: 5-2, C 3H2.882. A Procurement Regulation No. 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY A complete reprint of PR No. 7 made from the original plates of War Department Procurement Regulations. This reprint includes all changes made through Revision 37 of 29 June 1944. READJUSTMENT DIVISION Headquarters, Army Service Forces O i., ºi i y £5, £, ſº OF MICH IGAN Washington 25, D. C. Tº - Trº A. --- . . . . . . ; ; ; ; A * : [ s : ; ; ) (, ; , «A kai, is tº A. L'IsiX.º.i. - - - - -- c. 4. For Sale by Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price is $2.50 including 12 changes issued irregularly. DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5–25-44 AUG22°º - 701 PR 7 PROCUREMENT REGULATION No. 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Table of Contents SECTION I GENERAL | Description º | Description 7-100. . . . . . Rescission of instructions 7-110. . . . . . Methods of sale 7-101. . . . . . Subjects not covered 7-111. . . . . . Compliance with OPA and WPB regule 7-102. . . . . . Definitions tions 7-103. . . . . . Statement of War Department policy 7-112. . . . . . Federal excise taxes on property sold 7-104. . . . . . Designation of Redistribution and Salvage 7-113. . . . . . Contract formalities including numbering Officer and distribution 7-105. . . . . . Establishment of Disposal Boards 7-114. . . . . . Coordination with Property Officer 7-106. . . . . . Disposal Board at chief of service level 7-115. . . . . . Information as to sales of War Departmen 7-107. . . . . . Extraordinary cases property 7-108. . . . . . Reports 7-115.1. . . . . Furnishing information to periodicals 7-109. . . . . . Direct correspondence authorized 7-116. . . . . . Sales to War Department Personnel SECTION II DISPOSITION OF TERMINATION INVENTORIES | Description | Description 7-200. . . . . . Scope of section total amount in settlement is less than 7-201. . . . . . Circularization not required 7-206.2 sº inal tití * **\AOezº e e s e es or nominal quantities 7-202. . . . . . Disposition by contracting agency 7-206.3. . . . Other sales of termination inventories 7-203. . . . . . Redistribution assistance at chief of service 7–207. . . . . . General pricing regulations level 7-208. . . . . . Review and approval of sales 7-204. . . . . . Redistribution assistance by War Produc- 7-208.1. . . . Sales and transfers which need not be tion Board reviewed 7-204.1. . . . Procedure for listing :* e - © p: at . i service level *4Uº s is . , , , osition or surplus 7-204.2. . . . Advice of Disposal 7-210. . . . . . Action to be taken on stock pile items 7-205. . . . . . Pricing policies 7-210.1. . . . Report of stock file items 7-206. . . . . . Specific price regulations 7-210.2. . . . Action by Chief of Service 7-206.1. . . . Sale of termination inventories where 7-210.3. . . . Action to be expedited SECTION Ill DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE PROSECUTION OF THE WAR ſ Description | Description 7-300...... Scope of section 7-309. . . . . . Transfers to and from Navy 7-301. . . . . . Sale to war contractors 7-310. . . . . . Transfers to Civil Aeronautics Administra - 7-301.1.... Pricing policies tion 7-301.2.... Review of sale 7-302. . . . . . Sales to Red Cross and U.S.O. 7-311. . . . . . Transfers with reimbursement 7-303. . . . . . Other Sales 7-312. . . . . . Transfers without reimbursement 7-304. . . . . . Leases 7-313. . . . . . Procedure for transfers without reimburse- 7-305. . . . . . Leases under other statutes ment 7-306. . . . . . Disposition by contractors 7-307. . . . . . Transfer to other Federal agencies 7-314. . . . . . Gifts and loans of drawings and other prop- 7-308. . . . . . Transfer to other War Department Compo- erty nents 7-315. . . . . . Exchange of property 702 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 SECTION IV DISPOSITION OF NON-REPAIRABLE PROPERTY | Description ! | Description 7-400. . . . . . Scope of Section 7-406. . . . . . Disposition by Salvage Officers 7-401. . . . . . Non-military property other than current 7-407. . . . . . Special Procedure production scrap. 7–408. . . . . . Review and approval of scrapping 7-402. . . . . . Current production scrap 7-409. . . . . . Review at chief of service level 7-403. . . . . . Sale of non-repairable property by or to 7-410. . . . . . Pricing policies on sales of non-repairable contractors property included in termination in- 7-404. . . . . . Military property, and non-military prop- ventory erty not certified under paragraph 7-410.1. . . . Where total amount in settlement is less 7-401 than $10,000 - 7-405. . . . .... Designation of salvage officer 7-410.2. . . . Large termination inventories SECTION V DISPOSITION OF SERVICEABLE MILITARY PROPERTY ſ Description § Description & 7-500. . . . . . Scope of Section tary property that is unsuitable for 7-501. . . . . . Declaration of Surplus civilian use 7-502. . . . . . Mutilation and disposition of certain mili- 7-503. . . . . . Disposition of surplus SECTION VI DISPOSITION OF SERVICEABLE NON-MILITARY PROPERTY OTHER THAN TERMINATION INVENTORY T Description º Description 7-600. . . . . . Scope of section 7-601.6. . . . Certain equipment that may be turned 7-601. . . . . . Circularization Over to another technical service for 7-601.1. . . . Circularization lists redistribution 7-601.2. . . . Description and coding i. * * * º izati d *QMJ& e o e e s , I ircularization perio 7-601.3. . . . Transmittal of lists- gº * - it º 7-603. . . . . . Disposition after circularization period 7-601.4. ... Certain items as to which circularization 7–604. . . . . . Deviation from regulations in exceptional may be limited or eliminated C8 SeS 7-601.5. . . . Certain equipment not to be circularized 74-605. . . . . . Non-military property peculiar to Army without prior approval - Air Forces SECTION VII DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY º Description | Description 7-700. . . . . . General Part 2 property—Construction equip- 7-701. . . . . . Disposition of nominal quantities ment 7-702. . . . . . Reporting to Disposal Agency Part 4 property—Controlled materials 7-702.1.... Ships, small watercraft and related prop- part 3 and x property. erty 7-702.6. ... Termination inventory lated rt 7-703. . . . . . Report forms (-702.2 . . . . Aircraft and re property 7-704. . . . . . Tr ittal of reports 7-702.3. . . . Food and related property 7-705. . . . . . Action after reporting 7-702.4. ... Military property other than aircraft, 7-706. . . . . . Withdrawal for further use food and ships 7-707. . . . . . Disposal by disposal agency 7-702.5. . . . Non-military property other than termi- 7-708. . . . . . Shipment after disposal nation inventories— 7-709. . . . . . Fiscal procedures Part 1 property—Production and utility 7-710. . . . . . Clearance for sale by War Department equipment 7-7.10.1. ... Sale after clearance 6–29-44 [5-25–44] PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY 703 PR 7 APPENDIX I Description T Description 7-901......Items to be included in lists of Part 4 prop- 7-90.5.1. . . . Form SWPA-1 erty 7-90.5.2. . . . Form SWPA-1(A) 7-90.1.1. . . . Form of Circularization list for Part 4A 7–905.3. ... Instructions Covering Preparation of Re- property port of Surplus Property 7-90.1.2. . . . Form of Circularization list for Part 4B 7-906......Regional Offices of War Food Administra- property tion 7-90.1.3.... Form of Circularization list for Part 4C 7–907. . . . . . Regional Offices of Reconstruction Fi- property nance Corporation 7-902......Offices to receive Part 1 and 3 circulariza- 7-908...... Regional Offices of Procurement Division, tion lists Treasury Department 7-903. . . . . . Regional Offices of War Production Board 7-909. . . . . . Stockpile materials 7-904. . . . . . Assignment of property to disposal agen- 7–909.1. . . . . W.D., A.G.O. Form 257 cies 7-910......Monthly report of redistribution and dis- 7-905......Surplus War Property Administration Re- posal of excess and surplus serviceable port Forms property PROCUREMENT REGULATION No. 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY SECTION I GENERAL II 7-100]. Rescission of instructions.—This Regu- lation and the regulations, manuals and other instruc- tions to which it makes reference, include all Outstand- ing instructions of the War Department on the subject of the disposition of personal property, title to which is in the Government, or to which the Government has the contractual right to acquire title. All other instruc- tions are hereby rescinded. Instructions of the tech- nical services are not affected hereby, but will be promptly conformed to this regulation. Iſ 7-1011 Subjects not covered.—This Regulation does not rescind or otherwise affect TM 38-220 or other publications concerning Stock Control for military propérty. It does not relate to the disposition of real property, which is governed by War Department Cir- cular No. 8, 1944, and Section II ASF Circular No. 28, 1944. It does not relate to the repair or reclamation of personal property, which is governed by War Depart- ment Circular No. 7, 1944. It does not relate to the disposition of the proceeds of sales of property, as to which see AR 35-780 and AR 35-6660. It does not relate to the redistribution or disposition of any property located outside of the continental limits of the United States. The policies and procedures governing the dis- position of property winch has been turned over to a salvage officer or salvage organization, are covered by AR 700–25 and TM 38-505. II 7-1021 Definitions.—The following terms, when used in this regulation, have the meanings indicated: “Military property” consists of all supplies and equipment held for issue or issued, to or for troops, military posts within the United States, and theaters of operation; and includes tactical supplies and equip- ment, subsistence items and property required by tables of allowances, tables of basic allowances, and tables of equipment. “Non-military property” is all property other than military property. “Serviceable property” is property other than scrap or waste which is suitable for use in its existing condition. “Non-repairable property” is unserviceable prop- erty which cannot in the best interests of the Govern- ment be mended or restored to serviceability, and scrap and waste; and includes, but is not limited to, any obsolete non-military items, and industrial materials, industrial equipment, components, and assemblies (whether partially or completely fabricated, processed or assembled and whether new, used or deteriorated), which have no reasonable use except as scrap. “Excess property” in the case of military property, is any property in excess of the maximum stock level authorized for a particular organization, supply point or technical service; and, in the case of non-military property, is any property in excess of the immediate and definitely forseeable needs of a particular industrial installation or other function, activity, project or in- dustrial operation in connection with which the prop- erty was acquired. “Surplus property” is property declared by compe- tent authority to be, or deemed to be, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, in excess of the immediate or definitely foreseeable needs of the entire War Department. “Termination inventory” means all personal prop- erty (including a proper part of any common materi- als) properly allocable to a terminated war contract or subcontract of any tier, property excess to the require- ments of a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contractor, and any property in the possession of a fixed-price contractor or subcontractor which the War Department is obligated to take over as the result of a design modification or change order, except any machinery or equipment sub- Q 7-102 704 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 ject to a separate contract or contract article specifi- cally governing the use or disposition thereof. “Ter- mination inventory” includes contractor-owned prop- erty in the hands of a fixed-price contractor or sub- contractor, Government owned property in the hands of a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contractor or subcontractor and Government owned property furnished to any GOntractor. “Negotiation” means any method of reaching an agreement on the terms of sale, except the formal sealed bid procedure contemplated by Section 3709, R.S. with respect to purchases. (There is no statutory requirement for the formal sealed bid procedure in the case of sales of government property. See Opinions of The Judge Advocate General, dated March 19, 1941, SPJGC 1941, and March 30, 1943, SPJGC 1943, 3449). II 7-103T Statement of War Department policy.— The demands of the war production program require that the material resources of the nation be used with the utmost efficiency. This can only be accomplished if the accumulation of excess property is avoided and if idle property is put to productive use at the earliest possible moment. Accordingly, it is the policy of the War Department to prevent the acquisition or reten- tion of excess property by the War Department. It is likewise the policy of the War Department to effect the prompt return of temporarily idle non-military property to productive use. In furtherance of the pol- icy of effecting prompt clearance of the plants of con- tractors whose contracts have been terminated (See PR 15-851) every effort will be made to effect prompt disposition of termination inventories. In this connec- tion, attention is called to the letter of the Under Sec- retary of War set forth in paragraph 15-350.2 and to the statement of the Surplus War Property Adminis- trator set forth in paragraph 7-205. The guiding policy of the War Department is to employ all the material resources at its command in the manner which will most effectively facilitate the prosecution of the war. To this end property will be freely redistributed under the authority granted in Section III of this Regulation. In any event, excess property will be redistributed as promptly as possible. Accordingly, the chiefs of tech- nical services will comply with existing provisions for the review of military property. All affected thereby will strictly observe the requirements of Section II, Army Service Forces Circular No. 67, 1944. In addi- tion, chiefs of technical services will maintain constant and active review of all non-military property on hand or in the process of manufacture, to determine the essentiality of such property for the prosecution of approved functions, activities, projects or industrial operations. Iſ 7-104I Designation of Redistribution and Sal- vage Officer.—The chief of each technical service will designate a Redistribution and Salvage Officer in his office who will have responsibility for coordinating the activities of the technical service as to salvage activi- ties; as to the determination of what items of non- military property are excess within the technical serv- ice; as to the determination of what items of military property should be processed for .declaration by com- petent authority as surplus; and as to the acquisition and use by the technical service of military and non- military items available from other technical services. The Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, will be promptly notified of the appointment, or change in the appointment of such Officer. Iſ 7-1051 Establishment of Disposal Boards.--(1) The chiefs of the technical services will establish in their field installations, Disposal Boards for reviewing and taking appropriate action with respect to proposed transactions required to be reviewed by this Regula- tion. (2) Disposal Boards will consist of not less than three members. The members thereof may perform other functions, provided the prompt review of prop- erty disposal matters is not hindered and the personnel are qualified by training and experience to afford ade- quate review with respect to such matters. (3) Records of the proceedings of Disposal Boards will be maintained by the offices or installations in which they are established. Cases submitted for re- wiew will be accompanied by information pertinent to the transaction, particularly as to the following: num- ber of offers or bids solicited and reviewed, and the amounts thereof; condition of the property; status of the buyer with respect to the use to be made of the property, and any other information necessary to show that the market has been adequately tested and that the sale should be made at the price and in the quan- tities stated. II 7-1061 Disposal Board at chief of service level. —Disposal Boards may be established in the offices of the chiefs of technical services to review and take ap- propriate action with respect to property transactions as to which review at that level is authorized by this Regulation (see paragraphs 7-208.2 and 7-409). Iſ 7-107] Extraordinary cases.—Proposed sales or scrapping determinations involving unusual problems or difficulties may be presented for the consideration and advice of the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces. II 7-108T Reports.- Iſ 7-108.11 Monthly report of redistribution and disposal of excess and surplus serviceable property.— (1) Commanding generals of each numbered serve ice command and the Military District of Washington will submit to the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, a consolidated monthly report on redistribution and disposal of excess and surplus serviceable property. (2) Each procurement office reporting to the chief of a technical service will submit to the chief of the Q 7-102 6–29-44 704-A PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY technical service a monthly report of redistribution and disposal of excess and surplus serviceable property. Chiefs of technical services will issue instructions as to the omission of certain sections of the form not applicable to their procurement offices. (3) The chief of each technical service will submit to the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, a consolidated monthly report on redistribution and disposal of excess and surplus serviceable property, together with reports for each procurement office reporting to him. Iſ 7-108.2]. Report form.—Reports will be submit- ted on W.D., A.G.O. Form No. 256. For the first report, local reproduction in the field is authorized. Informa- tion will be submitted in substantially the form indi- cated by W.D., A.G.O. Form No. 256 (see par. 7–910). A limited quantity of the form is now available at the Pentagon Adjutant General Depot for use of chiefs of technical services in consolidating reports. For subsequent reports, supplies of this form will be avail- able at all adjutant general depots. Control Approval Symbol RCS-5 has been assigned to this report. This PR 7 form will be used by all echelons required to submit the report. Iſ 7-108.31 Date for submitting report. — Report will be submitted monthly and will be filed with the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, on or before the 12th day of the month following that for which the report is made. The first report will be filed on or before 12 July 1944 covering the month of June 1944. Iſ 7-108.4I Preparation of the report. — Record costs may be used without inclusion of amounts for storage, transportation, handling, or other overhead costs. In the absence of record costs, estimates may be made on the basis of known costs of similar items or other available information. All dollar amounts should be reported to the nearest full dollar with cents omitted. Specific instructions as to preparation of the report together with a sample of the report form are included in paragraphs 7-910 and 7-910.1. Iſ 7-1091. Direct correspondence authorized.—Di- rect correspondence is authorized among all levels of the technical services and representatives of other [The page following this is 705] Q 7-109 5–25-44 705 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY government agencies in respect of redistribution of available property under this Regulation. II 7-110I Methods of sale.—All sales of property under this Regulation, including sales made by cost- plus-a-fixed-fee contractors pursuant to paragraph 7- 306, will be made by negotiation in a manner to assure such competition (by taking written bids, making oral inquiry, or otherwise) as is practicable in the circum- stances, and consistent with economy, efficiency and the expeditious completion of the proposed sale. The nego- tiating officer will make every effort to effect the sale in such manner and for such further uses as will most effectively facilitate the prosecution of the war. Sales at ceiling or established market prices and sales under paragraph 7-301, need not be delayed for the purpose of soliciting competitive bids. Iſ 7-111] Compliance with OPA and WPB Regu- lations.—All sales or other transfers (except transfers within the Government) of property made under the authority of this Regulation or otherwise shall conform to applicable orders and regulations of the War Produc- tion Board and the Office of Price Administration. Of- ficers responsible for disposal of War Department prop- erty may rely upon a representation by the buyer to the effect that the purchase is being made in compliance with all War Production Board regulations affecting the buyer, unless they have knowledge or reason to believe that such representation is false. Such a representa- tion should be incorporated in each written contract of sale. War Department representatives are not respon- sible, however, for compliance with such regulations in the case of sales by a contractor. Iſ 7-1121 Federal excise taxes on property sold.- Where property which is subject to Federal excise tax is sold, provisions governing the collection of such taxes found in Section VI of Procurement Regulation No. 8 will be observed. Iſ 7-1131 Contract formalities including numbering and distribution.—(1) All contracts for the sale of property made under the authority of Section III of this Regulation, all contracts for an amount in excess of $1,000 and all contracts for an amount in excess of $500 which are not to be performed within sixty days shall be evidenced by a written contract prepared in substantially the form set forth in paragraph 1326, or in such other form as may be approved by the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, or, in the case of sales by salvage officers, in the form authorized or required by applicable regula- tions. All other sales shall be evidenced on accounting forms now or hereafter prescribed by the chiefs of tech- nical services concerned, subject to the approval of the Fiscal Director, Headquarters, Army Service Forces. (2) The provisions of paragraphs 309-309.3 and 318-B(5) relating to the numbering of contracts are applicable to contracts for the sale of property except that in connection with such contracts a separate series of numbers will be used in which the letter “s” will be PR 7 added immediately after the letters representing the technical service concerned. (3) Contracts for the sale of property will be dis-, tributed in the same manner as other contracts (see Section IV of Procurement Regulation No. 3) except that (a) when a sale of War Department property is made under a contract or agreement the officer or agent of the War Department by whom funds are received as a result thereof will, in turning the funds over to a disbursing officer, accompany such remit- tance with a copy of the contract or agreement cover- ing the terms of the sale; and (b) the original signed number of each unnumbered contract of sale will be forwarded to the General Accounting Office instead of being sent to the disbursing officer, as in the case of unnumbered contracts of purchase. (4) A copy of each contract of sale of military property, the original cost of which exceeded $2,000 will be distributed to the Chairmen of the Military Affairs Committees of the House and Senate within twenty-four hours after a contract has been made. Iſ 7-1141 Coordination with Property Officer.— All transfers or sales of property under authority herein contained must be coordinated with the Prop- erty Officer involved for compliance with applicable property accountability regulations. Iſ 7-115I Information as to sales of War Depart- ment property.—It is the policy of the War Depart- ment to have the facts on all public sales of War Department property kept available at the point of sale for public inspection during normal business hours for any proper purpose. The facts on sales to war contractors will likewise be kept available for in- spection by the interested parties; but it is not in- tended that there should be general publicity as to such sales. Iſ 7-115.11. Furnishing information to periodicals. —When sales are made on written invitations to bid, copies of invitations and information as to awards may be transmitted to periodicals for publicity pur- poses, or to persons who request invitations for the purpose of advising their clients. In any event, copies of written invitations to bid and information as to awards will be kept available at the point of sale for inspection by representatives of periodicals or other in- terested parties during normal business hours for any proper purpose. . Iſ 7-116I Sales to War Department personnel— Except as authorized by Section III of this Regula- tion, or by AR 30-2290, AR 700-25, TM-38-505, or other War Department publication, no sales of Government- owned property will be made to any official or em- ployee of the War Department nor any officer, enlisted man, or civilian employee of the Army. Iſ 7-117—ſ 7-1991 Reserved. Ç 7-199 706 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 SECTION II DISPOSITION OF TERMINATION INVENTORIES II 7-2001 Scope of section.—This section provides authority and procedures for the disposition of termi- nation inventories. II 7-2011 Circularization not required.—The policy of the War Department is stated in paragraph 7-103. The objectives of that policy can best be obtained by vigorous action of the contracting officer and his local aids in redistribution of termination inventories, prior to reporting such property to a Disposal Agency as surplus, with the fullest cooperation of the district organization and any industry organization involved (such as the Ordnance Industry Integrating Commit- tees), and the assistance of the Redistribution Offices of the War Production Board. The greatest freedom of action is therefore accorded these local agencies of the War Department and circularization of term- ination inventories is not required. Iſ 7-202I Disposition by contracting agency.— The following methods of disposition will be employed to effect the redistribution of termination inventories prior to reporting the property as surplus in ac- cordance with paragraph 7-209. (1) Any property which is used or damaged beyond economical repair or is of such a nature that it has no reasonable use except as scrap will be classified as nonrepairable and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Section IV of this Regulation. The Under Secretary of War has pointed out that “in many instances work in process must and should be sold as scrap for scrap prices.” (See PR 15-350.2). - (2) Any serviceable Government-owned prop- erty may be used to meet authorized requirements for military supply or industrial purposes and any contractor-owned property may be acquired for such purposes in accordance with the provisions of the contract. (3) The contractor may be permitted to retain any property at a price agreed upon in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 7-206, 7-207, and 7-208. - (4) Any Government-owned property may be transferred to the Navy Department, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, or other governmental agency in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion III of this Regulation. (5) The sale of any property to any purchaser may be made or approved in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 7-206, 7-207 and 7-208. Iſ 7-203 Redistribution assistance at chief of service level.-Although chiefs of technical services will assist the local agencies under their jurisdiction in the redistribution of termination inventories, it is intended that the local agencies be given the greatest possible freedom of disposition in accordance with paragraph 7-202. Accordingly, local agencies respon- sible for property disposition will refer significant items included in termination inventories to the chiefs of their respective technical services promptly upon receipt of property lists from the contractor. Such reference will not, however, be permitted to delay local disposition, nor will it limit local disposition, nor will it limit local disposition authority, except as may be specifically directed by the chief of the technical service concerned. Chiefs of technical services will give prompt consideration to the utilization of such items for military supply or industrial purposes within their own service, and may informally bring selected items to the attention of Other technical services which might be expected to have an interest therein. Lſ 7-204]. Redistribution assistance by War Pro- duction Board.—In order that the availability of in- dustrial property may be broadly published to manu- facturers and other prospective users, significant items included in termination inventories Submitted to War Department representatives (other than items for which special disposition arrangements have been made) will be listed with the Regional Offices of the War Production Board. The War Production Board will maintain in its Regional Offices an inventory file of items so reported and will advertise items of general use in the “Redistributor”, a weekly bulletin published by its Regional Offices, which is distributed to a large list of manufacturers and dealers. The War Produc- tion Board will refer inquiries of prospective purchas- ers to the contractor or to a War Department repre- sentative, as requested. Listing of termination in- ventories with War Production Board imposes no additional restrictions upon the movement of the property that are not applicable to property not so listed and the reference of prospective buyers by War Production Board imposes no obligations to sell the property to such persons or to accord them any favored treatment whatever. Iſ 7-204.11 Procedure for listing.—The local au- thority responsible for disposition of termination in- ventory will transmit, or cause the contractor to trans- mit, to the Regional Office of the War Production Board for the region in which the property is located (see paragraph 7-903 for the addresses of these offices and the territories within their jurisdiction) a listing of the significant items of raw materials, purchased parts and supplies included in termination inventory lists (Schedule C-1) as soon as practicable after the submission of such lists by the contractor. The listing so transmitted may be either in the form of (a) a copy of the complete list of raw materials, purchased parts and supplies (Schedule C-1, PR 15-939.1) sub- mitted by the contractor, or (b) a transcript of all items (i.e., any quantity of like products, materials, Q 7-200 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 707 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY etc.—usually indicated by a single entry in the ter- mination inventory list) for which the cost or esti- mated cost is $1,000 or more. In either case, the list- ing transmitted to the War Production Board should contain the following information: General information: Name of contractor Location of property Name and address of person with whom nego- tiations for purchase can be conducted. Specific information for each item: Adequate description in commercial terms Quantity available Cost per unit (as indicated by contractor) Condition, if other than new and excellent. This information will generally be contained in the termination lists submitted by the contractor. Each listing transmitted to the War Production Board should be dated and assigned an identifying number by the transmitting contractor or establishment. Although not required, significant items of jigs, tools, dies and fixtures (Schedule C-3, PR 15-939.3) that have general use, may be listed with War Pro- duction Board under the procedure stated above. Items of work-in-process (Schedule C-2, PR 15-939.2) will not be so listed. II 7-204.21 Advice of disposal—For each item that it regards as significant, War Production Board will prepare an inventory slip (WPB Form 2206) and return a copy to the contractor or War Department representative who transmitted the listing. When items for which an inventory slip has been returned by the War Production Board are disposed of or otherwise withdrawn from availability, the inventory slip will be promptly sent to the Regional Office of the War Production Board with appropriate notation in accordance with the instructions printed thereon. If a part only of the item has been disposed of, that fact will be noted on the inventory slip and the War Production Board will return a new inventory slip for the remainder. When the items remaining undisposed of are reported to a Disposal Agency as surplus (see paragraph 7-702) the remaining inventory slips will be returned to the Regional Office of the War Pro- duction Board under cover of a memorandum stating the name and address of the Regional Office of the Disposal Agency to which reported, and the date and serial number of the report. Iſ 7-2051. Pricing policies.—The following state- ment of general policy applicable to the sale of ter- mination inventories has been issued by the Surplus War Property Administrator: “There is one matter of great urgency * * * with respect to which an immediate declaration of policy is believed to be required. This concerns the dis- posal by or under the authority of a contracting PR 7 agency of the government, of property becoming available as the result of the termination of a war contract by that agency. “Such termination inventories are becoming available for sale in considerable quantities at the present time. The opportunity to dispose of much of this property is certainly more favorable now than it will be later, and the public interest will be served if it can be sold now and directly from the plant of the contractor where it is located. “I understand that these termination inventories are not now being sold as rapidly or in as large quantities as is desirable, and that this stems in large part from a feeling on the part of contracting and termination officers in the field that they lack a definable policy for making such sales and that they may be criticized for the exercise of boldness and initiative in turning over the property, which results in unwillingness to authorize sales except at prices so high as to be often unobtainable. “Being satisfied that the Government and the public should give the fullest measure of support and encouragement to the disposal of termination inventories at this time, so that they will not both occupy valuable storage space and complicate the future surplus problem at a time when the supply will be greater and the demand smaller, I have issued a statement of policy which I enclose. It is designed to give the strongest impetus to prompt sales of termination inventories to or by contractors consistent with intelligent protection of the public interest. It presupposes a reasonable effort to as- certain and obtain going market values, but makes it clear that where the circumstances preclude this, as they very often will, contracting officers are not subject to criticism for selling, subject to the rea- sonable requirements set forth in the policy state- ment, at the best prices reasonably obtainable, even though this may sometimes require going far below cost or nominal market.” The regulations pertaining to sales of termination inventories other than scrap prescribed by the Surplus War Property Administrator are set forth in para- graph 7-206. The pricing and review regulations set forth in paragraphs 7-206, 7-207 and 7-208 apply to the approval of retention of property by the con- tractor, as well as to sales. II 7-206I Specific price regulations. Iſ 7-206.11 Sale of termination inventories where total amount of termination claim is less than $10,000. —Sales of any property included in termination inven- tories, in any case where the entire amount involved in the termination claim before disposal credits is less than $10,000, will be made or approved at the best price obtainable in the judgment of the officer approving the sale, or, in the case of subcontracts as to which the power of approving the termination settlement has Q 7-206.1 708 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 been delegated to a contractor of a higher tier, in the judgment of such contractor. II 7-206.2] Sales of nominal quantities.—Sales of any items or groups of items may be made or approved at the best price obtainable when the estimated cost of all substantially similar items available for sale at any one location at any one time does not exceed $1,000. II 7-206.31 other sales of termination inventories. —(1), Crude or simple raw materials.-Sales of crude or simple raw materials (such as raw cottón, pig iron, electrolytic copper or sulphur) which are freely traded in, and for which there is a recognizable market price, will not be made or approved at less than the going market price, as nearly as it can be determined by reasonable effort within a reasonable time, taking in account packing, handling, and transportation costs. A list of such materials is being prepared by the Surplus War Property Administration and will be published in this Regulation when available. (2) Other property.—Sales of property other than crude or simple raw materials, may be made or ap- proved to any buyer at the best price obtainable in ex- cess of 75 per cent of (a) cost, estimated if not known or (b) the price which the buyer would have to pay for an equivalent quantity from a normal source of Supply, whichever is lower. (3) Sales of property, other than crude or simple raw materials, which cannot be disposed of within a reasonable time on the terms stated in subparagraph (2) above, may be made or approved at the best price ob- tainable to any buyer who will use or consume the property in the United States for manufacturing, con- struction, maintenance or repair purposes, and who will agree that if he does not use or consume it, he will not resell it at a profit. Written contracts of sale made un- der the authority of this subparagraph will contain such an agreement. Iſ 7-2071 General pricing regulations.—To the ex- tent authorized by the foregoing regulations of the Sur- plus War Property Administrator, termination inven- tories will be disposed of at fair and reasonable prices within the ceiling prices established by the Office of Price Administration and consistent with the expedi- tious disposal of property. In determining whether a price is fair and reasonable, the officer making or ap- proving the sale should consider all pertinent factors, including such of the following as he deems relevant in the particular case: (1) Physical condition of the property. (2) Obsolescence. (3) Freight necessary to be absorbed by purchaser to permit resale or use of the property, over amount which would be paid in normal com- mercial purchase. (4) Value of the property for a converted use. (5) Distributing commissions, handling charges, or profit allowances necessary to effect disposi- tion through dealers or distributors. (6) In case of sales to original suppliers, allow- ances to cover profit and cost of handling and resale. (7) Cost of storage and amount of depreciation or deterioration if property is not sold. (8) Market prices and price trends. (9) Volume of similar property offered at the time. (10) Effect of purchases from the Government upon prices which buyer must pay to other suppliers for the balance of his requirements. (11) Value of post-sale services or guarantees of- fered by commercial suppliers and not obtain- able from the Government. (12) Inventory hazards and carrying charges of the purchaser. - In determining whether to make or approve a sale, consideration will be given to the present value, resale value, and probable demand for the property in all the circumstances, rather than to cost. Officers making or approving sales must be realistic about values and should recognize that disposal prices will, in many in- stances, bear little if any relationship to cost to the Government. . Officers making and approving sales and Disposal Hoards will be supported by higher authority in the exercise of their honest judgment. Iſ 7-208T Review and approval of sales.—Sales made or approved under this section will be subject to prior review and approval by a Disposal Board estab- lished in accordance with paragraph 7-105 of this Regu- lation, in all cases where— (1) The cost (estimated if not known) of the prop- erty to be disposed of in the sale exceeds $100,- 000 and it is proposed to sell such property below such cost or estimated cost, less freight and handling charges. (2) The cost (estimated if not known) of the prop- erty to be disposed of in the sale exceeds $10,- 000 and it is proposed to sell at more than 25% below such cost, or estimated cost, less freight and handling charges. For the purposes of determining whether or not a sale shall be submitted for the review and approval of a Disposal Board, sales of a single item and simul- taneously negotiated sales of different items to a single buyer or of the same item to several buyers shall be considered as a single sale. Iſ 7-208.11 Sales and transfers which need not be reviewed.—The review and approval required by para- graph 7-208 applies only to sales of serviceable prop- erty. The following transfers and sales may be made or approved without review: (1) Sales made at specific prices established by, or with the approval of, the Surplus War Property Administrator; (2) Sales to a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contractor for the account of the Government: . QI 7-206.1 O 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 709 PR 7 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY (3) Sales of termination inventories to a Govern- ment agency; (4) Transfers between War Department com- ponents or to the Navy Department, the Civil Aeronautics Administration or other Government agency, whether or not the transfer of funds is required. (5) Transfers of surplus property to a Dis- posal Agency for purposes of disposal; (6) Sales of nonrepairable property or salvage under applicable War Department Regulations. Iſ 7-208.21 Review at chief of service level— Chiefs of technical services may require or permit review by Disposal Boards established in their offices pursuant to Paragraph 7-106 where the cost (esti- mated, if not known) of the property to be disposed of exceeds $500,000 and it is proposed to sell at more than 25% below such cost. Iſ 7-2091 Disposition of surplus-Any termina- tion inventory transferred to the Government or for which the Government assumes storage responsibility pursuant to Section VI-A of Procurement Regulation 15, which has not been disposed of under paragraph 7-202 at the time of such transfer or assumption of storage responsibility will be deemed surplus, and, with the exception of stockpile materials, will be promptly disposed of in accordance with Section VII of this Regulation. Iſ 7-2101 Action to be taken on stockpile mate- rials. - II 7-210.1] Report of stockpile materials.--When any of the materials listed in paragraphs 7-909 (herein referred to as “stockpile materials”) are included in termination inventories in quantities equal to or in excess of the “minimum quantities” therein indicated and are not disposed of prior to transfer to the Gov- ernment or assumption of storage responsibility by the Government, they will be reported to the chief of technical service having jurisdiction over the property, and held for disposition instructions. Such request for instructions will be made in triplicate by the field installation concerned on W.D., A.G.O. Form 257. A sample of this form, together with instructions for preparation, is set forth in paragraph 7–909.1. Copies of the form may be requisitioned from Adjutant Gen- eral's Depots. Iſ 7-210.2] Action by chief of service.—Upon re- ceipt of W.D., A.G.O. Form 257 covering any lot of stockpile materials, the chief of technical service con- cerned will take the following action: (1) Execute First Indorsement thereto and for- ward two copies to the Director, Production Divi- sion, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, who has been designated by the Under Secretary of War as the administrator of War Department stockpile materials, for disposition instructions. (2) If the Director, Production Division, issues instructions to hold the material for stockpile, the chief of technical service concerned will: (a) Arrange for permanent storage of the material; (b) Issue appropriate instructions to the field installation concerned to accomplish permanent storage; * (c) Advise the Director, Production Division, of the location and manner of storage; (d) Dispose of the material only upon spe- cific authorization of the Director, Production Division. (3) If the Director, Production Division, issues instructions not to hold the material for stockpile, the chief of technical service concerned will issue instructions to the field installation of origin to dispose of the material in accordance with Section VII. Iſ 7-210.3] Action to be expedited.—It is impera- tive that action under paragraphs 7-210.1 and 7-210.2 be expedited in all echelons in order that double han- dling of stockpile materials may be avoided. Iſ 7-211—ſ 7-2991 Reserved. SECTION III DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE PROSECUTION OF THE WAR Iſ 7-3001 Scope of Section.—This Section relates to the disposition of property for the purpose of en- abling it to be used directly in the prosecution of the war. Such disposition may be made of both military and non-military property, without regard to its serv- iceability or state of supply. The authority herein granted may be exercised without first obtaining from the Chief of Staff a certificate under the Act of June 28, 1940, Title I, Section 14-a (54 Stat. 681, 10 U.S.C. 1262a). The authority to dispose of property under this Section is subject to the provisions of Section VII which limit the disposition of property after reporting to a disposal agency as surplus. . Iſ 7-301] Sale to war contractors.—The chiefs of the technical services are authorized, when it is deter- mined by them that such action will facilitate the prosecution of the war, to make contracts by negotia- tion for the sale of, and to sell to manufacturers and suppliers having war contracts, including employees G| 7-301 710 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 and suppliers of war contractors, and to employees of the Government engaged in war production, any, ma- chine tool equipment, processing equipment, uniforms, safety clothing and equipment, plant protective cloth- ing and other special articles necessary to persons employed in or otherwise connected with war indus- tries or establishments, manufacturing aids, raw ma- terials, manufactured materials or other materials or facilities presently owned or hereafter acquired by the Government. Such sales shall, however, be made only for the purpose of facilitating the performance of such war contracts or war production. All such contracts will recite that they are entered into pur- Suant to the First War Powers Act and Executive Order No. 9001. II 7-301.11 Pricing policies.—Any sale made under paragraph 7-301 shall be made in compliance with the provisions of paragraphs 7-206 and 7-207. Iſ 7-301.21 Review of sale.—Any sale made under paragraph 7+301 shall be made in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 7-208. Iſ 7-3021 Sales to Red Cross and U.S.O.—The chiefs of the technical services are authorized to make contracts by negotiation and to sell to the Red Cross and the United Service Organization any military, subsistence, or other supplies or property which the chief of the technical service finds is needed by such institution in connection with its activities with the Army, provided that no such sale of military prop- erty will be made without the prior approval of the Commanding General, Army Service Forces (Stock Control Division), or in the case of the Army Air Forces property, the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, or his delegate or delegates. All such con- tracts will recite that they are entered into pursuant to the First War Powers Act and Executive Order No. 9001. . Iſ 7-3031 Other sales.—Sales for purposes directly related to the prosecution of the war, other than those authorized by paragraphs 7-301 and 7-302, may be made by the chiefs of the technical services provided that the approval of the Director, Readjustment Divi- Sion, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, is first obtained. Iſ 7-304 I Leases.—Under the First War Powers Act, 1941, and Executive Order No. 9001, and section 1. of the Act of July 2, 1940 (Public No. 703, 76th Con- gress) as continued in effect by section 13 of the Act of June 5, 1942 (Public No. 580, 77th Congress), the chiefs of the technical services are authorized, when it is determined by them that such action will facili- tate the prosecution of the war— (1) To include in supply contracts the Govern- ment-Owned Facilities article prescribed in para- graph 332, subject to the regulations set forth as Notes to paragraph 332 and to other applicable paragraphs of these Procurement Regulations (see Procurement Regulation 10 for approvals of higher authority which must be obtained in certain cases); (2) To enter into separate lease agreements (i.e., agreements not made part of supply con- tracts), as authorized by Procurement Regulation 10. If 7-3051 Leases under other statutes.—Authority for the execution of lease agreements may be found in certain statutes other than those mentioned in paragraph 7-304. See AR 850-30 for the terms of those statutes. Iſ 7-3061 Disposition by contractors.-The chiefs of the technical services are authorized, when it is determined by them that insertion of such provision will facilitate the prosecution of the war or is neces- sary to carry out the purposes specified in Section 1 of the Act of July 2, 1940 (Public Law 703, 76th Con- gress, 54 Stat. 712), to insert in cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts and subcontracts heretofore or hereafter executed, the clause set forth in paragraph 363, and any property may be disposed of by contractors pur- suant to such clause. Iſ 7-307. Transfer to other Federal agencies.— Any property not declared or deemed surplus, may upon the requisition of another Federal agency made pursuant to Section 7(a) of the Act of May 21, 1920 (41 Stat. 613) as amended by Section 601 of the Act , of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 417) and by the Act of June 20, 1942, (Public Law 670, 77th Congress, 56 Stat. 661, 31 U.S.C. 686), be transferred to such agency in ac- cordance with said Section, provided that military property will be transferred only with the approval or pursuant to regulations of the Cornmanding General, Army Service Forces (Stock Control Division), or, in the case of the Army Air Forces, the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, or his delegate or delegates. Iſ 7-308] Transfer to other War Department com- ponents.--Any property may, by direction of the chief of the technical service having control thereof, be transferred to another War Department component which has need of such property and makes request therefor, provided that military property will be trans- ferred only with the approval or pursuant to regula- tions of the Commanding General, Army Service Forces (Stock Control Division), or, in the case of military property of the Army Air Forces, the Com- manding General, Army Air Forces, or his delegate or delegates. Regulations prescribed by the Com- manding General, Army Service Forces, governing the transfer of military property of Army Service Forces between War Department components are set forth in ASF AG. Letter SPX 300.8 (13 November 1943) OB-P-SPDDP-ME-A, 18 November 1943, Sub- ject: Policy Governing Transfer of Military Property between Technical Services. Q 7-301 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 7II PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Iſ 7-309] Transfers to and from Navy.—Upon re- quest from the Navy, any property may be transferred to the Navy with the approval of the chief of the technical service concerned and any property re- quested by the chief of the technical service concerned may be accepted from the Navy. Such transfers of property to the Navy will be made only with the ap- proval or pursuant to regulations of the Commanding General, Army Service Forces (Stock Control Divi- sion), as to military property of Army Service Forces, and the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, or his delegate or delegates, as to military property of the Army Air Forces. II 7-310I Transfers to Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration.—Any property may, by direction of the chief of the technical service having control thereof, be loaned or transferred to the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics upon written request from him stating that the property will be used in carrying out the purposes of the Civilian Pilot Training Act of 1939 as amended (49 U.S.C. Sec. 756). Such transfers will be made only with the approval or pursuant to regula- tions of the Commanding General, Army Service Forces (Stock Control Division), as to military prop- erty of Army Service Forces, and the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, or his delegate or delegates, as to military property of the Army Air Forces. Iſ 7-311] Transfers with reimbursement.—Trans- fers of property under paragraph 7-307 will be effected with reimbursement pursuant to the statutes therein cited. Transfers of property permitted under para- graphs 7-308 and 7–309 will be effected with reimburse- ment of, or transfer or allotment of funds to, the transferor by the transferee, (1) where property is transferred to any War Department agency for use in connection with civil functions administered by the War Department, or, (2) in any case where the property is procured by the transferor for the transferee: (a) By assignment of sole purchase respon- sibility; (b) Under procurement pooling arrange- ments; (c) Under any arrangement for procure- ment by the transferor expressly upon the prior requisition of the transferee. Iſ 7-312I Transfers without reimbursement. — Transfers of property permitted under paragraphs 7-308 and 7-309 under circumstances other than those specified under paragraph 7–311, and transfers of property permitted under paragraph 7-310, will be effected without any reimbursement of, or transfer or allotment of funds to, the transferor by the transferee, for either the cost of the property or of packing, handling, or transportation. Iſ 7-313I Procedure for transfers without reim- bursement.—Cfficers authorized to transfer or direct the transfer of property without reimbursement under PR 7 paragraph 7-312 will prepare written orders, listing in detail the property to be transferred, copies of which will be furnished to the Accountable Property Officer and the receiving officers. Such orders will contain a request that the authority directing the transfer be advised of any discrepancies between the order and the property shipped or received. A copy of such orders will be used as a vaild debit or credit voucher to property accounts. It will not be necessary to list for fiscal or property accounting purposes dollar values of property transferred without reimbursement. II 7-314] Gifts and loans of drawings and other property.—(1) The chiefs of the technical services are authorized, without further approval, to give or lend drawings, manufacturing and other information and samples of supplies and equipment to be manufactured or furnished, to contractors and private firms which are or may likely be manufacturers or furnishers of supplies and equipment for the use of the War Depart- , ment under approved production plans. (2) Whenever they determine that such action will facilitate the prosecution of the war, the chiefs of technical services are authorized to give or lend, by appropriate written agreement reciting such determi- nation, to organizations engaged in experimental re- search, testing, or developing, such items and any other material, supplies or equipments for use in con- nection therewith, provided that if in the case of a gift the estimated value of the property in question exceeds $1,000; or, in the case of a loan, $50,000, the approval of the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, will first be obtained. (3) The Commanding General, Army Air Forces, whenever he determines that such action will facilitate the prosecution of the war, may authorize the transfer, loan, bailment or lease, by appropriate written agree- ment reciting such determination, of aircraft, aircraft engines, or aircraft equipment or materiel, without limitation as to the value thereof, to Army Air Forces contractors for the purpose of experimental research, testing or development, training of contractor's per- sonnel, or urgent transportation requirements of such contractors in connection with the performance of their war contracts. II 7-315I Exchange of property. — The chiefs of technical services are authorized to make any ex- changes of property which are authorized by the fol- lowing statutes: 39 Stat. 635, 10 U.S.C. 1271; 40 Stat. 43, 849, 10 U.S.C. 1272; 38 Stat. 1064, 10 U.S.C. 1273; 38 Stat. 1161, 41 U.S.C. 26; 50 Stat. 64, 5 U.S.C. 118d; 53 Stat. 739, 10 U.S.C. 1271(a); 44 Stat. 680, 10 U.S.C. 1209, 1210 Act of July 2, 1940, Public 703, 76th Con- gress, as extended by the Act of June 5, 1942, Public 580, 77th Congress; Section 203 of the Act approved June 26, 1943, Public Law No. 90, 78th Congress. Any other exchanges will be submitted for the approval of the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces. II 7-316—M 7-3991 Reserved. Q 7-399 712 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 SECTION IV DISPOSITION OF NON-REPAIRABLE PROPERTY Iſ 7-4001 Scope of Section.—This Section provides the authority and procedures for disposing of non- repairable property. It is of special importance in con- nection with the disposition of termination inventories as it covers the disposal of property classified as scrap. The memorandum of the Under Secretary of War set forth in paragraph 15-350.2 and the provisions of para- graph 15-855 state the policy of the War Department with respect to the scrapping of termination inventory. II 7-401] Non-military property other than cur- rent production scrap. — (1) Government-owned non- military property other than current production scrap may be classified as non-repairable by the submission of a list of the property involved to an authorized officer and the execution thereon by such officer of the following certificate: “It is my opinion that the property listed hereon is (include (1) or (2), whichever is appropriate) (1) used or damaged beyond economic repair (2) obsolete or so specialized in design or other- wise of such a nature that it has no reason- able use except as scrap and is therefore properly classified as non-repairable non-military property in accordance with the pro- visions of Procurement Regulation No. 7, and that its condition is not due to fault or neglect.” Where the property is new but nevertheless prop- erly classified as non-repairable, as will be the case with many obsolete items and items of work in process, the phrase following the last comma may be omitted. The certifying officer will inspect the property or require the submission of such statement of fact and report of inspection as he deems necessary as a basis for the execution of the certificate. (2) A copy of such list with the certificate will be furnished to the accountable property officer, and will operate as a credit voucher discharging accountability. (3) Property so certified, except property in the possession of a contractor which is to be disposed of under paragraph 7-403, will be turned over to a salvage officer with a copy of the list and certificate. (4) Non-repairable property in the possession of a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contractor may be either (a) sold to or by the contractor in accordance with the provi- sions of paragraph 7-403 below, or (b) turned over to a salvage officer for disposal. In either case the certifi- cate prescribed in sub-paragraph (1) above will not be required. In such cases, the credit voucher to the property account will consist of a copy of the list of property turned over to a salvage officer or approved by the contracting officer for sale by the contractor, supported by the contracting officer's written advice to the accountable property officer as prescribed in paragraph 1004 (a) of the War Department Industrial Property Accounting Manual, or, if there is no question as to the responsibility of the contractor for the condi- tion of the property, supported by written order of the contracting officer directing transfer to the salvage officer or approving the sale by the contractor. (5) Non-repairable Government-owned property in the possession of fixed price contractors may be disposed of in the same manner as non-repairable property in the possession of cost-plus-a-fixed-fee con- tractors under subparagraph (4), in all cases where application of the War Department Industrial Prop- erty Accounting Manual to property in the possession of fixed-price contractors has been authorized. Iſ 7-402I Current production scrap.–Current pro- duction scrap, which is industrial scrap resulting from the fabricating or processing of raw materials (such as chips, cuttings, borings, and short ends of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, clippings and cuttings from wool and cotton fabric, residues from chemicals and plastics, rubber and treated fabric offal, glass, paper and lumber offal, damaged and unsuitable packing materials and containers), other than that disposed of by a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contractor under contract provisions, will be turned over to a salvage officer, without the certification required under paragraph 7-401. Iſ 7-4031 Sale of non-repairable property by or to contractors.--Any non-military property in the posses- sion of a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contractor, which has been classified as non-repairable pursuant to paragraph 7-401 above, and any contractor-owned property in- cluded in termination inventory as to which a determi- nation to scrap has been made, may be sold by the con- tracting officer to the contractor, or retained or sold by the contractor with the approval of the contracting Officer. Iſ 7-4041 Military property, and non-military prop- erty not certified under paragraph 7-401. — Military property, and non-military property which cannot be certified under paragraph 7-401, may be classified as non-repairable and turned over to a salvage officer in accordance with the provisions of AR 35-6640, and War Department Circular No. 7, 1944. Iſ 7-4051. Designation of salvage officer. — Chiefs of technical services may designate the salvage officer to receive and dispose of non-repairable non-military property. Iſ 7-406.I Disposition by salvage officers. — All property turned over to a salvage officer in accordance with this Section will be disposed of in accordance with AR 700-25, TM 38-505, and any other applicable regu- lations. Q| 7-400 6–29-44 712-A PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Iſ 7-407I Special procedure.—Non-repairable prop- erty included in termination inventory may be disposed of by contracting officers under regulations prescribed by the chief of the technical service concerned, in lieu of being turned over to a salvage officer, provided the approval of the Director, Readjustment Division, Head- quarters, Army Service Forces, is first obtained. Iſ 7-4081 Review and approval of scrapping.—Gov- ernment-owned non-military property (other than that worn out through fair wear and tear) will not be cer- tified as non-repairable property under paragraph 7-401 of this Regulation, nor will a determination to scrap contractor-owned property included in termination in- ventory be made, without the prior review and approval of a local Disposal Board if the cost (estimated if not known) of the property covered by the certificate or determination exceeds $50,000. Property will not be subdivided for the purpose of avoiding this limitation. PR 7 II 7-4091 Review at chief of service level.-Dispos sal Boards established in the office of a chief of a tech- nical service pursuant to paragraph 7-106 may review certification of Government-owned non-repairable prop- erty under paragraph 7-401, or determination to scrap contractor-owned property included in termination inventory, where the cost of the property involved (es- timated if not known) exceeds $500,000. II 7-410T Pricing policies on sales of non-repairable property included in termination inventory.—The fol- lowing pricing policies prescribed by the Surplus War Property Administrator will apply to (1) the retention or sale by the contractor of non-repairable property in- cluded in termination inventory, and (2) the sale by contracting officers of such property when approval for such procedure has been obtained under paragraph 7–407. [The page following this is 713] Q 7-410 5–25-44 713 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Iſ 7-410.11 Where total amount in settlement is less less than $10,000.-Sales of any non-repairable property included in termination inventories, in any case where the entire amount involved in the contract set- tlement before disposal credits is less than $10,000, will be made or approved at the best price obtainable in the judgment of the officer approving the sale, or in the case of subcontracts as to which the power of approving the termination settlement has been delegated to a con- tractor of a higher tier, in the judgment of such con- tractor. II 7-410.21 Large termination inventories.—Sales of non-repairable property included in termination in- ventories where the entire amount involved in the con- tract settlement before disposal credits is $10,000 or more will be made in accordance with the following policies: (1) The officer making or approving the sale or his representative shall determine, as nearly as may be possible by reasonable effort within a reasonable time, the going price of the type of scrap in question by reference to published trade indicators or inquiry among Government agencies, dealers, or other in- formed sources, taking into account transportation PR 7 cost and sundry other charges. (2) If it is possible to realize this price without competitive bidding the contracting officer may ap- prove the sale. (3) If it is not possible to obtain this price the contracting officer will arrange for sale of the prop- erty after competitive bids, reserving the right to reject all bids if in his judgment an adequate price is not Offered. (4) All sales of scrap, whatever method of sale is adopted, shall be subject to the following war- ranty: “The purchaser represents and warrants to the United States that the property covered by this agreement was offered as scrap, purchased by him as scrap, and that he will sell or ship or use it as scrap either in its existing condition or after further preparation and only in conformity with all applicable regulations and orders of the Office of Price Administration and the War Production Board.” In the case of contractor sales, the phrase “to the United States” should be omitted. Iſ 7-411—ſ 7-4991 Reserved. SECTION V DISPOSITION OF SERVICEABLE MILITARY PROPERTY Iſ 7-500I Scope of Section.—This Section provides authority and procedures in addition to those in Sec- tions III and IV for the disposition of military property. In this connection, attention is called to the policy of the War Department requiring prompt disposition of excess property as stated in paragraph 7-103. Iſ 7-5011 Declaration of surplus.—The chiefs of the technical services are authorized to declare servicable military property surplus with the approval of, or sub- Ject to regulations prescribed by, the Commanding General, Army Service Forces (Requirements Division), or the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, or his delegate or delegates, as to property of the Army Air Forces, and to dispose of such property in the manner provided in this Section V notwithstanding the provi- sions of Section 14a, Chapter 440, of Title 1 of the Act of June 28, 1940 (54 Stat. 681, 10 U.S.C. 1262a). The regulations prescribed by the Commanding General, Army Service Forces, governing the declaration of mili- tary property as surplus are set forth in ASF Circu- lars Nos. 67 (Section I) and 101 (Section II), 1944. Iſ 7–502I Mutilation and disposition of certain mili- tary property that is unsuitable for civilian use.—Be- cause of their peculiarly military characteristics, cer- tain items such as lethal weapons, ammunition, certain aeronautical equipment, classified articles (see AR 380-5), and distinctive articles of the uniform, cannot be released for civilian use when they are declared sur- plus, but must be mutilated and scrapped, disarmed, stripped of their military characteristics, altered and declassified, or otherwise made suitable for non-mili- tary use before they are disposed of. When such items are declared surplus, the authority declaring them sur- plus will give specific directions for the mutilation, al- teration, disarming, stripping, cannibalization or other action to be accomplished before disposal; and will give further specific directions as follows: (1) If, in his judgment, the items, or the residue thereof, will have no reasonable use except as scrap after such mutilation, etc., he will direct that the items, or the residue thereof, be turned over to the local Salvage officer for disposal as scrap in accord- ance with applicable salvage regulations. (See AR 35-6520, Par. 5b. (5), for accounting procedure.) (2) If, in his judgment, the items or any part thereof will have value for civilian use after such mutilation, etc., he will direct that they be disposed of as surplus after the accomplishment of such mutila- tion, etc. "Iſ 7-503] Disposition of surplus.-Military property declared surplus and not directed to be disposed of as Scrap will be disposed of in accordance with Section VII. (See AR 35-6520, Par. 5b. (4) for accounting pro- cedure.) It 7-504—ſ 7-599]. Reserved Q 7-599 714. PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 SECTION VI DISPOSITION OF SERVICEABLE NON-MILITARY PROPERTY OTHER THAN TERMINATION INVENTORY Iſ 7-6001 Scope of Section.—This Section pro- vides authority and procedures for disposing of non- military property other than termination inventories, in addition to those set forth in Sections III and IV. In this connection attention is called to the policy of the' War Department set forth in paragraph 7-103 re- quiring constant and active review of non-military property on hand and in the process of manufacture and prompt disposition of excess property. Iſ 7-6011 Circularization.—When it has been de- termined that items of non-military property are not required for an immediately or definitely foreseeable need at the point of use, action will be immediately taken to redistribute such items within the technical service concerned or to return the property to a direct war use in accordance with Section III. When such items cannot be so redistributed promptly to fill known requirements or requirements that can be ascertained by informal inquiry (which should be localized and expedited to the greatest extent practicable), the cir- . cularization procedures established in this Section VI will be promptly instituted and vigorously pursued. It is intended that circularization will be effected con- temporaneously within the technical service of origin and among other technical services, to the fullest extent practicable. The chiefs of the technical services, will designate the offices within their respective serv- ices which will originate circularization lists and the intervals of time at which circularization lists will be originated. In no event will any item of production or utility equipment (see paragraph 7-601.1(1)) be with- held from circularization for a period in excess of 60 days after becomes idle, unless (1) it is comprised in a complete industrial installation that has been reported as excess under War Department Circular No. 8, 1944, (see paragraph 7-601.5) or that has been authorized to be held as standby, or (2) it has been placed on a Schedule of items authorized to be held as War Re- serve, or (3) the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, has been advised that the equipment is being withheld from circulariza- tion for a stated future use, or for other stated reasons. II 7-601.11 Circularization lists. – Circularization lists will be divided into Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part X. Property listed under the respective sub- divisions will be referred to as “part 1 property”, “part 2 property”, and so forth. (1) Part 1 will include all items of production equipment and utility equipment. (a) Production Equipment includes the following: Machine tools Metal working machinery Cleaning and spraying equipment Compressors and vacuum pumps Industrial pumps Industrial conveying machinery Engines and turbines, general purpose Heat exchangers Optical machinery Industrial cranes and hoists Thermal driers and dehydraters Fans, blowers and exhausters, industrial types Pressure and vacuum filters Pressure vessels (other than boilers) Electric motors, integral horsepower, and elec- tric motor controls Power conversion equipment Foundry equipment Heat treating equipment º Welding and cutting equipment, industrial types * - Crushing, pulverizing, screening and mixing equipment and machinery, industrial types Special industry machinery (specialized ma- chinery for food products, pulp and paper, printing trades, rubber working, petroleum, ceramics, glass, shoemaking, textile, tanning, pharmaceutical, chemical and other special industries) (b) Utility equipment includes major items of equipment used in the generating, processing, transmission or distribution of electricity, gas and water, and in the disposal of sewage. (2) Part 2 will include all construction equipment of a standard type not so restricted in design as to render it unsuitable for non-military use of a recurring nature. Such construction equipment includes, but is not limited to, drilling and boring equipment, earth and rock, including core drills, rock drills, churn drills, earth borers and horizontal augers; power cranes and shovels, drag lines, buckets, stiff-leg derricks, and dredges; Scrapers, maintainers, and graders; tractors, track-laying and wheel types; tractor-mounted con- struction equipment including angledozers, bulldozers, and power control units; winches and hoists, con- tractors elevating, road brooms, concrete buggies and carts, bins, centerline marking equipment, road discs, ditchers, aggregate dryers, joint and crack filling machinery, road forms, form tamping, machines, mud jacks, portable Snow loaders, tamping rollers, scari- fiers, concrete towers, contractors' crawler wagons, and similar equipment; construction material mixers, spreaders, pavers, surfacers, finishers, tampers, vi- brators, and related construction machinery; construc- tion material processing equipment, including asphalt plants and portable crushers. (3) Part 3 will include all items not included in \Parts 1, 2 or 4, which, in the judgment of the technical service concerned, have a reasonably foreseeable use q 7-600 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 715 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY for industrial or military purposes or for civilian Sup- ply and which cannot practicably and expeditiously be redistributed without wide circularization. (4) Part 4 will include controlled materials in the forms and shapes and in the minimum quantities set forth in paragraph 7-901. Part 4 will be subdivided into - Part 4A, consisting of steel; Part 4B, consisting of copper and copper base alloy; and Part 4C, consisting of aluminum Circularization lists of Part 4 property will be pre- pared substantially in the form set forth in paragraphs 7-901.1, 7-901.2 and 7-90.1.3. +. (5) Part X will include all items not included in Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. II 7-601.21 Description and coding—(1) Circular- 'ization lists will be on 8 x 10% paper and will contain the following information: (a) Name of issuing office together with the station identification number and appropriate letter symbol of the technical service concerned. (b) Serial number of list. Each issuing office will serially number each list circularized beginning with the number 1. (c) Date of circularization, which will be the date of transmittal required under paragraph 7- 601.3. (d) Serial number of items or lots. Items or lots will be serially numbered under each part of each list. (e) Description of items or lots. Descriptions will comprise such information as would be re- quired by the controlling technical service if it were procuring the property, including, when pertinent, name of manufacturer, manufacturer's catalog num- ber if available, identification numbers, location, age, condition, quantity and cost per unit if available. (f) Specific instructions by which an interested agency may be guided in negotiating sale or trans- fer of property reported. Names, mail and telephone addresses of officers authorized to carry on negotia- tions, may be either included in each list circularized or published in bulletin form by the technical service concerned to all recipients of the lists. (2) For the purpose of convenient abbreviation in communications regarding property circularized, items may be identified by code, which will include in se- quence, the station identification number and the letter symbol of the issuing office, serial number of list, part of list, serial number of item. For example a particular heat exchanger listed as the second item of Part 1 of the third list circularized by an office of Ordnance De- partment, having station identification number “12345” would be identified as “12345-Ord-3-1-2.” PR 7 Iſ 7-601.31 Transmittal of lists. – Circularization will be accómplished by transmitting copies of Circu- larization Lists as follows: (1) Parts 1 and 3 to the offices listed in para- graph 7–902. (2) Part 2 to the Redistribution and Salvage Officer, Office of the Chief of Engineers (3 copies) and to Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces (3 copies). (3) Part 4 to Readjustment Division, Head- quarters, Army Service Forces, (3 copies) and to the Regional Office of War Production Board for the region in which the property is located. The addresses of such Regional Offices and the terri- tories within their jurisdiction are set forth in para- graph 7–903. (4) Part X to Readjustment Division, Head- quarters, Army Service Forces, to procurement of- fices of other technical services at such levels and within such geographical areas as the technical Service concerned deems desirable, and to the Re- gional Office of War Production Board for the re- gion in which the property is located. (5) Transmittal of Circularization Lists to War Production Board is required for the sole purpose of advertising the availability of excess property to military agencies, war contractors and others to whom disposition is permitted under Section III of this Regulation. Such transmittal does not impose any restrictions upon the movement of the property included therein that are not otherwise imposed by applicable regulations of War Production Board, nor does it impose any obligation to sell or transfer to any prospective purchaser or transferee referred by the War Production Board to the War Depart- ment representative responsible for disposal or to accord them any favored treatment whatever. Iſ 7-601.4 Certain items as to which circulariza- tion may be limited or eliminated.—The following types of non-military property (in addition to termina- tion inventories) may be omitted from general cir- cularization lists: (1) Items that are peculiar to a technical serv- ice and which, in the judgment of the chief of the technical service concerned, have no value to other technical services or their contractors. Such items, when determined, by means of limited circulariza- tion or otherwise, to be excess to the technical service concerned, will be deemed surplus without further action and disposed of in accordance with Section VII. & (2) Single items or groups of items, where the cost, estimated if not known, of all substantially similar items in excess at any one time and at any one place does not exceed $100. Such items will be deemed surplus without further action and disposed of in accordance with paragraph 7-701. Q 7-601.4 716 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 II 7-601,5] Certain equipment not to be circular- ized without prior approval.—Part 1 property Com- prised in a complete industrial installation reported as excess under War Department Circular No. 8, 1944, will not be circularized under this Section VI unless such circularization has been approved or directed by the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces. II 7-601.61 Certain equipment that may be turned over to another technical service for redistribution.- Production equipment may be turned over to Ordnance Department, and utility equipment and construction equipment may be turned over to the Corps of En- gineers, when such equipment is determined, by means of limited circularization or otherwise, to be excess to the technical service concerned. The Chief of Ord- nance and the Chief of Engineers, respectively, will accept physical delivery, accountability and responsi- bility for utilization, storage as necessary, redistribu- tion and disposal of equipment so turned over. If gen- eral circularization under paragraph 7-601 has been initiated by the technical service of origin prior to turning over the property, the action required by this Section VI will be completed by the Chief of Ordnance or the Chief of Engineers, as the case may be. If general circularization under paragraph 7-601 has not been initiated by the technical service of origin prior to turning over the property, the action required by this Section VI will be promptly initiated by the Chief of Ordnance as to items turned over to Ordnance De- partment for which requirements cannot be promptly ascertained, and by the Chief of Engineers as to items turned over to the Corps of Engineers for which re- quirements cannot be promptly ascertained. The pro- cedure for turning over such equipment to Ordnance Department is set forth in Section VIII, ASF Circular No. 4, 1944, and to the Corps of Engineers in Section III, ASF Circular No. 28, 1944. - II 7-601.71 Circularization period.-The period of 60 days after transmittal of Circularization Lists is established as the circularization period for Part 1 property, and the period of 80 days after the trans- mittal of Circularization Lists is established as the circularization period for Parts 2, 3 and 4, and X property. II 7-6021 Disposition during circularization period. –Before the termination of the circularization period, the technical service concerned will determine what property included in Circularization Lists should be retained for present or definitely forseeable needs within such service for military or industrial purposes, or for authorized stockpile or War Reserve, and will withdraw such property from availability. Property which is not so withdrawn may be disposed of during the circularization period in accordance with the provisions of Section III of this Regulation. The Chief of Engineers is specifically charged with acquiring items of Part 2 property not withdrawn under the first sentence of this paragraph which are suitable for troop use or tactical operations. & II 7-603T Disposition after circularization period.- Upon the termination of the circularization period, non-military property which has not been withdrawn or disposed of under paragraph 7-602 will be deemed surplus, without further action, and, with the excep- tion of stockpile materials, will be promptly disposed of in accordance with Section VII. Iſ 7-603.1] Action to be taken on stockpile mate- rials.--Stockpile materials in excess of the minimum quantities indicated in paragraph 7-909 at any one location will be reported by the chief of technical service concerned to the Director, Production Divi- sion, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, for dispo- sition instructions. W.D., A.G.O. Form 257 will be used for this purpose. After reporting, the chief of technical service concerned will take action in accord- ance with the provision of paragraph 7-210.2. Iſ 7-604T Deviation from regulations in excep- tional cases.—When adherence to the regulations prescribed in this Section VI would impede the ex- peditious return of unneeded industrial property to use in the war effort, the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, is auth- orized to permit deviation therefrom with respect to the disposition of classes or particular items of in- dustrial property. Applications under this paragraph will include the following: (1) A description of the class of items, or in the case of particular items, a reference to the list in which the items have been listed, or a description of the items in accordance with paragraph 7-601.2 (1) (e) if they have not been listed. (2) A statement of the circumstances indicating the desirability of deviation from the procedures established in this Section VI. If 7-6051. Non-military property peculiar to Army Air Forces.—This Section VI does not apply to non- military property peculiar to aircraft production to the extent that any of the provisions hereof may be inconsistent with procedures established for the redis- tribution of such property by or under the direction of the Aircraft Resources Control Office of the Air- craft Production Board or the Surplus War Property Administration. Iſ 7-606—M 7-6991 Reserved. 7-601.5 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 717 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 SECTION VII DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Iſ 7-700I General.-Under its Regulation No. 1, effective 15 May 1944, the Surplus War Property Administration has assigned responsibility for disposal of surplus property among Disposal Agencies as indi- cated in paragraph 7-904 and has established procedures for reporting surplus property to these Disposal Agen- cies. When property has been determined to be surplus under the procedures established under Sections II, V and VI of this Regulation, action will be promptly taken to dispose of nominal quantities of property in accord- ance with paragraph 7-701 and to report the remain- ing surplus property to the appropriate Disposal Agencies in accordance with paragraph 7-702. II 7-701] Disposal of nominal quantities.—Single items or groups of items of surplus property, where ‘the cost, estimated if not known, of all substantially similar items in surplus at any one time and at any one place does not exceed $100, will be turned over to the local salvage officer (or to the contracting officer, where there is no local salvage officer) for sale. Sales of such property by the local salvage officer will be made in accordance with regulations applicable to the sale of salvage, except that all documents relating to such sales will be clearly marked to indicate sale of surplus property. Sales of such property by the contracting officer will be made in accordance with regulations prescribed by the chief of the technical service concerned. Iſ 7-702I Reporting to Disposing Agency.—Sur- plus property other than that required to be disposed of under paragraph 7-701 will be promptly reported to Disposal Agencies as follows: Iſ 7-702.1] Ships, small watercraft and related property.—Surplus ships of commercial design or sus- ceptible to commercial use will be reported to the United States Maritime Commission, Attention: Cap- tain R. J. Moran, Director, Division of Small Vessel Procurement, Washington 25, D.C. Before reporting, detailed instructions as to descriptive matter and other information to be supplied will be obtained from that office. Small watercraft and other property as- signed to the Maritime Commission as set forth in paragraph 7-904 will be reported to the United States Maritime Commission, Attention: Mr. E. W. Gorman, Assistant to the Director of the Procurement Division, Washington 25, D.C. Iſ 7-702.21 Aircraft and related property.—Sur- plus aircraft and gliders, aircraft engines, propellers, and spare parts, Special components, and subassem- blies of aircraft and gliders, will be reported to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Attention: Sur- plus Property Director, Washington 25, D.C. Iſ 7-702.31 Food and related property.—Surplus food and related property assigned to War Food Ad- ministration as set forth in paragraph 7–904 will be reported to the Regional Office of the War Food Ad- ministration for the region in which the property is located. The addresses of the Regional Offices of the War Food Administration and the territories within their jurisdiction are set forth in paragraph 7-906. Iſ 7-702.41 Military property other than aircraft, food and ships.-Military property other than aircraft, food and commercial ships will be reported to Recon- struction Finance Corporation or Procurement Divi- Sion, Treasury Department, in accordance with the assignments set forth in paragraph 7–904. By far the greater part of such property will consist of items of the type assigned to Procurement Division, Treasury Department for disposal. Where it is considered im- practicable to segregate items of military property as- signed to Reconstruction Finance Corporation, they may be included in reports to the Procurement Divi- Sion, Treasury Department. Reports will be made to the Regional Office of the appropriate Disposal Agency for the region in which the property is located. The addresses of the Regional Offices of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Procurement Division, Treasury Department, respec- tively, and the territories within their jurisdiction, are set forth in paragraphs 7-907 and 7–908. Surplus military property under the jurisdiction of technical services of Army Service Forces (see ASF Circular No. 67, Section I, 1944) which is in stock at depots and at installations below depot level will be reported by the depot. Installations below depot level will furnish the appropriate depot with information necessary for the reporting of surplus property in stock below depot level. Surplus military property un- der the jurisdiction of commanding generals of Army Service Forces service commands (see ASF Circular No. 101, Section II, 1944) will be reported by the serv- ice commander. Iſ 7-702.5I Non-military property other than ter- mination inventories—(1) Part 1 property—Produc- tion and utility equipment.—Surplus Part 1 property will be reported to the Reconstruction Finance Corpo- ration, Attention: George F. Buskie, 811 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington 25, D.C. As an interim procedure, reports of surplus Part 1 property will be submitted through Readjustment Division, Headquar- ters, Army Service Forces. Three copies will be trans- mitted to Readjustment Division, two of which will be forwarded to the Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion, and one retained for information purposes. (2) Part 2 Property—Construction equipment.— Surplus Part 2 property will be reported to the Re- Q 7-702.5 718 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 gional Office of the Procurement Division, Treasury Department, for the region in which the property is located. (3) Part 4 Property—Controlled materials.-Sur- plus Part 4 property will be reported to the Regional Office of Reconstruction Finance Corporation for the region in which the property is located. (4) Part 3 and X property.—Surplus Part 3 and X property other than aircraft, food and commercial ships, will be reported to Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration or Procurement Division, Treasury Depart- iment in accordance with the assignments set forth in paragraph 7-904. Reports will be transmitted to the Regional Office of the appropriate Disposal Agency for the region in which the property is located. The assignments of those items likely to be included in Parts 3 and X are as follows: - Procurement Division, Treasury Department. Paper and paper products Cotton, wool and linen basic textiles, and fabricated textile products Basic metal products as follows: Barbed and twisted wire Woven wire and chain link fencing and fence posts Insect screening Wire springs Wire hoops Chain and attachments Nails, tacks and staples Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, washers, turnbuckles, eyelets and grommets Strapping Builders basic hardware and casket, furniture, and trunk and luggage hardware Glass, pottery and ceramic basic materials and products Rubber fabricated materials and products Containers, closures and packing materials Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, stackers and accessories Agricultural machinery and implements Motor vehicles, engines, parts, components, assem- blies and accessories Plumbing and heating materials and equipment Commercial and household electric appliances, lamps and dry cell and storage batteries Commercial and domestic air-conditioning and re- frigerating equipment Hand tools and mechanics measuring tools Office machines, typewriters, cash registers, calcu- lating and computing scales Furniture and fixtures Professional and scientific instruments and appa- ratus Apparel and footwear Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Leather, and boot and shoe cut stock and findings Lumber, veneer, plywood and millwork Petroleum and petroleum products Chemicals Paints, varnishes, lacquers, japans, thinners, pig- ments, driers, fillers and related products Ferro and nonferrous additive alloys Nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper and copper-base alloy) Fabricated structural iron and steel and architec- tural metal work - Power boilers Storage tanks Insulated wire and cable • Basic non-metallic structural products Abrasives Asbestos basic products Graphite and carbon basic products Refractories Mechanical power-transmission equipment and bear- ings Electric motors, fractional horsepower Electrical building supplies Communication equipment Railroad transportation equipment • Indicating, recording and controlling instruments Iſ 7-702.6] Termination inventory. — Surplus ter- mination inventory will be reported to the Regional Office of Reconstruction Finance Corporation for the region in which the property is located. Iſ 7-7031 Report forms. – All reports of surplus property to Disposal Agencies will be made on Forms SWPA-1 and SWPA-1(A). Copies of these forms, to- gether with instructions for preparation, are set forth in paragraph 7–905. These forms will be available in Adjutant General's Depots after 1 July 1944. Optional use of Treasury Department Form 812 is permitted on reports to Procurement Division, Treasury Depart- ment, until Forms SWPA-1 and SWPA-1(A) are available. Iſ 7-704T Transmittal of reports.-Reports of sur- plus property will be transmitted to Procurement Di- vision, Treasury Department, in triplicate and to other Disposal Agencies in duplicate, with information copy to the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces. Iſ 7-705I Action after reporting.—After the prop- erty has been reported to a Disposal Agency, the field installation concerned will hold the property subject to disposition instructions from the Disposal Agency. Iſ 7-706] Withdrawal for further use.—Property which has been reported to a Disposal Agency may be withdrawn for further use by the technical service of origin or for transfer to another component of the War Department, with the consent of the Disposal Agency to which the property was reported. Immedi- ately upon the withdrawal of property under this para- graph, a withdrawal report will be transmitted to the Q 7-702.5 6–29-44 718-A PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Disposal Agency to which the property was originally reported as surplus. Withdrawal reports will be pre- pared and transmitted in the same manner as surplus reports, except that the word “withdrawal” will be entered conspicuously at the top right hand margin of the report form. II 7-707I Disposal by Disposal Agency.—The Dis- posal Agencies will dispose of all property reported as surplus that is not withdrawn under paragraph 7-706 PR 7 (except as provided in paragraph 7-710). Disposal may be effected directly from War Department stor- age or after removal to storage facilities of the Dis- posal Agencies. All echelons will extend the fullest cooperation to the Disposal Agencies in this connec- tion. Liaison will be promptly established between field establishments handling surplus property and the field agencies of the Disposal Agencies. Provisions will be made for furnishing additional information to [The page following this is 719] Q 7–707 5–25-44 719 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Disposal Agencies and exhibiting the property to the fullest extent practicable upon request of a Disposal Agency. II 7-708I Shipment after disposal.—When prop- erty has been disposed of by a Disposal Agency, or when the Disposal Agency takes custody of the prop- erty prior to disposal, the Disposal Agency will issue appropriate shipping instructions to the office desig- nated in the surplus report as the “shipping office”. The War Department is not required to, and should not, repair, reuondition or reprocess surplus property, nor assume the expense of transportation, although the use of War Department transportation facilities in moving surplus property into storage facilities of a Disposal Agency is authorized when the convenience of the War Department will be served thereby and when the use of such transportation facilities will not interfere with the normal military functions of the installation concerned. Although the Disposal Agency, or the consignee to whom delivery is directed, will ordinarily bear the expenses of preparation for shipment, the field installation concerned may prepare the property for shipment without reimbursement, if it so desires. When requested by the Disposal Agency, copies of bills of lading or other shipping documents and advice as to date of shipment will be furnished the Disposal Agency. Iſ 7-709] Fiscal procedures.—The War Depart- ment will not be reimbursed for surplus property de- PR 7 livered to or upon the direction of a Disposal Agency. A copy of the shipping document, together with a copy of the shipping instructions received from the Disposal Agency will constitute a valid credit voucher to property accounts. Iſ 7-710I Clearance for sale by War Department. —When special circumstances, such as danger of de- terioration or sanitary or other hazard, or urgent re- quirement for storage space for military supplies, make immediate sale by the War Department desir- able, application may be made to the appropriate Dis- posal Agency for clearance of the property for direct sale by the War Department. Such applications will only be made through or with the approval of the Director, Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces. Iſ 7-710.11 Sale after clearance.—Property which a Disposal Agency has cleared for sale may be sold by negotiated sale. The chief of the technical service obtaining clearance may direct that the property be sold by a particular officer, or that it be sold in a particular manner. In the absence of such directions, sales will be made by the local salvage officer in ac- cordance with regulations applicable to the sale of salvage, except that all documents relating to such sales will be clearly marked to indicate sale of surplus property. II 7-711—ſ 7-900]. Reserved. APPENDIX II 7-9011 Items to be included in lists of Part 4 property. Minimum quantity per Forms and Shapes item of a single size and grade Part 4A–CARBON AND ALLOY STEEL: Carbon Steel: Bars, cold finished ~ Bars, hot rolled Ingots, billets, blooms, slabs, tube rounds, skelp and sheet and tin bar Pipe (new only) Plates Sheets and strip 2000 pounds Structural shapes and piling f Tin plate, terne plate, and tin mill black plate Wire rods, wire .0475 inch diameter and up, and other wire products Tubing, 1% inch diameter and up (new only) J Minimum quantity per Forms and Shapes item of a single size and grade Tubing under 1% inch diam- eter (new only) 1000 feet Wire under.0475 inch diameter 500 pounds All tool steel 100 pounds Alloy Steel: Bars, cold finished • Bars, hot rolled Ingots, billets, blooms, slabs, tube rounds, sheet bar Pipe (new only) Plates and structural shapes Sheets and strip * Wire rods, wire .0475 inch diameter and up, and other F 2000 pounds wire products - 2000 pounds Tubing 1% inch diameter and up Tubing under 1% inch diam- eter 1000 feet Wire under.0475 inch diameter All stainless steel } 500 pounds All tool steel 100 pounds Q 7-901 720 PR 7 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY - O Minimum - Minimum quantity per quantity per Forms and Shapes item of a Forms and Shapes item. of a single size single 8ize and grade and grade Part 4.B—COPPER AND COPPER Part 4C-ALUMINUM BASE ALLOY: * Rod, bar, wire and cable l Brass Mill Copper Base Alloy - Forgings, pressings and im- Products: pact extrusions Sheet and strip ~ 3. lled xtruded 300 nds e e º apes, rolled or e e pou * . º Wire ºº: Sheet, strip, plate and foil ex ruded Shapes, not linclud- Tubing ing slugs) . Ingot and powder Tubing and Pipe Rivets Brass Mill Copper Products: Note: Smaller quantities than those above listed, Plate, sheets and strip - but not less than the following, may be included in Rods, bars and extruded shapes Part 4, if desired by the Technical Service con- (excluding wire bars and in-} 500 pounds cerned: e gots bars) Carbon Steel: Tube and pipe Structural and plates wo 500 pounds * Bar, sheet and strip, pipe and Wire Mill Copper Products: tube, and wire 100 pounds Wire and cable (including in- Tool steel 25 pounds sulated wire and cable) 4%. §: 25 d OOI SLee OUII)018 Foundry Copper and Copper Base All other 100 j Alloy Products: Copper and Copper Base Alloy 100 pounds Castings 2 Aluminum 100 pounds Iſ 7-901.11 Form of Circularization List for Part 4A property.— REPORT OF EXCESS STEEL PART 4A LIST NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE. . . . . . . . . . REPORTING STATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE TRANSMITTED TO WPB. . . . . . . . . . . STATION NO. . . . . . . . . . . ADDRESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REPORTED TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Regional Office, WPB) • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = e º e o 'º e s tº a tº e º e o a e º e º e º a e e s s e LOCATION OF PROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (On additional pages show Part 4A, list number and page number only) TOTAL LENGTH (L) FORM AISE, ME, PHYSICAL CLEAN CODE MO. WEIGHT 0R AND SAE, WD, FINISL. PROPERTIES 0R (l) PIECES (lbs.) SIZE COIL (C) SHAPE OR BRAND (2) (3) RUSTY (1) Show station, service, list and part code at top of column (e.g. 123-Ord-4A-12-), followed by item numbers only. (2) (3) Use Symbols: CDG&P-Cold Drawn Ground, Polished (2); HRA&P-Hot Rolled Annealed, Pickled (2); HRT&P- Hot Rolled Turned, Polished (2); HR-Hot Rolled (2); HRA- Hot Rolled Annealed (2); CR-Cold Rolled (2); CD-Cold Drawn (2); FQ-Forging Quality (3); HT-Heat Treated (8). Q 7-901 5–25-44 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY 721 PR 7 Iſ 7-901.2] Form of Circularization List for Part 4B property.— REPORT OF EXCESS COPPER AND COPPER BASE ALLOY LIST NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE. . . . . . . . . . PART 4B DATE TRANSMITTED TO WPB. . . . . . . . . . . REPORTING STATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REPORTED TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATION NO. . . . . . . . . . . ADDRESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Regional Otºce, WPB) e e º e º e s e e s is a tº e s a s e e ºs e e s is e s tº e º a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s LOCATION OF PROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFICER IN CHARGE OF DISPOSITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (On additional pages show Part 4B, list number and page number only) TTE TOTAL LGTH (L) ORIGINAL CODE JO. AMD WEIGHT 0R MANUFAC- (l) SPECIFICATION PIECES (lbs.) SIZE COIL (C) FORM TEMPER TUREW | | (1) Show station, service, list and part code at top of column (e.g. 123-Ord-4B-12-), followed by item number only. Iſ 7-901.3] Form of Circularization List for Part 4C property.— REPORT OF EXCESS ALUMINUM PART 4C REPORTING STATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATION NO. . . . . . . . . . . & © tº e o e º 'º - E tº º ºs e º & © º ºs º ºs e º ſº º e º ºs e º e º ºr e º º e º 'º e º 'º º º tº e º 'º º e º ſº º (On additional pages show Part 4C, e tº e º 'º º LIST NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE. . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º a me DATE TRANSMITTED TO WPB . . . . . . . . . . . REPORTED TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Regional Office, WPB) LOCATION OF PROPERTY s • e º e º e e s a e e º e º 'º e º e s e e s tº e º e s e º e s e º . . a * * * * * * * * g g º ºs e º 'º e list number and page number only) * -- *-** -- * * *-- TTOTAL DTTENSIONS AND/OR ORIGINAL CODE |0. ALLOY & WEIGHT STANDARD EXTRU- FORM & MANUFAC- (1) TEMPER PIECES (lbs.) SION DIE NO. SHAPE SPECIFICATION TURER (1) Show station, service, list and part code at top of II 7-902. Offices to receive Part 1 and S circulari- ration lists.- Number of copies Readjustment Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forces The Pentagon, Washington 25, D. C. 2 Office of the Chief of Ordnance Redistribution and Salvage Officer Office of the Chief of Ordnance Room 2-E-424, The Pentagon Washington 25, D. C. 3 Birmingham Ordnance District 700 Frank Nelson Building Birmingham 1, Alabama 1 Boston Ordnance District Room 1501–1516 Federal Street Boston 10, Massachusetts 1 column (e.g. 123-ord-4C-12-), followed by item numbers only. Number of copies Chicago Ordnance District 38 South Dearborn Street Chicago 3, Illinois 1 Cincinnati Ordnance District The Big Four Building Cincinnati 1, Ohio 1 Cleveland Ordnance District 1006 Terminal Tower Building Cleveland 13, Ohio 1. Detroit Ordnance District 1832 National Bank Blog., Detroit 32, Michigan 1 New York Ordnance District Room 1815, 80 Broadway New York 5, New York 1 Q 7-902 722 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Philadelphia Ordnance District 150 South Broad Street Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Ordnance District 1202 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Pittsburgh 19, Pennsylvania Rochester Ordnance District 1238 Mercantile Building Rochester, New York San Francisco Ordnance District 402 Empire Hotel San Francisco, California St. Louis Ordnance District 3663 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis 8, Missouri Springfield Ordnance District 85 State Street Springfield 3, Massachusetts Commanding Officer Frankford Arsenal Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania Commanding Officer Picatinny Arsenal Dover, New Jersey Commanding Officer Redstone Arsenal Huntsville, Alabama Commanding General Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, Illinois Commanding Officer Springfield Armory Springfield 1, Massachusetts Commanding Officer Watertown Arsenal Watertown, Massachusetts Commanding General Watervliet Arsenal Watervliet, New Jersey Tank Automotive Center Union Guardian Building Detroit 32, Michigan Field Director of Ammunition Plants 3637 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis 8, Missouri Small Arms Ammunition Sub-Office N. Y. Ayer Bldg. West Washington Square Philadelphia 6, Pennsylvania Office of the Chief of Engineers Redistribution and Salvage Officer Office of the Chief of Engineers Room 6257 New War Bldg. 21st and Virginia Avenue, N.W. Washington 25, D. C. Number of copies Number of copies Division Engineer Great Lakes Division 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago 6, Illinois 1 Division Engineer Lower Mississippi Valley Division P.O. BOX 80 Vicksburg, Mississippi 1 Division Engineer Middle Atlantic Division Room 909, 101 East Fayette Street Baltimore 2, Maryland 1 Division Engineer Missouri River Division Farm Credit Building 19th and Douglas Omaha 1, Nebraska 1 Division Engineer New England Division 75 Federal Street Boston 10, Massachusetts 1 Division Engineer North Atlantic Division 21st Floor, 270 Broadway New York 7, New York 1 Division Engineer Northwest Division 114, #12 128th Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 1 Division Engineer Ohio River Division 1120 Huntington Bank Bldg. Columbus 16, Ohio 1 Division Engineer Pacific Division 222 South West Temple Street Salt Lake City 1, Utah 1 Division Engineer South Atlantic Division 50 Whitehall Street Atlanta 2, Georgia - 1 Division Engineer Southwestern Division Santa Fe Building 1114 Commerce Street Dallas 2, Texas 1 Division Engineer Upper Mississippi Valley Division Syndicate Trust Bldg. 915 Olive Street St. Louis 1, Missouri 1 Area Engineer P.O. Box 1111 Clinton, Tennessee 1 6–29-44 [5–25-44] 723 pH 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Number of Copies Area Engineer P.O. Box 265 Church Street New York, New York 1 Area Engineer P.O. Box 1712 Wilmington, Delaware 1 Area Engineer P.O. Box 2277 - Boston, Massachusetts 1 Area Engineer P.O. Box 550 Pasco, Washington 1 Office of the Chief of Chemical Warfare Service Redistribution and Salvage Officer Office of the Chief of Chemical Warfare Service Room 2207, Building T-7, Annex 1 Gravelly Point, Virginia 2 Commanding General Edgewood Arsenal Edgewood, Maryland l Commanding General Pine Bluff Arsenal Pine Bluff, Arkansas 1. Commanding General - Rocky Mountain Arsenal 4th Floor, Cooper Building 17th and Curtis Streets Denver 2, Colorado 1 Commanding Officer Huntsville Arsenal Huntsville, Alabama 1 Commanding Officer Boston CW Procurement District Room 500, 75 Federal Street Boston 10, Massachusetts l Commanding Officer Chicago CW Procurement District Room 1506, Civil Opera Building 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 1 Commanding Officer Dallas CW Procurement District Mercantile Bank Building 106 Ervay Street Dallas 1, Texas 1 Commanding Officer Pittsburgh CW Procurement District American Bank Building Sixth Avenue and Grant Street Pittsburgh 19, Pennsylvania 1. Commanding Officer New York CW Procurement District 292 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y. l PR 7 Number of Copies Commanding Officer San Francisco CW Procurement District Room 201, 1355 Market Street San Francisco, California 1 Deputy Commanding Officer Atlanta Sub-Office Dallas CW Procurement District 430 West Peachtree Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 1 Office of the Chief of Transportation Redistribution and Salvage Officer, Office of the Chief of Transportation Room 4 D 727, The Pentagon Washington 25, D.C. 2 Commanding Officer, Voorheesville Holding & Reconsignment Point Vooorheesville 2, New York Attn.: Transportation Corps Supply Officer 1 Commanding Officer, Marietta Holding & Reconsignment Point Marietta 2, Pennsylvania Attn.: Transportation Corps Supply Officer .1 Commanding Officer, Montgomery Holding & Reconsignment Point Montgomery 4, Alabama Attn.: Transportation Corps Supply Officer 1 Coommanding Officer, Lathrop Holding & Reconsignment Point Lathrop 9, California Attn.: Transportation Corps Supply Officer 1 Redistribution & Salvage Officer, Field Service Group, TC Procurement Division 6th and Sycamore Sts. Cincinnati 5, Ohio 2 Commanding General, Boston Port of Embarkation Army Base Boston 10, Mass. 1 Commanding General, Charleston Port of Embarkation Army Base, North Charleston, So. Carolina 1 Commanding General, Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation Post Office Building Newport News, Virginia 1 Commanding General, Los Angeles Port of Embarkation Wilmington, California 1 Commanding General, New Orleans Port of Embarkation Poland and Dauphine Sts. New Orleans 12, Louisiana 1 Commanding General, New York Port of Embarkation 1st Avenue & 58th Street Brooklyn, New York 1 Q 7-902 724, PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Number of Copies Commanding General, San Francisco Port of Embarkation Fort Mason, California Commanding General, Seattle Port of Embarkation 1519 South Alaskan Way Seattle 4, Washington Office of the Chief Signal Officer Director, Requirements Division Procurement & Distribution Service Office of the Chief Signal Officer Washington 25, D.C. Attn.: Equipment Branch Commanding Officer, Storage and Issue Agency 128 N. Broad Street Philadelphia 2, Penna. Attn.: Redistribution & Salvage Officer Officer in Charge, Plant Engineering Agency, SPSLP-82 Architects Building 17th and Sanson Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. Commanding Officer, Philadelphia Sig. C. Procurement District 128 North Broad Street Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania Attn.: Production Division Commanding Officer, Monmouth Sig. C. Procurement District Bradley Beach, New Jersey Attn.: Production Staff Commanding Officer, Dayton Sig. C. Procurement District 225 South Main Street Dayton, Ohio Attn.: Production Staff Officer in Charge, Los Angeles Signal Corps Production Field Office Rm. 1009, Pacific National Bldg. 315 West Ninth Street Los Angeles 15, California Officer in Charge, s New York Signal Corps Production Field Office 165 Broadway New York 6, New York Officer in Charge, Philadelphia Signal Corps Production Field Office 117 South 17th Street Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania Number of copies Officer in Charge, Chicago Signal Corps Production Field Office 1 North LaSalle Street Chicago 2, Illinois 1 Commanding General, Eastern Signal Corps Training Center Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 1 Commandant, Southern Signal Corps School Camp Murphy, Florida 1 Commanding Officer, Holabird Signal Depot Baltimore, Maryland Attn.: Training Branch 1 Commanding Officer, Signal Corps Aircraft Signal Agency Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio Attn.: Redistribution & Salvage Officer 1 Commandant, - Western Signal Corps Training Center Camp Kohler, California - Commanding * Officer, Dayton Signal Corps Supply Agency 225 South Main Street Dayton 2, Ohio Attn.: Redistribution and Salvage Officer 1 Commanding Officer, Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency Shark River Hotel Bradley Beach, New Jersey Attn.: Redistribution and Salvage Officer 1. Officer in Charge, Signal Corps Ground Signal Maintenance Br. Architects Building 17th and Sansom Streets Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania 1. Office of the Quartermaster General Redistribution and Salvage Officer Office of the Quartermaster General Room 1049 Temporary A Building 2nd and T streets, S.W. Washington 25, D.C. T Office of the Surgeon General Redistribution and Salvage Officer Army Medical Purchasing Office 52 Broadway, New York 4, New York 1 Army Air Forces Redistribution and Salvage Officer Office, Asst. Chief of Air Staff, M.M. & D. Army Air Forces Room 5-C-867, The Pentagon Washington 25, D.C. 1 Redistribution and Salvage Officer Materiel Command Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio 8 Q 7-902 6–29-44 [5–25-44] 725 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Number of Copies District Supervisor Eastern Procurement District Attention: Redistribution & Salvage Officer 67 Broad Street New York, New York 1 District Supervisor Central Procurement District Attention: Redistribution & Salvage Officer 8505 West Warren Avenue Detroit, Michigan 1 District Supervisor Midwestern Procurement District Attention: Redistribution & Salvage Officer Municipal Airport P. O. Box 117 Wichita, Kansas 1 District Supervisor Western Procurement District Attention: Redistribution & Salvage Officer 3636 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, California 1 District Supervisor Midcentral Procurement District Attention: Redistribution & Salvage Officer 111 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois 1 District Supervisor Southeastern Procurement District Attention: Redistribution & Salvage Officer 86 Edgewood Avenue, N. E., Atlanta, Ga. 1 Redistribution and Salvage Officer Air Service Command Patterson Field Fairfield, Ohio 11 Navy Department Chief of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Navy Department, Attention: S.P.D.-17 Washington 25, D.C. 20 War Production Board Redistribution Division War Production Board New Municipal Building 3rd and Indiana Avenue, N.W. Washington 25, D.C. 10 Iſ 7-903] Regional Offices of War Production Board.— Region I Regional Office Madne Regional Manager New Hampshire Redistribution Division Vermont War Production Board Massachusetts 17 Court Street Connecticut Boston, Massachusetts Rhode Island Region II New York Northern New Jersey (Sussex, Passaic, Bergen, Warren, Morris, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Som- erset, Union, Middlesex and Monmouth counties) Region III Maryland Virginia Delaware Eastern Pennsylvania (Ti- oga, Bradford, Susquehan- na, Wayne, Lycoming, Sul- livan, Wyom in g, Pike, Union, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Lu- zerne, Lackawanna, Mon- roe, Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Snyder, Cumber 1 and, Adams, Dauphin, Schuyl- kill, York, Lebanon, Lan- caster, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, C he ster, Delaware, Montgomery and Bucks counties) Southern New Jersey (Mercer, Ocean, Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, At- lantic, Salem, Cumberland and Cape May counties) Region IV Tennessee North Carolina Mississippi Alabama Georgia South Carolina Florida Region V Kentucky West Virginia Ohio (excepu Lucas coun- ty) Western Pennsylvania (Erie, Crawford, Warren, McKean, Potter, Mercer, Venango, Forest, Xk, Cameron, Clinton, Law- rence, Butler, Clarion, Armstrong, Jefferson, In- diana, Clearfield, Centre, Beaver, Allegheny, West- moreland, Cambria, Blair, Huntington, Washington, Greene, Fayette, Somerset, B e d for d, Fulton and Franklin counties) PR 7 Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board Empire State Building New York City Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board 1617 Pennsylvania Blvd. Philadelphia, Pa. Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board Candler Building Atlanta, Georgia Regional Manager Facilitica Department War Production Board Union Commerce Bldg. Cleveland, Ohie Q 7-903 726 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Region VI Indiana Illinois Iowa Wisconsin Upper Peninsula of Michi- gan (Gogebic, Ontonagon, Hough to n, Keweenaw, Baraga, Iron, Marquette, Dick in son, Menominee, Delta, Alger and School- craft counties only) Region VII Arkansas MissOuri Kansas Nebraska Region VIII Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Region IX Wyoming Utah Colorado New Mexico Region X California Nevada Arizona Idaho (south of Salmon River) Begion XI Upper Peninsula ef Michi- gan (Luce, Chippewa and Mackinac counties only) and all Michigan counties not listed under Region VI Ohio (Lucas county only) Regiona. Office Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board 226 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Illinois Regional Manager Facilities Department War Production Board Mutual Interstate Bldg. Kansas City, Missouri Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board 1131 Mercantile Bldg. Dallas 2, Texas Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board 621 Continental Oil Bldg. Denver, Colorado Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board 1355 Market Street San Francisco, California Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board 7310 Woodward Avenue Detroit 2, Michigan Region XII Minnesota Montana North Dakota South Dakota Region XIII Washington Oregon Idaho (north of Salmon River) Regional Office Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board Midland Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota Regional Manager Redistribution Division War Production Board White-Henry-Stuart Bldg. Seattle, Washington Iſ 7-904T Assignment of property to Disposal Agencies.—Assignment of property to Disposal Agencies is set forth in this paragraph as published in Exhibit I to Regulation No. 1 of the Surplus War Property Administration under the following prefatory notes: “The assignments herein contained are based on the classifications contained in the Standard Com- modity Classification (Government Printing Office, May 1943 and February 1944). That Classification contains a number of so-called major groups, which are designated by two digits only (such as 01—Live Animals; 65—Drugs and Medicines). These major groups in turn are broken down into classes of property represented by the two digits of the major group plus additional digits (such as 65 48—Marine liver oil, etc.). All of the major groups now being assigned are listed in this Exhibit, but only such of the lesser groups are listed as are necessary to carve out of a major group assigned to one agency types of property included therein which are as- signed to another. For a complete breakdown of each major group, reference must be made to the Standard Commodity Classification itself.” “It should further be noted that for reporting purposes, while reference to this Exhibit is neces- sary to ascertain the proper disposal agency, one report may include all property in a major group (two digits) at one location which is assigned to a single disposal agency.” Reconstruction Pietamoe Treasury Procurement Division War Food Administrations Corporation 01. Live Animals, other than 01 Live Animals, except non- food animals food animals 02 Crude Animal Products, Edible OS Crude Animal Products 03 Cru de Vegetable Prod- Inedible, Except Fibers ucts, Edible OS 5 Crude rubber and allied 05 Cru de Vegetable Prod- gums ucts, Inedible, except Fibers (except as indi- cated) Q 7-903 6–29-44 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY 726-A PR 7 Recoratruction Findisce Corporation Treasury Procurement Division War Food Administrations 05 6280 Lac 05 7 Crude medicinal herbs, roots darks, and other plan t parts, except . U.S.P., N.F. and similar grades 05 93 Crude cork 05 94 Loofa Sponges 06 1. Cotton 06 Fibers, Vegetable and An- 06 22 Flax (Only Domestic Pro- imal, Unmanufactured duction) (except as indicated) 06 23 Heny (Cannabes Sotiva) (note inclusion of for- 06 5 Wool and related special- eign wool and mohair) ty Hair (only domestic 07 Coal, Crude Petroleum, production) and Related Crude Hy- drocarbons 08 Metallic Ores, Tallings, Concentrates and their unrefined Metallic Prod- ucts 09 Crude Nonmetallic Min- erals, except Coal and Petroleum 11 Leather 12 Boot and Shoe Cut Stock and Shoe Findings 13 91 Cooperage Stock, Fabri- 13. Wood B as i c Materials, cated Except Pulpwood (ex- 13 92 Rattan, Willow and Bam- cept as indicated) - boo Stock 13 94 Box and Crate Shook 13 97 Handles 14 1 Pulpwood 14 Pulp, paper and paper 14 2 Paperbase stocks except board (except as indi- pulp cated) 14 3 Woodpulp 14 4 Other pulp 14 6 Building paper 14 8 Building board 15 2 Jute Basic Textiles 15 Textile Basic Manufac- 15 66 Curles hair (similar to factures (except as in- cated) 06.7) 15 71 Silk Semi Manufactures 15 72 Silk Yarn 15 81 Rayon, Nylon, etc. Semi Manufactures 15 82 Rayon, Nylon, etc. Yarn 15 912 Ju t e Cordage (except sizes less than $4 * cross sectional diameter) [The page following this is 727] Q 7-904 5–25–44 727 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Reconstructiots Fissºde Corporations 15 913 Soft Fiber Cordage (ex- cept sizes less than %" cross sectional diarn- eter) 15,914 Hard Fiber Cordage and Twine (All) 16 52 Industrial Molasses 17 7 Waxes, Animal and Vege- table 18 Petroleum and Coal Prod- ducts (Except Raw Ma- terials for Chemical In- dustries) 19 Chemicals (except as in- dicated) 21 Iron 22 Steel (except as indi- cated) 23 Ferro and Nonferrous Ad- ditive Alloys 24 Nonferrous Metals 25 Fabricated M. et a l Basic Products (except as in- dicated) 20, Nonmetallic Mineral Basic Products — Chiefly Structural (except as indicated) 27 Nonmetallic Mineral Basic Products—Chiefly Non- structural (except as indicated) Treasury Proctsrement Division 19 22 25 25 25 25 52 42 51 54 56 57 58 59 61 64 75 76 77 78 Chemicals, to the extent of materials packaged for delivery to retail outlets Barbed and twisted wire Truck Tanks Builders’ Basic Hardware Motor Vehicle Hardware Casket Hardware Furniture Hardware Trunk & Luggage Hard- Ware Misc. Basic Hardware Automotive Vehicle Bodies Combat Vehicle Bodies Insect Screening Woven Wire Fencing Wire Nails, T a c k s & Staples Wire Springs 7901 Wire Chain 7903 Chain Link Fencing 7906 Wire Hoops 91 94 Chain and Attachments Bolts, Nuts, S crew s, Rivets, Etc. Cut Nails, Tacks & Spikes Misc. Fabricated Products Glass Basic Products Glass Basic Products (ex- cept 3 items 27 1481, Railroad, 27 152 Radio tubes (glass only) 27 16 Insulators) PR 7 War Food Administrations 16 Food and Beverage Basic Materials (except as in- dicated) 17 Oils, Fats, Waxes and De- rivatives, Animal and Vegetable 19 271 19 272 19 274 19 275 19 276 Turpentine Pine Oil Pine Pitch Pine Tar U. S. Maritime Commissions 25 53 Marine Basic Hardware 25 31 Power Boilers Marine Q 7-904 728 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Reconstruction Finance 29 31 32 33 Corporation Miscellaneous Basic Ma- terials (except as indi- cated) General Purpose Indus- trial Machinery & Equipment Electrical Machinery & Apparatus (except as indicated) Special Industry Machin- ery Treasury Procurement Division 27 2 27 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 29 29 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 32 33 92 93 94 28 91 92 95 97 412 432 45 514 53 7 8 91 92 54 995 Abrasive Basic Products, Natural and Synthetic, Manufactured — to the extent the materials are packaged for retail sale or can be considered hand tools. Asbestos and asbestos metallic packing and gaskets, to the extent of automotive parts. Asbestos woven or mould- friction material, to the extent of automotive parts (principally brake linings and clutch fac- ings). Pottery Pottery Supplies Ceramic Products Rubber Fabricated Mate- rials Automotive Plastic Parts, also any motor vehicle items elsewhere in 29 2 Button Blanks, Moulds and other parts Beads, Bugles and Spangles Catgut and Wormgut Industrial trucks, trac- tors, trailers, stackers and accessories Lubrication equipment — to the extent the items are for use in connection with motor vehicles Battery Charging Gener- ators (except Aircraft) Starter Motors except Air- Craft Motor Ignition Equipment (except Aircraft) Plug Fuses Lamp Sockets Lamps (except 32 73 Avi- ation Service Lamps) Electric appliances, house- hold and commercial Dry Cell Batteries Storage Batteries Tire repairing machinery and equipment Automotive service sta- tion equipment U. S. Maritime Oommissions 31 582 Windlasses 31 583 Anchor Winches 31 584 Capstans Q| 7-904 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 729 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY 39 41 42 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 57 92 12 32 81 86 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Metal Working Machin- ery Miscellaneous Machinery (except as indicated) Communications Equip- ment and Electronic De- vices (except as indi- cated) Aircraft Railroad Transportation Equipment Ice Making and Cold Stor- age Plant Systems, Components and Acces- sories Industrial Refrigeration Units Central Station Air Condi- tioning Systems Railroad Signal Fixtures Airport, Airway & Sea- drome lighting Train lighting fixtures Aircraft lighting fixtures Indicating, Recording and Controlling Instruments and Accessories except watches and clocks (ex- cept as indicated) Treasury Procurement Division 35 36 37 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 41 45 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 57 57 58 11 20 43 44 45 50 60 11 14 56 341 Agricultural Machinery and Implements Construction, Mining, Ex- cavating and Related Machinery Tractors Office Machines Home Type Laundry Equipment Home Sewing Machines Calculating & Computing Scales Coin Operated Scales Spring Scales, Household Cash Registers Coin Operated Machines Radio Broadcast receivers Motor Vehicles Mis. Transportation Equipment Plumbing and Heating Equipment Air Conditioning and Re- frigerator Equipment (except as indicated) Lighting Fixtures (except as indicated) Furniture & Fixtures Photographic Goods and Processed Motion Pic- . tures Optical Instruments and Apparatus Thermometers Heating & Ventilating controls and accessories Taximeters and Parking meters Household refrigeration controls Professional and Scientific instruments and Appa- ratus PR 7 U. S. Maritime Commission 43 Ships, Small Watercraft and Marine Propulsion Machinery 53 2 Marine Fixtures 57 65 Compasses, and accesso- ries (Marine) 57 66 Azimuths Sextants and Octants 57 691 Taff Rail Logs Q 7-904 730 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Reconstruction Finance Corporation 59 15 Hazard measuring devices 59 18 Machine guards '59 20 Water purification equip- ment except 59, 241, Home water softeners 59 55 Sprinkler System Com- ponents 59 77 Railroad Signal Controls 65 Drugs, and Medicines, to the extent that they are not prepared or pack- aged for sale to retail outlets or institutions. (Bulk unfinished drugs and medicines requiring processing or packag- ing not ordinarily done by a wholesale or retail store). (except as in- dicated) 76 51 76 52 Lasts for boots and shoes Last sole patterns Treasury Procurement Division 59 65 67 68 69 71 72 73 T4 75 76 77 79 81 83 Miscellaneous Equipment (except as indicated) Drugs and Medicines (ex- cept as indicated) Toiletries, cosmetics, soap, and household chemical preparations Apparel, except footwear Footwear Fabricated Textile Prod- ucts except apparel End Products of Leather except apparel, Foot- wear and luggage Converted Paper Products and Pulp Goods Products of Printing and Publishing Industries Rubber End Products End Products of Metal In- dustries Finished Wood Products, except Furniture & Mill- work (except as indi- cated) End Products of Glass, Clay & Stone Miscellaneous End Prod- ucts of Manufacturing Industries Small Arms & Compon- ents Small Arms Ammunition and Specifically adapted Components U. S. Maritime Commission War Food Administration 61 62 63 65 481 65 68 Food, Manufactured Feed Manufactured Beverages and Ice Tobacco Manufactures Marine liver oil, deriva- tives, and preparations, except Marine liver oil Concentrates in Solu- tion, m.g. Vitamins, Vitamin-Active Compounds and Prepa- rations containing one and more than one Vita- min, m.g. U. S. Maritime Commission 75 953 Cargo nets, wire rope 75 954 Wire rope slings Q 7-904 O 5–25-44 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY 731 PR 7 II 7-905] Surplus War Property Administration report forms.- Iſ 7-905.1]. Form SWPA-1.- FORM SWPA-1, 1 MAY 1944 TNITED STATES OF AMERICA FORM APPROVED SURPLUS WAR PROPERTY ADMINISTRATION DATE OF REPORT BUDGET BUREAU NO. 16-R001 REPORT OF SURPLUS PROPERTY PAGE N 0. OF NAME AND ADDRESS OF REGIONAL OFFICE OF DISPOSAL | DISPOSAL AGENCY NO. STANDARD COMMODITY CLASSIFICA- AGENCY, INCLUDING STREET, CITY, ZONE, AND STATE TION CODE N0. T0 GROUP NAME AND ADDRESS OF REPORTING OFFICE, INCLUDING REPORT NGAGENCY NO. TOTAL COST OF THIS REPORT STREET, CITY, ZONE, AND STATE FROM CUSTODIAN AND ADDRESS AT WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED | SIGNATURE AND THTLE OF AUTHORIZED REPORTING OFFICIAL L00A- TION 4-F, within DESCRIPTION ušºss | **** unit ºš unit cost |Total cost (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) Q 7-905.1 732 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Instructions Appearing on Reverse of Form SWPA-1: DNSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF REPORT of surplus PROPERTY, FORMS swpA-1 AND swpA-1(a) The property listed on any one report will be con- fined to property at a single location, to be reported to one disposal agency, and classified in a single major group (two digits) of Standard Commodity Classifica- tion (Government Printing Office, May 1943 and February 1944). If used to report withdrawals, the word “With- drawal” will be entered conspicuously at top and right-hand margin of each Form. From—Include department, bureau, or similar sub- division. Also, if different from reporting office, state agent or office and address to which shipping in- Structions should be Sent. Location—Include title or other identification of property custodian. Standard Commodity Classification Code No.—Enter the code number (two digits) for the major group of Standard Commodity Classification covered by the report. Line No.—Enter consecutive numbers (starting with “I” on each page) for each property item listed. 19escription—Describe each item in commercial terms in sufficient detail for transfer or sale purposes, including customary trade specifications' and descrip- tions used in purchasing. Descriptions of much length form swpa-loa), 1 MAY 1944 Form APPROVED BUDGET BUREAu No. 8UDGET BUREAU N0. 16-R001 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SURPLUS WAR PROPERTY ADMINISTRATION |Disposal agency No. REPORT OF SURPLUS PROPERTY should be written straight across columns (b) to (h) inclusive; entries in all columns shall be clearly identi- fiable with the related line number (property item). See separate instructions. Leave a blank line space across all columns between successive line numbers or property items. Standard Commodity Classification, Colwmn (c)— Detailed classification code will be entered by reporting agency when it determines that such procedure is most practicable. In all other cases, the detailed code will be entered by the disposal agency. Condition—Indicate condition of property as pre- scribed by separate instructions. Unit—Indicate unit of measure for container, pack- age, or other customary Sales unit, Such as, each, doz., ft., bbl., etc. Distinguish between long, short, and metric tons. Standard, clearly understandable abbrevi- ations may be used. Unit cost—Estimate cost when actual cost is not known. Estimated unit costs will be indicated by the prefix (E). In case of machine tools, other metal working machinery, and production equipment, enter tunit costs f.o.b. manufacturer or vendor. Iſ 7-905.21 Form SWPA-1 (A).- (CONTINUATION SHEET) PAGE N0. OF nºis DESCRIPTION wāśss | *}} UNIT | };}} | UNIT cost |Total cost (A) (B) (C) _ (D) (E) (F) |_(6) (H) REPORTING AGENCY NO. *** * * *** * Q 7-905.1 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 733 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Iſ 7-905.3] Instructions covering preparation of report of surplus property.—Instructions covering prep- aration of report of surplus property as published in Exhibit III to Regulation No. 1 of the Surplus War Property Administration are set forth below with cer- tain bracketed matter supplied: Forms to be Used in Reporting Personal Property 1. The “Report of Surplus Property” (Forms SWPA-1 and SWPA-1 (A)) will be used as follows for reporting surplus personal property to the designated disposal agencies: General Instructions 2. As the actual schedule of personal property items reported “Surplus” by reporting agency. 3. As the “cover-transmittal” sheet (block headings of Form SWPA-1 should be filled in as prescribed be- low) for supporting schedules prepared by means of mechanical accounting when the mechanical accounting form has been approved by the Surplus War Property Administrator. In such cases, the Columnar arrange- ment and design of the mechanical type of forms shall correspond generally with Form SWPA-1. 4. As the “cover-transmittal” sheet (block head- ings of Form SWPA-1 should be filled in so far as pos- sible) for reporting personal property surplus as the result of terminated contracts on “contract termina- tion inventory sheets” when such sheets meet all of the following requirements: (a) Contain all descriptive and other data re- quired by this regulation in columns “a” through “h” of Form SWPA-1; (b) Have been previously approved as to form for use as supporting schedules by the Surplus War . Property Administrator [The Surplus War Prop- erty Administrator has approved War Department Termination Inventory Schedules C-1, C-2 and C-3 (W.D., A.G.O. Forms Nos. 247, 248 and 249) for use as supporting schedules. Agcordingly, surplus termination inventory may be reported on these forms under cover of a Form SWPA-1, on which the block headings have been filled inl; (c) Duplicate copies are submitted to the dis- posal agency; (d) The total number of lines for property items reported as surplus on the “contract termination inventory sheets” (after lining out or otherwise deleting from such sheets any items disposed of by reason of contract settlements or otherwise) are stated on the covering Form SWPA-1. 5. The property listed on any one report shall be confined to property at a single location, to be reported to one disposal agency, and classified in a single major group (two digits) of Standard Commodity Classifi- cation (Government Printing Office, May 1943 and February 1944) [The Surplus War Property Adminis- trator has authorized the War Department— PR 7 (a) To report all surplus termination inven- tory to Reconstruction Finance Corporation; (b) To include in a single report all surplus property comprised in a single termination inven- tory at a single location. Separate reports need not be submitted for each major group of the Stand- ard Commodity Classification; (c) To include in a single report all surplus property at a single location to be reported to United States Maritime Commission and War Food Administration, respectively. Separate reports need not be submitted for each major group of the Standard Commodity Classification. In the case of Surplus property other than termina- tion inventory to be reported to Reconstruction Finance Corporation or Procurement Division, Treasury De- partment, separate reports will be submitted for each major group where the property falls into more than one major group of the Standard Commodity Classi- fication]. 6. The “Report of Surplus Property” (and any supporting schedules) will be submitted in duplicate to the appropriate office of the designated disposal agency, for the region in which the property is located or other designated office listed in Exhibit II. [See paragraphs 7-906, 7-907 and 7-908 for addresses of Regional Offices of Disposal Agencies. As an interim procedure, reports to Treasury Procurement Division will be submitted in triplicate, until further notice.] 7. When Form SWPA-1 is used as the actual schedule of property (as in 2 above), “continuation sheets” Form SWPA-1(A) will be used for all pages except the first page. 8. Withdrawals: An owning agency will report the withdrawal of property which it has previously reported as surplus by forwarding duplicate copies of complete (all blocks and columns filled in as when previously reported) Forms SWPA-1 and SWPA-1(A) for such property withdrawn, the word “Withdrawal” will be entered conspicuously at the top and right-hand margin of such forms. Block and Column Instructions To–State the name and address (including street, city, zone and state) of the office of the disposal agency to which the property is being reported. Disposal Agency Number — For use by disposal agency only. From-State the name and address (including Street number, city, zone and state) of the office at which the report was prepared. Always show department, bureau, office or other similar sub-division involved. Also, if different, state agent or office and address to which shipping instructions should be sent. Location—State the address (including Street num: ber, city, zone and state) at which the property is located and the title or other identification of the property custodian. Q 7-905.3 734 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Authorized Reporting Official—The signature of the reporting officer approving the report of surplus prop- erty shall appear in this space on the original form and his typewritten name on all copies of the form. Title—Enter the title of the “authorized reporting official” described above. Reporting Agency Number—Enter the report num- ber assigned by the reporting agency to identify each report. [War Department reports will be numbered as follows: station identification number of field instal- lation having jurisdiction of the property, followed by letter symbol of technical service, followed by serial number of report.] Standard Commodity Classification Code No.—Enter the code number (two digits) for the major group of Standard Commodity Classification covered by the report. Page No. of To identify each page and state local number of pages in each report. Report Date—Enter date report is forwarded to dis- posal agency. Total Cost This Report—The sum of all amounts in column “h” (total cost) of all pages of the report (and supporting schedules) will be determined and en- tered in this block. (a) Line No.—Enter consecutive numbers (starting with “1” on each page) for each property item listed. (b) Description—Describe each item in commer- cial terms, in sufficient detail for transfer or sale pur- poses, including customary trade specifications and descriptions ordinarily used in purchasing. When pos- sible, include manufacturer's or vendor's catalog and catalog stock number. State reporting agency's stock number in all cases where recorded in stock accounting records. To the extent applicable, state color and brand. Also describe exactly the type of any containers or packages and the quartities in each. In case of machine tools, other metal-working ma- chinery and production equipment, give date of initia, use, if possible, or approximate length of time of use; also show characteristics as follows: (1) Type of machine, serial number and year built; (2) Maker's designation, work size capacity; (3) State if machine is complete with standard equipment as furnished by the manufacturer, and describe any extra attachments, special features, or mechanisms; (4) Power and type of drive (if elec- tric, give particulars of motor, starter, including horsepower, voltage and all other current charac- teristics.) All descriptions of much length should be written straight across columns (b) to (h) inclusive, making sure that the entries in all columns are clearly identi- flable with the particular line number (property item). Leave a blank line space between line numbers (for use of disposal agency). (c) Standard Commodity Classification—The de- tailed classification code numbers for each item ac- cording to the Standard Commodity Classification (Gov't. Printing Office, May 1943 and February 1944) will be entered by the reporting agency when it deter- mines that such procedure is most practicable. In all other cases, the detailed code numbers will be entered by the disposal agency. (d) Condition—Indicate condition of property by the following letter-number code. Code N—New E—Used-reconditioned O—Used-usable without repairs R—Used-repairs required X—Items of no further value for use as originally in- tended, but of possible value other than as scrap. 1—Excellent 2—Good 3—Fair 4—Poor Except in case of code X, a letter-number com- bination must always be used to describe con- dition: For example: N1 (that is, new and in excellent condition); R3 (that is, used, minor repairs required). (e) Unit—Indicate unit of measure for the Con- tainer, package or other applicable customary sales unit, such as each, pounds, tons, dozen, gross, thou- sand, ream, bushel, feet, etc. Distinguish between long, short and metric tons. Standard, clearly understand- able abbreviations may be used. (f) No. of Unit—Specify the quantities of each item reported surplus in terms of the “Unit” used in “e” above. (g) Unit Cost—Estimated cost when actual cost is not known. Estimated unit costs shall be indicated by the prefix (E). In case of machine tools, other metal-working machinery and production equipment, enter unit cost F.O.B. manufacturer or vendor to own- ing agency. (h) Total Cost.—Compute total cost, i.e., “No. of Units” multiplied by “Unit Cost” equals “Total Cost.” Acknowledgment of Receipt The receipt of each “Report of Surplus” by the disposal agency will be acknowledged to the reporting office, e.g., by a post card notice stating the reporting agency’s number, date of report, and the disposal agency’s number. Means: II 7-906] Regional Offices of War Food Admin- istration.— NORTHEAST REGION REGIONAL OFFICE Connecticut Regional Director, Delaware War Food Administration District of Columbia 150 Broadway Maine New York 7, New York Maryland' (Mr. Francis D. Cronin) q 7-905.3 6–29-44 734-A PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia SOUTHERN REGION Alabama Florida Georgia Kentucky Regional Director, War Food Administration Western Union Building Atlanta 3, Georgia (Col. James H. Palmer) Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Virginia SOUTHWEST REGION Arkansas Colorada Kansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas PR 7 Regional Director, War Food Administration 425 Wilson Building Dallas 1, Texas (Mr. L. J. Cappleman) [The page following this is 785] Q 7-906 5–25-44 735 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY MIDWEST REGION Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota (Ohio South Dakota. Wisconsin WESTERN REGION Arizona. California Idaho Nevada Montana Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming Territory of Hawaii Lſ 7-907I Regional Finance Corporation.— ATLANTA REGION Georgia Alabama Tennessee Florida BOSTON REGION Maine New Hampshire Vermont CHARLOTTE REGION North Carolina South Carolina CHICAGO REGION Illinois Indiana Iowa Offices of REGIONAL OFFICE Regional Director, War Food Administration Room 1714, 5 So. Wabash Avenue Chicago 3, Illinois (Mr. E. O. Pollock) Regional Tirector, War Food Administration 821 Market Street San Francisco 3, Calif. (Mr. Buell Maben) Reconstruction REGIONAL OFFICE Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Healey Building Atlanta 3, Georgia (Mr. M. E. Everett, Manager) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation 40. Broad Street Boston 9, Massachusetts (Mr. John J. Hagerty, Manager) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Wilson Building 109 West Third Street Charlotte 1, North Caro- lina (Mr. John A. Campbell, Jr., Manager) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation 208 South LaSalle Street Chicago 4, Illinois (Mr. B. A. Mattingly, Manager) CLEVELAND REGION Ohio West Virginia DALLAS REGION Northern and Western Texas including counties of Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Bailey, Bay- lor, Bell, Borden, Bosque, Bowie, Briscoe, Brown, Burnet, Callahan, Camp, Carson, Cass, Castro, Childress, Clay, Cochran, Coke, Coleman, Collin, Collingsworth, Comanche, Concho, Cooke, Coryell, Cottle, Crane, Crockett, Crosby, Culbertson, Dal- lam, Dallas, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Delta, Den- ton, Dickens, Donley, Eastland, Ector, Ellis, El Paso, Erath, Falls, Fan- nin, Fisher, Floyd, Foard, Franklin, Freestone, Gaines, Garza, Glasscock, Gray, Grayson, Gregg, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hansford, Hardennan, Harrison, Hartley, Has- kell, Hemphill, Hender- son, Hill, Hockley, Hood, Hopkins, Howard, Hud- speth, Hunt, Hutchinson, Irion, Jack, Jeff Davis, Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Kent, King, Knox, Lamar, Lamb, Lampasas, Leon, Limestone, Lipscomb, Loving, Lubbock, Lynn, McCulloch, McLennan, Marion, Martin, Menard, Midland, Milam, Mills, Mitchell, Montague, Moore, Morris, Motley, Navarro, Nolan. Ochil- tree, Oldham, Palo Pinto, Panola, Parker, Parmer, Pecos, Potter, Rains, Randall, Reagan, Red River, Reeves, Roberts, Robertson, Rockwall, Runnels, Rusk, San Saba, PR 7 REGIONAL OFFICE Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Cleveland 1, Ohio (Mr. J. A. Fraser, Man- ager) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Cotton Exchange Building Dallas 1, Texas (Mr. L. B. Glidden, Man- ager) Q 7-907 736 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 DALLAS REGION (Con.) Schleicher, Scurry, Shackelford, Sherman, Smith, Somervell, Stephens, Sterling, Stone- wall, Sutton, Swisher, Tarrant, Taylor, Terry, Throckmorton, Titus, Tom Green, Upshur, Up- ton, Van Zandt, Ward, Wheeler, Wichita, Wink- ler, Wilbarger, William- son, Wise, Wood, Yoakum, Young DENVER REGION Colorado New Mexico DETROIT REGION Michigan, except upper peninsula HOUSTON REGION Southeastern Texas, in- cluding counties of An- derson, Angelina, Austin, Bastrop, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Calhoun, Cham- bers, Cherokee, Colorado, Fayette, Fort Bend, Gal- veston, Grimes, Hardin, Harris, Houston, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Lavaca, Lee, Liberty, Madison, Matagorda, Montgomery, Nacagdoches, Newton, Orange, Polk, Refugio, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trin- ity, Tyler, Victoria, Walk- er, Waller, Washington, Wharton KANSAS CITY REGION Kansas Oklahoma REGIONAL OFFICE Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Boston Building Denver 2, Colorado (Mr. Ross L. Hudson) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation 607 Shelby Street Detroit 26, Michigan (Mr. Arthur J. Fushman) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Husk Building, 723 Main Street Houston 2, Texas (Mr. W. Y. Phillips) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Federal Reserve Bank Bldg. Kansas City 6, Missouri (Mr. Albert L. Strong) LOS ANGE. LES REGION Arizona Southern California, in- cluding counties of Im- perial, Inyo, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Ventura MDNNEAPOLIS REGION Minnesota Wisconsin North Dakota South Dakota NEW ORLEANS REGION Louisiana Mississippi NEW YORK REGION New York New Jersey OMAHA REGION Wyoming Nebraska PHILADELPHIA REGION Pennsylvania Delaware PORT LAND REGION Washington Idaho Montana Oregon REGIONAL OFFICE Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Pacific Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles 14, California (Mr. Hector C. Haight) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation McKnight Bldg. Minneapolis 1, Minnesota (Mr. China R. Clarke) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Union Building 837 Gravier Street New Orleans 12, Louisiana (Mr. George W. Robert- son) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., 33 Liberty Street New York 5, New York (Mr. Thomas J. Ahearn, Jr.) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Woodman of the World Bldg. Omaha. 2, Nebraska. (Mr. Herbert S. Daniel) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1528 Walnut Street Philadelphia 2, Pennsyl- vania (Mr. E. Raymond Scott) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Pittock Bldg. Portland 5, Oregon (Mr. William Kennedy) g 7-907 5–25-44 737 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY ſº IC. H. MOND REGION Maryland Virginia Washington, D. C. ST. LOUIS REGION Missouri Kentucky Arkansas SAN ANTONIO REGION Southern Texas, including the counties of Arkansas, Atascosa, Bandera, Bee, Bexar, Blanco, Brewster, Brooks, Caldwell, Cam- eron, Comal, DeWitt, Dimmit, Duval, Edwards, Frio, Gillespie, Goliad, Gonzales, Gaudalupe, Hayes, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kendell, Kenedy, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, Kleburg, LaSalle, Live Oak, Llano, McMullen, Mason, Maver- ick, Medina, Nueces, Presidio, Real, San Pa- tricio, Starr, Terrell, Travis, Uvalde, Van Verde, Webb, Willacy, Wilson, Zapata, Zavalla. SAN FRANCISCO REGION Nevada Northern California in- cluding the counties of Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Eldorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Kern. Kings, Lake. Lasser), Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendo- cino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonomo, LºGIONAL OF FIC sº Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Richmond Trust Bldg., 7th and Main Streets Richmond 19, Virginia (Mr. W. B. Cloe) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Landreth Blog., 320 North Fourth St. St. Louis 2, Missouri (Mr. B. Glenn Culledge) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Alamo National Building San Antonio 5, Texas (Mr. L. C. Andrews) Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation 200 Bush Street San Francisco 4, Cali- fornia (Mr. John S. McCullough) SAN FRANCISCO REGION (con.) Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehanna, Trinity, Tulard, Tuolumne, Yolo, Yoba. SALT LAKE CITY REGION Utah PR 7 REGIONAL OFFICE Regional Manager Reconstruction Finance Corporation Dooley Building Salt Lake City 1, Utah (Mr. Gerald L. Leaver) II 7-908] Regional offices of Procurement Divi- sion, Treasury Department- REGION I Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont REGION II Pennsylvania New Jersey New York REGION III District of Columbia Delaware Maryland North Carolina Virginia REGION IV Indiana Kentucky Ohio West Virginia REGION V Illinois Michigan Minnesota North Dakota South Dakota Wisconsin REGIONAL OFFICE Regional Director Procurement Division U. S. Treasury Depart- ment Park Square Building Boston 16, Massachusetts (Mr. Donald A. Mackay, Phone: Hubbard 2870) Regional Director Procurement Division U. S. Treasury Depart- ment 76 Ninth Avenue New York 11, New York (Mr. F. S. Albrecht, Phone: Chelsea 3-8950) Regional Director Procurement Division U. S. Treasury Depart- ment 1229-20th Street, N.W., Washington 25, D.C. (Mr. J. J. Connor, Phone: Executive 6400 Exts. 5035 and 5036) Regional Director Procurement Division U. S. Treasury Depart- ment Faller Bldg., 8th & Wal- nut Streets, Cincinnati 14, Ohio (Mr. J. H. Little, Phone: Parkway 7160) Regional Director Procurement Division U. S. Treasury Depart- ment Rm. 300, 209 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 4, Illinois (Mr. F. A. Mapes, Phone: Delaware 8300) G||7-908 738 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 REGION VI REGIONAL OFFICE Alabama Regional Director Florida Procurement Division Georgia U. S. Treasury Depart- Mississippi ment South Carolina 10 Forsyth Street Building Tennessee Atlanta 3, Georgia (Mr. John D. Tompkins, Phone: Walnut 5081) REGION VII Regional Director Arkansas Procurement Division Louisiana U. S. Treasury Depart- Oklahoma ment Texas 609 Neil P. Anderson Building Forth Worth 2, Texas (Mr. Hamilton Morton Phone: 2–1287) REGION VIII Regional Director [Owa Procurement Division Kansas U. S. Treasury Depart- Missouri ment Nebraska 2605 Walnut Street Kansas City 2, Missouri (Mr. W. B. Edgar Phone: Westport 4903) Iſ 7-909] Stockpile materials.- Minimum, Material Quantity Agar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 lbs. Aluminum Ingot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 lbs. Antimony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sh. tons Asbestos: Rhodesian Chrysolite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sh. tons South African Amosite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sh. tons Bauxite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lg. tons Beryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sh. tons Bismuth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lbs Cadmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lbs. Calcite, Optical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 lbs. Chromite: Chemical Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lg. tons Metallurgical Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lg. tons Refactory Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lg. tons Chalk, English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sh. tons Clay, English China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sh. tons Cobalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 lbs. Cobalt Content Columbite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 lbs. Columbite Content REGION IX REGIONAL OFFICE Colorado Regional Director New Mexico Procurement Division Utah U. S. Treasury Depart- Wyoming ment 7th Fl., Exchange Building 1030--15 Street Denver 2, Colorado (Mr. Alden W. Pool, Phone: Keystone 4151) Regional Director REGION X Procurement Division Arizona U. S. Treasury Depart- California ment Nevada 335 Fell Street San Francisco 2, Cali- fornia. (Mr. Thomas C. Stephens, Phone: Underhill 1922) Regional Director REGION XI Procurement Division Idaho U. S. Treasury Depart- Oregon ment Montana 2005 Fifth Avenue Washington Seattle 1, Washington (Mr. Orrin C. Bradeen, Phone: Main 2782) Specific types and grades Medical Department Supply Catalog, Item Numbers 10460, 10460-12, 10460-32, 10460-40, 10460-48, 10460- 50, 10460-88, 1K90020, 10460-46 Bulk Agar Primary or secondary refined metal (99% minimum A1) Refined metal, needle antimony, antimony sulfide, an- timony ores and concentrates Commercial grades C & G/1, C & G/2 Unfabricated Commercial grades B-1, B-3, D-3, 3DM-1 Unfabricated Commercial Grade A Beryl ore (minimum 8% BeO), beryllium oxide, beryl- lium metal Bismuth metal, pharmaceutical compounds Metal in sticks, ingots, slabs, ball anodes or other refined forms Clear, flawless crystals, Minimum 1% " di. Commercial ore or concentrates. Dry chromium chem- icals Ore (42% minimum Cr,O, 2.8 minimum Cr/Fe ratio). ferrochromium, chromium metal All commercial grades Any All commercial grades - Refined metal, oxide, ores, concentrates, crudes Ore (45% minimum Cb,Os Ferrocolumbium) Q 7-908 6–29-44 [5-25-44] 739 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Minimum - Quantity Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sh. tons Cordage Fibers: Manila and Sisal. . . . . 400 lbs. or 1 bale Corundum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 lbs. Cryolite, natural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lg. tons Diamonds, Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Diamond Dies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Emery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 sh. tons Emetine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Oz Ergot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 lbs. Fluorspar; Acid or Metallurgical. . . . . . . . . . . 25 sh, tons Graphite: Amorphous lump, 97% minimum. .. 5 sh. tons Crystalline Fines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 sh. tons Flake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sh. tons Hyoscine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Oz Indium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Troy oz. ſodine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 lbs. Jewel Bearings: Instrument Rings, Sapphire Vees, watch rings, and other instrument and watch jewels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Kapok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 lbs. Kyanite, Indian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sh. tons Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 sh. tons Magnesium Ingot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 lbs. Manganese: Battery grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lg. tons Metallurgical Grade . . • * . . . 25 lg. tons Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 flasks Mica: Muscovite Block and Film, Good stained and better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO minimum Muscovite Block, stained and lower. . . No minimum Muscovite Splittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Phlogopite (Amber) splittings. . . . . . . . NO minimum Phlogopite (Amber) Block. . . . . . . . . . No minimum Molybdenum . . . . . . . . . 10,000 lbs. Molybdenum Content Monazite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sh, tons Nickel (including Monel). ... 10,000 lbs. Nickel Content Pepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 lbs. Platinum Group Metals: Iridium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Osmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Palladium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Platinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Rhodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum PR 7 Specific types and grades All primary copper refinery forms. Ingot and other heavy mill forms. Also cartridge (70-30) brass ingot, mill forms Fiber or new cordage Ore or grain Natural ore Stones (unset), powder, dust Finished dies Ore or grain. Turkish or Greek origin only Medical Department Supply Catalog, Item Numbers 11720, A320800, A320830, A321000, A321010. Eme- tine in bulk Material in bulk quantities Commercial grades Any amorphous lump (97% minimum C) Madagascar; or domestic grades A, 1A and 1B, smaller than 60 mesh Madagascar flake, 60 mesh or larger Hyoscine hydrobromide in bulk or standard packages Metal in refinery forms. Plating salts Crude iodine Set Or unset Raw fiber Ore Antimonial, common or corroding grade metal in all refinery forms. Ores and concentrates Primary or secondary refined metal Commercial battery ore, lump or pulverized Battery mixes not acceptable Ore (45% minimum Mn) Metallic or contained in Chemicals Commercial grade, larger than 1 Sq. inch Commercial grade, larger than 1 sq. inch Commercial grades, unbonded Commercial grades, unbonded Commercial grade, larger than 1 sq. inch Molybdenum concentrates, oxide, calcium molybdate, ferromolybdenum, ammonium molybdate, molyb- denum powder Qre Refined metal in any form Commercial grades, ground or unground Refined iridium or alloys with other platinum group metals. Crudes or semi-refined forms Refined osmium or alloys with other platinum group metals. Crudes or semi-finished forms Refined palladium or alloys with other platinum group metals. Crudes or semi-refined forms Refined platinum or alloys with other platinum group metals. Crudes or semi-refined forms Refined rhodium or alloys with other platinum group metals. Crudes or semi-refined forms G| 7-909 740 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Minimum Material Quantity Platinum Group Metals (continued) Ruthenium . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº º ºs e º ºs º 'º e º º No minimum Quartz crystals: Radio Grade. . . . . . . . . . . . No minimum Quebracho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lºg. tons Quinidine Sulfate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 oz. Quinine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 oz Latex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lg. tons Rutile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sh. tons Sapphire (Natural and synthetic). . . . . . . . No minimum Selenium . . . . . . . . . © e º e º ſº tº e º º © tº gº tº e º e º º . . . . . .1000 lbs. Shellac . . . . . . . . . . . . Q e º 'º e º 'º º e º e º & tº e º e º º 'º e s 10,000 lbs. Strontium, Celestite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 sh. tons Tale: Steatite, Block or Lava . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sh. tons Steatite, Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sh. tons Tantalite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 lbs. Tantalite Content Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 lbs Tungsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 lbs. Tungsten Content Vanadium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 lbs. Vanadium Content Wool . . . . . . . . . * c e º e º e º e º & C & e º o e º e s e tº @ & © tº e º º 300 lbs. Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 sh. tons Zirconium: Baddeleyite and Zircon. . . . . . . . . . 5 sh. tons Specific types and grades 'Reflned ruthenium or alloys with other platinum group metals. Crudes or semi-finished forms Oscillator plates and blanks (active) NBS grades 1, 2 and 3 crude quartz crystals Extract in bulk Medical Department Supply Catalog, Item No. 13870, Material in bulk Medical Department Supply Catalog, Item Numbers 13900, 13910, 13900-12, 13900-03, 13900-05, A-717000, A-716500, A-716600. Quinine sulfate or hydrochloride in bulk Any Ore or concentrates Any suitable for jewel bearings Commercial forms or compounds Bulk shellac of all grades (dry flake) Ores Quality suitable for electronic tube spacers, Minimum 3-lb. pieces Any Tantalite ore, potassium tantalum fluoride, tantalum oxide, tantalum metal powder Concentrates. Pig tin Ores and concentrates (55% minimum WO.), commer- cial ferrotungsten, tungsten powder Vanadium oxide (70% minimum V.O.), ferrovanadium Raw wool, greasy or cleaned Slab zinc, all grades. Zinc ores and concentrates, Zinc Oxide Ores or concentrates g 7-909 O 6–29-44 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY 74.1 PR 7 I'ſ 7-909.11 W.D., A.G.O. Form 257. STOCKPILE MATERLALS-REQUEST FOR DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. SEE ALSO PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 7-210, 7-603 AND 7-909 1. FROM: (Requesting Field Installation) 2. TO: (Responsible Chief of Service) 3. DATE Request is made that disposition instructions be obtained for the following lot of material. 4. MATERIAL 5. SUB-GROUP 6. QUANTITY 7. ANALYSIS. State whether an actual analysis or 8. TYPE OR GRADE 9. PHYSICAL FORM AND SIZE guaranteed max. or min. 10. SOURCE OF ANALYSIS SHOWN IN 7|11. SPECIFICATION PURCHASED Element |30 Weight UNDER 12. ORIGINAL PRODUCER OF SOURCE | 13. CONDITION OF MATERLAL 14. PRESENT LOCATION (CITY) 15. KIND AND CONDITION OF PACK- AGING 16, COMMENTS OF ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION 17. INCLOSURES 18. NAME, POSITION AND SIGNATURE OF PERSON PREPARING REPORT 1ST IND. 19. FROM (Chief of Service) 20. To: The Director, Production Di- |21. DATE 22. Lot No. vision, Headquarters Army Serv- ice Forces. Attn: Chief, Mate- rials Branch Request is made for a determination as to whether subject lot of material is to be held for stockpile or dis- posed of as surplus. 23.TWAME, POSITION AND SIGNATURE OF PERSONTMAKING INDORSEMENT FOR CHIEF of SERVICE 2ND IND. 24. FROM: THE DIRECTOR, 25. TO: (Chief of Service) 26. DATE PRODUCTION DIVISION, HEADQUARTERS ARMY SERVICE FORCES. PERSON WHO DETER- Subject lot of material is to be held for stockpile. Action required by MINES SUITABILITY FOR Procurement Regulation 7–210.2(2) will be taken. This form will be STOCKPILE WILL INI- returned with 3rd Indorsement completed. TIAL PROPER ACTION |_|_ _ _ ... AND STRIKE OUT OTHER Subject lot of material is not desired for stockpile. Action required by Procurement Regulation 7–210.2(3) will be taken. 3rd Indorsement need not be completed. 2. NAME, POSITION AND SIGNATURE OF 28. FOR THE DIRECTOR, PRODUCTION DIVISION PERSON RECOMMENDING ACTION CHIEF, MATERIALS BRANCH W.D. A.G.O. Form 257 13 June 1944. (OVER) Q 7-909.1 742 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 3RD IND. 29. FROM: (Chief of Service) 30. TO: THE DIRECTOR, PRODUCTION 31, DATE DIVISION, HEADQUARTERS ARMY SERVICE FORCES. ATTN: CHIEF, MATERIALS BRANCH. Subject lot of material has been placed in permanent storage as directed by 2nd Indorsement. The follow- ing refers to permanent storage location. Any necessary future movement will be similarly reported. Ma- terial will not be disposed of without authorization. 32. NAME AND LOCATION OF STORAGE POINT |33. How STORED 34. CUSTODIAN 35. KIND AND CONDITION OF PACKAGING 36. NAME, POSITION AND SIGNATURE OF PERSON MAKING INDORSEMENT FOR CHIEF OF SEF.VICE INSTRUCTIONS A separate request will be filed for each lot of material. A lot is defined as any quantity to which the same analysis or other measure of quality applies. Report all material at a given location if the total of all lots at that location equals or exceeds the minimum shown in Procurement Regulation 7–909. In completing items 4 thru 16, any available Government records, or contractor's or supplier's records made available to the Government, will be referred to in order that the information will be as complete and specific as possible. A proper determination of suitability for stockpiling will depend upon having specific information. No actual analysis or other tests, other than visual inspection, need be carried out in order to complete the infor- mation. The following instructions refer to the corresponding items in the request form and indorsements thereto: 4 and 5—Use terminology as in Procurement Regulation 7-909, col. 1. Leave 5 blank if not applicable. 6–State quantity of lot in commercial unit and show unit. State whether quantity applies to the gross weight or to the contained weight of the material named in 4. 7–Show an acual analysis of record, or a guaranteed analysis, if available, and state which. If none available, so State. 8—Where 4 is a generic term, show here the commercial name of the actual subject material. i. e. where 4 is “vanadium”, 8 might be “fused black vanadium oxide” or “ferrovanadium”. 10—Quote the source or authority for the analysis shown in 7. 11—Where 7 is not available, show a recognized specification under which the material was purchased. 17—Inclose any inspection records or other documents which would add to the information shown in 4 thru 16. 22—The chief of service will serial number, upon receipt, all lots of a given material and sub-group handled thru his office, regardless of the originating field installation. This will be used for reference in any necessary separate communications. 33—State whether stored in the open (and if so, whether on the ground or on a pavement), in an open shed or in an enclosed building. State also, where applicable, any precautions taken to prevent loss or damage by the elements. 34—Responsible War Department Office or Officer. 35—Repeat item 15 unless material has been packed or repacked or unless condition of packages has changed. Three copies of each request will be sent by the re questing field installation to the responsible Chief of Service. After completing 1st indorsement, Chief of Service will forward two copies to the Director, Production Division, Headquarters Army Service Forces. G|7-909.1 O 6–29-44 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY - 743 PR 7 Iſ 7-9101 Monthly report of redistribution and disposal of excess and surplus serviceable property.— | Y T REDISTRIBUTION AND DISPOSAL F." OF SERVICEABLE PROPERTY EXCESS AND SURPLUS tº 0 NT I. STATUS AND TYPE OF ACTION RED ISTRIBUTED WITHIN REPORTING AGENCY B. TRANSFERS RESERVE AND FERS WAGE ADJUSTMENTS NAVY DEP RECT BY AL DISPOSALS INES 6 THROUGH 1 1 BALANCE AVAILABLE FOR REDI IBUTION DISPOSAL - END SEC. I I I - REALIZATION -GOVT. OWNED PROPERTY SALES RY CPFF DIRECT SALES BY WAR SEC. IV - OTHER DISPOSAL ACTIONS 24. 25. 26. 27 28. 24 25- 26-27- 28 REMARKS 24 - juke ſº 4. 7-910 744 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY PR 7 Iſ 7-910.1] Instructions as to monthly report of redistribution and disposal of excess and surplus serv- iceable property.—There are set forth in the succeed- ing subparagraphs instructions with respect to the information to be contained on the various lines of the report form. Subparagraph (I-1) contains in- structions with respect to Section I, line 1. Subpara- graph (II-2) contains instructions with respect to Section II, line 2, etc. (I-1) Enter the cost of excess and surplus service- able property of all types on hand at the beginning of the month available for redistribution and disposal. This figure will be identical with that reported on line 13 of the report for the preceding month. (I-2) Enter the cost of additional excess and sur- plus property made available for redistribution or dis- posal during the month, subdivided as to: (a) Military property; (b) Contract termination property; (c) Other nonmilitary property. Such subdivsions will be made in accordance with the following definitions: (a) Military property to be reported by tech- nical services of the Army Service Forces will include (1) items in excess of the established U. S. redistribution and disposal level (see Sec. II, ASF Cir. 67, 1944 as amended by Sec. VIII, ASF Cir. 132, and Sec. VIII, ASF Cir. 169, 1944); (2) all other items processed as surplus and excess even though not over the established U. S. redistribution and diposal level, including those authorized by Section I, ASF Circular No. 67, 1944, as amended by Sec- tion VII, ASF Circular No. 132, 1944; (3) non- standard commercial property declared surplus by depot commanders and not yet disposed of (Sec. II, ASF Cir. 101, 1944). Military property to be re- ported by service commands includes all excess property available for redistribution by the service command, and all surplus property which has been declared surplus by the commanding general of the service command (Sec. II, ASF Cir. 101). (b) Contract termination property will include Government-owned property made available for re- distribution or disposal due to contract termination, including (1) Government free issue and Govern- ment furnished equipment on fixed price contracts; (2) property made available under terminated CPFF contracts; and (3) that portion of contractor-owned property to which title has been taken by the Gov- ernment (see line V-28). (c) Other nonmilitary property will consist of that which becomes excess or surplus for other reasons and from other sources. (1-3) Enter the cost of property withdrawn from available excess and surplus serviceable property dur- ing the month for the following reasons: (a) Redis- tributed within the reporting agency; (b) Transfers to war reserve and stockpile; (c) Transfers to salvage. Such subdivisions will be made in accordance with the following definitions: (a) Property redistributed within the reporting technical service or service command during the month. (b) Military property transferred to war re- serve during the month in accordance with Section VIII, ASF Circular No. 132, 1944, the cost of non- military property transferred to war reserve in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Com- manding General, Army Service Forces (Production Division). (c) The cost of property (previously included as serviceable property) transferred to salvage offi- cers for disposal. (I-4) Enter any adjustment made necessary by errors in previously reported figures which are required to correct the amount shown as available for disposal on line 5. Explain such adjustments on the back of the report or on an attached sheet. (I-5) Enter the balance before disposal—that is, line 1 plus line 2 minus line 3, plus or minus any ad- justments shown on line 4. This represents the esti- mated cost of property available for disposal outside of the reporting agency. (II-6) Enter the cost of property transferred dur- ing the month to other services as a result of cir- cularization of items of military property (Sec. I, ASF Cir. 67), and the cost of contract termination inventory and other nonmilitary property transferred to other services (par. 7-308). (II-7) Enter the cost of property transferred dur- ing the month to the Navy Department. (II-8) Enter the cost of property transferred dur- ing the month to or upon order of a disposal agency. This will include only the cost of property actually transferred, and will not include the cost of property reported to disposal agencies but awaiting disposal. Cost of transfers will be segregated by agency. (II-9) Enter the cost of serviceable property sold or retained by CPFF contractors during the month. (II-10) Enter the cost of all excess or surplus serviceable property sold by the reporting service. (II-11) Enter cost of all excess or surplus service- able property disposed of by any means other than those covered by the preceding lines. Explain nature of such transactions on the back of the report or on an attached sheet. Property transferred to other gov- ernment agencies should be listed by agency both as to cost and realization, if any. (II-12) Enter costs of excess or surplus property disposed of during the month (line 6 through 11). (II-13) Enter the balance available for disposal at the end of the month (line 5 minus line 12). (III-1}) Enter the receipts from sales or retentions of Serviceable property by CPFF contractors, the costs of which appear on line 9. (III-15) Enter the receipts from sales of property by the War Department, the costs of which appear on line 10. (IV-16 to 21) Enter the costs of surplus property reported to the named disposal agency during the g|7-910.1 6–29-44 745 PR 7 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY month, and the cost of property on hand at the end of the month which has been reported to the disposal agency but not moved. The latter figure will include the cost of property reported in previous months as well as that reported during the current month. (IV-22) Enter total of lines 16 through 21. (IV-23) Enter the cost of property declared surplus during the month. This will include military property declared surplus either with the approval of the Com- manding General, Army Service Forces (Requirements Division), or by authority granted to the chiefs of technical services (see Sec. VII, ASF Cir. 132, 1944); military property declared surplus by depot com- manders as authorized by Section II, ASF Circular No. 101; other military property declared surplus by the commanding generals of service commands and contract termination property deemed surplus in ac- cordance with paragraph 7-209. (V-24) Enter the cost of contractor-owned termi- nation property reported on inventory listings (sub- PR 7 mitted in connection with contract terminations) which have not been disposed of at the first of the month. (V-25) Enter the cost of contractor-owned prop- erty reported on inventory listings in connection with contract terminations during the month. (V-26) Enter the cost of contract termination prop- erty sold or retained by the contractor during the month as other than scrap and the realization through disposal credits resulting from such transactions. (V-27) Enter the cost of contract termination property sold or retained by the contractor as scrap and the realization through disposal credits resulting from such transactions. (V-28) Enter the cost of contractor-owned prop- erty resulting from contract termination, title to which was taken by the Government during the month. (V-29) Enter balance of contractor-owned prop- erty yet to be disposed of (line 24, plus line 25, minus line 26, minus line 27, minus line 28). |V | III.iii. Q 7-910.1