New Book List FOR BOOKBUYERS, LIBRARIANS AND BOOKSELLERS. Mo ling IN THOMAS CARLYLE. The above is one of a series of Twelve Bas-reliefs by RALPH B. GODDARD. Copies of these, in bronze and plaster, artistically framed, can be obtained at the address on cover of this List. Prices as follows: UNFRAMED. Bronze, (size of cast, 3%-in. x 4in.) . ,, Sin. x 6in.. Plaster, 8in. x 6%in.. . £II 0 . £2 12 6 . £1 10 12 6 £2 00 10 6 Carlyle, Longfellow, Lowell, E. A. Poe, Tennyson, Dickens, Thomas, Hawthorne, Whittier, Bryant, O. W. Holmes. OUR LIBRARY SPECIALITIES. “THE BIJOU” Revolving Bookcase for the Table. Mahogany, Oak, Walnut, Green Ash, or Ebony, PRICE £175. 6d. - ROLL TOP DESKS. ht W Well seasoned wood guaranteed, finished in th New Book List. PLAN FOR CONSULTATION. ON PAGES to the left hand full particulars are given of the Books Published during JANUARY, arranged alphabetically under authors, and in numerical sequence. The asterisk (*) indicates that a copy of the book has been sent to us by the publishers. We have, therefore, in some cases, been able to supplement the usual description with an adequate summary and correct classification. THESE ARE ALSO ON VIEW AT THE PUBLISHERS' PERMANENT BOOK EXHIBITION, 10, BLOOMSBURY STREET, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.C., and will remain there for twelve months from the date of their publication in this List. ON COLOURED PAGES in CENTRE of the book appear Subject and Title Index, and Publishers’ Index. This List should be used as a Booksellers' CODE BOOK Index to Publishers' Announcements, &c. ... 27 21 17 21 ... 19 ... 13 ... 23 PAGE ASHER & Co. BATSFORD, B. T... BELL & SONS ( Cover.) “ BOOK BITS,” LTD. 29 “ COUNTY COUNCIL TIMES" GARDNER, DARTON & Co. GARRATT & WALSH GAY & BIRD . 13 GILL, L. UPCOTT HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO., LTD. (Cover.) ILIFFE & SONS “KNOWLEDGE”. . 25 LANE, JOHN MACMILLAN & Co., LTD. MACQUEEN, JOHN ... vir PAGE MARLBOROUGH, E. & Co. MULLER, W. NOPS' ELECTROTYPE AGENCY (Cover.) PUTNAM'S, G. P., SONS.. REDWAY, GEORGE REEVE, L., & Co. ... 7 SCIENTIFIC PRESS, LTD. ... ... 9 SCOTT, WALTER, LTD. ... SPENCER, W. T. SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN Co. SWEDENBORG SOCIETY .. THACKER, W., & Co. THEOSOPHICAL PUBLISHING SOCIETY ... “ WESTRALIA” 11 . . All information given in this List is supplied direct by the Publishers themselves. FEBRUARY, 189 5597 Adams, George Burton-The growth of the French nation. 1897, cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. MACMILLAN 5598* Aflalo, F. G.–The literary year-book. 1897. 20 + 300 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. G. ALLEN Among the chief features are :-A Critical Résumé of the past year's litera- ture; Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Authors; The Year's Obituary; A Calendar for Literature ; Account of Literary and Scientific Clubs and Societies; Directories of Authors, Publishers, and Booksellers ; Directory of Public Libraries; &c. 5599 Agnew, E. C.-Geraldine: a tale of conscience. 14th edition. 1897. 612 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. BURNS & OATES 5600 Allen, Grant-Historical guides : Florence. 1897. 264 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. GRANT RICHARDS 5601 Allen, Grant-Historical guides : Paris. 1897. 262 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. GRANT RICHARDS 5602 Allies, Mary H.—Pius the seventh, 1800-1823. 1897. 316 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. BURNS & OATES 5603 Andrews, E. Benjamin-History of the last quarter century in the United States. 1870-1895. Illus. 1897. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo, buck- ram, 30s. KEGAN PAUL 5604 Aristotle on youth, and old age, life, and death, and respiration. Translated, with introduction and notes by Dr. W. Ogle. 1897135 pp., 8vo, cloth, 78. 6d. LALONGMANS 5605* Armstrong, Archie—Under the circumstances. 1897. 332 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. SMITH, ELDER 5606 Arnold, Matthew-Poems: selected and edited by G. C. Macauley. 1897. 18 + 162 pp., globe 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. Macmillan's English Classics. MACMILLAN 5607 Astrophysical Journal, The: an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics. Edited by G. E. Hale, J. E. Keeler, and others. Illus. Vols. III. and IV. 1896. 414 aud 387 pp., 8vo, ten numbers sewed, 18s. net. · W. WESLEY 5608 Austin, Alfred–The conversion of Winckelmann: and other poems. 1897. 8 + 160 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s.. MACMILLAM 5609 Bacon, Francis-Selection from the essays of. Edited by the Rev Dr. Evans. 1897. 100 pp., sm. cr. 8vo, limp cloth, 1s. English Classics. BLACKIE 5610 Baker, James—The gleaming dawn: a romance of the Middle Ages. 1897. 8 + 391 pp, cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. CHAPMAN & HALL 5611 Baker, F.-A South African boy: boy life in Natal. 1897. La. cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. MARSHALL, RUSSELL & Co. 5612 Balfour, J. B. and others--Annals of botany. Illus. 1897. 661 pp., dy. Svo, half mor., £2 16s. CLARENDON PRESS 5613* Barlet, S., and Masom, W.F.-A French prose reader, with vocabu lary. 3rd edition. 1897. 8 + 191 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. W. B. CLIVE Compiled to furnish an introduction to the study of the French prose masterpieces. Primarily the book is intended to serve as a text-book for Üniversity Exami- nations. 5614 Barrett, Dr. Ashley W.-Dental surgery for medical practitioners and students of medicine. Illus. 3rd edition. 1897. 154 pp, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. H. K. LEWIS JOHN LANE'S NEW AND FORTHCOMING BOOKS. The YELLOW BOOK, VOL. XII. | MARIS STELLA. By MARIE CLOTH- Fourteen Illustrations. Title-page and Cover ILDE BALFOUR. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d, net. Design by ETHEL REED, Small 4to, 5s. net. Miss Balfour writes delicately, and displays a literary fastidiousness which reminds us of Mr. The WISE and the WAYWARD. A Pater. . . . She has the finer perceptions of the Novel. By G. S. STREET, Author of The artist; she has imbued her own spirit with the Autobiography of a Boy.' Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d. colour-sense of the surroundings of her characters. net. -Pall Mal Gazette. GOD'S FAILURES, By J.S. FLETCHER, IN the GARDEN of PEACE. By Author of 'When Charles the First was King.' HELEN MILMAN (Mrs .Caldwell Crofton). With: Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. net. 24 Illustrations by EDMUND H. NEW. Crown 8vo, 5s. net. The SENTIMENTAL VIKINGS. By 'Miss Milman is as devoted to birds and their R. V. RISLEY. Post 8vo, coloured edges, 2s.6d. ways as dear old Izaak Walton was, and writes net. about them in a graceful style and with pleasant MR. WILLIAM WATSON'S NEW WORK. humour.'-Pall Mall Gazette. Now Ready. Second Edition. SHAPES in the FIRE: A Mid Winter Night's Entertainment. By M. P. SHIEL The YEAR OF SHAME. By WILLIAM Author of Prince Zaleski.' Crown 810,13s. WATSON. With an Introduction by the BISHOP *Not unworthy of Poe himself.' Speaker. of HEREFORD. Fcap. 8vo, 2s. 6d. net. In his critical work, of which he gives a Mr. Watson's kindling poems, with their noble remarkable example in his diologue called the “Premier and the Maker,” he may not win your imagery and genuine emotion, remain, we think, assent, but what is much better, he compe's you to one of the finest appeals to the conscience of a think.'- National Observer. country that this generation has heard. Let us add that the Bishop of Hereford's introduction to MAKE BELIEVE. By H. D. LOWRY. the new edition seems to us entirely worthy of the Illustrated by CHARLES ROBINSON. Crown 850, occasion and the subject.'-Leader in The West- gilt edges or uncut, 5s, net. minster Gazette. A delightful and idyllic story ... Mr. Charles Robinson has embellished the story with most POEMS. By F. B. MONEY COUTTS. dainty examples of the art in which he is taking Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. net. such an unassailable place. Some of the illustrations The verse is marked all through by great vigour, are better than anything he has done before.' - compression of thought, and particularly by Pall Mall Gazette. descriptive force and fitness. Milton's manner has The BATTLE of the BAYS: Parodies seldom been reproduced with so much dignity.'- in Verse. By OWEN SEAMAN. Foolscap 8vo, Statist. 3s. 6d. net. GREEN ARRAS By LAURENCE A volume of cleverer poetic parodies or of more HOUSMAN. With Six Illustrations, Title-Page, humorous verse in general than Mr. Owen Seaman's “Battle of the Bays," has not come my way for Cover Design, and End Papers by toe Author. Crown 8vo, 5s. net. many a year. Their metrical merits are of the highest order, and-what is not by any means so Quotation can only do injustice to a book full common with the work of some of the neatest of of mysterious charm, and possessed by a pervading light rhymsters—they positively bubble with the atmosphere of beauty none the less in that it some most unexpected fun.'-Mr. H.D. TRAILL in The times evades analysis.'-Athenæum. Graphic. UNITS. Poems by WINIFRED LUCAS. NOW READY. Fcap. 8vo. 33. 6d. net. WEIGHED in the BALANCE. By The new author, who publishes in “Units” her HARRY LANDER. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d, net. first work, is distinctively a writer of intellect, for MERE SENTIMENT. By A. J. she has the first gift and art of a poet, which is an DAWSON. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. net. apprehension of whit thought is rightly poetical READY FEBRUARY 5. thought. She knows the happiness of conceiving The FLIGHT of the KING: a Full, a thought divinely fit for poetry.'-Pall Mall True, and Particular Account of the Escape of Gazette. His Most Sacred Majesty King Charles II., after A HISTORY of the ADMINISTRA- the Battle of Worcester. By ALLAN FEA. TION of the ROYAL NAVY, AND OF MER- With 16 Portraits in photogravure and nearly CHANT SHIPPING IN RELATION TO THE 100 other illustrations. Demy 8vo, 21s, net. NAVY FROM MDIX. to MDCIX. With an POEMS. By EDWARD CRACROFT | EFROY, Introduction treating of the earlier period. By including a reprint of Echoes from Theocritus." M. OPPENHEIM. With Illustrations. Demy With a Memoir by WILFRED A. GILL and an 8yo, 15s. net. Appreciation by JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. Full of historic detail of great interest and Crown 8vo, Photogravure Portraits. 5s, net. READY FEBRUARY 12. novelty derived from a variety of documentary sources hitherto unexplored.'-Times. The QUEST of the GOLDEN GIRL. A Romance by RICHARD LE GALLIENNE. SOME WHIMS of FATE. By MENIE Crown 8vo, 5s. net. MURIEL DOWIE. Author of 'A Girl in the KAKEMONOS. Tales of the Far East. Karpathians.' Post Svo, coloured edges, 2s. 6d. net. By W. CARLTON DAWE. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.. net. Entitles Miss Dowie to a high rank among READY FEBRUARY 19. the English writers who can succeed with that KING NOANETT. By F. J. STIMSON. peculiarly difficult form of fiction-the "conte.”' A Story of Devon Settlers in Old Virginia --Academy. and the Massachusetts Bay. Crown 8vo, 5s.. IN SCARLET and GREY: Stories of net. Soldiers and Others. By FLORENCE HENNI KER. GLAMOUR. By META ORRED. Crown With The Spectre of the Real.' By Florence 8vo, 4s. 6d. net. Henpiker and Thomas Hardy. Second Edition. MARRIAGE QUESTIONS in MOD- Crown 8vo, 3s. ERN FICTION, and other Essays on Kindred Throughout is a pure strong literary style. .. Subjects. By ELIZABETH RACHEL CHAPMAN. Where all are good it is difficult to bestow the THE COMPLEAT ANGLER. By palm of excellence. ... “In Scarlet and Grey " is far away the best collection of short stories recently WALTON and COTTON. Edited by RICHARD LE GALLIENNE Illustrated by EDMUND H.. published.'-Punch. NEW. Crown 4to, decorated cover, 15s. THE BODLEY HEAD, VIGO STREET, W. 5615* Bax, P. B. Ironside—The cathedral church of St. Asaph: historical and descriptive; with an introduction by Dr. H. A. James. Illus. 1897. 85 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. net. C Bournemouth: H. G. COMMIN. London: ELLIOT STOCK 5616* Baylis, T. Henry—The rights, duties, and relations (legal and social) of domestic servants and their masters and mistresses. Fifth edition. 1897. 64 pp., fcap. 8vo, limp clotb, ls. S. LOW The present edition takes note of the many Statutes which have been repealed, amended, or re-enacted ; and embodies the meaning of the new Statutes passed, relating to the law of Domestic Servants. 5617* Bayly, Elizabeth B.-Forestwyk: a story. 1897. 364 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5618 Bendire, Charles-Life histories of North American birds, from the parrots to the grackles, with special reference to their breeding, habits, and eggs. 7 plates containing 201 coloured figures of eggs. 1897. 516 pp., 4to, paper, £3 net. W. WESLEY 5610 Bergey, D. H.-Methods for the determination of organic matter in air. Illus. 1897.2 28 pp., 8vo, paper, ls. 6d. net. W. WESLEY 5620 Besant, Sir Walter-In deacon's orders, etc. New edition. 1897. 8+ 312 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. CHATTO & Windus. 5621* Blaikie, W. Garden-Thomas Chalmers. 1897. 160 pp., cloth, ls. 6d. Famous Scots series. OLIPHANT, ANDERSON, & FERRIER Mr. Blaikie's volume is an epitome of the most important events of Chalmers's life, with an appreciation of the character and work of the famous Scotch divine. He expresses his obligation to Dr. Hanna's larger and fuller biography - 5622 Bolt, Ben, pseud.—Anthony Jasper: a west country tale. 1897. 190 pp., oblong, 24mo, paper, Is. 6d., cloth, 2s. Pseudonym Library, Vol. 52. FISHER UNWIN 5623 Bourinot, J. G.-Canada. Illus. 1897. 462 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 58. Story of the Nations, Vol. 45. FISHER UNWIN 5624 Boutell, Chas.-A manual of British archæology. Illus. 2nd edition. L 1897. 384 pp., roy. 16mo, cloth, 10s. 6d. L . REEVE 5625 Bowden, Rev. H. S., ed.-Miniature lives of the saints for every day in the year 19th edition. 1897. 2 vols., 767 pp., 18mo, cloth, 4s. BURNS & OATES 5626 Boyd-Smith, E.—My village: a picture of French peasant life. 1897. 8+326 pp., post 8vo, cloth, 6s. WARD & DOWNEY 5627 Braithwaite, Dr. R.—The British moss-flora. Part XVII. Illus. 1897. over 36 pp., imp. 8vo, paper, 6s. L. REEVE 5628 Brennan, Dr. R.-Explanation of the “Our Father” and the “Hail Mary.” Adapted from the Germau. 1897. 202 pp., globe 8vo, cloth, 3s. net. BURNS & OATES 5629* Briggs, W., and Bryan, J. H.-Advanced mechanics. Vol. 2—Statics. Illus. 1897. 8+288 pp. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. W. B. CLIVE Deals with that portion of the science of statics which is contained in the syllabus of the Advanced Stage of the Science and Art Department's Examination in Theoretical Mechanics. The later chapters introduce the young student to the general conditions of Equilibrium of Forces in one Plane; the Principles of Virtual Work and Virtual Velocities; the Laws of Friction, and the Centres of Gravity of Circular Bodies. 5630* Briggs, William, and Stewart, R. W.-Elementary qualitative analysis. 2nd edition. 1897. 80 pp., fcap. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. na W. B. CLIVE Written for the purpose of supplying a handy text-book to young students entering on the Matriculation Examination of London University. The authors, however, believe it will be useful for other examinations. GARDNER, DARTON & Co.'s LIST cloth boards the brightest hoki PRINCE BOOHOO AND LITTLE SMUTS. By the Rev. HARRY JONES, M.A., Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. Numerous illustrations from drawings by GORDON BROWNE, R.I. Large crown 8vo, printed on superfine paper, fancy cloth boards, gilt top, 6s. [Second Edition. “ One of the most amusing children's books of the season. ... comically extravagant, but irresistibly mirth-provoking, to which result the drawings of Mr. Gordon Browne contribute hugely.”-Pall Mall Gazette. An Illustrated Edition of the Two Masterpieces by DE LA MOTTE FOUQUÉ. SINTRAM AND HIS COMPANIONS, AND UNDINE. With numerous illustrations by GORDON-BROWNE, R.I., and an introduction by CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. Large crown 8vo, printed on superfine paper, appropriate art linen boards, gilt top, 6s. “A better present for a thoughtful lad or lass could hardly be.”—Church Times. The above two handsome Volumes are uniform in style and price with the following books, illustrated by GORDON BROWNE, R.I. GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES. With NATIONAL RHYMES OF THE Introduction by S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. NURSERY. With Introduction by GEORGE SAINTSBURY. “No more acceptable edition of Grimm has “The prettiest and most complete collection been published.”-Standard. of this kind that we have seen.”-Westminster Gazette. “A fairy book beyond reproach.”—Graphie. “Impossible to praise the volume too highly.”-Black & White. SWEETHEART TRAVELLERS. A Child's Book for Children, for Women, and for Men. By S. R. CROCKETT. [Five Editions have been nearly exhausted.] “Mr. Crockett must be credited with one of the most pronounced successes of the season." World. "A more delightful book for young, old, and middle-aged, it is scarcely possible to conceive."-Truth. · THREE GIRLS IN A FLAT. By ETHEL F. HEDDLE, Author of “ Martin Redfern’s Oath," ' &c. Illustrated by GORDON BROWNE, R.I. Crown 8vo, cloth boards, 6s. [ Second Edition. "One of the brightest bits of recent fiction. ... Her adventurous maids are delightful company. ... The book is one to be read again and again.”—Dundee Advertiser. SOME MORE NONSENSE. For the Same Bodies as before. Written and illustrated by “ A. NOBODY.” Printed in colours. Demy 4to, 28. 6d. This is a continuation of “ A. Nobody's” most successful volume of last year, and is slightly larger. NONSENSE FOR SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, OR EVERYBODY, PARTICULARLY THE BABY BODY. Written and illustrated by “A. NOBODY.” Twentieth Thousand. Printed in colours, 2s. The two vols. together in art linen boards, gilt edges, 58. "Simply splendid. The editors of comic papers are not worth their salt if they don't find out whoA. Nobody'is, and give him all the work he has time for.”—Queen. THE XXXIX. ARTICLES & THE AGE OF THE REFORMATION. An Historical and Doctrinal Exposition in the Light of Contemporary Documents. By E. TYRRELL GREEN, M.A., Lecturer in Theology and Hebrew, St. David's College, Lampeter; sometime Scholar of St. John's College, Oxford. Demy 8vo, cloth boards, 10s. 6d. "Excellent as they are from various standpoints, the [other] works on the XXXIX. Articles of the Church of England by no means preclude the necessity for such a work as this, which supplies new information from new sources. ... The text of the Articles is given in Latin and in English, with valuable explanatory and historical notes. ... In dealing with the wording of the Articles, Mr. Green is eminently successful. ... The work, moreover, occasionally intro- duces mediæval customs and ceremonies not generally known. ... The student of Anglican divinity will find in this volume much valuable information not to be found in similar treatises.”— Morning Post. MONASTICISM, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Its Principles, Origin, Development, Triumphs, Decadence and Suppression, with an Enquiry as to the Possi- bility of its Revival. By the Rev. F. C. WOODHOUSE, M.A. Large crown 8vo, cloth boards, 7s. 6d. net. MESSENGERS, WATCHMEN AND STEWARDS. Addresses de- livered to Clergy. By the Rev. A. F. WINNINGTON INGRAM, M.A., Head of the Oxford House and Rector of Bethnal Green, Chaplain to the Archbishop of York and the Bigbop of St. Albans; Author of “Work in Great Cities,” “The Men who Crucify Christ,” &c. Small crown 8vo, art linen boards, 1s. 6d. London: 3, Paternoster Buildings, E.C., and Westminster; 44, Victoria Street, S.W. al and Doctrinah. A. Lecturer john's College, 5631 Brown, Cecil—The horse in art and nature; with an introduction by E. Onslow Ford, R.A. Part 2. Illus. 1897. 26 pp., oblong boards, 2s. 6d. CHAPMAN & HALL 5632 Browne, Mrs. Innes—Three daughters of the United Kingdom. 1897. 412 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. BURNS & OATES 5633 Browning, Robert-A blot in the 'scutcheon, and other poetic dramas. 1897. 19+367 pp., sq. 8vo, cloth, ls. Canterbury poets. W. SCOTT 5634 Browning, Robert-Pippa passes, and other poetic dramas. 1897. 24 +372 pp., sq. 8vo, cloth, ls. Canterbury poets. W. SCOTT 5635 Buckland, A. W.-Margaret Moore, spinster : her love story. 1897. 6+296 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. WARD & DOWNEY 5636* Budge, Dr. E. A. W.-The laughable stories collected by Mâr Gregory John Bar-Hebræus. 1897. 27 + 166 + 204 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 21s. net. LUZAC In addition to the translation, this volume contains the complete Syriac text of the 727 “Laughable Stories” collected by John Abu'l-Faraj (Gregory bar- Hebræu), who was head of the Jacobite Church, or Maphrian of the East, from A.D. 1264 to 1286. Sixty-eight of these stories were published before by Adler, Bernstein, and Morales; the remainder are now printed for the first time. The MSS. from which they are taken are No. 9 of the India Office, and another in the editor's possession. 5637 Burroughs, John-Whitman: a study. 1897. 268 pp., 12mo, cloth, 6s. net. A. CONSTABLE 5638 Butler-Smythe, A. C.-Fifty-four consecutive ovariotomies. 1897. 8+119 pp., 8vo, cloth, 6s. 6d. J. & A. CHURCHILL 5639* Cæsar-Gallic war. Book I., chap. 1-29; edited, with introduction, text, notes, vocabulary, by A. H. Allcroft, and F. G. Plaistowe. 1897. 16+60 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, Is. 6d. W. B. CLIVE In addition to the Latin text, there is a biographical and historical introduction, The portion devoted to the vocabulary is interleaved, so that the student may enter words which require explanation and which are not printed. This edition is intended for boys of lower forms, and for the usual matriculation examinations. 5640* Canning, Hon. Albert S. G.-History in fact and fiction. 1897. 336 pp., Cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. SMITH ELDER Mr. Canning presents a sketch of events which have occurred in the history of mankind, and illustrates them by allusions from Shakespeare and Scott, who have taken these events for purposes of fiction. The manner in which these imagina- tive writers dealt with history is shown here to carry an instructive as well as an attractive side. 5641 Carlyle, Thomas The French revolution : a history. Vol. 3. Illus. 1897. 7 + 359 pp., sq. cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. CHAPMAN & HALL 5642 Cartwright, Mrs. Edward—A slight indiscretion. 1897. 95 pp., cr. 8vo, paper, 6s. ; cloth, ls. Little Novels, Vol. 7. FISHER UNWIN 5643 Catholic directory, The-60th edition. 1897. 550 pp., cr. Svo wrapper, ls. 6d. net. ; cloth, 2s. 6d. net. BURNS & OATES 5644 Catholic home annual for 1897 1897. Illus. 80 pp., sm. 4to, wrapper, ls. net. BURNS & OATES 5645 Cautley, Dr.—The feeding of infants. Illus. 1897. 8 + 376 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 7s.6d. J. & A. CHURCHILL 5646 Chapman's magazine of fiction: edited by Oswald Crawfurd. Vol. 5. 1897. 6 + 496 pp., 8vo, cloth, 4s. CHAPMAN & HALL 5647 Charleton, R. J.—The picture of the king: an historical novel of old Newcastle. 1897. 42% pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. Newcastle-on-Tyne: Mawson, Swan & MORGAN. London: GAY & BIRD . Reeve & Co.'s New Books. FOREIGN FINCHES IN CAPTIVITY. By ARTHUR G. BUTLER, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S. Complete in One Vol., royal 4to. With 60 Plates, beautifully coloured by hand. Cloth, £6 6s. net; half-morocco, £7. “Dr. Butler treats his subject more exhaustively than Herr Weiner; he has adopted a more scientific classification, and his book is infinitely better illustrated. Indeed, the hand-coloured plates in Dr. Butler's books are in themselves fully worth the price which is charged for the whole book."- Feathered World. THE LEPIDOPTERA OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. BY CHARLES G. BARRETT, F.E.S. Vol. I. (RHOPALOCERA), 12s.; Large Edition, with 40 Coloured Plates, 53s.; Vol. II. 12s.; Large Edition, with 46 Coloured Plates, 63s.; Vol. III. 12s. ; Large Edition, with 50 Coloured Plates, 63s. Parts 35 and 36, each 5s. THE HYMENOPTERA ACULEATA OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. By EDWARD SAUNDERS, F.L.S. Complete, with 3 Plates, 16s.; Large Paper Edition with 49 Coloured Plates, 68s. THE HEMIPTERA HETEROPTERA OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. By EDWARD SAUNDERS, F.L.S. Complete, with a Structural Plate, 14s.; Large Edition, with 31 Coloured Plates, 48s. THE HEMIPTERA HOMOPTERA OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. By JAMES EDWARDS, F.E.S. Complete with 2 Structural Plates, 12s. Large Edition, with 28 Coloured Plates, 43s. THE COLEOPTERA OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. By the Rev. Canon FOWLER, M.A., F.L.S. Complete in Five Vols. With Two Structural Plates, £4. Large Edition, with 180 Coloured Plates, £14. CATALOGUE OF BRITISH COLEOPTERA. By D. SHARP, M.A., F.R.S., and Rev. Canon FOWLER, M.A., F.L.S. Price 1s. 6d.; or printed on one side only, for labels, 2s. 6d. THE BUTTERFLIES OF EUROPE. Described and Figured by H. C. LANG. M.D,, F.L.S. With 82 Coloured Plates, containing upwards of 900 Figures. Two Vols, £3 185. THE LARVÆ OF THE BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA AND THEIR FOOD PLANTS. By OWEN S. WILSON. With Life-sized Figures, Drawn and Coloured from Nature by ELEANORA WILSON 40 Coloured Plates, 63s. nett. HANDBOOK OF THE BRITISH FLORA. By G. BENTHAM, F.R.S. Sixth Edition Revised by Sir J. D. HOOKER, C.B., K.C.S.I, F.R.S. 108, 6d. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BRITISH FLORA. Drawn by W. H. FIT CH, F.L.S., and W. G. SMITH, F.L.S. 1,315 Wood Engravings. Fourth Edition, 10s. 6d. OUTLINES OF ELEMENTARY BOTANY, as Introductory to Local Floras. By GEORGE BENTHAM, F.R.S., F.L.S. 1s. BRITISH INSECTS. By E. F. STAVELEY. 16 Coloured Plates. 14s. BRITISH BEETLES. By E. C. RYE. New Edition. Revised and in Part Re-written by the Rev. Canon FOWLER, M.A., F.L.S. 16 Coloured Plates, 10s. 6d. BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. By H. T. STAINTON. 16 Coloured Plates, 10s. 60. BRITISH BEES. By W. E. SHUCKARD. 16 Coloured Plates. 10s. 6d. BRITISH SPIDERS. By E. F. STAVELEY. 16 Coloured Plates. 10s. 6d. BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. By A. S. PENNINGTON, F.L.S. 24 Plates, 10s. 6d. BRITISH GRASSES. By M. PLUES. 16 Coloured Plates. 108. 6d. BRITISH FERNS. By M. PLUES. 16 Coloured Plates. 10s. 6d. BRITISH SEAWEEDS. By S. O. GRAY. 16 Coloured Plates. 10s. 6d. SYNOPSIS OF BRITISH MOSSES. By C. P. HOBKIRK, F.L.S. Revised Edition 78. 6d. HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. By the Rev. M. J. BERKELEY, M.A., F.L.S. Second Edition. 24 Coloured Plates. 21s. BRITISH FUNGOLOGY. By the Rev. M. J. BERKELEY, M.A., F.L.S. With a Supplement of nearly 400 pages by WORTHINGTON G. SMITH, F.L.S. Two Vols. 24 Coloured Plates, 36s. London : L. REEVE & CO., 6, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C. Publishers to the Home, Colonial, and Indirn Governments. W. Watson-Theaze 12+ 197 pp., cr. 8707. J. PENTLAND 5648 Cheyne, Dr. W. Watson-The treatment of wounds, ulcers, and abscesses. 2nd edition. 1897. 12+197 pp., cr. 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. 5649* Chivers, Cedric, compiler-New catalogue of British literature. 1897. 376 pp., roy. 870, cloth, 5s. net, half pigskin, 7s. 6d. net. LIBRARY BUREAU A record of the literary output of 1896, giving full bibliographical information and annotations. Includes notices of nearly 6,000 volumes-books published between January and December of the past year. Each volume is numbered, and to the numbers the subject, title, and author indexes refer. 5650 Clarke, Rev. Arthur E., ed.-The Southwell diocesan church calendar, clergy list, and general almanac, for the year of our Lord 1897. 16 + 358 pp., cr. 8vo, paper, Is. 6d. BEMROSE 5651 Cliffe, Francis Henry-A daughter's grief: a novel. 1897. 309 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. BELLAIRS 5652 Clodd, Edward-Pioneers of evolution, from Thales to Huxley, with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the move- ment. 1897. 12 + 252 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. net. GRANT RICHARDS 5653 Cochem's Explanation of the holy sacrifice of the Mass; with a preface by the Right Rev. Bishop Maes. 1897. 424 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. net. BURNS & OATES 5654* Colmer, J. G.-Across the Canadian prairies. 1897. 86 pp., cr. 8vo, boards, ls. EUROPEAN MAIL This little volume embodies a series of letters which Mr. Colmer sent to The Colonies and India, while on a two months' visit to Canada in the autumn of 1894. The letters deal mainly with the agricultural, industrial, and commercial developments of this British possession. 5655* Corbet-Seymour, Mrs. M.-Maisonnette: a girl's story. 1897. 194 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. JARROLD 5656 Costelloe, B. F. C., and Muirhead, J. H.-Aristotle and the earlier peripatetics. 1897. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 24s. LONGMANS 5657 Courthope, William John-The Paradise of birds. Illus. New edition. 1897. 12 + 136 pp., 4to, cloth, 6s. net. MACMILLAN 5658 Cruikshank, Dr. Alexander P. J.-Laura de Lisle, wife and widow of Ambrose Phillipps de Lisle of Garendon Park and Grace Deen Manor. 1897. 79 pp., 8vo, cloth, 2s. net. ART & BOOK Co. 5659 Cross, Margaret E.-Blind bats. 1897. 316 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. HURST & BLACKETT 5660* Davidson, Mrs.—The garden of time. 1897. 222 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 38. 6d. JARROLD 5661 Davidson, John-Ninian Jamieson. 1897. 8+316 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. REWARD & DOWNEY 5662 Davies, Thomas-Discipline and service; or, Memorials of Arthur Henry Davies. 1897. 140 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. S. W. PARTRIDGE 5663 Dawkins, G. H.-Present day sires, and the figure system. 1897. 152 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. HORACE Cox 5664 D'Ombrain, Rev. H. Honywood, ed.--The rosarian's year-book for 1897. 6+70 pp., imp. 16mo, paper, ls. BEMROSE 5665* Debenham, Mary H.—Holiday tasks. Illus. 1897. 236 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5666 Debrett's House of Commons. Illus. 1897. 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. DEAN 5667 Dewe, Rev. J. A.–From hell to heaven: sermons. 1897. 114 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. BURNS & OATES THE SCIENTIFIC PRESS LIST. Just Out. Royal 8vo, illustrated by coloured examples, cloth, price 2s. 6d. HEAVY TRIAL BALANCES MADE EASY. A new method to secure the immediate agreement of Trial Balances without trouble. By J. G. CRAGGS, F.C.A. Just published. Price 1s. CHARITY ORGANISATION AND JESUS CHRIST. By Rev. C, L. MARSON, M.A. This tractate is a plea for the needy and against the niggardly. It is addressed to such men and women as think that Scientific Almsgiving which Conflicts with Scientific Theology or with Redeemed Humanity had better get out of the way as soon as possible. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt, illustrated by a series of Original Micro-photographs and many Illustrations in the Text, price 7s. 60. net. THE MENOPAUSE AND ITS DISORDERS. With Chapters on Menstruation. By A. D. LEITH-NAPIER, M.D., M.R.C.P., late Editor of the British Gynæco- logical Journal, Author of "Notes on Puerperal Fever," "The Thermometer in Obstetrics and Gynæcology,” &c. Ready immediately, 12mo, illustrated with 73 Engravings in the Text, and 9 coloured and half-tone platés. PRACTICAL POINTS ON NURSING. For Nurses in Private Practice. With an Appendix containing Rules for Feeding the Sick; Recipes for Invalid Foods and Beverages; Weights and Measures; Dose List; and a full Glossary of Medical Terms and Nursing Treatment. By EMILY A. M. STONEY, Superintendent of Training School for Nurses, Carney Hospital, South Boston, Massachusetts. * The BURDETT SERIES” of POPULAR TEXT-BOOKS on NURSING. Handy Pocket Size. Bound in cloth. Price 1s. each. No. 1.-PRACTICAL HINTS ON DISTRICT NURSING. BY AMY HUGHES Superintendent of Nurses, Bolton Union Workhouse; late Superintendent of the Central Training Home, Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses for the Sick Poor. No. 2.—THE MATRON'S COURSE. An introduction to Hospital and Private Nursing. By Miss S. E. ORME, Lady Superintendent, London Temperance Hospital. London : THE SCIENTIFIC PRESS. LTD. 28 and 29, Southampton Street, Strand, W.C. ILIFFE AND SON'S LIST. WAY-ABOUT SERIES THE "NUTSHELL” SERIES. GAZETTE ER GUIDES. PIY OF The following are Now Ready :- Kent, Sussex, Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Oxfordshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Devonshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk. Llandudno, and Hereford Cathedral. "The Volumes for Essex and Somersetshire will be ready shortly. 6. A more handy and useful series has never come under our notice, and we can heartily commend them to tourists and others.”—“Cornwall Advertiser," July 9th, 1896. Price is. nett; Postage 3d. NOW READY. Cloth bound, 12mo, Illustrated where necessary. CYCLING. By C. W. Brown. NURSING. By a Doctor of Medicine. DANCING. By Edward Scott. HOME DRESSMAKING. By Easton de Barras, KNITTING and FANCY WORK. By Easton de Barras. HOW TO OBTAIN STRENGTH. By G. H. Harrison and Ridge King. тнE PHOTOGRAPHIC COLOURIST. By J. W. Neville. Price 6d. nett; Postage 13d. Popular Phrenology. By PROFESSOR W. CROSS. 1 The Science of Phrenology Simply Explained. Price 13 nett ; Postage 23d. Full Trade List Post Free on receipt of Business Card. ILIFFE AND SON, 3, ST. BRIDE STREET, E.C. 5668 Dickens, Charles David Copperfield, 1897. 6 + 533 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, ls. CHAPMAN & HALL 5669 Dickens, Charles-Little Dorrit. 1897. 6 + 522 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 1s. CHAPMAN & HALL 5670 Dickens, Charles—The adventures of Oliver Twist. 1897. 180 pp. Dy. 8vo, paper, 3d. CHAPMAN & HALL 5671 Dickens, Charles-Pickwick papers. With introduction and notes by Andrew Lang. Illus. 1897. 2 vols., sq. cr. 8vo, cloth, 12s. CHAPMAN & HALL 5672* Doncaster, P., ed.-Faithful unto death: a story of the missionary life in Madagascar of William and Lucy S. Johrson. Illus. 1897. 278 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. ve te HEADLEY BROS. William and Lucy Johnson passed the best working years of their life in Madagascar missionary work. This volume is a record of that work made sympathetically by the father of the latter. The material has been collected from various sources, and is presented so as to illustrate the religious enthusiasm and unselfishness with which these missionaries worked. 5673* Douglas, M.—For duty's sake: stirring stories of noble lives. 1897. 272 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5674 Dring, W. D.- Popular bulb culture: a handy guide to the successful culture of bulbous plants, both in the open and under glass. Illus. 1897. 108 pp., cr. 8vo, paper. ls. L. UPCOTT GILL 5675* Dryerre, Rev. J. M.-Heroes and heroines of the Scottish covenanters. 1897. 160 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. S. W. PARTRIDGE: The present volume tells the Covenanters' story in a small compags, so that “the busy reader of to-day” may learn in simple words the history of a great movement. The writer draws a lesson of unselfish heroism from the story, which he hopes will influence young men to be equally heroic. 5676 Duggan, Rev. J.-The life of Christ. 1897. 12+243 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, KEGAN PAUL 5677 Durand, Abbé-Catholic ceremonies and explanation of the ecclesiastical year. Illus. 1897. 283 pp., fcp. 8vo, wrapper,; cloth, 2s. pet. BURNS & OATES 5678 Edmonds, Henry, and Marloth, Rudolf-Elementary botany for South Africa. Illus. 1897. 201 pp., cloth, 4ş. 6d. LONGMANS 5679* Emerson, P. H.-Caoba, the guerilla chief: a romance of the Cuban rebellion. 1897. 344 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. D. NUTT Although mainly a novel, the author states that “the scenes narrated in this book are founded on fact, and the account of Cuban county life is written ” from his own personal experience. 5680* Emmott, Elizabeth B.-Loving service : a record of the life of Martha Braithwaite. 1897. 296 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6. HEADLEY BROS. A mother's career is here sketched by the daughter, to exhibit “the manifold possibilities of a life devoted to the loving service of the Redeemer.” The biography was primarily intended for the use of the family circle. 5681* Everard, H. S. C.-Golf in theory and practice: some hints to beginners. Illus. 1897. 194 pp., cr. Svo, 3s. 6d. G. BELL Mr. Everard's sub-title explains the scope of this handbook. It is largely the result of a long experience on golf-playing with some of the best living profes- sionals and amateurs. The illustrations are taken from photographs of actual play. 5682 Export merchant shippers' directory. 1897. Dy. 8vo, cloth, 178. 6d. DEAN 5683* Fellows-Johnston, Annie—The little colonel. Illus. 2nd edition. 1897. 102 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. JARROLD 5684 Firth, Annie—Cane basket work: a practical manual on weaving, useful, and fancy baskets. Illus. 1897. 94 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. 6s. e basket work: 1997. 94 pp., cr. 570. UPCOTT GILL 10 REFERENCE BOOKS FROM MR. L. UPCOTT GILL'S LIST. PAINTERS AND THEIR WORKS. A GUIDE TO ENGLISH PATTERN A Work of the Greatest Value to Collectors and COINS, in Gold, Silver, Copper, and Pewter, such as are interested in Art, as it gives, from Edward I. to Victoria, with their Value. besides Biographical Sketches of all the Artists By the Rev. G. F. CROWTHER, M.A. Illustra- of Repute (not now living) from the 13th ted. In silver cloth, with gilt facsimiles of Century to the present date, the Market Value Coins, price 5s., by post 5s. 3d. of the Principal Works Painted by Them, DOGS, BRITISH, ANCIENT AND with full Descriptions of Same. In 3 vols.,, MODERN: Their Varieties, History and cloth, price 15s., per vol., by post 15s. 6d., or Characteristics. By HUGH DALZIEL, assisted 375. 6d, the set of 3, by post 38s. 6d. by Eminent Fanciers. Beautifully Illustrated (In Vol. III. reference will be made to the late with COLOURED PLATES and Full-page Sir John Millais and his works, beside which this Engravings of Dogs of the Day, with numerous volume will contain facsimiles of the known signa- smaller iilustrations in the text. tures of the various painters.) This is the fullest work on the various breeds of dogs kept ENGRAVINGS and THEIR VALUE. in England. In three volumes, demy 8vo, cloth A Guide for the Print Collector. A very valu- gilt, price 10s, 6d. each, by post 11s. 1d, each. able work, giving, among other things, an Vol. I. Dogs used in Field Sports. exhaustive list of Engravers, with some of their Vol. II. Dogs Useful to Man in other chief Works and the Auction Values of each Work than Field Sports; House and Toy Dogs. Print Catalogued. By J. H. SLATER. Second Voi !II. Practical Kennel Management Edition, Revised and Enl+rged. Cloth gilt, A complete Treatise on all Matters relating to 15s., by post 15s. 6d. the Proper Management of Dogs, whether kept OLD VIOLINS AND THEIR for the Show Bench, for the Field, or for Com- MAKERS: Including some References to those panions, of Modern Times. By JAMES M. FLEMING. DICTIONARY OF GARDENING: Illustrated with facsimiles of Tickets, Sound- A practical Encyclopaedia of Horticulture, for Holes, &c. In cloth, pri e 6s. 6d., by ost Amateurs and Professionals. Illustrated with 6s. 10d. 2,440 Engravings. Edited by G. NICHOLSON, AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING. A Curator of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Practical Minual for Amateurs and Historical assisted by Prof. Traill. M.D., Rev. P. W. Students, containing ample information on the Myles, B.A., F.L.S., W. Watson, J. Garrett, Selection and Arrangement of Autographs, the and other Specialists. In 4 vols., large post 4to. Detection of Forged Specimens, &c., &v., to In cloth wilt price £3, by post £3 3s. which are added numerous facsimiles for Study DICTIONARY OF NEEDLEWORK. and Reference, and an extensive Valuation An Encyclopædia of Artistic, Plain and Fancy Table of Autographs worth Collecting. By Needlework; Pla in, practical, complete, and HENRY T. SCOTT, M.D., L.R.C.P., &c. In magnificently Illustrated. By S. F. A. leatherette gilt, price 7s, 6d., by post, 75, 10d.. CAULFIELD and B. C. SAWARD. In demy 4to, THE LIBRARY MANUAL. A Guide 528pp., 829 Illustrati ns. extra cloth gilt, pliin to the Formation of a Library, and the Values edges, cushioned bevelled boards, price 21s., by post of Rare and Standard Books. By J. H. SLATER, 22s. ; with COLOURED PLATES eleg int satin Barrister-at-Law. Third Edition. Revised and br cade cloth binding, and coloured edges, 31s. 6d., Greatly Enlarged. In cloth gilt, price 7s. 6d., by post 32s. 6d. by post 7s. 10d. ORCHIDS. Their Culture and Management, WAR MEDALS & DECORATIONS. with Descriptions of all the Kinds in General A Manual for Collectors, with some account of Cultivation. Illustrated by Coloured Plates Civil Rewards for Valour. By D. HASTINGS and Engravings. By W. WATSON, Assistant- IRWIN. Beautifully Illustrated. In cloth, Curator, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; price 78. 6d., by post 7s. 10d. Assisted by W. BEAN, Foreman, Royal Gar- ENGLISH POTTERY and PORCE- dens, Kew. Second Edition, Revised and with Extra Plates. In cloth gilt and gilt edges, LAIN. A Guide for Collectors. Handsomely price £1 ls., by post £1 ls. 10d. Illustrated with Engravings of Specimen Pieces and the Marks used by the different Makers. PRACTICAL TAXIDER MY. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. By the A Manual of Instruction to the Amateur in Rev. E. A. DOWNMAN. In cloth gilt, price 5s., Collecting, Preserving, and s tting-up Natural by post 5s. 4d. History Specimens of all kinds. With GUIDE TO THE COINS OF Examples and Working Diagrams. By MONTAGU BROWNE, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, in Gold, F.Z.S., Curator of Leicester Moseum. Second Edition. Silver, and Copper, from the Earliest Period to In cloth the Present Time, with their Value. By the gilt, price 7s. 6d., by post 78. 10d. late Colonel W. STEWART THORBURN. With MODERN SCIENTIFIC WHIST. 32 Plates in Gold, Silver, Copper, &c. In cloth A Practical Manual on New Lines, and with gilt, price 75. 6d., by post 75. 10d. Illustrative Hands. Printed in Colour. By POSTAGE STAMPS AND THEIR C. J. MELROSE. In clo'h gilt, price 6s., by COLLECTION. A practical Handbook for post 6s. 6d. Collectors of Postal Stamps, Envelopes, Wrap- THE BOOK OF BUTTERFLIES. pers, and Cards. By OLIVER FIRTH, Member BRITISH. A Practical Manual for Collectors of the Philatelic Societies of London, Leeds, and Naturalists. Splendidly Illustrated and Bradford, Profusely Illustrated. Cloth throughout with very accurate Engravings gilt, price 3s. 6d., by post 3s. 10d. of the Caterpillars, Chrysalids, and Butter- BEES AND BEE-KEEPING: Scien- flies, both upper and under sides, from draw- tific and Practical. By F. R. CHESHIRE, F.L.S., ings by the Author or direct from Nature. By W. J. LUCAS, B.A. Price 3s. 6d., by post F.R.M.S., Lecturer on Apiculture at South Kensington In wo vols., cloth gilt, price 16s., 3s. 9d. by post 16s. 8d. BOOK OF HAWK MOTHS, Vol. I., Scientific. A complete treatise on BRITISH. A Popular and Practical Manual the Anatomy and Physiology of the Hive Bee. for all Lepidopterists. Copiously illustrated In cloth gilt, price 7s.6d., by post 78. 10d. in black and white from the Author's own ex- Vol II., Practical Management of Bees. quisite Drawings fro n Nature. By W. J. An exhaustive Treatise on Advanced Bee Cul LUCAS, B.A. In cloth, price 3s. 6d., by post ture. In cloth gilt, price 8s. 6d., by post 9s. 3s. 9d. A FULL AND DETAILED CATALOGUE POST FREE ON APPLICATION. LONDON: L. UPCOTT GILL, 170, STRAND, W.C.. 11 5685. Firth, Oliver-Postage stamps and their collection : a practical guide. Illus. 1897. 194 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. L. UPCOTT GILL 5686 Flora : the Roman martyr. 3rd edition. 1897. 496 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. BURNS & OATES 5687 Flowers of devotion. 1897. 166 pp., on India paper, narrow 8vo, French mor., ls. 6d.; paste grain, 2s. 6d. ; German calf, 43. ; polished mor., 4s. ; Russia, 5s. BURNS & OATES 5688 Forbes, Avery H.-Is science guilty? 1897. La. cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d MARSHALL BROS. 5689* Ford, Mrs. Gerard-King Pippin : a story for children. Illus. 2nd edition. 1897. 277 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5690 Formby, Rev. Henry.—Book of the holy rosary. Illus. New edition" 1897. 140 pp., sm. 4to, cloth, 3s. 6d. BURNS & OATES 5691 Fortnum, C. Drury E.-A descriptive catalogue of the maiolic and kindred wares in the Ashmolean museum, Oxford. Illus. 1897. 144 pp., cr. 4to, cloth, 10s. 6d. net. CLARENDON PRESS 5692 Francis-Williams, B., and Pitt, Lewis, G.–The coal mines regulation acts, 1887-1896. 1897. 195 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. BUTTERWORTH 5693. Frey ag, Gustav.-Martin Luther. Illus. 1897. 130 pp., cr. 8vo, . cloth, 4s. 6d. OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO. 5694* G.- , G.-Great Scot, the chaser, and other sporting stories. 1097. 312 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. BELLAIRS 5695 Galabin, Dr.-A manual of midwifery. Illus. 4th edition. 28 + 867 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 15s. J. & A. CHURCHILL 5696 Garden of the soul: a manual of spiritual exercises and instructions with epistles and gospels and large type devotions for mass. New edition. 1897. 440 pp., 48mo, leather, from Is. to 5s. en BURNS & OATES 5697 Gardner, Ernest Arthur-A handbook of Greek sculpture. Illus. 1897. 36 + 552 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 10s. MACMILLAN 5698 Gardner, Ernest A.-A handbook of Greek sculpture. Part 2. Illus. 1897. 18 + 286 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. MACMILLAN 5699 Gardner, J. Starkie. -Ironwork, part 2. 1897. 16 + 202 pp., cr. Svo cloth, 3s. CHAPMAN & HALL 5700 Gerikie, Dr. J. C.-Hours with the Bible: the scriptures in the light of modern discovery and knowledge. New vol. :-St. Peter to Revelation. Illus. 1897. 475 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. LONGMANS 5701 Gibbons, James Cardinal—The ambassador of Christ. 1897. 404. vo, cloth, 6s. BURNS & OATES 5702 Gilbert, W. S.-Eight original comic operas. 2nd series. 1897. 408 - pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. CHATTO & WINDUS 5703 Gill, Augustus H.-Gas and fuel analysis for engineers. Illus. 1897. 7 + 89 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. 6d. net. CHAPMAN & HALL 5704. Goffine's devout instructions on the epistles and gospels for the Sundays and holidays of the year. With preface by Cardinal Gibbons. Illus. New edition, 1897. 704 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 4s. net. BURNS & OATES 5705 Goode, G. B. and Bean, T. H.-Oceanic ichthyology: a treatise on he deep sea and pelagic fishes of the world, with an atlas containing 417 figures, 1897. 2 vols., 602 pp., 4to, paper, £4 net. W. WESLEY 5706 Green, E. Ernest-The coccidæ of Ceylon. Part I. Illus. 1897. 80 pp., 8vo, sewed, subscription for complete work (4 parts) £5. DULAU Pp., cr. 87 12 NEW NOVEL BY E. F. BENSON, Author of "Dodo," &c. THE BABE B.A.: BEING THE UNEVENTFUL HISTORY OF A YOUNG GENTLEMAN AT CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Illustrated, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. Daily Telegraph.—“Mr. Benson's delightful book is rife with clever definitions as well as graphic character sketches.” THE BABE B.A. THE BABE B.A. The Scotsman.—“Albright and humorous picture of Universityſlife.” The Daily Mail.—“Mr. Benson's wit and easy delineation of character fully atone for lack of plot. The lightsome chronicle goes gaily on, sufficiently rich in incident and unfailingly rich in bright ideas, and in happy turns of expression, which provoke the reader to smiles.” THE BABE B.A. The Daily News. —“Mr. Benson's novel is a photograph of every-day life at Cambridge. His undergraduates play football and cricket, act in the Greek Play, converse on intimate terms with Dons, and occasionally manage to get through a little reading.” THE BABE B.A. Vanity Fair.—“The book is indeed by 'Verdant Green' out of Alice in Wonder- land'; and is as delightful as a book so bred could not fail to be.” G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 24, Bedford Street, London, and New York. Really Good Books. New Edition. Just out. With new chapter on THE RONTGEN RAYS. With 8 very important Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 108 Illustrations, Cloth, 5s. ELECTRICITY FOR EVERYBODY: ITS NATURE AND USES EXPLAINED. By PHILIP ATKINSON, M.A., Ph.D. CONTENTS : Chapter I. The Nature of Electricity and Electric Transmission.—II. Static Electricity.--III. Electric Batteries.-IV. Magnetism. - V. Dynamos.-VI. Electric Motors.–VII. Electric Lighting.–VIII. Heat and Electricity.-IX. The Telegraph and Telephone.-X. Röntgen Rays. Scotsman.-" There are many books of its kind; but few more likely to suit the requirements of readers not specially or professionally concerned with its subject.” Daily News. — “Is a sensibly written manual for the instruction of those possessing little or no technical knowledge of a subject of ever-growing importance.” THE EARTH AND ITS STORY. A Popular Guide for beginners in Geology. It is rich in illustration, and differs from the ordinary book in this respect, that the cuts are all reproductions from photographs taken in the field, thus making them true to nature. By Prof. ANGELO HEILPRIN. Crown 8vo, 64 plates, cloth, 5s. net. Glasgow Herald.-“A very excellent little book.... If we had to choose any simply written work for an elementary class in geology, and a work which should at once be thoroughly reliable in character, we should have no hesitation in selecting Professor Heilprin's little volume.” Bazaa".-“ Have you anyone at home who wishes to obtain, in a pleasant manner, a thorough grounding in geology, and to understand, to some extent at least, the work of ages, which has built up huge mountains or levelled them to the plains? If so, procure Heilprin's The Earth and its Story, which is the best book of its kind at a popular price that we have hitherto come across. ... As a rule, geological works are dry in the extreme; this is just the reverse.” THE STORY OF THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. By HENRY M. FIELD. Crown 8vo, portrait and woodcuts, cloth, gilt top, 7s. 6d. Times.--""The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph,' by Henry M. Field, is at once the record of one of the greatest of modern international enterprises." Morning Post.-" Mr. Cyrus Field has passed away, and the mighty ship that laid the cables has been broken up, but a record of their work will be found in the pages of this book,” London: GAY & BIRD, 22, Bedford Street, Strand. 13 5707 Gwynne, Dr. John, ed.---The apocalypse of St. John in Syriac, version hitherto unknown; with critical notes on the Syriac text, and an annotated reconstruction of the underlying Greek text. 1897. 10 + 146 + 49 + 100 pp., roy. 4to, cloth, 30s. Dublin: HODGES, FIGGIS & Co. London: LONGMANS 5708 Haggard, H. R.-People of the mist. New edition. 1897. 343 pp., cloth, 3s. 6d. LONGMANS 5709* Halcombe, Charles J. H.—The mystic flowery land. Illus. 1896. La. 8vo, cloth, 16s. LUZAC Mr. Halcombe was a member of the Imperial Maritime Customs of China, and his narrative is an account of his personal experiences of a seven years' sojourn, in what he calls “ The Mystic Flowery Land." The volume deals chiefly with the large seaport towns on the coast, and it is illustrated from photographs, both in colours and by “process” blocks. 5710 Harland, Marion, and Herrick, C. H.-The national cook book. 1897. 550 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 7s, 6d. FISHER UNWIN 5711 Harper, Arthur P.- Pioneer works in the Alps of New Zealand. Illus. 1897. 336 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 21s, net. FISHER UNWIN 5712 Harris, Dr. Samuel-God the Creator and Lord of all. 1897. 2 vols. 1,180 pp., post 8vo, clotb, 16s. Edinburgh : T. & T. CLARK 5713 Harte, Bret-The crusade of the “Excelsior," New edition, 1897. | 8+296 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. CHATTO & WINDUS 5714 Haycraft, T. W.-Executive powers in relation to crimes and disorder; or, powers of police in England. 1897. 144 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 6s. BUTTERWORTH 5715* Hazlitt, W. Carew-Four generations of a literary family: the Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and America. 1897. 2 vols, dy. 8vo, cloth, 31s. 6d. net. G. REDWAY The family of Hazlitt has been associated with literature for more than a century. Its present representative, in tracing the family's history, has not resuscitated any of the important printed memoirs. Most of the contents of these two volumes are either from personal experiences or from private and unpublished MSS. An important diary compiled by the elder Hazlitt's sister from family papers and recollections between 1835 and 1838, is here embodied for the first time. This, and the new letters, form valuable contributions to this history. Mr. W. C. Hazlitt has, in addition, furnished recollections of old London landmarks, and the literary associations which they call up. The work is illustrated with several portraits reproduced in photogravure. 5716 Heawood, Alfred-Geography of Africa. Illus. 1897. 14+262 pp., globe 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. MACMILLAN 5717 Henty, G. A.—The queen's cup. 1897. 3 vols. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 15s. net. CHATTO & WINDUS 5718 Hewitt, H. Marmaduke--A manual of our mother tongue. Revised by G. Beach. 1897. 915 pp., cr. 8vo, half-bound, 5s. ABBOTT, Jones, & Co. 5719 Higgs, Henry - The Physiocrats : six lectures on the French economistes of the 18th century. 1897. 10+158 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. MACMILLAN 5720 Holland, Rev. Henry Scott-God's city and the coming of the kingdom. New edition. 1897. 342 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. LONGMANS 5721 Holm, Adolf—The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the independence of the Greek nation. Vol. III. B.C. 400 to the death of Alexander. 1897. 14 + 456 pp., 8vo, cloth, 6s. net. MACMILLAN 5722 Home, Miss C. M.—The Thanes of Kent: a tale. 1897. 264 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY 14 MR. JOHN MACQUEEN'S LIST. First edition of 20,000 copies. Second edition now ready. The Sign of the Cross. A novel founded on the theme of the famous Play of the same name. By WILSON BARRETT. With a Preface by the Bishop of Truro. Crown 8vo, 6s. Summer Days for Winter Evenings. A Series of Nature Idylls. By J. H CRAWFORD, F.L.S., Author of " The Wild Life of Scotland." Illustrations by John Williamson Handsomely bound, large crown 8vo, 8s. 6d. net. A Narrative of the Boer War. By T. F. CARTER. Demy 8vo, 103. 6d. “This great work is history, exhaustive, impartial, and realistic.”—The Sheffield Telegraph. The Mighty Toltec. A Story of Adventure. By S. J. ADAIR FITZGERALD and S. O. LLOYD. With Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, 6s. "One of the best books of adventure that this book season has brought forth.”—Manchester Courier. Denys D'Auvrillac. A Story of French Life. By HANNAH LYNCH, Author of "Daughters of Men,” &c. Crown 8vo, 6s. “It is by intrinsic quality of a superior order that this book excels.”--Pall Mall Gazette. Miss Cherry Blossom of Tokyo. A Japanese Novel. By JOAN LUTHER LONG. Crown 8vo, 6s. The Radical's Wife. By H. G. 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There are abundant signs in this story that a brilliant literary craftsman has arisen, who is a mistress of swift and telling recital, an observer uncommonly penetrating, and a worker well under control.”-Literary World. IBSEN'S PROSE DRAMAS. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. per vol. The five volumes in cloth case to match price 17s. 6d. per set. Also in half morocco. Vol. I. “A Doll's House."« The League of Youth,” and “The Pillars of Society."-Vol. II.“ Ghosts." Ge An Enemy of the People, and “The Wild Duck."-Vol. III. “Lady Ingar of Ostrat.” “The Vikings at Helgeland.” “ The Pretenders.” -Vol IV.“ Emperor and Galilean." - Vol. V.“ Rosmersholm," “ The Lady from the sea,” “ Hedda Gabler.” IBSEN'S GREAT DRAMATIC POEM. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. New Edition at Reduced Price. PEER GYNT: A Dramatic Poem. By HENRIK IBSEN. “Thousands of persons who will never read another line of Ibsen will read. Peer Gynt' again and again; and millions will be conscious of him as part of the poetic currency of the world without reading him at all."-Saturday Review. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST BOOKS IN THE WORLD. 3s. 6d. THE WORLD'S GREAT NOVELS. 3s. 6d. Large Crown 8vo. Illustrated. A series of acknowledged masterpieces by the most eminent writers of fiction, Paper, type, and binding all of the most satisfactory description. Four Volumes now included. THE COUNT OF MONTE-CRISTO. By DUMAS. 16 Full-page Illustrations ; over 1,100 pages. THE THREE MUSKETEERS. By DUMAS. 12 Full-page Illustrations and Portrait of Dumas; over 600 pp. JANE EYRE. By CHARLOTTE BRONTE. 48 Illustrations and Portrait of Charlotte Bronte; 660 pages. ANNA KARENINA. By Count TOLSTOY. 10 Illustrations and Portrait of Count Tolstoy ; 776 pages. LONDON: WALTER SCOTT, LIMITED, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. 15 5723* Home, Frances-Against the odds. 1897. 249 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 25. 6d. JARROLD 5724* Horsfall, Mrs.—Pretty homes. Illus. 1897. 168 pp., large 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. EUROPEAN MAIL Most of the articles embodied in this volume appeared in “ The Happy Home.” Mrs. Horsfall's aim has been to furnish such hints and advice as may be easily and cheaply put into practice, in order to realise what she considers to be“ a pretty home.” 5725 Howe, Malverd, A.-Retaining-walls for earth, including the theory of earth pressure as developed from the ellipse of stress. Illus. 3rd edition. 1897. 10 + 132 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. 6d. net. CHAPMAN & HALL 5726* Hub, The: an illustrated weekly for wheelmen and wheelwomen. Vol I. 1896. 520 pp., imp. 8vo, cloth, 3s. CG. NEWNES Among the principal features may be mentioned :-“ Amateur Cycle Races”; “ Hints to Beginners ” ; “Big Cycle Races”; “ Cycling Helps and Hints”; “ Famous Racing Tracks”; “ Cycling Health Hints”; “Legal Wrinkles”; “ Men of Mark in the Cycling World ”; “Popular Cyclists”; “ Women of Note”; “Cycling Information," &c., &c. 5727 Hungerford, Mrs.-An anxious moment. New edition. 1897. 8 + 284 pp., cr. 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. CHATTO & WINDUS 5728 Hunter, Sir W. W.-The Thackerays in India, and some Calcutta graves. 1897. 190 pp., sq. 16mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. net. H. FROWDE, 5729 Idler, The: edited by Jerome K. Jerome. Illus. 1896. 856 pp., roy. 8vo, cloth, 7s, 6d. CHATTO & WINDUS 5730 Imitation of the Most Blessed Virgin. New edition, 1897. 600 pp. dy. 32mo, cloth, 28. net. BURNS & OATES 5731 Interesting word-builder and spelling book. 1897. 112 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 9d. JARROLD 5732 J- , H. A. R.-Poems and other verses. 1897. 20 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s, net. FISHER UNWIN 5733* Jacberns, Raymond-Common chords: a story. Illus. 1897. 271 pp, cr. 8vo, cloth. 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5734 Jacobson, W. H. A.—The operations of surgery. Illus. 3rd edition. 1897. 14 + 1,337 pp., 8vo, cloth, 34s. J. & A. CHURCHILL 5735 James, Charles-The finger and the ring. 1897. 8+ 402 pp., cr. 8vo. cloth, 6s. WARD & DOWNEY 5736 Jerome, J. K., and others—My first book; with an introduction by J. K. Jerome. Illus. New edition. 1897. 24 + 312 pp., large cr. 8vo, art linen, 3s. 6d. CHATTO & WINDUS 5737 Johnston-Smith, Frederick J.--The captain of the “Dolphin," and other poems of the sea. 1897. 224 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. DIGBY, LONG 5738 Jordan, D. S., and Evermann B. W.-The fishes of north and middle America: a descriptive catalogue. Part I. 1897. 1,240 pp., 8vo, paper, £2 net. W. WESLEY 5739 Kelly's directory of Birmingham. 1897. 21st edition. 900 pp., imp. 8vo, cloth, 15s. KELLY & Co. 5740 Kelly's Medical directory of London and 12 miles round. 9th edition. 1897. 570 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. 6d. KELLY & Co. 5741 Kempe, H. R.-Engineers' year-book of formulæ, tables, &c., for 1897. Illus. 1897. 700 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 8s. CROSBY LOCKWOOD 5742 King, Rev. W. B.-The daily song : thoughts on the offices for morning and evening prayer. 1897. 107 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. J. MASTERS 16 MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS SECOND THOUSAND. MISS MARY H. KINGSLEY'S Travels in West Africa CONGO FRANCAIS, CORISCO, & CAMEROONS. With 16 Full=page and numerous Text Illustrations, Demy 8vo, 21s, net. PALL MALL GAZETTE.—“One of the brightest, cleverest, and most entertaining books of travel that have appeared for a very long time.” DAILY CHRONICLE.“ The book of travel of the season for nearly everybody." ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE.“ A really delightful book." STANDARD.—“Will appeal to a large circle of readers." Ilustrated by CHARLES E. BROCK, WESTWARD HO. By CHARLES KINGSLEY. THE PEOPLE'S - DITION. With Eight Illustrations by CHARLES E. BROCK. Medium 8vo, cloth, ls. THE PEACOCK” EDITION. With Fifty Illustra- tions by CHARLES E. BROCK. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 58. THE “ILLUSTRATED STANDARD NOVELS” EDITION. With Fifty Illustrations by CHARLES E. BRO K. Cloth, uncut edges, 3s. 6d. New Novel by Mrs. HUGH FRASER. PALLADIA. Crown 8vo, 6s. SPEAKER.-“The story is altogether a notable one, and must give Mrs. Fraser a high place among the writers of contemporary fiction.” Extra crown 8vo, 6s. THE GROWTH OF THE FRENCH NATION. By George B. ADAMS, Professor of History in Yale University. By the Late REV. F. J. A. HORT, D.D. VILLAGE SERMONS PREACHED IN THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. IPPOLYTS. By the late Rev. F. J. A. HORT, D.D. Crown 8yo, 6s. Demy 8vo, Ss. 6d. net. The SACRED TREE; or, the TREE in RELIGION and MYTH. By Mrs. J. H. PHILPOT. Illustrated. PALL MALL GAZETTE.--" Her volume is a lucid and well-written summary of all the history and the theories of the subject.” Extra crown 8vo, 6s. A HISTORY OF GREEK ART. With an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egypt and Mesopotamia. By F. B. TARBELL. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. net. THE PHYSIOCRATS: Six Lectures on the French Econo- mistes of the Eighteenth Century By HENRY HIGGS. PALL MALL GAZETTE.--" There is a lot of solid information in the compass of this handy little volume.” MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED, LONDON. Subject and Title Index. LA Abscesses, Treatment of—5648 Biographies—continued :- Charity, organisation and Jesus Across the Canadian prairies - Lisle, Laura de-5658 Christ-5769 5654 Luther, Martin-5693 Chemistry—5806 Acts, Coal mines regulation-5692 Pius VII.—5602 Chemistry :- Æneid-5872, 5873 Scot, Michael -5891 Qualitative analysis, Elem.—8630 Africa, Geography of–5716 Shakespeare, Milton, Bentley, China :- ley, China tid flowery land Africa, South, Boy life in Natal and others—5773 Mystic flowery land-5709 5611 Whitman, Walt-5637 Chorister Jim : a tale-5826 Africa, West, Travels in—5744 Windham, Gen. Sir C. A.—5889 Christ, Life of-5676 After long waiting-5829 Birmingham, Directory of—5739 Christ, Studies of the man–5845 Against the odds—5723 Birds :- Church annual, illustrated—5797 Air :- British–5751 Civil engineering :- Argon-5821 North American-5618 Gas and fuel analysis—5703 Organic matter in-5619 Bit of a fool-5805 Retaining-walls for earth pres- Algebra, Simple lectures on–5819 Blackboard drawing—5853 sure—5725 Ambassador of Christ-5701 Blind bats—5659 Climbing :- Anabasis, Xenophon's—5894 Blot in the 'scutcheon-5633 Pioneer works in the Alps of Andrew Sargeant's wedding-5776 Book for every woman-5878 New Zealand-5711 Anglican orders, Some considera- Book plate annual—5752 Reminiscences of the Dolomites tions on–5802 Books of 1896. See New Catalogue -5839 Anthony Gasper-5622 -5649 Coach-building-5807 Antitoxin, Diphtheria and—5862 Botany :- Coal mines regulation acts—5692 Anxious moment, An–5727 Annals-5612 Coal, Regulation of the output- Apocalypse of St. John in Syriac Diseases of plants—5865 5755 -5707 Elem. botany for South Africa- Coccidae of Ceylon—5706 Archæology :- 5678 Colliery surveying—5799 British—5624 ? Flora of Somerset-5792 Comedy of three-5831 Proceedings of the Somerset- Bournemouth, Climate of—5745 Comic operas: Gilbert-5702 shire Archäological and Braithwaite, Martha, Life of—5680 Com non chords -5733 Natural History Society- British moss-flora—5627 Conversion of Winckelmann-5608 5816 British warships, Famous—5876 Cookery—5710 Argon, A new constituent of the Brush drawing—5871 Covenanters, Heroes and heroines atmosphere--5821 Builder's price-book—5780, 5748 of the--5675 Aristotle and the earlier peripa- Bulb culture-5674 Crime, Executive powers in relation tetics—5656 -5714 Armenia, Conversion of, to the Southwell diocesan church calen- Criminology series, vol. III. :- Christian faith—5830 dar-5650 Juvenile offenders -5783 Art, Greek—5856 Canada :- Criticism, Essay on-5813 Art. See also Drawing—5871 Across the Canadian prairies - Crusade of the “ Excelsior”45713 Astronomy :- 5654 Cyropædeia, Xenophon's — 5895, Astrophysical journal—5607 History—5623 5896, 5897 Atharva-Veda, Hymns of the— Cane basket work—5684 Cryptogram, The-5875 5788 Canterbury-5885 Cycling :- Atlas, Historical, of Modern Canterbury poets :- Hub, The-5726 Europe—5812 Browning-5633, 5634 Cymbeline-5834 Atmosphere. See Air-5821 Ca’oba, the guerilla chief—5679 Captain of the Dolphin-5737 Daily song-5742 Bacon's essays, Selection from— Catalogues :- Dangerous conspirator-5796 5609 New catalogue of British litera- Daughter's grief-5651 Badminton library-5804 ture-5649 David Copperfield—5668 Basket work-5684 Cathedral church of St. Asaph- Davies, A. H., Memoirs of—5662 Bible, Hours with the-5700 5615 Demon possession-5794 Billiards—5781 Cathedral series :- Dental surgery-5614 Biographies : Canterbury-5885 Devotion, Flowers of-5687 Braithwaite, Martha-5680 Salisbury-5886 Devout instructions on the epistles Chalmers, Thomas-5621 Catholic ceremonies-5677 and gospels-5704. Davies, A. H.-5662 Catholic directory-5643 Dickens' dictionary-5810 Doyle, Bishop-5765 Catholic faith and practice-5784 Dictionaries :- Fénelon-5818 Catholic home annual -5644 Dickens'-5810 Hazlitt-5715 Chalmers, Thomas-5621 English dialect-5892 Johnson, W. and L.-5672 Chapman's magazine-5646 New English, Vol. 3–5790, 5791 to the Calendanature-56 22 Subject and Title Index-continued. Dietetics—5645 Figure skating—5860 Hub, The-5726 Diphtheria and antitoxin-5862 Finger and the ring—5735 Humorous fiction-5866 Directories :- Fishes, Deep-sea and pelagic-5705 Humorous pieces—5782 Birmingham-5739 Fishes of North and Middle Hymns of the Atharva Veda-5788 Catholic-5643 America—5738 Export merchant shipper—5682 Flora of Somerset—5792 Ichthyology, Oceanic—5705 Medical—5777 Flora the Roman Martyr—5686 Idler-5729 Medical, of London-5740 Florence, Historical guide to—5600 Tllustrated church annual_5797 Discipline and service-5662 Flowers of devotion-5687 Imitation of the Most Blessed Dolomites, Climbing reminiscences Food :- Virgin–5730 of the—5839 Feeding of infants-5645 In deacon's orders-5620 Domestic servants, Rights of- For duty's sake-5673 Irish library, Vol. II.—5765 5616 Forestwyk: a story—5617 Ironwork-5699 Doyle, Bishop-5765 Four generations of a literary Dramatic works: family-5715 Jesus Christ. See Christ–5676, Minna von Barnhelm–5753 France :- 5845 Drawing, Blackboard—5853 My village: peasant life-5626 John, St., Apocalypse of_5767 Drawing, Brush—5871 French nation, Growth of—5597 Johnson, William and Lucy, Mis- Du Maurier, In Bohemia with, French prose reader_5613 sionary life of–5672 5787 French revolution : Carlyle-5641 Juvenile offenders—5783 From hell to heaven-5667 Earth pressure, Theory of—5725 Fruit culture for amateurs-5893 King John, Shakespeare's-5835 Eclogues of Virgil—5874 Fuel analysis—5703 King Pippin–5689 Egyptian magic-5883 Engineering, Mechanical—5825 Gallic war—5639 Lady Jean's son-.-5867 Engineer's year-book—5741 Garden of the soul—5696 Language, English :- Manual of England's wealth - Ireland's Garden of time-5660 our mother tongue_5718 poverty—5763 Gas and fuel analysis—5703 Laughable stories—5636 English classics-5851 Gentleman George-5771 Law :- English classics (series), Bacon's Geography of Africa—5716 Coal mines regulation acts—5692 essays—5609 Geometry, Co-ordinate-5761 Rights of domestic servants- English dialect dictionary-5892 Geometry, Simple lectures on 5616 English history-5759 5819 Library of humour-5866 English language: Manual of our Geraldine-5599 Lisle, Laura de, Life of —5658 mother tongue-5718 Gleaming dawn, The-5610 Literary and Philosophical Society, English schools at the Reformation God the creator-5712 History of—5880 5749 God's city—5720 Literary year-book-5598 Engravings and their value-5840 Golf—5681 Literature, British, New catalogue Entymology : Coccidae of Ceylon- Grammar, English. See English of —5649 5706 language-5718 Little colonel, The-5683 Essay on criticism—5813, 5814 Giant raft, part 2–5875 Little Dorrit-5669 Essays of Elia—5746 Great Scot, the chaser—5694 Little novels (series), vol. VII.- Essays of Elia, Last-5747 Greece, History of. Vol III. B.C. 5642 Essays :- 400 to the death of Alexander Little novels (series), vol. VIII. Bacon-5609 -5721 5831 Lamb, Charles—5746, 5747 Greek art, History of—5856 Loving service—5680 Mill, J. S.—5779 Greek sculpture-5698 Luther, Martin=5693 Reynolds, Sir J. R.—5822 Greek sculpture, Handbook of — Lying prophets-5808 Romanes—5827 5697 Europe, Modern, Historical atlas of Growth of the French nation- Macmillan's English classics. --5812 5597 Arnold's poems-5606 Evolution, Pioneers of—5652 Guardian, Selections from—5851 Madge o' the pool—5837 Executive powers in relation to crimes-5714 Harum scarum--5852 Magazines :- Export merchant shippers' direc- Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and Astrophysical journal—5607 tory—5682 an America—5715 Catholic home annual-5644 Eye, Refraction of the—5786 Health, Woman in 5878 Chapman's magazine of fiction Historical guides, Florence—5600 -5646 Faerie queene, Part VII.—5846 Historical guides, Paris-5601 Hub, The-5726 Faerie queene, Vol. I.—5847 History, English–5759 National temperance league - Faithful unto death-5672 History in fact and fiction-5640 5793 Famous Scots series :- Holiday tasks-5665 Navy and Army Illustrated- Chalmers, Thomas-5621 Homes, Pretty--5724 5795 Farrell dishonour, The-5811 Horse in art and nature-5631 Our boys and girls' annual- Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambray Horse pedigrees, Present-day sires 5801 --5818 -5663 University correspondent–5869 Fiction, Modern, Theology of— House of Commons, Debrett's— Woman's life--5890 5833 5666 Magic, Egyptian-5883 mi Subject and Title Index-continued. Magic, Mysteries of-5877 Odds and ends-5798 Salisbury, Cathedral church of- Magic key-5888 Old age, Youth and-5604 5886 Maisonette: a girl's story --5655 Old ecstasies–5864 Salve Regina, Explanation of the- Malory's Le morte d'Arthur- Oliver Twist-5670 5757 5770 Operas, Comic-5702 Sanitary Science :- Manuscripts, Recently discovered - Origen's commentaries on Matthew Water analysis-5861 5778 and John-5778 Water and its purification- Mass, Devotions for—5696 Ornithology. See Birds 5823 Mass, Holy sacrifice of the-5653 Our boys and girls' annual-5801 Schools, English, at the reforma- Margaret Moore, spinster—5635 "Our Father," Explanation of the tion-5749 Maiolica, Descriptive catalogue of —5628 Science:- -5691 Ovariotomies, Fifty-four consecutive Is science guilty ?—5688 Masterman Ready-5767 -5638 Scot, Michael, Life of-5891 Mathematics :- Scripture manuals for Catholic Made easy--5819 Paradise of birds-5657 De schools-5841 Matriculation model answers- Parents and children—5772 Sculpture, Greek-5697, 5698 5775 Paris, Historical guide to—5601 Sermons :- Matriculation directory—5774 Passing shadows-5898 From hell to heaven-5667 Matriculation model answers—5775 Pastoral theology—5849 Liddon, Dr.–5756 Matter, Determination of organic Peasant life, French-5626 Servants, Domestic, Rights of - matter in air-5619 People of the mist - 5708 5616 Mechanics, Advanced-5629 Pheasants—5857 Settlers in Canada -5768 Mechanics : Principles of mechan- Physiocrats, The_5719 Skating: - ism—5825 Pickwick papers-5671 Hand-in-hand figure skating- Mechanics of pumping machinery Picture of the king-5647 5860 5881 Pioneers of evolution—5652 Slight indiscretion, A-5642 Medical directory—5740, 5777 Pippa passes—5634 Snakes-5855 Midwifery-5695 Pius the seventh-5602 Some considerations on Anglican Miniature lives of the saints—5625 Plants, Diseases of_5865 orders—5802 Minna von Barnhelm : ein lustspiel Poetry :- Somerset, Flora of—5792 -5753 Arnold, M–5606 Somersetshire Archæological So- Morte d'Arthur, Le-5770 Austin, Alfred-5608 ciety, Proceedings of the Mosses, British moss-flora-5627 Browning-5633, 5634 5816 Mr. Spinks and his hounds-5764 Johnston-Smith-5737 Sorceress, The-5800 Mrs. Tregaskiss—5815 Odds and ends-5798 Southwell diocesan church calendar My first book-5736 Poems by H. A. R. J.--5732 --5650 My village-5626 Poetry of sport-5804 Spanish self-taught-5859 Mystic flowery land-5709 Police, Powers of-5714 Spectator, Selections from—5851 Mysteries of Magic-5877 Postage stamps-5685 Sport, Poetry of—5804 Narrative of Captain Coignet Potters: their arts and crafts-5844 Sports :- 5762 Prayer-5758 Golf-5681 Natal, Boy life in-5611 Present day sires-5663 Stamp collecting-5685 National cook book-5710 Pretty homes—5724 State vaccination-5754 Navy and Army Illustrated- Price-book, Builder's—5789, 5748 Statics--5629 5795 Pseudonym library, Vol. 52–5622 Story of Aline_-5824 Navy list, Royal—5750 Pumping machinery, Mechanics of Story of the nations--Canada- New catalogue of British literature -5881 5623 --5649 Superstition: see also Demon New English dictionary, Vol. 3- Qualitative analysis, Elem.-5630 possession-5794 5791 Queen's cup—5717 Surgery :- New English dictionary, Vol. 3, Quentin Durward - 5832 Dental-5614 part 9–5790 Fifty-four consecutive ovario- New Zealand Alps, Pioneer works Refraction of the eye-5786 tomies—5638 in the--5711 Rosarian's year book-5664 Operations 5734 Nile, On the -5887 Rosary, Holy, Book of the--5690 Treatment of wounds, &c.- Noqu Talanoa: stories—5854 Round table of the representative 5648 Northumbrian episodes-5803 American Catholic novelists-- Surrey, Guide to—5879 Novelists, American Catholic 5828 Sussex, Guide to--5879 5828 Royal navy list-5750 Nurse, Volunteer, in the Franco- Royal Society of Literature, Trans- Tales of an engineer-5820 German war—5858 actions of -5863 Tatler, Selections from-5851 Tempest, The--5836 Oak of chivalry-5817 Sacred books of the east-5788, Temple classics-5746, 5747 Object lesson notes for infants - 5789 Thackerays in India-5728 5785 Sacred tree-5809 Thanes of Kent-5722 Occult science :- St. Asaph, The cathedral church of Theatrical recollection - Soldene Demon possession-5794 5615 Emily-5843 Egyptian magic-5883 Saints, Lives of the-5625 Theology of modern fiction-5833 20 Subject and Title Index-continued. Three daughters of the United University courses open to women Westward ho!-5743 Kingdom-5632 --5766 White-faced priest-5803 ough their spectacles-5760 University correspondent--5869 Whitman, Walt: a study -5637 ° Central Africa on an iceberg - Why not?-5850 5848 Vaccination, State-5754 Will that wins-5838 Travels :- Vedic hymns-5789 Windham, Gen. Sir C. A. -5889 Africa, West—5744 With the red eagle -5882 China-5709 Warships, Famous British-5876 Woman's life -5890 Nile, On the-5887 Water analysis, Simple method of Women, University courses open to Treatment of wounds, &c.--5648 -5861 -5766 Ulcers, Treatment of-5648 Water and its purification-5823 Word builder-5731 Under a border tower-5868 Wee Dorothy's true valentine - Wounds, Treatment of -5648 Under the circumstances-5605 5870 United States, History, 1870-95 – Westminster Cathedral record -- Youth and old age, Aristotle on- 5603 5884 5604 Write with a SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN, 3 sizes, 10/6 16/6, 25/=, Post Free, & & which will last many years - - - if you would know the least discom- fort attendant upon a literary vocation. THE SWAN PEN Send Postcard for Illustrated Catalogue to the Manufacturers, Branches: 95a, REGENT ST., W. 21, HIGH ST. KENSINGTON, W. and 3, EXCHANGE ST., MANCHESTER MABIE, TODD & BARD, 93, Cheapside, LONDON, E.C. Un LIST OF BOOKS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN AND THEIR CLUBS. With Descriptive and Critical Notes and a List of Periodicals, and Hints for Girls' and Women's Clubs. Edited by AUGUSTA H. LEYPOLDT AND GEORGES ILES. The list tells of some 2,100 books worthy to be read. Men and women who know have chosen the books, and said about them just what they would tell an enquirer face to face. Price, cloth, 4/-; paper, 2/-. LIBRARY BUREAU, 10 BLOOMSBURY STREET, LONDON, W.C. NOW READY. THE THEORY OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE INTRODUCTION OF SYSTEM IN THE RECORD OF MODERN LITERATURE. BY FRANK CAMPBELL, (of the Library, British Museum). yo?sum COU a PRESS OPINIONS. “ Mr. FRANK CAMPBELL, of the British Museum Library, is manifestly an s subject and no doubt a consummate master of the whole theory and practice of Bibliography ”—Times. “Mr. CAMPBELL's desire to see good Registers of the Literature of each country will be shared by all Bibliographers.”—Manchester Guardian. “ Contains much material of great interest and value.—Daily Chronicle. “It is obviously a work of great labour, and its pages contain many suggestions, which skilled librarians will be able to appraise at their proper value.”—Scotsman. “Even a cursory glance at his book is sufficient to convince us that it is an absolute Encyclopædia of Bibliography. One is struck with the splendid grasp of the subject which Mr. CAMPBELL possesses.... It will tend to clear up many difficulties.. . No more important and certainly no more comprehensive treatise on Bibliography has ever been in any language.”-Bookselling. “Many of the suggestions made by him are undoubtedly of great value.... The charm of the work is that it is characterised by breadth of view, and the advocacy of a go-ahead-without-regard-to-obstacles policy, which gives it a peculiar interest."--Nature. COMO W 10 One Volume, Medium 8vo, Paper Covers, 10s. 6d. net. (American orders will be received and executed at the Library Bureau, 146, Franklin Street, Boston.) LIBRARY BUREAU (CEDRIC CHIVERS, Manager), 10, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C. W2 Are you in Need of Illustrations ? SEND US PARTICULARS WHEN YOU HAVE A JOB TO ILLUSTRATE. WE WILL ADVISE YOU THE MOST SUIT- ABLE METHOD, AND QUOTE BEST TERMS FOR CAREFUL WORK. TASTEFUL DESIGNS IN LINE OR WASH FOR PHOTO INSERTS. GARRATT & WALSH, PHOTO-ENGRAVERS, DESIGNERS, ILLUSTRATORS, 46, FARRINGDON STREET, E.C. Telephone No. 65280. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION & RELATIVE INDEX For Arranging, Cataloguing, and Indexing Public and Private Libraries, and for Pamphlets, Clippings, Notes, Scrap Books, Index Rerums, etc. BY MELVIL DEWEY (Director New York State Library and Library School ; Ex-Pres. American Library Association). Adopted by the INSTITUT INTERNATIONALE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE, Sept., 1895, as its Official Classification for use in the various countries, and now being translated into the leading European languages. Fifth Edition, 1894. Half turkey, gilt top, 25/- net. Full flexible Persian morocco, 25/- net. Abridged Decimal Classification, Cloth, 8/-. LIBRARY BUREAU, 10, BLOOMSBURY ST., LONDON, W.c. vri PUBLISHERS' INDEX. Abbott, Jones & Co.-5718, 5785, 5858 Allen, G.–5598 Art & Book Co.-5658 Asher & Co.-5868 Barnicott & Pearce (Taunton)-5792, 5816 Bell, G.-5681, 5779, 5807, 5885, 5886 Bellairs-5651, 5694, 5864 Bemrose—5650, 5664, 5797 Black, A. & C.-5752, 5773, 5832 Blackie-5609, 5814, 5834, 5836 Burns & Oares-5599, 5602, 5625, 5628, 5632, 5643, 5644, 5653, 5667, 5677, 5686, 5687, 5690, 5696, 5701, 5704, 5730, 5757, 5758, 5759, 5801, 5828, 5841, 5849, 5884, 5898 Butterworth-5692, 5714 Catholic Truth Society-5722 Chapman & Hall—5610, 5631, 5641, 5646, 5668, 5669, 5670, 5671, 5699, 5703, 5725, 5810, 5824, 5825 Chatto & Windus-5620, 5702, 5713, 5717, 5727, 5729, 5736, 5762, 5800, 5815, 5866, 5882 Churchill, J. & A.-5638, 5645, 5695, 5734, 5777, 5861 Clarendon Press -5612, 5691, 5788, 5789, 5790, 5791, 5812, 5851 Clark, T. & T. (Edinburgh)—5712, 5778 Clive, W. B.-5613, 5629, 5630, 5639, 5774, 5775, 5835, 5869, 5872, 5873, 5894, 5895, 5896, 5897 Commin, H. G. (Bournemouth)-5615 Constable, A.-5637, 5749, 5837, 5847 Cox, Horace-5663, 5857 Dean-5666, 5682, 5781, 5782 Dent, J. M.-5746, 5747, 5767, 5768, 5846 Digby, Long-5737, 5798, 5817, 5838, 5888 Douglas, D. (Edinburgh)—5751, 5891 Downey—5763, 5805, 5843- Dulau-5706, 5879 European Mail-5654, 5724, 5854, 5855 Frowde, H.-5728, 5874, 5892 Gay & Bird-5647, 5803, 5868 Gill, L. Upcott-5674, 5684, 5685, 5840, 5893 Headley Bros.-5672, 5680 Hodges, Figgis & Co. (Dublin)-5707 Houlston-5818 Hudson & Kearns--5795 Hurst & Blackett-5659, 5771, 5876 Innes, A. D.-5808 Jarrold-5617, 5655, 5660, 5665, 5673, 5683, 5689, 5723, 5731, 5733, 5760, 5776, 5796, 5811, 5819, 5826, 5829, 5848, 5850, 5852, 5867, 5870 Kelly & Co.—5739, 5740 5748 Kelly, C. H5833 King, P. S.-5754 Lewis, H. K.-5614, 5786 Library Bureau-5649 Lockwood, Crosby-5741, 5755, 5780, 5823 Longmans—5604, 5656, 5678, 5700, 5707, 5708, 5720, 5756, 5784, 5804, 5827, 5860 5862, 5865, 5878 Low, S.-- 5616, 5875 Luzac-5636, 5709 Macmillan-5597, 5606, 5608, 5657, 5697, 5698, 5716, 5719, 5721, 5743, 5744, 5753, 5761, 5766, 5770, 5799, 5806, 5809, 5813, 5822, 5853, 5856, 5881 Marlborough, E.--5869 Marshall, Russell & Co.-5611 Marshall Bros.-5688 Masters, J.-5742, 5802 Mawson, Swan & Morgan (Newcastle-on-Tyne) -5647, 5803, 5868 Moffatt & Paige-5871 National Temperance League Depot-5793 Newnes, G.–5726, 5795, 5890 Nutt, D.-5679 Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier-5621 Open Court Publishing Co.-5693 Partridge, S. W.-5662, 5675, 5844, 5845 Paul, Kegan–5603, 5676, 5772, 5877 5889, Pentland, Y. 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A Relation of Things Heard and Seen. By EMANUEL SWEDENBORG. 8vo, cloth, 2s. “ Viewing Swedenborg's system as a whole, it is seen to be replete with a philosophy which covers the whole ground of its disclosures. It gives a rationale, not only of all the physical facts, but of all the intellectual and moral doctrines of which it treats.” -Rev. GEORGE BUSH, M.A., Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature, New York University. COMPENDIUM OF SWEDENBORG'S THEOLOGICAL WRITINGS. By R4v. SAMUEL M. WARREN. With Biographical Introduction and Portrait. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. Because Swedenborg has written so much, many who are strangers to his works are deterred from making their acquaintance from not knowing what to select or where to begin. The work above-named has been compiled in order to satisfy a widely-expressed want. It contains the most important passages from all Swedenborg's theological works, arranged under heads, so as to present on each subject a com- plete and authoritative exposition of what is taught. ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING THE DIVINE LOVE AND THE DIVINE WISDOM. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE. 8vo, 2s. “I can venture to assert that as a moralist Swedenborg is above all praise; and that as a naturalist, psychologist, and theologian he has strong and varied claims on the gratitude and admiration of the profession and philosophical faculties.”—COLERIDGE. LONDON: SWEDENBORG SOCIETY, 1, BLOOMSBURY STREET. THE THEOSOPHICAL PUBLISHING SOCIETY, 26, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. OR THE ETIDORHPA; OR, THE END OF THE EARTH. By John URI LLOYD. Cloth, Imperial 8vo, Illustrated. Price 8s. 6d. net. A remarkable book. Has had an enormous sale. THE BOOK OF THE MAGI. An unabridged reprint of Barrett's Magus, London, 1801. A complete system of Occult Philosophy, consisting of Natural, Celestial, Cabalistic and Ceremonial Magic, &c., &c. Illustrated, cloth, 4to. Price 21s. net. MYSTIC MASONRY; OR, THE SYMBOLS OF FREEMASONRY, AND THE GREATER MYSTERIES OF ANTIQUITY. By J. D. BUCK, Cloth, 8vo. Price 5s. 6d. net. EGYPTIAN MAGIC. By S. S. D. D. Cloth 8vo, price 3s. 6d. Contains an explanation of the Theory of Egyptian Magic based on long study of many forms of ceremonial religion and initiation. Formulas and sigils are included which will be of practical use to the Occult Student; besides copious translations from papyri and other documents throwing light on the matter. PISTIS SOPHIA. Cloth, 8vo. Price 7s. 6d. net. A Gnostic Gospel (with Extracts from the Books of the Saviour appended) originally translated from Greek into Coptic, and now for the first time Englished from Schwartze's Latin version of the only known Coptic MS. and chequed by Amélineau's French Version, with an Introduc- tion by G. R. S. MEAD, M.A. Catalogues sent Post-Free on Application. TU THE THEOSOPHICAL PUBLISHING SOCIETY, 26, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W. 17 5743 Kingsley, Charles-Westward ho! Illus. 1897. 8vo, people's edition, ls.; peacock edition, 58.; standard edition, 3s. 6d. MACMILLAN 5744 Kingsley, Mary H.—Travels in West Africa, Congo Francais, Corisco, and Cameroons. Illus. 1897. 16 + 744 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 2ls. net. MACMILLAN 5745 Kinsey-Morgan, Dr. A.-Climate of Bournemouth in relation to disease. Illus. 1897. 51 pp., 8vo, vellum, ls. Bristol: J. WRIGHT & Co. 5746 Lamb, Charles—The essays of Elia. 1897. 6 + 302 pp., pott 8vo, cloth, Is. 6d. net; lambskin, 2s. net. Temple Classics. J. M. DENT 5747 Lamb, Charles-The last essays of Elia. 1897. 10 + 258 pp., pott 8vo, cloth, Is. 6d. net. ; lambskin, 2s. net. Temple Classics. ** J. M. DENT 5748 Laxton's Builder's price book, 1897. 80th edition. 800 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s. KELLY & Co. 5749 Leach, A. F.-English schools at the Reformation, 1546-1548. 1897. 346 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 12s. net. A. CONSTABLE 5750* Lean, Lt.-Col. Frances-Royal navy list. 1897. 476 pp., roy. 8vo., paper, 7s. 6d. WITHERBY & Co. 5751 Lee, Oswin A. J.-Among British birds in their nesting haunts. Part 2. 10 plates. 1897. 40 pp., fol., paper, 10s. 6d. net. Edinburgh : D. DOUGLAS 5752 Leighton, John—The book-plate annual and armorial year-book. Illus. 1897. Roy. 4to , paper, 2s. 6d. A. & C. BLACK 5753 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim-Minna von Barnhelm oder das soldaten glück: ein lustspiel in funf aufzugen; edited by Rev. Charles Merk. 1897. 68+ 224 pp., pott 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. MACMILLAN 5754 Levy, J.H.-State vaccination; with special reference to some principles of ancient Judaism. 1897. 18 pp., cr. 8vo., paper, 2d. P. S. KING 5755 Lewy, Emile- A scheme for the regulation of the output of coal by international agreement. 1897. 116 pp., dy. 8vo., sewed 2s. CROSBY LOCKWOOD 5756 Liddon, Dr. H. P.-Sermons preached on special occasions, 1858-89. 1897, 359 pp., cr. 8vo., cloth, 5s. LONGMANS 5757 Liguori, St. Alphonsus-Explanation of the Salve Regina. 1897. 216 pp., globe 8vo., cloth, 3s. net. BURNS & OATES 5758 Liguori, St. Alphonsus-Prayer: the great means of obtaining salvation. 1897. 222 pp., 32mo., cloth, 2s. net. BURNS & OATES 5759 Livesey, T. J., and Thorpe, S. Benson-The Granville history primer, for standards IV. to VII. B.c. 55 to A.D. 1895. 1897. 173 pp., fcap. 8vo., cloth, ls. BURNS & OATES: 5760* Lockhart-Gordon, C.--Through their spectacles. Illus. 1897. 260 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. JARROLD 5761 Loney, S. L.-The elements of co-ordinate geometry. Illus. 2nd edition. 1897. 10 + +30 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. MACMILLAN 5762 Larchey, Lorédan-Narrative of Captain Coignet. Illus. New edition. 1897. 8 + 320 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 60. CHATIO & WINDUS. 5763 Lough, Thomas-England's wealth Ireland's poverty. Illus. 3rd edition. 1897. 223 pp., post &vo, paper, ls. DOWNEY 5764 Lutyens, F. M.-Mr. Spinks and his hounds. Illus. 1897. 280 pp., roy. 8vo, cloth, 6s. VINTON 18 THE County Council Times AND District and Parish Councils Advertiser. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The County Council Times, established concurrently with the coming into operation of the Local Government Act, 1888, is the recognised official organ of the County Councils, circulates in every county in England, Wales and Scotland, records the proceedings of all County Councils, is a medium of communication between County Councillors, and deals with the many matters of interest appertaining to Local Government. FRANK HOOLE, Manager. CHIEF OFFICES 2, Exeter Street, Strand, London, W.C. 19 5765 Macdonagh, Michael-Bishop Doyle (J.K.L.). 1897 216 pp., sm. cr. 8vo, paper Is.; cloth 2s. Irish library, Vol. II. FISHER UNWIN 5766 Maddison, Isabel, and Thomas, Helen W., and Wines, Emma S.- f courses open to women in British, continental, and Canadian universities. 1897. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. net. MACMILLAN 5767 Marryat, Capt.—Masterman Ready. 1897. 12 + 342 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. J. M. DENT 5768 Marryat, Capt.-Settlers in Canada 1897. 8 + 320 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. J. M. DENT 5769 Marson, Rev. C. L.-Charity, organization, and Jesus Christ. 1897. 60 pp., sm. 8vo, paper, ls. SCIENTIFIC PRESS 5770 Martin, A. T., ed.- Selections from Malory's le morte d'Arthur. 1897. 36 + 254 pp., globe 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. Macmillan's English Classics. MACMILLAN 5771 Martin, Mrs. Herbert-Gentleman George. 1897. 344 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. HURST & BLACKETT 5772 Mason, Charlotte M.—Parents and children. 1897. 12 + 408 pp., |dy. 8vo, cloth, 6s. KEGAN PAUL 5773 De Quincey, Thomas.-Collected writings; edited by Prof. Masson. Vol. 4. Biographies of Shakespeare, Milton, Bentley, Pope, Kant, Joan of Arc. 1897. 439 pp., fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. BLACK 5774* Matriculation directory. January, 1897. Fcap. 8vo, paper, ls. net. W. B. CLIVE A guide-book for young students about to enter on the attainment of a London University Degree, written with special reference to the University Correspondence College. 5775* Matriculation model answers: Mathematics. 1897. 138 pp., cr. 8vo, paper, 2s. W. B. CLIVE A guide to those who would know how to answer the questions set at the London University Matriculation Examination. The model answers deal with Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. 5776* Meade, L. T.-Andrew Sargeant's wedding. 1897. 130 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. JARROID 5777 Medical directory. 53rd edition. 1897. 2,061 pp., 8vo, cloth, 14s. J. & A. CHURCHILL 5778 Menzies, Prof. Allan, ed.—Recently discovered manuscripts, and Origen's commentaries on Matthew and John. 1897. 540 pp., 4to, cloth, 12s. 6d. net. Edinburgh: T. & T. CLARK 5779* Mill, John Stuart.-Early essays ; selected by J. W. M. Gibbs. 1897. 423 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. G. BELL The essays included in this volume have been selected from Mill's contributions to the periodical press between the years 1829 and 1844. Those of the essays which were reprinted in the volumes, “Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy,” and “Dissertations and Discussions,” have been here taken from the original versions which appeared in the London and Westminster Reviews. The essays on Carlyle’s “ French Revolution” and Tennyson's Poems appear here for the first time in book form. 5780 Miller, F. T. W.-Lockwood's builder's and contractor's price-book for 1897. 800 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s. CROSBY LOCKWOOD 5781 Mitchell, Wm.-Billiards. Illus. 1897. 64 pp., 8vo, cloth, ls. DEAN 5782 Moore, Francis, W.-Original humorous pieces. 2nd edition. 1897. 160 pp., 8vo, limp cloth, ls. DEAN 5783 Morrison, W. Douglas-Juvenile offenders. 1897. 317 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. Criminology series, Vol. III. FISHER UNWIN 20 SECOND-HAND BOOKS AMERICANA WANTED. As we give most liberal prices. Booksellers and Private Owners of Books, Pamphlets, Portraits, Prints and Maps, relating to North America, are invited to report them to us before disposing of (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN), elsewhere. Are rapidly and cheaply procured by All Reports answered. Catalogues solicited and carefully read. HENRY STEVENS, SON AND STILES, W. MULLER, 39, GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON, W.C. English and Foreign Bookseller, The Chivers' Newspaper Holder. 1, STAR YARD, CAREY STREET, LONDON, W.C. Easily affixed to a Newspaper Stand and removed without injury to the woodwork. Price, with Lock and Key, 6/6 SPECIALITIES: À without 4/9 Combines the following advantages -- Strength, Books on Economics, Banking, Firm Grip, Secure Fastening and Ease of Manipulation. Early Trading and Commerce, LIBRARY BUREAU, 10, BLOOMSBURY ST., W.C. Complete sets of Scientific and TO BUSINESS MEN AND OTHERS. Literary Periodicals. If you do not use the Card System you spend 50 per cent. more I am always a buyer of “Economic than you need to do both in time and Review," “Economic Journal," "Economist," “Banker's Magazine," "Journal of Statis- money. tical Society," “ Library Chronicle," “ Monthly Notes of Library Association,'' SHELF LABEL HOLDERS, “Academy,” etc., etc. 2 inches wide 25/- per 100 - O- ? 30/- 1 NEW FRENCH and GERMAN BOOKS Can be supplied with printed or metal lettered of all kinds at DISCOUNT RATES for CASH. labels at exceedingly low prices. 2 LIBRARY BUREAU- References to English, Continental, and 10, Bloomsbury Street, W.C. | American Scholars and Librarians, - 0- FOR SCHOOLS AND CLASSES. AHN'S FIRST FRENCH COURSE (MARLBOROUGH EDITION). Adapted from the German Original by A. DUDEVANT. Edited and Revised by C. A. THIMM, F.R.G.S. Seventh Improved Edition. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. “I have ordered Abn's French Class Book for all new pupils. It is so much more intelligent than the usual French instruction books.”—R. LATIMER, Principal, Sea View School, St. Annes-on-Sea. AHN (Dr. F.)-FRENCH GRAMMAR. Ahn's Original Work. A New Practical and Easy Method of Learning the French Language. Author's Four- teenth Edition. Revised and Edited by C. A. THIMM, F.R.G.S. 220 pp., 8vo, 2s. 6d. “ Appears to be particularly suitable for self-instruction.”—Modern Language Teacher's Guide. AHN (Dr. F.)—KEY TO THE EXERCISES. By C. A. THIMM, F.R.G.S. 39 pp., 8vo, wrapper, 1s. DUDEVANT (A.)—THE COMPLETE FRENCH READER. Compiled after that of F. AHN, by A. DUDEVANT. Revised, with Additions, and Edited, with English Notes, by C. A. THIMM, F.R.G.S. Sixth Enlarged Edition, 8vo, cloth, 28. 6d. “A very useful book for pupils commencing to read French. The Exercises are well graduated and interesting.”-The Schoolmaster. LOUIS FRANÇOIS.–POESIES DE L'ENFANCE, CHOISIES. (French Poetry for Children). Sixth Edition. 12mo, cloth, 1s. 6d. " Louis French Poetry for an Elementary class, I look upon it as one or which it would be difficult to improve.”—J. LUCAS HENRY, B.A., Public College, Torquay. DUDEVANT (A.)–FRENCH AND ENGLISH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. 8vo, wrapper, ls. : cloth, Is. 6d. “The book is excellent.”—J. C. DUFF, Principal, Highbury House, St. Leonards-on-Sea. THIMM (F.), FRENCH SELF-TAUGHT. For Self-tuition, with the Complete English pronunciation of every word, Table of Coins, &c. 8vo, yellow wrapper, 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d. Catalogue of Works for Study of Foreign Languages gratis on application. E. MARLBOROUGH & CO., ENGLISH & FOREIGN PUBLISHERS, 51 OLD BAILEY, LONDON. E.C. 21 5784 Mortimer, Dr. Alfred G.-Catholic faith and practice: a manual of theological instruction for confirmation and first communion. 1897. 340 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. LONGMANS 5785 Mortimer, M.-Object lesson notes for infants and the lower standards. 1897. 228 pp., cr. 8vo, 3s. 6d. ABBOTT, JONES & Co. -5786. Morton, Dr. A. Stanford-Refraction of the eye: its diagnosis and the correction of its errors; with test types. Illus. 6th edition. 1897. 74 pp., sm. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. H. K. LEWIS 5787 Moscheles, Felix-In Bohemia with Du Maurier. With original sketches by Du Maurier. 3rd edition. 1897. 146 pp., large cr. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. FISHER UNWIN 5788 Muller, F. Max, ed.--Sacred books of the East. Vol. 47. Hymns of the Atharva-Veda, together with extracts from the ritual books and the commentaries; translated by Maurice Bloomfield. 1897. 74 + 716 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 21s. CLARENDON PRESS 5789 Muller, F. Max-Sacred books of the East. Vol. 46. Vedic hymns, part II. Hymns to Agni (Mandulus, i.-V.). Translated by H. Olden- berg. 1897. 512 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 14s. CLARENDON PRESS 5790 Murray, Dr. J. A. H.-A new English dictionary on historical prin- ciples. Vol. III., Part 9. Depravative-distrustful. 1897. 320 pp., 410, boards, 12s. 6d. CLARENDON PRESS 5791 Murray, Dr. J. A. H.-A new English dictionary on historical prin- ciples. Vol. III. Disobst-distrustful. 1897. 64 pp., 4to, paper, 2s. 6d. CLARENDON PRESS 5792 Murray, R. P.-Flora of Somerset. Map. 1897. 62+442 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 16s. Taunton : BARNICOTT & PEARCE 5793 National temperance league annual. Illus. 1897. 220 pp., Evo, cloth, ls. 6d. ; leatheret, ls. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE LEAGUE DEPOT 5794* Nevius, Dr. John L.-Demon possession, and allied themes ; being an inductive study of phenomena of our own times. 1897.520 pp., large 8vo, cloth, 78. 6d. net. G. REDWAY The author, in the prosecution of his missionary work in China, had the question of Demon-possession so repeatedly forced upon him, that he took up its study, both for its scientific importance and because of its bearing on the authenticity and inspiration of the Bible. The volume is the result of a twelve years' work, and contains nothing which has not come under the personal experience of its writer. Two chapters deal with Demon-possession in countries other than China. A series of appendices deal with general authorities on the subject, and a long bibliographical summary. 5795* Navy and army illustrated : a magazine descriptive and illustrative of every-day life in the defensive services of the British Empire. Edited by Charles N. Robinson. Vol. II. 1897. 320 pp., sm. folio, cloth, 128. HUDSON & KEARNS and G. NEWNE The main contents consist of short biographies of eminent English soldiers and sailors, illustrated with portraits and pictures of the machinery of our army and navy. The rest of the volume is made up of illustrated articles on “Alder- shot Military Gymnasium,” “Life in a Burmah Regiment," "Rapid-Firing Guns," “ Manoeuvres," “ Woolwich Royal Military Academy,” “Whale Island Gunnery School,” descriptive accounts of our battle-ships, &c., &c. 5796* Norway, G.-A dangerous conspirator. Illus. 1897. 334 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. JARROLD 5797 Nye, G. H. F., ed — The illustrated church annual for 1897. Showing the origin, work, and progress of the Church of England. 1897. 288 pp., dy. 8vo, paper, 1s. BEMROSE 5798 Odds and ends, by an odd fellow : poems. 1897. 80 pp., fcap. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. DIGBY, LONG 22 Now Ready at all Libraries. Now ready at all Booksellers in Town and Country. FOUR GENERATIONS HOW TO CHOOSE A DOG OF A AND HOW TO SELECT A PUPPY, LITERARY FAMILY. he Hazlitts in England, Ireland, WITH NOTES ON The Peculiarities and Characteristics of each Breed. By VERO SHAW, Late Kennel Editor of the “ Field,” and Author of “ The Illus rated Book of the Dog,” and “Dogs for Hot Climates." WITH A GLOSSARY OF TERMS. CROWN 8vo, SEWED, 1s. 6d. and America: Their Friends and their Fortunes, 1725-1896. Trade Terms on Application. By W. CAREW HAZLITT. With Portraits reproduced from Miniatures by JOHN HAZLITT. GEORGE REDWAY, Publisher, London. THE LIBRARY BUREAU FOR ALL THE LATEST Fittings and Appliances CONTENTS : Various BreedsWeights at various Ages. from Six Weeks to Full Growth-Points to Look for in Choosing-Age at which the Breed arrives at Maturity. This valuable little Handbook should be in the hands of all Lovers and Owners of Dogs. W. THACKER & CO., 2, Creed Lane, London, E.C. BOOK QUERIES. THE INTERNATIONAL BOOK FINDER. Holds the place of honour among its kind. receiving as it does the regular support and keen interest of every bookseller of importance and many leading librarians in Europe. It is closely studied by the upper 3,000 who gain from books their livelihood and has achieved success solely upon its merits. In fact it would appear to be indispensable to its supporters, judging from the hundreds of complimentary letters received by the publishers. Its “ Bookshop Echoes” is an original and popular feature, while its Enquiry Bureau has rendered unique services. Every Thursday, price id. Subscription, 4s, por annum free to any part of the world. TRADE ADVERTISEMENT TARIFF.-TERMS, Cash with matter:- Books WANTED OR FOR SALE--1d. per line. Sales by Auction Situations Vacant or Wanted 1s. per inch, dis-- Books Lost or Stolen { count on a series Publishers' Announcements of larger spaces. Displayed General Adyts. Office:-81, Lord Street, Liverpool. OUT OF PRINT BOOKS SUPPLIED quickly and reasonably. Catalogue of second-hand books and first editions, 2d. post free. Dealers in and buyers of old postage stamps. JAGGARD & CO., Publishers, LIVERPOOL. FOR PUBLIC & PRIVATE LIBRARIES. The Card System FOR COMMERCIAL & PROFESSIONAL WORK. LIBRARY BUREAU, CEDRIC CHIVERS, MANAGER, 10, BLOOMSBURY STREET, LONDON. BOO) KS WANTED. Booksellers and Private individuals will find it to their advantage to communicate with me before disposing elsewhere of any First Editions, in good condition, of the works of Dickens, Thackeray.. Lever, Ainsworth, Marryat, George Meredith, Arnold, Kingsley, Shelley, Keats, Lamb, Browning, Jesse, Pardoe, Freer, R. Jefferies, R. L. Stevenson, also Books illustrated by G. or R. Čruikshank, T. Rowland- son, J. Leech, R. Doyle, W. Blake, T. Sibson, R. Seymour, “ Phiz," H. K. Browne, &c.; also any odd. parts of uncut vols. of the above. All Communications answered. Catalogues solicited. WALTER T. SPENCER, 27, New Oxford Street, LONDON, W.C. 23 5799 O'Donahue, T. A.-Colliery surveying: a primer designed for the use of students and colliery manager aspirants. Illus. 1897. 12+164 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. MACMILLAN 5800 Oliphant, Mrs.—The sorceress. New edition. 1897. 4 + 348 pp., cr. y 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. CHATTO & WINDUS 5801 Our boys' and girls' annual for 1897. Illus. 1897. 24 pp., dy. 8vo, wrapper, 3d. BURNS & OATES 5802 Oxenham, Rev. F. N.-Some considerations suggested by the letter of Dec. 13th on Anglican orders. 1897. 24 pp., dy. 8vo, wrapper, Is. J. MASTERS 5803 Pease, Howard—The white-faced priest, and other Northumbrian episodes. 1897. 290 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. Newcastle-on-Tyne: Mawson, SWAN & MORGAN. London: GAY & BIRD 5804 Peek, Hedley, ed.-Poetry of sport. 1897. 420 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, lós. 6d. Badminton library. LONGMANS 5805 Peel, Sir Robert-A bit of a fool. 1897. 342 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. DOWNEY 5806 Perkin, W. H., and Lean, Bevan-An introduction to the study of chemistry. Illus. 1897. 20+340 pp., globe 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. MACMILLAN 5807* Philipson, John-Art and craft of coach-building. 1897. 186 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 6s. G. BELL Mr. Philipson's experience as a coach-builder for forty-five years enables him to write, with authority, a text-book on a subject which contributes towards the establishment of an efficient system of technical education. In elever chapters the author deals with the principles, methods, materials, and designs of carriage construction. A series of appendices gives tables of measurements. 5808 Phillpotts, Eden-Lying prophets. 1897. 376+8 pp., cr. 8vo,cloth, 6s. A. D. INNES 5809 Philpot, Mrs. J. H.-The sacred tree; or, the tree in religion and myth. Illus. 1897. 16+180 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 8s. Ed. net. MACMILLAN 5810 Pierce, Gilbert, A.-The Dickens' dictionary: a key to the characters and principal incidents in the tales of Charles Dickens. 4th edition. 1897. 16+607 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. CHAPMAN & HALL 5811* Pledge, E. M.—The Farrel dishonour. 1897. 245 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5812 Poole, J. Lane, ed.-Historical atlas of modern Europe; from the decline of the Roman Empire. Part III. contains Map 23, England, showing the Parliamentary representation before 1832, by Prof. Prothero ; Map 25, Scotland c. 1300, by G. G. Smith; Map 32, the Frankish dominions in Merovingean times, by the Editor. 3s. 6d. net. CLARENDON PRESS 5813 Pope, Alexander-Essay on criticism. Edited by J.C. Collins. 1897. 40+56 pp., globe 8vo, cloth, ls. 9d. MACMILLAN 5814 Pope, Alexander-Essay on criticism Edited by Rev. Dr. Evans. 1897. 85 pp., sm. cr. 8vo, limp cloth, Is. English classics. BLACKIE 5815 Praed, Mrs. Campbell-Mrs. Tregaskiss. Illus. New edition. 1897. 6+328 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. CHATTO & WINDUS 5816 Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archæological and Natural History Society for the year 1896. lllus. Vol. 42. 6+132 pp., dy. 8vo, paper, 10s. 6d. Taunton : BARNICOTT & PEARCE 5817 Procter, Mrs. John-An oak of chivalry. 1897. 346 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, DIGBY, LONG V. 6s. 24 KNOWLEDGE OF . ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE SCIENCE, LITERATURE & ART PLAINLY WORDED-EXACTLY DESCRIBED, MONTHLY SIXPENCE. K . U NOWLEDGE is a Monthly Magazine intended to bring the truths, discoveries, and inventions in connection with Science before the Public in simple yet precise terms; to be, in fact, the minister and interpreter of Science for those who have not time to master its technicalities. Its columns have been contributed to by world - famous scientific men, and many well-known Educators of the day. It gives, in popular style, the most recent papers in all the principal departments of Science and Art, embracing Astronomy, Natural History, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, Microscopy, Geography, Geology, Mineralogy, Electricity, Archæology, Photography, Biology, Ancient Art, Hygiene, &c., &c. Each Number PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED with several full-page Photographic Plates of objects as seen with the Telescope, Microscope, or Camera, and numbers of Woodcuts and Blocks, Correspondence, Book Reviews, and Chess Columns. THE JANUARY NUMBER OF EACH YEAR BEGINS A NEW VOLUME. - Vol. for 1896 Now Ready; containing nearly 300 Pages and 200 Illustrations, 8s. Ed. post free. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (throughout the World) post free, 8s. PUBLISHING OFFICE: LONDON : 326, HIGH HOLBORN and all Booksellere, 25 Пер 5818 Ramsay, Andrew Michael-History of the life of Fénelon, Arch- bishop of Cambray. Translated from the French edition of 1723, with memoir, notes, &c., by David Cuthbertson. 1897. 276 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 7s. 60. HOULSTON 5819 Raven, Dr. J. J.—Mathematics made easy. Illus. 1897. 78 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. JARROLD 5820 Ray, Kendal—Tales of an engineer. 1897. 94 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s.6d. FISHER UNWIN 5821 Rayleigh, Lord, and Ramsay, Prof. W.-Argon: a new constituent of the atmosphere. Illus. 1897. 3 + 43 pp., 4to, paper, 6s. net. W. WESLEY 5822 Reynolds, Sir J. Russell-Essays and addresses. 1897. 24+308 pp., 8vo, cloth, 12s. net. MACMILLAN 5823 Rideal, S.-Water and its purification. Illus. 1897. 304 pp., cloth, 7s. 6d. CROSBY LOCKWOOD 5824 Ridley, Mrs. Edward—The story of Aline. 2nd edition. 305 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. CHAPMAN & HALL 5825 Robinson, Stillman W.-Principles of mechanism: a treatise on the modification of motion by means of the elementary combinations of mechanism, or of the parts of machines. Illus. 1897. 15+309 pp., 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d. net. CHAPMAN & HALL 5826* Roel, Bingley-Chorister Jim. 1897. 152 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. JARROLD 5827 Romanes, Dr. G. J.-Essays. 1897. 253 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. LONGMANS 5828 Round table of the representative American Catholic novelists; with portraits and bibliographical notices. Illus. 1897. 353 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. BURNS & OATES 5829* Rowley, Ada Mary-After long waiting. 1897. 248 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. JARROLD 5830 St. Clair-Tisdall, W.-Conversion of Armenia to the Christian faith. 1897. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY 5831 Sanders, Newton-A comedy of three. 1897. 95 pp., cr. 8vo, paper, 6d., cloth, ls. Little novels, vol. 8. FISHER UNWIN 5832 Scott, Sir Walter-Quentin Durward. 1897. 461 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 28. 6d., leather, 3s. 6d. BLACK 5833* Selby, Thomas G.–The theology of modern fiction : being the 26th Fernley lecture, delivered in Liverpool, July 1896. 192 pp., roy. 8vo, cloth, 3s. C. H. KELLY From an analysis of the novels of George Eliot, Hawthorne, Thomas Hardy, G. Macdonald, and Mark Rutherford, the Fernley lecturer for 1896 finds suffi. cient evidence to show “ that man is religious in spite of himself," and even in the repudiator of dogma he finds “a minimum of theology out of which some of the cardinal articles of the Christian faith may be built up in new forms." An appendix deals with “ The Fiction and the Theology of the future.” 5834 Shakespeare, William—Cymbeline; edited by Alfred J. Wyatt. 1897. 180 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, Is. 6d. BLACKIE 5835 Shakespeare, W.-History of the life and death of King John; edited with notes by William J. Rolfe. Illus. 1897. 190 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. W. B. CLIVE 5836 Shakespeare, William-The tempest; edited by F. S. Boas. 1897. 127 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 1s. 6d. BLACKIE 5837 Sharp, William-Madge o'the pool. 1897. 184 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. A. CONSTABLE 25 CALMANN LÉVY, PARIS. London Agency: ASHER AND CO.. 13, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF PUBLICATIONS will be sent post free on application.. Amongst other im oortant Works this Catalogue contains :- LA COLLECTION MICHEL LÉVY, about 1,900 vols. (Achard, Balzac, Beauvoir, Bréhat, Cadol, Chateaubriand, Conscience, Dash, Dumas père et fils, Feydeau, Gasparin, Girardin, Gozlan, Houssaye, Karr, Lamartine, Mery, Murg r, Noriac, Rob rt, George Sand, Sandeau. Soulié, Souvestre, Stendhal, &c.) each vol. 10d. ; post free, 1s. ld. BIBLIOTHEQUE CONTEMPORAINE, about 2,000 vols, (Augier, Baudelaire, Bazin. Bentzon, Berlioz, Delpit. Feuilles, France, Gyp, Halévy, Labiche, Loti Mérimée, Michelet, Max 'O’Rell, Renan, Ste. Beuve, George Sand, Tinseau, &c.), each vol. 28. 8d.; post free, 3s. THE CHEAPEST GERMAN DICTIONARY CONSIDERING ITS SIZE AND COMPLETENESS. FLÜGEL-SCHMIDT-TANGER A Dictionary of the German and English Languages for Home and School. With Special Reference to Dr. Felix Flugel's Universal English-German and German- English Dictionary. Edited by Prof. Im. SCHMIDT, Ph.D., and G. TANGER, Ph.D. Two Vols. (1,974 pages), in demy, 4to, bound in half basil, cloth sides, 15s. Also sold separately : Vol. I. English-German. 968 pp. Į Vol. II. German-English. 1,066 pp. 8s, 60 each. An entirely new German Dictionary for Hime and School use-thoroughly up to date, printed in large, clear type, and on good paper -has been for many years a desideratum which is now supplied by the above book. It is by no means a mere abbreviation of the larger “Flügel” (Three Vols. 45s), but a work of independent study and research, to which the larger “ Flügel” has furnished the groundwork only. It will be found a mine of information and a marvel of cheapness. A Detailed Prospectus, with Specimen Pages, will be sent on application. London: ASHER & Co., 13, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C. da e stralia The Colonial Goldfields Gazeffe. Editorial and Publishing Offices : SAVOY HOUSE, 115 and 116, STRAND, W.C. West Australian Offices :- 5, EXCHANGE CLUB BUILDINGS, PERTH, W.A. All interested in “The Coming Colony” should read “Westralia, a high-class Weekly, ably written, and profusely illustrated. SS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Quarter. Half-Year. Year. United Kingdom 6s. 6d, - 13g. - 255.2 Colonies and Abroad 8s. Od. - 16s. 30s. ) Fayable in Advance. EVERY SATURDAY. PRICE SIXPENCE. The Leading West Australian Journal in London. TRUSTWORTHY. FEARLESS. INDEPENDENT. 27 5838 Simmel, Quinton—The will that wins. 1897. 183 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. DIGBY LONG 5839 Sinigaglia, Leone-Climbing reminiscences of the Dolomites ; trans- lated by Mary A. Vialls. Illus. 1897. 224 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 21s. net. FISHER UNWIN 5840 Slater, J. H.-Engravings and their value: a guide for the print collector. 2nd edition. 1897. 582 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 158. net. L. UPCOTT GILL 5841 Smith, Rev. Sydney-Scripture manuals for Catholic schools. Acts of the Apostles, chap. 13-28, by Rev. T. A. Burge. Map. 1897. 123 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth boards, ls. 6d. BURNS & OATES 5843 Soldene, Emily-My theatrical and musical recollections. 1897. 315 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. DOWNEY 5844* Sparkes, John C. L., and Gaudy, Walter-Potters, their arts and crafts. 1897. 260 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. S. W. PARTRIDGE The authors have written this handbook to illustrate the association of pottery with the developments of human civilization. They consider that the art is of so varied a nature that the complete study of it entails a knowledge of the historical, ethnographical, artistic, and technical progregs of humanity. The five chapters deal with Pottery Processes, Ancient and Mediæval Pottery, Oriental and Modern Pottery. 5845 Speer, Robert E.-Studies of the man Christ Jesus, 1897. 250 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 1s. 6d. net. S. W. PARTRIDGE 5846 Spenser, Edmund–The faerie queene, part VII. ; 'edited by Prof. Hales. 1897. 86 pp., sm. cr. 4to, paper, 2s. 6d. net. J. M. DENT 5847 Spenser, Edmund—The faerie queene; edited by Kate M. Warren. Vol. 1. 1897. 243 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 1s. 6d, net. A. CONSTABLE 5848* Squire, Charles, and Maclean, Frank-To Central Africa on an iceberg ; being the travels and adventures of a white bear. Illus. 2nd edition. 1897. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5849 Stang, Rev. William--Pastoral theology in English. 1897. 303 pp., roy. Svo, wrapper, 6s. BURNS & OATES 5850* Stebbing, Grace—Why not? Illus. 1897. 215 pp., cr, 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. JARROLD 5851 Steele, Richard—Selections from the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. Edited by Austin Dobson. New edition. 1897. La. fcp. 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. English Classics. CLARENDON PRESS 5852* Stuart, Esmé—Harum scarum. Illus. 2nd edition. 1897. 283 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. JARROLD 5853 Swannell, M.—Black-board drawing. Illus. 1897. 8 + 26 pp., roy. 4to, paper, 3s. 6d. MACMILLAN 5854* Sundowner, pseud.—Noqu talanoa : stories from the South Seas. 2nd edition. 1897. 178 pp., cr. 8vo, paper, ls. EUROPEAN MAIL 5855* Sundowner, pseud.—Snakes. 1897. 116 pp., fcp. 8vo, paper, Is. EUROPEAN MAIL 5856 Tarbell, F. B.-A history of Greek art; with an introductory chapter on art in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Illus. 1897. 296 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. MACMILLAN 5857 Tegetmeier, W. B.-Pheasants: their uatural history and practical management. Illus. 3rd edition. 1897. 200 pp., 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. HORACE Cox 28 BOOK * * BITS ILLUSTRATED. A Weekly Literary Paper run on Popular Lines. Choice Selections from all the New Books by the leading Authors of the day. Exciting and interesting serial stories by the best novelists. Containing as it does selected passages by all tne best and most famous living writers, BOOK-BITS is rapidly gaining ground in public favour and superceding all other Penny Weekly Periodicals. A SPECIMEN COPY forwarded GRATIS and POST FREE On application to the Editorial and Management Offices of BOOK-BITS, 89, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. PUBLISHED BY HORACE MARSHALL & SON, 125, Fleet Street, London, E.C. 29 5858* Thacker, Anne-The narrative of my experience as a volunteer nurse in the Franco-German war of 1870-I; with a sketch of the author's life by James M. Menzies. 2 photographs. 1897. 92 pp., post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. ABBOTT JONES & Co. 5859* Thimm, C. A.-Spanish self-taught: an original system arranged on the simplest principles for universal self-tuition. 1897. 92 pp. 8vo., wrapper, 1s.; limp cloth, Is. 6d. E. MARLBOROUGH Contains phonetic pronunciation of every word. It is intended for self-instruc- tion as well as for use in schools and colleges. In addition to an elementary grammar, there are vocabularies,, reading-lessons, tables of moneys, &c. 5860 Thompson, Norcliffe G., and Cannan, F. Laura-Hand-in-hand figure skating. Illus. 1897. 259 pp., 16mo, cloth, 6s. LONGMANS 5861 Thresh, Dr. A.—Simple method of water analysis. 1897. 47 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. J. & A. CHURCHILL 5862 Tirard, Dr., Nestor-Diphtheria and antitoxin. 1897. 141 pp., 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. LONGMANS 5863 Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. 2nd series. Vol. XVIII., part 2 (contains Prof. Max Muller's coincidences). 1897. 150 + 4 pp., dy. 8vo, paper, 3s. ASHER & Co. 5864* Trehern, Gaspard—The old ecstasies : a story of to-day. 1897. 312 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. BELLAIRS 5865 Tubeuf, Dr. Carl F. von-Diseases of plants induced by cryptogamic parasites : introduction to the study of pathogenic fungi, slime-fungi, bacteria, and algæ. Illus. 1897. 598 pp., roy. 8vo, cloth, 18s. net. LONGMANS 5866 Twain, Mark (S. L. Clemens)— Library of humour. Illus. New edition. 16 + 720 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. S CHATTO & WINDUS 5867* Tytler, Sarah-Sarah Jean's son. 1897. 284 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. JARROLD 5868 Under a border tower. 1897. 344 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 10s. net. Newcastle-on-Tyne: MAWSON, SWAN & MORGAN. London: GAY & BIRD 5869 University correspondent and University Correspondence. College magazine. Vol. VI. 1896. 8 + 816 pp., dy. 4to, cloth, 5s. W. B. CLIVE 5870* Updegraff, Laura-Wee Dorothy's true valentine. Illus. 2nd edition. 1897. 107 pp., cr. Svo, cloth, 1s. 6d. JARROLD 5871* Vaughan, J.-Brush drawing. Illus. 1897. 4to, boards, 3s. MOFFATT & PAIGE This volume is the outcome of a scheme of practical instruction on “ hand and eye training " which Mr. George Ricks introduced in the London Board Schools. It consists of a series of designs in outline and colour for the purposes of training the elder boys and girls in a ready application of the hand and a quick apprecia- tion of the eye to the execution of forms and colours. Mr. Vaughan was associated with Mr. Ricks in giving a practical realisation of the scheme. 5872 Vergil, Aeneid-Book I. : a vocabulary and test papers, interleaved. 2nd edition. 1897. 30 pp., cr. 8vo, sewed, ls. W. B. CLIVE 5873* Vergil, Aeneid--Book I.; edited by A. H. Allcroft and W. F. Masom. 2nd edition. 1897. 16 + 76 + 22 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. W. B. CLIVE In addition to the text, introduction, notes and vocabulary, this volume has a translation. It is edited for use of students preparing for matriculation and other examinations. 5874 Vergil, Eclogues of; translated into English hexameter verse by the Right Hon. Sir G.O. Morgan. 1897. Sm. 4to, cloth, 4s. 6d. net. H. FROWDE 30 5875* Verne, Jules-The giant raft. Part 2: The cryptogram. Illus. 1897. 254 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. S. Low 5876 Wood, Walter-Famous British warships. 1897. 3:20 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. HURST & BLACKETT 5877 Waite, A. E.-The mysteries of magic. 1897. 15 + 523 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. KEGAN PAUL 5878 Walker, Jane H.-A book for every woman. Part 2: Woman in health and out of health. 1897. 160 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s.6d. LONGMANS 5879 Ward, C. S.-Surrey and Sussex. 19 maps and plans. 2nd edition. 1897. 171 pp., 12mo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Thorough Guides. DULAU 5880 Watson, Dr. Robert Spence-A history of the Literary and Philosophical Society. Limited edition. Illus. 1897. 430 pp., cr. 4to, art linen, £1 Is. net. W. SCOTT -5881 Weisbach, Julius, and Hermann, Gustav.—The mechanics of pump- ing machinery. Illus. 1897. 8+300 pp., med. 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d. net. MACMILLAN 5882 Westall, William - With the red eagle. 8+380 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. CHATTO & WINDUS -5883* Westcott, W. Wynn, ed.-Collectanea hermetica. Vol. 8—Egyptian magic, by S. S. D. D. 1896. 85 pp., 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. THEOSOPHICAL PUBLISHING SOCIETY By “magio” must be understood to mean that branch of speculative study to which we might apply the term “higher philosophy." The ancient Egyptians considered their kings and priests who had successfully passed through the “School of Wisdom," as constituting a philosophical aristocracy. The elements of such teaching and the methods of study are the main contents of this little volume. 5884 Westminster Cathedral record, October, 1896. Illus. 1897. 32 pp., 4to, wrapper, 6d. BURNS & OATES 5885* White, Gleeson, ed.—Cathedral church of Canterbury : a description of the fabric and a brief history of the Archiepiscopal see. 1896. 127 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, Is. 6d. G. BELL Intended as a handy guide for visitors, and to serve as a historical resumé of the primate's cathedral. The information here gathered together has been taken from authoritative sources as well as from an examination of the church itself. The illustrations are partly from photographs and partly reproductions from Mr. Comstock's volume, “Bits of Canterbury Cathedral.” 5886* White, Gleeson, ed.—Cathedral church of Salisbury: a description of its fabric and a brief history of the see of Sarum. Illus. 1896. 115 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. G. BELL Mr. Gleeson White explains that this handbook “aims to be no more than a digest of the material available in many volumes and pamphlets.” He, has, how- ever, made references to original sources, and to the cathedral itself, as well as to officially authenticated documents. The illustrations are "process” pictures from photographs. 5887 Wilkin, Anthony-On the Nile with a camera. Illus. 1897. 240 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 21s. FISHER UNWIN 15888 Willcocks, Issaac—The magic key, 1897. 96 pp., fcp. 8vo, cloth, ls. 6d. DIGBY, LONG 5889 Windham, General Sir Charles H., Diary of. Edited by Major Hugh Pearse. 1897. 10+272 pp., post 8vo, watered silk, 7s.6d. KEGAN PAUL 5890* Woman's life : an illustrated weekly for the home. Vol. 4. 1896. 552 pp, imp. 8vo, cloth, 3s. G. NEWNES Among the principal contents may be noted : “Chats with Well-known Women”; “Cookery Recipes”; “Dress”; “Household Hints"); “Hints on Health and Beauty"; "Millinery”; “Nurseries”; Stories, &c , &c. 31 5891 Wood-Brown, Rev. J.-The life and legend of Michael Scot. 1897. 281 pp., dy. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. net. Edinburgh: D. DOUGLAS 5892 Wright, Dr. Joseph-The English dialect dictionary. Part 2 Ballow-Blare. 1897. 144 pp., 4to. Annual subscription for two parts, ordinary paper, 21s. net; hand-inade paper, 42s. net; non-subscribers, 15s.. and 30s. net, each part. H. FROWDE 5893 Wright, S. T., and Drury, W. D.-Fruit culture for amateurs. Illus. 1897. 252 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. L. UPCOTT GILL 5894* Xenophon: Anabasis-Book 1; edited, with introduction, text, notes, vocabulary, and translation, by A. H. Allcroft and F. L. D. Richardson.. 2nd edition. 1897. 96 + 20 + 35 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. W. B. CLIVE: 5895* Xenophon: Cyropaedeia-Book I; edited, with introduction, texts, and notes, by T. T. Jeffery. 1897. 108 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. W. B. CLIVE Contains a biographical and historical introduction and extensive notes, in addition to the text. The volume is intended as a text-book for use in schools and colleges. 5896* Xenophon: Cyropaedeia-Book I: a translation, by W. H. Balgarnie.. 1897. 44 pp, cr. 8vo, paper, ls. 6d. W. B. CLIVE 5897* Xenophon: Cyropaedeia-Book I : vocabularies of the Harden verbal forms with test papers. Interleaved. 1897. 16 pp., cr. 8vo, paper, Is. W. B. CLIVE. A series of test papers with extensive vocabularies to help in appreciating the first book of the Cyropaedeia. The booklet is intended for young students pre- paring for examinations. 5898 Yorke, Anthony-Passing shadows: a novel. 1897. 301 pp., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. net. BURNS & OATES 32 THE AUTOTYPE COMPANY, 74, New Oxford Street, – LONDON, W.C. and atz Reproductions - - - in Carbon of the masterpieces of the NATIONAL GALLERY and other famous collections, including The chief works of the Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Flemish Schools. These Autotypes are exact Monochrome translations of the original paintings, and are absolutely permanent. -0- Each Print, 12s. WINDMILL ON MOUSEHOLD HEATH From the original painting in the National Gallery by Old Crone G. F. WATTS, R.A. A large Series of the Chief Works of this Master, including the great Allegorical Designs, and many others. Full particulars on application. DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. An extensive Series of Reproductions of Studies, Sketches, and finished pictures from various Public and Private Collections is now in course of preparation. Among those now ready are: Rosa Triplex, The Annunciation, The Blessed Damosel, Monna Rosa, The Roman Widow, The Lamp of Memory, Beata Beatrix. NOW READY-Portrait of ROBERT BROWNING, painted by Rosetti in October, 1855, from the Original in possession of C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Proofs, 21s. and 10s. 6d. ; Prints, 5s. FRENCH PAINTERS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Permanent Carbon Reproductions of Works by JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET, THEODORE ROUSSEAU, JEAN BAPTISTE COROT, DAUBIGNY, JULES BRETON, DAGNAN-BOUVERET, W. BOUGUEREAU, MEISSONIER, CAROLUS-DURAN, CABANEL, DEBAT PONSAN, E. ADAN, &c., &c., in various sizes. MUSEO DEL PRADO, MADRID. A new issue of Autotypes of this famous Collection, including over Seventy Works by VELASQUEZ (fourteen bein on an extra large scale). This Gallery was last photographed many years ago, before the introduction of ortho-chromatic processes. Each print is sold separately, average size 18 by 15 inches, price 12s. Abridged Catalogues on Application. THE AUTOTYPE COMPANY, 74, New Oxford St., London, W.C. SPECIMENS OF “SWANTYPE.” S: SWENTYPE Block from Shakespeare's Town and Times. **** From Shakespeare's Town and Times. By H. SNOWDEN WARD. swan Electric Engraving Co. o conte Swan Electric Engraving Co., NORTHUMBRIA HOUSE, V., 116 CHARING CROSS RD., LONDON. Only a few c for Sale. New Catalogue BRITISH LITERATURE OF FOR 1896. A record of the publications of the year, arranged in a numerical sequence, with full details of the book, and having two indexes : (1) Authors. (2) Subjects and Titles. Price, bound in cloth, 5s. Net. “Duro-flexile" binding ( pigskin), 78. net. The « NEW CATALOGUE” presents complete details of the books of the year in such a form that reference for any particular work is both quick and certain. Each book in this catalogue is to be found in the index under three or more distinct alphabetical headings, viz. :-(1) Author (2) Title, and (3) Subject (with cross-references). This is the only British Bibliography compiled with the direct co-operation of the publishers. In issuing the first volume of this catalogue, we claim that its method of production is a distinct advance upon what has hitherto been effected, in that all the information it contains is specially and directly forwarded to us by the whole body of London and Provincial publishers. Every effort has been made to establish equally confidential relations with the Learned Societies, and editors of all privately printed books. A want has long existed of a yearly volume, which shall be at once a reliable and complete record of all publications, and it is hoped that this plan of co-operative compilation will enable us in the future to produce a bibliographical record which will fulfil the need so long experienced by all having much to do with books LONDON : LIBRARY BURE AU (Cedric Chivers, Manager), 10, Bloomsbury St., W.C. Printed and Published by The Library Bureau, 10, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C. Jan, 2, 1897 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07882 8350 North Knowing. ver want Blocks of any kind, or for any purpose, write for specimen proofs and prices to Nops' Electrotype Agency, 19, Ludgate Hill, LONDON, E.C. tienting Our Business is to provide Illustrations. We can offer a choice of about 3,000,000 Blocks already Engraved. Moreover we lay ourselves out to prepare New Blocks for any purpose. We have a staff of Artists who make Drawings from rough sketches, or from Photographs, another of Wood Engravers, who execute work intrusted to them in first-class style. Or we can make sharp, clear, Tone or Line Zincos promptly and ai moderate rates. When in doubt write to | WORKS W SIGHT. Hammond - - -- Typewriter Surpasses all other Writing Machines in the quality and variety of work it pro- duces, as well as in facility of operation, lightness of touch and speed. NO OTHER WRITER HAS:- WRITING ALL IN SIGHT. 2. INTERCHANGEABLE TYPE. WRITING IN FOURTEEN LANGUAGES. PERFECT ALIGNMENT. 5. UNIFORM TYPE IMPRESSION. EXTREME DURABILITY. PAPER OF ANY WIDTH. CATALOGUE AND SAMPLE OF WORK FREE. IE HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO. 50, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. GOW: 104, West Nile Street. FIELD: 1, High Street. (CHESTER: 75, Peincess Street. BLIN: 23, Dawson Street. LEEDS: 32, Woodhouse Lane. LIVERPOOL: 15, Lord Street. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE: 11, Shakespeare St. BELFAST: 17, College Street South. MARCH, 1897 New Book List Vol. II. No. FOR BOOKBUYERS, LIBRARIANS AND 300KEELIS COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY CEDRIC CHIVERS, AND PUBLISHED AT THE LIBRARY BUREAU, 10, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.O. Monthly Price For Month 3d Ending SOLE AGENT FOR NORTH AMERICA: FEB. 27th. GUSTAV E. STECHERT, 9, East 16th Street, New York. Branches : LONDON: 2, Star Yard, Carey Street, W.O. LEIPZIG : Hospital Strasse, 10. PARIS: 76, Rus de Rennes. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. In response to continued suggestions from Publishers and Booksellers, as well as from our own subscribers, we have, as will be seen in this number, inaugurated a somewbat important alteration in the arrangement of the “ New Book List." It is that of printing the catalogue pages separate from individual publisher's announcements. It will then readily be seen that, by our plan of numbering the titles of books for indexing purposes, a section of an annual volume will be obtained each month. We bav decided that in future the payment of an annual subscription shall entitle the subscriber to copy of the annual index (about 80 pages), so that when this is bound with the month parts at the end of each year, it will make a volume in every respect the same as the "NE Catalogue of British Literature," published at 53, net. Our method of indexing by separate author, and subject, and title alphabets, has t following advantages over the one alphabetical sequence : 1. It is patent that when searching for a book, one looks for it either under the author name, its title, or subject, separately-it being impossible to search for it under more tha one of these three heads at a time—therefore, the fewer entries there are in any one alphabet the quicker one is enabled to consult it. 2. When a book is found in the subject and title index, the number refers to the full details of that book arranged under an alphabet of authors and in numerical sequence. These entries are, in most cases, supplemented by adequate descriptions of the volume, which are much fuller than in any similar periodical. 3. The assignment to each book of a number, which it permanently retains, not only enables us to compile and issue cumulative indexes at any desired period, but it acts as a code for ordering books at any time. In short, the “ New Book List,” by this arrangement, becomes not only of increased ephemeral value, but is in itself a monthly contribution to a permanent and cumulative bibliography of the nation's literature, compiled with the co-operation of all British Publishers. A second edition of No. 1 of 1897, specially printed in the new style, can now be had by subscribers at 3d. As the number is limited early application should be made. It is needless to add that, in consequence of the important place in the literary world that the “New Book List” has now acquired, no effort will be spared to make it the most complete, and reliable catalogue of current literature. Although little more than one year old, it has, in point of circulation, long since out- distanced most of its contemporaries. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL MR. MURRAY'S LIST. BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. Two Vols. Crown 8vo, 183. NOTES FROM A DIARY, 1851-1872. Kept by the Right Hon. Sır MOUNTSTUART E. G. GRANT DUFF, G.C.S.I., sometime Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, Governor of Madras, 1881-86. With Portraits, Three Vols., 8vo, 363. THE UNPUBLISHED WORKS OF EDWARD GIBBON. Including Six Autobiographies, Correspondence, &c. Printed verbatim from MSS. in the possession of the Earl of Sheffield. With a Preface by the EARL OF SHEFFIELD. Vol. 1. SIX AUTOBIOGRAPHIES. Edited by JOHN MURRAY. 125. Vol. II. GIBBON'S PRIVATE LETTERS TO HIS FATHER, HIS STEPMOTHER, LORD SHEFFIELD, and others, from 1735 to 1794. Edited, with Notes, &c., by ROWLAND E. PROTHERO. 24s. With Portrait Fcap. 4to, 103. 6d. LORD BOWEN: A Biographical Sketch. With Selections from his Unpublished Poems. By SIR HENRY STUART CUNNINGHAM, K.C.I.E. With Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo, 16s. A MEMOIR OF THE LATE SIR JOHN DRUMMOND HAY, P.C., K.C.B., G.C.M.G., sometime Minister at the Court of Morocco. Based on his Journals and Correspondence. With a Preface by General Sir FRANCIS DE WINTON, K.C.M.G. With Portraits. 8vo, 168. THE LETTERS OF FREDERIC, LORD BLACHFORD, Under- Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1868-1871. Edited by GEORGE EDEN MARINDIN. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. OUR SEVEN HOMES: Autobiographical Reminiscences of the late Mrs. Rundle Charles, Author of " The Schönberg-Cotta Family." With Portraits. 8vo, 14s. THE LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. By Sir WILLIAM W. HUNTER, K.C.S.I. With Portraits. Two Vols., 8vo, 248. FE AND LETTERS OF SAMUEL BUTLER, D.D. (Head Master of Shrewsbury School, 1798-1836, and afterwards Bishop of Lichfield). By his Grandson, SAMUEL BUTLER, Author of “ Erewhon,” &c. GENERAL LITERATURE. With Portrait and Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 9s. MMON THOUGHTS ON SERIOUS SUBJECTS. Addresses to the Elder Students of the Rajkumar College, Kattywar. By the late CHESTER MACNAGHTEN, M.A. Edited with an Introductory Memoir, by ROBERT WHITELAW, Master at Rugby School. A NEW POEM BY AN ANONYMOUS WRITER. Royal 8vo, 10s. 6d. THE WATCH SONG OF HEABANE, THE WITNESS: A Poem. Based on the Traditions of the Early History of the World. Crown 8vo, 103. 6d. SOPHOCLES. The Seven Plays in English Verse. By the Rev. LEWIS CAMPBELL, M.A., LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Greek in the University of St. Andrews, and Hon. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. New Edition, Revised. With Maps. 8vo, 14s. THE NAVY AND THE NATION. By JAMES R. THURSFIELD, M.A., and Lieut.-Col. Sir GEORGE SYDENHAM CLARKE, R.E., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. With Map. Crown 8vo, 58. THE DEFENCE OF THE EMPIRE; or, The Protection of British Ships, Ports, and Commerce. A Selection from the Letters and Speeches of HENRY HOWARD MOLYNEUX, Fourth EARL of CARNARVON Edited by Lieut.-Col. Sir GEO. SYDENHAM CLARKE, RE., K.C.M.G. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. DLACKETT'S LIST. V AND POPULAR WORKS. DIER'S MEMORIES. By Captain S. H. thor of 'My Journey round the World. 1 vol., demy 8vo, 12s. WILTON AND LORD NELSON. BY JOHN JEAFFRESON. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged by further Letters. . Portrait of Lady Hamilton. 1 vol., large crown 8vo, 6s. TAME FOX. AND OTHER SKETCHES. By FINCH Mason. In 1 vol., large crown 8vo, with 6 Coloured Plates and Illustrated Title-page, drawn especially for this work by the Author, extra cloth, price 7s. 6d. TWO SUCCESSFUL BOOKS. Each in 1 vol., large crown 8vo, extra cloth, gilt top, price 6s. FAMOUS BRITISH WARSHIPS AND THEIR COM- MANDERS. By WALTER Wood, Author of ‘Barrack and Battlefield,' &c. BARRACK AND BATTLEFIELD. Tales of the Service at Home and Abroad. By WALTER WOOD, Author of Famous British War- ships and their Commanders,' &c. UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OF HER MAJESTY. Now ready, 66th Edition, 1 vol., royal 8vo, with the Arms beautifully engraved, 31s. 6d., bound gilt edges. LODGE'S PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE FOR 1897. Corrected by the Nobility. NEW NOVELS NOW READY. A FLAME OF FIRE. By Mrs HAWEIS, Author of The Art of Beauty,' 'Chaucer for Children,' 'The Bride's Garland,' &c. 1 vol., crown 8vo, 6s. WITHOUT ISSUE. By HENRY CRESSWELL, Author of A Modern Greek Heroine,' ' A Women's Ambition,' &c. 1 vol., 6s. COUSIN JEM. By L. HIGGIN, Author of A Cornish Maid.' 1 vol., 6s. SWORN ALLIES. By M. E. LE CLERC, Author of A Rainbow at Night,' &c. 1 vol., crown 8vo, 6s. LIFE AGAIN, LOVE AGAIN. By V. MUNRO FERGUSON, Author of 'Betsy,'' Music hath Charms,' &c. 1 vol., crown 8vo, 6s. ALL IN ALL, By CORINNA BRUCE. 1 vol., crown 8vo, 6s. THE WOOING OF A FAIRY. By GERTRUDE WARDEN, Author of 'The Sentimental Sex,' &c. 1 vol., crown 8vo, 63. London : HURST & BLACKETT Limited, 13 Great Marlborough Street, W. New Book ) Vol. II. No. 4 FOR BOOKBUYERS, LIBRARIANS, AND BO COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY CEDRIC CHIVERS AND PUBLISHED BY THE LIBRARY BURE AU LIMITED, 10, Bloomsbury Street, London, WC. SOLE AGENT FOR NORTH AMERICA: For Month Ending APRIL oth. GUSTAV E. STECHERT. 9, East 16th Street, NEW YORK. Branches : LONDON: 2, Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C. LEIPZIG : Hospital Strasse, 10. PARIS : 76, Rue de Rennes. SMITH, ELDER & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. JUBILEE VOLUME OF "THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY." JUST PUBLISHED, 158. net, in cloth, or in half-morocco, marbled edges, 20s. net. Volume 50 (RUSSEN-SCOBELL) of the DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Edited by SIDNEY LEE. Volume I. was published on January 1, 1885, and a further volume will be issued quarterly until the completion of the work, which it is confidently expected will be effected within three years from the present time. From the TIMES:-“We may take the occasion of the appearance of the fiftieth volume to say once for all that the excellence of the Dictionary is not less conspicuous in its gen-ral workmanship than in its treatment of those more famous names which naturally attract the larger share of individual interest and attention." CONAN DOYLE'S NEW NOVEL. On May 14. With 12 Full-page Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 6s. UNCLE BERNAC: A Memory of the Empire. BY A. CONAN DOYLE, AUTHOR OF THE WHITE COMPANY," "RODNEY STONE,” &c. THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING. By the late JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. Large crown 8vo, 7s, 6d. [Immediately. * * This is Volume II. of a NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION of "THE RENAISSANCE IN ITALY," in 7 vols. large crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. each. The remaining volumes will be published at intervals. FROM GRAVE TO GAY: being Essays and Studies concerned with Certain Subjects of Serious Interest, with the Puritans, with Literature, and with the Humours of Life. now for the first time Collected and Arranged By J. ST. LOE STRACHEY. Crown 8vo, 6s. “ Undeniably clever, well-informed, brightly written, and in many ways interesting."--Times. GABRIELE VON BULOW, Daughter of Wilhelm von Humboldt. A Memoir compiled from the Family Papers of Wilhelm von Humboldt and his Children, 1791–1887. Translated by CLARA NORDLINGER. With Portraits and a Preface by Sir EDWARD B. MALET, G.C.B.. G.C.M.G., &c. Demy 8vo, 16s. [In May. THE WAYS OF LIFE. Two Stories: 1. MR. SANDFORD. 2. THE WONDERFUL HISTORY OF MR. ROBERT DALYELL. By Mrs. OLIPHANT. With a Preface entitled “On the Ebb Tide." Crown 8vo, 6s. THE LADY GRANGEBy ALEXANDER INNES SHAND, Author of « Kilcarra: a Novel," "Half a century: 01, Changes in Men and Manners,” &c. Crown 8vo, 6s. London: SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 Waterloo Place, S.W. Your special attention is directed to the Library Speciality illustrated on the back of title page.