C 363391 * N. * - - - -º- ~ * * *-* *-ºs- * * * ! ſiſ: {{II"H.U.IIIHºjº. It E ; : : : ; |## E. : f ! sünº (=čº > CO(№ç, …»\>\.* *T*O* >ås» \s*\\ \!^\ſ** •••••• •^^R == oº, \s*<\!-\!\, ><'ș***Wºo">…<• ºsº§< _ºgºsºcovºcºsì, №. cºſ\,\!esmęNo.v^«> N<>№ \cos, teº. Nº ºv«ovº „anº coxº svº as >*<* \).* <<, >,< >→c→ <<> >(v× ºººº \, \R* eſº, ſoºs »ųº \, <;':· \<\>eº.№ſ,ºrs >*<<>v x ºvoc= (co» Wae. | _>< - coo>Ķē,C4 » O VID•••••• • •v• (3.44. 7. / 2écº/224, *… , /ø ſº. R EMA INS W E R Y A N T L E N T R E C E N S I 0 N FOUR GOSPELS IN SYRIAC, HITHER TO UNKNOWN IN E U R O PE; DISCOVERED, EDITED, AND TRANSLATED BY WILLIAM CURE TON, D.D., F.R.S. HON. D.D. OF THE UNIVERSITY of HALLE: Hon. MEM. OF THE HISTORICO-THEOLOGICAL society of LEIPSIC; CoR. M.E.M. of THE INSTITUTE or FRANCE (ACAD. DEs INSCRIP. ET BELL. LETT.); cob. MEM. of THE ORIENTAL SOCIETY OF GERMANY; MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF PARIs, &c. &c. &c. CHAPLAIN IN ORDINARY TO THE QUEEN; RECTOR OF ST. MARGARET's; AND CANON OF WESTMINSTER, L ON DON : JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1858. w. M. WATTs, CRow N COURT, TEMPLE BAR. i 3 J.AoA A C* ..., ^., * 4's X. . . . . . . ſº *… TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE CONSORT, K. G., &c. &c. &c. SIR, IT affords me the highest gratification to be allowed to dedicate this Volume to your Royal Highness. The position which your Royal Highness occupies so near to the Throne makes this a peculiar distinction, while your Royal Highness' own personal qualities enhance the honour in a very eminent degree. It is a source of great satisfaction for me to know, that whatever may be the imperfections of this work, your Royal Highness can estimate the amount of labour and research which was requisite to undertake it; and I therefore feel assured, that by your Royal Highness at least it will be leniently and kindly judged. No defects on the part of the Editor can preclude these venerable Remains of Christian Antiquity, now for the first time brought to light, from taking their place in the ranks of Christian Literature; and on this account I have solicited the favour of being permitted to inscribe on this page a record both of my gratitude to your Royal Highness, and of my respect. I have the honour to be, SIR, with the greatest respect, your Royal Highness' very obedient and grateful Servant, WILLIAM CURETON. WESTMINstER, - May 25, 1858. $ P. R. E. F. A. C. E. THE manuscript from which the text of these Fragments of the Gospels contained in this volume has been printed was one of those obtained in the year 1842, by Archdeacon Tattam, from the Syrian monastery dedicated to St. Mary Deipara, or Mother of God, in the valley of the Natron Lakes. It consisted of portions of three antient copies, bound together to form a volume of the Four Gospels, with a few leaves in a more recent hand added to make up the deficiencies. The following note at the end of the book shews the time at which it was bound together in that condition: rex.ss rºsawa rºta\a rear-A rºa-az- *A. Aues rºss resº absºre rºa's ~\ºre Aux= .enrº e-A-x)=\ eia rºt.s.º. A.orºsa essa. ei wasnaan axis =ºals re-iowa rºrº *Sº reºrº - as "Aa - as A =en, ºn ha-assi-a= r^n\re rºasia awa. *A* ** = <= ~.s.l...isaeirº.x...sas.we." Al-e’” *** >ire ... ais. ..si.e. rºsaca. ...-aa- a sea-rº .x,&oi=re . *** rºorº - rea=re .xas assº ~e-A- • *-os . .xerº -i-o- .* = .ºz. ...-assº Cus ...tºrº .xºna. • révos- .rºsa-ºr- ...reacn. . re-userº .xiom - . A==ion ...A-rºres. • taasas •Xaa-Geo-e ... rºax.as • cºorº • rºx * > • rºadwas viii PREFACE. found in the book called the “Cave of Treasures,” reis, his so,” fol. 37. We have here, in the Greek, Oſas, like this Syriac text, and not Atapuas, as it is in the Septuagint and mºnly in the Hebrew, 1 Chron. iii. 12. The Peshito, however, in that place reads révas Uzia. The variation has doubtless arisen from the similarity of the words mny and nnny. In 2 Kings xv. 1, 30, we find the name written both ways; and in 2 Chron. xxv. the name of the king is given as Uzziah, and that of the priest Azariah. Various reasons have been assigned by different authors from very antient times to account for the omission of these three names. I will give here only such as I have found mentioned by Dionysius Bar Salibi, who compiled a commentary upon the Scriptures from earlier writers in the twelfth century.f Assemani has cited a part of his commentary upon this place, with a Latin translation, in the second volume of his Bibliotheca Orientalis, p. 160. Dudley Loftus, the friend, and afterwards successor, of the very learned Ussher in the Archiepiscopal see of Armagh, has also translated this passage into English; † but his translation has so many ..awa-...-aa-, -ēes .its. Arº.sa.Are •taaré. Roxy ...tov- .x, a Mr* .No-a-rº anaerº.aoa isèrto Rºo?u= x -i-, en A.Area ºr’s cat-...-az-e “Now receive the reckoning of these sixty-three races from Adam up to the birth of the Messiah. Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahallael, Jared, Henoch, Methushelah, Lamek, Noah, Shem, Arphacshar, Shelah, Eber, Peleg, Areu, Serug, Nahor, Therah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Juda, Pharez, Hezron, Aram, Aminadab, Nashon, Shela, Boaz, Ober, Jesse, David, Solomon, Rehoboam, Abia, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahazia, Joash, Amuzia, Uzia, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekia, Manasse, Amon, Joshia, Joiakim, Joia.cin, Shealthiel, Zurbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Acin, Eliud, Eleazar, Mathan, Jacob, Joseph, and Jesus the Son of God, who was born of Mary the Virgin, and Joseph was called his father”—In this list given by Mar Yakub the Persian the names correspond very closely with those in this copy of St. Matthew. We have here Shela, as in verse 4, instead of Salmon of the Greek and Peshito; but at Ruth iv.20 the Peshito reads rels and the Hebrew mobu, and in the next verse prºw. At 1 Chron. ii. 10 the Hebrew reads snºw, and the Peshito re-ºo: Septuagint, XaApov. In the copy of the Cave of Treasures rºS his sº fol. 27.a, this name is written rels. and 27.b, relax., with a note in the margin, ~asalºo a.o.º. relax. “Shela, that is, Salmon;” so that at fol. 36 we find Salmon in the genealogy. In the genealogy by St. Luke, iii. 35, the name is XaXa, which the Peshito represents by als. The word relax is the same as Silas, Acts xv. 22, with which the Hebrew Hºw corresponds, see Numbers xxvi. 20, where the Peshito has relº- as here, and the Septuagint 27Aon: see Genesis xlvi.12. The reading of Arphacshar and Ober arises from the confusion and interchange of - for T, which is of very common occurrence. See what Kirsch has written on this head in the preface to his edition of the Syriac Pentateuch, p. x. * See Assemani Bibl. Orient. Clem. Wat. ii. p. 498, iii. p. 281. + See Assemani Bibl. Orient. Clem. Wat. ii. p. 156. f In his book entitled “A Clear and Learned Exposition of the History of our Blessed PREFACE. 1X errors, that I have thought it better to supply another English version of my own. “But why did he omit Ahazia, and Joash, and Amuzia Some say that Afri- canus, bishop of Emmaus,” declares the reason that he omitted them to be because they were sinners and of the seed of Jezebel. To him we reply that they were not of the seed of Jezebel ; for Jezebel was the wife of Ahab, but Joram took to wife Athalia, the daughter of Omri, the sister of Ahab, and of her he begat Ahazia. Nevertheless, in one place, according to the sense of the Septuagint, she is called the daughter of Ahab, on account of her wickedness being of the same kind, as St. Severus explains it. But the mother of Joash was named Zaubai of Beersheba, and the mother of Amuzia was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. They were not, therefore, of the seed of Jezebel; neither were they greater sinners than Solomon, Ahaz, and Menasse, whose names are written in the genealogy. St. Severus saith that Joram, the son of Jehosaphat, married Athalia, the daughter of Ahab, and of her he begat Ahazia, Joash, and Amuzia; and Matthew omitted them because the Hebrews hated the idolatry of the house of Ahab, and therefore he made no mention of these, who were born of an idolatrous marriage, calling to mind the words, I punish the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate me. To him some reply, that Athalia, the wife of Joram and mother of Ahazia, was not the daughter of Ahab, but Omri's daughter, and Ahab's sister; and if it were out of regard to the Hebrews that he abstained from making mention of those who were descended from Athalia, how comes it to pass that he has mentioned Uzia who was a leper, and more abominated by the Jews than these : Origent says that he omitted them in order that the generations from Saviour Jesus Christ, taken out of above thirty Greek, Syriack, and other Oriental Authors, by way of Catena: by Dionysius SYRUs, who flourished most illustriously in the tenth and eleventh centuries, and faithfully translated by DUDLEY Loftus. 4to., Dublin, 1695. * Julius Africanus, being himself a Syrian, is cited also by other Syriac authors, as Bar- cephas, Barhebraeus, George, metropolitan of Arbela, &c. See Assemani, Bibl. Orient. ii. 158, 283, *10, iii. 520. The passage alluded to here is probably taken from his Epistle to Aris- tides on the supposed disagreement of Matthew and Luke in the genealogy of Christ. See *ebius Hist. Eccl. vi. 31; or his Commentary on the Gospel. See Assemani, ibid. iii. 14. + ºes as in the Peshito, Heb. Tºp, Sept. Saga, 2 Kings xii. 1. 1 The P*sage to which he refers is in the twenty-seventh homily of Origen on the Book of Numbers—De Aſansionibus Filiorum Israel. “Sed primo omnium, intuere mysterii *** quidiligenter observaverit, in scri pturis inveniet in egressione filiorum Israel de Ægypto, quadraginta et duas habitas esse mansiones; et rursum adventus Domini et Salvatoris nostri in hunc mundum Per quadraginta et duas generationes adducitur, Sic enim Matthaeus D X PREFACE. David to the captivity might be so arranged as to make the number fourteen, because three times fourteen amount to forty-two generations; and this was a type shewing, that as, at the end offorty-two encampments, the people of Israel entered upon the inheritance of the land of promise, so at the end of forty-two generations Christ arose and conferred the inheritance of this temporal earth upon the Saints. George of the Gentiles * says that Matthew did not omit these three persons, nor did he change the number of the generations, and say fourteen instead of seventeen ; but inasmuch as he wrote his Gospel for the Jews, and many of them were learned in the Greek language, when they desired to translate into the Greek from the Hebrew, inasmuch as the Greek language was not able to express the letters n, y, and s like the Hebrew and Syriac tongues, nor indeed has it at all in its alphabet deep guttural letters, when the translators came to Joram, and it is said that he begat Ahazia, and he Joash, and he Amuzia, and Amuzia Uzia, and wanted to express these in Greek, they wrote their names thus, Iopap, begat Oxoğav, and Oxočas Ioau, and Iwas Ouoruav, and Ouoruas Oatav. But others afterwards, desiring to copy the Gospel in the Greek language, when they began from hence that Joram begat Oxotzav, wrote “Joram begat Otav,” on account of the similitude of the names, and their variation in the single letter Caph. This, perhaps, they did unintentionally; or they might have done it on purpose to accommodate the series of generations to fourteen, because the septenary number was much cherished by those who had embraced Christianity from among the Jews; and by such means cor- rupted copies were transmitted to the Gentiles.—To him we reply that this is not correct; for had it been an error or a blunder of the transcriber, and Matthew himself had not omitted them, then Matthew ought to have said, that from David to the Captivity there were seventeen generations; but inasmuch Evangelista commemorat, dicens: “Ab Abraham usque ad David regem generationes quatuor- decim, et a David usque ad transmigrationem Babylonis generationes quatuordecim, et a trans- migratione Babylonisusque ad Christum generationes quatuordecim.” Istas ergo quadraginta et duas generationes, quas velut mansiones Christus fecit descendens in AEgyptum mundi hujus, ipso numero quadraginta et duas mansiones faciunt, qui ascendunt de AEgypto.—Igitur in quadraginta duabus mansionibus perveniunt filii Israel usque ad principium capiendae haereditatis.” &c. Origenis Opera. Omm. edit. Delarue, vol. ii. p. 375. * Assemani has given the text of this part with a Latin translation in the second volume of his Bibl. Orient. p. 160; but it varies a little from that of the two manuscripts in the British Museum which I have compared (7184 and 12,143). George of the Gentiles, or George of Arabs, as he is otherwise called, was consecrated bishop in the year of the Greeks 998, A.D. 686 (see Assemani, ibid, p. 335). He is also cited by Barhebraeus (see ibid 283, &c.) PREFACE. xi as Matthew wrote fourteen generations, we therefore perceive that Matthew himself did not omit them.” “Others say that the Christians of the Hebrews removed these three, in order to accommodate the generations from David to the Captivity to the number fourteen, because this number was cherished by them ; for there is found occasionally a Syriac copy made out of the Hebrew, which inserts these three kings in the genealogy; but that it afterwards speaks of fourteen and not seventeen generations is because fourteen generations has been sub- stituted for seventeen by the Hebrews, on account of their holding to the Septenary number, which is much cherished by them, because on the fourteenth they were delivered from the bondage of the Egyptians.” “Others again say that Matthew omitted these names because they were abominable in the eyes of the people: for Ahazia connected himself with the house of Ahab when he sent ships to fetch gold; and he went up with Ahab to Ramoth Gilead, and the prophet rebuked him, and he was afterwards slain by Jehu; and Joash,because he put to death the sons of Jehoiada the priest : Amuzia also was slain in rebellion, having stirred up the king of Israel to war with him ; and on his account, and by his hands, the wall was broken down and the Sanctuary violated; and for this reason Matthew omitted them. Let the reader, however, choose that which pleases him.” 11. Josia begat Jeconia—as in the Greek. Some Syriac copies, however, inserted Jehoiakim.* The same George of the Gentiles who is quoted above by Dionysius Bar Salibi declares that it did originally stand so.f rel ta-rºo tenre ‘S$or-Se reaaa A x-a-a-a -> a.a. A Aarº re…a...a Aeo sº, *a*a* x-aa-a- -Ass --&aa res\, resoła ºre.--&a tacas, “And why did not Matthew write, and Josia begat Jehoiakim, and Jehoiakim Jeconia. But George says that it was so written, but the transcriber made a mistake, and wrote Jehoiakim instead of Jeconia.” 16. To whom was espoused Mary the Virgin, which bare Jesus the Messiah— With this the Old Latin version, before it was corrected by Jerome, agrees : **c d.f “Cui desponsata virgo Maria : Maria autem peperit Jesus qui dicitur " * Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, edit. J. White, Oxon, 1778, pp. 2, 563. t Add. MSS., Mus. Brit., 7184, f. 4. f I use here the signs generally employed by the critical editors of the Greek Testament to distinguish certain well-known man uscripts—(a) Codex Vercellensis, (b) Veronensis, (c) Col- bertinus, (d) Cantabrigiensis, Bezae; and for the Greek—(A) Codex Alexandrinus; (B) Vati- canus, (c) Regius Ephraemi palimpsestus, (D) Catabrigiensis, Bezae. xii PREFACE. Christus.” The Greek reads, Tov avºpa Maplas, et ms eyevvmón Ingovs o Xeyouevos Xploros, which the printed editions of the Peshito follow. 17. According to the text of this copy, which introduces the three kings omitted in the Greek, the number from David to the Captivity ought to be seventeen races or generations, instead of fourteen. George of the Gentiles, cited above, says that Matthew did write here originally seventeen ; and, indeed, the two words in the Hebrew character Snpyaw and Snbynns are sufficiently similar to have easily caused such an error, especially when one of them in either case must have occurred twice. 18. The Messiah—And so the Peshito, the Old Latin a b c d, and the edition corrected by Jerome : Irenaeus also read it so, but the Greek adds Imaov. 19. But Joseph, because he was a righteous man—The Old Latin a b c has cum esset homo justus, but the Greek Ioan@ 8e o avmp avrms, 8tratos ov. In the next verse, 20, we find thine espoused instead of rmv Yuvauca gov. The Peshito follows the Greek. In Luke ii. 5 she is called Mapuapi Tà pepluma revuevu avrò ; and Joseph, in the Protevangelium of James, is made to call her his espoused, but to deny that she was his wife. n 8e evirev, Kat tis eativ myevvoga ev Tm atmxaig; rat eitrov eyo, Huepºvna revuevn plot. Kat ev're plot, Ovk eatu orovyvvm ; kaw etºrov avrm, Mapuap, eaſtw m avatpadevaa eu tº vaº Kuptov, Kat ek\mpoa apºmy avtmv 'Yvvatka. Kat ovk eativ plot yuvm, a NAa ovX\mku exei ek Trvevuatos ayuov.” In this verse we have “in a vision of the night” for kat' ovap (see ii. 12). 21. He shall save the world–Greek row Aaow avrov ; Peshito, creas.\. The variation must have arisen from the similarity of snºy” and spy”. 22. By the mouth of Esaia the prophet, Greek 8ta row ºrpoqmrov; and Peshito res=a sas, “by the hand of the Prophet,” which is merely an Aramaism, signi- fying the instrument, like 8ta of the Greek. 23. Shall be called—our God with us. Mar Yakub the Persian, mentioned above, cites this passage as follows, ensus reissue Arºha t\;=& rºadus rºo tºns- ~sºre .cnaburº's A-rºam-as-, “Lo a virgin shall conceive and bring forth, and his name shall be called Emmanuel, which is, Our God with us.” 25. Took Mary, and dwelt purely with her till she bare the son, and she called his name Jesus. Here again we have Mary instead of Tmu Yuvauca avrov. CH. II. V. l. of Juda—with which the Peshito concurs; Greek Tris Iow8atas; but Juda was the reading of the Hebrew Gospel which Jerome had in his * See Evangelia Apochrypha, edit. Const. Tischendorf, 8vo. Lips. 1853. p. 34. PREFACE. xiii hands: “Putamus enim ab Evangelista primum editum, sicut in ipso Hebraico legimus, Judae non Judaeae.* 7. To them—omitted in the Greek, but the Old Latin a b c reads “paruit eis stella.” - 11. The boy—in the masculine; but the Greek to trai&lov; the Codex Bezae D has here, and in the places where it occurs below, Tov trada; and at v. 16 the Greek text also has travras Tovs tradas. 18. In Ramtha—and so the Peshito. The Greek has Papa. This word signifies the height, and some of the translators of the orginal Aramaic Gospel into Greek rendered it so. Origen tells us, that in his days there were some copies which had this reading: Totrov virmNov amplauvet to papa. 8to cat ev Tual tov avTuypaſhov 8.8×uov ovro yeyparral, Evrm vºn micova 6m.f Jerome also writes “Quod autem dicitur in Rama, non putemus loci nomen esse juxta Gabaa, sed Rama ‘excelsum, interpretatur, ut sit sensus; Vox in excelso audita est, id est, longe lateque dispersa.”f It seems, however, to be certainly a proper name, and the same as that which, xxvii. 57, is called in the Greek Appaflaw; in the Peshito the same word rºent is always used where Apuadala occurs in the Greek, Mark xv. 43, Luke xxiii. 51, John xix. 38. The Greek seems to have originated in the form rºenire with the Olaph prefixed, to facilitate the pronunciation of the Rish. This was very common in words of which the first radical was Rish, as is well known to all who are familiar with the Syriac lan- guage. I may state that I have found this form the most common in the earliest manuscripts. The voice of Rachel—the Greek omits voice. 20. To take it away—is not found in the Greek. It is like the passage, 1 Kings xix. 10, “and they seek my life to take it away.” But it would swell this preface to too wide an extent were I to proceed to notice the variations in this text, even at no greater length than I have done in these two first chapters, although I have omitted many which suggest several important considerations as to which were the very words of the Evangelist. I shall therefore only notice a few of the principal variations that occur in the *maining chapters, chiefly those which relate to additions or omissions, or such {} e See Jerome's Commentary on St. Matthew at this verse. º Origen. Cat. Gr. in Matt. ii. 18, cited by Simon. Hist. Crit. du Text du N. T. p. 399. ! See Jerome, ibid, at this verse. § See the Passage cited from Mar Yakub, p. 7 above, when we have as irº Areu for hyn Reu. E º xiv. PREFACE. as may seem especially to bear upon the subject of the original Aramaic text. CH. III. v. 3. written—Greek opm.9ets, and Peshito i.enrespoken of ; but Luke in the parallel passage, iii. 4, has os yeyparrat. In the quotation from Isaiah xl. 3, we have the paths of our God, as in the Hebrew hºnºs”, which Mar Yakub the Persian also confirms, and one copy of the Old Latin b; but Mark and Luke both have tas Tpt&ovs avrov as in the Greek text here. 4. Was clad in raiment of the hair–Greek exey to evöupa avrov aro Tptxov. Mark i. 6, my evösövuevos Tptxas. 5. The children of Jerusalem—an Aramaism, signifying simply the people or inhabitants of Jerusalem: on Iepooroxvpital, as Mark gives it. The Greek has only Ispocoxvua, with which the Peshito concurs. Of the copies of the Old Latin, a reads omnis Hierosolyma, b ea. Herosolymis, c ab Ierosolymis; the two latter as if it had been read cºuns p for Ebºns ºn; all seeming to shew that there existed in the original from which they were taken some addi- tional word, which afterwards was omitted. The Old Latin a b c agrees with this in having the plural were coming ; and also loins in the preceding verse ; while the Greek has both in the singular efferopewero and rmvogów. The word river, omitted in the Greek, is here added to Jordan, and so frequently throughout this text. 9. and say not—Greek kal um 80èmte Xeyev. Luke iii. 8, kat an apámaðe Meyetv. 10. Lo the are is arrived-Greek mên 8e-keitat, and so Luke iii. 9. The variation must have arisen either from confounding w8s with mêm in the Greek, or Sn (Se with SUT, mēm in the Aramaic, while the difference between arrived and laid probably arose from the transposition of the letters in bºb and "top. 11. to bear—Greek 8aataa’at. In the parallel passage both Luke iii. 16 and Mark i. 7 have Avarat; and in the latter some copies add kvºras, although this word is omited in the Codex Bezae D and in the Old Latin a b c. Did this variation arise from their having read in the Aramaic document wnwoº, to lose, instead of bprob, to bear 2 14, and John forbad—with the Old Latin a b c d: Greek o Se 8tekowev only. In the account of the baptism of our Lord there are several variations from the Greek text, which are suggestive of some interesting critical inquiries. I can, however, only mention one or two here. 16. The Spirit of God rested upon him; while the Greek has spxopievov er' avrov, which the Peshito follows. The Gospel according to the Hebrews, which doubtless had the original Aramaic of Matthew for its basis, reads here, et requievit super eum (see Jerome's Com, on Isaiah ii. 1). John i. 32 has also cat spewever PREFACE XV avrov ; and in Mark i. 10 several Greek manuscripts add cat usvov : the Old Latin b has also et manentem, which the Coptic and Æthiopic versions confirm. The Spirit ºf God is here in the feminine according to the usage of the Ara- maic, and so in the Peshito. In the Philoxenian version the masculine is employed to agree with the Greek, and probably with a doctrinal view. 17. Thou a?'t nyson and ny beloved—Greek ovros eativo vios plov o a yatrntos ; but the Codex Bezae D has ovel ovos pov, and also the Old Latin a. This is likewise the reading both of Mark, i. 11 and Luke, iii.22. Justin Martyr cites it, ow plov et o vios (Dialog. Tr. 88). The Gospel according to the Hebrews also reads tues filius meus (see Jerome, Com. on Isaiah xi. 1); and in like manner the Gospel of the Ebionites, av poveto vios o aryatmos (Ephiphanius, Contra Haeres. 30. 13). The variation seems to have arisen from the Greek translator reading in nºs instead of hit nºs, and then having rendered it ovros early instead of av et. In this same verse for the reading and a voice was heard from heaven yonº's sºph Rºbu, p the Greek has cat ºov down ex row ovpavov. Probably the Greek trans- lator was led to omit a word from the alliteration of yonºs and Rºbº. for Mark i. 11 has cat down eyevero ek row ovpavov, and Luke iii.22 ka hovny ef ovpavov yewea bat, both differently from the Greek of Matthew. I may observe here, that in parallel passages of the Gospels, where the Greek of Matthew varies in some word from this Aramaic text, Mark and Luke generally vary likewise. CH. IV. v. 1. Spirit of Holiness—that is, the Holy Spirit. The Greek has only Tow Twevuatos : Luke iv. 1, has TAmpns Tvewparos anytov wreatpeyev aro Iopčavov, Kat myeTo ev tº Tveupati. We have here Satan : Greek Tov 8ta&oxov ; but Mark i. 12 has row Xaravā. 2. Forty days–Greek adds cat www.ras regaapakovta, which the Peshito follows; but both Mark i. 13 and Luke iv. 2 omit the forty nights. 4. Jesus—although omitted in other Greek copies, is found in Cod. Bezae D, and in the Old Latin b c, as well as in the corresponding passage of Luke. thing—I have given this rendering of the original x\\a to distinguish * from relsº word, of the Peshito, which has followed the Greek part, and because of the original meaning of the Hebrew (Deut. viii. 3), mit ºp Sºho $25, “Whatsoever cometh out of the mouth of Jehovah (or the LoRD).” The * of Deuteronomy has rendered the Hebrew exactly, easas 24- re-i-ax crenas, “ every thing that cometh out of the mouth of the Loßp." The Lºrd is the reading of our copy; but the Greek of Matthew has esov ; and, indeed, this quotation, as we find it in the Greek of Matthew, is word for word from the Septuagint. xvi PREFACE. 9. worship before me—Greek pot only, which the Peshito follows, reading A. Luke iv. 7 has trpookvvmaps evortov uov, and the Peshito has rendered it there exactly as it is here saxa NaNSoël. This, which is more peculiarly an Aramaic idiom, is also more in accordance with the expression Get thee behind me in v. 10, which, although omitted in several Greek manuscripts and in the Peshito, is confirmed by the palimpsest Codex Ephraemi C, the Codex Bezae D, and the Dublin Codex Z, as well as by the Old Latin a b c. 11. for a season—omitted in the Greek and in the Peshito. If it did not belong to the original Aramaic Gospel it has probably been added from Luke iv. 13, axpt capov, which the Peshito renders in that place as this copy has it here rea=v as- - 16. have seen—Greek in the singular etēs, except the Codex Bezae C, which has eibov, and is supported by the Old Latin a b c. xopg cat of the Greek is omitted here and also by a c. 17. Meravoetre and yap, are omitted, thus marking a difference between the commencement of the preaching of Jesus and that of John the Baptist, iii. 2.* 18. Andrieus—as if it had been avöpelos instead of avěpeas. I find the same form also in an ancient martyrology dated A.D. 411. 19. fishers—The word **s. which I have translated thus, as in the English version, means hunters or catchers of any kind, and not simply fisher- men, axuets, as we find it in the Greek. Luke, V. 10, has more accurately ex- pressed the meaning of the Aramaic term by avópotrows eam toypov. 21. while they were sitting—this is not in the Greek. 22. their nets—The received reading here, chiefly upon the authority of B Da, is to TXotov cat row tratepa avrov, but the Old Latin b c and the edition of Jerome have relictis retibus et patre. Mark i. 20 reads, rov tratepa avrov ZeSe- 8atov ev tº TAoup uera Tov puto 6otov. - 24. This verse varies otherwise from the Greek, but principally by the addi- tion of the words and upon each one of them he was laying his hand: this might have been added from Luke iv. 40, o 8e eve ekaa tº avrov ras xetpas ervruffets; or it might have been omitted by the Greek translator of the original Gospel from error on account of the similarity of the ending of the two consecutive sentences Shri DSD and Rhn Spsºn. all—generally omitted in the Greek, is found also in Cod. Bezae D and in the Old Latin a b c. * Some Greek copies omit these words according to the authority of a Scholiast on this verse cited by Griesbach. PREFACE. xvii CH. W. verses 4 and 5 are not in the order in which they are at present found in most Greek manuscripts; but in that in which they were read by Origen. This is also the order of the Eusebian canons and the Sections of Ammonius, and of the Old Latin, as well as of the copies revised by Jerome.” 6. Justice—is the rendering of rºan.sv ; and so at verse 10. The Greek is 8tralogvwn, which the Peshito has represented by rºarea. 11. persecute you and revile you—The Codex Bezae D d confirms this order. 12, in that day—omitted in the Greek, but found in the parallel passage of Luke vi. 23. 3your fathers Tºmas—This also is omitted. Two copies of the Old Latin b c read patres eorum, nitrins which Irenaeus and Cyprian confirm. Luke also has ot "rarepes avrov, 15. and no man lighteth a candle—Greek ovée katovow AvXvov; but Luke has twice, viii. 16 and xi, 33, ověsts 8e Auxvov avas. 18. Letter Yod—letter is omitted in the Greek. 23. enmity, Snos—omitted in the Greek, but retained in the Peshito, with the addition of xased to correspond with re. 25. Exactor, re.-S or collector of tribute, which the Peshito retains; Greek Tº vitmperm. At Luke xii. 58 the Greek Trpancrop is rendered, both in this copy and the Peshito, by the same word *A*SJ 26. Schamán–which the Peshito also retains: Greek coöpavrmy. In the parallel passage of Luke xii. 59, we read xerrov, for which the Peshito, as well as this copy, has remasax. In Mark xii. 42, Xerra 8vo, o eativ koëpavrms is rendered in the Peshito resoeux... acn.ºrºs tº so eiðh, “two Mnas which are a Shamún.” This word seems to be derived from the Hebrew rºotp, and to signify the eighth part—probably the eighth part of a shekel, and the half of a quarter shekel ºpic yon, see 1 Sam. ix. 8. 29, should go–The Textus Receptus here reads 8xmón, which is also the reading of the Codex Vaticanus B; but Codex Bezae D agrees with this text *Tex8m, which the Old Latin a b c confirms. The variation must have arisen from *taking words containing the same letters either in the Aramaic bis; and * or in the Greek arexºn and 3Anón. Justin Martyr has repººnval. 39, thy cheek—omitting 8efav, which is found in several Greek copies, the Old Latin a b c, and the Peshito, but is omitted in the Codex Bezae D, and by Luke, vi. 29, and by Mar Yakub the Persian en".=is ves A- vº reason tº resisoré, fol. 63. 47. what is 3/our grace, Toninvºnsin–Greek rt repuraou Touette, as if it * See Tregelles, Account of the Printed Text of the New Testament, p. 187. F xviii PREFACE. had been read p-nnnºnsin. The Peshito has mn-spºnynºn-sºº, following the Greek. Luke vi. 32 has troud vuiv xapts eatu, which the Peshito renders - as ha=\, ºn rºs-ré, “what is your grace,” as here. Justin Martyr, Apol. i. 15, has tu kauov trouette. CH. VI. In the Lord's Prayer we have, v. 11, constant of the day, telegrº re-oo-s, which agrees exactly with quotidianum of the Old Latin a b c, and with the reading of Cyprian. The Gothic version also uses a term meaning con- tinual.” This would seem to imply that there was originally some other word in the place ofervovatov, if the rendering of the Greek by Jerome, super-substantialem, be correct. Origen informs us that this term, which had not been previously used by any Greek author, was invented by the Evangelists themselves; and it seems to be not an improbable conjecture that it was suggested in some way by the original Aramaic. The Greek word in Hebrew letters would be Sºphºps. Will the comparison of this with Son"TNYork suggest any probable solu- tion? The words of Origen are m Xefts m entovatov trap' ovéeve tow EXAmvov, ovre row aodovovopaatal, ovte evtm Tov w8totov avvmóeig Terpuntal. axN'eouce terãaadal wrotov EvayyeMatov. De Orat. 16.f Jerome informs us that in the Gospel according to the Hebrews he found the word nnn, and this also implies that there was formerly a different reading here. It would almost seem that our Lord referred to the precept of Numbers iv. 7, nºn- nºby Trynn Enºn, “and the continual bread shall be thereon,” which the Peshito renders re-as-Mo rºocan onols- Aura-ore, using the same expression as here. The Peshito has here rea=so taaloos, “of our need to day.” 12. and forgive us our debts so that also we forgive our debtors. Compare Luke xi. 2 of this copy. The Greek of Luke also has cat Yap avrot abuouev instead of os ca, muets admrapev of the Greek of Matthew. The meaning of this petition, according to the text before us, would seem to be, “Forgive us, so that the sense of thy forgiveness may induce us to do the same to our brethren:” not as it is in the Greek, “Let thy forgiveness extend to us according as we ex- tend our forgiveness to our brethren. 13. Thine is the Kingdom and the Glory—omitting kai n 8vvapus of the Textus Receptus. The whole of this doxology is omitted by the Old Latin abe, by Greek copies B D Z, f and Luke. Recent editors have therefore removed it from the Text, as having been probably inserted from the antient Liturgies. * See Th. Marseschalli Observatt. in Versionem Gothicam Evangeliorum, p. 393. t See J. Jac. Wetstenii, Edit. Nov. Test., Vol. i. p. 325. ! See Simon, Histoire Crit. du Texte du N.T. cxxxii. p. 404. PREFACE. xix 24. sustain the one, i=.com—with the Latin sustinebit. This may perhaps be translated as correctly in this place by bear or endure,to agree with the reading pa- tietur of the Old Latin a c. The Greek is avòeferal, which Luke also has, xvi. 13, and is rendered in both places in the Peshito by taxa honor, but in the Philoxenian version by -estes, take care of. The Greek should have been avečeral here to correspond with this and the Latin text. Thus, in Matthew xvii. 17 for avečokat vuas we have in this copy, and also in the Peshito, - asia.core. 25. We have nothing here for n tº turre, which is also omitted in the Old Latin of a b, and in the edition of Jerome. for the soul—Luke also has, as here, n Yap ºvyn, but the Greek reads ovy, m ºvyn, which the Peshito follows. 27. uspuwov of the Greek is omitted, and also by the Old Latin a b. 30, is gathered and—This is not in the Greek. 32. Your Father—omitting o oupavlos with the Old Latin a be and Cyprian. CH. VII. v. 21. he shall enter into heaven's kingdom—These words, which seem to have fallen out on account of the repetition, are not found in most of the Greek copies, although there be some that retain them. They are, however, read in the Old Latin a b c, “ipse intrabit in regnum coelorum,” and are cited by Cyprian and Hilary. 22. have we not in thy name eaten and drunk—These words, although not found now in the Greek copies, existed in those which were used by Origen, and are several times cited by him.” They are also quoted by Justin Martyr in his first Apology, 18, Kuple,kupe, ov tº gº ovouarvedayopew kat eruopievka, 8vvapels eTouma'apeu ; and also in the Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, 76, Kupwe, ov to gº ovopart eqiaºyoptev kat eruopaev cat aposºmewauw cat 8aluova effe8axopiev. The fact that they existed originally in the Aramaic Gospel of St. Matthew seems also to be confirmed by the passage of Luke xiii. 26, We have eaten and drunk in thy Présence, eſpayopaev evortov arov kat emuopaev. CH. VIII. v. 2. One man a leper, sºn, Trishna-the Greek has only xerpos; but Luke v. 12, nearer to this, avmp TAmpns Xerpas. The word Snal avmp might easily have been omitted by the Greek translator on account of its similarity, consisting of exactly the same letters, with Sºn, TAmpns Xenºpas immediately following. 3. was cleansed from him the leprosy—Greek exaôaptath, avrov m Aerpa Mark i. 4% arºffew an avrov m Xerpa kat exaflaptoºn: Luke v. 13, m \erpa arm) flew air' O.UTOU, * See De Principiis, edit. Redepenning, p. 46. Griesbach, Nov. Test. * this verse; and Symbol. Crit. ii. p.262. XX PREFACE. 4. (beware) lest thou tell—spºt. The Greek supplies the ellipse of the original and reads opa uměev. eums, which the Peshito follows and adds ºn see, and so Mark ; but Luke has it differently, kau avros trapmyyedveu avrò pumöevt evireºv. as commanded–Greek orpooleračev; Mark a trpooreračev; but Luke, as here, kaðos. 5. after these things—omitted in the Greek; but the Old Latin a b c has post hac. 9. And there is to me authority also—These words omitted in the Greek, although they may not seem to be necessary, render the sense more complete; and might have been omitted on account of the repetition of the same words, Sººnw nºrth and slºw * nºsh. In the first place the centurion states that he was subject to a superior power, and then that he also had power over others set under him. The expression under authority, vro effovatav, is an Aramaism reºVax Aussº; and thus we find ek tris effovalas Hpočov eativ, Luke xxiii. 7, rendered, both in this copy and the Peshito, by oxoins acn reºVax Aussè ea. 14. Simon Cepha—Greek Terpov only. Simon is generally added throughout this copy. a fever held her—Greek Trupearaovaav; but Luke iv. 38 ovvexopleum Trupergo pleya)\g). 16. But at the sun's setting came near before him all those that had devils. The Greek is obtas 8e yevopeums Tpoormveykav avrò 8aluovºogevows tox\ovs. Luke, in the parallel passage, iv. 40, has 8vvovros 8e row m\tov, which exactly corresponds with this reading and Mark i. 32, oftwas 8e yevoueums; or, e3vaev o muos. The variation probably arose from confounding the original Runn opta with stopp mºuos. Both Mark and Luke, although varying here in some respects, confirm the reading all, travres, instead of the Greek troXXovs of Matthew here. The word hºnp, came near, which I have translated in the neuter sense, may also have a transitive signification if it be taken in the Pael form ; and as the cases here are not distin- guished by terminations, as in the Greek, the following words Tºsnº, all these, may either be the subject or the object. The Greek ºrpoonveykav, there- fore, in this latter case would be also correct. Mark has edepov : Luke myayov, and comes still nearer to this text, reading travres orot etxov, all those that had. 21. and I will come—These words are not in the Greek. They are also added twice in the parallel passage of St. Luke in this copy, although the Greek does not contain them, Luke ix. 59, 61. 22. and thou come after me—does not exist in the Greek, but in the corre- sponding passage Luke has in their stead av Še arex®ov 8tayyeMXe try Saawetav tov 6eov. CH. X. v. 33. and before his angels—Not in the Greek. In Luke xii. 9, there PREFACE. XXI is found evortov Tov ayyexow row esov, from whence it seems this addition was made, if it did not exist in the original Aramaic Gospel. CH. XI. V. 2. Jesus—Greek row xparov; but the Codex Bezae B has 7” imoov, dispatched his disciples and sent to him—Greek, reparas 8a tow pathyrov avrov ettreu avrº. The Textus Receptus here has 8vo, evidently by an error for 8ta, which is also the reading of the Peshito, .cnossº sa= ** * *-arºa. Luke, in the parallel passage, vii. 19, has 8vo. The Old Latin a be reads discipulos only. If the original Aramaic stood as in this text, the variation may have arisen from the Greek translator not fully perceiving the difference between the two words nºw to send away or dispatch, and nºw to send with a message. In this text the word sºls., which I have rendered sent to, conveys in itself the force of sending a message, and from it is derived res. As messenger, which the Greek expresses by aroa toxos : thus in this copy, v. 16, the children are represented as sitting in the market, and sending messages to their companions, - aca-ta-A el- where the Greek is Tpoordovovvra or Tpoordovovort, which the Peshito has rendered by ess calling. Luke vii. 32 has also ſpooftovovow, where the Peshito translates by the same word tº e. That part of Luke is lost from this copy. 5. The poor are sustained—Greek, evayyext{ovrat. The difference here is between the Innopp and Innºpo, or if the * be omitted, which is often the case, simply in the pronunciation. In the Apochryphal Gospel of Matthew, edited by Tischendorf. p. 96, this seems to have been the reading followed: “et videant cºci et claudi ambulent recte et pauperes fruantur bonis, et reviviscant mortui. 8. and if not, sºst-Greek axxa, probably suggested by sºs in the original Aramaic. among kings—ssºn nºn. The word nºn means a house, and also, when used as a particle, among. We find, therefore, in the Greek Matthew, ev rots oukous Tov Saatheov ; and in Luke vii. 25, ev Tots 8aataetow, either of which the reading of this text may express. 18. to you—This, although omitted in most of the Greek manuscripts, is found in some of considerable antiquity, as the L of Griesbach or n of Stevens, *nd others indicated by Griesbach and Birch. And ye say—the Greek here is xenovat. Luke, in the parallel passage, vii. 33, reads as here, Xeyers, and also in the next verse. The variation might have arisen from mistaking Innisi"Yosh for nºS Thrysh. & 20, he shewed—Greek eyevovro. The variation must have arisen from the similarity of sºn ºn ečeiße 8wages and sºn ºn eyeworro èvvauels, which occurs in the next verse. xxii PREFACE. 23. art thou not ea'alted?—Lachmann, on the authority of the Codex Vat. B. Cod. Ephr. C,and Cod. Bezae D, and the Old Latin a b c, has adopted this reading in his text. 27. No man knoweth the Son but the Father—The Greek here reads ervywooket, and Luke, in the parallel passage, x. 22, Yuvoorket ; but Origen, Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, and the Clementine Homilies, read eyvo, in the past tense. The Aramaic yºn, as here, is either past or present, according to the enunciation by the vowels; and this may account for the variation of the tenses. CH. XII. 1. And rubbing in their hands—This is not in the Greek, but it is found in the Old Latin c, et confricantes eas manibus suis manducebant. Luke has, vi. 1, cat mobiov boxoutes tals xepaw; and Mark, ii. 23, obov trouetv TiNNovres Tovs graxvas; almost as if he had read the original Aramaic ſºns or ºn-no instead of Tºne. Codex Bezae D and the Old Latin b c omit ošov Trouetv. 2. Why—The Greek here is bow, apparently from confounding ºn and Sri. The Old Latin a reads with this text quid faciunt. Luke vi. 2 reads tº Trouevre, and Mark ii. 24 has w8s tº, combining the two. ev to a ag&are of the Greek is omitted here. 4. Face-bread—literally rendered from reare x-say which exactly corre- sponds with the Hebrew DYEn brib, 1 Sam. xxi. 6. This is translated in the Peshito there reares re-ass", “bread of faces;” and by the Septuagint, rows aptovs tims ºrpoffereos, which is followed in the Greek text of Matthew. The Peshito of Matthew has rendered re-isms onia&as re-assM “bread of the table of the Lord.” The Philoxenian version servilely ºne-o-cos re-ass" rease , “bread of setting before.” 6. For I say to you that lo—Greek Aeyo be vulv ort. Cod. Bezae Dá reads yap, as here: and at verse 42 the Greek also has tºov. 10. whose right hand was withered—Greek xeipa exov £mpaw only; but Luke vi. 6 has kat m Xeup avrov m Sešua mu &mpa : and so in the next words Luke reads exactly as here, wa euportv karmyopew avrov. The word evpoow is an Aramaism, literally rendered from - assaxa find, and signifying be able. The Greek text here has wa karmyopmoorw avrov only. 13. was restored—and so the Peshito. Greek arekarea'raffm vyums. Both Mark iii. 5 and Luke vi. 10 omit vyuns, as well as the Old Latin a b c and Hilary. 15. many men—The Codex Vat. B has only troXXot, with which the Old Latin a b c agrees. The Codex Bezae D and the Textus Receptus, with which the Peshito agrees here, have ox\ot troAXot. The variation may be accounted for PREFACE. XXIII by the reading of stºp suys for stºp swls, the former being oxxot Tºo!, and the latter being sufficiently expressed by troXXot only, without adding auðporot. In the next verse swlsº to any, literally avóporo, is also omitted in the Greek. 19. He shall not cry and not strive—Greek ovk eptoret ověe kpavyaaret : but Hilary follows the order of this text, non clamabit non contendet. 22. Then they brought before him one Man upon whom was a devil—This *ading will explain the variations in the Greek copies. The Aramaic use of the plural transitive is a very common method of expressing a passive sense. the Syriac, as it stands here, may be rendered equally well by Tpoormvex0m &alpovičouevos, as it is read in Cod. Bezae D, which was also the reading of the Old Latin a b c : or still more literally by Tpoonveykay-Sauovºogevov, as it is found in the Cod. Wat. B. The omission or retention of the word man in the Greek was not important, being implied: the Old Latin abc, however, retained it. And heard—omitted in the Greek, but found in the Old Latin b, et audiret. The term Strynn, which I have translated dumb, means one who is deaf as well as dumb: the addition, therefore, here makes the sense more complete. 25. But when he saw—The Cod. Wat. B and the Textus Receptus read etàos 8s, which the Old Latin abc follows, Jesus autem sciens; but the Cod. Bezae D and some others have Sov 8e. 27. From your children—This is not in the Greek. It is also added in this copy at Luke xi. 19, but it is not found there in the Greek. It may have fallen out from the repetition of the consecutive words moºn poºn. 31. All sins and blasphemies shall be forgiven to men's sons : but every one that against the Spirit of Holiness shall blaspheme, it shall not be forgiven to him— Greek traora aſuaptua kat S\ao'ºmaua aſpethno-eral rols avópotrols, m 8e Tov IIvevuatos SMagºmula ovic abeómaerat. The reading of Mark iii. 28 comes nearer to this text, Travra, a beflnoeral rous vuous row avěporov ta aplaptmuata kat at 8Aao'ºmputa–08 ** 8Magºmunomes to IIvevua roayovove exel aſpeaw. Origen, in quoting this pas- *ge, has retained the Aramaic form vious row avóporov, men's sons, as well as Mark. It is, however, identical in meaning with the simple avóporos of the Greek of Matthew. The latter part of the verse is also confirmed by the Old Latin b, qui autem in Spiritum Sanctum blasphemaberit non remittetur ill.i. 32. Every one that against the Spirit of Holiness shall blaspheme-Greek os, 8 av ettru kara row Trvevuarostovaytov. Origen reads 8xagºnuman ets to ayton Trvevua. 34, the mouth bringeth forth—This reading is confirmed by Cyprian, emittit. The Greek is Xaxes. xxiv. PREFACE. 38. Then came near to him—Greek tore arekpiðnaav avrº-The Old Latin b agrees with this text in reading adierunt ; and also in adding aliquid in this verse, some sign. 47. This verse is omitted in this text. The Cod. Wat. B also omits it, and the antient Paris manuscript, L of Griesbach or m of Stevens.” CH. XIII. 2. and he went up, pºp"—Greek ware—sp;3avra. Assuming this to be as it stood in the original, the use of oare by the translator instead of Kat would seem to have been suggested by the two first letters Dº os. 4. The fowl of the heaven—Greek, ra reretva only, although three important manuscripts, E K M of Griesbach, add row ovpavov. This is also added in the Old Latin b, and was the reading used by Origen. In Mark iv. 4 and Luke viii. 5 some manuscripts add, and others omit, row ovpavov. 6. and in the shining of the sun which was upon it, it sank down—The word nau), which I have rendered it sank down, from the root nºw, may perhaps be even more correctly rendered was burnt, from ºnto. It would then come nearer to the Greek, mºuov 8e avaretxavros ekavuarta 6m. And because it had not cast root in the earth it withered—Greek has 8a ro An exeiv puſau efnpavón. Luke viii. 6 has cat buev efnpavöm 8a to um exelv uquača, leaving out 8a to ſum exeiv 8affosyns, m\tov 8e avatetkavros (Mark, Kat ote averet)\evo mºuos) ekavuatuo'0m of both the Greek Matthew and Mark iv. 6. If he had an original Aramaic text like this before him, it is easy to perceive how he might have omitted this passage, on account of the similarity both of its beginning and ending with the next nºw-nºb" ºn and nºun-sºtºp. The similarity of the first syllable of snpy, root, with usuaëa, moisture, and perhaps some defect in the copy by which T might have been read for n, thus making sipy w8a instead of NYPy, might have caused the substitution of one for the other when the material signification would scarcely be altered. 7. among—Greek erº, Markets, but Luke ev usag. and the thorns rose up with it—Greek omits with it; but Luke reads avačvelaa, as a cavóat ; Mark also seems to point to this having originally existed by reading avvervićav avro. 8. and they increased and gave—This is not in the Greek, but avaSalvovra cal avčavoura occupy the place of these words in the parallel place of Mark, and seem to imply their existence in the original Aramaic. 13. That that which they see they may not see; and that which they hear they may not hear, and may not understand—The Greek here is or 8xerov.res ov * See Griesbach Prolegomena, edit. D. Schultz, p. xcix; and Schultz's note, ibid. PREFACE. XXV 8Aerovou, kal arovovres ove acovovow ovče ovuovow. But the Codex Bezá D . agrees with this text in reading wa 8Aerovres an 8Aeroatv k. T. M., which the Old Latin a b c and Irenaeus also confirm, as well as Luke viii. 10 and Mark iv. 12. The Aramaic particle H, representing both wa and ort, might have given rise to this difference. That they may never be converted—This, although omitted in most of the Greek copies, is found in Cod. Bezae D, and in other manuscripts indicated by Griesbach, as well as in the Old Latin b c, and in the parallel place of Mark. 14. may be fulfilled—impleatur as Irenaeus has it: or it may be rendered shall be fulfilled, TXmpo6maera, as the Codex Bezae D, and complebitur as the Old Latin c, have it. The Aramaic tºwn bears either meaning. The Codex Vaticanus B, and others which read avarxmpovral, would seem to have followed a reading nºwn Or snºwn, as in the Peshito. 16. Happy your eyes that see, and happy your ears that hear—The Greek has ott 8Metrovalv–ort arovovoruv. The Aramaic pm and pºpuri, on account of the twofold signification of the particle 7, may be rendered either way, that see and that hear, or because they see and because theyhear: consequently we find in the Old Latin a b c qui vident and qua audiunt, with which Irenaeus and Hilary concur, almost seeming to indicate that they followed another Greek version or recension which had understood the original Aramaic in this manner. This view seems to be confirmed by the fact of Hegesippus citing this passage thus, pakapuot ot op6a)\plot vptov ot SAerovres, kat Ta ota vptov Ta akovovra ;* and Eusebius f informs us that Hegesippus used the Gospel according to the Hebrews and the Syriac. 19. The seed–Greek Cod. Wat. B. eatrappevov, with which the Old Latin a b c agrees; Cod. Bezae D otreupopuevov : Mark has row Xoyov tow ea Trappevov, like the Peshito here res...its rºles and Luke row Xoyov only. 22. And that which fell among thorns—Greek, oëeets acav6as a rapets; and Mark, otels tas akav6as a repopevot ; but Luke viii. 14, nearer to this, to 8e els acav6as Teaov. Above, verse 7, Luke also agrees with among thorns of this by reading ev uegº row akavčov, where the Greek of Matthew has era ras acavéas, and Markets. These also have the former, ra "reſpoën, and the latter, to reſpoèes; while Luke exactly & this text, rmy reſpaw. In the next verse, 23, fell in the good ground—the Greek and Mark have a rapes and arapevres, but Luke to be ev tu kaxi ºn only, where Codex Bezae Dreads estny waxy ºnv, carrying on * See Grabe: Spicilegium SS. Patrum; Edit. alt., vol. ii. p. 213. + Ek Te Tov acaé)” E8patows evayyeMov kal Tov 2 vpualcov, cat 18tos ék Tms E8patóos 8ta\ekrov tua Tuđmaw, epidavov ef E8patov eavrov retuatevkeval Hist. Eccl. lib. iv.22. H xxvi PREFACE. recoy from the verse preceding. In this copy of the Syriac the word be: is supplied, viii. 15. The Old Latin c also has quod vero cecidit. 33. Another parable—without any thing more, which reading Codex Bezae D supports. It seems probable that it originally stood so; for while the palimpsest of Ephraim C has here rape&mcey avros Xeyov, the Codex Vat. B reads exaxmaev avrots, with which the Old Latin a b c agrees. At verse 31 also above, the Codex Bezae D, supported by the Old Latin a b c, comes nearer to this text, by reading exaxmaev, than the Codex Vaticanus B trapetºnkev, which the Vulgate of Jerome follows. In this verse the woman is called Snoºn, wise or prudent; and this is omitted from the Greek, while Tpua aara not found in this text, occupies its space. It seems obvious that there was another word in the original. This perhaps might have been partially effaced or illegible, and the words Tpa gara have been suggested by Gen. xviii. 6. I ought to state that the observance of many such passages where similar variations occur in this text and the Greek of Matthew, and, indeed, in the parallel places of the other Evangelists, has led me to the conclusion that in some instances this must have arisen from a defect in the copy of the original rendering some words obscure and almost illegible. - 35, of old : BYTP p, and in the original Hebrew, Ps. lxxviii. 2, pºp ºn, which the Septuagint renders there ar' apxms, and the Peshito x.ss en as here. The Greek of Matthew is atro cataSoxms, according to the Codex Vat. B, and Origen ; but this seeming to represent an imperfect sense, koguov has been added in the Codex Bezae D, which reading is supported by the Old Latin a b c and by Jerome's recension, as well as by the Peshito, cnéussiès ass tº rºsals—s. The original seems to have stood as it is read in this text, and the word caragoxms to have been suggested by the similarity of the first syllable Tp and car. It would not be difficult to point out several other instances where the choice of the Greek word appears to have suggested itself to the translator from this circumstance, a thing of usual occurrence in all translations. Compare especially xi. 22, where the word averrorepov seems to have suggested itself on account of the similarity of sound, nºn nº. This, taken in connection with verse 29 following, explains and shews the pecular force of nº as here applied to Christ and the last Judgment, and the rest, nº, which he promises. 48. The fishes that were good, good-e-A, easys rescu : The Greek has ra caxa es ayyeta or Ta kaxiata, as we read in Codex Bezae D, or optimos pisces of the Old Latin a b. The repetition of the word Taº ºnto, has either an intensitive or successive force. Assuming that it stood thus in the original PREFACE. xxvii Aramaic, the translator into Greek must have confounded ºnto, good, with Tºpil, into baskets. In the Peshito, which follows the Greek, we have 8-Spa, and, according to Buxtorf Lex. Chal., this word is written either with or without the aleph. Scribitur promiscue cum s et absºlue eo. It appears from chapter XXi. 41, where he has rendered kakovs kakos aroxeget avTOvS, which is doubtless a misunderstanding of the original idiom ºn tºn, of not unfrequent occurrence, that the translator was not quite familiar with this reduplication, and the change, therefore, from Nºt to Tºrn might very easily have arisen. In the Peshito, kakos kazovs aroxers, has been restored to the idiomatic form TY) (ºn ºn, as it is in this text. 55. Is not this Joseph's son the carpenter—The Greek omits Joseph, but the Old Latin a b have filius Joseph fabri. * . CH. XIV. v. 5. The people: Greek, row ox)\ov ; but the Old Latin version a b c has populum ; and so the Peshito. Again, in the next verse, in the midst of the banquet, b c have in medio triclinio, Peshito, reacao Xixo, before the guests, and so the Armenian, while the Greek has ev to pleag, only. 6. came in and danced—the Greek opxmaato only; but in Mark vi. 22, although there is otherwise a considerable variation in the narrative, we find etoreA6ovans—kat opxma'apeums. 13. There is nothing here to correspond with ev TAoto of the Greek and *rea of the Peshito, which might have been inserted as a counterpart to Tetº, which represents ºne of this text, although perhaps not correctly. and the villages this is omitted in the Greek. 19. And the disciples gave to the multitude—The Greek has nothing to cor- respond with gave, but the Old Latin of the Codex Veronensis bhas posuerunt; and the Peshito agrees with it in reading cº-ooo set. Compare xv. 36, where the Old Latin abo agrees with this text in reading dederunt, omitted in the Greek. 20. The remnants—in the plural with the Old Latin a b c d. The Greek has to Treptoralevov. In the next verse also a b c agree with this text in omitting oget of the Greek. from before them—this is not in the Greek. 22. And he commanded: Greek myaycarev, which the Peshito has rendered by sºrº, he constrained; but the Old Latin a b c has jussit. The Palimpsest of Pphraem C also omits evdeos, as here. 24 was separated from the land many stadia—this is the same as the Codex Vat. B, a raótovs troXXovs aro Tns yns arexe 8aaavučouevo"; and so the Jerusalem Syriac. The Peshito also, in this place, substitutes Sprin distant for Spºnº separated. The Textus Receptus, and most Greek copies, have mêm plea ov tºs 6axagons mu 8aaavtºogevov, which is the reading supported by Origen: Xxviii PREFACE. the Old Latin a b c, has in medio mari jactabatur: this text and they were tormented. 25. The waters—The Textus Receptus and Codex Bezae D here read ett Tris 6axagons, and a b c of the Old Latin super mare. Origen states that the true reading was upon the waters, and not wpon the waves, ov yeypartal ºx6e Trpos avtovs treptºratov era Ta kvuara axx' era ta vöara. But in the next Verse we have here upon the waves of the sea. The Greek omits waves, and has only ett Tus 6axagons, and the Peshito on the waters rºo As- only. In the original Aramaic the words sºn waters and so sea consist of the same three letters, and hence doubtless arose the variation. At verse 29 all agree in the reading 10aters. 32, when he went wp-Greek, avaSalvovrov avrov; but the Old Latin b c, as here, cum ascendisset. Mark vi. 51 has kal aveſ&m. 34. And when he went up to the dry land they came to Genesar–Greek, kat 8tareparavres m\6ov ets tºw yºu Tevunaaped. The Codex Bezae D bythe first hand before it was corrected has yeuvmaap, and the Old Latin a b c d Genesar and Gennasar. The Peshito also retains Genesar, adding from the Greek to the land. CH. XV. v. 2. Commandments—sºphp : and so in verses 3 and 6, where the Greek has trapaşogu, which the Peshito follows. 3. because that (or in order that) ye may establish—the Greek has only the particle 8ta, and so again in verse 6. 5. each—.xnrº, literally man. Greek os eau eitm; but Mark eav enrn avóporos. If the Aramaic stood as here, eav might have orginated in the first syllable ~re of .xyrº: Mark, although using eav evirm as in Matthew, has also retained •rare in eav evirm avóporos. 9. The doctrines of the commandments—Greek, 8.8aakaxias evtaxpara. The Old Latin a b c has doctrinas et mandata. The instances of h and T being confounded are very frequent, and this would bring the Latin to agree with this text. 12, this word—with which the Old Latin a b c agree, reading audito hoc verbo. Greek has row Xoyov only. 14. They are blind leaders—Greek, TvdAot elow oëmyot rv{\ov; but the Codd. Wat. B and Bezae Domit the latter rvöNov. 15, Eaplain—ptºp : Greek, bpagov. 17. In the purging or purifying, rºuanºs: Greek, eis afteSpova. Mark seems to have had this word before him, and has therefore added catapuſov PREFACE. xxix Tavra ta Spokara, vii. 19. This same word rºuané is used in the Peshito, Luke ii.22, for the Greek term kaflaptop.os. ** Pº thoughts of murder and of adultery, &c.—Greek only Saxoyguo Tovmpot, bovou, Plot)(etat. - * fºr when a man shall eat bread while his hands are not washen, he is not defiled—Greek rose avitrots xeportv payetv ov kowo Tov avópotov. * because lo! she crieth and cometh after us—Greek has only or pate "totev muov ; but the Old Latin of the Codex Veronensis b agrees with this, and reads quia sequitur et clamat post nos. 27. and live—not found in the Greek, but in the Peshito and the Jerusalem Syriac. 31. KUAAovs vyiels of the Greek is omitted here. These words are also omitted in the Old Latin of bc, and by Jerome. 32. lo, three days—Greek mêm muepal Tpets, substituting mêm for w8e or w8ov, which the Peshito and Coptic retain. Cod. Wat. B omits mên. This Aramaic construction is easy and clear, however obscure the Greek may be". This mul- titude—Cod. Bezae D adds Tovtov: the Old Latin b c and Hilary, huic. 33, a desert place—Greek, epmug ; but C and Origen have epmuº Toto. 34. a few fishes—Greek, oxvya työväua, which seems to have arisen from *ia-1 reacts meaning either little fishes or few fishes. In the next verse the Greek has ºx6vas. 36. His disciples gave—Greek ou 8e pathyra, only; but the Old Latin a b chas et discipuli dederunt. 37. From before them—This is not in the Greek. Compare xiv. 20 and xvi. 9. 39. Magadun—The Textus Receptus has May&axa ; Codd. Wat. B and Bezae D, Maya&av; Palimp. Ephr. C, May&axaw; and the Old Latin abe and Jerome, Magedan; Peshito, oxSto.f CH. XVI. verses 2 and 3: opus—8vvaage of the Greek are omitted here. They are also omitted in the Cod. Vat. B and some other copies, and do not seem to have been read by Origen. They are, however, found in the Peshito. 6. Beware Ynitiºs—The Greek has opare cat Tpoorexere ; but the Old Latin a be has only attendite vobis, which exactly agrees with this text. Mark reads (viii. 15) ; opare, 3×erere, which would be written in Aramaic nmiri. This comes Very near to our word nºrms, and hence might have originated opate kat Tpoºre ºf the Greek of Matthew, and opare, Gºerers of Mark. * See Griesbach Com. Crit., par. i. p. 131. t See ibid, p. 133. . XXX PREFACE. 7. And they were reasoning among themselves that they had not taken for them bread—This is much nearer to Mark viii.16, kat 8teXoytſovro Trpos ax\mAovs ott aptovs our exova'u, than to the Greek of Matthew, eveavrots\eyovres or aprows ovk exaflopev. The variation seems to have arisen from the similarity in the original Aramaic between hap) exagov and intº exaflopew. The word Aeyovres is omitted in Cod. Ephr. C. 9. also the five thousand—The Old Latin a b agrees with this in reading et quinque milium. Cod. Wat. B and Textus Receptus have Tov TrevTakta Yixtov, but Cod. Bezae D rots TrevTakua Yi}\elots, as if the translator had taken the Aramaic prefix of ºx=nº" in the second instance to represent the dative, which it may do, instead of being a repetition of the accusative as in the first. which ate of them—is not found in the Greek, and so also in the next verse. 12. The leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees—Greek rms ºvums Tovaptov only. That, Beware—in the imperative with the particle - prefixed according to the Aramaic idiom. The Old Latin d has retained this in attendite; but the Greek translator has Tpoorexelv in the infinitive, apparently as if not quite familiar with this idiom he had taken the -ſ to indicate the subjunctive, and read, as the Peshito has translated Tpoorexely, - oiensus. 19. The keys of the gates—Greek has tas kxetëas only. 21. Should endure much, and suffer from the elders—Greek only troXXa traffew atro Tov Tpeogvrepov : but in the parallel passages both Mark viii. 31 and Luke have Toxxa traffew cat atrobokupuaa 6mual, which the Peshito renders *SSo sººn **cana. This is also the translation of Luke ix. 22 in this copy. 22. and Simon Cepha came near and said, Spare thyself my Lord—Greek Kat ºrpoo Aa3oplevos avtov o IIetpos mpéato avtº erºtiuáv \eyov IAeos oot, rupte. The Cod. Wat. C has the latter part thus, Meyet avrò erwripov. The phrase of the Greek aeos arou is perhaps borrowed from the Septuagint dºeos plot to repre- sent sº Hºnºr, 2 Sam. xx. 20, xxii. 17; or it might have originated in the similarity of sound to some original Aramaic expressions. Dri, as it is found in this text, which is equivalent to pun yeworro,” and is often used by the Peshito to translate it, might have suggested eos. Perhaps it might have stood Dn Hºbn. 27. works—Greek, rmy Tpaštv ; but the Old Latin a b c, opera. 28. And his glory—This is not in the Greek text, although some copies cited by Griesbach have ev tº 80èm for ev'rm Saoweig. Origen has both.f * See Rom. iii. 4, 6, &c. In Luke xxvi. 16 ºn Yevoiro is rendered in this copy sºn bn SYFTS, but the Peshito rºton rºacº reº. + See Griesbach Com. Crit, in textum Græcum N. T. part 1, p. 143. PREFACE. xxxi CH. XVII. v. 2. changed was the vision of his face to their eyes—Greek Puereuophoön eptpoa flew avrov only; but Codex Bezae D and the Old Latin a b c add o Imaovs between perspopboºm and surpoo.6ev, as if there had been some other word in the Original Aramaic. Luke, in the parallel passage, ix. 28, Seems to shew that this manuscript has retained the original words eyevero—to ** Tow Tpogorov avrov erepov. In this verse we have snow, which reading is also confirmed by D and the Old Latin a b c ; and in the parallel passage of Mark ix. 3 oS Xtov. 5, a cloud of light—Although there are but few authorities for vedºn boros rather than boreum, Griesbach had inferred that this was the true reading.” 4 voice was heard–The Greek has only 8ow hom. The Old Latin a adds audita est, and Hilary. Mark ix. 7 has n\0s, Luke ix. 35 eyevero, but in the Clementine Homilies, iii. 53, it is read meowoºm, as here. 11. that he may prepare—which is equivalent to the infinitive arozaraatmaat of Cod. Bezae D, with which the Old Latin a b c concur. The Cod. Wat. B and Cod. Dubl. Z, with others, have kat arozaraarmael, which variation the common error of interchanging h and T sufficiently accounts for. Compare note on xv. 9 above 14, and when Jesus came—Greek ex0ovrov; but Cod. Bezae D reads ex0ov, which the Old Latin a b c d and Jerome confirm. And was entreating of him— These words are not found in the Greek copies, but they exist in the Latin of the Cod. Veron, b, rogans eum; and Luke ix. 38 adds &copal gov. 15. Be compassionate towards me: my son has a lunatic spirit, literally a son of the roof, which the Greek renders orexmvuageral. The Greek here is exemorov Hou Tov viou, and the variation seems to have arisen from the repetition of ºn in nºn's sn’s ºn nºby. 20. The smallness of your faith—with oxyortariav of the Cod. Wat. B; but Cod. Bezºe D, and the Old Latin version ab c, and the edition of Jerome, read attatuav. 21. Tovro Še to Yevos ove exropewera et an ev Tpoceva, kal mateur is omitted here, as also in Cod. Vat. B and the Jerusalem Syriac, Coptic, and Æthiopic Versions. It bears the appearance of an explanatory note added from the margin. It is rejected by Mill but defended by Griesbach. H * *ere—with the Cod. Bezie D and the Old Latin ab c, but omitted by others. CH. XVIII. v. 3. One of these children—Greek ra rada only. In the * See ibid, p. 143. t See ibid, 1, p. 146. xxxii PREFACE. preceding verse the Cod. Bezae Dá agrees with this in reading ev Tatētov, one child, and so Origen. 6. In the depths of the sea—Greek ev to TréNayet tims 6axacans: a b c of the Old Latin in profundum maris, and so Hilary. 7. Woe to the world from the offences that are coming—The last words, that are coming, are not in the Greek copies. 8. Gihanna of fire—as in the next verse. The Greek to trup to atovtov The Old Latin a has Gehennam atternam. 10. that believe in me—These words, although omitted in the editions, are also found in the Cod. Bezae D and in the Old Latin b c, and in the Coptic, Sahidic, and Anglo-Saxon versions, and Hilary. * 11. and that the Son of Man came that he might save that which was lost— The only antient Greek manuscript which has these words is the Codex Bezae D. They are, however, found in the Old Latin a b c, and in Jerome's version, as well as in the Peshito and Philoxenian Syriac. 17. Let him be accounted by thee—Greek earo go only. 25. and all that he had should be taken—Greek cat travra oora exel kai atrobo6mvat. 30, but he did not receive his entreaty—Greek o Seove m6exey only. 35. The Textus Receptus adds here ra traparrogata avrov, but this is omitted in the later critical editions.” CH. XIX. v. 4. he who made the male from the beginning, also the female he made—With this the Old Latin of the Cod. Vercel. a agrees. The Greek varies by the addition of avrovs. 7. whoso wisheth that he should put away his wife, let him give her a letter of divorcement—The Greek has 8ovva, 8.8×low attooraavov cat aroxvaal, omitting the preceding words. 9, towards her—omitted in the Greek, which has only poixarat, and this is also the reading of the Old Latin a b c, and of Jerome's edition. The Cod, Vat. B, the Ephr. Palimp. C and Origen read Trote avrmy poixmónval. This difference I suspect to have arisen from the original standing as it does here in the form nº ns. ºp, where the word ºr, which is the infinitive intensitive, might have been mistaken for the participle transitive. Compare Matt. v. 32 in this text, where we have Hº "Yo for trouet avtmv plotyevönvat; and nº hºp for potyarat, while the Peshito closely following the Greek has siaSès ca" was and arº only. Mark x. 11 has it polyatal er' avrmu H2 ºnSX, as here. The following of the Greek kat o aroxexvuevmu yama as uoixarat is * See Simon, Hist. Crit. du texte du N.T., p. 409. Griesbach Com. Crit., part 1, p. 151. PREFACE xxxiii omitted here, in which omission Cod. Bezae D and the Old Latin a b COIlCUII’. 11. from God—is not found in the Greek copies. 12. For there are eunuchs—The Aramaic term sloºm, for eunuchs, Iſlea,I\S literally faithful or believers; and in our Lord's discourse there might have been an intention of double meaning in the word which he used in the original. that he should endure, let him endure—nnºbl ºnºpºl. The Greek is xopely xoperto, which the Peshito renders pron probi. In the verse immediately preceding, we find in this text pºp for xopovat. The meaning in both cases is nearly the same, and the variation probably has arisen for the similarity of n-pyº and pets". 14. coming to me, i.e. to come to me. These words are not found in the Greek copies; but both Mark and Luke, in the parallel passages, x. 14 and xvii. 16, have aſpere ta trauðua spyeoffat 7pos ple, omitting epyegºat in the latter part of the sentence. 16. and one Man came near—Greek kal ºoves Tpoorex®ov. The alliteration of Tn Snº anp might have caused the omission of n, and the reading Sn have suggested Sn Sov. Some manuscripts read here weaviakos ris: Hilary, juvenis: Luke xviii. 18, ris apxov ; all perhaps implied in the word Shill “vir.” Good teacher, what shall I do? I have translated the original, was re r Cºla CM rºao ..cncy-sharºo ~~~\acana º -aē-acn rºacº ...aalaiº As-a season sarco *>orºo ..cnºs- »xorco reſoa5.5oano .*AoA text=> 17 eas -aº r^{-arº.-seºus as a rºcn asco .rºss rºsen ºx are en rºux.rº ~\ rºx.cº. rºon tax als .rºcºrº, ca&a=\so rºhrºw rºass- rºxyrºs cºniac.rºia&ue A- >>dS- sa-ºx-ox cyniarkºzz cº, a tax ava ..cnºs- rºacn Xiaox rºarº Are -a==s** acco a-iza ºur-, cox-tº-n atrº • *-ca-As-As-rºoms acn = cusan ..-acºus- ..aix -ocoa Aurº ean -acrèua- rºasis, rºacna º -acnºis, rºasa-a-asa-º-º-º-acº earºº .exas wax-ao -aarº rºw \in ºr a .-sarº rºacús eas a -oooºha .eaty as M.Acn ovenz re-irº .rºacn-A -**s-s esco tºo ais-A -Qaxºn ... ºxarº's cata as a -seaaağına rºº Asia .rº A.cna reacn ºn rºsa-a-rºadſ .rºus Auss rºtašeas rºtava Aires rºacn aes *A*-cº cºncº anon ecosaso re-as- enyaaº o CºnVCASSºl Y \st .*** rºa&eas rººm rºss-s-s- rºacn =\saxxii. rºl a arº rºi adºo rºcºa a -a’i acco tº slao o rºas- ea is acco e) ºn ..cnºva, rºa&sas rºsaca -- ~ \o ea rºarn A- Åcasiès rºa-oer, reacn caoburº.rºyasiacore rº rºi acia rºsé, a -si > - \\=a \lrºa oarn a-saºuz-rºa.a.s.º.o.-aerº ena-sa) was ~ao ...-asº, sa&z-rºa .r-acaa crº -ºus *A= .-asſº scna.cºxas rºarº rºa crº rºach o ºxya tºo rººs rºacn &urº creas rºsan rºa- •AP, sao i-arºa assa Aa rear-AA Fºx. . nºse caaahua cº essarº.casAas rºse A a=\, a\ ... acrº rºon -aerº is arº...a...Any Aurº ~as rea-re-assow rººt=\-a== asas—a rºs-Hºvºz as a rº-ºr- tºo.rºxare ºn rºus as assos º-aua.rºsa-º. • Q-a" Auorº-irºs- r^rº-As-à-axx-as r^\ºss rºxyrºl cº-A Sonal CW-AAA exacna .*Asaxx r^* is a .rºsa z=a rºse rºs.-->= r^re wa a-a-irºa aa-are. eacnas ºcn ea six-a -- a •e ee ee -aºlaias crº-iss AAP.-aa-zi r^*\ at a .rºon rºus” —acrº rºacn is area a ta=cnao tasia-a ash-a rºox .*.*-aerº-Aaw .*A, a cº-aian -ašarēe Mahcosa.a sox *-*S-rkas a verº. *u-sº tºo acn rºoan as in-laa A- easus tº re-aep) a A- rºrº rºad's Alass-rºº rºrº.rºacn-AeAcnºssº is are ash-ao ->as. As re-as-i \zara.rº bºw .r-aas -aos = <=ia' ºs-āla aa\so A-1 .rºsax en rººs eacnao rºa&o rºhosho xix.a.rºsiaircașoa.rºva'iqi rºa&R’et-ºua - &u=\a rºw ais -a asa-Axia .-samassina rºma-asha rººs, as a -a asa=\ala réi-cºre .rºcn rºhaxcºco tº -as rºacnén ...-ax. AAP, assº easy-ºer, -aēuaca rºs ..-aa-Aé a-a-cool. .rºsaasa rºas -aº Abirº is rare."assia -seaa-ºo .x-ºd-Y- A\,-- y \ref Ala tºo tarka sco ~aocoöna iſ -aē-t-ºn rºo.<\axes -cush tail rºcuta-casas wº crº airs as a .rº insiºn x \xiarº tax .rºicº ~<\alsº surº Macnaan e-A-rºo . &n="cuss 21 -º-, * ~ianºso eMarºo .ćnºo-sunal cºncºna \a x\xas.rºus=&s -eurº rºsacºs AA- .čný eacºne\-rºa ºne Aerºes,a.--&ian rºº rººt * Aarº * Nº rºacna .rºusha- -anon- <\alo.rºcorºsa-As-rºcas, r^eta.rº-irºs a rºad's .rºveres a Sco-A e=ss rºad, sº aicamrº rºasso rºa&asºa .rººs rºsa) v. e. easio *Aarºo rºusaxsie rºa-né zºo rºw-ašas iſ ..-asaha\; easasas r^\s= r^\ºirº rºus e o e .rºus rºles -*== • QVCoo anon easºn rºus A rºsa sonal ºs- a-irºo xxi. r^\sairº area rºsa .rººs &u= airº .* =ias rººs &u= ~airº -acº rºacn ºus Alaco rºss AA &rA v.cass rºo ea en rºcn © C @ © C .cnèusairº rºi.ax rºarºšas rºasca As- tax-fºot-arºsac “An -aēurº est-so ºarº .*=s=0 rºl ovcuſſiao 6 As area rºaica asèw & rºm rºsace-aērºs • e o e o e .58 &ncoë rºs area esco ,èearerºeMen.cº. tº-area oacn sonºrºza 7 ...t-ocný, esco e-ix-ax rºo rºarº rºas.ac. -taocras rºsé.-aswº re-As a sº.-aerº enrºen acn rºasta.rºrcºrères -at-arºo sax= ~ahrº is .x.x rººoo ..-acºus ~<\rº ~\ ...aks -º-...-e) was º ºx as a rºsta -aēure rºad's son are **u-oo.rº, as an=x rº, sº abuszow rºon.rºocoºn -acnea rº-rº rºa, as .rºburº scocut.-S-cura -asſº *>arºnacºn -asa=&e=x\ *S-94 eacna rºy ta=calo -eńasao e-A- rºcn rº-As-s <\==>A aox rº-As-acºnese A-rºrº rºw escal rº-Nº.rºvºo &u= Goa rºsa, a cºa &ea=A rºarº.rº eaco rººm rºarºo.rº vº. ~\,\-as-a-aē-ree-ax- en rºus, As .rºsa, as ºn 5 rºorºrº rººs ºf casas M-n sa ...axa ºx-os, area ... ecutocuº xenierº oncºrerºso.ºrºa rºse en rººrºº rºoroo ...Bcun S-ax cncºrºa ..as co-rº cacºrºa -acrya .rº, ºn rºrº.rºusan rºacn rº rºcºre © G) o .cº. -eurºtº-so *S- o e o .75:1-2 cºncºrºx=\ assisorºrº .aoëlo.ºurº As rºads eisarº rºarº.-acº rºacn is area. rº-busa 4-arºnson acno.asons acn catax rºysa º =&s sisº rºsa sarº, rºasatsas ves *u-sh vºs xiacorº rºox-. A seas 43 cat= <-a-rº.cº rºus ºn seas A.aca -re. o e o . CMCO ..cnas.<\\\ i>ore re-as-crºa reacn =>ax. Maas, rºad's reº adºo rºydn a 2-ºi chocri custo . »cncu an as x &n 19 oacn as-a-rºx.cna ëns.orºa .xarº's rºaº Aurº.acaº r^\a.&ure sº-ca Aurº AAA corºacna. A arºica, A rºzi acaa A&M A 23 -ošure tacarºo rºsa ..-acº is area -acºlazas Aurºens rºusa --As rºus Aarº A. *>arº.icans cº tº-area coa aa-ºo ..onal- r^a.rºrº rººrººo..icarºica as asco -asº 26 at-ashrºo.rºsa-xxs cnº=a ºrº-A assax rº •e •e e < ... as A anºw a casasha As- Au's tº-orº -a sco .r.º. nám tºo taxarº cust no 27 rºx.asarºe'>2.cº. tai-arºo sonºrºza .rºsa, a 2. cº, AuS sa zarº coasrº hasºn -rº M =&a ..cna sorº cºhèurº.acal .rºhèure acuaxia .rººs .aacn &urº tº-soº rºix. ..onasrº rºs-il Xia Pù Y 29 Čn=calo.eas: r^n \,-ao r^nèurº.acal rºsasaw ...tº r^s Auso acn are • 200 rºburº scracusore’ &no=com.asn.ausix area.én=cal rºw aco area T 2 rºad's *>orº -rº.t-i-area -acnau as acco eaxº~~ ..cnasabusa.cr. *Aaaarºa. Aksara,corº-ax-eas cºaa A esas S. cn rºzarº as eas i-rº-rº tºorº.acn rº-lyx th-ºcus As- is tacaasa. rºsa- 7 -asº, i-ore...on rºasa-rºen a sarºes-a-rº cº º rº-rºs -aº r^{-are r3rºx Stylo 9 .*,\se rºast was a rºš cassarºa.rºia cº <<\ºus rºa * cos=>isz.rº eas asso 10 x a scroixx a coorººoo..rºot as scaoirºa tºo rºscº area.rºssrºona-Sixx a soarea.a.icon rººm sºo rºot a refºx, *-orcſ . »crocup ºrcſo senase 13 .cne. -as-aēu kaa.rº- +Aix-rº.x=s* ...t-ts'orºa QQQp. exaxº~~ .rºš tº scooot-so sa is .** rºënaëni, reacnéna sena Was aëi.rºhi, alcº x=>s rºo ornavao rºoia tºo *=A scrocuperco 15 ...suen rºšAssama rºrºs.-->via rºsa -acº º .e.Son ea assax. xa .rº ->ia A&sa ...tºorºo - ocna iss tax acro .rºacna rºo cas, et-arº 17 .rºss a Morº rºarºaa.--&as rºsen aa-oo A- Aasa is are A*.*.*=a ºnzº Alan ºn ona) - Aaha º Aaaa.<^* -area ºn rºad's -rºs.-as ºrº-arºesorº-acº sorº.-asa, a ->i-a vao tº S-as exon rºatºa -ssóws esco 41 rºcna tarº.i-area crºs-rºas rºux-Arºsa e seasºnrº rº-Ax rºre... a-Ax ea ºuis, rºa- salaissan rºma es -aērºs ...A.A.S. en crº a .rº Aaº Aa A • -Aaqeraa –A =#AA-> ~\o ...Aoss ºa rºsire A*- : *a*cana a *-*. rºw sº .arºa A- area as • QVº © G) o ...A&a=\s rºocus east-as ºrº aña-A six rºascº. As saac rºcè- bus &u=3 acn = ** *-arºo.rºat cn= i senaağıxas- en -ašarē.rºsa-as: ~acrº acn .r-Macna aa\a rºacn AM-na.rºss rºvisa iſ acco tºss rºsa-5 rºxia rºtagºo rºsé, a =ia -on-ass rººm-o ooco ta-aaazºo r^a.cnhassa-A. ... cassax-Acne rºacnºir-as-is-sºa.cº. r^*.cna reacn ºn sa...rºsha. tºo ass= rºacna xx. rºadha = i cna"> asas.rºacn =co-oo.rºsas A sarº.cº. e-º-arºa rºx.xis x-rº-as-a rºadba : =ca, also arº.%ure was eMon A\ax *i-rº- rºarº are -acº is arº . ~Acn rºax. “Ś tºo ºn-ascuss cºusasaso. A oi=are -a ºrºzº 4 tax -asco . ~z\re - is ea are &naco rº, sax. . rºad's Arºorº & An ena.c.A acoaºua cºacnabu cº oëurºen xia.cnasa.acasău cº, Aurº, soon acne, reſocprºl a=s *Ase Merº-sºsé -euerº rºaicº tºore’s aq. ...soxa - curº <\\vao .rºsa -een Asia ... tº ea aaas esco *\} &u=A \Pao .x,\xiarº rºacn =\co saaz &u=x rºséeas rºtay ºne's APaa.rºss-Au-Aa -acº sorºa..onas sº tº eièA is x..rº rººn.-aēurº-As-sao A=a+\a son rºutº M =Ai r^ arº.i-corºna ºs--aēurº-ºxº -as Arºx=n y \re’ - rea ..cnarºurº oty. ..cnºs- 3] caisº crº aisarº.cº. -ašarē eix rºas." a\rºx. sao r^ Acn assax-rºo ºr a .rºssèsº .rºsa&so cºisºn rºsas Sua -sur-a-hrº.-eurºs, •ona"> a.s.oirºa -ax. Alº rºls oncuburºa. .rºacn rºsaa.-ax\,cno=Airco -asa-va\i- 3(; a=is waa .rºorºa -aca-Maviso anon ecokas: rºx, a cºa aaix.rº &u=x rºtava rºuss-A As rºsai r^a=.rºrº e axºno anon ess, *Aso acn vei= earn ei-arºo.o. as asso Maº rº-a-r a rºsa \x. . ~~~as cº-ax = r^rº, tºo rºys ref cº et-arº.rºot=n= rºussa=x-&lo 39 r^\s • Qorn - sº t="...tºxia acn ºn as tºo rºxsie rºad'As -acº acnea..onoxia-rºcas rºtaa.ºeco-Aa is as--acna aaacnºire-acº sorºa.tº rºicas. aixx.a.cº anon esco on&u=s=0 ºia.rºrº rºhrºw * * **=e ~\.cº. e-earºa crºus rºrº -airus enrºvernor&a=\so-cal saa.rºcneº- 15 . rººooº. -asſº *acn =en a cross--sucrº cº- .* >arºo rºsas a rºrºa.ots ºnrº rºsa -xxx is are crº sorº.ièare eash rºicas. ven- ºr rºacnºi.easons, Aussaºu-rº MAa=x rºsy rºs=> .cº is arºeºs rºrºa.e. aša rēicas. As \,\x is acrº are cº-orº.x=-eas, ºxsas, stºo 19 .e-aia rºxsis, A - \,\x rºacné Aurº area &uarº, acn r&n .*-arºo rºssrº rºhrºo go *** *S*\ºn .rºoncas asco as ºnce rºacna .*&ace rººs asso AurºMax.a.rºx= Aurºrº-SS ea crºso cº, sarº. As a rºs xx-o ºurºs, so a ---. eason-o rºw ºx-- rºsa- vºsaurº CUSA xxx rºrº Max.a.rºxa rºarº rº-SS A &acn aarº.8-in rºs xxxso rºarº **o .èence rºsa Auðrºes rarºa.rºa&a As-Sacaº, Ausaire r^ .cnhºe-a-as-assº *>arºo.cn&u=4= Assbeah a cnºcº Aurº, atrº sonascno."a<\s-waaxis. reſocra ~ssa.rºach *ēus-a .rºocn rºash -va a AAP, .rººn as axº~ **a ...-ax A ºn-tº-A • Cº-ºp Jºnºo ... ;-al reacn ºcus-\ coèvºcaaas 4 &laacna AAP, . Scrocual-Ma` rºcn, as rºhèA Acco *>ore’. >cnau-a, -><\ze iss- Rao ..S-cura reacn tº sº. 5 r^a * \,\rº-ca. ...a bias, acrºncore .öurº cºa aa busa =cniècorºa.rºacnrº, A (; rº-Nºëlcºn ..QQCV2 evº -aerºa esco CM-as Nº Ch 7 reſon --> i-arºa A ana.rºxas A- *A* 8 Mao rºadāsº rºarº.aca, ca&s &asya is a ~ax. cº eart.rºrº -ia rºsairºa º Aºss cnia rºcn area.rºcn rºuaa rºss oocn rºsaa. rºsa rºsals rºxarº's cata rºrºho.zontarº, acnio • e o .rºoco wasnº assº .rºsa i-arº-A Scoore’ .esco oocy, easax sao iſ tºtacea .x,\xiarº As-A reacn =>ies AA- cºna AA=a r^*** rºw- rºwly cn as ooco ~acnay is a rº-N-acº sorº.rººrºº rºaºs, aca-A rºa, sº rººrº Atrº.ºsi rºacús ~ax, sº ware.wºs e&lrºa A &urº assow arº.rºus asz's eas ..-a º rºarº-arº tasarº \\Pa.rºus arº.rºëure arº.rºkarº.rºcnérº rºast rºcn= ~q= ** =com.ºrº rºhaºsa w e ASAs rººs, Avrº rºrº rº-Assa tº-sº e-Ace reſon ..-asº *>3rºo cºnicas ièW *>No 31 rºus ta-ºne Marºecºa e-Abu-no .xºxiarº -assiana rºsasas is A&sa.rºxarº's cata As-º caloxºa enaaka -seaa .cana"-sha sa== rº, -euena.:acuas rºw rºaXa.cºcyano a Alaca rº-caa-, -\re ava&core r^ e-Arn tºo \\sºrº e Marºos-sabu.rº rºo.rºsa -acrºso o o o e CacºnS- Y-39 *=s-as-i-rº \s-A rºacn = is saas saa.ºsa rºsiarº + \s- rºacn =&u= <>aco º .rºcn cusoa rºacn Arºx=0.4-m ºxia Ma ->ax. ->-curs isºorºo rºno.t=> *** ~ax, cº- tº-orº, QQQſº eMrč, e-A-rºa A- x *ērºssons cave a acno.cºsahexaacna aac, tarºa-axes cºncerosa ...As a sºrº’s-ass crº-, .nºaon rºss Aurºu. air waa.ºcaasabusa rºacoxaea.-ax, acn aso a x=-rºuterºss rºsa.c.A*-arºa ºrºz.cnheº. ******* tºus so crº **** 38 rºad's tºon ..-aē rººreſ tºore’ tºorº.rºsaxx rºla-Asa 17 .r-AA, *Acro vº rººrºº rºaa\s, Aara rºw ... à A Mass rº .cº isorºa rºx. As rºxi ea as, rºacn cºrºzan .xº~\a rºss Airº, s-s-re r<>, rº-V rºleMºo rºoo .rº-V A Aurºrºka rºsa.-ax, crº sarº *-rººrºrº-A, Aus.--A, As-A Aurºrºzº *: -re.-asº Aurº-a- tax rºaxiae .rºcºrº r^a.ias}, r^a \avaº r^.As-A rº, º Aurº is... rºsaxa rºmancoco acncoë rºo ...acusé tarº *APeerMAeºn cº *~~~\ave=r\ 21 e-COC) “s &uarº ax-wo Aaa tº . rºt-cass.aoh rºo.rº-axe rºvasco vě reacnºia .rº AcasăM ** =\,.cº. &u=\a e.Son.as r^sº vºca º Aa.rººrºº rºha As-As. cºhaºs-A Aasax rºw- arº.r-Ayºos rºots, a also assaxa e A are anon ei-arºa .rººrºº ** *a*s ºre...-aerº enre."<>A • Azºº en rºrº Aiº reacn-A exaxso r^ rºxsie \a taax a sarº rºon.r-arºa cº -arº.exar-oº: rºad's ..-acreas cassai is a .r.º.A=a rºsa-a-rº- xis .\sea -acºus=* *-** -s º ºsorº \s- rºamsaacn as axia ºxarº's crº- a rºrº e e o o e o . ~~irº eM.A&arºzarº Mascº.rºon rºº rºacnº=arºa • \- aarn escaso . ~<\\rº rºasaw -ocrax as A-> **.ass-A -\acrº año exºrºeth.rºssº o rºocraxarºn rºyate ocno. reoaneo rºi sarco rºxsie 11 rºarº rºaº.rºach r<\sº ºcna coxsºnals rºxyrº rººt x. ver- & acn r^a rºrº * ºn ve. ~\a rº-Se rºasta rºadVº icosaa.ºx= e^* *rºxirº rºrº rºaº zºrºa rºarea es acº . ~Are r<=x axº~\a rºarº r^ are rºacn sº-a-2 rºa rºasso" en rºacn ca-as, A-rºaco **V r^rº.rºsaxº Xiaº scraculºs- rºarº sarº.rºys, Ms- assière rººrº.i-arºa is \a.aën enºu amºo rºsen cºu-A Ausas -aº cra Y SAA vas Mao *** crax as xiaºx *Sy are’ © C C C C xi ºn&u C\v-sp Nao -arºv as rºë. Arºorº anon asiao is isorº-axe acno. oena ooco tarºa scnossº in <<\aº r^a \le\-aērºs rºyaaaa-...-aerº son -asºn ~<\\rº *on ** is ex-re ... • curº S 2 rºad's *a*.* tº acn rºº As a tºo rºusy. tax ºn a 3. acn rºutaan tºda .rºus tºo cºncuſſºn Aaazan caëlèurº ovančnrºa .cnièica-A venºa r^3, *=ºn tºo.ca saas saxa rºas reassen .A. ºne ~\ acn=s tº -as rºore’.cna-saºxy craxes 34 ..aaºurs asso assuss».rºots-rººms eið - accº rº.º. are r< * ~ *= **\, e^\iè eacnna º .rºukas eið - oocano ..aaºw-ºn rºsa issène, a . --> rºarº crº tºorº.aaºurs asso tax?u sº in • rºix, -axaabu Gaº r^en rºaerº-acº, i-arº •oacn is . rºcro r^*=2 are saëi – acrº *-arºxviii. rºs.-acº rºarº-2 Moon rºo -ss)a= ess- 2 r^ rºcºre eas.rº rºussa= reacn Aurºs, .rºacn as abusa rº, ºxare as eno.rºaco Mºss .rºusso cras &n= \lacn &ure rºss rºsairºa a rºorºo rºse rºse cºhº, Alaon rººrºo tai&u=a.rºacn *=e rºo...As= • *ssº cº Mºss rº rººrºº, -rº.rºss acn onzals is are rºcna .rºrº assabeo rº, ºxa is ena .rºrº r^s cassàrº . A rº-rºsa tat" as rºsairº • ‘Ezo isºorºo . A rºcn=2 rºº reacn8. tax-a- (; M.Acn recºre.<\as rºles is are rºsa assax. . cº tº an ornaiss rºussè a-> Aurºu rº rºad'As sº verº.ass=>.rºshrºvºas Ala-2 rºarº rºax. ocn a S-a . »crocurarº *ay rºre Xıncı **** 20 vºnia.cna) - assièrea coasrº casts, ...a, sº >>re’.cnic cº earºa .cnaxso onios As Aasa rºarº rºax. “A \ºdo ~xaa *Asays *A* 3% ºft # * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * +.S. rºtarº.-ºrº rºa -samasy rº, acne. ..calašeº rºass-a <>axis rºxs tºo aka rºaian tax xx-aa\ .rºxyrºn cration crºocus reſocray rºmacn 25 rºuaix. tºo r^*\colso .rºr-Sès ºn acna-bus- reſocrº rºsacra . Ascu >>ocus- reacnx rºarºo. rºcn 26 .ebura aaon ºarº . ~xarº's crºss cº-oose a rºo:S- .rº-SS ooco eacnao rººs ooca eascala Max.a rºacy rºrºa.r-Ala-A was A-A rºaº >naxa rºacna rºarº rºaon ...-aerº-A -eurº ..east-no anon emala.edu.a aan ºarº. AºA .xonco ea AºA aesarºna--a.emaa aaon easºa a ..-aerºs -eurºsaarºo rºsax tºo rºtas *AParº .rºxarº's cata rºséens rºocus rºacº rºacn ºn S rºad's () rºcnea rº ... acnasa as x=a&na . etal rºcos Aurº-Ara crº rºsa .rºus rºza ao r^\x. ~i= enºussax-rºº rºao ..cna, º axºn rºos- ~as ess, ecº rºarºo.cnº==Aa nº-assº -a-A rºxi-arº. reacn x-arº slot ºus, ax-rºº rºarºs, -aerºa as a rºasis, reacnén rºacna • =rºx *M*, *, A-.rºrº, crº aaon Aurºrs, r*=S.-aē-aerº rºaco earºn rºaº. A =cn =rº.rºia-1 cºisorº.e.'s eiè is ..calaa cºal-asſº~\ao *** - A rºyºos rºas a cats acn was . AA= r^\sia. As eno a eaëlo.rºa, sº rººrº Area...ca.APas ax=-\a AA- ºã r^n e-A-re rºta-Šas can a is a AA i-as-sao r^*M as Aurºva rºach ºn a rºër’s rºars- rºaº rºacna.cº. Aurº, asso cnixx.a.acn rºrº, as ea º cº eas Aurº.aca . rºach Sºjºu-oo . ~ is re-i > A rºutº QQCup e-Aarº, rºsa-n -enco rºaois, tºo Aarº-A *q- rºtºsaa.cº rºacn =en. Arºrºa.rººts, ** = ~x.cn &urº rºl. Sº rºsa a .4-arº caxas rºarº ware rºarºo . ~~~\ -aerº ºus are are ha\ \re acuarº r^re... a a ea rºtaton in r^a versea rºsax= \\, , , arº.cº. *-area º rºacús .rºssrº rºsa as ax Aushu-A Aurº, rºa\so easiºrºcass saxº~...~rºs.-->ièenzascº rºa .e. ašić eicass senay- ºrº, acrº sirº-A rººrº iszºo.rºots &u= Go a-si > -\rºaº -asso arº Ma réiaca.rº-Ax. As one rºsaw *Azºo rº, sº enaas cºa A =z rºs rºsa are tan ~re.--A-, »cy, reſt ASAY. .reſocray: 34 r^\rº rºs-irº r^ ...Asahē rºsa - ca Aaha, cº, Aurºrea.rºsaur-, +-A rºrº.-A = A +2\are o e o ->>axy -->axyx rººf .cmassaxas crº anon easia&o rºvisa reſoaºso XV. rººt=\;<\cn.t-ts'orºa aacne. Avi rºzºiao rºtagºo acn-aerº sarº.-acreas-Aarºa A==>. *A*A rºs. cº Aurº -a also also .tºsca rºw, escº a-- rºs.-asaa-, *, *=rºsa .ea'i- rº-axº~ sarº, at A rºse Area.rºtaxa rºszºo As ºn- Xarºo cra as a z-rºt rºoq . ocracua-sa-ºxyx 5 sona-assº rºsa.cn&u=Arºra rºsa.cnhabta *Azrº -as-ass.-aerº earºa ena==x\ are rºacna tax -a as raisarº.rºacn Nasrºh -i > 7 ..arºus r^\rs, as A- rºax= r^loss, rºacº ~&ea rºw easil rºszºo easºn ea ºu. &A Aurº rºhèure,on rº-rºarº.rºa=& -acº º ** Erev cºsºvº' ow->~" errv. Alo caro we crºw” was ow" cºevrºvº cus oxicº co-Neº- sº twº ºrwºotº- ov- >Twº errº. v. S. ºf wººvºro' ºraoo Alºng We War Wesource: EV- **=> crew- cºevºr ov- Werkºws carrºr= **W*** V- cºrvº crºw” Sº cºuv N1 cctvUS- a crºw” Sº occº evº rev *New, wºug” evº ovºvoros' 2-s Verce: ww.sº V” carvº ow-cate ovºrºvco ovºvira” ow-relete * Wºw" tº ºw- Wow' ov- or-. N-Evro" ºr ove 2-w^ cooo state wyr-l' >uºrowo -cz. cerº cooo V &t=S->ir-rançº e < * renº" Accº-v- WRs -Nº cres tº cowº-rr- Vºlokºwº, owne ºr over sww-currevº *** *** =wcav-->icci calº S-sco' swer ºf oxicº vetº cºlº cººl coo-, cºst, swerkuº out or W* Wºw- ow-tº” ow-le- oweswº woe ESN wºr- owire- seasºnº' wº Walto co-cº N. ccº. Enº” wºucci. Sekto: it carvºv- *** wºule- too set- >ical cowº ****Wr" oeurW-2 tº 2-rurwº roene V- wevº wºw 2-v- **E=>>W =S->|-> *A*-Wvº wºrrº” accº "tºxº~ wºº tºok- swe- w"wº-º- ºwes --we sº->- sº Varvº-Vo: Acci. Nº erecº- crºw” were: a vow cºcº. cºve coo: orºv cooo cº-º- sº-cal, News' ecclear" cº-lºw- tº NYNº. osi-. NºS->'' orth vecto Escº- cocºv- cº--N=1-- “s set coo-, 2-rºxtºnº-, *Evº- a cº-wow row- =t^Woºtº ºvº-'Alcat. Nº tovº totavº cooo' 2-cº. We ^oevros wº • Eurt- Eu.--> ovs reas: cowº, cow” “c cº ; I owsºn *W* Wºw- ºwser, UVC15 wºn woºd triº Wººvy” ov-12" Wºwº, ovevæse- * No Swiſs-->wº cº- cºses 2-wºrtcº- sºvº-2 w"Eve-Ais cows" wrote owew.” wºn ov" Wºº, ow-ºn-vº >rºrt-ºw- V-- wer!." *** was V- Airºrcºnº” cº- cºst-e 2-ruº rºotwº 2-lo a ovv sº were wºrk wºuccº cow->w Nº.” natºw- wVºw woWN's crºw, were we O >\ºs V- WSW owtow” tº rewrºw- Esºvº sce- ºw- too cº ev ° V-accº Arrtº ce- ºwcatue’ wºolecº =covvº. 2-rºw- of Econº Awº wºucceo Etowv-, 2-rºw-->v- wV-atch. W scos covvº- Wor- ocosts" vi. swe- rºad's rºams tº a zºo ºn \\P, .rºirº iss-a Yºuao *\\van ºxºarºx\xiare.x\xiarºea º Aarºn ~aa...ahº as A&rºse A-rºasia.º.º.A r^\assiè vº ...A.1.A axia-A *=< * reſon. -aē-e RAa cases êu soºn cassia ºxaasa, *A* -a ºrº-arº.aº. -a-A&u=-aº al-z. ve ..otsarºns rºoan rºrºss rºoss-, was ºn A-3.0}\ rºu-A As- waa.rººtson co-axe rºarº acn xiv. ~~~~~~ *-a-A Aa arºss ºx-iss rºxi ea **, r*=\e.x=> rºo -ot ºn anon tº rºuaza ~ax, rºm s- ocna-oxa rºacn & arº can aoison a a corº-A \,\x -r-, -ºxºa rºad. A sorºa acna . ooca e-a=&\x -ºcoa .rº arº rºux = , C\ \ºo -asº *>arºo . »cra at Ylo . cra-aorºa crax sorº’s cº-ass are .cnnah are crº- \la as • Q-º-lºo noaºzo x\\ rºt asso r^a .rºux's rºocus rººt-i- As re-asha cº, AA-A as Azrº ~Aa.cº. G) C C, esco tºot-ox -eusco **.*\co rºw, rºach sarca sºarº-aerº *>arº.rºoë was ooca e-Se..aaon a vehich Aurº r^.rºhaëursº, & Arºe-on-on an=2 tº reacna rºs. rºi = -2 rºuaos= ..eal cºa “As tºo acn rºhrºna ve- a--as rºad'As ...-ax. cº enrº ...tº a sºn - curéeios- sºo.º-orca 2. -as rºsarº.ºrº rºsièus \scº - Auºrº e”.-as-axa rºa As-A -asas rºsés is.” .rº Rassrºo rºu, a rºo acua is rºus x. et-area .rº-ºs taxana *=A ta-aa-n -aocoöna r^ -aº -arºo rºassa. A **a -i-, -ī-, -aix & ex-co.-aēure rºas.a.re-es rare-sex eaaisa eº-rºa -sa=\ ~xa .*-arºº -as rº-arºe sarº.-sº *>orºs exaco .* Acn = —sº asata.-aēurº rºas.a.rº-sº rºss-s- ºn eaël .rºsaxx rºša -sºurºus--asya --> * :acnº=rº -o-ºn x^.rºy avassa rº, as reocos rºla-Asa=.rº-aerº-Aa.aaa-Ao a sea-rºo -aērºsa.<=A t-aa-, -aacah -aēurºa.rººrºº tºo rºsa-ºn eno . ~~~~, eno rºasso ea Aurºa.rºrº, ca&a=\sa= -aºlcana.rºsiºn o e o .rººrºonific.rºoia -chocols rºssº rºx is tºo rºzºasia. . rºarº x \\xi~ * IR 2 rºad'As rºaxºna.énèenas Azahrºcnéeziao .ca"> &easºo wa rºw-cua-i rºss-o .rºcºrº, Alaco 1. *>arºo rºuax= ~ax, reacn rºtorºos \s- rºaco rº-ocus r^a e-corºna e&lrº-aē-aco -øena * .rºatºs.scº.cº.i-arºo -ax, rºs...rºux-sº rºarºea caisas, arºcniah rºw rº-aassass, tal rºcro .cº. ºny-zo Area rºua x x ~~~~~~ 1. reford rºa Marº ènicorº, .x.cnº=rº sca crèmias ea rºx *is rºacn rºo rº, eak rºcesa=a& *>arºe Aca saa.rºuax.x rºacús rººiacorºrºcn iſ ooco easºns an e-A-re -aerºa aaon tabicna .rºocn ecº-a- rºacn rºs, re-as-cay an .ca) =a+\ . . . . .cns-rºa ocn eacon rºhen,sº rººrºº rºha also rºos rºº rºach sarca in =cals r^aissa rºsis rºom.cnsnarerº-Aal. .rº-rº èacna &u=ia.cnºus crºsoiré rºss- o e o co-aaéâa rºsaxa rºussia ºu area .rººrºº rºhaºs. ca.soare r\a rºburº èuacama rºsa A rºsawa rºarn rºa.area rºs-...-acna ºn 2 -asa, a ºn tº anon “V” “…A.A.S. eMona .**-aº r^*=ore.-aerº-as-acas rºs- -asarº rºacn-asahè tºrº-oburearerºrº ~\º-asa As-Aassica-bu-nº-amena.-asa . e-Arºsa -ašarē ei=ce .-sarº Avao rººx= .xyzār-et-as-a arºa rºa &n= rºse rºrºa.creata= r^* crº hacn tºo rºon taxi. *A* rºon rº, Meš is arº.aºx rºrºa rºcn rºhèus rººrºa &n= r^rº rºse rºarº rºarº r^\;=>, <>W ca, sacaa .rºrº saxºa rºo are ºn, sa=x i-, rºe acn cº, sarº."<>irº &la=> , sao on rºsaw tº hacn Aurº rºs, rºburº eaë, Alaca ~...~x=2 rºa Alaca rea, eac rºcassah taxi. *>arºo invaa-az-in-a-i-ass Szałiès haco º .cnox-rº zoo...asoniaa & Autz rºburº.éº a I rºad's Au-Airº +\oon rºtax ...,en.has abu Aurº-º-º: asa en Arººrº rºse rºa.-->irºs rºrº rººd aca . x > 1 >-rºw A Surº rºuxo-assoo .*= ** rº-Axx -aēurºelaco ... AVºx rºox- rºarº's Area .rºs -aº r^reisarº.rº-irºs x=-rºs & Are rºxºns, -aocna is rºzco ea rºasya -\rº. As eièa.eiè, A-rº-asyahu.rºus ass= ..cnaerºs-rºso.onis A-rºarº-Saëu.rº rºsasa.én-arº M- rºsa.énê's As-rºëure O © G) énêeas. As r^\Aa.énēša As- rºcos rºus--aē-t-ºn rºo.rºx3-M rºacn =arºo a rºacna reacn rºos -aēurºe'>arº.rºaksa en -aēurº e-º-'orº.rºsa-ºn rºaxºn rºao r^ Acn & ~Aasia rºatº-, 3-day . reacno reſocra rºyicu as 56 rºast a cassº, -ašarē ex-a- re-irºha rºsaxx -aağuzaïao.-aēurºees tº enhahika rºcnº, x - Aurº Atrº rºsa .rºx as -aēure eas r^a rºsiarºa Aurºcreas-a-rºastrºnº vºn Mss ve- rº-As .cnaso avaščia cºacn cº, aca “…a ~e-rºº rºlamo. rºsex as a enº so saah rºw ºrº-arº.rºcerº &u=% e . . rºssrººrºasax...S.-awa&n rºoms- As crº aisorºa taxšrº aënrº. rºyal atra a cra ao XIII. rºad'As . Yºo Y \CM -arºes -asnaaay...eta-'ta-eurº …axia rºrº & Shº arreà'iès rºa=-rºarº .as-a tax rºcn ..-assº -asaasay ...tº as-na -curº r^rºrºsz-rºtarº-rºus r^{-2 rºacn-a-dºrº -aēurºsrº.cn&u= \abus rºacna-z-rº.rºus-w -aēure tº-i- r^s rºyas .e=AP, -aē-aco acn A is a .rºaº crº enrº.rºxarº's cºa rºrº a *>arº. AºA are arº.rºcn rºsa cº, Aurº-arºº rºla asso rºszlacrotro ~\,\x-acn rºarº.s cna, saxa crºo rºhr’s a ~.crai alsº cºas.\s- onaca-an-as *\refºoreſ 15 .rºrº-A*ssasa sºa5.cn=A= rºsas acrºsorº, tº .rºhensºr-Aa -amen rºsés rºsa.<\ rºxso cnº=a rºrºna .rºot-Ma rºux sºa casA-Ma º r^a rºyaa .isco r^n rºocus acn rºs=>s r^a eM-rºxi- crèuso a cana orna Sasa • *-** tº rºo coison **as ~3-5 rºas-en-a-casa a agaa.ºrºsé ºasis. A=a.cnº=s vº- ~\ = a rºasiº rºaxia asso was a -a, -\a ~se is cº, aca-bus Aa rºuta-A rºasis. >\So cº a\ssº, aerºa onx-r-a <=&u= \so rºad's rºsas en -re.ecnhaare,cashrºcnºssa=z^* y --> *-assoo .rºiaW- scnaburº rºsocus rº Maaco rºsa a .x=\so recºre rºambus A ano A-Am rº rºax-i-co º-cais -aº Aurºra rºoo...asu. A rºasca.-acaº rºsa -a <=& ecay a + \e Acn.ºcaa -sus-ào.-asaahº a tax -seaarº.ecº tas= ~irº acn rºsash- as a M.A-, -ašarē. easaº -a º Arº -º-º: taceabu ºu e. eMona .rºcºrº, cºa AA-, Abus -a aaarº ~ass rºas a rºws Assah r^* a=cna -aº Aurº, ºx-AA cust.rºaºs, -aº Stefo ex- r^s rºots -a-AA ox=>a rºusan *An ière. ~...~ax = r^{-i\rºs rºsa.co ièrea . A = s.s., rºoco rºarºo .r-V-2 * AS: .reacas ºn -se-A area -acnº, -e A*-a-cos --~~~} i eisaa-oo-º-º-º-º-et-core -aoense, sheart.-acreº taaoo-ºo: rºzºrº, eason ~aocoönow. +axa rºrº rºos. rºahurºo &u= ea AAAs esorºeta-aa-eurº-Axx-acrºsorºrºneº-re ~<\ \rº cana ºne: aa-ºº: —a AM rºst-ore *Axia rºrº rºusaxa rºy-as-rºo.ºx.a. twº- wº- wºuccº-v- WG ºw V-TVt=G =vVº *>uestro Exo~~ skel- >~~~ V- ~w ow- 2 wºu-Wasec c<-- *s->twº sv rºw- *>icagº, “tºxº~ **** V- vswº- carvº carºs" vs sº carvº Nºvoso SW soccurao gå Nºtº- cow-V-two- cºnvº cºws\S 2-lºv-Nvi wº-swº- Enr =wº wºwº cºwº- Nºw": ev- w sº ov- re-Sea. owne Nasū- ºr-. ***E***, ovºº cº VRox-- *=tro =vsH- *E*S*~ ecº- tº NFR5 wer-Nº, nº-1- to cº V* tº erºr's cº- wºuvvº" wasv- ºw-tº WWF coco" cºw co->ecº-v- Wils". ºw.V--sur-, -}. cº IZ was us"' cºvt;>, cºw kao-tz. otsuº- ºw-wevoca">es. We 2-Wºº “wº ºsºvº cº- V" wrº- as S*** Arrºw- ovswo' wºrk' º oxical Wºrce cro- *V=\º- as Sºut- art- o-ev-, wºole 2-w- wºlvr1 =cºw SWe'. a V Aw-- ***tav V SWR" -aolºol, Enº grew. 1 occuºrºrs cow», Everco wºucci, cº->~es kWvº ~\rº-SWR coor Noxºsce:SW- cº-º-º: or wºuces cow” carv-, cor- Wowºw-N=1- Grº rºad's • ***.-e) was alsº enes-as-a-rºwas. A .rºcos alsº cº, AA+ Avan *ēva ens acn **.*,x-A rºarºon ean -as rº-arºerº 7:ip rºsy r^ econso rºo.icorºa aan-2 ea. tarº tºo -aºx is rºscow is rºsa arº.rºcºrº , rº-Seco eas AAP, ..-e) ºath A acn rºs.cº. tan -a-AA rºxi-arº.-aēure ei=&\s >\So rºaº 8 rºxyrºs crav-, erº. rºxyre ºntº an ºn 2-, rºcux Mºs *Sax rºmarºo. rºxanii scnaałęsa xxx a cras reſhou 9 scnaaººn axe coa is abu.rºx\rº as axa - rºxart, cais \s- rºsa is arºs Maa .rººrºº *A assrºx.ac.as tax rºot As a tºo .cº asburs rºux.a3A es -as esta-an rºo.cº assuran ~~~~} -assº, º . ~AVA; a caa'irº axe * ~ rºot.-cº-aē rºsa arº.rºot -arab is ~\as aws, rºus z. sena -ale º ºx-aass © C © C C C © C ..-at-arºns *>arº.rºne">2.rºxia acrº tºo +* rº-Nsº *>3rºo 13 is arºes acrº .rºhabitao r^*rº-as- ~\A -ºr-A 14 i-area.rºss -aº A- a-a-are en rºss-cº r^s AAP, .rºhans tº as tºo avonaire.ºxi~\ *A rººs, eacn rººs & rºoaxis rºstěšaa reacn rºad's AA=a.rºová -asons -ašarē rº, as -ašur-ow -acn = **-*.*.*-arº rºcºrº, rºusa as, rºcn ~aºua.-sanisa-e-Way-acrºso.rº Aio rºw staðirº, ea rºon sy-rºrº rºsa -acrºss rºos A sons co-ax tºo .rºusix rºscº rºaxº~...~\s-s AA=&irº, aco.rºat= += \ºon r^a.r-As&u r^s rºass asso is rºcnous -aē-t-arº rºaq, sax is eMare.--&u 3 \s--aē-A rºaks rºa&#x assoo.esºurs r ... thaëu rº *A*rē ea -ºš. ~\ ...-assº tail -as rºcore’ + ta-ºx-o r^ asso tai&u= eno .rºse eVan rºad's As-o.cnhºrºu.asserºx, a cº-arºach r<>=on .com.asia is orºacn rºx.ia reacn six a.s en rºacn *A rººs, i.e., a •onasca -seen as Aurº asso ~\rº.x=> acna ºre...-a º ocn rºax axso Aaa rºom.a.rºusme rºsas -ašurº exicassos. rºxsiao rºtatº -as a A- -ašarē ei=>a rºasis -aen) aa rºsea -aēs => -s ºn rºrº rºsas. As a rºw • 3. -aēua=x. r^ tº eMona rºa&méeo -aēurºe'>assis.rºx is a rºtatº -aº -a a -as a rºsaka rº-Aza rºw.aias rºaº a \\ cºcaso ºx are asa .rº-a -se-Aurº, i-arºo rºtate tºo ass rºss-a tas-s- r^a ~<\º 45 **s-, A area Aurº-orº e Aca as ºsa.c.A -ošurº-Aax.a.rºads,a-as are cºisorº. Aurº, rºa&A \s--aēure easºn-coa.rºhi, H. rºsæo -aeºsis en rºsa rºarº-aēurºa.rºxare, ºn reſºn -aēurée was -as 2C) •ecº -aēurée-air 47 excoco Also ..-are a\\;= 3rºf NºNo 27 vºazº rºtotº on say.cºsorºrº-air-Aas -asaasay...-ax. A sarº.v.a.a.r.º. rºsé Aás O o O &\le\ma rºcºrº, crºsº tassax-h eMerº rºuaix.4-arº-Asix.rºxia accº taxabeo NºNC\ 29 r^ rºrºo rºs= r^rº.rºw.a.cn rºueix rºcn r^rº ea rºacna rºm are r^\re.én\ =en-ºw .rºon rºusix\rºxyrºsco's area rºacn. Ax's cº-aa- xi > rºmax = <\ºdoun * rºu as ºn: rººt-SS. rºton 32 crèmalatasaağı-cuens.éma=-sºo rºcn rºuaix. o o rºaica eas tºo six rºona. Acús .rºrco àu ash crº artoo rºSºx icosa warºrº ea A & crº arºo rºrº.rºx\, rºrºs are *\cos\x.cnicnas -aº -\s-a ºrº.rºusan rºacnè. A. acn N sºvorº.cn rº-As- reºSSA: tail • re'. acro *-acra A en) a ~e SAref *\r-r-a ve- ca) a “Nº srº rºx. a rºacn&n a rºcna's rººs v.cnt \ , acn rºacnº, acna, ax….acnvex ºver rºcnas - rºo.cº vºw . ve ve ve *... (J rºad'As Ala ...-asny is are -acºustº ->s a x-a tº aco iſ *= Aaaa...sº car as As-Saëlès assº As- rºyo ~rea .cº. Aas-Saëen rºus \s-aw ei=orts.cn&a=\so acua&l rºarº-Sys &nrºenix as tax , >as was r^* Goa. aen Aasax -as- o e o in->o r^\rº.rºxarºi= ea Aurials rºo rºussy rºsatº, away. As -acna & A rºsha rºothºa rºaiałea Yeasarº.º. azº-As rºoo...rº &M *ērºs rºsaa.ºurlass rºas.aarº tºo &u=\ \rº ~x. rºss rºarº .*=s="a xia-aass ºussax-rºo 25.2 }\}, a\rºx re-assi cº, x-corº, assa A &\a .rºsiarº ea ha\ rºrº ...sicaël rºº cº earºa º en rºsa..onceaxe . .rºots-> x > 1 > *AVo .acn = sore r<>iès AAP, -as ***** Aèrºacuarº rºaxº~ * * \\Po.cº. Abu zara rº rºha-assi AAP2 -rº .cº rºssèeas rºsaacº Abua Xıcup\ cºas-s-s ...sº acaºua &rºx. -aº -si-'orº rºarº's rºo ..acas Arºza is are AA.-as ºshua azaa w .cº ºn was Aaaa.…axºn rºsas Aaaa ~A.->a<\ cois sona Arºxas ~<\also tax rºarºu ..cna Arºxy rºam-rºarº.cº. Azaso rearºa acn rººts As sona Aréxar. rºuacha-a-aēurºes-a-...-aēure r --saº Abeº rºsy eMrºza e Aerº rºw-sa rºot Abu.rº-ax en ... .cº. aes waa.rºxis, tºo rººrºx rºacn asso sa rºacna is anon ot-ashrºo . ~xis, acn \\so rºarºx. acn =a=\s==.ok-arºrºzºia ea taxºo.<\sco réxia is sa en rººk.rºx rºcn asso rºasis rºxs in ..cºaoche-rºx *-ax-ex rºrºcº anon tacanto rºad's Aurº area A.-ax. cº -are.cnºs assières o e o was ºuaco rºaco .rº rºutrº As- .rºorºa aaon eMr* * ACM 38 .èn&u== cnèWas rºsa &n-axx rººs, rºburto **rºa .x.isa &n-axis rºus, n\ \lacn & rºaº *acn rºs-axa ...+= an ena, SS Alas &u=%u. rºusax-hus haco rºw- en rºsa ..cna" shº “Ś \,\;= r^*=a.cº rºorººhèrºa.rºrºsse tº is are ºnzrº was A= a&a=x ºn A- * As rºl- rº-o n\ is are ...A rºss-, a rº, rºrºsso A- Ahº burº A.3 rºaiava e &A &u=\ºusy rºux, a tºo.rºssèusa es acn ... .ºneo Asău. A rºa ałas ièua .rººts, rºuaos = en rºacn *Asso YºC) XI. ..onas sº ea as cº, *>are.cºlºs & AA= Arº e ºa-a -u are a \s-A ºre -is: -aēurºs-on shearº-aerº ware...onas sº **. .xxaëu rºsax=3 ~sarº.t-isorº-ošuaca ~arº rºsa º A =ena vºla A- rºënrºna 3 \\ aa-za tº as area •eº * aa-za ºn A^* tº ~se r^rº.rºsa-ca A *-* ~Aa. A = ** rºacº -seaso asso.-ax, -acº earºa.rºzas i-arºo.rº Alaskas cºncº Arºsa.<>assicº rºad's assax rºa-aēurº-sax-axis-a-saxº~Aa.at , rºocraxarºnx:i-so refocusan s">2-ais *Aca *>orefºo 25 rºëvirºs=-rºrasarae">2 cº-arº.cna-caus ==&ua rºarº rºoo-u= ~ax. cº eart. ASAnº save ºrº-Axe.” cº-arºu's rºarºos, *a*** &rAAeroo **** cºase…a ** cºa crº ***** “sº ve-lèa *> cºasa .*urº rº, so sa- -\on ..&#sorº Aurº ~CMY a ~axA *-arº.coxes assº reacn *=s tax acro 20 ** **, r*=\-ax, crè is are.--is also a . rºoa Sºtatº Masa.a.s.ºrº xAxiarº en reacn &u=o &u= cnaa-za ..cnaa-ººoo sona Ax-rºo rºach Ausa ss, rºena zase.-asſº ºrºa. As sa rºaX area .cn = -o co-º-ºo ºn rºsiorºsº sº tax raisax. .cnº=>a crast-sº rºuaos on rºo 33 scasts, .cnhº APaa rºsiarºs éna rºaco rºsa .cnéna º =& -o ={a}\rºo ..cna" - assièrºos, As ºn-airº . ~~x-ao r^{-ass eca A- Asºo catasa .cn.coièa rºa&la=\ ca-bursa.crisis, as *>3rºo .r.º. ašias' sº CD a tºn eiè. Jºnºre rºocus: ~ia aağı “saas x,x=2&vaecox rºoo...cn.coiè. reſocrax & rºsèea rºën escº tºo cusa.= x -ason anon a sacna iſ *= M ex=-&-2 rºtºx area - e.e-tºorºo \ess cº, cº &uaco rºs.-ax. -asſº *>orefia -as rºarº-scria reſon.rºsax. tºo Mass ºpt- vetº . rºsias—a rºotis, t-º-º-º: ~oocnéna O C\-Y. ... • Cuºcral r^ xxxsoo .*-axº~as crºss ºn Mao ..-aē ex=-\rºo rºtºx -as ºn r^ rºcrat, ×4= 20 Čnso . ~Asax > exa-han ~<\aacrºix- an as r^rºm rºsasa .i-area rºx.acuas rºot= |airº rºus x= &ucaºn .rº-irºha rº-ax... cni-'o ~~~\ tº ref tarº & Ass rºašce eno ->a<^* en escº ~xa rºas reacn rºº acna are erº.rº cus, -s. Farºo...arºen Ax\\zrºasso Aaar -re r^rº rºarº asso rºa.rºarº-rº r^rerei= Alcº ashrºo.cº. ~\s refº-> reasºn e-Aa ... refºx 23 tal-ºn *S ecaxaaw O -asſº i-arºa crossº *** **śs -a º ºsi-'orº.-aē-t-ºn xx-aa. r^a -aēure el-ºn xiaº -at-san aes: rººsha rºad'As rerºs ºn cnº=a ºn A-acnasa ...t-to-1 rºséa r^**x-a rºon rºx.cn &M .** rºša as as a -as-e Max * *.*==< *= *****-as 4 Yarºs rºxsa.rºdºo rºa.rºsa ièi r^\a rºoza ~~ass rºus rºarºa.<\rºx * ~\rºsiarºs ~\x. ei-arº -aē-aon .cº. -ašarē e-A-a *** *-ºx is en& &urº - rºa.rºcn rºuas a veen, -ae A- r^ tax - rºo ..-aa-ºx. sency- ..-asºn & eº-o eas -aē-aco rºuaa snaa rºus co-eux.8 rºa.cn&i=-co rºse acn rºax. &A -aēurº e M-n ºu-sea rº-rºo cº-º x-coºns asso Aaa acasA.-a º Aaasao -aē-acno.cna Aurº rºsiºn acorso.-sarsaxa o .rºcºrº, cºncua) so -a-A- &u=ies et-arº r^a cº, -aēure “A-5 ten rºul-sea rº-rº in rºona.cna ačx= ot-arºo anas.én= <\alcºa ann xis .cº. *** ***** “Asia a=an rºse are .rºcºrº, cºa-Asº cº, Ausias.as a rºsen tax rºocuse as axe reocray zoscºw -a-A *A*-orefig O © G) .rºussa scºs tºo =\, rºl anx -Assaoios= <\rº-rº-sºus Asa.etiaa, Asa 13 ~\aao rºadā- emi-a-taaaaacna ~\º acco rºocus- an axia reacna -*** *a* xia a sºn 4 rºad's AoAP, ..-area)== r^a .cº. -eu abus rºleain 38 tax sad ..Mrº-A rºach xiaco xAxiarº creasian 54 ~$ºo crº aisarº .* *scuso acua- scrossº avº ~~ax en reas Aasha i-areas Aurº reas i-arºo -acne rºad washrºocna. -eurºsacobias, .rºot -aēure rººrº -ašur-e-w- tº . ~asº r^*.*&as assa-Arºrºrº ºxarºi Sºnia, •3. .rºssrººrºwiń-aerº d'Area.a.s.º. .c.A i-arºss, r*=\rºre.fix -\sº *** ièrecº ºus rºxarº's tax cat=A.rºWAP, sº crº is are.,iºus rºº rººrº *-arºa.cnziº *>arº.rºrca arº inasrº Mrºziascº. A caerº Aurºa.-aca-bus, ei=a rºus, aaaz-ax, cº- rººrº cº, i-arº.rºrº caëla Aso so. An rººrº Mr*A casrºes xxacº stºo.vriès rêvrº ~25 yarºrº...-ax, cº-orº.rºrco Sèus as As rºacna.cnièica-Airºo rºsan rºsis. As onx-rº O G) rºcºrº, rºaºs-A 3AY-39 .aaº isza-eiðhoe-sax. ****Aarºxia-Aca *ēvaeroa X. ***-oo ºrº MA.,enaarºxxe eið eið -eurº >\So rºle- -asº, i-arº.Sarº-A rºacn =&\s-a rºad's rºad.cº rºacnas-soa.acn rººrººz.cn.ºrºcº ~\\\ ca-corºa rºamy on rºot= ~ax, as \s--een, a qisasārºa ...onasrº co-ºx rºo a \s-rºacn ='daber ºa as aq.rºcºrº, cºast asºn-co ...onas-sàM&A sarº.rºach s = - \a. ~xarºi is cats.-sarasies ºcn rºs, -ašure *A -sucoa.rºzarº is sees A&as aco 3-8-1. AA- .rºcn rºsa), án, anon e-maëurs, -eucro.éma-saburº r^s -acrºso hacn rºcaasax .rºsa rºcn A- ca. As enacArºxas accº eMe'a rºacna cusan rºcn rºux sea -aena & acn &A-aw *re. -acºusiaso.--> x^ tax -axe . ~ocras -aº iſ \areas ea .4-area cºnds ca-a-area as, ~\\, . A==>. As eno. A==>, an A :-ax= *s-s sº ets.cº-area assa rºas-a-si alon rºy rºsen a As sena Aaa *** **, assas º ºs ~A →ax. sº sº.vºa eas ºrº ºn. • Cº-º-ºn-> -as-a- *AS reacn r^s tºo ..--AA* - o o o . CMCO .cnasca-on rºussa, anon e-A=a&sa sa rºacnas. rºach isza Azharº crº Arès enaas a sabre. rºse, rºutº cº-ºrºa.ºcaaak»ss rºarº-2 rºad's -as-ax.o.ºxiarºs x\\xas rºacnº=&\s-a cosmos-3. rºux= -aerº anon ava, co-as-s A a-ºx-sao.cnhº accº tasaa-nn exarºiè 33 rºacma acni.ax...at.-axA rear-at-arº.cº. rºx.asºa.rº ~\le\\º &\}. tº wasna.r-aicn *>orerº reacn-a-rºa.rººts, rºrºa.rº &\\\\ya rºx * ~ *acn .escº tºore’: aco . reſocp 34 .*** *** = e^*-* Aerº at , waa .-asa A- is cuca .4-arº, on rºus- en sºuvre r<\aos *A*w-re r<\a reacn waa.ossax. cº - a saw e-Aa.-aerº asèz -eusna.cnama, A= ~ax. .rºsa.<\za -a-Aha\ reſocroref sºus-arº rº-ox > . Cui Sºlacro airca saa.rº vº-A A scalata.-aa-ºorºo's rºad'As rºs...,\ arºs -aºuare ei-ore roreſa 23 .*= r^rºa aa\as ºn-As \azaa.cazaas x=ous coo . crass=al crazen rºsays *S*=s* tºo 2. -rºrºzarčevºrºsiºsa.cna sa,b\\º onzes as *S*= *coasae.o.ºca.º. coxalarºa, crºarº-As-2. cna henas.-sarº *A-as eM-rºao rºx *is as a scna arº rºussa=x_&u= r^nrº rºo rº-SS cris .*urºix-en-aº r^*=arº.rºx is cnaar-Ashaas, Gººm ~\º rºaica e >a, as ºx are Aurº, rºcºrº on&a=\so -a as rºsas- rºa- o e o rºsa=cur- rºënrº, vano. tºols rºshöh vºn r^sh iève rºacna º rºa AA as Acea . essa Ma aaa-Aa rear-AA ..cnaaß rºots, ºx-re rºs- yº CM .ass-A 29 .rº were acco easi-soo elés, cnabº so r^rºa rºcero.cnsas-e-A-co el-Seiði rºnao As aacn tº sarco rºusso a zºua a -t-ºnrº a rºad's A- anon eason *Aerºa .rºrº rºa-Aso G) o G) ..-asſº reacn rºorºo rºha core scoosasºn custºn. rºocus x-assº reach -latiºn tºo 12 rºxiº xix. ...tº sºrº rºtaiaº- cº tºorºo rºotsºa tº ºn e-An rºańA -ºr-as esco *>are.--&i=-co-acº-as-axis arº.tecna -aºrax 18 casA-X -asa, a son -aē-irº ~ax -asa, esas.\ rºxsas, ea º A & A cº, essarº r^*=-co eats a sarº Area rºrº. esās eièſo e-A*~xsas, is aaon eacn.ºz.a cºa rºcº 1. exsis, -eurºan-ocerºonoº earº.e.'s. asocorºa.biaacnos=>a.rºsacas ei=\taxºis, is esa-A rºxsha, -surn acn =calo.-aerº -surº rºao ..-aen A- viao r^-ax= **a tº etha cVarºo.rºxia as a sea-cans •onoxesº =en-air r^so otharºxxso rºa <\aza.asacea-acºa eMan rºxare ooca - asnaburºa .****aše icas iè. *\vee .e. eSºrºzsha, ~.an ~ Aero <\arº, O © G) .*A\a rºys tºo Arºx...ca-as-, now-ºha,onasaºs rºacnaea in .,&ures ºxia As- tº-orº rºsa .4-area -ºre .rºsa-Sºo cacy, en-soasº tºorºº Aurº.cº. tºorºº aca -een, sorº.aca rºrº, essarº rºute. rºad'As r&n iao.rºza rºot MAA- r^\\aza ~\º rºcºrº on&a=\so -attas -surºix a ..a corº-A -e) azº tº asso -acº is area a corº-Ao r^a.rºsatº r^a rºVax. *A.rºsiarº -e-A eacmeºnāa tačniči r^a.rºacoa ~\a rºsa M ena.aaon cº-aēurº-As-a rº-rºusa -as ~ .-sº cº-a-, -\a e Aerºa aaaa Gaël ~A → Arºo ...on rºu -->, ea -ašarē ea asa o o e o rºhoncocº -asº rºacnºis .ose -aa ASSA rºatia e-aiahsaa sena-A* an as **a .rºonyaas tacorºoooocin tai-ca-ao .rºussaac, 20cox e-An ecº-A *A*\,-\, coxoºcra ->>a y.o. 7 ... acneotaxarº'oacne-º-orth \\Pa.rºacnisaabena *Arºse-isorºrºssrºa.rºus, *=e^x=e-a-w 8 rº-air rº, is a tºo sºn est-ore r<\***.*.*.*re crazi.coxoicn reacn is area.rºush &u= tºo zar, a rºarº-sax ºcus rºsen cuso. Auscae rºarº assa-n o e o . »cracual-say: reacwo rº-so ..one"> xx-aya crè a-ºw-rºa.r.º.A: -asºn aaacnow reièvrº Area ..-asa-na-A= x cniève -aerº a\rº.rºxia as-a-sao rºaia ºn As- •ocra-as- reaco Msa-ao .-sur-Yaao ...Asia rºad's ware.-ax, crº sorº. A =is also Aurº-area º **.*, as “A”s rºarº-sº is rºarº. A =\ar **rº.cnèsy rºcn rºarº rºhèurº •on tº *u-s, *>arºo.cº. Assee &M as rºu?ia rººs sa .èuake a=s rº-rº AAP cºaa acn reas els .*-narººrº Maxixe bucorºnrºen&ex is rºaerºa At abu-surº Abaasa-on his éº enrº es acna rºw as a = &u=3 so abrº. Ms., waa.rº-Ax= a \-as-à rº *= érº Albu -, .cº. tº-area isorº.otsarºnaecox-ax-ex-ax. xa.rºe'>Aw rºo eason as-a-casa was A=.Mºsè r^ crº a=x rº .rº-Socrax cabu-A rºrºsaa.ºhis a .*a,\a =aas Aa rºarº-A rºrº. Aasax ºrº rºxirº -øen) aa .rºuya co-arºo &a=rºaº -asa, isorº.aocn exatsao ca-A- anon vas- .*.*.*, r*A*,\R^\\\y-asaº r^-ax. tas-ish •oncºs- QQCVO tº-º-tail ~<\\co. ººzox acro 58 &\so êns-rºs épºrº acna.ény *ēusan acco a &assow & a sono . ~~as rºu A \, .én", isarcas, .Aarº-A tº -ºux was a .8sas cºszłao Yarºs -eurºsae acno.cnacnatº accº aca-oºhoº. o reſocynx rºo • cºorºº r^ -aerº =en a cºcas ièA -ax. -aarº rºsa is rºad's *acn Assure rºuai r^\ºns Aaya ... acnhº tºo vena rºu acº cº, ºco tax aco . ~curº -euco one-o oaco anals rºles acn ..asp?idºw scaliza.rºacna cºncºs cneo rºacn rºsa.rºx. *** &u=\a Yºu A “eas. .cº-or-a-az-w Aura.rºsa * Ras-a ºre -acº re-Aux-rºo x=>s assa rºussia &Aaas reacn tºo rºacn .rºsso ºxia cºas -a-venaaa-az- cº o o o O . CMCMCVD tata-º. is sº x -ia . reacn casax. …irca - sº rei=\rºnrºad rºSino..S.-Cu-all sonºSS xx=\ala.rºach rºwawa rºux, *, *,\rºhia.cn&u=A Aasma cruso reacne *** **as co-º-e .cº. Alaca Aure Arºsaa.ºusasa M \iaco rºa-kao .rºcas-ºiè. rºsis rººs, ºurºa.cº rºansas, ºxaa-ax, a arºo -axe as hra . ºn-ass rºuaiso Aeaea is .aaon e' = a -asa, a *-ao ...A =\ = a - ...tºrºo ~\ ee> * tai.rºarºa cº, *-arº rºad'As rºot r^asa.cº. asso Aao r^a ...-axA rº, .rºsai rºcºrº, cois S-cura a A rºsa .4-arº is sº reacn in a ...Arux ºn r^ rººre’ rºSin 20 is see.A -acº casus rººz -saen enas, eo rºtºx anama ..-asſº Caerºa .reſºat-ºx reºn-, 38 rºtas &AA scº Alsº a .rººt is cº-o acn rºss- ea at a sa .aaººrºo re-aas a\asa .real ax\a. a sºur-rºo. ast- rºacna asso rºhash -esen xx-a-otsas rºxsrºanama.rºańao r^*-āsa=9. rºt-Saëns assax-rºa.-ax. ** ahra.rºacna =&\so assoo x. Axa.rºx. ~<\sco crosso curaanx -asſº as A-rºa.a.Assao -axis one's hºw es==aël at ºn e.Varºo.aca rº-Nº, sº rºa-rºw tºo cº, Atrºs.-is\s acn rºzºa cºa crºso oocn rºad's ..cna-ºo ºn-ore -ax as crèma\ anch ağırca is colo an aan e-axºn rºa.k-A accº esa, so *o vºorºº at-arºo.rºxarº's rºxsa \\Paº *>orºo rºm Sl tax aco ~~~A e=so .*=A tasaa a 2. essaxa e Aerº. --rea sorº -airº esca ... acrº O © O .érè tax=>-o rºcºrº, cnºsa ~ax. Ace ... cuco rºa. ea assa reacn reacna º *>arºo.cnsas-, now-sºlo acn.ºu.acas abu. oacn taxi são .rºenas rºas-aēº A * =>] -asº 23 .rºsa, a rºots rºs-àacna.cº. “º rºlas Alaca rºaxiao.rºSea -aenau.aco AA=2&lrºa ~i=o cº tai-area coat-º-rº asiao ~\;<\º ~\axº~a=a rºot= ~Aa aaa...a sarºes=re son rºarº – aerº, i-arºo . ~\x reacna .rºsans. **saxº~~ •eº-ºn sº tax - cºco .-sehousa.cr. rºsaº arº, rºcn a cu-o *A* tº-area aacn O © O .cº. easoëwsoo inº ~a Ma A=a&sonaburº, aca .rºix.S. rºënrº anon axiaº cra 5 ->\SA .rº-irº tax as we .r-AASS reº-S-27 rºsal tºo rºarºx. cncús- reacn ºurº as rº-N- r^ rºuasa .rºach º ºx rºša.rº, Sso rºster, Aaaa.rºia as Au, a rºrº.rºacn = a- x^a .rºotºº crazº rºocy, rºsasatoo.rºocra rºSR 28 () rºad's cºsa rºw.cnaëurºrºenes rºcn.<\Ağıca, i. e-An rºarº's. As a -a scaa .rººrº on 1. reasºss rºrºa.rººrºº r^\so essaxx -eurº -aa-n-cm rºs.-asa-A en rºsa & A \ax. rºox - custº a\on re-ax. As a acna ... e-Q-AAACA tº .*n\ =\==> *a*= \ss- rºsa assax's tavaa.tamsaacraea tavao . &n- -acº *A rºas.a tºon . rºséa &u= \sus acna .ºx.aben *Acuaoan 14 ..-asrº rºussao .rº-, essa za e Aerº -a are rº-acus—a rºas.asca-Lao r^n\s-a rºas.ao ocno.taacna r^ rºad tº anºe-oo .e. saxº~~ 15 rºax re-A=x -eurº-amen.rºy re-irºs \als rººrºa eacn.o.ox.arºo.rºsa assax rº-Aya . . . rºcuta-casa= r^\x.icosa Yarºrº.rºacni-arºrºsiºrºrºsa, *** cº xarcoo are’. rºyrºsa- cº, reasºna \\ c \xrºto r^rº.rºx\Po rºhr’s arº.rºok- *A.cnicna! rºsa Arº-s arº Aas rºus, ean >\Pas r^arºa.rºu ºn rºtass assa i S- ..-aēsax reaso avº .*ASS rºa -ºu r^s º acao.cº. Acoahua cºacnabu \,\ºr,\ Aurº Go cº, Auré, reacn isos xxxixo acn are.cº. AAA . . . crºo cº Ashwa rºad's rºavouri ºn reſocya vº- . “An ièu = tºao VIII. are rA re-aw as rººrºo rºussia crèM area.k.aºlrºo rºsiarº ea rºy cº hacn & As \\zoa.rº-ax. As-Aas ºn-a- as a rºsé a bus A-A* ºre.----a &=ensa rºuay ~irºs A* **a caaaassa x aca. rºsa -> x as .retrº a scra-ao r^Sao .. rºe. &urº, eas.rºacn =>are r<>, rºas. Acn =>are o o O -> x.S. Sºl YY.M. rºstºcrº .rºcn rºsa also ..cnossº QQQº sonºrºza 9 rairº ~~~~\ = ca. acn -a=\ ..-aerº is arº sºla Cſ2 a r^ *A*- tail -assº .rºcºrº, cnénaºsas *>arºo rºrº as raca MAP, ...-->A -aerº *A essar. *** -aea tº ete was .-asſº rºad's caxana = x**rē scnaian acn ºx is en rºº .sco tºo reacn S-xA rºacn rºad cºre rºcn.i-arºo .cº. Asian rºuys, on rºhèurºs &n=\, rºo are & #sorº asso A burº.-as-ax...-ax. cº enrº e=-rº cºisarºn crº rºacn = * *.*=as rºo tº anon Aurº rº, sao . taxºi º rºx *-s so . rºenixsºn so rºw 12 ** are’. a-ny. -aca ièA ~i=>A -aerº rºacn &uarº ..-as-ax cº, *-arº.8-rºu senaas a -aenas, a cº, *-arº.cº asbuzº ºus acna rºarº taco i-arºo rºhèurº ຠashrºa .8us wax. -ax, a .*A*- *A .rºon rºhèurºurº rºs.-assax\ ASS cassºs = ea on .A &u=ca. ~A \\\\ rºs, r^ Aurº ...tºrº èuax ºnzº crºs-caso .*-ae 45 .aaza-A ASS buy tº *s-, en ea on ..A&ax, rºsaacaan rºaxºn a tax sco .****, r*\ Aurº tº-nasaz-M & ºras, AA- ASS *xº~ : *>are.--> acn AA=.cº, as ºw.rº is \Assº a-ºx.a.a.cný, A -a-za rºburº cº º rºco cusa ... aenix A* = e^{-orº tº assocon -anon , abousasco 2CVD rºburº *>3rºo.n=ly. r&nvº SArgº so rºad's essarº.x-assº rºa&o are abrºa.s=>s rºaco º **.xx-a-e-Sè rº-aerºsarº.was rºo crºw are ooca crºrºx a ..-aē Jºhaca ºn 71:tºo As- •e areares=>s rºsa.cºet-area rºya Aºvere * Arºsa .-sex-A, r^ arº, -een, enrº rºxarºa...aaºuaacaare-as taaoo ..-aisyºnº 15 tºorºo -oxana ooco easièeo crº anon tassax." rºon rºarº-aerº enrº.rºx=2 aloon a rº-Air 3% % ºé ºk % * ºč ºé % # * # VII. .cna rººrººz -aēure eisarº.rºux rºo A are -aēurºet-arº.rºw a Marºrº-SS cois rººrºos, rºa asha re-assia .rºoia rºaarº rºss-rºon o e o cra an: tºo rºusan as &\sastrºo .rºvºso a \-o.cnhº casus crºso rºse as rºzºa rººrºo rºº rºburº.ºhorºsaa.ocn rºx. As cºu-Asſ *-** = a .rºuxso scn = *acn &uare rºuava, rºus Az. &u=cal *** rºx is acna crèuasa *a* cºncas tºo &\saao .rºsa-cass rºss rºos as .*sas oncºs' cassasáa.&aco rºasa oncºs rºaxº~na . ecº Alaca rºaxºn énxis rºis-casa sa.rºxso acneo &aco rºaxiao.cncMSS Alaco º rºad's &naco.rea sno tº son rºhancna hasºa .rº Madºs rºaco visaa.ºia is assa. As-rººrºº rºo rºunceaso ...tºrian ixºn rºënrºcºasa rºtax-a= ==&uan rºarº.rºcnyºn rºaaax\ rºa-ºla .relax-as rºtax rºe.rº as rºsz-rº cºncussa *A*=x rºsasa saſha .rº-A rºtarº ana .r.º. ax\ rºots- rºocano . ~~~~&ū rºusaia caia-re r<\\\\\a .rºsa º ºsca - rººrºo AA- .ica a Aa a rºarº canoes, so re-ison O © O \\so rºat-ox craszocuºx .cnhº acco tºrº *A-re rºx3-M rºacn =arºa i rºsei ea al-A -se-as, also rºsaka rº- .rºha==&\\ eaxx rºrºa Alaca ox-- rººs .xcavarº A &ure rºarº, i-arº-A -e-A rºa e-An ean rºrº an axºn i.S.-a-A raisarº reſono .xcavarº rº, as a-aa-M rºarea *Aarº Aaa .rººt -acaias &c" rºsy crº rºamsa acaaber, was rº rºsy rºas ea *>orº.nºao was rºsa.o -asº *>oref ~\ teaco ease rºSSo 40 A rºo rºarºuss-aēurºes-a- -A.A.-aburº rº-A chas-na&re r^ -a -anca .rºacnrº hiº rºrºa -acasa - **a ... acrº enrºl e.Vºn ecºa tax crasore ..-asſº rºacn =>Aux-aa reacn rºai ex-ax...canasia &nacº rºy rºs, sº *.cnha=A=a cº-aass= <\soa.cnheoan= o e o ºxare, as hºa rºrº coal-i-Aſs rºmanias-a-, -es rººcaszºlº ºuxa III. . NC\CVD-A-> coay a coay as rºcuous assasa .voan coas Area .*A*\sº coxovcn rºSastrº rºy R x a iaasa.rºoverº rºhrºa rºsas' rºxi,cnassrº rººrºa rº-ei rºzi rºcocºa .rºsa aīva N 2 th-ºcus." s"> * > .r-Ala-ena cºs -ax, rºacn astrº rººre’ rºsa aref tºao ..-aēure t-º-º-º-e A .*-xorºo r^rº.8-&ire r^ was &a=s e” ...aburº es-º- tº-la r^ • aburº rºarºocn...sixxx tºo acn isºx. .rºrº cºncºs crº rºarº-x- tal rºarº.cº. -aēurº >airº are r^a .cnºrº asso sixx. acna, .cnèusz. Alaca hairº r^n AAP, .*.*.*.cna"> et-arºo.cna aacn cusasco rºxs a tºo rºbo a eMcnea-i-Ass rºw ºx-2 rºº rºo anon cuvis rºx is assax.a.s=> rºcn =>s rºasirée ~x -iao rºsé, a = i ois-a .rºxare coal- rºman -issrº \ \a ~ax-i-arºo.canasssrºaº ... six-x-x tºo *a* A rºarº Marºo . rºrº ~<\asºn S- ~\re r<\rº, thrºa aaa…ax A rºa aassàow et-arº.rºrº -ašarē en saxº~ * ~ašūrºs r^a rºcn Aure 2—a ~~~A.A.A as re-sain. ~~~irº re-iè a rº-A.cº, a sarº e saxº~. son rºsa arº.cº. tº-ºrº ta-aaazºo r^s.s"> \rºm .**a*a*.*, r*Ao anasaha i-arº, rºcn rºsa o e o ºrº-A-aēurº-ºxºa rºrºrºsièrºa rº-Ro. S-curs rºocn ºnrºn rºss-as-n rºst rºocusa ºf * * * * * *º rºhr’s rººps, e. .*>3rºo th-ºcuss ~~~~~ ..cause was: “assena.ºxx's easº 2-Yº &la=s ea rºarº.aca rºcºrreo. Kºrºcn ...A-a-, +\ºmes ha=s eas en rºarº Asa-, i. coixxx eras rºsaaxx ena.rºsa coxess rºsaax. rºacn rº, .cn = \ \ r^as-o acn ºx. .rºsa is -saw- are r<\a.rºuare-ass =en, ºxas, ...AVasº, -ašarē ess rºº A.causias Apº *= a- ve Aurºra.s rºxirº cº -i-arº *xas- rºsas was ...-ax. -asº **Was An rºcn AAP2.-ošūr-et-oxbus. -a-Maa.-aa-is\º crºsos MAP, reacn rº .rºots-a-Saca- rºx.coo ..on -a-charºean MV-2 rºrº.ºx.a-oer, on -rºo rºx *is -aēuare eits-rºax." ~acuao a rºoasan rºux a rºw rºua x = i\\\ea rºxsia rºxsie ca) ºn -ašarē envi A-.rºx.ason *** -aacné tº rºax." ~~~q → *-ºssrº, oacnei-arºo.cuan rºarºa rºus r^\re.e-aſſºciaiº, easan acn rºcn rºacn r^ .xºxiarº,3= tºo rºxarc .Masoo arºs ~\P tas-rºona .AWa-A QQCup 26 as-s- urºix *-a.cº is are rxa.aca rºa-a-rºen crº as ex-a- • ... .oco rºas.a.r.º.º.º.º. Arºrº.rºrº th-ºcus: *Artis AM .*ures=>s rºsés-ves.sº -at-an -re r<\e rºacms ~as a -aya asso ta- *** --AA was reas ºss- *on i-arº.cna aacn al-a-ca oncussiº rºarº ex-crº 6 .*A*, * ~x.cº rºw- a -ax -asº *\o acn = AP -e-a- -a.exe e+ -aº - .rº-As- A rºco en A.-asca-A rº-As-awazºo . coaxis = curº taxaan scnºs- rººrºº::crococox AAP, rºarº Aco r^ rºarº.rºon rºss-s-A asco -aēurº rºast Ax rºzcº rºss-rºs \\Pa.rºss-s-s as Aco sao r^\e ºxa.ºrº esca wa 'A-sº r^ .*-a-A ºca acn are tº-aco . cºncusok ta—s a tax rºadcas ---ay- ~\re r<\\s tº-11 .aco as are accº tºº-area .rºss-s-s cº, anon Aurºa.re-ass oncºs rºaco Aurºrºsse rºyia, r^ tº-orº accº &\arºo.ocra rº-Vº tº-orº acco tal y \re’.ocvo rºsa S- r^\Po r^\rº .rº-V reſocp 18 \\,-, ..cna) - rºaon AA-a-, * ~\\sus- o o rºadhan rºu ºn -ax, so .rººs rº-ºs-à rºussa, as a saai, rºxocha oocya et-axº~na .rºacn ºsco.rºa-cº is .AN ºn rºao rºsen ->s a rºma arº. e-tºorºo *A*.A., reach º ºsa...-ax. -acº sore. th-ºcus: sensatiºn tail -re.-as r^xº~~ rºcn -asſº *>orefó2 en rºacn onoburº, thrº Aco warºzarº, oni-A zaseo r^ rºl SSA are r<\xi~ i-AS-rºaco -i- .tºsaacra-zo ... as Alisorºrºon \\Pa. aerº enrº.cºxºxson. cº-ca--rºrºrº, hº rºhr’s saxºn arº-As onas sº en rºsé rºcn AAP rºarº saw co-as-aacne. Acre” rºo.cnhºe”-acº ºrº tº: -aēurºsrºarº-Am.cnhica-ièA-ax-i-arº .rººrºa -asax cº-arº...as Arº-A-aēurº & Aurºx\\a rº, ºn rºs.,.\rº so hº is, *>arº.rºcºrº, cynic ocn &urch tº-tao usasco tº-ºo º ſº ..-aº -aºu-Sºare rºaco rºs.-ax. -acº en rºacn =orº. acn rºvºo was ~<\also are rºonan is aloon.r-Variacore-as-ax is rºsaca. As- o e o icosièrea was cºha-ºx-A rºacn =&\s. i.Sº. .r-AAse ->-cu's rºocro cºnsºo esco ièus VII. \\Po.nacas a Sca-A rºax crº rºach Aurº G) c O cºva-A QQCrº) tas= rºxodºnax ot-orcſo .rººs rºxochax rºtº-is- rºocn =>ino 2, a .nacas Ato reas, •S rºax...onassie crº anon tº-ºcus: \s-a coax… are \s-a an ise Aérº. rºma are accr. e-º-'orºa º żas sº rºaxócna oocy, +sarº Aarº-A caise \ \ºus rºsen as Ax-as *Arºs.-aº rºarº-arºe'>arºesorº-az--acº .cnsas -aēux &la rºxyrºs coi=x crise -e) arº rºw a see Aarº ena.-ass rººs, -as ºn senaea are r<\rºo. As a rºs, cº, Aure...sos .aco rºassa Aurºix is e.tºrº rºsacus ise Aarº, also acn rºws, Aurºix >ana. **xxx rºarº.cna rººrºo rºarero - sºon rºw.a ºf *Aarºn & rºarº \\Po - rºarºo rº, a rºarº tºo *** *-a-A acn rºcn ..&Aay” x-ax reacna 58 ~<\ºacnºirº a\arº, acn verº rºacn rº rº, sax. * Aaarºa rºº ºn eas also abu.soa .xasaiaas ºsa sa...rºw-ouasi-arºe Acn.xASAw oocy, tai-arº.assax. xi, onas sº tºo rºséa on .éassax-A awazºº asso.rºon rºsa on rºys . rºcyn A- •onox.<\\ eavin ->N-a --> tº ~<\za G th-ºcus: rººps, r^ = eason-on exod team r^,èic" rºrº, ~\o-aēurºet-ass -aº his are r^rºzabeaso a *a* =re A =en a tºo Ala -aēvarº tasaacraea ºf *ēusan onal aerº r^ rºënrº, sºnº's ead rººmrºn as x=S-reſºn ºrº, as x=-rº, rºaco rº rºsax. tºo sixxx eros can as en anon *** x_x rºorºº snº=s r^rºxixº causa asarº r^ A =en-axias, Assº snaias * ASJ Acn rºssrº rºocus scracus ºn a prºo Aurºsna enacasao r^*=A rºos arº Man arº, ~~~~ sona -a are r<\rºo x\\\a rºº cº, *>orº, coal- anon eaWº tº rºxöcra a rºi sorºu et-arºo rº, sax. ea *As rºº rºarº rºarº a tº assrºo Acocus cais -ax, rºcn reacn rº anon en rºarº, sorºrº are coasrº e are ess. * -suvièi → ~ax. -acº, i-orº *** *-ax a ~\rº Aiº rºhr’s awazºo are is r^ as, as a •cna.s.l. are r<\rºo sixx's rºarº crº ass rºarº -adenas rº, a 1 = \,\ =\ a rººrº re-oo--> * A. acn =>axis cus, Aaa rººrºº rººs, -aerºa rºos \\Po reacn rº,Alcº rººs" a rºarrea in acn caoburº rººrº Alcºa en rºrº rºarº are \as -as rºxisorºe sarºe'>orºrºarº rº-so cacy, 47 rarex'ss rº, º Aurºrºrº ea.cnsas so a Lºvrº *>ucci, visu- wroºk 24-, 2-vº Vºte- cº- cave rºccº was cº- Evº wº cos W. Nºte:- co- wne ce ºrt- or- coo occurves Sve- * Nºte” serwriº cº-recº- Nºtº ºvº- Wis Nºts- tº re-2-v- >=> wrW Nºw- >icº Alcair- Wºw- Evº too-, cºwr- tes “use Nºise- wº Acci Nºse- ºro-2-ca- *WW =t^vel». Evere sw-tº- tº re- serºvº owest- en ecº- swanº-Roº car- ***** coo’Acciº We car- cov"V2-w^ -ses-nº ‘re-s’ co- too-ses- ºve” cucco-cºs' ecº ºccº wet crew's sº ºvº”. Accº. WISG- * Wºw-Wow-Nº ºngº.2 Nº. 2-2-2 tº Ne eccºro- Wºº- *WSW--> *** 1:cican lºavr-, “cocº cavow” “Alsº, AV- sworºw cº-wow- **w-Wºw Wºrce- oweswo- ºr revºs- *W cº-º- ºrowº, esncorrº -v- cºv •rov. Accº Alcº Alcair- Wör kv- cow- *>ics.” We AG accur 2-lºng W-->ical, Wise- * We Wrov ovs cº-ºrvºoroº Essº escº: Wºwºwº wºulco cooo www.vt. oesº cooo tree roºs was v- ww.toroº: wwwo visu- **=[-ow V-tº ºvw Wºts” or to evº, cow- th-ºcus: icosiè a-no axiao.x=rº r^ asso says a .**** *** **** * *s in ea. Aas sa rºxyrºtes -anen .<\Arº -such tºo atºus asso a *rºisix .aaon ei-arº.x=>a rºcn rºrº at sº ~ax, reacn-a-o.rº rºhr’s rºam acn rºcn is a=x rººs, canos=so canaayaan aaon easas * A senaaaay = 3rº-ox. ex aco .<\ºss rºuaco º én=o .rºu.acas cana) = ash anon easo .rºref2. son.rºsirº Adº Alaca &u=\a rºu.aco ºn rºsz= o e o &A anon eMrč, rºaco rº-san ºx.” A acn ºre r<>,a_\a reacn & A rººrº rºu acon rºw rºus…a .cnas sº sa= a--a rº, -re r ves Alaca rºa-kao ..cnos- sº XıS- 4 rºxia rº-soo ..s-cura scraculºs- xiaºrºa .rºmacnºs : ~~a-rºcoaa A.A*-arºo.cnhº eabirº rºa SSo “sº- QCup .rºzarčevon -e) arºs ~~~~\ tal-ı 6 **s-rºo rºach -º- \,\acn.cºrºz. cº rºtaen eiasa eºrºsha coas A- a cº, sarº was sº ..-e) arº, AA= AA= x^ -acº asco tº re-ass co-ax coastairº ..cnossº tºo tº cº, i-arº *AV ºn Aure.-area -asaza coasure.nºaon . ...tº eièia .ref> &n <-i\º one's burea acnºsarº.-aerºa escº -aš- ~~, eAcn rºrº ...tº asºco tºo rºxsº -eurºan-oorºo'A • *-CMYa area&corºa.cn rºuaox=&a= reacn SSoenrºscas- ~ax- Aaza ...tº rºx sh so tº a neo rºx arºu .ta-a-a-acon -assº acna *Fa • QVCo rºsº cuº Oo Nº.C. -a-sº rº-aa rºša As- area rºacna º .aºus asso *::= C\Y_\º. ..cnas.<\\\ * >oref tº-ºcus: tail -aēure .*can-ao -a as reacn rºSºx. acn as A*-*.cnimals rºsza-aisa=&ºis-abuses =cass is rºsis--essa-n ea resis rºascnce es rºarº's as-x rºasis- a cuco . ~curº x\x.rº =re A acn ºn Axx rºarºo .*A*- rºarº As- taxonce ºf *Aa.-aēe-ax zaher, so cºa tº . As acne ..-a as *-aa-… cnº=a rºo -aē-t- enaissa easºn-creº rº, -ašurº is z acas rººrºan AAP, -aē are ei=co -øen an ~abuš aca.-aē-irº ..excnce acº .A - rºsłuś ~<\\Coo . -a ºn .*.*, -as herº-aenas -aburº ei=ces -aºn -aēuare t-º-º: ~\ \laya A- encoco -ason o en rºsa.<< -aº -aesaan -aērºs a rºsa s.aaºº-º-rºrº.rºrº.acarºrºzarº.15. =rº, co-ax= Auðre r r^ rººrºss, ean rºascula is rºza-...-as-sie Aarº an ºrº-aēurºese ..aburº evacasa coax acn --~~sia Aarº acn •= Area.-aē-aca -aēu-a-on rºzasa= i,\,\rºw • rea ..aëva aco As- *ASJ.co ..-aē-acn tax-a-crasºo iſ tº-ºcus: *A are is so r^ rº-As ena.rºarº alsº -aē rºsis arºesortesarº.i.a.so croixx-x rºarº, cº ºurº...aixxx e^ ea-crºad & Aso saxa ean ea º ºx.” AAP.rºrºrº rºa. Aa. ASAs rº **rē.-aº r^{-arºe'>arºe'>orºrº rºcene, •essaxy rºush arº.cnaëurºrºx.cn area rºwly. rear-Asi,SJºaºré.-asso rººrº catas crºss rº-\ are aca. ~, acn.cn-nanas rº, º Aurº As cºx-rºa.cn-nata= rºº cº, Aurº-easºns .rºcn= -at-ashë, r^a.ºx.arº, acn catas rºss- ~<\s-ºn x \ . ~<\\rº rºi = Han *A-re -aen) a rºns * = s.s ºr a .-aaaaa-a-sao r^n\rº on) as eM-rºa.r.º. ºn rºsa-A -aoena -sarº rºsy ~\.rºns rºa, A -aacº -sur-rºuca sº-sº *Are...sas. A --> &la=sen asso rºarº saxº~. .aco • rºa ºn ana.rºrº-rº rºarº sax.x rºasrº cause ºrº--> *...* as rarerºsiº ..,xas A- rare acacaº r^* -re...sixxx easº O *A*- acnco acn -isorº. rºsty. &lacn rº sºnanczco º acncorº, ca&noxcoco son rºix.x -aēunrº tas-Rao .relixa acncorºa.tº scu. *A -aē-ixx. -aburº. As- 33 rºarº acas ºx are is en reacn rº, en rºarº ... assè-oëurº rºareisarºe Acarºrº.rºnoncºco tº-ºcus: rºx * > AA- .énētia. A rºuaos tºo crº rºacn ačº -ax, reacn cºax-rº e Mon ièu= .rºzarča i. Aurºxº rºon.cº. *-arºa.r-Macna scorºnrº, tºo y-a as vè -as ºn rºyº ~A =a& ~ax.a.rºsača Mi-arºo acn r^{-\\\rºa .rºon p 15 rºxocha oocy, taani coèAAPao ..,x=x\ssrº, QCup QCup 16 tax aco .rºuax = escº ==>~~~\º A-...-ax A 17 rºss-rºzcº rºss- =re.-asſº *>ore’.S-curs tax rºxöcna. rºtaS- rºarº Sarºo rºcro AAP, • **- 18 r^ ..cºva-A ooco ease r^\so rºcn AAP, \\P. r^rº.rºuax reacn rºls AAP, was A= crax as reacn a saeedo. rºacn rºta >>rº rºcºrºs e-are esore...-ax -asº, i-rº-rººrº as-n hase ºn assº rºis awazºo r^s.-aº r^{-arº scnasrº rºs, rºs ziszo ~\arº.x=>A cnz as cn = r^{= Area was coasrº rºsa rºrº.x=>s xx-Aaa.cº-A acn x * *-ºs-rºarº.rº-oxº~ * esco tºo et-buna .NE-SA Cycydy .cº. reſoussºo N-S-N ..aºisorº-aisaxº~\a.c. Arºorºsis- ..-acº a-a-no rºus, rºse rºarº is rºarea .cn= easºn-creas ºrº rºsa rººts are r<\ acn ~s cºaa ºre...-ass rº, arº is rºarº rºarº rºl-A is a sarº Aaa.ºna AAA cat=\a tº-ºcus." cº *>oreº rºux. scra-ax scracuare’.S.-Nao .rºux.rº .cnºus cºasa acn eaacna . ~~~ ºrian -ox- ea rºrº wa ...-ax, was a e&liès rêvrº.cn rºcnº, - G) O *ASS NC\Cºla Acco .rºnochax rºu S-N S- reacn reſocya escº *ēva v. x \xiarºs rºacn Aurºa.ºziarº ~ax, reach &ūrºss-rººts&v=as rºunceason rºss rºunas .e-avoie rºz sax, ºn a *-rea .rºcas & = .rºon-ian rºseco rºavºrºs ooca t-sovo a eał reacn &urºa .rººtsº-ca rºx. 5-a rºsacea 3 Naa.. rºacn crasia taxi. rºsača e&As x-ax rººt-S-6 .cº. Aurº rºSSo rºsaur -ºs. rºoix-S-axa ocraat-so six cºisarº.ºx rºacnºis Aurºrºss crº sarº *** - sº as tºrº rºos y r* \ Au,\ >axa tºo -issrººrºrº rºarº's slo.rºusasas-M nevee; Aaaz. zas.-ax, cºisorº. Alsº aca rº-Nixºnrº rºus, = Gaao **** A cº et-arº.&acº rºux rºa, adn acno.ºcaa to Aaaxºs vè Arºx. r^ son rºua x rºsécn. i>are acn.ºs Assrºº acn acn -asſº *>3rº.uºcots- i. *Acro cus >o cº tºorº. CrºC) cot S- Aaax's A 12 acna v Arno vºcois Aaaxx isorº rºta\º six -oxa i-ASJ.co.d reacp.s-a- r^ corºnrº, tº-ºcuss ... cn = C\\ SºlaCO rº-ASSoo ...tºoës eiè. -acaha\ 41 . 2CO rºëurº anon t-i-orka .cnºsa Aay- 42 a sarºes-a-creo, as Aso AAP2 rºach rº, Mason *rē-ix-n e-º-o .cnasa e-ax is a sarº.cna . . . . . . rº-As-a crºsso asoca -><\Ya eah tºo a as ...tºos eiè. vess. ièus tºo tº rºa - in reacn acroco ->-cux-A i-ANCAcro .*AASS 44 .rº Asºcnº== r^rºsaağa, Aeorºcnºu-sease arºa .rºss-ass Axiarºs x =>s asso at a sa saël rºacn rºrºa.rºss-sº acco ağırºis-esco º -ason rºs, rºarn was a ière. ~\ \ss rºyºA o reſºn as onian was rºsa was xcussiaaa rºacn &uerºa *AAS-en rºrº -axes -->ax. xa .rºoca co-º-º: *a*as coasa rºacº rºsa .cnhº rºhr’.saen M crº is arºua-Arºacn=-iss AAP. .cnº=A rºad a *A -at-ºh r<\ rºastrºa rºaxa -re.-ax. rºss-haº is rºsa was cº-arº.-as-a-cº º reſon *A A.-ax, sº *>arº.rºy cº, Arºsaw saa..s-axes cº-a= rººt=\acn easono.rº * cº ot-roreo ..cnoiacoa scoon-His- »crocus iref Murº 5 l rºach rºw. rºe-as-sur-Arºx.a.r.º.º. vºss, on&u==x easº. --As \scºre crº essarº.i.ax. tº-ºcus: caëla ax rºburº,cna. Čn\ \uacn =arº rºw-oº: rºzarº rºorºa.rºux-A Macn &\rºa cºas ~\s.ès-s-s xxº~ \a A is arº, rº-Nazis, ah a aaco tºrca.rºuss-a tºo anama. ººzºo anaco º Aaarººs cro Wºo QQCVD tas= tº scnossº .cnhº 3] rºaarºº Aurº-aerºsarº.rºsa-N-acreasiº ei>are.érº. ta-N-- r^ -aēºrð, rºareſ Aaarºº was cº, Aurº are a rº-A.A.A as, -saen A-5 Aaa-...-ax, an -asſº i-arº.Sarº-As. sona A-ax-rºa.ºxx's eas cause acº was nº tº si <\\rº rºsa'irº tºore-aburº r^.rºsasa, a-a-irº, SaaS rºst-arº rºom rºles, rººrºo evoo *A •APao *a*, rºw-irºs.o-ºo-ºº-º-º: Asarº ºrºazaaa...scarºsterºlas-easan +AS-rºons . ~ox say rºarº rºarºo rºSlovo 37 eissrºo -º acn -issrºº rºix.a rºsa snaburº r^s Xaxed x ~a ałixx rºrºa .*s-sº acna .aarºa e Arººrº.cn= -ašur-A -ašur-rºaco tºao ºëns -asal-a- \s--aē- -ašur-ow .rººtsºl Y. tºo cna cu-aaco rºSSA scº rºux-o Aaa haca rºsarº.rºëurº, nº chèascaca \\Po • Gulco cnºc', aënrº'saa ...A isorº ºnx as-n xxxixo 40 rºacno.-acnºc', rºacma crºso accrease.o rºssov-x e-A-rº ~\o -acº assa-Aa rare r<>s...rºburº on crº rºarº. cº easses, Aaa A ax=>a acn rºrº rºsaa.r.ºrºrº areas rºarº Masas rare r<\re.-ax. &A sarº.xx-aa. .cnas.sº aënre .e.V-a-2 • Q \co N-ach . 2 ºn S-27 .rºaco M-a-, rºburº as-a aacn essaxº~ao are &e= 0 arº, crº at-arº r^ ea isarºsa L 3 tº-ºcus." eaš, tax * * * * * * * . cnia aca # * * * * * * * reſocyn 6 *******=*-***** ***..aaass rºº scnossºha.rºsiarº, rºsa-era *A*###.rº Asºon sao.rºhiasco -asſº ~<\\Bill Caco rºat-Aaacnºs- **rºa.buy rºsy. vº acn &ure abu, -ox, acn is arº.rºsar®-aēnē-º-ax-earess, rºburºnaco 3Co cº reisarº. rºw.rºrºs, A =cn ~ax-cº 9 rºare. Aurº rºsacne rºon . rºuisax. rºburº r&uisax rºrºrºna.rºw-A rºs. A burº Mrºz. .rºsax. a- -ºxº~ *\ is rºsača...rare cºuscacea Auaca --> <\re...-ax, GA =nrº .rºx.rº son A+-arº rºsen aa-oo.rºcºrº, rº, sº sº reacn =calo.cº. Auoco rºrºx Aurº r^as rºarº,iso.rºëure on crº rºarº.rº, ºn &urº rºas.a.r.º. cn rºassas- rºtao.º. Aurº ..aaass-asrºen &urº.aº Aurºrºw.rºrº, sº is sºur-rº can so acn erºa .rºcn rºta A e-Cºla QCupy tºo rºwas Aaa -><\ka &A *-arº.cnas-a cacusa is rºs, so ºwns \aa .rºns, sa& rºs., eMen *A*:Asrºons" rº-absºrºrºrºrº rºsan rºsa ºne-accra crº A&rº, -euca rºsa -acy, stºo . »co rºurº crº rºsarº. ASAs rº-As r^s rººrºo rºops Auocº rºw.rºsa escoe. A th-sous- A oncoco tail -aēure. ~ax en crè a-on- • rº rº-Ax rºrº.rºx=nºuaca rºw Alisorºrºrº, a-acn rºy a *Sº &urº ea . scna-axe rºarº *rºea ×arºan ea acn rºussa casassia. rºus, .rºussa cºs \\Pa. Rºss, rºus" rºasissa.cº. is acn cº., ºn rº-AAP. rºom hows, A.Aco rºcnº, rºrº ASA ºr is acro Asa-A *** *=i-A rºam #GUrº rº-irºen QQQ ***rē eas QCup Q. QCD ºkºk & ASA .rºnrº ºr ºx. tºos acna #4 ºn aco rºSire’ + ## Ala r^ * * * * * * * .Ncroon Ezo S. Sºo Y_C\ } % # * Xixº 32 rºcºrº, ºr cºhawcro ºrax rºº are ºf Yarº * * * *\sº croixx + 4 + 4 + * A \rº-arº # * * * * *k Z. 34 Xavºo k + k + ocn ºn-soº * * * *=A rºarº * * * * * * *** cºur********* crease, % # * * * * * *k # Cºla 36 .*.*, r*** * * * * * * * * * * *** eroo # * * * * • e o car's rºas rººrºº crows Shº r^* •onoxiºus as ** ~x.'ia assº-ax-en-º- ºr iv **** *arn rºa.tax *****\so rºocra wººd ###### 2 saca A * * * * * ..cnois. Aë. # * * reacn x-asso a * * * * &nacn % # * * * .r-AAs} = * * * * * Alrºa 4 rºs ºr rºrºa.r.º. º. 4 × < * * As-i-sas - - - - - = * * * rºute & hacn = * * * * * * **-aša L th-ºcus." ~~~\\ co-A rºcºre is x \ \º .x)=\sº tºo .rºº cras rº-Asia rºrº.rº-ASA oncusoxial ea-creo en rºw eno ...t-nºo r^ coa ea-creas rººrº, onies on-ax= eason ~\s. acn = ~~~ .rº-ASA rºre rºcnous rºss tº acn rºco.rºsa-sas in • **u. . ~Aax A zºº ºurºu. --> \s-o rºundbrea ..cnosis- ochon taxaan \\P. .rº-crºsº r^s.rºcna" rºrºrºa.rºcna" rºco *=>is- * = -a es acn coaxis rºasca as a rºacnº. senosis--alºus.*.cna has rºrº.rºw as G) o G) tº ass- rºcºrºas .nocna" rº-irº scnossºha -><\Ya Jºnº, esco iève » .rºaco seasoo. - acro-as- rºocn vecºe. eačia .x. Ax. ==\As a • Gus tas= reſocya is assºo th-ºcus Sref23 ºrca. eah anon èuare r< \so rº, sº MV-2 Aas rºzcº rºss- i.Sº. .ex-as-a rºxsrºoacn2, . . . . . rºcoiº &u= tº-ºcus rºoco -tº-ºcus: scnossº êu as rºus= tail &lacn &acnº, assa. Alas abrºa .rºº Aa3 A- rºséen. x-2, ...tºxious rººt=>= reacn **** aco.t=\ .cº. et-arºo .: Sºl S->o ocn Sareſ reſon ..onal- &\scraco & Arca ...tº-ºcus -asº *>arº.e3rº cnºc', rºxare -aerºao 27 r^*.xx-x, -\arº.aca-A rºzarº is awazºo r^ tº-ºcus: rºica= r^ica= e^ = \,x asso.rººrºº rºha A-A rºot tºo *A*s xx-aa.…A. icos exon \\P. . QCD rºcºrºena acn rºsairºcºrº, AoAP, .ocra rºssot -a-Macn rºas.\,\*-arº-oxº~\a.º.Airº , .*=x, *=sº ière rºsai . As so oxy-3-A en rº, rºrº.8 are seax. sas.\ = acn cºsa . rºunº rºarº r^a.&urº -- **rº rºas.a.rº ena rºs, easy &ean yarº Maa craburº rºacn ~~~~.cº is area coa-oxa- a rº-. rºsai . .cº is area -ax, rºs...rºacn-A rºcn rºazºo º .èurº-a- -A escaa Aaica-rº crºsso acn Aurº ** are tas-s-a asson v' rºorº tºorº tºorººn encacaº, a sarº et ºn as-na e are e\\-a- As -re.-aēurº e Marea º -hancocoa e sarº easºn-creo rºa-aº Ai-arººrºrº-ir-axe-Aarº isorºrºrº-ax=xe-A-rº--rºarº.-aēure acarºrºrº sax\ºco yarºrº ..uousa.cnº -as 13 rºacnocnaburº, acn rºxyrºs cata.rºsax. tºo *s .rºaxºns racus, ºx-cero astrº's rºmaarºa.rºsax= 4 zarº Maas...rºxarº's cat-A cºhèeº rºarºaco º rºl acro .xºs ~ is cº -aoens ºn- eason-ox iſ rº, a cº-Am rºare.-->\\ ºrº-sºus- rº, sº cº-anca, one ea-creas arº Aaa...aca- tº-ºcus: acn acn.cna"> rºarsaa rºsai r^*** *** &\scroorºo ºut a rºrºa.r.ºx.acuas rºot= x-asso a O rºcºrº, craa-Sºucon tºo eièſo ..~ax, rºaco arºs resis, resoa Aas *>arºa. Acrºsa-axis isso.cnhºrnaxºo. assax. saa.rºcºrº, cº-orº rºon.rºx=2 rºon º cniève -asſº aMr*.*.*a** scnas sº • Gulco tºrº -cure rºsa -ax, acn ashrºo ...-ax-wº eisarº.-aēurºe'>= -ecº sorºa.cnºus aëi – acrº is arº. Aarº rºacn rºarº eat crºw .rºacna rºa-rºot so coièus abrº-cueno.-at-sºo ~$x verº acn Aurºa.aco rºa, anon cºlºo ...th-ºcus: senos sº escº tºo -ocra is a x-sºo Acas. * .rkarºa • cusax_x ocncusore’.reacn cro-ax. Cocusix-rºl isºorco . ~ GArk’ \ -a->a<\ rº-so cocustºre’ ocno &c" rºrºa cnº=sa .rºx=\ scra al-Aaºx-re’ cº º # * * * * * >orea.S-cura cro- tºo..S-curs º: * # ºë * * º: % º: º: ºë # $é ºë * k * * º: % ºk * # # Sé # * % ºk º: * % ºk ºé ºé % 2% #é % º: # % # # % º: º: º: # º: * ºë ºk * % $k # ºk % # # º: º: ºk % % # ºk Sk * tº-sº < revorrº exºr'Westero Eta- too-cº! Nº ºvº cº- *~\oco" Vºlvº W- e-le- coone We' >V- cº Vºor- **** •ow- revue cº ºrc-- octoº wrºtºv- > -stºrs' oatok wrºv wºucci revº crºss V--whº-V cºv toº. Alºng --> tº car wºr- V- “s coone We' > w-. Auº Guº" orow- We Eriºcas" cºov MºtºCº cabv) wrºnºco e-Wa-' core ºccº is Word" RN=1- oxical tº Alcºre lºw- tº cº errºw tº over- arriº ºvº Wrov ve-w- wieto' *w- EcºStart cow” wrºvº • 87. cow" caw ene sºlº Es-hoto sºvºkº reº: too kV ro-2-r- ºr- sº- cºowoco" ***wu- V- “S-2-wºw We too lºw- =whº cºst-e-r-, Eccº: Evvuºvº" sº cº-tº coo-º- **W-->wV- re-2-ca. Nºw" wrº' --> cºst-s-twº > w- toow Alur car"--->wV- wºrs- ocerº cooo wºucciº We cave tow-V were 2-oxº~ Wºº' 2-wv-, ºccº Ars-- **ur SV were Accº-º- ºrvº serº state.” W crew slºts- Nºw crºw" cave. Accº **wrºtes Nºw V-2 tº No occº-wrºte: ºv- toow car"> w-cº We ow-> w- th-ºcus: rºacn on-ax. .rººre ea isèu-rº rºxsta rºoon .rºcocu M- acneans rºascacº rºhrerºon .**** * .rºcnow acn reacn rºl.cnserºa eaacrº YarºMaasa 8 rºcracy tax scnaburº.rºcnous acn rºcnco r^\rº .*-al-M rºrº ware k= A AA icna-as .rºx." ~As a .rºacn cas rººs acna.rºaco rºsa o e-Marºocoºlas r^ crºssa rºrºccº .cns-a-rº nº rºcºrº, rºss *AAax. -acº =en-sonº-as tail ~\a tºre easa-on-o co-ax=x ºre...-aarn, a **=s tºo r^a .rºSºx **=e tºo r^a rºsawa rºse rºsaa.ºrºrºcºrºs, rºrº.rºx\rºss is rºsaaoz were cass=ax et so .t= ºustºa ºnoco orºtix a rºas.\, rºsa sa .rºarºean rºsa-sass acn rºcn.º-arºo rºsso cric"> acncore th-ºcusa is .3->0}{JP crº reacna rºrº sièuss &uaca &mi-arts Aaa tº sºrºcnéia Aso eroo...so acn = 2xas AAP, 16 rºtoosals.ºha=|\,A = r^a_\a.ºrº-scal iſ * = r^{ix a rºmaa Va.-acneºre r8w.rº .r.º.ºsa rºcºa sia rºsécn. .xºx Rareer, cnºc', rºarº, earºa aarºa.burº ea Aurº cº e Arºx.as, Cocunt-ox rºs.-aean rºa-i >ax= ºcn = easºn-creas A-...-eurº rºad rº -aēwº rºhasas rº-aco asso • -e-Assèuo -øen-º-º-as-a-cas rºasia As-Arºcnossº sassièco ea-ax-ex -i-, * ea -such .rººrºº rºw -- ea =*-a -->ax\º -aen-a-rºt-2 s.a.rºads Aaaa attarºa aaas tº-a-M rºadhºs reacn ºxso -acnº=ao .A.A= O •3. o QQCrd is e-º-n -a-Asarº is r^\so acna .rºsa reacn scnaëuarº & a via 1. sonaburº rºcºrºa .rººrº Alcº reacn croburº &uxia reacn scračurº rºcn . rºsa acn rºacn are crossMaa .rºacn cas xx-xAA .rºcºre hº a rº, is caa reacna asso tax aco .*acn rºs, r^ , .rºxare ºn rºcnas -acra-bu-rº rºsa ...-a ºrº rºacu-soo . reacn icranea rººcu-sac rºcnow acno. 5 o o o .cnºnref r^ s&ea= 35&ay tºx ai O O rºx is a rºads -aº as as eno." rºacna O G) o G) -aeºs- e” -ašarē ei-arº . ~~ho rºsés -aº saw rºacnº= ~law ena.rºasa r^ rºascos rºsa-5 rºacna at rºsa rºast r^*co .rºv” ~\acnas iſ rº-ass eroo .rºacnº cº-area acna -Mason arº = i <>, Aurº, a rºle rºsaxa rºsa-5 eac .cna isas—a enao gº ... cnºs-aēus easo rººrºº co-coiaas eicosos. reaka ača rºxsiao rºads -aº as -aēvaaza .rºsasaao r^\ax.a rºsas -aēure . rºtax-a-cna rºussa rºles.rºutarº chèltºn. ..-aē-a-r tº ea eMona -aē-- en e.Von essa.rº tºo -aēure e\sºn rºsºco rºhèsº erºsas-aēurº K sºon As- ..onas sºa rºx{AA -ax, is are exaco XXIII. xx-xAA .rºx is a rºads assus rºx a-ax rºcoioa 2.8 * -tsº-, -o easºn Y- -aē-acn -a=\ et-arº r^a i-S-taisarº ..-ana-º. r^ tº -øern-N-H > A- tasaacoo rº. He rºasa eicorea . ex=> * -aspºr en rºsa-eueno.rºxarºix rºus -at-sºus tawa-n is xanºo Aaa •ecº tasia r^ eaia-aa.-aca Mašin Kai-eôuasco.rºzarº, A rºasico º-" —-assia . ~een Ayavison rºa& rºulaï as tº saia rºa&a=no. rºu sax sºrºa >\5 -asſº tain • QQ cray e=so .rºsaka rº-Ax a acn was...ai-Qiaº ~\es -aēure...a5 at rºarº a ..-aēuare ranº Xiaº Yi is are \s ... rºsy-axero -as reacny ...st 12 O © O ************* esserº . ~Aka sadas rºx-kāo rºtatº -a º a 1. r^.rºxare as ass rººrºº rºhaºs, -ašure As-A e^rº e Aerº ~Aa.e.)> -ašarē is G) C C, -ošurº-a=x. eAarºn .*A*= , =&a rºx-kāa rºads -aº -a º ,8was As a .rº-aza -sarº rºtarºsh were r<\rºm rºcºrº is arºs.-aē-is r^ rºusás tº rºua, a ..a scarº, oncºrºa .x.cntarch cncºrºrºrºrºrº rºusha rºacn rº rºcºrºrºna...aaass cocºrºa o e o rºss rºrº crusaas oocne-tºonbeo.are.aa-, + º-rº A- -ašarē ei-are x-ax \lacn rºarº -asº is are .x.as is cº º i-arº Sºsarº. Sºo cº réis rºzwaan rºot=. x-corº rºos- ...A.-a, ea vs =& -i-. A rºsa sea was A-Aon -re. # *-** *A*- \ºus saazrº war-rºa.acn cata rºa-rºcº rºs. rºusy sco ea asi-arºxyrº rºarºo .rºsas Sue crº O .aoh cºnqºrºx=\ 41 scº" Nº woe" vs.-->e V-1 tº copº RSFlº' ** svº, ºwe ºwº, sººne tºw-Nº. V- aSNs As a 2-wº- ow- ~~~~twº- Yve-' (53, wºr-tº- too coow'-sº- ºro-sºw-tº Nºw": cow-V V---, cºwlso wrow->wrº” tº * =\º wVEW" cºnque Nº to 2-ructº: Eurºtº- # *w elevº-' secº- Wrºsvº-visu-' wºrring * oreow Airwuºte Vºrºvco Asarºv covolº' escºw we’Auriº” occº ow- retr ºrº- ºv-rºoroº: Anº cooo sº WW rºs- > * Frº' wrew- anºwa Vºrºvco" owtvº us- cºwr->ical Wºº- too strawwara vs Nur No weve trºtºw- or-wee' wºucciº We cºws- a stoo “occº crew sºccero' wºr- wºucciº We' wº-w G) O G) # V-Vºx, ovs re-sv 2 wrecko or=troto- tºo-sº accº Nºw" coso servos Wºw's okºwº- *w- to- ogrew- see 2-cºlº We cºws' coasts skew No sºvº' wºuces Wºw- ºro- a cavao- >|rºw- wº revºlutº ^es- Evows Arr-, * cºrrelease oxicº. Nºw" tºe" Eºw- cº- * WºwW vow ºr Nºw! »o V* ºros' tº st- # =>s- ºr 2-ca W cavº carrºyº R^ Twº sèeas .rºuis A \rº ºurºa.ocaa es-such .rºhaëwº .aissèux-rºs en rºaix. .rºos &M Avrº Aurºa º ~~~~$o.<\Vaa-eurºae-sa sºnoxiºs assure : ween ~\ayº -sures=arºo.cº. A isza acn o e o refºcus saare-aenºu-sºa . 2CVD rº-AP2 rºma?ux>o ..cnosis *>3ref taxiaco º Alºn.cº anon tacu- r^ anon tº-ow-on - sucro -aēurº-ºxºosen Maa.rºiârºu-Aaaaa &u=A -such rºsés- anasa.rºa&so bu-A air w .rº-Yo ~xis a sax-rº, Aa axiao r^\ssiarº rº-Aso As-a .rºacho rºa&sa &u= Asahrºom *=\ r^s rº-Nenê. rº-soo . ~~asºco reº-sans **rºrºna-rºtass cº-arº.rºna&son rºa-A is abu.. acna. A \,\ rºa&z=an rºusan.rºaicº scrossarº.rºx=a+-A rºsa is are taxaco .cºm .*A*- *Aax A scracuaerºa ..onºS$=o »cnox's rºo *S-eurºtarºsso.r.º. raia wo rºas reocos ºn 1. o e o rº-Sleias-to rºia rºarº rººs, ascala . ~x.is a\re ex-cn is x--oca-Rasº cºncº ałsza.rºsa= smanosº th-sº ta-N- rºle so .cº. et-arºo Coxoicnx rºtºs- As a rºw.aas rººrºº rºsiarºa.burº i.ix.a Aurº.aca, i,\rº arºs “A AA= r^a \ure **as scron-sorca .*** rºhia, cº reſocrayo ..cna Aya, 39 \, acrºsorº. sonºvao rºoiaen i=A scracunarca 40 *A*A -aerº was rºsa rºtas cº-a rºrº rºoiao . ~<\\re’sscu Yaº Yaax cº eºs Guº 41 -aē-iszałe.carº-az--aerºcarº-acousta a &lacn sco.rº a Morº, scn rºarº as .rºsaua- enºurt.rºcnºiacº rºsa hºe.rºuota Gazà ..aº r^rº*-arº rºcn \\Po.cº.<, rºvia>ash a =en-ºha .rººrºº rºhaiº-, -aasso Mabuy-ºut rºarºa on As-Aass vs. Ma.rºrºa was a rºas a rºcºa - i.ecna, a saxº.cnºs-Aaha Maoisºu -asa As-a as-a-.ºrºs assax as ºxiao ens tºo a\-ºxo canos-arºss acco asso enrº acna oocy, tax-a-sors’ ~ An vº. Aay- . rºen S- . rºrº as -asa, * >orka -axis rºm s- soºn xxii. x=-3.rºsa rº-SS rºsaza rºaºs, Ausashrº -assº -aša's coaxis isza.cº-A rºa&so a G) C C, rºtº-A aar r^a .rºhaëwsº tº-on-on -eucº assarº.i-arºo rºisie rºasis isz =q& sia&na .rº-AP2 Sºusax ºre rºon acco eason-ox aën acrº x=-\aa.-aare e\ \;= <\a ,8was s=> na is A re-axis =orº.e.'s eth cº- ********* * * *-are.-->ia= rºas- raiser-Ai-arºa rºciº Area coxas cºhabi tº 30 tºo tºo ...Are r^a \sº erº-area rºsa .ènaacna tasarº.--axa -aerºsarº.rºsawa acn cº tai-arº -as easonaea rºuºta rºoansas ..-as rºcore’ essa, -aağıcº is rºº. rººrºº rºha AA-A* ..cn abusa-on rºo rºhaarºaa rºsiarºs tax -aēvarº. cn = cusa acn rºuºta en rºca ash **** -aeras -aºhaël -aē-t- as tº are O © G) scnascusaacnºis rºus rºsa ss, rºss-rººrº rºen assax.º is a rºse ºniºr a rºta =s*.*aca Aurº co-ºx rºo . ~Assº, cna rºsa :rºisso ens is x . rºrºša rºast air, sao . Aurºa \{\\ a, assrºa.rºa cº-oixxas. Aë Alcº onosis-as . 2CVOCMCA-sa-3: Aurº.cnosis e-Qūco *A* -aarº *xx =a&n ..cna)\ran &\ area ..,vnasasja & Arca on as a s—a . ~~oxiā >0 tar-SSºx rººt-º coaxias- cat=A -acnºc', *w- tax rºutsaa.ºnasca -asſº 37 :^ rºš tº -euco .xt= tºo -ošicna! *-i- .tºorºo 38 aê, cabi alon.-acºus= avºre.cºi=A cnao- I 2 scº" 832-1-vºv- 1:sº cºver-tº- Wis-- N=1- *** cooo cow" o . . o >ical 2-v- WW =>~~ rowv- see Al- ********* Wºw- ºrov was V-2- *W*****cooo Yo Norrºw-icciº We S- servºirºt cºwr- ww.so-N-12-rr- > * cost-rºw eco oxi- ºcci, scº Fr. 2-Vr- co" vºcal Nº see ºrt- to" vºices W. ovºv- V- cºnvºsº cooo Evrºw" wºucciº cooo sº- coole' tº ºrt- >io cº Fr. 2-rr-, cows" sº *~=cº tow” cºst-vençao ºver tº Astºv- twº-tºw V wºucci. Nºw" e-º-' rovºv- watch Wºo-->s--->|->wº cºw” toº *Artº occº toe No row- to-- ~~ roºs' sista- wºucciº Ve =>~~ roº cowº set tº ove-tº-Woww" stew We he'vºv-oerrºr> olºrestºs- woºs o o www- tov-, ovov cºtt. Elºrz-W- ="wº- Woº- cor- ºrwerV owV =rts” rºw- > * toº swuº ºvetº-->V-> w-cºw- evº" cost-row” ov- www.W." Nº Evros wºucci. Nºw-->ecº-tº- Wür Exº~ waswº" tº-vº-' cººrsvco "Eruº wºuvº colº' --> *ro- sºon G) C • at-ºn rºo Aa A - rºrº .rºu-ºo ca) a bus-lère.z.Axiarº As-sao o Q <\cn rºxia -asº et-arº.rºcn GVW-0 tai-arºo 11 As a rº-Ass * Gºa re-a -ax- anon is ~\asco ea as rºo rººrºº rºascº -ax. ->-cura SA soooo... rºstºo rºcutiv -aerº-A rºcºrts east-as-suras-acahacºiaaa.nºaaissaarºahe rººs &u= &u=3 aca-Aue-aerº-area.rºsa, is scaloºsas-en -aēurº.rºsasas: -acº rºséu rºsho rºadcas cº, asiao . ~\;<\a rºlesow rºcºa - io rºadº ov-ºxºo.<\ are soarea rºxisoo is .r-AA-cnose oocn tas Pi rº-MVä .x=>s rºhºshaë. ~~~&irº.x.ass cat=A rºaszarº anon t-isorºa et-arº rºsa &ūrº ->ax. r^ ...t-isorºa -acº º xia&sa=a r^ . tarº’.--ax- -asa, i-arº.esco x=-rº rºsa) so tº Vä rºas eas -aē-is so i=A crº asso -a are a=x-a .rºsa=x_* iſ sees rºlesa.eº rºasma ºs-à-A.rºussam rººs, rº rºsa .ea a .rºuss-M rºacn = -1. .xx-a cas away re r^a chèiº, rºrºa.rºsiarºs rºš aq8 cº, *-area.sa. A= rºaty -re r^rº rºë. Aura, rºsz= chao ASA as -aoem rº QQQQ et-arºo .a4-oxênrº •onox-sº C\\ so tºo. 2 cro 20 I sºon *A*ux -i-, cº essarº...as sas-rºº -aēurº ->tºo . -asa-A- xi sièrºo O W-AA-ACA tº 1-a-sº o e o criès ºrºa at a rºwers chao ..-asaas =x\\s-rºse Au-A rºrºa. Axior-A =is waaxx. tº eièi →-ax, is x. exaco .rººt *-* =x rºtav rºsen rºulia\ a M.-acº is area ones sº rºs, rºsas, -ašarē essaxº~ rºon.-a-Marºn -eurº aburº air .ca-SA> . rºxiào.rºsiarºa aacn tºoia rºMaikea rºach& 9 oocy, ease .cn-as-a scocerosa oocy, eMr* ~<\\co rººrºº acn vº .*-ons cat=A rºsy arº.t-tsarco cun a no . ~~ochisºn - rºm > y ore'. “ºison crasºn-Y-5 t-a-º-º-º-oo QQCup tai-sºo . rºa SSo casior-A sºon -a are e\ \x -asa asioio. -sarº -asa-i- ... rºm acro reſocray r^ tail -a-ºu--> ..-asa A-" -aē reſocral .rºot reocryx - cues *=en tºo r^rº .rºon a rºocra in -cua- reas: tºo . ~Ax-axº~ : r^ ºxarº's coi=x rº, a rººt=> -e-A rºacma. rºasiaacnzas A&usax-axis r^rº-abuns rºrº rºaias a tºon as a tax -aēurº. rºse s\s, o e o -et-lè rºasi en rºa.-astrº r^.rºusaxºsrº A. -A -aēurº eason-on rºo r^s .rºvièusa rºuaoxia e-a=a&ncasa -aēuaca reſº co * >orºyo . **u.-ax en rºrº --~# ºn sha .8—sº aisàrº rºu saxºrº rºarºss *a*=v&º tax-rºrº asºco rºusax sorº Rºsa º ºsorºša . **saw tº “A rºacnéna *** r^ -àrº sisère o o e o . ~Assºco ºn AS-> rºënièusa rºussa=x_* coièus rºacn rºrº.ass-tarº tºo acco tº ass sad a As aaon easu rºsace eiða rºse ºxaaw ooco tas a .4=> ->-curax cusax. sao . ~Asiorº as ~<\sco rºxiào.xaoxx cava ex- xissière ...t-ts'orºa a a-a-irº en -anen -seºn -osnia aaco erºa .*-anx caia -i-, -º- a sºrº.etsorºa -aerºs **** rººm so tºorºo . ~<\\rº rºino ->-cux = xiao gº sºon -eurºtarº-SSo.rº-chocol rºtoxiāo.rºsa o e o rºa-Seias-to rººts \,\- reſocyn º ºx .x,\xiarº ~ax reacn =\o saar -acº isorºa .rºsiarºs caëlicasièA casas- cat=a. Axiarº tº-sº eace reſon . -asºa 2CVOCMA AD 18 cma=. aa.rºad Aa rºséla sû A&so ºxarº's cas -º- a .rºsasas cana-ºxia rºle-A o o oxacual r^\}s rºsaaSa.cmaeaua .cnnonsºo .cnamach sco ×51 xiàx -aerºorºon&ndº &\sia exaco 20 acn.xxx, cº haca ºrºza.cº. As so Aasas is crº rºarº.burº rºse rºsa GA = orºes **a*-** as -acnº. escº ~<\abus *>orea. S-cura rºs.. GA Z-CM vºla-Asa= Qo 22 ..-aēure e\rºx. --> -ašarºes-a- -A chA **s-rºarº rºcn rºaº r^\xi~A -aēurº-ºxso ..-aēuare tº saxº~ rºcn rºaº -aēux ºn ...-ax. rºon. Asoo tºo asso ºne ea was ex -asºn = \,\rºse Marººrº.-a-Mèrº. As hacarº A- as “cas: assax. saa...arº Alcº en -agº. i-area -ax. -sarº rºsa .e., sº eið -ºcnº, re-ash-a -acra-zia -aēuare tº six-> . -asa, stew" * Evz- ºr-. *V= -- covt- rºoow'-2'-º'- *>~-c =s*V cºtt. tºe- > -->o twº- sº *ww veº-rº->º ºn vºw-º- *I clºviº sºlº ~Dºc' cocº sº ow ox- *=>>- wº-tºwer cºwºw- **ts" V- irror" V cow” a crew-verico sºot- wVe or occº too sº-sº- ***** ***, rs2 swºo' wºrrow >vis--tº ºn over-to lºw sw cº- enº- ºccº We cow- *Wow- ºr- wV' oweva's cows sºvº” “viº v rew sºvº cºrº' ove-wºo freccº o-yº cooo (; Wrºccº. vs 2-uºw 1:sº awe', sºrrºis-Sook- Tºvº otos Risö->Nºw- or- cº-tº-sce- >ical cºlº vice- We Enrºe crº News- esvº- WAccº, occº cue-wV Wis- wVºlº cabū- Accºr-a We Ara v ASh-2 tº Nºw" was >wº- cº-erºtº-tº-o-AVºvcº-wowº-tº- *sº wºrvºrºv- we crºcº o-cal. Nºw- oevºrs sºvº' otovou, -ses' orga Erºsswol- cow->wV Nºw wºw owe woe =re Tsva. wºucci. NEW- w wºw >tºw Vice- occur. Tsvº' or yºu,”“At- ºr erºtºvº cros- osºvº. g cºwccº rºl: ' wºrks ºut US- Włocus owes Eurve ,&eas ..aº r^rº is are tasarº. scnas sº sorº en =a&.rº-ax &la=\sq\\assa rºw\,cn ~\\º-a 24 t=1 \\x ~\sas' acna, as -aº r^rº-or- tº rºa a\sq\ rºus' arº . ~\,-->as rºoks, a ecnºn scnossº assax as tail .aoën.rºsaxx as *A*NYSºo 2–2 cu M >3 CNC\Co et-arºo •=\, <\ºsso acco rºcn.-acº, i-area -ax -asa= is .rº tail rººrº.rºacnºis rºaxº~ * ~zarº as ºus rºarº'a - cusºax. rºsex-co .x=>AsaazºoxxºnMA 27 vºseºra xxº~ \eta=x ess rºom.cº isor-a tasarº ..s-ow- -asº * >oref .* rºocny a rºo 28 rºasa=.sièus-aē-àrº-aēurºs.-a-Arºsarº coasat& As ºxarº's cois =&u=a rºsa .rºss, *casiº A- -aēure area -ashë, .cn =aza Micaerºuss taix- rºicas-àiè -axonºha.-aceiaa .rºha sirº arº. rººrºo rºus a = x* xarº Aaaa. . rºtai, arº.rº,3- arº.rºënëurº arº.rºsarº are ~\s=a rºa= ** \=as A-A sax. AA- rºoia tax rºsé .xº~\a rºs, Airº, rºrº, o e o rºox 5 = chocryx re-at-ºfºa. rºst sorº’-chacranx .rºus rºo rºi=\\.rº-axis rºaºsa en rºsan Xx. sea ca-ai-A rºsa is tº rºtax= assa ** **** **, r* = r^\se as--asa-as- sèwas -acar as on as--anona ºuaréo . ~aarº an a- rºse.-->azarºa-Asa Aaya rºsa-Gº, o e o taaoon tº acanx ~A → tail -asa As- coxareſ ºn-acanx ~ \\ cº, asia exaco tº -asº *>ore...cnas sºn ~acna arºaa ~\eta 14 .cº.i-arºo was rei=\;=\so a rºsa -ax. cº -arº. ASAs rº, is ºrº was rºlſ ~~\, is an as . ~~\, \s. A burº Arºzen *\, rº, º Aas-às ea Aurº rºar -r-, rºrº r^.-ax. cº ear”. “Aarº cº-arº.rºxiāoa is acacaº r^\a.=arº rºa.iº. “Aa. Aaya& ---->rea. r^avaarºia...rºsax a rºoscaco º eMon rºs-aca & A sarº. rºva-is\º =aë rºsa.<\rºr-Ava en º rºacnºis &ure reas.ax= rºusa.co rºtaxa Arº. Rhen rºsa acn ºn As->ax-saº ~ax...rºss rºle crº reach burº AAP.cºm II 2 ,8was rºas.aoca-5 rºaº cº rºhrºa .rº AS- scorea .rºsso ºxy a crièus rºunda . Axia-a G) G O en& •curº tai-arºo cº anon escar-co.rºx is cºncº asiao As cºur*rºixas r^{-\\ AAza ocra - reº. oocy, -aē-is rºs.-acº earºo rºs-ea acn.r-As-AA .x=-aon rºuaa A arºux is era rºx=-3 ean •ona arº rºl a\ acu- Yº rºcro AA-as * >oreſa 5 * -aensiºn -aacma.cnhäurºA arma crºorºo .voa5 - cure’: as r^re.eiði anon rº, \ºr, icos … as ~\ rºxsie set \ , acn rºrº asso rºass eas.ore.wºal tºo arº-oenºa ea.rºx; acaaaº as essa -ax. cº sorº.rºsas tºo -ss-ax. ~as A.-sur-Azam enrºs.-as-sur-rºº *Aaaco. Aces rºse rºsawa rººs rºoireſa cnascna caaaco .rºiècorºené awazºo.creaea G) C G) *A*a *A* -><\-Y-ax scnos, sº oocy, curate rºsocus acn =o XVIII. r&a=\sa= at reacna A asso . cº -i-arºa craszla area × as *AAA -><\Ya rººtno . ~A era Y-N 9 r^ -rºs.-as raisarºesore.uccº Nº. 2 cº- * Wºw- “tº V-2 rºº Restrowco-2-ca. Nºw- •rov wVs coco wºucciº Nº evasú" ove' "co" rºw-i >uºuao' *V- cow’ costs” triev Wºw *W* GS =ce roºs' owe cave z-i- occº >cow», View wºuao-vº-'Amrºus' S wºo *=w-cºs\ºw- orvº costswo' ~ecº-vºlcaçº awe-a-vuºro' --> *rov wºutcº Visw-->is- ** =sº, ostewa, ww.sº, ºvº-rºw cº-El wre-N-1 wºrº Evel», wV' ove- >wº sv e = 2^** > *w We' os-rw- • SN Guºvvcıos" ocs-a cabwº cºnd wºucci, We' casiº *w- roºs Wir wr-e Allº SElº. “s owV “orº too cºst-sº- >ical Nº covy- ove a swore cºws's co-sº-www.www.sºcoco's sº tº cº-o covvº. 2's =ºre ºuvr- strºs too **w- > w- ov- “soto"> w- seco =ce wV **w- > w- cºver wVetº. Accº, Wis sº tºxicº ºwl,” ºw->wº wereºacº Wºº- of ocer-V cooo Ye tºwºcote' wºes,” wav- cºw tºngº • * o * >tº “w” secº- creroº. Eito ºuvr-, cº WEU roºs wºuces Wise": eve- Vºlva. Accº sºon \,\aco a-ºe-.cnzass rºacúsà rºxsie Abu rºsan xas- ºcno=rth rºussa=x Aus r^rºss rºxsrºchia ~ rare arº -oi as ex-coo ..cna arº-2 tºo rºys ref &uarº, -a=\ rºcore’ tºore'..cnosis- 28 .rºhas, -a-a-Va rºw reaian esa as eMon on&a=\sa= r^rºsa. reſºa tº-aco 20 o e o rºss-axed cusacnx •onº- •otºzorº A -><\x a reacp six- tº-aco tºo ºl *=-coma.x\xiarº Aras acna-Ae-w.ºcaas-sàA rºadbo rºda a saia rºx *ia tºo x-aa-na. SSo =\sa .zaas rºw rºsaa Aa sensaMasaº reacna, r^ ...tºo oa as tearºa rºarº'a -cussay. -assax= cna rºad washré-axe tº acn.rºsco a Aurº rºsah rºyo sièca-A v\ \t.cº.i-arºo .rºxare,ass rºrºrºrº, Aurºrºsièen rºs. A rºënrºss *=s* tºo ..cnossº-ax. i-arºes-cnº, rººrºo crºss Aaaxaa.cazawa was as sièus eno .cnº=a ºnzes rºsa is rºsa en ...tha as rºcnéeo iAS rºo.cna-saar, *Aa\P. croYº N-acú: 26 arºicasa cazawa rºa, crèaa rº-As--rºrºzai= G 2 sºon taazºusa -asona. rºsémaa rºxsian rºsa • -ax...~~~A -aerº ascos rºs-acºus= oan -aēure eazºe, rºsa.-aerº sorºa -º- ea -a-A -aēWax. r^s.rºcusa-on stacas, -saºuza ..-aēurº e AAA co-orº rºzcº re-os--->a<\ , SAref .e-a-sº rºxsh-A -aēuare talion- r^a tº-aēs re-aaa..-asner ºar-heºrerºzsº tº Sax. -assà r^ area ..-acna-oxa tºo -aēWax. 10 re-aaa...asn.asa ayarºe’sº rºseirº, esas A e-A A&icaso r^ a are ..-aēAax. tassiacoré en m ..-a-A &i=are r<>a<\ \s- reacn r^s -aēure exaco rºséalso rºxsias rºsa as so owninrºs is ~x-iss rºsa-s, A- rºach rºw ayahore en rºrº.oicnatrº, -een, is are r<-soº'so e e o rºanoiano rºxsiºn -aerºsa- ..coas Azan rºicass rººrº-ax. tail rºhr’s ac, is tº-arº rºsa.<>area scrossº reacn Arºxso . ºxyre's crº-, rºcn x\ Q \ºo ..ºurº. As rºxare acn assa-set-orº ºurº.cnossº cº essarº, ****.ocn rºrº, essarº rºsiº.rºss-asso *A** tºo x as tº-orº rºl sºrº’.ocvo rºsairºet-arº -ošure ei-ore r2 -aēurºa -aerº, i-arº.aca is acn &ure.*-area rºarº'a -as-ax rºas...burº stew" 9 Yºss- Wºts-->ical NES roºs” 2-wroso cº • We’ ove.”uro Seº’ \so rºtoco" errºw- >V-> *to sºvº re-' or== ~w wºw, ūNº. 2-w^ =s* wºu.” Wºº ºw-cos Nº. ** Errºw->\s' coos--tº WEW" rºsuº sºrº- occº cooo No. oºr-Wºº We 2-wºº tº re- tax We Nºrror- scºsº- osteo shºr” outger- tº overº Wrr-, ownes We =www.” wºu.” o* tº *w- orº-- * * * cooo-ºr-2 w" ºvw.”hes” awsº wrº- cº- res-2 awłºwº we caV" orooº wVisu- oasese' or=w tº sets use ºvuºsº, * News-coco' owVºtoco" rese WEx- wºlvw Wres> Nºrts ºwwº- or=w orrº oruse: sº owes Vºx- crowcºw S- ~V >|->'' or=W ~Wvis->tºwer#S-Wºts-ow-vsolº *8 tºovºº' 2-atch. Yºsu- wro-sº vitc- wrºsº *\º W =>uº rºoke-Wºts- Waweso WWe wr- * =>oºr-->cº We ºwcoco" cºastav- *or Arts Vºl 3-->- ev- wwww." Nºse- owne Yºsu- cavº, ºvvis-' os-ºriº 2WS ve ~V wr- toº stºº lºw- ºccº crow Wºw.'" crº News-koto" wºuces Nºw" cºur*** >v- s&eas Aunas rºu as a rºs, rºburº rºomo . ~seshoe Alaca rº-so vºcn re-oasiºn ea -aerº- sºvia .x-ons cois iso A- assière. rºsarco =en-rºacna.rºrºx *-*en rºasbea Aurºxas a coenoacres=a coax-sºlaatsa.<\ºacA **rºa rºse rºoms ºn-ix..cº anon t-isorºa Alisºnerº.-acº is area ºs- en aco . ~ièua & Marrica-rºus ea.<\º vºcn rºs-ièus r^re .*aix-stºo cº refºx, reſo cº &x\so &\sis •ontenaco as rºsa Macaº r^a r^.<\*-area rºs-tan aco º SArf. Sºo erºcº rºarº.rº-AA a sº-Aa *A*5x 27 rºššua en eyess rºa&via en e.Varºi,\rº-A& rºburº are.cº. *-area rºas.a ...ta-a-ºo -ocraatson 28 3%ure-ass “A rºacm.ºhousaacn.cn rºst • rºulx son ea cºnia ºucorºrºa rºwn ass-A-cº rººrºo Gº Go-ax. azoº rºx3a cºasiao.rºya cº-aēu. Acco.rº Assº rºsača rºtº -acreas oacn ºurºsa.rº .rºss ºf rºarº's reºS$o . ~\º ao r^xi são ..-a are corºa ...onals; has -aºrè a--airca rºxiso Caocra tal-sº Nº. e-Qūco rºxia acaca t-i-oxº-ao 31 .e. ºn rºsa.<\on-on rºsa . eMA-ason ~ax-ex aca.Asia-rº, rºrº anone saxºnos, sèeas ... ºd na-sº co-A=a .A in so acn cºnced a rºcn rºsačan rºasă. tº-do .A eMººn tail &urº-ico º o o ºxiana: <\A&corºa assax. ..-asſº i-area rºxsº rºsa in *=A c. A = Gºa rºsaas. Arºsa xissa reacn r^s . an acn rºsaaa ea aass asso rºrº.ºx.are •onosº asks taxiaco .rºzai=A crè a-caso a r^\so assax. sarºzºias Aurº-A-.cº. tºorºo Aaa ..-asſº is area rºss- en aco .<\xağırº rºcn is asa=x-a-hô sa=sº r^rº-ax=n=rss rºussai, ~acAa en rºsacoºsača-cure rºas.-asſº rºarºa-asax rºs-Mes rºose cro-as-toxso 15 are crº sarº.rºon r^\eº A axa.cº is area º ..-aēurº e AAAca-2 rºcº réoss--aēure r<\ ~~~a as Arº-a asso Max -ašarē e-º- ºr .rºuanés rºws2 enº eroo ...Are acn rºots CAcroch . Jºhº CAcwo rº-Aso rºocuº tºo aesa en zºo is tass is acn re-A en rºxsi-A crº ascº an in .rºhassina .rºosa rºyas .rººs rºuaissa esco .rºanase reisaxx rºmancocoa .rºha=x\ga 20 re-as-Aaara is arºse.wre' swww-alts- te:- ºccº cowºr-st- !. c-AN eiger-tº- worrisºvvv," wºre cºw», Tevi. co- V-1's, Vºleoco" or AWRG-cewº sºvº” >ra V-Evro" ov-cºco eroker ºwtoº car" * >io Vºccº we="Wºº-rºw- sº 2 tº 2-wrū- strº *sen evºn. ote secº- V-soto cºw. Evertºs" softwww-->wº-Ni. Accº was: twº-seº-tºo--sv sess- ºvº- * **wV*Nºte:- cookº-sv- w ice: Wºw". Nº worst- cºevº: V-Nº taxº~scist" cº- * >oºr\º wºuccº We Wave velº ww.sºn- 'Ax co-sº crew Wºre sºro’s ow- owhº see cooo ºw-laew cooo e º o stºris's swºos NºwWºº ºwe wºlºwºcerºse www.sw->wº seva eva-Evka ossº cooo care orsko Nºwe vol sºvos" ostew steeww" **wo Wise-Nvvoy wºrruros soro" Frawl,” too: ******* = to 2-rur ºwn- owe ow WEx- a otriev are rews-rºº, ºto Nas' wºucciº ***Nº ovs wV: Wºos-rºº rºw tor- wºrsto' wºes. We “wº cost-row.” Nºv- weeks 2-rºr' occº Erswº 2-oxº wros 24-sco sºon ocnossº acneorº rºao vº røsaxo -aerºa ovarºo .rºxiº asca. onos.sº ~<\\cdo 20 -asa-oxa en rºsis rºënáðh cºax.a.asscoo •Marºº rºzarº -alona tºo wa taxatia casiº rºy tºo *\co •ei=s-e-A* rºx-a-s, oacn eacn .****= <=&us acrºsº was a .r-Wai. .**on rºxsº rºix. a-.rº-SS one-oxa -ºr-so •onona-Ma rº cº, Ace 0 assals isza.c.A.acnabuasaa.º.º.º. \\Poo rºsacea to cnx: a burea .rººt-core &u= **a-m crazy acaa iſ rºuy, no.rº AAA =en-hrºo.rº as essals th-ºcus: sonas sººn asiao cº-orº cº-orº ..-ax A anasso ağırºo ...cnoi=so cºx. Aaza rººrº Gaël & cº. -- ~~x. As ea -ax is eas ºxia as-ax. A so.-asa-na-A= ~sia--> .SS- coièus -acº ºrº.rºań eno rºussº ..-asa A-zºre .rº-AN& rºxi a rº-so sac, i. O © G) score-asa-ºn-i-Ao . cº ei-arºo sonox sº asia. rºss-o.aca rºaia as rººrº *>arºa.rºhia-co -acº -sustao rºar" <<\rºw -asſº asco Ar-A-acº rºssbea rº-aerº aburº -asº, i-arº. estis eiða - sºis->a sm .recas. As a sche-A rºziº wasa. A -surº **o . tº eiðio <-i\ºxº-º esco Aaza ,8was rºse, crèenºco tºo aesas.nºus rºo *=S O © O .rºa-ºe-a eah Go cº ºx esca rºs, -ax. Ax seas ~ax. . aerº rºach ºsaa.cnºu-s-A crº rºhrºom t-isorº • QXcoo ... acrºus rºarº ..-acºu, assa .rºon rºsa rºcn rºaº r^cº crº rºas.a.rº cº-orº cº-ax.a.rºss acoa, i= <\on reacn rºs, o rºas.a.r.º.eºrº -àº, ecºa cºncussića rºacnaa & QCup - cro-, QQCVD eMxA&ead .rºcº ecºa esca cº º *A**-ys-on rºss AA.-acº ºrº-ax es *A*s, sº was ~\a.cn&u==a.cnºux-a= -rº •e ee ee-acahasa-on hat-cas, AAP.rºsé CynSºl Z. *a*\,-\, coxoicn is sax. rºst eas acna xiv. rºssasso acne sea-rºcn ornaxºisorºa.-axis acn.cº-e sso rºsen \\Pa.rºsa &u= ea as a .cnicorºa essa-M rºarn cºre coxoicn i_\ Alèurº rºsaica AA=a .rºok &u= ca.-airca . ºn-ºcus is-on- rºaco is are ..cna are coas.\, a rºaco rºasa ****** Ax. r^s . ~. \\º re-as- en reacn Mºna cava-A • e o a was crº anon exºrºrº-As ch&i= Assi &A- coaqions cº - bus rºacn saa F 2 s&eas • cure -cuºdino .rºas- tº-a-M e-A-re -asa, Aa 42 .r.º. aid so rº, as reacmeaëi.rºoms rºothrº- caëlaºsa= rºxsax. re' -oicnis rººm exaco ~ x > \ rºxić. cº, Ausrº, tºo . ~acna arº is o o O ->>d YM rºsa-on rºsa-cº rº, sax.a rºma also rºsas. cnºlos seco.cazyrº-Nsh ºr rºsaa.rºuia- rºute cº catalo.cº. Aurº xixed Aaa tal Aurº O o O - 200 rºº rºtasy.-->ax.a rºmaºs, rºos =q&h 's *Ax-rº sao .rºusy rºu asys, rºacn rºsas AA ela Aré. Kºsºs ºut alo rºusy rºuasi- o e o . cº cºasta rºrºa.cº. Aurº, assa rºuai rºutes-A rº-ax.a rºaº r^son saël iſ &\so tº Mao .èuxia cass-AA tºo . rºen as &\alsº rºas a =S-a=&ea .rºsa, isº A- chasore rºacn.i-A-areasz. taxas: e-A-rºa •e=\, “V” 49 ~<\xiano *r-Ash-eas.<\s-acneocas reacm rºa&lrºa -eurº-seoiso.rººm &u== en rºx. A w o e o . º. aicusso rºas reacna cab.rºcus esco -oš Mašice rºcnossº •S-CAY a -asſº *>oreſ, rºcro AAP, -asº i-arº.ere crº ei>are. ecºa 52 rºos.-->axis rºaº-A as Aëlèean rºaco AA - sºon rº-Sº-cali. ~\wiss rºsiº rºsaza rºaºs, -aca) a Go ºn rºast sona.cº.ukas cº-inos, . rºcup is -aerºa tºo sco rºat ºvais rºoo...rºsasºit rº-axis rºala &na, a rºrºo rºarº rºacna o e o craaaacaa rºmax.a rºsa Arº-axarºia-Asarºon.rºssrººea a rºsaas Alisaya .rºsa.as, rºburº & Aaxx o e o issºn as cºa reſocrax rºoms- rºsa. *==Ass rºt-sº-asa, isorºes AºA. Arº ºurº reas, -rºcnosis sº eisarº -aēurº e Aº wa rºs.-A-acº, i-ore.-surº asa=x rºre.-aen-as- rº Arº-oias-3 rºw rºs-ºn rºast acaaa.ºrºss-ºs-arºes" aiaorºa.rºixxacº, A.rºsa: Arººrºrº tºrºaxia rºo .rºa As ~ rºuiéâso -eurº G) C Gl A-n rºsar-A rº, eas . rºst-ºrº rºusa -acº rºacn ºarºo a sºon tºo --> A -as-a-ca. ~A tº -eucº.rºsaza º eno.cº. Acoahèua crº acnabu is cº, Aurº is .cneo scalau cº, Aurº, asso acn arº cº, Auša ..-acreas rºarº AA-a-2 rºº as rºcn AAP, -as-axarºe'>axxxx-aa-oº: *Aerºsa»ason x\x-Ala...cuahu anaea… rºs.--AAğıca rºot. ~ax-ax.rºacn i-arº rº, as rºsy-rº cºncuss ~\a -aºl rºots,a.<\ahoº rºa-as-a-h .rºsco rºas-a ca-A is sº = ~hrº. -atsºn is ~ocraal asto . ~~axis r^s ovaarº -acrºssrºo ~<\s-ºn-z-\o -ocra-a-a-a-> 5 - Quº-A r^s .a rºorºo-cuaºua.-acn=A=<\Aëlcasa.-aerºnrº; =aVa ...tal-ºn -aaass ecaxaaw tº -aē- .ax-Ac.at , ~\o-aēure essa ~\\en assax. ea -aēure.assax rºo -aēurº ~\o rºaºsan rºsa. *w Ecº-vº wºug kºrurº wº-w Eurve". vow =>Fs- *V=\º o'closuº sº once o'close owWºww.pe--state or vºterp' wºrrº” cºws\r * ~ ** =>ys- “Eruº'Arºlº” wV =nº vee- sºrt.Accºv {} cºw *W* ~occº” cºset.” asSº, oeºcºr- owne cow-sel,” “N->' os-P =rswº-roºr. cºrt- wºuvveto Arrºw- tº wV ~ roºs”. wºr: Anº crew sv * >otº wºulºu wºug” =GVºw" wºuces tº we wors- Wau-sº ove a cowº sv assº -t- or-W ~~usa" aSN's owWr ones We Evosºvº' owVas wr- tºº. sVNE-taº wºulevrrowletowr- ºr-.” ims oscow ºvcº- rew roºs & Enº” ones We wºrºwu" wºuccº e o o k-cºwl. *=Two lºcº scºrtº-1" cabºº casu ºrº ()(? tºwºcoco" wºucci" tº 2-accº Qtº 2-1 tº " wV cº ºccº co">iccº occº 2-w^2-tº owzºv 24-sco Wºw wº-staxo too sº sº wºuccº Woo cº ºccº. We' sºon rºw a rºsen rºuaix...-acº is area rºs- en acna .c.A =en-ºh rº rºo rºss rºrº.rºi,\e rºacna vs. rºsaarº.rºa easy cºnrº -re r<\rºw -ºš r^\&a tºoča r^\}, r^cus cocoiaa than rº-irº, cº-\= reacna rºxyrºs cata arº rºacn rºua as r^{<\-sºº r^\}o tº r^\}; a ..cana-sana rºcn rºuaix. a- rºta -seoaru than tºo.ain rºpa.eas: cºnquoias aağı -eucas x - rºsa acuaº r^-a-ha rºuay–o . ~~ion º = is rºona.-sea Mx a cº-aass.irº, o e o rººtcro -a-Ax. tºo r^\rº.rºxarºi= ea Aurass rºo rºaves rºok a saaz ºn ... acn= \\ rººs rºotörða rºaiałe, .rºsarºes-cn.cº. ***, r*~\a rºo.r.º.º. cº º **re-rºa.burials ièrºen &u=\ Arºsacarº r^\re exaco .*=s="a x-sao asion cºusax re. As a .casso exaan easiºt-soo’i.sax creas-rºtax rºzas ocn rººt-SS cºuisorºrºocna.cna -i-as-a rºcn rºuaixº cº rºacº rºacn.cº.ucºse ea G) o G) .rºu...a cra coreſ reforno .rºx * ~\ rºacn Msas. C\Crd Nº.C 46 cW-a-A QQQſº tasao .#-A QQQQ tºda-R scracuºrºo sºon -a a A- *ais \ , as a .rºx rºarº a-a-> Massa arºsaazºo is rºarº.rºrº cabiaº :assº-rººrºoncurºs, ta=\ara-causenbu-A r^s tºo .cn&u= vaas exacno .vchoork’s rº-ca. A cº 30 oix-lºo ºnS-Yº, r^n eroo.ocrº A==<\ >>aS-reſocro ecºVis Max ... a-A rºarº is are r<\cºſ\Po.ix=> a. en rºsai A-4 SA.rºzarº-aesºurseasāse r^\sai-arºn Maa.cº assurarº assrºx sassº en rºsai A-5 A*.cº assura ºxarº's coi= \s- ~\s-rºcas rºl.cº assus r^ assrºzaasa rº-V *Aarº ox=> arº. 3.8-a <>,\ss rºom scnairºad rºzºa rº-rºos=> arºes", scnoirºša rº. O rºarº ~i=&\so tº »crochirº tºo ... tax-a- 34 asso re-As is caatháē en ...-aēure ºx, is cn=A=x rºusy rºush-co ea rº-V rººt=\e.rºsaaaa. rºw a rºl-co ea rºxs Rºe.rºy aesa rºsa Mas en-aē rº-orº Mszco rºut.- cn-A=s 36 ~\ºacnºs--ºu.rºxarºis-at-arºsarºv- * tºao ..annºn **** tºo.rºss rºocus ºf O =-ºn ei>area ºx-laa rºadsen ºxarº'cºastseasons, .rºnrºasso ve. rº-say: *arºeas: .rºns">o.cº. ,&eas ...tº tºo cº *Y_C\ =\-Na tº ~<\x a . 2 cra ASON BOVAX 15 ... acrº corºa.rºsso ºxare cnièus ºrºa ca-la\s r^ arº ~<\ \cox -ocra 5 rºad 16 rºam rºsy-rº zaea isarºnrº asso r^-aēus iſ 3-AE-39Q . Crnº *=\sº »x-> reſonx. reacn tºorºº 18 *** ***.cncús- x-corº, sai. xas cras & socos ~axa are r^\a.--a rºarºsa rº-rºsasas *S$x.a.k.abºurº rºss rºle rºaox= crºsº .rºhaa A rºus aess rºss- *** r^ AAAAPax o e o -catacan ºasis- creasºa 21 rºacn &uarº, s-so rº-N cºncuson a cuaia taxaco 2. \\-oo ºn-corºa ...xissa was a .rººrººz. coal- oacn ei=on&u=oo ...~~ax.a rº-soo acn ºxi-s, a cois alon, a rº-Assaacne-º-'orºa.rºxia-aerºa assarº rºcn.ok-areassax sa tax rºxsie.saanx2, rº-sº sa .rºss -aenz.i.aaays== r^\re rººx. 2, As- -Saënës asso AA ..-acº enrº-acous tan caxas As-Saëus rºss-do - \aa...alsº cares caxas A- asso rºyºA rºve -rºa aaa, tº ~rea .cnèaºsa xious&n M.Acn rºarº .-Saëso 27 . -assia tºo rºx rºrº aeso =q=\s== rºarº <\\co rºcro AAP, ..-asſº tº-aa-ºo rºsa= ~<\axis rºcºrº, rºsaia rºarº tax -rº.rº -aē e QCA crol. 28 º 4 * ,&eas rºxsie - cure ov-so vº. .e.Marºo • acnasafºe tº aiso r^s xixed x-sº tº-a- rºs., .cº. ei=ore s=>~~~~e? is r^-aeºisorº. was AVAx cabu-A \s- rºare’. cra-as-y *A-rºo taa Na Maon . AAx crº rºs. rºek as A & Aarºo.rºcºrº, -re r<\rº.creas a e A-rº rºarº Marºº rºacn .rºuñarºs -aē-i e º arº.aaº a rºsé, A r^na.rº cº-º-o-escar-Macna rºsenås en = a rºna is -aº r^{-are.-a-rºecºs, rºl so custo -aē-acn tº-la ore exacº .% axx x=>A rºux= acn AA+, &u=&no crassrº Jºao *** Awaxa QCup rººt=\\ © C) © (e) e e .cathia as were rºarº rºsa oncºs ascos.ºx is aaas wºol, s&eas -º-º-o-oe- cºrº, ..rºtes &u= A a evious * rºyaao rºadāa taxi-a.e. as accox r^* is acco -see`a ſoºs. e-A rºarº ºn AAP. .aaº Aurºa.tºSs tºo ***u rºmans rºacúa as a rºocos a ~\rº.e.-a-ièë rºsax\ re-as-rº za saias rºss anon xaoxoan <\rºs .*** Aa. A rºss- .rºsaa\ rºos- Alaca rºsa, a ., as aacna ºre. *A rºacnazosos re-irºs.-2,4-ar-rºon \\P. G) C Go ...As ea ºu rºi as rºads rººrº rºcero .isarco S-cur, rºss- rºman tax acna as eMon Aucass.--irºha rºsaxx rºo ~~~~\ tºo gº Area. rºarº-rºrºrºrºi=A.S.A. Arºrºa...are “is rºasis ena.rºis -re r<\re rºarº rº G) O G) .cº. ~\\\s rºi.a. rºsa», A. aza rºº -e-AA Aids ah. as-a-a-A- is ºaaza ..cua as anrº rººrºo 29 -as-a-ha --A- tº ref o rºarº as anx ºnso A=asao . Qcro Xiaoan iss-stan ..-aºuia-A rºsa as 30 • e o . ~AA= &u= rºuax = ~ax, reacn croºro rºst ocn-no XII. rºx. esy- a-ix.o.ouaa sºnox sºlo.rºit sèeas ..aarº rººs, bus ex-A rºasis ºre r>d YM ~ AAA rºsox .rºcro rºusix\ cra Asºon ref tal e-A is ...t-ts'orºa -aga-i-A e-Aza ºncux- easºn 17 r^a -alº ºrºa.-aēs =i r^a -a.e., -i-. Aarºrº sa essa. -aºhº is rºrº.-aēxeirº rººrºa.cn= r^\rºx.- cºur*-ī-arºo.rºw rºarºo in rºon -aēurº ei-arºo.rºw a Marº ºxarº's cat= rºca asha rºsa-vio . ~A → ~Aa are r<\ =\ o e o . cnals tºo rºunas, ºussairca .rºvºsia e-A-re .rºussº asca assº -ax, rºaco six. tºwaco 20 a 3-arºo ...aº r^a rº-SS, rººs, tacna ºn 21 sºon sa=\s Aax. r^s Mao ...A rºax tº acn As eas caxa is awazºos tº . A rºax. “A sièus r^rºaº tºo . Crna-AAAYA *Aa\Po cra Y SAA Nºcux tºo . Crnay-CAA 40 e-A A==>. As ena. A==>, an A-as A= reas rºSºrº-Axix= ~ Marcose. A==>, \o assº.eº & cºax. scnosis rei-cºre ºut a ~ax. + = en en-soa. *Are . cº -\x a coax sº sax. ...-ax.a .*-* Arº tº acasa aco eiser-A arº rºhr’s acn acn ×axso *a* aas, º ..-asſº *>orea.S-cura rººms-o 4 is rºon.-aēure essaxx xx-aa-aēurº el-ºn .exas&so re-iss.e. Sco-orºsa.ets, rºce rºussa.e.t=a&ncasa rºadasao.e.'ssax rºxisso O o O >> Azabu r^rº,cno=aVa -ta-la-P (; i-arº-A -><\xa reacp six. esco tail <\rº, iève tºo : rºsia, A -aºla as real-, -e-a- As ºxiº ~a rºrºa.--&ièen rºot ºn rºs.--> A .x. A rºa'i rºutian rºss-rº-A -aēass sºvox Arºxxacº A coarº iso.ca is are coax-sº aaaz -ax crè isorº’.rºrco =r-A *cu- prº o e o sièus rº, Aurºa -aeria&u=% tai-P rºush . % 2% 3é * * * * # 3% % * # * : * * # * IX. X Sarco .rºxyrº is as a 2-, rºcux Alaca arº Maº iaeans ena.rºsax=x rºarºxxs cna rºarº rºarº >>rºxixº cras ºcus are rºarº's re'.ax… cn&u=A -ax rºrºo a =\sa .rºux-rº cº rººrºo rºsais cnéea º is Asasa.rºux recºun=x rºux= chao.cazarº © C © C e e -acº Alaca ºx-axºno e-A-re -aerºa scno-oxa asia . en rºxswax. -i >0 is .cnºsa=-Qur’aarºa.rºx -asſº reacn Aurº, *\ºus.-a-rºorºoocnew.-->= Y’al-N e-A-rºa 17 .rºocn isorº rºaº r^x rºacuaa isarºnrºxixso - O © O tascoiaa Aaaxso .taska .acan acox was .crsiºn rºSSo ~xas -ax. tax rº-ºxa is rºaco aiso. Acºs rºtas <\rºss scnossº wº Arts ièrº wº- rºrº rºsawa.cº is area as, ..-acº Aurºr-S㺠-\s-&A.-ax, cºisarº. Aure. AuX rºxsrº, tº cni-A .rºWAP2 rº-axis rºussie'a tºo tº rºst-sorº’. cn r-i. ve-ass ière crº a Eccuº Wºrr-, *** =\ºto. Accº. Accºr- Vºw": ().I wV. o-set ºr rock c** wro- Auºkcci wºuccº ow-tºº-, etc.” wºulº’ owes">ice, 2-v- cºset. > * ******* wºuccº-v- Woº sw wºw.' row-wºw Vºrow->s Wºo-ººººoº- one-º-, *W* >is-tº-NºN-ºxº~ Eurºv **Tº cºw'. 2-V- Evrol. Acci. Et-Vº trºove oxicº. We' cº Vº re-2- Eur-sew * >icº. We roºs---> *w- oxico-oco" sº too ~Esº cariº oxycº Esnºw Evºrrºw- Acz- º “e oss> cow” certo occurvive We wºucci' * =les cowº we sv Weitrºve sie. We trºov- currow” Nºw Wotokow” see Wºver- ore crolev-, *, *wurk cavºr- EW-> Vºlvº Accº. Airw' 2-v- w “w” =rsuº- Awkw" cartºº-- wºucci. No roºs” osis. We wºucci. We ºs->v-2-we- oste * >ur carvºv-wr Nºrwºoler" owzºv*ete roºs' Sºº-wºw Voºk We wºucci. No ca" ***=> * >uº cºoo Guºco vºx- ºr-- ocºSElº rºs His ow--> awºrso owtºr- overrºr cº *\olºr -- www.e. ºn carºv was º ºss- r overwº-roºtswºo' cowa. wrºtes” cooovy x- ,8was .rºsis en rºº rºarº.rº-astrºsáaea e Vº rºx. → ~Aarºa.s=~~<\, rºarº-A, r^\arºa iſ rº-V rº-rº saxº~ *.x=> *.x, a rºrºa is x=>as rºx.a rº-rº rºarºo. rexas rºa aasax r^ rºy rºas A.Acn rº-rº MA .rº-V rºrºa tº Alan -ocrasia tºo .May rºicuao acaeºsa.sas- ... .sure-as-now-ºh Arº- is tº A is arºss AA \, acn reacn rºa •=rº cause was a acn r^\rº.rºsax's rºaº-A i.Sº.rºsax &la=\º Aass aca.rºsax=sº r^ .-iso -i-, .nº-da- acna A -at-arº refºy. a .exas&hrº a.ebu.rºo Aarº *>arºes.ca.-ass-rººsé RA- vºla...aaº *> -ss M .-sabe-a-załe. Gºrºs.-acº •e • e o rºas- *S. scracuatronref •eers Sºº-CM esco Asº saxa arº Mae, *a.r-ax. As cºus rºan.ºsa, as “tº cas a yºur-arºsawaxaa.rºhaicmahr-a.rº ~ax. As enacorºa AAP, .May rºo rºus= N- r^a esca Ash ->> “A Alaca axº~.cº. Arºza e Aerº rºusy Aëus is -aē-aco .rºxyrºsis -aē • QX->AN -aēure e=en cºas-rºo rºcoa-as is a son ...-aerº ex=- rºaia rºstě rºuan Aaya .rº Are rºsièus eMr*-aurºrº Séo .rºssrººrºsa-on rºsiarº ~\=~as rºarerº Mao r^*s-Arerº.cºsº e o sº ta-ºxºo." e-A-ré-sur-rºasia .*, * -aahº enrºs. rºsaza “a en -a.exas avº .rºacº-eurºsiº cºena.rºsatºr-a=A= i.Sº. ... • curº -as-now-ºh Alaca -acnºir-a tºo lº sºon awazºo -aan-2 en asso.-aeneo tºu, -ašurºn rºx a-AM-x.º. rºenrºon&eacus Ms-aaoo-As. east&ea rºaerºrºkassrºax &A al-º-aēurº-As- -a-A rºsis.rº tearºa erº rºa At- rºse seasºnrº cºussa=x & cºa aa -e-Ax rºarº ocnobu.rºocus rº-ºxy rºi.-asses-rºo •taco &naarºo .x=\so recºre rN a •ecº easa rº-irº's acrº rºsasas- ecºa -aēure.tºon easabeo ~sº arº ~<\ºcusrº is 38 .cnèan-sta rºcºrº, cºncuº-2 xxaa\ as tax -seerº Alaca r^.-a-Ataceabibu ecºat-Arno 34 cºasco .** crºss is-is.com AA- .*-aa-ºo: acne. -alsº r^n -euosº r^.cnèu...a rºaº vii. rº-Asa.-aēurº-aēen-aēurº-sara-ai-S- ~\\en also ...-aº Aaaheº, -aēure e\_ºos 3 **** &urº rºuisa.Aurºra sºvo sorº, crºsses i-rº-A Aurºzºo rºarº arº. Aurºissa tº , reſon: *> tºo ~\aerºsa=x. verº xxaa) aerº rºałęa =cos. rºsasco rºute ºn i) ,8was a\=en -as rººtsarºe sarco *** zºon rºys ref -Sex-rº .öurº xirºn sºus-arº tº &\\rº ... acnºiſ rºzarº-A rº, r^s .vx4 - saxºna vºrºv .rºca as ~ses wasnº rºrº.burº »rº zºon -a-A ~sea-cob r^ **** *Acant reº-son rºorºo 19 ièrea.As soarºoco Massièrºr-ir-arºua-co rºa-co -aº asa-co *A*.e=x\e rºars-e-Aas 20 rºis-Aarºa. A= sea rºoco r^n ière.-->ax= are reacn&n -sabeascos i-Sière ...t-a-1\S ex\a 21 ..on rais-rºses is cºx..rºacos enº -aa-As rºacna cºa * Arº.rºyº's rºacn8. ve--- - ise arº.rºx.a rºacn8. tº ~rºiacos 28 . QCW-2 VNQY_ºp a rºtonas Alaca -rº.aca wax, ve ve O. C. O º º: s-º ºn ... alsº eiè a-AA as axºn rare r<\s. rºsiºr-Aoi=-cassº arex'ssia raiser-Aarºos *\a-A rººrº -aēurº e saxº~ * ...Vaxa r^s -aē *Aref tºo ref rºcro AAP, .rºsasa-Aaº *Aarºa.-ayarº rºsa -a.exas.\ -assrº ea ºn rºu is rºxss.-ex-A8 ºn-aºises rºussia= oias, .ºz.a-A en rºsea.rºi=-co º *A* r^a elº r^a tas-in r^s .rº-saxx Alaca rºs.-aerº rºoibea rº-ax=n <\area sèeas .rºxiie, A-arºus ass-A rºasis rºuétaa ea Aure.-aspise a\=-aº -a <\ rºarº is are sa-arºo.rºa&A ~\ Aa- .*Arerºssos sºus-arº veera.<= were rèea *** rºs-iè. G) c 6) *** rºcaea rº-son ta-anaso -aēuoco r^ ..-aēure essºn sèearca 7 ~\\sasa as * Nevacos . ~aféa -&- ** ..-aerº -asash Alaca rºl.esºurº rºse -a=\ rº-abusa rºsa ~<\acuarº i a SJoco ----- -aē-aco ten rºl acn ..,en_a\r-zº ~\º- 9 rºarrèn. .xx-abus rºsax=x -aerº. ess- 10 **** *** -aasaa &a=\- 11 aaaza. A=on rºals rºsarºea. Aarº-ox=nº -e-A an=xx as are arº rºarº.esos A .rºx as tºo << * r^\re .rºsa-casA tºn r^a is x \\ .rºsa=x^a rºa-A-2 on Nº. AA- G) o O esarºesº- are.-aspha\sco ºxare a=\-sa=x_* is -rºl, -aēurºes -re.-a=\ Jacu- x * ~A-ax PM - Guºcus reſis ~\arºo.-asabla\sco ºxare a=\ -a==x_* rººt-S- rºo co-aēi r^.rºusm Aurº rºca:\P reº-son ... vºlam reacnºis . ver- rºacaº r^.èure r<\;=as re-da *** . rºx-ou- ~~~arus ex-assis.rºarº- acº -kuen s&eas O craanx. Jºnocaº ~\xº~a rºsa-5 vºwere .N. º: º cºurtrºx seas sorºrº.rºsers\\\rºvěes rºarº is are ex rºrº.rºons rºtº cº Sèuº ca,\s- isorºrº r^n cºur* réiza exon -as +\º rºuaa-z. Aaza tºo .cº isºo anaco .reºicº, r^.rº-oxià i sorºrº -aēsax. =a&n oir-Nº rºis-A A**, r*Art.rºsaxx rºenaea rºarº r^ -aa-names -aº -si-arºes **** 34 .rºon Mrº-sur-cascoiaan rºsax= r^ .-èsarºn *u-sºns on rºxsaan AAP, rº-irºn r^ areas, son cºu-sºas Aay” x\xiarºa rºarºo...oncºs r^s \\P. .rºsarcº vºx is rºarºo.rºat rºsanº rº-cos rººs, rºus, ºne s--> A burº saxº~~ -aºso reacnén rºrº.rºias, are rºasarº, tºo isèu. esco tºos tax asso .rº r^a tare tarº o e o ocn rºza- rºza .rº - e.V., rºasis is arº, -aše-ax.a. r^n -a.e., rºarº is are es rºarº . ~ x. AM as a A- * ~~~~sea rºrº.ºx.a A=a&-cenash Samarºses ena.rºssrººtrºnarºlvaa." vºyaVisa arº cºaqax...vºahaa Aarºo eièron-a-1\,.\º creas. Arºus *>orther, a s&eas ièrºë rºrº, i-ºs--a AA rºaisarº.rº-axiaº -º-h r<\.rºx is a rºtace e^i_*u. -sahaa-m ~asiºisorºrº-aē-ax.rº-axis rºaº-Aa .** = ** Aayasa º Aaaa. Aavaº r^n As SSAs ea Maa .-a º ºrº is are en rºarº is arºseco.rº-A.--> reacna rºaerºona are tºo Maa.rºw.aaºº-ºorºoom rºsiºnaasrº rºsens' =~, reacna rºyz coastrº *-arºs xix.p veiae Aurº-aircas A. acn &eare orºious a vº-verº-erºzºs acrº-ºh eabia .rºsa-ºxºo .rºsasºn oncerosa tº v&sias sa=x..rºuaré, rºl exacna verº- re-ièrexx say \to O © O weae ->ino ca-as as Ass= **** xis rºarºea ºuacn as .rº-A **** rº-As .rºsiarºa Aurº ex-arºo.rºcerºs Maha.rº rºlano 26 ~~~~ ºn tºo saiah rºs & *Artſ core’ o e o 'ºisorºrºasax. Aëlès en rºarº.icº rºarºosiºisorºrºk-aē-ax.a.a. Sºia rºburº rº, as ea \as -aº rºarº is arº r^xº~, rºsa-5 *~es -re.co-A= chis.&A. ta ,8was ... *sax's rºla also son ~aen) as esca ºne ºxarºus -as easis ºn -aa-aa\,n rººs---axis-Aaa-aa Asesorºa.-a-A .rºda, acas ovoia assº en -aēure...sax. MAP21. oocy, taen" is rºº aco.rº-ax= \So -saisº, -aēurº.aocn -aa-oxaneº-rºrº ~<\ºacherºia r^z Alacaaağırºsses-rºr-ir-irºn-sur- .*=Aénaxxisrºrºrºuºrºas-A. Asahèrºsa= cnicocu-sur-aburº.rºzarº, as cº-exº-aeema i. rºus rºtav M-arºussa rºazºrºa.rº-As-s *u-sº cº-arºoar ~$x-icosa-Arºrºa.rºx\ºs is icna-ao r^{n=a \s- crº arº r^*.rºsasa *cra is rºy acn .axes -a aaar-A -ass=x\o **re r^.r.º. iia rºcoa-as rºix rº, Auðrº, *Sesarº.-sarº a "sa-A rºrº...sure rss rºoss-s ..aº rºst-arº ea tas-A rº rºs, rºsis are rººs, rºahrºsa. rºxas AA.rºacna xxx ero Aas re-ass-rºcoa-aī is rºacn.º.o. rºasta esco rºsača erosis, Alaca .rº, sax.a rºma:\sa= r^{abus rºsa.a<= 2. ex-rºa exº~ x = x•=se, re-asº a sº .rºsé rºaaz Asia.<\\ys: rºcnia&= ecosian iano ...-asa As- anon tº r^\$n rºséo zºo ons-re-asaa-, *, *, A- acna .rº cnièus a\rea .reſoco rºorºo -asa, aka .reſocyo 25 .rºusiso Alicas. Gao r^\ \\ºo.rºss rºxia exia-a rºtas eno.nocna Gao .xyziarº Goo a=tao.rºiava cº, abu. Ace. 19 .rºxare ºn rºs.: ~As=-rºo ºus abi ...-ax. a\rºa -arºs-sº an=x... rºers ca- -anenow O © O cnºus ...tasi-ºrº ta-ºrº eièA rº-so eači tºo six *-ao 2. e=*-** was as ºne-ºrº assa Aa =aas A eaaºuao ... acna are sat x-rºuacaa aaon cas -anona ...-ax. -sarº reisa ..-acnºssº 22 acna. cnièus ºurºa -aepºsiº an=x rºys as reach eMeno . ~\ \\ cºa as rºach wº- . rºaºsan rºhiaco rºacn tº asca. rºu’a K- tº acrºia a Aao e-a-miè AA rºach rºcerºsaa ,8was sia acn & Arº. cº earts rº, sax. tºo ->a<\x.rº tºo taxºnrº-ox. tº-aco .*=\sº N ºn-a-F-35C IV. ead.rºvºo tºo rºomèus.rºssº rºsaan rºsai . caëlºaiaa.caarºoca arºse.sºasessirºua rºcºrº, Aurºcnia ~rº. cº-arºo rºansas acn ~ax, rºs.. rºsa A eacas “area eMcna isarº was A= ~~~\= ~acarºn acn =&a.cº-area crasoae tºo aean *S*a AA= r^\rº.rºzai= < * *u-s-Aca.ºur-arºieşarºcniases.co.rºsas is area. -\asons rºis As crea, area . ºx-was . Aussà “Yes rº-airºrºrº, Aurºcnis -recº A . N-P-9. A sona arº sºn i-S- ==&u= “Ś- Aaëlèxia&sa=arºs *A* ~ocraas-ºil r^n acn =&a.-ax. cº sorº.aoh.nºareas: rººts Aarºcnias.aoh. vºcºrºa vºixà rºash rºaºsh ecºa crascusso. Zat =\; rºy aref rº ecaya eXon crº is area. ecnº=aza re-º-n tº-aco . ~diº was Soho Aaëls aca ~rs' \\rº acn =&a.rºvoo sièca-A vs A.-ax, cº-are sonona As cºa .xassoºn *A* ~As *-*\. rºcno."n xS- re...in Aarºenasz. Nº a CD .-a,c\aë. 11 >e te O G) o G) ..-ax Acrº anon tax-axsoa aaia rºarºsh .*ASA cº Arºx\\zrºessals -ax-en-sºax-val. ,8was tº reº-º na . cnocavºs rare.zarº reacn rºasa i .cnèusa-assº tºrº, rº-nónio ºx siso rºom Kºo se-A -sa-as, also rºtarº rº, acrºisarº eaza rºa A. acn asa-. rºrº rºsei ea Aurºrºarº, -saras -at-arº rºa. rºa==&\ , en rººrº-sax-axi,\-a-Arººrº.xcavarº rºopo .xcavarº rºsa-aa-A rºarea escº 10 Alacarºrº Maa. A-tº-acºn-As-rºcº . Arº rºtaxa acaaben.s=> * ***, r*-as .rºha==&\rºsis -aº r^rºs-as-arºnes rºarºn r^a . MMS 23 Oco taca-º sièua rºarch rººm aref tal QCup -a assass acn. Max-A coasta-2 rºarº rºax. ~xas a -ºrº aca. rºtax so re-aass rºot= | ornaſsar- \sassrºvia .cntirefrºnsoo crossrº- o e o rºasis r^n rºams sacea rºsha th-ºcus &c'. exia A ~\\\ tºo -><\rs rºarº tºwaco 18 -sax sºrºrº.cº.i-arºo th-ºcus son Mao . 2CVOCM-axºSMN 14 cºisarº. Auðrºncº Aurºa. As-as-à èurº rare. rºsals * *Aarºnacos \\P. .rºx.com raceax-->-cu. x-asa .x-assº cº-a-z. tº-aco .rºcurºa ºn M a -ax. Acon rºws cº- .*-as-nao ..S.-axe reacn 16 rºot rºsso. rºsax assèue&rºrºna. Rºsh tºo ~\ao.cnºs-Suasarºa- vºla, rºcºrº iſ ,8was eis-a- Aoa A ºrº. rºsa conoion tº *u-so is acua.cº is area rº-Asa= r^{-ax rºarºsa º \\;=a. A.icarº, rºs-irº Ala on-arºo rºVA a saxas acco esas -anºn -agº abusan .cn-arºa *AAA cºax. z-a tº aco alsº a • A-ica rº, r^{r^ cºrºrºa ~~\so reacn coor-Alairº, acoa. tº ->ax. a-A 22 Arºan Assn., naarº concion & Aaxa.aaon -- rºièrº cº, Arººs rºot *as cº-ºrºo .eº rºul-seas reacn isasa .ea&A rºrºa.rº Assº rºsarº rºsa ºu Asahrºo .*isº rºiałean rºs, O © G) rºta&\\ **** . rºa-ai- wasao.rºss-as-a tº sa, rºrº. rºeka, -eusnaa III. \\P. .aaoºn.rºacni-area wacnan rºtax-aarºacn 2 ==&as is alon. Rºsaza rºma:\so cº ºust as a rºam rºs. rºaco º-arº rºam rºszºa one"> asotho .r-i-A rºsiarº a = \, . rºtax-a- Racn = , =\ *** * tan aco : cºrº senay-six . rºuais rºacnºcorºa. ~\sas's rºases r&a=A rºsae &lacn co-au-rº cºa arºsaa sono as * 5 cºaX anon tºrº exaco . rºtax rºx 5xo 5 exia, six ºn rºss cºaq ..sacm. cºac x\xiare sa . rºcm tarious -acº rºach seasºna. rºoms sºon 2CVOCMCW-35CA rºu-A also a 3-sº rºuai rºmax so m assàea.cºoxssocyano.co-orºasis, xerº rºa-oo ºscow.rºsas crº asksa -acnéease ~<\ºcral r^n rºot-ass -asſº st-ºrea. rºua-Aa is a\rº rºtº-ºrº rºtarºa -axona.comoicº, &c'. Acoa A ºrº-oenièus tºao ... acnièrº QQCup 13 Aaax acua.cº-arºo rº-Assar-i-an rear-Aso rºoms, acnea&no •eis-Aaqisa crºorºarº'X cass=>\cosaica acrºss Aay” * rººtsorº o e o enassacus rºarº-MAA rº,\\ = ca-or-Aa *A\\ cºax-axle en Acoa, a &usan rºom S. eaë. reſocracy . eis-A cº Area 15 ea isarº asso -\-aē-in rºsa concien *** = eiss, eas.rºacn =ºrº rºss was rºsa • e o st-A .r.ºx.asº, -onco coa a swan rº-º na coxoicn exacº is Au-rº rºy -asa, AA Avatara ..-V &easºnrº tº sea.on.soasºn-os-Maaoxiºus ooch eMcn cºaisarº rºasts rºlescº.º.Aa eas: rºsairº-orº scº rºsa ºx. exaco . ~x.cºsº, iſ rºasa rºrº. rºenis ºw-re r<\s.r.º. as .cnas.\srºan-sin ~\a.rºhºse rºusančia sa.-arºurº-Am A^.arºsłe-Arºssrºa. ,&eas cº-ax. Also r^{-A cº-wrºss casas reacn o o O ->C\Ya >>ocus a rºtocra an x-A * = -ox. A shrew ao II rºasso ea aºrºrºx assº rºno.rº-Aso concion rºmacnºs rºsa acn rºaerºet-area. Axiarº eºrºa.rºss-a= a<\ scna six acrº rºsa i reacn = assoo. ººzoº, -eusº reis Aurºx\P, .*-aaa-asº stºrerºstrº-rºs-ºs.-ass a=as a M -aerº ºr a .zº èu=A-a-rºixx.a scnasabussex.rº rºoo..&ur-Ay-ass ~\\,\s scocês ea-such crºsosorºrºrºarº Mr*., arcas, ah -asſº st-ºnrºo .<\rºrºsa tºo rºsaaac A=axa rºaco Are rºas-a- anon ov-son aco rºsa acua enºn is ºn ASA also rºhr’s rºss teen-soº a ~aa a, enaa-, * * tº ~<\\ºp .*\\, rºocy, 10 sºon Acoaº Aarºaaa-ana-A Aare-hea -&A is **Man eaQC r^\a&u= xiated cº &lacn rºarºon ocn • *xº~...~ax A *a*A rºassa acavarºea rºuaix. A. acnecrºar rºos so seas eno rºicasa'irº rºusix eacn rºcès- eno rºicasa'irº rºusix A==x rºº • e o rºicasa'irºrºusix rºrº rºws A=== &lacn rºasa sa reacn rºaco rºarºon tº cos\, is ** ****-a=\aburº wa Acoaº crear-ºxº~. es.Acocu- ~x-aa-ra rºot tºo rava èusa abuz-rºw caseiasarºn resºrºr-rºacarºsy- esco saca Wº ºur-Macnasrºach sºr-ax-i-As rº-ison rear-Aso acoa A crº st-ºrºsièrºes r^ 3-oxa cave acoa, cº, i-arºa ºn rºot as *A*eas Saco vºus, a.º.º iss-A Mºsè. tan * *Arºn eV- Rºxxcunx acro rºot tºo cras so 21 ~\\sona, sav.Seco-ax-en-ax-rºahuarºs xx = r^-abus &lacna en rºcn onocný, ºn a i-arº rºaº r^x-rºxia as rº,isa ea is arºs rºsaua rºta Arºha *Ayah rºa&u= rºon reacn 28 • e o eas -cºrex-Sèbean A-rºus as co-ax. cºxaas rºaerºsas crºux. ea acoa es as was, is as Auerº ano *** **sa rº-ax rºarº-oº: *W*Vol.2"Vºok 2-ow, V-Visº. 2-Vºsu 2-ove 2 ov. Sºros "Eos Alows ºvº Alvº Alows ">ieves-ows V-Verve. > Vtrº-ows Wºol stol, *~~w-v-ow WoºseV woke-V-ows V-Eva EvºNWºw- tº keeW www->ow Wrºw--N **ow Wow- ov-ºwto Gºwwº re-V cº **ow V-tº->cºs' 2-ovº Nºw-r- or-- war-->lows N-ter- “-les-2-ows Vavr- carr- • Sww.” Sow->low Wowº wire. Alov Vºlº Wu-T wºr-ows V-tº- >eco- >ioW Wveola. *covitz 2-ove V-tº-v->“--> -ovº. • V-lay->iaº-ow Vºorsº ºveorsº-ow. >ows Nºssa. Arºss--ow V-E--->=~~ow. * >ow wVºtºs cº-wºo lºos- rves S- • ‘sociºlovº Vººr-ºr-2 love Wºo-c c<\º co-c >ow WRs tº “E =s**ow. Sve, cº-ºsovº • ‘stºwer-ow Nºrð- wºrs">ove wV-TV- Wºº-º-º-º-oxº~~~~~~ovº Nºrwe • rºok**ow. Wºº ovº- tº real, sº-ow Yºu've w-trivy cº- >ioWs Vºteok- ow-tºoto: a 1.2-c.com.auci cork >ows V-wrºtº-sworrºr-love vigºrowºcosºro’s carvº Escorto-c = to >otºwns" recºr” car' UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN , ، ، | | |- | |- . . , . , !