Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. 1794.
By the Lord Lieutenant General and
General Governor of Ireland.
THEREAS the feveral following Regu-
lations, Orders and Inftructions, divided
under the Heads of Accounts, Barrack-Regulations,
and Difcipline, having been collected and reviſed
purſuant to our Order, We do direct that the
fame be forthwith printed and publiſhed, and do
hereby Direct, That the fame be obſerved by His
Majefty's Army in this Kingdom.
Given at His Majefty's Caſtle of Dublin,
the 24th Day of June, 1789.
By His Excellency's Command,
Annual Regimental Accounts.
Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. 1794.
Adjutant General's Office,
1st July, 1794.
THE feveral Marginal Notes in Italic in
Pages 6 and 7, being the Alterations that have
taken Place in theſe Orders fince they were firſt
printed, are to be confidered and obeyed as the
Standing Orders of this Kingdom, in lieu of
the Paragraphs to which they bear a Reference.
By Order of the Commander in Chief,
Adjutant General.
By the Lord Lieutenant General
and General Governor of Ireland.
HEREAS at various Times fundry Orders have been iffued by
the Government of this Kingdom, relative to the Accounts of
the Regiments upon this Eſtabliſhment: And whereas it would be expe-
dient to confolidate into one general Order, fuch of thofe Orders as are
applicable to the prefent State of the Army, and the Regulations that
have lately taken Place refpecting it.
AND whereas His Majefty having been pleafed to fignify His Royal
Approbation of a Scheme which had been laid by Us before His Majelty,
for adding Two Companies to each of the Twenty-eight Battalions of
Foot upon the Eftablishment of this Kingdom, as alfo Two Serjeants at
an extra Pay of Six Pence per Diem each, and for arranging the Payment
of His Majefty's Army ferving in this Kingdom, and their feveral Al-
lowances in a Manner fimilar to that practifed in Great Britain. In Con-
fequence thereof the feveral Regiments of Dragoon-Guards, Dragoons
and Foct, were from the ft April, 1788, inclufive, placed on the Efta-
blifhment of this Kingdom, at the Numbers, Pay, and feveral Allowances
particularly mentioned in the annexed Statement.
AND whereas We have directed that the Payment of the feveral Al-
Jowances therein mentioned, be made in the following Manner, viz.
In the Regiments of Dragoon Guards.
The Allowance to the Colonel in Lieu of the Pay of Six Hautbois,
to be iffued to him Monthly along with his perfonal Subfiftence.
And in the Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons.
The Allowance to the Colonel in Lieu of the Subfiftence of One War-
rant Man per Troop, to be alfo iffued Monthly.
The Allowance for the Clothing of Twenty-four Warrant-Men, to be
iffued to the Colonel Half-Yearly.
The Allowance to the Agent of the Subfiftence of One Warrant-Man
per Troop, and the Amount of his Agency on the pay of Twenty-four
Warrant-Mcn, to be iffued Monthly with the Subfiftence.
The Allowance to the Captains in Lieu of their Stock Purſe Dividends,
to be iffued Half Yearly.
And the Allowances to the Paymafter, Surgeon, Riding-Mafter, and
for Farriery alfo, to be iffued Half-Yearly.
In thefe Regiments, as Proviſion is made for the Payment of the Pay-
Mafter, Surgeon, Riding-Mafter, and for Farriery, and that Money will
be iffued from Time to Time for the recruiting Service, no Deductions
will be made from the Pay of the Non-Commiffioned Officers and Privates
for Stock-Purſe, Pay-Mafter, Surgeon, Riding-Mafter, and Farriery, and
therefore no Allowance in Lieu of Regimental Deductions will be given,
nor no Vacancies will be allowed.
In the Regiments of Foot.
The Allowance of 12s. 2d. net, to each of the Privates, in Lieu of the
Deductions from their Pay for Poundage, Hofpital, and Pell Fees, will
'be iffued for the Effectives Quarterly, as at prefent.
The Allowance to the Colonel in Lieu of the Subfiftence of One War-
rant Man per Company, will be iffued Monthly with the Subfiitence.
The Allowance for the Clothing of Forty Warrant Men, will be iſſued
to the Colonel Half-Yearly.
The Allowance to the Agent of the Subfiftence of Ten Warrant Men,
and the Amount of his Agency on the Pay of Forty Warrant Men, will
be iſſued Monthly with the Subfiftence.
The Allowance to the Captains in Lieu of their Non-Effective Divi-
.dends and Contingent Men, will be iffued Half-Yearly.
And the Allowance to the Pay-Mafter and Surgeon will alſo be iffued
In theſe Regiments, as Proviſion is made for the Payment of the Pay-
Mafter and Surgeon, and Allowances provided for the Captains in Lieu
of their Contingent Men, no Deductions are to be made from the Pay of
the Non-Commiffioned Officers and Privates for Pay-Mafer and Surgeon,
and therefore the Allowance in Lieu of Deductions is only for the
Amount of the Deductions made from the Pay of the Private Men, for
Poundage, Hofpital, and Pell Fees, and no Contingent Men or Vacancies
are to be allowed.
And whereas the following Claufes have been inferted in the Act paffed
`laſt Seffion of Parliament in this Kingdom, for puniſhing Mutiny and
Deſertion, &c.
A Claufe directing Recruiting Officers every Two Months to tranfmit
an Abſtract of the Numbers recruited, &c. to the Adjutant-General and
to the Agent.
A Claufe
A Claufe directing the Pay-Mafter of every Regiment to tranſmit to
the Agent, every Two Months, an Account of Subfiftence actually paid
therein, and twice in every Year to tranfmit to the faid Agent the fe-
veral Accounts therein ſpecified.
A Claufe directing Agents to make up Annual Accounts of their ref-
pective Regiments, and tranfmit the fame to the Chief Secretary to the
Lord Lieutenant for the Time being.
And a Clauſe ſpecifying that Agents are not to be diſcharged from
making up fuch other Accounts as the Government of this Kingdom for
the Time being may require.
And for the more effectually carrying this Scheme into Execution,
We have been pleaſed to direct, that the Subfiftence for the Effectives
be iſſued Monthly in the following Manner.
From the Monthly Return for February (the new Arrangement having
taken Place from the 1st of April) an Eſtimate is to be formed of the
probable Amount of the Subfiftence of the Non-commiffioned Officers
and Privates of the different Regiments for the Month of April, and a
Warrant ftruck for the Amount, and fo on for each fucceeding Month,
according to the Monthly Returns laft received in the Office of the
Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of this Kingdom for the Time
And in order that the Estimates for the Monthly Subfiftence may be
made in ſufficient Time, We are pleaſed hereby to direct that the Monthly
Returns for the whole Army be regularly delivered by the Adjutant
General into the Military Department of our Chief Secretary's Office, on
or before the 16th Day of every Month; to enable him to do which, the
Commanding Officers of the feveral Regiments are to be particularly
careful that the Monthly Returns of their Regiments be fent up by the
firſt Poft after the first Day of each Month; and if the Poft Day happens
on the firſt, it muſt be then fent off on that Day.
We have alfo been pleaſed to direct, that Money be iffued every Six
Months for carrying on the Recruiting Service, by Warrants to be figned
by Us, in the ſtriking of which recourſe will be had to the Monthly Re-
turns as before, upon which a Judgment will be formed of the Numbers
wanting, and the Sums that may be neceffary for Recruiting for the en-
ſuing Six Months.
And We have alfo further directed, that Money be iffied every Six
Months to the feveral Agents upon Account of contingent Expences or
the ſeveral Regiments for the enfuing Six Months, which will be regu-
lated by the Amount of the commuted Allowances, and a ſmall Sum over
for cafual Contingencies.
We are pleaſed hereby to direct, that in making up the Agents' Annual
Regimental Accounts, before mentioned, the following Rules and Regula-
tions be obferved, viz.
That the faid Annual Accounts be made up according to the Forms
hereunto annexed for a Regiment of Dragoons and a Regiment of In-
fantry, and that the feveral particular Accounts to which it refers, and
which are to accompany and vouch the fame, be alfo regularly made up
and figned according to the,Forms hereunto annexed.
That in future there be no feparate Contingent Bill, but that in making
up the Contingent Account, the Amount of which is to be brought for
ward in, and make Part of the general Annual Account, the following
Directions be obſerved::
That in each Annual Contingent Account the feveral Articles be num-
bered, beginning with No. 1. in each Account, and that there be annexed
to the Account, together with the feveral Vouchers for the Expenditure,
a Paper, to be figned by the Commanding Officer, -containing Explanati-
ons, fhewing the Neceffity of each Article of Expence, and the Propriety
and Reaſonableneſs of the Charge.
That whenever Rent for Exercife-Fields are charged, the Time to which
the Sum charged pays the Rent be specified in the Account, as alfo the
Quarter where the Expence was incurred; and that there be always
annexed, befides.the Receipt for the Expenditure, a Certificate figned by
the Commanding Officer who enters into the Agreement for the Field,
fpecifying that it was the cheapeſt Terms on which a proper Field could
be obtained in that Quarter.
That whenever Exercising Grounds cannot be had for a Sum not
exceeding the Rate of Ten Pounds a Year, the Commanding Officer do
report to the Commander in Chief for the Information of Government
the Price demanded, and that he do not enter into any Agreement till he
fhall have firſt received the Approbation of Government.
That whenever it fhall be neceffary to draw Bills on Dublin for the
Subfiftence of the Regiment, on Account of there not being Money in the
Hands of the Collector on whom Acquittances for the Subfiftence fhall be
drawn, and that thereby a Charge for Diſcount fhall be incurred, Notice of
the Tranſaction be given by the Commanding Officer to the Under Secre-
tary for the Military Department, on the Day on which the Bills hall be
drawn, for the Information of Government; in which Notices muft be
fpecified the Amount of the Acquittances fo refuſed Payment, the Collec-
tion on which it was drawn, the Amount of the Bills drawn, with the
Diſcount paid thereon, and the Names of the Perfons in Dublin on whom
fuch Bills are drawn, as alfo the Name of the Drawer of the Bill, that
fuck Steps may be taken thereupon as the Government fhall judge
That on no Account any unuſual Charges, fuch as Carriage of Extra-
Ammunition, Gaol-Fees for Men accuſed of civil Offences and acquitted,
Hire of Guard Rooms, &c. &c. be made, without a previous Application
to Government, and an Order being obtained for fuch Charge, the Date
of fuch Order to be ſpecified in the Account.
( 5 )
And that the feveral commuted Allowances hitherto charged in the
Contingent Bills, viz.
​In the Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons.
For Poftage, Stationary, Straw for the Black-hole, Car-
tridge Paper, and Twine
Carriage of Baggage for Chaplain, Adjutant, and Sur-
geon, 2 Cars, at 21. 5s. each.
Agent's Allowance for Poſtage
Per Annum.
£. s. di
16 0 0
4 10
£.30 10
In the Regiments of Infantry.
Pir Annum.
S. d.
For Poftage, Stationary, Straw for the Black-hole, Car-
tridge Paper, and Twine
Carriage of Baggage for Staff Officers, viz. Chaplain,
Adjutant, Quarter-Mafter, Surgeon, and Mate, 3 Cars,
at 21. 5s. each
Allowance in Lieu of all Charges for Nurfes or Hoſpital
Expénces, and in Lieu of any Expenditure for Sick
Men or Sick Recruits
Major's Allowance for Carriage of Ammunition
Major's Allowance for Fire and Candle for Guards
Agent's Allowance for Poftage
50 0 0
6 15 0
30 0 0'
ο οι
£.115 15
amounting for a Regiment of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons to the
Sum of 30l. 10s. per Annum, and for a Regiment of Infantry to the Sum
of 1157. 155. per Annum, be continued, and in future charged in one
general Article; and that no further or other Charges be on any Pre-
tence made for any of the Services above ſpecified.
And We do further direct, that an additional Car be allowed for the
Purpoſe of tranſporting Hofpital Baggage, at the fame Rate as is now
allowed for the Carriage of Baggage of Staff Officers, viz. 21. 5s. per
Annum, which is to be a commuted annual Charge, and is to be made
and will be allowed in the Contingent Account of the Regiment; the
faid Allowance to take place from the fft Day of July 1788 inclufive.
( 6 )
This Order is
15th Feb.
Sum allowed
for the Coft
of a Dragoon
Horfe is en-
creaſed to
This Order is
With Refpect to the Recruiting Accounts of the feveral Regiments,
the following Directions are to be obſerved:
That in the Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons Three
Pounds Eight Shillings British, and no more, fhall be allowed to a Re-
cruiting Officer for each Man recruited by him, out of which Sum no
more than One Guinea and a Crown fhall be given to the Recruit; but
no Charge whatſoever is to be admitted on Account of Recruits who
may defert before they join the Regiment.
That no Recruiting Officer fhall be allowed Credit for Levy Money of
any Recruits who fhall not be approved of by the Commanding Officer of
each Regiment refpectively, but their Subfiftence he fhall be allowed;
The Recruiting Fund fhall be charged with the real Expence of all Re-
cruits who may die before they join the Regiment, provided the Day of
their Death and the exact Bounty Money given them be certified by the
Recruiting Officer on the Back of the Atteftation.
That all Subfillence iffued to Recruits before they join the Regiment
fhall be charged feparately from the Levy Money.
That in the Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons no more
than Twenty-two Guineas, and in the Regiments of Light Dragoons
no more than Twenty Guineas fhall be given for each Horfe, and the
Horfes to be delivered at Chefter for the above Sums without any Ad-
ditional Expence being incurred.
That the Charge incurred for Paffage and travelling Expences until
the Horſes join the Regiment fhall be charged in a ſeparate Article, and
the fame vouched by the Field Officer who ſigns the Account, in the fol-
lowing Form, viz.
"I do hereby Certify, that I have examined the above Charge, and
that the fame is fair and exact, and that the particular Sums therein men-
tioned have been really expended in bringing Recruit Horfes from Cheſter,
(or elſewhere as the Cafe may be,")" to the Regiment at" mentioning
the Quarter where the Regiment received the Horfes.
In the Recruiting Accounts of the Regiments of Infantry.
No more than Three Guineas and an Half fhall be allowed to any
Recruiting Officer for each Man recruited by him, out of which Sum
no more than One Guinea and an Half fhall be given to each Recruit,
but no Charge whatever is to be admitted on Account of Recruits who
may defert before they join the Regiment.
No Recruiting Officer fhall be allowed Credit for the Levy Money of
any Recruits who hell not be approved of by the Commanding Officer of
the Regiment, but their Subfiftci ce he fhall be allowed; and the Recruiting
Accounts fhall be charged with the real Expence of all the Recruits who
may die before they join the Regiment, provided the Day of their Death
and the exact Bounty Money given them be certified by the Recruiti
Officer on the Back of the Atteftation.
All Subfiſtence given to Recruits before they join the Regiment ſhall
be charged ſeparately from the Levy Money.
31st January
1794. Re-
becruits to be
taken on the
Strength of
And as from the Mode of iffuing Monthly Subfiftence now adopted,
many Difficulties might arife if the Subfiftence iffued fhould not be
found to correſpond with the Numbers actually upon the Strength of
the Regiment during the Month for which fuch Subfiftence fhall have
been iffued, it will be neceffary that the Accounts of the Expences at-
tending the Recruiting Service, as alfo the Subfiftence of Recruits pre-
vious to their being placed to Troops or Companies, fhould be kept as
diſtinct as poffible from the Accounts of the Subfiftence of the Men ac-
tually upon the Strength of their reſpective Regiments. We do hereby
direct that in future the Subfiftence of the Recruits, which ſhall have
been raiſed in the Courſe of the Month of April and May fhall not
returned on the Pay Account of the Regiment until the laſt Day of
May, nor the Recruits be put upon' the Strength of the Regiment until
that Day; and the fame Rule is to be obſerved with respect to the Re-
cruits raiſed in the Courſe of every two fucceeding Months, who are
not to be placed upon the Strength of the Regiments, nor their Subfiftence
charged in the Pay Account until the laſt Day of every Second Month.
The Subfiftence of fuch Recruits during the Intervals to be charged in
the Account of Expences attending the Recruiting Service. And at the
End of every Two Months fuch Recruits as can poffibly join by that
Day are to be brought to the Regiment, and be placed upon the
Strength of the fame and returned as fuch.
We are alſo further pleaſed to direct, That the Commanding Officers of
the ſeveral Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons do in future
take Care that Two Horfes per Troop only be caft Yearly after the Reviews,
and that in the Event of Vacancies which may have happened by Horſes
dying, the Two per Troop be not caft in Addition, but fuch a Number
only as will leave but 12 Vacancies of Horfes after the Reviews, unleſs in
Cafes of very particular Neceffity, of which a Report is firft to be made
to Government and their Approbation had.
Alfo, That all Caft Horfes from the feveral Regiments be fold in Dub-
lin by Auction, where they are to be fent under the Care of a Quarter Maf
ter immediately after the Reviewing General fhall approve of their being
Caft, and that they be kept upon the Strength of the Regiment until
fold; Routes will be iffued for the March of the Horfes to Dublin.
And the feveral Reviewing Generals are to be particularly attentive that
this Order be ſtrictly obeyed, and that no Horfes even to the Number al-
lowed be Caf., unleſs ſuch as they fhall deem abſolutely unfit through Age
or Infirmity for. His Majefty's Service, nor are they to approve of the
Difcharge of any Man either in the Dragoons or Infantry whom they
hall not deem to be really and truly unfit for Service.
It is to be obſerved, That the rft Day of April is hereafter to be the
Commencement of the Military Year, and the Feriod to which all the
Military Accounts before mentioned are to be made up.
the Regiments
every Month.
and not every
( 8.)
​We are alſo pleaſed hereby to direct that the following Rules and Re-
gulations be obferved with regard to the Lodging Money and Accounts
for Lodgings for the feveral Regiments belonging to the Eftablishment
of this Kingdom, viz.
That as early as poffible in the Months of January, April, July, and
October, the Commanding Officer of each Regiment do collect from the
feveral Quarters of his Corps, the Demands of the Officers of his Regi-
ment to defray the Expence of their Lodgings for want of Barracks or
Rooms in Barracks for Three Months ending the laſt Day of the preced-
ing Month inclufive, fuch Demands to be ſtated at the following Rates,
viz. In Dublin for each Field Officer and Captain Eight Shillings per
Week, and for each Subaltern and Staff Officer Seven Shillings per Week,
and in every other Town for cach Field Officer and Captain Five Shillings.
per Week, and for each Subaltern and Staff Officer Three Shillings and
Six Pence per Week, which Rates and no more are to be allowed, be the
real Charges to ſuch Officers more or leſs.
That no Demand be made nor Allowance for Lodging Money paid to
ary Officer during fuch Time as he ſhall be abfent from Quarters, either
by Licenfe or without Leave, nor for any greater Number of Officers in
any Quarter than what remained unprovided with Rooin in Barracks
(where there are Barracks) after every habitable Room therein fhall be
Occupied by an Officer in the Regiments of Cavalry, and in the Infantry
by a Field Officer or Captain, or by Two Subalterns or Staff Officers.
That as foon as fuch Demands fhall be fo collected in the Months of
January, April, July, and October as aforefaid. by. the Commanding
Officers of the feveral Regiments refpectively, each of them is to examine
the fame carefully, and prepare and ſign an Abſtract of the whole, which
Abftract they are to tranfmit within the Months of January, April, July,
and October, to the Commiffioners of the Barracks in Dublin, together
with the faid Demands of the refpective Officers froin whom the Officers.
are to receive Payment for their Lodgings.
And from henceforth the Officers of the Army are not to be obliged
to afcertain upon Oath their Demands upon the Accounts aforefaid, but
the Commanding Officers of the feveral Corps are reſpectively to be an.
fwerable to Government that no Demand be inferted in ther Abſtracts,
and fo certified by them, that fhall not appear to be proper and conform-
able to the Rules hereby preſcribed.
And whereas the Act of Parliament for punifing. Mutiny and Defer- -
tion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters, now
in Force in this Kingdom, has prefcribed the Manner of quartering His
Majefty's Army, and the Rates of Payment for Lodgings; in order the
more effectually to carry the faid Act into Execution, We do hereby direct,
that the following Rules and Regulations be obferved, viz.
The Quarter-Mafier General is at the Beginning of every Three Months -
to prepare and deliver in, to be laid before Us, an Eltimate of the Sums
neceflary to be advanced to each Regiment for the defraying the Expence
of the Lodging for the Men and Stabling for the Horfes for the following
3 Months
( 9 )
3 Months, upon which the neceffary Orders for the Payment of the Money
to the reſpective Agents will be figned, who will remit the fame as it may
be neceffary to the feveral Regiments, to enable the Commanding Officers
to make the Monthly Payments, as directed by the Act of Parliament;
and the ſeveral Regiments are, as at prefent, to fend up their Quarterly
Accounts, according to the Form hereunto annexed, (which Accounts are
to be figned by the Commanding Officer at each ſeparate Quarter, and
fworn to by him before a Magiſtrate) to the Quarter-Mafter General's Office,
where they are to be examined and ſtated, and upon fuch Examination the
Money already advanced, and the Balance, on which ever Side it may lie,
whether on the Part of Government or the Regiment, will be confidered in
the following Eftimate; and the Quarter-Mafter General is to finally clofe
and ſtate the annual Account of each Regiment up to the 31ft Day of
December in each Year inclufive, as ſoon after that Day as may be, and
deliver the fame into our Chief Secretary's Office to be laid before Us,
upon which Statement Orders will be iſſued for paying into, or receiving
from the Treaſury the Balances that ſhall appear to be due either to or
from each refpective Regiment.
It is to be obſerved, that when Regiments are divided in feparate Quar-
ters, the Quarterly Returns for Lodgings and Stabling before mentioned,
are to be ſent as foon after the End of the Quarter as may be, to the
Head Quarters of the Regiments, from whence the Commanding Officer
is to tranſmit them with all poffible Expedition to the Quarter-Maſter Ge-
neral's Office; and the Regiments are further to take Notice, that until
thofe Quarterly Accounts fall be received, the Eſtimate for the Advance
neceffary for the enfuing Quarter cannot be made up.
The Accounts before mentioned are to be examined and compared by
the Quarter-Maſter General with the Monthly Returns, and the Dates of
Routes, and Lodging Money, is to be allowed only for the effective Num-
bers preſent, from the different Periods of Mens joining or leaving the
Quarters. Such as are recruiting or on permanent Command will be de-
ducted; nor is Lodging Money to be allowed for ſuch Men as belong to
Companies in Barracks, and may be brought to Head or other Quarters of
the Regiment, without the Authority of Government or of the Commander
in Chief.
When in the fame Town Part of a Regiment is in Barracks, and Part
in Quarters, the Barracks are always to be kept full, and Lodging Money
is to be allowed for the Remainder only; where more than one Regi-
ment is in the fame Quarter, the Commanding Officer of the Garriſon is
to take Care that the Barracks (if any) be properly divided, and filled
before Billets are demanded for the remaining Numbers.
At the End of each Quarter, or before any Regiment, or Part of it
marches from a Town where they have been quartered on the Inhabi-
tants, the Lodging Accounts are always to be made up previous to the
March, to be figned by the Civil Magiftrate and Commanding Officer at
the Quarters, and then tranfmitted to the Commanding Officer of the
Regiment, who is to fend up the whole Account of the Regiment to the
Agent at each Quarterly Period.
( 10 )
When Dragoon Horfes are furniſhed by the Inn-keepers or Inhabitants
in Quarters, no Charge for the Stabling of fuch Horfes ought to be made,
or will be allowed.
In the Lodging Accounts of the feveral Regiments, the following
Charges for Lodgings are allowed, being according to the Act of Par-
S Serjeant of Dragoons or Foot
2 Corporal, Drummer, Trumpeter, or Private
Serjeant of Dragoons or Foot
per Week.
s. d.
Corporal, Drummer, Trumpeter, or Private
Stabling, Officers or Private of the Cavalry, each
0 4
There will be further allowed in the faid Accounts the following Charges.
For Guard and Store Room.
per Week.
S. d.
Each Troop
Each Company
And the following additional Charges will alfo be allowed to the Ca
valry when quartered on Towns, to enable them to provide Hay-Yard,
Hay-Houfe, Straw-Houfe, and Oat-Store.
When a Troop is fingle
When Two Troops are quartered together, each
When more than Two Troops are together, each
per Week.
s. d.
I 3
When any Part of the Cavalry are quartered upon Towns, Stabling
-for fuch Officers Horſes only as are effective, and actually preſent at each
Quarter, will be allowed according to the following Regulation, viz.
7 Horfes
254 2 2 2 2 =
Each Officer may have Horſes to the Extent of the Numbers above-
mentioned, but the actual effective Number of Horfes only are to be
charged, and will be allowed in the Lodging Accounts.
.( II
And the Commanding Officer of each Regiment before he figns and
tranfmits the Quarterly Account, is to take Care that nò improper Charge
be inſerted.
With Refpect to Recruits and Recruiting Parties, their Lodging Money
will be allowed, and is to be charged at the ufual Rates in the Accounts to
be made up by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, and paffed by
the Quarter-Mafter General; and there is to be annexed to the fame as a
Voucher, a Certificate of the principal Magiftrate of the Town where fuch
Party may be ſtationed, of the Sums due to the Inhabitants for Lodgings
where the fame can be had, fuch Certificates to ſpecify the Number of
Recruits, and of the Recruiting Party, and the Period during which they
occupied the Lodgings; or where fuch Certificates cannot be had, Returns
are to be made from the Recruiting Officers to their respective Command-
ing Officers, ſpecifying the Number of Men for whom Billets were given,
and the Time when, and the Place where they occupied the Lodgings;
and fuch Returns are to be ſtrictly examined by the refpective Command-
ing Officers, and certified by them to the Quarter-Mafter General at the
End of every Quarter, according to the following Form, viz.
"I do hereby certify, that I have attentively and ſtrictly examined the
Charges hereunto annexed, together with the Certificates, and other
Vouchers explanatory of the fame, and am convinced that the feveral.
Expences are fairly and juftly incurred."
Officers upon the Recruiting Service belonging to Regiments upon the
Eſtabliſhment of this Kingdom, are to be allowed Lodging Money while
on that Service, when not accommodated in Barracks, in the fame Man-
ner and under the fame Rules and Regulations as other Officers.
As many Inconveniencies and Delays arife from the Regiments tranf-
mitting their Accounts and Demands for Money to the feveral Offices,
without paffing through the Medium of their refpective Regimental
Agents, whereby they are often unapprized of, and unable to folicit the
Payment of fuch Demands; We do hereby direct, that all Accounts and
Demands whatever for Money, which is to be ultimately received by the
Agent for the Ufe of the Regiment, be incloſed to him, and by him are to
be delivered to the feveral Boards or Officers refpectively; and in cafè Re-
giments fhould neglect at the ſtated and proper Periods to fend in their Ac-
counts for Lodgings, Extra Pay, &c. the Agent is immediately to write
to the Commanding Officer of fuch Regiment, to remind him of fending
up the neceffary and proper Accounts, that the whole Accounts of the
Army may not be ftopped for the Remiffneſs of any Individual, and the
Agent is to keep Copies of all Accounts delivered, in order that he may be
thereby cnabled to take every proper Step for procuring fpcedy Payment.
We do further direct, that in future the Regiments do mention on the
Back of their Monthly Returns to what Time they have received, and what
is due to them, or nearly fo. On
Lodging Money for Officers.
( 12 ).
"Lodging Money for Non-Commiffioned Officers and Men.
Extra Pay in Lieu of Stoppages.
Firing and Candles (if any) due by the Barrack Board for Troops
<quartered on Towns.
And any other Demands they may have on Government, not included
under the above Heads.
Commanding Officers and Agents of the feveral Regiments in this King-
'dom, are to take particular Care to lay before Government all Claims and
Demands for Money on Account of their reſpective Corps, as foon as pof-
fible after the Sums to be claimed fhall become due, and unleſs all Appli-
cations for Payment thereof be made within the Year, fuch Demands will
not be received or paid.
"The Commanding Officers of the feveral Regiments in this Kingdom,
are not at any Time to iffue Orders which may induce Expences which
are ultimately to be defrayed by Government, without repreſenting
through the Commander in Chief the Neceffity of the fame, and receiving
the Approbation of Government thereupon.
AND We do hereby direct and require, That all the foregoing Rules
and Regulations be ftrictly obferved by the feveral Perfons concerned
Given at His. Majefty's Caftle of Dublin, the 8th Day of
January, 1789.
·By His Excellency's Command,
[ 14 ]
The 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Regiments of DRAGOON GUARDS, each 6 Troops.
¡ 'Colonel and Captain
Lieutenant Colonel and Captain
11 Major and Captain
» Adjutant
I Surgeon
3 Captains
Pay per Diem.
Pay per Annum•
£I I
£ 571 16 8
19 4
352 16 8
17 4
316 6 8
6 8
121 13 4
4 0
4 0
per Diem.
each Lo 12 A
I 17
2 3
3 0
6 2
I 10
I 17 0
I 4 0
0 16
I 2
675 5
784 15 0
675 5 0
438 0
292 0
401 10 0
182 TO
6 Lieutenants, including Capt. Lieut.
$6 Cornets
6 Quarter Maſters
(6 Serjeants
12 Corporals
6 Trumpeters
14 Privates, mounted
6 Privates, difmounted
I 8
1 6
8 II
3,120 15
0 6 3
114 1 3
£22 8 11
£8,192 14 7
To Ditto, the Subfiftence of 1 Warrant Man, per Troop, at
164 50
diem III Ò II
"To the Colonels of the above Regiments, the full Pay of 6 Hautbois, at 18. 6d. each per diem
Lo o 11 each
To Ditto, the net Clothing of 24 Warrantmen, at
per diem for each 139 11 3
To the Agent the Subfiftence of 1 Warrantman per Troop, at Lo o 11 50 each per diem
To Ditto, the Amount of his Agency on the Pay of 24 Warrantmen at £4 5 2 net per annum
To 6 Captains the Amount of their Stock Purſe Dividends each at £30 net per annum
To the Paymafter, at the Rate of 5s. net per annum, from each Serjeant, Corporal, Trumpeter,
and Private
To the Surgeon, at the Rate of 4s. net per annum from ditto
To the Riding-Mafter, at the Rate of 11s. 8d. net per annum from ditto
For the Farriery of this Regiment, at the Rate of One Halfpenny per diem net, from each Serjeant,
4 10 14
190 9 6
38 I II
30 9 61
88 17 94
115 17 52
171 MenTotal of one Regiment
£9,186 18 111
The 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, and 18th Regiments of Dragoons at the fame Num-
bers, with the Addition of 6 Hautbois, at rs. 6d. each per diem, making in each Regiment 177 Men,
and the fame Allowances as for the Regiment before fpecified, except the Allowance to the Colonel in
Lieu of the Pay of Hautbois.
[ 15 ]
The Ift Battalion of the ROYALS, the 13th, 15th, 16th, 20th, 21ft, 24th, 27th,
28th, 43d, 46th, 47th, 51ft, 56th, 58th, 61ft, 62d, 63d, 64th, 69th, and
70th Regiments, each confifting of 10 Companies.
I Colonel and Captain
1 Lieutenant Colonel and Captain
1 Major and Captain
1 Chaplain
1 Adjutant
1 Quarter Mafter
1 Surgeon
I Mate
7 Captains
12 Lieutenants, including Capt. Lieut.
8 Enfigns
per Diem.
each at Lo 10
4 8
0 3 8
Pay per Diem.
Pay pér Annum.
£ 456 5 0
17 O
310 5 0
273 15 0
6 8
121 13 4
4 0
4 0
3 6
3 JO
2 16 o
I 9 4
0 4 0
22 Serjeants
30 Corporals
12 Drummers and Fifers
370 Private Men
0 0 8
12 6 8
0 12 O
73 0
85 3
63 17 6
1277 10 O
1022 0
535 6 8
547 10 O
547 10 O
469 Men
£ 27 17 10
4501 13 4
£10,180 9 2
An Allowance of 12s. 2d. net per annum to each of the above 370 Private Men, to make good to
them the prefent Deductions from their Pay of Poundage, Hofpital, and Pell Fees, &c.
To the Colonel the Subfiftence of 1 Warrantman per Company, at 4d. net per diem for each of the 10
To Ditto, in Lieu of the Clothing of 40 Warrantmen at 1d. net for each per diem
To the Agent in Lieu of 10 Warrantmen (1 per Company) at 4d. net per diem for each
To Ditto, in Lieu of his Agency on the Pay of 40 Warrantmen, at £3 o 10 net per annum
To Ic Captains in Lieu of their Non-effective Dividends, at £20 net each per annum
To to Ditto, in Lieu of their Contingent-men's Pay at £18 5 o net each per annum
To the Paymaster, in Lieu of his Allowances of 2d. per Week from each Serjeant, Corporal,
Drummer and Fifer, and of id. per Week from each Private Man, the Sum of
£54 1 11 5714 net per annum
To the Surgeon the fame in Licu of his fimilar Allowances
59 Men
238 3 8
64 7 54
104 5 8/1/2
64 7 5/2/
3 4 4 2/
211 12 94
2 544
57 4 11
57 4 I
£11,174 3 0
To Subfiftence of Effective Commiffioned and Warrant Officers,
including Agent's Allowance, from 1ft April, 17 to zifl
March, 17 as per State, No. 1.
`Pay of Effective Non-commiffioned Officers, Privates, and
Horſes, from rft October, 17
to 30th September, 17
as per State, No. 2.
Pay of Ditto, from 1ft April, 17
to 31st March, 17
No. 3.
Allowances to Captains, Paymafter, Surgeon, and Riding
Mafter, from 1ft April, 17
to 31st March, 17
as per
States, No. 4 and 5.
Contingencies, per Account, No. 6.
Expences attending the Recruiting, as per Account, No.
Levy Money for Horfes
Other Expences on this Service
Deduct for aft Horſes, as per State, No. 8.
7, viz.
Arrears of Effective, Commiffioned, and Warrant Officers,
from 1ft April, 17 to 31st March, 17 including Agency,
as per State, No. 1.
Fees of Debenture and Clearing Warrants
June, 17
(Signed by the Agent)
( 19 )
10% } %
By Caſh received on Account of Subfiftence, from 1ft April, 17 to
31st March, 17 per 12 Warrants.
Allowance to Captain, Pay-Mafter, Surgeon, and Riding-Maſter
Cafh received on Account of Contingencies, per Governments Order of
Caſh received on Account of Recruiting, per Governments Order of
This Account is finally fettled at the Impreft Office-certified
to the War Office; and Clearing Warrants are then iffued from the
War Office, directing the Balances due to the Regiments to be
paid to them.
( 21 )
No. 1.
STATE of Subfiftence and Arrears for the Effective Commiffioned
and Warrant Officers of His Majefty's Regiment of Dragoons;
including the Agent's Allowance and Agency, from 1ft April, 17
to 31st March, 17
Lt. Colonel
Qua. Maſters
Each by Name
No. of
Subfiftence. Arrears.
From ift Apr. 17, to 31ft Mar. 17
365 £.
Each for the whole Time, or for his
broken Periods.
Agents Allowance from 1ft April, 17
to 31st March, 17
Agency, from Do. to Do.
(Signed by the Agent.)
No. 2.
Regiment of Dragoons.
Return of Effective Non-Commiffioned Officers, Private Men, and
Horſes, from ift April, 17. to 30th September, 17 with
an Account of Subfiftence by Paymafter.
N. B. The Serjeants are
detailed in the fame Ivanner Serjeants
as the Corporals.
10 From 1ft April, to 30th Sept.
1 From
to 7th May (Diſcharged)
1 From
to 24th April (Promoted Serjeant)
1 From
C. H.
each at
182 - 6:
8th April to 24th June (Appointed)
N. B. The Trumpeters, Private, Trumpeters each at
Men and Horſes, are detailed, with
the Cauſes of the broken Periods in Private Men each at
the fame Manner as the Corporals.
each at
( 22 )
No. 3.
Is exactly fimilar to No. 2, and made up for the Half-Year, from the
to 31st March, 17
ift Q&tober, 17
N. B. Thefe Accounts are examined,
and correſpond with the Mufter Rolls taken
Thefe Two Accounts, No. 2, and 3, are fign-
every 6 Months. It is found better thated by the Commanding Officer, Adjutant, and
they ſhould be ftated every 6 Months,
than every 2 Months, which is directed Paymafter of the Regiment.
by the Act.
No. 4, and 5.
Account of Allowances to Captains, Paymafter, Surgeon, and Ri-
ding-Mafter, and for Farriery, from 1ft April, 17
March, 17
to 31
and Allowance in Lieu of the Clothing of War-
rant Men, each for Half a Year.
6 Captains
Riding Mafter
For Farriery
Allowance for the Clothing of Warrant Men
No. 6.
( 23 )
No. 6.
Contingent Account of the
1st April, 17
Regiment of Dragoons, from
, to 31st March, 1
£ 16 9, •
No. I.
Allowance for Stationary, &c. from
2. Carriage of Baggage for Chaplain,
2 Cars, at 42. 55. each,
3. Carriage of Hoſpital Baggage,
4. Rent of an Exercifing Field at
5. Carriage of Ammunition, from
6. Ordnance Fees on
Adjutant, and Surgeon,
Adjutant, and Surgeon, }
Ammunition Warrants
7. Hire of Guard Rooms on the March, from
- to
ment's Order of
8. Mufter-Office Fees on
allowed to be charged per Govern-
Subfiftence Warrants,
on Half-Yearly Warrants,
Agency on the above Bill, at 6d. per £.
Agent's Allowance for Poſtage,
Signed by the Agent.
4 50
10 O
No. 7.
( 24 )
Recruiting Accounts of the
April, 17
No. 7.
Regiment of Dragoons, from 1ft
to 31st March, 17
N. B. This Account is
accompanied by the Re-
gimental Accounts as a
Voucher which particu-
larizes the Recruits and
the Periods fubfifted for,
Recruit Horſes at £
each £
Levy Money for
Expence of Do. till joined,
Levy Money for
Recruit Men at f
alſo the Bounty and Sub- | Subfiftence to Recruits before joining the Regiment
fiftence paid to diſcharg-
ed and `recommended
Men, and the Particulars
Subfiſtence to Recruits not approved of
of Expence attending De- Bounty Money to diſcharged Men
Thefe Accounts
figned by the Command.
ing Officer and Paymaf
Subfiftence to Invalids recommended to Kilmainham
Expences attending Deſerters
Fees of Beating Order, and 24 Copies
(Signed by the Agent.)
No. 8.
Is a particular Account of the Sale of each Caft Horſe, and from
which is deducted the Expence of Advertiſing, Auction, &c.
Signed by Commanding Officer and Paymafter.
General State of Publick Accounts from
To Pay of the Commiffioned Officers, from 25th December 1785,7 £
to 24th December 1786
No. 1-9
Ditto of Non-commiffioned Officers and Privates,
Allowances to Captains, Pay-Maſter, and Surgeon,
Poundage, per Amount thereof,
Contingent Account Ditto
Recruiting Account Ditto
Arrear Account Ditto
Fees of Debentures and Clearing Warrants,
25th December 1785, to 24th December 1786.
By Caſh received from Paymafter General on Account of Subfiftence
of the Regiment
Ditto Allowance to Captains, &c.
Ditto Poundage
Ditto Contingencies
Ditto Recruiting
Balance due to the Agents
(Signed by the Agent)
This Account is finally fettled at the Impreft Office.-Certified'
to the War-Office, and Clearing Warrants are thereupon iffued from
the War-Office, directing the Palances duc to the Regiments to be
paid to them.
( 295
No. 1---9.
Pay Account of Officers, from 1ft April, 17; to 31ſt March, 17
N. B. Contains a Detail of the Subfiftence and Arrears 7.
of each Officer for the whole Time, or for the broken Period,
and alſo the Agent's Pay as Subfiftence. This is accompanied
by the correfponding Lift tranfmitted from the Regiment.
No. 2---3-
Return of Pay for the Effective Non-commiffioned Officers, Drummers,
Fifers, and Private Men belonging to His Majefty's
from 1st April, 17
to 30th September, 17
N. B. This is a Half-yearly Account, tranfmitted from the Regiment,
of the Pay iffued to Effectives. Thoſe for the whole Period are given in
the Aggregate of their Ranks. Thoſe for broken Periods are each
particularly diſtinguiſhed, and by Name.
No. 4.
Account of Allowances to Captains, Surgeon, and Paymafter,
and in Lieu of the Clothing of Warrant Men.
N. B. Thefe Allowances are ftated agreeable to the Eftablishment,
No. 5, and 6.
( 30 )
No. 5, and 6.
Return of Poundage due to the Private Men of His Majefty's
Regiment, from
N. B. This is a Half-yearly Account tranfmitted from the Regiment,
arranged by Companies; each Man's Name expreffed, the Time from
and to-both for whole and broken Periods.
Contingent Account of the
1st April, 17
No. 7.
Regiment of Foot, from the
to the 31st March, 17
No. 1. For Poſtage, Stationary, Straw for the Black Hole, Cartridge Pa-
per, and Twine,
2. Carriage of Baggage for Staff Officers, viz. Chaplain, Adjutant,
Quarter-Maker, Surgeon, and Mate, 3 Cars, at 2. 5s. each,
3. Carriage of Hoſpital Baggage,
Allowance in Lieu of all Charges for Nurfes or Hofpital Expences,
and in Lieu of any Expenditure for Sick Men, or Sick Recruits,
4. }
5. Major's Allowance for Carriage of Ammunition,·
6. Major's Allowance for Fire and Candle for Guards,
7. Rent of an Exercising Field at
8. Ordnance Fees on
9. Mufter-Office Fees on
11. Ferryage of
Ammunition Accounts,
Subfiftence Accounts,
Half-Yearly Do.
Men, with their Baggage, from
allowed, per Government's Order of
Agency on the above Bill, at 6 per Cent.
Agent's Allowance for Poſtage,
£ 50 。。
6 15
2.5 0
10 0 0
Signed by Agent.
( 31 )
No. 8.
Recruiting Accounts, from ft April, 17
N. B. The Names and Periods
of thoſe Payments are ſpecified,
and Vouchers attend them.
N. B. The Names and Particulars
attending theſe Deferters are fpeci-
fied, and Vouchers attend them.
, to 31st March, 17
Amount of the Half-yearly Regimental
Recruiting Account from ift April, } £
17 , to 30th September, 17
Ditto, from 1ft October, 17
31st March, 17
Subfiftence advanced diſcharged Men
Subfiftence to Invalids recommended to
Subfiftence paid Deſerters
Further Subfiftence paid for Deſerters
Agents for Deferters Expences paid on
Jthe following Deſerters,
Paid for Beating Order, and
Copies £
(Signed by Agent.)
​N. B. The Regimental Half-Yearly Accounts ſtate the Name of each Recruit-
ing Officer. The Name of each Recruit. Time paid from. Time paid to. Sub-
fiftence. Levy-Money. Total Amount. The Recruits raiſed within the Half-
year, and from whom Levy-Money is charged, are diſtinguiſhed in each Offi-
cers Party, by the Figures 1, 2, 3, &c. from thoſe of the former Half-year,
who may be continued on the Subfiftence Column.
Theſe Regimental Half-yearly Accounts, figned by the Commanding Officer,
Adjutant, and Paymafter, attend the Agent's Account as Vouchers.
( 32 )
No. 9.
Arrear Account
N. B. This Account is agreeable to the Particulars
expreffed in the State of Pay and Arrears
No. 10.
N. B. This Charge is according to the former
allowed Rate of Agency.
The above are the particular Accounts, which are neceffary to attend,
and vouch the annual Account of a Regiment of Foot.
ACCOUNT of LODGING MONEY and STABLING due for 2 Troops of the
Regiment of DRAGOONS, Quartered on the Town of
Weeks orDays
for one Man 1. s. d.
or Horſe.
1 Serjeant
1 April 1778 30 June
о 0 13 0
30 Trump's. and Rank and File
9 15
3 Rank and File
1 May
- 8
í April
20 Troop
3 Troop
1 May
0 13 0
Ï 10
4 6
17 6 91
1 Serjeant
Men {33 Rank and File
1 April
30 June
0 13
4 6
Captain D'.
177 3
6 Officers
21 Troop
1 6 0
2 Troop
20 April
8 2
Guard and Store Room for 2 Troops
1 April
30 June 13 Weeks
B, C. Mayor.
P. D. Captain
I 19 0
£ 36 13 04/
35 )
ACCOUNT of LODGING MONEY due for 2 Companies of the
Regiment of FOOT, Quartered on the Town of
Weeks and
Days for
one Man. 7. s.
3 Serjeants
1 April 1778 30 June
0 1 19 0
60 Drummers and Rank and File
19 10 0
> 24 I 3
1 Serjeant
1 May
。 8 84
10 Rank and File
2 3 6 3 J
f 4 Serjeants
1 April
30 June
52 0
2 12 01
69 Rank and File
22 8 6
26 2 312
5 Rank and File
1 May
1 1 912
Guard and Store Room for 2 Companies from
1 April
30 June
13 Weeks
A. B. Mayor.
P. D. Captain
I 6 0
£ 51 961/
Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to the King's Moſt Excellent Majefty. 1794.
By the Lord Lieutenant General
and General Governor of Ireland.
OR the better Regulation of the feveral Barracks in this Kingdom,
and for the Direction and Information of the Barrack Mafters, Con-
tractors, Officers and Soldiers, We do hereby for His Majeſty's Service
direct the following Orders to be ftrictly obeyed.
ift. Every Barrack Maſter ſhall upon Notice from the Barrack Office,
or on Production of the Route by which the Troops are ordered to march,
attend the Arrival of fuch Troop or Company as fhall be ordered to
quarter in any Barrack within his Diftrict, and having with the Com-
manding Officer (or fuch Officer as he ſhall appoint) viewed the Condition
of the faid Barrack, and every Room therein, with the Bedding, Furni-
ture and Utenſils thereto belonging, fhall deliver the fame to fuch Officer
by Inventory under his Hand, ftating the particular Condition thereof,
Two Duplicates whereof are to be figned by the Commanding Officer and
returned to the Barrack Mafter, One of which he is to tranfinit to the
Secretary of the Barrack Board, within Fourteen Days at fartheft, after
the Arrival of the Troops at each Quarter, and from the Time of fuch De-
livery by Inventory, the Commanding Officer is to ftand charged with the
faid Barrack Furniture and Utenfils, until fuch Troop or Company ſhall
be relieved or ordered away; and the like Method is to be obferved by both
Officer and Barrack Mafter upon every Relief or Removal, and if upon
View and Examination it fhall be found, that after every proper Allow-
ance is made for Tear and Wear, any Damage has been wilfully done to the
Buildings or any Part thereof, or that any of the Bedding or Furniture
hath been abuſed, embezzled or deftroyed, either wilfully or by Neglect,
the Barrack Maſter ſhall then form a true Eſtimate of the Expence of mak-
ing good the Damage, which if not immediately paid, fhall be verified
by the Affidavit of the Barrack Mafter, and returned to the Commiffioners
of the Barracks, who fhall tranfmit a Copy of the faid Eftimate to the
Officer concerned, and ſhall require his Anfwer thereto within Fourteen
Days.-If faid Anfwer ſhall not be to them fatisfactory, and that upon
full Examination it ſhall appear to them, that Injury has been done (after
every proper Allowance for Tear and Wear) to the Building, Bedding
and Furnicure; the Board are to certify the Amount of the Expence, for
making good the faid Injury to the Muſter Maſter General, in order that
he may cheque the fame in the next clearing Warrants of thoſe Regi-
ments; and the Board is alfo upon the fame Day, to give Notice by
Letter to the Agents, that they have fent fuch Certificate to the Mufter
Mafter General, which Agents are to notify the fame to the Regiment, in
Order that the Amount of the Cheque fo impofed, may be stopped out of
( 2 )
the Arrears of the Individual Officer or Officers who commanded in the
Barrack, where fuch Damages were committed, and the Amount of the
Damage ſo aſcertained will be ftopped out of the clearing Warrants of the
Regiment, concerned as before mentioned, unleſs Government fhall upon
Application of the Regiment, and under peculiar Circumftances, think
fit to refpite the fame, but no Application on fuch Subject will be received
unleſs made within One Month after the aforefaid Notice fhall be given
to the Agent; but in Order to promote Care and Attention, and to
prevent Officers from being harraffed by old and indefinite Claims, each
Barrack Maſter ſhall make a minute Inſpection of his Barrack, and all its
Appurtenances, in Conjunction with the Commanding Officer, or whoever
he fhall appoint, once in every Three Months, and fhall then ſtate his De-
mands (if any) accordingly, nor will any Complaint of the before Nature
of an older Date than Three Months, and not before urged, be allowed.
As every Barrack ought at all Times to be kept perfectly clean and in good
Order, the Commanding Officer is to take Care, that before the Departure
of the Troops, the Rooms, Stair Cafes and Galleries, are left properly
ſwept and clean, and delivered up in that State to the Relieving Officer or
Barrack Mafter.
2d. And for the good keeping of our faid Barracks, We do hereby
direct and require the Commanding Officer of each Regiment, to give ſtrict
Orders to the Officers and Soldiers under his Command, to be particularly
careful that the Soldiers Rooms, Stair Cafes, Galleries, Beds, Bedding
and Utenfils, be kept fweet and clean, and not to permit or fuffer any of
the Non-Commiffioned Officers or Soldiers to make Ufe of any of the
Sheeting for Table Linen, Towels, &c. nor any of the Blankets or Cad-
dows to be uſed for ironing on, or to apply any of the Bedding or Uten-
fils to any other Purpoſe than they were originally intended for;
and upon no Account to fuffer Coals to be wetted on the Floors of board-
ed Rooms, nor to permit any Alterations to be made in the Barrack Rooms,
by removing the Bedsteads therefrom, or by nailing Poſts to them, or
otherwiſe, whereby they may be injured, or looſened in the Joints, or to
up Shelves, Racks, Hooks, Boards, or drive Nails in the Walls, where
by the Plaiſtering may be deftroyed; for which Purpoſe the Commanding
Officer is to appoint a Subaltern Officer to viſit each Room every Day to
prevent fuch Abufes, who is to report accordingly, whether any Infringe-
ment be made on this Order. Nor fhall any Officer on any Pretence
whatſoever attempt to make any Alteration in any Room or Office, or
convert them to any Purpoſe, except fuch as they were intended for in the
Original Plan of the Barrack, and in Order that there may not be any
Miſtake hereafter in a Matter which fo materially concerns the well-being
of his Majefty's Barracks, the Commiflioners of Barracks are hereby
directed to have the Ufe for which each Room is intended painted in
large Letters over the Door of ſuch Room in the following Manner, No. 1.
Officer, No. 2. Mefs Room, No. 3. Mefs Kitchen, No. 4. Private, and
fo on; and if any Officer fhall attempt to make any Alteration in any
Room, or to convert it to any Purpoſe except as above fpecified, the
Barrack Mafter (who fhall be permitted to vifit the Rooms at feaſonable
Hours whenfoever he defires fo to do) is hereby commanded immediately
to report it to the Commiffioners of Barracks, in order that they may lay
the fame before the Lord Lieutenant for the Time being.
3d. The
( 3 )
The Barrack Mafter is to fupply the Non-commiffioned Officers
and Privates on their Arrival at any Barrack with one Pair of clean Sheets
to each Bed, on the Receipt of which they are to pay the Barrack Maſter
Two Pence per Pair, who is to exchange them once in every Month, and
receive the like Sum of Two Pence per Pair. for Waſhing on each Deli-
4th. That the Officer commanding in each Barrack fhall not upon any
Pretence whatſoever, permit or fuffer any Women or Children to inhabit of
lie within any of the faid Barracks, without previous Notice being given
in Writing to the Barrack Board by the Commanding Officer of the Regi-
ment, after fuch Notice (as an occafional Indulgence, and as tending to
promote Cleanlineſs, and the Convenience of the Soldier) the Command-
ing Officer may, if he fees fit, and when it in no Shape interferes with, or
ftrengthens the Accommodation of the Men, permit one or more married
Woman to be refident within the Barrack; but on that Account no one
Article is to be furniſhed by the Barrack Mafter; and if the Barrack
Maſter perceives that any Miſchief or Damage arifes from fuch Indul-
gence, the Commanding Officer is on his Requifition to difplace fuch Wo-
men; nor ſhall the Commanding Officer fuffer Hounds, Spaniels, or
other Dogs, Hawks, or fuch like, to be kept in any Rooms of any
Barrack or Redoubt, that may be any Way a Nuiſance, or deſtructive
to the fame.
5th. The Commanding Officer is alfo hereby required to take particular
Care that the Rooms appointed for Officers be not made Ufe of by Non-
commiffioned Officers, Soldiers, or others, and that no Officer fhall
occupy more Rooms in Barracks than he is entitled to; and if he fhall do
fo, by which Means another Officer or Officers fhall be obliged to provide
Accommodation out of the Barrack, the Commanding Officer fhall pay
the Officer or Officers fo put out of their Barrack, the full Amount of his
or their Lodging Money.
6th. No Officer or Soldier on any Pretence fhall carry out of the Bar-
rack any of the Goods, Furniture, or Utenfils, or make Ufe of any of the
fame any where but in the Barrack.
7th. The Barrack Mafter fhall every Three Months, viz. the 31ft
March, 30th of June, 30th of September, and 31ft December in every
Year, tranfmit to the Secretary of the Board a Return of the Manner in
which the feveral Officers Appartments of each Barrack in his District
were occupied the Three Months preceding, with the Names of the Officers
fo inhabiting them, according to the Form annexed, to be figned by the
Commanding Officer and Barrack Maíter.
8th. A proper Quantity of good and fufficient Firing and Candles
fhall be provided every Year for the Troops, and ftored in fome conveni-
ent Place belonging to the Barrack, fo as to be preferved and kept from
Embezzlement, and the faid Firing and Candles are to be duly delivered
out to the Troops by the Barrack Mafter, at fuch Times and in fuch Pro-
portions as are hereafter mentioned.
9th. The
9th. The Barrack Mafters are from Time to Time as the Troops or
Companies fhall march in and out of their refpective Barracks, to
make a Return thereof to the Secretary of the Barrack Board by
the next Poft after they fhall fo march in or out, with the parti.
cular Days, the Commanding Officer's Name, and the Regiment they
belong to.
10th. The Commanding Officer of every Regiment fhall, at the End of
every Three Months, collect the Demands of the feveral Officers of his
Regiment for Lodging Money at their different Quarters, and fend up an
Abſtract of their whole Demand to the Secretary of the Barrack Board,
examined and certified by himſelf, which Demand being fo certified fhall
be immediately examined at the Board, and put into due Courſe of Pay-
ment purſuant to the ſpecial Orders of Government, now fubfifting for
that Purpoſe.
tith. The Barrack Mafters are to be very attentive in fulfilling the
· ſeveral Duties incumbent upon them, herein mentioned, and in caſe of
any Failure on their Parts, the Commanding Officer is hereby directed to
report the fame to the Commiffioners of the Barracks; and if upon Com-
plaint made, and Enquiry had, it ſhall appear that they have neglected tò
pay due Obedience to theſe Orders, an Inſpector is to be fent down to take
Poffeffion of their Diſtricts, until fuch Time as every Matter of Complaint
be removed, or their Conduct reported to the Lord Lieutenant for his
Orders thereon, the Expence of fuch Inſpector to be charged to the Bar-
rack Maſter's Accounts, and ftopped from their Salary and Allow-
12th. No Barrack Mafter to be abſent from his Diftrict without
Licenſe firſt had from the Commiffioners of the Barracks for that
13th. No Officer or Barrack Mafter fhall upon any Account make
any Alteration or Repairs at any Barrack, or caufe any Expence to
be incurred in providing any Article relative thereto, without the Con-
ſent and Approbation of the Commiflioners firft obtained for that Pur-
pofe: the Date of which they are to prefix to their Charge in the Account,
when furniſhed.
14th. The Commiffioners of Barracks are hereby required to pay
Twenty Pounds per Annum, to each Regiment of Cavalry and Infantry in
this Kingdom, in Lieu of all Demands for Hire of Hoſpitals and furniſhing
Coals, Candles, Attendants, Bedding, Straw and Uicnfils, the fame to
take Place from the 1st July 1788, inclufive, and the Barrack Mafters
are to take into their Care fuch Buildings, for the Purpoſe of Infirmaries,
as make Part of the feveral Barracks in this Kingdom, the fame to be
provided with Bed fteads, but no other Furniture, which Bedheads are
conſtantly to remain as belonging to thofe Buildings, and the Command-
ing Officer at each Barrack is upon no Account to fuffer fuch Buildings
to be uſed by the Army for any other Purpofe than Hoſpitals, without
the Permiffion of ſaid Commiffioners.
( 5 )
The Commiffioners of Barracks are alfo to pay to each Regiment of
Cavalry 13/. 10s. 7d. and to each Regiment of Infantry 20l. 5s. 1mid.
Annum, in Lieu of all Demands for Firing and Candles for Guards,
to be paid Half Yearly, and commence from 29th September, 1788.
And that there may be good Harmony and Agreement between
the Officers and Barrack Mafters or Contractors, We command all Officers
commanding Regiments, Troops, or Companies, punctually to comply
with thefe Orders, and that the Officers and Soldiers may know the
Quantity of each Article they are to receive of Bedding, Utenfils, Firing,
Candles and Straw, the following Tables for that Purpoſe are hereunto
16. And that no Officer, Non-Commiffioned Officer, Soldier or Bar-
rack Maſter, may plead Ignorance herein; We do hereby direct our faid
Commiſſioners to cauſe theſe our Orders to be forthwith printed, and
fend Copies thereof to the Commanding Officer at each Barrack, and to
each Barrack Mafter in the Kingdom, and alfo to caufe a proper Number
to be pofted up in each Barrack for the due Information of the Non-
Commiffioned Officers and Private Men.
Given at His Majefty's Caftle of Dublin, the 24th Day of
June, 1789.
By His Excellency's Command,
( 6 )
The following are the TABLES, LISTS, and CERTIFI-
CATES, referred to in the foregoing REGULATIONS,
Each ROOM ſhould contain the following Fixtures and Furniture.
Good Lock and Key,
1 Cupboard,
1 Rack for Arms, &c.
1 Ditto for Clothes,
1 Table,
2 Chairs,
i Coal Tub,
1 Ditto Box,
1 Set of Fire Irons,
1 Fender,
1 Candleſtick,
PRIVATE ROOMS of the ordinary Size.
1 Lock and Key,
1 Latch,
1 Hanging Shelf or Cupboard,
1 Arm Rack or Stand,
4 Accoutrement Racks,
4 Bedsteads,
4 Bed Mats,
4 Bed Ticks,
4 Bolſters,
4 Pair Caddows,
4 Pair Sheets,
1 Door Latch,
1 Table,
2 Forms,
1 Coal Tub,
1 Arm Stand or Rack,
1 Accoutrement Rack,
1 Bedſtead,
1 Table,
I Form,
1 Coal Tub,
I Ditto Box,
* Set of Fire Irons,
1 Candleſtick,
1 Ditto, fixed in the Breaft of the Chimney.
1 Ditto Box,
1 Bucket,
2 Pots,
I Crow,
1 Pair Handhooks,
i Flesh Fork,
1 Set Fire Irons,
1 Fender,
1 Candleſtick,
1 Ditto, fixed in the Breaſt of the Chimney.
( 7 )
The Barrack Maſter is to fupply the Non-commiffioned Officers and Privates in Barracks;
with 35
Pound Weight of clean Straw, for each Bed and Bolſter in Ufe, every Two Months :
the utmoſt Number of Beds a Troop is entitled to, on the preſent Eſtabliſhment, is 13, and a
Company to 22:
The ſmall Utenfils of each private Room, for which each
Non-commiffioned Officer and Soldier are annually allowed
in the CAVALRY, Is. 1d. and in the INFANTRY,
i Pair Bellows,
6 Wooden Platters,
8 Ditto Bowl Dishes,
1 Ditto Ladle,
I Dozen Trenchers
2 Drinking Horns,
i Pair Bellows,
6 Wooden Platters,
8 Ditto Bowl Diſhes,
i Ditto Ladle,
I Dozen Trenchers,
2 Drinking Horns,
Earthen Chamber Pots,
4 Shovels, 4 Pitch Forks, and i Lanthorn per
Troop for their Stables,
4 Earthen Chamber Pots.
FIRING and CANDLES, as referred to in the Eighth
The Summer Allowance to commence on the 17th of April, and end on the 14th of October.
The Allowance to commence on the 15th of October, and end on the 16th of April:
No Officer's or Soldier's Firing, Candles, Bedding or Straw, is to be drawn, except for thofe
that are actually prefent.
To be delivered to all Commiffioned Officers of Cavalry and Infantry, and Quarter-Maſter of
Cavalry, except Subalterns of Infantry in Country Quarters,
(N. B. Surgeons Mates the fame as other Staff Officers.)
To each Regiment of Cavalry and Infantry at Head Quarters, for Mefs Room and Kitchen,
If the Commanding Officer of any Regiment ſhall find it neceffary to divide the Allowance for
the Officers Mefs Room and Kitchen, at two different Quarters of the Regiment, he is to no-
tify the fame to the Barrack Board, who will iffue neceffary Orders for that Purpoſe.
To all Subalterns of Infantry, (except when quartered in Dublin) to all Serjeants of Cavalry,
Serjeant-Majors, and Quarter-Mafter Serjeants of Infantry,
To all other Non-commiffioned Officers and Privates, for every eight Men,
Every eight Days in
Bufhels of Coals,
Kiſhes of Turf.
Buthels of Coals,
Kiſhes of Turf.
Pounds of
3 3
To all Detachments, Troops, or Companies, confifting of 2, 3 or 4 Men, to draw as Half a
Room's Allowance, ·
- 4
5, 6, 7 or 8 Men, one Room as above; 9 to 12, one Room and a Half; 13 to 16, two Rooms; 17 to 20, two Rooms and a Half;
21 to 24, three Rooms; 25 to 28, three Rooms and a Half; 29 to 32, four Rooms; 33 to 36, four Rooms and a Half; 37 to 409
five Rooms; 41 to 44, five Rooms and a Half; 45 to 48, fix Rooms, &c. &c.
The Turf Kiſh to meaſure four Feet long, two Feet and a Half deep, and two Feet wide in the Clear, (being twenty cubical Feet);
the Coal Bufhel to contain four Pecks, (each Peck to contain two and a Half Wincheſter Gallons) four Bushels to a Barrel, eight Bar-
rels to a Ton; eighty-four Pound of Stone-coal to be delivered as one Bufhel of Sea-coal.
The Barrack Mafters are defired (on the Application of the Contractors) to take charge of, and give Receipts for fuch Firing and
Candles as may be from Time to Time delivered into their Barracks by faid Contractors, for which the Barrack Mafters will be held ac-
countable, and are hereby directed to be careful that they deliver out the fame to the Troops as above-mentioned. Where there is no
Barrack, the Commanding Officer is to take charge of the Firing and Candles in like Manner.
No Barrack Maſter or Contractor is to deliver Firing, Candles or Straw, without a Certificate (the Form of which is annexed)
from the Commanding Officer, of the Rank, Name, and Number of Officers and Number of Men then preſent and under his Com-
mand, which Certificates, with a Receipt for a Quantity delivered on each 8th Day, the Barrack Mafters or Contractors are to tranf
mit as Vouchers with their Accounts, as foon as may be after the 16th of April in every Year.-The Barrack Board having obferved
that Alterations have been made in many Certificates for the Delivery of Firing and Candles, defire that all Barrack Mafters and Con-
tractors for Firing and Candles may take Notice, that the Board will not on any Account allow any Certificate for the Delivery of
either Firing or Candles, in which it fhall appear that any Erazure or Alteration has been made either as to the Number of Officers or
Men, or Quantity of Firing, Candles or Straw delivered to them.
When Detachments under a Troop or Company are ſtationed on Towns or Villages, where the Barrack Board may not have Con-
tractors, fuch Detachments will receive Money in Lieu of Firing and Candles, on the Account being furniſhed to their Secretary, faid
Account being firſt certified and figned by the Commanding Officer.The Rates to be allowed fuch Detachments are as follow:
Every eight Days in Summer.-Winter.
To all Commiffioned Officers and Quarter-Mafters of Cavalry (except to Subalterns of Infantry)
To all Subalterns of Infantry and Serjeants of Cavalry
To all other Non-commiffioned Officers, Privates, &c.
IS. 4d:
os, Lod.
3s. 4d.
25. od.
2 d. OS. 6d.
CERTIFICATE of the RANK, NAMES, and NUMBER of OFFICERS, and NUMBER of MEN, who I certify
to be actually preſent, belonging to
Cornets, or Enfigns. Quarter-Mafters of Staff.
Field Officers and
under my Command at
Serjeant Major, and Quarter-Mafter,
Serjeants of Cavalry,
Serjeants of Infantry, Corporals,
Serjeant of Infantry.
Trumpeters, Drummers, Fifers,
and Privates.
8 Days, from the
Day of
to the
Day of
Allowance for
2 Months, from the
Day of
to the
Day of
Subalterns of Infantry
Serjeants of Cavalry, &c.
Non-Commiffioned Officers and Pri--
Officers Mefs-room and Kitchen
Keſhes of
Bushels of
Pounds of
Barrack Mafter, for the Number of Officers and Men above-mentioned, being their
incluſive {
Kefpes of Turf, or
Bushels of Coals,
Pounds of Candles,
Beds of Straw.
(To be figned by the Commanding Officer.)
RETURN of the ROOMS in
( 11 )
RETURN referred to in the 7th ORDER.
BARRACK with the Manner in which they are occupied.
pying the Rooms.
Number of Rooms occupied
by each Officer or Quarter-
By Command of His EXCELLENCY the LORD LIEUTENANT thofe Returns are to be fent up to the Barrack-Board on the 31st of March, 30th of June, 30th of September, and 31ft
of December in every Year, figned by the Commanding Officer and the Barrack Maſter.
Ling Officer.
Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, 1794.
IGHT Trufty and Right Well-beloved Coufin and Councellor,
We Greet you well.
WHEREAS, upon an humble Reprefentation made unto Us, That
in the Diſtribution of the Pay of Foot Soldiers in our Ariny, it was ori
ginally intended, and hath been declared and enjoined by divers * War-
rants of our Royal Predeceffors, That the full Sum of Three Shillings
per Week, exclufive of all Stoppages whatſoever, fhould be referved
and applied to their Food, but that the Charge of various Neceffariès ab-
folutely requifite, and hitherto defrayed out of the Soldier's Pay, is fo
confiderable among our Regiments of Foot ferving at Home, that large
Stoppages are unavoidably made from that Part of their Pay which was
deftined folely for their Food, in Order to make up the Deficiency of
what had been fet apart for fuch Ufes, We were pleaſed to direct and
Order by our Warrant, dated the 4th January, 1792, "Firft, That the
"following Articles hitherto provided out of the Pay of our Foot Sol-
"diers ferving in Great Britain, Ferfey, Guernsey, or the Isle of Man,
"fhould be in future fupplied without any Expence to them, agreeably
"to the Rates therein fet against them refpectively, viz.
"One Pair black Cloth Gaiters, per Year
"One Pair Breeches, befides the Ammunition Pair
Altering Clothing to fit
"One Hair Leather
"Proportion of Expence for Watch Coats per Year
"A Worm, Turnfcrew, Picker, and Brufh, at 1s. 3d. once in
"five Years, per Year
Emery, Brickduft and Oil, per Year
£. ŝi de
6 6
2 6
Ở 2/
0 2 6
£.0 16 11
The two laft Articles, amounting to 2s. 9d. per Ÿard for each Man,
to be furniſhed out of our Stores of Ordnance, or compenſated in
"Money: The other to be paid for by the Colonels, and made an ad-
"ditional Charge in the Allowance to them for Clothing. Secondly,
"That the following Articles ſhould be provided out of the Pay of the
"One Pair Black Gaiters, per Year
"Two Pair Shoes, per Year, at 6s. per Pair
"One Pair of Stockings, or Two Pair of Socks
Soleing and Heeling, per Year
"Two Shirts, per Year, at 5s.
5s. 6d.
per Shirt
£. s. d.
4 O
O 12 O
1 6
0 4
“A Foraging
( 2 )
A Foraging Cap, per Year
"A Knapfack at 6s. once in 6 Years
"Pipe Clay and Whiting, per Year
"A Clothes Brufh, 1s. once in Two Years
"Three Shoe Bruſhes, per Year, at 5d. per Bruſh
"Black Ball, per Year
"Worfted Mitts, per Year
A Powdering Bag and Puff, once in Three Years, at is. 6d.
"Two Combs, per Year, at 6d. per Comb
"Greaſe and Powder for the Hair, per Year
"Waſhing, at 4d. per Week, per Year
£. so
0 1 3
4 4
46 30 96
О 3 O
0 17 4
Total £.3 5 5
"That towards this Sum there ſhould be firſt applied the 6d. per Week
"originally fet apart for fuch Ufe, amounting to il. 6s. per Annum, and
next the Allowance commonly called Poundage, 12s. 2d. after which
"the remaining 11. 7s. 3d. would be fully compenſated by the Allowance
"of Bread, which we were gracioufly pleaſed to direct by another War-
"rant, bearing the like Date of the 4th January, 1792: And whereas
"we declared our Will and Pleaſure to be, that, for the Purpoſe of en-
"abling the Soldiers to enjoy the complete Effect of fuch our Royal
"Bounty, the Commanding Officers refpectively ſhould not ſuffer any
"Deviation whatfoever with refpect to the Species, Quantity, or Charge
"of the Articles above enumerated, but fhould ftrictly adhere to the
"Terms preſcribed by our faid Warrants, fo that the Soldiers might out
"of their Pay and Allowances be ſupplied with Food to the full Extent
"and Value of 3s. per Week, One Pound and an Half of Bread per Day
"making an invariable Part thereof; And were further pleaſed to Order
"that, as upon this Diftribution of the Soldiers Pay, and of all the Al-
"lowances therein granted or recited, there would remain an unappro-
"priated Surplus of about 42d. per Week, the fame fhould be referved
"in the firft Inftance as a Fund out of which fuch Neceffaries as fhould
"accidentally be loft or deftroyed might be replaced; after which the
"Soldiers fhould be duly accounted with for the Remainder, if any, at
"the End of every Two Months, except in Cafes of Lofs or Deſtruction,
through Negligence or Deſign, when the whole fhould be applied
Now, We, having taken in like Manner into our Royal Confideration
the Situation of the Foot Soldier in our Kingdom of Ireland, and the
Diftribution of his Pay, are pleaſed hereby to direct, that fimilar Regu-
lations and Allowances be extended to him; for which Purpoſe, We
have directed that the following Allowances, in Addition to his Pay,
be placed upon the Eftablishment of that Kingdom for him and his
Ufe, viz.·'
An Allowance of
14s. 2 d.
Nett per Annum for each Corporal, Drummer, Fifer, and Private Man,
to enable the Colonel, or. Commanding Officer by his Direction, to ſupply
the Effectives of each Regiment with the Articles in the faid Warrant
( 3 )
directed to be furniſhed to the Foot Soldier in Great Britain without any
Expence to him.
(The Articles of a Worm, Turnfcrew, Picker and Brufh, Emery,
Brickduft and Oil, eftimated at 2s. 9d. a Year for each Man, to be if
fued out of our Stores of Ordnance, or compenfated in Money.)
A further Allowance eſtimated at 21. 5s. 7d. Net per Annum, under
the Denomination of Bread Allowance to each Corporal, Drummer,
Fifer, and Private Man, making for the Private Soldier (the Poundage
now received by him, amounting to 128. 2d. per Annum, being added
thereto) the Sum of
To which is to be added his prefent Subfift-
ence of
Making in the whole
From which deducting the Neceffaries to be
provided as before mentioned amounting
21. 175.
gl. 2s.
6d. per Annum.
12l. os.
31d. per Annum.
31. 5s. 5d.
There will remain 81. 14s. 10d.
which Sum, after applying Three Shillings per Week to his Food, will
leave an unappropriated Surplus of about 44d. per Week to be reſerved,
appropriated and accounted for in the Soldier's behalf, in like Mann
and at the fame Times as is herein before recited in Regard to our Foot
Soldiers ferving at Home on the Britiſh Eſtabliſhment.
And in Order that the Foot Serjeants of our Army may alſo receive
fimilar Benefits to thofe received by the Serjeants on the Eſtabliſhment of
Great Britain, an Allowance fhall be granted to each of 9s. per Year, alſo
under the Denomination of Bread Allowance: And we are pleaſed to di-
rect that the fame Articles be provided at the fame Prices and under the
like Regulations for our Soldiers in Ireland, as for our Soldiers in Great
Britain; and that the Whole of the Regulations herein before ſpecified be
extended to our Army ferving in this Kingdom.
And whereas, according to our Orders above recited, One Pound and
a Half of Bread per Diem (eſtimated at rod. a Week) is to make an in-
variable Part of the Food of the Soldiers in Great Britain; And whereas
it has been repreſented to Us, that the Price of Bread is very high, and
that there is an actual Scarcity of that Article in many Parts of our
Kingdom of Ireland, and it has been therefore humbly fubmitted to Us,
whether the Whole, or a certain Part of the Allowance for Bread' fhould
not in the latter Kingdom, according to Circumftances, and at the Dif
cretion of the Commanding Officer, be allotted in Potatoes and Oat-meal;
We are pleaſed hereby to direct, that in our faid Kingdom of Ireland, the
Sum of 101d. per Week of the 3s. allotted for the Soldier's Food, be,
according to Circumftances, and at the Difcretion of the Commanding
Officer, applied to the Purchaſe of Bread, Potatoes or Oat-meal, accord-
And we are further pleafed hereby to order and direct, that the be-
'fore-mentioned Allowance eftimated at 21. 5s. 74d. Nett per Annum for
each Corporal, Drummer, Fifer, and Private Man, and at 9s. per An-
num for each Foot Serjeant, under the Denomination of Bread Allow-
ance, be iffued for Effectives at Quarters only; it not being our Intention
that Men who are abfent fhould receive the Benefit of thefe Allowances,
unleſs they are really and Bona Fide detached upon Duty, which muſt be
feparately expreffed in the Returns to be figned by the Commanding
Officers, and given in upon Honor. And for fo doing this fhall be as
well unto you, as unto all other our Officers and Minifters there whom it
may concern, a fufficient Warrant. And fo we bid you heartily Fare-
Given at our Court at St. James's, the 14th Day of March,
1792. In the Thirty-fecond Year of our Reign.
By His Majeſty's Command,
Entered at the Signet Office,
´this 20th Day of March, 1792.
By the Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor
of Ireland.
IS Majefty having been pleafed to fign the foregoing Warrant for
granting certain Allowances to the Foot Soldiers of His Majefty's
Army in this Kingdom, under the Denomination of Bread Money; We
do hereby direct that the fame be forthwith printed and published, in
order to its being obferved by his Majefty's Regiments ferving in Ireland
Given at His Majefty's Caftle of Dublin, the 7th Day of
April, 1792.
By His Excellency's Command,
Adjutant General's Office;
5th April, 1792:
IS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant having directed the Commander
in Chief to make known to the Army in this Kingdom, That His
Majefty has been moft graciouſly pleafed by his Royal Warrant, bearing
Date the 14th Day of March, 1792, to extend His Bounty to the Foot
Soldiers of his Majefty's Army in this Kindom, in like Manner as has
been done in Great-Britain, ſo as to afford them effectual Relief and Com-
fort; provided their full Pay, added to their other Allowances as fpecified
in the faid Warrant, be carefully applied for their Benefit, and expended
on fuch Articles only as are indifpenfably neceffary for their Ufe: The
Commander in Chief therefore ftrictly enjoins the Commanding Officers
of Infantry Corps to take care that His Majefty's Rules and Limitations
therein prefcribed, be inviolably obferved and adhered to; and particu-
larly to fee that complete Juftice be done to the Soldiers, and that the
Quality of the different Kinds of Neceffaries with which they are fupplied
be fuitable to the Prices which are charged for them; comformable to
the Lifts thereof inferted in the aforefaid Warrant, Copies of which Lifts.
are fubjoined hereto.
The Commander in Chief makes known His Majefty's further Pleaſure,
That every Captain, or Commanding Officer of a Company, in Addition
to that Oeconomy which it is his immediate Duty to exerciſe in the Pro-
vifion of Neceffaries for his Men, fhall keep a regular Account of all fuch
occafional Supplies, and of the Sums feverally paid for them, taking Care
that they do not exceed the fixed Prices fpecified in His Majefty's War-
This Account is to be ſettled once in every Two Months; and the
Balance that may be due to any of the Men of his Company, is to be paid
into their own Hands; on which Settlement they will fign the faid Ac-
count, both as a Voucher for their Captain, and an Acknowledgment at
the fame Time for themſelves, that all their juſt Demands have been
The Commander in Chief requires the Commanding Officers of Re-
giments, to take all poffible Care that this Regulation be ſtrictly and in-
variably obſerved in their refpective Corps; as they themselves are to be
reſponſible for any Neglect or Deviation from it; and they are hereby
apprized, that it will make a Part of the future Inftructions to Review-
ing Generals, to pay the moft fcrupulous Attention to this important
Object; not only by carefully inſpecting both the Regimental Books
and thoſe of every diftinct Company; but alſo by perfonally examining
the Soldiers themſelves, relative to their reſpective Accounts; and to re-
port to the Commander in Chief, any Inſtances of Negligence or Irregu-
larity concerning them, which they may meet with; as well as any Ex-
cefs in the Quantity, or Deficiencies in the Quality and Goodneſs of the
Neceffaries furniſhed for the Ufe of the Men, when compared with the
Prices allowed to be charged for them. Ufelefs Ornaments and fuperflu-
ous Expence in Drefs of every Kind, being heavy Drawbacks upon their
Pay, and not fanctioned by either Regulation or Neceffity, are no longer
to be admitted; fo that the Soldiers reaping the full Benefit of his Ma-
jeſty's moft gracious Bounty towards them, and having no juſt Cauſe
whatſoever for Murmur or Complaint, may be enabled to diſcharge their
Duty on all Occafions with Alacrity, Diligence, and Contentment, and
be left without any Inducement or Excufe for Deſertion; a Crime in
itſelf of the moft heinous Nature, and which hereafter will be puniſhed
with the utmoſt and moſt exemplary Severity:
The Commander in Chief further directs, That theſe Orders, together
with the Royal Warrant above ſpecified, fhall be communicated to the
Men in the Preſence of their reſpective Officers; and be regularly read
to the whole Regiment at the fame Time with the Articles of War, once
in every Two Months, as is directed in the Fifth Article of the Twenty-
third Section of the Articles of War; Care being alſo taken that they are
entered in the Regimental Books of ſtanding Orders, to be referred to
as Occafion may require.
By Order of the Commander in Chief;
GEORGE HEWETT, Adjutant General.
LIST of Neceffaries, to be provided for the Foot Soldier out of his
Pay, and Allowances, as Occafion may require, in the Courſe of the
£. 5.
s. d.
One Pair black Gaiters, per Year
Two Pair of Shoes, per Year, at 6s: per Pair
Soleing, and Heelpiecing, per Year
One Pair of Stockings, or Two Pair of Socks
Two Shirts, per Year, at 5s. 6d. per Shirt
A Foraging Cap, per Year
A Knapfack at 6s. once in Six Years
Pipe Clay, and Whiting, per Year
A Clothes Brufh, Is. once in two Years
Three Shoe Bruſhes, per Year, at 5d. per Bruſh
Black Ball, per Year
Worſted Mitts, per Year
​A Powdering Bag and Puff, once every Three Years, at is. 6d.
Two Combs, per Year, at 6d. per Comb
Greaſe and Powder for the Hair, per Year
Waſhing at 4d. per Week, per Year
0 4 0
o 12
I 3
0 4 4
0 +6.30.96
1 2
0 17 4
Total £35 5
LIST of Neceffaries to be provided for the Foot Soldier every Year
£. so d.
O 4
0 0
One Pair of black Cloth Gaiters, per Year
One Pair of Breeches, befides the Ammunition Pair
Altering his Clothing, to make it fit him
One Hair Leather
Proportion of Expence for Watch Coats per Year
A Worm, Turnfcrew, Picker and Bruſh, at Is. 3d. once in
five Years, per Year
Emery, Brickduft and Oil, per Year
0 2 6
go 16 11.
GEORGE HEWETT, Adjutant General.
( 8 8)
Adjutant General's Office,
Dublin, 12th July, 1792.
IS Majefty having been lately pleaſed to take into His Royal Confi-
deration, the State of the Foot Soldiers ferving at Home, and to
grant them an Allowance of Bread, by his Warrant dated 4th January,
1792; and having fince been alfo moft graciously pleaſed to take into
Confideration the State of His Regiments of Cavalry, and alfo of His
ſeveral Independent Companies of Invalids in Great Britain, and to
order that the fame Allowance of Bread fhall be granted to them like-
Therefore, in Obedience to His Majefty's Commands, fignified to His
Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, there is annexed hereto a Copy of the
Warrant before mentioned: and that the Benefit of the Allowance there-
in ſpecified is to be extended to the Regiments of Dragoon Guards, and
Dragoons in this Kingdom, from the ift Inſtant inclufive, and is to be
enjoyed by them accordingly, from thence forward in the Manner and
under the Conditions expreffed in the faid Warrant. Excepting that the
Sum of 10d. per--Week, as fpecified in the faid Warrant to be laid out
in the Purchafe of Bread in Great Britain, is owing to the Scarcity of
that Article in many Parts of the Kingdom of Ireland, to be applied to
the Purchaſe of Bread, Oat-meal and Potatoes, according to Circum-
ſtances, and at the Direction of the Commanding Officer.
By Order of the Commander in Chief,
GEORGE HEWETT, Adjutant General.
( 9 )
HEREAS We have been graciously pleafed to take into Our
Royal Confideration the State of the FOOT SOLDIERS of our Army
ferving at Home, and find that the Allowance which hath long been
granted to them in Aid of the Purchaſe of Bread, when in Barracks,
is very infufficient to procure them that Relief which was originally in-
tended :
and We do hereby direct and order, that from the 25th of December laſt
inclufive, the Stoppage of Five Pence every Four Days, to which they
are at preſent feverally liable for this Article, fhall be taken off, and an
Allowance made to them equal upon an Average to the whole Purchaſe
of their Bread, eftimated at Ten Pence Half-penny per Week for each
Man, and that the fame ſhall not only be granted to them while in Bar-
racks, but alſo in Quarters wherever they may be ftationed within Our
Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN, or in the Iflands of JERSEY, GUERNSEY,
or MAN, including herein all Detachments, Recruiting Parties, and Re-
cruits belonging to Regiments of Foot, as alfo the actual Dutymen of
Our Three Regiments of FOOT GUARDS. The Allowance thus ftated
regards the Corporals, Drummers, and Privates of each Corps. Ser-
jeants of the Line, who when in Barracks have received an Allowance
eſtimated at about Nine Shillings per Year, are ftill to receive the fame,
whether in Barracks or in Quarters. Serjeants of Our Regiments of
FOOT GUARDS are alfo to have the Benefit of this Allowance.
AND FOR THESE PURPOSES, We do hereby direct, that fo much
of the Regulation hitherto fubfifting as relates to the making of Contracts
for Bread and of Stoppages from the Soldiers' Pay to be applied to the
Charge thereof, is to be confidered as totally repealed and aboliſhed from
the 25th of December laſt inclufive; but regular and exact Returns of
the actual effective Nuinbers at Quarters, or in Barracks, are to be tranf-
mitted to the reſpective Agents, as formerly; it not being Our Intention,
that Men who are abfent fhall receive the Benefit of this Allowance, un-
lefs they are really and bona fide detached upon Duty, which muſt be fe-
parately expreffed in the Returns. The Returns are to be figned by the
Commanding Officers, and given upon Honour.
GIVEN at Our Court at St. James's this 4th Day of January 1792,
in the Thirty-fecond Year of. Our Reign.
By His Majeſty's Command,
( 10 )
Adjutant General's Office, Dublin,
16th September, 1792.
IS Majefty having been gracioufly pleafed to extend to the Serjeants
the Regiments of Cavalry and Infantry ferving in Great Britain, the
fame Allowance of Bread as hath been already granted to the inferior
Non-commiffioned Officers and Private Men, in Lieu of the preſent Al-
lowance of Nine Shillings per Annum; and His Majefty having alfo been
pleaſed to order, that the Allowance of Neceffaries as fpecified in his
Warrant of the 4th January laft, fhall be extended to the Serjeants of
Regiments of Foot ftationed in Great Britain, fo far as the fame may be
applicable to them under the Conditions, and not exceeding the Amount
preſcribed by that Warrant; and His Majefty's Pleaſure has been fignified
to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, 'that the abovementioned Allow-
ances may be granted refpectively to the Serjeants of Cavalry and Infan-
try ferving in Ireland, and that theſe Allowances are to commence
from the 25th of August inclufive, from which Period the Allowance of
9 Shillings a Year to each Serjeant will ceafe; and that the Allowance for
Neceffaries to the Serjeants of Regiments of Foot, commencing from
the faid Period, be iffued at the fame Time, and in the fame Manner, as
the fimilar Allowances to the Infantry are now iffued.
By Order of the Commander in Chief,
Adjutant General.
IGHT Trufty and Right Well-beloved Coufin and Councellor, We
Greet you well.
WHEREAS it having been moft humbly reprefented unto Us,
that various Doubts and Difficulties had ariſen with reſpect to the
Diſtribution of the Allowance of Neceffaries lately granted by Us,
to our Regiments of Foot Guards and Marching Regiments of Foot
in Great Britain, the Time when the fame fhould be delivered, and
the Proportion, if any, which fhould be given to fuch Men as are not
Effective through the whole Year: And it having been further
repreſented unto Us, that our intended Bounty therein would be made
more effectual and advantageous to the Service if the fame were diſtributed
in Money, by two equal Half Yearly Payments to Effectives, and by pro-
portionate Payments to Cafuals and Recruits, according to their Periods,
refpectively; which We, having duly confidered, were pleaſed to confent
to, and did by our Warrant, bearing Date the 5th Day of December,
1792, order and direct that the Sums fet againſt the four firft Articles
ſpecified in our Warrant of the 4th of January, 1792, amounting toge-
ther to Thirteen Shillings and Two-Pence One Halfpenny, be confidered
henceforth as forming one confolidated Allowance, the Half of which, or
Six Shillings and Seven Pence One Farthing, fhall be paid or accounted
for to each Effective Non-commiffioned Officer and Private Man, on, or
as foon as poffible after the 24th Day of June, and 24th Day of December
in each Year, and a Proportion thereof adequate to their Times of Ser-
vice fhall be paid or accounted for to Cafuals and Recruits, except only
in Regard to fuch Men as may be diſcharged, who are to receive their
Proportion at the Time of their Diſcharge.
And We did further order and direct, that the Allowance for Watch
Coats, and for divers Articles neceffary to the cleaning of Arms, which,
though they are of particular and immediate Benefit to each Soldier,
by relieving him from Stoppages to which he was before ſubject, are not
however to be confidered as Individual but as Regimental Allowances,
appropriated to thofe fpecific Purpoſes, fhall be likewife drawn for Half
Yearly, in the following Manner, viz.
The Allowance for Watch Coats at the Rate of Sixpence per Man,
reckoning for the full Eſtabliſhment of Non-commiffioned Officers and
Private Men.
( 12 )
And the actual Expenditure in Bruſhes, Turnfcrews, Worms, Bickers,
Oil, Brick-Duft, and Emery; Care being taken that the Amount ſhali
not in any Half Year exceed the Rate of One Shilling and Four Pence
One Halfpenny per Man, for each Effective Rank and File.
And to the end that Soldiers might enjoy the complete Effect of this
our Royal Bounty, We did alfo direct that the Commanding Officers,
refpectively, fhould not fuffer any Provifion under the Head of Neceffa-
ries, exceeding either in Quantity, Quality or Price, what is abfolutely
requifite, as they fhall anfwer the fame to Ús.
Now it having been most humbly repreſented unto Us, that the like
Doubts and Difficulties have arifen with reſpect to the Diſtribution of the
Allowance of Neceffaries lately granted by Us to our Regiments of Foot
in Ireland, which are in all Refpects the fame as thofe granted to our Regi-
ments of Foot in Great Britain; We are pleafed hereby to order and ǎi-
rect, that the before-mentioned Regulations be in every Point extended
to them, and that the before-mentioned Allowances be paid or accounted
for Half Yearly, as foon as poffible after the 3cth of September, and 31ft
of March in each Year: And for fo doing this fhall be as well unto you,
as to all other our Officers and Minifters there, whom it may concern, a
fufficient Warrant. And fo we bid you heartily Farewel.
Given at our Court at St. James's, the Twentieth Day of
March, 1793. In the Thirty-third Year of our Reign.
By his Majefty's Command,
Entered at the Signet Office, the 25th
Day of March, 1793.
( 13 )
By the Lord Lieutenant General and General
Governor of Ireland.
IS Majefty having been pleaſed to fign the foregoing Warrant for
granting an Allowance of Money to the Regiments of Foot in
Ireland, in lieu of certain Neceffaries fpecified in a Warrant dated 14th
of March, 1792; We do hereby direct that the fame be forthwith printed
and publiſhed, in order to its being obferved by His Majefty's Regiments
ferving in Ireland accordingly.
Given at his Majefty's Caftle of Dublin, the 30th Day
of April, 1793.
By His Excellency's Command,
IGHT Trufty and Right Well-beloved Coufin and Counſellor;
We greet you well.
WHEREAS it having been moft humbly repreſented unto Us, That
in the Diſtribution of the Pay of the Private Men in our Regiments of
Dragoon Guards and Dragoons, it was originally intended, and hath
been declared and enjoined by certain Warrants of our Royal Predecef-
fors, that the full Sum of Three Shillings and Six Pence per Week,
exclufive of all Stoppages whatfoever, fhould be reſerved and applied to
their Diet; and it having been further reprefented unto Us, That the
Charge of various Neceffaries abfolutely requifite, and hitherto defrayed
out of the Pay of the Men, is fo confiderable among our Regiments of
Dragoon Guards and Dragoons, ferving within our Kingdom of Great
Britain, that large Stoppages are unavoidably made from that Part of
their Pay, which was deftined folely for their Diet, in order to make up
the Deficiency of what hath been ſet apart for fuch Ufes. We having
taken the fanie fully and maturely into our Confideration, were pleafed
by our Warrant, bearing Date the 9th Day of January, 1793, to direct
and order," First, that none of the following Articles be defrayed out
of the Pay of the Men, viz.
( 14 )
One Pair of Leather or Two Pair of Shag Breeches, in Two
Years, Value 11. 6s.
For Stable Jacket and Trowſers, and foraging
Years 15s.
Horſe Cloth 6s. 6d. Surcingle 3s. 6d. in Six Years
Feeding Bag is. Watering Bridle 3s. 6d. Collar
in Six Years 5s.
per Annum o 13
Caps, in Two
per Annum
10s. per Ann.
and Log 6d.
per Annum
7 6
o I 8
ô 0 10
£1 3
But that the fame be fupplied by an Annual Allowance of 11. 38.
which We were by the ſaid Warrant graciouſly pleaſed to grant, the Half
of which, or 11s. 6d. is to be paid and accounted for, on, or as foon as
poffible after, the 24th Day of June, and 24th Day of December, in every
Year, to each Private Dragoon, who has been Effective during the whole
of the Six Months preceding, and to the Reft a Proportion thereof, agree-
ably to the reſpective Times of their Service within the faid Period; the
Proportion for diſcharged Men to be paid or accounted for to them at
the Time of their Diſcharge.
Secondly. That in order to keep up the original Stock of Neceffaries,
the following Articles be provided out of the Pay of the Men, viz.
Three Shirts and Turnovers at 6s. 6d. each,———per Ann.
One Stock and Clafp
£ò s. di
0 19 6
Two Pair of Worfted Stockings, 25. 5d. each
Two Pair of Thread or Cotton 3s. each, and
Two Pair of ſhort Gaiters, 1s. 8d. each, or
4 10
Two Pair of Long Black Gaiters, 4s. 8d. each,
Two Pair of Shoes, 7s. each,
Mending do.
Two Shoe Bruſhes, 6d. each,
Powder, Pomatum, Soap, Combs and Razors,
Knee Buckles
Clothes-Brufh, Worm Picker, Emery, Oil, Pipe Clay,
Whiting and Blacking.
Waſhing and Mending
Mane-Comb 6d. Curry-Comb and Brufh, 3s. 8d. in
Taylor's Bill,
do. o 9 4
0 14
O 12
do. o o 6
0 16 6
1 6
do. O 2 1
C 0 2 91212
£ 5 12 6 1/2
( 15 )
That towards this Charge, there be firft applied the Sum of 1s. 2d
per Week, or 31. os. 8d. per Annum, originally fet apart for this Ufe;
together with il. 11s. 10d. per Annum, formerly called Grafs Money;
making in the whole 41. 12s. 6d. after which the remaining 1. os. 3d.
will be fully compenfated by the Allowance of Bread, which We
have been graciously pleaſed to direct, by Letter from our Secretary at
War, dated June 23, 1792:
And to the End, that the Dragoon may enjoy the complete Effect of
this our Royal Bounty, We did declare our Will and Pleafure to be,
that the Commanding Officers refpectively, do not fuffer any Provifion
under the Head of Neceffaries, exceeding either in Quantity, Quality
or Price, what is abfolutely requifite, fo that the Dragoon fhall, out of
his Pay and Allowances, be fupplied with Food to the Amount of 38. 6d.
per Week, One Pound and an Half of Bread, per Diem, making an inva-
riable Part thereof.
And Whereas upon this Diftribution of the Dragoon's Pay, and of the
Allowances granted or recited in the before-mentioned Warrant, there
will remain an unappropriated Surplus of about Six Pence per Week.
We did declare our Will and Pleaſure to be, that the fame fhould be
reſerved in the firft Inftance as a Fund, out of which fuch Neceffaries as
might be accidentally loft or deſtroyed fhould be replaced; after which
the Dragoon fhould be duly accounted with for the Remainder, if any,
at the End of every Two Months, except in Cafes of Lofs or Deſtruction;
through Negligence or Defign, when the Whole ſhall be applied thereto;
And it being requifite that the Differences originally eſtabliſhed be-
tween the Pay of Private Men and Non-commiffioned Officers fhould be
preferved; We were, by the faid Warrant, gracioufly pleafed to grant
to the Serjeants, Corporals and Trumpeters, of our Regiments of Dra-
goon Guards, and Dragoons, in Addition to the Bread Allowance before
granted, the Allowance therein ftated of 11. 3s. per Annum, or, of the
Proportions thereof, in the fame Manner, and under the fame Condi-
tions, as therein above ſpecified.
Now We having taken in like Manner into our Royal Confideration,
the Situation of the Private Men in our Regiments of Dragoon Guards,
and Dragoons in our. Kingdom of Ireland, and the Diſtribution of his
Pay, are pleafed hereby to direct, that fimilar Regulations and Allow-
ances be extended to him; for which Purpoſe We have directed that
the following Allowances, in Addition to his Pay, be placed upon the
Eſtabliſhment of that Kingdom for him and his Uſe, viz.
An Allowance of 11. 3s. per Annum, Net, for each Private Man
in our Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons, in our faid King-
dom of Ireland, out of which the fame Articles are to be provided, and
at the fame Prices as are by the before recited Warrant directed to be
provided in Great Britain; and the faid Allowance to be paid or account-
ed for Half Yearly, as foon as poffible, after the 30th September, and 31ft
March, in each Year.
And We are alſo pleaſed hereby to direct, that in order to keep up the
original Stock of Neceffaries, the feveral Articles before-mentioned,
amounting to 51. 12s. 9 d. be provided out of the Pay of the Men, at
the fame Prices as are alſo herein before ſpecified.
That towards this Charge there be firft applied the Sum of 1s. 2d.
per Week; or 31. os. 8d. per Annum, originally fet apart for this Ufe,
together with il. 10s. per Annum, formerly called Grafs Money, mak-
ing in the Whole 41. 1os. 8d. after which the remaining tl. 2s. 1d.
will be fully compenfated by the Allowance of Bread, which We have
been graciouſly pleaſed to direct by our Royal Letter, dated the 17th
Day of August, 1792.
And to the End that the Dragoon may enjoy the complete Effect of
this our Royal Bounty; our Will and Pleaſure is, that the Commanding
Officers refpectively, do not fuffer any Provifion under the Head of
Neceffaries, exceeding either in Quantity, Quality or Price, what is ab-
folutely requifite, fo that the Dragoon fhall, out of his Pay and Allow-
ances, be fupplied with Food, to the Amount of 38. 6d. per Week.
And whereas according to our Orders before recited, One Pound and
an Half of Bread, per Diem, (eftimated at rod. per Week) is to make
an invariable Part of the Food of the Soldiers in Great Britain.
And whereas it has been repreſented unto Us, that the Price of Bread
is very high, and that there is an actual Scarcity of that Article in many
Parts of our Kingdom of Ireland; and it has been therefore humbly
fubmitted to Us, whether the whole, or a certain Part of the Allowance
for Bread, fhould not in our Kingdom of Ireland, according to Circum-
ftances, and at the Diſcretion of the Commanding Officer, be allotted in
Potatoes or Oatmeal; are pleafed hereby to direct, that in our faid King-
dom of Ireland, the Sum of 10d. per Week, of the 3s. 6d. allotted
for the Dragoon's Food, be, according to Circumftances, and at the Dif
cretion of the Commanding Officers, applied to the Purchaſe of Bread,
Potatoes, or Oatmeal, accordingly.
And Whereas upon this Diftribution of the Dragoon's Pay, and of the
Allowances herein granted or recited, there will remain an unappropri-
ated Surplus of about 6d. per Week.
Our Will and Pleaſure is, that the fame be referved in the firft Inftance
as a Fund, out of which fuch Neceffaries as may be accidentally loft or
deſtroyed fhall be replaced, after which the Dragoon fhall be duly ac-
counted for with the Remainder, if any, at the End of every Two
( 17 )
Months, except in Cafes of Lofs or Deftruction through Negligence or
Deſign, when the Whole ſhall be applied thereto.
And it being requifite, that the Difference originally eſtabliſhed be-
tween the Pay of Private Men and Non-commiffioned Officers ſhould be
preſerved; We are hereby graciouſly pleafed to grant to the Serjeants,
Corporals, and Trumpeters of Our Regiments of Dragoon Guards, and
Dragoons, in Addition to the Bread Allowance heretofore granted to
them, the Allowance herein before ftated of 11. 3s. per Annum, or of
the Proportions thereof, in the fame Manner and under the fame Condi-
tions as before' ſpecified; and have for that Purpoſe directed, that the
fame be placed on our Military Eſtabliſhment of our faid Kingdom of
Ireland, for each Serjeant, Corporal, and Trumpeter, in each of our
Regiments of Dragoon Guards, and Dragoons in that Kingdom accord-
ingly and for fo doing, this ſhall be as well unto You, as to all other
our Officers and Minifters there, whom it may concern, a fufficient War-
And fo we bid you very heartily Farewel.
Given at our Court at St. James's, the Twentieth Day of
March, 1793. In the Thirty-third Year of our Reign.
By His Majefty's Command, ;
Entered at the Signet Office, the 25th
Day of March, 1793.
By the Lord Lieutenant General and General Go-
vernor of Ireland.
IS-Majefty having been pleaſed to fign the foregoing Warrant for
granting an Allowance of Money, for certain Neceffaries, to Non-
commiffioned Officers and Privates of the Dragoon Guards and Dragoons
ferving in Ireland, and regulating the Stoppages from their Pay; We do
hereby direct, that the fame be forthwith printed and publiſhed, in order
to its being obferved by His Majefty's Regiments ferving in Ireland ac-
Given at His Majefty's Caftle of Dublin, the 30th
Day of April, 1793.
By His Excellency's Command,
( 19 )
Clothing and Accoutrements.
YOMMANDING Officers of Regiments are to apply in November 2, 1767.
Writing to their reſpective Colonels for every Thing the
Regiment may want of Clothing, Arms, or Accoutrements;
Copies of fuch Applications to be kept by the refpective Com-
manding Officers for their Juftification.
Colonels or Commanding Officers of Regiments are on no January 13, 1768.
Account to make any Alteration in the Clothing of the Regi-
mment under their Command, or any Deviation from the Pattern
fealed by the Board of General Officers; and the Reviewing
General after the Reviews are to report whether any, and what
Alterations have been made, and by whom.
The Colonels of all Regiments in His Majelty's Army in September 27,
Ireland are to take Care that all Accoutrements and Appoint- 1775.
ments, as well as Clothing, with which their respective Corps
are to be fupplied, be from Time to Time provided and made
in Ireland. This Order to extend to fuch Regiments on Foreign
Service as are paid by Ireland: And the Board of General
Officers are not to pafs or approve of fuch Clothing, Accou- Clothing, &c. to
trements, or Appointments, if not made in the Kingdom of be made in Ireland.
The Clothing is to be ready to be delivered by the Clothiers
to the Regiments by the 10th Day of June.
In order to prevent Difputes between the Colonels of Regi- June 3, 1782.
ments and their Predeceffors, with Refpect to Clothing and
Regimental Appointments, It is His Majefty's Commands, that
the Commanding Officer prefent with every Regiment of Dra-
goons and Infantry, together with the Officer next in Seniority,
not under the Rank of a Captain, do annually between the 25th
Day of December and the 25th Day of January, make a ſtrict
Inſpection into the State and Condition of the different Ap- Annual Inſpection
pointments and Accoutrements of the Regiment, and do caufe of Appointments
to be drawn out an accurate State, according to the annexed
Return, No. 1, under the feveral Heads, of fuch Accoutrements
and Appointments, as fhall be wanting at that Time, and like-
wite of fuch as will in their Opinion be neceffary to complete the
and Accoutrements.
: Colonels exempted
Regiment for Service, against the Review to be made of fuch
Regiment by a General Officer in the enfuing Spring, or as foon
after as the Service will permit, and that fuch State be entered
in the Regimental Book.
That the Colonels do provide and fend to the Regiment all
fuch Accoutrements or Appointments, agreeable to the faid
State, early in Spring.
That the Commanding Officer do certify to the Reviewing
General, according to the Return here annexed, No. 2, what
Articles have been furniſhed by the Colonel and delivered to the
Regiment. And the Reviewing General do mention in his
Report whether the feveral Articles neceffary for completing
the Regiment for Service, have been provided.
And befides the Inſpection and Entry herein before directed to
be made, with Refpect to the Accoutrements and Appointments
neceffary to complete the Regiments to the next Review, a State
be alfo drawn out at the fame Time, or as foon after as conve-
nient may be, and in like Manner entered in the Regimental
Book, of fuch as in the Opinion of the like Inſpecting Officers
may become liable to be caft before the Expiration of the
And as foon as convenient may be after the Infpection, a Copy
of the Return to be fent to the Adjutant General's Office, to
be referred to on any future Occafion.
The neceffary Articles for completing our. Regiments for
froin further Claims. Service having been provided agreeable to fuch refpective States
and Entries, the Colonel and his Reprefentatives fhall be ex-
empted from any further Claim in Refpect of Accoutrements or
Regimental Appointments, during the Period for which the
Off-Reckonings are affigned, and the ſame ſhall be conclufive in
Cafe of a Vacancy, as well againſt any Demands which may be
made by the fucceeding Colonel as otherwiſe.
Annulling former
In cafe Patterns of
Clothing are not
of November in
cach Year.
All Warrants or Parts of any Warrants as have been in Force
that relate to the providing of Appointments and Accoutrements
at ſtated Periods, are hereby revoked and annulled. . ·
And as the 9th Day of November annually, is, according to the
prefent. Regulation, fixed for the viewing and fealing of Patterns
exhibited the 9th for, the Clothing of the Army, from which Act the feveral
(Colonels become intitled to the Affignment of their reſpective
Off-Reckonings; but if it fhall happen that the Board of General
Officers, before whom Patterns are exhibited for the Clothing
of the Army, fhall be prevented from meeting; or if by any
Means, other than the Colonel's own Default, proper Patterns
( 21 )
ſhall not have been exhibited on the 9th Day of November in any
Year, the Colonel or his Repreſentatives fhall be permitted, upon
exhibiting proper Patterns to make an Affignment; and fuch
Affignment when made, fhall veft the like Intereft in the Colo-
nel and his Repreſentatives, and his or their Affigns, and they
fhall refpectively be entitled to the Benefit of the affigned Off-
Reckonings, in like Manner as if the Affignment had been
actually made on the faid 9th Day of November.
No. 1.
No. I.
RETURN of APPOINTMENTS at this Time wanting and unferviceable, as alfo what in our Opinion will be wanting
Regiment of
and unferviceable by the next SPRING REVIEW, and what are likely to be wanting by the next Affignment in the
Troops or
IN M.Etino 2oo a
Here infert in Columns the feveral Articles.
At this Time wanting and unferviceable in the
That in our Opinion will be unferviceable by
next Spring Review.
#~3+ in 200
Likely in our Opinion to be unferviceable by
next Affignment.
A Copy of this to be fent to the
Adjutant-General's Office.
~ 3 +5 N∞
Signed A. B. Lieut. Col. or Major Commanding.
C. D. Captain.
( 22
No. 2.
RETURN of the Annual Inſpection of Appointments of the Regiment of
Day of
At that Time wanting and unferviceable.
as taken
by Lieut. Colonel (or Major) A. B. and Captain C. D.
Here infert the different Articles in Columns.
The different Troops or Companies need not be mentioned, only the Total of each Head.
Likely to be unſerviceable at the next Affign-
That would be unferviceable at this Review.
Furniſhed the Regiment agreeable to the above
23 )
( 25 )
HIS MAJESTY's Warrant for Regulat-
ing the Standards, Guidons, Clothing,
&c. for Regiments of Dragoon Guards,
Dragoons, and Light Dragoons. Dated
at St. James's,, 19th December, 1768.
CO Colonel is to put his Arms, Creft, Device, or Livery,,
on any Part of the Appointments of the Regiment under
His Command.
The Standards and Guidons of the Dragoon Guards, to be of
Silk Damaſk embroidered, and fringed with Gold' or Silver.
The Guidons of the Regiments of Dragoons, and of the Light
Dragoons, to be of Silk. The Taffels and' Cords of the Whole,
to Be of Crimfon Silk and Gold mixed. The Lance of the
Standards and Guidons (except thoſe of the Light Dragoons) to
be Nine Feet long (Spear and Ferrel included). The Flag of the
Standard to be Two Feet Five Inches wide without the Fringe,
and Two Feet Three Inches on the Lance. That of the Guidons
to be Three Feet Five Inches, to the End of the Slit of the
Swallow-Tail, and Two Feet Three Inches on the Lance. Thofe
of the Light Dragoons to be of a ſmaller Size.
The King's, or Firft Standard, or Guidon, of each Regiment,
to be Crimſon, with the Rofe and Thiſtle conjoined, and Crown
over them in the Center. His Majefty's Motto, Dieu et mon
Droit, underneath. The White Horſe, in a Compartment, in the
Firft and Fourth Corner; and the Rank of the Regiment, in
Gold or Silver Characters, on a Ground of the fame Colour as
the Facing of the Regiment, in a Compartment in the Second
and Third Corners.
The Second Standard or Guidon, of each Corps, to be of the Standards and Gui-
Colour of the Facing of the Regiment, with the Badge of the dons.
Regiment in the Center, or the Rank of the Regiment, in Gold
or Silver Roman Characters, on a Crimſon Ground, within a
Wreath of Rofes and Thiftles on the fame Stalk. The Motto of
the Regiment underneath. The White Horſe, on a Red
Ground, and Fourth Compartments, and the Rofe and Thiſtle
conjoined upon a Red Ground, in the Second and Third Com-
( 26 )
Bulls of Arms.
Camp Colours.
Uniform of Officers.
Thoſe Corps which have any particular Badge, are to carry it
in the Center of their Second and Third Standards or Guidon,
with the Rank of the Regiment on a Red Ground, within a
ſmall Wreath of Rofes and Thiftles, in the Second and Third
Corners: except thoſe of the Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards,
and Light Dragoons. The Rank of thofe Two Regiments to be
under the Plume of Feathers.
The Banners of the Kettle-Drums and Trumpets to be of
the Colour of the Facing of the Regiment. The King's Cypher
and Crown to be on the Banner of the Trumpets, with the
Rank of the Regiment in Figures underneath. The Banner of
the Trumpets to be Twelve Inches in Depth, and Eighteen
Inches in Length.
The Badge of the Regiment, or its Rank, to be in the
Center of the Banner of the Kettle-Drums, as on the Second
Standard. The Depth of the Kettle-Drum Banner to be Three
Feet Six Inches; the Length Four Feet Eight Inches, exclufive
of the Fringe.
The Trumpets to be of Braſs. The Cords to be Crimſon,
mixed with the Colour of the Facing of the Regiment. The
King's own Regiment of Dragoons, and the Royal Iriſh are
permitted to continue their Kettle-Drums, and to which they
are to have Banners.
The Bells of Arms to be painted with the Colour of the Facing
of the Regiment, upon which is to be the Badge or Rank of
the Regiment as in the Second Guidon.
The Camp Colours to be of the Colour of the Facing of the
Regiment, with the Rank of the Regiment in the Center. To
be Swallow-tailed, and to be Eighteen Inches long on the Part
which is fixed to the Pole. The Poles to be Seven Feet Six
Inches long, except thoſe for the Standard and Rear Guards,
which are to be Nine Feet.
The Number of each Regiment to be on the Buttons of the
Uniforms of the Officers and Men; except the Regiments of
Dragoon Guards. The initial Letters of the Title of thoſe Corps
are to be on the Buttons, inftead of the Number.
The Uniforms to be made up in the fame Manner as thoſe of
the Men. The Buttons on the Sleeve to be fet on Length-ways,
up the Arm, but the Sleeves not to be flit. The Waiſtcoats,
Breeches, and Lining of the Coats, to be of the fame Colour as
what is ordered for the Men.
The Coats of the Officers of the Dragoon Guards may be
without Lace or Embroidery; but if the Colonel thinks proper,
either Gold or Silver embroidered, or laced Button-holes, are
permitted. Thofe of the Officers of Dragoons, to have either
Gold or Silver embroidered, or laced Button-holes.
The Waiſtcoats of the Whole to be without Lace or Embroi- Waiſtcoats of the
dery, and to have Crofs Pockets.
The Officers of the Dragoon Guards and Dragoons, to have Epaulettes.
a Gold or Silver embroidered or laced Epaulette, with Fringe,
on the Left Shoulder.
The Breadth of the Lapells to be Three Inches, and to be no Lapells.
wider at the Top than at the Bottom.
The Houfings and Caps, except thofe of the Queen's, and Houfings and Cape.
Prince of Wales's Light Dragoons, to be laced with Gold or
Silver Lace, and a Stripe of Cloth in the Middle, of the Colour
of that on the Men's. A Taffel to be on the Corners of the
Houfings, and One on the Middle of the Caps. To have Black
or White Bear-fkin to cover the Piftols. Thofe of the Queen's
Light Dragoons to be of Leopard Skin, with Silver Fringe;
and thofe of the Prince of Wales's to be Black Cloth, with
Stripes of White Goat-fkin and Silver Lace.
The Boots of the Whole to be round-toed, and not of a heavy
Sort, and the Saddles, Girths, Surcingles, Piftols, Bits, Gloves,
Boots and Spurs, to be uniform.
The Standard Belts to be of the Colour of the Facing of the Standard Belts.
Regiment, and laced as the Houfings.
The Sashes to be of Crimſon Silk, and worn round the Safhes.
The Swords, Sword Knots, and Sword Belts, of the Officers Swords, Sword-
of each Regiment, to be uniform. The Sword Knots and Sword Knots and Sword-
Belts to be plain, either of Buff Colour or White, according to
the Colour of the Waiſtcoat; and to have Yellow or White
Buckles or Clafps, according to the Colour of the Buttons of the
Uniform. The Sword Belts to be worn over the Shoulder.
The Hats to be cocked uniformly, and in the fame Manner Hats and Helmets.
as thoſe of the Men. The Officers of Light Dragoons to have
The Officers and Men of the Dragoon Guards and Dragoons, Gaiters.
to have Black Linen Gaiters, with Black Buttons, with a ſmall
ftiff Top, Black Gaiters and uniform Buckles. Thofe of the
Light Dragoons to have Black Half Gaiters.
The Uniform of the Quarter-Mafters to be without Lace or Uniform of the
Embroidery, but to have a Gold or a Silver Button on the Coat Quarter Mater.
and Waiſtcoat, and to have Two Epaulettes. The Hats to be laced,
( 28 )
Serjeants Coats of
Dragoon Guards,
Dragoons, and
Light Dragoons.
Coats of Corporals
of Dragoon Guards,
Dragoons, and
Light Dragoons.
Coats of the Private
Men of the Dra-
goon Guards.
Coats of the Private
Men of the Dra-
Sleeves of the
Epaulettes of the
and worked in the fame Manner as thofe of the Officers. To wear
Crimſon Safes of Spun Silk round the Waift. The Saddles,
Girths, Surcingles, Piftols, Bits, Houfings and Caps, Swords,
Sword Belts, Gloves, Boots and Spurs, to be uniform. The
Furniture to be made like thofe of the Officers, but the Lace
not to be fo broad; and to have no Taffels on the Houſings and
The Serjeants of the Dragoon Guards, Dragoons, and Light
Dragoons, to be diftinguiſhed by a Gold or Silver Button-hole;
a narrow Lace round the Cape, and to have Two Epaulettes.
The Cloth of the Epaulettes to be of the Colour of the Facing,
with a narrow Gold or Silver Lace round it, and a Gold or
Silver Fringe. To wear Pouches as the Men do, and a Saſh
round the Waift, of Crimſon. Spun Silk, with a Stripe of the
Colour of the Facing of the Regiment.
The Corporals of Dragoon Guards, Dragoons, and Light
Dragoons, to have a narrow Silver or Gold Lace round. the
Turn-up of the Sleeves, and to have Epaulettes. The Cloth of
the Epauletres to be of the Colour of the Facing, with a narrow
Yellow or White Silk Tape round it, and a Silk Fringe.
The Coats of the Dragoon Guards. to be Lapelled to the
Waift. The Sleeves to be turned up with the Colour of the
Lapell. An Epaulette on the Left Shoulder.
The Coats of the Dragoons to be without Lapells. One Row
of Buttons, but to have Button-holes on each Side. The Sleeves
to be turned up with the Colour of the Facing. The Buttons on
the Sleeves of the Whole to be fet on Length-ways up the Arm;
but the Sleeves not to be flit.
The Cloth of the Epaulettes to be of the Colour of the
Private Men of the Facing, with a narrow Yellow or White Tape round it, and
Worfted Fringe.
Dragoon Guards,
Dragoons, and
Light Dragoons
Pockets, Capes, and
Button-holes of the
Coats of the
rockets and Button-
holes of the Waiſt-
The Coats of the
Kettle Drummers,
Trumpeters, and
The Coats of the Whole to have long Pockets, and Turn-
down Capes of the Colour of the Facing. The Capes to be made in
fuch a Manner, that they may occaſionally be buttoned up round
the Neck. The Button-holes of the Coats of the Dragoon
Guards, Dragoons, and Light Dragoons, to be of a very nar
row Yellow, Buff or White Braid, and ſet on as hereafter fpe-
The Waiſtcoats to have Crofs Pockets without Flaps. The
Button-holes to be without the Braid.
The Coats of the Kettle-Drummers, Trumpeters and Haut-
bois, are not to have long hanging Sleeves, and are to be con-
formable to the Particulars hereafter ſpecified.
( 29 )
The Trumpeters of the Heavy Dragoons to have Hats with Caps and Hats of
Feathers of the Colour of the Facing of their Lapells, except the Kettle Drum-
thofe of the Fourth Regiment of Dragoons, who are to have mers and Trum-
Moorish Turbans. Thofe Regiments who have Black Kettle-
Drummers, may alſo have the Turbans, inſtead of Bear-Skin
Caps. All Kettle-Drummers and Trumpeters to have Swords
with a Scimitar Blade.
The Farriers of the Dragoon Guards, Dragoons, and Light Farriers.
Dragoons, to have Blue Coats with Blue Lining, and Blue
Waiſtcoats and Breeches. The Lapells of the Dragoon Guards
and Light Dragoons to be Blue. The Capes and Cuffs of the
Sleeves to be of the Colour of the Facing of the Regiment, ex-
cept thoſe of the Royal Regiments, which are faced with Blue,
whofe Capes and Cuffs are to be Red. The Button-holes to be
the fame as thoſe which are ordered for the Men. To wear a
fmall Black Bear-Skin Cap, with a Horfe Shoe on the Fore-part,
of Silver-plated Metal on a Black Ground, and to have Churns
and an Apron.
The Hats to be laced with Gold or Silver Lace; the Breadth Hats and Caps.
to be One Inch and a Half, a Quarter of an Inch of which is to
be on the Infide of the Brim. To have Black Cockades. The
Royal North Britiſh Dragoons, only, to wear Black Bear-
Skin Caps inſtead of Hats. On the Front of the Cap, the
Thiſtle within the Circle of St. Andrew; and the Motto, Nemo
me impune laceffit.
The Watering or Forage Caps to be Red, turned up with Watering Caps.
the Colour of the Facing and the Rank of the Regiment on
the little Flap.
The Cloaks to be Red, lined with the fame Colour as the Cloaks.
Men's Coats, and Claſps ſet on at Top, upon Loops of the fame
Colour as the Lace on the Houfings. The Capes to be of the
fame Colour of the Facing.
The Breadth of the Shoulder Belts of the Dragoon Guards Shoulder Belts.
and Dragoons, to be Four Inches and a Half. Thofe of the
Light Dragoons to be Two Inches and an Half. Thofe Regi-
ments which have Buff Waiſtcoats, are to have Buff-coloured
Accoutrements. Thoſe which have White Waiſtcoats, are to
have White. To have yellow Buckles or Clafps.
The Houfings and Holfter Caps to be of the Colour of the Houfings and Hol-
Facing of the Regiment, except the King's Dragoon Guards, the fter Caps.
Royal Dragoons, the Fourth Regiment of Horfe (now 7th Dra-
goon Guards) the King's, Queen's, and Prince of Wales's Light
Dragoons. Thoſe of the King's Dragoon Guards and of the
Royal Dragoons to be Red. Thoſe of the 7th Dragoon Guards
to be Buff. Thofe of the King's and Queen's Light Dragoons
to be White. The Houfings and Caps to be laced with One
Broad White or Yellow Worfted or Mohair Lace, with a Stripe
( 30 )
Epaulettes to be
worn on both
19 January, 1788.
Crofs Belts.
12 January, 1788.
Belts kow wore.
11 July, 1789.
11 July, 1789.
in the Middle, of One-third of the whole Breadth as hereafter
fpecified. The Rank of the Regiment to be embroidered on
the Houfings upon a Red Ground, within a Wreath of Rofes
and Thiftles, or the particular Badge of the Regiment; as on
the Second Guidon or Standard. The King's Cypher, with the
Crown over it, to be embroidered on the Holfter Caps; and
under the Cypher the Number or Rank of the Regiment. The
Houfings and Caps of the Prince of Wales's Regiment of Light
Dragoons, to be Black Cloth with Stripes of White Goat-fkin.
The Officers and Men of all the Regiments of Dragoon
Guards, Dragoons, and Light Dragoons to have Black Bridons;
and they are to be made in fuch a Manner that the Horfes may
be linked with them when the Regiments are difmounted.
The Heavy Dragoon Regiments to wear Crofs Belts. An
Epaulette or Shoulder Strap to be added to every Man's Right
Shoulder, uniform with that worn before on his Left Shoulder,
for the Purpoſe of holding the Sword Belt. The Officers for
the future to wear an Epaulette upon each Shoulder.
The Dragoon Guards, and Dragoons, are, for the future, to
wear their Swords flung over their Coats; and in order to
render the Appearance of the Two Belts, when worn acroſs the
Shoulders more uniform, the Pouch Belt is to be reduced from
its preſent Breadth of Four Inches and a Half, to Three
The Officers when on Duty and with their Safhes on, are
likewife to have their Swords flung over their Uniforms; and
when off Duty and without Safhes, they are to wear them flung
over their Waiſtcoats.
The Hilts of the Swords for the Regiments of Dragoon
Guards and Dragoons, fhould be Half Baſket; the fame Form
as thofe of the 6th (or Innifkilling) Regiment of Dragoons.
The Grip from the Guard to the Point of the Button to be
Seven Inches and Five-eighths.
The Blades to be Three Feet Three Inches, from the Guard to
the Point.
The Breadth of the Blade, at the Shoulder, to be One Inch
and Five-twelfths; and the Back to be Three-eighths of an Inch
thick, and to finiſh about 14 Inches from the Point.
The Officer's Swords to be uniform with thofe of the Men.
The Saddles for the Heavy Cavalry are to have a ftrong
Burr before, and no Cautle behind; as being the moft conve-
nient, as well as the beft calculated for Service.
( 31 )
Colour of
Colour of
the Waift-
the Waift-
Colour of
Colour of the
feveral Facings
of the ſeveral Corps of
Colour of the Facings,
and Lapells.
Colour of the 'coat, Bree-
Buttons, and ches, and
how fet on.
Lining of
the Coat
and Cloak.
Colour of the
Colour of the
Hat Lace.
Coat and of the coats, Bree-
ehes, and
Lining of
the Coats.
Lace on the
Clothes of the
Trumpeters, &c.
the Houf-
ings and
Colour of the
Lace on the
Colour of
Badge or Device on the
Embroidery Fringe on
Houfings and
HouLngs and
the 2d
and 3'd
on the Three the Three
Standards. Standards.
Badge or Device
on the 2d and 3d
Motto on the
2d and 3d
BLUE. 4th or ROYAL IRISH Regiment of
Blue, with Half Lapells. White, 2 and 2. WHITE. SILVER. Blue, with Red WHITE. White, with a
Red Stripe.
White, with Rank of the Regiment.
Red Stripe.
IVth D. G.
BLUE. GOLD and GOLD and Rank of the Regiment
IVth D. G.
Yellow, with Half Lapells. White, 2 and 2. WHITE. SILVER.
Yellow, with WHITE. White, with a
Green Stripe.
YELLOW 'White, with a Rank of the Regiment. YELLOW SILVER. SILVER.
Green Stripe. Vth D. G.
White Horfe.
Vth D. G.
Veftigia nulla
White, with Half Lapells. White, 2 and 2. WHITE. SILVER.
White, with
WHITE. Yellow, with
Black Stripes.
WHITE. Yellow, with Rank of the Regiment. WHITE. GOLD.
Black Stripes.
Vith D. G.
GOLD. Rank of the Regiment
Vith D. G.
7th or PRINCESS ROYAL's Regiment of
Black, with Half Lapells. Yellow, 2 and 2. WHITE, GOLD.
White, with
WHITE. White, with a
Black Stripe.
White and Rank of the Regiment. BLACK.
Black Stripe.
VIIth D. G.
GOLD and Rank of the Regiment.
VIIth D. G.
ift HOR'S E, to be called,
4th HORSE,
ALTERATIONS in Confequence of the above CHANGE.
5th Regiment of DRAGOON GUARDS,
-6th Regiment of DRAGOON GUARD S,
BUFF to WHITE, Waiſtcoats and Breeches of Trumpeters changed from
Colour of Houfings and Holfter-Caps, changed from BUFF to WHITE.
No Alteration in Appointments.
Facings changed to YELLOW.
The Waiſtcoats and Breeches of Trumpeters changed from RED to WHITE.
Colour of Waiſtcoats, Breeches, Lining of Coats, and Cloaks, changed from
RED to WHITE. Trumpeter's Coats, from RED, to WHITE with BLACK
The above APPOINTMENTS to take Place on the Delivery of new Clothing and Furniture, &c. in all other Refpects the Regiments are to conform to his Majefty's printed
( 33 )
Regulation for Clothing of the Re-
giments of Light Dragoons.
HE Clothing of a Private Light Dragoon to confiſt of a Private.
Jacket, Shell, Under-Waiſtcoat, and Leather Breeches.
The Jacket and Shell to be of Blue Cloth, the Collars and
Cuffs of the Royal Regiments to be Red, and thofe of the
other Regiments to be of the Colour of the Facings of the Re-
giment, looped upon the Breaft, and edged with White Thread
Cord, and to be lined with White; the 11th and 13th Regi-.
ments excepted, which are to be lined with Buff.
The Under-Waiſtcoat to be of Flannel with Sleeves, and
made ſo as to be buttoned within the Waiſtband of the
The Breeches to be of Buck-ſkin.
N. B. The Make of the Dreſs, and Method of placing the
Cord upon the Breaſt of the Jacket, to be exactly comformable
to the Pattern approved of by His Majeſty.
The Jacket and Shell to be made up in the fame Manner as Field Uniform.
thoſe of the Men, excepting that the Shell is to have Sleeves,
and that the Looping is to be of Silver, the 13th Regiment ex-
cepted, which is to be of Gold.
The Serjeants of the Light Dragoons to be diſtinguiſhed by
Gold or Silver Looping.
The Corporals of the Light Dragoons to be diftinguiſhed by a Corporal.
Gold or Silver Cord round the Collar and Cuff.
The Trumpeters to have a Jacket and Shell, the Golour of the Trumpeters.
Facing of the Regiment, with Lace inftead of Looping in Front
and down the Seams.
( 34 )
Colour of
11 July, 1789.
Officer's Uniform.
Carbines ftrapped.
Caps to be worn, and
not Helmets.
5th April, 1792.
Black Bear-fkin
The Drefs Uniform for the Officers after the 1ft of January
next, to be conformable to the Pattern made by General Pitt,
and approved of by His Majefty. The Field Uniforms of all the
Light Dragoon Corps are to be made alike, and without any
Difference whatever, excepting in the Regimental Facing, at the
Cuff and Cape.
It is alfo His Majeſty's Pleaſure, that at all Reviews, for the
future, the Light Dragoon Regiments are to have their Car-
bines ftrapped up in the Buckets when they march paſt His Ma-
jefty, or the Reviewing General, in Parade.
The Hilt of the Swords to be of the fame Form as thoſe now
uſed by the Light Dragoons; to be Five Inches long in the Grip.
The Blades to be Thirty-fix Inches long; and the Curve in the
Center to be One Inch and Three Quarters from the ſtraight
Line. The Breadth to be One Inch and a Half at the Shoulder.
The Blade to be Three-eighths of an Inch thick; and to finiſh
about Eleven Inches from the Point. The Officers Swords to be
uniform with thoſe of the Men.
The Blades both of the Heavy and Light Dragoon Swords to
be proved, and undergo fuch trial in the Tower of London as
has been approved of by his Majefty, until fuch Time as the fame
Mode be adopted in this. Country.
The Cap to be made with a Peak in Front; and the Turban
adjuſted with a Cape, to let down round the Neck, which
fhould be of the Colour of the Facing of the Regiment, as well
as the Feather, except where the Facing is White, in which Cafe
they are to be mixed with Red: The Creft of Black Bear Skin.
The diftinguiſhing Badge of thoſe Regiments who have any to be
preferved; and to be placed on the Right Side of the Cap, and
the Feather on the Left Side.
Every Regiment to have its Number, in Plated Silver, fixed in
the Front of each Cap, after the Pattern of the 11th Regiment
of Light Dragoons; and the Caps are to be bound round the
Peak of the Front with Silver Plating.
The Carbine and Sword Belts of Light Dragoons to be of the
fame Breadth, viz. Two Inches and a Half; The Patterns of the
Sword Belts to be conformable to thofe of the 10th Regiment of
the Light Dragoons, and to be made without Clafps.
The Trumpeters of all Regiments of Light Dragoons, are to
wear in future Black Bear-fkin Caps, inftead of Hats. The dif
Trumpeters to wear ferent Regiments are of courſe to fix their own Regimental
Badge or Device in the Front of their Caps. The Colour of
the other Ornaments which are added thereto, will be deter-
mined by that of the Clothing worn by their reſpective Trum-
( 35 )
HIS MAJESTY's Warrant for the Regu-
lation of the Colours, Clothing, &c.
of the INFANTRY.
Dated at St. James's, 19th December, 1786. (1768?).
O Colonel is to put his Arms, Creft, Device, or Livery,
on any Part of the Appointments of the Regiment under
his Command.
The King's, or Firft Colour of every Regiment, is to be the,
great Union throughout.
The Second Colour to be the Colour of the Facing of the Regi- Colours.
ment, with the Union in the Upper Canton; except thofe Regi-
ments which are faced with Red, White, or Black. The Second
Colour of thoſe Regiments which are faced with Red or White,
is to be the Red Croſs of St George in a White Field, and the
Union in the Upper Canton. The Second Colour of thoſe
which are faced with Black, is to be St. George's Croſs through-
out; Union in the Upper Canton; the Three other Cantons,
In the Center of each Colour is to be painted, or embroidered,
in Gold Roman Characters, the Number of the Rank of the
Regiment within the Wreath of Roſes and Thiſtles on the fame
Stalk; except thoſe Regiments which are allowed to wear any
Royal Devices, or Antient Badges; on whofe Colours the Rank
of the Regiment is to be painted, or embroidered, towards the
Upper Corner. The Size of the Colours to be Six Feet Six Inches
flying, and Six Feet deep on the Pike. The Length of the Pike
(Spear and Ferrel included) to be Nine Feet Ten Inches. The
Cords and Taffels of the whole to be Crimſon and Gold mixed.
The Drums to be Wood. The Front to be painted with the Drums,
Colour of the Facing of the Regiment, with the King's Cypher
and Crown, and the Number of the Regiment under it.
The Bells of Arms to be painted in the fame Manner.
Bells of Arms.
The Camp Colours to be Eighteen Inches Square, and of the Camp Colours;
Colour of the Facing of the Regiment, with the Number of the
( 36 )
Uniform of Officers.
¡ Epaulettes.
Swords and Sword-
Saſhes and Gorgets.
Regiment upon them. The Poles to be Seven Feet Six Inches
'long, except thoſe of the Quarter and Rear Guards, which are
to be Nine Feet.
The Number of each Regiment to be on the Buttons of the
Uniforms of the Officers and Men. The Coats to be Lapelled
to the Waiſt with the Colour of the Facing of the Regiment.
They may be without Embroidery or Lace; but if the Colonel
thinks proper, either Gold or Silver embroidered or laced Button-
holes are permitted. To have Crofs Pockets, and Sleeves with
round Cuffs, and no Slits. The Lapells and Cuffs to be of the
fame Breadth as is ordered for the Men.
The Officers of Grenadiers to wear an Epaulette on each
Shoulder. Thoſe of the Battalion to wear One on the Right
Shoulder. They are to be either of Embroidery, or Lace, with
Gold or Silver Fringe.
The Waiſtcoats to be plain, without either Embroidery or
The Swords of each Regiment to be uniform, and the Sword
Knots of the whole to be Crimſon and Gold in Stripes. The
Hilts of the Swords to be either Gilt or Silver, according to the
- Colour of the Buttons on the Uniforms.
The Hats to be laced either with Gold or Silver as hereafter
*fpecified, and to be cocked uniformly.
The Safhes to be of Crimfon Silk, and worn round the Wait.
The King's Arms to be engraved on the Gorgets; alſo the
Number of the Regiment. They are to be either Gilt or Silver,
according to the Colour of the Buttons on the Uniforms. The
Badges of thoſe Regiments which are intitled to any, are alſo to
be engraved.
Cap, Fuzils, and The Officers of the Grenadiers to wear Black Bear-Skin Caps;
Pouches, Grenadier and to have Fuzils, Shoulder-Belts and Pouches. The Shoulder-
Belts to be White or Buff, according to the Colour of their
·Serjeants Coats.
Serjeants Safhes.
The Coats of the Serjeants to be Lapelled to the Waift, with
the Colour of the Facing of the Regiment. The Button-holes
.of the Coat to be of White Braid. Thoſe on the Waiſtcoats to
be plain. The Serjeants of Granadiers. to have Fuzils, Pouches,
and Caps. Thoſe of the Battalion to have Halberts, and no
The Safhes to be of Crimſon Worfted, with a Stripe of the
Colour of the Facing of the Regiment, and worn- round the
Waiſt. Thoſe of the Regiments which are faced with Red, to
have a Stripe of White.
( 37 )
The Coats of the Corporals to have a Silk Epaulette on the Corporals C
Right Shoulder.
The Coats of the Grenadiers to have the ufual Round Wings Grenadiers Coats,
of Red Cloth, on the Point of the Shoulder, with Six Loops
of the fame Sort of Lace as on the Button holes, and a Border
round the Bottom.
The Mens Coats to be looped with Worfted Lace, but no Private Mens Coats
Border. The Ground of the Lace to be White, with coloured
Stripes. To have White Buttons. The Breadth of the Lace
which is to make the Loop round the Button-hole, to be about
Half an Inch. Four Loops to be on the Sleeves, and Four on
the Pockets, with Two on each Side of the Slit behind.
The Breadth of all Lapells to be Three Inches, to reach Lapells, Sleeves and
down to the Waiſt, and not to be wider at Top than at the Bot- Pockets.
tom. The Sleeves of the Coats to have a fmall round Cuff
without any Slit, and to be made fo that they may be unbut-
toned and let down. The whole to have Crofs Pockets, but no
Flaps to thoſe of the Waiſtcoat. The Cuffs of the Sleeve which
turns up, to be Three Inches and a Half deep. The Flap on the
Pocket of the Coat to be fewed down, and the Pocket to be cut
in the Lining of the Coat.
The Coats of the Drummers and Fifers of all the Royal Re- Drummers and
giments are to be Red, faced and lapelled with Blue, and laced Fifers.
with Royal Lace. The Waiſtcoats, Breeches, and Lining of the
Coats to be of the fame Colour as that which is ordered for
their reſpective Regiments. The Coats of the Drummers and
Fifers of thoſe Regiments which are faced with Red, are to be
White, faced, lapelled, and lined with Red; Red Waiftcoats
and Breeches. Thofe of all the other Regiments, are to be of
the Colour of the Facing of their Regiment; faced and lapelled
with Red. The Waistcoats, Breeches, and Lining of thoſe
which have Buff or White Coats are to be Red. Thofe of all
the others, are to be of the fame Colour as that which is order-
ed for the Men. To be laced in fuch Manner as the Colonel
fhall think fit. The Lace to be of the Colour of that on the
Soldiers Coats. The Coats to have no hanging Sleeves behind.
The Drummers and Fifers to have Black Bear-Skin Caps. On Drummers and
the Front, the King's Cre, of Silver-plated Metal, on a Black Fifers Caps.
Ground, with Trophies of Colours and Drums. The Number
of the Regiment on the back Part; as alfo the Badge, if inti-
tled to any, as ordered for the Grenadiers.
The Caps of the Grenadiers to be of Black Bear-Skin. On Grenadiers Caps.
the Front, the King's Creft, of Silver-plated Metal, on a Black
Ground, with the Motto, Nec afpera terrent. A Grenade on the
back Part, with the Number of the Regiments on it. The Royal
Regiments, and the Six Old Corps, are to have the Creft and
38 )
Hats of the whole.
Caps for the Regi-
ments of Fuzileers.
Grenade, and alſo the other Particulars as hereafter ſpecified.
The Badge of the Royal Regiments is to be White, and ſet, on
near the Top of the back Part of the Cap. The Height of the
Cap (without the Bear-ſkin which reaches beyond the Top) to
be Twelve Inches.
The Hats of the Serjeants to be laced with Silver. Thoſe of
the Corporals and Private Men, to have a White Tape Binding.
The Breadth of the whole to be One Inch and a Quarter; and
no more to be on the back Part of the Brim, than what is ne-
ceffary to ſew it down. To have Black Cockades.
The Regiments of Fuzileers to have Black Bear-ſkin Caps.
They are to be made in the fame Manner as thoſe which are
ordered for the Grenadiers, but not fo high, and not to have
the Grenade on the back Part.
All the Serjeants of the Regiment, to have Swords. The
Corporals and Private Men (excepting the Regiment of Royal
Highlanders) to have no Swords. All Drummers and Fifers to
have a fhort Sword with a Scimetar Blade.
Each Pioneer to have an Axe, a Saw, and an Apron; a Cap
with a Leather Crown, and a Black Bear-fkin Front, on which
is to be the King's Creft in White, on a Red Ground; alfo an
Axe and a Saw. The Number of the Regiment to be on the
back Part of the Cap.
Devices and Badges of the Royal Regi=
ments, and of the Six Old Corps.
'N the Center of their Colours, the King's Cypher within the Fift or Royal Re-
Circle of St. Andrew, and Crown over it. In the Three giment.
Corners of the Second Colour, the Thiſtle and Crown. The
Diftinction of the Colours of the fecond Battalion, is a Flaming
Ray of Gold defcending from the upper Corner of each Colour
towards the Center.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo the King's
Cypher within the Circle of St. Andrew, and Crown over it, as
in the Colours.
The Drums and Bells of Arms, to have the fame Device
painted on them, with the Number or Rank of the Regiment
under it.
2d, or Queen's
In the Center of each Colour, the Queen's Cypher on a Red
Ground within the Garter, and Crown over it. In the Three Royal Regiment.
Corners of the Second Colour, the Lamb, being the antient
Badge of the Regiment.
On the Grenadier Caps, the King's Creft; alfo the King's
Cypher and Crown, as in the Colours.
The Drums, and Bells of Arms, to have the Queen's Cypher
painted on them in the fame Manner, and the Rank of the
Regiment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, the Dragon, being their 3d, or Buffs.
Antient Badge, and the Rofe and Crown in the Three Corners
of their Second Colour. On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's
Creft; alfo the Dragon.
The fame Badge of the Dragon to be painted on their Drums,
and Bells of Arms, with the Rank of the Regiment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, the King's Cypher on a Red 4th, or the King's
Ground within the Garter, and Crown over it. In the Three own Royal Regi-
Corners of their Second Colour, the Lion of England, being
their Antient Badge.
( 40 )
5th Regiment.
6th Regiment.
7th, or Royal Fu-
8th, or King's Re-
18th, or Royal
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, the King's
Cypher and Crown, as in the Colours.
The Drums and Bells of Arms, to have the King's Cypher
painted on them, in the fame Manner, and the Rank of the
Regiment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, St. George killing the Dra-
gon, being their Antient Badge; and in the Three Corners of
their Second Colour, the Rofe and Crown.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo St. George
killing the Dragon.
The Badge of St. George and the Dragon, to be painted on
the Drums, and Bells of Arms, with the Rank of the Regiment
In the Center of their Colours, the Antelope, being their
Antient Badge; and in the Three Corners of their Second
Colour, the Rofe and Crown.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo the Antelope.
The fame Badge of the Antelope to be painted on their Drums,
and Bells of Arms, with the Rank of the Regiment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, the Roſe within the Garter,
and the Crown over it. The White Horſe in the Corners of the
Second Colour.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, the Rofe
within the Garter and Crown, as in the Colours. The ſame
Device of the Rofe within the Garter and Crown, on their
Drums and Bells of Arms. Rank of the Regiment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, the White Horſe on a Red
Ground within the Garter, and Crown over it. In the Three
Corners of the Second Colour, the King's Cypher and Crown.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, the White
Horſe, as in the Colours.
The fame Device of the White Horfe within the Garter, on
the Drums, and Bells of Arms. Rank of the Regiment un-
In the Center of their Colours, the Harp in a Blue Field, and
the Crown over it; and in the Three Corners of their Second
Colour, the Lion of Naffau, King William the Third's Arms.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, the Harp
and Crown, as in the Colours.
4 1
The Harp and Crown to be painted in the fame Manner on
their Drums, and Bells of Arms, with the Rank of the Regi-
ment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, the Thiftle with the Circle 21ft, or Royal
of St. Andrew, and Crown over it; and in the Three Corners North British Fazi-
of the Second Colour, the King's Cypher and Crown.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo the Thiſtle, as
in the Colours.
On the Drums and Bells of Arms, the Thiſtle and Crown to
be painted as in the Colours. Rank of the Regiment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, the Device of the Prince of 23d, or Royal
Wales, viz, Three Feathers iffuiug out of the Prince's Coronet. Welch Fuzileers.
In the Three Corners, of the Second Colour, the Badges of
Edward the Black Prince, viz. Rifing Sun, Red Dragon, and
the Three Feathers in the Coronet. Motto, Ich Dien.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, the Feathers,
as in the Colours.
The fame Badge of the Three Feathers, and Motto, Ich Dien,
on the Drums, and Bells of Arms, Rank of the Regiment
Allowed to wear, in the Center of their Colours, a Caftle 27th, or Inniskilling
with Three Turrets; St. George's Colours flying in a Blue Regiment.
Field; and the Name Inniſkilling over it.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, the Caftle
and Name as in the Colours. The fame Badge of the Caſtle, and
Name on the Drums and Bells of Arms. Rank of the Regiment
In the Center of their Colours, the Roſe and Thiſtle on a Red
Ground, within the Garter, and Crown over it; in the Three Cor- 41ft Regiment.
ners of their Second Colour, the King's Cypher and Crown.
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, the Rofe and
Thiſtle, as in the Colours.
On the Drums and Bells of Arms, the fame Device of the
Rofe and Thiſtle conjoined within the Garter and Crown, as in
the Colours.
In the Center of their Colours, the King's Cypher within 42d, or Royal
the Garter, and Crown over it. Under it St. Andrew, with Highlanders.
the Motto, Nemo me impune laceffit. In the Three Corners of the
Second Colour, the King's Cypher and Crown.
( 42 )
бoth, or Royal
On the Grenadiers Caps, the King's Creft; alfo, St. Andrew,
as in the Colours.
On the Drums and Bells of Arms, the fame Device with the
Rank of the Regiment underneath.
In the Center of their Colours, the King's Cypher within
the Garter, and Crown over it. In the Three Corners of the
Second Colour, the King's Cypher and Crown. The Colours of
the Second Battalion to be diftinguiſhed by a Flaming Ray of
Gold defcending from the Upper Corner of each Colour, towards
the Center.
On the Grenadiers Caps the King's Creft; alfo, the King's
Cypher and Crown, as in the Colours. On the Drums and Bells
of Arms, the King's Cypher painted in the fame Manner, and
the Rank of the Regiment underneath.
( 43 )
Great Uniforms for General Officers, as
ordered by His Majefty.
For General Officers.
CARLET Coat, lined with White, Blue Cuff to the 21 July, 1786.
Sleeve, round and fmall. No Lapells. A Short Stand-up
Cape. One Broad Gold Lace round the Coat and Pockets, General Officers
conformable to the Pattern approved of by His Majefty, and Great Uniform.
Three round the Cuff of the Sleeve. The uppermost of which
is only to be Half the Breadth of the other Two below it, but
of the fame Pattern.
The Narrow Lace to go round the Cape. An Epaulette, con-
formable to the Pattern approved of by His Majefty, to be
worn on each Shoulder.
Plain White Waiſtcoat and Breeches. Buttons, the fame, as,
by His Majeſty's Command, are in ufe at preſent.
For Lieutenant Generals.
The fame Uniform throughout as above defcribed for the
General, excepting that they are only to have Two Broad Laces
round the Cuff of the Sleeve, without the Third Narrow Lace
above them.
For Major General.
The fame Uniform as above, excepting that they are only to
have One Broad Lace, round the Cuff of the Sleeve.
It is His Majefty's further Pleaſure, that General Officers
appear in their Uniform, they are to wear White Stocks and
Queues. And when in Frock Uniforms, either White, or Black
Stocks, with their Hair either Queued or Clubbed.
( 44 )
His MAJESTY's Warrant for regulat-
ing the Accoutrements of the Regi-
ments of Infantry.
Dated 21ft July, 1784.
Quantity of Am-
: Ponch.
Crofs Belts.
. Gaiters.
› Grenadier-Swords.
Powder Horn of
Light Infantry.
Light Infantry.Cap.
HE whole Quantity of Ammunition carried by each Soldier
to be fifty fix Rounds; Thirty-two of which are to be
carried in a Pouch on his Right Side, and Twenty-four in a
Cartridge-Box, by Way of Magazine, upon a new Conftruc-
tion, to be worn occafionally on his Left Side.
The Pouch to conſiſt of a Tin Box, with Five Diviſions in it;
each containing-Four Cartridges, placed upright: And of.ano-
ther Tin Box underneath, to hold the remaining Twelve Car-
tridges, placed horizontally, with Divifions in it to fit the
Length of the Cartridges. The Flap of the Pouch to be plain
without any Qrnament, and the Bottom Part of it to be round-
ed at the Corners.
The Cartridge Box, by Way of Magazine (which will be de-
livered out of the Stores of Ordnance) to be fixed to the Bayo-
net Belt, in fuch a Manner as to be eaſily taken off or put on ; .
it not being intended to be worn except on a March, or on actual
· Service.
The Crofs Belts for the Pouch and Magazine to be made of
Buff Leather, and to be of equal Breadth, viz. Two Inches.
The Part of the Belt. in which the Bayonet is carried to be
made to flip on and off, with Loops.
The Gaiters to be made of Black Woollen Cloth (inftead of
Linen) with White Metal Buttons; and without ftiff Tops.
The Grenadier Swords, as alfo their Matches and Match-
Caſes to be laid aſide.
The light Infantry to have a ſmall Priming Horn, to hold
about Two Ounces of Powder. The Horn and Hatchet not to
be fixed to the Accoutrements, but to be carried either with the
Knapfack, or in fuch other Manner as the Commanding Officer
fhall think moft convenient.
The Light Infantry Cap to be of Black Leather; and to be
made as well as the other Accoutrements herein directed, in
exact Conformity to the new Patterns approved, and lodged in
( 45 )
the Officeof the Secretary to the Board of General Officers in
this Kingdom.
His Majefty's Orders. That the Efpontoon fhall be laid afide, 29 April, 1786.
and that, in Lieu thereof, the Battalion Officers are, for the
future, to make ufe of Swords. The Officers of all Infantry Efpontoons diſuſed.
Corps fhall be provided with a ftrong fubftantial Uniform
Sword, the Blade of which is to be ftraight, and made to cut
and thruft; to be One Inch at leaft broad at the Shoulder; and
32 Inches in Length. The Hilt if not of Steel, is to be either
Gilt or Silver, according to the Colour of the Buttons on the
Uniforms; and the Sword Knot, to be Crimſon and Gold in
Stripes, as required by the prefent Regulation.
The Officers of all Infantry Regiments, when they are on Duty, 6 July, 1789.
and appear with their Safhes on, are, for the future, to wear
their Swords flung upon their Right Shoulders over their Uni- Swords how worn.
forms. When off Duty, and having their Uniforms on with-
out Saſhes, they are to wear their Swords flung over their
The Serjeants of Infantry, are to wear their Swords over 6 July, 1782.
their Coats, in the fame Manner as the Private Men carry their
Serjeants Swords.
10 Dec. 1791.
Two Epaulettes are to be worn upon the General Officers
Frock Uniform, in like Manner as they are now worn on the
Great Uniform; and the Effective Field Officers of all Regi- Epaulettes.
ments (Cavalry as well as Infantry) fhall likewife be diftinguifhed
by wearing an Epaulette on each Shoulder.-Grenadier Officers,
who now wear two Epaulettes, are to have the Addition of a
Grenade Embroidered upon each-and the Light Infantry Offi-
cers that of a Bugle-Horn.
Effective Field Officers Means, the Colonels, Lieutenant-Co- Commander in
lonels, and Majors of each Regiment-but does not extend to Chiefs Explanation.
Brevet Field Officers, being Captains.
28 June, 1792.
His Majefty is pleafed to order, that the Uniforms of His own
Aids de Camp, and thofe of the Deputy Quarter-Mafter-Ge-
neral, and Deputy Adjutant-General of his Army, are for the Epaulettes,
future to have an Epaulette on each Shoulder.
The Serjeants of Infantry are to be fupplied with, and to 4 April, 1792.
make ufe of Pikes, inſtead of the Halberds at preſent in ufe, Pikes and not Hal-
which are to be laid aſide.
Officers of Grenadiers, Light Infantry, and Fuzileers, are, 8 May, 1792.
in future, to make uſe of their Swords, inftead of Fuzils; and
the Serjeants of Grenadiers, and Fuzileers, to carry Pikes:
but the Light Infantry Serjeants are to keep their Fuzils, as at
( 46 >
THEREAS feveral Regulations have been eſtabliſhed for
the Cloathing of the Forces by a Warrant of Our late
Royal Grandfather, dated the 20th of November, 1729, and by
Our Warrant, dated the 27th of July, 1768; AND WHEREAS
WE think fit to order fome Alterations to be made in the Cloth-
ing of Our Regiments of Light Dragoons and Marching Regi-
ments of Infantry which fhall from Time to Time be ftationed
in the Eaft or Weft Indies; as well as to difpenſe with the fur-
niſhing in Kind certain Articles of Clothing to the Troops ferv-
ing in Eaft India, and to direct that due Compenfation in Value
be made to the Men in Lieu of fuch Articles; OUR WILL AND
PLEASURE IS, that, inſtead of the Rules laid down in the
Warrants before fpecified, the following Regulations be duly
obſerved in reſpect of the Clothing of Our faid Regiments, for
fuch Time only as they fhall remain upon Service in the Eaft or
Weſt Indies it being Our Intention, that, on their Return to
Great Britain, or Removal to any other Station, they fhall be
furniſhed with the like Cloathing, and in the fame Manner, as
is now required by Virtue of the Warrants referred to the above.
Each Man fhall have,
An Undrefs JACKET, inftead of a SHELL; to be only
faced inſtead of lined through, and to be furniſhed once
in Two Years.
A CUMLEY, inftead of a Cloak; to be provided in
India, and to be furniſhed once in a Year and an Half.
Each Serjeant fhall have,
A Hat instead of a Bonnet:
And a Compenſation in Value,
A Plaid
In Lieu of A Shirt and Roller
Stockings or Hofe
Each Corporal and Private Man fhall have,
A Hat inftead of a Bonnet :
And a Compenfation in Value,
SA Plaid
Stockings or Hofe
In Lieu of A Shirt and Roller
£. s. do
annually, o 6
ditto, O 6 6
ditto, o
5 9
ditto, о 4 O
ditto, o 1 8
Each Serjeant fhall have,
A fhort Jacket inſtead of a Coat:
And a Compenfation in Value,
annually, o 4 6
For the Difference between a Coat and a Jacket
Breeches (applicable to the providing of
In Lieu of
A Shirt and Roller
Each Corporal and Private Man fhall have,
A fhort Jacket inſtead of a Coat:
And a Compenſation in Value,
annually, o 5 0
ditto, o 6 6
ditto, o 3 6
For the Difference between a Coat and a Jacket annually, o 1 9
Breeches (applicable to the providing of
In Lieu of
A Shirt and Roller
annually, o 40
ditto, o 4 o
ditto, o 1 8
Each Serjeant fhall have,
A fhort Jacket inftead of a Coat:
A Pair of Trowfers, inftead of Breeches, the
Materials to be provided here, and made up at the
And a Compenſation in Value,
For the Difference between a Coat and a Jacket annually, o 4 6
Each Coporal and Private Man fhall have,
A fhort Jacket inſtead of a Coat:
A Pair of Trowfers, inftead of Breeches ; the
Materials to be provided here, but to be made up at
the Regiment:
And a Compenſation in Value,
For the Difference between a Coat and a Jacket annually, o 19
The ſaid ſeveral COMPENSATIONS to be carried to the Credit
of each Man's Accompt, and laid out for him to the beſt Ad-
vantage, under the Direction of the Colonel of his Regiment.
GIVEN at our Court at St. James's, this 7th Day of July,
1790, in the Thirtieth Year of our Reign.
( 48 )
By the Lord Lieutenant General and
General Governor of Ireland.
THE Right Honourable W. W. GRENVILLE, His Majefty's
Principal Secretary of State, having in his Letter of the 22d of
July, 1790, tranfmitted to Us the annexed printed Copy of a
Regulation, which the King has been pleaſed to eſtabliſh, for
the Clothing of Regiments ferving in the East and West Indies,
and fignified His Majefty's Commands that the faid Regula-
tions be obſerved in regard to Clothing the Regiments lent by
Ireland from Time to Time for Foreign Service, and ftationed
either in the Eaft or Weft Indies; It is Our Pleaſure that the
fame be printed and publiſhed, in order to their being obferved
by fuch Regiments as fhall be lent by Ireland from Time to
Time for Foreign Service, and ftationed either in the East or
Weft Indies, and that their Clothing be hereafter made conform-
able to His Majeſty's faid Regulations accordingly.
Given at His Majefty's Caftle of Dublin, the 5th Day of
August, 1790.
By His Excellency's Command,
HEREAS the. General Officers of Our Army, to
W whom We were pleaſed to refer the Confideration of
fundry Matters relative to the Clothing of Our Forces, and in
particular, that of a proper Clothing for Recruits enlifted for
Regiments ſtationed abroad, during the Time which muſt elapfe
before the Men join their reſpective Corps, have fubmitted to
Us their Opinion in a Report bearing Date the 31ft of May,
1791; We, having thought fit to approve of the faid Report,
are pleafed hereby to Authorize and Direct, that, in Conformity
thereto, the following Regulations be in future duly obferved.
Every Recruit enlifted for a Regiment on Foreign Station, I. Clothing for
when he arrives at Chatham Barracks, and is approved of, be- Recruits.
tween the 10th of March and 10th of October, if not particu-
larly ordered by the Colonel of the Regiment to have his full
Clothing iffued to him, is to be provided with One Pair of
Gaiter Trowfers; One Red Jacket with Sleeves (which is to
button as a Waiſtcoat, and to be made large enough to admit a
Waiſtcoat to be worn under it); having a Regimental Button
for the Sake of Diſtinction, and alſo a Collar, Cuffs, and Shoul-
der Straps, of the Colour of the Facing of the Regiment to
which he belongs; and One Round Hat.
Every Recruit remaining in the Barracks after the 10th of
October, is to be furniſhed in Addition, if deſtined for Gibraltar
or North America, with White Regimental Waiſtcoat and
Breeches, which are to be confidered as a Part of his Clothing
for that Year: his Trowfers, on the Breeches being delivered to
him, to be taken into Store; but to be returned to him at the
Time of his Embarkation, to be worn over his Breeches for the
Sake of preſerving them; but if deftined for the East or Weft
Indies, he is to be furniſhed with One Flannel Waiſtcoat with
Sleeves, One Pair of Flannel Drawers, and a Second Pair of
Gaiter Trowſers.
Approved Patterns, of which feveral Articles will be left at the
Office of the Comptrollers of the Accompts of Our Army.
Every Recruit arriving at Chatham Barracks after the 10th of
October, and approved of, if not ordered by the Colonel of the
Regiment he belongs to, to have his full Clothing delivered to
him, is to be furniſhed, if deftined for Gibraltar or North Ame-
rica, with the Red Jacket and Hat, as well as the White Regi-
mental Waiſtcoat and Breeches; and alſo a Pair of Trowfers;
which latter are to be taken into Store, but to be delivered out
to him on his Embarkation, to wear over his Breeches in order
to preſerve them; if deſtined for the Eaſt or Weſt Indics, he is to
be furniſhed with the Red Jacket, a Round Hat, and the Win-
ter Drefs, as before ftated for thofe Climates.
The Recruit, being fupplied with either of the Dreffes, is not
to be entitled to any ſmall Mounting for that Year.
( 50 )
Il. Hats for Sol-
diers ferving in
warm Climates.
III. Breeches for
the Cavalry.
IV. Black Stocks
to be furniſhed in-
ftead of Rollers or
Neck Cloths;
and Cockades,
V. Clothing may
be made up at the
'The Times of delivering to the Recruits either the Summer
or the Winter Drefs, although before particularly ſpecified, may
be varied from, or difpenfed with, by the Commandant, or the
Officer commanding in his Abfence the Detachments of Re-
cruits at Chatham Barracks, according to the Time of the Men's
Arrival there, and to the Proſpect of their Embarkation.
Soldier of Our Regiments ferving in warm Climates fhall be
furniſhed in future with a Black Round Hat, with a falfe Lin-
ing; not leſs than Six Inches in Heighth, nor leſs than Four
Inches in the Brim; bound with Black Tape Lace: and that,
The Breeches for our Heavy Cavalry fhall be in future lined
with Flannel inftead of Leather.
IN ALL OUR REGIMENTS, the Men fhall be furniſhed by
their Colonels with Black Stocks, inſtead of Rollers or Neck
Cloths; and with Cockades, as being, equally with the Hats, a
Part of the Soldier's Clothing.
And Whereas Our General Officers have reprefented the great
Inconveniences refulting from the Practice of making up the
Clothing before it arrives at the refpective Regiments, inafmuch
as it is neceffarily taken to Pieces and made up afreſh, that it
may fit the Men; and have humbly fubmitted their Opinion,
that it may be more uſeful, that the feveral Colonels fhould be at
Liberty, if they think proper, to ſend to their refpective Regi-
ments the Materials, together with the fealed Pattern which has
been approved by Our Clothing Board, and that the Clothing
ſhould be made up at the feveral Regiments, by which Means
the Trouble and Expence of re-making and altering will be faved,
and the Soldiers be better fitted; We do hereby difpenfe with
fo much of Our former Regulations as required the Clothing
to be previouſly made up, and viewed, under the Direction
of Our Clothing Board; And We do permit the Colonels, if
they think proper, to fend to their refpective Regiments the
Materials, together with the ſealed Pattern which ſhall have been
approved by the faid Board, and to cauſe the Clothing to be
made up (at their own Expence) at the Quarters of their re-
fpective Corps: And We do further direct, that a Certificate
from the Reviewing General of the Clothing being conformable
to the Pattern, fhall be allowed, as fufficient to entitle the Co-
lonels to their reſpective Off-reckonings.
Given at Our Court at St. James's, this 8th Day of July,
1791, in the Thirty-firft Year of Our Reign.
By His Majeſty's Command,
( 51 )
By the Lord Lieutenant General and
General Governor of Ireland.
HE Right Honourable HENRY DUNDAS, His Majefty's
Principal Secretary of State, having in his Letter of the
20th of July, 1791, tranfmitted to Us the annexed printed
Copy of a Warrant which the King has been pleaſed to fign for
eftabliſhing ſome further Regulations relative to the Clothing
of the Army on the Britiſh Eſtabliſhment; and fignified His
Majeſty's Pleaſure, That We ſhould order fuch of the faid Re-
gulations to be adopted for the Army in Ireland as are applicable
thereto; it is Our Pleaſure that the fame be printed and pub-
lifhed, in order that fuch of the Regulations therein fpecified
as may be applicable to the ſeveral Regiments in this Kingdom
be duly obferved by them, and that their Clothing be hereafter
made conformable to His Majefty's faid Regulations accord-
Given at His Majeſty's Caftle of Dublin, the 30th Day
of July, 1791.
By His Excellency's Command,
( 52 )
Inftructions for a Deputy Commiffary of
the Muſters.
N the Receipt of his Liſt of Quarters, the Commiſſary is,
with as little Delay as poffible, to commence his Circuit,
which will be conſtantly varied by the ſpecial Order of the Lord
Lieutenant, or Chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom,
and which he is on no Account to prefume to exchange, pre-
viouſly taking Care to give every Corps due and fufficient No-
tice (Forty-eight Hours at leaft) of his intended Arrival, and he
is to clofe the Rolls within Twenty-four Hours after every
Mufter taken, and to return with them to the Mufter Mafter
General's Office within Twenty-one Days after their being cloſed,
or as much fooner as poffible.
Previous to the Time of taking the ufual Muſter, he is, as
before mentioned, to give fufficient Notice (at leaſt 48 Hours)
to the Commanding Officer of every Regiment, Troop, or
Company within his Diftrict, to have the Mufter Rolls of the
faid refpective Corps made out, and properly figned, and cer-
tified according to the printed Form hereunto annexed.
He is afterwards to attend at the appointed Hours, and moft
convenient Places of the faid Quarters; Upon his coming to
the Ground, Three Mufter Rolls are to be preſented to him,
One on Parchment for the Mufter Mafter General's Office,
and Two on Paper, One of which is for the Office of the
Under Secretary in the Military Department in the Chief
Secretary's Office; and the Third is to be the Call or Officer's
Return Roll:-Each of theſe Rolls is to be made out Alphabe-
tically, to be exact Tranfcripts of each other, and to be certi-
fied by the Commanding Officer on the Back, and afterwards
fworn to by the Deputy Commiffary, as directed by the Act of
Mutiny and Deſertion, and as the printed Form of a Muſter
Koll hereunto annexed particularly fets forth.
The Rolls being thus delivered to the Commiffary, he is to
proceed to the Mufter according to the Ranks of the Commiffi-
oned, Non-commiffioned Officers, and Private Men, fet forth in
the Call Roll, viewing each ſeparately as he paffes by, that he
has the proper Clothing and Accoutrements of the Regiment,
with his Fire Arms, and all Appointments belonging to the
( 53 )
Every Abfentee is to be fet down againſt his Name upon the
Face of the Roll, where abfent, and whether on Party, Duty,
Recruiting, Sick, Prifon, or any other Circumftance for his not
appearing; but the Commiffary is to proceed to call over in the
firſt Place the Names of thoſe marked prefent on the Roll, and
then to ſee that the Circumftance of fuch as are abfent be fet
down againſt each of their Names upon the Face of the Roll as
above directed.
If any want Horſes or appear on Horſes not fit for the Service,
they are to be marked accordingly.
When the Commiffary has muſtered the Regiment, Troop or
Company, he is to compare the Call Roll taken by him with the
Mufter Mafter General's Alphabetical Roll, and when the fame
is properly adjuſted, he is to fign and deliver the fame to the
Commanding Officer of each Troop or Company, taking Care
that the remaining Two Rolls are properly figned by them, ac-
cording to the printed Form hereto annexed.
He is not to make any Marks on the Parchment Roll, except
the Word Refpit, againſt the Names of thofe he does not
If any Officer under the Degree of a Colonel be abſent without.
Leave, he muft refpite him (by writing Refpit againft his Name)
and ftrike him out of the Cloſe of the Rolls.
He must not allow of any Officer, who has not a Commiffion
from his Majefty, or the Lord Lieutenant of this Kingdom or
General Governor thereof.
He must not allow any Man that is not truly Effective, and a
Duty Man in the Troop or Company.
If any Soldier mufter in a Company to which he does not be-
long, it is a falſe Mufter.
If any Man mufters in a Company where he is not duly lifted,
does Duty and receives his Subfiftence and Pay as the reft of the
Company, it is a falfe Mufter.
No Sick Man muſt be allowed above Four Months.
No very little Man, Lame Man, Young Boys, or Old Men,
(except fuch as have been in Service Twenty Years) muſt be al-
lowed, unleſs by Order of Government.
If any are defective in their Arms or Accoutrements, the
Officers are to engage they ſhall be ſupplied ard mended againſt
next Muſter, and if the Commiffary at the next Mufter finds the
Arms, &c. continue defective, he muft refpit them accord-
( 54 )
If the Commiffary finds a fingle Troop or Company quartered
in a Place where there is not a Surgeon, the Officer muft certify
for any Man that is Sick.
The Commiffary muſt be ſure that in every Certificate it be
faid, that ſuch a one being abfent on fuch Occafion is an Effective
Soldier, and Duty Man, in fuch a Troop or Company; and the
faid Certificate is always to be written and figned on the Back of
the Rolls by the Commanding Officer for the Muſter Maſter Ge-
neral's Office.
To render the Rolls more correct, and to obviate any Inaccu-
racies under the Head of Cafuals, which too frequently have
happened, the Commiffary is carefully to examine and compare
the Mufter Rolls with the Books directed to be kept by every
Troop and Company, from the Firſt of April laft, and he is to
certify on the Back of the Mufter Rolls, that the faid Examina-
tion has been correctly made.
As it is probable that Regiments, from their frequent Change
of Quarters, may occafionally and unexpectedly intervene during
the Courſe of the Circuit, the Commiffary in fuch Cafe is to con-
fider them as actually pertaining to it, and to mufter them ac-
cordingly, all Regiments being without Exception to be mufter-
ed by the Commiſſary in whofe Circuit they may happen to be.
The Commiffary is to require the proper Certificate of the Sick
as before mentioned, and to procure from the Commanding
Officers of the feveral Regiments, Troops and Companies, a cer-
tified Liſt of all abfent Officers, ſpecifying by whofe Leave, and
for what Time abfent.
The Commiffary to finish the Rolls with all Expedition he can,
and to deliver them into the Office of the Under Secretary, for
the Military Department, in the Chief Secretary's Office, and
to the Muſter Maſter General's Office,
For all other Rules and Inftructions, the Commiffary is to refer
to the Act of Parliament for puniſhing Mutiny and Deſertion,
and to fuch Orders as he may receive from the Mufter Maſter
General or his Deputy.
All the above Orders the Commiffary is ftrictly to obſerve, un-
der the Forfeiture of his Employment, and the Penalties inflicted
by the Act for puniſhing Mutiny and Deſertion.
Hereunto is annexed the Form of the Certificate to be given by
the Commanding Officer, Pa yMafter and Adjutant, who are
henceforward to fign the Mufter Rolls, and which are to be in-
ferted on the Back of the Rolls, viz.
( 55 )
We do hereby certify, That the Commiffioned, Non-Com-
miffioned Officers, and Private Men, together with thoſe who
are fince become Non-Effective of this Regiment, were Effective
for the whole or intermediate Time during this Mufter, as fet
down againſt their reſpective Names within mentioned, and all
thoſe that are abfent (except the refpited) are Effective, and have
the true Reaſons of fuch Abfence affigned againſt their Names
on the Face of this Roll.
We do likewife certify, That this Mufter Roll hath been dili-
gently examined, compared with, and corrected according to the
Regimental Book; and that the Attestations of all the Recruits
of the Period have been produced by us to the Commiffary.
We do further certify, That all the Non-Commiffioned Officers
and Privates ſpecified in this Roll, have been duly and legally
attefted; that no Children or Perfons under a proper Age for
Enlistment are borne thereon; and that in all refpects, the Orders,
Proviſions and Reftrictions contained in the King's Regulations,
the Government's Orders, the Articles of War, and the Mutiny
Act reſpecting Mufters have been, and are herein fully and faith-
fully obferved.
And in Addition to the Oath to be taken by the Commiffary,
as preſcribed by the Mutiny Act, the following Oath is likewiſe
to be taken by him, viz.
"I fwear, that I affifted in examining and comparing this
"Mufter Roll with the Regimental Book; that I have feen and
"examined the Atteftations of all the Recruits of the Periods;
"that I find them complete, and believe them to be juft and
❝ correct.
Taken before me
A. B."
And as foon as the Commiffaries of Mufters, and each of them,
fhall have ſeverally completed their Circuits, within Twenty-one
Days after the fame, they fhall perfonally appear at the Office of
the Mufter Mafter General in Dublin, and fhall in his Prefence,
or in that of his Deputy (who is hereby required to attend) be-
fore One of His Majefty's Courts of Record, or before a Maſter
in Chancery make and ſubſcribe the following Oath, viz.
"I fwear, that at the Times and Places feverally named in the
"Mufter Rolls taken by me of the following Regiments, viz.
"I was perfonally preſent, and did, at the Conclufion of the
"faid Mufters, affift in comparing the feveral Mufter Rolls with
( 56 )
"the Regimental Books of the feveral Regiments, and that I
"believe them to be juſt and correct.
Taken before me
A. B."
Of which Oath fo fubfcribed Duplicates fhall be prepared, and
the ſaid Mufter Maſter General or his Deputy ſhall retain One in
His Office, and annex it to the faid Mufters; and fhall within
Fourteen Days tranfmit the other to the Office of the Under
Secretary for the Military Department in the Chief, Secretary's
Rules and Regulations for Muſtering the
Army in Ireland.
HE following Rules and Regulations Be hereafter ob-
T ferved.
That in future the Mufters be taken Twice in the Year only,
for the following Periods, viz. from the 1ft of April to the 30th
of September, and from the 1ft of October to the 31 of
March; and that the Rolls be made out, not by Troops and
Companies, but Regimentally upon One Sheet of large Paper,
(or upon Two Sheets annexed to each other for Eſtabliſhments
higher than the Préfent), fo as to comprehend the Whole of
each Regiment in one general Series, arranged in Order, and
under the feveral Heads herein after fpecified, viz.
Firft. Commiffioned and Warrant Officers according to their
ift. Effective during the Whole Muſter.
2d. Broken Periods with their refpective Dates.
Second. Non-commiffioned Officers according to their Rank.
ift. Effective during the Whole Muſter.
2d. Broken Periods, commencing at the Begin-
ning of the Mufter.
3d. Intermediate Broken Periods, commencing
after the Beginning, and terminating before the
End of the Mufter.
4th. Broken Periods commencing after the Begin-
ning and terminating at the End of the Mufter.
Third. Horfes of Non-commiflioned Officers and Privates.
ift. Effective
( 58 )
ift. Effective during the Whole) For Dragoon
2d. Broken Periods.
Fourth. Private Men.
Guards and
ift. Effective during the Whole Mufter, in Alpha-
betical Order.
2d. Broken Periods, commencing at the Begin-
ning of the Mufter, containing,
ift. Promoted to Non-commiflioned.
2d. Turned over to other Regiments.
3d. Difcharged.
4th. Dead.
5th. Deferted.
3d. Broken Periods terminating at the End of the
Mufter, containing,
ift. Recruited.
2d. Received from other Regiments.
3d. Reduced from Non-commiffioned.
4th. Returned from Defertion.
4th. Intermediate Broken Periods, including the
different Heads in the 2d and 3d Claffes as
above mentioned.
5th. Rejected Recruits.
It being requifite that every Man entitled to receive Pay,
fhould appear on the Mufter Rolls of the Time for which he is
entitled, it is directed that previous to each Muſter of the
Forces, all the Recruits raiſed in the preceding Half Year, be
brought up to the Head Quarters of the Regiments to which
they belong; and in order to give fufficient Opportunity for this,
the Mufters for the Half Year ending the 30th of September, are
to begin on, or as near as poffible, after the 31ft of December,
but not before; and thofe for the Half Year ending the 31ft of
March, on, or as near as poffible, after the 30th of June, but
not before. And the Commiffaries who are hereby required to
Specify in the Mufter Rolls the Dates of the Atteftations of all
Recruits, are carefully to inſpect the Atteftations, as well of re-
jected as approved Recruits, which are to be laid before them for
( 59 )
the Purpofe, and to be exactly aocurate in the Statement of all
broken Periods, making it uniformly the Rule, that the firft
and laft Days fet down by them in each Inftance, are to be
reckoned both inclufive, in like Manner as the first and laft
Days of a complete Mufter.
In Cafes of Regiments going from, or coming to Ireland, the
following Rules are to be obferved.
Regiments going from Ireland are to be muftered upon the
Day of Embarkation as at prefent; and fuch Mufter is to in-
clude and ſpecify all the Officers, Non-commiffioned Officers
and Privates abfent, whether on Furlough or otherwiſe, men-
tioning where, for what Time, and by whofe Leave, and all
the Recruiting Parties, and Recruits of fuch Regiment.
Regiments coming to Ireland are to be muftered upon Land-
ing, or as foon after as poffible (the Mufter however to be taken
as the Regiment ftood on the Day of Landing) fuch Mufter alfo
including and fpecifying a the Officers, Non-commiffioned
Officers, and Privates abfent, mentioning where, for what
Time, and by whofe Leave; and all the Recruiting Parties, and
Recruits of fuch Regiments.
It fometimes happens, that Detachments of Regiments are
not within the Diſtrict of the fame Commiffary who mufters
the Body of the Regiment; when a Circumftance of this Na-
ture occurs, it is directed, that the Detachment ſhall be certified
by the Commanding Officer, and included according to the Ar-
rangement before specified, in the Roll taken at Head Quarters;
and that the Detachment fhall likewiſe be inſpected by the Com-
miffary of the Diſtrict, and a feparate Roll be returned by him
It being effentially neceffary, that the Mufter Rolls, which are,
from Time to Time, to be delivered to the Deputies of the
Muſter Maſter General, fhould be prepared with the utmoft
Correctneſs as they are to be the Rule for aſcertaining the Sums
that are to be admitted in the Regimental Accounts, under the
Head of Subfiftence. In order to contribute to the Accuracy of
the Muſter Rolls in future, the following Regulations have been
propofed, and having been approved of, is to take Place as from
the ift April laſt, 1788.
Each Corps to keep a Regimental Book, in which is to be
entered, a Lift of all ommiffioned, Non-commiffioned Officers,
and Private Men, belonging to each Troop or Company; the
Date of the Time they joined, their Deaths, Defertions, and
Transfers from one Company to another, with all Caſualties,
from which Book the Mufter Rolls are to be formed. This Book
to be made up immediately as from the 1ft April laft, 1788, and
to be always at Head Quarters of the Regiment: But as Troops
( 60 )
tor Companies are frequently diſperſed when muſtered, in Ad-
dition thereto, the Pay Serjeant of each Troop and Company,
in each Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Dragoons and Foot, fall
keep a fimilar Book for the Troop or Company he belongs to,
which is to be figned by the Officer who at the Time commands
the Troop or Company, then tranfmitted to Head Quarters, to
be there compared with the Regimental Books previous to the
making out of the Mufter Rolls, and afterwards returned to
the Company to be in Readineſs for the Mufter.
The Commiffioned Officers, who by the Forms annexed to
thefe Regulations, are required to fign the Mufter Roll, are alſo
to certify upon the Mufter Roll, that the Compariſon above
mentioned has actually been made: And the Deputy Commiffa-
ries are to be allowed free Access to the Books fo kept by the
reſpective Pay Serjeants.
Previous to the Time of taking the ufual Half-Yearly Mufter
as before directed, the Deputy Commiffary is to give fufficient
Notice (at leaſt 48 Hours) to the Commanding Officer of every
Regiment, Troop or Company, within his District, to have the
Mufter Rolls of the faid refpective Corps made out, and pro-
perly figned and certified by the Commanding Officer, and by
the Acting Pay Maſter and Adjutant, according to the Form ſet
forth in the printed Mufter Roll, hereunto annexed.
The Deputy Commiffary is afterwards to attend at the ap-
pointed Hour; and moft convenient Places of the faid Quarters.
Upon his coming to the Ground Three Mufter Rolls are to be
prefented to him, One on Parchment for the Mufter Mafter Ge-
neral's Office, and Two on Paper, One of which is for the Of-
fice of the Under Secretary for the Military Department in the
Chief Secretary's Office, and the Third, which is to be the Call,
for Officers Return Roll; each of thefe Rolls are to be made out
Alphabetically, to be exact Tranfcripts of each other; and to be
certified by the Commanding Officer on the Back; and that for
the Mufter Mafter General's Office, to be afterwards fworn to by
the Deputy Commiffary, as directed by the Act of Mutiny and
Deſertion, and as the printed Form of a Mufter Roll hereunto
annexed, particularly fets forth.
There being Reafon to believe, that a Practice has been ad-
mitted in fome Regiments of placing the Children of Non-com-
miffioned Officers, or other improper Perfons, on Pay as Sol-
diers; It is ordered and directed, that the Deputy Commiifa-
ries do pay a particular Attention to this Circumftance in muf-
tering every Regiment, in the Obfervance of which, as well as
in every other Particular of their Duty, the refpective Perfons.
concerned in taking the Mufters are expected to employ their
utmoft Diligence and Precifion, as they thall be held to be ref
ponſible for the fame.
for Days, commencing the
( 61 )
, and ending the
Regiment of
Abfent, King's Leave, Col. Charles Earl Cornwallis
Lt. Col. John Yorke
Major William Danſey
William Gore
Died 6 June
Commiffion dated 10 July
On Furlow
Public Employ
Charles Euftace
William Gore
William Airton
Thomas Berwick
Abraham Bates
Samuel Binns
Appointed Major 10 July
John Bones
Frederick Cornwallis
Promoted 65 F. 4 July
Abf. Lt. Col.'s Leave.
Hildebrand Oakes
James Ingram
John C. Sherbrooke
Arthur Beevor
Vacant 2
John Bentley
John Crabtree
Samuel Coggill
Abf. Lt. Col.'s Leave James Cook
John Game
Jofeph Cauthorn
Rowland Eates
Hugh Brelan
Abraham Baftow
Robert Blake
Thomas Ballard
William Clementfon
Elihu Chapman
William Edmunds
Edward Hartley
Captain Lieut. George Stewart
S Appointed Captain in
70 Foot 20 May
[W. G. Wynyard
J. L. Harvey
Abf. Lt. Col.'s Leave
Abf. Lt. Col.'s Leave
Æneas Mc Donell
J. W. Collington
Ralph Gore
Robert. K. Manley
Jofeph Cookfon
John Fox
James Gatliff
Appointed Capt. 10 July
{ Appointed Capt. Lieut.
120 May.
On Furlow
Thomas Hill
John Haigh
Jofeph Huftler
John Hartley
John Middleton
James Hays
John Horfefield
Samuel Hazlewood
Henry Hunt
Edward Kingdom
Robert Nicholfon
George Key
From Half-Pay, 14 Feb.
Samuel Richardſon
Richard Lee
Nath. Stockwell
Charles C. Farrington
William Sandreth
Robert Clavering
Wm. Smith
George Walker
John Littlewood
John Muſkett
To Half-Pay, 13 Feb.
Public Employ
Raifing Men for a
Lieutcy. in 60th Reg.
Abf. Lt. Col.'s Leave C
Abf. Lt. Col.'s Leave
Cornets, 2d Lieuts. or Enſigns
William Lampton
Jonas Panton
Appointed Lieut. 20 May
Robert Rowe
Lennard Jones
Walter Elliott
William Byng
Francis Vyvyan
James Field
Vacant I
Francis Fleming reduced 25 December.
Joſeph Richardſon Do.
Tho. Hamer from Corporal 26th Do.
from Corporal 26th Do.
Ja. Gamett
10th July
James Matthews
Henry Mitchell
Jofeph Nailor
John Oates
Edward Pindar
Abraham Fage
Francis Wood
John Withers
Commiffion dated 20 May
Thomas Hamer to Serjeant 25th December
James Garnett Do.
William Long Reduced 24th March
Abf. Lt. Col.'s Leave Chapl. Benjamin Griſdale
Adjutant John Fox
Quarter Maſter George Gaff
Surgeon George Innes
S James Mc Auly died 4th Mar.
Tho. Hall appointed 5th Mar.
[Jonas Walſh
Peter Roe
Robert Hore
Quarter-Mafters Adam Hay
George Williams
M. Woods Irvine Appointed 26 h December
William Lewis
Abra. Pemberton
2 h March
William Brookhouſe
Samuel Coombs
Thomas Rodber
John King
Enoch Ashworth
Robert Fellows
Daniel Frafer
William Hill
Robert M'Gee
Samuel Rushworth
To Privates
25th Dec.
Thomas Jones retired 19th Jan.
¿Denis Lee
Sappointed 19th Jan.
Jofeph Lodge
Francis Sheerman
Charles Lee
John Evans
John Parker
Jofeph Viner
From Privates
26th Dec.
( 62 )
the Full Mufter.
John Ackerman
Solomon Atkinſon
John Ackroyd
John Broadbent
James Barrett
John Dawſon
William Jilly
Samuel Dyfon
Francis Dougherty
Patrick Devine
William Dunn
William Bradley
Geo. Burnett
Tho. Butterworth
John Bird
William Lifter
Ifaac Broadbent
John Blackmore
Robert Boice
John Bulsford
Patrick Brady ift.
Patrick Brady 2d.
Geo. Elliott
vi vå vå
Patrick Brady 3d.
Patrick Brenan
John Banks
Peter Beaſley
William Brierly
Hi mi mi ż
Abf.Lt. Cols. Leave T.
is is cs is vi
Jonas Butler
John Beſt
Charles Byrns
• Sick
Nath. Batty
Jofeph Brooke
John Bentley
John Brooksfield
George Gaff
Abf. Lt. Cols. Leave T.
William Bell
James Brown
Wm. Branagan
vi vi vi vi vå
es es es cå en
Thomas Carter
Abf.Lt. Cols. Leave John Coggan
James Chorley
James Cauttry
John Cofgriff
Cat Care
ď ď ď
John Clafton
Jonas Cauthry
John Core
H. Sen.
James Croome
H. Jun.
Adam Crawford
că că că că v
John Crowther
William Cooper
Hugh Catanough:
John Cunningham
James Crofs
Felix Caffiday
William Cookſey
James Cheeſborough
Jofeph Crossfield
William Price Cart
Nathan Culton
John Caffiday
Thomas Colt
James Hughes
Matthew Collier
William Cary
David Dawſon
John Davifon
James Doe
John Dixon
John Dewing
pi pi pi pi pi
pi si si È
Private Effective for the full Mufter.
Philip Newman
James Temple
William Warewood
George Webfter
Thomas Alcock
3d June
John Fisher
13th June
Jofeph Hickton
James Travis
23d April, 1788.
13th May
N. B. Lieutenant M'Donell, the Recruiting Officer
in Scotland, has acquainted the Commanding Officer that
it was not in his Power to fend his Recruits to the Regi-
ment by the 10th of Auguft, as his Serjeant is detained
as an Evidence on a Court of Enquiry at Fort George,
by which Means the undermentioned Recruits though
enliſted previous to the 24th June, have not joined.
William Marſhall
19th March
William Butterfield
Alexander Hadaway
9th April
John Scorge
29th April
Edward Jones
5th May
Alexander Chambers
27th May
From Commencement of Mufter.
Jofeph Lodge
Francis Sheerman
Francis Flemming
Recruiting, Jofeph Richardſon
Recruiting, Enoch Aſhworth
Robert Fellows
Recruiting, William Hill
Robert McGee
Recruiting, Samuel Ruſhworth
Daniel Fraſer
From Serjeants,
26th December
From Drummers,
26th December
Charles Lee
John Evans
John Parker
Jofeph Viner
To Drummers, 25th December.
William Long from Corporal,
25th March.
Michael Woods Irvine ? To Corporals, 25th December.
William Lewis
Abraham Pemberton, To Corporal, 25th March.
John Flack difcharged 4th January.
Andrew Frederick Do. 31ft March.
George M'Loughlin Do. 18th April.
Owen Fitzpatrick Do. 20th May.
John Sladin
Do. 23d Ditto.
Reuben Potter died 15th June.
William Gelder deferted 6th January.
Jacob Sherwood Do. 14th March.
James Turnpenny Do. 24th Do.
Thomas Allen Do.
ift April.
Ifaac Wheeler Do. ift Do.
Mich: Greartakes Do. 7th Do.
William Chaplin Do. 7th Do.
James Turnpenny
Thomas Mann
William Holliday
26th March.
13th April.
14th June.
John Lee from Deſertion 28th January, difcharged
7th March.
William Holliday inlifted 1ft January, deferted 12th
Thomas Mann
James Lewis
10th Do.
28th Do.
Wm. Hamilton
Do. 28th Do.
Wm. Wood Do.
23d May.
James Campbell Do.
23d Do.
To Termination of Mufter.
John Quinn
rejected 4th January
Richard Bridges inlifted 7th, and rejected 12th January.
Edward O'Brien
rejected 18th March.
Owen Dunn
John Sutcliff
3d November, 1787.
25th December.
Patrick Monaghan
William Day inlifted 25th Jan.
rejected 18th Do.
rejected 10th April.
John Gunn inlifted the 26th Jan. rejected 15th April.
Samuel Fawthrop
John Kirſhaw
Jeremiah Wood
Stapleton Mitchell
Joshua Nicholls
Sick, John Bell
Duty, Jofeph Holmes
10th January, 1788.
A Certificate having been produced to the Commiffary from the Serjeant at
the Recruiting Officer's Station, that the Man was unable to march.
William Hill
Duty, Robert Fox
Joſhua Rigg
Charles McCaffery 26th
Deferted 3d. Aug. Jof. Rodman 29th
George Darly
John McCarthy
William Nicholls
8th February.
Joſeph Hetherington 20th
In Priſon, Jofeph Fowler
James Tillotfon
28th March.
3d April.
If for a Regiment of Cavalry.
Effective for the whole Mufter, 180.
11 May 10
3 March
12 May
10 June
5 April
21 June
19 April
4 May
7 June
MUSTERED Prefent in His Majefty's 33d (or
( 64 )
> Regiment of
Cork, 4 January, 1789.
commanded by Lieutenant General the Right Hon. Charles Earl
Cornwallis, K. G. the Lieutenant-Colonel, the Major, three Captains, the Captain Lieutenant, four Lieutenants, three Enfigns, the Adjutant, the Quarter-Mafter,
the Surgeon, the Mate, eleven Serjeants, nineteen Corporals, ten Drummers, and two hundred and eighty-one Private Men.
ALLOWING the Colonel, four Captains, feven Lieutenants, five Enfigns, the Chaplain, ten Serjeants, eleven Corporals, two Fifers, and eighty-three Private Men
that are abſent, together with one Serjeant and fix Private Men that are fince become Non-Effective to paſs unreſpited, being certified on this Roll.
ALSO allowing the Commiffioned, Non-commiffioned Officers, Drummers, and Private Men, with thoſe which are fince become Non-Effective, to be Effective for
the intermediate Times, as fet down againſt their refpective Names within mentioned, being certified on the Back of this Roll.
Commiſſary of Muſters.
J. YORK, Lieut. Colonel.
GEO. STEWART, Pay-Mafter.
JOHN FOX, Adjutant.
WE DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the Commiffioned, Non-commiffioned Officers, and Private Men, together with thoſe which are fince become Non-Effective of
this Regiment, were Effective for the Whole, or intermediate Time, during this Mufter, as fet down againſt their refpective Names within mentioned; And all thofe
that are Abfent (except the refpited) are Effective, and have the true Reafon of fuch Abfence affigned againſt their Names on the Face of this Roll.
WE DO LIKEWISE CERTIFY, that this Mufter-Roll hath been diligently examined, compared with and corrected according to the Regimental Book; And that
the Atteftations of all the Recruits of the Period, have been produced by Us to the Commiffary.
WE DO FURTHER CERTIFY, that all the Non-Commiffioned-Officers and Privates ſpecified in this Roll, have been duly and legally attefted; that no Children, or
Perfons under a proper Age for Enliftment, are borne thereon, and that in all Refpects the Orders, Provifions, and Reftrictions, contained in the King's Regulations,
the Government's Orders, the Articles of War, and the Mutiny Act, reſpecting Mufters, have been, and are herein fully and faithfully obſerved.
J. YORK, Lt. Colonel.
GEO. STEWART, Pay-maſter.
JOHN FOX, Adjutant..
If for a Regiment of CAVALRY, the Words in Italics to be added.
I A. B. DO SWEAR, That I ſaw, at the Time of taking a Muſter of ſuch Troops or Companies of this Regiment, as lay within my preſent Circuit, fuch Men or Horſes
(of fuch Troops or Companies fo muſtered by me) as are borne and not refpited, on the Muſter-Roll; for which Men or Horfes a figned Certificate or Certificates are
not endorſed on the Back of the Roll, certifying their being abfent from the Mufter by Reaſon of being employed on fome other Duty of the Regiment, or by being
fick, in Priſon, on Furlough, or at Graſs, or by a figned Leave from the Colonel or Field Officer, or Officer commanding the Regiment, Troop, or Company.
I LIKEWISE SWEAR, that I affifted in examining and comparing this Mufter Roll with the Regimental Book; that I have ſeen and examined the Atteſtations of
all the Recruits of the Periods; that I find them complete, and believe them to be juſt and correct.
I atteft M. H.
Deputy Muſter Maſter General,
THOMAS THOMSON, Commiffary of Mufters.
Taken before me
A. B.
2d Lieuts.
Major. Captains. Lieute-
Cornets, or Chaplain. Adjutant. Mafters.
Surgeon. Mates. Serjeants. Corporals. Fifers, or Privates.
Non-Effective fince
ift April.
Total 1ft April.
· 3
( 65 )
With Regard to the
Ranks of Officers,
Price of Commiffions,
Applications to fell and purchaſe.
NY Officer, who by His Majefty's Leave fhall quit a Com-
miffion which he has in any Regiment or Corps, and who Auguft 14, 1766.
at that Time fhall enjoy a Rank in the Army fuperior to his Officers of ſuperior
Regimental Commiffion, fhall not be confidered as entitled to Rank felling his
any Rank whatever in the Army, unlefs His Majefty fhall ex-
prefsly fignify his Pleaſure to be otherwife.
Regimental Com-
miffion not allowed
to keep his former
And Officers (not being General Officers) having a Rank in Officers (not being
the Army fuperior to that of the Commiffion which they bear Generals) to attend
in any Regiment or Corps, are not thereby exempted from their their Regimental
Attendance at Quarters, and doing Regimental Duty according
to their Rank in the Corps to which they belong. But with
reſpect to Regimental Duties of General Officers, it is His Ma-
jefty's Orders that all Field Officers belonging to Regiments, April 7, 1783.
who are promoted to the Rank of Major General, fhould pay
the fame Attention to their refpective Corps as before their Pro-
motion, except that they are not to do Duty in the Line as
Field Officers, nor in regular Rotation with the Major, regi- Field Officers, with
mentally at Quarters, but are expected to refide there for a fuf- Rank of Major
ficient Time to fuperintend, and be anfwerable for the good Or- General.
der and Difcipline of their Corps, and are always to be prefent
and reviewed with the Regiment, unlefs when the Reviewing
General is a Junior Officer. And in order to give the Major of
the Regiment his proper Liberty, when both Field Officers
ſhall be abfent, the eldeft Captain (notwithſtanding former Or-
ders) may command the Regiment and fign Returns, &c.
When Corps join either in Camp, Garriſon or Quarters, the
eldeſt Officer, whether by Brevet or any other Commiflion, is
to Command the Whole.
October 2, 1767.
Senior Officer, by
Brevet or other-
wife, to command.
Field Officers.
If a Captain happers to have the Rank of a Field Officer, he
fhall roll in Duty with the Field Officers and an Overflaw be Overfaw to Brevet
allowed to the kegiment in which he has the Commiflion of
a Captain.
66 )
Regimental Duty
to be done by Cap-
tain or Field Offi-
cer Commanding.
June 12, 1772.
Rank of Captain
February 11, 1777,
Legal Intereft for
Puichafe Money
June 9, 1779.
Quarter Maliers
Commiffions to be
´given to Serjeants.
July 17, 1775.
November 1786.
Priority of Com-
December 4, 1792.
Rank of Cornets
and Sub-Lieute-
nants of Life
All Regimental Duty, which is compatible with the Situation,
either of the Officer who may Command the Whole, or of a
Captain who may do Duty as a Field Officer, is to be done by
fuch reſpective Officers, according to the invariable Cuſtom î
the Army.
The Captain Lieutenants of the Cavalry and Infantry have
Rank as well in the Army, as in their reſpective Regiments as
Officers difpofing of their Commiffions fhall receive only
legal Intereft for the Purchaſe Money of their Commiffions,
from the Date of their Succeffor's Commiffions, to the Day
upon which the Furchafe Money fhall be paid to them: All
Officers and Agents carefully to conform and pay the ſtricteſt
Obedience to this Order.
In future no Commiffioned Officer is to be appointed Quarter-
Mafter in any Regiment of Infantry; and where that Commif.
fion has been purchaſed by a Commiffioned Officer, it is to be
liberated from Purchafe as Occafions offer by the Sale of an En-
figncy; and that the proper Perfons to be recommended for
Quarter-Mafters, are active Serjeants, His Majefty not thinking
the Office very fit for Men of better Extraction, and confe-
quently very improper for a Captain. And when an Officer
who is either Quarter-Mafter or Adjutant. fucceeds to a Com-
pany, he is to give up which ever of thoſe Commiffions he en-
To prevent Difputes concerning Priority of Rank between
Officers whofe Regimental Commiffions are dated the fame Day,
it is Ordered that the Date of the Memorial of the Command-
ing Officer of the Regiments is to decide the Seniority.
From the 18th of November 1790, the Officers of the Life
Guards holding the Commiffions of Cornet and Sub-Lieute-
nant, are entitled to the full Rank of Lieutenant in the Army.
( 67 )
Regulated Prices of Commiffions for the Army in
Ireland, as fixed by His Majefty.
Full For Rank For Pay Difference
Price of and Dif-and Dif- between
DRAGOONS, 20 Aug. 1773.
fion. Rank.
£. s. d.
Lieutenant Colonel
0 19 4 £5069
£ 200
£ 959
0 17 4 4110
O 12 4
Captain Lieutenant and Captain
7 2
7 2 1205
Ο 6 2 928
INFANTRY, 8 Sept. 1783.
Lieutenant Colonel
Captain Lieutenant and Captain
Firſt Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
£3144 £1925 £5069
£. s. d.
10 17
0 £3657
£ 200
O 15
500 560
4 8
4 8
3 8
£2007 £1650 £3657
£. s.
3 8
£560 £-
£100 £ 100
350 4.60
£450 £560
( 68 ).
Difference between Full and Half-Pay.
£ 3304 16 8£ 2105 15
Lieutenant Colonel
2528 6 8
1329 5
1834 118
726 15 0
551 0 10
176 15 0
36.5 5 10
103 17 6
Cornet and Enfign
8 Sept. 1783.
His Majefty having referred to a Board of General Officers to
confider whether any Alteration fhould be made in the Prices of
Commiffions as fixed by his Regulation, the following Report and
Opinion having been approved of, they are for the future ftrictly
and invariably to be adhered to throughout every Corps in His
Majefty's Service: The Troops of Horfe Guards, and Horfe
Grenadier Guards, and the Royal Regiment of Horfe Guards,
The Prices of all Commiffions are to remain the fame, as appor-
tioned and fixed by His Majefty's former Regulations.
When an Officer is defirous to fell his Commiffion, he is to
make Application in Writing to the Colonel of the Regiment he
belongs to, or, in his Abfence, to the Field Officer Commanding
the Regiment; praying for His Majefty's Leave to difpofe of his
Commiffion at the Regulated Price; ftating that he thereby means
to refign all Pretenfions to any future Rank or Promotion in the
Army; and folemnly declaring, on the Word and Honour of an
Officer, and a Gentleman, that nothing beyond the Price limited
by His Majefty's Regulation is ftipulated or promiſed, directly or
indirectly; and that no other Mcde of Compenfation, or Gra-
tuity, is in Contemplation of the Parties, or fhall be given or
accepted, in reſpect of fuch Sale or Furchafe. This Application
is to tranfmitted by the Colonel, if in Ireland, or elfe by the
Commanding Officer of the Regiment, to the Adjutant General,
when His Majefty fhall think it to entruft to any Officer the
Command in Chief of His Forces; otherwife, to the Secretary
to the Lord Lieutenant, accompanied with a Declaration from
the faid Colonel or Commanding Officer of the Regiment, that
he verily believes the eſtabliſhed Regulation with regard to Price,
is intended to be strictly complied with, and that no clandeftine
Bargain fubfifts between the Parties concerned.
The fame Mode is to be obferved in all Cafes of Exchange
from Half-Pay to Full-Pay, as well as of Exchange from one Gorps
to another.
The Colonel or. Commanding Officer, is at the fame Time to
tranfmit the Names of fuch Officers in the Regiment as are
willing to purchaſe in Succeffion, and as he fhall recommend for
that Purpoſe.
But when the Officers recommended are not the eldeſt in their
Rank, he muft fignify his Reaſons why the Senior Officers are
not recommended.
Application in Writing muſt alſo be made by the Officer who
defires to purchaſe, ftating his Pretenfions; accompanied with
the like Declaration on his Part, as is herein before prefcribed,
with regard to the Officers applying for Leave to fell, exprefly
pledging his Word and Honour as an Officer and a Gentleman, that
he is not to give, nor will, either now or at any future Time,
give, by any Means, or in any Shape whatever, directly or in-
directly, any more than the Regulated Price.
And His Majesty has, by the Advice of his Board of General
Officers, been further pleafed to declare His Determination, that
any Officer who fhall be found to have given, or to have ftipu-
lated, or promifed directly or indirectly to give any Thing be-
yond the regulated Price, in Difobedience to thefe his Majefty's
Orders, or by any Subterfuge or Equivocation to have evaded the
fame, and to have thereby fhamefully forfeited his Honour as an
Officer and a Gentleman, fhall be difmiffed from His Majesty's Service.
Form to be made uſe of by Officers when they apply to their
reſpective Commanding Officers for Leave to fell their Com-
I beg you will be pleafed to obtain for me His Majefty's Con-
fent to the Sale of my Commiſſion of
(Here he is to fpecify the Commiffion intended to be difpofed of,
adding, in Cafe he may have purchaſed it, the following Words,
"which I purchaſed;" and if not, fuch other Reafons, as he
may have to offer as Grounds of his Pretenfions to that In-
dulgence. After having fully ftated thefe, he is to add as fol-
lows, viz.)
Application to fell.
( 70 )
In Cafe His Majefty fhall be gracioully pleaſed to permit the
fame, my Intention is thereby to refign all Right and Pretenfion
to any future Rank or Promotion in the Army; and I do further
declare, and certify, upon the Word and Honour of an Officer and a
Gentleman, that I have not demanded, or accepted, neither will
I demand or accept, directly or indirectly, at any Time, or in
any Manner whatever, more than the Sum of £
being the Price limited and fixed by his Majeſty's Regulation, as
the full Value of the faid Commiffion.
Application to pur-
Form to be made ufe of by Officers when they apply to their
reſpective Commanding Officers for Leave to purchaſe Com-
I beg you will pleaſe to obtain for me His Majefty's Permiffion
to purchaſe the
(Here he is to ſpecify the Commiffion he is defirous of purchaſing,
as alfo the particular Grounds on which he founds his Applica-
tion; after having ſtated which, he is to ad/l as follows, viz.)
In Cafe His Majeſty ſhall be graciouſly pleaſed to permit mẹ to
purchaſe the ſaid Commiffion, I do declare, and certify, upon the
Word and Honour of an Officer and a Gentleman, that I will
not either now, or at any future Time, give, by any Means, or
in any Shape whatever, directly or indirectly, any more than
the Sum of £
being the Price limited and fixed
by his Majeſty's Regulation, as the full Value of the faid Com-
Application to ex-
change to Half-Pay.
Form to be made ufe of by Officers, when they apply to their
reſpective Commanding Officers for Leave to Exchange their
Commiffions with Officers on Half-Pay.
I beg you will be pleaſed to obtain for me His Majeſty's Per-
miffion to exchange with
(Here he is to mention the Officer's Name and Rank, with
whom he is defirous of exchanging, (who muft of courſe be of
the fame Rank with himſelf) and the Number or Name of the
reduced Corps to which he belongs; affigning, at the fame
Time, his Reaſons for making the Application for fuch Ex-
change, &c. after which he will add as follows, viz.)
( 71 )
In Cafe His Majefly fhall be graciouſly pleafed to permit mé to
make the faid Exchange, my Intention is thereby to refign all
Right and Title to any future Promotion, or Provifion in the Army;
und I do further declare and certify, upon the Word and Honour of an
Officer and a Gentleman, that I will not, either now, or at any
future Time, demand or accept, by any Means, or in any Shape
whatever, directly or indirectly, any more than the Sum of
being the Difference between the Value of my Com-
mifion and that of the faid Half-Pay, as the fame is limited and
fixed by His Majefty's Regulation.
N. B. In a Cafe where an Officer means to go from Full to Half-
Pay, without taking any Difference, the fame is to be exprefsly
ftated in his Letter of Application to the Commanding Officer
for Leave to make fuch Exchange; in Confideration of which
he will not forfeit his Pretenfions in the Army, but may apply
upon any proper Occafion afterwards, to be reinftated in it.
The above Application is to be accompanied with one drawn
up in the fame Form. (mutatis mutandis) by the Half-Pay. Officer,
with whom the Exchange is propofed to be made.
The following is the Form of a Memorial to be made uſe of
by the Commanding Officers in applying for Leave for Officers
to fell or purchafe a Commiffion.
Tó His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, &c. &c. &é.
The Memorial of
His Majefty's Regiment of
Humbly Sheweth,
That Application has been to me by
Commanding Memorial of Com-
praying Leave to difpofe of his Commiffion
at the regulated Price, which he purchafed, which Application
is hereunto annexed; and I do hereby certify, that I verily be-
lieve the eſtabliſhed Regulation with Regard to Price, is intended
to be ftrictly complied with, and that no clandeftinc Bargain
fubfifts between the Parties concerned.
That in the Event of
being permitted to fell, Your Memorialiſt begs Leave to recom-
mend the following Succeffors: if the cldcft Officers are not
recommended, the particular Reaſons are to be ſtated here.)
to be
to be
manding Officer.
( 72 )
That Your Memorialift has alſo annexed the Applications of
the above-named Officers, as required by the Regulation, and
prays Your Excellency (or Grace) will move His Majeſty to fign
Commiffions accordingly.
Which is fubmitted.
N. B. In all Cafes of young Gentlemen recommended for
Enfigncies or Cornets, the Age and Size of each muſt be men-
tioned; as alſo if well looking, and that he is ready and able to
do his Duty.
Memorial for Ad-
Application for Ad-
jutant or Quarter-
The Form of the Application, and Memorial to be obſerved,
in the Recommendation of any Perfon to fucceed to the Com-
miffion of Adjutant or Quarter-Mafter of any Regiment.
N. B. It being his Majefty's Intention that theſe Com-
miffions fhall be filled by deſerving Serjeants; fuch of
them as are at preſent held by Officers having purchaſed.
them, will only be allowed to be fold, until they can be
liberated by the Sale of a vacant Enfigncy, or otherwiſe.
I beg you will be pleafed to obtain for me His Majefty's Con--
fent to the Refignation of my Commiffion (which I did not pur-
chafe) as Quarter Mafter (or Adjutant) to the
Regiment, to whomſover His Majeſty ſhall pleaſe to appoint.
I have the Honour to be,
´To Lieut. Colonel (or Major
or. Officer) Commanding
Memorial of Com-
manding Officer.
To His
the Lord Lieutenant, &c. &c. &c.
The Memorial of A. B. Commanding His Majefty's
Regiment of Foot.
That Application has been made to me by Quarter-Maſter (or
Adjutant) C. D. of the Regiment, to refign his Commiffion as
( 73 )
Quarter-Mafter (or Adjutant) of faid Regiment, which he did
not purchaſe, to whomfoever His Majefty fhall pleaſe to ap-
That in the Event of Quarter-Máfter (or Adjutant) C. D.
being permitted to refign his Commiffion, Memorialiſt begs
Leave to recommend E. F. as properly qualified for the ſaid
The Application of
C. D. is annexed, and
Your Memorialift prays Your Excellency will be pleaſed to move
His Majefty to fign a Commiffion accordingly.
His Majefty has been pleafed to approve of the following
Report of a Board of General Officers:
"That it does not occur that any Inconvenience will arife Officers to exchange
from permitting Officers of equal Rank in the Cavalry and or purchafe from
Infantry, who have purchaſed their refpective Commiffions, and one Line of Service
who have obtained the Confent of the Colonels of their respec- to the other,
tive Regiments, to exchange, upon paying and receiving the
Difference according to the regulated Price of Commiffions in
thofe feveral Services: nor can any Objection fubfift againſt
Officers in either Line of Service, being permitted to purchaſe a
fuperior Commiffion in the other Line. But, on the contrary,
we are humbly of Opinion, fuch Exchange or Purchaſe from the
one Line to the other, may be advantageous to the Service in
When an Officer is defirous of retiring from the Service, Officers retiring not
either by the Sale of his Commiffion, or by Exchange to the to Name their Suc-
Half-Pay, he ſhall not make any Stipulation in regard to the ceffor.
particular Officer who fhall fucceed him; but fhall confine the
Prayer of his Memorial to the immediate Object of his retiring;
and be bound by his Refignation to fell out, or exchange in
Favour of fuch Perfon as his Majefty fhall think fit to approve.
This Order is by no Means intended to interfere with, or to Colonels however
counteract the Wiſhes of the Colonels, who will continue, as ftill to recommend.
before, to recommend the Succeffions in their reſpective Regi-
ments. His Majefty however expects from them, that they will
not propofe to bring in any Officer, either from another Regi-
ment, or from the Half-Pay, without having themfelves a futfi-
cient Knowledge of the Character and former Services of fuch
Officer; and having previoufly fatisfied themfelves by every
Enquiry in their Power, that the King's Regulations on that
Head are intended to be strictly complied with: It being evident,
that by leaving their Officers at Liberty to ſelect their own Suc-
ceffors, and by accepting their Nominations, the Buſineſs of
Military Promotion has, in too many Inftances, been conducted
( 74 )
27 January 1790.
Explanation of the
Order of the 8th
September 1783.
20 July 1790.
Commiffions Ga-
zetted, to be con
filered as authen-
14 February 1791.
Gentlemen Cadets
et Woolwich.
in fuch a Manner as to defeat the Purpoſes of His Majesty's
Regulations, notwithſtanding every Endeavour of Office to
enforce their due and punctual Obedience.
As upon many Occafions, the Colonels of Regiments have
obferved Promotions and Exchanges take Place in their refpec-
tive Corps, without their Knowledge and Concurrence; and
therefore fuppofing that the Order of the 8th September, 1783,
"When an Officer is defirous to fell his Commiffion, he is, to
"make Application in Writing to the Colonel of the Regiment
"he belongs to, or in his Abjence to the Field Officer command-
"ing the Regiment, praying for His Majefty's Leave to difpofe
"of his Commiffion at the regulated Price, &c.'
Has been mifconceived by Officers Commanding Regiments,
no Exchange or Promotion whatever is therefore to take place,
without the previous Confent and Approbation of the Colonel
of the Regiment, and which is to be particularly fpecified in the.
Memorials of Commanding Officers, when any fuch Exchange
or Promotion is applied for.-The above Part of the Order,
viz. In the Abfence of the Colonel," relating only to thofe Co-
lonels who were ftationed in the Weft Indies, Eaft Indies, or
All Notifications of Commiffions which fhall appear in either.
the London or Dublin Gazettes, may be confidered as conveying
Official Information to the Regiments, although the fame may,
not at that Time be communicated by the Adjutant General,
and Commanding Officers may take all neceffary Steps in Confe-
quence-as.recommending for Vacancies, &c.
No Perfon ferving in the Company of Gentlemen Cadets efta-
bliſhed at Woolwich, is to be propoſed for a Commiffion, with-
out the Confent of the Mafter General of the Ordnance of
Great Britain; and fhould a Commiffion be obtained for any
Cadet, from his Situation not being known at the Time of his
Appointment, upon Difcovery of the Circumftance, His Ma-
jefty has ordered that fuch Commiffion fhall be immediately
( 75 )
Regulations of Honour.
30th April, 1729.
T is His Majefty's Pleaſure, that the following Rules be duly
obferved and put in Execution.
Generals of Horfe and Foot, upon all Occafions to have the Infantry.
March beat to them, and are to be faluted by all Officers, the
Colours excepted; they are likewife entitled to a Guard of a
Captain, Lieutenant and Enfign, and Fifty Men, with Colours
or Standards.
Lieutenant Generals of Horfe and Foot, upon all Occafions to
be faluted by all Officers; they are to have Three Ruffles given
them, and are entitled to a Guard of a Lieutenant and Thirty
Major Generals are to have Two Ruffles, and not faluted by
any Officer, and are entitled to a Guard of an Enfign and
Twenty Men.
Brigadiers One Ruffle, and are entitled to a Guard of a Ser-
jeant and Twelve Men.
A Lieutenant General, who is a Commander in Chief by Virtue
of a Commiffion, is to have the fame Reſpect paid him, on all
Occafions, as a General of Horſe and Foot; a Major General as
a Lieutenant General, and a Brigadier as a Major General.
All Governors, that are not General Officers, fhall in all Places
where they are Governors, have One Ruffle given them, with
refted Arms; but for thofe who have no Commiffion as Gover-
nors, no Drum fhall beat.
A Lieutenant Governor, or the Officer who Commands in his
Abſence, ſhall have the Main Guard turned out to him, with
ſhouldered Arms.
A Town
( 76 )
A Town or Fort-Major, in a Garrifon, is to command accord-
ing to the Rank he now has, or had in the Army when appointed
Town-Major; and if he never had any other than that of Town
or Fort-Major, he is to comínand as youngest Captain.
A General of Horfe or Foot to be received with Swords drawn,
Kettle Drums beating, Trumpets founding, and all the Officers
to falute, except the Cornet bearing the Standard.
A Lieutenant General, to be received with Swords drawn,
Trumpets founding, and all the Officers to falute, except the
Cornet bearing the Standard; and the Kettle Drum not to
A Major General, to be received with Swords drawn, One
Trumpet of each Squadron founding, no Officer to falute, or
Kettle Drum to beat.
A Brigadier General, to be received with Swords drawn, no
Trumpet to found, nor any Officer to falute, nor Kettle Drum
to beat.
The fame Honours to be paid to the Mafter General of the
Ordnance in Ireland, as are paid to the Mafter General of the
Ordnance in England, or to the Generals of Horfe or Foct,
viz. To have the March beat to him, and to be faluted by all
Officers, the Cornets and Enfigns bearing Standards and Colours
The General Officers upon the Staff in this Kingdom, when
they are Reviewing, or upon any other Duty, are to command
all Governors or Lieutenant Governors, except fuch Governors
or Lieutenant Governors as are of a fuperior Rank in the Army.
( 77 )
It is His Majesty's Pleasure, that the feveral Admirals of the 27th June, 1734-
Fleet fhall have, upon all Occafions, the fame Reſpect paid to
them from the Troops, when they come into any Fort or Gar- Admirals.
rifon where His Majefty's Forces are, as the refpective Generals
of the Army have paid them from the Forces. The following
Rules are therefore to be duly obferved, and put in Execution.
That the Admirals with the Flags on the Main Top, have the
fame Reſpects from the Troops, with Generals of Horſe or Foot;
that is, upon all Occafions, to have the March beat to them, and
to be faluted by all the Officers, Colours excepted.
That Vice Admirals have the fame Refpects paid them, as
Lieutenant Generals of Horfe or Foot, that is, upon all Occa
fions to be faluted by all Officers, and to have Three Ruffles
given them.
That Rear Admirals have the fame Refpects paid them as
Major Generals, which is to have Two Ruffles, and not to be
faluted by any Officer.
That Commodores with Broad Pendants have the fame Re-
fpects as Brigadier Generals, which is to have One Ruffle.
( 78 )
His MAJESTY's Regulations for the
Attendance of Officers at Quarters.
19th June, 1767.
Number of Officers
to attend at Quar
ift. HAT with each of His Majefty's Regiments of Cavalry,
One Field Officer fhall be always prefent with the Re-
giment: One Captain with each Squadron, and One Subaltern
with each Troop; and that there be always prefent One Field
Officer and Four Captains with each Regiment of Infantry,
and One Subaltern with each Company.
2d. That the Colonel or Field Officer Commanding each Re-
giment and Battalion, may grant Leave of Abfence to fuch other
Officers whofe private Affairs require it, taking Care always to
detain, or from Time to Time to call in a fufficient Number of
Officers to do the Duty of the Regiment or Battalion, in cafe
it fhould be fo fituated as to require the Attendance of more
Officers than thofe before mentioned, which are directed to be
conftantly prefent.
N. B. The Commanding Officer can only grant Leave in
this Cafe within the Kingdom; to go out of it to Britain, Ap-
plication muſt be made to the Lord Lieutenant; and in all
Memorials for Leave of Abfence for Captains or Subalterns, it is
to be ſpecified, whether or not in Cafe fuch Leave is granted,
the regulated Number of fuch Rank will remain with the Re-
giment. It is alſo to be obſerved that His Majeſty's Leave muſt
be obtained for an Officer to go into any Foreign Country.
3d. That the Officers appointed to carry on the Recruiting
Service fhall not be included in the Number hereby fixed for the
conftant Duty of the Regiment or Battalion, or in the Number
of thoſe who ſhall be further called in by the Commanding
Officer for that Duty.
4th. That the Monthly Return of fuch Regiment and Batta-
lion be made up and tranfmitted as ordered, and that the Com-
( 79 )
manding Officer, by whom each Return fhall be figned, do
carefully examine the fame, as he is to be refponfible that they
are in every Refpect conformable to the Regulations before
5th. That the Number of Officers hereby ordered to be pre-
fent, fhall remain with their Commands until they fhall be re-
lieved, and that the Commanding Officer be enjoined not to per-
mit them to abfent themſelves from Duty on which they are
employed, except in Cafes of great Emergency, and then but
for Two Days only; and all Leaves fo granted are to be ſpecified
in the next Return, with the Reaſons for granting them.
Note. It is to be underſtood, that although Commanding
Officers of Regiments are permitted by this Order to uſe with
Diſcretion this Indulgence to Officers under their Command, yet
that the Commanding Officer hath not hereby a Right to abſent
himſelf; neither is it meant that he fhould quit the Quarters of
his Regiment, not even for Two Days, without Leave obtained
from the General Commanding in Chief.
6th. That no Application be made to the Government of Ire-
land, except through the Colonel or Field Officer Commanding
the Regiment or Battalion, for a Leave of Abfence for any Of
ficer of His Majeſty's Regiments of Cavalry or Battalions of In-
fantry; and that all fuch Applications ſhall be ſo regulated, that
no particular Officer fhall be abfent from his Duty too long at
one Time: The faid Caution is to be obferved in limiting the
Leaves granted by the Colonel or Officer Commanding each Re-
giment or Battalion.
Note. All Applications from Officers to be given, in the first
Inftance, to the Field Officer Commanding Regiments, to be
tranfmitted by them to the Adjutant General for the Commander
in Chief, in order to be laid before the Lord Lieutenant.
7th. That every Officer, whether taken from the Half-Pay or
otherwiſe, in being appointed to a Regiment or Battalion, fhall
join it within Four Months at fartheft from the Date of his Com-
miffion, unlefs he fhall obtain particular Leave of Abfence,
which is not to be granted except on very cogent Reaſons.
Note. Officers on being appointed to any Regiment in Ireland
are to be returned Abfent by Leave, for ſuch a Time (not to ex-
ceed Four Months) as the Commanding Officer ſhall judge fuffi-
cient for them, to join their Corps, of which he is to give them
8th. That if any Officer fo appointed fhall exceed the Time
hereby limited, without Leave obtained for that Purpoſe, he
fhall be returned Abfent without Leave, and the Date of his Com-
miffion is to be ſpecified in the Return, it being His Majeſty's
firm Intention immediately to fuperfede any Officer who ſhall
neglect to pay due Obedience to this Order.
9th. That
80 )
Nov. 9, 1768.
9th. That every Officer newly appointed, and who has never
ferved in any of His Majefty's Regiments of Cavalry or Battali-
ons of Infantry, fhall, upon joining his Regiment or Battalion,
remain in Quarters until fuch Officer in the Cavalry ſhall be per-
fected in Riding, and until fuch Officer in the Cavalry or In-
fantry fhall be perfected in all Regimental' Duty.
10th. That no Officer belonging to any of His Majefty's Re-
giments of Cavalry or Infantry in Ireland, ſhall go from thence,
or from Great Britain into Foreign Parts, without Leave ob-
tained from His Majefty's Lieutenant General and Governor
General of Ireland for the Time being: The Warrant for which
is to exprefs His Majefty's Confent and the Time for which the
Leave is granted, and is to be entered in the proper Offices in
this Kingdom.
11th. That all Officers while preſent with their Corps are con-
ftantly to wear their Uniforms.
12th. That every Officer is to be prefent with his Regiment
or Battalion in Ireland by the Tenth Day of April in every
Year, and remain with it till after the Spring Review; and this
Order is upon no Account to be diſpenſed with, except a parti-
cular Leave fhall be obtained from His Majefty's Lieutenant
General and Governor General of Ireland for the Time being,
for that Purpoſe; no fuch Leave, however, fhall be applied for,
except in Cafes of abfolute and unavoidable Neceffity.
13th. That all Recruiting Officers and Recruits are to join
their reſpective Corps in Ireland by the Tenth Day of April in
every Year, His Majefty expecting that his Regiments of Cavalry
and Battalions of Infantry be complete annually in Men, by that
All Officers of Regiments in the Garriſon of Dublin are
conftantly to attend their Duty, and no Leave of Abſence is to
be granted to any of them, unleſs upon fome very urgent Oc-
cafion, in confequence of proper Application made.
O Perfon is to be recommended for a Surgeon, or ap-
pointed to the Mateſhip of any Regiment in this King-
dom, until he fhall firft have undergone a previous Examina- Surgeons and Mates
tion before the Court of Examiners appointed for that. Purpoſe to be examined be-
by the Corporation of Surgeons; and that the Perfons to be fore the Court of
examined be introduced by a Letter from the Military Office of
the Chief Secretary in this Kingdom, to the Court of Exami-
ners, which will be granted at the Recommendation of the Co-
lonels of Regiments, by themſelves or Agents; and if found to
be properly qualified, a Certificate thereof will be tranfmitted
by the Court to the faid Military Office, where, on Application,
the Perfon examined will obtain an authenticated Copy of the
Certificate, which being lodged in the Office of the Mufter Maf-
ter General in this Kingdom, his Pay will be allowed from the
Date of his Commiffion or Appointment.
Surgeons not to
No Surgeon will be allowed by His Majefty to fell his Com-
miffion, except he purchaſed it; but fuch Surgeons as fhall be fell.
rendered incapable of Service, through old Age, Lofs of Sight or
Limb, or Infanity, (the fame to be certified after proper Exami-
nation) fhall be allowed Half-Pay, and placed upon His Majefty's
Eſtabliſhment for fuch Allowances of Half-Pay; fuch Surgeons
fo allowed, to be from Time to Time transferred with the Re-
giment to which they belonged to the Britiſh Eſtabliſhment, and
the Surgeons of Britiſh Regiments to be alſo from Time to Time
transferred with the Regiments to which they belonged to the
Iriſh Eſtabliſhment. The moft pofitive Inftructions are given
that the Examination of Surgeons applying in this Kingdom for Surgeons to be put.
Half-Pay fhall be proceeded upon in the fame ftrict and folemn on Half-Pay.
Manner as is practifed in Great Britain, and that particular At-
tention be paid in thofe Cafes where the Application comes from
the Surgeon of a Regiment ordered or expected foon to go on
Foreign Service.
The Phyfician and Surgeon General fhall be authorized to
appoint from Time to Time any Number of young Men, not
exceeding fix (who fhall appear to the faid Phyfician General
and Surgeon General properly qualified) to act as Mates in the
King's Military Infirmary.
( 82 )
Mates to be ap-
pointed to King's
Infirmary, how to
be qualified for Sur-
geons or Mates of
Any of thoſe Perfons defirous of being appointed Surgeon or
Mate to any Regiment on the Eſtabliſhment of Ireland, fhall,
befides a Certificate from the College of Surgeons in London or
Dublin, deliver to the Military Office of the Chief Secretary to
the Lord Lieutenant, a Certificate figned by the Phyfician Gene-
ral, Surgeon General, and Surgeons of the King's Infirmary, or
by any Two of them, ftating that he has acted as Mace in the
King's Infirmary for at leaſt Six Months; that on Examination
formerly held by them, he appears to have conducted himſelf
with Regularity and Attention, and that he has acquired a fuf-
ficient Knowledge of Practice in the feveral Branches of his
That fuch a Certificate ſhall in no Caſe be difpenfed with,
unlefs the Candidate can prove upon Oath to the Satisfaction of
faid Examiners, that fince the Expiration of his Apprenticeſhip,
he has for at leaft Twelve Months out of the Twenty-four im-
mediately preceding his Application for the Vacancy, regularly
attended the feveral Departments of a public Hofpital in Lon-
don, Dublin or Edinburgh, thofe of Plymouth or Hafler, or
during War a Military Hofpital abroad, or that he has ferved
during the aforefaid Time as a Mate in any Regiment, or in
any of His Majesty's Ships of War, and fhall have quitted the
fame with the neceffary Certificates of good Conduct and pro-
feffional Abilities.
​General Courts-Martial and JUDGE
Tint Advocate is Charge Gain prente
HE Judge Advocate is to take Care that the feveral Facts November 16, 1770.
intended by the general Charge againſt Perſons to be tried
be ascertained in the
by General Courts Martial be afcertained, fo that the Determi- The feveral Facts to
nation of the Court may be clearly had upon each; and he is to general Charge,
Endeavour that every Perſon who fhall be deemed capable of &c. &c.
furniſhing the Court with any material Information, be examin-
upon Oath touching his Knowledge of the Matters dépending;
and in cafe fuch Perfons fhall refufe to be examined, he do then
move the Court to enforce the fame by their Authority.
It is in future to be obferved, that all Officers charged with october 16, 1783.
capital or heinous Crimes, be placed in fecure Cuftody, fo that
they may be forthcoming to abide the Judgment of a Court Officers to be tried
placed in fecure
Form of a Warrant for affembling General
Commander in Chief of His Majeſty's Forces under the Govern-
ment of this Kingdom, (or in his Abfence the Lieutenant General,
or whomfoever shall be authorised by Warrant from the Government
of the Kingdom, to convene a General Court-Martial.)
WHEREAS His Excellency the
Lord Lieutenant General, and General
Governor of Ireland, hath in Purſuance of an Act of Parliament
for puniſhing Mutiny and Deſertion and other Crimes therein
mentioned, delegated to me Authority by a Warrant bearing
Date the
to convene General
Courts Martial, as Occafion may require, for the Trial of all
Military Offences committed by the Forces under my Command:
In Purſuance therefore of the faid Power and Authority in me
inveſted, I do hereby Order a General Court Martial to be affem-
bled in the
and to adjourn from Time to Time, as
Occafion may require, for the Trial of
And for the Trial of all other Priſoners that ſhall be brought
before them.
The faid Court to confiſt of
Prefident, and Fourteen Members; and the faid
Prefident and any Twelve of the aflembled Members, may con-
ftitute the ſaid General Court Martial.
And in fo doing this fhall be to you and all others concerned
a fufficient Warrant and Authority; and you are hereby ordered
to attend the faid General Court Martial.
Given under my Hand and Seal this
Day of
By Order of the Commander in Chief
Adjutant General
Judge Advocate General, or his
fufficient Deputy or Deputies.
( 85 )
In Cafes where the Judge Advocate General or
his Deputy cannot attend, an Officer, or ſome
proper Perſon of the Garriſon, is appointed to
act as fuch the following is the Form of a
Deputation neceſſary to be fent úpon that
Occafion :
WHEREAS His Majefty hath been graciouſly pleaſed to give 27 Geo. §.
and grant unto
Efq; the Office and Place of
Advocate General, and Judge Martial in and throughout the
whole Realm of Ireland, as well within Liberties as without, with
Power unto him the faid.
to nominate
and appoint a fufficient Deputy or Deputies, to be approved of
by the Lord Lieutenant General, or other Chief Governor or
Governors of the faid Kingdom of Ireland for the Time being.
Purſuant therefore to the faid Power fo given and granted,
the faid
hath nominated and appointed, and
by theſe Preſents doth nominate and appoint
to be his the faid
fufficient Deputy in his Abfence, to act as Advocate General and
Judge Martial within the Garriſon of
Provided that the faid
be approved
of by His Majefty's Lieutenant Governor, or other Chief Go-
vernor or Governors of his Majeſty's faid Kingdom of Ireland.
In Witneſs whereof the faid
hath hereunto
put his Hand and Seal
Day of
L. J.
By the Lord Lieutenant General and General
Governor of Ireland.
UPON Confideration of the within Deputation from
Efq; to
We are pleafed hereby to approve of the fame, and We do
hereby allow of the faid
to act as Deputy Advocate General and Judge Martial within the
Garriton of
Given at His Majefty's Cantle of Dublin, the
Day of
His Excellency's Command,
To act as Deputy Advocate Generalat
( 87 )
Inftructions for a Deputy Judge Advocate.
HE Appointment of a Perſon by the Judge Advocate Ge- 1788.
neral to act as his Deputy upon any General Court Mar-
tial, muft receive the Approbation of the Lord Lieutenant or
Chief Governor of the Kingdom, on the Back of the Deputa-
When the Court is met, after reading the Order or Warrant,
he is to adminifter the feveral Oaths to the Members, as ftated in
the Articles of War: Beginning with the Preſident, who, as a
Token of Reſpect, is to be fworn by himſelf, and then proceed
to fwear the other Members by as many at once as may be con-
venient: The Prefident will then adminifter to the Deputy Judge
Advocate the Oath, in the Words prefcribed by the Act of Par-
liament for puniſhing Mutiny and Defertion.
The Prifoner being called and accufed in His Majeſty's Name,
the Oath, viz. The Evidence you fhall give the Court in the Matter
now before you, between our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty, and the
Prifoner on his Trial, fhall be the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing
bat the Truth, So help you God, is to be adminiſtered to every Perſon
who hath any Thing to give in Evidence for or againſt the Pri-
foner. The Deputy Judge Advocate is to take particular Care to
record all Evidence that fhall be given, and what ſhall be offered
by the Priſoner in his own Defence, obferving in the Minutes,
and eſpecially in all Caſes of that great Weight where Life is con-
cerned, what may make for the Prifoner as well as what is
urged againſt him; for Inftance, in Cafes of Deſertion, the Time
when the Perfon inlifted, whether proved by Certificate or
admitted by the Priſoner, or whether he received Pay; what
Time he deſerted, and where he was when taken as a Deferter,
and any
other Thing that may appear material. And if at any
Time the Court fhall think fit, in Confideration of any alleviating
Circumſtances, to mitigate the Puniſhment due by the Letter of
the Law, in fuch Cafes, where a difcretional Power is veſted in
the Court, or by recommending the Prifoner to His Majesty's
Mercy, the Reafons are to be recorded that moved the Court
thereto, in a very particular Manner, that the Government may
be thereby enabled to judge of the Fact with Certainty, and the
Judge Advocate is to be exact in taking the Particulars of the
Sentence. When all this is done, a fair Draft of the Proceedings
is to be made out as near as the Circumftances will admit, in the
following Forms, which is to be figned by the Preſident and De-
( 88 )
puty Judge Advocate, and to be tranfmitted to the Chief Secre-
tary to the Lord Lieutenant, in His Majefty's Caftle 'of Dublin,
by the very firft Opportunity to be laid before Government for
Approbation of the Sentence. The Sentence is not to be exe
cuted or made public till duly confirmed by proper Authority;
as to any other Matters that may occur, Regard is to be had to
the Act of Parliament and the Articles of War.
Proceedings of a General Court Martial held at
: the .
· Day of
in Purſuance of an Order from
by Virtue of a Warrant from His Excellency the Lord Lieute-
Anant General and General Governor of Ireland, bearing Date
2 +1
: 12
The Figures fhew the
9 Order of the Members.
. I I
"The Court being met and duly fworn, proceeded to the Trial of
AA. B. Soldier in
Regiment, accuſed of
(C. D. öf
That, &c.
Regiment fworn, Depofeth,
When the Profecution on Behalf of the Crown is cloſed, then
the Court proceeds on the Prifoner's Defence, and the Depofition
of each Evidence in his Behalf is to be inſerted.
The Court having taken into their Confideration the Evidence
laid before them, find the Prifoner A. B. of
ment is guilty in Breach of the
Article of the
of the Articles of War, and do thereby adjudge him to, &c.
&c. &c.
"Note. When the Priſoner is acquitted, thus, That the Priſoner
is not guilty of the Crime alledged. against him, therefore the
Court acquit him.
( 89 )
Affiftance to Civil Magiftrates and
Revenue Officers.
HE Civil Magiftrates being Juftices of the Peace, are upon Affiftance to Civil
all Occafions to be ſupplied with fuch Detachments as they Magiftrates.
may require, without being obliged to give Account to the
Officer of the particular Occafion for which they are required;
and in all Cafes whatfoever, where the Civil Magiftrate fhall judge
it neceffary to repel Force by Force, the Orders for that Purpoſe
are to be given to the Soldiers by the Civil Magiſtrate himſelf,
and not by the Officer or Non-Commiffioned Officer Command-
ing the Party.
The Detachments fo granted, to be reported to the Commander
in Chief, for the Information of the Lord Lieutenant if necef-
fary, by the Commanding Officer, who will ſtate the Service
they went on, Diſtance and Succeſs.
As His Majefty's Revenue would fuffer greatly, if proper At- Requifitions by
tention is not paid by the Commanding Officers of Regiments Writs of Affittance.
and Quarters detached, to the Requifitions made to them by
Cuſtom Houſe Officers for the Aid of the Troops under Writs of
Affiftance: It is Ordered, that the greateſt Attention be fhewn to
thefe Writs of Affiſtance, and the Requiſitions ſo made are
punctually and immediately obeyed; any Officer hefitating to
comply with them will be immediately tried by a General Court-
Martial for Difobedience of Orders. Commanding Officers of
Regiments will not neglect to furnish Commanding Officers at
detached Quarters, with a Copy of ſaid Writs and Inftructions,
left they ſhould be called upon for Affiftance by the Officers of
his Majefty's Revenue. For which Purpoſe the Form of a Writ
and Inftructions are herewith annexed.
And as very mifchievous and dangerous Confequences may None under a Sur-
enfue from the Practice of granting Parties indifcriminately to veyor to be granted
Revenue Officers, who may frequently not be authorifed to Parties, without an
require the fame; it is therefore ordered that no fuch Party be Order.
granted (except they are required under the Legal Writ of Affift-
ance, which is at all Times to be obeyed) to any Revenue Officer
under the Degree of a Surveyor, unleſs fuch Officer fhall have
a Written Order figned by fome fuperior Officer of the Revenue.
( 90 )
*Revenue Officer not
And it is directed, that upon Application made by any of the
Surveyors General, Collectors or Surveyors in the Service of
the Revenue, to the Officer Commanding any of His Majefty's
Forces, he do caufe a fufficient Number of the Men under his
> Command to be aiding and affifting to them in the Diſcharge of
their Duty for His Majefty's Service. And where the Surveyor
General, Collector, or other Superior Officer of the Revenue,
and who ſhall be then refident or upon Duty at the Place where
or near to where any of His Majefty's Forces-are quartered, fhall
fignify under his Hand Writing to the Officer Commanding fuch
Forces, that he has received Information of Goods run, or in-
tended to be run, of which he has reaſon to apprehend a Seizure
cannot be made without the Affiftance of the Military, or that he
has Reaſon to apprehend an Attempt to reſcue any Goods which
fhall be feized for having been landed, or attempted to be landed,
without Payment of the Duties due to His Majefty, or that he
apprehends an Attempt may be made to obftruct the diftraining,
or otherwife collecting His Majefty's Quit and other Rents: In
all fuch Cafes the Commanding Officer is to give ſuch Affiftance
to the Officers of the Revenue who fhall be employed in fuch
Seizure, as will be fufficient not only to protect them froth Infults,
but to enable them to lodge the Goods in fome Place of Security,
leaving fufficient Force to guard their reſpective Quarters.
And as it may happen that a Revenue Officer fhould quit his
to quit the Party. Party after a Seizure has been made, and before it can be brought
to a Place of Safety; and as without the Revenue Officer, the
Army cannot be legally authorized to bring away Seizures, or
act with any Effect, upon fuch Occafions the Parties are immedi-
ately to retire to their Quarters, and a Report of the fame,, to-
gether with the Name of the Revenue Officer, is to be made to
the Commander in Chief, in order that the Circumſtances may
be laid before the Government of this Kingdom.
Commanding Officers of Regiments are to report with each
Monthly Return fent to the Adjutant General as minutely as
poffible, The Number of Parties demanded by Writs of Affift-
ance within the Month, the Strength of the Parties, the Time
when, where, and the Names of the Revenue Officers who
called for them, the Diſtance they marched, the Length of Time
out, and the Succeſs of each Party, together with fuch general
Obfervations as they may judge neceflary upon the Nature and
Advantages arifing from this Branch of Service for the Informa-
tion of the Lord Lieutenant. Officers commanding Detach-
ments are to be furniſhed with a Copy of theſe Orders, together
-with a Copy-of the Writ of Affiſtance.
Form of a Writ of Affiftance.
George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Writ of Affiftance.
France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and fo forth.
To all and every our Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs,
Portrieves, Bailiffs, Sovereigns, Conftables, Headboroughs, and
all our Officers, Minifters and Subjects whatfoever, ferving under
us by Commiffion, Warrant, or otherwife, in our Kingdom of
Ireland, greeting; Know ye, that whereas by an Act of Parlia-
ment made in our Parliament, held in Dublin, in the 13th and
14th Years of our Reign, entitled, An Act for continuing and
amending ſeveral Laws now in Force relating to His Majeſty's Reve-
nue, and for the more effectual preventing Frauds therein; reciting,
"That the Officers of our Revenue, in the due Execution of their
.. Duty, have been frequently obftructed and violently affaulted
"and wounded, to the Hazard, and fometimes to the Lofs of
"their Lives; and that it was abfolutely neceffary, effectually to
"execute the Powers intended to be given by the Laws now in
"Force, and to prevent, the ſaid recited Evils in future," it was
among other Things Enacted, "For the better fecuring and
"protecting the Trade and collecting the Revenues of our
"Realm of Ireland, That from and after the Twenty-fourth Day
"of June, one thouſand ſeven hundred and feventy-four, alt
Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Portrieves, Bailiffs,
Sovereigns, Conftables, Headboroughs, and all our Officers,
"Minifters, and Subjects whatfoever, ferving under Us by Com-
"miflion, Warrant, or otherwiſe, fhould be aiding and affifting
"to all and every Perſon and Perfons who are or fhall be
.. pointed to manage or collect our faid Revenues, and the Of
"ficers of thofe Revenues refpectively, and their reſpective De-
"puties, in the due Execution of all and every Act and Thing
"required and enjoined by the faid Act, or any Act or Acts of
“Parliament, made in our faid Kingdom of Ireland, relative
"to the Revenues of the fame; and that all fuch Perfons as
"fhould be aiding and affifting unto them in the due Execution
"thereof, fhould be defended and faved harmleſs by Virtuc of
"the faid A&t; and the proper Officers of our Court of Exche-
st quer in Ireland are thereby authorized in Manner therein men-
"tioned, to iffue Writs of Affiſtance under the Seal of our faid
"Court, to authorize the Officers of our faid Revenues, to re-
"quire and demand the Aid and Affiftance of our Officers and
❝ all other Perfons as aforefaid." We therefore do ftrictly en-
join and command you, and every of you, That, to all and
every Perfon and Perfons who are or fhall be appointed to ma-
nage or collect our Revenues refpectively, and the Officers of
thofe Revenues refpectively, and their refpective Deputies, in
the due Execution of all and every Act and Thing required and
enjoined by any Act or Acts of Parliament made in our faid
Kingdom of Ireland, relative to the Revenue of the fame, you
and every of you, from Time to Time, and at all Times, be
aiding and affifting: And this you, or any of you, our Juftices
of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Portrieves, Bailiffs, Sovereigns,
Conſtables, Headboroughs, and all our Officers, Minifters, and
Subjects whatſoever, ferving under Us by Commiflion, War-
rant, or otherwiſe, in no Wiſe omit at your Perils. And we do
hereby authorize the Officers of our faid Revenue, to require
and demand the Aid and Affiftance of our Officers, and all other
Perfons as aforefaid. Witnefs Barry Yelverton, Efq; Chief Baron
of our Court of Exchequer in our faid Kingdom of Ireland, at
Dublin, the
Day of
in the
Year of our Reign.
25 April, 1789.
When Parties art demanded by Writs of Affiftance, the Rc-
venue Officer requiring fuch Party, to give the Officer com.
manding a Receipt for the Number of Men required, and Ser-
vice performed, &c. which is to be fent to the Adjutant General,
with each Monthly Return of Seizures.
( 92 )
EXCISE-OFFICE, DUBLIN, 1st September, 1794
HE Board having taken into Confide
ra on the heavy Expence attending the Seizure of private Stills;
&c. in the differents Diſtricts of this Kingdom, and the general
inefficacy of the Services, as in the Majority of thofe hitherto
performed, the Still, Head, and Worm, have not been ſeized,
but only a Part, as-the Still, or the Still and Head, or the Still
and Worm; that the Veffels in many Inſtances have not been
deſtroyed, nor the Pot-Ale ſpilled, and that, where the whole
are not taken, or deſtroyed, there remains Encouragement to the
private Diſtiller to commence again; and that there has not
been that proper and neceffary Exertion to perfect the Service:
and the Board having, through his Excellency the Lord Lieu-
tenant, communicated with the Commander in Chief, upon a
new Syſtem reſpecting the Military; and his Excellency and the
Commander in Chief having approved of the fame,-the Board
direct, that the following Regulations do take Place.
The Military to be paid for the Seizure
Of a Still, Head and Worm, £— 11
Corporal. Private.
I I 41 £.—8 112 £-5 5
8 1/
-K-12 Ha
Still and Head,
5 11/1/1 3 912
Still and Worm,
5 II
4 10
3 9
Head and Worm,
6 6
4 4
Head or Worm,
3 3
2 2
1 7
And as a further Encouragement,-for every Service per-
formed in the Day, a fimilar Bounty will be paid, together with
a Subfiftence of Is. Id. to each of the Infantry and Cavalry
when on Foot, and is. 7 d. to each of the Cavalry when
mounted, who may be called on fuch Expeditions.
(92* :)
And as it is not fuppofed that the Officers always have a fuffi-
cient command of Money to fubfift the Military, and lie out of
it until their Quarterly Bills are paid,—you may advance to each
Officer what you fhall deem fufficient for Subfiftence to the
Military called out, which Sum or Sums you are to repay your-
felf out of the Amount of each Officer's Quarterly Bill, when
And you are to inform all your Officers, that the Board com-
mand them, on Pain of their extreme Diſpleaſure, to pay the
Military the Subfiftence hereby allowed them, in Money, that
they may procure Refreshments in the Manner moft pleafing to
It appearing that the Revenue Officers, have frequently
taken out a greater Number of Affiftants than neceffary, and kept
them out a Number of Days together, without pofitive Infor-
mations, thereby incurring a heavy Expence to the Crown,
without an adequate Advantage:-In order therefore to pre-
vent fuch Practices in future,
The Revenue Officer taking out the Party, as à Reward for
his Services, and in lieu of all Expence for Refreſhment, Horſe-
hire, Car-hire, &c. is hereafter to be paid,
For feizing a Still, Head and Worm,
a Still and Head
a Still and Worm,
a Still,
a Head and Worm,
a Head or Worm,
| | | | | |
£1 2 9
16 3
mja -ja
4 /
5 5
And when a Conftable is with a Party, he is to be paid the
fame Subfiftence and Bounty, as the Military.
None of the aforefaid Bounties to be paid, but for Articles
which, at the Time of Seizure, are deemed by you as fervice-
able; nor until the Revenue Officer, Sergeant or Corporal
commanding the Party, and the Conftable, make Oath before
you or other proper Officer for taking Affidavits in the Reve-
1.ue, that all the Veffels which upon diligent Search could be
found, were effectually deftroyed, and the Pot-Ale fpilled in
fuch a manner as to be irrecoverable; which Affidavit is to be
annexed to the Return of the Service and Expence, as delivered
in to you; and you are to annex your Certificate of the Articles
ïeized being ferviceable or otherwife, and of their having been
in your Prefence effectually broken up and rendered uſeleſs for
Diftilling; which Returns are to be exactly conformable to a
Specimen herewith fent you.
( 92* )
And it having been obſerved, that the Revenue Officers fre
quently demand a larger Party of the Army than neceffary, and
particularly that they take out the Cavalry mounted, at Times
when, from the Situation of the Country, they cannot be uſe-
fully employed on Horſe-back.
You are to Caution your Officers against fuch Improprieties,
and inform them, that, in any Inftance where fimilar Miſcon-
duct fhall be diſcovered, the Board will not only make them
defray the Expence, but will lay on them other Marks of their
great Difpleafure; and you are to charge them, at the fame
Time, not to quit the Military on any Account or Pretence
whatſoever, from the Moment they receive them in Charge,
until they return them back to Quarters.
And the Board having been informed, that, in many Initan-
tes, the Soldiery were defrauded by the Revenue Officers, who
(taking an Advantage of their Ignorance of the Proportion of
the different Seizures made by them,. to which they are entitled)
receive their Share along with their own, and ſeldom account
with the Military for any Part thereof.-You are to hold in
your Hands the Proportion of each Seizure to which the Mili-
tary (as Affiftants) are entitled, and pay the fame to the Com-
manding Officer of the Regiment, or Detachment, to which
the Party may belong, and to no other Perfon, giving a regu-
lar Statement of the Produce of fuch Seizure, and the Divifion
thereof with the fame; and the Board inform you, that, in
any Inftance where you depart from this Order, they will com-
pel you to pay the Military fuch Sum or Sums as may be loft to
them by your Neglect.
And you are to take efpecial Care, that all Still, &c. Services
are returned to you agreeable to the Form herewith fent you;
and that they be properly filled, before you tranfmit them to
the Board:-All which Regulations are to take Place from the
If of October next, inclufive, to which Time you are to call
upon your Officers for a Return of all Services which have
been performed prior thereto, and tranfmit them to the Board
in fourteen Days from that Day, or ſubject yourſelf to a Fine of
£1 25. 9d. which will be increafed in Proportion to the Delay;
and if the Officers omit making their Returns in proper Time,
to enable you to comply herewith, their Expence will not be
paid. And the Returns are to be made henceforward for each
Quarter ending on the 31ft Day of December, 31ft Day of
March, 30th Day of June, and 30th Day of September, in every
Year, in 14 Days after the above appointed Periods, that is to
fay-the faid Returns must be put in the Poft-Office by you, fo
as to be with the Board on the 14th January, 14th April,
14th July, and 14th October, after each preceding Quarter;
and if there is no affirmative, there must be a negative Return
( 92*)
-or failing therein you will incur the Penalty Before-mention-
d; and you are to inform your Officers, that if the Fault of
not making the Returns in proper Time, lies with them, the
Board will not order them the Bounties hereby appointed.
Herewith you will receive a fufficient Number of Copies of
this Order, and of the Specimen of the Return; and you are
to deliver to each Officer in your District, preventive as well
as Revenué, one of each, which he is to keep by him, both
for the government of his Conduct, and that he fhall not
have an Excufe of want of Knowledge of the Regulations or
Form:-The Board being determined never to admit of any
for the Difobedience of theſe Orders.
By Order of the Commiffioners,
( 93 )
FFICERS Commanding Regiments are strictly forbid to 24th Sept. 1768.
change the ufual Method of conveying the Baggage of the
Army, by Land Carriage, as Regiments perhaps, for fome tri- Baggage by, Land.
vial Conveniency, might ftand unneceffarily expoſed to the Rifk
of lofing their Baggage in its Paffage by Sea.
The Number of Cars mentioned underneath being allowed 20th May, 1784.
to the feveral Regiments of Cavalry and Infantry on all Marches
by Corps, Troops, Companies, and Detachments, all Payments Regulation of Cars.
for the Carriage of Army Baggage are to be regulated by them.
For each Troop on the Eftabliſhment of 3 Officers, Quarter-
Mafter, and 24 Non-Commiffioned Officers and Privates.
Captains Baggage, Quarter-Mafter and Troops, Stores,
Two Subalterns, One Car each,
For each Company on the preſent Eftabliſhment of 3 Officers
and 43 Non-Commiffioned Officers and Privates.
Captains Baggage and Company's Stores,
Two Subalterns, One Car cach,
For each Company, when the Eftabliſhment fhall exceed 50
Rank and File.
Captains Baggage and Company's Stores,
Two Subalterns, One Car each,
:( 94 )
The Carriage of the Baggage of the Staff Officers of every
Regiment not having any other Commiffion, is made a com-
muted Allowance of, as alfo One Car for the Traníportation of
Hofpital Bedding, &c. &c. The Allowance to each Officer is
21. 5s. od. Vide Accompts.
1 Serjeant and 12 Men,
I Subaltern's Detachment,
2 Subalterns Ditto,
Certificate for Pay-
ment of Car Hire.
A. Captain's Detachment,
And for larger Detachments, in the Proportion of for
every 12 Men,
The following is the Form of the Certificate to be made by the
Quarter Maſter, or Perfon acting as fuch, to every Regiment or
Detachment, which is to be ſent to the Agent, who is hereby
directed to have the fame checked by the Quarter-Mafter General,
previous to its being preſented at the Treafury for Payment.
A. B.
Regiment of
. of
me, and made Oath, that he paid the Sum of
for the Hire of
gage of
faid (Regiment or Detachment) from
came this Day before
Cars, that carried the Bag-
of the
Miles, which
they marched, according to a Route by the Government's
Dated the
Day of
which has not yet been reimburſed.
· Sworn before me
Day of
N. B. It is to be obferved, that none but printed Baggage
Certificates are allowed to paſs at the Quarter-Mafter General's
Office, in order that the Errors in Writing (if any) may be the
readier diſcovered.
Store Ammunition.
HERE is always to be in Store at the Head Quarters of 27 April 1762.
each Company and Troop, a fufficient Number of made-
up Cartridges of Powder and Ball, not lefs than 24 Rounds a
Man, which are not to be uſed upon any other Account than
that of real Service, for which the Commanding Officer of
each Quarter ſhall be anfwerable.
Note. It is ufual to complete every Regiment on its Arrival
in this Kingdom with the 24 Rounds per Man, after which it is
expected they will keep up this Store out of their Annual Al-
And it is ufual, in Time of War, to order the Regiments to
complete to 60 Rounds per Man.
Annual Allowance of Flints.
To each Dragoon, 2 Firelocks and 2 Piftol Flints.
To each Private of the Infantry, Four Flints.
Annual Allowance of Ball.
11 April, 1769.
To each Regiment of Dragoon, 30lb.
To each Regiment of Infantry, 110lb.
Annual Allowance of Powder.
The Regiments in this Kingdom to have proportional Quan- Powder.
tities of Powder annually, as are allowed in Great Britain, viz.
To each Regiment of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons, Five
To each Regiment of Infantry, Ten Barrels.
But on Account of the additional Expenditure of the Regi-
ments on Dublin Duty, the Regiments of Infantry compofing
that Garriſon will be allowed 17 Barrels annually each.
a. 18, 175°F.
Monthly Returns.
Fortnight Returns.
Names of Officers
abſent. dead, or
LL Returns whatever figned by an Officer are deemed Re-
turns upon Honour.
The Monthly Return of each Regiment in the Kingdom to
be fent to the Adjutant General from the Head Quarters of each
Regiment by the firft Poft after the laſt Day of every Month, and
not only dated on the 1ft Day of each Month, but at the Place
where they ſhall be refpectively figned. A Duplicate is alſo to
be fent to the Quarter Mafter General, in order that he may be
enabled to make up with Preciſion the Accounts of the Lodging
Money, and of Stabling for the Troops in this Kingdom.
Note. All Returns, Letters, &c. from Commiffioned Officers,
Detached or Recruiting, and all Officers whatever, for the
Quarter Maſter General, are to be put under Cover to the Un-
der Secretary of the Military Department, (by Name) Caftle
of Dublin, otherwiſe the Expence of Poftage will be paid by
the Agent of the Regiment, and charged to the Account of the
Officers who fail in this Pein
A Fortnight Return of the Officers from every Regiment in
Ireland, is to be tranfmitted by the firſt Poft after the 14th Day
of every Month, to the Adjutant General, in the fame Manner
as the Monthly Return.
The Chriſtian and Surnames of the Officers abfent, dead, or
promoted, and the Time of ſuch Death or Promotion, as near
as it can be afcertained, are always to be mentioned in the
Monthly Returns; and the Commanding Officer of Regi-
ments are to 'report, in Writing, to the Commander in Chief,
as foon as they know of any Vacancy in their reſpective Corps,
eiter by Death or Promotion.
The Dates and Purport of all Orders received, are to be ex-
preffed at the Bottom of each Monthly Return. Alfo the Num-
ber of Recruits not joined are to be fpecified, but not in the
Body of the Return: being the Numbers known to exift, but
who have not been allotted to Companies. Alfo the Particulars
of the Revenue Parties fent out in the Manner prefcribed in the
Order of 4th of May, 1784, (vide Page 90.) Alfo Parties de-
manded in Aid of the Civil Magiftrates.
( 97 )
The Duty of Chaplain to be executed with becoming Decency Names of Chaplain
and Regularity, and the Chaplain of every Regiment is either or Deputy to be al-
conftantly to attend himfelf, or act by Deputy; and the Name of Monthly returns.
fuch Deputy to be regularly returned in the Monthly Returns.
ways returned in
The Dates of Officers Commiffions newly appointed, and Dates of Officers
who have not joined, are always to be inferted in the Returns, Commiffions newly
which will be the Date of their Leave of Abfence; the Agents appointed.
are therefore carefully to tranfmit fuch Dates to their feveral
Regiments. Officers abfent on Duty are not to be returned
generally on Duty, but the particular Reafons are to be ex-
preffed, as Aid-de-Camp, Court-Martial, &c. when Officers are
attending Parliament, &c. &c. fuch Reaſons are alſo to be ſpecified.
Each Return fhould ſpecify diftinctly for itſelf without having
a Reference to any other.
Leave how men-
The Day on which an Officer's Leave commenced, is always Dates of Officers
to be inferted in the Column, fince what Time; the fame Day,
• tioned.
to be continued when the Officer has had a Renewal of his
Leave; and the Day on which it will, or has expired, is to be
inferted in the Column, for what Time; againft each Officer's
Name is alſo to be ſpecified by the Letters I. E. A. whether he
is abſent in Ireland, England, or Abroad.
ot their Leave.
Officers who do not join at the Expiration of their Leave of Officers who do not
Abſence, are to be returned Abfent without Leave, except they join at Expiration
have been prevented by Accident or Neceflity, which is to be
mentioned on the Returns: The Words not joined, or Leave ex-
pired, are not to be inferted.
Officers who have a higher Rank in the Army than their Re- Officers Rank in
gimental Rank, fuch Rank is to be added after their Names.
When a Regiment is divided in different Quarters, it muſt
appear on the Face of the Return, at which Quarter each Com-
pany is ftationed.
the Army.
The Increaſe or Decreaſe in the Strength of the Regiment The Monthly Re-
upon each Return, is to be accounted for in the Column Altera- turns to correfpond.
tions fince laft Return, in order that the Monthly Returns may
correſpond exactly with the preceding ones:-and whenever a
Man is diſcharged, it is to be mentioned in the Monthly Re-
turns, the Reaſons for faid Diſcharge.
The Commanding Officers of Regiments embarking from Regiments embark
Ireland for Foreign Service, are to fend a Return of the State ing from Ireland.
of their respective Regiments, upon Embarkation, to the Secre-
tary at War, and Adjutant General, in London; and to the
Adjutant General of this Kingdom.
The Major of every Regiment is to take Care that the Regi- Major to keep the
mental Book be properly kept, in which every Officer's Name, Regimental Book.
the Dates of their Commiflions in their Regiment, and in the
Army, their Country, and Age, be entered. The Names of
Non-commiffioned Officer and Soldier, are likewife to be
( 98 )
Return of Chargers
to be made on Back
of Fortnight Re-
Return of Officers
to purchaſe.
Return of Ar
entered, with their Age, Complexion, Town and Country
where born, their Trade and Profeffion, and the Date of their
enlifting. An Entry is conſtantly to be made of the Time of
receiving Arms,. Accoutrements, Clothing, Camp Neceffaries,
Ammunition, Bread, Forage, &c. &c. fpecifying the Time and
Place, and the particular Quantities received. This Book is al-
ways to remain at Head Quarters of the Regiment, and is to be
tranſmitted by the Major to his Succeffor, as belonging to the
On the Back of the Fortnight Return mention is to be made
of thoſe Officers and Quarter-Mafters of the feveral Regiments
of Cavalry who have not Chargers, and the Length of Time
they have been without them. No Horfe is on any Account to
be returned, but fuch as is confidered as good and fufficient for
the Purpoſe of a Charger by the Commanding Officer of the
Regiment, who is anfwerable that the Officers and Quarter-
Mafters are well mounted, and their Horfes kept in good Con-
A Return to be fent to the Adjutant-General every Six
Months, viz. on the 1ft January and on the 1ft July, in every
Year, from every Regiment, of all Officers capable and defirous
of purchafing forward in their refpective Corps, at the regulat-
ed Price. A general one to be made up for the Lord Lieutenant
every Six Months.
A Return alſo every Six Months, at the Periods of 1ft April
every Six Months. and ift October, of the State of the Arms belonging to cach
Regiment, defcribing the Condition, and ſpecifying the Number
bad and wanting, with the feveral Caſualties that have happened
in that Period, which Returns are to be lodged in the Adjutant-
General's Office, in order to be referred to, if Occafion require
it; there will alſo be certified in the Monthly Returns what Arms
have been loft by Deſertion or otherwife, as alſo what rendered
unferviceable on Duty, and Care must be taken that theſe Re-
turns correſpond exactly with the above Returns ordered every
Six Months.
N. B. Pages 78, 79, and 80, contain feveral Points of Infor
mation, cloſely connected with the Monthly Returns, &c.
( 99 )
TO Man to be enlifted under Five Feet Seven Inches high,
healthy, able bodied, and in every Reſpect fit for the
Service, excepting remarkable clever growing young Men, in
which Cafe they may be enlifted, though not above Five Feet
Six Inches high, provided they are under Twenty Years of Age.
None to be enlifted under the Age of Sixteen or above Thirty.
Indented Apprentices not to be enlifted; fuch Perfons being 24 Sept. 1768.
the Property of their Mafter are not at their own Difpofal, and
confequently cannot be detained by any Officer that enlifts
The Commanding Officers of Corps are to be very careful in
examining the Recruits brought to the Regiment, and to accept
of none but thofe every way anfwering the Inftructions given to
the Recruiting Officers. That before they are drafted into the
feveral Companies, the Surgeon of the Regiment do infpect
them, to ſee that they have no running Sores, or other Cam-
plaints, that they have concealed; and if any fuch are found out,
or that they are fubject to Fits, they are not to be received.
18 O&. 1731.
A a
( 100 ).
Diſcharged M E N.
oa. 18, 1751.
T the Reviews fuch Men as are proper to be diſcharged to
be fhewn to the General Reviewing the Regiment, for his
Infpection and Approbation; at all other Times Application
muſt be made by the Officer Commanding the Regiment to the
Commander in Chief, when the Reaſons for granting fuch
Diſcharge muſt be mentioned, and Orders will be iffued accord-
No Man can be admitted into Kilmainham Hoſpital, unleſs he
is recommended to it in his Diſcharge by the Officer Command-
ing the Regiment in which he has ferved; nor is he to be re-
commended unleſs he is diſabled, or actually worn out in the
Service; and the Time of his Service, either in the Regiment
from which he is diſcharged, or in any other Regiment in which
he may have ſerved, to be fpecified in his Difcharge, and his
Inability for further Service; certified by the Surgeon of the Re-
giment or his Mate, according to the Rules of the Hofpital,
hereunto annexed.
The Men diſcharged and recommended without fuch Certifi-
cate, not to be admitted, but kept upon the Full-Pay of the Re-
giment till fuch Certificate be produced before an Hoſpital Board.
Every Man who fhall be diſcharged at the Reviews, or other
wife, and recommended to the Bounty of Kilmainham Hofpital,
is to be fubfifted as Soldiers by the Regiment from which they
were fo diſcharged, 'till the next Meeting of the Hoſpital Board
after the Time of their being diſcharged; unless they are rendered
unable by Illneſs to attend faid Board, in which Cafe they are to
be fubfifted as Soldiers, until the Governors have an Opportunity
of examining their Claims to the Bounty of faid Hoſpital.
And fuch Soldiers who have been recommended, and whoſe
Claims fhall not be found ſufficient for Admittance, are to receive
the uſual Subfiftence from their Regiments to carry them Home,
from the Day of their being rejected by the Board.
( for >
Extract from Rules, Orders, and Regulations, made by the 30th May, 1785.
Governors of the Royal Hoſpital of King Charles the Second,
for the Qualification and Admiffion of the Invalids of the Army
of Ireland, 30th May, 1785.
IF any Non-Commiffioned Officer, or Soldier, fhall be dif-
charged at his own Requeft, the fame fhall be fpecified in his
Diſcharge, fuch being difqualified.
If any Non-Commiffioned Officer, or Soldier, fhall be turned
out of the Service, as an Offender, by the Judgment of a Court-
Martial, the Prefident of fuch Court-Martial is to order the
Name of fuch Non-Commiffioned Officer or Soldier, to be im-
mediately returned to the Regiſter of the Hoſpital.
All Incurables admitted from the Infirmary of the Army, are
to be reckoned in the notation of the Regiment wherein they
every Non-commiffioned Officer or Soldier, who fhall be
diſcharged from the Service, and apprehends he is entitled to the
Benefit of the Hoſpital, fhall, within Six Calendar Months after
fuch Difcharge, lodge his Pretenfions with the Regiſter of the
Hofpital, otherwiſe he fhall be deemed to have forfeited the
fame to all Intents and Purpoſes whatſoever.
No Non-Commiffioned Officer, or Soldier, entitled to the
Benefit of the Hoſpital, is to be diſcharged until Proviſion can
be made for him therein; or his having, in the Interim, the ſame
Allowance from the Regiment wherein he ferved, that he would
have upon his Admiſſion to the Penſion of the ſaid Hoſpital.
As Twenty-one Days Notice, previous to any Admiffion of
Invalids, will be given by a printed Lift of the Regiments in
Rotation, the Governors of the Hoſpital expect, that an Officer
and the Agent of every Regiment mentioned in the faid Lift,
ſhould attend on thofe Occafions, and have their Invalids ready
for a perfonal Examination, without which no one is to be ad-
And to the End that both Officers and Soldiers may know the
neceffary Qualifications for the Benefit of the Hofpital, the Go-
vernors thereof have directed that thefe Rules, Orders, and
Regulations, being printed, fhould be delivered to the Agents,
to be by them fent to every Troop and Company of their re-
ſpective Regiments; and that Care may be taken to have the
fame upon every Mufter, read at the Head of every Troop and
Company, in the Army of Ireland.
In Conſequence of the enlarged Eſtabliſhment of the Penfions
of Invalids admitted on the Foundation of the Royal Hofpital,
( 102 )
by which Three different Claffes of Out Penfioners are to be
eſtabliſhed, viz. 500 at 5d. per Day; 1200 at 4d. per Day; and
the Remainder at 3d, per Day; the following Regulations are to
be attended to, in Addition to the foregoing.
That all Men, when first admitted, be entered in the loweſt
That no Man admitted on lefs than 20 Years Service, be con-
fidered as entitled to rife to the higheft Clafs.
That Length and Nature of Service before Admiffion to the
Ho pital, be looked upon as Recommendations preferable to Old
Age; and that fuch Men as have been formerly Non-Commiffi-
onea Officers for Three Years at leaſt, be confidered as having the
faireft Claim to Promotion in the higher Claffes.
That an uninterrupted Service of 20 Years be looked upon as
giving a fair Claim to his Majeſty's Royal Bounty. Unleſs that
Period is accompliſhed, or nearly fo, Commanding Officers be
ordered not to recommend Men difcharged for Accidents or Dif
orders, which do not altogether difqualify them from gaining a
Livelihood by Labour or their Profeflion.
That no Perfon be put on the Serjeant Major's Lift, who has
not actually been a Serjeant Major for Three Years; a Quarter
Mafter Serjeant for Six Years; or a Serjeant for Twelve Years,
But at all Times where a Serjeant Major appears, he is to have
the Preference.
That when a Non-Commiffioned Officer is difcharged and re-
commended, the Number of Years that he has ferved as Serjeant,
as Corporal, and as Private, be each particularly fpecified in the
Body of the Diſcharge.
That when a 'Soldier who has ferved in feveral Corps is dif
charged, his Time of Service in each be particularly fpecified in
his laſt Diſcharge, with the Reafon of his quitting each; and all
former Diſcharges be delivered to the Soldier, that they may be
lodged with the Regiſter of the Hoſpital.
That the Age and Defeription of every Soldier who is recom
mended, be inferted in his Diſcharge.
That when difeafed or difabled Men are recommended, the
Surgeon be directed to certify and defcribe particularly the
Origin, Nature, and State of their Complaints, and why he
looks upon them as unfit for further Service: And when dif-
abled by any Wound or Accident, to diftinguifh how, where,
and when fuch Accident happened, and whether the Man was at
that Time actually upon Duty, or otherwife.
( 103 )
Form of a Diſcharge, recommending the Men
to the Penfion of Kilmainham.
where of
THESE are to certify, That the Bearer hereof
Regiment of Form of Difcharge
is Colonel. and Recommenda-
has ferved well and faithfully in the above-
named Regiment, for
and in other Regiments, according to the annexed Return.
is now
The faid
hereby diſcharged, having firſt received his Páy, Arrears of Pay,
Clothing, &c. and all other juft Demands whatſoever, from the
Time of his Enlifting into faid Regiment, till the Day of his
Diſcharge, as appears by his Receipt on the other Side.
He is diſcharged
as more fully appears by the Surgeon's Certificate, defcribing the
Origin, Nature, and State of his Complaint, and why unfit for
Service; and is hereby recommended as a fit Object of his
Majeſty's Royal Bounty of Kilmainham Hoſpital.
Serjt. Major.Qu. Ma. Serjt. | Serjeant. Drummer. Corporal. Private. Total Service.
Years. Years. Year. Years.
Age. Trade.
Where born.
Feet. Inch.
Given under my Hand, and Seal of the Regiment, at
Day of
N. B. When a Soldier is diſcharged on Account
of Wounds or Hurts, the Officer giving the Dif
charge is to fpecify when, where, and how they
were received, whether on Duty or otherwife.
( 104 )
do hereby acknowledge to have received from
Regiment of Foot, all my Pay, Arrears of Pay,
Cloathing, &c. and all other juft Demands whatfoever, from
the Day of my Enlifting into faid Regiment, to the Day of my
Diſcharge; and alſo the Sum of
Bounty, to carry me Home.
Witnefs my Hand at
Day of
Witnefs Prefent,
I do hereby certify, that the above-mentioned
of the
whereby he is rendered incapable of further Service, and
a fit Object of His Majefty's Royal
Bounty of Kilmainham Hofpital.
Given under my Hand the Day and Year above-mentioned.
N. B. All former Diſcharges, or Vouchers of
former Service to be given up, that they
may be lodged with the Regiſter of the
Royal Hoſpital in Caſe of Admiffion.
( 105 )
Form of a Diſcharge where the Man is not
Commanding His Majesty's
Regiment of
Form of Difcharge,
and no Recom-
is Colonel, mendation.
THESE are to certify, that the Bearer hereof
has ferved in the abovefaid Regiment, for the Space of
is for the Reaſon
below mentioned diſcharged from the faid Regiment, he having
received his Pay, Arrears of Pay, Cleathing of all Sorts, and all
other juft Demands from the Time of his inlifting into the faid
Regiment, to this Day of his Diſcharge.
He is diſcharged.
And to prevent any ill Uſe that may be made of this Diſcharge
by its falling into the Hands of any other Perfon whatſoever,
here follows a Deſcription of the aboveſaid
He is about
Years of Age,
high, without Shoes ;
Complexion, born in
Given under my Hand and the Regimental Seal,
at the
Day of
To all whom it may Concern.
I do acknowledge to have received my Pay, Arrears of Pay,
Cloathing of all Sorts, and all other juft Demands from the
Time of my inlifting in the within-mentioned Regiment, to this
Day of my Diſcharge.
Witneſs my Hand, at
Day of
( 106 )
Not to be worn
until authenticated.
Charges on the
Back of Roure to
be examined by
Commanding Offi-
cer of the Garriſon
or Quarters where
the Party is relieved.
Defcription of De-
ferters to be on
Back of Route,
OMMANDING Officers of Corps, or Detachments are not
to allow of Men under their Command, when they appre-
hend a Man ſuſpected of Deſertion, fwearing him as fuch before
a Magiftrate, until it has been authenticated, or that from Cir-
cumſtances it appears to the Commanding Officer, that the Man
really is a Deſerter: who is in that Cafe to grant a Certificate to
the Soldier to receive the Money for apprehending him, and not
until then is he to be fworn to,
In order to prevent the enormous Charges that are frequently
drawn out on the Back of the Route, on Account of Deferters,
and figned by a Non-Commiffioned Officer, whenever a Deferter
is given up by a Party of One Regiment to another, in order to
his being conveyed to the Regiment he deferted from, the
Charges on his Account are to be examined and figned by a
Commiffioned Officer if he finds them juft: but if any extrava-
gant Charge appears to have been made by the Party who de-
livers them up, the Money is not to be paid nor the Account
As Miſtakes may arife in the courſe of delivering over Deferters
from one Eſcort to another, by which fuch Deferters have been
exchanged and forwarded to Regiments they did not belong to,
from whence arifes a Detriment to the Service, and great Fatigue
to the Troops in re-conveying ſuch Deſerters to their proper
Corps. It is ordered that when a Route fhall arrive for the
March of a Deſerter or Deferters to his or their Regiments; the
Commanding Officer of the Quarter who detaches the firft Eſcort
fhall cauſe to be inferted on the Back of the Route a full Defcrip-.
tion of the faid Deferter or Deferters. That when a Non-
Coinmiffioned Officer is detached to receive Deferters from any
Gaol where no Troops are quartered, fuch Non-Commiffioned
Officer fhall carefully infert the Deſcription of the Deſerters on
the Back of the Route as above mentioned. And that before the
March of any Deferter from the Provoſt Marſhalfea's of Dublin
or elſewhere, the Commanding Officers of the Barracks (to
whom the Route will always be fent) fhall cauſe the Deſcription
of the Prisoners thereín named, to be fully inferted on the Back
of the Route; and this Circumftance the different Deputy
Provoſts will attend to on delivering up the Priſoners. The Non-
Commiffioned Officer relieving each Efcort will examine the
( 107 )
Prifoners by fuch Deſcription, that he may have a perfect Know-
ledge of them. No Exchange of Clothes betwixt Deferters
when on the Road is to be allowed of.
Cars are not to be hired for the Conveyance of Deferters to Hire of Cars for
their Regiments (which has hitherto been a very heavy Charge) Deferters.
except in Cafes of great Neceffity, and then only in Confequence
of the Commanding Officer of each Quarter through which a
Deferter is marched having examined him, and who, in Cafe of
Sickneſs or otherwife, is to certify on the Back of the Route,
that the Indulgence of a Car is abfolutely neceffary.
Nor will it be allowed that any Charge is to be made for the Hire of Room for
Hire of a Room, Fire and Candle, as a Priſon for fuch Deſerters, a Prifon, not al-
contrary to every Intent of the Service. Therefore all Non- lowed of.
Commiffioned Officers commanding Efcorts with Deferters, are
to endeavour as much as poffible to march in fuch Manner as to
contrive to lie in Towns or Villages where there are Gaols or
Troops quartered, otherwise they muft fecure the Deferters in
their own Quarters.
Whenever Deſerters from the Irish Regiments are adjudged to Deferters from
ſerve Abroad by the fentence of a General Court Martial, they Irish Regiments to
are to be confined in the Provoft's Priſons, until an Opportunity be confined in the
fhall offer for embarking them with the Recruits that may be Provoft's Priſon.
raiſed here for the Regiments lent by this Kingdom for Foreign
All Deſerters taken up and confined in Gaols or Guard-Houfes
are immediately to be reported by Commanding Officers to the
Quarter-Mafter-General, fpecifying the Time when, and by
whom apprehended, and the Regiment from whom they have
deſerted. Routes will be iffued for their immediate Removal
in Confequence of the Directions the Quarter-Maſter-General
fhall receive.
All Deſerters taken up belonging to Regiments upon this
Eſtabliſhment, are to be returned upon the Strength, and fub-
fifted by their reſpective Regiments, until they embark for
Foreign Service.-Notice of which will be given by the Provoft-
Martial-General to the Regiments concerned.
6th Jannary 1790.
C c
16th September, 1791.
"IT having been found that the Efcort Duty on Deferters. is
attended with a heavy Expence to Parties employed therein,
by the unavoidable extraordinary Wear of their Cloathing and
Neceffarics, which they have hitherto been obliged to make
good out of their Pay.-His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant
has been pleafed to direct that certain Allowances fometime
fince granted in Britain fhould be extended to the Army in this
Kingdom, viz.
Diftances Marched
.6 and
15. Miles
15 and 39
39 and 8
3 and 117
117 and 156
Above 156 Miles .
For each Man
· S. d.
2 2
6 6
For the better carrying the above into Effect, each Regiment
fhall on the ft of every Month tranſmit to the Agent a Return
- of their Monthly claims according to the following Form. The
Agent to fend it by a proper Perfon to the Quarter-Mafter-Ge-
neral's Office, there to have it certified-and it is then to re-
main with the Agent as a Voucher for its being allowed in the
Half-yearly Contingent Account. This Order to take Place
from the ift September next.
furniſhed by the
from the ift of
to the ift of
Date of Route.
Deferters Names
in the Route.
Strength of each
Miles marched,
Amo nt.
Regulations to be obferved by the Pro-
voft-Martial, and his Deputies in Dub-
lin, or in any other Place where a Pro-
voft-Priſon may
may be eſtabliſhed.
HE Provoſt Martial or his Deputies are to receive the
Pay of the Priſoners committed to their Charge, and
effectually prevent any Part of it being expended in Malt or
Spirituous Liquors. He is Twice in every Week to purchaſe at
the Market wholeſome Provifions, confifting of Meat, Vegetables,
and Bread, to the Amount of Three Shillings and Nine-Pence
Halfpenny Weekly for each Man.
He is to diſpoſe of the Weekly Pay as follows.
Meat, Vegetables and Bread
Straw and Brooms
Shoes, Stockings, Cloths and Waſhing to be accounted
·Cooking and Utenfils
s. d.
3 0
Per Man
3 94
He is to divide the Priſoners into Meffes of Six or Eight Men
each, as will beft fuit their Numbers, and oblige them to drefs
their Victuals with Care and Cleanlineſs.
He is on Saturday in every Week to prefent to the Major of
Brigade in Dublin, and to the Commanding Officer of any Quar-
ter in the Kingdom where a Provoft Prifon mey be eſtabliſhed, a
Report in the following Form, explaining the Price of Provifions
bought, and accounting for the Expenditure of Pay received.
MESS RETURN of Provifions bought for the Ufe of the Priſoners in the
Provoſt Marſhalſea.
Price of Meat
For Bread
Paid for
for Straw,
for Shoes,
Total Pay of
Suppoſed Number of
bought for
and Potatoes,
1ő Men at
their Uſe;
Cloths, and
35. 94d. each
at 31 each.
at is. 7 d.
Is. 2d. each.
at 4d. each. at 5d. each.
per Week.
d. £.
d. £·
d. £:
d. £.
d. £.
0 15 10 0 2
I 17 II
111 )
The Quarter Mafter of the Day to vifit the Provoft's Priſon
every Day at Two o'clock, to inſpect if the Proviſions above
fpecified are bought and properly dreffed, and Report to the
Commanding Officer of the Barracks wherever he finds any
Neglect, who will Report it next Morning to the Commander
in Chief.
2d. The Provoſt Martial or his Deputies are not to take Charge
of any Perfon but a Deferter, nor is he to fuffer any Deferter to
be taken out of the Prifon, but by an Order from the Com-
manding Officer of the Barracks, who is to report it next
Morning to the Commander in Chief, fetting forth the Reaſon
why fuch Priſoner was allowed to go from the Priſon.
3d. No Perfon whatſoever is to be allowed to go into the Pri-
fon but by the Order of the Commanding Officer of the Bar-
4. The Provoft Martial or his Deputies are to enter in a Book,
to be provided for that Purpoſe, a Defcription of each Deferter he
receives, mentioning their Names, Age and Size, the Regiment
they deſerted from, their Complexion, the Colour of their Hair,
and every other neceffary Remark, alfo the Clothing and Colour
of it they had on, with the Quantity of Neceffaries when de-
'livered to his Charge, and he is to be accountable that no Part
of fuch Clothing or Neceffaries is wantonly deftroyed or em-
bezzled during the Prifoners Confinement in the Prifon.
5th. Upon all Occafions when a Prifoner is ordered by a Route
to be taken from the Provoft's Priſon, in Order to be eſcorted
to their Regiment, the Provoſt or his Deputy, is to enter the
fame in his Book; and to defcribe on the Back of the Route the
Defcription of fuch Prifoner, and the Clothing, and Neceffaries
he delivered with the Prifoner, for which he is to take a Receipt
from the Non-Commiffioned Officer he delivers fuch Prifoner
6th. Thefe Orders to be pofted up in the Common Priſon
Room, and in the Guard-Room adjoining to it, and any Ne-
glect or Difobedience of them is immediately to be reported
to the Commanding Officer of the Barracks, Garriſon or Quar-
The Provoft-Martial General will from Time to Time acquaint October 1, 1789.
the Regiments with the Names of fuch Deferters belonging to
them, as are in Cuftody, and the Commanding Officer will im-
mediately tranſmit to him a figned Lift, particularizing the Crime
of each Deſerter, and ftating any Circumftances attending it,
that aggravate or extenuate the Offence. They will alſo mention
whether or not, it is the firſt Time of his Defertion, and whe-
ther or not any former Puniſhment has been inflicted. If they
D d
112 )
( 112
have any general Recommendation to give in his Favour, they
will alfo fubjoin it. Thefe Lifts are to be carefully preferved by
the Provoſt-Martial General,' that the Whole alledged Merits or
Demerits of each Delinquent, may be fully known before he is
brought to a General Court-Martial, and which Lifts the Pro-
voft-Martial will give to the Judge-AdvocateGeneral, previous to
the fitting of Courts-Martial.
The Provoft-Martial-General or Deputy, is to acquaint Com-
27th January 1790. manding Officers of Regiments when Deferters arrive at the
two Depots; and alfo of their Embarkating for Foreign Service;
The firft Notice is to be an Intimation of their being put upon
the Strength of the Regiment―The laft, of their being ftruck off.
All.official Letters to the Provoſt-Martial-General, are to be
put under Cover to Edward Cooke, Efq; Caftle of Dublin.
( 113 )
The following RULES and REGULATIONS are
to be ftrictly obſerved.
1 ft.
HAT the Steward of the Infirmary, for the Time
being, fhall difburfe fuch Money as fhall come to his
Hands, as the Commiffioners fhall direct, and fhall alſo keep a
Book, wherein ſhall be entered the Names of all fuch Soldiers
as fhall from Time to Time be fent into the faid Infirmary,
with the Troops, Companies, and Regiments they ferve in,
together with the Day of the Month when admitted, and alfo
the Day of their Difcharge, Death, or Deſertion; and the faid
Steward ſhall alfo, when any Soldier is recovered and fit to go
to his Colours, give him a Certificate of the Day of his Dif-
charge from the Infirmary; and the Agent of the Regiment to
which he belongs, is to advance him, on his growing Subfift-
ence, One Day's Pay for every Ten Miles he has to travel from
faid Infirmary to his Quarters.
2d. All Soldiers belonging to the Regiments on Duty in
Dublin, who fhall be afflicted with Fevers, or other acute Dif
eafes, fhall be fent into the faid Infirmary within 24 Hours, at
the utmoſt, after Sickening; and all Soldiers labouring under
Difcafes ariſing from Accidents, or other Cafes which require
immediate Surgical Affiftance, fhall be fent into the faid Infir-
mary within 12 Hours, at the utmoft, after fuch Accident.
3d. Every Sick or Wounded Soldier ſhall be received into the
Infirmary by a Ticket, according to the following annexed
form, (Sce No. 1.) which Ticket is to be figned by one Com-
miffioned Officer and the Surgeon, or Sugeon's Mate of the
Regiment, and all the Inftructions contained in ſaid Ticket are
to be particularly attended to, by whom they may concern.
And for the Maintenance of every Soldier fo admitted, the
Steward fhall draw on the Agent of the Regiment to which he
belongs, Five Pence for every Day he ſhall remain in ſaid Infir.
And the Steward is to make up his Accounts Quarterly,
( 114 )
yiz. on the 10th of every March, 10th June, 10th September,
and 10th December, and give them into the feveral Agents,
previous to the 20th of each of the faid Months, and the refpec-
tive Agents are to pay to him the Amount on the Delivery of
fuch Accounts; and thould any Error be difcovered therein,
.fuch Error or Errors are to be rectified in the enfuing Quarterly
4th. No Soldier fhall be diſcharged out of the Infirmary but
by Order either of the Phyfician or Surgeon General, nor any
+one diſcharged until cured, or otherwife provided for, (unlefs
his Cafe required the Benefit of Country Air) but by Order of
the aforefaid Commiffioners; and when any Soldier fhall be
diſcharged, the Steward fhall give him a Certificate, fairly print-
cd and written, of the Day of his Admittance into the Infirmary,
of the Diſorder or Diforders he has been cured of, the Day of
his Diſcharge, and of his Behaviour during his Continuance
there, if the fame has been remarkable; (See Form 2.) and if any
Soldier fhall return to his Quarters without fuch a Certificate, or
with any Part of the Writing blotted out, or altered, then the
Officer Commanding in thofe Quarters fhall judge the Soldier had
either deferted from the Infirmary, or behaved himſelf very ill
during his Continuance there, and cauſe him to be puniſhed,
as in Cafe of Difobedience of Orders. And if any Soldier ad-
mitted into the Infirmary fhall happen to die, or defert, the faid
Steward ſhall forthwith give Notice of fuch Death or Deſertion
to the Officer Commanding the Troop or Company to which
fuch Soldier did belong. The Regimentals and Neceffaries of
fuch Patients as die, are to be returned to the Officer above
mentioned, or to his Order.
5th. Every Surgcon or Surgeon's Mate fhall, before 12
o'Clock in the Forenoon of each Wedneſday and Saturday, de-
liver at the Steward's Office at the Infirmary, a Return accord
ing to the Form annexed (See No. 3.) of the Sick Soldiers be-
longing to his Regiment, then in the Barracks or Regimental
Holpital, for the Infpection of the Phyſician and Surgeon Gene
ral, that they may give fuch Directions as may be thought ne-
ceffary for the Treatment of fuch Soldiers in the Barracks or
Hofpital, or for their being fent into the King's Infirmary.
6th. That no Operation fhall be performed on any Soldier
which fhall endanger his Life, or by which he is to be rendered
ufelefs to the Service, without a previous Confultation with the
Phyſician and Surgeon General.
7th. That one of the Chaplains belonging to the Regiments
on Duty in Dublin, do vifit the Sick Soldiers in the faid Infir-
mary, for their Inftruction and Confolation, as their Cafes fhall
require, and adminifter the Holy Sacrament; and he fhall alfo
read the Publick Service of the Church of Ireland, together with
( 115 )
the Office for viſiting the Sick, every Day at Eleven o'clock in
the Forenoon, in the great Hall of the Infirmary, and every
Sunday preach a Sermon, and ſhall perform the Office of Bury-
ing fuch Soldiers as fhall happen to die during his Attendance.
That the Chaplains of the faid Regiments fhall take Turns of
officiating as above in the faid Infirmary, each One Calendar
Month at a Time, during the Continuance of their reſpective
Regiments on faid Duty, in the following Manner, viz. Firſt the
Chaplain of the Cavalry, then the Chaplains of Infantry, accord-
ing to the Seniority of the reſpective Regiments. And in cafe
any Chaplain fhall neglect his Duty, and not attend the Infirmary
as above directed, the Steward fhall, with the Confent of One or
more of the ſaid Commiffioners, appoint föme Clergyman to
officiate in the Infirmary, who fhall be paid the full Allowance of
the Chaplain ſo neglecting ſaid Duty, which Allowance the ſaid
Commiffioners, or any Two or more of them, being fatisfied of
fuch Neglects, may, and are hereby empowered to fend an Order
in Writing figned by them to the Agent of the Regiment to
which fuch Chaplain neglecting his Duty fhall belong, to pay to the
Order of the faid Commiffioners the full Pay of faid Chaplain,
agreeable to the Days fet forth in faid Order; and that the faid
Commiffioners may have a regular Way of coming to the Know-
ledge of fuch Chaplains, Surgeons, or Surgeons' Mates as fhall
neglect their refpective Duties, We do hereby order that the ſaid
Steward do make an Entry, in a Book to be kept for that Pur-
pofe, of fuch Surgeons and Surgeons' Mates as have made the
Returns, according to Order No. 5, which Entry fhall be every
Wedneſday and Saturday certified by either the Phyſician Genc-
ral or Surgeon General; and that the faid Steward do likewife
make an Entry of the Attendance of the Chaplain on Duty,
which Entry, every Wedneſday and Saturday, either the Phyfi-
cian General or Surgeon General ſhall examine into, and if found
true, certify, which Entries the faid Steward fhall every Quarter,
ex officio, return to the aforefaid Commiffioners, together with
the Number of Soldiers admitted, diſcharged, cured, dead, de-
ferted, or fent to the Royal Hofpital the preceding Quarter, and
alfo the Number of Men then in the Houfe under Cure.
Sth. If any Soldier fhall think himfelf any Way aggrieved
or injured in faid Infirmary, he fhall firft apply himſelf to the
Phyſician General or Surgeon General, and if they deny hin
Redreſs, then he fhall lay his Cafe before the Commiffioners,
who fhall examine into the Grounds of fuch Complaint, and
make fuch Order therein as to them fhall feem reaſonable.
9th. As often as any Regiment fhall have Orders to embark
from this Kingdom, the Agent of fuch Regiment fhall, before hs
clears the faid Regiment, fend Notice to the faid Steward, that
the Demands of the Infirmary on fuch Regiment may be fettled
and paid before the faid Regiment is cleared by its Agent.
( 116
5th March 1794.
oth. That no Non-commiffioned Officer or Soldier who is
a Patient in the Infirmary, fhall upon any Account be fuffered
to go out of the Houſe, without having a written Leave from
the Phyſician or Surgeon-Generals.
th. During the Abfence of the Phyfician, or Surgeon-
Generals, or any of the other Commiffioners, the Steward is to
be confidered as holding the chief Authority within the Infir-
mary, and all Orders from him are to be implicitly obeyed, and
being refponfible for the Regularity of all Patients admitted into
the Houfe, is hereby ordered to confine any diforderly Patient to
his Room, and report him or them accordingly to the Phyfician
or Surgeon-Generals, who according to the Nature of the
Crime, will either order him or them fuch further Confinement
as their Diſorder will admit of, or report them to the Com-
mander in Chief.
12. The Non-commiffioned Officer commanding the Guard
at the Infirmary, is hereby ordered to be aiding and affifting the
Steward to the utmoſt of his Power, in the proper Exercife of
This Authority: Any Requifition therefore from him that tends
to preſerve good Order and Regularity, is to be inſtantly com-
plied with. And he will give pofitive Directions to the Men of
his Guard, not to fuffer any Patient to ftir out of the Houſe,
without ſuch a Paſs as above mentioned. He will not only con-
fine any Man of his Guard that difobeys his Orders, but will alfo
comply with any Requeſt to that Effect from the Steward, fhould
he have Reaſon to complain of the Conduct of any of the
Guard, and Report accordingly to the Commanding Officer in
the Garrison; to whom the Steward will alſo ſtate the Particu-
lars of his Complaint, in order that the Man may be punished
according to the Nature of his Offence.-A Copy of theſe Or-
ders to be fixed in the Guard-Room, and the different Wards of
the Infirmary.
As it has of late been the Practice of feveral Regimental Sur-
geons to fend up to the King's Infirmary from Country Quarters,
Patients whofe Complaints are of the moſt trifling Nature fuch
as Itch, flight fore Legs, Head-Aches, Coughs, &c.-It is there-
fore Ordered, that the Surgeons on this Eſtabliſhment do not
tranſmit to Dublin, any Patients, whofe Cafes are not of a moft
ferious Nature, and not even fuch, unleſs the Conveyance of
them can be effected without hazarding the Patient's Life.
No. 1.
( 117 )
No. 1.
To the Steward of the Royal Military Infir-
mary, Dublin.
WHEREAS We have fent to you the Perfon hereunto named,
belonging to His Majefty's
Regiment of
W'e defire he may be admitted for the Cure
of his Diſeaſe, according to the Methods of the Infirmary.
Dáted at
Day of
Troop or Company to Patient's Name.
which he belongs.
Note.-One Commiffioned Officer, together with the Sur-
geon, or his Mate, are to fign this Ticket. The Day of Date
and Patient's Names, are to be written at Length, and the Sur-
geon, or his Mate, are to infert the State of his Cafe below. If
a Patient fhould be a Prifoner, it is to be mentioned after his
Name. And two Shirts, Two Pair of Stockings, and One Pair of
Shoes, are to be fent with him, and no more. No Patient will
be received, who is not brought by a Non-commiffioned Officer,
who is to read the Orders, (which are pofted up in every Ward
of the Infirmary) to the Patient, in order that he may not
plead Ignorance for tranfgreffing them. And all Patients in-
tended for Admiffion, are to be fent to the Infirmary before
Twelve o'clock at Noon, except in Cafes of Accident.-A Chair
may be had at the Infirmary to carry Patients, who may not be
able to walk.
Officers Signing.
No. 2.
( 118 )
No. 2.
THESE are to Certify, that the Bearer
belonging to
His Majeſty's
Regiment of
Company in
was received in
the Royal Military Infirmary, erected in Dublin for Sick and
Wounded Soldiers of the Army, upon the
Day of
178 for Cure of
and being Cured, is now Difcharged to go forthwith to join
his reſpective Regiment.
Delivered to him,
Hat or Cap.
Signed by Order,
No. 3.
( 119 )
No. 3.
Patients belonging to
Regiment of
under the Care of the Surgeon, on
Day of
Patients Names.
Diſeaſes. First Day of Sickneſs
F f
( 120 )
Tour of Duties.
ift. TN all Duties with or without Arms, Picquet or Court-
Nall or
de Cleft
Martial, the Tour of Duty fhall be from the Eldeft
downwards. The first Duty is the Guard upon Government.
2d, The Detachments or Out-Pofts. 3d, Ordinary Guards.
4th, -Picquets. 5th, General Courts-Martial. 6th, and Laft,
Duties without Arms and Fatigues.
2d. All Guards and Detachments which have not marched
off from the Place of Parade, are not to be reckoned a Duty
done; but if they have, and though they fhould be difmiffed
immediately, to be reckoned a Duty.
General Courts-Martial that have affembled, and the Members
fworn in, fhall be reckoned as a Duty done, though they ſhould
be diſmiſſed without trying any Perfon.
All Detachments that march Five Miles, or any Number of
Miles more, or from the Neceffity of the Service, fhall remove
from the Barracks one Night, to be reckened a Command to
both Officers and Men; and all Parties called on, and who
march off the Parade, but do not march five Miles, or do not
remain all Night out of the Barracks, to be reckoned a Guard.
A feparate Rofter to be kept for all Parties called on by the Civil
Magiftrates of the County or City of Dublin, which are to be
reckoned a Guard, if not marched Five Miles, or fleep out of
the Barracks one Night.
3d. All Gaṛrifon Courts-Martial, or Courts of Enquiry, to
confift of One Field Officer and Four Captains, or Three Cap-
tains and Five Lieutenants, according to the Nature of the Crime
and the Conſequence of the Prifoner that may be brought before
them, and no Subaltern under the Rank of a Lieutenant, to fit
-on either Garriſon Court-Martial or Court of Enquiry.
4th. An Officer who is upon Duty, cannot be ordered for any
other before that Duty is finiſhed, except he be on the Picquet.
If any Officer's Tour of Duty happens, when he is on Picquet,
he hall immediately be relieved, and go upon that Duty, and
the Tour of the Picquet fhall pafs him, tho' he ſhould not have
( 121
been on it a Quarter of an Hour. If any Officer's Tour for the
Picquet, General Court-Martial, or Duty of Fatigue happens
when he is upon other Duty, he fhall not make good that Duty
of Fatigue when he comes off, but his Turn fhall pafs; and the
fame if he is on a General Court-Martial or Duty of Fatigue;.
and if his. Turn of Guard or Detachment fhould happen, the
Guard or Detachment ſhall paſs, and he ſhall not be obliged to
make it up.
5th. The Retreat to beat at Eight in Summer, and in Win-
ter at Night Fall. The Taptoo to beat at Nine both Summer
and Winter. The Reveillé at Break of Day.
The Drummers of the refpective Regiments to beat the fe-
veral Duties in the fame manner; and no Deviation to be made
from the Beats that are ordered and have been practifed in the
Army for ſeveral Years.
At Retreat beating every Soldier to repair to his Barracks, and
none to be allowed to go out after, without a written Paſs from
the Officer commanding the Company or Troop the Man belongs
to (a Duplicate of which he is likewife to be poffeffed of, to
produce in Cafe he ſhould be met by an Officer or Non-com-
miffioned Officer in the Streets) and all fuch Paffes to be deli-
vered to the Officer commanding the Main Barrack Guard, who
will ſend them back next Morning to the Commanding Officers
of the different Regiments.
The Barrack Gates to be ſhut at beating of the Retreat.
6th. The Guards to mount with Twelve Rounds of Ball Car-
tridges each Man.
7th. A Serjeant of each Company and Troop to go the
Rounds of their feveral Barracks after Taptoo beating, to fee
that the Men are in Bed, and the Candles put out, and if any
Men are then abfent, they are immediately to report them to
their Officer, who of courfe will report to the Commanding
Officer of the Regiment, and take every immediate Step for
finding them out.
8th. The Officer of the Barrack Guard to take Care to quell
all Difturbances and Quarrels that may happen in the Barracks,
or in the Neighbourhood, in which Soldiers are concerned, and
to confine all fuch, and report them to the Field Officer of the
He is likewife to fend Patroles in the Neighbourhood of the
Barracks, and through the Squares, and all the different Avenues
of the Barracks, during the Night, and confine all Soldiers who
are found out of their Baracks, and turn out all Strolers, or
fufpected People he finds.
He is alfo to infpect the Provofts-Prifon, and report the Con.
dition of it and the Priſoners to the Field Officer of the Day,
who will alfo infpect it when neceffary, and report accordingly
to the Commanding Officer of the Barracks.
9th. The Quarter-Mafter of the Day is to vifit the Provoft-
Priſon to ſee that it is kept perfectly clean, and report having
done fo, every Morning, to the Major of Brigade and the Com-
manding Officer of the Barracks. The Surgeons of the Gar-
rifon (when there is no particular Surgeon ordered exprefly for
that Duty) are likewife to vifit the Protofts-Prifon in their
Turns, and. report, in Writing to the Commanding Officer of
the Barracks, in the Morning, of his having done ſo, and if he
finds any of the Prifoners fo difordered, that their Cure cannot
be effected without being fent to the Infirmary; he is to men-
tion it in his Report, that the Commanding Officer may iſſue his
Orders accordingly.
10th. It being highly neceffary for the Health of the Garriſon
in general, that the Barrack Rooms, Stair Cafes, Galleries,
Windows, Avenues, and Squares, are conftantly kept clean;
the Commanding Officer in the Barracks will iffue fuch Orders
for that Purpoſe, as will enforce an implicit Obedience to what
muſt be ſo particularly effential to the Health and Comfort of the
Men; particularly the Barrack Yards and Paffages are to be kept
clean, and free from Weeds or Grafs. No Aſhes or Dirt thrown
out but in Places allotted for that Purpoſe. All dirty Water to
Le emptied into the common Sewers. If any Filth or Naftiness
is feen under the Barrack Wall, the Men of the adjacent Bar-
rack to be ordered to take it away. Drummers to keep the
Houfes office for the Officers clean. The Sweeping and Clean-
ing of the Barrack Yard and Pailages is a Duty of Fatigue, and
to be done by a fufficient. Number of Men from each Company"
in each Square.
( 123 )
Method of doing Duty and Mounting
Guards in the Garriſon of Dublin.
ift.HE Guards to be mounted by Regiments if the Duty
will admit it.
2. When they mount by Detachments, the Officers and Non-
Commiffioned Officers to mount as much as poffible with the
Men of the Regiments they belong to.
3. The Officer next for Duty to be always in Readineſs to
fupply the Place of any, who by Sickneſs or otherwiſe cannot do
his Duty.
4th. The Adjutant of the Day (that Regiment who gives
the Caftle Guard) to be on the Parade at the making up of all
Guards and Detachments. Should any Detachment be ordered
out while he is on this Duty, he is to acquaint the Major of Bri-
gade of the Particulars, the Morning he comes off Duty.
5th. All Officers when under Arms to obſerve a perfect Uni-
formity in Dreſs and Accoutrements, according to His Majefty's
Regulations; and whenever the Weather is bad, from Rain or
Snow, the Officers for Guard may wear their Regimental Great
Coats, but not otherwiſe.
6th. All the Drummers of the Regiment that mounts the
Caftle Guard, to beat the Morning Troop at fuch Hour as is ap-
pointed; at which Time all the Officers for Guard are to be on
the Parade.
7th. The Guards to be always marched off in flow Time,
except when the Weather is bad.
8. The Field Officer of the Day will fee that the greateſt
Attention is paid by the Officers and Non-Commiffioned Officers
commanding Guards, in giving the proper Words of Command
diftinctly, preferving their Diſtances, and covering the Pivot
Files, agreeable to Orders.
G g
Affembly of the
Arrangement of
the Guards.
March to the
Grand Parade.
Mounting Guards.
The Regiment which gives the Guards will affemble on its own
Parade; the Adjutant (who is of the Day) will complete the
Files, tell off the Guards, place a Serjeant on the Right Flank
of each Officer's Guard, and the Non-Commiffioned Officer who
commands on the Right Flank of each other fmall Guard; he
will alſo inſpect Arms, Accoutrements, and Ammunition.
The Guards are to be formed on the Parade in the following
Manner, from the Right in one Line; fhould any Break in the
Line be neceffary, it will be made on the Right by the Cavalry
mounted, and diſmounted, and Muſic, forming En. Potence.
Cavalry mounted Guard.
Cavalry Barrack Guard, difmounted.
Caſtle Guard; Three Divifions.
Officers Guards.
Non-Commiffioned Officers Guards.
Picquet, in Three Divifions.
If the Parade of the Mounting Regiment is in the new Square,
it will be marched by Divifions, or Sub-Divifions, in Front, as
ordered, and take up its Ground on the Grand Parade, by wheel-
ing up from Column into Line and Open Ranks.
If the Parade of the Regiment is in the great Square, it will
alfo take up its Ground by the March of Divifions or Sub-Divi-
fions, and never by Files. The Guards being thus properly
formed, with no Intervals between them, but what are neceffary
for the Officers to ftand in, will receive the Command of
Order-Stand at Eafe, and remain fo till the Time of Mounting
approaches, when they are ordered, Attention
As foon as the Troop has beat, the Adjutant will deliver the
Guards to the Major of Brigade (in his Abfence the Adjutant
of the Day will do his Duty)-A fhort Roll will be beat, on
which the Officers for the Guard will affemble in the front
facing the Line, the Serjeants Commanding Guards, com-
ing to the Front, covering the Officers, one Pace diftant.
( 123 )
Each Officer one Yard diſtant from each other.-Here the Majör
of Brigade will deliver the Parole and neceffary Orders to the
Officers and Non-Commiffioned Officers, and then Order them
to Recóvér Arms-Outward's Face-Quick March.-Each Officer
will halt of himſelf oppofite the Right Flank of the Divifion of
his Guard that he is to Command-Front-Quick March.—Each
Officer will march directly up to his Guard Halt and Front of
himſelf, covering the fecond File on the Right of his Diviſion
bringing his Sword to the Pofition acroſs his Body.-The Non-
Commiflioned Officers will fall into the Line on the Right of
their Guards, halting and fronting of themfelves and Shoulder-
ing. The Major of Brigade will then order the Guards to
-Order-The Mufic and Drums will beat the fhort Troops
along the Line of Guards and Return.-The Troop is to be
beat without any Flouriſhes, and not quick. When finiſhed,
the Guards are to-Shoulder-When the Major of Brigade will
deliver over the Guards with the Reports and Detail to the Field
Officer of the Day, and likewiſe a Detail to the Commanding
Officer of the Garrifon and to any Senior General Officer pre-
fent. The Picquet Guard is to parade, and dreffed on the left
of the Line, dreffed the fame as for Guard, and march paft in
three Diviſions. Having marched paſt, will form on the Grand
Parade and receive the Orders of the Field Officer of the Day.
When the Major of Brigade delivers the Guards to the Field Infpection of OM-
Officer of the Day, he will order the Parade to Support Arms, and cera.
then, Officers Infpect your Guards, on which the feverál Officers
begin on the Right of their Guards, Infpect quickly, Arms firſt,
and then Ammunition, each Officer takes a Rank, the Non-
Commiffioned Officers accompany the Officers; where there is
but one Officer to a Guard, the Serjeant infpects a Rank, and in
& Non-Commiffionéd Officer's Guard the Commanding one in-
fpects. This Infpection is made quick, and without any particular
Ceremony, by the Officers looking at the Flints, and general
Appearance of the Arms in their Pofition, and then at the
Ammunition. If any Thing is deficient, it will be reported to
the Field Officer, otherwife he concludes every Thing is right.
The Officers refume their Poſts in Front, and the Non-commif-
fioned Officers theirs on the Flanks.
The Field Officer will then direct the Captain of the Caftle Sending for the
Guard to fend for the Colours; he will order the Grenadiers of
that Guard to-Cloje Ranks-and fend the Lieutenant and Enfign
for them in the following Manner: The Lieutenant with the
Enfign covering him place themſelves on the Right Flank of the
Grenadiers, orders them Quick March, and Troops them,
(Wheeling where neceffary) with fhouldered Arms and fixed
Bayonets; as foon as he comes to the Place where the Colours
are lodged, the Lieutenant gives the Word-Halt-Rear Ranks
take open Order--Prefent Arms. The Enfign receives the Colours,
( 126 )
Receiving the
Field Officers.
and Drummers beat the firft Part of the Point of War; he gives
the Words, Shoulder-Cloſe Rear Rark-Face to the Right-March,
and Troops back in File-Ordinary Time-The Lieutenant
marches even with the Head of Grenadiers-The Enſign with
the Colours follows him-each halts at his proper Place.
The Field Officer when he fees the Colours firſt approach the
Flank of the Guards, will order them to Prefent Arms, the Mu.
fic then plays, and Drums beat. As the Enfign comes to the
Right or Left Flank of the Parade, he Turns, marches himſelf
in Front of the Line of Officers, the Drummers between the
Officers and Front Rank, and the Men between the feveral
Ranks. Officers falute the Colours feparately, and Officers alfo
who are in Front of the Parade take off their Hats, as the Co-
lours pafs oppofite to them. The whole proceed in this Manner
to the Right of the Caftle Guard, where the Enſign places him-
ſelf in the Front of the Second Divifion, and the Grenadiers
form upon the Ground they had quitted, Front and come to
Reſt, in order to be in the fame Pofition as the Parade. When
arrived at their Poſt, the Field Officer gives the Word for the
Parade to Shoulder.
The Field Officer of the Day will then advance and receive the
Directions of the Commanding Officer of the Barracks, or in his
Abfence, of the Senior Field Officer on the Parade, to march off
the Guards, unleſs the Adjutant General, being the Senior Offi-
cer, or a General Officer on the Staff, is prefent, in which Caſe
he will apply for their Directions.
The Field Officer of the Day will Order Rear Ranks take
clofe Order-March-Divifions on the left backward Wheel.-The
whole of the Infantry except the Firſt Divifion of the Caſtle
Guard, which ftands faft, will wheel backwards.-The Cavalry
mounted, difmounted, and Muſic (being En Potence) will wheel.
to the Right.
On the Word March all the Divifions in Rear of the ſtanding
one will March; as foon as the fecond Divifion arrives cloſe to
the firſt Divifion the Captain of the Guard will give the Word
March, loud-on which his Diviſion and the Cavalry will move.
-The Officers will be on their proper Pivot Flanks, until each
Divifion has made the laſt Wheel that is to bring it to the Front
where the Commanding Officer of the Parade is pofted, they
will then ſhift to the Right.
( 127 )
As foon as each Divifion has made the laft Wheel, and is again l'affing of the
in Movement, the Officer fteps into the Front, a Non-com- Guards in Parade.
miffioned Officer is on the Right of the Front Rank, the Rear
Rank opens to Three Paces, the Drummers are on the Left of
their refpective Front Ranks, the whole cover well on the Right
and March paſt within 4 Paces of the Commanding Officer, at a
fteady Step, Heads erect, Diſtances not encreaſed, nor improper
Steps made, Officers faluting, Drums roll, Non-commiffioned
Officers Commanding Guards at the Head of them, and each Man
in a Soldier-like Pofition. The Field Officer alfo marches paft
if a General Officer is prefent. The Leading Divifions will
Wheel to the Right when neceffary to clear the Flank of the Bar-
rack, and no Guard is on any Account to break into File, un.
til it becomes neceffary at the Barrack Gate, in order to conti-
nue its March in the Street.
When the Guards, or any other Body, march in File in the
Streets, they will by Order take a more open Diftance, fo as to
move with the more Facility, but are by no Means to hurry the
Pace beyond what Regularity will allow of. When they ap-
proach their Point of Forming, they will double up to Divifions,
March in Front ordinary Time, and take up their Ground by
Wheeling. When the old Guards, or any of the out-lying Com-
panies, arrive within the Barrack Gates, they will form up in
Divifions, and March in ordinary Time to the Place of their
Difmiffal. Officers when conducting their Guards feparately
will be in Front of them, and their Serjeants will be on the
Pivot Flank when marching in Front, or will clofe the File
when marching in File.
When the Guards are mounted by Detachments from the
feveral Regiments, cach when the Warning Drum beats fends
its Proportion of Men to the Grand Parade, under the Direction
of the feveral Adjutants, who have previously infpected them, to
fee that they are properly dreffed, and have their ordered
Quantity of Ammunition. The Adjutant of the Day receives
them and forms the Guards, when the Troop beats.
The Warning Drum beats Half an Hour before the Time the
Guard is to mount; this is beat by the Drummer of the Bar-
rack Guard.
The Troop is beat at the Hour the Guard is ordered to
mount, by all the Drummers of the Regiment mounting Guard,
when the Drummers return, One is pofted on the Franks of
the Parade to beat the Ruffle for the Officers to fall in.
Return and Dif-
mifful of Old
Guards, or out-
lying Companies.
When Guards are
mounted by De-
( 128 )
Method of Relief,
The Old Guard to be drawn up facing the Entrance of the
great Gate Way, with its Right oppofite the Clock, and in the
Rear of the Line of Flag Stones, with Ranks open-Preſent
their Arms when the New Guard approaches. The New Guard
having marched by File from the Barracks will form on Cork-
Hill in Half Diviſions with cloſed Ranks, the Captain on the Left
of the First Divifion, the Enfign with the Colours on the Left
of the Third Diviſion, and the Lieutenant on the Left of the
Fifth Diviſion, march through the Gate, a few Files of the
Right of each doubling behind if neceffary, Wheel to the Right,
and march on until their Left is oppofite the Right of the Old
Guard,-Halt-Left Wheel and form, March-Halt-Rear Ranks
take open Order, March-Prefent Argus-The Captain of the Old
Guard having delivered the Orders to him of the New, both ad-
vancing and meeting in the Centre, the Guards Shoulder, firft
the New, and then the Old, the out Guards are then detached
marching off by Divifions, each at the ordinary Step. The Re-
lief of Sentries are alfo marched off, both Guards Stand at Eafe,
and the Muſic plays.
As foon as the old detached Guards and Relief of Sentries
are returned, the old Guard Clofes Ranks, Wheels on the Left
backward, by Half Divifions, and Marches through the Gate
'till paſt the Guard-Room, then files off to the Barracks.
After the Old Guard has marched off, the New Guard which
is ſtanding with refted Firelocks, is to take up the Ground where
it parades, and turns out, in the following Manner; in Confe-
quence of the feveral Words of Command given by the Captain
Shoulder Firelocks-Rear Ranks close to the Front-March-Right
The Guard marches on with perfect Regularity in Or-
dinary Time and at the Lock Step, to the Left of the
Ground it is to occupy.-The Head File then wheels
to the Left, followed fucceffively by each other one.
Halt-Front-The Guard when arrived on its Ground, Rear
Ranks take open Order-March.
The Guard then proceeds by feparate and proper Com-
mands, either to Pile-Ground-or Lodge their Arms.
When the Cavalry mount at the Caftle, the Old Guard is
drawn up on the Right of the old Infant Guard at fome
Diſtance from it.
The new mounted Guard' having marched by ivifions from Cavalry.
the Barracks at the Head of the Infantry through the Streets,
Halts near the Caftle Gate while the Infantry are forming their
Divifions, moves on through the Gate and inclines to the Left,
until its Right is directly oppofite the Left of the old Cavalry
Guard; the Second Divifion does the fame, and moves up to
the Left of the Firft. The Relief of Sentries goes on at the
fame Time as the Relief of the Infantry, and the Officer gives
fuch Orders as he receives to the Officer of the New Guard.
As foon as the Out, Guards and Relief are come in, the Captain
of the Infantry Guard being ready to march, will by a Signal
to the Officer of the Old Cavalry Guard, direct him to March,
which is done by advancing, and then wheeling his First Di-
vifion to the Left, and the Second following, and march through
the Gate, paffing between the Left of the new Infantry and the
Right of the new Cavalry Guard. As foon as the Guards
have marched out, and the Infantry taking their proper Ground,
the new Cavalry Guard File from the Right to their Stables;
having taken Care of their Horſes, return with their Carbines,
and either pile or lodge them on the Right of the Infantry.
( 130 )
Commanding Officer of the Barracks in
th. HE ftricteft Attention is to be paid to fuch Orders as
the Commanding Officer in the Barracks may think
neceffary to iffue from Time to Time, for the good Diſcipline,
Order, and Regularity of the Garriſon.
2d. The eldest Officer lodging in the Barracks to have the
Command, to whom all Orders relating to the Troops is to be
fent, but in cafe he ſhould be abfent at any Time when Orders
come, they are to be delivered to the Field Officer of the Day,
and by him conveyed to the eldeſt Field Officer in the Garriſon.
If the Field Officer is on his Vifiting Rounds, then to be deliver-
ed to the Captain of the Picquet, who is in that Cafe to carry
them to the Commanding Officer preſent in the Barracks, who
will fee fuch Order put in Execution,
3d. In caſe of an Alarm, the Commanding Officer of the
Barracks will order the Regiments of Foot to turn out on their
proper Parades. The Cavalry to Saddle and Bridle, and wait
for fuch Orders as they fhall receive from the Government,
Commander in Chief, or other General Officer on the Staff;
but in cafe the Civil Magiftrates ſhould apply for their Affiftance,
`they are to act therein agreeable to fuch Orders as they have,
or may receive.
4th. Whenever a Party marches from the Barracks, either
from Requifition of the Civil Magiftrate, or on any Occafion
whatever, the Commanding Officer in the Barracks is to report
it to the Commander in Chief forthwith, mentioning for what
Purpoſe it has marched, if it comes within his Knowledge, and
taking the Magiftrate or other Civil Officers Receipt for fuch
Party, agreeable to the Standing Orders of the Garrifon.
5th. The Commanding Officer of the Garriſon is to fend to
the Commander in Chief every Thurſday Morning before Eleven
o'Clock, a Return of the Sick of the Garrifon, diftinguiſhing
thoſe in Quarters, and Infirmary, and a Total of the whole.
Alfo a Return of the Weeks Alteration, under the Heads of
Inlifted-Dead-Difcharged-De/erted-and Deferters furrender-
ed or fent back to their refpective Regiments.
( 131 )
Field Officer of the Day, Dublin.
HE Duty of Field Officer of the Day to be done by
the Lieutenant Colonels and Majors in their Turn, and
be reckoned only as a Picquet Duty.
2d. The Field Officer of the Day to come on Duty at Guard
mounting, he is to vifit all the Guards at whatever Time, and as
often as he thinks proper The Caſtle Guard not to be excepted.
He is alſo to vifit the feveral Guards, once during the Night, be-
tween the Hours of Eleven and Sun-rife. The Cavalry will fur-
niſh him with 2 or 3 mounted Men when he requires them. On
this Occafion he will be particular in his Inſpection and Enquiries,
and mention in his Report at what Hour he vifited.
3. He is to be received with Refted Arms by the Guards he
vifits, except the Caſtle Guard, who turns out and receives him
with ordered Arms only. The Cavalry Guard to turn out dif
mounted in like Manner.
4th. If he finds any Officer abfent from his Guard, he is to
put him in Arreſt, and to have another Officer ordered in his
Room, to report accordingly to the Commanding Officer of the
Barracks, who will in like Manner make it known to the Com-
mander in Chief; and any Non-Commiffioned Officer or Soldier
quitting of the fame is to be confined, tried, and puniſhed.
5th. He is to ſee the Parade is properly formed, that the
Officers and Men are uniformly dreffed, clean, and in a Soldier-
like Manner; that their Arms are in good Order, their Accou-
trements well put on, their Number complete, and that the
Men are provided with proper Quantity of Ammunition, and
the Guards regularly marched off agreeable to Orders.
6th. All Orders from Government, the Commander in
Chief, or any General Officer on the Staff, directed to the Field
Officer of the Day, are by him to be communicated to the Officer
then commanding in the Barracks, from whom he is to receive
his Inftructions, and to fee that what Detachments may be
ordered, are made without Lofs of Time, and that every Thing
is in proper Order.
7th. The Field Officer of the Day is to remain in the Bar-
racks during the Time he is on Duty, unleſs when he is on his
Vifiting Rounds.
I i
8th. The
8th. The Officers and Non-Commiffioned Officers command-
ing the feveral Guards will report in Perſon to the Field Officer
who comes off Duty, after having difmiffed their Guard, which
Field Officer is to report in Writing to the Commander in Chief,
which he will deliver in Perfon (as foon as he has received thoſe
of the different Guards) at Head Quarters, to the Commander in
Chief; fhould he be from Home, the Field Officer will then
leave his written Report.
9th. Of the Obfervance of the Orders refpecting the Officers
on Guard, examining the Reliefs at all Times; the frequent
calling of Rolls, &c. the Field Officer of the Day is required to
inform himſelf from the Commanding Officers of Guards that
he may be at all Times enabled to report Irregularities, and an-
fwer the Enquiries of the Commander in Chief.
No. I.
(† 133 · )
No. I.
Form of a Return to be made by the Field Officer of the Day, ás
foon as the Guards are mounted-One to be fent to the Com-
mander in Chief, or in his Abfence to the Lieutenant-General,
or Senior Major-General, and One to the Commanding Officer
of the Barracks..
To be Signed here by the
Field Officer.
No. 2.
By Day.
By Night.
( 134 )
No. 2.
Form of a Report to be made by the Field Officer of the former Day, as foon as the feveral Guards are
marched Home, and the Commanding Officer of each has reported to him.-To be fent in fame
Manner as the former Return.
REPORT of GUARDS Mounted in the Garrifon of DUBLIN, CASTLE-GUARD excepted,
Confined by.
Extraordinaries fince Mounting Yeſterday.
To be Signed here by the
Field Officer.
​( 135 )
Major of Brigade.
HE Major of Brigade will fettle with the feveral Ad-
jutants the Detail of the Garriſon, and will form the
proper Roſters for regulating it: Copies of which he will deliver
them from Time tỏ Time.
2d. He will attend on the Parade at making up the Guards,
place them in their proper Situations, and fee that they are pro-
perly formed, their Numbers complete, and that they are pro-
vided with the proper Quantity of Ammunition, previous to
his giving up the Guards to the Field Officer of the Day.
3d. He will give out to the ſeveral Adjutants all fuch Garriſon
Orders as the Commanding Officer in the Barracks may think
neceffary to iffue.
4th. He will communicate to the feveral General Officers on
the Staff all General Orders that inay be iffued; he is alſo to
fend a Copy of the Standing Orders to each Regiment upon its
Arrival in this Kingdom.
5th. All Orders from the Commander in Chief, or General
Officers on the Staff, brought or fent by the Major of Brigade,
be obeyed.
K k
( 136 )
Town Major.
THE un
HE Town Major is to take under his Charge the Guard
Houſes, and what belongs to them: He is to make his
Rounds, and vifit all the Guard Houfes as often as he thinks
proper, but not lefs than Three Times a Week. He is to fee
that every Thing is in good Order: Supply the Guards with
Coals and Candles: To have the neceffary Repairs made, upon
the Deficiencies being reported to him, by applying to the Bar-
rack Board,
2d. When the Town Major goes his Rounds, he is to obferve
whether the Orders in the ſeveral Guard Houſes are defaced; if
they are he is immediately to replace them, and Report to the
Commander in Chief.
3d. He is to furnish each Guard Room with the Names of
the Civil Magiftrates, fuch as the Lord Mayor for the Time be-
ing: The Sheriffs of the City for the Time being, the Aldermen
and High Conftable, as alfo the Commiſſioners, and Superior Offi-
cers of Police.
4th. When Troops are to march into the Garrifon, the
Town Major is to meet them and conduct them to the general
Parade, and give the Commanding Officer of the Garriſon a
Copy of all Garriſon Orders.
5th. All Orders brought, or fent by the Town Major to any
Commiffioned Officer on Guard or other Duty, being the Orders
of the Lord Lieutenant, or Government of the Kingdom, the
Commander in Chief, General Officers on the Staff, Command-
ing Officer of the Garriſon, or Field Officer of the Day, and
delivered as fuch, are to be obeyed. Non-commiffioned Offi-
cers on Guard or other Duty, are at all Times to obey the Or-
ders of the Town Major, reporting as foon as relieved, having
received and obeyed ſuch Orders.
Gth. The Town Major to attend at all public Places where any
Command of the Military are ordered, for the Preſervation of
the Public Peace.
7th. He is to Patrole feveral Times in the Week, at different
Hours of the Night, in the principal Streets of the City where
the ſeveral Guards are mounted, to take up whatever Soldiers he
may find ftraggling in the Streets, either from the Barracks, or
( ₤37)
from any of the Guards. He is to lodge any Men fo taken in
Charge of the neareft Guard Houfe to where he apprehends
them, and to report accordingly the next Morning to the Field
Officer of the Day. For this Duty he may apply to any of the
Guards, or to the Picquet, for an Eſcort to attend him, and
which is never to be leſs than a Non-commiffioned Officer and
Eight Men, and may be more if he chufes and thinks it necef-
8th. He is to attend every Morning on the General Parade, to
aſcertain that the proper Number of Men for the City Guards
are mounted.
9th. He is to make a written Report once every Week to the
Commander in Chief, or in his Abfence to the Senior General
Officer on the Staff, and likewife to the Commandant of the
Barracks, of the State and Condition of all the Guard Rooms
in the City; reporting always if the Deficiencies of the fore-
going Week have been repaired, and give Reaſon if not.
10th. The Town Major in the Execution of all Duties, is
expected to be dreffed in his Uniforms, and Appointments the
fame as any other Officer on Duty, otherwife no Complaint
will be allowed of, against any Officer or Non-commiffioned
Officer for not obeying him.
11th. Any Orders that the Town Major may receive from the
Lord Lieutenant, or Chief Governor of this Kingdom, is to be
reported to the Commander in Chief previous to the Execution
of it, if not as foon after the Execution as poffible.
( 138 )
HE Commander in Chief finding it neceffary to enforce
thofe Rules which good Difcipline demands, and being
perfuaded of the Impoffibility of any Irregularity being com-
mitted by Soldiers while on Guard, if their Officers are at all
Times preſent and attentive as their Duty and His Majefty's Ser-
vice require; he therefore enjoins the ftricteft Obedience to the
following Orders.
ift. Both Officers and Soldiers are on no Account to pull off
any Part of their Clothing or Accoutrements while on Guard.
2d. The Officers to remain conftantly at their Guard till re-
lieved. They are to Dine, Sup, and Breakfaſt in their reſpective
Guard Rooms. They are not to enter Tavern, Coffee, or Club-
Houſes, or any Place of Publick Amuſement, nor to go beyond
their Sentries.
3d. Every Officer on Guard to have a Roll of the Guard,
and to make himſelf acquainted with the Orders each Sentry
has on his Poſt, alſo the General Orders for that Guard.
4th. The Officers of the Guards to fee that the Non-commif.
fioned Officers and Soldiers under their Command are exact in
the Performance of their Duty: That the Serjeants and Corpo-
rals keep up a proper Authority over the Men, and are punctual
in reporting to the Officers whatever fhall happen amifs. That
on the Caffle-Guard a Subaltern Officer do infpect every Re-
lief of Sentries immediately before they march off; and every
Relief as it comes in: That he alſo at every Relief between Sun-
fetting, and an Hour after its Rifing, calls the Roll of the whole
Guard, and that he reports at every Relief to the Captain when
he himſelf does not turn out his Guard, or fee the Roll called.
All ſmaller Guards are to be equally vigilant, and Officers are
to give an Example to their Men of Exactnefs and Attention.
5th. Where
( 139 )
5th. Where Centries are pofted, the Corporals are to be very
careful that they are attentive to the Orders they receive, and
that they thoroughly underſtand them, fo as to be able to give
them diftinctly to the Centry who relieves them.
6th. 'No Centry to ftrole to any Diſtance from his Poft on any
Account whatever (Ten Yards on each Side of it being a ſuffi-
cient Diſtance) nor quit his Firelock out of his Hand. They
are never to converfe, loiter or lounge on their Pofts, but to
move about briſkly in a Soldier-like Manner, and on the Appear-
ance of any Officer, to ftand firm on any Part of their Walk
with Shouldered Arms until he has paffed them.
7th. No Centry to pay any Compliment after Retreat. Cen-
tries are to challenge after Tattoo beating.
8th. If at any Time a Corporal is detected in the un-Soldier-
like Practice of allowing Centries to relieve each other, he is to
be immediately confined, in order that he may be puniſhed in
the moſt exemplary Manner.
9th. The Relief of Centries to be in the following Manner,
and the Regiments are ftrictly forbid from henceforth following
any other Mode of relieving the Centries.
The Relief if it confifts of Four Men or under,, to be drawn
up in one Rank, numbered from the Right, viz. 4—3—2—1.
If above Four, to be in Two Ranks, and numbered from the
Right alfo; but in the following Order, 5-3-1-Corporal.
The Corporal is to be on the Right dreffed with the Front
Rank, in order that he may better obſerve that the Men march
regularly, and that the Rear Rank is well locked up.
Corporal to carry his Arms advanced. The Relief to march
with floped Arms and quick Step, and not to pay any Compli-
ment during their March to any Officer whatever. The Centry
on feeing the Relief advancing, will face them and ſtand with
carried Arms. When the Relief approaches within Ten Paces
of the Centry. the Corporal will give the Word Halt.-Carry Arms.
-Relief Advance. On which the new Centry advances with Car-
ried Arms clofe to and on the Right of the old Centry, the
Corporal placing himſelf in fuch a Situation as to hear the Or-
ders delivered; when done he will give the Word March, on
which the new Centry faces about and ſtands fteady with Carried
Arms, the relieved Centry marches to the Vacancy left for him,
and comes to the proper Front. The Corporal then gives the
Word Slope Arms-March, and leads the Relief to the next
L 1
( 140 )
​When the Relief is in one Line, the oldeſt Number from the
Right is the Firſt to go Centry, and the relieved Centry poſts
himſelf on the Left of the Rank. When it confifts of Two
Ranks, the oldeft Number of the First Rank goes firft, and
when he advances, the Number in his Rear moves into his
Place, and the relieved Centry will occupy the vacant Place.
When the next Centry is relieved, it is by the Number advanced
into the Front Rank, and his Place is filled by the Man of the
Rear Rank, and the vacant Place filled by the Second relieved
Centry, and fo on with each File of the Relief.
10th. In relieving Centries, every Motion to be done with
the. greateſt Steadineſs, and the Corporal to fee they Cover in
File, and keep their Ranks dreſſed.
11th. No Non-Commiffioned Officer or Soldier to be ab-
fent from his Guard upon any Pretence whatſoever, without
12th. If any Soldier is found ftrolling in the Streets, drink-
ing in Ale-Houfes, or committing any Riot or Diſorder, he is
to be confined, and his Crime reported, in order to his being
tried and puniſhed..
13th. The Victuals of the Non-Commiffioned Officers and
Soldiers on Guard, are to be taken to them by the Comrades of
their Meffes.
14th. No Drinking, Swearing, Gaming, or Noife, is to be
allowed in the Guard-Rooms: If any of the Non-Commif-
fioned Officers are found to have paffed over, or connived
at any of the above Crimes, they are to be confined and pu-
15th. The Soldiers are particularly to make themſelves ac-
quainted with the General Officers on the Staff, and all the
Field Officers of the Garrifon.
16th. All Guards (except the Caſtle-Guard) are to turn out
pay the proper Compliment to the General Officers on the
17th. The Names of the Civil Magiftrates being put up in
each Guard-Room, no Officer or Non-Commiffioned Officer
commanding fuch Guards, are to give any Party but to fuch
Magiftrates in Perfon, or by an Order under their Hand-
writing; at the fame Time taking a Receipt from the Con-
flable who brings the Order, declaring that he will return
with the Party to the Guard-Room, when the Buſineſs is exe-
( 141 ) ·
Theſe Parties to be mentioned in the Officer's Report to the
Field Officer of the Day, ftating for the Purpoſe they were
called for, and the Time they returned, alfo enclofing the Con-
ftable's Receipt and Magiftrates Order, which are to be lodged
with the Major of Brigade.
Should a Magiftrate come in Perfon, he will alſo give a Re-
ceipt for the Party, and fpecify that he will either return with
them himſelf, or fend a Conſtable with them.
( 142 )
aft.HE Officers of the Caftle Guard to go the Rounds in
the Night. The Guard to be turned out at leaſt Three
Times in the Night, when every Officer and Soldier is to be
2d. The Captain of the Caſtle Guard to return the Parole to
the Lord Lieutenant, and in his Abfence to the Lords Juftices
when met in a Body at the Caftle. He is alfo to report to the
Commander in Chief and the Field Officer of the Day, in which
Reports he is to mention the Hour each Officer went his Rounds,
and the Hours the Guard was turned out.
3d. The Caftle Guard is only to turn out to the Lord Lieu-
tenant, (or Lady Lieutenant if ordered.)
4th. Centries on the Caftle Guard are not to Reft to any
Body but the Lord Lieutenant or Lady Lieutenant; but are to
carry their Arms to all Officers.
5th. A Corporal and Six Men to patrole the Streets adjoining
the Caftle in the Night immediately after the Return of the
Relief, and make Piifoners all Soldiers who are found in the
Streets. The Officer who inſpects the Relief will likewiſe ſee the
Patrole march off.
6th. The Caſtle Guard to receive the Field Officer of the Day,
on going his Rounds with ordered Arms.
It having been reprefented to the Lord Lieutenant by the
¿ft Auguft, 1793. Commander in Chief, that the Captains mounting Caftle Guards
are neceffarily put to a very confiderable Expence, which their
daily Pay cannot be ſuppoſed to defray: His Excellency, after
taking the fame feriously under his Confideration, has been
graciouſly pleaſed to allow to each Captain, for every Guard he
mounts, the Sum of two Guineas and an Half per Day, for the
Purpoſe of defraying fuch Expenſes; but his Excellency defires
it may be particularly understood, that as the above Allowance
is intended for the Relief of the Captains of the Garriſon of
Dublin, it is expected that on no Account whatever they fhall
incur any Charge beyond the faid Allowance, for défraying the
Expenfe of the Calle Guard; and if it fhall appear that this
Allowance encourages extravagant Feftivity, or Dilipation of
any Kind, it will be inftantly di.continued.
( 143 )
N Application being made to the Officer of the Main
Guard by any of the Civil Magiftrates, he is without
Lofs of Time to fupply them with fuch Part of his Guard as
they ſhall require, which is not to march without being attend-
ed by a Magiftrate or Conftable; and in all Cafes where it may
be neceffary to repel Force by Force, the Orders for that Pur-
pofe are to be given by the Magiftrate or Civil Officer himſelf to
the Men..
2d. The Names of the Magiftrates who are entitled to call on
the Troops for their Affiftance, are put up in the Guard Rooms
by the Town Major, and the Officer of the Guard is to be re-
ſponſible that they are not defaced.
The Main Guard is to turn out to all the General Officers
on the Staff, and pay them the proper Compliments.
4th. The Officer of the Main Guard is not by any Means to
look upon himſelf any way as connected with the Caftle Guard,
but to remain at his own Guard.
5th. The Remainder of the Directions for the Main Guard,
and for other Guards in the City are the fame as thofe mention-
ed under the Title of General Directions for the Guards, except
in what relates to each particular Guard.
M m
( 144 )
Picquet confifting of One Captain, Two Subalterns,
Two Serjeants, Two Corporals, Two Drummers, and
Fifty Private Men of the Regiments in Garriſon to mount every
Evening at Retreat beating on the Grand Parade, when the
Captain and Subalterns are to examine into the Condition of the
Arms, and Ammunition. Each Soldier to have Twelve Rounds
of Ball Cartridge. To be always dreffed the fame as any other
Guard, Men and Officers alike. It is not to be diſmiſſed but by
the Orders of the Field Officer of the Day after being carefully
inſpected by him. The Captain to affemble the Picquet at Tattoo
beating, to infpect that they are all fober, and report accordingly
to the Field Officer of the Day, with any Occurrence that may
`have happened fince he mounted. It is to Parade every Morning
in the Rear of the Guards on the General Parade, in order for
the New Field Officer of the Day to take Charge of them, who
will inſpect if they are properly dreffed and all prefent: The
Captain to report to him fuch Occurrence as may have happened
fince he mounted.
Neither Officer or Men of the Picquet, are on any Account
whatever to leave the Barracks, and are to have their Accoutre-
ments on and ready to turn out at a Moment's Warning; for
which Purpoſe they are not to go to Exerciſe, or do any other
Regimental Duty until they are relieved by the New Picquet.
The Field Officer of the Day in going his Rounds, may order
the Picquet to turn out in fame Manner as the other Guards.
Whenever the Garriſon is ordered out, the Picquet will not
leave the Barracks, but under the Direction of the Field Officer
of the Day will affemble on the General Parade, and remain
there during the Time the Garriſon is out, ready to affift either
the Revenue or the Civil Power, as well as to take Care of the
2d. If a Piquet is ordered to march, another to be ordered
to replace it immediately, or fhould any Part of it be called on,
fuch Numbers are to be replaced in like Manner.
3d. In
3d. In Cafe a Dachment commanded by a Subaltern is or-
dered to march from a Picquet, the Subaltern of it who is firſt
for Guard or Detachment to go on that Duty, if done by Regi-
but if by Detachments the Eldeft Subaltern of the Pic-
4th. The Captain of the Picquet to make all Reports to the
Field Officer of the Day, who will in the Abſence of the Com-
manding Officer of the Barracks, or the fenior Field Officer,
order a New Picquet, a Reinforcement, or any Number, to
replace fuch Picquet or Part thereof, fhould they be called to
march from the Barracks.
5th. The Adjutant of the Day to be prefent at the Mount-
ing-of the Picquet, and at all Times when they are ordered out,
that he may Parade a New Picquet, or any Part of the Old that
is to be detached, he is therefore to remain in the Barracks dur-
ing the Time he is on Duty.
6th. The Detail of the Picquet to be kept in a ſeparate Rofter
from all others.
Officers to appear
always in their
Regiments never to
go out without
their Officers.
Companies from
the Out Potts
marched by an Of
Parties for Juftices
of Peace.
· Garrifon Courts
Adjutant of Day
to do Duty in Ab-
fence of Major
Orders at the differ-
ent Guards to be
read to the Men.
FFICERS belonging to the Garriſon of Dublin (or
any other Garriſon where quartered) are not on any
Account to appear, but in their Regimentals, and uniformly
dreffed according to the Orders of their refpective Regiments.
The feveral Commanding Officers of Regiments will be refpon-
'fible for the Obſervance of this Order.
2'd. "No Regiment is on any Account to go out to Exerciſe
without their Officers, except having obtained the ſpecial Leave
of the Commander in Chief for that Purpofe, by Application
through the Commanding Officer of the Barracks, who will
'report any Regiment that diſobeys this Order.
3d. Whenever it is neceffary for the Companies doing Duty
at the Arſenal, James's-Street, or the Coomb, to parade at the
Barracks, an Officer of each Company is to March them from
thence, and return with them.
4th. If any of the Juftices of the Peace for the County of
Dublin, or Officers of the Revenue, by Writ of Affiftance,
fhould have Occafion for any Party, they will apply to the
Commanding Officer of the Barracks for fuch Party from the
5th. The Proceedings of all Garriſon Courts-Martial, or
Courts of Enquiry, to be lodged with the Major of Brigade.
6th. In the Abfence of the Major of Brigade, the Adjutant
of the Day is to give out the Detail to the Garriſon, and all
Orders that the Commanding Officer of the Barracks may think
neceffary to iffue.
7th. In order to prevent any Soldier pleading Ignorance of
his Duty, all Orders relative thereto, which are hung up in the
Mens Guard Rooms belonging to the feveral Guards, are to be
read to the Men by a Serjeant in the Guard Room every Morning
as ioon as the Guard is relieved, and after the firſt Relief
( 147 ).
the Time the Regiments arrive on this Duty. Commanding
Officers of the Regiments will therefore give the ftricteft Or-
ders to the Officers and Non-Commiffioned Officers under their
Command on no Account to neglect this.
8th. Each Regiment is to be in Poffeffion of the General Regiments to have
Orders of the Garrifon One Week after their Arrival in Dublin, the General Orders.
and which, along with the Articles of War, are to be read at
the Head of each Regiment every two Months.
9th. Every Commanding Officer of a Divifion fhall before
the Diviſion marches from their Quarters, appoint an Officer to
act as the Quarter Mafter during the March.
Quarter Maſters to
be appointed on a
March of Divifions
of Regiments.
ments meet on a
10th. When Divifions of different Corps meet on a March, Compliments when
Divifions or Regi-
the Officers of Foot to diſmount, take poft with their Platoons,
Drums to beat, and the proper Compliments to be paid. The
Cavalry to draw their Swords and Sound a March. The Regi.
ment to which the Compliment is paid taking Care to return
it by marching paft with Swords drawn, or Bayonets fixed,
founding or beating a March. The Officers on theſe Occaſions
always to Salute one another. A Regiment with Colours or
Standards always receive a Compliment from a Divifion which
has none.
Two Months.
11th. The Commanding Officers of Regiments are to fee Mens Accounts to
that the Captains or Commanding Officers of Companies and be fettled every
Troops do regularly account every Two Months with their
reſpective Companies or Troops for their Stoppages, and pay
whatever Balances may be due after the Men are provided with
Linen and other Neceffaries.
12th. All Officers when under Arms to obſerve a perfect Uniform Great
Uniformity in Drefs and Accoutrements, according to the Re- Coats.
gulation of their Regiment: and while at Quarters are to ap-
pear in no other Drefs but their Regimentals or Regimental
Frocks. No Officer is to wear a Great Coat or Surtout on the
Parade, on Duty, or in Quarters, which is not made of Blue
Cloth, with a Scarlet Cloth Cape and Cuffs, or a Cape and Cuffs
the Colour of the Facings of the Regiment, with a Plain Metal
Button, (Yellow or White) or the Regimental Buttons. The
Form of the Coat is left to the Commanding Officers of Regi-
ments, but it is expected that the Great Coats of each Regiment
fhall be uniform.
13th. Whenever a public Fair or Market fhall be held in the Officers and Men
Neighbourhood of any of the Quarters in this Kingdom, the not to quit Quar-
ters, during Fails
Commanding Officer of fuch Quarter do, upon no Account quit or Markets.
it, during the Continuance of fuch Fair or Market: And that
no Non-Commiffioned Officer or Soldier be permitted to go out
of his Quarters, or into fuch Fair or Market, except thofe that
fhall have Paffes for that Purpofe from the Commanding Officer,
which Paffes are only to be given to thofe Men, upon whoſe
N n
( 148 )
Diftinction to be
made between
Blunt and Ball Car-
Regulation to be
obſerved in all
Standing Orders to
be with each Com-
pany or Troop.
General Directions
relative to Memo-
rials, &c.
Difcretion and Propriety of Conduct he can rely, and for whom
he ſhall be refponfible.
14th. Too much Care and Attention cannot be given to pre-
vent at any Time Ball Cartridges from being mixed with Blunt
ones, as the moſt fatal Accidents may ariſe from fuch Neglect.
The better therefore to avoid Miſtakes, it is Ordered, that Ball
Cartridges fhould always be made up in Whitiſh Paper, and
Blunt Cartridges in Blue Paper; and an Officer to attend the
Delivery of Ammunition to his Company previous to the Regi-
ments going to Exercife. The Ammunition Boxes to be care-
fully examined before the Blunt Cartridges are put into them.
15th. The Regulations for Duties, &c. &c. in the Garriſon of
Dublin,' are to be followed and obſerved in all other Garriſons
and Quarters in this Kingdom, as far as Circumftances and
Situation will allow of.
16th. As each Troop and Company will be put in Poffeffion of
One Copy of the Standing Orders, which is to remain conftantly
with the Commiffioned Officer of it; the Major of each Regi-
ment is to take Care and enquire that fuch Copy is properly
Each Copy ſhould be bound up with a Quantity of Blank Pa-
per, for the Infertion of future Additions or Alterations of
thofe Orders.
So much Inconvenience and Delay arifes from the Inaccu.
racy of Returns and Memorials tranſmitted to the Adjutant-
General.―That it is neceffary to recapitulate the following Cir-
cumſtances among others which muſt be obſerved therein, ac-
cording to the Orders and Cuſtoms of the Eſtabliſhment, and
in failure whereof, they muſt be fent back to the Regiment for
Correction, and an Expence thereby incurred, as well as a Lofs
of Time, in which Individuals are much intereſted.
All Returns or Memorials for Abfence or Promotion, &c.
muſt be written on Quarto or Folio Paper, folded up, fo as to
be 7 or 8 Inches in Length, and 3 in Breadth; and endorſed
with the Number of the Regiment, the Word Memorial or Re-
turn, but not the Name of the Commanding Officer, and a
fhort Abstract of the Contents.
All Memorials relative to Money Matters, muft be accurately
ſtated and accompanied by fuch Vouchers and Letters, as will
clearly fhew the Whole of the Caſe.
In all Memorials for Leave of Abfence to quit the Kingdom,
the Reason of the Requeft, the Time afked for, and that the
regulated Number of Officers remain with the Regiment, muft
be ſpecified.
( 149 )
In all Memorials for Succeffion, the ordered Forms to be mis
nutely obſerved.-The Conſent of the Colonel of the Regiment
to what is recommended muft be expreffed, either for Regis
mental Promotion or Exchange to Half-Pay.-The Age and
Qualification of Candidates for Enfigncys or Cornetcys muſt
not be omitted.-The Circumftance of the retiring Officer hav-
ing purchaſed muſt be mentioned; if he has not purchaſed, the
Reaſons for his being permitted to fell.-Whether the Officers
recommended in Succeffion are the eldeſt of their Rank; or
when otherwife, the Reafon for fuch Deviation, &c.-All
the required Papers muſt accompany the Memorial in due
Where Part only of a Succeffion is propofed, and that the
Cornetcy or Enfigncy is to lie over 'till a proper Perfon is
found; fuch Circumftance muſt be prayed for in the Memo-
All Memorials are addreffed to His Excellency the Lord Lieu-
tenant.-Letters explanatory of Memorials are either addreffed
immediately to the Commander in Chief, or when written to
the Adjutant-General, are to be defired to be by him laid be-
fore the Commander in Chief or General Officer Commanding
and there are few Cafes, in which fuch Letters are not neceflary
to prevent Delay, and Queſtions being aſked from the Regi-
( 150 )
Adjutant General's Office,
DUBLIN, Ift July, 1794.
THE foregoing Regulations, which include
fuch as have proceeded from His Majefty, from
the Government of this Kingdom, and from
the Commander in Chief, having been by Com-
mand of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant,
Collected and Publiſhed under the feveral Heads
RETURNS, &c. &c. are to be confidered as
Standing Orders for the Army of this Kingdom,
and the Commander in Chief hereby directs, that
they be punctually followed and obeyed.
By Order of the Commander in Chief,
IS Majeſty's Warrant for granting the Allow-
ances of Small Neceffaries and Bread-Money to
Privates of the Infantry.
Orders relative thereto.
The above extended to the 'Cavalry.
Extended to the Serjeants of Cavalry and Infantry
His Majesty's Warrant regulating the Payment of fmall
Neceffaries of the Infantry.
His Majesty's Warrant regulating the Payment of
fmall Neceffaries of the Cavalry.
Commanding Officers of Regiments to apply to Colo-
nels for Clothing and Accoutrements, &c,
I 3
To make no Deviation from the Patterns approved by
Board of General Officers.
Clothing to be made in Ireland.
An Annual Inſpection to be made of Accoutrements
and Clothing.
A Copy of the Infpection Return to be fent to the
Adjutant General.
Colonels exempted from further Claims.
Relative to exhibiting Patterns of Clothing.
22 & 23
Forms of Inspection-Returns.
Regulations of Standards, Guidons, and Clothing for
Dragoon-Guards, Dragoons, and Light-Dragoons. 25
Regulations for Clothing Light Dragoons.
Regulations of Colours, Clothing, &c. of Infantry.
Devices and Badges of Regiments.
Uniform for General Officers.
Regulations of Accoutrements of Infantry.
Efpontoons diſuſed.
Swords how worn.
Pikes to be uſed and not Halberds.
Flank Company Officers to ufe Swords, alfo Fuzileer
Regulations of Clothing for Troops ferving in the Eaft
and Weft Indies.
Clothing for Recruits.
Hats for Soldiers in Warm Climates.
Breeches for Cavalry.
Black Stocks and Cockades.
Clothing made up at the Regiment.
Inftructions for a Deputy Commiffary.
Rules and Regulations for Mufters.
Copy of a Mufter-Roll.
Officers of Superior Rank felling Regimental Commiffi-
on, not allowed to keep former Rank.
Officers (not being Generals) to attend Regimental
Field Officers with Rank of Major General to be pre-
fent at the Review, &c.
When Corps join, the Senior Officer by Brevet or
otherwife to Command.
Overflaw to Brevet Field Officers.
Rank of Captain Lieutenant.
Legal Intereft, for purchaſe, only allowed.
Quarter Maſters Commiffions to be given to Serjeants.
Priority of Commiffions.
Rank of Cornets and Sub-Lieutenants of the Life-
Regulations relative thereto.
Officers to Exchange or Purchaſe from one Line of
Service to the other.
Officers retiring not to name their Succeffor, but
the Colonel ftill to recommend.
Explanation of the Orders of 8th September, 1783.
Commiffions Gazetted to be confidered as authentic.
Relative to Gentlemen Cadets of Woolwich.
The Number of Officers to attend conftantly at Quar-
Commanding Officers to grant Leave in Ireland only.
Officers Recruiting not to be included in the No. fixed
for the Duty of the Regiment.
Monthly Returns to be made up agreeable to theſe
Officers on Command may have leave for 2 Days on
great Emergencies.
No Application to be made to Government but through
the Colonel or Field Officer Commanding the Regi-
Every Officer to join within 4 Months from the Date
of his Commiffion.
If not, he will be returned without Leave, and ſuper-
On joining to be perfected in Regimental Duty.
No Officer to go into Foreign Parts without Leave
from his Majefty..
When preſent with their Corps to wear conftantly their
Officers on Dublin Duty to attend conftantly except on
very urgent Occafions.
All Officers and Recruiting Parties to join by 10th of
To be examined by the Court of Surgeons.
Not to fell.
8 I
To be put on Half-pay.
Mates to be appointed to King's Infirmary-How to
'be qualified for Regimental Surgeons and Mates.
The feveral Facts to be ascertained in the general
Officers to be tried, to be placed in fecure Cuftody.
Form of a Warrant for affembling General Courts-
Inftructions for a Deputy Judge Advocate.
Form of a Deputation for a Judge Advocate when he
cannot attend in Perfon.
Affiftance to Civil Magiftrates.
Requifition by Writs of Affiftance.
Parties to be granted to none under a Surveyor, with-
out an Order.
Revenue Officer not to quit his Party.
Return of Seizures to be made with each Monthly
Return to the Adjutant General.
Form of a Writ of Affiftance.
9 I
Revenue Officer to give a Receipt for all Parties thus
Regulations of the Sums paid the Army for feizing
Stills-Contraband Goods, &c.
Not to be fent by Sea.
Regulation of Cars.
Form of Certificates for Baggage.
24 Rounds of Ball Cartridges per Man, to be kept
conftantly compleat in Store.
In Time of War encreaſed to 60 Rounds.
Annual Allowance of Ammunition.
All Returns figned, deemed upon Honour.
Monthly Returns-Directions relative thereto.
Fortnight Returns-Directions relative thereto.
Names of Officers Abfent, Dead, or Promoted, to be
Alfo the Dates and Purports of all Orders received. ib.
Name of Deputy Chaplain to be inferted.
Officers newly appointed the Date of their Commiffion
to be inferted, and no Return to have a Reference
to any other.
The Column of fince what Time, &c. to be accurately
filled up.
Officers Abfent without Leave.
Quarter of each Company to be inferted.
The Monthly Returns to correfpond, and the Reafon
for each Man's Diſcharge to be inferted.
Regiments Embarking, what Returns neceffary.
Major to keep the Regimental Book, &c.
Officers of Cavalry who have no Charger, their Names
to be inferted on the Back of the Fortnight Re-
Return of Officers to purchaſe every Six Months.
Return of Arms every fix Months.
'Size and Age.
Apprentice not to be Inlifted, and cannot be detained. ib.
Recruits to be carefully examined by the Surgeon.
Regulations relative thereto.
Extract from the Rules of the Royal Hofpital of Kil-
Form of a Diſcharge when recommended,
Form when not recommended.
Not to be fworn 'till authenticated.
Charges on the Back of the Route to be examined by
the Commanding Officer where the Party is relieved. ib.
Deſcription of Deferters to be on the Back of the
Hire of Cars for Deſerters-when allowable.
Hire of a Room for a Prifon not allowed.
Deferters confined in the Provoft.
Deferters when taken up, to be immediately reported
to the Quarter-Mafler General.
Efcorting Deferters-Allowances to the Parties.
Forms of Returns of the Guards.
I 20
I 3 I
133 & 134
Directions for the Guards.
Caftle Guard.
Main Guard
Picquet Duty.
Officers to appear always in Uniform.
Regiments never to go to Exerciſe without Officers.
Companies at out Poſts to be marched to the Barrack.
by an Officer.
Parties granted to Juftices of the Peace.
Garrison Courts Martial.
Adjutant of the Day to do the Duty in the Abſence of
the Major of Brigade.
Orders at the different Guards to be read to the Men.
Regiments on Dublin Duty to have a Copy of the Gar-
rifon Orders.
When a Divifion Marches from Quarters, an Officer to
act as Quarter-Maſter during the March.
Compliments when Corps meet on a March.
Men's Accounts to be fettled every 2 Months.
Uniform Great Coats,
Officers and Men not to go to Fairs, &ċ.
Diftinction to be made between Ball and Blunt Car-
Regulations to be in all Garriſons.
A Copy of the Standing Orders to be with each Troop
or Company-and to be bound with Blank Paper at
Memorials-General Directions.
ORDERS for the foregoing Regulations to be obeyed
as the Standing Orders for the Army of this Kingdom. 156