have had their education in the ... Interleaved and bound in 4 vols. folio. University of Oxford, from ... 1500 to the end of ... 1690... To which are added, the Fasti or Annals of the A catalogue of all Graduates in Divinity, Law, Medicine, said university for the same time. [By Anthony à Arts and Music ...in the Universlty of Oxford, between Oct. 10, 1659 and Dec. 31, 1850. To which is added a Wood.] London, 1691, 92. fol. 731. m. 1. list of Chancellors, High-Stewards, Vice-Chancellors, - 1721. fol. 685. 1. 11. Proctors, Heads of Colleges and Halls, and Burgesses of - 1813, etc. 4º. 2036. f. the University; together with a statement of Matricula- tions and Regencies. Oxford, 1851. 8º. The history of the University of Oxford, to the death of 2121. d. William the Conqueror. [By Sir John Pechell.] Oxford, 1772. 807 272. g. 20 The Oxford Ten-Year Book, made up to the end of the year 1860. Oxford, 1863. 12º. . 8364. aa. [Another copy.] G. 16191. (2.) The Oxford Ten-Year Book ... Completed to the end of The history of the University of Oxford, from the death the year 1870. Oxford, 1872. 12º. 2121. b. of William, the Conqueror, to the demise of Queen Elizabeth. [By Sir John Pechell.] Oxford, 1773. 4º.. The Honours Register of the University of Oxford. A 128. e. 18. record of University Honours and Distinctions, com- A history of the University of Oxford, its colleges, halls, pleted to the end of Trinity Term, 1883. and public buildings. [By William Combe.] 2 vol. Oxford, 1883. 8º. 2121. b. London, 1814. 4º. 2064. e. Without the portraits of the founders. [HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY.] 127. i. 8. See AYLIFFE (JOHN) LL.D. The antient and present state With the portraits. of the University of Oxford, etc. 1714. gº. 731. k. 9. [PRIZE POEMS AND ESSAYS.] Assertio antiquitatis Oxoniensis Academiæ. See CAIUS (J.) De antiquitate Cantebrigiensis Academiæ, etc. Oxford Prize Poems; being a collection of such English Poems as have ... obtained prizes in the University of 1574. 4º. 731. i. 2. (1 & 2.) Oxford. (1768–1806.) Oxford, 1807. 8º. Assertio antiquitatis Oxoniensis Academiæ, incerto 992. f. 29. authore eiusdem Gynınasij [T. Caius]...Cum fragmento Second edition. Oxford, 1807. 16° 8364. b. Oxoniensis historiolæ additis castigationibus authoris, Fourth edition. Oxford, 1810. 80. 8364. bb. etc. See LONDINENSIS, pseud. De antiquitate Cantabri- There is also an engraved titlepage. giensis Academiæ libri duo, etc. Pt. 2. 1568. 8°: 731. a. 6. (2.) Sixth edition. Oxford, 1819. 80. 8364. aaa. 10. See CHALMERS (ALEXANDER) F.S.A. A history of the Seventh edition. Oxford, 1826. 8º. 8364. de. 6. Colleges, Halls and public buildings attached to the [Another edition.] (1768–1838.) Oxford, 1839. 8º. 732. b. 4. 715 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] 716 A OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED]. University of Oxford. University of Oxford. *[Prize POEMS AND Essays (continued).] [STATUTES (continued).] Poemata præmiis Cancellarii academicis donata, et in Oxford University Statutes. Tranşlated (to 1843,) by Theatro Sheldoniano recitata. (1772-1805.) 3 vol. G. R. M. Ward, (and completed under the superintend- Oxonii, 1810. 8º. 732. b. 2. ence of J. Heywood.) 2 vol. London, 1845, 51. 8º. (1806–31.) Oxonii, 1831. 12º. 732. d. 41. Translations of the Oxford Latin Prize Poems. [By Statutes of the Colleges of Oxford ; with royal patents N. L. Torre:] First Series. London, 1831. 8º. of foundation, injunctions of visitors, and catalogues of 992. f. 30. documents relating to the University preserved in the Public Record Office. Printed by desire of Her Translations of the Oxford and Cambridge Latin prize Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the State of poems. [By N. L. Torre.] Second series. tho University, etc. [Edited by E. A. Bond.] 3 vol. London, 1833. 8º. 992. f. 31. London, 1853. 8º. 8364. dd. The Oxford English Prize Essays. A new edition. The statutes of cach college have separate pagination. 5 vol. Oxford, 1836. 12º. 8364. b. Report and Evidence upon the Recommendations of The Christ Church Newdigate Prize Poems, recited in Her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the the theatre, Oxford, in the years 1810-1821. State of the University of Oxford, presented to the Oxford, 1823. 12º. 11641. d. 1. Board of Heads of Houses and Proctors, December 1, 1853. Oxford, 1853. 8º. 8364. d. [STATUTES.] The recommendations of the Oxford University Com- Corpus Statutorum Universitatis Oxon. ON VELLUM. missioners, with selections from their report; and a Oxoniæ, 1634. fol. C. 24. d. history of the University Subscription tests, including A presentation copy from the University to King Charles notices of the University and collegiate visitations. the first : with numerous MS. additions. By J. Heywood. London, 1853. 8º. 8367. bb. 1. Statuta selecta e Corpore Statutorum Universitatis [Another copy.] 8364. d. Oxon., etc. [Oxford], 1638. 12º. 731. b. 9. Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. Oxonii, 1857. 8º. Parecbolae; sive, excerpta e Corpore Statutorum Upi- 8364. d. versitatis Oxoniensis. Accedunt Articuli Religionis XXXIX., in Ecclesia Anglicana recepti. nec non jura [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1858. 8º. 8364. d. menta fidelitatis et suprematus. MS. PREFACE, NOTES AND ADDITIONS. L.P. Oxoniæ, 1671, 8º. 731. k. 2. [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1864. 8°. 8364. dd. [Another edition.] Oxoniæ, 1674. 8º. 731. b. 12. Ordinances and Statutes [relating to the Colleges] framed or approved by the Oxford University Commissioners in [Another edition.] Oxoniæ, 1693. 8°. 731. b. 14. pursuance of the act, 17 and 18 Victoria, chapter 81. [Another edition.] (Addita quædam e corpore Statu Oxford, 1863. 8º. 8364. dd. torum Universitatis.) Oxoniæ, 1740. 8º. 731. a. 7. See GRIFFITHS (J.) Rev., M.A., etc. Enactments in Par- [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1756. 12° 8365. aaa. 4. liament ... concerning the Universities of Oxford, etc. 1869. 8º. 8364. e. [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1771. 8° 8364. a. 3. Statutes made for the University of Oxford, and for the [Another edition ] Oxonii, 1784. 89. 8364. a. 4. Colleges and Halls therein, by the University of Oxford [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1794. 16° 8355. a. Commissioners, etc. pp. viii. 793. Clarendon Press : Oxford, 1882. 89. 8367. bb. 5. [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1808. 8º. 275. a. 2. [Another edition.] Oxonië, 1815. 16º. 732. b. 27. [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1820. 12º. 8367. aa. 1. Colleges. ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. [Another edition.] Oxonii, 1843. 12º. 8364. aa. 6. See CASE. The case of Founders Kinsmen: with relation [Another copy.] Oxonii, 1845. 12º. 8364. aa. 7 to the Statutes of ... [All Souls) College ... submitted | A duplicate of the preceding with a new titlepage. to better judgments. [By John Cawley.] [1700?] 4º. (Another edition.] Oxonii, 1846. 12º. 8364. aa. 8. 5178. e. 8. Corpus Statutorum Universitaris Oxoniensis; sive, pan An essay on Collateral Consanguinity, its limits, extent dectes constitutionum academicarum, etc. (Appendix and duration ; more particularly as it is regarded by the ... in quo speciales ordinationes a variis fundatoribus statutes of All Souls' College in the University of ...editæ ; statuta Carolina de cyclo procuratorio; et Oxford. [By Sir W. Blackstone.] London, 1750. 8º. statuta aularia continentur. — Appendix II. de statis 518. k. 14. (2.) delegatis . ..--Appendix III. de statis delegatis, etc. [Another copy.] 731. k. 11. (6.) Statutum novum de tempore aperiendi et claudendi bibliothecanı Bodleianam, 1769.-Statutum novum de See MALLARDIANS. Preparing for the Press ... a com- habitu academico...1770.). Oxonii, 17687-70.] 4º. plete history of the Mallardians, etc. [i.e. the Warden 732. g. 1. and Fellows of All Souls College, etc.] 1751. 8. sh. fol. Registrum privilegiorum almæ Universitatis Oxoniensis. 1220. m. (116.) L.P. Oxonii, 1770. 40. 686. 1. 2. - 1752. fol. 1220. m. (117.) There are inserted in this copy, an engraved portrait of Eduard IV. by Elstrache; one of Henry VIII. by Delaram ; See MALLARDIANS. The Swopping-Song of the Mal- one of Elizabeth, by A. Wiers, and another by C. van lardians, etc. A satire upon the Warden and Fellows queboren ; two plates of seals by Chambars; and one of of All Souls College, Oxford.] 1752. 8. sh. fol. Oxford by Hollar. 11602. f. (113.) 717 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] 718 T. 1662. (9.) I OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford.-Colleges. University of Oxford.—Colleges. ALL SOULS' COLLEGE (continued). CHRIST CHURCH (continued). See ELISHA, the Prophet. Elisha's visit to Gilgal, ... a Statutes proposed to be made by the University of sermon preached before the Warden and College of All Oxford Commissioners for Christ Church, Oxford. Souls ... on ... the Anniversary of the Founder's November, 1880. pp. 31. Oxford, [1880.] 89. Commemoration. [By Benjamin Buckler.] 8367. b. 1. (9.) [1760?] 8º. : CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. See COXE (H. O.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the The proceedings of Corpus Christi College in the case library of All Souls College. 1842. 4º. 820. 1. 17. of Mr. Ayscough vindicated. London, 1730. 4º. 731. k. 8. (9.) See BURROWS (MONTAGU) Worthies of all Souls, etc. [Another copy.] T. 652. (3.) 1874. 8º.. 8364. de. Specimens of the theological teaching of certain members See MARTIN (C. J.) Catalogue of the Archives in the of the Corpus Committee at Oxford. London, 1836. 8º. Muniment Rooms of All Souls' College. 1877. 8º. T. 1987. (16.) 11905. k. 1. The Foundation Statutes of Bishop Fox for Corpus Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Christi College ... A.D. 1517, now first translated into Oxford Commissioners for All Souls' College ... No- English, with a life of the Founder, by G. R. M. Ward. vember, 1880. pp. 22. Oxford, (1880.] 8º. London, 1843. 8º. 732. c. 5. 8367. b. 1. (6.) Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Oxford Commissioners for Corpus Christi College ... BALLIOL COLLEGE... November, 1880. pp. 33. Oxford, [1880.] 8º. 8367. b. 1. (8.) Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Oxford Commissioners for Balliol College ... November, DURHAM COLLEGE. 1880. pp. 33. Oxford, [1880.] 8º. 8367. b. 1. (1.) Some account of Durham College, Oxford, suppressed by Henry the Eighth; together with the Priory, in Durham, with which it was connected. CHRIST CHURCH. Durham, 1840. 8º. 8364. c. Musa Hospitalis Ecclesiæ Christi Oxon. in adventum ... Jacobi Regis, Annæ Reginæ, & Henrici Principis ad · EXETER COLLEGE. : eandam Ecclesiam. Threni Exoniensium in obitum ... J. Petrei, Baronis Apud J. Barnesium : Oxoniæ, 1605. 4º. 1070. m. 3. de Writtle, filii ... G. Petrei ... , qui Exoniense Col- With a MS. dedication to the Queen in English verse. legium octo Sociis, amplis reditibus ... anxerunt ... Per ejusdem Collegii alumnos & ceteros studiosos. Death repeal’d by a thankfull memoriall sent from J. Barnesius : Oxoniae, 1613. 4º. 11408. aaa. Christ Church in Oxford, celebrating the noble deserts of the Right Honourable Paule Lord Vis-Count Bayning [Another copy.] 11408. aaa. (1.) of Sudbury. [In verse, partly Eng. partly Lat.] See TRELAWNEY (Sir J.) Bart., successively Bishop of T. Lichfield: Oxford, 1638. 4º. T. 197. (4.) Bristol, etc. An account of the proceedings of ... Jonathan Bishop of Exeter, in his late visitation of Speeches spoken to the King and Queen, Duke and Exeter College. "[By James Harrington.] 1690. 4º. Duchesse of York, in Christ-Church Hall, Oxford. 731. k. 6. (7.) Sept. 29, 1663. London, 1663. 4º. 1077. h. 47. See Bury (A.) The Account examined; or, a vindica- Carmina quadragesimalia ab Ædis Christi, Oxon. tion of Dr. A. Bury ... from the calumnies of a lato alumnis coinpositæ, et ab ejusdem Ædis baccalaureis pamphlet [by James Harrington), entituled, An Account determinantibus in Schola Naturalis Philosophia pub of the proceedings of ... Jonathan, Lord Bishop of licè recitata. [Edited by C. Este and A. Parsons.] Exon, in his late visitation of Exeter College, etc. 2 vol. F. P. Oxonii, 1723, 48. 8º. 684. e. 18. 1690. 4º. 8365. bb. The case of Exeter Colledge, in the University of [Another copy.] F. P. 78. f. 25, 26. Oxford, related and vindicated. [By Arthur Bury, or Editio altera [of vol. 1. Edited by C. Este.) Joseph Washington.] London, 1691. 4º. Londini, 1741. 12º. 1213. g. 43. 731. h. 5. (1.) [Another copy.] 124. k. 20. Comparative observations on two of the poems which were honoured with prizes in a late certamen at Ch. Ch. [Another copy.] G. 3709. (2.) By a Gentleman of the University. Yoric, 1767. 8º. See COLMAR (J.) A vindication of J. Colmar ... from 11408. e. the calumnies of three late pamphlets : 1. A paper pub- A Catalogue of the collection of Pictures in the library lished by A. Bury, 1689. 2. The Account examined. . at Christ-Church, which were bequeathed to that Col- 3. The case of Exeter College related and vindicated. lege by ... General Guise. To which is added a 1691. 4º. 731. k. 6. (10.) catalogue of the portraits in Christ-Church Hall. A defence of the proceedings of the Right Rev. the [Oxford, 1770?] 8º. 679. d. 22. (1.) Visitor (Sir J. Trelawney, Bishop of Exeter) and fellows of Exeter College in Oxford. With an answer to- Six etchings by W. Crotch from sketches by Mr. O'Neill 1. The case of Exeter College related and vindicated. of the ruins of the late fire at Christ Church, Oxford. 2. The Account examined. [By J. Harrington.] To which is prefixed some account of the fire, and the London, 1691. 4º. 731. k. 6. (9.) buildings injured by it. Oxford, 1809. fol. 188. f. 12. [Another copy.] T. 1707. (8.) Circular issued from Christ Church, Oxford, in favour [Another copy.) T. 1707. (8, 10.) of the election of J. A. Cramer to the office of Public The titlepage is slightly mutilated. Orator.] [Oxford, 1829.] 8. sh. 4º. 731. m. 14. (8.) [Another copy.] 128. a. 16. II 719 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.]. 720 OXFORD (CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford.—Colleges. University of Oxford.—Colleges. EXETER COLLEGE (continued). LINCOLN COLLEGE. See HUNDESFORD (G.) D.D. A Defence of the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College from the accusations brought the Lincoln Common Room. (Relating to a recent against them by Dr Huddesford, etc. [By Francis election to the Rectorship of Lincoln College.] Webber.] 1754. 8º. 517. g. 28. (3.) London, 1852. 8º. 98365. b. 31. See CANTABRIGIENSIS. The Conduct of ---- Coll. con Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Ox- sidered ; with some reflections upon a late pamphlet [by ford Commissioners for Lincoln College... November, Francis Webber), entitled, A Defence of the Rector and 1880. pp. 28. Oxford, [1880.] 8°. 8367. b. 1. (5.) Fellows of Exeter College, etc. (1754.] 4º. 8364. de. 3. MAGDALEN COLLIGE. See King (WILLIAM) LL.D., etc. Dr King's Apology, etc. [A Reply to the pamphlet, entitled, A Defence of the Beatæ Mariæ Magdalena Lachrymæ in obitum...Gu- Rector and Fellows of Exeter College.] 1755. 4º. lielmi Grey, Domini Arthuri Grey, Baronis de Wilton E. 2253. (3.) ...filii natu minoris. J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1606. 4º. See HUDDESFORD (G.) D.D. A proper reply to... A Defence 1070. m. 4. (1.) of the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College, etc. Luctus Posthumus; sive, erga defunctum... Henricum 1755. 4º. 731. k. 11. (5.) Walliæ Principem, Collegii Beatæ Mariæ Magdalenæ apud Oxonienses Mecænatem longè indulgentissimum, See HUDDESFORD (G.) D.D. An address to Dr Huddesford Magdalenensium (fficiosa pietas. ... Occasioned by ... bis proper reply to the defence of J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1612. 4º. 1213. 1. 13. (6.) the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College, etc. 1755. 8º. 731. k. 11. (8.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 41. The Last Blow: or, an unswerable vindication of the [Another copy.] G. 17506. Society of Exeter College. In reply to the Vice- Chancellor [Dr. G. Huddesford), Dr. King and the An impartial relation of the whole proceedings against writers of the London Evening Post. [Ă satire on St. Mary Magdalen Colledge in Oxon...in... 1867, etc., Exeter College.] pp. 32. S. Crowder and containing only matters of fact as they occurred. [By H. Woodgate : London, 1755. 4º. 8132. ee. 18. (3.) Henry Fairfax.] pp. 36. [London,] 1688. 4º. Cropped. 1419. e. 25. Second edition. London, 1755. 4º. 102. h. 68. [Another copy.] G. 5083. (9.) See BOASE (C. W.) Fellow of Exeter College, etc. Register A duplicate of the preceding, with the exception of the of the Fellows, Scholars, etc., of Exeter College, etc. table of contents. 1879. 8º. 8365. ff. 5. [Another edition.] pp. 40. 8365. bb. Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Ox- ford Commissioners for Exeter College... November, [Another copy.] 731. k. 6. (11.) 1880. pp. 36. Oxford, [1880.] 80. 8367. b. 1. (2.) [Another copy.] T. 775. (12.) [Another copy.] G. 3637. Essay Society of Exeter College. Two lectures read before the Essay Society of Exeter Second edition, to which is added the most remarkable College, Oxford. [By R. J. King.] (On the super- pa-sages, omitted in the former by reason of the severity natural beings of the Middle Ages. On the origin of of the press. Collected by a Fellow of the said Colledge. the Romance Literature of the XII. and XIII. centuries, London, 1689. 4º. 731, k. 6. (17.) etc.) Privately Printed : [Oxford,] 1840. 8º. [Another copy.] T. 1882. (4.) Only 33 copies printed. 12352. g. 4. [Another copy.] 100. h. 41. HERTFORD COLLEGE. See ENGLAND AND WALES.—Ecclesiastical Commission. The Rules and Statutes for the government of Hertford Col- bistory of King James's Ecclesiastical Commission : con- lege,... with observations...showing the reasonableness taining... the proceedings against... Magdalen College, thereof. By R. Newton. London, 1747. 8º. etc. 1711. 8°. T. 1801. (4.) 272. g. 15. Observations on the original architecture of Saint Mary JESUS COLLEGE. Magdalen College, Oxford; and on the innovations Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Ox- anciently or recently attempted. [By J. Buckler, jun.] ford Commissioners for Jesus College... Febrnary, 1880. London, 1823. 8º. 787. h. 24. pp. 36. Oxford, [1880.] 8º. 8367. b. [Another copy.] G. 16604. See Bloxam (J. R.) A register of the Presidents, Fel- KEBLE COLLEGE. lows, Demies, etc., of St. Mary Magdalen College, etc. Proceedings at the laying of the first stone of Keble 1853, etc. 8º. 8364. d. College, Oxford... April 25th, 1868. London, 1868. 4º. See MACFARLANE (E. M.) Catalogus librorum impres- 8364. e. 4. sorum Biblioihecae Collegii B. Mariae Magdalenae, etc. See WORDSWORTH (JOHN) Bishop of Salisbury. Keble 1860, etc. 4°. 11901. cc. College and the present University crisis. A letter, etc. 1869. 8º. 8365. cc. Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Ox- ford Commissioners for Magdalen College... November, An Account of the proceedings at Keble College on the 1880. pp. 31. Oxford, [1880.] 8º 8367. b. 1. (7.) occasion of the opening of the Chapel...on St. Mark's Day, 1876, with the Sermons and speeches then de See MACRAY (w. D.) Notes from the muniments of St. livered and a description of the Chapel. Mary Mag'alen College, etc. 1882. 8º. Oxford (printed] and London, 1876. 8°. 8364. cc. 12. 4707. aaaa. 8. 721 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] 722 OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford.m-Colleges. University of Oxford.— Colleges. . : MERTON COLLEGE. : : ST. EDMUND HALL (continued). Bodleiomnema. (Memoriæ sacrum ... T. Budleio... Pietas Oxoniensis, or a full and impartial account of the Collegium Mertonense dicat consecratque. [In verse.] expulsion of six students from St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Oratio funebris habita...a J. Halesio.) ...By a Master of Arts of the University of Oxford J. Barnesius : Oxoniæ, 1613. 4º. 1213. 1. 9. (6.) [Sir Richard Hill.] London, 1968. 8º. 4135. b. (5.) [Another copy.] 161. b. 44. Second edition. London, 1768. 8º. 4135. aaa. [Another copy.] 113. a. 39. Duwioldeb Rhydychen : neu hanes gyflawn a diduedd Imperfect; wanting all except the “ Oratio funebris.”. am chwech o ysgolheigion a fwriwyd allan o Neuadd- golegol St. Edmund, yn Rhydychen, gyd a llythyr [Another copy.] G. 17497. cyflwyniad at yr Anrhydeddus Iarli Litchfield, [Another copy.) G. 17498. Cangħellor y Brif-Ysgol honno. Gan Athraw'r Cel- fyddydau o Brif-ysgol Rhydychen [Sir Richard Hill). Merton College Case [in respect to a lease of the manor Čaerfyrddin, 1769. 12º. 872. h. 19. of Maldon, etc.] [London, 1620?] fol. 516. m. 18. (104.) A letter to the author of a pamphlet entitled Pietas Oxoniensis. London, 1768. 80. 4135. b. (8.) The foundation documents of Merton College, Oxford. Collected by James Heywood. Edited by J. (. Halli A defence of the doctrines of sovereign grace, being a well. London, 1843. 8º. 731. h. 43. full answer to a letter lately addressed to the author of Pietas Oxoniensis. By the author of that book (Sir R. The Foundation Statutes of Merton College, A.D. 1270: with the subsequent ordinances of Archbishops Peckham, 4135. b. (9.) Hill). London, 1768. 8º. Chichely and Laud, from the Latin. Edited by E. F. See NOWELL (T.) D.D. An answer to a pamphlet en- Percival. London, 1847. 8º. 732. c. 56. titled Pietas Oxoniensis, etc. 1768. 8º. 4135. b. (6.) Catalogue of the printed hooks in the Library of Merton See NOWELL (T.) D.D. Goliath slain, being a reply to College. pp. 565. the Rev. Dr. Nowell's answer to Pietas Oxoniensis, etc. E. P. Hall & J. H. Stacy: Oxford, 1880. gº. 1768. 8º. 11905. g. 15. 4135. b. (7.) NEW COLLEGE. A third check to Antinomianism : in a letter to the author of Pietas Oxoniensis, etc. Peplus illustrissimi viri D. Philippi Sidnæi supremis See LA FLECHÈRE (J. G. DE) The first (-ninth) volume of honoribus dicatus. [Verses to the memory of Sir P. the works of the Rev. J. Fletcher. vol. 2. Sidney, by members of New College.] 1803, etc. 12º. 3751. b. J. Barnesius : Oxonië, 1587. 4º. G. 9967. With an improved frontispiece. See Toplady (A. M.) The Church of England vindicated from the charge of Arminianism...in a letter to... Dr. [Another copy.] . 161. n. 1. Nowell, occasioned by... that gentleman's answer to the Without the frontispiece. Author of Pietas Oxoniensis, etc. 1779. gº. Musæ Hospitales Wicchamica in adventum... Principis 4255. c. Frederici-Ulrici, primogeniti Henrici Julii... Ducis TRINITY COLLEGE. Brunsvicensis, ... exhibitæ Oxoniæ in Collegio Novo... 6 Maii, 1610. [Oxford, 1610.] 4º. 1070. m. 5. (1.) A letter from a student in Oxford, to his friend in the country, containing a short account of the late proceed- ings of Trinity College. London, 1709. 8º. ORIEL COLLEGE. * T. 1933. (13.) Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Ox Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Ox- ford Commissioners for Oriel College... November, 1880. ford Commissioners for Trinity College... November, pp. 32. Oxford, [1880.] 89. 8367. b. 1. (3.) | 1880. pp. 30. 'Oxford, [1880.] 8º. 8367. b. 1. (10.) QUEEN'S COLLEGE. A true state of the case concerning the election of a Provost of Queen's College in Oxford. [By F. Thomp- son.] Oxford, 1704. 4º. 128. a. 18. The present state of the new buildings of Queen's Col- lege in Oxford, with an ichnography of the whole, etc. [Oxford ? 1730.] 4º. 577. k. 21. (1.) Another copy.] 101. k. 45. · Imperfect; wanting the plates. Statutes proposed to be made by the University of Ox- ford Commissioners for Queen's College... November, 1880. pp. 31. Oxford, [1880.] 80 8367. b. 1. (4.) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. The proceedings of the visitors of University College, with regard to the late disputed election of a Master, vindicated. Oxford, 1723. fol. 515. 1. 16. (5.) See U., C. A letter to a Member of the Convocation of the University of Oxford : containing the case of a late Fellow-elect (C. U., i.e. Charles Usher] of University- College, etc. 1669. 4º. 731. k. 7. (11.) WORCESTER COLLEGE. A catalogue of the books relating to classical archäology aud ancient history in the library of Worcester College, etc. pp. 77. Oxford, 1878. 8º. BB. M. ST. EDMUND HALL. A vindication of the proceedings against the six members of Edmund] Hall, Oxford. By a Gentleman of the University. London, 1768. 80. 4135. b. (2.) [Second edition, with additions.] London, 1769. 80. 731. k, 25. Ashmolean Museum. A Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum, descriptive of the Zoological Specimens, Antiquities, Coins, and Mis- cellaneous Curiosities. [By P. B. Duncan.] Oxford, 1836. 8º. 728. i. 22. (1.) [Another copy.] 728. i. 23. 723 724 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] OXFORD [CONTINUED]. OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. Ashmolean Museum (continued). Bodleian Library (continued). Introduction to the Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts be- [Oxford, 1826.] 8º. 7206. h. 5. (1.) queathed by F. Douce to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1840. fol. 2048. g. A descriptive...catalogue of the Manuscripts bequeathed The Catalogue of Mss. has a separate pagination. ... by Elias Ashmole. 1845. See infra: Bodleian Library. Catalogus librorum impressorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ, etc. (Edited by B. Bandinel.] 4 vol. Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Ashmolean Oxonië, 1843–51. fol. 2048. g. Museum, Oxford. By G. J. Chester. pp. vii. 103. Parker and Co.: Oxford, 1881. 8º. 7704. a. 21. [Another copy.] 620. k. 17-20. A descriptive, analytical and critical catalogue of the Bodleian Library. Manuscripts bequeathed unto the University of Oxford by Elias Ashmole ... and others. By W. H. Black. Catalogus impressorum Librorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ (index.) 2 pt. Oxford, 1845-66. 40 2049. a. in Academia Oxoniensi. [Begun by T. Hyde, con- tinued by J. Bowles, R. Fysher and E. Langford, and [Another copy.] 11902. h. edited by R. Fysher.] 2 vol. O conii, 1738. fol. Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bod- 826. I. 5, 6 leianae pars prima, recensionem codicum Graecorum [Another copy.] 124. 1. 1. continens; confecit H. O. Coxe. (Partis secundae fasci- culus primus [containing the Laudian manuscripts]; A catalogue of Books purchased for the Bodleian Library confecit H. O. Coxe : pars tertia, codices Graecos et in 1782(--1823); with an account of monies collected for Latinos Canonicianos complectens; confecit H. O. Coxe : that purpose. (Account of benefactions-donations, etc.) pars quarta, codices ... T. Tanneri ... complectens; [Oxford, 1782-1823.] fol. 11902. i. confecit A. Hackman : partis quintæ fasciculus primus Imperfect; wanting the pts. for the years 1780, 1981, ... R. Rawlinson codicum classes duas priores ... com- 1802 and all after 1823. plectens; confecit G. D. Macray: pars sexta, codices A catalogue of Books purchased for the Bodleian Sy riacos, Carshunicos, Mendaeos, complectens; confecit Library, ... 1818(-24). 9 pt. R. Payne Smith: pars septima, Codices Aethiopici ; Oxford, (1819-25]. fol. 619. m. 4. digessit A. Dillmann: pars octava, Codices Sanscriticos complectens. Confecit T. Aufrecht). . A catalogue of Books purchased for the Bodleian Oxonii, 1853, etc. 4º. Cat. Desk. Library, with a statement of movies received and In progress. expended, during the year ending November 8, 1826(-52). (Biblioteca Italica ossia catalogo de' [Another copy of pt. 8.] . 14096. e. testi à stampa citati nel vocabolario degli accademici A Hand-List of the early English literature preserved della crusca e di altri libri Italiani pregevoli e rari già in the Douce Collection in the Bodleian Library, selected posseduti dal C[onte ?]. A[lessandro ?] M[ortara ?], from the printed Catalogue of that Collection, by J. (. ed ora passati in proprietà della Biblioteca Bod Halliwell. London, 1860. 8°. 11901. g. leiana.) Oxford, 1826-52. 80. 620. g. 35, 36. One of 51 copies privately printed. [Another copy of the issue for 1837.] T. 2401. (7.) A Hand-list of the early English literature preserved in Notitia Editionum quoad Libros Hebr. Gr. et Lat., quæ the Malone Collection in the Bodleian Library, selected vel primariæ, vel Sæc. xv. impressæ, vel Aldinæ, in from the printed Catalogue of that Collection, by J. O. Bibliotheca Bodleiana adservantur. Oxonii, 1795. 8º. Halliwell London, 1860. 8º. 11901. g. 11900. d. One of 51 copies privately printed. [Another copy.] 680. a. 18. (2.) Report to the Curators, on the Bodleian Library. May, [Another copy.] L.P. 1864. [By H. O. Coxe.] [Oxford, 1864.] 8º. [With ms. additions by R. Nares.] 269. c. 18. 11900. bb. Donations to the Bodleian Library during the year [Another copy.] MS. ADDITIONS. G. 405. ending Nov. 8, 1871 (1872). Oxford, (1871, 72.] 8º. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum quibus Bibliotheca 11902. c. Bodleiana aucta est anuo 1825(-34). 9 pt. Begin. The following Correspondence between Mr. C. H. [Oxford, 1826–35]. fol. 620. k. 2. Robarts ... and the Curators of the Bodleian Library (with reference to the requirements of the University Codices manuscripti et impressi cum notis manuscriptis, Library Systen) is printed by order of the Curators, etc. olim D'Orvilliani, qui in Bibliotheca Bodleiana apud [Oxford, 1877.]. 8º. 11905. e. 1. (12.) Oxonienses adservantur. [By T. Gaisford.] Oxonii; 1806. 4º. 620. b. 8. Catalogue of Periodicals contained in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1878, etc. 8º. BB.O. [Another copy.] 125. g. 3. In progress. Catalogus Dissertationum Academicarum quibus nuper [Another copy.] : aucta est Bibliotheca Bodleiana. 1832. Oxonii, 1834. fol. See MACRAY (W. D.) Annals of the Bodleian Library. 1868. 8º. 2312. f. [Another copy.] 620. k. 3. See MACRAY (W. D.) Anecdota Bodleiana, etc. Catalogue of early English Poetry and other miscella 1879, etc. 89. 12206. cc. neous works illustrating the British drama, collected by E. Malone, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library. Chancellor's Court. . [By B. Bandinel. With memoir of Malone, by J. Bos- well.] Oxford, 1836. fol. 2048. g. Rules of the Chancellor's Court of the University of Oxford. To come into operation 1st March, 1865. [Another copy.] 620. k. 4. Oxford, (1865.] 80 8365. dd. 2048. g. 725 726 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.7 . OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. Clarendon Press. Convocation (continued). Friendly advice to the correctour of the English press at See Crofron (2.) 'Avaanys 'Avelnoon; ... against Oxford, concerning the English orthographie. ... the reasons of the University ... fur not taking London, 1682. fol. 731. k. 7. (7.) ... the solemn League and Covenant. 1660. 4°. E. 1050. (2.) A reply to Dr Huddesford's Observations relating to delegates of the press. With a narrative of the pro- Judicium & Decretum Universitatis Oxoniensis latum in ceedings of the Proctors with regard to their nomination Convocatione habita Jul. 21, An 1683. Contra quosdam of a delegato, April 28, 1756. [By B. Buckler.] perniciosos libros & propositiones impias, quæ capitibus Oxford, 1756. 4º. 679. f. 16. (2.) ... Principum, eorum statui & reyimini & omni humanæ societati exitium intentant. A specimen of the several sorts of printing types be E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1683. fol. 8365. g. longing to the University of Oxford at the Clarendon Printing House. (New letters purchased in 1768, 69, 70.) The Judgment and Decree of the University past in [Oxford], 1768 [70]. 8º. 688. g. 17. (1.) their Convocation, July 21, 1683, against certain per- nicious books and damnable doctrines destructive to the A specimen of the several sorts of printing types be- sacred persons of princes, their state and government, longing to the University of Oxford at the Clarendon and of all humane society. Reudered into English, etc. Printing House. [Oxford,] 1786. 8°. 619. f. 32. (3.) [Oxford,] 1683. fol. G. 4970. Congregation. [Another edition.] See STATE TRACTS. Siate Tracts, etc. 1693, etc. fol. 2076. e. Begin. The following alterations in the Statute Tit. IX. Sect. VI. § 1, and in the Statute Bibliothecæ publicæ Bod- [Another edition.] See SOMERS (J.) Baron Somers. A leianæ Sect. 12 will be promulgated in Congregation on Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts, etc. vol. 3. Wednesday, June 6, etc. [Notice signed : A. T. Gilbert, 1748. 4º. 184. a. 3. Vice-Chancellor.] Oxford, 1838. 8. sh. fol. [Another edition.] See SOMERS (J.) Baron Somers. A 1220. m. (63.) Collection of scarce... Tracts, etc. vol. 8. Register of Members of Congregation qualified according 1809, etc. 4°. 2073. e. to an Act of Parliament passed in the 17th and 18th Victoria, chap. LXXXI. for the year ending ... September, Advertisements from the Delegates of Convocation for · 1856. [Oxford, 1855.] s. sh. fol. 1881. c. (72.) His Majesties Reception for the Heads of Houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies. Convocation. [Oxford, 1687.] 8. sh. fol. 1850. C. (27.) The sworne confederacy between the Convocation at Judicium et decretum Universitatis Oxoniensis, latum Oxford and the Tower of London (A satire. By F. in Convocatione habita August 19 A.D. 1690, contra Cheynell ?] London, 1647. 4º. E. 391. (4.) propositiones quasdam impias, et hæreticas, exscriptas et citatas ex libello quodam [by A. Bury]... cui titulus Judicium Universitatis Oxoniensis, de 1. Solemni Liga est, The naked Gospel, etc. Oxonii, 1690. fol. et Fodere. 2. Juraniento negativo. 3. Ordinationibus 4225. h. Parliamenti circa disciplinā & cultum. In plenâ con- The Fire's continued at Oxford; or, the decree of the vocatione 1 Junii 1647. Communibus suffragiis ... Convocation for burning the Naked Gospel (of A. Bury), promulgatum. R. Royston : [London,] 1648. 8º. considered. In a letter to a person of honour. [By E. 1173. (4.) James Parkinson.] [London? 1690.] 4º. [Another edition.] See CHARLES I., King of Great Britain T. 690. (3.) and Ireland. Sylloge variorum tractatuum, etc. [1649.] 4º. 807. e. 26. [Another copy.] T. 783. (11.) [Another edition.] R. Royston : Londini, 1671. 8º. [Another copy.] T. 1685. (12.) 8122. b. University Loyalty; or, the genuine explanation of the Editio tertia. Londini, 1682. 89. 847. i. 25. (4.) | principles and practices of the English Clergy, as Editio quinta. Londini, 1710. 8º. 5175. a. (3.) established and directed by the decree of the University of Oxford, past in the convocation, 21 July, 1683, and Reasons of the present judgement of the University of republished at the trying of Dr. H. Sacheverell for high Oxford, concerning: The Solemne League and Covenant; crimes and misdemeanours. London, 1710. 8º. The negative oath ; The ordinances concerning discipline 731. i. 5. (3.) and worship. [By R. Sanderson, afterwards Bishop of [Another copy.] 168. i. 6. Lincoln.] [Oxford], 1647. 4º. 851. e. 4. 1019. f. 10. (2.) [Another copy.) [Another copy.] T. 1783. (4.) [Another copy.] 109. c. 53. E. 391. (15.) [Another copy.) The University Miscellany : or, more burning work for [Another copy.] 108. c. 9. the Oxford Convocation. Containing 1. Two speeches [Another edition.] London, 1660. 4º. 104. a. 47. spoken ... by the Terrae Filius, M' R...s of Magdalen Hall ... II. Oxford Intrigues; a lampoon. III. A Latin [Another edition.] London, 1749. 8º. T. 1933. (18.) ode. IV. The Player's Epilogue ... Second edition, [Another edition.] See SOMERS (J.) Baron Somers. A corrected. London, 1713. 8º. 11642. c. 57. (3.) second Collection of scarce ... Tracts, etc. vol. 1. [Another copy.] 164. l. 38. 1750. 4º. 184. a. 5. See P..., Sir C. ... The conduct of the purse of Ireland: [Another edition.] See SOMERS (J.) Baron Somers. A in a letter to a member of the late Oxford Convocation : Collection of scarce ... Tracts, etc. vol. 4. occasioned by their having conferr'd the degree of doctor 1809, etc. 4º. 2073. e. upon Sir C. P[hipps). 1714. 8º. E. 2002. (10.) 727 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] 728 T2TTY O OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. Convocation (continued). Convocation continued). Tres Oratiunculæ habitæ in domo Convocationis Oxon. Reasons for hesitating to vote in favour of the proposal [hy W. King, on occasion of the degree of D.C.L. being to be made 10 Convocation on Thursday next, March 17 conferred upon James, Duke of Hamilton ; upon George [relative to the endowment of two new theological Pro- Henry, Earl of Lichfield; and on J. Boyle, Earl of fessorships]. Oxford, 1842. 8. sh. fol. Orrery.] London, Oxonii, (1743.] 4º. 12301. dd. 13. 1220. m. (58.) Oratiuncula habita in Domo Convocationis, Oxon. dio A Letter to certain members of Convocation. [Relative Oct. 27, 1756. Publicavit, et illustravit notis criticis, to the proposed repeal of the statute passed against Dr. politicis, et satiricis J. C. Prof. Reg. (A satire, by Hampden in 1836.] Oxford, [1842.] 8º. 4108. e. 9. Dr W. King.] Oxonii, 1757. 4º. 732. g. 17. Considerations submitted to members of Convocation. Begin. A Convocation will be holden ... the fourth day [Relative to the proposed repeal of the statute against of February next [1773]... when it will be propos d 10 Dr. Hampden.] [Oxford, 1842.] S. sh. 4º. repeal the latter part of Section 3 Title II., etc. [of the 4405. k. (9.) Statutes]. [Oxford,] 1773., 8. sh. 8º. 687. g. 27. (2.) Begin. Oxford, May 30, 1842. An unfavourable answer having been returned by the Hebdomadal Board to the An account of the origin of subscriptions to the 39 recent address, it remains that the Members of Convo- Articles and the 36th Canon, in the University of Oxford. cation seriously consider the responsabilitios of their [London? 1774?] 8º. 4105. b. 14. (6.) present position. [A handbill on the Hanıpden Ques- Questions respectfully addressed to Members of Convo tion.] Oxford, [1842.] s. sh. 4º. 4405. k. (3.) cation on the subjoined declaration, which is proposed as a substitute for the subscription to the Thirty-nine The Censure of 1836 still necessary. The following con- siderations are suggested to Members of Convocation on Articles, at Matriculation. [Signed: “A Bachelor of the subject of the proposed repeal of the statute affect- Divinity "). Oxford, [1835). 80. T. 1906. (5.) ing Dr. Hampden. Oxford, [1842.] 8º. 4108. e. 6. A second edition of the Questions respectfully addressed to members of Convocation on the subjoined declaration, Observations on the propositions to be submitted to which is proposed as a substitute for the subscriptiou to Convocation, on February 13. Oxford, 1845. 8º. the Thirty-nine Articles at matriculation. With some 1354. h. 1. (4.) additioval queries. Oxford, [1835.] 8°. 4108. e. 7. Begin. Those members of the Convocation of the Uni- Oxford Matriculation Statutes. Answers to the “Quies- versity of Oxford wbo may be desirous of recording their adhesion to the following protest are requested to tions addressed to members of Convocation, by a Bachelor of Divinity," with brief notes upon church send their names, etc. [Protest agaiust any steps being authority, etc. By a Resident Member of Convocation. taken to prevent Dr. Hampden's elevation to the Bishopric of Hereford.] Oxford, 1847. S. sh. fol. Oxford, 1835. 8°. T. 1906. (6.) 1220. m. (54.) Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles. Questions Register of Convocation of the University of Oxford for respectfully addressed to Members of Convocation on 1860-61, etc. Oxford, 1860, etc. 8º. 5016. d. the declaration proposed as a substitute for the sub- In progress. scription to the Thirty-nine Articles, by a Bachelor of Divinity. With answers by a resident member of Con- vocation, and brief notes upon those answers by the Lodging-house Delegacy. Bachelor of Divinity. Oxford, 1835. 8º. University of Oxford. Lodging-house Delegacy. Re- T. 1906. (7.) port on the sanitary condition of the lodging-houses Begin. Oxford, March 2, 1836. At an adjourned By E. F. G. Griffith. September 27th, 1881. pp. 36. meeting of Members of Convocation ... it was . . . re J. Parker & Co.: Oxford, [1881.] 8º. solved that the following requisition be signed [Requisi- 8304. d. 12. (1.) tion to the Vice-Chancellor to call a Meeting of the Heads of House's, with a view of bringing before Convo- Radcliffe Library. cation the opinions published by Dr. Hampden.] Arrangements and regulations of the Radcliffe Library [Oxford, 1836.] s. sh. fol. 1220. m. (57.) and Reading-Room, etc. [Edited by H. W. Acland. Remarks on "an address to the members of Convoca pp. 8. Oxford, 1871. 80. 11905. aa. 2. (1.) tion” [relative to the suppused illegality of certain measures to be brought forward. Signed: "A Meinber of Catalogue of books added to the Radcliffe Library... during the year 1873, etc. [Edited by H. W. Acland. Convocation."] Oieford, (1837.] 8o. 4108. e. 8. Oxford, 1874, etc. 4º. 11902. i. 7. To the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. In progress. (Letter requesting him to put his veto upon a certain Catalogue of Transactions of Societies, Periodicals, and portion of the 16th section of the statute “ De moribus Memoirs ... in the Reading Room of the Radcliffe confoi mandis," beginning “Porro si quis," etc., when Library ... Third edition. [Edited by H. W. Acland. brought before Convocation. Signed : “ A Member of pp. vi. 45. Oxford, 1876. 8º. 11905. aa. 2. (2.) Convocation."] Oxford, (1838.] 4º. 4405. k. (1.) The Students' Library; a selection from the catalogue Begin. "A Member of Convocation” having requested of the Radcliffe Library at the Oxford Museum. [Edited the Vire-Chancellor to go to the length of putting his by H. W. Acland.]... Third edition. pp. 60. veto on the paragraphs in section 16 Tit. xv. beginning Cxford, 1877. 8º. BB. E. “ Porro si quis, &c.," etc. [A reply to the letter from "A Member of Convocation," signed: “Another Member [Another copy.] 11905. aa. 2. (3.) of Convocation.”] Oxford, (1838.] 4º. 4405. k. (2.) Catalogue of books on Natural Science in the Radcliffe Brief remarks on the revival of the Professorial System, Library, ... up to December, 1872. With an appendix proposed in the Statute to be submitted to Convocation containing a list of works on Indir having reference to on the 15th of March next. By a Member of Convoca Comparative National Health. [Edited by H. W. tion. Oaford, 1839. 8º. T. 2414. (12.) Acland.] pp. 566. Oxford, 1877. 4º. 11902. i. 6. 729 ACADEMIES. (OXFORD.] 730 730 ENDIX OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. - Radcliffe Observatory. [APPENDIX (continued).] Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Ob- Libellus Sophistarã ad usum Oxonieñ. 6. L. COPIOUS servatory, Oxford, in the year 1840(-58) by M. J. MS. NOTES. Per Winandum de Worde : Johnson. (1859, etc. under the superintendence of ... Londoniis, [1515?] 4º. C. 37. c. 44. (1.) R. Main.) Oxford, 1842, etc. 89. 8566. dd. * Imperfect; wanting all after sig. K. III. Without In progress. pagination. Second Radcliffe Catalogue, containing 2386 stars; de- Discours veritable du martyre de deux prebstres (G. duced from observations extending from 1854 to 1861 Nicolas and R. Jaxley) & deux laycz T. Belson and at the Radcliffe Observatory . . . and reduced to the H. Griffin), advenu l'an 1589, à Oxfort Université epoch 1860, under the superintendence of... R. Main. d'Angleterre ... Traduict d’Italien en François, selon Oxford, 1870. 8º. 8567. d. l'exemplaire imprimé à Romne 1590, etc. pp. 19. G. Chaudiere : Paris, 1590. 8º. 1192. e. 54 Sheldonian Theatre. See L., H., Oxon. Gratiæ Ludentes. Jests from the Universitie, etc. 1628. 12º. 245. b. 33. A description of the painting in the Theatre. Oxford, 1756. 8º. 7854. e. See ENGLAND. —Clergy. The humble petition of the ministers of the Church of England desiring reformation [Another edition.] Oxford, 1780. 8°. 101. i. 49. of certaine ceremonies and abuses of the Church : with the answer of the vicechancelor, the doctor's ... and others the heads of Houses in the University of Oxford. Taylor Institution. 1641. 4º. E. 170. (4.) The Taylor Building and the University Galleries. True News from Oxford, being a relation of the magni- From the Oxford University, City, and County Herald ficent valour of the scholars, in number 500, compleatly of... June 19, 1841.) [An engraving.] armed... Sent in a letter by a scholar iu the University, J. Shrimpton : Oxford, [1841.] 8. sh. fol. etc. London, 1642. 4°. E. 114. (31.) G. 16559. (5.) Catalogue of the Library of the Taylor Institution, The Privileges of the Unirersity of Oxford, in point of Oxford. Oxford, 1861. 4º. 11901. g. visitation : cleerly evidenced by letter to an honourable personage. [By J. Fell, afterwards Bishop of Oxford.] Together with the Universities answer to the summons University Galleries. of the visitors. [Oxford), 1647. 4º. 731. k. 7. (3.) A catalogue of the several pictures and busto's in the [Another copy.] E. 411. (1.) Picture Gallery at Oxford ... Second edition, with additions, etc. (Pictures in the Bodleian Library.) The case of the University of Oxford : or the sad dilemma that all the members thereof are put to either to be 573. b. 21. (3.) Oxford, 1760. gº. Slightly cropped in binding. . perjur'd or destroy'd. In a letter sent from thence to Mr Selden, burgesse of the University. New edition, with additions. Oxford, 1762. 8º. [Oxford,] 1648. 4º. E. 673. (21.) 578. b. 39. (5.) Now edition. Oxford, 1985. 8°. T. 1094. (2.) [Another copy.] E. 443. (19.) Sundry things from severall hands concerning the Uni- 1103. e. 37. (3.) New edition. Oxford, 1788. 8º. versity of Oxford : viz.—1, A petition from some well- New edition. Oxford, 1790. 8º. 786. h. 1. affected therein ; 2, A modell for a colledge reformation ; 3, Queries concerning the said University and severall New edition. Oxford, 1796. 8º. 101. i. 48. persons therein. London, 1659. 4°. E. 988. (25.) Catalogues of original designs by Michael Angelo and See SHERLOCK (w.) Dean of St. Paul's. A modest Raffaelle, proposed to be purchased by subscription, and examination of the authority and reasons of the late exhibited in the new University Galleries. pp. viii. 43. decree of the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford and some W. Baxter : Oxford, 1842. 8º. G. 16559. (1.) heads of Colleges and Halls, concerning the heresy of Privately printed. With Ms. letter from Dr. Bliss Three Distinct Infinite minds in the ... Trinity. inserted. 1676. 4º. 479. b. 30. [Another copy ] G. 16559. (2.) Theatri Oxoniensis encænia; sive, comitia philologica Hand-Book Guide for the University Galleries, Oxford. Julii 6, anno 1677, celebrata. Oxonii, 1677. fol. Containing catalogues of the works of art in sculpture 731. 1. 6. (1.) and painting. Oxford, 1848. 16º. 8364. a. [Another copy.] 105. f. 40. See ENGLAND, Church of. The University ballad, or the University Observatory. Church's advice to her two daughters Oxford and Cam- bridge. First part. [1681?] fol. 643. m. 11. (82.) Astronomical Observations made at the University Ob- servatory, Oxford, under the direction of C. Pritchard. To the two Universities; an epistle [in verse). Together Oxford, 1878, etc. 8º. 8567. d. with a prediction concerning the French, translated out In progress. of Callimachus. London, 1691. fol. 11630. g. 2. [APPENDIX.] A Model of a Colledge to be settled in the University for the education of some youths of the Greek Church. Collectio errorü in anglia ... pdemnatorum ... a fratre [Oxford, 1692 ?] s. sh. fol. 816. m. 24. (87.) R. Kilunardbi archieps Cantuariensi de psensu cīm magrozi ... apdº oxoniam ... Anno dõi M.CC.LXXVI. Theatri Oxoniensis Encania; sive, comitia philologica See infra : PARIS.— Université de Paris. Varii articuli Julii 7, anno 1693, celebrata. Oxonii, 1693. fol. Parisius codēnati, etc. (1500?] 4º. T. 720. (6.) 105. f. 42. 731 : ACADEMIES. COXFORD.] 732 OXFORD (CONTINUED). OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. [APPENDIX (continued).] [APPENDIX (continued).] The Oxford Act: a poem. London, 1613 (16937. 4º. : The substance of two actions and the proceedings 1074. 1. 6. (4.) therein, in the University Court of Oxford; together [Another copy.] London, 1693. 4º. 164. m. 26. with certain queries relating to the same. In this copy the date has been corrected. London, [1749.] 8º. 101. i. 33. Decreti Oxoniensis against the doctrine : Quod sunt tres Law and argument in vindication of the University of infinitæ distinctæ mentes et substantiæ in Trinitate, etc.] Oxford, in two seasonable discourses (by John Henley]. vindicatio in tribus ad modestum ejusdem examinatorum London, [1750?] 8º. 873. g. 15. (3.) [W. Sherlock] modestioribus epistolis a theologo trar:s- marino. [Oxford?] 1696. 4º. rino. rocford?7 1696. 40 479. a. 14. (3.) A series of papers on suhjects the most interesting to the nation in general, and Oxford in particular: containing [Another copy.] T. 1933. (10.) well-wishers to the University of Oxford [by R. Newton?), Rustica Academiae Oxoniensis nuper reformatae de- and the answers [by J. Randulph?]. Collected together, and submitted to the judgment of the publick. scriptio, in visitatione fanatica Octobris sexto, etc. Anno Domini 1648 cum Comitiis ibidem Anno sequente, [by London, 1750. 8º. T. 1664. (2.) J. Allibond.] Londini, [1700?] 4º. 11408. e. Remarks on some strictures lately published, entitled A new Prologue relating to the Act at Oxford. With Observations upon the Statute Tit. xiv. De vestitu et an epilogue, toucbing the model and form of the in- habitu scholastico : With a brief state of the controversy tended theatre in the Hay-Market, together with an which gave occasion to them. Oacford, 1770. 4º. epilogue spoken by a girl of four years old. . 8307. g. 1. (2.) London, (1703.] 4º. 164. m. 33. A collection of papers, designed to explain and vindicate A Prologue to the University of Oxford. By J. Trapp, the present mode of subscription required by the Uni- on occasion of the Company of the Theatre in Little versity of Oxford from all young persons at their Matri- Lincoln's Inn-Fields visiting Oxford.] culation. Oxford, 1772. 89. 4105. b. 14. (3.) [London? 1703.] 8. sh. fol. 1347. m. 38. Oration intended to have been spoken in the Theatre at An Act at Oxford. A comedy fin five acts and in prose). Oxford, on the 9th of July, 1773, by a Member of the Uni- By the author of the Yeoman o Kont (Thomas Baker). versity (Sir W. Jones]. London, 1773. 8º. London, 1704. 4º. 81. c. 12. (3.) E. 2097. (4.) Academiæ Francofurtanæ ad Viadrum encania secularia Begin. Sir, In Compliance with your Request, etc. (A Oxonii in Theatro Sheldoniano Apr. 26. Anno fundat. letter on the proposed alterations at Magdalen Bridge 201, anvoque Dom. 1706, celebrata. Oxonii, 1706. fol. and the Botanic Garden.] Oxford ? 1778 77 4º. 112. f. 8. Imperfect ; wanting the titlepage. B. 468. (25.) Some thoughts concerning the study of the laws of An address, dated Oxford, Feb. 5, 1778, and subscribed England in the two Uviversities. In a letter to the " A Member of Convocation, against the Demolition of Reverend - head of College in Oxford. the Botanical Library and Greenhouse, in the Botanic London, 1708. 4º. 518. i. 28. Garden at Oxford.] [Oxford, 1778.] S. sh. fol. R-asons for amending the Clause for a drawback to be B. 273. (9.*) allow'd to the Universities, etc. See B.--, E., D.D. The honor of the University of Oxford (London, 1711?] s. sh. fol. 8223. e. (113.) defended against the... aspersions of E[dmund B[urkle, [Forty-three portraits of the principal founders of col- etc. [1788.] 8º. leges at Oxford and Cambridge; engraved by J. Faber.] Advice to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. [London,] 1712-14. fol. 561*. e. 29. (1.) London, 1783. 16º. 101. h. 16. See AYLIFFE (J.) LL.D. The case of Dr Ayliffe at Oxford; Considerations on the public exercises for the first and giving ... an account of the ... prosecution of him in second degrees in the University of Oxford. [By John ... that University, etc. 1716. gº. T. 1780. (3.) Napleton.] pp. 81. Glocester, 1805. 8º. Academia : or the humours of the University of Oxford. 8364. cc. In burlesque verse. [By Alicia D'Anvers.] Begin. In Chancery, Easter Term 1808. The Univer- London, 1716. 89. 11646. bbb. 21. sities of Oxford and Cambridge v. Richardsons. TA Begin. By Order of Mr. Vice-Chancellor, etc. (Re- Circular dated Cambridge July 21. 1808, in reference to specting the cleansing of the streets of the City and the sale by Defendants of Bibles printed in Scotland.] Suburbs of Oxford.] [Oxford, 1725?] S. sh. fol. [London, 1808.] 8. sh. 4º. 731. m. 14. (6.) 731. m. 14. (5.) Ode for the Encænia at Oxford, July 3, 1810. See DU PLESSIS D'ARGENTRÉ (C.) Bishop of Tulles. Collectio Oxford, [1810.] 4º. 1344. n. judiciorum de novis erroribus, qui ab initio duodecimi seculi ... usque ad annum 1632 in ecclesia proscripti Oxoniana, a didactic poem, in several letters on the late sunt et potati: Censoria etiam judicia ... academiarum improved mode of study, and examination for degrees in inter alias Parisiensis & Oxoniensis, etc. 1728. fol. the University of Oxford. By a Cambridge Master of 13. e. 4. Arts. London, 1812. 8º. 1465. e. The Oxford Act, a dew ballad opera [in three acts and An account of the visit of ... the Prince Regent, ... in prose]. London, 1733. 8º. 161. f. 2. the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia to the The Oxford Act, A.D. 1753. Being a particular ... University of Oxford, in June 1814. Oxford, 1815. 4º. account of that solemnity: wherein is inserted ... an 577. k. 22. (7.) imitation of the first part of the Bellus homo et academi- [Another copy.] ON VELLUM. C. 9. d. cus, etc. COPIOUS MS. NOTES. London, 1735. 8º. 8364. cc. [Another copy.] ON VELLUM. G. 5971. of Bildmun 103. a, kas 733 ACADEMIES. (OXFORD.] 734 OXFORD [CONTINUED). OXFORD (CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. [APPENDIX (continued).] [APPENDIX (continued).] See GRADUATE. A letter to the author of “ An Appeal State of Parties in Oxford. From the public prints. to the heads of the University of Oxford” upon con With an appendix containing some letters relative to the pulsory attendance at the Communion. 1822. gº. persecution of the Regius Professor of Divinity [R. D. 4323. cc. Hampden). London, (Oxford) 1836. 8º. 4107. e. 1.· Hints for Oxford ; containing ... Hints to Freshmen...! [Another copy.] T. 1987. (18.) On studies and reading for the Schools, etc. [By John Campbell.] pp. 74. Oxford, 1823. 8°. 8364. c. Copy of a declaration submitted for signature to the Governors, Fellows, and Tutors, of the University of Herculanensium voluminum pars prima (-secunda), etc. Oxford, by the Corpus Christi Committee of Censors of [Published by the University of Oxford.] the publications of the Rev. Dr. Hampden. Oxonii, 1824-25. 8°. 604. f. 15. (With ' strictures upon it.] Tunbridge Wells, [1836.] 8. sh. 4º. Lithographed. 1220. m. (60.) A letter to the author of an Inquiry into the studies and The Student's Guide to a course of reading necessary for discipline adopted in the two English Universities, as obtaining University honours. By a Graduate of preparatory to holy orders in the Established Church. Oxford. Oxford, 1837. 12º. 731. k. 18. By à Graduate of the University of Oxford. London, 1824. 8º.. T. 1007. (6.) Considerations of a plan for combining the professional system with the system of public examinations in See. GILBERT (R.) Liber Scholasticus; or, an account of Oxford. By a Tutor of a College. Oxford, 1839. 8º. the fellowships, scholarships, and exhibitions...at the 8365. bb. Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 1829. 12º. 732. b. 1. An Appeal to the Statutes (on the qnestion: “Has Dr. Hampden the right of stopping Divinity Degrees ?"]. Eldon Testimonial. The Eldon law scholarship, founded Oxford, [1844.] 4º. 4405. k. (7.) at Oxford, and list of subscribers. ON VELLUM. London, 1830. 4°. C. 26. m. 4. Tradesmen and Undergraduates ; or, the present system of debt and credit at Oxford unveiled. By an Oxford The legality of the present academical system of the B.A. London, 1844. 8º. 732. c. 16. University of Oxford, asserted against the new calum- nies of the Edinburgh Review ſie. Sir W. Hamilton's Begin. The Undersigned Members of the University of article on the State of the English Universities). By a Oxford engaged as Private Tutors, etc. [A declaration Member of Convocation [Vaughan Thomas). “concerning the admission of Dissenters among them.”] Oxford, 1831. 8º. T. 1397. (8.) Oxford, (1845?] 8. sh. 4º. 4405. k. (4.) The legality of the present academical system of the Hints to Freshmen in the University of Oxford. (Second University of Oxford, reasserted against the new calum edition.) pp. 56. J. Vincent : Oxford, 1847. 8o. nies of the Edinburgh Review. By a Member of Convo- 8367. a. 3. cation (V. Thomas]. Oxford, 1832. 8º. Begin. Oxford Declarations in favour of Dr. Hampden. T. 1397. (13.) | [Memorial from Heads of Houses; and Protest of Considerations on the great and various injuries arising Members of Convocation.] [Oxford ? 1848.] fol. from the course of education pursued in the Universities 840. m. 32. (22.) of Oxford and Cambridge, and in nearly all the public A few plain facts and observations relative to, the two schools of this kingdom. London, 1832. 8º. Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. By an anxious T. 1397. (9.) father. London, 1850. 8º. 8365. e. 2. (7.) Oxford. Academical abuses disclosed by some of the initiated. London, 1832. 8º. 732. c. 2. (7.) The Public Right to the Universities. By a University Man. London, 1851. 12º. 8365. a. 4. [Another copy.] T. 1502. (7.) [Another copy.] 8308. a. 56. (1.) [A collection of various Declarations, signed by Members of the University of Oxford, against the provisions of a The proceedings at the installation of the Earl of Derby, Bill “ to remove certain disabilities which prevent some Chancellor of the University of Oxford, with the con- classes of His Majesty's subjects from resorting to the gratulatory odes. Oxford, 1853. 8°. 8365. C. Universities of England, and proceeding to degrees A few words upon the admission of Dissenters to the therein :" with other papers on the same subject.] University of Oxford, by a Priest of the Church of TOxford, 1834.) fol. 8364. g. (1.) England. Oxford and London, 1854. 8º. « This volume contains, I believe, every paper connected 8364. c. with the attempt, in 1834, to force upon the University the admission of Dissenters.” -MS. note by P. Bliss. A Song of the Encænia. Oxford, 1853. 12º. 11649. de. 48. The Universities and the Dissenters. London, 1835. 89. Is Educational Reform required in Oxford, and What? T. 1906. (14.) Oxford (printed] and London, 1859. 8°. 8364. c. · Reasons for preferring a simple declaration to the present method of exacting signature to the Thirty-nine Articles, Oxford University extension. Report on the foundation at Matriculation, in the University of Oxford; in a of a New College or Hall. letter from a Country Clergyman to his friend. London, Oxford (printed], 1866. 8° 8364. bb. Speenhamland, 1835. 8º. T. 1906. (8.) Boating Life at Oxford, with notes on Oxford training * Letters to the English Public, on the condition, abuses and rowing at the Universities. London, 1868. 8º. 12622. aaa. and capabilities of the national Universities. No. 1. By a Graduate of Cambridge. London, 1836. 8º. The Student's Handbook to the University and Colleges T. 2090. (5.) of Oxford. Oxford, 1873. 8º. 8364. aa. 23. h notes comedor, 1622. aa 735 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD.] 736 OXFORD [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. University of Oxford. [APPENDIX (continued).] [APPENDIX.—Parliamentary Elections (continued).] The Student's Handbook ... Third edition, revised to A few words to the Country Parsons touching the Elec- March 1876. Oxford, 1876. 8º. 8364. aa. 24. tions for the University of Oxford: By one of themselves. Seventh edition, revised to April 1883. pp. viii. 221. London, 1847. 8°. 4107. e. 2. Oxford, 1883. 8º. 2234. a. An authentic copy of the poll for two burgesses to serve Abstract of the Accounts of the Curators of the University in Parliament for the University of Oxford...July, Chest and of University Institutions, together with the 1852. Candidates : Sir R. H. Inglis,...W.E. Gladstone, accounts of the following colleges, namely University ...R. B. Marsham. Oxford, 1852. 89. 808. g. 41. [and the nineteen next elder foundations]...for...1883. Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1884, etc. fol. 1889. C. An authentic copy of the poll for a burgess to serve in In progress. Parliament for the University of Oxford. January 1853. Facts, figures and fancies relating to the elections to the Candidates : ...W. E. Gladstone, D. M. Perceval. Hebdomadal Council of Oxford University, (reprinted Oxford, 1853. 8º. 807. e. 31. from “Phantasmagoria and other poems, by Lewis Carroll,” i.e. C. L. Dodgson] the offer of the Clarendon A few words on the representation of the University of Trustees, and the proposal to convert the Parks into Oxford. Addressed to the Country Clergy. By one cricket-grounds, etc. Oxford, 1874. 12º. of themselves. Oxford, (1853.] 8º. 8138. g. 8364. aa. Forming part of a series, entitled : “ Notes by an Oxford An authentic copy of the poll for a Burgess to serve in Chiel." Parliament for the University of Oxford,...1859... Candidates . . . W. E. Gladstone ... the Marquis of Cricket. Oxford v. Cambridge, from 1827 to 1876. Chandos. Oxford, 1859. 8º. 809. f. 41. [Scores of the matches.] London, Greenwich and Lewisham (printed], 1877. 8º. An authentic copy of the poll for two burgesses to rerve 7908. a. 1. in Parliament for the University of Oxford. Taken... The Register of the Visitors of the University of Oxford, July, 1865... Candidates...W. E. Gladstone...Sir W. from A.D. 1647 to A.D. 1658. Edited, with some account Heathcote, Bart...Gathorne Hardy. Oxford, 1865. 89. of the state of the University during the Commonwealth, 8138. cc. by M. Burrows. 1881. See ACADEMIES, etc. --London.- Camden Society. New Series, Vol. XXIX. 1881. 40. An Authentic Copy of the poll for a burgess to serve in Ac. 8113/120. Parliament for the University of Oxford. Taken... May, 1878. Candidates : H. J. S. Smith,. . .J. G. Parliamentary Elections. Talbot, etc. Oxford, 1878. 8º. 8138. df. 6. (5.) A true copy of the poll for Members of Parliament, for the University of Oxford, taken March 21st 1721 ; Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. digested into an alphabetical order. [Candidates : W. First (second, etc.) Annual Report. Bromley, G. Clarke and — King.] Oxford, 1722. 4º. Oxford, Cambridge, (1874, etc.] 8º. 8367. b. 809. g. 32 In progress. An account of the late election for the University of Regulations... for the year 1874 (1875, etc.) Oxford. Together with some incidental remarks on the Oxford (printed), Cambridge, (1874, etc.] go. printed poll, etc. By a Master of Arts. In progress. 8367. b. London, 1722. 8º. 732. c. 2. (1.) [Another copy.] T. 1617. (7.) Examination for certificates. [Names, etc., of the candi- A true copy of the poll taken at Oxford, Jan. 31, 1750. dates who passed in] July, 1874 (June and July, 1875, December, 1875, etc.). [Candidates :-Harley, Sir R. Newdigate, Sir E. Turner.] Oxford, Cambridge, [1874, etc.] 8º 8367. b. member of Parliament for the University. In progress. London, (1750.] 4º. 11630. d. 2. (14.) | Papers set in the examination for certificates, July, 1876. (June and July, 1879, etc.) [Another copy.] 128. e. 8. Oxford, Cambridge (printed, 1876, etc.] 8º. See Copy. Copy of a letter sent to a certain B[ishop] In progress. 8367. b. (on account of a pragmatical interposition in a lato election for the U[niversity] of [xford]). [1755?] 4º. Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin, and Durham Mission to Central 8133. i. Africa. An authentic copy of the poll for members to serve in the ensuing Parliament for the University of Oxford. Oxford and Cambridge Mission to Central Africa. A Taken March 23, 1768. Candidates : Sir Ř. Newdigate, memoir of its origin and progress to the close of the year Bart., G. Hay, F. Page, C. Jenkinson. Oxford, 1768. 4º. 1859.,.By a member of the Cambridge Committee. 807. f. 41. With an appendix, etc. London, 1860. 8º. 4193. e. An authentic copy of the poll for a member to serve in .. Parliament for the University of Oxford, ... taken... “Occasional paper” of the Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin Aug. 1821 ; Candidates, Rt. Hon. Sir J. Nicholl, R. and Durham Mission to Central Africa, etc. Heber, Esq. Oxford, 1821. 4º. 577. k. 21. (7.) London, 1862, etc. 3º. 4193. cc. An authentic copy of the poll for a member to serve in In progress. ... Parliament for the University of Oxford, ... taken... Report of the Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin and Durham February, 1829;. Candidates, the Rt. Hon. R. Peel, Sir Mission to Central Africa for 1861. R. H. Inglis, Bart. Oxford, 1829. 8º. T. 1265. (2.) London, 1862, etc. 8º. 4193. cc. An authentic copy of the poll for two burgesses to serve In progress. in Parliament for the University of Oxford, taken... Three years in Central Africa: being a history of the July...and... August, 1847. Candidates : Sir R. H. Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin and Durham Mission Pre- Inglis, ... W. E. Gladstone,...C. G. Round, etc.. pared by order of the general committee. Oxford, 1847 89 8364. de: London, (1863.] 8º. 4765. cc. 737 ACADEMIES. [OXFORD-PADUA.] 738 OXFORD [CONTINUED). PADUA [CONTINUED). University of Oxford. Accademia di Padova, afterwards Accademia di [APPENDIX.-Oxford Tutors' Association.] Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, and subsequently Cesareo- Regia Accademia di Scienze, etc. Papers published by the Tutors' Association, Oxford 1853–1854. (Suggestions with regard to certain altera- Rivista periodica dei lavori della I. R. Accademia di tions in Oxford.) 2 pt. Oxford, 1854, 53. 8º. Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Padova. Redattore (vol. 1, 8364. d. 2) G. F. Spongia. (vol. 3, etc. G. Orsolato.) The “ Papers” and “Suggestions" are each in 4 Nos., Padova, 1851, etc. 8°. Ac. 100/4. each No. having a distinct titlepage. The “ Suggestions” In progress. have a distinct register and pagination. Discorso (sull' Ornatoj del Sig. A. Diedo. (Elogio di G. Sre VAUGHAN (H. H.) Regius Professor of Modern History Nanni...dall'abate cavaliere F. M. Dr. Franceschinis... Allocuzione di ..Signor Marchesi e Conte C. del Mayno.) at Oxford. A Reply to Professor Vaughan's Strictures on the Third Report of the Oxford Tutors' Association. [Padua, 1822.] 80. Ac. 100/3. By one of the Committee. 1854. 8º. 8364. d. Accademia di Prosa e Poesia. Ricordo di Padova pel settimo centenario della vittoria OXFORD, OH10. di Legnano, 29 Maggio, 1876. Padova, 1876. 8º. Miami University. 9166. cc. 1. Laws relating to the Miami University, together with | Accademici Eterei. the ordinances of the president and trustees, and extracts Rime, etc. ff. 76. [Padua, 1567.1 4º. 11431. ee. 6. from the journal of proceedings. To which is added, a The titlepage is engraved. table of the lots and lands belonging to the University. [Another edition. Edited by A. Caraffa.] Cincinnati, 1833. 8º. 8365. d. Ferrara, 1588. 8°. 240. f. 33. Third triennial catalogue of the Officers and Graduates, ... March...1840. Oxford, Ohi, 1840. 12º. Archigymnasium Patavinum. 8366. b. See infra : Università di Padova. PADUA. Academia Patavina. Gymnasium Patavinum. See infra : Università di Padova. See infra : Università di Padova. Accademia de Ricovrati. Istituto Convitto Rabbinico Lombardo-Veneto. Compositioni delli Signori Accademici... per la nascita Atto e discorsi d'istallazione della nuova direzione dell' del... Principe Gioseppe Giacomo Ignatio Antonio Gio- Istituto Convitto Rabbinico Lombardo-Veneto. . . seguita vanni Eustachio, Archiduca d'Austria, procurate et rac- nell'aula dello stesso il 12 novembre 1853. A cui si colte da C. Patino. Padoa, 1678. 4º. Ac. 8855. (3.) aggiungono alcuni cenni storico-statistici intorno al medesimo Venezia, 1853. 8º. 4515, d. [Another copy.] 1054. h. 14. (3.) Patavinum Archigymnasium. . Applausi dell'Accademia ... alle glorie della Republica di Venezia, in congiuntura, che si partiva dal reggimento See infra : Università di Padova. di Padova...Signor G. Basadonna suo podesta, sotto il principato di C. Patino. Padova, 1679.. 4°. Patavinorum Doctorum Collegium Pontificium. Ac. 8855. (1.) Consilium sacri collegij Paduani pro monte Pietatis [Another copy.] Ac. 8855/2. Padue. See MoNS PIETATIS. Pro Monte Pietatis Con- silia sacrorum Theologorum, etc. (1496.] 4º. Componimenti dell'Accademia ... per la traslazione del 3836. de. corpo...di ..Gregorio Card. Barbarigo, Vescovo di Pa- Regia. Università di Padova dova. Padova, 1726. 4º. 82. g. 8. See infra : Università di Padova, etc. Discorsi accademici .. intorno agli studj delle donne; la maggior parte recitati nell'Accademia de' Ricovrati. Seminarium Patavinum. See VOLPI (G. A.) Discorsi, etc. 1729. 8º. Ratio et institutio studiorum Seminarii Patavini. 731. b. 3. (4.) Patavii, 1690. 8º.. 731. b. 3. (3.) Accademia di Padova, afterwards Accademia di Cursus Theologiae moralis, theorico-practicae, per quaes- Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, and subsequently Cesareo- tiones et factorum species in singulis tractatibus ordi- Regia Accademia di Scienze, etc. natim disputatas ac difinitas. Editio altera, emendata Statuto. [Padova,)- 1780. 8º. Ac. 100/2. atque aucta. 3 tom. Patavii, 1843, 44. 8º. 3557. e. Saggi scientifici e letterarj. 3 tom. Padova, 1786–94. 4º. Università di Padova. 434. d. 12–15. Tom. 3 is in 2 pt. Consilium sacri collegij Paduani pro monte Pietatis Padue. See MoNS PIETATIS. Pro Monte Pietatis Consilia [Another copy.] T.C. 8. b. 14. sacrorum Theologorum, etc. [1496.] 4º. 3835. b. (17.) [Another copy.] .. 661. f. 14. Responsum Juris Collegij Patavini, de exceptione car- [Another copy.) T.C. 9. b. 21. ceris seu custodiæ. (In quæstione proposita, qua quæ- ritur, an illustriss. Landtgravius Hassiæ ... possit Memorie. Padova, 1809. 4º. 434. d. 16. opponere exceptionem carceris seu custodiæ, in qua a Nuovi Saggi. vol. 1-3. Padova, 1817–31. 4º. militibus jussu Caroli Quinti Cæsaris Augusti detinetur, etc.) Solenniter subscriptum. Ac. 100. In vol. 3 the title of the Academy is Imperiale Regia Acca- 1245. a. 1. (13.) [Augsburg ? 1551 ?] 4º. demia, etc. Responsum Juris. De liquidatione Nassaviensi circa [Another copy of vol. 1.] 434. d. 17. quatuor articulos per academias Germaniæ definitos. Per clarissimos Academiæ Patavinæ professores. [Another copy of vol. 1.] T.C. 8. b. 18. [Augsburg ? 1551 ?] 4º. 1245. a. 1. (18.) 739 ACADEMIES. [PADUA, PALERMO.] 740 s PADUA [CONTINUED). PADUA [CONTINUED). Università di Padova. Cabinetto di Storia Naturale dell' I. R. Università di Responsum Juris. In causa Revisionis (sententiæ latæ Padova. & Carolo Quinto . . . inter Philippum Landgravium Catalogo delle specie organiche fossili, raccolte nelle Hassiæ reum, & illustres comites à Nassau actores.) Alpi Venete dal professore T. A. Catullo, da esso donate 1. De Feudis Herbipolensibus, & pactis circa ea con al gabinetto di Storia Naturale dell'I. R. Università di ventis. 2. De transactione Coloniensi, quod domina Padova. Padova, 1842. 89. 7105. d. (1.) Elisabeta ex ea obligetur. Per Jurisconsultos Patavinos editum. [Augsburg ? 1551?] 4º. 1245. a. 1. (20.) PAISLEY. Nomina, cognomina, loca, stipendia, horae Professorum Bumsc omnium disciplinarum, qui in Gym. Patavino hoc anno 1601...profitentur. [With an exterior and an interior Paisley Burns Club Publications. view of the Gymnasium.] [Padua, 1601.] 8. sh. fol. J. & J. Cook : Paisley, 1878, etc. 4º. Ac. 9496. 1750. c. (6.) In progress. Statuta almæ Universitatis DD. Philosophorum, et Philosophical Society. medicorum, cognomento artistarum Patavini Gymnasii. RENSHAW (C. BINE) Our Coal Supplies. A paper ... Denuo correcta & emendata, & nonnullis apostillis ... Reprinted from the "Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette." aucta. Patavij, 1607. 4º. 731. e. 6. (8.) pp. 23. J. & J. Cook [Paisley), 1872. 8º. Festivitati honorum N. Benzoni quum . . . equestri 7106. bb. 25. D. Marci dignitate ornaretur, Universitas theol. philos. ac medic. L. M. Q. gratulabatur. [Congratulatory PALERMO. verses.] Patavii, 1637. 4º. 837. h. 10. (17.) | Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Virtuti et honori N. Benzoni quum equestri D. Marci Atti. ... Nuova serie. Palermo, 1845, etc. 4º. titulo ornaretur, natio Germana, theol. philos. ac medic. In progress. **Ac. 99. L. M. Q. [Congratulatory verses.] Patavii, 1637: 4º. Accademia Palermitana del Buon Gusto. 836. g. 29. (2.) Saggi di dissertazioni dell'Accademia. vol. 1. Instituta et privilegia ab excell. Senatu Veneto ... uni- Palermo, 1755. 4º. 664. c. 16. versitati D.D. Juristarum Patavini Archigymnasii, con- cessa, in libros quinque digesta, quorum ultimus pos [Another copy.] T.C. 9. b. 17. tremo adjunctus immunitatum fere omnium restitutionem continet... Editio sexta. Patavii, 1645. 4º. Accademici Accesi. 731. e. 6. (9.) Rime degli Accademici Accesi di Palermo, divise in due [Another e lition.] Nunc denuo aucta, etc. libri. Seconda impressione. Aggiuntovi due scelte di Padua,] 1648. 4º. 731. g. 21. rime di varj illustri poeti Siciliani del MD. e MDC. una in One or two leaves appear to be wanting after sig. Dd. 4. volgar Italiano nel fine del primo libro, e l'altra in Album, sive elenchus nominum ... rectorum, ... pro- Siciliano nel secondo. Con un catalogo de' poeti compresi in tutta l'opera, ed una grammatica et dizionario Sicio recturum...et...syndicorum...almæ Patavinæ Accade- miæ, ... cum statuto functionum, etc. [Edited by liano. Raccolta di G. B. Caruso, Barone di Xiureni. 2 vol. Palermo, 1726. 4º. 84. e. 10-11. G. Russi.] Patavii, (1706.] 4. 731. g. 20. (3.) See infra : PARIS.—- Université de Paris. Insignium ... Commissione di Antichità e Belle Arti in Sicilia. Universitatum Sorbonæ, Salmanticæ, et Patavii respon Bulletino. No. 1. [Palermo, 1864.] fol. 7707. g. 2. siones ad consultationem super casu duplicis ... matri- monii, etc. 1722. 12º. 498. a. 277. Consiglio di Perfezionamento annesso al R. Istituto Tecnico. Elenco dei medici, chirurghi, farmacisti nei dipartimenti Giornale di Scienze naturali ed economiche pubblicato Bienta, Adriatico, Bacchiglione, Tagliamento, Piave, Pas- per cura del Consiglio, etc. Palermo, 1865, etc. 4º. seriano, Istria ... pubblicato dalla Direzione di Polizia In progress. ” Ac. 2814. Medica presso l'Uviversità di Padova nell'anno 1809. Padova, 1809. 8º. 7306. b. 11. (15.) | Direzione degli Archivi Siciliani... I diplomi greci ed arabi di Sicilia, pubblicati nel testo Alla defunta Maria Lodovica, Imperatrice e Regina, originale, tradotti ed illustrati da S. Cusa. vol. 1. solenni esequie celebrate dalla Imperiale Regia Univer- Palermo, 1868. 4° AC. 6538. sità di Padova. Padova, 1816. 40. T. 60.* (14.) The half-title reads : “ Documenti degli Archivi Sici- Descrizione dell'Università dello Studio di Padova. liani, etc." pp. 47. Padova, [1780?] 12º. 8356. a. 4. Reale Istituto Tecnico. Discorsi, letti nella grand' aula dell'I. R. Università di See supra : Consiglio di Perfezionamento, etc. Padova, nell'occasione della fausta sua riordinazione tausta, sua riordinazione Real Osservatorio. nell'anno scolastico 1817–1818. Padova, 1818. 4º. T. 60.* (12.) Storia celeste ... dal 1792 al 1813. See infra : VIENNA, Prospetto degli Studj dell' Imperial Reg. Università di -Kaiserlich-Königliche Sternwarte. Annalen, etc. Neue Padova per il corrente anno scolastico... 1817...1818. Folge. Bnd. 4–12. 1821, etc. fol., 4°, 8°. Padova, 1818. 4º. T. 60.* (13.) 8564. i. Del Real Osservatorio di Palermo libro sesto. (By G. Processo verbale pel collocamento di una vertebra di Piazzi, containing observations, entitled “Delle posizioni G. Galilei nella sala di fisica dell'Università di Padova medie di dugento venti stelle osservate negli anni 1803, nel di 30 Agosto 1823. Padova, 1823. 8º. 4, 5, e principalmente ne' tempi degli equinozi.Degli 7306. b. 3. (4.) elementi della teoria del Sole.-Ascensioni rette e decli- Prospetto degli studj della Regia Università di Padova nazioni di ducento dieci stelle pel 1805. pel primo semestre dell'anno scolastico MDCCCLXVIII Palermo, [1806.] fol. B. 265. (10.) MDCCCLXIX. Padova, 1868. 4º. 1079. The sixth book only, 1741 ACADEMIES [PALERMO-PARIS.] 742 PALERMO [CONTINUED). PARIS. Real Osservatorio. Academia Gallica. • Annuario del R. Osservatorio redited by G. Cacciatore] See infra: Académie Française.. per l'anno 1842–54. Anno 1-13. Palermo, 1842–53. 16° & 8º. : Academia Inscriptionum et Litterarum Humaniorum. [Continued as :) See infra: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Effemeridi astronomiche di Palermo ... pubblicate dal Lettres. Prof. Ragona. Palermo, 1854-59. 80. Ac. 4122. Academia Parisiensis. Regalis Panhormitana Medicorum Academia See infra: Université de Paris. Josephi de Gregorio et Russo ... de ortu, deque incre-1 mento regalis Panhormitanæ Medicorum Academiæ Académie Celtique. synopsis historica, etc. See SICILIAN AUTHORS. Opuscoli Mémoires ... on, recherches sur les antiquités celtiques, di autori Siciliani. Tom. 6. 1758, etc. 4º. Gauloises et françaises, etc. 6 tom. 663. g. 3. Paris, 1807-1812. 8º. Ac. 5330. J. de Gregorio et Russo ad A. Giuffrida epistola de notatu The third and subsequent volumes are entitled, “ Mémoires dignis regalis Panhormitanæ Medicorum Academiæ. de l'Académie ... ou, Mémoires d'Antiquités, etc.” This See SICILIAN AUTHORS. Opuscoli di autori Siciliani. Academy was subsequently reorganized under the title of Tom. 7. 1758, etc. 4º. 663. g. 4. Société Royale des Antiquaires de France. See infra. Académie d'Aérostation Météorologique. Società degli Spettroscopisti Italiani. FONVIELLE (WILFRID DE L'Ascension du Gayant de Memorie ... raccolte e pubblicate per cura del Prof. P. Douai 9 Juillet 1879. pp. 36. Paris, (1879.1 12°. Tacchini, etc. Palermo, 1876, etc. 4°. 8755. aaa. 1. In progress. Ac. 4043. & 576. | Académie d'Architecture. Società di Acclimazione ed Agricultura in Sicilia. Projets d'architecture et autres productions de cet art, Annuario della prima Esposizione agraria delle Provincie qui ont merités le grands prix accordés par l'Académie, Siciliane per l'anno 1867. Prorogata per l'anno 1868. par l'Institut national de France, et par des Jurys du [With a preface by L. Tirrito.] Pt. 1. choix des artistes ou du gouvernement. (Gravés et Palermo, 1867. 8°. Ac. 3551. publiés par Allais, Détournelle et Vaudoyer.) No more published. Paris, 1806. fol. 551. g. 13. With a second titlepage, engraved. Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria. | Académie de Législation. Archivio Storico Siciliano, etc. Nuova Serie. Anno 1, See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Paris. Journal de Juris- etc. Palermo, 1876, etc. 8º. P.P. 3556. u. prudence, publié par l'Académie de Législation. In progress. Anno 1-3 catalogued under PERIODICAL [1800 ? etc.] 8º. P.P. 1361. PUBLICATIONS.—Palermo Ricordi e documenti del Vespro Siciliano, pubblicati a Académie de l'Industrie Agricole, Manufacturière et cura della Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria nella Commerciale. ricorrenza del sesto centenario. 2 pt. Journal des Travaux de l'Académie ... pour l'année Palermo, 1882. 8º. Ac. 6537. 1831(-51). Paris, 1832-51. 4º. & 8º. [Continued as:] PALMA. Journal des Travaux de l'Académie ... et de la Société Française de Statistique Universelle. (Sous la direc- Academia de Bellas Artes. tion de M. P. Aymar-Bression.) 1852–68. Acta de la Sesion pública celebrada por la Academia de Paris, 1852–68. 8º. Bellas Artes de la Provincia de las Baleares el dia 14 de [Continued as :) Junio... bajo la presidencia del Señor Don F. Morell Journal mensuel des Travaux de l'Académie ... et de y Orlandis, ... para la distribucion de premios, etc. la Société Française de Statistique Universelle sous la Palma, 1863. 80. Ac. 4522. direction de M. P. Aymar-Bression. 1869, etc. Paris, 1869, etc. 8°. Ac. 3409/2. In progress. Album dedicado a S. M. la Reina Doña Isabel II. CON Mémoires. Premier(-VII.) volume . . . rédigé sous la motivo de haberse dignado visitar á las Baleares. direction spéciale de ... César Moreau, etc, 7 vol. (Poesias premiadas en el certamen que abrió la Academia Paris, 1834–48. 4º. Ac. 3409. de Ciencias y Letras de este provincia para celebrar tan fausto acontecimiento.) Palma de Mallorca, 1860. 40. Académie de Saint-Luc. 11451. g. Livrets des Expositions de l'Académie de Saint-Luc à Paris, pendant les années 1751, 1752, 1753, 1756, 1762. PAMPLONA. 1764 et 1774, avec une notice bibliographique et une table. (Edited by J. J. G., i.e. J. J. Guiffrey. 7. Colegio de Medicina, Cirugía, y Farmacia del Reino Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1872. 12° de Navarra. 7857. aa. Reglamento para el régimen y gobierno del Colejio de Demandes des anciens membres & directeurs de l'Aca- Medicina, Cirujía y Farmacia del reino de Navarra. démie de St Luc, & de la Communauté des Maîtres Pamplona, 1829. fol. 7680. h. (6.) Peintres-Doreurs, et Sculpteurs-Marbriers ... de Paris, présentées aux États-Généraux. [Paris, 1789.] 89. PARAMARIBO. F. 1203. (7.) Académie des Beaux-Arts. Het letterlievend genootschap, 'Oefening kweekt SA collection of annual and special reports, notices of Kennis.' meetings, etc. of the "Institut National, Classe de Littéra- Suriname. Jaarboekje voor het jaar 1856 (57). ture et Beaux-Arts” and of the “Académie des Beaux- 's Gravenhage, 1856–57. 8º. P.P. 2598. c. Arts.”] Paris, 1801-38. 4°. 733. h. 14, & 16, h. 1, & 2. 743 · ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 744 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts. Séance publique Histoire de l'Académie ... avec les Mémoires de Litté- annuelle ... 1839 (1840, etc. Programme et ordre de rature ... jusqu'en 1710. 4 tom. la Séanco.) Paris, 1839, etc. 4°. Ac. 421/5. Amsterdam, 1719. 12º. 896. e. 19-22. In progress. Mémoires de Littérature, tirés des registres de l'Académie [Another copy. 1842–49, 51-56.] 733. i. 5. ... depuis son renouvellement jusqu'en 1760. 54 tom. La Haye, 1719-71. 12º. 896. a. 1, etc. Institut National. Classe des Beaux Arts. Séance publique du 8 Vendémiaire an 12. Distribution des Histoire de l'Académie ... depuis 1711, (jusques & com- grands prix de peinture, sculpture, architecture, et pris 1760). Tom. 2-14. La Haye, 1724-72. 12º. de composition musicale. [Paris, 1803.] 4º. Tom. I wanting. '896. d. 4–16. 2. 936. f. 9. (65.) Histoire de l'Académie avec les éloges des académiciens Éclaircissemens demandés par la Classe des Beaux Arts, morts depuis son renouvellement by P. Tallemant and sur les constructions de plusieurs inonumens militaires de C. Gros de Boze]. 3 tom. Paris, 1740. gº. l'antiquité. Paris, an XII. (1804.] 4º. 733. g. 11. (21.) Ac. 420/5. [Another copy.] 274. c. 24-26. Institut Impérial, etc. [A report in favour of the translation and publication of certain treatises on Notice de l'ancienne Gaule, tirée des monumens romains Music, in MS. by J. Tinctor, extracted from No. 75 of ... par M. d'Anville ... Suite des Méinoires de l'Aca- the Moniteur.] [Paris, 1813.) 8°. 723. d. 3. (19.) démie Royale des Inscriptions, etc.“ Paris, 1960. 4°. 671. h. 9. Institut de France. Académie Royale des Beaux Arts. [Another copy.] 180. b. 1. (Statuts, règlements, état, etc.) Paris, 1822. 12º. Choix des Mémoires de l'Académie, etc. 3 tom. 733. a. 26. Londres, 1777. 4º. 733. e. 16–18. Grands prix d'Architecture. Projets couronnés par l'Académie. Liège, 1842. fol. 1731. C. Histoire et Mémoires de l'Institut Royal de France. Classe d'Histoire te de Littérature Ancienne. Tom. 1-4. Dictionnaire de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1815-18. 4º. 986. f. 16-19. Paris, 1858, etc. 8º. 7805. e. The Academy of Inscriptions having been suppressed by In progress. the decree of August 8, 1793, was revived in 1803 as a branch of the Institut National, under the denomination of " Classe [Another copy.] 7805. e. d'Histoire et de Littérature Ancienne." The original desig- nation was restured in 1816. Académie des Bibliophiles. Mémoires de l'Institut Royal de France. Académie des Théâtre complet de Beaumarchais: réimpression des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Tom. 5-8. éditions princeps, avec les variantes des manuscrits Paris, 1821–27. 4º. T.C. 2. a. 9-12. originaux, publiées... par G. d'Heylli et F. de Marescot. 4 tom. Paris, 1869-71. 8º. Ac. 8931/7. Histoire et Mémoires, etc. Tom. 9, etc. Paris, 1831-54, etc. 4º. 2099. f. Jean Second. Le Palais de la Richesse. Traduit du In progress. The word Histoire is omitted after tom. 9. latin par V. Develay. Paris, 1872. 16º. Tom. Il contains : “ Table alphabétique des matières traitées Ac. 8931/4. dans les dix premiers volumes.” Le Tigre de 1560 [a satire against Charles, Cardinal de Lorraine] reproduit pour la première fois en fac- [Another copy.] Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1815-18. 4º. simile d'après T.C. 2. a. 5-8. & T.C. 2. a. 1-4. l'unique exemplaire connu ..., et Tom. 1 and 2 of this copy have each two titlepages, one publié avec des notes historiques, littéraires et biblio- graphiques, par M. C. Read. (Appendice—Le Tigre. having the word “ royal” the other “ impérial.” Satire sur les gestes mémorables des Guisards, 1561 [a Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie. ... paraphrase of the former in verse]. Notes du Tygre en Première série, sujets divers d'érudition. vers [by E. Tricotel].) Paris, 1875. 12º. Paris, 1844, etc. 4º. 2099. e. Ac. 8931/6. In progress. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie. .... Histoire de l'Académie ... depuis son établissement Deuxième Série. Antiquités de la France. (jusqu'au 8 Août, 1793), avec les Mémoires de Littéra- Paris, 1843, etc. 4°. 2099. e. ture, tirez des registres de cette Académie depuis son In progress. renouvellement (jusques et compris l'année 1793). Table générale et methodique des mémoires contenus 50 tom. Paris, 1717-1809, 08. 4º. dans les recueils de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles- The 11th, 22nd, 33rd, and 44th volumes each contain Lettres et de l'Académie des Sciences morales et poli- tables of the contents of the ten volumes respectively pre tiques, par E. de Rozière et E. Chatel. Paris, 1856. 4º. ceding. 2099. e. - Tom. 51. Table des matières ... tom. 45-50. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Comptes Paris, 1843. 4º. rendus des séances de l'année 1857(-1864) précédés d'une T.Ć. 21. a. 1-7; T.C. 19. b. 1-17; T.C. 20. b. 1-16. notice historique sur cette compagnie. Par M. E. Desjardins. 8 tom. Paris, 1858–64. 8º. Tableau général raisonné et méthodique des ouvrages - Nouvelle Série. [Edited by A. Tardieu.] 5 tom. contenus dans le recueil des Mémoires de l'Académie Paris, 1865-69. 80. Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, depuis sa naissance jusques et compris l'année 1788, servant de Troisième série. 1 tom. Paris, 1872. 80. supplément aux tables de ce recueil. ... Par M. D. - Quatrième Série. Paris, 1873, etc. 8º. [i.e. C. C. F. de Laverdy). Paris, 1791. 4º. 2099. f. Ac. 420. & 2099. a. In progress. The volumes for 1870 and 1871 were never [Another copy.] T.C. 20. b. 17. published. 745 ACADEMIES. [PARIS.] 746 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. (A Collection of notices of meetings, announcements of Notices et extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du prizes offered by the Academy, etc., 1803–38.] Roi, lûs an comité établi par Sa Majesté dans l'Académie, Paris, 1803–38. 4°. 733. h. 16, 18, n. 1. & 2. etc. Paris, 1787, etc. 4º. 818, l. 1-18. In progress. [A Collection of Reports, 1838–63.] Paris, 1838–63. 4º. 733. g. 21. (1-36.) Planches. (Tom. XVIII. pt. 2.) 1865. fol. 1704. c. 8. Prix littéraire fondé dans l'Académie Royale des Inscrip- The title of tom. 4 is “ Notices et Extraits des Manu- tions et Belles-Lettres en l'année 1733. scrits de la Bibliothèque Nutionale ... lûs au comité établi [Paris, 1786?] 8. sh. 4º. 936. f. g. (5.) dans la ci-devant Académie, etc.” The title of tom. 8 is “ Notices et extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Séance publique annuelle de l'Académie Royale des Impériale ... publiés par l'Institut de France, etc.” ; that Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres ... 1840(1841, etc.) of tom. 9, “ Notices ... publiés par l'Institut Impérial, Paris, 1840, etc. 4°. Ac. 421/4. etc.”; that of tom. 10–14, "Notices... de la Bibliothèque In progress. du Roi ... publiés par l'Institut Royal" and that of tom. 15, etc. “ Notices ... de la Biblothèque Impériale, etc." [Another copy, 1839, 40, 43, 45–49, 51–56.] 733. i. 4 [Another copy of tom. 1-10, 15; 19.] 125. f. 5. Articles de réglement arrêtés par la Classe d’Histoire et Accounts and extracts of the manuscripts in the library de Littérature Ancienne ... dans la séance du 27 of the King of France. Published under the inspection Ventôse, an XI. Paris, an. XI. (1803). 12º. of a committee of the Royal Academy of Sciences for 733. a. 30. rather of Inscriptions] at Paris. Translated from the Institut de France. Classe d'Histoire et de Littérature French. 2 vol. London, 1789. 8º. 1309. b. Ancienne. Présentation à Sa Majesté Impériale ... en Recherches sur l'histoire de la partie d'Afrique septen- son conseil d'état, du rapport historique sur l'état, et les trionale connue sous le nom de réyence d'Alger et sur progrès de l'histoire et de littérature ancienne. Le 20 l'administration et la colonisation de ce pays à l'épogue Février, 1808. (Discours de M. Levesque, de M. Dacier.) de la domination romaine. Par une commission de Paris, 1808. 4º. 733. g. 16. (30.) l'Académie ... publiées par ordre du Minister de la Guerre. Tom. 1 [Edited by A. J. C. A. Dureau de la Rapport historique sur les progrès de l'histoire, et de la Malle.] Paris, 1835. 8º. 1434. i. littérature ancienne, depuis 1789, et sur leur état actuel. [By E. Q. Visconti, A. J. Silvestre de Sacy, G. E. J. Recueil des Historiens des Croisades (publié par les soins Guilhem de Clermont Lodève de Sainte Croix, M. J. J. de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). Brial, P. C. Lévesque, P. F. J. Gossellin, C. E. J. P. Paris, 1841, etc. fol. 1864. b. de Pastoret, and J. M. De Gérando.] Présenté à In progress. l'Empereur ... par la Classe d'Histoire, et de Littérature ancienne de l'Institut. Redigé par M. Dacier. Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. Corpus Inscrip- Paris, 1810. 4°. .616. k. 20. tionum Semiticaruin ab Academia Inscriptionum et Litterarum Humaniorum conditum atque digestum. Paris, 1810. 8º. [Another edition.] (Tabulæ.) 616. i. 13. Parisiis, 1881, etc. fol. In progress. 7705. i. 8. Ordonnance du roi et réglemens de l'Académie, etc. Lettre à M. le Président sur le projet de réduire le Paris, (1816]. 12º. 733. a. 31. nombre des Académiciens. Paris, 1824. 8º. 733. d. 3. (36.) Rapport fait à l'Académie Royale des Inscriptions et | Académie des Poètes. Belles-Lettres, en exécution des mesures qu'elle a Les Olympiades: album de l'Académie des Poètes. adoptées dans sa séance du 4 mars dernier, pour en- courager et faire continuer les recherches sur les [Edited by A. de Vaucelle.] Paris, 1872. fol. 1482. f. antiquités de la France. [By C. A. Walckenaer, and others.] [Paris, 1818?) 40. 733. g. 16. (5.) | Académie des Sciences. Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences... depuis son Select discourses, read to the Academy of Belles-Lettres établissement en 1666 (jusqu'à 1699). 11 ton. and Inscriptions at Paris. Translated from the Memoirs Paris, 1733, 34-29–33. 4º. 985. b. 1-13. of the Academy. London, 1741. 8º. 733. d. 22. The third and succeeding volumes bear the title : “ Mé- moires de l'Académie," etc. Tom. 3 is in 3 pts. and Tom. 7 The Philological Miscellany ; consisting of select essays is in 2. from the memoirs of the Academy of Belles-Lettres ... [Another copy.] T.C. 22. a. 2. translated into English. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. -London. The Philological Miscellany, etc. 1761. 8º. Mémoires de l'Académie . . . contenant les ouvrages 733. d. 2. adoptés par cette Académie avant son renouvellement Médailles sur les principaux évènements du régne de en 1699. [Edited by W. J., 's Gravesande.] Tom. 1-5. Louis le Grand, avec des explications historiques par La Haye, 1731. 4º. 733. e. 2-6. l'Académie [by F. Charpentier, P. Tallemant, J. Racine, N. Boileau Despreaux, J. de Tourreil, E. Renaudot, A. Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences contenant Dacier, E. Pavillon, and J. P. Bignon ; with a preface by les ouvrages' adoptés par cette Académie avant son P. Tallemant). L. P. Paris, 1702. fol. 139. h. V. renouvellement en 1699. [Edited by W. J. 's Grave- sande.] 6 tom. Amsterdam, 1736. 4º. T.C. 20. a. 13–18. [Another edition.] L. P. Paris, 1702. 4º. 138. e. 9. This is another copy of the preceding with new titlepages and an additional volume. [Another edition. Edited by C. Gros de Boze.] L. P. Paris, 1723. fol. 139. b. 10. [Another copy of tom. 1.] 446. e. 5. 747 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 748 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences. Académie des Sciences. Histoire de l'Académie...avec les mémoires de mathé Abrégé de l'histoire et des mémoires de l'Académie matique et de physique. Année 1699–1790. 93 vol. Royale des Sciences, 1666–1774. See BERRYAT (J.) Re- Paris, 1702–97. 4º. 985. b. 16-23 ; 985. c. 1-22 ; cueil de mémoires, etc. tom. 1-15. 1754, etc. 4º. 985. d. 1-19; 985. e. 1-17; 986. b. 1-16; 986. c. 1-14. "732. e. 1-15. The vols. for 1707 and 1718 are second editions, dated Table alphabétique des matières contenues dans l'His- respectively 1730 and 1741. The year 1772 has 2 vol. toire et les Mémoires de l'Académie (1666–1790)... publiée par son ordre, et dressée par M. Godin. . (Tom. [Another copy.] T.C. 22. a. 16. to T.C. 24. b. and T.C. 19. a. 1-3. 5-9 par P. Demours, tom. 10 par M. Cotte.) 10 tom. The volume for 1699 is a third edition, dated 1732 ; the Paris, 1734, 29–1809. 4°. 986. c. 15–19; 986. d. 1–15. The title of the fifth and subsequent volumes is “ Table Générale, etc." bearing date respectively 1719, 1719, 1720, and 1722 ; and the volumes for 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, and 1710, bear [Another copy.] . T.C. 19. a. 4-13. date 1730 and 1731. There are supplementary volumes to Nouvelle table des articles contenus dans les volumes the memoirs of certain years, the titles of which are separately de l'Académie...depuis 1666. jusqu'en 1770, dans ceux entered. The Royal Academy of Sciences having been sup- des arts et métiers publiés par cette Académie, et dans pressed by a decree of August 8, 1793, was subsequently la collection académique. Par M. l'Abbé Rozier, etc. reorganised as a branch of the Institut National, under the 4 tom. Paris, 1775, 76. 4º. 986. d. 6-9. name of Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques ; and its transactions were continued under the title of Mé [Another copy.] T.C. 19. a. 14–17. moires de l'Institut National ... Sciences Mathématiques et Mémoires de l'Institut National des Sciences et Arts. Physiques. Sciences mathématiques et physique [1796 to 1815). Suite des Mémoires...année 1718. (De la grandeur 14 tom. Paris, an vi. (1798)-1818. 4º. . et de la figure de la terre.) [By J. Cassini.] 986. e. 6–19. Paris, 1720. 4°. 985. c. 12. .. In tom. 6 the title is altered to Mémoires de l'Institut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts ; and in tom. 7 to Mémoires de la [Another copy.] T.C. 23. a. 14. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques de l'Institut National de France. In tom. 9–14 the word National is Eléments de la Géometrie de l'Infini. (Par M. de again omitted. By a decree of the 21st March, 1816, the Fontenelle.) Suite des Mémoires, etc. Institut was remodelled and the denomination of Academy Paris, 1727. 4º. 985. c. 21. restored, the Royal Academy of Sciences forming the third class of the Institut. Its transactions were continued under [Another copy.] T.C. 24. a. 2. the following title : Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Traité physique et historique de l'aurore boréale, Sciences de l'Institute de France. par M. de Mairan. Suite des Mémoires ... année [Another copy.] T.C. 1. a. 1-14. 1731. Paris, 1733. 4º. 985. d: 6. Base du système métrique décimal; ou, mesure de [Another copy.] T.C. 24. a. 8. l'arc du méridien compris entre les parallèles de Dunquerque et Barcelone, exécutée en 1792 et Seconde édition. .. augmentée de plusieurs éclair- années suivantes, par MM. Méchain et Delambre; cissemens. Paris, 1744. 4º. 716. h. 5. rédigée par M. Delambre, etc.... Suite des Mémoires de l'Institut. 3 tom. Paris, 1806-1810. 4º. La méridienne de l'Observatoire Royal de Paris, . 986. e. 20. & f. 1, 2. verifiée dans toute l'étendue du royaume, par de nouvelles observations ... par M. Cassini de Thury [Another cupy.] T.C. 1. a. 15–17. ... avec des observations d'histoire naturelle, faites Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut dans les provinces traversées par la méridienne, par de France. Annéo 1816-(29). Tom. 1-11. . M. le Mounier. Suite des Mémoires...année 1740. Paris, 1818–32. 4º. T.C. 2. a. 13. Paris, 1744. 4º. T.C. 24. a. 18. - Tom. 12, etc. Paris, 1833, etc. 4º. 2098. g. [Another copy.] 571. h. 11. In progress. In the titlepage of this copy the words “ Suite des [Another copy of tom. 1, 2.] 986. f. 20, 21. Mémoires, etc. are omitted. Tables générales des travaux contenus dans les Mémoires [Another copy.] 457. b. 2. de l'Académie... Première série, Tomes I. à xiv. (An La figure de la terre, déterminée par les observa- VI.--1815).--Seconde série ; Tomes I. à XL. (1816-1878). tions de MM. Bouguer et de la Condamine...en- 3 pt. Paris, 1881. 4º. Ac. 424/2. voyés par ordre du roy au Pérou...avec une rela Mémoires de mathématique et de physique présentés à tion abrégée de ce voyage, etc. Par M. Bouguer. l'Académie... par divers sçavans, et lûs dans ses assem- [In continuation of the memoirs of 1744.] blées. 11 tom. Paris, 1750–86. 4°. 733. f. 2-12. Paris, 1749. 4°. T.C. 22. b. 12. [Another copy.] 986. d. 17–22. & e. 1-5. Justification des Mémoires de l'Académie ... de [Another copy.] T.C. 20. a. 2–12. 1744, et du livre de la figure de la terre déterminée par les observations faites au Pérou, etc. Par M. Mémoires présentés á l'Institut... par divers savans, et Bouguer. Paris, 1752. 4º. 530. k. 31. (1.) lûs dans ses assemblées. Sciences mathématiques et physiques. 2 tom. Paris, an xiv. (1805), 1811. 4º. Seconde édition. Paris, 1809. 4º. 986. f. 13. T.C. 22. b. 13. [Another copy.] ... T.C. 2. a. 24. & T.C. 3. a. 1. Traité d'optique sur la gradation de la lumière : ouvrage posthume de M. Bouguer, ... publié par Mémoires présentés par divers savans à l'Académie M. l'Abbé de la Caille, ... Pour servir de suite aux Royale des Sciences :. , 'et imprimés par son ordre. Mémoires, etc. Paris, 1760. 4°. 783. f. 13. Sciences mathématiques et physiques. Paris, 1827, etc. 4º. *740. g. & 2098. f. g. [Another copy.] 8715. e. In progress. anvers savans Sciences hos Sciences 749 , ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 750 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED] Académie des Sciences. Académie des Sciences. Tables générales des travaux contenus dans les Mémoires The philosophical history and memoirs of the Royal présentés par divers savants à l'Academie.... Première Academy of Sciences at Paris; or, an abridgement of all série, Tomes I. et II. (1806-1811). Seconde série, Tomes the papers relating to natural philosophy, which have I. à xxv. (1827–1877). 3 pt. Paris, 1881. 4º. been published by the members of that society; the Ac. 424/2. whole translated and abridged, hy J. Martyn and E. Connoissance des Temps pour l'année 1710(-1729), Chambers. 5 vol. London, 1742. 8º. 248. h. 17-21. publiée par l'ordre de l'Académie Roïale des Sciences, Curious remarks and observations in physics, anatomy, et calculée par M. Lieutaud. (1730–34, par M. Godin; chirurgery, chemistry, botany, and medicine. Extracted 1735-58, par M. Maraldi; 1759–75, par M. de la Lande; from the history and memoirs of the Royal Academy of 1776–87, par M. Jeaurat; 1788–94, par M. Méchain; Sciences ... [and translated] by P. Templeman. 2 vol. 1795-1807, publiéo par ordre du Bureau des Longitudes,) London, 1753, 54. 8º. [and calculated by J. J.le François de la Lande. 1808– 56, etc., published by the Bureau de Longitudes and cal- Der königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris phy- culated by J. J. le François de la Lande, Delambre, sische Abhandlungen. 1692–1741. Aus dem Fran- Marion, M. J. J. le François de la Lande, Lebaillif zösischen übersetzt von W. B. A. vou Stein wehr. 13 Thle. Mesnager, Mathieu, A. Bouvard, Gaudin, Largeteau, Breslau, 1748–59. 8º. 896. f. 1-13. Servier and others]. Paris, 1909, etc. 12º and 80. Divers ouvrages de Mathématique et de Physique, par In progress. P.P. 2363. a. The volumes for 1762-67 are entitled Connoissance des Messieurs de l'Académie, etc. [Edited by P. de la Hire, - Sedileau, and L. Pothenot.] Paris, 1693. fol. Mouvemens Célestes; for 1784-86, Connoissance des Temps 49. f. 1. ou Connoissance des Mouvemens célestes ; for 1787, Con- Recueil d'observations faites en plusieurs voyages par noissance des Temps, ou Exposition des Mouvemens des ordre de sa Majesté pour perfectionner l'astronomie et la Astres. The volumes for 1830–41 are each in two pts. géographie, avec divers traitéz astronomiques, par MM. separately paged. Imperfect ; wanting the volumes for the de l'Académie, etc. 9 pt. Paris, 1693. fol. 532. l. 13. years 1679-1709, 1711-13, 1716—25, 1740, 1743, 1757, Each pt. is separately paged and several have distinct and 1759. titlepages with earlier dates than that of the general title- [Another copy. 1781, 1788, 90, 94, 97, 1800—2, 1804, 5, page. 1807-9, 1811, 1813–17, 1820–22.] 959. g. 1. Histoire du renouvellement de l'Académie ... en 1699, The volume for 1794 is imperfect ; wanting the titlepage. avec les éloges historiques de tous les académiciens morts depuis ce renouvellement, avec un discours préliminaire Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie sur l'utilité des mathématiques et de la physique. Par ... publiés... par MM. les secrétaires perpétuels. Tom. M. de Fontenelle. Paris, 1908. 12º. 896, e. 23. 1, etc. (Supplément aux Comptes rendus, etc. tom. 1, etc.) Août, 1835, etc. Paris, 1835, etc. 4º. [Another edition.] Amsterdam, 1709. 12º. In progress. Ac. 424, & 2099. b-d. 896. e. 24. Réglement intérieur de la Classe des Sciences. Table générale des Comptes rendus. Tom. 1-31. Août Paris, an xi. [1803;] 12º. 733. a. 27. 1835 à Déc. 1850. Paris, 1853. '4º. 2099. C. Réglement intérieur de l'Académie, etc. Liste de Messieurs de l'Académie Royale des Sciences [Paris, 1816.] 12º. 733. a. 28. depuis l'établissement de cette compagnie en 1616, jus- qu'en 1733. Avec le catalogue des ouvrages qu'ils ont Réglements intérieurs de l'Académie, etc. publiés. Amsterdam, 1737. 12º. 733. b. 2. Paris, 1824. 12º. 733. a. 29. [Another copy.] 731. b. 2. (5.) Regiæ Scientiarum Academiæ Ephemerides ... authore G. P. de la Hire, ad annum 1701(-1703.) 3 pt. Machines et inventions approuvées par l'Académie ... Parisiis, 1700-1702. 4°. depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1754. Dessinées et publiées par M. Gallon.. 7 tom. Paris, 1735, 77. 4º. - authore J. Lieutaud ad annum 1704. Parisiis, 1793. 4º. [Another copy.] T. C. 19. a. 18. The Natural History of Animals; containing the ana- tomical description of several creatures dissected by Nouvelles observations des taches du soleil faites à the Royal Academy of Sciences at Piiris. ... Englished l'Académie Royale les 11, 12, et 13 Aoust 1671. (Suite by R ichard] W[aller). London, 1702. fol. des observations ... avec quelques autres observations 435. g. 1. concernant Saturne.) 2 pt. Paris, 1671. 4º. 533. d, 1. (1, 2.) Prix proposés par l'Académie ... pour l'année 1720. [Another copy of pt. 1.] 529. g. 13. (20.) Paris, 1719. S. sh. 4°. 733. g. 1. (1.) Recueil de plusieurs traitez de Mathématique de l'Aca- Recueil des pièces qui ont remporté les prix fondez ... · démie. 6 pt. L. P. Paris, 1676. fol. 718. 1. 5. par M. Rouillé de Meslay...depuis 1720 jusqu'en (1772); Each pt. is separately paged, and the dates are 1673, 71, avec quelques pièces qui ont concouru aux mêmes prix. 76 and 77. 718. l. 5. 9 tom. Paris, 1728, 21-77. 4º. 733. e. 7–15. 53. i. 1. [Another copy.] 6 pt. L. P. 434. b. 1, 2. [Another copy.] A duplicate of vol. 1 and pt. of vol. 2 of the preceding, with Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique, tirés des the addition of a new general titlepage to each volume, dated registres de l'Académie, (1692, 93.) 2 vol. 1732. Paris, 1692, 93. 4º. 733. f. 1. [Another copy of tom. 1, 2.7 733. g. 1-2. (2.) [Another copy.) 985. b. 14. (1.) & 985. b. 15. (1.) Imperfect; vol. 1 wanting the general titlepage and Bernouilli's Treatise, vol. 2 wanting the general half-title, [Another copy.] T. C. 22. a. 15.. and all after the essay for 1733. Physical and mathematical memoirs, extracted from the Mémoires donnés à l'Académie ... non imprimés dans registers of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. leur temps. Par M. Fontaine. Paris, 1764. 4º. tom. 1. pt. 1. London, 1692. 4º. 733. d. 1. (3.) T.C. 23. b. 10. coo l 733 Parisiko la Ilire, um Acade 700-1702. annum 19. Epheme S 751 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 752 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences." Académie des Sciences. Journal du voyage fait par ordre du Roi à l'Équateur, Rapport fait à l'Institut ... le 29 Prairial, an 7, au nom servant d'introduction historique à la mesure des trois de la Classe de Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques, premiers degrés du méridien. Par M. de la Condamine. sur la mesure de la méridienne de Franco, et les résultats, Paris, 1751. 4º. 212. c. 12. qui en ont été déduits pour déterminer les bases du nouveau systême métrique. [Drawn up by J. H. van Supplément au journal historique, du voyage à l'équateur, · Swinden.] (Réponse du Cen Genissieu. Réponse de et au livre de la mesure des trois prémiers degrés du P. C. L. Baudin.) [Paris, 1799.] 4º. méridien: servant de réponse à quelques objections. Par 733. g. 11. (6.) M. de la Condamine. 2 pt. Paris, 1752, 54. 4º. 530. k. 31. (2, 3.) [Another copy.] F. 56*. (1*.) [Another copy.] 212. c. 13. SA collection of “ Notices des Travaux” and “ Analyses des Travaux" of the Académie des Sciences, 1801–28.7 Jugement de l'Académie ... et rapport de Messieurs les 31 pt. Paris, 1701–28. 4º. 733. h. 11. Commissaires qui approuve le nouvel échappement de montres du Sieur Caron fils, horloger, à Paris. Analyse des travaux de la Classe des Sciences Mathé- [Paris, 1754.] 12º. 533. b. 25. (3.) matiques et Physiques de l'Institut ..., pendant le deuxième semestre de 1806(-1830.) Partie physique. Recueil de mémoires et d'observations sur la formation et 25 pt. [Paris, 1806-30.] 40. sur la fabrication du Salpêtre; par les commissaires 733. h. 12. (2-21. & 23-27.) nommés par l'Académie, pour le jugement du prix du salpêtre. Paris, 1776. 8º. 62. a. 17. [A collection of reports, notices of meetings, etc. from 1799–1833.] Paris, 1799–1833. 4º. Rapport fait à l'Académie des Sciences sur la Machine 733. g. 15. (10–116), 16. Aérostatique, inventée par MM. de Montgolfier. [By [A collection of reports, etc. of the Acadéinie des Sciences J. B. Le Roy.] Paris, 1784. 4°. T. 40. (1.) and other Classes of the Institute.] Extrait des registres de l'Académie ... du 24 Mai, 1786, Paris, 1831–38. 4º. 733. h. 1, 2. et avis des cominissaires pommés par l'Académie, pour examiner le projet du Canal de Paris, etc. Institut Royal de France. Académie Royale des Sciences, [Paris, 1790.] 4º. F. 53*. (5.) Séance publique ... 1839 (1810-42, 44-47, 50, 52, 54–56, 58-61). Programme des prix ... (Ordre des Extrait des registres de l'Académie Royale des Sciences lectures, etc.) Paris, (1839–61.] 40. 733. i. 6. du 22 Novembre 1786. Rapport des Commissaires chargés par l'Académie de l'examen du projet d'un Compte rendu des travaux de la Classe des Sciences nouvel Hôtel-Dieu. Paris, 1786. 4º. B. 480. (1.) mathématiques et physiques de l'Institut ..., depuis le premier messidor an 12 jusqu'à pareil jour de l'an 13. [Another copy.] 111. g. 61. Partie physique. (Partie mathématique.) [Paris, 1805.) 4º. 733. h. 12. (1.) Prix extraordinaire proposé par l'Académie ... pour l'année 1787 [with mémoire by J. B. de Gaulle). Institut National. Classe des Sciences physiques et [Paris, 1786.] 8. sh. 4º. 936. f. 9. (3.) mathématiques. ... Rapport sur un forte-piano de Prix proposé par l'Académie ... pour l'année 1788. M. Dupoirier, etc. [Paris, 1806]. 8°. 733. d. 3. (7.) [Paris, 1786?] s, sh. 4º. 936. f. 9. (4.) Rapport adopté par la Classe des Sciences mathématiques Prix extraordinaire, proposé par l'Académie ... pour et physiques, et par celle des beaux arts, dans les l'année 1788. Paris, 1786. 8. sh. 4º. 936. f. 9. (7.). séances du 13 février et 18 mars 1809, sur l'ouvrage de M. Chladni, relative à la théorie du son. (De Prony, Extrait des registres de l'Académie ... du 20 Juin, rapporteur.) [Paris,] 1809. 4°. 733. g. 16. (33.) 1787. Rapport des commissaires chargés ... des projets Part of a collection, pp. 9–26. relatifs à l'établissement des quatre bôpitaux, Paris, 1787. 4º. B. 279. (2.) Copie du rapport fait à la Classe des Sciences physiques du 12 Mars, 1788. Troisième rapport des com- missaires, etc. Paris, 1788. 4º. B. 279. (2*.) diverses machines hydrauliques, présentées par M. Man- noury-Dectot. Argentan, [1813.] 8º. 733. d. 3. (21.) Prix proposés par l'Académie ... pour les années 1789 & 1791. [Paris, 1787 ?] s. sh. 4°. 936. f. 9. (6.) Extrait du Moniteur, No. 246 (an 1913). Institut Impérial de France. Classe des sciences physiques et Extrait des registres de l'Académie ... de 31 Mai 1788. mathématiques ... Rapport sur un mémoire de M. Bruun- [Paris,] 1788. s. sh. 4º. 936. f. 3. (1.) Neergaard, ayant pour titre: “ État de l'art de guérir Rapport historique sur les progrès des sciences mathé- en Danemarck, etc.” [Paris, 1813.] 8º. niatiques depuis 1789, et sur leur état actuel, présenté 733. d. 3. (22.) ... par la Classe des Sciences Physiques et Mathématiques de l'Institut ... rédigé par M. Delambre. France. Classe des Sciences physiques et mathématiques. Paris, 1810. 4°. 529. k. 22. Rapport sur un mémoire présenté par J. Binet sur la théorie des momens d'inertie et des axes conjugués des [Another copy.] 431. d. 11. corps. (Extrait du Moniteur (an 1812)... Rapport sur Rapport fait à l'Académie . . . le 7 Sept., 1790, des un mémoire de M. Binet jeune, qui a pour objet le moyens hydrauliques présentés par M. Detrouville. développement de la fonction d'où dépend le calcul des Publié par les commissaires de l'Académie. perturbations planétaires.) [Paris, 1814.] 8º. [Paris, 1790.] 4º. 936. f. 8. (4.) 716. f. 29. (1.) Institut Impérial de France. Exposition des faits re- Compte rendu à la Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et cueillis jusqu'à present concernant les effets de la Physiques de l'Institut National des premières ex vaccination et examen des objections qu'on a faites en périences faites par la commission nominée pour examiner différens temps... Lu à la Classe des Sciences physiques et vérifier les phénomènes du galvanisme. et mathématiques, par Berthollet, Percy, et Hâllé, [Paris, 1737). 4º. 538, 1. 31. rapporteur. Paris, 1812. 4º. 733. g. 11. (29.) 753 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 754 PARIS [CONTINUED): Académie des Sciences. Discours prononcés (in the name of the Academy), aux funérailles de M. le Baron Fourier [by P. S. Girard, G. L. C. F. D. de Cuvier, and E. F. Jomard). [Paris, 1830.] 4°. .733. g. 17. (118.) Séance ... 26 Novembre 1832 ... Ordre des lectures. [Paris, 1832.] 8. sh. 4º. 733. g. 14. (58.) PARIS [CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences. Extrait du Moniteur, No. 99 (an 1813) Institut Impé- rial de France. Classe des Sciences physiques et mathé- matiques. Rapport sur un mémoire de M. Binet (J.) intitulé : "Mémoire sur un systèine de formules ana- lytiques et leur application à des considérations geométriques.' extraits du procès-verbal de la seánce du lundi 5 Avril 1813. [Paris, 1814?] 8º. 716. f. 29. (2.) Extrait du Procès-Verbal de la Séance . .du 7 Novembre 1814. [Being a report by L. Lacroix and A. M. Legendre on Cauchy's "Mémoire sur les intégrales définies ;” with the Mémoire.] [Paris, 1814.] 40. 530. 1. 7. (1.) Forming part of the 1st volume of the "Mémoires des Savans Étrangers.” Institut Royal de France. Académie Royale des Sciences. (Extrait du Moniteur du 26 Septembre 1818.)... Rapport sur un mémoire de mécanique présenté par M. Binet, etc. [Paris, 1818.] 8º. 733. d. 3. (28.) Institut Royal de France. Académie ... des Sciences. Séance . . 29 Décembre 1834. Ordre des lectures. [Paris, 1834.] 8. sh. 4º. 733. g. 14. (67.) Institut Royal de France. Académie royale des Sciences . .1er Janvier, 1834. Salutation...au Roi, à l'occasion du renouvellement de l'année. Discours de M. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, au nom de l'Institut, etc. [Paris, 1834.] 4º. 733. g. 18. (35.) Report of the experiments on animal magnetism, made by a committee of the Medical Section of the French Royal Academy of Sciences ... translated ... with an ... introduction and an appendix. By J. C. Colquhoun. Edinburgh, 1833. 8°. 1186. i. 6. (3.) Institut Royal de France. Académie Royale des Sciences. Extrait des registres de l'Académie ..., séance du 8 Septembre 1817. Rapport sur la proposition de fonder un prix annuel de statistique. (Rapport de la Com- mission, etc.) [Paris, 1818.] . 4º. 733. h. (13.) Institut de France. Académie Royale des Sciences ... Rapport sur un mémoire de M. E. Chevaudier, relatif à la composition des différents bois, etc. 3 pt. [Paris, 1844-47.] 8º. 7075. cc. (2, 5, 7.) Recueil d'observations géodésiques, astronomiques et physiques, exécutées par ordre du bureau des longitudes de France, en Espagne, en France, en Angleterre et en Écosse, pour déterminer la variation de la pesanteur et des degrès terresties sur le prolongement du méridien de Paris, faisant suite au troisième volume de la base du système 1.étrique ; rédigé per MM. Biot et Arago, etc. Paris, 1821. 4°. 716. h. 13. ¡Another copy.] T. C. 1. a. 18. Rapport fait à l'Institut de France (Académie des Sciences), sur les avantages, sur les inconvénients, et sur les dangers comparés des machines à vapeur, dans les systèmes de simple, de moyenne et de haute pression ... C. Dupin, rapporteur. FEW MS. NOTES. Paris, 1823. 8º. 1396. f. 34. (4.) Extrait des décisions de l'Académie des Sciences, au sujet de la lithotritie. Paris, [1845?] 8º. 1188. g. 39. (2.) Institut National de France. Académie des Sciences. Séance publique du lundi 4 Mars 1850 ... Ordre des lectures. 10 Proclamation des prix décernés et des sujets de prix proposés ; 2° Notice sur l'éthérisation, par M. Velpeau ; 30 Elige historique de M. B. Delessert, par M. Flourens, sécrétaire perpétuel. 2 pt. [Paris, 1850.] :4º. 733. i. Imperfect ; wanting the “ Notice" and the “ Éloge.” Pt. 2 is separately paged. Rapport sur les observatoires météorologiques proposés pour l'Algérie. See FRANCE.—Ministère de la Guerre. Lettre de Monsieur le Ministre de la Guerre, etc. (1853.] 4º. 8756. e. Noticias sobre la historia natural y el cultivo del algodo- nal. Artículo sobre el algodon, tomado del curso de agricultura, publicado por la seccion respectiva del Insti- tuto de Francia, y traducido por ... D. P. Martinez del Rio. Mexico, 1854. 8º. 7074. cc. 1. (9.) Rapport sur la proposition d'accorder à la Section de Géographie et Navigation le même nombre de Membres qu'à toutes les autres sections ; par une Commission composée de MM. Velpeau, Général Morin, etc. Paris, (1863.] 4º. Ac. 424/3. Institut Royal de France. Académie Royale des Sciences. Rapport sur les procédés chimiques et mé- caniques employés par M. de Puymaurin fils, pour la fabrication des médailles de bronze moulées et frappées, etc. (Molard, rapporteur.) Paris, 1823. 4º. 733. h. 16. (23.) Analyse des travaux de l'Académie ..., pendant l'année 1826. Partie mathématique. · [Paris, 1826.] 4º. 733. h. 12. (22.) Recueil des discours lus dans la séance ... de l'Aca- démie ...,5 Juin 1826. Paris, 1826. 4º. 733. g. 10. (34.) Institut Royal de France. Académie Royale des Sciences. Rapport de la Commission nommée par l'Académie ; ... pour décerner les prix de médecine et de chirurgie fundés par M. de Montyon. Année 1827 ... Magendie, . rapporteur. [Paris, 1827.] 4º. 733. h. 16. (38.) De la Construction de Paratonnerres, quelques réflexions sur le rapport de la commission de l'Académie des Sciences du 14 Janvier 1867. Paris, 1868. 89. 8756. ee. Institut de France. Académie des Sciences. Commis- sion du Phylloxera. Séance du 3 Décembre 1877. Paris, 1875. 4º. Ac. 424/4. Rapport fait à l'Académie ...4 Juin 1827, par la Commission chargée de l'examen des pièces du concours pour le prix de mathématiques de l'année 1827, dont le snjet est relatif à la compression des liquides. ... Dulong, rapporteur. [Paris, 1827.] 4º. 733. h. 16. (39.) [Another copy.] 733. h. 16. (40.) Institut de France. Académie des Sciences. Recueil de mémoires, rapports et docụments relatifs à l'observa- tion du passage de Vénus sur le soleil. Paris, 1877, 76, etc. 4°. Ac. 424. (5.) In progress. 755 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 756 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences. Académie des Sciences. Description des Arts et Métiers, faites ou approuvées par Description des Arts et Métiers, etc. Messieurs de l'Académie Royale des Sciences. [Another edition.] Paris, [1772?] fol. Paris, 1761-88. fol. 65. i. 2. (10.) ALBERT D'AILLY (MICHEL FERDINAND D') Duke de DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art du Char- Chaulnes. Description d'un microscope, et de différ- bonnier, ou manière de faire le charbon de bois. ents micromètres destinés à mésurer des parties Paris, [1761.] fol. 1811. c. (1.) circulaires ou droites, avec la plus grande précision. Paris, 1768. fol. 1811. c. (9.) [Another edition.] Paris, [1779?] fol. 65. i. 5. (2.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 1. (7.) DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Additions et ALBERT D'AILLY (MICHEL FERDINAND D') Duke de corrections relatives à l'art du Charbonnier. Chaulnes. Nouvelle méthode pour diviser les in- Paris, [1770.] fol. 1811. C. (4.) strumens de mathématique et d'astronomie. [Another copy.] 65. i. 5. (3.) Paris, 1768. fol. 1811. C. (8.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 1. (6.) Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art du Cirier. Paris, 1762. fol. 1811. c. (7.) L'art du Plombier et Fontanier. Par M.*** [i.e. C. M. de La Gardette). Paris, 1773. fol. [Another copy.] 65. i. 6. (1.) 66. i. 10. (3.) DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art du BEAUVAIS-RASEAU ( DE) L'art de l'Indigotier. Couvreur. Paris, 1766. fol. 1811. c. (4.) Paris, 1770. fol. 1811. C. (2.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 7. (3.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 1. (1.) Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) L'art du Potier BEDOS DE CELLES (FRANÇOIS) pseud. [i.e. Jean François de Terre. Paris, 1773. fol. 66. i. 11. (3.) Monniotte). L'art du facteur d'Orgues. 4 pt. DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) L'art du Savon- Paris, 1966–78. fol. 66. i. 5. (2.) & 66. i. 6. nier. Paris, 1774. fol. 66. i. 11. (5.) [Another copy.] 1811. c. (3.) DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art du Ser- CHAPMAN (FREDRIK HENRIK AF) Traité de la construc- rurier. Paris, 1767. fol. 1811. C. (1.) tion des vaisseaux. Paris, 1779. fol. [Another copy.] 67. i. 1. (1.) 67. i. 3. (3.) DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) De la fonte DUDIN ( ) L'art du Rélieur-Doreur des livres. et de l'affinage du cuivre et du potin à Ville-Dieu- Paris, 1772. fol. 1811. c. (9.) les-Poëles en Normandie. [Another copy.] 66. i. 11. (4) See infra : GALON ( ) L'art de convertir le DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) L'art de faire cuivre, etc. 1764. fol. 1811. c. (4.) différentes sortes de colles. Paris, 1771. fol. Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) De la forge des enclumes. Paris, 1762. fol. 1811. c. (6.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 6. (2.) Another copy.] 65. i. 12. (6.) Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) L'art de faire DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Fabrique de les pipes à fumer le tabac. Paris, 1771. fol. l'amidon. Paris, 1772. fol. 65. i. 2. (1.) 1811. C. (3.) Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) and LA MARRE [Another copy.] 66. i. 10. (2.) ( DE) Traité général des pesches, et histoire des Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art de faire les poissons qu'elles fournissent, etc. 4 tom. 14 pt. tapis façon de Turquie, etc. Paris, 1766. fol. Paris, 1769-82. fol. 66. i. 7. (7.) 66. i. 8, 9. 66. i. 10. (1.) 1811. c. (5.) The name of De La Marre occurs on the titlepage of [Another copy.] 67. i. 2. (1.) tom. 1 only. Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art de friser Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) and others. ou ratiner les étoffes de laine, Paris, 1966. fol. L'art du Tuilier et du Briguetier. Par MM. 1811. C. (3.) Duhamel, Fourcroy & Gallon. Paris, 1763. fol. [Another copy.] 65. i. 9. (4.) 1811. C. (7.) Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art de la FERCHAULT DE RÉAUMUR (RENÉ ANTOINE). Art de draperie, principalement pour ce qui regarde les l'Épinglier; avec des additions de M. Duhamel du draps fins. Paris, 1765. fol. 1811. c. (5.) Monceau, et des remarques extraites des mémoires de M. Perronet. Paris, (1761.] fol. 1811. C. (4.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 8. (6.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 9. (1.) Du HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art de rafiner FERCHAULT DE RÉAUMUR (RENÉ ANTOINE) Fabrique le sucre. Paris, 1764. fol. 1811. c. (1.) des ancres; avec des notes et des additions de M. [Another copy.] 67. i. 1. (3.) Duhamel. Paris, 1764. fol. 1811. C. (2.) DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art de réduire [Another edition.] Paris, 1764. fol. le fer en fil...d'archal. Paris, 1768. fol. 65. i. 2. (2.) 1811. C. (5.) FERCHAULT DE RÉAUMUR (RENÉ ANTOINE) Nouvel art [Another copy.] 65. i. 12. (7.) d'adoucir le fer fondu et de faire des ouvrages de fer DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art du fondu aussi finis que de fer forgé ; suite de la 3me sect. sur le fer. Paris, 1762. fol. 1811. c. (4.) Cartier. Paris, 1762. fol. 1811. c. (4.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 12. (4.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 2. (7.) FOUGEROUX D'ANGERVILLE ( Le Criblier; suite DU HAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS) Art du du Parcheminier [by Le Français de Lalande). Chandelier. Paris, 1764. fol. 1811. C. (3.) Paris, (1752 ] fol. 66. i. 7. (3.) U (HENRI paris, 177'isli. - 757 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 758 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED]. Académie des Sciences. Description des Arts et Métiers, etc. Description des Arts et Métiers, etc. FOUGEROUX DE BONDAROY (AUGUSTE DENIS) Art de LE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) L'art de tirer des carrières la pierre d'ardoise, de la fendre et faire le Maroquin. Paris, (1766.] fol. 1811. C. (4.) de la tailler. Paris, [1762.] fol. 1811. C. (6.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 1. (5.) [Anothor copy.] 65. i. 2. (3.) LE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) Art de FOUGEROUX DE BONDAROY (AUGUSTE DENIS) Art de faire le Papier. Paris, (1761.] fol. 1811. c. (5.) travailler les cuirs dorés ou argentés. Paris, 1762. fol.. 1811. C. (2.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 7. (1.) [Another edition.] Paris, 1762. fol. 65. i. 8. (1.) LE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) Art de FOUGEROUX DE BONDAROY (AUGUSTE DENIS) L'art du faire le Parchemin. Paris, 1762. fol. 1811. C. (1.) Coutelier en ouvrages communs. Paris, 1772. fol. [Another copy.] 66. i. 7. (2.) . 1811. C. 1. [Another copy.] 65. i. 7. (2.) LE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) L'art de FOUGEROUX DE BONDAROY (AUGUSTE DENIS) Art du l’Hongroyeur. Paris, (1766.] fol. 1811. c. (2.) Tonnelier. Paris, 1763. fol. 1811. c. (9.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 12. (9.) [Another copy.] 67. i. 2. (4.) LE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) Art du FOURCROY DE RAMECOURT (CHARLES RICHARD) Art du Cartonnier. Paris, 1762. fol. 1811. c. (3.) Chaufournier. Paris, 1766. fol. 1811. C. (1.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 2. (8.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 5. (4.) PE FRANÇOIS DE LALANNE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME Art du GALON ) L'art de convertir le cuivre rouge Chamoiseur. Paris, 1763. fol. 1811. C. (6.) ... en laiton ou cuivre jaune. (De la fonte et de [Another copy.] 65. i. 2. (9.) l'affinage du cuivre et du potin à Ville-Dieu-les-poëles en Normandie. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau.) DE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) Art du 2 pt. Paris, 1764. fol. 1811. c. (4.) Corroyeur. Paris, 1767. fol. 1811. C. (3.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 8. (2.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 6. (4.) GARSAULT (FRANÇOIS ALEXANDRE DE L'art de la LE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) Art du Lingère. Paris, 1771. fol. 1811. C. (1.) Mégissier. Paris, 1765. fol. 1811. c. (6.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 1. (3.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 1. (8.) GARSAULT (FRANÇOIS ALEXANDRE DE) L'art du Bour- relier et du sellier. Paris, 1774. fol. 65. i. 2. (5.) LE FRANÇOIS DE LALANDE (JOSEPH JÉRÔME) Art du Tanneur. Paris, 1764. fol. 1811. C. (3.) GARSAULT (FRANÇOIS ALEXANDRE DE) Art du Cordon- nier. Paris, 1767. fol. 1811. C. (2.) [Another copy.] 67. i. 1. (5.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 6. (3.) LE MONNIER (PIERRE CHARLES) Description et usage des principaux instruments d'astronomie. GARSAULT (FRANÇOÍS ALEXANDRE DE) Art du Pau- Paris, 1774. fol. 65. i. 2. (4.) nier-raquetier, et de la paume. Paris, 1767. fol. 1811. C. (7.) LE VIEIL (PIERRE) L'art de la peinture sur verre [Another copy.] 66. i. 7. (4.) et de la vitrerie. Paris, 1774. fol. 66. i. 7. (5.) GARSAULT (FRANÇOIS ALEXANDRE DE) Art du Perru- LUCOTTE (J. R.) L'art de la Maçonnerie. quier, etc. Paris, 1767. fol. 1811. C. (4.) Paris, 1783. fol. 66. i. 1. (4.) [Another copy.] 66. i. 7. (6.) MACHY (JACQUES FRANÇOIS DE) L'art du Distillateur GARSAULT (FRANÇOIS ALEXANDRE DE) Art du Tail- d'eaux-fortes. Paris, 1773. fol. 65. i. 8. (4.) leur, etc. Paris, 1769. fol. 1811. c. (8.) MACHY (JACQUES FRANÇOIS DE) L'art du Distillateur [Another copy.] 67. i. 1. (4.). liquoriste. Paris, 1775. fol. 65. i. 8. (5.) HASSEYFRATZ (J. H.) Traité de l'Art du Charpentier MACQUER (PIERRE JOSEPH) Art de la teinture en soie. ... pour faire suite aux Arts et Métiers, publiés par Paris, 1763. fol. 1811. C. (5.) l'Académie des Sciences. Paris, an XII. 1804. 4°. [Another copy.] 67. i. 2. (2.) 558.* 1. 25. HULOT( ) L'art du Tourneur mécanicien. MALOUIN (PAUL JACQUES) Description et détails de Pt. 1. Paris, 1775. fol. 67. i. 2. (5.) l'art du Meûnier, du Vermicelier et du Boulenger; No more published. avec une histoire de la boulengerie et un dictionnaire de ces arts. Paris, 1767. fol. 1811. c. (1.) JARS (GABRIEL) Art de fabriquer la brique et la tuile en Hollande, et de les faire cuire avec la tourbe; [Another copy.] 66. i. 5. (1.) pour servir de suite à l'art du tuilier et du briquetier. MORAND (JEAN FRANÇOIS CLÉMENT) L'art d'exploiter Paris, 1767. fol. 1811. c. (8.) les mines de charbon de terre : 1re partie, du char- [Another copy.] 67. i. 3. (2.) hon de terre et de ses mines; 2de partie, de l'extrac- LE COMPASSEUR DE CREQUI (GASPARD) Marquis de Cour- tion, de l'usage et du commerce du charbon de terre. tivron and BOUCHU (ETIENNE JEAN) Art des Forges et (Mémoires sur les feux de houille ou charbon de fourneaux à fer. Sect. 1-3. (Sect. 4.-Traité du fer terre.) 3 vol. 6 pt. Paris, 1768–79. fol. par A. M. Swedenborg, traduit du Latin par M. 65. i. 3, 4, 5. (1.) Bouchu.) 4 pt. Paris, 1762. fol. The pagination is continuous throughout, excepting the 1811. C. (1-3. & 5.) pt. containing the "mémoires," which is separately paged. [Another edition.] 65. i. 12. (1-3. & 5.) [Another copy of pt. 1.] 1811. C. (2.) . 759 ACADEMIES. . (PARIS.] 760 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences. Académie des Sciences. [APPENDIX.] Description des Arts et Métiers, etc. See LA COSTE (B. DE) Ne trompez plus personne; ou :. NOLLET (JEAN ANTOINE) L'art de faire des chapeaux. suite du reveil matin. [A satire.] 1675...8º. Paris, 1765. fol. 1811. C. (2.) "1137. a. 1. (2.) :: [Another copy.] 65. i. 2. (11.) See LA COSTE (B. DE) Ce n'est pas la mort aux rats ny aux souris, mais c'est la mort des mathématichiens de PAULET (J.) L'art du fabriquant d'étoffes de soie. Paris; et la démonstration de la trisection de tous 7 pt. Paris, 1773-78. fol. 65. i. 9. (5.) 65. i. 10, 11. triangles par B. de la Coste. [A satire.] 1676. 8º. 274. b. 3. (4.) PERRET (JEAN JACQUES) L'art du Coutelier. 3 pt. Paris, 1771, 72. fol. 65. i. 6. (5.) & 65. i. 7. (1.) See Du HAMEL (J. B.) Regiæ scientiarum academiæ his- toril, etc. 1701. 4º. 127. d. 22. [Another copy of pt. 1. pt. 2. Sect. 1.] 1811. C. (2, 3.) A dissertation on Royal Societies. In three letters from a ROLAND DE LA PLATIÈRE (JOSEPH MARIE) L'art de nobleman on his travels to a person of distinction in préparer et d'imprimer les étoffes en laines; suivi Sclavonia, containing an account of an assembly of a de l'art de fabriquer les pannes ou peluches, les Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, a description of a velours façon d'Utrecht et les moquettes. meeting of a Royal Society in London, and a coffee- Paris, 1780. fol. 457. f. 18. (2.) house conversation. With explanatory notes. [A satire [Another copy.] 65. i. 9. (3.) on the Royal Society of London.] London, 1750. 8º. 740. c. 24. (5.) ROLAND DE LA PLATIÈRE (JOSEPH MARIE) L'art du fabricant d'étoffes en laines, etc. Paris, 1780. fol. [Another copy.] 440. i. 19. (5.) 457. f. 18. (1.) [Another copy.] 65. i. 9. (2.) Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. ROLAND DE LA PLATIÈRE (JOSEPH MARIE) L'art du fabri- Mémoires de l'Institut National-Classe des Sciences cant de velours de coton, précédé d'une dissertation morales et politiques. 1796–1803. 5 tom. sur la nature et la préparation des matières, etc. Paris, an vi.-XII., 1798-1804. 40. Paris, 1780. fol. 457. f. 18. (3.) [Another copy.] T. C. 1. a. 24. & T. C. 2. a. 1-4. ..[Another copy.] 67. i. 3. (6.) Mémoires de l'Académie, etc. 2e. série. tom. 1. ROMME (CHARLES) L'art de la Voilure. 67. i. 3. (5.) Paris, 1837, etc. 4°. 2098. e. & f. ROMME (CHARLES) Description de l'art de la Mâture. In progress. Paris, 1778. fol. 67. i. 3. (4.) Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle de ROUBO (J. A.) L'art du Layetier. Paris, 1782. fol. l'Académie des Sciences morales et politiques ... 1839 66. i. 1. (2.) (1840, etc.) Paris, 1839, etc. 49. Ac. 421/3. ROUBO (J. A.) L'art du Menuisier. 6 pt. In progress. Paris, 1769–15. fol. 66. i. 1. (9.) & 66. i. 2–4. morales et politiques. Séance publique ... 1840 (1842- [Another copy of pt. 1, 2, pt. 3 Sect. 1.] 1811. c. (2.) 45, 47–50, 52–54, 56, 60). Ordre des lectures, etc. SAINT-AUBIN DE). L'art du Brodeur. Paris, (1840-60.] 4º. 733. i. 3. Paris, 1770. fol. . 1811. C. Mémoires de l'Académie ... Savants étrangers. Tom. [Another copy.] 65. i. 2. (6.) 1, 2. Paris, 1841, 47. 4º. 2098. f. SALMON ( ) Art du potier d'étain. In progress. Paris, 1788. fol. 457. f. 19. Séances et Travaux de l'Académie des Sciences morales et politiques. Compte rendu par MM. Loiseau et C. [Another copy.] 66. i. 11. (2.) Vergé, sous la direction de M. Mignet, Sécrétaire per- THY (NICOLAS CHRISTIERN DE) Comte de Milly. L'art petuel de l'Académie. 10 tom. Paris, 1842–46. 87. de la Porcelaine. Paris, 1771. fol. 1811. C. (7.) -- Deuxième série. 10 tom. Paris, 1847-51. 8º. The date in the colophon is 1772. _ Troisième série, par M. C. Vergé sous la direction [Another copy.] 66. i. 11. (1.) de M. Mignet. 30 tom. Paris, 1852–59. 8°. Quatrième série, 20 tom. Paris, 1860-64. 80. CAUCHY (AUGUSTIN) Euvres complètes d’A. Cauchy, Cinquième série. 30 tom. Paris, 1865-73. 8º. etc. Paris, 1882, etc. 4º. Ac. 424/6. Nouvelle série. Paris, 1874, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. LAPLACE (PIERRE SIMON DE) Marquis. Euvres complètes Table générale, ... comprenant 10, les 50 volumes de Laplace, publiées sous les auspices de l'Académie des des Séances, ... de 1842 à 1859. 2°, Les 5 volumes en Sciences par MM. les Secrétaires Perpétuels [J. Bertrand 4° des mémoires de la classe des sciences morales et and J. B. Dumas]. 5 tom. Paris, 1878–82. 4°. politiques, de l'au VI. à l'au XII. 3º, Les 9 volumes des Ac. 424/7. mémoires de l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques [APPENDIX.] de 1837 à 1855. 40, Les 2 volumes des mémoires des Savants étrangers, publiés par cette Académie de 1841 à See LA COSTE (B. DE) Le Réveil matin fait par ... 1847, etc. Paris, 1860. 80. Bertrand ... pour réveiller les prétendus scavans maté- maticiens de l'Académie Royale de Paris. TA satire.] - Table générale ... 1842 à 1873. Paris, 1875. 89. 1674. 8°. 1137. a. 1. (1.) Ac. 422. & 2099. a. See LA COSTE (B. DE) Le monde désabusé, ou la démon- | Petits Traités publiés par l'Académie, etc. stration des deux lignes moyennes proportionelles. [A Paris, 1848, etc. 12º. Ac. 453. satire.] 1675. 80. 1137. a. 1. (3.) | In progress. 761 762 ACADEMIES. [PARIS.] IV PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Académie Française. Institut Royal de France. Académie des Sciences Recueil des harangues prononcées par Messieurs de morales et politiques. Prix quinquennal de cinq mille l'Académie ... dans leurs réceptions et en d'antres francs, fondé par M. le Bon F. de Beaujour ... Pro occasions différentes, depuis l'establissement de l'aca- gramme. [Paris, 1834.] 8. sh. 4°. 733. g. 15. (94). démie jusqu'à présent. Þaris, 1698. 4º. 73. f. 12. Institut Royal de France. Académie des Sciences [Another edition.] 2 tom. Amsterdam, 1709. 12º. morales et politiques. Sujets de prix et programmes 733. b. 4. adoptés ... pour être mis aux concours des années 1835 : Seconde édition, reveue et augmentée (jusqu'à ... 1782.) et 1836 ... 1836 et 1837. [Paris, 1834, 35.] 4º. 8 tom. Paris, 1714-87. 12º. 273. a. 19–26. "733. h. 1. (33.) Tom. 1–3 only are of the second edition. Institut Royal de France. Académie des Sciences Remarques et décisions de l'Académie ... recueillies par morales et politiques. Séance ... du ... 25 Avril 1835. ... Ordre des lectures. [Paris, 1835.] s. sh. 4º. M. L['Abbé] T[allemant]. Paris, 1698. 12º. 733. h. 1. (9.) 733. b. 3. Institut Royal de France. · Séance publique annuelle de Observations de l'Académie Française . . . sur les re- l'Académie ... 28 Décembre 1836.... Ordre des lectures. marques de M. de Vaugelas. Paris, 1704. 4º. 69. c. 6. (Sujets de prix et programmes adoptés par l'Académie, pour être inis aux concours des années 1837, 1838, et Lettres choisies de Messieurs de l'Académie ... sur 1839.) [Paris, 1836.] 4º. . 733. h. 1. (56.) toutes sortes de sujets, avec la traduction des fables de Faerne, par M. Perrault. Paris, 1708. 12º. Recueil des lectures faites dans la séance publique 1085. g. 10. annuelle ... 28 Décembre 1836. (Paris, 1836.] 4º. Seconde edition, augmentée. Paris, 1710. 8º. Titlepage wanting. 733. h. 1. (55.) 246. b. 7. Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle de Recueil des discours, rapports et pièces diverses lus dans l'Académie des Sciences morales et politiques ... 27 les séances .., de l'Académie. 1803, etc. Décembre 1837, etc. 2 pt. Paris, 1837. 4o. Paris, 1847, 41, 50, etc. 4°. 2099. d. 733. h. 2. (28.) In progress. [Another copy.] 733. h. 2. (29.) Institut Royal de France. Académie Française. Séance Pt. 2 wanting. publique annuelle ... 1819 (1820, 25, 27, 30, 31, 39, 41, Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle de 43, 46-49, 51–56). Ordre des lectures, etc. l'Académie ... 30 Juin 1838, etc. 2 pt. Paris, (1819-56.] 4º. 733. i. 2. Paris, 1838. 4º. 733. h. 2. (40.) Institut Royal de France. Académie Française. Séance publique annuelle ... 1839 (1840, etc.) Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle de Paris, 1839, etc. 4º. Ac. 421/2. l'Académie ... 30 Juin 1838 ... Ordre des lectures. In progress. [Paris, 1838.] 8. sh. 4º. 733. h. 2. (41.) | A collection of “ Discours de Réception," 1779–1822.7 Institut Royal de France. Académie des Sciences 28 pt. Paris, 1779-1822. 4º. 733. g. 12 morales, etc. Sujets de prix et programmes adoptés par [A collection of “Discours de Réception,” notices of l'Académie, pour ête mis aux concours des années 1839, 1840 et 1841. [Paris, 1838.] 4º. 733. h. 2. (42.) meetings, reports, etc.] Paris, 1804-34. 4º. 733. g. 14. Académie d'Horticulture. [A collection of reports on competitions for prizes.] Journal de l'Académie. 7 tom. Paris, 1831-33. 8º. 733. h. 16. (4-43.) Paris (1812–28.] 4º. - Deuxième série. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1833, 34. 8º. TA collection of " Discours," reports, and other papers Ac. 3330. connected with the Académie Française, 1820–34.) Académie Française. Paris (1820–34.] 4º. 733. g. 18. Les sentiment de l'Académie Française sur la Tragi [A collection of notices and reports of meetings, “ Dis- Comédie du Cid (of Pierre Corneille. By J. Cbapelain cours de Reception," etc. of the Académie Française and and V. Conrart]. Jean Camusat : Paris, 1638. 8º. other Classes of the Institut.] Paris, 1834-38. 4º. 839. b. 26. 733. h. 1. (18-54.) & h. 2. (12–15, 44.) Recueil de plusieurs pièces d'éloquence et de poësie, Choix d'éloges couronnés par l'Académie Française, com- présentées à l'Académie ... pour les prix de l'année posé des éloges de Marc-Aurèle, d'Aguesseau, Duguay- 1671(-1761). 39 tom. Paris, 1696–1762. 12º. Ironin et Descartes, par Thomas, de La Fontaine et 274. b. 5-43. Molière par Chamfort, de Fénelon, Racine et Catinat, A made-up copy, several of the vols. being of editions sub par Laharpe; de Suger, Fontenelle et Montausier par sequent to the first. M. Garat et de Louis XII. par M. Noel : précédé de l'essai [Another copy.] 896. e. 1. sur les éloges par Thomas. 2 tom. Paris, 1812. 8º. 1329. d. [Another copy.] 733. b. 1. (1.) Articles de règlement arrêtés par la Classe de la Langue [Another edition, 1703.] · 896. e. 2 et de la Littérature françaises de l'Institut National. Paris, an XII. [1804.] 16º. 733. a. 24. [Another copy.] 733. b. 1. (2.) Imperfect; wanting the last leaf. Statuts et règlement. See BOUDOU (L.) Choix de dis- cours de reception, etc. 1808. 8º. 733. d. 5. [Another edition, 1709.] 896. e. 3 Institution et règlement de l'Académie Française. [Another copy, 1715.] 896. e. 4. Paris, 1817. 120 733. a. 25. Pièces de poësie, qui ont remporté le prix de l'Académie. 1671-1747. 274. c. 23. Prix de vertu fondés par M. de Montyon. Discours pro- Paris, 1747. 8º. noncé par M. de Noailles, directeur de l'Académie ... Discours, barangues, et autres pièces d'éloquence de 28 Avut, 1851, sur les prix de vertu; suivi d'un livret Messieurs de l'Académie Françoise et autres beaux esprits. contenant les récits des actions vertueuses qui ont obtenu 2 tom. Amsterdam, 1697. 8º. 733. a. . des médailles, etc. Paris, 1851. 12º. 733. a. e portademie F136. 4: 44.) 763 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 764 I PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie Française. Académie Française. Le Dictionnaire de l'Académie Françoise, etc. [The Nouveau Vocabulaire Français, ou Abrégé du Dic- dedicatory epistle and preface by F. Charpentier.] (Le tionnaire de l'Académie, augmenté. ... par De Wailly, Dictionnaire des Arts et des Sciences, par. M. D[e] Membre de l'Institut National, et de Wailly, fils aîné. C[orneille].) 4 tom. J. B. Coignard: Paris, 1694. fol. Paris, 1801. 8°. 626. f. 8. 12953. k. 3. Seconde édition. Reveue et corrigée de plusieurs fautes, Abrégé du dictionnaire de l'Académie Française, d'après et où l'on a mis dans l'ordre alphabétique les additions la dernière édition publiée en 1835 ... Par M. P. Lorain. qui estoient à la fin de l'édition précédente. (Le grand 2 tom. 1838. Dictionnaire des Arts et des Sciences, etc.) 4 tom. See PANTHÉON. Panthéon Littéraire. (Belles Lettres.) Amsterdam, 1696. fol. 630. m. 5-7. 1835, etc. 8º. 2043. g. Nouveau Dictionnaire de l'Académie. (Revised mainly [Another edition.] 2 tom. Paris, 1858. 8º. by F. S. Regnier des Marais. With a dedicatory epistle 12953. g. 19. by G. Massieu.] 2 tom. Paris, 1718. fol. Le Dictionaire des Halles, ou extrait du Dictionaire 625. 1. 3, 4. de l'Académie, etc. [By - Artaud.] Quatrième édition. [Revised mainly by C. Pineau Bruxelles (Paris), 1696. 12º. 236. b. 15. Duclos.] 2 vol. Paris, 1762. fol. · 1332. l. L’Apothéose du Dictionnaire de l'Académie, et [Another copy.] 12953. k. 2. son expulsion de la region céleste, etc. [By A. [Another copy.] 678. i. 11, 12. Furetière ? or P. Richelet? or Chastein?] La Haye, 1696. 16º. 12952. aa. 6. [Another copy.] 68. h. 11. There is a second titlepage engraved. Le génie de la langue, extrait dų Dictionnaire de l'Aca- démie Française, de la ivme édition, 1762, et des meilleurs Coup d'oeil d'un homme impartial sur l'affaire rela- auteurs. 2 tom. Amsterdam, 1764. 8º. 12953. c. 19. tive à deux éditions du Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française qui se trouvent en concurrence dans le Cinquième édition (revised by Salis, Gence, and Buurlet comnerce, etc. [By A. Bossange ?] de Vauxcelles ; with a preliminary discourse by D. J. Paris, an x. (1802). 8º. F. 1260. (4.) Garat). 2 tom. J.J. Smits et Ce. : Paris, an vil., VI. [1799, 98.] 4º. 829. i. 27. Discussion sur le Dictionnaire de l'Académie Fran- çaise, etc. [Paris, 1802.] 8º. F. 1260. (2.) Another copy.] 625. 1. 5, 6. One of twenty-five copies printed in folio. Remarques morales, philosophiques et grammati- cales sur le Dictionnaire de l'Académie Françoise. [Another copy.] 69. h. 2, 3. *pP*p* [By G. Feydel.] Paris, 1807. 8º. Nouvelle édition, enrichie de la traduction allemande 12952. c. 29. des mots, par S. H. Catel. 4 tom. See NODIER (J. E. c.) and ACKERMANN (P.) Vocabu- Berlin, 1800, 1801. 4º. 626. k. 12, 13. laire ... extrait ... du Dictionnaire de l'Académie Nouvelle édition, augmentée de plus de vingt mille publié en 1835. 1836. 8º. 1331. d. articles, etc. [by J. C. Laveaux). 2 tom. Paris, an x.-1802. 4º. See PAUTEX (B.) Remarques sur le Dictionnaire 68. d. 1. de l'Académie Française. 1856. 12º. Cinquième édition. 2 tom. 12953. de. 3. (5.) Paris, Senlis (printed], 1825. 4º. 1332. h. See LEGOARANT (B.) Nouveau dictionnaire critique ... [Another edition.) Revu, corrigé, et augmenté par ou examen raisonné et projet d'amélioration de la sixième l'Académie elle-même. 2 tom. édition du Dictionnaire de l'Académie, etc. 1858. 8º. 12954. g. 3. Paul Dupont : Paris, 1835. 4º. 12952. f. 10. A counterfeit edition. Dictionnaire historique de la langue française, com- Sixième édition. With a preface by A. F. Villemain.) prenant l'origine, les formes diverses, les acceptions 2 tom. Firmin Didot frères : Paris, 1835. 4º. successives des mots, etc. Paris, 1858, etc. 4º. 12954. h. 6. In progress. [Another copy.] Sixième édition. 2 tom. Paris, (1855?] 4º. 12943. f. [Another copy.] 1331. i. This is a duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage. See LAROUSSE (P.) and BOISSIÈRE (P.) Examen critique Wanting the half-title. du Dictionnaire Historique que vient de publier l'Aca- Septième édition, dans laquelle on a reproduit pour la déinie. [1868.] 8º. 736. g. première fois les préfaces des six éditions précédentes. 2 tom. Paris, 1878. 4º. 2117. b. [APPENDIX.] Complément du Dictionnaire de l'Académie ... publié sous la direction d'un membre de l'Académie ... et| See P., M. Relation contenant l'histoire de l'Académie précédé d'une préface par L. Barré. Paris, 1842. 4º. 1 Françoise, etc. 1671. 12º. 733. a. 1. 2117. b. See P., M.D. 1331. i. [Another copy.] Paris, 1847. 4º. Histoire de l'Académie Françoise, etc. Duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage, and with By P. Pellisson-Fontanier.] 1688. 12º. 8309. a. “ Notice et Articles," which do not occur in the preceding See PELLISSON-FONTANIER (P.) Histoire de l'Académie copy. Wanting the half-title. Françoise, etc. 1717. 120. 896. e. 5. (1.) Vocabulaire françois ou Abrégé du Dictionnaire de - l'Académie françoise ; auquel on a ajouté une nomen- 1729. 4º. 733. e. 1. clature géographique. [By J. Goulin.] 2 vol. 1730. 12º. 733. b. 7, 8. Paris, 1771. 8º. 626. f. 5 1743. 12º. 274. c. 4, 5. Nouvelle édition. Paris, 1789. 8º. 626. f. 7. 1858. 8º. 2310. g. 2272. g. 765 766 ACADEMIES. [PARIS.] PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Académie Française. Académie Royale de Chirurgie. [APPENDIX (continned).] Mémoires (et Prix). Nouvelle édition, revue... et suivie A Messieurs les Académiciens qui ont esté presens à la de notes, . . . d'une notice biographique, etc. Par M. lecture des vuvrages donnés pour le prix de poesië qui Fossone. Tom. 1-9. Paris, 1836–39. 80. Ac. 3731. devoit estre distribué au mois d'Aoust 1703. Tom. 8 and 9 are intitled Prix, etc. [Paris ? 1703.] 12º. - 596. b. 18. (2.) [Another edition.] Précédes d'une analyse de ces Without titlepage. mémoires par M. Marjolin, et suivis de deux mémoires See THOULIER D'OLIVET (P. J.) Histoire de l'Académie inédits. 3 tom. 1836, 37. See BAYLE (A. L. J.) En- Françoise, etc. 1730. 12º. : 896. e. 6. cyclopédie des sciences médicales. (Septième division.) 1834, etc. 80. 7305. eee. Poetarum ex Academia Gallica, qui Latinè aut Græcè scripserunt, carmina. [Edited by J. Thoulier d'Olivet.] Séances publiques (1775–79]. Paris, 1779. 4º. Altera editio. Parisiensi auctior. 781. h. 8. (2.) Hagæ Comitum, 1740. 8º. 78. b. 1. Académie Royale de Médecine, afterwards Académie See ALEMBERT (J. L.) Histoire des membres de l'Aca- Impériale, etc. démie Française, etc. 1787, etc. 12º. 896. e. 13–18. Risposta a varie quistioni intorno alle sepolture proposte alla R. Società di Medicina di Parigi in nome del Gran Séance extraordinaire et secrète de l'Académie ... tenue Maestro della religione di-Malta, etc. le 39 Mars 1789 à l'occasion des États-Généraux. [A See AMORETTI (c.) and SOAVE (F.) Opuscoli scelti sulle satire.] [Paris, 1789.] 80. 911. b. 21. (5.) scienze, etc. Tom. 4. 1778, etc. 4º. 981. h. 4. Biograpbie des Quarante de l'Académie Française. By Mémoires. Paris, 1828, etc. 4º. Ac. 3725. A. M. Barthélewy, J. P. A. Méry and J. L. Vidal.] In progress. Paris, 1826. 8º. 733. d. 24. Rapports et discussions de l'Académie Royale de Méde- See DROSNAY (A. DE) Les petits mystères de l'Académie cine sur le magnétisme animal, publiés avec des notes Française, etc. 1844. 8º. 733. d. 25. explicatives par M. P. Foissac. Paris, 1833. gº. 775. k. 27. See S., J. Les Femmes à l'Académie, etc. 1863. 8º. Bulletin... rédigé par E. Pariset, L. C. Roche et J. B. 11826. g. Bousquet (A. Gérardin, E. F. Dubois, F. Mêlier, C. M. See VANSSAY (H. DE) Le Fils de Giboyer ... et Gibert, I. A. H. Depaul, M. G. A. Devergie, I. Béclard, l'Académie Française. 1863. 8º. 11795. ee. H. Roger, etc.) 36 tom. Paris, 1836–71. 8º. La Conspiration des Quarante. [An attack on the 2me Série. Publié par F. Dubois, J. Béclard (H. French Academicians, by Théophile Silvestre.] Roger). Paris, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 3725/3. Paris, 1864. 8º. . 11826. g. Extract from the Bulletin of the Paris Academy of Avertissement fra l'Académie ... angaaende Hr. B*** Medicine. (Vol. iv., No. 10.) Report made to the forslag om det Danske Sprogs indförsel udi Frankrige. Academy of Medicine on the use of Gélis and Conté's Fordansket af C. M. Priebst. [Copenhagen], 1756. 8º. Dragees of Lactates of Iron, etc. Paris, (1865.] 8º. 236. d. 4. (2.) 7510. aa. Académie Impériale de Médecine. Sicherste Methode, die Anwesenheit des Arseniks bei See infra : Académie Royale, etc. Arsenikvergiftungen zu ermitteln, im Auftrag der königl. Akademie der Medicin zu Paris bekannt ge- Académie Nationale de l'Industrie Agricole, Manu- macht von Husson, Adelon, Pelletier, Chavalier und facturière et Commerciale. Caventou. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Dr. See supra : Académie de l'Industrie, etc. Walther... und herausgegeben von...R. H. Rohatzsch. München, [Augsburg printed,] 1842. 8º. Académie Poétique de France. 6095. b. 24. (3.) Brises françaises. Poésies collectives publiées par Rapport à l'Académie Royale de Médecine sur la peste et l'Académie Poétique de France. (Euvres couronnées les quarantaines, fait, an nom d'une commission, par dans le concours de 1878. Rapport sur les concours de M. le docteur Prus; accompagné de pièces et documents, poésie et de prose, par A. Martin, etc. pp. 108. et suivi de la discussion dans le sein, de l'Académie. Paris, 1879. 8º. 11483. h. 3. 3 pt. Paris, 1846. 8º. 1166. g. 31. Académie Royale de Chirurgie. See LAGRANGE (A, DE A Messieurs les membres de la Chambre des Pairs... Réflexions au sujet du Rap- See supra: LONDON.—Sydenham Society. OTTLEY (D.) port de l'Académie de Médecine concernant la reste Observations on Surgical Diseases of the Head and Neck. et les quarantaines. 1847. 8º. 17560. d. Selected from the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery of France. 1848. 8.0. . Ac. 3837/4. Académie Impériale de Médecine. Règlement et per- sonnel. Paris, 1858. 12º. Ac. 3725/7. Règlement pour une Académie de Chirurgie. Prix Rapport ... par l'Académie Impériale de Médecine sur Paris, [1732]. 4º. 551.. d. 2. (13.) les vaccinations pratiquées en France pendant les années 1858 et 1859. Paris, 1860. 8º. 7561. f. Recueil des pièces qui ont concouru pour le prix de l'Académie (1733-58]. 3 tom. Paris, 1753-59. 4º. Annuaire, etc. Paris, 1862. 120. Ac. 3725/6. 549. i. 14-16. Report presented to the Minister of Agriculture... by Another edition. 1733–83.] 5 tom. [Tom. 5 edited by the Imperial Academy of Medicine respecting the the École de Santé.] Vaccinations performed in France during the year 1867. Paris, 1770, 57, 86, 78, an 6 [987. 4º. T.C. 21. b. 14. Translated and abridged, with the arithmetical pro- Tom. 4 and 5 are each in 2 pt., and in these two vols. the portions of the statistics calculated ... by G. S. Gibbs, title is altered to: Mémoires sur les sujets proposés pour les etc. London and Darlington (printed), 1870. 8º. prix, etc. 7561. cc. Mémoires. 5 tom. Paris, 1743–74. 4º. Rapport ... sur les vaccinations pratiquées en France T.C. 21. b. 9-13. pendant l'année 1868. Paris, 1870. 8° 761. f. 767 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 768 11735. a. PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Académie Royale de Médecine, afterwards Académie Académie Royale de Musique. Impériale, etc. Mémoire justificatif des sujets de l'Académie Royale de Discussion sur les rapports à établir entre la médecine Musique, en réponse à la Lettre anonyme qui leur a été et la pharmacie dans l'armée, etc. Paris, 1873. 8º. adressée le 4 Septembre 1789, avec l'épigraphe : Tu Ac. 3725/8. dors, Brutus, et Rome est dans les fers. Rapport . . . sur les vaccinations pratiquées en France [Paris,] 1789. 8º. F. 567. (6.) pendant l'année 1874. Paris, 1876. 80 7561. h. 2. Précis sur l'opéra et son alministration, et réponses à Académie Royale de Musique. différentes objections. [With an appendix, containing : Extraits des comptes de l'Académie Royale de Musique See Z., X. Y. Le Nouvel Opéra, etc. 1875. 12º. ...;... Tableau des pensionnaires de l'Académie, etc. T 11795. ccc. 3. [Paris, 1791?] 4º. 936. f. 10. (6.) Recueil général des opéra representez par l'Académie Royale de Musique, depuis son établissement. [Edited | Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture. by I. N. de Francini, H. de Gaureault, sieur de Dumont Procès verbaux de l'Académie Royale de Peinture et de and others.] 16 tom. Paris, 1703-45. 12º. Sculpture, 1648–1792, publiés .. par M. A. de Mon- 242. e. 33-48. taiglon. [Another copy of tom. 1-10.] 11735. a. See infra : Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français. Achille et Polixène, tragédie en musique, representée MONTAIGLON (A. DE) Procès-verbaux, etc. par l'Académie Royale de Musique.' 1875, etc. 80. See RECUEIL. Recueil des Opera, etc. Tom. 3. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de l'Académie Royale 1684, etc. 12º. 11735. a. de Peinture et de Sculpture depuis 1648 jusqu'en 1664, [by H. Festelin?] Publiées pour la première fois par A. sentée... par l'Académie Royale de Musique. de Montaiglon. 2 tom. Paris, 1853. 16º. See RECUEIL. Recueil des Opera, etc. Tom. 3. 12234. a. 2. 1684, etc. 12º. 11735. a. Forming part of a collection entitled “ Bibliothèque Elzévirienne." Amadis, tragédie en musique, representée par l'Acadé- mie Royale de Musique, etc. Conférences de l'Académie ... pendant l'année 1667. See RECUEIL. Recueil des Opera, etc. Tom. 3. Paris, 1668. 4º. 563. a. 3. 1684, etc. 12º. [Another copy.] Paris, 1669. 4º. 61. d. 10. Armide, tragédie en musique. Representée par l'Acadé- This is a duplicate of the preceding, with the date on the mie Royale de Musique. titlepage altered. See RECUEIL. Recueil des Opera, etc. Tom. 3. [Another copy.] 674. h. 6. (2.) 1684, etc. 12º. 11735. a. [Another copy.] 563. a. 4. Bellerophon : tragédie representée par l'Académie [Another edition.] Conférences de l'Académie ... (7 Royale de Musique. Mai-3 Décembre 1667,) par Mr. Félibien. See RECUEIL. Recueil des Opera, etc. Tom. 2. . Londres, [The Hague ?] 1705. 12º. 11735. a. 1685. 12º. 1043. d. 16. [Another cupy.] 7856. a. 4. (2.) Les Testes de l'Amour et de Bacchus. Pastorale repre- sentée par l'Académie Royale de Musique. Collection des livrets des anciennes expositions depuis See RECUEIL. Recueil des Opera, etc. Tom. 1. 1673 jusqu'en 1800. 42 pt. 1684, etc. 12º. 11735. a. Paris, Nogent le-Rotrou Īprinted], 1869–72. 12º. Psyché, tragédie. Representée par l'Académie Royale Ac. 4552. de Musique. Exposition des ouvrages de l'Académie ... faite dans See RECUEIL. Recueil des Opera, etc. Tom. 1. une sale du Louvre le 25 Août, 1753. 80. 1684, etc. 12º. [Paris, 1753.7 1103. a. 13. (7.) 11735. a. Arrêt rendu à l'Amphithéâtre de l'Opéra sur la plainte. La Bourgeoise au Sallon. Londres, 1787. 8º. du Milieu du Parterre intervenant dans la querelle des 117. i. 22. deux coins. [Paris, 1753.] 8º. 1103. b. 21. (7.) Adresse à l'Assemblée Nationale par la presque totalité des officiers de l'Académie ... aux quels se sont joints La Guerre de l'Opéra ; lettre écrite à une dame en plusieurs académiciens. Projet de statuts et réglemens province, par quelqu'un qui n'est ni d'un coin ni de pour l'Académie. Observations faisant suite à l'artresse, l'autre. [By J. Cazotte?] [Paris ? 1753.] 8º. etc. [Paris], 1790. 4º. 936. f. 9. (10.) 1103. b. 21. (15.) See RÉPONSE. Réponse du Coin du Roi au Coin de la Adresse et projet de statuts et règlemens pour l'Académie Reine. (Relative to a dispute between rival factions at Centrale de Peinture, Sculpture, Gravure & Archi- the Paris Opera.] [1753.] 8º. 1103. b. 21. (6.) tecture, présentés à l'Assemblée Nationale par la majorité des Membres de l'Académie Royale de Peinture & La Réforme de l'Opéra. [In verse.] [Paris, 1753.] 8º. Sculpture, etc. Paris, 1790. 8°. F. 1204. (5.) 1103. b. 21. (16.) Jugement de l'Orchestre de l'Opéra. "On the relative A messieurs du Comité de constitution, par les officiers merits of French and Italian Musie. By C. C. de de l'Académie ... en apportant leur nouveau plan de Rulhière.] [Paris ? 1780?] 8º. 1103. a. 11. (6.) Statuts. [Paris,] 15 Fevrier, 1791. 4º. 936. f. 9. (16.) La galerie de l'Académie Royale de Musique, contenant Pétition par l'Académie de Peinture & Sculpture, lue à les portraits, en vers, des principaux sujets, qui la com- la barre de l'Assemblée Nationale, le Samedi, 5 Novembre, posent en la présente année 1754, dédiée a J. J. Rous- 1791. [Paris, 1791.] 8. sh. 4°. 936. f. 9. (23.) seau... par un zélé partisan de son systême sur la mu- sique françoise [L. Travenol]. [Paris,] 1754. 89. Précis motivé par les officiers de l'Académie ... & plu- 557.* d. 30. (4.) sieurs académiciens qui s'y sont joints, pour servir de Lettre à Messienrs les premiers sujets de l'opéra. réfutation à un projet de statuts d'académie centrale par Tu dors, Brutus, & Rome est dans les fers. quelques académiciens. [Paris,] 1791. 4º. (Paris, 1789.] 80 F. 568. (3.) 936. f. 9. (17.) 769 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 770 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture. Association Polytechnique. Paris, le 12 Juin 1793, deuxième de la République : Entretiens Populaires publiés par E. Thévenin. Te adresse à la Convention Nationale par la Société des série (1866). * Barral. Situation de l'agriculture- Arts réunis de Peinture, Sculpture, Architecture, Bouchardat... Du blé au point de vue de l'hygiène- Gravure, céante au Louvre, etc. [on the completion of the Babinet. De la période glaciaire, etc. Paris, 1867. 8º. Louvre, etc.] [Paris, 1793.] 40. 936. f. 9. (34.) Ac. 4417/2. This Academy was suppressed in August 1793; it was subse- Histoire de l'Association. Polytechnique et du développe- quently revived as class 4 of the Institut National, and in the ment de l'instruction populaire en France. Ouvrage year 1816 was reorganized and extended as a branch of the publié par le Conseil de l'Association Polytechnique à Institut de France, under the title of Académie Royale des I'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de la fondation Beaux-Arts, for which see supra: “Académie des Beaux- de l'Association. * 1830–1880. pp. vii. 305. Arts." Paris, 1880. 4º. 8356. k. 4. [Another copy.] 936. f. 9. (36.) Association pour l'Encouragement des Études Académie Royale des Médailles et des Inscriptions. Grecques. See supra : Académie des Inscriptions. Annuaire, etc. (Supplément.) Paris, 1867, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5336/2. Association des Médecins de Paris. Greek Monuments. Monuments Grecs. Association des Médecins de Paris. Assemblée générale Paris, 1872, etc. 4°. In progress. Ac. 5336. annuelle ... 26 Janvier 1851 ... Compte rendu par M. Perdrix secrétaire, etc. Paris, [1851.] 8º. magna Athénée des Arts. Broie mécanique rurale. Rapport fait à l'Athénée des Association générale des Médecins du Département Arts sur la broie mécanique rurale de l'invention de de la Seine. M. Laforest. Paris, 1825. 8º. 7074. C. (14.) Association générale des Medecins du Département de la Seine. Adresse à l'Assemblée Nationale sur la re-organi- | Athénée Oriental. sation de l'assistance publique dans la ville de Paris. ¡Paris,] 1848. 4°. 7680. e. See infra: Société d'Ethnographie Américaine et Orientale.- Athénée Oriental. Association Polytechnique. Bibliothèque du Roi. See infra : Bibliothèque Royale, Conférences de l'Association Polytechnique: publiées par E. Thévenin. 1re série (1859). Le Chaos, l'Homme, afterwards Impériale. I'Agriculture, les Chemins de Fer; par MM. Babinet, Ph. Chasles, Barral, Perdonnet. Paris, 1860. 8º. Bibliothèque Impériale. 12206. gg. 7. (1.) See infra : Bibliothèque Royale, etc. One of the series called : “ Bibliothèque des Chemins de Fer." Bibliothèque Nationale. Conférences de l'Association Polytechnique pour l'en See infra : Bibliothèque Royale, etc. seignement gratuit des ouvriers faites...les 8 et 15 Juin 1862. Le travail, son influence sur la santé, par A. Bibliothèque Royale, afterwards Impériale, etc. Bouchardat, etc. Paris, 1863. 12º. 7406. aa. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Regiæ. [With appendices, etc. By A. Mellot.] 4 tom. Cours d'Économie Industrielle recueilli et publié par E. Thévenin, etc. Paris, 1866, etc. 8º. 2049. f. Parisiis, 1739–44. fol. Ac. 4417. In progress. [Another copy.] 123. 1. 7-10 [Another copy.] 8205. aaa. Collection orientale. Manuscrits inédits de la Biblio- Entretiens populaires publiés par E. Thévenin. 2e série thèque Royale traduits et publiés par ordre du Roi. (1861). Leçons de MM. Babinet, G. Saint-Hilaire, Paris, 1836, etc. fol. In progress. 756. 1. 1-8. Barral, Bouchardat, Perdonnet, Homberg, Etex, etc. Paris, 1862. 8º. 12206. ee. 6. (2.) Inventaire des Manuscrits latins conservés à la Biblio- One of a series entitled : “ Bibliothèque des Chemins de thèque Impériale ..., faisant suite a la série dont le Fer.” catalogue a été publié en 1741. Par L. Delisle. 5 pt. Paris, 1863–71. 8º. 11900. dd. Entretiens populaires publiés par E. Thévenin. 3e Série (1862). Leçons de MM. Babinet, Trousseau, Lesseps, Manuscrits Orientaux. Catalogues des Manuscrits hé- Bouchardat, etc. Paris, 1863. 8º. 12206. ee. 2. (1.) breus et samaritains, des Manuscrits syriaques et sabéens, One of a series entitled : “ Bibliothèque des Chemins de etc. Compiled by — Zotenberg, and published under Fer." the direction of J. A. Taschereau.] Entretiens populaires publiés par E. Thévenin. 4e série [Paris,] 1866, etc. 4º. Cat. Desk. R.R. (1863). Leçons de MM. Bouchardat, Duval, etc. In progress. Paris, 1864. 8º. Bibliothèque Impériale.—Département des Manuscrits. One of a series entitled : “ Bibliothèque des Chemins de Catalogue des Manuscrits français (under the direction Fer." of J. A. Taschereau). Paris, Mesnil [printed], 1868, etc. 40. Entretiens populaires, publiés par E. Thévenin. 5e In progress. Cat. Desk. R.R. série (1864). Paris, 1865. 8°. Ac. 4417/2. [Another copy.] 11902. i. Entretiens populaires, publiés par E. Thévenin. 6e série (1865), 1re partie. Leçons de MM. Burat, ... Batbie, Inventaire des Manuscrits latins de la Bibliothèque ... C. Duveyrier. (2e partie. Leçons de MM. Passy, Nationale insérés au fonds des nouvelles acquisitions du ... Franck, ... Mortelot.) 2 pt. Paris, 1866. 12º. 1er août 1871 au 1er mars 1874. [By L. V. Delisle. 7 12206. ff. Nogent-le-Rotrou, (1874.] 8º. 11904. g. 1. (16.) MM. Bouchardat, Du 4.12.2016. f. 771 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 772 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Bibliothèque Royale, afterwards Impériale, etc. Bibliothèque Royale, afterwards Impériale, etc. Inventaire général et méthodique des manuscrits français Bulletin mensuel des publications étrangères reçues par de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Par L. Delisle. le Département des Imprimés de la Bibliothèque Na- Paris, Montbélian (printed], 1876, etc. 8º. tionale. Paris, 1877, etc. 8°. In progress. 1153. In progress. 11905. i. 12. Bibliothèque Nationale. Catalogue de l'Histoire de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Département des Manuscrits, Grande-Bretagne. Paris, 1878, etc. 4° BB. M. Chartes et Diplômes. Notice des objets exposéx. In progress.—Lithographed throughout. Paris, 1878. 89. 11904. bb. 7. [Another copy.] 823. k. Catalogue des Manuscrits espagnols de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Par A. Morel-Fatio. [Paris,] 1881, etc. 4º. Bibliothèque Nationale. Département des Imprimés- In progress. 1888. a. 11. Notice des objets exposés. Paris, 1878. 8º. 11904. bb. 8. Inventaire des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Bibliothèque Nationale. Département des Imprimés. Fonds de Cluni. Par L. Delisle. pp. xxv. 413. Catalogue alphabétique des ouvrages mis à la libre dis- Paris, Chartres (printed], 1884. 8º. 11903. k. 1. position des lecteurs dans la salle de travail, précédé d'un avertissement et accompagné d'un plan de la salle. [Another copy.] 11905. f. 29. pp. xx. 257. Paris, 1879. 8º. BB. R. Catalogue des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque du Liste d'ouvrages donnés à la Bibliothèque Nationale par Roy. [By P. J. Boudot and C. Sallier. « Droit Cano le Ministère de l'Instruction Publiquo en août, 1879. nique" by A. Melot. Preceded by Mémoire historique pp. 112. [Paris, 1879.] 4°. 11905. b. 16. sur la Bibliothèque du Roy. By J. B. Jourdan.] Théo- Lithographed. logie, 3 tom; Belles Lettres, 2 tom; Jurisprudence, Bibliothèque Nationale. Imprimés. Manuscrits. Es- 2 tom. Paris, 1739-53. fol. 2049. f. tampes. Notice des objets exposés. 3 pt. [Another copy.] 123. 1. 1. Paris, Angers [printed), 1881. 8º. 11904. c. 18. Imperfect, wanting tom. 2 of “ Jurisprudence.” Choix de documents géographiques conservés à la Biblio- Essai du Catalogue des livres imprimés sur vélin de la thèque Nationale. [Plates, with an “ Avertissement” by L. D., i.e. Léopold Victor Delisle.] pp. iv. Bibliothèque Impériale. [By J. B. B. van Praet.] ON VELLUM. Paris, 1805. fol. C. 43. i. 6. 1850. d. 8. Paris, 1883. ful. Pp. 1-21; no more published. Only two copies were Catalogue des dissertations et écrits académiques prove- printed on vellum. The portion published contains a descrip nant des échanges avec les universités étrangères et tion only of the books bearing dates 1457-60. reçus par la Bibliothèque Nationale en 1882, etc. Paris, Bar-le-Duc (printed], 1884, etc. 8º. Catalogue des livres imprimés sur vélin de la Biblio- In progress. 11904. d. 17. thèque du Roi. [By J. B. B. van Praet.] 6 tom. Paris, 1822-28. 80. 2048. a. Bibliothèque Nationale. Département des Estampes. Notice des objets exposés. Paris, 1878. 8º. [Another copy.] 620. d. 13-17. 7858. aa. 11. Bibliothèque Impériale. Département des Médailles. [Another copy.] G. 432*-5*. Pierres gravées et antiques. Description sommaire des Catalogue de livres imprimés sur vélin, qui se trou monuments exposés. Paris, 1867. 8°. 7755. aa. vent dans les bibliothèques tant publiques que particu- lières, pour servir de suite au Catalogue des livres im- primés sur vélin de la Bibliothèque du Roi. [By J. B. chacun des dépôts qui la composent, avec la description B. van Praet.] 4 tom. Paris, 1824-28. 8º. des bâtimens et des objets les plus curieux à voir dans 2048. a. ces différens dépôts. [By N. T. Le Prince.] Paris, 1782. 12º. 620. d. 18-21. 271. a. 37. [Another copy.] Geschichte der Königl. Pariser Bibliothek von ihrem [Another copy.) G. 436*-7*. ersten Ursprunge an. Uebersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von G. C. E. W[estphal]. Inventaire alphabétique des livres imprimés sur vélin de Quedlinburg, 1778. 8º. 819. b. 28. la Bibliothèque Nationale. Complément du catalogue publié par Van Praet. Conversation familière entre un Homme de Lettres et un Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1877. 8º. ancien Libraire, sur le projet de supprimer les armoiries, 2048. a. et autres marques de propriété féodale, empreintes sur la [Another copy.] G, 432*-5*. reliûre de tous les livres de la Bibliothèque Nationale. [By – Roset.] pp. 48. [Paris, 1793-] * 8º. Bibliothèque Impériale. Département des Imprimés. F. R. 129. (8.) Catalogue de l'Histoire de France. [Published under Règlement pour la Bibliothèque Nationale. the direction of J. A. Taschereau.] Paris, 1855, etc. 4º. Paris, an iv. (1796). 8°. 619. g. In progress. B. B. M. Notice des estampes exposées à la Bibliothèque du Roi; [Another copy.j 11903. m. contenant des recherches historiques et critiques sur ces Bibliothèque Impériale. Departement des Imprimés. gravures et sur leurs auteurs. [By J. Duchesne.] Paris, 1819. 80. 7855. d. 8 the direction of J. A. Taschereau.] Paris, 1857, etc. 4º. [Another edition.] Paris, 1819. 8º. 1044. c. 24. In progress. B. B. O. See DUCHESNE (JEAN) Notice des Estampes exposées à la [Another copy.] 823. k. Bibliothèque Royale, etc. 1841. 12º. 7844. bb. La Bibliothèque Nationale en 1875 (1876). Rapport à Lettres des Conservateurs de la Bibliothèque Royale sur M. le Ministre de l'Instruction Publique. l'ordonnance du 22 Février 1839 relative à cet établisse- Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1876, 77. 89. ment. [Signed Jomard, Hase, and others.] 11902. dd. 5. Paris, 1839. 8°. 822. h. 13. (3.) Départemen Publishes etc. 40. 773 774 ACADEMIE des .. fol. red. k. PARIS [CONTINUED]. PARIS (CONTINUED). Bibliothèque Royale, afterwards Impériale, etc. Bureau des Longitudes. Bibliothèque Nationale. Observations du Conservatoire Observations Astronomiques faites à l'Observatoire de au Ministre de l'Instruction publique, sur une brochure Paris, publiées par le Bureau des Longitudes. (For de M. Jubinal, relative à un autographo de Montaigne. 1837–1846.] 10 vol. Paris, (1846.) fol. Avec une réponse de M. P. Paris à ces observations. 8564. k. Paris, 1850. 8º. 823. f. 77. Each annual volume is in 2 pts., entitled respectively “ Lunette méridienne," and " Cercle mural." See JUBINAL (A.) Réponse...aux observations du Con- servatoire de la Bibliothèque Nationale sur une brochure Annales du Bureau des Longitudes et de l'Observatoire relative à un autographe de Montaigne. 1850. 8º. Astronomique de Montsouris. Paris, 1877, etc. 4º. 823. f. 76. In progress. 8752. i. Bureau de consultation des Arts et Métiers. État des titres et objets recueillis jusqu'à ce jour pour Projet de décret concernant l'instruction nationale, pré- l'histoire, par le Bureau du triage des titres, et provisoire- ment classés, à mesure de ses travaux ordonnés par la loi senté par le Bureau, etc. [Paris, 1793?] 4º. 936. f. 12. (37.) du 7 messidor, an 2. [Paris, 1800.] 4º. 733. g. 11. (8.) Reflexions sur l'instruction publique, présentées à la Club Alpin Francais. Convention Nationale par le Bureau de consultation des Annuaire du Club Alpin Français. Arts et des Métiers ; suivies d'un projet de décret. 2 pt. 936. f. 3. (38.) Paris, 1875, etc. 8º. [Paris, 1793?] 4º. Ac. 6037. . In progress. .. - Maps. fol. Bureau des Longitudes. Connoissance des Temps ... 1808, etc. publiée par le Club Alpin Français. Bulletin Trimestriel. Bureau des Longitudes. See supra: Académie des Paris, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 6037/2. Sciences. Connaissance des Teinps, etc. In progress. 1709, etc. 12º. & 8º. P.P. 2363. a. Club Alpin Français. Liste des meinbres au 15 mai 1876. Paris, 1876. 8º. 10196. ee. 1. Annuaire... par le Bureau des Longitudes pour l'année VI (1798 ancien style-an 1855, etc.) FERRAND (HUMBERT) Excursions autour de Grenoble. Paris, l'an v (1797)-1850, etc. 12º. Quelques promenades dans le Dauphiné et la Savoie. In progress. P.P. 2361. a. 2 pt. Grenoble, 1875–77. 8º. Ac. 6037/4. Tables Astronomiques publiées par le Bureau des Longi- Club Alpin Français.-Section du Jura. tudes de France. Première partie. Tables du Soleil Bulletin, etc. Besançon, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 6037/3. par M. Delambre. Tables de la Lune par M. Bürg. In progress. Paris, 1806. 4º. 533. g. 11. Collége des Maîtres Chirurgiens de Paris. [Another copy.] 432. k. 12. Traicté de la Peste. Avec les remedes certains ... pour s'en preserver & garantir. Haict par le College [Another copy.] 716. h. 10. des Maistres Chirurgiens Jurez de Paris. Nouvellement reveu & augmenté. Paris, 1619. 8º. 1167. c. 11. (4.) See supra : Académie des Sciences. Recueil d'obser- vations géodésiques, astronomiques et physiques, exé [Another edition.] Paris, 1623. 8º. 1167. d. 11. (7.) cutées par ordre du Bureau, etc. 1821. 4º. 716. h. 13. Collége Héraldique et Archéologique de France. Tables astronomiques, publiées par le Bureau des Longi Archives nobiliaires universelles. Bulletin du College, tudes de France. Nouvelles Tables de Jupiter et de ... publiée sous la direction de M. de Magny. Saturne calculées . . . par Bouvard; nouvelles tables Paris, 1843. 4º. 9914. d.d. écliptiques des satellites de Jupiter... par M. Delanbre. Paris, 1808. 4º. 50. h. 2. Collége Héraldique. ... Réorganisation et Statuts. Imperfect; wanting the “ Nouvelles Tables écliptiques des Paris, 1864. 8º. 9904. k. Satellites de Jupiter." Collége Royal de France afterwards Collége de France. Tables astronomiques publiées par le Bureau des Longi Consilium Collegii Medici Parisiensis de Maniâ G. tudes de France. Tables de la Lune par M. Burckhardt. Eglishemii, quam prodidit scripto cui titulus Duellum Paris, 1812. 4°. 50. h. 3. poëticum pro dignitate Paraphraseos Psalmi Cmi. De- Eglishemio O od Parisiensis Academie Observations astronomiques, faites à l'Observatoire Royal s Buchanano: a de Paris (during the years 1810-1829] par MM. Bouvard, judicio submisit. (A satire by A. Johnstone on the Arago, Mathieu et Nicollet); publiées par le Bureau des work referred to). Parisiis (London), 1619. 80. Longitudes. 2 tom. Paris, 1825–38. fol. 1213. k. 19. (4.) 8564. i. Le Collége Royal de France; ou, institution, establisse- Each tom. is in 2 pts. separately paged. No observations ment et catalogue des lectures et professeurs ordinaires made during the years 1830-1836 were published. The next du roy, fondé à Paris par ... François I. ... et autres series begins with 1837. roys ... jusqnies à Lovys XIV. . . . Avec la reverence et requeste des lecteurs du roy ... faicte et prononcée par See DAMOISEAU (M. C. T. DE) Baron. Tables de la Lune le doyen de leur compagnie le 16 Juillet 1643, a... ...publiées par le Bureau des Longitudes. 1828. fol. N. de Bailleul. Paris, 1644. 4º. 731. e. 6. (7.) 533. 1. 14. Documents Officiels sur l'Ecole d'Administration fondée Observations des marées faites à la mature et au bassin par le Gouvernement: ou guide de l'aspirant au titre dans le port de Brest 1807-1835. Paris, 1843. 4º. d'élève du Collége de France. Paris, 1848. 8º. 10497. f. 8355. dd. 42. (5.) 775 ACADEMIES. [PARIS.] 776 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Collegium Medicum Parisiense. Congrès central d'Agriculture. See supra : Collége Royal de France. Congrès central d'Agriculture, session 1(-5). 1844f-48.) Compte rendu et procès-verbaux des séances. Comité d'Archéologie Américaine, afterwards Société Paris, 1844-48. 8º. Ac. 3410. Américaine de France. Annuaire, etc. Paris, 1863–73. 8º. Ac. 5351. Conservatoire de Musique. Imperfect; wanting all but pp. 41–168 of Annuaire, Organisation du Conservatoire de Musique. [A list of 1863–65; and pp. 153–200 of Annuaire, 1868-73. the members of the society, with the rules, etc.] pp. 60. [Paris,] An VIII. [1800.] 16º. · Ac. 5128. Annuaire ... publié par A. Castaing. Paris, 1880, etc. 12º. Ac. 5351/2. See DUCANCEL (C. P.) Mémoire pour J. F. Lesueur...en In progress. réponse à la partie d'un prétendu “Recueil de pièces," ROSNY (LOUIS LÉON DE) Essai sur le déchiffrement de imprimé soi-disant au nom du Conservatoire, etc. l'écriture hiératique de l'Amérique Centrale. 1802. 8º. 7898. h. 53. Paris, 1876, etc. fol. 1700. b. 1. In progress. Conservatoire Impérial des Arts et Métiers. Comité de la Bibliothèque Sociale. Annales du Conservatoire... publiées par les Professeurs. M. C. Laboulaye, Directeur de la Publication. Les Ouvriers Européens; épilogue général. But, plan Paris, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 4415. et premier [etc.] spécimen d'une collection intitulée : La Question Sociale au xixe. siècle ... Publiée par le Comité Conservatoire Impérial des Arts et Métiers. Procès- de la Bibliothèque Sociale. verbal des expériences faites sur une machine de traction Tours (printed), Paris, 1879, etc. 12º. 8277. aa. 19. de MM. Aveling et Porter de Rochester. [By H. E. In progress. Tresca.] Paris, 1868. 8º. 8765. bbb. Comité des Travaux Historiques et des Sociétés Savantes. École Centrale d'Architecture. Mémoires lus à la Sorbonne (par les délégués des Sociétés L'École Centrale d'Architecture. Mai 1864. [A pro- Savantes) dans les séances extraordinaires du Comité spectus. By E. Trélat?] Impérial des Travaux Historiques ..., tenues les 21, 22 Paris, Saint-Germain[printed], 1864. 89. 7820. b. et 23 Novembre 1861 (les 8, Ô et 10 Avril 1863, etc.). École Centrale d'Architecture. L'Amphithéâtre en 1865– Archéologie. [Edited by L. Renier and J. M. A. Chá- 66. Leçons d'ouverture. [Edited by É. Trélat.] bouillet.] Paris, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 440/2. Paris, Saint-Germain (printed, 1866). 8º. In progress. 7816. aaa. Mémoires lus à la Sorbonne (par les délégués des Sociétés Savantes des départements dans les séances extraor-| Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures. dinaires du Comité Impérial des Travaux Historiques For official documents, issued by the “ Ministère de et des Sociétés Savantes tenues les 21, 22 et 23 Novembre, T'Agriculture et du Commerce,” respecting the École 1861 (les 8, 9 et 10 Avril 1863, etc.). Histoire, Philologie Centrale des Arts, etc.] See FRANCE.---Ministère de l'Agri- et Sciences Morales. Paris, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 410. culture et du Commerce. In progress. Table générale des Bulletins du Comité des Travaux Année scolaire 1840-1841. Cours de Chimie. [Plates Historiques et de la Revue des Sociétés Savantes. Par without letterpress.] [Paris, 1842 ?] fol. M. 0. Teissier. Paris, 1873. 8º. 555. e. 34. Ac. 440/3. Cours de Métallurgie du Fer. Section A. Hauts-four- Comité Historique des Arts et Monuments. neaux et fonderies. Professeur Mr. Ferry. [Plates, Bulletin archéologique publié par le Comité, etc. 4 vol. without letterpress.] [Paris. 1844 ?] ful. 555. e. 35. Paris, 1843–48. 8º. Cours de construction des Machines. [Plates, with litho- [Continued as:] Bulletin des Comités historiques ; graphed "légende."] [Paris, 1845 ?]" fol. Cand divided into two series :-) 1262. i. (2.) Bulletin du Comité historique des Arts et Monuments. Cours de Machines à Vapeur. Machine de St. Ouen. Archéologie-Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1849, etc. 8º. ī Plates, with lithographed “légende."] In progress. (Paris, 1845 ?) fol. 1262. i. (1.) Bulletin du Comité historique des monuments écrits de l'histoire de France. Histoire-Sciences-Lettres. Cours de. Métallurgie du Fer. [Plates, with litho- Paris, 1849, etc. 8º. Ac. 439. & 842. graphed “légende."] [Paris, 1845?] fol. 1262. i. In progress. (Table générale du) Bulletin Archéologique du Comité École Centrale des Arts et des Manufactures, etc. Année ... 1837-1848 (1849–1851). 1849–1850. [Prospectus.] Paris, (1849.] 8º. See supra : Comité des Travaux Historiques, etc. 7954. cc. 26. (2.) Table générale des Bulletins du Comité des Travaux Nouvel Album des Chemins de Fer par A. Jacquin ... Historiques, etc. 1873. 8º. Ac. 440/3. Avec une introduction par M. A. Perdonnet. Paris, (1860?] 80. 8765. f. Commission Historique du Cher. See supra : BOURGES. École Centrale.... 2me. division. Cours de mécanique appliquée. Mr. Tresca, Professeur. 1872–73. Commission Scientifique du Mexique. [Paris, 1874?] 4º. Ac. 4420. Archives de la Commission Scientifique du Mexique. Lithographed throughout. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1864-69. 8º. Ac. 2863. École Centrale des Arts and Manufactures. I re. division. Commission Scientifique du Mexique. Manuscrit dit Cours de mécanique appliquée. Mr. Tresca, Professeur. Mexicain No.2 de la Bibliothèque Impériale photographié pp. 323. Paris, 1882, 83. 4º. Ac. 4420. (sans réduction), etc. Paris, 1864. fol. 1701. b. *Lithographed. 777 778 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] PARIS [CONTINUED]. PARIS [CONTINUED). École Centrale des Quatre Nations. École de Médecine, afterwards Faculté de Médecine. Département de la Seine. École centrale des quatre Consultation de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. (MS. nations.-Cours de législation. Paris, 1800?] 4º. s. sh. 7026, ancien fonds latin Biblioth. impér.) Incipit 936. f 13. (25.) compendium de Epidemia per Collegium Facultatis Exercice des éléves de l'École centrale des Quatre Nations, Medicorum Parisiis ordinatum (1348). Lat. sur la physique, la chimie et l'application des mathé- See MICHON (L. A. J.) Ducuments inédits sur la Grande matiques à la physique. Peste de 1348, etc. 1860. 8º. 7561. f. · [Paris,] Messidor, An x. [1802.] 4º. 936. f. 13. (26.) [Fol. 1 verso :) Regimen Sanitatis. (Fol. 2 recto :] An- École Centrale des Travaux Publics, afterwards École glicorunu regi conscripsit Scola solennis Ad regimen vite presens hoc medicinale. Dye schul czu paryss (or rather Polytechnique. the School of Salerno) hat geschriben vñ gesant Dem [For official documents issued by the Ministère de la edeln Konig von engellandt Das gegenwertig arcztbuch- Guerre respecting this School.] See FRANCE.—Ministère lein [by Joannes de Mediolano], etc. (Fol. 8 recto :7 de la Guerre. (P. Virgilii Maronis de livore incipit.) Lat. & Germ. Journal polytechnique; ou, bulletin du travail fait à 8. L. [1510?] 4º. 1039. f. 37. l'École Centrale des Travaux Publics, publié par le con- Without register or pagination. . seil d'instruction et administration de cette école. Cahier 1. Paris, an III. (1795.] 4º. Regimen sanitatis medicorum Parisiensium (or rather of . [Continued as:] the School of Salerno, by Joannes de Mediolano,] pro Journal de l'École Polytechnique; ou, bulletin du tra- tuenda sanitate Regis Anglie compositum, docens vail fait à cette école, etc. Paris, an vi. [1798.] etc. 4º. quomodo quilibet homo se per singulos totius anni T.C. 1. b. menses, cũ in esu & potu, tū in venarī incisione, gerere debeat. Ein gůt regiment der gesundtheit, durch die Table des matières. Paris, 1861. 4º. Monden des ganzen Jares, etc. Dobrego zdrowia rzadze- In progress. T.C. 1. b. 2. nie, przes wszytki miesiace rotzne, etc. [In verse ; the Tom. 3 consists of the three parts of a distinct work, German and Polish translations by F. Myinerus.] Lat., entitled :—“Mécanique philosophique ; ou, analyse raisonnée Germ. & Pol. Cracovie, 1532. 8º. 1039. f. 38. des diverses parties de la science de l'équilibre et du mouve- ment. Par R. Prony." Paris, an III. [1800.] In the Codex Medicamentarius sen Pharmacopoea Parisiensis, fourth and subsequent volumes the title is simply, “ Journal de ex mandato Facultatis Medicinæ Parisiensis in lucem l'École Polytechnique ; " the word "royale” being inserted at edita a P. Harduino de S. Jacques. FEW MS. NOTES. the eleventh volume, and omitted at the nineteenth. To the Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1638. 4º. 547. i. 7. seventh volume there is a supplement, entitled :- Supplement aux leçons sur le calcul des fonctions La défense de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris contre son données en l'an VII. [1799] à l'École... par J. L. calomniateur [T. Renaudot. By R. Moreau.] Lagrange. Paris, 1808. 1179. f. 12. (10.). T.C. 1. b. Paris, 1641. 4º. . [Another copy. tom. 1-10. [Another copy.] 1185. k. 9. (1.) Paris, An 111. [1795)-1815. 4º. 431. k. 1. See RENAUDOT (T.) Factum du procez d'entre T. Re- Tableau indicatif de l'organisation de l'École ... et des naudot ... contre les doyen & docteurs en médecine connoissances qui y seront transmises aux élèves de cet de la faculté de Paris. 1640. 4º. 1179. f. 12. (1.) établissement. [Paris, 1795?] s. sh. fol. Illustris virtutis et sanctitatis viro DD. M. le Masle, 806. i. 15. (31.) nomine facultatis medicorum Parisiensium gratiarum Discours prononcés à l'École Polytechnique, le 7 Pluviôse actio, pro instauratione scholarum. [Signed I. Berault.) an 7 dans la séance d'ouverture de ses cours. Parisiis, 1643. 4º. 1179. h. 23. [Paris, 1799.] 4º. 936. f. 13. (16.) Remerciement à M. le Masle ... au nom de la Faculté Observations présentées à la commission du conseil des de Médecine de Paris, par l'un de ses docteurs. Pour le cinq-cents, chargée du rapport sur l'École Polytechnique, rétablissement de leurs escholes. [Paris,] 1643. 4º. par les membres composant le conseil d'instruction de 1179. h. 21. cette école. [Paris.] Messidor an 7 (1799.] 4º. 936. f. 13. (17.) Begin. Le procès entre les doyen & docteurs régens en la faculté de médecine à Paris & T. Renaudot, ses ais- Annuaire de l'École Royale Polytechnique pour les herants & adjoints, soy disans médecins, etc. années 1843–46. No. 11-14. Paris, 1846. 120. [Paris,] 1643. 4º. 1179. f. 12. (6.) P.P. 2403. b. Programmes des connaissances exigées et instruction See RENAUDOT (T.) Factum du procès, d'entre T. Re- ministérielle pour l'admission à l'École Impériale Poly naudot ... et les Médecins de l'Eschole de Paris. technique en 1862. Paris, (1862.) 12º. [1643 ?] 4º. 1179. f. 12. (7.) 8355. aaa. 35. See PARIS.—Parlement. Arrest de la conr de parlement, Concours d'admission à l'École Polytechnique, année pour les Doyen & Docteurs Regens de la Faculté de 1865. Choix de questions posées aux examens oraux de médecine de Paris contre T. Renaudot, etc. 1644. 4º. Paris pour l'admission à l'École Polytechnique, etc. 1179. f. 12. (8.) Paris, 1865. 8°. Ac. 4418. The text is lithographed. Nomina & cognomina omnium Doctorum Regentium in ... Facultate Medicinæ Parisiensi. MS. NOTES. Dédié aux écoles, à l'armée, aux citoyens. Précis his [Paris, 1652.] s. sh. fol. 777. 1. 3. (3.) torique sur l'École Polytechnique licenciée par le minis- Indignatio schulæ medicæ Parisiensis. [Respecting the tère Soult-Guizot, etc. Paris, 1844. 12º. 787. b. 62. use of purgatives in pleurisy.] [Paris, 1654?] 40. De l'examen des Candidats à l'École Polytechnique, par 1179. h. 20. un ancien élève de cette école. Paris, 1846. 80. Apologeticum scholæ Parisiensis medicæ. FEW MS. NOTES. '8355. dd. 41. (4.) [Paris, 1655?] 4º. 1179. h. 22. 779 780 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] Docterto Barb30561. ? PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED]. École de Médecine, afterwards Faculté de Médecine. École de Médecine, afterwards Faculté de Médecine. :- Contract passé entre les Docteurs Régents de la faculté Séance de l'École de Médecine de Paris, du 21 Vendé- de Médecine de Paris : et les ... Barbiers Chirurgiens miaire, an VIII. (pour l'ouverture des cours et la dis- de la dite ville, le treiziesme Janvier 1505. tribution des prix de l'école-pratique.) Paris, 1660?) 4º. 551. d. 2. (2.) [Paris,] an vil. [1800]. 4º. T. 942. (25.) Without titlepage. Recueil des observations et des faits relatifs au croup Statuta Facultatis Medicinæ Parisiensis. [Arranged by C. J. A. Schwilgué.] Paris, 1808. 8º. Parisiis, 1660. 12º. 1168. a. 8. . T. 725. 9. The titlepage is engraved. Sammlung von Beobachtungen und Thatsachen die die [Another edition.] Parisiis, 1696. 12º. 1168. c. 8. häutige Bräune (Croup) betreffen, aus dem von der Extrait des registres de la faculté de inédecine.' pariser medizinischen Schule im Juny 1808 bekannt [Paris, 1666?] 4º. 1185. k. 9. (4.) gemachten frauzösischen Originale übersetzt und heraus- gegeben von M. Friedländer. Tübingen, 1808. 8º. See TAEVART (J.) La défense de la faculté de médecine 1178. a. 29. de Paris contre Me F. Blondel. 1666. 4º. Séance Publique de l'École de Médecine de Paris, le 1185. k. 9. (2.) 24 Novembre, 1808. (Discours de M. ... Richerand, See TALVART (J.) Deuxième défense de la faculté de etc.) [Paris, 1808.] 4º. 7680. e. (9.) médecine, etc. 1668. 4º. 1185. k. 9. (8.) Statuts de la Faculté de Médecine en l'Université de Séance Publique de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris le Paris, avec les pièces justificatives de ses privilèges & des 7 Novembre 1814. (Discours de M. le Baron Des droits & soumissions à elle deubs par les Apothicaires & Genettes, etc.) [Paris, 1814.] 4º. 7680. e. (10.) Chirurgiens ensemble les jugemens rendus contre les Séance Publique ... le 4 Novembre, 1815. (Discours empériques & les médecins non approuvez par la dite Faculté... Ce recueil ... nis en ordre par ... D. Puylon. de M. Hallé, etc.) [Paris, 1815.] 4º. 7680. e. (11.) Paris, 1672. 4º. 551. d. 3. Several pieces in this collection have a separate title and Séance Publique ... le 25 Novembre, 1816. (Discours pagination. prononcé par A. M. C. Duméril, etc.) (Paris, 1816.] 4º. 7680. e. (12.) Begin. 1708. Messieurs. Matthieu Thuillier, etc. (A list of Physicians of the Faculté de Médecine.] Colex Medicamentarius, sive Pharmacopoea Gallica, Paris, [1718.] S. sh. fol. 777 1. 3. (8.) jussu Regis ... editus a Facultate Medica Parisiensi, anno 1818. Parisiis, 1818. 4º. 7509. g. Mémoire pour les Doyen & Docteurs-Regens de la Faculté de Médecine en l'Université de Paris, Demandeurs. Rapport et Discussions à l'Académie Royale de Médecine, L'Université intervenante & jointe, contre la Commu- sur la taille et la lithotritie, suivis de lettres sur le nauté des Maîtres Barbiers-chirurgiens, et contre le même sujet par Messieurs Delmas, Souberbielle, Rochoux, Sieur Petit, Maître Barbier-chirurgien, Défendeurs. etc. Paris, 1835. 8º. 1188. g. 22. [Paris,] 1730. fol. 777. 1. 1. (103.) Codex medicamentarius, seu Pharmacopoea Parisiensis, Collection des thèses soutenues à la Faculté de Médecine ex mandato Facultatis Medicinæ Parisiensis in lucem de Paris. Paris, 1839, etc. 4º. edita, etc. Parisiisus, 1732. 4º. 546. k. 20. In progress. 7371. a. & 7374. d. Pp. 79–80 and 87–88 in the regular order of the pagina- lion are probably cancels, those pages being repeated with Muséum d'anatomie pathologique de la Faculté de alterations after p. 250. Médecine de Paris, ou Musée Dupuytren, publié au nom de la Faculté [compiled by Depon villiers, Andral, and Liste de Messieurs les Docteurs Regens de la Faculté de Lacroix with an avant-propos by Orfila.] Tom. 1 in Médecine en l'Université de Paris, avec leurs demeures. 2 pt. Paris, 1842. 8°. 780. f. 22, 23. 1740. [Paris, 1740.] s. sh. fol. 777. 1. 2. (16.) - Atlas. fol. 780. l. 14. Mémoire pour le Doyen et Docteurs Régens de la Faculté de Médecine en l'Université de Paris, Demandeurs contre Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Conférences historiques les Prevôts et Communauté des Maîtres Chirurgiens faites pendant l'année 1865. Paris, 1866. 8º. jurés, Défendeurs et encore contre J. Berdolin, ... & Ac. 3729. autres ... intervenans, avec un sommaire, un extrait chronologique, les argumens et l'arrêt rendu en consé- Catalogue des pièces du Musée Dupuytren publié sous quence. [Paris], 1743. 4º. 551. d. 2. (17.) les auspices de la Faculté de Médecine ... par M. Houel. (Atlas.) Paris, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 3729/2. Rapport sur le fait de l'inoculation de la petite vérole, lu In progress. by G. J. de L'Epine,] en présence de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, etc. Paris, 1765. 4º. 1166. i. 10. Doutes sur l'inoculation de la petite vérole, proposés à The head-title reads : “ Rapport de six des Douze Com la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. [Paris,] 1756. * 120. missaires nommés ... pour examiner ... les avantages ou 7321. b. (5.) les inconvéniens de l'inoculation," etc. École de Santé. Res gestae in ... Facultate Parisiensi circa sectionem Mémoires sur les snjets proposés pour les prix de l'Aca- symphiseos ossium pubis, supra muliere dicta Souchot, démie de Chiruryie. Tom. 5. [Edited by the École de celebratam. Récit de ce qui s'est passé ... au sujet de Santé.] See supra : Académie Royale de Chirurgie. la section de la symphise des os pubis, pratiquée sur la Recueil de pièces, etc. Tom. 5. 1770, etc. 4º. femme Souchot. Lat. & Fr. (Mémoire de M. Sigault. T.C. 21. b. 19. Rapport de MM. Grandelas & Descemet, au sujet de la section de la Symplıyse des os pubis, etc. fait par M. S.) Histoire de la Société de Médecine année 1789 ; avec les eic. Paris, 1777. 4º. 779. h. 13. mémoires, etc. Tom. 10 publié par l'école de Santé. See infra : Société Royale de Médecine. Histoire, [Another copy.] T. 42. (9.) etc. Tom. 10. 1779, etc. 4º. T.C. 21. b. 8. 781 : ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] : 782 PARIS (CONTINUED]: PARIS [CONTINUED). École des Chartes. École Polytechnique. [For official documents issued by the “Ministère de See supra: École Centrale des Travaux Publics. I'Instruction Publique et des Cultes” respecting this School.] See FRANCE.- Ministère de l'Instruction Publique École Pratique des Hautes Études. et des Cultes. Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études. ... Sciences Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes. 5 tom. philologiques et historiques. Paris, 1869, etc. 8º. Paris, 1839-44. 8º. In progress. Ac. 8929. - Deuxième série. 5 tom. Paris, 1844-49. 8º. Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études ... Section des Sciences naturelles. Paris, 1869, etc. fol. Table des dix premiers volumes. 1839–49. Paris, 1849. 80. Atlas complémentaire. Paris, 1870, etc. fol. In progress. Ac. 8929/5. Troisième série. 5 tom. Paris, 1849-54. 8º. Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études ... Bulletin - Quatrième série. 5 tom. Paris, 1855–59. 8º. des Sciences mathématiques et astronomiques, rédigé Table des dix volumes formant la troisième et la (Tom. I.) par M. G. Darboux. (Tom. II.-IX. par quatrième série. 1849-59. Paris, 1862. 8º. ÌIM. G. Darboux et J. Hoüel.—Tom. x., XI. par MM. G. Darboux, J. Hoüel et J. Tannery). 11 tom. - Cinquième série. 5 tom. Paris, 1860–64. 8º. . Paris, 1870–76. 8º. _ Sixième série. 5 tom. Paris, 1865-69. 8°. - Deuxième Serie. Paris, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 8930. In progress. Ac. 8929/4. Table des dix volumes formant la cinquième et la Rapport sur l'École Pratique des Hautes Études ... sixième série, 1859–1869. Par R. de Lespinasse. : 1871-1872, etc. Ac. 8930. Paris, (1872, etc.] 89. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1870. gº. Ac. 8929/6. In progress. Tom. 31, etc. Paris, 1871, etc. 8º. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études.- Laboratoire d'His- In progress. tologie ... du Collége de France.—Travaux de l'année Ducuments historiques, publiés par la Société de l'École 1874 (75, etc.) publiés sous la direction de L. Ranvier des Chartres, etc. Paris, ... Avec ... planches, etc. Paris, 1874, etc. 8º. Nogent-le Rotrou (printed], 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 8930/2 In progress. Ac. 8929/3. · In progress. École Pratique des Hautes Études. Physiologie Ex- Charte latine sur Papyrus d’Egypte de l'année 876 ... périmentale. Travaux du Laboratoire de M. Marey ... · publiée pour l'École des Chartes (Chartes latines sur Année 1875(-79). . Avec ... figures, etc. Paris, papyrus ... du vie siècle ... Chartes et manuscrits sur Clichy (printed], 1866 [sic, 18761–80. 8º. Ac. 8929/2 papyrus ... Publiés . . . par M. Chanipollion-Figeac.-- Chartes latines, françaises et en langne romane mé- ses et en lanvile romane mé- École Royale, afterwards Impériale et Spéciale, des ridionale ... pour faire suite à la collection des Chartes Beaux-Arts. et Manuscrits sur Papyrus.) Fasc. 1-5. Observations sur l'état actuel dų classement des Elèves Paris, 1835–41. fol. 822. 1. 21–24. de la section d'architecture, à l'École Royale des Beaux Livret de l'Ecole des Chartes, publié par la Société de Arts, ... et sur quelques modifications à proposer dans l'École des Chartes. Paris, 1852. 120 Ac. 8930/3. les jugements du grand prix et des récompenses à décerner au prix dit Prix Départemental. École Impériale des Chartes. Positions des Thèses [Paris, 1820 ?] 4º. 733. g. 18. (58.) soutenues par les élèves de la promotion 1859–60, pour obtenir le diplôme d'Archiviste Paléographe. École Impériale et Spéciale des Beaux-Arts. Peinture, Paris, 1860. 8°. °8355. cc. 42. (9.) sculpture, architecture. Distribution des prix et mé- dailles d'émulation de l'année scolaire 1854–55. École du Louvre. Paris, 1855. 8º. 7805. d. Publications de l'Ecole du Louvre. École Impériale et Spéciale des Beaux-Arts. Peinture, Paris, Angers (printed], 1884, etc. 8°. . Ac. 5329. sculpture, architecture. Distribution des prix et mé- In progress. dailles d'émulation de l'année scolaire 1857–58. Paris, 1858. 8º. 7806. d. École des Langues Orientales Vivantes. See infra: École spéciale des Langues Orientales École des Beaux-Arts. Programme des conditions d'ad- Vivantes. mission à l'École Impériale et Spéciale des Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1864. 12º. Ac. 4546. École Impériale et Spéciale des Beaux-Arts. Réclamations des élèves de l'École des Beaux-Arts au See infra : École Royale des Beaux-Arts, etc. sujet de la réorganisation de leur école. Deuxième édition, angmentée de documents nouveaux. École Impériale Polytechnique. Paris, 1864. 8º. 7807. f. See supra : École Centrale des Travaux Publics, etc. École Impériale et Spéciale des Beaux-Arts. Nouveau réglement des études. Paris, 1868. 8º. 8355. bb. École Militaire. See infra : École Royale Militaire. École Royale et Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. École Normale Supérieure. See infra : École Spéciale, etc. Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, publiées (Tom. I.-VIII.) ... par M. L. Pasteur, etc. École Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Paris, 1864–70. 4º. Documents relatifs à la constitution et à l'histoire de - Denxième Série. Paris, 1872, etc. 4º. l'École spéciale des Langues Orientales vivantes. In progress. 8310. i. Paris, 1872. 4º. 8356. f. ho 783 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 784 منتخبات .des Langues Orientales Vivantes aris, 1841.peciale des Lario, des élèves ea Effendi PARIS (CONTINUED.] PARIS [CONTINUED). École Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. École Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Chrestomathies Orientales, ou, recueil de textes arabes, Chrestomathie Persane, publiée sous les auspices de turks, grecs-modernes, arméniens et indostanis, publiés M. le Ministre de l'Instruction Publique. (A l'usage ... par les soins de MM. les professeurs de l'Ecole des élèves de l'École Royale et Spéciale des langues Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Extraits orientales vivantes.) 2 vol. Paris, 1847-53. 8º. d'Ali-Schir (texte turk oriental). [Edited by E. M. 752. f. 7–8. Quatremère], etc. Paris, 1841. $9. 752. f. 15. (13.) 'ABD AL KARÍM, Bukhárí, Mir. Histoire de l'Asie Cen- This forms Fasc. I. of “ Chrestomathie en turk oriental, trale (Afghanistan, Boukhara, Khiva, Khogand) depuis contenant plusieurs ouvrages de l'émir Ali-Schir, des extraits les dernières années du regne de Nadir Shah' (1153), des mémoires du sultan Baber, du traité du Miradj, du jusqu'en 1233 de l'Hégire (1740–1818) par Mir Abdoul Tezkiret-el-avlia et du Bakhtiar-Nameh, publiés, accompagnés Kerim Bonkhary, pullié, traduit et annoté par C. d'une traduction française ... et de notes ... par M. Quatre- Schefer. Texte Persan. (Traduction Française.) 2 vol. mère." No more than this 18t part appears to have been Paris, 1876. 4º. & 8º. 752. m. 7-8. puhlished. The Persian Text is printed at Bulak (Cairo). One Extraits du roman d'Antar (Texte arabe). À of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues Orientales l'usage des élèves de l'École Royale et Spéciale Vivantes." 'ALÍ SHÉR (MÍR NIDHÁM AL-DÍN) called Ab - Nawái. (comul Jida w siis il cymo [Edited by Miradj Nâmeh, publié . . . d'après le manuscrit Ouïgour de la Bibliothèque Nationale, traduit et annoté par A. P. Caussin de Perceval.] Arab. A. Pirvet de Courteille. pp. xxxi. 72. 95. . Paris, 1841. 8º. 752, f. 15. (4.) Paris, Vienne (printed), 1882. 8º. 752. f. 19. Discontinued after page 204. Série II., vol. 6, of the “Publications de l'École des Relation de l'ambassade de Mohammed Effendi Langues Orientales Vivantes." (texte turk). À l'usage des élèves de l'École Royale et Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Asia, Central. Recueil d’Itinéraires et de Voyages dans 752. f. 15. (1.) l'Asie Centrale et l'Extrême Orient, etc. pp. 387. Paris, 1878. 8º. Ac. 8813/2. [Another copy.) 752. f. 12. (2.) Vol. VII. of the “ Publications de l'École spéciale," etc. Vie de Djenghiz-Khan, par Mirkhond (texte persan). [Edited by P. A. E. P. Jaubert], etc. Asoghig (SDEPANNOS) Histoire Universelle par Étienne Paris, 1841. 8º. 752. f. 15. (5.) Açogh’ig de Daron. Traduite de l'arménien et annotée Another copy is contained in the “ Chrestomathie [Part 1.] par E. Dulaurier. Paris, 1883, etc. 8º. Persane, publiée sous les auspices de M. le Ministre de Ac. 8813/9. l'Instruction Publique.' In progress. Vol. XVIII. of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues Orientales Vivantes.” Histoire des Sassanides par Mirkhond; (texte persan), etc. Paris, 1843. gº.. 752. f. 15. (6.) BARBIER DE MEYNARD (A. CASIMIR) Dictionnaire Turc- Another copy is contained in the “ Chrestomathie Français. Supplément aux dictionnaires publiés jusqu'à Persane, publiée sous les auspices de M. le Ministre de ce jour, etc. Paris, Vienne (printed], 1881, etc. 8º. l'Instruction Publique.” Ac. 8813/11. Relation de l'ambassade de Mohammed Seïd Wahid In progress. Série II., Vol. 4, etc. of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues Orientales Vivantes." Effendi (texte turk). [Edited by P. A. É. P. Jaubert.] Paris, 1843. 8°. 752. f. 12. (1.) BRETSCHNEIDER (E.) Recherches archéologiques et histo- Extrait de l'Histoire des Mongols de Raschid-Eldin, riques sur Pékin et ses environs par... E. Bretschneider publiée par M. Quatremère. (Texte persan.) .:. Traduction française par V. Collin de Plancy, etc, Paris, 1844. 89. 752. f. 13. Another copy is contained in the “ Chrestomathie Ac. 8813/4. Persane, publiée sous les auspices de M. le Ministre de Vol. XII. of the “ Publications de l'École spéciale," etc. l'Instruction Publique.” CORDIER (HENRI) Bibliotheca Sinica. Dictionnaire Chrestomathie Malaye. Lettres et pièces diplo Bibliographique des vuvrages relatifs à l'Empire Chi- matiques écrites en malay, recueillies et publiées nois. Paris, 1878, etc. 8º. 11902., g. pour servir d'exercices de lecture et de traduction In progress. Vol. X. of the “ Publications de l'École des aux élèves de l'École Royale et Spéciale des langues Langues Orientales Vivantes." orientales vivantes. ler fascicule (edited with 14 lithographic plates by Ed. Dulaurier). [Another copy.) BB. I Paris, 1845. 8º. 752. f. 14. Ņot continued in this form. CORDIER (HENRI) Cours complémentaire de Géographie, d'Histoire et de Législation des États de l'extrême [Another copy.] 761. f. 8. (1.) Orient. Discours d'ouverture, etc. pp. 16. Chrestomathie Hindie et Hindouie. [Prepared under Paris, Angers (printed], 1881. 8º. Ac. 881317. Garcin de Tassy's direction; with a vocabulary by E. Lancereau), etc. Paris, 1849. 8º. DAPONTES (CONSTANTINE) Aakikat ʼE nuepides. Éphémé- 752. f. 15. rides Daces on chronique de la guerre de quatre ans, [Another copy.] 1736–1739...publiée, traduite et annotée par Ē. Legrand. 760. g. 20. 2 tom. Paris, Vienne (printed], 1880, 81. 8º. Chrestomathie Hindoustani (Urdû et Dakhni). Ac. 8813/5. Prepared under Garcin de Tassy's direction by Vol. XIV., etc., of the “ Publications de l'École Spéciale T. Pavie, with a vocabulary by M. l'abbé Bertrand), des Langues Orientales Vivantes." etc. Paris, 1847. 8º. 752. f. 14. DERENBOURG (HARTWIG) Les manuscrits arabes de [Another copy.) 760. g. 22. l’Escurial, décrits par H. D. Paris, 1884, etc. 8º. Four pages of “ Errata," printed in 1849, are in- 752. f. 21. serted in this copy between the Chrestomathée and the In progress. Série 11., vol. 10 of the “ Publications de Vocabulaire. l'École des Langues Orientales Vivantes." 1 785 786 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). École Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. École Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. :: DEVÉRIA (G:) Histoire des relations de la Chine avec SHAMLAH, pseud. Bag o Bahar, le jardin et le printemps. l'Annam-Viêtnam du xvie au xixe siècle d'après des Poëme hindoustani traduit en français par Garcin de documents chinois traduits...et annotés par G. Dovéria Tassy. Paris, 1878. 8º. 752. f. 17. ...Ouvrage accompagné d'une carte. pp. x. 102. One of the “Publications de l'École des Langues Orientales Paris, Vienne ſprinted), 1880. 8º. ., * 9055. eee. 12. Vivantes." · Vol. XIII. of the “ Publications de l'École spéciale," etc. URECHIE (GRIGORIỮ) Chronique de Moldavie depuis le GUIGNARD (FRANÇOIS EMMANUEL DE) Count de Saint-Priest. milieu du xive, siècle jusqu'à l'an 1594... Texte rou- Mémoires sur l'Ambassade de France en Turquie et sur main, avec traduction française, notes, ... glossaire et le commerce des Français dans le Levant. ... Suivis du table par E. Picot. Paris, 1878. 8º. . Ac. 8813/3 texte des traductions originales des capitulations et des In progress. Vol. XII. of the “ Publications de l'École traités conclus avec la ... Porte Ottomane. [The Spéciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes.” . “Avant-Propos” signed: C. S., i.e. C. Schefor.] pp. xiv. 542. Paris, 1877. 8º. Ac. 8813. 3. École Supérieure de Pharmacie de Paris. Vol. VI. of the “ Publications de l'École spéciale," etc. Séance publique de rentrée de l'École Supérieure de IMBAULT HUART (CAMILLE) Recueil des documents sur Pharmacie et de la Société de Pharmacie de Paris. l'Asie Centrale...Ouvrage accompagné de deux cartes 14 Nov., 1855. Paris, 1855. 8º. 7510. d. chinoises. pp. xi. 225. EDWARDS (ALPHONSE MILNE) École Supérieure de Phar- Paris, Vienne (printed), 1881. 8º. Ac. 8813/10. macie de Paris. Thèse. (Recherches anatomiques, · Vol. XVI. of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues zoologiques et paléontologiques sur la famille des Orientales Vivantes.” Chevrotains.) Paris, 1864. 4°. 7284. f. grec vulgaire, relatifs à la Turquie et aux Principautés École Vétérinaire de Paris. ... Danubiennes, publiés, traduits et annotés par E. Le See infra: Société Royale d'Agriculture de Paris. grand. pp. XLIII. 370. Paris, 1877. 8º. Reflexions sur les avantages qui résulteroient de la 11585. m. 2. reunion de la société Royale d'Agriculture de l'École Vol. V. of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues Vétérinaire, etc. [1791 ?] 8º. B. 586. (11.) Orientales Vivantes." LUH YUN-SEEN. Les Poèmes de l'Annam ... Lục vân Facultas Medicinæ Parisiensis. tiên Ca Diễn. Texte,...transcription,...et traduction See supra : École de Médecine, etc. par A. Des Michels. pp. xvi. 303. 5. 105. Facultas Theologiæ. Paris, Vienne printed], 1883. 8º. 11100. f. 4. Vol. XIX. of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues See infra : Université de Paris. Orientales Vivantes.” Faculté de Médecine. MẠCHAIRAS (LEONTIUS) ACOUTLOV Magalpa Xpovikov Kumpov. Chronique de Chypre. Texte grec (traduction française) See supra : École de Médecine.. par E. Miller...et C. Sathas, etc. 2 pt. Faculté de Théologie. Paris, Vienne (printed], 1882. 8º. Ac. 8813/6. Série III., vol. 2 and 3 of the “ Publications de l'Ecole See infra : Université de Paris. des Langues Orientales Vivantes.” Jardin des Plantes. NAŠĪR IBN KHUSRAN (ABŪ MUʻIN) Kubādujānī. Marvazī. Sefer Nameh. Relation du Voyage de Nassiri Khosran Adresses et projet de réglemens, présentés à l'Assemblée ... publié, traduit et annoté par C. Schefer. pp. lviii. Nationale par les Officiers du Jardin des Plantes et du Cabinet d'Histoire Naturelle, d'après le décret de 348. 98. Paris, Vienne (printed], 1881. 8º, 725. f. 18. l'Assemblée Nationale, du 20 Août 1790. Paris, 1790. 8º. B. 401. (3.) Lungues Orientales Vivantes." · Mémoire des Professeurs-Administrateurs du Muséum Nestor, the Annalist. Chronique, dite de Nestor... Tra- d'Histoire Naturelle en réponse au Rapport fait en duite ... avec introduction et commentaire critique, par 1858 par une Commission chargée d'étudier l'organi- L. Leger. pp. xxviii. 399. sation de cet établissement Paris, 1863. 4º. Paris, Angers (printed], 1884. 8º. Ac. 8813/12. 7205. dd. Série II., vol. 13 of the - Publications de l'École des HOGARD (J. A.) Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Paris. Langues Orientales Vivantes." (Jardin des Plantes.) Galérie de minéralogie et de RIDHÁ KULÍ KHÁN, Sálábashi, Mirza. Relation de lam- géologie. Description des collections, etc. bassade au Khavezm (Khiva) de Riza Qouly Khan, Paris, 1855. 12º. 7107. aa. publié, traduit et annoté par C. Schefer. Texte persan, Promenades de jeunes enfants au Jardin des Plantes, etc. etc. Paris, 1876, etc. 8º. 752. f. 16. Paris, [1860 ?] 12º. 7205. aa. The Persian text is printed at Bulal (Cairo). The This forms part of the “ Bibliothèque du Premier Age.” French translation is wanting. One of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues Orientules Vivantes.” Institut de France. SAN TSZE KING. Tam tu kinh, ou Le livre des phrases The five Academies of which the Institut de France con- de trois caractères, avec le grand commentaire de Vu'ong sists, viz. Académie Française, Académie des Inscriptions tân thăng. Texte, transcription annamite et chinoise, et Belles-Lettres, Académie des Sciences, Académie des 'explication littérale et traduction complète. Par A. Des Beaux-Arts, and Académie des Science morales et poli- Michels. pp. xi. 271. 187. tiques, are entered as independent societies. The several Paris, Le Pay [printed), 1882, 8º. Ac. 8813/8. "Classes” into which the Institut was divided from its Vol. XVII. of the “ Publications de l'École des Langues Orientales Vivantes." of " Academies” was revived, are treated as identical with SCHEFER (CHARLES) Chrestomathie Persane, etc. Tom. 1. the Academies to which they respectively correspond. Paris, Vienne (printed], 1883, etc. 8°. 752. f. 20. [A collection of “ Discours," Notices, and Reports of In progress. Série II., vol. 7, of the “ Publications de meetings, announcements and awards of prizes, etc.] l'École des Langues Orientales Vivantes.” Paris, 1798–1834. 4°, 733 g. 13. (1-60.) 787 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 788 le souple librenture sur feet quelle posée [Paris, Iztut, PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Institut de France. Institut de France. FA Collection of Funeral Discourses pronounced on Compte rendu ... le 5e jour complémentaire de l'an v. Members of the Institut. Jan. 1820-June, 1866.] ... seconde année, etc. Paris, an vi. [1798.] 8º. Paris, 1820-66. 40. 733. g. 20. (1-139.) 733. d. 4. (2.) (A Collection of Discours de Réception. Nov. 1824-Feb. [Another copy.] 935. d. 15. (2.) 1866.] Paris, 1824-66. 4°. 733. h. 3, 4. [Another copy.] 986. a. 23. (2.) (A Collection of Reports, Biographical Notices, etc. Noms des artistes qui ... ont remporté les prix ... do Sept. 1826-Nov. 1866.] Paris, 1826–66. 4°. l'an 6, etc. [Paris, 1798 ?] 8. sh. fol. 936. f. 9. (49.) 733. h. 5. (1-55.) [A Collection of Éloges Historiques. Aug. 1831-March Rapport de l'Institut National, sur l'histoire naturelle du Hareng, par le citoyen Noel. Rouen, [1798.] 8º... 1866.] Paris, 1831-66. 4º. 733. g. 19. (1–18.) 444. e. 30. (12.) Institut Royal de France, Séance publique annuelle des Rapport au nom de la Commission nommée pour ex- cinq Académies...1839(1840, etc.). Paris, 1839, etc. 4º. aminer les discours envoyés sur cette question proposée In progress. . Ac. 421. par la section de peinture : Quelle a été et quelle peut Mémoires de l'Institut ... Littérature et Beaux arts. être encore l'influence de la peinture sur les moeurs et le 5 tom. Paris, an VI-XII (1798-1804.] 4º. gouvernement d'un peuple libre? Lu dans la séance... 986. f. 8–12. de l'Institut..., le 15 germinal an 6, etc. [Another copy.] T. C. 1. a. 19-23. 733. g. 16. (12.) Institut National. (Lois et réglement, liste des membres, [Another copy.] 936. f. 3. (22.) etc.) Paris, an iv., (1796.] 12º. 733. a. 2. Institut National. Programme sur la continuation de [Another edition.] Paris, an vi. [1798.] 12º. la notice des manuscrits 15 messidor an 6. 733. a. 3. [Paris, 1798.] 4º. 733. g. 16. (13.) [Another edition.] Paris, an x (1802.] 12º. Programme des prix de l'Institut National... proposés 733. a. 4. dans la séance publique du 15 Nivôse l'an 7, etc." [Another copy.] 965. g. 21. [Paris, 1799.] 4º. F. 56*. (5.) Organisation de l'Institut National. Programme des prix de l'Institut. . . proposés dans la Paris, an XI, (1803.] 12º. 965. g. 20 séance publique du 15 Messidor l'an vii, etc. Organisation et reglemens de l'Institut. [Paris, 1798 ?] 8. sh. 4º. 936. f. 9. (53.) Paris, an XIII. (1805.] 12º. 733. a. 6. Institut National. Programme pour la continuation de [Another edition.] Paris, 1807. 12º. 733. a. 8. la Description des arts. Séance publique du 15 Vendé- miaire an 7. [Paris, 1798.] 4°. 936. f. 9. (51.) [Another copy.] 433. a. 26. Institut National. Observations sur l'article du rapport Institut Impérial de France. (Annuaire.) du citoyen Danbermesnil, concernant les dépenses du Paris, 1811, etc. 12º. 733. a. 11, etc. matériel du ministère de l'intérieur pour l'an viII., page In progress. Imperfect; wanting the year 1816. 15, qui propose de fixer les dépenses ordinaires et tra- [Another copy. 1815.] 433. a. 27. vaux de l'Institut à 20,000 fr. [Paris, 1799?] fol. 733. g. 16. (16.) Réglement général arrêté par l'Institut ... dans les Compte rendu...le 2e jour complémentaire de l'an vi... séances générales du 10 et du 17 Germinal, an XI. troisième année, etc. Paris, an VII. [1799.] 89. Paris; an xi. [1803.] 12º. 738 a. 5. 733. d. 4. (3.) Institut des sciences, lettres et arts. Liste des membres [Another copy.] 935. d. 15. (3.) et des correspondans, etc. Paris, 1805. 16º. 733. a. 7. Discours prononcé à la barre des deux conseils du Corps Législatif, au nom de l'Institut... lors de la présentation Liste des membres et des correspondans de l'Institut, des étalons prototypes du mètre et du kilogramme, et du avec les changemens, 1807, 8. Paris, 1808. 12º. rapport sur le travail de la commission des poids et des 733. a. 9. mesures, etc. Paris, an VII. (1799.] 4º.. Liste des membres et des correspondans de l'Institut, 733. g. 11. (5.) avec les changemens, 1807–10. Paris, 1810. 12º. [Another copy.] 936. f. 8. (38.) 733. a. 10. [Another copy.] : Programme des prix de l'Institut National ... proposés F. 56*. (1.) l'an 1v. de la République. Paris, (1796 ?] 4º. * Institut National. Séance publique du 15 Vendémiaire T. 53*. (12.) an 8. (Nims des artistes qui... ont remporté les prix Programme des prix de l'Institut ... proposés l'an iv. ...de l'an 7, etc.) [Paris, 1799.] 8. sh. 4º. etc. Paris, an iv. (1796.] 4º. 733. g. 18. (69.) 936. f. 9. (60.) Compte rendu et présenté au corps legislatif, le Jer, jour Programme des prix de l'Institut. . . proposés dans la complémentaire de l'an iv. par l'institut national... séance publique du 15 Messidor, l'an VII, etc. (Classe de contenant. l'apperçu du progrès des sciences, et l'analyse littérature et beaux arts: Prix de poesie). des travaux des diverses classes de l'institut, pendant la [Paris, 1799.] 4º. 936. f. 9. (57.) première année de son établissement. The report made to the National Institute of France, in Paris, an v. [1797.] 8º. 733. d. 4. (1.) the month of December, 1799, by Citizens Portal, Pel- [Another copy.] 935. d. 15. (1.) letan, Fourcroy, Chaptal and Vauquelin, respecting the artificial mineral waters prepared at Paris by N. Paul [Another copy.] 986. a. 23. (1.) and Co.; with...other testimonies in favour of the same waters : to which are added, some notes and obser- Noms des artistes qui, au jugement de l'Institut National ... ont remporté les prix des peinture, sculpture et vations by N. Paul. Translated from the French. architecture, de l'an v. (VIII.-X.) de la république. London, 1802. 8°. B. 699. (7.) [Paris, 1797-1802.] 40. 733. g. 18. (72–75.) [Another copy.] T. 378. (3.) [Another copy.] 936. f. 9. (42.) [Another copy.] B. 739. (5. 789 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 790 a go PARIS (CONTINUED]. PARIS (CONTINUED]. Institut de France. Institut de France. Compte rendu...le 4e jour complémentaire de l'an VII... Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle... quatrième année, etc. Paris, an VIII. (1800.] 8º.: 2 Mai 1837. Prix de linguistique, fonde par M. le Comte 733. d. 4. (4.) de Volney. Rapport sur le concours. [Another copy.] 935. d. 15. (4.) [Paris, 1837.] 40. 733. h. 2. (8.) Institut National. Rapport contenant le programme Recueil des lectures faites dans la séance publique d'un prix sur les sépultures. [Paris, 1800.] 4º. annuelle...2 Mai 1837. Paris, 1837. 4º. 733. g. 17. (2.) 733. h. 2. (6.) Pp. 3, 4 are blank. Pp. 11-14 are numbered 1-4. Mémoire à l'Institut National sur la réintegration du sang artériel dans les veines ; la séparation de la bile, la Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle des formation de l'atrabile, la nutrition, les ictères, etc. (Par cinq Académies, du...2 Mai 1838...Ordre des lectures. l'auteur des Notions Mathématiques de Chimie et de [Paris, 1838.] s. sh. 4º. 733. h. 2. (38.) Médecine, etc.) Versailles (1800?] 80. B. 666. (12.) Recueil des lectures faites dans la séance publique annu- Rapport fait par les citoyens Hallé, Desessartz,... Le- elle (des cinq Académies.)...2 Mai 1838. 2 pt. Paris, 1838. 4º. 733. ħ. 2. (37.) blond et Camus, commissaires chargés par l'Institut..., de l'examen des mémoires envoyés au concours proposé Report of the Institute of France upon M. Arnollet's par le gouvernement sur les questions relatives aux system of Atmospheric Railways. [Translated, with an cérémonies funéraires et aux lieux des sépultares. Juge introduction, by R. Mallet.] [Dublin? 1845?] 4º. ment porté par l'Institut et proclamation du prix. 8775. g. Paris, (1808?] 4°. 733. g. 17. (1.) Les Étrennes de l'Institut National, ou la Revue littéraire de l'an VII. [By C. J. A. M. de Colnet du Ravel ?] Rapport au nom de la Commission nommée par l'In- Paris, an VII. (1799.] 8º. F. 1876. (2.) stitut..., relativement à la continuation du Dictionnaire de la Langue Française. [Paris,] an IX. [1801.] 4º. Institut Historique, afterwards Société des études 733. g. 16. (9.) Historiques. Programme de la distribution générale des prix. Journal. Année 1–7. 12 tom. Paris, 1834-40. 8º. Paris, an XII. (1804.] 8. sh. 4º. 733. g. 18. (70.) [Continued as :7 L'Investigateur; Journal de l'Institut. 2e Série. Année Mémoire sur l'odorat des Poissons. Lu à l'Institut 8–17. 10 tom. Paris, 1841-50. 8º.. National le 24 août, 1807. [Paris, 1807.] 8º. - 30 Série. Année 18–27. 10 tom. B. 666. (16.) Paris, 1851-60. 8º. Institut de France. Arrêté concernant les funérailles 4e Série. Année 28-48. 21 tom. des membres de l'Institut. [Paris, 1810. 4º. Paris, 1861-82. 8º. 733. g. 17. (3.) Continued as :] [Another copy.] 733. g. 17. (4.) Revue de la Société des Études historiques. Paris, 1883, etc. 8º. Ac. 450. Rapports et discussions de toutes les classes de l'Institut In progress. Discontinued from July 1870 to Dec. 1871. de France sur les ouvrages admis au concours pour les Statuts Constitutifs de l'Institut Historique. prix décennaux. 3 pt. Paris, 1810. 4º. 733. g. 16. (39–41.) Paris, [1834.] 12º. Ac. 450/2. Congrès historique européen réuni à Paris, au nom de Réponses (de M. Derrien) aux questions de la commission l'Institut Historique, dans la salle St. Jean de l'Hôtel de nommée par l'Institut Impérial ... pour l'examen des Ville. Discours et compte-rendu des séances. Nov.- projets relatifs au monument à ériger sur le Mont Cénis. Dec. 1835. 2 tom. Paris, 1836. 8º. 786. k. 10. -- Sept.--Oct. 1837. Paris, 1838. 8º. - Sept.- Oct. 1838. Paris, 1839. 8º. Ac. 450/3. M. le Comte de Volney pour l'année 1825. [Paris, 1825.] s. sh. 4º. Discours de clôture des travaux du congrès de l'Institut 733. h. 16. (35.) ...prononcé 11 Oct. 1840 par le Baron Taylor. Institut Royal. Fragment traduit d'un manuscrit Paris, 1840. 8º. Ac. 450/4. Italien inédit de 1594 [relating to Tasso). Institut National des Sciences et Arts. [Paris, 1830 ?] 4º. 733. g. 18. (59.) See supra : Institut de France. Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle... 2 Mai 1835. Ordre des lectures. Institution Ethnographique. [Paris, 1835.] S. sh. 4º. 733. h. 1. (11.) Annuaire de l'Institution Ethnographique; publié par V. Dumas. Paris, 1878, etc. 12º. Ac. 6228/2. Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle... In progress. 2 Mai 1835. Prix de linguistique, fondé par M. le Comte de Volney. Rapport sur le concours. [Paris, 1835.] 4º. Intime-Club. 733. h. 1. (12.) Croquis d'Architecture. Année 6, etc. Recueil des lectures faites dans la séance publique Paris, 1872, etc. fol. annuelle de l'Institut...2 Mai 1835. 6 pt. Table générale des volumes I. à x. Paris, 1878. 80. Paris, 1835. 4º. 733. h. 1. (10.) In progress. Recueil des lectures faites dans la séance publique annuelle ...3 Mai 1836. Paris, 1836. 4º. 733. h. 1. (35.) Lycee a Lycée des Arts. Arrêté de l'administration du Lycée des Arts pour la Institut Royal de France. Séance publique annuelle...! fondation de 400 places d'éducation gratuite. 2 Mai 1837...Ordre des lectures. See FOURCROY (A. F. DE) Discours sur l'état actuel des [Paris, 1837.] 8. sh. 4º. 733. h. 2. (7.) sciences, etc. [1793.] gº. F. 1204. (2.) ct. 1837.4791836. Les séance l'Hotel con 791 1792 ACADEMIES, s. TWT fils et graves Paris, 1800 1. 3. PARIS (CONTINUED]. PARIS [CONTINUED). Lycée des Arts. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. . -- Les arts nourissent l'homme et le consolent! Etablisse- . Collection de mammifères du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle ment d'une École Athénienne, sous le nom de Lycée des classée suivant la méthode de M. Cuvier ... Dessinée Arts et Métiers. Paris, [1792 ?] 8º. F. 497. (2.) d'après nature par Huet fils et gravée pła]r J. B. Huet. Accompagnée d'un texte descriptif, etc. Paris, 1808. 4º. L'an Iſme, de la République Française ? [sic.] Lycée des 461. l. 3. arts... À la Convention Nationale. Rapport sur les besoins du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle [Paris, 1793.] . 8. sh. 4º. 936. f. 9. (35.) pour l'année 1835, et sur la Bibliothèque Royale, présenté Procès-verbal de la 64e séance publique du Lycée... tenue au Ministre de l'Instruction Publique. Paris, 1834. 4º. le 30 Floréal, an 9. [Paris, 1801.] 8º. T. 80* (11.) 1030. 1. 17. (8.) Catalogue de la collection entomologique. [By H. Milne Edwards assisted by E. Blanchard and H. Lucas.] Musée Central des Arts. Livraison, 1, 2. Paris, 1850. 8º. 1258. h. Musée central des Arts: pièces relatives à l'administra- tion de cet établissement; imprimée par ordre du Catalogue méthodique de la collection des Reptiles. [By Directoire Exécutif. Paris, Nivôse, An VI. (1797.] 4º. A. M. C. Duméril, assisted by A. A. Duméril.) Livraison 936. f. 9. (45.) 1, 2. Paris, 1851. 8º. 1258. h. Catalogue des Estampes des trois Écoles,...qui se trou- Catalogue méthodique de collection des Mammifères, de vent à Paris, au Musée Central des Arts ; augmenté des la collection des oiseaux et des collections annexes, par Estampes qui forment le recueil connu ci-devant sous le J. Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire ... F. Prevost, et Pucheran. nom du Cabinet du Roi. Paris, An ix. [1801.] 4º. F. 53*. (10.) 1er partie. Paris, 1851. 8º. 1256. i. Musée Central des Arts. Notice des tableaux des écoles Guide des étrangers dans le Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, française et flamande, exposés dans la grande galerie,... etc. [With illustrations and a plan.] Paris, (1873.] 89. et des tableaux des écoles de Lombardio et de Bologne, Ac. 2855/6. etc. (Paris, 1801 ?) 12º. 400. a. OU. | Observatoire de Montsouris. See infra : Observatoire Royal, etc. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Instructions on the best mode of collecting, preserving Observatoire Physique Central. and transporting objects of natural history. ... Revised, See infra : Observatoire Royal, ete. with the addition of notes, by A. Young. See New YORK, State of.-Legislature. Report of the Joint Library Com- mittee, etc. 1847. 8º. 823. g. 45. Observatoire Royal, afterwards Observatoire Impérial. No. III. Introduction à la seconde feuille méridionale Annales du Muséum National ... par les professeurs de de la méridienne de l'observatoire. Par M. Cassini de cet établissement. 20 tom. Paris, an XI. (1802)-13. 4°. Thury. [Paris, I744 ?] 4. 531. k. 14. (6.) 448. i. 1-20. · Imperfect; part of a larger work. [Another copy.] Extrait des observations astronomiques et physiques T. C. 1. b. 15-21. & T. C. 2. b. 1-13. faites à l'Observatoire Royal en 1785-86). M. le comte [Another copy of tom. 3–20.] 437. m. 3–19. de Cassini directeur. Mrs (Novet) de Villeneuve et Ruelle élèves. 2 pt. Paris, 1786-[87] 4º. Mémoires du Muséum ... par les professeurs de cet 50. c. 6. établissement. 20 tom. Paris, 1815–32. 4º. A presentation copy to King George III. with a letter from 733. k. 1-20. Cassini to Sir Joseph Banks requesting him to present it to [Another copy of tom. 1-16.] T. C. 2. b. 14-29. the King. Pt. 2 has a half-title, but the pagination and register are continuous. [Another copy of tom. 1-6.] 437. m. 21-26. Extrait des observations astronomiques et physiques, [Another copy of tom. 3-5.] faites à l'Observatoire Royal, en l'année 1786, 87. · 435. d. 10-12 [Paris, 1787, 88.] 4º. B. 277. (9-10.) Nouvelles Annales du Muséum...ou, recueil de mémoires Extrait des observations astronomiques et physiques, publiés par les professeurs de cet établissement et par faites à l'Observatoire Royal, en l'année 1790, (-91) d'autres naturalistes, sur l'histoire naturelle, l'anatomie et M. de Cassini, directeur. Mrs Novet, Perny, Ruelle, la chimie. 4 tom. Paris, 1832-35. 4º. Ac. 2855/2. Elèves. 2 pt. [Paris, 1791-92.] 40. B. 463. (1–2.) Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, publiées par Imperfect ; beginning at page 267, being part of a larger les professeurs-administrateurs de cet établissement. work. 10 tom. Paris, 1839–61. 4º. Ac. 2855/3. Annales de l'Observatoire Impérial ... publiées par U. J. Le Verrier. (Mémoires. Tom. 1-14. Par M. le Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Contre-Amiral Mouchez. Tom. 15, etc.) publiées par MM. les Professeurs-administrateurs de cet Paris, 1855, etc. 4º. établissement. 10 tom. Paris, 1865–74. 4°. In progress. In tom. 6 the word “ Mémoires ” is first - Deuxième série. Tom. I, etc. Paris, 1878, etc. 4º. added to the title, to distinguish this series from that of the In progress. Ac. 2855/4. “ Observations." Rapports annuels de MM. les Professeurs et Chefs de · Annales ... publiées par U. J. Le Verrier ... Observa- Service 1878, etc. Paris, Clichy (printed), 1879, etc. 8º. tions (made during the years 1800-29, 1837-67, 74, 757. In progress. Ac. 2855/7. (Par M. le Contre-Amiral Mouchez, 1868, 69, etc. 1876, etc.) Paris, 1858, etc. 4°. 8564. g. Notice des animaux vivants, actuellement à la ménagerie In progress. du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, 1801. 12º. - Atlas. [Paris, 1855, etc.] fol. 413. Imperfect; wanting pp. 63, 64. F. 1921. (5.) In progress. 193 794 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED]. Observatoire Royal, afterwards Observatoire Impérial. Société Asiatique, Annuaire Météorologique de l'Observatoire de Paris pour Nouveau Journal Asiatique, etc. 16 tom. l'an 1872. [Edited by E. H. Marié-Davy.] Paris, 1828–35. 8°. Paris, (1871.] 12.. [Continued as :] Journal Asiatique ... Troisième Série. 14 tom. Annuaire Météorologique de l'Observatoire Physique Paris, 1836–42. 8º." Central pour l'an 1873. [Edited by E. H. Marié-Davy.] - Quatrième Série. 20 tom. Paris, 1843-52. 8º. Paris, [1872.] 120 - Cinquième Série. 20 tom. Paris, 1853–62. 8º. [Continued as:] Annuaire Météorologique et Agricole de l'Observatoire - Sixième Série. 20 tom. Paris, 1863–72. 8º. de Montsouris pour l'an 1874 [75, etc. Edited by E. H. Septième Série. 20 tom. Paris, 1873–82. 8º. Marié-Davy). Paris, (1873, etc.] 12º. In progress. P.P. 2361. b. Huitième Série. Tom. 1, etc. . Paris, 1883, etc. 8º. Ac. 8808. & 2098. C. Bulletin Astronomique, publié sous les auspices de l'Ob- In progress. servatoire de Paris par M. F. Tisserand, etc. Paris, 1884, etc. 8°. 1095. Table alphabétique du Journal Asiatique ... suivie d'un In progress. index alphabétique pour l’Amara Kocha, et d'un autre Historique des Entreprises météorologiques de l'Observa- pour le vocabulaire Sanscrit-Bengali et Anglais de M. toire Impérial de Paris. 1864–1867. Paris, 1868. 4º. Yates, par M. J. Klaproth, avec le catalogue de la biblio- 8750. e.. thèque de la Société Asiatique. Paris, 1829. 8º. Ac. 8808. (2.) Atlas des mouvements généraux de l'Atmosphère. An- née 1864. Juin—Décembre. Rédigé par l'Observatoire Հատընտիր Առակք Վարդանայ․ Choix de ... sur les documents fournis par les Observatoires et fables de Vartan. [Edited and translated by J. S.-M., les Marines de la France et de l'étranger, etc. i.e. J. A. Saint-Martin.] Arm. & Fr. pp. xii. 96. . Paris, 1868. obl. fol. 1801. b. Paris, 1825. 8º. 637. g. 18. Atlas météorologique de l'Observatoire Impérial. Année Yajñadattabada, ou la mort d’Yadjnadatta, épisode ex- 1867, etc. Paris, 1868, etc. fol. and obl. fol. trait du Ramâyana, poème épique Sanscrit. Donné 1812. b. avec le texte gravé, une analyse grammaticale très- In progress. After 1875 the text and plates were pub détaillée, une traduction française, et des notes par A. L. lished separately. Chézy ... et suivi par forme d'appendice d'une traduc- Opéra. tion latine littérale par J. L. Burnouf. Sanskr. & Fr. Paris, 1826. 4º. 14060. e. 6. See supra: Académie Royale de Musique. Vocabulaire et grammaire de la langue Géorgienne, Société Académique Indo-Chinoise. par M. J. Klaproth Ouvrage publié par la Société Annales de l'Extrême Orient. Bulletin de la Société Asiatique. Première partie, contenant le Vocabulaire Académique Indo-Chinoise. Revue Asiatique & Océa- Géorgien-Français et Français-Géorgien. nienne sous la direction du docteur Cte Meyners d'Estrey, Paris, 1827. 8º. 622. e. 27. etc. Paris, 1878, etc. 8°. Ac. 8812. No more published. In progress, [Another copy.) 622. e. 26. Mémoires, &c. Paris, Bar-le-Duc (printed), 1879, etc. 4º. Ac. 8812/2. Chronique Géorgienne, traduite par M. Brosset Jeune, In progress. membre de la Société Royale Asiatique de France. Ouvrage publié par la même société. Georgian and Fr. Société Aérostatique et Météorologique de France. Paris, 1830. 8º. 761. e. 1. . Annales d'Aérostation et de Météorologie. Bulletin, etc. No. 1-3. Paris, 1852, 53. 8º. P.P. 1563. Chrestomathie Chinoise, publié aux frais de la Société Asiatique. Paris, 1833. 4º. 826. h. 10. Société Américaine de France. Râdjataranginî, histoire des rois du Kachmîr [by Kalhana), See supra : Comité d'Archéologie Américaine. traduite et commentée par A. Troyer, etc. "Sansk. & Fr. 3 tom, Paris, 1840–52. 89. 753. i. 1-3. Société Anatomique. Bulletins de la Société Anatomique de Paris. Deuxième Voyages d'Ibn Batoutah. Texte Arabe accompagné d'une édition. An. 1–30. (Table analytique générale . .. traduction par C. Defrémery et . . . B. R. Sanguinetti. pour les trente premières années ... par J. Bouteiller.) (Index.) 4 tom. Arab. & Fr. Paris, 1853-59. 8º. 31 vol. Paris, 1841-55. 8°. 753. i. 12. 13. An. 1-8 only are of the second edition, Maçoudi. Les prairies d'or. Texte et traduction par - 2e Série. Paris, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 3733 C. Barbier de Meynard et Pavet de Courteille. Arab. In progress. and Fr. 9 tom. Paris, 1861–77. 8°. 753. i. 14-17. Société Archéologique du Midi de la France. Le Mahâvastu: texte sanscrit, publié pour la première See infra : TOULOUSE. fois, et accompayné d'introductions et d'un commentaire par E. Senart. Paris, 1882, etc. 80. 753. i. 17. * Société Asiatique. In progress. Journal Asiatique; ou, recueil de mémoires, d'extraits et de notices relatifs à l'histoire, à la philosophie, aux Société Bibliographique. sciences, à la littérature et aux langues des peuples Polybiblion. Revue bibliographique universelle. 12 Orientaux; rédigé par MM. Chézy, Coquebert Dô Mont- tom. Paris, 1868–74. 8º. bret, Degérando, Fauriel, Grangeret De Lagrange, Hase, Klaproth, Abel Rémusat, Saint-Martin, Silvestre De Deuxième série. Paris, 1875, etc. 8º. Sacy, et autres Académiciens et professeurs français et Ac. 9570. & BB.R. étrangers, et publié par la Société Asiatique. 11 tom. In progress. After 1874, each year is divided into Paris, 1822–27. 8º. Ac. 8808. & 2098. c. « Partie Littéraire" and " Partie Technique.” 795 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 796 - - - . PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Société Bibliographique. Société Centrale d'Agriculture de France. Congrès Bibliographique International tenu à Paris ... Réflexions sur les avantages qui résulteroient de la 1878, sous les auspices de la Société Bibliographique. réunion de la Société Royale d'Agriculture, de l'École Compte-rendu des travaux. pp. 579. Vétérinaire, & de trois Chaires du. Collége Royal du Paris, Bruxelles (printed], 1879. 8º. 11903. h. 6. Jardin du Roi. (Tableau comparatif des dépenses que nécessitent ces différens établissemens, etc.) DU FRESNE DE BEAUCOURT (GASTON) Histoire de [Paris, 1791?] 8º. "B. 586. (11.) Charles VII. Paris, Rennes (printed], 1881, etc. 8°. . In progress. Ac. 9570/2. Observations de la Société Royale d'Agriculture sur la question suivante, qui lui a été proposée par le Comité d'Agriculture & de Commerce de l'Assemblée Nationale Société Botanique de France. ... L'usage des Domaines congéables est-il utile ou non Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France, fondée le au progrès de l'Agriculture ? Redigées par MM. Abeille, 23 Avril, 1854. Paris, 1854, etc. 8º. Ac. 3252. l'Abbé de Febvre, et l'Abbé Tessier. [Paris, 1792.] 8º. In progress. B. 586. (10.) Observations sur la question de l'aliénation des forêts Société Centrale d'Agriculture de France. nationales, presentées à l'Assemblée Nationale, par la Société Royale d'Agriculture. Paris, 1792. 8º. Recueil contenant les délibérations de la Société Royale B. 556. (7.) d'Agriculture de la généralité de Paris, depuis le 12 Rapport fait à la Société d'Agriculture du Département mars jusqu'au 10 Septembre, 1761, et les Mémoires de la Seine, sur la nécessité de conserver l'établissement publiés par son ordre pendant le même tems. rural de l'anciennes menageries de Versailles. Paris, 1761. 8º. 116. k. 33. [Paris, 1800 ?] 8º. F. 488. (1.) Mémoires d'agriculture, d'économie rurale et domestique. Essai sur la nécessité et les moyens de faire entrer dans 1785–91. 25 vol. Paris, (1785-91.) 8º. l'instruction publique l'enseignement de l'agriculture, lu 255. h. 6-18. à la Société ... au nom d'une commission ... François [Another copy.] 988. g: 23. (de Neufchateau) rapporteur. Paris, An x. (1802). 8º. 966. h. 34. (2.) Wanting “été" de "automne" 1789, the whole of 1990 and Programme des prix remis et proposés, et notice des “ été" & "automne" 1791. médailles d'encouragement données par la Société ... dans sa séance publique du 2º. complémentaire An X. Compte rendu à la Société ... de ses travaux faits, com- Paris, (1802.] *8º. T. 960. (5.) mencés et projetés, depuis le 30 Mai 1788, jusques et compris le 30 Sept. 1793, and 3 de la Republique ... [Another copy.] B. 531. (1.) Par I. L. Lefebvre. (Table raisonnée des matières con- tenues dans les 23 trimestres publiés par la Société.) Compte rendue à la Société d'Agriculture du Départe- Paris, An VII. [1799.] 8º. 256. h. 6. ment de la Seine, par la Commission de la Charrue ... Le C. François (de Neufchateau) Rapporteur. Mémoires d'Agriculture, etc. publiés par la Société Paris, An xi (1803]. 8º. 966. h. 34. (10.) d'Agriculture du département de la Seine. Tom. 1–16. Avis ... sur quelques procédés économiques à employer Paris, an ix. (1801]-13. 8º. 225. h. 19-31. & 256. h. 1-5. pour la ... plantation des pommes de terre. [Paris,] 1817. 8º. B. 531. (7.) Planches. 4º. 3. Tab. 70. Reports made upon the patent moveable inodorous con- [Another copy of tom. 1, 2.] 988. k. 5. veniences, by the Royal and Central Society of Agri- culture of France, with a supplement by the Comte Mémoires d'Agriculture, d'Économie rurale et domes- François de Neuf Château ; the Royal Medical Society of tique publiés par la Société royale et centrale, etc. Marseilles ; the Society for the encouragement of national Année 1814-50. 47 vol. Paris, 1814, etc. 8º. 256. h. 4-5. & Ac. 3408. industry; the Medical Society of Lyons; the Society of Emulation of Rouen, and the Medical Society of Paris. - Table générale des matières contenues dans les Translated from the French [by O'C.]. 6 pt. Mémoires de la Société nationale ... depuis sa recon London, 1819. 8º. * B. 521. (3.) stitution en l'an VII., jusqu'en 1850. 63 vol. Par M. Rapport sur diverses questions relatives à la sériculture, Block. Paris, 1851. gº. Ac. 3408. présenté au nom d'une commission spéciale par M. Milne- This Table is bound with the volume for 1850. Edwards. Paris, (1851.] 8°. 7294. f. Biographies des Membres de la Société, etc. (Rédigées Observations pour servir à l'histoire naturelle de par L. Bouchard-Huzard.) 1848 à 1853 (1854 à 1858). l'Hylésine Piniperde, insecte destructeur des pins; en 2 vol. Paris, 1865–74. gº. 10662. dá. réponse à une note de M. Chevandier ... par M. F. E. Exposé des travaux de la Société, etc. (Par M. Guérin-Méneville. Paris, [1852.] 8º. Ac. 3408/2. Broussonet.) [Paris,] 1788. 8º. B. 586. (7.) L'Euvre agricole de M. de Béhague. Compte rendu d'une visite faite par une délégation de la Société ... sur Avis aux Cultivateurs, sur la Culture du Tabac en le Domaine de Dampierre, appartenant à M. de Béhague France; publié par la Société Royale d'Agriculture. ... Par J. A. Barral, secrétaire perpétuel. Précédé d'un Paris, 1791. 80. B. 578. (3.) discours et d'un tableau par M. Ê. Chevreul. Paris, 1875. 12º. 7074. C. 3. Mémoires sur l'éducation des Bêtes à laine longue; et sur les moyens d'en améliorer les races. Guiot (LÉONIDE) Les forêts et les pâturages du comté Paris, 1791. 8º. B. 586. (9.) de Nice, etc. Paris, 1875. 8º. Ac. 3408/3. Observations sur l'aménagement des forêts, et particu MAUGUIN ( ) Employé au Ministère de l'Agriculture, lièrement des forêts nationales. Présentées à l'Assemblée etc. Études historiques sur l'administration de l'Agri- Nationale, par la Société Royale d'Agriculture. culture en France. 2 tom. Paris, 1876–77. 8º. Paris, 1791. 8º. B. 556. (6.) Ac. 3408/4. progress.º. 47 vol. été royale murale et do 797 798 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] - 1869. LA ! 90.0513. PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Société Centrale d'Apiculture et d'Insectologie.' Société Chimique. Bulletin d'Insectologie Agricole; journal mensuel de la Bulletin des Séances de 1858-1859–1860 (- de 1861-de Société Centrale d'Apiculture & d'Insectologie. Ento 1862). Publié par MM. A. Wurtz et F. Le Blanc (J. mologie appliquée. Bouis et C. Friedel). 3 vol. Paris, 1861, 62. '8º. Paris (printed), Sceaux (printed], 1876, etc. 89. Ac. 3895/3. In progress. Ac. 3610/2. Répertoire de chimie pure et appliquée. FONVIELLE (WILFRID DE) Documents sur l'exposition des - Compte-rendu des progrès de la chimie pure en . insectes au Jardin du Luxembourg en 1872. Rapport France et à l'étranger, par A. Wurtz (et F. Le Blanc). sur l'insectologie générale, etc. Paris, 1872. 8º. 1858–62. 4 tom. AC. 3610. - Compte-rendu des applications de la chimie en Société Centrale des Architectes. France et à l'étranger par C. Barreswil. 1858–63. 5 tom. Paris, 1858–63. 8º. Ac. 3895. Société Centrale des Architectes... Statuts. Règlement. The “ Répertoire de Chimie pure” was united with the Paris, 1843. 8°: Ac. 4770. “ Bulletin de la Société Chimique," and ceased to appear Bulletins des séances générales ... Composition actuelle after 1862. The “ Répertoire de Chimie appliquée" con- de la société, ainsi que du bureau et du conseil pour tinued to appear separately until the end of 1863, when it was l'exercice 1843–1844 (1844–50. - Comptes-rendus des also incorporated with the “ Bulletin.”. opérations pendant l'exercice 1843-50). Bulletin ... comprenant outre le compte rendu des tra- Paris, 1843-50. 8º. Ac. 4770/2. vaux de la Société, l'analyse des Mémoires de Chimie Bulletin pour l'exercice 1851-(70. Bulletin Mensuel pure publiés en France et à l'étranger. Par MM. J. Bouis, C. Friedel, F. le Blanc, A. Wurtz, etc. Année pour l'année 1871, etc.) Paris, 1851, etc. 8º. 1863. Paris, 1863. 8º. In progress. Ac. 4770/3. Annales ... Année 1874, etc. [With an introduction by Bulletin ... comprenant le compte rendu...et l'analyse P. Sédille.] Paris, 1875, etc. go. des Mémoires de Chimie pure et appliquée... par MM. Ac. 4770/4. In progress. C. Barreswil, J. Bouis, C. Friedel, E. Kopp, F. le Blanc, A. Scheurer-Kestner'et A. Wurtz, etc. Nouvelle série. Observations sur le projet de loi des patentes, et sur le Paris, 1864, etc. 8°. Ac. 3895/2. rapport de la Commission de la Chambre des Députés. In progress. Paris, 1844. 8º, .: 7820. bbb. Table analytique des matières contenues dans le Bulletin Observations présentées par la Société sur la necessité de la Société chimique, 1re, et 20. séries, 1858 à 1874, et d'instituer un diplôme d'architecte, et programme des dans les Répertoires de Chimie pure et de chemie appli- connaissances exigibles par l'obtention de ce diplôme. quée ... Dressées par E. Willm. Paris, 1847. 8º. 7820. bbb. Paris, Clichy (printed], 1876. 8º. Ac. 3895/2. Lettre de M. le Président portant convocation en réunion Leçons de Chimie, professées en 1860, par MM. Pasteur, générale le 10 Novembre 1848 ... Compte rendu du Cahours, Wurtz, Berthelot, Sainte-Claire Deville, secrétaire principal sur les opérations du bureau et du Barral, et Dunias. Paris, 1861. 8º. Ac. 3895/4. conseil. Lettre à M. le Ministre des Travaux publics, Leçons de Chimie et de Physique professées en 1861 par etc. Paris, 1848. 8º. 7820. bbb. MM. Jamin, Debray, Lissajous, Cloez, E. Becquerel et Pasteur. [Edited by J. B. Dumas.] Paris, 1862. 8º. Observations et propositions ... relativement 1º. A Ac. 3895/4. l'enseignement de l'architecture; 2d. À l'institution d'un diplôme, ou certificat de capacité ; 3º. À l'organisation Leçons de Chimie et de Physique professées en 1862 par des travaux des bâtiments civils. Adoptées dans les MM. Verdet et Berthelot. Paris, 1863. 8º. séances générales des 23, 30 Novembre et 7 Décembre Ac. 3895/4. 1848. Paris, 1849. 8°. 7820. bbb. Leçons de Chimie professées en 1863, par A. Wurtz, A. Lamy, L. Grandeau. Paris, 1864. gº. Catalogue de la Biblothèque de la Société (dressé... par . Ac. 3895/4. les soins de M. A. Lenoir). Paris, 1850. gº. Leçons de Chimie professées en 1864 et 1865, par MM. 7820. bbb. Berthelot, de Luynes, Sainte-Claire Deville, Descloiseaux. Manuel des Lois du Bâtiment élaboré par la Société Paris, 1866. 8º. Ac. 3895/4. Centrale des Architectes. Suivi du recueil des lois, Leçons de Chimie professées en 1866 et 1867 par Sainte- ordonnances et arrêtés concernant la voirie ayant trait Claire Deville, Schützenberger, Le Roux. aux constructions. Paris, 1863. 8º. : 5425. aaa. Paris, 1869. 8º. Ac. 3895/4. Société Centrale d'Horticulture, Société Chimique de Paris. Leçons de Chimie professées Journal. 12 tom. Paris, 1855-66. 8º. en 1868 et 1869 par MM. P. P. D., P. Schutzenberger, C. Friedel, F. P. Le Roux, A. Gautier, B. Tollens. - 24. série. 12 tom. Paris, 1867–78. 8º. Paris, 1870. 8º. 8907. e. 3e. série. Paris, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 3331/2. In progress. This is a continuation of the “ Annales'de Société Cuvierienne. la Société d'Horticulture." See infra : Société d'Horti Revue Zoologique, par la Société Cuvierienne ... Publié culture. p. 40. sous la direction de M. F. E. Guérin Méneville. Année Société Impériale et centrale d'Horticulture... Exposition 1838-48. 11 tom. Paris, 1838–48. 89. 'P.P. 2026. C. & 820. Universelle de 1855. Procès-verbaux des Séances du From 1849, this world was united with the “ Magazin de Jury, précédés de la liste générale des Exposants, etc. Zoologie” and published as a periodical under the title of Paris, 1857. 8º. Ac. 3331/3. “ Revue et Magazin de Zoologie.” Wants titlepage to See CARRIÈRE (E. A.) Réfutation de divers articles de... tom. 1. J. Guyot contre le système de ... D. Hooibreuk sur la culture de la vigne, et critique du Rapport fait par la... Société d'Acclimatation. Société ... d'Horticulture ... sur le même sujet. Chronique de la Société, etc. Paris, (1875, etc.] fol. (1865?] 8º. 7078. df. 10. (1.) In progress. 545. 199 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] . 800 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED): Société d'Agriculture du Département de la Seine. Société de Géographie. See infra: Société Centrale d'Agriculture de JACKSON (JAMES) Archiviste-Bibliothécaire of the Société de France. Géographie of Paris. Liste provisoire de bibliographies Sociéte d'Anthropologie. géographiques spéciales. pp. vi. 340. Paris, 1881. 8º. BB.I. Bulletins. 6 tom. Paris, 1860-65. 8º. 11e Série. 12 tom. 1866–77. 8º. Société de la Morale Chrétienne. IIre Série. Tom. 1, etc. 1878, etc. 8º. Extrait du procès-verbal de la première assemblée In progress. Ac. 6227. générale : du 19 Décembre, 1821. [Paris, 1821.] 8º. Mémoires. 3 tom. Paris, 1860-68. 8º. P.P. 53. (2.) - 2e Série. 1873, etc. 8°. * . Ac. 6227/2. Journal. 12 tom. Paris, 1822–30. 8º. P.P. 48. In progress. [Continued as :] Instructions générales pour les recherches anthropo- Archives philanthropiques. 2 tom. [Paris, 1830, 31.] 8º. · logiques à faire sur le vivant, rédigées par M. P. Broca. P.P. 49. [Continued as:] Seconde édition ... augmentée. pp. xii. 289. Journal de la Société, etc. 24 tom. Paris, 1879. 8º. Ac. 6227/3. Paris, i832–43. 8º. Société d'Archéologie nationale. _ Troisième série. 8 tom. Paris, 1844–47. 8º. Statuts de la Société d'Archéologie nationale. - Quatrième série. Paris, 1849, etc. 8º. Paris, (1848.] 8º. Ac. 5333. P.P. 50. a. In progress. Tom. 14 & 23 of the second series and Société de Biologie. tom. 5 of the third are imperfect. . Comptes rendus des séances et Mémoires de la Société, etc. 5 tom. Paris, 1850–54. 8º. Begin. Extrait du Journal de la Société de la Morale Chrétienne No. 7 Comité pour l'abolition de la traité des - Deuxième Série. 5 tom. 1855-59. 8º. noirs : Société formée à Liverpool pour l'adoucissement - Troisième Série. 5 tom. 1860-64. 8º. et l'abolition graduelle de l'esclavage. (Traduction Quatrième Série. 5 tom. 1865–69. 8º. d'une lettre addressée par M. J. Price, ... à M. C. de Remusat,) etc. [Paris, 1823?] 89. P.P. 54. (5.) Cinquième Série. 5 tom. 1870–74. 8º. - Sixième Série. Tom. 1, etc. 1875, etc. 8º. Procès-verbal de la seconde assemblée générale. (Ex- In progress. Ac. 3735. trait.) [Paris, 1823.] 8º. P.P. 51. (1.) Société de Chimie Médicale. Rapport fait au nom du comité des censeurs ... dans la Journal de Chimie Médicale, ... et revue des nouvelles réunion générale ... 17 Avril 1823 par M. J. G. Würtz. scientifiques nationales et étrangères par les membres de [Paris, 1823.] 8º. P.P. 51. (2.) la Société de Chimie Médicale. See PERIODICAL PUBLICA- TIONS.—Paris. Journal de Chimie Médicale, etc. P.P. 3188. d. 1825, etc. 8º. Assemblée générale annuelle ... 1824-29. Paris, 1824–29. 8º. P.P. 51. (3-8.) Société de Chirurgie. Assemblée générale ... 1834-40, 42-46. Société de Chirurgie de Paris. Discussion sur l'hygiène Paris, 1834-46. 8º. P.P. 52. et la salubrité des Hôpitaux. Paris, 1865. 8º. 7686. bb. Société de la Morale Chrétienne. [Works published by Société de Géographie. the Society.] Paris, 1851, etc. 80. P.P. 50. b. Bulletin. 20 tom. Paris, 1822-33. 8º. Ac. 6035. Deuxième Série. 20 tom. Paris, 1834-43. 8º. Société de l'École des Chartes. Ac. 6035. See supra: École des Chartes. Table alphabétique et raisonnée des matières con- tenues dans les deux premières séries 1822–43, Société de législation Comparée rédigée par E. de Froberville. Paris, 1845. 8º. Ac. 6035. Annuaire de Législation étrangère ... Contenant la Imperfect; wanting all after p. 224. traduction des principales lois votées dans les pays étrangers. Paris, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 2115/3. Troisième Série. 14 tom. Paris, 1844–50. 8º. In progress. Ac. 6035. Code.d’Instruction Criminelle Autrichien. Traduit et Quatrième Série. 20 tom. Paris, 1851-60. 8º. annoté par E. Bertrand, C. Lyon. Paris, 1875. 8º. Ac. 6035. Ac. 2115/2. Cinquième Série. 20 tom. Paris, 1861-70. 8º. Code Pénal des Pays-Bas (3 Mars 1881), traduit et Sixième Série. Paris, 1871–80. 8º. annoté par W.-J. Wintgens. pp. xii. 140. Septième Série. Paris, 1881, etc. 89. Ac. 6035. Paris, 1883. 8º. 5685. aaa. 1. In progress. Part of a “ Collection des Principaux Codes Étrangers." Recueil de Voyages et de Mémoires publié par la BERTRAND (ERNEST) Loi sur les Aliénés. Procès- Société. Tom. 1–7. Paris, 1824-64. 4º. verbaux de la commission chargée d'étudier les modifica- Ac. 6035/4. tions à introduire dans la loi du 30 juin 1838. Étude Société de Géographie ... Congrès International des sur les diverses législations relatives aux aliénés. 2 pt. sciences géographiques tenu à Paris ... Août 1875. Paris, 1872. 89. Ac. 2115. Compte rendu des Séances. 2 tom. Paris, 1878–80. 8º. Ac. 6035/2. Société de l'Histoire de France. CREVAUX (JULES NICOLAS) Fleuves de l'Amérique du Société pour la publication des documens originaux de Sud. 1877–1879, etc. [An atlas, preceded by a memoir l'histoire de France. [Prospectus, and “règlement of J. N. Crevaux.] Paris, 1883. obl. 4º. 1852. a. 4./ provisoire.”] [Paris, 1833.] 8º. F. 2100. (5.) ..801 802 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] PARIS (CONTINUED]. Société de l'Histoire de France. Bulletin. 1834–56. Paris, 1835(-57]. 8º. - Deuxième série. Tom. 1-3.' Année 1857-62. Paris, (18581–63. 8º. . Ac. 6884/3. · The vols. for 1834, 35, are each in two pts. Titlepages are not given for each year. After 1863 the Bulletin ceased to have a separate existence, and appeared in conjunction with the Annuaire historique as “ Annuaire Bulletin." Annuaire historique pour l'année 1837(-1863) par l'a ! . Société, etc. Paris, 1836-63. 12º. Ac. 6884/2. In 1864 this was united with the “ Bulletin" under the title of " Annuaire-Bulletin." Annuaire-Bulletin... Année 1863, etc. Paris, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 6884/4. In progress. Résumé des Travaux de la Société..i depuis sa fondation , en 1834 jusqu'au 1er Juillet 1847. [Paris, 1847.] 32º. Ac. 6884. PARIS [CONTINUED). Société de l'Histoire de France. Les Annales de Saint-Bertin (Pars prima, ab anno 830 usque ad annum 835, anonymo auctore. Pars secunda, ab anno 835 usque ad annum 882, auctore Hincmaro, Remensi Archiepiscopo) et de Saint-Vaast, suivies de fragments d'une obronique inédite, publiées avec des annotations... par l'Abbé C. Dehaisnes. Paris, 1871. 80. Ac. 6884/54. Chroniques de Saint-Martial de Limoges, publiées d'après les manuscrits originaux... par H. Duplès Agier. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed), 1874. 8º. Ac. 6884/56. ra Paris, France. Publié... par L. Douët d'Arcq. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1874. - 8º. Ac. 6884157. Récits d'un Ménestrel de Reims au treizième siècle [known as the “ Chronique de Rains"]. Publiés... par N. de Wailly. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1876. 8º. Ac. 6884/61. Taldikwv ovyypades 'El Nikol. Extraits des auteurs grecs concernant la géographie et l'histoire des Gaules. Texte et traduction nouvelle, publiés... par E. Cougny. Gr. and Fr. Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed), 1878, etc. 8. In progress. Ac. 6884/65. Gesta Pontificum Cameracensium. ' Gestes des Évêques de Cambrai de 1092 à 1138. Texte original, publié... par...C. de Smedt, etc. pp. xxviii. 274. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1880. 8°: 11408. f. 6. Les Établissements de Saint Louis...avec une introduc- tion et des notes. Publiés... par P. Viollet. 2 tom. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1881. 8º. Ac. 6884/68. Chronique Normande du XIVe siècle, publiée... par A. et É. Molinier. pp. lxxv. 408. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1882. 89. Ac. 6884/69. Histoire des Ducs de Normandie et des Rois d'Angleterre, publiée...en entier pour la première fois d'après deux manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du Roi, suivie de la rélation du Tournoi de Ham par Sarrazin, trouvère du XIIIe siècle, et précédée d'une introduction par F. Michel. Paris, 1840. 8º. Ac. 6884/12. Procés de condamnation et de réhabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc dite la Pucelle, publiés pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale, suivis de tous les documents historiques qu'on a pu réunir et accompagnés de notes et d'éclaircissements, par J. Quicherat. 5 tom. Paris, 1841-49. 8º. Ac. 6884/16. Registres de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris pendant la Fronde ; suivis d'une relation de ce qui s'est passé dans la ville et l'abbaye de Saint-Denis à la même époque, publiés... par Le Roux de Lincy et Douët d’Arcq. 3 tom. : Paris, 1846–48. 8º. Ac. 6884/22. Comptes de l'Argenterie des rois de France au XIV. siècle, publiés ... d'après les manuscrits originaux par L. Douët d'Arcq. Paris, 1851. 8º. Ac. 6884/26. Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris sous le règne de François Premier (1515-1536) publié... par L. Lalanne. Paris, 1854. 8º.. Ac. 6884/29. Chroniques des Comtes d'Anjou recueillies et publiées pour la Société par MM. Marchegay et Salmon, avec une introduction par M. E. Mabille. Paris, 1856–71. 80. Ac. 6884/32. Les miracles de Saint Benoît, écrits par Adrevald, Aimoin, André, Raoul Tortaire, et Hugues de Sainte Marie, moines de Fleury. Réunis et publiés pour la Société de l'Histoire de France, par E. de Certain. Lat. Paris, 1858. 8º. Ac. 6884/37. Chronique des quatre premiers Valois (1327–1393); publiée pour la première fois... par M. S. Luce. Paris, 1862. 80. Ac. 6884/39. Choix de pièces inédites relatives au règne de Charles VI., publiées... par L. Douët d’Arcq. 2 tom. Paris, 1863, 64. 8º. Ac. 6884/42. Comptes de l'Hôtel des Rois de France aux xive et xye siècles. Publiés... par M. L. Douët d'Arcq. Paris, 1865. 8º. Ac. 6884/45. Chroniques des Églises d'Anjou ; recueillies et publiées ... par MM. P. Marchegay et E. Mabille. Paris, 1869. 8º. Ac. 6884/51. Chronique d'Ernoul et de Bernard le Trésorier, publiée pour la première fois,...avec un essai de classification des continuateurs de Guillaume de Tyr, pour la Société, par M. L. de Mas Latrie. Paris, 1871. 8º. Ac. 6884/53. ANTONY (DE BOURBON), King of Navarre. Lettres d'Antoine de Bourbon et de Jehanne d'Albret, publiées ... par le Mis de Rochambeau. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 6884/62. BARBIER (EDMOND JEAN FRANÇOIS) Journal historique et anecdotique du règne de Louis xv. ... Publié ... par A. de la Villegille. 4 tom. Paris, 1847–56. 8º. Ac. 6884/24. BASIN (THOMAS) Bishop of Lisieux. Histoire des règnes de Charles VII., et de Louis XI., par T. Basin, Évêque de Lisieux, jusqu'ici attribuée à Amelgard... publiée pour la première fois avec les autres ouvrages historiques du même écrivain... par J. Quicherat. 4 vol. Paris, 1855-59. 8º. Ac. 6884/31. BASSOMPIERRE (FRANÇOIS DE) Marshal of France Journal de ma vie. · Mémoires du Maréchal de Bassompierre. Première édition, conforme au manuscrit original, publiée avec fragments inédits, ... par le Mis de Chantérac. 4 tom. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1870–77. 8º. Ac. 6884/52. BEAUMANOIR (PHILIPPE DE) Les coutumes de Beauvoisis, par P. B....nouvelle édition, publiée d'après les manu- scrits de la Bibliothèque royale, par le Comte Beugnot. 2 tom. Paris, 1842. 8º. Ac. 6884/17. BORDENAVE (NICOLAS DE) Histoire de Béarn et Navarre (1517 à 1572)... Publiée, pour la première fois,... par P. Raymond. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1873. 80. Ac. 6884/55. BOURDEILLES (PIERRE DE) Seigneur de Brantôme. Oeuvres complètes... publiées d'après les manuscrits avec vari- antes et fragments inédits par L. Lalanne. Paris, 1864, etc. 8º. 40. 6884/43. In progress. - 803 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 804 . . PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Société de l'Histoire de France. Société de l'Histoire de France. BRICHANTEAU (NICOLAS DE) Marquis de Beauvais Nangis. GUILLAUME, of Tudela. La Chanson de la Croisade Mémoires du Marquis de Beauvais Nangis et journal du contre les Albigeois, commencée par Guillaume de procès du Marquis de la Boulaye. Publiés pour la première Tudèle et continuée par un poète anonyme. Éditée et fois,... par MM. Monmerqué et A. H. Taillandier. traduite ... par P. Meyer. Prov. and Fr. 2 tom. Paris, 1862. 8º. Ac. 6884/40. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1875-79. 8º. Ac. 6884/58. CABARET (JEAN) d'Orronville. La Chronique du bon duc GULIELMUS, de Nangiaco. Chronique Latine de Guillaume Loys de Bourbon (par J. Cabaret d'Orville). Publiée... de Nangis de 1113 à 1300, avec les continuations ... de par A.-M. Chazaud. Paris, 1300 à 1368. Nouvelle édition revue sur les manuscrits, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1876. 8º. Ac. 6884/59. annotée et publiée ... par H. Géraud. 2 tom. Paris, 1843. 8º. Ac. 6884/19. COLIGNY-SALIGNY (JEAN DE) Count. Mémoires du comte de Coligny-Saligny, publiés par M. Monmerqué. JOINVILLE (JEAN DE) Histoire de Saint Louis ... suivie Paris, 1841. 80. Ac. 6884/20. (1.) du Credo et de la lettre à Louis x.; texte ramené à l'orthographe des chartes du Sire de Joinville, et publié COMINES (PHILIPPE DE) Seigneur d'Argenton. Mémoires de ... par N. de Wailly. Paris, 1868. 8º. Ac. 6884/49. P. de Commynes. Nouvelle édition...par Mlle. Dupont. LA HUGUERYE (MICHEL DE) Mémoires inédits de M. de 3 tom. Paris, 1840–47. 8º. Ac. 6884/14. La Huguerye publiés d'après leo manuscrits autographes ..., par le Baron A. de Ruble. 3 tom. Paris, [Another copy.] 738. e. 17–19. Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed), 1877-80. 8º. Ac. 6884/63. Imperfect ; wanting preface, notice and index of tom. 1, and pp. 545–560 of tom. 3. LA MARCHE (OLIVIER DE) Mémoires ... publiés ... par H. Beaune et J. d'Arbaumont. Paris, Nogent- COSNAC (DANIEL DE) successively Bishop of Valence and of Die, and Archbishop of Aix. Mémoires de Daniel de Ac. 6884. 72. le-Rotrou (printed], 1883, etc. 8º. Cosnac... publiés... par le Comte J. de Cosnac. 2 tom. In progress. Paris, 1852. 8º. Ac. 6884/27. LASSERAN MASSENCOMME (B. DE) Seigneur de Montluc, Mar- shal of France. Commentaires et lettres. ... Edition DELISLE (LÉOPOLD VICTOR) Rouleaux des Morts du 1x® au revue sur les manuscrits et publiée...avec les variantes XV°. Siècle, recueillis et publiés... par L. Delisle. par A. de Ruble. 5 tom. Paris, 1864-72. 8º. Paris, 1866. 8º. Ac. 6884/46. Ac. 6884/44. LE FÈVRE (JEAN) Sieur de Saint Remy. Chronique de DU TERRAIL (PIERRE) Seigneur de Bayard. La très joyeuse, J. Le Fèvre, Seigneur de Saint-Remy. Transcrite d'un plaisante et récréative histoire du gentil Seigneur de manuscrit ... et publiée ... par F. Morand. 2 tom. Bayart, composée par le loyal serviteur, publiée . . . par Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1876–81. 8º. M. J. Roman. Paris, Ac. 6884/60. Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1878. 8º. Ac. 6884/66. LE NAIN DE TILLEMONT (LOUIS SEBASTIEN) Vie de Saint Louis roi de France ... Publiée pour la première fois EGINHARDUS. Einbardi omnia quæ extant opera. Euvres d'après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Royale et accom- complètes d'Eginhard, réunies pour la prémière fois et pagnée de notes et d'éclaircissements par J. de Gaulle. traduites en françois, avec les notes necessaires ... les 6 tom. Paris, 1847-51. 8º. Ac. 6884/23. variantes...et une table... par A. Teulet. Lat. and Fr. I LE VALOIS (PHILIPPE) Marquis de Villette-Mursay. Mé 2 tom. Paris, 1840–43. 8º. Ac. 6884/13. moires du Marquis de Villotte, publiés ... par M. Mon- ESCOUCHY (MATHIEU D') Chronique de M. d'Escouchy. merqué. Paris, 1844. 89: Ac. 6884/20. (2.) Nouvelle édition revue,...et publiée avec notes... par G. LOUIS XI., King of France. Lettres de Louis XI. . .. Du Fresne de Beaucourt. 3 tom. Paris, 1863, 64. 80. publiés ... par J. Vaesen et E. Charavay. Ac. 6884/41. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1883, etc. 8º. FENIN (PIERRE DE). Mémoires de P. de Fenin, comprenant In progress. Ac. 6884/73. le récit des événements qui se sont passés en France et en Bourgogne sous les règnes de Charles VI. et Charles VII. MARGARET (D'ANGOULÊME], Queen Consort of Henry II., King (1407–27.) Nouvelle édition, publiée d'après un manu- of Navarre. Lettres de Marguerite d'Angoulême, soeur scrit, en partie inédit...avec annotations et éclaircisse- de François jer Reine de Navarre, publiées d'après les ments par Mlle. Dupont. Paris, 1837. 8º. manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du Roi par F. Génin. Ac. 6884/8. Paris, 1841. 8º. Ac. 6884/15. FROISSART (JEAN) Chroniques... publiées pour la Société MARGARET (DE VALOIS], Queen Consort of Henry IV., King ... par S. Luce. Paris, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 6884/50. of France. Mémoires et lettres de Marguerite de Valois. In progress. Nouvelle édition, revue sur les manuscrits, ... et publiée GOULAS (NICOLAS) Mémoires de N. Goulas, ... publiés par F. Guessard. Paris, 1842. 89. Ac. 6884/18. ... d'après le manuscrit original ... par C. Constant. MAXIMILIAN I., Emperor of Germany. Correspondance de 3 tom. . Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1879–82. 8º. l'Empereur Maximilien fer et de Marguerite d'Autriche, Ac. 6884/67. sa fille ... de 1507 à 1519, publiée d'après les manuscrits GREGORY, Saint, Bishop of Tours. Histoire ecclésiastique originaux par M. le Glay. 2 tom. Paris, 1839. gº. des Francs, par Georges Florent Grégoire, Evêque de AC. 6884/11. Tours, en dix livres; revue et collationée sur de nouveaux manuscrits, et traduite par MM. J. Guadet et Taranne. MAZZARINI (GIULIO) Cardinal. Lettres du Cardinal Mazarin à la Reine, à la Princesse Palatine, etc. écrites Lat. and Fr. 4 tom. Paris, 1836–38. 8º. Ac. 6884/6. pendant sa retraite hors de France en 1651 et 1652. Avec notes et explications par M. Ravenel. GREGORY, Saint, Bishop of Tours. Les Livres des Mira- Paris, 1836. 8º. Ac. 6884/7. cles et autres opuscules de G. F. Grégoire, Évêque de Tours, revus et collationnés sur de nouveaux manuscrits MOLÉ (MATHIEU) Mémoires de M. Molé. ... Publiés ... et traduits ... par H. L. Bordier. Lat. & Fr. 4 tom. par A. Champollion-Figeac. 4 tom. Paris, 1857-64. 8º. Ac. 6884/33. Paris, 1855-57. 8º. Ac. 6884/30. LUI 805 806 ACADEMIES [PARIS CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Société de l'Histoire de France. Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français. MONSTRELET (ENGUERRAND DE) La Chronique d'E. de Nouvelles Archives de l'Art Français. Recueil de docu- Monstrelet, avec pièces justificatives, 1400-1444. Pub ments inédits publiés par la Société de l'Histoire de l'Art liée ... par L. Douët-d'Arcq. 6 tom. français. Paris, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 4550/3. Paris, 1857-62. 8°. Ac. 6884/34. In progress. MOREAU (CÉSAR) Bibliographie des Mazarinades publiée Lettres de noblesse accordées aux artistes français (17e et ...par C. Moreau. Paris, 1850–51. 8º. Ac. 6884/25. 18e siècles); suivies de la liste des artistes nommés Chevaliers de l'Ordre de Saint Michel. (Extrait de la MOREAU (CÉSAR) Choix de Mazarinades ... publié par Revue Historique, Nobiliare et Biographique.) C. M. 2 tom. Paris, 1853. 8º. Ac. 6884/28. Paris, Angers (printed], 1873. 8º. Ac. 4550. Only 50 copies printed. MORNAY (CHARĻOTTE DE) Madame. Mémoires de Madame de Mornay. Édition revue sur les manuscrits, publiée Bulletin, etc. Année 1-4. Paris, Nogent-le- avec les variantes et accompagnée de lettres inédites de Rotrou (printed), 1875–78. 80. Ac. 4550/7. Mret Mme Du Plessis Mornay et de leurs enfants, ... par No more published.' Madame de Witt. 2 tom. Paris, 1868–69. 80. COCHIN (CHARLES NICOLAS) Mémoires inédits de C. N. Ac. 6884/48. Cochin sur le Comte de Caylus, Bouchardon, les Slodtz, ORDERICUS VITALIS. Ordericus Vitalis ... Historia Ec publiés ... avec introduction, notes et appendice par clesiasticæ libri tredecim ; ex veteris codicis Uticensis M. C. Henry. pp. 192. collatione emendavit et suas animadversiones adjecit A. le Paris, Lille (printed], 1880. 8º. Ac. 4550/8. Prevost. [Notice sur Orderic Vital; by L. D., i.e. Léopold Delisle.] 5 tom. Parisiis, 1838–55. 8°. Ac. 6884/10. DUPONT (PIERRE) La Stromatourgie de P. Dupont. Documents relatifs à la fabrication des tapis de Turquie RICHERUS, Monachus Rhemensis. Richer, histoire de son en France au XVIIe siècle, publiés par A. Darcel et temps. Texte reproduit, d'après l'édition originale J. Guiffrey. pp. xlvii. 148. Paris, Nogent-le- donnée par G. H. Pertz, avec traduction française, notice Rotrou (printed], 1882. 8º. Ac. 4550/9. et commentaire par J. Guadet. Lat. and Fr. 2 tom. Paris, 1845. 8º. Ac. 6884/21. FÉLIBIEN (ANDRÉ) Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des maison royalles et bastimens de France ... publiés... RIGORD. Euvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton, d'après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque nationale. [By historiens de Philippe Auguste. Publiées ... par H. F. A. de M.] Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1874. go. Delaborde. Paris, Nogent-le- Ac. 4550/2 Rotrou (printed], 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 6884/71. LABORDE (LÉON EMMANUEL SIMON JOSEPH DE) Marquis. Les In progress. Comptes des Bâtiments du Roi, 1528–1571. Suivis de SPANHEIM (ÉZÉCHIEL) Baron. Relation de la Cour de documents inédits sur les châteaux royaux et les beaux- France en 1690 . . . Publiée ou par-M.-€: -Schefer. arts au XVI°. siècle, recueillis ... par le Marquis L. de pp. lvii. 462. Paris, Nogent-le- Laborde. 2 tom. Paris, 1877-80. 8º. Ac. 4550/5. Rotrou (printed, 1882. 8º. Ac. 6884/70. MONTAIGLON (ANATOLE DE) Procès-verbaux de l'Académie STEPHANUS, de Borbone, Dominican. Anecdotes his Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, 1648–1792, publiés toriques, légendes, et apologues tirés du recueil inédit par M. A. de Montaiglon. d'Étienne de Bourbon ... [entitled “Tractatus de diversis Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1875, etc. 80. materiis prædicabilibus'] publiés . . . par A. Lecoy de In progress. Ac. 4550/4. la Marche. Lat. Paris, Nogent-le- PORT (CÉLESTIN) Les Artistes Angevins : peintres, sculp Rotrou (printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 6884/64. teurs, ..d'après les Archives Angevines. pp. xx. 329. SUGERIUS, Abbas S. Dionysii. Euvres complètes de Paris, Angers (printed], 1881. 8º. Ac. 4550/6. Suger, recueillies, annotés et publiées d'après les manu- scrits ... par A. Lecoy de la Marche. Paris. 1867. 80. Société de l'Histoire de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France. Ac. 6884/47. Bulletin, etc. VILLARS (LOUIS HECTOR DE) Duke, Marshal of France. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1874, etc. 8º. Mémoires du Maréchal dó Villars publiés d'après le In progress. Ac. 6883. manuscrit original pour la Société ... et accompagnés Mémoires, etc. de correspondances inédites par ... le Mis de Vogüé. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed), 1875, etc. 8º. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1884, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. Ac. 6883./2. Ac. 6884/74. BAUDOT DU BUISSON D’AMBENAY (NICOLAS FRANÇOIS) Jour- VILLEHARDOUIN (GEOFFROY DE) De la conqueste de Con- nal des guerres civiles de Dubuisson-Ambena', 1648- stantinople, par Joffroi de Villehardouin et Henri de 1652. Publié par G. Saige. Valenciennes. Édition faite sur des manuscrits nouvelle- Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1883, etc. 80. ment reconnus, et accompagnée de notes et commentaires par P. Paris. Paris, 1838.80. Ac. 6884/9. In progress. Ac. 6883/6. VOYER DE PAULMY (RENÉ LOUIS DE) Marquis D'Argenson. CAMPARDON (ÉMILE) Les Comédiens du Roi de la troupe Française pendant les deux derniers siècles. Documents Journal et mémoires du Marquis d'Argenson, publiés inédits recueillis aux Archives Nationales. pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits autographes de la Bibliothèque du Louvie ... par E. J. B. Rathery. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1879, 80. Ac. 6883/3. 9 tom. Paris, 1859–67. 8º. Ac. 6884/38. LONGNON (AUGUSTE) Documents Parisiens sur l'Icono- WAVRIN (JEHAN DE) Seigneur du Forestel. Anchiennes graphie de S. Louis, publiés par A. Longnon. pp. 68. Cronicques d’Engleterre ... Choix de chapitres inédits, Paris, Le Puy [printed], 1882. 89. Ac. 6883;5. annotés et publiés ... par Mlle. Dupont. 3 tom. Paris, 1858–63. 8º. Ac. 6884/35. TUETEY (ALEXANDRE) Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris, 1405-1449. Publié. . . par A. Tuetey. pp. xliv. 413. [Adother copy.) F. P. Ac. 6884/36. Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1881. gº. Only 6 copies printed on F. P. Ac. 6883/4. 807 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 808 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français. Société de Médecine légale de France. Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français. Sta- Instruction pour servir à déterminer les éléments con- tuts. Paris, 1852. 8º. P.P. 58. b. stituents du sang dans les taches dans les expertises médico-légales. Avec une planche chromolithographiée. Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Paris, 1874. 8º. Ac. 3736. Français.. Histoire religieuse, politique et littéraire. Documents inédits et originaux (edited by E. Haag]. Société de Médecine publique et d'Hygiène prom Paris, 1852, etc. 8º. Ac. 2015. fessionnelle. In progress. NAPIAS (HENRI) and MARTIN (ANDRÉ JEAN BAPTISTE) Notice sur la Société de l'histoire du Protestantisme L'étude et les progrès de l'hygiène en France de 1878 å Français 1852-1872. Paris, 1874. 12º. Ao. 2015/3. 1882. Par. MM. H. Napias...et A. J. Martin... Avec une préface de M. le Professeur Brouardel, etc. pp. xi. ROU (JEAN) Mémoires inédits et opuscules de J. Rou, 546. Paris, 1882. 8º. Ac. 3739. avocat au Parlement de Paris, 1659 ... publiés ... par F. Waddington. (Lettres de Bayle à J. Rou.) 2 tom. 2 tom. Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale. & fueille supplémentaire. Paris, 1857. 8º. Ac. 2015. 4. Annuaire de la Société, etc. Société de l'Industrie Minérale. See infra : Bulletin, etc. Bulletin de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale. Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale. Paris, 1855, etc. 8º. Ac. 3208. Programme. [Paris, 1801.]* 4º. 936. o. 35. (29.) In progress. Histoire de la fondation de le Société d'encouragement Société de Linguistique. pour l'industrie nationale, ou recueil des procès-verbaux Mémoires. Paris, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 2810. des séances de cette société depuis...le...1er Novembre In progress. 1801 jusqu'au... 22 Septembre 1802. Paris, 1850. 4º. . 8245. f. Sobre proyectos de una lengua universal y especialmente sobre el del Doctor B. Sotos Ochando. Opinion de la Bulletin, etc. Paris, An X., [1802,] etc. 4°. Ac. 4416. comision de la lengua universal de la Sociedad de Lin- In progress. The volume for 1852 has a second title- guistica de Paris, etc. Madrid, 1859. fol. page, which reads : “ Annuaire de la société d'encourage- 1260. g. (112.) ment, etc." Société de l'Orient Latin. Table générale analytique et raisonnée des matières contenues daus les trente-six premières années du Bul- Publications de la Société... Série géographique. letin... Par C. Daclin. Table générale...des... volumes Genève, 1877, etc. 8º. Àc. 9578/2. 37 à 49 inclusivement...formant le complément de la In progress. Table...publiée en 1838. Par C. Daclin. 2 vol. Publications de la Société... Série historique. Paris, 1838–51. 4º. Ac. 4416. Genève, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 9578. Bibliothèque des Arts industriels . . ; Arts chimiques. In progress. Traité théorique et pratique de l'impression des tissues, Rapport 1, etc. Genève, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 9578/3. par J. Persoz. 4 tom. Paris, 1846. 8º. In progress. 1400. f. 9-10. Bibliographie de l'Orient Latin. Atlas. 1262. g. Paris, Gênes (printed], 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 9578/5. In progress. Société de Pharmacie de Paris. ARMINENSIS. Prologus Arminensis in Mappam Terre See supra : École supérieure de Pharmacie. Sancte. Reproduction photographique [of a treatise descriptive of Palestine, originally published about Société des Agriculteurs de France, 1480]. [Paris, Geneva printed, 1883, etc.] fol. 572. Société des Agriculteurs de France. Comptes-rendus In progress. des travaux du Congrès Viticole et Séricicole de Lyon. HOLY LAND. De passagiis in Terram Sanctam. Ex- Séances des 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, et 14 Septembre 1872. cerpta ex Chronologia Magna codicis Latini CCCXCIX Lyon (printed], Paris, [1873 ?] 8º. Ac. 3395. Bibliothecæ ad D. Marci Venetiarum, auspice Societate illustrandis Orientis Latini monumentis. Edidit G. M. SAGNIER (HENRI) Société des Agriculteurs de France. Thomas, etc. [A photographic reproduction, on eight Congrès International de l'Agriculture. L'Agriculture leaves, with prefatory letterpress.] en Italie. Paris, 1878. 8°. 7078. df. 4. (12.) Venetiis, 1879. fol. 1703. d. 6. No. 128 of 160 copies printed. Société des Amateurs des Sciences Physiques et RIANT (PAUL) Count. Archives de l'Orient latin, etc. Naturelles. [Edited by Count Riant.) Notice des travaux de la Société... Année 1, 2. 2 pt. Paris, Gênes (printed), 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 9578/4. Paris, 1807, 8. 8°. 986. a. 22. In progress. Société des Anciens Textes Français. SCHLUMBERGER (GUSTAVE) Numismatique de l'Orient Latin. Avec 19 planches, etc. (Le chapitre des mon- Bulletin, etc. Paris, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 9811. naies des seigneurs de Mételin à été rédigé par M. P. In progress. Lambros, d'Athènes.) pp. xii. 504. (Supplément and Chansons du xve, siècle. Publiées... par Gaston Paris, index alphabétique.) pp. 37. Paris, 1878, 82. 4º. et accompagnées de la musique, etc. Paris, 1875. 80. 7755. i. 4. Ac. 9811/2. Société de Médecine de Paris. Le plus anciens monuments de la langue française See infra: Société de Santé, etc. (ixe., xe. siècle) publiés avec un commentaire philologique par G. Paris. Album. Paris, 1875. fol. *1703. d.* 2. Société de Médecine homoeopathique de Paris. Brun de la Montaigne. Roman d'aventure. Publié Bulletin. Tom. 1-8. Paris, 1845-50. 8º. pour la première fois, d'après le manuscrit unique de Ac. 3727/4. Paris par P. Meyer. Paris, 1875. 8º. Ac. 9811/3. 809 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 810 PARIS (CONTINUED): PARIS (CONTINUED]. Société des Anciens Textes Français. Société de Santé de Paris, afterwards Société de Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages, publiés Médecine. d'après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Nationale par Table analytique et raisonnée des matières contenues Gaston Paris and U. Robert. dans les dix-sept premiers volumes du journal général Paris, Le Puy (printed], 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 9811/4. de Médecine et dans les deux volumes de supplément ou In progress. Recueil périodique de littérature médicale étrangère, par Guillaume de Palerne, publié d'aprés le manuscrit de la J. Bourges. [Tom. 1.] Paris, 1803. 8º. Bibliothèque de l'Arsénal à Paris par H. Michelant. dans les vingt-cinq volumes ... depuis le dix-hui- Paris, 1876. 8º. Ac. 9811/5. tième volume jusqu'au quarante-deuxième inclusivement, Deux Rédactions du Roman des Sept Sages de Rome. par J. Bourges. Tom. 2. Paris, 1812. 8º. Publiées par Gaston Paris. dans les dix neuf volumes depuis la quarante- Paris, Le Puy [printed], 1876. 8º. Ac. 9811/6. troisième jusqu'au soixante-unième inclusivement, par Aiol, chanson de geste, publiée d'après le manuscrit J. Bourges. Tom. 3. Paris, 1818. 8º. unique de Paris par J. Normand & G. Raynaud. dans les trente-six volumes de la deuxième série, Paris, Nogent-le-Rotrou (printed], 1877. go. par C. E. S. Gaultier de Claubry. Tom. 4. Ac. 9811/7. Paris, 1829. 80. Ac. 3722. Le Débat des Hérauts d'Armes de France et d'Angleterre, suivi de The Debate between the Heralds of England Second Rapport de la Commission de Vaccine à la Société and France, by J. Coke. Édition commencée par L. de Médecine de Paris. Paris, 1802. 8º. Pannier et achevée par M. P. Meyer. pp. xliv. 217. 7561. b. i. (1.) Paris, 1877. 8º. Ac. 9811/8. Transactions médicales; Journal de Médecine pratique, Le Mistère du Viel Testament, publié, avec introduction, et de littérature médicale, dans lequel sont publiés les actes de la Société de Médecine... Tom. 1-13. Tom. notes et glossaire, par le Baron J. de Rothschild. 1-9 rédigés par A. N. Gendrin. (Tom. 10 rédigé par Paris, Le Puy (printed], 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 9811/9. MM. Forget et Sandras. Tom. 11–13. publiés par la In progress. Société. . . rédigés par M. Forget.) Paris, 1830–33. 8º. (Euvres complètes de Eustache Deschamps, publiées Ác. 372272. d'après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Nationale, par Essai sur la réformation de la Société dite de Médecine. le Marquis de Queux de Saint-Hilaire. Genève, an vi. [1798.] 8º. F. 1259. (5.) Paris, Le Puy (printed], 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 9811/10. In progress. Le Saint Voyage de Jherusalem du Seigneur d'Anglure, Société des Antiquaires de France. publié par F. Bonnardot & A. Longnon. pp. lxxviii. See supra : Académie Celtique. 178. Paris, Le Puy (printed], 1878. 8º. In progress. Ac. 9811/12. Société des Antiquzáires de la Normandie. Chronique du Mont-Saint-Michel (1343-1468), publiée, See supra : CKEN. avec notes et pièces diverses relatives au Mont Saint- Michel et à la défense nationale en Basse Normandie Société des Antiquaires de Picardie. pendant l'occupation anglaise, par S. Luce. See supra : AMIENS. Paris, Le Puy [printed], 1879, etc. 8°. Ac. 9811/11. In progress. Société des Aquazortistes. Élie de Saint Gille, chanson de geste, publiée avec in- Société des Aqua-Fortistes. Eaux-fortes modernes ori- troduction, glossaire et index par G. Raynaud. Accom- ginales et inédites. [With introductions by T. Gautier, pagnée de la rédaction norvégienne traduite dar E. J. Janin and others.] 5 vol. Paris, (1862-67.) fol. Koelbing. pp. xliii. 203. 1757. c. Paris, Le Puy (printed], 1879. 8º. Ac. 9811/13. "Société des Bibliophiles Français. Daurel et Beton, chanson de geste provençale. Publiée See CORROZET (G.) Les Blazons domestiques ... Nou- ... par P. Meyer. pp. cxx. 107. velle édition, publiée par la Société des Bibliophiles Paris, Le Puy (printed], 1880. 8º. Ac. 9811/14 François. 1865. 16º. 9904. a. La Vie de Saint Gilles, par G. de Berneville. Poème dn XIIe. siècle, publié... par G. Paris & A. Bos. pp. cxvi. Statuts de la Société. Paris, 1844. 8º. Ac. 8933/7. 188. Paris, Le Puy (printed], 1881. 8º. Ac. 9811/15. Mélanges; publiés par la Société des Bibliophiles Société de Santé de Paris, afterwards Société de Français [consisting of various pieces ancient and Médecine. modern, by different authors, and for the most part pre- Recueil périodique de la Société de Santé. Seconde viously unpublished]. 6 tom. L. P. édition. Ac. 8933/5. Tom. 1. Paris, 1820—29. 8°. Paris, an v. [1797.] 8º. Each piece in the collection is separately paged. Twenty- Recueil périodique de la Société de Médecine de Paris. six copies of tom. 1 printed, twenty-eight of tom. 2, and Tom. 2-14. (Tom. 5–14. rédigé par Sédillot jeune.) thirty of each of the others. Paris, 1797-[1802.] 8º. Journal général de Médecine, de Chirurgie et de Phar- Mélanges de littérature et d'histoire recueillis et publiés muacie (françaises et étrangères); ou, recueil périodique par la Société, etc. Paris, 1850. 8º. Ac. 8933/6. de la Société. . . redigé par Sédillot. Tom. 15–61. Paris, [1803]–1817.80. Mélanges de littérature et d'histoire, etc. Paris, 1856, etc. 12º. Ac. 8933/6. Deuxième série. 36 tom. (Tom. 1-4 rédigés par J. Sédillot et J. V. T. Vaidy. Tom. 5–8 rédigés par une In progress. commission prise dans le sein de la société. Tom. 9-36 Jeux de cartes tarots et de cartes numérales du rédigés par C. E. S. Gaultier de Claubry.) Tom. 62–97. quatorzième au dix-huitième siècle, représentés en cent Paris, 1818–26. 8º. planches d'après les originaux, avec un précis historique - Troisième série, rédigé par A. N. Gendrin. 14 tom et explicatif. Paris, 1844. fol. Ac. 8933,8. Tom. 98-111. Paris, 1827-30. 8º. Ac. 3722. 132 copies printed. 990 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 812 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Société des Bibliophiles Français. Société des Études Juives. Le Ménagier de Paris, traité de morale et d'économie Annuaire de la Société des Études Juives.. domestique composé vers 1393 par un Bourgeois Parisien; Paris, Versailles [printed], 1881, etc. 12º. Ac. 2016/2. ... ensemble l'histoire de Grisélidis [translated from In progress. the Latin of F. Petrarcal, Mellibée et Prudence par Société des Gens de lettres. Albertan de Brescia, 1246, traduit par frère Renault de Luuens; et le chemin de Puvreté et de Richesse, poëme Babel ; publication de la Société des Gens de Lettres. composé en 1342 par J. Bruyant ... publié pour la 3 tom. Paris, 1840. 8º. 1208. 1. 8. première fois par la société, etc. (and edited by J. Pichon). Le Trésor Littéraire de la France : recueil en prose et (Notice sur M. J. de Noailles, Prince - Duc de Poix, etc. en vers de morceaux empruntés aux écrivains les plus Signed V. D. N., Membre de la Société des Bibliophiles rénommés... de notre pays, depuis le XIIe siècle Français, i.e. Vicomtesse de Noailles.]) 2 Tom. jusqu'à nos jours. Publié par la Société des Gens de Paris, 1846. 8º. 7953. i. 14. Lettres ... Édition illustrée ... par E. Bayard. Registre criminel du Châtelet de Paris du 6 Septembre, Paris, 1866. 8º. 12237. h. 1389, au 18 Mai, 1392, publié pour la première fois par Reproduction littéraire. Catalogue général des romans, la Société des Bibliophiles François. 2 Tom. nouvelles, articles littéraires & scientifiques qui peuvent Paris, 1861–64. 8º. Ac. 8933. être reproduits par les journaux en vertu d'un traité Inventaire de la Bibliothéque du Roy Charles VI. fait au annuel avec la Société des Gens de Lettres, etc. Louvre en 1423, etc. [Edited by L. C. Douët-d'Arcq.] Paris, 1873. 8º. 11903. 1. 1. Paris, 1867. 8º. 11900. bb. Société des Ingénieurs Civils. ALFUNSI (PETRUS) formerly MOSES Sephardi. Disciplina Mémoires et Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société, etc. clericalis. Discipline de Clergie, traduction de l'ouvrage Paris, 1848–77. 8º. Ac. 4305. de Pierre Alphonse (by J. Miellot ?? Pt. 1. Lat. & Fr. In progress. (Le chastoiement d'un père à son fils, traduction en vers Français de l'ouvrage de Pierre Alphonse. Pt. 2.) Société des Méthodes d'Enseignement. [Edited with “notice sur Pierre Alphonse et sur ses Résumé de la conférence publique du 28 Mai, 1833, sur- ouvrages," by J. Labouderie.] 2 pt. Paris, 1824. 8º. cette question, mise à l'ordre du jour par la société ... 839. c. 1. “Quels sont les moyens de donner à l'enfant l'exercice BONNOR (HONORAT) L'apparition de Jehan de Meun, ou le songe du Prieur de Salon, par Honoré Bonet, 1398, Paris, (1833.] 89: T. 2414. 7. etc. [Edited by J. Pichon.] Paris, 1845. 4º. Ac. 8933/10. struction primaire Mémoire présenté par la Société ... à [Another copy.] 11475. f. M. le préfet el à MM. les membres du conseil muni- DUVAUX (LAZARE) Livre-Journal de L. Duvaux, mar- cipal, etc.) Paris (1837?] 8º. P.P. 1195. (2.) chand bijoutier ordinaire du Roy 1748–1758, précédé Société de Sphragistique. d'une étude sur le goût et sur le commerce des objets d'art au milieu du XVIIIe siècle, et accompagné d'une Société de Sphragistique. (Recueil de Documents et de table alphabétique des noms d'hommes ... mentionnés Mémoires relatifs à l'étude spéciale des Sceaux du dans le journal, etc. [By L. Canrajod.] 2 tom. moyen âge et des autres époques ... Bulletin Mensuel.) Paris, 1873. 8°. Ac. 8933/3. 4 tom. Pars, 1851-55. 8°. Ac. 5335. LISTER (MARTIN) Voyage de Lister à Paris en MDCXCVIII. Société des Sciences Industrielles, Arts, et Belles- traduit pour la première fois, publié et annoté par la Lettres. Société des Bibliopbiles, François. On y a joint des Bulletin. 3 vol. Paris, 1861-68. 8º. Ac. 452. extraits des ouvrages d'Évelyn relatifs à ses voyages en France de 1648 à 1661. Paris, 1873. 8º. Annuaire de la Revue des Sciences, journal ... publié Ac. 8933/2. par ... B. Lunel. Année 1. Paris, 1862. 8º. MACHAULT (GUILLAUME DE) Le Livre du Voir-Dit de Ac. 452/2. G. de M. Ou sunt contéós les amours de Messire G. de Société des Sciences Médicales. M. & de Peronnelle Dame d'Armentieres avec les lettres Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société ... pendant & les réponses, ... dudit Guillaume & de ladite Peron l'année 1862, rédigé par ... E. Alix. Paris, 1863. 8º. nelle, etc. Paris, 1875. 8º. Ac. 8933/4. 7686. bb. PICHON (JÉRÔME) Baron. Vie de Charles-Henry Comte de Société des Sciences morales, des Lettres et des Arts Hoym, etc. 2 tom. Paris, 1880. 8º. Ac. 8933/9. de Seine-et-Oise. NARBONNE (PIERRE) Journal des règnes de Lonis xiv. et Société des Études Historiques. Louis xv. de l'année 1701 à l'année 1744 ... Recueilli et See supra: Institut Historique. édité avec introduction et notes par J. A. Le Roi. Paris, Versailles (printed], 1866. 8°. 9220. e. Société des Études Japonaises, Chinoises, Tartares, et Indo-Chinoises. Société de Statistique de Paris. Annuaire ..., publié par E. Burnouf, et Imamura Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, publié sous Warau. Paris, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 8810. la direction de MM. M. Chevalier ... V. Foucher, etc. In progress. Paris, Strasbourg (printed], 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 2410. Mémoires, etc. 1873–76, etc. Paris, 1877, etc. 8º. In progress 881012 Société d'Ethnographie Américaine et Orientale. Société des Études Juives. Annuaire Oriental et Américain publié avec le Con- cours et sous les auspices de la Société d'Ethnographie Revue des Etudes Juives. Publication trimestrielle de Américaine et Orientale, etc. Paris, 1860. 8º. la Société des Etures Juives. [Edited by A. Darmes- ¡Continued as:] teter, H. Derenboury, J. Halévy and others.] Annuaire de la Suciété d'Ethnographie, etc. Paris, Versailles [printed], 1880, etc. 8º. Ac 2016. Paris, 1861, etc. 8º. P.P. 3862. d. In progress. In progress. 813 814 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Société des Travaux Littéraires, Artistiques et Scien- Société d'Horticulture de Paris. tifiques. Annales de la Société ... et journal spécial de l'état et Album de la Société, etc. Paris, 1866. 8º. Ac. 8935. des progrès du jardinage. 45 vol.. Paris, 1827-54. 80. Ac. 3331. Société d'Ethnographie Américaine et Orientale. In December 1854, this Society was united with the Mémoires, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. -- Paris. Société d'Horticulture du Département de la Seine, forming a Revue Orientale et Américaine, etc. 1859, etc. 8º. new society under the title of Société Impériale et Centrale P.P. 3807. ab. d'Horticulture. See supra: Société Centrale d'Horti- Actes . . . rédigés par MM. le Baron de Bourgoing, culture. Aubin, Franck ... et publiés par le Secrétaire perpétuel (L. de Rosny). Paris, 1860, etc. 8º. Ấc. 6226. Société du Berry... In progress. See infra: Société du Département de l'Indre, Rapport Annuel fait à la Société d'Ethnographie Améri- afterwards Société du Berry. caine et Orientale, sur ses travaux et sur les progrès des Societé du Département de l'Indre, afterwards Société sciences ethnographiques pendant l'année 1863 (1864, du Berry 1866–67) par L. de Rosny. Paris, 1864-67. 8º. Ac. 6226/4. Compte rendu des Travaux de la Société du Département Société d'Ethnographie fondée en 1859. Exposé général: de l'Indre à Paris. 1re (-troisième) année. Actes constitutifs et statuts. Liste des membres, ... Paris, 1854-56. 8º. 1869. Paris, Nancy (printed], 1868. 8º. Ac. 6226/3. [Continued as :] Compte rendu des Travaux de la Société du Berry à Revue Ethnographique. ... Mémoires et travaux de la Paris. Quatrième(-treizième année. Société d'Ethnographie. No. 1, 2. Paris, 1857-67. 8o. Ac. 455. Paris, 1869. 8º. Ac. 6226/2. No more published, Mémoires, etc. Paris, 1882, etc. 4º. Ac. 6226/8. Société du Magnétisme. 'In progress. Bibliothèque du magnétisrne animal. No 1–12. 4 tom. Paris, 1817–18. 8º. 248. h. 10–13. CORTAMBERT (PIERRE FRANÇOIS EUGÈNE) and ROSNY (LOUIS LÉON DE) Tableau de la Cochinchine, rédigé sous les Société du Mesmérisme. auspices de la Société d'Ethnographie par MM. E. Cor- tanıbert et L. de Rosny, precédé d'une introduction par Société du Mesmérisme, fondée en 1844, autorisée en M. le Baron P. de Bourgoing ..., avec carte, plans et | 1858 ... Statuts et règlement adoptés le 24 Juin, 1858. gravures. (Expéditions inilitaires dans la Cochinchine.) Paris, 1858. 12º. 7410. a. 72. (4.) Paris, 1862. 80. 2059. b. Société Entomologique de France. ROSNY (LOUIS LÉON DE) L'Orient. Paris, 1860. 8º. Annales. Tom. 3–11. Paris, 1834-42. 8º. 10006. e. - Deuxième série. 10 tom. Paris, 1843-52. 8º. ROSNY (LOUIS LÉON DE) De l'origine du langage. Paris, Nancy (printed], 1869. gº. 12901. ccc. 11. (1 Troisième série. 8 tom. Paris, 1853-60. 8º. With a half-title, reading : “ Études linguistiques. I." Tables générales alphabétiques ... de toutes les Société d'Ethnographie Américaine et Orientale. matières contenues dans les trois premières séries des Athénée Oriental. Annales, par M. A. S. Paris. Paris, 1867. 8º. Annuaire ... publié par le Comte de Charencey 1883. Quatrième série. 10 tom. Paris, 1861–70. 80. Paris, 1883, etc. 8º. Ac. 6226/9. - Cinquième série. 10 tom. Paris, 1871-80. 8º. In progress. - Sixième série. Paris, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 3609. Bulletin, etc. Paris, 1871, etc. 8º. Ac. 6226/6. In progress. Imperfect; wanting tom. 1, 2 of 1st series. Tom. 1, 2 form Ser. 2, Tom. 1, 2 of the “ Revue Orientale et Américaine,” published at Paris. BEDEL (LOUIS) Faune des coléoptères du bassiu de la Seine. Paris, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 3609/2. Mémoires, etc. Paris, 1871, etc. 4º. . ... Ac. 6226/5. In progress. In progress. Revue critique internationale; études orientales, afri-Societe etablie pour exploration de Carthage. caines, océanieunes et américaines. Conseil de rédaction Excursions dans l'Afrique Septentrionale, par les délé- DD. C. de Harlez, F. Justi & K. Patkanoff. gués de la Société établi à Paris, pour l'exploration de Paris, 1881, etc. 8º. Ac. 6226/7. Carthage. Publié par la Société. (Fascic. 1, Relation In progress. d'une excursion de Bone à Guelma, et à Constantine, par Sir G. Temple, et le Chever Falbe ... ouvrage accom- Société d'Études pour la Colonisation de la Guyane pagné d'un recueil d'inscriptions, et de quatre planches Française. - Prospectus.) [Edited by A. J. C. A. Dureau de la Publications de la Société d'Études pour la Colonisation Malle?] 2 pt. Paris, 1838. 8º. 790. g. 27. de la Guyane Française. No 4. Extraits des auteurs et voyageurs qui ont écrit sur la Guyane, suivis du Société Ethnologique. Catalogue bibliographique de la Guyane, par V. de Instruction générale adressée aux voyageurs, etc. Nouvion. Paris, 1844. 8º. Ac. 2215. Paris, (1840.] 80. 790. e. 21. Société d'Histoire Naturelle, Démoires. tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1841, 45. 8º. Actes. Tom. I. pt. 1. Paris, 1792. fol. 455. g. 15. Ac. 6225. [Another copy.] 36. h. 1. Société Française de Numismatique et d'Archéologie. Annuaire de la Société, etc. (Paris, 1866, etc.] 8º. Mémoires. Paris, an vii. [1799.] 4º. 454. b. 22. - Seconde série. Tom. 1, etc. 1877, etc. Ac. 5812. [Another copy.] 32. c. 16. In progress. Mémoires. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1823-34. 4º. Comptes rendus, etc. Paris, (1869, etc.] 8º. Ac. 2856. In progress. Ac. 5812/5. 815 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 816 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Société Française de Numismatique et d'Archéologie. Société Géologique de France. Mémoires de la Société Française de Numismatique et Mémoires. 5 tom. Paris, 1833-43. 4º. d'Archéologie. · Section d'Archéologie Monumentale. - Deuxième série. 10 tom. Paris, 1844-77, etc. 4º. Paris, 1869, etc. 4º. Ac. 5812/9. Troisième série. Paris, 1877, etc. 4º. In progress. Mémoires de la Société Française de Numismatique et In progress. Ac. 3115/2 d'Archéologie. Section de Céramique. DESMIER DE SAINT SIMON (E. J. A.) Viscount d'Archiac. Paris, 1869, etc. 4º. Ac. 5812/8. Histoire des progrès de la Géologie de 1834 à 1835 In progress. (à 1856) par le Vicomte d'Archiac; publiée par la Mémoires de la Société Française de Numismatique et Société Géologique de France. 7 tom. d'Archéologie. Section de sigillographie & d'héraldique, Paris, 1847-57, 8º. 7105. C. etc. Paris, 1869, etc. 4º. Ac. 581217. Société Hahnemannienne. In progress. Mémoires de la Société Française de Numismatique et Journal de la Médecine homoeopathique. tom. I-IV; V, d'Archéologie. Section d'histoire et d'ethnographie. No 1–6. Paris, 1846–50. 8º. P.P. 3293. f. Paris, 1869, etc. 4°. Ac. 5812/6. No more published. In progress. Société Héraldique et Généalogique de France. Société Française de Numismatique et d'Archéologie. Bulletin, etc. de la Société, etc. Année .. Section épigraphique. Tablettes Grecques du Musée de Paris, Caen (printed], 1879. 8º. Ac. 5910. Marseille. Discours d'ouverture prononcé le 11 Décembre No more published, 1867, par M. Fröhner. Paris, 1867. 8º. Ac. 5812/2. Société Impériale des Antiquaires de France. Mémoires de la Société ... Publiés sous la direction de See infra : Société Nationale, etc. M. L. Léouzon Le Duc. . . . Section d'Épigraphie. (Recueil d'inscriptions Libyco-Berbères. Par M. le Société Impériale d'Horticulture. docteur Reboud.) Paris, 1870. 4º. Ac. 5812/3. See supra : Société Centrale d'Horticulture. Mémoires de la Société. ... Section d'Attributions Nu- mismatiques. (Système monétaire de la République Société Impériale et Centrale d'Agriculture de Romaine à l'époque de Jules César. Par M. F. de Saulcy.) France. Paris, 1873. 40. Ac. 58124. See supra: Société Centrale d'Agriculture de France, etc. Société Française de Photographie, Société Impériale et Centrale des Architectes. Bulletin. Tom. 1-24. Paris, 1855–78. 8º. Ac. 5038. See supra: Société Centrale des Architectes. Société Française de Photographie... Catalogue de la Société Impériale Zoologique d'Acclimatation. huitième exposition de la Société Française de Photo- graphie, etc. Paris, 1869. 8º. 787. k. 42. I See infra : Société Zoologique, etc. Société Française de Statistique Universelle. Société Internationale des Électriciens. 1er Bulletin des travaux de la Société... publié par M. de Bulletin de la Société Internationale des Électriciens. Moléon. (No. 2–12. Annales des travaux des Sociétés Paris, 1884, etc. 8º. 1149. de statistique établies en France et à l'étranger.) In progress. Paris, (1830, 31.] 8º. Ac. 2411. Société Internationale des études pratiques d'ÉCO- Journal des travaux de la Société ... Rédigé par C. nomie sociale. Moreau. Vol. 3-9, 11-18, vol. 19. No. 1-3. Les Ouvriers des deux Mondes. Etudes sur les travaux, Paris, 1833-49. 4º. la vie domestique et la condition morale des populations - Paris, 1836, etc. 80. Ac. 2411/3. ouvrières des diverses contrées, etc. Incorporated wiil the “ Journal” of the “ Académie de Paris, 1857, etc. 8º.. 8282. f. 18. l'Industrie Agricole, Manufacturière et Commerciale” in In progress. 1852. Société libre des Beaux-Arts. Bulletin. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, (1830–32.] 40. . Ac. 2411/2. Annales de la Société libre des Beaux-Arts, depuis son origine, mises en ordre par M. Miel (and others). Tom. Société Française d'Hygiène. 1-18. Paris, Versailles (printed], 1836–55. 8º. Publications, etc. Paris, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 3738. No more published. Ac. 4548. In progress. Observations présentées par la Société libre des Beaux Société Gallicane de Médecine homoeopathique. Arts, à la chambre des Députés au sujet du projet de loi Journal. 8 tom. Paris, 1850–56. 8º. sur les dessins et modèles de fabrique. Paris, 1846. 8º. - Deuxiéme série. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1857. 8º. 935. i. 49. Ac. 3730. Société libre des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts. Matière médicale pure, recueillie et mise en ordre par Société libre des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts de Paris . .. ... C. J. de Moor. Paris, 1857. 8º. Ac. 3730. Programme des lectures qui auront lieu à la séance publique du 9 Nivôse, au VIII(-3 août 1806. XXX° séance Société Géologique de France. publique). 17 pieces. (Paris, 1799–1806.] 4°. Bulletin. Tom. 1–14. Paris, 1830–43. 8º. This series is imperfect at the beginning. Table générale. Vol. 1-14. Par L. Carez. 936. c. 35. (30.) 1883. 8º. Règlement de la Société, . . . arrêté dans l'Assemblée - Deuxième série. Tom. 1-29. Paris, 1844-72. 89. Générale du iv. Frimaire, V° année républicaine. Paris, an v. [1796]. 8º. F. 497. (1.) Troisième série. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 3115. Règlement. Paris, an vil. (1799.] 8º. · In progress. 1043. h. 13. (7.) 817 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 818 go PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED]. Société libre des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts. Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France. La Société libre des sciences, lettres et arts de Paris. Au Annuaire de la Société...1848–55. Citoyen...[a circular requesting the attendance of the Paris, (1848–55.1 12°. . Ac. 5331/3. members]. [Paris, 1803.] 4º. 8. sh. No more published. 936. c. 35. (31.) Société Linnéenne de Lyon. : Bulletin, etc. 1857–60. 4 vol. Paris, (1857–60.] 80. 'Ac. 5331/2. See supra : LYONS. Notice historique sur la Société ... et ... Cinquième Société Linnéenne de Paris. Rapport sur ses travaux. See BOTTIN (s.) Mélanges d'Archéologie, etc. 1831. 8º. Mémoires de la Société,... précédés de son histoire depuis 604. d. 32. 1788, époque de sa fondation, etc. Tom. 1, 3-6. Paris, 1822–27. 8º. Société nationale pour une traduction nouvelle des Fascicule de quatorze planches faisant partie du premier Livres Saints en Langue Française. volume des Mémoires. Paris, 1822. 4°. Séance d'ouverture... Rapports et discours. Tom. 2 never published ; tom. 6 imperfect. Ac. 2854. Paris, 1866. 89. 3149. cc. Société Mathématique de France. Société Orientale. Bulletin... Publié par les secrétaires. Revue de l'Orient. Bulletin de la Société, etc. 11 tom. Paris, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 4213. Paris, 1843-46. 8º. .. In progress. Revue de l'Orient et de l'Algérie, recueil consacré à la Société Médicale d'Émulation. discussion des intérêts de tous les états orientaux et des Mémoires. Tom. 1-4. Paris, an VI-IX. [1798-1801). 8º. colonies françaises de l'Afrique, de l'Inde et de l'Océanie. Ac. 3723. Bulletin et actes de la Société Orientale. ... (Tom 1-4). Société. Médicale des Hôpitaux de Paris. Rédacteur en chef M. O. MacCarthy. (Tom. 5-13—M. Í. Actes. Tom. 1-6. Paris, 1850–64. 8º. Ac. 3732. D’Eschavannes.) 16 tom. Paris, 1847-54. 8°. Société Médicale du premier arrondissement de Paris. - Nouvelle série. Rédacteur en chef V. Langlois. Société médicale du premier arrondissement de Paris. (Tom. X., etc. Sous la direction de MM. E. Dulaurier Compte rendu des travaux de la Société pendant l'année et A. Hureau de Villeneuve.) 18 tom. 1848, etc. Paris, 1849. 8º. 7680. b. Paris, 1855–64. 8º. Société médicale du premier arrondissement de Paris. - Quatrième série. Tom. 1. Paris, 1865. 8º. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société pendant l'année Ac. 8809. 1849 ; par M. le docteur Foissac. Paris, 1850. 80. 14680. b. Société Philologique. Société Médicale homeopathique de France. · Actes de la Société Philologique. Paris, 1869, etc. 8º. Bulletin. 10 tom. Paris, 1860–68. 8º. Ac. 9808. In progress. Ac. 3727. Société Météorologique de France. Société Philomathique de Paris. Annuaire de la Société météorologique de France. Rapports généraux des travaux de la Société ... par les citoyens Riche et Silvestre . . . suivis d'essais et Paris, 1855, etc. 8°. P.P. 2374. d. In progress. This is a continuation of the “ Annuaire recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'abbé de l'Epée, météorologique de la France.” d'Howard et d’Audirac par ... Riche; et de notices historiques sur la vie et les ouvrages des citoyens Par- Nouvelles météorologiques, publiées sous les auspices de mentier, Bayen, Pelletier, Deleyre, et Nívernois, par ... la Société (Commission de rédaction : C. Sainte-Claire Silvestre. (Réglement pour la Société philomathique Deville,... Marié Davy, etc.) Année 1-3. -Eloge du Cen. Riche, par ... Cuvier- Eloge du Cen Paris, 1868–70. 8º. Ac. 4052. Brugières, par... Cuvier; éloge d'Eckhel, par... Millin Société Minéralogique de France. -Eloge du Cen C. Borda, par . . . Lacroix ;. éloge de Mr Bloch, par A. Coquebert et notice historique sur ... Bulletin. Meulan, Paris, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 3207. Pia, par ... Silvestre.) 4 tom. . In progress.-Tom. 1 only was printed at Meulan. Paris, [1793]-an VIII (1880). 8º. 254. I. 6-9. Société Montyon et Franklin. · [Another copy of tom. 2, 3.] 959. b. 31. Portraits et histoire des hommes utiles, hommes et femmes de tous pays ... qui ont acquis des droits à la reconnais [Another copy of tom. 3.] 733. d. 8. sance des hommes, etc. publiés et propagés pour et par la Société Montyon et Franklin. (Edited by A. Jarry de Bulletin des Sciences, No. 1–96. 1797–1805. 3 tom. Mancy.] Année 1-8. Année 9, augmentée de l'annuaire [Paris, 1797-1805.] 4º. Ac. 428. de la bienfaisance. Paris, 1833-41. 8°. 609*. l. 3. [Another copy.] 435. c. 11. Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France. Without titlepages. See infra : Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation, etc. [Another copy.] 120. f. 1, 2. Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France. Nouveau Bulletin, etc. 3 tom. Paris, 1807-13. 4º. Mémoires et dissertations sur les antiquités nationales et étrangères. 10 tom. Paris, 1817-34. 8º. [Another copy.] 449. h. 1-3. - Atlas du tom. 9. Paris, 1831. fol. Ac. 5331. [Another copy.] 120. f. 3-5. - Nouvelle série. 10 tom. Paris, 1835-50. 8º. Ac. 5331. Bulletin, etc. Année 1814–24. 11 vol. - Troisième série. 10 tom. Paris, 1852-63. 8º. Paris, (1814–24.] 4°. Ac. 428/2. Quatrième série. 10 tom. Paris, 1869–79. 8º. [Another copy of vol. 1-7.] 449. h. 4-6. Cinquième série. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1880, etc. 80. In progress. Ac. 5331. [Another copy.] 120. f. 6–11. (1.) d'Audiot hesivestres de las " AC. 428/3. 819 820. ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] Ac. 2614 PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Société Philomathique de Paris. Société pour l'étude des questions d'Enseignement Nouveau Bulletin, etc. 2 vol. Paris, [1825, 26.] 4º. Supérieur. Ac. 428/4. Société pour l'étude des questions d'enseignement supé- [Another copy.] 120. f. 11. (2.) rieur. Études de 1878, etc. Paris, (1879, etc.] 8º. In progress. Société Polytechnique Militaire. Société pour l'Instruction Élémentaire. PAPILLON (JULES) Manuel Français-Allemand sur les See supra : Société pour l'amélioration de l'En- reconnaisances, à l'usage de MM. les officiers et sous- seignement, etc. officiers, etc. pp. 39. Paris, 1882. 16º.. 12962. aaa. 29. Société Royale d'Agriculture du Département de la Société pour la Conservation des Monuments His Seine, afterwards Société Impériale et Centrale toriques d'Alsace. d'Agriculture de France, etc. See supra : Société Centrale d'Agriculture. See infra : STRASBURG. Société Royale de Médecine. Société Polytechnique-pratique. Fosses mobiles inodores. Report on the moveable in- Recueil de la Société Polytechnique Pratique. odorous conveniences of Dona and Co. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. - Paris. Annales de See supra : Société Centrale d'Agriculture de Paris. l'Industrie, etc. Reports ... trar.slated from the French. 1819. 80. B. 521. (3.) Société pour l'amélioration de l'Enseignement Élé- Histoire de la Société ... année 1776–89; avec les mentaire, afterwards Société pour l'Instruction mémoires de médecine et de physique médicale, pour les Élémentaire. mêmes années, tirés des registres de cette société. (Tom. See DUFOUR (T.) Réponse, à la Circulaire de la Société 10 publié par l'École de Santé de Paris.) 10 tom. pour l'Instruction Élémentaire. [1849.] 8º. Paris, 1779.-An Vi. [1798.] 4º. 8308. f. T. C. 20. b. 18, 19. & T. C. 21. b. 1-8. Journal d'Éducation, etc. Tom. 1–11. [Another copy of tom. 1-7.] 431. e. 6–12. Paris, 1815–21. 8º. Rapport sur plusieurs questions proposées à la Société Imperfect; wanting tom. 12–20. Royale de Médecine, par M. (Le Bailli de Breteuil) l'Ambassadeur de la Religion, de la part de son Altesse Bulletin de la Société pour l’Instruction Élémentaire. Éminentissime Monseigneur le Grand Maître; relative- 13 tom. Paris, (1829–341. 8º. ment aux inconvéniens que l'ouverture des caveaux des- tinés aux sépultures d'une des Églises Paroissiales de Journal d'Éducation Populaire. Bulletin de la Société, l'Isle de Malte pourroit occasionner, & aux moyens de etc. 3º. série. 11 tom. Paris, (1842-52.7 8º. les prévenir, dans lequel après avoir exposé les dangers des inhumations & des exhumations dans les églises, on - Quatrième série. 12 tom. Paris, [1853–64.] 8º. indique les précautions à prendre dans la fouille d'un 5º. série. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1865, etc. 8º. terrain suspect, etc. [Edited by -- Le Bailli de Breteuil.] In progress. Ac. 2615. À Malte, 1781. 40, T. 28. (8.) [Another copy.] T. 11. (3.) Statuts adoptés dans la séance générale du 24 Nov. 1830 ...suivis du réglement intérieur du conseil de la société Rapport fait par ordre du Gouvernement sur un Mémoire et de l'ordonnance royale d'autorisation des statuts. contenant la Méthode employée par M. Doulcet, ... dans Paris, 1831. 8º. P.P. 1195. (2.) le traitement de Fièvre Puerpérale. Paris, 1782. 4º. T. 37. (3.) Société pour l'amélioration et l'encouragement des [Another copy.] T. 11. (4.) Publications Populaires. Catalogue raisonné de livres pour la formation des A report made by order of government of a memoir con- bibliothèques scolaires, conimunales, paroissiales ... taining a new ... method of treating the child-bed or dressé par la Société pour l'amélioration et l'encourage- puerperal fever, made use of by Mr. Doulcet ... Trans- ment des publications populaires. Paris, 1865, etc. 80. lated from the French. To which are added notes... by 11904. g. J. Whitehead. London, 1783. 8º. T. 225. (3.) In progress. Supplements 5 and 6 were printed at St. Quintin. Extraits des Registres de la Société Royale de Médecine. Rapport sur les aimans présentés par M. l'Abbé de Noble. Catalogue général de livres pour la formation des biblio- (Signé Andry. Thouret.) [Paris, 1783.] 4º. T. 11. (8.) thèques scolairès, communales, paroissiales . . . dressé par la Société des publications populaires (fondée en Prix distribués et annoncés par la Société Royale de 1862). Paris, 1873. 8º. 11904. f. Médecine, dans sa séance publique, tenue au Louvre le Mardi 11 Mars, 1783. Paris, 1783. 4°. T. 37. (3*.) Société pour la propagation des connaissances scientifiques et industrielles. Rapport des Commissaires de la Société Royale de Bulletin universel, publié . . . sous la direction de M. Médecine sur le mal rouge de Cayenne ou Éléphantiasis. le Bon, de Férussac (a continuation of M. de Férussac's (Signé Poissonier, etc.) Paris, 1785. 8º. 1190. g. 9. Bulletin général et universel des annonces et des Report of Dr. B. Franklin, and other Commissioners, nouvelles scientifiques). See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—-Paris. charged by the King of France, with the examination of the Animal Magnetism, as now practised at Paris [especially as concerns a work, by M. Thouret, entitled : Société pour la publication des Documents Originaux * Enquiries and doubts respecting the Animal Mag- de l'Histoire de France. netism”). Translated from the French, with an historical See supra : Société de l'Histoire de France. introduction. London, 1785. 8º. 7410. aa. 47. 821 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 822 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Société Royale de Médecine. Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation, afterwards Société Projet d'Instruction sur une maladie convulsive, fréquente Impériale, etc.. dans les Colonies de l'Amérique, connue sous le nom Exposition universelle des Races Canines de 1865 ... de Tetanos. Demandé par le Ministre de la Marine, à la Catalogue des chiens exposés. Paris, 1865. gº. Société Royale de Médecine.. (Signé Poissonier, etc.) Ac. 3555/5. Paris, 1786. 8º. 1190. ģ. 8. La Production animale et végétale.. Études faites à Necessary to all families. [In answer to questions pro- l'Exposition universelle de 1867. Paris, 1867. 8º. posed by the Royal Society of Paris, on the cause and Ac. 3355/3. most effectual methods to prevent the progress of infec- Société Zoologique de France. tious disorders.) A treatise on fevers; wherein their Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France. causes are exhibited in a new point of view, etc. Paris, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 3556. London, 1788. 8º. 1168. i. 26. (5.) In progress. Rapport de la Société ... sur le Mémoire de M. de Saint De la nomenclature des êtres organisés. (Rapport fait Victor, relatif au desséchement des marais de Bourgoin. au nom de la Commission de Nomenclature de la Société [Signed : Sailliant, Coquereau.] [Paris, 1790.] 80. Zoologique de France. Par M. Chaper.) F. 486. (3.) | Paris, Meulan (printed], 1881. 8º. Ac. 3556/2 Société ... tenue au Louvre le 23 Février, 1790. Sorbonne. See infra : Université de Paris. Paris, 1790. 4º. 936. f. 9. (14.) Catalogue raisonné des ouvrages qui ont été publiés sur / Towarzystwo Historyczne Polskie. les eaux minérales en général, et sur celles de la France See infra: Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie. en particulier ... Publié d'après le voeu de la Société Royale de Médecine, par M. J. B. F. Carrère. Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie. Paris, 1785. 4º. Ac. 3724. Odezwa Towarzystwa Historycznego Polskiego do Mémoire en réponse à un écrit anonyme, intitulé: Ob- współziomków o Bibliotece Narodowej w Paryżu. servations présentées au Roi, sur la Faculté de Médecine. Paryż, 1851. 89. Ac. 7960. [Par J.J. Leraux et Désormeaux.] [Paris, 1795.] 4º. 7680. e. (5.) Rocznik . . . rok 1866, etc. Paryż, 1867, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 7960/2. Société Royale des Antiquaires. See infra : Société Nationale des Antiquaires de m. de Towarzystwo Naukowe Młodzieży Polskiej w Paryżu. France, Pismo zbiorowe, wydawane staraniem ... Towarzystwa, Société Royale d'Horticulture, etc. Tom. 1. Bendlikon, 1865. 89. Ac. 9093. See supra : Société d'Horticulture. Towarzystwo Nauk ścisłych. Société Royale et Centrale d'Agriculture. Pamiętnik Towarzystwa Nauk ścisłych w Paryżu. . See supra : Société Centrale d'Agriculture. Paryż, 1871, etc. 4º. 8704. g. In progress. Société Séricicole. BARÁNIECKI (MARYAN ALEKSANDER) Teorya wyznaczników, Annales de la Société Séricicole, fondée en 1837, pour determinantów. Kurs uniwersytecki. pp. xxii. 600. l'amélioration et la propagation de l'industrie de la soie Paryż, 1879. 8°. 8533. h. 21. en France. Vol. 1–15. Paris, 1838–52: 8º. Ac. 4414. ZAJĄCZKOWSKI (WŁADYSŁAW) Wykład Nauki o Równaniach Société Vétérinaire des Départements du Calvados Różnicżkowych. Paryż, 1877. 8º. 8533. h. 15. et de la Manche. See supra : Bayeux. Towarzystwo Paryzkie Lekarzy Polskich. Rocznik Towarzystwa, etc. Paryż, 1859, etc. 8º. Société Universelle d'Ophthalmologie. In progress. Ac. 3740. Société Universelle d'Ophthalmologie. Compte rendu des séances préparatoires tenues à Paris du 10 au 13 Octobre Union des Poètes. 1861. Paris, 1861. gº. Ac. 3728. Les Olympiades; album de l'Union des Poètes. 7 vols. Paris, 1856-68. 8º. Ac. 9400 Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation, Bulletin. 10 tom. Paris, 1854–63. gº. . 24. série. 10 tom. Paris, 1864-73. 8º. See infra: Université de Paris. - 3e. série. 10 tom. Paris, 1874-83. 8º. . - 4e, série, Paris, 1884, etc. go. Ac. 3555 | Université de Paris. In progress. Copia cujusdam epistolæ a Facultate Theologiæ Parisi- ensis... transmissae ad detestandum condemnandum et Annuaire de la Société Impériale Zoologique d'Accli- abolendum quendam ritum quam quidam festum fatu- matation et du Jardin d'Acclimatation du Bois de orum vocant. Sequuntur quædam conclusiones a supra- Boulogne. Paris, 1863. 12º. Ac. 3555 4. dicta facultate examinatæ, approbatæ, etc. ad abolitionem Année 1. supradicti festi (12 March, 1444). Exposition universelle des Races Canines au Jardin See AUGUSTINE, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. [Sermones, etc.) Zoologique d'Acoli natation, etc. Paris, 1863. 8o.. Homelia...de Kalendis Januarii, etc. 161. 8°. Ac. 3555/2. 1192. g. 10. (8.) cha, ut of Hiletico 1192.8" 823 · S24 ACADEMIES. (PARIS:] fe apt oxo archiępona...ade of Paris Mags in . PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Université de Paris. Université de Paris. Begin. [U] Niversis præsens documētu inspecturis Articuli a Facultate Sacrao Theologiae Parisiensi deter- Decanus et facultas th’ologie in alma univ'sitate parisi minati super materiis fidei nostræ bodiè controversis ensi.Salutem ... In noie dñi Icipiūt ppositiones respòsive [10 March, 1542). Cum antidoto. ad questio; de observacia dñicaliū diez, etc. 6. L. [Strasburg ?] 1434. 8º.. 5017. a. (3.) [Arnold ther Hoernen ? Cologne, 1473.] 4º. 5051. aaa. [Another copy.] Few MS. NOTES. 3559. a. 6 leaves, without titlepage or pagination. 27 lines to a full page. Responsum Juris. In causa recognitionis, seu (ut vo- [Another copy.] 3627. d. (2.) cant) revisionis. 1. De beneficijs Herbipolensibus, & pactis circa ea conventis. 2. De gestis per Wilhelmiim Varii articuli Parisius studiose codēnati [by S. Tem juniorem, ab hæredibus non impugnandis. 3. De perius, Bishop of Paris) et in quibus . magi in sentētiis petitione hæreditatis, Elisabetæ nunquam competente. [i.e. Petrus Lombardus, Bishop of Paris] no tenet. (Col 4. De retentione feudorū Herbipolensiū. 5. De tran- lectio errorü in anglia ... pdēmnatorum ... à fratro R. sactione Coloniensi, non impediente actionem Landt- kilunardbi: archiēpo Cantuariensi de psensu oim magio27 gravij. 6. De responsis aliorum jurisconsultorum in ...apd oxoniam... Anno dñi MCCLXXVI.) O. L. hac causa, adprobatis. 7. De parte Mechtildis, non [Paris ? 1500?] . 4º.. T. 720. (6.) miscenda in hoc judiciū Elisabetæ & de prescriptione. 22 leaves, without pagination. Per Eminentissimos Parisiensis Academiæ Jurisconsultos. [Augsburg ? 1551 ?] 4º. 1245. a. 1. (29.) Universitatis Parrhisiensis ad futurum Concilium contra Leonem X. appellatio, etc. (27 March, 1517.] Le catalogue des livres exaininez & cēsirez par le See GRATIUS (0.) Fasciculus rerum expetendarum, etc. Faculté de Théologie de l'Université de Paris, depuis 1535. fol. 4520. e. l'an mil cinq cents quarante & quatre, jusques à l'an [Another edition.] présent, suyvāt l'Edict du Roy... publié... le troisiesme jour de Septembre an mil cinq cēts cinquäto & un. See GRATIUS (0.) Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum, etc. 618. b. 1. (1.) (Paris, 1551.] 8º. tom. 1. 7. c. 10. 1690. fºl. Determinatio theologicę Facultatis Parisieñ super Doc [Another edition.] Tolose, (1551.] 8º. 11903. a. trina Lutheriana hactenus per eam visa. [15 April 1521.] In officina Ascensiana, [Paris, 1521.] 4. Les censures des theologiens de Paris, par lesquelles ils Without pagination. 807. b. 14. (2.) auoyent faulsement condamne les Bibles imprimées par R. Éstiēne imprimeur du Roy ; avec la response d'iceluy [Another copy.] 697. h. 1. (2.) R. Estienne. Traduictes de Latin en François. [Another edition.] 844. g. 13 [Geneva], 1552. 8º. Hie vuerdent ciiij artickel der Lutherische leer verdampt, durch die loblich universitet von Paris darumb M. Luther die disputatio zu Leiptzig See ESTIENNE (R.) Ad censuras theologorum Pari- verlorn hat. Ein teutscheermanung zu ennd darzu siensium, quibus Biblia à R. Stephano...excusa gesetzt. [By J. von Eck.] [Ingolstadt? 1521.] 4º. calumniose notarunt, ejusdem R. Stephani responsio. T. 727. (2.) 1552. 89. 219. g. 7 [Another edition.] Apologia (Philipp. Mel[anchthonis]) pro Luthero adversus decretū Parisiensium. Harengue faicte (par J. Gerson) au nom de l'Université Wittembergæ, 1521. 4º. 698. e. 19. (15.) de Paris, devăt le Roy Charles sixiesme...contenant les remonstrances touchant le gouvernement du Roy & du Eyn Urteyl đ Theologen tzu Pariss uber die lere Royaume; avec les protestations du ... Roy... Charles Doctor Luthers. [Translated by himself.] Eyn gegen vir. sur la determination du Concile de Basle. Urteyl Doctor Luthers. Schuczrede P. Melanchthon Paris, 1561. 8º. 1059. a. 4. (1.) widder das selb Parisisch urteyl fur D. Luther. [Wittemberg?] 1521. 4º. 3908. c. Præmium reformandæ Parisiensis academiæ, ad regem. -26 leaves, without pagination. [Paris], 1562. 8º. 721. b. 2. (1.) Ein Nachklang der Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum ; Advis et resolution de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris. Determinatio secunda almæ facultatis Theologiæ Pari- [In reply to a question propounded by the inhabitants siensis super Apologiam P. Melanchthonis pro Luthero of Paris as to their oath of fidelity to Henry III. and scriptam. Liber primus. Annexa est ratio determina- their right to combine in defence of the Catholic tionis primæ. Liber secundus. Tertius Liber habet quasdam regulas intelligendi scripturas. Ein Abdruck religion.] Lat. [Paris,] 1589. 8°. 9200. aa. cies im Jahre 1521 erschienenen Originaldruckes besorgt von G. Buchwald. pp. v. 24. Advis et resolution de la Faculté de Theologie de Paris Dresden, Leipzig [printed), 1882. 89. 3906. i. 6. [Jan. 1589. Declaring that the subjects of Henry III. were released from their allegiance, and justifying a Confutatio Determinationis Doctorū Parrhisiensium recourse to arms for the defence of the Catholic faith). contra M. L(utherum), ex ecclesiasticis doctoribus de See CIMBER (M. L.) pseud. Archives curieuses de l'HỈis- sumpta, denuo recognita & locupletata. Adjecta est toire de France. Der Ser, tom. 12. 1834, etc. 8º. disputatio Gronin[gæ habita). Few Ms. NOTES. 805. b. 4. Basileae, 1523. 8º. 847. i. 2. Articles remonstrez à Monseigneur le Duo de Mayenne Titlepage and last leaf mutilated. ... par ... le Recteur & l'Université de Paris, le 29 Determinatio Facultatis Theologie Parisiensis, super Novembre, 1589. Paris, 1589. 8°. 901. a. 11. (12.) aliquibus propositionibus, certis o locis nuper ad eam delatis, de veneratione Sanctorū, de Canone Missæ dequo Réformation de l'Université de Paris. (Leges & statuta, sustentatione ministrorum altaris,... cũ familiari expo- etc.) Fr. & Lat. Paris, 1601. 8°. 731. b. 2. (2.) sitione, in qua hereticorum rationes confutantur. [A satire.] 1524. 8º. 846. b. 13. Pro Academia Parisiensi. [Paris,] 1602. 8º. Without pagination. 731. b. 2. (3.) 825 • ACADEMIES. 826 . (PARIS.] - . PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED). Université de Paris. Université de Paris. Begin. A la Royne Regente [Mary de' Medici) et à nos Recueil de ce qui s'est faict en Sorbonne et ailleurs, seigneurs les Princes, etc. (A remonstrance from the contre un livre (intitulé "La Controverse d'Angleterre," University of Paris against the Jesuits.] etc.) de Becanus Jesuite. [Paris ?] 1613. 4º. [Paris ? 1610?] 8º. . .: 860. d. 4. (6.) 1195. C. 4. (4.) Complainote de l'Université de Paris contres aucuns Censura Sacrae Facultatis Theologiæ Parisiensis, in estrangers nouvellement venus, surpoinmez Jésuites. quatuor. priores libros de Republica Ecclesiastica, auctore [In verse.] [Paris], 1610. 8º. 1192. g. 5. (9.) M. A. de Dominis Archiepiscopo Spalatensi. Jouxte la coppie imprimée l'an 1564. Lovanii, 1618. 8º. 874. f. 1. (4.) The Censure of the sacred Facultie of Divinitie of Paris, against the foure bookes concerning the Ecclesiastical Comonwealth, composed by M. A. de Dominis, Arch- bishop of Spalata ... translated by a Student in Divinitie. Îo which also is added å preface to the reader. Doway, 1618. 8º. 3901. a. Prosoponée de l'Université de Paris sur l'issue de son procoz (against the. Jesuits]. 2 pt. i6io. 8º. 1192. g. 9. (5.) Pt. 2 i8 a letter "A la royne Regente," and is separately paged. [Another edition.) See Jesurrs. Recueil de plusieurs escrits publiez touchant les Jesuites, etc. 1611, etc. 8°. 860. d. 10. (1-8.) The copie of a late decree [4 June, 16107 of the Sorbone at Paris for the condemning of that impious and hereti- call opinion touching the murthering of Princes; gene- rally maintained by the Jesuites, and amongst the rest by J. Mariana :... together with the arrest of the Parliament, for the confirmation of the said decree, and the condemning of... Mariana's booke to be... burnt by the executioner [8 June, 1610]. . . Translated into English. [With a preface by J. B. and some additional matter by J. W.] London, 1610. 4º. 4091. d. Censura Sacræ Facultatis Theologiæ Parisiensis in librum qui inscribitur A. Sanctarelli ... Tractatus de hæresi, schismate, apostasia, sollicitatione in sacramento pani- tentiæ et de potestate snimmi pontificis in his delictis puniendis. Cum decreto Universitatis Parisiensis et epitome observationum in censuram, etc. [Paris ?] 1626. 8º. 860. c. 13. (1.) Censure de la sacrée Faculté de theologie de Paris, l'm livre intitulé: A. Sanctarelli ... tractatus de bæresi, schismate, apostasia, etc. Paris, 1626. 8º. 1192. h. 21. Censure par la sacree Faculté de Théologie de Paris, de la doctrine d'assassiner les. Roys, contenue au livre inti- tulé La response à l'Anticoton. [The latter ascribed to C. de Plaix.] Plụs une analyse (1 Feb. 1611] sur la precedente censure, etc. [Paris,] 1512. 8º.. 857. g, 11. (16.) Censure et décret de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris contre les impies et exécrables parricides des rois et des Princes. Fr. & Lat. . Estat de la question agitée en Sorbonne le premier jour de Feburier 1611, sçavoir, si Mariana en son livre du roy et de l'institution royalle, est d'accord en quelque chose avec le Concile de Con- stance et les décrets do Sorbonne.-Acte faict en Sorbonne le 1 de Juin 1612 (with reference to a proposition for the election of a syndic in the place of Emon Richer). See RECUEIL. Recueil de plusieurs actes et mémoires, etc. 1612. 4°. 1195. C. 4. (2 & 3.) Censura propositionum quarumdam, cum ex Hibernia delatarum, tum ex duobus libris Anglico sermone con- scriptis in Latinum ... conversis [entitled : Modesta discussio aliquarum assertionum, quæ docentur à M. Doctore Kellisono ... auctore N. Smithao [and] Apo- logia pro processione Sanctæ Sedis Apostolicæ ... authore Daniele a Jesu] excerptarum, per sacram Facultatem Theologia Parisiensis facta. NS. NOTES. Parisiis, 1631. 4º. : 698. h. 4. (2.) Traictz pour la déffence de l'Universitó ... contre les Jésuites. 5 pt. Paris, 1643. go. .. 860. d. 12. (1.) Veritoz académiques, ou réfutation des préjugez popil- laires dont se servent les Jésuites contre l'Université ile Paris. 1643. 8º. 860. c. 14. Censure de la sacrée Faculté de Théologie de Paris, sur trois sermons pretendus, faicts en l'honneur de P. Ignace [by P. de Valderame, P. Beza and J. Rebullosa. Sub- scribed C. Petit-Jean. 1 Oct. 1611]. [Paris,] 1611. 8º. 857. g. 11. (15.) See HARDIVILLIER (P. D') Archbishop of Bourges. Harangue de M. P. Hardivillier ... prononcée ... pour l'Université contre les Peres et Escholiers du College de Clermont le 22 de Decembre ... 1611. 1612. 8°. 857. g. 11. (9.) Apologie pour l'Université de Paris, contre le discouus d'un Jésuite. Par une personne affectionnée au bien public. Troisiesme édition. [Paris ?] 1643. 8º. 4091. b. (2.) [Another copy.] 860. d. 14. (1.) Conclusion de la Faculté de Theologie de Paris, faicte au Collège de Sorbonne le 1 de Sept. 1612.-Conclusion de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris, faicte au Collége de Sorbonne le 1 d'Octobre 1612.-Actes faictes au Collége de Sorbonne, le 1 d'Octobre. [All having reference to the conduct of E. Richer, while filling the office of Syndic.] See RECUEIL. Recueil de plusieurs actes... remarquables, etc. 1612. 4°. 1195. C. 4. (2–3.) Seconde apologie pour l'Université de Paris contre le livre fait par les Jesuites pour response à la premiere apologie [by G. Hermant]. 3 pt. Paris, 1644. 8?. 860. (. 16. Requeste presentée à nos Seigneurs de la Cour de Parlement, par l'Université de Paris, pour joindre i celle du 5 Mars. (Paris, 1644.] 8º. 878. i. 22. (5.) Summa actorum Facultatis Theologiæ Parisiensis, contra librum inscriptum “Controversia Anglicana de potestate Regis et Pontificis," etc., auctore M. Becano. Londini, 1513 (1613.] 4º. 700. d. 3. (3.) [Another copy.] . MS. NOTES. T. 785. (6.) III. Requeste de l'Université de Paris presentée à la cour de Parlement, le 7 Decembre 1644 contre les libelles (que los Jesuites ont publiez sous les tittres d'apologie par le P. Caussin ot de manifesto apologetique par le P. Le Moine et autres semblables. Avec les repliques qu'icelles Université employe pour luy servir tant au jugement de cette requeste que des deux precedentes. 3 pt. Paris, 1644. 80 pvir tanes. 371. a. 15. 827 • 828 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] PARIS (CONTINUED]. Université de Paris, Ritus et insigniora saluberrimi medicorum Parisiensium ordinis decreta. Editio altera. Parisiis, 1716. 12º. 1168. c. 12. Remontrances des Ecclesiastiques Docteurs Aggregez de la Faculté des Droits de Paris à son Eminence ... le Cardinal de Noailles (against the appointment of lay doctors to the chairs of Canon Law]. [Paris, 1720?) fol. T. 39.* (19.) Without titlepage, two leaves.. Insignium ... Universitatum Sorbona, Salmanticæ, et Patavii responsiones ad consultationem super casu duplicis successive matrimonii, quod quidam... Pyrausta ... contraxit ... cum animo conservandi in utroque ... virginalem castitatem ... eisdem Universitatem propo- sitam. Romæ, 1722. 12º. 498. a. 27. Acta et decreta ... artium facultatis Parisiensis tam super revocatione appellationis a constitutione Clementis XI quæ incipit Unigenitus . . . quam super obsequio eidem constitutioni exhibendo. Lat. and Fr. Paris, 1739. 4º. T. 39.* (21.) Très-humbles . . . représentations de l'Université de Paris au Roi au sujet de la Déclaration du 27 Avril 1745. See BOUTARIC (F. DE) Traité des Matières Bénéficiales. 1762, etc. 4º. 5107. f. PARIS [CONTINUED). Université de Paris. Requeste [5 Dec. 1643); proces-verbaux et advertisse- mens faits à la diligence de Monsieur le Recteur et par l'ordre de l'Université, pour faire condamner une doctrine pernicieuse et prejudiciable à la Société humaine et particulièrement à la vie des rois, enseignée an Collège de Clermont detenu par les Jésuites à Paris. 5 pt. Julian Jacquin : Paris, 1644. 4°. 860. d. 13. [Another edition.] Jouxte les copies imprimez à Paris, 1644. 8º. 4091. b. Conclusion de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris pour les Hibernois, contre le Decret de Monsieur le Recteur de l'Université du 4 Mars 1651, & contre les Jansenistes. Ensemble l'Arrest de la Cour du 24 Mars 1651, pour les mesmes Hybernois. 2 pt. Paris, 1651. 4º. . . 860. 1. 18. (1.) Factum pour les Hybernois, appelants du Decret de Monsieur le Recteur, du quatrième Mars 1651, pour servis de réponse aux Mémoires Apologétiques faits pour les Recteur, Doyen ... & Supposts de l'Université [by C. Pucelle]. [Þaris ? 1651?] 40. 860. 1. 18. (2.) The censure of the sacred theological faculty of the University of Paris, passed upon a book [by G. Pirot], entituled, An Apology for the Casuists ... By a Divine. [16 July, 1658.] See H., H. A journall of all the pro- ceedings, etc. 1659. 4°. E. 985. (7.) Recueil [by J. Boileau] de diverses pièces pour la défense des Censures de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris, contre le bref [6 April, 1665), et la, bulle [25 June, 1665] de Notre S. Père le Pape Alexandre VII. Avec les Re- marques sur le XVIII. tome des Annales Ecclésiastiques de O. Raynaldus. Munster, 1667. 8º. 3902. de. 20. Censure de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris, contre le livre d'Amadeus Guimenius, imprimé à Lyon en l'année M.DC.LXIV. pp. 84. Frédéric Leonard : Paris, 1665. 12º. 3900. a. 10. Réformation de l'Université de Paris. (Procez verbal. Fr. Statuta. Lat., etc.) Paris, 1667. 8°. 731. b. 10. English Loyalty vindicated by the French Divines; or, a declaration and subscription of threescore doctors of Sorbonne for the vath of Allegiance. Faithfully done in English by W. H. London, 1681. 4º. 100. h. 9. Factum pour les Recteur, Doyens... de l'Université de Paris, Demandeurs. Et Frère J. Guillot, Prêtre ..., Prieur du Prieuré de Bois-saint-Pere, Deffendeur, & incidemment Demandeur en complainte. Contre les Religieux, Prieur & Couvent de l'Abbaye de Saint Victor lez-Paris, & Frére E. Farieres, Religieux de la dite Abbaye, se disant pourvû dudit Prieuré; Demandeur & Deffendeur. [Paris ?] 1683. 4º. 1127. i. 15. (6.) Extrait des registres de l'Université de Paris, contenant ce qui s'y est passé lorsque Monsieur le Procureur General du Roy y a esté par ordre de sa Majesté, le huitième du mois d'Octobre. Paris, 1688. 4º. 698. 1. 9. (7.) Duo responsa centum doctorum Sacræ Facultatis Theo- logicæ Parisiensis ad Şinarum Quæsita, in Sacra Congre- gatione S. Officii proponenda. M.DCC. [Brussels ? 1700.] 12º. 4767. aa. (3.) I Conclusion de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris à l'occa- sion de l'approbation donnée par deux de ses docteurs à un écrit qui a pour titre Eloge historique de Michel de l'Hopital"[I. H. Remy). Fr. and Lat. [Paris]. 1777. 8º. T. 2224. (3.) Mémoire présenté à monseigneur le recteur & à l'Univer- sité par les étudians en philosophie de Paris. [Praying that the daily “ Dictées" be dispensed with.] [Paris, 1789?] 8º. T. 496. (8.) The title is preceded by the “ Avis préliminaire” on four pages. Determinatio sacræ facultatis Parisiensis lata die 2 Maii 1785 in propositiones vii do rosarii recitatione, lectione librorum hæreticorum et primatu ac potestate Romani pontificis ex actis ejusdem S. F. descripta fol. 250 sub- jectisque adnotationibus edita. Censura della Facultà ... contro sette proposizioni, etc. Lat. & Ital. [Rome ?] 1789. 4º. 1356. d. (1.) Mémoire de la faculté des arts de l'université ... au sujet des traitemens qu'elle espère de l'Assemblée na- tionale, pour ceux de ses membres qui sont employés à l'éducation publique. [Paris, 1790?] 4°. 936. f. 13. (20). Lettre des professeurs en théologie de Sorbonne et de Navarre, à MM. les Administrateurs du directoire du département de Paris. [Concerning the closing of the schools of theology. Signed: Paillard, and others. Paris, 1791. 8º. F. 493. (12.) Adresse des Recteur, . . . Professeurs & Agrégés de l'Université de Paris à l'Assemblée Nationale, portant adhésion à tous ses décrets. Prononcée le 8 Janvier 1791, etc. pp. 8. [Paris, 1791.] 8°. F.R. 161. (7.) [Another edition.] See FRANCE.—Assemblée Nationale.- Procès-verbal de l'Assemblée ... Nationale, tom. 42. 1789, etc. 8º. 284. k. 12. Journal historique des assemblées tenues en Sorbonne, pour condamner les "Mémoires de la Chine,' etc. v. lettre à un Chanoine de M* [by Jacques Philippe Lallemantl. (Suite du Journal historique. VI. lettre, etc.? 2 pt. Bruxelles, 1700. 12°, 4765. a. (2.) The Suite du Journal,' etc. has a distinct register and pagination. ¡Another copy.] 867. g. 19. (2.) Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and pp. 1-8. Apologie de la Sorbonne, ou Lettre d'un fidèle à M. de la Harpe ſin answer to articles in the “ Mercure de France” on the Université de Paris. Dated 14 Feb. 1791]. pp. 18. [Paris,] 1791. 8°. F.R. 139. (27.) 829 ACADEMIES. [PARIS.) 830 " ?. PARIS [CONTINUED). PARIS (CONTINUED]. Université de Paris. Université de Paris (Appendix). Lettre de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris, à M. de .. See LOEMELIUS (H.) Vindiciae censura Facultatis Theo- Juigné, archevêque de Paris. A declaration of adhe 1 logiæ Parisiensis seu Responsio dispunctoria ad libellum rence to the Archbishop, after his refusal to take the cui titulus H. Loemelii. ... Spongia, etc. 1632. 4°. “Serment civique," 1 April, 1791.1 pp. 5.. . 4106. e. Paris, [1791.] 80. F.R. 161. (8.) See JESUITS. Recueil des lettres patentes octroyées aux Jésuites ... avec ... les oppositions de la Faculté de Mémoire de la faculté de Médecine en l'Université de Théologie et de l'Université, etc. 1612. 4º. Paris [claiming exemption for physicians from the law 849. i. 8. (1-2.) concerning patents]. Paris, 1792. 4°. T. 42.* (20.) | See MONTHOLON (J. DE Plaidoyé ... pour les pères Jésuites demandeurs, ... contre les opposans de l'Uni- Observations présentées à Messieurs du Comité d'In- versité, etc. 1612. 89. . 860. c. 12. struction publique, au sujet de l'emploi provisiore d'une partie des revenus de l'Université de Paris, proposé par See P., 'E. A. A. B. P. A. F. D. E. 936. f. 12. (20.) le département. [Paris, 1792.] 4º. Lettre escritte à un Provincial ... sur le sujet des disputes présentes de la Begin 1792. Université. Distribution des Prix. Sorbonne. (Seconde--dixième lettre, etc.) [Paris.] 1792. fol. 808. 1. 14. (6.) | [1656, etc.] 4º. C. 37. f. 5. (1-11, etc.) . Université. Prix d'éloquence [Programme of the condi- A Truth known to very few; vizt that the Jesuites are tions of competitions, etc.] [Paris, 1793.]. 4º. down-right compleat Atheists : proved such, and con- 936. f. 12. (29.) | demned for it by two sentences of the famous Faculty Concours généraux. Devoirs donnés aux élèves des col- of Sorbonne [on the work of A. Guimenius, pseud.], ... the latter of which sentences (faithfully translated here léges royaux de Paris et de Versailles depuis 1805, etc. out of the French) shews how they make a mock at sin, Textes et corrigés, précédés d'une introduction sur ce etc. Paris, 1828, etc. 8º. 4071. f. London, 1680. fol. cours par M. Dubois. In progress. 8355. bb. See COTTON (P.) Anti-Cotton: or a refutation of Cotton's Code Universitaire, ou lois, statuts et règlemens de letter declaratory ... and apologizing for the Jesuits l'Université Royale de France mis en ordre par ... touching the doctrine of killing kings, etc. '1689. 4º. A. Rendu. ... Deuxième édition. Paris, 1835. 8º. 860. k. 22. (3.) 880. d. 3. See LA MARTELIÈRE (P. DE) The argument ... made in Programme officiel des matières d'examen du Bacca- Parliament for the rector and university of Paris, de- lauréat ès lettres, etc. Paris, 1846. 12º. 733. b. 27. fendants and opponents, against the Jesuits, demandants, and requiring the approbation of letters patents ... Université de France. Commission des Chants re giving them power to read and to teach publickly in ligieux ... à l'usage des Orphéons et des écoles pri the aforesaid university, etc. 1689. 4°. T. 1946. (5.) maires. Concours musical. Recueil des compositions couronnées. Ouvrage adopté par l'Université. See DOCTEUR. Six lettres d'un Docteur, ou relation dos Paris, 1847. 8º. C. 512. assemblées de la Faculté de Théologie de Paris ... sur les opinions des Jesuites touchant la religion ... des Université de France. Liste officielle des ouvrages Chinois, avec la Censure de cette Faculté. 1901. 8º. autorisés pour le service de l'instruction primaire jusqu'au 700.'a. 13. (1.) 1er Janvier 1847. Paris, 1847. 8º. 822. e. 17. See DU PLESSIS D'ARGENTRÉ (C.) Bishop of Tulles. Col- lectio Judiciorum de vovis erroribus, qui ab initio Université de France. Programmes des examens dans duodecimi seculi ... usque ad annum 1632, in ecclesia les facultés des Sciences. Edition officielle. proscripti sunt et notati: censoria etiam judicia ... Paris, 1848. 4º. 8355. f. academiarum inter alias Parisiensis et Oxoniensis, etc. Paris. Université de France. Programmes officiels de 1728. fol. 13. e. 4. l'enseignement spécial dans les lycées et collèges de l'Université, publiés conformement à l'arrêté du 17 Sept. | See PARIS.—Communauté des Maîtres Chirurgiens jurés. Mémuire pour la communauté ... contre ... l'Univer- 8355. dd. 43. (1.) 1849. Paris, (1849.] 8º. sité. [1730 ?] fol. 777. I. (106) Faculté de droit de Paris. L'indicateur de l'école. Paris, Abbeville (printed], 1869. 8º. See LETTRES. Lettres aux Amis de la Vérité. [In 8306. bbb. 30. 2.) answer to the “Examen de la Réponse à la Lettre d'un Docteur de Sorbonne" on the Conclusion passed by the APPENDIX. Sorbonne, Feb. 3, 1758.] 1759. 12º..3901. aaa. See ERASMUS (D.) [Declarationes adversus Theologos See M**, M. Réflexions sur l'Examen de la Réponse à Parisienses.] Declarationes D. Erasmi ad censuras la Lettre d’ın Docteur de Sorbonne [on the Conclusion Lutetiæ vulgatas sub nomine Facultatis Theologiæ passed by the Sorbonne, Feb. 3, 1758). (1759?] 12º. Parisiensis. 1532. 8º. 1009. a. 6. (1.) 4092. bb. See LIBAVIUS (A.) Alchymia triumphans de injusta in Histoire particulière des Jésuites en France. Ou Actes, se Collegii Galenici Spurii in Academia Parisiensi cen- Dénonciations, Conclusions et Jugemens de la Faculté sura, etc. 1607. 8º. 1032. c. 4. de Théologie de Paris, touchant les Jésuites & leur doctrine, avec les pièces qui y ont rapport. Depuis See ROME, Church of.-Paul III., Pope. Bulles ... l'année 1550 jusqu'à ce jour (Mai 1762). Conclusions de la Sorbonne ... et aultres actes, touchant Sorbon, [Paris ?] 1762. 120 4092. bb. l'origine et progrès des Jésuites, etc. [1624.] 8º. 4091. b. (3.) Conclusions, decrees, censures and other official docu- See JESUITS. Très huinble remonstrance des ... Jésuites ments relating to the Jesuits issued by the University au roy, etc. (against the attacks of the university, fol of Paris, between the years 1554 and 1658.7 lowed by a reply from the University, etc.]. [1626.] 80. See JESUITS. Annales de la Société des soi-disans 1193. h. 15. (5.) Jésuites, etc. 1764, etc. 4°. 486. i. 11. 831 ACADEMIES. (PARIS.] 832 PARIS (CONTINUED). PARIS [CONTINUED). Université de Paris (Appendix). Université de Paris (Appendix). See ROME, Church of.-Clement XIII., Pope. Bref ... à See CATÉCHISME. Catéchisme de l'Université, etc. la Faculté des Théologie de Paris, au sujet des Censures 1843. 12º. 1356. a. 12. de cette Faculté contre l'Émile de Rousseau, etc. 1764. 12º. 3901. aaa. See FRANCE.— Clergy. Du Clergé et de l'Université considérations sur leur situation réciproque par Un Université (Impériale ... Coup d'oeil sur cette institu- Catholique, Membre de l'Université. 1852. 80 tion nouvelle). [Paris ? 1809?] 8º. 1356. d. (3.) 8305. d. See FRANCE.--Clergy. De l'Union du Clergé et de De l’Instruction publique, et de l'Université de France. l'Université, etc. 1858. 8º. 8355. C. Paris, 1814. 89. 859. c. 28. (2.) See BUDINSZKY (A.) Die Universität Paris, etc. 1876. 8º. De l'Université (Impériale) nouvelle, fille aînée de la 8356. d. 6. Révolution, par l'Editeur des Documents ... concernant See DESJARDIN (F.) Les Jésuites et l'Université devant la Compagnie de Jésus. Paris, 1828. 8º. le Parlement de Paris au xvie. siècle, etc. 1877. 8º. 8355. b. 14. 8304. e. 6. (5.) ACADEMIES, ETC. PART V. PARMA. PAU (CONTINUED). Accademia Simpemenia de' Filopatridi. Société des Bibliophiles du Béarn. A gli Dei consenti: inni. L. P. BALLAND ( ) General. Le Général Camou, esquisse Coʻtipi Bodoniani : Parma, 1812. 8º. 839. g. 23. biographique, etc. [Edited by V. Lespy.] pp. üii. iii. 99. Arcadi della Colonia Parmense. Pau, 1880. 8º. Ac. 8936/9. See infra : ROME.--Arcadia BOSQUET (PIERRE JOSEPH FRANÇOIS) Maréchal. Lettres du Reale Istituto Ostetrico. Maréchal Bosquet à sa mère. 1829-1858. [Edited by See infra : Università di Parma. V. L. and P. R., i.e. V. Lespy and P. Raymond. With a portrait.] 4 vol. Pau, 1877–79. 80. Ac. 8936. Società Medico-chirurgica. Giornale, etc. 13 vol. Parma, 1806-13. 8º. Ac. 3705. BOSQUET (PIERRE JOSEPH FRANÇOIS) Maréchal Lettres du Università di Parma. Maréchal Bosquet à ses amis 1837–1860. [Edited by R. Istituto Ostetrico annesso all'Ospizio di Maternità V. Lespy.] 2 tom. Pau, 1879. 8º. Ac. 8936/5. nell' Università di Parma. 10 Rendiconto del Dottor G. Calderini ... Anni 1872-73; 1873–74; 1874–75. CASTELLANE (LOUISE ADÉLAÏDE GUYONNE DE) Countess. Con 12 tav[ole] litografiche. Parma, 1877, etc. 8º. L'éducation du Maréchal de Castellane. Notes écrites In progress. Ac. 106. par sa mère, etc. Pau, 1877. 8º. Ac. 8936/3. Only 50 copies published. Il Gabinetto di Storia Naturale della Regia Università di Parma. pp. 19. Parma, 1884. 8º. 7204. bb. 18. (5.) | LACAZE (LOUIS) Notice sur la Place Royale de Pau. 1688–1878. pp. 108. Pau, 1879. 8º. Ac. 8936/6. PAU. Société des Bibliophiles du Béarn. LESPY (v.) and RAYMOND (PAUL) Un Baron Béarnais au quinzième siècle (Gaston de Foix, seigneur de Cuarraze). La Société Béarnaise au dix-huitième siècle. His- Textes en langue vulgaire traduits et publiés par V. toriettes tirées des Mémoires inédits d'un gentilhomme Lespy ... et P. Raymond. 2 vols. Pau, 1878. 8º. Béarnais, etc. Pau, 1876. 4º. Ac. 8936/2. Ac. 8936/4. Récits d'Histoire Sainte en Béarnaise, traduits et publiés TRISTAN (DANIEL DE) Un curé béarnais au dix-huitième pour la première fois sur le manuscrit du xve siècle par siècle. Correspondance de l'Abbé Tristan, publiée par V. Lespy ... et P. Raymond ... pour la Société des V. Lespy ... pour la Société des Bibliophiles du Béarn. Bibliophiles du Béarn. 2 tom. L. P. Pau, 1876. 8°. Pau, 1879, etc. 4º. Ac. 8936/8. 50 copies only printed for sale. Ac. 8936/7. In progress. 50 copies only printed for sale. - 835 ACADEMIES. (PAVIA—PEST.] 836 PAVIA. PÉRIGUEUX. Accademici Affidati. Société Historique et Archéologique du Périgord. Rime. Pavia, 1545. 4º. 83. g. 7. Bulletin, etc. Périgueux, 1874, etc. 8º. In progrees. Collegio degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Pavia. Table analytique . . . 1874 à 1883, par A. Dujarric- Ferrovia attraverso le Alpi Elvetiche. Rapporto della Descombes. 1884. 8º. Ac. 6886. Commissione nominata dal Collegio degli Ingegneri .... ROUMEJOUX (A. DE) Essai de bibliographie Périgourdine. Estratto dal ... Politecnico. Milano, 1861. 80. pp. 291. Sauveterre, 1882. 4°. Ac. 6886/2. 8235. h. Collegium Papiense. PERNAU. See infra: Università di Pavia. Academia Gustavo-Carolina. Università di Pavia. Actus inauguralis Academiæ Gustavo-Carolinæ (habitus Pernaviæ die 28 Aug.: anno 1699) auspiciis Caroli XII. Consilium in materia augmenti monetarum 1511. Suecorum Regis Dorpato Pernavian translatæ. See BUDELIUS (R.) De monetis, etc. 1591. 4º. 714. h. 10. [Pernau, 1699.] 4º. 731. e. 6. (10.) Imperfect; wanting all after p. 48. [Another edition.] See TRACTATUS. Frimum Volumen Tractatuum, etc. vol. 11. 1549. fol. 5305. i. PERTH. See Th., M. P. BE. JU. Declaration du droit de legitimo | Literary and Antiquarian Society. succession sur le royaume de Portugal. . . . Avec la Transactions. vol. 1. Perth, 1827. 4º. Ac. 5776. responce aux consultations sur ce faites par les docteurs des universitez de Bologne, la Grasse et Pavie, pour No more published. Catherine Duchesse de Bragance, etc. 1582. 8º. Perthshire Society of Natural Science. 1195. a. 2. (1.) Proceedings, etc. Perth, 1881, etc. 4º. 1574. Petizione mandata al Parlamento Italiano dai Professori In progress. della R. Università di Pavia in relazione alla legge su le The Scottish Naturalist and Journal of the Perthshire pensioni degli impiegati civili. Pavia, 1863. 80. Society of Natural Science. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 8033. b. -Perth.— The Scottish Naturalist, etc. Archivio triennale del Laboratorio di Botanica Critto- gamica presso la R. Università di Pavia ... redatto dal PESARO. prof. S. Garovaglio. Milano, 1874–79. 8º. [Continued as:] Accademia Agraria di Pesaro. Archivio del Laboratorio Crittogamico Garovaglio ... Esercitazioni. Anno 1-9, Anno 10. Sem. 1. redatto dal D: A. Cattaneo. vol. 4, etc. Pesaro, 1829-44. 8º. 743. d. 11. Milano, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 107. In progress. PEST. Su l'incenerimento dei cadaveri. Conferenze tenute Cæsarea Regia Scientiarum Universitas. nella R. Università di Pavia nei giorni 11 e 18 Giugno 1882. pp. 79. Pavia, 1882. 89. 7391. f. 21. See infra : Császári Királyi Egyetem. Dubbj proposti alli SS. Professori della Facoltà Teologica Osaszari nirayı ceye na Császári Királyi Egyetem. di Pavià. [By the Abbate Bonola.] pp. 30. See T. ... Nyilt levél Sz. P. orsz. Képviselő úrhoz a · 1790. 4°. 1356. b. 4. (5.) M. K. Egyetemi Könyvtár ügyében. 1868. 8º. 11902. bb. Universitas theologica, philosophica ac medica. Catalogus codicum Bibliothecae Universitatis R. Scien- tiarum Budapestinensis. [Edited by S. Szilágyi.1 pp. See supra : Università di Pavia. viii. 155. Budapestini, 1881. 8º. 11905. aa. g. [Another copy.) 11905. a. 4. PENZANCE. Nádor-Codex. A Pesti Egyetemi Könyvtár eredetiéből bevezetéssel és szótárral. Azon Cs. K. Egyetem meg- Natural History and Antiquarian Society. bizásából kiadta Toldy F. (otherwise F. Schedel. 6. L. Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society Re 3 pt. Budán, 1857. 4º. 11900. g. port for 1845. (1846–65.) Penzance, (1845-65.] 89. On the half-title the work is entitled, “ Codex tractatuum [Continued as:] SS. et legendarum Vetero-Hungaricus.” Report and Transactions, etc. 1881-82, etc. Plymouth, (1882, etc.] 8º. Ac. 3011. Geologische Gesellschaft. There were no reports published from 1856–61. Arbeiten der geologischen Gesellschaft für Ungarn. Im Auftrage der Gesellschaft redigirt von J. von Kováts. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Pesth, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 3134. Laws of the Cornwall Geological Society instituted at In progress. Penzance February 11th 1814. Penzance, 1814. 12º. Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat. T. 260. (24.) A Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat Év- Transactions. London, Penzance, 1818, etc. 8º. könyvei. Szerkeszté Török J. (Köt. 2: Gáspár J., Köt. In progress. Imperfect ; wanting vol. 7. Ac. 3165. 3, etc. Szabó J.) Pesten, [1846, etc.] 8º. Ac. 2918. [Another copy of vol. 1.] 961. k. 8. In progress. Original-Abhandlungen aus dem III. Bande der Jahr- A catalogue of the library of the ... Society ... Com bücher des Ungarischen naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins piled by W. A. Taylor. pp. iv. 160. zu Pest in deutscher Übersetzung. Redigirt von ... Brendon and Sons : Plymouth, 1882, 8º. 11904. cc. 27. J. Szabó. Pest, 1858. 8º. 8704. e. Report and 882, etc.) 8°; 7Jed from 1856–61 837 ACADEMIES. (PEST.] 838 PEST (CONTINUED). PEST [CONTINUED). Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat. Kisfaludy-Társaság. Népszerű természettudományi előadások gyüjteménye. AIGNER (LAJOS) Az Elegiáról, etc. Budapest, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 2018/2. Pest, Bécs [printed), 1869. 80. 11824. c. In progress. BALOGH (ZOLTÁN) Alpári. Költői regény ... Kiadja a BARTSCH (SAMU) Rotatoria Hungariae. A Sodróállat- Kisfaludy-Társaság. pp. 214. Pest, 1871. 4º. kák és Magyarországban megfigyelt fajaik. pp. ix. 51. Budapest, 1877. 40 Ac. 8983/15. Ac. 2918/7. BEÖTHY (ZSOLT) Rajzok. pp. vii. 267. Budapest ; Horváth (GÉZA) Monographia Lygaeidarum Hungariae. Pozsonyban (printed), 1879. 8º. 12357. e. 8. Magyarország Bodobácsféléinek magánrajza. Budapest, 1875. 4º. 7297. k. 2. BULLA (JÁNOS) A Tündér-öv: regényes elbeszélés hét énekben. pp. 154. Budapest, 1876. 8º. KERPELY (ANTAL) Magyarország vaskövei és vaster- 11586. df. 25. ményei, különös tekintettel a vas legfőbb chemiai és ELIOT (GEORGE) pseud. [i.e. Marian Evans.) Middlemarch: physikai tulajdonságaira. pp. 83. Budapest, 1877. 4º. tanulmány a vidéki életből . . . Az angol eredetiből 7104. f. 4. forditotta Csukássi J. Kiadta a Kisfaludy-Társaság. KRENNER (JÓZSEF Sándor) A Dobsinai Jégbarlang ... 4 köt. Budapest, 1874, 75. 8º. 12604. cc. 4. Megvizsgálta és leirta Dr Krenner J. S., hat kőnyomatı táblával ... Die Eishöhle von Dobschau ... Untersucht ERDÉLYI (JÁNOS) Magyar közmondások könyve. A und beschrieben von Dr. J. A. Krenner, etc. 2 pt. Kisfaludy-Társaság megbizásábul, szerkeszti és kiadja Budapest, 1874. 4º. and fol. A.c. 2918/5. Erdélyi J. Pesten, 1851. 8º. 8356. cc. 11. RECLUS (JEAN JACQUES ÉLISÉE) A Föld : a földgömb GREGUSS (M. ÁGOSTON) A Balladáról. Pest, 1865. 8º. életjelenségeinek leirása ... Az eredeti negyedik kiadás 11824. C. után forditották király P. és Révész S., az eredetivel GREGUSS (M. ÁGOSTON) Külföldi Népdalok G. A. tól. összehasonlította Hunfalvy J. Budapest, 1879, etc. 89. Kiadta a Kisfaludy-Társaság. Pest, 1861. 8º. . 10006. ff. 11585. bbb. In progress. Köt. 16 of the “ Természettudományi könyv GREG USS (M. ÁGOSTON) A. Szépészet alapvonalai...Kiadta kiadó vállalat” of the above society. a Kisfaludy-Társaság. (Szontagh G'. tudósitása Greguss SCHENZL (GUIDO) Adalékok a magyar koronához tar- A'. Szépészetéről.) Budapest, 1849. 8º. 11840. f. 5. tozó országok földmágnességi viszonyainak ismeretéhez. HagyMÁSI (LAJOS) Tolnai. A nyomorék. Rajzok a Beiträge zur Kenntniss der erdmagnetischen Verhält- falusi életbòl ... Kiadta a Kisfaludy-Társaság. pp. 230. nisse in den Ländern der ungarischen Krone. Hung. Pest, 1867. 8º. Ac. 8983/14. and Ger. pp. xii. 539. Budapest, 1881. 4º. HUGO (VICTOR MARIE) Discount. A századok legendájából. Ac. 2918/9. Forditotta Szász K. Kiadta a Kisfaludy - Társaság. STAHLBERGER (ÉMIL) Az árapály a Fiumei öbölben ... pp. xvii. 159. Pest, 1862. 8º. Ac. 8983/6. irta Stahlberger E. ... Die Ebbe und Fluth in der KEMÉNY (ZSIGMOND) Férj és Nő: regény. pp. 403. Rhede von Fiume, etc. Hung. & Ger. Ac. 2918/4. Budapest, 1874. 4°. 12591. bbb. 17. Budapest, 1878. gº. LOSÁRDI (ZSUZSÁNA) Losárdi Zsuzsána: Költői elbeszélés, SZINNYEI (JÓZSEF) the Elder and (JÓZSEF) the Younger. hat énekben ... Kiadta a Kisfaludy-Társaság. pp 144. Bibliotheca Hungarica historiae naturalis et matheseos. Magyarország természettudományi és mathematikai Pest, 1867. 8º. Ac. 8983/10. könyvészete 1472–1875. pp. viii. coll. 1008. MADÁCH (IMRE) Az ember tragédiája. Drámai Köl. Budapest, 1878. 8º. Ac. 2918/8. temény [in 15 scenes] ... Kiadta a Kisfaludy-Társaság: TYNDALL (JOHN) A Hő mint a mozgás egyik neme ... pp. 218. Pest, 1861. 8º. Ac. 8983/11. Forditotta Jezsovics K. ... Előszót és függeléket írt NIBELUNGEN. A Nibelungok. Forditotta Szász K. hozzá Szily K. Budapest, 1874. 8º. Ac. 2918/6. Kiadja a Kisfaludy-Társaság. pp. xxxi. 446. Pest, 1869. 8º. Ac. 8983/13. Kisfaludy-Társaság. PÁKH (ALBERT) Pákh A. humoros életképéi. (Emlék- A Kisfaludy-Társaság Évlapjai. 1836-46. 7 köt. beszéd Pákh A. fölött Gyulai Páltól.) Kiadta a Budán, Pesten, 1841-49. 8º. Kisfaludy-Társaság. pp. xix. 301. Pest, 1870. 8º. Uj folyam. 1860/2, etc. Pest, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 8983/9. In progress. Ac. 8983. PUSHKIN (ALEKSANDR SERGYEEVICH) Anyégin Eugen : Nemzeti Könyvtár. [Edited by Ferencz Schedel.] regény versekben ... Forditotta Bérczy K. Kiadja a 3 Folyam. Pest, Budán (printed], 1843-47. 8º. Kisfaludy-Társaság. pp. xxiv. 296. Pest, 1866. 8º. 1336. 1. 1-3. Ac. 8983/8. Folyam 2 is in 3 pts., each part having a distinct title- SHAKSPERE (WILLIAM) Shakspere minden munkái. For- page, pagination and register. ditják többen. [K. Szász, J. Arany, M. Vörösmarty, Zs. Ács, S. Petöfi, J. Lévay, L. Arany, M. Á. Greguss, Népdalok és mondák. A Kisfaludy-Tár-aság meg J. Rákosi, I. Fejes, Zs. Lörinczi, V. Györy and E. bizásábul szerkeszti és kiadja Erdélyi J. 2 köt. Szigligeti, pseud., i.e. J. Szathmáry.] Kiadja a Kis- Pesten, 1846, 47. 8º. 11585. g. There is also a second titlepage, which reads : “ Magyar faludy Társaság. 19 köt. Pest, 1864-78. 8º. 11764. ccc. Népköltési Gyüjtemény." Szász (KÁROLY) the Younger. Salamon: történeti köl- Költői Pályamüvek, mellyeket 1847-ben koszorúzott és temény. pp. viii. 348. Budapest, 1878. 8º. kitüntetett a Kisfaludy-Társaság. 11586. ee. 28. Pesten, 1847. 8º. Ac. 8983/2. SZÉCSEN (ANTAL) Count. Tanulmányok. pp. 394. A hazai nem-magyarajkú Népköltészet Tára. Budapest, Pozsonyban (printed), 1881. 8º. Ac. 8983/5. Pest, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 8983/3. The half-title bears the words “ Irodalmi és történelmi In progress. tanulmányok.” Spanyol Szinműtár. Kiadja a Kisfaludy-Társaság. TEGNÉR (ESAIAS) Bishop of Wexiö. A Frithiof-monda Pesten, 1870, etc. 89. Ac. 8983/4. ... Forditotta Györy V. ... Kiadja a Kisfaludy- In progress. Társaság. pp. 176. Pest, 1868. 89. Ac, 8983/12. 339 840 ACADEMIES. (PEST.] PEST [CONTINUED]. PEST [CONTINUED). Kisfaludy-Társaság. Museum Nationale Hungaricum. Toldy F. (otherwise F. Schedel) irói arany ünnepe Pesten Természetrajzi Füzetek az állat-, növény-, ásvány-, és 1871 november 12-én. pp. 50: Pest, 1871. 80. földtan köréből... Szerkeszti Herman Ottó, etc. 11840. f. 13. (1.) Budapest, 1877, etc. 8°. Ac. 7301/5. URMÉNYI (JÓZSEF) Újabb Nemzeti Könyvtár. Kiadják In progress. Urményi J., Kazinczy G., Zsedényi E., ... Toldy F., PULSZKY (KÁROLY) Ornamente der Hausindustrie Un- etc. Pest, 1852, etc. 4º. 1336. 1. garn's. Text von Dr. C. v. Pulszky. Gezeichnet von F. Fischbach. Budapest, 1878. fol. Ac. 7301/3. Magyar Akademia, See infra : Magyar Tudományos Akademia. Magyar Orvosi Könyvkiadó-Társulat. Magyar Gazdasági Egyesület. BALASSA (JÁNOS) Balassa J. ... Összegyüjtott kisebb müvei. Szerkesztette Dr. Janny Gy. Gazdasági Tudósítások kiadja a' Gazdasági-Egyesület. Budapest, 1875. 8º. Ac. 3773. Bizottsági ügyelés alatt szerkeszti Kacskovics L. Évi folyam 1-3. Budán, Pesten, 1837–39. 8º. Magyar Theátrumi Társaság. Only the first part of Evi folyam, I was published at Buda. Magyar Theátrumi Almanák 1814-ik esztendőre. [Continued as:] [Pest,] 1814. 8º. Ac. 8981. Gazdasági Tudósitások és Rohonczi közlemények, kiadja a' M. Gazdasági Egyesület. (Szerkeszti Kacskovics L.) Magyar Történelmi Társulat. Évi folyam 4-5. Pesten, Budán, 1840, 41. 8º. BALASSA (BÁLINT) Gyarmathi Balassa B. költeményei. AC. 3442. A M. Történelmi Társulat megbizásából szerkeszte, Évi folyam 4 was published at Pest, and 5 at Buda. jegyzetekkel s bevezetéssel ellátta Szilády A. pp. liii. 354. No more published. Budapest, 1879. 8º. 11586. ff. 49. Műipar. Kiadta a' Magyar Gazdasági Egyesület, isme ZICHY, Counts of. Codex diplomaticus domus senioris retterjesztő szakosztályi felügyelés alatt szerkeszték Comitum Zichy, etc. A Zichi és Vásonkeői Gróf Zichy- Kacskovics L. és Török J. Év. 1. Budán, 1841. 8º. család idősb ágának okmánytára ... Szerkesztik Nagy Ac. 3442/2. Imre, Nagy Iván és Véghely D. Pestini, 1871, etc. 80. Magyar Gazda, kiadja a Magyar Gazdasági Egyesület In progress. Ac. 7311. ... Szerkeszték (the first year, 1841] Kacskovics L. és Török J. (Szerkeszti [the years 1842-487 Török J.) | Magyar Tudományos Akademia. 1841-48. Budán, Pesten, 1841-48. fol. Ac. 3442/6. See FEJÉR (G.) G. Fejér Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae: The numbers for 1844-48 were published at Pest. No tabula chronologica ... opera F. Knauz ... Kiadta a more published. M. Tudos Akademia tört. bizottmánya. 1862. 8º. Jószágismertetés. Kiadja a Magyar Gazdasági Egyesület. 1438. h. Pest, 1860, etc. 8º. 7074. k. See SZÉCHENYI (J.) Count. A' Magyar Academia körül, In progress. 1842. [1842.] 8º. 731. d. 27. Az országos Magyar Gazdasági Egyesület évkönyve. A' Magyar Tudós Társaság alaprajza és rendszabásai. Pest, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 3442/3. Pesten, 1831. 4º. Ac. 826/2. In progress. Névkönyv ... 1832 re (-1837 re). Geologiai viszonyok és talajnemek ismertetése. Pesten, Budán, 1832(-37). 8º. Pest, 1861, etc. 8º. 7109. c. The numbers for 1832 and 1833 were published at Pest, In progress. those for 1836 and 1837 at Buda. Imperfect; wanting Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat. those for 1834 and 1835. A Magyar Földtani Társulat munkálatai. [Continued as:] M. Tudós Társasági Névkönyv, astronomiai napkönyvvel Pesten, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 3135. és kalendáriommal 1838-ra (–1843-ra) [edited by K. In progress. Nagy). 1838–48. Budán, [1837-47.7 8o Földtani Közlöny, kiadja a Magyarhoni Földtani Tár- The Astronomical Calendar was discontinued after 1843. sulat. Pest, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 3135/3. [Continued as:] In progress. Magyar Tudom. Akademiai Almanach csillagászati és BÉLLYE. Die Herrschaft Béllye, ein ungarischer Gross közönséges naptárral 1863–ra(-etc.) [edited by G. Kon- grundbesitz... des Erzherzogs Albrecht. Heraus dor). Pesten, 1862, etc. 8º. AC. 825/24. gegeben durch den Ungarischen Landes-Agricultur In progress. Verein in Budapest. Mit ... Holzschnitten, etc. pp. viii. 304. Wien, 1883. 8º. Ac. 3135/4. A' Magyar Tudós Társaság Évkönyvei. Pesten, Budán, 1833, etc. 4º. Ac. 826. POŠEPNY (F.) Geologisch-Montanistische Studie der In progress. Erzlagerstätten von Rézbánya in $. 0.-Ungarn. Tudománytár, közre bocsátja a Magyar Tudós Társaság. Budapest, 1874. 8º. Ac. 3135/2. (Köt. 1-8 szerkezteti Schedel F. Köt. 9-12 szerkezteti Museum Nationale Hungaricum. Csató P.) 12 kötet. Acta litteraria Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Tomus 1. Uj folyam (Értekezések szerkezteti Luczenbacher Baude, I818. 4°. Ac. 7301. J. Köt. 1-16. Literatura szerkezteti Almási Balogh P. Acta Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Köt. 1–8.) 24 kötet. Budán, 1834-44. 8º. Buda-Pest, 1873, etc. fol. 1706. a. Ac. 825/13. Eredeti Játékszin. Kötet 1-16. Budán, 1834-46. 120. In progress. 11755. d. Cimeliotheca Musei Nationalis Hungarici sive Catalogus historico-criticus antiquitatum, raritatum et pretiosorum The date of the 1st volume is 1837, but that volume is of cum Bibliotheca antiquaria, et numaria ejusdem Instituti the second edition. Edited by J. F. Miller de Brassó.] Budae, 1825. 4º. Nyelvtudományi Pályamunkák. 4 köt. Ac. 7301/5. Budán, 1834-46. 8º. 12976. c. 28. Magyar Könyv-szemle. Közrebocsátja a M. Nemzeti Romai Classicusok Magyar fordításokban. A köt. Múzeum Könyvtára. Budapest, 1876, etc. 80. Budán, 1836-40. 80. Ac. 825/22. In progress. Ac. 7301/4. No more published. vkonyvei. . 841 ACADEMIES. [PEST.] 842 PEST [CONTINUED). PEST [CONTINUED). Magyar Tudományos Akademia. Magyar Tudományos Akademia. A’ Magyar Tudos Társaság' igazgatóságának jelentése a' Abuska. Csagatajtörök szógyűjtemény. Török kézirat- Társaság' 1837 beli munkálkodásairól 's pénztára' miben ból fordította Vámbéry Á. Előbeszéddel és jegyzetekkel létéről. Hetedik esztendő. Budán, 1838. 12º. kisérte Budenz J. A Magyar Tudományos Akademia . Ac. 825/18. kiadása. Pest, 1862. 8º. 12907. ee. 1. Magyar és Német Zsebszótár. [Compiled by M. Antal, J. Nyelvtudományi Közlemények. Bajza, P. Bugát, F. Schedel and M. Vörösmarty. Rész. 1. Kiadja a Magyar Budán, 1838. 8º. 829. c. 10. Tudományos Akademia nyelvosztályának bizottsága. Szerkeszti [köt. 1-14] Hunfalvy P. ([köt. 15 etc.,] Budenz Régi Magyar Nyelvemlékek... Döbrentei Gábor...mint J.) Pesth, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/5. szerkesztő felügyelése alatt. Kötet 1-3. In progress. This may be regarded as a continuation of Budán, 1838–42. 4º. 1338. n. 9-11. a journal published at Pesth, 1856–61, entitled : “ Magyar Hellen Classicusok Magyar fordításokban. Köt. 1. Nyelvészet,” unconnected with the Academy. Budán, 1840. 8º. Ac. 825/21. Török-Magyar-kori Történelmi Emlékek. Kiadja a No more published. Magyar Tudományos Akademia történelmi bizottmánya. Pest, 1863, etc. 8º. Magyar Academiai Értesítő. Év 1-ÉV IV. Ac. 825/6. In progress. [Buda,] 1840–44. 8º. Ac. 825/14. Emlékkönyv a Magyar Akademia palotájának megnyitási A' Magyar Nyelv' Rendszere. Budán, 1846. 8º. ünnepélyére. [Edited by S. Balázs.] Pest, 1865. 4º. 1332. f. 8355. g. 6. Történettudományi Pályamunkák. Ertekezések a nyelv és széptudományi osztály köréből... Budán, 1841, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/15. Szerkeszti [köt. 1] Toldy F. [otherwise F. Schedel]. In progress. ([köt. 2, etc. Gyulai P.) Pest, 1867, etc. 8º. Utasíı ás a' M. Academiai Könyvtár tisztviselői számára. In progress. Ac. 825/20. [Edited by F. Toldy.] Budán, 1848. 8º. Értekezések a társadalmi tudományok köréből. Kiadja 824. d. 25. a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia a II. osztály rende- Új Magyar Muzeum (egyszersmind a Magyar Academia letéből. Szerkeszti [köt. 1-57 Fraknói V. ([kót. 6, etc.] Közlönye). Kiadják a Magyar Akademia több tagjai. Pesty F.) Budapest, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/46. (Érdy J., Hunfalvy P., Jerney J., Lugossy J., Lukács In progress. M., Pauler T., Reguly A., Repicky J., Szilasy J., Szontayh Ertekezések a történettudományi osztály köréből ... Az G., Toldy F., Wenzel G., Nendtvich K.) Felelős osztály rendeletéből szerkeszti Hunfalvy J. szerkesztő Toldy F. (otherwise F. Schedel.] Pest, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/11. Pest, 1850, etc 8º. Ac. 825/3. In progress. The full general title appears only on the In progress. Magyar Történelmi Tár. A' történeti kútfők' ismeretének Halaink és Haltenyésztésünk. Pest, 1868. 8º. előmozdítására kiadja a' Magyar Tudományos Academia' Ac. 825/19. történelmi bizottmánya. Pesten, 1855, etc. 8º. Archæologiai Értesítő. A Magyar Tudományos Aka- In progress. Ac. 825/27. demia archaeologiai bizottságának közlönye. Szerkeszti Monumenta Hungariae Historica. Magyar történelmi [köt. 1-6] Dr. Rómer F.; ([köt. 7] Henszlmann I.; emlékek. Kiadja a Magyar Tudományos Akademia [köt. 8] Henszlmann I. vezérlete alatt Gednly F.; [köt. történelmi bizottmánya. Első osztály: Okmánytárak. g] Henszlmann I. és Ortvay T.; [köt. 10–13] Henszlmann (Második osztály: Irók. Harmadik osztály: Magyar I. és Nyáry A. ; [köt. 14] Pulszky K.) 14 köt. orszaggyűlési emlékek. Negyedik osztály: Diplomacziai Pest, 1869–81. 8º. Ac. 825/23. emlékek.) Pest, 1857, etc. 8º. - Ac. 825. Uj folyam...Szerkeszti Pulszky K. In progress. Budapest, 1881, etc. 8°. Archaeologiai Közlemények. A hazai műemlékek In progress. ismeretének előmozdítására kiadja a Magyar Tudományos Monumenta Hungariae Archaeologica. Magyarországi Akademia archaeologiai bizottmánya. [Köt. 1 edited regészeti emlékek. Kiadja a Magyar Tudományos Aka- . by F. Schedel, and Köt. 2 by A. Ipolyi.] demiának archæologiai bizottsága. Pest, 1869, etc. 4º. Pesten, 1859, etc. 8º. and fol. Ac. 825/7. In progress. Ac. 826/6. In progress. Köt. 1 and 2 are in 8°. ; the volume of plates Budapesti Szemle. A. M. T. Akadémia megbizásából (Képatlasz) to Köt. 2, and Köt. 3, etc., are in folio. szerkeszti Gyulai P. Buda-Pest, 1873, etc. 80. Magyar Akademia könyve. Szerkeszti Ormódi B. In progress. Ac. 825/33. Pest, 1860, etc. 12º. 11585. aaa. Nemzetgazdasáyi Szemle. Évnegyedes folyóirat a nem- In progress. zetgazdasás, pénzügy és statistika köréből. Uj folyam. A. M. Tud. Akadémia nemzetgazdasági és statistikai Magyar leveles tár, a régibb Magyar közélet, erkölcsök, állandó bizottságának meghagyásából szerkeszti György történet és nyelv ismeretének előmozditására. E. Budapest, 1877, etc. 8º. : Ac. 825/29. Pesten, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/16. In progress. In progress. HUNGARIAN POETS. Régi Magyar Költők tára. Mathematikai s természettudományi közlemények vonat Budapest, 1877, etc. 8°. In progress. Ac. 825/39. kozólag a hazai viszonyokra....Szerkeszti [köt. 1–15] Szabó J. ([köt. 16, etc.] B. Eötvös L.) BÁNÓCZI (JÓZSEF) Révai Miklós élete és munkái... Irta Pesten, 1861, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/17. Bánóczi J. Pp. 415. Budapest, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/40. In progress. This is part of “ A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia könyv- Statistikai közlemények. A hazai állapotok ismeretének kiadó vállalata.” előmozditására kiadja a Magyar tudományos Akademia DICTIONARIES. Codex Cumanicus Bibliothecæ ad tem- statistikai bizottmánya. [Köt. 1 edited by F. Schedel, plum Divi Marci Venetiarum. [A Latin, Persian and köt. 2–6 by J. Hunfalvy.] 6 köt. Pesten, 1861-64. 8º. Tumanic vocabulary.] Primum ex integro edidit, pro- legomenis notis et compluribus glossariis instruxit, A Magyar Tudományos Akademia személyzete. Jan. 1, Comes G. Kuun. pp. cxxxiv. 395. 1862. Pesten, 1862. 8º. Ac. 825/10. Budapestini, 1880.80. Ac. 825/45. 843 ACADEMIES. [PEST] 844 NYÁRY (JENŐ) historici. Az A pp. vi. 179: 826/5. PEST [CONTINUED]. :: PEST [CONTINUED). Magyar Tudományos Akademia. Magyar Tudományos Akademia. BUDENZ (JÓZSEF). Erdei- és Hegyi- Cseremisz szótár, etc. MAGYAR (LÁSZLÓ) Magyar L. Délafrikai utazásai 1849–57 Vocabularium Ceremissicum utriusque dialecti, imprimis években. A Magy. Tudom. Akademia megbizásából e Collectione Regulyana et ex versione Novi Testamenti sajtó alá egyengette és jegyzésekkel ellátta Hunfalvy J. Čeremissica concinnavit J. Budenz. Pest, 1866. 8º. Pest, 1859, etc. 8º. In progress. 10095. g. : 12907. e. 27. (2.) MAINE (Sir HENRY JAMES SUMNER) A Jog Oskora... For- BUDENZ (JÓZSEF) Magyar-Ugor összehasonlitó szótár. dította, bevezette és jegyzetekkel kisérte Pulszky Á. Budapest, 1873-81. 8º. Ac. 825/26. Budapest, 1875. 8º. Ac. 825/32. CARLYLE (THOMAS) Essayist and Historian. A Franczia Nyáry (JENŐ) Baron. Monumenta Hungariæ Archæo- Forradalom. A. M. Tud. Akadémia megbizásából for logica ævi præhistorici. Az Aggteleki barlang mint dította Baráth F. 3 köt. Budapest, 1875-78. 8º. őskori temető. Irta Báró Nyáry J. pp. vi. 179. 'Ac. 825/35. Budapest, 1881. 4º. This is part of “ A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia könyv- kiadó vállalata.". PAULER (GYULA) Wesselényi F. Nádor és társainak összeesküvése, 1664-1671. 2 köt. Budapest, 1876. 8º. Czuczor (GERGELY) and FOGARASI (JÁNOS) A Magyar Ac. 825/30. nyelv Szótára. A Magyar Tudományos Akademia meg- PESTY (FRIGYES) A Szörényi Bánság és Szörény vár- bizásából készítették Czuczor G. és Fogarasi J. 6 köt. megye története. Irta Pesty F. Kiadja a M. Tud. Aka- Pest, 1862–74. 4º. Ac. 825/12. démia történelmi bizottsága. Budapest, 1877, etc. . 8º. ÉRDY (JÁNOS) Erdély Érmei képatlaszszal. Közli... In progress. . Ac. 825/43. Érdy J....A'M. Tudom. Akademia kiadása. 2 pt. PETÉNYI (SALAMON JÁNOS) Petényi S. J. Hátrahagyott Pesten, 1862. 4°. Ac. 825/14. munkái. Kiadta a Magyar Tudományos Akadenia... Szerkeszté Kubínyi F. (Petényi S. J. Életrajza Kubínyi Fábián (ISTVÁN Finn nyelvtan. Irta Fábián I. A F. től.) Pest, 1864, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 825) 8. Magyar Akademia kiadása. Pest, 1859. 8º. 12976. g. 14. RÓMER (FLÓRIS) Műrégészeti kalauz, különös tekintettel FRANCIS 11. [Rákóczy), Prince of Transylvania. Principio Magyarországra. Kiadta a Magyar Tudományos Aka- Francisci II. Rákóczi Confessiones et Aspirationes Prin- demia archaeologiai bizottsága. I. Rész. Oskori műré- cipis Christiani, e codice Bibliothecae Nationalis Parisi gészet, írta Dr. Rómer F. (11. Rész. Középkori épitészet, ensis edidit Commissio Fontium Historiæ Patriæ Aca írta Dr. Henszlmann I.) 2 rész. Pest, 1866. gº. demiæ Scientiarum Hungaricæ. Budapestini, 1876. 8º. 7816. aa. Ac. 825/28. RUPP (JAKAB) Buda-Pest és környékének helyrajzi tör- GABRIEL (BETHLEN?, Prince of Transylvania. Bethlen ténete... Kiadta a M. T. Akadémia történelmi bizottsága. Gábor Fejedelem kiadatlan politikai levelei. A Magyar Pesten, 1868. 8º. 10210. ee. Tud. Akadémia történelmi bizottsága megbizásából SCHEDEL (FERENCZ) Corpus Grammaticorum Linguae kiadta Szilágyi S. pp. xiv. 496. Bådapest, 1879. 8º. Hungaricae veterum . . . Edidit F. Toldy (otherwise Ac. 825/41. Schedel]. A régi Magyar Nyelvészek Erdősitől Txétsiiv. HUNFALVY (JÁNOS) A Magyar birodalom természeti Pesthini, 1866. 8º. Ac. 825/9. viszonyainak leirása. A Magyar Tudományos Akademia meg bizásából készítette Hunfalvy J. 3 köt. Emlékbeszéd József Főherczeg Nádor Magyar Acaderniai Pest, 1863–65. 8º. Ac. 825/4. pártfogó felett-az Academia' rendkivüli köz ülésében Január xxv. 1847 mondotta D. Scbedel F. Titoknok. HUNFALVY (PÁL) Magyarország Ethnographiája. Budán, [1847.] fol. 10703. i. Budapest, 1876.' 89. Ač. 825/31. . SCHEDEL (FERENCZ) Kazinczy F. és kora. (Életrajzi JAKAB (ELEK A levéltárakról tekintettel a magyar emlék.) Îrta Toldy F. [otherwise F. Schedel.] Államlevéltár-ügyre székfoglaló értekezés, olvasta 1874 Pest, 1859, etc. 4º. Ac. 825/13. nov. 2-án Jakab E. pp. 190. Budapest, 1877. 8º. In progress. The wrapper bears the following title : Ac. 825/36. “Életrajzi emlék Kazinczy F. születésének százados ünne- Kállay (BÉNI) A Szerbek története 1780–1815. pére." Budapest, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 825/42. SZABÓ (KÁROLY) Régi magyar könyvtár. Az 1531-1711 In progress. megjelent magyar nyomtatványok könyvészeti kézi- KAZINCZY (FERENZ) Akademiai Emlékkönyv a Kazinczy könyve. pp. xiv. 751. Budapest, 1879. 80. Ac. 825/38. F. születése évszázados ünnepéről Oct. 27, 1859. TORMA (KÁROLY) Repertorium ad literaturam Daciæ Pest, (1859.] 4º. 10705. i. arcbæologicam et epigrapbicam. Repertórium Dacia KNAUZ (NÁNDOR) Kortan, hazai történelmünkhöz alkal- régiség-és felirattani irodalmához. Lat. and Hung. pp. xxix. 191. Budapest, 1880. 8º. Budapest, 1876. 4º. 9315. i. 2. mazva. pp. xv. 589. Ac. 825/44. Koch (ANTAL) A Dunai Trachytcsoport jobbparti részé- WERBŐCZ (STEPHANUS DE) Verbőczi I. Hármaskönyve. nek-$z.-Endre- Visegrád- Esztergomi hegycsoport- Az. MDXVII-ki eredeti kiadásra ügyelve magyarúl kiadta földtani leirása, a hegy- és vizrajzi viszonyok előrebo- a' Magyar Tudós Társaság. Pesten, 1844. 8º. csátásával. pp. viii. 298. Budapest, 1877. 8º. 1234. e. Ac. 825/37. Tudós Társaság, afterwards Magyar Tudományos Aka- KRUSPER (STEPHAN VON) Légtüneti Észleletek, kiadja a demia. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia mathematikai és ter See supra: Magyar Tudományos Akademia. mészettudományi állandó bizottsága. Szerkeszti Krusper Mamung, Coőcka. 1.-Observationes Meteorologicæ, etc. Pest, 1866, etc. obl. 4º. 1810. a. Cepócrit I bronHC 3a rod. 1842 (1843, etc.)...Yapeja Kb (of kr. 56–60, for 1842 and 1843] 1. Cyboruħib ... In progress. Свевысочайше дарованнымъ правомъ Матице Сербске. LEWES (GEORGE HENRY) A Philosophia története Tha (Yupejio (KH. 93, for 1856] I. KrustoBułib. Ypenye(KH. lestől Comteig... A Magyar Tud. Akadémia megbi 97-99, for 1858–59] I. Hoppebudu. Ypefye (kr. 100, zásából fordította Dr. Bánóczi J. 3 köt. etc. for 1859, etc.] A. Xaquħu.) In progress. Budapest, 1876–78. 8º. Ac. 825/34. Y bydumy, (1842, etc.] 8º. Ac. 8984. 845 ACADEMIES. [PEST-PHILADELPHIA.] 846 YTIN PEST [CONTINUED). PEST (CONTINUED). Petőfi-Társaság. Szent-István-Társulat. BALÁZS (SÁNDOR) Vig elbeszélések. pp. 202. MINDSZENTY (GEDEON) Mindszenty G. legujabb költe- Budapest, (1878.] 8º. 12315. h. 24. ményei. pp. xv. 279. Budapest, 1877. 8º. ENDRŐDI (SÁNDOR) Költemények. pp. viii. 214. 11586. ee. 30. Budapest, (1877.) 8º. . 11586. ff. 23. RADVÁNYI (IMRE Margit-sziget története. Irta Rad- ványi I. Kiadja a Szent-Islván-Társulat. JÓKAI (MOR) Észak honából: muszka rajzok. pp. 178. Pest, 1858. gº. Ac. 8982/3. Budapest, (1878.] 8º. 10291. bb. 11. ZICHY (GÉZA) Count. Költemények. pp. 106. SCHEDEL (FERENCZ) Immaculata. A régi Magyar Anya- Budapest, [1877 ?] 8º. 11586. ff. 21. szentegyház hét szent beszédében. Régi codexekből, részben nyomtatványból, nyelvjegyzetekkel Toldy F. Statistikai Hivatal. (otherwise F. Schedel] által. Kiadta a Szent-István- Sz. K. Pestvárosa Statistikai Hivatalának közleményei. Társulat. Pest, 1855. 8°. Ac. 8982/5. Publicationen des Statistischen Bureaus der Königl. Freistadt Pest. Pest, 1871, etc. 89. Ac. 24411 2. SOMOGYI KÁROLY) A Bölcsészet lényege-és feladatáról. Akademiai székfoglaló beszédül felolvasta ... Somogyi Budapest főváros Statisztikai Hivatalának havi füzetei K. Kiadja a Szent-István-Társulat. Pest, 1859. 8º. ... Szerkeszti Kőrösi J. Budapest, 1879, etc. 4º. . AC. 8982/6. In progress. 8226. g. 3. TÁRKÁNYI (BÉLA JÓZSEF) Tárkányi B. J. költeményei. KELETI (KÁROLY) Nemzetközi statistika. Szőlőszet, etc. A költő életrajzával Toldy F. [otherwise Schedel F.] Budapest, 1875, etc. 4°. Ac. 2441. által. Kiadja a Szent István-Társulat. In progress. Pest, 1857. 8º. Ac. 8982. Szent-István-Társulat. TÖRÖK (NEPOMUKI JÁNOS) Egyetemes Magyar Encyclo- See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.--Pest. Katholikus Néplap, paedia. Kiadja a Szent István Társulat. Szerkeszti etc. ([1861–62] kiadja a Szent István Társulat.) köt. 1, 2 and 57. Török J. [köt. 6, 7,] Pollák N. J.; 1848, etc. fol. P.P. 177. mb. [köt. 8.] Laubhaimer F.) 13 köt. Pesten, 1859–76. 4º. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Pest. Religio, etc. (Ki- 739. l. 1. adja a Szent-István-Társulat (1859].) 1849, etc. 40 VASZARY (KOLOS) A Várnai csata. Pest, 1864. 8º. P.P.'177. mg. Ac. 8982/7. DANIELIK (NEP JÁNOS) Columbus, vagy Amerika fölfe ZsirovICS (FERENCZ) Officium Divinum. Kalauz a dezése. Pesten, 1856. 8º. Ac. 8982/10. · keresztény katholikus magán és nyilvános isteni-szolgá- DANIELIK (NEP JÁNOS) Magyarországi Szent Erzsébet latra. Szerkeszté Zsibovics F.... Kiadja a Szent István élete. Pesten, 1857. 8º. Ac. 8982/11. Társulat. Lat. & Hung. Pest, 1868. 169. Ac. 8982/12. FERENCZY (JAKAB) and DANIELIK (JÓZSEF) Magyar Irók. Tanári Egylet. Életrajz-gyüjtemény... Kiegészitésül Ferenczy J. “Ma- A Budapesti Tanári Egylet közlönye ... Felelős szer- gyar Irodalom és Tudományosság történeté-" hez. kesztő V. Horváth Z. Pest, 1867, etc. 8º. . Ac. 827. (Gyüjté Ferenczy J. és Danielik J.) 2 vol. Pest, 1856–58. 8º. Ac. 8982/9. In progress. Ungarische Geologische Gesellschaft. [Another copy of vol. 1.] Ac. 8982/2. See supra : Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat. FRANKL, afterwards FRAKNÓI (VILMOS) Vitéz János Esztergomi Érsek élete. pp. 247. Ungarischer Landes-Agricultur-Verein. Budapest, 1879. 8º. Ac. 8982/15. Verhandlungen und Commissionsbericht über billige GRYNAEUS (ALAJOS) Szent István első Magyar Király Bahnen. Aus der staatswirthschaftlichen Abtheilung tisztelete, mint Budán tartatik. Egyszersmind Bu des Ungarischen Landes-Agricultur-Vereines. Mit einer csújárati ajtatosság, mikép országszerte ünnepeltetik. Eisenbahnkarte von Ungarn. Herausgegeben von K. Szerkeszté Grynaeus A. Kiadja a Szent István-Társulat. von Szathmári. Pest, 1865. 4º. 8235. h. . Pest, 1856. 12º. Ac. 8982/2. HARTVICUS, Bishop of Ratisbon. Szent István első Magyar Ungarischer Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Király' életirata Hartvik Regensburgi Püspök szerint. See supra : Királyi Magyar Természettudományi A Magyar Nemzeti Muzeumban őrzött Frankfurti co Társulat. dexből átirta és forditotta... Érdy J... . Kiadja a Szent- István - Tánsulat. (Függelek : Bodoghsagus Zenth PHILADELPHIA. Istwan kýralnak Innepeeről.) Lat. & Hung. Pesten, 1854. 4º. 10707. h. Academy of Medicine. KLOPSTOCK (FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB) Messiás ... Klopstock Proofs of the origin of the yellow fever, in Philadelphia után Tárkányi. pp. xxx. 291. Pest, 1872. 89. & Kensington in ... 1797 from domestic exhalation, etc. Ac. 8982/14. in two letters, etc. Philadelphia, 1798. 8º. No. 6 of a collection published by the Szent-István-Társu- T. 96. (4.) lat, entitled “ Házi Könyvtár." Academy of Natural Sciences. LONKAI (ANTAL) A Magyar irodalom ismertetése a leg Journal. vol. 1-7. Philadelphia, 1817-37. 8º. régibb időktől napjainkig. Olvasókönyv felsőbb tanodák Ac. 3051. használatára. A Szent István-Társulat megbizásából [Another copy of vol. 1.] Philadelphia, 1817. 8º. készítette Lonkay A. Budán, 1855, etc. 8º. 962. k. 18. In progress. Ac. 8982/8. Second series. Philadelphia, 1847, etc. 4º. A Magyar irodalom ismertetése. Olvasókönyv felsőbb In progress. Ac. 3051/2. tanodák használatára. Harmadik (javitott) kiadás [of the work of A. Lonkai]... Kiadja a Szent-István Report of the transactions of the Academy of Natural Társulat. 3 köt. Pest, 1864-60. 80. Ac. 8982/4. Sciences of Philadelphia, during the years 1827 and Köt. 1 and 2 are of the 3rd, and köt. 3 of the 2nd 1828. Submitted by S. G. Morton. edition. Philadelphia, 1829. 80. Ac. 3051/4. 847 ACADEMIES. (PHILADELPHIA.] 848 PHILADELPHIA (CONTINUED). PHILADELPHIA [CONTINUED). Academy of Natural Sciences. Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Proceedings, etc. Philadelphia, 1850, etc. 80. See supra : American Entomological Society. In progress. Ác. 3051/3. and 1186. Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Act of incorporation and By-Laws. (List of Members, etc.) See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.- Philadelphia. The Frank- Philadelphia, 1857. 8º. Ac. 3051/5. (1.) lin Journal, etc. Catalogues of Human Crania in the collection of the Academy ... Based upon the third edition of Dr. Address of the Committee on premiums and exhibitions Morton's " Catalogue of Skulls." By J. A. Meigs. of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, 1857. 8º. " Ac. 3051/5. (2.) ... With a list of the premiums offered, . . . at the exhibition...1831. Philadelphia, 1831. 8º. American Entomological Society. 7955. c. 12. Transactions. Philadelphia, 1867, etc. 8º. Ao. 3688. Report of the Committee of the Franklin Iustitute of the State of Pennsylvania, for the promotion of the In progress. mechanic arts, on the explosions of steam-boilers. (Part A Memoir of T. B. Wilson, M.D., prepared in pursuance 1, containing the first report of experiments ... Part of a resolution of the Entomological Society of Phila 2, containing the general report of the Committee.) delphia, by a Committee. [Philadelphia,] 1865. 8º. 2 pt. [separately paged.] Philadelphia, 1836. 8º. 10882. C. 1396. i. EDWARDS (WILLIAM H.) The Butterflies of North Geological Society of Pennsylvania. America; with colored drawings and descriptions. Transactions. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1834, 35. 8º. Pt. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1868. 4º. Ac. 3688/4. Ac. 3188. American Philosophical Society. Girard College. Transactions. 1769–1804. 6 vol. Observations at the magnetic and meteorological ob- Philadelphia, 1771-1809. 4°. T. C. 18. b. 5–10. servatory at the Girard College, made under the direction of A. D. Bache . i. 1840 to 1845. Printed by order of - [Another copy of vol. 1, 2 & 5.] 435. c. 1. the Senate of the United States, and under the direction New series. 15 vol. Philadelphia, 1818–75. 4º. of the topographical bureau. 3 vol. FEW MS. NOTES T. C. 18. b. 11. & Ac. 1830/3. [by A. Von Humboldt]. Washington, 1847. 8º. [Another copy of vol. 1.] 435. c. 7. 8752. cc. The pagination is continuous throughout. A presentation Transactions of the historical and literary committee. copy from Dr. Bache to A. Von Humboldt. vol. 1, 2, 3, pt. 1. Philadelphia, 1819–43. 8º. Ac. 1830/2. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Proceedings, etc. Vol. 1-4. Philadelphia, 1840–47. 8º. Ac. 1830. Memoirs, etc. Vol. 1-3; vol. 4, pt. 1 ; vol. 5–7, 9–12. Philadelphia, 1826-76. 8º. Ac. 8430. Catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical The first four volumes are each in 2 pts. Imperfect; Society, held at Philadelphia for promoting useful know- wanting pt. 2 of vol. 4. The half-title of some of the vols. ledge. Philadelphia, 1824. 8º. 620. h. 27. reads : “ Publications of the Historical Society, etc." Catalogue of the American Philosophical Society Library. Begin. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. [An [With a preface by the Librarian, signed J. P. L., i.e. J. P. Lesley. Pt. I. Philadelphia, 1863. 8º. 11899. h. address to the public, with a list of Subscribers to the Publication Fund.] [Philadelphia, 1855.] 8º. INGERSOLL (C. J.) A discourse concerning the influence Ac. 8430/2. of America on the mind, being the annual oration before Catalogue of the Paintings and other objects of interest the... Society. Philadelphia, 1823. 8º. 732. d. 14. (1.) belonging to the... Society, etc. Philadelphia, 1872. go. Ac. 8430/5. College of Physicians. MAYER (BRANTZ) Calvert and Penn; or, the growth of The charter, constitution, and bye-laws. civil and religious liberty in America, as disclosed in Philadelphia, 1790. 8°. T. 378. (7.) the planting of Maryland and 'Pennsylvania. A dis- [Another copy.] T. 462. (8.) course. Baltimore, (1852.] 8º.. 9603. cc. Transactions of the College of Physicians, etc. Vol. 1, SHEAFER (P. W.) Historical Map of Pennsylvania ... pt. 1. Philadelphia, 1793. 8º. Ac. 3868. Edited by P. W. Sheafer and others. Facts and observations relative to the nature and origin Philadelphia, 1875. 8º. .A. 8430/3. of the pestilential fever which prevailed in this city in WALLACE (JOHN WILLIAM) A discourse pronounced on 1793, 1797 and 1798. Philadelphia, 1798. 8º. the inauguration of the New Hall ... of the ... Society, T. 96. (5.) etc. Philadelphia, 1872. 89. Ac. 8430/4. Additional facts and observations relative to the nature and origin of the pestilential fever. Horticultural Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1806. 8º. T. 118. (1.) Report of the Committee appointed by the Horticultural Proceedings of the College of Physicians relative to the Society of Pennsylvania for visiting the nurseries and prevention of the introduction and spreading of con- gardens in the vicinity of Philadelphia, July 13th, 1830. tagious diseases. Philadelphia, 1798. 8º. Philadelphia, 1831. 8º. 7055. 8. T. 328. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of the Pennsylvania Horti- Engineers' Club. cultural Society. [With ms. additions.] pp. 17. Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1840. 8º. 11904. d. 19. (1.) Edited by C. E. Billin. Philadelphia, 1879, etc. 80. In progress. Ac. 4321. Maclurian Lyceum... Engineers' Club of Philadelphia ... List of members, Contributions of the Maclurian Lyceum to the arts and November, 1880. pp. 15. Philadelphia, (1880.] 80. sciences. No. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1827. 8º. 8768. bbb. 14. No more published. T, 1572. (4.) 849 ACADEMIES. [PHILADELPHÍA—PISA.] 850 PHILADELPHIA [CONTINUED). PHILADELPHIA [CONTINUED). Moravian Book Association. Shakspere Society of Philadelphia. The Moravian Book Association... for the issuing of Twenty-fourth Annual Dinner of the Shakspere Society documents and papers illustrating the history of the of Philadelphia. Menu: together with quotations from Moravian Church. Philadelphia, 1870, etc. 8º. the “Two Noble Kinsmen."ị Philadelphia, 1876. 4º.. In progress. 4661. d. 1881. a. 2. (88.) Society for Promoting Agriculture. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. Memoirs. 5 vol. Philadelphia, 1808–26. 8º.. Proceedings of the ... Society ... from May 4, 1865, to Ac. 3520. December 31, 1866. Philadelphia, 1867. 8º. Laws of the ... Society ... as revised and enacted at Ac. 5891. the annual meeting . . . 14 Jan. 1812. To which is Report of the operations of the . . . Society ... for the prefixed, a list of the members of the Suciety. years 1878 and 1879 (1880, etc.). Philadelphia, 1812. 8º. 7076. b. Philadelphia, 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 5891/2. Address to the citizens of Pennsylvania, on the import- In progress. ance of a more liberal encouragement of agriculture. Constitution and by-laws of the Numismatic and Anti- Accompanied with inquiries on agricultural subjects quarian Society of Philadelphia, with list of members. proposed by the ... Society ... with a view to form an pp. 15. Philadelphia, 1883. 8º. : 7755. bb. 1. exposé of the state of agriculture in Pennsylvania. BAKER (JOHN R.) Old and New Style, Fixed Dates, Philadelphia, 1818. 80. B. 740. (1.) Calendars and the principles and results of emendations. Charter and by-laws of the Philadelphia Society for pp. 16. Philadelphia, 1881. 8º. Ac. 5891/5. promoting Agriculture. Germantown, 1840.' 8º. JORDAN (FRANCIS) The remains of an aboriginal en- 7075. d. campment at Rehoboth, Delaware. A paper, etc. pp. 7. / University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1880. 8º. Ac. 5891/4. Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers and Students of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, (1841.] 8º. TOPPAN (ROBERT NOXON) Some modern monetary questions 731. g. 29. (2.) viewed by the light of antiquity. pp. 9. Philadelphia, 1880. 8º. Ac. 5891/3. General catalogue of the medical graduates of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania; with an historical sketch of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. the origin progress and present state of the medical department ... Third edition. Philadelphia, 1845. 8º. Special Exhibition of Paintings by American Artists at 7680. c. (1.) home and in Europe ... Illustrated Catalogue. pp. 25. Catalogue of the medical graduates in the University of Philadelphia, 1881. 8º. Ac. 4716/2. Pennsylvania, ... April 4th, 1845(- April 6th, 1850). Fifty-third Annual Exhibition. . . . Illustrated Cata- 6 pt. [Philadelphia, 1845-50.] 8º. 7680. c. (2–7.) logue. pp. 35. Philadelphia, 1882. 89. Ac. 4716. Catalogue of the Trustées, Officers and Students of the University of Pennsylvania. Session 1851-52. Philadelphia Medical Society. Philadelphia, 1852. 8º. 8365. cc. 2. (29.) First report of the Committee . . . on quack medicines. ... Extracted from the North American Medical and University of Philadelphia.-Philomathean Society. Surgical Journal, ... for Jan. 1828. Report of the Committee (C. R. Hale, S. H. Jones, H. Philadelphia, 1828. 8º. 7510. c. Morton), appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania, to translate the inscription Philadelphia Society of Etchers. on the Rosetta Stone. [With the text and translations Catalogue of the First Annual Exhibition of the Phila- of the inscription, and historical essays.] Philadelphia, [1858.] delphia Society of Etchers, etc. [With an introduction 7702. d. 8. 4º. signed S. R. Koehler.] pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1882. 4º. Lithographed throughout, with illustrations and ornamental. borders. . .Ac. 4717. Presbyterian Historical Society. A history of the Presbyterian Church in America, PIAZZA. from its origin until the year 1760, with biographical in the year 1760, with biographical Accademia Piazzese. · sketches of its early ministers. By ... R. Webster ... With a memoir of the author by ... C. Van L'Academia Piazzese [a collection of laudatory pieces Rensselaer and an historical introduction by ... W. | Blackwood. Philadelphia, 1858. 8º. 4745 e. Piazza, città di Sicilia, etc. 1654. 4°. 795. e. 29. (3–3.) The 'Seventy-Six Society. PILSEN. The examination of Joseph Galloway by a Committee of the House of Commons (with explanatory notes). Spolek Přátel Vědy a Literatury České. Edited by T. Balch. Philadelphia, 1855. 8º. Publikací, etc. v Plzni, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 8966. Ac. 8440. In progress. Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane. Now first published from the original manuscripts. (Edited by PISA. 1. Balch.] Philadelphia, 1855. 80. Ac. 8440. Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali. Papers relating to public events in Massachusetts pre- Atti, etc. Pisa, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 2817. ceding the American Revolution. In progress. Philadelphia, 1856. 8°. Ac. 8440. Università. Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland Line during the See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Pisa. Giornale Toscano Revolution. Édited by T. Balch. di scienze morali, sociali, storiche, e filologiche, pubbli- Philadelphia, 1857. 8º. : . Ac. 8440/4. cato da professori dell'Università di Pisa. 1841, etc. 8º. Only 150 copies printed. P.P. 4220. - 851 ACADEMIES. (PISA—PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS.] 852 : PISA [CONTINUED). POITIERS (CONTINUED). Università. Société des Archives Historiques du Poitou. Regolamento per l'imperiale e reale Università di Pisa. . Archives historiques du Poitou. Poitiers, 1872, etc. 8º. Pisa, [1814.] 80. 8355. b. 33. (2.) In progress. Ac. 6887. [Another edition.] Regolamento per la regia Università Université de Poitiers. di Pisa approvato da S. A. I. e R. con benigno rescritto de' ix Novembre, MDCCCXIV. Pisa, [1814.] 4º... De l'Université de la ville de Poictiers, du temps de 8355. C. 32. son erection, du recteur, et officiers, et privileges de la dite Université. Extraict du livre du scribe de PISTOIA. l'université et d'un ancien manuscrit Latin gardé en la bibliothecque de J. Filleau, etc. Poictiers, 1643. fol. Reale Accademia Pistojese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 731. I. 14. Atti ... Memorie di matematica e fisica de' socj corri [Another copy.] See BOUCHET (J.) Les Annales d'Aqui- spondenti, per l'anno 1816. Pistoja, [1816]. 8º. taine, etc. 1644, etc. fol. 182. f. 14. Ac. 50. Compendiosæ Institutiones Theologicæ ad usum Semi- PLAUEN. narii Pictaviensis; jussu et auctoritate...J..C. de La Poype de Vertrieu, Pictaviensis Episcopi [and compiled Voigtländischer juristischer Verein. by him). Editio ultima. [Revised by S. de La Tour Zeitschrift für Rechtspflege und Verwaltung, zunächst and — Saltou.] 4 tom.' Pictavii, 1731. 120. für das Königreich Sachsen. Herausgegeben von dem 3560. a. 11. voigtländischen jurist. Vereine. 3 Bde. Leipzig, 1838–40. 8°. PONT-À-MOUSSON.. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben [Bd. 1-3] von ... T. Tauchnitz und W. T. Richter ; (Bd. 4-8 von ... Academia Mussipontana. T. Tauchnitz und ... Sperber; Bd. 9-18 von ... T. Luctus juventutis Academia Mussipontanæ. In funere Tauchnitz; Bd. 19-28 von...T. Tauchnitz...und... A. Sereniss. Caroli Ili. Calab. Lothar. Barri Ducis, etc. Du Chesne ; Bd. 29–33 von T. Tauchnitz; Bd. 34-46 Mussiponti, 1608. 8º. 11409. d. von C. H. Heydenreich.) Leipzig, 1841–79. 80. [Continued as:] Selectæ propositiones in tota sparsim mathematica ... Zeitschrift für Praxis und Gesetzgebung der Verwal Quas in ... festo sanctorum Ignatii et Xaverii et anni- tung, zunächst für das Königreich Sachsen. Heraus versaria collegii Mussipontani ... propugnabunt mathe- geben von Dr. O. Fischer, Bd. 1, etc. maticarum auditores. Mussiponti, 1622. 4º... Leipzig, 1880, etc. 8º. 1 529. g. 13. (3.) In progress. Collegium Mussipontanum. - Repertorium zu der Zeitschrift. Bd. I.-III. u. N. F. See supra : Academia Mussipontana. . Bd. 1.-XXIII. und dem Wochenblatt für merkwürdige Rechtsfälle. Jahrgang 1841-1362. [By H. Schletter.] Leipzig, 1863. 8º. Ac. 2123 PONTOISE. . Voigtländischer Volksschullehrer-Verein. Société Historique et Archéologique de l'Arrondisse- Die Pestalozzi-Feier in Plauen am 12 Jan. 1846, veran- ment de Pontoise et du Vexin. staltet vom Voigtländischen Volksschullehrer-Verein. Plauen, [1846.] 8º. 10705. C. Mémoires, etc. Pontoise, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 6888. . In progress. Documents édités par la Société historique du Vexin. . PLYMOUTH. Pontoise, 1882, etc. 4º. Ac. 6888/3. In progress. Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. THOMAS (LÉON) Bibliographie de la ville et du canton The Laws of the Devon and Cornwall Natural History de Pontoise.' (Extrait des Mémoires de la Société, Society, etc. Plymouth, 1852. 12º. . 7005. a. tome v.) pp. viii. 206. Pontoise, 1883. 8º. Plymouth Institution.. Ac. 6888/2. Transactions. Plymouth, 1830. 80. Ac. 1201/2. POPPELSDORF. Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Königliche landwirthschaftliche Akademie. Iustitution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. 1859–60. Plymouth, 1860 89. Ac. 1201. Mittheilungen der königlichen landwirthschaftlichen Akademie, Poppelsdorf. [Edited by E. Hartstein.] Bonn, 1868, etc. 4º. POITIERS. In progress. Seminarium Pictaviense. PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS. See infra: Université de Poitiers. Meteorological Society of Mauritius. Société des Antiquaires de l'Ouest. Results of Meteorological observations taken at Port Mémoires. 1835–76. (Tables générales des Mémoires Louis, Mauritius, 1865 (1866–68, 70–74). et Bulletins... 1re, Série : 1834-1876, par M. A. de la [Port Louis, 1866–75.] fol. 8753. a. 3. Bouralière.) 40 tom. Poitiers, 1836–79. 80. Monthly Notices . . . 23rd March, 18711-31st July, Deuxième Série. 1873). [Port Louis, 1871-73.1 fol. Paris, Poitiers (printed], 1878, etc. 8º. 8753. a. 4. In progress. Natural History Society, afterwards Royal Society of - Atlas [to tom. 2]. 1837. 4º. . Ac. 5326. Arts and Sciences. Bulletins. 1838, etc. Poitiers, 1841, etc. 8º. Sixième Rapport Annuel sur les Travaux de la Société In progress. Ac. 5326/2. la 24 août 1835. Port Louis, 1835., 40. Ac. 1955. diglichen lan Hartstein. 3456. 853 ACADEMIES.[PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS—PRAGUE.] 854 I PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS [CONTINUED). POTSDAM. Natural History Society, afterwards Royal Society of Astrophysikalisches Observatorium. Arts and Sciences. Publicationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums Procès Verbaux...du 6 Octobre 1842 au 28 Août 1845. zu Potsdam. Potsdam, Leipzig (printed], 1878, etc. 4º. Maurice, 1846. fol. Ac. 1955/3. | In progre88. 8752. i. 6. The title on the wrapper is : « Travaux de la Société... du 6 Octobre, 1842 au 24 Août 1846.” Königlich-Preussische märkische ökonomische Ge- [Another copy.] 735. m. sellschaft. Monatsblatt der königlich preussischen märkischen Reports of the Secretary and auditors of the... Society, ökonomischen Gesellschaften zu Potsdam und Frank- etc. August 24, 1847. Mauritius, 1848. 8º. furth an der Oder. Redigirt von der Deputation der... Ac. 1955/4. ökonom. Gesellschaft zu Potsdam. Jahrg. 1, 1822. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences Potsdam, 1822. 8°. Ac. 2340. of Mauritius. Vol. I., pt. II., and vol. 11., part I. (Pro- ceedings...18th September 1851 to 25th October, 1855.) Landwirthschaftlicher Verein für die Mark Branden- Mauritius, 1849-[55.] 8º. burg und die Niederlausitz. New series. vol. 1, pt. 2, etc. Mauritius, 1860, etc. 8º. Zwei Eingaben des landwirthschaftlichen Vereins...in In progress. Ac. 1955/2. Betreff der Nothwendigkeit einer... Ausfuhr-Vergüti- gung auf den Spiritus und den Rübenzucker, etc. Report of the Secretary to the Royal Society...during Berlin, 1858. 8º. 7075. bb. ...1869 (1873, 75). Port Louis, (1870]–1876. 8º. Ac. 1955/4. Verein für die Geschichte Potsdams. PORTLAND, MAINE. Mittheilungen des Vereins... redigirt und herausgegeben von L. Schneider. Potsdam, 1864, etc. 4º. Ac. 7370. Maine Historical Society. In progress. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. 6 vol. Portland, 1831-59. 8º. Ac. 8390. Second series. Portland, 1869, etc. '80. Ac. 8390. POUGHKEEPSIE. In progress. Society of Dutchess County for the promotion of Collections of the Maine Historical Society... Volume 1 Agriculture. ... reprinted for the Society with corrections and addi Transactions of the Society of Dutchess County for the tions; W. Willis, editor. Portland, 1865. 8º. Ac. 8390/2. promotion of Agriculture; with select essays on rural Portland Society of Natural History. economy, chosen from various authors, and published by order of the Society. Vol. 1. Poughkeepsie, I8o7. 8. Proceedings of the Portland Society, etc! 'Vol. 1, pt. 1. Ac. 3531. Portland, 1862. 89. Ac. 3056/2 Journal of the Portland Society, etc. Vol. 1, No. 1. PRAGUE. Portland, 1864. 8º. Ac. 3056. 006. Academia Pragensis. Judicium magistrorum Academiæ Pragensis de proposi- POSEN. tionibus quibusdam I. Munsingeri. See SCHELLHORN Collegium Posnaniense. (J. G.) Amoenitates literariæ, etc. tom. 8. Assertiones theologicae de trino et uno Deo adversus 1730, etc. 8º. 124. b. 5. novos Samosatenos : ex praelectionibus Collegii Posna- m Fosna- Beide Comités für die naturwissenschaftliche Durch- niensis excerptae. Una cum animadversionibus F. Socini, quae plenae responsionis loco esse possunt. forschung von Böhmen. See SOCINO (F.) Tractatus de Deo, Christo, et Spiritu See infra: Oba Komitéty pro Přirodovědecký Výs– Sancto. 1611. 8º. 4226. c. 1. (1.) kum Země České. See Socino (F.) Defensio animadversionum F. Socini in Böhmische gelehrte Privatgesellschaft. assertiones theologicas Collegii Posnaniensis de trino et Abhandlungen... zur Aufnahme der Mathematik, der uno Deo; adversus G. Eutropium, etc. 1618. 8º. vaterländischen Geschichte und der Naturgeschichte. 4226. C. 3. (2.) Zum Druck befördert von I. Edlen von Born. 6 Bde. Societas Literaria Poznaniensis. See infra: Towa- Prag, 1775–84. 8º. 901. g. 7–12. rzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk Poznańskie, [Another copy.] 963. h. 1-6. Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk Poznańskie. This Society was afterwards extended and reorganised Roczniki Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk Poznańskiego. under the title of Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Poznań, 1860, etc. 8º. Ac. 915. Wissenschaften. See infra. In progress. Böhmisches Museum. Codex Diplomaticus Majoris Poloniæ documenta, et See infra : Společnost Vlastenského Musea, etc. jam typis descripta, et adhuc inedita complectens, annum 1400 attingentia . . . Kdeks Dyplomatyczny Česká Lesnická Jednota. Wielkopolski, etc. Poznaniae, 1877, etc. 80. GALLAŠ (KAREL EDVARD) Upravení řek v Čechách a jeho In progress. Ac. 915/3. význam v ohledu národohospodářském. pp. 39. FELDMANOWSKI (HIERONIM) Katalog Biblioteki Towa v Praze, 1871. 8º. 8777. d. 13. rzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk Poznańskiego...spisał i ułożył | H. Feldmanowski. pp. vi. 291. Poznań, 1869. 80. Česke Museum. 11904. bbb. 5. See infra: Společnost Vlastenského Musea, etc. POLKOWSKI (IGNACY) Album wydane staraniem. Towa- rzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk w Poznaniu w czterechsetna Český Klub. rocznicę urodzin M. Kopernika. [With descriptive letter Politická Bibliotéka Česká. Vydává Česky Klub. [With press of the plates by I. Polkowski.] an introduction by F. L. Rieger.] w Gnieźnie, 1873. 40. Ac. 915/2. v Praze, 1880, etc. In progress. Ac. 802. 855 ACADEMIES. (PRAGUE.] 856 PRAGUE (CONTINUED). PRAGUE (CONTINUED). Cisařsko-královská vlasteneeko-hospodařská Spo- Jednota Českých Mathematiků. lečnost. Časopis pro pěstování mathematiky a fysiky, kterýž... Neue Schriften. 10 Bde., Prag, 1828-47. 8º. rediguje Dr. F. J. Studnička. Ac. 2328/6. v Praze, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 4230/3. Each Bd. is in two parts. Bd. 1 is of the second edition. In progress. Archiv mathematiky a fysiky, kterýž vydává Jednota Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen der k. k. patriotisch Českých Mathematiků v Praze a rediguje... E. Weyr. ökonomischen Gesellschaft im Königreiche Böhmen, und v Praze, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 4230/2. des mit ihr verbundenen Schafzüchter-, sowie des pomo- In progress. logischen Vereins. Bd. 1, 2. Prag, 1849, 50. 8º. HOUDEK (FRANTIŠEK) Dějepis Jednoty Českých Mathe- No more published. Ac. 2328/7. matiků v Praze. v Praze, 1872. 89. Ac. 4230. Centralblatt der Land- und Forstwirthschaft in Böhmen. Kaiserlieh--Königliche patriotisch-ökonomische Ge- (Nebst den... Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen der... sellschaft. Gesellschaft.) Jahrg. 1-3. (Jahrg. 2, Nº. 1-42 redigirt See supra : Císařsko-královská vlastenecko-hospo- von A. Borrosch: Nº. 43-52, durch M. Beyer: Jahrg. 3, dářská Společnost. etc. von A. Borrosch.) .. . [Continued as :] Kaiserlich-Königliche Sternwarte. Centralblatt für die gesainmte Landeskultur, etc. Jahrg. Magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen zu 4–19. Prag, 1850–68. 4º. Prag, in Verbindung mit mehreren Mitarbeitern ausge- Centralblatt für die gesammte Landeskultur . . . Ver führt, ... ([Jahrgang 1-7] herausgegeben von K. Kreil ; antwortlicher Redacteur: P. Rothkögel. Neue Folge. ([Jahrgang 8–10] herausgegeben von K. Kreil und Jahrg. 1, etc. Prag, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 232874. K. Jelinek; [Jahrg. 11-13] von J. G. Böhm und A. In progress. Kuneš; [Jahrg. 14-22] von J. G. Böhm und F. Kar- linski; Jahrg. 23-27 von J. G. Böhm und M. Allé; Tafeln zur Statistik der Land- und Forstwirthschaft des Jahrg. 28 von A. Murmann; Jahrg. 29 von K. Horn- Königreiches Böhmen... bearbeitet...durch das von der stein und A. Murmann; Jahrg. 30–34 von C. Hornstein). k. k. patriotisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft konstituirte Jahrg. 1-34. Prag, 1841-74. 4º. Central-Comité für die land- und forstwissenschaftliche Continued as :) Statistik Böhmens. Prag, 1861, etc. obl. fol. Astronomische, magnetische und meteorologische Be- In progress. 1823. b. obachtungen ... [Jahrg. 35–42.] Herausgegeben von C. Hornstein. [Jahrg. 43 von G. Gnuss. Jahrg. 44, Der Verfall der Spiritusbrennereien und die Mittel einer etc. von L. Weinek.] Prag, 1875, etc. 4º. 8750. e. gründlichen Abhülfe ... Herausgegeben von der k. k. In progress. patriotisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft, etc. Königlich - Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissen- Prag, 1865. 8º. 8246. ee. schaften. See HANUŠ (1. J.) Systematisch und chronologisch Böhmisches Heerd - Buch. Herausgegeben unter den geordnetes Verzeichniss sämmtlicher Werke und Ab- Auspizien der k. k. patr.-ökonom. Gesellschaft im König handlungen der Königl. Böhmischen Gesellschaft der reiche Böhmen, von der Heerdbuchssection des stan Wissenschaften. 1854. 8º. 8355. cc. digen Comités für Zucht- & Mastvieh-, dann Maschinen- und Geräthe-Märkte. Prag, 1867, etc. 80. Ac. 2328/5. See PELCEL (F. M.) and DOBROVSKÝ (J.) Scriptorum Rerum Bohemicarum tomus I.(-I11.) [Tom. 3 collected In progress. and edited by F. Palacký, “cura et impensis regiae Societatis Scientarium Bohemicae.”] 1783, etc. 8º. Česká kniha plemenní. Matrika čistokrevného skotu a 9314. f. ovčího bravu v Království Českém. Vydaná výborem Abhandlungen der Böhmischen Gesellschaft...1785-88, cís. král. vlastenecko-hospodářské Společnosti pro knihu plemenní zřízeným. Das Böhmische Heerdbuch-Ma- nebst der Geschichte derselben. 4 Thle. trikel der reinblütigen Rind- und Schafviehherden im Prag und Dresden, 1785–89. 4º. . 436. c. 1-4. Königreiche Böhmen. Germ. and Boh. [Another copy.] T. C. 12. a. 13. v Praze, 1871, etc. 8º. Ac. 2328/3. Drey Abhandlungen über die physikalische Beschaffen- In progress. heit einiger Distrikte und Gegenden von Böhmen, heraus- BERCHTOLD (FRIEDRICH VON) Count. Die Kartoffeln ... gegeben von der Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- Deren Geschichte... Krankheiten, etc.... Monographisch schaften. Prag und Dresden, 1786. 40. B. 314. (6.) bearbeitet nach Jassnüger, Pfaff...&c...von T. Grafen Neuere Abhandlungen. 5 Bde. Prag, 1790–98. 4º. Berchtold... Herausgegeben von der... Gesellschaft, etc. 940. k. 15-17. Prag, 1842. 89. 7073. aaa. [Another copy.] T. C. 12. a. 17-19. Imperfect; wanting the 2nd pt. of Bd. 2. Comité für die Landesdurchforschung von Böhmen. [Another copy.] 432. b. 2-4. See infra : Oba Komitéty pro Přírodovědecký Vý Bd. 1 of this copy has a new titlepage with the imprint : skum země České. Wien und Prag, 179.1. Beobachtungen auf Reisen nach dem Riesengebirge, von Deutscher Verein zur Verbreitung gemeinnütziger J. Jirasek, T. Hænke, Abbé Gruber, F. Gerstner. Ve- Kenntnisse. ranstaltet und herausgegeben von der Königl. Böhm. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Mit Kupfern und LIPPERT (JULIUS) Die wilden Pflanzen der Heimat. einer... Charte. Dresden, 1791. 4º. 431. a. 23. 7031. f. 11. [Another copy.] 10215. d. Gesellschaft des vaterländischen Museums in Abhandlungen. 1802–23. 8 Bde.' Böhmen. Prag, 1804–24. 8º. Ac. 801. See infra : Společnost Vlastenského Museav Če-1 - Neue Folge. 1824–36. 5 Bde. chách. Prag, 1827–37. 8º. Ac. 801. I 857 858 ACADEMIES. [PRAGUE.] PRAGUE (CONTINUED). PRAGUE (CONTINUED). Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissen- Oba Komitéty pro Přírodovědecký Výskum země schaften. České. Abhandlungen. Fünfte Folge. 1837–1866. Erster (zweiter, etc.) Jahres-Bericht über die Wirksam- 14 Bde. Prag, 1841-67. 4º. Ac. 801. keit der beiden Comités für die naturwissenschaftliche Durchforschung von Böhmen, etc. Prag, 1865, etc. 8º. Sechste Folge. Prag, 1868, 67, etc. 4º. In progress. Ac. 2963 In progress. Ac. 801. Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchfor- Rozbor staročeske Literatury čitany we schůzkach schung von Böhmen herausgegeben von den beiden kralowske česke společnosti nauk Seky Filologicke R Comités für die Landesdurchforschung, unter der Redac- 1840 (a 1844). Castka 1, 2. w Praze, 1842, 45. 4º. tion von...C. Kořistka und...J. Krejií... Mit... Abbil- Ac. 801/2. dungen, etc. Prag, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 2915. Královská Česká Společnost Nauk. In progress. See supra : Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Prager Universität. See supra : Academia Pragensis. Wissenschaften. Landwirthschaftlicher Club für Böhmen. Regia Societas Scientiarum Bohemica. GOHREN (THEODOR VON Mittheilungen des landw. See supra: Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Club für Böhmen. II. Ueber Zweck und Wesen land Wissenschaften. wirthschaftlicher Versuchs-Stationen. Vortrag ... von ...T. v. Gohren. Prag, 1868. 8º. 1145. h. 1. Société Mathématique de Bohême. Matice Česká. See supra : Jednota Českych Mathematiku. See infra: Společnost Wlastenského Musea w Společnost Vlastenského Musea v Čechách. Cechach. Medicinische Facultät. Časopis Společnosti, etc. (Redaktor: F. Palacký.) Ročn. 1-4. W Praze, 1827-30. 8º. Vierteljahrschrift für die praktische Heilkunde. Heraus- [Continued as :) gegeben von der medicinischen Facultät in Prag. Časopis Českého Museum. (Redaktor (of ročn. 5–11]: Edited by J. Halla, I. Kraft, F. Scanzoni, I. v. Hasner, F. Palacký; [of ročn. 12-16) P. J. Safařjk; [of ročn. A. Wraný, E. Klebs, A. Breisky, C. Gussenbauer.] 17–23] J. E. Wocel; [of ročn. 24–28] W. Nebeský.) 144 Bde. Leipzig und Prag, (1844–79.] 8º. Ročn. 5-28. W Praze, 1831-54. 80 Continued as: 1 : [Continued as:] Zeitschrift für Heilkunde ... Herausgegeben von Prof. Časopis Musea Království Českého. Redaktor [of ročn. Halla, Prof. von Hasner, Prof. Breisky und Prof. Gus 29–35] V. Nebeský [of ročn. 36–38] A. J. Vrtátko; Re- senbauer. Bd. 1-4: (und Prof. Chiari, Bd. 5, etc.) daktorové [of ročn. 39]; J. Lepař, J. Krejčí, V. Šafařík. Prag, 1880, etc. 8°. Ac. 3767. Redaktor Fof ročn. 40–44]; J. Lepař [of ročn. 45, etc.] In progress. J. Emler.)" W Praze, 1855, etc. 8º. Ac. 800. Museum Království Českého. See infra : Společnost In progress. Vlastenskího Musea v Čechách. Ukazatel k pryním padesáti ročníkům Časopisu Musea Království Českého 1827-1876. Sestavil v. Nadání Palackého. Schulz. [With a preface by J. Jireček.] pp. 118–1877. Fontes rerum Bohemicarum... Prameny dějin Českých, vydávané z nadání Palackého. [Edited by J. Emler.] Monatschrift der Gesellschaft des vaterländischen Mu- v Praze, 1873, etc. 4°. Ac. 7231. seums in Böhmen. [Edited by F. Palacky.] 3 Jahrg. In progress. Prag, 1827-29. 8º. Continued as : 7 Naturhistorischer Verein "Lotos." Jahrbücher des Böhmischen Museums für Natur- und Lotos, Zeitschrift für Natur-Wissenschaften heraus- Ländeskunde, Geschichte, Kunst und Literatur. [Edited gegeben vom naturhistorischen Vereine“ Lotos” in Prag. by F. Palacky.] 2 Bde. Prag, 1830, 31. 8º. Jabrg. 1, 2. (Redacteur Dr. W. R. Weitenweber, Jahrg. No more published. P.P. 4879. 3–19. Redigirt von Dr. V. R. von Zepharovich, Jahrg. 20, 21; von Dr. A. E. Vogl, Jahrg. 22–25.) českého Nowočeská Biblioteka wydáwaná nakladem Jabrg. 1338. 1. 1-25. Museum. w Praze, 1841, etc. 8º. Prag, 1851–75. 8º. In progress. Jahres-bericht des Natur-historischen Vereines “ Lotos" Staročeská Biblioteka wydáwaná nákladem Českého Mu- für 1876(-78). Rediyirt von Prof. Dr. P. Knoll. Jahrg. seum. w Praze, 1841, etc. 8º. 1338. l. 26–28. Prag, 1876–78. 8º. In progress. [Continued as :] Malá Encycklopedie nauk. Nakladem Českého Museum. Lotos. Jahrbuch für Naturwissenschaft im Auftrage w Praze, 1842, etc. 12º. 12203. e. 17-23. des Vereines “ Lotos.” Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. P. In progress. Knoll. Neue Folge. Bd. 1, etc. Prag, 1880, etc. 8º. Wýbor z literatury české. Dil prwní od nystarších In progress. Ac. 2902. časůw až do počátku xv. století. w Praze, 1845. 8º. Naturwissenschaftliche Landes-durchforschung von 12265. e. Böhmen, Hlasowé o potřebě jednoty spisowného jazyka pro Čechy, See infra : Oba Komitéty pro Přírodovědecký Morawany a Slowáky. W Praze, 1846. 8º. Výskum země České. 12976. e. 2. Památky archaeologické a místopisné, vydávané od ar- Oba Komitéty pro Přírodovědecký Výskum země chaeologického sboru Musea království Českého nákladem České. Mátice české. Redaktor (of díl 1-5] K. V. Zap. (Re- Druhá ročni zpráva o činnosti obou Komitétů... roku daktoři ſof díl 6] K. V. Zap a F. J. Zoubek. Redaktor 1865 a 1866. v Praze, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 2903/2. [of díl 7, etc.] F. J. Zoubek.) v Praze, 1855, etc. 4º. In progress. In progress. Ac. 800/4. go 859 ACADEMIES. [PRAGUE-PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY.] 860 PRAGUE (CONTINUED). PRAGUE [CONTINUED). Společnost Vlastenského Musea v Čechách. Verein für Numismatik. Přednešení jednatele prof. V. V. Tomka ve valném shro Beschreibung der bisher bekannten Böhmischen Privat- maždění. . . 1861 (1863). 2 pt. v Praze, 1861-63. 8º. münzen und Medaillen. Herausgegeben von dem Ve- 8356. bb. 44. reine für Numismatik. (Abtheilung 1. Personenmün- Sborník Vědečký musea království Českého. Odbor his- zen. Beschrieben von H. O. Miltner.) torický, filologický a filosofický. v Praze, 1868, etc. 8º. Prag, 1852-68. 4º. Ac. 5823. In progress. Ac. 800/5. No more published. Ziva. Sborník vědecký musea království Českého. Verein praktischer Aerzte. Odbor přírodovědecký a mathematický. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. – Prague.--Prager medizi- v Praze, 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 800/6. nische Wochenschrift, Orgao des Vereines praktischer In progress. Aerzte, etc. 1864, etc. 4°. P.P. 2982. i. BOHEMIAN LITERATURE. Památky staré literatury České vydávané Maticí Českou. v Praze, 1876, etc. 8º. Verein zur Ermunterung des Gewerbsgeistes in In progress. Ac. 800/7. Böhmen. HOSER (JOSEPH CARL EDUARD) Das Riesengebirge und Encyclopädische Zeitschrift des Gewerbewesens, heraus- seine Bewohner... Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft gegeben vom Vereine zur Ermunterung des Gewerbs- des vaterländischen Museums in Böhmen. geistes in Böhmen. Redigirt von Prof. Hessler ... Prag, 1841. 8º. 1300. C. Bestehend aus zwei Abtheilungen 1. Jahrbuch für Fabrikanten, etc. Dritter Jahrgang. II. Mittheilungen VRřátko (ANTONIN JAROSLAV) Perly České. Vydány od für Gewerbe und Handel. Neue Folge. Jahrg. 1-4. Sboru Musea království Českého... Spořádal A. J. Vrtát- Jahrg. 5–8. Redigirt von C. J. N. Balling. ko. v Praze, 1855. 8º. 11585. bb. Prag, 1841-48. 8°. P.P. 1802 — Music. [Prague, 1855.] 4º. 11585. g. No more published. Spolek Českých Lékařů. PRESBURG Odborná Pathologie a Therapie, vydává Spolek Českých Lékařů redakcí...B. Eiselta. v Praze, 1879, etc. 8°. Verein für Naturkunde, afterwards Verein für Natur- In progress. Ac. 3766. und Heilkunde. Verhandlungen des Vereins für Naturkunde... Redigirt Verein für Geschichte der Deutschen in Böhmen. von...G. A. Kornhuber. Jhrg. 1-5. See SCHLESINGER (L.) Würdigung der Angriffe des Dr. Presburg, (1856–61.] 8º. F. Palacky auf die Mittheilungen des Vereines, etc. [Continued as :) [1868.] 8º. 9315. g. Correspondenzblatt des Vereins . . . Redigirt ron... E. Mack. Jhrg. 1, 2. Presburg, (1862, 63.1 80. Mittheilungen des Vereins, etc. (Jahrgang 2, 3. Redi- : [Continued as:] girt von A. Schmalfuss. Nebst der literarischeu Beilage. Verhandlungen des Vereins ... Redigirt von E. Mack. Redigirt von ... C. Höfler.-Jahrgang 4–7. Redigirt Jhrg. 8, 9. Presburg, (1864-66.] 8º. von Dr. J. V. Grohmann, etc. Jahrgang 8, etc. Redi- - Neue Folge... Redigirt von ... K. Kauka und ... girt von...L. Schlesinger, etc.) Prag, 1862, etc. 8º. K. Gotthardt. Jhrg. 1869, etc. Presburg, 1871, etc. In progress. In progress. Ac. 2920. - Register zu den Bänden 1-XX. Von 0. Lohr. The publication was suspended during 1867-68. Prag, 1882. 8º. Ac. 7230/3. Beiträge zur Geschichte Böhmens. Herausgegeben von Ungarischer Forstverein. dem Vereine, etc. Prag, 1863, etc. 4º. & gº. Mittheilungen des ungarischen Forstvereines. Reihe In progress. 9315. k. I.-IV. Neue Folge. Heft 1, 2. Festschrift zur Erinnerung ans die Feier des 10 Grün- Pressburg, 1854-59. 8º. Ac. 3443. dungstages im Jahre 1871. Herausgegeben vom Aus- schusse des Vereins, etc. (Deutsches Leben. Vortrag Jahresschrift des ungarischen Forstvereines... Redigirt vom B. Grüber.-Geschichte des Kummerner See's bei von A. v. Bedö. Abth. 2. Pressburg, 1867. 8º. Brüx. Von Dr. L. Schlesinger.—Die Festfeier des Vo- Ac. 3443/2. reines. Bericht von K. Renner.) Prag, 1871. 8º. Ac. 7230/4. HORAWITZ (ADALBERT HEINRICH) C. Bruschius. Ein PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Humanismus und der Refor- tetor- | New Jersey College. mation, etc. Prag und Wien (printed], 1874. 8º. Ac. 7230/5. A general account of the rise and state of the College, lately established in the province of New Jersey...and JOHN (v.) Die Vorschuss- und Kredit-Vereine (Volks- of the end and design of its institution...now repub- banken) in Böhmen. Ein Beitrag zur Vereins-statistik lished... with some alterations, etc. London, 1754. fol. Böhmens. Prag, 1870. gº. 8227. eee. 732. 1. 18. SCHLESINGER (LUDWIG) Deutsche Chroniken aus Bæh- Catalogus Collegii Neo-Cæsariensis. Princetoniæ, 1839. 8º. 8366. e. 23. men, herausgegeben von Dr. L. Schlesinger, etc. Prag, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 7230/6. In progress. College of New Jersey, at Princeton. [A print.) SCHLESINGER (LUDWIG) Geschichte Böhmens. Princeton, 1841. 8°. 8365. cc. 1. (19.) Prag (printed), Leipzig, (1869.] 8º. Ac. 7230. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the College Zweite vermehrte. . . Auflage. Prag, 1870.8º. of N. J. for 1841-42. Princeton, 1842. 8º. Ac. 7230/2. 8366. b. 22. 861 ACADEMIES. (PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY-QUEBEC.] 862 PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY [CONTINUED). PUEBLA DE LOS ÁNGELES. New Jersey College. Academia Médico-quirúrgica. The Princeton Book. A series of sketches pertaining to Estatutos de la Academia Medico-quirurgica de la Puebla the history, organization and present condition of the de los Angeles, etc. Puebla, 1825. 4º. 7679. aaa. (7.) College of New Jersey. By officers and graduates of the College. Illustrated with views and portraits. pp. X. Método curativo de las viruelas formado á consecuencia 457. Houghton, Osgood & Co: Boston (Mass.] ; Cambridge de ecsitacion del Gobierno del Estado de Puebla, por la [Mass., printed], 1879. 4º. 8365. h. 1. Academia Médico-quirúrgica, establecida en la capital del mismo, etc. Puebla, 1830. amo ete Paebla 1820. 160. 16º. 7321. a. Subject-catalogue of the Library of the College, etc., [With a preface by F. Vinton.] pp. iv. 894. Ensayo para la materia medica Mexicana, arreglado por ÎNew York, 1884. 8º.. 11905. d. 2. una Comision nombrada por la Academia medico- quirúrgica, etc. Puebla, 1832. 4º. 7510. b. New Jersey College.-Museum of Geology and Archæ- 7509. b. ology. . [Another copy.] Contributions, etc. New York, 1878, etc. 8º. Colegio de Abogados. In progress. . Ac. 3191. Lista de los individuos que forman el ilustre Colegio de Princeton College. See supra: New Jersey College. Abogados de Puebla. Puebla, 1839. 16º. 6785. a. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. QUEBEC. Brown University. Catalogus Universitatis Brownensis, 1811. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. [Providence, 1811.] 12º. 8366. b. 30. Transactions, etc. Vol. 1, 2; vol. 3, pt. 1, 2 and 4. Quebec, 18317-37). 8º. Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et New Series. Sessiou of 1866–7 (1869–70, etc.) officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati Quebec, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 8560. sunt, in Universitate Brunensi, etc. Bostoniæ, 1836. 8º. 8366. e. 25. In progress. Mémoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'à 1760. En Catalogue of the officers and students of Brown Univer trois parties : avec cartes et plans lithographiés. Pub- sity for the academical year (1841-42, 1842–43, 49-50, liés sous la direction de la Société Littéraire et Histo- 55-57, 74–75, 77–78, 80, etc.) Providence, 1842, etc. 80 rique de Québec, Québec, 1838. 8º. 9555. c. In progress. 8366. b. Collection de Mémoires et de relations sur l'histoire Preface to the catalogue of the library of Brown Uni ancienne du Canada. 8 pt. Québec, 1840. 8º. versity with the laws of the library. 9555. bb. Providence, 1843. 8º. 823. g. 28. Manuscripts relating to the early history of Canada. Published under the auspices of the ... Society, etc. Brown University.-Bishop Seabury Association. [Edited by J. M. Le Moine.] 2 pt. Sermons preached before the Bishop Seabury Association Quebec, 1866–68. 8º. Ac. 8560/6. ... With a preface by H. Waterman. Manuscrit de Paris. Publié sous la direction de la New York, 1868. 8º. 4486. c. 28. (9.) Société Littéraire et Historique de Québec. Histoire Narragansett Club. du Montréal. 1640–72. Montréal, 1871. 8º. Ac. 8560/7. Publications of the Club. Providence, 1866, etc. 40 In progress. Ac. 9510. Manuscript relating to the early history of Canada. Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1760. By...J. Murray. Providence Athenæum. Quebec, 1871. 8º. Ac. 8560/4. Charter, constitution, and by-laws of the Athenæum. Manuscript relating to the early history of Canada,... Providence, 1836. 8º. 823. g. 16. “ Relation sur le Canada.” 1682–1712. First (second, etc.) Annual Report of the directors of Quebec, 1871. 8°. Ac. 8560/5. the Athenæum to the proprietors. No. 1-12, 14-18, 20. By-laws ... To which is prefixed a copy of the Royal Providence, 1842, 38–55. 8º. 823. g. 14. Charter of Incorporation of the Society. Wanting Reports 13 and 19. Quebec, 1832. 8º. Ac. 8560/2. Rhode Island Historical Society. Report of the Council, 1836, 37. Collections of the... Society. Vol. 1-4, 6. Quebec, (1836, 37.] 8º. Ac. 8560/3. Providence, *1827-67. 8º. Ac. 8490. Report of the Council ... for the year ended 12th Janu- Proceedings. Providence, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 8490/2. ary 1869. Quebec, 1869. 8º. Ac. 8560/3. • In progress. Siege of Quebec . . . 1775. The Centenary Fête of the HALL (EDWARD BROOKS) A Discourse delivered before the Literary and Historical Society,...29th December, 1875. Rhode Island Historical Society...on the life and times Quebec, 1876. 8º. 9555. eee. 2. of J. Howland. (Appendix.) Providence, 1855. 8º. 9602. dd. Voyages de découverte au Canada, entre les années 1534 Rhode Island Medical Society. et 1542, par J. Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean The Act of Incorporation, together with the medical Alphonse de Xanctoigne, &c. Suivis de la description police, by-laws and rules of the Rhode Island Medical de Québec...en 1608, et de divers extraits relativement au lieu de l'hivernement de J. Quartier en 1535–36. Society. 7680. d. Providence, 1849. 8°. (Avec gravures fac-simile.) Réimprimés sur d'anciennes relations, et publiés sous la direction de la Société Litte- PRUSSIA. raire et Historique de Québec. Québec, 1843. 8º. 10470. e. Schlesischer Forstverein. Verhandlungen des Schlesischen Forstvereins. 1846–47. Societe 1846_4.7 Société Littéraire et Historique de Québec. Breslau & Oppeln, [1846, 47.] 8°. Ac. 3446.1 See supra : Literary and Historical Society, etc. 863 ACADEMIES. (QUIMPER—READING.] 864 QUIMPER. RATISBON [CONTINUED) Société Archéologique du Finistère. Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft. Bulletin, etc. Quimper, 1874, etc. 8º. . Ac. 5306. Botanische Zeitung welche Recensionen, Abhandlungen, In progress, Aufsaetze, Neuigkeiten und Nachrichten, die Botanik betreffend, enthaelt. Herausgegeben von der Bota- RAMBOUILLET. nischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg. Jahrg. 1, 2. Regensburg, 1802, 3. 8º. 971. a. 8. Société Archéologique de Rambouillet. Jahrg. 3–6 wanting. This society afterwards assumed the title of : Königlich-Baierische Botanische Gesellschaft. Mémoires et documents. Rambouillet, 1869, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5340/2. Denkschriften, etc. Regensburg, 1815, etc. 4º. In progress. 449. i. 26, 27, & Ac. 3258. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Notre-Dame des Vaux de Cernay de l'ordre de Citeaux au Diocèse de Paris, com- Flora, oder botanische Zeitung... Herausgegeben von posé d'après les chartes originales ... enrichi de notes der... Gesellschaft, Jahrg. 1-16 (von...Dr. H. Hoppė... ... par MM. L. Merlet et A. Moutié, etc. 2 tom. und...A. E. Fürnrohr, Jahrg. 17-25. Literaturberichte Paris, 1857-58. 4º. zur Flora, etc. Bd. 1-12.) Regensburg, 1818–42. 8º. — Planches. Paris, 1858. fol. Ac. 5340. - Neue Reihe. Redigirt (Jahrg. 1-18) von Dr. A. E. Fürnrohr. (Repertorium der periodischen botanischen Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Notre-Dame de la Roche, de Literatur vom Beginn des Jahres. 1864 an... Als Bei- l'ordre de Saint Augustin, au Diocèse de Paris, d'après blatt zur Flora.) Regensburg, 1843, etc. 8º. le manuscrit original de la Bibliothèque Impériale, In progress. Ac. 3258/3. enrichi de notes, d'index et d'un dictionnaire géo- Sylloge plantarum novarum itemque minus cognitarum graphique, ... par A. Moutié. Paris, 1862. 4º. a præstantissimis botanicis adhuc viventibus collecta et - Planches. fol. Ac. 5340. a Societate regia botanica Ratisbonensi edita. 2 tom. Ratisbonæ, 1824, 28. 8º. 971. b. 2. RATISBON D. H. Hoppe's Jubelfeier... mit zwei Abhandlungen von Collegium Medicum. Di v. Martius und Dr Furnrohr. Regensburg, 1845. 4º. 10705. h. Conspectus Materiæ Medicæ selectioris; quo ... medi- camenta usitatiora . . . serie alphabetica exhibentur, et Societas Regia Botanica. See supra : Regensburgische communis normæ instar, pharmacopolis Ratisbonensibus Botanische Gesellschaft. ...cura ... Collegii Medici præscriptus et adornatus. (Pretium medicamentorum... in officinis pharmaceuticis Zoologisch-mineralogischer Verein. Ratisbonensibus venalium, etc.) 2 pt. Korrespondenz-Blatt des... Vereines. Edited by A. E. Ratisbonæ, 1727. fol. 547. 1. 18. (1, 2.) Fürnrohr, G. A. W. Herrich-Schaeffer and F. J. Schuch.) A half-title, prefixed, reads : “ Dispensatorium Pharma- Regensburg, 1847, etc. 8º. Ac. 2892. ceuticum Ratisbonense." Each pt. has a separate titlepage, In progresse pagination and register. Abhandlungen des zoologisch-mineralogischen Vereines Historischer Verein der Oberpfalz und von Regens-1 in Regensburg. Hft. 1-9. Regensburg, 1849–64. 8º. burg. 7105. b. See infra : Historischer Verein für den Regenkreis. RAVENNA. Historischer Verein für den Regenkreis, afterwards Historischer Verein der Oberpfalz und von Re- | Accademici Concordi. gensburg Miscellanea poetica. Bologna, 1687. 12º. 11429. aaa. (1.) Verhandlungen des historischen Vereins für den Regen- kreis (des historischen Vereins der Oberpfalz und von Epigrammatum, aliarumque venustatum miscellanea, Regensburg.) Regensburg, Stadtamhof, 1831, etc. 8º. etc. 12° Bononiæ, 1688. 11429. aaa. (2.) In progress. Accademici Informi. Verzeichniss über die Verhandlungen... Bd. 1–30. Ergendosi nella Piazza di Ravenna la statua del papa · Stadtamhof, 1874. etc. 89. Ac. 7157. Clemente XII., componimenti degli Accademici Informi. In progress. MS. ADDITIONAL SONNETS. Ravenna, 1738. 4º. Johann Keppler, kaiserlicher Mathematiker. Denk- schrift des historischen Vereins . . . auf die Feier seines Provinciale Accademia delle Belle Arti. . zehnjährigen Bestandes. Mit Keppler's Bildniss, etc. Regensburg, 1842. 4º. 1332. 1. Atti di un quinquennio della Provinciale Accademia delle Belle Arti in Ravenna dal 1862 al 1866 compilati Regensburg in seiner Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. dal segretario A. Cappi. Ravenna, 1867. 8º. Herausgegeben von dem historischen Verein ... Mit... Ac. 4516. Holzschnitten und zwei Plänen. [Ratisbon,] 1869. 8º. Società Letteraria Ravennate. 10255. h. Saggi. 2 tom. Cesena, 1765, 71. 8º. 437. g. 27, 28. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. See infra : Zoologisch-mineralogischer Verein. READING. Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft. Berkshire Ashmolean Society. Geschichte der Regensburgischen botanischen Gesell- [Prospectus.] London, (1840?] 4º. 741. k. (5.) schaft, nebst einigen Aufsätzen, Reden und Abhand- lungen. Regensburg, 1792. 8º. 962. a. 3. No. 1. Circular Questions. [Reading ? 1840 ?) 4º. There is a second titlepage reading : Schriften der Regens- 741. k. (6.) burgischen botanischen Gesellschaft. Erster Band. Original letters and other documents relating to the benefactions of William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, [Another copy.). 971 a. 10. to the county of Berks. Edited by J. Bruce. This copy is without the second titlepage. London, 1841. 4° Ac. 8160. mia delle Belle Arti T. 44*. (22.) 865 ACADEMIES. [READING-RHODE ISLAND, STATE OF.] 866 PP. Xxii. Ces traduction, um quatuor libri Ac. 5341. READING [CONTINUED). RHEIMS [CONTINUED). Berkshire Ashmolean Society. " . Académie de Reims, afterwards Académie Impériale · The Unton inventories relating to Wadley and Faring- . de Reims. · don, Co. Berks, in the years 1596 and 1620, from the MARLOT (GUILLAUME) Histoire de la ville, cité et univer- originals in the possessions of Earl Ferrers. With a sité de Reims, métropolitaine de la Gaule Belgique, memoir of the family of Unton, by J. G. Nichols. divisée en douze livres contenant l'estat ecclésiastique et London, 1841. 4º. Ac. 8160/2. civil du pais. Par le R. P. dom G. Marlot. 4 tom. Reims, 1843-46. 4°. · 10170. f. The chronicle of the Monastery of Abingdon from 1218 to 1304. Now first published from the original MS. at [Another copy of Livre 1.7 10173. eee. 6. Cambridge. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. Lat., Fr., Engi. . This is a duplicate of Livre 1 with a variation in the Reading, 1844. 4º. Ac. 8160 3. preface. RICHER (EDMOND) Richeri historiarum quatuor libri. Regensburg. See.supra : Ratisbon. . . Histoire de Richer... avec traduction, notes... par A. M. Poinsignon. pp. xxii. 603. Reims, 1855, etc. 8º. 9200. dd. RENNES Faculté de Théologie. Association Bretonne. See infra: Université de Reims. Bulletin archéologique de l'Association. Vol. 1-4. Rennes, (1848–52.] 8º. Ac. 5292. Société des Bibliophiles de Reims. - Saint Brieuc, 1873, etc. 8°. Discours de ce qu'a fait en France le héraut (Sir W. · Norris), d'Angleterre et de la réponse que lui a faite le In progress. Roi (Henri 11.) le 7 Juin 1557. [A reprint, edited by Société Archéologique, du Département d'Ille-et P. Tarbé, of the edition of 1557.] . Reims, 1841. 12º. Vilaine. Ac. 8937/11. Mémoires... Année 1861. Rennes, 1862. 80. Une émeute en 1649. Mazarinade. [Edited by L. P., . [Continued as:] i.e. Louis Paris.] Reims, 1842. 12º. Ac. 8937/4. Bulletin et Mémoires .. Année 1862(-63, etc.) Rennes, 1863, etc. 8º. L'entrée du roy nostre sire (Charles VIII.) en la ville et In progress. cité de Paris. [In verse. Edited by L. Lucas.] Reims, 1842. 12º. . Ac. 8937/3. Société d'Agriculture, de Commerce et des Arts. Corps d'observations de la société. . .établie par les états Histoire chronologique, 'pathologique, politique, écono- de Bretagne, années 1757 & 58, 59 & 60. 2 vol. mique, artistique, soporifique et melliflue. du très- Rennes, Nantes (printed], Paris, 1760, 62. 12º. noble, très-excellent et trés-vertueux pain d'épice de 988. a. 22, 23. Reims. [By P. Tarbé.] Reims, 1842. 12º. . Ac. 8937/10. [Another edition, 1757 & 58.] Rennes, 1761. 12º. 234. c. 23. Inventaire après le decès de Richard Picque, Archevêque de Reims. 1389. [Edited by P. Tarbé.] Reims, 1842. 12º. Ac. 8937/8. REVAL. . Les lépreux à Reims. ' Quinzième siècle. [Edited by Ehstländische litterarische Gesellschaft. P. Tarbé.] Reims, 1842. 12º. Ac. 8937/9. Ehskländische litterärische Gesellschaft vom Jun. 1842. Louis XI. et la sainte ampoule. [Edited by P. Tarbé.] bis Jun. 1844. [Constitution and List of Members. ] Reims, 1842. 12º. Ac. 8937/5. [Reval, 1844.] gº. Ac. 9089. Mémoires de Fr. Maucroix, chanoine et sénéchal de l'église de Reims. (Edited by L. P., i.e. Louis Paris. ] REYKJAVÍK. 2 pt. Reims, 1842 12º. Ac. 8973/6. Íslenzka Bókmentafélag. Miniatures d'une Bible du XIVe siècle (1378) et facsimile [For publications of the Icelandic Literary Society du texte. [Edited by P. Tarbé.] Reims, 1842. 12º. issued by the Icelandic section of the Society at Reyk- Ac. 8937/2. javík :) See supra : COPENHAGEN.--Islenzka Bókmentafélag. Le noble et gentil jeu de l'arbaleste à Reims. [Edited by P. Tarbé.] Reims, 1841. 12º. . Ac. 8937. RHEIMS. Le Purgatoire de Saint Patrice. Légende du XIIIe siècle, Académie de Reims, afterwards Académie Impériale publiée d'apres un manuscrit de la bibliothèque de Reims, de Reims. (Edited by P. Tarbé.] Reims, 1842. 12º. Ac. 8937/7. Annales. 1842–44. 2 vol. Reims, 1843, 44. 8º. [Continued as:] Société Industrielle de Reims. Séances et travaux. -1844–68. 48 vol. CADET (FÉLIX) Société Industrielle de Reims. Confé- Reims, 1845–73. 8º. rences de 1867-1868. Histoire de l'Économie Politique, [Continued as :) etc. Reims, 1869. 8º. 8207. h. 4. Travaux de l'Académie, etc. Vol. 49, etc. Année 1868– 69, etc. Reims, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 510. RHEINBERG. In progress. Vol. 3 and 4 imperfect. - Table. 1841–1882. Par H. Jadart. 1833. 8°. Verein von Geschichts-freunden zu Rheinberg. CHARLES (DE LORRAINE), Duke de Mayenne. Correspond- Mittheilungen, etc. Trier, 1880, etc. 8º. Av. 7376. ance du Duc de Mayenne, publiée... par E. Henry...et | In progress. C. Loriquet. 2 tom. Reims, 1860-52.' 8º. 10909. dd. RHODE ISLAND, STATE OF. FLODOARDUS, Remensis. Euvres. 3 tom. Reims, 1854, 55. 8º. 4630. aaa. See supra : PROVIDENCE. 867 868 " ACADEMIES. [RICHELIEU-RIO DE JANEIRO.] RICHELIEU. Académie Royale de Richelieu. L'académie royale de Richelieu à son éminence (Cardinal de Richelieu]. (Harangue faite à l'instalation et ouver- ture de l'académie ... par le sieur intendant d'icelle ; Statuts, etc.) 2 pt. [Paris,] 1642. 4º. 741. d. 43. (1, 2.) La Chemin Abregé. Or, a compendious method for the attaining of sciences in a short time. [Being the first speech inade in the Academy of Richelieu in presence of Cardinal Richelieu.] Together with the statutes of the Academy founded by the Cardinall of Richelieu. Englished by R. G(entilis). Gent. London, 1654. 12º. 8307. aa. 2. RIGA [CONTINUED]. Naturforschender Verein, Correspondenzblatt ... redigirt von C. J. G. Müller; erster (zweiter) Jahrgang. (Von C. J. G. Müller und Dr. W. Sodoff-ky, dritter, vierter Jahrgang; von F. A. Buhse und M. Ř. Gottfriedt, fünfter-achter Jahrgang ; von F.H. Buhse und C. J. G. Müller, neunter Jahrgang; von C. J. G. Müller und E. L. Seezen, zehnter Jahrgang; von E. L. Seezen, elfter Jahrgang; yon...M. Gottfriedt · und ... E. L. Seezen, zwölfter Jahrgang, etc. Register zu den Jahrgängen 1. bis xv. des Correspondenzblattes ...angefertigt von... E. L. Svezen.) Riga, 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 2990. & 1103. In progress. RINTELN. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Academia Hasso-Schauenburgica. Southern Historical Society. See ACADEMIES, etc.-—-Rostock.--Academia Rostochiensis. Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond, Va., (1876, etc.] 8º. Die vom Obrist-Lieutenant C. Neubauern eingeholte ... Ac. 8546. Responsa derer... theologischen Facultäten zu Rostock, In progress. Helmstädt und Reinteln, baben. . .zum Druck befordern [Another copy of vol. 1, No. 3, 4.] Ac. 8546. müssen...J. H. Lochner,...C. W. Strömer, etc.. 1695. 4º. 3908. e. 10. (3.) Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society. Historia et monumenta primi festi sæcularis quod Jubi- Publications of the Virginia Historical Society. New leum vocant quo ... Acadamia Hassiaco-Schauenburgica Series. Richmond, 1874, etc. 4º. Ac. 8545. quæ Rintelii ad Visurgim est, memoriam inaugurationis In progress. die 17 et 18 Julii 1721 ... concelebravit. Historiam Organization of the Virginia Historical Society; officers stilo Latino et Germanico expressit ...F. G. Bierling. and members: with a list of its publications. pp. 22. 8 pt. [Rinteln.] 1722. fol. 731. 1. 11. Richmond, Va., 1881. 8°. Ac. 8545/3. Academia Rinteliensis. Collections of the Virginia Historical Society. New See supra: Academia Hasso-Schauenburgica. series. Richmond, Virginia, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 8545/5. In progress. Universitas Rinteliensis. Proceedings...at the annual meeting,...1882, with the See supra: Academia Hasso-Schauenburgica. address of W. W. Henry; the Settlement at Jamestown, with particular reference to the late attacks upon Captain John Smith, Pocahontas, and J. Rolfe. pp. 63. RIO DE JANEIRO. Richmond, Virginia, 1882. 8º. Ac. 8545/4. | Associação dos Homens de Lettras do Brazil. GRIGSBY (HUGH B.) The Virginia Convention of 1829–30. A festa litteraria por occasião de fundar-se . . . a Asso- A discourse delivered before the Virginia Historical ciação, etc. (Estatutos da Associação, etc.) pp. xxvi. Society... Dec. 15th, 1853 ... Published by the Society. 166. 12. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. 8º. Ac. 9206. pp. 104. Richmond, 1854. 8°. 9602. df. 6. (4.) | Bibliotheca Nacional. ROBINSON (CONWAY) An Account of Discoveries in the Annaes da Bibliotheca Nacional . . . publicados soba West until 1519,' and of Voyages to and along the direção do...B. F. Ramiz Galvão. Atlantic Coast of North America from 1520 to 1573. | Rio de Janeiro, 1876, etc. 4°. Ac. 9205. Prepared for the Virginia Historical and Philosophical In progress. Society by C. Robinson, etc. Richmond, 1848. 8º. 10410. d. | Cabinete Portuguez de Leitura. WASHINGTON (HENRY A.) The Virginia Constitution of Relaturio da Directoria do Cabinete...em 1881, etc. 1776. A Discourse delivered before the Virginia His- Rio de Janeiro, 1882, etc. 8º. 11905. bb. torical Society, at their annual meeting, etc. In proyress. Richmond, 1852. 89. Ac. 8545/2. CAMOENS (LUIS DE) Os Lusiadas. Edição consagrada a coinmemorar o terceiri, centenario do poeta da nacion- alidade portugueza. . . Revisão do texto...e observações philologicas, por A. Coelho; prefacio critico, de Ramalho RIGA. Ortigão ; noticia bistorica do Gabinete Portuguez de Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde Leitura, de R. C. Monturo. pp. xciii. 422. F. P. der Russischen Ostsee-Provinzen. Lisboa, 1880. 4º. 1876. c. 23. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte Live, Instituto Historico e Geographico Brasileiro. Ehst-, und Kurlands. Riga (printed], Leipzig, 1837. 8º. Ac. 7900. Revista trimensal de Historia e Geographia, ou Jornal do Instituto historico geographico Brasileiro. In progress. Rio de Janeiro, 1839, etc. *4º. P.P. 3937. Lettisch-literärische Gesellschaft. In progress. Tom. 1-7 constitute Serie 1 ; tom. 8-13, Serie 2 ; tom. 14, etc., Serie-3. Tom. 2–6, 17, 18 have each See supra : MITTAU. a supplement, with a distinct pagination. Livländische Gemeinnützige und Oekonomische Oblação do Instituto historico e geograpbico Brasileiro Societät. á memoria de seu Presidente honorario o Senhor Dom Verha dlungen...im Jahr 1796. Riga, [1797.] 8º. Affonso, augusto primogenito de suas Mayestades Im- 724. b. 15. periaes, Rio de Janeiro, 1847. 4º. 10632. f. son, etc. Historical am 1520 *tong the 869 ACADEMIES. [RIO DE JANEIRO—ROME.] 870 RIO DE JANEIRO [CONTINUED). ROME [CONTINUED]. Instituto Historico e Geographico Brasileiro. Accademia del Disegno di San Luca. JABOATAM (ANTONIO DE SANTA MARIA) Novo Orbe Serafico Delle lodi delle Belle Arti. Orazione [by M. A. Gia- Brasilico, ou chronica dos frades menores da Provincia comelli] e componimenti poetici, detti in Campidoglio in do Brasil ... Impressa em Lisboa em 1761, o reimpressa occasione della festa del concorso celebrato l'anno 1739. por ordem do Instituto Historico e Geografico Brasileiro. Roma, 1739. 4º.. 7805. e. (-Parte segunda, inedita, etc.) 5 vol. I Pregi delle belle arti celebrati in Campidoglio pel Rio de Janeiro, 1858–62. 8º. 4714. ee. solenne concorso tenuto dall' insigne Accademia del The pagination is continuous throughout the last 3 vols. Disegno di San Luca, etc. (Orazione e componimenti which form the “ Parte Segunda.' poetici in lodo delle belle arti. Roma, [1779.] 4º. 898. i. 9. (2.) Museu Nacional. Abeille Italienne. Recueil des meilleurs ouvrages d'arts Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. [Edited anciens et modernes. Publié a Rome par l'Académie de by L. Souza Mello e Netto, C. F. Hartt and C. L. de Saint-Luc, sous la direction du marquis Melchiorri, et en Saules, Junior.] Rio de Janeiro, 1876, etc. 4º. . France par M. Mastraca. Texte français par M. H. In progress. Ac. 3089. Sandré, pour l'année 1842.--Ape Italiana... Testo Ita- liano del s. Melchiorri, per l'anno 1842.-The Italian . ROCHEFORT. Bee... English Text by Mrs. Spry Bartlet, for the year Société d'Agriculture, des Belles-Lettres, Sciences et 1842. French, Ital., and Engl. Arts. Paris, Lagny (printed, 1842) fol. 1757. c. MAHER (C) Essai de Statistique Médicale pour Roche- La insigne e Pontificia Accademia Romana delle belle fort, en 1859, par C. M. Rochefort, 1860. 8º. arti denominata di San Luca tenendo...una adunanza 7679. d. straordinaria... per onorare il collocamento nella Gal- MAHER (C.) Essai de Statistique Médicale pour Roche- leria Accademica...della effigie del suo...primo pro- fort, en 1860. Rochefort, 1861. 8º. 7686. bb. fessore di scultura Alberto Thorvaldsen... si leggerà questo discorso dal Professore Cavalier L. Canina, etc, MAHER (c.) Essai de Statistique Medicale pour Roche [With an engraving of the statue.] Roma, 1844. 4º. fort, en 1863. etc. Rochefort, 1864. 8º. 7686. bb. : 898. i. 8. (1.) Accademia de' Lincei. ROCHELLE. See CANCELLIERI (F.) Prospetto delle Memorie aneddote dell' Accademia Romana de' Lincei raccolte da F. Can- Académie Royale des Belles-Lettres. cellieri, etc. 1823. 8º. 8356. b. 15. Recueil de pièces en prose et en vers, lues dans les See ODESCALCHI (B.) Duke of Ceri. Memorie Istorico- assemblées publiques de l'académie, etc. 3 tom. Critiche dell'Accademia de' Lincei, etc. 1806. 4º. Paris, La Rochelle, 1747–63. 8º. 964. f. 1-3. 8356. f. Præscriptiones Lynceæ Academiæ curante J. Fabro. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. (With a list of the “ Lyncei.”] Romæ, 1745. 4°. 126. i. 3. National Eclectic Medical Association, The titlepage has the imprint of the original edition, “ In- Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association, teramna, 1624." at its third Annual Meeting, held at Rochester, N.Y., Atti dell'Accademia Pontificia de' Nuovi Lincei. 26 tom. May 11, 1852, etc. Rochester, 1852. 8º. Roma, 1851–73. 4°. Ac. 102. P.P. 2895. b. - Serie 21. 1873–76. Vol. 1-3, 5-8. University of Rochester. Roma, 1875–83. 4°. Report to the Board of Trustees of the University of i- Serie terza. 1876–84. Roma, 1877-84. 4º. Rochester, on the plan of instruction to be pursued in - Serie quarta. Roma, 1885, etc. 4º. the Collegiate Department. Rochester, 1850. 8º. In progress. 8365. cc. 2. (16.) Notizie degli scavi di antichità comunicate alla R. Acca- Third Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of demia dei Lincei per ordine di S. E. il Ministro della the University of Rochester. Rochester, 1852. 8º. 8365. cc. 2. (17.) Pubb. Istruzione. Roma, 1876, etc. 4º. Ac. 102/3. In progress. ROME. - Indice topografico per gli anni 1876, 1877, 1878. Roma, 1879. 40. Argomenti de' discorsi da farsi nell'anno 1742, nelle [Another copy of Anno 1877. No. 1-7.] Ac. 1023. Accademie nuovamente istituite da...Benedetto XIV. Roma, 1742. 12º. 274. b. 45. (2.) Statuti, etc. Roma, 1847. 4º. 898. i. 1. (25.) Nuovo Statuto della R. Accademia dei Lincei. Sessione Academia Physico-Mathematica. straordinaria dell'Accademia 24 e 25 Gennaio, 1974. Cometicæ observationes habitæ ab Academia Physico- (Estratto dal tomo 20 serie 2a degli Atti della Reale mathematica Romana. Anno 1680 & 1681. Accademia dei Lincei.) Roma, 1875. 4º. Ac. 102/2. Romæ, 1681. 4º. 532. e. 34. GASTALDI (BARTOLOMEO) Reale Accademia dei Lincei... Academia Quirina. Su alcuni fossili paleozoici delle Alpi Marittime e dell' Leges et institutiones. Romæ, 1714. 12º. Apennino Ligure studiati da G. Michelotti. [Extracted 731. b. 3. (6.) from the “Memorie della Classe di Scienze fisiche, etc.”] Académie de France pour les Beaux Arts. Roma, 1877. 4º. Ac. 102/5. Restaurations des monuments antiques par les architectes HARTWIG (OTTO) Su la data degli sponsali di Arrigo vi. pensionnaires de l'Académie de France à Rome, depuis con la Costanza, erede del trono di Sicilia, e su i Divani 1788 jusqu'à nos jours, publiées avec les mémoires expli dell' Azienda Normanna in Palermo. Lettera del dott. catifs des auteurs, etc. [With an introduction by E. 0. Hartwig e Memoria del Socio M. Am ri. [Extracted Vinet.] Paris, 1877, etc. fol. 1735. d. 6. from the “Memorie della Classe di Scienze morali, etc.”] In progress. Roma, 1878. 4º. Ac. 102/6. 871 ACADEMIES. [ROME.] 872 . ROME (CONTINUED). · ROME [CONTINUED). Accademia de' Lincei. Accademici di Banchi. MAURO (F.) and PANEBIANCO (R.) Studio sui fluossisali e Apologia de gli Academici di Banchi contra M. L. Cas- fluosali di Molibdeno. Nota preliminare. (Estratto dal telvetro da Modena, in forma d' uno spaccio di Maestro vol. VI., Serie 3; Trasunti. Seduta del 2 Aprile 1882.) Pasquino; con alcune operette del Predella, del Buratto, pp. 4. Roma, 1882. 4º. 1832. b. 17. di Ser Fedocco, in difesa de la seguente canzone del Commendatore Annibal Caro, appertenenti tutte a l'uso MUHAMMAD IBN MUHAMMAD IBN 'ABD ALLĀH IBN IDRIS (ABU “ABD ALLAH) Al-Sharif Al-Sikillī Al-Idrīsī. L'Italia de la lingua toscana, etc. Parma, 1558. 4º. . descritta nel “ Libro del Re Ruggero," compilato da 1089. m. 7. Edrisi. Testo Arabo pubblicato con versione e note da [Another copy.] 1089. m. 6. (1.) M. Amari e C. Schiaparelli. Ital. & Arab. 2 pt. [Another copy.] 72. c. 4. Roma, 1883, etc. 4° Ac. 102/7. Serie 2a, Vol. VIII. of the “ Atti della reale Accademia [Another edition.] Seth Viotto : Parma, 1573. 8º. dei Lincei.” 1071. e. 26. (2.) NARDUCCI (ENRICO) Reale Accademia dei Lincei... In-| With a second titlepage reading : “ Spaccio di Maestro torno ad un manoscritto della Biblioteca Alessandrina Pasquino Romano a Messer L. Castelvetro da Modena, etc." contenente gli Apici di Boezio senz' abaco e con valere di [Another copy.] 1458. a. 25. posizione. Romā, 1877. 4º. Ac. 102/4. [Another edition.] Apologia degli Academici di Banchi Silvii Piccolomini Senensis ... Opera inedita. Descripsit, di Roma contro M. L. Castelvetro da Modena, etc. pp. codicibus Chisiapis vulgavit notisque illustravit J. Čug- 201. Firenze, 1819. 80. • 1440. h. 9. noni. pp. 371. Roma, 1883. 4º. Ac. 102/8. Accademici Fantastici. RICCA-SALERNO (GIUSEPPE) Storia delle dottrine finan- Poesie de signori Accademici Fantastici di Roma, rac- ziarie in Italia. Memoria del prof. G. Ricca-Salerno. colte e stampate dai Grignano. Rona, 1637. 12º. [Extracted from the “ Memorie della classe di scienze 1062. b. 1. morali, etc.” vol. ix.] pp. 286. Rom.a, 1881. 4º. Accademici Infecondi. 8225. g. 6: Accademia della Pace. Le pompe funebri celebrate da' Signori Accademici In- fecondi di Roma per la morte dell'illustrissima Signora · Raccolta di x. proggetti architettonici inventati e diseg- Elene Lucrezia Cornara Piscopia, Accademica detta nati da alcuni membri della Accademia detta della Pace, l'Inalterabile. [With engravings.] pp. 188. contenute in xxx. rami. Roma, [1800?] obl. fol. Per il Codorino : Padova, 1686. fol. 11431. h. 2. 1730. a. Accademia de' Pittori, Scultori et Architetti. Arcadia. Origine et progresso dell' Academia del Disegno de' See CRESCIMBENI (G. M.) Le vite degli Arcadi illustri. pittori, scultori, ed architetti di Roma: dove si conten- 1708, etc. 8º. 132. b. 6-8. gano molti discorsi et ragionamenti appartenenti alle sudette professioni, recitati sotto il regimento del cav. F. Zuccari, e raccolte da R. Alberti, Secretario dell'Acca- morti. 1720, etc. 8°. 276. h. 31. demia. Pauia, 1604. 4º. 127. d. 21. See CUGNONI (G.) Pietro Metastasio e l'Arcadia. Dis- Accademia de' Quiriti. corso, etc. 1882. 8º. 11840. k. 37. (1.) Leggi, etc. Roma, 1849. 8º. 899. e. 15. (5.) See MANCURTI (F. M.) Vita di G. M. Crescimbeni,...col Accademia di Conferenze Storico-Giuridiche. racconto de' fatti più memorabili della Ragunanza degli Studi e documenti di storia e diritto. Pubblicazione Arcadi. 1729. 4°. 839. g. 16. periodica dell'Accademia di Conferenze Storico-Giuri- Rime degli Arcadi. [Edited by G. M. Crescimbeni.] diche. Roma, 1880, etc. 4°. Ac. 6541. 9 vol. Roma, 1716–22. 8º. 240. k. 412. In progress. The title of the first 8 vols. is “Rime degli Arcadi"; Accademia Medica. the ninth bears the title of “ Raccolta degli varj poemetti, etc. Tomo primo, che è il nono delle rime.” Atti...compilati dal... Dott. C. Brunelli. Anno 1-5. Roma, 1876–79. 8º. Prose degli Arcadi. [Edited by G. M. Crescimbeni.] [Continued as :] 3 tom. Roma, 1718. 8º. 742. a. 2-4. Bullettino...compilato dai Dottori C. Brunelli...e D. Majocchi. Anno 1, etc. Roma, 1880, etc. 8º. [Another copy.] 248. c. 23, 25. In progress. Ac. 3707. I Giuochi Olimpici celebrati dagli Arcadi nell'ingresso Memorie, etc. Roma, 1882, etc. 4º. Ac. 3707/2. dell' Olimpiade dcxxv., in lode della Santità di N. S. In progress. Papa Innocenzio XIII., e pubblicati da G. M. Crescimbeni. Accademia Pontificia de' Nuovi Lincei. Roma, 1721. 4º. 81. k. 19. See supra : Accademia de' Lincei, etc. I Giuochi Olimpici celebrati dagli Arcadi per l'ingresso Accademia Romana di Archeologia, afterwards Ponti- dell' Olimpiade 626, in lode di Giovanni v., re di Porto- ficia Accademia, etc. gallo. [Edited by G. M. Crescimbeni.] Roma, 1726. 4º." 83. e. 16. Statuti, etc. Roma, 1813. 4º. 898. i. 7. (10.) Dissertazioni...alle quali si aggiungono le leggi acca- Accademia avutasi da' Pastori Arcadi della Colonia demiche. Tom. 1–15. Roma, 1821-64. 49. Ac. 5236. Renia in lande di...Benedetto xiv. nel Palazzo del Sig. Co. C. Pepoli, etc. pp. 36, lvi. Bologna, 1741. 8º. Accademia Tiberina. 11426. cc. 9. Ragguaglio delle prose e degli atti dell'Accademia Ti I Giuochi Olimpici celebrati in Arcadia nell'ingresso berina nell'anno 1841, letto nella generale adunanza del dell'Olimpiade DCXXXIII., in onore degli Arcadi illustri 27 Dicembre da F. Fabi-Montani. Roma, 1842. 8º. defunti. [Edited by G. Ughetti.] Roma, 1754. 8º. 898. d. 2. (7.) 240. l. 23. 873 ACADEMIES. [ROME.] 874 11431. g. ROME (CONTINUED). ROME [CONTINUED). Arcadia. Archigymnasium Romanæ Sapientiæ. Adunanza di canto solonnemente tenuta dagli Arcadi Calendarium Archigymnasii Almæ Urbis, &c. [for the della Colonia Parmense nell' universal gioja del nato year 1706–07.] Romæ, 1706. S. sh. fol. real primogenito di Ferdinando Infante di Spagna, &c. 1896. d. 7. (104.) Parma, 1773. 4º. [For the year 1707-08.] Romæ, 1708. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 9. (173.) Triplice omaggio offerto dagli Arcadi al Padre Principe - (For the year 1710-11.] Romæ, 1710. 8. sh. fol. e Pastore Papa Pio vi., fragli Arcadi Acclamati Timio Nemèo, nella sua esaltazione al sommo pontificato. 1896. d. 11. (146.) Roma, 1775. 8º. T. 44*. (47) [For the year 1713–14.] Romæ, 1713. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 14. (183.) [Another copy.] 161. k. 34. - [For the year 1714–15.] Romæ, 1714. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 15. (169.) Esercizio Academico sopra il lusso e la magnificenza - [For the year 1715-16.] Romæ, 1715. 3. sh. fol. degli antichi Romani da tenersi da' Signori Čonvittori 1896. d. 16. (148.) del Collegio Nazareno Accademici Incolti, e Pastori Editto da osservarsi tanto dentro, quanto intorno allo Arcadi il dì 23 Luglio 1778. Roma, [1778.] 4°. Studio, o Sapienza di Roma, & anco dentro, & intorno T. 42*. (40.) all' Horto Medico della medesima Sapienza da Scolari, & Atti della solenne coronazione fatta in campidoglio della altri, che in quella pratticano. (18 Octobr. 1706.) insigne. poetessa Dna M. M. Morelli Fernandez... tra Roma, 1706. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 7. (105.) gli Arcadi Corilla Olimpica. (Applausi poetici alla coro- nazione Capitolina di Corilla Olimpica.) - (18 Oct. 1707.) Roma, 1707. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 8. (91.) Parma, 1779. 8º. 278. b. 13. — (18 Oct. 1708.) Roma, 1708. 8. sh. fol. Solenne generale adunanza tenuta dagli Arcadi uella 1896. d. 9. (154.) Protomoteca il dì 11 Aprile 1826, anniversario della — (18 Oct. 1709.) Roma, 1709. 8. sh. fol. inaugurazione dalla sede conceduta loro in Campidoglio 1896. d. 10. (146.) dalla Santità di Nostro Signore Leone XII., etc. (18 Oct. 1710.) Roma, 1710. S. sh. fol. Roma, 1826. 8º. 899, e. 2. (14.) 1896. d. 11. (143.) Solenne adunanza tenuta dagli Arcadi... per l'esalta- (18 Oct. 1711.) Roma, 1711. 8. sh. fol. zione al sommo Pontificato della Santità di Nostro Sig- 1896. d. 12. (131.) nore Papa Pio VIII., etc. Roma, 1829. 8º. (18 Oct. 1712.) Roma, 1712. 8. sh. fol. 8033. bb. (11.) 1896. d. 13. (163.) Pel fausto ritorno in Roma della Santità di Nostro Sig - (18 Oct. 1713.) Roma, 1713. s. sh. fol. nore Papa Pio IX. Solenne adunanza tenuta dagli Arcadi 1896. d. 14. (184.) il giorno 12 di Maggio 1850 nella Protomoteca Capi - (18 Oct. 1714.) Roma, 1714. 8. sh. fol. tolina. [A collection of pieces in verse.] 1896. d. 15. (70.) Roma, 1850. 89. 899. e. 9. (4.) — (18 Oct. 1715.) Roma, 1715. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 16. (147.) Archigymnasium Romanæ Sapientiæ. (18 Oct. 1716.) Roma, 1716. S. sh. fol. See CARAFA (J.) Bishop of Mileto. De Gymnasio Romano 1896. d. 17. (151.) et de ejus Professoribus. Quibus accedunt... Bullæ ad (18 Oct. 1717.) Roma, 1717. s. sh. fol. ipsum Gymnasium spectantes. 1751. 4º. 127. c. 4. | 1896. d. 18. (173.) Archigymnasii Romanæ Sapientiæ ab Alexandro VII. Notificazione [of the Lectures to be delivered during Pont. Max. perfecti, lustrati, consecrati, postridie idus the academic year 1708–09]. Roma, 1708. S. sh. fol. Novembres, descriptio. Romæ, 1661. 8º. 1896. d. 9. (151.) 731. b. 3. (5.) -- [During 1709–10.] Roma, 1709. S. sh. fol. Edictum (respecting a vacant chair of Canon Law.. 1896. d. 10. (144) June 25, 1675.] Roma, 1675. 8. sh. fol. - (During 1710–11.] Roma, 1710. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 6. (56.) 1896. d. 11. (137.) Ad laudem ... Dei ... Nomina & Cognomina D.D. Lec - [During 1711-12.] Roma, 1711. s. sh. fol. torum Almæ Urbis Gymnasii, unà cum lectionibus, quas 1896. d. 12. (126.) interpretabuntur anno sequenti, incipiendo die 5 mensis [During 1712–13.] Roma, 1712. s. sh. fol. Novembris 1685. Romae, 1685. 8. ch. fol. 1896. d. 13. (159.) 1896. d. 6. (58.) For the academic year 1706–07.] 3–14.] Roma, 1713. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 14. (176.) Romae, 1706 s. sh. fol. 1896. d. 7. (100.) [During 1714–15.] Roma, 1714. 8. sh. fol. [For 1707–08.] Romae, 1707. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 15. (164) 1896. d. 8. (89.) - [During 1715–16.] Roma, 1715. S. sh. fol. [For 1710–11.] Romae, 1710. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 16. (139.) 1896. d. 11. (145.) - [During 1716–17.] Roma, 1716. 8. sh. fol. - [For 1713–14.] Romae, 1713. s. sh. fol. 1896. d. 17. (146.) 1896. d. 14. (186.) [During 1717–18.] Roma, 1717. S. sh. fol. [For 1714–15.] Romae, 1714. s. sh. fol. .. 1896. d. 18. (164.) 1896. d. 15. (165.) Notificazione (of the oponing of the “ Giardino de Sem- [For 1715–16.] Romae, 1715. 8. sh. fol. plici” and of a series of lectures to be delivered there). 1896. d. 16. (149.) Roma, 1711. S. sh. obl. 4º. 1896. d. 12. (62.) - [For 1717–18.] Romae, 1717. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 18. (174.) - Roma, 1712. 8. sh. obl. 4º. 1896. d. 13. (75.) Calendarium Archigymnasii Almæ Urbis, &c. [for the – Roma, 1714. S. sh. obl. 4º. 1896. d. 15. (91.) Academic year 1685–86.] Romæ, 1685. S. sh. fol. 1896, d. 6. (57.) Roma, 1715. 8. sh. obl. 4º. 1896. d. 16. (83.) Duitu 875 876 ACADEMIES. [ROME.] :. ROME [CONTINUED). Archigymnasium Romanæ Sapientiæ. Regolamento dell'Archiginnasio Romano. Roma, 1788. 8º. Ac. 8860. Begin. Gli Alunni del Romano Archiginnasio vogliono sempre duraturo in queste carte un testimonio di grati- tudine ... all'... oratore P. Ignazio da Roveredo...che nella Settimana Santa del MDCCCXLII.. . . loro annunziava la legge di grazia, etc. [A collection of verses by various authors.] Roma, 1842. 4º. 898. i. 4. (13.) British Archæological Society of Rome. Rules,...with a list of Members ... Catalogue of books and proceedings for...1865–66. [Rome, 1867.] 8º. . Ac. 5232. Roman Fund for archæological investigations and exca- vations. Treasurer's Report, January 1 to July 1, 1869. [London, 1869.] 8º. Ac. 5232/2. Collegium Aromatariorum. Collegii Aromatariorum almæ urbis nominis pharma copolæ et seplasiarii, pro defensione animadversio. • Ronæ, 1603. 4°. 1172. i. 2. (4.) ROME [CONTINUED). Collegium Medicorum. Bando Generale del Protomedico. (24 Marzo, 1715.) Roma, 1715. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 16. (43.) — (24 Marzo, 1716.) Roma, 17.16. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 17. (33.) -- (1 Febraro, 1717.) Roma, 1717. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 18. (36.). - (23 Marzo, 1718.) Roma, (1718.] s. sh. fol. 1896. d. 19. (46.) Bando sopra l' esecutione della matricola, alla quale doveranno essere ascritti li Professori della Medicina. (6 Settembre 1673.) Roma, 1673. s. sh. fol. 1896. d. 4. (100.) Editto [respecting a tax on the goods of the Apothe- caries. Sept. 6, 1673.] Roma, 1673. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 6. (34.) Tavola delli prezzi costituiti alli Medicinali, e robbe delle Spetiarie di Roma, e suo distretto. Dal Proto- medico, e Consiglieri del Collegio de' Medici con il con- siglio de' Spetiali. (31 Agosto...1675.) Roma, 1675. fol. 1896. d. 4. (103.) - (22 Agosto, 1708.) Roma, 1708. fol. 1896. d. 9. (116.) - (22 Agosto, 1709.) Roma, 1709. fol. 1896. d. 10. (120.) — (29 Settembre, 1710.) Roma, 1710. fol. 1896. d. 11. (131.) (29 Settembre, 1711.) Roma, 1711. fol. 1896. d. 12. (120.) — (4 Marzo, 1716.) Roma, 1716. fol. . 1896. d. 17. (30.) Tavola de' prezzi delli medicinali da osservarsi ... dalli Spetiali delle Provincie della Marca, e Romagna, e della Città d'Ascoli, e Foligno...4 Decembre, 1706. Roma, 1706. 4º. 1826. d. 17. (119.) Notificatione (directing the registration of the members of the medical profession residing in Rome. Aug. 25, 1708]. Roma, 1708. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 9. (100.) Collegium Medicorum. Antidotarii Romani, seu de modo componendi medi- camenta quæ sunt in usu opus, etc. [Compiled by the Collegium Medicorum.] Romæ, 1583. 12º. 777. a. 4. [Another edition.] Mediolani, 1607. 12°. 777. a. 5. [Another edition.] COPIOUS MS. NOTES. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1624. 8º. 777. a. 6. Interleaved. Antidotario Romano-Latino o volgare, tradotto da I. Ceccarelli con l'aggiunta dell'elettione de' semplici e prattica delle compositioni, et due trattati, uno della Teriaca Romana e ragione de suoi ingredienti: l'altro della Teriaca Egittia. Lat. & Ital. Roma, 1619. 4º. 547. i. 4. [Another edition.] Aggiontovi in questa ultima impres- sione le avertenze & osservationi appartenenti alla compositione de medicamēti (tradotte dal nono libro delle osservationi del Sig. L. Settala da A. Tadino). 2 pt. Milano, 1635–30. 4°. 546. k. 11. (1-2.) The “ Averienze et Osservationi” have a distinct titlepage, pagination and register. [Another edition.] Roma, 1639.. 4º. 777. C. 4. Statuta Collegii D. D. Almae Urbis Medicorum ex Anti- quis Romanorum Pontificum Bullis congesta demum a Ď. N. Urbano Papa VII). confirmata. Romæ, 1642. 4º. 557. b. 6. (2.) Bando generale del Protomedico. (4 Aprile, 1672.) Roma, 1672. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 4. (98.) (5 Marzo, 1676.) Roma, 1676. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 4. (105.) (5 Marzo, 1678.) Roma, 1678. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 4. (104.) - (20 Marzo, 1709.) Roma, 1709. s. sh. fol. 1896. d. 10. (50.) Nomina, & cognomina DD. Almæ Urbis Medicorum ... sub jurisdictione... Medicorum Collegii existentium, etc. Roma, 1709. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 10. (170.) Notificazione. [Relative to a new list of legally qualified doctors.] (15 Febraro, 1712.) Roma, 1712. S. sh. obl. 4º. 1896. d. 13. (18.) Notificazione [requiring all doctors to exhibit their diplomas in the office of the Secretary of the College, for the formation of the new list. Dated 12 June, 17157. Roma, 1715. 8. sh. obl. 8º. 1896. d. 16. (85.) Notificazione (relating to the price of medicines. Dated April 20th, 1717.] Roma, 1717. 8. sh. obl. 4º. 1896. d. 18. (60.) I 1896. d. 11. (52.) - [March ? 1711.) Roma, 1711. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 12. (19.) - (25 Marzo, 1712.) Roma, 1712. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 13. (49.) (3 Aprile, 1713.) Roma, 1713. S. sh. fol. 1896. d. 14. (76.) - (3 Aprile, 1714.) Roma, 1714. 8. sh. fol. 1896. d. 15. (76.) Collegium Romanum Societatis Jesu. Nova methodus adhibendi phasium observationes in eclipsibus lunaribus ... Dissertatio habita in Collegio Romano à Patribus Societatis Jesu. See GIULIANI (C. A.) Memorie sopra la Fisica, etc. Tom. 3. 1743, etc. 8°. 957. i. 3. De Aurora Boreali dissertatio habita in Collegio Romano a PP. Societatis Jesu, Sept. 1738. Romæ, [1738.] 40. 31. c. 11. (4.) Theses contra Judæus, de LXX. Hebdomadis [of the Prophet Daniel), propositæ a PP. Societatis Jesu in Collegio Romano. [In reply to the “Liber Lxx. Hebdo- madum resignatus," published in 1714, at Rome.] Romæ. 1748. 8º. 4033. cc. 24. 877 ACADEMIES. [ROME.] 878 des Jésuites. Being two mampitia mtangan dilatione ROME [CONTINUED). ROME (CONTINUED): Collegium Romanum Societatis Jesu. Commissione Archeologica Comunale. Mémoires pour servir de suite à l'Histoire de la Morale See infra : Commissione Archeologica Munici- des Jésuites. [Being two memoirs; the first on a pale, etc. work entitled : “ De praxi Quesnelliana in dilatione Commissione Archeologica Municipale, afterwards Sacramentalis absolutionis ad propositiones LXXXVII. & Commissione Archeologica Comunale. LXXXVIII. ex cm. proscriptis in Bulla Unigenitus, disser- tatio ... proposita in Collegio Romano a Patribus Socie- Bulletino. Roma, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 5234. tatis Jesu, anno 1755"; and the second translated from In progress. the Italian, and entitled : “ Observations critiques sur Commissione Pontificate per la pubblicazione dei l'ouvrage du P. N. Ghezzi ..., qui a pour titre: Les Monumenti Cristiani. principes de la Philosophie Morale comparés avec les Images de la T. S. Vierge choisies dans les Catacombes principes de la Religion Catholique.") de Rome. [The text by G. B. de Rossi.] [Paris ?] 1756. 12º.. C 4092. b. Rome, 1863. 4º. 7707. g. 1. (2.) Musei Kirkeriani in Romano Soc. Jesu Collegio ærea Imagines selectæ Deiparæ Virginis in cæmeteriis subter- notis illustrata. [By C. Contucci.] 2 tom. raneis udo depictæ. Romæ, 1863. fol. 1703. c. 3. Romæ, 1763-65. fol. 562. f. Congregazione de' Virtuosi. Solis defectus observatus in Collegio Romano à Patribus Statuto della insigne Congregazione dei Virtuosi del Societatis Jesu, die prima Aprilis, anno MDCCLXIV. Panteon. Roma, 1831. 40 898. i. 8. (17.) [Rome, 1764.] 4º. 207. C. 5. (3.) The titlepage is engraved. Università Imperiale. Accademia di Roma. Distri- · Statuto dell'insigne artistica Congregazione de' Virtuosi buzione de' premj d'incoraggiamento fatta agli allievi al Pantheon. Roma, 1839. fol. Ac. 4517. del Collegio Romano il 5 Luglio 1813, etc. Roma, 1813. 8º. 899. e. 5. (10.) Congregazione ed Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Catalogo dei maestri compositori, dei professori di Logica et Metaphysica quæ traditur in Collegio Romano musica e socii di onore, della Congregazione, etc. (Tran- S. J., etc. (Theologia Naturalis, Psychologia, Principia sunto dei decreti della Congregazione, etc.) 2 pt. Cosmologiae, Philosophiae Religionis Appendix pña De Roma, [1842,] 1840. 8º. 7898. b. 20. metaphysico Kantii systemate.) [By J. A. Dmowski.] 5 pt. (Rome? 1837 ?] 4º. 8466. g. | Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. In cursive character; lithographed. Imperfect ; wanting See infra: Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeo- pages 333–36. Pt. 5 has a separate pagination. logica. Memoria intorno ad alcune osservazioni fatte alla specola. 1 Ecole Française. del Collegio Romano nel corrente anno 1838. F. P. See supra : ATHENS.-École Française. Roma, (1838.] 4º. 8564. f. Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 5206/2. Memoria intorno a parecchie osservazioni fatte nella specola dell' Universita Gregoriana in Collegio Romano Германскіги Археологический институть. dagli Astronomi della Compagnia di Gesù, l'anno 1839 See infra : Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeo- (1840-1841, 1842). 3 pt. Roma, (1840–43.] 4º. logica. 8564. f. Imperiale Instituto Archeologico Germanico. Osservazioni fatte nella specola dell'Università Grego- See infra: Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeo- riana in Collegio Romano diretto dai PP. della Com- pagnia di Gesù. Anno 1843. Roma, (1843.] 4º. logica. 8564. f. Institut de Correspondance Archéologique. Annali dell'osservatorio astronomico diretto dai Padri See infra: Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeo- della Compagna di Gesù nel Collegio Romano. Vol. 1. logica. Roma, 1843. 4º. . 8564. f. Instituto Archeologico. See infra : Instituto di Corri- Stelle del Catalogo di Baily dal polo boreale fino a 30°. spondenza Archeologica. di decl. australe, contrassegnate secondo i loro diversi Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica. colori, osservati nella specola del Collegio Romano. Fasc. 1. Rome, (1845 ?] fol. 566. k. 18. Annali... per l'anno 1829(-1853). vol. 1-25. Roma, 1829-53. 8º. 557. a, b. Saggio delle due scuole di grammatica media del Col Bulletino degli Annali... per l'anno 1829(-1853). legio Romano della Compagnia di Gesù l'anno 1846. Roma, 1829-53; 8º. 557. c. [Rome, 1846.] 8º. 8355. e. 10. Monumenti, Annali e Bullettini...1854–55. Begin. Recita... la prefazione, il sig. Cressedi Gioac Roma, Gotha, 1854,-55. fol. 1896. c. 2. chino. [An examination paper.] [Rome, 1847?] 8º. Monumenti ed Annali..,1856. Lipsia, 1856. fol. 8355. e. 8. Solemnis præmiorum distributio apud Collegium Roma Bullettino...1856, etc. Lipsia, 1856, etc. 80. num Societatis Jesu ad S. Ignatii Patris VIII. Jdus Sep- 557. C. tenibres Anno 1847. [Rome, 1847.] 89. 8355. e. 7. Annali... Annales. Vol. 29, etc. Roma, 1857, etc. 89. In progress. Begin. Recita. ..la prefazione, il sig Tosi Luigi, etc. 557. a, b. [An examination paper.] [Rome, 1848?] 8º. Monumenti inediti publicati dall'Instituto...sotto la 8355. e. 9. direzione dei Signori 0. Gerhard e T. Panofka.—Monu- mens inédits, etc. Ital. & Fr. Memorie dell'Osservatorio dell'Università Gregoriana Rome et Paris, 1829, etc. fol. 557. h. in Collegio Romano diretto dai PP. della Compagnia di In progress. The names of the editors occur in vol. 1 only. (Gesù. Anno 1850 (1851, 52-55, 56–57, 57–59, 60–63. The Monumenti” for 1854-55 were published with the 6 pts. Roma, 1851–53. 4º. 8564. f. " Annali, etc." 879 ACADEMIES. [ROME_ROORKEE.] 880 S ROME [CONTINUED). ROME (CONTINUED). Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica. :::... Romano Collegio de' Nobili. ..... Regolamenti dello Instituto, etc. : (Seconda edizione da : Augurii di felicita pel nuovo anno esercizio poetico che dispensare a tutti i partecipanti dell' Instituto insieme il di 4 genpajo 1847 tenevano gli accademici ravvivati col Bulletino di Settembre 1830.) [Rome, 1830.] 8. 1. del Romano Collegio de' Nobili, etc. Roma, 1847. 8º. 7875. b. 9. (6.) 8355. e. 12. Memorie dell'Instituto, etc. Vol. 1, 2. Scuola Italica... Rome, Lipsia, 1832-65. 8º. Ac. 5235/5. Programma e statuto della Scuola Italica, Reale Acca- Vol. 2 was published at Leipsic, and has an additional demia Nazionale di Filosofia, Medicina, Letteratura; o titlepage reading : “ Nuove Memorie dell' Instituto, etc." fondazione dell'Ospedale Omeopatico in Roma. pp. 73. Repertorio Universale delle Opere dell'Instituto ... Roma, (1878.] 8º. . 7679. f. 12. (4.) 1834–43 (1844–53, 1857–64), etc. 3 pt. Roma, 1848–64. '8º. Ac. 5235/3. Società Geografica Italiana. Imperfect; wanting pp. 265–268. The index for the See supra : FLORENCE. years 1829–33 is in vol. 5 of the “ Annali.” Società Romana di Agricoltura e Manifatture. Ephemeris Epigraphica : Corpus Inscriptionum Latin Istruzione sulla coltivazione del cotone nei dipartimenti arum supplementum, etc. See supra : BERLIN.—Societas di Roma e del Trasimeno. Compilata, per ordine del Regia Scientiarum, etc. Ephemeris, etc. :: Governo, da alcuni membri della Società d'Agricoltura Instituto, etc. Statuti, 1834. (Elenco de' participanti di Roma. Roma, 1811. 8º. 7074. c. (9.) per 1833.) 2 pt. [Rome, 1834. 8º. Ac. 5235/6. Istruzione sulla cultivazione de'riscoli (salsola soda L.) Rapporto intorno l'Instituto...del Secretário derigente dell' agro romano. (Ristretto degli atti della Società, 0. Gerhard.... Letto nell'adunanza de' 21 Aprile, 1834. etc.) Roma, 1811. 8º. T. 960. (10.) (Statuti, etc.) Roma, 1834. 8º. Ac. 5235/7. Regolamenti della Società Romana di Agricoltura, Arti Notice sur l'Institut de Correspondance Archéologique, ... e Manifatture. Roma, 1812. 8º.. 8207. h. (12.) par A. Kestner. Rome, 1846. gº. Ac. 5235/9, Società Romana di Storia Patria. Notice sur l'Institut de Correspondance Archéologique Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria. par E. Gerhard. Rome, 1840. go. . Ao. 5235/8. Roma, 1877. etc. 8°. Ac. 6540. Notizia intorno l'Instituto ..., con l'elenco de' suoi par- In progress. tecipanti e l'indicazione de' monumenti da esso pub Biblioteca della Società Romana di Storia Patria. blicati a tutto l'anno 1859. Roma, 1860. 8°. Roma, Livorno [printed], 1879, etc. fol. Ac. 6540/4. Ac. 5235/10. In progress. Instituto Archaeologico centum semestria feliciter pe BALZANI (UGO) Count. La Storia di Roma nella cronica racta gratulantur Juvenes Capitolini, qui per centesimum di Adamo da Usk. pp. 18. Instituti semestre in Monte Tarpejo constiterunt (E. Roma, Livorno [printed], 1880. 8º. Ac. 6540/2. Bormann, F. de Duon, etc.), pp. 32. Romae, 1879. fol. 1853. b. 11. SALA (GIUSEPPE ANTONIO Miscellanea della Società. The half-title reads : “ Miscellanea Capitolina.” . Scritti di G. A. Sala, pubblicati sugli autografi, da G. Cugnoni, Roma, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 6540/3. BRUNN (HEINRICH) I Rilievi delle Urne etrusche, etc. : In progress. Roma, 1870, etc. 4º. 559. d. In progress. Università Gregoriana. IVANOV (ALEKSANDR ANDREEVІсн) Изображения изъ See supra: Collegium Ramanum Societatis Jesu. Священной истории оставленныхъ эскизовъ А. Иванова. Darstellungen aus der heiligen Geschichte. Hinter- ROORKEE. lassene Entwürfe von A. Iwanoff. Sep-2013, 1879, etc. ob. fol. 146. Thomason Civil Engineering College. In progress. Professional Papers, printed at the Thomason Civil MICHAELIS (ADOLPH THEODOR FRIEDRICH) Storia dell' Engineoring College, Roorkee. No. 2 [2nd edition]. Instituto Archeologico. Germanico, 1829–1879 ... Tra- No. 4. Roorkee, 1856, 54. 8º. Ac. 4323. duzione dal tedesco. Roma, 1879. 8º. Ac. 5235/11. Papers prepared for the use of the Thomason Civil Rossi (GIOVANNI BATTISTA DE) Cavaliere. Piante icono Engineering College, Roorkee No. 1-6. ... Third graficho e prospettiche di Roma anteriori al secolo XVI., raccolte e dichiarate da G. B. de Rossi. Ac. 4323. Roma, 1879. 4º. 1706, a. 8. No. 2 is of the third edition. No. 3 wants pt. 1. [Plans.] 1879. fol. 1706. d. 2. Fourth edition. 12 Nos. Roorkee, 1863–73. 8º. Imperfect; wanting Nos. 1, 5, 10–12. Ac. 4323/2. Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia. See supra: Accademia Romana, etc. Thomason Civil Engineering College Manuals, com- piled by the College Staff. New series. No. 10. Pontificio Istitụto Statistico, Agrario, e d'Incorag- Roorkee, 1873. 8º. Ac. 4323/3. giamento, Professional papers on Indian Engineering ... Edited Istruzioni per la coinpilazione della statistica della by J. G. Medley. 1863-4 (-67). [First series.] 4 vol. popolazione dello Stato Pontificio. (Rapporto della Roorkee, 1864-67. 8º. - Ac. 4323/4. Sezione statistica al consiglio del Pontificio Istituto Imperfect; wanting No. 8 of vol. II., Nos. 11, 12 of Statistico, etc.) Roma, 1847. 89. 8206. dd. (7.) vol. IIl., vol. V.--VII. Reale Accademia dei Lincei.. . Second edition, 7 vol. Roorkee, 1870, 68–70. gº. See supra : Accademia dei Lincei. Second series. Edited by A. M. Brandreth. No. 26, etc. Roorkee, 1877, etc. 8°. Ac. 4323/4. Reale Accademia Medica. In progress. Vol. 1 only of the first series is of the 2nd See suvra : Accademia Medica. edition. 881 ACADEMIES. : (ROSTOCK-ROUEN.] 882 . ROSTOCK. ROSTOCK (CONTINUED). Academia Rostochiensis. Verein baltischer Aerzte. : See ACADEMIES, etc.--Wittenberg.--Academia Vitember- Bericht über die erste und zweite Versammlung des gensis. Responsa und Belehrungen der dreyen theolo Vereins, etc. Danzig, 1863. 8º. Ac. 8762. gischen Facultäten zu Wittenberg, Rostock und Kiel, über den... Entwurff unvorgreifflicher Gedancken über Universität. pier den Gebrauch der Privat-Communion betreffende See supra : Academia Rostochiensis. Gewissens-Fragen, etc. 1694. 4º. 3908. e. 10. (2.) | See GERMANY, Empire of.--Ferdinand 11., Emperor. Fer- POTTERDAM. dinandi Imperatoris confirmativ, Academiæ Rostochi- ensis. 1626. 4°. 1080. k. 8. (7.) Algemeen Onderwijzers-Vereeniging. Driemaandelijksch Tijdschrift vor Onderwijs, uitge- See MECKLENBURG.—John Albert, and Ulric, Dukes. geven van wege de Algemeene Onderwijzers-Vereeni- Der ... Herren ... Johans Albrechts und ... Ulrichis ging,...onder redactie van j. C. Neurdenburg, hoofit- gebrüdern Hertzogen zu Meckelnburgk . . . Kirchen redacteur, S. Gille Heringa,...N. W. P. Rauwen hoff, etc. gerichts oder Consistorii ordnung. In ihrer... Universi Jaarg. 1-5. Rotterdam, 1865-69. 8º. Ac. 2643. tet zu Rostock angerichtet. 1570. 4º. 711. d. 1. (2.) Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke See ROME, Church of.–Martin V., Pope. Bulla fun- Wijsbegeerte. dationis Academiæ Rostochiensis (Datum ... Idus Feb Plan en grondwetten van het...genootschap. (Leden, ruarij... (1419]). 1626. 4º. . 1080, k. 8. (7*.) etc.) Rotterdam, 1771. 4º. . 434. d. 5. (1.) Verhandelingen. 12 Dln. Rotterdam, 1774-98. 4º. Scripta in Academia Rostochiensi publice proposita ah 434. d. 5. (2.) anno 1560 usq; ad Octobrem anni 1563, et inde ad initium anni 1567. Partes duæ. [Edited by J. Possel.] - Algemeene bladwyzer over de zes eerste deelen Rostochii, 1567. 8° 731. c. 20. der Verhandelingen. Rotterdam, 1984: 4º. 434. d. 8. (2.) Jubilæum Academiæ Rostochiensis Festum, hebdomade · Nieuwe Verhandelingen. Del. 1-11. Del. 12, Stuk 1. sabbataria, contenarium ejusilem tertium incöante ... Amsterdam, Rotterdam, 1800-51. 4º. . mense Novembri anui 1619 clebratum. - Tweede Reeks: Deel 11. Stuk 1. - Rostochii, 1620. 4°. 731. c. 21. Rotterdam, 1870. 4°. - 462. i. 21, etc. Programma quo Decanus et collegirm facultatis juridicæ Grundriss zur Kentniss und Verbesserung der Flüsse in ... Acadeinia Rostochiensi ad dissertationes inaugu- und Ströme. Aus dem Holländischen übersetzt, verän- rales ... Rectorem, ceteros professores et doctores, etc. dert und vermehret durch N. Beckmann. [To which is invitant. Rostochii, 1633. 4º. 731. e. 7. (4.) added,] Verzeichniss einiger hydrotechnischer Bücher. Göttingen, 1775. 8º. ... . 55. b. 11. Die vom Obrist-Lieutenant C. Neubauern eingeholte, Translation of “ Rivierkundige Stellingen, betrekekelyk den aber ... von ihm selbst verstümmelt und falsiret edirte oorsprong, loop en staat der rivieren, etc. door het Bataafsch Responsa derer...theologischen Facultäten zu Rostock, Genootschap, etc. Rotterdam, 1770. 40." Holmstädt und Reinteln, haben in eigner Gestalt ... Oplossing der Vraage door het Bataafsch Genootschap te zum Druck befordern müssen die ... Dom-Prediger in Rotterdam... voorgesteld. (Waarom de Mensch, meer Bremen, J. H. Lochner, ...C. W. Strömer, welche in dan eenig Dier met Ziektes en Gebreken heeft te worste- einer ... Vorrede rechtmässige . . . Ursachen anzeigen, warum sie in weitläufftiges Schrifft-Wechseln mit diesem len, etc.) door***[P. Camper.] Amsterdam, 1783. gº. 784. 1. 18. hösen Mann sich einzulassen, Bedencken haben, etc. 2 pt. Caspar Holwein : Stade, 1695. 4º. Gedachtenisviering van het honderdjarig bestaan van 3908. e. 10. (3.) het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam. 1769-1869 [by D. F. van Responsum Facultatis Theologicæ Rostochiensis, welches der Pant). Feestrede door Dr. K. M. Giltay. auff die Facti speciem cum adjunctis ab A. ad R. in- clusive in Causa Pietistica Waldeccensi de dato Strelitz Rotterdam, 1869. 4º. den 27 Februarii eingeholet und den darauf erfolgten Catalogus der Verzameling van kaarten van het Ba- 19 Martii ertheilet worden. Coobach, 1711. 4º. taafsch Genootschap der Proefondervinderlijke Wijsbe- 898. d. 11. (2.) geerte te Rotterdam. [By J. M. Obreen.) Bibliotheca Kaemmereriana. Vermächtniss des ... Rotterdam, 1872. 8º. 11900. bb. Professors F. Kämmerer an die Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Rostock. 2 Abthl. [Rostock, ] 1843. 8º. Blauwe Acoleye. 11902. c. 7. Drijderley Refereynen, ghepronuncieert op te Rheto- rijek feest der blauwe Acoleyen van Rotterdam, 1561, Rechtssprüche und Gutachten der Juristen-Facultät zu etc. See SPELEN. Spelen van Sinne, etc. 1564. 8º. Rostock. Berlin, 1846. 8º. 5605. e. 11754. aa. [Another edition.7 Index lectionum in Academia Rostochiensi semestri See SPELEN. Spelen van Sinne, etc. 1614. 8º. hiberno a. 1857/58 ... De conioediae Graecae fragmentis 11754. aa. F. V. Fritzschius praefatus est. [Rostock, 1857.7 40. 11705. e. ROUBAIX. Index lectionum in Academia Rostochiensi MDCCCLVIII. i.. Quæstiones metricas F. V. Fritzschius præmisit. Société d'Émulation. (Quæstionum metricarum specimen secundum quin Mémoires. Tom. 1-5. Roubaix, 1871–79. 80. tum.) 5 pt. [Rostochii, 1858.] 4º. 12923. ee. Ac. 520. Each pt. has a special titlepage. ROUEN. Index lectionum ... semestri aestivo a. 1861 ... publice privatimque habendarum. De canticis Plautinis F. V. Académie de l'Immaculée Conception. Fritzschius specimen primum praemisit. See infra: Confraternité de la Conception de Notre ..[Rostock, 1861.] 4º. 8355, f. Dame, afterwards Académie des Palinods. 8775. g. 883 ACADEMIES. [ROUEN.] 884 11 ROUEN (CONTINUED). ROUEN (CONTINUED). Académie des Palinods. See infra: Confraternité de Société de l'Histoire de Normandie. la Conception de Notre Dame. BIGOT (ALEXANDRE) Baron de Monville. Mémoires du Président Bigot de Mon ville sur la sédition des Nu-pieds Académie des Sciences, Belles Lettres, et Arts. et l'interdiction du Parlement le Normandie en 1639. Catalogue des Plantes du Jardin de l'Académie de Publiés avec...des notes par le Vte d'Estaintot. Rouen. [Rouen, 1790?] 12º. B. 222. (1.) Rouen, 1876. 8º. Ac. 6890/9 Lettres patentes concernant l'Académie...(Statuts de COCHON (PIERRE Chronique Normande de P. Cochon... l'Académie, etc.) Versailles, 1790. 8º. Ac. 525/2. Publiée...par C. De Robillard de Beaurepaire. Rouen, 1870. 8º. Ac. 6890/2. Précis analytique des travaux de l'Académie... depuis sa fondation en 1744, jusqu'à l'époque de sa restaura!ion le COQUELIN (F. B.) Histoire de l'Abbaye de St. Michel du 29 Juin, 1803, précédé de l'histoire de l'Académie par Tréport...Publiée...avec une introduction et des notes M. Gosseaume. 5 tom. Rouen, 1814-21. 8º. Ac. 525. par C. Lormier. Rouen, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 6890/11. In progress. · Précis analytique des travaux de l'Académie... pendant DELISLE (LÉOPOLD VICTOR) Actes Normands de la Chambre l'année 1804, etc. Rouen, 1807, etc. &c. 525. des Comptes sous Philippe de Valois (1328–1350): pu- In progress. bliés pour la première fois, par L. Delisle. Commission Départementale des Antiquités de la Rouen, 1871. 8°. Ac. 6890. Seine-Inférieure. ÉTIENNE, de Rouen. Le Dragon Normand et autres Procès-verbaux (1818-66.) 2 tom. poèmes,... publiés par M. H. Omont. Lat. pp. 260. Rouen, 1864-67. 8º. Ac. 5339/2. Rouen, 1884. 8º. Ac. 6890/14. Bulletin, etc. Rouen, 1868, etc. 8°, Ac. 5339. HUYNES (MARTIN JEAN) Histoire générale de l'Abbaye In progress. du Mont-St. Michel au péril de la mer... Publiée... avec Commission des Antiquités de la Seine-Inférieure. une introduction et des notes par E. de Robillard de Beaurepaire. 2 tom. Rouen, 1872–73. 8º. See supra : Commission Départementale des Anti- Ac. 6890/3. quités, etc. MERVAL (STÉPHANO DE) Documents relatifs à la fonda- Confraternité de la Conception de Notre Dame, after tion du Havre. Recueillis et publiés par S. de Merval. wards Académie des Palinods. Rouen, 1875. 8º. Ac. 6890/7. See BALLIN (A. G.) Notice historique sur l'Académie des PETER, Saint and Apostle, Abbey of, at Jumièges. Histoire Palinods, etc. 1834. 8º. 741. c.' de l'Abbaye Royale de Saint-Pierre de Jumièges par un Religieux bénédictin de la Congrégation de Saint-Maur. Approbacio et confirmació apostolique de la cofrarie Publiée... par l'Abbé J. Loth. Rouen, 1882, etc. 8º. associatio et statutz de la noble & devote confraternite de la coceptio Nostre Dame instituee a presēt en l'Eglise In progress. Ác. 6890/13. de nostre dame du Carme a Ronen avec ottroy de grans PORÉE ( ) Abbé. Chronique du Bec (Fragment pardons... par nostre saint pere le pape moderne, etc. da la Chronique,...publié par d'Achery) et Chronique *. L. [Rouen, 1521.] 8º. C. 25. d. 12. de François Carré, publiées... par l'Abbé Porée. Lat. 26 leaves.-Only one other copy of this book is known, viz. that in the possession of the Academy of Rouen. pp. xxvii. 287. Rouen, 1883. gº. Ac. 6890/16. RICHER (JEAN) Printer Documents concernant la Nor- Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. mandie, extraits du “Mercure François," 1605–1644, Actes... Publiés sous les auspices de l'Administration publiées avec une introduction et des notes par A. Héron. Municipale (tom. 1–3] par F. A. Pouchet... Directeur du pp. xxxiii. 391. Rouen, 1883. 89. Ac. 6890/15. Muséum, etc. (tom. 4, etc. by G. Pennetier). Rouen, 1862, etc. Ac. 2859/2. ROBERTUS, de Torinnes. Chronique de Robert de Torigni, Abbé du Mont-Saint-Michel, suivie de divers opuscules In progress. historiques de cet auteur et de plusieurs religieux de la Société d'Agriculture du Département de la Seine même abbaye. Le tout publié... par L. Delisle. 2 tom. Inférieure, afterwards Société Centrale d'Agri- Lat. Rouen, 1872, 73. 8º. Ac. 6890/4. culture, etc. Mémorial d'Agriculture et d'industrie du département ROBILLARD DE BEAUREPAIRE (CHARLES DE Cahiers des de la Seine Inférieure. Tom. 1. 1819, 20. États de Normandie sous le règne de Henri iv. Docu- Rouen, 1819–20. 8º. Ac. 3411. (1.) ments relatifs à ces assemblées recueillis et annotés par (Continued as: Ch. de Robillard de Beaurepaire. 2 tom. Extrait des Travaux de la Société Centrale...contenant Rouen, 1880–82. 8º. Ac. 6890/12. les cahiers et les séances publiques, 1821, 25. tom. 2, 3. Rouen, 1824, 27. 8º. Ac. 3411/2. ROBILLARD DE BEAUREPAIRE (CHARLES DE) Cahiers des A presentation copy to the Duchess de Berry. États de Normandie sous le règne de Lonis XIII., et de Louis xiv. Documents relatifs à ces assemblées, recueillis Séance publique... tenue 10 Mai, 1820. et annotés par C. de Robillard de Beaurepaire. 3 tom. Rouen, 1820. 8º. Ac. 3411. (2.) Rouen, 1876–78. 8º. Ac. 6890/8. Société de l'Histoire de Normandie. THOMAS (PIERRE) Sieur Du Fossé. Mémoires de Pierre Bulletin, etc. Rouen, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 6890/20. Thomas, Sieur Du Fossé, publiés...d'après le manuscrit In progress. original avec une introduction et des notes par F. Bou- quet. 4 tom. Rouen, 1876–79. 8º. Ac. 6890/10. BETHENCOURT (JEAN DE) Baron de Saint Martin Gaillard. Le Canarien, livre de la conquête et conversion des TOUSTAIN DE BILLY (RENÉ) Histoire ecclésiastique du Canaries, 1402–1422... publié d'après le manuscrit origi Diocèse de Coutances... Publiée pour la première fois nal, avec introduction et potes par G. Gravier. With a par F. Dolbet: Rouen, Évreux (printed], 1874, etc. 8º. map:] Rouen, 1874. 4º. Ac. 6890/5. In progress. Ac. 6890/6. 885 ACADEMIES. (ROUEN–ROVIGO.] 886 ROUEN [CONTINUED). ROUEN (CONTINUED). Société des Amis des Sciences naturelles. Société libre d'émulation, etc. Société des Amis des Sciences naturelles de Rouen [Trans Exposition régionale de Rouen. Catalogue général des actions. Année 1-10. 1865–74. Rouen, 1866–74. 8º. objets et produits exposés. Rouen, [1859.] 12º. Bulletin de la Société, etc. Rouen, 1875, etc. 8º. 7956. b. In progress. Ac. 2859. Rapports des Jurys sur l'Exposition régionale de Rouen. Rouen, 1861. 8º. MOCQUERYS (s.) 7957. bb. Recueil de coléoptères anormaux... Réimprimé par les soins de la Société des Amis des Rapport de la Commission chargée d'examiner le procédé Sciences naturelles de Rouen. Avec introduction par proposé par M. Rivière pour la vérification des alcoo- ...J. Bourgeois. pp. xvi. 142. Rouen, 1880. 8º. mètres, par M. E. Ducastel, Rapporteur. [With two 7297. f. 3. plates.] Rouen, [1862.] 8º. Ac. 527/2. Société des Bibliophiles Normands. Rapport de la Commission chargée d'examiner la com- Approbation et confirmation par le Pape Léon x. des munication de M. Thomas, relative à la vérification des Statuts et Priviléges de la Confrérie de l'Immaculée con- alcoomètres, par M. E. Duoastel, Rapporteur. ception dite Académie des Palinods instituée à Rouen. Rouen, [1862.] 8º. Ac. 527/3. Publié d'après un édition Gothique du XVI. siècle, avec une notice historique et bibliographique par E. Frère. DEVILLE (JEAN ACHILLE) Rapport sur le monument à Rouen, 1864. 8º." Ac. 8938. élever à Pierre Corneille, lu à la Société libre d'émula- Only fifty copies printed. tion de Rouen, le 15 Avril 1829. Rouen, 1830. 8º. L'Entrée de Henri II., Roi de France à Rouen, au mois 7875. bb. 20. (2.) d'Octobre 1550. Imprimé pour la première fois d'après DEVILLE (JEAN ACHILLE) Précis historique sur la statue un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de Rouen. Orné de dix de P. Corneille érigée à Rouen,...en 1834. planches... par L. de Merval; accompagné de notes... Rouen, 1838. 8º. 7875. bb. 20. (1.) par S. de Merval. Rouen, 1868. 4º. Ac. 8938/3. Société Normande de Géographie. Les Élégies de Jean Doublet, Dieppois, reproduites d'après l'édition de 1559, avec la vie du poète par G. Col- Bulletin de l'année 1879, etc. Rouen, 1879, etc. 8º. letet, une préface et des notes par P. Blanchemain. In progress. Ac. 6040. Rouen, 1869. 8º. Ac. 8938/2. Only fifty copies printed. Société Rouennaise de Bibliophiles. Description des antiqnités et singularités de... Rouen. Bibliotheca Bigotiana Manuscripta. Catalogue des ma- Par J. Gomboust, 1655. Précédée d'une étude sur les nuscrits rassemblés au XVIIIe siècle par les Bigot (i.e. plans et vues de Rouen,... par J. Adeline. Eaux-fortes Jean, Nicolas, and Louis Émery Bigot]... publié et de J. Adeline, etc. Rouen, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 8939. annoté par Léopold Delisle. Rouen, 1877. 4º. In progress. Only forty copies printed. Ac. 8938/4. Le Mercure de Gaillon (ou Recueil des pièces curieuses, Trois cent soixante et six apologues d'Esope, traduicts en tant hiérarchiques que politiques). Avec introduction rithme françoise par Maistre Guillaume Haudent, ré par N. Périaux. Rouen, 1876. 8º. Ac. 8939/2. produits fidèlement, texte et figures d'après l'édition de A reprint of the edition published at Gaillon in 1644. 1547, avec introduction...et glossaire par C. Lormier. Rouen, 1877. 4º. Ac. 8938/5. Poésies d'Antoine Corneille, publiées d'après l'édition Only forty copies printed. de 1647, avec une notice et des notes, par P. Blanche- main. Rouen, 1877. 8º. Ac. 8939/3. Société Industrielle de Rouen. Histoire de la Réformation à Dieppe, 1557–1657. Par Bulletin. Rouen, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 4412. Guillaume et Jean Duval...Publiée pour la première In progress. fois, avec une introduction et des notes par E. Lesens. 2 tom. Rouen, 1878–79. 8º. Ac. 8939/4. Société libre d'Émulation, du Commerce, et de l'In- dustrie de la Seine Inférieure. Euvres de Henri d’Andeli, trouvère Normand du xiire. siècle, publiées avec introduction, variantes, notes et Séance publique...1810(-36). 27 vol. glossaire par A. Héron. L. P. pp. cxxi. 207. Rouen, 1810–36. 8º. Ac. 527. Paris, Rouen (printed], 1881. 80. 11498. g. 9. Bulletins de la Société...1837-41. 5 vol. Only forty copies printed for sale. Rouen, 1837-41. 8º. Chansons de Roger d'Andeli, Seigneur normand des xije [Continued as:] Bulletin des travaux de la Société...1842–72. 30 vol. et XIIe siècles, publiées avec introduction, variantes et glossaire par A. Héron. L. P. pp. lxiv. 14. Rouen, 1843–73. 8º. [Continued as :7 Paris, 1883. 4º. 11498. i. 3. Bulletin de la Société...1873, etc. Rouen, 1874, etc. 80. Only forty copies printed for sale. Ac. 527. In progress.—No titlepages or indexes have been published Société royale d'Agriculture de la généralité de for Année 1867–68, or 1869–70. Rouen. Délibérations et Mémoires. Tom. 1. Rouen, 1763. 8º. Mémoire où l'on expose les motifs propres à déterminer 255. f. 28. le gouvernement à établir une école spéciale d'Astro- nomie dans Rouen. Rouen, An iy. (1996.) 4°. 936. f. 13. (7.) ROVIGO. Rapport sur l'Exposition Universelle de 1855; suivi de la liste des exposants de la Seine-Inférieure, avec l'in- Accademici Conc dication des objets.exposés et des récompenses accordées, Raccolta di componimenti poetici ... umiliata ... a... par MM. J. Girardin, Cordier et E. Burel. Marco Foscarini ... nell' occasione del suo pubblico Rouen, 1856. 8º. solenne ingresso alla dignità di Procurator di S. The half-title reads : “ Bulletin de la Société libre d'Ému Marco. Ital. and Lat. Padova, 1742. 4º. lation : année 1855-1856." 77. f. 7. (2.) lier et de son 7 950ore dÉmu 887 ACADEMIES. [ROVIGO- : : 888 -SAINT COLUMB.] . ROVIGO [CONTINUED). SAINT ANDREWS [CONTINUED). Collegium Jurisconsultorum Rhodiginorum. University of St. Andrews. Leges et Decreta Excellentiss. Collegii Jurisconsultorü Togati in Academia Andreana, 1840–41. pp. 12. Rhodiginorū. [Edited by B. Bonifaccio, Bishop of Capo G. S. Tullis : Cupri-Fifanornm, 1841. gº. d'Istria.] Patavii, 1608. 4º. 5107. cc. (2.) 8304. d. 10. (4.) Discipulorum nomina in Collegio S. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi in Academia Andreana, 1842(-1846). 4.pt. RUSSIA. A. Reid: Andreapoli, 1845. 8º. 8366. bbb. 6. Apxeoroiuuecxiŭ C71307. A brief inquiry into the rights and privileges of the Tpydh nepBaro (etc.) Apxeodor TECKaro Cát3ja . .. Foundation Bursars of the United College of St. Salva- (Vols. 1, 2.) 1372HHI 106 pejakyieit rp. A. C. YBapoba. tors and St. Leonards, St. Andrews... Reprinted from Mockea, 1871, etc. 4º. Ac. 5576. the “ Dundee Warder," etc. pp. 15. Warder Office : Dundee, 1842. 8°. 8304. d. 10. (5.) — [Plates.] fol. 14001, d. In progress. A true account of the regulation and management of the Foundation Bursaries of the United College, St. SACAVEM. Andrews ... being a reply to a pamphlet ... entitled : “A brief inquiry into the rights and privileges of the Academia dos Obsequiosos. Foundation Bursars"... By a Bursar of the College Sessoens publicas (literarias) dos Obsequiosos da Acade- [C. Roger], etc. pp. 23. M. Fletcher, etc. : mia de Sacavem, etc. [Edited by J. Dias Tallaia Sotto- St. Andrews ; Dundee (printed], 1843. 8º. Maior.] 3 tom. Lisboa, 1784-91. 4º. AC. 8910. 8304. d. 10. (6.) The grievance of University Tests, as set forth in the proceedings of the Presbytery of St. Andrews. With an authentic copy of the libel in the case of Sir D. SACRAMENTO. Brewster. Edinburgh, 1845. 8º. · 1354. f. California State Agricultural Society. University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews Graduates' Transactions, etc. 8 pt. Sacramento, 1859–70. 8º. Association. Ac. 3535. St. Andrews Graduates' Association. Proceedings, 1875-6. Odell & Ives : London, 1876, etc. 8º. SAINT ALBANS. In progress. 8366. dd. Saint Albans Architectural and Archäological St. Andrews Medical Graduates' Association. Trans- Society. actions, 1867. Edited by L. W. Sedgwick. See supra : Northampton Architectural Society of London, 1868. gº. Ac. 3852. the Archdeaconry of Northampton. In progress. Reports and papers read at the meetings of the Archi- SAINT BEES.. tectural Societies of the Archdeaconry of Northampton ...and of the Architectural and Archäological Societies Saint Bees College. of Bedfordshire and Saint Albans during...1850. The Saint Bees College Calendar for the Year 1851, (1851.] 8º. 7820. f. etc. London (Manchester printed], 1851, etc. 8º. Three papers read at a meeting of the St. Albans Archi- P.P. 2506. dl. In progress. tectural and Archäological Society, October 23, 1850. London, 1851. 8º. 4705. e. SAINT-BRIEUC. Containing two papers only. Société Archéologique et Historique des Côtes-du- LOWE (R. GROVE A description of the Roman Theatre Nord. of Verulam. London, 1848. 89. 11795. f. Annales. No. 1, 2. Saint Brieuc, 1842, 43. 8º. Ac. 5294. Mémoires. 6 tom. Saint Brieuc, 1852–74. 8º. SAINT ANDREWS. - Deuxième Série. Tom. 1, etc. 1883, etc. 8º. University of St. Andrews. In progress. Ac. 5294/2. Inventories of buikis in the colleges of Sanctandrois, ROPARTZ (SIGISMOND) Saint-Cast. Recueil de pièces offi- 1588–1612. See supra : GLASGOW.–Maitland Club. Mis cielles et de documents contemporains relatifs au com- cellany of the Maitland Club, etc. vol. 1. bat du 11 Septembre 1758. Saint-Brieuc, 1858. 8º. 1834, etc. 4º. Ac. 8253/25. 9210. e. Société d'Émulation des Côtes-du-Nord. Antiquissimæ celeberrimæque Academiæ Andreanæ Mémoires. Saint-Brieuc (printed], Paris, 1865, etc. 8º. Xaplotnpla. In adventum ... Jacobi primi, Magnæ Bri- In progress. | Ae. 529. tanniæ...monarchæ, etc. Edinburgi, 1617. 4º. 1070. m. 8. Trésors archéologiques de l'Armorique occidentale. [Another copy.] 237. g. 17. Album en chromolithographie, etc. Saint-Brieuc, [1882, etc.] fol. 257. St. Andrews' University Calendar from 1800 to 1853. In progress. (1873–74, etc.--Supplement...for 1879–80.) P.P. 2511. 1. In progress. SAINT COLUMB. Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Universitatis An- | Cornwall Medical Association. dreanæ secundum literarum ordinem dispositus. Transactions (for the year ending the 8th of February, [St. Andrews,] 1826. fol. 620. k. 9. 1842). St. Còlumb, 1842. 8º. 7679. c. 889 ACADEMIES. [SAINTES SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI.] 890 nder the submith abstyaol. 2, 1894. ador thogical O. F. SP 19184247 SAINTES. SAINT GALL [CONTINUED). Société des Archives Historiques de la Saintonge St.-Gallisch - Appenzellische Gemeinnützige Ge- et de l'Aunis. sellschaft. Archives Historiques de la Saintonge et de l'Aunis. Verhandlungen der St. Gallisch-Appenzellischen gemein- Saintes, Poitiers (printed], 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 6892. nützigen Gesellschaft an der Hauptversammlung, etc.. In progress. 1845-52, 54–58. St. Gallen und Bern, [1845-]1858. 8º. . [In 1867 reorganized as the] Société des Arts, Sciences et Belles-Lettres. St. Gallische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft. Annuaire, etc. Saintes, 1869, etc. 8°. Ac. 528. Verhandlungen, etc. St. Gallen, 1868, etc. 8º. In progress. In progress. Ac. 4422. St. Gallische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft. SAINT-ÉTIENNE, See supra: St.-Gallisch-Appenzellische Gemein- nützige Gesellschaft. Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Industrie, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du Département de la Loire. SAINT HELENA. Annales de la Société, etc. Saint-Étienne, 1857, etc. 89. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Saint- Ac. 359. Helena. In progress. In vol. 1-6 the "Annales" and "Mémoires" Proceedings, etc. 7 pt. St. Helena, 1823–31. 4º. have each a separate pagination. 7076. aa. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Observations made (1840–42 by J. H. Lefroy, 1842-47 SAINT GALL. by W. J. Smythe, and from 1847 by H. F. Strange) at Historischer Verein. the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at St. Helena. Printed ... under the superintendence of... Mittheilungen zur vaterländischen Geschichte. Heraus- E. Sabine. Vol. 1. 1840-1843, with abstracts of the gegeben vom historischen Verein in St. Gallen. observations from 1840 to 1845 inclusive. (Vol. 2, 1844 St. Gallen, 1862, etc. 8°. Ac. 6970. to 1849, with discussions of the observations at St. In progress. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, the Falkland Islands, Die Schweiz unter den Römern. Herausgegeben vom Carlton Fort in North America, and Pekin.) Historischen Verein in St. Gallen, etc. London, 1847, etc. 4°. In progress. 8752. g. St. Gallen, 1862. 4°. Ac. 6970/6. Das Kloster St. Gallen. Herausgegeben vom Histo- SAINT HÉLIER. rischen Verein in St. Gallen, etc. 2 pts. Société Jersiaise. St. Gallen, 1863, 64. 4º. Ac. 6970/7. Bulletin annuel. [St. Hélier, 1875, etc.] 8º. J. L. Custer, helvetischer Finanzminister, Kantons- und In progress. Ac. 8140/2. Erziehungsrath und Wohlthäter des Rheinthals. He Société Jersiaise. Extente de l'Île de Jersey. 1331. rausgegeben vom historischen Verein in St. Gallen.' Édouard III. St. Hélier, 1876, etc. 4º. Ac. 8140. St. Gallen, 1871. 4º. 10706. m. In progress. Joachim von Watt als Geschichtschreiber. Von anfang, SAINT-JEAN-D'ANGÉLY. gelegenheit, regiment und handlung der weiterkannten frommen statt zu Sant Gallen... Mit einer Tafel. Société Linnéenne de la Charente-Inférieure. St. Gallen, 1873. 4º. Ac. 6970/5. Bulletin, etc. Saint-Jean-d'Angély, 1877, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2851. P. Ildefons von Arx, der Geschichtschreiber des Kantons St. Gallen. Ein Lebensbild aus der Zeit der Umwäl- zung. St. Gallen, 1874. 4°. 4887. f. SAINT-JEAN-DE-MAURIENNE. Das Toggenburg unter äbtischer Herrschaft. Heraus- Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la Maurienne. gegeben vom historischen Verein in St. Gallen, etc. Travaux de la Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de la St. Gallen, 1875. 4º. Ac. 6970/8. Maurienne, Savoie. St.-Jean-de-Maurienne, 1878, 1860, etc. 8°. Ac. 6971. St. Gallens Antheil an den Burgunderkriegen. In progress.—The “ Premier Bulletin” is of the second St. Gallen, 1876. 4º. Ac. 6970/10. edition. Das Psalterium Aureum von Sanct Gallen. Ein Beitrag SAINT LO. zur Geschichte der Karolingischen Miniaturmalerei. Société d'Agriculture, d'Archéologie et d'Histoire [Coloured plates and woodcuts.] Mit Text von J. R. Naturelle du Département de la Manche. Rahn. St. Gallen, 1878. 4º. 1894. e. 21. Notices, mémoires et documents publiés par la Société Antistes Scherrer und seine Vorfahren. Ein St. Gal- d'Agriculture, etc. Saint Lo, 1851, etc. 80. Ac. 531. lisches Predigergeschlecht aus vergangenen Tagen. In progress. pp. 39. St. Gallen, 1882. 4º. Ac. 6970/11. SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI. NAEF (AUGUST) Sanct Gallische Denkmünzen. Be- l Academy of Science. schreiben und erläutert von A. Naef. St. Gallen, 1871. fol. 79. fol." von Ao Nacle The Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Lonis. 7756. g. St. Louis, 1857, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3061. WATT (JOACHIM VON) Joachim V. Watt - Vadian. Contributions to the archæology of Missouri, by the Ar- Deutsche Historische Schriften . . . herausgegeben von chæological Section of the St. Louis Academy of Science. E. Götzinger. 3 Bde. St. Gallen, 1875–79. 80. G. A. Bates : Salem, Mass., 1880, etc. 4º. Ac. 6970/4. In progress. 292. 891 ACADEMIES. [SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI-SAINT PETERSBURG.] 892 . SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI (CONTINUED).. SAINT OMER [CONTINUED). Washington University. Société de Antiquaires de la Morinie. Inauguration of Washington University at Saint Louis, LAPLANE (HENRI DE) Les Abbés de Saint Bertin d'après Missouri. April 23, 1857. Boston, Mass.), 1857. 8º. les anciens monuments de ce monastère. 2 vol. 8366. d. 1. Saint-Omer, 1854, 55. 8º. 4866. dd. A Catalogue of the officers, students, and courses of study in the several departments of Washington University, for...1872–73. St. Louis, 1873. 80. 8364. aaa. 1. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. Minnesota Historical Society. Proceedings of the... Society, from its organization, SAINT NICHOLAS. November 15, 1849, to the admission of the state, May 11, 1858. Saint Paul, 1878. 8º. Ac. 8405/5. Cercle Archéologique du Pays de Waes. See infra : Oudheidskundige Kring van het Land Annals of the Minnesota Historical Society, for the year van Waes. A.D. 1850–1, etc. pp. 184. D. A. Robertson : St. Paul, 1851. 8º. Ac. 8405/6. De Goudbloem. Collections of the... Society, etc. Gedichten en Uitgalmingen, bekroonde en onbekroonde Saint Paul, 1867, etc. 8°. In progress. Ac. 8405. Lettervruchten, ingezonden ten plegtigen Wedstryde van Dicht- en Letterkunde door de aloude Maetschappy Annual report... to the Legislature of Minnesota for... de Goudbloem, te St Nicolaes, met Deelneming van's 1877. Minneapolis, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 8405/3. Lands Bestier, op Zondag 18, en Meendag 19 February In progress. 1849 beroepen, en door menigvuldige Schryvers beant- The Carver Centenary, an account of the celebration, by woord. [Edited by E. J. Landrien.] the Minnesota Historical Society, of the one hundredth Audenaerde, (1849.] 8º. 11556. C. anniversary of the Council and Treaty of Capt. Jonathan Oudheidskundige Kring van het Land van Waes. Carver with the Naudowessies, etc. Saint Paul, 1867. 8º. 9602. bbb. Annalen, etc. Annales, etc. Dutch and Fr. Only 250 copies printed. St. Nicolas, (1862, etc.] 8°. In progress. Ac. 5534. Charter, constitution and by-laws of the... Society. Buitengewoone Uitgaven van den Oudheidskundigen Saint Paul, 1868. 8º. Ac. 8405/4. Kring van het Land van Waes. Minnesota Historical Society. [A circular letter stating St. Nikolas, (1862, etc.] 8º. Ac. 5534/2. the amount of the damage by fire sustained by the In progress. Society's Library and Museum.] Saint Paul, (1881.] 8º. Archives des familles du pays de Waes. AC. 8405/7. St. Nicolas, 1864, etc. 40. Ac. 5534/4. In progress. · SAINT PETERSBURG. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. SAINT-OMER. See GRECH (N. 1.) Pascuorpbuie kuuri : Ouwtb 06e- Société d'Agriculture de l'Arrondissement de Saint- сравнительной грамматики Русскаго языка, изданный Вторымъ Отдѣленіемъ Императорской Академії Наукъ. Omer. 1856. 8º. 12976. i. 20. (7.) Mémoires. Tom. 1. Saint-Omer, 1837. 8º. Ao. 3412. Sermones in primo solenni Academiæ . . . conventu, Société des Antiquaires de la Morinie. 27 Decembris, 1725, publice recitati. Petropoli, [1726.] 40. Ac. 1124/2. (1.) Mémoires. Saint Omer, 1834, etc. Ac. 5318. In progress. [Another copy.] 436. c. 12. - Atlas. Tom. 5, 6, 7, 9. Saint Omer, 1841-54. 40. Commentarii Academiæ Scientiarum Imperialis Petro- Bulletin Historique. Saint Omer, 1852, &c. 8º." politanæ...1726-1746). 14 tom. In progress. Ac. 5318/2. Petropoli, 1728-51. 4º." 431. f. 1-14. Tables des Bulletins & Mémoires publiées par la Société, [Another copy.] T.C. 7. a. 1. .:. par E. Dramard. pp. 124. Saint-Omer, 1883. 8º. Novi Commentarii...1747-1775. 20 tom. Ac. 5318/6. Petropolë, 1750–77. 4°. Le livre des usaiges et anciennes coustumes de la Conté 431. f. 15–17; g. 1–16; h. 1, 2. de Guysnes, avec une introduction et des notes par M. [Another copy.] T.C. 7. a. 15. Tailliar...et un aperçu historique sur le Comté de Guines, par M. Courtois. Saint Omer, 1856. 8º. 5425. f. Acta Academiæ Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae pro anno 1777(-1782). 12 vol. Petropoli, 1778–86. 4°. Cartulaires de l'Église de Térouane publiés par T. Du- 431. h. 3-8. chet & A. Giry. pp. 437. Saint-Omer, 1881. 4º. [Another copy.] T.C. 8. a. 11. Ac. 5318/4. Nova Acta... Praecedit historia... Academiae ad annum DESCHAMPS DE PAS (LOUIS) Recherches historiques sur 1783(-1802). 15 tom. Petropoli, 1787–1806. 4º. les établissements hospitaliers de la ville de Saint-Omer, 431. h. 9-15. & i. 1-8. depuis leur origine jusqu'à...l'an v. (1797.) Saint-Omer (printed), Paris, 1877. 80. T.C. 8. a. 23. [Another copy.] Ac. 5318/3. Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences. . . Avec DRAMARD (E.) Notice historique sur la Société.. et sur l'histoire de l'Académie pour les années 1803–22. 11 ses travaux, par E. Dramard. pp. 238. tom. St. Pétersbourg, 1809–30. 4º. Saint-Omer, 1882. 8º. Ac. 5318/5. T. Č. 9. a. 14-20. & Ac. 1125. Tom. 11 has a second titlepage, as follows : “ Mémoires HERMAND (ALEXANDRE) and DESCHAMPS DE PAS (L.) His- posthumes de L. Euler, F.T. Schubert & N. Fuss." toire sigillaire de la Ville de Saint-Omer, etc. Paris, 1860. 4º. 7707. e. 6. ! [Another copy of tom. 1-6.] 462. h. 13–18. 893 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] 894 SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED]. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. Mémoires. ..Şixième Série. Serenissimae ... omnium Russorum Imperatricis Elisa- - Sciences Mathématiques, Physiques et Naturelles. betae ... initi rezni solemnia annua Academia Scienti- arum publico conventu D. XXVI. Novembr. celebrat. 10 tom. (Oratio de meteoris vi electrica ortis. Anctore M. - Sciences Politiques, Histoire et Philologie. 9 tom. Lomonossow habita... Respondet et de meteoris insolitis St. Pétersbourg, 1831-59. 4º. Ac. 1125/2. · sibi observatis disserit A. N. Grisclow.) Tom. 3–10 of the “ Sciences Mathématiques, etc.” are Petropoli, [1755.] 4º. Ac. 1124, 2. (6.) each divided into 2 pts., the first being “ Sciences Mathé- matiques et Physiques," and the second, “Sciences Natu- Dissertationum Experimentalium ex Corriment. Acad. relles," each having a distinct titlepage, pagination and Imperial. Petropol. excerptarum. Tomus I. Accedit register ; and also provided with a distinct numeration as Dissertatio Experimentalis de Electricitatis theoria et tom. 1-8 of this subdivision. Of tom. 10 only pt. 2 usu, quam ... defendit A. L. B. Pongracz ... A. 1762. (“ Sciences Naturelles," tom. 8) was published. die 10. Sept. 2 pt. Vindobonae, [1762.] 4º. Imperfect; wanting tom. 2 and 3. 538. 1. 7. Mémoires...viie, série. Россійская Пѣтоись по списку Сорейскому Великаго Saint-Pétersbourg, 1859, etc. 4°. Ac. 1125/3. Новаграда въ продолженіе издаваемыхъ манускриптовы In progress. Библіотеки Академіі Наукъ по ея повеленію. Часть 1. 67 Cahimnemepáypin, 1795. 4º. 1312. i. Bulletin de l'Académie, etc. No more published. St. Pétersbourg, 1860, etc. 4°. Ac. 1125/44 Полное собраніе ученыхъ путешествій по Россін, изда- In progress. Baemoe Ymepatopckoo Akatemiero Haykh...Ch upamt- yanismII, 1131Acheniamy I donojheniamy. [Edited by Sermo panegyricus in solenni Academiæ . . . conventu V. M. Severgin. Tom. 6 and 7 translated from the die V. Maii anni 1731 publice recitatus. L. P. German by P. Petrov.] Tom. 1-7. Petropoli, 1731. 4º. 12301. m. 11. 80 Caukmnemenoypin, 1818–25. 8º. Ac. 1125/37. No more published. Imperfect; wanting two atlases. Musei Imperialis Petropolitani vol. 1(-2). [The official catalogue of its contenti.] 6 pt. Recneil des actes de la séance solennelle de l'Académie Typis Academiae Scientiarum Petropolitanae, ...tenue à l'occasion de sa fête séculaire le 29 décembre 1826. (Recueil des actes de la séance publique de ... [Saint Petersburg,] 1741–45. 8°. 1044. a. 1–6. 1827–1848. Compte rendu des travaux de l'académie Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and syllabus of pt. 3 of pour les années 1823–1847.) 21 vol. vol. 1, which have been supplied in Ms. [St. Petersburg,] 1827-48. 4º. Ac. 1125/5. Палаты Санктпетербургской Императорской Академія Mémoires présentés à l'Académie Impériale des sciences Наукъ библіотеки | кунсткамеры сь кратких'показа- de St. Pétersboury, par divers savants, et lus dans ses ніемъ всѣхъ находящихся въ нихъ художественныхъ и assemblées. 9 tom. Saint Pétersbourg, 1831-59. 4º. HarypajúibIX'Beulei. 80 Cankmnemepoypin, 1743. 4º. Ac. 1125/4. Ac. 1124. Bulletin scientifique publié par l'Académie Impériale des Conspectus aedium Imperialis Academiae Scient. Petro Sciences ... et rédigé par son secrétaire perpétuel [P. H. politanae ; nec non bibliothecæ et technophylacii; una Fuss). 10 tom. cum summario indice rerum artificiosarum et naturalium Saint-Pétersbourg et Leipzig, [1836]-42. 4º. ibi conservatarum, et. Petropoli, 1744. 4º. Discontinued. Ac. 1125,6. 123. e. 25. (1.) Historica Russiae Monumenta ex antiquis exterarum Serenissimae .. Russiarum Imperatricis Elisabetae ... gentium archivis deprompta ab A. I. Turgenevio. nomini sacrum diem Academia Scientiarum publico А кты исторические относяцціеся къ Россіи, извлеченные conventu die VI. Septembris solemnibus sermonibus изь инностранныхъ Архивовъ и БибліотекЬ А. И. celebrat. (C. G. Kratzenstein sermo academicus de suis TypreheBhMh. [Edited by A. Kh. Vostokov.] 2 tom. noviter inventus in arte nautica. De artis nauticae Petropoli, 1841, 42. 4°. 1313. m. progressi in longitudine et latitudine maris determi · Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathématique de l'Aca- nandis disserit et academicorum nomine ad C. G. Kratz démie ... des Sciences . . . rédigé par son seciétaire enstein sermonem respondet A. N. Grischow.) perpétuel [P. H. Fuss]. 17 tum. Petropoli, 1751. 4º. Ac. 1124/2. (4.) St. Pétersbourg, 1843-59. 4°. Ac. 1125/8. No more published. Verzeichniss derjenigen Bücher, die bisher bey der Mélanges biologiques tirés du Bulletin Physico-Mathé- Kayserlichen Academie der Wissenschaften zu St. matique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersburg auf eigenen Verlag gedruckt worden, und im Buchladen zu finden sind. St. Petersburg, 1748. 80. Pétersbourg. St. Pétersbourg, 1850, etc. 8º. 350. a. (14.) In progress. Ac. 1125/14. Mélanges inathématiques et astronomiques tirés du Планъ столичнато города Санктпетербурга, съ изображе- Bulletin Physico-Mathématique de l'Académie Impériale ніемъ знатній ш их"ь онаго Проспектовъ изданный трудами des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. Императорской Аладемії Наукъ и Художествъ. Plan de St. Pétersbourg, 1850, etc. 8º. Ac. 1125/9. la Ville de St. Pétersbourg avec ses principales rues, etc. [With a table, Russ. and Fr.] St. Pétersbourg, 1753. In progress. fol. 551 f. 22. Mélanges physiques et chimiques tirés du Bulletin The Plan is on a series of sheets numbered 1-9. The Physico-Mathématique de l'Académie Impériale des Views are on 12 sheets, without numeration. Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. St. Pétersbourg, 1849, etc. 8º. Ac. 1125/13. Diem felicem Augustissimo nomini Elisabetae... publico In progress. conventu sermonibus solemnibus celebrat Academia ... Coup d'oeil historique sur le dernier quart-de-siècle de Sept. 6. 1755, (Sermo de parallaxi coelestium corporum l'existence de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint- sive de via ad distantias et magnitudinas eorum defini Pétersbourg. Discours prononcé ... le 12/24 Janvier endas apud astronomos celeberrima habitus ab-A. N. 1843 par P. H. Fuss, secrétaire perpétuel. Grischow.) Petroburgi, (1755.] 4º. Ac. 1124/3. (1.) St. Pétersbourg, 1843. 8º. Ac. 1125/25. . . 895 89 6. ACADEMIES1 . [SAINT PETERSBURG.] . SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG (CONTINUED). Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. · Bulletin de la Classe historico-philologique de l'Acadé Сборникь статей читанныхъ въ Отдѣленіи. Русскаго языка mie Impériale des Sciences. (Compte rendu de l'Aca и Словесности И тиераторской Академія Наукъ. Том. 1-7. démie, etc.) Rédigé par son secrétaire perpétuel [P. H. Санктпетербург, 1867, etc. 89. Fuss). 16 ton. St. Petersbourg, 1844-59. 49. [Continued as:]: No more published. Ас. 1125/7. Сборникъ Отдѣленія Русскаго языка и словесности Императорской Академін Нау къ. Том. 8, etc. . Mélanges Asiatiques tirés du. Bulletin Historico-Philo Санктпетербург, 1872, etc. 8°. . Ас. 1125/39. logique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. In progress. Pétersbourg. St. Pétersbourg, 1849, etc. 8º. : Торжественное собраніе Императорской Академии Наукт In progress. Ас. 1125 /11. 1-го Декабря 1866 года, въ память столѣтней годовщині. рождения Н. М. Карамзина. Mélanges Gréco-Romains tirés du Bulletin Historico- Санктпетербург, 1867. 49. Ас. 1125 /32. Philologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. St. Pétersbourg, 185o, etc. 89. Метеорологической Сборникъ издаваемых Императорскою In progress. Ас. 1125 /12. Академіею Наукъ подъ редакціею Д-ра т. и. Вильда... Repertorium für Meteorologie, etc. · Mélanges Russes tirés du Bulletin Historico-Philologique Санктпетербург, 1870 [1869), etc. 49. 8752. е. de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. In progress. St. Pétersbourg, 1849, etc. 89. Ас. 1125/10. Tableau général méthodique et alphabétique des ma- In progress. tières contenues dans les publications de l'Académie Registre alphabétique des noms des auteurs dont les Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg depuis sa pièces sont insérées dans les différents recueils publiés fondation. 1re partie : Publications on langues étrangères. par l'Académie ... depuis sa fondation jusqu'à l'an 1846. — Часть II. : Сочинения на русскомъ Языкѣ. 2 pt. Signed : F., i.e. P. H. Fuss.] [St. Petersburg, ] 1846. 8º. St. Petersbourg, 1872-75. 89. 2050. е. Ас. 1125/16. Словарь церковно-славянскаго и русскаго языка, состав AHMAD IBN FUDHLÁN IBN ABBÁS IBN RASHID IBN HAMMAD ленный Вторымъ Отдѣленіемъ Императорской Академія called Ibn Fudhlán. Ibn Foszlan's und anderer Araber Наукъ. 4 том. Санктпетербуръ, 1847. 49. Berichte über die Russen älterer Zeit. Text und 1333. і. Ubersetzung mit ... Anmerkungen, nebst drei Beilagen Compte rendu de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences... über sogenannte Russen-Stämme und Kiew... ebenfalls Année 1849 (-53). Pаr М. Р. Н. Fuss. (Année 1854- nach arabischen Schriftstellern von C. E. Frähn ... 56. Par . . . A. de Middendorff. Année 1857 par C. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissen- Vesselovsky.) St. Pétersbourg, 1850-58. 89. schaften. pp. lxxxi. 281. 14566. с. в. No more published. Ас. 1125/15. AMOGHODAYA. Academiae Jenensi Saecularia tertia ... celebranda gratulatur Academia Caesarea Scientiarum Опытъ областнаго Великорусскаго Словаря, изданный Petropolitana. Carminis Indici « Vimalapracnottara- Вторымъ Отдѣленіемъ Императорской Академии Наукъ. ratnamâlâ," versio Tibetica [translated from the Sanskrit Санктпетербург, 1852. 49. 1333. 1. of Amoghodaja, by Kamalagupta and Rin-tschén-bzang- boj ab A. Schiefuer edita. Tibet. & Germ. Историческiя чтенія о языкѣ и словесности въ засѣданіяхъ Petropoli, 1858. 49. 760. 1. II-го Отдѣленiя Императорской Академіи Наукъ 1852 и 1853 (1854, etc.) гг. Санктпетербург, 1954, etc. 89. BOEHTLINGK (0.) and Roth (r.) Sanskrit-Wörterbuch In progress. Ас. 1125/34. herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, bearbeitet von 0. Böhtlingk und R. Матерiалы для сравнительнаго и объяснительнаго слова Roth. 7 Thle. St. Petersburg, 1853-75. 49. ря и грамматики. Изданіе II-го Отдѣленiя Император- 2115. f. ской Академии Наукъ. Редакторъ...И. И. Срезневскій. BUNYAKOVSKY (уктов YAKoүLEVІсн) Опытъ о законахъ Санктпетербург, 1854, etc. 49. 12903. і. смертности въ Россіни, пораспредѣленіи православнаго In progress. народонаселенiя по возрастамъ... ІІриложеніе къ ҮІІІ-му Ученыя записки Втораго Отдѣленiя Императорской Ака- тому Записокъ Имп. Академія Наукь, No. 6. Санктпетербург, [1865.7 80. гавь 80 демін Наукъ. Редакторъ...И. и. Срезневскій. 10290. е. Санктпетербург», 1854, etc. 89. Ас. 1125/33. CLAIRAUT (ALEXIS CLAUDE) Pièce qui a remporté le In progress. prix de l'Académie Impériale ... proposé en 1750 sur la question si toutes les inégalités qu'on a observées dans le Изслѣдования и замъчанія о древнихъ памятникахъ Старославянской Литературы [chiefly by І. І.Sreznevsky), mouvement de la lune, s'accordent avec la théorie читанныя въ засѣданіяхъ II-го Отдѣленiя Императорской Newtonienne ou non ? et quelle est la vraie Théorie, etc. Академии Наукъ. (Изъ І-ІV. тома извѣстій ІІ-го Отдѣ- St. Petersbourg; 1752. 49. Ас. 1124/2. (3.) ленiя императорской Академії наукь. ) DAVoipov (IVAN IVANOVІсн) Опыть общесравнительной Санктпетербург, 1856. 80. 7709. bb. 17. (1) грамматики Русскаго языка, изданный Вторымъ Отдѣ- деніемъ Императорской Академін. Наукъ. Изданіе Очеркъ исторiн Музеевъ Императорской Академін третie. Санктпетербуръ, 1854. 89. 12976. g. 18. Наукь. Санктпетербуръ, 1865. 89. 11852. gg. DERZHAVIN (GAYRIL ROMANоvІсн) Сочиненія Державина Торжественное собраніе Императорской Академії Наукъ сь объяснительным і примѣчаніяти я. Грота. Изданіе 29-го Декабря 1865 года. Рѣчни произнесенныя въ семъ Императорской Академії Наукъ. собраній. Санктпетербург, 1866. 49. Ас. 1125/31. Санктпетербург, 1864, etc. 49. Ас. 1125/19. In progress. Сборникъ Отдѣленія Русскаго Языка и Словесности DORN (BERNHARD) Das Asiatische Museum der Kaiser- Императорской Академія Нау къ. See infra: Сборникъ lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg. статей, читанныхъ въ Отдѣленiн Русскаго Языка и Von dem Director desselben Dr. B. Dorn. Словесност II, etc. St. Petersburg, 1846. 89. 787. h. 36. П 897 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] 898 г 17 5 SAINT PETERSBURG (CONTINUED]. SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED] Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. DORN (BERNHARD) Collection de Monnaies Sassanides L'ISLE (JOSEPH NICOLAS DE) Discours (on the Ptoleinaic de feu le Lieutenant-Général J. de Bartholomaei, repré and Copernican systems] lû dans l'Assemblée publique sentée d'après les pièces les plus ren arquables. Publiée de l'Académie des Sciences le 2 Mars, 1728, par M. De par B. D. ... Avec le portrait de M. de Bartholomaei et L'Isle, avec la réponse de M. Bernoulli. ... planches gravées. Seconde édition. St. Petersbourg, 1728. 49. Ас. 1124/2. (2) St. Pétersbourg, 1875. 49. Ас. 1125/43. LOMONOSOV (MIKHAIL VASIL’EVICH) I'pam mariỊka pyccharo EULER (JOHANN ALBRECHT) J. A. Euleri... Meditationes яуыка...М. В. Ломоносова, 1755 года. Издана Вторы МБ de motu Vertiginis Planetarum ac præcipue Veneris,... Отдѣленіемъ Императорской Академії Наук'ъ, В', восп0. in quæstionem...ab Academia Imperiali... pro præmio мІнаніе столѣтія русской грамматики. pp. lxxxiii. 150. propositаm, etc. Petropoli, 176o. 49. 50. і. 14. (1) С. Петербург, 1855-56]. 89. . 12976. h. 2. EULER (LEONHARD) Scientia navalis seu tractatus de construendis ac dirigendis navibus... Instar supplementi MEYER (CARL ANтом) Матерiалы къ ближайшему по- ad tom. I. Novorum commentar. Acad. s. I. 2 pt. знанію прозябаемости Российской Имперiн. Beiträge L. P. Petropoli, 1749. 49. 48. с. 13. zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches. [By C. A. Meyer, F. J. Ruprecht, C. Claus, and others.] (Heraus- EULER (JOHANN ALBRECHT) Theoria Motuum Lunae, gegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- nova Methodo pertractata, una cum Tabulis Astrono schaften.) 11 кник. St. Petersburg, 1844-59. 89. micis unde.. loca Lunae expedite computari possunt... 1253. е. studio...J. A. Eulo:r, W. L. Krafft, J. A. Lexell. Opus MOSTRAS (c.) Dictionnaire géographique de l'Empire dirigente L. Eulero. Petropoli, 1772. 4º. 50. i. '13. Ottoman. [Ellited by Laurent Brosset.] pp. xii. 241 Imperfect; wanting a plate. St. Pétersbourg, 1873. 89. 10126. ее. GRIMAUD (JEAN CHARLES MARGUERITE GUILLAUME DE) Mémoire sur la Nutrition, présenté à l'Académie ... MUELLER (GERHARD FRIEDRIcн) Описаніе Сибирскаго pour servir de réponse à la question plıy:iologique Царства и всѣхъ произшедшихъ въ немъ дѣтъ отъ начала proposée pour le prix de 1784... par M. de Grimaud. а особливо отъ покоренія ero Россійской Держав; но сі St. Pétersbourg, 1789. 49. 128. е. 5. времена... Вторымъ тисненіемъ. Liниг. 1. В Санктпетербург, 1787. 49. Ас. 125/33. KARAMZIN (NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH) IIirchMa H. M. Kapan- No more published. Зін на къ И. И. Дмитрієву. ІІо порученію Отдаленія MUELLER (GERHARD FRIEDRICH) Sammlung Russi:cher Русскаго языка и Словесности императорской Академії Наукъ издал II съ примѣчаніям II и указателемъ Я. Грот Geschichte. [Edited by G. F. Müller.) 9 Bde. и . Пекарскій. Санктпетербургъ, 1866. 89. St. Petersburg, 1732-64. 89. 281. b. 25-53. Ас 1125/22. NAGEL (FRANZ) Образци шрифтовъ типографiн и слово- KENEVICH (VLADISLAV FEOFILAKTOVICH) Eurójiorpador- литн и Императорской Академії Наукъ. (Академическая ческiя и историческая примечанія къ баснямъ Кры.Това Tпографія въ старину н ныні. ІІ риложенія.) ... Изданіе Отдѣленія Русскаго языка и Словесност и Санктпетербург, 1870. fol. 11902. 1. Императорской Академіи Наукъ. The half-title reads :* Издано по случаю Всероссійской Санктпетербург, 1868. 89. Ас. 1125/30. Мануфактурной Выставки въ Санктпетербургт 1870." KHEMNITSER (1VAN IVANOVІсн) Сочинения и письма NIKON, Sixth Patriarch of Ioscow. Руская тонсь по Хемницера по подлиннымъ его рукописіямъ, съ біогра- Никонову списку [from A.D. 862 to 1630), изданная под', фическою статьею и примі;чаніям II Я. Грога. Изданіе смотреніемъ Императорской Академії Нау кЬ. [Edited Втораго Отдѣленiя И Irераторской Академіи Нау». by A. L. von Schloezer.) 8 часг. С.-Петербургъ, 1873. 89. Ас. 1125/42. Санктпетербург, 1767-92. 49. KRUG (лонANN PHILIPP) Критическiя разысканія о Nosovicн (І. І.) Словарь Білорусскаго нарѣчія состав- древнихъ Рускихъ монетахъ изданныя Императорскою ленный И. И. Носові чем'». Изданіе Отдѣленія Русскаго Академіею Нау къ. въ Санктпетербург., 18o7. 89. языка и словесности Императорской Академії Наукь. 812. f. 43. | [Fdited by I. I. Sreznevsky and A. Th. Buichkov.] LAUNAY (LOUIS DE) Mémoires présentés à l'Académie Санктпетербург, 1870. 49. 12963. т. 3. Impériale des Sciences pour répondre à la question minéralogique proposée pour le prix de 1785 [by L. de PALLAS (PETER SIMON) Observations sur la forination des Launay and J. L. Girand Soulavie]. 2 pt. montagnes, et les changemens arrivé.s ani globe, parti- St. Petersbourg, 1786. 49. В. 343. culièrement à l'egard de l'empire Russe. pp. 49. St. Pétersbourg, [1777.] 4°. В. 350. (2) [Another copy.] 128. е. 4. PEKARSKY (PETR PETRovІсн) Исторiя Императорскої LAVROVSKY (PETR A.) Сербско-Русский Словарь ... Академін Наукъ въ Петербург"... Изданіе Отдѣленія Изданіе Отдѣленія Русскаго языка и словесности Имие- Русскаго языка и Словесност Императорской Академін раторской Академії Наукъ. Наук». Санктпетербург, 187o, etc. 89. Санктпетербург, 1870. 89. Ас. 1125/28. In progress. Ас. 1125/29. LEHRBERG (ARON CHRISTIAN) Untersuchungen zur Erläu- terung der älteren Geschichte Russlands von A. C. PEKARSKY (PETR PETROVICH) Жизнь и литературная пере- Lehrberg herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie Інска II. И. Рычкова. Изданіе Отдѣленія Русскаго языка der Wissenschaften durch Ph. Krug. (Biographische к словесності Императорской Академіи Наук». pp. 184. Notizen über A. C. Lehrberg [by P. Krugl.) Санктпетербург, 1867. 89. 10795. ее. St. Petersburg, 1816. 49. "1313. і. PLETNEy (PETR ALEKSANDROVІсн) Отчеты Императорской LEXELL (ANDERS JOHANN) Recherches et Calculs sur la Академії Наукъ по Отдѣленію Русскаго языка и vraie orbite elliptique de la Comé e de l'an 1769 et son Словесності за первое десятII.лѣтіе съ его учреждеиін tems périodiqui, executées sous la direction de L. Euler, (1842-51), составленные по опредѣленію Отдѣленія... par les scius de M. L. St. Petersburg, 1770. 4º. П. А. Плетневымъ. Санктпетербург, 185 2. 8°. 50. і. 14. (2) Ас. 1125/35. (1.) а ! 1 1 1 Д. . DEr т 899 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] 900 SAINT PETERSBURG (CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. PLETNEv (PETR ALEKSANDROVІсн) Отчеты Пмператорской WEISMANN (ERICH) Teutsch-Lateinisch- und Russisches Академіи Наукъ по Отдѣленію Русскаго Языка и Lexicon, samt denen Anfangs-Gründen der Russischen Словесности за 1852—1865 годы, составленные по ощредѣ Sprache... Hмецко-Латински и РүскЇін Денконъ, etc. ленію Отдѣленія ... П. А. Плетневымъ, и. и. Давы [Being the German-Latin part of E. Weismann's " Lexi- довымъ, А. В. Никитенко и Я. К. Гротомъ. con bipertitum”; with a Russian translation by S. С. Петербург, 1866. 89. Ас. 1125/36. Volchkov.] St. Petersburg, 1731. 4º. 12976. f. 6. POPOV (NIKITA) Recensio theoriæ Eulerianæ motus atque [Another copy.] 1628. 1. 12. anomaliæ Lunæ in conventu Academiæ...7 Sept. 1752 ...prælecta a N. Popow. Petropoli, 1752. 4º. Оправѣ Академії Наукъ и Университетовъ выписывать Ас. 1124/2. (5.) безъ цензуры періодическiя изданія. SABLAR (GEORG) Beschreibung der zur Ermittelung des [Saint Petersburg ?], 1864. 8º. Ас. 1125/40. Höhenunterschiedes zwischen dem Schwarzen und dem Caspischen Meere... in den Jahren 1836 und 1837 von Academia Scientiarum Imperialis.--Apæcorpaguueckan G. Fuss, A. Sawitsch und G. Sabler ausgeführten Mes Экспедиція. sungen, nach den Tagebüchern und den Berechnungen See infra : Археографическая коммиссія. der drei Beobachter zusammengestellt von G. Sabler... Herausgegeben von W. Struve, etc. Académie Impériale des Beaux-Arts. St. Petersburg, 1849. 49. . 8776. g. | See infra : Императорская Академія Художествъ. SCHMIDT (ISAAC JACOB) Grammatik . der Tibetischen Sprache . . . Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Académie Impériale des Sciences. Akademie der Wissenschaften. pp. xv. 318. See supra : Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. St. Petersburg, 1839. 49. Scнмірт (1. J.) Mongolisch-Deutsch-Russisches Wörter- | Академія Художествъ. buch... Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie See infra : Императорская Академія Художествъ. der Wissenschaften, Монгольско-Німецко-Россійскі | словарь, etc. pp. viii. 612. St. Petersburg, 1835. 49. | Александро-Невская Академія. ScнRENCк (LEOPOLD том) Очеркъ физической географій Историческое изображение Грузіи въ политическомъ, Сѣверо-Я пионскаго моря...Съ...каргами. Приложение церковномъ и учебномъ ея состоянiir. Сочинено в' къ хүІ.-му тому Записокъ Имін. Академии Наукъ. Александро-Невской Академін [by Evgeny, Metropolitan Санктпетербургъ, 1869. 89. Ас. 1125/23. of Kiev and of Galicia]. В Санктпетербург, 18o2. 89. 803. і. 4. SJÖGREN (ANDREAS JOHAN) J. A. Sjögren's gesammelte Schriften, Гва. 2 containing «Livische Grammatik » | Археографическая коммиссия. and “Livisch-deutsches und deutsch-livisches Wörter А кты, собранные въ Библіотекахъ и Архивахъ Россіїї- buch ” edited by F. J. Wiedemann.] 2 Bde. ской Имперії Археографическою Экспедиціею Импера- St. Petersburg, 1861. 49. - торской Академії Нау къ. Дополнены и изданы Высо- Bd. 2 is in 2 pts. чайше учрежденною коммиссiею. [Tom. 1 edited by Ya. I. Berednikov, tom. 2 by N. G. Ustryalov, tom. Зby STRUVE (FRIEDRICH GEORG WILHELM Arc du Méridien — Serbinovich, tom. 4 by А. А. Kraevsky.1 (Указатель. ) de 25C 20' entre le Danube et la mer glaciale, mesuré, 4 Том. Санктпетербург, 1836-38. 49. depuis 1816 jusqu'en 1855, sous la direction de C. de 1313. m. Tenner,...N. H. Selander,...C. Hansteen,...F. G. W. Struve...Ouvrage composé sur les différents matériaux Акты Юридическое или собраніе формъ стариннаго дѣло- et rédigé par F. G. W. S. Publié par l'Académie, etc. производства. [Edited by — Berednikov.] (Указатель.) 2 tom. St. Petersbourg, 1857-бо. 49. Санктпетербургъ, 1838-40. 49. ° 1313. m. — Planches. 1857. 49. 8562. g. Акты Историческіе собранные и изданные Археографи- STRUVE (FRIEDRICH GEORG WILHELM) Catalogue de 514 ческою Коммиссiею. [Tom. 1, 2 and 4 edited by І. І. étoiles do ibles et multiples découvertes sur l'hémisphere Grigorovich, tom. 3 by S. M. Stroev and M. Korkunov, céleste boréal par la grande lunette de l'observatoire and tom. 5 by M. Korkunov.] 5 том. (Дополненія, etc.) central de Poulkova, et catalogue de 256 étoiles doubles Санктпетербургъ, 1841, etc. 49. 1313. т. principales où la distance des composantes est de 32 In progress. Wanting Index to the “ Akmu." secondes à 2 minutes et qui se trouvent sur l'hémisphère Акты, относящиеся къ истории Западной Россін, собранные boréal. [Compiled by F. G. W. Struve.] Publié par и изданные Археографическою Коммиссiею. (Edited l'Academie Impériale des Sciences. by І. І. Grigorovich.) Санктпетербург, 1846, etc. 40. St. Pétersbourg, 1843. fol. 1263. g. 8. In progress. Ас. 5581/4. [Another copy.] 8564. і. Rerum Rossicarum scriptores exteri, a Collegio Archæo- [Another copy.] 716. 1. 14. graphico editi. Сказанія нностранныхъ писателей о Россін, изданныя Археографическою STRUүE (FRIEDRICH GEORG WILHELM) Дүга Меридіана въ Комунссіею. [Edited by А. А. Kunik.] Том. 1. 25° 20' между Дунаемъ и Ледовитымъ Моремъ, измѣ- Petropoli, 185т. 49. Ас. 5581/3. ренная съ 1816 по 1855 годъ подъ руководством. К. No more published. Теннера ..., н. X. Зеландера ..., X. Гансгена..., Ф. Г. В. Струве...По разным матеріаламъ составил. r | Jordeböcker &fver Ingermanland. Писцовыя книги обработалъ Ф. Г. В. Струве. Изданіе... Академії Наукт. Инсорской земли. [Edited by А. А. Kunik.] Том. 1. 2 том. Санктпетербург, 186т. 49. Отд. 1, 2. Санктпетербург, 1859-62. 49. — Чертежи. Санктпетербург, 1861. 49 No more published. Ас. 5581/2. 1803. с. Акты, относящиеся к истории Южной и Западной Россіні. VESELOVSKY (коNSTANTIN STEPANOVІсн) ОКлиматѣ Россін [Tom. 1-9 edited by N. I. Kostomarov ; tom. 10, 11, etc. ...Издано Императорскою Академіею Наукт. by G. Th. Karpov.] Санктпетербург, 1863, etc. 49. Санктпетербург, 1857. 49. 8752. е. In progress. “Ас. 5881. 11. 901 902 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). Археографическая коммиссія. Археологический институт.. Документы объясняющіе исторію Западно-Русскаго края Сборникъ Археологическаго Института. Книга первая и его отношения къ Россіи и къ Польщѣ. (Напечатано (, etc.) издана подъ редакціей Н. В. Калачова. по опредѣленію Археографической коммиссіи. Собралъ С.-Петербург, 1878, etc. 89. Ас. 5578. . документы и составилъ изслѣдованіе...м. Кояловчъ.) In progress. Documents servant à éclaircir l'histoire des Provinces Occidentales de la Russie, etc. (traduits en Francais par | Археологическое общество. ...B. Polivanoff et L. Brosset. Russ., etc. and Fr. See infra: Императорское Археологическо-Нумизмати- С. ІІ еттербург, 1865. 89. Ас. 1125/18. І. ческое Общество. The documents are in Russian, Latin, or Polish; and all are accompanied by a French translation. Археологическо-Нумизматическое Общество. See infra : Императорское Археологическо-Нумизмати- Дневникъ Люблинскаго Сейма 1569 года. Соединеніе ческое Общество. Великаго Кножества Литовскаго съ Королевствомъ Цоль- CKIM). [Translated into Russian by M. O. Koyalovich.] Bibliothèque Impériale. Pol. and Ru88. С. Петербург, 1869. 49. Ас. 5581. See infra : Императорская Публичная Выбліотека. Лѣтопись по Ипатскому списку. (Повѣсть временныхъ || Collegium Archæographicum. дѣгъ... откуду есть пошла Руская земля и хто вней почалъ първѣе княжити стала есть.) [From the Deluge to See supra : Археографическая коммиссія. A.D. 1292. Edited. by S. N. Palauzov.) Изданіе Архео Commission Impériale Archéologique. трафической Коммиссіи. Санктпетербург, 1871. 89. See infra: Императорская Археологическая коммиссія. Ас. 5581/7. Лѣтопись по Лаврентіевскому списку. (Се повісті | corps des Ingenieurs des Mines de Russie. времяньныхъ лѣтъ, откуду есть пошла Руская земя, etc.) See infra : Горный Институть. [From the Deluge to A.D. 1419. Edited by A. Th. Buichkov.] Изданіе Археографической Комиссіи. Freye Oekonomische Gesellschaft, Санктпетербургъ, 1872. 89. Ас. 5581/8. | See infra: Императорское Вольное Экономическое Общество. Повѣсть временныхъ лѣгъ по Лаврентіевскому списку. (Се повѣсти времяньны* л:15". шкуду есть ношила руская Gesellschaft für Archäologie und Numismatik земя, еtс. [From the Deluge to A.D. 1110.1. Изданіе See infra: Императорское Археологическо-Нумизмати- Археографической Коммиссін. ческое Общество. Санктпетербург, 1872. 49. Ас. 5581/9.. Lithographed in facsimile. “| Главная Физическая Обсерваторія. See infra: Observatoire Physique Central de Русская историческая Библіотека издаваемая Архео Russie. графическою Коммиссiею. [Tom. 1 edited bу м. О. Koyalovich.] Санктпетербург, 1872, etc. 89. Главная Николаевская Обсерваторія. In progre88. Ас. 5581/6. See infra: Николаевская Главная Астрономическая КотоѕНІкнім (GRIGORY KARPov) О Россіи въ царствованіе Обсерваторія. Алексія Михайловича. Современное сочиненіе г. | Горное училище. Копихина. [Edited by Ya. I. Borednikov.] Санктпетербург, 184o. 49. “Ас. 5581/5. | See infra: Горный Институтъ. Изданіе второе (подъ редакціею локойнаго...Коркунова). Горный Институты. Санктпетербург, 1859. 49. Ас. 1125/20. Annuaire magnétique et méteorologique du Corps des Ingénieurs des Mines de Russie [previously entitled MASSA (ISA Ac) Сказанія Массы н Геркмана о смутному Горный Институть ] ou recueil d' observations... publiées времени въ Россін. [Translated into Russian by Prince par ordre de S. M. l'Empereur Nicolas I.... par A. T. Shakhovskoi. With notes, by E. E. Zamuislovsky. Kupffer. 10 vols. for 1837-40. Съ приложеніемъ портрета Массы, еtс. St. Pétersbourg, 1839-49. 4º. 8750. f. Санктпетербург, 1874. 89. This world is a continuation of “ Observations météoro- — [Plates.] fol. Ас. 5581. 10. logiques et magnétiques faites dans l'empire de Russie" by A. T. Kupffer, which was not issued periodically. The vols. NAPIERSKY (CAR. EDUARD) Русско-Ливонскіе Акты, for 1847 and subsequent years were published by the Observa- собранные I. E. На Берски мъ. (Russisch-Livländische toire Physique Central de Russie, at St. Petersburg, and bear the title “ Annales de l'Observatoire," etc. Crkunсen, etc.) Санктпетербург, 1868. 49. 9454. k. Памятая книжка для Русскихъ Горныхъ Людей на 1862 STROEv (PAVEL MIKHAILovнсн) Выходы Государей Царей тодъ. Изданіе Учена го комитета Корпуса Горных, II Великихъ Князей Михаила Беодоровича Алексія Инженеровъ [previously entitled “ Горный Институть." Михайловича, Өеодора Алексіевича, всея Русім Само Edited by Ya. I. Lamansky and I. A. Puletika..] держцевъ (съ 1632 по 1681 годъ. Указатель историческій, Санктпетербург, 1862, etc. 89. 7106. bbb. etc.) [Edited by P. M. Stroev.) Москва, 1844. 49. In prog/71e88. 1313. m. . Сборникъ статистическихъ свѣдені по горной части на STROEV (PAVEL MIKHAILOVICH) CHUCka Iepapxobi II 1864 (1865, 1866, etc... .составлень...Н. Н. Аксаковым'ь Настоятелей Монастырей Россійскія Церкви. [Edited и К. А. Скальковски мъ) годъ. Изданіе Ученато Коми- by M. I. Semevsky.] pp. x. col. 1056, 68. тета Корнуса Горныхъ Инженеровъ Грrеvіоuѕlу еntitled С.-Петербургъ, 1877. 89. Ас. 5580. 12. “ Горный Институть"). Санктпетербург, 1864, etc. 89, 7106. bb. “ Tolstor (FEDOR PETRoyici) Count. Медалiоны въ память In progress. Военных событий 1812, 1813, 1814 и 1815 годов. изобретенные Графомъ Ө. Толсты мъ, и выгравированные [Another copy of the parts for 1864 and 1865 only. Санктпетербург, 1864, 65. 89. 7104. dе. Санктпетербург, 1838. 49. 7755. f. Imperfect; wanting the parts for all years after 1865. :903 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.]. 904 SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED]. SAINT. PETERSBURG [coNTINUED]. Горный Институт.. Императорская Медико-Хирургическая Академія. Научно - историческій Сборникъ, изданный Горнымъ | See Pвozoвov (G. м.) Матерiалы для исторін... Академії, Институтомъ... Съ 15 портретами, etc. 2 отдѣл. etc. 1850. 89. 7679. ө. Санктпетербург, 1873. 8°. . . Imperfect ; заntіng pp. 65-80, and 369-416 оf отдъл. 2. Систематическій каталогъ библіотеки Императорской : Медико-Хирургической Академіи. 2 част. - Горный кадетскій Корпусъ. Санктпетербуръъ, 1871-76. 89. 11905. 1. 17. See supra : Горный Институть. Each част. іѕ іn 2 пом. Hortus Petropolitanus. Императорская ІПубличная Библиотека. See infra : Императорскій Санктпетербургскій Ботани- See MinZLOFF (C. R.) Catalogue des Éditions Aldines de ческій Сады. la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St. Pétersbourg. Императорская Академія Художествъ. 1854. 49. . 11904. 1. See supra: Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. See MINZLOFF (C. R.) Catalogue des publications de la Планъ столичнаго города Санктпетербурга ... изданный Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de Saint-Pétersbourg, трудами Императорской Академіи Наукъ и Художествъ. etc. [186г.) 49. 11901. h. 1753. fol. 551. f. 22. Акты относящиеся до новаго образованiя Императорской See RusSIA.— CATHАRINE II., Empress. Привилегiя и Библіотеки. (Acta ad novam formam Bibliothece уставъ Императорской Академін ... Художествъ, etc. Imperialis ... spectantia. Actes relatifs à la nouvelle (Ноября 4 дня 1761 года.) 1765. 49. organisation de la Bibliothèque Impériale. Verord- т. с. 9. . 20. (1) nungen die neue Einrichtung der Kaiserlichen Bibliothek Рѣчь, которою Академія Художествъ при своей Инавгу betreffend.) Russ., Lat., Fr., and Germ. 4 pt. рації....Екатеринѣ Второй Императрицѣ. .. приносить Санктпетербург, 1812. 89. 619. g. 32. - благодареніе, говоренная... Конференцъ-Секретаремъ А. Салтыковымъ. [Saint Petersburg.] 1765. 49. Отчетъ въ управленіи Императорскою Публичною Библіо- “ т. с. 9. b. 20. (2) текою, представленный...Директоромъ оной Библіотеки ...Оленины мъ, за 1808–1812 (1814-1817) годъ. Pts. 1-5. Ироизведения воспитанниковъ ПІмператорской Академін Художествъ удостоенныя наградъ. Prix remportés par Санктпетербург, 1813-18. 80. Ас. 9092/5. (1.) . les Elèves de l'Académie Impériale des Beaux Arts de Описаніе торжественнаго открытия Императорской Пу- St. Pétersbourg. [With plates.] Russ. and Fr. бличной Бібліотеки бывшаго Генваря 2 дня 1814 года. [Saint Petersburg,] 1805.249. 1266. е. 16. Санктпетербургъ, 1814. 89. 823. f. 27. Краткое историческое свѣдѣніе о состоянiн Император Чтенie Посѣтителей Императорско Публичной Библіо- ской Академін Художествъ, съ 1764го по 1829й годъ. теки въ 1817 году, представленное въ росписи сочиненії (By the President A. Olenin.] ... которыми они занимались въ означенномъ году. Санктпетербуръ, 1829. 89. Ас. 1125/24. Извлечено из ь послѣдняго Отчета Имп. Пуб. Бібліотеки. Каталогъ коллекции художественныхъ произведеній, No. 1. Санктпетербург, 1818. 89. поступившихъ по завѣщанію Графа Н. А. Кушелева- Ас. 9092/5. (2). Безбородко въ собственность Императорской С.-Петер Catalogue des livres doubles de la Bibliothèque Impériale бургской Академіи Художествъ. publique de St. Petersbourg. (Каталогь дублетовъ, etc.) Санктпетербургъ, 1863. 120. 7805. аа. Tome 1. Section historique. St. Petersbourg, 1850, etc. 80. 824. 7. 8. Указатель выставки художественныхъ произведеній въ In progress. Императорской Академіи Художествъ въ 1869 году. Ас. 4634. Материалы к Санктпетербург, 1869. 89. проекту полнаго каталога сочиненіії о Россін, на всѣхъ иностранных языкахъ изданныхъ. Императорская Академія Наук.. Напечатаны ... отъ Императорской Публичной Библіо- See supra: Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. теки... для нужныхъ дополненій нисправленій. Mate-. rialen zum Versuche eines Katalogs saemmtlicher ueber Императорская Академія трехъ знатнѣйшихъ Художествъ, Russland in fremden Sprachen erschienenen Werke... etc. Zu weiteren Berichtigungen und Vervollständigungen See supra: Императорская Академія Художествъ. von der Kaiserlichen Oeffentlichen Bibliothek zum Drucke befördert. St. Petersburg, 1851. 8º. Императорская Академія Живописи, Скулптуры и Архи- 11900. і. тектуры. Отчетъ Императорской Публичной Библіотеки за 1851 See supra: Императорская Академія Художествъ. (1852, etc.) годъ, представленный...Барономъ Корфомъ Императорская Археологическая коммиссія. (Делановымъ). Санктпетербург, 1852, etc. 89. In progress. Compte rendu de la Commission Impériale Arché logique 11902. к. pour l'année 1859. St. Pétersbourg, 1860, etc. 4º. · [Another copy of the pts. for 1857 and 1858.] 557. ө. 11902. к. — Atlases. fol. 1708. d. Auszug aus dem Jahresberichte der Kaiserlichen Öffent- In progress. lichen Bibliothek für 1852, etc. St. Petersburg, 1853. 4º. Recueil d'Antiquités de la Scythie ... Publié par la 11901. . Commission Impériale Archéologique. Auszug aus dem Jahresberichte der St. Petersburger St. Pétersbourg, 1866, etc. 4º. Kaiserlich Öffentlichen Bibliothek für 1857, etc. — Atlases. St. Pétersbourg, 1866, etc. fol. 397. | St. Petersburg, 1858. 89. 11901. ө. In progress. Catalogue des manuscrits et xylographes orientaux de la Древности Геродотовоїй Скнөi : сборникь описаній Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St. Pétersbourg. . археологическихъ раскоповъ и находокъ въ Черномор- St. Pétersbourg, 1852. 89. . 824. h. 26. скихъ степяхъ. Санктпетербург, 1866, etc. 49. 7704. 1. 5. ! Правила для посѣтителей Императорской Публичной — Атласъ. fol. . 14001. і. Библіотеки. Санктпетербург, 1852. 89. In progress. 11901. b. . . . 905 906 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.) 4375. g. SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED].. Імператорская Публичная Библіотека. Императорская Публичнағз Библіотека. Règlement pour les visiteurs de la Bibliothèque Impériale LAVATER (JOHANN CASPAR) Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Publiqne de St. Pétersbourg. St. Pétersbourg, 1852. 89. Literatur aus Russland, der Universität Jena. . . über- 11901. b. sandt von der St. Petersburger Kaiserlichen Öffentlichen Путеводитель по Императорской Публичной Бібліотекѣ. Bibliothek. J. K. Lavater's Briefе аn die Kaiserin Санктпетербург, 1852. 8°. 11900. b. 5. Maria Feodorowna... über den Zustand der Seele nach dem Tode. [Edited by R. Mintslov.] [Another copy.] 11900. ъ. 12. St. Petersburg, 1858. 89. [Another edition.] с. Петербуръ, 186o. 120. This edition is without the plates. 11900. b. 2. MURALT (EDWARD VON) Catalogue des Manuscrits Grecs de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique. (Avec 9 planches Desiderata der Kaiserlichen Oeffentlichen Bibliothek, lithographiées.) St. Pétersbourg, 1864. 8º. etc. (Zweite Desideratenliste.) 2 pts. 11904. k. [Saint Petersburg, 1857 ?) 89. 11901. і. [Another copy.] 11901. h. Книга припошенilt въ пользу Императорской Публичной MURALT (EDWARD VON) Catalogus Codicum Bibliothecæ Библіотеки. Санктпетербург, 1857. fol. Imp. Publicae Graecorum ... Adjuncta exemplarium One of 50 copies privately printed. 11902. l. 1. scripturae lithographorum plagula. Personnel de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de Petropoli, 1840. fol. 820. m. 22. Saint-Pétersbourg. St.-Pétersbourg, 1858. 8o. The title on the wrapper is “ Catalogus Codicum...Grae- 11900. bb. 26. corum et Latinorum. Fasciculus primus. Codices Graeci." The facsimiles in this copy are coloured. Десятилітie Императорской Публичной Библіотеки 1849—1859. Записка представленная ... Директоромъ [Another copy.] 823. 1. 10. Бібліотекir [Count М. А. Korf ). The fucsimiles in this copy are plain. С. Петербург, 1859. 89. 11903. k. SPERANSKY (MIKHAIL MIKHAILOVICH) Count. By namith Guide de la Bibliothèque Impériale de Saint-Pétersbourg. графа М. М. Сперанскаго. 1772-1872. (Collection of 11900. b. St. Pétersbourg, 1860. 8º. journals, correspondence and miscellaneous pieces by Wegweiser der kaiserlich-öffentlichen Bibliothek zu St. Count M. M. Speransky. Edited by A. Th. Buichkov.] Petersburg. St. Petersburg, 1860. 12º. 11902. b. ...Изданіе Императорскої Публичной Библіотекiн. С. Петербург, 1872. 89. Ас. 7925. Систематический каталогъ книгъ, находящихся въ Чr- тальной Залѣ Императорско Публичной БибліотекІІ. Императорская Публічная Библіотека въ эпоху перехода Catalogue systématique de la collection de livres usuels въ вѣдомство Министерства Народнаго Просвѣщенія. qui se trouvent dans la salle de Lecture de la Biblio. Краткий очеркъ ея прошедшаго и насrоящаго. thèque Impériale Publique. Санктпетербург, 1862. 49. Санктпетербург, 1863. 89. Ас. 9092/4. Ас. 9092/2. (1) Каталогъ иностранныхъ печатныхъ книгъ пріобрѣ- Матерiалы для новаго устава Императорской Публичной тенныхъ Библіотекою. Catalogue des acquisitions de Библіотеки и Московскаго Публичнаго Музея. (Изъ livres imprimés. Sept.-Dec. 1863. Журнала Министерства Народнаго Просвѣценія 1865 Санктпетербург, 1864. 89. года.) [Saint Petersburg, 1865.] 89. Ас. 9092. [Continued as :] Каталогъ иностранныхъ книгъ, etc. Catalogue des Странная Случайность. Изъ Императорской Публичной nouvelles acquisitions en langues étrangères. Библіотеки. (Изъ Санктпетерб. Вѣдомостей No. 15, Санктпетербург, 1864, etc. 89. 11902. h. 1858 года.) [Concerning the acquisition by the Im- perial Public Library of a collection of Oriental Manu- In progress. scripts, brought to Europe by Professor Tischendorf.] Правила и вопросы относительно Алфавитнаго Каталога [Saint Petersburg, 1858.1 89. 717. ш. 19. 137. отдѣленiя иноязычныхъ сочиненій о Россін, предлагаемые на обсужденie Гr. Библіотекарей въ овщемъ IIxъ собранін. 1 императорская Россійская Академія. Санктпетербург, 1865. 49. Ас. 9092/2. (2) See infra: Россійская Академія. Spécimen du Catalogue Raisonné des Russica de la Bibliothèque Impériale... Publications concernant A. D. | Императорскій Историко-филологический институть. Іenchikow. St. Petersbourg, 1866. 89. 11902. с. Краледворская рукопись въ двухъ транскрипціяхъ текста Каталогъ книгъ Императорской Публичной Библіотеки | съ предисловіемъ, словарям II, частью грамматического, касающихся Россіі на разныхъ Славянскихъ нарѣчіяхъ. примѣчанія II и приложеніям ін. Трудъ Н. Некрасова. Санкупетербургъ, 1867. 16°. Ас. 9092/3. Воћ. Санктпетербург, 1872. 89. Ас. 9293. Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St.-Pétersbourg. Императорскій Петербург: пії Университеті. Catalugue de la section des Russica ou écrits sur la Russie en langues étrangères. 2 tom. See infra: Императорскій Санктпетербургскій Универ- St.-Pétersbourg, 1873. 89. В. В. І. синтети. [Another copy.] Ас. 9092/6. | Императорскій Санктпетіербургскій Ботаническій Сади. Воснxor (ATH ANASY ANDREEVІсн) Каталогъхранящимся Труды Императорскаго С.-Петербургскаго Сада. (Acta въ Императорской Дубличной Библіотекѣ изданія мъ, Horti Petropolitani.) Санктпетербург, 187, etc. 80. напечатаннымъ гражданскимъ шрифтомъ при Петрѣ In progress. Ас. 3284. Великомъ. Е. Р. Санктпептербург, 1867. 80. 11902. ааа. | Императорскій Санктпетербургский Университет. KORF (MODEST ANDREEVICH) Baron. #11304 'paţa Crie- ранскаго ... Изданіе направленное ... Изданіе Импера Чтенія на торжественномъ акт", Императорскаго С. торской. ПубличноЇЇ Библіотеки. 2 том. Петербургскаго Університета 3 Апрѣля 1841 года. Санктпетербург, 166т. 89. 10790. f. С. Петербургъ, 184I. 8. Ас. 1123 /2. 907 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] 908 457. SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). Императорскій Санктпетербургский Университетъ. Императорское Минералогическое Общество. Годичный торжественный актъ въ Императорскомъ Schriften. Bd. 1 [in 2 Abth.] St. Petersburg, 1842. 8º. Санктпетербургскомъ Университетѣ бывшій 25 Марта [Continued under the title of] 1842 (-44, 8 Февраля 1845, etc.). Verhandlungen der Russisch - Kaiserlichen Mineralo- Санктпетербург, 1842, etc. 8. Ас. 1123. gischen Gesellschaft. St. Petersburg, 1842, etc. 89. In progress. In progress. Ас. 3229. [Another copy of the year 1848.] Ас. 2654. Протоколы собраній Императорскаго минералогическаго Докладъ Коммиссіи Совѣта С.-Петербургскаго Универ Общества 1851 и 1852 года. (Edited by S. S. Kutorga.7 ситета по поводу записки орд. проф. А. С. Фаминцына. Санктпетербург, 1853. 120. Р.Р. 2093. pp. 8. [Saint Petersburg, 1878.] 49. 1882. d. 1. (82) КокЅHАRoy (NIKOLAI IVANOyxcн) Каталогъ Русским АймAD IBм бMAR IBM DіѕТАН (ABİ ALI). Извѣстія о Топазамъ, хранящимся въ Музеумѣ Горнаго института, Хозарахъ, Буртасахъ, Болгарахъ, Мадія рахъ, Славянахъ въ С.-Петербургѣ. Санктпетербургъ, 1866. 49. и Руссахъ Абу-Али Ахмеда бенъ Омаръ ибнъ-Даста, ... 7104. f. перевехъ и объяснихъ Д. А. Хвольсонь. Arab, and Rus8. OzERSKY (ALEKSANDR DMITRIEVІсн) Очеркъ геологій, с. Петербург, 1869. 89. 14565. а. 24. минеральныхъ богатствь н горнаго промысла Забайкалья. MAHABHАRАТА. — Кароtаlubdhakаsаmоddа. Легенда объ Санктпетербург, 1867. fol. 7105. і. 1. охотникѣ и парѣ голубей. Изв.Ӏеченіе изъ Маһа бараты, съ присовокупленіемъ Русской трансскрипції, Лати Императорское Русское Археологическое Общество. скаго перевода Ir Санскрито-Русскаго глоссарія. Изданіе Древности Россійскаго Государства...Изданіе Импера- императорскаго С. Петербургскаго Университета. торскаго Русскаго Археологическаго общества. [Edited by K. A. Kossovich.] Sansk. & Lat. Санктпетербург, 1871, etc. fol. Санктпетербург, 1859. 89. 14068. b. 10. In progress. Сборникъ, издаваемый Студентами Императорскаго REICHENTAL (ULRIcн үoN) Констанцскій Соборъ 1414 Петербургскаго Университета. (Приложенія.) 1418. Concilium Constantiense. [36 plates, in litho- Вып. 1, 2. С.-Петербург, 1857-бо. 89. graphic fac-simile, from a manuscript of M. von No more published. 12265. е. Reichental's Chronicle of the Council of Constance, [Another copy.] 12265. е. with descriptive letterpress in Lat., Fr., Russ., and Imperfect : wanting the lectures on Juvenal in bun. 2. Germ.] Санктпетербург, 1874. fol. 1707. а. 19, Императорское Археологическое Общество. Императорское Русское Географическое Общество. See infra : Императорское Археологическо-Нумизмати See infra: Императорское Вольное Экономическое ческое Общество. Общество. Труды Экспедиції, снаряженной Имце- Императорское Археологическо - Нумизматическое раторскими Вольнымъ Экономическимъ и Русскимъ Общество. Географическимъ Обществами, для изслѣдованія хлѣбної торговли...въ Россіи. 187o, etc. 89. Ас. 2353/5. Mémoires de la Société, etc. Vol. 1-6.-1847–52. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Berlin.-Zeitschrift für See KoEPPEN (Р. Yом) Объ этнографической картѣ Münz- Siegel- und Wappeukunde, etc. 1841, etc. 89. Европейской Россінг, P. Кепиена, изданной...Геогра- Р.Р. 1887. фическомъ Обществомъ. [By P. von Koeppen.] Записки, etc. (Редакторъ п. С. Савельевъ.) 1853. 89. 10291. dd. Санктпетербург, 1849, etc. 89. " Ас. 5579. Записки. Санктпетербург, 1846, etc. 89. In progress. In progress. Ас. 6130/12. Записки для обозрѣнія Русскихъ древностей. Denkschriften der russischen geographischen Gesellschaft Санктпетербург, 185 I. 8°. 7709. bb. 18. zu St. Petersburg. [Translated into German by — Sabinin.) Erster Band, den ersten und zweiten Band Труды Восточнаго Отдѣленiя Императорскаго Архео- der russischen Ausgabe derselben enthaltend. Mit vier логическаго Общества. Санктпетербург, 1855, etc. 89. Karten. Weimar, 1849. 89. In progress. Ас. 5580. No more published. Извѣстія Восточнаго отдѣленiя Императорскаго Архео Географическiя извѣстія быдаваемыя...подъ редакціек логическаго общества. [Edited by P. S. Savel'ev.] н. й. Надеждина. Выпускъ 1 (— 5 Марть — Октябрь Санктпетербург, 1858, etc. 80. 7708, с. 3. 1848. Подъ редакцією В. В. Григорьева. Выпускъ (3) In progress. Октябрь 1849.) (Saint Petersburg,] 1848, etc. 89. Извѣстія Императорскаго Археологическаго общества. In progress. Ас. 6130/13. Санктпетербург, 1859, etc. 49. Ас. 5580/2. Compte-rendu de la Société Géographique Impériale de In progress. Russie pour l'année 1850 (1851, etc.) GRIGOR'ву (VASILY VASIL'EVІсн) Жизнь и труды І. С. St. Pétersbourg, 1851, etc. 89. Ас. 6130/10. Савельева, преимущественно по воспоминаніямъ и пере- In progress. цискѣ съ нимъ В. В. Григорьева ... Изданіе Импера Вѣстникъ Императорскаго Русскаго Географическаго торскаго Археологическаго Общества. Общества. [Час. 1-3 cdited by А. А. Kraevsky; 4-11 Санктпетербургъ, 186т. 8. 10790. е. by V. A. Milyutin; 16–18 and 25–27 by E. I. Lamansky; MAKARY, Archimandrіtе. 19-24 by V. P. Bezobrazov; 28–30 by Th. G. Tеrnеr. ] Памятники церковныхъ дре- вностей. Нижегородская Губернія. Сочиненіе Архи- 30 час. Санкт Петербург, 1851-бо. 8°. . мандрита Макарія. Санктпетербург, 1857. 89. [Continued under the title:] Записки Императорскаго Русскаго 4695. сс. Географическаго Общества, издаваемыя [in 1861 and 1862) подъ редакціей Императорское Минералогическое Общество. А. К. Бекетова ((in 1863 and 1864; под редакціей PuzuREVSKY (PLATON ALEKSYEETIcн) Каталогъ Библіо К. Н. Бестужева-Рюмина). 4 vol. теки ... Минералогическаго Общества. Составлень п. Санктпетербург, 1861-65. 89. Ас. 6130. Пузыревски"ь, еtс. С.-Петербург, 1867. 89. After this the “ Banuciu” were divided into three distinct 11903. і. journals, each having its own editir. on, den erstenthaltend... 6130/15. 909 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] 910 SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). Императорское Русское Географическое Общество. Императорское Русское Географическое Общество. Залиски Кавказкаго Отдѣла Императорскаго Русскаго Труды Этнографическо-Статистической Экспедиции въ Географическаго общества. Книжка I. Изданная подъ Запално-Русский край, снаряженной Императорским редакціею Графа В. А. Сологуба. (Книжка II. Изданная Русскимъ Географическимъ Обществомъ. подъ редакціею Графа В. А. Содлогуба...и А. А. С. Петербург, 1872, etc. 8°. Ас. 6130/27. Харитонова.) Тифлисъ, 1852, etc. 8. Ас. 6130/5. І. In progress. In progress. DRAGOM ANоv (мікнAIL) Малорусскія народныя преданія Этнографической сборникъ, издаваемый Императорскимъ и разсказы. Сводъ М. Драгоманова. Кіевъ, 1876. 8°. Русскимъ Географическимъ Обществомъ. Ас. 6130/25. Санктпетербург, 1853, etc. 89. Ас. 6130/6. KRIVOSHAPKIN (мікнAIL тн.) Енисейскій Округъ и его In progress. жизнь. 2 том. С.-Петербуръ, 1865. 89. Съверный Уралъ и Береговой Хребеть. Пай-Хой. Ас. 6130/11. Изслѣдованія Экспедицій, снаряженной ... Русскимъ OSTEN-SAKEN (THEODOR ROMANOVICH) Baron. OTTET Географическимъ Обществомъ въ 1817, 1848 и 1850 Императорскаго Русскаго Географическаго Общества годахъ. Томъ І. (Географическiя опредѣленія мѣстъ за 1869 годъ. Составленъ ... Барономъ Ө. Р. Остенъ- ...М. Ковальскаго.) Санктпетербургъ, 1853. 49. . Сакеномъ. С.-Петербургъ, 1870. 89. Ас. 6130/19. Ас. 6130/7. PREZHEVAL'SKY (NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH) Mohrozia H Сборникъ статистическихъ свѣдѣній о Россіи, издавае- страна Тангутовъ, трехлѣтнее путешествіе въ Восточной мый Статистическимъ Отдѣленіемъ Императорскаго Нагорной Азии. 2 том. Русскаго Географическаго Общестба. Книжка І., издан- Санктпетербургъ, 1875-76, 89. 10077. k. 5. ная подъ редакціею М. П. Заблоцкаго. (Кн. II....подъ редакціею Е. И. Ламанскаго: Кн. III....подъ редакціею PREZHEV AL'SKY (NIKOLAI MIKHAILovІсн) Отъ Кульджи за В. П. Безобразова.) Санктпетербург, 1854, etc. 89. Тянь-Шань и на Лобъ-Норъ. Путешествие ... въ 1876 In progress. The half-title bears the words : “ Tpydol и 1877 гг. (Отдѣльно отпечатано изъ х. тома Извѣстій Императорскао Русскао Географическало Общества.” | Императорскаго Русскаго Географическаго Общества.) pp. 4, 67. С.-Петербург, 1878. 89. Ас. 6130/26. Сельская Лѣтопись, составленная изъ наблюденій могу- щихъ служить къ опредѣленію Климата России въ 1851 RхтTER (CARL) Geographer. Иранъ ... Перевелъ и году. pt. 1. Санктпетербургъ, 1854. 49. дополнилъ Н. В. Ханыковъ ... Изданіе Императорскаго No more published. Ас. 6130/17. Русскаго Географическаго Общества. Санктпетербург, 1874, etc. 89. Ас. 6130/24. Записки Сибирскаго отдѣла Императорскаго Русскаго In progress. Географическаго Общества... Подъ редакціею...Е. и. Ламанскаго. Санктпетербургъ, 1856, etc. 89. TILLO (ALEKSYEI ANDREEVICH) Terrestrial Magnetism of In progress. Ас. 6130/9. the country of Orenburg 1830-1870 ... With a map of magnetic lines for 1830 ... and for 1870 ... Text in Repertorium für Meteorologie herausgegeben von der Russian language. Земной магнетизмъ Оренбургскаго Kais. geographischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg, края, еtс. Санктпетербуръ, 1872. fol. Ac. 6130/23. redigirt von Dr. L. F. Kämtz. Dorpat, 1859, etc. 8º. In progress. Ас. 6130/8. Uso'TSET (ARSENY FEDORoyІсн) Отчетъ одѣйствіях:Ь Сибирскаго Отдѣла Императорскаго Русскаго Геогра- Записки...по отдѣленію Статистики... под. редакцією фическаго общества за 1869 годъ. Составленъ ... А. Ф. ...А. Артемьева. Санктпетербург, 1866, etc. 89. Усольцевымъ. С.-Петербургъ, 1870. 89. Ас. 6130/18. In progress. Ас. 6130/3. Императорское Русское Историческое Общество. Записки ... по общей Географія. Отдѣленіямъ Гео- графіи Физической и Математической... подъ редакціею Сборникъ Русскаго историческаго Общества. [Tom, 4, ...П. Семенова. С. Петербуръ, 1867, etc. 89. 8, 14 edited by D. V. Polyenov, tom. 17, 19 by A. A. In progress. Ас. 6130/2. Polovtsov, tom. 18 by S. Tatishchev, tom. 21 by K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin.) С. Петербург, 1867, etc. 89. Записки... по отдѣленію Этнографій. In progress. Ас. 7886. С.-Петербург, 1867, etc. 8°. Ас. 6130/4. In progress. | Императорское Русское Техническое Общество. Труды Сибирской Экспедиции Императорскаго Русскаго | See infra: Русское Техническое Общество. Географическаго Общества. С.-Петербургъ, 1868 [1866 ), etc. 49. Ас. 6130/16.1 Императорское Вольное Экономическое Обачество. In progress. Труды Вольнаго Экономическаго Общества къ поощренію Сборникъ статистическихъ свѣдѣній о Кавказѣ, изда- | въ Россіи земледѣлiя и домостроительства 1765-(1820) ваемый Кавказскимъ Отдѣломъ Императорскаго Рүсскаго года. 72 част. в Санктпетербург, 1766-82г. 80 Географическаго Общества. Томъ 1 (etc.)... изданъ Ас. 2353/2. подъ редакціею ... Н. И. Воронова. The 1st volume is of a third issue, and volumes 34, 35 Тифлисъ, 1869, etc. 89. Ас. 6130/22. and 36 are of the 2nd edition. A second series commences In progress. at vol. 31 with the title, “ Продолженіе Трудовъ, etc., and a third series at vol. 50, entitled, “ Новое продолженіе,” etc. Записки Оренбургскаго Огдѣла Императорскаго Русскаго No more published. Географическаго Общества. Казань, 1870, etc. 89. In progress. Ас. 6130/21. · Auswahl ökonomischer Abhandlungen, welche die freye ökonomische Gesellschaft in St. Petersburg in teutscher Докладъ Коммиссии по снаряженію экспедиции въ Sprache erhalten hat. 4 Bde. Сѣверныя Моря, составленъ П. А. Кропоткинымъ, etc. 895. с. 1-4. (изъ книжки 3-й Извѣстій Императорскаго Общества за 1871 г.) С.-Петербург, 1871. 89. Ас. 6130/20. Preisschriften und Abhandlungen der Kayserlichen The awrapper rеаds: “ Экспедиція для изслѣдованія freyen ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. Русских дверныхъ Морей.” Theil I. Gotha und St. Petersburg, 179б. 30. 895. с. 5. . 911 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] 912 броя о т обвиже SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). ІІмператорское Вольное Экономическое Общество. . . | Николаевская Академія Генеральнаго штаба. Деревенское Зеркало или общенародная книга, еtс. Сборникъ сочиненіи Офицеровь Николаевской Академія З част. в Санктпетербург., 1798, 99. 8. ... Книга первая, изданная подъ редакціею Про- 7075. d. фессора Полковника Макшеева. (Книга вторая, издан- Хозяйственное описаніе Пермской губерніи по граж- ная подъ редакціею Профессора Подполковника Рех- данскому и естественном у ея состоянію въ отношеніи къ невскаго.) С.-Петербургъ, 1862, etc. 89. земледѣлію, многочисленнымъ руднымъ заводамъ, ... In progress. 8828. f. сочиненное по начертанію императорскаго Вольнаго Экономическаго Общества, еtс. З част. Медико-Хирургическая Академія. въ Санктпетербургѣ, 181-3. 49. 10290. f. See supra: Императорская Медико - Хирургическая Академія. Mittheilungen der kaiserlichen freien ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. Leipzig, 1844, etc. 89. Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte. In progre88. Ас. 2353. 6. See infra: Николаевская Главная Астрономическая Матерiалы дла Хозяйственной Статистики Россіи, Обсерваторія. издаваемые императорскимъ Вольномъ Экономическимъ Обществомъ. Санктпетербург, 1853. 89. Осмотрь Главной Николаевской Обсерваторіи въ Іюні: In progress. Ас. 2353/3. 1863 года и отчетъ Директора оной. [Saint Petersburg, 1863.) 89. Ас. 4164. Экономическое значеніе публичныхъ торговъ : четыре засѣданія Политико - Экономическаго Комитета при Russische Expeditionen zur Beobachtung des Venus- Императорскомъ Вольномъ Экономическомъ Обществѣ. durchgangs 1874. St. Petersburg, 1877, etc. 4º. Санктпетербуръ, 1863. 89. 8282. сс. 19. In progress. Ас. 4164 / 2. Бесѣды о Съверѣ Россіи въ з Отдѣленіп ... Экономи- | observatoire Physique Central de Russie. ческаго Общества. Санктпетербург, 1867. 89. Annales de l'Observatoire Physique Central de Russie, Ас. 2353. publiées . . . par A. T. Kupffer, année 1847(-13; par Труди Экспедицій, снаряженной Императорским и Воль L. F. Kamtz, année 1864; par H. Wild ... année 1865, нымъ Экономическимъ п Русски мъ Географическихъ etc.). Лѣтописи, etc. Fr. & Russ. Обществам и, для изслѣдованія хлѣбной торговли и Saint Pétersbourg, 1850, etc. 4º. 8750.: производительностин въ Россін. In progress. This work is a continuation of the “ Annuaire С.-Петербург, 1870, etc. 89. Ас. 2353/5. magnétique et météorologique du Corps des Ingénieurs des In progress. Mines de Russie." КнорNEv (ALEKSYEI IVANOVІсн) Исторiя Императорскаго Compte-Rendu annuel . . . par le directeur de l'obser- Вольнаго Экономическаго общества съ 1765 до 1865 ! vatoire physique central, A. T. Kupffer, etc. года. Санктпетербург, 1865. 89. 8205. і. St. Pétersbourg, 1852, etc. 4º. 8750. h. In progress. LAUNAY (сHARLES EUGENE DE) Хозяйственныя и тех- Літописи Главной физической Обсерваторіи. ническiя руководства, издаваемыя отъ императорскаго Вольнаго Экономическаго общества. Общепонятная See supra : Annales, etc. механика, примѣненная къ сельскому хозяйству, про- Общество Естествоиспытателей. мышлености и договодству, составленная по курсу Делонэ, съ измѣненіями, дополненіям II приміѣчаніям II See infra: Санктпетербургское Общество Естествоис- Н. Писаревски мъ. 2 част. Санктпетербург, 1854. 80. пытателей. 8766. dе. 4. VSEVoLopoy (VSEVoLon) - Алфавитный указатель статей, Общество Любителей Древней Письменности. напечатанныхъ въ Трудахъ и другихъ періодическихъ Азбука гражданская со нравоученіями, правлена рукою изданіяхъ Императорскаго Вольнаго Экономическаго Петра великаго. (Азбука съ исправленіями Императора Общества. Составленный...B. Всеволодовы мъ. Петра Великаго, еtс. [ With a рrеface by N. I. Grigoro- с[анкт] [етерј Б[урь], 1849. 89. Ас. 2353/4. vich.] 2 pt. [Saint Petersburg,] 1877. 4º. Ас. 9086/27. Institut des Langues Orientales. No. 8 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed See infra: Учебное Отдѣленіе Восточныхъ Языковъ. in facsimile. Буквица языка Словенскаго. Рукописный свитокъ Институт Корпуса Горныхъ ІІнженеровъ. Императорской Публичной Библіотеки. See supra: Горный Институт. Санктпетербургъ, 1877. fоl. Tab. 1850. с. No. 14 of the publications of the Society. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenchaften. See supra : Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. Краткое описаніе двадцать мйтырёй обретающіхся во Стой Горы Aөiнской. [With a рrеface by Prince Kaiserliche Freie Oekonomische Gesellschaft. Vyazemsky.] [Saint Petersburg,] 1877. 4º. See supra : Императорское Вольное Экономическое Ас. 9086/25. Общество. No. 1 of the publications of the Society. A facsimile in lithography. Kaiserliche Oeffentliche Bibliothek. Первое ученіе мусикiйскихъ согласiй. f. 50. See supra: Императорская Публічная Библіотека. [Saint Petersburg, ] 1877. 16º. Ас. 9086/35. No. 6 of the publications of the Society. КорпусГорныхъ Иннсенеров. A facsimile in lithoyraphy. See supra: Горный Институть. Римскія Дѣянія. Gesta Romanorum. pp. xl. 396. Mineralogische Gesellschaft. Санктпетербург, 1877-78. 49. Ас. 9086/9. See supra: Императорское Минералогическое Общество. No. 5 and 33 of the publications of the Society. . . . 913 ACADEMIES. [SAINT PETERSBURG.] 914 . SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). Общество Любителей Древней Письменности. Общество Любителей Древней Письменности. Begin. [fol. 3 rеctо :) Слово в зачати п8стыни ALEXANDER, the Great, King of Macedon. Александрія. Дѣдовскаго встрова престыя ... Трцы. f. 112. [Being the life of Alexander the Great, King of (Saint Petersburg,] 1877. 4º. Ас. 9086/32. Macedon.] [Saint Petersburg,] 1880, etc. 4º. No. 13 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed Ас. 9086/45. in facsimile. In progress.—No. 67 of the publications of the Society. Сіужба мѣсяца Сентября к на зачатїe чтнаго претечи и Lithographed throughout. крття Іоанна ... мѣсяца 'Іюня кӣ за ржтво стаго й BARSoкov (NikoLAI PLATONоvіон) Источники Русской славнaгo пppка Іоанна, еtс. Агіографіи. pp. xi. 308, 8. [Saint Petersburg.) 1877. 49. Ас. 9086/12. Санктпетербург, 1882. 80. Ас. 9086/40. No. 11 of the publications of the Society. A facsimile in No. 81 of the publications of the Society. lithography. ВірРАЇ. Стефан итъ и ихнилать. (Политическiя и Исторія семи мудрецовъ. [Edited by Tь. І. Bulgakov.] нравоучительныя басни Пильная, философа индейскаго. pp. 15, 199. С.-Петербургъ, 1878–8o. 49. Съ французскаго [version of C. Mouton] переведены... Ас. 9086/11. Б. Волковымъ. — Сказаніе і притчах списаніе Антибха No. 29 and 35 of the publications of the Society. великаго, друзіи же мнѣшта Іоанна Дамаскина ... Книга Потребникъ Требникъ. f. 163. каноноЁже звѣрех нарицаемых Стефанида да [Saint Petersburg,] 1878—8o. 19. Ас. 9086/31. Ихнилада. —Съ предисловіемъ и примѣчаніями...ө. и. No. 24 and 64 of the publications of the Society. Litho Булгакова.) pp. 67, 117. С.-Петербург, 1877. 80. graphed in facsimile. Ас. 9086/7. Уставъ Общества, etc. pp. 16. BUSLAEV (тиворов IVANOVIси) Образцы письма и украшенiй С.-Петербург, 1877. 89. Ас. 9086/42. изъ псалтыри съ возслѣдованіемъ по рукописи ху, вѣка ... со введеніемъ Ө. Буслаева. 2 pt. Отчет о дѣятельности Общества Любителей Древней С.-Петербург, 1881. 49. “Ас. 9086/44. Письменности за 1877 (etc.) годъ. Составленъ ... No. 52–74 of the publications of the Society. ө. И. Булгаковымъ. (Съ ... приложениями, etc.) С.-Петербургъ, 1878, etc. 8. Ас. 9086. BUSLAEV (THEODOR IVANOVІсн) Сводъ изображеній нь In progress. лицевыхъ Апокалипсисов"по русскимъ рукописямъ съ xvi.-го вѣка по хіх.-ый. pp. xiy. 835. Памятники древней письменности ... издано подъ С.-Петербург, 1884. 8°. . наблюденіемъ ...ө. И. Булгакова. С.-Петербургъ, 1878, etc. 89. — [Plates.) fol. Ас. 9086/48. 666. [Plates.) fol. Ас. 9086/6. No. 82 of the publications of the Society. . In progress. DEMETRIUS IVANOVICH, Saint, Tsarevich of Russia. Rutie Протоколъ чрезвычайнаго собранія Общества Любителей Святаго Димитрія Царевича. Древней Письменности, 10-то Ноября 1877 года. Въ Ст Петербург, 1879. 49. Ас. 9086/18. (Приложенie, etc.) 5 pt. С.-Петербург, 1878-77. 89. No. 36 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. Ас. 9086/5. Протоколъ годоваго собранія членовъ Общества Любите- GERMAN, Monit, of Yologda. Китіе Преподобнаго хей Древней Письменности ... 1878 (etc.) года. Съ Филиппа Ирапскаго. [With a рrеface by V. О. ... приложениями. С.-Петербург, 1878, etc. 89. Klyuchevsky.] pp. xliv. 77. С.-Петербург, 1879. 49. Ас. 9086/3. No. 46 of the publications of the Society. In progress. Ac. 9086/22. Синодикъ Холмогорской Эпархіи. f. 18. IoAKIM, Patriarch of Russia. Житіе и завѣщаніе ... Санктпетербургъ,1878. 49. Ас. 9086/29. Патріарха Московскаго Іоакима. [With a рrеface by No. 32 of the publications of the Society. N. P. Barsukov. pp. xx. 149. С.-Петербург, 1879. 49. Ас. 9086/28. Законъ Винодольскій, съ предисловіемъ и транскрипціей No. 47 of the publications of the Society. А. М. Евреиновой. (Законъ Винодольскій факсимиле и карта Хорватскаго берега Адріатическаго моря, JOHN, Chrysostom, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. Bu составленныя А. М. Евреиновой.) 2 pt. 29 день мѣсяца Августа слово Іоанна Златоуставо на С.-Петербургъ, 1878. 49. Ас. 9086/3. усѣкновеніе главы Іоанна Предтечи и о Иродін и о. No. 25 of the publications of the Society. добрыхъ женахъ по злыхъ. [Saint Petersburg, ] 1877. 4º. Ас. 9086;24. Счетная Мудрость. [Saint Petersburg,] 1879. oы. 80. No. 10 of the publications of the Society. A facsimile in Ас. 9086/38. lithography of the original manuscript. No. 43 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. Јонх, of Damascus, Saint. Іоанна Дамаскина слово на Евангелie отъ Луки. Изъ Глаголической рукописи хі. благовѣщеніе Владычица нашея Богородица суть же здѣ вѣка. [Lithographed in the Glagolitic characters.) глаголи буквамъ ГреческІІ мъ Арханглови и Богородичні pp. iii, i10. С.-Петербург, 1880–1881. 80. ... . вѣщанiя и отвѣти. [Saint Petersburg,) 1877. 49. Ас. 9086/41. Ас. 9086/23. Nos. 59 and 79 of the publications of the Society. No. 12 of the publications of the Society. A facsimile in Законъ Винодольскій. Подлинный текстъ съ Русскимъ lithography of the original manuscript. переводомъ, критическими замѣчаніями и объясненіями, Јонх, Saint and Apostlе. Житіе пхожденie Іоанна трудъ В. В. Ягича. pp. т. 152. Богослова. [w ith illustrations.] С.-Петербургъ, 188o. 49. Ас. 9086/10. С.-Петербург, 1878. 49. Ас. 9086 /34. No. 54 of the publications of the Society. No. 23 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed in Леонтьевскій Сборникъ. [Theological trасtѕ.) Издано facsimile. по рукописи изъ собранiя князя П. П. Вяземскаго. КнRISTOFoRovІсн (ANDREI) Книга сія филосовская рр. viii., 46. С.-Петербург, [1884 ?) 49. сложённая философом» А. Христофоровичемъ. pp. 1565. Ас. 9086/49. [Saint Petersburg,) 1878. 80. . А. 9086 736. No. 77 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed No. 18 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed in thrоughоut. . facsimile. . . . 916 915 ACADEMIES. (SAINT PETERSBURG.] SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG (CONTINUED). Общество Любителей Древней Письменнотси. Общество Любителей Древней. Письменности. MAGNITSKY (LEONTY FILIPPOүІсн) Записка Л. Магницкаго Тнноровь, Mont, of Kiev. Житіе Преподобныхъ Отецъ по дѣлу Тверитинова. pp. xii. 272, 5. Өеодора и Василіа. [With illustrations.] pp. 67. . С.-Петербургъ, [188о ?) 89. Ас. 9086 /50. | [Saint Petersburg,) 1879. 49. * Ас. 9086/20. No. 80 of the publications of the Society. . No. 37 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. MARCELLus, Presbyter. Обрѣтеніе главы пророка и THEODORE, of Edessa. Житіе bедора Едесскаго. [With крестителя Христова Іоанна Предтечи Пресвитеромъ illustrations.] Санктпетербург, 1879. 89. и Архимандритомъ Маркеломъ въ Емесѣ, въ царство- Ас. 9086/13. ваніе Валентиніана и Маркіана. No. 48 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. [Saint Petersburg,]1877. 4º. Ас. 9086/39. VARLAAM, Khutuinsky. Житіе Варлаама Хутынскаго. No. 9 of the publications of the Society. A facsimile in Въ двухъ спискахъ. pp. 110. С.-Петербургъ, 1881. 49. lithography of the original manuscript. No. 41 of the publications of the Society. Ac. 9086/46. MARY, the Blessed Virgin. Сказаніе о чудесахъ Влади VSPOLокнот (GRIGORY) Челобитная Дьяка Ямскаго мірской Иконы Божіей Матери. [With a рrеface by Приказа Г. Всполохова поданная царю Алексѣю V. O. Klyuchevsky.] pp. 43. Михайловичу въ 1672 году. [A facѕіmіlе of the original [Saint Petersburg, ] 1878. 4º. Ас. 9086/33. work.] 2 выпуск. Санктпетербург, 1877-78. fol. No. 30 of the publications of the Society. Тексть. [Printed in modern Russian characters. 49. MARY, the Blessed Virgin. Сказаніе о иконѣ Божјей No. 3 of the publications of the Society. Матери Одигитріли. Facѕіmіlе изъ рукописи. Tab. 1850. с. [Saint Petersburg,] 1878. 4º. Ас. 9086/14. YAVORSKY (STEFAN) successively Metropolitan of Riazan, No. 19 of the publications of the Society. etc. Риторическая Рука ... переводъ съ Латинскаго ө. Поликарпова. pp. 104. [Saint Petersburg,] 1878. 89. MARY, the Blessed Virgin. Собраніе гравированныхъ No. 20 of the publications of the Society. Ac. 9086/37. изображений иконъ Божјей Матери и сказанія онихъ. С.-Петербург, 1878. 49. Ас. 9086/16. ZIZANY (LAYRENTY) Засѣданіе въ Книжной Палатѣ 18-го No. 2 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. Февраля 1627 года по поводу исправленій катихизиса MATTHEI, Prozorlіvіі. [Fol. 3 rеctо :) Житіе препо- С.-Петербургъ, 1878. 89. Ас. 9086/26. добнаго отца нашего Матөeя прозорливаго, etc. pp. 17. No. 17 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. [Saint Petersburg, ] 1878. 4º. . . Ас. 9086/30. | Общество Любителей Российской Словесности. No. 34 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed in facsimile, with illustrations. See infra: Санктпетербургское Вольное общество, еtс. | Общество Русских. Врачей. MELUSINA. Исторiя о Мелюзинѣ. Slav. pp. 187. С.-Петербуръ, 1882. 89. Ас. 9086/43. Труды Санктпетербургскаго Общества Русскихъ Врачей. No. 42–60 of the publications of the Society. Санктпетербуръ, 1836, etc. 89. Ас. 3815. In progress. NхсноLAs, Saint, Archbishop of Myra. Житіе Николая Протоколы засѣданій общества Русскихъ Врачей въ чудотворца. Издано по рукописи xvi вѣка. foll. 241. С. Петербургѣ. 1857-58, etc. С.-Петербург, 1882. fol. Ас. 9086/47. Санктпетербургъ, 1858, etc. 89. Ас. 3815/2. No. 28-40 of the publications of the Society. Litho- In progress. graphed throughout. Петербуръскій Университетъ. РАКномY, Logothet. Житіе Митрополита всея Руси Святаго Алексія составленное Пахоміемъ Логоветомъ. See supra : Императорскій Санктпетербургскій Уни- [A facsimile of the original manuscript text and illus- верситеть. trations, edited by P. A. Gil'tebrandt.] pp. xvi. 4, 308. Pharmaceutische Gesellschaft. Санктпетербург, 1877-78. 49. Ас. 9086/8. Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift für Russland. Namens der No. 4 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. ... pharmaceutischen Gesellschaft in St. Petersburg... NIFONT, Saint, Bishop of Novgorod. Житіе Преподобного herausgegeben (Jahrg. 1-3) von G. Dragendorff. Нифонта. [With illustrations. ] (Jahrg. 4-11, von A. Casselmann. Jahrg. 12. Redigirt Санктпетербуръ, 1879, etc. 89. Ас. 9086/17. von A. Peltz und E. Rennard. Jahrg. 13, etc., von E. In progress. Rennard.) St. Petersburg, 1862, etc. gº. Ac. 3814. In progress. SHEMYAKA. Повѣсть осудѣ Шемяки. (Сказанія о праведныхъ судахь царя Соломона ионеправедныхъ | Российская Академія. судіяхъ Содомскихъ.) [With a рrеface by Th. Bulgakov.1 Словарь Академіи Россійской. б част. pp. 44. [Saint Petersburg,) 1879. 49. Ас. 9086/21. Въ Санктпетербургѣ, 1789-94. 49. 628. k. 11. No. 38 of the publications of the Society. [Another edition.] Въ Санктпетербург, 18o6–22. 40. · [Another copy.] . Ас. 9086/4. 71. е. '10–15. Россійкая Грамматика, сочиненная Императорскою SILA, Tsarevich. Сказка о Силѣ Царевичѣ иоИвашкѣ Россійскою Академіею. бѣлой рубашкѣ. pp. 9. [Saint Petersburg,] 188o. 49. Въ Санктпетербургѣ, 18o2. 89. 12976. d. 27. Ас. 9086/19. No. 49 of the publications of the Society. A.facsimile in Изданіе третье. въ Санктпетербургт, 1819. 89. 1333. е. lithography. Собраніе рѣзныхъ изображенін съ медалей представ- SVYATOSLAV YAROSLAVICH, Grand Duke of Kiev. Избор- ляющихъ знаменитѣйшія воинскія дѣйствия происхо- никъ Великаго Князя Святослава Ярославича 1073 года. дившия въ 1812-14 годахъ. Санктпетербурга, 1878. 40. [Wіth a рrеface by G. Th. Karpov. pp. 10, ff. 266. 818. f. 28. Петербургъ, 188о. fol. 1861. d. 5. Извѣстія Россійской Академій. Книжка 1-12. No. 55 of the publications of the Society. Lithographed. въ Санктпетербуріѣ, 1815-28. '89. Ас. 9090. 917. ACADEMIES. (SAINT PETERSBURG-SAINT QUENTIN.] 918 SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). SAINT PETERSBURG [CONTINUED). Россійская Академія. Санктпетербургское Общество Естествоиспытателей. Имянный списокъ Дѣйствительнымъ и Почетнымъ Труды ... издаваемые подъ редакціей... А. Бекетова. Членамъ императорской Российской Академіи, со дня С.-Петербургъ, 1878, etc. 89. Ас. 2994. основанiя оной по 1836 годъ. In progress. [Saint Petersburg, 1836.] 89. . . Ас. 7090/2. Санктпетербургское Вольное Общество Любителей Рос- Откомомом (coNSTANTINE Ex) Докілоу пері түѕ пAncie- сійской Словесности. στατης συγγενειας της Σλαβονο-Ρωσσικης γλωσσης προς την Елпункту. (Опытъ, еtс. Томъ І. переведенный .. . Лѣтописи Высочайше Утвержденнаго Санктпетер- Г. Меглинцки мъ.) Romaic and Ru88. З том. бургскаго Вольнаго общества Любителей Россійской Словесности. Санктпетербург, 1822. 89. 12976. е. 14. 'Ev Петроуполєt, 1828. 8. Ас. 9091. [Another copy.] 628. i. 22. | Societas Entomologica Rossica. Russische Entomologische Gesellschaft. See supra : Русское Энтомологическое Общество. See infra : Русское Энтомологическое Общество. Société d'Archéologie et de Numismatique. Russische Geographische Gesellschaft. See supra : Императорское Археологическо-Нумизмати- ческое Общество. See supra : Императорское Русское Географическое Обещество. Société Géographique Impériale de Russia. Russisch-Kaiserliche Gesellschaft für die gesammte See supra: • Императорское Русское Географическое Mineralogie. Общество. See supra : Императорское Минералогическое Общество. Société Impériale Polytechnique de Russie. Russisch-Kaiserliche Mineralogische Gesellschaft. See supra: Русское Техническое Общество. See supra: Императорское Минералогическое Общество. Société Impériale Russe de Géographie. Русское Энтомологическое Овщество. See supra: Императорское Русское Географическое Записки. Санктпетербург., 186i, etc. 80. Общество. In progress. . Ас. 3637/2. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicaө. ГTome 12, 1 Учебное Отдѣленіе Восточныхъ Языковъ. etc. edited by N. G. Ershov.] Collections scientifiques de l'Institut des Langues St. Pétersbourg, 1861, etc. 80. Ас. 3637 /3. | Orientales du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. The contributions to this series are written chiefly in Saint Pétersburg, 1877, etc. 89. 14598. d. 8. German and French. Vols. 1 and 2 have also a second In progress. titlepage, bearing the title “ Труды.” Труды. С.-Петербуръ, 1865, etc. 80. Ас. 3637. Verein der praktischen Thierärzte. In progress.-- This series of transactions of the Society, Memorabilien der Veterinair - Medizin in Russland. written in Russian, begins with Tom 3; vols. 1 and 2 of the Herausgegeben von dem Vereine der praktischen German “ Horæ" being treated as the commencement of this Thierärzte in St. Petersburg. Redigirt von L. Busse. series also. St. Petersburg, 1855, etc. 80. Ас. 3879. In progress. DUIBOVSKY (B. N.) Beiträge zur näheren Kenntniss der in dem Baikal-See vorkommenden niederen Krebse aus der Gruppe der Gammariden. Von Dr. B. N. SAINT-QUENTIN. Dybowsky. St. Petersburg, 1874. 49. Ас. 3637 /4. Société Académique de Saint-Quentin. Русское Историческое Общество. See infra: Société des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres See supra: Императорское Русское Историческое et Agriculture. Общество. Société des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agri- Русское Техническое Общество. culture. Записки Русскаго Техническаго общества. С.-Петербург, [1867, etc.) 89. Ас. 4454. 1 Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de la Ville de In progress. · Saint-Quentin. Séance publique du 21 Décembre 1826 (3 Janvier 1828, 16 Juillet 1829, 21 Octobre 1830). КокоLEV (FILIPP NIKOLAEVІсн) Словарь техническихъ 4 tom. Saint-Quentin, 1827–31. 8º. Ac. 530/2. терминовъ на Русскомъ, Французскомъ, Нѣмецкомъ и Англійском языкахъ, употребляемыхъ въ искусствахъ и Memoires, etc. 1831 4 1833 (, 1834–36, 1837—39, ремеслахъ выпуск 1(-2)... изданный подъ главною 1840-42). 4 vol. Saint-Quentin, 1839-43. 89. редакціей Ф. Н. Королева ... Dictionnaire Techno- * Ас. 530/3. logique Français-Russe-Allemand-Anglais, contenant les Annales agricoles du département de l'Aisne; publiés termes techniques employés dans les arts et métiers, etc. par la Société, etc. Livraison 1–15. Novembre 1831– Выпускъ 3(–12 составленный .. . П. П. Андреевымъ). 1842. St. Quentin, [1832-43.) 89. Санктпетербург, 1878, etc. 89. 2118. b. Annales scientifiques, agricoles et industrielles du dépar- In progress. tement de l'Aisne. Deuxième série. 1843–54. 11 tom. Санктпетербургский Университета. St. Qиеntіп, 1844-55. 89. See supra: Императорскій Санктпетербургский Уни- – Troisième série. Travaux de 1855 (-Juillet, 1876). верситетъ. 14 tom. Saint-Quentin, 1858-77. 8°: Санктпетербургское Археологическо - Нумизматическое - Quatrième série. Mémoires de la Société. Travaux Общество. de 1876, etc. Tom. 1, etc. See supra : Императорское Археологическо-Нумизмати- · Saint-Quentin, 1876, etc. 8º. Ас. 530. ческое обсцество. In progress. 919 ACADEMIES. [SALAMANCA.] 920 ne SALAMANCA... . . SALAMANCA (CONTINUED). Academia Salmanticensis. Universidad de Salamanca, See infra : Universidad de Salamanca. See SALAMANCA.—Colegio Real de la Compañía de Jesus. Begin. En el Pleyto del Colegio de la Compañia de Collegium Fratrum Discalceatorum. B. Mariæ de Jesu de Salamanca con la Universidad, sobre los argu- Monte Carmeli Primitivæ Observantiæ. mētos y cõclusiones de Theologia, etc. [1603?7 fol. Collegii Salmanticensis F. F. Discalceatorum, etc. Cur- 1322. I. 3. (17.) sus Tbeologiæ Moralis. Tom. I per Franciscum à Jesu See TORRES (M. DE Begin. Señor. [A memorial ad- Maria. [Tom. II.-IV.] (per Andream à Matre Dei.) dressed to the King of Spain on behalf of the Chapter of [Tom. v.] (per Sebastianum à Sancto Joachim.) [Tom. Salamanca, relating to the observance by the University VI.] (per Sebastianum à Sancto Joachim...inceptus : et of the ceremony of conferring degrees in the Cathedral per Ildefonsum ab Angelis . . . completus et consum- Church.] [1631?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (2.) matus.) Editio...correctior, cui accessere propositiones, a summis pontificibus utroque Alexandro VII. & VIII. See TORRES (M. DE) Begin. Señor. La Iglesia de Sala- necnon Innocentio XI. novissime damnatæ, etc. 6 tom. manca ha entendido, etc. (A Meinorial addressed to the Venetiis, 1734. fol. 1227. e. King of Spain relating to a suit between the Chapter of Salamanca and the University, "acerca de la resi- Compendio moral Salmaticense, segun la mente del dencia i silla de la Dignidad de Maestrescuela."] Angélico Doctor. En el que se reduce à mayor brevedad [1630?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (6.) el que en lengua Latina publicó el R. P. Fr. Antonio de Paresçer o determinació de los señores theologos de San Jose . . . formado en lengua vulgar por el R. P. Fr. Marcos de Santa Teresa. Tercera edicion. 2 tom. Salamanca sobre de que no deben ser baptizados los yndios sin examinació estrecha de su voluntad y concepto Madrid, 1849. 8º. 3558. d. del Bho scramento. Año de MDXLI. [Edited by H. Universidad de Salamanca. Stevens). O. L. C. Whittingham: Londres, 1854. 4º. See supra : ALCALA DE HENARES.--Universidad. Begin. Seven leaves, without pagination. 579. g. 29. Señor. La Universidad de Alcala por sí, y en nombre Constitutiones apostólicas, y estatutos de la muy insigne de la de Salamanca, etc. [A petition against the foun Universidad de Salamanca, recopilados nuevamente por dation of a University by the Jesuits.] [1626?] fol. su comisiun. Salamanca, 1625. fol. 731. 1. 16. (1.) 1322. 1. 3. (19.) The “ Estatutos ” have a distinct titlepage. See supra: PARIS. - Université de Paris. Insignium ... Exequias, tumulo y pompa funeral que la Universidad de Universitatum Sorbonæ, Salmanticæ, et Patavii respon- Salamanca hizo en las honras del Rey ... Felipe III., etc. siones ad consultationem super casu duplicis . .. matri- [By A. Maurique.] (Sermon que predico F. Pimentel. monii, etc. 1722. 12º. 498. a. 27. Oratio ad funebrem contionem ... per H. de Haro.) See BALBOA DE MOGROVEJO (J. DE) Begin. Por la Uni- Salamanca, 1621. 8º. 1060. i. 17. (2.) versidad de Salamanca, y sus estudiantes. [A defence Begin. En el pleyto que V. M. tiene visto, etc. [An of the ancient privileges of the University.] address to the King of Spain on the part of the Uni- [1622.] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (8.) versity of Salamanca, with reference to a suit between See FRANCISCANS. Memorial por la Religion de San the University and the College of Jesuits in the matter of certain public lectures in Theology. Francisco... Sobre el juramento que hizo la Universidad de Salamanca, de leer, y enseñar . . . la dotrina de S. [Salamanca ? 1603 ?] ful. 1322. l. 3. (13.) Agustin, y Santo Tomas, excluyendo las demas que An Extracte of the determinaciun and censure of the fuessen contrarias. 1628. fol. 1322. 1. 3. (22.) Doctours of the Universities of Salamanca and Valledolid See MANRIQUE (A.) Begin. Señor. Tres puntos son los touching the warres of Ireland, and declaracion of the que por la parte de la Universidad de Salamanca, etc. Poape his Breve concerning the same warres. [A memorial ... relating to the observance by the Uni- [Douay? 1603?] 8. sh. fol. 1222. 1. 26. versity of Salamanca of the ceremony of conferring Memorial à las Juezes de la verdad ; y doctrina. [In degrees in the Cathedral Church.] [1631?] fol. defence of the religious doctrines taught by the Uni- 1322. 1. 3. (3.) versity of Salamanca.] [Madrid ?] 1625. fol. See MANRIQUE (A.) Begin. Señor. [A memorial 1322. 1. 3. 23. signed: Fray A. Manrique, addressed to the King of Begin. Señor. La Universidad de Salamanca, y la de Spain on behalf of the University of Salamanca, con Alcala acuden à las pies de V. Magestad suplicandole cerning the observance of the ceremony of conferring the humilmente se sirva de favorecerlas, en la pretension que degrees of the University in the Cathedral Church.T · lus Padres de la Compañía (de Jesus) han movido ... de (1631?] ful. 1322. 1. 3. (1.) fundar en esta Corte una Universidad, etc. [Salamanca ? 1626?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (20.) See SALAMANCA.—Colegio Real de la Compañía de Jesus. Begin. El Colegio de la Compañia de Jesus con la Uni Begin. Por la Universidad de Salamanca, y las sagradas versidad de Salamanca. [A statement of the case of the Religiones de Santo Domingo, y San Agustin. Sobre Jtsuits in support of their right to lecture before Mem la confirmacion del estatuto y juramēto de enseñar, y leer bers of the University of Salamanca. By el licenciado las docirinas de San Agustin, y no contra ellas. maestro de Molina.] [1603.] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (14.) [Madrid ? 1627?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (21.) See SALAMANCA.—Colegio Real de la Compañía de Jesus. Memorial de la justificacion, que la Universidail de Sala- Begin. La Universiilad de Salamanca, ha tenido plerto manca tuvo en los acuer los que hizo, en razon de que los cõ el Rector y Conuento de la Cõp:ñia de Jesus, etc. [A maestros en Theulugia, no aciidan á los actos, y cõclusiones memorial on the part of the Jesuuts in support of their que se tienen en los Colegios, y Conventus fuera de la right to lecture in Theology before Members of the Uni Universidad, etc. Salamanca ? 1627.7 fol. versity of Salamanca.] [1603 ?] fol. " 1322. 1. 4. (34.) 1322. 1. 3. (15.) Por la Universidad de Salamanca. Con el Dean ý See SALAMANCA.—Colegio Real de la Compañía de Jesus. Cabildo de la Santa Iglesia de aquella ciudad. [Re- Begin. Acerci del pleyto que passa entre la Universidad, lating to a dispute between the University and the Chap- y el Colegio de la Compañia de Jesus de Salamanca, ter as to the seat to be occupied by the Professor of sobre ciertas Lectiones de Theologia, etc. [1603?) fol. Divinity in the Cathedral.] [Salamanca ? 1630?) fol. 1322. 1. 3. (16.) 1322. 1. 3. (5). S 921 922 ACADEMIES. [SALAMANCA-SALERNO.] .. SALAMANCA [CONTINUED] SALEM, MASS. [CONTINUED). Universidad de Salamanca. Essex Institute. Begin. Señor, Por parte de la Universidad de Sala The fifth half-century of the landing of J. Endicott at manca se ha presentado á V. Magestad segundo memo Salem, Massachusetts. Commemorative exercises by rial, etc. [Relating to the observance of the ceremony of the Essex Institute, September 18, 1878. From the conferring degrees in the Cathedral Church.] Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. [With a [1631?] fol. 1322. 1. 3. (4.) portrait.] pp. vii. 228. Salem, 1879. 8º. Ac. 1760/7. Epistolæ Salmanticensis Academiæ quibus diffusum ubiquè...rumorem, de repudiata ab eadem Universitate The fifth half-century of the arrival of J. Winthrop at Salem, Massachusetts. Commemorative exercises by Constitutone Unigenitus ... Clementis xi. ... esse mali- tiosan, venenatam, atque impudentissimam calumniam the Essex Institute, June 22, 1880. From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. pp. 64. ... notum sit. Romæ. 1716. 4º. 5016. e. (8.) Salem, 1880. 8º. Ac. 1760/3. [Another copy.] ... 5016. e. (18.) ROBINSON (JOHN) The Flora of Essex County, Massa- Plan de Estudios de la Universidad, etc. chusetts. pp. 200. Salem, 1880. 8º. . Ac. 1760/8. Madrid, 1772. 4º. 731. f. 13. Essex South District Medical Society. Catalogo de los Libros Manuscritos que se conservan en Memoir of E. A. Holyoke (with passages from his diary, la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca. etc.) prepared in compliance with a vote of the Essex Salamanca, 1855. 8º. 11902. bb. South District Medical Suciety. Boston, Mass, 1829. 89. 551. c. 11. Memoria acerca del estado de la enseñanza en la Uni- | Peabody Academy of Science versidad Literaria de Salamanca, y establecimientos de instruccion pública del distrito en el curso de 1861 à See supra: Essex Institute. The American Natu- 1862, y Anuario de la misma de 1862 á 1863. ralist, etc. (vol. 2–9 puilished by the Peabody Acad-my Salamanca, (1863.] 4º. Ac. 2605. of Science.] 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 1760/4. Memoria leida ante S. M. el Rey en el acto de su visita First (second, etc.) annual Report of the Trustees of the Peabody Academy of Science. Salem, 1869, etc. 8º. á la Universidad de Salamanca sobre los antecedentes, situacion actual y porvenir de la misma. pp. 31. In progress. Ac. 1761. Salamanca, 1877. fol. 8310. l. 1. Memoirs, etc. Salem, 1869, etc. 4º. Ac. 1761/2. In progress. Bibliotheca Salmantina, seu Index librorum omnium qui in publica Salmanticensis Academiae Bibliotheca ABBOT (CHARLES C.) Primitive Industry . . . A special adservantur, per classes & materias dispositus. Auctore publi ation of the Peabody Academy of Science. pp. J. Ortiz de la Peña. 3 vol. Salmanticae, 1777. 4º. vi. 560. Salem, 1881. 89. 7708. cc. 37. 11901. bbb. This is a duplicate, with a slightly altered titlepage und with a special titlepage added, of the work entered under the author's name. SALEM, MASS. SALERNO. East India Marine Society. Schola Salernitana. The East India Marine Society of Salem. [Containing: De regimine sanitatis Salernitano (with the text, by an account of the Society; the act of incorporation, the Joannes de Mediolanol. See ARNALDUS, de Villa Nova. bye-laws, lists of the members and officers; and cata- Begin. Hec sunt opera Arnaldi de villa nova, etc. logues of the library and museum.] [Salem, 1831]. 8º. 1509. fol. : 541. g. 5. Ac. 1759. Essex County Natural History Society. Arnaldi commentum sup regimen Salernitanum (of Joannes de Mediolano, with the text]. See ARNALDUS, See infra : Essex Institute. de Villa Nova. Arnaldi de villa nova upa, etc. 1520. fol. 541. g. 6. Essex Historical Society. See infra : Essex Institute. Arnaldi Commentum super regimen Salernitanum [of Joannes de Mediolano, with the text). See ARNALDUS, de Villa Nova. Arnaldi Villanovani Opera omnia. Essex Institute. 1585. fol. 541. h. 2. Journal (1836–39.) Salem, 1852. 8º. Ac. 1760/2. In 1848 the Essex Historical Society was incorporated Regimē sanitatis salernitanum [by Joannes de Medio- with the Essex County Natural History Society, under the lano). See FicINO (M.) M. Ficinus ... de triplici vita, etc. 1511. 4º. 3832. bb. (2.) name of the Essex Institute. De conservanda humani corporis sanitate rhytui, ex Proceedings of the Essex Institute. (1848–60.) 2 vol. Schola Salernitana. [By Jiannes de Mediolano. 7 Lat. Salem, Mass., 1856–62. 8º. Ac. 1760. and Germ. See GARTNER (A.) of Marienberg. Proverbi- Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. Vol. 1-8. alia dicteria, etc. 1574. gº. . 1070. i. 9. Salem, 1859-68 [66]. 4°. D. Leben waldts verteutschte Salernitanische Schul [from the Latin of Joannes de Mediolano, in verse), etc. - Second series. Vol. 1, pt. 1, 2. [vol. 2, pt. 1.] Salen, 1868, 67. 8º. Ac. 1760/3. See GUFER (J.) D. J. Gufers kleine Hauss-Apotheck, etc. 1701. 12. 1168. a. 21. The American Naturalist : a popular illustrated maga- Medicina Salernitana. See HENNINGERUS (J. s.) Quad- zine of natural history. [Vol. 1 published by the Essex Institute; vol. 2–9 by the Peabody Academy of Science ; riga Scriptorum, etc. 1713. 8º. 1038. f. 32. (1-3). vol. 1-3 by A. S. Packard, Jr., and F. W. Putnam ; vol. Valetudinis conservandæ præcepta, ex schola Salerni- 10, 11 by A. S. Packard, Jr. ; vol. 12, etc., by A. S. tana, etc. See HYGIEIA. Hygieia, etc. 1628. 12º. Packard, Jr., and E. D. Cope.] Salem, Mass.; 1039. a. 22. Boston (Mass.]; Philadelphia, 1868, etc. 8º. Ac. 1760/4. Traduction en vers français des vers latins de l'École In progress. Vol. 10, 11 published at Boston : vol. 12, de Salerne. See PoUGENS (M. J. F. A.) L'Art de con etc., at Philadelphia. server la Santé, etc. 1825. 8º. 7680. b. U : .... .: . 923 ACADEMIES. (SALERNO.] 924 SALERNO [CONTINUED). · SALERNO [CONTINUED). Schola Salernitana. Schola Salernitana. Regimen sanitatis Salerni [by Joannes Mediolano with [Another edition.] Regimē Sanitatis Salernitanum English translation by P. Holland.] . editum a magistro Arnoldo de villa nova, etc. . L. See SINCLAIR (Sir J.) Bart. The code of health, etc. per Corneliū de zyryckzee ; Colonie, 1507. 4º. vol. 3. 1807, etc. 8°. 41. d. 17. 11408, bb. De schoole van Salerno, dat is, voorschriften om de [Another edition.] [With the commentary of Arnaldus gezondheid te bewaren, vertaalt. See TUINMAN (C.) de Villa Nova.] 3. L. . De Oorsprong ... van ... Nederduitsche Spreek worden, Regnault Chaudiere, [Paris, 1515?]. 80. 1039. a. 3. etc. · Del. 2. 1720, etc. 4°. 829. g. 15. Another edition.? [With the commentary of Arnaldus Regimen sanitatis salernitanū (in verse, by Joannes de de Villa Nova] accurate castigatum adjecta tabula in Mediolano] necnö et magri Arnoldi d' nova villa feliciter calce libri hactenus non impressa. . L. īcipit. [Sig. 0, 8 verso] Incipit liber de conservatione . Lugduni, 1516. 4º. 7321. C. corporis ... compositus per magistrum Arnoldum de Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. [With the commentary of villa nova. End. Explicit regimen sanitatis composi- Arnaldus de Villa Nova.] This boke techyng al people tum seu ordinatum a magistro Arnoldo de villa nova to governe them in helthe, is translated out of the Cathalono omnium medicorun viventium Gemma. *.L. Latyne tonge in to englishe by T. Paynell. B. L. FEW MS. NOTES. [J. de Westphalia, Louvain, 1480?] 4°. T. Berthelet, London, 1528. 40. . 11405. e. C. 31. d. 10. Without titlepage or pagination. The Commentary only is in English. Sig. a-r, in eights. 30 lines to a full page. Another edition.] Whiche boke is amended, aug- mented and diligently imprinted. B. L. FEW MS. [Another edition.] Regimen sanitatis salernitanü necno NOTES. Thomas Berthelet, London, 1530. 4º. 7 mgri Arnoldi đ noua villa. Feliciter icipit. End. 1039. f. 8. Explicit regimen sanitatis compositum seu ordinatum a [Another edition.) B. L. . magistro Arnoldo de villa noua Cathalono omniū medico 4 In ædibus T. Bertheleti, Londini, 1535. 4º. viuentiū Gemma. FEW MS. NOTES. Ⓡ. L. [J. de Westphalia, Louvain, 1481 ?] 4º. 235. c. 22. 1039. h. 1. Without titlepage or pagination, sig. a-r. 30 lines to a Another edition.) B. L. In Aedibus Tho. full page. Bertheleti, Londini, 1541. 40. 7391. b. [Another edition.] Regimen sanitatis salernitanū necno Another edition. B. L. g mgri Arnoldi – noua uilla Feliciter icipit. Ⓡ. L. 1039. f. 9. Abraham Vele, London, 1557. 8º. MS. NOTES. In domo J. de Westfalia, Louanii, (1482?] 4º. Another edition.) B. L. MS. NOTES. William Horo, Without titlepage or pagination. Sig. a–r. 1039. h. 2. for Abraham Veale, London, 1575. 8°. 7321. a. ŞAnother edition.] Regimen sanitatis Salernitanũ necnon De conservanda bona valetudine opusculum versibus mgri Arnoldi ď noua uilla feliciter icipit. O. L. conscriptum : cum Arnoldi Novicomensis enarrationibus. [J. de Westphalia, Louvain, 1483?] 4°. 1039. h. 3. Et hæc omnia accurate repurgata. Opera & studio Without titlepage, or pagination. Sig. a-r. J. Curionis, & J. Crellii. Accessere de electione meliorum simplicium, ac specierum medicinalium, rhytmi Othonis [Another edition.] Regimen sanitatis (Salernitanī ... a Cremonensis. Item S. Augustini concio de vitanda mgto Arnaldo de villa nova cathelavo ... expositū ebrietate carmine reddita (per L. Kernerum.) noviter correctâ ae emõdatū per ... medicine artis Apud Chr. Egenolphum,] Francofurti], 1551. 8º. peritissimos doctores mõtispessulani regentes anno 1480, 1039. f. 1. etc.) 6. L. Argentorati], 1491. 4º. 11405. aaa. Without pagination ; sig. a-le in eights. [Another edition.] MS. NOTES. Apud Chr. Egenolphum, Franc[ofurti], 1553. 8º. 1039." f. 2. [Another edition.] Regimen sanitatis salerni. [With the Commentary of Arnaldus de Villa Nova.] . L. [Another edition.] FEW MS. NOTES. Lutetiae, 1553. 12º. MS. NOTES. Per Felicē Calligault, parisii, 1493. 4º. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage." 1170. a. 2. 1039. h. 4. (1.) Without pagination : sig. a-h. The first two leaves are [Another edition:] De conservanda bona valetudine, slightly mutilated. Opusculã. Parisiis, 1580. 16º. 1168. b. 19. Another edition] 6. L. [Another edition.] Regimen Sanitatis poesi aphoristica Per Michelem le noir, Parisii, 1497. 4º. à Salerni Schola olim editum, ... clarius expolitum. Without pagination. Sig. A-I. 1039. h. 5. (1.) Parisiis, 1656. 12º. 1168. b. 6. (2.) [Another edition.] Noviter correctú ac emendatū p ... Schola Salernitana, hoc est, de valetudine tuenda, opus medicinę artis peritissinius doctores Montispessulani nova methodo instructum, infinitis versibus auctum, regentes. MS. NOTES. P Bernardinū l'enetū de commentariis Villanovani, Curiunis, Crellii and Costan- Vitalibus; Venetijs, [1500?] 4º. 7321. f. soni illustratum. Adjectæ sunt animadversiones ' novæ 82 leaves, without pagination, or catchwords : Register & copiosæ R. Moreau. Cum indicibus quatuor capitum, A-U, in fours, except U, which has 6 leaves. quæstionum auctorum & rerum memorabilium. Parisiis, 1625. 8°.. 1039. f. 4. [Another edition. Venice ? 1500?] 40. 7391. C. This edition does not comprise the whole of the poem. 82 leaves, without pagination or catchwords. Register a-u, in fours, except u, which has 6 leaves. [Another edition.] Lutetiæ Parisiosum, 1672. 8º. 1039. f. 5 Another edition. Without the commentary. 1 Cum gratia [Another edition.] Ex recensione Z. Sylvii. (P. Scriverii scipioni concessa, [1500?] 169 835. a. 24. (4.) Saturnalia, continentia usum et abusum tabaci.) Nova 8 leaves. Without titlepage or signature. editio, melior et aliquot medicis opusculis auctior, etc. Roterodami, 1667. 12º. : 7383. a. [Another edition.] Regimen sanitatis Salerni. [With the commentary of Arnaldus de Villa Nova.] O. L. [Another edition.] Hagæ-Comitum, 1683. 12º. T. Kees, [Paris,] 1501. 8º. 7383, a. 7383. aa. 925 ACADEMIES. [SALERNO.] 926 SALERNO [CONTINUED). SALERNO (CONTINUED). Schola Salernitana. Schola Salernitana. Nova editio ... auctior. (Divelis Carystii ... ad L'Art de Conserver sa Santé; composé par l'Ecole de Antigonum ... epistola. Nonnulla de regimine Sani Salerne. Avec la traduction en vers françois par tatis ... per J. Katzchium ... olim edita, sed recens ... Mr B[ruzen de] L[a] M[artinière). (Discours sur l'École repurgata per I. A. S. L. P. Scriverii Saturnalia, con de Salerne.) Lat. & Fr. Paris, 1749. 12º. tinentia usum et abusum tabaci. Ratispona, 1722. 12º. 7383. aa. 1039. f. 6. L'École de Salerne. Traduction en vers français par C. Meaux Saint-Marc, avec le texte latin en regard. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni; or the schoole of Salernes Précédée d'une introduction par C. Daremberg. De la Regiment of Health ... Reviewed, corrected, and in- Sobriété. Conseils pour vivre longtemps par L. Cor- larged with a commentary (of Arnaldus de Villa Nova.) naro. Traduction nouvelle. Lat. & Fr. ... Whereunto is annexed a discourse of all sorts of fish, Paris, Corbeil (printed], 1861. 12º. 11405. bb. in use among us with theyr effects, etc. [The preface signed R. H.] Lat. & Eng. B. Alsop and T. Fawcet : L'École de Salerne. Traduction en vers français par C. London, 1634. 4º. 776. c. 27. Meaux Saint-Marc, avec le texte latin, précédée d'une in- The verses are in Latin & English, the commentary in troduction par C. Daremberg, et suivie de-commentaires. English only. The Commentary is in Black Letter. Avec figures. Lat. & Fr. pp. viii. 609. [Another edition.] Reviewed... by P. Holland) Dr. in Paris, Coulommiers (printed], 1880, 79. 12º. Physicke, etc. [Edited by H. Holland.] 11403. bb. 8. B. Alsop : London, 1649. 4º. 1039. f. 10. Regimen 'Sanitatis, Angliæ olim Regi a Schola Saler- [Another copy.] E. 592. (9.) nitana vel Parisiensi scriptum, nunc Germanicis rhythmis illustratum. [Edited by J. Busmannus.] Lat. and Conservandæ bonæ valetudinis præcepta longe salu- berrima Regi Angliæ quondam a doctoribus S. S. versibus Germ. Vitebergæ, 1546. 8º. 1039. a. 8. (1.) conscripta, pristino suo nitori restituta, & rhythmis Conservandae Sanitatis praecepta saluberrima...rhythmis Anglicanis illustrata. The Salerne Schoole or the regi- ...Germanicis illustrata cum Arnoldi Villanovani...in ment of health. Lat. & Eng. [In verse.] singula capita exegesi. Per J. Curionem... recognita, Gateshead, [1650?] 80. 1039. a. 8. (5.) etc. Lat. & Germ. Apud hæredes Chr. Egen(olphi), The lower part of the book is mutilated. Franc(oforti), 1559. 7383. f. Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum, a poem on the preser- vation of health, in rhyming Latin verse ... With an Conservandæ bonæ valetudinis præcepta a Doctoribus ancient translation, and an introduction and notes by Scholæ Salernitanæ versibus conscripta, nitori suo resti- Sir A. Croke. (The Englishman's Docter or the Schoole tuta, rhytmis quoque Germanicis illustrata. Cum Arnoldi of Salerne.) Lat. & Eng. . Villanovani in singula capita exegesi. Per J. Curionem D. A. Talboys : Oxford, 1830. 80. 1039. h. 6. nunc denuo recognita & repurgata. Accesserunt et alir The “ Englishman's Docter” is a reprint from an edition quædam lectu non indigna, etc. Lat. and Germ. MS. NOTES. of 1607. Autograph of Bishop Bryan Walton. Apud Hæredes Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum. Code of health of the C. Egenolphi, Francoforti), 1568. 8º. 1039. f. 3. School of Salernum. Translated into English verse, Sanitatis Salernitanum. Das ist: ein schön alt Büchlein with an introduction, notes, and appendix. By J. Ordro- auss den eltisten und besten Doctoren der Artzeney, naux. Lat. & Eng. pp. 167. J. B. Lippincott & Co.: zuhauffe gebracht, dem Könige zu Engelandt, von der Philadelphia, 1870. fol. 7305. f. 1. hohen Schule Salernitana vor vielen Jahren zugeschrie- Regimen Sanitatis [i.e. the commentary of Arnaldus de ben, jetzt mit Deutschen Verssen, verkleret allen Men- Villa Nova on the Latin verses of Joannes de Mediolano] schen die ihre Gesundheit wollen bewahren, sehr nütz- en Francoys. [With the verses, in Latin.] Souverain lich und vonnöthen. Lat. & Germ. Hamburg, 1642. 4º. remede contre lepidemie. Traictie pour congnoistre les . 1039. h. 4. (2.) urines. Remede tresutile pour la grosse verole. . L. Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum.... Lateinisch und ini Claude nourry, Lyon, 1503. 4º. C. 31. 8. Versmaasse der Urschrift verdeutscht, nebst der Ges- [Another copy.] FEW MS. NOTES. . 7321. C. chichte der Schule. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. Düntzer. Retardement de la mort par bon regime, ou Conservation Lat. & Germ. Köln, 1841. 8°. 1039. 1. 46. de sante [by Joannes de Mediolano), jadis envoie par l'escollo de Salerne, au Roi d'Angleterre. Tradnict de La Scuola Salernitana, ossia precetti per conservar la Latin en rithme Françoise par G. le Tellier ... Au quel salute, poemetto del secolo XI. Ridotto alla sua vera avons adjouté la maniere de vivre par chacun mois de leziune e recato in versi Italiani dal cav. P. Magenta. l'an. Faict en Latin par J. Chambrier & depuis mis en Lat. & Ital. Pavia, 1835. 8º. 837. i. 19. rithme Frncoise [sic] par le mesine traducteur. Lat. and Fr. Paris, 1561. 8º. 11403. aa. L'Escole des Medecins de Salerno qui enseigne comme il The Englishmans Doctor or the School of Salerne, or faut sainnement & longuement vivre. Physicall observations for the perfect Preserving of the Enrichie de body of Man in continuall health. [Translated in verse plusieurs discours, sur les choses naturelles, non natu- relles, & contre nature. Augmentée de l'epistre, que by Sir John Harington.] Diocle Carystien envoya à Antigon Roy d'Asie, (para- For J. Helme and J. Busby: London, 1608. 8º. C. 39. b. 7. phrastiquement traduite de sa prose en vers Francois.) Le serment d'Hippocrate mis en vers. Traduit du Greć [Another edition.] For J. Helme : London, 1609. 80. en Francois & illustré des commentaires de M. le Long. 1039. a. 8. (2.) Lat. & Fr. Rouen, 1660. 8º. 1039. f. 11. The Englishmans Doctor ... Whereunto is adjoyned Commentaire en vers François, sur l'École de Salerne precepts for the preservation of health. Written by contenant les moyens de se passer de Médecin, et de vivre H. Ronsovius, and now published (by S. H.) 2 pt. long-temps.... Où sont adjoustez. La Sanguification ... London, 1617. 8º. 1039. a. 8. (3, 4.) Le Thé, Le Caphé, Le Chocolate, et le grand secret de la Pt. 2 has a dis'inct titlepage and pagination. The first pierre philosophale...aussi en vers François. Et l'ouro- leaf and the edges of several others are slightly mutilated. mantie, Scatomantie, et hydromantie en prose. Par [Another edition.] London, 1624. 8º. 1039. a. 44. Monsieur D(u) F(our de la) Círespeliere). Lat. & Fr. Paris, 1671. 120 1039. f. 13. [Another copy.] 1036. b. 18. - 927 ACADEMIES. [SALERNO--SALZBURG.) 928 SALERNO (CONTINUED]. SALZBURG [CONTINUED). Schola Salernitana. Academia Salisburgensis. The Economy of Health. [Translated into English Suffragium Deorum conspirantium in... Wenceslaum e ver-e.] (An account of the Schola Salerni.) Com. de Thun nuper electum Episcopum Passaviensein London, I 1800 ?) 80. Ac. 3706. ...a Musis Benedictinis Salisburgensibus decantatum. The titlepage is engraved. Salisburgi, [1665.] 49. 11409. h. 1. (2.) Le regime tres utile et tres proufitable pour conserver et Juvavi ter felix urna. Ex qua... Maximilianus Gan- garder la rante du corps humain. ([Sig. a ii :] Cy dolphus e Comitibus de Khüenberg, Archiepiscopus Sa- comence la maniere de vivre...faite... en Iuniversite de lisburyensis, ... post duos ejusdem prosapiæ...anteces- salerne, et...declaree et exposee par...maistre arnoul de soras tertia...sorte lectus eoque magno omine...ale ac Ville neuve...et nouvellement corrigee...ples...doc ore celebratus est a Musis Salisburgensibus. teurs en medecines regens a montpellier Lan mil. [Salzburg, 1668.] 4º. 11409. h. 1. (4.) iiic iiii") (here translated into French]. G. L. [Paris? 1495?] 4º. 1039. g. 1. (1.) Gratulatio panegyrica quam... Guidobaldo ex Comitibus Without pagination. Sig. a-r. de Thun...cum Cardinalis Romana purpura Salisburgumu suum...adventu illustraret... dixerunt Musæ Salisbur- [Another edition.] Le regime de Sante pour cõrerner le genses MDCLXIIX. [Salzburg, 1668.] 4º. corps humain... Le Souuerain remede côtre lespidimie: 11409. h. 1. (3.) la cognoissãce des Urines . . . auec une recepte pour Corona gratulatoria son gratulationes...quas magnis cöseruer et guesir de la grosse Verulle (auec aucunes principibus accinuit... Universitas Salisburgensis per... additios a ce adioustees, lan mil cccco y ung. G. L. P. Gille...nunc collection in lucem datæ. Richart Rogerie, Rouen, [1501?] 4º. 1039. g. 1. (2.) Salisburgi, 1681. fol. 731. 1. 8. Without pagination. Sig. a-P. Historia alma et archi-episcopalis Universitatis Salis- L'Eschole de Salerne en vers burlesques et poema Maca- burgensis sub curi PP. Benedictorum : Prodit nunc ronicum de bello Huguenotica. By L. Martin.] primum opera et studio R. P.** Presbyteri et Monachi Paris, 1650. 4º.. 837. h. 24. . Benedictini e congregatione S. Blasij in Sylva Nigra. [Another edition.] Et duo poemata Macaronica: de 1. Bonndorffij, [1728.] 4º. 731. . 12. Bello Huguenotico: et (Merlini Cuccaii) de gestis... Splendor Lucis novæ in coelo Juvaviensi exortus dum... Baldi. 1651. 12º. 1039. f. 12. (1.) Dominus Sigismundus (hristophorus ex... pros: pia... [Another edition.] Et Puema Macaronicum de bello comitum de Schrattenbach &c. &c. ad Archi-Episcopalis huguenotico. (lar L[ouis] M[artin] P[arisien), Duc- regiminis Salisburgensis clavum eveheretur, a Musis teur en Medecine.) Paris, 1653. 4º. 11475. ccc. Salisburgensibus...decantatus. Salisburgi, (1753.] fol. 11405. i. [Another edition.] Grenoble, 1657. 8º. 1039. f. 12. (2.) SAN FERNANDO, I. of LEON. [Another edition.] Rouen, 1660. 12º. 1039. a. 4. Observatorio Nacional de Marina. [Another edition.] Paris, 1664. 12° See infra : Observatorio Real. 1039. f. 20. (2.) [Another edition.] Paris, 1675. 16º. 11474. a. Observatorio Real. [Another edition.] Troyes (printed], Paris, (1714.] 16º. Observaciones Astronomicas hechas en Cadiz, en el 11403. aa. Observatorio Real de la Compañia de Cavalleros Guardias- Marinas, por ... V. Tofiño de San Miguel ... y ... J. [Another copy.] 11474. a. Varela, etc. [During the years 1773–76.] 2 vol. Scola Salernitana per acquistare, e custodire la sanità, [Cadiz,] 1776-77. 4º. 8564. d. tradotta dal verso Latino in terza rima volgare dall' Almanaque náutico y efemérides astronómicas para el incognito acidemico Vivo-murtu. Venetia, 1630. 8º.. año...de 1792[-1800, edited by C. Vimercati; 1801-3, 238. m. 33. edited by R. Armesto; 1804–14, edited by J. Ortiz La Scola Salernitana... tradotta...del verso Latino in Canelas; 1815-18, edited by J. M. de la Cuesta ; 1820- terza rinia ... dall' Incognito Accademico Vivo Morto. 24, edited by J. Ortiz Canelas; 1825–46, edited by J. Con li discorsi della vita subria del Signor L. Cornaro. Sanchez Cerquero; 1847–56, edited by S. Montojo; Parma, 1712. 8º. 1039. f. 14. 1857, etc. edited by F. de Paula Marquez). Novo-antiqua Schola Salerna. Antiqua. [By Joannes de Madrid, San Fernando, Cadiz, 1791, etc. 8º. & 4º. Mediolano.] Sanis solidisque veterum archiatrorun P.P. 2373. a. præceptis, rhythmo brevi, facili, suavi datis. Nova. In progress. The vols. for 1792–1854 were printed at Ordine concinno, nexu continua, fideli citatione ac addi Madrid; for 1855, 56, at San Fernando; afterwards at tione c.C.C.C. & amplius verruum. Opera quondam R. Cadiz. From 1792 to 1838 the form is 8º. afterwards 4º. Bruytoma excussa, & nunc, distractis primi præli exem- Imperfect; wanting vols. for 1817, 1819, and 1838. plis omuibus, hac forma recussa. (Vitæ victusque in Observaciones hechas en el Observatorio Real de Siin singulos mēses ratio : auct. Joach. Cāer. [Carnesasio.] Fernando, en el año de 1833 (1834, 1835). Publícalus Otthſonis1 Cremonen. de electione meliorum simplic.) ... Don J. Sanchez Cerquero. 3 vol. Duaci, 1636. 8º. . 1039. f. 7. (1.) San Fernando, 1835, 36. fol. 8564. i. [Another edition.] Lovanii, 1641. 8º. 1039. f. 7. (2.) SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. SALZBURG Academy of Natural Sciences, afterwards California Academy of Sciences. Academia Salisburgensis. Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Infula...Carolo ex Comitibus de Liechtenstein Episcopo Sciences. San Francisco, 1864, etc. 8º. Olomucensi &c. candido lapillo lecta, & advantata abl In progress. Ac. 3037. Apolline et Musis Salisburgensibus... MDCLXIV. [Salzburg, 1644.] 4º. 11409. h. 1. (1.) Memoirs. vol. I. pt. 1, 2. San Francisco, 1868. 4º. There is a second titlepage, engraved. Ac. 3037/3. 929 . ACADEMIES. [SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA-SAXONY.] 930 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA (CONTINUED). 1 . SARAGOSSA. California Academy of Sciences. See supra : California Diputacion de Zaragoza. Academy of Natural Sciences, afterwards Cali- See infra: Diputacion Provincial de Zaragoza. fornia Academy of Sciences. Diputacion Provincial de Zaragoza. Biblioteca de Escritores Aragoneses publicada por la... Diputacion Provincial de Zaragoza. Seccion Histórico- SAN MICHELE. Doctrinal. Zaragoza, 1876, etc. 4°. Ac. 8889. Landwirthschaftliche Landes-Anstalt. · In progress. Mittheilungen aus dem Laboratorium der ... Landes Biblioteca de Escritores Aragoneses publicada por la ... Anstalt... Herausgegeben von der Direction, etc. Disputacion Provincial de Zaragosa. Seccion Literaria. Wien, 1883, etc. 8º. Ac. 3437. Zaragoza, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 8889/2. In progress. In progress. Real Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos del SANTA CLARA. Pais. Santa Clara College. Informo de la Real Sociedad Aragonesa de Amigos del Prospectus of Santa Clara College, S. J., Calſifornia). Pais sobre el ante-proyecto del plan general de ferro- With a catalogue of Officers and Students for the year carriles de la Peninsula, etc. Zaragoza, 1865. 8º. 1863–64. Also, the Exercises of the Thirteenth Annual 8235. bb. Commencement and the distribution of premiums. Universidad de Caragoça. San Francisco, 1864. 8º. 8365. de. Estatutos de la Universidad, y estúdio general de al ciudad de Caragoza, bechos por los señores jurados, capitol University of the Pacific, y consejo de aquella. Y confirmados por el concello general de dicha ciudad este año de 1618. Catalogue of the [Officers, Students, etc. of the Uni- Caragoça, 1618. fol. 731. 1. 15. (4.) versity of the Pacific, Santa Clara, California. 1863–64. San Francisco, 1864. 89. 8366. cc. [Another edition.] Caragoça, 1640. fol. 731. 1. 15. (5.) [Another edition.] Caragoça, 1647. fol. SANTIAGO. 731. 1. 15. (6.) Begin. Señora. La Universidad de Caragoça, dize, etc. Observatorio Nacional. [Opinion of the University, regarding the points in Observaciones astronómicas hechas en el Observatorio dispute between the Iglesia de la Seo and the Iglesia du Nacional de Santiago de Chile en los años de 1853, 1854 Nuestra Señora del Pilar.] 2 pt. i 1855. Por...C. G. Moesta. Tom. 1. [Saragossa, 1672 ?] fol. 494. i. 21. (4.) Santiago de Chile, 1859. 4º. 8567. i. [Another copy.] 8566. k. SAVANNAH. Georgia Historical Society. Observaciones meridianas de las estrellas ja, 20 i y Canis Majoris, hechas...en los años 1864, 1865 i 1866 por J. I. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vergara. Santiago de Chile, 1866. 89. 8560. f. Savannah, 1840, etc. 80. Ac. 8380. In progress. Observaciones meteorolójicas hechas... en el año de 1863 ; JONES (CHARLES COLCOCK) the Younger. Anniversary comunicadas... por J. I. Vergara. Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society Santiago de Chili. 1869. 80. 8755. cc. ... 1881. pp. 40. Savannah, 1881. 8º. Ac. 8380. 3. Observaciones meteorolójicas hechas en el Observatorio JONES (CHARLES COLCOCK) the Younger. Sergeant W. Astronómico de Santiago. J. I. Vergara, Director. Jasper. An address (on his life and services), etc. 1873–1881. pp. xcv. 266. Santiago de Chile, 1884. 8º. Albany, 1876. 8º. Ac. 8380/2. 8755. h. 44. Universidad de Chile. SAXONY, Anales de la Universidad de Chile, etc. [for 1843 & 44, 1847, 1849–52, 1855, etc.]. Geschichtsquellen der Provinz Sachsen und angrenzenden Santiago; Valparaiso, 1846, etc. 8º. Ac. 2693. Gebiete. Herausgegeben von den geschichtlichen Verein- In progress. Imperfect; wanting vols. for 1845–46, 1848 en der Provinz. Halle, 1870, etc. gº Ac. 7161. and 1853, 58. The vols. for 1850-51 and 1857 were printed In progress. in Valparaiso in 1861. Landwirthschaftlicher Verein der Provinz Sachsen [Another copy for 1856, 61, 63.] 8366. cc. 28. und der sächsischen Herzögthümer. Zweiter Bericht über die Arbeiten der Agriculturchem- Indice Jeneral de los Anales de la Universidad de Chile ischen Versuchsstation des landwirthschaftlicben Cen- ...Compoesto... por D. Ramon Briseño. Ac. 2693. tralvereins der Provinz Sachsen, &c. zu Salzmünde. Im Auftrage ausgearbeitet von...H. Grouven. BRISENO (RAMON) Estadística bibliográfica de la literatura Berlin, 1864. 8°. . 7273. h. Chilena (desde la introduccion de la impreuta en Chile, There is also a second titlepage as follows : “ Physiologisch- en 1812, hasta el fiu del...año de 59), etc. chemische Fütterungs-Versuche,” etc. Santiago de Chile, 1862. 4º. 2049. e. | Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft für die Sächs- LOBECK (JUSTO FLORIAN Ojeada retrospectiva sobre la ischen Lande, afterwards für Mittel-Deutschland. marcha que...se ha seguido al tratar de la Mitolojia Die erste (zweite) Sitzung der Volkswirthschaftlichen Clásica .i. Suplemento a los “ Anales de la Universidad Gesellschaft ... 1860 zu Dresden (1861 in Leipzig). de Chile" correspondientes al año de 1862. Auszug aus den stenographischen Berichten. Santiago, 1862. 89. Ac. 2693. Dresden, [1860, 61.] 4º. 8276. i. 1. 931 .. ACADEMIES. (saxony-SCHIEDAM.] 932 SAXONY [CONTINUED). SCHENECTADY [CONTINUED). Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft für die Sächs- Union College. ischen Lande, afterwards für Mittel-Deutschland. Catalogue of the Officers and Students in Union College, Pfennig-Tarif. Auszug aus den stenographischen Be during the term, 1856. Schenectady, 1856. 8º. richten über die III. Versammlung der volkswirthschaft- 8365. d. lichen Gesellschaft für Mittel-Deutschland, Weimar, den Catalogue of the officers and students in Union College, 20 October 1861. [Weimar? 1861?] 40. during the third term, 1856. Schenectady, 1856. 8º. 8235. i. 8365. cc. 5. (6.) Burial of Mechanics, '64. Union College. [A burlesque SCHAFFHAUSEN. in prose and verse on the completion of the course of mechanics.] [Schenectady? 1864?] 8º. 12350. cc. 15. Historisch-antiquarischer Verein. Beiträge zur vaterländischen Geschichte. Heft. 1, 2. The Wizard, Union College. (Extracts from an un- Schaffhausen, 1863–68. 8º. Ac. 6980.: published farce, entitled Discord in Uniun.- Union College. A fragment.) [Satires, in verse.] OERI (J. J.) Der Onyx von Schaffhausen. Jubiläums- [Schenectady,] 1838. 8º. 11791. cc. Schrift, etc. [With plates.] pp. 5. Zürich, [1882.] fol. 1704. a. 2. Association of the Graduates of Union College. SCHEMNITZ, Proceedings of the Graduates of Union College, or- ganizing their Association ; together with the constitu- Königlich Ungarische Berg- und Forst-Akademie. tion, and an address [by N. F. Beck, and others). Gedenkbuch zur hundertjährigen Gründung der Königl. Schenectady, 1826. 8°. 8365. cc. 5. (3.) Ungarischen Berg- und Forst-Akademie in Schemnitz 8365. cc. 2. (5.) [Another copy.] 1770-1870. 8356. g. 9. Schemnitz, 1871. 8º. Bible Society. SCHENECTADY. The Constitution of the Bible Society of Union College. To which is added an address to the public. Union College. Schenectady, 1815. 8º. 8365. cc. 5. (2.) See NEW YORK, State of.-Senate.-Commission on Union College. State of New York... Report of the Commission Calliopean Society, afterwards Philomathean Society. on Union College. [1852.] 89. 8365. co. 2. (9.) See infra : Philomathean Society. See NEW YORK, State of.–Senate.-Commission on Union College. State of New York... Report of the majority of the Commissioners to examine the affairs of Union Library. College, etc. [1853.] 8. 8365. cc. 5. (9.) Catalogue of the Books, Maps, etc. belonging to the See NEW YORK, State of.–Senate.-Committee on Literature. Library of Union College. Schenectady, 1846. 120 State of New York ... Report of the Committee on 8365. cc. 4. (18.) Literature on the condition of Union College. [1851.] 80. 8365. cc. 2. (7.) Phi Beta Kappa Society. A General Catalogue of the officers, graduates, and A Catalogue of the New-York Alpha of the Phi Beta students of Union College, from 1795 to 1854. Kappa ; Union College, Schenectady. July, 1852. Schenectady, 1854. 8º. 8365. cc. 5. (4.) Schenectady, 1852. 8º 8366. d. Nomina Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et Qidoooola Blov Kubepvntys. Anniversary Address before officia academica yesserunt, quique aliquopiam gradu the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society ... exornati sunt, in Collegio Concordiæ dedicato, etc. by W. Tracy. Schenectady, 1862. 89. 8366. cc. Schenectadiæ, 1834. 8º. : : 8366. e. 26. Catalogue of the officers and students... 1837 (1841, 42). 3 pt. Schenectady, 1837-42. 8º. 8365. d. Philomathean Society. Nomina Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et First Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Philomathean officia academica gesserunt, quique aliquopiam gradu Society, held at Union College, July 25. 1848. [Edited exornati sunt, in collegio Concordiae dedicato. by R. N. Dunham, L. B. Hart, etc.] Albany, 1849. 8º. Schenectadiae, 1843. 8º. . 8365. d. Ac. 2687. [Another copy.] 8365. cc. 5. (7.) The first semi-centennial anniversary of Union College, celebrated July 22, 1845. [Edited by A. L. Linn, J. B. Nott and T. C. Reed.] Schenectady, 1845. 8º. SCHIEDAM. 1732. c. 40. Reden-Rijckers Kamer“ de Roode Roozen.” [Another copy.] 732. c. 52. Der Reden-Ryckers stichtighetsamenkomste, op tont- [Another copy.] 8365. cc. 2. (6.) sluyt der Vraghe : Wat tnoodichst' is om d'arme Weesen t'onderhouwē ? Ghehouden binnen Schiedam Aº XVIC III. State of New York. No. 213. In Assembly, April 5, opten vien Julij en de navolghende dagen : Vervatende 1849. Report of Trustees of Union College (Schenec- zeven Spelen, op de voorsz Vraghe ghewrocht. Noch tady). [Albany?, 1849.] 89 8365. cc. 2. (8.) eevighe andere wercken, op den zelven zin ende reghel, voorgbestelt by de Roode Roosentot Schiedam. The celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Nott's Jan van Waesberghe, Rotterdam, [1603.] 4º. Presidency of Union College. [With addresses by 11556. ccc. 6. (2.) W. W. Campbell, F. Wayland, etc.] Schenectady, 1854. 8º. 8365. cc. 5. (5.) [Another copy.] 11555. d. (2.) 933 ACADEMIES. [SCHLEIZ—SEVILLE.] 934 SCHLEIZ. SEVILLE [CONTINUED). Geschichts- und Alterthums- Verein. Real Académia Sevillana de Buenas Letras. Urkunden zur Geschichte der Stadt Schleiz im Mittel Memorias literarias. (Historia de la Real Academia alter. Erläutert von Dr. J. Alberti. Sevillana.-Estatutos de la Academia, etc.) Tom. 1. Schleiz, 1882, etc. 8º. 9340. g. 6. Sevilla, 1773. 4°. 129. b. 17. In progress. Certámen Poético celebrado por la misma en el dia 23 de SCHMALKALDEN. Abril de 1873, para conmemorar el aniversario 257 de la murete de Cervantes. Sevilla, 1873. 8º. Ac. 8891. Verein für Hennebergische Geschichte und Landes- kunde. Conmemoracion del Aniversario cclxi. de la muerte de Zeitschrift des Vereins, etc. (Supplementheft 1., etc.) · Cervantes, en el dia 23 de Abril de 1877. Schmalkalden (printed] und Leipzig, 1875, etc. 8º. Sevilla, 1877. 8°. 10603. ee. 5. (6.) In progress. Ac. 7164. Real Sociedad de Medicina y demas Ciencias de SCHWERIN, Sevilla. Verein für Meklenbürgische Geschichte und Alter Memorias Academicas: extracto de las obras y observa- thumskunde. ciones presentadas. 1765–88. Tom. 1-7. Jahrbücher des Vereins ... herausgegeben von G. C. F. Sevilla, 1766–89. 8º. Ac. 3709. Lisch. (Fortgesetzt von ...F. Wigger.--Jahresbericht ... herausgegeben von A. Bartsch, F. C. Wex, W. G. Real Sociedad Patriótica de Sevilla. Beyer.) Schwerin, 1836, etc. 8º. Memorias. 2 vul. Sevilla, 1779. 80. . Ac. 2303. - Reoister über die ersten fünf Jahrgänge ... ange- Timistonsidoaritonomia fertigt von J. G. C. Ritter. Schwerin, 1844. 8º. über die sechsten bis zehnten Jahrgang ... ange. El trionfo de la Sabiduria sobre el Error. Allegoria que representaron los estudiantes de la Real Universidad fertigt von J. G. C. Ritter. Schwerin, 1848. 89. Literaria de Sevilla en el dia 21 de Abril de 1789, en la - über die elften bis zwanzigsten Jahrgang ... ange funcion publica que con motive de la proclamacion de fertigt von J. G. C. Ritter. Schwerin, 1856. 8º. nuestro augusto Monarcha el Señor Don Carlos IV., dispuso el claustro y gremio de ella. - über die ersten dreissig Jahrgänge ... angefertigt von J. G. C. Ritter. 811. e. 49. Schwerin, 1866, etc. [Seville, 1789.] 4º. : 8º. In progress. Ac. 7165. Sociedad de Bibliófilos Andaluces. SEGOVIA. ALCOZER (PEDRO DE) Relacion de algunas cosas que pasaron en estos reinos desde que murió la reina católica Real Sociedad Económica de los Amigos del Pais de Doña Isabel, hasta que se acabaron las comunidades en Segovia. la ciudad de Toledo. Ilustrada con un prólogo [by Actas y Memorias. tom. 1, 2, 4. A. M. Gamero], ... notas y apéndices. Segovia, 1785-93. 4º. Ac. 2302. Sevilla, 1872. 8º. Ac. 8890/14. BAEZA Y GONZALEZ (TOMÁS) Apuntes biográficos de ARIÑO (FRANCISCO DE) Sucesos de Sevilla de 1592 á 1604, escritores segovianos . . . publicados por la Sociedad recojidos por F. de Ariño. [Edited by A. M.. Fabré.] Económica Segoviana de Amigos del Pais. pp. viii. 366. Sevilla, 1873. 4º. Ac. 8890716. Segovia, 1877. 4º. Ac. 2302/2. BERNALDEZ (ANDRÉS) Historia de los reyes católicos Sociedad Económica Segoviana de Amigos del Pais. D. Fernando y Doña Isabel, etc. [Edited by F. de See supra: Real Sociedad Económica de los Gabriel y Ruiz de Apodaca.] 2 tom. Amigos del Pais de Segovia, Sevilla, 1870-75. 8º. Ac. 8890/6. COLLADO (FRANCISCO GERÓNIMO) Descripcion del túmulo y SENLIS. relacion de las exequias que hizo la ciudad de Sevilla en Comité Archéologique de Senlis. la muerte del rey don Felipe Segundo. [Edited by F. de B. Palomo.] Sevilla, 1869. 80. Ac. 8890/5. Comptes-rendus et Mémoires. Année 1864(-74). Senlis, 1865–75. 8º. COLOMBO (FERNANDO) D. F. Colon, historiador de su Deuxième série. tom. 1, etc. 1876, etc. padre; ensayo crítico, por el autor de la Bibliotec Americana Vetustissima. Sevilla, 1871. 4º. Ac. 5342. In progress. Ac. 8890/13, SENS. COVARRUBIAS HOROZCO (SEBASTIAN DE) Noticias y obras inéditas ... por D. J. M. Asensio y Toledo. Société Archéologique de Sens. Sevilla, 1867. 8º. Ac. 8890/15. Chronique de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pierre-le-Vif de Sens, One of a series entitled : “ Teatro Español anterior á rédigée vers la fin du xiile siècle par Geoffrey do Coulon. Lope de Vega.” Texte & traduction publiés pour la première fois ... par COVARRUBIAS HOROZCO (SEBASTIAN DE) Cancionero de M. G. Julliot. (Cronica fratris Gaufridi ... rie Collone, S. de Horozco. [Edited by A. M. Gamero.] etc.) Lat. & Fr. Sens, 1876. 8º. 4629. bbb. 6. Sevilla, 1874. 80 Ac. 8886/7. No. 1 of “ Documents inédits publiés par lo. Deciété, etc.” HERRERA (FERNANDO DE) the Poet. F. de Herrera. Con- troversia sobre sus anotaciones a las obras de Garcilaso SEVILL de la Vega. Poesías inéditas. [Edited by J. M. Asensio Din acion Provincial de Sevilla. y Toledo.] Sevilla, 1870. 8º. Ac. 8890/7. GurcuoT Y PAROD. (10.101!) Don Pedro Primero de MALLARA (JUAN DE Obras del Maestro J. de M. Vizsilla. Ensayo de vindicacion crítico-histórica de su Sevilla, 1876, etc. 4º. Ac. 8890/11. reirado. pp. xix. 269. Sevilla, 1874. 8º. Ac. 8892. In progress. 935 ACADEMIES. [SEVILLE-SIENNA.] 936 medies and tena, 167, by $. Bargacmata, ele SEVILLE [CONTINUED). SIENNA (CONTINUED). Sociedad de Biblófilos Andaluces. Accademia degl' Intronati. MARY, the Blessed Virgin. Comedia de la Soberana Il Sacrificio degl' Intronati...et Gl' Ingannati; comedia Vírgen de Guadalupe, y sus milagros y grandezas de de i medesimi (in five acts and in prose]. [By A. Politi.] España [attributed to Cervantes. Edited by J. M. See RUSCELLI (G.) Delle Comedie elette, etc. 1554. 8º. Asensio y Toledo.]. Sevilla, 1868. 8º. Ac. 8890/8. 1071. h. 15. One of a series entitled : “ Teatro Español anterior á Lope Delle commedie degl' Accademici Intronati, la seconda de Vega." parte [i.e. “Gli Scambj” by B. Bulgarini, and La MIRANDA (LUIS DE) Comedia Pródiga [in seven acts, and Pellegrina by G. Bargagli, edited by S. Bargagli]; in verse. With a prefatory letter by J. M. de Alava]. appresso il riaprimento dell'Accademia Intronata, etc. Sevilla, 1868. 8º. Ac. 8890/3. [With an oration in prasie of it, by S. Bargagli.] pp. 616. iv. B. Franceschi : Siena, 1611. 12º. 162. b. 40. One of a series entitled : “ Teatro Español anterior á Lope de Vega." Each of the Comedies and the · Riaprimento' have distinct titlepages. The pagination is irregular. REINOSO (FELIX JOSÉ) Obras, etc. (Noticias de la vida del Sr. D. F. J. Reinoso:) [By A. M. Villa.] [Another copy.] Ac. 8865. Sevilla, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 8890/9. Imperfect i containing only the Riaprimento. In progress Fasti Senenses, ab Academia Intronatorum editi. RIOJA (FRANCISCO DE) Adiciones a las poesías de D. F. del [Rome? 1660?] fol. 127. g. 1. Rioja, en su edicion de Madrid, año 1867; por el ilus-1. L'Hortensio, comedia degl' Accademici Intronati: (in trador de ella D. C. A. de la Barrera y Leirado. F. P. fiva acts, and in prose) rappresentata in Siena alla pre- Sevilla, 1872. 4º. Ac. 8890/10. senza del... Gran Duca di Toscana...26 Genn. 1560, etc. [By A. Piccolomini, Bishop of Patras.) RODRIQUEZ (AMARO) Sermones del ... loco del Hospital Siena, 1571. 8º. 11715. k. de Inocentes de San Cosme y San Damian ... de la Ciudad de Sevilla, llamado Don Amaro. [Another copy.] Siena, 1571. 89. 638. c. 14. (1.) Sevilla, 1869. 8º. Ac. 8890/4. [Another edition.] Venetia, 1574. 12º. 638. a. 4. SALINAS Y CASTRO (JUAN DE) Poesías. ... Publicadas por [Another edition.] Venetia, 1586. 12º. 1071. 1. 6. (2.) el orijinal preparado para darlas a la imprenta en 1646. [Another edition.] Vinegia, 1597. 12º. 638. a. 5. (1.) [Edited by D. de Arroya y Figueroa.] 2 tom. Sevilla, 1869. 8". Ac. 8890. Comedia del Sacrificio degli Intronati . . . in Siena. [Followed by: “Gl Ingannati," a comedy in five acts, URREA (GERONIMO DE) Primera parte del libro del in- and in prose]. [Venice,] 1538. 8º. 162. e. 58. vencible caballero Don Clarisel de las Flores y de Aus- trasia. [Edited by J. M. Asensio y Toledo.] [Another edition.] Venetia, [1540?] 8º. Sevilla, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 8890/12. 1071. h. 7. (3.) In progress. [Another edition.] Vineggia, 1550. 8º. 1071. h. 7. (2.) [Another copy.] 162. e. 59. SHANGHAI. [Another edition.] Venetia, 1563. 8°. 1071. h. 20. North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Titlepage slightly mutilated. See infra : Shanghai Literary and Scientific Society. [Another edition.] Vinegia, 1585. 8º. 839. a. 10. (2.) Shanghai Literary and Scientific Society, afterwards [Another edition.] Venegia, 1595. 12º. 1071. a. 15. (2.) North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. [Another edition.] Denetia, 1609. 8º. 638. a. 31. (6.) Journal of the... Society. No. I. June 1858. (Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Gl’Ingannati ; the Deceived: a comedy ſin five acts, No. II. May, 1859, etc.) Shanghai, 1858, etc. 8º. and in prose) performed at Siena in 1531; and Ælia In progress. Ac. 8828/2. Laelia Crispis. [Translated.] By T. L. Peacock. London, 1862. 80. 11715. b. KINGSMILL (THOMAS w.) The Border Lands of geology Les Abusez, comédie faite à la mode des anciens co- and bistory: an inaugural address, etc. miques, premierement composée en langue tuscane, par 7106. f. 10. (3.) Shanghai, 1877. 8°: les professeurs de l'Academie Senoise et nommée Intro. SIMON (G. EUGÈNE) Note sur les recherches que l'on nati, depuys traduite en Françoys par C. Estienne et pourrait faire en Chine et au Japon au point de vue de nouvellement reveue et corrigée. Paris, 1549. 16º. . la géologie et de la paléontologie, par G. E. Simon. . 1070. a. 31. Shang-Haï, 1869. 8º. Ac. 8828/3. Accademia delle Scienze detta de' Fisiocritici, after- wards Reale Accademia de Fisiocritici. Memoria sopra l'origine...delle principali accademie di SHREWSBURY. Siena dette...dei Rozzi e dei Fisiocritici. See CALOGIERÀ (A.) Nuova raccolta d'opuscoli, etc. Shrewsbury Archæological and Natural History Tom. 3. 1755, etc. 12º. 247. a. 3. Society. Gli Atti dell' Accademia. Tom. 1-10. Transactions, etc. Adnitt & Naunton: Shrewsbury; Siena, 1761-1841. 4º. Ac. 5697. Oswestry (printed, 1878, etc.] 89. 462. h. 6–12. In progress. [Another copy.] T.C. 9. b. 1-3. Serie seconda. 7 vol. Siena, 1862–70. 8º. SIENNA. -- Serie terza. Vol. 1, etc. Siena, 1873, etc. 8º. Accademia degl' Intronati. In progress. Ac. 3703. Memoria sopra l'origine ed istituzione delle principali Rivista scientifica pubblicata per cura della R. Accade- accademie di Siena dette degl' Intronati, dei Rozzi e dei mia de' Fisiocritici, Classe delle scienze fisiche. Direttore Fisiocritici. See CALOGIERÀ (A.) Nuova raccolta d'opus ...G. Giannuzzi, etc. Siena, 1869, etc. 80. Ac. 2818. coli, etc. Tom. 3. 1755, etc. 12º. 247. a. 3. In progress. SAT 937 ACADEMIES. [SIENNA-SORÖE.] 938 SIENNA [CONTINUED). SMÅLAND. Congrega de' Rozzi. Föreningen för Smålands Minnen. Mascarata rappresentata da' Rozzi, nella venuta dell' Gubben Udds Krigsbedrifter under den stora ofreden Altezze Serenissime di Toscana a Siena... Composta dal 1808–9. Utgifwen af Föreningen... Andra upplagan. Dilettevole della Congrega de' Rozzi [by B. Flori]. Lund, 1863. 8°. 12330. cc. 46. (5.). Siena, 1615. 8º. 11715. a. Reale Accademia de' Fisiocritici. SMYRNA. See supra : Accademia delle Scienze detta de' Fisi- ocritici, etc. Μουσειον και Βιβλιοθηκη της Ευαγγελικης Σχολης. Reale Accademia dei Rozzi. Μουσειον και Βιβλιοθηκη της Ευαγγελικής Σχολης. 'Έπιγραφαι. -Kataloyou 'ETTU KOTTWV (UTO A. IIatadomovov). —'ET- Documenti per servire alla storia di Siena, pubblicati dalla Sezione Letteraria e di Storia Patria Municipale ypappata ... TOV IZ'. kai IH'. aiwvos.—'Apxalos jovolidos ταφος.-Προσδιορισμος της άγνωστου θεσεως αρχαιων τινων delle R. Accademia dei Rozzi. Siena, 1874, etc. . 4º. TONEW Ac. 6521. Tns Muolas (umo I'. 'Eapivov). IIeplodos devtepa. In progress. ’Ev Euvpvy, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 8802. Regia Università di Siena. In progress. Petizione inviata alla Camera dei Deputati dai Pro- PAPADOPOULOS (ATHANASIUS) Karaloyos twv Xelpoypadwv fessori della R. Università di Siena in relazione al pro- της εν Σμυρνη Βιβλιοθήκης της Ευαγγελικής Σχολης, μετα getto di legge sulle pensioni degl' impiegati civili. Παραρτηματος περιεχοντος και τινα ανεκδοτα υπο Α. Π. του Siena, 1863. 8º. 8226. h. Kepajews. pp. 72. Xuvpvy, 1877. 4º. 11905. 1. 23. SIMLA. TASKUROGLOS (M. ) MovOELOV KAL BiblioOnky Ejayye- Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory. λικης Σχολης. Τα Σμυρναίκα, ήτοι ιστορικη και τοπογραφικη MELETY TEP. Suvpvns. Ev Suvpvy, 1876, etc. 8º. Meteorological Observations made at the Magnetic and In progress. Ac. 8802/2. Meteorological Observatory at Simla during the years 1841-1845, under the direction of...J. T. Boileau, etc. London, 1872. 4°. 8752. h. SOISSONS. United Service Institution of India. Société historique et archéologique de Soissons. Journal of the United Service Institution of India Bulletin. 20 tom. Soissons, 1847-66. 8º. vol. ix. No. 43. Simla; 1880. 8º. P.P. 4030, b. - Deuxième Série. Soissons, 1867, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 6893 SINGAPORE. Rituale seu Mandatum insignis Ecclesiæ Suessionensis, Magnetical Observatory. tempore episcopi Nivelonis exaratum, etc. Meteorological Observations made at the ... East India Suessione, 1856. 4º. 3355. c. Company's Magnetical. Observatory at Singapore. By Captain C. M. Elliott... in the years 1841-1845. With PÉCHEUR (L. V.) Mémoire sur la cité des Suessions, sa introductory notice by W. S. Jacob.] pp. 357. situation, etc. Soissons, 1877. 8º. Ac. 6893/2. P. R. Hunt : Madras, 1850. fol. 8752. i. 12. Singapore Institution. SOLOTHURN. Formation of the Singapore Institution ... 1823. (Mi- nute by Sir Stamford Rafiles on the establishnient of a Geschichtforschender Verein des Kantons Solo- Malayan College at Singapore.-Rules, etc.). pp. 110. thurn. Mission Press : Malacca, 1823. 8°. 8366. f. 9. Urkundio. Beiträge zur vaterländischen Geschicht- Straits Asiatic Society, afterwards Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Bd. 1. Solothurn, 1857. 8º. 9304. d. Ireland. Kunstverein von Solothurn. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Neujahr's-Blatt des Kunstvereins von Solothurn. Jahrg. Society, July, 1878 [etc.]. Published half-yearly. 4660. f. “ Straits Times” Press : Singapore, 1878, etc. 80. In progress. Ac. 8828/4. SINZHEIM. SONDERSHAUSEN, Sinsheimer Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der vater-Verein zur Beförderung der Landwirthschaft in ländischen Denkmahle der Vorzeit. Sondershausen. Erster (-zwölfter) Jahresbericht an die Mitglieder der Wie kann die vorübergehend nachtheilige Störung des Sinsheimer Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der vater Betriebes des Ackerbaues bei Ausführung der Separation ländischen Denkmahle der Vorzeit. Von ... K. Wil vermindert werden? Sondershausen, 1859. 120.- helmi. Sinsheim, 1831-48. 8º. Ac. 5400. 7075. a. SITTINGBOURNE. SORÖE. Sittingbourne Literary and Scientific Association. | Academia Sorana. Proceedings, etc. Taler paa... Kong Christian den Syvendes Fødsels Dag W. J. Parrett : Sittingbourne, 1879, etc. 8º. Ac. 1368. den 29 Januarii 1770, holdne paa Sorge Ridderlige In progress. Akademie. Sorøe, (1770.] 40. 8385. e. ..939 ACADEMIES. [SOUTHAMPTON-STOCKHOLM.] 940 : ...384. Por la Red SOUTHAMPTON. STETTIN [CONTINUED). Literary and Philosophical Society. Entomologischer Verein. GREENFIELD (BENJAMIN WYATT) The Literary and Philo Linnaea entomologica. Zeitschrift, herausgegeben von sophical Society . . . The Heraldry and exterior deco dem entomologischen Vereine. See PERIODICAL PUBLICA- rations of the Bar Gate. MS. NOTES (by the author). TIONS.—Leipsic. Zeitschrift für die Entomologie, etc.. Southampton, [1876?] 8º. Ac. 1370. 1839, etc. 8º. P.P. 2048. Entomologische Zeitung herausgegeben von dem Ento- mologischen Vereine zu Stettin. (Repertorium der 23 SPAIN. ersten Jahrgänge von 1843–62. .. ausgearbeitet von Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais. M. Wahnschaffe. Repertorium der 8 Jahrgänge, von 1863–1870..., ausgearbeitet von M. Wahnschaffe.) Ensayo de la Sociedad. ... año. 1766. Tom. 1. Stettin, Leipzig, 1840, etc. 8°. Ac. 3626.& 94. Vitoria, 1768. 8º. 956. i. 40. In progress. Extractos de las juntas generales celebradas por la Real Catalogus Hemipterorum [by A. Dohrn). Herausge- Sociedad . . . por Setiembre de 1773–84. *(Catalogo geben von dem Entomologischen Verein zu Stettin. general... de los individuos de la... Sociedad. 1779–84.) Stettin, 1859. 8º. 7296. b. 12 vol. Vitoria, [1773-84.] 4º. 437. f. 10–15. (1.) 1 The meetings of this Society were held alternately at Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und Alter- Vergara, Vittoria and Bilboa. thumskunde. Erster (zweiter, etc.) Jahresbericht, etc. Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais Stettin, Greifswald, 1827, etc. 8º.. Ac. 7380. de Vergara. In progress.—After 1869 published at Greifswald. [Another copy ºf 1782.] · 9180. dd. (3.) Baltische Studien, etc. [Edited successively by W. Böhmer, H. L. T. Giesebrecht, H. Büttner.] Estatutos aprobados por S. M. para gobierno de la Stettin, 1832, etc. 8º. In progress. ... Ac. 7380/2. Sociedad ... (Catalogo ... de los Individuos de la ... Sociedad, etc.) Vitoria, [1774.] 4º. 956. i. :39. Königlisches Staats-Archiv. [Another edition.] Victoria, [1774?] 4º. Pommersches Urkundenbuch . . . Herausgegeben vom 9180. dd. (1.) Königlichen Staats-Archiv zu Stettin. Proyecto de una Escuela Patriótica presentado á la Stettin, (1868, etc.] 4°. In progress. Ac. 7381. Junta General de la Real Sociedad Bascongada...por su Verein für Pommersche Statistik. Junta de Institucion á 17 de Setiembre de 1775. Mexico, 1776. 4º. 8305. dd. 17. (2.) Der constitutionelle Staat und die Statistik. Heraus- gegeben von dem Verein für Pommersche Statistik, Discurso para la abertura de las juntas generales que Stettin, 1848. 8º. 8072. b. celebró la sociedad Bascongada en la villa de Vergara desde el dia 28 de Julio...1785. Madrid, 1985.] 40. STILTON 437. f. 15. (5.) Medico-chirurgical Society. Laws and regulations of a Medico-Chirurgical Society, SPIRE. held annually at Stilton, etc. St. Neots, 1803. 8º. Historischer Verein der Pfalz. 7679. b. Erster (zweiter) Jahresbericht des historischen Vereines STOCKHOLM. der Pfalz. Speyer, 1842–47. 4º. Ac. 7169. No more published. Academia Regia Scientiarum Suecica. See infra: Kong. liga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. Académie Royale des Sciences. See infra: Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. Illinois State Agricultural Society. Transactions. vol. 1. . Springfield, 1855. 8º. | Assessores Collegii Antiquitatum. Ac. 3513. Catalogus librorum qui in historia et antiquitatibus Patriæ sub imperio Caroli xi publicati suut...ab Asses- STADE. soribus Collegii Antiquitatum. Lat. and Swed. [By J. Hadorphius.] Stockholm, 1690. fol. 125. 5. 5. Vaterländischer Verein. PRATJE (JOHANN HEINRICH) J. H. Pratie's vermischte Carolinsk Institutet. See infra : Kongligt Carolinsk historische Sammlungen. Herausgegeben unter Leitung Mediko-Kirurgisk Institutet. des vaterländischen Vereins zu Stade, etc. 3 Bde. Entomologiska Föreningen. Stade, 1842–45. 8º. 9335. bb. 2.1 Entomologisk Tidskrift, ... utgifven af J. Spångberg. Stockholm, 1880, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3467. STAFFORD. Geologiska Föreningen. William Salt Archæological Society. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar. Collections for a history of Staffordshire. Stockholm, 1872, etc. 8º. Ac. 3151. & 1169. Birmingham, 1880, etc. In progress. Ac. 5704.: In progress. Generalregister till Band 1.-V. ... upprättadt af STETTIN, H. Santesson. 1882. Entomologischer Verein. Juridiska Föreningen. See DOHRN (C. d.) Catalogus coleopterorum Europae. Juridiska Föreningens Tidskrift. Herausgegeben vom entomologischen Vereine in Stettin. Stockholm, 1850, etc. 8º. Ac. 2140. 1856. 8° 7296. a. In progress. 941 :: 942 ACADEMIES. [STOCKHOLM.] Stads Jordebok. Hildebrazu pp. 4584:31. 8. 2. STOCKHOLM [CONTINUED). STOCKHOLM (CONTINUED). Karolinsk Mediko - Kirurgisk Institutet. See infra: Kongligt Samfundet for utgifvande af Handskrifter Kongligt Carolinsk Mediko-Kirurgisk Institutet. rörande Skandinaviens Historia. Samling af Instructioner rörande den civila förvalt- Kongliga Akademien för de Fria Konsterna. ningen i Sverige och Finnland. [Edited by C. G. Styffe.] pt. 1. Stockholm, 1856. 8°. 8092. d. Förteckning öfver Kongl. Akademiens för de Fria Kon- In progress. sterna. Exposition år 1850. Stockholm, 1850. 8º. 8356. b. 31. Stockholms Stads Jordebok 1420–1474. Utgifven...af Förteckning på Kongl. Akademiens för de fria ķonsterna ... Samfundet... genom H. Hildebrand. (Bihang. Ex- Exposition år 1848. Stockholm, 1848. 8º. 1266. b. tracter af Politie Collegii gamle bref.) pp. 458. Stockholm, 1876. Katalog öfver Kongl. Akademiens för de Fria Konsterna 8º. Exposition år 1856. Stockholm, 1856. 8°. 7807. aa. Kongliga Svenska Landtbruks-Academi. Katalog öfver Kongl. Akademiens för de Fria Kon- sterna Exposition år 1858. Stockholm, 1858. 8º.. Kongliga Svenska Landtbruks Akademiens Annales, etc. 7807. aa. 1813–1821. årgång. 1-9, Häfte 1. 16 vol. Stockholm, 1813-23. 8º. Kongligt Biblioteket. [Continued as:] Pro Memoria angående Kongl. Bibliotheket, år 1857. Kongliga Svenska Landtbruks Akademiens Handlingar. Stocicholm, 1857. 8º. 11901. b. etc. 1827-40. 11 vol. Stockholm, 1827-41. 8º. Continued as:] Kongl. Bibliotekets Handlingar. (Årsberättelse för Handlingar rörande landtbruket och dess binäringar. år 1878, etc.) Stockholm, 1879, etc. 80. Ac. 9643. 1841, etc. Upsala ; Stockholm, 1843, etc. 8º. Ac. 3473. In progress. In progress. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. Swenska Wetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, etc. [For July 1739 to Dec. 1779.] 40 vols. Stockholm, [1739]-1779. 8º. 963. c. 3-d. 6. ckholm, (1720 10 Dec. 1779.7 40 187 Handlingar, eta Kongligt Carolinsk Mediko-Kirurgisk Institutet. Handlingar rörande väckt fråga om hela medicinska undervisningens förflyttande till hufvudstaden och Carolinska Institutets förvandling till Medico-Chirurgisk Akademi. (Betraktelser af I. Hwasser.) Upsala, 1840. 8º. . 7679. aaa. Museum Anatomicum Holmiense, quod....ediderunt Pro- fessores Regiae Scholae Medico-Chirurgicae Carolinensis. Sectio pathologica. pt. 1. Holmiæ, 1855, fol. 14000. d. Skrifter tillegnade Universitetet i Kjöbenhavn...af Karolinska Mediko-Kirurgiska Institutet. 5 pt. Stockholm, 1879. 8º. 7320. i. 3. Register (to vols. 1-15; to vols. 16–30; and to vols. 31- 40]. 3 pts. Stockholm, 1755-1780. 8º. 963. c. 18, 33. & d. 6. [Continued as :7 Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar. [For 1780 to 1812.] 33 tom. Stockholm ; Strengnäs, 1780-1812. 8º. 963-d. 7.-e. 1. Only tom. 28-33 were published at Strengnäs. Register [to tom. 1-15]. Stockholm, 1798. 8º. 963. d. 21. Imperfect ; wanting the Register to tom. 16–33; for which see the other copy (253. h. 22.) Continued as :) Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, för år 1813 (-1854). 42 vol. Stockholm, 1813-56. 8º. 963. e. 2, etc. The vol. for 1824 is imperfect; wanting plates 5 and 7. Kongligt Collegium Medicum. . Pharmacopoeia Holmiensis Holmiensis Galeno-Chymica, complectens compositiones apprimè necessarias, ... earum conficiendi modos. Holmiæ, 1686. 4º. 547. i. 15. Kongl. Collegii Medici kundgiörelse om thet miszbruk och öfwerflöd som thé och caffé drickande är underkastat samt anwisning på Swenska örter at brukas i ställe för thé. Stockholm, 1746. 4º. B. 170. (10.) Pharmacopoea Suecica ad exemplar Holmiense a. 1755. [Edited by A. Båck.] etc. Leipsiæ & Altona, 1776. 8º. 777. b. 27. Editio altera emendata. Holmiæ, 1779. 8º. . 958. b. 15. Editio tertia emendata. Holmiæ, 1784. - 8º. 777. c. 27. Kongligt Krigs-Vetenskaps Akademi. Handlingar. År 1840, etc. Stockholm, 1841, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 4350 Plancher ... år 1846. [Stockholm, 1848.] 4º. 437. 1. 21. [Continued as :) Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Ny Följd. [For 1855, etc.] Stockholm, 1858, etc. 40. In progress. Ac. 1070. Kongl. Swenska Wetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, etc. [For July 1739 to Dec. 1779.] 40 vol. Stoclcholm, 1841–79. 8º. 253. g. 12-40. 254. g. 1-12. Pt. 1 of vol. 1, and pts. 1 and 2 of vol. 2 are of the 2nd. edition. Vol. 2 is imperfect; wanting 2 leaves immediately following the titlepage. With vols. 1, 7, 8 and 28 of this copy are bound up Addresses by various members of the Academy, which are duplicates of others in the Library. Kongligt Samfundet för utgifvande af Handskrifter rörande Skandinaviens Historia. Handlingar rörande Skandinariens Historia. 40 del. Stockholm, 1816-60. 80. 9431. f. Alphabetiskt Register öfver Handlingar...delarne 1-40. Stocicholm, 1865. 8º. [Continued as :7 Historiska Handlingar. [Ny följd.] Stockholm, 1861, etc. 8º. 9431. g. 1 In progress. ila'y Register. 3 pt. Stockholm, 1755-80. 8º. 253. h. 22. Continued as : 7 Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar. [For 1780-1812.7 33 tom. Stockholm; Strengnäs, 1780–1812. gº. 254. g. 13–37. 253. h. 1-8. 943 ACADEMIES. (STOCKHOLM.] 944 . STOCKHOLM [CONTINUED]. , STOCKHOLM [CONTINUED). Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. - Register [to tom. 1–15; and to tom. 16–37]. 2 pt. Zweifaches Universalregister über die letzten xvi Bände Stockholm, 1798-1821. 8°. . 253. h. 22. vom xxvI bis XLI. von den Abhandlungen. [Continued as :7 Leipzig, 1783. 8º. Ac. 1070/2. (2.) Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, för år 1813 The Universalregister for the previous vols. wanting. (-1825). vol. 1-13. Stockholm, 1813–26. 8º. 253. h. 9-21. Der Konigl. Schwedischen Akademie ... Neue Abhand- Wanting all the vols. subsequent to that for 1825. lungen, 1780-90. Ubersetzt von A. G. Kästner (J. D. Brandis, und H. F. Link:) 12 Bde. [Another copy of vols. 1–32.] Leipzig, 1784-92. 8º. Ac. 1070/2. Vol. 1, and pt. 1 and 2 of vol. 2, are of the second edition. - Register. pt. 1. Stockholm, 1755. 8º. Jahres-Bericht über die Fortschritte der physischen Ac. 1070 Wissenschaften von J. Berzelius (nach Berzelius' Tode furtgesetzt von L. F. Svanberg). Aus den Schwedischen Bihang till Kong. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Hand- übersezt von C. G. Gmelin. (Jahrgang 4-21... übersetzt lingar. Stockhom [sic], 1872, etc. gº. Ac. 1070/7. von F. Wöhler.) 29 Jahrg. Tübingen, 1822-50. 8º. In progress. Each treatise has a distinct titlepage and Ac. 1070/4. pagination. Vollständiges Sach- und Namen-Register zu dem ersten Ărsherättelser om Vetenskapernas framsteg, afgifne af bis siebenzehnten Jahrgang, etc. Tübingen, 1839. 8º. Kongl. Vetenskaps-Academiens embetsmän. 1820–24. 749. h. Stockholm, 1821-25. 8º. Vollständiges Sach- und Namen-Register.... Erster bis [Continued under separate titles for the various classes fünfundzwanzigster Jahrgang. Tübingen, 1847. 8º. of physics and chemistry, astronomy, zoology, botany, 749. h. technology, viz.] .. After Jahrg. 20 the title was altered to “Jahres-Bericht Årsberättelse om framstegen i physik och chemie af über die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie ; " after J. Berzelius (1843 och 44...af A. F. Svanberg och P. A. Jahrg. 27, the words “ und Mineralogie” were omitted. Siljeström). • 1825-47. Stockholm, 1826–48. 8º. The words “physik och chemie" or "fysik och kemi" were, Analecta Transalpina. (Epitome commentariorum Regiæ Scientiarum Academiae Suecicce pro annis 1739-56. in 1841, changed into “kemi och mineralogi.” Suecico idiomate conscriptorum. 2 vol. Register , öfver de af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Academien Venetiis, 1762. 8°. 988. k. 6, 7. utgifna Årsberättelser i fysik, kemi, mineralogi och geologi, för åren 1821 till och med 1840 ... utgifvet af [Another copy.] 273. d. 26, 27. Dr. N. J. Berlin Stockholm, 1842. 8º. Tal hålne [by the President, in the name of the Academy), Årsberättelse i astronomien af S. A. Cronstrand. 1825 då Hans Kongl. Höghet [Adolphus Frederick, afterwards 36. (Followed by] Berättelse om astronomiens framsteg King of Sweden,] första gången emottog Vetenskaps för åren 1837-1841, af N. H. Selander. Academien såsom hennes Protector och Ledamot d. 17 Stockholm, 1826-42. 8°. Martii 1747. (Hans Kongl. Höghets Svar.) Imperfect; wanting 1829, 32, 42. Stockholm, (1747.] 8º. 965. i. 11. (1.) Årsberättelse om nyare zoologiska arbeten och upptäckter, Anmärkningar öfver et uti Kong. Vetenskaps-Academien till Kongl. Vetenskaps-Academien afgifven...1826(-28), hållit tal, om. Mynt. Stockholm, 1753. 8º.* af J. W. Dalman (1829–31 af S. Nilsson, 1832–36 af B. 965. k. 1. (1.) F. Fries, 1837-40 af C. J. Sundewall). 1825–44. Välmente tankar, angående anmärkningarne, öfver et uti Stockholm, 1826 47. 8º. Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien hållit tal om Mynt. Imperfect; wanting Del. 1 of 1840–42. Stockholm, 1753. 8º. 965. k. 1. (2.) Öfversigt af botaniska arbeten och upptäckter för år 1825(-44 på Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens befallning Svar [by J. Stenius etc.) pa frågan: Om bästa sättet at lemnád af J. E. Wikström. Stockholm, 1826–49. 8º. upodla mosslupna ångar; hvilken fråga af Kongl. The years 1826, 27 bear the title of “ Årsberättelse om Vetensk. Academien blef upgifven år 1761. framstegen uti botanik, etc., those of 1828, and following, Stockholm, 1762. 89. 965. k. 13. (2.) that of " Års-Berättelse om botaniska arbeten och upptäckter," Svar på frågan Huru kunna maskar, som göra skada på etc. frukt-träd, ... bäst förekommas och fördrifvas? ... af Årsberättelse om technologiens framsteg till Kongl. Kongl. Vetensk. Akademien upgifven, år 1762. Vetenskaps-Academien afgifven... af G. E. Pasch. 1826– · Stockholm, 1763. 8º. 965. k. 13. (4.) 42. Stockholm, 1827-49. 80. Ac. 1070/3. Imperfect; wanting 1829, 34, 43, 44. Svar [by J. Ahlelof, etc.] på frågan, Om ekar och andra löfträd kunna, utan fara för röta eller mask, barkas, Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhand för än de fällas ? Samt huru länge de til sin fördel,... lingar. Stockholm, 1845, etc. 80. Ac. 1070/5. kunna stå på roten, sedan de äro barkade? ... af Kongl. In progress. Vetensk. Academien upgifven, år 1762. Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Stock- Stockholm, 1763. 8º. 965. k. 13. (3.) holm, concernant l'histoire naturelle, la physique, la Anmärkningar, vid de utkomna svaren på. . . Academiens médecine ... les arts, etc. Traduit par M. De Keralis. fråva för år 1763, angående bästa sättet at förekomma (vol. 1.] Paris, 1772. 4°, 127. d. 12. maskar på fruktträn, samt försok til samma frågas No more of this translation published. besvarande. Stockholí, 1764. 8º. . '965. k. 13. (5.) Mémoires abrégés. See BERRYAT (J.) Recueil de Svar på den af Kongl. Wetenskaps Academien för ... Mémoires, etc. - Partie étrangère. tom. 11. T. C. 3. a. 12. 1763, framstäldte frågan : Hwad kan wara orsaken at 1755, etc. 4º. sådan myckenhet Swenskt folk årligen flytter ur landet? Der Königl. Schwedischen Akademie ... Abhandlungen och genom bwilka författningar kan det bäst före- ...1739-1779... Ubersetzt von A. G. Kästner. 41 Bde. kommas? Gifwit af en gammal Swensk. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1749-83. 8º. Ac. 1078/2. Stockholm, 1765. 8º: 965. k. 13. (10.) 945 ACADEMIES. (STOCKHOLM.] 946 STOCKHOLM [CONTINUED). STOCKHOLM (CONTINUED). Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi. Svar på frågan, om ekar och andra löf- träd kunna, ANGELIN (NICOLAUS PETRUS) Iconographia Crinoideorum utan fara för röta eller mask, barkas, förrän de fällas ? in stratis Sueciæ siluricis fossilium .:. Cum tabulis. ...af Kongl. Vetensk. Academien andra gången upgifven Holmiæ, 1878. fol. 1826. d. 6. ar 1763, at besvaras, år 1766. Stoclcholm, 1767. 80. 965. k. 14. (4.) ANGELIN (NICOLAUS PETRUS) Palæontologia Scandinavica. [Edited by G. Lindström.] Holmiæ, 1878, etc. 4º. Svar på frågan, hvilka äro Svenska climatets förmåner och olägenheter, i anseende till allmänna ock enskilda In progress. Ac. 1070/8. hushållningen, i jämförelse emot andra länder? ... af! FRIES (ELIAS) Sveriges ätliga och giftiga svampar teck- Kongl. Vetensk. Academien upyifven, år 1764. 2 pt. nade efter naturen under ledning af E. Fries. Stockholm, 1766. 8°. 965. k. 14. (1.) Stockholm, 1860. 4º. 1823. C. Pt. 2 has a separate titlepage and pagination. SAHLSTEDT (ABRAHAM) Svensk Grammatika, efter det nu Svar på Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens for år 1764 för tiden i språket brukliga sättet författad, af Kong. upgifna fråga: hvilka äro Svenska Climatets förmoner Wetenskaps Academien gillad och efter des befallning och olågenheter, i anseende til allmänna och enskildta utgifwen af A. S. Upsala, 1769. 8º. hushållningen. i jämförelse emot andra Lånders ? 12972. b. 25. (1.) Stockholm, 1766. 89. 233, d. 4. (5.) | Kongliga Svenska Vitterhets-Academi. Kongl. Svenska Vitterbets-Academiens handlingar. Svar [by C. F. Lund, etc.] på den af Kongl. Vetensk. Del. 1, 2. Stockholm, 1755, 76. 8º. 272. g. 28. Academien framstälda fråga : Om och huru godt tegel hos oss med fördel kan tilverkas, utan bränning? Kongliga Vitterhets - Historie och Antiqvitets-Aca- Stockholm, 1766. 8º. 965. k. 14. (2.) | demi. Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Svar, på Kongl. Finska Kongl. Vitterhets Historie och Antiquitets Academiens Fästnings-Commissionens förfrågningar, angåonde vattn Handlingar. Stockholm, 1789, etc. 80. Ac. 7800. samlingar i Sjö-fästningar. Stockholm, 1768. 8º. In progress. A table of “ Bokstafs-former, etc. tecknade 965. k. 14. (7.) af L. F. Rääf,' to del 15. Svar på den af Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien för andra Kongl. Witterhets-, Historie och Antiqvitets-Akade- gången framstälda frågan, Huru maskar, som göra skada miens underdaniga framställning om Akademiens behof på frukt-träd ... bäst kunna förekommas... Ivkomne år af förökade anslag. Stockholm, 1840. 8º. Ac. 7800/2. 1768. Stockholm, 1769. 8º. 965. k. 14. (6.) Svar på Kongl. Vetensk. Academiens fråga, Huru all Kongl. Witterhets- Historie och Antiqvitets-Akade- miens unterdäniga hemställan om behofvet af anslag till slags frisel kan förekommas och botas, så hos barnsängs hustrur, som andra ?...framstäld, at besvaras år 1769. de Antiqvariska och Historiska Samlingarnes ökande, ordnande och beskrifvande. Stockholm, 1848. 8º. Stockholm, 1770. 8º. 965. k. 14. (8.) Ac. 7800/3. [Another copy.] 1177. d. 9. Skåde-Penningar öfver de förnämsta händelser som Svar [by P. Gullander and J. O. Hagström] på den af tillhöra Konung Gustaf III.S Historia. [86 plates of Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien för andra găugen fram- medals, engraved on copper by J. Gillberg and M. R. stälda fråga, om Biskötsel. Stockholm, 1773. gº. Heland.] Stockholm, 1858. 1701. b. fol. 965. k. 14. (10.) Konst-Föreningen. onst-Förenin Januari. 4623 Samling af rön och afhandlingar, rörande Landtbruket, som til... Academien blifwit ingifne. 2 tom. Årsberättelse afgifwen vid Konst-Föreningens allmänna Stockholm, 4775, 77. 8º. 962. a. 12. ekonomiska års-samniankonst den 30 Januari 1850 (1855–57). Stockholm, 1850–57. 16º. Ac. 4623. Förteckning på en Samling af tryckta Svenska Böker, huilka den 21. Octob. 1780, blifvit i gåfva ofverlomnade Förteckning öfver de konstarbeten som bortlottades i til Kongl. Svenska Wetenskaps-Academien af dess konstföreningen den 22 December 1854. Ledamot Presidenten och Riddaren Rosenadler. Stockholm, 1854. 8º. 7855. aaa. 11. Stockholm, 1780. 4°. 272. i. 32. Linnésk Samfundet. Hof-Calender för Året 1807(1808)... Utgifven...af den Handlingar for År 1832 Årgang 1. Vetenskaps Academi. Stockholm, [1806-1807.] 12º. Stockholm, 1833. 8º. 749. k. Ac. 1070/6. (1.) [Stockholms Stads-Calender för Året 1807(1808). Ut- Pedagogiska Föreningen. gifven af den Vetenskaps-Académi.] Om de döda språkens umbärlighet vid Ac. 1070/6. (3.) Strengnäs, [1806-1807.] 12º. Elementar- läroverken och förflyttande till Universitetet. Öfver- Wanting titlepage for 1807. läggning i Pedagogiska Föreningen i November och Sveriges Krigs- och Civil-Calender för Året 1807(1808) December månader år 1858. Jemte ett tillägg inne- ... Utgifven...af den Wetenskaps-Academi. fattande några anmärkningar vid ett par talares an- Strengnäs, [1806-1807.] 12º. Ac. 1070/6. (2.) föranden. Stockholm, 1859. 8º. 8309. c. 2. Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies resa omkring Physiographisk Sållskapet. jorden under befal af C. A. Virgin åren 1851-1853. Vetenskapliga iakttagelser . : . utgifna af K. Svenska Physiographisk Sällskapets Handlingar. Del. 1, St. 1-3. Vetenskaps-Akademien. Botanik, 1, 2.–Fysik, Swed. & 961. k. 9. Stockholm, 1776. 8º. Fr., 1, 2.--Zoologi, 1–5. Stockholm, 1857, etc. 4º. [Another copy.] St. 1. 274. k. 23. 10027. h. [Another copy.] 10005. g. Select orations, and other important papers, relative to the Swedish language, by N. G. Agander. ANGELIN (NICOLAUS PETRUS) Fragmenta Silurica e dono London, 1792. 4°. 128. f. 4. C. H. Wegelin. Opus studio N. P. Angelin inchoatum ... edendum curavit G. Lindström. Accedunt xx. Regia Schola Medico-Chirurgica Corolinensis. Tabulae. pp. 60. See supra: Kongligt Corolinsk Mediko-Kirurgiska Holmiae : Stockholm (printed], 1880. 4º. Ac. 1071/3. Institutet. 947 : ACADEMIES. (STOCKHOLM--STRASBURG.] 948 STOCKHOLM [CONTINUED). STOCKHOLM [CONTINUED). Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskabet. Upfostrings Sällskap. : See supra : EUROPE.--Skandinavisk Naturforskerselskab. See FREDERICK I., King of Sweden, etc. Kort utkast til Konung Friedrichs... lefvernes-beskrifping, etc. i Société des Antiquaires de Suède. 1788. 8º. 10761. aaa. (2.) See infra : Svenska Fornminnes-Förening. See ROSENHANE (s.) Kort utkast til Konung Adolph Fredrics ... lefvernes-beskrifning, etc. 1789. 8º. Svenska Akademi. 10761. aaa. (3.) Svenska Akademiens Handlingar ifrån År 1786[-95.] Upfostrings-Sällskapets Tidningar 1783–85. 4 Bd. 5 Del. Delen. 1-21. Stockholm, 1801-13. 8º. - almánna Tidningar. Jan.-Jun. 1786. . - Handlingar ifrån År 1796, etc.- - Jan.-Apr. 1787. Edited by O. C. Gjörwell.] Stockholm, 1801, etc. 4°. Ac. 1071. Stockholm, (1783–87.] 8º. 963. i. 16-24. In progress. The vol. for July to Decr. 1786 wanting. The vol. for 1787 has a second titlepage reading : Svea-Rikes Annaler, Svensk Språklära. Stockholm, 1836. 8º.. 12972. ee. 10. etc. Del. 1. Svenska Akademiens Handlingar ifrån År 1796. Del. 18. STRALSUND. (Andra upplagan.) Stockholm, 1839. 8º. Ac. 1071. Literarisch-Geselliger Verein. Ordbok öfver Svenska språket, utgifven af Svenska Akademien. Stockholm, 1870, etc. 40. 12972. i. 1. Bericht des literarisch-geselligen Vereins zu Stralsund In progress. über sein Bestehen während der Jahre 1835 und 1836 (1858–1866). 16 pt. Stralsund, 1837-67. 8º. FRIES (ELIAS) Kritisk Ordbok öfver Svenska växt- Ac. 8962 namnen. ... Utgifven af Svenska Akademien. pp. xiv. 177. Stockholm, 1880. 8º. Ac. 1071/2. STRASBURG Svenska Fornminnes-Förening. Academia Argentinensis. MONTELIUS (OSCAR) Bibliographie de l'Archéologie Pré- Promulgatio academicorum privilegiorum ulteriorum; historique de la Suède pendant le xixe siècle (par 0. quibus Ferdinandus II. Romanorum imperator ... Academiam sive Universitatem Argentoratensem libera- Montelius), suivie d'un exposé succinct des Sociétés lissimè donavit. Celebrata ... Argentorati die 14 Aug., Archéologiques Suédoises. "Dédié au Congrès Inter- 1621. Nunc denuò ob defectum exemplarium excusa. national d'Anthropologie ... par la Société des Anti- BB.M. quaires de Suède. Stockholm, 1875. 8º. Argentorati, 1628. 4º. 731. e. 1. (1.) Fasciculus dissertationum inanguralium in Academia Svensk Fornskrift-Sällskapet. Argentinensi habitarum. [Strasburg, 1713.] 8º. Samlingar utgifna af Svenska Fornskrift-Sällskapet. 1179. i. 1. (1.) Stockholm, 1844, etc. 8º. Ac. 9068/2. Memoriam ... J. G. Roedereri ... Argentorati D. In progress. IV. Aprilis...1763 fato functi, Academia Argentoratensis Svensk Läkare-Sällskapet. Argentorati, [1763.) fol. T. 508. 11. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—- Stockholm. Hygiea ... Académie de Strasbourg. Séance annuelle de rentrée Utgifven af Svenska Läkare-Sällskapet, etc. des facultés. Distribution des médailles et des prix, etc. 1839, etc. 8º. P.P. 3081. Strasbourg, 1856. 8º. 8355. b. 42. (8.) Statuta Academiae Argentinensis, das ist die Gesetze komster, etc. Stockholm, 1859, etc. 8º. Ac. 3807. und Ordnungen der alten Universität Strassburg um die Mitte des siebzehnten Jehrhunderts ... mit einer In progress. Einleitung und erläuternden Anmerkungen herausge- geben von J. Rathgeber. Karlsruhe, 1876. 8º. Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen.'' . Ac. 2623. Numismatiska meddelanden, utgifna af Svenska Numis- Academia Imperatoria Wilhelma Argentoratensis. matiska Föreningen. Stockholm, 1874, etc. 8º. See infra : Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität. In progress. 7756. C. Svensk patriotisk Sällskapet. Collegium Medicum. Pharmacopoeia Argentoratensis ...a Collegio Medico Svenska Patriotiska Sällskapets Handlingar. Styck. I. adornata. (Catalogus medicamentorum ... in officinis [Stockholm,] 1770. 8º. Ac. 2550. pharmaceuticis Argentinensibus usualium.) 2 pt. Argentorati, 1725. fol. 547. m. 8. Svenska Slöjdföreningen. Svenska Slöjdföreningens Handlingar. See PERIODICAL École spéciale de Médecine, afterwards Faculté de PUBLICATIONS.-Gottenburg. Tidskrift für Teknologi, etc. Médecine. .. 1859, etc. 8º. P.P. 1801. Collection générale des dissertations de l'École spéciale (Faculté) de Médecine de Strasbourg. 53 vol. Svenska Trädgårds-Föreningen. Strasbourg, [1799]–1838. 4º. Some dissertations in vol. 1 and 2 are in 8°. .. 26 pt. Stockholm, 1834-60. 8º. Ac. 3281. Deuxième série. Strasbourg, 1839, etc. 4º.. In progress. 7381. d., etc. Upfostrings Sällskap. Accroissements du Musée d'Anatomie de Strasbourg. See CHARLES XII., King of Sweden. Kort utkast til Rapport fait à la Faculté de Médecine ... Nov. 1856, Konung Carl xirtes lefvernes beskrifning, etc. par C. H. Ehrmann. Strasbourg, 1857. 8º. 1788. 8º. 10761. aaa. (1.) |.. 7421. e. 1875" ven af Svenska 1ATIONS.— Stockholm 949 ACADEMIES. (STRASBURG-STUTTGARD.] 950 omerang . Müller or Lobil. 3339. STRASBURG [CONTINUED). E' STRENGNÄS. École spéciale de Médecine. afterwards Faculté de Södermanlands Fornminnesförening. · Médecine. AMINSON (HENRIK) Bidrag till Södermanlands äldre LOBSTEIN (JEAN FRÉDERIC) Surgeon, the Younger. Compte Kulturhistoria, på uppdrag af Södermanlands Forn- rendu à la Faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg sur l'état minnesförening utgifna af N. Aminson. actuel de son Muséum anatomique, suivi du catalogue Stockholm, 1877, etc. 8º. 10280. bbh. 12. des objets qu'il renferme ... Imprimé par ordre de la In progress. Faculté. Strasbourg, 1820. 8º. . 7421 bb. STROUD. Stroud Natural History and Philosophical Society. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität. Transactions, etc. Stroud; 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 3006. Die Einweihung der Strassburger Universität am 1 Mail In progress. 1872. Officieller Festbericht. Strassburg, 1872. 8º. STUTTGARD. 8356. f. 3. Die Gründungsfeier der Universität Strassburg am Carls-Academie. 1 Mai 1872. Vermehrter Separat-Abdruck der Strass- Tableau des Leçons publiques, qui se donneront à l'Uni- burger Zeitung, etc. Strassburg, 1872. 16º. versité Caroline de Stuttgard, depuis Pâques 1791 jusqu'à 8356. aaa. 16. (5.) Pâque 1792. Stuttgard, 1791. go. 8304. aa. 1. (1.) Dissertationes philologicae Argentoratenses selectae. I Gartenbau-Gesellschaft Flora. Argentorati, Leipzig (printed], 1879, etc. 8º. Illustrirte Garten-Zeitung. Eine monatliche Zeitschrift In progress. 12901. 6. 25. für Gartenhau und Blumenzucht, herausgegeben von der Garten Gesellschaft Flora, ... redigirt (Bd. 1, 2] Musée d'Anatomie de Strasbourg. von A. Courtin. (Bd. 3–10 von K. Müller. Bd. 10-12 von A. Courtin. Bd. 15, etc., von Hofgärtner Lebl.) See supra : École spéciale de Médecine, afterwards Stuttgart, 1857, etc. 4°. Faculté de Médecine. In progress. Königlich statistisch-topographisches Bureau. Société des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts, du Départe- See MLMMINGER (J. D. G. VON) Beschreibung des König- ment du Bas-Rhin. reichs Würtemberg. [Heft. 15, etc.] ... herausgegeben Journal. 5 tom. Strasbourg, 1824-28. 8º. Ac. 547. von dem Königlich-statistisch-topographischen Bureau. 1824, etc. 8º. 10231. dd. Nouveaux Mémoires. 2 tom. Strasbourg, 1832–36. 89. No more published. Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Königreichs Württem- berg. Herausgegeben von dem Kopigl. statistisch-topo- graphischen Bureau, 1873, etc. [1873, etc.] 8º. Société des Sciences Naturelles de Strasbourg. P.P. 2447. c. See infra : Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Stras- See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. -- Stuttgard. Würtem- bourg, etc. burgisches Jahrbuch, etc. (Herausgegeben von dem' K. statistisch-topographischen Bureau.) 1818, etc. 8º. Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Strasbourg, afterwards P.P. 3627. Société du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, etc. Das Königreich Württemberg. Eine Beschreibung von Land, Volk und Staat. Stuttgart, 1863. 8º. Mémoires. 6 tom. 10240. i. Paris, Strasbourg (printed], 1830-70. 4º. Ac. 2858. [Another edition.] In progress. Ac. 2432/3. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelle, etc. Einunddreissigster und zweiunddreissigster(-vierzigster) Année 1-3. Strasbourg, 1868–71. 8º. Jahresbericht über die Witterungs-Verhältnisse in Würt- Continued as : 7 temberg. Jahrgang 1857 und 1858(–1864)... Heraus- Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Nancy., Série II., gegeben...durch... Dr. Plieninger. 5 pts. tom. 1, etc. Nancy, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 2858/2. Stuttgart, 1863–68. 8°. 8752. b. In progress. Beitrag zur klimatisch-meteorologischen Statistik Würt- Réglement de la Société, etc. Strasbourg, (1843?] 4º. tembergs . . . Herausgegeben ... durch . . . Dr. Th. 1253. k. (76.) Plieninger. Stuttgart, 1867. 8º. 8767. d. Resumé analytique des travaux de la Société pendant les Württembergische Vierteljahrshefte für Landesge- années 1858–61, par M. Lereboullet. schichte. In Verbindung mit dem Verein für Kunst und Strasbourg, (1862?] 4º. 7005. g. Alterthum in Ulm und Schwanben sowie dem Württemb. Alterthumsverein in Stuttgart(, dem Historischen Verein für das Württemb. Franken und dem Sülchgauer Alter- Société Littéraire de Strasbourg. thumsverein) herausgegeben von dem K. statistisch- Bulletin, etc. tom. 1-4. topographischen Bureau. Stuttgart, 1878, etc. 8º. Paris, Strasbourg (printed), 1862-69, etc. 8º. Ac. 8940. In progress. Ac. 2432/4. Société Littéraire de Strasbourg. Lectures publiques Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. (Avril, Mai et Juin 1864). Paris, 1864. 8º. See infra : Württembergischer Landwirthschaft- Ac. 8940/2. licher Verein. SCHAUENBURG (PIERRE RIELLE DE) Baron. La Peinture Literarischer Verein. sur Verre. Lecture ... par le baron P. R. de Schauen Bibliothek des literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart. burg, etc. Strasbourg, 1865. 8°. 7945. j. 35. (6.) Stuttgart, 1843, etc. 8º. Ac. 8963. In progress. Société pour la Conservation des Monuments His- Verein für Baukunde. toriques d'Alsace. Mappe des Vereins für Bankunde in Stuttgart ... Bulletin, etc. 4 vol. Zusammengestellt ... von J. Ruess ... I Heft. Paris, Strasbourg (printed], 1857-70. 8º. Ac. 5284. Stuttgart, 1847. fol. Tab. 817. i. Ile Série. Vol. 1-7, livr. 1, 2. No more published. 951 ACADEMIES. [STUTTGARD-SWITZERLAND.] 952 eweg? 10 Sooie B.B.O STUTTGARD [CONTINUED). SUNDERLAND Verein für Baukunde. Phonographic Literary Society. Entwurf eines Baugesetzes für das Königreich Württem- Phonographic Literary Society. [First Report.] berg. Stuttgart, 1863. 8º. Ac. 4784. Sunderland, [1858.] go. 12991. g. 4. Verein für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württem- SURREY. berg. Surrey Archäological Society. Jahreshefte des Vereins ... Herausgegeben von dessen Redaktionscommission, H. V. Mohl, T. Plieninger, Surrey. Archæological Collections, relating to the History Fehling, W. Menzel, F. Krauss (0. Fraas, P. Zech.) and Antiquities of the County Published by the Surrey Stuttgart, 1845, etc. 8° & 4º. Archæological Society. London, 1858, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2893. --- [Plates.] fol. Ac. 5715. In progress. SUSSEX. Sussex Archæological Society. Württembergischer Aerztlicher Verein, Sussex Archæological Collections, illustrating the His- Berichte der ärztlichen Vertrauensmänner, mit Ein tory and Antiquities of the County. schluss sämmtlicher während der Dauer der Arbeiten London, 1848, etc. 8º. der Vertrauenskommission eingesendeter Aufsätze über In progress. die Reform des Medicinalwesens. See infra : Medi- General Index to vols. 1 to 25, by H. Campkin. cinisches Correspondenz-Blatt, etc. Jahrg. 1848– 1874. 8º. Ac. 5720. 49. Supplementband. 1832, etc. 4º. P.P. 2990. e. [Another copy of the General Index.] - Medicinisches Correspondenz - Blatt des Württem Notice of General Annual Meeting of the Society to be bergischen ärztlichen Vereins, ... herausgegeben von held at Lewes, Aug. 10, 1848.] [Lewes ? 1848.] 12º. J. F. Blumhardt, G. Duvernay, V. A. Rieche, A. Seeger, 741. k. (31.) (G. Cléss, O. Kaestlin, J. Reuss, J. Teuffel,) C. B. Arnold. SWANSEA General-Register...1866 bis 1875. Von Dr. H. Epting.) Stuttgart, 1832, etc. 4°. P.P. 2990. e. & 834. Royal Institution of South Wales. In progress. Royal Institution of South Wales. The tenth (forty- fifth, etc.) annual report of the Council, etc. MS. NOTE Württembergischer Alterthums-Verein. [to 10th report, by D. Turner]. Swansea, 1845, etc. 80. In progress. "Ac. 1446. Jahreshefte 1-7. Stuttgart, 1844-51. fol. No more published. 1701. C. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Die Heidengräber am Lupfen ... Aus Auftrag ... des Allmänna Svenska Landtbruksmötet. württembergischen Alterthums-Vereins ... beschreiben Frågor framställda till öfverläggningsämnen vid åttonde von ... von Dürrich, und Dr. W. Menzel. Allmänna Svenska Landtbruksmötet i Jönköping. Stuttgart, 1847. 4º. 7703. bb. 3. Jönköping, 1858. 12º. 7075. a. Die Cisterzienser - Abtei Maulbronn, bearbeitet von Berättelse öfver förhandlingarne vid nionde Allmänna Dr. E. Paulus ... Mit . . . Holzschnitten von A. Closs Svenska Landtbruksmötet i Göteborg år 1860, afgifven ... nach Zeichnungen von . . .C. Riess, etc. pp. 37. af C. J. Lindeberg. Göteborg, 1861. 8°. 7077. cc. Stuttgart, 18[73-179. fol. 1733. d. Förhandlingarne vid det tolfte allmänna Svenska Landt- bruksmötet i Stockholm 1868. Stockholm, 1868. 8º. Württembergischer Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. Ac. 3471. Correspondenzblatt. Bd. 1–20. [Edited by C. C. SWITZERLAND. André.] Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die ge- - Neue Folge. Bd. 1–34. 54 Bde. sammten Naturwissenschaften. Stuttgart und Tübingen, 1822–48. 8º. Ac. 3428. Naturwissenschaftlicher Anzeiger der No more published. allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Natur- Die Königlich Württembergische Lehranstalt für Land wissenschaften. Herausgegeben von F. Meisner, etc. und Forstwirthschaft in Hohenheim. Eine Festgabe Jahrg. I.–V. Aarau, Bern, 1818–23. 4º. Ac. 2866/6. der Centralstelle des landwirthschaftlichen Vereins, ... Kurze Uebersicht der Verhandlungen der...Gesellschaft, für die Mitglieder der Sechsten Versammlung der etc. Aarau, Bern, etc., 1823-30, 32-65. 8º. Ac. 2866/3. deutschen Land- und Forstwirthe. After 1824 the title reads : “Verhandlungen, etc.” Some Stuttgart, 1842. 8º. Ac. 3428/2. of the volumes are in French ; in these the title reads : “ Actes Muster-Plane zu ländlichen Bauwesen, mit besonderer de la Société Helvétique, etc.” Imperfect; wanting first eight Rücksicht auf die verschiedenen im Königreiche Würt- numbers from 1815–22. There appears to have been no issue temberg üblichen Bauformen. Heft. 1. for 1831. Stuttgart, (1845.] fol. 1265. g. 25. Annalen. ... Herausgegeben von Fr. Meisner. With No more appears to have been published. a memoir of the editor by Dr. Brunner.] 2 Bde. Abbildungen der bei dem Landwirthschaftlichen Feste Bern, 1824 [25?] 8º. .: 968. k. 22, 23. zu Canstadt im Septemb. 1852 aufgestellten Rindvieh- Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesell- Stañe nach der Natur gezeichnet von F. Voltz. schaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften ... Mit Stuttgart, 1853. 4º. 7294. h. ... Steindrucktafeln. Zürich, 1829–33. 4º. Bd. I. Abth. 1, 2. Ac. 2866/8. Neue Denkschriften. Nouveaux Mémoires. SUMATRA Neuchatel, Neumburg, 1837-49. 4º. Agricultural Society of Sumatra. - Bd. 11, 20 oder Zweite Dekade. Bd. 1-10, 21, etc. Proceedings. Vol. 1. Bencoolen, 1821. 8º. - Dritte Dekade. Bd. 1, etc. Zürich, 1850–64. 4º. Ac. 3545. In progress. Ac. 2866/7. 953 ACADEMIES. [SWITZERLAND SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES.] 954 ischen Gesen, etc . SWITZERLAND [CONTINUED). SWITZERLAND CONTINUED). Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die ge- Schweizerische Statistische Gesellschaft. sammten Naturwissenschaften. Die Oeffentlichen Bibliotheken der Schweiz im Jahre Schweizerische Meteorologische Beobachtungen, heraus 1868. Nach dem von der Schweizerischen Statistischen gegeben von der meteorologischen Centralanstalt der Gesellschaft gesammelten Material bearbeitet von E. Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft unter Heitz. Les Bibliothèques publiques de la Suisse, etc. Direktion von ... R. Wolf. Zürich, [1864, etc.] 4º. Ger. and Fr. pp. 77. 80. Basel, 1872. 4º. In progress. 8752. e. 11905. m. 13. Schweizerischer alpwirthschaftlicher Verein. Verzeichniss saemmtlicher Mitglieder der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Natur- Alpwirthschaftliche Monatsblätter. Herausgegeben ... wissenschaften. unter der Redaktion von R. Schatzmann. Solothurn, 1826. 8°. Ac. 2866/2. Aarau, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 3416. Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles. Catalogue In progress. des membres. Genève, 1832. 89. Ac. 2866/2. Schweizerischer Piusverein. Verzeichniss sämmtlicher Mitglieder der allgemeinen Archiv für die schweizerische Reformations-Geschichte. Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Natur Herausgegeben ... durch die Direction Graf Theodor wissenschaften. Zürich, 1839. 8º. Ac. 2866/2. Scherer-Boccard, ... F. Fiala, ... P. Bannwart. 3 Bde. - Zürich, 1845. 8º. Ac. 2866/2. Freiburg im Breisgau, Solothurn (printed], 1869–75. 8º. Ac. 6920. Zürich, 1852. 8º. Ac. 2866/2. Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles. Zürich, 1856. 8º. Ac. 2866/2. See supra : Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Statuts constitutifs et réglemens divers de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles, etc. Société Suisse des Sciences Naturales. Genève, 1832. 8º. . Ac. 2866. See supra : Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Verzeichniss der gegenwärtig im Archive der allge- meinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften sich befindlichen Bücher und Bild- - SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES. nisse. Aarau, 1836. 89. 11904. f. Australian Horticultural and Agricultural Society. Verzeichniss der . . . im Archive der Schweizerischen Proceedings. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.--Sydney, New naturforschenden Gesellschaft sich bildenden Bibliothek, South Wales. The Sydney Magazine of Science, etc. ... herausgegeben von R. Wolf. Bern, 1843. 8º. 1858, etc. 8º. P.P. 1606. d. 11903. b. Statuten und Reglemente der allgemeinen Schweize- First Report of the Australian Horticultural and Agri- rischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissen- cultural Society. Sydney, [1857.] 8°. Ac. 3548. schaften, etc. Winterthur, 1847. 8º. Ac. 2866. Metropolitan Intercolonial Exhibition ... May, 1869. Verzeichniss der in der Bibliothek der schweizerischen Catalogue. Sydney, 1869. 80. 7074. ccc. naturforschenden Gesellschaft vorhandenen Bücher. Australian Museum. [Edited by C. Christener.] Bern, 1850. 8º. . 11904. f. A catalogue of the specimens of natural history and miscellaneous curiosities, belonging to the Australian DESOR (ÉDOUARD) Einige Worte über die verschiedenen Museum. [By C. Bennett.] Sydney, 1837. 8º. Grundformen der Höhlen des Jura. Vortrag, etc. 728. e. 22. [Frauenfeld ?] 1871. 8º. 10108. bb. 3. (2.) By-Laws of the Australian Museum, Sydney, New South MUELLER (EMIL) Die Verbreitung der Lungenschwind Wales. Sydney, 1870. 8º. 8306. dd. 28. sucht in der Schweiz. Bericht der von der schweize- The Australian Museum ... Catalogue of duplicate rischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Untersuch- books, &c., in the Australian Museum Library, for ungen darüber niedergesetzten Kommission. Erstattet exchange. pp. 4. Sydney, 1881. 8º. von ihren Aktuar E. Mueller. Winterthur, 1876. 4º. 1881. C. 16. (91.) 1615. g. 1. Catalogue of duplicate books, &c., in the Australian Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die gesammten Museum Library, for exchange. Amended to 15th June, Naturwissenschaften. 1881. pp. 3. Sydney, 1881. 8º. 1881. c. 16. (38.) See supra : Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesell- Catalogue of the Australian Sialk- and Sessile-eyed · schaft, etc. . Crustacea. By W. A. Haswell. pp. xxiv. 324. Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Sydney, 1882. 8º. 7298. ee. 7. See supra: Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesell- Catalogue of a collection of Fossils in the Australian schaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Museum, with introductory notes by F. Ratte). pp. xxviii. 159. T. Richards : Sydney, 1883. gº. Schweizerische Paläontologische Gesellschaft. 7202. c. 10. Entomological Society of New South Wales. Abhandlunge!). Basel und Genf, Zürich (printed], 1874, etc. 4º. Ac. 3122. The Transactions of the ... Society. vol. 1, 2. Sydney, 1863-75. 8º. Ac. 3660. In progress. Imperfect; wanting titlepage and table of contents of vol. 1. Schweizerische Statistische Gesellschaft. Government Observatory. Die gegenseitigen Hülfsgesellschaften der Schweiz im 1875-6. New South Wales. Government Observatory, Jahr 1865. Nach den von der Schweizerischen Statis Sydney. Report of Astronomer (H. O. Russell) for tischen Gesellschaft gesammelten Materialien bearbeitet 1874 & 1875. Presented to Parliament. von H. Kinkelin. Les Sociétés de Secours, etc. Germ. & Sydney, 1876, etc. fol. 797. Fr. Basel, 1868. 4°. 8282. h. 5. In progress. Dia dhe 1865. Nschaft gesauciletés de ser .: 956 955 NEY, NEW SOUTH WALES-THORN.] ACADEMI O Royal Socactions. To continued Edited bogress. SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES [CONTINUED). TARBES. Government Observatory, Société Académique des Hautes-Pyrénées.. Meteorological Observations made at the Government Questionnaire Archéologique pour le Département des. Observatory, Sydney, and an abstract from the country Hautes-Pyrénées. Tarbes, 1858. 8º. stations, for the month of October (-December), 1877, 7708. aaa. 38. (3.) under the direction of H. C. Russell. ' 3 pt. See DAPOUEY (C.) Rapports sur les Réponses faites au Sydney, 1879. 8º. 8752. bb. 4. Questionnaire Archéologique des Hantes-Pyrénées (1re, et 2e. Séries), etc. . 1862. 80. 7708. c. 33. (10, 11.) Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Sydney Observatory,...1877 and 1878, under the direc- tion of H. C. Russell. Sydney, 1881, etc. 8º. TAUNTON. In progress. 8752. dd. Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Horticultural Society of Sydney. [Rules and list of Members.] Taunton, [1849.) 8º.. Horticultural Magazine, and Gardeners' and Amateurs' 1890. 5. 3. (28.) Calendar: containing the Transactions of the Horticul- Proceedings...1849, etc. Taunton, 1851, etc. 8º. tural Society of Sydney. Vol. 1-6. Ac. 5700. In progress. Ac. 3381. Sydney, 1864-69. 8º. Report of the Opening Meeting... September 26th 1849. Linnean Society of New South Wales. Taunton, [1849.] 8º. P.P. 1898. ga. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Report of the proceedings at the seventh Annual Meet- Wales. Sydney, 1876, etc. 8°. In progress. Ac. 3100. ing. Taunton, 1855. 12º. Ac. 5700/3. Philosophical Society of New South Wales. Catalogue of Engravings, exhibited in... Taunton Castle ...June 1878. [With a preface by W. E. Surtees.] Proceedings. See PCRIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—-Sydney, New Taunton, 1878. gº. Ac. 5700/4. South Wales. The Sydney Magazine of Science, etc. 1858, etc. 8º. P.P. 1606. d. BATTEN (EDMUND CHISHOLM) Gaulden. [An account of the house and its owners.] pp. 20. Royal Society of New South Wales. Cheston and Cheasley : Taunton, 1878. 8º. 10347. c. 4. (9.) Transactions. Vol. 1-9. Sydney, 1868–76. 8º. SANFORD (WILLIAM AYSHFORD) On the Pleistocene Mam- malia of Somerset. Catalogue of Bones in the Museum Journal and Proceedings... Edited by A. Liversedge. of the Archæological and Natural History Society at Vol. 10, etc. 1877, etc. 8°. In progress. Ac. 1971. Taunton, by W. Ä. Sanford. No. 1. Felis. Publications of the Royal Society, etc. (A list of the Taunton, 1868. 4º. 7203. e. contents of vol. 1-12.] Plates. fol. 1824. d. Trübner & Co.: London, [1879.] 8º Ac. 1971/3. TENBY. Exchanges and presentations made by the Royal Society of New South Wales. Sydney, (1877.] fol. Cambrian and Archaeological Association. * 1701. b. 1. (58.) See supra : LONDON. Rules and List of Members...1877. Sydney, 1877. 8º. Ac. 1971/2. Cambrian Institute. Sydney Observatory. The Cambrian Journal, published under the auspices of the Cambrian Institute. 4 vol. See supra : Government Observatory. London, Tenby (printed], 1854-57. 8º. – New series. 7 vol. University of Sydney. London, Tenby (printed], 1858–65. 8º. Ac. 5752. The Sydney University Calendar, 1852–3, 1854, 1856, No more published. 1859, 1860, etc. Sydney, 1853, etc. 8º. In progress. P.P. 2606. a. THARAND. Library of the University of Sydney. Königlich - Sächsische Akademie für Forst- und Catalogue of Books in the Library of the University of Landwirthe, Sydney. Sydney, (1856?] 8º. 11901. h. Landwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift, Organ der landwirth- schaftlichen Vereine im Königreich Sachsen und der Akademie Tharand. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.— Dresden.- Landwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift. Jahrg. 5. SZEBEN. 1840, etc. 4º. See supra : HERMANSTADT, THORN. Copernicus-Verein für Wissenschaft und Kunst. . SZENT-MÁRTON. Mittheilungen, etc. Leipzig, Greifswald (printed), 1878, etc. 8º. Matica Slovenska. In progress. 8752. cc. 5. Letopis Matice Slovenskej,. . .1863 založenej. Ročnik Denkschrift zur Enthüllungs-Feier des Copernicus Denk- prvýl, etc.). Z naloženia ... tejže Matice sostavil M. mals zu Thurn. Thorn, 1853. 8º. 7875. b. 29. Chrástek.' (Reč, ktorou druhé valné shromaždenie Ma- tice Slovenskej, v T. Sv. Martine, d 3 augusta r. 1864 Festgedicht zur Begrüssung ... der Frau Prinzessin vydržiavané otvoril...S. Moyses, etc. Ročn. 1–11. vo Viedni, 1864-74. 4º. Ac. 8986. Berlin, etc. F. P. Berlin, [1858.1. fol. 11522. k. 957 ACADEMIES. [THORN-TOULOUSE.] 958 . 4 THORN (CONTINUED). TOPEKA. Copernicus-Verein für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Kansas State Historical Society. N. Copernici...de Revolutionibus Orbium caelestium Transactions. libri vi. Ex auctoris autographo recudi curavit Societas G. W. Martin: Topeka, Kansas, 1881, etc. 8º. Copernicana Thorunensis. Accedit G. Joachimi Rhetici In progress. . Ac. 8531. de libris revolutionum narratio prima. [Edited by C. Boethke, R. Brohm, M. Curtze, etc.] TORONTO. Thoruni, Lipsiae (printed], 1873. 4°. 8752. i. 3.1 Canadian Institute. N. Çopernicus aus Thorn über die Kreisbewegungen der The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature, and His- Weltkörper. Ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen von tory. Conducted by the Editing Committee of the Dr. C. L. Menzzer. Durchgesehen und mit einem Vor- Canadian Institute [H. Scadding and others. Vol. 15, wort von Dr. M. Cantor. pp. xxii. 363, 66. No. 5, 6, 8. Toronto, 1877, 78. 89. Thorn, 1879. 8°. 8561. h. 12. [Continued as:] Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. New Series. Schola Torunensis. Toronto, 1879, etc. 89. In progress. Ac. 1885. Institutionis Literatae, sive de discendi atque docendi ratione tomus primus (-tertius.). [Edited by the Aca Entomological Society of Canada, afterwards Ento- demy.] 3 tom. Torunii Borussorum, 1586–88. 4º. mological Society of Ontario. 722. e. 2-4. The Canadian Entomologist [published by the Entomo- • logical Society of Canada]... Edited (vol. 1-5] by... TIFLIS. C. J. S. Bethune.' [Vol. 6, etc., by W. Saunders.] Кавказская Археографическая Коммиссія. C. Clarke & Co.: Toronto, London, Ontario, 1869, etc. 8º. In progress.- Vols. 1 and 2 are reprints, 1882, of the AKTH . . . TOMú 1 (2, etc.) haneqarahý 10J) pegakniero original edition, 1869, 70. .... A. Bepke. Tudnuco, 1866, etc. fol. 1708. C. In progress. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Кавказскій Отдѣлъ Императорскао Русскало Географичес- Observations made fin 1840 by C. J. B. Riddell, and кало Одщества. from 1841 by C. W. Younghusband] at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto... Printed See supra : SAINT PETERSBURG.-Amnepamopcxoe Pycckoe ... under the superintendence of... E. Sabine. Vol. 1. Географическало Общество. London, 1845. 4º. 8752. g. Общество Любителей Кавказской Археологій. Abstracts of Meteorological Observations made at the 3anicki . . . Kuura 1 (, etc.) 1372HHA 10h pejakąiero Magnetical Observatory, Toronto...during the years ... A. Bepke 1 ... 1. Bakpajze. 1854 to 1859 inclusive (during the years 1860, 1861 & Tugbaucy, 1875, etc. fol. 1707. a. 20. 1862). 2 vol. Toronto, 1864. 4º. 8752. e. In progress. Abstracts and results of Magnetical & Meteorological Observations, at the Magnetic Observatory...from 1841 13B$cris, etc. Tupauco, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 5583. to 1871 inclusive. Toronto, 1875. 8°. 8752. c. In progress. VUIRUBOV (v.) Ipejmeth APEBHOCTI B6 xpahuum), University College. « Общества Любителей Кавказской Археологіи." Съ The Calendar of University College, Toronto, for 1872- DPIJRehieMb 12 Tabdub. CoctaBHA), PHCobaib ... 1873, (1876, etc.) Toronto, 1876, etc. 8º. B. BūpyboBh. Tugauco, 1877, etc. 89. 7709. cc. 2. In progress. P.P. 2539. h. In progress. TOULON. TILSIT, Société Académique du Var. Litauische literarische Gesellschaft. REBOUL (ROBERT) Les de Ferry et les d'Escrivan, ver- Mittheilungen. riers provençaux. Paris, Toulon (printed], 1873. 8º. Ac. 6895. Heidelberg, Königsberg (printed), 1880, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 8964. TEISSIER (OCTAVE) Histoire des divers agrandissements et des fortifications de la ville de Toulon, accompagnée TOKIO. d'un Mémoire inédit du Maréchal de Vauban, etc. With plans, etc.] Paris, Toulon (printed], 1873. 8º. See infra : YEDO. 10171. e. printal de Valon, acconsements TOLEDO. Universidad de Toledo. Begin. Señor. La Universidad de Toledo suplica ... á V. M....no salgan de España materiales laborables, ni entren mercaderias labradas fuera de ella...que se pu- dieren escusar. Remítese al libro que tiene dado á la Junta...S. de Moncada, etc. [Toledo ? 1670?] fol. 1322. 1. 4. (19.) TOULOUSE. Académie des Jeux Floraux. See LA LOUBÈRE (S. DE) Traité de l'origine des Jeux Floraux de Toulouse ; Lettres Patentes, ... portant le rétablissement des Jeux Floraux en une Académie de Belles Lettres ;... Statuts pour les Jeux Floraux. 1715. 8º. 617. c. 21. Recueil des ouvrages de poésie et d'éloquence, présentés à l'Académie des Jeux Floraux en l'année 1766. Avec les discours prononcés dans les assemblées publiques do l'Académie. 3 pt. Toulouse, 1756. 16º. 11475. df. 10. Recueil de l'Académie. 1814, etc. Toulouse, (1816), etc. 8°. In progress. Ac. 8942. TONGRES. Société Scientifique et Littéraire du Limbourg. Bulletin, etc. Tom. 1-6. Tongres, 1852–65. 8º. Ac. 1018. 959 ACADEMIES. [TOULOUSE -TOURS.] 960 wonate TOULOUSE (CONTINUED). TOULOUSE [CONTINUED). Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles - Société Royale de Médecine, Chirurgie et Pharmacie. · Lettres. Séance publique de la Société... tenue le 10 Mai, 1846. Catalogue des Plantes usuelles, qui se trouvent dans les Toulouse, 1846. 8º. Ac. 3744. Jardins de Botanique de l'Académie Royale des Sciences. Toulouse, 1782. 80. B. 82. (2.). Séance publique de la Société... tenue lo 9 Mai, 1847. 1 . Toulouse, 1847. 8º. Ac. 3744. Histoire et Mémoires. 4 tom. Toulouse, 1782–90. 4º. 431. k. 7–10. Histoire et Mémoires de l'Académie... depuis son réta- TOURNAY. blissement en 1807(-1841). pour faire suite à l'Histoire et aux Mémoires de l'ancienne Académie. 6 tom. Collegium Tornacense. Toulouse, 1827-43. 8º. Ac. 555. A declaration of the principall pointes of Christian Doc- Mémoires. Troisième série. 6 tom. trine, gathered out of diverse Catechismes, and set forth Toulouse, 1844-50. 8º. by the English Priests dwelling in Tournay Colledge. Sebastien Cramoisy : Paris, 1647. 12º. 3505. b. 46. - Quatrième série. 6 tom. Toulouse, 1851–56.. 8º. - Cinquième série. 6 tom. Toulouse, 1857-62. 89. Société Historique et Littéraire de Tournai. Sixième série. 6 tom. Toulouse, 1863–68. 8º. Bulletins. Tournai, 1849, etc. 8º. Ac. 7600. - Septième série. 10 tom. (Table alphabétique, etc.) In progress. Toulouse, 1869–79. 8º. Mémoires. Tournai, 1851, etc. 8º. Ac. 7600/2. Huilième série. Tom. 1, etc. In progress. Toulouse, 1879, etc. In progress. Ac. 555. Congrès Méridional. TOURS. Congrès Méridional. Première Session...1834. Société Archéologique de Touraine. Toulouse, 1834. 8º. See SALMON (A.) Recueil de chroniques de Touraine. (Supplément aux chroniques de Touraine par A. Salmon Faculté de Médecine. ... publié par la Société Archéologique de Touraine.) Codex medicamentarius seu Pharmacopoea Tolosana ... 1854, etc. 80. 10170. dd, in lucem edita [by] P. F. Purpan. Tolosa, 1648. 4º. 547. i. 10. Mémoires. Tours, 1842, etc. 8º. Ac. 5345. In progress. Musée d'Histoire Naturelle. Archives du Musée, etc. Toulouse, 1879, etc. 4°. Mémoires. ... Série in quarto. Tom. 1. In progress. Ac. 2852 Tours, 1869. 4º. Ac. 5345/2. Observatoire, Bulletin...1868, etc. Tours, 1871, etc. 8º. Annales de l'Observatoire de Toulouse. Par M. F. In progress. Ac. 5345/4. Petit, etc. Tom. 1. Toulouse, 1863. 4º. 8564. e. Registres des comptes municipaux de la ville de Tours ; No more published of this Series. The publication of the publiés avec wtes et éclaircissements par J. Delaville le · Annales was resumed in 1880. Roulx. Tours, 1878, etc. 8º. Ac. 5345/3. Annales de l'Observatoire astronomique, magnétique et In progress. météorologique de Toulouse. Tome 1, renfermant les travaux exécutés de 1873 à la fin de 1878, sous la direc- Société d'Agriculture de la Généralité de Tours. tion de M. F. Tisserand...Publié par M. B. Baillaud, Recueil des délibérations et des mémoires de la Société etc. Paris, 1880, etc. 4º. In progress. 8564. f. ... pour l'année 1761. Tours, 1763. 8º. 255. f. 27. Société Archéologique du Midi de la France, Flore complète d'Indre et Loire (by Derouet? and others,] publiée par la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Mémoires ; ann. 1832, etc. Toulouse, 1834, etc. 4º. Arts et Belles Lettres. ..Précédée d'une introduction à In progress. l'étude de la botanique. MS. NOTES. Tours, 1833. 8º. Tables générales des Mémoires...dressées par M. E. 7032. d. - Lapierre. 1831–1871. Toulouse, 1875. 4º. Ac. 5344. Tableau de la Province de Touraine 1762–1766, admin- istration, agriculture, industrie ... publié pour la Bulletin... Séances du 11 Juillet 1876, etc. première fois d'après un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Toulouse, 1877, etc. 4º. In progress. Ac. 5344/2. Municipale de Tours, par M. l'Abbé C. Chevalier. Monographie de l'Insigne Basilique de Saint Saturnin, Tours, 1863. 8º. publiée sous les auspices de la Société Impériale d'Ar- chéologie du Midi de la France. Société des Bibliophiles de Touraine. Paris, Toulouse [printed], 1854. 8º. 10172. bb. AMBOISE (KATHERINE D'). Les devotes epistres de Katherine d'Amboise, publiées . . . par J. J. Bourassé. BUNEL (LOUIS) Les Ruines de Pompéiopolis. Mémoire, L. P. Tours, 1861. 80. etc. Toulouse, 1855. 8º. 9707. d. 41. (6.) COLBERT (CHARLES) Marquis de Croissy. Rapport au Roi Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. sur la Province de Touraine...en 1664, publié d'après le Bulletin...1872–1873, etc. Toulouse, 1873, etc. 8º. . manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Impériale par C. de In progress. Ac. 2853. Soudeval. Tours, 1863. 8º. Ac. 8943. GATINEAU (PÉAN) Vie de Monseigneur Saint Martin de Société Royale d'Agriculture de Toulouse. Tours par Péan Gatineau poète du XIIIe siècle, publiée Journal d'Agriculture pratique et d'Économie rurale d'après un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Impériale par pour le midi de la France. 2e série. Tom. IX. Juillet et M. l'Abbé J. J. Bourassé. Tours, 1860. 4º. Août, 1846. [Toulouse, 1846.] 8º. Ac 3413. 11475. gg. 10171. cc. . 11475. g. 961 ACADEMIES. (TOURS—TROYES.]. 962 · TOURS [CONTINUED). TREVISO [CONTINUED). Société des Bibliophiles de Touraine. Ateneo di Treviso. HENRY II., King of France. Funérailles du Roy Henry Ateneo di Treviso. Solenne tornata nel sesto centenario II. Roole des parties et somme de deniers pour le faict di Dante, 14 Maggio 1865. Treviso, (1865.] 8º. desdits obsèques... Publié avec une introduction par... 11421. h. le (te L. de Galembert. Paris, Tours [printed], 1869. 80. 9930. g. TRIESTE HENRY IV., King of France. Quelques lettres de Henri | Associazione Medica. IV., relatives à la Touraine, publiées par le Prince A. Galitzin. Tours, 1860. 8º. 10910. f. COSTANTINI (M.) Sulla vita e sulle opere di M. Bufalini. Discorso, etc. pp. 32. Trieste, 1876. 8º. LOIZEAU DE GRANDMAISON (PIERRE CHARLES ARMAND) 10601. c. 4. (3.) Procès-verbal du Pillage par les Huguenots des reliques Museo Tergestino di Antichità. et joyaux de Saint Martin de Tours en Mai et Juin 1562, Atti Istriani, editi per cura della Direzione del Museo publié pour la première fois par M. C. L. G. di Antichità Tergestine. Tergeste, 1846. 89. , Tours, 1863. 8º. Ac. 8943/2. P.P. 3540. a.b. LUZARCHE (VICTOR) Lettres historiques des Archives Società del Gabinetto di Minerva. Communales de la Ville de Tours...1416–1594, publiées L'Arcbeografo Triestino; raccolta di memorie, notizie o par V. Luzarche. L. P. Tours, 1861. 8º. documenti per servire alla storia di Trieste, del Friuli, e 10172. dd. dell' Istria. Nạova Serie. Trieste, 1869, etc. 8º. MONTEIL (AMANT ALEXIS) Promenades dans la Touraine. Ac. 6548 [Edited, with a preface, by J. T.] L. P.- In progress.—Only 4 volumes of the first series were Tours, 1861. 8º. 10172. cc. published, 1829-37. TRENT. Società Alpina del Trentino. Annuario della Società Alpipa del Trentino disciolta dal Governo Austriaco il 4 Agosto, 1876. Milano, Borgo, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 6013. In progress. TRINIDAD Scientific Association of Trindidad, Proceedings. Port of Spain, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 3093. In progress. [Another copy of pt. 4.] Ac. 3093/2. CRÜGER (HERMAN) On the Meteorology of Trinidad. ... With an obituary notice of the author by A. W. Anderson. London, (1864.] 8º. 8756. cc. TREVANDRUM. Trevandrum Museum Society. Proceedings of the Trevandrum Museum Society. Trevandrum, 1856. 8º. 8705. bb. TREVES. TROMSE Tromsö Museum, Tromsø Museums Aarshefter. Tromsø, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 2980. Trondhiem. See supra : Drontheim. durch erschweile er und 1 Gesellschaft für nützliche Forschungen, Jahresbericht, etc. Trier, 1853, etc. 4º. Ac. 920. In progress BONE (CARL) Das Plateau von Ferschweiler bei Ech- ternach. Seine Befestigung durch die Wickinger Burg und die Niederburg und seine nichtrömischen und römischen Alterthumsreste, etc. Trier, 1876. 4°. 7708. d. 10. (2.) WILMOWSKY (J. N. von.) Archäologische Funde in Trier und Umgegend. Beschrieben und gezeichnet von Domcapitular von Wilmowsky. Festschrift, etc. Trier, 1873. 4º. Ac. 920/2. WILMOWSKY (J. N. von) Die römischen Moselvillen zwischen Trier und Nennig. Trier, 1870. 8º. 7704. f. 11. (3.) WILMOWSKY (J. N. VON) Die römische Villa zu Nennig. Ihre Inschriften erläutert von ... Von Wilmowsky. Trier, 1866. fol. 1704. C. TROYES, Académie des Sciences, etc. Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions, Belles Lettres, Beaux Arts, etc., nouvellement établie à Troyes en Champagne. [A satire, by P. J. Grosley and A. Lefevre.] 2 tom. Troyes ; Paris, 1756. 12º. 962. a. 1. [Another copy.] 276. d. 33. See MENU (R.) Petit supplément aux Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences ... etc. ci-devant établie à Troyes, etc. 1874. 12º. 11824. df. 12. Société Académique de l'Aube. See infra: Société d'Agriculture des Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres, etc. Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres, Societe di du département de l'Aube, afterwards Société Académique de l'Aube, Mémoires. 1822-46. 13 tom. Troyes, (1822–47.7 80. Imperfect; wanting nos. 1-4, of tom. 1. AQ. 260. - Deuxième Série. 1847–63. 14 tom. Troyes, (1847–63.] 8º. Ac. 260. Table générale des matières contenues dans les Nos. 1 à 68 de la 2e Série 1847 à 1863, des Mémoires de la Société, etc. Troyes, 1865. 8º. Ac. 260. Historisch-archæologischer Verein, Mittheilungen a18 dem Gebiete der kirchlichen Archäologie und Geschichte der Diöcese Trier von dem “ Historisch-archæologischen Verein." Heft 1. Trier, 1856. 8º. 4650. C. TREVISO, Ateneo di Treviso. Memorie scientifiche e letterarie. Vol. 2, 3. .. Venezia ; Treviso, 1819, 24. 4º. Ac. 105. Discorsi dei presidenti e relazioni accademiche. Treviso, 1834. 4º. * Ac. 105/2. 963 ACADEMIES. (TROYES-TUBINGEN.] 964 TROYES (CONTINUED). TUBINGEN [CONTINUED]. Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres, Eberhard-Karls-Universität. du département de l'Aube, afterwards Société See HOLDERUS (G.) of Tubingen. Admonitio de T. Bezæ Académique de l'Aube. adversus D. Pappum, libello...Cum præfatione Collegii Mémoires. Troisième Série. 1864, etc. Theologici Tubingensis. 1580. 4°. 697. g. 37. (1.) Troyes, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 260. Statuta Universitatis scholasticæ studii Tubingensis : In progress. renovata anno 1601. (Posteriora capita, videlicet 15, 16, 17, 18, Germanicè reddita.) Tubinga, 1602. 4°. Organisation de la Société d'Agriculture, etc. [An 731. e. 7. (10.) historical account of the Society, with its rules, list of Ordo studiorum in Academia Eberhardina quæ Tubinga members, etc.] Troyes, 1864. gº. Ac. 260/2. est, præscriptus. 1652. [Tubingen, 1652.] 4º. 731. e. 7. (12.) Collection de documents inédits relatifs à la Ville de See FABRICIUS (J.) the Younger, etc. Facultatis Theologicæ Troyes et à la Champagne Méridionale. Tubingensis Responsum ad Epistolam J. Fabricii, etc. Troyes, 1878, etc. 80 Ac. 260/3. 1709. 4º. 475. a. 31. In progress. Sammlung aller Magister-Promotionen, welche zu Tübin- Annuaire administratif, statistique et commercial du gen von Anno 1477–1755 geschehen, darinnen nebst Département de l'Aube pour 1881 (1882, etc.). Publié dem Vor- und Zu-Namen, das Vaterland, die Aemter, ... sous la direction de la Société Académique, etc. und andere dergleichen Umstände der vorkommenden (Edité par M. Dufour-Bouquot.) Troyes, 1881, etc. 8º. Personen...angemercket werden ... ans Licht gestellet In progress. Ac. 260/4. von J. N. Stoll. pp. 732. Stuttgart, 1756. 8º. 8357. c. 2. TRURO. Der Theologischen Facultät zu Tübingen Bedencken über die Frage; ob die Mährische Brüder-Gemeine in Royal Institution of Cornwall. Herrenhut supposito in doctrinam Evangelicam consensu, Twenty fifth (26th_45th annual Report of the Royal bey ihren seit 300 Jahren her gehabten Einrichtungen Institution of Cornwall. Truro, 1844-63. 8º. und bekanter Disciplina Ecclesiastica verbleiben, und Ac. 1225. dennoch ihre Connexion mit der Evangelischen Kirchen After the year 1863, the Reports were published with the behaupten könne und solle? Neue ... Auflage, sammt Journal, etc. ... Beylagen. pp. 128. Tubingen, 1735. 4º. +3908. e. 11. (2.) Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, with the Augustissimi Regis Württembergiae Guilelmi festum forty-sixth (47th, etc.) annual report. natalium die 27 Sept. ... oratione solenni celebrandum Truro, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 1225. indicit Rector et Senatus Universitatis Tubingensis. In progress. Praemittitur de collectionibus quibusdam Juris Grae- corum Canonici Tubingensibus Notitia Literaria. Bibliotheca Cornubiensis. Preparatory Lists. [Compiled by T. Q. Couch and C. Chorley.] MS. NOTE. Tubingae, 1827. 4º. T. 81*. (14.) Truro, (1865.] 89. Ac. 1225/3. Augustissimi Regis Württembergiae Guilielmi festum natalitium die XXVII Sept...oratione solenni celebrandum BLIGHT (JOHN T.) List of Antiquities in the hundreds of indicit Rector et Senatus literarum Universitatis Tubin- Kirrier and Penrith, West Cornwall; with references to gensis. Praemittitur de Theodosio Melitino, inedito the works in which they are described and figured. historiae Byzantinae scriptore, ex codice Tubingensi, no- Arranged with an illustrated appendix, by J. T. Blight. titia literaria. Tubingae, 1828. 4º. T. 1969. (10.) Truro, 1862. 8º. 7707. aaa. 43. (8.) Viro summe venerando J. D. Reuss ... sollennia agenti COUCA (RICHARD QUILLER) A Cornish Fauna; being a gratulatur Rector et Senatus Regiæ Academiæ Tubin- compendium of the Natural History of the County, gensis... interprete T. L. F. Tafel. Insunt Annæ Com- intended to form a companion to the collection in the nenæ supplementa Historiam ecclesiasticam Græcorum Museum of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. Part III. seculi XI. et XII. spectantia. Accedunt acta Synodi Containing the Zoophytes and Calcareous Corallines. Constantinopolitanæ in Soterichi Panteugopi dogmata Truro, 1844. 8º. 7298. d. de Christi crucifixi sacrificio habitæ. Tubinga, [1832.] 4º. Incomplete ; wanting pts. 1 and 2. T. 1565. (2.) Verzeichniss der orientalischen Handschriften der Uni- versitäts-Bibliothek by G. H. A. Ewald,).., womit zar TUBINGEN. akademischen Feier des Geburts-Festes... des Königs Wilhelm ... am 27 September 1839 ... einladen Rector Academia Eberhardina. und... Senat, Tübingen, [1839.] 4°. 821. k. 34. See infra: Eberhard Karls-Universität. Rechtliches Gutachten der Juristen-Facultät in Tübin- gen über sieben Rechtsfragen aus dem Lehenrechte, mit Academia Regia Tubingensis. besonderer Beziehung auf die bäuerlichen Verhältnisse See infra: Eberhard Karls-Universität. im Hohenloheschen. [By A. L. Reyscher.] Bekannt gemacht durch C. F. A. Tafel. Heilbronn, 1846. 8º. Collegium Ducale Wirtembergense. 5605. C. Tübinger Universitätsschriften. Constitutiones atg Leges Collegii Ducalis... in Academia Tübingen, 1847, etc. 4º. Ac. 730. Tubingensi. See WIRTEMBERG.-Frederick, Duke. Illus- trissimi...Friderici Ducis... Constitutiones, etc. In progress. Each volume is made up of several pieces separately published. 1601. 4º. 731. e. 7. (11.) Einladung zur akademischen Feier des Geburtsfestes Illustrissimi Wirtembergici Ducalis Novi Collegii quod seiner Majestät Wilhelms Königs von Württemberg ... Tubingæ quâ studia quâ situm quâ exercitia accurata Beigefügt sind: Die Grundzüge des alttestamentlichen delineatio. L. Ditzinger sculpsit. J. C. Neyffer pinxit. Weisheit...von G. F. Oehler. Tübingen, [1854.] 4º. A series of engravings.] - [1626.] 4°. 10261. a. 3129. g. 965 ACADEMIES. [TUBINGEN-TURIN.] 966 i TUBINGEN (CONTINUED). TUBINGEN [CONTINUED). Eberhard-Karls-Universitat. Vaterländische Gesellschaft der Aerzte und Natur- Verzeichniss der Doctoren, welche die philosophische forscher Schwabens. Facultät ... im Studienjahre 1857-1858 ernannt hat. Denkschriften. Bd. 1. Tübingen, 1805. 8º. Nebst einer Übersetzung und Erklärung der Debora- 962. b. 14. Liedes von E. Meier. Tübingen, 1859. 4º. Universitas Tubingensis. 3166. dd. See supra: Eberhard-Karls-Universität. Vorzeichniss der Doctoren, welche die philosophische Facultät...im Decanatjahre 1858–1859 ernannt hat. Nebst einer Abhandlung über den Mythus von den fünf TURIN. Menschengeschlechtern bei Hesiod und die Indische Lehre von den vier Weltaltern, von R. Roth. Academia Taurinensis. See infra : Università. Tübingen, 1860. 4º. 8356. f. 1. Accademia degli Unanimi. Verzeichniss der Doctoren welche die philosophische Capitoli della Società degli Unanimi. Facultät ...im Decanatjahre 1859-1860 ernannt hat. [Carmagnola, 1791.] 120. 8306. b. 11. Nebst einer Erklärung Phönikischer Sprachdenkmale, die man auf Cypern, Malta und Sicilien gefunden. Von Elenco de' soci uanimi per ordine di anzianità. E. Meier. Tübingen, 1860. 4°. 12903. ee. [Carmagnola, 1791.] 12º. 8356. a. 6. Commersbuch der Tübinger Hochschule. Saggi dell'Accademia, etc. 2 tom. Torino, 1793. 8º. Tübingen, [1860.) 8º. 11525. bbb. 11826. c. Accademia delle Scienze. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Tübingen. Miscellanea philosophico-mathematica. Tom. 1. Festgabe bei der vierten Säcularfeier ihrer Gründung, Augustas Taurinorum, 1759. 4º. 432. b. 11. im Jahre 1877. 4 pt. Tübingen, 1877. 8º. [Continued as:] 8357. g. 1. Mélanges de Philosophie et de Mathématique... pour les Festschrift zur vierten Säcular-Feier der Eberhard années 1760–73. Tom. 2–5. Turin, [1760–73.] 4º. Karls-Universität zu Tübingen, etc. pp. 87. 432. b. 12. Stuttgart, (1877.] 4º. 8356. h. 4. (4.) Continued as:] Mémoires de l'Académie, etc. Années 1784-1800. Urkunden zur Geschichte der Universität Tübingen aus (Mémoires des correspondans, etc.) Vol. 6–11. den Jahren 1476 bis 1550. [Edited by R., i.e. R. Roth ?) Turin, 1786–1801. 4º. 437. k. 13. pp. xi. 743. Tübingen, 1877. 8º. 8357. g. 5. [Another copy of tom. 1.] 127. c. 18. Zur vierten Säcularfeier der Universität Tübingen... Festprogramm der evangelisch-theologischen Facultät [Another copy of tom. 1.] Ac. 2816/2. [containing “ Lehrer und Unterricht an der evangelisch [Another copy of Mélanges de Philosophie, etc. Tom. 2, theologischen Facultät ... von der Reformation bis zur 127. c. 19/20 Gegenwart beschrieben von C. von Weizsäcker"]. Tübingen, 1877. 8º. Ac. 730/2. Mémoires. 1759–69. See BERRYAT (J.) Recueil de Mémoires, etc. - Partie étrangère. .Tom. 13. Zur vierten Säcularfeier der Universität Tübingen ... 1755, etc. 4º. T. C. 3. a. 14. Festprogramm der juristischen Facultat [containing Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Littérature, et 66 Die strafrechtlichen consilia Tubingensia von der Beaux Arts, pour les années x. (1802)-1812. Sciences Gründung der Universität bis zum Jahre 1600. Von Dr. physiques et mathématiques. (Mémoires presentés à la H. Seeger"]. Tübingen, 1877. 8º. Ac. 730/2. Classe des sciences physiques et mathématiques de Zur vierten Säcularfeier der Universität Tübingen ... l'Académie.) 5 vol. Turin, an XII. (1803]–1813. 4º. Festprogramm der katholisch-theologischen Facultät 437. k. 19. [containing “ K. Summenhart. Ein Culturbild aus den Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Littérature et Beaux Anfängen der Universität Tübingen verfasst von Dr. F. Arts pour les années X. (18027–1812. Littérature et X. Linsenmann"]. Tübingen, 1877. 8º. Ac. 730/2. beaux arts. (Mémoires présentés à la Classe de littérature et beaux arts.) 5 vol. Turin, 1803-13. 4º. Zur vierten Säcularfeier der Universität Tübingen ... 437. 1 3–7. Festprogramm der philosophischen Facultät [containing Vol. 13, 15, 17, 19, and 21 of the entire series. After “ Die Jubiläen der Universität Tübingen nach hand 1812 the words “Littérature et Beaux-Arts” are omitted from schriftlichen Quellen dargestellt von Dr. B. Kugler"). the designation of the academy. Tübingen, 1877. 8º. Ac. 730/2. Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences. 1813, 14. Festschrift zur Feier des vierhundertjährigen jubiläums (Indice degli autori ... e delle materie contenute nei der Eberhard-Karls-Universität zu Tübingen, am 9. volumi pubblicati dalla Reale Accademia...1759–1814.) August, 1877. pp. 21. 1877. 4º. Vol. 22. Turin, 1816. 4°. 437. 1. 8. See supra : STUTTGART, Verein für vaterländische Natur- Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze. Tom. kunde in Württemberg. Jahreshefte, etc. Jahrg. 33. 23-40. Torino, 1818–38. 4º. Heft 3. 1845, etc. 8º. and 4º. Ac. 2893. 437. I. 9, 10. & Ac. 2816. Die vierte Säcularfeier der Universität Tübingen im Tom. 32 contains, Indice dei dieci volumi posteriori al 22: Jahre 1877. Tübingen, 1878. 4º. 8356. k. 2. and tom. 40, Indice degli otto volumi posteriori al 32. Zuwachsverzeichniss der königlichen Universitätsbiblio- Memorie. Serie seconda. Torino, 1839, etc. 4º. thek in Tübingen. 1850-54, 1878, etc. [Begun by J. In progress. Each tom. is in 2 pt. Ac. 2816. Fallati.] Tübingen, [1851, etc.] 4°. 824. i.' 35. Atti ... pubblicati degli Accademici Segretari delle due In progress. Classi. Torino, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 2816/4. Systematisch-Alphabetischer Hauptkatalog der König- In progress. licben Universitätsbibliothek zur Tübingen. A. Philo Museo Numismatico Lavy, appartenente alla R. AC- sophie. (Edited by A. Fallati.] C. Philologie. M. cademia delle Scienze di Torino. ... Descrizione delle Handschriften. [Both edited by R. Roth.] medaglie, etc. 2 pts. Torino, 1839, 40. 4° Tübingen, 1854-80. 4°. -824. i. 36. 812. 1. 13. 3.] 967 · ACADEMIES.. [TURIN.] 968 · TURIN (CONTİNUED). TURIN [CONTINUED). Accademia della Scienze. . Reale Accademia Medico-Chirurgica. Nota sulla croce gammata dei monumenti recentemente See infra: Società Medico-chirurgica. scoperti nell'Isola di Cipro.. Torino, (1878.] 8º. . 7704. g. 17. (14.) Reale Museo Industriale Italiano. Il primo secolo della R. Accademia delle Scienze di R. Museo Industriale Italiano. Illustrazioni delle Col- Torino. Notizie storiche e bibliografice. (1783–1883.) lezioni. Didattica ... Libri scolastici ... per cura del pp. viii. 591. Torino, 1883. 4º. Ac. 2816/3. Conservatore Cav. G. Jervis, etc. MÉNABRÉA (LÉON) Des Origines Féodales dans les Torino (printed], Napoli, 1869, etc. 8º. 11904. d... Alpes Occidentales ... Ouvrage inédit, publié par l'Aca- In progre88. démie Royale, etc. Turin, 1865. 4º. 9903. k. Reale Osservatorio Astronomico. SOBRERO (ASCANIO) Notizia storica dei lavori fatti dalla Effemeridi del sole, della luna, e dei principali pianeti classe di scienze, fisicbe e matematiche della Reale AC calcolate per Torino in tempo medio civile di Roma, per cademia delle Scienze di Torino negli anni 1864 e 1865. l'anno 1873, dall'assistente professore G. Mazzola. Torino, 1869. 8º. 8704. dd. Torino, 1873, etc. 8º. Ac. 4124. In progress. Accademia di Giurisprudenza. Recueil de jugemens prononcés par les tribunaux établis R. Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino. Determinazione dans la 27e division militaire, depuis leur installation ; del diametro solare mediante lo studio delle esagerazioni, sur les points les plus importans de l'ancienne, et nou a cui vanno soggette le grandezze apparenti degli astri. velle législation. Raccolta di giudicati profferti dai Nota prima di G. Mazzola. Torino, 1873. 8º.. tribunali stabiliti nella 27 divisione militare dall' epoca Ac. 4124/2. della lore installazione, sovra i punti li più importanti Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria. dell'antica, e moderna legislazione. 12 tom. Tom. 1-4. Miscellanea di Storia Italiana edita per cura della ... Fr. and Ital. Tom. 5-12, Fr. Turin, [1805?]–11. 8º. Deputazione, etc. Torino, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 6550. 1240. a. 1–12. In progress. Circolo Filologico. Circolo Filologico di Torino. Statuto approvato nell' | Regia Università. See infra : Università. adunanza generale del 16 settembre 1868. Torino, 1868. 12º. Ac. 9770. Società Agraria di Torino, afterwards Reale Società, etc. Memorie. Vol. 1-10. Torino, 1788–1821. 8º. Circolo Filologico di Torino. Regolamento organico; 742. c. 13–17. approvato dal consiglio in seduta del 21 febbraio 1869. Torino, 1869. 12º. Ac. 9770/2. Calendario Georgico della Società Agraria Subalpina per l'anno IX.-X. (X.-XI., 1801, 2, v. s.) Club Alpino Italiano. Eridania, Torino, [1800, 1801.] 12º. 450. a. 41, 42. Club Alpino Italiano. Sede di Firenze. Statuto, 1869. Istruzione intorno al vajuolo pecorino pubblicata dal Firenze, (1869.] 12º. 10196. aaa. Consiglio d'Agricoltura ... e compilata dal ... F. A. L' Alpinista. Periodico mensile del Club Alpino Itali- Gilbert, . . . traslatata dal francese in italiano, coll'ag- ano. [Edited by M. Baretti.] Vol. 1. giunta d'un discorso preliminare e di varie note ad uso Torino, 1874, 75. 8º. de' pastori del Piemonte, dal... Presidente Buniva. No more published. Torino, 1808. 8º. 7002. e. 2. (1.) Club Alpino Italiano. Sua origine e suo scopo. Rego- Annali della Reale Società, etc. Torino, 1840, etc. 8º. lamento della sezione di Firenzo. Notizie sulle sezioni In progress. Ac. 3386/2. Italiane e sui Club Alpini esteri. Elenco dei Soci e catalogo della Biblioteca della sezione di Firenze. Società degli Ingegneri e degli Industriali di Torino. Firenze, 1874. 8º. Ac. 6012. Atti, etc. Anno 1867–69. Torino, 1868–70. 80. No more published. Ac. 4404. Rivista Alpina Italiana. Periodico mensile del Club Alpino Italiano. Redattore Don F. Virgilio. Società degli Unanimi. Torino, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 60123. See supra : Accademia degli Unanimi. In progress. Società di Archeologia e Belle Arti per la Provincia Osservatorio della Regia Università. di Torino. See infra : Università.-Osservatorio. Atli, etc. Torino, 1875, etc. 8º. Ac. 5238 In progress. Reale Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti. Società Medico-chirurgica di Torino, afterwards Reale Relazione storica intorno alla Reale Accademia Alber- Accademia Medico-chirurgica, afterwards Reale tina...dettata dal Segretario...C. F. Biocarra. Accademia di Medicina. Torino, 1873. 8°. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Turin.Giornale delle Reale Accademia di Medicina. scienze mediche (della Società Medico-Chirurgica de See infra : Società Medico-Chirurgica di Torino, Torino). 1838, etc. 89. etc. Atti, etc. Torino, 1844, etc. 4º. Ac. 3704. In progress. Reale Accademia di Pittura e Scultura di Torino. Regolamenti della Reale Accademia di pittura e scul- Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti. tura di Torino. (Ragionamento del Conte F. D. di Album della Pubblica Esposizione di 1867. Compilato Villa letto il giorno 18 d'Aprile 1778.) da L. Rocca. Torino, 1867. obl. 4º. 1755. a. Turin, 1778. fol. 7805. f. Presentation copy; with an autograph letter of the Conte Societas Privata Taurinensis. di Villa prefixed. See supra : Accademia delle Scienze. intorno alla Re. F. Biocele. 24. (6 969 ACADEMIES. [TURIN-VALENCIA.] 970. TURIN (CONTINUED). VALENCE. Università. , Société Départementale d'Archéologie et de Statis- Regolamenti del magistrato della riforma per l'Università tique de la Drôme. di Torino... Réglemens du Magistrat de la Réforme pour Bulletin. Valence, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 5346. l'Université de Turin. Ital. and Fr. In progress. (Turin, 1729.] 40. 28. c. 1. (2.) See SARDINIA AND PIEDMONT.-VICTOR AMADEUS I., King. VALENCIA. Costitutioni... per l'Università di Torino. 1729. 4º. Real Academia de San Carlos 28. c. 1. (1.) Constituzioni. See SARDINIA AND PIEDMONT.-CHARLES Continuacion de la noticia historica de la Real Academia EMANUEL I., King. Constituzioni, etc. 1772. 4º. ... y relacion de los premios que distribuyó en las 732. h. 11. juntas publicas de 6 de noviembre de 1776. (-21 de octubre de 1812.) 10 vol. Valencia, 1781–1812. fol. Elenchus . . . Professorum Academiae Taurinensis et Ac. 4524 (1.) rerum quas docebunt, item ordo scholarum anno scho- Coleccion de reales ordenes comunicadas á la Real lastico 1813–14. [Turin, 1813.] 4º. 8309. h. 7. Academia ... desde el año de 1770 hasta el de 1808. Catalogus stirpium Horti Academici Taurinensis ad L. P. Valencia, 1809. 8º. Ac. 170. (2.) annum 1813. (Appendix prima.) 2 pt. Estatutos de la Real Academia, etc. L. P. Augustæ Taurinorum, (1813, 1814. 80. B. 173. (1, 2.) | Valencia, 1809. 8º. Imperfect; wanting pp. 3–6 of the Catalogus, and pp. Ac. 170. (1.) 3, 4 of the Appendix. Real Sociedad Económica. Notizie delle opere di pittura e di scultura esposte nel Instituciones economicas de la Sociedad de Amigos del palazzo della Regia Università. [By L. Corta ?] Pais, de la ciudad, i reino de Valencia. Primera parte. Torino, 1820. 8º. 7805. b. Valencia, 1777. 4º. Ac. 2304. (1.) Cenni storici sulla R. Università, etc. Relacion de los premios, que la Sociedad de Amigos del Roma, Torino (printed], 1873. 4º. 8356. k. 9. Pais de Valencia, you reyno, ofrece por primera vez; y plan de los medios, de que aora se vale, para promover la Università.-Osservatorio. aplicacion á las artes, etc. Se acordó en la junta general Bollettino dell'Osservatorio della Regia Università di de 20 de Agosto de 1777. Valencia, 1777. 4º. Torino. Anno 3–12, 15. Torino, 1881, etc. obl. 4º. Ac. 2304. (8.) In progress. 8564. e. 1. Extracto de las actas del año 1785. Lo publicó en la junta general del dia 20 de enero de 1786 el Dr. Don P. V. Lansola, su secretario. Valencia, 1787. 4º. TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA. 12301. e. 4. (10.) University of Alabama. [Another copy.] Ac. 2304/2. Report of the Trustees of the University of Alabama, Extracto de las actas de la Real Sociedad Económica ... and the special report of Col. F. Bugbee, one of the del año 1786. Lo publicó ... el Dr D. P. V. Lansola. Trustees of the University. [Tuscaloosa, 1845.] 8º. - Valencia, 1788. 4º. Ac. 2304/2. (2.) 9725. c. 2. (4.) - Del año 1787 hasta 13 de Noviembre 1791. Por TYRNAU. D. T. Ricord. Palencia, 1792. 4º. Ac. 2304/2. (3.) Academia Tyrnaviensis. Discurso sobre lo util, y aun necesario que se cree ser á los campos de la huerta de esta ciudad el estiercol y See EPHEMERIDES. Kalendarium Typographiæ Tyrna- polvo que se saca de sus calles, y perjndicial á la salud viensis pro anno 1677. In Academia Tyrnaviensi, etc. pública que permanezca en ellas. Valencia, 1788. 4º. (1676.] 4º. 532. g. 34. Ac. 2304. (2.) Celebriorum Hungariæ urbium celebriora. Historico Relacion de las solemnes exequias que la Real Sociedad geographicè DesCrIpta & CoMprehensa. Pars prima, Económica de Amigos del Pais de Valencia hizo al señor Pannoniam veterem complexa, honorique ... Comitis rey don Carlos tercero su augusto fundador en la iglesia G. Erdodi . . . ab addictissimâ condiscipulorum coronâ de las escuelas pias dia 8 de Iunio del año 1789, y elogio exhibita, etc. Tyrnaviæ, (1701.]. 4º. 10205. bbb. funebre dicho por su socio el Dr D. J. F. de Alcedo. With an engraved frontispiece. The date is contained in Valencia, 1789. 4º. Ac. 2304. (3.) the words “ Des CrIpta & Co Mprehensa.” Metodo para dar a conocer y enseñar á pronunciar a los Curia Judicum regni Hungariæ, virtutibus ac meritis niños las letras, los uúmeros, las señales de la puntua- no perillustrium. ;. Doctorum oblata, ab illustrissima cion, y'algunas silabas por medio del juego de la perinola. Rhetorica Tyrnaviensi, cùm per ... P. Kolosvari ... su Por el M. R. P. D. I. Roig y Benet. prema Doctoratus Philosophici Laurea in Alma Archi Valencia, 1791. 4º. Ac. 2304. (4.) Episcopali Soc. Jesu Universitate donarentur anno.... Memoria ... sobre la restauracion de la cosecha de la 1726. [By C. Péterffy.] Tyrnaviæ, [1726.] 8º. caña dulce y de los ingenios de azucar on este reyno. 5511. a. Valencia, 1793. 4º. Ac. 2304. (6.) Svasoriæ Regum Hungariæ, honoribus . . . AA. LL. & Philosophiæ Magistrorum oblatæ ab illustrissima ... [Another copy.] MS. NOTES. 7075. bb. Rhetorica Tyrnaviensi cum in . . . Universitate Tyrna- Consideraciones sobre el hilado y torcido de la seda de la viensi ... supremâ AA. LL. & Philosophiæ laureâ dona- Real Sociedad Económicą. [By J. de Lapayese). rentur, etc. Tyrnaviæ, [1728.] 12º. 9314. a. Valencia, 1794. 4º. Ac. 2304. (7.) Imago heroum, qui de cognatis ... ac ... prosapiis Palffi Junta pública...de 1799 (1800, 1801, 1804, 1805, 1806). ab Erdöd et Erdödi de Monyorokerék, sago et togâ inclyti, Valencia, 1800–07. 4º. Ac. 2304. (3.) ad ætatem hanc in Reip. emolumenta . . . floruêre, com- pendio adumbrata, et honori . . . neo-magistrorum ... Junta pública de la Real Sociedad Económica ....cele- oblata à Rhetorica Tyrnaviensi, etc. brada el dia 8 de Diciembre de 1826. Tyrnaviæ, [1729.] 8. 10707. aan. 1. (Valencia,] 1830. 8º. 8356. c. 22. (4. 971 ACADEMIES. (VALENCIA VENICE.] 972 VALENCIA [CONTINUED). VALLADOLID (CONTINUED). Real Sociedad Económica. Universidad Real de Valladolid. Catálogo de los señores individuos de la ... Sociedad ... Estatutos de la ... Universidad ... con sus dos visitas, 1827. Valencia, [1827.] 4º. Ac. 2304/5. y algunos de sus reales privilegios y bullas Apostolicas, etc. Valladolid, 1651. fol. 731. l. 15. (7, 8.) — 1838. Valencia, [1838.] 8º 8356. c. 22. (8.) The second Visita' has a distinct titlepage dated 1612. Juntas públicas ... de los años 1827, 28, y 29. [Valencia,] 1832. 4º. Áč. 2304/4. (2.) VALPARAISO. Begin. La comision de educacion, etc. [Critical opinion of a work by M. A. Jullien • Ensavo general de educacion | Sociedad de Agricultura. fisica, moral é intelectual.'] [Valencia, 1836]. 4°.. Boletin de la Sociedad. No. 1-5. Valparaiso, 1869. 8º. Ac. 2304/4. (4.) Ac. 3536. Estatutos de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais de Valencia. Valencia, 1837. 4º. Ac. 2304/4. (5.) VANNES. [Another copy.] 8356. c. 22. (7.) Société Polymathique du Morbihan. Bulletin ... 1868, etc. Vannes, 1868, etc. 8º. Sociedad Patriótica de Carabobo. In progress. Ac. 576. Reglamento de la Sociedad Patriótica de Carabobo. Histoire naturelle du Morbihan. Catalogues raisonnés Valencia, (1841.] 12º. 8180. a. des productions des trois règnes de la nature recueillies dans le département. Vannes, 1866–67. 8º. Sociedad Valenciana de Agricultura. In 3 pts. - Ac. 576/2. La Agricultura Valenciana: revista quincenal de la Sociedad, etc. Tom. 1, 2. Valencia, 1864-65. 8º. UDINE. Ac. 3391. Accademia di Udine. VALENCIENNES. Capitoli dell'Accademia della città di Udine ammessi Société d'Agriculture, des Sciences et des Arts de dall' illustriss. convocazione, 18 Maggio, 1758. l'Arrondissement de Valenciennes. Udine, (1758.] 4º. 835. 1. 11. (24.) See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.— Valenciennes. La Flandre Componimenti poetici recitati nell'Accademia Udinese agricole et manufacturière ; ... journal ... publié ... nel giorno 5 Febbraro 1762: in occasione della Giostra. sous les auspices des Sociétés d'Agriculture du départe See ONGARO (D.) De i Giuochi Militari che hanno avuto ment du Nord, séantes à ... Valenciennes, etc. corso in Friuli ragionamento, etc. Pt. 2. 1962.] 8º. 1834, etc. 8º. P.P. 2336. T. 2358. (2.) Regio Istituto Tecnico. Mémoires, etc. 9 tom. Valenciennes, 1833–53. 8º. Ac. 570. Annali scientifici del R. Istituto Tecnico di Udine. Tom. 1, 2, have each a second part. " Exposition d'objets [Edited by A. Cossa.] Udine, 1867. 80. Ac. 4403. d'arts et d'industrie, etc.” Tom. 9 has two titlepages, one No more published. being dated 1849, the other 1853. Revue Agricole, Industrielle et Littéraire du Nord. VENDÔME. Directeur U. Feytaud. Valenciennes, 1849, etc. 8° In progress. Ac. 520/2 Société Archéologique, Scientifique et Littéraire du Vendômois. Mémoires Historiques, etc. 6 tom. Guide du Touriste dans le Vendômois ... Géographie, Valenciennes, 1865–79. 8º. Ac. 570/3. histoire, biographie, archéologie, excursions. Gravures, Observations ... sur le projet de loi concernant la per- carte & plans. pp. v. 428. Vendôme, 1883. 8º. ception de l'impôt sur les sucres indigènes présenté à la 10168. aaa. 21. chambre des députés, etc. Valenciennes, 1845. 8°. LACROIX DE VIMEUX (A.) Marquis de Rochambeau. Galerie 8225. d. des hommes illustres du Vendômois... Avec portraits... Notices sur J. Froissart, chroniqueur et poëte, et sur les Maillé de Béuehart. [A biographical sketch.] pp. 20. célébrités valenciennoises qui entourent sa statue. 10658. h. 13. Vendôme, 1862. 8º. Pra gramme des fêtes . . . de l'inauguration de ce monu- ment, etc. Valenciennes, 1856. 8º. 10661. cc. VENICE. Academia Veneta. VALLADOLID. See ARISTOTLE. [Metaphysics]. Syriani in II. XII. et XIII. Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País. Aristotelis Libros Metaphysices commentarius. [Edited by the Academia Veneta.] 1558. 4º. 519. e. 24. (1.) Trillo económico. Dado á conocer por la Real Sociedad Económica ... de la Ciudad de Valladolid en obsequio See BIBLE.-- Old Testament.---Psalms. Sacra ac recens de los labradores. Madrid, 1816. 4º. 7074. cc. 1. 02.) Psalmorum omnium Davidis interpretatio ... [Edited by the Academia Veneta.] 1559. 4º. 1409. k. 10. Universidad Real de Valladolid. See BUOCAFERREA (L.) Explanatio libri 1. Physicorum See supra : SALAMANCA.— Universidad de Salamanca. An Aristotelis. [Edited by the Academia Veneta. ] extracte of the determinacion and censure of the Doctours 1558. 4º. 520. g. 16. (1.) of the universities of Salamanca and Valledolid touching See HAEDUS (P.) De Miseria humana P. Haedi ... libri the warres of Ireland, etc. [1603 ?] 8. sh. fol. 1222. 1. (26.) quinque. [Edited by the Academia Veneta.) 1558. 4º. 835. e. 1. (1.) Recopilacion, y memoria de las ceremonias, ornato y gastos que se han de hazer en todos los grados mayores See SADOLETO (J.) Cardinal. Duo... poemata heroica, etc. que se dieren en esta ... Real Universidad de Valla [Edited by the Academia Veneta.] 1559. 4°. dolid. [Valladolid, 1647.] fol. 1322. 1. 9. (34.) 1069. b. 16. (3.) 973 ::: ACADEMIES.. [VENICE.) :: 974 VENICE [CONTINUED). VENICE [CONTINUED). Academia Veneta. Deputazione Veneta di Storia Patria. . See UGONIUS (F. A.) F. A. Ugonii... de maximis Italiæ Atti della Deputazione Veneta di Storia Patria. atque Græciæ calamitatibus, etc. [With a dedicatory Venezia, 1876, etc. 4°. In progress. Ac. 6580. epistle subscribed : Philosophi Morales Academiæ Ve- netæ.] 1559. 8º. 1125. g. 3. Monumenta storici. Venezia, 1876, etc. 4º. In progress. Ac. 6580/2. Somma delle opere che in tutte le scienze et arti piu nobili,...ha da mandare in luce l'Academia Venetiana, SANUTO (MARINO) the Younger. I Diarii di M. Sanuto. parte nuove, et non piu stampate, parte con... tradot- [Edited by F. Stefani.] Venezia, 1879, etc. 4°. tioni...correttioni et...annotationi riformate. In progress.. Ac. 6580/3. [P. Manutius,] nell' Academia Venetiana, 1558. fol. . c. 112 Imperiale Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. Nova explanatio topicorum Aristotelis. See infra : Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. In Academia Veneta, 1559. 4º. 520. g. 16. (2.), Imperiale Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere Orationes clarorum hominum, vel honoris officiique ed Arti, causâ ad Principes, vel in funere de virtutibus eorum Atti delle adunanze dell' I. R. Istituto Veneto, etc. habitæ. FEW MS. NOTES. In Academia Veneta, 1559. 4º. Serie 1. 7 tom. Venezia, 1841-48. 8°. : 835. e. 1. (6.) - Serie 2. 5 tom. Venezia, 1850–54. 8º. [Another copy.] 74. c. 18. - Serie 3. Tom. 1. [With two appendices, each with Summa librorum, quos in omnibus scientiis, ac nobiliori a separate pagination and register, the second appendix bus artibus, variis linguis conscriptos, vel antea nun being entitled : “Atti della pubblica...adunanza tenuta quam divulgatos, vel utilissimis...scholiis, correctioni ...nel giorno 30 Maggio 1855.”] 3 pt. busque illustratos, in lucem emittet Academia Veneta. Venezia, 1855. 8º. [P. Manutius] in Academia Veneta, 1559. 4°. Ac. 112/2. (Continued as :) Atti dell' I. R. Istituto Veneto, etc. Serie 3. 16 tom. Orationes clarorum hominum, vel honoris...causa ad Venezia, 1855–71. 8º. principes vel in funere de virtutibus eorum habitæ. - Serie 4. 3 tom. Venezia, 1871-74. 8º. Nuper in Academia Veneta...editæ & nunc diligentius ... typis excusæ, adjectis novis aliquot... orationibus, Serie 5. 8 tom. (Appendice.) etc. pp. 572. Venezia, 1874–82. 8º. Apud hæredes J. Quentel, etc., Coloniæ, 1560. 8º. - Serie 6. Tom. 1, etc. Venezia, 1882, etc, 8º. 12301. aaa. 22. In progress. Ac. 110. Accademia degl' Incogniti. Memorie. Venezia, 1843, etc. 4º. Ac. 110/2. Discorsi academici de' Signori Incogniti havuti in Vene- In progress. tia nell'Accademia del...Signor G. F. Loredano, al... Sig. G. Thuillerio, etc. Venetia, 1635. 4º. Osservazioni postume di Zoologia Adriatica del professore Ac, 8870. (1.) S. A. Renier ... pubblicate per cura dell' I. R. Istituto Le glorie degli Incogniti; overo, gli huomini illustri Veneto di Scienzo, etc. a studio del... Prof. G. Meneghini. dell' Accademia de' Signori Incogniti di Venetia. [With Plates]. Venezia, 1847. fol. 1258. I. Venetia, 1647. 4º. 132. b. 3. Il natalizio di Dante Alighieri dope seicento anni festeg- Novelle amorose de' Signori Academici Incogniti pub- giato dall' Istituto di Scienze ... e dalla città di Venezia. licate da F. Carneni, etc. (Delle relazioni tra la vita d'esilio di Dante Alighieri o (Delle Novelle amoroso... parte seconda, raccolte e publicate da G. B. Fusconi.) la composizione del sacro poema; discorso del membro effettivo S. R. Minich. Dante e le belle arti, discorso 2 pt. Venetia, 1641-43. 4°. 89. b. 5. del Prof. M. Asson, etc.) [Venice,] 1865. 8º. [Anoth-r copy of pt. 1.] . . 1074. h. 21. 11420. g. 6. Imperfect; wanting the four first leaves of pt. 1. Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. : [Another edition.] 2 pt. Venetia, 1650. 4º. Discorsi, etc. 1808–38. Venezia, 1808–38. 8º. 1074. h. 19. [Continued as:1 Pt. 2 is a duplicate, with different titlepage and prefatory Atti, etc. 1839, etc. Venezia (1839, etc.] 89. matter, of pt. 2 of the preceding. In progress. Ac. 4518. SAnother edition.] Cento novelle amorose de i Signori Le Fabbriche più cospicue di Venezia misurate, illus- Accademici incogniti. [Edited by the Count M. Bisac trate ed intagliate dai membri della... Reale Accademia, cioni.) 3 pt. Venetia, 1651. 4º. 12470. f. 9. etc. 2 vol. Venezia, 1815-20. fol. 559.* h. 9. Accademia Granellesca. 54. i. 12. [Another copy.] Introduzione agli Atti dell'Accademia . . . Decembre, Prospecto dell' opera, Le più cospicue Fabbriche di Ve- 1760. (Canto ditirambico de' partigiani del Sacchi Truf- nezia misurate, illustrate, ed intagliate dai membri della faldino, 1761.- Atti degli Accademici Granelleschi. De- Veneta Reale Accademia di Belle Arti, cembre, 1760.—Gennajo, 1761.) [Venice, 1761.) 80. Venezia, 1820. 8º. 7807. c. (23.) T. 2284. (24.) Opera ornamentale di G. Borsato, pubblicato per cura [Another copy.] 11431. e. (2.) dell' I. R. Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia in ix. · Quattro elegantissime egloghe rusticali. [Plates.] tavole...con cenni storici dell ornato decorativo Italiano 11431. f. di G. Vallardi. Milano, 1831. fol. Venezia, 1760. 4º. 559.* g. 8. Catalogo delle opere d'arte contenute nella Sala delle Ateneo di Venezia. sedute dell' I. R. Accademia di Venezia. Esercitazioni scientifiche e letterarió. Tom. 1-5. Venezia, 1854. 8º. . . 7806. cc. Venezia, 1827-46. 4º. Ac. 113 Elenco degli oggetti d'arte ammessi all' Esposizione nelle Relazione sulla Base del Campanile di San Marco, etc. sale della R. Accademia... nell' Agosto 1870. Seconda Venezia, 1870. 8º. 10135. ee. edizione. Venezia, 1870. 8º. 7807. aa 975 ACADEMIES. [VENICE-VIENNA.] 976 , VENICE [CONTINUED). VERONA (CONTINUED). Reale Accademia di Belle Arti. Società Ittiologica. Fac-simile eseguito'in eliotipia. Raccolta di 120 princi Ittiolitologia Veronese del Museo Bozziano, ora annesso pali disegni originali di Michelangelo, Raffaello, Leo a quello del conte G. Gazola, e di altri gabinetti di nardo da Vinci, Tiziano e d'altri celebri artisti esistenti fossili veronesi; con la versione Latina. (Opera intra- nella R. Accademia di Belle Arti in Venezia. 2 pt. presa dalla Società ... a richiesta della quale fu scritta Venezia, 1876. 4º. 1763. b. 9. dal Professore G. S. Volta.) L. P. Verona, 1796[-1809.] fol. 459. g. 6. Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. [Another copy.] L. P. 38. i. 2. See supra: Imperiale Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. VERSAILLES. Società Albriziana. Société des Sciences Naturelles de Seine et Oise. Galleria di Minerva riaperta dal zelo di A. Albrizzi (con Mémoires de la Société ... précédés d'un compte rendu sisting of the Atti Eruditi, etc. of the Società Albriziana.] des travaux et d'une histoire de cette société, depuis sa Venezia, 1724–27. 12º. 435. a. 28. fondation, jusqu'au mois d'Août, 1835, etc. Versailles, 1835, etc. 8º. Ac. 2857. Atti eruditi. Parte antiquaria, 1-5. In progress. [Venice, 1770?] 12º. 659. a. 33. Société Royale d'Agriculture et des Arts du départe- ment de Seine-et-Oise. VERDUN. Mémoires ... 38me année. Versailles, 1838. 8º. Ao. 535. Société Philomatique de Verdun. VERVINS. Mémoires. Tom. 1-7. Verdun, 1840–72. 8º. Ac. 580. Société Archéologique. LIÉNARD (FÉLIX) Archéologie de la Meuse : description La Thiérache. Bulletin de la Société, etc. Tom. 1. des voies anciennes et des monuments aux époques cel Vervins, 1873. 4º.- Ac. 5347. tique et gallo-romaine. (Planches.) Verdun, 1881, etc. 4°. In progress. 1708. &. VIENNA. Academia Cæsarea Linguarum Orientalium. See infra: Kaiserlich-Königliche Orientalische VERONA. Akademie. Accademia d'Agricoltura, Commercio ed Arti. Academia Litterarum Caesarea Vindobonensis. Quesito del Governo all'Accademia d'Agricoltura, Com- See infra: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- mercio ed Arti di Verona e risposta al medesimo dei cittadini socj A. Murari Bra, A. Carli, premiata dalla schaften. , stessa Accademia. Verona, 1804. 8°. 7002. e. 1. (12.) | Accademia Gioseffina. Memorie. 20 vol. Verona, 1807-42. 8º. Ac. 115. See infra : Römisch-Kaiserlich-Königliche Joseph- inische-medicinisch-chirurgische-Akademie. Osservazioni meteorologiche, mediche, ed agrarie fatte in Verona nell'anno 1809 (1812). Verona, 1810–13. 8º. Allgemeiner. Allgemeiner Oesterreichischer Apotheker-Verein. 7002. e. 1. (11 & 12.*) Zeitschrift des . . . Apotheker-Vereines. Redigirt von F. Klinger. Accademia della Pittura. 1 (2, etc.) Jahrgang. (Der Osterreichischen Zeitschrift für Pharmacie XVII. (XVIII., etc.) Jahrgang.) Capitoli. (Introduzione del padre I. Bevilacqua.--Can Wien, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 3771. & 989. zone del Signor G. Pompei.) * Verona, [1766.]* 40.' In progress. 117. i. 17. Katalog der Hölzer-Sammlung des allgemeinen österr. Società Italiana. Apotheker-Vereines. Verfasst von J. Fuchs. Aus- Memorie di Matematica e Fisica. Tom, 1-19. gestellt in der Land- und forstwirthschaftlichen Aus- Verona, Modena, 1783-1823. 4º. T.C. 7. b. 11. | stellung in Wien 1866. Wien, 1866. 8º. Ac. 3771/2. Tom. 20–25. Modena, 1828–55. 40 Catalog der pharmacognostischen, pharmaceutischen After tom. 11 each vol, is divided into two parts, contain- und chemischen Sammlung aus der Brasilianischen Flora zur National-Ausstellung in Rio de Janeiro 1866. “ Memorie di Fisica." Tom. 23, “ Parte fisica" wanting. Ausgeführt von Dr. T. Peckolt ... Herausgegeben vom - Serie Seconda. Tom. 1, 2. Modena, 1862–66. 40. Allgem. Oesterr. Apotheker-Verein. Ac. 117. Wien, 1868. 8º. 7028. dd. [Another copy of tom. 1-17.) 436. m. 1-17. Alterthums-Verein. Imperfect; wanting pt. 1 of tom. 8 and all after tom. 17. In 1798 the central seat of the Society was transferred to Archäologischer Wegweiser durch Nieder-Osterreich. Modena, and in 1801 it assumed the designation of Società 1. Das Viertel unter dem Wiener-Walde. Italiana delle Scienze. Wien, 1866. 4º. 10210. f. Anthropologische Gesellschaft. Società Ittiologica. Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Agli amatori della storia naturale. Rerum naturalium Wien. Redigirt von F. Ritter von Hauer, C. Langer, studiosis. [A prospectus of the “Ittiolitologia Veronese, F. Müller, E. Reitlinger, S. Wahrmann. (Supplement, etc."] Ital. and Lat. Verona, 1793. 8. sh. 4º. 1884, etc.) Wien, 1871, etc. 8º. Ac. 6230. & 771 .. 111. g. 65. 5. ...In progress. 977 978 ACADEMIES. VIENNA [CONTINUED). VIENNA [CONTINUED). Anthropologische Gesellschaft. Industrieller Club. Die anthropologischen Sammlungen Deutschlands, ein Industrieller Club. Oesterreich's Handelsinteressen im Verzeichniss des in Deutschland vorhandenen anthro Orient. Statistische Beiträge, etc. Wien, 1878. 8º. pologischen Materials, etc. Braunschweig, 1880, etc. 4º. 8229. cc. 13. (8.) In progress. Ac, 6230/%. Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung. Bürgervereinigung Liebenberg. See infra : Universitas Viennensis. Wienerisches Ehrenkränzlein von 1683. Unparteiische Institutum Theologicum Augustanæ Confessioni Prüfung der Anschuldigungen des Herrn O. Klopp [in addictorum. “ Das Jahr 1683 und der folgende grosse Turkenkrieg."] Francisci 1. Imperatoris . .. festum natalitium in In- ... Herausgegeben als erste Vereinsgabe der “Bürger- stituto Theologico ...A. 1827, ... celebrandum indicunt vereinigung Liebenberg." pp. 43. Wien, 1883. 80 ... Director et Professores. Inest commentatio de ad- Ac. 3222. finitate priscæ Indorum linguæ, quam Sanscritam dicunt Cæsarea Regia Societas Zoologico-Botanica. cum Persarum, Græcorum, Romanorum atque Germa- See infra : Zoologisch-Botanischer Verein. norum sermone. Pars 1. Vindobonæ, [1827.] 40. No more published. 827. k. 4. Central-Verein deutscher Zahnärzte. [Another copy.] 753. i. 7. (3.) Mittheilungen des Central-Vereines deutscher Zahnärzte. Herausgegeben von Dr. M. Heider. pp. 198. Juristische Gesellschaft. Wien, 1860. 8º. Ac. 3770. Mittheilungen, etc. 11 Nos. Wien, 1868. 8º. No more published. No more published. Ac. 2131. Commission für slavische juridisch-politische Termi- Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. nologie. Juridisch-politische Terminologie für die slavischen Archiv für Kunde österreichischer Geschichts-Quellen. Sprachen Desterreichs. Von der Commission für slav- 33 Bde. Wien, 1848–65. 8º. ische juridisch - politische Terminologie. Deutsch- (Continued as :) Archiv für österreichische Geschichte. Bd. 34, etc. ruthenische Separat-Ausgabe. Wien, 1851. 8º. 5505. cc. 6. Wien, 1865, etc. 8º. In progress. 'Congrès Météorologique. Rapport du Comité permanent du Premier Congrès Notizenblatt. Beilage zum Archiv, etc. Jahrg. 1, etc. Météorologique de Vienne Réunion de Londres, 1876. Wien, 1851, etc. 8º. AC. 810/8. pp. 56. Utrecht, 1876. fol. 8752. i. 9. In progress. Einträchtige Freunde. Sitzungsberichte, etc. Bd. 1. Wien, 1848. gº. This volume contains the reports of both classes (" Philo- Physikalische Arbeiten. Aufgesammelt von I. Edlen sophisch-historische ” and “ Mathematisch-naturwissenschaft- von Born. Jahrgang 1, 2. 7 pt. Wien, 1783–88. 4º. liche Classe") of the Academy. 538. m. 11–14. [Continued in two divisions:] [Another copy.] 434 e. 15. (1.) Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Imperfect; wanting pt. 4 of Jahrgang 1, and pt. 3 Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Classe. of Jahrgang 2. Wien, 1849. 8º. In progress. Gartenbaugesellschaft des österreichischen Kaiser- staates. - Register. Bd. 1-10 (11-20, etc.) 1854, etc. See infra: Kaiserlich-Königliche Gartenbaugesell- In progress. schaft. (2.) Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Grillparzer-Literatur-Verein. Classe. Wien, 1849, etc. 8º. FRANZISCI (FRANZ) Cultur-Studien über Volksleben, In progress. Sitten und Bräuche in Kärnten. Nebst einem Anhang: - Register. Bd. 1-10 (11-20, etc.) 1854, etc. 8º. Märchen aus Kärnten ... Mit einem Geleitbrief von In progress. * Ac. 810/6. P. K. Rosegger. pp. 103. Wien, 1879. 8º. 12430. i. 9. Denkschriften. ... Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche RIZZI (VINZENZ) Dorfgeschichten aus Kärnten. pp. 81. Classe. Tafeln. Wien, 1850, etc. fol. Ac. 810/13. Wien, 1882. 8º. Ac. 8971. In progress. Heraldisch-Genealogischer Verein "Adler" in Wien. Denkschriften ... Philosophisch-historische Classe. Wien, 1850, etc. ful. Ac. 810/12. Heraldisch-genealogische Zeitschrift. Organ des herald- In progress. ischen Vereines “ Adler” in Wien. [Vienna, 1871, etc.] fol. Ac. 5927. & 367. Mittheilungen über ältere magnetische Declinations- In progress. Beobachtungen sammt den auf deren Zustandebringung sich beziehenden Verhandlungen der mathematisch- Hydrographische Anstalt der K. K. Marine. naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der kaiserlichen Aka- Almanach der österreichischen Kriegsmarine... Heraus- demie der Wissenschaften. (Aus den Sitzungsberichten der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften besonders gegeben von der hydrographischen Anstalt, etc. Jahrg. 1-8. Wien, [1863–69.] 8º. abgedruckt.) Heft 1. Wier, 1850. 80, 8755, e. Ac. 4370. Almanach der Kaiserlichen ... Akademie der Wissen- Imperiale Regio Istituto Politecnico di Vienna. schaften für das Jahr 1851 (1852, etc.) See infra: Kaiserlịch Königlich-Polytechnishes Wien, [1851, etc.] 80. Ac. 810. Institut In progress. 979 ACADEMIES. (VIENNA.] 980 il Tissenschaften, Gärten det er oder seltene Abbildungenschaft des öst VIENNA (CONTINUED). VIENNA (CONTINUED). Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kaiserlich-Königliche: Centralcommission zur Era Die Feierliche Sitzung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der forschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale. Wissenschaften, etc.: Wien, 1852, etc. 8º AC: 810/2. Mittheilungen ... Redacteur K. Weiss. Jahrgang 1-8. In progress. The pt. for 1866 is called : “Jahres (A. Ritter von Perger, Jahrg. 9–12: K. Lind, Jahrg. bericht, etc." 13–20.) Wien, 1856-74. 4º. Monumenta Habsburgica. Sammlung von Actenstücken Neue Folge. Redacteur: Dr K. Lind, Jahrg. 1, und Briefen zur Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg in dem etc. · Wien, 1875, etc. 4°. Ac. 4792. & 315. Zeitraume von 1473 bis 1576, etc. Abth. I. Bd. 1-3. In progress. Abth. II. Bd. 1. Wien, 1853-57. 8º. 9315. e. Atlas kirchlicher Denkmäler des Mittelalters im öster Monumenta Conciliorum Generalium seculi decimi quinti. reichischen Kaiserstaate und im ehemaligen Lom- Ediderunt Caesareae Academiae Scientiarum socii dele- bardisch-Venetianischen Königreiche. Herausgegeben gati. Vindobonae, 1857, etc. 4º. 5005. f. von der k. k. Central-Conimission, etc. . . . Redacteur In progress. Dr K. Lind. 18 Lief. Wien, 1867-72. fol. Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Tab. 1700. e. Editum consilio et impensis Academiae Litterarum Kaiserlich-Königliche Gartenbaugesellschaft. Cesareae Vindobonensis. Vindobonae, 1866, etc. 8º. Botanisches Archiv der Gartenbaugesellschaft des öster- In progress. 3622. bb. reichischen Kaiserstaates. Abbildungen und Beschrei- Jahresbericht über die philosophisch-historische Classe bungen neuer oder seltener Pflanzen, welche in den der Kais. Academie der Wissenschaften, erstattet...am Gärten der Monarchie blühen. Herausgegeben von 30 Mai 1874 von J. Vahlen [containing a biography of Carl Freiherrn von Hügel. Nos. 1, 2. T. G. von Karajan]. Wien, 1874. 8º. Ăc. 810/5. Wien, 1837. 4º. . Ac. 3343. No more published.... JELINEK (CARL) Die Temperatur - Verhältnisse der Jahre 1848–1863 an den Stationen des österreichischen Kaiserlich-Königliche Geographische Gesellschaft. Beobachtungsnetzes durch fünftägige Mittel dargestellt von C. Jelinek... Mit 2... Tafeln, etc. Wien, 1869. 4º. Mittheilungen der kaiserlich-königlichen geographischen 8756. f. Gesellschaft. Redigirt von F. Foetterle. Jahrg. 1–10. SCHMIDT (ISAAC JACOB) Tibetisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch, (Von M. A. Becker, Jahrg. 11-17.-Von Dr. J. Chavanne, nebst Deutschen Wortregister. Herausgegeben von der Jahrg. 25.- Von V. von Haardt, Jahrg. 27, etc.) Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. In progress. Ac. 6068. St. Petersburg (printed], Leipzig, 1841. 4º. Die Literatur über die Polar-Regionen der Erde von Dr. 826. k. 11. J. Chavanne, Dr. A. Karpf, Franz-Ritter & Le Monnier. UNGER (F.) Versuch einer Geschichte der Pflanzenwelt Herausgegeben von der k. k. geographischen Gesell- von Dr F. Unger... Herausgegeben von der K. Academie schaft, etc.—The Literature on the Polar-Regions of the der Wissenschaften. Wien, 1852. 89. 7032. f. Earth, etc. [A catalogue, with a preface in German and English.] Wien, 1878. 8º. BB. T. Commission für die Adria. HOLUB (EMIL) Eine Culturskizze des Marutse-Mam- Erster Bericht der ständigen Commission für die Adria, bunda-Reiches in Süd-Central-Afrika. Mit... Illustra- etc. Wien, 1869. 8º. Ac. 810/4. tionen, etc. pp. 210. Wien, 1879. 8º. Ac. 6068/2. Kaiserlich-Königliche Akademie der bildenden Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Künste. Jahrbuch, etc. [Edited by W. von Haidinger.] See WINKELMANN (J. J.). J. Winkelmanns Geschichte der Wien, 1850, etc. 4°. Ac. 3132. Kunst des Alterthums . . . herausgegeben . . . von der Kaiserlichen Königlichen Akademie der bildenden In progress. Künste. 1776. 4o. 7806. d. Abhandlungen, etc. Wien, 1852, etc. 4º. 1828. a. Frolocken deren Künsten unter allerhöchster ... Regie- In progress. rung Ihrer. . . . Majestät Mariæ Theresiæ ... in der General-Register der Bände XXI.-xxx. des Jahrbuches alhiesigen... Academie der Mahlerey, Bildhauerey, und und der Jahrgänge 1871-1880 der Verhandlungen der Bau-Kunst, bey Austheilung deren . . . jährlich auf kaiserlich - königlichen geologischen Reichsanstalt. gesetzten Preisen, Namens . . . der gantzen Academie Zusammengestellt von A. Senoner. [With a preface by verfast...von L. A. Wasserberg, etc. Wien, (1744.7 4º. Baron F. von Hauer.] pp. 231. Wien, 1881. gº. 1056. d. 2. Ac. 3132. Katalog der Bibliothek der k. k. Akademie der bildenden Mineralogische Mittheilungen, gesammelt von G. Künste. [Compiled by C. F. A. von Luetzow.] Tschermak . . . zugleich als Beilage zum Jahrbuche der Wien, 1876. 80. B. B. G. k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt. Wien, 1872–77. 8º. K. K. Akademie der bildenden Künste. Katalog der [Continued as :) historischen Kunst-Ausstellung, 1877. Mit drei Plänen. Mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen. Dritte Auflage. Wien, 1877.89. 7959. b. 6. Herausgegeben von G. Tschermak. Wien, 1878, etc. 8º. In progress. . Ac. 3132/2. Kaiserlich-Königliche Akademie der Orientalischen Sprachen. See infra: Kaiserlich - Königliche Kaiserlich-Königliche Hochschule für Bodencultur. Orientalische Akademie, Wissenschaftlich-praktische Untersuchungen auf dem Kaiserlich-Königliche Centralcommission zur Er- . Gebiete des Pflanzen baues . . . Herausgegeben von F. forschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale. Haberlandt, etc. Bd. 1, 2. Wien, 1875–77. 8º. Jahrbuch der Kaiserl. Königl. Central-Commission zur :Ac. 8438. Erforschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale. .. . Mit Kaiserlich-konigliche Hobipliothek. lit. Kaiserlich-Königliche Hofbibliothek. '... Tafeln und ... Holzschnitten. (Redigirt von .... Verzeichniss der unter Glas ausgelegten Schaustücke G. Heider.) Wien, 1856, etc. · 4º. Ac. 4792/2. in der k. k. Hofbibliothek zu Wien, Wien, 1847. gº. In progress. 7707. aa. 981 .. ACADEMIES. [VIENNA.] 982 . . . . . Lod. 2006. 0. . 241. VIENNA (CONTINUED): VIENNA (CONTINUED). Kaiserlich-Königliche Hofbibliothek. Kaiserlich-Königliche Statistische Central-Commis- Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen Hand- sion. schriften der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Hofbibliothek zu Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Volkszählung vom 31.. Wien ... Geordnet und beschrieben vom Professor G. December 1880 in den im Reichsrathe vertretenen Flügel. 3 Bde. Wien, 1865-67. 4º. 11902. h. Königreichen und Ländern...Beilage zum vi. Hefte der statistischen Monatsschrift, Jahrg. 1881. pp. 45. Kaiserlich-Königliche Landwirthschafts-Gesell - Wien, 1881. 4º. P.P. 3886. c. schaft. Vollständiges Ortschaften-Verzeichniss der im Reicbs- Verhandlungen. (Statuten der Gesellschaft.) Bd. 1. rathe vertretenen Königreiche und Länder nach den Heft 1. F. P. Wien, 1816. 4º. 435. h. 1. Ergebnissen der Volkszählung vom 31 December 1880 Oesterr. Monatsschrift für Hippologie und Pferdezucht. Zweite Auflage. pp. 403. Wien, 1882. 8º. . Offizielles Organ der ... Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft - Ac. 2438/3. ....Redigirt von L. Ramschak. Jahrg. 1, 2. WINCKLER (JOHANN) Die periodische Presse Oesterreichs. Eine historisch-statistische Studie... Herausgegeben von Wien, 1878–79. fol. [Continued as :) der k. k. statistischen Central-Commission. Oesterreichisches Zeitschrift für Hippologie und Pferde- Wien, 1875. 8º. Ac. 2438/2. zucht... Redigirt von L. Ramschak. Jabrg. 3, etc. Wien, 1880, etc. fol. Kaiserlich-Königliche Sternwarte. In progress. Annalen der k. k. Sternwarte in Wien. ... Theil 1(-7) herausgegeben von J. J. Littrow. (Theil 8–14 von J. J. Katalog der land- und forstwirthschaftlichen Ausstellung Littrow. und L. Mayer, Theil 15–20 von J. J. Littrow veranstaltet von der k. k. Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft und C. L. Littrow.) 20 Thle. Wien; 1821-40. fol. in Wien bei ihrer 50jährigen Jubelfeier, etc. 8564. i. Wien, 1857. 8º. 7075. bb. - Neue Folge. Bd. 1, herausgegeben von C. L. von Katalog der mit der. land- und forstwirthschaftlichen Littrow. (Bd. 2–13, von C. L. von Littrow und F. Ausstellung vereinigten Ausstellung der Gegenstände Schaub. Bd. 14, von C. L. von Littrow.) 14 Bde. des Haushaltes des Land- und Forstwirthes. Wien, 1841-51. 4º. . 8564. f. Wien, 1857. 8°. : 7075. bb. - Dritte Folge. Herausgegeben von C. von Littrow. Ein Echo aus Ungarn auf dem Petitions-Beschluss Wien, 1851, etc. 8º. 8564. dd. der k. k. Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft zu Wien, vom In progress. Bd. 4-12 of the second " Folge” consist of 7 Februar 1865, etc. Wien, 1865. 8°. 8072. aaa. the “ Storia celeste del R. Osservatorio di Palermo dal 1792 al 1813,” containing “ Piazzi's Beobachtungen.". Kaiserlich-Königliche Orientalische Akademie. Anthologia Persica, seu selecta e diversis Persis auc- Kaiserlich-Königliche Theresianische Akademie. toribus in Latinum translata a Cæsarea ... Academia. See GEMMELL-FLISCHBACH (M. VON) Baron. Album des [Edited by I. von Stürmer.] Pers. & Lat. kaiserl-königl. Theresianums, etc. 1880. 8°. Viennæ, 1778. 4° 757. h. 3. (1.) 8357. g. 27. Verzeichniss der Fossilien in dem zur allgemeinen [Another copy.] . 74. g. 23. Oekonomie gewidmeten Gebäude der kaiserl. königl. Zur ersten Säcular - Feier der k. k. Akademie der Theresianischen Akademie. Wien, 1776. 8º. Orientalischen Sprachen im Jänner 1854. 953. d. 5. Wien, 1854. 4º. Ac. 8817. Kaiserlich-Königliche Universität. See infra: Universitas Viennensis. Festrede bei der Säcular-Feier der k. k. Orientalischen Akademie vorgetragen von einem Stiftlinge dieser Anstalt. Wien, 1854. 4°. Ac. 8817/2. 18 Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-botanische Gesell- schaft. See infra : Zoologisch-botanischer Verein. Erinnerung an die erste Säcularfeier der kaiserl. königl. orientalischen Akademie am 3 Jänner 1854. Kaiserlich-Königliches militär-geographisches In- Wien, 1854. 4º. Ac. 8817/3. stitut. Die astronomisch-geodätischen Arbeiten des... Institutes Tabulæ Codicum manu scriptorum praeter Graecos et .:. Ausgeführt und herausgegeben durch die Triangu- Orientales in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi asser- lirungs - Calcul - Abtheilung obgenannten Institutes. vatorum. 7 vol. Vindobonæ, 1864–75. 8º. Bd. 1-4. Wien, 1871–76. 4º. Ac. 4335. - 11901. bbb. Initia librorum Patrum Latinorum. Sumptibus Aca- Kaiserlich-Königlich Österreichisches Museum für demiae Caesareae Vindobonensis. [Edited by C. Halm Kunst und Industrie. and J. Aumer.] Vindobonae, 1865. 8º. 3627. cc. Mittheilungen des k. k. österreichischen Museums für Osmanische Sprichwörter. Herausgegeben durch die Kunst und Industrie. Monatschrift für Kunst und k. k. Orientalische Akademie in Wien (under the direction Gewerbe, redigirt von Dr. G. Thaa. Bd. 1. Jahrg. 1, 2. of O. von Schlechta-Wssehrd]. wilais Jliol were Wien, [1865-67.] 89. Ac. 4430. ... Proverbes Ottomans, etc. Turk., Germ. & Fr.” Entwürfe für Prachtgefässe in Silber und Gold, entworfen Wien, 1865. 8º. : : 758. h. 34. und gezeichnet für den Kaiser Rudolf 11. von O. Strada. Herausgegeben von dem. . . Museum, nach dem Original- Kaiserlich-Königliche Statistische Central-Commis- werk... Autographirt von K. Hrachowina, etc. sion. Wien, 1869. fol." 1811. a. Statistisches Handbüchlein des Kaiserthumes Österreich Dürer-Jubiläum 1871. Fest-Publication des k. k. für das Jahr 18650, etc.). Herausgegeben von der k. k. Museums ... Trachten-Bilder von A. Dürer aus der Statistischen Central-Commission. Zweite Auflage. Albertina. Sechs Blätter in Farben-Holzschnitt aus- Wien, 1867, etc. 8º. .. . . geführt von F. W. Bader. [With descriptive text by . In progress. Moriz Thausing.] Wien, 1871. fol. 1754. e. 983 ACADEMIES. (VIENNA:] 984 VIENNA (CONTINUED). VIENNA (CONTINUED). Kaiserlich-Königlich Österreichisches Museum für Oesterreichischer Alpen-Verein. Kunst und Industrie. . Verhandlungen des Österreichischen Alpenvereines. Ornamente aus der Blüthezeit Italienischer Renaissance. Redigirt von P. Grohmann und E. von Mojsisovics, etc. Intarsien. Original-Aufnahmen von V. Teirich ... 25 Hft. 1. Wien, 1864, etc. 8º. Ac. 7260/3. Tafeln mit erklärendem Text. pp. xi. No more published. Wien, 1873. fol. Tab. 1800. a. Jahrbuch des Oesterreichischen Alpen-Vereines. (Neue Gefässe der deutschen Renaissance-Punzenarbeiten ... Folge der Vereins-Publicationem.) Redigirt von E. von Herausgegeben vom k. k. Österr. Museum für Kunst Mojsisovics (von Dr. Guido Freiberrn von Sommarnga. und Industrie. Titel, Vorwort und 16 Heliographen. Bd. 2). Wien, 1865, etc. 8º. Ac. 7260/2. [Edited by F. Schestag.] Wien, 1876. fol. 1810. b. 1. Spitzen-Album, gelegentlich der ersten Ausstellung von Oesterreichischer Reichsforstverein. Spitzen- und Nadelarbeiten i . . Herausgegeben vom See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.— Vienna. Oesterreichische k. k. Österr. Museum für Kunst und Industrie. 30 Blatt Vierteljahresschrift für Forstwesen. Herausgegeben Lichtdrucke, aufgenommen vom Photographen A. Voigt. (vom österreichischen Reichsforstvereine... Bd. IV.), etc. Nach den Originalen ausgewählt und mit einem Vorworte 1851, etc. 8º. P.P. 2219. d. versehen von A. Ilg. Wien, 1876. fol. Ac. 4430/3. Oesterreichischer Touristen-Club. Die Initialen der Renaissance nach den Constructionen von A. Dürer herausgegeben von C. Sitte ... unter Mit- Wiener Touristen Führer. Wien, 1878, etc. ' 89. wirkung von J. Salb. pp. 24. Wien, 1882. fol. In progress. P.P. 2435. h. Tab. 1800. d. RABL (J.) Die Raxalpe . . . Mit 1 Distanzkarte und BUCHER (BRUNO) Das Kaiserlich Königliche Oster Anhang: Das Karl-Ludwig-Haus auf der Raxalpe, etc. reichische Museum und die Kunstgewerbeschule Fest Wien, 1877. 8º. 10205. bbb. 3. schrift, etc. Wien, 1873. 4º. Ac. 4430/2. Ornithologischer Verein. Kaiserlich-Königlich-Polytechnisches Institut. Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen Vereinos in Wien. Imperiale Regio Istituto Politecnico di Vienna. (Statuti, Blätter für Vogelkunde, Vogel-Schutz, und Pflege.. etc.) Milano, 1818. 8º. . 899. e. 11. (4.) Redacteure A. von Pelzen und Ď. C. von Enderes. Wien, 1877, etc. 4°. 1820. b. Jahrbücher. Herausgegeben von J. J. Prechtl. Bd. In progress. 1–20. Wien, 1819–39. 8º.. Ac. 4429. No more appears to have been published. Orientalisches Museum. Neue volkswirthschaftliche Studien über Constantinopel Programm für die ordentlichen und ausserordentlichen und das anliegende Gebiet. Herausgegeben vom Ori- Vorlesungen, welche am k.-k.-Polytechnischen Institute entalischen Museum, etc. pp. 116. xli. zu Wien im Studienjahre 1859 Statt finden werden. Wien, 1882. 8º. 8229. ff. 44. Wien, 1850. 8º. 8355. d. Pädagogischer Verein, Königliche freye Hof Academie der Mahlerey, Bild- Kritisches Jugendschriften-Verzeichniss... 2. Abdruck. hauerey und Bau-Kunst. See supra : Kaiserlich- Wien, 1868. 169, 11902. a. Königliche Akademie der bildenden Künste. Römisch-Kaiserlich-Königliche Josephinische medi- Künstlerverein Eintracht. cinisch-chirurgische Academie. Sammlung von Radierungen und Litografien Wiener Abhandlungen, etc. 2 Bde. Wien, 1787–1801. 4º. Künstler herausgegeben von dem Künstlerverein Ein- No more published. Ac. 3768. tracht. [Vienna, 1860.] obl. fol. 1753. a. Dissertazioni medico-chirurgico-pratiche estratte dagli atti della R. I. Accademia Giosseffina, e tradotte dal Dr. Matica Slovenska. See supra: Szent Márton, L. Careno, coll'aggiunta di alcune note. Vienna, 1790. 80. 1168. f. 37. Museum Caesareum Palatinum Vindobonense. Novarum stirpium decades. No. 1-10. Technologisches Gewerbe-Museum. Vindobonae, 1839. 8º. 727. f. 8. Fachliche Publicationen des Technologischen Gewerbe. Museums in Wien. Wien, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 4431. Museum Historiae Naturalis Viennense. In progress. See infra :. Wiener Museum der Naturgeschichte. Verein der homöopathischen Aerzte Oesterreichs. Niederösterreichischer Gewerbeverein. Zeitschrift des Vereines... Redigirt von Dr. M. Eidherr. Bericht über die Internationale Elektrische Ausstellung. Jahrg. 1, 2. Wien, 1862, 63. 8º. Ac. 3769. Wien, 1883 ... Herausgegeben vom Niederösterreich- ischen Gewerbe-Vereine." Redacteur ... F. Klein, etc. Verein für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich. Wien, 1884, etc. 8º. Ac. 2914, Blätter für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich. Heraus- In progress. gegeben vom Verein, etc. (Verantwortlicher Redacteur 8. Tauschinski, M. A. Becker.) Jahrg. 1. Nos. 1-18. Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie. Wien, 1865. 8º. Ac. 3439/2. Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteor Jahrbuch für Landeskunde von Nieder-Oesterreich: ologie. Redigirt von C. Jelinek und J. Hann. Herausgegeben von dem Vereine für Landeskuode von Wien, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 4064. & 832. Nieder-Oesterreich. Jahrg. 1, 2. Wien, 1868, 69. 80. In progress. Ac. 3439. Verein für vaterländische Geschichte, Statistik und Oesterreichischer Alpen-Verein. Topographie. Mittheilungen ... Redigirt von E. v. Mojsisovics, und Beiträge zur Landeskunde Oesterreichs unter der Enns. P. Grohmann. 2 Bde. Wien, 1863. 8º. Ac. 7260. 4 Bde. Wien, 1832–34. 8º. 10205. e. . 986 . 985 ACADEMIES. (VIENNA.] VIENNA [CONTINUED). VIENNA [CONTINUED). Verein für volkswirthschaftlichen Fortschritt. Universitas Viennensis. Flugblätter. Monatsschrift herausgegeben vom Verein Protest des Doctoren collegiums der theologischen Fa- für volkswirthschaftlichen Fortschritt in Wien. Heft 2. cultät zu Wien gegen den Eintritt eines Nichtkatholiken Wien, 1868. 8º. Ac. 2239. in das Universitäts-consistorium...(Aus der " Zeitschrift für die gesammte katholische Theologie” besonders Verein zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher abgedruckt.) Wien, 1851. 8º. 3914. d. Kenntnisse. Der Katholische Charakter der Wiener Universität. Schriften. Wien, 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 2910. Eine Denkschrift der Theologischen Facultät. In progress. Wien, 1863. 8º. 8355. ee. 1. TOULA (FRANZ) Ueber das geologisch-paläontologische Der medicinische Unterricht an der Wiener Hochschule Material zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Säugethiere. und seine Gebrechen. Von einigen Studirenden. Vortrag... Mit zwei... Tafeln. pp. 110. Wien, 1869. 8º. 7680. de. Wien, 1879. 8º. 7006. aaa. 4. Mittheilungen aus dem embryologischen Institute der Universitas Viennensis. k. k. Universität in Wien. Von S. L. Schenk. Wien, 1877, etc. 8º. Ac. 803/3. See KERNER (A.) Schedae ad Floram exsiccatam Austro- In progress. Hungaricam a Museo · Botanico Universitatis. Vindo- bonensis editam. 1881. 8º. 7032. e. Abhandlungen des archäologisch-epigraphischen Semi- nares der Universität Wien. Herausgegeben von 0. Benndorf und 0. Hirschfeld, Heft 1-5. (Von 0. Benn- niss, etc.) Wider das blindt unnd toll verdamnuss der dorf und E. Bormann, Heft 6, etc. Wien, 1880, etc. 8º. Sybenzehen Artickel von der... Universitet zü Ingolstat In progress. Ac. 803/2. aussgangen. Item der Wienner Artickel wider P. Spe- Mittheilungen des Instituts für Oesterreichische Ge- ratum sampt seyner Antwurt. 1524. 4º. 3905. ee. 8. schichtsforschung [attached to the University of Viennal. Judicium magistrorum Academiæ Viennensis de propo- Unter Mitwirkung von T. Sickel, M. Thausing und sitionibus quibusdam J. Munsingeri. H. R. v. Zeissberg redigirt von E. Mühlbacher. See SCHELLHORN (J. G.) Amoenitates Literariæ, etc. Innsbruck, 1882, etc. 8º. Ac. 803. Tom. 11. 1730, etc. 80. 124. b. 7. In progress. Moderna reuocatio cuiusdā garriēt cötra sūmi põtific Volkswirthschaftlicher Verein. aučtē et religiozz mēdicātiū puilegia. [A declaration by Jahrbuch...1872. Wien, 1872. 8º. Ac. 2239/2. the Dean and Professors of the Faculty of Theology in the University of Vienna, of the revocation by Johannes Wiener Museum der Naturgeschichte. Kaltenmarckter, official of the diocese of Passau, of the Notitia Collectionis insignis Vermium Intestinalium et heretical opinions expressed in the title, dated 24th exhortatio ad commercium litterarium, quo illa perfici- January, 1493.) O. L. [Vienna, 1493.] 4º. 3908. ccc. 58. atur . . . Ab administratione reg. caes. Musei Historiae naturalis Viennensis. Vindobonae, 1811. 4º. Six leaves, without pagination, titlepage, register or catch- words, 30 lines to the full page. B. 295. (13.) Annalen des Wiener Museums . . , herausgegeben von Veritas defensa, seu, Justitia Causæ Do F[rancisci] de der Direction desselben. Bd. 1, 2. Wien, 1836, 40. 4º. M[esguien] M[еninski] contra infame decretum Universi- . Ac. 2213. tatis Viennensis anno 1674. 23 Nov..., publicatum ab Wiener Universität. amico luci exposita. [Vienna ?] 1675. 4º. 731. e. 8. (4.) See supra: Universitas Viennensis. Vienna Gloriosa, honoribus ... dominorum Neo-Bacch- Zoologisch-botanischer Verein, afterwards Kaiserlich- laureorum, dum in ... Universitate Viennensi primâ Königliche Zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft. Philosophiæ Laureâ condecorarentur. Promotore R. P. I. Reiffenstuell...ab Illustrissima Humanitate Viennensi See JURATZKA (JAKOB) Die Laubmousflora von Oester- dictata...M.DCC. Vienna Austriæ, (1700.) 8º. reich-Ungarn. Handschriftlicher Nachlass J. Juratzka's 8357. aa. 4. ... Zusammengestellt von J. Breidler und J. B. Förster. pp. viii. 385. Wien, 1882. 89. 7031. f. 26. primis illius initiis ad annum usque (MDCCI.) deductae, Verhandlungen, etc. (Personen-, Orts-und Sach- Register, etc. (Instrumenta publica ; quibus ... Universitati 1851-60. (1861-70.) Zusammengestellt von A. F. Vieñensi... Societatis Jesu collegium Viennense unitum Grafen Marschall.) Wien, 1852, etc. 8º. Ac. 2912. ...fuit.) 4 pt. Viennae, 1722–25. 8°. 8356. a. 10. In progress. Oracula Delphica, seu effata Græcorum poetarum, for Aus den Verhandlungen des Zoologisch-botanischen mandis adolescentis studiosi moribus opportuna, honori Vereins in Wien. Wien, 1852, etc. 80. Ac. 2912/2. ... baccalaureorum ... ab illustrissima poesi Viennensi In progress. inscripta. Vienna Austriæ, [1728.] 8º. T. 2078. (4.) Bericht über die österreichische Literatur der Zoologie, Animadversiones in quosdam numos veteres . urbium Botanik und Palaeontologie aus den Jahren 1850, 1851, by E, Froelich] honoribus...dominorum...in...uni 1852, 1853. Wien, 1855. 8º. Ac. 2912/3. versitate Viennensi...à Neo-Baccalaureis condiscipulis dicatæ. Vienna Austriæ, (1738.] 8º. BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL (C.) Monographie der Phane- ropteriden...mit. . . Tafeln. Wien, 1878. 8º. Die Universität. Sammlung von Bildnissen der Män- 7297. b. 7. ner, welche dem Universitätskörper angehören, und die FRAUENFELD (GEORG VON) Neu aufgefundene Abbildung sich in den denkwürdigen Tagen vom 12. 13. 14. und des Dronte, und eines zweiten kurzflügeligen Vogels, 15. März 1848 durch Wort oder That um die neue (wahrscheinlich des Poule Rouge au bec de Bécasse der Verfassung Oesterreichs verdient gemacht haben. Naskarenen in der Privatbibliothek S. M. des verstor- [Vienna, 1848.] fol. 1259. e. benen Kaisers Franz. . . Mit 4 Tafeln. Wien, 1868. fol. 21 portraits without letterpress. 1824. d. 1987 988 ACADEMIES. (VIENNA-UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.] VIENNA [CONTINUED): ..ULZEN. Zoologisch-botanischer Verein, etc. Landwirthschaftlicher Provinzial - Verein für das HALÁCSY (EUGEN VON) and BRAUN (HEINRICH) Nachträge Fürstenthum Lüneburg. zur Flora vou Nieder-Osterreich, etc. pp. 354. Vorschriften und Rathschläge zur Bewirthschaftung Wien, 1882. 8º.. 7031. b. 8. regulirter Bauerhöfe im Lüneburgschen ... Zweite KUENSTLER (GUSTAV) Die unseren Kulturpflanzen schäd. Auflage. Uelzen, 1853. 8º. . 7856. aaa. lichen Insekten. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Land- und Forstwirthschaftliche Zeitung für das Erscheinungen, welche bei den Beschädigungen durch Fürstenthum Lüneburg. Herausgegeben von dem Insekten sich zeigen und das Stadium der Entwicklung landwirthschaftlichen Provinzial-Verein, redigirti von in welchem sie vorzugsweise schädlich sind:... von ... Dr Schweitzer, Dr Erdmann, P. Köpke und ... G. Künstler ... Herausgegeben von der k. k. zool.-bot. D' Fischer. Jahrg. 1-4. Uelzen, 1863-67. 4º. Gesellschaft. Wien, 1871. 8º. 7031. f. 8. (3.) Ac. 3429. MARSCHALL (FRIEDRICH AUGUST) Count. Nomenclator Zoologicus. Continens nomina systematica generum UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. .: animalium tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum disposita. [Forming a supple- American Association for the Advancement of ment to a work by L. Agassiz, bearing the same title.] Science. Sub auspiciis et sumptibus C. R. Societatis Zoologico- Fifth(-Tenth, Twelfth, Fifteenth-Eighteenth, Twenty- Botanicae conscriptus. Vindobonae, 1873. 8º. second, etc.) Meeting, etc. . 2024. e. Philadelphia, Boston, Cambridge, 1849–72, etc. 8º. NELLREICH (AUGUST) Diagnosen der' in Ungarn und In progress. Ac. 3065. Slavonien bisher beobachteten Gefässpflanzen welche in Koch’s Synopsis nicht enthalten sind, etc. Memoirs of the American Association for the Advance- Wien, 1867. 8º. 7029. e. ment of Science. Salem (Mass.], 1875, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 3065/3. NEILREICH (AUGUST) Nachträge zur Flora von Nieder- Oesterreich, etc. Wien, 1866. 8º. 7029. e. Gould (BENJAMIN APTHORP). An Address in commemora- tion of S. C. Walker, delivered before the American NEILREICH (AUGUST) Die Vegetationsverhältnisse von Association for the Advancement of Science, etc. Croatien . .. Herausgegeben von der k. k. zoologisch- Cambridge [Mass.], 1854. 8º. 10882. d. botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien, 1868. 80. 7029. c. HALDEMAN (S. STEHMAN) Report on the present state of NOWICKI (MAXIMILIAN SILA) Ueber die Weizenverwüs- our knowledge of Linguistic Ethnology. terin Chlorops tæniopus Meig und die Mittel zu ihrer Cambridge [Mass.], 1856. 8° 12901. dd. 25. (4.) Bekämpfung. Von ... M. Nowicki ... Wien, 1871. 8°. 7297. b. American Gynecological Society. POETSCH (J. S.) and SCHIEDERMAYR (C. B.) Systematische Transactions, etc. Houghton & Co.: Boston [Mass.), Aufzählung der im Erzherzogthume Oesterreich ob der Cambridge (Mass., printed], 1877. 89. Ac. 3859/2. Enns bisher beobachteten samenlosen Pflanzen (Krypto- In progress. gamen), etc. Wien, 1872. 8°. . . 7029. c. American Medical Association. SCHUMANN (J.) Die Diatomeen der hohen Tatra, bear- The Transactions of the American Medical Association, beitet von J. Schumann. Wien, 1867. 8°. . . 1258. d. etc. Vol. 1–13. Philadelphia, 1848–60. 8º. Ac. 3867. WINNERTZ (JOHANN) Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Sciarinen, etc. Wien, 1867. 8º. 7296. c. Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association [Reprinted from the American Edition). Oxford (printed], London, 1849. 16º. 782. c. 25. VITRY-LE-FRANÇOIS. Code of Medical Ethics adopted by the American Société des Sciences et Arts. Medical Association. Revised to date. Société des Sciences et Arts, etc. [Transactions.] New York, 1867. 16º. 7680. a. Vitry-le-François, 1867, etc. 8º. Ac. 582/2. In progress. | American Pharmaceutical Association. VAVERAI (JEAN NICOLAS LOUIS DE L'Élection de Vitry Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association le François divisée par paroisses en ordre alphabétique at the fourteenth (fifteenth, etc.) annual Meeting ... ....Commencé en 1738, etc. Tours, 1877, 78. 8º. Also the Constitution, and Roll of Members. Ac. 582. Philadelphia, 1866, etc. 8º. Ac. 3857. ULM. In progress. Verein für Kunst und Alterthum in Ulm und Ober American Pharmaceutical Association ... Report on the schwaben. Revision of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia preliminary to the Verhandlungen. (Veröffentlichungen 1–18 [including Convention of 1880. Being a rough draft of the general Berichte 1-12, and Kunstblätter].) principles, titles, and working formulae proposed for .. Ulm, 1843–68. 4º. Ac. 5401. the next Pharmacopoeia. Prepared and compiled by C. Rice. pp. xvii. 202. New York, 1880. 8º. - Kunstblätter. 5 pt. fol. 1263. i. & 14001. k. 7510. f. 14. Verhandlungen. Neue Reihe. Heft 1-7. 1869–75. 49. American Philological Association. Ac. 5401. Transactions of the American Philological Association. 'Ulm Oberschwaben. Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins... 1869–70, etc. Hartford, 1871, etc. 8º. Ac. 9655. Redigirt von Prof. Dr. F. Pressel. Jahrg. 1, 2. In progress. Ulm, 1876, 77. 4° Ac. 5401. Proceedings of the second (third, etc.) Annual Session Württembergische Vierteljahrshefte für Landesge of the American Philological Association, etc. schichte. See supra : STUTTGARD.-Königlich statistisch-.. New York, 1871, etc. etc. Osoical Association, et Ac. 9965/2. 8º. topographisches Bureau, In progress. 9.89 990 ACADEMIES. (UNITED STATES OF AMERĪCA-UPSAL. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [CONTINUED). UPSAL (CONTINUED). Association of American Geologists and Naturalists. Regia Academia Upsaliensis. See ROGERS (H. D.) Address delivered to the meeting of Upsala Universitets Årsskrift. Upsala, 1861, etc. 8º. the Association ... held at Washington May 1844 ... In progress. · Ac. 1075/6. With an abstract of the proceedings, etc. 1844. 8º. 7109. bb. Belysning af förslaget om Upsala Universitets flyttning Reports of the first, second, and third meetings of the till Stockholm. Upsala, 1863. 8°. 8355. dd. 41. (7.) Association ... at Philadelphia in 1840 and 1841, and Anteckningar om Westmanlands och Dala Nation i at Boston in 1842, embracing its proceedings and tran Upsala under sjuttonde och adertonde århundradet. sactions. Boston (Mass.], 1843. gº. Ac. 3064. Falun ; Stockholm (printed], 1868. 8º.. 10280. bbb. Ministers' Institute. Upsala Universitets Katalog för vårterminen 1876. Institute Essays, read before the “Ministers' Institute," Utgifven af Studentkåren. Upsala, 1876. 8º. Providence, R.I. . . . 1879. With an introduction by Ac. 1075. ... H. W. Bellows. Studerande Nationers i Upsala historia. Uplands, G. H. Ellis : Boston (Mass.), 1880. 8º. 4373. g. 2. Westmanlands-Dala, Smålands och Göteborgs Nationer [by E. Lewenhaupt, G. H. Eneström and M. B. North Western Dairymen's Association. Swederus, J. G. W. Palmberg and C. J. Warburg, Sixth Annual Report of the Northwestern Dairymen's respectively.] 4 pt. Association, with addresses and discussions, at the sixth Upsala ; Stockholm (printed], 1877. 8º. Ac. 1077/2. annual meeting, held at Elgin, Ill., January ... 1872, SCHULTZ (HERMAN) Refractors - Beobachtungen der etc. Madison, Wis., 1872. 80. Ac. 3510. K. Universitäts-Sternwarte in Upsala vom Februar 1862 bis Januar 1864. (Aus der naturwissenschaftlichen Psi Upsilon Society. Abtheilung der Jahres-Schrift der Universität zu Psi Upsilon Society. [A Catalogue of the members of Upsala.) 5 pt. Upsala, 1864. 8°. 8564. d. 1. the several chapters of this Society, at various colleges Each pt. has a distinct titlepage, pagination and register. and Universities in the United States of America.] [New Haven, 1842.] 8º. 8366. b. 23. Regia Societas Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Acta literaria (et scientiarum) Sueciæ Upsaliæ publi- Catalogue of the Psi-Upsilon fraternity. cata. 4 vol. Upsaliæ et Stockholmiæ, (17207–42. 4°. New York, 1844. 8º. 8366. b. 24. Part of vol. 1 is a reprint. 959. k. 16-19. Acta Societatis regiæ, etc. 1740–50. 5 vol. Stockholmiæ, 1744-51. 4º. 449. h. 24, 25. UPSAL. [Another copy.] 128. a. 21. Academia Upsalensis. See infra: Regia Academia Upsalensis. . Nova Acta. vol. 1-6. Upsaliæ, 1773-99. 4º. 449. h. 26–31. Juridiska Föreningen. Nova Acta. 14 vol. Upsaliæ, 1795, 75–1850. 4º. T.C. 6. b. 13–19. NORDLING (ERNEST VICTOR) Anteckningar efter Prof. Vol. 1 is a reprint of that in the preceding cepy. Vol. 2–6 E. V. Nos föreläsningar öfvor Ärfda Balken. Utgifna af are duplicates. Juridiska Föreningen i Upsala. Upsala, 1872. gº. .5725. b. 2. Nova Acta, etc. Seriei tertiæ vol. 1; etc. Upsaliæ, 1855, etc. 4°. Ac. 1076. Kongliga Universitetet. In progress. See infra : Regia Academia Upsalensis. Nova Acta ...(in memoriam quattuor seculorum ab Regia Academia Upsaliensis. Universitate Upsalensi peractorum edita! Volumen Catalogus Centuriæ Librorum rarissimorum manuscript. extra ordinem editum. Upsaliæ, 1877. 4º. Ac. 1076. & partim impressorum Arabicorum, ..., &c. quâ ... Årsskrift utgifven af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Societaten i Bibliothecam Publicam Academiæ Upsalensis auxit & exornavit J. G. Sparvenfeldius. [By J. G. Sparven- Upsala. · Årg. 1, 2. Upsala, 1860–61. 8º. feldt ?] Ac. 1076/4. 620. g. 1. (5.) Upsaliæ, 1706. 4º. Recueil des mémoires les plus intéressants de Chymie Sylloge selectiorum dissertationum ab anno 1830 in et d'Histoire Naturelle, contenus dans les Actes de l'Aca- Academia Upsaliensi editarum. Fascic. 1. L. P. démie d’Upsal, et dans les Mémoires de l'Académie Upsaliae, 1830. 4º. Ac. 1077. Royale des Sciences de Stockholm; publiés depuis 1720 Each dissertation is separately paged. No more published. jusqu'en 1760: traduits du Latin et de l'Allemand. 2 tom. Paris, 1764. 12º. 273. a. 14, 15. Upsala Academia Catalog för vårterminen 1846. Upsala, 1846. 8º. Ac. 1075. Kongl. Maj: ts nådige Resolution uppå Riks-Rådets, Præsidentens, Academiæ Cantzlerns och Præsidis illus- Begin. A Biblia cum glossis. [Specimen of a Catalogue tris wid den i Upsala inrättade Societas Literaria och of the manuscripts contained in the Library of the Scientiarum . . . A. Horns inlefwerade ... Memorial. Royal Academy of Upsal, by J. H. Schröder.] Gifwen Stockholm i Råd Cammaren den 11 Novembrå [Upsal ? 1850?] 4º. 823. i. 37. 1728. Stockholm, 1729. 4º. 8355. c. 30. Upsala Universitets Bibliotheks Accessions-Catalog. Upsala, 1833, etc. 4º. 11900. e. | Swenska Litteratur-Föreningen. In progress. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.—Upsal. Skandia. Tid- skrift . . . Utgifven af Swenska Litteratur-Föreningen. Kostnaderna för Upsala Universitets flyttning, etc. 1833, etc. 8º. Upsala, 1860. 8º. 8355. bbb. 33. COLUMBUS (SAMUEL) En svensk ordeskötsel angående Tvenne utlåtanden af Philosophiska l'aculteten i Upsala, bokstäfver, ord och ordesätt... Utgifven af G. Štjern- rörande studentexamens bibehållende vid Universitetet. ström och A. Noreen. pp. xxv. 77. Upsala, 1860. 8º. 8466. bbb. Upsala, 1881. 8º. Ac. 9071/2. , 991 :- ACADEMIES. - 992 [UPSAL-UTRECHT.] UPSAL [CONTINUED). UTRECHT [CONTINUED]. Swenska Litteratur-Föreningen. Academia Rheno-Trajectina. OXENSTIERNA (JOHAN GABRIEL) Count. Dagboks-Antecknin Ons, Volk in zijn eigenaardig karakter omstreeks het gar af. J. G. O., åren 1769–1771. Efter original-hand-... midden der 17de eeuw. Korte schets ter opheldering skriften ... utgifna genom G. Stjernström. 2 pt. en verklaring van de Masquerade te geven den 25 Junij Upsala, 1881. 8º. Ac. 9071. 1856 door H. H. Studenten der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool ... bij gelegenheid van het 44ste lustrum.. Universitet. See supra: Regia Academia Upsalensis. Utrecht, 1856. 12º. ... 10270. b. Upsala Läkareföreningen. Academiæ Rheno-Trajectinæ annus natalis ducentesimus Upsala Läkareförenings Förhandlingar. Arbetsåret vicesimus quintus. Dicta, etc. (J. A. C. Rovers . ... 1865–1866[, etc.]. Andra upplagan. (Redigerade (Bd. sermo, insertis promotorum verbis et responso ... 5–8 and 107 af R. F. Fristedt; (Bd. 97 af O. Hammar- G. Mees.) Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1861. 8º. sten.) Upsala, 1875–67, etc. 8°. Ac. 3809. 8355. cc. In progress. Bd. 1. only is of the second edition. Feestwijzer voor de viering van het 225-jarig bestaan der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool Utrecht, 1861. 8º. Upsala Läns Kongliga-Landthushållnings-Sällskap. Ac. 936/2. Upsala Läns Kongliga-Hushållnings-Sällskaps Hand- Series professorum, qui ... publice aut docuerunt aut lingar. Heft. 1–36. Upsala, 1816–54. 8º. Ac. 3474. etiamnunc docent. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1861. 8º. Landtbruks-mötet på Sätuna år 1844. Bihang till Up- Het verslag van den Utrechtschen Studenten-Alunanak sala Läns Konyl. Landthushällnings-Sällskaps Hand voor 1864, en het Adres van enkele Theologanten, [com- lingar. Upsala, 1844. 8º. 7075. aa. mented upon door een Student in de Theologie.' Landtbruks-mötet på Aske år 1845. Bihang till. Upsala Utrecht, 1864. 8º. 8355. bbb. 51. (4.) Läns Konyl. Landthushällnings-Sällskaps Handlingar. [Edited by E. Wallquist.] Upsala, 1845. 8º. Academia Rheno-Trajectina.-Bibliotheek. 7075. aa. Bibliothecæ Rheno - Trajectinæ Catalogus. [A new URBINO. edition, compiled by J. J. Dodt; edited, with a preface, by P. G. van Heusde.] 2 pt. Collegio de' Nobili. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1835–34. fol. 619. m. 14. Accademia di belle Lettere ed Arti, ad onore degl' illustri The pagination is continuous throughout. Urbinati, che danno al pubblico nel giorno xiv. di Feb Index librorum quibus Bibliotheca Acadəmiæ Rheno- brajo MDCCCXX. i signori convittori del Collegio de' Trajectinæ, ab anno 1841 exeunte usque ad annum 1855 : Nobili, e gli studenti delle scuole di Urbino, dirette dai (1865–70) locupletata est. 2 pt. Padri della Compagnia di Gesù, etc. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1855-71. 8º. 11900. f. 3. Urbino, 1820. 4º. 899. d. 11. (9.) Academia Rheno-Trajectina.Studenten-Corps. UTRECHT. Verslag der Maskerade-Commissie, gedaan op de Corps- Academia Rheno-Trajectina. Vergadering...10 November 1860, etc. Utrechtsche Studenten-Almanak. See EPHEMERIDES. Utrecht, 1860. 8º. 9930. f. Hodiernus (anni 1719) Academiæ Ultrajectinæ ejusque Open Brief van het Utrechtsche Studenten-Corps aan de clarissimorum Doctorum conspectus. met hetzelve bevriende Studenten-Corpsen, naar aan- See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. — Bremen. Bibliotheca leiding van den Almanak van het Leidsche Studenten- Historico-Philologico-Theologica. Classis II. Fasci Corps door het jaar 1864. Utrecht, 1863. 8º. culus 1. 1718, etc. 8º. 220. c. 3. 8309. f. 26. (5.) Oorlog of Vrede? De strijd van het Utrechtsche Academiæ Ultrajectinæ inauguratio, una cum orationibus en Leidsche Studentencorps, door een lid van het inauguralibus. Ultrajecti, 1636. 4°.: 731. e. 8. (6.) Leidsche Studentencorps. Leiden, 1863. 8º. Testimonium Academiæ Ultrajectinæ, et narratio his- 8355. bbb. 51. (2.) torica, qnå defensæ, quà exterminatæ novæ philosophiæ. Wat was de Oorsprong? Hoe zal het einde zijn? Nog Rheno-Trajecti, 1643. 4º. 1055. g. 19. (2.) een woord over den strijd tusschen de Utrechtsche Register van alle de heeren Professoren, die . . . in de en Leijdsche Studenten-Corps, door een lid van het Illustre Schoole, ende vervolgens in de Academie tot Utrechtste Studenten-Corps. Utrecht, 1864. 8º. Utrecht... zijn beroepen...Als mede een lyste van alle 8355. bbb. 47. (7.) de gene welke in jeder jaar zijn geweest Rector magni- Afberldingen van den gecostumeerden optogt der stu- ficus. Utrecht, 1693. 12º. 731. b. 3. (9.) denten van de Utrechtsche Hoogeschool, voorstellende : het bezoek von Maximilian van Oostenrijk en Marie Jusjurandum Medicorum in Academia Ultrajectina. van Bourgondië, en feesten bij die gelegenheid gevierd [Utrecht? 1700?] 8. sh. fol. 777. k. 16. (35.) te Brugge; in het jaar 1477, te houden...25 Junij 1867. Hymnus secularis pro jubilæo... Academiæ ... compo- Met verklaring en de namen der deelneemers, etc. situs, etc. [Utrecht, 1736.] 4º. T. 717. (7.) Utrecht, 1867. obl. 8º. 1855. b. 1. Annales Academiæ Rheno-Trajectinæ, etc. For the Doctorum in Gymnasiig Batavia Socjetas years 1815 to 1837.] 22 vol. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1817-37. 8º. See supra : AMSTERDAM. No more published. After the year 1837, the Annals of. this University, with those of other Academies in Holland, Gezelschap van Utrechtse Heelmeesters, were appended to those of the University of Leyden, under the title : “ Annales Academici.” Ontleed- en Heelkundige Verhandeling over de Uitzak- kingen en uitwassen der Lyfmoeder en Schede. Uit. Annales. 1837, etc. See supra: LEYDEN.- Academia gegeven door een Gezeldschap van Utrechtse Heel- Lugduno-Batava. Annales Academici. meesters onder den Zinspreuk Juvenes Diligentia 1840, etc. 4º. Ac. 940. Discunt. Utrecht, 1767. 8º. 117. f. 1, 993 ACADEMIES. [UTRECHTTREO 994 ) UTRECHT [CONTINUED]. UTRECHT [CONTINUED). Gymnasium Ultrajectinum, afterwards Academia Ul- Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. trajectina. Uitkomsten van wetenschap en ervaring aangaande Illustris gymnasii Ultrajectini inauguratio una cum winden en zeestroomingen in sommige gedeelten van orationibus inauguralibus. Ultrajecti, 1634. den Ocean. Utrecht, 1858, etc. 4º. 8752. e. 731. e. 8. (5.) Maandelijksche Zeilaanwijzingen van Java naar het Gymnasiorum Batavorum Doctores Societate con Kanaal. Utrecht, 1859, etc. 4º. 10496. i. juncti. See supra : AMSTERDAM. – Doctorum in In progress. Gymnasijs Batavis Societas. Berigt [relating to the herring fishery]. Utrecht, 1860. 4º. 8356. f. 9. Historisch Gezelschap. Kronijk van het Historisch Gezelschap te Utrecht. Mededeelingen uit de journalen aangaande bijzondere (Register op de Kronijk, etc. Jaargangen 1846–54. meteorologische verschijnselen, havens, bankens, enz. in Gedeelte 1, 2, etc.) Jaarg. 2–31. sommige gedeelten van den Oceaan, als uitkomsten van Utrecht, 1846–76.8º. Ac. 7510/5. wetenschap en ervaring, etc. Utrecht, 1867. 4º. Jaarg. 1 was never printed. 8756. f. Marche annuelle du Thermomètre et du Baromètre en Berigten van het Historisch Gezelschap te Utrecht. Néerlande, déduite d'observations simultanées de 1843 Deel 1–7. Utrecht, 1846–62. 8º. Ac. 7510/4. à 1875, en rapport avec les observations des stations Codex Diplomaticus Neerlandicus. Verzameling van normales, Copenhague, Greenwich et Paris. Oorkonden, betrekkelijk de vaderlandsche geschiedenis. Utrecht, 1876. 4°. 8752. dd. 10. Deel 1. Utrecht, 1848. 4º. BALLOT (CHRISTOPHER HENDRIK DIRK BUIJS) Royal Dutch Tweede serie. 6 din. 1852-62. 8º. Meteorological Institute. Suggestions on a uniform Ac. 7510/6. system of meteorological observations. Register op de onderwerpen behandeld in de Kronijk, Utrecht, 1872. 89. Ac. 4074. Berichten en den Codex Diplomaticus, etc. pp. II. 138. BALLOT (CHRISTOPHER HENDRIK DIRK BUIJS) Royal Dutch Utrecht, 1877. 8º. Ac. 7510/9. Meteorological Institute. A sequel to the suggestions on a uniform system of meteorological observations. Werken...Nieuwe Reeks. Utrecht, 1863, etc. 8º. Ac. 7510/7. Utrecht, 1873. 8º. Ac. 4074/2. In progress. The first series of the Werken included the “ Kronijk," “ Berigten” and “ Codex Diplomaticus." Marnix-Vereeniging. Werken der Marnix-Vereeniging. Bijdragen en Medeelingen, etc. Utrecht, 1877, etc. 8º. Utrecht, 1870, etc. 8º. Ac. 2043. In progress. Ac. 7510/8. In progress. Reglement voor het Historisch Gezelschap te Utrecht Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten herzien Mei 1848. Utrecht, 1848. gº. Ac. 7510/2. en Wetenschappen. Wet van het Historisch Genootschap, etc. Verhandelingen. 10 Din. Utregt, 1781-1821. 89. [Utrecht, 1851.] 8º. Ac. 7510. 963. b. 8–18. Deel 10 is a collection of treatises separately published by [Another edition.] [Utrecht, 1865.] 8º. Ac. 7510. the Society at various dates. Naamlijst der Boeken van het Historisch Genootschap Nieuwe Verhandelingen. Deel 1-17. pt. 1. gevestigd te Utrecht. Tweede uitgave. 1865. Utrecht, 1822-54, etc. 8º. Ac. 970. Utrecht, 1865. 8º. 11902. f. Atlas. fol. T. 16. (s. 1.) These transactions are written partly in Dutch, partly in Dagverhaal van Jan van Riebeck, eerste gouverneur French, and partly in German ; the several memoirs which aan de Kaap de Goede Hoop, 1651. Utrecht, 1848. 8º. Ac. 7510/3. compose them are separately paged. WICQUEFORT (ABRAHAM VAN) Histoire des Provinces Acta Literaria. 4 tom. Unies des Païs-Bas, depuis le parfait établissement de Lugduni Batavorum et Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1793-1803. 8°. cet état par la Paix de Munster ... Publiée au nom de 256. e. 1-4. la Société d'Histoire à Utrecht, [tom. 1] par . , . L. E. [Another copy of tom. 1 and 2.] Ac. 970/2. Lenting (tom. 2-4 par C. A. Chais van Buren). 4 tom. Amsterdam, 1861–74. 8º. 9407. ee. Nova Acta Literaria. Pt. 1-4. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1821–31. 8º. Ac. 936/3. Institut Royal Météorologique des Pays-Bays. Naamlijst der Leden, etc. Utrecht, [1850?] 8º. See infra: Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteoro- Ac. 970/3. logisch Instituut. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. Utrecht, 1862, etc. 4º. Ac. 970/6. Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. In progress. Meteorologische Waarnemingen...1853(-64). [Edited Questions mises au concours par la Société des Arts et by C. H. D. Buys Ballot.] Utrecht, 1854–65. obl. 4º. des Sciences d'Utrecht. [Utrecht ? 1864?] S. sh. 120. (Continued as:] 1891. d. (10.) Meteorologisch Jaarboek. Eerste Gedeelte. War Geschiedenis van het Muntwezen der Vereenigde nemingen in Nederland, etc. 1865. Nederlanden, van de Gentsche Bevrediging af, tot aan Utrecht, 1866. obl. 4º. het einde der Fransche Overheersching, 1576–1813, [Continued as: 7 bewerkt door eene van wege het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Jaarboek voor 1866, etc, Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen benoemde Utrecht, 1866, etc. obl. 4º. 14000. a. commissie, etc. Amsterdam, 1874, etc. 8° Ac. 970/9. In progress. In progress. 995 ACADEMIES. [UTRECHT-WARSAW.] 996 H UTRECHT (CONTINUED). UTRECHT [CONTINUED). Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten Société des Arts et des Sciences d'Utrecht, en Wetenschappen. See supra: Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap ACQUOY (JOANNES GERARDUS RICHARDUS) Het Klooster te van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Windesheim en zijn invloed . . . Uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap, etc. 3 Iln. Société d'Histoire à Utrecht. Utrecht, 1875-80. 8º. Ac. 970/10. See supra; Historisch Gezelschap te Utrecht. BAUDET (P. J. H.) Leven en Werken van W. J. Blaou, etc. [With portrait.] (Naschrift, etc.) Vereeniging ter bevordering der oude Nederlandsche Utrecht, 1871. 8°. 10759. h. 1. Letterkunde. See supra : LEYDEN. BERGMAN (JAN THEODORUS) Memoria L. C. Valckenarii ... Edidit Societas Artium et Doctrinarum Rheno- Vereeniging tot Uitgave der Bronnen van het Oude Trajectina. Rheno-Trajecti, 1871. 8º. Ac. 970/8. Vaderlandsche Recht. BISSCHOP (w.) Justus van Effen geschetst in zijn leven Oude Werken, Reeks 1. en werken. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der letter 's Gravenhage, Utrecht (printed], 1880, etc. 8º. kunde in de 18de eeuw. Utrecht, 1859. 8º. In progress. 5685. e. 10759. f. Boot (JAN CORNELIS GERRIT) De vita et scriptis P. Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Wesselingii, etc. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1874. 8º. See supra : Academia Rheno-Trajectina. Ac. 970/7. GEBHARD (J. F.) Het leven van Mr. N. C. Witsen. Utrecht Society of Arts and Sciences. 1641–1717. (Geslachtslijst, etc.) 2 Din. Utrecht, 1881, 82. 8º. Ac. 970/12. See supra: Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, HARTOG (J.) De spectatoriale geschriften van 1741- 1800. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het huiselijk, maat- WADOWICE. schappelijk en kerkelijk leven onder ons volk, etc. Utrecht, 1872. 8º. Ac. 970/4. | Westgalizisches Forstverein. HEPPE (J. W.) Waarneemingen omtrent verscheidene Vereinsschrift des Westgalizischen Forstvereins heraus- soorten van Etterziekten, benevens eenige Proefnee- gegeben vom Ausschusse. pp. 120. mingen en Aanmerkingen over den Etter en andere Wadowice, 1852. 12º. Ac. 3440. dierlijke Vogten. Uitgegeven door het Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten, etc, Utrecht, 1802. 8º. B. 597. (4.) WAKEFIELD. LEEUWEN (JOANNES VAN) of Zegwaard. Commentatio de Wakefield Farmers' Club. Ajacis Sophoclei authentia et integritate. pp. xvi. 203. Proceedings of the Wakefield Farmers' Club, for ... Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1881. 8º. Ac. 970/11. 1855, with the Report of the Annual Meeting, held MIERIS (FRANS VAN Chronologisch Register op het January 16th, 1856. Wakefield, 1856. 89. Ac. 3494. vervolg van het Groot-Charterboek van Van Mieris aanwezig op het Rijks-Archief te 's Hage. [Coinpiled by J. W. E. Sterk, and edited by B. J. L. De Geer, G. W. WARNSVELD, Vreede and J. Van Hall.] Utrecht, 1859. 8º. Vereeniging tot bevordering der Inlandsch Ichthyo- - 9407. b. logie. MILLER (SAMUEL HENRY) Prize essay on Evaporation. Verslag der Werkzaamheden van de Vereeniging, etc. pp. 27. Utrecht, 1878. 4º. 8715. g. 3. Dl. 1-3. Arnhem, 1847-50. 8º. Ac. 2956. MODDERMAN (w.) De wettelijke Bewijsleer in strafzaken. Utrecht, 1867. 8º. 5686. aa. 1. WARSAW. MULLER (s.) Geschiedenis der Noordsche Compagnie. Utrecht, 1874. 8º. Императорскій Варшавскій Университет. Работы произведенныя въ Лабораторіяхъ Медицинскаго PLEYTE (w.) Peintures Murales découvertes dans Факультета Императорскаго Варшавскаго Університета. l'Église paroissiale de St. Jacques à Utrecht, décalquées 137ambs . . . 10j'pejakuiero Ⓡ. Habpoikaro. par T. H. F. van Riemsdijk, dessinées, lithographiées et Bapwaba, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 1147. publiées par W. Pleyte sous les auspices de la société * Het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten In progress. en Wetenschappen." Leide, 1874. fol. 1734. d. 5. Obserwatoryum Astronomiczne Warszawskie. Only 100 copies printed. Kalendarz wydłwany przez Obserwatoryuin ... na rok Societas Artium Disciplinarumque Rheno-Trajectina. ... 1857(-61). Warszawa, 1857-61. 89. Ac. 4166. No more published. See infra : Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Rada Ogólna Lekarska Królestwa Polskiego. Societas Artium et Doctrinarum Rheno-Trajectina. | Wia[domość] o chul[erze]podana przez Radę Ogólną Lekarską Królestwa Polskiego. Warszawa, 1831. 8º. See supra: Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap 900. e. 32. van Kunsten en Watenschappen. A corrected account of the Cholera, published by the Medical College of ... Poland. ... Translated from the Societas Artium et Scientiarum Rheno-Trajectina. Polish language. See FIFE (Sir J.) Practical iemarks See supra: Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap on the Continental Cholera, etc. 1831. 8º. van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 7306. bb. 16. (4.) 997 998 ACADEMIES. [WARSAWWASHINGTON, COLUMBIA. WARSAW (CONTINUED). WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA (CONTINUED). Towarzystwo Lekarskie Warszawskie. Columbian College. Pamiętnik Towarzystwa, etc. ([tom. 29, 30] pod re- The Annual Report by the Executive Committee of the dakcyą Doktorów Kuleszy, Mạjewskiego i Rose;. [tom. Alumni Association of Columbia College. 31-42] pod redakcyą Dra Kuleszy: [tom. 43–46] redaktor New York, 1868. 8º. 8366. dd. główny Dr. Dybek ; [tom. 47, 48] redaktor główny Dr. Columbian Horticultural Society. #. Luczkiewicz; [tom. 49-56] pod redakcyą główna Dra Constitution and by-laws, etc. (Officers and Council of S. Janikowskiego; [tom. 57-60] pod redakcyą główną the Society.) Aug. 1833. Washington, 1833. 8º. J. F. Nowakowskiego ; [tom. 61-68] pod redakcyą Dra. 7055. f. J. Wszebora ; [tom. 69–70] pod redakcyą Dra. F. Literary Society. Nawrockiego; (tom. 71–72] pod redakcyą Dra. J. A tribute of respect from the Literary Society of Rogowicza ; [tom. 73–75] pod redakcyją K. Dobrskiego; [tom. 76–78 pod redakcyją E. Klinka; [tom. 79, etc.] Washington to its late president J. A. Garfield, etc. pp. 53. Washington, 1882. 4º. pod redakcyją R. Jasińskiego.) 10882. i: 9. Warszawa, 1837, etc. 8º. Ac. 3818. National Academy of Sciences. In progress. Annual ... for 1863–64. (1866.) 2 pt. Cambridge (Mass.), 1865-67. 12º. Ac. 3039. Obdicie z Pamiętnika Towarzystwa Lekarskiego War- szawskiego Tom. LXIII, r. 1870, str. 167–179. Protokół National Institution for the Promotion of Science. z posiedzeń Oddziału Gynekologicznego Towarzystwa Constitution and By-Laws. May 1840. Lekarskiego Warszawskiego z dnia 28 Grudnia 1869 Washington, 1840. 89. Ac. 3067. roku, etc. pp. 13. [Warsaw, 1870.] 8º. Bulletin of the Proceedings of the National Institute for 7306. b. 16. (8.) the promotion of Science. (Second bulletin, third Oddział Akuszeryi, Chorób Kobiet i Dzieci. Posiedzenie bulletin.) Washington, 1841-45. 8º. Ac. 3067/2. 66, z dnia 10 Maja 1870 r. pp. 8. [Warsaw, 1870.] 8º. 17306. b. 16. (7.) National Observatory. See infra : Naval Observatory. KOŚMIŃSKI (STANISŁAW) Wykaz rzeczy zawartych w 72 | Naval Observatory. tomach Pamiętnika Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Warsza- Astronomical Observations made at the Naval Observa- wskiego z lat 1837-1876. pp. xiv. 347. tory, Washington [during the years 1838–42] ... by Warszawa, 1877. 8º. Ac. 3818/2. Lieutenant J. M. Gilliss. Washington, 1846. 8º. 8567. d. Towarzystwo Rolnicze w Królestwie Polskiém. Astronomical Observations made during the year 1845 Roczniki gospodarstwa krajowego wydawane (from 1858] (1846-48, 51, 52) at the National Observatory ... przez Towarzystwo, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. Vol. 1] under the direction of M. F. Maury...(Vol. 2-4 Warsaw under the direction of M. F. Maury ... L. Warrington. 1851 and 1852 prepared [by B. A. Gould) under direc- Towarzystwo Warszawskie Przyjaciół Nauk, after- tion of J. M. Gilliss.) 5 vol. Wushington, 1846–67. 4º. 8567. e. wards Towarzystwo Królewskie, etc. Astronomical and meteorological Observations made at See JANICKI (s.) Prawidła Pisowni Polskiej podane the United States Naval Observatory, during the year przez Deputacyą Ortograficzną [of the Towarzystwo 1861 (1862, etc.) ... J. M. Gilliss, ... Superintendent, Warszawskie Przyjaciół Nauk, etc.] w r. 1830, etc. 1861-64. (C. H. Davis, 1865, 66: B. F. Sands, 1867, 12976. bbb. 28. etc. Washington Observations for 1870, 71, etc. Ap- Roczniki. 21 tom. 20 Warszawie, 1802–30. 8º. pendix 1, 2, etc.) Washington, 1862, etc.. 4º. Ac. 9098. In progress. 8567. e. Rozprawy i wnioski o ortografii polskiej przez Deputacya Narrative of the North Polar Expedition. U.S. Ship od Król. Towarzystwa Warsz. Przyjaciół Nauk wyz Polaris, Captain C. F. Hall, commanding. Edited naczona with an introductory address by J. Mroziński). under the direction of ... G. M. Robeson ... by ... w Warszawie, 1830. 8º. 1333. e. C. H. Davis, etc. Washington, 1876. 8º. NARUSZEWECZ (ADAM STANISLAW) Bishop of Lutzk. Historya - 2 Photographic Plates. 4º. 2370. g. Narodu Polskiego...Z rękopisma Biblioteki Puławskiey Instructions for observing the total Solar Eclipse of ... Staraniem ... Towarzystwa królewskiego Warsza- July 29, 1878. [By W. Hackness.] wskiego Przyiaciół Nauk wydana. 7 tom. Washington, 1878. 4º. .. 8752. i. 8. W. Warszawie, 1824, 03-04. 8°. 899. e. 15. Instructions for observing the Transit of Mercury, 1878, Vol. 1 is a reprint of the first edition which was suppressed. May 5-6. [By S. Newcomb.] pp. 8. Washington, 1878. 4º. 8567. f. 12. Catalogue of the Library of the United States Naval WARWICK. Observatory, Washington. Part 1. Astronomical Bib- Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archæologists' Field liography, by ... E. S. Holden. Washington, 1879, etc. 4º. A.B. 10026. Club. Observations of Double Stars made at the United States Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists' and Naval Observatory, by A. Hall. pp. 144. Archæologists' Field Club, 1874, etc. Washington, 1881. 4º. 8567. e. 2. Warwick, (1875.] 89. Ac. 3010 Philosophical Society. Constitution and the standing rules of the Philosophioal WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA. Society of Washington. Washington, 1871. 8º. 8306. e. 1., Columbian College. Bulletin. Washington, 1874, etc. 8º. Catalogue of the Columbian College, in the District of In progress. Ac. 1876. Columbia; embracing the names of its trustees, officers [Another copy.] In progress. and graduates; together with a list of all academical See infra: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian honours conferred, etc. Washington, 1839. 80. Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 20, etc. 1862, etc. 80. 8366. e. 27. Ac. 1873/2. Davis, 1966. for 107.5 49 367. C. 999 ACADEMIES. [WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA-WATFORD.] 1000 imizatiohe resolutiestator, 6:03. WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA [CONTINUED). I WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA [CONTINUED). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Institution. See JEWETT C. c.) Smithsonian Reports. Notices of List of Foreign Correspondents of the Smithsonian In- public libraries in the United States of America. Printed stitution. Corrected to January 1878. Fifth edition. by order of Congress, as an appendix to the fourth See supra : SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smith Vol. 15. 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 1875/2. sonian Institution. 1851. 8º. 824. h. 21. First annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology. ... By Journal of proceedings of the Regents of the Smith- J. W. Powell. With “ Accompanying paperx."] sonian Institution, at the city of Washington, beginning Washington, 1881, etc. 4º. Ac. 1875/8. on the first Monday of September, 1846. In progress. Washington, 1846. 8º. Ac. 1875/6. BAIRD (SPENCER F.) Catalogue of North American Mammals, chiefly in the Museum of the Smithsonian Report of the Organization Committee of the Smith- Institution. Washington, 1857. 4º. 7205. e. sonian Institution : with the resolutions accompanying the same ... Also, the Will of the Testator, etc. DALL (WILLIAM H.) Scientific results of the Exploration Washington, 1847. 8º. of Alaska, by the parties under the charge of W. H. Dall, etc. Vol. 1. Washington, 1876. 8º. "Ac. 1875/7. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Washington, 1848, etc. 4°. Ac. 1875. GOULD (BENJAMIN APTHORP) Report on the history of In progress. the discovery of Neptune. Washington City, 1850. 8º.. . 8560, d. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Washington, Guyot (ARNAULD) A Collection of meteorological tables, Philadelphia (printed], 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 1875/2. with other tables useful in practical meteorology Pre- In progress. pared ... by A. Guyot. Washington, 1852. 8º. 8755. e. Directions for collecting, preserving and transporting JEWETT (CHARLES C.) Smithsonian Report. On the specimens of natural history prepared for the use of the construction of Catalogues of Libraries, and their pub- Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1852. 8º. lication by means of separate, stereotyped titles. 7002. b. Washington, 1853. 8º. 824. h. 47. [Second edition.] Washington, 1854. 8º. 7001. d. MALLERY (GARRICK) Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Introduction to the study of Sign Registry of Periodical Phenomena, etc. Washington, [1852 ?] fol. Language among the North American Indians, as illus- 7028. f. trating the gesture speech of mankind. [Edited by [Another edition.] Washington (1854?] fol. J. W. Powell.] pp. iv. 72. Washington, 1880. 4°. 717. m. 19. (58.) 12901. I. 20. The Annular Eclipse of May 26, 1854. Published under MELSHEIMER (T. E.) Catalogue of the described Coleop- the autbority of Hon. J. C. Dobbin Secretary of the tera of the United States.... Revised by S. S. Haldeman Navy. Washington, Cambridge [printed], 1854. 8º. and J. S. Le Conte. Washington, 1853. 8º. 8562. e. 7296. d. [Another copy.] 8560. g. POWELL (J. W.) Smithsonian Institution ... Introduc- tion to the study of Indian Languages, with words, Reports, etc. ... up to January 1 1849. from the third phrases and sentences to be collected. ... Second edition. annual Report of the Board of Regents. (Fourth, etc., With charts. pp. XI. 228. Washington, 1880. 4º. Annual Report.) Washington, 1849, etc. 8o. Ac. 1874. In progress. Ac. 1875/3. WASHINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA, 31st Congress, 1st Session. Senate. Miscellaneous. Washington College. No. 120. Fourth annual report of the Board of Regents Catalogue of the officers and students ... 1840, 41. of the Smithsonian Institution, to the Senate and House Washington, 1841. 8º. 8366. e. 28. of Representatives, showing the operations, expenditures and condition of the institution during ... 1849. (Fifth Annual Report, etc.) Washington, 1850, etc. 8º. WATERVILLE, In progress. The reports of the Smithsonian Institution Waterville College. are published in the" Miscellaneous documents” of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the United States, which see Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Waterville under “ United States of America.” College, and of the Clinical school of medicine, at Woud- List of foreign institutions in correspondence with the stock, Vt., connected with the College, 1830–31. Smithsonian Institution. [Washington, 1852 ?] 4º. Hallowell, 1830. 8º. 8366. b. 25. 11203. d. Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et [Another edition.] [Washington, 1854.]. 8º. officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati *- 11203. d. sunt in Collegio Watervillensi, etc. List of Foreign Correspondents of the Smithsonian In- Augustae, [Maine), 1837. 8º. 8366. d. 9. stitution (corrected to May, 1856). Washington, 1856. 8º. Ac. 1875/5. WATFORD. Instructions in reference to collecting nests and eggs of North American Birds. [Washington, 1860.] 8º. Watford Natural History Society and Hertfordshire 7284. d. Field Club.. List of Foreign Correspondents. [Washington, 1860 ?] 8º. Laws and List of Members. February, 1895. Ac. 1875/5. [Watford, (1875.] 8º. 7204. aau. 8. (6.) Photographic portraits of North American Indians in the Transactions of the Watford Natural History Society. Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution. [A catalogue.] ... Edited by the Honorary Secretary. [J. Hopkinson.] 1867. See supra : SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLEC Watford, Hertford [printed], 1875, etc. 80. TIONS. Vol. 14. 1862, etc. 8º. Ac. 1875/2. In progress. Ac. 3009. & 1888. 1001 ACADEMIES. [WEIHENSTEPHAN-WIESBADEN.] 1002 - WEIHENSTEPHAN. WEST CHESTER. Central-Landwirthschafts-Schule. Chester County Cabinet of Natural Science. Weihenstephaner Jahrbuch ... Herausgegeben von Fourth Report. West Chester, 1831. 12º. 728. b. 44. dem Professoren-Collegium der königl. bayerischen Central-Landwirthschafts-Schule. WEST POINT. München 1869, etc. 8º. Ac. 3431. United States Military Academy. In progress. Regulations ... for the organization and government of WEIMAR. the... Academy. ... To which is added the regulations Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. for the internal police of the institution; with an ap- pendix, containing the Rules and Articles of War, and Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, im extracts from the General Regulations of the Army, Auftrage des Vorstandes herausgegeben durch F. Boden- applicable to the Academy. Revised and amended to stedt (Jahrg. 3–14, durch K. Elze.) Jahrg. 15, etc., the 1st of January 1839. New York, 1839. 8º. durch È. A. Leo. Berlin, Weimar, 1865, etc. go. 8826. g. In progress. A Catalogue of the Graduates of the U.S. Military Aca- General Register...Jahrgang 1-10. Zusammengestellt demy from its establishment in 1801 to (June) 1848, von F. A. Leo. Berlin, 1875. 8º. 2300. f. giving the preseut rank of those in service and the sub- Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Shakespeare- sequent pursuits of those who have left service as far as Gesellschaft zu Weimar. [Edited by R. Koehler.] known, together with the regulations for the admission Weimar, Bernburg Anhalt (printed], 1876. 8º. of Cadets, and a synopsis of the course of study pursued 11905. h. 2. (7.) at that institution. New York, 1847. 12º. 8366. b. Geographisches Institut. Register of the Officers and Graduates of the... Academy Versuch einer militärisch-historischen Darstellung des ...from March 16, 1802, to January 1, 1850. Compiled grossen Befreiungs-Krieges, oder gleichzeitige Uebersicht by Captain G. W. Cullum, etc. New York, 1850. 12º. 8826. C. 1813 und 1814 ... (bis 1815.) Mit vielen Planen und Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of Charten.-Essai d'une exposition historique militaire de the U.S. Military Academy, at West Point, N.Y., from la glorieuse guerre d'affranchissement, etc. Germ. & Fr. its establishment...1802, to the Army re-organization of 3 Thle. Weimar, 1814-17. 4º. 172. h. 3. 1866, 67. By...G. W. Cullum. 2 vol. Th. 3 is in 2 Abth, each with a distinct titlepage and New York, 1868. 8º. 8824. ccc. 7. pagination. - Atlas. fol. 12. Tab. 39. WEYMOUTH, MASS. Grossherzogliches Museum. Weymouth Historical Society. Ausstellung von Werken F. Preller's im Grossherzog The original Journal of Solomon Lovell, kept during the lichen Museum zu Weimar. Mai 1878. Penobscot Expedition, 1779 : with a sketch of his life by Weimar, 1878. 8º. 10705. gg. 20. G. Nash. Together with the Proceedings of the Society for 1879–80. pp. 127. Boston, 1881. 80. Ac. 8402. WELLINGTON. WIESBADEN. Severn Valley Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions of the Severn Valley Naturalists' Field | Societas Antiquariorum Nassoviensis, Club; a selection from the papers read at meetings of See infra: Verein für Nassauische Alterthums- the Club, 1865-1870. Wellington, Salop, 1873. 8°. kunde und Geschichtsforschung. Ac. 3012. Verein für Nassauische Alterthumskunde und Ge- WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND. schichtsforschung. New Zealand Institute. Annalen, etc. Wiesbaden, 1827, etc. 89. Ac. 5402. In progress. Transactions and Proceedings ..., 1868. Edited by Denkmäler aus Nassau. Herausgegeben von dem Verein J. Hector. Wellington, 1869, etc. 8º. In progress. für Nassauische Alterthumskunde und Geschichtsfor- Index. Vols. 1-8. Wellington, 1877. 8º. schung. (Edited by C. Rossel. With plates.] Hfte. 1-3. Ac. 1990. Wiesbaden, 1852-62. 4º. Ac. 5402, 2. WELSHPOOL. No more published. Hefte 2 and 3 each have, in addition to the general title on the cover, a special titlepage, reading : Powysland Club. “ Die Abtei Eberbach im Rheingau. Lieferung 1, 2.” Collections Historical and Archäological relating to Montgomeryshire. Issued by the Powysland Club, etc. Inscriptiones Latinae in terris Nassoviensibus repertae London, 1868 (1867), etc. 8º. Ac. 8225. et auctoritate Societatis Antiquariorum Nassoviensis In progress. editae. Aquis Mattiacis, 1855. 8°. 7702. aa. 2. (2.) WERMLAND. Münz-Sammlung des Vereins ... Die mittelalterlichen Wermländska Bergsmanna-Föreningen. und neueren Münzen...von H. Schalk. Wiesbaden, 1865. 8º. 7755. aaa. See supra : Christinehamn. Die Abteikirche zu Marienstatt bei Hachenburg. Im WERNIGERODE. Auftrag des Vereins... herausgegeben von R. Goerz. ... Mit xi. Tafeln. Wiesbaden, 1866. fol. 1734. C. 4. Harz-Verein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. [Another copy.] Wiesbaden, 1867. fol. 1730. C. Zeitschrift des Harz-Vereins für Geschichte und Alter- A duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage. thumskunde. Herausgegeben . . . von . . . E. Jacobs. (Beigabe. Jahrg. 2, 3, 7, 9, etc.) Verein für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wernigerode, 1868, etc. 8º. Jahrbücher des Vereins, etc. (Heft. 1-5) herausgegeben In progress. von C. Thomä. (Heft. 6–9 von F. Sandberger.-Heft. - Register. Jahrg. 1-12. Von Dr. C. Böttger. 10, etc. von C. L. Kirschbaum.) Wiesbaden, 1844, etc. 8º. 1882. 80. Ac. 7172. In progress. Ac. 2895. 1003 ACADEMIES. [WIGAN--WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA.] 1004 Vilnensis. Wiedniem w 1683 T WIGAN. WILNA (CONTINUED]. Society of Professional Musicians. Academia et Universitas Vilnensis. A book of examination questions, etc. pp. 64. Pamiątka stoletnia zwycięstwa pod Wiedniem Jana III. Novello Ewer & Co.: London, 1884. 4º. 7896. ee. 11. Króla Polskiego nad Turkami otrzymanego roku 1683 ... przez Szkołę Główna W. X. Lit. uroczyście obcho- dzona dnia 11 i 12 Października roku 1783. 2 pt. WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. w Wilnie, 1784. 8º. 8026. b. 5. (2.) Williams College. See BALIŃSKI (M.) Dawna Akademia Wileńska. Próba Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Williams Col- jéj historyi, etc. 1862. 8º. 8355. dd. lege, and the Berkshire Medical Institution connected with it, 1830–31. [Troy, 1830.] 8º. 8366. d. 10. | Academia Vilnensis Societatis Jesu. Catalogue of the Officers and Students...1832–33. See supra : Academia et Universitas Vilnensis. Troy, [1832.) 8º. 8366. b. 26. Akademia Wileńska. Catalogue of the Officers and Students. 1833, 34. See supra : Academia et Universitas Vilnensis. North Adams, [1834). 8º. 732. d. 14. (8.) Commencement. Williams College. Aug. 20, 1834. Cæsarea Academia Medico-chirurgica Vilnensis. [North Adams, 1834]. 8º. 732. d. 14. (7.) Collectanea medico-chirurgica. vol. 1. Vilnæ, 1838. 4º. Ac. 3816. Catalogus Senatus Academici, eorum qui munera et officia No more puhlished. academica gesserunt, quique aliquovis gradu exornati fuerunt, in Collegio Gulielmensi, etc. Troja, 1841. 8º. Kommisja Archeologiczna Wileńska. 8366. e. 29. Записки Виленской Археологической коммиссін ... Philo-Logian Society. 10ju pejakuiero A. Kipkopa u M. Lyceba. Pamiętniki Kommissji Archeologicznej Wileńskiej ... pod redakcją Triennial Catalogue of the Philo-Logian Society, Wil- M. Balińskiego i L. Kondratowicza. Russ. and Pol. liains College. (Catalogue of books.) Pt. 1. Wilno, 1856. 4º. Ac. 5585. Springfield (Mass.], 1847. 12º. 11902. b. Собрание государственныхъ и частныхъ актовъ, касаю- WILLIAMSTOWN, VICTORIA. щихся истории Литвы и соединенныхъ съ ней владеній, OTÁ 1387 10 1710 roja, 13qahhoe BijeHCKOFO APXcodoru- Williamstown Observatory, afterwards Melbourne ческою Коммиссiею подъ редакціею ... м, Круповича. Observatory. Zbiór dyplomatów rządowych, etc. Lact. 1. First Melbourne General Catalogue of 1227 Stars for the Russ. and Pol. Bunoho, 1858. 4º. Ac. 5585/2. epoch 1870, deduced from observations extending from No more published. 1863 to 1870 made at the Melbourne Observatory under the direction of R. L. J. Ellery. ... Reduced and pre- 10% Szkoła Główna Wielkiego Xięstwa Litewskiego. pared for publication by Mr. E. J. White. See supra: Academia et Universitas Vilnensis. Melbourne, 1874. 4º. Виленская Археографическая коммиссія. Victoria. Third Meteorological Report, with diagram of barometric pressure, etc. [By R. B. Smyth.) VOLOVICH (GRIGORY BOGDANOVICH) Pelsis Nyib I Melbourne, 1858. fol. 8752. f. переходовъ звѣриныхъ въ бывшемъ Великомъ Княжествѣ This is also published among the papers appended to the Литовскомъ, съ присовокупленіемъ грамотъ и приви- 6 Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly." легії на входы въ пущи на земли, составленная ... T. B. BaoBII geM5 B6 1559 Tory, co phaBJIeHiews Astronomical Observations made at the Williamstown другой актовой книги, содержащей въ себѣ, привилегії, Observatory, in the years 1861, 1862, and 1863, under данныя дворянамъ и священникамъ Пинскаго повѣта, составленной въ 1554 году. Приготовлены къ печати nomical Observations made at the Melbourne Obser HayajbhAKOMLehtpalbharo Apxuba (N. I. Gorbachev- vatory in the years 1863, 1864, etc.) sky] u ero IIOMOHLHIKAMH [P. A. Giltebrandt and l. Ya. Melbourne, 1869, 66, etc. 8º. 8567. d. Sprogis), u3jahu BildeHCKOIO Apxeorpabuveckoro Kom- In progress. Muccieko. BU.18Hd, 1867. 4°. Ac. 5585/3. [Another copy of vol. 2.] 8567. d. | Виленская Археологическая коммиссія. See supra : Kommissja Archeologiczna Wileńska. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Historical Society of Delaware. Виленскій Музей Древностей. Proceedings of the inaugural meeting of the Historical See RUSSIA.—KOMMuccia ona pa36opa, npubedenin 68 Society of Delaware...1864, together with the Constitu- извѣстность и надлежащій порядок предметова, находящихса въ Виленскомъ музеумъ Древностей. tion and By-laws then adopted. Wilmington, 1864. 80. 9602. bbb. İHeBHUK3acbjahili KOMMIccir, etc. 1865. gº. 7707. bb. 28. WILNA. Universitas Vilnensis. . Academia et Universitas Vilnensis. See supra: Academia et Universitas Vilnensis, Gratulationes... Sigismundo III. ... Regi Poloniae ... in ... S. R. M. suae Vilnam adventu, factae. Ab Academia WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA, Vilnēsi Societatis Jesu. Vilnæ, 1589. 4º. 590. e. 21. (4.) University of King's College. Prospectus Lectionum in Alma Academia et Universitate The Statutes, Rules, and Ordinances of the University of Vilnensi...ad instaurationem studiorum ex anno 1783 in King's College, at Windsor, ... Nova-Scotia. annum 1784 (ex anno 1784 in aunum 1785) propositus. Lat. and Pol. 2 pts. B. 744. (13.) Halifax, [1803?] 4º. Vilnae, [1783, 84). fol. B. 464. (1, 2.) [Another edition.] Halifax, 1821. 49. 8365. a. 1. suae Vilnam aliinge, 1589. 4. 21. (4.) Unive 1005 ACADEMIES. [WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA–WITTENBERG.] 1006 WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA [CONTINUED). WITTENBERG [CONTINUED]. University of King's College. Academia Vitembergensis. The Calendar of King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia See WIGAND (J.) and RICHTER (M.) De Adiaphoristicis ...1878–79 (cte.) Halifak, N.S., 1878, etc. 8º. Corruptelis, in magno libro actorum Interimisti- In qogre-38. P.P. 2539. ha. corum, sub conficto titulo professorum Vuitebergen- sium ædito repetitis, admonitiones, etc. 1559. 4º. WITTENBERG. Ac. 9003/4. (2.) Academia Vitembergensis. Scriptorum publice propositorum a professoribus in See supra: HALLE.-Thüringisch-Sächsicher Verein Academia Witebergensi, ab anno 1540, usque ad annum 1553. tom. 1. (Leges Academiæ ;-Artickel der Ord- für Erforschung des vaterländischen Alterthums, nung zu Unterhaltung fridlicher Wesenheit in ... etc. Die Wittenberger Universitäts- und Facultæts- Wittenberg ;-Statuta collegii facultatis theologicæ.) Statuten vom Jahre MDVIII., etc. 1867. 4º. 8366. i. Witebergæ, 1560. 8°. 731. c. 13. See. BIBLE. Biblia, Das ist, die gantze heilige Schrifft, Orationes, epitaphia et scripta, quæ edita sunt de morte etc. auffs neue ... zugerichtet und mit der ... in Wit P. Melanthunis omnia, cum narratione exponente qu;) tenberg anno 1546 gedruckten Edition...conferiret von fine vitam in terris suam clauserit, ...edita à Professori- der Theologischen Facultat daselbsten. 1701. 12º. bus Academiæ Witebergensis, qui omnibus quæ ex- 1159. d. 4. ponuntur interfuerunt. Johannes Crato : Album Academiae Vitebergensis ab a. Ch. 1502 ad 1560; Vitebergæ, 1561. 8º. 4888. a. 4. ex autographo edidit C. E. Foerstemann. The date in the colophon is 1562. Lipsiae, 1841. 4º. 8355. ee. 23, Leges Academiæ Witebergensis de studiis et moribus Statuta Facultatis Juriconsultorum Vitebergensium auditorum. Item Artickel etlicher . . . ordnung und anno MDVIII. P. C. N. composita, e codice manu scripto Satzung zu Erhaltung guter Zucht. 2 pt. edidit brevemque de conceptione eorum ac publicatione Wittemberg, 1562. 8°. 834. b. 32. (11.) dissertationem præmisit...J. G. T. A. A. Muther, etc. Statut der Universitet Wittenberg vom Ausfordern und Regimonti Prussorum, Lipsiae (printed], 1859. 8º. 5510. bb. Provociren. [Wittenberg ? 1570?] 4º. 8356. cc. 15. (2.) Christianissimi Wittenbergensis Gymnasii, multarum Disputationū paradoxa & plane eniymata in Papistica See supra : LEIPSIC.-Academia Lipsiensis. War- illa uendaciis confusissima Ecclesia; vulgaria vero hafftiger bericht ... der Theologen, beider Universitet Leipzig und Wittemberg, von den... Acten des Colloquii, verae Christi Ecclesiae pronūciata . . . Auctores sunt, M. Lutherus, A. Carolstadius, P. Melanchthon, etc. so zu Aldenburg...gehalten. 1570. 4°. [Wittenberg,] 1521. 4º. 3905. ccc. 3908. e. 6. (1.) Catechesis continens explicationem simplicem, et brevem, Ernstlich Handlung der Universitet zu Wittenberg ..., Decalogi, Syınboli Apostolici, Orationis Dominicæ, etc. die Mess betreffendt. [Wittenberg, 1522 ?] 4º. J. Schwertel : Witebergæ, 1571. 8º. Ac. 9003/2. 3906. cc. · Without pagination. [Another edition.] [Wittenberg, 1523?] 4° 3906. aa. [Another edition.] pp. 129. [Leipsic,] 1571. 8º. Academiæ...leges quæ bis quotannis publice recitantur. 'Ac. 9003/3. Additæ sunt et collagii [sic] theologici, et collegii philo- Followed by two short pieces in MS. entitled respectively : sophici leg-s. (Artickel der Ordnung zu Unterhaltung “ De Unius Veri Dei Natura," etc. and " Summa totius fridlicher Wesenheit in... Wittenberg.) S. Scripturæ, etc.” Witebergae, 1546. 4°. 731. 0. 7. (9.) [Another edition.] pp. 136. Begin. Rector Academiæ Witebergensis. Misericordiæ J. Schwertel : Witebergæ, 1571. 8°. G. 11697. (5.) Domini, quod non consumpti suinus, inquit Jeremias, etc. [A decree for the resumption of the Academical Lectures, [Another edition.] pp. 136. dated October xvj. 1547.] [Wittenberg,] 1547. 8. sh. fol. J. Schwertel : Witebergæ, 1572. 3504. d. 20. 804. k. 15. (4.) | Scholasticorum Academiæ Witebergensis Epistolæ, editæ Scripta quaedam in Academia Vitembergensi publice contra M. Flacium Illyricum anno MDLVIII. Quibus proposita, digesta in duos libros. (Tertius liber, etc. respondetur ad toties cum fastidio impudentissimè Quartus liber, etc.) 3 pt. Vitembergæ, 1549-51. 8º. repetitas virulentas & falsas criminationes Flacii, ad- Ac. 9003. versus harum regionun Ecclesias. Eine Schrifft der Theolagen zu Wittenberg, an die Witebergæ, 1571. 4º. 3906. f. (1.) Prediger zu Nürnberg, Anno 1540, widder die Adia- pboristen, etc. Magdeburgk, 1550. 4º. 3906. g. Von der Person und Menschwerdung ... Jhesu Christi, der waren Christlichen Kirchen, Grundfest, Wider dié Scholasticorum Academiæ Witebergensis ad omnes pios newen Marcioniten, Samosatener ... und Monotheleten, cives ecclesiarum ... epistolæ duæ, tertia et quarta. unter dem Flacianischen hauffen. Durch die Theologen Quarum priore explicantur initia, fundamenti & pro zu Wittemberg, aus der heiligen Schrifft ... widerholet gressiones incenilii Flaciani . . . altera recitatur vera und gestellet. ... Neben warhaffter vorantwortung, narratio de actionibus legatorum Saxonicorum & Mega auff die ... verleumabdungen, so von den Propositionibus lensium. Addita sunt autem responsa, quæ dedit legatis und Catechismo zu Wittemberg ausgangen, von vielen P. Melant. Witebergæ, 1558. 4º. 3906. d.” dieser zeit ausgesprenget werden. Itzund auffs newe ubersehen, und ... vormehret. (Christliche Fragstück Ex Actis Synodicis et aliis diligenter...collecta expositio von dem unter-chiod der zweien Artickel, des Aposto- eorum, quæ Theologi Academiæ Wittebergensis &...alii, lischen Glaubens Bekentnis, Das Christus gen Himmel qui his adjuncti fuerunt, in deliberationibus provinciali auffgefaren sey, und nu sitze zur Rechten Gottes, etc.) bus & alioquin extra has, de rebus ad religionem per- 2 pt. Wittemberg, 1572–71. 4º. 4223. aaa. 4. tinentibus, monuerint...illo tempore quo & de his ipsis & de Libro Augustano, qui nominatur Interim ſa decree Leges Academia Witebergensis de studiis et moribus issued by the Emperor Charles V. in 1548] qualis esset, anditorum. Item Artickel etlicher notwendiger Ord- quæsitum fuit & tractatum. Et edita de sententia nung und Satzung, zu Erhaltung guter policey, etc. Irofessorum Academiæ Wittebergensis. MS. NOTES. Lat. and Germ. Witlemberg, 1573. 4°. Witebergæ, 1559. 4º. Ac. 9003/4. (1.) 8356. cc. 15. (1.) 1007 ACADEMIES. [WITTENBERG-WOOLWICH.] 1008 1 WITTENBERG [CONTINUED). WITTENBERG [CONTINUED]. Academia Vitembergensis.. Academia Vitembergensis. . See supra: LEIPSIC.-Academia Lipsiensis. Fragstück Liber Decanorum Facultatis Theologicæ Academiae und Autwort ... der Theologen in den dreien Univer Vitebergensis. Ex autographo edidit C. E. Foersteniann, siteten zu Leipzig, Wittenberg und Jhena; von der etc. Lipsiae, 1838. 8°. 8355. cc. 1. Wittembergischen Grundfest, etc. 1581. 4º. 3908. ccc. 18. Deutschübende Gesellschaft.. See supra : LEIPSIC.-Academia Lipsiensis. Der Herrn Vier Aufsätze von der Deutschübenden Gesellschaft ... Theologen in den dreien ... Universiteten Leiptzig, her ausyegeben. Leipzig, 1758. 4º. 1439. h. 20. Wittemberg und Jhena ... Bericht, aus was ursachen die Prediger zu Zerbst ... bisshero dem ... Werck der Verein für Heimathkunde des Kurkreises. Concordien und desselbigen Apologia entgegen gesetzt BERNHARDT (WILHELM) Wittenberg vor funfzig Jahren. haben, etc. 1586. 4º. 3908. ccc. 24. Die Geschichte seiner Belagerung und Einnahme Notwendige Antwort, auff die im Fürstenthumb Anhalt (13Januar 1814). . . . Mit einem Plane von Wittenberg ohn langsten ausgesprengte hefftige Schrifft (“ Erin im Jahre 1813. 'Wittenberg, 1864. 8º. nerungs Schrifft etlicher vom Adel und Städten ahn ... 9365. cc. Johann Georgen, Fürsten zu Anhalt," etc.) darinnen ... STIER (G.) Die Schlosskirche zu Wittenberg. Ueber- die ... Abwerffung der Bilder, Altäre, auch andere sicht ihrer Geschichte bis auf die Gegenwart. ... Ceremonien, vergeblich beschönet ... wirdt. Darauff Zusammengestellt und im Auftrage des Vereines ... zur gründtlichen ablehnung ... in dieser Schrift ge- herausgegeben von G. Stier ... Zweite von 1860 bis antwortet wirdt .. durch die theologische Facultet jetzt fortgeführte Ausgabe. Wittenberg, 1873. 8°. zu Wittenberg. 1597. 4º. 3908. C. 10235. h. 6. Aussführliche und gründliche Wiederlegung des Deutz- Universität. schen Arianischen Catechismi welcher zn Rackaw in See supra : Academia Vitembergensis. Polen anno 1603 gedruckt, ... ist ... gestellet ... durch die Theologische facultet zu Wittenherg. Wittenberg, 1619. 8º. 4224. aa. Erklärung dessen am Januarii 1620 dem ... Fürsten WOLFENBÜTTEL. und Herren, Herrn Johann Ernsten dem Jungern, Hertzogen zu Sachsen ... auff S. F. G. gnädiges Be- Academia Rudolph-Antoniana. gehren von den Theologen zu Wittenberg gegebenen Abrégé du Réglement de l'Académie de Wolfenbüttel. Bedenckens (welches hiebey aus dem Original gedruckt Germ. [Wolfenbüttel, 1680?] 4º. 711. d. 15. (8.) zu finden) uber diese Frage: Ob ein Lutherischer Four leaves, without pagination. Siand Röm. Key. May: assistentz zu leisten Bedencken Programma et orationes duæ, illustris Academiæ ... tragen solle, wenn von derselben die Lutherischen bekrieget werden solten? Gethan durch die vier Theo- quæ est Wolfenbütteli, primo die natali, 18 Julii, 1688, logen in der Universitet zu Wittenberg. solemni et splendida panegyri celebrato P. P. Præmit- Wittenburg, 1620. 4º. 1054. i. 24. (17.) titur de academiæ origine et incremento brevis narratio (C. Zeigener). Wolfenbutteli, [1688]. fol. Wittenbergischer Theologen ... Informatio ob ein 731. 1. 7. (8.) Lutherischer Fürst, der Kays. May. wider die Böheim- Orstverein für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde zu ben, als Evangelischen, assistentz zu leisten schuldig, Braunschweig und Wolfenbüttel. etc. [Wittenberg ?] 1620. 4º. 1054. i. 24. (16.) See supra : BRUNSWICK.—Orstverein, etc. [Another edition.] [Wittenberg ?] 1620. 4º. 3908 C. Responsa und Belehrungen der dreyen theologischen Facultäten zu Wittenberg, Roxtock, und Kiel, über den WOOLWICH. ... Entwurff unvorgreifficher Gedancken über vier den Gebrauch der Privat-Communion betreffende Gewissens- Royal Artillery Institution. Fragen (of J. Diecmann] ... sambt einer abgenöthigten Minutes of proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institu- Vorrede D. J. Diecmanns, etc. pp. 16, 28. tion. Woolwich, 1858, etc. 8º. 8829. i. Caspar Holwein: Stade, 1694. 4º. 3908. e. 10. (2.) In progress. Acta secularis sacri ... anno 1702 auspicio Friderici A Study of the Italian Campaign in 1859, by Major Augusti, Sarmatiæ regis, et Saxonicæ Electoris ... Miller. Extracted from the Proceedings of the Royal celebrati auctoritate publica in lucem emissa. Artillery Institution. Vitembergæ Saxonum, 1704. fol. 732. 1. 4. (2.) Woolwich (London, printed], 1860. 8º. 8824. d. Responsum theologicum und juridicum von der ... Universität Wittenberg in Causa Pietistica Waldeccensi Royal Military Academy. ... auf hohen Landes - Herrlichen Special Befehl See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.-Army.--Royal Ar- eingeholet, etc. Franckfurt und Leipzig, 1715. 4º. tillery. Report on the Examination for appointments to 898. d. 11. (5.) the Royal Artillery and practical class of the Royal See BOTTERWECK (J. F.) J. F. Botterwecks ... Rettung Military Academy at Woolwich . . . 21st of January, seiner Consistorial- und- Theologischen Gutachten von 1856. 1856. 89. 8364. e. denen ungegründeten Anmerkungen der Theologischen Facultät zu Wittenberg, ihrem Responso in der ... Rules and Orders for the Royal Military Academy at Causa Pietistica Waldeccensi einverleibt, etc. Woolwich. London, 1764. 4°. 40. 101. k. 30. (1.) 1717. 4º. 898. d. 11. (6.) Acta literaria. Tom. 1, pt. 1, an. 1719, cum præfatione Rules and Orders for the Royal Military Academy at J. C. Coleri. Vitembergæ, [1719.] 8º. 731. c. 15. Woolwich. [London, ] 1776. 4º. 101. k. 30. (2.) Acta ... 1722–24. 3 vol. Vitembergæ, 1724, 25. 8º. An Elementary course of Mathematics, prepared for the 731. c. 10-12. Use of the Royal Military Academy, by order of the Acta sacrorum secularium Academiæ Vitebergensis Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By W. Ruther- A.C. 1802. Collegit edidit J. M. Schroeckh. ford S. Fenwick, etc.] 3 vols. London, 1850–53. 8º. Lips:æ, 1803. 4°. 732. h. 20. 8532. dd. 1. 1009 . ACADEMIES. [WOOLWICH-WURZBURG. 1010 WOOLWICH (CONTINUED). WORCESTER, MASS. [CONTINUED). Royal Military Academy. American Antiquarian Society. Report on the examination for admission to the Royal Archaeologia Americana : Transactions and Collections Military Academy ... With a syllabus of mathematical. of the... Society. Worcester, Cambridge, 1820, etc. 8º. studies and copies of the examination papers. In progress. Ac. 5798. & 2050. d. London, 1857, etc. 8°. P.P. 4029. a.l. Report presented at the Annual Meeting of the American · Iri progress. Antiquarian Society, October, 1821. (On the state of Examination Papers used at the Examinations for the American Antiquarian Society.) Second edition. Admission to the Royal Military Academy ... in July Cambridge (Mass.], 1868. 8º. 1881. a. 2. (86.) 1859, etc. London, 1859, etc. 80. P.P. 4029. ak. By-laws of the American Antiquarian Society. 24th In progress. October, 1831. [Worcester, 1831.] 16º. Ac. 5798/4. Notes of lectures (1–14) on Geology. Royal Military Fifty-third Semi-annual report of the Council of the College. (August-November, 1866.) pp. 20. American Antiquarian Society, May 29, 1839: with the [London, 1866.] 8º. Ac. 4356. 2. report of the librarian S. F. Haven). Instruction in Fortification, Military Engineering, and Worcester (Massachusetts), 1839. 80. 9603. e. Geometrical Drawing, at the Royal Military Academy, Begin. To His Excellency, the Governor of the State of Woolwich. London, (1871.] 4º. Ac. 4356. , etc. [A Circular from the Council of the Text book of Fortification and Military Engineering, American Antiquarian Society, suggesting that a copy for use at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. of all publications authorised and promoted by legislative London, 1877, etc. 8º. 2249. h. acts, be committed to their keeping.] In progress. . [ Worcester ? 1840 ?] 4º. 1801. d. 1. (44.*) Practical hints for the adoption of a better system in the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society at... government of the Royal Military Academy. By an Boston (and... Worcester). Worcester, Artillery Officer. London, 1847. 8°. *32. d. 27. Cambridge, Boston, 1843, etc. 8º. In progress. Ac. 5798/2. The Royal Military Academy, and the Artillery and Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at Engineer Services, London, Woolwich, printed, 1855. 8º. 8828. b. their thirty-first annual meeting, held at Worcester, Oct. 23, 1843; with the address of hon. J. Davis. Royal Military College. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1848. 8º. 8365. d. See supra : Royal Military Academy. The Report of the Council of the American Antiquarian Society, made October 21, 1875, etc. Worcester (Mass.], 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 5798/5. WOOSTER. In progress. University. BENTLEY (WILLIAM) D.D., Minister in Salem. An address Annual Catalogue of the University of Wooster. Medi to the members of the... Society pronounced...on their cal Department. Collegiate Department. Preparatory fourth anniversary, October 23, 1816. pp. 26. Department. Triennial Catalogue of Collegiate Depart Worcester, (Mass., 1875]. 8º. 12301. h. 26. (3.) ment. 1879–80. pp. 64. Wooster, Ohio, 1880. 80. 8366. dd. 17. PAINE (NATHANIEL) An Account of the... Society, with a list of its publications. Worcester (Mass.), 1876. 89. WORCESTER. One of fifty copies privatety printed. 7702. d. 2. (16.) Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. American Institute of Instruction. See supra : BOSTON. See supra : GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.-Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, WORKINGTON. Worcester Architectural Society. Workington Agricultural Society. The rules and the proceedings of the anniversary of Christian Memorials: being working drawings of Head the Workington Agricultural Society and the reports to Stones and Tomb Stones designed by professional that society by the president [J. C. Curwen). For members of the Worcestershire Architectural Society. 1808, 1809, and 1811. 3 vol. Published by the Society. [Worcester, 1857.) fol. 1261. f. Workington, 1808–11. 8º. 1102. k. 42–44. Worcestershire Natural History Society. The President's Report to the Workington Agricultural The Address of the Council of the ... Society, delivered Society, 1819. London, 1820. 8º. 1145. f. 23. at their first Anniversary Meeting ... by R. J. N. Streeten. Worcester, 1834. 8°. 740. d. 6. (2.) WURZBURG. Botanisches Institut. WORCESTER, MASS. Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Würzburg. Her. American Antiquarian Society. ausgegeben von...J. Sachs. Leipzig, 1871, etc. 8º. In progress. Laws of the Society, as revised. See THOMAS (I.) Com- Ac. 3261. munication, etc. [1814.] 8º. 9603. e. Historischer Verein für den Untermainkreis, afterwards Historischer Verein von Unterfranken und Asch- An Account of the American Antiquarian Society, in- affenburg. corporated, October 24th, 1812. Published by order, etc. (List of officers and other members.) Archiv. Würzburg, 1833, etc. 8º. Boston (Mass.], 1813. 8º. Ac. 5798/3. In progress. Register zu den sechzehn ersten Bänden. Address to the members of the American Antiquarian Wurzburg, 1864. 8º. Society. Together with the laws and regulations of Ac. 7175. the institution; and a list of donations, etc. Jahres-Bericht [published with the “ Archiv”). Worcester, 1819. .8º. 9603. e. See supra : Archiv. 1011 . ACADEMIES. [WURZBURG—YEDO.] 1012 WURZBURG [CONTINUED). WURZBURG [CONTINUED): Julius-Maximilians-Universität. Physikalisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft. Assertionum Medicarum in ... He[r]bipolensi Academia Verhandlungen der I'hysikal.-medicin. Gesellschaft in ...fasciculus primus (-tertius). 3 Fasc. Würzburg. Herausgegeben von der Redactions-Com- Wircebergi, 1602. 4°. 1179. k. 3. mission der Gesellschaft. Neue Folge. Domus Sapientiæ felicibus auspiciis fundata, feliciori Würzburg, 1869, 68, etc. 8u.. Ac. 3763/3. successu aucta,... poetice, symbolice, emblematice illus- In progress. This forms a new series of the - Würzburger Medicinische Zeitschrift," and of the “ Würzburju. Valur- trata, cum alma Universitas Herbipolensis . .. annum ageret Jubilaeum, 1682. Herbipoli, (1682 ?] fol. · wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift." 4880. 1. 1. (3.) | Zoologisch-Zootomisches Institut. Gratiarum Actio reverendissimo & celsissimo Principi Arbeiten aus dem ... Institut... Herausgegeben von Prof. (Petro Philippo) reddita nomine totius Universitatis ...sub exitum solennitatis Jubilaeae, 1682. Dr. C. Semper. Würzburg, 1874, etc. 80. Ac. 3567. [Wurzburg ? 1682.] fol. 4885. f. 1. (5.) In progress. Jerusalem Nova ... sacro epithalamio celebrata, quando WYCOMBE. ecclesia Herbipolensium Academica solenni consecrationis ritu initiabatur. Accinentibus ... musis Universitatis. High Wycombe Natural History Society. [With an engraving of the church prefixed.] The Quarterly Magazine of the High Wycombe Natural Herbipoli, 1703. fol... 4885. f. (8.) History Society. Edited by J. Britton.] Vol. 1 and Verzeichniss der Vorlesungen welche ...im Sommer- No. 1–7 of vol. 2. Wycombe, (1866–70.] 8º. Semester 1843 gehalten werden. Mit einer Abhandlung No more published. Ac. 3014. des Professors von Lasauls über den Fluch bei Griechen und Römern. Würzburg, 1843. 4º. 7707. c. XEREZ DE LA FRONTERES, Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen welche ...im Sommer- semester 1844 gehalten werden. Mit einer Abhandlung Real Sociedad económica de Amigos del Pais de des Professors von Lasaulx über den Eid bei den Griechen. Jerez de la Frontera. Wurzburg, 1844. 4º. Ac. 735. Memoria presentada a la Real Sociedad Económica de Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen welche ... im Winter- Amigos del Pais ... por la comision que tuvo a su cargo el preparar y disponer la exposicion de productus semester 1844-45 gehalten werden. Mit einer Abhand- naturales, industriales y artisticos verificada en esta lung des Professors von Lasaulx über den Eid bei den Römern. Würzburg, 1844. 4º. Ac. 735/2. ciudad, etc. Jerez, 1857. 4º. Ac. 2305. Die K. Universitäts-Bibliothek in Würzburg. Zugleich ein Replik auf Herrn J. B. Stammingers Entgegnung; YEDO. “ Die Allgemeine Zeitung über die K. Universitäts- Bibliothek Würzburg" von einem Studierenden der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur und Völkerkunde Würzburger Hochschule. Würzburg, 1867. 8º. Ostasiens. 11900. bbb. 15. Mittheilungen . . . Herausgegeben von dem Vorstande. Festschrift zur dritten Saecularfeier der Alma Julia Mai, 1873, etc. Yokohama, 1873, etc. fol. Ac. 1944. Maximiliana gewidmet von der medicinischen Facultät In progress. Würzburg. 2 Bde. Leipzig, Würzburg (printed), 1882. 49. 8356. k. 7. Imperial College of Engineering. Imperial College of Engineering, Tokei. Calendar URLICHS (CARL LUDWIG) Der Vasenmaler Brygos und Session 1873–74 (1874–75, 77–78, etc.). die Ruland'sche Münzsammlung. Siebentes Programm Tokei, 1873, etc. 8º. des von Waynerschen Kunstinstutes, etc. Ac. 4326/2. Würzburg, 1875. fol. 1704. C. 4. In progress. Catalogue of Museum to illustrate Japanese Products Philologische Gesellschaft. and Manufactures. [Yedo, 1877.] 8º. Verhandlungen der philologischen Gesellschaft in Würz- Ac. 4326/3. (3.) burg. Herausgegeben von L. Urlichs. pp. 137. Würzburg, 1862. 8º. Catalogue of physical Apparatus. [Yedo, 1877.] 80. Ac. 9834. Ac. 4326/3. (5.) Festgruss der philologischen Gesellschaft zu Würzbury Catalogue of Books contained in the Library of the an die XXVI. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Imperial College of Engineering. Tokei, 1877. 8º. Schulmänner. [Essays in classical philology.] Ac. 4326/3. (1.) Würzburg, 1868. 8º. 12901. i. 7. Imperial College of Engineering ... Reports by the Physikalisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft. principal and professors for the period 1873–77. Würzburger Medicinische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben Tolcei, 1877, etc. 8º. . Ac. 4426. von der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesellschaft. Re In progress. digirt von H. Bamberger, J. Foerster, v. Sanzoni. Preliminary catalogue of Models, Tools ... contained in Bd. 1-6. Würzburg, 1860–67. 8º. Ac. 3763. the Engineering Museum of the Imperial College of After Band 6 this work was united with the “ Würzburger Engineering. Īokei, 1877. 8º. Ac. 4326/3. (2.) Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift.” and continued under the title of “ Verhandlungen der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Preliminary catalogue of the Apparatus in the Telegraph Gesellschaft." Museum. By W. E. Ayrton. [Yedo, 1877.] 8º. Ac. 4326/3. (4.) Würzburger Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Her- Preliminary catalogue of the Minerals, Rocks, Fossils, ausgegeben von der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesell- Shells and Casts contained in the Geological Museum schaft. Redigirt von H. Müller, A. Schenk, R. Wagner of the Imperial College of Engineering. [Edited by (V. Schwarzenbach, C. Claus, F. Sandberger, J. Eberth, A. Koelliker, etc.). Bd. 1-7. J. Milne.] Tokei, 1877. 8º. Ac. 4326/3. (6.) Würzburg, 1860-67. 8º. Ac. 3763/2. Preliminary catalogue of the Models, Specimens, and After Band 7 this work was united with the “ Würzburger Drawings, contained in the Metallurgical Museum of Medicinische Zeitschrift," and continued under the title of the Imperial College of Engineering. (Edited by " Verhandlungen der Physikal-Medicinischen Gesellschaft." E. F. Mondy.] Tokei, 1877. 8°. . Ac. 4326/3. (7.) Rulandarmerschot. urg, 1870 schon gammlun, Vasenm 1013 ACADEMIES. [YEDO—ZURICH.] 1014 TIN YEDO [CONTINUED). YPRES [CONTINUED). Imperial University of Tokio. Société historique, archéologique et littéraire de la The Calendar of the Tokio Kaisei-Gakko, or Imperial ville d'Ypres et de l'ancienne West-Flandre. University of Tokio. [Yedo], 1875, etc. 8º. Annales. Tom. 1, 2. Ypres, 1861-63. 8º. Ac. 7615. P.P. 2573. i. Memoirs of the Science Department, University of ZELL. Tokio, etc. With plates.] Published by the University : Tokio, 1879, etc. 8º. Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft. In progress. Ac. 2697. Der Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft Nachrichten von Verbesserung der Landwirthschaft und des Gewerbes Seismological Society of Japan. 3 Bde. Zelle, 1769, 68–78. 8º. 234. d. 9-11. Transactions, etc. [Tokio,] 1880, etc. 8º. Ac. 1945. Bd. 1 is of the second edition. • In progress. [Another copy.] F. P. . 234. e. 14-16. YOKOHAMA. · Nene Abhandlungen und Nachrichten. 4 Bde. Celle, Hanover, 1787-94. 8º. 897. a. 4. Asiatic Society of Japan. [Another copy of Bd. 1, 2.] 233. d. 8. Transactions of the ... Society, ... 30th October, 1872, etc. Yokohama, 1874, etc. 8º. Ac. 8828/6. Nene Abhandlungen und Nachrichten. Neue Auflage. In progress. 4 Bde. Hannover, 1794. 8º. 234. d. 12. Bd. 1 and 2 only have the words “ Neue Auflage." Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur und Völkerkunde Annalen der Niedersächsischen Landwirthschaft; her- Ostasiens. See supra : YEDO. ausgegeben ... durch A. Thaer und J. C. Beneke. Jahrgang 1-6. 6 Bde. Zelle, 1799–1804. 8º. 255. i. 13-18. YORK. Bd. 6 has an additional title: “Vermischte landwirth- Yorkshire Agricultural Society. schaftliche Schriften; oder, neue unveränderte wohlfeilere The Transactions . . . for the year 1837, etc. No. 1-3, Ausgabe der Annalen, etc. Hannover, 1806." 5-24. London, York (printed], 1838–62. 89. Festschrift zur Säcularfeier der Königlicben Landwirth- Ac. 3495. schafts-Gesellschaft zu Celle am 4 Juni 1864. [With Yorkshire Agricultural Society's Cottage and Farm “ Zeichnungen.”] 2 Abth. Hannover, 1864, 65. 8º. Architecture. Plans of labourers' cottages and farm- Abth. 2 is in 2 Bde. "Ác. 3430. buildings: with specifications and estimates, being the Zeichnungen. obl. fol. 14000. d. prize designs for double and single cottages of various cost; also farm-buildings.... Selected ... from 370 com- Verhandlungen der Central-Ausschusses der Königlichen peting plans. With reports on cottage Architecture, Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft zu Celle . . . am 16 Juni by C. W. Strickland; on Farm Buildings, by H. S. 1865 und...am 15 November 1865 über das Verhältniss Thompson. London, Yoric (printed], 1862. gº. der Privat-Hengsthalterei zum Königlichen Landge- 7820. d. stüte mitgetheilt vom Obergerichts-Anwalt Biedenweg, Yorkshire Architectural Society. etc. Stade, (1866.] 8º. 7074. b. Reports and Papers read at the Architectural Societies of ... the counties of York, etc. See supra : GREAT ZELLERFELD. BRITAIN AND IRELAND.---- Associated Architectural Societies. Societät der Bergbaukunde, Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Bergbaukunde. [Edited by I. v. Born and F. W. H. v. Trebra.] 2 Bde. Leipzig, Laws of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society : privileges Clausthal (printed], 1789, 90. 4º. 457. a. 24, 25. and rules of admission to the Museum; list of ... members, etc. York, 1839. 80. [Another copy. 33. c. 13. Proceedings ... A selection from Papers relating to the antiquities and Natural History of Yorkshire, read ... ZOMERGHEM. during 1847 and 1848. London, York, 1849. 89. Maetschappy van Tael- en Letteroefening, onder Ac. 1435/2. Kenzin “ Oefening Leert." Communications to the monthly meetings of the York- Verzameling der voornaemste Stukken van eigene shire Philosophical Society, relating to the antiquities and natural history of Yorkshire, 1870. vinding voor ernstige en Boertige uitgalming, die in den Pryskamp van Zomerghem van 12 September 1847, London, York. [printed, 1871). 8º. Ac. 1435/3. zyn ingezonden, etc. Gent, (1847.] 8º. 11795. b. WELLBELOVED (CHARLES) Descriptive account of the antiquities in the grounds and in the Museum of the ZURICH Yorkshire Philosophical Society ... Fifth edition. pp. 116. J. Sotheran : York, 1869. 12º. 7708. a. 35. Academia Turicensis. See infra : Universität Zürich. YPRES. Allgemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Maetschappy van Rhetorika “de Kunst is ons Ver- Archiv für Schweizerische Geschichte, herausgegeben auf Veranstaltung der Allgemeinen Geschichtforschenden Bundel der Dicht- en Prozawerken, Blyspelen en Alleen Gesellschaft der Schweiz. [Edited by J. J. Hottinger.] spraaken, bevattende de bekroonde en best beoordeelde Bd. 1–20. Zürich, 1843–76. 8º. Dicht en Prozawerken alsook de Blyspelen met de [Continued as:7 deftige en boertige Alleenspraaken, opgesteld voor den Jahrbuch für Schweizerische Geschichte, etc. Bd. 1, etc. Yperenschen Pryskamp van den 5en Augustus 1855 Zürich, 1876, etc. 8º. . Ac. 6995;2. en gezonden aen de Maetschappy, etc. In progress.-Hottinger's name appears in Bd. 1 and 2 Yperen, 1855. 8º. 12258, g. only. ociety list of 435. maek." 1015 ACADEMIES. [ZURICA.] 1016 63-77. Ted by B. Hicorschend herausge ZURICH [CONTINUED). ZURICH [CONTINUED). Allgemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Schweiz. Vierteljahrsschrift ... redigirt von R. Wolf.' Sohweizerisches Urkundenregister, herausgegeben von Zürich, 1856, etc. 8º. Ac. 2869. der allgemeinen geschichtsforschenden Gesellschaft der In progress. Schweiz. [Edited by B. Hidber.] Bd. 1, 2. Bern, 1863–77. 8º. Ac. 6995. Schweizerischer Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. Schweizerische Landwirthschaftliche Zeitschrift ... JUSTINGER (CONRAD) Die Berner-Chronik des C. Justinger. Nebst vier Beilagen : 1. Cronica de Bern. 2. Conflictus herausgegeben vom Schweizerischen landwirthschaft- lichen Verein. (Redacteur : B. Baumgartner.) Jahrg. Laussensis. 3. Die anonyme Stadtchronik...4. Anony- 1-4. Zürich, 1873–76. 8º. Ac. 3420. mus Friburgensis. Herausgegeben ... von Dr. G. Studer. Bern, 1871. 8°. Ac. 6995/3. Société des Vétérinaires Suisses.. Antiquarische Gesellschaft. Archives do Médecine Vétérinaire, publiés pour la See infra : Gesellschaft für Erforschung und Be- Société des Vétérinaires Suisses, par R. Zangger. Tom. I. wahrung Vaterländischer Alterthümer, afterwards livr. 1, 2. Zürich, 1865, 66. 8º. Ac. 3872. Antiquarische Gesellschaft. Vaterländisch-historische Gesellschaft. Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Zurich, Archiv für Schweizerische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Zürcher Jahrbuch für Gemeinnützigkeit. herausgegeben ... von H. Escher und J. J. Hottinger. · Zürich, 1876, etc. 8º. Ac. 2222. Bd. 1 & 2. Zürich, 1827 (-30]. 8º.. P.P. 3550. v. In progress. No more published. Gesellschaft für Erforschung und Bewahrung vater-Verein für Landwirthschaft und Gartenbau im ländischer Alterthümer, afterwards Antiquarische Kanton Zurich. Gesellschaft. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Landwirthschaft und Mittheilungen. Zürich, 1841, etc. 49. Ac. 5367. & y. . Gartenbau im Kanton Zurich. Organ des Vereines, etc. In progress. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.-Zurich. Liederchronik der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zürich. Verein Schweizerischer Ingenieure und Architecten. pp. xii. 208. Frauenfeld, 1880. 8º. Ac. 5367/3. Mittheilungen schweizerischer Ingenieure und Archi- LIEBENAU (THEODOR VON Denkmaler des Hauses Hals tekten. Auf Veranstaltung des Vereins... herausgegeben burg in der Schweiz. Das Kloster Königsfelden. Ge von J. H. Kronauer. Heft. 1-4. Winterthur, 1853. fol. schichtlich dargestellt von Th. von Liebenau, kunst- 1732. d. geschichtlich von W. Lübke. Lief. 1-4. Die Eisenbahnbrüche über die Saane bei Freiburg auf Žürich, 1867. 4º. Ac. 5367/2. der Eisenbahn von Lansanne über Freiburg nach Bern [showing its construction), etc. 12 Blatt. Schweizerisches Idiotikon. Wörterbuch der schweizer- Zürich, Winterthur (printed 1867.] fol. 1801. b. 2. deutschen Sprache. Gesammelt auf Veranstaltung der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft ... Bearbeitet von F. Staub Album des Vereins... Abtheilung Architectur. Lief. 1. und L. Tobler. Frauenfeld, 1881, etc. 4°. 368. Zürich, [1870.] fol. 1733. a. In progress. Album Schweiz. Ingenieure und Architecten. Bauten Die Wappenrolle von Zürich. Ein heraldisches Denk- des Eidgenössisischen Schützenfestes in Zürich, 1872. mal des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Zürich, 1860. 4º. Batiments du tir fédéral à Zürich, 1872. Herausgegeben 1861. b. vom Ingenieur & Architecten Verein, etc. Gesellschaft für vaterländische Alterthümer. Zürich, 1873. fol. 1733. a. See supra : Gesellschaft für Erforschung und Be- wahrung vaterländischer Alterthümer, afterwards Zürich’s Gebände und Sehenswürdigkeiten. Beschrei- Antiquarische Gesellschaft. bung der Stadt mit 57 Illustrationen und einem Plane, ... zusammengestellt und bearbeitet von der Section Helvetische Gesellschaft correspondirender Aerzte Zürich. pp. 108. Zürich, 1877. 8º. 10174. aaa. 19. und Wundärzte. Museum der Heilkunde. Bd. 1-3. Universität Zürich. Zürich, 1792–95. 8º. P.P. 3055. Index lectionum in Academia Turicensi ....1837–38... Imperfect; wanting Bd. 4. Insunt Ciceronis Aratea cum variis lectionibus curante J. C. Orellio. Turici, 1837. 4º. 732. 1. 17. Historische Gesellschaft Züricher Theologen. Index lectionum in Academia Turicensi ... 1838 ... . Jahrbuch ... Herausgegeben von Dr. G. Volkmar. Ipsunt. I. Analecta Horatiana. 11. Analecta epi- Bd. 1. Zürich, 1877. 8º. Ac. 2023. graphica. Scripsit J. C. Orellius. Turici, 1838. 4º.* 733. h. 17*. Künstler-Gesellschaft in Zürich. Index lectionum in Academia Turicensi, ... 1838–39 Nenjahrsstück herausgegeben von der Künstler-Gesell ... Inest historia critica epistolarum Plinii et Traiani schaft in Zürich. 1805–40. Zürich, 1805-40. 4º. nisque ad a. 1552. Scripsit J. C. Orellius. [Continued as :) . Turici, 1838. 4º. 732. h. 17**. Nenjahrsblatt, etc. Zürich, 1841, etc. 4º. Ac. 4557. In progress. [Another copy.] F. P. 11385. h. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Index lectionum in Academia Turicensi ... 1839-40. Insunt. I. P. Victorii curæ tertiæ in Ciceronis epistolas Abhandlungen. 3 Bde. Zürich, 1961 80, ad familiares. II. Martyni-Lagunæ in Ciceronis epistolas Ac. 2869/2. commentarii reliquiæ. Edidit J. C. Orellins. [Another copy..] 964. i. 1-3. Turici, 1840. 4º. . 732. h. 17.*** .. 1017 ACADEMIES. [ZURICH-ZWOLLE.] 1018 ZURICH (CONTINUED). ZURICH (CONTINUED). Universität Zürich. Zürcherische Gesellschaft für vaterländische Alter- Index lectionum in Academia Turicensi inde a die xxx thümer. mensis octobris MDCCCXLIII. usque ad diem xx. mensis See supra : Gesellschaft für Erforschung und Be- martii MDCCCXLIV habendarum. Insunt Cl. Claudiani in wahrung vaterländische Alterthümer. Probini et Olybrii fratrum consulatum panegyris. In Rufinum libri duo cum variis lectionibus. (Recensuit | Zweibrücken J. C. Orellius.) 2 pt. Turici, 1843–46. 4º. 11375. g. See supra : Deux-Ponts. The Claudian has a distinct titlepage and pagination, and bears date 1845. Lectiones in Literarum Universitate Turicensi ...! ZWOLLE. habendas ... indicunt rector et senatus. Inest car- minum Theocriteorum in strophas suas restitutorum | Vereeniging tot Beoefening van Overijsselsch Regt en specimen. [By H. Koechly.) Turici, 1858. 4º. Geschiedenis. 11315. i. 21. Index lectionum in Literarum Universitate Turicensi Verzameling van Stukken betrekkelijk het Klooster Albergen. Zwolle, (1876, etc.] 8º. Ac. 7450, 4. ... Praemissum est Monumentum vetustatis Christianae ineditum ex recensione G. Volkmari. [Epistle of Saint In progress. Barnabas. Greek.] Turici, 1864. 4º. 3627. dd. Zwei Rechtsgutachten der Juristenfakultäten von Zürich Overijsselsche Vereeniging tot Ontwikkeling van und München über die strafrechtliche Verfolgung des Provinciale Welvaart. gesetzgebenden Grossen Rathes des Kantons Luzern, STIELTJES (T. J.) Verslag van de ontwerpen voor eene nebst-Beilagen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Straf vaste brug over den Ijssel by het Katerveer [by T. rechtspflege im Kanton Luzern. Herausgegeben von J. Stieltjes]. ... Uitgegeven door de Overijsselsche V. Fischer, Schaffhausen, 1850. 8º. 1132. e. 53. Vereeniging, etc. Zrvolle, 1856. 89. 8776. d. Wissenschaftlicher Verein in Zürich. Monatsschrift des Wissenschaftlichen Vereins in Zürich. och Vereeniging tot Beoefening van Overijsselsch Regt Herausgegeben von ... F. Hitzig, E. Osen brüggen, H. en Geschiedenis. Frey, A. Schmidt, E. Bobrik. Hauptred: A. Schmidt. Register van Overijsselsche Oorkonden. Jahrg. I-IV. Hft. 1-9. Zürich, 1856-59. 8º. Ac. 628. Zwolle, 1873. 8º. Ac. 7450/2. ... . TY 02. + . " BOUND SEP 15 1926 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IT DU 11 INT III TIMUI IIIIIIIIIIIII III 10 UNIT III 11 III UNIT 1 . LUI LI II LIIT 1 III III IT 11 1 IL 3 9015 07873 3691 UNIV. OF MICHI LIBRARY .. IS . Litt .hawl .... 1 了 ​. 电 ​: ! 能 ​畢r, 1 . . - . 畫書 ​.... . : * , 是 ​二​, 一 ​是 ​, 于 ​是 ​, “ 中 ​一 ​樓主 ​建 ​- - 售 ​青 ​. -」 一 ​, 中 ​是​; .. 上 ​。 . , . 一 ​: , 。 了 ​4 : 一 ​: “是 ​| 看 ​The - . | . … 重在普鲁鲁​, . |y. . 。 重 ​事地 ​事臺 ​重量 ​- - 1 事書 ​| 重 ​, | 基 ​. ter